An important problem in geostatistics is to build models of the subsurface of the Earth given physical measurements at sparse spatial locations. Typically, this is done using spatial interpolation methods or by reproducing patterns from a reference image. However, these algorithms fail to produce realistic patterns and do not exhibit the wide range of uncertainty inherent in the prediction of geology. In this paper, we show how semantic inpainting with Generative Adversarial Networks can be used to generate varied realizations of geology which honor physical measurements while matching the expected geological patterns. In contrast to other algorithms, our method scales well with the number of data points and mimics a distribution of patterns as opposed to a single pattern or image. The generated conditional samples are state of the art.
[ "stat.ML", "physics.comp-ph", "physics.geo-ph" ]
Deep generative models have been enjoying success in modeling continuous data. However it remains challenging to capture the representations for discrete structures with formal grammars and semantics, e.g., computer programs and molecular structures. How to generate both syntactically and semantically correct data still remains largely an open problem. Inspired by the theory of compiler where the syntax and semantics check is done via syntax-directed translation (SDT), we propose a novel syntax-directed variational autoencoder (SD-VAE) by introducing stochastic lazy attributes. This approach converts the offline SDT check into on-the-fly generated guidance for constraining the decoder. Comparing to the state-of-the-art methods, our approach enforces constraints on the output space so that the output will be not only syntactically valid, but also semantically reasonable. We evaluate the proposed model with applications in programming language and molecules, including reconstruction and program/molecule optimization. The results demonstrate the effectiveness in incorporating syntactic and semantic constraints in discrete generative models, which is significantly better than current state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
The convolution operation suffers from a limited receptive filed, while global modeling is fundamental to dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation. In this paper, we apply graph convolution into the semantic segmentation task and propose an improved Laplacian. The graph reasoning is directly performed in the original feature space organized as a spatial pyramid. Different from existing methods, our Laplacian is data-dependent and we introduce an attention diagonal matrix to learn a better distance metric. It gets rid of projecting and re-projecting processes, which makes our proposed method a light-weight module that can be easily plugged into current computer vision architectures. More importantly, performing graph reasoning directly in the feature space retains spatial relationships and makes spatial pyramid possible to explore multiple long-range contextual patterns from different scales. Experiments on Cityscapes, COCO Stuff, PASCAL Context and PASCAL VOC demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods on semantic segmentation. We achieve comparable performance with advantages in computational and memory overhead.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The world has transitioned into a new phase of online learning in response to the recent Covid19 pandemic. Now more than ever, it has become paramount to push the limits of online learning in every manner to keep flourishing the education system. One crucial component of online learning is Knowledge Tracing (KT). The aim of KT is to model student's knowledge level based on their answers to a sequence of exercises referred as interactions. Students acquire their skills while solving exercises and each such interaction has a distinct impact on student ability to solve a future exercise. This \textit{impact} is characterized by 1) the relation between exercises involved in the interactions and 2) student forget behavior. Traditional studies on knowledge tracing do not explicitly model both the components jointly to estimate the impact of these interactions. In this paper, we propose a novel Relation-aware self-attention model for Knowledge Tracing (RKT). We introduce a relation-aware self-attention layer that incorporates the contextual information. This contextual information integrates both the exercise relation information through their textual content as well as student performance data and the forget behavior information through modeling an exponentially decaying kernel function. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets, among which two new collections are released to the public, show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art knowledge tracing methods. Furthermore, the interpretable attention weights help visualize the relation between interactions and temporal patterns in the human learning process.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
Deep learning-based models have recently outperformed state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting models, such as for predicting El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, current deep learning models are based on convolutional neural networks which are difficult to interpret and can fail to model large-scale atmospheric patterns. In comparison, graph neural networks (GNNs) are capable of modeling large-scale spatial dependencies and are more interpretable due to the explicit modeling of information flow through edge connections. We propose the first application of graph neural networks to seasonal forecasting. We design a novel graph connectivity learning module that enables our GNN model to learn large-scale spatial interactions jointly with the actual ENSO forecasting task. Our model, \graphino, outperforms state-of-the-art deep learning-based models for forecasts up to six months ahead. Additionally, we show that our model is more interpretable as it learns sensible connectivity structures that correlate with the ENSO anomaly pattern.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NE", "physics.ao-ph", "stat.ML" ]
In this work, we propose CARLS, a novel framework for augmenting the capacity of existing deep learning frameworks by enabling multiple components -- model trainers, knowledge makers and knowledge banks -- to concertedly work together in an asynchronous fashion across hardware platforms. The proposed CARLS is particularly suitable for learning paradigms where model training benefits from additional knowledge inferred or discovered during training, such as node embeddings for graph neural networks or reliable pseudo labels from model predictions. We also describe three learning paradigms -- semi-supervised learning, curriculum learning and multimodal learning -- as examples that can be scaled up efficiently by CARLS. One version of CARLS has been open-sourced and available for download at: https://github.com/tensorflow/neural-structured-learning/tree/master/research/carls
[ "cs.LG" ]
The problem of segmenting a given image into coherent regions is important in Computer Vision and many industrial applications require segmenting a known object into its components. Examples include identifying individual parts of a component for process control work in a manufacturing plant and identifying parts of a car from a photo for automatic damage detection. Unfortunately most of an object's parts of interest in such applications share the same pixel characteristics, having similar colour and texture. This makes segmenting the object into its components a non-trivial task for conventional image segmentation algorithms. In this paper, we propose a "Model Assisted Segmentation" method to tackle this problem. A 3D model of the object is registered over the given image by optimising a novel gradient based loss function. This registration obtains the full 3D pose from an image of the object. The image can have an arbitrary view of the object and is not limited to a particular set of views. The segmentation is subsequently performed using a level-set based method, using the projected contours of the registered 3D model as initialisation curves. The method is fully automatic and requires no user interaction. Also, the system does not require any prior training. We present our results on photographs of a real car.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Decision forests, including Random Forests and Gradient Boosting Trees, have recently demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in a variety of machine learning settings. Decision forests are typically ensembles of axis-aligned decision trees; that is, trees that split only along feature dimensions. In contrast, many recent extensions to decision forests are based on axis-oblique splits. Unfortunately, these extensions forfeit one or more of the favorable properties of decision forests based on axis-aligned splits, such as robustness to many noise dimensions, interpretability, or computational efficiency. We introduce yet another decision forest, called "Sparse Projection Oblique Randomer Forests" (SPORF). SPORF uses very sparse random projections, i.e., linear combinations of a small subset of features. SPORF significantly improves accuracy over existing state-of-the-art algorithms on a standard benchmark suite for classification with >100 problems of varying dimension, sample size, and number of classes. To illustrate how SPORF addresses the limitations of both axis-aligned and existing oblique decision forest methods, we conduct extensive simulated experiments. SPORF typically yields improved performance over existing decision forests, while mitigating computational efficiency and scalability and maintaining interpretability. SPORF can easily be incorporated into other ensemble methods such as boosting to obtain potentially similar gains.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "68T10", "I.5.2" ]
Current state-of-the-art visual recognition systems usually rely on the following pipeline: (a) pretraining a neural network on a large-scale dataset (e.g., ImageNet) and (b) finetuning the network weights on a smaller, task-specific dataset. Such a pipeline assumes the sole weight adaptation is able to transfer the network capability from one domain to another domain, based on a strong assumption that a fixed architecture is appropriate for all domains. However, each domain with a distinct recognition target may need different levels/paths of feature hierarchy, where some neurons may become redundant, and some others are re-activated to form new network structures. In this work, we prove that dynamically adapting network architectures tailored for each domain task along with weight finetuning benefits in both efficiency and effectiveness, compared to the existing image recognition pipeline that only tunes the weights regardless of the architecture. Our method can be easily generalized to an unsupervised paradigm by replacing supernet training with self-supervised learning in the source domain tasks and performing linear evaluation in the downstream tasks. This further improves the search efficiency of our method. Moreover, we also provide principled and empirical analysis to explain why our approach works by investigating the ineffectiveness of existing neural architecture search. We find that preserving the joint distribution of the network architecture and weights is of importance. This analysis not only benefits image recognition but also provides insights for crafting neural networks. Experiments on five representative image recognition tasks such as person re-identification, age estimation, gender recognition, image classification, and unsupervised domain adaptation demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The increasing number of regulations and expectations of predictive machine learning models, such as so called right to explanation, has led to a large number of methods promising greater interpretability. High demand has led to a widespread adoption of XAI techniques like Shapley values, Partial Dependence profiles or permutational variable importance. However, we still do not know enough about their properties and how they manifest in the context in which explanations are created by analysts, reviewed by auditors, and interpreted by various stakeholders. This paper highlights a blind spot which, although critical, is often overlooked when monitoring and auditing machine learning models: the effect of the reference data on the explanation calculation. We discuss that many model explanations depend directly or indirectly on the choice of the referenced data distribution. We showcase examples where small changes in the distribution lead to drastic changes in the explanations, such as a change in trend or, alarmingly, a conclusion. Consequently, we postulate that obtaining robust and useful explanations always requires supporting them with a broader context.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Reinforcement learning algorithms are typically geared towards optimizing the expected return of an agent. However, in many practical applications, low variance in the return is desired to ensure the reliability of an algorithm. In this paper, we propose on-policy and off-policy actor-critic algorithms that optimize a performance criterion involving both mean and variance in the return. Previous work uses the second moment of return to estimate the variance indirectly. Instead, we use a much simpler recently proposed direct variance estimator which updates the estimates incrementally using temporal difference methods. Using the variance-penalized criterion, we guarantee the convergence of our algorithm to locally optimal policies for finite state action Markov decision processes. We demonstrate the utility of our algorithm in tabular and continuous MuJoCo domains. Our approach not only performs on par with actor-critic and prior variance-penalization baselines in terms of expected return, but also generates trajectories which have lower variance in the return.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently received significant research attention due to their superior performance on a variety of graph-related learning tasks. Most of the current works focus on either static or dynamic graph settings, addressing a single particular task, e.g., node/graph classification, link prediction. In this work, we investigate the question: can GNNs be applied to continuously learning a sequence of tasks? Towards that, we explore the Continual Graph Learning (CGL) paradigm and present the Experience Replay based framework ER-GNN for CGL to alleviate the catastrophic forgetting problem in existing GNNs. ER-GNN stores knowledge from previous tasks as experiences and replays them when learning new tasks to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting issue. We propose three experience node selection strategies: mean of feature, coverage maximization, and influence maximization, to guide the process of selecting experience nodes. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our ER-GNN and shed light on the incremental graph (non-Euclidean) structure learning.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Existing attention mechanisms either attend to local image grid or object level features for Visual Question Answering (VQA). Motivated by the observation that questions can relate to both object instances and their parts, we propose a novel attention mechanism that jointly considers reciprocal relationships between the two levels of visual details. The bottom-up attention thus generated is further coalesced with the top-down information to only focus on the scene elements that are most relevant to a given question. Our design hierarchically fuses multi-modal information i.e., language, object- and gird-level features, through an efficient tensor decomposition scheme. The proposed model improves the state-of-the-art single model performances from 67.9% to 68.2% on VQAv1 and from 65.7% to 67.4% on VQAv2, demonstrating a significant boost.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
We introduce SharpNet, a method that predicts an accurate depth map for an input color image, with a particular attention to the reconstruction of occluding contours: Occluding contours are an important cue for object recognition, and for realistic integration of virtual objects in Augmented Reality, but they are also notoriously difficult to reconstruct accurately. For example, they are a challenge for stereo-based reconstruction methods, as points around an occluding contour are visible in only one image. Inspired by recent methods that introduce normal estimation to improve depth prediction, we introduce a novel term that constrains depth and occluding contours predictions. Since ground truth depth is difficult to obtain with pixel-perfect accuracy along occluding contours, we use synthetic images for training, followed by fine-tuning on real data. We demonstrate our approach on the challenging NYUv2-Depth dataset, and show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art along occluding contours, while performing on par with the best recent methods for the rest of the images. Its accuracy along the occluding contours is actually better than the `ground truth' acquired by a depth camera based on structured light. We show this by introducing a new benchmark based on NYUv2-Depth for evaluating occluding contours in monocular reconstruction, which is our second contribution.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Density estimation, compression and data generation are crucial tasks in artificial intelligence. Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) constitute a single framework to achieve these goals. Here, we present a novel class of generative models, called self-supervised Variational Auto-Encoder (selfVAE), that utilizes deterministic and discrete variational posteriors. This class of models allows to perform both conditional and unconditional sampling, while simplifying the objective function. First, we use a single self-supervised transformation as a latent variable, where a transformation is either downscaling or edge detection. Next, we consider a hierarchical architecture, i.e., multiple transformations, and we show its benefits compared to the VAE. The flexibility of selfVAE in data reconstruction finds a particularly interesting use case in data compression tasks, where we can trade-off memory for better data quality, and vice-versa. We present performance of our approach on three benchmark image data (Cifar10, Imagenette64, and CelebA).
