2 children frolic in the surf of the ocean
[ [ "are the children the same gender", "yes" ], [ "what gender are they", "male" ], [ "how old do they appear to be", "8" ], [ "are they wearing swimming trunks", "i don't know, i only see part of their bodies" ], [ "are they wearing shirts", "no" ], [ "are there any other people around", "no" ], [ "can you see the children's faces", "yes" ], [ "any boats in the water", "no" ], [ "does the water look calm", "no, there are some waves" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
the surfer is carving on top of a nice wave
[ [ "is the surfer a male or female", "i can only see their backside, i don't know" ], [ "are they wearing a wetsuit", "no" ], [ "can you see a beach", "i see some land, but not a beach" ], [ "what color is the surfboard", "white, black and red" ], [ "are there other people in the picture besides the surfer", "no" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "no" ], [ "can you see clouds", "no" ], [ "is there anything else in the water besides the surfer and his surfboard", "no" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "maybe, i can't really tell though, he's not close" ] ]
a person holding his skateboard on he side of his leg
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes" ], [ "how old is the person", "can't tell can only see his hand, but not a young kid" ], [ "what is he wearing", "jeans is all i can see" ], [ "does he have facial hair", "i can't see his face" ], [ "what color are his shoes", "i can't see his shoes" ], [ "can you tell his race", "not exactly" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "white, green and black" ], [ "do you see anyone else", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
a truck parked on some dirt and mud in the mountains
[ [ "what color is the truck", "it is a red and rusty color" ], [ "are there any people in the photo", "no" ], [ "are there trees near the truck", "in the distance" ], [ "is this in the daytime or at night", "near evening" ], [ "does it seem like the truck is on a road", "it is parked in the dirt" ], [ "are there any rocks nearby", "a few really small rocks" ], [ "does the truck seem new or old", "looks quite old" ], [ "does it appear to be abandoned", "yes" ], [ "is the dirt very wet or is it dry", "it looks moist" ], [ "is there anything inside the truck that you can see", "no the windows are tinted" ] ]
a group of cross country skiiers are on a journey
[ [ "how many people", "about 8" ], [ "what are they wearing", "snow gear" ], [ "any helmets", "no" ], [ "any goggles", "not that i can see the view is from behind" ], [ "what color snow gear", "grey" ], [ "are they on a mountain", "a mountain is in view, but they are somewhat flat land" ], [ "is it snowing", "no" ], [ "any trees", "yes" ], [ "are they holding poles", "yes" ], [ "is it cloudy", "no" ] ]
a large group of people on skis with ski poles
[ [ "how many people", "8" ], [ "how old", "30's" ], [ "what are they wearing", "suits" ], [ "are they holding anything", "poles" ], [ "what is the weather like", "cold" ], [ "can you see any trees", "no" ], [ "are the people in the background", "no" ], [ "can you see a ski lift", "no" ], [ "are they on a mountain", "no" ], [ "is the sun out", "no" ] ]
a tall tower with a clock at the top of it
[ [ "is the tower made of brick", "yes, old stone brick" ], [ "is it old", "yes" ], [ "does the clock have numbers", "yes, all types" ], [ "are the hands metal", "yes" ], [ "what time is it", "to be honest there are so much going on in this clock i can't read it" ], [ "is it brightly colored", "yes somewhat, like blues, and greys and brown" ], [ "patterned", "yes, flowing as the time pieces work around it" ], [ "is it art", "no an actual clock, just really cool" ], [ "can you describe it", "has outside dial of military numbers, then inside dial of roman numerals and then marked off zones for the inside dial to roll around with the hands showing greek symbols" ], [ "very interesting the colors", "blue grey and brownish in the clock" ] ]
a woman playing with a cat while lying on the floor
[ [ "what color is the cat", "black with some white" ], [ "does it look like a kitten", "no" ], [ "is the woman holding a cat toy", "no" ], [ "is the woman sitting", "laying" ], [ "is she young or old", "25-35" ], [ "what color is her hair", "dark brown" ], [ "is her hair short or long", "it's in a bun" ], [ "are they on a rug or carpet", "carpet" ], [ "what color is the carpet", "green" ], [ "are there other people in the picture", "no" ] ]
a man in stripes is drinking from a flask
[ [ "is the man wearing a suit", "no" ], [ "does the man have on glasses", "no" ], [ "is the man a referee", "no" ], [ "what color is the flask", "looks like stainless steel" ], [ "what is the significance of the stripes", "he is just wearing a long sleeved shirt with a stripes pattern" ], [ "is the man wearing a hat", "no" ], [ "does the man have on a tie", "no" ], [ "is the man outside", "no, it looks like he is sitting on a charter bus" ], [ "anyone else in the picture", "yes, there is a man sitting next to him" ], [ "can you see the driver", "no, i cannot" ] ]
a man cuts a cake while children sit around at the table, looking on
[ [ "is it a birthday cake", "yes, it is a birthday cake" ], [ "what color is the cake", "the cake is green with colored frosting" ], [ "are there any pieces cut out", "no, the man is cutting the first piece" ], [ "is it a kids party", "yes, it is a kids party" ], [ "are there candles", "there are no candles on the cake" ], [ "how many kids", "there are 3 kids at the table" ], [ "is there only the 1 adult", "the is 1 adult in the picture" ], [ "how old does the man look", "the man appears to be about 25 years old" ], [ "is this image in color", "this image is in color" ], [ "is this outdoors", "the picture is taken indoors" ] ]
woman on couch takes a clock out of a box
[ [ "how old is woman", "in her 50's" ], [ "how is she dressed", "in dress" ], [ "what color hair", "blonde" ], [ "is clock large", "not overly large" ], [ "is clock digital", "no" ], [ "is box brown", "yes" ], [ "is it on table", "no, it is on her lap" ], [ "what kind of chair is she on", "she is sitting on couch" ], [ "does she appear to be in her home", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "can't tell from picture" ] ]
a man taking a selfie while lying on a bed
[ [ "how old is the man", "late 50s" ], [ "what color hair does he have", "salt pepper" ], [ "is his hair short or long", "short" ], [ "does he have facial hair", "no" ], [ "does he wear glasses", "no" ], [ "is his eyes open or closed", "open" ], [ "what color are his eyes", "dark" ], [ "is he laying on a pillow", "yes" ], [ "what color is the pillow", "grey blue" ], [ "what color is the blanket if he is using 1", "0" ] ]
a group of airplanes flying high up in the sky
[ [ "are these planes blue", "yes" ], [ "do the planes have yellow patterns designs on them", "yes" ], [ "are these planes the blue angels", "no" ], [ "how many planes are there", "4" ], [ "can you see any writing on the planes", "yes" ], [ "what does the writing say", "something crop dusting" ], [ "are these propeller planes", "yes" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "yes" ], [ "what kind of building is it", "barns" ], [ "what color are the barns", "red" ] ]
a girl in a defensive stance holding a tennis racquet
[ [ "what is woman wearing", "red sweatshirt and black pants" ], [ "what color is tennis racket", "red, blue, and yellow" ], [ "what color is her hair", "brown with tint of red" ], [ "is anyone else in picture", "no" ], [ "is she on tennis court", "yes" ], [ "is she serving", "no" ], [ "are there spectators", "no" ], [ "what's weather like", "i can't really tell" ], [ "are there trees", "no" ], [ "what color is court", "green" ] ]
a flower that is sitting inside of a vase on a table
[ [ "is there a flower", "yes" ], [ "which type can you tell", "i don't know flower types but it has petals kind of like a daisy" ], [ "what color", "red" ], [ "is the vase pretty", "not really, imho it's made to look like a tree stump with a cartoon monster leaning against it" ], [ "what color is the vase", "the tree stump part is brown and the monster part is white with a blue face and ten horns" ], [ "what color is the table", "i can't tell if it's a table or the floor but it looks like brown and white marble" ], [ "can you see any people around", "no" ], [ "is it indoors", "it looks like it" ], [ "can you tell if it's daytime", "can't tell" ], [ "any pattern on the vase", "the tree stump part has swirls and rings and the monster speaks for itself" ] ]
a vanity and sink are in a bathroom with a standup shower
[ [ "what color is the sink", "white" ], [ "is there a mirror", "yes there is" ], [ "are there any items on the sink", "just a really large house plant" ], [ "is it a 1 person shower", "it is a standing shower no tub" ], [ "are there shower curtains", "no glass doors" ], [ "do you see any towels", "no" ], [ "what color is the floor", "tan tile" ], [ "are there any people", "0 that i can see" ], [ "is a light on", "yes it is" ], [ "is there a toilet", "i can't see 1" ] ]
a young man is doing a skateboard trick
[ [ "what is the man wearing", "jeans and a red shirt" ], [ "long hair", "no,shaved" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "no" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "black" ], [ "is he in the air", "yes" ], [ "is anyone else there", "no" ], [ "is this a park", "no" ], [ "do you a street sign", "no" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "yes in the background" ], [ "do you see any trees", "yes" ] ]
an old style bath tub in a very small bath room
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "is the bathroom clean", "fairly" ], [ "what color are the walls", "beige" ], [ "are there any pictures on the wall", "no" ], [ "can you see the sink", "no" ], [ "is there a mirror", "no" ], [ "what color is the tub", "white with beige on outside-clawfoot tub" ], [ "are the floors tiled", "yes" ], [ "what color are the tiles", "dirty white" ], [ "is there a window", "no" ] ]
a train waits at the station for passengers to get on
[ [ "are there any people", "yes" ], [ "are there people loading or unloading", "no, they look like construction workers" ], [ "does train look like it is working train", "yes, but vintage" ], [ "what color is train if any", "green, tan and read" ], [ "are there any signs on train station", "not that i can see" ], [ "if it is loading area, what does it look like they load, or does it mean for loading people onto train", "it'a gray brick platform and yes it's for loading" ], [ "can you see train tracks", "little" ], [ "what is in background", "tree, brick buildings" ], [ "is sky visible", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny, rainy, cloudy", "sunny, but sky isn't blue" ] ]
white bird flying behind a brown horse in an open field
[ [ "is the bird large", "a bit, yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "seems like it hard to tell" ], [ "is this a farm", "seems like it due to the wired fence" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "any other animals", "no" ], [ "any buildings", "no" ], [ "is the horse pulling a wagon", "no" ], [ "any water", "no" ], [ "any trees", "no" ], [ "any grass", "no" ] ]
a mirror is reflecting a man standing next to a truck
[ [ "is the man young", "25-30" ], [ "what is the man ethnicity", "white" ], [ "what is he wearing for a shirt", "can't see it" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "beanie" ], [ "does he have a beard", "no" ], [ "what color is the beanie", "black" ], [ "what color is the truck", "white" ], [ "how many doors does the truck have", "2" ], [ "does it have a cab", "yes" ], [ "does it look new", "yes" ] ]
a man with a suitcase getting ready to climb onto a little plane
[ [ "what color is the suitcase", "black" ], [ "is the man old or young", "i can only see his back but probably old" ], [ "what color shirt does the man have", "can't tell wearing a jacket" ], [ "are there any other people", "i see part of 1 other" ], [ "is this at an airport", "probably real small airport" ], [ "are any other planets visible", "i see 1 other" ], [ "is this a commercial plane or a private plane", "i think commercial" ], [ "what colors are on the plane", "white, red, black" ], [ "are there a lot of windows on the plane", "i only see 2" ], [ "is it daytime or night", "day" ] ]
a group of people standing around a wet street holding umbrellas
[ [ "how many people are there", "a lot i cannot count them all estimate at 50" ], [ "how many are holding umbrellas", "about 20 or so" ], [ "is it raining", "yes" ], [ "are they on a sidewalk", "yes and also in the street" ], [ "do you see any cars", "no" ], [ "do you see street lights and signs", "i see many shop signs and shop lights but no street signs or lights" ], [ "does it appear to be a busy area", "yes" ], [ "is it night", "late afternoon" ], [ "can you see tall buildings", "no" ], [ "can you see any children", "no" ] ]
people standing on the corner by the fire truck that's connected to the fire hydrant
[ [ "is this picture black and white", "no" ], [ "so it is in color", "yes" ], [ "how many people are in it", "5" ], [ "are they all male", "yes" ], [ "are they all around the same age", "i can't tell" ], [ "are they fire men", "no" ], [ "can you see a fire", "no" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "are any of the men wearing hats", "no" ], [ "are there any animals", "no" ] ]
people standing and sitting on the beach on a partially cloudy day
[ [ "about how many people are there", "8" ], [ "is this in a park", "no" ], [ "how old do the people look", "can't tell" ], [ "where does this take place", "beach" ], [ "is it sunny", "can't tell the picture is black and white" ], [ "does it look like a tropical beach", "yes" ], [ "are the people dressed for warm weather", "yes" ], [ "can you see any animals", "no" ], [ "is anyone looking at the camera", "no" ], [ "do the people look happy", "can't see their faces" ] ]
a few employees in fluorescent vests look at a kennel
