2 people in a field throwing a frisbee at a a device
[ [ "are the people female or male", "male" ], [ "about how old do you think they are", "20s-30s" ], [ "are either 1 of them wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "what color is their hair", "looks brown" ], [ "are either of them wearing hats", "yes 1 is" ], [ "what color is the hat", "green or brown" ], [ "is the field very grassy", "not where they are playing" ], [ "what color is the frisbee", "1 is red and the other is orange" ], [ "are any of them in the air", "1 is" ], [ "do you see any other people", "no" ] ]
a girl eats a plate of nachos with a fork in each hand with a woman sitting next to her
[ [ "how old is the girl", "12" ], [ "what color is the plate", "white" ], [ "is there just cheese on the nachos", "no" ], [ "is there anything on the nachos besides cheese", "yes" ], [ "how old is the woman by her", "40s" ], [ "are they in a kitchen", "no" ], [ "where are they", "a restaurant" ], [ "what color hair does the woman have", "grey" ], [ "any other people", "yes" ], [ "a crowd", "a few" ] ]
the woman is talking on her cellphone while she walks
[ [ "can you see the street", "no" ], [ "any buildings", "it's blurry in the background but yes, i can see buildings" ], [ "what color is the phone", "i can't see the phone she's holding it to her head and it's under her hair" ], [ "is the woman old", "mid 30's" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes, but looks cold" ], [ "d she have long hair", "yes" ], [ "is she pretty", "she could be" ], [ "any cars", "no i don't see any vehicles at all" ], [ "any trees", "no" ], [ "any grass", "no" ] ]
a herd of cattle standing on top of a lush green hillside
[ [ "what color are the animals shown", "black, white, brown" ], [ "are there any people in the image", "no" ], [ "are there any vehicles or heavy machinery visible", "no" ], [ "are there any trees in the image", "yes" ], [ "how many trees are shown", "more than 10" ], [ "is it morning, midday, afternoon or night time", "i can't tell, its daytime" ], [ "does the weather seem pleasant", "yes it's sunny" ], [ "does the grass appear healthy and green, brown, or some combination of the 2", "healthy green" ], [ "approximately how many animals are shown in the herd", "more than 30" ], [ "is there any fencing visible", "no it's an open field" ] ]
a woman takes a picture of herself in a bathroom mirror
[ [ "is the woman old", "no, maybe early 30's" ], [ "what color is her hair", "brownish red" ], [ "is she wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "did she just get out of the shower", "no" ], [ "does the bathroom look clean", "yes" ], [ "is the mirror a single person mirror", "yes" ], [ "is she getting ready for the day", "she is an employee taking a selfie" ], [ "what color is the wall", "the wall is beige and brown tiles" ], [ "is she wearing a work uniform", "yes" ], [ "can you see any bathroom stalls", "no" ] ]
an old picture of a woman and 2 men carrying luggage
[ [ "how old is the woman", "about 40 years old" ], [ "how old is the man", "about 40 years old too" ], [ "what is the women wearing", "a white shirt and striped skirt" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "light colored pants, a dark blazer and a dress shirt" ], [ "what color is the luggage", "the image is in black and white" ], [ "who is carrying the luggage", "the luggage is sitting on the ground" ], [ "are they at the airport", "no" ], [ "standing in the house", "the people are outside" ], [ "are they in front of a house", "no, they are in a parking lot" ], [ "can you tell the weather", "no" ] ]
a cat is sitting between the seats in a car
[ [ "what color is cat", "gray" ], [ "are there any people in car", "yes" ], [ "how many people", "1" ], [ "is it male or female", "i can't tell" ], [ "what color shirt are they wearing", "gray" ], [ "is cat wearing collar", "no" ], [ "what color are car seats", "black" ], [ "can you see windows of car", "just front" ], [ "are seats leather", "no" ], [ "what time of day is it", "afternoon" ] ]
a man walks in the snow as he holds some skis
[ [ "what color shirt is the man wearing", "tan" ], [ "is he walking alone", "yes" ], [ "what color are his skis", "can't tell" ], [ "what time of day is it", "looks like morning" ], [ "is it snowing", "no" ], [ "does he have a helmet on", "no" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "yes" ], [ "does he have gloves on", "appears so" ], [ "what color pants is he wearing", "looks grey" ], [ "is he carrying a backpack", "yes" ] ]
a bathroom features white, bowl sinks and a bathtub
[ [ "does this bathroom appear to be in a hotel", "yes" ], [ "is there a mirror above the sink", "yes" ], [ "does it have a frame", "yes, a wooden" ], [ "is it painted or just brown wood", "i think it's wooden" ], [ "can you see any hand towels", "yes" ], [ "can you see any designs on the hand towel", "some kind of embroidery" ], [ "what color is the hand towel", "like an off white, ivory color" ], [ "is there a shower curtain", "no" ], [ "is it a clawfoot tub", "no" ], [ "is it a pretty sink", "i think so" ] ]
an elephant with tusks stands in the desert
[ [ "is it an adult elephant", "looks like it" ], [ "any other animals around", "no" ], [ "are there any trees", "yes" ], [ "are the leaves green", "some of them" ], [ "is the elephant standing or walking", "standing" ], [ "is he looking at the camera", "no" ], [ "is there any water around the elephant", "no" ], [ "is the area fenced", "no" ], [ "are there any rocks", "no" ], [ "any mountains", "no" ] ]
a plate with pancakes, blackberries, and bacon sitting next to a cup of coffee
[ [ "what color is the plate", "white with brown design" ], [ "is it large or small", "large" ], [ "is the plate on a table", "it looks like a counter" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "what color is the counter", "white" ], [ "how many pancakes", "probably 4" ], [ "how many pieces of bacon", "2" ], [ "are they burnt", "no" ], [ "what color is the coffee cup", "white with a black face on it" ], [ "any toppings on the pancake", "bananas" ] ]
a horse drawn carriage on a snowy wooded road
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "are there any people in the picture", "not visible" ], [ "how many horses are there", "1" ], [ "what color is the horse", "white" ], [ "is it daytime or night", "sunrise" ], [ "what color is the carriage", "can't really see that it's behind the horse" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "yes" ], [ "how much snow is on the ground", "a couple feet" ], [ "are there a lot of trees lining the road", "yes, like in a forest" ], [ "is the horse wearing a saddle", "i don't think so, but it's pulling the carriage" ] ]
a few sandwiches with noodles on them in a store
