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1 | The image shows two different student rooms at an Australian university, the first one is for two people and the second one is for just one person. The main feture that we can see is that the first room is 1.5 metres larger than the second one.
Looking in more detail, the first room has more devices than the other one. For example, there are a bookshelf, a cupboard and a table with chairs. These things are useful when a person live with another one, because they allow students to live in a more comfortable way. Obviously, in the room for two people there is a bed more and an additional study desk. Unfortunately, if someone chose the first room, he has to share the bathroom with the other student because there is just one.
In conclusion, the cost for each person is more convenient if a student chose the first room, because he could pay less and have more comfortable things to use. |
1 | Nowadays, many universities allow people to follow some courses and study totally online. In my opinion, this way of studing has both positive and negative aspects. This essay will argue why studing online can be unproductive for people.
The first reason why studing online is not good for a student is that is easier for him to lost the concentraiton during a lecture. For example, last year beacuse of the pandemic period, all students had to get class online, including me. It was a terrible year, because I stayed at home all the time and became very difficult listening lectures due to lot of things that capture my attention during lessons.
The other reason why getting class on the internet is a negative development is that the direct interaction between people is absent. I feel that this is the biggest drawback, because students are always alone in their room and they could become unsocial over the time. By contrast, the social life is important for everyone, because it help people to grow and share good and bad moment of the life. In addition, I think that is also important the dialoge with the teacher.
In conclusion, studing online can be a good solution for some people who need to stay at home and want to study at university, but in general it's a negative thing. In fact, is important for students to stay in a class with the teacher and other classmates to be concentrate during a lesson and to have the possibility to talk face to face with other people. |
1 | The plans below illustrate two types of student room, one is for two people and the other for one person at an Australian university.
In terms of the double room that costs $350 per week, there are two beds and study desks respectively for students, with one bathroom in the left upper corner and a kitchen area where there are table and chairs as well as the sink, stove and cupboard in the left side of the room. Besides, a bookshelf stands to the right side of the bathroom.
The single room is smaller and less inexpensive than the double room, and it merely costs $ 200 a week. Moreover, the basic layout is similar to that of the double room. On the right side of the room lies a bed between the window and the study desk; to the left side there is a bathroom opposite to the kitchen area.
Overall, the double room and the single room both have a similar layout of the furniture and inner structure, which are 6 metres long, 4 metres and 2.5 metres wide respectively. |
0 | It has become a popular trend that many universities have sent online courses for people to acquire knowledge through the Internet, which makes it more and more available for people to gain valuable resources and improve themselves. From my perspective, such a trend contains much benefits and it is undoubtedly a positive development.
On the one hand, people can have more access to their interested expertise and delve into related fields with the help of online courses offered by universities. It is comparatively hard and inconvenient for people to attend courses in the university if they are not college students. Luckily, with myriads of online courses which are usually free and of high quality, learners merely need to register and sign in to find out some interesting courses ranging from academic knowledge to practical skills, which can afford a challenging but exciting experience for those attend the lessons.
On the other hand, it is a good way for the universities to improve the quality of the courses as well as make some adaptation to the content of the courses. In order for people outside the universities to acquire knowldege effectively, online courses should cater to people's preference to some extent. It is expectable that some courses which is of great necessity and closely connected with people's daily life would be popular. Thus, universities would therefore release more high-quality courses by innovating teaching skills to meet people's needs.
In conlusion, I think online courses provided by universities can surely make a positive impact on society because people who have the desire to acquire knowledge can enjoy sufficient resources without boundaries, which enhances individual's rights to grasp knowledge and facilitates the improvement of higher education in the long run. |
1 | The plans below illustrate two types of student room, one is for two people and the other for one person at an Australian university.
In terms of the double room that costs $350 per week, there are two beds and study desks respectively for students, with one bathroom in the left upper corner and a kitchen area where there are table and chairs as well as the sink, stove and cupboard in the left side of the room. Besides, a bookshelf stands to the right side of the bathroom.
The single room is smaller and less inexpensive than the double room, and it merely costs $ 200 a week. Moreover, the basic layout is similar to that of the double room. On the right side of the room lies a bed between the window and the study desk; to the left side there is a bathroom opposite to the kitchen area.
Overall, the double room and the single room both have a similar layout of the furniture and inner structure, which are 6 metres long, 4 metres and 2.5 metres wide respectively. |
0 | It has become a popular trend that many universities have sent online courses for people to acquire knowledge through the Internet, which makes it more and more available for people to gain valuable resources and improve themselves. From my perspective, such a trend contains much benefits and it is undoubtedly a positive development.
On the one hand, people can have more access to their interested expertise and delve into related fields with the help of online courses offered by universities. It is comparatively hard and inconvenient for people to attend courses in the university if they are not college students. Luckily, with myriads of online courses which are usually free and of high quality, learners merely need to register and sign in to find out some interesting courses ranging from academic knowledge to practical skills, which can afford a challenging but exciting experience for those attend the lessons.
On the other hand, it is a good way for the universities to improve the quality of the courses as well as make some adaptation to the content of the courses. In order for people outside the universities to acquire knowldege effectively, online courses should cater to people's preference to some extent. It is expectable that some courses which is of great necessity and closely connected with people's daily life would be popular. Thus, universities would therefore release more high-quality courses by innovating teaching skills to meet people's needs.
In conlusion, I think online courses provided by universities can surely make a positive impact on society because people who have the desire to acquire knowledge can enjoy sufficient resources without boundaries, which enhances individual's rights to grasp knowledge and facilitates the improvement of higher education in the long run. |
1 | The two picture show us the plats of two different options of accommodation for students in the Australian university.
First one is the room for two students, as we can notice as soon we enter from the main door, on the left we have the bathroom and on the right a small but fully functional kitchen with all the appliances stove, sink and microwave.In front of the kitchen we have a table with 2 chairs and next to it a study desk next to it on the right we can notice a tv on the wall, and on the other side, of the desk, the two beds separated from 2 cupboards, useful as a storage and eventually provide for a bit of privacy. Next to the other bad we have an other study desk and a bookshelf.
The second room, organized for one person, have a lot of similarly with the second but it's for jut one person, so why we have just one study desk and no cupboards or bookshelf, and obviously just one bed.
We also have a fully equipped kithchen and same television like the double room.
Overall the two room presented similar features with some more foritures for the double accommodation.
Witch is reflected in the minimum differenc of price between them. |
1 | Now days we live in an era of digitalization and that's why so many universities they chosen to implement the traditionals courses at the Atheneum with more and more courses online.
Even before than COVID panemic caused so many restrictions for Universitues, some of the lectures there was already available online in the univerty website and everyone had easy and quick access to them.
However, I don't think this transition to the most classic lectures in the class could be replace with the online one, not all of them. As we reasonably assume, not all the lessons the are structured in the same way therefore result difficult to migrate all of them in an online version which present the same format and structure of presentation.
Although online courses, most probably, are the future of teaching some lessons require fisical activity. To reinforce my position against the full online courses, I have a personal example: I've parteciapated at one course called Organic farming which require from time to time a fiscally presence in the field. Therefore result quite complicated for me aptended a lesson about beekeeping without be next to the hive, this is happened to me not long ago, we were unable to attend the lesson because of the COVID restrictions.
Regardless the effort of the professor to address the lesson as best as he could, the resoult was not totally satisfy for me.
In conclusion I want to confirm my position against the online version of theacing, maybe I'm a bit old fashion and I can't see the future but I still like the classics lectures at the university with debates confrontations with others students and live the actmosphere of the university not from a screen. |
1 | This line chart depicts how much waste produced by three different organizations during 15 years peroid. The waste production was measured by wieght.
According to what's shown, company A procuded the hightest amount of waste in 2000 which was about 12 tonnes per year. This amount gradually decreased unitl it reached 9 tonnes yearly in 2015. While company B waste production wieght around 9 tonnes per year during the peroiod between 2000 and 2004. In 2005 the waste production shows sharp rise followed by rapid fall in the next 10 years. In regards of company C, the company start with the lowest quantity of waste in 2000, this quantity rocketed in the next 15 years. By the end of 2015 the waste of company C wieght about 10 tonnes annualy.
To sum up we can say that, each company of the three has different patteren of waste mangement over 15 years period. |
1 | There is no doubt now a days that there is a huge depate about the climate change. In the essay I will discuss how can we decrease the effect of climate change.
First of all, climate change caused by different reasons for example waste production by factories which is released in rivers and oceans.
Also carbon monoxide released by cars and other types of transportion. Also, community behiover such as use of plastic and non-recyclabe materils.
Secondly, we can as community reduce the effect of climte change on our enviroment by different ways. One of them is taking puplic transportion insted of using our own cars. In the matter of transportion, walking or using bicycles are the best for the climte because there is zero carbon monixide release. Moreover, replace the plastic bags with reusable ones will reduce the amount of waste.
In addition, goverments couled set rules and laws to control the amount of waste released in the enviroment. In Addition, planting more trees will have positive impact on the earth since they release more oxygen.
Howevere, climte change is unavoidable result of our current actions. If we continue to act in the same ways the earth will be destroyed by the pullution. I beleive goverments and communites coopration could minimize and delay the effect of climte change on the plant earth. |
1 | The line graph depicts the evolution of wasting products between 2000 and 2015 by three business.
Three different trend are illustrated, two with a down trend and another one with an upper trend. The number of waste is counted in tonnes over 15 years
The company C began with approximately 4 tonnes of waste and the loss rised proportionaly. Fifteen years later, it has doubled. It is only this company which started with a low number of garbage and increased its total. The corporation reached its lower point at less than 9 tonnes.
The company A had the highest amount at the beginning; however, it slumped slowly until 2015. A quarter less is recorded in 2015. The company B reached its highest point in 2005, and suddently its waste crashed until 2015. Between 2005 and 2015, the amount had a treefold decrease. Moreover, those companies, namely A and B, had a difference of 6 tonnes at the end of the period. |
1 | Many individuals suggest the society must take actions to live with the global warning rather than to avoid environmental-related issues as climate change. I fully disagree that people think it is better to develop technology to live with rather than try to decrease and solve the climate change.
In my opinion, if human could think about a way to live with climate change, it means that they have already thought, they failed to repared damages of global warming. Everyone should reduce their greenhouse gases thanks to their actions as wasting less, taking more public transports or stopping overconsumption. Even if local scale is a significant part to decline climate change, there are also governments and corporations which should decrease their polluting actions. Moreover, it is not as it could not work because during Covid's period when each country minimized its actions, the climate change slumped back and it is essential even crucial.
Futhermore, if people suggest to find a way to live with it, it illustrates that the entire Earth's planet could be collasped or may be destroyed. It depicts a negative perception of our forthcoming living's environment.
I am convinced this environment is not the quality of life that I would share to my offspring. If I had the power to solve the climatic issues, I would do everything I can and offer a better condition and prosperity of a healthy environment to the next generation.
To conclude, I extremely disagree to think about living with the climate change instead of solving it. |
1 | The line graph demonestrates the waste quantity by three companies in a period of 15 years. Overall, the companies waste have scattered range from 4 to 12 tonnes and reach 3 to 10 tonnes. Companies A and B shows significant decrease in waste between 2005 until 2025, In contrast to company C which have steady increase in the same period.
However, despite the increase lately in company C, the waste were remarkabely low at 2000 by 3 tonnes only compared to 2015 by 10 tonnes. Reaching its steady period between 2005 to 2010. Company A had decreased its waste from 12 tonnes in 2000 to 8 tonnes in 2015,which is still high compared to the other companies. The same happent to company B with slight different especially in the period between 2000 to 2005 were waste increase from 8 to reach it peak of 10 tonnes then, dramatically decreased to 3 tonnes in 2015. |
1 | In recent years, climate change became a conflicting issue for some people. as some think coping with it istead of prevent its happen could be more reasonable. However, others think the opposite, prevention of the climate change is essential. This essay will discuss why coping with climate change can be reasonable? .
preventing climate change have been priority number one in recent years. Whearase, the focus has been always in preventing or reducing the problem which is sound unrealistic. Many theories and predections of the issue start happening in these years for example, Floods, ice melt in the antarictic and extermely hot summers. So, talking about prevention is is away too late.
However, thats why finding a way to live with climate change sounds reasonable. I believe, plan out a futuristic cope for the next generation will be more applicable than, start to prevent essentials that helped in buiding the civilization. For instance, gas factories, greenhouses and oil. However, reducing the impact of these products is a good idea, hence not shut it down.
To conclude, climate change is a series issue need a good attention and not that attention promoting lately. promoting to prevent something already happening is impossible. This issue need a reasonable realistic plan that make living with it more easier and effective. |
1 | The graph illustrates information on tonnes of waste made by three different companies from 2000 to 2015,15 year period.
At first glance, it can be seen that company C expeienced an increase of waste produced while A and B declined over the period.
With analysis of data, by year 2000 company C recorded around 4 of tonnes of waste being the least of waste produced as compared to other companies.Following years waste produced within the same company rose steadly and surpassed company B in 2010 and company A in 2014 at 7, below 9 tonnes of waste produced respectively. It ended with 10 tonnes of waste produced in 2015 being the highest of all companies.