[ [ "what color are the vests", "orange" ], [ "how many employees are there", "3" ], [ "is there anything in the kennel", "hard to tell" ], [ "what gender are the employees", "women" ], [ "about what age are the women", "the 2 looks like in their 30 and the other maybe 40s" ], [ "are they indoors", "yes" ], [ "what ethnicity do the women appear to be", "hispanic" ], [ "are there more than 1 kennel", "there is only 1" ], [ "does this look like an animal shelter", "yes" ], [ "are there any windows visible", "yes" ] ]
statue of a hyena chasing a black and white zebra
[ [ "what color is the hyena", "brown" ], [ "does it have its mouth open", "yes" ], [ "can you see its fangs", "yes" ], [ "is its tongue hanging out", "no" ], [ "is the statue big", "actual size" ], [ "is it colorful", "no" ], [ "is the zebra realistic", "yes" ], [ "is it running", "in a running pose" ], [ "does the zebra look scared", "yes" ], [ "are there people there looking at it", "no" ] ]
a group of young men playing a game of frisbee
[ [ "are there many men", "yes" ], [ "are they all playing", "yes" ], [ "what color is the frisbee", "green and black" ], [ "are the men young", "mid age" ], [ "does it seem like they're enjoying", "yes" ], [ "is this outdoors", "yes" ], [ "is it in a park", "no" ], [ "is it in a field", "can't tell" ], [ "is it sunny", "no" ], [ "what time of day does it look", "daytime" ] ]
white and grey stone building with a clock jutting out the side
[ [ "is it an analog clock", "yes" ], [ "what time is it", "10:00" ], [ "are there people visible", "no" ], [ "is it day time", "yes" ], [ "is the clock white", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "are the markers on the clock black", "yes" ], [ "is it a brick building", "concrete" ], [ "can you what kind of building it is", "no" ], [ "can you see a street", "no" ] ]
a baseball player slides into a base and is tagged by a glove
[ [ "how many players do you see", "2 full players and 1 pair of legs" ], [ "is there an umpire", "no" ], [ "is this first base", "home" ], [ "do you think it's a pro game", "no" ], [ "what color uniform is person sliding in have on", "blue and grey" ], [ "are these players kids", "teens" ], [ "can you see people watching", "no" ], [ "is the plate white", "dirty but white yes" ], [ "is the glove brown", "yes" ], [ "is glove touching legs", "yes" ] ]
a skateboarder going down a cement ramp in a park
[ [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "is the skateboarder male or female", "male" ], [ "is he facing the camera", "no, looking down" ], [ "how old do you think he is", "young, 10" ], [ "what color is his skateboard", "bottom looks red" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "what color is the helmet", "grey" ], [ "are there other people", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing jeans", "no" ] ]
a red and blue fire hydrant sitting in a patch of grass next to a asphalt sidewalk
[ [ "is the hydrant red on the top or bottom", "bottom" ], [ "any other colors besides red and blue", "no" ], [ "is the grass long or short", "short" ], [ "any flowers", "no" ], [ "does the sidewalk look new or old", "new" ], [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "can you see any trees", "yes" ], [ "a lot or a few", "a lot" ], [ "any buildings", "no" ], [ "any dogs or cats", "no" ] ]
a young man sitting in front of a tv
[ [ "how old is the young man", "about 1" ], [ "what is he wearing", "i can't see, someone’s head is in the way" ], [ "what is he sitting on", "he is standing" ], [ "is the person in the way a female", "no" ], [ "is he standing on the floor", "yes" ], [ "can you see the television", "yes" ], [ "is the television a flat screen", "yes" ], [ "do you see any other people besides the 2", "no" ], [ "do you see a couch", "no" ], [ "what other furniture do you see", "just 2 chairs" ] ]
a man that is standing up with a cellphone
[ [ "what is the man wearing", "a navy colored hoodie with the letters usa" ], [ "is the phone up to his ear", "no he is taking a photo" ], [ "are there any other people around", "a few, 1 female and a male in the background" ], [ "is the indoor", "yes" ], [ "do they look like young adults or older", "young adults" ], [ "what color is the man's hair", "brown" ], [ "can you tell what he's taking a picture of", "some 1 is holding a small piece of paper in front of the phone" ], [ "what color is his cell phone", "it has a black case on it" ], [ "are there any windows", "no" ], [ "does he appear in a pleasant mod", "he has a half smile" ] ]
this is an empty train station with a green train
[ [ "is the train long", "no, it's short" ], [ "is this inside or outside", "outside" ], [ "is it day or night", "daytime" ], [ "any clouds", "i cannot see the sky" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "can you see a platform", "yes" ], [ "any trees", "a few" ], [ "what color is the platform", "it is concrete, so gray" ], [ "any grass", "small patches here and there" ], [ "can you see the tracks", "yes" ] ]
street light and tree in snow covered park at night
[ [ "is the street light on", "yes" ], [ "is the scene pretty", "very pretty" ], [ "can you see a bench", "yes" ], [ "does it look like a city", "yes" ], [ "is anything decorated for christmas", "no" ], [ "can you see a car", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is there any playground equipment", "no" ], [ "is it dark night or evening", "dark" ], [ "can you see light from the moon", "no" ] ]
a group of cyclists in rows on a wooded road
[ [ "how many riders are there", "bunch" ], [ "can you tell if they are male or female", "not really" ], [ "is this a professional event", "yes" ], [ "are there people watching them", "no" ], [ "are there trees in the photo", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny in the photo", "not really" ], [ "do the riders look happy", "can't see their faces" ], [ "is the road older or new", "new" ], [ "is the road elevated off the ground or level", "level" ], [ "is there a barrier on the side of the road", "no" ] ]
a small air plane on asphalt with a sky background
[ [ "what color is the plane", "white with red and blue stripes" ], [ "is it a military plane", "doesn't look like it" ], [ "are there any words on the plane", "no" ], [ "are there any numbers on the plane", "i can't see any" ], [ "are there any markings or logos on the plane", "no, it's a straight ahead view" ], [ "can you see the windows on the plane", "4" ], [ "are there propellers on the plane", "1 on the wing" ], [ "is there a pilot in the plane", "can't see 1" ], [ "is this an old plane", "no" ], [ "can you see both wings", "part of both" ] ]
a snowboarder mid trick up in the air
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "does it look like a professional took the photo", "could be professional or amateur" ], [ "is it day or night", "i'm not sure the background doesn't look real" ], [ "can you tell if it's a male or female", "i can't tell the person has stuff covering the face" ], [ "what color is the snowboard", "black, blue, red , green" ], [ "does the background not look real because the photo is altered", "it might be the background is white with black corners" ], [ "is the ground visible", "no" ], [ "any other people visible", "no" ], [ "what color is the snowsuit", "black and yellow" ], [ "what color are the snow boots", "i think they are black" ] ]
