Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
Number - Progression<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Constant<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Position - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Distribute_Three<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number/Position - Constant<br />Type - Distribute_Three<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Distribute_Three<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Constant<br />Size - Constant<br />Color - Constant<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Progression<br />
Position - Arithmetic<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Arithmetic<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
Number - Progression<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Progression<br />
Number - Distribute_Three<br />Type - Progression<br />Size - Progression<br />Color - Arithmetic<br />
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for "raven_properties"

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