stringlengths 13
| bash
stringlengths 1
Print the list of .txt files under and below the current directory | find . -name '*.txt' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 echo |
Print the list of all regular files in the current directory and below | find . -type f |
Prints long recursive listing of all content of a root folder, saving output to 'output.file'. | ls -lR / | tee output.file |
Print out the names of all directories in mydir recursively | find mydir -type d |
Print the sorted and unique parent directory paths appended with : of all the files that are executable by owner under ~/code directory without descending into hidden directories | find ~/code -name '.*' -prune -o -type f -a -perm /u+x -printf ':%h\n' | sort | uniq | tr -d '\n' |
Print which files differ in "dir_one" and "dir_two" recursively and sort the output | diff -qr dir_one dir_two | sort |
Recursively change the owner and group of all files in "public_html" to "owner" | chown -R owner:owner public_html |
recursively change owner and group of the directory /vol/html and all files into it to user ec2-user and group apache | sudo chown -R ec2-user:apache /vol/html |
Recursively change the owner of all files in "/home/test" to "test" | sudo chown -R test /home/test |
recursively change owner of the directory /usr/lib/node_modules/ to the current user | sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/lib/node_modules/ |
Recursively change ownership of "/usr/local/lib" to the current user | sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local/lib |
Recursively change the ownership of all files in "/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates" to "xxx" | sudo chown -R xxx /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates |
Recursively delete all files/folders named '.svn' in a current folder. | find . -name .svn -delete |
remove all "Foo*" files under current dir | find . -type f -name "Foo*" -exec rm {} \; |
Remove all *.log files from the current directory tree | find -name '*.log' -delete |
Remove all *.log files from the current directory tree | find ./ -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 rm |
Remove all *.log files from the current directory tree | find ./ -name '*.log' | xargs rm |
remove all core files in the file system | find / -name "*.core" -print -exec rm {} \; |
remove all core files in the file system | find / -name "*.core" | xargs rm |
Remove all files with names like "vmware-*.log" from the current directory tree | find . -name "vmware-*.log" -exec rm '{}' \; |
Remove all files with names like "vmware-*.log" from the current directory tree | find . -name vmware-*.log -delete |
Remove all files with names like "vmware-*.log" from the current directory tree | find . -name vmware-*.log | xargs rm |
remove all subdirectories named "CVS" under current dir | find . -type d -name CVS -exec rm -r {} \; |
Remove with prompting all files that have not been accessed in over 100 days | find /mydir -atime +100 -ok rm {} \; |
Rename all directories under current directory by replacing all occurrences of 'Foo' (case insensitive) with 'Bar' in their names | find . -type d -iname '*foo*' -depth -exec rename 's@Foo@Bar@gi' {} + |
Replace "inputfile" with a sorted unique list of its contents | sort inputfile | uniq | sort -o inputfile |
Report file system containing path to the current working directory disk usage in kilobytes. | df -k . |
Report file systems disk usage, elide all entries insignificant to available space, and produce a grand total. | df --total |
Report total size of the root filesystem disk usage in powers of 1000. | df -H --total / |
Return 0 if file system is mounted on '/full/path' | df /full/path | grep -q /full/path |
Save the absolute path of the directory of the current script to variable "DIR" | DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f \"$0\")") |
Scan every file in /etc for IPV4 addresses while trying to elminate false positives. | find /etc -type f -exec cat '{}' \; | tr -c '.[:digit:]' '\n' | grep '^[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*$' |
Search the /myfiles directory tree for files last accessed more than 30 days ago | find /myfiles -atime +30 |
Search /usr/bin for regular files that have been modified within the last 10 days | find /usr/bin -type f -mtime -10 |
Search all files under and below /etc for IP addresses | find /etc -exec grep '[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*' {} \; |
Search all regular files in the current directory for "example" | find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F 'example' |
Search all the regular files in the current directory for "example" | find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F 'example' |
Search the current directory, except the subdirectory tree ".svn", for files whose name is "foo.cpp" | find . -name 'foo.cpp' '!' -path '.svn' |
Search the current directory tree for all files matching pattern "*.rb" | find . -name "*.rb" |
Search the current directory tree for files larger than 10MB but smaller than 50MB | find . -size +10M -size -50M -print |
Search the current directory tree for files modified less than 5 days ago | find . -mtime -5 |
Search the current directory tree recursively for the regular file named "myfile" ignoring "work" and "home" directories | find . \( -name work -o -name home \) -prune -o -name myfile -type f -print |
search for a files "cart1" in the folder junk which is in home folder and move the folder to ~/junk/A. | find ~/junk -name 'cart1' -exec mv {} ~/junk/A \; |
search for a regular/normal file myfile in the folder "/home/weedly" | find /home/weedly -name myfile -type f -print |
search for all the c files in the current folder | find . -name \*.c -print |
search for all the files in the current folder which start with "my" | find . -name 'my*' |
search for all the files with the name "dummy" in the current folder | find -type f -name dummy |
search for all the regular/normal files in the current folder which start with "my" | find . -name 'my*' -type f |
