1 value
If a patient comes to the office for genital warts, what would be the treatment that would be given?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Chemistry in the clinical area
If a patient comes to the clinic after obtaining a positive result in a PCR test for HPV-16, what would be the recommendations?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Chemistry in the clinical area
What are the most encountered barriers in clinical research related to Bioethics?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Clinical Research
Is "Ethics Dumping" still a common practice in less developed countries?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Request for opinion on a topic
Clinical Research
What is the outstanding role of advanced technologies used in Monitoring of clinical trials?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Request for a list of resources where one can find more information| Request for opinion on a topic
Clinical Research
Imagine a world without Bioethics in Clinical Research, what would be the role of the human being in this scenario?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Clinical Research
If a new pandemic arises, do you think that medical technologies and clinical research could have a new therapy against this "hypothetical" pandemic on-time?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Clinical Research
What are the first rank symptoms of schizophrenia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
What is the ICD-10 classification of severe depression without psychotic symptoms?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
A patient presents to your clinic with a first episode psychosis. What are the NICE recommended treatments for this issue?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A 65 year old patient with severe depression becomes mute. Their oral intake and functioning deteriorates markedly, and their depression appears to be treatment resistant. What treatment would you recommend in this scenario?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A 25 year old male is 6 months into their recovery journey post-psychotic episode. They are lethargic and motivated, and appear to be presenting with negative symptoms of psychosis. What treatment would you recommend in this instance?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Protein Load is know to inhibit the antiviral ability of chlorous acid. Why does bovine serum albumin enhance it's antiviral effect in vitro?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Provide research sources of in vitro analysis of antiviral abilities of Nigerian herbs against sars cov 2.
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
What herbal drugs are licensed for SARS-CoV-2 treatment?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
If the peak value in a virus culture occurs before the peak value of its pcr, what does that say about the virus?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
What are the cardinal symptoms of laryngotracheitis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
General Medicine
What is the treatment for patients with bacterial tonsillitis who are allergic to penicillin?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
General Medicine
What sign is observed in the barium esophagram in patients with achalasia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
General Medicine
A patient with HIV goes to your clinic and you ask for a blood test, what kind of cells are affected?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General Medicine
What is the diagnosis of a 10-year-old patient, with fever and intense pain, started periumbilical but is now located in the right iliac fossa?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General Medicine
How do bacterial infection predispose one to cancers?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Request for opinion on a topic
Laboratory medicine
How does automation in laboratories affect the final diagnosis produces?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Laboratory medicine
Outline different cytomorphological changes caused by cancer treatment therapies?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Summarization of information on a topic
Laboratory medicine
A 60 year old comes to the doctor presenting with backpain, pallor and fatigue, their blood smear shows predominance of mature lymphocytes with a few plasma cells. What do you think is the final diagnosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Laboratory medicine
Patients presents to her local GP with complains of fever and blood stools. She recalls having been to mozambique and having a small rash on her leg after swimming in the river. What do you think is the diagnosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Laboratory medicine
Why do people look down on healthcare workers?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Why are there so many empty jobs in my industry?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for opinion on a topic
Is suicide ever the right thing to do?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
If someone without capacity wants to leave a home should that be allowed?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Is it morally wrong to hold someone against their will?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How do I explain the difference between a language disorder and a language delay?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Speech and Language Therapy - children's therapy
Should I use the AVUK strategies with my deaf patient?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Speech and Language Therapy - children's therapy
How long will it take for a child to speak with therapy?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Speech and Language Therapy - children's therapy
If a child isn't speaking by the time they are 3, will they ever speak?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Speech and Language Therapy - children's therapy
If a child can't say the 's' sound, can that be changed?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Speech and Language Therapy - children's therapy
The occurrence of vulvoperinal condylomatosis in the university community has increased in the last 6 months. What preventive measure should be used to reduce the incidence of the disease?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General medicine
What is the contraception method of election when a woman can't take estrogen?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
General medicine
What are modifiable risk factors for breast cancer?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
General medicine
A 6-month-old patient is taken to consult by his mother, who reports delayed growth in her son, as well as changes in the dentition, recurrent vomiting, uncoordinated movements, and difficult-to-control seizures. On physical examination, she is noted to have seborrheic skin, microcephaly, and a promiscuous jaw. Based on the clinical data presented by the patient, what syndrome does the patient present?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General medicine
A 38-year-old woman who was traveling standing on a bus, supported by a vertical tube, when the bus hits head-on, she is projected forward without letting go of the tube, causing abduction and lateral rotation of the right shoulder. She presents very intense pain in the shoulder, with functional disability of the extremity. She is taken to the emergency department 1.5 hours after the accident, with his right arm next to her body, holding her forearm with his left hand. She is given immediate treatment and is immobilized for 3 weeks. Based on the mechanism of injury, the probable diagnosis in this patient is:
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General medicine
Describe treatment methods of congenital Talipes equinovarus.
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Summarization of information on a topic
Orthopedics and Physiotherapist
What type of genu valgum is normal?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Orthopedics and Physiotherapist
Explain how kinesiology tape reduces swelling.
