On Friday, 225 community members gathered at the Maronite Center in Austintown to celebrate the retirement of Judge Robert A. Douglas Jr. Douglas, a Youngstown State University alumnus and limited service faculty member, officially retired from the Youngstown Municipal Court over the summer. “All of my longtime friends were there, and I was very thankful they were able to attend,” Douglas said. Delores Crawford, a member of the YSU Board of Trustees, said she grew up with Douglas on the South Side of Youngstown. Crawford said the dinner was very well attended. “We were all there to support him,” Crawford said. “It was a very nice evening.” Crawford said she was part of the planning committee, along with Douglas’ stepdaughter. “We celebrated his accomplishments,” Crawford said. “He deserves all we can do.” Douglas went to YSU on a basketball scholarship in 1958. He then left school to join the U.S. Army for three years, and later received his bachelor’s degree from YSU in 1966. He received his master’s degree in social work from the University of Pittsburgh in 1970, then earned his law degree from the University of Akron in 1978. Afterward, he worked for various agencies, including Mahoning County Job and Family Services. Douglas was also a member of various boards, such as Gateways to Better Living and the United Way. He served as president of the board of trustees for the Youngstown Community Health Center and the Northeast Ohio Adoption Services. Norma Marzano, a former bailiff, worked for Douglas for 10 years and retired in 2008. “He is a sweetheart, and everything he got he worked for,” Marzano said. “His father died when he was 4 years old, and his mother basically raised him. He genuinely cares about people. He really does. He probably was one of the fairest judges I’ve ever seen in my life.” John Spivey, Douglas’ most recent bailiff, said Douglas knew how to treat people with dignity. “He was fair and had compassion,” Spivey said. “He had an effect on people because of his social work background. … Just because he was in the court system, he was still a human being.” Spivey was attending Cleveland State University when he met Douglas. He had just lost his job at Forum Health, and Douglas encouraged him to finish his degree. “He’s all about higher education,” Spivey said. Douglas said one of his most rewarding accomplishments was redistricting in a voting rights lawsuit: Armour vs. State of Ohio. He also is proud of co-founding a radio station, WRBP. “I am also proud of becoming a judge at the end of my career,” he said. “I was retired and a vacancy came out, and I was fortunate enough to be sought after for the position.”
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John Rae presenting at the MUHC’s first Bal Rouge, which raised $800,000 in August 2016John Rae, the super hospital’s quiet philanthropist Tracey Arial May 26, 2017 580 John Rae Which Montreal powerbroker convinced private investors to donate massively to the MUHC super hospital through years of political turmoil, fraudulent leadership and the pullout of key players? John Rae, a man unafraid to laugh at himself. “Nobody names their boys John anymore,” he said during a five-minute stand-up routine that helped raise $1.5 million for the new Shriners Hospital. “Happily the name John will not disappear entirely because it has been used over time to describe things. Excuse me; I want to go to the John. Are you going to wear long johns today?” Rae’s sense of humour doesn’t prevent him from achieving serious goals. He spent decades as a key executive of Power Corporation and still serves the company in an advisory role. In his spare time, the 71-year old fundraising strategist helped Jean Chretien win majority governments in 1993, 1997, and 2000 prior to his work for the MUHC. “I was privileged to work for a corporation that believed that officers should be involved in the community,” he said. The Humour Me Montreal’s comedy show in which Rae and three other major donors participated exemplifies the kinds of fundraisers that formed part of the super hospital campaign. The event took place on May 10, 2015, at Place des Art’s Théâtre Maisonneuve and raised funds specifically for the Shriners Hospital, the last building constructed in the project. The Shriners Hospital wasn’t initially proposed by the MUHC in 1998. At first, the hospital was supposed to include five public entities—the Royal Victoria, Montreal General, Montreal Children’s, Montreal Neurological and the Montreal Chest hospitals. Rae got involved in 2001. Then MUHC board chair David Culver asked him to lead the largest most ambitious campaign by the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) to date. Over the fifteen years of the project, Rae’s team raised $300 million for an innovative public private partnership (known as PPP) development plan. John Rae with the late David Culver (seated). “Mr. Culver wanted this campaign to reflect the Montreal of today and tomorrow, not of yesterday. David died in February 2017 at 92. His contribution should be highlighted.” “Mr. Culver wanted this campaign to reflect the Montreal of today and tomorrow, not of yesterday,” said Rae. “David died in February 2017 at 92. His contribution should be highlighted. In Montreal, our health infrastructure had been neglected so there had to be involvement of all three levels of government. The Federal Government was involved because it gave a lot of money to the research institute. Over time, everybody came together and there was a massive investment in the two teaching hospitals and in a lot of other institutions besides. The provincial government, through many administrations, stayed committed. These reinvestments in our health infrastructure will be beneficial for our citizens for many years to come.” Rae shared Culver’s vision and remained in charge of the capital campaign until 2015 when the super hospital opened. “As a volunteer, there were three important lessons I learned throughout the course of this campaign,” said Rae. “First, believe profoundly in what you’re doing. Second, give your money and your time before you ask others to give their money and their time and third is that none of these important projects take place without significant difficulty and with lots of twists and turns.” The project’s twists and turns began early. Rae started on a good note. The Quebec Government had just agreed to purchase the 17-hectare Glen property from Canadian Pacific Railway for $18 million and both parties agreed to pay to decontaminate the land. The MUHC was on track to meet its budgeted $1.2 million. However by the time the campaign ended, that figure grew to $1.8 billion. There were even points during the fifteen-year adventure when it seemed the hospital might not be built. “As we went through, from time to time, some difficulties, I used to like to remind myself of Winston Churchill’s quote, which was ‘make sure that when you’re going through hell you follow the most important principal never to stop.” Soon after the land purchase, downtown Montreal residents complained that they would no longer have local hospital service. That led to public consultations, reports and a lot of criticism. By 2004, the concerns became acute and the Quebec Government asked the MUHC to keep one of its sites downtown. That request removed the Montreal General Hospital from the project, leaving a development hole. Eventually the hole was filled by the Shriners Hospital-Canada, the only Canadian facility in a network of 22 privately-run children’s hospitals. That decision became tenuous twice. The board of the private hospital threatened to pull out of the project in 2006 when they heard that the MUHC-led decontamination of the property was incomplete. A year later, the board supported a motion that the Shriners move out of Montreal entirely. Rae encouraged the campaign to keep the Shriners here, which ultimately succeeded in July, 2007. The entire concept of a public private partnership came up for debate politically too, particularly in the early days of the project. Throughout it all, Rae continued to assure his investors that their funds were being properly handled. His task became easier in 2008 when the government reconfirmed the PPP status of the project. It became harder again when the government publicly questioned the role of private enterprise in the public hospital early in 2009. Then the situation stabilized when the government reconfirmed the PPP status later that same year. “A project of this dimension was unprecedented in Quebec. In major undertakings things get complicated, but I didn’t have to argue too hard about why the infrastructure needed to be built. The community had conviction that it was doing the right thing.” The most trying period for the McGill super hospital project came in 2011, when MUHC president Arthur Porter was accused of kickbacks and a year later, when he was charged with fraud. During that investigation, the public learned that the MUHC planned project deficit of $12 million had actually reached $115 million. As a frequent attendee and joint spokesman with Rae, Porters’ damaged reputation reflected badly on the hospital campaign. Ask Rae about that now, and he doesn’t want to focus on it. “It certainly created anxiety, but the project was more important than any incident,” he said. “We raised a lot of the money before we had a project that was confirmed. A project of this dimension was unprecedented in Quebec. In major undertakings things get complicated, but I didn’t have to argue too hard about why the infrastructure needed to be built. The community had conviction that it was doing the right thing.” The final few years of the campaign featured imaginative events. On February 4, 2012, for example, ten MUHC doctors performed in a “Dancing with the Stars” type event at Metropolis to raise $203,000. Fundraising stayed on track as construction finished at the site in late November 2014. Various hospitals then moved to the site throughout 2015, with the last one being the privately-funded Shriners. Rae’s participation in the May comedy night that year combined with similar efforts by the many non-profit organizations involved to ensure that the Shriners opened at the Glen on October 5. “Emphasize please that it’s not one person, it’s many who made this happen,” says Rae. “We live in a society that’s based on a real commitment to volunteer effort. The not-for-profit sector in Canada represents a great strength in our society. It’s been there from the beginning.” Social entrepreneur and journalist Tracey Arial specializes in writing nonfiction profiles about local leaders like Rae, who donate their time and energy on behalf of the public good. Read more of her work in The Suburban or on her blog at. Related
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NEW YORK — Don’t call it Tribune anymore: The newspaper company has officially changed its name to “Tronc.” The company behind the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune is shedding its name to rebrand as a high-tech journalism company as it tries to avoid being bought by USA Today owner Gannett Co. “Tronc” stands for Tribune online content, the company says. The Chicago-based publisher will also get a new stock symbol. Tronc Inc. began trading on the Nasdaq stock exchange Monday under the ticker symbol “TRNC.” Previously, Tribune Publishing Co. was traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “TPUB.” Gannett, which has offered $864 million for Tronc, said earlier this month that it is still pursuing a deal despite being rejected.
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Toronto’s Royal Horse Show Selected as One of Two Canadian Venues for 2018-2020 FEI World Cup™ Jumping North American League Aug 18, 2017 Comments Off three-year cycle, the Royal Horse Show is one of only two Canadian venues to be included. Having joined the Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping North American League in 2015, the Royal Horse Show has excelled in attracting top show jumping talent from around the world, making it one of the most coveted events for top-ranked athletes. The Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Toronto has been won in both 2015 and 2016 by Royal Horse Show fan-favourite and two-time U.S. Olympic team gold medalist, McLain Ward, who went on to capture the 2017 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final in Omaha, USA. When the new three-year cycle begins, the 2018 Royal Horse Show, scheduled for November 2-11, will be a qualifier for the 2019 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final in Gothenburg, Sweden, while the 2019 Royal Horse Show, held November 1-10, will give competitors opportunities to earn points for the 2020 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final in Las Vegas, NV. The host city for the 2021 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final has not yet been announced. In addition to international show jumping competition, the Royal Horse Show is a true celebration of horse sport, featuring the $125,000 Canadian Show Jumping Championships, which take the stage during opening weekend. The $20,000 Horseware Indoor Eventing Challenge and the $20,000 Royal Invitational Dressage Cup, presented by Butternut Ridge, also highlight the multi-discipline schedule each year. For more information on the Royal Horse Show, the marquee event of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, please visit. Funding support for The Royal has been provided by the City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario. About The Royal The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is the world’s largest combined indoor agricultural and equestrian event. The 95th Royal Agricultural Winter Fair runs November 3-12, 2017, at Exhibition Place, Toronto, Canada. For competition schedules, live webcasting, results and to purchase tickets, please visit. PHOTO: 2016 Olympic Champions Nick Skelton of Great Britain and Big Star competing in the Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Toronto at the 2016 Royal Horse Show in Toronto, Canada. The Royal Horse Show has been selected as one of only two Canadian venues for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping North American League. Photo by Ben Radvanyi Photography
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Luke Bryan performs to sold-out crowd at Montage Mountain MOOSIC — The Pavilion at Montage Mountain was sold out July 21, as some 18,000 country music fans made the slow trek up the hill to see genre-sensation Luke Bryan. At times the bumper-to-bumper traffic was stopped dead, but eager fans took it in stride, some with legs plopped lazily out passenger windows so their cowboy boots could be admired. For 8-year-old Abigail Marra, the traffic was nothing compared to the mystery surrounding the trip. “We came from Sussex County, New Jersey,” said her grandmother, Lisa Dunn. “She had absolutely no idea. It’s an early birthday present.” Lips covered in blue from a half-eaten Italian ice, and showing no signs of wear from her travel, young Marra was beaming with excitement when she exclaimed, “I love Luke Bryan.” While her grandfather, Bill, and grandmother are fans, they seemed more eager to see Little Big Town, also on the night’s bill. Prior to seeing either of their favorites, Dustin Lynch started things rolling by telling the crowd, “It is our job to get the crowd warmed up for Luke Bryan and Little Big Town. See, Luke’s my boss and he said ‘Dustin make sure they know that even though they have seats they can get up and dance at tonight’s show.’” There’s no wonder why Lynch earned the 2014 title as one of People and US Weekly’s “Sexist Men of Country” because the country boy has it and works it throughout his entire time in front of the crowd. This country newcomer is reminiscent of a young Kenny Chesney, with his charm and how he moves about the stage, while his voice is more of an Alan Jackson-meets-George Strait combination. The crowd swaying and belting along to “Where It’s At” and “Cowboys and Angels” proves he has the goods and is more than just a performer, he can actually sing. When fan-favorite Little Big Town came out, the crowd was still flocking in, but nonetheless, all eyes were forward and not a person was sitting. Covering numerous songs during their set, it’s a wonder why they’re in a number two spot. With 13 songs, including “Pontoon,” “Front Porch Drinking” and “Pain Killer” the group did a remarkable job reminding fans what makes them one on the top selling acts in country music. Eager fans were treated to the 2014 Grammy-award winning “Girl Crush” during their stint on the mountain. With the stage lights dimmed, the four took a uniformed position standing side-by-side center stage. Stripped down, seemingly sans the band, the fierce foursome began a mellowed version of their hit “Boondocks,” only to have the lights blasting in with the band on the crowds vocal cue, bringing back the full rhythm that earned them their first Top 10 hit on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs. For country music fans Erin Reilly and Chuck Kosciuk the night was a blast. “We have a little boy,” Reilly said, “so it’s hard for us to get out that often, but we try to come to at least one concert a year.” “Our son is 4,” Kosciuk added. “He’s a big Luke Bryan fan.” Maybe Kosciuk made a good call leaving his son at home because the country-star did put on a good show, but after three songs in, this reviewer wondered how much staying power he truly has as an artist. Sure he has the look, tight jeans, tight T-shirt, and stage swagger that would make Mick Jagger envious. But there were times when his vocal abilities, more specifically, his range, or lack thereof, was noticeable. His voice lost in the guitars, his answer to shake and sway and work the crowd instead. While there’s nothing wrong with being a showman, which Bryan most certainly is, the lacking vocal range, combined with the song variety seem to paint a bleak picture unless he changes it up, and soon. Songs like his opener “Rain is a Good Thing,” “Crash My Party,” “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” and “Kick the Dust Up” were played and made the crowd go crazy. About mid-way through his act, Bryan stopped and offered thanks to the people serving in the military and also to the Country Music Association. “I want to thank you for making me your CMA entertainer of the year,” he said flashing a flirty, beaming smile. “Thank you very much.” Yes, Bryan puts on a good show, ask the 18,000 people who trekked to see him. It was a party to beat all parties in NEPA. There’s no doubt that the Country Music Association made a good call when they awarded him “2016 Entertainer of the Year.” He’s got the charm, the body and the swagger. He also throws one hell of a party, the trick is to get there a little early to avoid the traffic. Shaverton-resident Melissa Huey was one of the lucky ones there from the start. A Bryan fan, and also a fan of the venue, she knows how bad traffic can get so she made a point of getting up on the mountain earlier in the day to hangout and tailgate with friends before going through the gates. “I like coming here because I don’t have to travel to far,” she said. “The location is great.” Check back soon for more photos of Bryan’s July 21 performance at Montage Mountain. Shannon Keith is a Weekender and Times Leader correspondent. Reach the arts and entertainment department at ae@timesleader.com.
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Clara Emanuel has walked many paths - as a marketing professional, a singer, a teacher, a blogger, a model, and as a business consultant - in many different parts of the world - family from Cameroon, raised in the US, studied in Greece, now living in London - but she's found her home as a fierce and powerful actress working in international TV and film. Clara just wrapped filming a lead role as Naomi - a charming American astronaut with a secret - in Nomad, a dystopian sci-fi thriller releasing in 2018. Earlier credits also include the lead role as a young lawyer and wife in short film Missing You, and a co-star role as a sympathetic nurse on the hit TV show Homeland (Series 5) opposite Clare Danes, Mandy Patinkin & Rupert Friend. Clara regularly attends the ongoing Masterclass at Anthony Meindl's Actor Workshop (AMAW) London Studio and is currently writing a new TV pilot. Twitter @claraenjeInstagram @claraenje
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Baltimore City plagued with another violent weekend Shootings, stabbings keep police busy Shootings, stabbings keep police busy Shootings, stabbings keep police busy There was another weekend of violence in Baltimore City, and another call to end the bloodshed from Federal Hill to Park Heights. Shootings and stabbings kept Baltimore police busy on another weekend in the city. One thing that stands out about the past weekend is there is a victim and a suspect who are both just 17 years old. Someone shot and killed 17-year-old Dashanae Woodson at 1 a.m. Saturday as she walked with friends along Reisterstown Road in Park Heights. Police are still searching for a gunman who they say opened fire on the group. A short time later, in Federal Hill, a fight at Club Banditos on Charles Street ended with four people suffering stab wounds, including the suspect, 17-year-old Shawn Guzman, who faces charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault. "(There's a) 17-year-old in a bar. You're in atmosphere that's far too mature for you. You're in a place with alcohol. The law says you don't belong there and then you end up, and now you're in a fight for your life in the criminal justice system," BPD's Donny Moses said. WBAL-TV 11 News has learned that Baltimore police are following up with the liquor board about the underage patron as workers at the bar said they are installing new security features.." Tired of the repeat headlines and mounting number of families affected by violence, a group called Mothers of Murdered Sons held surreal Mother's Day event calling for a ceasefire. "If we can come together in a civil unrest over the Freddie Gray issue, surely we can come together peacefully in supporting of stopping this senseless violence," pastor Sandy Johnson said. But that ceasefire fell on deaf ears. A 32-year-old man was shot and killed at 1 a.m. Monday in Baltimore's Brooklyn neighborhood. This year, the city is averaging more than one homicide a day. Also on WBALTV.com:
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I'll admit that I am a purist. All of my track, save for just a few pieces, are genuine BRIO. If you buy a BRIO set, then I've of the opinion that you should buy BRIO track to expand it. The same goes for the other wooden railway sets: buy Thomas track for Thomas sets, Maxim track for Maxim sets, and so on. But as I said, I am a purist, and most people (and children) don't care which track they use as long as it works. Unfortunately, that "as long as it works" part is the rub. There is no established standard for wooden track gauges, and while just about everyone uses the BRIO system as their guide, to avoid patent issues each has small deviations in their measurements. These small deviations can lead to derailing when tracks from multiple manufacturers are mixed, particularly in tight turns. There are even variations in the male and female connector sizes, making for tighter or looser fits at joints. Some 3rd party track does not even fit well with other 3rd party track, so mixing them can lead to track that does not join together at all. In addition to the variations in track cross section, there are no set standards for track length. Again, most manufacturers follow the BRIO system, but U.S. companies may use English rather than metric units, leading to slight variations in length and curve radii or rounding to the nearest quarter, half, or whole inch. This means a BRIO and non-BRIO track may not be exactly the same length, leading to asymmetric layouts. Further complicating matters is the fact that some third-party manufacturers are not exact on their advertised lengths. The 3" straights advertised by Maxim, for example, are actually 82mm long, which is just over 3.2". Last, there is the matter of quality. BRIO track has a smooth finish with no rough edges, even along the grooves, and is manufactured from beech wood. Third party track is generally made from a hard wood for durability, but not all manufacturers state the wood variety or even the type. Even if it is made from a hardwood, quality can still be a concern: rough edges are not uncomon and they can even lead to derailments. Reviews of selected BRIO-compatible track are linked in the sidebar at the right. That being said, there are still several legitimate reasons why someone may want, or need, to purchase non-BRIO track: This is not as true as it once was. BRIO track has dropped in price significantly, in particular now that manufacturing has been moved to China where most of the 3rd party track is produced. BRIO has also moved away from selling track as individual packs and instead encourages the more cost-effective expansion packs, though this does mean that you'll get track you may not want or need along with the track that you do. This is true for a lot of track pieces, and it's a very valid argument. If you want, for example, one of the retired switches F, G, F1, G1, I, J, O, or P, you have two choices: wait for them to show up on eBay at a reasonable price, or buy third-party versions. Also a very valid argument, particularly when trying to solve track gap problems or create highly customized layouts. Two of the third party tracks that I recommend every BRIO set have are the 3" straight track from Maxim, currently available from WoodenTracks.com and Amazon, and the 3" straight track from Jesse's Toy Box, currently available from Amazon. The Maxim track measures 82mm long, or about 3.2", which is very close to the A3 track that BRIO did not widely release. The Jesse's Toy Box track measures at 74mm, which is even closer to the A3 track. These are good tracks for solving gap issues, particularly those that are longer than A1 but shorter than A. If you don't care, then you don't care, and that's fine. If you do mix and match third party track with your BRIO set, try to keep track of which is which. If you ever go to sell your BRIO set, whether it be eBay, craigslist, or some other method, it is always a plus to be able to identify which track is BRIO and which is not. People do pay more for genuine BRIO track. There is no established standard for wooden track gauges. The image, courtesy of Wikipedia, shows the cross sections of various manufacturers' wooden railway track. Disclaimer: These reviews are based on track that I have personally purchased and used. No one sends me track to review, nor am I compensated in any way.
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Sony Mobile has updated the beta version of its Music application, moving it to build number 9.1.8.A.1.1. The main new feature in the latest version is ‘queue last’, which adds songs to the end of a play queue. The other changes include a longer timeout within ‘Edit music info’, bug fixes in the DLNA code and a fix where changing the album/artist may have also changed the associated artwork after an automatic download. The update should be rolling to all beta testers now. DOWNLOAD APK: Music (9.1.8.A.1.1 beta) Pingback: Music Beta (9.1.8.A.1.1) adds “queue last” feature – ???????()
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Stalling KU faculty raises now to resolve budget woes may evoke an undesirable reaction from state legislators in the future. A move by Kansas University officials to postpone faculty raises could tarnish KU's credibility in the Capitol and prompt legislators to shortchange the university in the 1996 session, lawmakers say. Rep. Tom Sloan, R-Lawrence, said Tuesday that several lawmakers confided to him they felt betrayed by KU's move to defer faculty raises for six months to help wipe out a budget shortfall. "As one of them succinctly phrased it, 'I didn't vote for a 3.5 percent pay raise for state employees just to have KU take it.'" For years, KU officials have told legislators that the university's top priority was faculty salaries. But when a budget shortfall of nearly $3 million appeared this year, the No. 1 item on the chopping block was $1.6 million earmarked by the Legislature for faculty raises on July 1. Rep. Ralph Tanner, R-Baldwin, said KU risked the wrath of legislators next session for suddenly moving faculty salaries down the priority list. "I think some of us are less of a mind to believe that there is an urgency" to raise salaries, he said. KU's problem began with a $1.6 million legislative cut in a proposed budget for 1995-96. The woe for KU was compounded by a $1.2 million shortfall in federal support of indirect research costs. "If we'd only experienced the legislative budget cut, probably we could have solved the problem without affecting salaries," said Robert Hemenway, who takes over Thursday as KU's chancellor. He said the alternative would have been to punish KU students. "They wouldn't have classes. They wouldn't be able to proceed toward degrees," he said. Of the six Kansas Board of Regents universities, KU and Fort Hays State University resolved budget problems by shifting money designated by the Legislature for faculty salaries to the operating budget. At FHSU, faculty urged administrators to award raises of only 2.5 percent to free up money for the operating budget. Faculty Council at KU passed a resolution that denounced the decision of KU officials to withhold their pay raise until Jan. 1. Rep. Troy Findley, D-Lawrence, said the decision by KU administrators to modify the salary plan may have violated legislative intent. "My feeling, as to legislative intent, was that most legislators thought they were voting for a 3.5 percent pay raise. Period," he said. Outgoing KU Chancellor Del Shankel consulted with regents and legislative leaders before shelving pay raises, Hemenway said. House Speaker Tim Shallenburger, R-Baxter Springs, said it was his belief the Legislature appropriated salary money in the form of a block grant. It's up to the Board of Regents to decided how to divide that grant. Sloan said KU's decision to delaying the faculty pay hike remained perplexing to rank-and-file legislators. "My first inclination would be not to cut salaries, particularly when that is always the, or one of the, highest priorities when they address the Legislature," he said. Copyright 2017 The Lawrence Journal-World. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. We strive to uphold our values for every story published. Commenting has been disabled for this item.
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Educating undergraduate women for leadership in the 21st century. The Newcomb College Institute of Tulane University seeks two or more postdoctoral fellows in law and society. We seek applicants whose research takes an intersectional approach to law and society, reflecting how gender, race, class, disability, sexuality, ethnicity, community, immigration status, and national identities shape law and, in turn, how law shapes those identities. We will consider applicants beginning in the Fall of 2017 or Spring of 2018 for a single semester, a calendar year, or the 2017-2018 academic year for up to two years of support per person. We prefer a two-year appointment, but are open to shorter terms. The fellows will receive mentoring from senior faculty, participate in our interdisciplinary community focused on intersectionality, and mentor undergraduate student research assistants. We expect fellow to participate in brown bag seminars, receptions, and other programming, mentor one or more undergraduate research assistants, and help to organize a workshop in the fall of the second year of the fellowship. We especially invite applicants whose research and teaching interests focus on/contribute to increased understanding of law, intersectionality, and identity in New Orleans, Louisiana, and/or the Gulf Coast South, as well as those with a demonstrated commitment to building interdisciplinary community. Applicants should apply via Interfolio () and should include a: Questions may be addressed to Laura Wolford, Assistant Director of the Newcomb College Institute at lwolford@tulane.edu. Screening will begin June 15, 2017 and continue until the positions are filled. Tulane University is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action/persons with disabilities/veterans employer committed to excellence through diversity. Tulane will not discriminate against individuals with disabilities or veterans. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. Demonstrated research interests with an intersectional approach to law and society, reflecting how gender, race, class, disability, sexuality, ethnicity, community, immigration status, and national identities shape law and in turn, how law shapes those identities. Preference to applicants whose research and teaching interests focus on/contribute to increased understanding of law, intersectionality and identity in New Orleans, Louisiana, and/or the Gulf Coast South, as well as those with a demonstrated commitment to building an interdisciplinary community. The legacy of women-focused undergraduate education continues at Tulane University through the Newcomb College Institute. Under the leadership of Executive Director Sally Kenney, NCI consistently provides vibrant, intellectually rigorous programming on women's issues for the university community, while funding faculty and student research grants. Our mission is to: Cultivate lifelong leadership among undergraduate women at Tulane University Empower women by integrating teaching, research, and community engagement at Tulane University Preserve, document, produce, and disseminate knowledge about women Honor the memory of H. Sophie Newcomb and carry forward the work of Newcomb College by providing a woman-centered experience in a co-ed institution We propose to recruit scholars to work closely on a project with one of several faculty members at Tulane. Given this interdisciplinary group of scholars, a postdoctoral fellow could work on projects related to judging, sexual assault on campus, women in prison, the history of slavery in the Gulf Coast, the psychology of discrimination, law and personhood, women and development, activism, human rights, or another closely related project. Sally Kenney and Laura Rosanne Adderley will serve as lead mentors, with the support of a wider community of faculty on campus. Sally J. Kenney, Professor of Political Science and Executive Director of the Newcomb College Institute, conducts research on discrimination against women and minority men in the legal profession, focusing particularly on judges. She studies race and gender in judicial selection; state judicial elections; backlash against non-traditional judges and challenges to their objectivity; sexual assault on campus; women's leadership; women and girls in Kenya, and women's incarceration in Louisiana. Laura Rosanne Adderley, Associate Professor of History and director of the Africana Studies program, has projects on the history of the African Diaspora; the Atlantic Slave Trade; black enslavement in the Americas; Caribbean history; and African-American history. Laurie O'Brien is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. Trained in the areas of prejudice and stigma, her research explores how lay people perceive (and fail to perceive) prejudice. Saru Matambanadzo, Associate Professor of Law, has published on legal sex for transgendered persons, philosophy of legal education, legal personhood, and feminist legal theory. Lisa Molix, Associate Professor of Psychology, focuses on intergroup relations, health and well-being among marginalized populations, and the intersections among these areas. Tania Tetlow is the Felder-Fayard Early Career Associate Professor of Law. A former Assistant US Attorney with extensive experience with the Violence Against Women Act, she is the former Director of the Tulane Domestic Violence Clinic. Her research focuses on jury discrimination against the victims of crime by race and gender, making particular connections between the two. Just as juries historically acquitted those who committed violence against blacks (like Emmett Till) who broke the racial rules, so juries continue to put the victims of gender-based violence on trial for their obedience to gender rules. She argues that the "discriminatory acquittal" violates the Constitution, and works on procedural tools to prevent it. Gretchen Clum Heather Storer Catherine Burnette Izabela Steflja Geoff Dancy Nghana Lewis Zachary Lazar Laura Wolford Assistant Director of the Newcomb College Institute lwolford@tulane.edu Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 504-865-5000 website@tulane.edu
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CITY, Mo. - Army Pvt. Supporters of Manning - who attempted suicide twice previous year alone - said they feared she would not have been able to survive the long sentence. Chase Strangio, an attorney who led Manning's medical-rights suit, commented that these battles have "transformed law and society for the better". That sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama on January 17, 2017 to time served plus 120 days. She was arrested shortly after turning over the trove of secret documents to WikiLeaks in 2010. She clearly looked forward to what life might hold for her outside the military prison walls. "Like far too many people in prison, particularly transgender women, Chelsea Manning has had to survive unthinkable violence throughout the seven years of her incarceration". "Understandably she has a lot of question marks about what her life is going to be like next, but it's also her first chance in her adult life that she is really going to be able to define that for herself", Greer said. Even though she was cleared of the more serious offense of aiding the enemy, Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for numerous charges under the Espionage Act. After being turned down by The Washington Post and The New York Times, Manning sent the information to WikiLeaks in early February. Pulse Films announced Wednesday at the Cannes Film Festival in France that Manning would be the focus of a documentary titled "XY Chelsea" and has granted filmmakers "unprecedented access". That and the fact she's issuing press releases - including a pre-release release - makes you wonder if she plans to take the trans celebrity path of Caitlyn Jenner. Manning was serving as an intelligence analyst in Iraq when she made the controversial disclosures. It was there that she was first diagnosed by a clinical psychologist with gender dysphoria, a rare condition among transgender men and women marked by severed psychological distress. Now what? Election puts BC into political parts unknown NDP leader John Horgan would be asked to form a new government, with Green Party support, or a new election could be called. The BC Liberals were leading or elected in 43 seats, while the NDP had 41, as of 11:50 p.m. In the wake of the leak, an Ethiopian journalist was forced to leave his country and the US government relocated several potentially compromised sources. Manning served the longest sentence of any American whistleblower in history after leaking hundreds of thousands of documents to WikiLeaks containing military incident logs in 2010. The Army said that while Manning is being assigned to Oklahoma's Fort Sill, she doesn't need to report for duty there, meaning she has discretion about where she lives. Former President Barack Obama granted Manning clemency during his final days in office. After her parents' divorce, Manning moved with her mother to Wales, where she repressed her sexuality and was mocked for her effeminate ways. February 23, 2012: Manning declines to enter a plea to 22 charges, including aiding the enemy, at an arraignment at Fort Meade near Baltimore. Over the years, Manning, who has a Twitter account run by her supporters, has been vocal about her own imprisonment, gender transition, and current events. Backers have raised more than $135,000 for housing and other essentials and to assist her with her reentry into society after seven years in prison. She was released from United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas around 3 a.m. ET, Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson told CNN. Central Time. The BBC, also citing an unnamed Army representative, reported that she had left the facility. In July 2010, Manning - then a male soldier known as Bradley - was arrested over the release of a huge collection of more than 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents via WikiLeaks, one of the largest leaks of classified information in USA history. Related articles Nintendo Switch fighter ARMS is getting a timed demo Judge asks federal prosecutors to investigate Uber - Halep outlasts determined Mladenovic to retain Madrid title With Merkel and PM, France's new president wastes no time Palestinian West Bank local elections a test for Fatah party - Tipton: New health plan protects those with pre-existing conditions - Stephen Colbert breaks down latest Trump scandal over James Comey NBC uncanceled Timeless, thanks to pressure from fans Consternation on Capitol Hill over White House bombshells The macOS Sierra 10.12.5 Software Update Is Now Available
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New Berlin Wisconsin Businesses Abrasive Products (Manufacturers) Accountants Accounts - Certified Adhesive (Manufacturers) Adhesives & Glues (Wholesale) Advertising - Agencies & Counselors Advertising - Direct Mail Advertising - Specialties (Wholesale) Air Cargo Service Air Cleaning & Purifying Equipment (Wholesale) Air Conditioning - Contractors & Systems All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product (Manufacturers) All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (Not Tobacco) Alterations - Clothing Ambulance Services Amusement & Theme Parks Amusement Devices Antiques - Dealers Apartments Appliances - Household - Major (Wholesale) Appliances - Household - Major - Dealers Appliances - Household - Major - Repairing Archery Equipment & Supplies Architects Architectural Illustrators Art Galleries & Dealers Assembly & Fabricating Service Associations Athletic Organizations Attorneys Auctioneers Audio Visual Equipment - Dealers Automation Systems & Equipment (Manufacturers) Automobile - Air Conditioning Equipment Automobile - Antique & Classic Automobile - Body - Repairing & Painting Automobile - Customizing Automobile - Lubrication Service Automobile - Parts & Supplies - Retail - New Automobile - Racing & Sports Car Equipment Automobile - Repair & Service Automotive - Body, Paint & Interior Repair Automotive - Parts & Accessories Stores Bakers (Wholesale) Balloons - Novelty & Toy (Manufacturers) Banks Barber Shops Bars Barter & Trade Exchange Baseball Sports Cards & Memorabilia Bathroom Remodeling Batteries - Dry Cell (Manufacturers) Bearings (Wholesale) Beauty Salons Beer & Ale - Retail Bellows (Manufacturers) Bicycles - Dealers Billing Service Biotechnology Products & Services Bolts & Nuts (Wholesale) Book Dealers - Retail Bookbinders Bowling Lane Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Building Materials Building Restoration & Preservation Burglar Alarm Systems & Monitoring (Wholesale) Buses - Charter & Rental Business - Development Business - Forms & Systems (Wholesale) Business - Management Consultants Business - Services Cabinet Makers Cabinets (Manufacturers) Cabinets - Resurfacing & Refinishing Cabinets Cad Systems & Services Car Washing & Polishing Carnival Supplies (Wholesale) Carpenters Carpets & Rugs - Cleaners Carpets & Rugs - Cleaning Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Carpets & Rugs - Dealers - New Caskets (Wholesale) Castings - Ferrous Metals (Manufacturers) Caterers Cellular & Other Wireless Telecommunications Cellular Telephones (Services) Cellular Telephones - Equipment & Supplies Cemeteries & Crematories Chemicals (Manufacturers) Chemicals (Wholesale) Child Care Service Child Day Care Services Chiropractors Churches Cigar, Cigarette & Tobacco Dealers - Retail Circuits - Printed & Etched (Manufacturers) City Government - Courts City Government - Executive Offices City Government - Finance & Taxation City Government - Regulation & Admissions City Government - Urban Planning & Development Cleaners Clergy Clinics Clocks (Wholesale) Closets & Closet Accessories (Wholesale) Clubs Coated & Laminated Paper (Manufacturers) Coatings - 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Management Consultants - Business Consultants - Referral Service Contractors - Equipment & Supplies - Dealers & Services (Wholesale) Contractors Control Panels (Manufacturers) Control Systems & Regulators (Manufacturers) Control Systems & Regulators (Wholesale) Convenience Stores Cookies & Crackers Cooling Towers Copying & Duplicating Machines & Supplies Cosmetics & Perfumes (Wholesale) Counselors - Licensed Professional Counter Tops Craft - Supplies Cranes & Derricks (Wholesale) Cranes (Manufacturers) Credit Card & Other Credit Plans Credit Card - Merchant Services Credit Reporting Agencies Credit Unions Cutting Tool & Machine Tool Accessory (Manufacturer) Cylinders - Air & Hydraulic (Manufacturers) Dancing Instruction Darts & Dart Boards Data Processing Hosting & Related Services Data Processing Service Day Care Centers - Adult Demolition Contractors Dental - Laboratories Dental Equipment & Supplies - Repairing & Refinishing Dentists Department Stores Die Makers Display Designers & Producers Distribution Services Docks - Facility Doors - Garage Doors Drafting Room Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Drywall & Insulation Contractors Duct & Duct Fittings (Manufacturers) Dynamometers (Manufacturers) Electric Companies Electric Contractors Electric Equipment & Components (Manufacturers) Electric Motors - Dealers & Repairing (Wholesale) Electric Motors - Distributors Electrical Apparatus, Equipment, Wiring & Related Merchandise (Wholesale) Electrical Products (Manufacturers) Electrolysis Electronic - Equipment & Supplies (Manufacturers) Electronic - Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Electronic - Equipment & Supplies - Retail Electronic - Equipment & Supplies - Service & Repair Electronic - Instruments (Wholesale) Electronic - Research & Development Electrostatic Equipment (Manufacturers) Elementary & Secondary Schools Embroidery Employment - Agencies & Opportunities Employment - Contractors - Temporary Help Employment - Service - Government & Fraternal Engineering - Services Engineering Engineers - Environmental Engineers - Highways & Bridges Engineers - Professional Engineers - Structural Engineers Engravers - Metal Entertainers - Family & Business Entertainment - Bureaus Envelopes (Manufacturers) Environmental & Ecological Services Environmental Conservation & Ecological Organization Erosion Control Excavating Contractors Executive Search Consultants Exposition Trade Shows & Fairs Exterminating & Pest Control Services Fabric Laminating & Bonding (Manufacturers) Fabricated Plate Work - Boiler Shops Fabricated Wire Products (Manufacturers) Fans - Industrial & Commercial (Wholesale) Farm - Equipment (Wholesale) Fasteners - Industrial (Wholesale) Fertilizers (Wholesale) Fiber Glass - Repairing Financial Advisory Services Financing Fine Arts Schools Fire Damage Restoration Fire Departments Fireplaces Fitness & Recreational Sports Centers Flags & Banners (Manufacturers) Flavoring Extracts & Syrups (Manufacturers) Flavoring Extracts & Syrups (Wholesale) Flea Markets Floor Refinishing & Resurfacing Florists - Retail Fluid Power - Pumps & Motors (Manufacturers) Food - Brokers Food - Health - Supplement Stores Food - Products & (Manufacturers) Food - Products - Machinery (Manufacturers) Foundation - Contractors Franchising Freight - Transportation Arrangement Frozen Foods (Wholesale) Frozen Foods - Retail Fund Raising - Merchandise & Supplies (Wholesale) Funeral Directors Funeral Homes & Funeral Services Furniture - Dealers - Retail Fuses - Electric (Wholesale) Garden Centers Gas - Liquefied Petroleum - Bottled & Bulk (Wholesale) Gaskets - Packing & Sealing Devices (Manufacturers) General Automotive Repair General Contractors General Industrial Machinery & Equipment (Manufacturers) General Medical & Surgical Hospitals General Merchandise - Retail General Rental Centers Gift Shops Glass - Auto Plate & Window Glass - Block Structural (Manufacturers) Glass - Products Made - Purchased Glass (Manufacturers) Glass - Stained & Leaded Golf - Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Golf - Equipment & Supplies - Retail Golf - Instruction Golf - Practice Ranges Golf Courses - Public Government Offices - City, Village & Township (Municipal) Government Offices - County Grading Contractors Graphic Designers - Computer Greenhouses Grinding - Precision & Production Grocers - Retail Group Homes Grove & Orchard Management Gutters & Downspouts Gymnastic Instruction Handyman Services Hardware - Merchant Wholesalers Health & Diet Foods - Retail Health - Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums Health - Services Health Care - Instruction Hearing Impaired Equipment & Supplies Heat Treating Metal (Manufacturers) Heating Contractors Hobby & Model Construction Supplies (Manufacturers) Hobby & Model Construction Supplies - Retail Holding Companies (Bank) Holding Companies - Non-Bank Home Builders Home Centers Home Design & Planning Service Home Health & Health Care Equipment Home Health - Care Services Home Health - Service Home Improvements Homes - Elderly Hospital Consultants Hospital Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Hotels & Motels House Cleaning Human Resource & Executive Search Consult Services Hydraulic Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Hydraulic Equipment - Repairing Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts - Distributors Importers Industrial - Equipment & Supplies (Manufacturers) Industrial - Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Industrial - Machinery & Equipment (Manufacturers) Industrial - Machinery & Equipment (Wholesale) Industrial - Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Information & Referral Services Insulation Contractors - Cold & Heat Insurance - Agencies & Brokerages Insurance - Claim Processing Services Insurance - Consultants & Advisors Insurance - Health & Accident Insurance Interior Decorators Design & Consultants Internet - Hardware & Software Providers Internet - Home Page Development Consulting Internet - Services - Network Designers & Consultants Internet - Services Invention Consultants & Brokers Investment - Advice Investment - Securities Investments Janitor Service Janitors Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Jewelers - Retail Kitchen - Cabinets & Equipment - Household Labor Organizations Laboratories - Testing Laboratories Laboratory - Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Ladders (Wholesale) Landscaping - Contractors Landscaping - Services Lawn & Grounds Maintenance Lawn Mowers - Sharpening & Repairing Lawn Mowers Leasing Service Lessors - Miniwarehouses & Self - Storage Units Libraries & Archives Lighting - Systems & Equipment (Wholesale) Lighting Fixtures (Wholesale) Linen Supply Service Loans Locks & Locksmiths Lubricating Oils & Greases (Manufacturers) Luggage - Retail Lumber - Retail Lumber, Plywood, Millwork & Wood Panel (Wholesale) Machine Shops Machine Tools (Manufacturers) Machine Tools (Wholesale) Machine Tools - Repairing & Rebuilding (Wholesale) Machinery - Rebuilding & Repairing (Wholesale) Machinery - Specially Designed & Built Machinery - Used (Wholesale) Maid & Butler Service Mail Order & Catalog Shopping Mailing & Shipping Services Management Services Manicuring Manufacturers - Agents & Representatives Manufacturers Marine - Equipment & Supplies Market Research & Analysis Marketing Consultants Marketing Programs & Services Marriage & Family Counselors Martial Arts Instruction Masonry Contractors Massage Therapists Maternity - Services Meat (Wholesale) Meat - Brokers Mechanical Contractors Medical - Imaging - Magnetic Medical - Laboratories Medical - Legal Consultants Medical - Management Service Mental Health Services Metal - Coating & Engraving Metal - Finishers (Manufacturers) Metal - Goods (Manufacturers) Metal - Spinning (Manufacturers) Meters (Wholesale) Mexican Food Products (Manufacturers) Mezzanine & Platform Systems & Equipment (Wholesale) Millwork - Retail Miscellaneous - Industrial Equipment & Supplies (Wholesale) Miscellaneous - Intermediation Modular Homes - Dealers Molds (Manufacturers) Motels & Hotels Reservations Motion Picture & Video Production Motivational & Self Improvement Training Motorcycles & Motor Scooters - Dealers Movers Mud Jacking Contractors Mufflers & Exhaust Systems - Engine Multimedia (Manufacturers) Music & Live Entertainment Music - Instruction - Instrumental Musical Instruments (Wholesale) Musical Instruments - Dealers Musical Instruments - Supplies & Access Musicians Nail Salons New Single-Family Construction Newspaper - 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The three Khans of Bollywood Salman, Shah Rukh and Aamir has featured on Outlook magazine’s March issue, Outlook features sketches of the three Khans. The magazine describes them as “For 25 years, they have shaped how we lauch and cry, sing and dance, love and live. As Aamir, Salman and …Read More » Alia Bhatt loses her temper The super cute Alia Bhatt, who became butt of jokes after giving wrong answers on Karan Johar’s chat show Coffee With Karan never minds on jokes made on her. But recently, Alia loses her temper on a journalist when they asked a question. At an event a journalist asked Alia …Read More » Mahesh Bhatt & Emraan Hashmi launches Mr X trailer Emran Hashmi will be seen in the the bald avatar in his next horror film ‘Mr X’ which explains how determined he is to take up challenging roles. Produced by Mahesh Bhatt, Mr. X is a supernatural thriller, made under the banner of Fox Star Studios and Vishesh Films. The …Read More » Priyanka Chopra covers Cosmopolitan magazine’s March issue Priyanka Chopra has featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine’s March issue, wearing a black and white check mini dress and looking hot. The magazine captioned her as “I can be a pretty high maintenance girlfriend.” Priyanka Chopra is busy in Bajirao Mastani which also stars Ranveer Singh & Deepika …Read More » Rani Mukerji honoured with a National award Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji is on cloud nine after recieving the National Award for the ‘Best Representation of the Cause of Safety, Security and Protection of Women and Girl Child’ at a function organized by the Institute for Gender Justice, at India Habitat Centre, to celebrate the occasion of the …Read More » Shraddha Kapoor’s birthday celebration on ABCD 2 Set The gorgeous actress Shraddha Kapoor celebrated her 26th birthday on the set of her upcoming movie ABCD 2. It was a surprise for her when the team ordered a princess cake for her. Shraddha posted pictures on her social networking account. Shraddha is busy in her upcoming movie ABCD 2, …Read More » Exclusive: Aamir Khan’s older look in ‘Dangal’ Aamir Khan known to be a finest actor of Bollywood, he always do something different. His last release PK was one of his best movies ever. After playing Alien in the movie Aamir is all set to surprise again, in his next movie he is playing a wrestler. Aamir’s look …Read More » » Anil Kapoor: Sonam recovering now, will be back home soon Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor suffering from Swine Flu and admitted in Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital in Mumbai. But her actor-producer father Anil Kapoor said she is better now. He was present at an event in Mumbai on Monday, when he was asked about the actress’ health he said “Last night …Read More » Anushka Sharma & Ayushmann Khurrana on Farah Ki Daawat After many celebs of Bollywood like Alia, Abhishek, Malaika Arora Khan, Manish Paul Ritesh and Genellia, now actress Anushka made an appearance on Farah Ki Daawat. Anushka was accompanied by Ayushmann Khurrana and Anushka’s mom Ashima on the show. Farah Ki Daawat is an Indian television cookery show, The show …Read More »
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Good morning! It's the last day of November can you believe it? Anyway, what's better than one great author? How about SIX? Format: .mobi (A copy of this book was provided by the author for the purpose of an honest review. )Format: .mobi (A copy of this book was provided by the author for the purpose of an honest review. ) Publisher: The Indie Six, LLC Release Date: December 1, 2015? Every single author in this anthology is extremely talented on their own and I love them all so an anthology with stories that connect? That’s an epic win in my book. Each novella takes place in the small town of Holly, North Carolina where it’s like Christmas 365 days out of the year but during the actual holidays? It sounds like a scene from a postcard. Mix in six couples with some serious chemistry and yowza it’s my kind of holiday read!
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Three people, including an army personnel, were killed by a handheld grenade that exploded during a demonstration in a village in Nigeria’s central state of Niger, a police spokesman said Sunday. The army personnel was holding the grenade late Saturday in his Bari village of Bangi district, demonstrating to his kinsmen how the Nigerian military used grenades on terrorists in the country’s northeast region when it exploded, Bala Elkalla, the spokesman of Niger State police told Xinhua. The grenade killed two villagers and injured four others who were onlookers at the scene, Elkalla said. The police spokesman said the army personnel who was serving in Maiduguri, the capital of the restive northeastern state of Borno, had obtained permission to travel to his village. Normalcy has returned to the village following the incident which brought panic to the locals. Local police had drafted personnel of the anti-bomb unit to the village and the residence of the late soldier to conduct a search “just in case there are more explosives”, said Elkalla.
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Radiohalos—The Flood’s Smoking Gun Part one of this three-part series described the mysterious “halos” found inside granite (the common speckled rocks used for kitchen countertops and tombstones). These microscopic halos look a lot like “bullet holes.” Why are they of interest to creationists? Once you learn more about these features, you will see why they mystify geologists. They are hard to explain if granite formed slowly over millions of years, but they make perfect sense if molten material rose near the earth’s surface during the worldwide Flood and quickly hardened into granite. But first, you will need to understand a bit more about radioactive decay and its effects on rocks. The Well-Understood Radioactive Decay of Uranium Geologists have a clear understanding of the radioactive decay of uranium atoms and the decay’s effects on surrounding rocks. We can observe this process today. It is not a mystery. As explained in the first article, the nuclei of uranium atoms are so large that they are very unstable. As the atoms decay, subatomic alpha particles fly out like bullets, damaging the surrounding material. These bullets produce spherical halos called radiohalos (an abbreviation for “radioactive halos”). After the first set of these particles is ejected, the smaller nucleus is still unstable. So more particles are ejected from the nucleus. This happens repeatedly until the atom is stable and no longer decays. In what is known as the uranium decay chain, the nucleus of the original uranium-238 atom typically undergoes eight alpha-particle changes until it becomes the stable lead-206 atom (see “The Uranium Decay Chain—The Source of Radiohalos” below). The Uranium Decay Chain—The Source of Radiohalos All the intermediate steps during the radioactive decay of uranium-238 are shown, resulting in the final, stable element lead-206. Where the arrows point downward, those changes result from alpha decay. The arrows pointing upward indicate beta decay. (Alpha decay involves the loss of two protons and two neutrons; beta decay involves splitting of a neutron, the loss of an electron, and the gain of a proton.) The original (or parent) uranium nucleus contains 92 protons. That’s why uranium is element number 92 on the periodic chart. However, after two protons are ejected in an alpha particle, the nucleus then has only 90 protons, so the uranium has changed into element number 90, which is thorium. The nucleus of thorium is still unstable, so it decays radioactively. However, it decays by successively splitting and ejecting two electrons, known as beta particles, while gaining two extra protons, giving it a total of 92 again. So the thorium has changed back into the element number 92, uranium. But this uranium is now four neutrons lighter. Whereas the original parent uranium atom had 146 neutrons and 92 protons in its nucleus (called uranium-238), this uranium atom has only 142 neutrons and 92 protons (called uranium-234). The nucleus of this uranium-234 atom is still unstable, so it decays. The process continues through what is known as the uranium decay chain, until the stable lead-206 atom is reached, the final end product. The picture is a little more complicated at the bottom end of this decay chain. At polonium-218 there is “branching,” but most polonium-218 atoms decay to lead-214. Then they quickly decay to bismuth-214, then polonium-214. The main decay path is depicted with solid red arrows. And the main eight alpha-decaying atoms are shown in red. Figure 1 shows a sample radiohalo that resulted from this process. Notice the eight dark rings. Why eight and not just one? As each of the alphaparticles is “fired” from the nucleus, it has a different energy. Consequently each bullet travels a different distance into the surrounding material before it stops to leave a black mark. The Mystery of Polonium Radiohalos The origin of eight-ring radiohalos is not a mystery for geologists. They must have formed from uranium-238 decay. The mystery is the source of the one-ring, two-ring, and three-ring radiohalos that are found in the same rock specimens (Figures 2–4). Photos courtesy Mark Armitage Geologists find four types of radiohalos in granite. One was caused by the decay of uranium, and the others came from the decay of another radioactive element, polonium. The source of eight-ring radiohalos is still there, but nothing is usually visible at the center of other types of radiohalos. We can see the source of the eight-ring radiohalos because it is still there—a zircon crystal that still hosts uranium. But nothing is usually visible at the center of the other types of radiohalos. The source has vanished! Fortunately, it is still possible to determine the source of the rings. By carefully measuring the distance from the center of the radiohalo to each ring, we can identify which type of nucleus formed each ring (Figure 5).1 In each case, the “smoking gun” was a variation of the radioactive element polonium.2 Polonium-218, polonium-214, and polonium-210 generate exactly the right amount of energy to produce the three-ring, two-ring, and one-ring radiohalos. The problem is that polonium is never found alone in rocks. It is a rare, unstable element that appears quickly during the decay of uranium and then decays into stable elements, such as lead. The only possible source of the polonium was the decay of uranium. But we do not find a uranium source at the center of the one-, two-, and threering radiohalos! The crucial clue is the appearance of polonium during the uranium-238 decay chain. As the uranium atom’s nucleus becomes progressively smaller, three variations of polonium appear briefly in sequence at the end of the chain. FIGURE 5—Composite schematic drawing of the four types of radiohalos: (a) a uranium-238 radiohalo, (b) a polonium-218 radiohalo, (c) a polonium-214 radiohalo, and (d) a polonium-210 radiohalo. Different types of atoms (nuclides) cause each ring in the radiohalos, and the particles that they send out have different energies (MeV). A Possible Source of the Polonium Radiohalos We can be certain that no other radioactive element appeared at the center of the polonium radiohalos. If any other elements had been there, such as uranium or radon, they would have formed other rings as they decayed. So where did the polonium atoms come from? The best possible answer is that the polonium traveled from a nearby source where uranium atoms were decaying. Is there such a nearby uranium source? Absolutely! The same flakes that host the polonium radiohalos usually contain uranium radiohalos, usually less than a fraction of an inch from polonium radiohalos (Figure 6). Finding the Source of Polonium Radiohalos The source of uranium radiohalos still survives in granite rocks: tiny zircon crystals. But geologists are mystified because the source of polonium radiohalos is missing. The answer lies only a tiny way up the biotite sheet . . . the zircons! Photo courtesy Andrew Snelling Biotite flakes often have numerous polonium radiohalos, in addition to uranium radiohalos. FIGURE 7—Diagram of a cross-section through a biotite flake where radiohalos are found. The uranium-238 in the zircon crystal generated the uranium-238 radiohalo. Water flowing past the crystal carried decaying atoms along the same sheet to a nearby location, where a polonium-210 radiohalo developed. Nothing remains at the center of this radiohalo, however, because it dissolved quickly. Yet under normal conditions, like those we see in the earth today, that migration would be impossible. To understand the magnitude of the problem, you need to understand how many polonium atoms had to migrate and how quickly they had to travel. Scientists have estimated that each radiohalo’s discoloration initially develops after 100 million alpha-particles have been emitted from its center. It does not become dark until 500 million particles, and it does not become very dark until one billion alpha particles have been ejected.3 This means that each polonium radiohalo needs at least 500 million polonium atoms. And many polonium radiohalos often appear in the same specimen, so many billions of polonium atoms had to move into position to explain the radiohalos we see. Then there is the problem of how fast they must be moved. Polonium-214 atoms decay so quickly they are gone in the blink of an eye! Polonium-218 has a half-life (decay rate) of only 3.1 minutes, while polonium-214 decays in 164 microseconds!4 By comparison polonium-210 atoms are long-lived, with a half-life of 138 days. What unusual forces could have carried so many atoms away from the uranium source so quickly? Another possibility is to move another element in the uranium-238 decay chain that appears before polonium. For example, the element immediately before the polonium-218, polonium-214, polonium-210 sequence is radon-222. If radon-222 moved into place, then the polonium would not have to be transported. But this presents two problems. First, the travel time is still short: the half-life of radon-222 is only 3.8 days. The radon would still have to be transported from the zircons to the polonium halo sites in only days. Second, we don’t find a radon-222 decay halo in the polonium radiohalos. Somehow the polonium had to separate from the radon-222 and then concentrate in what would become the polonium radiohalo centers. The location of radiohalos and the different chemical properties of radon and polonium suggest a solution to these problems. How Polonium Radiohalos Likely Formed When uranium and polonium radiohalos are observed under the microscope, their radiocenters are actually on the same sheet.5 As explained in the first article, radiohalos are found in the dark flecks within granites, called biotite. These biotite flakes consist of layers and layers of crystal sheets, which can be pulled apart and examined under a microscope. Water can easily travel down the spaces between these sheets (Figure 7). Changes in the biotite’s color are often evidence that water has seeped between the sheets. That’s the key to the creationist explanation for polonium radiohalos. When granites crystallize and are cooling, hot waters are left over. This water is capable of seeping along the spaces between the stacked sheets of biotite. As they pass by the zircon, these waters could dissolve any radon-222 atoms that had leaked out of the zircon crystals and transport them between the sheets of the biotite flake. Though they are very tiny, polonium radiohalos have a huge message that cannot be ignored. Radon-222 atoms are chemically inert (they do not combine with other atoms). But once they decay, the newly formed polonium-218 atoms would readily combine with other atoms, such as chlorine or sulfur atoms that had dissolved in the hot water and were flowing between the biotite sheets. Polonium chlorides and polonium sulphides don’t dissolve well in water, so as soon as the polonium combines with these other atoms, the molecules drop out of the water. There the polonium would start forming polonium radiohalos. The water would continue to move many radon-222 atoms past the forming radiocenters, providing a continual supply of new polonium atoms. Ever since a geologist dismissed this evidence of the Flood, calling it “a very tiny mystery” at a 1981 trial on teaching creationism in Arkansas schools,6 scientists have ignored this mystery. The problem is that secular geologists believe the host granites took millions of years to form, but the process had to be much faster—only hours or weeks—for polonium radiohalos to appear. They shouldn’t exist, according to conventional wisdom! The next and final article will look at the profound implications for all of geology. Though they are very tiny, polonium radiohalos have a huge message that cannot be ignored. These amazing testimonies to the Flood are found in granites all around the world. And they point to a catastrophic origin for granites, consistent with the biblical timeframe for earth history and God’s judgment during the Flood.
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VDTA’s Taut-Skinned Godfrey Hotel Metal and glass accentuate Chicago high-rise’s iconic form. Given the odds stacked against it, Godfrey Hotel’s 2014 opening in Chicago counts as a major victory—even if it took more than a decade to get there. Valerio Dewalt Train Associates (VDTA) signed on to the project in 2003, after being approached by a developer affiliated with a mid-market hospitality chain. Four years later, following a delay in financing, construction was finally underway. Then the recession hit, the original developer went under, and the building remained half-finished. The case languished in bankruptcy court until 2012, when Oxford Capital Group purchased the property. Fortunately, boutique hotel operator Oxford Hotels and Resorts hired VDTA to complete the project—with few changes to the original plans. “It’s interesting that through the course of the almost four years that this sat wrapped in tarps, it remained desirable,” said VDTA’s David Jennerjahn. “For the hotel operator, it was a really distinguishing architectural design.” Together with its cantilevered form, Godfrey hotel’s slick metal panel and glass facade combines function and aesthetics in an iconic package. The hotel appears as a series of three offset rectangular boxes, stacked vertically. “The building has a very symbolic form—what I would call a very muscular form—and none of that is arbitrary,” said VDTA’s Joe Valerio. The offsets serve two purposes. First, they express the building’s structure, which follows the staggered truss system developed in the 1960s by William LeMessurier, a noted structural engineer. As the name suggests, LeMessurier’s method involves staggering story-high steel trusses on alternating column lines, thus creating large clear span interiors. Though the staggered truss system is usually deployed to create buildings that “look like a cereal box,” said Valerio, VDTA approached their structural engineer with an alternative proposal. “We nonchalantly said, ‘There’s a lot of redundant strength there. [The volumes] should be able to cantilever out,'” he recalled. The structural engineer gave them the go-ahead, and Godfrey Hotel’s unique form was born. As an additional benefit, the stacked configuration allowed the architects to carve the interior spaces into a variety of room types and sizes, an idea they prized from the project’s beginning—and which Oxford Hotels and Resorts, in particular, embraced. - Facade Manufacturer Metl-Span (insulated metal panels), Oldcastle (punched windows, storefront), Pittco Architectural Metals (curtain wall) - Architects Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Facade Installer All American Exterior Solutions (metal panels), Alliance Glazing Technologies (curtain wall) - Facade Consultant Curtainwall Design Consulting - Location Chicago, IL - Date of Completion 2014 - System insulated metal panel system with integrated aluminum punched windows, aluminum curtain wall system - Products Metl-Span insulated metal panel system, Reynobond aluminum composite panels, Pac-Clad corrugated perforated panels, Oldcastle aluminum punched windows and aluminum storefront, Pittco aluminum curtain wall, Nanawall moveable storefront, PPG Solarban 60 glazing Like the offsets, said Jennerjahn, the building’s skin performs a specific set of functions even as it “works toward the goal of creating a distinctive boutique hotel image.” On the north and south facades, an insulated metal panel system from Metl-Span attaches directly to the stud work, doing triple duty as weather barrier, vapor barrier, and insulation. Integrated punched windows nod to the River North neighborhood’s masonry fabric, while the panels’ taut surface avoids detracting attention from the building’s unique shape. Finally, said Jennerjahn, “using a metal skin on a metal frame building was another tie to an honest expression [of the structure].” The east and west facades are almost entirely transparent. “In 2003, no one had heard of LEED,” said Valerio. Noting the potential for solar gain, he explained, “If we were designing the building today, we wouldn’t have all-glass walls on the east and west elevations. We put them there because we wanted to take advantage of the views.” The glass also reveals the staggered truss system. Because the trusses run north-south, opening the building to the east and west was the only way to show them off. “That created other opportunities we did not even think of,” said Valerio. In some cases, he said, “the trusses really become a part of the room,” operating as built-in furniture. Despite the change in ownership and an eleven-year gap between conception and execution, Godfrey Hotel’s architectural design remained almost entirely unaltered. “There were some changes internally, but the exterior of the building and the expression of the building were very consistent,” observed Jennerjahn. Valerio agrees—and is humble enough to acknowledge the unusual serendipity of the situation. “Oxford fundamentally built the hotel exactly as we had designed it,” he said. “It was really just an amazing kind of dumb luck.” - The north and south and east and west facades are given contrasting material treatments. (Steve Hall) - The punched windows on the north and south facades reference the neighborhood’s existing masonry building stock. (Steve Hall) - The building envelope was designed to maximize views of the city. (Steve Hall) - Insulated metal panels do triple duty as insulation and moisture and vapor barriers. (Steve Hall) - A retractable glass roof covers the fourth-floor outdoor lounge in inclement weather. (Steve Hall) - The hotel’s interiors feature a restrained color pallette. (Steve Hall)
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Subway Lobster Sandwich It has chunks of lobster meat mixed with mayonnaise, customizable with any of Subway’s options. What makes it Canadian? It uses Atlantic Canada lobster, and it’s only available in Canada. 330 calories, 9 grams of fat, and 650 mg of sodium McDonald’s BLT Bagel Toasted bagel, bacon, lettuce, tomato, creamy sauce What makes it Canadian? Only available in Canada (and bacon!) Description: Enjoy the taste of hickory-smoked bacon, sliced tomato and crisp lettuce, topped with creamy mayonnaise-style sauce served on your choice of one of our regular or multigrain bagels baked fresh daily. 500 calories, 19 grams of fat and 920 mg of sodium KFC Big Boss Two breaded chicken fillets, KFC’s special sauce, cheddar, lettuce, pickles and onions What makes it Canadian? It’s only available in Canada 600 calories, 30 grams of fat, 900 mg of sodium KFC Poutine KFC signature fries, gravy and cheese curds What makes it Canadian? You don’t really need to ask on this one 860 calories, 48 grams of fat, 2450 mg of sodium Burger King Maple BBQ Whopper A classic Whopper, alongside hardwood smoked bacon, Canadian cheddar and a maple barbecue sauce What makes it Canadian? Only available in Canada (and the maple flavour, of course) As a limited-time option, no nutritional information is available, but a Whopper with cheese is 710 calories, 42 grams of fat and 1380 mg of sodium McDonald’s McCafé Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie Blueberry and pomegranate puree, ice and yogurt (optional) What makes it Canadian? Originally introduced in Canada, it’s now everywhere. But let’s just say blueberries 210 calories, 0.5 grams of fat and 30 mg of sodium McDonald’s McFlurries Vanilla soft serve ice cream and a variety of “toppings” (like Oreo, M&Ms, Rolo, etc.) What makes it Canadian? It was invented in New Brunswick! It all depends on your flavour, but if you get the Oreo option with fudge (pictured), it’s 630 calories, 20 grams of fat and 370 mg of sodium Pizza Hut Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza Pizza Hut Creamy Butter Chicken Pizza. Taco Bell Fries Surpreme Zinger Double Down McDonald’s Traditional Breakfast McDonald’s McLobster McDonald’s Poutine Wendy’s Poutine
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[tag: science] Costs per equivalent unit Supervisor Micro Production uses the weighed -average method in its process costing system. During January, the Delta Assembly Department completed its processing of 25,000 units and transferred them to the next department.The cost of beginning inventory and the costs added during January amounted to $599,780 in total. The ending inventory in January consisted of 3,000 units, which were %80 complete with repsect to materials and %60 complete with respect to labor and overhead. the costs per equivalent unit for the month were as follows: Materials Labor Overhead costs per equivalent unit $12.50 $3.20 $6.40 Required: 1- Compute the total cost per equivalent unit for the month. 2- Compute the equivalent units of materials , labor, and overhead in the ending inventory for the month. 3- Prepare the cost reconciliation portion of the department'sproduction report for Janunary. Solution Summary Solution contains calculations of number of equivalent units , total cost per equivalent unit and the cost reconciliation portion of the department's production report for the month.