Company B produced just above 8 tonnes of waste while company A made 12 being the highet in 2000.Both compancies had a decrease in waste produced from 2005, but company B exprienced a more significant decline in waste throughout the period, and reached 3 tonnes at the end of the period being the lowest of all companies. Company A also dropped in record of waste throught the period until 2015 recording just above 8 tonnes of waste which was similar to company B at the start of the period. |
1 | Global warming is affected by different things being agriculture,human activity ,technology and many more. some argue that instead of preventing it people should find means to survive along with it. I completely disagree and will state side of my view.
The reason why some people hold to this argument is because global warming is difficult to control. For example, there are no control measures on second hand cars bought in Botswana people end up buying old damaged cars. Consequently they end up emmiting smoke and have an impact to the climate. Other reason is, people they do not follow polices implemented by the government making it hard to prevent harm to climate. For instance, policy made in Botswana that people should get permits to cut trees but instead they do that without them. Above reasons are good enough to people to think that they
should find ways to live with global warming issues instead of preventing them.
Nethertheless, I beileve global warming can be preventable and cannot be accepted because it is harmful. It can damage our eco system. Reason being,people cutting treess will lead to less of them thus more carbon dioxide in the climate which is harmful to survival. Also it can lead to less rainfall being produced, resulting to less food being produced and no water. Therefore flora and fauna will suffer as well as human beings. Lastly due to climate change it can happen that the sun will burn plants in farms, that is less food produced then people will suffer. The government should put policies in place and make sure people abide by them to prevent global warming.
To conclude, though some people believe to find ways to survive with climate change I am against that as the damages caused by it are of more significance. Climate change needs to be prevented by all means as it is dangerous to eco system and government should find strict laws to save it. |
1 | The given chart illustrates the figure for waste produced by three different companies from 2000 to 2015
Overall, while the amounts of production wasted of company C rose, the opposite was true for that of company A and company B.
On the one hand, company A and B had the figure for waste produced decrease. In 2000, company A had 12 production which were wasted. However, in 2005, it decrease to 11 and hit the lowest point in 2015 with 8. In the period from 2000 to 2005, there were a gradual increase from 8 to 10 waste produced in company B, but after that, the figure for it dramatically fell to 3 in 2015.
On the other hand, company C was the only company had the up trend in the number of waste produced. It had 3 in 2000 and rose to 6 in 2005. In addition, it continuously increase to 7 in 2010 and hit the peak point at 10 in 2015. |
1 | Whilie some people believe that we can live with climate change instead of dealing with that, I don't agree with this idea because climate change can bring various disadvantages for our life.
There are many disadvantages of climate change which can gradually push animals and also human to extinction. First and foremost, climate change promote the process of global warming which is one of the most dangerous result of climate change. Because of this situation, ice in 2 polar areas is melting day by day. As a result, the level of sea water will go up. Therefore, countries which are near by the sea may be drown in the future. Another drawback of climate change is that it causes many disaster. The figure for disaster is predicted to increase because of climate change. Hence, people and animals will have to deal with many dangerous disaster which can bring a lot of damage.
Beside, I believe there are also many way to prevent climate change. Firstly, from my perspective, education is the best way to deal with the changing of climate. Because education raises the awareness of people about how dangerous climate change is, and it also teach people to protect the environment. Therefore, the effect of climate change will decrease. Secondly, local community should hold more volunteer activity for people to clean the palace where they live, so people can make sense of environmental protection and their neighborhood will also be cleaned. This activity can also contribute to prevent climate change
In conclusion, I believe that people can't live with climate change and people have to prevent it. |
1 | The line graph gives us informations about how much tonnes of waste is created by three companies between the year 2000 and 2015. It can be observed that majority of the companies reduced their waste in this period and become more eco-friendly.
Overall, while company A nd B were reducing their waste, company C provided more waste from 2000 to 2015. Also, company B recorded significant drop from 2005 to 2015.
Taking a closer look at the graph, it can be seen that company A created the most waste in the beginning. They recorded 12 tonnes of wastes in the year 2000, however, they reduced their waste consistently in the following years and produced less than 9 tonnes in 2015. Unfortunetly, company C increased their waste records in this period. While they produced little over 3 tonnes of waste in 2000, they rose this record regularly to over 9 tonnes in 2015.
On the other hand, company B increased their waste from 2000 to 2005 with reaching over 9 tonnes in 2005 from around 8 tonnes in 2000. However, there is a major drop between 2005 and 2015. They decreased their waste from over 9 tonnes in 2005 to 3 tonnes in 2015. |
1 | Climate change divides people into two thoughts. While some people believe that we should take actions to prevent its affects, others think we better understand it and do some adjustments in our lives accordingly. In my opinion, I think it would be better if we can prevent it to have better life for us and future generations, instead of just living through it because we witnessed similar events in the history. In this essay, I will express my opinion with discussing both point of views.
One of the biggest advantage of humans compared to other creatures is its adaptibility. Humans faced serious natural disasters in the past and climate change was just one of them. With the adjustment skill that we have, we always found a way to stay alive and made it through until today. From this prespective, today's changes in climate change can be accepted and with a few adjustment in our life styles, it can be treated as another disaster in history that humans have been through.
However, if we do changes to learn live with climate change, it will cause us to drop our life quality in daily bases. For instance, air pollution will become a huge problem with the climate change and if we just adapt ourselves to live with it, we have to wear face masks everyday to reduce its harmful affect to our metabolism and this will limit our breathing. On the other hand, if we try to prevent climate change, we can keep the same way that we are living today. Furthermore, if we take serious actions to stop climate change, we have a chance to raise our life quality not just for today but also for the future. We can live in a world which has more green areas and this way, we can provide better environment to our childeren.
To conclude, I believe we can prevent the climate change for improtant reasons which are raising the life qulity and living a better world for the future generations instead of just looking for a way to live with it. |
1 | The line graph gives us informations about how much tonnes of waste is created by three companies between the year 2000 and 2015. It can be observed that majority of the companies reduced their waste in this period and become more eco-friendly.
Overall, while company A nd B were reducing their waste, company C provided more waste from 2000 to 2015. Also, company B recorded significant drop from 2005 to 2015.
Taking a closer look at the graph, it can be seen that company A created the most waste in the beginning. They recorded 12 tonnes of wastes in the year 2000, however, they reduced their waste consistently in the following years and produced less than 9 tonnes in 2015. Unfortunetly, company C increased their waste records in this period. While they produced little over 3 tonnes of waste in 2000, they rose this record regularly to over 9 tonnes in 2015.
On the other hand, company B increased their waste from 2000 to 2005 with reaching over 9 tonnes in 2005 from around 8 tonnes in 2000. However, there is a major drop between 2005 and 2015. They decreased their waste from over 9 tonnes in 2005 to 3 tonnes in 2015. |
1 | Climate change divides people into two thoughts. While some people believe that we should take actions to prevent its affects, others think we better understand it and do some adjustments in our lives accordingly. In my opinion, I think it would be better if we can prevent it to have better life for us and future generations, instead of just living through it because we witnessed similar events in the history. In this essay, I will express my opinion with discussing both point of views.
One of the biggest advantage of humans compared to other creatures is its adaptibility. Humans faced serious natural disasters in the past and climate change was just one of them. With the adjustment skill that we have, we always found a way to stay alive and made it through until today. From this prespective, today's changes in climate change can be accepted and with a few adjustment in our life styles, it can be treated as another disaster in history that humans have been through.
However, if we do changes to learn live with climate change, it will cause us to drop our life quality in daily bases. For instance, air pollution will become a huge problem with the climate change and if we just adapt ourselves to live with it, we have to wear face masks everyday to reduce its harmful affect to our metabolism and this will limit our breathing. On the other hand, if we try to prevent climate change, we can keep the same way that we are living today. Furthermore, if we take serious actions to stop climate change, we have a chance to raise our life quality not just for today but also for the future. We can live in a world which has more green areas and this way, we can provide better environment to our childeren.
To conclude, I believe we can prevent the climate change for improtant reasons which are raising the life qulity and living a better world for the future generations instead of just looking for a way to live with it. |
1 | The two pie chart depict the outcome of a survey about the guest service of the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and 2010 on 100 customers.
Overall, 5 scale of the customer service are illustrated on each pie chart. In both year, the bulk of customer feedback are positive and profitable to the hotel. However, in 2005, the two smallest rated opininon will become the first highest in 2010.
In 2005, guests deserved mostly a negative review, namely between satisfactory and very poor. Nevertheless, this trend update to a positive one, namely between excellent and satisfactory in the year 2010. In five years, even if the worst feedback led almost to a fourfold decrease, the second last negative review doubled in 2010.
Regarding to the feeling of a positive customer service, there was an approximate 25% growth from both outstanding and good guest service. This is that the medium satisfaction has a downward trend over the five years from 45% to 17% |
1 | In numerous countries, few individuals earn a considerable income. Despite the outrageous salary that people could have, many consider that government ought to submit a limit of wages. However, others believe that is profitable for their nation.
Thinking to all poverty that there are in the world, I can understand why some individuals estimate to not allow indecent wages. In my opinion, a larger number of people who earn significant salaries always waste their money into useless luxuries to show off. However, when we can see some household which have numerous jobs to keep the wolf from the door, it seems obvious that governments should impose restrictions on income. In addition, even if individuals sometimes deserve their wages, if government had their billions which are in their bank accounts, it would help millions of inhabitants for numerous issues. It could benefit to the general interest, namely, to reduce starve, poverty or even maybe find a cure for cancer.
Nevertheless, I would say that individuals deserve their salaries because most of the time, people who earn a considerable living create employment such as Chief Executive Officer. Thanks to their ingenuity and their leadership, this small number of geniuses build corporation which give to thousands of persons a full-time job. Indeed, citizens must not forget that everyone pay taxes hence, for example, if a businessman had a heavy income, he would pay higher taxes than everybody. Furthermore, this gap between salaries could also be justified due to different level of studies or responsibility which lead to distinct income.
To conclude, even if in each country, there are heterogenous wages with a huge gap, each view is completely understandable. However, thinking to submit restrictions on salaries, could lead to a reduction of country’s development. |
1 | The charts illustrate the outcome of a survery conducted among 100 Parkway Hotel's clients about the customer service's quality (from excellent to very poor) in 2005 and 2010.
Overall, in this period of 5 years a growth of good and excellent judgements was seen, linked to a fall of the bad ones.
In 2005, almost the half of the visitors (45%) judged the service satisfactory.
In addition, 14 out of 100 believed that the service provided by the Hotel was good, while only 5/100 thought it was excellent.
However, for the 36% it was below the standard level, and in particular for 15 of them it was very poor.
In the first decade of 2000 the service was judged above the average by most of the visitors; in fact, 39% said it was good, whereas 28% stated that it was excellent.
Furthermore, since 12% outlined a poor quality of the customer service and only 4% a very poor one, a noticeable decrease of bad reviews was seen. |
1 | In many parts of the world, few people get a lot of money thanks to their job. It is believed by some that this is an advantage for the country, while it is thought by others that governments should put a limit above which salaries cannot be.
In my opinion, I believe that not only people have to be rewarded for their performance, but also their wage salary has to be proportional to the benefits that they are leading to the country.
For instance, due to the Covid a lot of people suffered several injuries which were cured only thanks to the doctors and the nurses. For this reason, since they are saving lifes everyday,
it seems unbelievable the fact that they are earning much less money than football players.
Another example can be found in people involved in the national security: I believe that it would be fairer if these professionals were paid more than an influencer.
However, in our society this figures (such as doctors) are paid by governments through taxes, while football players or influncers gain incomes by private companies.
In order to not impose an heavier taxation, politics should categorise jobs basing on their importance in the society. Hence, we will have a specific amount that these employers can earn.
Thus, if these no-fundamental workers (like actors or actress) are earning more money than the precise level chosen, these will be used as funds to increase life-saving jobs' salary.
In conclusion, I believe that highest salaries should exist only if we are referring to a job that is needed by everyone. |
1 | The two pie charts illustrate the satisfaction rated by visitors of Parkway Hotel's customer service, in 2005 and 2010.
Overall, it is noticable that in 2005 was mostly satisfactory and in 2010 it was mostly good. As a matter of fact, the service has increased in quality during the 5 years since, in 2005, over one third the service was rated as poor and very poor. On the other hand, in 2010, over two-thirds was rated as good and excellent.
In 2005, unfortunately only 5% of visitors said that the service was excellent, in fact 15% said it was very poor and 21% as poor. Nevertheless 45% of visitors were satisfied, but only 14% rated the service as good.
In 2010, in contrast, the service was rated as 4% as very poor, 12% as poor and 17% as satisfactory. However 28% of visitors said that the service was excellent and 39% said it was good. |
1 | Nowadays having a job is a common type of lifestyle for all individuals. As a matter of fact, jobs are very important because is the only way that people have to earn money. However, in many countries, the distribution of salary is not equal and a small number of people earn higher salaries than others.