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Wide area networking infrastructures (WANs), particularly science and research WANs, are the backbone for moving large volumes of scientific data between experimental facilities and data centers. With demands growing at exponential rates, these networks are struggling to cope with large data volumes, real-time responses, and overall network performance. Network operators are increasingly looking for innovative ways to manage the limited underlying network resources. Forecasting network traffic is a critical capability for proactive resource management, congestion mitigation, and dedicated transfer provisioning. To this end, we propose a nonautoregressive graph-based neural network for multistep network traffic forecasting. Specifically, we develop a dynamic variant of diffusion convolutional recurrent neural networks to forecast traffic in research WANs. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach on real traffic from ESnet, the U.S. Department of Energy's dedicated science network. Our results show that compared to classical forecasting methods, our approach explicitly learns the dynamic nature of spatiotemporal traffic patterns, showing significant improvements in forecasting accuracy. Our technique can surpass existing statistical and deep learning approaches by achieving approximately 20% mean absolute percentage error for multiple hours of forecasts despite dynamic network traffic settings.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NI", "eess.SP", "stat.ML" ]
Person detection and pose estimation is a key requirement to develop intelligent context-aware assistance systems. To foster the development of human pose estimation methods and their applications in the Operating Room (OR), we release the Multi-View Operating Room (MVOR) dataset, the first public dataset recorded during real clinical interventions. It consists of 732 synchronized multi-view frames recorded by three RGB-D cameras in a hybrid OR. It also includes the visual challenges present in such environments, such as occlusions and clutter. We provide camera calibration parameters, color and depth frames, human bounding boxes, and 2D/3D pose annotations. In this paper, we present the dataset, its annotations, as well as baseline results from several recent person detection and 2D/3D pose estimation methods. Since we need to blur some parts of the images to hide identity and nudity in the released dataset, we also present a comparative study of how the baselines have been impacted by the blurring. Results show a large margin for improvement and suggest that the MVOR dataset can be useful to compare the performance of the different methods.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Developing successful sign language recognition, generation, and translation systems requires expertise in a wide range of fields, including computer vision, computer graphics, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, linguistics, and Deaf culture. Despite the need for deep interdisciplinary knowledge, existing research occurs in separate disciplinary silos, and tackles separate portions of the sign language processing pipeline. This leads to three key questions: 1) What does an interdisciplinary view of the current landscape reveal? 2) What are the biggest challenges facing the field? and 3) What are the calls to action for people working in the field? To help answer these questions, we brought together a diverse group of experts for a two-day workshop. This paper presents the results of that interdisciplinary workshop, providing key background that is often overlooked by computer scientists, a review of the state-of-the-art, a set of pressing challenges, and a call to action for the research community.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CL", "cs.CY", "cs.GR", "cs.HC" ]
In vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, it is prevalent to assign the auxiliary task with a surrogate self-supervised loss so as to obtain more semantic representations and improve sample efficiency. However, abundant information in self-supervised auxiliary tasks has been disregarded, since the representation learning part and the decision-making part are separated. To sufficiently utilize information in the auxiliary task, we present a simple yet effective idea to employ self-supervised loss as an intrinsic reward, called Intrinsically Motivated Self-Supervised learning in Reinforcement learning (IM-SSR). We formally show that the self-supervised loss can be decomposed as exploration for novel states and robustness improvement from nuisance elimination. IM-SSR can be effortlessly plugged into any reinforcement learning with self-supervised auxiliary objectives with nearly no additional cost. Combined with IM-SSR, the previous underlying algorithms achieve salient improvements on both sample efficiency and generalization in various vision-based robotics tasks from the DeepMind Control Suite, especially when the reward signal is sparse.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Deep convolutional networks have achieved the state-of-the-art for semantic image segmentation tasks. However, training these networks requires access to densely labeled images, which are known to be very expensive to obtain. On the other hand, the web provides an almost unlimited source of images annotated at the image level. How can one utilize this much larger weakly annotated set for tasks that require dense labeling? Prior work often relied on localization cues, such as saliency maps, objectness priors, bounding boxes etc., to address this challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a model that generates auxiliary labels for each image, while simultaneously forcing the output of the CNN to satisfy the mean-field constraints imposed by a conditional random field. We show that one can enforce the CRF constraints by forcing the distribution at each pixel to be close to the distribution of its neighbors. This is in stark contrast with methods that compute a recursive expansion of the mean-field distribution using a recurrent architecture and train the resultant distribution. Instead, the proposed model adds an extra loss term to the output of the CNN, and hence, is faster than recursive implementations. We achieve the state-of-the-art for weakly supervised semantic image segmentation on VOC 2012 dataset, assuming no manually labeled pixel level information is available. Furthermore, the incorporation of conditional random fields in CNN incurs little extra time during training.
[ "cs.CV" ]
We propose a scalable approach to learn video-based question answering (QA): answer a "free-form natural language question" about a video content. Our approach automatically harvests a large number of videos and descriptions freely available online. Then, a large number of candidate QA pairs are automatically generated from descriptions rather than manually annotated. Next, we use these candidate QA pairs to train a number of video-based QA methods extended fromMN (Sukhbaatar et al. 2015), VQA (Antol et al. 2015), SA (Yao et al. 2015), SS (Venugopalan et al. 2015). In order to handle non-perfect candidate QA pairs, we propose a self-paced learning procedure to iteratively identify them and mitigate their effects in training. Finally, we evaluate performance on manually generated video-based QA pairs. The results show that our self-paced learning procedure is effective, and the extended SS model outperforms various baselines.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.MM" ]
Recent research on reinforcement learning (RL) has suggested that trained agents are vulnerable to maliciously crafted adversarial samples. In this work, we show how such samples can be generalised from White-box and Grey-box attacks to a strong Black-box case, where the attacker has no knowledge of the agents, their training parameters and their training methods. We use sequence-to-sequence models to predict a single action or a sequence of future actions that a trained agent will make. First, we show our approximation model, based on time-series information from the agent, consistently predicts RL agents' future actions with high accuracy in a Black-box setup on a wide range of games and RL algorithms. Second, we find that although adversarial samples are transferable from the target model to our RL agents, they often outperform random Gaussian noise only marginally. This highlights a serious methodological deficiency in previous work on such agents; random jamming should have been taken as the baseline for evaluation. Third, we propose a novel use for adversarial samplesin Black-box attacks of RL agents: they can be used to trigger a trained agent to misbehave after a specific time delay. This appears to be a genuinely new type of attack. It potentially enables an attacker to use devices controlled by RL agents as time bombs.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "cs.CV", "stat.ML" ]
Marginal Structural Models (MSM) are the most popular models for causal inference from time-series observational data. However, they have two main drawbacks: (a) they do not capture subject heterogeneity, and (b) they only consider fixed time intervals and do not scale gracefully with longer intervals. In this work, we propose a new family of MSMs to address these two concerns. We model the potential outcomes as a three-dimensional tensor of low rank, where the three dimensions correspond to the agents, time periods and the set of possible histories. Unlike the traditional MSM, we allow the dimensions of the tensor to increase with the number of agents and time periods. We set up a weighted tensor completion problem as our estimation procedure, and show that the solution to this problem converges to the true model in an appropriate sense. Then we show how to solve the estimation problem, providing conditions under which we can approximately and efficiently solve the estimation problem. Finally we propose an algorithm based on projected gradient descent, which is easy to implement, and evaluate its performance on a simulated dataset.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to endow deep 3D models with rotation invariance by expressing the coordinates in an intrinsic frame determined by the object shape itself. Key to our approach is to find such an intrinsic frame which should be unique to the identical object shape and consistent across different instances of the same category, e.g. the frame axes of desks should be all roughly along the edges. Interestingly, the principal component analysis exactly provides an effective way to define such a frame, i.e. setting the principal components as the frame axes. As the principal components have direction ambiguity caused by the sign-ambiguity of eigenvector computation, there exist several intrinsic frames for each object. In order to achieve absolute rotation invariance for a deep model, we adopt the coordinates expressed in all intrinsic frames as inputs to obtain multiple output features, which will be further aggregated as a final feature via a self-attention module. Our method is theoretically rotation-invariant and can be flexibly embedded into the current network architectures. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can achieve near state-of-the-art performance on rotation-augmented dataset for ModelNet40 classification and outperform other models on SHREC'17 perturbed retrieval task.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Graph structured data provide two-fold information: graph structures and node attributes. Numerous graph-based algorithms rely on both information to achieve success in supervised tasks, such as node classification and link prediction. However, node attributes could be missing or incomplete, which significantly deteriorates the performance. The task of node attribute generation aims to generate attributes for those nodes whose attributes are completely unobserved. This task benefits many real-world problems like profiling, node classification and graph data augmentation. To tackle this task, we propose a deep adversarial learning based method to generate node attributes; called node attribute neural generator (NANG). NANG learns a unifying latent representation which is shared by both node attributes and graph structures and can be translated to different modalities. We thus use this latent representation as a bridge to convert information from one modality to another. We further introduce practical applications to quantify the performance of node attribute generation. Extensive experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets and the empirical results show that node attributes generated by the proposed method are high-qualitative and beneficial to other applications. The datasets and codes are available online.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Reinforcement learning (RL) allows to solve complex tasks such as Go often with a stronger performance than humans. However, the learned behaviors are usually fixed to specific tasks and unable to adapt to different contexts. Here we consider the case of adapting RL agents to different time restrictions, such as finishing a task with a given time limit that might change from one task execution to the next. We define such problems as Time Adaptive Markov Decision Processes and introduce two model-free, value-based algorithms: the Independent Gamma-Ensemble and the n-Step Ensemble. In difference to classical approaches, they allow a zero-shot adaptation between different time restrictions. The proposed approaches represent general mechanisms to handle time adaptive tasks making them compatible with many existing RL methods, algorithms, and scenarios.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML", "I.2.6" ]
Strong regulations in the financial industry mean that any decisions based on machine learning need to be explained. This precludes the use of powerful supervised techniques such as neural networks. In this study we propose a new unsupervised and semi-supervised technique known as the topological hierarchical decomposition (THD). This process breaks a dataset down into ever smaller groups, where groups are associated with a simplicial complex that approximate the underlying topology of a dataset. We apply THD to the FICO machine learning challenge dataset, consisting of anonymized home equity loan applications using the MAPPER algorithm to build simplicial complexes. We identify different groups of individuals unable to pay back loans, and illustrate how the distribution of feature values in a simplicial complex can be used to explain the decision to grant or deny a loan by extracting illustrative explanations from two THDs on the dataset.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Most deep neural networks (DNNs) based ultrasound (US) medical image analysis models use pretrained backbones (e.g., ImageNet) for better model generalization. However, the domain gap between natural and medical images causes an inevitable performance bottleneck. To alleviate this problem, an US dataset named US-4 is constructed for direct pretraining on the same domain. It contains over 23,000 images from four US video sub-datasets. To learn robust features from US-4, we propose an US semi-supervised contrastive learning method, named USCL, for pretraining. In order to avoid high similarities between negative pairs as well as mine abundant visual features from limited US videos, USCL adopts a sample pair generation method to enrich the feature involved in a single step of contrastive optimization. Extensive experiments on several downstream tasks show the superiority of USCL pretraining against ImageNet pretraining and other state-of-the-art (SOTA) pretraining approaches. In particular, USCL pretrained backbone achieves fine-tuning accuracy of over 94% on POCUS dataset, which is 10% higher than 84% of the ImageNet pretrained model. The source codes of this work are available at https://github.com/983632847/USCL.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Self-supervised representation learning has achieved remarkable success in recent years. By subverting the need for supervised labels, such approaches are able to utilize the numerous unlabeled images that exist on the Internet and in photographic datasets. Yet to build truly intelligent agents, we must construct representation learning algorithms that can learn not only from datasets but also learn from environments. An agent in a natural environment will not typically be fed curated data. Instead, it must explore its environment to acquire the data it will learn from. We propose a framework, curious representation learning (CRL), which jointly learns a reinforcement learning policy and a visual representation model. The policy is trained to maximize the error of the representation learner, and in doing so is incentivized to explore its environment. At the same time, the learned representation becomes stronger and stronger as the policy feeds it ever harder data to learn from. Our learned representations enable promising transfer to downstream navigation tasks, performing better than or comparably to ImageNet pretraining without using any supervision at all. In addition, despite being trained in simulation, our learned representations can obtain interpretable results on real images. Code is available at https://yilundu.github.io/crl/.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.RO" ]