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Easily create, design and manage your own customized, ad-free NCAA prediction tournaments with Challonge, the platform called “…the best NCAA bracket hosting solution out there.” Nearly two years in the making, our all-new Reflex Bracket Engine has been built from the ground up to reinvent the way you experience your tournaments. With up to 2x performance improvement over our classic brackets, unlimited scalability, configurable color palettes, and Challonge-designed animations, our new Reflex Bracket Engine gives your bracket the elite treatment. You know your brand better than anyone, so we want to let you take matters into your own hands. Use our Challonge Madness designer to walk through everything from creating the perfect theme for your bracket to adding in your logo. With beautiful live previews of all your edits, spend 5 minutes or 5 hours customizing to your OCD heart’s content. And in true Challonge fashion, there should never be any surprises. Design everything for free, and only pay when it’s perfect. Do you run an internal company NCAA tournament? Get an ad free, perfectly branded NCAA bracket designed exactly for your employees. Remind them why it’s awesome to work for you with a fun tournament competition. Get a custom URL, track real-time leaderboards, and track your internal engagement effortlessly.Recommended plan: Company or Marketing Pro Want a fun and highly interactive way for your clients and prospects to interact with your brand? Challonge Madness delivers an unparalleled opportunity to harness the season of competition while delivering a world-class engagement experience with your brand. Promote your tournament on your website, engage users through social media, embed your bracket on your company website, and get comprehensive email engagement monitoring and analytics.Recommended plan: Marketing Pro Do you have fewer than 100 friends (don’t lie) and want a super simple, completely custom bracket solution for your crew? Spin up a custom private bracket for less than a couple rounds for the group at the local pub.Recommended plan: Company Are you a creative agency who represents multiple clients? Looking to bring a new, highly interactive idea to your customers that not only has trackable results but can drive future campaigns? Look no further than our Challonge Madness Agency Model. You’ll get an unlimited version of Challonge Madness, with the ability to span multiple clients. We remove our Challonge branding to keep the focus on you, and provide a shareable bucket of participant slots that can be used across all of your clients. It’s the best version of Challonge Madness that enables you to truly become an MVP for your clients.Recommended plan: Agency
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Nelson Mandela was, in addition to many other things, a survivor. Many freedom fighters have been murdered, often at fairly young ages. Martin Luther King, Jr., for instance, never lived to see his fortieth birthday. Mandela, however, survived about seventy-five years of state-sponsored persecution, including twenty-seven years in prison, and another twenty years or so after his release. But no person lives forever, at least not in the literal sense. Last week, Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of ninety-five. I think that it is important to look back at his amazing life in order to give him the tribute that he deserves. In 1918, the year that Mandela was born, South Africa was a place in which legal inequality ruled the day, much like in the United States, where the infamous Jim Crow was in place. While the most brutal form of apartheid was not yet in force, black South Africans were denied equal rights under the law, including the right to vote. In 1943, Mandela became involved in the African National Congress (ANC), an organization that would become famous for its challenging of South Africa’s oppressive government. Five years later, the already horrific plight of black South Africans became even worse. In the 1948 general election, the National Party took control. Ramping up apartheid, the party passed new legislation, including laws that mandated residential segregation and banned interracial marriage. South Africans of Indonesian, Indian, and Chinese descent were also targeted by apartheid laws. In 1949, Mandela helped draft the Programme of Action, a plan for non-violently achieving civil rights. While he initially opposed allowing whites who opposed apartheid to join the ANC, he eventually changed his views and supported making ANC membership available to people of all races. Like figures such as Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Bayard Rustin, and Martin Luther King, Jr., Mandela understood that people, regardless of their race, could work together to end racial oppression. As time went on, Mandela became more like Frederick Douglass than Martin Luther King, Jr. He saw that, with blacks forbidden from voting and apartheid showing little sign of abating, non-violence might be insufficient. Just as Frederick Douglass had supported integration and equal rights, rather than racial separatism, but had also believed that violence might be necessary in order to bring about racial justice, Mandela concluded that he and his allies of all races had to use violence to resist South Africa’s tyrannical government. It was important that he travel to mobilize forces for an uprising, but South Africa’s “pass laws” restricting the movement of blacks made this difficult. A solution was hit upon, in which Mandela would pretend to be the chauffeur of Cecil Williams, a gay white man who had immigrated to South Africa from Cornwall, England and vehemently opposed apartheid. This plan, which Williams was in on, would give Mandela an excuse to travel outside of the areas his pass would allow him to. His collaboration with Cecil Williams may have contributed to the support for gay rights that Mandela showed as president, which will be discussed later in this essay. While Mandela’s and Williams’s ruse worked for some time, Mandela was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to life imprisonment for attempting to violently overthrow the government. During his trial, the judge asked if Mandela wished to plead guilty or not guilty, and the freedom fighter poignantly replied, “My Lord, it is not I, but the government that should be in the dock. I plead not guilty.” While the judge was unimpressed with this response, the logic behind it was irrefutable. By denying black South Africans equal rights and refusing to even give them the chance to vote their oppressors out of office, the South African government had made violent resistance justified and unavoidable. For almost thirty years, Mandela was imprisoned. He was unable to even help bury his oldest son, who died while Mandela was in prison. He was absent for most of the childhood of his two daughters from his second marriage and was forbidden from seeing his grandchildren during part of his imprisonment. In 1989, in the face of national and international protest, he was at last freed from prison and finally helped break down apartheid and create a new government for South Africa. In 1994, he was elected president in the first election in which South Africans of all races were allowed to vote. It is worth noting that he was seventy-five when he entered office and eighty-one when he left office. For comparison, Ronald Reagan entered office at age sixty-nine and left at seventy-seven. It is hard not to be impressed by the vigor shown by Mandela at this point in his life. As president, he followed a path of racial reconciliation. His work with white opponents of apartheid undoubtedly helped prevent him from supporting discrimination against whites in retaliation for the atrocities that black South Africans had suffered through. And while it would have hard to blame Mandela for having become bitter, he instead forgave those who had wronged him. Instead of using his newfound power to inflict retaliatory violence on his old oppressors, he supported a successful attempt to abolish the death penalty in South Africa. His anti-death penalty stance, as well as his signing of a bill that included a clause outlawing corporal punishment in South African schools, demonstrates that while Mandela had come to see violence as a necessary evil, he always abhorred it. One of the most important aspects of Mandela’s presidency was gay rights. During apartheid, homosexuality had been illegal in South Africa, but the new government, perhaps thinking of the help Cecil Williams had given Mandela years ago, began instituting reforms. Mandela signed legislation banning discrimination against LGBT people by the government or by private individuals. He also appointed Albie Sachs, a man who had once been compelled to leave the country due to his opposition to apartheid, to the Supreme Court. It was Sachs who wrote the decision in 2005 ruling that gay South Africans had a constitutional right to marriage. The admiration for Nelson Mandela is not universal. There are those who claim that he beat his first wife, despite the fact that such allegations were never proven, were denied by Mandela, and seem utterly inconsistent with his character. There are those who criticize his support for dictators like Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi. This, of course, is somewhat hypocritical, since many of the same conservatives who criticize Mandela for being friendly with dictators involved in the international anti-apartheid movement were among the people who advocated coddling South Africa’s apartheid regime in the 1980s because the government was an important ally in the Cold War. Apparently, they consider it fine for the United States to ally with oppressive government leaders if it is supposedly in our national interests but unforgivable for Mandela to have been allied with with oppressive government leaders who were willing to take a stand against apartheid. Despite his friendly relations with many Communists, Mandela helped make South Africa into a capitalist republic. Finally, the idea that Mandela’s use of violence makes him an evil terrorist is interesting coming from hawkish conservatives who defend the violent American Revolution and even the slaughter of multitudes of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unless one is a pacifist, it is rather absurd to argue that black South Africans were wrong to violently resist the apartheid government. Mandela was not a perfect man, but he was a good and great man. We should all mourn his loss and celebrate his life.
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BOSTON. It’s 7:25 p.m. on a weekday night, and Thom Gianini is nervously looking at his watch amid a sea of empty seats at a hotel ballroom here. “If this were the Cancer Society or the Heart Association, every table would be filled,” says the professional event planner who’s been hired by the American Appendix Society to boost interest in the organization through a successful gala. “For some reason people just don’t get excited about the appendix.” “The next item up for bid is a free appendicitis–I mean appendectomy.” And indeed the vermiform appendix is the poor relation among body parts when it comes to charitable giving, consistently ranking last among the organs–vital and non-vital–that depend on private charity for research funding. “People are constantly asking me ‘The appendix–you mean supplementary material attached to the end of a piece of writing?’” says Philip de Pierre, the AAS’s executive director. “I have to tell them ‘No, the narrow tube about three or four inches long that extends from the cecum in the lower right hand part of the abdomen, silly!’” So small, and yet–so insignificant. The veriform or “worm-shaped” appendix, known simply as “the appendix” to its friends, is a vestigial structure that has lost its original function through the process of evolution. The organ was found in a remote ancestor of humans where it housed mutualistic bacteria that assisted in the digestion of plants. Long-time appendix fans say it is due for a comeback with the growing popularity of “salad bars” and disgusting kale dishes foisted on an unsuspecting public by the likes of Whole Foods and the First Lady of the United States. Kale salad: Seriously–people eat this stuff. “If you ask me, the appendix is going to be the ‘hot’ organ of the twenty-teens,” says Norman Wallop of Philanthropic Advisors, which counsels people who have too much money on what to waste it on. “The whole third-world orphan thing has been tarnished by entertainment industry stars, and it’s hard to plan fund-raisers around tsunamis until they learn to show up on schedule.” Appendix Society Poster Child: Has an appendix, isn’t sure what for. In addition to both live and silent auctions, tonight’s event will feature a mime troupe simulating an appendicitis attack, without the groans. “It will be the challenge of my career,” says Jean-Claude Couillard, leader of The Silent Treatment. “How do you convey to an audience that has only one appendix left that they could lose it at any time?” Available in Kindle format on amazon.com as part of the collection “The Spirit of Giving.”
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PART TEN Canada and the United States General Comments: This is the music of my home. I enjoy very much the focus on folk traditions, not on current pop or even concert/classical music which I can experience from other sources. And I found some surprises here. A few of the selections focused on what were obviously Celtic traditions that came to the United States and Canada with the Scottish, Irish and English. In this music, we find the some of the same elements from other traditions, like pentatonic scales—yes, the same pentatonic scales we find in many varied cultures. We also hear some good examples of African-influenced music, and two examples of American Indian music. All of this serves to remind me of the huge stew of musical influences already simmering together, and that my desire to do some more melding is in the tradition of my own home culture. Also, elements of this music help the study of music, physics and metaphysics, and the idea of what might be universal in how humans experience music, and what might be culture-specific. CD 3, Track 17 from World Music: A Global Journey Canada: CapeBreton Fiddling This is a basic Scottish/Irish sounding violin ditty. It features a quick triplet rhythm in a minor key, going from i to VII with no hints of the raised 7 found in the conventional harmonic minor scale. The melody cruises along in seconds and thirds, cadencing on a triplet followed by a quarter note, 3-1-1 – 1. CD 3, Track 18 from World Music: A Global Journey United States of America: Ballad-Singing A solo female voice sings a single line melody in a minor key. It migrates up to III, then winds back to cadence on i. The scale/mode is quite similar to the mode used in the little ditty of the previous selection. Even the singer’s accent feels Scottish/Irish. The end cadence is 4-3-1, also a similar move to the 3-1-1 cadence in the previous selection. CD 3, Track 19 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Old Regular Baptist Lined Hymn This is a choral piece in a major mode, but with a pentatonic feel. There is a soloist and a solo-response feel like some of the African vocal music. There is no real structured rhythm—the lead vocalist sets whatever rhythm there is based on his rendering of the words. The chorus seems to follow, echoing the soloist. CD 3, Track 20 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Singing School Shape-Note Music A chorus sings in a natural minor mode, with a flat 7, no hint of a raised 7 at any point. This music has a very specific rhythm and imitative style, with eighth note figures articulating the rhythm. There is a raw, unrefined quality to the voices that makes this music feel very basic. CD 3, Track 21 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Bluegrass This music features a driving 4/4 rhythm with a basic I-IV-I-V progression, laid out by a plucked banjo, mandolin, fiddle/violin and bass. High voices harmonize in tight third/fourths (fit to the chord) rendering the song’s melody. Between the vocal sections, different instruments pop out with solos over the chords. There is no percussion in this ensemble. The bass and mandolin lay out the rhythm most of the time. I was really surprised to learn that this music comes from the mid Twentieth Century, after jazz, blues, and not long before rock. CD 3, Track 22 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: African-American Spiritual This is vocal music in a pentatonic scale, but with a muddy, blues third. There is a soloist, but this isn’t really call-and-response music. There is a trudging feel to this music. This song is in a slow three. There is a clear move to 2 (which implies V) just before the ending cadence on 1. There’s also a move to 4 at the outset. So we have a basic I-IV-I-V-I feel. CD 3, Track 23 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: African-American Gospel Choir Here we have a peppy rhythm offered by an organ, with the bass from the organ driving the rhythm at key points. Handclaps join in from the chorus about midway through. This song is in a major key, but the chords are varied with a II7 chord and some other minor chords supplementing the major key primary chords. These chords often move in rapid succession. The melody line is simple so the melody can be sung by many untrained voices together. The harmonic underpinnings are more complex and challenging than the melody line. CD 3, Track 24 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Country Blues This song gives us the familiar twelve-bar blues, with just a guitar and voice, the way the songs were originally sung. We get a melody phrase twice followed by a third phrase. There is also a point where a variation on the melody adds more lyrics. CD 3, Track 25 from World Music: A Global Journey United States/“Nuyorican” (New York City): Salsa This music sounds Caribbean or South American. We have the recognizable rhythm of the downbeat on one and a pickup from off of two. There are lots of percussion instruments driving the pulse of the music. The bass anchors it. Complex arrangements of brass and woodwinds with prominent flute lines move around the melody. Harmony/chord progressions are adventurous, with the melody sometimes outside the chord. At the beginning, after brass sounding like a train whistle, there is an intro section that goes I to ii to iii then in to flat chords in a circle of fifths to get back to I. Another distinctive feature is the individual piano line in rhythm, arpeggiating the chord structures, as if staking out a middle ground between percussion and pitched instruments. CD 3, Track 26 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Cajun Music This music features pounding straight rhythms with a fiddle/violin and accordion. There are strong downbeats with eighths and sixteenths also pushing the pace. There is little syncopation in this music. A whiny, high-pitched vocalist sings the melody, which is then restated by the fiddle and accordion-type instrument. The chord structure is very simple, I to V to I. But there is something captivating about the pure emotion reflected in this music. And despite the accordion, this music does not sound solely European. Unlike the tango example from the previous post on South America and Mexico, there is something distinctively American about this music. This is probably due to the fiddle sound, and the Southern twang of the voice, with a hint of a French accent, but clearly not French. CD 3, Track 27 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Plains Indian Dance Song A drum beat drives the rhythm of this simple song, almost like a heartbeat with a quarter followed by eighth/three feel. The chant is very simple, in a major pentatonic scale. It starts up high and descends to a final resting place at 1. In fact, the initial note starts at an octave higher than the final cadence note. There are occasional lingerings at other scale levels, but the end of the vocal phrase always gravitates down to 1. CD 3, Track 28 from World Music: A Global Journey United States: Native American Flute A beautiful flute sound plays a major key pentatonic mode in this piece. The sound is like a recorder, but does not sound quite as delicate. The line also seems to float down to a cadence at 1, similar to the previous selection, but with more excursions than the vocal music. In fact, the passage starts with an octave leap on the 5. And this excerpt ends on 5 (though it clearly is an excerpt). Personal Compositional Note: I am not sure why, but I loved the thumping basic drive of the Cajun music and will look for way to bring it in to my own work. I’m clearly already influenced by blues and jazz that are native to my country. This Cajun music seems every bit as basic as the blues with the same soul/deep-level feelings. It couldn’t be much more different from the blues, which makes it even more fun that it is also part of my culture. I’m thinking there is a way to incorporate those characteristics into some music of mine in the future. The Native American flute sound would also make a nice melody line instrument. The use of the piano as a combination percussion and pitched rhythm instrument by having it arpeggiate a chord in rhythm, like the salsa music, is also an idea to bring in to other music contexts. Of course, I am already familiar with many of these styles of music, and know they are already part of my own musical vocabulary. But it was nice to arrive “home” again after these stops all over the planet and find some fresh musical angles. This is the final post of this series within a series. The next post will be about Leonard Bernstein’s The Unanswered Question. I believe my thoughts on his ideas about music will be more insightful now that I have completed this musical journey, courtesy of Terry E. Miller and Andrew Shahri IX December 16, 2012Posted by rwf1954 in Amazon, Andrew Shahriari, Argentina, book review, books, Brazil, ethnomusicology, Mexico, music, Peru, South America, world music. Tags: Amazon, Andrew Shahriari, Argentina, book commentary, book review, books, Brazil, ethnomusicology, Mexico, music, Peru, South America, Terry E Miller, world music, World Music A Global Journey PART NINE South America and Mexico: The Amazon Rainforest, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico General Comments: As in the Caribbean, discussed in the previous post, we have a blend of styles from different places. Brazilian music combines African and European music. Some other examples seem almost completely European. And, we have examples of Amazonian and Peruvian panpipe music which appear to predate European or African music. CD 3, Track 11 from World Music: A Global Journey Brazil: Amazonian Chant This is totally rudimentary music—no drums, no pitched instruments, just male voices. They chant a pitch, then bend the pitch down, then speak rhythmically, then return to the original pitch. There are no scales, no melodies, no harmonies. This is interesting music because it is music at a very basic level. It can serve to help us understand the nature of music for humans, but there is not much for me to latch onto for my own future music projects. CD 3, Track 12 from World Music: A Global Journey Peru: Sikuri (Panpipe) Ensemble This piece sounds like a panpipe marching band. The rhythm emanates from a quick-paced driving bass drum on down beats, skipping an occasional downbeat, but never enough to lose the momentum of the rhythm. The simple melodic line is a pentatonic minor scale—there is no 7 to distinguish it as harmonic or natural minor. The melodic line is harmonized by other panpipes playing other parts of the pentatonic scale. This music would be easily grasped by “Oriental” or Celtic cultures. Because of the pentatonic scales and the flute instruments, the music has a universal feel. Those scales and that instrumental sound can be found almost everywhere. This music may provide an example of universal human music. CD 3, Track 13 from World Music: A Global Journey Argentina: Tango An accordion plays a minor key “Western” theme that could be from a Paris café as much as from South America. This example, with a solo accordion, does not seem rhythmic enough to be dance music. I suspect there are better examples of the tango to listen to. (I am not that concerned about finding a better example of the tango for my study of this subject or for my future music projects.) CD 3, Track 14 from World Music: A Global Journey Brazil: Samba The rhythm is the huge defining factor for this music. We have a strong beat one, with an eighth note pickup to a strong three. The two and four also drive the beat, functioning as strong after-beats. The exotic chord progressions add to the effect. We certainly have a tonic, and a basic tonality. But the chords do not come in simple triads, and the moves are smooth but adventurous, not I-IV-V-I type moves. Common tones bridge what on paper could seem to be unrelated chords. I love the rhythm and the chord-moves as something to emulate in some of my own music. CD 3, Track 15 from World Music: A Global Journey Brazil: Capoeira This is much more basic music from Brazil. It sounds African, with a solo-response concept. Drums, including almost Gamelan sounding percussion, back up the male chorus. The melodic line is three notes, starting on 3 of a major scale, moving to 1 then back up to 3. This repeats as a basic melodic chant with a soloist moving in and around it. The metallic percussion seems to sound 5 to 4 to 5 of the scale, but the pitches are indistinct. And like the samba, there are some eighth note pickups within the rhythm that give it a fresh exotic feel. CD 3, Track 16 from World Music: A Global Journey Mexico: Mariachi This music is like a fast waltz in a major key, moving through a number of chords with a basic I-IV-V-I feel. The B section moves briefly to the V as a key center, using II7 to get there. But it slips back to I quickly. The harmonic structure is tonal/Western European. The Spanish vocalist and the trumpets chattering in thirds identify this as distinctly mariachi music. Personal Compositional Note: The rhythms of the samba and capoeira music are enticing to me as I meld styles. I also love the sound of the Peruvian panpipes. This could all end up in music I will create in the future. The Brazilian music reminds me of the Caribbean fusion of African and European music, though they do manifest this fusion in slightly different ways. The next and final post of this series within a series will move to Canada and the United VIII December 13, 2012Posted by rwf1954 in Andrew Shahriari, Bahamas, book review, books, Caribbean, Cuba, Dominican Republic, ethnomusicology, Haiti, Jamaica, music, Trinidad and Tobago, world music. Tags: Andrew Shahriari, Bahamas, book commentary, book review, books, Caribbean, Cuba, Domincan Republic, ethnomusicology, Haiti, music, Terry E Miller, Trinidad and Tobago,.) PART EIGHT The Caribbean: Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, Cuba, The Dominican Republic General Comments: This music is already a melding of disparate international styles—African with European/Spanish styles. We have complex rhythms underpinning “Western” tonality. This can be diatonic harmonies, and also the exotic modes and instruments of some of the music of Spain, including Arabic-tinged modes and instruments. CD 3, Track 4 from World Music: A Global Journey Haiti: Vodou Ritual The solo-response African concept permeates this selection. It is raw and emotional, with a single thin voice emoting, backed up by a mixed ensemble with percussion instruments and a few “bamboo trumpet aerophones.” The melody lines derive from a pentatonic scale, in some places with moves reminiscent of a blues scale. The drums pound out a steady complex beat. The second half slows in tempo. The tonality appears to be the same, but the aerophone emphasizes a different pitch in the scale, making it feel even poly-tonal briefly. CD 3, Track 5 from World Music: A Global Journey Jamaica: Reggae This is a familiar style to any casual listener of “Western” pop music, a style that has influenced “Western” pop artists and has also been popular on its own. This song is a tribute to Bob Marley by reggae artist Carlos Jones. The distinctive identifying feature is the off-of-the-beat rhythm section chords following the downbeat in either a quarter notes or eighth notes. The timbale fills at the edges of phrases in eighths and sixteenths. This is basically a I-IV vamp with a B section that slips briefly away, landing in V before going back to I-IV again. The instruments are “Western” pop—drum kit, bass, electric guitar, electric organ, with flourishes of exotic drum sounds added. The drum kit uses rim shots as opposed to snare hits, giving the music a lighter style than a typical rock song. The drum kit acts as a background anchor, a straight man for other, mostly subtle percussive effects. CD 3, Track 6 from World Music: A Global Journey Trinidad: Calypso The vocals dominate, giving a philosophical statement in melody, but with the words clearly intended to be more important than the melody. This is a sung recitation over music. The instruments could be playing classical chamber music (except for guitar, bass and congas—but they all offer a quiet background rhythm). We have a piano, clarinet, trumpet and violin sounding melody lines and fills, sometimes in unison, sometimes in counterpoint. The music is minor-key tonal, slipping to the relative major for the B section before a strong V takes us unambiguously back to the minor key. CD 3, Track 7 from World Music: A Global Journey Trinidad: Steel Band This is one of the most fun and distinctive Caribbean sounds. We have a percussion sound that plays pitches. These pitches can be used to play all sorts of music. Their detuned sound gives the notes a rich, exotic timbre. The sound doesn’t sustain, so tremolos and trills are needed to sustain longer chords. This selection is a I-IV-I-V little ditty that seems to capture the basic feel of the sound, the “standard” feel. But the timbre of this sound brings incredible possibilities, both on its own and as hybrid sounds realized electronically or by doubling. CD 3, Track 8 from World Music: A Global Journey Bahamas: Rhyming Spiritual World Music: A Global Journeytells us that “Tories” fled the newly formed United States and took their black slaves with them to the Bahamas. This music lets us know they took their “negro spiritual sound” as well. This is the African solo-response concept. A solo voice sings out a line, and follows through on the song words while a small chorus of voices sings a repeated refrain. There is no percussion or other instruments. The cadences alternate between resting on the 1 and 5 of the scale. The scale is a major scale, but sometimes fuzzes the third, giving us a blues feel. When the lead vocalist reaches for the 7 of the scale, he hits a flat seven, giving us a Mixolydian blues feel at times. CD 3, Track 9 from World Music: A Global Journey Cuba: Son Here is a clear blending of Spanish and African. Drums pound out a strong rhythm in four, with complex timbale rhythms filling the sound. The guitar gives this a Spanish feel, as well as the words in Spanish! A wailing, almost whining trumpet moves in and around the vocal lines. There is room for improvisation, sort of jazzy, but not totally. We have a long guitar solo that recalls flamenco and jazz. The tonality is harmonic minor, with a natural 7 and the flat 6. The vocal harmonies are in thirds. The i minor becomes a I7 to move to iv, then to II7 to go to V7 and back to I. The unambiguous third of the V7 chord gives us the melodic minor scale. CD 3, Track 10 from World Music: A Global Journey Dominican Republic: Merengue We have a quick tempo here, in four, with accents on two and four. An accordion underpins the solo-response feel of the vocals. The chords are simple V-I, over and over. The accordion breaks into florid but simple scale lines during a break for a solo. The percussion instruments provide lots of motion, lots of notes, to bring energy and drive to the selection. This again is a blend of African and Spanish/Western European influences. Personal Compositional Note: I love the steel drum sound, a distinctly Caribbean contribution to the world’s musical palette. I will be using that sound as part of the new music I will be creating. Also, there is a lot to learn from the way musical styles have melded in these Caribbean examples. The Cuban music brings together African rhythms with “Western” tonality and language. The example of the Dominican Republic merenge has an accordion playing joyfully over syncopated African type drums. The Caribbean example is an invitation to try anything—nothing is out of bounds. The next post will move to South America and Mexico. Previous posts from World Music: A Global Journey:…)
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Ordering alcohol? We may ask for ID on delivery. Homemade tomato sauce with chilli & garlic.£7.00 Slowly cooked minced beef & homemade tomato sauce.£8.50 Aubergine, onion, chilli in tomato sauce finished with fresh mozzarella.£9.00 Spinach, sundried tomatoes & ricotta in tomato sauce.£8.50 Bacon, onion, chilli in tomato sauce.Popular£8.50 Potato dumplings in tomato basil & mozzarella sauce.£8.00 Oven baked pasta with minced meat (beef) & béchamel sauce.Popular£9.00 Bacon, egg & cream sauce.£9.00 Tuna, anchovies, capers & olives in tomato sauce.£9.00 Chicken & mushrooms in cream sauce.£9.00 Calabrese sausage, broccoli, chilli & a touch of cream.Popular£9.00 Smoked salmon, prawns, avocado, tomato & cream sauce.Popular£10.00 Meatballs, bacon, onions, chilli & red wine in tomato sauce.£10.00 King prawns, garlic, white wine in fresh basil & tomato sauce.£10.50 Mixed seafood, garlic, parsley & tomato sauce.£11.00 Crab meat, prawns, cherry tomatoes & chilli.£11.00 Italian rice with mushrooms, bacon, courgettes & parmesan.£10.50 Italian rice with mixed seafood, chilli, garlic & fresh tomatoes.£11.00 Arborio rice with Italian sausage, prawns & fresh spinach.£11.00 Lovely light pink colour. Deep, fruity and persistant. It is fresh, clean and crisp wine with a touch of spice.£13.00 Harmonious and full-bodied blend of Cabernet varieties. Warm & deep ruby red, it has a broad, slightly vinous bouquet with herbaceous notes.£15.50.00 Pleasant and intense with outstanding aromas of red flowers, berries and subtle notes of plums. The flavour is full-bodied with wellintegrated, fine textured tannins and beautiful fruit on the finish.£19.00 With a dark ruby red colour, this wine is full and intense with notes of cherries, ripe red fruit and a light spicy sweetness with scents of coffee and cacao.£25.0020.00 The bouquet is intense with scents of ripe fruit, especially Golden apples. Dry and delicately fruity with a clean, long finish.£15.50.50 Fresh, youthful, extremely fine and fruity. Attractively fresh & elegant with a fruity persistent finish.£18.50 This wine has a brilliant straw yellow colour & a bouquet of flowers, with spicy notes. It is full flavoured & fresh with citrus hints & almond notes.£24.50 Bread for all the garlic lovers.£4.50 Toasted bread with freshly chopped tomatoes, garlic, basil & olive oil.£5.00 Avocado, mozzarella & fresh tomato salad finished with basil & a drizzle of olive oil.£6.50 Deep fried mushrooms served with tartar sauce.£5.50 Mixed grilled vegetables with melted goat cheese.£6.50 Wild rocket, avocado, mozzarella & sundried tomato salad finished with extra virgin olive oil.£6.50 Fried white bait served with tartar sauce.£6.50 Avocado with prawns in cocktail sauce.£6.50 Spinach, crispy bacon, avocado & parmesan shavings in honey mustard dressing.£6.50 Deep fried squid served tartar sauce.£7.00 King prawns with chilli & garlic sauce.£7.00 Selection of Italian salami, ham, mozzarella & roasted vegetables.£7.00 Our homemade Tiramisu with Savoiardi biscuits soaked in espresso topped with mascarpone cream dusted with cocoa.£4.00 Pastry cream with a hint of lemon on a base of short pastry, covered with pine nuts & almonds.£4.00 Moist chocolate cake with a heart of creamy rich chocolate.£4.00 Lettuce, wild rocket, tomatoes, cucumber & red onion salad finished with balsamic vinegar & extra virgin olive oil.£3.50 Wild rocket, lettuce & cucumber finished with balsamic vinegar & olive oil.£3.50 Broccoli, green beans and carrots.£3.50 Chicken breast with parma ham & sage, served with potatoes & veg.£12.50 Chicken breast in cream & mushroom sauce, served with potatoes & veg.£12.50 Chicken escalope in breadcrumbs served with spaghetti (Napoli or Bolognese).£12.50 Salmon steak with bay leaves & white wine sauce served with potatoes & veg.£13.50 Fillet of cod with prawns in chilli & cream sauce served with potatoes & veg.£14.00 Mozzarella, tomato sauce and basil.£7.00 Mozzarella, tomato, ham & mushrooms.£8.50 Mozzarella, tomato, pepperoni, roasted peppers & chilli.Popular£9.00 Mozzarella, tomato, ham & pineapple.£8.50 Mozzarella, tomato, anchovies, olives & capers.£9.00 Mozzarella, tomato, spinach, egg & parmesan.£8.50 Mozzarella, tomato, grilled aubergines, Italian sausage & garlic.£9.00 Mozzarella, tomato, tuna, red onions & capers.£9.00 Mozzarella, tomato, grilled vegetables, red onions & mushrooms.£9.00 Folded pizza with mozzarella, ham & spinach, finished with tomato sauce.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, grilled aubergines, red onions, pepperoni & sundried tomatoes.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, grilled chicken, roasted peppers & red onions.£9.50 Tomato, mozzarella, ricotta, gorgonzola & parmesan.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, ham, pepperoni, olives & artichokes.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, ham, olives, anchovies, peppers & egg.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, grilled chicken, mixed roasted peppers, onions & sweetcorn.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, 1/3 ricotta, 1/3 spinach & 1/3 parma ham.£9.50 Mozzarella, tomato, parma ham & wild rocket finished with truffle oil.£10.00 Tomato, bufala mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, finished with basil leaves.£10.00 White pizza with mozzarella, goat cheese, roasted peppers, grilled courgettes & wild rocket.£9.50 Tomato, mozzarella, pepperoni sausage, porcini mushrooms, bufala mozzarella & truffle oil.£11.00 Good To Know
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Here are just two wonderful renditions of the no-fail party snacks: one savory, one sweet. Fillings are not set in stone, naturally. Feel free to offer your own. The main focus here is the versatile and delicious flaky cheese-based dough. It’s so easy to make, it’s almost ridiculous. Because the dough is not sweetened at all, it can take both savory and sweet direction. When choosing a sweet filling, sweeten it a bit more than normal, since the dough isn’t sweet. When baking, watch for the color of the dough, it should reach lightly golden stage, not brown. You may need to rotate the baking sheet, if your oven is not baking evenly. If you are baking on two trays, swap trays midway through baking time, to achieve more even browning on all sides. Note: some of the photos were taken by a phone camera at a party, so they don’t look as pretty as they should. Let this not discourage you, I assure you, the sweet swirls were gone within fifteen minutes of serving, picture or not. The dough is best when worked in a chilled state — it’s easier to slice. If you find yourself working with it a bit too long, to the point it becomes too soft, I suggest you roll it up, wrap in plastic and chill for 30 minutes to let the dough harden, then remove from the fridge, unwrap and slice. Cheese Swirls, Sweet and Savory Yields about two dozen swirls Both fillings are made for the entire batch of dough. If you like to make both, either double the dough or cut fillings in half. Dough: - 8 oz farmers cheese, ricotta cheese, or dry curd cottage cheese (California style) - 8 oz lbs butter - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 tsp baking soda - 3 egg yolks - 2 cups all-purpose flour - Dump flour onto the working surface, add salt and soda, run your fingers through flour a few times to mix salt and soda in. - With a knife of a dough scraper, cut in the cheese and butter into the flour, until pea size crumb forms. - Add egg yolks and work in until the mix is just combined uniformly and resembles the dough. - Shape into a ball, wrap in plastic and chill at least 30 minutes, or until needed. - Rolled the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about 3/16″ thick. - Spread the filling evenly over the entire crust, leaving about 1/2″ of dough on one edge uncovered. - For savory version of the filling, spread the meat first, then chopped eggs, and finally grated cheese. - Carefully roll the dough up into a scroll and seal the unfilled edge securely. - Roll the scroll back and forth on the surface, to give it a more uniform thickness throughout. - If the dough is very soft, wrap the scroll in plastic and chill for 30 minutes to harden. - Preheat the oven to 400ºF (180ºC) - Line a baking sheet with parchment. - With a sharp knife, cut the scroll into 1″ inch slices. Flip each slice on its cut side and place on the baking sheet. Readjust the slice to give it a more round shape if necessary. Leave at least one inch space between swirls, they will expand during baking. - Bake in the middle of the oven for about 30 minutes, or until swirls are golden and filling is cooked through. - The swirls will be still soft when ready, so after removing them from the oven, give them a few minutes to harden before removing them from the baking sheet. - Transfer onto a rack and cool until manageable. - Serve warm or at room temperature. Meringue Filling: - 3 egg whites, room temperature - pinch of salt - 1 cup sugar - 3/4 cup chopped walnuts - 1/2 tsp vanilla - dash of ground cloves (optional) - Whip the egg whites until soft peaks form - Constantly whisking, add sugar in small portions (about 1/4 cup at a time) - Add vanilla (and ground cloves) and whisk again. - Carefully fold in the walnuts - Proceed with step #5 in the Dough section Meat Filling: - 1 lbs ground beef, lamb, or any sausage - 2 tbsp butter for cooking onion and garlic - 1 large onion (or several shallots), finely chopped - 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped - spices to taste, your favorite kind, I use curry, garam masala, or Italian mix, depending on the meat. Most cooking sausage comes pre-seasoned, so proceed with caution - fresh herbs, finely chopped - 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped - 1/2 cup shredded cheese, such as gruyere, parmesan or similar hard variety - Melt butter over medium heat in a skillet - Add onions and garlic, and saute slowly, about 7-8 minutes, or until golden and fragrant, stirring occasionally. Don’t brown! - Combine cooked onions and garlic with meat, season to taste, add fresh herbs and mix well. - Proceed with step #5 in the Dough section
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Slovenia beat Latvia to earn semi-finals at EuroBasket Istanbul, 12 September - The Slovenian men's national basketball team defeated Latvia 103:97 in the quarter-finals of the 2017 EuroBasket in Istanbul on Tuesday to earn a semi-final berth with reigning European champions Spain. Ljubljana The Slovenian men's national basketball team Photo: Anže Malovrh/STA Slovenia entered the match as an undefeated team at the tournament after winning all five matches in the group phase and easily defeating Ukraine in the round of 16. Slovenia were a better team in the first quarter, using a good shooting from the three point line to earn a comfortable advantage, which peaked at 30:15 on a three pointer by Goran Dragić. Slovenia managed to keep a 10-point lead by the end of the first quarter. But it was a series started by their NBA star Kristaps Porzingis that turned the things around for Latvia in the second quarter, which took a lead late in the second quarter, finishing the first half by leading 55:51. Slovenia used a 11:0 run at the beginning of the third quarter to regain the lead, which increased to 10 points by the end of the period on a three pointer by Luka Dončić and a dunk by Gašper Vidmar (76:66). Latvia gave their best in the last period to make things interesting until the very end but baskets by Dončić and Dragić and steady shooting from the free throw line secured Slovenia their second semi-finals at EuroBasket ever. Head coach Igor Kokoškov kept his cool after the win, telling reporters that "we are not going to celebrate yet, we are going forward", but adding that the team was already aware what they had accomplished. Captain Dragić said that "we were ready, we fought until the end, when they led at the half time by five points we did not give up and we deservedly won the game". In the semi-finals on Thursday, Slovenia will play against reigning European champions Spain. Commenting on the next opponent, Dragić said that "if you want a medal, you have to beat the best", adding that "we know who they are but we also know what we are capable of".
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We're a little butter-obsessed here, and that includes topics on why butter should always be browned, the rationale behind clarifying butter, and even how to make a DIY butter candle. And while some may consider the problem strictly one for the first world, we're always very interested in ways to spread cold butter on toast without ripping the bread to shreds. If you read that post, you know the ingenious solutions are many and range from grating your butter to buying a heated butter knife. But Wait, There's a Better Way to Spread Cold Butter Turns out that other folks are just as concerned about this dining irritation as we are. ButterUp recently ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to create a butter-grating knife to ensure the problem of torn toast never happens again. However, if you can't wait to for the company to start manufacturing them, never fear: Cameron Bell over on Instructables has already figured out how to make a DIY version. As you can see in his video, it works pretty damn good. Keep in mind that while Bell actually made his own knife and punched holes in it, other users suggested taking an already made dinner or butter knife and perforating it with 10 to 15 tiny holes. So, you know, you have options. Don't Like Knives? How About Glue? Kenji Kawakami, one of the practitioners of Chindogu, a Japanese movement that plays with the concepts of what is useful and what isn't, created a butter stick that functions just like a glue stick. You can see more about it in his book 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions. The joke's on them, because I would totally use this all the time. It might actually be perfect to use not only for buttering toast, but for creating a perfect grilled cheese sandwich. This is a much easier and less messy way to coat each side of bread with butter before frying it. Luxirare, a past food explorer here on WonderHowTo (we still love her doughless pizzas), has a great version of this butter stick on her website, which involve cleaning out non-toxic children's glue sticks (as you would when making DIY pushup crayons) and packing them with softened butter. As she notes, be sure sure the glue stick containers are absolutely clean before you refill them. Get more details here. More Butter-Softening Tips... Interested in finding more ways to get softened butter into your life? Then learn how to make your own spreadable butter and bring butter to room temperature in mere minutes. 1 Comment I always kept the stick of butter wrapped in the paper it is wrapped in and used it like the glue stick for toast. never thought about needing a special tool. Share Your Thoughts
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, PC and mobile phones will be showcased in EAral, ARMY OF TWO™; Will Wright’s original PC work in progress, SPORE™; and the newest PC iteration in the acclaimed Command & Conquer™ series, Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™. Soccer, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II and the Battlefield franchise are among the most popular games in the world.”™, PSP system, PC, Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. Madden NFL 07 is also in development on the PlayStation 3 console and Nintendo Wii. NCAA Football 07 - Momentum changes everything—now college football’s most celebrated videogame turns the tide with NCAA Football 07. Whether battling your biggest rival or playing for the first-ever BCS National Championship Game in Dynasty Mode™, success on the field depends on your ability to maintain momentum. Featuring unprecedented graphics that capture every moment in complete detail™™ - You’re not alone soldier, not anymore. At E3, EA unveils details of the action title that has been kept top secret for the past year. Developed at EA’s boutique production house in Montral,™ - Fall™ – Crysis is all-new first person shooter from Crytek, the award-winning developers of the critically-acclaimed hit Far Cry. Powered by the revolutionary CryEngine™™ – The genre defining Command & Conquer series is back! The epic struggle between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and The Brotherhood of NOD continues…and the third Tiberium War™™, The Battle for Middle-earth™ Xbox 360, the PlayStation 2 console, Xbox, the PSP system, Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. Def Jam Fight For NY™: –.
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You can contribute to the development of Genode in many different ways. First, you can contribute by trying out the framework and sharing your expectations and experience with us. This will help us to adjust the goals of the project according to the needs of its users. Please do not hesitate to discuss your ideas or suggestion at our mailing list. Maybe you stumbled over an issue that should be documented but isn't? Or the documentation contains errors with regard to content or spelling? Please let us know by raising the issue at the genode-main mailing list: If you are interested in getting your hands dirty with working on the Genode code base or authoring additional documentation, you are more than welcome. For getting a rough overview of the current topics the Genode developers are pondering over, please have a look at the issue tracker: You will see that the issues cover a large spectre ranging from minor fixes, over new features, to architectural changes. To pick the topic that suits you best, please consider introducing your intentions to the mailing list. We will gladly assist you with picking a topic to get you started. Alternatively, you may like to have a look at our road map and future challenges to see the big picture of our developments and to get inspiration for your own activities: Road Map Future Challenges Once you settled on a specific topic to work on, it is a good idea to get acquainted with the work flow and tools used by the project. The following sections are meant as a rough guide for working with Genode's mainline source tree in practice. The complete source code for both the Genode OS Framework and its documentation is managed via the project's public Git repository: Also, most of the content of the genode.org website can be found in the form of plain text file within the repository. If you intend to contribute changes to the mainline development, we recommend you to fork the Genode repository on GitHub. This will make it easy for everyone to track your activities, comment on your work. As a rule of thumb, every line of development should have a corresponding issue in the issue tracker. This will be the place where we will discuss your ongoing work. If there is no issue for your topic, please create one. Once there exists the issue with a short description about what your line of work is about, create a new topic branch based on the genodelabs/master branch. For example, git checkout -b issue76 Work on your branch in the way you prefer. A long-winded history on your branch is not a problem because it will stay local to your repository. However, if you invest your time in maintaining a clean history, this is much appreciated. Genode's source code follows certain time-tested conventions regarding the coding style and code pattern, which are important to us. The coding style is described in the following document: Coding Style Guidelines We know from experience that for new developers, adhering the coding style can be distracting and even annoying at times. To relieve you from keeping all those rules in your head, there is a tool for checking your code against the guidelines. The beautify tool is located at tool/beautify. When invoked with no arguments, it will provide you with brief usage instructions. Use the first line to summarize your commit using not more than 50 characters. This line will be displayed by various tools. So it should express the basic topic and eventually refer to an issue. For example: Add sanity checks in 'tool/tool_chain', fix #62 If the patch refers to an existing issue, add a reference to the corresponding issue. If not, please consider opening an issue first. In the case the patch is supposed to close an existing issue, add this information using GitHub's conventions, e.g., by stating "fix #45" in your commit message, the issue will be closed automatically, by stating "ref #45', the commit will be displayed in the stream of discussion of the corresponding issue. After a blank line, add a description of the patch. For writing the description, keep the following questions in mind: Why is the patch needed? How does the patch achieve the goal? What are known consequences of this patch? Will it break API compatibility, or produce a follow-up issue? The description should use a line with of about 75 characters. It may consist of multiple paragraphs separated by blank lines. Proof-read your commit message for spelling or grammatical errors. Reconsider the documentation related to your patch: If the commit message contains important information not present in the form of source-code comments, this information should better placed into the code or the accompanied documentation (e.g., in the form of a README file). Before we will be able to incorporate your changes into Genode's mainline development, we require your permission to use your code. Genode is publicly licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL with Genode Labs maintaining the right to also distribute derivates under different licenses or update the public License (i.e., eventually switching from GPLv2 to GPLv3). Contributions from outside Genode Labs can only be incorporated into Genode's mainline development if each individual contributor explicitly grants the permission to let Genode Labs redistribute his contributions under non-GPL licenses. This permission is granted by signing the Genode Contributors Agreement: Genode Contributor's Agreement (GCA) By signing the GCA, you don't lose any rights for your contribution. However, you enable Genode Labs to license Genode (including your contributions) under licenses other than the GPL. The GCA needs to be signed only once. The signed GCA covers your future contributions. Of course, you may cancel this agreement at your will. Please make sure that you are in the legal position to sign the GCA (i.e., by making sure that your contribution to Genode is in line with the Open-Source policy of your employer). Send a signed copy of the GCA to Genode Labs. The postal address is Genode Labs GmbH, Dammweg 2, D-01097 Dresden, Germany. Alternatively, you may send a scanned copy of the signed GCA via email to licensing@genode-labs.com. Our goal with the genodelabs/master branch is to keep the history as linear as possible to make it easy for users of the framework to track the development. To help us with accomplishing this goal, please make sure that your patch applies cleanly to genodelabs/master. For the continuous work on your private topic branch, please feel free to commit as you like. For example, your commit sequence could look like: "Implemented A" "Discarded a part of A because it was a bad idea" "Fixed spelling in comment" If your history contains intermediate steps that are not meaningful to have in genodelabs/master, you may decide to clean up your history via git rebase -i. Ideally, each revision should represent a consistent state of your work that should (at least) build without errors. The refined history will then end up in the form of just a few commits. For the example above, all three commits should be merged into a single commit "Feature A" as the intermediate (and potentially bugged) revisions are not useful to have in genodelabs/main. Please do not take the steps described herein too seriously. They are not carved in stone. If you have suggestions for improving them, or if you feel staggered by all those rules, please let us know.
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Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry turns to the speed force for answers; H.R. gives Jesse some advice. The Flash dives deep into the Speed Force as Barry decides he has to go save Wally and Jesse decides she wants to confront Savitar. It’s an interesting episode that goes deep into the mythos of the Speed Force as Barry explores it all and some interesting “fun” is put before us during the rescue mission. It’s interesting in that the episode really explores the Speed Force and what it’s like inside. That’s something that’s been touched upon before but this feels like something new. What’s particularly interesting is that it’s all to teach Barry a lesson, which feels like that’s the point of a lot of things that happens. If it’s not Team Flash fighting a villain, it’s something to teach Barry a lesson. That’s the big focus here too. It’s to give him a push and put him on the path to eventually face Savitar, something we know is the big build of the season. And if that’s not obvious then Jesse’s part of it all leads us to that point too. She decides it’s her turn to protect the city and confronts Savitar herself. This mainly leads to a revelation about the villain, the big point to all of that. It’s an interesting battle and gives Jesse some strength stepping up. That’s also emphasized in a statement of hers about fighting other villains. She’s experienced, we just haven’t seen it. This is a bridge episode as I’d describe it. It doesn’t stand on its own a whole lot, instead propelling a lot of plot points forward and adding some depth. It’s the episode where details that couldn’t be added to other episodes are fit in. It’s not bad, it’s just not great either. The Speed Force moments are interesting, but at their heart it’s something we’ve seen elsewhere. The fight with Savitar didn’t feel all that special either. The episode gets us from point A to point C, but it being point B, it’s not all that exciting. Overall Rating: 7.00
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How To Use Ammonia To Clean The Oven A dirty oven will produce foul odors and smoke every time you use it. It’s not so simple to just wipe the grease off, as it has baked onto the racks, bottoms and walls with repeated exposure to heat. Most commercial cleaners for ovens available out there are extremely caustic, and smell even worse than the cooking food residue inside. If you too have a highly greased oven at home, then ammonia is a wonderful ingredient that will come to your rescue. Clean your oven with ammonia at least once in a month, and you will have a fresh smelling oven forever. Here at OneHowTo.com, we will tell you how to use ammonia to clean the oven. What ammonia is Ammonia is a powerful and versatile cleaning tool. It is a chemical compound consisting of three hydrogen atoms and one nitrogen atom bonded tightly together. It is known for a pungent odor, and it may take form of a very strong smelling gas or liquid. It quickly dissolves in water, and it can be wonderfully used as a household cleaner in different ways. This alkaline substance is widely used in a number of commercial cleaning products used for cleaning grime. Step by step instructions to clean an oven with ammonia Ammonia can be greatly helpful in cleaning dirt and grease from an oven. Follow these step by step instructions: - Take 2 cups of ammonia and pour them in a small bowl, set it inside your oven, and close the door. Let it stay inside overnight, allowing the ammonia fumes to loosen the dirt and grease inside. - In the morning, remove all the oven racks. Fill your sink with warm water, and pour ¼ cup of ammonia and 5 squirts of dish soap in it. Let the racks soaked in hot water for 30 minutes, while you clean the interior walls of the oven. - Wipe out the inside of the oven with a rag soaked in ammonia. Try to remove as much grease and residue as possible without the need to scrub - If there are any stubborn burnt foods inside the oven, soak a rag in pure ammonia and let it stay over it for 30 minutes. After that, the residue will loosen, and you will be easily able to wipe it clean. If it still leaves a stain, you can scrub it off with a soft brush - Now, dampen a rag with water, and wipe out the residue and also the ammonia from the interior of the oven. - Use a dish scrubber to scrub off the oven racks you have soaked in the sink. As they have soaked enough, the residue will wipe off quite easily and quickly.'d like to read similar articles to How To Use Ammonia To Clean The Oven, we recommend you browse around our Home cleaning category.
