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0 | Question: What were the recommendations of the Project Manager regarding competitor information and the discussion on the size, shape, appearance, functions, and button layout of the remote control?
Article: project manager: and everybody's name and what your function is ? marketing: Yeah , that's a good plan . my role is industrial designer and my responsibilities are deal with the technical-functional designs and specifications of user interface and dealing with user interface design . project manager: Yes y opening , acquaintance , tool training well , the tools are , I think , we already I guess the tool is really our the computer , as far as I can see . project manager: we get ins each of us will get instructions and we'll take it from there . That is it's gonna be individual work and then at the meeting we'll discuss what we have come up with . Does anybody want to go and see how the white board works ? So that in case we have to , in the next meeting , present something on the white board . marketing: See if I r See if I remember how to draw a kitty cat or a rabbit or something . user interface: industrial designer: marketing: project manager: And remember you have to press so it works . project manager: And you're Francine , right ? Would you like s like just to see how it feels , so that you have a little idea ? user interface: Yes , I'm Francina . project manager: In marketing: Am I supposed to wipe off that or project manager: No , no . project manager: user interface: industrial designer: project manager: Here's the project finance which , of course , we all have to think about when we design this thing . project manager: So these are all things , of course , to remember with the budget and when you design to materials , cost , etcetera . Now , the discussion I guess is does anyone of you have experience with remote control ? marketing: Oops . project manager: I exp I s 'cause we we use 'em we use 'em , right , everyday . project manager: And now having used a remote control for years does anybody already have like an idea like things you didn't like with it , things you would like to change , things you would like to improve with this thing ye any first ideas ? Would you like it to be smaller , bigger , industrial designer: . project manager: have more have more buttons on it or maybe clearly better marked buttons , you know , things like that ? user interface: Yeah , I industrial designer: Yeah . Like the remote control which we use for T_V_ , it shou it should be used f for some other purpose also , like controlling the temperature inside the house or for air-conditioners , or for heating system . project manager: So it should be a multi-functional gadget that would control all your household machines basically . marketing: We certainly can try to I agree with her that to market something successfully it should do some more things . project manager: It should be something new it should be s it it should do something different than than just what we have . All the almost all the remotes project manager: Like trendy no like f for earlier we saw maybe it should be something trendy you know . project manager: so yeah shapes right , you know , like kidney shape feels better in your hand or something , you know . marketing: I think another thing that would help is if it beeps when you clap , project manager: Yes . project manager: That is true , user interface: project manager: because they put a newspaper or they put it behind a plant or , we you know , whatever . project manager: And and they suddenly the phone rings and they want to turn the T_V_ off and they say , where the hell is my my remote control yeah ? marketing: industrial designer: project manager: Well or yeah or if it's really , if it's really in a dark spot that it gives out a a sound or a signal . marketing: So some industrial designer: Yeah , some beep or something like that , project manager: Yeah . user interface: Or a b marketing: so , so it's really the beep or , or a light should blink . industrial designer: so that we can go project manager: So if lost If lost signal with b throw signal , you know . industrial designer: Yeah , maybe it should have a light so that we can , we can just recognise where it is . project manager: I'm just saying throw signal meaning just whether it's a beep or whether a light or industrial designer: Beep or it's a light , maybe it's a light . marketing: And do you think a good c c clue for that is that it would respond to a clap or it would respond to your voice or it would respond what what should you have to do to make it beep or blink ? project manager: Okay , my my idea is maybe that the minute it's really hidden , in in other words if it's like in a dark spot , meaning you know like a newspaper is on top , a sweater is on top or it it's behind a plant , at that moment it's it's like , it's like , what you call it a light s sensors , you know ? marketing: project manager: In in that moment it has a sensor , i it it gets a certain darkness , it ge has a sensor and it gives out a signal whether that be a light signal or a beep , marketing: Okay so user interface: Yes . project manager: right you have to have some kind of sensor and I I think voice or clapping it's not specific enough . I know there are the lamps and stuff , you know , you can clap on and off , marketing: project manager: but I think they only work to certain degree and marketing: But it could be someplace really obvious and you still wouldn't be able to find it . project manager: What with industrial designer: Yeah , of course , that didn't user interface: Then , in that case marketing: Well , because you're s because you're silly . marketing: it could be on well , i if it were like on top of your bookcase and you usually kept it on the coffee table industrial designer: marketing: project manager: Okay we have marketing: you know , well maybe we have to move along , okay . project manager: yeah , we have to move along , but I think we have some good good points to start with here . I think you all did you get notices on your computer for this ? Okay so well , you got the notice industrial designer: Me yeah . The working design , I guess that's the function I_D_ who is this ? The industrial designer That's you . project manager: industrial designer: working design , yeah , it's it's mainly technical-functional design . project manager: Then And then the technical funct you are the technical function , industrial designer: Yeah , functional design , project manager: so so you are the working design . project manager: And the marketing manager is coming up with some user requirement specification , like friendliness , and what we just discussed in general . user interface: project manager: And , you know , specifi you you will get specific instructions for that . project manager: I think basically basically you will get instructions to work with and if you have any questions , I guess , you can user interface: Okay <doc-sep>project manager: You all saw the newsflash ? industrial designer: It's project manager: Or you got the same message ? marketing: Yeah I I just saw it one minute ago . Yeah I received an email so I thought I I can't mail you so I thought I'd just drop it in the folder , but marketing: Yeah pretty much . industrial designer: Huh ? marketing: ? project manager: industrial designer: What the marketing: Oh right . project manager: or is there some pressing issue ? industrial designer: Yeah my computer is not functioning properly . user interface: marketing: project manager: Did you plug in the power cable when you come back ? industrial designer: Yeah yeah . industrial designer: I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was gonna do and then a couple of minutes before this I get my function you know the information that I need . This presentation is mainly based on my own ideas 'cause I hadn't time to intergrate tha the information yet so user interface: Yeah . industrial designer: Ts marketing: there is also was also some research on the most relevant and and and irrelevant f functions . marketing: if you can't control the the sound settings if you dislike a very loud bass or something , you you need to change that . industrial designer: By the way my T_V_ doesn't have an equ equaliser but marketing: We c we c Yeah w we can't project manager: Next generation does . teletext but we can skip that because I saw the newsflash , and teletext is so outdated that it it's i should not be used any more in the future . industrial designer: By the way where did you guys get that newsflash from ? user interface: Yeah . marketing: I thought I read a project manager: Our current customers are in the age group forty plus . marketing: Yeah ? project manager: And the new product should reach new markets , which is the customers below forty . marketing: Below ? Okay well user interface: But where did you get that information ? project manager: That's in a newsflash . marketing: that's that's in the newsfla project manager: user interface: Okay . Yeah well we can skip this part as well , because I thought I read above forty so we could skip the features , but we just have to build them in because they find it very interesting . and and also there's so not only the design of the bus buttons but o how you can push them , and stuff like that . And I think and certainly for for the for the lower age groups , nice design , which does not make the remote control in your room . marketing: It's it's actually a part of your interior , of of your design in your room . So it's the people can say , well what's that , well that's my remote control , so it's d it has to look nice and feel nice , and and have all the functions that project manager: Yeah . marketing: Yeah so but I I don't think that's that's a problem because the thing has to have a colour anyway , and most of the times there is a brand present on it . industrial designer: user interface: How do I project manager: You pressed alt F_ four ? user interface: No no no . user interface: this one is the the yeah the advanced one with a lot of options and functions and buttons . marketing: Yeah and and and marketing research stated that that that kind of users are not afraid of of a lot of functions . industrial designer: And we do have to integrate the screen and the the speech marketing: And the speech recognition yeah . We have to to make them very easy so for just zapping around the channels you can just push one button . user interface: But if you want to to use your your video recorder or something else , you should use use an an advanced option . marketing: Yeah but the the newsflash also stated that it should control only one device , only your television . marketing: Yeah well what what we can do with the screen is is all the the configuration options , you can put that in the screen . marketing: And the and the yeah screen menu to to to to do that , industrial designer: Yeah . marketing: So it looks very simple and all the advanced features are hidden in the screen , with a clear menu . project manager: So what does the screen do ? They said they needed it but what does it do ? What do they want with the screen ? user interface: For for the advanced functions I think . marketing: Yeah well it yeah it didn't project manager: So but what did the marketing marketing: it didn't say what they want to do with the screen . marketing: Well I , my guess is it's it's pretty handy for advanced advanced functions . user interface: the we have to to to watch out for the i if we make it f very fashionable , it it the functional functionality will go down . marketing: Well you can improvise right ? project manager: which one is it ? Technical functions ? industrial designer: Yeah a little bit . user interface: project manager: You didn't put it in ? Or industrial designer: I have no idea . marketing: So we can go for the look-and-feel of the the left example , and then a screen on top of it . So I was just working off the top of my head and using my colin common knowledge about remote controls . industrial designer: so I didn't really know what kind of functions we had to put into it yet . industrial designer: I was working on a s yeah on a schedule , and I was supposed to do it like this . But yeah then the information came and it was kind of exact with all the steps in the remote control that I had to follow , so I was trying to organise them for myself . Mean you press a button the it tru goes , it sends a signal to a chip , project manager: And then through a transformer , it the signal gets boosted and then sent to the to the receiver on the T_V_ project manager: Yeah decoder . industrial designer: I dunno if I'm too slow for this stuff , but project manager: Work harder . marketing: user interface: Okay shou should we make a list of the of all the functions we want marketing: industrial designer: Yeah . for those that didn't see yet the basic new requirements of the management were no teletext , only for T_V_ . it should be designed for a use g group below forty , but I don't think it's w wrong if we can target the current customer group as well . And we have to decide on the functions , and on the , let's see what was it , the target group . project manager: Yeah so I think it's easy but marketing: I guess that's that's the tar yeah or male and female user interface: But it's it's also for children or just project manager: Yeah it's below forty so we can decide where to marketing: six the marketing research started on s on the age of sixteen . marketing: Sixteen to twenty five , twenty five to thirty five , thirty five to forty five , something like that . marketing: How do you mean ? project manager: So is it from sixteen to forty ? Is it from twenty to forty ? Is it from thirty ? marketing: sixteen to forty . user interface: And if we have a larger public we have yeah more options to to sell our product . industrial designer: Yeah so what we might wanna do is yeah cust I have customised the screen functions , if you know what . industrial designer: The younger users are more acquainted with these kind of machines so they can use more advanced functions . user interface: Yeah that's that's why I wanted to to make yeah two different yeah groups of functions . The the simple functions for for the the whole public , and the the advanced options for the younger people yeah who are more yeah experienced with industrial designer: Yeah . marketing: But all incorporated in the screen or or just on the remote itself ? user interface: Na I w I should put the the yeah the extra advanced options on the onto the onscreen display . marketing: like like you have a visual of the of the brightness with with a kind of sliding bar and a bus and and stuff like that for sound and and vis and and visuals ? project manager: Yeah . So is you should have a menu for all the the functions you don't use regular and which are marketing: you can make a if you make a drawing . project manager: Yeah we get the marketing: Yeah well , this is basically it's industrial designer: The remote ? project manager: The remote , yeah ? marketing: alright the remote ? well usually the power button is on top I guess . user interface: Yeah but if you are using the the normal functions , the the basic functions , you normally press them on the u yeah . So it should be a little bit longer so that you can put your thumb , also reach the middle . marketing: Okay so y yeah you have you have it in your hand , and the screen is below , and the buttons are in the middle . marketing: Okay for example if you put the screen here , it's more about the functions now than the than the layout . project manager: You want the normal piece of paper ? And you have a pen ? marketing: Yeah . project manager: Yeah ? marketing: Like if you have like ten buttons for for all the for all the channels , project manager: marketing: So you have up and down for the for the channels , and left and right for the volume project manager: And left to right . I thought but this is really your department , that we need just the functional display and four cursors . project manager: Yeah okay but this is function so if you can use them for multiple things marketing: And you you have industrial designer: And marketing: most of the time you have one button in the middle . marketing: and then if you press it you the screen gets activated and then you can use these buttons to scroll up and down and left and right to go into functon project manager: marketing: mo most of the time this menu button is also like okay , to to confirm a a kind of action . marketing: Then okay to confirm , and then on on each on each screen there's there should be an option to go back to a to a upper level . user interface: And do we need a a logo on our remote control , or marketing: That's more your your department to to to project manager: Yeah . But it should be if the screen is here then the logo should be like on on top , user interface: On the left top yeah . Yeah the position of the screen is also more essential than we we look where we have space left and then put the logo over there . marketing: But Yeah so it should be if you have it in your hand here , should be on top somewhere , maybe . This would be industrial designer: Why did we wanna put the display in the bottom ? marketing: i project manager: No that's not s sure so industrial designer: Okay . marketing: but it's user interface: Yeah may maybe because you're industrial designer: Because yeah if you use the functions your hand will block the display . user interface: Yeah okay but only for the basic functi if you're going to use the advanced option , you're going to press the the menu button and then yeah . marketing: But most most of the times if a if if a T_V_'s on standby people just press a channel to put it on . project manager: Yeah but then it's possible that you cover it with your hand so user interface: Yeah . industrial designer: But if you if you hold the ma the remote like this , if you put it on the top on the side project manager: Yeah okay . Can we leave this up to you ? user interface: marketing: Yeah it doesn't matter that much . So but the screen is on top ? Which functions did we have left ? this is basically numbers , volume , channel up and down . project manager: So maybe it , we should decide what advanced options we want to put in the L_C_D_ screen . industrial designer: Yeah so we we needed to integrate the sound and and image options right ? project manager: Yeah so sounds ? industrial designer: Like bass marketing: Yeah . project manager: Yeah user interface: Yeah it it's just a remote control so project manager: and they're industrial designer: Yeah treble , middl middle , bass or something . project manager: Coffee ? marketing: yeah sound and then within sound I guess treble and bass ? industrial designer: Yes please . marketing: wh why would you use that ? industrial designer: Yeah isn't that that depends on the on the signal of the of what program you're watching . industrial designer: And yeah in the functionality of the user interface: Television itself industrial designer: no no of the remote do do we want the buttons to make sound when you press them ? As a confirmation or whatever you know ? user interface: . marketing: most mobile phones used that in the beginning but user interface: We we could make an option for it , but you can disable s industrial designer: Under the a yeah advanced option menu you can put those things . marketing: Yeah but people don't want to sit on their knees on their knees in front of their television with only three buttons then it's very hard to project manager: . project manager: And the others were in your presentation right ? So I can just copy those ? marketing: Well yeah well I guess that these were the only ones , I guess . project manager: Yeah you have basically a button menu , which you can use directly , according to the old principle . project manager: And the L_C_D_ options are activated by some some software options , thats communicates with the infrared decoder yeah . marketing: Yeah with the chip and then project manager: So you You have an additional processor and and software part . marketing: and what you say , channel settings or channel programming ? So you you have an option to to start scanning all the frequencies , and when it encounters one , well it shows on your T_V_ . project manager: Yeah so I've g channel program is autoseek ? marketing: Yeah , autoseek . project manager: name a channel , or marketing: Well most T_V_s automatically display the name , which they get through the cable . marketing: It only has to match the the channel frequency on your T_V_ , with with the with the position on your T_V_ and and so your remote . Yeah but can you also say I want f Veronica on the channel number five or industrial designer: Help . How do you call that ? marketing: Yeah how do you call that ? ? Wait you you should be able to to browse through a list or something , which w displays all the all the values , all the channels which are possible . marketing: Just browse through it and then in some kind of way see if it if it if it is programmed . other functions ? marketing: So you most of the time if you if you swap it S let's say for example you have R_T_L_ five on on channel five . And Veronica on channel eight and you want to move Veronica to channel five , most of the times you override the previous the previous one . project manager: That's you're industrial designer: He only has to figure out how it has to look . project manager: Yeah but also , which buttons you have to press to get a certain result ? industrial designer: And how user interface: Yeah . industrial designer: to use project manager: And the working design was to specify how ph the physical interation between the components was , as I believe . project manager: marketing: Or or is it too hard to to ju to just do it all on your remote ? To programme the channels ? project manager: No I don't think so . project manager: No that's the marketing: you you current channel and then then it just says , on which number do you want to save this , and you just press a number on your remote , and then say confirm , okay , and then it's it's saved . It's easier , it's it's it's harder to , if you have already programmed it , to to swap . project manager: The User Interface Designer can design a menu for all these function I put them on the marketing: Yeah k kind of structure into layers . user interface: On the yeah can you i make a a map with with all the yeah 'cause it's now there are lots and lots of documents project manager: . marketing: So project manager: So you design the basic function menu for the L_C_D_ screen ? I think marketing: And and the layout of of the thing itself . project manager: th I think the yeah the layout of the screen user interface: The the layout of the remote control ? project manager: and I think you can concentrate more on the button placement and the placement of the screen itself on the marketing: . industrial designer: I have to know what it has to do , so if you wanna you know the changing the channels kind of s thing is , I have to integrate that in the design . user interface: But do I have to to to yeah to make the the menu layout also ? Or project manager: Yeah . user interface: Yeah ? I I'm going to make project manager: I think i that's your department yes , user interface: yeah o okay . project manager: because w he already knows what industrial designer: Yeah we have to kind of work together . industrial designer: If if I make the the the yeah the menu like , I have to state which function has to be in the menu , project manager: But we're not allowed . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: and then you have to decide , it's , in a in a way that b is user-friendly . Y you you are going to make a list of what functions are are going to to be on the the screen , the menu screen . project manager: Yeah and also make clear which buttons to press to get certain result , marketing: So some menus . marketing: So it's like the the save button on your your mobile phone , if you have a Nokia or like that . marketing: To go one step back you it's only two extra buttons , user interface: Yeah . W we marketing: but if it if it's very clear that they are for the screen user interface: I think we have to to group , to make two groups . the one group for the for the display , and one group for the basic functions , and industrial designer: Yeah . project manager: Yeah but they're incorporated ? Up and down is user interface: Yeah okay but we we have a m marketing: Yeah because this this is used for both . user interface: yeah but maybe that's that's not project manager: Smart ? user interface: yeah if you're if you're z zapping with your yeah remote control , you can press the the menu button , and then you are suddenly into the the yeah the display . marketing: And and just put it under the screen , the screen project manager: Put it on top . user interface: Yeah j just just group group the yeah we make these the advanced functions and these the basic functions . But we should place the screen on top , right ? project manager: Well user interface: F oh yeah . project manager: do we do the extra two buttons or not ? user interface: industrial designer: I think you should . So we have a a menu button and a s project manager: And to , okay and back , also . Both the L_C_D_ marketing: Should we save this picture , or or you know what it looks like ? user interface: Yeah I'm I'm not s clear about the the extra two buttons . user interface: Okay so that that's not Yeah that Those are project manager: Those are both both user interface: multifunctional . industrial designer: Hey is it interesting for users if we put LED lights under the buttons ? So that if you press on the menu function that only the buttons that are used for the menu are ligh li light up . project manager: Light marketing: Yeah that's a good idea because then it becomes clear which buttons are active now , which you can use . project manager: marketing: So project manager: Anything else ? marketing: Those buttons are are lit up . Should we use those two ? Them ? Or only this to to scroll ? project manager: I've marketing: And then use the two functional buttons to confirm , to go into something ? Oh no we have to use this to adjust some some bars ? project manager: Volume . industrial designer: Yeah keep it optional 'cause maybe you can you know go left to right and up and down in a in one menu . user interface: No industrial designer: The pr the problem with the okay button in the middle is , sorry project manager: Yeah okay go ahead . marketing: Yeah ? industrial designer: sorry , is if you're pressing up and down , you can easily press the okay once you , when you're not already at your choice . user interface: Yeah the with with the the channel and the volume yeah m a multifunctional navigation button . project manager: and then we can work for thirty minutes , and I have to write very fast to make the minich min minutes . user interface: But do we have to write to write down the our stuff now ? Or first lunchbreak ? industrial designer: Okay . project manager: marketing: project manager: I think you can put the laptop back in the room and user interface: 'Kay . marketing: Aye Y you saved it ? Does it save automatically in the project folder ? Or project manager: Yeah . It's it's just my own map so I put everything into the project manager: Yeah yeah yeah . user interface: But you got some extra information project manager: Yeah that's in the functional design folder . marketing: industrial designer: So first we have a lunchbreak now ? user interface: project manager: Yeah <doc-sep> so first of all , just to kind of make sure that we all know each other , marketing: marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm our marketing user interface: I'm Craig and I'm User Interface . so we're designing a new remote control and Oh I have to record who's here actually . So that's David , Andrew and Craig , isn't it ? And you all arrived on time . project manager: Is that what everybody got ? industrial designer: Did you get the same thing ? user interface: Yeah . project manager: marketing: charac favourite characteristics of it ? Is that right ? project manager: Yeah . marketing: right , well basically high priority for any animal for me is that they be willing to take a lot of physical affection from their family . project manager: industrial designer: user interface: Then they're small cute and furry , and when planet of the apes becomes real , I'm gonna be up there with them . project manager: You can take as long over this as you like , because we haven't got an awful lot to discuss . industrial designer: project manager: Ok oh we do we do user interface: project manager: Don't feel like you're in a rush , anyway . , well anyway , I don't know , it's just the first animal I can think off the top of my head . project manager: Do you ? user interface: project manager: Oh that's very good of you . marketing: industrial designer: project manager: he's very friendly and cheery and always pleased to see you , and very kind of affectionate and and he's quite quite wee as well so you know he can doesn't take up too much space . marketing: project manager: and And he does a funny thing where he chases his tail as well , industrial designer: project manager: which is quite amusing , so marketing: Is he aware that th it's his own cha tail he's chasing ? project manager: It is . He only does it after he's had his dinner marketing: project manager: and he'll just all of a sudden just get up and start chasing his tail 'round the living room . project manager: Yeah , so marketing: Probably when he was little he got lots of attention for doing it and has forever been conditioned . so according to the brief we're gonna be selling this remote control for twenty five Euro , and we're aiming to make fifty million Euro . And we don't want it to cost any more than twelve fifty Euros , so fifty percent of the selling price . project manager: because it's probably up to the the the retailer to sell it for whatever price they want . project manager: do you think the fact that it's going to be sold internationally will have a bearing on how we design it at all ? marketing: Yes . marketing: Well right away I'm wondering if there's th th , like with D_V_D_ players , if there are zones . industrial designer: It does make sense from maybe the design point of view 'cause you have more complicated characters like European languages , then you need more buttons . I'm thinking the price might might appeal to a certain market in one region , whereas in another it'll be different , so project manager: What , just like in terms of like the wealth of the country ? marketing: Just a chara just a characteristic of the project manager: Like how much money people have to spend on things like ? marketing: Just Or just like , basic product podi positioning , the twenty five Euro remote control might be a big hit in London , might not be such a big hit in Greece , who knows , project manager: Aye , I see what you mean , yeah . marketing: Right away I'm making some kind of assumptions about what what information we're given here , project manager: . marketing: thinking , 'kay trendy probably means something other than just basic , project manager: Yeah . so I'm wondering right away , is selling twenty five Euros , is that sort of the thi is this gonna to be like the premium product kinda thing or project manager: Yeah , yeah . project manager: Well twenty five Euro , that's that's about like eighteen pounds or something , isn't it ? Or no , is it as much as that ? marketing: project manager: I dunno , I've never bought a remote control , so I don't know how how good a remote control that would get you . project manager: But yeah , I suppose it has to look kind of cool and gimmicky . well d Does anybody have anything to add to to the finance issue at all ? Thin marketing: Do we have any other background information on like how that compares to other project manager: No , actually . That would be useful , though , marketing: other project manager: wouldn't it , if you knew like what your money would get you now . Yeah , interesting thing about discussing production of a remote control for me is that l as you point out , I just don't think of remote controls as somethin something people consciously assess in their purchasing habits . marketing: Like so sort of like how do you I one one way of looking at it would be , well the people producing television sets , maybe they have to buy remote controls . Or another way is maybe people who have T_V_ sets are really fed up with their remote control and they really want a better one or something . user interface: I know My parents went out and bought remote controls because they got fed up of having four or five different remote controls for each things the house . marketing: Okay so Right , so in function one of the priorities might be to combine as many uses project manager: Yeah . Right , so do you think that should be like a main design aim of our remote control d you know , marketing: I think so . project manager: do your your satellite and your regular telly and your V_C_R_ and everything ? marketing: Yeah , yeah . Well like , maybe what we could use is a sort of like a example of a successful other piece technology is palm palm pilots . They're gone from being just like little sort of scribble boards to cameras , M_P_ three players , telephones , project manager: So , like , I wonder if we might add something new to the to the remote control market , project manager: Yeah . marketing: such as the lighting in your house , or project manager: Or even like , you know , notes about what you wanna watch . Like you