Matching people across multiple camera views known as person re-identification, is a challenging problem due to the change in visual appearance caused by varying lighting conditions. The perceived color of the subject appears to be different with respect to illumination. Previous works use color as it is or address these challenges by designing color spaces focusing on a specific cue. In this paper, we propose a data driven approach for learning color patterns from pixels sampled from images across two camera views. The intuition behind this work is that, even though pixel values of same color would be different across views, they should be encoded with the same values. We model color feature generation as a learning problem by jointly learning a linear transformation and a dictionary to encode pixel values. We also analyze different photometric invariant color spaces. Using color as the only cue, we compare our approach with all the photometric invariant color spaces and show superior performance over all of them. Combining with other learned low-level and high-level features, we obtain promising results in ViPER, Person Re-ID 2011 and CAVIAR4REID datasets.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The accuracy of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) generally improves when fueled with high resolution images. However, this often comes at a high computational cost and high memory footprint. Inspired by the fact that not all regions in an image are task-relevant, we propose a novel framework that performs efficient image classification by processing a sequence of relatively small inputs, which are strategically selected from the original image with reinforcement learning. Such a dynamic decision process naturally facilitates adaptive inference at test time, i.e., it can be terminated once the model is sufficiently confident about its prediction and thus avoids further redundant computation. Notably, our framework is general and flexible as it is compatible with most of the state-of-the-art light-weighted CNNs (such as MobileNets, EfficientNets and RegNets), which can be conveniently deployed as the backbone feature extractor. Experiments on ImageNet show that our method consistently improves the computational efficiency of a wide variety of deep models. For example, it further reduces the average latency of the highly efficient MobileNet-V3 on an iPhone XS Max by 20% without sacrificing accuracy. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/blackfeather-wang/GFNet-Pytorch.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Processing an input signal that contains arbitrary structures, e.g., superpixels and point clouds, remains a big challenge in computer vision. Linear diffusion, an effective model for image processing, has been recently integrated with deep learning algorithms. In this paper, we propose to learn pairwise relations among data points in a global fashion to improve semantic segmentation with arbitrarily-structured data, through spatial generalized propagation networks (SGPN). The network propagates information on a group of graphs, which represent the arbitrarily-structured data, through a learned, linear diffusion process. The module is flexible to be embedded and jointly trained with many types of networks, e.g., CNNs. We experiment with semantic segmentation networks, where we use our propagation module to jointly train on different data -- images, superpixels and point clouds. We show that SGPN consistently improves the performance of both pixel and point cloud segmentation, compared to networks that do not contain this module. Our method suggests an effective way to model the global pairwise relations for arbitrarily-structured data.
[ "cs.CV" ]
We take a Bayesian perspective to illustrate a connection between training speed and the marginal likelihood in linear models. This provides two major insights: first, that a measure of a model's training speed can be used to estimate its marginal likelihood. Second, that this measure, under certain conditions, predicts the relative weighting of models in linear model combinations trained to minimize a regression loss. We verify our results in model selection tasks for linear models and for the infinite-width limit of deep neural networks. We further provide encouraging empirical evidence that the intuition developed in these settings also holds for deep neural networks trained with stochastic gradient descent. Our results suggest a promising new direction towards explaining why neural networks trained with stochastic gradient descent are biased towards functions that generalize well.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Gesture recognition has attracted considerable attention owing to its great potential in applications. Although the great progress has been made recently in multi-modal learning methods, existing methods still lack effective integration to fully explore synergies among spatio-temporal modalities effectively for gesture recognition. The problems are partially due to the fact that the existing manually designed network architectures have low efficiency in the joint learning of multi-modalities. In this paper, we propose the first neural architecture search (NAS)-based method for RGB-D gesture recognition. The proposed method includes two key components: 1) enhanced temporal representation via the proposed 3D Central Difference Convolution (3D-CDC) family, which is able to capture rich temporal context via aggregating temporal difference information; and 2) optimized backbones for multi-sampling-rate branches and lateral connections among varied modalities. The resultant multi-modal multi-rate network provides a new perspective to understand the relationship between RGB and depth modalities and their temporal dynamics. Comprehensive experiments are performed on three benchmark datasets (IsoGD, NvGesture, and EgoGesture), demonstrating the state-of-the-art performance in both single- and multi-modality settings.The code is available at https://github.com/ZitongYu/3DCDC-NAS
[ "cs.CV" ]
We report a method to convert discrete representations of molecules to and from a multidimensional continuous representation. This model allows us to generate new molecules for efficient exploration and optimization through open-ended spaces of chemical compounds. A deep neural network was trained on hundreds of thousands of existing chemical structures to construct three coupled functions: an encoder, a decoder and a predictor. The encoder converts the discrete representation of a molecule into a real-valued continuous vector, and the decoder converts these continuous vectors back to discrete molecular representations. The predictor estimates chemical properties from the latent continuous vector representation of the molecule. Continuous representations allow us to automatically generate novel chemical structures by performing simple operations in the latent space, such as decoding random vectors, perturbing known chemical structures, or interpolating between molecules. Continuous representations also allow the use of powerful gradient-based optimization to efficiently guide the search for optimized functional compounds. We demonstrate our method in the domain of drug-like molecules and also in the set of molecules with fewer that nine heavy atoms.
[ "cs.LG", "physics.chem-ph" ]
The integration of deep learning to reinforcement learning (RL) has enabled RL to perform efficiently in high-dimensional environments. Deep RL methods have been applied to solve many complex real-world problems in recent years. However, development of a deep RL-based system is challenging because of various issues such as the selection of a suitable deep RL algorithm, its network configuration, training time, training methods, and so on. This paper proposes a comprehensive software framework that not only plays a vital role in designing a connect-the-dots deep RL architecture but also provides a guideline to develop a realistic RL application in a short time span. We have designed and developed a deep RL-based software framework that strictly ensures flexibility, robustness, and scalability. By inheriting the proposed architecture, software managers can foresee any challenges when designing a deep RL-based system. As a result, they can expedite the design process and actively control every stage of software development, which is especially critical in agile development environments. To enforce generalization, the proposed architecture does not depend on a specific RL algorithm, a network configuration, the number of agents, or the type of agents. Using our framework, software developers can develop and integrate new RL algorithms or new types of agents, and can flexibly change network configuration or the number of agents.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.GT", "cs.RO" ]
We present a novel method for local image feature matching. Instead of performing image feature detection, description, and matching sequentially, we propose to first establish pixel-wise dense matches at a coarse level and later refine the good matches at a fine level. In contrast to dense methods that use a cost volume to search correspondences, we use self and cross attention layers in Transformer to obtain feature descriptors that are conditioned on both images. The global receptive field provided by Transformer enables our method to produce dense matches in low-texture areas, where feature detectors usually struggle to produce repeatable interest points. The experiments on indoor and outdoor datasets show that LoFTR outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. LoFTR also ranks first on two public benchmarks of visual localization among the published methods.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.RO" ]
The heavy traffic congestion problem has always been a concern for modern cities. To alleviate traffic congestion, researchers use reinforcement learning (RL) to develop better traffic signal control (TSC) algorithms in recent years. However, most RL models are trained and tested in the same traffic flow environment, which results in a serious overfitting problem. Since the traffic flow environment in the real world keeps varying, these models can hardly be applied due to the lack of generalization ability. Besides, the limited number of accessible traffic flow data brings extra difficulty in testing the generalization ability of the models. In this paper, we design a novel traffic flow generator based on Wasserstein generative adversarial network to generate sufficient diverse and quality traffic flows and use them to build proper training and testing environments. Then we propose a meta-RL TSC framework GeneraLight to improve the generalization ability of TSC models. GeneraLight boosts the generalization performance by combining the idea of flow clustering and model-agnostic meta-learning. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets to show the superior performance of GeneraLight on generalizing to different traffic flows.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
We study model-based offline Reinforcement Learning with general function approximation. We present an algorithm named Constrained Pessimistic Policy Optimization (CPPO) which leverages a general function class and uses a constraint to encode pessimism. Under the assumption that the ground truth model belongs to our function class, CPPO can learn with the offline data only providing partial coverage, i.e., it can learn a policy that completes against any policy that is covered by the offline data, in polynomial sample complexity with respect to the statistical complexity of the function class. We then demonstrate that this algorithmic framework can be applied to many specialized Markov Decision Processes where the additional structural assumptions can further refine the concept of partial coverage. One notable example is low-rank MDP with representation learning where the partial coverage is defined using the concept of relative condition number measured by the underlying unknown ground truth feature representation. Finally, we introduce and study the Bayesian setting in offline RL. The key benefit of Bayesian offline RL is that algorithmically, we do not need to explicitly construct pessimism or reward penalty which could be hard beyond models with linear structures. We present a posterior sampling-based incremental policy optimization algorithm (PS-PO) which proceeds by iteratively sampling a model from the posterior distribution and performing one-step incremental policy optimization inside the sampled model. Theoretically, in expectation with respect to the prior distribution, PS-PO can learn a near optimal policy under partial coverage with polynomial sample complexity.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
Sketch has been employed as an effective communicative tool to express the abstract and intuitive meanings of object. Recognizing the free-hand sketch drawing is extremely useful in many real-world applications. While content-based sketch recognition has been studied for several decades, the instance-level Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (SBIR) tasks have attracted significant research attention recently. The existing datasets such as QMUL-Chair and QMUL-Shoe, focus on the retrieval tasks of chairs and shoes. However, there are several key limitations in previous instance-level SBIR works. The state-of-the-art works have to heavily rely on the pre-training process, quality of edge maps, multi-cropping testing strategy, and augmenting sketch images. To efficiently solve the instance-level SBIR, we propose a new Deep Triplet Classification Siamese Network (DeepTCNet) which employs DenseNet-169 as the basic feature extractor and is optimized by the triplet loss and classification loss. Critically, our proposed DeepTCNet can break the limitations existed in previous works. The extensive experiments on five benchmark sketch datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Additionally, to study the tasks of sketch-based hairstyle retrieval, this paper contributes a new instance-level photo-sketch dataset - Hairstyle Photo-Sketch dataset, which is composed of 3600 sketches and photos, and 2400 sketch-photo pairs.
[ "cs.CV" ]
In this paper, we investigate the use of generative adversarial networks in the task of image generation according to subjective measures of semantic attributes. Unlike the standard (CGAN) that generates images from discrete categorical labels, our architecture handles both continuous and discrete scales. Given pairwise comparisons of images, our model, called RankCGAN, performs two tasks: it learns to rank images using a subjective measure; and it learns a generative model that can be controlled by that measure. RankCGAN associates each subjective measure of interest to a distinct dimension of some latent space. We perform experiments on UT-Zap50K, PubFig and OSR datasets and demonstrate that the model is expressive and diverse enough to conduct two-attribute exploration and image editing.
[ "cs.CV" ]
We present methods for online linear optimization that take advantage of benign (as opposed to worst-case) sequences. Specifically if the sequence encountered by the learner is described well by a known "predictable process", the algorithms presented enjoy tighter bounds as compared to the typical worst case bounds. Additionally, the methods achieve the usual worst-case regret bounds if the sequence is not benign. Our approach can be seen as a way of adding prior knowledge about the sequence within the paradigm of online learning. The setting is shown to encompass partial and side information. Variance and path-length bounds can be seen as particular examples of online learning with simple predictable sequences. We further extend our methods and results to include competing with a set of possible predictable processes (models), that is "learning" the predictable process itself concurrently with using it to obtain better regret guarantees. We show that such model selection is possible under various assumptions on the available feedback. Our results suggest a promising direction of further research with potential applications to stock market and time series prediction.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Understanding driving situations regardless the conditions of the traffic scene is a cornerstone on the path towards autonomous vehicles; however, despite common sensor setups already include complementary devices such as LiDAR or radar, most of the research on perception systems has traditionally focused on computer vision. We present a LiDAR-based 3D object detection pipeline entailing three stages. First, laser information is projected into a novel cell encoding for bird's eye view projection. Later, both object location on the plane and its heading are estimated through a convolutional neural network originally designed for image processing. Finally, 3D oriented detections are computed in a post-processing phase. Experiments on KITTI dataset show that the proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art results among comparable methods. Further tests with different LiDAR sensors in real scenarios assess the multi-device capabilities of the approach.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Arguably one of the top success stories of deep learning is transfer learning. The finding that pre-training a network on a rich source set (eg., ImageNet) can help boost performance once fine-tuned on a usually much smaller target set, has been instrumental to many applications in language and vision. Yet, very little is known about its usefulness in 3D point cloud understanding. We see this as an opportunity considering the effort required for annotating data in 3D. In this work, we aim at facilitating research on 3D representation learning. Different from previous works, we focus on high-level scene understanding tasks. To this end, we select a suite of diverse datasets and tasks to measure the effect of unsupervised pre-training on a large source set of 3D scenes. Our findings are extremely encouraging: using a unified triplet of architecture, source dataset, and contrastive loss for pre-training, we achieve improvement over recent best results in segmentation and detection across 6 different benchmarks for indoor and outdoor, real and synthetic datasets -- demonstrating that the learned representation can generalize across domains. Furthermore, the improvement was similar to supervised pre-training, suggesting that future efforts should favor scaling data collection over more detailed annotation. We hope these findings will encourage more research on unsupervised pretext task design for 3D deep learning.
[ "cs.CV" ]
We introduce a general framework for leveraging graph stream data for temporal prediction-based applications. Our proposed framework includes novel methods for learning an appropriate graph time-series representation, modeling and weighting the temporal dependencies, and generalizing existing embedding methods for such data. While previous work on dynamic modeling and embedding has focused on representing a stream of timestamped edges using a time-series of graphs based on a specific time-scale (e.g., 1 month), we propose the notion of an $\epsilon$-graph time-series that uses a fixed number of edges for each graph, and show its superiority over the time-scale representation used in previous work. In addition, we propose a number of new temporal models based on the notion of temporal reachability graphs and weighted temporal summary graphs. These temporal models are then used to generalize existing base (static) embedding methods by enabling them to incorporate and appropriately model temporal dependencies in the data. From the 6 temporal network models investigated (for each of the 7 base embedding methods), we find that the top-3 temporal models are always those that leverage the new $\epsilon$-graph time-series representation. Furthermore, the dynamic embedding methods from the framework almost always achieve better predictive performance than existing state-of-the-art dynamic node embedding methods that are developed specifically for such temporal prediction tasks. Finally, the findings of this work are useful for designing better dynamic embedding methods.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.SI", "stat.ML" ]
Monocular depth estimation has become one of the most studied applications in computer vision, where the most accurate approaches are based on fully supervised learning models. However, the acquisition of accurate and large ground truth data sets to model these fully supervised methods is a major challenge for the further development of the area. Self-supervised methods trained with monocular videos constitute one the most promising approaches to mitigate the challenge mentioned above due to the wide-spread availability of training data. Consequently, they have been intensively studied, where the main ideas explored consist of different types of model architectures, loss functions, and occlusion masks to address non-rigid motion. In this paper, we propose two new ideas to improve self-supervised monocular trained depth estimation: 1) self-attention, and 2) discrete disparity prediction. Compared with the usual localised convolution operation, self-attention can explore a more general contextual information that allows the inference of similar disparity values at non-contiguous regions of the image. Discrete disparity prediction has been shown by fully supervised methods to provide a more robust and sharper depth estimation than the more common continuous disparity prediction, besides enabling the estimation of depth uncertainty. We show that the extension of the state-of-the-art self-supervised monocular trained depth estimator Monodepth2 with these two ideas allows us to design a model that produces the best results in the field in KITTI 2015 and Make3D, closing the gap with respect self-supervised stereo training and fully supervised approaches.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Scenario generation is an important step in the operation and planning of power systems with high renewable penetrations. In this work, we proposed a data-driven approach for scenario generation using generative adversarial networks, which is based on two interconnected deep neural networks. Compared with existing methods based on probabilistic models that are often hard to scale or sample from, our method is data-driven, and captures renewable energy production patterns in both temporal and spatial dimensions for a large number of correlated resources. For validation, we use wind and solar times-series data from NREL integration data sets. We demonstrate that the proposed method is able to generate realistic wind and photovoltaic power profiles with full diversity of behaviors. We also illustrate how to generate scenarios based on different conditions of interest by using labeled data during training. For example, scenarios can be conditioned on weather events~(e.g. high wind day) or time of the year~(e,g. solar generation for a day in July). Because of the feedforward nature of the neural networks, scenarios can be generated extremely efficiently without sophisticated sampling techniques.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.SY", "math.OC" ]
Video scene parsing is a long-standing challenging task in computer vision, aiming to assign pre-defined semantic labels to pixels of all frames in a given video. Compared with image semantic segmentation, this task pays more attention on studying how to adopt the temporal information to obtain higher predictive accuracy. In this report, we introduce our solution for the 1st Video Scene Parsing in the Wild Challenge, which achieves a mIoU of 57.44 and obtained the 2nd place (our team name is CharlesBLWX).
[ "cs.CV" ]
Small area change detection from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a highly challenging task. In this paper, a robust unsupervised approach is proposed for small area change detection from multi-temporal SAR images using deep learning. First, a multi-scale superpixel reconstruction method is developed to generate a difference image (DI), which can suppress the speckle noise effectively and enhance edges by exploiting local, spatially homogeneous information. Second, a two-stage centre-constrained fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is proposed to divide the pixels of the DI into changed, unchanged and intermediate classes with a parallel clustering strategy. Image patches belonging to the first two classes are then constructed as pseudo-label training samples, and image patches of the intermediate class are treated as testing samples. Finally, a convolutional wavelet neural network (CWNN) is designed and trained to classify testing samples into changed or unchanged classes, coupled with a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) to increase the number of changed class within the pseudo-label training samples. Numerical experiments on four real SAR datasets demonstrate the validity and robustness of the proposed approach, achieving up to 99.61% accuracy for small area change detection.
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
The demosaicking provokes the spatial and color correlation of noise, which is afterwards enhanced by the imaging pipeline. The correct removal previous or simultaneously with the demosaicking process is not usually considered in the literature. We present a novel imaging chain including a denoising of the Bayer CFA and a demosaicking method for image sequences. The proposed algorithm uses a spatio-temporal patch method for the noise removal and demosaicking of the CFA. The experimentation, including real examples, illustrates the superior performance of the proposed chain, avoiding the creation of artifacts and colored spots in the final image.
[ "cs.CV" ]
A key challenge of learning the geometry of dressed humans lies in the limited availability of the ground truth data (e.g., 3D scanned models), which results in the performance degradation of 3D human reconstruction when applying to real-world imagery. We address this challenge by leveraging a new data resource: a number of social media dance videos that span diverse appearance, clothing styles, performances, and identities. Each video depicts dynamic movements of the body and clothes of a single person while lacking the 3D ground truth geometry. To utilize these videos, we present a new method to use the local transformation that warps the predicted local geometry of the person from an image to that of another image at a different time instant. This allows self-supervision as enforcing a temporal coherence over the predictions. In addition, we jointly learn the depth along with the surface normals that are highly responsive to local texture, wrinkle, and shade by maximizing their geometric consistency. Our method is end-to-end trainable, resulting in high fidelity depth estimation that predicts fine geometry faithful to the input real image. We demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art human depth estimation and human shape recovery approaches on both real and rendered images.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Although Generative Adversarial Networks have shown remarkable performance in image generation, there are some challenges in image realism and convergence speed. The results of some models display the imbalances of quality within a generated image, in which some defective parts appear compared with other regions. Different from general single global optimization methods, we introduce an adaptive global and local bilevel optimization model(GL-GAN). The model achieves the generation of high-resolution images in a complementary and promoting way, where global optimization is to optimize the whole images and local is only to optimize the low-quality areas. With a simple network structure, GL-GAN is allowed to effectively avoid the nature of imbalance by local bilevel optimization, which is accomplished by first locating low-quality areas and then optimizing them. Moreover, by using feature map cues from discriminator output, we propose the adaptive local and global optimization method(Ada-OP) for specific implementation and find that it boosts the convergence speed. Compared with the current GAN methods, our model has shown impressive performance on CelebA, CelebA-HQ and LSUN datasets.
