7 values
15 values
13 values
somerset county cricket club in 2010
mark turner is the only player who played 6 matches in the 2010 season of the somerset county cricket club .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '7', 'col': '2', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '6', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'matches', '6'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose matches record is equal to 6 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose matches record is equal to 6 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'matches', '6'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose matches record is equal to 6 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 }'}, 'player'], 'result': 'mark turner', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } ; player }'}, 'mark turner'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } ; player } ; mark turner }', 'tointer': 'the player record of this unqiue row is mark turner .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } ; player } ; mark turner } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose matches record is equal to 6 . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is mark turner .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; matches ; 6 } ; player } ; mark turner } } = true
select the rows whose matches record is equal to 6 . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is mark turner .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'matches_7': 7, '6_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'player_9': 9, 'mark turner_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_eq_0': 'filter_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'matches_7': 'matches', '6_8': '6', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'player_9': 'player', 'mark turner_10': 'mark turner'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'matches_7': [0], '6_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'player_9': [2], 'mark turner_10': [3]}
['player', 'matches', 'overs', 'wickets', 'average', 'economy', 'bbi', '4wi']
[['murali kartik', '10', '69.3', '20', '16.05', '4.61', '4 / 30', '1'], ['alfonso thomas', '14', '81.1', '27', '15.92', '5.29', '4 / 34', '2'], ['max waller', '8', '39.0', '4', '51.75', '5.30', '2 / 24', '0'], ['ben phillips', '13', '83.5', '19', '24.52', '5.55', '4 / 31', '1'], ['peter trego', '14', '75.3', '13', '33.00', '5.68', '2 / 29', '0'], ['zander de bruyn', '12', '47.2', '15', '19.40', '6.14', '3 / 27', '0'], ['mark turner', '6', '31.5', '9', '26.00', '7.35', '4 / 36', '1']]
felice bonetto
the second scuderia milano entry is the only one where felice bonetto used a milano chassis .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '2', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'milano speluzzi', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'chassis', 'milano speluzzi'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose chassis record fuzzily matches to milano speluzzi .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose chassis record fuzzily matches to milano speluzzi . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'chassis', 'milano speluzzi'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose chassis record fuzzily matches to milano speluzzi .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi }'}, 'entrant'], 'result': 'scuderia milano', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } ; entrant }'}, 'scuderia milano'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } ; entrant } ; scuderia milano }', 'tointer': 'the entrant record of this unqiue row is scuderia milano .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } ; entrant } ; scuderia milano } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose chassis record fuzzily matches to milano speluzzi . there is only one such row in the table . the entrant record of this unqiue row is scuderia milano .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis ; milano speluzzi } ; entrant } ; scuderia milano } } = true
select the rows whose chassis record fuzzily matches to milano speluzzi . there is only one such row in the table . the entrant record of this unqiue row is scuderia milano .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'chassis_7': 7, 'Milano Speluzzi_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'entrant_9': 9, 'scuderia milano_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'chassis_7': 'chassis', 'Milano Speluzzi_8': 'milano speluzzi', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'entrant_9': 'entrant', 'scuderia milano_10': 'scuderia milano'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'chassis_7': [0], 'Milano Speluzzi_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'entrant_9': [2], 'scuderia milano_10': [3]}
['year', 'entrant', 'chassis', 'engine', 'points']
[['1950', 'scuderia milano', 'maserati 4clt / 50', 'maserati straight - 4', '2'], ['1950', 'scuderia milano', 'milano speluzzi', 'maserati straight - 4', '2'], ['1951', 'alfa romeo spa', 'alfa romeo 159a', 'alfa romeo straight - 8', '7'], ['1951', 'alfa romeo spa', 'alfa romeo 159 m', 'alfa romeo straight - 8', '7'], ['1952', 'officine alfieri maserati', 'maserati a6 gcm', 'maserati straight - 6', '2'], ['1953', 'officine alfieri maserati', 'maserati a6 gcm', 'maserati straight - 6', '6.5']]
2008 - 09 fc barcelona season
in the 2008 - 09 fc barcelona season , among the players that were transfered , 2 of them were moving to milan .
{'scope': 'subset', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'milan', 'result': '2', 'col': '3', 'subset': {'col': '4', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'transfer'}}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'type', 'transfer'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; transfer }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to transfer .'}, 'moving to', 'milan'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to transfer . among these rows , select the rows whose moving to record fuzzily matches to milan .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; transfer } ; moving to ; milan }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; transfer } ; moving to ; milan } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to transfer . among these rows , select the rows whose moving to record fuzzily matches to milan . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; transfer } ; moving to ; milan } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to transfer . among these rows , select the rows whose moving to record fuzzily matches to milan . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; transfer } ; moving to ; milan } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to transfer . among these rows , select the rows whose moving to record fuzzily matches to milan . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_3': 3, 'result_4': 4, 'count_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_5': 5, 'type_6': 6, 'transfer_7': 7, 'moving to_8': 8, 'milan_9': 9, '2_10': 10}
{'eq_3': 'eq', 'result_4': 'true', 'count_2': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_5': 'all_rows', 'type_6': 'type', 'transfer_7': 'transfer', 'moving to_8': 'moving to', 'milan_9': 'milan', '2_10': '2'}
{'eq_3': [4], 'result_4': [], 'count_2': [3], 'filter_str_eq_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_5': [0], 'type_6': [0], 'transfer_7': [0], 'moving to_8': [1], 'milan_9': [1], '2_10': [3]}
['nat', 'name', 'moving to', 'type', 'transfer window', 'transfer fee', 'source']
[['bra', 'edmílson', 'villarreal', 'contract termination', 'summer', 'free', 'barcelonacat'], ['ita', 'zambrotta', 'milan', 'transfer', 'summer', '9 m + 2 m in variables', 'barcelonacat'], ['mex', 'dos santos', 'tottenham hotspur', 'transfer', 'summer', '6 m + 5 m in variables', 'barcelonacat'], ['fra', 'thuram', 'retired', 'contract termination', 'summer', 'free', 'barcelonacat'], ['esp', 'ezquerro', 'osasuna', 'contract termination', 'summer', 'free', 'barcelonacat'], ['por', 'deco', 'chelsea', 'transfer', 'summer', '10 m', 'barcelonacat'], ['bra', 'ronaldinho', 'milan', 'transfer', 'summer', '21 m + 4 m in variables', 'barcelonacat'], ['bra', 'henrique', 'bayer leverkusen', 'loan', 'summer', 'n / a', 'barcelonacat'], ['esp', 'oleguer', 'ajax', 'transfer', 'summer', '3 m + 2 , 25 m in variables', 'barcelonacat'], ['esp', 'crosas', 'celtic', 'transfer', 'summer', '0.5 m + 0.8 m in variables', 'barcelonacat']]
1953 washington redskins season
the october 2 , 1953 game against the philadelphia eagles was the only one to end in a tie in the 1953 washington redskins season .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '2', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '2,3', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 't', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 't'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 't'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t }'}, 'date'], 'result': 'october 2 , 1953', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; date }'}, 'october 2 , 1953'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; date } ; october 2 , 1953 }', 'tointer': 'the date record of this unqiue row is october 2 , 1953 .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 't'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t }'}, 'opponent'], 'result': 'philadelphia eagles', 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; opponent }'}, 'philadelphia eagles'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; opponent } ; philadelphia eagles }', 'tointer': 'the opponent record of this unqiue row is philadelphia eagles .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; date } ; october 2 , 1953 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; opponent } ; philadelphia eagles } }', 'tointer': 'the date record of this unqiue row is october 2 , 1953 . the opponent record of this unqiue row is philadelphia eagles .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; date } ; october 2 , 1953 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; opponent } ; philadelphia eagles } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is october 2 , 1953 . the opponent record of this unqiue row is philadelphia eagles .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; date } ; october 2 , 1953 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } ; opponent } ; philadelphia eagles } } } = true
select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is october 2 , 1953 . the opponent record of this unqiue row is philadelphia eagles .
{'and_7': 7, 'result_8': 8, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_9': 9, 'result_10': 10, 't_11': 11, 'and_6': 6, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'date_12': 12, 'october 2 , 1953_13': 13, 'str_eq_5': 5, 'str_hop_4': 4, 'opponent_14': 14, 'philadelphia eagles_15': 15}
{'and_7': 'and', 'result_8': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_9': 'all_rows', 'result_10': 'result', 't_11': 't', 'and_6': 'and', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'date_12': 'date', 'october 2 , 1953_13': 'october 2 , 1953', 'str_eq_5': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_4': 'str_hop', 'opponent_14': 'opponent', 'philadelphia eagles_15': 'philadelphia eagles'}
{'and_7': [8], 'result_8': [], 'only_1': [7], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2, 4], 'all_rows_9': [0], 'result_10': [0], 't_11': [0], 'and_6': [7], 'str_eq_3': [6], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'date_12': [2], 'october 2 , 1953_13': [3], 'str_eq_5': [6], 'str_hop_4': [5], 'opponent_14': [4], 'philadelphia eagles_15': [5]}
['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'attendance']
[['1', 'september 27 , 1953', 'chicago cardinals', 'w 24 - 13', '16055'], ['2', 'october 2 , 1953', 'philadelphia eagles', 't 21 - 21', '19099'], ['3', 'october 11 , 1953', 'new york giants', 'w 13 - 9', '26241'], ['4', 'october 18 , 1953', 'cleveland browns', 'l 30 - 14', '33963'], ['5', 'october 25 , 1953', 'baltimore colts', 'l 27 - 17', '34031'], ['6', 'november 1 , 1953', 'cleveland browns', 'l 27 - 3', '47845'], ['7', 'november 8 , 1953', 'chicago cardinals', 'w 28 - 17', '19654'], ['8', 'november 15 , 1953', 'chicago bears', 'l 27 - 24', '21392'], ['9', 'november 22 , 1953', 'new york giants', 'w 24 - 21', '16887'], ['10', 'november 29 , 1953', 'pittsburgh steelers', 'w 17 - 9', '17026'], ['11', 'december 6 , 1953', 'philadelphia eagles', 'w 10 - 0', '21579'], ['12', 'december 13 , 1953', 'pittsburgh steelers', 'l 14 - 13', '22057']]
mauricio cienfuegos
mauricio cienfuegos scored a total of two times in the 1995 uncaf nations cup .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': '1995', 'result': '2', 'col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', '1995'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1995 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1995 }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1995 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1995 . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1995 } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1995 . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 1995 } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to 1995 . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'date_5': 5, '1995_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'date_5': 'date', '1995_6': '1995', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'date_5': [0], '1995_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['date', 'venue', 'score', 'result', 'competition']
[['23 july 1992', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '2 - 0', '5 - 1', '1994 fifa world cup qualification'], ['1 november 1992', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '3 - 0', '4 - 1', '1994 fifa world cup qualification'], ['23 march 1993', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '2 - 2', '2 - 2', 'friendly match'], ['29 november 1995', 'estadio oscar quiteno , santa ana , el salvador', '1 - 0', '3 - 0', '1995 uncaf nations cup'], ['3 december 1995', 'estadio flor blanca , san salvador , el salvador', '2 - 1', '2 - 1', '1995 uncaf nations cup'], ['8 september 1996', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '5 - 0', '5 - 0', '1998 fifa world cup qualification'], ['14 september 1997', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '3 - 1', '4 - 1', '1998 fifa world cup qualification'], ['16 july 2000', 'estadio cuscatlán , san salvador , el salvador', '2 - 5', '2 - 5', '2002 fifa world cup qualification']]
supernatural ( season 6 )
in season 6 of supernatural , the only episode directed by guy bee was the one titled family matters .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '6', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '3', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 'guy bee', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'directed by', 'guy bee'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to guy bee .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to guy bee . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'directed by', 'guy bee'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to guy bee .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee }'}, 'title'], 'result': 'family matters', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } ; title }'}, 'family matters'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } ; title } ; family matters }', 'tointer': 'the title record of this unqiue row is family matters .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } ; title } ; family matters } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to guy bee . there is only one such row in the table . the title record of this unqiue row is family matters .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy bee } ; title } ; family matters } } = true
select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to guy bee . there is only one such row in the table . the title record of this unqiue row is family matters .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'directed by_7': 7, 'Guy bee_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'title_9': 9, 'family matters_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'directed by_7': 'directed by', 'Guy bee_8': 'guy bee', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'title_9': 'title', 'family matters_10': 'family matters'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'directed by_7': [0], 'Guy bee_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'title_9': [2], 'family matters_10': [3]}
['no in series', 'no in season', 'title', 'directed by', 'written by', 'original air date', 'production code', 'us viewers ( million )']
[['105', '1', 'exile on main st', 'phil sgriccia', 'sera gamble', 'september 24 , 2010', '3x6052', '2.90'], ['106', '2', 'two and a half men', 'john showalter', 'adam glass', 'october 1 , 2010', '3x6053', '2.33'], ['107', '3', 'the third man', 'robert singer', 'ben edlund', 'october 8 , 2010', '3x6054', '2.16'], ['108', '4', "weekend at bobby 's", 'jensen ackles', 'andrew dabb & daniel loflin', 'october 15 , 2010', '3x6051', '2.84'], ['109', '5', 'live free or twihard', 'rod hardy', 'brett matthews', 'october 22 , 2010', '3x6056', '2.47'], ['111', '7', 'family matters', 'guy bee', 'andrew dabb & daniel loflin', 'november 5 , 2010', '3x6057', '2.46'], ['112', '8', 'all dogs go to heaven', 'phil sgriccia', 'adam glass', 'november 12 , 2010', '3x6058', '2.09'], ['113', '9', 'clap your hands if you believe', 'john showalter', 'ben edlund', 'november 19 , 2010', '3x6059', '1.94'], ['114', '10', 'caged heat', 'robert singer', 'brett matthews & jenny klein', 'december 3 , 2010', '3x6060', '2.15'], ['115', '11', 'appointment in samarra', 'mike rohl', 'sera gamble & robert singer', 'december 10 , 2010', '3x6061', '2.27'], ['116', '12', 'like a virgin', 'phil sgriccia', 'adam glass', 'february 4 , 2011', '3x6062', '2.25'], ['117', '13', 'unforgiven', 'david barrett', 'andrew dabb & daniel loflin', 'february 11 , 2011', '3x6063', '1.97'], ['118', '14', 'mannequin 3 : the reckoning', 'jeannot szwarc', 'eric charmelo & nicole snyder', 'february 18 , 2011', '3x6064', '2.25'], ['119', '15', 'the french mistake', 'charles beeson', 'ben edlund', 'february 25 , 2011', '3x6065', '2.18'], ['120', '16', 'and then there were none', 'mike rohl', 'brett matthews', 'march 4 , 2011', '3x6066', '2.14'], ['121', '17', 'my heart will go on', 'phil sgriccia', 'eric charmelo & nicole snyder', 'april 15 , 2011', '3x6068', '2.26'], ['123', '19', 'mommy dearest', 'john showalter', 'adam glass', 'april 29 , 2011', '3x6069', '2.01'], ['124', '20', 'the man who would be king', 'ben edlund', 'ben edlund', 'may 6 , 2011', '3x6070', '2.11'], ['125', '21', 'let it bleed', 'john showalter', 'sera gamble', 'may 20 , 2011', '3x6071', '2.02']]
united states house of representatives elections , 2006
the person elected to the united states house of representatives in the fourth earliest year was robert aderholt .
{'row': '3', 'col': '4', 'order': '4', 'col_other': '2', 'max_or_min': 'min_to_max', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'first elected', '4'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 4 }'}, 'incumbent'], 'result': 'robert aderholt', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 4 } ; incumbent }'}, 'robert aderholt'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 4 } ; incumbent } ; robert aderholt } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose first elected record of all rows is 4th minimum . the incumbent record of this row is robert aderholt .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 4 } ; incumbent } ; robert aderholt } = true
select the row whose first elected record of all rows is 4th minimum . the incumbent record of this row is robert aderholt .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'first elected_5': 5, '4_6': 6, 'incumbent_7': 7, 'robert aderholt_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmin_0': 'nth_argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'first elected_5': 'first elected', '4_6': '4', 'incumbent_7': 'incumbent', 'robert aderholt_8': 'robert aderholt'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'first elected_5': [0], '4_6': [0], 'incumbent_7': [1], 'robert aderholt_8': [2]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'results', 'candidates']
[['alabama 1', 'jo bonner', 'republican', '2002', 're - elected', 'jo bonner ( r ) 68.1 % vivian beckerle ( d ) 31.8 %'], ['alabama 2', 'terry everett', 'republican', '1992', 're - elected', 'terry everett ( r ) 69.5 % chuck james ( d ) 30.4 %'], ['alabama 4', 'robert aderholt', 'republican', '1996', 're - elected', 'robert aderholt ( r ) 70.2 % barbara bobo ( d ) 29.7 %'], ['alabama 5', 'robert cramer', 'democratic', '1990', 're - elected', 'robert cramer ( d ) unopposed'], ['alabama 6', 'spencer bachus', 'republican', '1992', 're - elected', 'spencer bachus ( r ) unopposed']]
list of maserati vehicles
in the list of maserati vehicles used for racing , maserati model type 26 was the very first model used for racing .
{'row': '1', 'col': '2', 'order': '1', 'col_other': '1', 'max_or_min': 'min_to_max', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'year', '1'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmin { all_rows ; year ; 1 }'}, 'model'], 'result': 'type 26', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; year ; 1 } ; model }'}, 'type 26'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; year ; 1 } ; model } ; type 26 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose year record of all rows is 1st minimum . the model record of this row is type 26 .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; year ; 1 } ; model } ; type 26 } = true
select the row whose year record of all rows is 1st minimum . the model record of this row is type 26 .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'year_5': 5, '1_6': 6, 'model_7': 7, 'type 26_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmin_0': 'nth_argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'year_5': 'year', '1_6': '1', 'model_7': 'model', 'type 26_8': 'type 26'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'year_5': [0], '1_6': [0], 'model_7': [1], 'type 26_8': [2]}
['model', 'year', 'type', 'engine', 'displacement cc']
[['type 26', '1926', 'grand prix', 'i8', '1500'], ['type 26b', '1928', 'grand prix', 'i8', '2000'], ['type v4 sedici cilindri', '1929', 'grand prix', 'v16', '4000'], ['8c', '1929', 'grand prix', 'i8', '1100 1500 2500'], ['6 cm', '1936', 'voiturette', 'i6', '1100 1500 2500'], ['4cl', '1939', 'voiturette', 'i4', '1491'], ['4clt', '1948', 'formula one', 'i4', '1491'], ['250f', '1953', 'formula one', 'i6', '2493'], ['350s', '1957', 'sports car', 'i6', '3500'], ['450s', '1957', 'sports car', 'v8', '4500'], ['type 61 birdcage', '1961', 'sports car', 'i4', '3000'], ['tipo 151', '19621963', 'sports car', 'v8', '4941'], ['tipo 154', '1965', 'sports car', 'v8', '5046.8']]
1968 vfl season
in the 1968 vfl season , the average score for home teams was 13.98 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '2', 'type': 'average', 'result': '13.98', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'home team score'], 'result': '13.98', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; home team score }'}, '13.98'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; home team score } ; 13.98 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the home team score record of all rows is 13.98 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; home team score } ; 13.98 } = true
the average of the home team score record of all rows is 13.98 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'home team score_4': 4, '13.98_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'home team score_4': 'home team score', '13.98_5': '13.98'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'home team score_4': [0], '13.98_5': [1]}
['home team', 'home team score', 'away team', 'away team score', 'venue', 'crowd', 'date']
[['hawthorn', '17.24 ( 126 )', 'south melbourne', '19.12 ( 126 )', 'glenferrie oval', '13536', '20 april 1968'], ['st kilda', '16.22 ( 118 )', 'melbourne', '9.8 ( 62 )', 'moorabbin oval', '21758', '20 april 1968'], ['geelong', '9.17 ( 71 )', 'footscray', '6.11 ( 47 )', 'kardinia park', '14589', '20 april 1968'], ['north melbourne', '9.9 ( 63 )', 'essendon', '10.22 ( 82 )', 'arden street oval', '14810', '20 april 1968'], ['fitzroy', '14.16 ( 100 )', 'collingwood', '10.11 ( 71 )', 'princes park', '17149', '20 april 1968'], ['richmond', '17.16 ( 118 )', 'carlton', '10.12 ( 72 )', 'mcg', '51889', '20 april 1968']]
1990 england rugby union tour of argentina
a total of five matches were designated the tour match status .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'tour match', 'result': '5', 'col': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'status', 'tour match'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose status record fuzzily matches to tour match .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; tour match }'}], 'result': '5', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; tour match } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose status record fuzzily matches to tour match . the number of such rows is 5 .'}, '5'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; tour match } } ; 5 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose status record fuzzily matches to tour match . the number of such rows is 5 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; tour match } } ; 5 } = true
select the rows whose status record fuzzily matches to tour match . the number of such rows is 5 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'status_5': 5, 'tour match_6': 6, '5_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'status_5': 'status', 'tour match_6': 'tour match', '5_7': '5'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'status_5': [0], 'tour match_6': [0], '5_7': [2]}
['opposing team', 'against', 'date', 'venue', 'status']
[['banco nación', '29', '14 july 1990', 'buenos aires', 'tour match'], ['tucumán selection', '14', '18 july 1990', 'tucumán', 'tour match'], ['buenos aires selection', '26', '21 july 1990', 'buenos aires', 'tour match'], ['cuyo selection', '22', '24 july 1990', 'mendoza', 'tour match'], ['argentina', '12', '28 july 1990', 'vélez sársfield , buenos aires', 'first test'], ['córdoba', '12', '31 july 1990', 'córdoba', 'tour match'], ['argentina', '15', '4 august 1990', 'vélez sársfield , buenos aires', 'second test']]
world team chess championship
only russia achieved 5 top three placements among all the countries .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '6', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'total', '5'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose total record is equal to 5 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose total record is equal to 5 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'total', '5'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose total record is equal to 5 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 }'}, 'country'], 'result': 'russia', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } ; country }'}, 'russia'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } ; country } ; russia }', 'tointer': 'the country record of this unqiue row is russia .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } ; country } ; russia } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose total record is equal to 5 . there is only one such row in the table . the country record of this unqiue row is russia .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 5 } ; country } ; russia } } = true
select the rows whose total record is equal to 5 . there is only one such row in the table . the country record of this unqiue row is russia .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'total_7': 7, '5_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'country_9': 9, 'russia_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_eq_0': 'filter_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'total_7': 'total', '5_8': '5', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'country_9': 'country', 'russia_10': 'russia'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'total_7': [0], '5_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'country_9': [2], 'russia_10': [3]}
['rank', 'country', '1st place', '2nd place', '3rd place', 'total']
[['1', 'russia', '3', '1', '1', '5'], ['2', 'soviet union', '2', '0', '0', '2'], ['3', 'united states', '1', '2', '0', '3'], ['4', 'ukraine', '1', '1', '1', '3'], ['5', 'armenia', '1', '0', '3', '4'], ['6', 'china', '0', '2', '0', '2'], ['7', 'hungary', '0', '1', '0', '1'], ['7', 'yugoslavia', '0', '1', '0', '1'], ['9', 'england', '0', '0', '2', '2'], ['10', 'india', '0', '0', '1', '1']]
list of the green green grass episodes
4 episodes of the green green grass had more than 6 million viewers .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'greater_than', 'value': '6.00 million', 'result': '4', 'col': '7', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'viewership', '6.00 million'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose viewership record is greater than 6.00 million .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater { all_rows ; viewership ; 6.00 million }'}], 'result': '4', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_greater { all_rows ; viewership ; 6.00 million } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose viewership record is greater than 6.00 million . the number of such rows is 4 .'}, '4'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; viewership ; 6.00 million } } ; 4 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose viewership record is greater than 6.00 million . the number of such rows is 4 .'}
eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; viewership ; 6.00 million } } ; 4 } = true
select the rows whose viewership record is greater than 6.00 million . the number of such rows is 4 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_greater_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'viewership_5': 5, '6.00 million_6': 6, '4_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_greater_0': 'filter_greater', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'viewership_5': 'viewership', '6.00 million_6': '6.00 million', '4_7': '4'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_greater_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'viewership_5': [0], '6.00 million_6': [0], '4_7': [2]}
['episode', 'title', 'directed by', 'written by', 'original airdate', 'duration', 'viewership']
[['1', 'keep on running', 'tony dow', 'john sullivan', '9 september 2005', '30 minutes', '8.88 million'], ['2', 'a rocky start', 'tony dow', 'john sullivan', '16 september 2005', '30 minutes', '6.34 million'], ['3', 'the country wife', 'tony dow', 'john sullivan', '23 september 2005', '30 minutes', '5.86 million'], ['4', 'hay fever', 'tony dow', 'john sullivan', '30 september 2005', '30 minutes', '6.33 million'], ['5', 'pillow talk', 'tony dow', 'john sullivan', '7 october 2005', '30 minutes', '6.63 million']]
list of north queensland cowboys records
north queensland cowboys played against the south sydney rabbitohs 2 times .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'south sydney rabbitohs', 'result': '2', 'col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'opponent', 'south sydney rabbitohs'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to south sydney rabbitohs .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; south sydney rabbitohs }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; south sydney rabbitohs } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to south sydney rabbitohs . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; south sydney rabbitohs } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to south sydney rabbitohs . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; south sydney rabbitohs } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to south sydney rabbitohs . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'opponent_5': 5, 'south sydney rabbitohs_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'opponent_5': 'opponent', 'south sydney rabbitohs_6': 'south sydney rabbitohs', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'opponent_5': [0], 'south sydney rabbitohs_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['opponent', 'result', 'score', 'date', 'venue']
[['penrith panthers', 'loss', '24 - 28', '7 june 2003', 'dairy farmers stadium'], ['south sydney rabbitohs', 'draw', '20 - 20', '15 may 2004', 'bluetongue stadium'], ['new zealand warriors', 'win', '28 - 26', '20 june 2004', 'ericsson stadium'], ['newcastle knights', 'win', '28 - 24', '25 july 2004', 'energyaustralia stadium'], ['canberra raiders', 'loss', '14 - 15', '27 may 2006', 'dairy farmers stadium'], ['penrith panthers', 'win', '30 - 26', '13 august 2007', 'cua stadium'], ['penrith panthers', 'loss', '18 - 19', '31 may 2008', 'dairy farmers stadium'], ['cronulla sharks', 'loss', '19 - 20', '26 june 2010', 'dairy farmers stadium'], ['newcastle knights', 'win', '28 - 24', '24 july 2010', 'dairy farmers stadium'], ['south sydney rabbitohs', 'loss', '24 - 26', '19 august 2011', 'anz stadium']]
1983 - 84 north west counties football league
the majority of teams in the 1983 - 84 north west counties football league won more than 10 games .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '4', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'greater_than', 'value': '10', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'won', '10'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the won records of all rows , most of them are greater than 10 .', 'tostr': 'most_greater { all_rows ; won ; 10 } = true'}
most_greater { all_rows ; won ; 10 } = true
for the won records of all rows , most of them are greater than 10 .