Some individuals think that this is good for the country because goverment encourage only categories that are more in touch with money, such as employees who work in banks, offices and who has a business. In other words, the economy of the country can increase in a significant way since goverments incentivate these categories by giving them extremely high salaries.
On the other hand, there are those who argue that goverments should not allow salaries above a certain level because there are a lot of employees, such as workers and teachers that have a very small salary. In fact, they are the ones who works for the wealth and the future of the society and it is unfair that they are discourage. Moreover, I also believe that these kind of jobs are more stressful and challenging than others and they work as good as categories that have higher salaries.
In conclusion, I hold the view that everybody should have an equal distribution of salary and it is unfair that goverments incentivate only a certain category of workers. All individuals should be paid according to the commitment they give and we should not think only about the economy of the country. |
1 | The two pie charts illustrate the satisfaction rated by visitors of Parkway Hotel's customer service, in 2005 and 2010.
Overall, it is noticable that in 2005 was mostly satisfactory and in 2010 it was mostly good. As a matter of fact, the service has increased in quality during the 5 years since, in 2005, over one third the service was rated as poor and very poor. On the other hand, in 2010, over two-thirds was rated as good and excellent.
In 2005, unfortunately only 5% of visitors said that the service was excellent, in fact 15% said it was very poor and 21% as poor. Nevertheless 45% of visitors were satisfied, but only 14% rated the service as good.
In 2010, in contrast, the service was rated as 4% as very poor, 12% as poor and 17% as satisfactory. However 28% of visitors said that the service was excellent and 39% said it was good. |
1 | Nowadays having a job is a common type of lifestyle for all individuals. As a matter of fact, jobs are very important because is the only way that people have to earn money. However, in many countries, the distribution of salary is not equal and a small number of people earn higher salaries than others.
Some individuals think that this is good for the country because goverment encourage only categories that are more in touch with money, such as employees who work in banks, offices and who has a business. In other words, the economy of the country can increase in a significant way since goverments incentivate these categories by giving them extremely high salaries.
On the other hand, there are those who argue that goverments should not allow salaries above a certain level because there are a lot of employees, such as workers and teachers that have a very small salary. In fact, they are the ones who works for the wealth and the future of the society and it is unfair that they are discourage. Moreover, I also believe that these kind of jobs are more stressful and challenging than others and they work as good as categories that have higher salaries.
In conclusion, I hold the view that everybody should have an equal distribution of salary and it is unfair that goverments incentivate only a certain category of workers. All individuals should be paid according to the commitment they give and we should not think only about the economy of the country. |
1 | In the flowchart given, 8 stages in the life cycle of salmon are illustrated. It is seen that cycle starts when salmon lay eggs in the river and finishes when they return to river from the ocean to spawn.
The life cycle of salmon is initiated when a female lays eggs in the river and incubate them. Offsprings emerge from the eggs in a form of small fish form which are then reared in the freshwater before they enter the estuary. After a certain period of time, the fish change their habitation to estuary which is the entrance from river to ocean. Then, they completely inhabit the ocean environment, followed by a migration to rearing areas. These salmon, in this way, keep growing and eventually reach the point of maturation where sexual reproduction can take place between two opposite sex. Once mating occurs, they migrate back to the river area where the life cycle can be repeated for the next generation. |
1 | As society becomes more and more saturated with technology, traditional cultures are losing their roles in society. The compatibility of technology and traditions are often debated where some suggest it is possible, whereas, others argue it is not. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and conclude by saying how and why it is almost impossible.
Since people usually appreciate limited ways of living, it is challenging for both conventions and technology to co-exist. They will usually choose one method or another but not both at the same time. For instance, a company would have to focus on using human labour or advanced machineries to produce a product. The incompatibility may not be obvious at first but as technology develops futher, use of machines will increase but employment will decrease. Furthermore, technology is often considered to be more convenient and faster by many people. Work can be done more efficiently so workers will start to abandon the old ways of living or working.
In contrast, it might be possible for two values to work along in society due to different tastes of various people. Traditional cultures are usually appreciated by old generation such as grandparents, meanwhile, new generation prefers technology in their life. For example, grandparents can read newspaper while grandchildren watch TV or play games during family time. Moreover, although it is hard for a company to use both at the same time, it is not totally impossible. If the number of machines is controlled during production, human labour and machines can work together to maximise productivity by covering up each other's disadvantages.
All in all, even though traditional values and technology can be compatible theoratically, it is indeed difficult to compromise the use between two in real life. Ergo, people would have to beware of the risk of losing traditional cultures, if at all. |
1 | The process depicts the steps in which a salmon go through to complete a life cycle. Overall, the whole process is made up by 2 stages, each composed of 4 steps, from the hatching of the eggs in a river, to the maturation in ocean and the migration to spawning area, again in a river.
To begin with, the adult salmon spawn, and after a period of incubation, the newborn salmons emerge and get together in a freshwater rearing. As they continue to grow the rearing head off estuary where another nurturing phase takes place.
Looking at the second stage, which occurs mainly in the ocean, it is noticeable that after the rearing stage in the estuary, the salmon’s flock undergo a further rearing step in an oceans area necessary to allow them to grow and maturing. When the salmons are ripe enough, they set out across the estuary toward spawning areas by swimming against the river’s stream. |
1 | Many people hold the view that traditional culture and technological development cannot coexist as the latter catch on, the former will be bound to disappear. I totally disagree with this because both can be implemented jointly by putting technology at the service of tradition and through pilot projects.
To begin with, technological progress, which is making major strides in our daily lives, is the means by which local mores, custom and traditions could be brought back to life, proving they are compatible. In fact, by tapping technology to make tradition far more attractive, considerably more audience will be engaged into such activities. Bologna is a case in point, since, thanks to digital machines and drones which have supported housewives into the making of , the traditional celebration of “making pasta day ” has recently being turned into a successful events, which draws people from country as far afield as China.
Another example of possible coexistence is the possibility to heighten awareness of people costumes through the creation of pilot projects which bring both habits and technology to a new whole level. This can be put into practice by setting a direct connection to cultural heritage of a specific area of the world to those who do not have access easily. To this end, many primary schools in New York have developed a project in which, owing to the ultimate high speed connection, pupils who come from abroad can learn ancient craft directly from a master located in their country of origin.
To conclude, I firmly believe that traditional culture and technology development are widely compatible as the technology can positively beef up the presence of cultural traditions nowadays, so as to keep its memory Alive. In addition, pioneering projects can be implemented to underpin cultural awareness amongst youngsters. |
1 | The diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a salmon from spawning phase to maturity. The life of a salmon starts in the incubation period inside the eggs which is spawned in the freshwater. After the incubation period the salmon emerge from the eggs in the river and they are reared in the freshwater. The young salmon moves through the freshwater in the rives towards the estuary and completes the estuary rearing there before they migrate to the ocean.
Once they are in the ocean the salmon moves around searching for rearing areas and reaches its full growth and maturity. The matured salmon then migrates to spawning areas in the freshwater through the estuary for spawning. Once the salmon is emerged it goes through several stages of life to reach the maturation phase
Overall the life cycle illustration of a salmon goes through 8 stages which is started by spawning stage of a salmon and ends when a salmon attains full growth and maturity. |
0 | Rapid adavancement in technology is a serous disruptor of traditional cultures. The author agree with the statement that the technology and traditional cultures may find it hard to co-exist. As the reserach and development of human beings increases the birth of new technologies are inevitable. When a new technology is invented, mostly the new member of our living environment disrupts the traditional standards.
For example, prior to the internet era we used to communicate less through the mobile devices and tend to have face to face conversations. This is often true while considering a chat between our family members. On occasions like birthday, a festival season like Christmas we used to go in person to greet the loved ones. However, as technology evolved and traditional jobs are swept away people migrated to locations with more opportunities and often these are far from the native places. This situation along with the communication platforms built above internet like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat make us feel like we do not have to travel so far just to wish for a special occasion when we can do the same easily on a mobile device.
From the authors experience it is clearly understood that he traditional cultures are now covered by the clouds of new technologies which threatens the survival of many hunam beings. For example, with the innovation in the banking sector, the customers are now able to transact through their mobile application. They do not have to visit the brick and mortar braches anymore. If this trend continues then many professionals in the banking industry will be laid of within next couple of years. |
1 | The diagram depicts the life-cycle of the salmon, from being an egg to transforming into a fully grown adult fish.
The first stage of the salmon starts in the river, where the spawning of two mature salmons lead to the laying of eggs. The rivers have long been chosen by salmons for breeding spots because their fresh-saltless water is suitable for the eggs and the freshly hatched baby salmons to start maturing in. After emerging from the eggs, the hatchlings stay on in the fresh water till they pre-mature/partially grow. After gaining considerable size and adapting to the primary waters, they travel to the estuaries, the only stop-over between them and the oceans. Only the first of the young salmons to reach the estuaries are able to make it to the oceans. This is because once these small and stagnant water bodies get over-crowded, there is virtually no space left in them which in-turn leads to the death of many young salmons.
The young salmons who were able to survive the estuaries journey to the oceans, where the salty water increases their size and makes them fully grown. After getting the maturity to breed, they go back to the rivers from where the cycle starts all-over again.
In total, there are 8 stages in the life of a salmon to maturity, it starts in the rivers and ends in the rivers too. |
1 | It is quite evident that with the speedy development of technology, the traditional cultures in every aspect of society will soon vanish. This is because with the advancements in technology, people will start to realise that there isn't really a need for these traditional cultures to still continue. As sad un-realistic as it may sound, it is the truth. Enhanced technology and our traditional cultures are just not compatible, leaving only one to emerge victorious out of the two.
What I feel about this topic is a mixture to both agree and disagree with it, because there are both plus and negative sides to this.
Talking about the Plus sides, life will become easier. Traditional culture does not only refer to the festivities, customs, norms etc. It refers to the 'life' as a whole, which is slower than the more enhanced life brought to us by technological developments. A great example of this is the invention of the car. Before the earliest cars were invented, horses would pull carriages over long distances. The invention of the first car was a huge upgrade from these animals driven-vehicles and were beneficial too. The first and most obvious benefit was that money was saved. The horses that pulled the carriages were living things, and would die one day, causing these carriage drivers to spend loads of money on the best-quality horses. That was all replaced with the invention of the first car, making it only a one-time investment for the drivers.
The negative side to this is that many centuries' old traditions that hold a high level of nostalgia for communites will one day disappear. Many Indegineous african communities that have upheld their traditions for hundreds of years, are disappearing due the better job opportunities provided by technology developments.
Hece, this is something with which I have a view to both agree and disagree with. |
1 | The diagram depicts the life-cycle of the salmon, from being an egg to transforming into a fully grown adult fish.
The first stage of the salmon starts in the river, where the spawning of two mature salmons lead to the laying of eggs. The rivers have long been chosen by salmons for breeding spots because their fresh-saltless water is suitable for the eggs and the freshly hatched baby salmons to start maturing in. After emerging from the eggs, the hatchlings stay on in the fresh water till they pre-mature/partially grow. After gaining considerable size and adapting to the primary waters, they travel to the estuaries, the only stop-over between them and the oceans. Only the first of the young salmons to reach the estuaries are able to make it to the oceans. This is because once these small and stagnant water bodies get over-crowded, there is virtually no space left in them which in-turn leads to the death of many young salmons.
The young salmons who were able to survive the estuaries journey to the oceans, where the salty water increases their size and makes them fully grown. After getting the maturity to breed, they go back to the rivers from where the cycle starts all-over again.
In total, there are 8 stages in the life of a salmon to maturity, it starts in the rivers and ends in the rivers too. |
1 | It is quite evident that with the speedy development of technology, the traditional cultures in every aspect of society will soon vanish. This is because with the advancements in technology, people will start to realise that there isn't really a need for these traditional cultures to still continue. As sad un-realistic as it may sound, it is the truth. Enhanced technology and our traditional cultures are just not compatible, leaving only one to emerge victorious out of the two.
What I feel about this topic is a mixture to both agree and disagree with it, because there are both plus and negative sides to this.
Talking about the Plus sides, life will become easier. Traditional culture does not only refer to the festivities, customs, norms etc. It refers to the 'life' as a whole, which is slower than the more enhanced life brought to us by technological developments. A great example of this is the invention of the car. Before the earliest cars were invented, horses would pull carriages over long distances. The invention of the first car was a huge upgrade from these animals driven-vehicles and were beneficial too. The first and most obvious benefit was that money was saved. The horses that pulled the carriages were living things, and would die one day, causing these carriage drivers to spend loads of money on the best-quality horses. That was all replaced with the invention of the first car, making it only a one-time investment for the drivers.
The negative side to this is that many centuries' old traditions that hold a high level of nostalgia for communites will one day disappear. Many Indegineous african communities that have upheld their traditions for hundreds of years, are disappearing due the better job opportunities provided by technology developments.
Hece, this is something with which I have a view to both agree and disagree with. |
0 | The diagram depicts that, there are different six stages of salmon fish's life, from its egg stage till adulthood.
Overall, the salmon fish goes through six main phases to fully grown in their hatching period. There are three different resource of water for their cycle.
