father and employer John J. Sullivan . Mr. Sullivan reiterates that he is his
son's employer and that his son is paid on a commission basis.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and other factors Mr. Sullivan's business
in 2021 has not been particularly lucrative. Accordingly, his son, defendantv
1Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 1 of 17John Sua ivan,has only received cornrnission in calendar year 2021 in the
amount of$6B 700.00
2.Attached hereto as Exhibit#2 is a Notice of Eviction for defendant
at his apattmentiocated at 567 Annaston Piace,#2,Murray Utah.The
eviction notice shows defendant was in arrears of his rnonthiy rental
obligation in the amount of$495,23.The arrearage has been satisfied
through funds borrowed fronl defendant's parents.The total monthly rentis
$1,944,32 and Exhibit#2 evidences that defendantis having difficuity
paying his rento E)efendant had to sea some of his personal camera
equipmentto pay his rent.Defendant's parents give hirn$1,000.00a!‡Y onth
to assistin rent payments.However,they cannot continue to provide this
amount of rental assistance for rnuch ionger.
3.Attached hereto as Exhibit#3 is a credit repott frorn Experiano The
repott documents that on June 20,2020 defendant had a credit score of
770BHowever,as of December 7,2021,defendant's credit score has
dropped to 559.The reason forthe drop in defendant's credit score is
primarily due to delinquent payments on his revoiving credit card accounts
Defendant's credit score has gone fronl good to poor since June,2020B
4.Attached hereto as Exhibit#4 are defendant's credit card
StaterYlentS for December,2021.The statements re÷ ectthat defendant has
2Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 2 of 17outstanding revolving credit card debtin the approxirnate amount of
$20,925B 17
5,Attached hereto as Exhibit#5 is a deciaration frorn defendantthat
he has a-229.93 negative balance in his bank account with Chase Bank
Defendant has a checking account with American First Credit Union with a
current balance of$236B 98 remaining.These are his onty bank accountsB
Defendantfutther declares that he has to borrow money fronl his parents in
orderto rnake his rnonthiy living expenses.He has no other sources of
income.The seized assets are needed fbr defendantto rYlake his upcorning
and on]going rnonthly expenses,(Defendant notes there are some rninor
ditterences bemeen his initialfinancial deciaration and the attached
financial deciaration.These rninor direrences are due to his changing
financial obligations over the past six rYlonthsr
6.VVith respect to his vehicles,defendant owns a 2007 motorcycle
with an approxirnate value of$3,000.00 and a 2014 Mercedes Benz CLA
250 with an approxirnate value of$10,000.00.Defendant has not used his
motorcycte since June,2021 due to an inability to pay insurance costs.
Defendant's insurance has not been paid on the car since October,2021
and he expects that his insurance wili soon be cancea ed.in addition,
defendant has not been able to pay registration fees on the vehicleB
3Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 3 of 177.Defendantforrneriy had health insurance through BIue Cross/BIue
Shield.Thatinsurance has been terrninated.He cannot afFord to purchase
any other health insurance.E)efendant has a pending application with
Medicaid for health insurance subrYlitted on December 5,2021 and he
applied forfood stamps on December 5,2021.
8BE)efendant has had to borrow money fronl his parents to pay his
electric ba Ist gas bilis and water bilis.Defendant takes prescription
medications.He has to borrow funds fronl his parents to pay forthese
medications.Defendant's rYlOnthly telephone bia is approxirYlately S278B 00B
The telephone bia also has to be paid for with borrowed funds
9.There has been a vast amount of discovery generated to date by
the United States.itis anticipated that the United States wili produce
significant amounts of additional discovery.Aa of these rnaterials rYlust
reviewed,outlined and organized.in addition,defendant wia be ttling
multiple additional pretriai motions that v–G arequire resolution by the Cou• .
The United States House of Representatives is conducting an extensive
inquiry into the facts surrounding the events that forrn the basis ofthe
indictrnent.The inquiry rnay produce relevant and exculpatory evidence
pertaining to the very signi,cant charges in the indictrYlent and rYlay
produce evidence retevant to attirrYlatiVe defenses available to defendant,
4Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 4 of 177.E)efendant emphasizes the factors detailed in Paragraph 9 as itis
defendant's expectation that trial of this rnatter vvili not cornrnence for a
signi,cant period of tiw vle and not before the 1louse of Representatives
completes its investigation.Aå ordingiy.defendant wia need a portion of his
seized assets in orderto pay ordinary and necessary household expenses
for an extended pettod oftime.
WHEREFORE,the foregoing consideredE defendant prays this
Honorable Court for reconsideration of his Motion to Retease Seizure
Respectfua y subnlitted,
Steven R.KiershŽ« 323329
5335 VVisconsin Avenue,N.VV.
Suite 440
(202)347] 0200
5Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 5 of 17I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and accurate copy ofthe foregoing
was se‡W edEvia the Cours eled„_ nic ming systemE upon Assistant UoS.
Attomey Candioe Wong on thisthe 17n day Of Decembeӊ 2021.
Steven R.Kiersh
6Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 6 of 17UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
V 21]cr]73(EGS)
Notice of eMction
Credit score reports
4. Credit card statement
5. Deciaration of defendant1. Amdavh Of JOhn Jo Sullivan