{'most_greater_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'won_3': 3, '10_4': 4}
{'most_greater_0': 'most_greater', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'won_3': 'won', '10_4': '10'}
{'most_greater_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'won_3': [0], '10_4': [0]}
['position', 'team', 'played', 'won', 'drawn', 'lost', 'goals for', 'goals against', 'goal difference', 'points 1']
[['1', 'fleetwood town', '34', '24', '8', '2', '73', '24', '+ 49', '56'], ['2', 'eastwood hanley', '34', '21', '6', '7', '69', '35', '+ 34', '48'], ['3', 'irlam town', '34', '19', '8', '7', '67', '41', '+ 26', '46'], ['4', 'warrington town', '34', '18', '7', '9', '65', '45', '+ 20', '43'], ['5', 'droylsden', '34', '19', '5', '10', '59', '42', '+ 17', '43'], ['6', 'colne dynamoes', '34', '16', '9', '9', '55', '37', '+ 18', '41'], ['7', 'ellesmere port & neston', '34', '12', '10', '12', '49', '38', '+ 11', '34'], ['8', 'chadderton', '34', '14', '6', '14', '56', '46', '+ 10', '34'], ['9', 'atherton laburnum rovers', '34', '11', '11', '12', '37', '41', '4', '33'], ['10', 'wren rovers', '34', '11', '10', '13', '45', '47', '2', '33'], ['11', 'skelmersdale united', '34', '13', '6', '15', '60', '63', '3', '32'], ['12', 'ford motors', '34', '9', '9', '16', '38', '53', '15', '27'], ['13', 'prescot bi', '34', '9', '9', '16', '50', '66', '16', '27'], ['14', 'lytham', '34', '13', '3', '18', '56', '81', '25', '27 2'], ['15', 'rossendale united', '34', '10', '6', '18', '53', '84', '31', '26'], ['16', 'great harwood town', '34', '5', '12', '17', '36', '60', '24', '22'], ['17', 'salford', '34', '5', '11', '18', '24', '60', '36', '21']]
1972 vfl season
three of the games played in the 1972 vfl season drew a crowd of under 20000 .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'less_than', 'value': '20000', 'result': '3', 'col': '6', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_less', 'args': ['all_rows', 'crowd', '20000'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose crowd record is less than 20000 .', 'tostr': 'filter_less { all_rows ; crowd ; 20000 }'}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_less { all_rows ; crowd ; 20000 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose crowd record is less than 20000 . the number of such rows is 3 .'}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_less { all_rows ; crowd ; 20000 } } ; 3 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose crowd record is less than 20000 . the number of such rows is 3 .'}
eq { count { filter_less { all_rows ; crowd ; 20000 } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose crowd record is less than 20000 . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_less_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'crowd_5': 5, '20000_6': 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_less_0': 'filter_less', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'crowd_5': 'crowd', '20000_6': '20000', '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_less_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'crowd_5': [0], '20000_6': [0], '3_7': [2]}
['home team', 'home team score', 'away team', 'away team score', 'venue', 'crowd', 'date']
[['collingwood', '7.14 ( 56 )', 'footscray', '11.14 ( 80 )', 'victoria park', '25986', '20 may 1972'], ['melbourne', '20.14 ( 134 )', 'geelong', '14.17 ( 101 )', 'mcg', '19023', '20 may 1972'], ['south melbourne', '9.7 ( 61 )', 'fitzroy', '18.11 ( 119 )', 'lake oval', '12421', '20 may 1972'], ['north melbourne', '8.13 ( 61 )', 'essendon', '14.12 ( 96 )', 'arden street oval', '14091', '20 may 1972'], ['st kilda', '10.12 ( 72 )', 'carlton', '14.15 ( 99 )', 'moorabbin oval', '31547', '20 may 1972'], ['richmond', '11.25 ( 91 )', 'hawthorn', '13.6 ( 84 )', 'vfl park', '25845', '20 may 1972']]
united states house of representatives elections , 1926
of the incumbents in the 1926 election for united states house of representatives , clifton a woodrum was first elected 2 years before joseph whitehead .
{'row_1': '6', 'row_2': '5', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'diff', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': {'diff_value': '2 years', 'bigger': 'row2'}}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'diff', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'incumbent', 'clifton a woodrum'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to clifton a woodrum .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; clifton a woodrum }'}, 'first elected'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; clifton a woodrum } ; first elected }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to clifton a woodrum . take the first elected record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'incumbent', 'joseph whitehead'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to joseph whitehead .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; joseph whitehead }'}, 'first elected'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; joseph whitehead } ; first elected }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to joseph whitehead . take the first elected record of this row .'}], 'result': '-2 years', 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; clifton a woodrum } ; first elected } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; joseph whitehead } ; first elected } }'}, '-2 years'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; clifton a woodrum } ; first elected } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; joseph whitehead } ; first elected } } ; -2 years } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to clifton a woodrum . take the first elected record of this row . select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to joseph whitehead . take the first elected record of this row . the second record is 2 years larger than the first record .'}
eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; clifton a woodrum } ; first elected } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; joseph whitehead } ; first elected } } ; -2 years } = true
select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to clifton a woodrum . take the first elected record of this row . select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to joseph whitehead . take the first elected record of this row . the second record is 2 years larger than the first record .
{'str_eq_5': 5, 'result_6': 6, 'diff_4': 4, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_7': 7, 'incumbent_8': 8, 'clifton a woodrum_9': 9, 'first elected_10': 10, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_11': 11, 'incumbent_12': 12, 'joseph whitehead_13': 13, 'first elected_14': 14, '-2 years_15': 15}
{'str_eq_5': 'str_eq', 'result_6': 'true', 'diff_4': 'diff', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_7': 'all_rows', 'incumbent_8': 'incumbent', 'clifton a woodrum_9': 'clifton a woodrum', 'first elected_10': 'first elected', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_11': 'all_rows', 'incumbent_12': 'incumbent', 'joseph whitehead_13': 'joseph whitehead', 'first elected_14': 'first elected', '-2 years_15': '-2 years'}
{'str_eq_5': [6], 'result_6': [], 'diff_4': [5], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_7': [0], 'incumbent_8': [0], 'clifton a woodrum_9': [0], 'first elected_10': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_11': [1], 'incumbent_12': [1], 'joseph whitehead_13': [1], 'first elected_14': [3], '-2 years_15': [5]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'result', 'candidates']
[['virginia 1', 's otis bland', 'democratic', '1918', 're - elected', 's otis bland ( d ) unopposed'], ['virginia 2', 'joseph t deal', 'democratic', '1920', 're - elected', 'joseph t deal ( d ) 65.4 % l s parsons ( r ) 34.6 %'], ['virginia 3', 'andrew jackson montague', 'democratic', '1912', 're - elected', 'andrew jackson montague ( d ) unopposed'], ['virginia 4', 'patrick h drewry', 'democratic', '1920', 're - elected', 'patrick h drewry ( d ) unopposed'], ['virginia 5', 'joseph whitehead', 'democratic', '1924', 're - elected', 'joseph whitehead ( d ) unopposed'], ['virginia 6', 'clifton a woodrum', 'democratic', '1922', 're - elected', 'clifton a woodrum ( d ) unopposed'], ['virginia 8', 'r walton moore', 'democratic', '1919', 're - elected', 'r walton moore ( d ) 95.5 % j w leedy ( r ) 4.5 %'], ['virginia 9', 'george c peery', 'democratic', '1922', 're - elected', 'george c peery ( d ) 53.4 % s r hurley ( r ) 46.6 %']]
list of ultras of africa
the piton de niegues peak is the only one with an elevation of over 3000 meters .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'greater_than', 'value': '3000', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'prominence ( m )', '3000'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose prominence ( m ) record is greater than 3000 .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose prominence ( m ) record is greater than 3000 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'prominence ( m )', '3000'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose prominence ( m ) record is greater than 3000 .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 }'}, 'peak'], 'result': 'piton des neiges', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } ; peak }'}, 'piton des neiges'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } ; peak } ; piton des neiges }', 'tointer': 'the peak record of this unqiue row is piton des neiges .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } ; peak } ; piton des neiges } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose prominence ( m ) record is greater than 3000 . there is only one such row in the table . the peak record of this unqiue row is piton des neiges .'}
and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; prominence ( m ) ; 3000 } ; peak } ; piton des neiges } } = true
select the rows whose prominence ( m ) record is greater than 3000 . there is only one such row in the table . the peak record of this unqiue row is piton des neiges .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_greater_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'prominence (m)_7': 7, '3000_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'peak_9': 9, 'piton des neiges_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_greater_0': 'filter_greater', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'prominence (m)_7': 'prominence ( m )', '3000_8': '3000', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'peak_9': 'peak', 'piton des neiges_10': 'piton des neiges'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_greater_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'prominence (m)_7': [0], '3000_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'peak_9': [2], 'piton des neiges_10': [3]}
['peak', 'country', 'elevation ( m )', 'prominence ( m )', 'col ( m )']
[['piton des neiges', 'france ( rãunion )', '3069', '3069', '0'], ['maromokotro', 'madagascar', '2876', '2876', '0'], ['mount karthala', 'comoros ( grande comore )', '2361', '2361', '0'], ['pic boby', 'madagascar', '2658', '1875', '783'], ['tsiafajavona', 'madagascar', '2643', '1663', '980'], ['ntingui', 'comoros ( anjouan )', '1595', '1595', '0']]
united states house of representatives elections , 1986
in the 1986 election for united states house of representatives , four of the candidates were from the democratic party .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'democratic', 'result': '4', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'party', 'democratic'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to democratic .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; democratic }'}], 'result': '4', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; democratic } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to democratic . the number of such rows is 4 .'}, '4'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; democratic } } ; 4 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to democratic . the number of such rows is 4 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; democratic } } ; 4 } = true
select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to democratic . the number of such rows is 4 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'party_5': 5, 'democratic_6': 6, '4_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'party_5': 'party', 'democratic_6': 'democratic', '4_7': '4'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'party_5': [0], 'democratic_6': [0], '4_7': [2]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'result', 'candidates']
[['pennsylvania 6', 'gus yatron', 'democratic', '1968', 're - elected', 'gus yatron ( d ) 69.1 % norm bertasavage ( r ) 30.9 %'], ['pennsylvania 7', 'robert w edgar', 'democratic', '1974', 'retired to run for u s senate republican gain', 'curt weldon ( r ) 61.3 % bill spingler ( d ) 38.7 %'], ['pennsylvania 9', 'bud shuster', 'republican', '1972', 're - elected', 'bud shuster ( r ) unopposed'], ['pennsylvania 12', 'john murtha', 'democratic', '1974', 're - elected', 'john murtha ( d ) 67.4 % kathy holtzman ( r ) 32.6 %'], ['pennsylvania 15', 'donald l ritter', 'republican', '1978', 're - elected', 'donald l ritter ( r ) 56.8 % joe simonetta ( d ) 43.2 %'], ['pennsylvania 17', 'george gekas', 'republican', '1982', 're - elected', 'george gekas ( r ) 73.6 % michael s ogden ( d ) 26.4 %'], ['pennsylvania 18', 'doug walgren', 'democratic', '1976', 're - elected', 'doug walgren ( d ) 63.0 % ernie buckman ( r ) 37.0 %'], ['pennsylvania 21', 'tom ridge', 'republican', '1982', 're - elected', 'tom ridge ( r ) 80.9 % joylyn blackwell ( d ) 19.1 %']]
united states house of representatives elections , 1926
in 1926 , two of the people elected to the house of representatives were republican .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'republican', 'result': '2', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'party', 'republican'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to republican .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; republican }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; republican } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to republican . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; republican } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to republican . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; republican } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose party record fuzzily matches to republican . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'party_5': 5, 'republican_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'party_5': 'party', 'republican_6': 'republican', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'party_5': [0], 'republican_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'result', 'candidates']
[['tennessee 1', 'b carroll reece', 'republican', '1920', 're - elected', 'b carroll reece ( r ) 88.0 % w i giles ( d ) 12.0 %'], ['tennessee 2', 'j will taylor', 'republican', '1918', 're - elected', 'j will taylor ( r ) 99.8 % r l swann ( d ) 0.2 %'], ['tennessee 4', 'cordell hull', 'democratic', '1922', 're - elected', 'cordell hull ( d ) 71.4 % w thompson ( r ) 28.6 %'], ['tennessee 5', 'ewin l davis', 'democratic', '1918', 're - elected', 'ewin l davis ( d ) unopposed'], ['tennessee 6', 'joseph w byrns , sr', 'democratic', '1908', 're - elected', 'joseph w byrns , sr ( d ) unopposed'], ['tennessee 7', 'edward everett eslick', 'democratic', '1924', 're - elected', 'edward everett eslick ( d ) unopposed'], ['tennessee 8', 'gordon browning', 'democratic', '1922', 're - elected', 'gordon browning ( d ) unopposed'], ['tennessee 9', 'finis j garrett', 'democratic', '1904', 're - elected', 'finis j garrett ( d ) unopposed']]
2011 capital one world women 's curling championship
anna kubešková had the lowest shot percentage of the athletes listed .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '11', 'row_superlative': '11', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'min', 'other_col': '2', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'shot %'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmin { all_rows ; shot % }'}, 'skip'], 'result': 'anna kubešková', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmin { all_rows ; shot % } ; skip }'}, 'anna kubešková'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; shot % } ; skip } ; anna kubešková } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose shot % record of all rows is minimum . the skip record of this row is anna kubešková .'}
eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; shot % } ; skip } ; anna kubešková } = true
select the row whose shot % record of all rows is minimum . the skip record of this row is anna kubešková .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'shot %_5': 5, 'skip_6': 6, 'anna kubešková_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmin_0': 'argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'shot %_5': 'shot %', 'skip_6': 'skip', 'anna kubešková_7': 'anna kubešková'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'shot %_5': [0], 'skip_6': [1], 'anna kubešková_7': [2]}
['country', 'skip', 'w', 'l', 'pf', 'pa', 'ends won', 'ends lost', 'blank ends', 'stolen ends', 'shot %']
[['sweden', 'anette norberg', '9', '2', '67', '53', '40', '41', '12', '8', '73 %'], ['china', 'wang bingyu', '8', '3', '64', '43', '44', '30', '14', '16', '82 %'], ['denmark', 'lene nielsen', '7', '4', '77', '55', '47', '33', '15', '14', '78 %'], ['canada', 'amber holland', '7', '4', '68', '55', '42', '40', '12', '7', '82 %'], ['switzerland', 'mirjam ott', '7', '4', '68', '58', '46', '37', '15', '15', '82 %'], ['russia', 'anna sidorova', '6', '5', '70', '65', '40', '45', '8', '8', '72 %'], ['united states', 'patti lank', '6', '5', '64', '63', '48', '36', '10', '17', '72 %'], ['germany', 'andrea schöpp', '5', '6', '61', '67', '40', '49', '12', '13', '78 %'], ['scotland', 'anna sloan', '4', '7', '49', '69', '33', '43', '15', '6', '76 %'], ['norway', 'linn githmark', '3', '8', '54', '71', '42', '48', '15', '7', '77 %'], ['czech republic', 'anna kubešková', '2', '9', '40', '73', '35', '43', '11', '7', '71 %']]
col de menté
the only american leader at the summit was tom danielson .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '6', 'col_other': 'n/a', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': '( usa )', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'leader at the summit', '( usa )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose leader at the summit record fuzzily matches to ( usa ) .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; leader at the summit ; ( usa ) }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; leader at the summit ; ( usa ) } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose leader at the summit record fuzzily matches to ( usa ) . there is only one such row in the table .'}
only { filter_eq { all_rows ; leader at the summit ; ( usa ) } } = true
select the rows whose leader at the summit record fuzzily matches to ( usa ) . there is only one such row in the table .
{'only_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'leader at the summit_4': 4, '( usa )_5': 5}
{'only_1': 'only', 'result_2': 'true', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'leader at the summit_4': 'leader at the summit', '( usa )_5': '( usa )'}
{'only_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'leader at the summit_4': [0], '( usa )_5': [0]}
['year', 'stage', 'category', 'start', 'finish', 'leader at the summit']
[['2013', '9', '1', 'saint - girons', 'bagnères - de - bigorre', 'tom danielson ( usa )'], ['2012', '17', '1', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'peyragudes', 'thomas voeckler ( fra )'], ['2007', '15', '1', 'foix', 'loudenvielle', 'juan manuel gárate ( esp )'], ['2005', '15', '1', 'lézat - sur - lèze', "pla d'adet", 'erik dekker ( ned )'], ['2003', '14', '1', 'saint - girons', 'loudenvielle', 'richard virenque ( fra )'], ['2001', '13', '1', 'foix', "pla d'adet", 'laurent jalabert ( fra )'], ['1999', '15', '1', 'saint - gaudens', 'piau - engaly', 'alberto elli ( ita )'], ['1998', '11', '1', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'plateau de beille', 'alberto elli ( ita )'], ['1995', '15', '1', 'saint - girons', 'cauterets', 'richard virenque ( fra )'], ['1988', '15', '1', 'saint - girons', 'luz ardiden', 'robert millar ( gbr )'], ['1979', '1', '2', 'fleurance', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'bernard hinault ( fra )'], ['1976', '14', '2', 'saint - gaudens', 'saint - lary - soulan', 'lucien van impe ( bel )'], ['1973', '13', '2', 'bourg - madame', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'josé - manuel fuente ( esp )'], ['1971', '14', '2', 'revel', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'josé - manuel fuente ( esp )'], ['1970', '18', '2', 'saint - gaudens', 'la mongie', 'guerrino tosello ( ita )'], ['1969', '16', '2', 'castelnaudary', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'raymond delisle ( fra )'], ['1967', '16', '1', 'toulouse', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'fernando manzanèque ( esp )'], ['1966', '11', '2', 'pau', 'bagnères - de - luchon', 'joaquim galera ( esp )']]
wru division five south east
the average number of points for rugby clubs in the wru division five south east is 53 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '12', 'type': 'average', 'result': '53', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'points'], 'result': '53', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; points }'}, '53'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 53 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the points record of all rows is 53 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 53 } = true
the average of the points record of all rows is 53 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'points_4': 4, '53_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'points_4': 'points', '53_5': '53'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'points_4': [0], '53_5': [1]}
['club', 'played', 'won', 'drawn', 'lost', 'points for', 'points against', 'tries for', 'tries against', 'try bonus', 'losing bonus', 'points']
[['club', 'played', 'won', 'drawn', 'lost', 'points for', 'points against', 'tries for', 'tries against', 'try bonus', 'losing bonus', 'points'], ['barry rfc', '22', '21', '0', '1', '811', '157', '109', '16', '16', '1', '101'], ['senghenydd rfc', '22', '20', '1', '1', '1013', '148', '150', '19', '17', '1', '100'], ['blackwood stars rfc', '22', '16', '3', '3', '622', '337', '94', '41', '14', '0', '84'], ['penygraig rfc', '22', '16', '0', '6', '595', '296', '88', '37', '13', '0', '77'], ['deri rfc', '22', '10', '1', '11', '548', '583', '80', '72', '9', '0', '51'], ['cefn coed rfc', '22', '9', '1', '12', '338', '445', '45', '55', '3', '4', '45'], ['old penarthians rfc', '22', '7', '2', '13', '329', '523', '35', '74', '3', '3', '38'], ['cilfynydd rfc', '22', '8', '0', '14', '268', '590', '32', '78', '1', '2', '35'], ['st albans rfc', '22', '6', '0', '16', '258', '739', '31', '107', '1', '6', '31'], ['cowbridge rfc', '22', '6', '1', '15', '309', '636', '36', '96', '3', '1', '30'], ['canton rfc', '22', '4', '1', '17', '305', '581', '38', '84', '2', '2', '22'], ['dinas powys rfc', '22', '3', '2', '17', '224', '585', '25', '84', '0', '5', '21']]
1957 ohio state buckeyes football team
the total attendance of all the 1957 ohio state football games was 771872 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '5', 'type': 'sum', 'result': '771872', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'sum', 'args': ['all_rows', 'attendance'], 'result': '771872', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'sum { all_rows ; attendance }'}, '771872'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { sum { all_rows ; attendance } ; 771872 } = true', 'tointer': 'the sum of the attendance record of all rows is 771872 .'}
round_eq { sum { all_rows ; attendance } ; 771872 } = true
the sum of the attendance record of all rows is 771872 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'sum_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'attendance_4': 4, '771872_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'sum_0': 'sum', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'attendance_4': 'attendance', '771872_5': '771872'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'sum_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'attendance_4': [0], '771872_5': [1]}
['date', 'opponent', 'site', 'result', 'attendance']
[['september 28', 'tcu', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'l14 - 18', '81784'], ['october 5', 'washington', 'husky stadium seattle , wa', 'w35 - 7', '37500'], ['october 12', 'illinois', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'w21 - 7', '82239'], ['october 19', 'indiana', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'w56 - 0', '78348'], ['october 26', 'wisconsin', 'camp randall stadium madison , wi', 'w16 - 13', '51051'], ['november 2', 'northwestern', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'w47 - 6', '79635'], ['november 9', 'purdue', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'w20 - 7', '79177'], ['november 16', '5 iowa', 'ohio stadium columbus , oh', 'w17 - 13', '82935'], ['november 23', '19 michigan', 'michigan stadium ann arbor , mi', 'w31 - 14', '101001'], ['january 1', 'oregon', 'rose bowl pasadena , ca ( rose bowl )', 'w10 - 7', '98202']]
atlanta falcons draft history
dominique franks was the only player whose college was oklahoma .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '5', 'col': '6', 'col_other': '4', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'oklahoma', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'college', 'oklahoma'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to oklahoma .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to oklahoma . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'college', 'oklahoma'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to oklahoma .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma }'}, 'name'], 'result': 'dominique franks', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } ; name }'}, 'dominique franks'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } ; name } ; dominique franks }', 'tointer': 'the name record of this unqiue row is dominique franks .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } ; name } ; dominique franks } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to oklahoma . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is dominique franks .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; oklahoma } ; name } ; dominique franks } } = true
select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to oklahoma . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is dominique franks .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'college_7': 7, 'oklahoma_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'name_9': 9, 'dominique franks_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'college_7': 'college', 'oklahoma_8': 'oklahoma', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'name_9': 'name', 'dominique franks_10': 'dominique franks'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'college_7': [0], 'oklahoma_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'name_9': [2], 'dominique franks_10': [3]}
['round', 'pick', 'overall', 'name', 'position', 'college']
[['1', '19', '19', 'sean weatherspoon', 'linebacker', 'missouri'], ['3', '19', '83', 'corey peters', 'defensive tackle', 'kentucky'], ['3', '34', '98', 'mike johnson', 'guard', 'alabama'], ['4', '19', '117', 'joe hawley', 'guard', 'unlv'], ['5', '4', '135', 'dominique franks', 'cornerback', 'oklahoma'], ['5', '34', '165', 'kerry meier', 'wide receiver', 'kansas'], ['6', '2', '171', 'shann schillinger', 'safety', 'montana']]
2009 big 12 conference football season
the total payout for the 2009 big 12 conference football season was 16,030,000 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '8', 'type': 'sum', 'result': '16,030,000', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'sum', 'args': ['all_rows', 'payout ( us )'], 'result': '16,030,000', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'sum { all_rows ; payout ( us ) }'}, '16,030,000'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { sum { all_rows ; payout ( us ) } ; 16,030,000 } = true', 'tointer': 'the sum of the payout ( us ) record of all rows is 16,030,000 .'}
round_eq { sum { all_rows ; payout ( us ) } ; 16,030,000 } = true
the sum of the payout ( us ) record of all rows is 16,030,000 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'sum_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'payout (us)_4': 4, '16,030,000_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'sum_0': 'sum', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'payout (us)_4': 'payout ( us )', '16,030,000_5': '16,030,000'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'sum_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'payout (us)_4': [0], '16,030,000_5': [1]}
['bowl game', 'date', 'stadium', 'city', 'television', 'matchup / results', 'attendance', 'payout ( us )']
[['advocare v100 independence bowl', 'december 28 , 2009', 'independence stadium', 'shreveport , louisiana', 'espn2', 'georgia 44 , texas a & m 20', '49653', '1100000'], ['pacific life holiday bowl', 'december 30 , 2009', 'qualcomm stadium', 'san diego , california', 'espn', 'nebraska 33 , arizona 0', '64607', '2130000'], ['brut sun bowl', 'december 31 , 2009', 'sun bowl stadium', 'el paso , texas', 'cbs', 'oklahoma 31 , stanford 27', '53713', '1900000'], ['texas bowl', 'december 31 , 2009', 'reliant stadium', 'houston , texas', 'espn', 'navy 35 , missouri 13', '69441', '750000'], ['insight bowl', 'december 31 , 2009', 'sun devil stadium', 'tempe , arizona', 'nfl network', 'iowa state 14 , minnesota 13', '45090', '1200000'], ['at & t cotton bowl classic', 'january 2 , 2009', 'cowboys stadium', 'arlington , texas', 'fox', 'ole miss 21 , oklahoma state 7', '77928', '6750000'], ['valero energy alamo bowl', 'january 2 , 2010', 'alamodome', 'san antonio , texas', 'espn', 'texas tech 41 , michigan state 31', '64757', '2200000']]
whrz - lp
whrz-lp in anderson , south carolina is the only location where the station 's frequency is higher than 100 on the fm dial .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '3', 'col': '2', 'col_other': '3', 'criterion': 'greater_than', 'value': '100', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'frequency mhz', '100'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose frequency mhz record is greater than 100 .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose frequency mhz record is greater than 100 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'frequency mhz', '100'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose frequency mhz record is greater than 100 .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 }'}, 'city of license'], 'result': 'anderson , south carolina', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } ; city of license }'}, 'anderson , south carolina'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } ; city of license } ; anderson , south carolina }', 'tointer': 'the city of license record of this unqiue row is anderson , south carolina .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } ; city of license } ; anderson , south carolina } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose frequency mhz record is greater than 100 . there is only one such row in the table . the city of license record of this unqiue row is anderson , south carolina .'}
and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; frequency mhz ; 100 } ; city of license } ; anderson , south carolina } } = true
select the rows whose frequency mhz record is greater than 100 . there is only one such row in the table . the city of license record of this unqiue row is anderson , south carolina .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_greater_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'frequency mhz_7': 7, '100_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'city of license_9': 9, 'anderson , south carolina_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_greater_0': 'filter_greater', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'frequency mhz_7': 'frequency mhz', '100_8': '100', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'city of license_9': 'city of license', 'anderson , south carolina_10': 'anderson , south carolina'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_greater_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'frequency mhz_7': [0], '100_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'city of license_9': [2], 'anderson , south carolina_10': [3]}
['call sign', 'frequency mhz', 'city of license', 'erp w', 'class', 'fcc info']
[['w238aw', '95.5', 'west view , south carolina', '55', 'd', 'fcc'], ['w242bx', '96.3', 'greenville , south carolina', '100', 'd', 'fcc'], ['w289ao', '105.9', 'anderson , south carolina', '27', 'd', 'fcc'], ['w216bj', '91.1', 'wando , south carolina', '10', 'd', 'fcc'], ['w220cn', '91.9', 'charleston , south carolina', '10', 'd', 'fcc']]
1981 buffalo bills season
a total of two running back position players were drafted in the 1981 buffalo bills season .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'running back', 'result': '2', 'col': '4', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'position', 'running back'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to running back .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; running back }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; running back } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to running back . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; running back } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to running back . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; running back } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to running back . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'position_5': 5, 'running back_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'position_5': 'position', 'running back_6': 'running back', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'position_5': [0], 'running back_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['round', 'pick', 'player', 'position', 'college']
[['1', '28', 'booker moore', 'running back', 'penn state'], ['2', '49', 'chris williams', 'defensive back', 'lsu'], ['2', '49', 'byron franklin', 'wide receiver', 'auburn'], ['3', '76', 'mike mosley', 'wide receiver', 'texas a & m'], ['3', '84', 'robert geathers', 'defensive tackle', 'south carolina state'], ['5', '135', 'calvin clark', 'defensive end', 'purdue'], ['6', '161', 'robert holt', 'wide receiver', 'baylor'], ['7', '188', 'steve doolittle', 'linebacker', 'colorado'], ['9', '241', 'robb riddick', 'running back', 'millersville ( pa )'], ['10', '272', 'justin cross', 'offensive tackle', 'western colorado'], ['11', '299', 'buster barnett', 'tight end', 'jackson state'], ['12', '326', 'keith clark', 'linebacker', 'memphis state']]
1962 vfl season
in the 1962 vfl season , the game with the largest crowd was melbourne against st. kilda .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '6', 'row_superlative': '1', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '1,3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'crowd'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; crowd }'}, 'home team'], 'result': 'melbourne', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; home team }'}, 'melbourne'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; home team } ; melbourne }', 'tointer': 'select the row whose crowd record of all rows is maximum . the home team record of this row is melbourne .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'crowd'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; crowd }'}, 'away team'], 'result': 'st kilda', 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; away team }'}, 'st kilda'], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; away team } ; st kilda }', 'tointer': 'the away team record of this row is st kilda .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; home team } ; melbourne } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; away team } ; st kilda } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose crowd record of all rows is maximum . the home team record of this row is melbourne . the away team record of this row is st kilda .'}
and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; home team } ; melbourne } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; away team } ; st kilda } } = true
select the row whose crowd record of all rows is maximum . the home team record of this row is melbourne . the away team record of this row is st kilda .