To start with, salmon fish migrates from ocean to river for spawning their eggs. Thus, the life cycle of salmon starts from incubation in river. After the emerging from eggs, the infant salmon spend their next stage in freshwater and this phase called emergence. Then, they stay in freshwater for grown for a while.
After a few days, they swim to estuaries where they are rearing continues. In large river , they grow bit larger and next to this , muturating fishes migrates to sea for grow more. After that, they stay at ocean for become fully adult fish. Finally, salmon travel for spawning egg in river. This cycle is remaining being continues. |
0 | The relationship between modern technology and traditional culture has always been a great concern of many. Some people argue that, they both can not go well each other on side and I completely agree with statement. In this essay, i will explain how technology affects a culture in a bad way.
Firstly, media has played important part in damaging to cultures in the world. Next to that, modern technology has more advancement in telecommunication department that turned the world into global village. Furthermore, whatever is available in one corner of the world can easily found in another one , so that, it is damaging the uniqueness of any area. People more prefer to eat western food compare to traditional hence, country's street market has also need to change in their favours and cuisine. More and more people in Asian countries, for example, are copying the styles of American outfits and street foods in India are widely replaced by KFC and Mcdonalds. Hence, media play a crucial role in culture to become less distinctive.
On controversy, while development in technology makes people life easier, it also changed the way we live. The introduction of new appliances like the microwave and electric grill has radically changed the traditional cooking. People no longer spend time in kitchen to make food for themselves as they were used to do before. In addition, development in travel and tourism can much affordable to travel in other countries and one can be easily explored the world by advance facilities. Everytime, when a tourist visits a country, they bring with it own culture and it leaves some impression on the local people. For example, a great number of people in India started wearing jeans after the development of tourist attraction in the area. Hence, the link between the evolution of technology and culture damage can be seen.
In conclusion, I totally agree with the statement that while technology brings comfort to life , it makes the cultures vague and indistinctive. |
1 | The line graph depicts the growth in average spending of British parents on children's sports from 2008 to 2014 while other graphs represent the popularity of sports among children and their participation from 2008 to 2014.
Overall, the first graph was about the average monthly spend on children's sports which was at an exponential rate while in the second graph football was the most popular among children.
To begin with the first graph, the average monthly spending of parents on children's sports was increasing at an enormous rate from 20 pounds in 2004 to approximately 33 pounds in 2014.
Meanwhile, the second graph was about participation in three different sports where football was the most popular sport among children approximately 7.9 million in 2008 to roughly 8 million. swimming was growing at a certain rate while athletics was not so popular until 2010 after that there was a rush in participation in contrast to swimming but after the peak in 2012, there was a decrease in participation. |
1 | In today's world, extreme sports are getting popular among people like sky diving and skiing. It is an adrenaline rush sport where people step beyond their limits. In my opinion, such sport should not be banned just because they are dangerous.
Firstly, such extreme sports should not be banned as they are also sport just like any other sport. furthermore, major sports like cricket are also not the safest to play as the ball is made of solid leather it can put crack on someone's head which is extremely dangerous. extreme sports are meant for enjoyment and they also help to release some stress.
Secondly, if such sports are conducted properly then it should not be as dangerous like there should be guidelines where they make sure that pieces of equipment are in excellent condition and where they do make sure a safety check.
Lastly, despite being extreme, many find themselves indulging in such activity because it helps them reduce their stress at work or home. The reason is that when we engage in sports, our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that alleviates stress and helps us feel more relaxed and peaceful unlike when we are bombarded with phone calls or emails from clients.
In conclusion, I disagree with the eradication of extreme sports as it provides thrills and also boosts someone's confidence as they move beyond their limitation. people all around the world love to indulge in such activities where they feel an adrenaline rush in their whole body. |
1 | The first diagram shows how much money British parents spent on their children's sports between 2008 and 2014, while, the second chart, shows the number of children who participated in three sports in Britain over the same time period.
Overall, in the first chart, the average monthly spend on children's sports is given in pounds and in never goes over 35 pounds or under 20 pounds; in the second diagram the three sports are Football, Athletics and Swimming and the number of childrens is given in millions
The money spent by British parents monthly is increase constantly every year, starting from 20 pounds in 2008 till the 32 pounds reached in 2014. Football is the sport that count more number of children having an average of more than 7.5 millions participant every year; Athletics has less than 1 million of participant in 2008 and 2010 while in 2012 it registered a big gain in number of children reaching the 5 millions participant and overcoming Swimming that, in contrast, has a regular grow in numbers from 2008 to 2014. In 2014, Athletics has a loss of participant that brings the number of children under 5 millions but, despite this, it still has more participants than Swimming. |
1 | Nowadays, practicing extreme sports like sky diving and skiing is much more popular than in the past. Anyway, a lot of people think that this types of sports are very dangerous and should be banned. This essay will talk about extreme sports giving my own opinion about the idea of banning this activities because of their risks.
Practicing a sport is very important for the general health of a person; a lot of people choose to practice dangerous sports, like skiing, because of the adrenaline and the sensation that it brings to you. Sports of this type can help you to go over your fear and they will help you to see life from a different perspective.
Anyway, the risks that an athlete will go through are many; every year the amount of people that have injuries or, sometimes die, because of this types of activities are numerous. Especially with skiing, a person should never go alone in places that don't have the right equipment to guarantee a safe experience; many times when practicing this types of sports, athletes from all over the world decide to go over their limit going to practice in zones that are known to be dangerous or unsafe and, in this cases, the possibility of something bad to happen is high.
Personally, I think that when you want to practice or experiment a sport that is extreme you should take all the right prevention to make the experience as safe as possible to avoid any injuries. Practicing sports is important but it is also fundamental to try your best to avoid injuries when practicing it. This essay talked about extreme sports and their risk, giving my own opinion at the end. |
1 | The bar chart illustrate the information about the number of employee acordingly to their gender in 6 countries of the world in 1995 and 2005. Overall, in all countries the number of male workers was higher than female ones a the same period, however the whole number of employees increased over that period.
The most notisable difference in the number of employee of male and female staff was in three countries, where the number of women was about half of the number of men, - Austratia, New Zealand, Iceland. In 1995, there was around 56%, 60%, and 71% of male workers, whereas the number of female workers was about 28%, 26%, and 40%, in those three countries correspondingly. In 2005, the number of male staff was around 69%, 71%, and 83%, whereas the number of female emploees was approximately 39%, 41%, and 52%, respectively. The graphs for Australian and New Zealand workers are very similar. In Iceland was the most number of male workers comparing with number of male workers in all other countries.
In other countries there was no such a huge difference in the gander of employees. In 1995, the number of male workers there was 65%, 55%, and 59%, whereas the number of female workers was 55%, 50%, and 45%, in Switzerland, UK, USA, correspondingly. In 2005, the number of all gender groupes of workers increased by more than 10% - 78%, 72%, and 71% - for males, and 68%, 62%, and 61% - for females, in mentioned above countries, respectively. |
1 | Nowardays, it widely believed that most people have forgotten the main purpose of some traditions and religious celebrations, but during those festival periods they just prefer to enjoy themselves and have a fun from holiday. In this essay, I will discuss two opposite attitudes of modern people to some traditional celebrations and give example and some advice to the issue.
On the one hand, it seems that the majority of people does not care about the reason of holidays, they are ready to enjoy them without any concrete reasons. First of all, that happens usually because of the fact that many people overwork and do not live in their work-life balance, so they are very glad to have additional day-off. The second explanation to the issue can be that people follow some traditions from ancient times, so some of those traditions became as a routines, that the basic meaning could be forgotten during the times. But nations continue folloving some customs just because they got used to them, even if they do not remember the main purpose of the celebration. The third reason to that can be that young generation do not understand some of their ancestors traditions, so they just accept some festivals from their predecessors as days when they are able to make their lives brighter and enjoy themselves.
On the other hand, there are exist people who know the basics of festivals and familiar with the hystory of traditions in their countries. Such kind of people usually consern about their traditions and pay more attantions to some specific atributes of festivals, which can be symbolise health, wealth, success, or maybe femily hapiness, et cetera. In my opinion, it would be beneficial if the main purposes of some, especially ancient, traditions, to be explained to others. First of all, people would become familiar with some old customs and maybe partly could understand the reasons why their ancestors used some kind of colors and accesuars during that holidays. Additionally, people would know better the histories of their countries and share those knowledge with younger generations. So, the youth could not only enjoy themselves during celebrations, but also become more intelligent about traditions in their homelands.
To sum it up, it is widely spread attitude on holiday organisation as to only having entertainment, dancing, and having wonderful moods during those days. However, if the history of festivals and ancient traditions is spread properly, people become more wisdom about the main reasons of those celebrations in their countries. |
1 | In the graph that shows the data of the employment rates across 6 countries between the years of 1995 and 2005, the first nation of discussion is Australia.
In Australia, we can see that in the year of 1995, the rate of males getting employed was more than that of females getting employed with males standing at 55% employment, and females on the other hand at only about 25-27% employment. In fact, it can be seen that the rate of employment for males in both the years, 1995 and 2005 is more than that of the females!
Resonating with the point made above, despite the slight increase in the rate of females getting employed, the males still towered the 2005 comparison in the rate of employment, standing at 69%, leaving the females at an slightly increased 39%.
In Switzerland on the other hand, although the rate of employment went to the males in both years of 1995 and 2005, there is only a slight difference between the rates. In the year of 1995, the rate of swiss men getting employed stood at 65% with females only being 8% behind, standing at about 58%. Meanwhile, in the year of 2005, the rate of swiss males employed shot up at a whopping 79%, leaving the females only 10% behind, at about 69%.
Actually, it can be seen that the rate of males being employed is more than females in all of the 6 countries of comparison! Just that the difference of the rates are very minimum in Switzerland in both the years and in UK in only the year of 1995. Otherwise, there is a major major gap in the rates of the remaining 3 countries, that is- Iceland, Newzealand and USA, for both years of 1995 and 2005. |
1 | As the years go by, it can be clearly seen that our minds are starting to abandon the true meaning of a nation's religious and traditional festivals by replacing with something that is not even related to the legend behind the festival.
A great example of this is in India during the nations' biggest festival, Diwali. Diwali is celebrated across the nation in the month of October for it was when Lord Rama, the greatest hero of our holy Hindu scriptures returned victorious from his battle in Lanka by defeating the demon king, Ravana. Traditionally, there used to be mass 'pujas' (worship ceremonies) held in every nook and corner of the nation, you could literally find and join a puja ceremony anywhere you went in India.
Although they are still held, the new generation of Indian youth proudly known as 'Gen-z', is starting to abandon the true meaning of this festival by mending it in their own way. Instead of spending money to call over the poor and homeless to their homes to give them a meal (like what was traditionally done), they are using all that money on partying and gambling in the 'name of Lord Ram and religion'. I personally find this utterly disgusting and disrespectful. Although it is a much more eco-friendly method of celebrating than bursting crackers, I feel that it is like you are spitting in the face of Lord Rama.
The case of India and Diwali is just one of the many ways people are abandoning festive traditions to just enjoy themselves and not give back to the society (like the purpose is in at least all Hindu festivals).
At the end of the day, it depends of which country and it's festival. If you look like a nation like China, their grandest festival, the Chinese New Year as depicted in the picture given below, has still not lost it's authenticity. They still hae the same traditons intact as they were when it was first ever celebrated thousands of years ago.
But as a whole, traditional and religious festivals are losing their true meaning becasue of the intention of the youth to just enjoy themselves. |
1 | The bar graph illustrates male and female employment rates at 1995 and 2005 at 6 varied nations.
Overall, it is certain that both gender experienced an increase in the percentage of employment after a decade. The highest increase in employment for males is in Iceland. The graph showed a peak at approximately 80% at 2005, which is higher than their previous employment rates at about 70%.
In contrast, female employment have shown the highest scarcity at New Zealand in 1995. It started with only less than 30% of employment. However, despite having the lowest percentage of employment , they rised by more than 10%, which are slightly higher than the percentage of female employment at Australia in 2005.
On the other hand, the percentage of male and female employment after 10 years in Switzerland, UK and USA showed a consistency in the ratio-increase before and after 10 years.
In conclusion, it is estimated that the percentage of employment for men and women will continue to surge regardless their nationality. |
1 | In recent years, it is argued that many people have lost track of the meaning behind traditional and religious celebrations; Now, people seem to treat these celebrations as another holiday break. The following essay will fully endorse the statement and examine the reasons behind it.
Firstly, there are several reasons why people forgot about the message behind celebrations. One of the most significant one is globalisation. As people start connecting with each other through social media worldwide, many people are too distracted with the latest trends and updates. A study from Yales University mentioned that 60% of the population on earth do not persuit the stories about their traditional roots and background. Hence, they do not celebrate festive or cultural events meaningfully. Another important reason is broken families. People who experienced a tough childhood without a male or female parent are not capable of understanding their own traditions and values. Therefore, they do not grasp the concept of cultural celebrations.