[ [ "are the sandwiches on bread", "yes" ], [ "white bread or wheat", "white bread and a bun" ], [ "what type of noodles are on the bread", "chinese noodles" ], [ "can you tell what is on the sandwich", "no idea" ], [ "is the store more like a deli", "it's just the shelf" ], [ "is anything else on the shelf", "a salad" ], [ "is the salad nice and green or brown and wilted", "green" ], [ "does it look like regular lettuce or spinach", "looks like something i've never seen" ], [ "is the salad in a glass or plastic bowl", "plastic container" ], [ "are the shelves made of wood", "no metal" ] ]
2 elephants walking near 1 another in a field
[ [ "what time of day is it", "daytime" ], [ "who is in front", "baby elephant" ], [ "how many baby elephants on top of 1 another would reach same height as mother", "2" ], [ "are there any other animals", "no" ], [ "what's in background", "trees and plains" ], [ "is there water nearby", "no" ], [ "grassy plains", "yes" ], [ "how high is grass", "as high as baby" ], [ "so mother could lose her baby in glass", "yes but she is holding onto his tail" ], [ "do they look cute", "very!" ] ]
2 people sailing on sail boats in the ocean
[ [ "can you see land", "no" ], [ "what color is the boat", "white" ], [ "are they wearing life vests", "no" ], [ "what race are the people", "white" ], [ "what color clothes are they wearing", "black" ], [ "what does the sky look like", "clear" ], [ "are they wearing uniforms", "no" ], [ "do they have hats", "no" ], [ "what color sail", "orange" ], [ "does it look like a race boat", "no" ] ]
white passenger train with "grady" advertisement on it
[ [ "do you see any passengers", "no" ], [ "do you see the conductor", "nope" ], [ "is the whole train white", "no" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "is the train also red", "some red and yellow also has a pic of a girl" ], [ "do you see any pedestrians", "no" ], [ "do you see any houses", "no" ], [ "does the train look old", "really new" ], [ "is the train shiny", "yes" ] ]
a person that is smiling while skiing down a hill
[ [ "how many people", "just 1" ], [ "is it cloudy or sunny", "cloudy" ], [ "are there trees", "yes" ], [ "how many tree", "i count at least 5" ], [ "what color is there jacket", "yellow" ], [ "are there any words on the jacket", "not that i can see" ], [ "are they where and ski gloves", "yes" ], [ "are they going fast or slow", "i think fast" ], [ "are they kicking up the snow", "yes" ], [ "what color is the hat", "the helmet is white" ] ]
3 young men playing a game of tennis on a dirt court
[ [ "how old", "teens" ], [ "are there lines on the court", "yes" ], [ "what color are they", "white" ], [ "what color clothes are they wearing", "white, blue and yellow" ], [ "shorts", "all of them" ], [ "are they a team", "no" ], [ "is there a ref", "no" ], [ "can you see the ball", "many" ], [ "how many", "basketful, maybe 8" ], [ "are they green", "no" ] ]
a man sitting on top of a cement bench wearing a mask
[ [ "what kind of mask is he wearing", "spiderman mask" ], [ "can you tell about how old he is", "maybe a teen" ], [ "is the bench in a park", "no" ], [ "does he have the rest of the spiderman costume on", "no" ], [ "what setting is the bench in", "sidewalk" ], [ "can you see the street", "no" ], [ "are there other people around", "no" ], [ "are there any buildings visible", "no" ], [ "what is behind the man", "it's pretty blurry, some type of signs on the sidewalk" ], [ "can you see the man's hair", "no" ] ]
a group of people and some horses by a barn
[ [ "how many people are there", "2" ], [ "is the photo in color", "no" ], [ "how many horses are there", "6" ], [ "are the people male or female", "male" ], [ "are all the horses adults", "yes" ], [ "is the barn door open", "yes" ], [ "what are the horses doing", "standing" ], [ "are there any other animals", "no" ], [ "are there trees", "no" ], [ "are the men wearing hats", "yes" ] ]
2 boys are playing tennis on an outdoor court
[ [ "are they teenagers", "no" ], [ "are they kids", "yes" ], [ "are they playing doubles", "no" ], [ "is the ball in flight", "no" ], [ "what is the boy on the left wearing", "a shirt, shorts, a hat, and sneakers" ], [ "is the other boy wearing the same", "yes" ], [ "are there any spectators", "no" ], [ "what color is the court", "green and white" ], [ "are there other courts", "no" ], [ "is there a fence", "no" ] ]
a man rowing a pontoon boat through a river
[ [ "what color is the pontoon", "green and brown" ], [ "is the river water murky", "yes" ], [ "are there trees showing", "yes many trees around" ], [ "is there more than 1 boat", "just 1 boat" ], [ "is the man wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is the man alone", "i can only see him" ], [ "is the man wearing a hat", "no" ], [ "what race is the man", "looks asian" ], [ "what is the boat made of", "wood" ], [ "is the man using 1 or 2 oars", "1" ] ]
a bear standing in ferns in a forest
[ [ "what color is the bear", "it's a brown bear" ], [ "is it daytime or nighttime", "it's daytime" ], [ "is the bear eating", "no, he's just looking about" ], [ "are there any flowers showing here", "no" ], [ "any trees in the shot", "i see some tree trunks" ], [ "any water in the shot", "no" ], [ "the bear is standing upright", "no, it's on all 4 paws" ], [ "any other animals showing", "no" ], [ "can you see any clouds", "i can't see the sky" ], [ "is this a zoo picture", "i don't think so" ] ]
a dog plays with a ball in the field next to a man
[ [ "is this a large park or just a small grassy area", "it looks like a large park" ], [ "are there other people in the park", "you can only see 2 people partially" ], [ "are they close by or in the distance", "they're close" ], [ "do they look like they know the man with the dog or are they just passing by", "my bad, it's actually just 1 man next to the dog" ], [ "is the dog big or little", "short but big if that makes sense" ], [ "is the fluffy", "yes" ], [ "what color is his fur", "orange and white mostly, a little black around the head" ], [ "is he on a leash or roaming free", "he's off leash" ], [ "what color is the ball", "it's a blue and pink xl tennis ball" ], [ "is the man young or old", "can't tell, probably young" ] ]
a group of people a few pizza's and beverage sitting at a table
[ [ "how many people", "more than 10" ], [ "what kind of pizza", "looks like veggie pizza" ], [ "what are they drinking", "soda" ], [ "are there any men", "some men" ], [ "are there any women", "half women" ], [ "are there any kids", "0" ], [ "what color is the table", "white" ], [ "is the pizza on plates", "yes" ], [ "have they eaten any of it yet", "they are eating" ], [ "are they in a restaurant", "yup" ] ]
a person is carrying an umbrella from the news organization "the onion" on a busy city street