{'and_5': 5, 'result_6': 6, 'str_eq_2': 2, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_7': 7, 'crowd_8': 8, 'home team_9': 9, 'melbourne_10': 10, 'str_eq_4': 4, 'str_hop_3': 3, 'away team_11': 11, 'st kilda_12': 12}
{'and_5': 'and', 'result_6': 'true', 'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_7': 'all_rows', 'crowd_8': 'crowd', 'home team_9': 'home team', 'melbourne_10': 'melbourne', 'str_eq_4': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_3': 'str_hop', 'away team_11': 'away team', 'st kilda_12': 'st kilda'}
{'and_5': [6], 'result_6': [], 'str_eq_2': [5], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1, 3], 'all_rows_7': [0], 'crowd_8': [0], 'home team_9': [1], 'melbourne_10': [2], 'str_eq_4': [5], 'str_hop_3': [4], 'away team_11': [3], 'st kilda_12': [4]}
['home team', 'home team score', 'away team', 'away team score', 'venue', 'crowd', 'date']
[['melbourne', '11.18 ( 84 )', 'st kilda', '11.6 ( 72 )', 'mcg', '48952', '23 june 1962'], ['essendon', '15.17 ( 107 )', 'geelong', '10.7 ( 67 )', 'windy hill', '35000', '23 june 1962'], ['collingwood', '10.14 ( 74 )', 'fitzroy', '9.11 ( 65 )', 'victoria park', '26488', '23 june 1962'], ['carlton', '12.9 ( 81 )', 'footscray', '9.10 ( 64 )', 'princes park', '32400', '23 june 1962'], ['south melbourne', '10.13 ( 73 )', 'richmond', '11.13 ( 79 )', 'lake oval', '17000', '23 june 1962'], ['north melbourne', '10.8 ( 68 )', 'hawthorn', '10.7 ( 67 )', 'arden street oval', '8470', '23 june 1962']]
united states house of representatives elections , 1886
d wyatt aiken is the incumbent of the 1886 house of representatives elections with the earliest first elected year .
{'row': '3', 'col': '4', 'order': '1', 'col_other': '2', 'max_or_min': 'min_to_max', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'first elected', '1'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 1 }'}, 'incumbent'], 'result': 'd wyatt aiken', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 1 } ; incumbent }'}, 'd wyatt aiken'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 1 } ; incumbent } ; d wyatt aiken } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose first elected record of all rows is 1st minimum . the incumbent record of this row is d wyatt aiken .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; first elected ; 1 } ; incumbent } ; d wyatt aiken } = true
select the row whose first elected record of all rows is 1st minimum . the incumbent record of this row is d wyatt aiken .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'first elected_5': 5, '1_6': 6, 'incumbent_7': 7, 'd wyatt aiken_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmin_0': 'nth_argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'first elected_5': 'first elected', '1_6': '1', 'incumbent_7': 'incumbent', 'd wyatt aiken_8': 'd wyatt aiken'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'first elected_5': [0], '1_6': [0], 'incumbent_7': [1], 'd wyatt aiken_8': [2]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'result']
[['south carolina 1', 'samuel dibble', 'democratic', '1882', 're - elected'], ['south carolina 2', 'george d tillman', 'democratic', '1878', 're - elected'], ['south carolina 3', 'd wyatt aiken', 'democratic', '1876', 'retired democratic hold'], ['south carolina 4', 'william h perry', 'democratic', '1884', 're - elected'], ['south carolina 5', 'john j hemphill', 'democratic', '1882', 're - elected'], ['south carolina 6', 'george w dargan', 'democratic', '1882', 're - elected'], ['south carolina 7', 'robert smalls', 'republican', '1884 ( special )', 'lost re - election democratic gain']]
2008 chicago sky season
chicago played against new york 2 times in september .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'new york', 'result': '2', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'opponent', 'new york'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to new york .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; new york }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; new york } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to new york . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; new york } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to new york . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; new york } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to new york . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'opponent_5': 5, 'new york_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'opponent_5': 'opponent', 'new york_6': 'new york', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'opponent_5': [0], 'new york_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['game', 'date', 'opponent', 'score', 'high points', 'high rebounds', 'high assists', 'location / attendance', 'record']
[['29', 'september 4', 'seattle', '62 - 70', 'perkins ( 22 )', 'dupree ( 6 )', 'canty ( 6 )', 'uic pavilion 3829', '11 - 18'], ['30', 'september 5', 'connecticut', '75 - 80', 'perkins ( 18 )', 'fowles ( 6 )', 'canty ( 7 )', 'mohegan sun arena 8088', '11 - 19'], ['31', 'september 7', 'new york', '61 - 69', 'perkins ( 18 )', 'fowles ( 12 )', 'canty , sharp ( 2 )', 'madison square garden 7903', '11 - 20'], ['32', 'september 9', 'washington', '78 - 59', 'perkins ( 17 )', 'dupree ( 10 )', 'dupree ( 6 )', 'uic pavilion 3087', '12 - 20'], ['33', 'september 12', 'new york', '62 - 69', 'dupree ( 18 )', 'dupree , fowles ( 6 )', 'canty , wyckoff ( 4 )', 'uic pavilion 5681', '12 - 21'], ['34', 'september 14', 'houston', '76 - 79', 'dupree ( 20 )', 'price ( 7 )', 'canty ( 6 )', 'uic pavilion 4917', '12 - 22']]
romney , hythe and dymchurch railway
in romney , hythe and dymchurch railway the most recent year built for builder rh & dr was c1949 .
{'scope': 'subset', 'col_superlative': '4', 'row_superlative': '6', 'value_mentioned': 'yes', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '3', 'subset': {'col': '3', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'rh & dr'}}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'max', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'builder', 'rh & dr'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; builder ; rh & dr }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose builder record fuzzily matches to rh & dr .'}, 'year built'], 'result': 'c1949', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'max { filter_eq { all_rows ; builder ; rh & dr } ; year built }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose builder record fuzzily matches to rh & dr . the maximum year built record of these rows is c1949 .'}, 'c1949'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { max { filter_eq { all_rows ; builder ; rh & dr } ; year built } ; c1949 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose builder record fuzzily matches to rh & dr . the maximum year built record of these rows is c1949 .'}
eq { max { filter_eq { all_rows ; builder ; rh & dr } ; year built } ; c1949 } = true
select the rows whose builder record fuzzily matches to rh & dr . the maximum year built record of these rows is c1949 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'max_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'builder_5': 5, 'rh&dr_6': 6, 'year built_7': 7, 'c1949_8': 8}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'max_1': 'max', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'builder_5': 'builder', 'rh&dr_6': 'rh & dr', 'year built_7': 'year built', 'c1949_8': 'c1949'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'max_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'builder_5': [0], 'rh&dr_6': [0], 'year built_7': [1], 'c1949_8': [2]}
["' name ' or designation", 'wheel arrangement', 'builder', 'year built', 'year withdrawn']
[['theakston fordson', "bo ' 2 '", 'theakston', '1928', 'c1935'], ['super - scooter ( jap scooter )', 'ultra - light 4 - wheel scooter', 'rh & dr', 'c1929', 'c1945'], ['war department locomotive', '4 - wheel scooter', 'war department', '1929', '1949'], ['rolls royce locomotive', "bo ' 2 '", 'rh & dr', 'c1932', '1961'], ['firefly', '0 - 6 - 0', 'hcs bullock ( re - built rh & dr )', '1936 ( re - built 1945 )', '1947'], ['motor cycle scooter', 'ultra - light 4 - wheel scooter', 'rh & dr', 'c1949', 'c1952'], ["' royal anchor '", 'b - b', 'charles lane of liphook', '1956', '1956']]
lexus ls ( xf40 )
the lexus ls had an 8 speed transmission 6 times .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': '8 - speed', 'result': '6', 'col': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'transmission', '8 - speed'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose transmission record fuzzily matches to 8 - speed .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; transmission ; 8 - speed }'}], 'result': '6', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; transmission ; 8 - speed } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose transmission record fuzzily matches to 8 - speed . the number of such rows is 6 .'}, '6'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; transmission ; 8 - speed } } ; 6 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose transmission record fuzzily matches to 8 - speed . the number of such rows is 6 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; transmission ; 8 - speed } } ; 6 } = true
select the rows whose transmission record fuzzily matches to 8 - speed . the number of such rows is 6 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'transmission_5': 5, '8 - speed_6': 6, '6_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'transmission_5': 'transmission', '8 - speed_6': '8 - speed', '6_7': '6'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'transmission_5': [0], '8 - speed_6': [0], '6_7': [2]}
['chassis code', 'model no', 'production years', 'drivetrain', 'transmission', 'engine type', 'engine code', 'region ( s )']
[['usf40 ( japanese )', 'ls 460', '2006 -', 'rwd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fse', 'n america , asia , europe , oceania'], ['usf40 ( japanese )', 'ls 460', '2006 -', 'rwd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fe', 'middle east'], ['usf41', 'ls 460 l', '2006 -', 'rwd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fse', 'n america , asia , europe'], ['usf41', 'ls 460 l', '2006 -', 'rwd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fe', 'middle east'], ['usf45', 'ls 460 awd', '2007 -', 'awd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fse', 'n america'], ['usf46', 'ls 460 l awd', '2007 -', 'awd', '8 - speed aa80e at', '4.6 l petrol v8', '1ur - fse', 'n america'], ['uvf45 ( japanese )', 'ls 600h', '2007 -', 'awd', 'l110f cvt', '5.0 l hybrid v8', '2ur - fse', 'asia , europe']]
1975 masters tournament
in the 1975 masters tournament , the average number of strokes to par is -2.19 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '5', 'type': 'average', 'result': '-2.19', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'to par'], 'result': '-2.19', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; to par }'}, '-2.19'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; to par } ; -2.19 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the to par record of all rows is -2.19 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; to par } ; -2.19 } = true
the average of the to par record of all rows is -2.19 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'to par_4': 4, '-2.19_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'to par_4': 'to par', '-2.19_5': '-2.19'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'to par_4': [0], '-2.19_5': [1]}
['place', 'player', 'country', 'score', 'to par']
[['1', 'bobby nichols', 'united states', '67', '- 5'], ['t2', 'allen miller', 'united states', '68', '- 4'], ['t2', 'jack nicklaus', 'united states', '68', '- 4'], ['t4', 'arnold palmer', 'united states', '69', '- 3'], ['t4', 'j c snead', 'united states', '69', '- 3'], ['t4', 'tom weiskopf', 'united states', '69', '- 3'], ['t7', 'billy casper', 'united states', '70', '- 2'], ['t7', 'bob murphy', 'united states', '70', '- 2'], ['t7', 'tom watson', 'united states', '70', '- 2'], ['t10', 'tommy aaron', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'jerry heard', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'mac mclendon', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'jerry pate ( a )', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'sam snead', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'lee trevino', 'united states', '71', '- 1'], ['t10', 'larry ziegler', 'united states', '71', '- 1']]
usa south athletic conference
there are three public schools in the usa south athletic conference .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'public', 'result': '3', 'col': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'type', 'public'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to public .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; public }'}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; public } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to public . the number of such rows is 3 .'}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; public } } ; 3 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to public . the number of such rows is 3 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; public } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to public . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'type_5': 5, 'public_6': 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'type_5': 'type', 'public_6': 'public', '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'type_5': [0], 'public_6': [0], '3_7': [2]}
['institution', 'location', 'nickname', 'founded', 'type', 'enrollment', 'joined', 'left', 'current conference']
[['chowan university', 'murfreesboro , north carolina', 'hawks', '1848', 'private', '1260', '2000', '2004', 'ciaa ( ncaa division ii )'], ['christopher newport university', 'newport news , virginia', 'captains', '1960', 'public', '4793', '1972', '2013', 'capital'], ['college of charleston', 'charleston , south carolina', 'cougars', '1770', 'private', '11320', '1963', '1970', 'caa ( ncaa division i )'], ['lynchburg college', 'lynchburg , virginia', 'fighting hornets', '1903', 'private', '2500', '1963', '1976', 'odac'], ['shenandoah university', 'winchester , virginia', 'hornets', '1875', 'private', '1767', '1992', '2012', 'odac'], ['st andrews presbyterian university', 'laurinburg , north carolina', 'knights', '1958', 'private', '600', '1963', '1988', 'aac ( naia )'], ['university of north carolina at charlotte', 'charlotte , north carolina', '49ers', '1961', 'public', '25227', '1963', '1970', 'c - usa ( ncaa division i )'], ['university of north carolina at greensboro', 'greensboro , north carolina', 'spartans', '1891', 'public', '18502', '1968', '1988', 'socon ( ncaa division i )']]
list of montreal canadiens draft picks
most players of montreal canadiens draft picks were for the defence position .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '3', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'defence', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'position', 'defence'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the position records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to defence .', 'tostr': 'most_eq { all_rows ; position ; defence } = true'}
most_eq { all_rows ; position ; defence } = true
for the position records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to defence .
{'most_str_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'position_3': 3, 'defence_4': 4}
{'most_str_eq_0': 'most_str_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'position_3': 'position', 'defence_4': 'defence'}
{'most_str_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'position_3': [0], 'defence_4': [0]}
['round', 'player', 'position', 'nationality', 'college / junior / club team ( league )']
[['1', 'nathan beaulieu', 'defence', 'canada', 'saint john sea dogs ( qmjhl )'], ['4', 'josiah didier', 'defence', 'canada', 'cedar rapids roughriders ( ushl )'], ['4', 'olivier archambault', 'left wing', 'canada', "val d'or foreurs ( qmjhl )"], ['4', 'magnus nygren', 'defence', 'sweden', 'fã ¤ rjestads bk ( elitserien )'], ['5', 'darren dietz', 'defence', 'canada', 'saskatoon blades ( whl )'], ['6', '-', 'forward', 'czech republic', 'hc sparta praha ( czech extraliga )'], ['7', 'colin sullivan', 'defence', 'united states', 'avon old farms hs ( ushs )']]
liselotte neumann
liselotte neumann won by a margin of victory of 1 stroke two times .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': '1 stroke', 'result': '2', 'col': '4', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'margin of victory', '1 stroke'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose margin of victory record fuzzily matches to 1 stroke .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; margin of victory ; 1 stroke }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; margin of victory ; 1 stroke } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose margin of victory record fuzzily matches to 1 stroke . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; margin of victory ; 1 stroke } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose margin of victory record fuzzily matches to 1 stroke . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; margin of victory ; 1 stroke } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose margin of victory record fuzzily matches to 1 stroke . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'margin of victory_5': 5, '1 stroke_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'margin of victory_5': 'margin of victory', '1 stroke_6': '1 stroke', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'margin of victory_5': [0], '1 stroke_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['date', 'tournament', 'winning score', 'margin of victory', 'runner ( s ) - up']
[['7 sep 1988', "us women 's open", '- 7 ( 67 + 72 + 69 + 69 = 277 )', '3 strokes', 'patty sheehan'], ['10 nov 1991', 'mazda japan classic', '- 5 ( 70 + 72 + 69 = 211 )', '2 strokes', 'caroline keggi , dottie pepper'], ['12 jun 1994', 'minnesota lpga classic', '- 11 ( 68 + 71 + 66 = 205 )', '2 strokes', 'hiromi kobayashi'], ['12 aug 1994', "weetabix women 's british open", '- 14 ( 71 + 67 + 70 + 72 = 280 )', '3 strokes', 'dottie pepper , annika sörenstam'], ['2 oct 1994', 'ghp heartland classic', '- 10 ( 70 + 71 + 67 + 70 = 278 )', '3 strokes', 'elaine crosby , pearl sinn'], ['14 jan 1996', 'chrysler - plymouth tournament of champions', '- 13 ( 67 + 66 + 72 + 70 = 275 )', '11 strokes', 'karrie webb'], ['17 mar 1996', "ping / welch 's championship ( tucson )", '- 12 ( 68 + 71 + 69 + 68 = 276 )', '1 stroke', 'cathy johnston - forbes'], ['6 jun 1996', 'edina realty lpga classic', '- 9 ( 67 + 73 + 67 = 207 )', 'playoff', 'brandie burton , carin koch , suzanne strudwick'], ['21 sep 1997', "welch 's championship", '- 12 ( 67 + 70 + 69 + 70 = 276 )', '3 strokes', 'nancy harvey'], ['9 nov 1997', 'toray japan queens cup', '- 11 ( 68 + 70 + 67 = 205 )', '1 sttroke', 'lorie kane'], ['22 mar 1998', 'standard register ping', '- 13 ( 69 + 67 + 69 + 74 = 279 )', 'playoff', 'rosie jones'], ['26 apr 1998', 'chick - fil - a charity championship', '- 14 ( 67 + 65 + 70 = 202 )', '2 strokes', 'lori kane , dottie pepper'], ['10 oct 2004', 'asahi ryokuken international championship', '- 15 ( 68 + 68 + 69 + 68 = 273 )', '3 strokes', 'grace park']]
fiba eurobasket 2007 squads
israeli eurobasket 2007 team member ido kozikaro was shorter than lior eliyahu .
{'row_1': '10', 'row_2': '4', 'col': '2', 'col_other': '1', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'player', 'ido kozikaro'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to ido kozikaro .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; ido kozikaro }'}, 'height'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; ido kozikaro } ; height }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to ido kozikaro . take the height record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'player', 'lior eliyahu'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to lior eliyahu .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; lior eliyahu }'}, 'height'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; lior eliyahu } ; height }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to lior eliyahu . take the height record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; ido kozikaro } ; height } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; lior eliyahu } ; height } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to ido kozikaro . take the height record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to lior eliyahu . take the height record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; ido kozikaro } ; height } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; lior eliyahu } ; height } } = true
select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to ido kozikaro . take the height record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to lior eliyahu . take the height record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'player_7': 7, 'ido kozikaro_8': 8, 'height_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'player_11': 11, 'lior eliyahu_12': 12, 'height_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'player_7': 'player', 'ido kozikaro_8': 'ido kozikaro', 'height_9': 'height', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'player_11': 'player', 'lior eliyahu_12': 'lior eliyahu', 'height_13': 'height'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'player_7': [0], 'ido kozikaro_8': [0], 'height_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'player_11': [1], 'lior eliyahu_12': [1], 'height_13': [3]}
['player', 'height', 'position', 'year born', 'current club']
[['dror hagag', '1.78', 'guard', '1978', 'hapoel jerusalem'], ['moran rot', '1.78', 'guard', '1982', 'hapoel holon'], ['yotam halperin', '1.96', 'guard', '1984', 'maccabi tel aviv'], ['lior eliyahu', '2.05', 'forward', '1985', 'maccabi tel aviv'], ['erez markovich', '2.08', 'center', '1978', 'hapoel jerusalem'], ['jeron roberts', '1.94', 'guard', '1976', 'demon astronauts amsterdam'], ['guy pnini', '2.01', 'forward', '1983', 'hapoel jerusalem'], ['meir tapiro', '1.94', 'guard', '1975', 'bnei hasharon'], ['matan naor', '1.94', 'forward', '1980', 'ironi nahariya'], ['ido kozikaro', '2.02', 'forward', '1978', 'ironi nahariya'], ['yaniv green', '2.06', 'forward', '1980', 'csk vvs samara'], ['amit tamir', '2.08', 'center', '1979', 'cherkassy monkeys']]
2008 - 09 san antonio spurs season
during this period of the 2008-09 san antonio spurs season , tim duncan led the san antonio spurs in rebounds in the majority of games .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '6', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'tim duncan', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'high rebounds', 'tim duncan'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the high rebounds records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to tim duncan .', 'tostr': 'most_eq { all_rows ; high rebounds ; tim duncan } = true'}
most_eq { all_rows ; high rebounds ; tim duncan } = true
for the high rebounds records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to tim duncan .
{'most_str_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'high rebounds_3': 3, 'tim duncan_4': 4}
{'most_str_eq_0': 'most_str_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'high rebounds_3': 'high rebounds', 'tim duncan_4': 'tim duncan'}
{'most_str_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'high rebounds_3': [0], 'tim duncan_4': [0]}
['game', 'date', 'team', 'score', 'high points', 'high rebounds', 'high assists', 'location attendance', 'series']
[['1', 'april 18', 'dallas', 'l 97 - 105 ( ot )', 'tim duncan ( 27 )', 'tim duncan ( 9 )', 'tony parker ( 8 )', 'at & t center 18797', '0 - 1'], ['2', 'april 20', 'dallas', 'w 105 - 84 ( ot )', 'tony parker ( 38 )', 'tim duncan ( 11 )', 'tony parker ( 8 )', 'at & t center 18797', '1 - 1'], ['3', 'april 23', 'dallas', 'l 67 - 88 ( ot )', 'tony parker ( 12 )', 'kurt thomas ( 10 )', 'tony parker ( 3 )', 'american airlines center 20491', '1 - 2'], ['4', 'april 25', 'dallas', 'l 90 - 99 ( ot )', 'tony parker ( 43 )', 'tim duncan ( 10 )', 'tim duncan ( 7 )', 'american airlines center 20829', '1 - 3'], ['5', 'april 28', 'dallas', 'l 93 - 106 ( ot )', 'tim duncan ( 31 )', 'tim duncan ( 12 )', 'tony parker ( 6 )', 'at & t center 20829', '1 - 4']]
maltese first division
lija came out second in the maltese first division twice between 2000 and 2012 .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'lija', 'result': '2', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', '2nd position', 'lija'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose 2nd position record fuzzily matches to lija .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; 2nd position ; lija }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2nd position ; lija } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose 2nd position record fuzzily matches to lija . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2nd position ; lija } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose 2nd position record fuzzily matches to lija . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; 2nd position ; lija } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose 2nd position record fuzzily matches to lija . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, '2nd position_5': 5, 'lija_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', '2nd position_5': '2nd position', 'lija_6': 'lija', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], '2nd position_5': [0], 'lija_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['year', '1st position', '2nd position', '9th position', '10th position']
[['2000 / 01', 'marsa', 'lija', 'tarxien', 'zurrieq'], ['2001 / 02', 'marsaxlokk', 'mosta', 'qormi', 'luxol'], ['2002 / 03', 'msida', 'balzan', 'gozo', 'xghajra'], ['2003 / 04', 'stpatrick', 'lija', 'tarxien', 'rabat ajax'], ['2004 / 05', 'hamrun', 'mosta', 'balzan', 'gozo'], ['2005 / 06', "stgeorge 's", 'marsa', 'lija', 'luxol'], ['2006 / 07', 'hamrun', 'mqabba', 'san gwann', 'naxxar'], ['2007 / 08', 'tarxien', 'qormi', 'mellieha', 'marsa'], ['2008 / 09', 'dingli swallows', 'vittoriosa stars', 'rabat ajax', 'senglea'], ['2009 / 10', 'marsaxlokk', 'vittoriosa stars', 'stpatrick', 'san gwann'], ['2010 / 11', 'balzan youths', 'mqabba', 'pietã hotspurs', 'msida saint - joseph'], ['2011 / 12', 'melita', 'rabat ajax', 'st patrick fc', "st george 's fc"]]
narratives of empire
of the narratives of empire , the title empire came one title before hollywood .
{'row_1': '4', 'row_2': '5', 'col': '1', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'yes', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'empire'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire }'}, 'order'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire . take the order record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'hollywood'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood }'}, 'order'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood . take the order record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire . take the order record of this row . select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood . take the order record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'empire'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire }'}, 'order'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire . take the order record of this row .'}, '4'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; 4 }', 'tointer': 'the order record of the first row is 4 .'}, {'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'hollywood'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood }'}, 'order'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood . take the order record of this row .'}, '5'], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } ; 5 }', 'tointer': 'the order record of the second row is 5 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } ; 5 } }', 'tointer': 'the order record of the first row is 4 . the order record of the second row is 5 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 8, 'tostr': 'and { less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } ; 5 } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire . take the order record of this row . select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood . take the order record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . the order record of the first row is 4 . the order record of the second row is 5 .'}
and { less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; empire } ; order } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; hollywood } ; order } ; 5 } } } = true
select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to empire . take the order record of this row . select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to hollywood . take the order record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . the order record of the first row is 4 . the order record of the second row is 5 .
{'and_8': 8, 'result_9': 9, 'less_4': 4, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'title_11': 11, 'empire_12': 12, 'order_13': 13, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_14': 14, 'title_15': 15, 'hollywood_16': 16, 'order_17': 17, 'and_7': 7, 'eq_5': 5, '4_18': 18, 'eq_6': 6, '5_19': 19}
{'and_8': 'and', 'result_9': 'true', 'less_4': 'less', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'title_11': 'title', 'empire_12': 'empire', 'order_13': 'order', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_14': 'all_rows', 'title_15': 'title', 'hollywood_16': 'hollywood', 'order_17': 'order', 'and_7': 'and', 'eq_5': 'eq', '4_18': '4', 'eq_6': 'eq', '5_19': '5'}
{'and_8': [9], 'result_9': [], 'less_4': [8], 'num_hop_2': [4, 5], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_10': [0], 'title_11': [0], 'empire_12': [0], 'order_13': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4, 6], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_14': [1], 'title_15': [1], 'hollywood_16': [1], 'order_17': [3], 'and_7': [8], 'eq_5': [7], '4_18': [5], 'eq_6': [7], '5_19': [6]}
['order', 'title', 'story timeline', 'published', 'in order of publication']
[['1', 'burr', '1775 - 1808 , 1833 - 1836 , 1840', '1973', 'second'], ['2', 'lincoln', '1861 - 1865', '1984', 'fourth'], ['3', '1876', '1875 - 1877', '1976', 'third'], ['4', 'empire', '1898 - 1907', '1987', 'fifth'], ['5', 'hollywood', '1917 - 1923', '1990', 'sixth'], ['6', 'washington , dc', '1937 - 1952', '1967', 'first'], ['7', 'the golden age', '1939 - 1954 , 2000', '2000', 'seventh']]
2008 - 09 football league two
three of the managers left because their contracts were terminated .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'contract terminated', 'result': '3', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'manner of departure', 'contract terminated'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose manner of departure record fuzzily matches to contract terminated .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; manner of departure ; contract terminated }'}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; manner of departure ; contract terminated } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose manner of departure record fuzzily matches to contract terminated . the number of such rows is 3 .'}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; manner of departure ; contract terminated } } ; 3 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose manner of departure record fuzzily matches to contract terminated . the number of such rows is 3 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; manner of departure ; contract terminated } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose manner of departure record fuzzily matches to contract terminated . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'manner of departure_5': 5, 'contract terminated_6': 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'manner of departure_5': 'manner of departure', 'contract terminated_6': 'contract terminated', '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'manner of departure_5': [0], 'contract terminated_6': [0], '3_7': [2]}
['team', 'outgoing manager', 'manner of departure', 'date of vacancy', 'replaced by', 'date of appointment', 'position in table']
[['bournemouth', 'kevin bond', 'contract terminated', '1 september 2008', 'jimmy quinn', '2 september 2008', '23rd'], ['grimsby town', 'alan buckley', 'contract terminated', '15 september 2008', 'mike newell', '6 october 2008', '20th'], ['port vale', 'lee sinnott', 'mutual consent', '22 september 2008', 'dean glover', '6 october 2008', '16th'], ['chester city', 'simon davies', 'contract terminated', '11 november 2008', 'mark wright', '14 november 2008', '19th'], ['barnet', 'paul fairclough', 'resigned', '28 december 2008', 'ian hendon', '21 april 2009', '16th']]
the special loonie from 2007 themed the trumpeter swan was the only one with an issued price of 45.95 .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '5', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '1,2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '45.95', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'issue price', '45.95'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'issue price', '45.95'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 }'}, 'year'], 'result': '2007', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; year }'}, '2007'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; year } ; 2007 }', 'tointer': 'the year record of this unqiue row is 2007 .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'issue price', '45.95'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 }'}, 'theme'], 'result': 'trumpeter swan', 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; theme }'}, 'trumpeter swan'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; theme } ; trumpeter swan }', 'tointer': 'the theme record of this unqiue row is trumpeter swan .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; year } ; 2007 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; theme } ; trumpeter swan } }', 'tointer': 'the year record of this unqiue row is 2007 . the theme record of this unqiue row is trumpeter swan .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; year } ; 2007 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; theme } ; trumpeter swan } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 . there is only one such row in the table . the year record of this unqiue row is 2007 . the theme record of this unqiue row is trumpeter swan .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; year } ; 2007 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; issue price ; 45.95 } ; theme } ; trumpeter swan } } } = true
select the rows whose issue price record is equal to 45.95 . there is only one such row in the table . the year record of this unqiue row is 2007 . the theme record of this unqiue row is trumpeter swan .