Moreover, there are also cons to this arguments as people just want to take a holiday break. Although people may argue that it is important to remember the intention behind diverse celebrations, others just want to use the day for self-fulfillment purposes. For example, people would organise a party and invite friends over to their house so they can have a good time. Another argument that people only want enjoyment during festive periods is work-stress related illnesses. The majority of middle class workers are hardworking and dedicated to their job. However, the period of time for holiday breaks are significantly short and they just want to use the celebration events to rest at home. Despite the fact that they are neglecting their duties to demonstrate the meaning behind these celebrations to the younger generations, they also have a right to take care of themselves mentally and physically before others.
In conclusion, there are both sides of the argument on why people think others have forgotten the meaning behind event celebrations and why this is not neccesarily true all the time. Personally, I agree that people should always find the meaning behind these celebrations in order to understand themselves better. |
1 | The pictures give information about employment rate in the Republica of Freedonia by gender in 1975 and 1995.
Overall, the workers of Freedonia were involve in 6 differnent sectors such as manufacturing, communications, finance / banking, wholesale and retail trade, public sector (non-defence), public sector (defence). The number of workers is given in 1 thousand.
The employment rate of two of those sectors kept the same over mentioned period for both genders: manufacturing - 300 and around 650, public sector (non-defence) - about 650 and 850, - women and men, respectivily.
There were two other sectors in which the number of male workers was stable in both years, whereas the number of female workers increased drasticaully - communications - 300 of men and around 250 of women in 1975, about 550 - in 1995, and wholesale and retail trade - 700 of men, and about 550, then 800 of women.
In other sectors the number of employees changed for both genders: finance / banking - the number of male workers was about 410, then it increased till around 500, whereas the number of female workers was about 120, then became about 450, in 1975 and 1995, correspondingly. In punlic sector (defence), the number of men was reduced from about 220 till 200, whereas the number of women increased from around 20 to 100, from 1975 to 1995, respectivily. |
1 | Some people complain that people who work in the entartaining industry such as film stars, pop musicians or sports stars earn excessively huge ammount of money. I agree with that statement, however, I believe that other more essential proffesionals such as doctors, teachers, rescuers should be highly paid.
On the one hand, entertainers earn incredible sum of money which can be estimated much more times than ordinary people obtain. Thier salaries usually allow famous celebrities live very wealthy - they possess expensive properties, laxury cars, have vocations in the best resorts, which a person from another sphere hardly can afford. Of cause, it seems not a matter of the fact that they earn more money than others, but for some people that fact can be observed as unfairness, because the jobs of celebrities are not a rocket of science. However, this is a famous postulate that demand creates supply, that is why demanded professionals have higher earnings than others. For as long as people have possibilities and willingness to make their lives more brighter and interestings, they will pay for entertaining businesses. This is the main reason why entertainers usually wealthy and rich.
On the other hand, some proffesionals such as doctors, teacher, rescuers can be recognised like more important than entertainers, nevertheless they usually underpaid or their earnings can be even so little that it is hard to survive for them. I belive that those people play the more essential roles in the skill development, health improvements and safty of life in general. In my opinion, population should pay more attention to those kinds of proffesions. Additionally, governments should support financially such workers from vitaly important idustries. Moreover, those professionals are usually in demand, by that I mean they should be payed as demanded employees, such as entertainers, no less.
In conclusion, some professionals such as entertainers are paid extremely more money because they are in demand. However, some professionals, such as doctors, teachers, rescuers, usually underpaid. I belive that people as well as government should reconsider the salaries of workers based on their achievements and importance for a society. |
1 | The table gives a breakdown of employment in Freedonia of male and female in 6 sectors in 1975.
First is manufacturing sector, which has over 600 men working and has half of this number, 300 women, working in this sector. The Finance and banking sector and public sector (defence) have same stiuation that these sectors' male workers are far more than female workers. In finance, we have over 400 male workers and only over 100 female workers. In public sector (defence), we have over 200 male workers and we nearly don't have women work in this sector.
As for communication, we have nearly 250 both men and women working but men workers' number is slightly higher than women's. The wholesale and retail trade sector and public sector (non-defence) both have more male workers but the number is just lightly higher than female workers. In whole sale and retail trade, they have nearly 700 male workers and over 500 female workers. In public sector (non-defence), they have nearly 850 male workers and 650 female workers.
Overall, the male workers' number is bigger than female workers in all six sectors. We also notice that female more likely be hired in service sectors. Those sectors like trade or coummunications are requiring more communication skill and less body power. Also the sectors in the central of wealth and political power like banking sector or public sector have a huge gap that they have much more male workers than female workers. |
1 | Nowadays, film stays, pop musicians or sports stars are becoming one of most highest paid jobs. We all at least hread some evidences of this. The big fancy houses, luxury cars or yachts, these are just some of standard equipment. Is this fact good for us? Is this right for our society? Some people rised hot debate on this issue.
Some of them believe this high payment is wrong. They believe those stars or musicians didn't really improve our society too much. They did creat some arts for our spiritual world. However, those contributions are far behind scientists, politicians, doctors and so on. Sadly, we can not live on the songs, the films. Those arts are great, but they aren't great enough to creat a such big payment gap between other jobs. In my country, my teacher, basically a unknown scientist, only has 700 dollars per month. This is incredible low since famous singer have endless zero behind their payment account.
However, the other side of people think their payment is rightful and I am one of them. I don't really love this fact but it's truth because those unbelievable high payment is the result of the our attention to them. In this digital world, attention means money. That is the new rule of our society so there are nothing wrong. As for those scientists or doctors, some of us even can't remeber them before we need them.
So, in my opinion, these payment with uncountable zero are rightful. However, we should rethink of it. Why we spend so much attention on those jods? Why we don't care about other jobs which are means alot for us. That is the thing that we should change. |
1 | The chart gives information about the number of female and male employees divided by six different sectors (manufacturing, communications, finance/banking, wholesale & retail trade, non-defence public sector and defence public sector) in the year 1975. Overall, male employees outraced female in manufacturing, finance/banking and defence public sector. While in communications, wholesales & retail trade and non-defence public sector, female workers were higher in the year 1975.
In manufacturing, number of male employees was slightly higher than female workers by about 280 thousands. Turning to the finance/banking sector, male employees was three-fold more than female workers. Moreover, men work in defence public sector also made up the biggest part of the total number of employees by approximately 190 thousands.
The number of female workers exceeded male employees in three sectors. First, the communications sector, which male workers were less than 50 thousands, while the number of female workers were around 240 thousands. Second, the wholesale & retail trade, the female employees were over 450 thousands but the male workers were lower than 100 thousands. Last sector is the non-defence public sector, the total employees were the highest among others, with about 640 thousands female workers and 200 thousands male workers only. |
1 | Jobs such as actors, musicians or athlete earns a lot of money, however, a part of people argued that these kinds of people are overpaid. In my opinion, I disagree with this view and believes that they deserved the high salary.
People who works as a movie stars, musicians and sports player deserved high money paid. This is because they advocated all there time and effort to get the salary that they have today. Before they become famous, they only have few incomes or even get nothing. That is to say, many musicians did not get any payment at the begining of their career, so do the actors and sports players, they spent their time but do not get any money. For instance, before being a well-known musicians, they have to spend their own money on buying equipment to produce musics or to public the songs they have made. Also, the creativety and their works cannot be measured by money. Thus, they deserved high salary because of their profession and uncopyable works.
Jobs which needs professional skills and the job envolves high risk shoul also be highly paid. Such as doctors and programmers, their job are unplaceable because these envolved professional knowledge that not everyone had. Moreover, people works in high-risk environment deserved high payment too. For example, fire-fighters, they might got hurt or even die while working. Therefore, higher salary is needed for jobs that need special skills and career with high risk.
To sum up, I agree with the statement because of the reasons above, and jobs with special knowledge and people works in dangerous environment should also be highly paid. |
1 | The diagram illustrates the acid level in the mouth obtained afrer the consuption of sugar and honey. The process of incresment of acidity (or low pH values) are subjected to a strong variation in the 40 minutes occurring after sweet foods are eaten. The risk that a tooth decay occurs is high mostly if you eat cane sugar.
Before eating sweet foods the level of pH is neutral. 5 minutes after sugar has been eaten, the situation is radically different. The level of pH plummet down, around 3,5 if you eat cane sugare. After 5 minutes the level of pH arrives at the maximum of the acidity level that can be caused by sugar. Then, the level of pH starts deacreasing slowly again and after 30 minutes (if cane sugar had been eaten) or a little bit less (20-25 minutes) if honey or fruit sugar had been eaten, the acidity is almost normal (between 6 and 7).
The risk that a tooth decay occurs are very high, mostly if the the sweet product eaten is cane sugar. Instead, the possibility that a problem like tooth decay arise is very low if honey had been eaten. Specifically, the minutes under risk are just 15 if you had eaten honey and more that 30 if you had chosen cane sugar. A tooth decay can occur when the level of pH is lower that 5.5. Then, the acidity of honey remains always lower that that of cane sugar and for this reason the risky minutes are lower. |
1 | Should cultural places be charged? This question opens a big debate. On the one hand, there are some museums that require an admission fee to be paid. On the other hand, there are free-entry museums. I believe that if the charge to be paid is not expensive then it is right and fair to require an admission payment to visit a culutural place.
In general, we used to believe that free is always better. However, I believe it is not a waste of money if they are spent to increase your knowledge. In Italy, for instance, museums and cultural places, in general, do not receive the economical support they need from the administrative centres. This phenomenon implies the following choice: either museums have to ask people to pay an entry fee or they have to stop taking care of the building and the artistic works they host. Then, I believe that to pay an admission fee is a way people, who are interested in art and in culture in general, can demonstrate their taking care of the place in which art is preserved.
What should be the negative consequence of asking for an entry fee? In general, we believe that the money we spend is wasted. Although we spend them to obtain something we appreciate a lot, we always have the tendency to think that money should not be used and preserved. I cannot disagree with this way of thinking. However, I believe that spending money to pay a trisfling amount of money to get access to a cultural place is not a waste. Rather, it is a sort of investment for your personal culture and for the cultural building itself. What's more, generally, if people have to spend money to do any activity they used to enjoy as they can. As good materialists, we want to live the experience to respect the money spent. Then, paying an entry fee will encourage people who care about art to visit a museum rather than those who do not care. Art maybe is made less accessible but, in my opinion, will be more respected. The entry fee should not be (and in general is not) expensive. I cannot see why it should be seen as a loss of money to pay the entry fee of 5 euros to go inside the Louvre in Paris, the estraordinary Valle dei Templi in Sicily, or the magnificent Uffizi gallery in Florence. I believe that money could not be spent in a better way than to visit these places.
In conclusion, I believe there are no real disadvantages caused by the payment of an entry fee, rather there are economic advantages that could help the administration of the museums in maintaining the quality of the service and preserving art works. |
1 | The line graph depicts how a decay can appear due to the level of acid in the mouth when individuals feed themselves with sweet foods. The amount of acid is determined by pH values.
Overall, all of the 3 types of sweet foods had a slump of pH level after eating, then they almost instantly rise to a higher pH level.
When a tooth decay appear, it is when the acid level is under 5.5, hence if the amount of pH do not increase, decays could be develop. The food which have the smallest chance to let a decay is honey, thanks to its stagnation to almost 5. Then it rise to reach its higher point to 7 after 25 minutes after the meal.
Moreover, fruit sugar is reach its low point at approximately 4.3 and then has a steadily growth of pH level. Comparing to the 2 others food, cane sugar has the longest time to diminish the acidity, when appearing a decay is starting to be unlikely, it happens 30 min after eating it. |
1 | Many artistic places prefer to have an entry fee, whereas others let free access. I fully think that the benefits to have admission fees compensate the drawbacks to be not free.
Many individuals would visit museum or art galleries if it were free which could attract more tourists. Unfortunately, admission charge decreases the possibility to discover paintings or masterpieces. However, before being a cultural place, art galleries are a place where numerous employees work. Indeed, if visitors had not to purchase the entrance, workforce would be not paid and the place would be not clean as museum should be. Moreover, huge museums as the British Museum have some sponsors to restore masterpieces whereas small museums have sometimes not the fundings and hence, admission fees would help it. Then, having an entry fee limit the number of individuals who do not really want to see art and appreciate the place.
Concerning to cultural places, museum and art galleries know that many households could not afford ticket entrances for their offspring so many museums establish reduced price for teenagers and children. This project improves the relation between young people and the culture, then it allows children to be attracted to culture, partipate to the technical expenses behind the entry fee and after to visit again some cultural places when they will grow up and purchase the full price. Moreover, purchasing tickets help to the economy of the country which sometimes famous cultural places are a significant part of country's income. For instance, admission fees in museum are two third of the tourism's outcome in France.
To conclude, I believe that admission fees should outweigh free entrance because it does not let the worth process of museum to work. Even if sometimes admission fees are costly for us, there is always a meaning behind the prices. |
0 | The diagram illustrates a comparsion of different sweet foods' acid level produced in a mouth through a measure of their pH values. The higher acidity produced is, the lower pH value is shown. Fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey are selected in this analysis.
By and large, the lowest level of pH value between sweet foods is cane sugar, dropping to 3.5 points in the first 5 minutes after it is eaten. And its pH value stays at points below 5.5 at which tooth decay occurs, of 25 minutes' duration. Honey remains its pH level above 5.5 points except the first 15 minutes.
Going into the detail in regard to their acidity produced by minutes, the pH value of cane sugar dramatically slumps in the first 5 minutes, reaching 3.5 points. Its pH value rises steadily to 5.5 points after 30 minutes gone, lasting 25 minutes under the level of tooth decay. Simultaneously, fruit sugar is the second lowest of pH value, falling to 4 points in the first 5 minutes. Followed by an increase to 5.5 points after 15 minutes later, the pH value of fruit sugar shows a further upward to 7 points after 35 minutues elapsed.
In contrary, there is a level off in the pH value of honey between the first 5 and 10 minutes, accounting for approixmate 4.8 points after dropping. After that, its pH value has a big jump to 7 points, the normal acid level in the mouth, after 25 minutes gone. |
1 | Most world-class museums are free in London, but some museums and art galleries around the world have an admission charges. Frankly speaking, museums with free entry do not mean no cost incurred in their operation. In contrary, there is a lot of maintenance expenditure on exhibits of museums, particularly on historical paintings and valuable statues. These costs are funded by the governments in order to provide the welfare to their civilians. Some people advocate all museums and art galleries should charge the entrance fees as the public funding have to be spent in dire need of foods and housing in the community. This essay attempts to find out its benefits against costs.
There is no doubt that thousand millions expenditure in the operating of museums are financed by the local governments. The UK government reportedly spends almost 500 million pounds a year on supporting the cultural and artistic life of the country. Some people object to this expenditure, arguing that it is unfair to devote much tax payers' money to things which only appeal to a minority of people. They think these attractions should be self-funding, in other words, museums and galleries should set an entrance fee which cover their costs, besides, these costs are reflected via a realistic amount for tickets. The public funds saved could then be spent on more important matters such as housing or providing better educational facilities.
Nevertheless, the culture and arts are not a trivial matter but a vital part of a nation's identity. Not only the arts have a key educational role by representing the traditions and heritage of people, but also galleries and museums should be freely available to all, rich or poor. It is clear that this is basic welfare to all citizens in a country. From economic aspects, tourism can be drived by these attractions. A case in point is British museum, which appeals an endless influx of tourists from various parts of the world to visit every year. Therefore, they are responsible for a significant amount of employment.
My take on this is that the governments have a responsibility to support a range of cultural and artistic activities and to make the museums and galleries free available to all their civilians despite many demanding on their funding resources in the community. |
1 | The given graph shows the level of acidity in the mouth from consuming food that contains fruit or cane sugar and honey.
To start with, if we take a look at honey-consistent food, we will notice that the acid level increases within the first 5 minutes. After that, the level of acidity remains at the rate of less than 5 pH, and, then goes down to a normal level. So, it is unlikely tooth decay to occur within such a short period of time.
Regarding fruit and cane sugar-consistent food, it is quite noticeable that the acidity level increases dramatically at a level of less than 5.5 pH and 4.5 pH, respectively. However, the main difference between fruit and cane sugar is that the acid level of fruit sugar decreases within a bit more than 15 minutes. In contrast to it, the acid level of cane sugar goes down to a normal level within more than 25 minutes, which is more likely to get tooth decay. |
1 | If we take a look at common public institutions such as museums, art galleries, and libraries, we will notice that some of them have already implemented entrance fees. Meanwhile, others have free access for every visitor. At first sight, it is a way to earn extra money, but there is something more than just a business thing.
On the one hand, there is a necessity to invade some admission fees, because a public institution can't survive without financial support. There is a majority of different museums and art galleries that use their entrance earnings to improve the quality of cultural and educational service that they provide. For instance, this money is used to restore some ancient historical or art exhibits, pay salaries for the staff and buy new interesting artifacts to attract new visitors. Furthermore, having extra income from attenders allows to conduct different expensive exhibitions and attract sponsors.
On the other hand, some museums and art galleries are under governmental support, so there is no need to implement additional payments because they already have the necessary equipment and staff. However, here the question of the quality of provided service arises. In other words, we do not know whether it is worth going or not. Despite this fact, people are more likely to visit free of charge places rather than charged ones.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the admission fee in public museums or art galleries is quite an ambiguous notion. In other words, I cannot say for sure whether the advantages of charging outweigh the disadvantages. |
1 | The given graph shows the level of acidity in the mouth from consuming food that contains fruit or cane sugar and honey.
To start with, if we take a look at honey-consistent food, we will notice that the acid level increases within the first 5 minutes. After that, the level of acidity remains at the rate of less than 5 pH, and, then goes down to a normal level. So, it is unlikely tooth decay to occur within such a short period of time.
Regarding fruit and cane sugar-consistent food, it is quite noticeable that the acidity level increases dramatically at a level of less than 5.5 pH and 4.5 pH, respectively. However, the main difference between fruit and cane sugar is that the acid level of fruit sugar decreases within a bit more than 15 minutes. In contrast to it, the acid level of cane sugar goes down to a normal level within more than 25 minutes, which is more likely to get tooth decay. |
1 | If we take a look at common public institutions such as museums, art galleries, and libraries, we will notice that some of them have already implemented entrance fees. Meanwhile, others have free access for every visitor. At first sight, it is a way to earn extra money, but there is something more than just a business thing.
On the one hand, there is a necessity to invade some admission fees, because a public institution can't survive without financial support. There is a majority of different museums and art galleries that use their entrance earnings to improve the quality of cultural and educational service that they provide. For instance, this money is used to restore some ancient historical or art exhibits, pay salaries for the staff and buy new interesting artifacts to attract new visitors. Furthermore, having extra income from attenders allows to conduct different expensive exhibitions and attract sponsors.
On the other hand, some museums and art galleries are under governmental support, so there is no need to implement additional payments because they already have the necessary equipment and staff. However, here the question of the quality of provided service arises. In other words, we do not know whether it is worth going or not. Despite this fact, people are more likely to visit free of charge places rather than charged ones.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the admission fee in public museums or art galleries is quite an ambiguous notion. In other words, I cannot say for sure whether the advantages of charging outweigh the disadvantages. |
1 | The graph illustrates the level of pH values in the mouth varied by eaten time in minutes. The data is observed from different 3 types of sweet foods, including fruit, cane, and honey. The pH level determines inversely to the acid level that can affect dental health. Overall, all the given sweet foods can cause tooth decay at a particular period of time because of the declined pH levels, and then the levels will rise afterward.
To begin with, the pH levels of all 3 types are starting from 7 and then drop down below 5, which indicates that tooth decay can occur as the higher acid level during the first 5 minutes. Especially cane sugar, the pH level plummets to 3.5, which is the lowest level among the sweet foods. After that, the pH levels of fruit and cane sugar gradually rise until over 5.5 at 15 minutes later for fruit sugar and at 25 minutes later for cane sugar. For the honey, the level is steady after the first 5 minutes until 10 minutes after, and then the pH value increases significantly to 7 after eating honey for 25 minutes. |
1 | Museums and art galleries are exhibitions for interested and fully passionate people. However, some places are charging the admission fee for entry, while others are free.
I strongly agree that the advantages of this charge outweigh the disadvantages. In this essay, I will demonstrate by using examples of the funding management of Museum Siam and the charging rate of museums and art galleries in Thailand.
On the one hand, there is ample evidence that the admission charge for entry exhibitions is used for fixing and improving facilities. For example, Museum Siam in Thailand exhibiting in the old buildings in Bangkok city manages the admission fees for fixing the building and for caring toilet and parking facilities. However, this fee is just a small part of managing funds as the museum is supported by the Thai government, which responses to minister expenses.
On the other hand, some museums and art galleries in Thailand are free for Thais only, while the foreigners have to pay for entry. Since the exhibitions are fully taken care from governments for facilitating the visitors, this brings to a benefit for Thai citizens to explore the exhibitions without any loss of their money. Also, the exhibition aims to promote for foreigners rather than domestic people, leading to the charge rising to double of the normal price when high season.
In conclusion, I believe that the admission fees are significant for supporting the museum administrations in order to take care of and fix the facilities. Also, it seems like exchanging systems, if you want to gain extraordinary experiences and fulfill your passions, you have to pay for it. |
1 | The bar graph depicts the amount of leisure time enjoyed by both males and females in different in different employment statuses, from the years of 1998-99.
As their employment satatus suggests, fully employed males and females seem to enjoyed a relatively lesser amount of leisure time as compared to the other employment statuses. Males on an average enjoyed approximately 43 hours of leisure time every week during the given time period and females on the other hand, enjoyed around 38-9 hours of leisure every week, during the same time period.
When we look at the individuals who are employed on a part-time basis, in this case which is females only, they enjoyed a leisure time of 40 hours a week, 1 hour more than the fully employed females and 3 hours less than the fully employed males.
Then as expected, the individuals who enjoyed the most amount of leisure time in this bar graph for the given timeline are the unemployed. Unemployed males enjoyed a leisure time of about 85 hours a week! Which is shocking if we look at the previous two employment statuses. Females, but, enjoyed 6 hours less leisure time than the unemployed males, at about 79 hours a week, which is still quite a lot.
The retired individuals, the next status of employed individuals, enjoyed a leisure time almost as high as the unemployed with males enjoying around 83 hours of leisure a week and females enjoying 79% hours a week during the given time period. Their leisure time is understandable because they urned it, unlike the unemployed.
Last but not the least, we have the housewives, who enjoyed 50 hours of leisure time a week during the given time period. |
1 | Something that has been debated about a lot recently, people around the world have different views about to whom the design of newly constructed buildings should be controlled by. Today, I am here to discuss both sides of the matter and at the end will give my own view.
The people who believe the design of these buildings should be controlled by governments believe so, because they feel that the governments will design the buildings in a way that is not too flashy and nor to minimalistic. It has been seen may times that buildings built by constructing companies/ the financers turn out to be either very flashy or minimalistic. A great example of this is in India's capital, Delhi, where an originally planned office, had exteriors constructed in a very childish and jazzy manner. A thing to also keep in mind that this was the construction of a private office for the top lawyer in Delhi, Arun Deshmukh. He handed over the design of his office to the constructors feeling they won't do anything immature. 4 years later, however, when he went to see the final result of his much-awaited private office, he was completey bewildered by the sight. Instead of seeing a normal office-like building with normal cement on it's exterior, he saw that his dream office looked the exterior of a night club! Instead of normal cement, the exterior was built with transparent glass, and Mr. Deshmukh's name and designation, written in a florescent like way, was carved out on a 3 metre long glass slab!!
Coming to the people who believe the control of the design should go to the constructors/people who finance the building think so because they feel that not everything should be in the hands of the government. They also feel that since it was their initiative to get that building built, they should have the final say on how it should look like.
When it comes to my opinion, i believe that the control of the design of the building should go to the person/people who first thought of getting it constructed, meaning the people hired architects and did the needful to get an ideal design of the building they want to construct. |
1 | The bar chart illustrates the information about how long male people and female people spent their time on leisure activities according to the sorts of job.
Overall, it is clear that, the majority of those who retire their occupation or are not in employment, spent most of the time on leisure activities. Plus, male people were inclined to enjoy more time on chilling activities than females.
Looking at the males in more detail, the figures for retired or unemployed male guys showed the highest range with over 80 hours in a week, meanwhile, other guys who obtained full-time job spent approximately 42 hours per week.
With regard to women, most of them who finished their working life or were not yet to be employed had just under 80 hours for leisure time in every week, but there were just roughly 40 hours which was spent by women who were in charge hosewives, full-time job and part-time employment. |
1 | It is often argued that governments should involve in construction's design in huge cities, while others argued that governments do not have to retrict the free of designers' imagination if those designs are splendid fit on the cities. I believe that if that were to happen, it would be the positive development. This essay will highlight the both views and give personal opinion from the former argument's side.
To begin with latter opinion, although governments have worried about the combination of buildings entirely, the strong limitation about design can cause squandering of designers' skills. There are huge number of competitions about designing building in this society, and the evolution in these fields has developed dramatically. However, if there is a strict criteria on design of building, the majority of intelligences do not need to hammer away to come up with revolutional outline for building.
On the other hand, signitured design of the big cities by itself can be the purpose of trevelling as a landmark, and it can be followed by significant economical achievement in the country. To take myself as an example, in 2017, I went to Gold Coast for study automotive engineering, and I was stunnied becaused of the atmosphere which is formed by combination of similar buildings and beach. Furthermore, according to the research from Sydney university, Gold Coast is one of the cities which make a fortune because of marvelous view.
To sum up with, I would therefore argue that in spite of the fact that building design restriction can influence on architects negatively, it has a potential ability to make a significant profit in the future. |
1 | The bar chart illustrates the number of males and females of various employment status who relished their spare time in hours per week between 1998 and 1999.
Overall, the gender occupation has been divided into five classes: full-time employees, part-time employees, jobless, retired, and homemakers. The graph clearly shows that unemployed and retired spend almost the same leisure time by both the sex. However, the full-time female workers had spent the least amount of their free time.
Only three male occupations that enjoyed their spare time are employees with a full-time job, unemployed and retired, who spent 42, 82, and 81 hours respectively in a typical week.
However, unemployed and retired women utilized nearly 79 hours per week; moreover, working females like full-time and part-time workers were spending approximately 40 hours per week. Simultaneously, the housewives were able to spend just 10 hours more than the female working professionals, which comes 50 hours a week. |
1 | Many people believe that the government should restrict the new buildings construction plan in the metropolis; however, some people think that those who invest in building construction should have the liberty to design it. In my opinion, the government should allow the construction industry without so much scrutiny.
Nowadays, many modern architectural buildings have been constructed in big cities such as IT companies, apartments, shopping malls, and many more, making our city very attractive. The private construction industry can only invest a massive amount in the structure, and it will not only look good but also boost our country's economy. To exemplify, Dubai is famous for its different architectural buildings, such as Burj Khalifa, the tallest building globally, the Dubai frame, and many more.
Although it looks nice and pleasant for us to see the city with new buildings, the construction industry should abide by the law while constructing. It should not cause any damage to the people around the building; however, the skyscrapers are a great hindrance for flights. For example, a major human-made disaster happened a decade ago. The pilot who flew passenger's flight could not fly properly, as there were many skyscrapers near the airport, which led to an air crash, and many people died in the accident. It is one of the reasons some people think that government should control the building structures.
In conclusion, the government's intervention in the construction industry is not required until they follow all the new building structure rules. Furthermore, if we construct more recent buildings, it would increase our country's economy. |
1 | The bar chart illustrates the number of males and females of various employment status who relished their spare time in hours per week between 1998 and 1999.
Overall, the gender occupation has been divided into five classes: full-time employees, part-time employees, jobless, retired, and homemakers. The graph clearly shows that unemployed and retired spend almost the same leisure time by both the sex. However, the full-time female workers had spent the least amount of their free time.
Only three male occupations that enjoyed their spare time are employees with a full-time job, unemployed and retired, who spent 42, 82, and 81 hours respectively in a typical week.
However, unemployed and retired women utilized nearly 79 hours per week; moreover, working females like full-time and part-time workers were spending approximately 40 hours per week. Simultaneously, the housewives were able to spend just 10 hours more than the female working professionals, which comes 50 hours a week. |
1 | Many people believe that the government should restrict the new buildings construction plan in the metropolis; however, some people think that those who invest in building construction should have the liberty to design it. In my opinion, the government should allow the construction industry without so much scrutiny.
Nowadays, many modern architectural buildings have been constructed in big cities such as IT companies, apartments, shopping malls, and many more, making our city very attractive. The private construction industry can only invest a massive amount in the structure, and it will not only look good but also boost our country's economy. To exemplify, Dubai is famous for its different architectural buildings, such as Burj Khalifa, the tallest building globally, the Dubai frame, and many more.
Although it looks nice and pleasant for us to see the city with new buildings, the construction industry should abide by the law while constructing. It should not cause any damage to the people around the building; however, the skyscrapers are a great hindrance for flights. For example, a major human-made disaster happened a decade ago. The pilot who flew passenger's flight could not fly properly, as there were many skyscrapers near the airport, which led to an air crash, and many people died in the accident. It is one of the reasons some people think that government should control the building structures.
In conclusion, the government's intervention in the construction industry is not required until they follow all the new building structure rules. Furthermore, if we construct more recent buildings, it would increase our country's economy. |
1 | In the bar graph given, mean amount of hours that people spend per week doing housework is shown, varying with the presence of children and also their gender. The key of the graph indicates that the subjects were married women and women with either no children, 1-2 children or three or more children. In general, women work far more on unpaid work such as gardening and childcare compared to men and even more if they have more children.
In the household where there are no children, women spend 30 hours when men spend around 20 hours a week doing housekeeping. It is clearly evident that women spend the least doing housework when they have no children compared to those who have at least one.
When a family has one to two children, the quantity of time women devote on unpaid work dramatically increases to little more than 50 hours. On the contrary, the amount of time men put in to help their wives remain the same even when they get children.
Finally, women spend the most time at 60 hours doing family work when there are three or more children. This amount of time is precisely double the amount of time they worked when there are no children. Despite the significant increase of women's working time, men spend less time doing hosuework at 17 hours when they have at least three children. |
1 | As population grows and society expands, noise pollution inevitably occurs more often and worse. This concept triggered some people to start thinking that there oughts to be strict regulations on how much noise each individual can make in order to minimise the harmful effect on other people. In this essay, I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of the regulations and suggest whether it is beneficial or not after all.
One of the advantages if strict laws are applied is that it is the easiest and most effective way of solving the problem in a short term. The noise level of human population will significantly drop as being loud becomes an illegal action to carry out. For instacne, even imposing a fine due to excessive sound one made can strongly discourage him or her from making loud noises ever again. Furthermore, people's standard of living will most likely to be enhanced as there are less disturbance caused by noise. People will be able to enjoy quiet, relaxing weekends even in central cities, for example.
In contrast to the preceding positive outcomes, there are disadvantages due to the strict laws such as too much restrictions on people. The laws can be considered as rather aggressive and coercive since people's some daily life routines may get spoiled. Some hobbies like singing and even special cases like emergency situations will confront some problems if such laws become real. Moreover, it is almost impractical to set up the standard of 'loud' noise or even measuring the decibels individulas make all the time. Society would get rather intensive and monotonous once the laws controlling the sound level are implemented.
In summary, despite the efficient aspects of the laws, it is more important to acknowledge the negative sides such as stress individuals suffer from strict regulations or damages on their lifestyle. Noise pollution should be resolved through more friendly means like advertisement rather than inflexible laws. |
2 | The above graph illustrates the amount of time spent on unpaid work weekly by the married men and women belonging to different categories.
Overall,it is clear from the graph that the average time spent for house hold work by women is higher when compared to the time spent by men.The average hours spent by married women on the unpaid job increased with the increase in the number of children while the time spent by the men remained constant.
The time spent on working by married women with 1 -2 children in their homes is about 51hrs a week in contrast to men who spent only about 19hrs.In those having 3 plus kids,the average amount of time spent by married women is about 10hrs higher(60hrs) compared to those with 1-2 children where as the time spent by married men is slightly lower which is about 18 hrs when compared to men with 1 to 2 kids.
However,married men and women with no children spent relatively less time on unpaid work which is 30hrs and about 19hrs respectively. |
2 | With the increasing population in cities,noise pollution has been one of the important causes of concern.This essay presents the advantages and disadvantages of the strict laws that are made to control noise pollution.
Noise pollution affects different groups of people in various ways.The increasing noise in recent days has led to increasing problems of hearing impairment in people in today's society.Also,the noise pollution has a devastating affects on the heart patients and it has been affecting people who are working and studying in various ways.By implementing strict rules like imposing heavy fines on vehicles honking unnecessarily and filing a case on the noise caused by the public gatherings like rallies,the above problems can be addressed.For example, recent studies have shown that the cities having less noise pollution have been leading better life when compared to those with noise pollution.
However,implementing strict laws on noise caused by a person also has some disadvantages.Firstly,different religions have different kinds of festivals which cause a lot of noise.For instance,diwali,one of the most celebrated festivals in India,is celebrated by firing crackers causing a lot of noise is affected by implementing these laws.Secondly,most of the people with religious beliefs will have a bad impact by these rules.To give an example,the prayers in masjids are made with loud noise so that it can reach a large group of people living in the area.
To conclude,implemeting strict rules like fines and filing a case on the people causing noise pollution have a good impact on the health of the society and increasing the efficiency of work where as the festivals and the religious centres have a negative impact by these laws. |
1 | The bar graph provides information regarding the average hours of uncompensated work done weekly by men and women in marriage. The data are categorised by the number of children that they have.
Overall, it is clearly observed that as the number of children increases, so is the average of unpaid working hours per week for married women. However, the time spent in these hours of their male counterparts are stable. It is also seen that the females have more hours of uncompensated labour than the males.
In detail, those females with 3 or more children have worked 60 hours per week without pay, which is by far the highest average hour compared to the other categories. The amount of time they spent with this type of work diminishes as the number of children becomes fewer; married females with 1 to 2 children have 10 hours less and those without children have 30 hours weekly.
In regard with the type of gender, married males have lesser average hours of unpaid jobs than married females. The maried men have only less than 20 hours per week spent on this job, which is apporoximately just a half of the time spent in women with children. Moreover, the time spent for married men did not alter in the different given categories. |
1 | Noise pollution has caught the attention of the public due to the disturbance it gives to the community. This issue has raised some concern whether proper legislations must be implemented or not. In this essay, the positive side as well as the drawbacks of noise will be discussed and the reason why I think that it is better for our leaders to take action regarding this matter will be explained.
Noise can give the community awareness and enjoyment. Noise can help people know what is going on in their area. For example, during thee COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, it is mandatory for the local government to sound sirens and alarms for the city to know that the curfew has began, leading to people's awareness that they should be at their homes in time. In terms of enjoyment, a substantial amount of noise can make one enjoy his free time, such that his leisure activity is related to music. Instrumentalists need time to practice their skills for them to excel in this field. If laws regarding to noise will be implemented, their practice will be controlled in such a way that this will not be available on their ends.
On the other hand, one considers noise as a pollution that can cause detrimental effects in the society, resulting for an aim to reduce it by the help of the government. Noise can give a person distractions not only in his rest, but also in his work. Work form home is becoming ubiquitous nowadays. Once noise is uncontrolled, there is a tendency that distractions occur, which cause poor career performance. Also, sufficient rest is an essential commodity for the body and brain to recharge after long shifts of work. Noise can hinder one to attain this, leading to health problems, such as brain and physical fatigue. Hence, laws must be implemented by the authority to prevent the drawbacks that it can bring to an individual.
In conclusion, noise is beneficial to some for it brings an increase in awareness and enjoyment in leisure activities, however, one ought to consider the health risks it inflicts and its negative effects to one's work performance. In my view, the government must strictly prohibit noise pollution and that legislations must be firmly established to prevent the drawbacks it can make. |
0 | The bar chart describing comparison between men and women weekly unpaid work per week in different categories such as child care, house working and gardening.
the above bar chart showing married women(without children) were spent weekly 30 hours time for unpaid work such as child care, gardening and other house work compared to women the men were spent weekly 18 hours time and married women with 1 to 2 kids were spending weekly 5o hours compared to women men were spending time very less just per week 18 hours.
the women with 3+kids were spending weekly 60 hours for unpaid work but men were spending only weekly 17 hours.
the conclusion is compared to men the women are spending more time for unpaid work like child care, house work and gardening. |
0 | Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes, because the disturbance causes to people life, advantage of noise such as music like devotional song and melody songs can relax the mind and also childrens usually fire the crackers in festival time for purpose of enjoyment.
the disadvantage of noise cause hearing problems and start health issues like irrtation and anxiety, in developing countries still governament not prohibiting and warned viechles horn sound for unnecessary situation so that can make more sound pollution it can cause for environmental damage.
The conclusion for my version reduce the noise in public places and stop the louder sound system in inependent houses and apartments for public peace and health. |
1 | The diagram illustrates the average time spent on home duties considering gender and quantity of children.
In child free families women devote 30 hours a week on home obligations, whereas men spent roughly by 10 hours less. Meanwhile, this difference is widen in families with children. Women who have 1 or 2 children do their home duties approximately 50 hours weekly, at the same time this figure is rosen by 10 hours when the number of infants is 3 or more. Nonetheless, men who has family with 1 or more children spent on house work as much time as they spent when there is no children in family.
Overall, It can be reported from the bar chart that there is a direct relation between number of hours done on unpaid work by women and the quantity of infants, while men's time spent on house work remains constant whether there are children in the family or not. |
1 | Some individuals consider it essential that some measurments should be taken regarding the rate of noise made byone person. They claim that too strong sound makes a detrimental impact on people, namely, it leads to tension and anxiety.
In this essay it will be discussed benefits and downsides of this idea.
On the one hand, the noise may influence the humans' nervous system in a negative way. It can be observed that it is common situation when a person has a headache after spending long hours in buzzy place. Additionally, this problem can be treated as an ethical issue as there are some people who are highly affected by noise and it is crucial to respect people's comfort and not to make things that may cause the disturbance of some citizens. for example, noise can make babies asleep, thus making them worried and influencing their health and day timetable.
On the other hand, should the restrictions regarding the rate of sound be made, a lot of controversial issues will appear. Firstly, it is very hard to establish what rate of noise influence badly on peopleit as the opinions may differ. Secondly, it can be argued if restrictions are coherent or they are contradicts the right of autonomy of every resident. For instance, elderly people might be influenced by the little noise, while the majority of people do not find this rate of sound high. At the same time, it is a nature of children to make some noise while playing and forbidding this might lead to bad state of mind of children.
Ultimately, the concept of making some measurements on the noise has some advantages and drawbacks. From the one point it is effective way of prevention people being irritated by noise. From the other point, the notion of limited rate of noise is very controversial, and is unlikely to work efficiently. |
1 | The diagram illustrates the average time spent on home duties considering gender and quantity of children.
In child free families women devote 30 hours a week on home obligations, whereas men spent roughly by 10 hours less. Meanwhile, this difference is widen in families with children. Women who have 1 or 2 children do their home duties approximately 50 hours weekly, at the same time this figure is rosen by 10 hours when the number of infants is 3 or more. Nonetheless, men who has family with 1 or more children spent on house work as much time as they spent when there is no children in family.
Overall, It can be reported from the bar chart that there is a direct relation between number of hours done on unpaid work by women and the quantity of infants, while men's time spent on house work remains constant whether there are children in the family or not. |
1 | Some individuals consider it essential that some measurments should be taken regarding the rate of noise made byone person. They claim that too strong sound makes a detrimental impact on people, namely, it leads to tension and anxiety.
In this essay it will be discussed benefits and downsides of this idea.
On the one hand, the noise may influence the humans' nervous system in a negative way. It can be observed that it is common situation when a person has a headache after spending long hours in buzzy place. Additionally, this problem can be treated as an ethical issue as there are some people who are highly affected by noise and it is crucial to respect people's comfort and not to make things that may cause the disturbance of some citizens. for example, noise can make babies asleep, thus making them worried and influencing their health and day timetable.
On the other hand, should the restrictions regarding the rate of sound be made, a lot of controversial issues will appear. Firstly, it is very hard to establish what rate of noise influence badly on peopleit as the opinions may differ. Secondly, it can be argued if restrictions are coherent or they are contradicts the right of autonomy of every resident. For instance, elderly people might be influenced by the little noise, while the majority of people do not find this rate of sound high. At the same time, it is a nature of children to make some noise while playing and forbidding this might lead to bad state of mind of children.
Ultimately, the concept of making some measurements on the noise has some advantages and drawbacks. From the one point it is effective way of prevention people being irritated by noise. From the other point, the notion of limited rate of noise is very controversial, and is unlikely to work efficiently. |
2 | The given bar chart presents how many unpaid-work hours are weekly spend by married females and males. These kinds of work include childcare at home, housework, gardening and other forms of such activities.
It is clear from the chart, that married males spend constantly just below 20 weekly hours on average on unpaid work, regardless of the number of children they have. On the other hand, married women spend more hours than their spouses, and this period seems to increase proportionately with the number of children in the family.
As is shown by the chart, married women without children attribute 30 hours on average every week for unpaid work. Compared to childless married women, women with one or two children spend around 50 weekly hours on average in those activities. Turning to women with more than two kids, they have the most time spent on unpaid house work, with 60 hours per week.
Overall, this gender related trend can be related to the traditional premise that women ought to pursue most of the work at home while men are supposed to work outside earning money for their mutual survivorship. |
1 | Recently, there have been several laws to control the noise made by neighbors and surrounded places close to people's accommodations. Some people think that these laws should be strict and effectively enforced by authorities in order to avoid any small noise that might disturb the private comfortability. Others believe that such laws might entail a few disadvantages and negative repercussions on people's lives. In this essay I will be trying to count possible advantages and disadvantages of this legislation.
It is well known that home is the ideal place to rest, relax and bring positive energies to the residents. Thus, noise made by the neighbors might threat these unique blessings we are used to enjoying in our houses. Moreover, many people perform vital actions within their homes that require silence and high concentration, such as studying, reading and other forms of creative activities. Therefore, governments' duty is to guarantee that these activities are performed without any disturbance, by making specific laws to control the amount of noise and ensure optimal quality of life for all the citizens. In addition, if there were not laws to control the noise, we would encounter many more fights and inconvenient incidents among neighbors.
On the other hand, there is another aspect to be considered. Calling for strict laws and total preventing of any sounds produced by adjacent people could sounds unacceptable. People still have the basic right to arrange meetings and parties at their homes, and others need to listen to music as a vital action for their soul and wellbeing.
To conclude, in order to find the balance between the advantages and the disadvantages, governments might design flexible laws to meet the people's needs. For example, in some cities, noise preventing is valid only in specific periods of the day, periods in which most of the people supposed to rest and need silence. |
1 | The table chart gives information relative to a sample of 100 people in seven countries about the number of mobile phones and landlines. In general, there are more countries in which mobile phones are more used than landlines. Nonetheless, there are three countries in which the use of landlines is more spred.
In 5 countries out of 7 there is a high number of people who possess a mobile phone. In particular, in Italy 90 people out of 100 have a mobile phone. Sweden and UK immediately follow Italy with numbers that do not go under 80. The higher number of people with a mobile phone in Italy, UK and Sweden compensates the lower number of landlines, which does not exceed 70. Although, the number of people possessing a mobile phone is 70, even in Germany the use of mobile phone is preferred. Indeed, landlines are used by 60 people.
By contrast, there are three countries is which the number of people that use landlines is higher than the number of those who use mobile phones. The case of Canada is peculiar because it is the country with the lowest amount of people that use either mobile phones or landlines. Specifically, less than 30 Canadian have a mobile phone, whereas more than 60 use landlines. US's case is pretty similar to that of Canada. On the opposite side, Denmark is the country in which the number of people using landlines is the highest (almost 90 people) but there is no discrepancy with the number of people that use mobile phones (more that 80 people have a mobile phone). |
1 | There are people who believe that the mixture of nationalities make faster the development of a country. Although, it could seem that an international environment could influence negatively the culture of a country, I believe that the exchange that is born from people coming from different places is essential in order to develop the social attitudes of the citiziens and to have new ideas and perspectives.
The internationality of a country permits people to develop their social attitudes. To live in the same country with people who have originated in a different one require all of them to be open to discover now personal outlooks. They have to communicate between each other and also to respect the different cultural habits they have. This lead people to be more open-minded and ready to accept new changes. A country in which there are these features will develop from different point of view faster. Indeed, people will be already able to understand the flow of the new trends and they will be open to new economical and political choices. By contrast, in a country in which there is no way to interact with people who have a different nationality will be more difficult to understand the limit and the possibilities of their country. Although the tradition of the country will be preserved, people will be less accostumated to the change trying to mantain their traditional custums, even if uncorrect, as soon as they can. The political and economical assestment of these country will reflect the closeness of the population. For instance, they will be less concerned about the stability of the other countries and they will try to develop their own without caring of the international consequences.
Furthermore, a country in which there are different people who comes from different places is one in which new ideas and perspectives can be develped. Indeed, workplaces will be encouraged in their development by the interaction between people who have different culture. In the general picture, the benefit of each single and small company will impact positively on the country itself and its economical status. To go further, people who have to interact with other foreign nationalities will be able to communicate with them and this means that they will be able to speak and understand other languages other than their mother tongue. The ability to be fluently in other languages, mostly in English, nowadays is essential for the develop of a country. The companies will be able to expand their trade.
In conclusion, I completely agree with the idea that a country can develop faster its population is made of different nationalities. There will be advantages from the social and cultural perspective as well as from the economical and political point of view. |
1 | The bar charts illustrate how many phones - mobile and landlines are owned by each 100 people of 7 different countries - Canada, the US, Germany, Denmark, the UK, Sweden, and Italy.
Overall, the number of mobile phones is higher in 4 countries - Germany, the UKm Sweden, and Italy, whereas the number of landlines predominates in quantity.
One country which use the most phones is Denmark - around 81 of mople phones and 88 of landlines. Two other countries with around two times less number of phones are Canada and the USA, where the number of landlines is much more than the number of mobile phones - about 62 and 38, and 68 and 48, respectively.
The country where mobile phones are the most popular is Italy - 90 per 100 people, whereas the number of landlines there is more than twice less - 42. In Germany, the number of mobile phones exceeds the number of landlines by 10 - about 70 and 60, correspondingly. In two other countries, the UK and Sweden, the number of mobile phones more than the number of landlines by about more than 20 - 85 and 58, 88 and 67, accordingly. |
1 | It is belived that countries are developing faster and become more inspiring when their populations consist of variety of people with different nationalities. In my opinion, it is very controversial question, but I believe that nations who are tolerant to others and friendly are able to succeed in constracting better world not only for themselves and their surroundings but also for future generations. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view about attractiveness and development of countries based on national diversity.
On the one hand, people of different nationalities are hardly able to understand each other and can be impatient for people who have another nationalities, that can create difficulties in communication, making agreements, sovling of problems. For example, people with different backgrounds can strat arguing about better governmental constitutions and politics, religions, educational system, traditional and another types of medicine, and so on. It worths to mention that none of those people will be completely right, if they deside to show off their experience instead of accepting ideas of others and just giving advice. Moreover, some disputes can even lead to quarrels, but not to finding the better dessisions, that can influence on safety of people with different nationalities. So, for living peacefully and sharing some ideas of better developmental practice, people should first of all respect each other independantly of their nantionalities.
On the other hand, people of various nationalities are able to create not only interesting and diverse community, but also share knowlege and experience in order to achieve the best results in countries' development. For achieving this, people should follow several basic rules, which are usually unwritten, but those mental and behavioral lows should be understood by everyone. Firstly, they should be tolerant to each other and accepting some differences. Secondly, they should be polite when they want to share their knowlege and experiences, not showing off. Thirdly, it would be wonderful if they are able to create international community where people can communicate and make friends. Last but not least, they should remember that their attitudes for each other influence on the world as a whole where they and their children live, so they should be responsible for their words and behavior.
In conclusion, countries which managed to connect people of different nationalities and create a friendly surroundings, in my opinion, are able to develope faster and look like fascinating diverse community which consist of people of various backgrounds. |
1 | The bar chat displays the number of cell phones and land lines per 100 individuals in certain countries.
Overall, Mobile phones numbers in Italy, Sweden and UK are the highest figures, compared to Germany, US and Canada which are the lowest figures, While landlines Denmark is showing the highest figures per 100 people compared to Italy and UK which are showing the least figures per 100 people.
Cell phones numbers in Italy remained the highest with just 90 people, Sweden and the UK are the second highest with just around 88 and 85 people respectively. compared to Denmark which was the fourth lowest with aound 81 people. Germany and US were just 70 and 48 people respectively . The lowest was Canada with just below 40 people out of 100.
Land lines numbers at Denmark is showing the highest figures with just around 89 people, while the figures for Sweden and US remained stable with just 69 people, compared to the land lines numbers for Germany which is 60 people out of 100. Italy is showing the lowest figure with only 41 people out of 100. |
1 | A nation becomes more interesting and advance faster when the population contains a blended numbers of nationalities. This essay completely agrees with this statement, because this will lead every ethnic group to reflect their lifestyles , and also boost the tourism industry.
On the one hand, When every ethnic group reflects the society they belong to it. This will helps in creating postive representation of the society as they will learn about each others through several ways , like food, clothes and traditions. For example, a survey conducted by the minstry of tourism in Egypt showed around 90 percent of people agreed that this will helps to fill the gap of cultural differences, as it will facilitates communication across nations and enhance confidence and trust between both cultures.
On the other hand, tourism industry will benefit when the population is blended. This is because, alot of tourists will be attracted to that foreign destination. So, this will boost the economy of the nation as growing numbers of jobs will be available.As as result, unemployment rate will decrease. For Instance, Australia benefited from the tourism industry especially in areas like Queensland and Sydney, where a large number of vacant jobs is available which resulted in growing economy.
In conclusion , a society contains a mixture of nationalities will helps it to grow culturally and economically. As every ethinic group will learn about each others, it will also benefit the economy, as a result more jobs will be available and unemployment rate will decrease. |
1 | The number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in Canada, US, Germany, Denmark, UK, Sweden and Italy is shown at the chart. While people who is resident of Canada, US and Denmark have more landlines than mobile phones, people who live in Germany, UK, Sweden and Italy have more cell phones than landlines.
Overall people in Italy has the most amount of mobile phones with the number of 90 per 100 people, while in Canada people has the least of them with the amount of nearly 40 per 100 people. Denmark's population has the most landlines than other countries as nearly 90 of them per 100 people. In contrast, residents of Italy is the one with the least landlines with slightly more than 40 of them per 100 people. The closest number of having mobile phones and landlines per 100 people belongs to Denmark. However, Italy's landlines are much more less than cell phones. |
1 | Some people believe that having a population with a mixture of nationalities makes countries more interesting and helps them to develop faster. In my opinion, people from different nationalities have their own points of view, therefore each of them provide different perspectives to make a country more developed.
People who lives in a country with one nationality generally do not want other people from different countries to migrate their countries. The reason for this kind of thought is about safety of their countries. Moreover, they do not want to employ people who migrated. Therefore, these countries become more and more isolated from other ones. In this globalization area, a country which has just a one way of thinking, do not have oppurtinity to develop and becoma a interest to different nationalities.
On the other hand countries with multinational populations have mixture of cultures. Each of the people provides a different tradition of their own nationality. These traditions may become a way of entertainment to attract tourists. Due to the tourism being a source of income, it is one of the development sources of a country.
In addition, nowadays, there are lots of countries who lets knowledagble employees from other nationalities to work in their countries. These high skilled workers can be positioned in the places in need. Their ideas can be valued. If a country support them, they can be the new face of the development.
In conclusion, a country always needs development. Development can be achieved through innovation and lots of ideas. I believe that having a mixed population with different nationalites is a one way to do it. |
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