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Seven Stories Press 140 Watts Street New York, NY 10013 SEVEN STORIES PRESS books for academic courses 2012–2013 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID FOND DU LAC, WI PERMIT NO. 317 S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e ss B o o k s f o r Ac a d e m i c Co u r s e s 2012–2013 “Seven Stories publishes books that present the factual reality of power relations in America, remedy the exclusion of African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans from our history by publishing our visions, and stimulate intellectually for a new world view of equanimity and equality.” —Jose Manuel Havarro, La Salle University “Students need the kind of critical thinking and plain truth written by authors like Noam Chomsky and the many other writers of Seven Stories Press books. . . . Most traditional textbooks are out of touch and, as someone who tries to present all relevant analyses of major global political topics, I especially appreciate the broad selection published by Seven Stories. 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Napoleoni’s books. 10 Y ears T hat S hoo k the W orl d A Timeline of Events from 2001 An insightful overview of the events that have shaped the past decade that goes beyond terrorism to cover issues as diverse as financial policy, advances in science and technology, new economic policies, propaganda, environmental issues, the revolutionary powers of social media, and more, showing both how these topics PAPER 978-1-60980-413-8 $12.95 192 pages I ns u rgent I raq Al-Zarqawi and the New Generation Napoleoni argues that the American “war on terror” in Iraq has saved a fractured al-Qaeda, resuscitating a network rife with conflict and giving birth to a new generation of post–Cold War Mujahedin. Paper 978-1-58322-705-3 $15.95 286 pages M aonomics Why Chinese Communists Make Better Capitalists than We Do A primer on the quiet revolution that’s shifting the way the world thinks about effective economic systems, Maonomics charts the prodigious ascent of the Chinese economic miracle and the parallel course of the West’s ongoing insistence on misconstruing China and its economy, even as we acknowledge its growing influence and importance. Paper 978-1-60980-431-2 $18.95 384 pages CLOTH 978-1-60980-341-4 $26.95 320 pages 26 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Economics (CONT’D) R og u e E conomics Capitalism’s New Reality From Eastern Europe’s booming sex trade industry to China’s “online sweatshops,” from al-Qaeda’s underwriters to America’s subprime mortgage lending scandal, Rogue Economics exposes the paradoxical economic connections of the new global marketplace. Paper 978-1-58322-882-1 $16.95 336 pages T errorism an d the E conomy How the War on Terror is Bankrupting the World Napoleoni traces the link between the finances of the War on Terror and the current global economic crisis, highlighting connections from Dubai to London to Las Vegas that politicians and the media have ignored. Paper 978-1-58322-895-1 $13.95 192 pages T error I ncorporate d Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks In this pioneering exposé of “The New Economy of Terror,” Napoleoni maps out the arteries of an international economic system that feeds armed groups the world over. “A masterpiece. . . . This book should be required reading for everyone in the White House, State Department, and Pentagon.” —Greg Palast, author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Paper 978-1-58322-673-5 $17.95 352 pages • 27 e d u c at i o n E d u c at i o n T he C lass François Bégaudeau Translated by Linda Asher A French class on the outskirts of Paris becomes a window into our world in this extraordinary novel, source for the 2008 Palme d’Or-winning film by Laurent Cantet. “The Class is a prime document of French postcolonial blues, though its relevance to American urban education could not be any greater if it had been made in the Bronx or Trenton or South Los Angeles.” —David Denby, The New Yorker “I was excited to see The Class, because it promised to be the opposite of the inspirational, devotes-everything-to-her-craft, superhero teacher movie. Instead, it was something wholly different: IT WAS REAL.” —Mei Flower, high school teacher and blogger Paper 978-1-58322-885-2 $17.95 272 pages A S hort Co u rse in I ntellect ual S elf - Defense Normand Baillargeon 28 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s e n v i r o n m e n ta l s t u d i e s Dea d H eat Global Justice and Global Warming Tom Athanasiou and Paul Baer Dead Heat explains the problem and argues that environmental justice and economic realism must be factored together to advance a climate protocol that puts the public good before big business. “Dead Heat succeeds in presenting a clear and convincing case for a climate treaty based on equal emissions rights as the best (and perhaps only) way to build upon the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol.” —Barry D. Solomon, Michigan Technological University Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-477-9 $11.95 128 pages A rctic Voices Resistance at the Tipping Point Edited by Subhankar Banerjee World-renowned photographer, writer and activist Subhankar Banerjee brings together first-person narratives from nearly twenty of the world’s most recognized activists, writers and researchers whose groundbreaking research and emotional urgency addresses issues of climate change, resource war and human rights in the most contested land in recent US history. PAPER 978-1-60980-385-8 $35.95 640 pages T he F lu ori d e Deception Christopher Bryson Foreword by Theo Colborn The Fluoride Deception leads us on a terrifying journey through the history of fluoride, a chemical substance which has risen steadily in status from a deadly environmental pollutant to a key component in the development of the atomic bomb to a staple ingredient in toothpaste and drinking water across the US. “Christopher Bryson has woven together an impressive body of evidence.” —Chemical and Engineering News Paper 978-1-58322-700-8 $18.95 416 pages e n v i r o n m e n ta l s t u d i e s • 2 9 G ene Wars The Politics of Biotechnology 2nd Edition Kristin Dawkins Dawkins uncovers the myths and machinations of seed, agrichemical, and pharmaceutical conglomerates, and the international bodies and protocols that bolster them. Paper 978-1-58322-420-5 $6.95 88 pages T he A pproaching C ru d e The Story of Oil Sonia Shah Crude is the story of the black gold that eclipsed King Coal, decisively won the Great War, and propelled the West from the Industrial Revolution to the Plastic Age. Sonia Shah elegantly weaves together the science, economics, politics, and social history of oil. “Riveting . . . [Crude] is an informative, startling, and necessary book.” —Roy Morrison, author of Ecological Democracy Paper 978-1-58322-723-7 $15.95 256 pages 30 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s derrick Jensen: Against Civiliz at Endgame, Volumes 1 and 2; As the World Burns, with Stephanie McMillan; A Language Older Than Words; The Culture of Make Believe; and What We Leave Behind. Dreams A challenge to the “destructive nihilism” of writers like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris who believe that there is no reality outside what can be measured using the tools of science, Dreams draws on the ideas and writings of Native American thinkers, the beliefs of radical sociologists, and Jensen’s own experiences tending the woods near his home to provide evidence of alternative ways of understanding reality. Paper 978-1-58322-930-9 $26.95 672 pages Deep G reen R esistance with Aric McBay and Lierre Keith Starting from the premise that industrial civilization is unsustainable and must be stopped, Deep Green Resistance evaluates strategic options for resistance, from nonviolence to guerrilla warfare, and the conditions required for those options to be successful, as well as providing an exploration of organizational structures, recruitment, security, and target selection for both aboveground and underground action. Paper 978-1-58322-929-3 $24.95 592 pages Derric k J ensen R ea d er Edited by Lierre Keith. paper 978-1-60980-404-6 $26.95 640 pages E b o o k s f o r A c a d e mn ivci rcoonum r se ensta2 l0 1S2t–u2d0i1e 3s • 3 1 W hat W e L eav e B ehin d Derrick Jensen and Aric McBay Jensen and McB a little change around the edges won’t help— is precisely the message that needs to get out.” —Bill McKibben Paper 978-1-58322-867-8 $24.95 480 pages E n d game , Volu me 1 The Problem of Civilization Paper 978-1-58322-730-5 $20.95 512 pages E n d game , Volu me 2 Resistance The second volume of Endgame illustrates our means of resistance, leap-frogging the environmental movement’s deadlock over our willingness to change our conduct and focusing instead on our ability to adapt to the impending ecological revolution. “Derrick Jensen is a force for the common good. His books are mandatory reading in the study of culture and social change. Derrick Jensen is a contemporary philosopher with his feet firmly on the ground.” —Terry Tempest Williams Paper 978-1-58322-724-4 $20.95 448 32 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Foreign Polic y and i n t e r n at i o n a l s t u d i e s P ower T rip U.S. Unilateralism and Global Strategy After September 11 Edited by John Feffer A concise dissection of the new US unilateralism, this collection of essays is the first book-length critique of the shift in US foreign policy towards global control. “Power Trip provides an insightful analysis of the evolution, e xecution, and potential r epercussions of the Bush administration’s hard-line foreign policy since September 11 . . .” —Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-579-0 $14.95 256 pages N orth Korea / S o u th Korea U.S. Policy at a Time of Crisis John Feffer In North Korea/South Korea, a short, accessible text about the history and political complexities of the Korean peninsula, Feffer offers concrete proposals for US policies that could help reduce regional tensions. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-603-2 $9.95 200 pages Against War W ith I raq Jennie Green, Barbara Olshansky, Michael Ratner “A clear-eyed analysis that deconstructs, piece by piece, the Bush administration’s unconvincing sales pitch for war.” —David Barsamian Paper 978-1-58322-591-2 $6.95 80 f o r e i g n p o l i c y & i n t e r n at i o n a l s t u d i e s • 3 3 Towers of S tone The Battle of Wills in Chechnya Wojciech Jagielski Translated by Soren A. Gauger · Winner of the Premio Letterature dal Fronte (Italy) Award-winning Polish reporter Jagielski examines the lives of two Chechnyan leaders—a powerful warlord and a calculating politician—as a microcosm of the conflict threatening to devour a land and its peoples. Paper 978-1-58322-900-2 $19.95 336 pages I n d ia Di v i d e d Diversity and Democracy Under Attack Vandana Shiva Shiva analyzes India’s potential nuclear conflict with Pakistan, the rise of fundamentalism within its own borders, and the very real threat of mass famine and economic enslavement of its citizens to the forces of globalization. “[Shiva] has eloquently blended her views on the environment, agriculture, spirituality, and women’s rights into a powerful philosophy.” —Utne Reader Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-540-0 $9.95 192 pages china’s great leap The Beijing Games and Olympian Human Rights Challenges Edited by Minky Worden The world’s leading Chinese writers, China experts, and human rights authorities examine the People’s Republic of China today as the government and 1.3 billion people cope with the pressures and spotlight brought by the 2008 Olympic Games. Paper 978-1-58322-843-2 $18.95 240 pages 16 B&W photographs O v ercoming S peechlessness Alice Walker In 2006, Alice Walker visited Rwanda and the eastern Congo to witness the aftermath of the genocide in Kigali. Three years later, she witnessed the devastation on Israel/Palestine’s Gaza Strip. Here is her testimony—and her attempt to find words to alleviate the moral horror of twenty-first century atrocity. Paper 978-1-58322-917-0 $9.95 80 pages 34 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s g e n d e r a n d w o m e n ’s studies a H istory of M arriage Elizabeth Abbott What does the “tradition of marriage” really look like? In A History of Marriage, Elizabeth Abbott paints an often surprising picture of this most public, yet most intimate, institution. Marriage—in all its loving, unloving, decadent, and impoverished manifestations—is revealed here through Abbott’s infectious curiosity. CLOTH 978-1-60980-088-8 $22.95 472. T he C litoral T r u th The Secret World at Your Fingertips Rebecca Chalker The Clitoral Truth is an in-depth exploration of women’s genital anatomy and sexual response, providing precise physiological information and a historical analysis of the male-centered model of sexuality. “The Clitoral Truth is Our Bodies, Ourselves; your favorite textbook; a Nancy Drew mystery; and the Good Vibrations catalog rolled into one.” —salon.com Paper 978-1-58322-473-1 $15.95 256 pages Gender & women’s studies • 35 L i v e T hro u gh T his On Creativity and Self-Destruction 2nd Edition Edited by Sabrina Chap Nan Goldin, bell hooks, Eileen Myles, Inga Muscio, and fourteen other artists who have experienced cutting, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and/or abusive relationships traverse the pains and passions that sometimes motivate, sometimes destroy, women artists. Paper 978-1-60980-436-7 $19.95 280 pages M other R ea d er Essential Literature on Motherhood Edited by Moyra Davey A unique anthology that explores the intersection of motherhood and creative life, including journals, memoirs, essays, and fiction by Adrienne Rich, Alice Walker, Susan Griffin, Mary Gaitskill, and more. “Mother Reader brings together a group of wonderfully intelligent and incisive pieces on a subject that shapes our lives. Fine writers, fine writing, and a vital theme make this an essential book.” —Lynne Sharon Schwartz Paper 978-1-58322-072-6 $24.95 356 pages I n O u r Control The Complete Guide to Contraceptive Choices for Women Laura Eldridge In the most comprehensive book on birth control since the 1970s, women’s health activist Laura Eldridge discusses the history, scientific advances, and practical uses of everything from condoms to the male pill to Plan B. “The last time I remember reading so much detail about contraceptive options was poring over Our Bodies, Ourselves when I was in my 20s... This is women’s health activism at its best.” —Elizabeth Kissling, Ms. Paper 978-1-58322-907-1 $21.95 512 pages generation roe Inside the Future of the Pro-Choice Movement Sarah Erdreich With Planned Parenthood under attack, and restrictive laws creeping up all over the country, Generation Roe is a fresh perspective on what matters about abortion today. Available March 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-458-9 $16.95 288 pages 36 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s. Paper over board 978-1-58322-850-0 $14.95 32 pages Unr u ly W omen The Politics of Confinement & Resistance Karlene Faith In this seminal book about women’s imprisonment that helped spark examinations around the world into the special circumstances women face in prison, as well as the sex and gender crimes that get them there, Karlene Faith challenges misconceptions of “deviant” women, and celebrates the unruly woman: the unmanageable woman who claims her own body, and who cannot be silenced. PAPER 978-1-60980-137-3 $16.95 338 pages A F iel d G u i d e for F emale I nterrogators Coco Fusco Combining instructional drawings and critical commentary, Fusco’s Field Guide addresses the role of women in the war on terror and explores how female sexuality is being used as a weapon against suspected Islamic terrorists. “Fusco confronts her deeply disturbing material with unflinching bravery and characteristic originality.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-780-0 $16.95 144 pages G irl B oy G irl How I Became JT LeRoy Savannah Knoop Knoop’s gripping tale of what it was like to pose as the literary darling of the avant-garde. “A sobering look at the deceptive pull fame has on our culture….The chronicle of a young woman attempting to forge her own personality.”—Advocate Paper 978-1-58322-851-7 $17.95 224 pages 16 b&w photos Gender & women’s studies • 37 T he Fame Lu nches On Sadness, Writing, the Promise of Fame, and Other Imperfections Daphne Merkin In this her second collection of essays, Daphne covers topics from mental health to financial news and divorce demographics through a highly readable combination of research and autobiography. Available June 2013 Cloth 978-1-60980-469-5 $17.95 256 pages T he S weetest T hing Mischa Merz Journalist and amateur boxer Mischa Merz fulfills a long-held ambition to travel across the United States and compete in a series of amateur boxing tournaments, and in so doing explores the place the subculture of boxing has in American life—and on the American idea of masculinity. Paper 978-1-58322-928-6 $18.95 304 pages b&w illustrations R ose Inga Muscio The long-awaited follow-up to Cunt, Rose breaks new ground in answering a fundamental question in most feminist and antiracist writing: how do we identify, witness, and then recover from trauma—as individuals, as communities, and as a country? Paper 978-1-58322-926-2 $17.95 256 pages Voices of the W omen ’s H ealth M o v ement Edited by Barbara Seaman with Laura Eldridge Influential science journalist Seaman brings together a one-of-a-kind collection of essays, interviews and commentary by leading activists, writers, doctors, and sociologists that celebrates the progress of the women’s health movement. With contributions from the Our Bodies, Ourselves collective, Margot Adler, Sojourner Truth, Dr. Susan Love, Naomi Wolf, Angela Davis and 200 others, and with topics ranging from the early history of women as healers to contemporary activism, from self-help gynecology and motherhood to women’s health in the 21st century. Volume 1 CLOTH 978-1-60980-444-2 $21.95 480 pages Volume 2 CLOTH 978-1-60980-446-6 $19.95 400 pages 38 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T he G reatest E x periment E v er P erforme d on W omen Exploding the Estrogen Myth, 2nd Edition Barbara Seaman Feminist and health advocate Barbara Seaman exposes the dangers of the “menopause industry,” charting its history from the well-intentioned discovery of synthetic estrogen to the unconscionable and misleading promotion of a dangerous drug. Paper 978-1-58322-862-3 $18.95 352 pages B a d S hoes an d the W omen W ho Lo v e T hem Leora Tanenbaum A primer on the history of high heels in American culture—and the severe health hazards these bad shoes pose to women’s feet. Paper 978-1-58322-904-0 $13.95 160 pages C atfight Women and Competition Leora Tanenbaum A meticulous analysis of the roots of destructive competitiveness among women, asserting that “catfights” thrive because, despite women’s many gains, American women are conditioned to regard each other as adversaries rather than allies. “Leora is one of the most astute and thoughtful of the new generation of feminist writers, bringing both a rare warmth and a courageous conviction to all her work.” —Elizabeth Wurtzel, author of Prozac Nation and Bitch Cloth 978-1-58322-520-2 $24.95 336 pages S lu t ! Growing up Female with a Bad Reputation Leora Tanenbaum A groundbreaking account of the lives of the young women who stand up to the destructive power of namecalling. Cloth 978-1-888363-94-4 $23.95 288 pages T he A lbino A lb u m A Novel as Songs Chavisa Woods Compelling first novel by celebrated emerging author Chavisa Woods with special interest for LGBT and feminist readers. A queer epic about a little girl who accidentally feeds her mother to an albino tiger and grows up to be a domestic terrorist. Available February 2013 paper 978-1-60980-476-3 $19.95 400 pages b o o k s f o r A c Ga edne m d ei cr c&oW u ro smeesn2’ s0 1S2t–u2d0i1e 3s • 3 9 S h e r e H i t e o n S e x, G e n d e r, a n d C u lt u r a l History One of the great feminists and cultural anthropologists of our time, Shere Hite sees human sexuality as both a window of potential understanding and a lever with which to raise human consciousness. Her 1976 book, The Hite Report, has sold tens of millions of copies worldwide. Her continuing study of sexual behavior includes major new discoveries on, for example, male sexuality, teen sexuality, and the relationship of sexuality to globalization. “Shere Hite is herself a revolutionary agent of change, giving voice to the unheard and sound to what was once unsayable. Her pioneering work on sexuality, friendship, and love continues to challenge gender stereotypes—and expand the meaning of ‘human.’ ” —Barbara Ehrenreich “Shere Hite performs a public service by bringing us the voices of everyday women and men, as they speak frankly and painfully of their struggles with sexuality, love, and identity.” —Susan Faludi “Hite’s work has left an indelible mark on Western civilization.” —Reuters T he H ite R eport A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality This classic reprint is an exact reproduction of the original, unavailable now for more than a decade, and includes a new introduction by the author. “[F]ascinating, eye-opening, rewarding . . . a must for everyone, male and female.” —New York Times Book Review “A frankness and directness not usually seen in print. . . . Many female readers can closely identify with these intimate revelations.” —Time Paper 978-1-58322-569-1 $17.95 512 pages T he S here H ite R ea d er Sex, Globalization, and Private Life An ideal introduction to Hite’s work, with writings on the myth of the g-spot; the misdepiction of male sexuality in pornography; female masturbation; arguments against “female Viagra”; sex and globalization; love and societal coercion; the Oedipus complex; the rarity of female orgasm from intercourse; the redefinition of female sexuality; and more. Paper 978-1-58322-568-4 $24.95 560 pages 40 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Ra d i c a l h i s t o r i e s R emembering Tomorrow From SDS to Life after Capitalism—A Memoir Michael Albert Veteran anti-capitalist activist Albert reflects on his life as a campus agitator and radical economist committed to creating change one step at a time. “…a thoughtful, profound meditation on what a good society can be like.” —Howard Zinn Paper 978-1-58322-742-8 $22.95 464 pages E v erybo dy Tal k s A bo u t the W eather . . . W e Don ’ t The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof Edited, with an introduction by Karin Bauer Translated by Luise Von Flotow Afterword by Bettina Röhl As the notorious founding member of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof Gang, Ulrike Meinhof became known for her influential writing, her militant political stance, and her connection to international revolutionary movements of the 1970s. Her writings are now available here for the first time in English. Paper 978-1-58322-831-9 $16.95 272 pages M emoirs of a B reton P easant Jean-Marie Deguignet A fascinating primary document of an extraordinary life, Memoirs of A Breton Peasant reads with the liveliness of a novel and bristles with the vigor of an opinionated autodidact from the very lowest level of peasant society in the age of Napoleon III. PAPER 978-1-60980-346-9 $19.95 432 pages S ing a B attle S ong The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and Communiqués of the Weather Underground, 1970–74 Edited and annotated by Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, and Jeff Jones Bringing together three complete publications produced by the Weathermen during their most active period underground, Sing a Battle Song epitomizes the sexual, psychedelic, anti-war counterculture of the American 1960s and 1970s. Paper 978-1-58322-726-8 $19.95 400 pages • 41 H i s t o r y H aymar k et A Novel Martin Duberman A true-to-history account of the Chicago Haymarket riot of 1886, Haymarket brings the passion and turmoil of the late-nineteenth-century labor movement to life. “We should be grateful to Duberman for spotlighting a neglected chapter in the struggle for workplace rights and human dignity.” —Peter Franck, The Washington Post “Easy to read and bursting with history.” —Erik Lundegaard, The Seattle Times Paper 978-1-58322-671-1 $16.95 330 pages L ife of an A narchist The Alexander Berkman Reader Edited by Gene Fellner A collection of the American radical’s greatest works, including Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, The Bolshevik Myth, the classic ABCs of Anarchism; plus letters between Berkman and Emma Goldman and a sampling of his other publications. “Includes everything an aspiring revolutionary could want.” —Los Angeles Reader Paper 978-1-58322-662-9 $16.95 352 pages Colu mb u s an d Other C annibals The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism Jack D. Forbes In his classic history of terrorism, genocide, and ecocide—told from a Native American point of view— Forbes diagnoses the Western compulsion to consume the earth as a sickness. Updated with a new preface by the author and an introduction by Derrick Jensen. Paper 978-1-58322-781-7 $14.95 256 pages B a k u nin The Creative Passion—A Biography Mark Leier Bakunin chronicles the life of one of the most notorious radicals in history, as well as the founding of anarchism, here revealed as a practical moral philosophy based on a critique of wealth and power. “The life of Bakunin (1814-1876), the Russian architect of the anarchist movement, provides a surprisingly enjoyable introduction to the tumult of 19th-century radicalism….[Leier] brings welcome consideration to the real merits of the movement.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-894-4 $17.95 320 pages 42 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s W ic k e d M essenger S o u v enirs of a B lown W orl d Sketches from the Sixties—Writings about America, 1966-1973 Gregory Mcdonald Mcdonald’s reportage from the Boston Globe captures the exuberance of an era, with firsthand accounts of major events during the sixties and interviews with Joan Baez, Abbie Hoffman, Krishnamurti, Phil Ochs, Andy Warhol, and others. Paper 978-1-58322-866-1 $16.95 240 pages 16 b&w photos U P AG A I N S T T H E WA L L M OT H E R F * * K E R A Memoir of the 60s, with Notes for Next Time Osha Neumann They called themselves the Motherfuckers, others called them a “street gang with an analysis.” Osha Neumann’s thoughtful, funny and honest story of his part in the counterculture is also an unflinching look at what all that rebellion means today. “Smart and ebullient and revolutionary in the fullest sense.” —Barbara Ehrenreich Paper 978-1-58322-849-4 $16.95 224 pages • 43 H i s t o r y R esistance A Radical Social and Political History of the Lower East Side Clayton Patterson This collection of writings and images documents the political history of NYC’s Lower East Side, describing the lives and struggles of the radicals, artists, and immigrants that populated and politicized one of America’s strangest and most beloved neighborhoods. Paper 978-1-58322-745-9 $30.00 640 pages F lying C lose to the S u n My Life and Times as a Weatherman Cathy Wilkerson In this memoir of her days in the Weather Underground, Wilkerson wrestles with the contradictions of the movement and recognizes that in making decisions from a place of rage she was practicing the same disregard for human life that she was so desperately protesting against. Now available in paperback. Paper 978-1-58322-861-6 $18.95 432 pages b&w photographs 44 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s z i n n co l l e c t i o n Howard Zinn’s (1922–2010) great subject isn’t war, but peace. After his experience as a bombardier in World War II more than sixty years ago, he became convinced that there could no longer be such a thing as a “just war,” because the vast majority of victims in modern warfare are, increasingly, innocent civilians. Zinn has, over the course of a lifetime of principled civil disobedience and authoring five books, including the bestselling A People’s History of the United States, influenced four generations in the ways of peace. A Yo u ng P eople ’s H istory of the Unite d S tates 45 H b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s e s 2 0 1 2i –s t2 o0 1r 3y Voices of a P eople ’s H istory of the Unite d S tates 2nd Edition Edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove Paralleling the twenty-four chapters of Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, Voices is the long-awaited companion to the national bestseller. Now in an updated and expanded second edition, with new material covering the final years of the Bush presidency. “This is a wonderful book because it provides the voices of dissidents in their own words. Students are able to see the comprehensive nature of dissent in American history and read the words of the underrepresented. I especially like to assign reading from unknown dissidents, and students have told me that they have been impressed to see the fire, passion and courage of those who stood up for freedom when it was not the politically popular thing to do.” —Tom Callahan, Iona College “I used your Voices of A People’s History of the United States in a sociology course I taught at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I coupled this book with Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. The course was titled, “The Making of American Society” and I intended the course to present an alternative narrative of American history to that which is often presented in classrooms. I felt that these books worked very well in this regard, and allowed students to garner a fuller image of America’s past. Voices specifically proved very useful because it helped to remove some of the distance, as it were, that sometimes exists in historical narratives by making the actors in these histories real people. Furthermore, it was useful to remind students that the voices of historical actors are the voices of real people, and that the events that they read about were moments in individual lives, that produced unique and subjective impacts on the lives of real, living people.” —Dr. Edward Avery-Natale, Temple University Paper 978-1-58322-916-3 $22.95 704 pages teaching with Voices of a P eople’s H istory of the Unite d S tates by howar d z inn an d anthony arno v e Gayle Olson-Raymer In this teaching guide, Gayle Olson-Raymer provides excellent insight into how to use this remarkable anthology in the classroom, including discussion, exam, and essay questions, creative ideas for in-class activities and group projects, and suggestions for teaching Voices alongside Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. *Also available as a downloadable PDF file on request through academic@sevenstories.com. Paper 978-1-58322-934-7 $21.00 304 pages 46 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s z i n n co l l e c t i o n ( CO N T’D ) R ea d ings from Voices of a P eople ’s H istory of the Unite d S tates Edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove Authors Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove are joined on this audio CD by Danny Glover, Sarah Jones, Paul Robeson, Jr., Lili Taylor, Wallace Shawn, Marisa Tomei, and Kurt Vonnegut to perform rousing words of dissent selected from the complete anthology. Audio CD 978-1-58322-752-7 $14.95 45 minutes T he Zinn E d u cation P rojectwar d Zinn O n . . . Collected from a lifetime of writing and historical work, these three handy pocket guides provide an ideal introduction to Howard Zinn’s writing on some of the great themes of his work.. H owar d Zinn on H istorywar d Zinn on R ace Introduction by Cornel West Zinn’s choice of the shorter writings and speeches that best reflect his views on America’s most taboo topic. PAPER 978-1-60980-134-2 $16.95 192 pages • 47 H b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s e s 2 0 1 2i –s t2 o0 1r 3y H owar d Zinn A rtists in T imes errorisminn 48 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Lat i n A m e r i c a n a n d Ca r i bb e a n S t u d i e s N otes from the L ast T estament The Struggle to Build a New Haiti Michael Deibert Tracing Haiti’s tumultuous, recent history from President Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s return to power in 1994 to his ouster ten years later, Michael Deibert paints a riveting and dramatic portrait of a nation and a people at a historic crossroads. Paper 978-1-58322-697-1 $22.95 480 pages F i d el A Graphic Novel Life of Fidel Castro Néstor Kohan Illustrated by Nahuel Scherma Translated by Elise Buchman Here, in a uniquely readable and illustrated primer, Kohan and Scherma present one of the towering figures of the twentieth-century as he is seen by Latin Americans: as the leader who, for over fifty years, has stood up to the greatest military power in the world, and remained standing. English Paper 978-1-58322-782-4 $14.95 192 pages Spanish Paper 978-1-58322-783-1 $14.95 192 pages O u r W or d is O u r W eapon Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos Edited by Juana Ponce de León In this landmark collection, Ponce de León presents the essential writings of Subcomandante Marcos, the enigmatic Zapatista leader who has made the plight of the indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico, an international, political, and moral issue. “It’s a sin not to use Our Word Is Our Weapon in a modern dissent class.” —Faramarz Farbod, Moravian College Paper 978-1-58322-472-4 $24.95 496 pages Spanish-language edition: Nuestra arma es nuestra palabra Paper 978-1-58322-270-6 $24.00 512 pages T he B attle of Vene z u ela Michael McCaughan “McCaughan gives a vivid eyewitness accountator Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-680-3 $12.95 240 pages Lat i n A m e r i c a n & Ca r r i b e a n S t u d i e s • 4 9 Colombia an d the Unite d S tates War, Unrest, and Destabilization Mario A. Murillo With Jesus Rey Avirama “With compelling, accessible prose, Murillo surveys a long history of conflict that predates drugs, guerrillas, or terrorism. Rather, Murillo roots Colombia’s violent history in a refusal of elites to open up the political system to broad, democratic participation. Murillo encourages readers to look past a history of violence to find hope in social movements to persistent problems of poverty and social exclusion.” —Marc Becker, Truman State University “Murillo’s insightful treatment of the conflict in Colombia is concise and extremely relevant for anyone wishing to understand the negative impact of contemporary US policy in Latin America.” —Andrew G. Wood, University of Tulsa Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-606-3 $10.95 232 pages I slan d s of R esistance Puerto Rico, Vieques, and U.S. Policy Mario Murillo Murillo explores the significance of Puerto Rico’s colonial status, within the context of more than 100 years of US domination. Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-080-1 $6.95 80 pages M u n d o C r u el Stories Luis Negron Translated by Suzanne Jill Levine Nine short stories set in the mostly queer, working class community of Santurce, Puerto Rico. Mundo Cruel features powerful, funny, voice-driven storytelling from debut Puerto Rican author. Available February 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-418-3 $13.95 128 pages M asters of War Latin America and U.S. Aggression from the Cuban Revolution Through the Clinton Years Clara Nieto Translated by Chris Brandt Foreword by Howard Zinn An insightful history of US policy toward Latin America, demonstrating convincingly how the US has engaged in “a coherent politics of intervention.” “Nieto’s treatment of US policy in Latin America is a stunning indictment and clear evidence of Washington’s meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations throughout the hemisphere.” —Andrew G. Wood, University of Tulsa Paper 978-1-58322-545-5 $24.95 640 pages 50 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s ’68 Paco Ignacio Taibo II Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith Taibo dissects the events surrounding the night of October 2, 1968, when at least 200 students were killed in a bloody showdown between demonstrators and the Mexican government in Tlatelolco Square. “I introduced Paco Taibo’s ’68 in my Global 1960s course last year, supplementing other texts on late60 English Paper 978-1-58322-608-7 $12.95 144 pages Spanish Paper 978-1-58322-600-1 $12.95 144 pages Zapatista E nc u entro Documents from the Encounter for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism The Zapatistas Calling for democracy based on diversity, social justice, creativity, and openness, Zapatista Encuentro is a testament to the importance of community in an age of consumerism and corporate control. Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-548-6 $6.95 64 pages L i t e r at u r e – A m e r i c a n • 5 1 A m e r i c a n L i t e r at u r e O hio A ngels Harriet Scott Chessman Hallie, a painter who now lives in Brooklyn, returns to her family home in Ohio, where she unearths a secret about her parents—one that sheds light on her mother’s depression, which shadowed her own childhood, and helps her understand her own inability to have children. Cloth 978-1-58322-519-6 $21.95 192 A pocalypse T hen New Novellas and Stories Rick DeMarinis From chronicling an unhappy marriage during the backdrop of the nuclear arms race to describing the nocturnal wanderings of a guilt-ridden adult-age son, this collection of twenty stories showcases Rick DeMarinis’s versatility, depth, and mastery of the short story form. Cloth 978-1-58322-637-7 $22.95 288 pages B orrowe d H earts Rick DeMarinis The best of Rick DeMarinis’s highly acclaimed short fiction. “An ideal curbside roost from which to contemplate [DeMarinis’s] tantalizing, if often brooding, artistry.” —New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-040-5 $16.95 336 pages M ama’s B oy. Paper 978-1-58322-911-8 $16.95 240 pages 52 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T he Y ear of the Zinc P enny A Novel Rick DeMarinis “Without ever resorting to easy nostalgia or cheap sentimentality, Mr. DeMarinis gives us both a picture of the eternal realities of childhood . . . and a tactile portrait of life in the wartime 1940s.” —New York Times Paper 978-1-58322-638-4 $9.95 168 pages B loo d an d S oap Stories Linh Dinh A collection of modern-day fables about language, immigration, Vietnam, war, and the beauty of everyday life, from a wildly inventive American writer. “Dinh’s stories, pared to parable, are enough to nourish any reader’s mind.” —The Village Voice, “Our 27 Favorite Books of the Year” “[Blood and Soap] communicates the difficulty of learning a new language and the even bigger hardship of figuring out all the subtleties of action that remain unspoken.” —Gena Anderson, Bookslut Paper 978-1-58322-642-1 $16.00 160 pages Fa k e H o u se Linh Dinh The first collection of short stories by poet Linh Dinh, which explores the weird, atrocious, fond, and ongoing intimacies between Vietnam and the United States. Cloth 978-1-58322-039-9 $23.95 208 pages Lo v e L i k e H ate Linh Dinh A love story set against the backdrop of the fall of Saigon, with the surreal exuberance of Matthew Sharpe and the stylistic élan of Italo Calvino. “Love Like Hate affirms that Linh Dinh’s is one of the great original voices in American literature of the 21st century. The English language is a better, weirder, smarter place with Dinh writing in it.” — Matt Sharpe, author of Jamestown Paper 978-1-58322-909-5 $16.95 192 pages T he T hings W e Do to M a k e I t H ome Beverly Gologorsky An emotionally charged story that lays bare the destructive impact of the Vietnam War on the wives, lovers, and children of veterans. Paper 978-1-58322-884-5 $14.95 216 pages L i t e r at u r e – A m e r i c a n • 5 3 Dr u gs J. R. Helton Narrator Jake Stewart inimitably lampoons an America in which drug use is not just a part of the American mainstream, but may be one of the only sane responses to that mainstream. “J.R. Helton really speaks to me—starkly honest, darkly funny, acutely observant, and captures the tragic absurdity of human life. I love that. It’s not that common in literature. I think he’s right up there with the best of them.” —Robert Crumb PAPER 978-1-60980-401-5 $15.95 256 pages prince of the worl d Stories Christopher Howard It features powerful stories ranging from the presentday Washington State to the war-torn plains of frontier Illinois. Howard reasserts his talent for evoking the gritty and the apocalyptic with poetic grace. Available January 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-438-1 $16.95 240 pages T ea of Ulaanbaatar Christopher Howard Disaffected Peace Corps volunteer Warren flees life in late-capitalist America to find himself stationed in the post-Soviet industrial hell of urban Mongolia: a story of expatriate angst, the dark side of globalization, and middle-class nightmares. Paper 978-1-60980-086-4 $14.95 208 pages O nce Yo u G o B ac k Douglas A. Martin Depicting a strained working-class household transplanted to the South, Once You Go Back brings out the curiosity of children on the verge of becoming sexual, and their confusion in the midst of family violence. “Lonely, understated, and heart-breaking, Once You Go Back will haunt you like a familiar face that has emerged and then fallen back into a dream.” —Mary Gaitskill Paper 978-1-58322-878-4 $16.95 208 pages B arney P olan ’s G ame Charley Rosen The story of the legendary point-shaving scandals in 1950s college basketball, and the issues of character and morality that informed them. Cloth 978-1-888363-56-2 $23.95 336 pages 54 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T he Coc k roach B as k etball L eag u e Charley Rosen Foreword by Phil Jackson An intense and moving look at the CBA, the minors of professional basketball. “[T]he best basketball novel ever written.” —Terry Pluto Paper 978-1-88836-378-4 $13.95 279 pages T he H o u se of M oses A ll S tars Charley Rosen Here is the story of an all-Jewish basketball team traveling in a hearse through Depression-era America in search of redemption and big money—as well as a passionate portrayal of a young Jewish man struggling to realize his dreams in a country struggling to recover its ideals. PAPER 978-1-60980-371-1 $16.95 496 pages N o B loo d, N o F o u l Charley Rosen When star college basketball player Jason Lewis comes home from World War II missing two fingers on his shooting hand, he makes the ultimate ballplayer’s sacrifice: he becomes a referee. Paper 978-1-58322-828-9 $17.95 288 pages F inal E d ition Wallace Shawn, ed. With contributions by Wallace Shawn, Jonathan Schell, Mark Strand, Noam Chomsky, and Deborah Eisenberg, Final Edition is a one-issue-only political magazine shaped by the belief that the people who run our country have a crude and minimal imaginative life. Paper 978-1-58322-684-1 $10.00 80 pages T he F ree T hin k ers Two Novellas Layle Silbert “A splendid and exciting book. . . . Silbert writes with a keenly observing eye and ear, and creates characters who are different yet familiar. It is yet another successful artistic attempt to portray the shtetl personality torn from its roots and replanted in foreign soil.” —Jewish Currents Paper 978-1-58322-075-7 $14.95 320 pages L i t e r at u r e – A m e r i c a n • 5 5 Yudl A Novel and Selected Short Stories Layle Silbert Told with wry wit and a masterful sensibility for metaphor, Yudl explores gender, Zionism, and the immigrant experience in the US. Silbert’s graceful short stories focus on the family, allowing the reader glimpses of a child’s happiness, the cripplingly contradictory demands of femininity, the complexity of grief, and a sustained meditation on life and death. Available June 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-440-4 $17.95 240 pages T he M illenni u m A Comedy of the Year 2000 Upton Sinclair Introduction by Carl Jensen, PhD Self-published in the 1920s, The Millennium is Sinclair’s futuristic novel, his comical, fictional vision of the turn of the 21st century. Paper 978-1-58322-021-4 $14.95 196 pages F irst Lo v es Ted Solotaroff A portrait of marriage that is perhaps unique in its unremitting candor, one that describes true love painted in the hues of emotional duress. Paper 978-1-58322-640-7 $14.95 304 pages 56 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s A lg r e n L i b r a r y One of the most neglected of American writers and also one of the best loved, Nelson Algren enduring novelists, with a body of work that includes five major novels, two short fiction collections, a book-length poem, and several collections of reportage—one of the most substantial of any American writer. A lgren at sea Notes from a Sea Diary (1965) & Who Lost an American? (1963)—Travel Writings Centennial Edition (1909–2009) This collection of Algren’s travel writings documents his hilarious journeys through the seamier sides of the great American cities and the international social and political landscapes of the mid-1960s featuring prostitutes, criminal policemen, Simone de Beauvoir, and the Playboy Clubs. Paper 978-1-58322-841-8 $22.95 464 T he De v il’s S toc k ing Algren’s last novel—based on the life of boxer and death-row inmate Rubin “Hurricane” Carter—portrays one man’s battle for truth and human dignity in a shadowy world of low-purse fighters, cops, con artists, and bar girls. “The Devil’s Stocking is clearly vintage Algren.” —New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-699-5 $14.95 320 pages E ntrapment an d Other W ritings Edited by Brooke Horvath and Dan Simon A collection of fragments from Algren’s unfinished novel, Entrapment, and lost stories, essays, and poems that were uncollected or never published in any form, including the short story masterpiece “The Lightless Room.” Paper 978-1-58322-868-5 $19.95 304 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 5 7 THE LAST CAROUSEL Algren’s fiction and reportage of the ’60s and ’70s, written on ships and ports of call around the world. “Algren at the top of his form.” —New York Times Paper 978-1-888363-45-6 $14.95 448 pages T he M an with the G ol d en A rm 50th Anniversary Critical Edition The first-ever critical edition of an Algren work, here is the complete text of the novel the Washington Post called “the finest American novel published since the war,” together with original critical texts. “It’s a classic, essential reading for those interested in the other America.” —Ian Peddie, West Texas A&M University · National Book Award Winner 50th Anniversary Critical Edition Paper 978-1-58322-008-5 $18.95 464 pages Standard Edition Paper 978-1-888363-18-0 $14.95 368 pages THE NEON WILDERNESS “This book provides so many angles popular in historical scholarship—race, ethnicity, gender— and so many places for students to work on these issues.” —Gerald Ronning, University of Colorado at Boulder Paper 978-1-58322-550-9 $13.95 304 pages N E V E R CO M E M O R N I N G With an introduction by Kurt Vonnegut and a rare interview with Algren by H. E. F. Donohue. “One of the most important American novels that I have read.” —James T. Farrell Paper 978-1-58322-279-9 $14.95 336 pages N O N CO N F O R M I T Y Writing on Writing Algren expresses his struggle to write with deep emotion in this extraordinary credo. With an afterword by Dan Simon and notes by Simon and C. S. O’Brien. “Many books that try to describe the culture of the US during the Cold War have the subtlety of a meat cleaver. Nelson Algren’s Nonconformity introduced my US History students to the cultural strait jacket that Cold War-era Americans wore with sophistication and intelligence.” —Gerald Ronning, Chair, History Department, Albright College Paper 978-1-888363-62-3 $9.95 144 pages 58 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s B r a v e r m a n Co l l e c t i o n Braverman’s fiction is an enthralling mix of lyrical beauty and intoxicating pain. One of the most widely anthologized fiction writers of her generation, Braverman weaves history, memoir, and dreams into unforgettable works of the imagination. “Ms. Braverman possesses a magical, incantatory voice and the ability to loft ordinary lives into the heightened world of myth.” —New York Times T he I ncantation of F ri d a K . Paperback includes discussion questions and author interview. An imagined autobiography of Frida Kahlo, this lyrical novel opens and closes inside the mind of Kahlo, on her deathbed, taking us through a kaleidoscope of memories and hallucinations.The paperback edition features a Reading Group Guide with discussion questions and an original interview. “A fascinating exploration of the inner world of an icon.” —Alix Kate Shulman “Dazzling and illuminating . . . To read this book is not only to understand what made the artist tick, it is also to feel the excruciating ticking of a life fueled with pain.” —Washington Post Book World Reading Group Edition Paper 978-1-58322-571-4 $11.95 240 pages L ithi u m for M e d ea Introduction by Rick Moody Braverman’s stunning debut novel from the ’70s is a tale of addiction—to drugs, physical love, and dysfunctional family chains—and a tale of mothers and daughters—their mutual rebellion and unconscious mimicry. “[Lithium for Medea] has the power and intensity you don’t see much outside of rock and roll.” —Rolling Stone Paper 978-1-58322-471-7 $11.95 368 pages Palm L atit u d es A Novel Braverman’s second novel—and arguably her chef d’oeuvre—explores the lives of three women who await absolution and revelation in the bougainvillea- and violence-filled barrio of Los Angeles. The paperback edition features a Reading Group Guide with discussion questions and an original interview. “Stunning . . . Sentence after sentence unfolds like an endless succession of startling, exotic blossoms. It will be praised as establishing a new mythology, most likely a feminist mythology.” —Philadelphia Inquirer Reading Group Edition Paper 978-1-58322-572-1 $14.95 416 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 5 9 “a l l t h at y o u t o u c h y o u c h a n g e”: octavia E. butler (1947–2006) A writer who darkly imagined the future we have destined for ourselves in book after book, and also one who has shown us the way toward improving on that dismal fate, Octavia E. Butlerful storyteller, Butler casts an unflinching eye on racism, sexism, poverty, and ignorance and lets the reader see the terror and beauty of human nature.” —Washington Post Book World “Octavia Butler’s fiction is incredibly important not only in literature of the fantastic, but in the overall world of letters, and it greatly saddened me to recently hear that she had died. Her work explores issues of race, gender, religion and sexuality in brave and straightforward ways.” —Jason Erik Lundberg, Saint Augustine’s College 60 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s B loo d chil d And Other Stories, 2nd Edition “Butler’s speculative fiction is a great way to expose students to the idea of difference in genre and imagination.” —Greg Hampton, Howard University “This collection is a seminal contribution to women’s science fiction by an African-American woman. . . . Students find the treatment of aliens unsettling and powerful.” —Nancy Knowles, Eastern Oregon University · A New York Times Notable Book Paper 978-1-58322-698-8 $14.00 224 pages F le d gling Butler’s spin on the vampire novel tests the limits of “otherness” and questions what it means to be truly human. “Students were startled by Butler’s ability to portray the ultimate other with such empathy and by her skill in using genre conventions to pose profound social and political questions. In addition, these idealistic young people were inspired by Butler’s life story of dedication and determination. Later, I heard them talking about trying to get a ‘Butler effect’ in their own writing. I am so happy that I placed that book order.” —Trudy Lewis, University of Missouri, Columbia Cloth 978-1-58322-690-2 $24.95 320 pages Parable of the S ower “The world she creates is touchingly familiar and yet chillingly transformed . . . make[s] us share the narrator’s longing for a better world and the author’s belief in our ability to make it real.” —San Jose Mercury News ebook only, see ebook index at back Parable of the Talents “An extraordinary sequel to Butler’s great Parable of the Sower.” —Mike Davis “This work stands out as a testament to the author’s enormous talent, and to the human spirit.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) ebook only, see ebook index at back L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 6 1 B a r r y G i f f o r d: “A n A m e r i c a n o r i g i n a l” With novels like Wild at Heart, Perdita Durango, and The Sinaloa Story, Barry Gifford introduced an entire generation of Americans to a darker, truer version of themselves. One of America’s most prolific, as well as provocative, writers, Gifford is also something of a traditionalist, carrying the torch passed along to him by, among others, Nelson Algren, William Styron, and Hemingway. “Gifford is one of those brave writers who go their own way, and challenge readers to follow.” —Atlanta Journal-Constitution “Barry Gifford was, is, and always shall be an American Original. His work evokes so many sensibilities, from the Beats to noir to social realism to postmodernism to cinematic, both stirring up ghosts and invoking the future.” —Richard Price, author of Clockers and The Wanderers A merican Falls The Collected Short Stories In his first major collection of short stories, Barry Gifford, the master of violent American satire, strews his gleaming stories in a far-reaching, irresistible arc. “American Falls is a choice sampler of Gifford’s talent, and a fine introduction for newcomers. It’s a summer road trip of a book: steamy, diverse, and a wild ride.” —New Orleans Times-Picayune Paper 978-1-58322-573-8 $12.95 256 pages Do the B lin d Dream ? New Novellas and Stories Gifford explores the fragility of identity, the power of coincidence, and the illusion of a secure future. “I love Do the Blind Dream?—a wonderful and delightful piece that tastes of Buñuel and Cocteau.” —Pedro Almodóvar Paper 978-1-58322-670-4 $13.95 224 pages I magination of the H eart The final chapter in the saga of Sailor Ripley and Lula Pace Fortune finds Lula and her friend Beany Thorn taking one final trip to a New Orleans forever transformed by Hurricane Katrina, and by intervening years of memory. Includes “The Truth is in the Work,” a conversation between Barry Gifford and Noel King on Gifford’s life and writing. Cloth 978-1-58322-873-9 $22.95 144 pages 62 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s M emories from a Sin king Ship Similar in structure and tone to Ernest Hemmingway’s Nick Adams stories, Gifford chronicles his personal history of a time—roughly, the late 1940s through the early 1960s—and a place—the southern and midwestern United States—that no longer exist. “Gifford cuts right through to the heart of what makes a good novel readable and entertaining. . . . The way Barry Gifford does it, it’s high art.” —Elmore Leonard Christopher Isherwood Foundation Award for Fiction Paper 978-1-58322-875-3 $13.95 272 pages port tropi q u e A literate, death-obsessed traveler hits bottom in Port Tropique, a battered Central American town where he becomes entrenched in a bizarre plot of smuggling and revolution. “[Barry] Gifford uses the charged story of . . . an apprentice smuggler as an occasion for his own literary and cinematic struggling—from Conrad, Hemingway, Camus, John Hawkes, Howard Hawks, Welles and Ozu among others—and to discover new literary form.” —New York Times Book Review “Gifford’s prose is beautifully spare, his obserations keen and he is a terrific storyteller. . . . Smuggling, revolution, the tropics—all are richly rendered in this complex and excellent novel.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-856-2 $13.95 176 pages T he R ooster T rappe d in the R eptile R oom A Barry Gifford Reader Edited by Thomas McCarthy Foreword by Andrei Codrescu A quintessential reader that merges generous portions of all thirteen novels and novellas with new poetry, first-person essays, and a new interview. Essential reading for anyone after the soul of American writing. “Gifford has been the master of hip disenfranchisement for more than a quarter of a century, and American literature is much better for his efforts.” —David Hellman, San Francisco Chronicle Paper 978-1-58322-525-7 $19.95 460 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 6 3 S a d S tories of the Death of Kings Mixing memoir and invention, the forty-one short stories in Barry Gifford’s first book for young adults bring the city of Chicago—and a boy’s growing consciousness—to vivid, unflinching life. Available in both adult trade paperback and YA paper over board editions. PAPER 978-1-58322-922-4 $16.95 208 pages with b&w illustrations CLOTH 978-1-58322-948-4 $16.95 240 pages with b&w illustrations S ailor & Lu la The Complete Novels The definitive collection of Barry Gifford’s seven-novel cycle about Sailor Ripley and Lula Pace Fortune, the “Romeo and Juliet of the South.” In a sharp fusion of imagination, pulp sensibility, and storytelling power, Gifford follows Sailor & Lula through a South haunted by violence and mystery, redeemed only by love. “Barry Gifford invented his own American vernacular — William Faulkner by way of B-movie film noir, porn paperbacks, and Sun Records rockabilly — to forge the stealth-epic of Sailor & Lula. His accomplishment looks more and more like one of the permanent glories of recent storytelling, a set of crude masterpieces like Philip Guston’s late paintings.” —Jonathan Lethem Paper 978-1-58322-910-1 $19.95 624 pages T he S inaloa S tory Among Gifford’s best-loved novels, The Sinaloa Story tells of two down-and-outs looking for a reasonable life and a little redemption in a corrupt and violent world. Paper 978-1-58322-676-6 $13.95 192 pages W yoming In this heartbreakingly spare novel-in-dialogue, a woman and her young son travel through the southern and midwestern US, trading impressions of the landscape and life. “[A] tender and understated story.” —Jonathan Miles, New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-636-0 $8.95 128 pages 64 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s p e t e r p l at e: sa n f r a n c i s co n o i r Peter Plate’s San Francisco Noir continues the tradition of Bukowski, Selby, and Algren, for a new generation of readers. Named a Literary Laureate of San Francisco in 2004, Plate updates the proletarian novels to the squalor and pre-revolutionary ardor of twenty-first century urban America. “One of the most intriguing novelists writing now.” —Review of Contemporary Fiction “Plate is to San Francisco what Hubert Selby Jr. is to New York: a gritty, honest speaker for the grimy masses and their everyday struggle to not just survive but triumph.” —Willamette Week (Portland, OR) A ngels of C atastrophe When a cop is murdered at the corner of Mission and Twentieth one June evening, a new tension is added to the usual chaos among the Salvadoreno gangs, Mexicans, Jewish gangsters, drag queens, heroin addicts, speed freaks, low-rent hookers, and nickeland-dime drug dealers. The fourth and crowning novel of Plate’s Mission Quartet. Paper 978-1-58322-063-4 $13.00 224 pages E legy W ritten on a C row d e d S treet The story of May Jones, a bail bondswoman whose client has killed a police informant, as she navigates the moral and political maze of life on the hazy border between police and criminals in San Francisco, the first fully-gentrified city in America. Paper 978-1-58322-931-6 $13.95 176 pages F ogtown One foggy day in San Francisco brings together bloody ghosts, a dandyish thug, capricious cops, a suicidal punk rocker, a hyperliterate slumlord, and a sweet old lady sent by God to hand out cash looted from an armored car. “Peter Plate has, once again, conjured an eternal skid row of the soul, complete with breathing, lusting, flesh-and-bone characters, vivid in tragicomic mortality.” —Eric Drooker, author of Street Posters and Ballads Paper 978-1-58322-639-1 $13.00 176 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 6 5 O ne F oot off the G u tter When two cops narrowly miss catching the armed robber of a Mission Street liquor store, a game of hide and seek ensues that escalates into a catechism of destruction. Paper 978-1-58322-259-1 $13.00 240 pages P olice an d T hie v es “Plate’s sixth novel in the past decade and probably his best. His San Francisco is a fiery hell, where the devil rides in a squad car, and God doesn’t deign to put in an appearance.” —San Francisco Chronicle “Plate reveals a brutal, barbarous society, in which there is no honesty among thieves and law enforcers. . . . A powerful, deeply felt book.” —Saturday Times (UK) Paper 978-1-58322-482-3 $13.00 224 pages S nitch Factory Larceny and murder vie with sex and love in this second novel in Plate’s Mission Quartet, set in the inferno of the Department of Social Services on San Francisco’s Otis Street. Paper 978-1-58322-258-4 $13.00 184 pages S oon the R est W ill Fall Worlds collide when Slatts Calhoun and Robert Grogan, cell mates and lovers in San Quentin State Prison, are paroled and let out on the gritty streets of San Francisco. Paper 978-1-58322-839-5 $13.95 192 pages 66 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s “ W h e n i n d o u b t, c as t l e”: T h e v o n n e g u t Collec tion Kurt Vonnegut was among the very few grandmasters of American letters, one without whom the very term American literature would mean much less than it does. A friend and a founding advisory board member to Seven Stories Press, Vonnegut was a relentless advocate for other authors in the Seven Stories family, particularly Paul Krassner and Lee Stringer. He was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on November 11, 1922, and died on April 11, 2007, in New York City. G o d B less Yo u, Dr . Ke v or k ian. With a new introduction by Neil Gaiman. Paper 978-1-60980-073-4 $11.95 80 pages L i k e S ha k ing H an d s with G o d A Conversation about Writing Kurt Vonnegut & Lee Stringer $9.95 80 pages A M an witho u t a Co u ntry “Vonnegut’s A Man without a Country is pure late Twain, darkly funny, never less than enraged at corruption and greed, and overflowing with compassion for the powerless. We’ve never needed him more.” —Russell Banks “That verve for life amid stunningly depressing news, and that backhanded, refreshingly brutal, but infinitely whimsical way of viewing the world around him, continues to stand out in every odd word Vonnegut puts to paper.” —Tasha Robinson, The Onion New York Times Bestseller Booksense Notable Book, 2005 Cloth 978-1-58322-713-8 $23.95 160 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e imt iecr cato u r es e— s 2A0m 1 2e –r 2i c0a1 n3 • 6 7 Unst u c k in T ime A Journey through Kurt Vonnegut’s Life and Novels Gregory D. Sumner Gregory Sumner guides us, with insight and passion, through fifteen of Kurt Vonnegut’s best known works, showing the profound interchange between Vonnegut’s life and art and illustrating the quintessential American writer’s engagement with and resistance to the traditional “American Dream” in its various forms. CLOTH 978-1-60980-349-0 $24.95 368 pages Paper 978-1-60980-430-5 $17.95 368 68 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s L i t e r at u r e f r o m a r o u n d the World T he I nnocents Tatamkhulu Afrika A psychological thriller set in apartheid-era South Africa from one of modern Africa’s legendary figures. “A novel of great depth and sincerity with its ‘thriller’ element tempered by a sober summation of exactly what taking up arms to achieve political purpose demands.” —Cape Times Paper 978-1-58322-722-0 $13.95 192 pages T he Others Seba al-Herz Telling the story of a nameless young Shi’a woman discovering her sexuality at a girls’ college in Saudi Arabia, The Others is a remarkable contemporary portrait of hidden lives written from within the Arab world. “Seba al-Herz tells an unbelievable story about sex, intimacy, and sexual desires among Saudi women…where talking about one’s sexual life and lesbianism is tantamount to revolution.” —Camelia Entekhabifard Paper 978-1-58322-871-5 $17.95 320 pages T he Un d isco v ere d C he k ho v Anton Chekhov Edited & translated by Peter Constantine A collection of forty-three Chekhov short stories from the 1880s, when Chekhov was in his twenties and his writing was sharp, witty and innovative, revealing a strikingly different writer than the austere master he became. “Readers concerned to see Chekhov whole will want to read these stories. But so will almost anyone else.” —New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-026-9 $16.95 240 pages Voice O v er Céline Curiol Translated by Sam Richard A lonely young woman works as an announcer in Paris’s gare du Nord train station. Obsessed with a man attached to another woman, she wanders through the world of dinner parties, shopping excursions, and chance sexual encounters with a sense of haunting expectation. “Not only is it the finest first novel I have read in many years, but it is, quite simply, one of the most original and brilliantly executed works of fiction by any contemporary writer I know of.” —Paul Auster Cloth 978-1-58322-848-7 $24.95 288 pages L i t e r at u r e — W o r l d • 6 9 R osario T ijeras A Novel Jorge Franco Translated by Gregory Rabassa The vibrantly poetic story of a woman who becomes a contract killer to insulate herself from the random violence of the streets. “An important addition to literature in the Latin American social realist tradition.” —Carmen Opsina, Crítícas Paper 978-1-58322-678-0 $13.95 176 pages Spanish-language edition: Rosario Tijeras: Una novela Paper 978-1-58322-612-4 $16.95 176 pages “ T here A re T hings I Want Yo u to Know ” abo u t S tieg L arsson an d M e Eva Gabrielsson with Marie-Françoise Colombani The keys to the “Stieg Larsson phenomenon” all lie with Stieg Larsson the man. No one knew him like his Gabrielsson. Here she tells the story of their thirty-year romance, of Stieg’s lifelong struggle to expose Sweden’s Neo-Nazis, of his struggle to keep the magazine he founded, Expo, alive, his difficult relationships with his immediate family, and the joy and relief he discovered writing the Millenium Trilogy. “For the millions of readers and film-goers who’ve been hooked by The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and its trilogy, “There Are Things I Want You to Know” About Stieg Larsson and Me is a book not to be missed. Eva Gabrielsson, Larsson’s life partner, tells us the reasons he was able to see the world through female eyes, his punishment for challenging a form of injustice still thought of as inevitable, and the aftermath of a success he didn’t live to see.” —Gloria Steinem Paper 978-1-60980-410-7 $14.95 224 pages with photos CLOTH 978-1-60980-363-6 $23.95 224 pages with photos A P lace to L i v e an d Other S electe d E ssays Natalia Ginzburg Chosen and translated by Lynne Sharon Schwartz Known for the clarity and forthrightness of her vision, Ginzburg, one of the greatest 20th-century Italian writers, gave voice to the despair and renascent hope of postwar Europe. “To read these pieces is to have the privilege to come to know Natalia Ginzburg in some intimate sense; it is to see the inner workings of her mind and soul; it is to see how and why the two have never worked separately; it is to gain a sensitive and penetrating approach to her longer works.” —Umberto Mariani, Rutgers University Paper 978-1-58322-570-7 $12.95 240 pages 70 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T he S olit u d e of Compassion Jean Giono Translated by Edward Ford Originally published in 1932 and never before available in English, these lyrical short stories capture small-town life in Provence after World War I. “There is still dew on this world of Giono’s; he looks out on it and records his impressions of it almost as if he were the first man seeing it.” —New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-524-0 $15.00 176 pages O blomo v Ivan Goncharov A new translation by Marian Schwartz Oblomov is a young, serf-owning nobleman whose indolence and inertia prevent him from leaving his bed. Goncharov’s nineteenth-century masterpiece is not just an ingenious social satire but also a sharp criticism of Russian society. “Intimately funny and desperately sad . . .A fine example of sly and compassionate satire, a very rare genre indeed.” —London Review of Books cloth 978-1-58322-840-1 $33.95 576 pages T he Ages of Lu lu Almudena Grandes The lurid and compelling story of the sexual awakening of a girl long fascinated by the thin line separating decency and morality from perversion, but whose increasingly dangerous sexual forays threaten to engulf her completely. Paper 978-1-58322-688-9 $13.95 240 pages T he W in d from the E ast Almudena Grandes Sara Gómes Morales,given up at birth to be raised by her wealthy godmother,is betrayed on her sixteenth birthday when she is forced to leave her godmother’s home and return to live in poverty with her estranged parents. Cloth 978-1-58322-746-6 $27.95 544 pages B u z z A l d rin , W hat H appene d to Yo u in A ll the Conf u sion ? Johan Harstad “What a society tries to avoid should be the subject of its best literature. Hiding is what [Harstad’s] characters want to do . . . but [his] novels consider this impulse and what it means. —n+1 Book Review A pop-saturated odyssey through the world of unconventional psychiatry, souvenir sheep-making, the Cardigans, and space: the space between us and other people, a journey maybe as remote and personally dangerous as the trip to the moon itself. paper 978-1-60980-411-4 $17.95 480 pages L i t e r at u r e — W o r l d • 7 1 G ree d Elfriede Jelinek Translated from the German by Martin Chalmers In this thriller set in southern Austria, Nobel Prizewinning novelist Jelinek touches on the ecological costs of affluence, the inescapable burden of language, and the exploitative nature of relations between men and women. “Jelinek gives us a startling glimpse . . . of what women are, as well as answering Freud’s question, ‘What do women want?’ It is neither gentle nor sweet nor safe nor reasonable—just true.” —Lucy Ellmann, The Guardian (UK) Paper 978-1-58322-842-5 $17.95 336 pages three-volume series edited by Disinformation’s Russ Kick. With over 150 contributors including Robert & Maxon Crumb, Dame Darcy, Hunt Emerson, M a , H e S ol d M e for a F ew C igarettes Martha Long Foreword by Alice Walker Virtually uneducated, Martha Long is natural-born storyteller, as she tells of her life growing up in Ireland in the 1950s. One can’t help but cheer on this mischievous, quick-witted, and persistent little girl who has captured hearts across Europe. “A tale of strength, bravery and sheer determination of not letting life beat you.” —Irish Post Available September 2012 cloth 978-1-60980-414-5 $26.95 480 pages 72 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Lo v e S tar A Novel Andri Snær Magnason LoveStar, the enigmatic founder of the LoveStar Corporation, has unlocked the key to transmitting data via birdwaves, thus freeing mankind from wires and devices. Men and women are paid to howl advertisements in public, soulmates are identified and brought together (while unvalidated relationships are driven apart), and rocketing the dead into the sky becomes the ultimate status symbol. Indridi and Sigrid, two happy young lovers, have their perfect worlds threatened when they are “calculated apart,” and their journey to prove their love puts them on a collision course with LoveStar, who is on his own mission to find what might be the last idea in the world. Available October 2012 paper 978-1-60980-426-8 $16.95 320 pages Tal k ing to the E nemy Stories Avner Mandelman “Mandelman’s stories veer from heartbreaking to hilarious, and all of them depict Israel’s desperate fragility and the horrific lengths to which its citizens must go to survive.” —New York Times Book Review (Editor’s Choice) · American Library Association Sophie Brody Award · Kirkus Best Books of 2005 · I. J. Siegel Award for Fiction Paper 978-1-58322-729-9 $12.95 144 pages P op u lar M u sic from Vitt u la A Novel Mikael Niemi Translated by Laurie Thompson The best-selling book in Swedish history, Popular Music from Vittula explores the sometimes fantastic experiences of life in Northern Sweden. “It’s the natural successor to The Catcher in the Rye—assuming Holden Caulfield grew up just above the Arctic Circle . . .” —Entertainment Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-659-9 $14.95 240 pages T he E mergence of M emory Conversations with W. G. Sebald Edited by Lynne Sharon Schwartz Through published interviews with and essays on German author Sebald, Schwartz offers a profound portrait of the writer, who has been praised posthumously for his unflinching explorations of historical cruelty, memory, and dislocation. Paper 978-1-58322-915-6 $15.95 176 pages L i t e r at u r e — W o r l d • 7 3 H u nting the L ast W il d M an A Novel Ángela Vallvey Translated by Margaret Jull Costa Spanish author Vallvey explores a modern woman’s cynicism as she finds herself faced with fairy tale happiness and tries to integrate an impossibly marvelous stranger into her life. Paper 978-1-58322-488-5 $14.00 192 pages Spanish-language edition: A la caza del último hombre salvaje : una novela Paper 978-1-58322-487-8 $14.95 192 pages T he F ew T hings I Know abo u t G laf kos T hrassa k is A Novel Vassilis Vassilikos Translated by Karen Emmerich A brilliant work of the imagination as well as a meditation on writing itself, the story follows a biographer’s investigation into the life and works of a famous, yet highly mysterious, deceased Greek author named Glafkos Thrassakis. Paper 978-1-58322-654-4 $17.95 384 pages T he C ase of Doctor S achs Martin Winckler Translated by Linda Asher Ministering to the minds and bodies of his small town community, Sachs is a man whose pity for his fellow creatures is his own untreatable condition—until a love story emerges between the good doctor and one of his patients. · Winner of the Prix du Livre · Winner of the 2000 French-American Foundation Translation Award Paper 978-1-58322-261-4 $16.95 432 pages 74 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s ass i a d j e ba r co l l e c t i o n. “Assia Djebar . . . has given weeping its words and longing its lyrics.” —William Gass, World Literature Today “Djebar, winner of the 1996 Neustadt Prize for Contributions to World Literature, has a talent for narrating the stories of those who are ‘freed and voiceless’ without heavy-handed moralizing or judgment.” —Publishers Weekly A lgerian W hite Translated the 1956 struggle for independence. “A hymn to friendship and the enduring power of language, [Algerian White] is also a requiem for a nation’s unfinished literature.” —New York Times Paper 978-1-58322-516-5 $13.95 240 pages S o Vast the P rison A Novel Translated by Betsy Wing So Vast the Prison wrestles with issues of oppression, and the subtle ways language and history enforce it, through the tale of a highly educated Algerian woman living in a society controlled by men. “Djebar writes with conviction and urgency, leaving us with a life that will not be submerged under the weight of cultural tyranny.” —The Hudson Review Paper 978-1-58322-067-2 $16.95 368 pages T he Tong u e ’s B loo d Does N ot R u n Dry Stories In these short stories, Djebar presents a brutal yet delicate exposition of how warring worlds enact their battles upon women’s lives and bodies. , NPR’s All Things Considered Paper 978-1-58322-787-9 $13.95 224 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i ci tceoruat r suerse2— 0 1 2w–o2 r0 1l d3 • 7 5 Ariel Dorfman: Bilingual l i t e r a r y ac t i v i s m In his fiction, nonfiction, poems, and plays, Ariel Dorfman has exerted an enormous influence by creating popular forms for political writing and as one of the first exponents of American multiculturalism. Born in Chile and raised both in Chile and in the US, Dorfman is considered to be one of “the greatest Latin American novelists” (Newsweek) and as one of the United States’ most important cultural and political voices. Dorfman’s writings have been translated into more than thirty languages and performed in over one hundred countries. “Over the years, Ariel Dorfman has written movingly and often brilliantly of the cultural dislocations and political fractures of his dual heritage. Dorfman has, in an impressive body of work, done justice to the two languages that have battled for his voice and the two countries that claim his allegiance.” —Shashi Tharoor, New York Times Book Review B la k e ’s T herapy A Novel A voyeuristic political thriller detailing the obsessive love of an industrialist for a woman whom he is spying on and manipulating as part of his own treatment for a mysterious mental illness. “If Kafka were alive today, he would write something similar to Ariel Dorfman’s Therapy.” —José Saramago Paper 978-1-58322-479-3 $12.95 256 pages Spanish-language edition: Terapia Paper 978-1-58322-071-9 $19.95 224 pages E xorcising T error The Incredible Unending Trial of General Augusto Pinochet Dorfman charts the history of the former dictator of Chile, from the 1973 US–supported coup and the devastation it wreaked upon Chileans to the possible road to redemption through international law, due process, and social justice. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-542-4 $11.95 224 pages M anifesto for A nother W orl d Voices from Beyond the Dark In a performance piece that is both political testament and work of art, Dorfman interweaves the testimonies of celebrated activists such as Vaclav Havel, Helen Prejean, and Marian Wright Edelman, and Nobel Prize Laureates Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Oscar Arias Sánchez, and Rigoberta Menchú Tum. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-563-9 $9.95 160 pages 76 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s M ascara Dorfman delves into the dark terrain of identity and disguise when the lives of three people collide: a nameless man with a face no one remembers, a beautiful woman with the memory of an innocent child, and a power-hungry plastic surgeon who controls society’s most prominent figures by shaping their faces. “Taut, eerie . . . a postmodern version of Jekyll and Hyde.” —New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-641-4 $8.95 128 pages T he N anny an d the I ceberg Bound up in the history and politics of his native Chile, 24-year-old Gabriel McKenzie returns from Manhattan exile to confront a country preparing for the 500th anniversary of America’s “discovery.” “Wonderfully peopled with doppelgangers, metafictional turns, and doses of myth and magic. It affirms Ariel Dorfman’s place, alongside Vargas Llosa and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, as one of the finest voices in contemporary Latin American storytelling.” —Dominic Bradbury, Times (London) Paper 978-1-58322-567-7 $14.95 368 pages Other S eptembers , M any A mericas Selected Provocations, 1980–2004 A collection of Dorfman’s best essays of the last quarter-century, exploring the ambiguous relationship between power and literature and touching on topics as diverse as bilingualism, barbarians, and video games. Paper 978-1-58322-632-2 $16.95 272 pages W i d ows A Novel Set in a Greek village in 1942, this classic in the literature of social protest forms a testament to those living under totalitarian regimes the world over, who are taken away for “questioning” and never return. “Lyrical and even elegiac . . . Dorfman gives flesh to a human rights issue of our time.” —Chicago Tribune Paper 978-1-58322-483-0 $12.95 168 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i ci tceoruat r suerse2— 0 1 2w–o2 r0 1l d3 • 7 7 e r n au x co l l e c t i o n A writer’s writer who has influenced many American memoirists, Annie Ernaux infuses factual accounts with a visionary lyricism, creating an oeuvre that is uniquely revealing and powerful. The recipient of numerous prizes, including the Prix Renaudot (called the French Pulitzer), Ernaux’s books are taught in schools throughout France as contemporary classics. “Meticulous catalogs of longing, humiliation, class anxiety, and emotional distress, Ernaux’s books are unsparing in detail, pitiless in tone.” —Emily Eakin, New York Times Book Review E x teriors Translated by Tanya Leslie Taking the form of random journal entries over seven years, Exteriors captures the feeling of contemporary living on the outskirts of Paris. Poignantly lyrical, chaotic, and strangely alive. “Ernaux’s writings walk a tightrope between art and confession, immersing us in a territory bounded on one side by commitment and on the other by desire.” —Newsday Cloth 978-1-888363-31-9 $16.00 96 pages a fro z en woman Translated by Linda Coverdale At thirty, the frozen woman of this novel seems to have it all, but the life that everyone around her considers normal for a woman is slowing killing her. “Devastating and exhilarating at the same time. . . . Passion, linguistic power, and a vibrant voice.” —Review of Contemporary Fiction Paper 978-1-888363-38-8 $9.95 192 pages H appening Translated by Tanya Leslie Forty years after she nearly died from an illegal abortion, Ernaux looks back on her trauma and fear to glean meaning from her experience. “[Happening is] her fiercest and most heroic resurrection of the past . . .” —Booklist Cloth 978-1-58322-256-0 $18.95 96 pages “ I remain in d ar k ness” Translated by Tanya Leslie Ernaux’s memoir traces her mother’s descent into the depths of Alzheimer’s disease and reveals the author’s own complex feelings of guilt and responsibility toward the woman she still loved and admired but could no longer help. · Washington Post Top Memoir of 1999 Paper 978-1-58322-052-8 $11.95 96 pages 78 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s A man ’s place Translated by Tanya Leslie Ernaux reveals the vision of her father through her own eyes, showing that a deep respect for the realities of life yields a whole new universe of storytelling. “Exceptional . . . this succinct narrative exercises a sort of fascination over the reader . . . How happy I am if I have convinced you to read it!” —Figaro Magazine PAPER 978-1-60980-403-9 $13.95 96 pages Cloth 978-1-888363-19-7 $15.95 112 pages the possession Translated by Anna Moschovakis A woman in the aftermath of a love affair becomes possessed with her thoughts of the woman who has replaced her. “Ernaux’s stripped-down prose and reckless honesty are, as always, bracing.” —Nancy Kline, New York Times Book Review Paper 978-1-58322-855-5 $11.95 64 pages S hame Translated by Tanya Leslie A diamond-sharp memoir of childhood that begins, “My father tried to kill my mother one Sunday in June, in the early afternoon.” A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year Paper 978-1-58322-018-4 $11.95 112 pages simple passion Translated by Tanya Leslie In her spare, stark style, Annie Ernaux documents the desires and indignities of a human heart ensnared in an all-consuming passion. The paperback edition features a Reading Group Guide with discussion questions. Reading Group Edition Paper 978-1-58322-574-5 $8.95 80 pages a woman ’s story Translated by Tanya Leslie.” The paperback edition features a Reading Group Guide with discussion questions. · A New York Times Notable Book · Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Fiction Prize Reading Group Edition Paper 978-1-58322-575-2 $8.95 96 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i ci tceoruat r suerse2— 0 1 2w–o2 r0 1l d3 • 7 9 a n t h o lo g i e s o f co n t e m porary foreign fiction Four collections of current writing from around the world, to help American students experience the cultural complexity and literary traditions of countries already familiar from newscasts, but totally unknown otherwise. N ight, Again Contemporary Fiction from Vietnam Second Edition Edited by Linh Dinh The literature of the new Vietnam, including previously untranslated work by Bao Ninh, Duong Thu Huong, and Tran Vu. “Fresh, invigorating work . . . Taken all together, these brief prose pieces have the scope of a fine novel.” —Philadelphia Inquirer One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Books Paper 978-1-58322-706-0 $14.95 176 pages Dream with N o N ame Contemporary Fiction from Cuba Edited by Juana Ponce de León and Esteban Ríos Rivera Here are writers from both before and after the Cuban Revolution, joining those living in Cuba with those in exile. Includes works by Miguel Barnet, Marilyn Bobes, Armando Fernández, and Virgilio Piñera. Paper 978-1-888363-73-9 $16.95 304 pages A n d W e S ol d the R ain Contemporary Fiction from Central America Edited by Rosario Santos This classic collection gathers together the work of Claribel Alegria, Gioconda Belli, Robert Castillo, Carmen Naranjo, and others. “This collection was a treasure house . . . a superb collection of stories, well-balanced in every aspect. It made a lasting impression on my students.” —Nancy King, University of Delaware “A superb anthology—one of the very few which truly presents the voice of those who have no voice.” —Michele G. Small, Northland College Paper 978-1-888363-03-6 $12.95 256 pages T H E FAT M A N F R O M L A PA Z Contemporary Fiction from Bolivia Edited by Rosario Santos A penetrating look at the variety and invention of Bolivian literature, and a kaleidoscopic view of the country’s last fifty years, from a sociological and cultural viewpoint. Paper 978-1-58322-032-0 $16.95 320 pages 80 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s B r e a k i n g t h e S i l e n c e: Au t o d a f e Autodafe, created by the International Parliament of Writers, is a literary document for our times that reflects the political and social realities of the world in which we live. This journal collects writings from many of the greatest voices worldwide, usually in reaction to recent events, offering a human response to political acts. .” —Salman Rushdie Volu me 1 Includes Gao Er Tai (China) on the obligation to smile in Chinese work camps; Vincenzo Consolo (Italy) on the disappearance of the fireflies; Jacques Derrida (France) on displaced literatures; Mehmed Uzun (Turkey/Kurdistan) on the Kurdish renaissance in exile; Salman Rushdie’s (UK) declaration of independence; and more. Paper 978-1-58322-058-0 $16.95 280 pages Volu me 2 Revolving around the problem of the untouchable, the second volume includes work by Bei Dao (China), Stanko Cerovic (Montenegro), Varlam Chalamov (Russia), Nuruddin Farah (Somalia), Alia Mamdouh (Iraq), Rick Moody and Mary Gaitskill (USA), and more. Paper 978-1-58322-262-1 $16.95 256 pages Volu me 3/4 A Manual for Intellectual Survival The third edition examines contemporary threats to creative expression, current forms of censorship and propaganda, and new means of intellectual, literary, and linguistic resistance. With contributions by Russell Banks, Helene Cixous, Ariel Dorfman, Carlos Fuentes, Naguib Mahfouz, Wole Soyinka, and more. Paper 978-1-58322-476-2 $17.95 256 pages L b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i ci tceoruat r suerse2— 0 1 2w–o2 r0 1l d3 • 8 1 Hwang Sok-yong collection A master of contemporary Korean fiction, Hwang Sok-yong writes poignantly human prose at the intersection of individual experience and sweeping political circumstances. His lifelong struggle for justice and democracy has repeatedly made him a political prisoner and the object of vigilant censorship, but it has also made him one of the most prominent and eloquent dissident voices in South Korea today. “Hwang Sok-yong is one of South Korea’s preeminent authors.” —Der Spiegel “Hwang Sok-yong is the most committed, politically active writer of all those who have been translated from the Korean in recent years.” —Liberation T he G u est In this novel, one of Korea’s most recognized authors recounts the story of Ryu Yo-seop, a minister living in America who returns forty years later to his home village where his older brother once played a notorious role in the Korean War. “Vivid snapshots from the Korean War and surreal encounters with ghosts intersect in the first major US release by award-winning Korean novelist Sok-young . . . an ambitious exploration of a post-war survivor’s chaotic psyche.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-751-0 $16.95 240 pages T he ol d G ar d en Translated by Jay Oh Freed after eighteen years to find no trace of the world he knew, a political prisoner relives his life in the company of his deceased lover’s diaries, seeking meaning in the revolutionary struggle that consumed their youth. “Hwang Sok-yong has given contemporary world literature a beautiful gift. Written in a voice that is utterly human, The Old Garden combines multiple narratives that resonate on the levels of the historical, the political, and the aesthetic. Hwang’s masterful command of the novel as a form is evident in his ability to be simultaneously intimate and worldly. Without a doubt, The Old Garden will be seen as the definitive novel of Korea’s Kwangju generation.” —Jeff Schroeder of the Smashing Pumpkins Paper 978-1-60980-406-0 $18.95 544 pages Cloth 978-1-58322-899-9 $30.00 544 pages 82 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Poetry P oems S e v en New and Complete Poetry Alan Dugan · Winner of the 2001 National Book Award for Poetry Paper 978-1-58322-512-7 $18.95 448 pages P oems for the N ation A Collection of Contemporary Political Poems Edited by Allen Ginsberg A collection of social verses opposing America’s rightwing drift, compiled in the last years of Ginsberg’s life. “A testament to the nebulous force that is Allen Ginsberg, a ‘great American’ in the words of Ed Sanders, who ‘made it his business / to know the intricacies of his nation / more than any other / bard in our history.” —American Book Review Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-012-2 $5.95 80 pages L i t e r at u r e — P o e t r y • 8 3 seasonal F ires New and Selected Poems Ingrid de Kok “Ever since it came out, I’ve assigned copies of Ingrid de Kok’s Seasonal Fires for English and Honors Program courses in African, South African, and post-colonial literature and have found that students—even the poetry-phobic among them—find the experience of working through de Kok’s poems challenging but rewarding . . . [S]tudents find the poems illuminating for the light they shed on life under and after apartheid.” —Professor David Alvarez, English, Grand Valley State Univ. Paper 978-1-58322-718-3 $18.95 192 pages s k inne d Poems Antjie Krog Selected poems from one of South Africa’s most esteemed and courageous poets. Available April 2013 Cloth 978-1-60980-463-3 $23.95 128 pages H ints & A llegations The World in Poetry and Prose According to William M. Kunstler William M. Kunstler In this definitive collection, poet and attorney Kunstler continues to fight on for social justice, assuring us by his example that legislation’s success does not depend on courts or institutions, but on individual citizens. Cloth 978-1-888363-16-6 $17.00 208 pages To the H o u se of Collateral Damage Centuries of the Civilian Dead William kalle An epic poem that examines the modern history and human consequences of war. “A profound meditation on life and death. A poetic history of our time, for all time.” —Howard Zinn Paper 978-1-58322-859-3 $17.95 192 pages T he B u d d hist T hir d C lass J u n k mail O racle the art and poetry of d. a. levy d.a levy Edited by Mike Golden “The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle is a fascinating text, reminding us yet again that the Sixties were a somber time and that aspects of fascism have always thrived in America. Mike Golden’s work on d. a. levy is brilliant.” —Jim Harrison, author of The Road Home Paper 978-1-888363-88-3 $21.95 336 pages 8 color/118 black and white illustrations 84 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s A sleep I n T he G ar d en Stanley Moss “It is time to celebrate the singular beauty and power of Stanley Moss’s poetry. He is a citizen of the world, both past and present, one who seems to have been everywhere and missed nothing. These are poems, out of the fullness of life, that impress me as being all at once deep, strange, loving, bountiful, and a joy to read.... The damp genius of mortality presides.” —Stanley Kunitz Cloth 978-1-888363-63-0 $20.00 160 pages G o d B rea k eth N ot A ll M en ’s H earts A li k e Poems Stanley Moss With nearly seventy-five new poems and over two hundred selected from his previous books, God Breaketh Not All Men’s Hearts Alike is the book of a lifetime in poetry, one that will lead to the author being recognized as among America’s best living poets. A work of intense illumination, these poems investigate meanings and subjects usually left in darkness. Available November 2012 cloth 978-1-60980-345-2 $32.00 384 pages A H istory of Color New and Collected Poems Stanley Moss Metaphors for wonder abound in A History of Color, the first one-volume, complete edition of the poetry of this important living American poet. “Moss creates images rich in historical resonance and startlingly fresh in their inventive provocativeness.” —Booklist Paper 978-1-58322-485-4 $17.95 248 pages N ew an d S electe d P oems 2 0 06 Stanley Moss .” —Hayden Carruth Paper 978-1-58322-754-1 $18.95 256 pages M e d i a s t u d i e s • 8 5 media studies A ppeal to R eason 25 Years In These Times Edited by Craig Aaron Showcasing In These Times contributors such as Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Salim Muwakkil, Appeal to Reason combines groundbreaking and newly commissioned essays on the labor movement, the environment, feminism, grassroots politics, minority communities, the media, and the magazine itself. Paper 978-1-58322-275-1 $19.95 384 pages R ise of the Vi d eogame Zinesters How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form Anna Anthropy Part history lesson, part DIY guide, and part manifesto, Rise of the Videogame Zinesters shows us why videogames have the potential to impact our culture in new, surprising, and vital ways, and how people like us—including and especially nonprogrammers, activists, and everyone outside the cultural mainstream—can take the leap from player to creator and join the coming aesthetic revolution. PAPER 978-1-60980-372-8 $14.95 192 pages with 60 b&w images I nter v iew Claudia Dreifus Foreword by Clyde Haberman Dreifus’s interviews with an eclectic selection of individuals, including the Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, Barney Frank, Benazir Bhutto, Samuel L. Jackson, Toni Morrison, Gloria Steinem, and Arthur Miller. “Dreifus’s book is a clinic in the interview craft [and] a treat for journalists everywhere who refuse to take no—or silence or evasion—for an answer.” —Columbia Journalism Review Paper 978-1-888363-90-6 $16.95 368 pages T he O h R eally ? Factor Peter Hart In this concise and compelling analysis of FOX News host Bill O’Reilly’s views, Hart underscores this pundit’s masked partisanship; adversarial stance toward unions, Blacks, immigrants, gays and lesbians; and his kid-gloves treatment of the Right. Paper 978-1-58322-601-8 $8.95 160 pages 86 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s M y T imes A Memoir of Dissent John Hess Pulitzer Prize nominee Hess takes a critical look at the New York Times from the inside, attacking the myth of objective journalism and criticizing the Times for propagating it. “An enlightening portrait of the ‘newspaper of record.’ [Hess’s] remembrances should be required reading for journalism students.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-622-3 $16.95 272 pages S tories that C hange d A merica Muckrakers of the 20th Century Carl Jensen, Ph.D. A highly informative anthology and biographical resource, collecting influential writings by Upton Sinclair, Margaret Sanger, Rachel Carson, Ralph Nader, Woodward and Bernstein, and other investigative journalists who have changed our world through their words. “Jensen’s book is perfect for our course [on indepth journalism]. . . . I’m sure it will become indispensable as a textbook in similar courses.” —William B. Dickinson, Louisiana State University Paper 978-1-58322-517-2 $14.95 272 pages T he F u t u re of M e d ia Resistance and Reform in the 21st Century Robert McChesney, Russell Newman, and Ben Scott, eds. The essential anthology of new media criticism, The Future of Media collects the most up-to-date thinking from the vanguard of media theorists, commentators, journalists, scholars, and policymakers, who examine where we are now and lay out a five- to ten-year roadmap for change. Paper 978-1-58322-679-7 $19.95 400 pages O u r M e d ia , N ot T heirs The Democratic Struggle Against Corporate Media Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols Foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich This revised, expanded edition of It’s the Media, Stupid! (2000) chronicles the recent dramatic developments in media activism, critiques the US media system, and proposes meaningful changes for American media. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-549-3 $9.95 128 pages M e d i a s t u d i e s • 8 7 B oo k e d The Last 150 Years Told Through Mug Shots Giacomo Papi “This mug-shot history captures the ugliness and the nobility of the past century in stark flashes of evil, strength, and human frailty. . . . There’s a dark and tragic beauty that grows as your eyes shift from one mug shot to the next.” —Andrew Mattson, coauthor of The Bobbed Haired Bandit Paper 978-1-58322-717-6 $16.95 208 pages with B&W photos throughout War of W or d s Memoir of a South African Journalist Benjamin Pogrund A firsthand account of the battle that raged for thirty years between the Apartheid regime and South Africa’s newspaper of record, the Rand Daily Mail. “[A] view on apartheid’s bloodiest years from inside South Africa’s leading newspaper… Fascinating in both its perspective and detail.” —Library Journal, starred review Cloth 978-1-888363-71-5 $26.95 384 pages T he M ore Yo u Watch , T he L ess Yo u Know Danny Schecter “Witty and engrossing…Schecter is particularly persuasive in arguing that more news coverage is not necessarily better news coverage.” —New York Times Paper 978-1-888363-80-7 $17.95 512 pages L i v ing in the N u mber O ne Co u ntry Reflections from a Critic of American Empire Herbert I. Schiller “[A] wonderfully written memoir that also provides a crystal clear introduction to the main themes of Schiller’s research: the role of corporate communication in perpetuating global imperialism and inequality; the incompatibility of a commercially marinated society with a sane, humane and happy society; and the bankruptcy of mainstream communication scholarship to address these issues.” —Robert W. McChesney Cloth 978-1-58322-028-3 $25.00 206 pages 88 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s I nformation War American Propaganda, Media Control, and Free Speech Since 9/11 Nancy Snow Snow exposes the propaganda techniques the government uses to control dissent in the 21st century, and describes memorable “leaks” in the administration’s efforts to conduct stealth propaganda programs and control information at home. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-557-8 $9.95 176 pages P ropagan d a , I nc . Selling America’s Culture to the World, 3rd Edition Nancy Snow Fully updated through the end of the Bush presidency, Propaganda, Inc. reveals how the United States Information Agency became a bureaucracy deeply distrustful of dissent, and one-way in its promotion of American corporate interests overseas. Paper 978-1-58322-898-2 $11.95 160 pages M b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s eesd 2i a0 1S2t–u2d0i1e 3s • 8 9 Ga r y W e bb: I n v e s t i g at i v e Journalist In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide. T he Killing Dar k A lliance. “Probably one of the most important books on government wrongdoing in recent memory.” —Alternative Press Review Paper 978-1-888363-93-7 $24.95 608 pages 90 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s F i l m a n d T h e at e r C apt u re d A Lower East Side Film & Video History Clayton Patterson, Paul Bartlett, and Urania Mylonas, eds. The definitive anthology of New York’s underground cinema, Captured includes over one hundred contributors discussing the Lower East Side and East Village filmmakers who challenged and reshaped mainstream culture. Paper 978-1-58322-674-2 $26.95 608 pages with B&W photographs S tolen I mages Lumumba and the Early Films of Raoul Peck Raoul Peck Translated by Catherine Temerson Screenplays and images from the legendary Haitian filmmaker’s early features and documentaries, including Lumumba, the award-winning feature about Republic of Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, and The Man by the Shore, the first Caribbean film ever entered into competition at Cannes. PAPER 978-1-60980-393-3 $24.95 320 pages with 32 b&w photos T he W orl d in an O range Making Theater with Barney Simon Irene Stephanou and Leila Henriques Barney Simon (1932–1995) was the legendary artistic director, writer, and co-creator of the Market Theatre in Johannesburg. This is an essential book for students and teachers of theatrical expression. Cloth 978-1-58322-711-4 $50.00 376 pages in full color “A S inging in E v ery M oment an d I nch of M e ” Letters from Barney Simon to Lionel Abrahams Barney Simon Set in the 1960s in Johannesburg, London, and New York, and told in a young theater director’s letters home to a friend who is a struggling novelist, here is the true story of one of South Africa’s national treasures, co-founder of the Market Theatre, director of the early productions of the plays of Athol Fugard, and mentor to a generation of South African actors. Available May 2013 Cloth 978-1-60980-442-8 $23.95 176 pages M b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s eesd 2i a0 1S2t–u2d0i1e 3s • 9 1 Music wic k e d messenger d o yo u d ream in color ? Insights from a Girl without Sight Laurie Rubin In her YA memoir, Laurie Rubin looks back on her life as an international opera singer who happens to be blind. Rubin offers her young readers a life-story rich in detail and inspiration drawn from everyday challenges. Available October 2012 Paper 978-1-60980-424-4 $18.95 400 pages 92 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s project censored Every year since 1976, Project Censored (our nation’s oldest news-monitoring group, a university-wide project at Sonoma State founded by Carl Jensen and now under the direction of Peter Phillips) has produced a Top-25 list of underreported news stories and a book, Censored, dedicated to the stories that ought to be top features on the nightly news, but that are missing because of media bias, self-censorship, and other reasons. A perennial favorite of booksellers, teachers, and readers everywhere, Censored is one of the strongest lifesigns of our current collective desire to get the news we citizens need—despite what Big Media tells us. “When I assign books to students, I look for things that will stop people in their tracks, shake them out of their apathy, and have them asking questions like is that true?, why haven’t I run across that before?, and what can people do about it? My longtime favorite is the Project Censored series. The books are democratically compiled, jargon free, and dynamite as far as opening people’s eyes on a wide variety of issues, including the media itself.” —Levon Chorbajian, University of Massachusetts, Lowell “The annual Censored series books are real eye-openers for students. They promote critical thinking with accurate, insightful case histories and analysis.” —Professor Levon Chorbaian, Sociology, UMass Lowell C ensore d 2013 The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2011–12 Edited by Mickey S. Huff and Project Censored Cartoons by Khalil Bendib Available October 2012 PAPER 978-1-60980-422-0 $19.95 464 pages C ensore d 2012 The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2010–11 Edited by Mickey S. Huff and Project Censored Introduction by Peter Phillips PAPER 978-1-60980-347-6 $19.95 496 pages C ensore d 2011 The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2009–10 Edited by Mickey Huff, Peter Phillips, and Project Censored Introduction by Kristina Borjesson Cartoons by Khalil Bendib Paper 978-1-58322-920-0 $19.95 480 pages M b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s eesd 2i a0 1S2t–u2d0i1e 3s • 9 3 C ensore d 2010 The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008–09 Peter Phillips, Mickey Huff, and Project Censored Introduction by Dahr Jamail Cartoons by Khalil Bendib Paper 978-1-58322-890-6 $19.95 432 pages censore d 2009 The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007–08 Peter Phillips, Andrew Roth, & Project Censored Introduction by Cynthia McKinney Cartoons by Khalil Bendib Paper 978-1-58322-852-4 $19.95 400 pages P roject C ensore d G u i d e to in d epen d ent me d ia an d acti v ism Edited by Peter Phillips Filled with information on contacts, subscriptions, and Internet access to the uncharted world of independent media, activism, and investigative news. Paper 978-1-58322-468-7 $10.95 208 pages 20 Years of Censored News Carl Jensen & Project Censored Cartoons by Tom Tomorrow Based on the work of Project Censored, here are the top censored news stories from 1976 to 1995. “A fascinating overview of media blindspots.” —Booklist Paper 978-1-88836-352-4 $16.95 352 pages P roject C ensore d O nline Taking media studies into the twenty-first century, Project Censored’s network of websites provides extensive daily coverage of topics in the world of independent media, including collections of news wires from trusted independent news sources, news from international chapters of Project Censored identifying and reporting the news that goes unreported within other countries around the world, and social networks of independent, international bloggers and other on-the-ground sources for breaking news—in all, an ideal classroom resource for learning about media in action in the contemporary world. For more information, visit Project Censored online at: 94 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s m i d d l e e as t s t u d i e s the battle for Saudi arabia Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power As’ad AbuKhalil AbuKhalil offers a critical look at one of the world’s most repressive and fundamentalist nations, the nature of its longstanding alliance with the US, and the forces that are driving it to announce that US troops may soon be expelled. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-610-0 $9.95 248 pages B in L a d en , I slam , an d A merica’s N ew “ War on T errorism ” As’ad AbuKhalil After an introduction on Western misconceptions about Islam and Arabs, AbuKhalil examines the roots of the present crisis, the causes for antipathy toward the United States, and the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-492-2 $8.95 128 pages T errorism Theirs and Ours Eqbal Ahmad Introduction by David Barsamian In this invaluable two-part primer, Ahmad questions how the United States employs the terms “terrorist” and “freedom fighter,” and Barsamian talks to Ahmad after his interview in the ’90s with Osama bin Laden. Open Media Pamphlet Special Edition Paper 978-1-58322-490-8 $6.95 80 pages H amas From Resistance to Government Paola Caridi Translated by Andrea Teti Italian journalist Paola Caridi addresses the question of how a secular people could elect a radical Islamist group to lead them, providing a clear-eyed look at the controversial government of Palestine. Paper 978-1-60980-382-7 $24.95 416 pages with b&w maps M i d d l e Ea s t S t u d i e s • 9 5 I raq, I nc . A Profitable Occupation Pratap Chatterjee Chatterjee examines the big failings and even bigger swindles of Iraq’s corporate managers, exposing private contractors as the only winners in this war. “Chatterjee’s muckraking, practiced with diligence and courage, is all too timely and far too rare in the ranks of the press. Iraq, Inc. is the ultimate primer of how modern US invasion and occupation for profit is being waged.” —Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-667-4 $11.95 256 pages C amelia Save Yourself By Telling the Truth A Memoir of Iran Camelia Entekhabifard The memoir of an Iranian journalist who was sent to prison because of her provocative reporting for reformist newspapers. “In this psychologically complex and morally controversial autobiography, Camelia takes the reader on a surreal tour of post-revolutionary Iran, where under harsh medieval laws (much harsher for women) the ‘children of the revolution’ . . . do almost anything for a breath of fresh air-—or freedom.” —Farnoosh Moshiri, author of Against Gravity Paper 978-1-58322-833-3 $16.95 256 pages Lo v e an d War in A fghanistan Alex Klaits and Gulchin GulmamadovaKlaits Paper 978-1-58322-727-5 $17.95 304 pages, with 8 pages of b&w photos B lee d ing A fghanistan Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence Sonali Kolhatkar and James Ingalls Kolhatkar and Ingalls, co-directors of the Afghan Women’s Mission, examine the connections between US training of Mujahideen commanders and the subversion of Afghan democracy today, critique the exploitation of Afghan women to justify war, analyze uncritical media coverage of US policies, and expose the ways in which the US benefits from being in Afghanistan. Paper 978-1-58322-731-2 $18.95 336 pages 96 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s F u ll S pectr u m Dominance U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond Rahul Mahajan Mahajan argues that the Bush administration’s post–September 11 policy toward Iraq is neither about controlling weapons of mass destruction nor fighting terrorism, but about consolidating US control of oil reserves and dominance in the Middle East. “Full Spectrum Dominance by Rahul Mahajan pushed my students into new territory in terms of their notions regarding western hegemony and critical thinking about what it means to be a writer. As a class our interactions with the book were always significant, our discussions heated.” —Amina Cain, Columbia College Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-578-3 $9.95 208 Pages Zacarias , M y B rother The Making of a Terrorist Abd Sadam Moussaoui with Florence Bouquillat Translated by Simon Pleasance and Fronza Woods Written by his brother, Zacarias, My Brother tells the personal story of Zacarias Moussaoui, currently in custody for conspiring with al-Qaeda in the events of September 11. It is a unique document about the racism faced by Arab families in Europe and about how an extremist is made. Paper 978-1-58322-585-1 $14.95 144 pages I srael / Palestine : H ow to E n d the War of 194 8 Tanya Reinhart 2nd Edition Israeli journalist Reinhart closely examines the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian clash, explains the latest developments, and offers a proposal for moving beyond the violence. “Israel/Palestine is the most devastating critique now available of Israel’s policy toward the Palestinian people.” —Edward W. Said Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-651-3 $15.95 304 pages Spanish-language Edition: Israel/Palestina Paper 978-1-58322-643-8 $11.95 280 pages city of wi d ows An Iraqi Woman’s Account of War and Resistance Haifa Zangana Zangana, a former political prisoner of the Ba’ath regime, puts the current plight of Iraqi women in context, tracing a long line of daring and vocal activists resisting foreign aggression and despotism for the past hundred years. Paper 978-1-58322-860-9 $12.95 192 pages Peace, Justice, & Human Rights • 97 P E ACE, J U S TICE, A ND HUM A N RIGHT S In addition to the Human Rights Watch World Reports, Seven Stories Press publishes a full range of writers who speak on behalf of human rights issues around the world. Look throughout the catalog for works by Mumia Abu-Jamal, Octavia E. Butler, Noam Chomsky, Angela Y. Davis, Ariel Dorfman, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, Ralph Nader, Project Censored, Arundhati Roy, Koigi wa Wamwere, Kurt Vonnegut, Howard Zinn, and more. A ll T hings C ensore d Mumia Abu-Jamal Edited by Noelle Hanrahan “Imprisoned journalist Abu-Jamal presents in a series of essays a devastating social critique of contemporary institutions, such as the criminal justice system, and provides an insightful analysis of the state of civil liberties, immigration rights, and racism in the US. His essays on death row . . . have a chilling effect on students’ advocacy for the death penalty. What students always find surprising is Abu-Jamal’s intelligence, his powerful diction, and ability to empathize with others. For teachers, this book is an effective tool to explain the concept of systemic injustice, which MOVE members dared to challenge and whose efforts Abu-Jamal commemorates.” —Mechthild Nagel, SUNY Cortland Paper 978-1-58322-076-4 $14.95 336 pages A rmy of N one Strategies to Counter Military Recruitment, End War, and Build a Better World Aimee Allison and David Solnit An Army Conscientious Objector and a frontline global justice organizer team up to present a comprehensive guide to combating military recruitment. Paper 978-1-58322-755-8 $14.95 224 pages T he Tort u rer in the M irror The Question of Lawyers’ Responsibility in Torture Cases Ramsey Clark, Haifa Zangana, & Thomas Ehrlich Reifer. Paper 978-1-58322-919-4 $8.95 80 pages 98 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s A bolition Democracy Beyond Prisons, Torture, and Empire Interviews with Angela Y. Davis Angela Davis’s most current thinking and provocative views on the state of our democracy, resistance and law, prisons and politics, sexual coercion, and social justice in the post-Abu Ghraib political moment. Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-695-7 $12.95 128 pages A re P risons O bsolete ? Angela Y. Davis “Scholar and activist Angela Davis gives compelling reasons to rethink the carceral institution and jolts students of criminology who take prisons for granted. Focusing on the US prison industrial complex and its racist, capitalist historical roots, Davis also presents challenging views on prison abolition which make for great classroom discussion. Her analysis is clearly written and engages well students at the undergraduate level.” —Mechthild Nagel, SUNY Cortland Open Media Book Paper 978-1-58322-581-3 $11.95 144 pages G lobal G o v ernance The Battle over Planetary Power Kristin Dawkins Dawkins describes the state-of-the-art in international organizing, from the streets of Seattle to the hallways of the UN, World Bank, IMF, and WTO, ultimately proposing a medium-term agenda for activists that builds on the geopolitical tensions and opportunities taking shape today. Paper 978-1-58322-580-6 $9.95 208 Peace, Justice, & Human Rights • 99 P u blic P ower in the Age of E mpire Arundhati Roy In her major address to the 99th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Roy clarifies the political and human stakes of “regime change” and reaffirms the role of popular activism. “Reading Arundhati Roy is how the peace movement arms itself. She turns our grief and rage into courage.” —Naomi Klein Paper 978-1-58322-682-7 $7.95 64 pages the v oice of hope Conversations with Alan Clements Updated and expanded second edition Aung San Suu Kyi “Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is still strong, powerful and remains as the leader of the people of Burma in their ‘revolution of spirit.’ Voice of Hope is a portrait of her, painted with her spiritual strength. It is one of the best documents to prove that she is the real future of Burma.” —Aung Din, a former political prisoner and executive director of the US Campaign for Burma Paper 978-1-58322-845-6 $18.95 336 pages S corche d E arth Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam Fred A. Wilcox Weaving first-person accounts with original research, Vietnam War scholar Fred A. Wilcox examines the long-term consequences for future generations of Vietnamese of the United States’s use of Agent Orange against their country, and calling for the United States government to finally admit its role in chemical warfare in Vietnam. CLOTH 978-1-60980-138-0 $23.95 240 pages 100 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Waiting for an A rmy to Die The Tragedy of Agent Orange Second Edition Fred A. Wilcox “I, now updated and with a new introduction—tells this young vet’s story and that of hundreds of thousands of other former American servicemen. PAPER 978-1-60980-136-6 $16.95 240 pages T he Unfinishe d R e v olu tion Voices from the Frontline in the Global Fight for Women’s Rights Edited by Minky Worden and Human Rights Watch Outlining the recent history of legal and political battles to secure basic rights for women and girls around the world, the writers of The Unfinished Revolution tackle some of the toughest questions about improving the lives of women, and explain why we need fresh approaches in analyzing what works for the most vexing issues. PAPER 978-1-60980-387-2 $25.95 384 pages b o o k s f oPre aAccea,dJeums itci cceo, u&r H s eusm2a0n1 2R–i g2 h 0 1t 3s • 1 0 1 HUM A N RIGHT S W ATCH Human Rights Watch is recognized as the world’s leader in building a stronger human rights culture. The World Report is the preeminent annual account of human rights abuse around the world—a report card on the progress of the world’s nations towards the protection of human rights for people everywhere. Written in straightforward nontechnical language, each report consists of short essays on hot-button issues followed by a series of concise overviews of the most pressing human rights battles in countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. In partnership with Seven Stories Press, HRW has made the World Report available through libraries, bookstores, and for classroom use, in an affordable trade paperback edition. H u man R ights Watch W orl d R eport 2013 With a particular focus on the roles played in each country by key domestic and international figures. Available February 2013 PAPER 978-1-60980-482-4 $30.00 672 pages, 16 full-color photographs H u man R ights Watch W orl d R eport 2012 With particular focus on the roles—positive or negative—played in each country by key domestic and international figures. PAPER 978-1-60980-389-6 $30.00 672 pages, 16 full-color photographs H u man R ights Watch W orl d R eport 2011 With a particular focus on the roles played in each country by key domestic and international figures. Paper 978-1-58322-921-7 $27.00 608 pages H u man R ights Watch W orl d R eport 2010 With particular focus on the role—positive or negative—played in each country by key domestic and international figures. Paper 978-1-58322-897-5 $25.00 592 pages H u man R ights Watch W orl d R eport 2009 With particular focus on reclaiming initiative from international human rights resisters. Paper 978-1-58322-858-6 $25.00 576 pages 102 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s P HILO S O P HY a n d religion T he L ife of M eaning Reflections on Faith, Doubt, and Spirituality Edited by Bob Abernethy and William Bole In this thoughtful collection, guests from the celebrated PBS show Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly describe how faith is possible amid the tragedy and senselessness of contemporary existence. With Chris Hedges, Marilyn Robinson, Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, Studs Terkel, and Madeleine L’Engle, among others. “Faith and doubt stand in loving tension in this splendid collection.” —Publishers Weekly starred review Paper 978-1-58322-829-6 $18.95 448 pages Against R at z inger Anonymous Addressing some of the most dramatic and pressing issues of our time, Against Ratzinger studies Pope Benedict XVI’s responses to birth control, abortion, and sexual abuse in the Church and charts Ratzinger’s rise to power, from his arrival in Rome in 1981 to his close relationship with the late Pope John Paul II. Paper 978-1-58322-766-4 $14.95 176 pages R ight an d W rong , an d Palestine , 9 - 11, I raq, 7 - 7 . . . Ted Honderich Philosopher Ted Honderich insightfully relates four shattering current events in this articulate, wellreasoned moral and political analysis. “Ted Honderich makes a powerful case that ‘an easy answer is wrong,’ so that to find the right answer . . . will be anything but easy. His inquiry explores some of the most painful and controversial issues of the day. It merits, and will reward, careful reflection.” —Noam Chomsky Paper 978-1-58322-736-7 $18.95 272 pages P h i lo s o p h y & R e l i g i o n • 1 0 3 I H a d To S ay S omething The Art of Ted Haggard’s Fall Mike Jones The story of the sexual relationship between Michael Forest Jones, a Denver man who worked as an escort, and the Reverend Ted Haggard, founder and pastor of the New Life Church of Colorado Springs. Cloth 978-1-58322-768-8 $23.95 240 pages G oo d bye M r . S ocialism Antonio Negri and Raf Scelsi In an extensive interview, Negri dissects and critiques the moments and episodes in the last fifteen years that have afforded the left opportunities to rethink its strategies, both in terms of organization and of political programs and objectives, concluding that transformation is still possible. Paper 978-1-58322-775-6 $15.95 256 pages J es u s of N a z areth Paul Verhoeven Building on the work of the great Biblical scholars of the twentieth century, filmmaker and Jesus Seminar member Paul Verhoeven disrobes the mythical Jesus to reveal a man who is, after all, startlingly familiar to us, a man who has much in common with other great political leaders throughout history. “A revelation for scholars and casual readers alike.” —Chris Shea, Ball State University Paper 978-1-60980-348-3 $17.95 304 pages G o d in Pain Inversions of Apocalypse Slavoj Žižek and Boris Gunjević Translated by Ellen Elias-Bursac A brilliant dissection and reconstruction of the three major faith-based systems of belief in the world today from philosopher Žižek and priest Gunjević, showing how each faith understands humanity and divinity— and how the differences between the faiths may be far stranger than they may at first seem. PAPER 978-1-60980-369-8 $21.95 304 pages 104 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s politics Silencing Political Dissent How Post–September 11 Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties Nancy Chang Foreword by Howard Zinn Chang exposes how the USA PATRIOT Act, hastily rushed through Congress, endows the executive branch with unchecked powers, erodes civil liberties, and impacts immigrants. Paper 978-1-58322-494-6 $9.95 176 pages N e v er S ha k e H an d s W ith A War C riminal Barry Crimmins The personal and political history of humorist and activist Barry Crimmins, told with acid humor and a loving heart. Cloth 978-1-58322-660-5 $21.95 224 pages N o Debate How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Ruin the Presidential Debates George Farah Farah details how the bipartisan “Memoranda of Understanding” drafted during each election cycle restricts the range of issues debated, prohibits candidate-to-candidate dialogue, and excludes thirdparty candidates, making a mockery of free and fair presidential elections. Paper 978-1-58322-630-8 $14.95 232 pages Targete d Homeland Security and the Business of Immigration Deepa Fernandes Foreword by Howard Zinn Fernandes takes the reader on a harrowing journey inside the new American immigrant experience, a journey marked by militarized border zones, racist profiling, criminalization, detention, and deportation. Paper 978-1-58322-728-2 $16.95 304 pages • 105 Politics Was the 2004 presi d ential E lection S tolen ? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss An award-winning statistician and a celebrated journalist analyze the 2004 election results, investigate the possibility that enough election fraud occurred to determine the outcome of the presidential race, and ask why neither the government nor any major media organization conducted its own investigation. “Freeman lays out a statistical analysis of the polls that is deeply troubling.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Paper 978-1-58322-687-2 $17.95 288 pages T he N e x t 25 Y ears The New Supreme Court and What it Means for American Martin Garbus Looking to the gains of the New Deal and then to the civil rights era that ushered a wave of social protections, renowned First Amendment lawyer Martin Garbus warns of the threat of an incoming “textualist” bench that wishes to roll back more than a century’s worth of hard-won reforms. “With crystal-clear reasoning, Garbus sounds a wake-up call for those suspicious of the current administration’s long-term plans for the US judiciary.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-834-0 $15.95 256 pages a P olitical O dyssey The Rise of American Militarism and One Man’s Fight To Stop It Senator Mike Gravel & Joe Lauria In this candid, anecdotal portrait, Alaskan Senator and maverick presidential candidate Mike Gravel expounds on his views of the military-industrial complex, imperial presidency, postwar US foreign policy, and corporate America; critically assesses figures he worked with; and reveals his personal life. Paper 978-1-58322-826-5 $17.95 288 pages B etween the F ences Before Guantanamo, There Was the Port Isabel Processing Center Tony Hefner For six years, Tony Hefner was a security guard at the Port Isabel Service Processing Center. On behalf of the 1,100 men, women, and children residing there on an average day, and the 1,500 new undocumented immigrants who pass through its walls every month, this is the story of the systematic sexual, physical, financial, and drug-related abuses of detainees by guards. Paper 978-1-58322-912-5 $19.95 320 pages 106 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T he War on the B ill of R ights — an d the G athering R esistance Nat Hentoff Revised and Expanded Edition “Anyone concerned with civil liberties should read this short and snappy report from the frontlines of this latest constitutional struggle.” —Publishers Weekly Paper 978-1-58322-658-2 $13.95 232 A merica’s Disappeare d Secret Imprisonment, Detainees, and the “War on Terror” Edited by Rachel Meeropol with Reed Brody, Barbara Olshansky, Michael Ratner, and Stephen Macpherson Watt Since September 11, thousands have been imprisoned without trial or any kind of judicial hearing. America’s Disappeared brings together the detainees’ own testimonies and constitutional scholarship to refute the alleged justification for these detentions and to explore their human costs. Paper 978-1-58322-645-2 $12.95 247 pages Democracy Detaine d Secret Unconstitutional Practices in the U.S. War on Terror Barbara Olshansky Introduction by Nat Hentoff Olshansky documents the Bush administration’s assault on the US system of checks and balances, its abuse and torture of people it detains or sends to other countries to be interrogated and tortured, its attack on open government and accountability, its brutal treatment of immigrants, and its abandonment of human rights agreements and the principles of human dignity they protect. “The grim record exposed in Democracy Detained should shame people who care for their country and its future, and encourage them to use the legacy of freedom they enjoy to put an end to these disgraceful crimes.” —Noam Chomsky Paper 978-1-58322-734-3 $18.95 400 pages • 107 Politics T he S u n C limbs S low The International Criminal Court and the Struggle for Justice Erna Paris In this groundbreaking investigation, Erna Paris explores the history of global justice, the politics behind America’s opposition to the creation of a permanent international criminal court, and the implications for the world at large. “Paris describes, movingly and convincingly, the dawn of a new age of international law… in which no guilty person, however, powerful, can escape responsibility for acts of barbarism. Obligatory reading for the forward-looking.” —John Polanyi, Nobel Laureate Paper 978-1-58322-879-1 $21.95 400 T he F i v e Unanswere d Q u estions abo u t 9/1 1 James Ridgeway Investigative reporter James Ridgeway pinpoints five glaring black holes of information surrounding 9/11: the initial government response, why the FBI and CIA were left in the dark, failings of the FBI’s translation department, the role of Pakistani secret intelligence, and why the 9/11 commission overlooked so many crucial elements in its investigation. “Superb journalism that shines a brilliant light at what happened on 9/11—and why.” —Normon Solomon Paper 978-1-58322-712-1 $16.95 192 pages T he F i v e B iggest L ies B u sh Tol d Us A bo u t I raq Christopher Scheer, Robert Scheer, and Lakshmi Chaudhry The Five Biggest Lies is the comprehensive source on the Bush administration’s campaign of disinformation before, during, and after the second Gulf War. “Highly readable and tightly argued.” —Arianna Huffington Paper 978-1-58322-644-5 $9.95 200 pages 108 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Daybrea k Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union David Swanson Activist David Swanson argues that only through the active efforts of citizens can we rein in runaway executive power and make America a true leader in democratic principles. “A useful guide to restore the balance of powers and reclaim our constitutional system of government.” —Marjorie Cohn, President of the National Lawyers Guild Paper 978-1-58322-888-3 $19.95 368 pages T he L ast E nergy War The Battle Over Utility Deregulation Harvey Wassermann The Last Energy War puts into unique historic perspective the theft of more than $200-billion perpetrated through electric power deregulation to bail out more than 100 failed American commercial reactors. Paper 978-1-58322-017-7 $5.95 80 pages T he H i d d en H istory of 9 - 1 1 Paul Zarembka et al. This path-breaking work from a diverse group of scholars examines the many conspiracy theories that surfaced in the aftermath of 9-11, neither endorsing nor deriding, but rather showing how much remains unknown and where further investigation and debate is needed. With contributions by Mark Crispin Miller, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Four Arrows (aka Don Jacobs), David Ray Griffin, Jay Kolar, David MacGregor, Diana Ralph, Kevin Ryan, and Bryan Sacks. , on the hardcover edition Paper 978-1-58322-825-8 $19.95 400 pages • 109 b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s e s 2 0P1 o2 –l i2t0i1c 3s ba i l l a r g e o n l i b r a r y An educator and a celebrated philosopher on the subject of education itself, Normand Baillargeon’s work militantly argues that democracy requires a critical, informed citizenry capable of weeding out the misinformation and rhetorical trickery that dominates the media. With his sharp, incisive voice and his eye for the details that matter, Baillargeon offers readers a discerning take on prevailing habits of mind and the roots of subversive movements. O r d er witho u t power In this lively primer to anarchism, scholar and author Normand Baillargeon explains the vibrant heart of anti-authoritarianism, or the rational and conscious refusal of any form of illegitimate authority and power. Available July 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-471-8 $16.95 224 pages A S hort Co u rse in I ntellect ual S elf - Defense 110 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s i m p e ac h m e n t s t u d i e Unite d S tates v. G eorge W. B u sh et al . Elizabeth de la Vega Former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega charges George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell with conspiracy to defraud the United States. Ms. de la Vega has reviewed the evidence, researched the law, drafted an indictment, and in this lively, accessible book, presented it to a grand jury. “Elizabeth de la Vega gives us a front-row seat for the evidence of violent crimes by high officials of the Bush administration.... a fascinating read.” —Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst · New York Times Bestseller Paper 978-1-58322-756-5 $14.95 256 pages I mpeach the P resi d ent The Case Against Bush and Cheney Edited by Dennis Loo and Peter Phillips In the face of the extraordinary and unprecedented threat the White House and its allies present to civil liberties, civil rights, the Constitution, international law, and the future of the planet, this collection makes the case that a drastically different political dynamic must be created now. With contributions by Howard Zinn, Martin Garbus, Dahr Jamail, Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, Brendan Smith, Mark Crispin Miller, Nancy Snow, and Greg Palast. “In these desperate times, when lies and halftruths are official policy, when our young people and innocent Iraqi civilians pay for these lies with lives, this book is a clear presentation of the crimes of Bush and Cheney.” —Cindy Sheehan, author of Dear President Bush Paper 978-1-58322-743-5 $17.95 352 pages T he Unrav eling of the B u sh P resi d ency Howard Zinn In this essay on the years 2001-2006, Zinn examines how the catastrophic machinations of war have dictated our foreign and domestic policy, and how voices of resistance have appeared in the unlikeliest places. Paper 978-1-58322-769-5 $7.95 48 pages • 111 b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s e s 2 0P1 o2 –l i2t0i1c 3s political chomsky World-renowned political activist, writer, and professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (where he has taught since 1955), Noam Chomsky is known and beloved around the world as much for the strength of his personal commitment to the truth as he sees it as he is for the brilliance of his ideas. Before 2001, Chomsky’s readership may have been strongest in universities where there were already communities of those with progressive worldviews, but with the publication in November 2001 of 9-11, composed of parts of interviews Chomsky had done with foreign and alternative media, his audience expanded suddenly and his analysis of US foreign policy became popular worldwide. 9-11 remains arguably the most influential post–911 book, inspiring dissent everywhere. 9-11 Was There an Alternative? This new edition of 9-11, published on the tenth anniversary of the attacks and featuring a new essay by Chomsky, reminds us that today, just as much as ten years ago, information and clarity remain our most valuable resources in the struggle to prevent future violence against the innocent, both at home and abroad. “[9-11] offers an informed alternative perspective on the historical reasons behind the 9-11 attacks. . . . [Students] seem to have found it enlightening, if disturbing.” —E. Taylor Atkins, Northern Illinois University “Chomsky’s book was very timely and it exposed the students to facts and ideas that they were unlikely to encounter from the mainstream media or from more conventional texts.” —Alexander Simon, Utah Valley State College · National Bestseller PAPER 978-1-60980-343-8 $11.95 144 pages Original edition Paper 978-1-58322-489-2 $11.95 144 pages Spanish-language edition: 11 de septiembre Paper 978-1-58322-565-3 $8.95 144 pages Acts of Aggression Policing “Rogue” States 2nd Edition with Edward W. Said Chomsky and Said examine the conflict with Iraq, analyzing US–Arab relations, the contradictions of US foreign policy toward “rogue states,” and how American military actions abroad often conflict with UN regulations and international law. Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-546-2 $6.95 64 pages G o v ernment in the F u t u re In this seminal defense of the liberal socialist vision— originally delivered in 1970—Chomsky articulates a clear, uncompromising vision of social change. Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-685-8 $9.95 80 pages 112 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s M E D I A CO N T R O l The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda Post–September 11 Edition Chomsky’s examination of the use of image manipulation and misinformation to influence events is now expanded to include the post–September 11 media coverage of terrorism and US foreign policy. “[S]tudents do not think of propaganda as an American tool and concept. But Chomsky makes clear in this concise and brilliant analysis that propaganda has a long history in America, a crucial function for American government and business, and a critical role in the information we receive each and every day.” —Tom Callahan, Iona College Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-536-3 $9.95 112 pages P rofit o v er P eople Neoliberalism and Global Order. “[Students respond to Profit Over People] with amazement. It is very readable even for an Intro. class and presents analysis without preaching ideology.” —Peter Shear, Burlington College · Boston Globe & Village Voice Bestseller Paper 978-1-888363-82-1 $15.95 176 pages THE UMBRELLA OF U.S. POWER The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Contradictions of U.S. Policy Second Edition Chomsky cuts through official political language to examine how the US not only violates the Universal Declaration, but at times uses it as a weapon to wield against an ever-changing set of enemies. Open Media Pamphlet Paper 978-1-58322-547-9 $6.95 80 pages Nuclear war & environmental catastrophe With Laray Polk Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe is a focused discussion on the existential threats of our time, and their points of intersection since World War II. Both nuclear war and environmental catastrophe have the potential for similar outcomes: a world made uninhabitable by the scarcity of water, food and livable land. Available February 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-454-1 $13.95 160 pages • 113 b o o k s f o r A c a d e m i c c o u r s e s 2 0P1 o2 –l i2t0i1c 3s A m e r i c a’s f i r s t c i t i z e n: Ra l p h Na d e r Four generations of Americans have followed citizen advocate Ralph Nader’s lead on civic and political issues that affect their lives. From fighting for car safety in the 1960s, to opposing the policies of the World Trade Organization, to running for president, Nader continues to be a relentless force for grassroots activism and democratic change. “Ralph Nader is our indispensable voice of outrage against corporate corruption, invasion of privacy, and abuse of power.” —James K. Galbraith “O nly the S u per - R ich C an S av e Us !” What if a cadre of super-rich individuals tried to become a driving force to organize the citizens of this troubled nation? What if some of America’s most powerful individuals decided it was time to fix our government and return the power to the people? What could happen? In this first novel, a return to the American tradition of utopian fiction, Ralph Nader imagines the answer to the question. “How many leftist books leave you feeling hopeful, even optimistic? How many offer you a picture of a new world that inspires you to act? . . . A genuine creative leap in genre and substance.” —Charles Derber, Tikkun “I congratulate Ralph Nader for his outstanding and timely book. Most of my students are cynical regarding political parties. The idea that a new national political party could be created and it could play a central role in reforming our national government was new and exciting. Based on my success with Ralph’s book last year, I plan to use it as a basic text to two new courses designed to explain how we can reform our national, state, and local governments.” —Clyde D. McKee, Trinity College Paper 978-1-60980-085-7 $17.95 464 pages Cloth 978-1-58322-903-3 $27.50 736 pages I n P u rs u it 114 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s · 2001 Firecracker Alternative Book Award Paper 978-1-58322-057-3 $19.95 456 pages T he B ig B oo k of R alph N a d er Colu mns Introduction by Bill Moyers A follow up to the Ralph Nader Reader, The Big Book of Ralph Nader Columns touches on many issues including genetically engineered food, opposing World Trade Organization, commercialism, women’s rights, environmental politics, democracy, the corporate state of America, and citizen action and social change. Available March 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-474-9 $23.95 480 pages S i e t e C u e n t o s E d i t o r i a l • 1 1 5 Siete Cuentos Editorial Siete Cuentos Editorial, Seven Stories Press’s Spanish-language imprint, is dedicated to bringing the best of contemporary Latin American, Latino, and Spanish fiction and nonfiction to the Spanish-speaking classroom. In addition, Siete Cuentos provides Spanish translations of seminal English texts by Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, the Boston Women’s Health Collective, and more. A mores locos y los peligros d el contagio Gonzálo Aburto A discussion of AIDS, with an eye toward providing medical advice, spiritual counsel, and testimonies of those affected by the virus that has most deeply penetrated Latin American communities. Paper 978-1-58322-276-8 $5.95 64 pages N u estros c u erpos , n u estras v i d as The Boston Women’s Health Collective The Spanish-language edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves, the book the New York Times dubbed “a medical bible for several generations of women . . . a hallmark of feminism.” Paper 978-1-58322-024-5 $24.00 608 pages Como manejar s u propio d inero Laura Castañeda y Laura Castellanos A primer on managing money and financing education for Latin American communities. Paper 978-1-58322-055-9 $16.95 224 pages L a m u erte y la d oncella Ariel Dorfman In this international classic of the stage, Dorfman explores questions seldom asked out loud: How can the oppressor and the oppressed cohabit the same earth, sit at the same table? Paper 978-1-58322-078-8 $14.95 96 pages R u mbo al s u r , d esean d o el norte Ariel Dorfman “In this warm and moving autobiography, Ariel Dorfman shows his strength as a writer, his courage as a fighter against dictatorship and, above all, as a conscience which, when wounded, turns words into necessary testimony and burning poetry.” —Elie Wiesel Paper 978-1-58322-079-5 $19.95 384 pages 116 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s C lean El programa revolucionario para restaurar la habilidad natural autocurativa del cuerpo Alejandro Junger, MD Clean presenta un programa revolucionario de salud que el uruguayo Alejandro Junger, MD, ha desarrollado e implementado durante muchos años. Comenzando con su experiencia personal, Junger nos guia a lo largo del camino necesario para restaurar y renovar nuestros cuerpos y mentes por medio de recursos que siempre hemos tenido dentro nuestro aunque frecuentemente los hemos descuidado. PAPER 978-1-60980-342-1 $17.95 296 pages Como conseg u ir los papeles Alfredo Placeres A primer on fighting the problems of immigration in Latin American communities, offering information, advice, testimonials and resources for providing legal aid. Paper 978-1-58322-277-5 $5.95 64 pages L as historias prohibi d as d e M arta Veneran d a Sonia Rivera-Valdés Marta Veneranda, a Latina neoyorkina, finds that she inspires confession in people: these are their stories, combining humor with a dead-serious scrutiny of the commingling of Anglo and Latino cultures. · Winner of the Casa de las Américas Award Paper 978-1-58322-053-5 $14.95 180 pages English-language edition: The Forbidden Stories of Marta Veneranda Cloth 978-1-58322-047-4 $21.95 170 pages L a otra historia d e los E sta d os Uni d os Howard Zinn Translated by Toni Strubel Second Edition En La otra historia de los Estados Unidos, la version definitiva en español del clásico de Zinn La historia del pueblo de los Estados Unidos (actualizado y ampliado incluyendo la presidencia de Bush), nos vuelve a recordar que la grandeza verdadera de America se encuentra no en los generales militares, sino en sus voces disidentes. PAPER 978-1-60980-351-3 $19.95 512 pages s o c i o lo g y / s o c i a l w o r k / h e a lt h • 1 1 7 S o c i o lo g y /s o c i a l w o r k/ h e a lt h See page 115 for additional titles in Spanish. T he Au tism P u z z le Connecting the Dots between Environmental Toxins and Rising Autism Rates Britta Belli In interprets for readers compelling evidence that environmental toxins—including common exposures from chemicals mounting in our everyday lives—may be sparking this disorder in vulnerable children. CLOTH 978-1-60980-391-9 $23.95 224 T ypecasting On the Arts and Sciences of Human Inequality Stuart Ewen and Elizabeth Ewen This monumental work of popular history exposes the pivotal developments that have made stereotypes a persistent, common language and reveals how stereotypes have served as the groundwork for power in the modern world. “A plain-terms, no-holds-barred look at the long-running practice of science warped to serve prejudice. . . .An absolute ‘must-have’ for sociology shelves, enthusiastically recommended for public and college libraries alike.” —Midwest Book Review “I love Typecasting; my students love it. There’s something in it for everyone: history of science, art, and film, issues of race, European history, etc. . . . I would promote it in courses about race that want to go beyond “race” being equated with black and white. —Dr. Elliot A Ratzman, Assistant Professor, Religion, Temple University Paper 978-158322-776-3 $23.95 544 pages, 100 b&w photos 118 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s H olistic B eau ty from the insi d e o u t Your Complete Guide to Natural Health, Nutrition, and Skin Care Julie Gabriel An all-around beauty and nutrition guide for the eco-friendly, natural living reader. Gabriel presents a comprehensive yet simple book that brings all four corners of the natural beauty paradigm together: natural skincare, holistic nutrition, stress-relief, and healthy lifestyle. A holistic nutritionist, Gabriel teaches her reader how to ‘eat yourself beautiful’ using building blocks from a wholesome diet, and as a long-time beauty writer and editor, reveals why beauty-boosting changes to our everyday lifestyles are essential in helping us to discover the allure we are looking for. Available April 2013 Paper 978-1-60980-461-9 $19.95 288 pages B irth M atters Ina May Gaskin This spirited manifesta shows how to trust women, value birth, and reconcile modern life with a process as old as our species, asserting that the way in which women become mothers is a women’s rights issue, and is perhaps the act that most powerfully exhibits what it is to be instinctually human. Paper 978-1-58322-927-9 $12.95 128 pages Paranoia & H eartbrea k Fifteen Years in a Juvenile Facility Jerome Gold Based on personal journals from his years as a rehabilitation counselor, Paranoia & Heartbreak tells Gold’s personal story of coming to terms with people who have crossed over to the other side of their own humanity. “[Gold] doesn’t judge these wards of the state, he understands them, he takes their voiceless lives and makes them palpable.” —Jimmy Santiago Baca Paper 978-1-58322-877-7 $19.95 352 pages To B e H eale d By T he E arth Warren Grossman The inspiring second edition of this guide to drawing energy from the earth is updated with new material that teaches a unique approach to forging essential bonds with the natural world during an age when nature’s importance to human life is so often ignored. Paper 978-1-58322-749-7 $22.95 240 pages with b&w illustrations s o c i o lo g y / s o c i a l w o r k / h e a lt h • 1 1 9 Urban I nj u stice How Ghettos Happen David Hilfiker “Urban Injustice is a gem of a book—short on impenetrable data but long on thoughtful analysis of the largely unacknowledged plight of America’s urban poor.” —Andrew McIntosh, Lehigh University “In his fine book, Dr. David Hilfiker describes many of the underlying causes of poverty in our nation, especially black urban poverty; explains why past efforts have not eliminated poverty; and shows why and how we can and must do better.” —Marian Wright Edelman, president, Children’s Defense Fund Paper 978-1-58322-607-0 $15.95 176 pages Tal k S oftly Cynthia O’Neal The story of the actress, model, restaurateur and New York City woman-about-town who, faced with the rise of AIDS and the devastating personal impact the disease on its stigmatized carriers, changed directions in her life and founded the crisis and counseling center Friends In Deed. “A beautifully written memoir of a “noisy life,” intricately structured, heartbreaking as well as joyous, and tense as a thriller. . . . I keep thinking that this is what civilization means.” —Michael Ondaatje Cloth 978-1-58322-906-4 $22.00 240 pages the c u lt u re str u ggle Michael Parenti One of America’s most astute and engaging political analysts shows us that culture is a changing process and the product of dynamic interplay between a wide range of social and political interests. “In The Culture Struggle, Parenti is at the top of his game. His arguments about the importance of culture and his debunking of dominant ideology is masterful and written with precise and crystal clear prose that few other writers can approach, let along equal.” —Robert W. McChesney Paper 978-1-58322-704-6 $12.95 144 pages 120 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s T rips How Hallucinogens Work in Your Brain Cheryl Pellerin Illustrations by R. Crumb and Ellen Seefelt Trips offers readers a rare look at the social, cultural, historical, and scientific phenomenon of psychedelics—through the eyes of scientists who’ve spent careers studying them, regulators who control them, and artists who’ve grown up with them. “Packed with well-organized information, written in an engaging style, and full of outlandish comics to remind the reader that even the most serious things can be fun to learn. It’s a superb book. . . . Students actually got their readings done ahead of time!” —Mark Bryan, University of British Columbia– Victoria Paper 978-1-888363-34-0 $23.95 288 pages H earts an d H an d s Creating Community in Violent Times Luis J. Rodríguez Empowered by his own experiences as a peacemaker with gangs in L.A. and Chicago, Rodríguez makes concrete suggestions on how to approach the violence facing youth today. “Rodríguez stunningly chronicles the history of gangs in the US, showing that this problem, far from being unique, is part and parcel of American culture. Hearts and Hands is a direct challenge to those who think they know the story of gang culture. . . . A mind-opening revelation.” —Abraham Rodriguez, author of Spidertown and The Buddha Book Paper 978-1-58322-564-6 $19.95 368 pages S b o o k s foocri oAlo c agdye m / iSco c ioaulrW s eosr 2k0/1 2h–e 2a 0lt1 h3 • 1 2 1 ps y c h o lo g y T he S ecret A rtist A Close Reading of Sigmund Freud Lesley Chamberlain In this book, part biography, part literary criticism, Chamberlain takes the reader into the mind of Freud toward a better understanding of the thinker, his work, and art itself. “[A] fine and subtle study of Freud the creative writer.” —Irish Times Paper 978-1-58322-577-6 $16.95 352 pages T he P ostpart u m E ffect Deadly Depression in Mothers Revised Edition Arlene M. Huysman, Ph.D. A primer on the subject of postpartum depression, for expectant mothers, and their partners and families, as well as health care providers. Paper 978-1-58322-555-4 $14.95 224 122 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Ga r y N u l l & A lt e r n at i v e H e a lt h Nutritionist and natural-living advocate Gary Null’s film documentaries on the politics of health have won awards around the world, and his daily and weekly radio broadcasts educate millions on nutrition-based approaches to wellness and disease prevention. His books have allowed readers of all ages to know there are alternatives to the often-harmful prevailing medical practices of conventional Western medicine. Null is one of the very few lifelong defenders of America’s fundamental right to stay informed and healthy. G et H ealthy N ow ! A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Healthy Living The revised and updated edition of the national bestseller, this comprehensive guide to healthy living and alternative treatments provides a complete one-stop resource for the most up-to-date ideas in alternative medicine. Paper 978-1-58322-753-4 $29.95 1152 pages T he F oo d - M oo d Connection Nutritional and Environmental Approaches to Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing with Amy McDonald In this study of the link between mental health and physical health, Null makes the case for treating many mental disorders and chronic mood conditions with alternative body-based approaches. Paper 978-1-58322-788-6 $24.95 592 pages B e A H ealthy W oman ! with Amy McDonald From menstruation to menopause and beyond, this new compendium of health issues founded in holistic principles covers topics as diverse as physical fitness, depression, PMS, adolescent health, fibromyalgia, and menopause. Paper 978-1-58322-857-9 $29.95 704 pages with color photographs G erms , B iological Warfare , Vaccinations What You Need to Know with James Feast The first book to discuss traditional methods of combating germ warfare while also offering simple, natural alternative approaches to preventing and treating diseases caused by biological agents. Paper 978-1-58322-518-9 $16.95 304 pages For more backlist titles from Gary Null, please visit the Seven Stories website at:. • 123 I n d e x index Author/Title Index ‘68, 50 “A Singing in Every Moment and Inch of Me”, 90 “I Remain in Darkness,” 77 “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!”, 113 “There Are Things I Want You to Know,” 69 10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF & World Bank, 21 10 Years That Shook the World, 25 10,000 Dresses, 18, 36 20 Years of Censored News, 93 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street, 22 9-11, 111 Aaron, Craig, 85 Abbott, Elizabeth, 34 Abernethy, Bob, 102 Abolition Democracy, 98 Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 97 AbuKhalil, As’ad, 94 Aburto, Gonzálo, 115 Acts of Aggression, 111 Adamovsky, Ezequiel, 13, 24, 102 Afrika, Tatamkhulu, 68 Against Ratzinger, 102 Against War with Iraq, 32 Ages of Lulu, The, 70 Ahmad, Eqbal, 94 al-Herz, Seba, 68 Albert, Michael, 16, 22, 24 Albino Album, The, 38 Algerian White, 74 Algren at Sea, 56 Algren, Nelson, 56-57 All Things Censored, 97 All You Can Eat, 9 Allison, Aimee, 97 America’s Disappeared, 106 American Falls, 61 Amores locos, 115 And Their Children After Them, 10 And We Sold the Rain, 79 Angels of Catastrophe, 64 Anonymous, 102 Anthropy, Anna, 85 Anti-American Manifesto, The, 11, 15 Anti-Capitalism, 13, 24, 102 Apocalypse Then, 51 Appeal to Reason, 85 Approaching Great Transformation, The, 24, 29 Arctic Voices, 28 Are Prisons Obsolete, 98 Army of None, 97 Arnove, Anthony, 45-47 Artists in Times of War, 47 As the World Burns, 14, 31 Asleep in the Garden, 84 Athanasiou, Tom, 28 Autism Puzzle, The, 117 Autodafe, 80 Ayers, Bill, 40 Bad Shoes and the Women Who Love Them, 38 Baer, Paul, 28 Baillargeon, Normand, 27, 109 Bakunin, 41 Banerjee, Subhankar, 28 Banks, Russell, 9 Barney Polan’s Game, 53 Battle for Saudi Arabia, The, 94 Battle of Venezuela, The, 48 Bauer, Karin, 40 Be a Healthy Woman!, 122 Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out, 118 Bégaudeau, François, 27 Beginning of the American Fall, The, 11, 14, 23 Belli, Britta, 117 Bendib, Khalil, 24, 92-93 Berg, Joel, 9 Between the Fences, 105 Big Book of Ralph Nader Columns, The, 114 Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, 15, 24 Bin Laden, Islam, and America’s New War on Terrorism, 94 Birth Matters, 118 Black Body, The, 5 Black Way of Seeing, A, 6 Blake’s Therapy, 75 Bleeding Afghanistan, 95 Bleifuss, Joel, 105 Blood and Soap, 52 Bloodchild, 60 Bobby’s Book, 51, 117 Bole, William, 102 Book of Obama, 11, 16 Booked, 87 Bornstein, Kate, 13, 34 Borrowed Hearts, 51 Boston Women’s Health Collective, 115 Bouquillat, Florence, 96 Braverman, Kate, 58 Bryson, Christopher, 28 Buddhist Third-Class Junkmail Oracle, The, 83 Butler, Octavia, 59-60 Buzz Aldrin, What Happened to You in All the Confusion?, 70 124 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Camelia, 95 Captured, 90 Caridi, Paola, 94 Case of Doctor Sachs, The, 73 Castañeda, Laura, 115 Castellanos, Laura, 115 Catfight, 38 Censored 2009, 93 Censored 2010, 93 Censored 2011, 93 Censored 2012, 92 Censored 2013, 92 Chalker, Rebecca, 34 Chamberlain, Lesley, 121 Chang, Nancy, 104 Chap, Sabrina, 35 Chatterjee, Pratap, 95 Chaudhry, Lakshmi, 107 Chekhov, Anton, 68 Chessman, Harriet Scott, 51 Chicago’s Nelson Algren, 16, 56 China’s Great Leap, 33 Chomsky, Noam, 111-112 City of Widows, 96 Clark, Ramsey, 97 Class, The, 27 Clean, 116 Clitoral Truth, The, 34 Cockroach Basketball League, 54 Colombia and the United States, 49 Columbus and Other Cannibals, 41 Como conseguir los papeles, 116 Como manejar su propio dinero, 115 Constantine, Peter, 68 Crimmins, Barry, 104 Crude, 29 Culture Struggle, The, 119 Curiol, Céline, 68 Danaher, Kevin, 21 Danquah, Meri Nana-Ama, 5 D’Arcy, Julian Meldon, 18 Dark Alliance, 89 Davey, Moyra, 35 Davidson, Emily Hass, 51, 117 Davis, Angela Y., 98 Dawkins, Kristin, 29, 98 Daybreak, 108 de Kok, Ingrid, 83 de la Vega, Elizabeth, 110 Dead Heat, 28 Deep Green Resistance, 30 Deguignet, Jean-Marie, 40 Deibert, Michael, 48 DeMarinis, Rick, 51 Democracy Detained, 106 De Panafieu, Jean-Baptiste, 15 Derrick Jensen Reader, 30 Devil’s Stocking, The, 56 Different Mirror for Young People, A, 12, 19 DiFranco, Ani, 82, 91 Dinh, Linh, 52, 79 Djebar, Assia, 74 Do the Blind Dream?, 61 Dohrn, Bernadine, 40 Dorfman, Ariel, 75-76, 115 Do You Dream in Color?, 19, 91 Dr. Rice in the House, 6 Dream with No Name, 79 Dreaming Up America, 9 Dreams, 30 Dreifus, Claudia, 85 Drugs, 53 Duberman, Martin, 41 Dugan, Alan, 82 Eden Express, The, 67, 121 Eldridge, Laura, 35, 37 Elegy Written on a Crowded Street, 64 Emergence of Memory, The, 72 Endgame, Volume 1, 31 Endgame, Volume 2, 31 Entekhabifard, Camelia, 95 Entrapment and Other Writings, 56 Erdreich, Sarah, 35 Ernaux, Annie, 77-78 Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don’t, 40 Evolution, 15 Ewen & Ewen, 117 Ewert, Marcus, 18, 36 Exorcising Terror, 75 Exteriors, 77 Faith, Karlene, 36 Fake House, 52 Fame Lunches, The, 37 Farah, George, 104 Fat Man from La Paz, The, 79 Feast, James, 122 Feffer, John, 32 Fellner, Gene, 41 Fernandes, Deepa, 104 Few Things I Know About Glafkos Thrassakis, The, 73 Fidel, 48 Field Guide for Female Interrogators, A, 36 Final Edition, 54 First Loves, 55 Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, 107 Five Unanswered Questions About 9/11, 107 Fledgling, 60 Fluoride Deception, The, 28 Flying Close to the Sun, 43 Fogtown, 64 Food-Mood Connection, The, 122 Forbes, Jack D., 41 Franco, Jorge, 69 Free Thinkers, The, 54 Freeman, Steven F., 105 Frozen Woman, A, 77 Full Spectrum Dominance, 96 • 125 I n d e x Fusco, Coco, 36 Future of Media, The, 86 Gabriel, Julie, 118 Gabrielsson, Eva, 69 Garbus, Martin, 105 Gaskin, Ina May, 118 Generation Roe, 35 Gene Wars, 29 Germs, Biological Warfare, Vaccinations, 122 Get Healthy Now, 122 Gifford, Barry, 61-63 Ginsberg, Allen, 82 Ginzburg, Natalia, 69 Giono, Jean, 70 Girl Boy Girl, 36 Global Governance, 98 God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian, 66 God Breaketh Not All Men’s Hearts Alike, 84 God in Pain, 103 Gold, Jerome, 118 Golden, Mike, 83 Gologorsky, Beverly, 52 Goncharov, Ivan, 70 Goodbye Mr. Socialism, 103 gossett, hattie, 9 Government in the Future, 111 Grand Central Winter, 8 Grandes, Almudena, 70 Graphic Canon, The, 14, 71 Gravel, Senator Mike, 105 Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women, The, 38 Greed, 71 Green, Jennie, 32 Gries, Patrick, 15 Grossman, Warren, 118 Guest, The, 81 Gulmamadova-Klaits, Gulchin, 95 Gunjevic, Boris, 103 Hamas, 95 Happening, 77 Harnessing Anger, 7 Harstad, Johan, 70 Hart, Peter, 85 Haymarket, 41 Hazarika, Tej, 7 Hearts and Hands, 120 Hefner, Tony, 105 Hello, Cruel World iPhone/iPad, 13, 34 Hello, Cruel World, 13, 34 Helton, J.R., 53 Henriques, Leila, 90 Hentoff, Nat, 106 Hess, John, 86 Hidden History of 9-11, 108 Hilfiker, David, 119 Hints & Allegations, 83 History of Color, A, 84 History of Marriage, A, 34 Hite Report, The, 39 Hite, Shere, 39 Homeland, 11 Honderich, Ted, 102 Horvath, Brooke, 56 House of Moses All-Stars, The 54 Howard Zinn on History, 46 Howard Zinn on Race, 46 Howard Zinn on War, 47 Howard, Christopher, 53 Huey P. Newton Reader, The, 5 Huff, Mickey, 92-93 Human Rights Watch World Report 2009, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2010, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2011, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2012, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2013, 101 Human Rights Watch, 101 Hunting the Last Wild Man, 73 Huysman, Arlene M., 121 I Had to Say Something, 103 I Refuse to Die, 6 Ian Wright, Micah, 12, 17 Imagination of the Heart, 61 Imagining Paradise, 62, 82 immigrant suite, the, 9 Impeach the President, 110 Impolite Interviews, 10 In Our Control, 35 In Pursuit of Justice, 113 Incantation of Frida K., The, 58 India Divided, 33 Information War, 88 Ingalls, James, 95 Innocents, The, 68 Insurgent Iraq, 25 International Parliament of Writers, 80 Interview, 85 Iraq, Inc., 95 Islands of Resistance, 49 Israel/Palestine, 96 Jackson, Phil, 12 Jagielski, Wojciech, 32-33, 98 Jelinek, Elfriede, 71 Jensen, Carl, 86, 93 Jensen, Derrick, 30-31 Jesus of Nazareth, 103 Joker’s Wild, The, 15 Jones, Jeff, 40 Jones, Mike, 103 Jonsdottir, Aslaug, 18 Junger, Alejandro, 116 Kahn, Brian, 9 Keith, Lierre, 30 126 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Kick, Russ, 14, 71 Killing Game, The, 89 Klaits, Alex, 95 Knoop, Savannah, 36 Kohan, Nestor, 48 Kolhatkar, Sonali, 95 Krassner, Paul, 10 Krog, Antjie, 83 Kunstler, William M., 83 La muerte y la doncella, 115 La otra historia de los Estados Unidos, 116 La Riche, William, 83 Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda, 116 Lasn, Kalle, 10, 21, 23 Last Carousel, The, 57 Last Energy War, The, 108 Laties, Andrew, 21 Lauria, Joe, 105 Lecesne, James, 18 Leier, Mark, 41 levy, d.a., 83 Life of an Anarchist, 41 Life of Meaning, The, 102 Like Shaking Hands with God, 8, 66 Lithium for Medea, 58 Live Through This, 35 Living in the Number One Country, 87 Long, Martha, 71 Loo, Dennis, 110 Love and War in Afghanistan, 95 Love Like Hate, 52 LoveStar, 72 Magnason, Andri Snaer, 18, 72 Magnuson, Joel C., 21, 24, 29 Mahajan, Rahul, 96 Maharidge, Dale, 10 Ma, He Sold Me for a Few Cigarettes, 71 Mama’s Boy, 51 Man with the Golden Arm, The, 57 Man Without a Country, A, 66 Man’s Place, A, 78 Mandelman, Avner, 72 Manifesto for Another World, 75 Maonomics, 25 Marcos, Subcommandante, 48 Marqusee, Mike, 42, 91 Martin, Douglas A., 53 Mascara, 76 Masters of War, 49 McBay, Aric, 30-31 McCaughan, Michael, 48 McChesney, Robert, 86 McDonald, Amy, 122 Mcdonald, Gregory, 42 McMillan, Stephanie, 11, 14, 23, 31 Media Control, 112 Meeropol, Rachel, 106 Meinhof, Ulrike, 40 Meme Wars, 10, 21, 23 Memoirs of a Breton Peasant, 40 Memories from a Sinking Ship, 62 Merkin, Daphne, 37 Merz, Mischa, 37 Millennium, The, 55 Miller, Leonard T., 5 Mindful Economics, 21 Mitchell, James, 42, 91, 106 More Than A Game, 12 More You Watch, The Less You Know, The, 87 Moss, Stanley, 84 Mother Reader, 35 Moussaoui, Abd Sadam, 96 Mundo Cruel, 49 Murillo, Mario, 49 Muscio, Inga, 37 My Times, 86 Nader, Ralph, 113-114 Nanny and the Iceberg, The, 76 Napoleoni, Loretta, 25-26 Negative Ethnicity, 7 Negri, Antonio, 103 Negron, Luis, 49 Neon Wilderness, The, 57 Neumann, Osha, 42 Never Come Morning, 57 Never Shake Hands with a War Criminal, 104 New and Selected Poems 2006, 84 Newman, Russell, 86 Newton, Huey P., 5 Next 25 Years, The, 105 Nichols, John, 86 Niemi, Mikael, 72 Nieto, Clara, 49 Night, Again, 79 Night Wanderers, The, 32, 98 No Blood, No Foul, 54 No Debate, 104 Nonconformity, 57 North Korea/South Korea, 32 Notes from the Last Testament, 48 Nuclear War & Environmental Catastrophe, 112 Nuestros cuerpos, nuestras vidas, 115 Null, Gary, 122 O’Neal, Cynthia, 119 Obamanomics, 22 Oblomov, 70 Oh Really? Factor, The, 85 Ohio Angels, 51 Old Garden, The, 81 Olshansky, Barbara, 32, 106 Olson-Raymer, Gayle, 45 Once You Go Back, 53 One Foot off the Gutter, 65 One Hand Jerking, 10 Order Without Power, 109 Other Septembers, Many Americas, 76 • 127 I n d e x Others, The, 68 Our Media, Not Theirs, 86 Our Word is Our Weapon, 48 Overcoming Speechlessness, 33 Palast, Greg, 15, 24 Palm Latitudes, 58 Papi, Giacomo, 87 Parable of the Sower, 60 Paranoia & Heartbreak, 118 Parecomic, 16, 22, 24 Parenti, Michael, 119 Paris, Erna, 107 Patterson, Clayton, 43, 90 Pearson, Hugh, 5 Peck, Raoul, 90 Pellerin, Cheryl, 120 Phillips, Peter, 92-93, 118 Place to Live, A, 69 Placeres, Alfredo, 116 Plate, Peter, 64-65 Poems for the Nation, 82 Poems Seven, 82 Pogrund, Benjamin, 87 Police and Thieves, 65 Polk, Laray, 112 Political Odyssey, A, 105 Ponce de Leon, Juana, 48, 79 Popular Music from Vittula, 72 Port Tropique, 62 Possession, The, 78 Postpartium Effect, The, 121 Power Trip, 32 Profit Over People, 112 Project Censored Guide to Independent Media, 93 Project Censored Online, 93 Propaganda, Inc., 88 Public Power in the Age of Empire, 99 Racing While Black, 5 Rall, Ted, 11, 15-16, 24 Ralph Nader Reader, The, 114 Ratner, Michael, 32 Ray, Rex, 18, 36 Readings from Voices of a People’s History, 46 Real Common Sense, 9 Rebel Bookseller, 21 Reifer, Thomas Ehrlich, 97 Reinhart, Tanya, 96 Remembering Tomorrow, 40 Resistance, 43 Ridgeway, James, 107 Right and Wrong, 102 Rios Rivera, Esteban, 79 Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, 85 Rivera-Valdes, Sonia, 116 Robeson, Paul Jr., 6 Rodriguez, Luis J., 120 Rogue Economics, 26 Rooster Trapped in the Reptile Room, The, 62 Rosario Tijeras, 69 Rose, 37 Rosen, Charley, 12, 53-54 Roth, Andrew, 93 Roy, Arundhati, 99 Rubin, Laurie, 19, 91 Rumbo al sur, deseando al norte, 115 Sad Stories of the Death of Kings, 63 Sailor & Lula, 63 Santos, Rosario, 79 Scelsi, Raf, 103 Schecter, Danny, 87 Scheer, Christopher, 107 Scheer, Robert, 107 Scherma, Nahuel, 48 Schiller, Herbert L., 87 Scholder, Amy, 6 Schwartz, Lynne Sharon, 69, 72 Scorched Earth, 99 Scott, Ben, 86 Seaman, Barbara, 37 Seasonal Fires, 83 Secret Artist, The, 121 Sforza, Michelle, 22 Shah, Sonia, 29 Shame, 78 Shawn, Wallace, 54 Shay, Art, 16, 56 Shere Hite Reader, The, 39 Shiva, Vandana, 33 Short Course in Intellectual SelfDefense, A, 27, 109 Silbert, Layle, 54-55 Silencing Political Dissent, 104 Simon, Andrew, 5 Simon, Barney, 90 Simon, Dan, 56 Simple Passion, 78 Sinaloa Story, The, 63 Sinclair, Upton, 55 Sing a Battle Song, 40 Skinned, 83 Sleepaway School, 8 Slut!, 38 Snitch Factory, 65 Snow, Nancy, 88 So Vast the Prison, 74 Sok-yong, Hwang, 81 Solitude of Compassion, The, 70 Solnit, David, 97 Solotaroff, Ted, 55 Soon the Rest Will Fall, 65 Souvenirs of a Blown World, 42 Stefoff, Rebecca, 12, 19, 44 Stephanou, Irene, 90 Stolen Images, 90 Stories that Changed America, 86 Story of the Blue Planet, The, 18 Stringer, Lee, 8, 66 Sumner, Gregory D., 67 Sun Climbs Slow, The, 107 Surveillance Means Security!, 12, 17 128 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Sutton Impact, 16 Sutton, Ward, 16 Suu Kyi, Aung San, 99 Swanson, David, 108 Sweetest Thing, The, 37 Taibo, Paco Ignacio II, 50 Takaki, Ronald, 12, 19 Talbott, John R., 22 Talk Softly, 119 Talking to the Enemy, 72 Tanenbaum, Leora, 38 Targeted, 104 Tea of Ulaanbaatar, 53 Teaching for Change, 46 Teaching with Voices of a People’s History, 45 Terror Incorporated, 26 Terrorism, 94 Terrorism and the Economy, 26 Terrorism and War, 47 Things We Do to Make It Home, The, 52 Thompson, Carl, 16, 22, 24 To Be Healed by the Earth, 118 To the House of Collateral Damage, 83 Tomorrow, Tom, 93 Tongue’s Blood Does Not Run Dry, The, 74 Torturer in the Mirror, The, 97 Towers of Stone, 33 Trevor, 18 Trips, 120 Typecasting, 117 Umbrella of U.S. Power, The, 112 Undiscovered Chekhov, The, 68 Unfinished Revolution, The, 100 United States v. George Bush et al., 110 Unraveling of the Bush Presidency, The, 110 Unruly Women, 36 Unstuck in Time, 67 Up Against the Wall Motherf**ker, 42 Urban Injustice, 119 Vallvey, Angela, 73 Vassilikos, Vassilis, 73 Verhoeven, Paul, 103 Verses, 82, 91 Voice of Hope, The, 99 Voice Over, 68 Voices of a People’s History of the United States, 45 Voices of the Women’s Health Movement, 37 Vonnegut, Kurt, 8, 66-67 Vonnegut, Mark, 67, 121 wa Wamwere, Koigi, 6-7 Waiting for an Army to Die, 100 Walker, Alice, 33 Wallach, Lori, 22 Walrus and the Elephants: John Lennon’s Year of Revolution, The, 42, 91, 106 War of Words, 87 War on the Bill of Rights, 106 Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen, 105 Wassermann, Harvey, 108 Webb, Gary, 89 Westbrook, Peter, 7 What We Leave Behind, 31 When Harlem Nearly Killed King, 5 Wicked Messenger, 42, 91 Widows, 76 Wilcox, Fred A., 99-100 Wilkerson, Cathy, 43 Williamson, Michael, 10 Wilson, Sean Michael, 16, 22, 24 Winckler, Martin, 73 Wind from the East, The, 70 Woman’s Story, A, 78 Woods, Chavisa, 38 Worden, Minky, 33, 100 World in an Orange, The, 90 WTO, The, 22 Wyoming, 63 Year of the Zinc Penny, The, 52 You Back the Attack! We’ll Bomb Who We Want!, 17 Young People’s History of the United States, A, 20, 44 Yudl, 55 Zacarias, My Brother, 96 Zangana, Haifa, 96-97 Zapatista Encuentro, 50 Zapatistas, The, 50 Zarembka, Paul, 108 Zinn Education Project, 46 Zinn Reader, The, 47 Zinn, Howard, 44-47, 110 Žižek, Slavoj, 103 T r a d e S u b j e c t I n d e x • 1 2 9 Trade subject index Education Art Class, The, 27 Short Course in Intellectual SelfDefense, A, 27, 109 Chicago’s Nelson Algren, 16, 56 Graphic Canon, The, 14, 71 Surveillance Means Security!, 12, 17 You Back the Attack! We’ll Bomb Who We Want!, 17 Biography & Autobiography “A Singing in Every Moment and Inch of Me”, 90 “There Are Things I Want You to Know,” 69 Bakunin, 40 Between the Fences, 105 Bobby’s Book, 51, 117 Do You Dream in Color?, 19, 91 First Loves, 55 Flying Close to the Sun, 43 Girl Boy Girl, 36 Grand Central Winter, 8 I Refuse to Die, 6 Life of an Anarchist, 41 Memoirs of a Breton Peasant, 40 My Times, 86 Political Odyssey, A, 105 Remembering Tomorrow, 40 Sleepaway School, 8 Talk Softly, 119 Unstuck in Time, 67 Up Against the Wall Motherf**ker, 42 War of Words, 87 Business & Economics 10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF & World Bank, 21 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street, 22 Maonomics, 25 Mindful Economics, 21 Obamanomics, 22 Rebel Bookseller, 21 Rogue Economics, 26 Terror Incorporated, 26 Terrorism and the Economy, 26 WTO, The, 22 Current Events 10 Years That Shook the World, 25 Human Rights Watch World Report 2009, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2010, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2011, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2012, 101 Human Rights Watch World Report 2013, 101 Unfinished Revolution, The, 100 Fiction ‘68, 50 “I Remain in Darkness,” 77 “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!”, 113 Ages of Lulu, The, 70 Algerian White, 74 American Falls, 61 And We Sold the Rain, 79 Angels of Catastrophe, 64 Apocalypse Then, 51 Autodafe, 80 Barney Polan’s Game, 53 Blake’s Therapy, 75 Blood and Soap, 52 Bloodchild, 60 Borrowed Hearts, 51 Buzz Aldrin, What Happened to You in All the Confusion?, 70 Case of Doctor Sachs, The, 73 Cockroach Basketball League, 54 Devil’s Stocking, The, 56 Do the Blind Dream?, 61 Dream with No Name, 79 Drugs, 53 Elegy Written on a Crowded Street, 64 Entrapment and Other Writings, 56 Exteriors, 77 Fake House, 52 Fat Man from La Paz, The, 79 Few Things I Know About Glafkos Thrassakis, The, 73 Fledgling, 60 Fogtown, 64 Free Thinkers, The, 54 Frozen Woman, A, 77 God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian, 66 Graphic Canon, The, 14, 71 Greed, 71 Guest, The, 81 Happening, 77 Haymarket, 41 House of Moses All-Stars, The 54 Hunting the Last Wild Man, 73 Imagination of the Heart, 61 Incantation of Frida K., The, 58 Innocents, The, 68 Last Carousel, The, 57 Lithium for Medea, 58 Love Like Hate, 52 Mama’s Boy, 51 Man with the Golden Arm, The, 57 Man Without a Country, A, 66 Man’s Place, A, 78 Mascara, 76 Memories from a Sinking Ship, 62 Millennium, The, 55 130 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Nanny and the Iceberg, The, 76 Neon Wilderness, The, 57 Never Come Morning, 57 Night, Again, 79 No Blood, No Foul, 54 Oblomov, 70 Ohio Angels, 51 Old Garden, The, 81 Once You Go Back, 53 One Foot off the Gutter, 65 Others, The, 68 Palm Latitudes, 58 Parable of the Sower, 60 Place to Live, A, 69 Police and Thieves, 65 Popular Music from Vittula, 72 Port Tropique, 62 Possession, The, 78 Rooster Trapped in the Reptile Room, The, 62 Rosario Tijeras, 69 Sad Stories of the Death of Kings, 63 Sailor & Lula, 63 Shame, 78 Simple Passion, 78 Sinaloa Story, The, 63 Snitch Factory, 65 So Vast the Prison, 74 Solitude of Compassion, The, 70 Soon the Rest Will Fall, 65 Talking to the Enemy, 72 Tea of Ulaanbaatar, 53 Things We Do to Make It Home, The, 52 Tongue’s Blood Does Not Run Dry, The, 74 Undiscovered Chekhov, The, 68 Voice Over, 68 Widows, 76 Wind from the East, The, 70 Woman’s Story, A, 78 Wyoming, 63 Year of the Zinc Penny, The, 52 Yudl, 55 Health – Alternative Be a Healthy Woman!, 122 Food-Mood Connection, The, 122 Get Healthy Now, 122 Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out, 118 Postpartium Effect, The, 121 To Be Healed by the Earth, 118 History – American 9-11, 111 Against War with Iraq, 32 And Their Children After Them, 10 Artists in Times of War, 47 Dark Alliance, 89 Dreaming Up America, 9 Hidden History of 9-11, 108 Homeland, 11 Howard Zinn on History, 46 Howard Zinn on Race, 46 Howard Zinn on War, 47 Huey P. Newton Reader, The, 5 Last Energy War, The, 108 Readings from Voices of a People’s History, 46 Resistance, 43 Scorched Earth, 99 Sing a Battle Song, 40 Souvenirs of a Blown World, 42 Teaching with Voices of a People’s History, 45 Terrorism and War, 47 Voices of a People’s History of the United States, 45 Waiting for an Army to Die, 100 When Harlem Nearly Killed King, 5 Zinn Reader, The, 47 History – Latin American Battle of Venezuela, The, 48 Colombia and the United States, 49 Exorcising Terror, 75 Fidel, 48 Islands of Resistance, 49 Manifesto for Another World, 75 Masters of War, 49 Notes from the Last Testament, 48 Other Septembers, Many Americas, 76 Our Word is Our Weapon, 48 Zapatista Encuentro, 50 History – Middle East Battle for Saudi Arabia, The, 94 Bin Laden, Islam, and America’s New War on Terrorism, 94 Bleeding Afghanistan, 95 Camelia, 95 City of Widows, 96 Full Spectrum Dominance, 96 Hamas, 95 Insurgent Iraq, 25 Iraq, Inc., 95 Israel/Palestine, 96 Love and War in Afghanistan, 95 Terrorism, 94 Zacarias, My Brother, 96 History – World China’s Great Leap, 33 Crude, 29 Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don’t, 40 India Divided, 33 Night Wanderers, The, 32, 98 North Korea/South Korea, 32 Overcoming Speechlessness, 33 Towers of Stone, 33 Voice of Hope, The, 99 T r a d e S u b j e c t I n d e x • 1 3 1 Humor Performing Arts & Film Impolite Interviews, 10 Never Shake Hands with a War Criminal, 104 One Hand Jerking, 10 Captured, 90 Stolen Images, 90 World in an Orange, The, 90 Juvenile Fiction 10,000 Dresses, 18, 36 Story of the Blue Planet, The, 18 Trevor, 18 Juvenile Nonfiction Do You Dream in Color?, 19, 91 Different Mirror for Young People, A, 12, 19 Young People’s History of the United States, A, 20, 44 Literary Criticism Emergence of Memory, The, 72 Final Edition, 54 Like Shaking Hands with God, 8, 66 Nonconformity, 57 Media Studies 20 Years of Censored News, 93 All Things Censored, 97 Appeal to Reason, 85 Booked, 87 Censored 2009, 93 Censored 2010, 93 Censored 2011, 92 Censored 2012, 92 Censored 2013, 92 Future of Media, The, 86 Information War, 88 Interview, 85 Killing Game, The, 89 Living in the Number One Country, 87 Media Control, 112 More You Watch, The Less You Know, The, 87 Oh Really? Factor, The, 85 Our Media, Not Theirs, 86 Project Censored Guide to Independent Media, 93 Project Censored Online, 93 Propaganda, Inc., 88 Stories that Changed America, 86 Music Do You Dream in Color?, 19, 91 Verses, 82, 91 Walrus and the Elephants: John Lennon’s Year of Revolution, The, 42, 91, 106 Wicked Messenger, 42, 91 Poetry Asleep in the Garden, 84 Buddhist Third-Class Junkmail Oracle, The, 83 God Breaketh Not All Men’s Hearts Alike, 84 Hints & Allegations, 83 History of Color, A, 84 Imagining Paradise, 62, 82 immigrant suite, the, 9 New and Selected Poems 2006, 84 Poems for the Nation, 82 Poems Seven, 82 Seasonal Fires, 83 Skinned, 83 To the House of Collateral Damage, 83 Verses, 82, 91 Political Science Acts of Aggression, 111 America’s Disappeared, 106 Anti-American Manifesto, The, 11, 15 Army of None, 97 Daybreak, 108 Democracy Detained, 106 Dr. Rice in the House, 6 Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, 107 Five Unanswered Questions About 9/11, 107 Global Governance, 98 Government in the Future, 111 Impeach the President, 110 In Pursuit of Justice, 113 Next 25 Years, The, 105 No Debate, 104 Power Trip, 32 Profit Over People, 112 Public Power in the Age of Empire, 99 Ralph Nader Reader, The, 114 Real Common Sense, 9 Silencing Political Dissent, 104 Sun Climbs Slow, The, 107 Targeted, 104 Torturer in the Mirror, The, 97 Umbrella of U.S. Power, The, 112 United States v. George Bush et al., 110 Unraveling of the Bush Presidency, The, 110 War on the Bill of Rights, 106 Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen, 105 132 • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s Psychology Sports & Recreation Eden Express, The, 67, 121 Secret Artist, The, 121 Trips, 120 Harnessing Anger, 7 More Than A Game, 12 Racing While Black, 5 Sweetest Thing, The, 37 Religion Against Ratzinger, 102 Anti-Capitalism, 13, 24, 102 God in Pain, 103 Goodbye Mr. Socialism, 103 I Had to Say Something, 103 Jesus of Nazareth, 103 Life of Meaning, The, 102 Right and Wrong, 102 Order Without Power, 109 Science – Environmental Approaching Great Transformation, The, 24, 29 Arctic Voices, 28 As the World Burns, 14, 31 Autism Puzzle, The, 117 Columbus and Other Cannibals, 41 Dead Heat, 28 Deep Green Resistance, 30 Derrick Jensen Reader, 30 Dreams, 30 Endgame, Volume 1, 31 Endgame, Volume 2, 31 Fluoride Deception, The, 28 Gene Wars, 29 What We Leave Behind, 31 Social Sciences Abolition Democracy, 98 All You Can Eat, 9 Are Prisons Obsolete, 98 Black Body, The, 5 Black Way of Seeing, A, 6 Culture Struggle, The, 119 Hearts and Hands, 120 Negative Ethnicity, 7 Paranoia & Heartbreak, 118 Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, 85 Typecasting, 117 Urban Injustice, 119 Spanish Language Amores locos, 115 Clean, 116 Como conseguir los papeles, 116 Como manejar su propio dinero, 115 La muerte y la doncella, 115 La otra historia de los Estados Unidos, 116 Las historias prohibidas de Marta Veneranda, 116 Nuestros cuerpos, nuestras vidas, 115 Rumbo al sur, deseando al norte, 115 Travel Algren at Sea, 56 Women’s & Gender Studies Albino Album, The, 38 Bad Shoes and the Women Who Love Them, 38 Birth Matters, 118 Catfight, 38 Clitoral Truth, The, 34 Do You Dream in Color?, 19, 91 Fame Lunches, The, 37 Field Guide for Female Interrogators, A, 36 Generation Roe, 35 Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women, The, 38 Hello, Cruel World iPhone/iPad, 13, 34 Hello, Cruel World, 13, 34 History of Marriage, A, 34 Hite Report, The, 39 In Our Control, 35 Live Through This, 35 Mother Reader, 35 Rose, 37 Shere Hite Reader, The, 39 Slut!, 38 Unruly Women, 36 Voices of the Women’s Health Movement, 37 E b o o k i s b n I n d e x • 1 3 3 i n d e x o f e b o o k i sb n s ‘68 978-1-60980-066-6 “A Singing in Every Moment and Inch of Me” 978-1-60980-443-5 “I Remain in Darkness” 978-1-60980-238-7 “Only the Super Rich Can Save Us!” 978-1-60980-047-5 “There Are Things I Want You to Know” 978-1-60980-364-3 10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF & World Bank 978-1-60980-152-6 10 Years That Shook the World 978-1-60980-412-1 10,000 Dresses 978-1-58322-950-7 11 de Septiembre 978-1-60980-090-1 20 Years of Censored News 978-1-60980-153-3 86 Biggest Lies on Wall St. 978-1-60980-067-3 9-11 978-1-60980-154-0 9-11 Tenth Anniversary 978-1-60980-354-4 A la Caza del ultimo hombre salvajo 978-1-60980-183-0 Abolition Democracy 978-1-60980-103-8 Acts of Aggression 978-1-60980-014-7 Against Ratzinger 978-1-60980-003-1 Against War with Iraq 978-1-60980-155-7 Ages of Lulu, The 978-1-60980-112-0 AIDS in Nepal 978-1-60980-156-4 AIDS: A Second Opinion 978-1-60980-157-1 Albino Album, The 978-1-60980-477-0 Algerian White 978-1-60980-107-6 Algren at Sea 978-1-58322-937-8 All Things Censored 978-1-60980-158-8 All You Can Eat 978-1-58322-978-1 America’s Disappeared 978-1-60980-159-5 American Falls 978-1-60980-029-1 Amores locos y los peligros del contagio 978-1-60980-160-1 And Dreams Are Dreams 978-1-60980-161-8 And Their Children After Them 978-1-60980-162-5 And We Sold the Rain 978-1-60980-163-2 Angels of Catastrophe 978-1-60980-053-6 Ani DiFranco 978-1-60980-020-8 Anti-American Manifesto, The 978-1-60980-165-9 Anti-Capitalism 978-1-60980-087-1 Apocalypse Then 978-1-60980-165-6 Appeal to Reason 978-1-60980-166-3 Approaching Great Transformation, The 978-1-60980-481-7 Arctic Voices 978-1-60980-386-5 Are Prisons Obsolete? 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The inability of economists to incorporate externalities into their models and to account for phenomena like species extinction, resource depletion and climate change—plus tone of lectures, and come to associate your professors with the accolades on their walls, you may get the sense that economics is a science: A rigorous discipline with immutable laws, proven theories, and Nobel laureates. Far from it. You may be temporarily fooled by this façade, but just look beneath the surface to discover that economics is highly contested … a profession whose axioms and credibility are being questioned like never before. The neoclassical paradigm is crumbling and a new, more chaotic, more biologically and behaviorally based paradigm is struggling to emerge. But your economics department, like most around the world, is still in lockstep with the old guard. That’s because generations of tenured professors have marginalized dissenters and eliminated competition. It operates much like a police state … not a free marketplace of ideas where innovation is acknowledged and rewarded. But outside,, crossing your fingers and hoping who posting dissenting messages up on notice boards and openly challenges professors in class. You can bet your future on a paradigm shift. All of us here at Adbusters hope Meme Wars fires up your imagination and inspires you to take the riskier, more exciting path. —Kalle Lasn, Summer 2012 Published on Dec 12, 2012 Books for Academic Courses 2012-2013
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And so, consoling myself in this soup of political awfulness and despondency, I turn to the music I’ve been listening to. This is a selection from the albums I’ve bought. As always, I’ve also been getting a lot of pleasure from regularly tuning into Something More and feasting on all the loveliness and oddities Tim Shiel digs up. Let’s start with a British band, Arthur Beatrice, to remind us that good and beautiful things still happen in Britain. Their album Keeping the Peace came out at the end of May and I’ve been playing it a fair amount, and would have played it even more if I weren’t constantly assailed with other brilliant music I want to listen to. (And if I didn’t sometimes turn the music off and try to concentrate on something else, such as riding my bike without dying under the wheels of a bus.) In style they’re similar to London Grammar, but more dramatic and emotional. Listen to this single and get swept up by how the music takes off just after 2:00. Why We Run are a band from Sydney who’ve just released their debut album. A debut it may be, but it’s an incredibly mature and subtle record, full of the kind of songs that wriggle under your skin and stay there. In an age of deliberate recreations of 70s and 80s styles and self-conscious genre alignments, they don’t have obvious affiliations, just a lovely, integrated sound, writing that’s musically varied without hitting you on the head with it (they have songs in compound and triple time as well as the standard 4/4, and the song in the clip below goes into 7/8 near the end)* and, ahem, a really cute drummer. (I’m banking on Ken not reading this.) N.B. The cute drummer is Ed Prescott, who also makes music as Edward Deer. I think he must be a good deal older than he looks. He looks about 22, which to be honest is too young for me, but one shouldn’t be narrow. While we’re on things with ‘Run’ in the title, I’m also enjoying a new electronic album of that name by Olaf Stuut, whom I heard of because he remixed a track by Floex, who is another of my enthusiasms this year. I particularly like the title track with its interesting vocal effect (heavy autotune?) and the way it moves chords around over a constant bass note, and then changes the bass under otherwise constant chords – I enjoy the tension and suspensions that creates. On Thursday I’m going to The Button Factory with my friend Tara to see Ta-Ku and Wafia. I loved Wafia’s gorgeous EP of late last year and now she has collaborated with Ta-Ku on another EP that will be out in August (I know it says 24th June in the article I’ve linked to, but it’s August on my iTunes pre-order). In preparation I’ve been listening to Ta-Ku’s album from last year, Songs to Make Up To. The style is far more R & B than I’d normally go for and I’m enjoying an excursion beyond my core genres of rock, alt-pop and electronica. On this track I especially like the coda at 4:25 where vocal layerings give way to a delicate piano phrase over a deep, moody drum’n’bass line. *The 7/8 passage was the suggestion of a certain Wouter De Backer. He has fingers in a lot of pies (how unhygienic of him). If only he would finish another pie of his own…** **Especially as De Backer means The Baker – but then he hates to do anything half-baked. I’ll stop now, shall I.
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On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:26:24AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote: > > How do you imagine a technical implementation of a 'Enhances' field? Something > > like 'apt::install-enhances'? I do not *want* this personally - I just wanted to know if any tool makes use of this field in some way. > The Enhances field like the Suggests field is just about informing the > user of packages that are related and that he might want to look at. With the differenscet that you have the (really weakly documented #473089) option to actually use a tool on the Suggests field and nobody knows how to use Enhances, which means the feld seems to be a structured way to put some kind of text like "This package might be nice to have as an enhancement of package foo" into the long desription. > So > in user interfaces where you present suggested package of package A you > should also include packages which have Enhances: A. This was exactly my assumption: Have an equivalent to Suggets which is under control of the maintainer of package "B". > IIRC that's the only goal that we ever wanted to reach with that field. OK. > Auto-installing suggested packages is not really a good idea as you have > witnessed. Well, there *might* be users who might consider this as a feature (probably a subset of those users who use "-o 'Apt::Install-Suggests=1'" - is this the reason why it is so weakly documented to keep the set as small as possible?). > But I don't know of any tool that implements this (even if it doesn't look > like complicated). Well, the background of my question was that I actually am considering using it in the Blends framework because it comes really cheap when using UDD. I just wanted to make sure that I will not missuse a feature which I do not completely understand. Short background: We are listing in the tasks file for med-bio all packages which are relevant for biology and it turned out that there are some packages amongst them which are not really intended to be used on their own but just provide some extre functionality. The idea came up to specify this by: Recommends: <main_package> Enhanced-By: foo, bar I had the idea that this information would be redundant if foo and bar would have Enhances fields properly set in their control files. The real use I had in mind for this field was that on the Blends bugs pages also those packages should show up which are related to our workfield even if not explicitely listed in the tasks file. The goal of a Blends packaging team should be to care for all packages related to the use in a specific workfield. Once I started thinking about this idea it came to my mind that we consequently should also list those packages with "Depends / Recommends / Suggests" relations. But if all these would be included we would probably loose the focus on our main target of tasks specific packages. That's why I'm currently in favour to *only* regard those Enhances relation having the fact in mind that the "Enhances" field is more a contextual information in contrast to a technical information (to Depend from a certain library or something like this). The discussion here seems to prove this point that the "established" dependencies "Depends / Recommends / Suggests" are rather used in a technical context (and thus are featuring technical implementations) while the "Enhances" field is more in the context of a use case - which is exactly what we are targeting for in the Blends effort. Besides watching those Enhancing packages in our bugs view we might consider adding a specific lower priority status on the tasks pages but I have not yet made up my mind about this. Please correct me if my considerations are wrong or if my intention might overstress the intended use of this field. Kind regards Andreas. -- Klarmachen zum Ändern!
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Angelina Jolie has reportedly quit a major Hollywood movie so she doesn’t have to work with her ex Brad Pitt . The Hollywood couple, who have worked on two major films together including Mr & Mrs Smith as well as By The Sea, reportedly spent several years on trying to get Africa into production. With $110 million for the biopic, which is about archaeologist Dr. Richard Leakey, who championed the end of elephant poaching. Not a source close to one of the movie’s producers has said that Angelina doesn’t want to be a part of the project and has stepped down from directing duties. Facebook Comments ADVERT: How I Increased My small manhood Size & Stopped Premature Ejaculation That Scattered My Relationship for 2 years. Click HERE For Details. A Community For Couples Trying To Conceive - Click Here To Join I Love Hot Sexy Call me. +2348039392371 I Love Hot Sexy
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France vs. Uruguay: World Cup gets its first 0-0 tie as Uruguay imitates Italy(Read article summary) Uruguay’s ‘La Celeste’ frustrates France by stacking the defense and playing for a tie just the way Italy normally does. Francois Mori/AP (Read caption) France's Thierry Henry, second from right, speaks with Uruguay's Diego Forlan, left, and France's Franck Ribery, right, during the World Cup group A soccer match between Uruguay and France in Cape Town, South Africa, on Friday. South American minnows Uruguay did their best to irritate a mighty France team today by imitating the team that edged out France in the last World Cup championship match four years ago: Italy. A cautious “La Celeste” flooded the area in front of its goal with defenders, allowing France to control the ball and hoping its dynamic duo up front could capitalize on the counterattack. The problem? Uruguay doesn’t quite have the top-caliber attackers that Italy does, so it can’t count on scoring on the few chances it gets. IN PICTURES: Top Ten Players to Watch Another problem, it didn’t make for exciting soccer. This is the traditional criticism of Italy as well: They play for ties, not wins. “Uruguay would do cartwheels if they got a point out of this,” said ESPN announcer Ian Darke. “Goodness knows what they’d do if they got a win.” This brand of soccer is one reason open-minded Americans are consistently stymied when they try to get into the World Cup. Why would you want to watch 90 minutes of a game that one of the teams is not even trying to win? France did its best to change the course of events, putting in striker Thierry Henry and attacking midfielder Florent Malouda with about 20 minutes left in the match. But the effort to bring some spark to the French team could not produce a goal. They created more chances, but were unable to crack Uruguay’s stifling defense. “Uruguay may be negative, but defensively brilliant,” said Mr. Darke at the end of the game, his voice full of resignation. La Celeste wore him down. They wore us all down. World Cup 101: Why is the World Cup such a big deal?: - As World Cup 2010 kicks off, where South Africa stands 16 years after apartheid - World Cup news coverage - Readers weigh in: Why do you watch the World Cup? [Editor's note: In the original version, the caption of the photo had the wrong last name for Diego Forlan.]
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As expected, high-ranking Republican legislators are pushing a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage, which they and their conservative supporters have sought to pass for years. What wasn't expected is that state Rep. Marcus Brandon, a Guilford County Democrat who led a press conference at the Legislature Tuesday against the discriminatory proposal, would publicly discuss growing up gay and Christian. Most people don't know what it's like to be "that kid" in church when the pastor says gays are going to hell and the congregation responds "amen," said Brandon, a first-term lawmaker. Conservative legislators predict success this year for the Defense of Marriage Act. "It will get done this year," House Majority Leader Paul Stam, R-Wake, promised a crowd of more than 2,000 people on the Halifax Mall. If the bill passes, voters would be asked in November 2012 whether to amend the state constitution to say: "Marriage is the union of one man and one woman at one time. No other relationship shall be recognized as a valid marriage by the State." State law already bans same-sex marriages, but amendment proponents warn that North Carolina must "protect marriage" with a constitutional amendment, as other Southern states have done. To fail in that would unwind the fabric of society, supporters said Tuesday. State Rep. Mitch Gillespie, whose appropriations co-chairmanship makes him a key member of the House leadership, said he expects the Defense of Marriage Act will pass with 78 votes in the House. Gillespie, R-McDowell, predicted a similar margin in the Senate—enough to get over the three-fifths hump required for constitutional amendments. Gillespie also said the speaker's office has promised a floor vote on the amendment, which Democrats blocked for years despite Republican attempts to bring up the issue. State Sen. Andrew Brock, a co-sponsor of the Senate version of the bill, said he expects the Senate to take up the measure, too. However, the LGBT community and its allies see the amendment as codifying discrimination in the state's most important document. It would, among other restrictions, prevent loving partners unable to prove kinship from visiting each other in the hospital. And just as the rallying anti-gay contingent relied on religion to explain their positions Tuesday, the 20 or so ministers, legislators and activists who spoke against the amendment also quoted from scripture to support their stance. "Jesus was a compassionate person, and Jesus would not be having a rally outside right now," Brandon said. After the press conference, Brandon said most people who know him realize he's gay. His sexuality didn't come up during his campaign because it wasn't relevant, he said. Black ministers who joined Brandon Tuesday drew parallels between the proposed amendment and defunct laws that wouldn't allow slaves to marry or interracial couples to wed. Rev. Stephen Shoemaker, of Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, said gay love has the same "sacred dignity" as straight. "I stand as a biblical Christian," Shoemaker said. "Unwilling to hand the Bible over to those who use the Bible to condemn homosexuality. The Bible, Hebrew and Christian, does not condemn homosexuality, but rather sexual behaviors which are exploitative or demeaning." Pro-amendment ralliers disagreed. Ron Baity, the Winston-Salem pastor behind Return America, which organized Tuesday's rally, said gay people "don't want to face the truth of the scriptures." However, at the press conference, Amy Laura Hall, a Methodist elder and Duke University professor, called on those working for Defense of Marriage Act to "trust your own neighbor" and "risk real conversation" about sexuality. "Faith requires us to trust one another a bit more than we are generally inclined to do," Hall said. "Are we being distracted by fear? Are some forces in our state trying to divide us up? Are their messages working on your best, or your worst, spiritual impulses? Don't let those selling fear on the cheap buy your heart." Showing 1-12 of 12
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IX. ATTRACTION. THAT bodies move towards other bodies, to unite with them, is a fact shown continually by experience. But what is the principle of such movement? It certainly is often extrinsic; and when it is so, its motion is mechanical or forced. But often we find it to be intrinsic, and then the motion is physical or natural, i.e. by true attraction. Now what is this mysterious attraction? How does one body attract another from a distance? Where are the means of (so to speak) pulling it? Are these attracting forces invented for the purpose of hiding our own ignorance? For the sake of clearness, let us begin with a comparison, and suppose that a cow in a field is attracted by some better grass. The grass, by means of light that makes it visible and the exhalation that carries the scent, is made an object for the cow; and the cow, moved by its presence, goes to it. In this fact we have to distinguish firstly the principle of attraction, which is in the grass: secondly the means by which the attraction is communicated, i.e. light and air: thirdly the manner of attracting, which is by acting on the sensible appetite of the cow through the senses and the imagination: fourthly the principle of motion, by which the cow is moved and goes; which is the cow's nature determined actually to go, instead of being merely in potentia to do so. But we must remember, that inasmuch as the substantial form or anima of the cow is the principle of its every operation, the said nature is its principle of motion in virtue of the substantial form. We must remember also that, in order to be such, it must be endowed with some qualities. For the cow would not go after the grass without having first received an impression from it: nor would the impression suffice without the actual going; nor would the cow actually go, if she had not an antecedent disposition to choose the better grass. This much is clear in living and sensible creatures: but we may speak analagously of inanimate things also. "We find," says St. Thomas, "a certain operation that in one way is common to the animate and the inanimate things, but in another is proper to the animate, such as motion and generation. For spiritual things absolutely have such a nature that they can move but cannot be moved. Bodies indeed move; but, though one of them can move another none can move itself; for, as Aristotle proves in VIII. Phys., those things that move themselves have two parts, of which one is the mover and the other is the moved. But in things purely corporeal this cannot be; for their forms cannot be movers, though they can be a principle of motion by which a thing is moved (UT quo aliquid movetur), as, in the motion of the earth, gravity is the principle by which it is moved (quo movetur,), but is not the mover.{1} To understand this doctrine then we must remember that, if a substance is to move itself, it must have in it two different parts, one the mover and the other the moved. And this is evident, for in that which moves itself there must be the principle and the term of the motion; and if its parts were quite alike, there would be no sufficient reason why the one should be the mover instead of the moved. Hence living things only, as being composed of various parts differently inclined, can move themselves: and this motion within themselves is called an immanent action. It is not so with inanimate things. These, not having in their parts any diversity of organism, have no immanent action, but only the action that is called in Latin transient: and herein living bodies differ from those without life. Thus we see that, whenever an inanimate body goes to another, it cannot do so by moving itself as above mentioned, but only by transporting its whole self. The attraction then of inanimate things is in this way: First of all, the body attracted will be disposed for going to one body rather than to another. Secondly, the attracting body must act on the attracted through a medium, and, making itself, so to speak, present to it, become its object. Thirdly, the attracted body must receive an impression (in scholastic language passio) sent by virtue of the said medium. Fourthly, having received this, the attracted body must tend actually towards the attractor. And here a question may arise about the attracted body going whole and entire without one part moving the other. To make it clear, we had better begin with an example. The human soul, being the substantial form of man, does not by one act move the whole body, but, by informing one part, moves another; so that the soul, which informs the whole human body, being the form of a part, is the mover of the other parts. And thus it seems that the motive power originates from the brain and the heart; so that the soul, which informs both, gives by their means movement to the other moveable parts. We may consider the moving part then as a body that gives motion to the contiguous part by transporting its whole self, and thus pressing the part immediately moved by it; for, if we suppose that of the same part one side is the mover and the other the moved, we only remove the question a little, or admit an infinite process repugnant to reason. Here we have the example therefore of a body that in its motion transports its whole self by virtue of the soul, its true substantial form; and therefore it is easy to conceive how a body, even though inorganic, can in virtue of its own substantial form be transported from one place to another. The Angelic Doctor, speaking of the order and variety of the corporeal universe, finds therein, not a fortuitous collection of many substances, but true dispositions of each for tending mutually to the wondrous formation of the sensible universe. "All things," he says," seek a bonum, whether they have knowledge or have not. To make this clear, we must know that some, ancient philosophers supposed the effects of nature to arise from necessity of preceding causes, and not because the natural causes had a proper disposition for producing such effects. This the Philosopher condemns in the second book of Physics, where he shows that, if the relation and mutual utility of things were not in some way intended, they would happen by chance, and therefore would not happen in the greater part, but in the less, like all other things that proceed from chance. We must therefore say that all natural things are ordered and disposed for their proper effects. But a thing may be ordered and directed to another as an end in two ways, viz., either by itself, as when a man directs himself to the place whither he means to go, or by something else, as an arrow is directed to a given place by an archer. Now a thing cannot be directed to an end, unless the director knows the end. For that which directs must have knowledge of that to which it directs; but things that know not the end may be directed to a given end. And this happens in two ways. For sometimes that which is directed to an end is only impelled, without receiving from its director any form to adapt it for this or that direction or inclination and such inclination is forced, as an arrow aimed at a mark by an archer. But sometimes the directed or inclined thing has from its director or mover some form by which it is adapted for that inclination; and therefore such inclination will be natural, as from a natural principle. Thus He Who gave gravity to stones inclined them to fall naturally downward; and therefore it is said [VIII. Physics ] that the Maker of heavy and light things is also their Mover. In this way all natural things have an inclination to others that are adapted for them, having in themselves a certain principle of inclination, by reason of which their inclination is natural, so that these in a manner go of themselves, and are not merely led to their proper end (ita ut quodammodo ipsa vadant, et non solum ducantur in fines debitos.) But in forced movement things are only led or pushed, not cooperating themselves at all with the mover but in natural movement things go to their end, inasmuch as they cooperate with the incliner and director by a principle given to them."{2} In accordance with this doctrine Dante wrote What has been said shows clearly the meaning of the triple appetitus, so often spoken of by St. Thomas. For, setting aside the forced motion of things, and considering their natural motion only, we find in the first place that man petit aliquem terminum by freely moving himself, because there is in him -- that is, in his intellectual knowledge -- the known bonum that inclines him. Secondly, we find that a brute petit aliquem terminum, not freely, and learns by sensitive knowledge the bonum that inclines him. Thirdly, we find that an inanimate body, whatever it may be, petit aliquem terminum, not by moving itself -- because in it there is not a part that moves and a part that is moved -- but by an inner principle of motion transporting itself to the term. From this we infer that, as principles of motion, there is a rational appetite in man, a sensitive appetite in brutes, and a natural appetite in substances without life. "As the sensitive appetite," says St. Thomas, "is distinguished from the natural by its more perfect manner of seeking, so is the rational appetite distinguishable from the sensitive for the nearer a nature is to God, the more is the Divine dignity expressed in it." "Now it belongs to the Divine dignity that God should move, incline and direct all things, He being neither moved nor inclined nor directed by anyone. Hence the nearer a nature is to Him, the less is it by Him inclined, and the more is it adapted to incline itself. Insensible nature, therefore, being, by reason of its materiality, the furthest removed from God, is inclined indeed to some end, but has not in itself anything to incline itself. It has only the principle of inclination, as is evident from what has been said. Now, though a sensitive nature, as being nearer to God, has in itself something that inclines, viz., the appetibile apprehended, yet the inclination itself is not in the power of the animal inclined, but is determined from without, (i.e. by God). Animals, when they see a desirable thing, cannot help wishing for it, because they have no dominion over their own inclination. Wherefore they may be said to be drawn, rather than to draw themselves, as St. John Damascene says: which is because the sensible appetitive power has a corporeal organ, and therefore is near to the dispositions of matter and of things corporeal, so as to be moved rather than move. But the rational nature, which is the nearest to God, not only has inclination to something, as inanimate things have, nor does it only move this inclination by mere extrinsic determination, as sensitive natures do. Over and above that, it has the inclination itself in its own power, so that it does not necessarily incline towards the appetibile apprehended, but may either incline or not incline: so that its inclination is not determined for it by another, but by itself.{3} And this belongs to it not because it uses no corporeal organ, but because, withdrawing from the nature of a moveable thing, it approaches the nature of a mover and operator. Nothing can determine its own inclination to an end without knowing the end and the aptitude of the means to attain it (habitudinem finis in ea quae sunt ad finem); which reason alone can do. And therefore this appetite, being not determined necessarily by others, follows the apprehension of reason; wherefore the rational appetite, which is called the will, is different from the sensitive appetite."{4} From this evidence we gather the noblest conceptions about the wondrous unity of corporeal substances, which in their multiplex tendencies imitate variously the Divine perfections; but we must content ourselves now with noting some deductions that serve our present purpose. Since the order and beauty of the corporeal universe depends on the reciprocal operations of corporeal substances, and these cannot operate without approaching, therefore to all of them an inner inclination is given, called universal gravitation, by which they tend towards each other. As this inclination is solicited (through some medium) by the interchanging action of corporeal substances, so this solicitation receives the name of universal attraction. Thus these substances have a principle by which (quo) they attract, and a principle by which they go to the attracting body, and an inner disposition suited for that effect. But if there were no other than universal gravitation, those substances, though tending by mutual approach to form an aggregate in the universe, would be wanting in that distinction and order from which the beauty of each part results. Moreover the formation of new substances requires that substances should unite and be transformed into other substances of a determinate nature, and that these be disposed for mutual attraction, so as to operate specially on each other. Universal attraction and gravitation would not be sufficient in the universe. Particular attractions and particular gravitations are required, which, though reducible to the same genus, constitute different species. From this chemical affinities arise, and the inclining of certain substances to be united with other determinate substances. Such affinities and inclinations must also have a true cause in the inner disposition of substances, which are therefore said to have affinity to each other, like what we have seen in universal gravitation -- like, but not equal, because we cannot speak of species identically, as we speak of a genus. As these dispositions, by the bye, are qualities, no wonder if they diminish or fail without a change of the whole substance into another substance. Lastly, it follows, from what we have said, that universal attraction and gravitation being generic and therefore common to all corporeal substances as such, it will outlast their transformation. So that, as the weight of bodies results from gravitation, the weight of the elements will remain in the compound that results, and the weight of the compound will remain in the elements into which it is resolved. Here we must be understood to mean the absolute weight; for we should have to speak otherwise of the specific weight, which is also in proportion to the real volume. Hence, if the specific weight is greater or less in the compound than the absolute weight that was in the elements, greater or less will the absolute weight be; e converso. We have now to speak of physical laws, which may be considered as a corollary of the doctrines hitherto explained. {1} Quaest. Disp., De Veritate, Q. xxii. a. 3. {2} Quaest. Disp., De Veritate, Q. xxii. a. 1. {3} Hence whilst human will is evidently determined by God to the universal bonum, it is equally clear that the will freely determines itself to the particular objects in which the mind recognizes a participation of that universal bonum. And this reconciles the Divine impulse with human freedom as taught by St. Thomas. {4} Quaest. Disp., De Veritate, Q. xxii. a. 4. << ======= >>
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News Redundancies at Republic of Everyone November 1, 2012 11:51 by Robin Hicks 4 Sustainability specialist Republic of Everyone has made a number of redundancies. The do-good Sydney-based agency, which was launched in 2007 by ex-Belamyhayden MD Matt Perry and former Happy Soldiers creative Ben Peacock, told Mumbrella that the cuts were the first the agency has made in its five-year history. Republic of Everyone now has 18 staff. Among the agency’s recent hires was Dae Levine, the former acting CEO and communications chief of Greenpeace Australia Pacific, who was promoted to managing director in July. In response to questions from Mumbrella she issued a statement saying: Change is always hard but that fact is that Republic of Everyone is operating in a fast evolving and innovative market. Sustainability is a space that reinvents itself constantly. We need to keep reinventing our company to match. That’s what we’ve done, by taking the focus off some areas of our offering and moving it to others where we see the future laying. As market needs change, we need to be able to respond to those changes. Republic of Everyone is a strategically led creative communications company built to meet those needs. As a result we have reorganised the team to deliver on the opportunities ahead of us. We have had the chance to talk to those of our clients impacted by staff changes and they, along with we, are confident they will continue to get the best service from Republic of Everyone. In the almost five years that Republic of Everyone has been in operation, we have never had to make strategic decisions that have led to redundancies before. These were not easy decisions, but reflect the necessity of the changing conditions and the future market needs. The people whose roles have been made redundant are still a part of the Republic of Everyone family, and we will aim to look out for them in every way possible and hope to work with them in some capacity in the future. Republic of Everyone parted ways with aligned PR agency Killer Whale earlier this year, which closed following the exit of Robert Marson who moved to experiential marketing firm Liveworks. Among the agency’s more high profile campaigns was the Cate Blanchett-fronted Say Yes Australia campaign to back to carbon tax, an awareness campaign for Fairtrade, and a branded content project for charity Médecins Sans Frontières. The agency recently published a book on sustainability marketing called the Hero’s Handbook. Robin Hicks topics Ben Peacock, Dae Levine, Greenpeace, Matt Perry, Republic of Everyone Share Tweet Share Comments: 4 Add Comment Hmmmm! 1 Nov 12 What a shame…. all the best to everyone! Reply Fabfour 1 Nov 12 shame – they offer such great work. hope this doesn’t reflect the old challenge of making money out of NFP work! Reply j 2 Nov 12 I wish management people would stop mouthing these inane platitudes, trying to make good press out what is obviously a set back for all involved. Then, just to underline the cringe they feel compelled to add a dose of heart-felt sympathy and support to those axed. For goodness sake – try just try being open and honest with yourself and everyone else. Reply Ronnie 5 Nov 12 I’m with you J, for a company of supposed ‘ethics’, it is a weak company statement indeed. B’
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No Way as Way II is the obviously named second full-length album from Moderat, the German duo comprised of Sebastian Szary of Modeskeletor and Apparat, the pseudonym of Sascha Ring that close followers may recognize from his recent Krieg und Frieden theatrical score project. This musical brain-link, as is often the case, forms something that neither artist could have come up with on his own. Moderat’s first album was lauded for its blend of unique beauty and catchy song structures and the artists continue along these lines with II. The album opens on a rainy day interlude that leads straight into “Bad Kingdom,” a punchy IDM track that gives off an unusually sobering message: this is not what you wanted. Whether you wanted it or not, II offers up something interesting to listen to. Sound textures play a strong role in the music here, putting out a fuzzy analog sound loaded up with reverb that stays warm even while the songs and lyrics themselves are often cold at heart. One of the nice things about II is that it doesn’t get lost in those textures. It’s a work with a precisely considered, yet loosely held, structure. After a few tracks that hover around ambient pop and R&B tendencies, Moderat moves into “Milk” as the fifth track on the album. It’s been said that fifth tracks hold a special significance on good albums. They are often the defining tracks– the centerpieces. “Milk” is exactly that. At just under ten minutes with nary a sung or spoken word, “Milk” takes its time with a slow buildup of subtly glitchy disco rhythms that go from quiet to medium-loud, eventually getting drowned in layers of fuzzy melody. In nature, not everything has a climax. Rainstorms gain momentum and then fade away before anything really happens. There’s no instant gratification here, and maybe no gratification at all. It’s just a long moment that is very easy to enjoy. That naturalistic anti-structure is at the heart of II. Buildups don’t necessarily lead into climaxes. The energy of the music regularly dissipates as quickly or as slowly as it grows. A lack of structure is its structure. Moderat has made a solid album of artfully catchy IDM that goes its own way at its own pace.
