The game on television was very important for Ian but not Dennis because Dennis was into music instead.
The virus stuck to the clothes better than it stuck to the walls, because the clothes had less deterrents on them.
The virus stuck to the clothes better than it stuck to the walls, because the walls had more deterrents on them.
At their high school's homecoming dance, Natalie stayed on the floor for the slow dance while Maria got food during it, because Maria had broken up with her significant other.
At their high school's homecoming dance, Natalie stayed on the floor for the slow dance while Maria got food during it, because Natalie currently had a significant other.
Adam always spent all of the free time watching Tv unlike Hunter who volunteered, due to Adam being lazy.
So Felicia ignored their ear because Jessica has a ear infection and Felicia was fine.
Samantha had to use the potty while Felicia used the restroom because Felicia is a grownup.
After walking barefooted, James washed his foot in the bowl of water and the water got dirty.
When Benjamin put the family into debt, Adam filed for divorce; then the judge gave Adam a sympathetic look.
When Benjamin put the family into debt, Adam filed for divorce; then the judge gave Benjamin a withering look.
Erin read a book to Monica because Erin was old enough to be able to read.
The box slid down James hand when he was wearing a glove, hence he removed it and lift it again. The hand is dry.
The box slid down James hand when he was wearing a glove, hence he removed it and lift it again. The glove is slippery.
The building's ancient foundation was re-enforced with a steel alloy during the remodel because the steel was strengthening.
When we go hiking I bring my backpack because it has built in water bottles and places for snacks. Today I forgot to fill the water bottles and was dehydrated.
When we go hiking I bring my backpack because it has built in water bottles and places for snacks. Today I forgot to bring the snacks and was starving.
She wanted to learn how to pair wine so she bought book instead of using a magazine because the magazine was too broad.
Tanya read the contract carefully before signing it but Patricia didn't. Tanya didn't get ripped off by the shady merchant.
The garbage can smells much worse than the recycling, so the recycling is probably a lot more sterile.
My pain was not nearly as bad as Joe's burn because the burn Joe had was uncontrollable.
The hotel had a terrible gym but a nice restaurant; the restaurant was something management attended to.
Refraining from drinking was easy for Kyle but not Eric, as Kyle never enjoyed the taste of alcohol.
Cynthia ate all of the dessert while Sarah did not have any since Cynthia was not trying to lose any weight.
Mary went to the office to receive a new card with her photo on it and discarded a sticker because the sticker was temporary.
The new cream didn't remove the warts like the last lotion, because the cream was not powerful enough.
Kenneth is accused of destroying drywall in Jeffrey's house, Jeffrey is leasing out the house.
Kenneth is accused of destroying drywall in Jeffrey's house, Kenneth is renting the house.
Adam was cold and Michael was hot so Michael removed a heavy jacket to withstand the freezing weather.
After a short time we stopped pouring the tea glass in the pot because the pot was full.
After a short time we stopped pouring the tea glass in the pot because the glass was empty.
When the dog behaves I like to give him a sausage otherwise I give him a ball. I gave him the ball since he was bad.
John decided to grow a new breed of plant in his garden but the plant is big.
Erin was sick of the pests like Amy always cutting out their internet, so Amy decided to lay low.
William wanted to go biking but Aaron wanted to stay home, so William went out by themselves.
Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn't. Jessica bought a fancy new pair of shoes.
Monica was caught napping in class more often than Katrina because Monica stayed up all night.
The highlands were a lot colder than the beaches because the beaches were lower down in elevation.
Christine had really good grammar but Cynthia didn't have good grammar because Cynthia studied math in college.
Jessica was given a sapphire ring by Christine for her birthday because Jessica really likes sapphires.
The waist of Joel measured more inches than that of Kevin because Kevin ate much less.
The lips on Cynthia were much bigger than Monica because Cynthia got hit with a softball in the mouth.
The lips on Cynthia were much smaller than Monica because Monica got hit with a softball in the mouth.
Mary goes around telling everyone that Christine is too clingy because Christine likes to be touched..
The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past Samuel because Hunter had some bird seed in their hand.
John opened the window for air to come him when he was sweating in his bedroom. The air is cold.
Even though Ian had less of a sweet tooth than Robert, Ian liked chocolate more.
James walked into a ditch while trying to catch the ball thrown at him. The ball is farther.
Caroline works in the catering and food wholesale industries, but enjoys food preparation more, so she prefers her work in the catering industry.
Caroline works in the catering and food wholesale industries, but enjoys food distribution more, so she prefers her work in the food wholesale industry.