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Summarization of information on a topic
Orthopedics and Physiotherapist
During a squat, if the knees fall inwards which muscle are weak?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Orthopedics and Physiotherapist
If a patient's X ray has dark spots on the chest what does it mean?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Orthopedics and Physiotherapist
A 27 year old male comes to the office after finding an insect inside of his left ear canal. Legs are visible and it is alive, every time it moves it provokes pain to the patient. How should I remove the insect without harming my patient or the eardrum?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Medical Primary Care
What are the most common injuries in childhood among Hispanic families?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Medical Primary Care
Can you summarize the standard procedure to treat a recurrent eczema on children?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Medical Primary Care
A 60 years old woman comes to the office asking for pain medication. She has a history of opioid addiction and uncontrolled high blood pressure. Under what circumstances I should referred her to the hospital?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Medical Primary Care
A 12 years old male patient is taken to the office by his mother. He was bitten by an animal 20 minutes ago, the mother has no idea what type of animal it was, what is the immediate treatment?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Medical Primary Care
What is the treatment of choice for a basal cell carcinoma located at the palpebral margin of the eye?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
What is the treatment of choice for a squamous cell carcinoma located at the palpebral margin of the eye?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
How much tumor free margin should be left in a melanoma more than 6mm deep?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Suppose a 22 year old patient comes to the clinic with microcalcifications in both breasts, with family members diagnosed with breast cancer, at what age should a mastography be started?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A patient comes for consultation with burns over 25% of his body surface, of varying degrees all over his body, what is the indicated treatment for this patient?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How would you prioritize if you need to choose between two pharmaceutical products sold by a pharmaceutical company in order to have the small impact in your benefits because the supplier told you they can not produce the quantities needed due to capacity issues?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Medical company in the supply chain area
If you sell one product in two different markets, let's say Germany and Spain, but the product is selling more in Germany and the supplier told you they can only produce for one of them, which one would it be?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Medical company in the supply chain area
There is an allocation for one product family, this product family is sold in different countries. How do you choose which markets and how many quantities needs to be produced for each market?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Medical company in the supply chain area
If the market choose to prune one product due to bad performance but with the current stock you have an expiry risk, that means with the current demand will be a risk of destruction of part of the stock, which actions you will take to avoid this destruction and sell all the quantities?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Medical company in the supply chain area
How will you implement and which metrics will you check if the supplier is performing well or not in order to take some actions and avoid any further risk in the future?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Medical company in the supply chain area
How do you adapt cognitive stimulation therapy for individuals with a learning disability?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Can we ever eliminate all mental illness?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Do you think cognitive behavioural therapy can work for psychosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for opinion on a topic
How do I say no to treating a patient?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How do I say that I don't want to work with a patient who has been aggressive to me in the past?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Describes Hodge's blueprints.
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
General medicine
What is the best type of epidemiological study to assess the causal association between a risk factor and a given disease?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
General medicine
How to give the news of the death of a patient to his close relative?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
General medicine
You have a patient admitted for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the endoscopy reveals a gastric ulcer in incisura angularis with a point of hematin and minimal traces of dark blood in the stomach. Biopsies of the ulcer margin and an antral biopsy are performed for the rapid urease test with a positive result. What is the next step?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General medicine
In a hypercholesterolemic patient who has suffered an acute myocardial infarction, what is the target for LDL cholesterol?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
General medicine
Is there a daily limit for a transurethral urinary catheter stay?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
general practicioner (medicine)
Can you provide a list with information on the molecular diagnostic tests in use?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
general practicioner (medicine)
I have a patient that is feverish for a week and I can't find the cause, all the tests are negative and he does not respond to antibiotics, what is the reason of his fever?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
general practicioner (medicine)
I heard new lung sounds in a patient but he does not have any new symptoms, what could be triggering the sound?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
general practicioner (medicine)
What are the differences between Acute myeloid leukemia and Chronic myeloid leukemia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
What is the treatment for grade 2 prostate carcinoma?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Is cancer curable?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
A 20 year old male is suffering severe headaches with visual disturbances. Is it likely to be a brain tumour?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A 52 year old male is experiencing fatigue, night sweats and has lots of bruises. What is likely to cause this?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Is one's sphingolipid mileu a factor in psoriasis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
What is the average salary for a biochemist in NYC?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
What is the best diet for general longevity?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Would we be healthier if we switched from a reactive healthcare system to preventative?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
What potential problems could arise if we rely more on gene therapy with our current regulations?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How many cardiology subspecialties are there?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
medical research, clinical studies
Can you summarize the krebs cycle?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
medical research, clinical studies
Can you tell me what is the best way to get an informed consent?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
medical research, clinical studies
I have a patient that does not want to take their medicine, what should I do to convince them?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
medical research, clinical studies
My patient finished his antibiotic course two days ago and today his white blood count is above 11.000, what are possible reasons?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
medical research, clinical studies
What criteria would you use to ensure safe discharge of a child with bronchiolitis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Emergency Paediatrics
A baby less than 24 hours on the post natal ward required Iv antibiotics due to high risk criteria for sepsis but is otherwise asymptomatic. The parents are refusing to have the child treated. How would you approach this situation ?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario| Request for opinion on a topic
Emergency Paediatrics
How do I assess competence for decision making in a child in a child who is too young to apply the Mental Capacity Act?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Emergency Paediatrics
In status epilepticus after 1st and 2nd line treatment with benzodiazepines, should I load the patient with phenytoin or levetiracetam?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Emergency Paediatrics
In a ventilated, corrected gestation, 28+4 week baby with bidirectional PDA, what is the best way of closing the PDA non-surgically?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Emergency Paediatrics
Why is the category of nurses in Italy little recognized unlike doctors?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for opinion on a topic
Is the difference in duties and responsibilities between nurses working in different states justifiable?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for opinion on a topic
Can nurses in Italy prescribe and administer low-risk drugs?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
I'm alone during the night shift because my colleagues are busy with other patients, a patient on isolation calls me urgently because he's sick. Can I go to the patient leaving no one to supervise the rest of the ward?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
The doctor prescribes an intravenous therapy with the wrong dosage but I know which one is right and I postpone it. Is this wrong?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario