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Thank @sunbread for his spider code to get posters.

Research Materials Overview

This document provides an organized overview of the contents extracted from the file, detailing the structure and content of the extracted folders, each named with a unique hash code. The folders contain valuable academic resources, including LaTeX source code for research papers and associated posters, as well as metadata in match_arxiv.json files that include titles, abstracts, and other relevant information.

Folder Structure

After extracting, you will find a series of folders, each uniquely identified by a hash code. These folders are structured as follows:


Contents Description


LaTeX Source Code

  • Filename: id.tar.gz
  • Description: Contains the LaTeX source code of the research paper.


  • Filename: poster.pdf or .png or .others
  • Description: The visual summary of the research, designed for presentation purposes. Posters typically include the study's main findings, illustrations, and summaries of the research methods and conclusions.

Metadata JSON

  • Filename: match_arxiv.json
  • Description: This JSON file contains metadata related to the research paper, including:
    • Title: The title of the paper.
    • Abstract: A brief summary of the research, its objectives, main findings, and conclusions.
    • Other relevant information which may include authors, publication date, keywords, etc.
type name virtualsite_url speakers/authors abstract_x poster_url poster_hash id submitter authors title comments journal-ref doi report-no categories license abstract_y versions update_date authors_parsed
0 Poster rm a2q aggregationaware quantization for graph neural networks Zeyu Zhu, Fanrong Li, Zitao Mo, Qinghao Hu, Gang Li, Zejian Liu, Xiaoyao Liang, Jian Cheng abs fa1b213e12a3d15c6a1aa1e9bee62be7510b7ad5d6eb229aa20578cc718c7675 2302 Zeyu Zhu Zeyu Zhu, Fanrong Li, Zitao Mo, Qinghao Hu, Gang Li, Zejian Liu, rm a2q aggregationaware quantization for graph neural networks Accepted by ICLR2023 cs.LG As graph data size increases, the vast latency and memory consumption during [{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Feb 2023 02:54:35 GMT'}] 2023-02-02 [['Zhu', 'Zeyu', ''], ['Li', 'Fanrong', ''], ['Mo', 'Zitao', ''], ['Hu', 'Qinghao', ''], ['Li', 'Gang', ''], ['Liu', 'Zejian', ''], ['Liang', 'Xiaoyao', ''], ['Cheng', 'Jian', '']]

Accessing the Information

To access a specific paper's LaTeX source code, poster, or metadata, navigate to the corresponding folder named with the hash code associated with that paper. Each folder contains all the resources related to a single research paper, allowing for easy access and review.

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