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
Recent explainability related studies have shown that state-of-the-art DNNs do not always adopt correct evidences to make decisions. It not only hampers their generalization but also makes them less likely to be trusted by end-users. In pursuit of developing more credible DNNs, in this paper we propose CREX, which encourages DNN models to focus more on evidences that actually matter for the task at hand, and to avoid overfitting to data-dependent bias and artifacts. Specifically, CREX regularizes the training process of DNNs with rationales, i.e., a subset of features highlighted by domain experts as justifications for predictions, to enforce DNNs to generate local explanations that conform with expert rationales. Even when rationales are not available, CREX still could be useful by requiring the generated explanations to be sparse. Experimental results on two text classification datasets demonstrate the increased credibility of DNNs trained with CREX. Comprehensive analysis further shows that while CREX does not always improve prediction accuracy on the held-out test set, it significantly increases DNN accuracy on new and previously unseen data beyond test set, highlighting the advantage of the increased credibility.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.IR", "stat.ML" ]
For any positive integer $k$, there exist neural networks with $\Theta(k^3)$ layers, $\Theta(1)$ nodes per layer, and $\Theta(1)$ distinct parameters which can not be approximated by networks with $\mathcal{O}(k)$ layers unless they are exponentially large --- they must possess $\Omega(2^k)$ nodes. This result is proved here for a class of nodes termed "semi-algebraic gates" which includes the common choices of ReLU, maximum, indicator, and piecewise polynomial functions, therefore establishing benefits of depth against not just standard networks with ReLU gates, but also convolutional networks with ReLU and maximization gates, sum-product networks, and boosted decision trees (in this last case with a stronger separation: $\Omega(2^{k^3})$ total tree nodes are required).
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NE", "stat.ML" ]
The success of deep learning based models for computer vision applications requires large scale human annotated data which are often expensive to generate. Self-supervised learning, a subset of unsupervised learning, handles this problem by learning meaningful features from unlabeled image or video data. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised learning approach to learn transferable features from MR video clips by enforcing the model to learn anatomical features. The pretext task models are designed to predict the correct ordering of the jumbled image patches that the MR video frames are divided into. To the best of our knowledge, none of the supervised learning models performing injury classification task from MR video provide any explanation for the decisions made by the models and hence makes our work the first of its kind on MR video data. Experiments on the pretext task show that this proposed approach enables the model to learn spatial context invariant features which help for reliable and explainable performance in downstream tasks like classification of Anterior Cruciate Ligament tear injury from knee MRI. The efficiency of the novel Convolutional Neural Network proposed in this paper is reflected in the experimental results obtained in the downstream task.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Nonlinear optimal control problems are often solved with numerical methods that require knowledge of system's dynamics which may be difficult to infer, and that carry a large computational cost associated with iterative calculations. We present a novel neurobiologically inspired hierarchical learning framework, Reinforcement Learning Optimal Control, which operates on two levels of abstraction and utilises a reduced number of controllers to solve nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics in continuous state and action spaces. Our approach is inspired by research at two levels of abstraction: first, at the level of limb coordination human behaviour is explained by linear optimal feedback control theory. Second, in cognitive tasks involving learning symbolic level action selection, humans learn such problems using model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms. We propose that combining these two levels of abstraction leads to a fast global solution of nonlinear control problems using reduced number of controllers. Our framework learns the local task dynamics from naive experience and forms locally optimal infinite horizon Linear Quadratic Regulators which produce continuous low-level control. A top-level reinforcement learner uses the controllers as actions and learns how to best combine them in state space while maximising a long-term reward. A single optimal control objective function drives high-level symbolic learning by providing training signals on desirability of each selected controller. We show that a small number of locally optimal linear controllers are able to solve global nonlinear control problems with unknown dynamics when combined with a reinforcement learner in this hierarchical framework. Our algorithm competes in terms of computational cost and solution quality with sophisticated control algorithms and we illustrate this with solutions to benchmark problems.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Recently, neural architecture search (NAS) has been applied to automatically search high-performance networks for medical image segmentation. The NAS search space usually contains a network topology level (controlling connections among cells with different spatial scales) and a cell level (operations within each cell). Existing methods either require long searching time for large-scale 3D image datasets, or are limited to pre-defined topologies (such as U-shaped or single-path). In this work, we focus on three important aspects of NAS in 3D medical image segmentation: flexible multi-path network topology, high search efficiency, and budgeted GPU memory usage. A novel differentiable search framework is proposed to support fast gradient-based search within a highly flexible network topology search space. The discretization of the searched optimal continuous model in differentiable scheme may produce a sub-optimal final discrete model (discretization gap). Therefore, we propose a topology loss to alleviate this problem. In addition, the GPU memory usage for the searched 3D model is limited with budget constraints during search. Our Differentiable Network Topology Search scheme (DiNTS) is evaluated on the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) challenge, which contains ten challenging segmentation tasks. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance and the top ranking on the MSD challenge leaderboard.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The Learnable Tree Filter presents a remarkable approach to model structure-preserving relations for semantic segmentation. Nevertheless, the intrinsic geometric constraint forces it to focus on the regions with close spatial distance, hindering the effective long-range interactions. To relax the geometric constraint, we give the analysis by reformulating it as a Markov Random Field and introduce a learnable unary term. Besides, we propose a learnable spanning tree algorithm to replace the original non-differentiable one, which further improves the flexibility and robustness. With the above improvements, our method can better capture long-range dependencies and preserve structural details with linear complexity, which is extended to several vision tasks for more generic feature transform. Extensive experiments on object detection/instance segmentation demonstrate the consistent improvements over the original version. For semantic segmentation, we achieve leading performance (82.1% mIoU) on the Cityscapes benchmark without bells-and-whistles. Code is available at https://github.com/StevenGrove/LearnableTreeFilterV2.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "68T45" ]
Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) models are powerful for studying the associations between two sets of variables. The canonically correlated representations, termed \textit{canonical variates} are widely used in unsupervised learning to analyze unlabeled multi-modal registered datasets. Despite their success, CCA models may break (or overfit) if the number of variables in either of the modalities exceeds the number of samples. Moreover, often a significant fraction of the variables measures modality-specific information, and thus removing them is beneficial for identifying the \textit{canonically correlated variates}. Here, we propose $\ell_0$-CCA, a method for learning correlated representations based on sparse subsets of variables from two observed modalities. Sparsity is obtained by multiplying the input variables by stochastic gates, whose parameters are learned together with the CCA weights via an $\ell_0$-regularized correlation loss. We further propose $\ell_0$-Deep CCA for solving the problem of non-linear sparse CCA by modeling the correlated representations using deep nets. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method using several synthetic and real examples. Most notably, by gating nuisance input variables, our approach improves the extracted representations compared to other linear, non-linear and sparse CCA-based models.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Blind face restoration (BFR) from severely degraded face images in the wild is a very challenging problem. Due to the high illness of the problem and the complex unknown degradation, directly training a deep neural network (DNN) usually cannot lead to acceptable results. Existing generative adversarial network (GAN) based methods can produce better results but tend to generate over-smoothed restorations. In this work, we propose a new method by first learning a GAN for high-quality face image generation and embedding it into a U-shaped DNN as a prior decoder, then fine-tuning the GAN prior embedded DNN with a set of synthesized low-quality face images. The GAN blocks are designed to ensure that the latent code and noise input to the GAN can be respectively generated from the deep and shallow features of the DNN, controlling the global face structure, local face details and background of the reconstructed image. The proposed GAN prior embedded network (GPEN) is easy-to-implement, and it can generate visually photo-realistic results. Our experiments demonstrated that the proposed GPEN achieves significantly superior results to state-of-the-art BFR methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, especially for the restoration of severely degraded face images in the wild. The source code and models can be found at https://github.com/yangxy/GPEN.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Probabilistic methods for point set registration have demonstrated competitive results in recent years. These techniques estimate a probability distribution model of the point clouds. While such a representation has shown promise, it is highly sensitive to variations in the density of 3D points. This fundamental problem is primarily caused by changes in the sensor location across point sets. We revisit the foundations of the probabilistic registration paradigm. Contrary to previous works, we model the underlying structure of the scene as a latent probability distribution, and thereby induce invariance to point set density changes. Both the probabilistic model of the scene and the registration parameters are inferred by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence in an Expectation Maximization based framework. Our density-adaptive registration successfully handles severe density variations commonly encountered in terrestrial Lidar applications. We perform extensive experiments on several challenging real-world Lidar datasets. The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art probabilistic methods for multi-view registration, without the need of re-sampling. Code is available at https://github.com/felja633/DARE.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The task of classifying mammograms is very challenging because the lesion is usually small in the high resolution image. The current state-of-the-art approaches for medical image classification rely on using the de-facto method for ConvNets - fine-tuning. However, there are fundamental differences between natural images and medical images, which based on existing evidence from the literature, limits the overall performance gain when designed with algorithmic approaches. In this paper, we propose to go beyond fine-tuning by introducing a novel framework called MorphHR, in which we highlight a new transfer learning scheme. The idea behind the proposed framework is to integrate function-preserving transformations, for any continuous non-linear activation neurons, to internally regularise the network for improving mammograms classification. The proposed solution offers two major advantages over the existing techniques. Firstly and unlike fine-tuning, the proposed approach allows for modifying not only the last few layers but also several of the first ones on a deep ConvNet. By doing this, we can design the network front to be suitable for learning domain specific features. Secondly, the proposed scheme is scalable to hardware. Therefore, one can fit high resolution images on standard GPU memory. We show that by using high resolution images, one prevents losing relevant information. We demonstrate, through numerical and visual experiments, that the proposed approach yields to a significant improvement in the classification performance over state-of-the-art techniques, and is indeed on a par with radiology experts. Moreover and for generalisation purposes, we show the effectiveness of the proposed learning scheme on another large dataset, the ChestX-ray14, surpassing current state-of-the-art techniques.
[ "cs.CV" ]
A novel locally statistical active contour model (ACM) for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneity is presented in this paper. The inhomogeneous objects are modeled as Gaussian distributions of different means and variances, and a moving window is used to map the original image into another domain, where the intensity distributions of inhomogeneous objects are still Gaussian but are better separated. The means of the Gaussian distributions in the transformed domain can be adaptively estimated by multiplying a bias field with the original signal within the window. A statistical energy functional is then defined for each local region, which combines the bias field, the level set function, and the constant approximating the true signal of the corresponding object. Experiments on both synthetic and real images demonstrate the superiority of our proposed algorithm to state-of-the-art and representative methods.