{'and_7': 7, 'result_8': 8, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_9': 9, 'issue price_10': 10, '45.95_11': 11, 'and_6': 6, 'eq_3': 3, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'year_12': 12, '2007_13': 13, 'str_eq_5': 5, 'str_hop_4': 4, 'theme_14': 14, 'trumpeter swan_15': 15}
{'and_7': 'and', 'result_8': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_eq_0': 'filter_eq', 'all_rows_9': 'all_rows', 'issue price_10': 'issue price', '45.95_11': '45.95', 'and_6': 'and', 'eq_3': 'eq', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'year_12': 'year', '2007_13': '2007', 'str_eq_5': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_4': 'str_hop', 'theme_14': 'theme', 'trumpeter swan_15': 'trumpeter swan'}
{'and_7': [8], 'result_8': [], 'only_1': [7], 'filter_eq_0': [1, 2, 4], 'all_rows_9': [0], 'issue price_10': [0], '45.95_11': [0], 'and_6': [7], 'eq_3': [6], 'num_hop_2': [3], 'year_12': [2], '2007_13': [3], 'str_eq_5': [6], 'str_hop_4': [5], 'theme_14': [4], 'trumpeter swan_15': [5]}
['year', 'theme', 'artist', 'mintage', 'issue price']
[['2002', '15th anniversary loonie', 'dora de pãdery - hunt', '67672', '39.95'], ['2004', 'jack miner bird sanctuary', 'susan taylor', '46493', '39.95'], ['2005', 'tufted puffin', 'n / a', '39818', '39.95'], ['2006', 'snowy owl', 'glen loates', '39935', '44.95'], ['2007', 'trumpeter swan', 'kerri burnett', '40000', '45.95'], ['2008', 'common eider', 'mark hobson', '40000', '47.95'], ['2009', 'great blue heron', 'chris jordison', '40000', '47.95'], ['2010', 'northern harrier', 'arnold nogy', '35000', '49.95'], ['2011', 'great gray owl', 'arnold nogy', '35000', '49.95'], ['2012', '25th anniversary loonie', 'arnold nogy', '35000', '49.95']]
olivier occéan
olivier occéan scored more goals in the match played on october 7 , 2011 than he did in the match played on june 8 , 2012 .
{'row_1': '4', 'row_2': '6', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '1', 'relation': 'greater', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'greater', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', 'october 7 , 2011'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 7 , 2011 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 7 , 2011 }'}, 'score'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 7 , 2011 } ; score }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 7 , 2011 . take the score record of this row .'}, {'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', 'june 8 , 2012'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to june 8 , 2012 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; june 8 , 2012 }'}, 'score'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; june 8 , 2012 } ; score }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to june 8 , 2012 . take the score record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 7 , 2011 } ; score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; june 8 , 2012 } ; score } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 7 , 2011 . take the score record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to june 8 , 2012 . take the score record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .'}
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 7 , 2011 } ; score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; june 8 , 2012 } ; score } } = true
select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 7 , 2011 . take the score record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to june 8 , 2012 . take the score record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
{'greater_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'date_7': 7, 'october 7 , 2011_8': 8, 'score_9': 9, 'str_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'date_11': 11, 'june 8 , 2012_12': 12, 'score_13': 13}
{'greater_4': 'greater', 'result_5': 'true', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'date_7': 'date', 'october 7 , 2011_8': 'october 7 , 2011', 'score_9': 'score', 'str_hop_3': 'str_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'date_11': 'date', 'june 8 , 2012_12': 'june 8 , 2012', 'score_13': 'score'}
{'greater_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'str_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'date_7': [0], 'october 7 , 2011_8': [0], 'score_9': [2], 'str_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'date_11': [1], 'june 8 , 2012_12': [1], 'score_13': [3]}
['date', 'venue', 'score', 'result', 'competition']
[['february 9 , 2005', 'windsor park , belfast , northern ireland', '1 - 0', '1 - 0', 'friendly'], ['august 22 , 2007', 'laugardalsvöllur , reykjavík , iceland', '1 - 1', '1 - 1', 'friendly'], ['october 7 , 2011', 'beausejour stadium , gros islet , saint lucia', '3 - 0', '7 - 0', '2014 fifa world cup qualification'], ['october 7 , 2011', 'beausejour stadium , gros islet , saint lucia', '5 - 0', '7 - 0', '2014 fifa world cup qualification'], ['november 15 , 2011', 'bmo field , toronto , canada', '1 - 0', '4 - 0', '2014 fifa world cup qualification'], ['june 8 , 2012', 'estadio pedro marrero , havana , cuba', '1 - 0', '1 - 0', '2014 fifa world cup qualification']]
b " rowing at the 2008 summer olympics - women 's lightweight double sculls "
two duos finished with a time under 7:00 in the 2008 summer olympics - women 's lightweight double sculls .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'less_than', 'value': '7:00', 'result': '2', 'col': '4', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_less', 'args': ['all_rows', 'time', '7:00'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose time record is less than 7:00 .', 'tostr': 'filter_less { all_rows ; time ; 7:00 }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_less { all_rows ; time ; 7:00 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose time record is less than 7:00 . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_less { all_rows ; time ; 7:00 } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose time record is less than 7:00 . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_less { all_rows ; time ; 7:00 } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose time record is less than 7:00 . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_less_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'time_5': 5, '7:00_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_less_0': 'filter_less', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'time_5': 'time', '7:00_6': '7:00', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_less_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'time_5': [0], '7:00_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['rank', 'rowers', 'country', 'time', 'notes']
[['1', 'xu dongxiang , chen haixia', 'china', '6:57.58', 'sa / b'], ['2', 'katrin olsen , juliane rasmussen', 'denmark', '6:58.63', 'sa / b'], ['3', 'misaki kumakura , akiko iwamoto', 'japan', '7:05.67', 'r'], ['4', 'yaima velazquez , ismaray marrero', 'cuba', '7:13.35', 'r'], ['5', 'ko young - eun , ji yoo - jin', 'south korea', '7:39.70', 'r']]
1981 cincinnati bengals season
the average attendence in all cincinnati bengals games in the season of 1981 was around 50540 people .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '5', 'type': 'average', 'result': '50540', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'attendance'], 'result': '50540', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; attendance }'}, '50540'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 50540 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the attendance record of all rows is 50540 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 50540 } = true
the average of the attendance record of all rows is 50540 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'attendance_4': 4, '50540_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'attendance_4': 'attendance', '50540_5': '50540'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'attendance_4': [0], '50540_5': [1]}
['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'attendance']
[['1', 'september 6 , 1981', 'seattle seahawks', 'w 27 - 21', '41177'], ['2', 'september 13 , 1981', 'new york jets', 'w 31 - 30', '49454'], ['3', 'september 20 , 1981', 'cleveland browns', 'l 20 - 17', '52170'], ['4', 'september 27 , 1981', 'buffalo bills', 'w 27 - 24', '46418'], ['5', 'october 4 , 1981', 'houston oilers', 'l 17 - 10', '44350'], ['6', 'october 11 , 1981', 'baltimore colts', 'w 41 - 19', '33060'], ['7', 'october 18 , 1981', 'pittsburgh steelers', 'w 34 - 7', '57090'], ['8', 'october 25 , 1981', 'new orleans saints', 'l 17 - 7', '46336'], ['9', 'november 1 , 1981', 'houston oilers', 'w 34 - 21', '54736'], ['10', 'november 8 , 1981', 'san diego chargers', 'w 40 - 17', '51259'], ['11', 'november 15 , 1981', 'los angeles rams', 'w 24 - 10', '56836'], ['12', 'november 22 , 1981', 'denver broncos', 'w 38 - 21', '57207'], ['13', 'november 29 , 1981', 'cleveland browns', 'w 41 - 21', '75186'], ['14', 'december 6 , 1981', 'san francisco 49ers', 'l 21 - 3', '56796'], ['15', 'december 13 , 1981', 'pittsburgh steelers', 'w 17 - 10', '50623'], ['16', 'december 20 , 1981', 'atlanta falcons', 'w 30 - 28', '35972']]
list of state leaders in 820s bc
the leader of the qin state was the only state leader with the title of ruler .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '14', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'ruler', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'ruler'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to ruler .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to ruler . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'title', 'ruler'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to ruler .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler }'}, 'state'], 'result': 'qin', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } ; state }'}, 'qin'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } ; state } ; qin }', 'tointer': 'the state record of this unqiue row is qin .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } ; state } ; qin } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to ruler . there is only one such row in the table . the state record of this unqiue row is qin .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; title ; ruler } ; state } ; qin } } = true
select the rows whose title record fuzzily matches to ruler . there is only one such row in the table . the state record of this unqiue row is qin .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'title_7': 7, 'ruler_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'state_9': 9, 'qin_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'title_7': 'title', 'ruler_8': 'ruler', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'state_9': 'state', 'qin_10': 'qin'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'title_7': [0], 'ruler_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'state_9': [2], 'qin_10': [3]}
['state', 'type', 'name', 'title', 'royal house', 'from']
[['cai', 'sovereign', 'yi', 'marquis', 'ji', '837 bc'], ['cao', 'sovereign', 'you', 'count', '-', '835 bc'], ['cao', 'sovereign', 'dai', 'count', '-', '826 bc'], ['chen', 'sovereign', 'li', 'duke', '-', '831 bc'], ['chu', 'sovereign', 'xiong yan the younger', 'viscount', 'mi', '837 bc'], ['chu', 'sovereign', 'xiong shuang', 'viscount', 'mi', '827 bc'], ['chu', 'sovereign', 'xiong xun', 'viscount', 'mi', '821 bc'], ['jin', 'sovereign', 'xi', 'marquis', 'ji', '840 bc'], ['jin', 'sovereign', 'xian', 'marquis', 'ji', '822 bc'], ['lu', 'sovereign', 'shen', 'duke', 'ji', '854 bc'], ['lu', 'sovereign', 'wu', 'duke', 'ji', '825 bc'], ['qi', 'sovereign', 'wu', 'duke', 'jiang', '850 bc'], ['qi', 'sovereign', 'li', 'duke', 'jiang', '824 bc'], ['qin', 'sovereign', 'qin zhong', 'ruler', 'ying', '845 bc'], ['qin', 'sovereign', 'zhuang', 'duke', 'ying', '822 bc'], ['song', 'sovereign', 'hui', 'duke', '-', '830 bc'], ['wey', 'sovereign', 'li', 'marquis', '-', '855 bc'], ['yan', 'sovereign', 'hui', 'marquis', '-', '864 bc'], ['yan', 'sovereign', 'li', 'marquis', '-', '826 bc']]
toronto , grey and bruce railway
caledon was the only one of the 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '7', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'type', '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'type', '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type }'}, 'name'], 'result': 'caledon', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } ; name }'}, 'caledon'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } ; name } ; caledon }', 'tointer': 'the name record of this unqiue row is caledon .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } ; name } ; caledon } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is caledon .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; type ; 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type } ; name } ; caledon } } = true
select the rows whose type record fuzzily matches to 0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is caledon .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'type_7': 7, '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'name_9': 9, 'caledon_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'type_7': 'type', '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type_8': '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'name_9': 'name', 'caledon_10': 'caledon'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'type_7': [0], '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'name_9': [2], 'caledon_10': [3]}
['number', 'name', 'builder', 'type', 'date', 'works number']
[['1', 'gordon', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'aug 1870', '799'], ['2', 'ar mcmaster', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 4 - 0', 'aug 1870', '800'], ['3', 'kincardine', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 4 - 0', 'september 1870', '809'], ['4', 'r walker & sons', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 4 - 0', 'may 1871', '838'], ['5', 'albion', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 4 - 0', 'july 1871', '839'], ['6', 'rice lewis & son', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 4 - 0', 'mid 1871', '840'], ['7', 'caledon', 'avonside engine company', '0 - 6 - 6 - 0 fairlie type', 'late 1872', '862 & 863'], ['8', 'mono', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'late 1871', '866'], ['9', 'toronto', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 6 - 0', 'september 1871', '2534'], ['10', 'amaranth', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 6 - 0', 'september 1871', '2538'], ['11', 'holland', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'early 1873', 'one of 935 - 939'], ['12', 'sydenham', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'early 1873', 'one of 935 - 939'], ['13', 'artemisia', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'early 1873', 'one of 935 - 939'], ['14', 'owen sound', 'avonside engine company', '4 - 6 - 0', 'early 1873', 'one of 931932933 , or 934'], ['15', 'mount forest', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'february 1874', '3524'], ['16', 'orangeville', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'february 1874', '3525'], ['17', 'sarawak', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'april 1874', '3551'], ['18', 'melancthon', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'april 1874', '3552'], ['19', 'howick', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'september 1874', '3636'], ['20', 'culross', 'baldwin locomotive works', '2 - 8 - 0', 'september 1874', '3640']]
miss namibia 2009
two of the contestants in the miss namibia 2009 pageant have a hometown of swakopmund .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'swakopmund', 'result': '2', 'col': '6', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'hometown', 'swakopmund'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose hometown record fuzzily matches to swakopmund .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; hometown ; swakopmund }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; hometown ; swakopmund } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose hometown record fuzzily matches to swakopmund . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; hometown ; swakopmund } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose hometown record fuzzily matches to swakopmund . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; hometown ; swakopmund } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose hometown record fuzzily matches to swakopmund . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'hometown_5': 5, 'swakopmund_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'hometown_5': 'hometown', 'swakopmund_6': 'swakopmund', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'hometown_5': [0], 'swakopmund_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['represented', 'contestant', 'age', 'height ( in )', 'height ( cm )', 'hometown']
[['caprivi', 'happie ntelamo', '21', "6 ' 1", '185', 'katima mulilo'], ['erongo', 'theodora amutjira', '18', "5 ' 8", '176', 'walvis bay'], ['karas', 'mari venter', '23', "5 ' 10", '179', 'swakopmund'], ['kavango', 'albertina shigwedha', '26', "5 ' 9", '177', 'rundu'], ['khomas', 'tanya schemmer', '19', "6 ' 0", '183', 'windhoek'], ['ohangwena', 'jayne david', '24', "5 ' 5", '166', 'eenhana'], ['omusati', 'susan van zyl', '20', "5 ' 11", '182', 'oshakati'], ['oshikoto', 'selma usiku', '22', "6 ' 0", '184', 'omuthiya'], ['swakopmund', 'daniella filipovic', '25', "5 ' 7", '172', 'swakopmund']]
list of doctor who audio plays by big finish
according to the list of doctor who audio plays by big finish , first series featuring tractators was released in february 2010 .
{'scope': 'subset', 'col_superlative': '5', 'row_superlative': '4', 'value_mentioned': 'yes', 'max_or_min': 'min', 'other_col': '4', 'subset': {'col': '4', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 'tractators'}}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'min', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'featuring', 'tractators'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; featuring ; tractators }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose featuring record fuzzily matches to tractators .'}, 'released'], 'result': 'february 2010', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'min { filter_eq { all_rows ; featuring ; tractators } ; released }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose featuring record fuzzily matches to tractators . the minimum released record of these rows is february 2010 .'}, 'february 2010'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { min { filter_eq { all_rows ; featuring ; tractators } ; released } ; february 2010 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose featuring record fuzzily matches to tractators . the minimum released record of these rows is february 2010 .'}
eq { min { filter_eq { all_rows ; featuring ; tractators } ; released } ; february 2010 } = true
select the rows whose featuring record fuzzily matches to tractators . the minimum released record of these rows is february 2010 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'min_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'featuring_5': 5, 'tractators_6': 6, 'released_7': 7, 'february 2010_8': 8}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'min_1': 'min', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'featuring_5': 'featuring', 'tractators_6': 'tractators', 'released_7': 'released', 'february 2010_8': 'february 2010'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'min_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'featuring_5': [0], 'tractators_6': [0], 'released_7': [1], 'february 2010_8': [2]}
['series sorted', 'title', 'doctor', 'featuring', 'released']
[['6y / aa', 'the nightmare fair', '6th', 'peri , celestial toymaker', 'november 2009'], ['6y / ab', 'mission to magnus', '6th', 'peri , s ice warrior , sil', 'december 2009'], ['6y / ac', 'leviathan', '6th', 'peri', 'january 2010'], ['6y / ad', 'the hollows of time', '6th', 'peri , tractators', 'february 2010'], ['6y / ae', 'paradise 5', '6th', 'peri', 'march 2010'], ['6y / af', 'point of entry', '6th', 'peri', 'april 2010'], ['6y / ag', 'the song of megaptera', '6th', 'peri', 'may 2010'], ['6y / ah', 'the macros', '6th', 'peri', 'june 2010']]
the curse of steptoe
the curse of steptoe was originally released march 19 , 2008 .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'original release', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'notes', 'original release'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose notes record fuzzily matches to original release .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose notes record fuzzily matches to original release . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'notes', 'original release'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose notes record fuzzily matches to original release .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release }'}, 'date'], 'result': '19 march 2008', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } ; date }'}, '19 march 2008'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } ; date } ; 19 march 2008 }', 'tointer': 'the date record of this unqiue row is 19 march 2008 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } ; date } ; 19 march 2008 } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose notes record fuzzily matches to original release . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is 19 march 2008 .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; original release } ; date } ; 19 march 2008 } } = true
select the rows whose notes record fuzzily matches to original release . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is 19 march 2008 .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'notes_7': 7, 'original release_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'date_9': 9, '19 march 2008_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'notes_7': 'notes', 'original release_8': 'original release', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'date_9': 'date', '19 march 2008_10': '19 march 2008'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'notes_7': [0], 'original release_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'date_9': [2], '19 march 2008_10': [3]}
['date', 'time', 'channel', 'running time', 'notes']
[['19 march 2008', '21:00', 'bbc four', '66 min 44 sec', 'original release'], ['20 march 2008', '00:05', 'bbc four', '66 min 44 sec', 'repeat'], ['21 march 2008', '22:00', 'bbc four', '66 min 44 sec', 'repeat'], ['23 march 2008', '22:45', 'bbc four', '66 min 44 sec', 'repeat'], ['28 december 2008', '22:30', 'bbc four', '66 min 21 sec', 'revised repeat'], ['29 december 2008', '03:40', 'bbc four', '66 min 21 sec', 'revised repeat'], ['2 december 2009', '22:00', 'bbc hd', '65 min 35 sec', 're - revised repeat']]
1940 vfl season
the fitzroy vs. footscray game had a bigger crowd than the geelong vs. st. kilda game .
{'row_1': '2', 'row_2': '1', 'col': '6', 'col_other': '1,3', 'relation': 'greater', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'greater', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'home team', 'fitzroy'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy }'}, 'crowd'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; crowd }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy . take the crowd record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'home team', 'geelong'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong }'}, 'crowd'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; crowd }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong . take the crowd record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; crowd } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; crowd } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy . take the crowd record of this row . select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong . take the crowd record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'home team', 'fitzroy'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy }'}, 'away team'], 'result': 'footscray', 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; away team }'}, 'footscray'], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; away team } ; footscray }', 'tointer': 'the away team record of the first row is footscray .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'home team', 'geelong'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong }'}, 'away team'], 'result': 'st kilda', 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; away team }'}, 'st kilda'], 'result': True, 'ind': 8, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; away team } ; st kilda }', 'tointer': 'the away team record of the second row is st kilda .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 9, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; away team } ; footscray } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; away team } ; st kilda } }', 'tointer': 'the away team record of the first row is footscray . the away team record of the second row is st kilda .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 10, 'tostr': 'and { greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; crowd } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; crowd } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; away team } ; footscray } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; away team } ; st kilda } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy . take the crowd record of this row . select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong . take the crowd record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . the away team record of the first row is footscray . the away team record of the second row is st kilda .'}
and { greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; crowd } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; crowd } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; fitzroy } ; away team } ; footscray } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; geelong } ; away team } ; st kilda } } } = true
select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to fitzroy . take the crowd record of this row . select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to geelong . take the crowd record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . the away team record of the first row is footscray . the away team record of the second row is st kilda .
{'and_10': 10, 'result_11': 11, 'greater_4': 4, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_12': 12, 'home team_13': 13, 'fitzroy_14': 14, 'crowd_15': 15, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_16': 16, 'home team_17': 17, 'geelong_18': 18, 'crowd_19': 19, 'and_9': 9, 'str_eq_6': 6, 'str_hop_5': 5, 'away team_20': 20, 'footscray_21': 21, 'str_eq_8': 8, 'str_hop_7': 7, 'away team_22': 22, 'st kilda_23': 23}
{'and_10': 'and', 'result_11': 'true', 'greater_4': 'greater', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_12': 'all_rows', 'home team_13': 'home team', 'fitzroy_14': 'fitzroy', 'crowd_15': 'crowd', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_16': 'all_rows', 'home team_17': 'home team', 'geelong_18': 'geelong', 'crowd_19': 'crowd', 'and_9': 'and', 'str_eq_6': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_5': 'str_hop', 'away team_20': 'away team', 'footscray_21': 'footscray', 'str_eq_8': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_7': 'str_hop', 'away team_22': 'away team', 'st kilda_23': 'st kilda'}
{'and_10': [11], 'result_11': [], 'greater_4': [10], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2, 5], 'all_rows_12': [0], 'home team_13': [0], 'fitzroy_14': [0], 'crowd_15': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3, 7], 'all_rows_16': [1], 'home team_17': [1], 'geelong_18': [1], 'crowd_19': [3], 'and_9': [10], 'str_eq_6': [9], 'str_hop_5': [6], 'away team_20': [5], 'footscray_21': [6], 'str_eq_8': [9], 'str_hop_7': [8], 'away team_22': [7], 'st kilda_23': [8]}
['home team', 'home team score', 'away team', 'away team score', 'venue', 'crowd', 'date']
[['geelong', '12.22 ( 94 )', 'st kilda', '11.10 ( 76 )', 'corio oval', '6500', '6 july 1940'], ['fitzroy', '17.8 ( 110 )', 'footscray', '14.13 ( 97 )', 'brunswick street oval', '18000', '6 july 1940'], ['essendon', '19.14 ( 128 )', 'north melbourne', '16.9 ( 105 )', 'windy hill', '11000', '6 july 1940'], ['south melbourne', '10.18 ( 78 )', 'melbourne', '19.16 ( 130 )', 'lake oval', '10000', '6 july 1940'], ['hawthorn', '10.17 ( 77 )', 'collingwood', '14.17 ( 101 )', 'glenferrie oval', '10000', '6 july 1940'], ['richmond', '9.11 ( 65 )', 'carlton', '9.22 ( 76 )', 'punt road oval', '18000', '6 july 1940']]
comedy circus
there were two first runner up singers in comedy circus .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '1st runner - up', 'result': '2', 'col': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'place ( result )', '1st runner - up'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose place ( result ) record fuzzily matches to 1st runner - up .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; place ( result ) ; 1st runner - up }'}], 'result': '2', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; place ( result ) ; 1st runner - up } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose place ( result ) record fuzzily matches to 1st runner - up . the number of such rows is 2 .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; place ( result ) ; 1st runner - up } } ; 2 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose place ( result ) record fuzzily matches to 1st runner - up . the number of such rows is 2 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; place ( result ) ; 1st runner - up } } ; 2 } = true
select the rows whose place ( result ) record fuzzily matches to 1st runner - up . the number of such rows is 2 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'place (result)_5': 5, '1st runner - up_6': 6, '2_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'place (result)_5': 'place ( result )', '1st runner - up_6': '1st runner - up', '2_7': '2'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'place (result)_5': [0], '1st runner - up_6': [0], '2_7': [2]}
['pair no', 'comedian :1', 'comedian : ii', 'tansen ( singers )', 'place ( result )']
[['1', 'kapil sharma', 'ali asgar', 'neha kakkar', 'winner'], ['2', 'vip', 'swapnil joshi', 'sugandha mishra', '1st runner - up'], ['3', 'sudesh lehri', 'krushna abhishek', 'hard kaur', '1st runner - up'], ['4', 'bharti singh', 'aksshat saluja', 'abhijeet sawant', '2nd runner - up'], ['5', 'rajeev thakur', 'shweta tiwari', 'krishna beura', '2nd runner - up'], ['6', 'sumit arora', 'jimmy moses', 'bhoomi trivedi', 'eliminated'], ['7', 'jaswant singh', 'anjum farooki', 'abhas joshi', 'eliminated'], ['8', 'raja sagoo', 'preeti amin', 'raja hasan', 'eliminated']]
list of cold feet episodes
during the first five episodes of cold feet , episode 4 had more viewers than episode 2 .
{'row_1': '4', 'row_2': '2', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'greater', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'greater', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'episode', 'episode 4'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 4 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 4 }'}, 'viewers ( millions )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 4 } ; viewers ( millions ) }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 4 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'episode', 'episode 2'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 2 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 2 }'}, 'viewers ( millions )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 2 } ; viewers ( millions ) }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 2 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 4 } ; viewers ( millions ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 2 } ; viewers ( millions ) } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 4 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row . select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 2 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .'}
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 4 } ; viewers ( millions ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episode ; episode 2 } ; viewers ( millions ) } } = true
select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 4 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row . select the rows whose episode record fuzzily matches to episode 2 . take the viewers ( millions ) record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
{'greater_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'episode_7': 7, 'episode 4_8': 8, 'viewers (millions)_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'episode_11': 11, 'episode 2_12': 12, 'viewers (millions)_13': 13}
{'greater_4': 'greater', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'episode_7': 'episode', 'episode 4_8': 'episode 4', 'viewers (millions)_9': 'viewers ( millions )', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'episode_11': 'episode', 'episode 2_12': 'episode 2', 'viewers (millions)_13': 'viewers ( millions )'}
{'greater_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'episode_7': [0], 'episode 4_8': [0], 'viewers (millions)_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'episode_11': [1], 'episode 2_12': [1], 'viewers (millions)_13': [3]}
['no', 'episode', 'writer', 'director', 'viewers ( millions )', 'original airdate']
[['1', 'episode 1', 'mike bullen', 'declan lowney', '7.47', '15 november 1998'], ['2', 'episode 2', 'mike bullen', 'declan lowney', '7.33', '22 november 1998'], ['3', 'episode 3', 'mike bullen', 'mark mylod', '7.46', '29 november 1998'], ['4', 'episode 4', 'mike bullen', 'mark mylod', '7.44', '6 december 1998'], ['5', 'episode 5', 'mike bullen', 'nigel cole', '7.91', '13 december 1998']]
forbes global 2000
general electric has the highest market value ( billion ) in the forbes global 2000 rankings .
