James was able to hide the book inside his jacket because the book is small.
James was able to hide the book inside his jacket because the jacket is big.
Ian laughs at Ryan because of the small Christmas tree they picked out. Ryan wants a table top tree.
Ian laughs at Ryan because of the small Christmas tree they picked out. Ian wants a six foot tree.
Betty gave the full pitcher to Rachel so Rachel could fill her glass with water.
Brett looks as if they are aging at half the rate of Craig because Craig has lived a rough lifestyle.
Rachel's date was shorter than she, so she wore her shoes rather than her boots, because the boots had high heels.
Rachel's date was shorter than she, so she wore her shoes rather than her boots, because the shoes had low heels.
The store had 80 platters but only 2 bowls left in stock because the bowls were in high demand.
The store had 80 platters but only 2 bowls left in stock because the platters were in low demand.
Sarah had to call in an expert unlike Erin because Sarah had no knowledge on the subject.
Sarah had to call in an expert unlike Erin because Erin had vast knowledge on the subject.
Monica really enjoys a vodka drink, but Felicia prefers whiskey because Felicia likes dark liquors.
Monica really enjoys a vodka drink, but Felicia prefers whiskey because Monica likes clear liquors.
The knee injury of Samantha has healed much quicker than Katrina's. Samantha 's injury was minor.
Cynthia felt very thirsty but Sarah did not feel thirsty. Sarah bought a bag of chips.
Samantha failed on the test but Mary got very good marks because Samantha had been very lazy.
Kyle wanted to write to Aaron every day, because Kyle enjoyed sending letters to friends.
Kyle wanted to write to Aaron every day, because Aaron enjoyed receiving letters from friends.
The toddler kicked the soft furniture and hard toy, but only the toy caused pain.
The toddler kicked the hard furniture and soft toy, but only the furniture caused pain.
Jessica saw Laura constantly flirt with men in the office. Laura thought it was normal in a place of business and she was admired by their coworkers.
Much to the dismay of Christopher, Jeffrey learned of their evil plan, and Christopher was stopped before it succeeded.
The student wanted to be respectful to the teacher so he got her a book instead of an apple because the apple was old.
Samantha's main artistic medium was paint, while Patricia preferred to work with clay, since Patricia was trained as a sculptor.
Neil asked Brian to hand him the measuring tape, but Brian already measured the wall to center the picture.
The creams didn't work as well on my skin as the lotions did because the lotions were new.
Kiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Derrick can't eat them. Derrick has sensitive teeth.
Although Amy worked harder and longer than Rebecca, Rebecca was a more wealthy person overall.
James wanted to write a list of what he can do for Christmas and he ended up using all the pages in the notepad. The list is long.
James wanted to write a list of what he can do for Christmas and he ended up using all the pages in the notepad. The page is short.
Samantha gifted her new bathrobe to Betty because it felt very comfortable for Betty when she tried it on.
Samantha gifted her new bathrobe to Betty because it felt very itchy for Samantha when she tried it on.
The chopstick were better to eat the noodles with than the fork as the chopstick was repaired.
James was finding a space on the couch for the box to be placed but he could not find it because the box is big.
Michael loved eating many different vegetables but not Brett because Michael was on a vegetarian diet.
It was painful for Justin to break up with Jason, but Jason wasn't ready to move on.
Needing a boost Emily asked Rachel to put them on their shoulders in order to reach the roof, Rachel is tall in height.
Bill had complicated feelings about getting a car after his motorcycle died because the car possessed a lot of new features.
Bill had complicated feelings about getting a car after his motorcycle died because the motorcycle possessed a lot of sentimental value.
As a marine, Emily looks down on civilians like Maria, so Maria is a bit saddened.
Kyle makes a lot more money than Nelson can make at his job, as Nelson is a cashier.
The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but not that of Brett because Hunter left his food outside.
The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but not that of Brett because Brett left his food in the fridge.
Laura held the steel for their project while Carrie used the blowtorch, because Carrie was more skilled.
Amy recognized the man in the waiting room before Monica did, because Monica had met the man only once.
Nick smelled much worse than Kenneth after the baseball game although Nick was wearing deodorant.
Mark wanted to lose some weight by starting a diet and workout routine. He focused mainly on the diet because he was lazy.
The drink was rich in caffeine and low in sugar because the caffeine was suffice in keeping the drinker awake.
The drink was rich in caffeine and low in sugar because the sugar was not enough to keep the drinker awake.