[ "cs.CV" ]
In this paper we propose several novel distributed gradient-based temporal difference algorithms for multi-agent off-policy learning of linear approximation of the value function in Markov decision processes with strict information structure constraints, limiting inter-agent communications to small neighborhoods. The algorithms are composed of: 1) local parameter updates based on single-agent off-policy gradient temporal difference learning algorithms, including eligibility traces with state dependent parameters, and 2) linear stochastic time varying consensus schemes, represented by directed graphs. The proposed algorithms differ by their form, definition of eligibility traces, selection of time scales and the way of incorporating consensus iterations. The main contribution of the paper is a convergence analysis based on the general properties of the underlying Feller-Markov processes and the stochastic time varying consensus model. We prove, under general assumptions, that the parameter estimates generated by all the proposed algorithms weakly converge to the corresponding ordinary differential equations (ODE) with precisely defined invariant sets. It is demonstrated how the adopted methodology can be applied to temporal-difference algorithms under weaker information structure constraints. The variance reduction effect of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated by formulating and analyzing an asymptotic stochastic differential equation. Specific guidelines for communication network design are provided. The algorithms' superior properties are illustrated by characteristic simulation results.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.DC", "cs.SY", "eess.SY", "stat.ML" ]
Equations governing physico-chemical processes are usually known at microscopic spatial scales, yet one suspects that there exist equations, e.g. in the form of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), that can explain the system evolution at much coarser, meso- or macroscopic length scales. Discovering those coarse-grained effective PDEs can lead to considerable savings in computation-intensive tasks like prediction or control. We propose a framework combining artificial neural networks with multiscale computation, in the form of equation-free numerics, for efficient discovery of such macro-scale PDEs directly from microscopic simulations. Gathering sufficient microscopic data for training neural networks can be computationally prohibitive; equation-free numerics enable a more parsimonious collection of training data by only operating in a sparse subset of the space-time domain. We also propose using a data-driven approach, based on manifold learning and unnormalized optimal transport of distributions, to identify macro-scale dependent variable(s) suitable for the data-driven discovery of said PDEs. This approach can corroborate physically motivated candidate variables, or introduce new data-driven variables, in terms of which the coarse-grained effective PDE can be formulated. We illustrate our approach by extracting coarse-grained evolution equations from particle-based simulations with a priori unknown macro-scale variable(s), while significantly reducing the requisite data collection computational effort.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "physics.comp-ph", "physics.data-an", "49Q22, 35-XX," ]
Recently, there has been an increasing number of efforts to introduce models capable of generating natural language explanations (NLEs) for their predictions on vision-language (VL) tasks. Such models are appealing, because they can provide human-friendly and comprehensive explanations. However, there is a lack of comparison between existing methods, which is due to a lack of re-usable evaluation frameworks and a scarcity of datasets. In this work, we introduce e-ViL and e-SNLI-VE. e-ViL is a benchmark for explainable vision-language tasks that establishes a unified evaluation framework and provides the first comprehensive comparison of existing approaches that generate NLEs for VL tasks. It spans four models and three datasets and both automatic metrics and human evaluation are used to assess model-generated explanations. e-SNLI-VE is currently the largest existing VL dataset with NLEs (over 430k instances). We also propose a new model that combines UNITER, which learns joint embeddings of images and text, and GPT-2, a pre-trained language model that is well-suited for text generation. It surpasses the previous state of the art by a large margin across all datasets. Code and data are available here: https://github.com/maximek3/e-ViL.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Empirical evidence shows that ensembles, such as bagging, boosting, random and rotation forests, generally perform better in terms of their generalization error than individual classifiers. To explain this performance, Schapire et al. (1998) developed an upper bound on the generalization error of an ensemble based on the margins of the training data, from which it was concluded that larger margins should lead to lower generalization error, everything else being equal. Many other researchers have backed this assumption and presented tighter bounds on the generalization error based on either the margins or functions of the margins. For instance, Shen and Li (2010) provide evidence suggesting that the generalization error of a voting classifier might be reduced by increasing the mean and decreasing the variance of the margins. In this article we propose several techniques and empirically test whether the current state of research in explaining ensemble performance holds. We evaluate the proposed methods through experiments with real and simulated data sets.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "stat.CO" ]
This paper presents a new approach for code similarity on High Level programs. Our technique is based on Fast Dynamic Time Warping, that builds a warp path or points relation with local restrictions. The source code is represented into Time Series using the operators inside programming languages that makes possible the comparison. This makes possible subsequence detection that represent similar code instructions. In contrast with other code similarity algorithms, we do not make features extraction. The experiments show that two source codes are similar when their respective Time Series are similar.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.DS", "I.5.2" ]
When working to understand usage of a data format, examples of the data format are often more representative than the format's specification. For example, two different applications might use very different JSON representations, or two PDF-writing applications might make use of very different areas of the PDF specification to realize the same rendered content. The complexity arising from these distinct origins can lead to large, difficult-to-understand attack surfaces, presenting a security concern when considering both exfiltration and data schizophrenia. Grammar inference can aid in describing the practical language generator behind examples of a data format. However, most grammar inference research focuses on natural language, not data formats, and fails to support crucial features such as type recursion. We propose a novel set of mechanisms for grammar inference, RL-GRIT, and apply them to understanding de facto data formats. After reviewing existing grammar inference solutions, it was determined that a new, more flexible scaffold could be found in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Within this work, we lay out the many algorithmic changes required to adapt RL from its traditional, sequential-time environment to the highly interdependent environment of parsing. The result is an algorithm which can demonstrably learn recursive control structures in simple data formats, and can extract meaningful structure from fragments of the PDF format. Whereas prior work in grammar inference focused on either regular languages or constituency parsing, we show that RL can be used to surpass the expressiveness of both classes, and offers a clear path to learning context-sensitive languages. The proposed algorithm can serve as a building block for understanding the ecosystems of de facto data formats.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "cs.PL" ]
Although in recent years reinforcement learning has become very popular the number of successful applications to different kinds of operations research problems is rather scarce. Reinforcement learning is based on the well-studied dynamic programming technique and thus also aims at finding the best stationary policy for a given Markov Decision Process, but in contrast does not require any model knowledge. The policy is assessed solely on consecutive states (or state-action pairs), which are observed while an agent explores the solution space. The contributions of this paper are manifold. First we provide deep theoretical insights to the widely applied standard discounted reinforcement learning framework, which give rise to the understanding of why these algorithms are inappropriate when permanently provided with non-zero rewards, such as costs or profit. Second, we establish a novel near-Blackwell-optimal reinforcement learning algorithm. In contrary to former method it assesses the average reward per step separately and thus prevents the incautious combination of different types of state values. Thereby, the Laurent Series expansion of the discounted state values forms the foundation for this development and also provides the connection between the two approaches. Finally, we prove the viability of our algorithm on a challenging problem set, which includes a well-studied M/M/1 admission control queuing system. In contrast to standard discounted reinforcement learning our algorithm infers the optimal policy on all tested problems. The insights are that in the operations research domain machine learning techniques have to be adapted and advanced to successfully apply these methods in our settings.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
We study the problem of semi-supervised anomaly detection with domain adaptation. Given a set of normal data from a source domain and a limited amount of normal examples from a target domain, the goal is to have a well-performing anomaly detector in the target domain. We propose the Invariant Representation Anomaly Detection (IRAD) to solve this problem where we first learn to extract a domain-invariant representation. The extraction is achieved by an across-domain encoder trained together with source-specific encoders and generators by adversarial learning. An anomaly detector is then trained using the learnt representations. We evaluate IRAD extensively on digits images datasets (MNIST, USPS and SVHN) and object recognition datasets (Office-Home). Experimental results show that IRAD outperforms baseline models by a wide margin across different datasets. We derive a theoretical lower bound for the joint error that explains the performance decay from overtraining and also an upper bound for the generalization error.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
As neural networks gain widespread adoption in embedded devices, there is a need for model compression techniques to facilitate deployment in resource-constrained environments. Quantization is one of the go-to methods yielding state-of-the-art model compression. Most approaches take a fully trained model, apply different heuristics to determine the optimal bit-precision for different layers of the network, and retrain the network to regain any drop in accuracy. Based on Activation Density (AD)-the proportion of non-zero activations in a layer-we propose an in-training quantization method. Our method calculates bit-width for each layer during training yielding a mixed precision model with competitive accuracy. Since we train lower precision models during training, our approach yields the final quantized model at lower training complexity and also eliminates the need for re-training. We run experiments on benchmark datasets like CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, TinyImagenet on VGG19/ResNet18 architectures and report the accuracy and energy estimates for the same. We achieve ~4.5x benefit in terms of estimated multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) reduction while reducing the training complexity by 50% in our experiments. To further evaluate the energy benefits of our proposed method, we develop a mixed-precision scalable Process In Memory (PIM) hardware accelerator platform. The hardware platform incorporates shift-add functionality for handling multi-bit precision neural network models. Evaluating the quantized models obtained with our proposed method on the PIM platform yields ~5x energy reduction compared to 16-bit models. Additionally, we find that integrating AD based quantization with AD based pruning (both conducted during training) yields up to ~198x and ~44x energy reductions for VGG19 and ResNet18 architectures respectively on PIM platform compared to baseline 16-bit precision, unpruned models.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NE" ]
Clustering is one of the fundamental tasks in computer vision and pattern recognition. Recently, deep clustering methods (algorithms based on deep learning) have attracted wide attention with their impressive performance. Most of these algorithms combine deep unsupervised representation learning and standard clustering together. However, the separation of representation learning and clustering will lead to suboptimal solutions because the two-stage strategy prevents representation learning from adapting to subsequent tasks (e.g., clustering according to specific cues). To overcome this issue, efforts have been made in the dynamic adaption of representation and cluster assignment, whereas current state-of-the-art methods suffer from heuristically constructed objectives with representation and cluster assignment alternatively optimized. To further standardize the clustering problem, we audaciously formulate the objective of clustering as finding a precise feature as the cue for cluster assignment. Based on this, we propose a general-purpose deep clustering framework which radically integrates representation learning and clustering into a single pipeline for the first time. The proposed framework exploits the powerful ability of recently developed generative models for learning intrinsic features, and imposes an entropy minimization on the distribution of the cluster assignment by a dedicated variational algorithm. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method is superior, or at least comparable to, the state-of-the-art methods on the handwritten digit recognition, fashion recognition, face recognition and object recognition benchmark datasets.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Many real-world applications involve multivariate, geo-tagged time series data: at each location, multiple sensors record corresponding measurements. For example, air quality monitoring system records PM2.5, CO, etc. The resulting time-series data often has missing values due to device outages or communication errors. In order to impute the missing values, state-of-the-art methods are built on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), which process each time stamp sequentially, prohibiting the direct modeling of the relationship between distant time stamps. Recently, the self-attention mechanism has been proposed for sequence modeling tasks such as machine translation, significantly outperforming RNN because the relationship between each two time stamps can be modeled explicitly. In this paper, we are the first to adapt the self-attention mechanism for multivariate, geo-tagged time series data. In order to jointly capture the self-attention across multiple dimensions, including time, location and the sensor measurements, while maintain low computational complexity, we propose a novel approach called Cross-Dimensional Self-Attention (CDSA) to process each dimension sequentially, yet in an order-independent manner. Our extensive experiments on four real-world datasets, including three standard benchmarks and our newly collected NYC-traffic dataset, demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art imputation and forecasting methods. A detailed systematic analysis confirms the effectiveness of our design choices.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Skin cancer is among the most common cancer types. Dermoscopic image analysis improves the diagnostic accuracy for detection of malignant melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions when compared to unaided visual inspection. Hence, computer-based methods to support medical experts in the diagnostic procedure are of great interest. Fine-tuning pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been shown to work well for skin lesion classification. Pre-trained CNNs are usually trained with natural images of a fixed image size which is typically significantly smaller than captured skin lesion images and consequently dermoscopic images are downsampled for fine-tuning. However, useful medical information may be lost during this transformation. In this paper, we explore the effect of input image size on skin lesion classification performance of fine-tuned CNNs. For this, we resize dermoscopic images to different resolutions, ranging from 64x64 to 768x768 pixels and investigate the resulting classification performance of three well-established CNNs, namely DenseNet-121, ResNet-18, and ResNet-50. Our results show that using very small images (of size 64x64 pixels) degrades the classification performance, while images of size 128x128 pixels and above support good performance with larger image sizes leading to slightly improved classification. We further propose a novel fusion approach based on a three-level ensemble strategy that exploits multiple fine-tuned networks trained with dermoscopic images at various sizes. When applied on the ISIC 2017 skin lesion classification challenge, our fusion approach yields an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 89.2% and 96.6% for melanoma classification and seborrheic keratosis classification, respectively, outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Weakly-supervised instance segmentation aims to detect and segment object instances precisely, given imagelevel labels only. Unlike previous methods which are composed of multiple offline stages, we propose Sequential Label Propagation and Enhancement Networks (referred as Label-PEnet) that progressively transform image-level labels to pixel-wise labels in a coarse-to-fine manner. We design four cascaded modules including multi-label classification, object detection, instance refinement and instance segmentation, which are implemented sequentially by sharing the same backbone. The cascaded pipeline is trained alternatively with a curriculum learning strategy that generalizes labels from high-level images to low-level pixels gradually with increasing accuracy. In addition, we design a proposal calibration module to explore the ability of classification networks to find key pixels that identify object parts, which serves as a post validation strategy running in the inverse order. We evaluate the efficiency of our Label-PEnet in mining instance masks on standard benchmarks: PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012. Experimental results show that Label-PEnet outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms by a clear margin, and obtains comparable performance even with the fully-supervised approaches.