{'row': '2', 'col': '8', 'order': '1', 'col_other': '2', 'max_or_min': 'max_to_min', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'market value ( billion )', '1'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmax { all_rows ; market value ( billion ) ; 1 }'}, 'company'], 'result': 'general electric', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; market value ( billion ) ; 1 } ; company }'}, 'general electric'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; market value ( billion ) ; 1 } ; company } ; general electric } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose market value ( billion ) record of all rows is 1st maximum . the company record of this row is general electric .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; market value ( billion ) ; 1 } ; company } ; general electric } = true
select the row whose market value ( billion ) record of all rows is 1st maximum . the company record of this row is general electric .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'market value (billion )_5': 5, '1_6': 6, 'company_7': 7, 'general electric_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmax_0': 'nth_argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'market value (billion )_5': 'market value ( billion )', '1_6': '1', 'company_7': 'company', 'general electric_8': 'general electric'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'market value (billion )_5': [0], '1_6': [0], 'company_7': [1], 'general electric_8': [2]}
['rank', 'company', 'headquarters', 'industry', 'sales ( billion )', 'profits ( billion )', 'assets ( billion )', 'market value ( billion )']
[['1', 'citigroup', 'usa', 'banking', '94.71', '17.85', '1264.03', '255.30'], ['2', 'general electric', 'usa', 'conglomerates', '134.19', '15.59', '626.93', '328.54'], ['3', 'american international group', 'usa', 'insurance', '76.66', '6.46', '647.66', '194.87'], ['4', 'exxonmobil', 'usa', 'oil & gas', '222.88', '20.96', '166.99', '277.02'], ['5', 'bp', 'uk', 'oil & gas', '232.57', '10.27', '177.57', '173.54'], ['6', 'bank of america', 'usa', 'banking', '49.01', '10.81', '736.45', '117.55'], ['7', 'hsbc', 'uk', 'banking', '44.33', '6.66', '757.60', '177.96'], ['8', 'toyota', 'japan', 'automotive', '135.82', '7.99', '171.71', '115.40'], ['9', 'fannie mae', 'usa', 'diversified financials', '53.13', '6.48', '1019.17', '76.84'], ['10', 'walmart', 'usa', 'ing retail', '256.33', '9.05', '104.91', '243.74']]
1985 tampa bay buccaneers season
the average attendance for tampa bay buccaneers games in 1985 was 45585 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '7', 'type': 'average', 'result': '45585', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'attendance'], 'result': '45585', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; attendance }'}, '45585'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 45585 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the attendance record of all rows is 45585 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 45585 } = true
the average of the attendance record of all rows is 45585 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'attendance_4': 4, '45585_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'attendance_4': 'attendance', '45585_5': '45585'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'attendance_4': [0], '45585_5': [1]}
['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'kickoff', 'game site', 'attendance', 'record']
[['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'kickoff', 'game site', 'attendance', 'record'], ['1', 'september 8 , 1985', 'chicago bears', 'l 38 - 28', '1:00', 'soldier field', '57828', '0 - 1'], ['2', 'september 15 , 1985', 'minnesota vikings', 'l 31 - 16', '4:00', 'tampa stadium', '46188', '0 - 2'], ['3', 'september 22 , 1985', 'new orleans saints', 'l 20 - 13', '1:00', 'louisiana superdome', '45320', '0 - 3'], ['4', 'september 29 , 1985', 'detroit lions', 'l 30 - 9', '1:00', 'pontiac silverdome', '45023', '0 - 4'], ['5', 'october 6 , 1985', 'chicago bears', 'l 27 - 19', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '51795', '0 - 5'], ['6', 'october 13 , 1985', 'los angeles rams', 'l 31 - 27', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '39607', '0 - 6'], ['7', 'october 20 , 1985', 'miami dolphins', 'l 41 - 38', '4:00', 'orange bowl', '62335', '0 - 7'], ['8', 'october 27 , 1985', 'new england patriots', 'l 32 - 14', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '34661', '0 - 8'], ['9', 'november 3 , 1985', 'new york giants', 'l 22 - 20', '1:00', 'giants stadium', '72031', '0 - 9'], ['10', 'november 10 , 1985', 'st louis cardinals', 'w 16 - 0', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '34736', '1 - 9'], ['11', 'november 17 , 1985', 'new york jets', 'l 62 - 28', '1:00', 'the meadowlands', '65344', '1 - 10'], ['12', 'november 24 , 1985', 'detroit lions', 'w 19 - 16 ot', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '43471', '2 - 10'], ['13', 'december 1 , 1985', 'green bay packers', 'l 21 - 0', '1:00', 'lambeau field', '19856', '2 - 11'], ['14', 'december 8 , 1985', 'minnesota vikings', 'l 26 - 7', '4:00', 'hubert h humphrey metrodome', '51593', '2 - 12'], ['15', 'december 15 , 1985', 'indianapolis colts', 'l 31 - 23', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '25577', '2 - 13'], ['16', 'december 22 , 1985', 'green bay packers', 'l 20 - 17', '1:00', 'tampa stadium', '33992', '2 - 14']]
1957 world wrestling championships
turkey won more gold medals than the soviet union .
{'row_1': '1', 'row_2': '2', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'greater', 'record_mentioned': 'yes', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'greater', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'nation', 'turkey'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey }'}, 'gold'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey . take the gold record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'nation', 'soviet union'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union }'}, 'gold'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union . take the gold record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey . take the gold record of this row . select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union . take the gold record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'nation', 'turkey'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey }'}, 'gold'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey . take the gold record of this row .'}, '4'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; 4 }', 'tointer': 'the gold record of the first row is 4 .'}, {'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'nation', 'soviet union'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union }'}, 'gold'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union . take the gold record of this row .'}, '2'], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } ; 2 }', 'tointer': 'the gold record of the second row is 2 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } ; 2 } }', 'tointer': 'the gold record of the first row is 4 . the gold record of the second row is 2 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 8, 'tostr': 'and { greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } ; 2 } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey . take the gold record of this row . select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union . take the gold record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . the gold record of the first row is 4 . the gold record of the second row is 2 .'}
and { greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; turkey } ; gold } ; 4 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; soviet union } ; gold } ; 2 } } } = true
select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to turkey . take the gold record of this row . select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to soviet union . take the gold record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . the gold record of the first row is 4 . the gold record of the second row is 2 .
{'and_8': 8, 'result_9': 9, 'greater_4': 4, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'nation_11': 11, 'turkey_12': 12, 'gold_13': 13, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_14': 14, 'nation_15': 15, 'soviet union_16': 16, 'gold_17': 17, 'and_7': 7, 'eq_5': 5, '4_18': 18, 'eq_6': 6, '2_19': 19}
{'and_8': 'and', 'result_9': 'true', 'greater_4': 'greater', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'nation_11': 'nation', 'turkey_12': 'turkey', 'gold_13': 'gold', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_14': 'all_rows', 'nation_15': 'nation', 'soviet union_16': 'soviet union', 'gold_17': 'gold', 'and_7': 'and', 'eq_5': 'eq', '4_18': '4', 'eq_6': 'eq', '2_19': '2'}
{'and_8': [9], 'result_9': [], 'greater_4': [8], 'num_hop_2': [4, 5], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_10': [0], 'nation_11': [0], 'turkey_12': [0], 'gold_13': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4, 6], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_14': [1], 'nation_15': [1], 'soviet union_16': [1], 'gold_17': [3], 'and_7': [8], 'eq_5': [7], '4_18': [5], 'eq_6': [7], '2_19': [6]}
['rank', 'nation', 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', 'total']
[['1', 'turkey', '4', '2', '2', '8'], ['2', 'soviet union', '2', '3', '1', '6'], ['3', 'iran', '1', '1', '0', '2'], ['4', 'bulgaria', '1', '0', '2', '3'], ['5', 'finland', '0', '1', '0', '1'], ['5', 'west germany', '0', '1', '0', '1'], ['7', 'japan', '0', '0', '2', '2'], ['8', 'italy', '0', '0', '1', '1'], ['total', 'total', '8', '8', '8', '24']]
list of montreal canadiens draft picks
the montreal canadiens draft picks lasted for 7 rounds .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'all', 'value': 'n/a', 'result': '7', 'col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_all', 'args': ['all_rows', 'round'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose round record is arbitrary .', 'tostr': 'filter_all { all_rows ; round }'}], 'result': '7', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_all { all_rows ; round } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose round record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 7 .'}, '7'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; round } } ; 7 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose round record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 7 .'}
eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; round } } ; 7 } = true
select the rows whose round record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 7 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_all_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'round_5': 5, '7_6': 6}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_all_0': 'filter_all', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'round_5': 'round', '7_6': '7'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_all_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'round_5': [0], '7_6': [2]}
['round', 'player', 'position', 'nationality', 'college / junior / club team ( league )']
[['1', 'nathan beaulieu', 'defence', 'canada', 'saint john sea dogs ( qmjhl )'], ['4', 'josiah didier', 'defence', 'canada', 'cedar rapids roughriders ( ushl )'], ['4', 'olivier archambault', 'left wing', 'canada', "val d'or foreurs ( qmjhl )"], ['4', 'magnus nygren', 'defence', 'sweden', 'fã ¤ rjestads bk ( elitserien )'], ['5', 'darren dietz', 'defence', 'canada', 'saskatoon blades ( whl )'], ['6', '-', 'forward', 'czech republic', 'hc sparta praha ( czech extraliga )'], ['7', 'colin sullivan', 'defence', 'united states', 'avon old farms hs ( ushs )']]
canterbury golf club
for the canterbury golf club , when the tournament was the senior tournament players championship , the only time the winner was miller barber was in 1983 .
{'scope': 'subset', 'row': '8', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'miller barber', 'subset': {'col': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'senior tournament players championship'}}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'tournament', 'senior tournament players championship'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship .'}, 'winner', 'miller barber'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship . among these rows , select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to miller barber .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship . among these rows , select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to miller barber . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'tournament', 'senior tournament players championship'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship .'}, 'winner', 'miller barber'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship . among these rows , select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to miller barber .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber }'}, 'year'], 'result': '1983', 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } ; year }'}, '1983'], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } ; year } ; 1983 }', 'tointer': 'the year record of this unqiue row is 1983 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } ; year } ; 1983 } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship . among these rows , select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to miller barber . there is only one such row in the table . the year record of this unqiue row is 1983 .'}
and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; senior tournament players championship } ; winner ; miller barber } ; year } ; 1983 } } = true
select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to senior tournament players championship . among these rows , select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to miller barber . there is only one such row in the table . the year record of this unqiue row is 1983 .
{'and_5': 5, 'result_6': 6, 'only_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_7': 7, 'tournament_8': 8, 'senior tournament players championship_9': 9, 'winner_10': 10, 'miller barber_11': 11, 'eq_4': 4, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'year_12': 12, '1983_13': 13}
{'and_5': 'and', 'result_6': 'true', 'only_2': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_7': 'all_rows', 'tournament_8': 'tournament', 'senior tournament players championship_9': 'senior tournament players championship', 'winner_10': 'winner', 'miller barber_11': 'miller barber', 'eq_4': 'eq', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'year_12': 'year', '1983_13': '1983'}
{'and_5': [6], 'result_6': [], 'only_2': [5], 'filter_str_eq_1': [2, 3], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_7': [0], 'tournament_8': [0], 'senior tournament players championship_9': [0], 'winner_10': [1], 'miller barber_11': [1], 'eq_4': [5], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'year_12': [3], '1983_13': [4]}
['year', 'tournament', 'winner', 'country', 'score', 'to par', 'margin of victory', "winner 's share"]
[['1932', 'western open ( a )', 'walter hagen', 'united states', '288', 'even', '1 stroke', 'u'], ['1937', 'western open', 'ralph guldahl', 'united states', '287', '- 1', 'playoff ( b )', 'u'], ['1940', 'us open', 'lawson little', 'united states', '287', '- 1', 'playoff ( c )', '1000'], ['1946', 'us open', 'lloyd mangrum', 'united states', '284', '- 4', 'playoff ( d )', '1833'], ['1964', 'us amateur', 'william c campbell', 'united states', '1 up', 'n / a', 'n / a', 'n / a'], ['1973', 'pga championship', 'jack nicklaus', 'united states', '277', '- 7', '4 strokes', '45000'], ['1979', 'us amateur', "mark o'meara", 'united states', '8 & 7', 'n / a', 'n / a', 'n / a'], ['1983', 'senior tournament players championship', 'miller barber', 'united states', '278', '- 10', '1 stroke', '40000'], ['1984', 'senior tournament players championship', 'arnold palmer', 'united states', '276', '- 12', '3 strokes', '36000'], ['1985', 'senior tournament players championship', 'arnold palmer', 'united states', '274', '- 14', '11 strokes', '36000'], ['1986', 'senior tournament players championship', 'chi - chi rodríguez', 'united states', '206', '- 10', '2 strokes', '45000'], ['1996', 'us senior open', 'dave stockton', 'united states', '277', '- 11', '2 strokes', '215500'], ['2009', 'senior pga championship', 'michael allen', 'united states', '274', '- 6', '2 strokes', '360000']]
1962 baltimore colts season
less people attended the baltimore colts game on september 23 , 1962 than on october 14 , 1962 .
{'row_1': '2', 'row_2': '5', 'col': '7', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', 'september 23 , 1962'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to september 23 , 1962 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; september 23 , 1962 }'}, 'attendance'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; september 23 , 1962 } ; attendance }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to september 23 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', 'october 14 , 1962'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 14 , 1962 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 14 , 1962 }'}, 'attendance'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 14 , 1962 } ; attendance }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 14 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; september 23 , 1962 } ; attendance } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 14 , 1962 } ; attendance } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to september 23 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 14 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; september 23 , 1962 } ; attendance } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; october 14 , 1962 } ; attendance } } = true
select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to september 23 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row . select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to october 14 , 1962 . take the attendance record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'date_7': 7, 'september 23 , 1962_8': 8, 'attendance_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'date_11': 11, 'october 14 , 1962_12': 12, 'attendance_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'date_7': 'date', 'september 23 , 1962_8': 'september 23 , 1962', 'attendance_9': 'attendance', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'date_11': 'date', 'october 14 , 1962_12': 'october 14 , 1962', 'attendance_13': 'attendance'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'date_7': [0], 'september 23 , 1962_8': [0], 'attendance_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'date_11': [1], 'october 14 , 1962_12': [1], 'attendance_13': [3]}
['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'record', 'game site', 'attendance']
[['1', 'september 16 , 1962', 'los angeles rams', 'w 30 - 27', '1 - 0', 'memorial stadium', '54796'], ['2', 'september 23 , 1962', 'minnesota vikings', 'w 34 - 7', '2 - 0', 'metropolitan stadium', '30787'], ['3', 'september 30 , 1962', 'detroit lions', 'l 20 - 29', '2 - 1', 'memorial stadium', '57966'], ['4', 'october 7 , 1962', 'san francisco 49ers', 'l 13 - 21', '2 - 2', 'memorial stadium', '54158'], ['5', 'october 14 , 1962', 'cleveland browns', 'w 36 - 14', '3 - 2', 'cleveland municipal stadium', '80132'], ['6', 'october 21 , 1962', 'chicago bears', 'l 15 - 35', '3 - 3', 'wrigley field', '49066'], ['7', 'october 28 , 1962', 'green bay packers', 'l 6 - 17', '3 - 4', 'memorial stadium', '57966'], ['8', 'november 4 , 1962', 'san francisco 49ers', 'w 22 - 3', '4 - 4', 'kezar stadium', '44875'], ['9', 'november 11 , 1962', 'los angeles rams', 'w 14 - 2', '5 - 4', 'los angeles memorial coliseum', '39502'], ['10', 'november 18 , 1962', 'green bay packers', 'l 13 - 17', '5 - 5', 'lambeau field', '38669'], ['11', 'november 25 , 1962', 'chicago bears', 'l 0 - 57', '5 - 6', 'memorial stadium', '56164'], ['12', 'december 2 , 1962', 'detroit lions', 'l 14 - 21', '5 - 7', 'tiger stadium', '53012'], ['13', 'december 8 , 1962', 'washington redskins', 'w 34 - 21', '6 - 7', 'memorial stadium', '56964'], ['14', 'december 16 , 1962', 'minnesota vikings', 'w 42 - 17', '7 - 7', 'memorial stadium', '53645']]
list of ottawa senators draft picks
three of the players held the position left wing .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'left wing', 'result': '3', 'col': '4', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'position', 'left wing'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to left wing .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; left wing }'}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; left wing } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to left wing . the number of such rows is 3 .'}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; left wing } } ; 3 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to left wing . the number of such rows is 3 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; left wing } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to left wing . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'position_5': 5, 'left wing_6': 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'position_5': 'position', 'left wing_6': 'left wing', '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'position_5': [0], 'left wing_6': [0], '3_7': [2]}
['round', 'overall', 'player', 'position', 'nationality', 'club team']
[['1', '6', 'mika zibanejad', 'centre', 'sweden', 'djurgårdens if hockey ( sel )'], ['1', '21 ( from nashville )', 'stefan noesen', 'right wing', 'united states', 'plymouth whalers ( ohl )'], ['1', '24 ( from detroit )', 'matthew puempel', 'left wing', 'canada', 'peterborough petes ( ohl )'], ['2', '61 ( from boston )', 'shane prince', 'left wing', 'united states', "ottawa 67 's ( ohl )"], ['4', '96', 'jean - gabriel pageau', 'centre', 'canada', 'gatineau olympiques ( qmjhl )'], ['5', '126', 'fredrik claesson', 'defense', 'sweden', 'djurgårdens if hockey ( sel )'], ['6', '156', 'darren kramer', 'centre', 'canada', 'spokane chiefs ( whl )'], ['6', '171 ( from phoenix )', 'max mccormick', 'left wing', 'united states', 'sioux city musketeers ( ushl )'], ['7', '186', 'jordan fransoo', 'defense', 'canada', 'brandon wheat kings ( whl )']]
peoria , illinois
of the clubs in peoria , illinois , the one that had the 2nd most recent date of establishment was in the ahl league .
{'row': '3', 'col': '5', 'order': '2', 'col_other': '2', 'max_or_min': 'max_to_min', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'established', '2'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmax { all_rows ; established ; 2 }'}, 'league'], 'result': 'ahl', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; established ; 2 } ; league }'}, 'ahl'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; established ; 2 } ; league } ; ahl } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose established record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the league record of this row is ahl .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; established ; 2 } ; league } ; ahl } = true
select the row whose established record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the league record of this row is ahl .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'established_5': 5, '2_6': 6, 'league_7': 7, 'ahl_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmax_0': 'nth_argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'established_5': 'established', '2_6': '2', 'league_7': 'league', 'ahl_8': 'ahl'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'established_5': [0], '2_6': [0], 'league_7': [1], 'ahl_8': [2]}
['club', 'league', 'sport', 'venue', 'established', 'disbanded', 'championships']
[['peoria chiefs', 'midwest league class - a', 'baseball', 'dozer park', '1983', 'n / a', '1 league title'], ['peoria rivermen', 'sphl', 'hockey', 'carver arena', '2013', 'n / a', '0'], ['peoria rivermen', 'ahl', 'ice hockey', 'carver arena', '2005', '2013', '0'], ['peoria pirates', 'af2', 'arena football', 'carver arena', '1999', '2009', '2 s arenacup'], ['peoria redwings', 'aagpbl', 'baseball', 'peoria stadium', '1946', '1951', '0']]
cas haley
cas haley was advanced at the end of the majority of these weeks .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '5', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'advanced', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 'advanced'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the result records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to advanced .', 'tostr': 'most_eq { all_rows ; result ; advanced } = true'}
most_eq { all_rows ; result ; advanced } = true
for the result records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to advanced .
{'most_str_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'advanced_4': 4}
{'most_str_eq_0': 'most_str_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'result_3': 'result', 'advanced_4': 'advanced'}
{'most_str_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'result_3': [0], 'advanced_4': [0]}
['week', 'theme', 'song choice', 'original artist', 'result']
[['audition', 'chicago', 'walking on the moon', 'the police', 'advanced'], ['vegas verdicts', 'n / a', 'living for the city', 'stevie wonder', 'advanced'], ['top 20', 'group 2', 'higher and higher', 'jackie wilson', 'advanced'], ['top 10', 'n / a', 'bring it on home to me', 'sam cooke', 'advanced'], ['top 8', 'heroes', 'easy', 'lionel richie', 'advanced'], ['top 4', "judges ' choice contestant 's choice", "ca n't help falling in love sir duke", 'elvis presley stevie wonder', 'n / a'], ['finale', 'duets', 'red red wine', 'neil diamond', 'runner up']]
1976 - 77 new york rangers season
in the 1976 - 77 new york rangers season they played 15 games .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'all', 'value': 'n/a', 'result': '15', 'col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_all', 'args': ['all_rows', 'game'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose game record is arbitrary .', 'tostr': 'filter_all { all_rows ; game }'}], 'result': '15', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_all { all_rows ; game } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose game record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 15 .'}, '15'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; game } } ; 15 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose game record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 15 .'}
eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; game } } ; 15 } = true
select the rows whose game record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 15 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_all_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'game_5': 5, '15_6': 6}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_all_0': 'filter_all', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'game_5': 'game', '15_6': '15'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_all_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'game_5': [0], '15_6': [2]}
['game', 'december', 'opponent', 'score', 'record']
[['26', '1', 'washington capitals', '4 - 1', '11 - 11 - 4'], ['27', '4', 'minnesota north stars', '11 - 4', '12 - 11 - 4'], ['28', '5', 'toronto maple leafs', '5 - 5', '12 - 11 - 5'], ['29', '8', 'st louis blues', '4 - 4', '12 - 11 - 6'], ['30', '11', 'toronto maple leafs', '4 - 1', '12 - 12 - 6'], ['31', '12', 'montreal canadiens', '5 - 2', '13 - 12 - 6'], ['32', '14', 'new york islanders', '4 - 4', '13 - 12 - 7'], ['33', '16', 'buffalo sabres', '7 - 2', '13 - 13 - 7'], ['34', '18', 'chicago black hawks', '3 - 3', '13 - 13 - 8'], ['35', '19', 'cleveland barons', '3 - 2', '14 - 13 - 8'], ['36', '22', 'philadelphia flyers', '3 - 3', '14 - 13 - 9'], ['37', '23', 'boston bruins', '3 - 3', '14 - 13 - 10'], ['38', '26', 'new york islanders', '2 - 1', '14 - 14 - 10'], ['39', '28', 'washington capitals', '5 - 2', '15 - 14 - 10'], ['40', '31', 'atlanta flames', '4 - 2', '15 - 15 - 10']]
dom events
domnoderemovedfromdocument is the only type that does not have a bubble .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '9', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'not_equal', 'value': 'yes', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_not_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'bubbles', 'yes'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose bubbles record does not match to yes .', 'tostr': 'filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose bubbles record does not match to yes . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_not_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'bubbles', 'yes'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose bubbles record does not match to yes .', 'tostr': 'filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes }'}, 'type'], 'result': 'domnoderemovedfromdocument', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } ; type }'}, 'domnoderemovedfromdocument'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } ; type } ; domnoderemovedfromdocument }', 'tointer': 'the type record of this unqiue row is domnoderemovedfromdocument .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } } ; eq { hop { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } ; type } ; domnoderemovedfromdocument } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose bubbles record does not match to yes . there is only one such row in the table . the type record of this unqiue row is domnoderemovedfromdocument .'}
and { only { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } } ; eq { hop { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; bubbles ; yes } ; type } ; domnoderemovedfromdocument } } = true
select the rows whose bubbles record does not match to yes . there is only one such row in the table . the type record of this unqiue row is domnoderemovedfromdocument .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_not_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'bubbles_7': 7, 'yes_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'type_9': 9, 'domnoderemovedfromdocument_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_not_eq_0': 'filter_str_not_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'bubbles_7': 'bubbles', 'yes_8': 'yes', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'type_9': 'type', 'domnoderemovedfromdocument_10': 'domnoderemovedfromdocument'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_not_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'bubbles_7': [0], 'yes_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'type_9': [2], 'domnoderemovedfromdocument_10': [3]}
['category', 'type', 'attribute', 'description', 'bubbles', 'cancelable']
[['mouse', 'dragstart', 'ondragstart', 'fired on an element when a drag is started', 'yes', 'yes'], ['keyboard', 'keyup', 'onkeyup', 'fires when a key on the keyboard is released', 'yes', 'yes'], ['html frame / object', 'resize', 'onresize', 'fires when a document view is resized', 'yes', 'no'], ['html frame / object', 'scroll', 'onscroll', 'fires when a document view is scrolled', 'yes', 'no'], ['html form', 'submit', 'onsubmit', 'fires when a form is submitted', 'yes', 'yes'], ['html form', 'reset', 'onreset', 'fires when a form is reset', 'yes', 'no'], ['mutation', 'domsubtreemodified', '( none )', 'fires when the subtree is modified', 'yes', 'no'], ['mutation', 'domnoderemoved', '( none )', 'fires when a node has been removed from a dom - tree', 'yes', 'no'], ['mutation', 'domnoderemovedfromdocument', '( none )', 'fires when a node is being removed from a document', 'no', 'no'], ['mutation', 'domattrmodified', '( none )', 'fires when an attribute has been modified', 'yes', 'no']]
1970 new york giants season
during the 1970 new york giants season , the new york giants experienced their highest attendance on october 4th in their game against the new orleans saints .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '6', 'row_superlative': '3', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '2', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'attendance'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; attendance }'}, 'date'], 'result': '1970 - 10 - 04', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date }'}, '1970 - 10 - 04'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date } ; 1970 - 10 - 04 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose attendance record of all rows is maximum . the date record of this row is 1970 - 10 - 04 .'}
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date } ; 1970 - 10 - 04 } = true
select the row whose attendance record of all rows is maximum . the date record of this row is 1970 - 10 - 04 .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'attendance_5': 5, 'date_6': 6, '1970 - 10 - 04_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'attendance_5': 'attendance', 'date_6': 'date', '1970 - 10 - 04_7': '1970 - 10 - 04'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'attendance_5': [0], 'date_6': [1], '1970 - 10 - 04_7': [2]}
['week', 'date', 'opponent', 'result', 'game site', 'attendance']
[['1', '1970 - 09 - 19', 'chicago bears', 'l 24 - 16', 'yankee stadium', '62936'], ['2', '1970 - 09 - 27', 'dallas cowboys', 'l 28 - 10', 'cotton bowl', '57236'], ['3', '1970 - 10 - 04', 'new orleans saints', 'l 14 - 10', 'tulane stadium', '69126'], ['4', '1970 - 10 - 11', 'philadelphia eagles', 'w 30 - 23', 'yankee stadium', '62820'], ['5', '1970 - 10 - 18', 'boston patriots', 'w 16 - 0', 'harvard stadium', '39091'], ['6', '1970 - 10 - 25', 'st louis cardinals', 'w 35 - 17', 'yankee stadium', '62984'], ['7', '1970 - 11 - 01', 'new york jets', 'w 22 - 10', 'shea stadium', '63903'], ['8', '1970 - 11 - 08', 'dallas cowboys', 'w 23 - 20', 'yankee stadium', '62938'], ['9', '1970 - 11 - 15', 'washington redskins', 'w 35 - 33', 'yankee stadium', '62915'], ['10', '1970 - 11 - 23', 'philadelphia eagles', 'l 23 - 20', 'franklin field', '59117'], ['11', '1970 - 11 - 29', 'washington redskins', 'w 27 - 24', 'robert f kennedy memorial stadium', '50415'], ['12', '1970 - 12 - 06', 'buffalo bills', 'w 20 - 6', 'yankee stadium', '62870'], ['13', '1970 - 12 - 13', 'st louis cardinals', 'w 34 - 17', 'busch memorial stadium', '50845'], ['14', '1970 - 12 - 20', 'los angeles rams', 'l 31 - 3', 'yankee stadium', '62870']]
1989 - 90 illinois fighting illini men 's basketball team
andy kaufmann recorded the 2nd highest number of points in the 1989 - 90 illinois fighting illini men 's basketball team .
{'row': '2', 'col': '10', 'order': '2', 'col_other': '1', 'max_or_min': 'max_to_min', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'points', '2'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmax { all_rows ; points ; 2 }'}, 'player'], 'result': 'andy kaufmann', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; points ; 2 } ; player }'}, 'andy kaufmann'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; points ; 2 } ; player } ; andy kaufmann } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose points record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the player record of this row is andy kaufmann .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; points ; 2 } ; player } ; andy kaufmann } = true
select the row whose points record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the player record of this row is andy kaufmann .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'points_5': 5, '2_6': 6, 'player_7': 7, 'andy kaufmann_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmax_0': 'nth_argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'points_5': 'points', '2_6': '2', 'player_7': 'player', 'andy kaufmann_8': 'andy kaufmann'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'points_5': [0], '2_6': [0], 'player_7': [1], 'andy kaufmann_8': [2]}
['player', 'games played', 'field goals', 'three pointers', 'free throws', 'rebounds', 'assists', 'blocks', 'steals', 'points']
[['kendall gill', '29', '211', '23', '136', '143', '96', '16', '63', '581'], ['andy kaufmann', '29', '91', '22', '81', '93', '54', '5', '27', '285'], ['steve bardo', '29', '99', '28', '55', '178', '137', '14', '37', '281'], ['rodney jones', '29', '88', '0', '40', '126', '9', '18', '17', '216'], ['ervin small', '29', '75', '1', '49', '151', '12', '5', '23', '200']]
eastern states collegiate hockey league
in the eastern states collegiate hockey league , most of the schools are public .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '4', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'public', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'affiliation', 'public'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the affiliation records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to public .', 'tostr': 'most_eq { all_rows ; affiliation ; public } = true'}
most_eq { all_rows ; affiliation ; public } = true
for the affiliation records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to public .
{'most_str_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'affiliation_3': 3, 'public_4': 4}
{'most_str_eq_0': 'most_str_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'affiliation_3': 'affiliation', 'public_4': 'public'}
{'most_str_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'affiliation_3': [0], 'public_4': [0]}
['school', 'location', 'founded', 'affiliation', 'enrollment', 'nickname', 'primary conference']
[['university of delaware', 'newark , de', '1743', 'public', '19067', "fightin ' blue hens", 'colonial athletic association ( d - i )'], ['lebanon valley college', 'annville , pa', '1866', 'private / methodist', '2100', 'flying dutchmen', 'mac commonwealth conference ( d - iii )'], ['university of rhode island', 'kingston , ri', '1892', 'public', '19095', 'rams', 'atlantic 10 conference ( d - i )'], ['rutgers university', 'new brunswick , nj', '1766', 'public', '56868', 'scarlet knights', 'american athletic conference ( d - i )'], ['stony brook university', 'stony brook , ny', '1957', 'public', '23997', 'seawolves', 'america east conference ( d - i )'], ['west chester university', 'west chester , pa', '1871', 'public', '12800', 'golden rams', 'psac ( d - ii )']]
felice herrig
in the bellator 14 event , felice herrig made it 1 round further than in the unconquered 1 : november reign event .
{'row_1': '10', 'row_2': '11', 'col': '6', 'col_other': '5', 'relation': 'diff', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': {'diff_value': '1', 'bigger': 'row1'}}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'diff', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'event', 'bellator 14'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to bellator 14 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; bellator 14 }'}, 'round'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; bellator 14 } ; round }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to bellator 14 . take the round record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'event', 'unconquered 1 : november reign'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to unconquered 1 : november reign .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; unconquered 1 : november reign }'}, 'round'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; unconquered 1 : november reign } ; round }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to unconquered 1 : november reign . take the round record of this row .'}], 'result': '1', 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; bellator 14 } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; unconquered 1 : november reign } ; round } }'}, '1'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; bellator 14 } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; unconquered 1 : november reign } ; round } } ; 1 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to bellator 14 . take the round record of this row . select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to unconquered 1 : november reign . take the round record of this row . the first record is 1 larger than the second record .'}
eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; bellator 14 } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; unconquered 1 : november reign } ; round } } ; 1 } = true
select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to bellator 14 . take the round record of this row . select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to unconquered 1 : november reign . take the round record of this row . the first record is 1 larger than the second record .
{'eq_5': 5, 'result_6': 6, 'diff_4': 4, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_7': 7, 'event_8': 8, 'bellator 14_9': 9, 'round_10': 10, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_11': 11, 'event_12': 12, 'unconquered 1: november reign_13': 13, 'round_14': 14, '1_15': 15}
{'eq_5': 'eq', 'result_6': 'true', 'diff_4': 'diff', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_7': 'all_rows', 'event_8': 'event', 'bellator 14_9': 'bellator 14', 'round_10': 'round', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_11': 'all_rows', 'event_12': 'event', 'unconquered 1: november reign_13': 'unconquered 1 : november reign', 'round_14': 'round', '1_15': '1'}
{'eq_5': [6], 'result_6': [], 'diff_4': [5], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_7': [0], 'event_8': [0], 'bellator 14_9': [0], 'round_10': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_11': [1], 'event_12': [1], 'unconquered 1: november reign_13': [1], 'round_14': [3], '1_15': [5]}
['res', 'record', 'opponent', 'method', 'event', 'round', 'time', 'location']
[['win', '9 - 4', 'heather clark', 'decision ( split )', 'bellator 94', '3', '5:00', 'tampa , florida , united states'], ['win', '8 - 4', 'patricia vidonic', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'bellator 84', '3', '5:00', 'hammond , indiana , united states'], ['win', '7 - 4', 'simona soukupova', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'xfc 19 : charlotte showdown', '3', '5:00', 'charlotte , north carolina , united states'], ['win', '6 - 4', 'patricia vidonic', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'xfc 17 : apocalypse', '3', '5:00', 'jackson , tennessee , united states'], ['loss', '5 - 4', 'carla esparza', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'xfc 15 : tribute', '3', '5:00', 'tampa , florida , united states'], ['win', '5 - 3', 'nicdali rivera - calanoc', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'xtreme fighting organization 39', '3', '5:00', 'hoffman estates , illinois , united states'], ['win', '4 - 3', 'andrea miller', 'tko ( punches )', 'chicago cagefighting championship 3', '1', '3:30', 'villa park , illinois , united states'], ['loss', '3 - 3', 'barb honchak', 'decision ( unanimous )', 'hoosier fight club 6 : new years nemesis', '3', '5:00', 'valparaiso , indiana , united states'], ['win', '3 - 2', 'amanda lavoy', 'submission ( armbar )', 'xtreme fighting organization 37', '1', '3:35', 'chicago , illinois , united states'], ['win', '2 - 2', 'jessica rakoczy', 'decision ( split )', 'bellator 14', '3', '5:00', 'chicago , illinois , united states'], ['win', '1 - 2', 'michele gutierrez', 'submission ( armbar )', 'unconquered 1 : november reign', '2', '2:03', 'coral gables , florida , united states'], ['loss', '0 - 2', 'valerie coolbaugh', 'decision ( split )', 'xtreme fighting organization 29', '3', '5:00', 'lakemoor , illinois , united states'], ['loss', '0 - 1', 'iman achhal', 'decision ( split )', 'uwc : man o war', '3', '5:00', 'fairfax , virginia , united states']]
list of entertainment events in greater moncton
the dieppe kite international was the only event to take place at dover park .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'dover park', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'main venue', 'dover park'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose main venue record fuzzily matches to dover park .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose main venue record fuzzily matches to dover park . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'main venue', 'dover park'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose main venue record fuzzily matches to dover park .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park }'}, 'event name'], 'result': 'dieppe kite international', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } ; event name }'}, 'dieppe kite international'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } ; event name } ; dieppe kite international }', 'tointer': 'the event name record of this unqiue row is dieppe kite international .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } ; event name } ; dieppe kite international } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose main venue record fuzzily matches to dover park . there is only one such row in the table . the event name record of this unqiue row is dieppe kite international .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; main venue ; dover park } ; event name } ; dieppe kite international } } = true
select the rows whose main venue record fuzzily matches to dover park . there is only one such row in the table . the event name record of this unqiue row is dieppe kite international .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'main venue_7': 7, 'dover park_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'event name_9': 9, 'dieppe kite international_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'main venue_7': 'main venue', 'dover park_8': 'dover park', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'event name_9': 'event name', 'dieppe kite international_10': 'dieppe kite international'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'main venue_7': [0], 'dover park_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'event name_9': [2], 'dieppe kite international_10': [3]}
['event name', 'established', 'category', 'sub category', 'main venue']
[['dieppe kite international', '2001', 'sporting', 'kite flying', 'dover park'], ['the frye festival', '2000', 'arts', 'literary', 'university of moncton'], ['hubcap comedy festival', '2000', 'arts', 'comedy', 'various'], ['touchdown atlantic', '2010', 'sporting', 'football', 'moncton stadium'], ['atlantic nationals automotive extravaganza', '2000', 'transportation', 'automotive', 'moncton coliseum'], ['world wine & food expo', '1990', 'arts', 'food & drink', 'moncton coliseum'], ['shediac lobster festival', '1950', 'arts', 'food & drink', 'shediac festival grounds'], ['mosaã ¯ q multicultural festival', '2004', 'festival', 'multicultural', 'moncton city hall plaza']]
1985 masters tournament
in the 1985 masters tournament , the average number of strokes to par is -2.54 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '5', 'type': 'average', 'result': '-2.54', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'to par'], 'result': '-2.54', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; to par }'}, '-2.54'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; to par } ; -2.54 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the to par record of all rows is -2.54 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; to par } ; -2.54 } = true
the average of the to par record of all rows is -2.54 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'to par_4': 4, '-2.54_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'to par_4': 'to par', '-2.54_5': '-2.54'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'to par_4': [0], '-2.54_5': [1]}
['place', 'player', 'country', 'score', 'to par', 'money']
[['1', 'bernhard langer', 'west germany', '72 + 74 + 68 + 68 = 282', '- 6', '126000'], ['t2', 'seve ballesteros', 'spain', '72 + 71 + 71 + 70 = 284', '- 4', '52267'], ['t2', 'raymond floyd', 'united states', '70 + 73 + 69 + 72 = 284', '- 4', '52267'], ['t2', 'curtis strange', 'united states', '80 + 65 + 68 + 71 = 284', '- 4', '52267'], ['5', 'jay haas', 'united states', '73 + 73 + 72 + 67 = 285', '- 3', '28000'], ['t6', 'gary hallberg', 'united states', '68 + 73 + 75 + 70 = 286', '- 2', '22663'], ['t6', 'bruce lietzke', 'united states', '72 + 71 + 73 + 70 = 286', '- 2', '22663'], ['t6', 'jack nicklaus', 'united states', '71 + 74 + 72 + 69 = 286', '- 2', '22663'], ['t6', 'craig stadler', 'united states', '73 + 67 + 76 + 70 = 286', '- 2', '22663'], ['t10', 'fred couples', 'united states', '75 + 73 + 69 + 70 = 287', '- 1', '16800'], ['t10', 'david graham', 'australia', '74 + 71 + 71 + 71 = 287', '- 1', '16800'], ['t10', 'lee trevino', 'united states', '70 + 73 + 72 + 72 = 287', '- 1', '16800'], ['t10', 'tom watson', 'united states', '69 + 71 + 75 + 72 = 287', '- 1', '16800']]
napa auto parts 200
jack arute hosted the napa auto parts 200 race earlier than allen bestwick did .
{'row_1': '5', 'row_2': '3', 'col': '1', 'col_other': '3', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'host', 'jack arute'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to jack arute .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; jack arute }'}, 'year'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; jack arute } ; year }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to jack arute . take the year record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'host', 'allen bestwick'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to allen bestwick .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; allen bestwick }'}, 'year'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; allen bestwick } ; year }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to allen bestwick . take the year record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; jack arute } ; year } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; allen bestwick } ; year } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to jack arute . take the year record of this row . select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to allen bestwick . take the year record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; jack arute } ; year } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; host ; allen bestwick } ; year } } = true
select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to jack arute . take the year record of this row . select the rows whose host record fuzzily matches to allen bestwick . take the year record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'host_7': 7, 'jack arute_8': 8, 'year_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'host_11': 11, 'allen bestwick_12': 12, 'year_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'host_7': 'host', 'jack arute_8': 'jack arute', 'year_9': 'year', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'host_11': 'host', 'allen bestwick_12': 'allen bestwick', 'year_13': 'year'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'host_7': [0], 'jack arute_8': [0], 'year_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'host_11': [1], 'allen bestwick_12': [1], 'year_13': [3]}
['year', 'network', 'host', 'pre - race analyst', 'lap - by - lap', 'color commentator ( s )', 'pit reporters']
[['2012', 'espn', 'shannon spake', 'n / a', 'marty reid', 'ricky craven', 'rick debruhl jim noble shannon spake'], ['2011', 'espn', 'marty reid', 'n / a', 'marty reid', 'rusty wallace ricky craven', 'rick debruhl jim noble shannon spake'], ['2010', 'espn2', 'allen bestwick', 'n / a', 'allen bestwick', 'andy petree rusty wallace', 'mike massaro vince welch shannon spake'], ['2009', 'espn2', 'shannon spake', 'n / a', 'marty reid', 'andy petree rusty wallace', 'dave burns jamie little shannon spake'], ['2008', 'espn2', 'jack arute', 'n / a', 'marty reid', 'randy lajoie rusty wallace', 'jack arute vince welch mike massaro']]
1986 pga championship
jack nicklaus was the player with the highest total that made the cut in the 1986 pga championships .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '4', 'row_superlative': '4', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'total'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; total }'}, 'player'], 'result': 'jack nicklaus', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; player }'}, 'jack nicklaus'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; player } ; jack nicklaus } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose total record of all rows is maximum . the player record of this row is jack nicklaus .'}
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; player } ; jack nicklaus } = true
select the row whose total record of all rows is maximum . the player record of this row is jack nicklaus .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'total_5': 5, 'player_6': 6, 'jack nicklaus_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'total_5': 'total', 'player_6': 'player', 'jack nicklaus_7': 'jack nicklaus'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'total_5': [0], 'player_6': [1], 'jack nicklaus_7': [2]}
['player', 'country', 'year ( s ) won', 'total', 'to par', 'finish']
[['david graham', 'australia', '1979', '282', '2', 't7'], ['lee trevino', 'united states', '1974 , 1984', '284', 'e', 't11'], ['lanny wadkins', 'united states', '1977', '284', 'e', 't11'], ['jack nicklaus', 'united states', '1963 , 1971 , 1973 1975 , 1980', '296', '+ 1', 't16'], ['hal sutton', 'united states', '1983', '286', '+ 2', 't21'], ['hubert green', 'united states', '1985', '290', '+ 6', 't41'], ['dave stockton', 'united states', '1970 , 1976', '292', '+ 8', 't53']]
true blood ( season 3 )
there are 11 episodes in the 3rd season of the true blood series .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'all', 'value': 'n/a', 'result': '11', 'col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_all', 'args': ['all_rows', 'no in series'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose no in series record is arbitrary .', 'tostr': 'filter_all { all_rows ; no in series }'}], 'result': '11', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_all { all_rows ; no in series } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose no in series record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 11 .'}, '11'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; no in series } } ; 11 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose no in series record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 11 .'}
eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; no in series } } ; 11 } = true
select the rows whose no in series record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 11 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_all_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'no in series_5': 5, '11_6': 6}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_all_0': 'filter_all', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'no in series_5': 'no in series', '11_6': '11'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_all_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'no in series_5': [0], '11_6': [2]}
['no in series', 'no in season', 'title', 'directed by', 'written by', 'original air date', 'us viewers ( million )']
[['25', '1', 'bad blood', 'daniel minahan', 'brian buckner', 'june 13 , 2010', '5.09'], ['26', '2', 'beautifully broken', 'scott winant', 'raelle tucker', 'june 20 , 2010', '4.26'], ['27', '3', 'it hurts me too', 'michael lehmann', 'alexander woo', 'june 27 , 2010', '4.46'], ['28', '4', '9 crimes', 'david petrarca', 'kate barnow & elisabeth r finch', 'july 11 , 2010', '4.68'], ['29', '5', 'trouble', 'scott winant', 'nancy oliver', 'july 18 , 2010', '4.86'], ['30', '6', 'i got a right to sing the blues', 'michael lehmann', 'alan ball', 'july 25 , 2010', '4.74'], ['31', '7', 'hitting the ground', 'john dahl', 'brian buckner', 'august 1 , 2010', '5.24'], ['32', '8', 'night on the sun', 'lesli linka glatter', 'raelle tucker', 'august 8 , 2010', '5.09'], ['33', '9', 'everything is broken', 'scott winant', 'alexander woo', 'august 15 , 2010', '5.00'], ['34', '10', 'i smell a rat', 'michael lehmann', 'kate barnow & elisabeth r finch', 'august 22 , 2010', '5.39'], ['35', '11', 'fresh blood', 'daniel minahan', 'nancy oliver', 'august 29 , 2010', '5.44']]
list of intel atom microprocessors
the highest release price of intel atom microprocessors is 97 usd .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '13', 'row_superlative': '5', 'value_mentioned': 'yes', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': 'n/a', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'max', 'args': ['all_rows', 'release price ( usd )'], 'result': '97', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'max { all_rows ; release price ( usd ) }', 'tointer': 'the maximum release price ( usd ) record of all rows is 97 .'}, '97'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'eq { max { all_rows ; release price ( usd ) } ; 97 } = true', 'tointer': 'the maximum release price ( usd ) record of all rows is 97 .'}
eq { max { all_rows ; release price ( usd ) } ; 97 } = true
the maximum release price ( usd ) record of all rows is 97 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'max_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'release price ( usd )_4': 4, '97_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'max_0': 'max', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'release price ( usd )_4': 'release price ( usd )', '97_5': '97'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'max_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'release price ( usd )_4': [0], '97_5': [1]}
['model number', 'sspec number', 'frequency', 'gpu frequency', 'l2 cache', 'i / o bus', 'memory', 'voltage', 'tdp', 'socket', 'release date', 'part number ( s )', 'release price ( usd )']
[['atom e625c', 'slh9z ( b0 )', '600 mhz', '320 mhz', '512 kb', 'pcie', '1 ddr2 - 800', '0.8 - 1.175 v', '2.7 w', 'fc - bga 1466', 'november 22 , 2010', 'cy80632007227ab', '61'], ['atome625ct', 'slh9k ( b0 )', '600 mhz', '320 mhz', '512 kb', 'pcie', '1 ddr2 - 800', '0.8 - 1.175 v', '2.7 w', 'fc - bga 1466', 'november 22 , 2010', 'cy80632007227aa', '65'], ['atom e645c', 'slh9y ( b0 )', '1 ghz', '320 mhz', '512 kb', 'pcie', '1 ddr2 - 800', '0.8 - 1.175 v', '3.6 w', 'fc - bga 1466', 'november 22 , 2010', 'cy80632007221ab', '72'], ['atome645ct', 'slh9j ( b0 )', '1 ghz', '320 mhz', '512 kb', 'pcie', '1 ddr2 - 800', '0.8 - 1.175 v', '3.6 w', 'fc - bga 1466', 'november 22 , 2010', 'cy80632007221aa', '79'], ['atom e665c', 'slh9x ( b0 )', '1.3 ghz', '400 mhz', '512 kb', 'pcie', '1 ddr2 - 800', '0.8 - 1.175 v', '3.6 w', 'fc - bga 1466', 'november 22 , 2010', 'cy80632007224ab', '97']]
2004 centrix financial grand prix of denver
most drivers of the 2004 centrix financial grand prix of denver had a qual 2 time .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '4', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'not_equal', 'value': '-', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_not_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'qual 2', '-'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the qual 2 records of all rows , most of them are not equal to - .', 'tostr': 'most_not_eq { all_rows ; qual 2 ; - } = true'}
most_not_eq { all_rows ; qual 2 ; - } = true
for the qual 2 records of all rows , most of them are not equal to - .
{'most_not_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'qual 2_3': 3, '-_4': 4}
{'most_not_eq_0': 'most_not_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'qual 2_3': 'qual 2', '-_4': '-'}
{'most_not_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'qual 2_3': [0], '-_4': [0]}
['name', 'team', 'qual 1', 'qual 2', 'best']
[['sébastien bourdais', 'newman / haas racing', '1:00.413', '59.942', '59.942'], ['bruno junqueira', 'newman / haas racing', '1:01.203', '1:00.525', '1:00.525'], ['paul tracy', 'forsythe racing', '1:00.885', '1:00.588', '1:00.588'], ['patrick carpentier', 'forsythe racing', '1:01.416', '1:00.595', '1:00.595'], ['mario domínguez', 'herdez competition', '1:00.721', '-', '1:00.721'], ['oriol servià', 'dale coyne racing', '1:02.046', '1:00.813', '1:00.813'], ['a j allmendinger', 'rusport', '-', '1:00.907', '1:00.907'], ['ryan hunter - reay', 'herdez competition', '1:01.545', '1:01.072', '1:01.072'], ['mario haberfeld', 'walker racing', '1:01.198', '1:01.285', '1:01.198'], ['justin wilson', 'mi - jack conquest racing', '1:01.782', '1:01.265', '1:01.265'], ['alex tagliani', 'rocketsports racing', '1:01.757', '1:01.266', '1:01.266'], ['jimmy vasser', 'pkv racing', '1:01.334', '1:02.090', '1:01.334'], ['michel jourdain , jr', 'rusport', '1:01.447', '1:01.345', '1:01.345'], ['nelson philippe', 'mi - jack conquest racing', '1:02.354', '1:01.522', '1:01.522'], ['rodolfo lavín', 'forsythe racing', '1:02.130', '1:01.794', '1:01.794'], ['guy smith', 'rocketsports racing', '1:02.113', '1:02.137', '1:02.113'], ['gastón mazzacane', 'dale coyne racing', '1:02.412', '-', '1:02.412'], ['roberto gonzález', 'pkv racing', '1:02.604', '1:02.507', '1:02.507']]
1977 formula one season
most of the races in the 1977 formula one season took place before september .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '2', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'less_than', 'value': '1 september', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_less', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date', '1 september'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the date records of all rows , most of them are less than 1 september .', 'tostr': 'most_less { all_rows ; date ; 1 september } = true'}
most_less { all_rows ; date ; 1 september } = true
for the date records of all rows , most of them are less than 1 september .
{'most_less_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'date_3': 3, '1 september_4': 4}
{'most_less_0': 'most_less', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'date_3': 'date', '1 september_4': '1 september'}
{'most_less_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'date_3': [0], '1 september_4': [0]}
['race', 'date', 'location', 'pole position', 'fastest lap', 'race winner', 'constructor', 'report']
[['argentine grand prix', '9 january', 'buenos aires', 'james hunt', 'james hunt', 'jody scheckter', 'wolf - ford', 'report'], ['brazilian grand prix', '23 january', 'interlagos', 'james hunt', 'james hunt', 'carlos reutemann', 'ferrari', 'report'], ['south african grand prix', '5 march', 'kyalami', 'james hunt', 'john watson', 'niki lauda', 'ferrari', 'report'], ['united states grand prix west', '3 april', 'long beach', 'niki lauda', 'niki lauda', 'mario andretti', 'lotus - ford', 'report'], ['spanish grand prix', '8 may', 'jarama', 'mario andretti', 'jacques laffite', 'mario andretti', 'lotus - ford', 'report'], ['monaco grand prix', '22 may', 'monaco', 'john watson', 'jody scheckter', 'jody scheckter', 'wolf - ford', 'report'], ['belgian grand prix', '5 june', 'zolder', 'mario andretti', 'gunnar nilsson', 'gunnar nilsson', 'lotus - ford', 'report'], ['swedish grand prix', '19 june', 'anderstorp', 'mario andretti', 'mario andretti', 'jacques laffite', 'ligier - matra', 'report'], ['french grand prix', '3 july', 'dijon - prenois', 'mario andretti', 'mario andretti', 'mario andretti', 'lotus - ford', 'report'], ['british grand prix', '16 july', 'silverstone', 'james hunt', 'james hunt', 'james hunt', 'mclaren - ford', 'report'], ['german grand prix', '31 july', 'hockenheimring', 'jody scheckter', 'niki lauda', 'niki lauda', 'ferrari', 'report'], ['austrian grand prix', '14 august', 'ã - sterreichring', 'niki lauda', 'john watson', 'alan jones', 'shadow - ford', 'report'], ['dutch grand prix', '28 august', 'zandvoort', 'mario andretti', 'niki lauda', 'niki lauda', 'ferrari', 'report'], ['italian grand prix', '11 september', 'monza', 'james hunt', 'mario andretti', 'mario andretti', 'lotus - ford', 'report'], ['united states grand prix', '2 october', 'watkins glen', 'james hunt', 'ronnie peterson', 'james hunt', 'mclaren - ford', 'report'], ['canadian grand prix', '9 october', 'mosport', 'mario andretti', 'mario andretti', 'jody scheckter', 'wolf - ford', 'report'], ['japanese grand prix', '23 october', 'fuji speedway', 'mario andretti', 'jody scheckter', 'james hunt', 'mclaren - ford', 'report']]
1993 - 94 segunda división
all clubs which participated in the 1993 - 94 segunda división each played a total of 38 games .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '3', 'most_or_all': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '38', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'all_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'played', '38'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the played records of all rows , all of them are equal to 38 .', 'tostr': 'all_eq { all_rows ; played ; 38 } = true'}
all_eq { all_rows ; played ; 38 } = true
for the played records of all rows , all of them are equal to 38 .
{'all_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'played_3': 3, '38_4': 4}
{'all_eq_0': 'all_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'played_3': 'played', '38_4': '38'}
{'all_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'played_3': [0], '38_4': [0]}
['position', 'club', 'played', 'points', 'wins', 'draws', 'losses', 'goals for', 'goals against', 'goal difference']
[['1', 'rcd español', '38', '52', '20', '12', '6', '59', '25', '+ 34'], ['2', 'real betis', '38', '51', '22', '7', '9', '66', '38', '+ 28'], ['3', 'sd compostela', '38', '49', '21', '7', '10', '56', '36', '+ 20'], ['4', 'cd toledo', '38', '47', '18', '11', '9', '50', '32', '+ 18'], ['5', 'rcd mallorca', '38', '47', '20', '7', '11', '66', '39', '+ 27'], ['6', 'real madrid b', '38', '46', '19', '8', '11', '57', '41', '+ 16'], ['7', 'hércules cf', '38', '44', '16', '12', '10', '41', '35', '+ 6'], ['8', 'barcelona b', '38', '39', '11', '17', '10', '59', '51', '+ 8'], ['9', 'cp mérida', '38', '37', '12', '13', '13', '47', '41', '+ 6'], ['10', 'sd eibar', '38', '35', '10', '15', '13', '30', '40', '- 10'], ['11', 'cd badajoz', '38', '35', '12', '11', '15', '45', '46', '- 1'], ['12', 'atlético marbella', '38', '35', '10', '15', '13', '40', '41', '- 1'], ['13', 'palamós cf', '38', '34', '11', '12', '15', '40', '49', '- 9'], ['14', 'athletic de bilbao b', '38', '34', '10', '14', '14', '46', '52', '- 6'], ['15', 'cd leganés', '38', '34', '11', '12', '15', '53', '59', '- 6'], ['16', 'villarreal cf', '38', '34', '14', '6', '18', '29', '48', '- 19'], ['17', 'cd castellón', '38', '32', '9', '14', '15', '30', '48', '- 18'], ['18', 'real murcia', '38', '31', '10', '11', '17', '40', '64', '- 24'], ['19', 'real burgos 1', '38', '26', '10', '6', '22', '38', '68', '- 30'], ['20', 'cádiz cf', '38', '18', '4', '10', '24', '28', '67', '- 39']]
2008 - 09 portland trail blazers season
in games that steve blake provided the high assists , the portland trailblazers only won once , on april 21 .
{'scope': 'subset', 'row': '2', 'col': '4', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 'w', 'subset': {'col': '6', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 'steve blake'}}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'high assists', 'steve blake'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake .'}, 'score', 'w'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake . among these rows , select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to w .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake . among these rows , select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to w . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'high assists', 'steve blake'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake .'}, 'score', 'w'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake . among these rows , select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to w .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w }'}, 'date'], 'result': 'april 21', 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } ; date }'}, 'april 21'], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } ; date } ; april 21 }', 'tointer': 'the date record of this unqiue row is april 21 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } ; date } ; april 21 } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake . among these rows , select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to w . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is april 21 .'}
and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; steve blake } ; score ; w } ; date } ; april 21 } } = true
select the rows whose high assists record fuzzily matches to steve blake . among these rows , select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to w . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is april 21 .
{'and_5': 5, 'result_6': 6, 'only_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_7': 7, 'high assists_8': 8, 'steve blake_9': 9, 'score_10': 10, 'w_11': 11, 'str_eq_4': 4, 'str_hop_3': 3, 'date_12': 12, 'april 21_13': 13}
{'and_5': 'and', 'result_6': 'true', 'only_2': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_7': 'all_rows', 'high assists_8': 'high assists', 'steve blake_9': 'steve blake', 'score_10': 'score', 'w_11': 'w', 'str_eq_4': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_3': 'str_hop', 'date_12': 'date', 'april 21_13': 'april 21'}
{'and_5': [6], 'result_6': [], 'only_2': [5], 'filter_str_eq_1': [2, 3], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_7': [0], 'high assists_8': [0], 'steve blake_9': [0], 'score_10': [1], 'w_11': [1], 'str_eq_4': [5], 'str_hop_3': [4], 'date_12': [3], 'april 21_13': [4]}
['game', 'date', 'team', 'score', 'high points', 'high assists', 'location attendance', 'record']
[['1', 'april 18', 'houston', 'l 81 - 108 ( ot )', 'brandon roy ( 21 )', 'steve blake ( 6 )', 'rose garden 20329', '0 - 1'], ['2', 'april 21', 'houston', 'w 107 - 103 ( ot )', 'brandon roy ( 42 )', 'steve blake ( 5 )', 'rose garden 20408', '1 - 1'], ['3', 'april 24', 'houston', 'l 83 - 86 ( ot )', 'brandon roy ( 19 )', 'steve blake ( 10 )', 'toyota center 18371', '1 - 2'], ['4', 'april 26', 'houston', 'l 88 - 89 ( ot )', 'brandon roy ( 31 )', 'steve blake ( 8 )', 'toyota center 18271', '1 - 3'], ['5', 'april 28', 'houston', 'w 88 - 77 ( ot )', 'brandon roy , lamarcus aldridge ( 25 )', 'joel przybilla ( 4 )', 'rose garden 20462', '2 - 3'], ['6', 'april 30', 'houston', 'l 76 - 92 ( ot )', 'lamarcus aldridge ( 25 )', 'steve blake ( 5 )', 'toyota center', '2 - 4']]
suibin county has the 3rd largest population among districts and counties in hegang .
{'row': '9', 'col': '6', 'order': '3', 'col_other': '1', 'max_or_min': 'max_to_min', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'population', '3'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmax { all_rows ; population ; 3 }'}, 'english name'], 'result': 'suibin county', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; population ; 3 } ; english name }'}, 'suibin county'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; population ; 3 } ; english name } ; suibin county } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose population record of all rows is 3rd maximum . the english name record of this row is suibin county .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; population ; 3 } ; english name } ; suibin county } = true
select the row whose population record of all rows is 3rd maximum . the english name record of this row is suibin county .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'population_5': 5, '3_6': 6, 'english name_7': 7, 'suibin county_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmax_0': 'nth_argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'population_5': 'population', '3_6': '3', 'english name_7': 'english name', 'suibin county_8': 'suibin county'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'population_5': [0], '3_6': [0], 'english name_7': [1], 'suibin county_8': [2]}
['english name', 'simplified', 'traditional', 'pinyin', 'area', 'population', 'density']
[['english name', 'simplified', 'traditional', 'pinyin', 'area', 'population', 'density'], ['xingshan district', '兴山区', '興山區', 'xīngshān qū', '27', '44803', '1659'], ['xiangyang district', '向阳区', '向陽區', 'xiàngyáng qū', '9', '110916', '12324'], ['gongnong district', '工农区', '工農區', 'gōngnóng qū', '11', '140070', '12734'], ['nanshan district', '南山区', '南山區', 'nánshān qū', '30', '119047', '3968'], ["xing ' an district", '兴安区', '興安區', "xīng ' ān qū", '27', '74396', '2755'], ['dongshan district', '东山区', '東山區', 'dōngshān qū', '4575', '175239', '38'], ['luobei county', '萝北县', '蘿北縣', 'luóběi xiàn', '6761', '220131', '33'], ['suibin county', '绥滨县', '綏濱縣', 'suíbīn xiàn', '3344', '174063', '52']]
1964 world series
the highest attendance rate of the 1964 world series was on october 10th .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '5', 'row_superlative': '3', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '2', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'attendance'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; attendance }'}, 'date'], 'result': 'october 10', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date }'}, 'october 10'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date } ; october 10 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose attendance record of all rows is maximum . the date record of this row is october 10 .'}
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; date } ; october 10 } = true
select the row whose attendance record of all rows is maximum . the date record of this row is october 10 .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'attendance_5': 5, 'date_6': 6, 'october 10_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'attendance_5': 'attendance', 'date_6': 'date', 'october 10_7': 'october 10'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'attendance_5': [0], 'date_6': [1], 'october 10_7': [2]}
['game', 'date', 'location', 'time', 'attendance']
[['1', 'october 7', 'busch stadium ( i )', '2:42', '30805'], ['2', 'october 8', 'busch stadium ( i )', '2:29', '30805'], ['3', 'october 10', 'yankee stadium ( i )', '2:16', '67101'], ['4', 'october 11', 'yankee stadium ( i )', '2:18', '66312'], ['5', 'october 12', 'yankee stadium ( i )', '2:37', '65633'], ['6', 'october 14', 'busch stadium ( i )', '2:37', '30805'], ['7', 'october 15', 'busch stadium ( i )', '2:40', '30346']]
savannah braves
on average , the savannah braves finished around 4th place each year .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '3', 'type': 'average', 'result': '4th', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'finish'], 'result': '4th', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; finish }'}, '4th'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; finish } ; 4th } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the finish record of all rows is 4th .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; finish } ; 4th } = true
the average of the finish record of all rows is 4th .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'finish_4': 4, '4th_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'finish_4': 'finish', '4th_5': '4th'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'finish_4': [0], '4th_5': [1]}
['year', 'record', 'finish', 'manager', 'playoffs']
[['1971', '57 - 84', '5th', 'eddie haas', 'not eligible'], ['1972', '80 - 59', '2nd', 'clint courtney', 'not eligible'], ['1973', '71 - 68', '3rd', 'clint courtney ( 34 - 23 ) / tommie aaron ( 37 - 45 )', 'not eligible'], ['1974', '73 - 65', '4th', 'tommie aaron', 'not eligible'], ['1975', '70 - 64', '3rd ( t )', 'tommie aaron', 'not eligible'], ['1976', '69 - 71', '5th', 'tommie aaron', 'not eligible'], ['1977', '77 - 63', '3rd', 'gene hassell', 'lost in 1st round'], ['1978', '72 - 72', '4th', 'bobby dews', 'lost league finals'], ['1979', '60 - 83', '10th', 'eddie haas', 'not eligible'], ['1980', '77 - 67', '3rd', 'eddie haas', 'lost in 1st round'], ['1981', '70 - 70', '5th', 'andy gilbert', 'lost in 1st round'], ['1982', '69 - 75', '8th', 'andy gilbert', 'not eligible'], ['1983', '81 - 64', '3rd', 'bobby dews', 'lost in 1st round']]
1964 u.s. open ( golf )
billy casper had won a u.s. open ( golf ) championship earlier than arnold palmer .
{'row_1': '1', 'row_2': '2', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '1', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'player', 'billy casper'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to billy casper .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; billy casper }'}, 'year ( s ) won'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; billy casper } ; year ( s ) won }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to billy casper . take the year ( s ) won record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'player', 'arnold palmer'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to arnold palmer .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; arnold palmer }'}, 'year ( s ) won'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; arnold palmer } ; year ( s ) won }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to arnold palmer . take the year ( s ) won record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; billy casper } ; year ( s ) won } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; arnold palmer } ; year ( s ) won } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to billy casper . take the year ( s ) won record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to arnold palmer . take the year ( s ) won record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; billy casper } ; year ( s ) won } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; arnold palmer } ; year ( s ) won } } = true
select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to billy casper . take the year ( s ) won record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to arnold palmer . take the year ( s ) won record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'player_7': 7, 'billy casper_8': 8, 'year (s) won_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'player_11': 11, 'arnold palmer_12': 12, 'year (s) won_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'player_7': 'player', 'billy casper_8': 'billy casper', 'year (s) won_9': 'year ( s ) won', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'player_11': 'player', 'arnold palmer_12': 'arnold palmer', 'year (s) won_13': 'year ( s ) won'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'player_7': [0], 'billy casper_8': [0], 'year (s) won_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'player_11': [1], 'arnold palmer_12': [1], 'year (s) won_13': [3]}
['player', 'country', 'year ( s ) won', 'total', 'to par', 'finish']
[['billy casper', 'united states', '1959', '285', '+ 5', 't4'], ['arnold palmer', 'united states', '1960', '286', '+ 6', 't5'], ['gene littler', 'united states', '1961', '291', '+ 11', 't11'], ['ed furgol', 'united states', '1954', '292', '+ 12', 't14'], ['jack nicklaus', 'united states', '1962', '295', '+ 15', 't23']]
anwar robinson
three of anwar robinson 's songs were done with the contestant 's choice theme .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': "contestant 's choice", 'result': '3', 'col': '2', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'theme', "contestant 's choice"], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': "select the rows whose theme record fuzzily matches to contestant 's choice .", 'tostr': "filter_eq { all_rows ; theme ; contestant 's choice }"}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': "count { filter_eq { all_rows ; theme ; contestant 's choice } }", 'tointer': "select the rows whose theme record fuzzily matches to contestant 's choice . the number of such rows is 3 ."}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': "eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; theme ; contestant 's choice } } ; 3 } = true", 'tointer': "select the rows whose theme record fuzzily matches to contestant 's choice . the number of such rows is 3 ."}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; theme ; contestant 's choice } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose theme record fuzzily matches to contestant 's choice . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'theme_5': 5, "contestant's choice_6": 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'theme_5': 'theme', "contestant's choice_6": "contestant 's choice", '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'theme_5': [0], "contestant's choice_6": [0], '3_7': [2]}
['week', 'theme', 'song choice', 'original artist', 'result']
[['top 24 ( 12 men )', "contestant 's choice", 'moon river', 'andy williams', 'safe'], ['top 20 ( 10 men )', "contestant 's choice", "what 's going on", 'marvin gaye', 'safe'], ['top 16 ( 8 men )', "contestant 's choice", 'what a wonderful world', 'louis armstrong', 'safe'], ['top 12', '1960s', 'a house is not a home', 'dionne warwick', 'safe'], ['top 11', 'billboard number ones', "ai n't nobody", 'chaka khan', 'safe'], ['top 10', '1990s', 'i believe i can fly', 'r kelly', 'bottom 2'], ['top 9', 'classic broadway', 'if ever i would leave you', 'from camelot', 'safe'], ['top 8', 'songs from birth year', "i 'll never love this way again", 'dionne warwick', 'safe'], ['top 7', '1970s dance music', 'september', 'earth , wind & fire', 'eliminated']]
st. catharines black hawks
from the 1962-63 season to the 1974-75 season , the season in which the st. catharines black hawks tied the most games was 1968-1969 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '5', 'row_superlative': '7', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'tied'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; tied }'}, 'season'], 'result': '1968 - 69', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; tied } ; season }'}, '1968 - 69'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; tied } ; season } ; 1968 - 69 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose tied record of all rows is maximum . the season record of this row is 1968 - 69 .'}
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; tied } ; season } ; 1968 - 69 } = true
select the row whose tied record of all rows is maximum . the season record of this row is 1968 - 69 .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'tied_5': 5, 'season_6': 6, '1968 - 69_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'tied_5': 'tied', 'season_6': 'season', '1968 - 69_7': '1968 - 69'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'tied_5': [0], 'season_6': [1], '1968 - 69_7': [2]}
['season', 'games', 'won', 'lost', 'tied', 'points', 'pct %', 'goals for', 'goals against', 'standing']
[['1962 - 63', '50', '15', '24', '11', '41', '0.410', '172', '224', '5th oha'], ['1963 - 64', '56', '29', '20', '7', '65', '0.580', '244', '215', '3rd oha'], ['1964 - 65', '56', '19', '28', '9', '41', '0.420', '236', '253', '7th oha'], ['1965 - 66', '48', '15', '26', '7', '37', '0.385', '182', '231', '8th oha'], ['1966 - 67', '48', '19', '20', '9', '47', '0.490', '175', '155', '5th oha'], ['1967 - 68', '54', '21', '30', '3', '45', '0.417', '200', '211', '6th oha'], ['1968 - 69', '54', '31', '11', '12', '74', '0.685', '296', '206', '2nd oha'], ['1969 - 70', '54', '30', '18', '6', '66', '0.611', '268', '210', '3rd oha'], ['1970 - 71', '62', '40', '17', '5', '85', '0.685', '343', '236', '2nd oha'], ['1971 - 72', '63', '25', '31', '7', '57', '0.452', '258', '311', '7th oha'], ['1972 - 73', '63', '24', '28', '11', '59', '0.468', '280', '318', '5th oha'], ['1973 - 74', '70', '41', '23', '6', '88', '0.629', '358', '278', '2nd oha'], ['1974 - 75', '70', '30', '33', '7', '67', '0.479', '284', '300', '6th oha']]
primera división de fútbol profesional apertura 2004
the team scoring the second least goals during the 2004 primera división de fútbol profesional apertura was once municipal .
{'row': '9', 'col': '6', 'order': '2', 'col_other': '2', 'max_or_min': 'min_to_max', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'goals scored', '2'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmin { all_rows ; goals scored ; 2 }'}, 'team'], 'result': 'once municipal', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; goals scored ; 2 } ; team }'}, 'once municipal'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; goals scored ; 2 } ; team } ; once municipal } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose goals scored record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the team record of this row is once municipal .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; goals scored ; 2 } ; team } ; once municipal } = true
select the row whose goals scored record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the team record of this row is once municipal .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'goals scored_5': 5, '2_6': 6, 'team_7': 7, 'once municipal_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmin_0': 'nth_argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'goals scored_5': 'goals scored', '2_6': '2', 'team_7': 'team', 'once municipal_8': 'once municipal'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'goals scored_5': [0], '2_6': [0], 'team_7': [1], 'once municipal_8': [2]}
['place', 'team', 'played', 'draw', 'lost', 'goals scored', 'goals conceded', 'points']
[['1', 'cd fas', '18', '5', '4', '26', '19', '32'], ['2', 'san salvador fc', '18', '5', '4', '30', '33', '32'], ['3', 'cd atlético balboa', '18', '9', '2', '26', '13', '30'], ['4', 'cd luis ángel firpo', '18', '8', '3', '26', '13', '29'], ['5', 'ad isidro metapán', '18', '5', '5', '25', '24', '29'], ['6', 'cd águila', '18', '8', '5', '24', '20', '23'], ['7', 'alianza fc', '18', '3', '9', '19', '25', '21'], ['8', 'once lobos', '18', '7', '7', '22', '21', '19'], ['9', 'once municipal', '18', '4', '9', '15', '26', '19'], ['10', 'municipal limeño', '18', '6', '12', '12', '31', '6']]
1990 - 91 seattle supersonics season
game number 35 was the only game played at the great western forum .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '8', 'col': '8', 'col_other': '1', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': 'great western', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'location attendance', 'great western'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to great western .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to great western . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'location attendance', 'great western'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to great western .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western }'}, 'game'], 'result': '35', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } ; game }'}, '35'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } ; game } ; 35 }', 'tointer': 'the game record of this unqiue row is 35 .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } ; game } ; 35 } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to great western . there is only one such row in the table . the game record of this unqiue row is 35 .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; great western } ; game } ; 35 } } = true
select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to great western . there is only one such row in the table . the game record of this unqiue row is 35 .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'location attendance_7': 7, 'great western_8': 8, 'eq_3': 3, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'game_9': 9, '35_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'location attendance_7': 'location attendance', 'great western_8': 'great western', 'eq_3': 'eq', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'game_9': 'game', '35_10': '35'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'location attendance_7': [0], 'great western_8': [0], 'eq_3': [4], 'num_hop_2': [3], 'game_9': [2], '35_10': [3]}
['game', 'date', 'team', 'score', 'high points', 'high rebounds', 'high assists', 'location attendance', 'record']
[['28', 'january 3', 'philadelphia 76ers', 'w 127 - 99', 'd mckey ( 24 )', 'm cage ( 12 )', 'g payton ( 11 )', 'seattle center coliseum 13048', '13 - 15'], ['29', 'january 4', 'miami heat', 'w 112 - 86', 's threatt ( 30 )', 'm cage ( 13 )', 'g payton ( 12 )', 'seattle center coliseum 12074', '14 - 15'], ['30', 'january 6', 'portland trail blazers', 'l 111 - 114', 's kemp ( 25 )', 's kemp ( 9 )', 'g payton ( 7 )', 'memorial coliseum 12884', '14 - 16'], ['31', 'january 8', 'los angeles lakers', 'w 96 - 88', 'd mckey ( 29 )', 'o polynice ( 11 )', 'n mcmillan ( 10 )', 'seattle center coliseum 14441', '15 - 16'], ['32', 'january 10', 'golden state warriors', 'l 103 - 113', 'd mckey ( 19 )', 's kemp , o polynice ( 12 )', 'n mcmillan ( 7 )', 'seattle center coliseum 10813', '15 - 17'], ['33', 'january 12', 'sacramento kings', 'l 85 - 101', 'd mckey ( 20 )', 'o polynice ( 14 )', 'g payton ( 9 )', 'arco arena 17014', '15 - 18'], ['34', 'january 15', 'denver nuggets', 'w 146 - 99', 'd barros , d ellis ( 22 )', 's kemp ( 12 )', 'n mcmillan ( 9 )', 'seattle center coliseum 9618', '16 - 18'], ['35', 'january 18', 'los angeles lakers', 'l 96 - 105', 'd mckey ( 24 )', 's kemp ( 8 )', 'g payton ( 11 )', 'great western forum 17505', '16 - 19'], ['36', 'january 19', 'washington bullets', 'w 111 - 89', 'o polynice ( 27 )', 's kemp ( 13 )', 'n mcmillan ( 8 )', 'seattle center coliseum 13369', '17 - 19'], ['37', 'january 22', 'milwaukee bucks', 'w 132 - 101', 'e johnson ( 29 )', 'm cage ( 9 )', 'g payton ( 9 )', 'seattle center coliseum 9469', '18 - 19'], ['38', 'january 25', 'phoenix suns', 'l 113 - 128', 'e johnson ( 25 )', 's kemp ( 13 )', 'n mcmillan ( 7 )', 'arizona veterans memorial coliseum 14487', '18 - 20'], ['39', 'january 26', 'atlanta hawks', 'w 103 - 102', 'd mckey ( 23 )', 'd mckey ( 8 )', 'n mcmillan , g payton ( 9 )', 'seattle center coliseum 12792', '19 - 20'], ['40', 'january 28', 'san antonio spurs', 'l 107 - 119', 'e johnson ( 21 )', 'd mckey ( 14 )', 'g payton ( 11 )', 'hemisfair arena 15908', '19 - 21'], ['41', 'january 29', 'dallas mavericks', 'l 112 - 117', 'd mckey ( 24 )', 'o polynice ( 6 )', 'n mcmillan ( 8 )', 'reunion arena 15820', '19 - 22'], ['42', 'january 31', 'houston rockets', 'w 97 - 94', 's threatt ( 18 )', 's kemp ( 17 )', 'd mckey , d mckey ( 6 )', 'the summit 14659', '20 - 22']]
1979 vfl season
the average crowd attendance for games in the 1979 vfl season was 23516 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '6', 'type': 'average', 'result': '23516', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'crowd'], 'result': '23516', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; crowd }'}, '23516'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; crowd } ; 23516 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the crowd record of all rows is 23516 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; crowd } ; 23516 } = true
the average of the crowd record of all rows is 23516 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'crowd_4': 4, '23516_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'crowd_4': 'crowd', '23516_5': '23516'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'crowd_4': [0], '23516_5': [1]}
['home team', 'home team score', 'away team', 'away team score', 'venue', 'crowd', 'date']
[['north melbourne', '19.24 ( 138 )', 'south melbourne', '12.16 ( 88 )', 'arden street oval', '16015', '5 may 1979'], ['essendon', '10.16 ( 76 )', 'fitzroy', '25.22 ( 172 )', 'windy hill', '19741', '5 may 1979'], ['carlton', '15.20 ( 110 )', 'melbourne', '13.18 ( 96 )', 'princes park', '24248', '5 may 1979'], ['richmond', '11.16 ( 82 )', 'hawthorn', '24.17 ( 161 )', 'mcg', '31448', '5 may 1979'], ['st kilda', '17.10 ( 112 )', 'geelong', '22.10 ( 142 )', 'moorabbin oval', '15481', '5 may 1979'], ['collingwood', '20.17 ( 137 )', 'footscray', '12.17 ( 89 )', 'vfl park', '34163', '5 may 1979']]
weightlifting at the 1999 pan american games
walter llerena lifted more weight than guy hamilton lifted .
{'row_1': '2', 'row_2': '6', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '1', 'relation': 'greater', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'greater', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'name', 'walter llerena ( ecu )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to walter llerena ( ecu ) .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; walter llerena ( ecu ) }'}, 'total ( kg )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; walter llerena ( ecu ) } ; total ( kg ) }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to walter llerena ( ecu ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'name', 'guy hamilton ( can )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to guy hamilton ( can ) .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; guy hamilton ( can ) }'}, 'total ( kg )'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; guy hamilton ( can ) } ; total ( kg ) }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to guy hamilton ( can ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; walter llerena ( ecu ) } ; total ( kg ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; guy hamilton ( can ) } ; total ( kg ) } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to walter llerena ( ecu ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row . select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to guy hamilton ( can ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .'}
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; walter llerena ( ecu ) } ; total ( kg ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; guy hamilton ( can ) } ; total ( kg ) } } = true
select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to walter llerena ( ecu ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row . select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to guy hamilton ( can ) . take the total ( kg ) record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
{'greater_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'name_7': 7, 'walter llerena ( ecu )_8': 8, 'total (kg)_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'name_11': 11, 'guy hamilton ( can )_12': 12, 'total (kg)_13': 13}
{'greater_4': 'greater', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'name_7': 'name', 'walter llerena ( ecu )_8': 'walter llerena ( ecu )', 'total (kg)_9': 'total ( kg )', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'name_11': 'name', 'guy hamilton ( can )_12': 'guy hamilton ( can )', 'total (kg)_13': 'total ( kg )'}
{'greater_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'name_7': [0], 'walter llerena ( ecu )_8': [0], 'total (kg)_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'name_11': [1], 'guy hamilton ( can )_12': [1], 'total (kg)_13': [3]}
['name', 'bodyweight', 'snatch', 'clean & jerk', 'total ( kg )']
[['idalberto aranda ( cub )', '76.55', '150.0', '205.5 wr', '355.0'], ['walter llerena ( ecu )', '76.78', '150.0', '182.5', '332.5'], ['oscar chaplin iii ( usa )', '76.95', '150.0', '182.5', '332.5'], ['carlos sauri ( pur )', '76.91', '140.0', '165.0', '305.0'], ['marcelo gandolfo ( arg )', '76.25', '130.0', '170.0', '300.0'], ['guy hamilton ( can )', '76.86', '132.5', '167.5', '300.0'], ['edward silva ( uru )', '76.22', '122.5', '145.0', '267.5'], ['luis urriche ( chi )', '76.18', '127.5', '152.5', '']]
nassim akrour
nassim akrour played at the african cup of nations before playing at the fifa world cup qualification .
{'row_1': '2', 'row_2': '6', 'col': '1', 'col_other': '5', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'competition', '2002 african cup of nations'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2002 african cup of nations .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2002 african cup of nations }'}, 'date'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2002 african cup of nations } ; date }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2002 african cup of nations . take the date record of this row .'}, {'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'competition', '2006 fifa world cup qualification'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2006 fifa world cup qualification .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2006 fifa world cup qualification }'}, 'date'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2006 fifa world cup qualification } ; date }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2006 fifa world cup qualification . take the date record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2002 african cup of nations } ; date } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2006 fifa world cup qualification } ; date } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2002 african cup of nations . take the date record of this row . select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2006 fifa world cup qualification . take the date record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2002 african cup of nations } ; date } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2006 fifa world cup qualification } ; date } } = true
select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2002 african cup of nations . take the date record of this row . select the rows whose competition record fuzzily matches to 2006 fifa world cup qualification . take the date record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'competition_7': 7, '2002 african cup of nations_8': 8, 'date_9': 9, 'str_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'competition_11': 11, '2006 fifa world cup qualification_12': 12, 'date_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'competition_7': 'competition', '2002 african cup of nations_8': '2002 african cup of nations', 'date_9': 'date', 'str_hop_3': 'str_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'competition_11': 'competition', '2006 fifa world cup qualification_12': '2006 fifa world cup qualification', 'date_13': 'date'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'str_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'competition_7': [0], '2002 african cup of nations_8': [0], 'date_9': [2], 'str_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'competition_11': [1], '2006 fifa world cup qualification_12': [1], 'date_13': [3]}
['date', 'venue', 'score', 'result', 'competition']
[['january 14 , 2002', 'stade 5 juillet 1962 , algiers , algeria', '3 - 0', '4 - 0', 'friendly match'], ['january 25 , 2002', 'stade 26 mars , bamako , mali', '1 - 1', '2 - 2', '2002 african cup of nations'], ['october 11 , 2002', 'stade 19 mai 1956 , annaba , algeria', '1 - 0', '4 - 1', '2004 african cup of nations ( qualification )'], ['october 11 , 2002', 'stade 19 mai 1956 , annaba , algeria', '4 - 1', '4 - 1', '2004 african cup of nations ( qualification )'], ['march 29 , 2003', 'estádio da cidadela , luanda , angola', '1 - 1', '1 - 1', 'friendly match'], ['november 14 , 2003', 'stade 5 juillet 1962 , algiers , algeria', '6 - 0', '6 - 0', '2006 fifa world cup qualification']]
kelly dullanty
kelly dullanty won most of his matches in california , united states .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '7', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'california , united states', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'location', 'california , united states'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the location records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to california , united states .', 'tostr': 'most_eq { all_rows ; location ; california , united states } = true'}
most_eq { all_rows ; location ; california , united states } = true
for the location records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to california , united states .