the guy wearing yellow shirts is riding a wave
[ [ "is this a close-up of the guy in the yellow shirt", "he's wearing yellow shorts not so close" ], [ "are there other surfers in the picture", "no" ], [ "is the wave really large", "yes" ], [ "is the day sunny or overcast", "sunny" ], [ "can you see the color of the surfboard", "no" ], [ "is the guy wearing a shirt at all", "yes" ], [ "what color is the shirt", "green" ], [ "what ethnicity is the guy", "hispanic i think" ], [ "are there animals in the picture like birds, etc", "no" ], [ "can you see a beach", "no" ] ]
a man swinging a baseball bat at a ball
[ [ "is this a baseball player", "yes, high school maybe" ], [ "is it a color photo", "yes" ], [ "how old", "maybe 19" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "red" ], [ "what color is his shirt", "red" ], [ "what color are his pants", "grey" ], [ "and his shoes", "black cleats" ], [ "is the bat wooden", "i think so, it's black" ], [ "can you see a number on the player", "yes i see a 4" ] ]
a person in black in the snow with ski poles
[ [ "is the person a male or female", "female" ], [ "how old does she look", "20s" ], [ "is she wearing goggles", "yes or sunglasses" ], [ "are there any other people", "only the shadow of the person taking the picture and her" ], [ "is this at a ski lodge", "no" ], [ "do you see any slopes", "yes downhill" ], [ "is it snowing in the picture", "she is going uphill" ], [ "how deep does the snow look", "about 4 or 5 inches" ], [ "is the sun shining", "yes" ], [ "what else do you see", "bare trees" ] ]
a giraffe nibbling on a tree at the zoo
[ [ "is there another giraffe nearby", "no" ], [ "do you see people", "no" ], [ "what do you see", "a giraffe nibbling on a tree at the zoo" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "a cloudy day" ], [ "is that all you see", "i see a gazebo behind the giraffe" ], [ "what color is the gazebo", "brown" ], [ "is it raining", "no" ], [ "what color is the giraffe", "orange and brown" ], [ "is the tree green or is it fall colors", "can't see the leafs, brown" ], [ "is it a baby giraffe", "adult giraffe" ] ]
plane landing on tarmac with buildings and sky
[ [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "can you see the logo on the plane", "no" ], [ "what color is the plane", "gray white and blue" ], [ "do you see the communication tower", "no" ], [ "is the tarmac lit", "no" ], [ "is it a passenger plane or cargo", "passenger" ], [ "how many engines does it have", "2" ], [ "do you see buildings", "yes" ], [ "how many buildings do you see", "10ish" ] ]
the snowboarder was leaping off some rocks onto the snow below
[ [ "how many people are in the picture", "2" ], [ "what are they doing", "snowboarding" ], [ "what color are their coats", "red and black and white" ], [ "are they wearing hats", "not sure" ], [ "are they moving", "yes" ], [ "does it look like they are moving fast", "maybe" ], [ "do they look like they are having fun", "yes" ], [ "is there a lot of snow", "yes" ], [ "does it look extremely cold", "no" ], [ "do they look like professionals", "no" ] ]
several vintage suitcases have been chained together
[ [ "are these suitcases indoors or outdoors", "can't really tell" ], [ "what is the dominant color of the suitcases", "brown or white" ], [ "are they chained with a huge chain or is it a small chain", "small chain" ], [ "are there people near the suitcases", "can't see any" ], [ "are there stickers on the suitcases", "0 that i can see" ], [ "do you think this is in an airport", "not sure, i think these might be display" ], [ "can you see a wall behind the suitcases", "no" ], [ "are the suitcases in a window like in a shop", "no on a cart" ], [ "what color is the cart", "dark metal" ], [ "can you tell how many suitcases there are", "4" ] ]
a man and a woman playing a game on the nintendo wii
[ [ "what game are they playing", "it looks like boxing" ], [ "how old are people", "man and woman are in their fifties" ], [ "do they just have \"remote\" or \"nunchuck\" attachments on controllers", "they have both" ], [ "do they look happy", "woman is smiling" ], [ "are people in house", "yes" ], [ "can you see sofa", "no" ], [ "can you see floor", "no" ], [ "what color are walls", "white" ], [ "how big is tv", "i can't see tv" ], [ "are there windows", "1" ] ]
a brown cow standing next to a metal fence
[ [ "how big is the cow", "average size" ], [ "is there anything on the other side of the fence", "just grass and hay" ], [ "what is the cow doing standing there", "yes standing" ], [ "is there any people", "no" ], [ "does this look like at a farm", "yes maybe" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no" ], [ "how many metal fence can you see", "1 large metal fence" ], [ "does the weather look sunny", "yes" ], [ "does the cow look like it hungry", "no" ], [ "is there grasses and trees", "grass, not trees" ] ]
a woman sits at a table eating a piece of cake
[ [ "is the woman alone", "yes" ], [ "is the table indoors", "yes" ], [ "is she in a restaurant", "yes" ], [ "what kind of cake is she eating", "look like a yellow cake with layers of fruit" ], [ "does the cakes look delicious", "yes" ], [ "is there a tablecloth on the table", "no" ], [ "does she have a beverage", "yes water" ], [ "is there ice in the water", "yes" ], [ "what is the woman wearing", "sleeveless top with a skirt" ], [ "does the restaurant seem fancy", "not really" ] ]
people are carrying teddy bears and some people are looking at something in car of a miniature train
[ [ "are the people in a store", "no, they're outside, standing on a miniature train track" ], [ "how many people are carrying teddy bears", "just 2 everyone else is looking into a mini train" ], [ "is there a train on the track", "yes, it's a small green 1 with an engineer and 1 car" ], [ "is there grass on the ground", "no, it's grey gravel" ], [ "how many people are looking at the train", "3" ], [ "are they all men", "no, 1 looks to be a teenage girl, bent over so we only see the back of her hair and butt" ], [ "are they dressed for summer time or winter", "the folks at the train all have long sleeves on, but the folks carrying the bears are wearing short sleeves, so it's hard to tell" ], [ "what color is the girl's hair", "it's a sort of muddy, river bank color of brownish black" ], [ "are the people carrying the bears male or female", "i think they're both male, but the 1 might just be a really unattractive female with a manly face" ], [ "what color are the bears", "they're all shades of brown, with 1 more yellow and another more whitish, and wearing a pink outfit" ] ]
orange and white train stopping to pick up passengers
[ [ "how many passengers", "3 that i see" ], [ "anything written on the train", "an m on the front" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "are any of the people wearing jackets", "no" ], [ "is it rainy", "no" ], [ "are any of the people carrying stuff", "yes" ], [ "what are they carrying", "maybe a purse" ], [ "what are the genders of the people", "2 male 1 female i think" ], [ "what color are their tops", "white" ], [ "any of the folks wearing a hat", "no" ] ]
a tall giraffe walking along a road next to a green field
[ [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "are there people around", "no" ], [ "is the road paved", "yes" ], [ "does the giraffe look scared", "no" ], [ "it seems calm to be talking down the road", "yes" ], [ "are there any cars", "1 car" ], [ "do you see trees", "yes" ], [ "what color is that car", "the inside is gray" ], [ "do the trees have leaves", "yes" ], [ "is the weather clear", "yes" ] ]
a woman with a painted face riding a skateboard indoors
[ [ "how old is the woman", "college aged" ], [ "what color hair does she have", "brown" ], [ "what is she wearing", "jeans and a tank top" ], [ "is she riding", "yes" ], [ "what color tank top", "black" ], [ "is her face painted", "yes" ], [ "what colors", "black and white" ], [ "does it look like an animal or something", "like a skull" ], [ "what color hair does she have", "brown" ], [ "is it long", "shoulder length" ] ]
a plate of cake dessert with raspberry sauce
[ [ "what color is the plate", "white" ], [ "is the plate glass or plastic", "ceramic" ], [ "does the cake have any regular frosting on it", "no" ], [ "is there a lot of sauce or just a tiny bit", "tiny" ], [ "is there a fork near the plate", "no" ], [ "are there any actual raspberries on the cake", "yes" ], [ "what flavor does the cake appear to be", "vanilla" ], [ "is there a sprig of mint on top of the cake", "no" ], [ "is it a full cake or just a piece", "piece" ], [ "is there anything to drink nearby", "no" ] ]
a motorcycle going down a street very fast
[ [ "what color is the motorcycle", "black with a little bit of green and white" ], [ "is the driver wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "what color is the helmet", "white" ], [ "are there other people in the picture", "no" ], [ "is it obvious the motorcycle is going very fast", "yes" ], [ "are there other vehicles in the image", "no" ], [ "is the motorcycle kind of blurry", "a little bit, but the surroundings is very blurry" ], [ "is the street paved", "yes" ], [ "are there any trees in the picture", "yes" ], [ "can you see the sky in the image", "yes" ] ]
a pie o bananas on a table top for sale
[ [ "is this table inside", "i really can't tell" ], [ "are there pies on this table", "just bananas" ], [ "is there a tablecloth on the table", "no" ], [ "is this just a pile of bananas on the table", "yes" ], [ "are the bananas green or yellow", "yellow" ], [ "is there any signs", "philippines bananas" ], [ "is this a big table", "long" ], [ "does it say the price anywhere", "2 dollars" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see any other fruit", "no" ] ]
a lit bathroom with a sink in it
[ [ "can you see a tub", "no" ], [ "is there a window", "yes" ], [ "can you see outside", "yes a little" ], [ "are there towels is it daytime", "no towels, yes daytime" ], [ "is the water running in the sink", "no it isn’t" ], [ "is there toothbrushes and toothpaste", "no and no" ], [ "what color is the sink", "it is white with a brown vanity" ], [ "what color are the walls", "the walls are gray" ], [ "is there a mirror", "yes" ], [ "can you see a reflection", "eyes, of the window" ] ]
man in a uniform holding a glass standing by a wall
[ [ "what kind of uniform", "looks like a mock military" ], [ "is the glass empty or full", "half full" ], [ "what’s in it", "alcohol looks like bourbon" ], [ "with or without ice", "i don't think there is ice" ], [ "is there anything on the wall", "a fire exit sign" ], [ "is he wearing green", "the main uniform is olive drab" ], [ "does he have badges", "there is 1 on the sleeve, but it's folded and you can't see what it says" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "yes, a military style hat" ], [ "is his hair cut short under it", "his hair is a bit shaggy" ], [ "does he have a beard", "facial hair" ] ]
a couple of bags, cases and other luggage inside a cart
[ [ "is there anyone near the cart", "no" ], [ "does it look like it is in an airport", "not really" ], [ "how many bags are there", "3" ], [ "what color are the bags", "blue grey black" ], [ "what color is the cart", "it looks more like the inside of a boat" ], [ "so is it outside", "no inside the boat" ], [ "can you see out any windows", "yes" ], [ "does it look sunny out", "yes" ], [ "what color are the walls", "white" ], [ "what color is the floor", "black" ] ]
a man and a woman walking on a golf course
[ [ "how old are people", "looks to be young woman 20's maybe and older man" ], [ "are they both male or female", "1 male, 1 female" ], [ "is it sunny or cloudy", "hard to tell but man has umbrella" ], [ "are they wearing caps or hats", "they both have on caps" ], [ "what color is umbrella", "umbrella is grey" ], [ "can you see some trees", "there is 1 tree in background" ], [ "do you see golf course holes", "i can see 1 hole" ], [ "is there golf cart", "no" ], [ "are they done playing golf", "they look as if they just finished this hole" ], [ "is female her daughter", "no" ] ]
a man and woman sitting next to each other at a restaurant, holding glasses of wine
[ [ "how many people are in picture", "5" ], [ "what are their genders", "3 males and 2 females" ], [ "what are they doing", "main 2 in front are posing for picture while holding up wine glasses, white 3 people in background" ], [ "how old are people with wine glasses", "they appear to be in their late twenties" ], [ "inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "what color is wine", "red" ], [ "what are they wearing", "he is wearing typical jersey type shirt with kangol brand hat she is wearing what appears to be black and white print sundress" ], [ "is location nice", "yes it is" ], [ "are they smiling", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime or nighttime", "daytime" ] ]
a stop sign with a foreign language on it
[ [ "what color is sign", "red with white lettering" ], [ "is it stop sign", "appears to be, do not know if word says stop" ], [ "what language do you think it is", "perhaps french" ], [ "how many letters are there", "5" ], [ "is street visible", "yes" ], [ "are there cars on it", "no" ], [ "are there pedestrians", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "what is weather like", "sunny and clear" ], [ "is sign on post", "yes" ] ]
a young kid with a helmet is up for bat in a game of baseball
[ [ "how old is girl", "about 4" ], [ "what color clothing is she wearing", "blue shirt gray pants" ], [ "is she wearing hat", "yes pink 1" ], [ "is there catcher at plate", "no" ], [ "is she playing tee ball", "no" ], [ "are there any other people in image", "yes spectators" ], [ "can you see if it's grassy", "not just dirt" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "yes it is" ], [ "is bat plastic", "yes" ], [ "what color is bat", "it is pink" ] ]
a person on a skateboard jumping in the horse
[ [ "is a person is on a skateboard jumping a horse", "yes" ], [ "is the image in color", "no" ], [ "how big is the horse", "its a ramp its big" ], [ "how old is the skateboarder", "can't see his face" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "no pants" ], [ "what kind of shirt is he wearing", "it appears to be a jacket can't see a shirt" ], [ "does he have a helmet on", "i can't tell" ], [ "does he have on any other type of protection", "can only see his back" ], [ "is this outside", "inside" ], [ "can you see other people in the image", "no others" ] ]
black and white photograph of a man holding a tray of food
[ [ "how old is the man", "maybe 50" ], [ "what is the food", "i really can't tell looks like a bunch of rolls" ], [ "are there drinks on the tray", "no" ], [ "is it on a plate", "no it's a large tray that goes on the oven" ], [ "are there other people", "no" ], [ "what is the guy wearing", "a hat and a white apron" ], [ "does he have a beard", "no" ], [ "is his hair long or short", "looks like he might be bald" ], [ "is he smiling", "yes" ], [ "does he look hungry", "no" ] ]
a book case, television, and some pictures in a room
[ [ "is the tv a flat screen", "yes" ], [ "how big would you say the tv is", "maybe 30 inches its kind smallish" ], [ "is the tv mounted to the wall", "no" ], [ "what it the tv sitting on", "looks like some type of table" ], [ "how many pictures do you see", "2" ], [ "are there any books on the bookcase", "yes lots" ], [ "what color is the bookcase", "its a black and white picture" ], [ "is the bookcase made of wood", "looks like it is" ], [ "is the tv on or off", "on" ], [ "are any people visible", "no" ] ]
a bowl filled with breadcrumbs sits adjacent to some apples
[ [ "what color is the bowl", "the bowl is white" ], [ "is there only 1 bowl is it large", "1 bowl" ], [ "how many apples are there", "$ apples behind the bowl" ], [ "are the apples ripe", "yes the apples are ripe" ], [ "any utensils", "a measuring glass" ], [ "how many apples are there", "4 apples" ], [ "are they on a counter", "on a table" ], [ "what color are the apples", "the apples are red" ], [ "is anything else in the bowl", "a cooked dessert" ], [ "is this a kitchen", "i think so, yes" ] ]
there are 3 different types of hot dogs on display
[ [ "what are the differences in the hot dogs", "1 has fries 1 has spinach" ], [ "on the side", "on top of it" ], [ "do the french fries have ketchup on them", "no" ], [ "is this at a restaurant", "yes" ], [ "are the hot dogs on a plate", "no" ], [ "what are the hotdogs on", "a tray with flowers" ], [ "what kind of flowers", "not real flowers the tray has flower patterns" ], [ "what color are the flowers", "pin red" ], [ "are there tables", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ] ]
a person on skis dragging an item up a snowy hill
[ [ "what are the dragging up", "sled" ], [ "is the picture in black and white", "no" ], [ "what is on the sled", "nothing" ], [ "can you see any other people", "no" ], [ "are they wearing goggles", "yes" ], [ "is it very deep snow", "no" ], [ "is there something you can tell they are going to", "to the woods" ], [ "are they on a trail", "yes" ], [ "what color is the jacket", "black with red lines" ], [ "are they wearing gloves", "yes" ] ]
several people are sitting on couches, laughing and drinking wine
[ [ "are there any people in image", "3" ], [ "what is main subject of image", "male" ], [ "are there any females in image", "yes, 1" ], [ "what is main subject doing", "smiling" ], [ "what is 1 female doing", "laughing" ], [ "was image captured indoors or outdoors", "indoors" ], [ "is there table in image", "yes" ], [ "is there table cloth covering table", "no" ], [ "what color is table", "brown" ], [ "can you see people's feet", "no" ] ]
the bathroom is clean and ready to use
[ [ "is this bathroom in a home", "yes, it is" ], [ "what color is the bathroom", "mostly tan, white, and beige" ], [ "is the floor tile", "yes" ], [ "is the shower curtain open or closed", "it's open" ], [ "what color is the shower curtain", "white" ], [ "is this a standing shower", "no, it's a tub shower" ], [ "is the mirror attached to the wall", "yes" ], [ "is there anything above the toilet", "i can't see the toilet" ], [ "is there anyone in the bathroom", "no" ], [ "is there soap by the sink", "there's a soap tray" ] ]
an empty dock is filled with sun chairs and a picnic table
[ [ "how many sun chairs can you see", "2" ], [ "are the chair plastic", "yes" ], [ "is the picnic table wooden", "yes" ], [ "can you see a body of water", "yes" ], [ "is the water clear blue", "yes" ], [ "what time of day does it look like", "mid afternoon" ], [ "does it look bright and sunny", "not bright but sunny" ], [ "are there any people visible", "no" ], [ "do the chairs have any cushions on them", "yes" ], [ "does the picnic table have anything on it", "no" ] ]
a woman hunched over her white laptop computer
[ [ "how old is the woman", "20's" ], [ "what color is her hair", "the pic is b & w but i think it's brown" ], [ "is she indoors", "yes" ], [ "is there a table or desk", "there is a tv stand" ], [ "is there a tv on the stand", "yes" ], [ "is it a flat screen", "yes" ], [ "is the tv on", "no" ], [ "does this look like a bedroom", "not really" ], [ "can you see the floor", "no, nice speed ty" ], [ "does the woman have a hat on", "no" ] ]
a fire hydrant that is by the street
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes" ], [ "do you see vehicles", "1" ], [ "do you see people", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "no" ], [ "do you see any homes", "yes" ], [ "what color is the hydrant", "red and white" ], [ "do you see any trees", "yes" ] ]
a green couch sitting in a living room under paintings
[ [ "is there only a couch in photo", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "how many paintings", "3" ], [ "can you see the walls", "yes" ], [ "what color is the wall", "white" ], [ "does the couch have pillows", "yes" ], [ "how many pillows", "3" ], [ "are they green also", "yes" ], [ "is there a lamp in room", "no" ], [ "is the room clean", "no" ] ]
2 plates of food are on a wooden table
[ [ "what kind of food is on the players", "hamburgers with lots of lettuce and other toppings, but i don't think the food is real" ], [ "does the food look plastic", "yes it does" ], [ "is it toy food", "yes i think so" ], [ "is the table also a toy", "i bet it is" ], [ "is the table plastic as well", "yes it looks that way" ], [ "is this indoors", "not sure" ], [ "is it just a close up of the table", "yes, there's also a euro nickel sitting next to the plates" ], [ "is it there for scale do you think, or just sitting there", "there to show scale" ], [ "is this a product listing", "possibly" ], [ "is there a tablecloth", "nope" ] ]
a row of surfboards sitting on the beach near the ocean
[ [ "is the sun out", "it is sunny but, looks slightly overcast" ], [ "are there any trees that can be seen", "no, there are no trees that can be seen" ], [ "are the surfboards all the same", "no, about half of them are plain white, the others are white with green stripes" ], [ "are they all the same size", "no, they vary slightly in size" ], [ "are the plain white boards tallest", "1 of the white boards is the biggest shown but, they all vary in size" ], [ "which kind is the smallest", "the smallest 1 is also white" ], [ "which board is the first from the left", "the board first from the left is white" ], [ "which is the last on the right", "the board that is last on the right is white" ], [ "can you see the sand on the beach", "yes, sand can be seen all the way to the water line" ], [ "what color is the water", "the water is aqua green" ] ]