search for the file "foo.txt" in the entire file system | find / -name foo.txt |
search for the file "myfile" in the current folder and display all errors apart from permission denied error | find . -name myfile |& grep -v 'Permission denied' |
search for files in the current folder using name patterns | find . -name '[mM][yY][fF][iI][lL][eE]*' |
search for files which are writable by either their owner or their group | find . -perm /220 |
search for files which are writable by either their owner or their group | find . -perm /u+w,g+w |
search for files which are writable by either their owner or their group | find . -perm /u=w,g=w |
Search for files whose size is between 100 kilobytes and 500 kilobytes | find . -size +100k -a -size -500k |
Search for the pattern 'search string' in all the files in the ''/tmp folder and display the matched lines along with the file names | find /tmp -type f -exec grep 'search string' '{}' /dev/null \+ |
Search for regular file foo ignoring case | find . -iname foo -type f |
Search for regular files of the grooup 'users' in the file system | find / -type f -group users |
search for word linux in all the regular/normal files in the folder mail. | find ~/mail -type f | xargs grep "Linux" |
Search the local subdirectory tree of the current working directory and the /tmp directory tree for directories named mydir | find local /tmp -name mydir -type d -print |
Search the regular files of the current directory tree for string "foo" | find ./ -type f | xargs grep "foo" |
Search through the /usr/local directory for files that end with the extension .html, and print the file locations. | find /usr/local -name "*.html" -type f |
Searches through the htdocs and cgi-bin directories for files that end with the extension .cgi. When these files are found, their permission is changed to mode 755 (rwxr-xr-x). | find htdocs cgi-bin -name "*.cgi" -type f -exec chmod 755 {} \; |
Show a listing of files not modified in over 20 days or not accessed in over 40 days | find /mydir \(-mtime +20 -o -atime +40\) -exec ls -l {} \; |
show all the files in current directory | find . |
show all the mp3 files in the folder /home | find /home -type f -name '*.mp3' |
Show the list of all files on the system whose names do not end in ".c" | find / \! -name "*.c" -print |
Split "file.tar.gz" into files of size 1024 MB | split -b 1024m file.tar.gz |
split content of the files *.txt beginning with 1001st line into pieces per 1000 lines | cat *.txt | tail -n +1001 | split --lines=1000 |
verbosely create intermediate directoriy tmp as required and directory boostinst | mkdir -pv /tmp/boostinst |
View manual page of the find command | man find |
View manual page of find utility | man find |
change group of the file /tmp/php_session to group daemon | chown -R :daemon /tmp/php_session |
Change mode of all files ending with ".php" under the current folder to 755 and write the output to the console and "logfile.txt" file | find . -name '*.php' -exec chmod 755 {} \; | tee logfile.txt |
change owner and group of the file dir1 to user root and group specialusers | chown root:specialusers dir1 |
change the owner of the files which belong to the group 1000 to username and modify only the symbolic link not the originally pointed file | find -gid 1000 -exec chown -h :username {} \; |
Change permissions for all PHP files under the current directory tree to 755 and print the number of files changed | find . -name "*.php" -exec chmod 755 {} + -printf '.' | wc -c |
Change permissions for all PHP files under the current directory tree to 755 and print the number of files changed | find . -name "*.php" -exec chmod 755 {} \; -exec /bin/echo {} \; | wc -l |
change the permissions of all regular/normal files in the file system | chmod 640 `find ./ -type f -print` |
Change the permissions of the current directory and all its subdirectories to 755. | find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; |
Check if $path_in_question is mount point of filesystem | df $path_in_question | grep " $path_in_question$" |
Compresses all '*.xml' files under current directory with 'bzip2' utility. | find -name \*.xml -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 3 bzip2 |
compress all the non-compressed files in the current directory. | find . \! -name "*.Z" -exec compress -f {} \; |
Copies all files under the current directory but ones with '*/not-from-here/*' in path to the '/dest/' directory. | find . -type f -not -iname '*/not-from-here/*' -exec cp '{}' '/dest/{}' ';' |
Counts lines in each *.php file. | wc -l `tree -if --noreport | grep -e'\.php$'` |
Count the number of regular files in the current directory tree | find . -type f | wc -l |
create a md5sum for all the instances of the file MyCProgram.c in current folder | find -iname "MyCProgram.c" -exec md5sum {} \; |
create directory /etc/cron.5minute | mkdir /etc/cron.5minute |
create directory dirname with permissions 777 | mkdir -m 777 dirname |
create directories foo and bar | mkdir foo bar |
create directories mnt and point | mkdir mnt point |
Create intermediate directories "b and "c" as required and directory "c" | mkdir -p a/b/c |
Create intermediate directories "full", "path" as required and directory "to" | mkdir -p `dirname /full/path/to/file.txt` |
Create intermediate directories as required and directory project/{lib/ext,bin,src,doc/{html,info,pdf},demo/stat/a} | mkdir -p project/{lib/ext,bin,src,doc/{html,info,pdf},demo/stat/a} |
Delete all empty directories under test directory | find test -depth -type d -empty -delete |
Delete all files/directories named 'FILE-TO-FIND' under current directory tree | find . -name "FILE-TO-FIND" -exec rm -rf {} \; |
Delete all files in the current user's home directory and its sub-directories that have not been accessed for more than 100 days. | find ~ -atime +100 -delete |
Delete empty directories | find . -type d -empty -delete |
Delete file with inode number 314167125 | find . -type f -inum 314167125 -delete |
Delete files with inode number 782263 under current directory | find . -inum 782263 -exec rm -i {} \; |