{'most_str_eq_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'location_3': 3, 'california , united states_4': 4}
{'most_str_eq_0': 'most_str_eq', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'location_3': 'location', 'california , united states_4': 'california , united states'}
{'most_str_eq_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'location_3': [0], 'california , united states_4': [0]}
['res', 'record', 'opponent', 'method', 'event', 'round', 'location']
[['loss', '4 - 2', 'lance wipf', 'ko ( punch )', 'purecombat - bring the pain', '1', 'california , united states'], ['loss', '4 - 1', 'matt serra', 'submission ( triangle choke )', 'ufc 36', '1', 'nevada , united states'], ['win', '4 - 0', 'nuri shakir', 'decision', 'ifc wc 13 - warriors challenge 13', '4', 'california , united states'], ['win', '3 - 0', 'rudy vallederas', 'tko', 'ifc wc 13 - warriors challenge 13', 'n / a', 'california , united states'], ['win', '2 - 0', 'duane ludwig', 'decision', 'kotc 6 - road warriors', '3', 'michigan , united states'], ['win', '1 - 0', 'shad smith', 'tko ( strikes )', 'kotc 3 - knockout nightmare', '1', 'california , united states']]
2007 latvian first league
the majority of clubs won more than 10 games in the 2007 latvian first league .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '4', 'most_or_all': 'most', 'criterion': 'greater_than', 'value': '10', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'most_greater', 'args': ['all_rows', 'wins', '10'], 'result': True, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'for the wins records of all rows , most of them are greater than 10 .', 'tostr': 'most_greater { all_rows ; wins ; 10 } = true'}
most_greater { all_rows ; wins ; 10 } = true
for the wins records of all rows , most of them are greater than 10 .
{'most_greater_0': 0, 'result_1': 1, 'all_rows_2': 2, 'wins_3': 3, '10_4': 4}
{'most_greater_0': 'most_greater', 'result_1': 'true', 'all_rows_2': 'all_rows', 'wins_3': 'wins', '10_4': '10'}
{'most_greater_0': [1], 'result_1': [], 'all_rows_2': [0], 'wins_3': [0], '10_4': [0]}
['position', 'club', 'played', 'wins', 'draws', 'losses', 'goals for', 'goals against', 'points', 'goal difference']
[['1', 'fk vindava ventspils', '30', '26', '2', '2', '116', '11', '80', '+ 105'], ['2', 'sk blāzma rēzekne', '30', '25', '4', '1', '101', '11', '79', '+ 90'], ['3', 'fk auda rīga', '30', '20', '5', '5', '104', '31', '65', '+ 73'], ['4', 'fk metta / lu rīga', '30', '18', '7', '5', '67', '23', '61', '+ 44'], ['5', 'fk jelgava', '30', '16', '6', '8', '70', '43', '54', '+ 27'], ['6', 'fk jaunība - parex rīga', '30', '16', '3', '11', '71', '51', '51', '+ 20'], ['7', 'fk kauguri - pblc jūrmala', '30', '14', '4', '12', '67', '55', '46', '+ 12'], ['8', 'rfs / flaminko rīga', '30', '14', '2', '14', '60', '62', '44', '- 2'], ['9', 'fk zibens / zemessardze ilūkste', '30', '13', '3', '14', '79', '68', '42', '+ 11'], ['10', 'valmieras fk', '30', '12', '4', '14', '63', '59', '40', '+ 4'], ['11', 'fsk daugava - 90 rīga', '30', '11', '6', '13', '51', '63', '39', '- 12'], ['12', 'fk tukums - 2000 / tss', '30', '11', '3', '16', '61', '75', '36', '- 14'], ['13', 'fk multibanka rīga', '30', '6', '1', '23', '45', '96', '19', '- 51'], ['14', 'fk tranzīts ventspils', '30', '4', '4', '22', '29', '103', '17', '- 74'], ['15', 'fk abuls smiltene', '30', '3', '2', '25', '22', '163', '11', '- 141'], ['16', 'fk ilūkste / bjss', '30', '2', '2', '26', '8', '93', '8', '- 85']]
united states house of representatives elections , 1950
dixie gilmer is the only incumbent who lost re - election republican gain .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '5', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'lost re - election republican gain', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 'lost re - election republican gain'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to lost re - election republican gain .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to lost re - election republican gain . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 'lost re - election republican gain'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to lost re - election republican gain .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain }'}, 'incumbent'], 'result': 'dixie gilmer', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } ; incumbent }'}, 'dixie gilmer'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } ; incumbent } ; dixie gilmer }', 'tointer': 'the incumbent record of this unqiue row is dixie gilmer .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } ; incumbent } ; dixie gilmer } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to lost re - election republican gain . there is only one such row in the table . the incumbent record of this unqiue row is dixie gilmer .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; lost re - election republican gain } ; incumbent } ; dixie gilmer } } = true
select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to lost re - election republican gain . there is only one such row in the table . the incumbent record of this unqiue row is dixie gilmer .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'result_7': 7, 'lost re - election republican gain_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'incumbent_9': 9, 'dixie gilmer_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'result_7': 'result', 'lost re - election republican gain_8': 'lost re - election republican gain', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'incumbent_9': 'incumbent', 'dixie gilmer_10': 'dixie gilmer'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'result_7': [0], 'lost re - election republican gain_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'incumbent_9': [2], 'dixie gilmer_10': [3]}
['district', 'incumbent', 'party', 'first elected', 'result', 'candidates']
[['oklahoma 1', 'dixie gilmer', 'democratic', '1948', 'lost re - election republican gain', 'george b schwabe ( r ) 52.9 % dixie gilmer ( d ) 47.1 %'], ['oklahoma 2', 'william g stigler', 'democratic', '1944', 're - elected', 'william g stigler ( d ) 66.2 % cleo crain ( r ) 33.8 %'], ['oklahoma 3', 'carl albert', 'democratic', '1946', 're - elected', 'carl albert ( d ) 82.8 % charles powell ( r ) 17.2 %'], ['oklahoma 4', 'tom steed', 'democratic', '1948', 're - elected', 'tom steed ( d ) 68.1 % glenn o young ( r ) 31.9 %'], ['oklahoma 5', 'a s mike monroney', 'democratic', '1938', 'retired to run for u s senate democratic hold', 'john jarman ( d ) 58.8 % c e barnes ( r ) 41.2 %'], ['oklahoma 6', 'toby morris', 'democratic', '1946', 're - elected', 'toby morris ( d ) 67.1 % george campbell ( r ) 32.9 %']]
1984 - 85 fa cup
th game between sheffield wednesday and oldham athletic was the only one where a single team scored more than 5 points .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '7', 'col': '3', 'col_other': '2,4', 'criterion': 'fuzzily_match', 'value': '5', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'score', '5'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'score', '5'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 }'}, 'home team'], 'result': 'sheffield wednesday', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; home team }'}, 'sheffield wednesday'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; home team } ; sheffield wednesday }', 'tointer': 'the home team record of this unqiue row is sheffield wednesday .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'score', '5'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 }'}, 'away team'], 'result': 'oldham athletic', 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; away team }'}, 'oldham athletic'], 'result': True, 'ind': 5, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; away team } ; oldham athletic }', 'tointer': 'the away team record of this unqiue row is oldham athletic .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 6, 'tostr': 'and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; home team } ; sheffield wednesday } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; away team } ; oldham athletic } }', 'tointer': 'the home team record of this unqiue row is sheffield wednesday . the away team record of this unqiue row is oldham athletic .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 7, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; home team } ; sheffield wednesday } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; away team } ; oldham athletic } } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 . there is only one such row in the table . the home team record of this unqiue row is sheffield wednesday . the away team record of this unqiue row is oldham athletic .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; home team } ; sheffield wednesday } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 5 } ; away team } ; oldham athletic } } } = true
select the rows whose score record fuzzily matches to 5 . there is only one such row in the table . the home team record of this unqiue row is sheffield wednesday . the away team record of this unqiue row is oldham athletic .
{'and_7': 7, 'result_8': 8, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_9': 9, 'score_10': 10, '5_11': 11, 'and_6': 6, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'home team_12': 12, 'sheffield wednesday_13': 13, 'str_eq_5': 5, 'str_hop_4': 4, 'away team_14': 14, 'oldham athletic_15': 15}
{'and_7': 'and', 'result_8': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_9': 'all_rows', 'score_10': 'score', '5_11': '5', 'and_6': 'and', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'home team_12': 'home team', 'sheffield wednesday_13': 'sheffield wednesday', 'str_eq_5': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_4': 'str_hop', 'away team_14': 'away team', 'oldham athletic_15': 'oldham athletic'}
{'and_7': [8], 'result_8': [], 'only_1': [7], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2, 4], 'all_rows_9': [0], 'score_10': [0], '5_11': [0], 'and_6': [7], 'str_eq_3': [6], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'home team_12': [2], 'sheffield wednesday_13': [3], 'str_eq_5': [6], 'str_hop_4': [5], 'away team_14': [4], 'oldham athletic_15': [5]}
['tie no', 'home team', 'score', 'away team', 'date']
[['1', 'darlington', '1 - 1', 'telford united', '29 january 1985'], ['replay', 'telford united', '3 - 0', 'darlington', '4 february 1985'], ['2', 'liverpool', '1 - 0', 'tottenham hotspur', '27 january 1985'], ['3', 'leicester city', '1 - 0', 'carlisle united', '26 january 1985'], ['4', 'nottingham forest', '0 - 0', 'wimbledon', '26 january 1985'], ['replay', 'wimbledon', '1 - 0', 'nottingham forest', '30 january 1985'], ['5', 'sheffield wednesday', '5 - 1', 'oldham athletic', '26 january 1985'], ['6', 'grimsby town', '1 - 3', 'watford', '26 january 1985'], ['7', 'luton town', '2 - 0', 'huddersfield town', '26 january 1985'], ['8', 'everton', '2 - 0', 'doncaster rovers', '26 january 1985'], ['9', 'ipswich town', '3 - 2', 'gillingham', '26 january 1985'], ['10', 'barnsley', '2 - 1', 'brighton & hove albion', '26 january 1985'], ['11', 'west ham united', '2 - 1', 'norwich city', '4 february 1985'], ['12', 'manchester united', '2 - 1', 'coventry city', '26 january 1985'], ['13', 'chelsea', '2 - 3', 'millwall', '4 february 1985'], ['14', 'york city', '1 - 0', 'arsenal', '26 january 1985'], ['15', 'oxford united', '0 - 1', 'blackburn rovers', '30 january 1985'], ['16', 'orient', '0 - 2', 'southampton', '26 january 1985']]
2004 grand prix of road america
a total of four drivers retired on the 46th lap of the 2004 grand prix .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': '46', 'result': '4', 'col': '3', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'laps', '46'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose laps record is equal to 46 .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; laps ; 46 }'}], 'result': '4', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_eq { all_rows ; laps ; 46 } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose laps record is equal to 46 . the number of such rows is 4 .'}, '4'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; laps ; 46 } } ; 4 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose laps record is equal to 46 . the number of such rows is 4 .'}
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; laps ; 46 } } ; 4 } = true
select the rows whose laps record is equal to 46 . the number of such rows is 4 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'laps_5': 5, '46_6': 6, '4_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_eq_0': 'filter_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'laps_5': 'laps', '46_6': '46', '4_7': '4'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'laps_5': [0], '46_6': [0], '4_7': [2]}
['driver', 'team', 'laps', 'time / retired', 'grid', 'points']
[['alex tagliani', 'rocketsports racing', '48', '1:45:07.288', '13', '33'], ['rodolfo lavín', 'forsythe racing', '48', '+ 1.855 secs', '10', '28'], ['sébastien bourdais', 'newman / haas racing', '48', '+ 2.767 secs', '1', '27'], ['ryan hunter - reay', 'herdez competition', '48', '+ 3.814 secs', '2', '24'], ['mario domínguez', 'herdez competition', '48', '+ 4.398 secs', '15', '21'], ['oriol servià', 'dale coyne racing', '48', '+ 6.390 secs', '8', '19'], ['justin wilson', 'mi - jack conquest racing', '48', '+ 8.500 secs', '9', '17'], ['jimmy vasser', 'pkv racing', '48', '+ 8.546 secs', '3', '15'], ['michel jourdain , jr', 'rusport', '48', '+ 9.056 secs', '11', '13'], ['guy smith', 'rocketsports racing', '48', '+ 9.997 secs', '16', '11'], ['mario haberfeld', 'walker racing', '48', '+ 16.725 secs', '12', '10'], ['paul tracy', 'forsythe racing', '48', '+ 26.616 secs', '6', '10'], ['a j allmendinger', 'rusport', '47', '+ 1 lap', '7', '8'], ['patrick carpentier', 'forsythe racing', '46', '+ 2 laps', '5', '7'], ['bruno junqueira', 'newman / haas racing', '46', '+ 2 laps', '4', '7'], ['roberto gonzález', 'pkv racing', '46', '+ 2 laps', '14', '5'], ['alex sperafico', 'mi - jack conquest racing', '46', '+ 2 laps', '17', '4'], ['gastón mazzacane', 'dale coyne racing', '29', 'off course', '18', '3']]
2010 - 11 prva hnl
ivan pudar was the third manager to be appointed as a replacement in the 2010 - 11 prva hnl season .
{'row': '5', 'col': '6', 'order': '3', 'col_other': '5', 'max_or_min': 'min_to_max', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'scope': 'all', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'nth_argmin', 'args': ['all_rows', 'date of appointment', '3'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'nth_argmin { all_rows ; date of appointment ; 3 }'}, 'replaced by'], 'result': 'ivan pudar', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; date of appointment ; 3 } ; replaced by }'}, 'ivan pudar'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; date of appointment ; 3 } ; replaced by } ; ivan pudar } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose date of appointment record of all rows is 3rd minimum . the replaced by record of this row is ivan pudar .'}
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; date of appointment ; 3 } ; replaced by } ; ivan pudar } = true
select the row whose date of appointment record of all rows is 3rd minimum . the replaced by record of this row is ivan pudar .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'nth_argmin_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'date of appointment_5': 5, '3_6': 6, 'replaced by_7': 7, 'ivan pudar_8': 8}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'nth_argmin_0': 'nth_argmin', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'date of appointment_5': 'date of appointment', '3_6': '3', 'replaced by_7': 'replaced by', 'ivan pudar_8': 'ivan pudar'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'nth_argmin_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'date of appointment_5': [0], '3_6': [0], 'replaced by_7': [1], 'ivan pudar_8': [2]}
['team', 'outgoing manager', 'manner of departure', 'date of vacancy', 'replaced by', 'date of appointment', 'position in table']
[['rnk split', 'tonći bašić', 'removed from position', '2 2010', 'ivan katalinić', '2 2010', 'pre - season'], ['slaven belupo', 'zlatko dalić', 'mutual consent', '2 2010', 'mile petković', '7 2010', 'pre - season'], ['istra 1961', 'ante miše', 'sacked', '3 2010', 'robert jarni', '4 2010', '16th'], ['lokomotiva', 'roy ferenčina', 'mutual consent', '2 2010', 'ljupko petrović', '2 2010', '12th'], ['hrvatski dragovoljac', 'damir biškup', 'removed from position', '3 2010', 'ivan pudar', '3 2010', '15th'], ['rijeka', 'nenad gračan', 'mutual consent', '6 2010', 'elvis scoria', '8 2010', '6th'], ['hrvatski dragovoljac', 'ivan pudar', 'mutual consent', '7 2010', 'davor mladina', '7 2010', '16th']]
history of george mason basketball
rick barnes had the highest win percentage of coaches in george mason basketball .
{'scope': 'all', 'col_superlative': '4', 'row_superlative': '5', 'value_mentioned': 'no', 'max_or_min': 'max', 'other_col': '1', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'argmax', 'args': ['all_rows', 'win %'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'argmax { all_rows ; win % }'}, 'coach'], 'result': 'rick barnes', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'hop { argmax { all_rows ; win % } ; coach }'}, 'rick barnes'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; win % } ; coach } ; rick barnes } = true', 'tointer': 'select the row whose win % record of all rows is maximum . the coach record of this row is rick barnes .'}
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; win % } ; coach } ; rick barnes } = true
select the row whose win % record of all rows is maximum . the coach record of this row is rick barnes .
{'str_eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'str_hop_1': 1, 'argmax_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'win %_5': 5, 'coach_6': 6, 'rick barnes_7': 7}
{'str_eq_2': 'str_eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'str_hop_1': 'str_hop', 'argmax_0': 'argmax', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'win %_5': 'win %', 'coach_6': 'coach', 'rick barnes_7': 'rick barnes'}
{'str_eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'str_hop_1': [2], 'argmax_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'win %_5': [0], 'coach_6': [1], 'rick barnes_7': [2]}
['coach', 'years', 'win - loss', 'win %', 'conference titles']
[['arnold siegfried', '1966 - 1967', '6 - 12', '333', '0'], ['raymond spuhler', '1967 - 1970', '11 - 60', '155', '0'], ['john linn', '1970 - 1980', '130 - 147', '469', '0'], ['joe harrington', '1980 - 1987', '112 - 85', '569', '0'], ['rick barnes', '1987 - 1988', '20 - 10', '667', '0'], ['ernie nestor', '1988 - 1993', '68 - 81', '456', '1'], ['paul westhead', '1993 - 1997', '38 - 70', '352', '0'], ['jim larranaga', '1997 - 2011', '207 - 131', '612', '3'], ['paul hewitt', '2011 - present', '0 - 0', 'n / a', 'n / a']]
suwon samsung bluewings
rapido was the kit supplier for the samsung bluewings before adidas was .
{'row_1': '1', 'row_2': '7', 'col': '1', 'col_other': '2', 'relation': 'less', 'record_mentioned': 'no', 'diff_result': None}
{'func': 'less', 'args': [{'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'kit supplier', 'rapido'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to rapido .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; rapido }'}, 'year'], 'result': None, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; rapido } ; year }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to rapido . take the year record of this row .'}, {'func': 'num_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'kit supplier', 'adidas'], 'result': None, 'ind': 1, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to adidas .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; adidas }'}, 'year'], 'result': None, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; adidas } ; year }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to adidas . take the year record of this row .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; rapido } ; year } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; adidas } ; year } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to rapido . take the year record of this row . select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to adidas . take the year record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .'}
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; rapido } ; year } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; kit supplier ; adidas } ; year } } = true
select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to rapido . take the year record of this row . select the rows whose kit supplier record fuzzily matches to adidas . take the year record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
{'less_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'num_hop_2': 2, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'kit supplier_7': 7, 'rapido_8': 8, 'year_9': 9, 'num_hop_3': 3, 'filter_str_eq_1': 1, 'all_rows_10': 10, 'kit supplier_11': 11, 'adidas_12': 12, 'year_13': 13}
{'less_4': 'less', 'result_5': 'true', 'num_hop_2': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'kit supplier_7': 'kit supplier', 'rapido_8': 'rapido', 'year_9': 'year', 'num_hop_3': 'num_hop', 'filter_str_eq_1': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_10': 'all_rows', 'kit supplier_11': 'kit supplier', 'adidas_12': 'adidas', 'year_13': 'year'}
{'less_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'num_hop_2': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'kit supplier_7': [0], 'rapido_8': [0], 'year_9': [2], 'num_hop_3': [4], 'filter_str_eq_1': [3], 'all_rows_10': [1], 'kit supplier_11': [1], 'adidas_12': [1], 'year_13': [3]}
['year', 'kit supplier', 'sponsor', 'shirt printing', 'notes']
[['1996', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', 'bluewings', 'team name'], ['1997', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', '名品 + 1', 'television brand'], ['1998', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', '名品 + 1', 'television brand'], ['1999', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', 'anycall', 'mobile phone brand'], ['2000', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', 'anycall', 'mobile phone brand'], ['2001', 'rapido', 'samsung electronics', 'sensq bluewin', 'laptop brand air conditioner brand'], ['2002', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'hauzen', 'electronics brand'], ['2003', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'hauzen', 'electronics brand'], ['2004', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'pavv', 'television brand'], ['2005', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'pavv', 'television brand'], ['2006', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'pavv', 'television brand'], ['2007', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'pavv', 'television brand'], ['2008', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'pavv', 'television brand'], ['2009', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'samsung pavv', 'television brand'], ['2010', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'samsung pavv', 'television brand'], ['2011', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'samsung smart tv', 'television brand'], ['2012', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'samsung smart tv', 'television brand'], ['2013', 'adidas', 'samsung electronics', 'samsung smart tv', 'television brand']]
curling at the 2006 winter olympics
three teams had a shot percentage over 80 % .
{'scope': 'all', 'criterion': 'greater_than_eq', 'value': '80 %', 'result': '3', 'col': '11', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'eq', 'args': [{'func': 'count', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_greater_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'shot pct', '80 %'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose shot pct record is greater than or equal to 80 % .', 'tostr': 'filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; shot pct ; 80 % }'}], 'result': '3', 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'count { filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; shot pct ; 80 % } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose shot pct record is greater than or equal to 80 % . the number of such rows is 3 .'}, '3'], 'result': True, 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'eq { count { filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; shot pct ; 80 % } } ; 3 } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose shot pct record is greater than or equal to 80 % . the number of such rows is 3 .'}
eq { count { filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; shot pct ; 80 % } } ; 3 } = true
select the rows whose shot pct record is greater than or equal to 80 % . the number of such rows is 3 .
{'eq_2': 2, 'result_3': 3, 'count_1': 1, 'filter_greater_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_4': 4, 'shot pct_5': 5, '80%_6': 6, '3_7': 7}
{'eq_2': 'eq', 'result_3': 'true', 'count_1': 'count', 'filter_greater_eq_0': 'filter_greater_eq', 'all_rows_4': 'all_rows', 'shot pct_5': 'shot pct', '80%_6': '80 %', '3_7': '3'}
{'eq_2': [3], 'result_3': [], 'count_1': [2], 'filter_greater_eq_0': [1], 'all_rows_4': [0], 'shot pct_5': [0], '80%_6': [0], '3_7': [2]}
['locale', 'skip', 'w', 'l', 'pf', 'pa', 'ends won', 'ends lost', 'blank ends', 'stolen ends', 'shot pct']
[['finland', 'markku uusipaavalniemi', '7', '2', '53', '40', '32', '31', '23', '9', '78 %'], ['canada', 'brad gushue', '6', '3', '66', '46', '47', '31', '9', '23', '80 %'], ['united states', 'pete fenson', '6', '3', '66', '47', '36', '33', '16', '13', '80 %'], ['great britain', 'david murdoch', '6', '3', '59', '49', '36', '31', '17', '12', '81 %'], ['norway', 'pål trulsen', '5', '4', '57', '47', '33', '32', '17', '9', '78 %'], ['switzerland', 'ralph stöckli', '5', '4', '56', '45', '31', '34', '18', '10', '76 %'], ['italy', 'joël retornaz', '4', '5', '47', '66', '37', '38', '10', '7', '70 %'], ['germany', 'andy kapp', '3', '6', '53', '55', '34', '34', '17', '12', '77 %'], ['sweden', 'peja lindholm', '3', '6', '45', '68', '31', '40', '12', '4', '78 %']]
list of macedonian submissions for the academy award for best foreign language film
before the rain was the only macedonian academy award submission that was nominated for best foreign language film .
{'scope': 'all', 'row': '1', 'col': '6', 'col_other': '2', 'criterion': 'equal', 'value': 'nominee', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'and', 'args': [{'func': 'only', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 'nominee'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to nominee .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee }'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } }', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to nominee . there is only one such row in the table .'}, {'func': 'str_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'str_hop', 'args': [{'func': 'filter_str_eq', 'args': ['all_rows', 'result', 'nominee'], 'result': None, 'ind': 0, 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to nominee .', 'tostr': 'filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee }'}, 'film title used in nomination'], 'result': 'before the rain', 'ind': 2, 'tostr': 'hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } ; film title used in nomination }'}, 'before the rain'], 'result': True, 'ind': 3, 'tostr': 'eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } ; film title used in nomination } ; before the rain }', 'tointer': 'the film title used in nomination record of this unqiue row is before the rain .'}], 'result': True, 'ind': 4, 'tostr': 'and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } ; film title used in nomination } ; before the rain } } = true', 'tointer': 'select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to nominee . there is only one such row in the table . the film title used in nomination record of this unqiue row is before the rain .'}
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; nominee } ; film title used in nomination } ; before the rain } } = true
select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to nominee . there is only one such row in the table . the film title used in nomination record of this unqiue row is before the rain .
{'and_4': 4, 'result_5': 5, 'only_1': 1, 'filter_str_eq_0': 0, 'all_rows_6': 6, 'result_7': 7, 'nominee_8': 8, 'str_eq_3': 3, 'str_hop_2': 2, 'film title used in nomination_9': 9, 'before the rain_10': 10}
{'and_4': 'and', 'result_5': 'true', 'only_1': 'only', 'filter_str_eq_0': 'filter_str_eq', 'all_rows_6': 'all_rows', 'result_7': 'result', 'nominee_8': 'nominee', 'str_eq_3': 'str_eq', 'str_hop_2': 'str_hop', 'film title used in nomination_9': 'film title used in nomination', 'before the rain_10': 'before the rain'}
{'and_4': [5], 'result_5': [], 'only_1': [4], 'filter_str_eq_0': [1, 2], 'all_rows_6': [0], 'result_7': [0], 'nominee_8': [0], 'str_eq_3': [4], 'str_hop_2': [3], 'film title used in nomination_9': [2], 'before the rain_10': [3]}
['year ( ceremony )', 'film title used in nomination', 'original title', 'language ( s )', 'director ( s )', 'result']
[['1994 ( 67th )', 'before the rain', 'пред дождот', 'macedonian , albanian , english', 'milčo mančevski', 'nominee'], ['1997 ( 70th )', 'gypsy magic', 'џипси меџик', 'macedonian , romany', 'stole popov', 'not nominated'], ['2004 ( 77th )', 'the great water', 'γолемата вода', 'macedonian', 'ivo trajkov', 'not nominated'], ['2006 ( 79th )', 'kontakt', 'контакт', 'macedonian , german', 'sergej stanojkovski', 'not nominated'], ['2007 ( 80th )', 'shadows', 'сенки', 'macedonian', 'milčo mančevski', 'not nominated'], ['2009 ( 82nd )', 'wingless', 'ocas ještěrky', 'czech', 'ivo trajkov', 'not nominated'], ['2010 ( 83rd )', 'mothers', 'мајки', 'macedonian', 'milčo mančevski', 'not nominated'], ['2011 ( 84th )', "punk 's not dead", 'панкот не е мртов', 'macedonian', 'vladimir blazevski', 'not nominated']]
list of tallest buildings in montreal
the average number of floors of the tallest buildings in montreal is 35 .
{'scope': 'all', 'col': '6', 'type': 'average', 'result': '35', 'subset': None}
{'func': 'round_eq', 'args': [{'func': 'avg', 'args': ['all_rows', 'floors'], 'result': '35', 'ind': 0, 'tostr': 'avg { all_rows ; floors }'}, '35'], 'result': True, 'ind': 1, 'tostr': 'round_eq { avg { all_rows ; floors } ; 35 } = true', 'tointer': 'the average of the floors record of all rows is 35 .'}
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; floors } ; 35 } = true
the average of the floors record of all rows is 35 .
{'eq_1': 1, 'result_2': 2, 'avg_0': 0, 'all_rows_3': 3, 'floors_4': 4, '35_5': 5}
{'eq_1': 'eq', 'result_2': 'true', 'avg_0': 'avg', 'all_rows_3': 'all_rows', 'floors_4': 'floors', '35_5': '35'}
{'eq_1': [2], 'result_2': [], 'avg_0': [1], 'all_rows_3': [0], 'floors_4': [0], '35_5': [1]}
['name', 'street address', 'years as tallest', 'of years as tallest', 'height m / ft', 'floors']
[['notre dame basilica', '110 notre - dame street west', '1829 - 1928', '99 years', '69 / 226', '7'], ['royal bank building', '360 saint jacques street west', '1928 - 1931', '3 years', '121 / 397', '22'], ['sun life building', '1155 metcalfe street', '1931 - 1962', '31 years', '122 / 400', '26'], ['tour cibc', '1155 rené lévesque boulevard west', '1962', '< 1 year', '187 / 614', '45'], ['place ville marie', '1 place ville - marie', '1962 - 1964', '2 years', '188 / 617', '47'], ['tour de la bourse', '800 victoria square', '1964 - 1992', '28 years', '194 / 637', '47'], ['1000 de la gauchetière', '1000 de la gauchetière street west', '1992 - present', '21 years ( current )', '205 / 673', '51']]