The tree fell down sooner than the sapling because the roots of the tree were stronger.
The tree fell down after the sapling because the roots of the sapling were weaker.
The man with the fever came over and talked to Carrie and not Lindsey because Lindsey was a patient.
Samantha told Lindsey to be careful with the porcelain doll; when she ignored her and dropped the doll, Lindsey was very sorry.
The Windows software attempted to install the upgrades onto the computer, but the software exceeded data capacity.
The Windows software attempted to install the upgrades onto the computer, but the computer was outdated.
James could not lift the bottle of water up to the table top because the table is tall.
Maria gave birth to Katrina, so after the process was over, Maria was a brand new mother.
Jan planted her herbs in small growing bags, but she worried that the bags would be too shallow for them to put down roots.
Jan planted her herbs in small growing bags, but she worried that the herbs would be too stifled to put down roots.
Writing came easily to Carrie but was difficult for Natalie because Natalie had taken engineering in college.
Katrina asked Rachel to change the diapers for the babies this morning because Katrina is handling the stove.
Katrina asked Rachel to change the diapers for the babies this morning because Rachel isn't doing anything.
Brett took more medicines than Aaron did although Aaron was suffering from many more diseases.
The life of Christine was pretty basic until they met Maria , Maria is a is lover of excitement .
Benjamin lied to Logan because Logan was so upset about the money that was missing.
Samantha decided to mix the mortar while Rebecca applied it to the wall. Samantha was not good at the finishing touches.
Derrick greeted Craig at the event but he did not respond to him because Derrick is humble.
Derrick greeted Craig at the event but he did not respond to him because Craig is arrogant.
Monica chose Kayla as the winning contestant on the reality show because Kayla was a contestant on the show.
Michael swam in the pond for longer than Derrick because Michael thought the algae was okay.
Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel couldn't made their dream come true of fighting in the UFC octagon.
Because Megan wanted to be a welder and Patricia wanted to be a engineer, Patricia went to university instead of trade school.
Because Megan wanted to be a welder and Patricia wanted to be a engineer, Megan went to trade school instead of university.
The man took longer to pay for the shoes than the shirt because he paid for the shoes in coins.
The man took longer to pay for the shoes than the shirt although he paid for the shirt in coins.
James was able to hide to gift he brought wit him in his pocket because the pocket is big.
James was able to hide to gift he brought wit him in his pocket because the gift is small.
Sometimes I write in my journal with a pencil instead of a pen, but the pen can be run dry.
John cannot run the entire length of the track, he had been used to the field. The field is short.
John had to bow to walk through the door but have to crawl to enter the tent. The door is taller.
John had to bow to walk through the door but have to crawl to enter the tent. The tent is shorter.
Adam's blushed a deep red when Jeffrey saw him fall off his horse, but Adam tried to pretend it didn't hurt.
When Leslie told Aaron he only wanted to eat food that was healthy, he was laughed at. The teacher comforted Leslie immediately.
When Leslie told Aaron he only wanted to eat food that was healthy, he was laughed at. The teacher scolded Aaron immediately.
The doctor treated Natalie, but refused to see Tanya, because Natalie has an incredible insurance plan.
Jessica asked Rebecca to go see a new horror movie even though Jessica knew she would likely to decline the invitation.
It doesn't take much to shift between ice and water. The ice is hard and strong when its cold.
It doesn't take much to shift between ice and water. The water is fluid and flexible when its warm.
Amy's being taught how to pay it forward by Kayla, so Amy is likely the younger person.
Steven asked Joseph to have their stomach examined after Joseph had a night full of really bad gas issues.
The assertive commander told the privates to change their boots but not their shirts because the boots were disgusting.
The assertive commander told the privates to change their boots but not their shirts because the shirts were fine.
The chef decided to omit the chicken from his signature dish for the party, because the dish needed to be vegetarian.
Timmy bought a transporter for his cat so he could take him on the plane but the transporter was too small.
Felicia was given a leather belt from Betty to clean it, because Felicia knows how to do it.
Felicia was given a leather belt from Betty to clean it, because Betty doesn't know how to clean it.
Eric replaced his long hair with a new hat for the summer time, the hair was old.
Hunter had low tire pressure and asked Eric to fill the tires; when he said no, Hunter filled the tires.
Carrie tried to convince Cynthia that the cat needed a microchip because Carrie was concerned about the cat getting lost.