might put in there oh I want to watch such and such and look a marketing: Yeah , yeah . Like , p personally for me , at home I've I've combined the the audio video of my television set and my D_V_D_ player and my C_D_ player . marketing: So it's sort of ironic that that then they're in there you know , the sound and everything it's just one system . project manager: okay , I'd wel we're gonna have to wrap up pretty quickly in the next couple of minutes . so anything else anybody wants to add about what they don't like about remote controls they've used , what they would really like to be part of this new one at all ? industrial designer: And you keep losing them . industrial designer: it's usually quite small , or when you want it right , it slipped behind the couch marketing: project manager: W You get those ones where you can , if you like , whistle or make a really high pitched noise they beep . project manager: There is that something we'd want to include , do you think ? marketing: project manager: Dunno . Actually had a cable between it and the T_V_ project manager: marketing: and big like buttons that sort of like , like on a blender or something . marketing: And , you know , when I think about what they are now , it's better , but actually it's still kind of , I dunno , like a massive junky thing on the table . marketing: 'Cause it could b it could it could be that f it could be that functionally that doesn't make it any better , but that just the appeal of of not having project manager: It looks better . marketing: You know , these days there's a r pe things in people's homes are becoming more and more like chic , you know . project manager: Right , well so just to wrap up the next meeting's gonna be in thirty minutes . so inbetween now and then , as the industrial designer , you're gonna be working on you know the actual working design of it industrial designer: Yep . for user interface , technical functions , I guess that's you know like what we've been talking about , what it'll actually do . and marketing executive , you'll be just thinking about what it actually what , you know , what requirements it has to has to fulfil and you'll all get instructions emailed to you , I guess . marketing: project manager: Yeah , so it's th the functional design stage is next , I guess . Before we wrap up , just to make sure we're all on the same page here , project manager: marketing: do we We were given sort of an example of a coffee machine or something , project manager: -huh , yeah . marketing: right ? Well , are we at ma right now on the assumption that our television remote control may have features which go beyond the television ? Or are we keeping sort of like a a design commitment to television features ? project manager: Th Okay , well just very quickly marketing: I I don't know . project manager: you probably want some kind of unique selling point of it , so , you know marketing: Okay . project manager: Right , okay , we'll that's that's the end of the meeting , then <doc-sep>Let's shall we all introduce ourselves ? marketing: Hi I'm Chiara , I'm the Marketing Expert . , would you like me to talk about my aims at the moment , or would you like me to just say my name and then we can talk about business later ? project manager: I think we'll get around to that , yeah . I forgot to s say I'm the Project Manager but I figured you all knew that already , industrial designer: user interface: project manager: so . And to do this , we have to there's certain things we have to consider about functional aspects and conceptual design of the thing . user interface: So you want us to draw it and then talk about it ? Or just draw it ? project manager: marketing: I think both . project manager: Does anyone know what they wanna draw ? industrial designer: user interface: I gotta think about it for a second like . Does it have to be functional , trendy and user friendly ? project manager: I don't think so . user interface: Yeah , it's industrial designer: project manager: 'S like playing Pictionary . project manager: So what characteristics do you like about your animal ? industrial designer: user interface: I like its tail . industrial designer: user interface: no , I think dolphins are really I dunno , they're smart and they they're cute and they like swimming and that's cool , like project manager: They're graceful . user interface: Yeah they're sleek industrial designer: user interface: and they look intelligent and I don't know , they're I guess it's the whole like binocular vision thing . He's a I dunno they're I think it's cool the the the interaction that or the th things that the reasons people seem to like you know you get ex you know people are sitting on the beach and p they're like oh look there's dolphins and it's kinda like but they're you know they jump around in the water and they're happy and they're mammals , but they swim . project manager: I dunno if the the industrial designer: I think the pen is running out of marketing: Well I had the cat as well , but I've got a spare one . I don't really know how the legs go , industrial designer: project manager: That's very good . I think they're very pretty and they go well with the environment , and I like the way they run and I used to do horse riding and they're just very sort of sturdy and nice animals . And I like the way they feel , sort of under under the hand , I think that's pretty much it . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: So I'm thinking we should design a remote control that's water resistant , strong and furry . So I'm guessing that we're not actually in Scotland , we're in some European country . user interface: Sorry can you just say that what's the what are our price goals again ? project manager: selling price is twenty five Euro . marketing: How many should we sell then ? , a lot , project manager: Anyone a mathematician ? marketing: two two two million , two mi no , more f four million . And it industrial designer: marketing: well it's the profit so if a profit for each is twelve fifty , that'll do four million . , I don't know what these mean because I didn't actually make the slide-show . So I guess we have to reflect on our experiences with remote controls to decide what we would like to see in a convenient , practical , nice remote control . so do we have any initial ideas for how this remote control should be designed or formatted or the the buttons it should have . marketing: I think one thing is that it should be easy to find industrial designer: user interface: I was thinking that too . user interface: I think we should design something that has like a so you can like somehow like you you always know where your T_V_ is , so just have a call button , industrial designer: user interface: I've always wanted that , project manager: Yeah . user interface: so like you can push a button on your T_V_ marketing: Yeah , yeah yeah yeah yeah . user interface: Yeah , yeah yeah yeah , so you should have a call button on your television to be able to find your remote control . marketing: In which case you're going to be l but if it has a sort of signal which isn't any sound user interface: Yeah . marketing: I don't know if it's expensive maybe to user interface: I don't yeah it but like marketing: Maybe call is enough . user interface: just like your phone even just has so like it can vibrate , it can light up and make noise and I dunno marketing: Yeah yeah yeah . project manager: What if it had something like just like a magnet on the back of it and you could j just to have some place to put it besides like a base . user interface: Yeah , project manager: 'Cause people just stick it on top of their T_V_ , but the point of having a remote is not to have to walk over to the T_V_ , so user interface: industrial designer: Well that's why it's always in the couch . marketing: project manager: user interface: I dunno , it seems like though that that would be hard , 'cause you not you're not gonna be lazy anyway and project manager: Yeah . marketing: But even just a thing to attach it to the w you know if you had a thing , a pretty object attached to the wall . project manager: Do you think it needs to be bigger to not lose , or does that not factor in ? marketing: And the other thing is user interface: Bigger . marketing: Not well it needs to be sort of project manager: Like Hand hand held size , yeah . I don't think you need a project manager: Not not huge , but industrial designer: marketing: But definitely not well I don't know . industrial designer: project manager: industrial designer: user interface: That would be really I'm sure we could do that for twenty five Euros a pop . , oh we just user interface: I also think though that it shouldn't have too many buttons , industrial designer: Yeah , I agree . user interface: I know it has to have enough functions but like , I don't know you , just have like eight thousand buttons and you're like , no , you never use half of them . project manager: You what if may be a little fancy but what if it had like a little screen , so it has less buttons but it still has all the functions . it just seems like project manager: So you could like like if you have I dunno if you have satellite if you have a hundred channels , you can the way you do it on your radio is that you user interface: yeah . project manager: s y yeah but you can programme , so you can programme like your favourite channels , so like if you had a s marketing: But , would you have the screen on the thing , or would you have it on the telly transmitting the screen . marketing: Because , I don't know if it's I think it's e expensive , if you have if you use the telly screen , 'cause the telly's already a screen , then you can pro sort of have a programming function , really easy sort of arrow up and down , on the remote , project manager: Yeah . Something like not it's not on the button but it's telling you what to do , project manager: Yeah . user interface: Or like you h you see those you know people I'm thinking of like celebrity cribs kind of things when like they have all those these things that at their house you know their their entire house is so electronic , and they have like this one master control that and it's like a hand held like turns on everything sort of control and it has like a screen and like so I think it should be possible to have some kind of a screen , I don't know if it must be it would probably marketing: Yeah . user interface: marketing: Or some it i we can find out probably on the internet how much it's project manager: Yeah . Yeah , and the other thing you said that thing about robust and water industrial designer: marketing: What was the word ? user interface: Furry . project manager: Oh I was just user interface: marketing: No but it's I thought , ah , spot on . industrial designer: marketing: Good feel , tact tactile , good tactile feel , project manager: Yeah . project manager: Maybe just like a simple thing to have a clip on it , like so you can clip it to your user interface: Yeah . We should probably start wrapping up , we've got some initial ideas that we can all look into . , and come up with some new ones for the next meeting , which will be in another thirty minutes . The Industrial Designer , what does that stand for , I_D_ , industrial designer: Yeah I think so . So I guess you'd be looking at lots of the things we discussed about screen and that sort of thing . I guess that maybe the working design has also to do with like the physical feat like just the way it looks and the way it w user interface: So technical function . user interface: What is technical functions exactl I I don't really know what project manager: I guess you'd have to find out . user interface: It does but it I just don't really industrial designer: I wrote down what mine were . marketing: Be a medium between you and the telly I think , user interface: Yeah , yeah . project manager: And the M_E_ , what does that stand for ? M industrial designer: Marketing <doc-sep>project manager: l so let's wait it marketing: project manager: we have we have must , user interface: Some creative project manager: we must have some time for that because it will be yeah , quite a lot of mathematics . project manager: And after that , an evaluation of the process how we how we have done it here with the SMARTboard , with the with our laptops , with the all all this . So , we've worked out this concepts , how to how to hold it , where to put the buttons and and stuff . And , well , we began with with a form of shape , that is is easy to hold w in one hand , left or right handed . industrial designer: user interface: So , we made i it a little bit less thick and it has some ar artistic meaning . project manager: user interface: well , during the meeting I showed you the concept of placing the buttons on top , usable with your thumb , and the menu structure , if necessary , with your other hand , so it's just gonna hold it easily . project manager: user interface: And it has to be acce accessible with your other hand too , of course . industrial designer: Yeah , well , and as you saw , we would just have the basic remote with the panel L_C_D_ screen . Well , these would be the main buttons , h you could change them later on in your own profile if you want to . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: This is for the added effect of well y youth and dynamic . project manager: industrial designer: Well , what we figured is we'll show you a picture later on you have more b a better idea after that . industrial designer: And , in these bumps you could actually put some electronics that would you can make a more thinner design , marketing: Yeah . Oh , we added that this can be held with your hands for this maximum is om yeah , one and a half centimetres . S and you can just be the the layer of the touchscreen and some have some wires underneath it to make it as thin as possible in the middle for good grip . industrial designer: Yeah , f , as colours , do you do you have the picture in user interface: Yeah . industrial designer: And and for colours , we we figured starting with basic colours like white or metallic grey . It would be best to to appeal to a broad public and make the covers exchangeable , industrial designer: so it d user interface: so the young people will buy an orange and a red and blue and a purple , industrial designer: Or blue or whatever . user interface: but when the o older people go in the shop and they see an orange remote control , it would be less appealing than a white one . user interface: they think , ah I'll buy for a couple of Euros some noi nice hip marketing: . Maybe it's an idea to sell it without a cover , so that you can pick a cover in the in the shop . user interface: Well , I think a cover is necessary , 'cause als otherwise you'll just have the L_C_D_ screen . user interface: So , there must be some cheap standard cover , maybe white or something , marketing: . user interface: that's could comes with it and you can buy , so we can make extra money . project manager: Yeah , but you d you mustn't forget that our target aim is younger people . project manager: we had decided to put some flashy fruity colours in it , and in the survey from Milan and Paris it it came out that the d the older people are more willing to to spend money on extra features . So I think it will be a better idea to have some flashy fruity colours as as a standard , user interface: Okay . project manager: and for the people who really want a more sophisticated , more traditional look , they're willing to pay that . project manager: So , maybe it's an idea to put that as an extra and not as a standard . user interface: Well yeah , a colour of a wood style , a white c and a couple of h hip fruity colours . user interface: And lea l delivered standard with a fruity colour , but not too not too much . industrial designer: This isn't this isn't too much , is it ? user interface: Yeah , okay . project manager: Well , the buttons don't have to be all all of industrial designer: Yeah . industrial designer: I marketing: Yeah , except for the buttons it's it could be a standard model . project manager: Okay , marketing: Okay ? project manager: so we gon we gonna evaluate the marketing: We're going to vote . industrial designer: Why ? marketing: Most true ? industrial designer: Yeah , it's not just designed for people under the age of forty . marketing: so industrial designer: So marketing: so a o one is appropriate ? user interface: No no , a little more in the middle . industrial designer: Yeah , two or three , because it's not just the qu question is aimed at is it designed for people with age below forty . user interface: it will be primary appealing to to m minus forty , but also appealing to marketing: Three . industrial designer: marketing: Yeah , acco according to us , it's one ? Or project manager: Yeah . user interface: Yeah , industrial designer: Yeah , I I think user interface: it's the marketing angle on television . marketing: Yeah , user interface: We have a wonderful marketing: p s Of c of course you have to be very positive and enthusiastic about your own product . marketing: False ? user interface: And volume is impo marketing: And volume ? project manager: Volume is true . marketing: Big and clear ? project manager: industrial designer: Yeah , the they are big and clear . user interface: Otherwise , the people who read this are gonna think we have no teletext button . marketing: It's it's not industrial designer: So , it's w yeah , it it it marketing: yeah , it industrial designer: it isn't entirely unclear , marketing: J industrial designer: but So , I wouldn't give it a seven . industrial designer: What do you think , Mister Project Manager ? marketing: Yeah , it's it's yeah . user interface: and marketing: industrial designer: Yeah , it has these all these fruity colours and it has a strange shape . industrial designer: So , if you so if you have trouble finding it user interface: But , it it's not making any sound , marketing: user interface: have we deciding ? marketing: Oh , okay , user interface: So marketing: but If you put your normal remote control under your bed , or you throw this remote control under your bed , is it better findable ? user interface: It'll make a difference . marketing: Four ? user interface: marketing: Fi project manager: So , if it's in the dark place , you still see it glowing . It's it's it doesn't really make a lot of industrial designer: Well , then then I'll go for four . project manager: Ah , you must see it as , w according to the the other remote controls , there may be there in your T_V_ room , this one will stand out , I think . marketing: Yeah , project manager: Exa I think that that's what it's about . marketing: it it's user interface: If your fifteen remotes in a drawer , you find it , yeah ? project manager: If it if this lying on your couch , you're you're you think what's that for kinda orange thing . industrial designer: marketing: Like , no not not seeing it , but lost it in the house or something . industrial designer: Well , if i if you see a strange shape lying somewhere , then you'd recognise it as , whoa , that is strange . user interface: Yeah , mostly when you lose your remote control , it it's under your marketing: Yeah , okay . user interface: I would call choose two , industrial designer: user interface: 'cause we decided not to make two f fresh colours , as it would not . marketing: Easy to use ? project manager: Yeah , can it be zero ? industrial designer: Well , I don yeah , it is kind of marketing: Top easy to use ? industrial designer: It marketing: It's it's not the most easy to use user interface: No , you can do two , because industrial designer: No . marketing: Yeah , but the most easy to use is just with one button user interface: But It is r it is rather easy to use , because you have the primary buttons always visible . project manager: marketing: on t Yeah , okay , but easy n not not the most easy to use , I think . project manager: What's the time ? We also have to do the evaluation , the production costs and stuff . project manager: You haven't seen a more innovative thing in Paris ? marketing: The remote control has m remova removable from Multilux . But , maybe make it two , because the games are in a sub-menu and not it's not an entire game . Yeah , if the costs are under twelve and a half Euro , then we can ra move on to the project evaluation , as we have experienced it . We have to fil , want to do it in and see if we stay under the twelve and a half Euro . project manager: Sample sensor sample speaker ? user interface: No , the advanced chip is industrial designer: No . project manager: But is it s it's not made from a single uncurved thingy and then and then user interface: You no . user interface: Yeah , marketing: Yes , user interface: 'cause the layer around it fits around the bubbles on the o on the the back of the marketing: three . Then we'll see we'll we'll see wha how much we are over budget . user interface: Yeah , if if you're honest , we'll type one , special colour . But yeah , it's it's it user interface: j maybe we'll finish the the list first and then look back , aye ? marketing: That doesn't account for this . So , what's the thing we can change ? user interface: So industrial designer: But user interface: No . industrial designer: Well , other case , we can make it single-curved or uncurved . project manager: The kinetic thing , can we just skip it , user interface: Just cut off the kine yeah . marketing: What do you think about putting a battery in it , but also selling like the covers , a docking station project manager: Yeah . user interface: But you can use rechargeable batteries anyway , just you s you have to recharge them manual . industrial designer: Okay , project manager: So industrial designer: well you you can go from double-curved to single-curved . project manager: b but i but the single-curved is just oh user interface: Yeah , so we have to bake the ba back flat , and then industrial designer: Yeah . user interface: No , it's it's just one curve and not a back curved I think . Or industrial designer: It's just yeah well , the single-curve that project manager: Oh , okay , okay . industrial designer: project manager: And then w yeah , and then we could have it , but it's its' well it's it's r it is the main point of the the the the look . marketing: Yeah , user interface: Yeah , but what else do we have to cut out ? No advanced chip , that's a little bit of problem . project manager: So , user interface: Although , can we make it with