[ "cs.CV" ]
In this work, we propose a novel straightforward method for medical volume and sequence segmentation with limited annotations. To avert laborious annotating, the recent success of self-supervised learning(SSL) motivates the pre-training on unlabeled data. Despite its success, it is still challenging to adapt typical SSL methods to volume/sequence segmentation, due to their lack of mining on local semantic discrimination and rare exploitation on volume and sequence structures. Based on the continuity between slices/frames and the common spatial layout of organs across volumes/sequences, we introduced a novel bootstrap self-supervised representation learning method by leveraging the predictable possibility of neighboring slices. At the core of our method is a simple and straightforward dense self-supervision on the predictions of local representations and a strategy of predicting locals based on global context, which enables stable and reliable supervision for both global and local representation mining among volumes. Specifically, we first proposed an asymmetric network with an attention-guided predictor to enforce distance-specific prediction and supervision on slices within and across volumes/sequences. Secondly, we introduced a novel prototype-based foreground-background calibration module to enhance representation consistency. The two parts are trained jointly on labeled and unlabeled data. When evaluated on three benchmark datasets of medical volumes and sequences, our model outperforms existing methods with a large margin of 4.5\% DSC on ACDC, 1.7\% on Prostate, and 2.3\% on CAMUS. Intensive evaluations reveals the effectiveness and superiority of our method.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) aided high dynamic range (HDR) imaging recently received a lot of attention. The quality of DCNN generated HDR images have overperformed the traditional counterparts. However, DCNN is prone to be computationally intensive and power-hungry. To address the challenge, we propose LightFuse, a light-weight CNN-based algorithm for extreme dual-exposure image fusion, which can be implemented on various embedded computing platforms with limited power and hardware resources. Two sub-networks are utilized: a GlobalNet (G) and a DetailNet (D). The goal of G is to learn the global illumination information on the spatial dimension, whereas D aims to enhance local details on the channel dimension. Both G and D are based solely on depthwise convolution (D Conv) and pointwise convolution (P Conv) to reduce required parameters and computations. Experimental results display that the proposed technique could generate HDR images with plausible details in extremely exposed regions. Our PSNR score exceeds the other state-of-the-art approaches by 1.2 to 1.6 times and achieves 1.4 to 20 times FLOP and parameter reduction compared with others.
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
Visual localization has become a key enabling component of many place recognition and SLAM systems. Contemporary research has primarily focused on improving accuracy and precision-recall type metrics, with relatively little attention paid to a system's absolute storage scaling characteristics, its flexibility to adapt to available computational resources, and its longevity with respect to easily incorporating newly learned or hand-crafted image descriptors. Most significantly, improvement in one of these aspects typically comes at the cost of others: for example, a snapshot-based system that achieves sub-linear storage cost typically provides no metric pose estimation, or, a highly accurate pose estimation technique is often ossified in adapting to recent advances in appearance-invariant features. In this paper, we present a novel 6-DOF localization system that for the first time simultaneously achieves all the three characteristics: significantly sub-linear storage growth, agnosticism to image descriptors, and customizability to available storage and computational resources. The key features of our method are developed based on a novel adaptation of multiple-label learning, together with effective dimensional reduction and learning techniques that enable simple and efficient optimization. We evaluate our system on several large benchmarking datasets and provide detailed comparisons to state-of-the-art systems. The proposed method demonstrates competitive accuracy with existing pose estimation methods while achieving better sub-linear storage scaling, significantly reduced absolute storage requirements, and faster training and deployment speeds.
[ "cs.CV" ]
We introduce a simple and versatile framework for image-to-image translation. We unearth the importance of normalization layers, and provide a carefully designed two-stream generative model with newly proposed feature transformations in a coarse-to-fine fashion. This allows multi-scale semantic structure information and style representation to be effectively captured and fused by the network, permitting our method to scale to various tasks in both unsupervised and supervised settings. No additional constraints (e.g., cycle consistency) are needed, contributing to a very clean and simple method. Multi-modal image synthesis with arbitrary style control is made possible. A systematic study compares the proposed method with several state-of-the-art task-specific baselines, verifying its effectiveness in both perceptual quality and quantitative evaluations.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "eess.IV" ]
Pose-guided person image generation is to transform a source person image to a target pose. This task requires spatial manipulations of source data. However, Convolutional Neural Networks are limited by the lack of ability to spatially transform the inputs. In this paper, we propose a differentiable global-flow local-attention framework to reassemble the inputs at the feature level. Specifically, our model first calculates the global correlations between sources and targets to predict flow fields. Then, the flowed local patch pairs are extracted from the feature maps to calculate the local attention coefficients. Finally, we warp the source features using a content-aware sampling method with the obtained local attention coefficients. The results of both subjective and objective experiments demonstrate the superiority of our model. Besides, additional results in video animation and view synthesis show that our model is applicable to other tasks requiring spatial transformation. Our source code is available at https://github.com/RenYurui/Global-Flow-Local-Attention.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
The matching function for the problem of stereo reconstruction or optical flow has been traditionally designed as a function of the distance between the features describing matched pixels. This approach works under assumption, that the appearance of pixels in two stereo cameras or in two consecutive video frames does not change dramatically. However, this might not be the case, if we try to match pixels over a large interval of time. In this paper we propose a method, which learns the matching function, that automatically finds the space of allowed changes in visual appearance, such as due to the motion blur, chromatic distortions, different colour calibration or seasonal changes. Furthermore, it automatically learns the importance of matching scores of contextual features at different relative locations and scales. Proposed classifier gives reliable estimations of pixel disparities already without any form of regularization. We evaluated our method on two standard problems - stereo matching on KITTI outdoor dataset, optical flow on Sintel data set, and on newly introduced TimeLapse change detection dataset. Our algorithm obtained very promising results comparable to the state-of-the-art.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Self-supervised learning approaches leverage unlabeled samples to acquire generic knowledge about different concepts, hence allowing for annotation-efficient downstream task learning. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised method that leverages multiple imaging modalities. We introduce the multimodal puzzle task, which facilitates rich representation learning from multiple image modalities. The learned representations allow for subsequent fine-tuning on different downstream tasks. To achieve that, we learn a modality-agnostic feature embedding by confusing image modalities at the data-level. Together with the Sinkhorn operator, with which we formulate the puzzle solving optimization as permutation matrix inference instead of classification, they allow for efficient solving of multimodal puzzles with varying levels of complexity. In addition, we also propose to utilize cross-modal generation techniques for multimodal data augmentation used for training self-supervised tasks. In other words, we exploit synthetic images for self-supervised pretraining, instead of downstream tasks directly, in order to circumvent quality issues associated with synthetic images, while improving data-efficiency and representations quality. Our experimental results, which assess the gains in downstream performance and data-efficiency, show that solving our multimodal puzzles yields better semantic representations, compared to treating each modality independently. Our results also highlight the benefits of exploiting synthetic images for self-supervised pretraining. We showcase our approach on four downstream tasks: Brain tumor segmentation and survival days prediction using four MRI modalities, Prostate segmentation using two MRI modalities, and Liver segmentation using unregistered CT and MRI modalities. We outperform many previous solutions, and achieve results competitive to state-of-the-art.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted increasing attention due to its successful applications on various graph-structure data. However, recent studies have shown that adversarial attacks are threatening the functionality of GNNs. Although numerous works have been proposed to defend adversarial attacks from various perspectives, most of them can be robust against the attacks only on specific scenarios. To address this shortage of robust generalization, we propose to defend the adversarial attacks on GNN through applying the Spatio-Temporal sparsification (called ST-Sparse) on the GNN hidden node representation. ST-Sparse is similar to the Dropout regularization in spirit. Through intensive experiment evaluation with GCN as the target GNN model, we identify the benefits of ST-Sparse as follows: (1) ST-Sparse shows the defense performance improvement in most cases, as it can effectively increase the robust accuracy by up to 6\% improvement; (2) ST-Sparse illustrates its robust generalization capability by integrating with the existing defense methods, similar to the integration of Dropout into various deep learning models as a standard regularization technique; (3) ST-Sparse also shows its ordinary generalization capability on clean datasets, in that ST-SparseGCN (the integration of ST-Sparse and the original GCN) even outperform the original GCN, while the other three representative defense methods are inferior to the original GCN.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
We consider the problem of estimating a function from $n$ noisy samples whose discrete Total Variation (TV) is bounded by $C_n$. We reveal a deep connection to the seemingly disparate problem of Strongly Adaptive online learning (Daniely et al, 2015) and provide an $O(n \log n)$ time algorithm that attains the near minimax optimal rate of $\tilde O (n^{1/3}C_n^{2/3})$ under squared error loss. The resulting algorithm runs online and optimally adapts to the unknown smoothness parameter $C_n$. This leads to a new and more versatile alternative to wavelets-based methods for (1) adaptively estimating TV bounded functions; (2) online forecasting of TV bounded trends in time series.
