Washington, D.C. to attend and film the “Stop the Steal” March on January 6, 2021. The
defendant claimed to be an activist and journalist that filmed protests and riots, but admitted that
he did not have any press credentials.
The defendant also stated that he was at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, when scores
of individuals entered it. The defendant stated he was wearing a ballistic vest and gas mask while
there. He showed the interviewing agent the ballistic vest. He further stated that he entered the
U.S. Capitol with others through a window that had been broken out. The defendant stated he
followed the crowd as the crowd pushed past U.S. Capitol Police and followed the crowd into the
U.S. Capitol.
The defendant further stated that he had been present at the shooting of a woman within Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 6 Filed 02/04/21 Page 2 of 263
the U.S. Capitol by a U.S. Capitol Police officer and that he had filmed the incident. During the
interview, the defendant showed the interviewing agent the footage he had taken, which the
defendant stated he had uploaded to the Internet. The footage showed the area immediately
outside of the Speaker’s Lobby within the U.S. Capitol, the hallway from which one can enter
directly into the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. The defendant also voluntarily
provided two phone numbers and multiple social media accounts and identifiers, including a
YouTube account username, JaydenX.
On January 9, 2021, t he defendant voluntarily provided to law enforcement video footage
that he stated that he recorded within the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The defendant sent a
link to law enforcement from a Google Photos account under the name “John Sullivan.” A
portion of the video is publicly available on a Youtube channel attributed to “JaydenX .”1 The
defendant’s voice can be heard narrating the video and speaking to other individuals and law
enforcement officers . A t one point , the camera pans to a tactical vest and a gas mask being worn
and held by the individual filming , which match the tactical vest and gas mask that the defendant
showed law enforc ement agents during a voluntary interview on January 11, 2021.
1 A portion of the video is also publicly available on a YouTube channel attributed to “JaydenX ”
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfiS8MsfSF4&bpctr=1610480291 .
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Among other things, the video the defendant recorded and provided to law enforcement
shows Sullivan filming at the front of a crowd as they pushed through police barriers on the west
side o f the U.S. Capitol. At the first moment the crowd breaks through, Sullivan can be heard
saying, “they’re going in.” The video follows the crowd as they move toward the Capitol
Building where Sullivan captured additional scenes of individuals breaking thr ough police
After the crowd broke through the last barricade, and as Sullivan and the others approach
the Capitol Building, Sullivan can be heard in the video saying at various points: “There are so
many people. Let’s go. This shit is ours! Fuc k yeah,” “We accomplished this shit. We did this
together. Fuck yeah! We are all a part of this history,” and “Let’s burn this shit down.”
Later, Sullivan’s video includes footage of individuals climbing a wall to reach a plaza just
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outside the Capitol Bui lding entrance, as seen in the screenshot below. As individuals are
climbing the wall, Sullivan can be heard saying, “You guys are fucking savage. Let’s go!”
At one point, Sullivan can be heard telling one of the individuals climbing the wall to give
Sullivan his hand as individuals in the crowd are calling to help people up the wall.
The video records Sullivan’s entrance into the U.S. Capitol building through a broken
Sullivan , once inside the Capitol Building , roamed the building with other individuals who
unlawfully entered . During one of his interactions with others, Sullivan can be heard in the video
saying , “We gotta get this shit burned.” At other times as he is walking through the Capitol,
Sullivan can be heard saying, among other things, “it’s our house motherfuckers” and “we are
getting this shit.”
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In addition, several times during the video, Sullivan encounters law enforcement officers
who are trying to prevent further advancement through the buildi ng by those who entered
unlawfully. In at least two encounters, Sullivan can be heard on the video arguing with the
officers , telling them to stand down so that they do not get hurt . Among other things, Sullivan
can be heard telling officers, “you are pu tting yourself in harm’s way,” “ the people have spoken,”
and “there are too many people, you gotta stand down, the people out there that tried to do that
shit, they got hurt, I saw it, I’m caring about you.”
At one point in the video, Sullivan enters an of fice within the U.S. Capitol, as seen in the
screenshot below. Once inside the office, Sullivan approaches a window, also seen in the
screenshot below, and states, “We did this shit. We took this shit.”
While at the window, a knocking noise is heard off -screen. The camera then pans to show
more of the window and a broken pane can be seen that was not broken on Sullivan’s approach to
the window . Sullivan can then be heard saying, “I broke it. My bad, my apologies. Well they
already broke a window, so, you know, I didn’t know I hit it that hard. No one got that on
camera.” Sullivan then exits the office.
Later, Sullivan can be heard saying, “I am ready bro. I’ve been to too many riots. I’ve
been in so many riots.”
At another point in the video, Sullivan joins a crowd trying to open doors to another part
of the U.S. Capitol which are guarded by law enforcement officers, as seen in the screenshot below.
Sullivan can be heard on the video telling other individuals in the crowd, “there’s officers at the
door.” Less than two minutes later, while officers are still at the doors and as others yell to break
the glass windows in them with various objects, Sullivan can be heard saying, “Hey guys, I have Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 6 Filed 02/04/21 Page 6 of 267
a knife. I have a knife. Let me up.” Sullivan does not, however, ever make it to the doors.
When someone says something about how people are “getting arrested,” he can be heard saying,
“don’t worry, you’ll be fine, it’s only a little jail time… I do this all the time.”
Eventually, individuals in the crowd outside the doors announce that the officers are
leaving and “giving us the building.” As the crowd begins to part so the officers can leave,
Sullivan can be heard saying, “Haul that motherfucker out this bitch.”
At another time in the video, Sullivan is walking down a hallway in the U.S. Capitol with
a large group of people. Sullivan pans to a closed door and can be heard saying, “Why don’t we
go in there.” After someone hits against the door, Sullivan can be heard saying, “That’s what
I’m sayin’, brea k that shit.” Further down the hall, Sullivan can be heard saying, “It would be
fire if someone had revolutionary music and shit.”
In the video, once Sullivan approaches the doorway to the Speaker’s Lobby, where a
woman was eventually shot, Sullivan can be heard again saying, “I have a knife…. Let me through
I got a knife, I got a knife, I got a knife.” He can be heard telling one of the law enforcement
officers guarding the doors, as seen in the screenshot below, “We want you to go home. I’m
recording and there’s so many people and they’re going to push their way up here. Bro, I’ve seen
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people out there get hurt. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”