I checked everything and removed the errors. The dataset is sorted by Type and Size now.

Great, thank you. The 'all' row in the beginning could be a bit confusing, since it seems to refer to the MultiLegalPile and not to the pile of law. Would you mind moving this row to a general description of the MultiLegalPile? If possible it would be great to have an aggregate row for all pile of law subsets and one for the ones included in the MultiLegalPile

The 'all' row in the beginning refers to all subsets in pile of law. For comparison see the numbers for MulitLegalPile and pile of low below:

Language Source Size (MB) Tokens Documents Tokens/Document
0 all all 593742.0 105555004069 25235644 4182

pile of law
Language Type Jurisdiction Source Size (MB) Tokens Documents Tokens/Document Part of Multi_Legal_Pile
0 en all all all 503712.0 50547777921 9872444 5120 yes

pile of law is just the biggest of all copora included in MulitLegalPile and on average has a bigger number of Tokens/Document than MulitLegalPile in general.

Note for all. We decided that we will not do an aggregated score. But we will have to check the sizes, because they seem to big. See trello ticket: https://trello.com/c/9uWDxNWQ

joelniklaus changed pull request status to merged

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