a man sitting on the beach with a bunch of surfboards
[ [ "what race is the man", "hard to tell from the shot but i think he's white" ], [ "are there any palm trees", "no very rocky shore" ], [ "is it a typical beach", "where he is sitting it is very sandy like a regular beach" ], [ "are there other people present", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes, nice and sunny" ], [ "are there clouds", "i can't see the sky" ], [ "does the ocean look clean", "it looks very blue colored but very rocky" ], [ "any animals", "no" ], [ "are there any seagulls", "0" ], [ "is there a sand castle", "no" ] ]
an old navy aircraft flying over the ocean
[ [ "is this photo in color", "no" ], [ "is this an old photograph", "seems to be" ], [ "is this aircraft a plane or helicopter", "aircraft plane" ], [ "is this a large plane", "not large like commercial planes" ], [ "so this is a small single pilot plane", "it could be a fighter plane or a cargo plane" ], [ "oh, i see are there any words painted on the plane", "navy right below the tail" ], [ "can you see the ocean clearly", "it's cloudy but you can see the ocean" ], [ "are there many waves in the ocean", "no it is calm" ], [ "can you see any ships in the ocean", "no" ], [ "how many engines turbines are present under each wing", "the engines seem to be above the wings" ] ]
a close up of a tray of food with thre corn dogs
[ [ "what color is the tray", "blue" ], [ "what shape is the tray", "square" ], [ "is there only 1 tray", "yes" ], [ "are there napkins on the tray", "no" ], [ "are there plates on the tray", "there are cardboard holders for the dogs" ], [ "are there cups on the tray", "2 small ones with mustard" ], [ "is the tray on a table", "ues" ], [ "re the corn dogs bitten into", "no" ], [ "is anything on the corn dogs", "no" ], [ "is this a restaurant", "yes" ] ]
a tennis player is hitting a ball in front of a small crowd
[ [ "what sex is the tennis player", "male" ], [ "is he wearing white", "only his pants are white" ], [ "what color is the playing surface", "blue" ], [ "what color is the man's shirt", "blue" ], [ "are any tennis balls visible", "no" ], [ "does the man appear to be playing an actual game", "he she is in mid serve" ], [ "does he appear to be winning", "he looks like a winner to me" ], [ "how many people can you see watching", "more than 50" ], [ "is the player wearing a visor", "his racket is positioned so that i can't tell" ], [ "what color is his racket", "white" ] ]
3 suitcases in different sizes are put next to each other
[ [ "are these suitcases decorative", "they are a nice red color" ], [ "are they arranged in order of size", "yes, they are" ], [ "are they on the ground", "yes" ], [ "what is the ground made of", "the ground is made of dirt and grass" ], [ "are there any stickers on the suitcases", "yes, there are stickers on all 3 suitcases" ], [ "do you see any people in the picture", "there are no people shown" ], [ "what kind of stickers are on the suitcases", "yellow and blue stickers are on them" ], [ "can you tell where the suitcases are maybe an airport", "i don't think they are in an airport maybe on someone's lawn" ], [ "are there words on the stickers", "i cannot see any words" ], [ "do the suitcases have handles", "all 3 suitcases have handles" ] ]
a train traveling along a bridge next to tall buildings
[ [ "is this a diesel, steam, or electric train", "electric, it looks like a passenger train" ], [ "how many train cars are visible", "2" ], [ "what color is the train", "it's gray and blue" ], [ "can you see any of the people on the train", "there's no 1 visible" ], [ "is the bridge going over a body of water", "no, it's over a street" ], [ "are the tall buildings skyscrapers", "they aren't very tall" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes, it is" ], [ "is it sunny or overcast", "sunny" ], [ "can you see cars on the street", "i can see 1 black truck" ], [ "do you see any street signs", "no, but orange cones or the like" ] ]
a view of a bench in the woods
[ [ "is there anyone sitting on the bench", "no, there is not" ], [ "is the bench surrounded by the woods or is there an open field", "it is in the woods" ], [ "is it day or night", "daytime" ], [ "is there anything unusual about the picture", "no" ], [ "what does the bench look like", "just a basic park bench, green slats and brown maybe wood supports" ], [ "are there leaves on the trees", "yes" ], [ "so it seems to be summer or spring", "it looks like it could be summer time" ], [ "does it look like people sit on the bench often or does it seem abandoned", "it looks freshly painted, so it would seem that people use it" ], [ "what kind of trees tall and skinny like pines, or full like oaks", "it is both, there are some mature and young trees" ], [ "would you want to visit here", "i would, it looks peaceful" ] ]
a dog playing in the surf at the edge of the beach
[ [ "is the water calm", "a little, there are small waves forming" ], [ "is the dog has collar", "yes" ], [ "is it a grown up dog", "yes it is" ], [ "is it a color photo", "yes" ], [ "color of the dog", "white and black" ], [ "any people in the image", "no people" ], [ "do you see any boats ships in the far back", "no" ], [ "can you see the sky", "no i cannot" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "color of the surfboard", "there isn't a surfboard" ] ]
the dog is being fed with a banana
[ [ "is a person feeding the banana to the dog", "yes" ], [ "what kind of dog is it", "i am unsure of the breed, a lab maybe" ], [ "what color is the dog", "brown with a splash of white on chest" ], [ "is it a male or female feeding the dog", "it looks like a man's hand" ], [ "are they outside", "yes" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "it appears to be bright" ], [ "is the man wearing any jewelry", "i only see his hand but there is no jewelry on it" ], [ "are there any other people visible", "no" ], [ "are they at a park", "in the back i see a large rock structure but it's hard to say where they are" ], [ "are they on a sidewalk", "0 that i see" ] ]
2 zebras next to each other in a dirt lot
[ [ "does it look like this is at a zoo", "i don't believe so" ], [ "how old do those zebras look", "both look like adults" ], [ "do they look healthy", "yes" ], [ "any yellow grass", "no grass at all, only dried mud" ], [ "is there a water reservoir", "i think this is a dried up water bed" ], [ "how about trees", "no, literally just the zebra and dirt" ], [ "can you spot any birds", "no, can't see the sky" ], [ "is this a close view", "yes, pretty close" ], [ "is it sunny", "looks like it" ], [ "what is the color of the ground", "brown" ] ]
a couple of people at a table with some scissors