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Ray Allen caught the ball, lined up a 3-pointer from the corner that could have tied the game … and watched the ball nick harmlessly off the side of the backboard. A little more than a minute later, Allen got a similar shot from just about the same spot and … splash. It’s been a weird sort of season that way for Allen. He’s had his clutch moments, as he did in that game Sunday against the Houston Rockets, when he scored 10 points in a 14-5 run in the Miami Heat’s 113-104 comeback win. Yet he’s also having his roughest season by many measures. With less than a month to go in his second season in Miami, Allen is shooting 37.9 percent from three, well below his career rate of 40.1 percent and his lowest accuracy beyond the arc in four years. His true shooting percentage of .597 is his lowest since his last year in Seattle, and his shooting percentage on corner threes, normally an automatic bucket, is its lowest since 2009-10. He could fail to average double-digit points per game for the first time in his career. For all of Allen’s struggles, LeBron James and the rest of the Heat blame themselves. “At the end of the day, it’s going to benefit us in the long run to have more balanced scoring,” James told the Miami Herald. “Obviously, I’ve been out of rhythm the last couple weeks, but other guys have stepped up, and I think that’s going to be great for our team.” This is why Allen chose to leave the Boston Celtics as a free agent, and it’s why, two years on, it looks like he unequivocally made the right call. The Celtics are mired in a frustrating rebuilding campaign while Allen, despite arguably the worst statistical season of his career, in chasing a third championship ring with the Heat, who visit the Celtics on Wednesday. Sentiments like those expressed by James — that every teammate pulls for each other, that one player’s struggles are a symptom of a weakness with the team as a whole — were once espoused by Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Doc Rivers in Boston. All of them are gone now, along with Allen, although he’s the only one still not universally adored by Celtics fans. If that contrast bothers Allen in his quiet moments, it hasn’t bothered his play lately. Since the All-Star break, Allen is shooting 46 percent from three with an offensive rating of 121 points per 100 possessions in Heat victories. In nine games in March, he’s hit exactly half his 3-point attempts. The two-year, $6.2 million contract he signed in 2012 expires at the end of the season, so this could be his swan song in Miami. If it is, he is providing every penny’s worth at the moment, giving the slumping Heat hope they will be able to turn it on when it counts, just as Allen has in the last month. And whatever sting he feels from losing a few fans in Boston would be mitigated by the joy of adding another piece of jewelry to his collection. Have a question for Ben Watanabe? Send it to him via Twitter at @BenjeeBallgame or send it here.
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In Slaughter Natives – Cannula Coma Legio CD Cyclic Law 2014 Clearly not being a project to rush their releases, the long-standing and cult revered In Slaughter Natives has resurfaced after a 10 year break from the last formal album ‘Resurrection’, which in turn was preceded by an 8 year gap between it and 1996’s ‘Purgate My Stain’. Despite these long passages of silence it is great to see that In Slaughter Natives is still active after all these years, considering that the debut release was issued way back in 1989. Regardless of the slow pace of releases unquestionably In Slaughter Natives were hugely influential in establishing the ‘Cold Meat Industry’ sound and more broadly the northern European industrial underground. Likewise in hindsight it can be acknowledged that In Slaughter Natives were a precursor the ‘martial industrial’ genre, although their trademark orchestral industrial doom has stood out from and has not been replicated by the majority of projects of a ‘martial industrial’ style (which are predominantly influenced by early to mid-20th century history and era). Thus In Slaughter Natives stand apart with their distinctive and recognisable neo-classical compositions, which articulate a hellish atmosphere of religious laments and amounts to a sonic representation of purgatorial damnation. With this necessary background out-of-the-way, evidently ‘Cannula Coma Legio’ is technically not the new album from the group, rather is billed a stop-gap release prior to the release of the actual new album in 2015. So for this release it contains 3 new tracks which are set alongside a series of reworked and upgraded versions of earlier material. Yet interestingly all of the material which has been brought together for this release works perfectly as a coherent whole. This has been achieved by the fact that new versions substantially differ from the originals versions to the point of being almost unrecognisable, and in a number of instances the original melodies and structural elements of known compositions only reveal themselves after multiple detailed listens. This is most evident for the updated versions of the earliest reworked material, where in some instances the programmed sound of the original versions have not held up fully with the passage of time. Yet the reason why the new versions work so well here, is that they have ben elevated to full bombastic orchestral intensity. With ‘Cannula Coma Legio’ seamlessly merging brooding and understated neo-classical passages with sections of booming orchestral bombast, the greatest reference point is with respect of ‘Purgate My Stain’ (THE classic in In Slaughter Natives discography), an album with a slow building intensity which explodes into passages of orchestral doom at appropriate moments. Given this new album manages a similar sound and approach to ‘Purgate My Stain’, is clearly an indication of how ‘Cannula Coma Legio’ is appreciated around these parts. Do not let the fact that this album is promoted as a teaser for the new album give any sort of impression that this material is second-rate. ‘Cannula Coma Legio’ is as strong as ‘Purgate Mt Stain’ thus demonstrating In Slaughter Natives are still an underground heavyweight. It is also fantastic to see the project releasing some of their strongest material some 25 years since the debut. Bring on the next release!
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This is the time of the year when people ask me to recommend good gift books for the genealogists in their families or on their gift list. What a difficult question! Everyone’s family is different, and so everyone’s book requirements are different. But if you have New England colonial ancestry, these are some of my favorite books. They just might become favorite books for the genealogist on your gift list. Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 2nd edition, 2009 Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research, by Michael Leclerc, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 5th Edition, 2012 A Guide to Massachusetts Cemeteries, by David Lambert, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2nd edition, 2009. New Englanders in the 1600s: A Guide to Genealogical Research Published Between 1980 and 2010 (Expanded Edition), by Martin Hollick, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012 Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, by Noyes, Libby and Davis, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011. The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620 – 1633 (three volumes), and, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634 -1635 (seven volumes), by Anderson, New England Historic Genealogical Society. Nutfield, New Hampshire Favorites:. Index to Genealogies in New Hampshire Town Histories, by William Copely, New Hampshire Historical Society, 2000. This is my favorite place to look up surnames from New Hampshire. Nutfield Rambles, by Richard Holmes, Peter Randall Publisher, 2007 The Road to Derry: A Brief History, by Richard Holmes, History Press, 2009. Mayflower Favorites: Here I Shall Die Ashore: Stephen Hopkins: Bermuda Castaway, Jamestown Survivor and Mayflower Pilgrim, by Caleb Johnson, Xlibris Publishing, 2007. This is the story of my favorite Pilgrim, Stephen Hopkins, who led an adventurous life worthy of a Hollywood action movie. Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War, by Nathaniel Philbrick, Penguin Books, 2007. The history of the Pilgrims and the first fifty five years of the Plymouth Colony. This book the relationship between the Wampanoags and the English settlers, right up to King Phillip’s War. Mayflower Bastard: A Stranger Among the Pilgrims, by David Lindsay, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2004. The story of five year old Richard More, illegitimate son of a father who put his four children (all under age seven) on board the Mayflower as indentured servants. Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford, edited by Caleb Johnson, Xlibris Publishing, 2006. William Bradford’s first hand history of the Plymouth Colony, newly revised and edited by Caleb Johnson with footnotes, photos and illustrations. Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620 - 1633, by Robert Charles Anderson, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007. More than 200 sketches of families or individuals who resided in the Plymouth Colony before 1633. Strangers and Pilgrims, Travellers and Sojourners, by Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, The General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2009. This is the comprehensive history by Dr. Bangs, who has lived in Leiden, Netherlands for 30 years researching the Pilgrims. The Times of Their Lives: Life, Love and Death in Plymouth Colony, by James Deetz & Patricia Scott Deetz, anchor Publishing, 2001. James Deetz is an anthropologist specializing in colonial history, and his wife is a historian. In this book they describe the Pilgrims as they really were- humans who were hard drinking, adulterous, and committed petty and serious crimes. This is not the history you heard in grade school! Just for Fun: Ancestors of American Presidents, by Gary Boyd Roberts, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009- 2nd edition was updated to include Barack Obama and new information about previous presidents. Includes 160 charts and a comprehensive index. Becky, Grandmother of New Hampshire: An Historical Novel, by Alice Clark Haubrich, 1966. Out of print but easily found in used bookstores and antique shops around New England and online at places like Abebooks.com and in libraries. Contains twelve pages of genealogy and charts from some of New Hampshire’s earliest colonial families. Roots: The Saga of an American Family, by Alex Haley, 1976, still printed and available everywhere. This is the classic novel that got me started in genealogy, and is being rediscovered by new genealogists. The story has been disproved, but it is still a fantastic read. Slaves in the Family, by Edward Ball, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014. This book is being reprinted again as a reissue with a new preface by the author. It is the story of Ball’s efforts to track down and meet the descendants of his family’s slaves in South Carolina. The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry, by Bryan Sykes, W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. The story of Dr. Sykes's early studies of European DNA which found that 90 percent of Europeans descend from seven women who lived 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. The Wordy Shipmates, by Sarah Vowell, Riverhead Publishing, 2008 – This book was on the New York Times Bestseller list, it is a humorous, irreverent look at the Puritans, especially John Winthrop. ------------------------------------- The URL for this post is
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Andrew Mackinlay (Thurrock): What is the expected time of arrival of the British Overseas Territories Bill from the House of Lords? It is a welcome measure, but it is drawn very narrowly in relation to the important issue of citizenship. I am somewhat disappointed that it does not also embrace the question of representation, a concept that was canvassed by Baroness Symons before the Foreign Affairs Committee. For example, it was mooted that overseas territories might have access to the House and be able to petition it at the Bar. Should not the Government reflect, before they are arraigned before a court, on the fact that the existing representation for the citizens of our overseas territories is deficient in relation to the European convention on human rights? This is ultimately their Parliament, and we will not have full adult franchise until the British subjects peppered around the globe have representation here. Mr. Cook: I stress to my hon. Friend that the British Overseas Territories Bill fulfils an undertaking that we gave in the last Parliament to extend British citizenship to On the wider question, we should reflect carefully before taking the steps that my hon. Friend suggests. It is an important principleand important politicallyfor the residents of the overseas territories that they are self-governing and only involved with the UK to the extent that we handle their external affairs, defence and international obligations. We must be careful not to take any steps to erode their rights of self-government, which might turn out to be unpopular in the overseas territories. Mr. Graham Brady (Altrincham and Sale, West): The Leader of the House will know that the Government have confirmed that they intend to close two transplant units in April 2002. The hospitals at Wythenshawe in Birmingham and in Sheffield have been left with an uncertain future for a year. It is a source of great disappointment to those hospitals and the many thousands of transplant patients who depend on them that we still have not had a clear statement from the Government on what their recommended decision will be. Can we have an urgent statement and, for the sake of those hospitals and the people they serve, learn the Government's intentions, so that proper preparations can be made in time before April next year? Mr. Cook: The hon. Gentleman is right that the concentration of transplant facilities has been under review for some time, and I stress that it is in line with sound medical advice and practice to ensure that adequate specialisation is focused on one site and is not dissipated too widely. I am not aware of the Department of Health having reached a decision on the local consultations or whether it has received a view from the local health authorities, but I shall ensure that if any announcement is made during the recess the hon. Gentleman is informed, preferably in advance. Mr. Gordon Prentice (Pendle): Given the huge scale of the Government's achievements, can my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House explain why the Government have discontinued their annual report? Is there not a case for having a debate, perhaps when we return from the recess, about a possible role for the Office for National Statistics, which could publish a report independently of the Government that would look back to the manifesto commitments that were made? Mr. Cook: I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his remarkably loyal opening line. I have given several assurances that I shall write to fellow Ministers and I shall certainly write to the Whips to draw attention to my hon. Friend's opening sentence. Whatever we politicians might imagine, the outside world would regard it as strange if having had a general election only a few weeks ago we were suddenly to produce an annual report going back Sir Robert Smith (West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine): As the Leader of the House will know, my constituents will be concerned about the east coast main line, which does not, as is often thought, end at Edinburgh but carries on to Aberdeen. In his answer to the right hon. and learned Member for Sleaford and North Hykeham (Mr. Hogg), the right hon. Gentleman gave an assurance that the franchisee, GNER, would be able to purchase rolling stock despite the uncertainty. Does he recognise, however, that the type of rolling stock required may depend on the type of track improvements that are decided on? Given that uncertainty, will he ask the Secretary of State to see whether he has any powers under section 56 of the Railways Act 1993 to underwrite the purchase of that rolling stock, so as to remove the uncertainty and ensure that at least some of the improvements come to the line as soon as possible to benefit our constituents? Mr. Cook: I am not sure that I would encourage the hon. Gentleman to hope for an underwriting of costs by the operating company, but he has highlighted a problem associated with giving a 20-year franchise at the present time. The actions of any operator, including GNER, depend on the state of the track, which is why a two-year extension has been granted. I am well aware of the line to which the hon. Gentleman refers. It is one of the most attractive lines in the United Kingdom, and I hope that it will soon be among the best. Paul Flynn (Newport, West): As a reforming and modernising Leader of the House, does not my right hon. Friend think that the debate on drugs to be held in October would be far more valuable if a motion were tabled on which the House could vote? The "World at One" radio programme has announced the result of its survey of opinion among hon. Members. It found that, of the hon. Members surveyed, four out of five want there to be a royal commission on drug use, because they think that the present drug laws perversely increase drug harm and are unenforceable. Mr. Cook: I note what my hon. Friend says, although I would not wish to adopt the innovation of "World at One" surveys becoming the basis on which the House reaches a decision. At the present stage of the debate for which my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has called, it is right that the House should have an open-ended debate in which hon. Members can express their opinions freely, without being polarised by a substantive motion and an amendment. That is appropriate for this stage of the debate, and I am sure that my hon. Friend will take part in the debate in October. Dr. Julian Lewis (New Forest, East): May we have a statement from the Foreign Secretary on the Government's attitude to the atrocious behaviour of the Russian army in Chechnya? That army is not merely in combat with guerrillas, but is perpetrating gross human rights abuses against the civilian population. If we cannot have a statement, may we at least have an indication of Mr. Cook: There have been exchanges in the House on this matter on many occasions in the two years since the invasion of Chechnya. There have also been many exchanges on the matter between my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and Foreign Office representatives and their opposite numbers in the Russian Government. I fully share the hon. Gentleman's concern about human rights abuses in Chechnya, and I have often impressed on the Russian Foreign Minister the importance of winning the hearts and minds of the public in the effort to isolate people from the guerrillas. We shall continue to urge that view on the Russian Government. Mr. Bob Blizzard (Waveney): My right hon. Friend may remember that, in April, the then Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions announced that £5.5 million in assistance would be given to fishing communities, to be delivered through the regional development agencies. Will he confirm that the Department of Trade and Industry is now responsible for that initiative? Will he ask my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to make a statement on the methodology used to divide that sum between the regions containing fishing communities? Does my right hon. Friend agree that the apportionment should reflect the size of the fishing communities in each region? The bigger the fishing industry in an area, the more local economies have been dented, and the more assistance is needed. I have found no evidence of that thinking in the figures that I have seen regarding the apportionment of the money, so I should be grateful for any help that my right hon. Friend can give me.
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Mr. Challen: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what steps his Department is taking to encourage staff to work from home; and how many staff do so on a regular basis. [21831] Mr. Paul Murphy: My Department is staffed entirely by secondees, predominantly from the National Assembly for Wales. We adopt the same approach to home working as does the Assembly; currently one member works regularly from home. Mr. Prisk: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales on how many regulations his Department has been consulted by other Government Departments since June; what regulatory impact assessments have been made by his Department of the cost of UK Government regulations to business in Wales over the last 12 months; and what representations his Department has made to other Government Departments seeking to reduce the burden of regulations on small businesses in Wales. [21968] Mr. Paul Murphy: I have regular discussions with Cabinet colleagues, and my Department is routinely consulted, about the impact of Government policies on business in Wales. The Wales Office has itself undertaken no regulatory impact assessments during the past 12 months. 17 Dec 2001 : Column: 95W Mr. Alan Reid: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which businesses were consulted by Steer Davies Gleave while they were compiling, on her behalf, the feasibility study for a ferry service between Campbeltown and Ballycastle; what questions were asked of the businesses; by what means Steer Davies Gleave advertised to businesses the fact that they were compiling the study; what fee was charged by Steer Davies Gleave; and when and where she will make the report available to the public. [17299] Mr. Foulkes [holding answer 22 November 2001]: The Scotland Office appointed Steer Davies Gleave to undertake a transport and economic appraisal of the Campbeltown-Ballycastle ferry in consultation with the Scottish and Northern Irish Executives and after a competitive tendering process. The fee paid to the consultants was £18,600. In the course of their work on this study, I understand that the consultants questioned a number of companies within the local areas of Kintyre and Moyle and beyond to assist them in evaluating the likely usage and benefits from a new ferry service. A copy of the final report will be placed in the Library of the House. Mr. Peter Duncan: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what weight will be given to public opinion in Scotland in completing her consultation on MSP numbers; [23390] Mrs. Lait: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when she plans to publish her consultation document of the number of Members of the Scottish Parliament. [23808] Mrs. Liddell: I expect to make an announcement shortly about the consultation on the size of the Scottish Parliament. Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if the Government give direct financial support to fund Scottish Executive officers working internationally under arrangements made with the Scotland Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office. [23606] Mrs. Liddell: Scottish Executive officers working overseas are funded by the Scottish Executive. However, the full resources of the British embassies overseas are available to assist the executive as well as the other devolved Administrations. Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many people outside the United Kingdom have signed up to the Friends of Scotland initiative since it was launched. [23605] 17 Dec 2001 : Column: 96W Mrs. Liddell: There is no requirement for people abroad to "sign up" to the Friends of Scotland initiative. I have contacted diplomatic missions to inform them of the initiative and to seek their assistance in taking it forward. Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many Scotland Office staff members are working full-time in the Friends of Scotland unit. [23602] Mrs. Liddell: Currently there are two full-time officials working on the Friends of Scotland initiative. Recruitment of further staff is under way and secondments from the private sector are being explored. Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many target overseas participants the Scotland Office has for the Friends of Scotland initiative in the first (a) six months and (b) 12 months of operation. [23601] Mrs. Liddell: The first meeting of the advisory committee will take place on Tuesday 18 December, at which the issues and targets will be discussed. Vera Baird: To ask the Prime Minister what representations he has made to the state of Georgia, USA, regarding the proposed execution of British national Tracey Housel; and if he will make a statement. [23392] The Prime Minister: The Government are taking what steps we properly can. The Consul General in Atlanta has recently written to the Governor of Georgia underlining the Government's opposition to the death penalty and asking the Georgia authorities to commute Mr. Housel's sentence to a term of imprisonment. Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister if he will make a statement on contacts since 1 May 1997 between Ministers and the British/American project for the successor generations. [23184] The Prime Minister: The British/American project aims to strengthen the vital and longstanding relationship between the US and UK. As part of that process, it arranges meetings, including with Ministers, for young leaders from the business, economic, professional, cultural, artistic, governmental, academic, scientific, medical, military and social life of the two countries. Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister if his undertaking that announcements of Government policy should be made in the first instance in Parliament prevents (a) special advisers and (b) civil servants briefing the media before such an announcement. [23181] The Prime Minister: In their response to the report from the Public Administration Select Committee on the Ministerial Code, the Government made clear that when the House is sitting announcements of Government policy should be made, in the first instance, to Parliament. Contacts between civil servants, including special 17 Dec 2001 : Column: 97W advisers, and the media are conducted in accordance with the Guidance for the Government Information Service and the GICS Handbook. Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister whether the published review of waste policy being undertaken by the performance and innovation unit will constitute formal planning guidance to waste disposal authorities. [23186] The Prime Minister: No. The performance and innovation unit will look at the whole range of issues around delivery of the waste strategy, which will include planning issues. Any recommendations or conclusions which the PIU may draw will not constitute formal planning guidance but will inform future policy. Barbara Follett: To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to create a Minister for retail. [23319] The Prime Minister: None. My hon. Friend the Minister for E-Commerce and Competitiveness is responsible for the retail sector. Additionally, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Small Business champions the interests of small retailers and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Lord Whitty) is responsible for issues specific to food and drink retailing. Miss Widdecombe: To ask the Prime Minister how many times he has met Mr. Simon Best, deputy chairman of the BioIndustry Association; and what the purpose of each meeting was. [23243] The Prime Minister: I have meetings with a wide range of organisations and individuals. As with previous Administrations, it is not my practice to provide details of such meetings. Norman Baker: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what guidance is provided to Government bodies in respect of the expenditure on funds on lobbying activities; and if he will make a statement. [23189] Mr. Leslie: All contacts with lobbyists are conducted in accordance with the guidance on contacts with lobbyists which is set out in the Directory of Civil Service Guidance, Volume 2. Copies of the Directory are in the Library of the House and on the Cabinet Office website. Any departmental expenditure will be conducted in accordance with the guidance on Government Accounting.
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It’s a hot steamy day in the Blue Ridge, so hot and steamy there’s a milky haze hanging low over the mountains. The air is thick when you breathe in and out. It feels like Texas. Boomer our Texan cat thinks it IS Texas and lays splayed out on the patio, happy to be in the heat. I’m not that much of a fan of summer heat. My outdoor work in our new garden is done early or late in the day. It’s so warm our menu has lightened and we look for easy and quick recipes and ways to avoid heating up the kitchen. My mouth waters for some old favorites. Summer recipes are brighter, zippier don’t you think? Pea Salad from Windcrest United Methodist Church - 1 can LeSeur Peas - 1 can French Green Beans - 1 can Shoepeg corn - 1 jar chopped pimentos - 3/4 cup chopped celery - 3/4 cup red or white onion - 1-2 cloves of garlic Mix together and bring to a boil: - 1/2 cup sugar - 1/2 cup red wine vinegar or cider vinegar - 1/2 cup salad oil - 1 tsp. ground pepper - 1 tsp. salt Pour dressing over drained vegetables, mix, chill, serve. This recipe doubles okay. Don’t skip boiling the dressing. It stores well and can be made in advance. I use the larger jar of chopped pimento, not the tiniest one. This is a great “dish to pass” recipe and stays safe at warmer picnic table temps because of the vinegar. I was blessed to get this recipe from a church member who often brought it for potlucks. We considered ourselves lucky if any was leftover for staff lunches! Refrigerator Pickles - 6 cucumbers sliced very thin - 1/2 to 1 sweet red pepper sliced thin - 1/2 to 1 green pepper sliced thin - 1 onion sliced thin - 6-8 cloves of garlic, peeled, left whole - 6-12 peppercorns - 2 cloves of garlic Layer vegetables in a large jar. I use a large clamp lid jar or a recycled XL pickle jar. Also note: Use pickling cucumbers or any unwaxed cucumber such as the Armenian burpless cucumbers. Mix together: - 1 1/2 cups of sugar - 1/8 cup of salt (that’s 2 Tablespoons) - 1 cup white vinegar I use a smaller jar and shake this mixture really well, then pour over the vegetables. Cover and shake well. Refrigerate, then shake the jar several times per day to mix. Don’t worry about sugar/salt that falls to the bottom. It will dissolve. Pickles are ready in about 3 days and store up to three months. Serve on sandwiches or alone. They are very colorful and addicting. When asked to bring a dish to pass I have always brought jars of pickles and olives. My sister often made fun of me but honestly, who doesn’t enjoy pickles and olives? Better still I never worried about getting back my dish to bring back home. I just left them. Usually it’s just a matter of the host recycling the jars. I got the base recipe from my upstairs neighbor back when we lived in a duplex in Milwaukee. I’ve tweaked it and added the garlic and peppers and the peppercorns and have experimented with using it with other vegetables like zuchinni and carrots and green beans. All work. Recently we attended our 40th High School Reunion. Held in one of our classmates business locations, a beautiful place called Arbor Vista Nursery and surrounded by beautiful trees and plants, we were asked to bring our signature dish. It didn’t take much to decide to bring a jar of these pickles which I threw together the week before in my mother’s kitchen. They’ve gone over great in Texas and with family, but the real test was back in our homeland of Wisconsin, where pickles are a specialty. They seemed to be a big hit and I was asked for the recipe which is posted over on All Things too. We had the opportunity to walk through our old high school and got a look at the updates and additions to the school. Some things were exactly the same. We walked the halls holding hands and memories of our first summer drifted in and out of my head. I found myself praying for the kids that walk the halls now and for the opportunities that await them. I gave thanks for my sweet husband and our life together which began right there. Chilled, sweet and salty pickles with just a kick of garlic are the perfect signature to leave on a gathering of old friends remembering all those years ago. It was a lovely time and we were glad we went. Do you have a summer meal favorite? Please share!
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The Apostle The Apostle, an enthralling do-it-yourself labor of love by Robert Duvall (he wrote, executive-produced, and directed it, and paid for it out of his own pocket), makes most “independent” movies look like the pretenders they are. At a time when every hipster with a viewfinder is doing rip-offs of Reservoir Dogs or Clerks or Friends (or an unholy combo of the three), Duvall dares to build an entire film around the subject of religious passion and redemption — a subject that invites disdain or indifference, because so few movies actually get it right. The Apostle nails it. Duvall is also courageous enough to play the protagonist, Pentecostal preacher Sonny Dewey, as a study in extremes and contradictions. Sonny spreads — no, make that shouts — the word of God, but he’s also a sinner, a smoothie who cheats on his wife (Farrah Fawcett) and also beats her; when he finds out she’s been having her own affair, the way she recoils and says “Keep your hands over there” speaks volumes without our having to see the abuse. Sonny is also about to be ousted from his own church; enraged, he does some damage to the church’s upstart minister (who’s been sleeping with Fawcett) and promptly gets out of town. At the start, Sonny seems like a madman — a violently confused man hitching his passions to God’s wagon, justifying his sins because he’s been “saved.” But Sonny isn’t the kind of Bible-thumping hypocrite we usually meet in movies. He’s serious, and Duvall plays Sonny as a flawed saint in the throes of religious mania. Sonny has a powerful effect on churchgoers, who believe that God is working through him — and if they believe it, then his impact on them is the same as if he really were God’s instrument. The movie is about finding faith in the unlikeliest places and having faith in the unlikeliest people. After the incident with the minister, Sonny leaves his former life and settles into a Louisiana bayou town, where he adopts the name “E.F., the Apostle” and starts gathering a new flock. With the help of a motley crew of believers — a retired minister (John Beasley), a young mechanic (Walton Goggins), a radio DJ (Rick Dial) — Sonny sets up a modest church immodestly named One Way Road to Heaven. He also pursues a secretary at the radio station (Miranda Richardson) — a rather aimless plot thread that could have been pulled out without unraveling the movie. The Apostle builds up steam as the church gains more converts (watching a community built from the ground up is one of the basic, satisfying pleasures in rural movies). It leads to a great scene with Billy Bob Thornton as a racist lout who threatens to demolish the church. We know that Sonny’s fearless stance against the racist isn’t just noble: He isn’t about to be chased out of another church. Sonny goes to work on the lout, trying to convert him, and I felt a stab of worry; scenes like this never work. But this one does. Duvall and Thornton play it with the conviction of men who understand the pain of salvation — the overwhelming mix of relief and vulnerability that born-agains are said to feel when they “give it over to Jesus.” This is also one of the few showboat writer-director-star films that don’t feel like a vanity project. Duvall’s integrity and intelligence shine through his movie and his performance. Funny, tender, menacing, exuberant, sometimes all at once, Duvall makes Sonny a man possessed by divine love, earthly passions, and all the angels and devils in between. We never really know Sonny (Duvall keeps him a mystery to us), but we understand him perfectly. The Apostle digs into the souls of the intensely devoted ex-sinners you sometimes meet, the former addicts whose current drug of choice is God. By painting Sonny in complex, conflicting colors, Duvall respects his humanity, and so do we.
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Ingredients: - 1 slice hearty rustic bread (I used a multi-grain) - A wee bit of nonstick spray - 1 egg - 1 clove garlic, raw - 1/2 tsp olive oil - 1/4 cup (2 oz) tomato sauce, warm (I used the sauce recipe from last week) - Optional: salt & pepper Instructions: - Toast the bread until it is medium-dark and very crisp. - While the bread is toasting, cook the egg sunny-side up. (I.e.: Spray a skillet with the nonstick spray. Heat the skillet on a medium-low heat for 1-2 minutes. Gently crack the egg, and place it lovingly in the skillet, doing your best to keep the yolk in tact. Let the egg sit in the pan, untouched, until the whites are cooked through and the yolk membrane is slightly solid. [You know the egg is done when all parts of the whites transition from the glossy/clearish color they started out as to an opaque, white color. All of the egg whites will be firm; the yolk will be thicker than it was when it started {but it will not be super-firm}.]) - Once the bread is finished toasting, rub it with the garlic clove. (Go very easy on this step – a little raw garlic goes a LONG way. I advise a mere 3-4 swipes with the clove; 5-6 if you LOVE garlic.) - Drizzle the olive oil over the toasted garlic bread slice. - Spoon the tomato sauce over the toasted-garlicy-oiled bread. - Gently place your cooked egg on top of the tomato sauce. Once the egg is in place, break the yolk with your fork, and dig in! - Once you’ve had a taste of the dish, season with salt and/or pepper as you like. Makes 1 serving. Nutritional information per serving (approximates – will depend a lot on the type of bread you use): 170 calories, 7.5 g fat, 17 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g fiber, 3.5 g sugar, 8.5 g protein. I made the dish again, but this time with a genuine sunny-side-up egg; it does taste better this way. The ratings: Mental Cost (ingredient availability): Incredibly low. Financial Cost (ingredient cost): Wicked low. Emotional Cost (cooking skill level): Medium. (Toast is easy to make; eggs can be tricky.) Time Cost (recipe preparation): Crazy low. Life Cost (clean up time/effort): Awesomely low. Worth It? (rate from 1-5): Inching towards a 5… The Bottom Line: Will I make this recipe again? The city I live in has been experiencing a serious Indian summer; and while I have delighted in the blue skies, colorful leaves, and ridiculously warm weather (low 80s! [F]), the high pollen counts have wreaked serious havoc on my allergies. This weekend my eyes, ears, and throat were all scratchy; and my nose was an evil combination of super-sneezy and congested. Ugh. Needless to say, I wasn’t in really in the mood to cook something terribly complex or elaborate. But I did want to make something new, and to keep breathing life into this blog… so I decided on this recipe. It’s easy enough to toast bread and heat up some sauce; and while I’m not an egg super-star, I do a decent job cooking up the little orbs on most days. I love both the simplicity and the speed of this meal. It took me literally 10 minutes from start to finish (and I mean START [i.e., removing items from the refrigerator] to FINISH [i.e., sitting at the kitchen table with the hot food in front of me]) – now that is impressive! But not only is the meal fast, it’s also really, really tasty, too. It’s very flavorful, yet still harmonious: every ingredient knows its place, and adds just the right qualities to make the whole so much better than the individual parts. I also love that this recipe requires no special ingredients, and is wholesome yet still rewardingly satisfying. Fast, easy, cheap, tasty….This recipe is definitely a keeper. Stef Yum. I love eggs. Eggs for supper especially are comfort food to me. I used to be just so-so on eggs (and completely NOT cool with yolky eggs [i.e., soft boiled, sunny side up, etc.]. But over the past 1-2 years, they have started to kind of grow on me…. funny.
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The Winter Olympics in Sochi have captivated audiences around the world, with various regions and countries finding their own special points of interest in the competition. But there's one truly global perspective of Sochi we haven't seen until now — a shot from the International Space Station orbiting Earth. Below, check out a stunning shot of the coastal cluster, the center of the Sochi Games (via NBC and For The Win): The really bright area there is Fisht Stadium, the site of the opening and closing ceremony. Oh, and if this look at the grounds in Sochi isn't your preferred size, take a look at the photo on Flickr in virtually any size, including a gigantic full-size image. You can also take a look at a similar daytime shot of the coastal cluster from a slightly different angle taken by a satellite: If this is all a little much, here's a regular old map to help you figure out exactly where everything is in these photos: The Olympics are obviously an international competition, but in the thick of competition, it can sometimes be a little difficult to keep perspective. Thankfully, these shots do the trick. More Winter Olympics coverage on Yahoo Sports: - - - - - - - Eric Freeman is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at efreeman_ysports@yahoo.com or follow him on Twitter! 2.5k
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[tag: how-to] Saved Smart Lists No need to undo all of your hard work to create a new Smart List. Once you've got it perfected - save it, and create a new one! You can create a new Smart List by clicking on the Actions button at the top of the page. This will create a fresh Smart List draft for you to work on. You can name this whatever you'd like by clicking the Actions button once more. You'll also be prompted for a name when you save your new list for the first time. You can then add columns and sort as you normally would. Every change you make is automatically saved as a draft, and will be visible the next time you pull up the account. Pro Tip: Use our moving date range filter to automatically select information within a given range of time. If you'd like your Smart List to always show you information filtered for the current month, choose the This Month option in the date filter. Once you're done making changes, hit the green save button. Et voila, you're all set! You can then swap between smart lists from the selector at the top of the page. Any Smart List that is saved will sync up with your mobile apps as well! Note: You'll need to be on the latest version of Base's iOS and Android apps.
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Working Landscapes: Acoma Pueblo Working Landscapes: Acoma Pueblo The Pueblo of Acoma, NM, continuously inhabited since the late 1300s, is one of the oldest urban settlements the United States. Located on a mesa seven thousand feet above sea level, the architecture can be traced back to the early 17th century where it stood isolated and defensible in its magnificent arid landscape. The ruins of the original village, destroyed in 1599 by Spanish soldiers, are known to exist beneath the present village and its mission of San Esteban del Rey. The earliest European contact with Acoma in the 16th century yielded descriptions of a rock mesa called Acuco. The Europeans reported seeing a "village of about 200 houses, from two to four stories high; with cornfields and cisterns on the summit; with cotton, deerskin and buffalo hide garments; with domesticated turkeys, quantities of turquoise, etc." (Leslie White, The Acoma Indians, Bureau of American Ethnology, Annual Report 47, 1929-30) The stepped houses, constructed from indigenous materials, were set in continuous rows facing slightly east of south. The village was razed in 1599 by canon fire following a clash between Spanish soldiers and the Acomas. The rebuilding of the village, circa 1640, was guided by Fray Juan Ramirez of Oaxaca. The new mission, begun in 1629, was built over the southern-most part of the original village. The buried archeology can occasionally be seen after heavy rains and wind. Although the exact location of the razed village has not been determined, the three-story stepped houses with kivas facing east of south are visible. The fields below are still dry farmed with crops of corn, beans and squash. Water cisterns, located on top of the mesa, are the only source of water. There is no electrical power. Thus, the 17th century village is still present today. The history of Acoma is told by stories that are passed from grandfathers to children through the use of the Keres language and is cherished as intimate knowledge. However, the written histories are always told through the outsider's point of view, usually beginning with the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. These written histories are built on values frequently foreign to the Acoma people. Conflicting viewpoints are similar to those that have arisen from outside interest in the Acoma settlement. With the establishment of the Acoma Historic Preservation Office, recognition of the multiple viewpoints about the Acoma culture has led to an effort to share their views with others in a way that doesn't compromise their beliefs. One of the earliest Pueblo churches in New Mexico, San Esteban is thought to be one of the largest, most architecturally perfect of the single-nave fortress churches. Begun in 1629, the 21,000 square foot mission complex, consisting of the church, convento (priest's living quarters), and campo santo (graveyard in front of church), took 14 years to complete. All materials - clays, stone, wood, nails, grasses, yucca, water and selenite - were carried by hand to the top of the 350 ft. high mesa. Sacred thirty-five foot long vigas (log roof beams) were transported from 30 miles away and, if dropped, were replaced by fresh ones. The lands of Acoma represent one of the few environments in the United States that retains its inseparable ties between the people and the land. All places in the Acoma landscape are identified by their significance to cultural memory. All attributes of the land are sacred to the people, having an existence that is not separate from its inhabitants. Those who violate this condition are censored and required to pay a penalty. For the Acoma people, their identity symbolises the cultural landscape, and its preservation is key to their existence. The Keres language also is rapidly being lost, and with it, a connection to the land that could ultimately sever the intimate ties that the people have with their culture. Acoma is a working landscape. Its people nourish the land, conserving it through ritual and an insider's knowledge of its resources. Rituals are performed in daily life to sustain a living relationship with the past. For example, the Field Chiefs, formerly War Chiefs, who have dwellings within the mission perform seasonally related agricultural rituals and pray for the world. As elders, they safeguard the land and activities of the old village and are joined by the citizens of Acoma in daily responsibilities that benefit the community as a whole. The tribal government has little authority here and must make requests to the Field Chiefs who oversee activities in this environment. Threat The authenticity of the site is underscored by the centuries-old dedication to land and to the integrity of the village and its mission. The motives for this dedication lie in the people's understanding of the living presence of their ancestors and their intimate bond with the land and its places. For the Acoma people, the making of a settlement is a continuing process, unchanged since the first encounter with the "place that was prepared." The act of building is an innate part of each person's life, a transformation of the land itself through dwelling with the land. Until twenty years ago, very few changes were introduced to the traditional methods of building. With increasing availability of funds generated in part by the Casino economy, many families are building additions to their old houses. Some are building entirely new structures, using modern materials and construction methods that not only are destroying the character of the village, but also contributing to the destruction of the old buildings made from materials found on Acoma lands. Historically, materials were extracted only after builders made appropriate communication with the lands for the removal of materials. 'Fast building' technology is replacing the 'soft technology' of stone and adobe. Recent restorations have shortened the life of some of the village's most fragile and cherished structures. Today, these houses may be considered structurally dangerous. If they are demolished, the village will lose some of its most representative structures. The increasing severance of language, place and tradition is eroding the interdependence of all three, resulting in a great loss to the Acoma cultural landscape. The Acoma people recognize this problem: the loss of the traditional language is a loss of cultural cohesiveness; the loss of traditional ways of using materials for dwelling will sever the physical connection between the people and the land. Once lost, these people/place connections are seldom restored. The fragility of the village itself poses a real and imminent possibility of a lost connection with the land. How to Help Over the past five years, a significant change has occurred in the relations of the Acoma people to the outside world. Formally protective of all aspects of tribal life, the Acomas have become cautiously open to outside assistance for the preservation of their National Monument. Nominating San Esteban Mission as a Save Americas Treasures site in 2000, and recognition in 2002 from The World Monuments Watch brought public attention to Acoma. Because of this recognition, the Acoma people have embraced preservation as a way of saving their cultural landscape. They now have a vision for the future as one of reclamation rather than one of loss. Public recognition that Acoma village and its mesa site is an endangered cultural landscape supports the Acoma belief of the interconnectedness of the environment, structures and the landscape. Learn More Contact Dennis Playdon: Architecture Department Temple University 2001 N. 13th Street Philadelphia PA 19122
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[tag: how-to] Select and Style Multiple Elements by Class4:33 with Treasure Porth You will learn about the CSS attributes, padding and margin. - 0:00 Styling by class is especially great because it's reuseable. - 0:04 We can write a bunch of style instructions under one class, and - 0:07 use that one class to style multiple elements. - 0:09 I'll show you what I mean. - 0:11 In the last video, we wrote some CSS for the class card-title. - 0:16 Let's assign that same class to the goals h2. - 0:19 And refresh. - 0:26 And as you can see, now those same styles are applied to the goals age too - 0:29 without having to write any additional CSS. - 0:32 Pretty cool, right? - 0:34 Let's go for a more subtle border radius really quick. - 0:36 So we'll go to styles.css and change the border radius to ten pixels. - 0:45 And that's better. - 0:47 Keep in mind that now that we've written this class, - 0:50 we can add it to anything, not just another H2. - 0:52 And that element will take on these styles. - 0:56 For example, - 0:57 I can add the card class title to this paragraph right below the goals H2. - 1:10 As you can see it's taking on the styles we wrote for the card title class. - 1:15 Let's go ahead and remove this class. - 1:19 And now we can make both of these H2s that have the card title class look even better - 1:24 with padding and margin. - 1:26 Padding and margin are ways we can control the space around an element. - 1:31 Understanding the difference between margin and - 1:32 padding can be tricky at first, but imagine it this way. - 1:36 When we talk about padding, we're talking about the space between the element and - 1:40 its border. - 1:41 Remember when I said that HTML elements can be thought of as boxes nested inside - 1:45 of other boxes? - 1:46 Well, when you adjust padding, you increase or - 1:49 decrease the amount of space inside an element's box. - 1:53 When you adjust margin you increase or - 1:55 decrease the space outside of an element's box. - 1:59 For example, look at the word background. - 2:01 Padding affects this space here, between the word and its border. - 2:06 Let's see this in action. - 2:07 Go to styles.css and add 15 pixels - 2:12 worth of padding to the card-title class - 2:24 Now there is 15 pixels worth of space on all sides between the element and - 2:28 it's border. - 2:30 Change it to 150 pixels so we can really see what's going on here. - 2:36 As you can see, the higher the padding, - 2:37 the father away the element inside the box is from its border. - 2:41 Let's get rid of this padding property and refresh. - 2:46 So we can see what happens when we apply some margin. - 2:49 Margin will control the space outside of the border. - 2:52 Give this element a margin top of 50 pixels. - 2:55 Did you see how it - 3:01 jumped down? - 3:06 There's now 50 pixels worth of space between top of the H2 element and - 3:12 the box that it's nested within. - 3:14 Let's look at another quick example of how padding can be useful. - 3:18 This unordered list of skills in the goals section of the webpage - 3:22 has padding applied to it. - 3:23 Find this in index.html. - 3:25 It's this element here. - 3:29 And we can see that it has a class of skills on it. - 3:32 So that's what we'll look for in styles.css. - 3:36 Scroll up, and here it is. - 3:42 Let's delete the padding and take a look. - 3:47 Without padding, the background color only takes up the area directly around - 3:51 the text, and it doesn't look very good, does it? - 3:55 Let's go back and control or Command Z - 4:00 to undo this, and we'll look again, and now we can see really clearly - 4:05 how padding is being applied to these list items to improve how they look. - 4:09 Feel free to play around with the padding values and see what happens. - 4:12 Using classes to style your elements will help keep your code clean and organized, - 4:16 and will save you from having to type the same style instructions over and over. - 4:21 In the next and final part of this course, - 4:23 I'll teach you how to make a brand new webpage and link to a new CSS style sheet. - 4:28 When we're done, you'll be ready to start building websites on your own. - 4:31 So let's get started.
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Luther Gillis (Eugene Roche) is back in Hawaii for the first episode this week, A.A.P.I. This one aired on 22 October, 1986 and was penned by Reuben Leder. It seems Thomas (Tom Selleck) is being honored with the Local PI of the Year Award. Unfortunately, the presenter, Jean Claude Fornier (Paul Verdier) dies, and Thomas, Luther, and the other private investigators try to solve the murder. Clyde Kusatsu returns as Gordon Katsumoto, as does Annie Potts shows as Tracy Spencer, and Stephen J. Cannell cameos as Ray Lemon, the hotel detective/security chief. The episode opens with a great little black and white sequence that is a wonderful homage to the private investigators of the past, which features Rick (Larry Manetti) and T.C. (Roger E, Mosley) as police officers, and Higgins (John Hillerman) as the police chief. It’s a great sequence, walking the line between melodramatic seriousness and comedy. Everyone turns out for Magnum’s big event, including Carol (Kathleen Lloyd). And once Jean Claude drops, everyone digs in to do an investigation. It’s fast, funny, and is a cavalcade of previous and new guest stars. Everyone is getting under foot, seeking out clues, and trying to outshine everyone else as they try to figure out what and who… On top of that, everyone keeps hassling him about the award. Everything in this episode is a lot of fun, and there are tons of nods to previous episodes, and a lot of humor. The dialogue is spot on, but at this point Leder has written so many episodes for the series that he knows the characters probably as well as those playing them. And watch for the other television series detective to kind of show up with look alikes. Death and Taxes, which aired 29 October, 1986 and written by Bruce Cervi is a little more serious as a killer, Milton ‘The Ripper’ Collins (Kenneth Tigar) starts to call Thomas and taunt him with clues to the identity of his next victim. The guest cast includes Jean Bruce Scott returning as Maggie Poole, and Joe Santos showing up as police detective, Nolan Page. Collins uses nursery rhymes to supply his hints to Thomas, but on top of that, he seems to have an uncanny knowledge of Magnum’s time in Vietnam… He also wears the same ring as Thomas and the rest. From the off you can tell it’s a serious episode, even though there is a fair dose of humor in it, especially in the dialogue between Thomas and the gang… but there’s pain in the form of the murders, and the fact that Thomas is being audited. It’s dark, evenly paced, and a helluva episode, it also uses the track Mama by Genesis to augment a stakeout sequence (one has to wonder if they lifted that idea from Miami Vice?). As with the previous episode, there are callbacks to previous events and stories, and all of it works amazingly well as the cat and mouse game races to its inevitable conclusion. Until next week, aloha!
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Perennial.” And David Roberts, who once said of climate-change skeptics, “When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming … we should have war crimes trials for these bastards—some sort of climate Nuremberg,” objected that Bridenstine is “a climate denier with no scientific credentials.” A little fact checking might have saved them some embarrassment. But before we get to that, an aside will be helpful. When they’re not saying the only people who can speak authoritatively about climate change are “climate scientists” (a term that shrinks or expands to include or exclude the right and wrong people), climate alarmists routinely write off engineers as not even scientists, let alone “climate scientists.” That’s how they justify ignoring the group of distinguished retired NASA engineers who call themselves The Right Climate Stuff team. By application of the principles of radiative heat transfer, TRCS members have concluded that human influence on climate is minimal and couldn’t become catastrophic even if we burned all the fossil fuels in the earth’s crust. So as you read on, keep in mind that to climate alarmists, engineers aren’t even scientists, let alone climate scientists. So if non-scientists aren’t qualified to lead NASA, engineers are excluded. Twenty people have been NASA administrator or acting administrator. Of those, twelve have been engineers. The second most common background? Administration—three (or four, if you include one whose master’s was in information systems), for each of whom the most advanced degree was a master’s in administration or management. Physicists come in second place—all two of them. Bridenstine’s most advanced degree? A master’s in business administration. So he has the same highest degree as three past NASA administrators. How many of NASA’s twenty past administrators have had degrees in (non-engineering) science? Three—all with Ph.D.’s, the two in physics plus one in chemistry. But climate alarmists also routinely dismiss physicists (like S. Fred Singer and Will Happer) and chemists as unqualified to address climate change because they’re not “climate scientists.” So apparently Nuccitelli and company wouldn’t have been satisfied with these three administrators, either. Five administrators had no degree higher than a bachelor’s—all in engineering. Among them are current Acting Administrator Robert M. Lightfoot Jr.; NASA’s first administrator, T. Keith Glennan (1958–1961); and its longest-serving, Daniel S. Goldin (1992–2001). Seven administrators’ highest earned degrees were doctorates (four in engineering, two in physics, and one in chemistry), seven were master’s (three in engineering, two in administration, and one each in information systems, systems management, and law), and five were bachelor’s (all in engineering). In short, Bridenstine—a former Navy Reserve pilot, former executive director of the Tulsa Air and Space Museum and Planetarium, current member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and an avid backer of space exploration (NASA’s chief mission)—is equally well qualified as many past administrators to lead NASA, and better than some. Ah, but Bridenstine’s opponents have another beef. “Bridenstine is a climate denier!” Indeed, Nuccitelli quotes him as having “reeled off this string of climate myths on the House floor in 2013”: … global temperatures stopped rising 10 years ago. Global temperature changes, when they exist, correlate with Sun output and ocean cycles. During the Medieval Warm Period from 800 to 1300 A.D. … temperatures were warmer than today. But every one of those claims is either patently or arguably true. There was no statistically significant increase in global average temperature - between 1997 and 2011 according to HadCRUT4 data, - or from 1998 to early 2013 according to BBC Online, - or from the beginning of 1997 to August 2012 according to the UK Met office, - or for about 13 years leading up to late 2011 (i.e., from late 1998) according to Professor Richard Muller’s then-celebrated BEST data, - or from September 1996 to September 2014 according to RSS satellite data, - or for 18 years and 9 months from February 1997 through October 2015 according to RSS satellite data, - or from 2001 to early 2017, according to HadCRUT4 data, and I could cite more. Bridenstine’s claim in 2013 was well justified by the data—and remains so today. Does global temperature correlate with Sun and ocean cycles? In August 2016 Kenneth Richard listed 35 scientific publications that confirmed that ocean cycles and the Sun were the main climate drivers. Later that year, and updated in March of 2017, two climate scientists and a statistician published a paper concluding that after controlling for solar, volcanic, and El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, “there is no ‘record setting’ warming to be concerned about. In fact, there is no Natural Factor Adjusted Warming at all.” Other scientists contest this, but Bridenstine’s claim is at least arguably true. Was the Medieval Warm Period “warmer than today”? Hundreds of scientific studies have concluded that it was, the most recent being one in GeoResJ, the gist of which the authors summarize in The Spectator Australia, saying: After applying the latest big data technique to six 2,000 year-long proxy-temperature series we cannot confirm that recent warming is anything but natural—what might have occurred anyway, even if there was no industrial revolution. …. So Bridenstine is at least arguably right on that claim, too. Perhaps the NASA administrator with the broadest and deepest scientific credentials was Michael Griffin (1,377 days from 2005–2009, the sixth-longest reign of any administrator), with a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering, an M.S. in electrical engineering, an M.S. in applied physics, an MBA, an M.S. in civil engineering, and partial completion of an M.S. in computer science before he took office. But in an interview with NPR in 2007, Griffin said that while he had “no doubt that … a trend of global warming exists” and that “recent findings … appear to have … pretty well nailed down the conclusion that much of that is manmade,” he couldn’t say whether manmade global warming was “a long-term concern or not,” because “To assume that it is a problem is to assume that the state of Earth’s climate today is the optimal climate” and deciding that “right now is the best climate for all other human beings [is] a rather arrogant position,” adding, “I don’t think it’s within the power of human beings to assure that the climate does not change.” So Griffin wouldn’t have pleased Nuccitelli and company either. After initial objections, Bridenstine seems to have growing support, according to the Washington Post. He should. He’s well qualified for a position that has far more to do with management than with science—even the science of space exploration, NASA’s main mission, let alone climate change, a sidelight.
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GENEVA (AP) — The Latest on Syria's conflict (all times local): 3:50 p. Kara said residents were being urged to stay indoors. Schools in Kilis were evacuated and would remain closed. The Turkish military has been retaliating to any rockets or shells fired from Syria that land on Turkish territory in line with its rules of engagement. ___ 2:10 p.m. An official says at least three rockets fired from Syria have landed on the Turkish side of the border, killing one person and injuring another. The mayor of the border city of Kilis, Hasan Kara, said one of the rockets hit a populated neighborhood causing the casualties and widespread panic. Two other rockets exploded on empty land. The state-run Anadolu Agency said one of the rockets landed in an area close to a hospital. It was not immediately clear who fired the rockets or whether Turkey's military has fired back in response. The Turkish military has been retaliating to any rockets or shells fired from Syria that land on Turkish territory. ___ 11:20 a.m..
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BEIJING (AP) — An overnight sleeper bus in northern China fell off an expressway into a ditch after a tire burst, killing 26 people, officials said. The government in the port city of Tianjin said Saturday that the bus with sleeping berths and carrying 30 people plunged off the road Friday night. The official Xinhua News Agency reported that the four others on board were found alive by early Saturday and sent to a hospital. Xinhua said the long-distance bus broke through the guardrail on the Tianjin-Jixian expressway at the Baodi section, which is about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Beijing.
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BERLIN (AP) — A 43-year-old man who lived in isolation at his parents' home in Bavaria for three decades has been taken to a psychiatric hospital and German police are investigating whether his parents did anything wrong. Police went to the home in Freienfels, in southeastern Germany near Bayreuth, on Sept. 21 after receiving a tip and found the man in a neglected condition, police spokesman Juergen Stadter said Wednesday. "The man was unkempt, unwashed, but well nourished," Stadter said. "But he wasn't constrained and had several rooms to himself where he could move around freely." Police are now investigating whether the man stayed inside for all those years of his own will or if his parents forced him to stay at home. The man's parents, who are in their late 70s, are under investigation on suspicion of possible deprivation of freedom and causing bodily harm by neglect. "We assume that he was suffering from some kind of handicap," Stadter said, adding that as a boy the man went to elementary school, but then stopped attending school at 13 because he was declared unfit to attend. Stadter would not give further details on what exactly kept the man from attending school, citing privacy concerns. The man's mother, who wasn't named, was quoted as telling the local Nordbayerischer Kurier newspaper that the parents' didn't lock him up and "he didn't want to go outside." She said she "always wanted to protect him," and indicated that as a little boy, her son was treated badly by his schoolmates, the newspaper said. Local authorities said the man didn't initially want to leave the house and had to be convinced to go, news agency dpa reported.
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ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece's official Athens News Agency says Constantine Stephanopoulos, a former president of Greece, has died. Stephanopoulos, 90, had entered a hospital Thursday with pneumonia and his condition deteriorated rapidly. His doctors had released a statement Saturday saying he was suffering from multiple organ failure and was not responding to treatment. Known widely by his first name diminutive Costis, Stephanopoulos was president from 1995 to 2005, serving the two full terms allowed by the Constitution. Although the office is largely ceremonial, Stephanopoulos won wide popularity with his modesty and lack of bombast. Although a conservative, he got along very well with politicians across the spectrum, especially moderate socialist Costas Simitis, who was prime minister from 1996 to 2004.