[ [ "what color is the umbrella", "green with white letters and newspaper print" ], [ "is a man or woman carrying it", "can't tell i can't see their face" ], [ "are they with anyone else", "they're standing amongst a crowd of people" ], [ "are they waiting for something", "looks like a protest, i see a picket sign" ], [ "is there a lot of traffic", "no cars in the photo" ], [ "do you see any police officers", "no police" ], [ "what does the picket sign say", "i can't tell, it's blurry" ], [ "do people look angry", "i can't see any faces, their backs are facing me" ], [ "are they in the middle of the street", "i'm not sure," ], [ "are there any buildings nearby", "looks like 1 in the background" ] ]
black and white photograph of a traffic sign covered in graffiti
[ [ "is the writing readable", "no" ], [ "any cars nearby", "no" ], [ "any trees in the shot", "part of 1" ], [ "any people near the police", "no" ], [ "any markings in the street", "no" ], [ "tell me something you see", "i can see in the distance another pole, and i can see a road it's a black and white photo, the large sign has writing on it" ], [ "what does the sign say", "end" ], [ "any arrows on the sign", "no" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "any birds flying pass", "no" ] ]
a man on a horse with 2 horses following him
[ [ "what color is his horse", "brown" ], [ "what color are the horses following him", "1 is brown and the other is brown and white" ], [ "do the horses appear to be running", "no" ], [ "is the man wearing a cowboy hat", "yes" ], [ "are the horses tied to him", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "is the man caucasian", "yes" ], [ "does the man have a lasso", "cannot tell" ], [ "can you see any trees", "no" ] ]
a contraption made of spare parts and a teddy bear hanging from the ceiling
[ [ "is this a children's room", "not at all" ], [ "what type of room is this", "looks like a garage" ], [ "what type of spare parts", "electronics and metal" ], [ "can you see outside", "just a little" ], [ "what color is the bear", "brown" ], [ "what part is the bear hanging from", "it's sitting on a part of a computer that's hanging" ], [ "can you see any people", "nope" ], [ "does it look like an experiment", "it looks like a horror art piece" ], [ "what else is interesting in the picture", "the bear has 1 gross large eye" ], [ "would you consider it art or torture", "someone thinks it's art" ] ]
2 park benches are placed to see a good view of a beach
[ [ "is it at daytime or night", "early evening" ], [ "are there people at the beach", "no" ], [ "are there any animals", "no" ], [ "are there any boats in the water", "not at all" ], [ "what color is the sand", "you really cannot see sand" ], [ "what material are the benches made of", "it look like wood" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "yes" ], [ "are they storm clouds", "i would say yeah" ], [ "is there any grass", "little patches" ], [ "does it look like a public place", "yes" ] ]
a couple of white horses grazing in a pasture
[ [ "are they adult horses", "they are kind of far away but they look like they probably are" ], [ "is there grass", "yes" ], [ "any mountains", "no mountains but it looks a little hilly" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it all blue", "it's mostly blue with just a couple of small clouds" ], [ "are the horses eating", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "any people around", "no" ], [ "anything else you see in photo", "far away houses and a fence" ], [ "can you see a roof on the house", "yes" ] ]
a young man holding a white frisbee on top of a green field
[ [ "is there more than 1 man", "yes" ], [ "how many are there", "2" ], [ "about how old are there guys", "20's" ], [ "are they in the park", "looks like a backyard" ], [ "where is the frisbee", "in 1 guys hand" ], [ "is he about to toss it", "yes" ], [ "does the guy on the other appear to be ready", "not at all" ], [ "what is he doing", "standing there with his hands down by his sides" ], [ "is there an animal", "no" ], [ "is the grass appeared to be mowed", "yes" ] ]
a photo of an outdoor with many things in the scene
[ [ "is brick wall light colored brick like cream city or more of red brick", "cream city" ], [ "is plaque plain lettering or more ornamental", "plain" ], [ "are you able to read it", "not really" ], [ "how about street sign", "yes" ], [ "what does street sign say", "burney st" ], [ "does it appear to be busy street or quiet residential", "residential" ], [ "are there any trees in photo", "yes" ], [ "any houses", "1" ], [ "does it look like fancy house or more modest", "modest" ], [ "is there porch swing", "no" ] ]
a dog is laying outdoors near a hat, bottle, and backpack
[ [ "what color is the dog", "brown" ], [ "is it shaggy", "not really" ], [ "is it sunny out", "sort of" ], [ "does the dog have a collar", "don't think so" ], [ "is there a human around", "no" ], [ "what color is the hat", "black" ], [ "what kind of bottle is there", "beer, maybe" ], [ "what brand is it", "can't tell" ], [ "is the backpack full", "yes" ], [ "what color is the backpack", "blue" ] ]
man and woman standing up playing a video game
[ [ "is this scene in a living room", "yes" ], [ "can the television be seen", "no" ], [ "are the people playing wii", "yes" ], [ "does the woman have eyeglasses", "no" ], [ "what hand is she holding the controller", "right" ], [ "what color is the man's hair", "brown" ], [ "are they smiling", "the woman more than the man" ], [ "is this daytime or nighttime", "day" ], [ "is there a table nearby", "yes" ], [ "what color is the man's shirt", "light tan yellow" ] ]
a woman and 2 children are inside their living room
[ [ "are they young", "yes" ], [ "same or opposite sex", "opposite" ], [ "age of boy", "8 or so" ], [ "age of girl", "maybe 11" ], [ "are they playing", "1 is watching something off camera, and the other is hidden by the dog, so i can't see what she's doing" ], [ "color of dog", "tan" ], [ "are they sitting on something", "the floor" ], [ "are they having fun", "they seem very quiet and subdued" ], [ "carpet floor", "hard to tell, but i think so" ], [ "is it daytime", "not sure" ] ]
a man playing tennis outside and wearing a red shirt
[ [ "what race is the man", "caucasian" ], [ "how old does he look", "around 18" ], [ "any other people", "only him is visible" ], [ "what is he wearing", "polo shirt and shorts" ], [ "is it day or night", "daytime" ], [ "is he on a court", "yes" ], [ "any trees", "no, only grass" ], [ "what color court", "green" ], [ "is there a fence", "0 visible" ], [ "is it sunny", "could be" ] ]
man standing in front of his cell phone staring at the screen
[ [ "how old is man", "looks about mid 30s" ], [ "what is he wearing", "red short sleeved shirt" ], [ "do he have glasses", "no" ], [ "what color hair", "dark" ], [ "is he balding", "no" ], [ "what kind of phone", "looks like smartphone" ], [ "what is on screen", "can't see screen" ], [ "is he upset", "don't think so, but can only see his eyes" ], [ "any more people", "no" ], [ "anything else going on", "no" ] ]