[ [ "are they both women", "yes" ], [ "what are they doing with the scissors", "cutting little pieces of cardboard" ], [ "what are their ages", "60's" ], [ "what do you think they're going to do with it", "it looks like they are making a scrabble board" ], [ "is anyone 1 wearing glasses", "1 of them" ], [ "what are they wearing", "shirts and pants" ], [ "what color is the 1 with glasses hair", "dark brown" ], [ "are they smiling", "can't tell" ], [ "did they just begin cutting", "they have been at it a while" ], [ "are there other people around", "no" ] ]
a few croissant sandwiches sitting on a plate next to some mush
[ [ "is the plate on a table", "yes, it is or else it is on a counter hard to tell" ], [ "what color is the plate", "the plate is white" ], [ "is it large or small", "it is a reasonably large plate" ], [ "how many sandwiches", "there are 2 sandwiches" ], [ "anything else on the plate", "i think it is grits" ], [ "what is the mush", "i believe that is the mush, the grits" ], [ "is there butter on the grits", "no butter that i can see there is a fork stuck in them also" ], [ "is the bread white or wheat", "they are white croissants" ], [ "is the fork silver", "yes, it is" ], [ "any napkins", "0 that i can see" ] ]
picture of a remote next to a black box that reads lenovo
[ [ "what color is radio", "black" ], [ "is it big or small", "medium size" ], [ "can you see brand name on radio", "yes" ], [ "what is brand name", "lenovo" ], [ "can you see time on radio", "it is blank screen" ], [ "are there any people in picture", "no" ], [ "is this inside or outside", "it is on all white page so hard to tell" ], [ "how big is remote to radio", "much smaller" ], [ "is it smaller than banana", "yes" ], [ "are there buttons on remote", "many" ] ]
skateboarder walking in a skate park with a blue board
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "how old is the skater", "can't tell since i can't see his face" ], [ "are there other people", "2 in the background" ], [ "what is he wearing", "white shirt, dark pants" ], [ "is he carrying the skateboard", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing a t shirt", "yes" ], [ "any safety equipment", "looks like a brace on his right arm" ], [ "are there trees", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "can't tell it's indoors" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ] ]
a large cathedral next to a tall clock tower under a red sky
[ [ "is it daytime or night", "daytime i think the sky has been digitally altered" ], [ "just 1 clock", "yes" ], [ "are there people", "1" ], [ "male or female", "i can't tell they are too far away" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "no" ], [ "are there any other buildings", "no" ], [ "is the street visible", "no" ], [ "does it appear to be a nice day", "i guess" ], [ "is the sun shining", "yes" ], [ "is there grass", "no" ] ]
an automated machine cooking and glazing donuts in an industrial setting
[ [ "how many donuts can you see", "about 12" ], [ "what kind glaze is being put on the donuts", "clear" ], [ "are there any people visible", "no" ], [ "are there any sprinkles at least", "only the process of making" ], [ "can you see a company logo anywhere in the picture", "no" ], [ "what color is the machine", "chrome" ], [ "how many buttons can you see on the machine", "0" ], [ "does the machine have a lever", "maybe not sure" ], [ "are the donuts on a conveyor belt", "yes" ], [ "can you see any boxes", "no" ] ]
a table with a sandwich cut in half next to a doughnut covered in powdered sugar
[ [ "what color is the table", "brown" ], [ "is the table wood", "i'm not sure" ], [ "are there chairs", "no" ], [ "is the sandwich white bread", "yes, a white roll" ], [ "is the doughnut hole", "yes" ], [ "is there a napkin", "no" ], [ "is there a knife", "no" ], [ "is there a plate", "no" ], [ "does the food look good", "yes" ], [ "are there people", "no" ] ]
a large crane sitting in front of a building under construction
[ [ "what color is the crane", "the crane itself, is white" ], [ "what is the crane sitting on", "the crane is sitting on an asphalt road" ], [ "is the building residential or commercial", "i can't tell i'm leaning towards commercial, but it could be an apartment structure" ], [ "is it large or small", "in my opinion it is large" ], [ "how many stories", "the building is 2 stories" ], [ "can you see any water", "no" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes i can see the sky" ], [ "is it cloudy", "it is overcast" ], [ "can you see any people", "i see what looks to be people, but it's tough to tell" ], [ "any cars", "yes, i see a truck and a windshield of a car" ] ]
a biplane flying low over a planted field
[ [ "what color is the plane", "it is yellow and white" ], [ "what time of day is it", "it's the middle of the day" ], [ "can you see the pilot", "no it's too far away" ], [ "can you tell what is planted in the field", "it looks like soybeans" ], [ "is the sun shining", "it's mostly cloudy, i'm not sure if the sun is shining really" ], [ "is the plane spraying anything", "i think it's about to" ], [ "is there any farmhouses", "no there isn’t" ], [ "can you see any cows", "no just the field and tree line" ], [ "are there any barns in the area", "no there isn’t" ], [ "can you tell what season it is", "i would say this is fall" ] ]
a man sitting at a table with a laptop computer sitting on a table in front of him
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a professional photo", "no" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "can't tell" ], [ "what's the race of the man", "white" ], [ "what's his age range", "30" ], [ "how is he dressed", "casual" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "no" ], [ "what's the brand of the computer", "can't tell" ] ]
a person cut out a bird shape out of a piece of paper
[ [ "can you see the person", "no, just a hand" ], [ "what color is the bird", "blue clouds from the picture it's cut out of" ], [ "is it in an office setting", "i can't tell, it's a close up of the hand cutting" ], [ "what color is the hand", "white" ], [ "do you see any walls", "no, trees in the background" ], [ "does the cut out look like an actual bird shape", "sort of" ], [ "it is outside", "no, the background looks fake" ], [ "does it look like a background drop or curtains", "yes, sort of" ], [ "can you see his sleeve", "no, just the hand and palm" ], [ "does it look like a mans hand", "no a womans" ] ]
the young boy is practicing with his frisbee indoors
[ [ "what color is frisbee", "bright green" ], [ "what color is boys hair", "black" ], [ "is boy white", "yes" ], [ "can you see his shirt", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "red" ], [ "will frisbee hit his face", "no he is moving back" ], [ "any other people visible", "no" ], [ "any trees visible", "no" ], [ "can you see sky", "no" ], [ "can you see ground", "yes" ] ]
a baby holding a remote to her face like a phone
[ [ "is she cute", "yes she is" ], [ "is she smiling", "no" ], [ "do you see any 1 else", "yes" ], [ "is she sitting", "no, she's standing" ], [ "where is the baby", "standing in a living room" ], [ "do you see a sofa", "no" ], [ "can you see a tv", "no" ], [ "what color is she wearing", "white and blue or black" ], [ "is the room clean", "no there's stuff on the floor" ], [ "how old does she appear to be", "maybe a year old" ] ]