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By Chad Stewart The Angels’ offense has seemingly turned it around. In May, they scored the fourth-most runs in the American League. In their series in Pittsburgh over the weekend, they scored 21 runs en route to two wins against a very good Pirates team. The Halos got off to a quick start on Friday night, scoring three runs in the first inning off Pittsburgh starter Francisco Liriano. Mike Trout knocked in the first run after a Yunel Escobar single and a Kole Calhoun walk, and Johnny Giavotella followed with a two-RBI single. Jered Weaver started for the Angels, and he swung the bat before he even through a pitch. Unfortunately, he struck to end the inning. The Angels kept the pressure on Liriano, who struggled with control throughout his entire start. They scored another run in the second, two more in the third, and Liriano was finally taken out of the game after Kole Calhoun took him deep to plate the Angels’ seventh run of the night. Weaver was not his best, but he was effective on Friday. He yielded two runs on six hits in six innings while striking out five. Since allowing eight runs in four innings on May 12, Weaver has allowed 11 runs in 26 innings and gone at least six innings in four starts. That’s good for a 3.81 earned-run average, which is about what should have been expected from Weaver this season, and it looks like he may be figuring out how to pitch with his greatly diminished velocity. The Pirates came within two runs of the Angels on a pair of solo shots in the second inning, but that was as close as they would get. The Angels tallied nine runs, the Pirates didn’t score again, and the Angels took the series opener. Jhoulys Chacin started Saturday’s game and returned to earth after his complete game his last time out, allowing three runs on six hits in five innings. As Liriano did the night before, Chacin struggled with control, walking four and falling behind in the count more often than not. The Angels scored another first-inning run when Calhoun crushed a solo home run to center field. Pittsburgh third baseman Jung Ho Kang gave the Pirates the lead with a two-run homer in the second, but Yunel Escobar tied it up with a double in the third. Then, in the fourth, Chacin walked Andrew McCutchen with the bases loaded the give the lead right back. In the sixth, Angels’ left fielder Shane Robinson sneaked a ball over the left-field fence — his first home run since 2013 — to tie the game at three. Right-hander Fernando Salas was then brought in in relief in the seventh, and the Pirates broke the game open, or so it seemed. The first pitch Salas threw was deposited into the right-field seats by Gregory Polanco. Back-to-back singles and a throwing error by Giavotella gave the Pirates their fifth run of the game, and then, with two runners aboard, former Angel Matt Joyce stepped up to the plate. As an Angel last year, Joyce was 1-for-24 against lefties, so left-hander Greg Mahle was brought in to face him. On a 1-2 count, Joyce launched a belt-high fastball over the center-field fence for his sixth home run of the year, surpassing his 2015 total in about a third of the plate appearances. The Angels answered right back, however, with four runs in the top of the eighth. Robinson led off the inning with a walk, and Escobar drove him in with a double. Calhoun kept the line moving with an RBI single, and he scored when Giavotella grounded into a fielder’s choice. Carlos Perez followed with a two-out double to narrow Pittsburgh’s lead to 8-7, but he was stranded there by pinch-hitter Jefry Marte, and, after going down in order in the ninth, the Angels dropped the second game of the series. Sunday’s series finale was another tightly contested affair. The two teams traded runs in the first inning, and, in the second, the Pirates plated two off Angels’ starter Hector Santiago, who had another rough start, going just four innings and giving up three runs while walking four. The score remained that way until the sixth when Pittsburgh tacked on a fourth run. C.J. Cron narrowed the deficit to 4-2 with a pinch-hit RBI double. Gregorio Petit then poked a double down the first-base line, allowing Cron to score and knocking out Pirates’ ace Gerrit Cole. Neftali Feliz replaced Cole, and, on a 2-1 count, Escobar smoked a line drive to left-center, but center fielder Starling Marte a spectacular diving catch to save the tying run from scoring. Lefty Tony Watson started the eighth on the mound for the Pirates and gave up a lead-off single to Calhoun. Trout popped out to shortstop, bringing Pujols to the plate. Ahead in the count 0-2, Watson served up a high fastball, and Pujols belted it to left field for a go-ahead, two-run homer, his 12th home run of the season and 30th career home run at PNC Park. Deolis Guerra pitched a clean eighth inning for the Angels, and Huston Street was called upon to close the game out. With one out, he walked Polanco and gave up a double to Kang, putting runners on second and third. Street intentionally walked Starling Marte to get to former Angel Sean Rodriguez and, on the first pitch, he grounded the ball to shortstop, and the Angels converted a game-ending 6-4-3 double play to secure the victory. Following the series victory, the Halos are now in fourth place in the AL West at 26-30 and eight games back of the division-leading Texas Rangers. The Rangers and Mariners entered the weekend tied atop the division, but Texas swept Seattle to gain a three-game cushion, and they now have the best record in the AL. The Astros swept the A’s this weekend to improve to 11-2 in their last 13, and move into third place at 28-30. The whole offense was on display this weekend, but Pujols and Calhoun stood out. Pujols went 4-for-10 with three RBI and a game-winning home run. In his last 30 games, Pujols is hitting .279 with six home runs and an .832 on-base-plus-slugging percentage, which are close to the numbers he has provided in his Angels’ career. It’s no coincidence that the Angels’ offense has taken off in that span, averaging over five runs per game. Calhoun went 6-for-12 with three home runs, one in each game, four RBI, and a double. Calhoun is quietly putting together an All-Star-caliber campaign, batting .306 with six home runs, 37 runs scored, and an .847 OPS. Along with Escobar, he has done a terrific job setting the table for Trout and Pujols and helped give the Angels a lethal top of the order. The Angels will now head to New York to take on the Yankees. The Yankees and Angels have identical records, and both sit in fourth place in their respective divisions. New York is coming off of a series loss in Baltimore and have lost eight of their last 13. The Yankees are 14th in the AL in runs scored, slightly ahead of the lowly Minnesota Twins. They are 10th in ERA, just ahead of the Angels. Matt Shoemaker will start for the Angels on Monday night opposite Yankees ace Masahiro Tanaka (3-1, 2.78 ERA). Shoemaker has struck out at least eight and walked none in his last three starts, and he will try to become the first pitcher since at least 1893 (18!) to do that in four consecutive starts.
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[tag: how-to] Very Good copy, cover and pages show some wear from reading and storage. Binding may have light creases. Lots of life left in these pages. Bookseller Inventory # Title: Hellcats and Honeygirls Publisher: Subterranean Press Binding: Hardcover Book Condition: VERY GOOD Book Description Subterranean Press, 2010. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. Dust Jacket Condition: New. 1st Edition, Limited Edition. 2010. Hardcover. First Ed. Subterranean Press's Deluxe Hardcover Edition. First Printing of this collection with full text of the three collaborative novels written by Lawrence Block and Donald E. Westlake. SIGNED BY BLOCK ON THE TITLE PAGE. A Real Guilty Pleasure--Filled with sex, violence and wit as only these two masters could write them. Mint in Mint full color, and full sexploitation art. Signed by Author(s). Bookseller Inventory # 9951 More Information About This Seller | Ask Bookseller a Question Book Description Subterranean Press, 2010. Hardcover. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. Hellcats and Honeygirls, The Collected Collaborative Novels of Lawrence Block and Donald E. Westlake was written by Lawrence Block and Donald E. Westlake. The book was published by Subterranean Press in 2010 and is a stated First Edition as well as being a Deluxe Hardcover Edition Both the book and the dust jacket are in near fine condition. "Now, as I write these lines, Don's ben gone a year and a week. And our three joint novels are now available in this handsome hardcover edition. I can only hope that Don would be pleased as well." Thank you!. Bookseller Inventory # 800008 More Information About This Seller | Ask Bookseller a Question Book Description Subterranean Press, Burton, MI, 2010. First Edition. Near Fine hardcover in a Near Fine dust jacket. Stated First Edition. Pages and text are clean and bright. A handsome copy. 395 pp. Bookseller Inventory # 2021357 More Information About This Seller | Ask Bookseller a Question
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[tag: science] Google Patents A Notebook Computer With Two Foldable Parts Google was recently awarded a patent detailing a notebook computer with two foldable parts, with its application being granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The keyboard doesn’t seem to be detachable from the device, with the two being connected by a hinge that can rotate 360 degrees and end up on the back of the computer’s display module when the device is in tablet mode. Unlike similar solutions that are already commercially available, the notebook patented by Google also sports another cover on its bottom part which can either cover the keyboard entirely or be used as a kickstand, as seen in the two sketches below which were reportedly attached to Google’s filing with the USPTO. The secondary panel that rises from the bottom one also houses a trackpad and amounts for just under a third of the surface of the bottom part of the notebook, according to the same sketches. Apart from the touchpad, the same slate also features a fingerprint scanner and a wireless transceiver, the Alphabet-owned company revealed, adding that the latter could also be used for near field communication (NFC) applications which would subsequently allow the device to recognize the position of the secondary panel without having to rely on readings from other sensors. In theory, such a solution may reduce manufacturing costs while still being just as effective as its alternatives. It’s currently unclear whether the Mountain View, California-based Internet giant actually made a prototype of the device detailed in its latest patent, though that doesn’t seem like a probable scenario; being one of the most versatile tech companies on the planet, Google also boasts a robust patent portfolio that’s constantly increasing but most of its IP holdings never lead to commercialized products. Likewise, it’s currently unclear whether the company envisioned the newly patented device as one that’s powered by Chrome OS or another operating system, though its solution would likely work with most popular alternatives that are currently available on the market. Google doesn’t have a policy of commenting on its patent holdings and it’s unlikely that the company will make an exception in this case, though more details on its other hardware efforts should follow soon, with the Pixel 2 series being expected to launch in just a few months.
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Use Your Voice to Your Advantage Change your voice to change your image. Your voice is too high, breathy, nasally, or monotone. As dialect and vocal coach to business execs and celebrities, Vivian Majkowski has heard it all—firsthand. "You really can change your voice permanently," says Majkowski, professor of voice and speech at Savannah College of Art and Design. "But the process is an individual one." Majkowski, who led a Master Class session at ASAE's Annual Meeting & Exposition in August, notes that the most common vocal challenge of professionals is "supporting your voice properly. … We're all born using correct vocal support, but it's just through physical habits, mainly poor posture, that we acquire habits that take us away from the natural support." Our strong fight-or-flight instinct doesn't help, either, since we immediately tense up our muscles and hold our breath. Here's how to battle back: Develop self-awareness. "Until you can see a habit, feel it, and understand where it kinesthetically lives within you, you cannot ask for something else to take place," she says. Hum. It's one of the best warm-up exercises before public speaking. Commit to breathe. "When we stop breathing, it takes away our presence, our ability to communicate, and keeps us from listening actively," she says. Inhale through a slightly open, relaxed dropped jaw. This increases your oxygen load and calms your body. Stop sucking in your belly. "If you do, you're actually making sure your vocal support can't engage, because muscles can only do one thing at a time," says Majkowski. Pause if your voice gets shaky. "Take a sip of water and a nice wide, deep breath. If you're standing, make sure your knees are unlocked, then start speaking again." Contributed by Kristin Clarke, a business journalist and writer for ASAE. Email: [email protected] If you're looking for the next step in your association management career or seeking high-quality candidates to fill open positions, visit CareerHQ.org. [This article was originally published in the Associations Now print edition, titled "Best Voice Forward."]
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Look below to get a sneak peek at some extracts from our brand new biography of Diego Costa! pp.5 “The family moved to São Paulo when I was 14 and my brother started to go out partying at night,” recounts Costa. “I wanted to give up football so that I could earn some money. My dad would give me a couple of notes here and there, but it wasn’t really enough and sometimes I had to stay in because I couldn’t face going out on a date and letting the girl pay.” Costa took a job with his uncle and the pair of them would drive a truck to the Paraguay border, where they would stock up on goods to sell in the Galería Pagé shopping centre. Costa explains: “Whenever my uncle met anyone from football, he would mention my name. He’d say, ‘I’ve got this nephew who’s super-talented…’ But I didn’t want to play football if it stopped me earning money, especially since my uncle tended to pay me more than I’d actually earned, and I had no living costs because I stayed with him at the time. I saved up and bought myself a motorbike so that I could visit Lagarto, although my mother did everything she could to get me to sell it.” Uncle Edson, however, had a stubborn streak and was to play a key role at this stage in Costa’s career. He insisted on taking his nephew for trials and eventually one club expressed an interest. Barcelona Esportivo Capela de Ibiúna was owned by a local businessman whose policy was to invest in young players. The team’s matches were therefore well attended by scouts. “We had to play in a competition in Minas Gerais. I wasn’t keen because I wanted to work but my uncle insisted that I go and told me that he’d pay me anyway. So I went. Although in the end he didn’t pay me after all!” pp.7 “[Costa’s agent] Jorge Mendes tells me that he spotted him in the Taça de São Paulo, a tournament they play in January down there,” says Jesús García Pitarch, the man responsible for later bringing Costa to Atlético in his role as the Madrid club’s director of football. “It is an under-18 tournament and the final is always played in the Pacaembú [Corinthians’ stadium]. It’s a huge event and a big party for the whole city. Scouts and coaches from the big clubs always come to the final, but even in the early stages you see unbelievable players and there are a lot of clubs who do very well out of it. Even though Diego managed to get himself sent off in the first match – remarkable! – he had already caught someone’s eye.” “I remember that I shouldn’t even have been playing that match because I had already been suspended for four months for slapping an opponent and then giving the referee a bit of lip when he showed me the red card,” recalls Costa. “I’ve no idea if someone had been pulling strings behind the scenes, but I ended up playing anyway.” After the final whistle, a representative of Mendes approached Costa and talked about the possibility of playing in Europe. “The minute I came off I talked to Mendes’ representative and they signed me up to go to Sporting de Braga. I didn’t hesitate for a moment because I knew that Jorge was behind the offer and that he was pretty much the best in the world.” The idea was less well received at home. “When I signed for Braga, my dad and uncle took the contract to São Caetano, who offered the same deal for me to stay. My dad was worried that I would end up like the boys who are offered the chance to play in Europe only to be let down at the last minute. But I had given my word and in the end he started to believe that the Braga offer was genuine.” pp.184 The second leg of the League Cup semi-final ended with Chelsea on their way to Wembley and the final, but their star striker on his way to a three-game ban and the first sign that he had not completely subjugated the devil inside. While he had still yet to be red carded, Costa twice appeared to stamp on opponents – Emre Can and Martin Škrtel. He was also involved in a typically Costa-esque confrontation with Steven Gerrard and, before any of it, should have had a penalty when Škrtel brought him down. After Branislav Ivanovic’s header at the start of extra-time had won it for Chelsea, video footage of his clash with Can was reviewed and a three-game suspension enforced. Shortly after news of that punishment came in, Costa was sitting down with Rob Draper of the Daily Mail. It provided a rare and in-depth analysis by the player of his own style of play, best summed up by Costa himself as “going to the limit”. “As far as what happened on Tuesday, the main thing is when I get home and I can sleep knowing I’ve not done anything wrong, because I never meant to do that and it was not on purpose,” he said. “And you can clearly see that on the video. But it is a suspension. I have to accept that, I have to take it. Obviously I feel sad because I’m not going to be able to play or to help the team. But I have to accept and respect it. “I’m not saying I’m an angel — I’m no angel. You can see that. But every time I play I will play the same way because that’s the way I am. That’s what I need to do in order to support my family. That’s my bread and butter; also that’s what I need to do for this club, for the fans and for all the people involved in this club. “On the pitch I will always be like that. That’s my character and I will always compete. I’m a different guy off the pitch – as you can see – but on it I will not change.”
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[tag: programming, how-to] 16 / 51°35'29"N Longitude: -1.3731 / 1°22'23"W OS Eastings: 443521 OS Northings: 188265 OS Grid: SU435882 Mapcode National: GBR 7ZL.1NP Mapcode Global: VHCYK.48X7 Entry Name: Bassetts Listing Date: 25 March 1988 Grade: II Source: Historic England Source ID: 1048185 English Heritage Legacy ID: 250042 Location: Ardington, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, OX12 County: Oxfordshire District: Vale of White Horse Civil Parish: Ardington Traditional County: Berkshire Lieutenancy Area (Ceremonial County): Oxfordshire ARDINGTON 5U4388 17/2 No.53 (Bassetts) II House. C17, with later alterations. Painted stone uncoursed-rubble plinth; irregular timber-framing with painted brick and rendered infill; C20 plain-tile roof; brick end stacks, ridge stack to left of centre. Single storey and attic; S-bay range, with addition to left under cat-slide roof. C20 panelled door ta right-return of addition. 3-light casement to centre, 2-light casement to right. Raking dormer to centre with 2-light casement. Interior: chamfered spine beams with ogee end stops and open fireplaces to ground floor. Listing NGR: SU4352188265 This text is from the original listing, and may not necessarily reflect the current setting of the building. Other nearby listed buildings
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(CBS News) MINGORA, Pakistan -- In the classroom where Malala Yousufzai used to sit, there is now an empty chair. But all around, the desks in her class at Kushal School are full of girls determined to keep on learning. Malala, a 14-year-old Pakistani activist, was shot in the head by the Taliban on Oct. 9 as she returned home from school in the Swat Valley town of Mingora. Despite the attack, one student says she and her classmates will not be stopped from getting an education. In the grim hours after Malala was shot and transported to a military hospital, Melinda, the school's principal, didn't leave her side. "I can't forget when we sat in the helicopter and she started vomiting and it was all blood," Melinda said. The Taliban attacked Malala's school bus on a busy stretch of road just a half a mile from the school. But if anyone saw what happened, they're not talking. Doctors hope for "decent recovery" for 14-year-old Pakistani activist Malala Yousufzai Pakistani girl shot by Taliban lands in U.K. Age may be on Malala's side in gunshot recovery Indications of hope for shot Pakistani girl Police said the gunman stopped the bus driver and asked him, "Where is Malala?" The driver gestured to the back, where Malala was sitting. For the gunman, it was a simply a matter of raising his weapon and firing. One of the bullets hit Kainat Riaz, who is now recovering at home. Kainat said that the gunman used a pistol but that she was too terrified to take in the man's face. Terror first came to the town of Mingora with the Taliban's arrival six years ago. They forced women to stay at home, blew up girls' schools, and carried out executions and floggings. In 2008, the Pakistani army moved in and forced the Taliban out. Since then, life has slowly returned to normal. A crowd of spectators turned out Sunday for a cricket match -- the first such event since the Taliban was forced out. When loud music played at half time, several people were spotted dancing. Sports fan Sayed Shafiq Aziz said that if people had danced when the Taliban was in power, they would have been killed. Pleasure and public confidence returned to Mingora, in part because Malala Yousufzai led the way in denouncing Taliban repression. Now, Malala is recovering thousands of miles away, in Birmingham, England, while her school friends muster their courage to carry on her fight.
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Ever since he was eight years old, James Sears wanted to run a movie house. When he set up the North Charleston community website myparkcircle.com in 2008, an online survey revealed that regular movie screenings were a high priority for residents. Here was Sears' chance. With a small group of like-minded locals, he set up The Greater Park Circle Film Society. "Our mission is to show great films," says Sears, "engage the community, promote filmmakers and the art of film while introducing new people to Park Circle." His personal goals — other than fulfilling a childhood dream — are to "help with film education and contribute to the improvement of the community." It hasn't always been easy to screen classics, independent projects, and documentaries without a cinema. For its first year or so, the Society has used the South of Broadway Theatre on East Montague Avenue, with a portable screen on the stage and cabaret-style seating. Although the theater company has welcomed the "Olde North Charleston Picture House" with open arms, if a play is running on a Saturday night then there can be no screening. Seeking more than a bimonthly schedule, the Society is preparing to move to a new city-owned location in early March. "We'll be showing films every Saturday night at 7 p.m.," confirms Sears, an affable, shrewdly intelligent broker and realtor with his own local business. "That way, if people plan evening activities such as getting something to eat, they'll always know that at 7, a film will be on." The Society's new location at 4820 Jenkins Avenue was home to the Charleston Area Model Railroad Club until the city ended its lease at the beginning of 2009. The club is now in Citadel Mall, West Ashley. North Charleston Cultural Arts Director Marty Besancon is working with other municipal departments to clear out the club's O-Gauge leftovers and make sure it's inhabitable for a wide array of art and civic groups. "It's a 2,000-square-foot, open floor-plan building," Besancon says. "It's just a big room in a nice location." Classes, performances, and meetings are being considered for the space, but on Saturday nights the lights will go down and a popcorn machine will crank up. Smaller buildings like The Meeting Place on East Montague are presently in use. "The City can no longer really accommodate all that folks want to do," says Sears, "which is exciting." Ultimately, Besancon would like to see the Jenkins Avenue building revamped, although she says there's no timeline for this. "I don't think it would be this year. But lots of folks want to be over there in that wonderful area. We're definitely running out of space and we want to be able to accommodate growth." The Film Society embodies that growth with its increased membership, new equipment, and ties with local organizations. This year the Society will continue its collaboration with the Carolina Film Alliance, Trident Technical College, and Nickelodeon Theatre in Columbia, South Carolina's only other nonprofit movie house. In March, Lowcountry Local First will be involved in a screening and discussion of The Real Dirt on Farmer John. Later in the year, the Society will partner with The Mill to show monthly cult classic films in the bar's rear patio area. When Sears says that weekly screenings at the new venue "will happen," he has the stubbornness of the eight-year-old who imagined showing movies in the first place. There's nothing wrong with that. Along with his fellow cinephiles, Sears is a good example of the contribution strong-minded, committed individuals can make to their community. Showing 1-2 of 2
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Here's why you should keep a close eye on these six stocks. News Corp is seriously evaluating a move that would transform the digital news business. Sources close to the company tell me that CEO Rupert Murdoch is considering creating a new purely digital news venture and would be available through subscription on devices like the iPad. Take a look at why these six stocks are worth watching.. Amy Fisher, who has been called many things in her life, is about to add another title – porn magnate. Take a look at why these six stocks are worth watching. I just broke the news that Disney has staked a serious claim in social gaming — it just finalized its acquisition of Playdom for $563.2 million. Disney could pay the social gaming company an additional $200 million if Playdom hits certain performance metrics over the next few years. The Obama administration has engaged in a “consistent slamming of business,” IAC Interactive CEO and chairman Barry Diller told CNBC Monday. As the fourth season of the AMC series “Mad Men” kicks off, some of the show’s fans are gearing up to play another round of a peculiar language game: trying to spot flaws in the meticulously constructed dialogue portraying 1960s Madison Avenue. In what may be one of the more obscure tie-ins to the Lohan saga, the Insurance Information Network of California ran some numbers on what it might cost Lohan to legally drive in California. The showcasing of “Salt,” which opens in theaters on Friday, struck many longtime conventiongoers as a tipping point. The Milken Institute has released a report that finds that the flight of film and TV production from California has cost the state more than 36,000 jobs since 1997. That adds up to $2.4 billion in wages and $4.2 billion in total economic output lost in the past 13 years. Fresh off its $4.2-billion acquisition of Marvel, Walt Disney has a lot riding on this year's trip to the Comic-Con International Convention. Although the acquisition brought perennial favorites like Iron Man and Spider-Man into its fold, one of Disney's biggest bets this year is on "Tron: Legacy," which will hit movie theaters in December. The company's earnings may have grown profit 34 percent from a year ago, beating analyst expectations. But revenue fell just short of analyst forecasts and the company's average revenue per user declined 8 percent from the year-ago quarter. Hugh Hefner wants to “reinvigorate the brand” he created by taking Playboy Enterprises private. Starz – the premium cable network spacer - is teaming up with publisher Penguin Group to create a special electronic version of Ken Follett’s “The Pillars of Earth” – and delivering it all in an interactive eBook for Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. A key sign of relief for the struggling magazine industry: monthly ad sales for August magazines jumped 10 percent. Media Industry Newsletter just reported this jump in ad pages at monthly magazines — the first month of 10 percent year-over-year growth in nearly six years.. Looks like Mel Gibson is starring in "Lethal Weapon 5: The Mouth that Roared". Gibson's career was already on the ropes after his drunken, anti-Semitic rant during a DUI arrest in 2006. It appears, however, that he is an equal opportunity bigot. Can his career be saved? Each of the executives we've spoken to this week has expressed some concern about the economy or deficit. But three big thinkers in the web space — Google's Eric Schmidt, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and venture investor Marc Andreesen — are taking a different, more pro-active approach to the issues. One-time pop-punk princess Avril Lavigne has beaten superstar Beyonce at something, but she may not be totally happy with her victory. RBC Capital Markets' Mark Mahaney discusses the success for streaming services like Hulu and Netflix at the 2017 Emmy Awards and what it says about the future of media consumption. Streaming service Hulu made Emmy history on Sunday by becoming the first digital platform to win a top series award with its dystopian saga "The Handmaid's Tale.". As Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale" sweeps the Emmys, Recode's Kara Swisher discusses how the conversation about streaming services is changing.
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One contractor laments that as their phone keeps ringing, "You have to tell them it will likely be a couple years." » Street art is appealing to investors because of its relatively low entry price point and strong historic return on investment. These are the stocks active managers like the best, according to UBS. The U.S. Navy said on Thursday human remains found by Malaysia were not one of its 10 sailors missing after a collision between one of its guided-missile destroyers and a merchant vessel east of Singapore this week. A consortium that includes Western Digital is offering $17.4 billion for Toshiba's memory chip business, sources said on Thursday. The persistent belief that global economic growth is “dangerously slow” and fragile is just a myth, DBS said in a note on Thursday. Key Chinese diplomat asked US Secretary of State to respect Pakistan after President Trump questioned its efforts in Afghanistan. Wednesday's Powerball could be the No. 2 biggest jackpot in the history of the lottery. Many Hispanics are venturing out only to buy essential goods and are cutting back on discretionary spending, worried about harassment by immigration or law enforcement officials. Before you buy a Powerball ticket on a whim, consider this: Where you got the ticket makes a big difference if you win. A Harvard study found that Exxon acknowledged humans' role in climate change in research and communications but sowed doubt in ads. Jim Cramer finds Amazon in a vulnerable position as the e-commerce spends to beef up its assets while others scour it for weak spots. President Donald Trump threatened to shut down the government unless Congress funds his proposed border wall. Jim Cramer spoke with Timothy Dove, the president and CEO of Pioneer Natural Resources, about the changing landscape in the oil industry. Some of the meal delivery company's problems might have been avoided had the IPO been priced better at the outset. The issue with a government shutdown is investors will interpret it as a sign that Republicans are unable to govern, James Pethokoukis said. Facebook has placed veteran exec Andrew Bosworth in charge of all hardware projects as it reportedly readies a video chat box Newly built homes are more expensive than they've ever been before. That's why sales are suffering. Jim Cramer sat down with PVH President and CEO Manny Chirico after earnings to get his take on the retail environment. Apple launched new developer tools that allow apps to take advantage of machine learning to identify everything from foods to poison ivy. Check it out. CEO Victor Herrero said the company saw strong revenue growth in both Europe and Asia, where the company has been opening new stores.
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The last puff saloon? Spain has banned smoking in the workplace and larger bars and restaurants without smoking areas will face fines. But will it really work? Stubbed out: Smoking in public in Spain is to be curtailed You have just finished your main dish and are perhaps sipping a decent glass of red. Then someone at the table next to you lights up and somehow, no matter what you do, the smoke billows over towards you. This happens not infrequently in Spain, which has the highest number of smokers in Europe after Greece. Up in smoke: New laws will change the face of Spanish restaurants From 1 January, Spain introduced one of the toughest bans on smoking in Europe. Smoking in all workplaces has ended. In bars and cafes over 100 square metres in size, owners have to create designated non-smoking areas. Tobacco sales to minors are to be toughly controlled. Advertising tobacco products will be severely limited, though not in Formula One racing. *sidebar1*The new law, which came into action on New Year's Day, has replaced previous legislation which health minister Elena Salgado condemned as one of the "most permissive" in Europe. The new law includes limits on sales and on print, radio and television advertising. Those who break the law - including smokers who light up inside offices - face fines of up to EUR 593,000. But controversially, cash from these fines will not be used to finance anti-smoking programmes despite the fact smoking is the biggest killer in Spain. Each year 55,000 people die - more than from Aids, not-related forms of cancer and road accidents put together. Salgado said the legislation is aimed at trying to stop children starting smoking early, so tobacco sales to minors would be viewed as "very serious" infractions. The law is also partly aimed at protecting the rights of non-smokers and making it easier for smokers to quit. The limits on tobacco use will distinguish between places where it is absolutely prohibited and others where it will be allowed only in designated smoking areas. In general, smoking is now banned in public and private workplaces, health facilities and schools, indoor sports facilities, recreational and leisure facilities, and places where food is produced, prepared or sold. The same ban applies to lifts, telephone boxes, cash machines and bus stations, as well as to trains and ferries. Sign of the times: Such signs will become more familar An editorial in the Spanish daily El Pais argued that the problem will not be tackled simply by tough legislation. "The first obstacle is a cultural one; oncologists and cardiologists are always alerting us to the excessive social tolerance of tobacco, the biggest cause of avoidable deaths. *quote1*"If society finds the deaths of 4,000 people on the roads each year in Spain unacceptable, why not the deaths of 55,000 Spaniards from smoking at a cost of EUR 3.5 billion?" Some believe a crackdown on smoking, particularly in restaurants and bars, is long overdue. *sidebar2*Isabel Maestre, writer of the authoritative Good Food Manual, considers smoking and eating out "dreadful". Maestre says: "We cannot have smoke in the atmosphere when we eat; we lose the tastes and the smells. And it is not right to smoke between courses." Many believe the hardest part of implementing the new law will be in restaurants and bars, because many restaurateurs fear it will result in a drop in business. Jose Luis Guerra, spokesman for the Spanish Hoteliers Federation, pointed to the example of the ban on smoking in bars and restaurants in Ireland, where he claimed it had hit business.
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A domestic radio receiver, powered up but disconnected from its accompanying amplifier. For all intents and purposes, a silent object. However, like the human ear generates its own sound, this silent receiver also makes a broadcast of its own. Unsilent Radio utilises the near field RF radiation given off by the radio receiver's components as it is switched on or off and tuned to pass through several VHF wavelengths. The recordings obtained were then edited and multi-layered, causing the sounds to automodulate, highlighting their harmonic content and producing beat patterns. Lee Patterson's practice is characterised by a fascination with sound as an initially unforeseen consequence of everyday activity within both human and non-human realms. Uncovering hidden sound in various environments, he transforms the most mundane or seemingly familiar of settings. Lee is a sound artist whose work with field recording, sonic devices and processes has led to extensive experience working with a host of experimental musicians from around the globe.
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Get more from the February 2012 issue So you've finished the February 2012 issue â on sale now â and you're thinking, "Well, that was a good read â but you know what? I want more." We hear you, brother/sister. Take a look, then, at our monthly 'Further Reading' blog. Because sometimes, transsexual internationals, Sir Alex Ferguson and football's greatest conman just aren't enough... FERGIE'S BIGGEST CHALLENGE In our unparalleled 12-page feature, we look at what the future holds for one of the game's greatest ever managers. But let's not forget his past. We've set up a special in-depth section of FourFourTwo.com dedicated to Sir Alex, including a detailed look into his 25 years at Old Trafford, a classic, fascinating exclusive interview with the Scot after his 1999 Treble triumph and his best ever Manchester United XIs. And for those of you who aren't fans of his, we've even recounted his 10 darkest moments. Don't miss our gallery, either, of every trophy won by Ferguson during his reign at Manchester United. AFRICA CUP OF NATIONS SPECIAL We've not one but two magazines for you this month, with a 23-page ACoN mini-mag on the reverse of your regular read. And even that's not enough to satiate our Africa lust! From the opening match to the final, we'll be covering the tournament on FourFourTwo.com with regular news updates, a diary from the legendary Jonathan Wilson and insightful analysis with FFT's award-winning Stats Zone, now extended to the ACoN. Don't forget to keep checking our Africa Cup of Nations blog section for the diary, Stats Zone, team guides and more. And hey, want to download Stats Zone for the Africa Cup of Nations yourself? Here's how. FOURFOURTWO'S 12 FOR 2012 In the February issue FFT picks out a delightful dozen to watch this year, from gaffers to goalscorers, and we interview hotshots Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Rickie Lambert on what 2012 holds for them. But if you feel mere words aren't enough, check out these tasty videos on the players to keep your eyes on... Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain looked the business against Manchester City, and even at the tender age of 18 he's an outside bet to make the England squad for Euro 2012. Here the winger shows what he's capable of even before he moved to Arsenal: Speaking of hot young talent, Liverpool's 17-year-old Raheem Sterling looks a bit useful. Could this be the season he gets a crack at the first team in a labouring Reds side? Moving overseas, it's clear already that Germany have wunderkids in abundance. After a fledgling Mesut Ozil and Sami Khedira (among others) drove their team to an impressive semi-final showing in the 2010 World Cup, another generation is already hot on their heels. Get an idea why everyone is raving about teenage sensation Mario Goetze, the highly sought-after Borussia Dortmund playmaker and Tintin lookalike (even if he is out for two months): It's a big year for Cristiano Ronaldo, charged with leading Mourinho's Madrid to glory and, most importantly, triumph over Barcelona. Is he up to it? This video-maker says yes: Back on home shores, it could be a massive 12 months for Edin Dzeko, too. The Bosnian striker may find himself having to take centre stage at Man City more often than first thought, with Sergio Aguero more suited to dropping deep and Mario Balotelli always one second away from a suspension. Here's Dzeko doing what he does best, possibly to the tune of a Justin Timberlake remix (feel free to press the mute button). Into the Football League, two players to keep tabs on are the much-vaunted Rickie Lambert of Southampton and Jordan Rhodes of Huddersfield. Each seems to be on the verge of a move to the Premier League â here's why: Young Spaniard Oriel Romeu also has a big year ahead of him at Chelsea. See why the Blues bought him below, then read why they may find it difficult to hold on to him. THE DEATH OF THE TACKLE Are the days of the meaty challenge finally over? FFT investigates in the February 2012 issue, and to accompany that we've dug around to find video evidence of some of the best and worst tackles the world of football has ever seen. First, the worst â featuring Gazza, Keano and some of the dirtiest men outside prison. After seeing these, you'll be thankful these challenges are being outlawed. But wait: tackling isn't all about fouling. What about when the ball is perfectly snatched away from an attacker's feet? Worship at FourFourTwo.com's defending altar, with our video tribute to the best tackles the world has ever seen, from Bobby Moore to Ledley King. ONE-ON-ONE: DIETMAR HAMANN The former German midfielder answers readers' questions in the new issue, but there's also a tricky poser from Pepe Reina, who asks: "You scored some decent goals, but which was your favourite?" Didi opts for two: one for Newcastle against Juventus, and one for Liverpool against Portsmouth. But which do you think is better? Hamann didn't mind us photographing him making a fool of himself with a Liverpool shirt either. Guess who? ASK A SILLY QUESTION And we've plenty more exclusive interviews where that came from. This month it's the turn of Steve McManaman to field nonsensical posers on cavemen and the shape of the transfer window. If you want more where that came from, head on over to our Interviews section, where we're constantly adding classic interviews from the FourFourTwo archive. We've got One-on-Ones, Perfect XIs and more, including â naturally â some of the very best interviews for Ask A Silly Question. Currently making us cackle in the office is Charlie Nicholas admitting he's jealous of bald people. Check it out. GREAT GOALS RETOLD: ALLAN RAVN Enjoy Allan Ravn recounting his belting strike against Manchester United? Want to see the goal in glorious technicolour? Of course you do. Watch the video, read the interview and marvel at the cartoon of the goal. We have more Great Goals Retold besides, too. EURO 2012 ENGLAND SQUAD PREDICTOR You can read the 23 players we picked for Capello in the February issue online, but we'll be updating it every month and we want your feedback. Where did we go wrong? Tell us in the comments section, on Facebook or @FourFourTwo on Twitter. ROMANIA: THE MADDEST PLACE IN FOOTBALL If you're still wondering why we identified Romania as the place where all the footballing wackos hang out, check out this video of Steaua Bucharest owner Gigi Becali carrying out some impromptu car repairs after being locked out of his ã350,000 Maybach: Not convinced? Here's goalkeeper Remus Danalache protesting a series of decisions against his Vointa Sibiu team in a game against Petrolul Ploeisti. The stroppy stopper turns his back on the penalty, refusing to try and save it. Then when he is forced to face the right way, he still makes no attempt to stop it. Noble, perhaps, but nonetheless bizarre. FFT TRAVEL: ISTANBUL Elsewhere in Planet Football this month we profile Istanbul as a footballing tourist destination. The Turkish capital is about more than a Liverpudlian miracle, dontcherknow â as our online Travel guide shows. We've many more city and team guides, too, from Copenhagen to Kiev and Birmingham to Barcelona. THE GAMES THAT CHANGED MY LIFE: ROGER HUNT Now we've some cracking archive footage for you, to accompany former Liverpool striker, and World Cup winner with England, Roger Hunt telling FourFourTwo about the matches that made him: PERFORMANCE Finally, you can find much, much more from FourFourTwo Performance online as well as in the magazine. In the February 2012 issue, Michael Mancienne gives tips on playing the ball out from the back. Here, Rio Ferdinand gives his own tips on doing just that. If you want more from the injury clinic, you'll find all you need in our injuries section. We also have a guide in the magazine on drills to help you leave your marker for dead; online, Newcastle United strength and conditioning coach Duncan French has more drills for speed of foot and change in direction. And if you're looking for more on shooting after Alan Shearer's guide to hitting the target with power, we have advice from Nani, Frank Lampard, Theo Walcott and more. Enjoy.
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Pellegrini disappointed with Man City defence Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini was disappointed with his side's defensive display, despite an emphatic 6-3 win over Arsenal. Pellegrini's side moved within three points of leaders Arsenal with a blistering performance at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday, Fernandinho scoring a double in addition to strikes from Sergio Aguero, Alvaro Negredo, David Silva and a penalty from Yaya Toure. City maintained the club's 100 per cent home league record this season and also made it 47 goals scored from 16 games in the Premier League in 2013-14. The Chilean, however, was far from happy with City's defensive efforts, rejecting suggestions that their performance was the most complete of the campaign. "I don't think it's the best performance because Arsenal scored three goals and I think this is too much for the amount chances that they had," Pellegrini said. "But it was a very complete game in attacking, it's not easy to score six goals against Arsenal, the best defence in the Premier League. "We had at least four or five more clear chances to score. In that sense, I'm very happy." City have now beaten three of their perceived title rivals this term following victories over Arsenal, Manchester United and Tottenham, but former Malaga boss Pellegrini insists his players are not getting carried away. "We are not thinking about our title hopes at the moment," he added. "We have a lot more points to fight for. "We must continue improving, finding a style of football, we are not trying to win the games without trying to continue playing in some way. "For me it is very important to be an entertaining team, our philosophy is to continue to try and score more goals because it is the best way to win."
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Aston Villa appeal Delph three-match ban Aston Villa are appealing Fabian Delph's three-game ban, after the midfielder was shown red in their hosting of Sunderland on Sunday. Referee Martin Atkinson handed Delph a straight red in the 49th minute of Villa's 0-0 draw with Sunderland, after the Englishman lunged in on Jordi Gomez. The dismissal was Delph's first in his professional career, with the 25-year-old not even seeing yellow in 11 league appearances this term. "I thought it was a harsh red card and we think three games is excessive," Villa coach Paul Lambert said. "Fabian hasn't gone in maliciously at all. I can kind of understand why the referee's done it but I still think it's excessive." Lambert added he feels Villa's treatment at the hands of referees in 2014-15 has been "unfair", claiming dismissals to Gabriel Agbonlahor (against Manchester United) and Christian Benteke (against Tottenham) were also questionable. "I think it's been unfair at times," he said. "I think because we are a youngish kind of side, we can be a target for that. "Even when you ask the lads about it sometimes they can't believe it either. It's just something you have to try and get through. "You just have to try and keep 11 guys on the pitch but I saw some challenges over the weekend on TV and they weren't punished with anything. You think to yourself 'how is that different from ours?' "I think if you go back to Gabby's red card, everyone knew that shouldn't have been sent off. "So we were down to 10 men against Manchester United then they told us that Gabby shouldn't have been sent off - well thanks very much. "Christian's red card I would also debate, too."
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How to Change Colors in ARMS on the Switch Many video games, especially Nintendo games, love to hide secret little tricks, stories, or features in their main game. ARMS is no exception to that rule, and many players have been wondering why the help menu says you can change the color of your character. Because try as they might, they can't figure out precisely how to do it. Luckily for you, we have the answer. The instructions you need to follow are pretty straightforward, but they're easy to miss because the help menu does not tell you how to do itself. So here's the solution! How to Change Colors in ARMS - First, highlight your character. - Click the left analog stick in. - Keep holding the left analog stick in, and then move it either left, down or right. - Continue holding the left analog stick in. Then press the button to select your character. And that's it! You should have a brand new color for your character now. We hope this helps! Share some of your decked out characters from ARMS in the comment section below. And be sure to check out the rest of our ARMS guides for even more help with this fun little brawler.
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Balancing different dietary restrictions can be difficult when you’re hosting a get-together. Thankfully, this flavorful, crowd-pleasing salad is vegan and dairy free in addition to being gluten free. Ingredients - Croutons - 6 slices gluten-free bread, cut into cubes - ½ cup Go Veggie! Dairy Free Parmesan Cheese - 3 tablespoons olive oil - ½ teaspoon sea salt - ¼ teaspoon pepper - ¼ teaspoon dried thyme - Dressing - ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1⁄3 cup olive oil - ¼ teaspoon sea salt - ¼ teaspoon pepper - Salad - 4 cups mixed salad greens such as baby spinach and arugula - 2 medium ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and diced - ¼ cup whole raw almonds - ¼ cup dried cranberries - 2½ tablespoon Go Veggie! Vegan Parmesan Cheese Directions Preheat oven to 400° F. Toss bread with cheese, olive oil, sea salt, pepper and thyme. Place on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown and crisp. Meanwhile, whisk all dressing ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. In a large bowl, combine mixed salad greens, avocados, almonds and cranberries. Toss with lemon juice dressing to coat. Add vegan Parmesan cheese and serve with baked croutons. Nutrition Analysis: 500 cal, 38 g fat, 0 mg chol, 930 mg sodium, 34 g carbs, 7 g fiber, 6 g sugar, 10 g protein. Recipe by Amie Valpone, a Manhattan-based personal chef, culinary marketing consultant, recipe developer and food writer who specializes in simple gluten-free recipes for the home cook. She blogs at thehealthyapple.com.
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July 2nd, 2013 by Smile Harney Does VLC play MP4 video? According to the official website, VLC does support MP4 files. However, sometime we still fail to play MP4 in VLC just like the following: Reason 1: The MP4 video is fake or corrupt Reason 2: Maybe the VLC "video output modes" is set wrong. Solution: In this situation, you need to configure X Server correctly: Open VLC Player, then go to Tools > Preferences In the Video tab: Finally click "Save" to save your changes and restart VLC player.. iDealshare VideoGo is just the ideal solution which can act as an ideal MP4 Player or MP4 VLC Converter. Besides playing or converting VLC compatible video and audio format, it also can play or convert VLC unsupported formats like WTV, DVR, VOB, WebM, OGV, F4V, MVI, MXF, AVCHD, MTS, M2T, M2TS, MOD, TOD, Apple ProRes, R3D, M4V, ASF, TS, AIFF, M4A, Apple Lossless, 3GA, QCP, CAF, MPC, VOC, SHN, TTA, AU, RA, M4B and so on. Make Preparation: Run iDealshare VideoGo Free download the powerful MP4 to VLC Converter - iDealshare VideoGo (for Windows, for Mac), install and run it, the following interface will pop up. Click the "Add File" button to add MP4 files which are not playable in VLC player to this VLC Converter app. Click the "Profile" drop-down button to select VLC supported video format from "General Video" Category or "HD Video" Category. To convert MP4 to VLC supported audio format, select VLC compatible audio from "General Audio" Category or "Lossless Audio" category. Click the "Convert" button to start and finish converting MP4 to VLC more supported format to successfully play MP4 in VLC.
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October | Volume 42 | Number 5 The following table of contents lists articles in the October 2015 edition of OR/MS Today. You may follow any of the linked titles to read those items in their entirety. For quick navigation you may jump directly to any of the following sections: Features Has O.R. outgrown O.R.? By Michael E. Beyer, CAP Many quantitative fields are converging in their aims and fundamentals to a common concept domain – analytics. [OPEN ACCESS] Aviation security decisions By Ali Abbas and Ken Fletcher Symposium outlines opportunities, challenges while fostering collaboration between government, academia and industry. [OPEN ACCESS] Guided tour of O.R. history By Mark Eisner INFORMS committee creates website devoted to the history of operations research and profiles of influential individuals. [OPEN ACCESS] The pedagogy of zombies By Brant M. Horio and Nathan Arrowsmith Given their cult-like following, many educators have turned to zombies to act as attention-grabbing pedagogical tools. [OPEN ACCESS] Computing The true cost of ‘free’ statistical software By Richard D. Pollack, Ronald K. Klimberg and Susan H. Boklage A close examination of the open-source software statistics package R reveals its advantages . . . and disadvantages. [OPEN ACCESS] Software survey: Simulation By James J. Swain The 10th biennial survey: Driven by questions, fueled by thought and realized by simulation. [OPEN ACCESS] INFORMS News - Roundtable Report [OPEN ACCESS] - Winter Simulation Conference [OPEN ACCESS] - Exhibitor’s Guide [OPEN ACCESS] - In Memoriam: Heiner Müller-Merbach [OPEN ACCESS] - Meetings [OPEN ACCESS] Classifieds - OR/MS Today now features Online Employment Classifieds
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Ryan Reynolds has revealed he has to seek approval of tweets about parenting from his wife Blake Lively before posting them on the micro-blogging site. The 'Deadpool' star - who has two-year-old James and 10-month-old Ines with the former 'Gossip Girl' star - regularly takes to the micro-blogging site to share hilarious anecdotes about being a father and his daughters, but not without consulting his spouse first. He said: "Some of the ones about our daughter or parenting ones or with advice no one should take, I run past her, in case she objects. Otherwise it's mostly stuff done on like, an airplane, flyings somewhere." My daughter loves being buried up to her neck in sand at the beach. Her little face lights up when I come back to get her the next day. — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) July 16, 2017 One of the 40-year-old hunk's funniest tweets this year was when he quipped about about going to Disneyland without James. The 'Green Lantern' actor visited the world-famous amusement park in Anaheim, California, without their eldest daughter in December, even though she is a huge fan of Mickey Mouse. At the time. he tweeted: "Went to Disneyland because my daughter's obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She was so excited when I got home and told her." Despite getting advice on his social media posts from the 29-year-old beauty, Ryan says he's not required to offer tips back on how to star in superhero films despite his extensive experience. Being a Dad isn't just about eating a huge bag of gummy-bears as your wife gives birth. It means being comfortable with the word hero. — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) June 18, 2017 He told ET Canada: "Why would I need to help my wife with training or fighting tips? My wife can train and kick*** all of her lonesome. She don't need me for any of that." Ryan married Blake in 2012 and previously said he has a "functioning family" now that he has two children. He explained: ." My daughter gets so pumped watching Disney films. She loves that they all have singing, dancing and a part when the parents die. — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) June 4, 2017 Ryan also admitted fatherhood was "the best thing" to ever happen to him. He said: "You know, it's the best thing that could ever happen to you. It's really hard to have boundaries because you just do anything they say. Like, anything they'll say!"
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Usher has hit back at a lawsuit accusing him of putting three people at risk of genital herpes. The 'OMG' hitmaker was hit by a damages request last month from two women and a man, who claimed he had put them at risk of the sexually-transmitted disease and he has now filed a response through his lawyers in which he denied their claims he had sexual contact with them or exposed them to herpes. According to TMZ, Usher's lawyers, Laura Wasser and Zia Modabber insist the plaintiffs - only one of whom, Quantasia Sharpton, has come forward publicly - argued they can't win because they have "unclean hands", alleging they did something wrong, but not being specific as to what. The response from the 'Yeah!' singer also insisted the group don't have a legal claim because anything he may have done was unintentional, suggesting that if he does have the infection - which he has neither confirmed nor denied - he didn't know it at the time. Ayanda MVP: making the right noise He also argued that if he did have sex with any of them, they "assumed the risk". The three alleged victims took legal action after it emerged the 'U Make Me Wanna' hitmaker had paid a woman $1.1 million in 2012 to settle a lawsuit after she claimed to have contracted herpes from. Greg Maloka: forever grateful The settled 2012 suit claimed Usher had been diagnosed with herpes around 2009 or 2010, but he was accused of "consciously and purposefully" withholding his diagnosis from the unnamed woman and "continued to have unprotected sex" with her. And after coming forward about the lawsuit, Quantasia - who does not have herpes - recently claimed she took action against the 'Confessions' singer for not disclosing that he allegedly had the infection because she felt her "rights were violated". She said: "I had a child a year ago, and I knew I was negative. But I contacted [lawyer]." And the woman urged Usher to speak out and confirm whether or not he has the condition. She added: "Usher, if you are negative, please say so. If you are positive, you need to warn your sex partners, so that they can make their own informed decisions." Bang Showbiz
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Description Track 1: Tom Doyle grew up in Beaufort near Killarney and he explains that his education finished at the age of fourteen when he began to work with local farmers. In 1951, he took the mailcar to Parknasilla to begin work at the Great Southern Hotel. Track 2: He describes his position as Junior Porter and he displays his diary from those early days in which he had written the names of the long-term guests at the hotel. He also explains that the hotel management was quite selective about the guests who stayed there. The leisure activities available at the hotel for the enjoyment of guests are described. Track 3: His future wife, Kathleen O’Reilly from Sneem, also worked at the hotel and he recalls that in early days, during the off season at the hotel, he would go to England on the beet scheme and work there in a beet processing factory from October to February annually, earning two shillings sixpence halfpenny per hour. Track 4: In 1958, Tom was appointed to the position of Head Porter, and he held that position until his retirement in 1996. He points out that one of his fondest memories of his working life in the hotel is his greeting of Princess Grace and her family when they came to stay. He explains that following his retirement he became involved in leading historical walks organised by the hotel.
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Find public sector jobs in local government, charity, education, housing & more Junior Digital Developer Employer: Brighton & Hove City Council - Reference: B&H02938 - Published on: Mon 10/07/2017 11:10 AM - Closing on: Sun 23/07/2017 23:59 PM - Working Pattern: Full Time, Contract - Hours: 37 hours per week. - Salary: £23,398 to £24,964 - DBS Check: No - Location: Brighton Advert introduction Digital is the Future – Join our Digital First team in Brighton & Hove City Council Do you want to learn how to build online apps in cutting edge technology? We are transforming the council through online digital services and you could be part of the team leading the change. Get trained up in Mendix App Platform and coached in our state of the art Mendix Cloud architecture, deployment and integration possibilities We are now looking for three enthusiastic, proactive, confident people who thrive in a fast-paced environment to join our digital team. Whether you have just graduated, you have been travelling for a year or you simply want a career change, we want to hear from you. Main advert detail About Brighton & Hove City Council Brighton & Hove City Council provides over 700 services across the city. We care about making the city an enjoyable place to live and work, getting the basic services right, protecting those in need and growing an economy which benefits everyone. The Digital First programme is helping drive service transformation across the council. We are putting the customer at the heart of service design and making it easier to deal and communicate with the council. A key part of this transformation is creating new, easy to use digital services for our customers. We are an energetic, dynamic team where innovation thrives. Apply now We welcome applications from graduates, or equivalent for our new role as Junior Digital Developer for a fixed term contract until 31st March 2019. An IT qualification would be an advantage, but not essential. You should have an interest in the web world, technology and innovation. What’s in it for you? • Fully-funded training followed by continuous on the job training in Mendix App Platform • You’ll be part of a dynamic team changing how the council works • Ongoing support and mentoring • Opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology • You’ll work with experienced developers, using languages like HTML, CSS, Java and SQL Javascript • Working in central Brighton You will: • Be educated to degree level or equivalent experience • Have a demonstrable interest in IT with an enthusiasm for technology • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Enjoy problem solving and be logical • Be able to work under pressure and in a fast-paced environment • Like working in a team with lots of different people • Able to take responsibility for a piece of work from start to finish Apply with your CV and covering letter telling us why you want join us. Click on the ‘Apply for job’ blue button below. Brighton & Hove City Council – Taking Action for Equality. Contact details Ali Rigby Head of Digital Transformation Tel 01273 2912.
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[tag: science] The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) imposes liability for communicating certain messages in certain kinds of ways to certain groups of people. Not surprisingly, since its first enactment, the TCPA has been challenged as an infringement of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Early decisions upheld the statute as a permissible restriction on commercial speech. E.g., Moser v. F.C.C., 46 F.3d 970 (9th Cir. 1995). But the FCC’s 2015 declaratory order, which purports to expand the scope of TCPA liability (see our report on the FCC’s ruling), is currently under review before the D.C. Circuit, in part because it appears to violate the First Amendment. See ACA Int’l v. FCC, No. 15-1211, Pet’rs’ Joint Br. at 25-29, 46-51 (D.C. Cir. Feb. 24, 2016). But it is not just businesses challenging the TCPA and the FCC’s 2015 order. A bipartisan group of nonprofits recently filed suit seeking a declaration that the TCPA and its implementing regulations infringed upon their rights to discuss “political or governmental issues” with members of the public. See Am. Ass’n of Political Consultants, Inc. v. Lynch,No. 16-0252 (E.D.N.C. filed May 12, 2016). The complaint makes a number of interesting points. As an initial matter, the complaint makes clear that the First Amendment requires courts to subject any content-based statute or regulation restricting speech to strict scrutiny—i.e., requiring proof that the restriction is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive means of advancing that interest. United States v. Playboy Entm’t Grp., Inc., 529 U.S. 803, 813 (2000). If a law that restricts political speech does not “avoid unnecessary abridgement” of First Amendment rights, it cannot survive this “rigorous” review. McCutcheon v. Fed. Election Comm’n, 134 S.Ct. 1434, 1446 (2014). The American Association plaintiffs contend that the TCPA’s “cell phone call ban” (which is how they describe the provision at issue) imposes an impermissible content-based restriction on speech because the TCPA (as interpreted by the FCC) restricts political speech while exempting six categories of autodialed and prerecorded calls to cell phones: (1) a wireless carrier’s calls to its customers; (2) package delivery text messages to the recipient’s wireless number; (3) non-telemarketing calls to wireless numbers that rely on a representation from an intermediary that they have obtained the recipient’s consent; (4) healthcare calls for which there is exigency and that have a medical treatment purpose; (5) calls regarding bank transactions and events that suggest a risk of fraud or identity theft; and (6) calls made solely to collect a debt owed to or guaranteed by the United States. The plaintiffs argue that the TCPA flunks strict scrutiny because there “is no relation between any legitimate government purpose behind the cell phone ban and the speech banned, regulated, or allowed by it” and, because the law arbitrarily exempts certain speech, it “is underinclusive and thus not narrowly tailored.” The American Association complaint seemingly uses the Fourth Circuit’s decision in Cahaly v. Larosa, 796 F.3d 399 (4th Cir. 2015), as a guide. Before that decision, many courts upheld the TCPA under the First Amendment as a “content-neutral time, place, and manner restriction” that is “narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest” and that “leave[s] open ample alternative channels for communication.” E.g., Moser, 46 F.3d at 974-75. However, in Cahaly, the appeals court struck down a South Carolina criminal statute under a strict scrutiny analysis that placed a blanket prohibition on unsolicited autodialed calls with a recorded message to consumer telephones but exempted calls “primarily connected with an existing debt or contract, payment or performance of which has not been completed at the time of the call.” S.C. Code Ann. § 16-17-466(B)(2). The Fourth Circuit held that the statute was content-based because it made “facial content distinctions” as it applied to “calls with a consumer or political message but does not reach calls made for any other purpose.” Applying the strict-scrutiny standard, the court said—assuming the state’s asserted governmental interest to protect residential privacy from unwanted autodialed calls is compelling—that the statute is not narrowly tailored to serve that interest given the plausible less restrictive alternatives (e.g., “time-of-day limitations, mandatory disclosure of the caller's identity, or do-not-call lists”). The court also found that the statute was “underinclusive” since it “restricts two types of robocalls—political and consumer—but permits ‘unlimited proliferation’ of all other types.” Cahaly, 796 F.3d at 405-06. The Fourth Circuit’s Cahaly decision invalidating the South Carolina mini-TCPA has obvious parallels to the federal TCPA. We are therefore watching American Association closely. Stay tuned for future developments.
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[, how-to] Treat your complexion to the Triple Oxygen Cleanser Toner Duo from bliss. Combining two of the brand's best-sellers, the kit promises to clarify, hydrate and reignite a healthy-looking glow. The Set Contains: Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Cleansing Foam (148ml) Infused with Majus Leaf Flower, Aloe Vera and Soy Plant Proteins, the liquid-to-foam formula gently eliminates dirt and make-up, whilst boosting oxygen levels to hydrate and brighten dull skin. A cocktail of Vitamins A, C and E provides antioxidant properties, as Chamomile repairs and soothes for long-lasting comfort.. Cleansing Foam: Pump into palm, massage onto damp skin, and rinse well. Toner: After cleansing, morning and evening, smooth over face with a cotton pad. Cleansing Foam:. Toner: Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Rosa Centifolia Flower Extract, Plantago Lanceolata Leaf Extract, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Phenoxyethnanol,. bliss Daily Detoxifying Facial Toner (200ml) bliss Fabulous Foaming Face Wash 200ml bliss Triple Oxygen Energizing Cleansing Foam... bliss Fabulous Foaming Face Wash 60ml bliss Triple Oxygen Cleanser Toner Duo (Worth £45.00) Select image
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“Mom. Mom? Mom!” If you’ve done a stint as a parent or caregiver, you’re probably familiar with this frustration — the repeated interruption from young kids. But if you think about it, the dings and visual alerts from your emails are even more relentless. After all, kids grow up and stop interrupting their parents. Email just continues on. American white-collar workers spend 4.1 hours each day checking email, according to an Adobe email survey cited by The Washington Post. That’s a startling number — equal to 20.5 hours weekly, 1,000-plus hours annually and 47,000 hours during a working life. During that time you could learn two dozen languages or hike the Appalachian Trail 100 times, noted the newspaper. We’ve become so accustomed to checking email (not to mention Facebook, Twitter and other social media) that we respond automatically — conditioned like Pavlov’s dog. What to do? The best advice — because most of us can’t afford to disconnect altogether — is to check email less often. But that advice is hard for most of us to follow. So consider these ideas for taming the deluge of email: 1. Unsubscribe No, you can’t ignore messages from your boss, key team members and other critical work influencers. But do you really need to subscribe to sale alerts from your favorite retailers? Or updates on your social media activity? Ruthlessly unsubscribe, advises Monica Seeley, author of “Brilliant Email: How to Win Back Time and Increase Your Productivity,” speaking to The Huffington Post. Yes, unsubscribing takes time, but it saves time in the long run. One other idea: Establish an email account strictly for “junk” or “fun” emails and keep all alerts silent. Check that box only as time allows. 2. Install a productivity app Newton Mail, Notion, IFTTT (If This, Then That), SaneBox and Streak, are among the apps that allow you to prioritize and filter email, automatically respond and more. You can also find a variety of apps in Other InBox. But like a human subordinates, these helpers don’t succeed without your plentiful input. “You — the user — are in control,” Mark Hurst, a consultant and the author of “Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload,” told The Huffington Post. “The human is the most important part of the system — not the latest tool, not the latest feature. And as long as people abdicate that responsibility [of email management] to the technology, they will remain stressed and overloaded and anxious.” 3. Respond smart First, turn off audio and visual alerts for emails. Then set aside the time you will respond, said Gail Kinman, professor of occupational health psychology at the University of Bedfordshire, speaking to Inc. That sounds easy, but how do you make sure you don’t lose business by not immediately responding to an email from an important client — or your boss? Use email tools to automatically respond to messages and tell them when to expect a response, said Kinman. An example of such a message would be: “I have left the office for the day, but will return at 9 a.m. tomorrow and will respond as soon as possible after that time.” 4. Organize As we’ve said before, it’s a great idea to put your emails into batches such as what to reply to immediately, what to kill and what to set aside for later action. A productivity app can be helpful in compiling such batches. One caution – don’t use your email as a task list. It’s important to compile a true task list — one of a manageable size. 5. Triage So after you respond to the urgent emails, you’ll file messages that don’t need a response and flag those that need follow up, said Marsha Egan, CEO of InboxDetox.com and author of “Inbox Detox and the Habit of Email Excellence,” told Forbes. “Create folders within your inbox, sort the emails that need action, and then set a calendar alert to remind you when to revisit any deadline-oriented messages,” Egan told Forbes. Hint: That’s where productivity apps help. 6. Don’t delete Some keep email in their inbox for fear of losing it. The chance of losing it is minimal thanks to search features. Still, many filter it into different folders, boxes or pipelines (depending on what system you use) as a way to remain efficient. What about the pieces you don’t want? Archive them or even trash them, but don’t delete the trash, recommended Harvard Business Review. 7. Change your thinking Think of your physical mailbox — the one in which you get your physical mail. You don’t check it 20 times a day. You don’t let the day’s mail dictate your entire schedule. And you don’t take the mail out, look at it, and return it to the box. If you develop a similar attitude to your email inbox, you’ll reduce stress and boost productivity. Email is a fact of life, but start with these strategies to control it so it doesn’t control you. What tricks have you learned for taming the flood of email and other electronic interruptions? Share with us in comments below or on our Facebook page. Jim Gold contributed to this post.