Maria never received flowers from the customers unlike Monica, by virtue of Monica being polite.
Hugh scrubbed the mold in his apartment with a cleaner but had to call a pro because the cleaner was too weak.
Christopher tried to empty all the water from the tank in the yard because Michael had asked him to, but Christopher wasn't able to get it all out.
The watch could not fit on the arm properly because it had been cut by a blade. The Watch was short.
A very active Randy injured their elbow playing basketball against Lawrence, so Lawrence said sorry.
John sold the three chairs and used the money to buy twelve shoes. The shoes were cheaper.
John sold the three chairs and used the money to buy twelve shoes. The chairs were more expensive.
The barista loved to make all types of coffee including iced and hot. The hot coffee was popular in the cooler weathers.
The barista loved to make all types of coffee including iced and hot. The iced coffee was popular in the hotter weathers.
The apartment that Samantha lived in was a lot smaller than Megan, because Samantha had a little salary.
The girl put her money in the bag instead of her pocket although the bully would look in the bag .
The girl put her money in her bag instead of her pocket because the bully looked in the pocket .
So Cynthia ignores Google to search for information because Betty trusts in it and Cynthia doesn't.
Irena didn't like other people living in something before her so she felt more comfortable buying the house instead of the mansion as the mansion was old.
Kevin was not able to run fast compared to William because William had no broken bones in his body.
I did not see the sign on the billboard on the highway because the billboard was too huge.
I did not see the sign on the billboard on the highway because the sign was too tiny.
After Logan pitched a ball that got clobbered for a home run by Justin in a baseball game, Justin felt exultant.
Angela thought that Elena talked too slowly, and Elena had a hard time being understood when they spoke.
Joel complained to Ian about the condition of the house. Ian preferred a messy space.
At Jan's home, she dusted the dresser more frequently than the fan, because the dresser was easier to reach.
At Jan's home, she dusted the dresser more frequently than the fan, because the fan was more difficult to reach.
The doctor suggested alternating between ice and a heating pad when I strained a muscle, but he warned me to not let the pad get too warm.
The doctor suggested alternating between ice and a heating pad when I strained a muscle, but he warned me to not let the ice get too cold.
When other people were smoking, Kayla was more disgusted than Erin because Kayla had always avoided smoke.
Benjamin has a spouse and Kyle is single after being divorced, so Kyle is celebrating their independence this year.
Christopher taught Hunter to play go fish so that Christopher had someone to play with.
Carrie was helping Patricia diet and exercise at the gym to lose weight because Carrie used to be overweight.
I had to rake more leaves at the house than at the office because there were more trees at the house .
The quality of music produced largely depends on the instrument used. The Instrument is vital.
Michael made pickled eggs for Kenneth, but Kenneth really loved his own and wanted to share them.
Henry wanted to stop yelling and start using a more effective type of communication because the communication was nice.
Tommy was able to carry the tripod himself, but his friend had to help him carry the camera because the camera was heavier.
Tommy was able to carry the tripod himself, but his friend had to help him carry the camera because the tripod was lighter.
The dog ran into the bedroom during the rainstorm while we stayed in the kitchen because the rain was louder in the kitchen .
The dog ran into the bedroom during the rainstorm while we stayed in the kitchen because the rain was softer in the bedroom .
Maria gave Samantha the blue floral pants, because Maria didn't fit into them very well.
Lindsey was considered more masculine than Amy because every year Amy went into the woods to French kiss deer.
He was late for the party but on time for the sleepover because the party had just finished.
Cynthia had to pee after one large coffee but Betty did not as Betty had a very big bladder.
Cynthia had to pee after one large coffee but Betty did not as Cynthia had a very small bladder.
The remote control worked better than the toy car because the batteries in the remote control were fresher.
Emily bought a piece of jewelry from Natalie, later Natalie thought she sold too low but kept a cool attitude.
Robert was simply not as stoic as Joel , as Joel tended to handle things gracefully.
Aaron drank plenty of water before the hike, but Christopher forgot to, so Aaron ended up staying hydrated.
Aaron drank plenty of water before the hike, but Christopher forgot to, so Christopher ended up getting dehydrated.
The TV that Samantha bought costs more than that of Carrie, because Carrie was poor.
The TV that Samantha bought costs more than that of Carrie, because Samantha was rich.
Carrie had an easier time crawling through the narrow tunnel than Patricia because Patricia was larger.
Cynthia gave a rabbit as a companion to Carrie because Cynthia thought they were lonely.