a regular chip ? project manager: okay , a little less conversation . marketing: Hey , those ar arcs , why are there for ? project manager: Sorry ? marketing: The blue blue project manager: Fill in Just a user interface: Explanation . user interface: Yeah , but does it fit with our design ? project manager: well , the only thing that don't user interface: Do we have to u adapt it ? It's single-curves . user interface: W Could we just make the bubbles cut off the back , and then we're has industrial designer: Yeah , we just make it flat . industrial designer: But , you do l marketing: But , wha 'Kay , look , what is the If you make it double-curved , it costs one Euro more . marketing: fun function more like industrial designer: Worth , does it have added worth ? user interface: there's an a a athe aesthetic value , but not functionality . industrial designer: R if you promote a kinetic I kinetic remote control , that would b sell better than an a normal remote control . industrial designer: No , well , y , y you can go into your neighbour and tell him , ha , my k remote control is kinetic . marketing: What a what about all the m the environment freaks ? user interface: Yeah , but it doesn't fit in our co cost profile . project manager: Yeah ? Who because if you want to go to kinetic , you're you're on thirteen and a half and you must go to flat , marketing: project manager: and I think now it's it's more of a compromise user interface: Yeah . project manager: And if you make the single curve ha just a big curve , then it's then it's marketing: user interface: Yeah , just one big curve . industrial designer: That's one of the functionability project manager: Okay , well , considering we have marketing: Ah no , we have to do all those hours again . industrial designer: user interface: project manager: Well , we were above , so we did a little redesign marketing: Yeah . Were there room for was there room for creativity in our meetings or in your individual meetings ? user interface: marketing: . marketing: It was just fixed information and get your stuff from there , and I couldn't go on on i on the internet and search my own stuff . industrial designer: Well , I th I think you two , especially you and and Daniel , you d you you both had the less creative roles in the project . industrial designer: 'Cause I think m user interface: We could just sign up an remote if we liked . industrial designer: I think Jeroen and I , we had a more design we could have more we had more room for creativity than than you two . Cra industrial designer: Nah , the leadership wasn't crappy , it was the leader that was crappy . user interface: Yeah , example of crappy leadershi marketing: No , leadership was user interface: Okay , yeah . marketing: you could have but , it was your first , no no disrespect or something , project manager: industrial designer: marketing: but you could have structure it a l little bit more . marketing: So like , I I was talking most of the time the first meeting meeting , and user interface: You could of said , shut up you fool . marketing: But project manager: I was a I was also very unhappy , very unsatisfied about the marketing: About me . industrial designer: project manager: So , I hope the the the other meetings industrial designer: Try to learn from your mistake . project manager: get better and I think the the last two meetings also we we reached some good decisions about talk marketing: No , it you did better . project manager: teamwork ? Well , maybe that's only Yeah well , it's for us , because user interface: Well , we work together on a project , but everybody has his own task . user interface: So , it is a little bit marketing: project manager: But , really teamwork were you two user interface: Yeah . project manager: Yeah ? industrial designer: It's it's just user interface: Stupid stupid pen , but project manager: No hard feelings . industrial designer: user interface: in in writing letters , of course , yeah ? Yeah , normally , this the w Block letter sign it , yeah ? project manager: O Just user interface: Just just write your name in in one line . project manager: You can be you can go quicker , 'cause then it it won't notice it . project manager: I follow the Master class for the SMARTboard , so I think that's the that's the main issue . marketing: But , a and the first two meetings I brought it with me , but I didn't use it at all after the first the first meeting . industrial designer: No , it doesn't have that much added value to the project manager: Huh . As as I said a m a c few moments ago , it I would like , myself , to write with a normal pen , because must Yeah , it's almost the same concept , but you can just sim more simply put it on our scanner . user interface: I it's the same concept as the pen , where you f have to download the software or s very slow . project manager: And the SMARTboard is useful , but the the pen is I not user-friendly , I think . project manager: Be it it takes a lot of time to draw things and to write things , marketing: user interface: Yeah , and it's it's not very precise . project manager: and that's the user interface: We're trying to m to marketing: Yeah , like when you do this . user interface: Yeah , it may Yeah , and tr try to wri write your name in a in a normal size , yeah . project manager: Yeah , but that's not th the the you when you at a foreign audience , you b don't gonna wr write small . user interface: No , a as you saw on on this drawing , just open open this one or that one . It's th it it Yeah , we had more problems even here when we trying to draw these buttons , it's almost impossible to get clear when you're project manager: Yeah . New ideas ? user interface: M Abo What kind of new ideas ? project manager: Well , the the idea of the touch-screen is marketing: Do you ? user interface: Yeah , project manager: marketing: Go on . project manager: I'm just user interface: New ideas about the working of this software , about about the project , about the remote controls or marketing: Yeah . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: But the new ideas found for wi with working with this software ? user interface: Not really , just they have to improve it . project manager: Not really , yeah ? user interface: the concept is okay , project manager: Yeah , I think user interface: but it has to be quicker . , it is still opening my programme , n almo almost my entire computer is locked up during the process project manager: Yeah . People will still feel the need to to write it quickly on a page and not download it and save it , and project manager: Yeah . user interface: 'Cause when you use a pen , you can just draw like you d draw normally , project manager: Yeah . Or at least when you you don't have to adapt to the technology , just you can write in the way you normally write . user interface: Nah , okay , I I it's my opinion that I marketing: But I think this is better than regular flip-overs , but user interface: Yeah , it's can be saved easier . user interface: But if you're in normal flip-over you a lot of people write text . user interface: And writing text , yeah , you've gotta really do your best to write some project manager: Yeah , and and maybe some functions for circle or a square . industrial designer: Mean marketing: Yeah , but insert image isn't available ? user interface: 'Cause then you could marketing: Here . project manager: But not the the the the predefined squares I think user interface: So you can marketing: Hyperlink ? Hey , what if you do like hyperlink ? user interface: With W_W_ dot Google dot com . user interface: There's one way to project manager: Is it marketing: 'Kay , double-click it . project manager: So you have user interface: Well , it's project manager: as you saw , you have a little Oh , you can Yeah , thank you . So there the the the functionality is there , but it's not it's not ideal , user interface: But project manager: and it's it's very user interface: . project manager: if you if you have thirty , forty minutes for this kind of things , user interface: Yeah . project manager: and we are now with four people , user interface: And that's m project manager: but it well , imagine you are here you're with the ten people and everyone user interface: That's mostly the case , from the over here with the managements you get two minutes to make your case , project manager: Yeah . user interface: and if you have to do all this kind project manager: Two minutes of drawing , yeah . user interface: And th the one or two things you have to draw when you're there , just use a flip-board . marketing: What I really miss also is industrial designer: project manager: marketing: is a d is a turtle industrial designer: marketing: is a decision decision system like With the evaluation , you have to Polls like , what do you want , a one , a two , project manager: Yeah yeah . marketing: maybe a a l a little application like give your own number and click one two three four five six seven . project manager: Yeah , just like he said with the with the a screen which you can write , also a kind of voting mechanism . industrial designer: But , problem is , well you can't discuss anything well you you ca you can , but you will discuss a lot less than l like we did now . industrial designer: But , well I we said , no I w th think two , because this and this , and then you can react on it . industrial designer: But if you you put a three on it , just figure well , everybody knows what I'm knowing , so they'll all just put a two on . industrial designer: But then , I think the idea of one person entering it and the rest discussing it , that isn't that bad idea , actually . marketing: That's it ? project manager: well , just about , user interface: When are w industrial designer: project manager: because marketing: user interface: When are we going to produce it ? project manager: Yeah , tomorrow ? , the costs are within the budget . project manager: But , before we going to celebrate , I have a little question which you can't answer , marketing: Yeah . You might thinking what the hell was he doing marketing: What is an end report ? project manager: about all the meetings , what we have decided , a r r a report of this day . project manager: that must be made , but I don't know , here is standing whoa , we can celebrate now , but the end report is marketing: Oh , you ha you have ten minutes left , I read . Because I think it will it must be marketing: You you already made a beta version , or project manager: Yeah , it's a three with seventy five marketing: Pages . industrial designer: project manager: No no no , marketing: Hey ? project manager: I'm just marketing: Oh , okay . industrial designer: So you you finished it actually , and so we just have to read it and say yes or no ? project manager: Well , this not nit it user interface: Yes . marketing: Maybe the user interface: project manager: Yeah , I understand you , I can talk a little bit Dutch . industrial designer: marketing: No , you have to put , switch channels at the top , because that's the most used function and teletext at the second project manager: Oka okay , okay , I I really didn't knew that . , well all the things we have discussed , the energy , which turn out to be batteries , so that's user interface: Yeah . Well , okay , maybe you can add it later that we decided in the end because of the cost . , he here it is still double-curve , the rubber , the flashy , the fruity , the removable . project manager: And the the added functions like Tetris snake , it's under the parental control , the touch-screen . industrial designer: project manager: So , it's just a summary of what we had discussed industrial designer: On thing One small thing , the added functions . , was it included in the cost ? I don't think so , eh ? user interface: Ah , it's very cheap . marketing: project manager: you you maybe you you you you come at marketing: No , it's it's not very cheap , but that project manager: It's very necessary . Okay , but so we can discuss that user interface: He'll do it in his free time . So project manager: we can discuss that kind of things I think with the with the the board of industrial designer: marketing: Yeah . user interface: You can ask your personal industrial designer: project manager: Okay , so anybody misses something here about user interface: Yeah , the end conclusion . project manager: Yeah , okay , user interface: But project manager: that's that's what I'm gonna write b between now . project manager: But , i in here nothing user interface: the decision to make the buttons on the top , and the menu on the project manager: user interface: Don't save it , aye ? project manager: Oh , that's cool , Tim . user interface: project manager: Well , I'm I'm user interface: why are only the first five SMARTboard files project manager: I'm going to finish my end report <doc-sep>project manager: Hello , this meeting we are it's fo should be focused on the conceptual design of the remote control . project manager: the goal of this meeting is to reach a decision at the end on the concept and I think the last time we talked about an a lot and we had a rough idea of what is going to be , but in th at the end of this meeting we have to to reach a decision . So , we will have again three presentation , from all of you , and I hope it will be fast because I would like to have time to for long discussion and and decisions . so basically I just want to presented to you present to you some recent results we've had from looking at some remote control market research and some fashion trends around the world . the fashion trends we got from talking to our our contacts in the fashion industry based in Paris and Milan . so f from our market research basically we've come to the conclusion that a fancy look and feel , as opposed to a functional look and feel , is our number one priority . and third thirdly the easiness of use is is the is is important as well , but again two times less important as the technologically innovativeness of the remote control . From our f fashion people in Paris and Milan , we've discovered that this year fruit the fruit and vegetable motif will be the most important thing in in clothes , shoes and furniture . marketing: so in conclusion , we need a our remote control needs to be something that's really fancy , has lots of technolog tech technology in it . user interface: marketing: And that it's easy to use and from our last meeting our you know Fabian told us that w you know one of the requirements is that we have to reflect the look and feel of our of th the Real Reaction company . marketing: So fanciness first and then two ti you know , half as important as that is technology technology , project manager: Okay . So I am going to talk about a little bit about how this remote control should be appear to be more easy to use . I think I think the feature easy to use is more important than being fancy , but okay , we can discuss about it later . generally , generally this remote control should be should be something , in my opinion , the first feature is just to be easy to use . So , the more frequent buttons should be larger , they should be placed in a good position inside the remote control . And s I can conclude like this , that we shouldn't need to learn how to use it . It should be we shouldn't need to es open a a t book and start reading and learning how to use this this remote control . So what I found out that as I said I think it's better to put more frequent ke buttons which are used more in the middle of the remote control , and they should be bigger in size . user interface: And maybe just like some toys , some joystick which is easier to take inside the hand . And also f m because because customers doesn't like to buy lots of battery , it should not consume lots of energy . And my personal p preference is , as I said , just putting this buttons in a special places and covered some buttons which are not used that much like settings button , like mobile phone . Usually some mobile phone cover the dialling number part , so we can cover these buttons which are not used or number buttons for the for the for the can channels , and just put volume change or s ch can channel change buttons in the remote control . And if the user needed to do some more complex task he he can open the cover and then change settings or something like this . And also I think if we put some some some some some buttons inside of the remote control it can be used easier . For example , a sliding or rolling d stuff , if we put it inside then we can easily manipulate with thumb . And I dunno but I think usage of a speech recogn r recogniser can be good . I know that it consumes lots of energy , but if we do it in some way that it asleeps when there is no sound and when it detects some sound it may consume less energy . And I think it's good because it's something new and usually young people like something new . industrial designer: okay , so good news from me for me from Hamed , but bad news from Bob obviously , because spongy design , I don't like it as marketing: project manager: industrial designer: Okay , so could you please , Fabien , open it . I Most of the things I have to write myself on the board , but project manager: This one , yeah . This this is just one thing I wanted to mention and show you that I just I just found this , that our company developed a s a seven f seven fingers or I'll just marketing: Inch . industrial designer: Yeah , seven seven inch T_ T_F_T_ screen , which is good news for us , since we wanted to include a display there . industrial designer: Okay , so the this will be like the overall scheme or overall requirements from the engineering point of view . first thing is this will be the overall shape , no I'm not speaking about the real shape of the device , but the shape of the inside of the device . the main energy will be taken from batteries that we can And if we decide to use the speech recognition stuff there , we must use additional source of energy , which I found the best is to use the solar cells which can which can supply everything . I was computing all the all the things related to the speech recognition , and it's okay to use just two batteries and solar cells , so . the main board with all the circuits will take at least seven to seven centimetres , so this is my like hard requirement for the guys from the design . It depends where you put your screen , because the screen is seven inch , so it depends on you where where you put it . Then the graphical card for the T_F_T_ and the third unit is the I_R_ . The good news is that we can we decided to use the infra-red unit because our company has also developed the chip for communication by the infra-red , including all the stuff inside , so it will be very cheap for us . So the once again the overall requirements , seven to seven centimetres for the board , which has to be which can be spongy but has to be this size , and the T_F_T_ which is seven inches . I have to check what I wanted to from my point of view I don't care about the about the material used for the overall des ov all the device . project manager: Can you fit any for example a T_F_T_ or any electronic device in a spongy thing , or is there any problem for that ? For example , put electronic card on a spongy thing , I can I can imagine it could be a problem . industrial designer: A all these things in in in this box are okay to put in in any shape , basically . Maybe it a good feature , since it takes if it's around the T_F_T_ then it's good , because it's just keeps it safe , project manager: Okay . user interface: Well maybe it can have two shells , a hard shell inside and a spongy shell outside . marketing: This seven inch T_F_T_ screen , industrial designer: Yeah ? marketing: how big is it in reality ? industrial designer: Well , seven to seven inches . industrial designer: marketing: have we decided that we're gonna use this T_F_T_ screen ? project manager: No , I don't think it's seven by seven , industrial designer: Yeah but project manager: I think it's seven the diagonal is seven . industrial designer: To be honest , I was project manager: Usually when they say seven inch I think it's the diagonal . industrial designer: Yeah , honestly speaking I was thinking that it was seven centimetres initially , marketing: Yeah . industrial designer: Yeah , no no problem , user interface: industrial designer: because because because then the size of the graphic card will be one fourth . industrial designer: So marketing: industrial designer: Yeah , but no problem to to me to cut the screen . marketing: So , what's the size of the device ? industrial designer: Ah well this is like this is almost nothing . marketing: Even from my perspective seven t seven centimetres by seven centimetres is still industrial designer: Yeah , but we wanted the big buttons and stuff like that , you know . marketing: Is it Can you hold that , or ? industrial designer: Because if it's t too small we can we can lose it , at home , you know . project manager: A sm industrial designer: marketing: But is something that's seven centimetres square e easy to hold ? user interface: industrial designer: W I I think so . I if the roller buttons are on the side you don't have to catch it like that , but just like this , and you know follow follow Well , that's that's no task for me , but well seven to seven at least yeah , project manager: So maybe you can finish your presentation , user interface: project manager: and afterwards we will discuss about all this . , so I think we have a lot We have to take decision today , so I think we have to do some work to finalise our idea and take decisions . first I think energy it's a key problem because it depend what can we have as feature if we use only batteries , for example , or something like that . Because can we have L_C_D_ and speech recognition with battery , and it's also r related to the size of the of the devi of the device ? industrial designer: Not J just a point to the energy th things . If we use the batteries , and the additional so solar cell , then it's okay for L_ speech recognition and L_C_D_ , project manager: Okay . project manager: but using how many batteries , for example ? Are are what Maybe what is the size of the battery industrial designer: Yeah I was thinking just common A_A_ cells . marketing: So if we use s solar cells , where is the sun if someone's watching T_V_ inside ? industrial designer: S d doesn't need to be sun . industrial designer: Yeah well I I suppose that I suppose that that this