a man holding a horses reins while an old couple poses in front of him
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "what race is the man", "they are white" ], [ "what color is the horse", "dark brown" ], [ "is it wearing a saddle", "no" ], [ "is the man on the horse", "no" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "1 is wearing a jacket" ], [ "what is the lady wearing", "a long sleeve" ], [ "is the couple smiling", "yes" ], [ "can you see a camera", "no" ], [ "what color is the lady's hair", "white" ] ]
a boudoir dresser with a mirror and various toiletries and vanity products
[ [ "is there a chair", "part of 1" ], [ "is it lighted", "the room is" ], [ "is it old", "not really" ], [ "is there a brush", "a makeup brush" ], [ "is there a comb", "no" ], [ "is it cluttered", "not really" ], [ "are all of the products modern", "mostly" ], [ "is there hair spray", "no" ], [ "is it in a bedroom", "i think so" ], [ "would you own this furniture", "it's pretty, but probably too expensive" ] ]
a picture of an orange with a black background
[ [ "is the orange sliced", "no" ], [ "is this a painting", "no" ], [ "is it black and white", "no" ], [ "is the orange on a plate", "no" ], [ "is there a knife", "no" ], [ "what is the black background anything special", "no - i think like a blank photo studio background" ], [ "is the orange on a table", "can't tell" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "is this inside", "i think so" ], [ "is the room well lit", "not really" ] ]
a fire hydrant on the ground near some bushes
[ [ "is the paint chipping", "it's in good condition" ], [ "how many bushes", "can't tell some shrubs" ], [ "do the bushes have flowers", "no flowers on the bush" ], [ "any vehicles", "no vehicles, close up pic" ], [ "any grass", "no grass around some rocks" ], [ "is the fire hydrant red", "there are 2 grey ones" ], [ "are the bushes green", "yes leaves are green" ], [ "does the fire hydrant have a chain on it", "no chain but looks to be working condition" ], [ "is the cap on it where the hose attaches", "actually, yes there are chains" ], [ "can you see the sky", "no sky just grass" ] ]
a man and his skateboard are outside near a low seat height ledge
[ [ "is the man alone", "yes he is" ], [ "how old does he look", "about 16 years" ], [ "is he wearing a shirt", "yes, a white 1" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "no, pant" ], [ "is the shirt long sleeves", "no, a t shirt" ], [ "what color are the pants", "dark gray" ], [ "long hair or short", "short on the sides and slightly long on top" ], [ "is it day time", "yes, it is sunny" ], [ "are there clouds", "no clouds, clear skies" ], [ "is this a nice setting", "it's a skatepark" ] ]
a man riding a skateboard on top of a sidewalk
[ [ "how old is the man", "teenager" ], [ "is this a color image", "yes" ], [ "what is the teenager wearing", "purple t shirt, grey pants" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "white" ], [ "do you see other people", "yes" ], [ "is this in a skate park", "no, on a sidewalk" ], [ "are there other people with skateboards", "2 other kids" ], [ "do you see any signs that you are able to read", "no" ], [ "is there traffic", "yes, parked downtown" ], [ "what else can you tell about this image", "a man and woman walking by" ] ]
a propeller powered airplane parked on the ground
[ [ "what color is the plane", "it's a black and white photo but it looks like it might be silver" ], [ "is there a pilot present", "0 that i can see" ], [ "is it on a field", "yes" ], [ "any people in the shot", "0" ], [ "any clouds in the sky", "the sky just looks white" ], [ "any numbers on the plane", "just some writing" ], [ "is this a 2 seater plane", "no, i'd say it seats more" ], [ "can you make the writing out", "it says \"united states air force\"" ], [ "is the propeller spinning", "no, they are all still" ], [ "is smoke coming from the plane", "no" ] ]
a close up of a bunk bed with a water bottle
[ [ "is the bed made", "yes, the bed is made" ], [ "what color are the sheets", "the color is royal blue" ], [ "is it a boys room", "it looks like a room on a ship" ], [ "can you see a window", "there's curtains covering something that might be a window" ], [ "what color are the curtains", "it's graying color" ], [ "is anything on the walls", "the walls are clean" ], [ "can you see anything to hold clothing", "the curtain is on a rod" ], [ "is there a closet", "i can't see a closet" ], [ "are there pillows", "i can't see any pillows from my viewing angle" ], [ "is there anything else shown", "there's a water bottle and some stuff on the bed" ] ]
a girl on the back of a motorcycle with a satellite dish
[ [ "is the girl driving the motorcycle", "no" ], [ "are they on a busy street", "no" ], [ "are the wearing helmets", "1 is" ], [ "is the satellite dish large", "yes" ], [ "what color is the helmet", "red black and white" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "do they appear to be in a us city", "no" ], [ "can you tell what brand the motorcycle is", "no" ], [ "are there other people in the picture", "no" ], [ "is it a large city", "no" ] ]
a group of young people sitting on couches
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "how many couches are there", "2" ], [ "how many people all together", "6" ], [ "are there 3 people on each couch", "no" ], [ "are there 2 people on 1 couch and 4 people on the other", "yes" ], [ "are they all women", "no" ], [ "how many are men", "3" ], [ "do they appear to be in a home", "yes" ], [ "is there other furniture in the room", "a table" ], [ "are there any pets visible", "no" ] ]
this living room has 2 different colored couches and a brown coffee table
[ [ "what color couches", "1 is solid brown, other is brown and cream patterned couch" ], [ "are they big", "standard size for couch" ], [ "are there any people on them", "no, there's nobody in room" ], [ "is living room clean", "yes" ], [ "any tv", "not that i can see" ], [ "anything in there", "some magazines on coffee table and remote" ], [ "what kind of magazines", "i can't tell they're too far away" ], [ "is remote big", "looks like universal or satellite remote" ], [ "how many magazines", "at least 3" ], [ "are there any windows", "yes" ] ]
a cat sitting next to a pair of legs on the ground
[ [ "how old is kitten", "i can't tell" ], [ "what is man wearing", "blue jeans" ], [ "is kitten striped", "no" ], [ "is man wearing shoes", "yes" ], [ "what kind of shoes", "new balance" ], [ "what color are shoes", "blue, gray and yellow" ], [ "does he have them fully laced up", "yes" ], [ "is he petting scratching kitten", "no" ], [ "are kitten's eyes open", "i can't tell" ], [ "is kitten's tail standing up", "no" ] ]
people inside a kitchen that has been draped in plastic
[ [ "how many people can you seen the picture", "2" ], [ "how many are male", "1" ], [ "are they painting the room", "yes" ], [ "what color are they painting the room", "white" ], [ "do they had paint on their clothing", "yes" ], [ "are they wearing hats", "no" ], [ "are they holding paintbrushes", "rollers" ], [ "can you see a paint pan", "no" ], [ "how old is the female", "24" ], [ "will color hair does she have", "blonde and black" ] ]
a dog appears to be reading a book with a full bookshelf behind him
[ [ "is the dog real", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "it's black and white" ], [ "can you tell the breed", "no, might be a mixed breed" ], [ "can you tell what book it's \"reading\"", "\"the marriage of true minds\" by stephen evans" ], [ "it is a hardcover or paperback", "paperback but larger than the typical paperback" ], [ "anything else significant in the picture", "there are a lot of books in the bookcase behind the dog" ], [ "how tall is the bookcase", "it goes beyond the image tall and wide" ], [ "is the dog facing the camera", "the dog is facing the book but his 1 eye is looking at the camera" ], [ "what is the book resting on", "the floor" ], [ "is it hardwood", "no, it's tile floor" ] ]
many horses and their owners travel on a path
[ [ "how many horses are in picture", "3" ], [ "are they holding something", "yes" ], [ "what are they holding", "baskets" ], [ "is there something in baskets", "can't tell" ], [ "where are horses", "on land" ], [ "are there any people in this picture", "yes" ], [ "how many people are in picture", "1" ], [ "is it man or woman", "man" ], [ "is he close to horses", "no" ], [ "is there water in picture", "yes" ] ]
a man adjusts his helmet before riding his motorcycle
[ [ "what color is the helmet", "black" ], [ "how old is the man", "i can't tell maybe middle aged" ], [ "what color is the motorcycle", "hard to tell maybe silver" ], [ "is the outside", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "yes" ], [ "does the man have on pants", "i can't see below his waist" ], [ "does he have a beard", "no" ], [ "is there trees outside", "yes" ], [ "is he in front of his house", "yes" ], [ "what color is his house", "tan" ] ]
a computer table is cluttered with computer screens and a keyboard
[ [ "what color is deck", "it is brown" ], [ "is deck outside or inside", "inside" ], [ "what kind of computer parts to do you see", "i see monitors, keyboard, mouse, and speakers" ], [ "what color is walls", "it is white" ], [ "what color are computer parts", "some are black and silver, and others are white" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "what else is there", "there are several things here pens, paper, cups, and scissors to name fessor" ], [ "are there cords", "yes" ], [ "what color cups", "white" ], [ "are they plastic", "yes" ] ]
children fly colorful animal shaped kites on a grassy hill
[ [ "are there many children", "yes" ], [ "are there adults", "yes" ], [ "are there too many people to count", "yes" ], [ "is this a large hill", "yes" ], [ "is it grassy", "yes" ], [ "can you see any clouds", "0 at all" ], [ "is the sky blue", "yes" ], [ "are the kites any specific shapes", "they are different animal shapes" ], [ "are any fish", "yes, there are many octopus's" ], [ "any cows", "0" ] ]
a woman smiling and talking on a cell phone
[ [ "is the woman smiling", "yes" ], [ "is she young", "probably in her 20's" ], [ "is she talking on the phone", "yes" ], [ "what color is the phone", "it looks like it is black and silver" ], [ "does she look annoyed or smiling", "she is smiling" ], [ "what is she wearing", "a t-shirt and a jacket" ], [ "is she wearing any glasses", "no" ], [ "what color jacket", "black" ], [ "is she alone", "no" ], [ "is it sunny where she is", "not that i can tell" ] ]
man on a cobblestone area, doing a wheelie on his bike
[ [ "is the man young or old", "hard to tell he has a helmet on and it's dark" ], [ "what color is his bike", "white" ], [ "are other people nearby", "no" ], [ "are the streetlights on", "1 is" ], [ "what color is the man's helmet", "black and white" ], [ "is he wearing gloves", "yes" ], [ "does he have shorts on", "pants" ], [ "are any buildings nearby", "looks like it a lot of lights" ], [ "are there any cars around", "no" ], [ "do you see any traffic lights", "no" ] ]
a zebra standing on a dirty ground in front of a forest
[ [ "is this a zoo or the wild", "xoo" ], [ "is there only 1 zebra", "yes only 1" ], [ "is this a wooded area", "not really" ], [ "does the zebra appear clean", "very clean" ], [ "is there a water source", "no just land" ], [ "any trees", "in the background" ], [ "is it sunny", "very sunny" ], [ "are there any people", "nope" ], [ "can you see a fence", "no fence is visible" ], [ "is the zebra small, big or average sized", "big and fat" ] ]
a couple of different types of breads and foods
[ [ "is table wooden", "indeed it is" ], [ "what color is table", "light brown" ], [ "is bread full loaf or sliced", "full loaf" ], [ "is food on dish", "1 type is, rest are not" ], [ "what kind of fruits are there", "just apples for fruit" ], [ "what kind of vegetables", "broccoli, mushrooms, garlic, and potato" ], [ "is there any people around", "no people can be seen" ], [ "are vegetables cooked", "not yet" ], [ "is this inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "is room large", "unclear" ] ]
square white plate filled with sushi and vegetables
[ [ "any people there", "no" ], [ "what veggies are there", "yes" ], [ "are there carrots", "no" ], [ "is the plate glass", "yes" ], [ "any chopsticks", "no" ], [ "any napkins", "no" ], [ "does this look like a restaurant", "yes" ], [ "is there a table", "yes" ], [ "what color table", "brown" ], [ "any placemats", "no" ] ]
the neck and head of a giraffe in trees
[ [ "is this in a zoo", "i can't tell" ], [ "is there just the 1 animal", "yes" ], [ "does it look like he is eating leaves", "no" ], [ "does it look like an adult giraffe", "yes" ], [ "are there multiple trees around", "yes" ], [ "are they are leafy", "no" ], [ "is it daylight", "yes" ], [ "are there any people in the scene", "no" ], [ "can you see fencing", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a large clock on a stone wall of a building
[ [ "is clock circle", "yes it is" ], [ "is it on wall", "yes" ], [ "is it only thing on wall", "there are 2 windows above it" ], [ "what color is clock", "black with gold numerals" ], [ "are windows open", "they are not" ], [ "do windows have curtains", "no they have bars across them" ], [ "is clock broken", "no" ], [ "are numbers or roman numerals", "roman numerals" ], [ "is clock pretty", "yes very" ], [ "would you want this clock in your house", "yes" ] ]
a clear umbrella is sitting on the ground next to bicycles
[ [ "what type of clear is it, a transparent yellow or red maybe", "transparent" ], [ "so it's not hued to any color", "no, clear like a window" ], [ "it was discarded", "appears to be" ], [ "no people are nearby", "0 are seen" ], [ "how many bikes are there", "there are 4 front tires shown, so 4 bikes" ], [ "is it at all possible that 4 people on bikes were chasing after a really fast person with an umbrella, and then when they ran off the path, the bike riders jumped off their rides, and scrambled after our umbrella wielding friend, who dropped the tool i", "it is possible, but their bikes would probably be more out of order than what they are" ], [ "ooh, that's a really good point, so you're saying that this was staged", "i'm more than certain it was premeditated in that case" ], [ "is the ground even wet", "2 spots are defined by darkness so in places the ground is wet" ], [ "but you can't say that it's been raining lately", "there is probably sprinklers around that aren't shown" ], [ "i feel like a fool, is this picture so obviously set up", "indeed it appears to be" ] ]
a airplane that is sitting on a tarmac
[ [ "hi, is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "can you any writing on the plane", "yes on 1 of the planes" ], [ "what does it say", "n4658w" ], [ "how many airplanes are on the tarmac", "2" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "is there a building behind the planes", "no" ], [ "what color are the planes", "white" ], [ "does either appear to be rolling or are they definitely parked", "rolling" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yea" ], [ "what directions are the planes facing", "east" ] ]
a bathroom with an extensive amount of writing on the wall
[ [ "what color is the wall", "black and white" ], [ "what does it say", "can't tell, there's a ton of writing and they're very small" ], [ "can you see any fixtures", "no" ], [ "how can 1 tell it's a bathroom", "there's a toilet, you can see a small part of the shower and a small part of the bathroom vanity" ], [ "what color is the writing", "black" ], [ "what color is the toilet", "white" ], [ "can you see a shower curtain", "no, it's a glass door" ], [ "is there anyone in the shower", "no" ], [ "is there anyone in the picture", "no" ], [ "is there anything on the vanity", "yes a basket and a camera" ] ]
a dining room has a booth with green seats
[ [ "are there other booths", "no" ], [ "does it look like a restaurant", "yes" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is there any food visible", "no" ], [ "is there a table with the booth", "yes" ], [ "what color is the table", "wood natural" ], [ "are there any windows", "no" ], [ "what color are the walls", "like ash wood" ], [ "are there any photos or decorations on the wall", "there are fancy murals on the wall" ], [ "are the floors carpet or tile", "tile" ] ]
some people and some outdoor shops and a person riding a motorcycle
[ [ "how many people are shown", "2 on motorcycle, too many to count in background" ], [ "is person on motorcycle man or woman", "1 man 1 woman" ], [ "are people on motorcycle wearing helmets", "man is" ], [ "what kinds of shops are shown", "they are tents in market" ], [ "is motorcycle on street or on sidewalk", "street" ], [ "can you tell what they are selling in any of tents", "no" ], [ "what color are tents", "beige" ], [ "can you see vendors", "no" ], [ "are people milling about at this market", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny day", "yes" ] ]
2 women are playing video games while another 1 watches
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "about what age are the women", "maybe 40s" ], [ "are they standing or sitting", "standing" ], [ "are they holding remotes", "yes" ], [ "are the remotes white", "yes" ], [ "can you see the tv", "no" ], [ "do you see a sofa", "no" ], [ "any chairs", "no" ], [ "what color are the walls", "green" ], [ "any windows visible", "no" ] ]
a public restroom toilet has been photographed in sepia
[ [ "is it a white room", "yes" ], [ "can you see how clean it is", "it is somewhat clean but toilet paper is on the floor" ], [ "what color is the floor", "it's hard to tell because of how the photo is colored" ], [ "can you see the toilet", "yes" ], [ "is it clean", "yes" ], [ "is the lid up", "no" ], [ "can you see a sink", "no" ], [ "can you see a wall", "yes" ], [ "are they clean", "yes" ], [ "are the walls white", "yes" ] ]
a man is sitting down with beer and pizza
[ [ "can you see the man", "correct" ], [ "is he in a restaurant", "i think so" ], [ "does he have a beard", "kind of" ], [ "how many slices of pizza are there", "i see 2 large ones" ], [ "are there any toppings", "veggies, tomato sauce and etc" ], [ "does it look like a light or dark beer", "light" ], [ "is it in a glass", "correct" ], [ "what color is the plate", "white" ], [ "is it a paper plate", "no" ], [ "does he have any napkins", "no" ] ]
a kitty cat rests upon someone's stowed work shoes
[ [ "what color is the cat", "yellow tabby" ], [ "what color are the work shoes", "brown" ], [ "where do the shoes seem to be \"stowed\"", "near the door" ], [ "is the cat awake or sleeping", "awake" ], [ "what color eyes does the cat have", "green" ], [ "is it wearing a collar", "yes" ], [ "do the shoes appear well-worn or are the newer", "well-worn" ], [ "what color is the cat's collar", "blue" ], [ "can you see the floor", "yes" ], [ "what is the floor made of", "wood" ] ]
2 plates are holding pieces of cheese pizza
[ [ "are the plates metallic", "looks like paper plate" ], [ "plates are round in shape", "yes" ], [ "is the pizza full", "it's egg omelets cut into triangles" ], [ "are there any people nearby", "no" ], [ "can you see any table", "yes" ], [ "any chairs visible", "no" ], [ "is it wooden table", "looks to be granite dark gray white specks" ], [ "do you see any fork knife", "no" ], [ "is the pizza packed in box", "on plates" ], [ "any sauce bottles visible", "yes" ] ]
the cat rests inside a refrigerator next to bottled water
[ [ "does the cat look cold", "it's curled up so most likely" ], [ "do you see anything else in the refrigerator", "a lot of water bottles, lots of beer" ], [ "is the refrigerator open or closed", "open" ], [ "is this look like in a kitchen room", "can't tell, it's a close up" ], [ "does the cat looks like it want to get out", "no" ], [ "how big is the refrigerator", "i can only see 2 shelves and the bottom shelf, maybe 2 feet by 2 feet" ], [ "what color is the cat", "gray and brown" ], [ "how big is the cat", "it's balled up but it looks like it's taking the same space as 4-5 water bottles" ], [ "is the cat sleeping or awake", "sleeping" ], [ "is the refrigerator look clean", "yes" ] ]
a bunch of bananas and oranges sitting on a counter
[ [ "are they in a bowl", "no" ], [ "how many oranges", "5" ], [ "how many bananas", "7" ], [ "are they ripe", "no" ], [ "can you see people", "no" ], [ "are there other foods", "no" ], [ "is this a restaurant", "no" ], [ "can you see any knives", "no" ], [ "any dishes at all", "no" ], [ "what color is the counter", "brown" ] ]
a horse drawn carriage traveling away fro ma very large cathedral
[ [ "how many horses", "i see 2" ], [ "what color is the carriage", "it's a white carriage" ], [ "is there a driver", "there are 2 people in front, 1 is driving" ], [ "day or night", "daytime" ], [ "is it sunny out", "no, overcast" ], [ "is the driver wearing a hat", "yes he is" ], [ "can you see trees", "no trees" ], [ "can you see street lights", "no" ], [ "are there people near the cathedral", "i can see people in the distance, yes" ], [ "is the street busy", "with people" ] ]
kids are eating pizza at a kids party
[ [ "how many kids are there", "3" ], [ "are there any other people around", "there are a few in the background" ], [ "what type of pizza is it", "cheese" ], [ "are there any drinks", "juice boxes" ], [ "is this party at a restaurant", "i don't think so" ], [ "are the kids standing up or sitting down", "sitting" ], [ "are they eating the pizza", "0 of them are taking a bite" ], [ "can you tell what time of the day it is", "no" ], [ "is it a nice looking place", "it looks like a plain room, not very fancy" ], [ "do the kids look like they are enjoying it", "they look happy to be at the party" ] ]
a girl in a green shirt and striped green socks playing softball
[ [ "what time of day is it", "daytime" ], [ "is a softball team visible", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "are any clouds in the sky", "can't see the sky" ], [ "how old is the girl", "maybe 12" ], [ "is she wearing a hat", "helmet" ], [ "is she wearing pants", "yes" ], [ "is she wearing shoes", "yes" ], [ "how many shoes is she wearing", "2" ], [ "what color are they", "black and white" ] ]
a photo of a barn in a yellow field
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "are there animals", "a few birds on a powerline" ], [ "what color is the barn", "brick red" ], [ "is there a door on the barn", "yes" ], [ "is there a fence surrounding the barn", "no, just 1 around the pasture" ], [ "is there hay", "no" ], [ "are there trees", "yes" ], [ "is there grass", "yes" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
cattle in india stand at the banks of the water
[ [ "is there more than 1 cattle", "yes" ], [ "roughly how many", "10 or more" ], [ "what color are they", "brown and white" ], [ "is there a fence near them", "no fence they are on a beach" ], [ "what color is the sand", "tan" ], [ "does it appear to be a sunny day", "yes" ], [ "is the water blue or dark and murky", "seems blue" ], [ "do you see clouds of birds in the sky", "its hazy no birds" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "is there a cattle laying down by the water", "1" ] ]
a yummy pizza is fresh out of the oven
[ [ "is the pizza large or small", "large" ], [ "what is it sitting on", "a table" ], [ "what color is the table", "it's wooden" ], [ "is it in a home or restaurant", "a restaurant" ], [ "is the pizza on a tray or plate", "a pizza stone" ], [ "any people", "1 the pizza maker" ], [ "is there a knife", "no" ], [ "is there a pizza cutter", "no" ], [ "what gender is the pizza maker", "judging by the backside, i would say male" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "i can't see his head" ] ]
a small passenger airplane parked off the landing strip with a building and cargo equipment in the background
[ [ "do you see any people", "in the background i think 1 worker" ], [ "do you see any lettering on the plane", "yes" ], [ "can you read it", "n2709j" ], [ "do you see any signs", "far in the background, i think there is a klm airlines sign on a truck and other cargo" ], [ "what color is the plane", "white with maroon underside and lining" ], [ "what color is the building", "the building in front is a light blue with some type of windproof dark blue covering and there is a large white building in the background" ], [ "does the cargo equipment have any cargo on it", "i can't really see any cargo" ], [ "do you see any trees or plants", "yes a few bushes in the background and very little grass" ], [ "can you see the sky is it an overcast day", "i can't see the sky, but it looks like it is" ], [ "can you tell if the worker is wearing a uniform", "yes" ] ]
a herd of giraffe running down a hill
[ [ "can you see people", "no i cannot" ], [ "inside or out", "outside" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "are there animals", "yes there are a herd of giraffes" ], [ "what color are they", "they are in the distance, so i cannot tell for sure" ], [ "all adult giraffes", "i think so, they are all pretty big" ], [ "are they on grass", "yes" ], [ "is it flat", "no, they are on top of a hill" ], [ "are they eating", "no all of their necks are up" ], [ "are they looking at the camera", "i am not sure, they are all pretty far away" ] ]
the computer desk in the office is in front of a window
[ [ "what color is the desk", "white" ], [ "is it large or small", "it's really a table not very long" ], [ "what color is the computer", "black" ], [ "is it a flat screen", "yes" ], [ "is there a keyboard", "yes" ], [ "what color", "black" ], [ "is there a mouse", "yes" ], [ "is it wired or wireless", "wired" ], [ "any other items on the desk", "yes a laptop, a pencil sharpener, pen holder, and something i can't fully see" ], [ "what color laptop", "silver" ] ]
a graffiti defaced utility module on an urban sidewalk
[ [ "is the module large", "it is about 6 foot tall and 2 feet wide" ], [ "what was the original color", "grey" ], [ "is the graffiti colorful", "no, it is white in color only" ], [ "is it just writing", "yes, fancy writing and symbols" ], [ "can you see people", "yes, 3 in the foreground and more in the back" ], [ "can you see cars", "no" ], [ "can you see buildings", "yes, the module is against a brick building" ], [ "does this look to be in a large city", "yes" ], [ "can you see grass", "no" ], [ "can you see any plants", "no" ] ]
a plate of half eaten desert on a concrete ledge
[ [ "what type of cake is it", "i think red velvet" ], [ "is there fork next to it", "yes" ], [ "what is shape of plate", "round" ], [ "are there any people", "no people" ], [ "what color is ledge", "light gray" ], [ "is cake partially eaten", "i think so, but it's hard to tell" ], [ "what is behind ledge", "cement wall" ], [ "any posters or flyers on wall", "nope" ], [ "any windows visible", "no windows" ], [ "is it dark and light out", "it seems overcast" ] ]
a bedroom with a futon, guitar and a wicker shelf
[ [ "is the room large or small", "small" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "what color is the futon", "grey" ], [ "is it large or small", "medium sized" ], [ "what color is the guitar", "brown" ], [ "is the shelf tall or short", "tall" ], [ "what color are the walls", "green" ], [ "can you see the bed", "the futon is on the bed frame" ], [ "any windows", "yes" ], [ "anything on the shelf", "yes, innumerable things" ] ]
a lightpost is littered with street signs and directionals
[ [ "is this in a city", "yes it is" ], [ "is it in the us", "can't tell" ], [ "an people", "no there isn't" ], [ "are the signs in english", "yes they are" ], [ "how many are there", "5 on a pole" ], [ "any buildings", "yes, 1" ], [ "is the pole wood", "no it isn't" ], [ "is this in the day", "yes it is" ], [ "can you see vehicles", "no" ], [ "what type of building it sit", "not sure" ] ]
4 mannequin wearing men wear in a photograph
[ [ "are they in a store", "not sure more like damage i" ], [ "are they wearing a tie", "1 is and one is wearing a bow tie" ], [ "are they wearing suits", "several" ], [ "how many mannequins are there", "4" ], [ "do they have heads", "no" ], [ "where are the mannequins", "in a ad" ], [ "is this a magazine", "possibly" ], [ "where is the magazine", "not sure" ], [ "is it on a table", "no" ], [ "can you see chairs", "no" ] ]
person with white hair working on laptop in the kitchen
[ [ "is the person female", "no" ], [ "is their hair long", "chin length" ], [ "are they wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "what about a hat", "no" ], [ "can you see the laptop screen", "yes" ], [ "what brand is the computer", "looks like macbook" ], [ "is the counter granite", "no" ], [ "can you see the stove", "no" ], [ "is the floor tile", "no" ], [ "is there a backsplash", "no" ] ]
a man with a dog on his motorcycle wearing googles
[ [ "how old is the man", "his back is facing the camera" ], [ "what color is the dog", "yellow and black" ], [ "is the dog on the same seat as the man, or is he riding along the side", "the dog is laying with his front feet hanging off 1 side and the rear feet hanging off the other side in front of the man on the bike" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "do you see cars in the image", "no, there are a lot of motorcycles though" ], [ "do you see buildings in the background", "yes, there is a building behind the bikers" ], [ "can you see a street light", "no" ], [ "is the man wearing a helmet", "no he has a black bandana type head covering" ], [ "is the man wearing a leather jacket", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing jeans", "no, black leather pants" ] ]
a dinner plate with green beans, peas and a quiche
[ [ "what color is the plate", "white" ], [ "are there any utensils", "a fork" ], [ "is there any rice on the plate", "there is no rice" ], [ "is this in the kitchen", "it looks like a restaurant or a dining room" ], [ "what kind of quiche", "broccoli and cheese" ], [ "is the room well lit", "yes" ], [ "do you see any people", "there are no people here" ], [ "does the food look good", "yes, but there are way more beans and peas" ], [ "are there any napkins", "no" ], [ "is there anything to drink", "i don't think so" ] ]
a pair of dogs laying down on a couch
[ [ "are these small dogs", "large" ], [ "what color are their fur", "1 is white 1 is brown" ], [ "are the dogs sleeping", "no" ], [ "are their heads up or down", "1 is" ], [ "which direction are the dogs looking", "at the camera" ], [ "is this inside or on a porch patio", "outside" ], [ "what color is the couch", "sorry i meant inside, it is white" ], [ "does the couch look reasonably comfortable to the dogs", "yes very" ], [ "are you able to see walls", "yes" ], [ "does it look like the dogs are in a living room", "yes" ] ]
a mattress in hay with a christmas tree in the back
[ [ "what size is bed", "looks like queen" ], [ "is there snow", "no there is not" ], [ "any people in image", "nope" ], [ "is bed made", "there is no sheets over mattress or box frame, but there are pillows on top" ], [ "are there presents visible", "no presents" ], [ "is tree lite", "yes it is" ], [ "night time or day time", "day time" ], [ "any other outdoor decorations", "nope just multiple trees" ], [ "is this wooded area", "no" ], [ "are other trees decorated", "yes same decorations" ] ]
a couch sitting in a living room between lamps
[ [ "what color is the couch", "brown" ], [ "what color are the lamps", "black" ], [ "are the lamps floor lamps", "no" ], [ "do the lamps have shades", "yes" ], [ "what color are the shades", "white" ], [ "are the lamps on a table", "yes" ], [ "what color are the tables", "brown" ], [ "is there anything else on the tables", "yes" ], [ "are the lamps turned on", "yes" ], [ "is the room well lit", "yes" ] ]
a man in a kitchen smiles holding a large drink lid
[ [ "is it indoors", "yes" ], [ "can you see outside", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "i can't tell" ], [ "is it the evening", "i can't see outside" ], [ "can you see the sink", "yes" ], [ "can you see dishes", "no" ], [ "can you see a window", "no" ], [ "is there a curtain", "no" ], [ "how old is the man", "in his 30s i think" ], [ "is he cooking", "no" ] ]
a young girl standing on a skateboard in a parking lot
[ [ "how old does the girl appear to be", "10" ], [ "what is she wearing", "white shirt blue jeans ,helmet" ], [ "is the helmet fastened on her head", "yes" ], [ "is she wearing any safety pads", "no" ], [ "is the parking lot full of vehicles", "not completely empty" ], [ "are the girls feet on the skateboard", "yes" ], [ "what size is the skateboard", "large for full grown people" ], [ "what is the girl looking at", "the cameraman" ], [ "is she smiling", "no" ], [ "what would you say is her facial expression", "she looks scared" ] ]
2 men jumping up and pushing each other to get a frisbee
[ [ "are they on a field", "yes" ], [ "how old do they look", "maybe 30's" ], [ "what are they wearing", "shorts and t shirt" ], [ "what color shorts", "black" ], [ "what color shirts", "1 white and the other black" ], [ "any other people", "yes" ], [ "any grass", "yes" ], [ "what color", "green" ], [ "any trees", "yes" ], [ "what color is the frisbee", "white" ] ]
a decal of a skateboarding man is applied to the wall
[ [ "what color is the wall", "red brick" ], [ "can you tell what sort of room it is", "no, it is very close up" ], [ "is it inside our out, or can't you tell", "inside" ], [ "is the brickwork new or crumbling", "it looks pretty new" ], [ "what shape is the decal", "it looks fresh" ], [ "is it a new decal or looking old", "it looks newer" ], [ "is the decal a rectangle", "it is a silhouette of the man with a clear backing" ], [ "how many colors are in the decal", "1" ], [ "is the man doing a trick", "yes he is" ], [ "are his feet on the board", "yes" ] ]
a group of boys and girls playing soccer against each other
[ [ "how old are these boys and girls", "maybe 12 or 11" ], [ "are they playing in the grass", "yes" ], [ "do you see a goal line", "no" ], [ "can you see the ball", "yes i can" ], [ "what color are their uniforms", "1 team is orange, the other is blue" ], [ "what color is the ball", "white and gray" ], [ "more boys than girls", "no, 3 and 3" ], [ "sunny", "yes" ], [ "are they on a field or schoolyard", "looks like a field" ], [ "any adults around", "no" ] ]