[ "cs.LG", "math.OC", "stat.ML" ]
In this paper, we demonstrate how to do automated theorem proving in the presence of a large knowledge base of potential premises without learning from human proofs. We suggest an exploration mechanism that mixes in additional premises selected by a tf-idf (term frequency-inverse document frequency) based lookup in a deep reinforcement learning scenario. This helps with exploring and learning which premises are relevant for proving a new theorem. Our experiments show that the theorem prover trained with this exploration mechanism outperforms provers that are trained only on human proofs. It approaches the performance of a prover trained by a combination of imitation and reinforcement learning. We perform multiple experiments to understand the importance of the underlying assumptions that make our exploration approach work, thus explaining our design choices.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.LO", "stat.ML" ]
Traditional convolution-based generative adversarial networks synthesize images based on hierarchical local operations, where long-range dependency relation is implicitly modeled with a Markov chain. It is still not sufficient for categories with complicated structures. In this paper, we characterize long-range dependence with attentive normalization (AN), which is an extension to traditional instance normalization. Specifically, the input feature map is softly divided into several regions based on its internal semantic similarity, which are respectively normalized. It enhances consistency between distant regions with semantic correspondence. Compared with self-attention GAN, our attentive normalization does not need to measure the correlation of all locations, and thus can be directly applied to large-size feature maps without much computational burden. Extensive experiments on class-conditional image generation and semantic inpainting verify the efficacy of our proposed module.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Time series data play an important role in many applications and their analysis reveals crucial information for understanding the underlying processes. Among the many time series learning tasks of great importance, we here focus on semi-supervised learning based on a graph representation of the data. Two main aspects are involved in this task. A suitable distance measure to evaluate the similarities between time series, and a learning method to make predictions based on these distances. However, the relationship between the two aspects has never been studied systematically in the context of graph-based learning. We describe four different distance measures, including (Soft) DTW and MPDist, a distance measure based on the Matrix Profile, as well as four successful semi-supervised learning methods, including the graph Allen--Cahn method and a Graph Convolutional Neural Network. We then compare the performance of the algorithms on binary classification data sets. In our findings we compare the chosen graph-based methods using all distance measures and observe that the results vary strongly with respect to the accuracy. As predicted by the ``no free lunch'' theorem, no clear best combination to employ in all cases is found. Our study provides a reproducible framework for future work in the direction of semi-supervised learning for time series with a focus on graph representations.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NA", "math.NA" ]
With large quantities of data typically available nowadays, forecasting models that are trained across sets of time series, known as Global Forecasting Models (GFM), are regularly outperforming traditional univariate forecasting models that work on isolated series. As GFMs usually share the same set of parameters across all time series, they often have the problem of not being localised enough to a particular series, especially in situations where datasets are heterogeneous. We study how ensembling techniques can be used with generic GFMs and univariate models to solve this issue. Our work systematises and compares relevant current approaches, namely clustering series and training separate submodels per cluster, the so-called ensemble of specialists approach, and building heterogeneous ensembles of global and local models. We fill some gaps in the existing GFM localisation approaches, in particular by incorporating varied clustering techniques such as feature-based clustering, distance-based clustering and random clustering, and generalise them to use different underlying GFM model types. We then propose a new methodology of clustered ensembles where we train multiple GFMs on different clusters of series, obtained by changing the number of clusters and cluster seeds. Using Feed-forward Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Pooled Regression models as the underlying GFMs, in our evaluation on eight publicly available datasets, the proposed models are able to achieve significantly higher accuracy than baseline GFM models and univariate forecasting methods.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NE", "stat.ML" ]
Structured weight pruning is a representative model compression technique of DNNs to reduce the storage and computation requirements and accelerate inference. An automatic hyperparameter determination process is necessary due to the large number of flexible hyperparameters. This work proposes AutoCompress, an automatic structured pruning framework with the following key performance improvements: (i) effectively incorporate the combination of structured pruning schemes in the automatic process; (ii) adopt the state-of-art ADMM-based structured weight pruning as the core algorithm, and propose an innovative additional purification step for further weight reduction without accuracy loss; and (iii) develop effective heuristic search method enhanced by experience-based guided search, replacing the prior deep reinforcement learning technique which has underlying incompatibility with the target pruning problem. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets demonstrate that AutoCompress is the key to achieve ultra-high pruning rates on the number of weights and FLOPs that cannot be achieved before. As an example, AutoCompress outperforms the prior work on automatic model compression by up to 33x in pruning rate (120x reduction in the actual parameter count) under the same accuracy. Significant inference speedup has been observed from the AutoCompress framework on actual measurements on smartphone. We release all models of this work at anonymous link: http://bit.ly/2VZ63dS.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV", "cs.NE", "stat.ML" ]
Exterior contour and interior structure are both vital features for classifying objects. However, most of the existing methods consider exterior contour feature and internal structure feature separately, and thus fail to function when classifying patchy image structures that have similar contours and flexible structures. To address above limitations, this paper proposes a novel Multi-Orientation Region Transform (MORT), which can effectively characterize both contour and structure features simultaneously, for patchy image structure classification. MORT is performed over multiple orientation regions at multiple scales to effectively integrate patchy features, and thus enables a better description of the shape in a coarse-to-fine manner. Moreover, the proposed MORT can be extended to combine with the deep convolutional neural network techniques, for further enhancement of classification accuracy. Very encouraging experimental results on the challenging ultra-fine-grained cultivar recognition task, insect wing recognition task, and large variation butterfly recognition task are obtained, which demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed MORT over the state-of-the-art methods in classifying patchy image structures. Our code and three patchy image structure datasets are available at: https://github.com/XiaohanYu-GU/MReT2019.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Property inference attacks reveal statistical properties about a training set but are difficult to distinguish from the primary purposes of statistical machine learning, which is to produce models that capture statistical properties about a distribution. Motivated by Yeom et al.'s membership inference framework, we propose a formal and generic definition of property inference attacks. The proposed notion describes attacks that can distinguish between possible training distributions, extending beyond previous property inference attacks that infer the ratio of a particular type of data in the training data set. In this paper, we show how our definition captures previous property inference attacks as well as a new attack that reveals the average degree of nodes of a training graph and report on experiments giving insight into the potential risks of property inference attacks.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CR" ]
We present Border-SegGCN, a novel architecture to improve semantic segmentation by refining the border outline using graph convolutional networks (GCN). The semantic segmentation network such as Unet or DeepLabV3+ is used as a base network to have pre-segmented output. This output is converted into a graphical structure and fed into the GCN to improve the border pixel prediction of the pre-segmented output. We explored and studied the factors such as border thickness, number of edges for a node, and the number of features to be fed into the GCN by performing experiments. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Border-SegGCN on the CamVid and Carla dataset, achieving a test set performance of 81.96% without any post-processing on CamVid dataset. It is higher than the reported state of the art mIoU achieved on CamVid dataset by 0.404%
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Federated Learning (FL) is a framework which enables distributed model training using a large corpus of decentralized training data. Existing methods aggregate models disregarding their internal representations, which are crucial for training models in vision tasks. System and statistical heterogeneity (e.g., highly imbalanced and non-i.i.d. data) further harm model training. To this end, we introduce a method, called FedProto, which computes client deviations using margins of prototypical representations learned on distributed data, and applies them to drive federated optimization via an attention mechanism. In addition, we propose three methods to analyse statistical properties of feature representations learned in FL, in order to elucidate the relationship between accuracy, margins and feature discrepancy of FL models. In experimental analyses, FedProto demonstrates state-of-the-art accuracy and convergence rate across image classification and semantic segmentation benchmarks by enabling maximum margin training of FL models. Moreover, FedProto reduces uncertainty of predictions of FL models compared to the baseline. To our knowledge, this is the first work evaluating FL models in dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
Image-to-image translation is significant to many computer vision and machine learning tasks such as image synthesis and video synthesis. It has primary applications in the graphics editing and animation industries. With the development of generative adversarial networks, a lot of attention has been drawn to image-to-image translation tasks. In this paper, we propose and investigate a novel task named as panoptic-level image-to-image translation and a naive baseline of solving this task. Panoptic-level image translation extends the current image translation task to two separate objectives of semantic style translation (adjust the style of objects to that of different domains) and instance transfiguration (swap between different types of objects). The proposed task generates an image from a complete and detailed panoptic perspective which can enrich the context of real-world vision synthesis. Our contribution consists of the proposal of a significant task worth investigating and a naive baseline of solving it. The proposed baseline consists of the multiple instances sequential translation and semantic-level translation with domain-invariant content code.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Finding the optimal signal timing strategy is a difficult task for the problem of large-scale traffic signal control (TSC). Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is a promising method to solve this problem. However, there is still room for improvement in extending to large-scale problems and modeling the behaviors of other agents for each individual agent. In this paper, a new MARL, called Cooperative double Q-learning (Co-DQL), is proposed, which has several prominent features. It uses a highly scalable independent double Q-learning method based on double estimators and the UCB policy, which can eliminate the over-estimation problem existing in traditional independent Q-learning while ensuring exploration. It uses mean field approximation to model the interaction among agents, thereby making agents learn a better cooperative strategy. In order to improve the stability and robustness of the learning process, we introduce a new reward allocation mechanism and a local state sharing method. In addition, we analyze the convergence properties of the proposed algorithm. Co-DQL is applied on TSC and tested on a multi-traffic signal simulator. According to the results obtained on several traffic scenarios, Co- DQL outperforms several state-of-the-art decentralized MARL algorithms. It can effectively shorten the average waiting time of the vehicles in the whole road system.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.MA", "stat.ML" ]
Monocular 3D object detection aims to detect objects in a 3D physical world from a single camera. However, recent approaches either rely on expensive LiDAR devices, or resort to dense pixel-wise depth estimation that causes prohibitive computational cost. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end trainable monocular 3D object detector without learning the dense depth. Specifically, the grid coordinates of a 2D box are first projected back to 3D space with the pinhole model as 3D centroids proposals. Then, a novel object-aware voting approach is introduced, which considers both the region-wise appearance attention and the geometric projection distribution, to vote the 3D centroid proposals for 3D object localization. With the late fusion and the predicted 3D orientation and dimension, the 3D bounding boxes of objects can be detected from a single RGB image. The method is straightforward yet significantly superior to other monocular-based methods. Extensive experimental results on the challenging KITTI benchmark validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
[ "cs.CV" ]
This paper introduces a procedure for testing the identifiability of Bayesian models for causal inference. Although the do-calculus is sound and complete given a causal graph, many practical assumptions cannot be expressed in terms of graph structure alone, such as the assumptions required by instrumental variable designs, regression discontinuity designs, and within-subjects designs. We present simulation-based identifiability (SBI), a fully automated identification test based on a particle optimization scheme with simulated observations. This approach expresses causal assumptions as priors over functions in a structural causal model, including flexible priors using Gaussian processes. We prove that SBI is asymptotically sound and complete, and produces practical finite-sample bounds. We also show empirically that SBI agrees with known results in graph-based identification as well as with widely-held intuitions for designs in which graph-based methods are inconclusive.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ME" ]
In the era of end-to-end deep learning, many advances in computer vision are driven by large amounts of labeled data. In the optical flow setting, however, obtaining dense per-pixel ground truth for real scenes is difficult and thus such data is rare. Therefore, recent end-to-end convolutional networks for optical flow rely on synthetic datasets for supervision, but the domain mismatch between training and test scenarios continues to be a challenge. Inspired by classical energy-based optical flow methods, we design an unsupervised loss based on occlusion-aware bidirectional flow estimation and the robust census transform to circumvent the need for ground truth flow. On the KITTI benchmarks, our unsupervised approach outperforms previous unsupervised deep networks by a large margin, and is even more accurate than similar supervised methods trained on synthetic datasets alone. By optionally fine-tuning on the KITTI training data, our method achieves competitive optical flow accuracy on the KITTI 2012 and 2015 benchmarks, thus in addition enabling generic pre-training of supervised networks for datasets with limited amounts of ground truth.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Training deep neural networks is challenging when large and annotated datasets are unavailable. Extensive manual annotation of data samples is time-consuming, expensive, and error-prone, notably when it needs to be done by experts. To address this issue, increased attention has been devoted to techniques that propagate uncertain labels (also called pseudo labels) to large amounts of unsupervised samples and use them for training the model. However, these techniques still need hundreds of supervised samples per class in the training set and a validation set with extra supervised samples to tune the model. We improve a recent iterative pseudo-labeling technique, Deep Feature Annotation (DeepFA), by selecting the most confident unsupervised samples to iteratively train a deep neural network. Our confidence-based sampling strategy relies on only dozens of annotated training samples per class with no validation set, considerably reducing user effort in data annotation. We first ascertain the best configuration for the baseline -- a self-trained deep neural network -- and then evaluate our confidence DeepFA for different confidence thresholds. Experiments on six datasets show that DeepFA already outperforms the self-trained baseline, but confidence DeepFA can considerably outperform the original DeepFA and the baseline.
[ "cs.LG" ]