remote control won't be in the in the room like this , where there is light only when when there are people , but . project manager: At least when there is T_V_ you can get light from the T_V_ . industrial designer: Ah it's a it's a compromise , no ? marketing: project manager: At least it's new and maybe technology New technology . industrial designer: Yeah , that's why I wanted to to include the speech recognition , because you wanted all the new things . user interface: project manager: So I think before talking about the other thing , it's important thing it's the case . industrial designer: project manager: what what are gonna be the size , because its weight drives the other what we are going to use as features and so on . For example for the for the L_C_D_ , if we choose to have a small device , we cannot use this a such a a a screen . Well what what would you guess as a shape ? Or what what would be the shape ? user interface: . And I prefer to is it shouldn't have a uniform shape , so in the middle it should be a little bit thinner , maybe maybe . You can take some some joystick you can take inside hand easier because it's it's designed for your f taking into account your finger shape and your palm shape . So seven not seven but let's say five by ten it's I think it's that's my opinion . industrial designer: Yeah , I think it's feasib Well one How could we do it ? We could put the board next to , well , under the L_C_D_ and for example make the L_C_D_ be totally unrelated to the thing that you hold in your hand . industrial designer: Like holding something , and the L_C_D_ to be just on top of it , you know somehow . I've I s I think the easiest thing would be to to have a smaller L_C_D_ , if it's possible . industrial designer: Okay , so five to ten , I I think it's it's feasible . user interface: but I don't want to now invent something new , because we didn't discuss about it . So using some L_C_D_s we can touch , so we can remove keys and just having , I dunno the name , L_C_D_ responding to fingers . user interface: So But for now if we don't want to use such kind of screens I I think we using a a smaller screen is better , project manager: Yeah . user interface: because project manager: The problem is we have a limit in a month of time , so we cannot do something very new . user interface: project manager: So let's go for a small L_C_D_ . marketing: So industrial designer: Okay , so Yeah , so so just just give me the the the five by ten numbers that you find the best and send it me user interface: A smaller s project manager: Yeah okay . something easy to use , you said something easy to use but how does that fit in a fashion way , like with fruit and vegetable , and about the colour and logo of the of the company and so on , now , can we do that ? My first idea is because our colour is more yellow , and the it should be easy to take in a hand , I thought about banana , or something like that , which is fruits , and industrial designer: Seven to ten banana . marketing: Well it's it's definitely the obvious choice , with the colour of our company . user interface: marketing: what other what other fruit and vegetables project manager: But it's just an idea . I dunno what you think about , but marketing: Do you know of any any other fruit and vegetables that are yellow ? project manager: Yeah . project manager: industrial designer: Well , but If it's If it If the banana is big enough . Well user interface: project manager: Yeah , and industrial designer: user interface: I think this is not good . project manager: The screen has to be square ? Or it can be like a a shape , quite , with curves . industrial designer: But if it's square then we get four screens out of one by cutting just . But if you want some shape then we can only get like two screens out of seven to seven inches , so . I think that's more important than saving a bit of money on on the T_F_T_ screen . industrial designer: Yeah , m maybe the banana could be like a bit fatter than than the c c common one . Yeah , it should remember banana , but it's not doesn't have to b to be really the size and exactly the shape of a banana . project manager: So we are agree with the banana thing ? industrial designer: Well it we'll stick to banana , or ? user interface: Okay . project manager: So , the last point we decided it's infra-red , I guess . You have other thing to add to this point , or no ? So , about the user interface , so we are going to use L_C_D_ . You talked about the buttons on the side industrial designer: Like like peeling of the banana you s user interface: Yeah , peeling of the banana . marketing: industrial designer: First layer obviously spo Yeah , project manager: So industrial designer: w It's it's like silly , but the people will really appreciate it , yeah I think . project manager: Is it is it possible to do that ? It would be a great idea , but is it possible technically ? user interface: project manager: Like doing a spongy layer of the banana , and you open it . marketing: I think if we if we have a spongy layer on the outside of the banana then it's easy to make that , project manager: Yeah . marketing: you know , to manipulate that to hav be a cover that you can pull off and user interface: user interface: Yeah , some Something like a plastic cover covering some interface , U_S_B_ interface as in the in digital camera . You open a plastic cover and you see some U_S_B_ interfaces , some some interfaces for adaptor . So keys can be buttons can be covered like this , with a plastic cover and when and when you open this cover it's like peeling a banana . project manager: Yeah , but do you see that as a rigid thing , or like like a banana , something very soft , you can open like banana , or . industrial designer: Well is it possible to make it soft ? user interface: Yeah , yeah , yeah it's a lic like a plastic cover , so . industrial designer: So I think if it's so then it's cool ? project manager: So , I dunno what you think , Bob , but it would be great for users I think , and very good for marketing . maybe , how can we , if we have a soft thing , like this , and to open it we have to attach it somewhere , I dunno how to do that technically , or . Yeah or a Yeah it can is it can be a plastic cover sticking to the to the all the stuff like with magnetic p magnetic magnetic materials in the border , so it's it sticks like refrigerator door , completely . So you you can be sure that it will not be open while you're while while you are commonly using buttons on the banana . industrial designer: Well since since the since the things like the like the screen and how to say that , solar cell has to be has to be like kept kept in the shape , we cannot b So we need that the that the peeling I dunno but we should we should take care of these two two things . So , if if the solar cell won't be visible while the banana is closed , then the material must be able to put the light inside , you know . So you're saying is it possible to have a solar cell and this removable cover and industrial designer: It is possible , but , well if it marketing: And a and a banana . industrial designer: I dunno how to how to do it if if t if to if it's better to put the solar cell to the t to the peeling or outside it , or or inside . project manager: And something we forgot , maybe , about the speech recognition system , are we going to use it , or not ? marketing: user interface: Yes , I think . project manager: So we have the de design , the a good shape , new and so on , user interface: . marketing: user interface: project manager: And , yeah , I I think you should work together , s you Hamed and Peter , to work in a in a first prototype , and more about the shape and so on and how you can manage to put everything together | The project manager acknowledged the lack of background information on the competitor but suggested analyzing based on product price. Marketing added that the remote control is not a consciously assessed factor in purchasing decisions. The question arose whether the remote control should be larger to avoid loss, with User Interface initially suggesting a bigger size and the project manager proposing a hand-sized device. Taking into account the light feature and noise, User Interface believed a mobile remote control with a target price of 25 Euros was feasible. Both User Interface and the project manager agreed that ease of use was paramount, with the project manager desiring a fashionable shape. They ultimately decided on a banana-shaped remote control to align with their company's yellow color. The remote should be compact and trendy, made with different materials and colors. To maximize user satisfaction, the power button should be placed on the top right for easy thumb access, along with standard buttons for channels and volume. The User Interface also suggested adding their logo to make the remote control unique. Initially, the User Interface designer wanted a curvy design, but the marketing expert expressed budget concerns and deemed it unnecessary. Eventually, they compromised on a flat and single-curved remote control design. |
1 | "Question: What were the team's discussions and decisions regarding the product cost, project plan, (...TRUNCATED) | "The team made decisions regarding the material, functionality, and design of the device. They opted(...TRUNCATED) |
2 | "Question: What were the key points discussed by the group regarding pricing, individual task assign(...TRUNCATED) | "The Project Manager addressed the team regarding the price issue and the financial goal, setting th(...TRUNCATED) |
3 | "Question: Summarize the discussion on the transcription pipeline, the details about setting up the (...TRUNCATED) | "The team discussed the involvement of various institutions, such as the University of Washington an(...TRUNCATED) |
4 | "Question: What were David Hopkins' thoughts on the new Act and what factor did he consider as the c(...TRUNCATED) | "The new Act is expected to put additional pressure on schools, as agreed upon by David Hopkins and (...TRUNCATED) |
5 | "Question: What ideas were suggested by User Interface and Industrial Designer when discussing marke(...TRUNCATED) | "The User Interface team emphasized the importance of adjusting the design of the remote control to (...TRUNCATED) |
6 | "Question: Summarize the group's discussion and determination on the detailed design and evaluation (...TRUNCATED) | "The User Interface team presented the function, customizability, and appearance of the remote contr(...TRUNCATED) |
7 | "Question: What were User Interface's opinions on the technical function design of the new remote co(...TRUNCATED) | "The User Interface team emphasized the importance of simplicity in the remote control, suggesting t(...TRUNCATED) |
8 | "Question: Summarize the reasons for the industrial designer's preference for a potential-meter for (...TRUNCATED) | "The group discussed the issue of volume control and agreed that using two discrete buttons for volu(...TRUNCATED) |
9 | "Question: What were the reasons behind the decision to allocate $1 million in bonuses to the CEO of(...TRUNCATED) | "The government, led by Hon. Catherine McKenna, introduced a $33 billion infrastructure program aime(...TRUNCATED) |
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