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Call it a 50th anniversary present or the ultimate "Star Trek" holiday gift: either way, fans of the sci-fi franchise -- especially the original 1966 TV series that started it all -- are about to unwrap something special. "The Roddenberry Vault," which debuts on Blu-ray Dec. 13, is a startling three-disc time capsule that takes viewers viscerally back to "Star Trek's" very beginnings. For years, "Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry had maintained a warehouse space that was kept up long after his death in 1991. When Roddenberry's son, Rod, investigated its contents almost a decade ago, he made an astounding discovery: reels and reels and reels of long-believed lost production footage from the set of the original series, which aired on NBC for three seasons from 1966-1969. The husband-and-wife team of Mike and Denise Okuda have a long association with the "Star Trek" franchise: Mike designed the now-iconic look of the computer displays seen in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and subsequent sequel shows, as well as serving as technical consultant on the show's pseudo-future science; Denise has served as a scenic artist and computer and video supervisor on various film and TV incarnations of "Star Trek"; and together the couple have co-authored several books about the series -- including the seminal and recently updated "Star Trek Encyclopedia" -- catalogued historic memorabilia for from the productions for Christie's auction house and created special DVD content and consulted on high-definition upgrades of the series. Over nine years, the two passionate uber-fans painstaking reviewed the bits and pieces of film discovered within the warehouse, looking for historic and archival gems that would ultimately shed a unique and brand-new light on a 50-year-old series that has been discussed and dissected by legions of fans: lost scenes from the classic episode of "City on the Edge of Forever," evidence of an alternate ending to "Who Mourns for Adonais?"; a long-suspected deleted sequence between James T. Kirk and his orphaned nephew, Peter, from "Operation: Annihilate!"; a long, unedited, single-camera take of Leonard Nimoy in character as Mr. Spock.; and more. The result of their labors -- as spotlighted in "The Roddenberry Vault" among a series of extensive documentaries, special features collected clips, interviews of "Trek's" original cast and creators and a roster of current Hollywood movers and shakers they inspired, and a dozen original episodes presented for context -- will be, for "Star Trek" fans everyone -- downright thrilling, as the Okudas recounted exclusively to Moviefone. Moviefone: I would imagine that you are thrilled to bring these amazing discoveries to the "Star Trek" fandom at large. When you first got wind of the possibilities locked up in all of these film canisters, given how close you've been to the franchise over the years, tell me what was running through your mind when you first found out you were going to have the chance to go spelunking. Denise Okuda: It was a dream come true. For years, I just felt like there was more out there. We've seen clips of things that were filmed. We've seen stills like the end of "Operation: Annihilate!" with Peter Kirk on the Bridge. We know this was filmed. So where is that film? For years and years and years and years, I would ask directors, I would ask people, and nobody knew where it was. I just had this faith that something was out there. So nine years ago, when we were contacted, we were told to meet at this obscure warehouse in Los Angeles. We signed nondisclosures, and they took us in to this room where there were rows and rows and rows of cans of film. Mike Okuda: It was very much a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" moment. We walked in. They showed us the films and our jaws just dropped. Denise: Dropped! And, of course, because we know "Star Trek" very well, and I don't know why, but dialogue just sticks with me, we started looking at some of the stuff, and it was like, "Oh, my God. That's an alternate take," or, "Oh my God, that's an omitted line." It's like Christmas and Easter and Halloween, and any other special holiday that you could think of, wrapped up into one, and we cannot tell you how thrilled and excited we are that other "Star Trek" fans like us are going to be able to see this stuff. We've been waiting for this day for nine years. As you started exploring, how quickly did you start finding the most significant pieces that have been hidden away? Did they slowly reveal themselves, or was it early on you were like, "Oh, we've got a goldmine here?" Mike: The footage wasn't organized, so when we saw them, it was almost entirely in random order, which means you'd have a whole bunch of things that were, "Eh? Basically the same that's on the air." Then, suddenly, there'd be a line of dialogue, but we were lucky: very early on, we found the footage from "Operation: Annihilate!" There's a famous scene that everyone knew existed because they'd seen clips of Kirk's nephew Peter coming on the Bridge, and it was a different ending to the episode. We found some of that footage. Needless to say, we were thrilled. Denise: Now, you need to remember, and what we try to tell people, is that these are snippets from the cutting room floor. There aren't many entire scenes that are intact. Most of this is alternate takes, omitted dialogues, different angles. Some of them are relatively short. Some of them are a little longer. But it's magical because this stuff, we've never seen before. It was the cutting room floor. It was meant to be thrown in the trash, and it was rescued. So if you are big fans of "Star Trek," as we are, and you know the scenes and you know the dialogue and you can tell that there's new dialogue, that's really special. But if you don't know, then we will give you context. And how we did context was through a couple of documentaries. Our coworker, a very fine filmmaker, Roger Lay Jr. -- the three of us crafted these documentaries, and we interviewed many "Trek" personalities from the day, and then also current personalities that are fans of the original series, like Bill Prady, co-creator of "The Big Bang Theory." We talked to [original series writer/producer] Dorothy Fontana. We talked to several of the original series actors. So we hope that there's something for everyone on this Blu-ray. From watching the documentaries, it sounds like, perhaps, that legendary, lost alternate ending to the episode "Who Mourns for Adonais?" was the Holy Grail that you were looking for, and you had some success. Tell me about that particular one, and then some others that were just truly tremendous finds among all of these little snippets. Mike: One of the most satisfying pieces we found wasn't a deleted ending, but was some dialogue that was cut, purely for time, from "The City on the Edge of Forever," when just after Kirk saves Edith Keeler from falling down the stairs, they exchange a romantic moment. But after that moment, there were several lines of dialogue which were very sweet between the two of them, and you can just see that they're in love. It's a great character moment for both Kirk and Edith, and of course it makes Edith's subsequent death that much more poignant. Denise: I think another thing that is very special is what I call the fly on the wall. It puts you there behind the camera. You can see the shooting company. You can see the actors getting ready for their takes. That's like being there. For anyone that is a fan of "Star Trek," that's a very magical feeling. Michael and I worked on the other incarnations of "Star Trek." We never, of course, worked on the original, but that's our favorite. And so to be there, vicariously, watching this footage was very, very special, and an unexpected treasure. We knew that there would probably be omitted dialogue and alternate takes, because you shoot a master and then you shoot the close-ups and so forth. So we figured there would be some of that, but we also were very pleased to be able to have that experience of being there. You present so much material on the disks. Is this just scratching the surface of what you discovered? Is there a lot more, and is there any plan to figure out a way to get that out there for the fans to see? Mike: We tried to use the best material, and we're not aware of any plans in the future. We certainly did not approach this saying, "OK, let's hold some stuff back for another product." We said, 'Let's go for it. Let's make this as good as we can. This is a lot of good stuff." Denise: Yeah, we worked really, really, really hard on this project. It's a passion project, as you can imagine. Roger and Mike and I worked just seven days a week for months and months, trying to mine the best stuff, weave it into the documentaries, so that we could share the best, the very best stuff. So I think that's probably, this is it, and we're so lucky to have what we have. How did working on this project make you think about the original series or Gene Roddenberry or any aspect of the phenomenon that is "Star Trek" in a different, new, or fresh way? Mike: We grew up with the original "Star Trek" series. We watch the reruns all the time. So we started out as fans of the show. We started with "Next Generation." We were connected with the productions, so we have a different perspective on this show. That is, we love the [sequel] shows, but we think of them as, "This is what I worked on." You have a different relationship to it. So watching this footage from "The Roddenberry Vault," you get a sense of the team that's involved. You get a sense of what the actors went through. You get a sense of what the writers did. One of my favorite bits in "The Roddenberry Vault" is watching these moments of Leonard Nimoy. You can see him working on in his brain how to play the character of Spock. You get a sense of, as Denise said, what it was to be there. Is this the last undiscovered bit of "Star Trek," do you imagine? Or are there still places to look for amazing discoveries like this? It feels like, here we are, 50 years later, and 50 years from now there's still going to be an appetite for this kind of material. Mike: If you had asked this before this stuff was revealed to us, we would have said, no, there's nothing else. So who knows? Denise: Who knows? But I can't imagine. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I still can't believe how lucky we are, and how lucky everyone is going to be when they see this Blu-ray, that we have the opportunity to see this lost footage and be there on set, vicariously. I'm almost speechless, but you can tell I'm not speechless, because I'm so absolutely head-over-heels excited that this is finally, finally coming out. I have to say, all of the interviews were a treat, but there seemed to be something special about William Shatner's comments in the documentaries. Did you guys get the sense of that? Was there a little bit more magic in his memories this time around? Mike: I think you're exactly right. We had originally arranged to do a very short interview with him, and Bill just kept saying, "Oh no, I just want to keep talking." He delved into his feeling as an actor, into the process of bringing to Kirk to life, of living in Kirk's emotions, and he spoke of the drama of the storytelling of "Star Trek's" mythology. Frankly, I've never heard him open up like this before. Denise: I've not, either, and we had occasion to work with Mr. Shatner on several of the feature films, and also just see him from time to time, and of course listen to many interviews that he's done. Roger Lay conducted the interview, and he's very skilled at asking questions and doing interviews, puts people at ease. But I have never seen an interview with Bill Shatner like this before. He was so gracious and so giving and so open that we share your opinion as well. We were blown away, quite frankly. Next year, we're looking at the 30th anniversary of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," a series in which you of course were so intimately involved. Anything special on the horizon that we can look forward to, to kind of mark that big anniversary? Mike: Honestly, we haven't thought that far ahead! Denise: We just wrapped the "Star Trek Encyclopedia," which took two years to do, and "The Roddenberry Vault," which took around nine years to do, and we just wrapped relatively recently. It was a really tight deadline. So, right now, we're decorating our Christmas tree, and we're doing Christmas cards, and we're playing with our dog. So we don't know. January is around the corner, and I hope something transpires because it's a real special anniversary. What keeps you guys motivated to do the great archival work on the "Star Trek" franchise that you've done? Mike: Like so many other people, we're "Star Trek" fans. We love the stuff, and we know how much "Star Trek" has meant to us, and we know how much "Star Trek" means to so many people, and it's worth it to do it. Denise: Mike and I feel very, very strongly in the vision of Gene Roddenberry for hope for the future, that we are one human family, and that we need to be kind to each other. And particularly in the world right now, that is sorely lacking. And, so, we feel that through "Star Trek," we can reach out to other people and say, "Hey, you know what? It's going to be OK, and we need to pull together, and we need to be kind to each other." I think that that is something that's extremely important and part of the reason we enjoy these projects. Gene Roddenberry was a great futurist, but do you imagine he envisioned that preserving this material was the right thing to do, to keep it all stored away, at a time when archiving television material was not the norm? Do you think he suspected the significance it was going to have? Mike: We have no idea what Gene thought. But his son, Rod Roddenberry, he, from a fairly early age knew the stuff was there, and he was the one who actively preserved the stuff, even after his mother was gone. So Rod Roddenberry certainly had understood that this stuff was unique, and thank goodness he did what he did. Denise: We also have to give a big shout out to CBS and to CBS Home Entertainment ... I think they thought we were crazy at times, because we were so passionate. We just fought. We just said, "No, we've got to do this. We've got to squeeze every inch out of this so we could put it into this Blu-ray set of discs and share it with other 'Star Trek' fans." We kept saying "It's really, really important. And it's the 50th anniversary. So that's kind of just a tip of the hat to CBS for their support. We can't thank them enough. Voyages of the new Starship Enterprise in the 24th century.
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Talk about a Fünke name for a baby. Amber Tamblyn, 33, just welcomed her first child with husband David Cross, 52. She announced their daughter's birth through an adorable Instagram video that listed the child's name as -- wait for it -- Dauphinoise Petunia Brittany Scheherazade Von Funkinstein Mustard Witch RBG Cross Tamblyn-Bey jr.: Yeah, that's probably just the pair trolling, letting fans know their baby's name will stay private for a while. Then again, maybe it's her real name. You never know with Hollywood folk. Either way, when she's old enough to choose for herself, she should keep it. There's a good chance no one else has this name, and it's kinda pretty in its own cartoon villain sort of way. ("Mustard Witch" is inspired, and should catch on as a nickname.) The "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" actress and the "Arrested Development" actor were married in 2012. Tamblyn announced her pregnancy in October and wrote an essay on the subject for Glamour. At the time, she got backup from her "Sisterhood" buddy Blake Lively, who has two children of her own: When not announcing her new baby's (probably fake) name, Tamblyn has been promoting her new Netflix movie "Girlfriend's Day," written and co-starring Bob Odenkirk, the Bob of David Cross's sketch comedy series, "Mr. Show with Bob and David." Want more stuff like this? Like us on Facebook.
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LEBANON, Ohio — A man was indicted Tuesday on charges that he shot his father and a sheriff's deputy last month following a dispute over hummus, authorities said. Warren County Prosecutor David Fornshell said charges against 19-year-old Mohammed Abdou Laghaoui include attempted aggravated murder, felonious assault and tampering with evidence. Fornshell said "it all went downhill" June 9 after Laghaoui ate too much of his father's hummus. Laghaoui's brother then called 911 and Laghaoui can be heard making threats, Fornshell said. Related: Sabra Recalls Hummus Over Possible Listeria Contamination. Related: Father Accidentally Kills Teenage Son at Florida Gun Range.
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On Wednesday morning, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, stepped before cameras on the Hill and spoke about the fraught negotiations on debt and spending that will consume Washington through the end of the year. Congress was facing September deadlines for both the federal government’s ability to borrow money and the funding of the government. Raising the debt ceiling would require Democratic votes in the Senate, and likely in the House, too. A reporter asked Ryan about a proposal from senior Democrats in Congress, for a deal to raise the debt ceiling for three months. “I think that’s a ridiculous idea,” he said. “I hope that they don’t mean that.”. After the deal was announced, Republicans inside and outside of government were shocked. Ryan was left looking ridiculous. “Trump’s made a career out of being a gut player,” a Republican close to McConnell told me. “The problem is, his gut is always wrong when it comes to advancing a legislative agenda.” Yet, aboard Air Force One, Trump seemed pleased with the deal. “We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,” Trump said. “We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred.” When I called around to Democratic offices on Wednesday afternoon, several aides were careful not to gloat about what they had accomplished, lest Trump realize how much he had given away to “Chuck and Nancy,” as Trump called the Democratic leaders several times in his gaggle with reporters. Later in the day, the White House began arguing that the deal was actually a win for Trump, because it kicked several difficult issues from September to December and allowed Trump to focus solely on tax reform this month. Perhaps. But McConnell and Ryan were plotting to take away a loaded weapon from Schumer and Pelosi, and Trump returned it to their hands.
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Alfredsson all-star appearance 'would be huge'by Rob Brodie / Ottawa Senators Daniel Alfredsson hardly needs to be reminded about the impending milestone. "It's close. It's coming up quick," the Ottawa Senators captain said with a knowing grin in reference to his 39th birthday, which arrives on Sunday. Now in his 16th season in a Senators jersey, the National Hockey League's longest-serving captain remains this team's unquestioned leader. And make no mistake about it — Alfredsson still has plenty of game left. He's currently riding a four-game point streak, including a rocket of a slap shot for a third-period goal that ignited Monday's come-from-behind 4-2 triumph over the Tampa Bay Lightning. "He definitely plays the game like a young man," Senators centre Jason Spezza said following the Senators' pre-game game skate in advance of tonight's matchup with the Washington Capitals at Scotiabank Place (7 p.m., TSN, Team 1200). He's a great skater, so I think that makes him younger than he really is, I guess. "We do know how old he is. He has been around a long time and he has played a lot of games (1,077). He's got a lot of veteran experience for us." Added defenceman Erik Karlsson, a fellow Swede: "He's probably not the player he was five or six years ago. But for sure, he's still one of our best guys. He knows what he can do and what he can't do, and he hasn't lost any skill, obviously. He's still a high-end player and he's going to be that for however long he plays." From the day fan balloting began for the 2012 Tim Hortons NHL All-Star Game — set for Jan. 29 at Scotiabank Place — there has been a huge groundswell of support to get Alfredsson the opportunity to play in front of the fans who still inspires chants of 'Al-fie, Al-fie' from the Sens Army faithful. Through three weeks of voting, Alfredsson rates third among all forwards (320,100), putting him in position to land a spot in the starting lineup. Karlsson, for one, can't imagine an all-star game in Ottawa without the franchise's greatest player. "It would be huge," said Karlsson. "He's such a big part of the community and this organization ... he's the face of it. I think it would be really, really odd if he's not there." Alfredsson, who's 2010-11 season was cut short after 54 games by back woes that eventually required off-season surgery, is pleased with the way his game is coming along so far this season. Through 21 games, he's recorded 14 points, including six goals — a total which leaves him five short of the 400 plateau for his career. "It's been getting better," said Alfredsson, who missed five games in early November while recovering from a concussion. "Since we got back from the western road trip, we've had a week of practice and I feel I'm starting to get my legs back to where I would like them to be. So it's going in the right direction." Young in spirit? Absolutely, said Karlsson, who marvels at the way someone who's just seven years younger than his father, Jonas, can seem even more youthful. "Alfie is the kind of guy who is always going to (relate to) everyone," said Karlsson, who Alfredsson invited into his home for a large chunk of the defenceman's rookie season in the NHL. "It doesn't matter if you're 19 or 25 or 30 ... he's a really, really, really special personality (to you). He's really good at adapting himself to people around him." To vote for Alfredsson, Karlsson, Spezza, Milan Michalek and Sergei Gonchar on the NHL all-star fan ballot, log on to vote.nhl.com and support your Senators. Around the boards Defenceman Filip Kuba, who's missed the last three games with a left shoulder injury, has been placed on injured reserve. Head coach Paul MacLean expects the veteran blueliner to be sidelined for "three or four weeks" ... The Capitals are only 3-7-0 in their last 10 games, have changed coaches and slipped seven points behind the Southeast Division-leading Florida Panthers. But don't expect the Senators, who fell 3-2 in Washington just five days ago, to take the skidding Caps lightly ... "They've beaten us twice (this season)," said MacLean. "Even thought the games have been good in there (Ottawa also lost 2-1 in Washington back on Oct. 15), we have to find a way to be one better than them tonight. They're a big concern for us" ... The Senators will charter to New Jersey immediatly after tonight's game in advance of Thursday's matchup with the Devils at the Prudential Center (7 p.m., Sportsnet Sens, Team 1200) ... Fewer than 2,000 tickets remain for tonight's contest against the Capitals.
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My son Erik installed some bird feeders for us a few years ago, and every summer we’ve really enjoyed seeing all the feathered visitors that the feeders attract to the yard! We’ve been able to see several species of finches, hummingbirds, and doves that live in the northern Utah area. One of the bird feeders that we’ve enjoyed watching is his suet cake cage. This little boxy cage contains a “cake” made out of bird-friendly seeds and, of course, suet. Suet, which is rendered fat from sheep or cattle, makes a tasty and easily digestible snack for many species of birds. A suet cake cage in your backyard can attract many different fun-to-watch birds such as woodpeckers, wrens, robins, orioles, jays, and more! Making your own suet cakes is easy, affordable, and they’re sure to turn your backyard into a bird-watching hot spot this summer! Homemade Suet Cakes Ingredients: - 1/2 lb. suet or lard - 1 cup crunchy peanut butter - 2 1/2 cups sunflower seeds - 1 1/2 cups millet - 1 cup dried fruit Directions: Melt the suet (or lard) and peanut butter together in a pot over low heat. Pour the melted suet and peanut butter over the sunflower seeds, millet, and dried fruit. Mix well. Spoon the mixture into a shallow baking dish and place it in your freezer for a few hours. When the mixture has frozen completely, use a sharp knife to cut it down into individual suet cakes. Place a cake into a suet cake cage and hang outside. Tips For Hanging Your Suet Cakes Suet is similar to coconut oil in that it will start to melt when the temperature gets much over room temperature. It’s important to hang your suet cake in a shady area to keep it from melting immediately in the sun! But if you live in a very warm area, you may want to eliminate the suet from the recipe entirely. Just sub in more peanut butter and seeds for a more solid, less melty texture for your cakes. Hey! After melting the suet and peanut butter, what say we combine the wet and dry ingredients right in there in the baking dish? This will eliminate one step, a dirty bowl, two utensils and one potential transfer mess (that of dripping on the counter while spooning mixture from bowl to baking dish)! Yeah, baby. Too kool. I love using suet cakes, but they are exspensive. I’ll try this tip and see if it is more affordable than pre-made cakes. Thank you. Be careful to make certain the peanut butter you use does not contain xylitol!! It will kill dogs & cats in short order and has been known to kill some species of birds.
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The Presidential Search at Radford University The Radford University Board of Visitors has launched a national search for the institution’s seventh president. The new leader will succeed President Penelope W. Kyle, who is retiring June 30, 2016 after 11 years of service as Radford University president. The Radford University Board of Visitors has appointed members to serve on the Presidential Search Committee to assist the Board in identifying the next president. The committee is a diverse group of Board members, faculty, administrators and students who share the commitment of finding the best qualified person to serve in this most important position. The Board has contracted with Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc. to coordinate the search process. Information about the position, Radford University and the surrounding community can be found within this site. This site is also designed to keep the campus community informed on the search process. Please check in frequently for updates and announcements from the Presidential Search Committee. Presidential Search News Presidential Transition Committee members announced » 1/12/2016 Radford University Presidential Transition Committee co-chairs Alethea “A.J.” Robinson and Mary Ann Hovis ’65 announced today the appointment of members to the Committee..
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During a visit to Israel, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said there can be "no doubt" that Syria has retained chemical weapons and warned its military against using them. "It's a violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions, and it's going to have to be taken up diplomatically, and they'd be ill advised to try to use any again," Mattis said alongside Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in Tel Aviv on April 21. "We have 100 percent information that the Assad regime used chemical weapons against rebels," Lieberman said, referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Damascus says it turned over all chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013. The comments come after a suspected chemical air strike by Assad’s forces killed more than 80 people in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4. Damascus and Moscow, Assad’s main backer in the six-year Syrian conflict, have claimed that the attack was staged or that toxic gas was released when government air strikes hit a rebel weapons depot, assertions that Western governments reject. Based on reporting by AFP, AP, and Reuters Most Popular Most-Read Articles Most-Viewed Visuals
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[tag: science] 77... Testing psychometric properties of the 30-item general health questionnaire. Klainin-Yobas, Piyanee; He, Hong-Gu 2014-01-01 This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) given conflicting findings in the literature. A cross-sectional, nonexperimental research was used with a convenience sample of 271 American female health care professionals. Data were collected by using self-reported questionnaires. A series of exploratory factor analyses (EFAs), confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs), and structural equation modeling (SEM) were performed to examine underlying dimensions of the GHQ-30. Results from EFAs and CFAs revealed the three-factor composition (positive affect, anxiety, and depressed mood). All factor loadings were statistically significant, and one pair of error variance was allowed to be correlated. All factors contained questionnaire items with acceptable face validity and demonstrated good internal consistency reliability. Results from SEM further confirmed underlying constructs of the scale. To our knowledge, this is the first study that extensively tested the psychometric properties of the GHQ-30, taking both statistical and substantive issues into consideration. Patient Health Questionnaire: Greek language validation and subscale factor structure. Karekla, Maria; Pilipenko, Nataliya; Feldman, Jonathan 2012-11-01 This study aimed to assess the reliability, validity, and factor structure of the Greek translation of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) in a sample of Cypriot, Greek-speaking university students. This is the first study to examine PHQ psychometric properties in Greek and to investigate the factor structure of the PHQ subscales. A total of 520 participants (73.9% women; M(Age) = 21.57; SD, 4.94) completed the PHQ and assessment tools used for convergent validity analysis. Patient Health Questionnaire was translated and culturally adapted according to international standards. Overall, PHQ subscales in Greek language demonstrated good internal consistency (mean Cronbach α = .75, P < .001) and convergent validity with the following: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Beck Depression Inventory, Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (panic disorder, somatization, bulimia, and binge eating), and Anxiety Sensitivity Index (overall mean, r = 0.52; P < .001). The relation between the PHQ subscale diagnoses and functional impairment, as assessed by the 12-item Health Survey 12, was comparable with the original validation results for all subscales except alcohol. The depression, alcohol, and anxiety subscales exhibited single-factor structures. Subscales assessing eating disorders, panic disorder, and somatization difficulties exhibited 2-, 3-, and 4-factor structures, respectively. Overall, PHQ subscales demonstrated good psychometric properties, with the exception of the subscale examining problematic alcohol use. Overall, PHQ demonstrates good reliability, validity, and appropriate factor structure in a Greek-speaking college population. Psychometric research is needed on the Greek PHQ in primary care settings. The Cultural Health Attributions Questionnaire (CHAQ): Reliability, Validity, and Refinement Fox, Rina S.; Malcarne, Vanessa L.; Roesch, Scott C.; Sadler, Georgia Robins 2014-01-01 This study describes the reliability and validity of scores on the Cultural Health Attributions Questionnaire (CHAQ), and proposes a refined short form. Murguía, Zea, Reisen and Peterson (2000) developed the 24-item CHAQ to assess health beliefs among Latinos/Hispanics. The CHAQ incorporates two 12-item subscales: Equity Attributions (EA) and Behavioral-Environmental Attributions (BEA). Although the CHAQ has been published in Spanish and English, psychometric properties have only been evaluated for scores on the Spanish-language version. Participants in the present study were 436 Latinos/Hispanics, half of whom completed the CHAQ in Spanish and half in English. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the proposed two-factor structure did not fit the data for either language. Subsequent exploratory factor analyses revealed different best-fitting models for the two languages. A common two-factor (EA/BEA) structure was derived from items that loaded univocally in both languages. Additional items were removed to produce a ten-item revised version (CHAQ-R). The two factors were negatively correlated and had good internal consistency reliability. Expected relationships of CHAQ-R scores to acculturation and health locus of control strongly supported convergent validity. The relationship of EA to ethnomedical services usage marginally supported criterion validity. Overall, the results support the reliability and validity of CHAQ-R scores to measure cultural health attributions in Latinos/Hispanics, but further psychometric evaluation is needed. PMID:24773009 Reliability and validity of the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire in a sample of Spanish university students. Roldán-Merino, J; Lluch-Canut, M T; Casas, I; Sanromà-Ortíz, M; Ferré-Grau, C; Sequeira, C; Falcó-Pegueroles, A; Soares, D; Puig-Llobet, M 2017-03-01 WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: In general, the current studies of positive mental health use questionnaires or parts thereof. However, while these questionnaires evaluate aspects of positive mental health, they fail to measure the construct itself. WHAT DOES THIS PAPER ADD TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: The widespread use and the lack of specific questionnaires for evaluating the positive mental health construct justify the need to measure the robustness of the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire. Also six factors are proposed to measure positive mental health. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: The availability of a good questionnaire to measure positive mental health in university students is useful not only to promote mental health but also to strengthen the curricula of future professionals. Use of a web-based questionnaire in the Black Women's Health Study. Russell, Cordelia W; Boggs, Deborah A; Palmer, Julie R; Rosenberg, Lynn 2010-12-01 The authors assessed the utility and cost-effectiveness of using a World Wide Web-based questionnaire in a large prospective cohort study, the Black Women's Health Study (BWHS). In 1995, 59,000 African-American women were recruited into the BWHS through a paper questionnaire. Follow-up paper questionnaires have been mailed every 2 years since then. During the 2003, 2005, and 2007 questionnaire cycles, participants were given the option of completing a Web-based questionnaire. The cost of developing and processing a returned paper questionnaire was 4 times that of a returned Web questionnaire, primarily because of return postage costs and greater processing time for paper questionnaires. The proportion of respondents who completed a Web questionnaire doubled from 2003 to 2007, from 10.1% to 19.9%, but the characteristics of those completing the Web questionnaire remained the same. Web response was greatest at younger ages (20.9% of those aged <30 years) and declined with age to 3.6% among women aged 60 years or more. Web questionnaires were filled out more completely than paper questionnaires, regardless of the sensitivity of a question. The use of a Web questionnaire in the BWHS resulted in cost savings and more complete responses. Although there are advantages to using a Web questionnaire, the use of multiple means of soliciting questionnaire responses is still needed.… Combined Use of Self-Efficacy Scale for Oral Health Behaviour and Oral Health Questionnaire: A Pilot Study ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Soutome, Sakiko; Kajiwara, Kazumi; Oho, Takahiko 2012-01-01 Objective: To examine whether the combined use of a task-specific self-efficacy scale for oral health behaviour (SEOH) and an oral health questionnaire (OHQ) would be useful for evaluating subjects' behaviours and cognitions. Design: Questionnaires. Methods: One hundred and eighty-five students completed the SEOH and OHQ. The 30-item OHQ uses a…:… Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire. Khani, S; Moghaddam-Banaem, L; Mohamadi, E; Vedadhir, A A; Hajizadeh, E 2015-02-25 No tools to assess women's general sexual and reproductive health needs have been validated in the Iranian context. This study in Sari in Mazandaran province of the Islamic Republic of Iran was conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Persian version of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire (first developed for the International Organization for Migration and United Nations Population Fund). The Persian version of the questionnaire was found to have adequate face and content validity (quantitative and qualitative) for assessing sexual and reproductive health needs among women (content validity index = 0.88). The test-retest reliability showed that, except for the domain of sexually transmitted infections, all domains of the questionnaire had an acceptable reliability (intra-class correlation coefficients > 0.5). This questionnaire is a valid tool for assessing the sexual and reproductive health needs of Iranian women and planning/designing strategies to meet them. The role of the general health questionnaire in general practice consultations. Smith, P 1998-01-01 BACKGROUND: The patient self-rating questionnaire is commonly used as a research tool to identify patients with 'unrecognized' depression. There is no evidence to support its use as a clinical tool in general practice. AIM: To determine whether use of the 30-item general health questionnaire (GHQ) is a practical means of increasing identification of 'new' episodes of emotional distress among patients consulting their general practitioner (GP). METHOD: A randomized controlled trial was carried out in a Scottish new town practice with eight partners. In the waiting room, 1912 patients aged over 14 years and consulting over a 10-month period attempted to complete the GHQ. The 'clinical judgement' group posted the questionnaire into a box then attended the doctor as normal. The 'screened' group presented the questionnaire to the doctor. After the consultation, the doctor completed an assessment questionnaire. The main outcome measures were GHQ scores and doctors' assessments of mental health. RESULTS: In total, 1589 patients were eligible to participate. However, 207 patients in the screened group were excluded because the doctor did not look at the questionnaire. The clinical judgement group (59.7% patients) and the screened group (40.3%) were compared. Although the doctors' diagnoses of distress were low in the clinical judgement group (8.1%), they were significantly greater in the screened group (13.9%) where the diagnosis of depression was doubled. The percentage of patients scoring greater than or equal to 9 (GHQ+) was 21.5% and 21.0% respectively. The level of agreement between the doctors' diagnoses of distress and the questionnaires scoring GHQ+ rose from 19% in the clinical judgement group to 35% in the screened group. CONCLUSIONS: The general health questionnaire used in a practice setting increases the identification of patients with emotional distress. However, the use made of the questionnaires in the screened group raises questions of doctor and patient Lymphoedema functioning, disability and health questionnaire Turkish version: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Kostanoglu, Alis; Hosbay, Zeynep; Tarakci, Ela 2016-06-01 [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to adapt the Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability and Health Questionnaire into the Turkish language, and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Turkish version in patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema. [Subjects and Methods] After the translation, inter-rater and test-retest reliability were assessed between patients and physiotherapists using the intra-class correlation coefficient. Thirty patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema were asked to fill out the Turkish version of the Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability and Health Questionnaire two times, one week apart. Internal consistency was tested using Cronbach's alpha, and the test-retest reliability was assessed by calculating the intra-class correlation coefficient. Construct validity was investigated by comparing the results of the Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability and Health and Short Form-36 questionnaires. [Results] The test-retest reliability and inter-tester reliability of the Lymphedema Functioning, Disability and Health Questionnaire total score, physical function score, mental function score, household activities score, mobility activities score, life and social activities score were excellent. [Conclusion] The Turkish version of the Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability and Health Questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable for patients with breast cancer related lymphedema. Disaster health education and training: a pilot questionnaire to understand current status. Murray, Virginia; Clifford, Janet; Seynaeve, Geert; Fisher, Judith M 2006-01-01. Validation of a questionnaire to measure sexual health knowledge and understanding (Sexual Health Questionnaire) in Nepalese secondary school: A psychometric process Acharya, Dev Raj; Thomas, Malcolm; Cann, Rosemary 2016-01-01 Background: School-based sex education has the potential to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to promote positive sexual health at the individual, family and community level. Objectives: To develop and validate a sexual health questionnaire to measure young peoples’ sexual health knowledge and understanding (SHQ) in Nepalese secondary school. Materials and Methods: Secondary school students (n = 259, male = 43.63%, female = 56.37%) and local experts (n = 9, male = 90%, female = 10%) were participated in this study. Evaluation processes were; content validity (>0.89), plausibility check (>95), item-total correlation (>0.3), factor loading (>0.4), principal component analysis (4 factors Kaiser's criterion), Chronbach's alpha (>0.65), face validity and internal consistency using test-retest reliability (P > 0.05). Results: The principal component analysis revealed four factors to be extracted; sexual health norms and beliefs, source of sexual health information, sexual health knowledge and understanding, and level of sexual awareness. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy demonstrated that the patterns of correlations are relatively compact (>0.80). Chronbach's alpha for each factors were above the cut-off point (0.65). Face validity indicated that the questions were clear to the majority of the respondent. Moreover, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the responses to the items at two time points at seven weeks later. Conclusions: The finding suggests that SHQ is a valid and reliable instrument to be used in schools to measure sexual health knowledge and understanding. Further analysis such as structured equation modelling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis could make the questionnaire more robust and applicable to the wider school population. PMID:27500171 Limitations of the Patient Health Questionnaire in Identifying Anxiety and Depression in Community Mental Health: Many Cases Are Undetected ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Eack, Shaun M.; Greeno, Catherine G.; Lee, Bong-Jae 2006-01-01… Validity and reliability of the South African health promoting schools monitoring questionnaire. Struthers, Patricia; Wegner, Lisa; de Koker, Petra; Lerebo, Wondwossen; Blignaut, Renette J 2016-10-02 Health promoting schools, as conceptualised by the World Health Organisation, have been developed in many countries to facilitate the health-education link. In 1994, the concept of health promoting schools was introduced in South Africa. In the process of becoming a health promoting school, it is important for schools to monitor and evaluate changes and developments taking place. The Health Promoting Schools (HPS) Monitoring Questionnaire was developed to obtain opinions of students about their school as a health promoting school. It comprises 138 questions in seven sections: socio-demographic information; General health promotion programmes; health related Skills and knowledge; Policies; Environment; Community-school links; and support Services. This paper reports on the reliability and face validity of the HPS Monitoring Questionnaire. Seven experts reviewed the questionnaire and agreed that it has satisfactory face validity. A test-retest reliability study was conducted with 83 students in three high schools in Cape Town, South Africa. The kappa-coefficients demonstrate mostly fair (κ-scores between 0.21 and 0.4) to moderate (κ-scores between 0.41 and 0.6) agreement between test-retest General and Environment items; poor (κ-scores up to 0.2) agreement between Skills and Community test-retest items, fair agreement between Policies items, and for most of the questions focussing on Services a fair agreement was found. The study is a first effort at providing a tool that may be used to monitor and evaluate students' opinions about changes in health promoting schools. Although the HPS Monitoring Questionnaire has face validity, the results of the reliability testing were inconclusive. Further research is warranted. Development and first assessment of a questionnaire for health care utilization and costs for cardiac patients Schweikert, Bernd; Hahmann, Harry; Leidl, Reiner 2008-01-01 Background). Methods. Results Psychometric characteristics of health-related quality-of-life questionnaires in oropharyngeal dysphagia. Timmerman, Angelique A; Speyer, Renée; Heijnen, Bas J; Klijn-Zwijnenberg, Iris R 2014-04-01 Psychometrical Assessment and Item Analysis of the General Health Questionnaire in Victims of Terrorism ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Delgado-Gomez, David; Lopez-Castroman, Jorge; de Leon-Martinez, Victoria; Baca-Garcia, Enrique; Cabanas-Arrate, Maria Luisa; Sanchez-Gonzalez, Antonio; Aguado, David 2013-01…… 78 FR 42803 - Comment Request for Information Collection for Job Corps Health Questionnaire (OMB Control No... Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 2013-07-17 ... Employment and Training Administration Comment Request for Information Collection for Job Corps Health Questionnaire (OMB Control No. 1205-0033, Extension With Minor Revisions) AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Labor. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing.... Design, development and validation of the RedBrick Health Assessment: a questionnaire-based study Mills, Peter R; Masloski, Wendy S; Bashaw, Carole M; Butler, Jolene RW; Hillstrom, Molly E; Zimmerman, Eric M 2011-01-01 Objectives Health risk assessment (HRA) questionnaires have become a popular tool to help quantify health issues within populations. Over the last decade HRAs have increasingly been delivered in the online environment. The objective of this study was to create and validate an HRA that is optimized for delivery via the Internet. Design After an iterative process of user testing and interface design the RedBrick Health Assessment (RBHA) was validated against known domain specific questionnaires with 464 working Americans, and with medical claims data from over 25,000 employees. Setting All consumer testing, data capture and analysis occurred at the offices of RedBrick Health Corporation, Minneapolis, USA and via a secure online portal. Participants Individuals in full-time employment in the USA, who were between 18 and 65 years of age at the time inquiry. Main outcome measures Correlation of the included RBHA domains with the output from known gold standard health question sets for each assessed health domain. Results The iterative development process employed in creating the RBHA produced a tool that had a high degree of user acceptability. The domains demonstrated good correlations with relevant gold standard questionnaire measures, good internal consistency, and acceptable sensitivity and specificity when compared to gold standard risk stratification and high-risk classification (specificity of domains ranged from 76–94%). A test–retest correlation co-efficient of 0.7, or greater, was achieved 8 weeks after initial completion. Conclusions The RBHA is a new breed of HRA that has been specifically developed for capturing health status information in an online environment. At its heart is user centricity and this focus has enabled the creation of a tool that is not only highly engaging but also captures accurate and robust health status information. PMID:21969882 Examining Psychometric Characteristics of a Menopausal Health Questionnaire: Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version Sharifi, Nasibeh; Khazaeian, Somayyeh; Khazaeian, Safoura; Masjoudi, Marzieh; Kazemi, Azita Fathnejad; nia, Anvar-sadat Nayebi 2017-01-01 Introduction. PMID:28243415 . Development and Initial Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Hearing Parents' Perceptions of Health Care Professionals' Advice ERIC Educational Resources Information Center… How to evaluate sexual health in cancer patients: development of the EORTC sexual health questionnaire for cancer patients Den Oudsten, Brenda; Greimel, Elfriede 2015-01-01 Background The aim of the study is to describe the development of a comprehensive European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) questionnaire to assess sexual health of female and male cancer patients and for cancer survivors. Methods According to the EORTC guidelines, the development of an EORTC sexual health questionnaire is typically organised in four phases. The first phases comprise a literature search following interviews with patient and health care professionals (HCPs) (phase 1) and the operationalization into items (phase 2). The translation process is formally conducted according to the EORTC QLG Translation guidelines with a rigorous forward-backward procedure supported by native speakers. Results Studies on sexuality in oncology patients which were identified by a literature search predominantly focused on issues of activity, experiences of sexual dysfunction, and satisfaction with sexual functioning. The literature review identified themes beyond these aspects. In total 53 potentially relevant issues were presented to 107 patients and 83 HCPs, different evaluations were found. Conclusions A questionnaire that includes physical, psychological, and social aspects of sexuality of cancer survivors will be needed. Pre-testing and validation of the questionnaire will be done in future (phases 3 and 4). Divergent ratings of patients and professionals should be further investigated. PMID:26816816 Development of a Questionnaire and Cross-Sectional Survey of Patient eHealth Readiness and eHealth Inequalities 2013-01-01 Evaluating the Korean version of the Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Lee, Shin-Seok; Park, Mi-Jeong; Yoon, Hyun-Jeong; Park, Yong-Wook; Park, In-Hyae; Park, Kyeong-Soo 2006-05-01 A comparison of 3 generic health status questionnaires among stroke patients. Hacking, Hub G A; Post, Marcel W M; Schepers, Vera P M; Visser-Meily, J M Anne; Lindeman, Eline 2006-01-01 Several generic multidimensional health status questionnaires are available, but it is not clear whether or not these measures are interchangeable in terms of content.. A total of 198 stroke patients referred to inpatient rehabilitation were interviewed 1 year poststroke. Subscales of the generic questionnaires were compared with one another and also with 3 domain-specific scales: the Barthel Index (BI) for physical functioning, the Center of Epidemiology Studies Depression (CES-D) scale for mental functioning, and the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) for social functioning. Nonparametric Spearman correlations of at least 0.6 were accepted as evidence of content validity. Half of the physical subscales correlated with each other by at least 0.6. None of the 3 correlations in the mental domain and only 1 of 21 correlations in the social domain met the 0.6 threshold. Physical-oriented subscales correlated with BI almost as expected. In the mental domain, only the correlation of the CES-D with the SF-36 mental health scale was above 0.6, and in the social domain, only the correlation of the FAI with the SIP68 mobility range was above 0.6. The findings of this study suggest that generic health questionnaires are not mutually interchangeable. Physical and social health status of stroke patients is adequately covered by the SIP68. However, the SF-36 is more suitable for measuring the mental consequences of stroke. Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Adaptation of the Health Care Communication Questionnaire (HCCQ). Leal Costa, César; Gómez Sánchez, Rosario; Tirado González, Sonia; Rodríguez Marín, Jesús; van-der Hofstadt Román, Carlos Javier 2015-11-27 This study's aim is to adapt the Health Care Communication Questionnaire in a Spanish sample, and then test the psychometric properties of the adapted instrument. To do so, the questionnaire was adapted for the Spanish context and then applied in a pilot study as well as a final study. The final sample consisted of 200 patients at Morales Meseguer Hospital in Murcia, Spain. The results show that this adaptation's psychometric properties were similar to those of the original questionnaire. As for item analysis, all items obtained discriminant indices > .30. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed the same structure as that of the original questionnaire (χ2/df = 1.345; CFI = .983; IFI = .983; TLI = .977; RMSEA = .042), with indices reflecting adequate goodness of fit. Also, results from the analysis of each dimension's internal consistency had coefficients between .71 and .86. We conclude that the Spanish version of the HCCQ has adequate psychometric properties, is useful, and will serve its purpose in the context in which it will be used.. Public health nursing and interprofessional collaboration in Norwegian municipalities: a questionnaire study. Clancy, Anne; Gressnes, Thomas; Svensson, Tommy 2013-09-01. Health status in COPD cannot be measured by the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire alone: an evaluation of the underlying concepts of this questionnaire 2010-01-01. Physical activity among dental health professionals in Hyderabad City: A questionnaire survey Srilatha, Adepu; Doshi, Dolar; Reddy, M. Padma; Kulkarni, Suhas; Reddy, B. Srikanth; Reddy, Sahithi 2016-01-01 Background: To assess and compare physical activity based on age, gender, marital status, education, and employment among dental health professionals in Hyderabad City, India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted among dentists and they were personally interviewed by a single trained interviewer. The frequency (in days) and time (in minutes) spent in doing vigorous- and moderate-intensity activity in a typical week in three domains and sedentary behavior were assessed using 16-item Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Metabolic equivalents (METs) were used to express the intensity of physical activities. Results: Overall, 60.7% of the 313 respondents were physically active, with activity at work and commuting activity were the main contributors of physical activity. With increasing age, there was a decrease in physical activity with more sedentary behavior, professionals in age group of 21–30 years, who were single, those with Bachelor's Degree and those in teaching field performed activity at work, commuting, and recreational activity for more minutes with overall high MET minutes per week and least sedentary behavior. Conclusion: The prevalence of physical activity was high among dental health professionals. PMID:28182058 Personality and mental health: Arabic Scale of Mental Health, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, and Neo Five Factor Inventory. Abdel-Khalek, Ahmed M 2012-08-01 The aim of this research was to explore associations of mental health and personality factors through two studies. Two separate convenience samples of volunteer Kuwaiti college students took part in the study (n1 = 193, n2 = 128). Their ages ranged between 18 and 32 years. They responded, in small group sessions, to the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and to Costa and McCrae's Five Personality Factors in their Arabic forms. In addition, both samples responded to the Arabic Scale of Mental Health (ASMH). In the first study, scorers on the ASMH were significantly correlated (r) with Neuroticism (-.63), Extraversion (.57), and Lie (.22) scores. Two orthogonal components were retained and labeled "Mental health and Extraversion versus Neuroticism," and "Psychoticism versus Lie." In Study 2, mental health scores were significantly positively correlated with Conscientiousness (.62), Extraversion (.59), Agreeableness (.34), and Openness (.26) scores, and negatively with Neuroticism (-.62) scores. Two orthogonal components were retained and labeled "Mental health, Agreeableness, Extraversion versus Neuroticism," and "Openness, Conscientiousness, and Mental health." It was concluded that the salient associations of the ASMH were with positive traits and scores on Extraversion, Conscientiousness (positive), and with Neuroticism (negative), indicating good construct validity of the ASMH. Good agreement between questionnaire and administrative databases for health care use and costs in patients with osteoarthritis 2011-01-01. PMID:21489280 Validation of a dietary vitamin D questionnaire using multiple diet records and the block 98 health habits and history questionnaire in healthy postmenopausal women in northern California. Hacker-Thompson, Andrea; Schloetter, Monique; Sellmeyer, Deborah E 2012-03-01 ± 7 ± 112 Validity of Questionnaire and Representativeness of Objective Methods for Measurements of Mechanical Exposures in Construction and Health Care Work Koch, Markus; Lunde, Lars-Kristian; Gjulem, Tonje; Knardahl, Stein; Veiersted, Kaj Bo 2016-01-01 Objectives To determine the criterion validity of a questionnaire on physical exposures compared to objective measurements at construction and health care sites and to examine exposure variation over several working days. Methods Five hundred ninety-four construction and health care workers answered a baseline questionnaire. The daily activities (standing, moving, sitting, number of steps), postures (inclination of the arm and the trunk), and relative heart rate of 125 participants were recorded continuously over 3–4 working days. At the end of the first measurement day, the participants answered a second questionnaire (workday questionnaire). Results All objective activity measurements had significant correlations to their respective questions. Among health care workers, there were no correlations between postures and relative heart rate and the baseline questionnaire. The questionnaires overestimated the exposure durations. The highest explained variance in the adjusted models with self-reported variables were found for objectively measured sitting (R2 = 0.559) and arm inclination > 60° (R2 = 0.420). Objective measurements over several days showed a higher reliability compared to single day measurements. Conclusions Questionnaires cannot provide an accurate description of mechanical exposures. Objective measurements over several days are recommended in occupations with varying tasks. PMID:27649499 Development of a Short Questionnaire to Measure an Extended Set of Job Demands, Job Resources, and Positive Health Outcomes: The New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire INOUE, Akiomi; KAWAKAMI, Norito; SHIMOMITSU, Teruichi; TSUTSUMI, Akizumi; HARATANI, Takashi; YOSHIKAWA, Toru; SHIMAZU, Akihito; ODAGIRI, Yuko 2014-01-01 This. PMID:24492763 Psychometric behaviour of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in the Spanish national health survey 2006 2013-01-01). Conclusions The diagnostic behaviour of the SDQ in the Spanish population is within the working limits described in other countries. According to the results obtained in this study, the diagnostic efficiency of the questionnaire is adequate to identify probable cases of psychiatric disorders in low prevalence populations. Regarding the factorial structure we found that both the five and the three factor models fit the data with acceptable goodness of fit indexes, the latter including an externalization and internalization dimension and perhaps a meaningful positive social dimension. Accordingly, we Mental Health of Australian Deaf Adolescents: An Investigation Using an Auslan Version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Cornes, Andrew J.; Brown, P. Margaret 2012-01-01 This study investigated mental health problems in 54 deaf adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age residing in the states of New South Wales and Tasmania in Australia. Mental health problems were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997). The SDQ Self Report was translated into Australian Sign Language… Psychometric Properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Mental Health Problems among Children with Hearing Loss ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Niclasen, Janni; Dammeyer, Jesper 2016-01. Validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for depression screening and diagnosis in East Africa. Gelaye, Bizu; Williams, Michelle A; Lemma, Seblewengel; Deyessa, Negussie; Bahretibeb, Yonas; Shibre, Teshome; Wondimagegn, Dawit; Lemenhe, Asnake; Fann, Jesse R; Vander Stoep, Ann; Andrew Zhou, Xiao-Hua 2013-12-15 Depression is often underdiagnosed and undertreated in primary care settings, particularly in developing countries. This is, in part, due to challenges resulting from lack of skilled mental health workers, stigma associated with mental illness, and lack of cross-culturally validated screening instruments. We conducted this study to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) as a screen for diagnosing major depressive disorder among adults in Ethiopia, the second most populous country in sub-Saharan Africa. A total of 926 adults attending outpatient departments in a major referral hospital in Ethiopia participated in this study. We assessed criterion validity and performance characteristics against an independent, blinded, and psychiatrist administered semi-structured Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) interview. Overall, the PHQ-9 items showed good internal (Cronbach's alpha=0.81) and test re-test reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.92). A factor analysis confirmed a one-factor structure. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis showed that a PHQ-9 threshold score of 10 offered optimal discriminatory power with respect to diagnosis of major depressive disorder via the clinical interview (sensitivity=86% and specificity=67%). The PHQ-9 appears to be a reliable and valid instrument that may be used to diagnose major depressive disorders among Ethiopian adults. Reporting questionnaire for children as a screening instrument for child mental health problems in Iraqi Kurdistan. Ahmad, Abdulbaghi; Abdul-Majeed, Anas M; Siddiq, Aras A; Jabar, Fatima; Qahar, Jabar; Rasheed, Jihan; von Knorring, Anne-Liis 2007-03-01. Parental influence on children's answers to an oral-health-related quality of life questionnaire. Granville-Garcia, Ana Flávia; Gomes, Monalisa Cesarino; Dantas, Laíza Rocha; Dantas, Lívia Rocha; da Silva, Bruno Rafael Cruz; Perazzo, Matheus de França; Siqueira, Maria Betânia Lins Dantas 2016-01-01 The aim of the study was to evaluate parental influence on children's answers to an oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) questionnaire. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of 84 pairs of 5-year-olds and parents/guardians. The participants were selected from a primary family healthcare center in Campina Grande, Brazil. First, the children and parents answered respective versions of the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five-Year-Old Children (SOHO-5). Seven days later, the children answered their version of the SOHO-5, without the presence of their parents/guardians, and underwent a clinical exam of dental caries, traumatic dental injury and malocclusion, by a previously calibrated researcher. Statistical analysis involved a comparison of mean scores and the calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Poisson regression models were used to associate the variables (α = 5%). No significant differences were found between the mean SOHO-5 scores of the children when alone or accompanied by parents/guardians (p > 0.05). The ICC between the answers of the children alone or accompanied was 0.84. White spot (PR = 6.32; 95%CI: 1.36 - 29.40) and cavitated lesions (PR = 9.81; 95%CI: 3.22 - 29.85) had an impact on OHRQoL, according to the children's self-report, whereas cavitated lesions (PR = 90.52; 95%CI: 13.26 - 617.74) and anterior open bite (PR = 1.95; 95%IC: 1.07 - 3.53) remained on the final model, according to the parents' version of the SOHO-5. In conclusion, parents did not influence the children's responses, and dental caries are the oral health problem exerting the greatest impact on the children's OHRQoL. Factor structure of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire in the Japanese general adult population. Doi, Yuriko; Minowa, Masumi 2003-08-01 The 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) has been extensively used in a variety of settings across countries. The main aim of the present study was to assess the factor structure of the GHQ-12 for the Japanese general adult population. Data came from a sample of 1808 Japanese aged 20 years or older who were randomly selected based on the 1995 census (897 men and 911 women). Cronbach's alpha coefficients were 0.83 for men and 0.85 for women. Overall, the corrected item-total correlation coefficients were >0.20 for both genders. The GHQ-12 yielded a two-factor solution of psychological distress (items 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11) and social dysfunction (items 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8), which jointly accounted for 49.1% of the total variance, for women. Item 12 on happiness was not discernable. For men, item 12 was separated from a social dysfunction factor and yielded the third factor with item 3 on social role, and the three factors jointly accounted for 57.6%. The results of the present study suggest that the GHQ-12 can be used as an internally reliable and homogeneous scale that produces mainly the factors of psychological distress and social dysfunction. Item 12 may be structurally different in the case of Japanese adults.. PMID:27275274 Percentile benchmarks in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Health Assessment Questionnaire as a quality indicator (QI) Krishnan, Eswar; Tugwell, Peter; Fries, James F 2004-01-01 Physicians. PMID:15535828 Prototype of a Questionnaire and Quiz System for Supporting Increase of Health Awareness During Wait Time in Dispensing Pharmacy NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Toda, Takeshi; Chen, Poa-Min; Ozaki, Shinya; Ideguchi, Naoko; Miyaki, Tomoko; Nanbu, Keiko; Ikeda, Keiko For quit-smoking clinic and its campaign, there was a need for pharmacists to investigate pediatric patient's parent consciousness to tobacco harm utilizing wait time in a pediatric dispensing pharmacy. In this research, we developed the questionnaire and quiz total system using the tablet for user interface, in which people can easily answer the questionnaire/quiz and quickly see the total results on the spot in order to enhance their consciousness to the tobacco harm. The system also provides their tobacco dependence level based on the questionnaire results and some advice for their health and dietary habits due to the tobacco dependence level. From a field trial with one hundred four examinees in the pediatric dispensing pharmacy, the user interface was useful compared to conventional questionnaire form. The system could enhance their consciousness to tobacco harm and make their beneficial use of waiting time in dispensing pharmacy. Some interesting suggestions for improvement and new services were also obtained. The use of health status questionnaires in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in clinical practice. van der Molen, Thys; Diamant, Zuzana; Kocks, Jan Willem H; Tsiligianni, Ioanna G 2014-08-01 Current guidelines recommend chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) management based on symptoms or health status assessment and lung function parameters. However, COPD is a complex and heterogeneous disease that needs an individualized approach for proper disease management. A structured consultation including health status assessment tools, such as the Clinical COPD Questionnaire and the COPD Assessment Test should improve the quality of the consultation, providing more information than symptoms alone. Both questionnaires are designed to provide the clinician information enabling a more personalized disease approach and subsequent management. Although both Clinical COPD Questionnaire and COPD Assessment Test have good discriminate properties, their use as prognostic markers of severity and their ability to modify disease management has not yet been fully established. New studies are needed to further determine their value on several disease outcomes. Validation of the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Questionnaire with Parents of Children with Autistic Disorder ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Dardas, Latefa A.; Ahmad, Muayyad M. 2014-01… Examining the Factor Structure and Discriminant Validity of the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) Among Spanish Postpartum Women ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Aguado, Jaume; Campbell, Alistair; Ascaso, Carlos; Navarro, Purificacion; Garcia-Esteve, Lluisa; Luciano, Juan V. 2012-01-01 In this study, the authors tested alternative factor models of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in a sample of Spanish postpartum women, using confirmatory factor analysis. The authors report the results of modeling three different methods for scoring the GHQ-12 using estimation methods recommended for categorical and binary data.… Psychometrical assessment and item analysis of the General Health Questionnaire in victims of terrorism. Delgado-Gomez, David; Lopez-Castroman, Jorge; de Leon-Martinez, Victoria; Baca-Garcia, Enrique; Cabanas-Arrate, Maria Luisa; Sanchez-Gonzalez, Antonio; Aguado, David 2013-03 729 relatives of the victims. All participants were evaluated using the 28-item version of the GHQ (GHQ-28). We examined the reliability and external validity of scores on the scale using Cronbach's alpha and Pearson correlation with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), respectively. The factor structure of the scale was analyzed with varimax rotation. Samejima's (1969) graded response model was used to explore the item properties. The GHQ-28 scores showed good reliability and item-scale correlations. The factor analysis identified 3 factors: anxious-somatic symptoms, social dysfunction, and depression symptoms. All factors showed good correlation with the STAI. Before rotation, the first, second, and third factor explained 44.0%, 6.4%, and 5.0% of the variance, respectively. Varimax rotation redistributed the percentages of variance accounted for to 28.4%, 13.8%, and 13.2%, respectively. Items with the highest loadings in the first factor measured anxiety symptoms, whereas items with the highest loadings in the third factor measured suicide ideation. Samejima's model found that high scores in suicide-related items were associated with severe depression. The factor structure of the GHQ-28 found in this study underscores the preeminence of anxiety symptoms among victims of terrorism and their relatives. Item response analysis identified the most difficult and significant items for each factor. German translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) ‘validity. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trial Registration (DRKS): DRKS00000584. Registered 23 March 2011. PMID:28234987 German translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ). Nolte, Sandra; 'validity. The ECOS-16 questionnaire for the evaluation of health related quality of life in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis Badia, Xavier; Díez-Pérez, Adolfo; Lahoz, Raquel; Lizán, Luis; Nogués, Xavier; Iborra, Jordi 2004-01-01 Background The aim of this study is to validate the questionnaire ECOS-16 (Assessment of health related quality of life in osteoporosis) for the evaluation of health related quality of life (HRQoL) in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. Methods An observational, prospective and multi-centre study was carried out among post-menopausal women with osteoporosis in primary care centres and hospital outpatient clinics. All patients attended 2 visits: at baseline and at 6 months. In addition, the subgroup of outpatients attended another visit a month after the baseline to assess the test-retest reliability. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated in terms of feasibility, validity (content validity and construct validity) and internal consistency in baseline, and in terms of test-retest reliability and responsiveness to change in visit at month and visit at 6 months, respectively. In all visits, ECOS-16, EUROQoL-5D (EQ-5D) and four 7-point items about health status (general health status, back pain, limitation in daily activities and emotional status) were administered, whereas only outpatients were given MINI-OQLQ (Mini Osteoporosis Quality of Life Questionnaire), besides all clinical variables; and sociodemographic variables at baseline. Results 316 women were consecutively included, 212 from primary care centres and 104 from hospital outpatient clinics. Feasibility: 94.3% of patients answered all items of the questionnaire. The mean administration time was 12.3 minutes. Validity: factor analysis suggested that the questionnaire was unidimensional. In the multivariate analysis, patients with vertebral fractures, co-morbidity and a lower education level showed to have worse HRQoL. Moderate to high correlations were found between the ECOS-16 score and the other health status questionnaires (0.47–0.82). Reliability: internal consistency (Cronbach's α) was 0.92 and test-retest reliability (ICC) was 0.80. Responsiveness to change: ECOS-16 The relationship between spirituality, health and life satisfaction of undergraduate students in the UK: an online questionnaire study. Anand, Varun; Jones, June; Gill, Paramjit S 2015-02-01. Development and preliminary validation of the 'Caring for Country' questionnaire: measurement of an Indigenous Australian health determinant Burgess, Christopher P; Berry, Helen L; Gunthorpe, Wendy; Bailie, Ross S 2008-01-01 Reliability and validity of the March of dimes preconception/prenatal family health history questionnaire: The Persian version. Mashhadi Abdolahi, Hossein; Kargar Maher, Mohammad Hassan; Karamouz, Majid; Khosroshahi, Hossein; Dastgiri, Saeed 2016-05-01 In recent years, there has been a remarkable gap between rapid advancements in genetic technology and public health practice. Looking at the familial health history may bridge this gap for easier and cheaper diagnosis and prevention of congenital anomalies. The aim of this study was to validate and culturally adapt the March of Dimes Preconception/Prenatal Family Health History Questionnaire for the Iranian population. After obtaining written permission from March of Dimes, the translation-back translation of the original questionnaire was performed. The content validity was assessed by a team of 12 experts. Based on a sample of 50 general practitioners and 100 subjects referred to health centers from September to November 2014 in Tabriz, Iran, test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability were evaluated by Kappa and Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Content validity of the Persian version of the questionnaire was confirmed according to the modified kappa value above 0.76 for all the items included in this tool. Inter-rater reliability assessment yielded a kappa value between 0.62 and 0.92 for variables with dichotomous measurement scales and ICC ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 for variables with numeric scales. Test-retest re-administration produced kappa ranging from 0.62 to 0.92 for variables with dichotomous measurement scales and ICC from 0.6 to 0.9 for variables with numeric scales. The Persian version of the March of Dimes preconception/prenatal family health history questionnaire showed acceptable reliability and validity and may be used as a simple tool for the detection of risk factors of birth defects in Iranian population. Using a structured, computer-administered questionnaire for evaluating health-related QOL with chronic lower extremity wounds. Harlin, Stephen L; Harlin, Ryan D; Sherman, Thomas I; Rozsas, Courtney M; Shafqat, M Shuja; Meyers, William 2009-09-15 Patients with chronic wounds of the lower extremity (CWLEs) often experience functional disability and emotional distress; incorporating health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurements in clinical practice may improve understanding of chronic wound patients' healthcare needs. A computer-administered instrument that measures HRQoL variables in patients with CWLEs was developed to overcome common limitations to assessing HRQoL in this population. Face validity of the questionnaire variables assessing physical, social, emotional, and functional well-being was obtained and a computer application to display the structured questionnaire on an electronic kiosk with touch-screen interface was developed. All patient responses are stored in the clinic's electronic health record system. To evaluate use of this system in a wound care clinic, 66 consecutive patients were asked to complete the questionnaire; of those, 64 participated. Internal consistency of the instrument across responses was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson formula 20 as 0.79. None of the patients requested help completing the questionnaire or working with the touch-screen interface. Patients most frequently reported frustration (63%), trouble sleeping (48%), anxiety (42%), and impaired mobility (41%), confirming that CWLEs negatively affect patient quality of life. These findings suggest that additional validation and reliability studies, including research to evaluate the relationship between HRQoL, protocols of care, and wound outcomes, are warranted. [Basic questionnaire and methodological criteria for Surveys on Working Conditions, Employment, and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean]. Benavides, Fernando G; Merino-Salazar, Pamela; Cornelio, Cecilia; Assunção, Ada Avila; Agudelo-Suárez, Andrés A; Amable, Marcelo; Artazcoz, Lucía; Astete, Jonh; Barraza, Douglas; Berhó, Fabián; Milián, Lino Carmenate; Delclòs, George; Funcasta, Lorena; Gerke, Johanna; Gimeno, David; Itatí-Iñiguez, María José; Lima, Eduardo de Paula; Martínez-Iñigo, David; Medeiros, Adriane Mesquita de; Orta, Lida; Pinilla, Javier; Rodrigo, Fernando; Rojas, Marianela; Sabastizagal, Iselle; Vallebuona, Clelia; Vermeylen, Greet; Villalobos, Gloria H; Vives, Alejandra 2016-10-10 This article aimed to present a basic questionnaire and minimum methodological criteria for consideration in future Surveys on Working Conditions, Employment, and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. A virtual and face-to-face consensus process was conducted with participation by a group of international experts who used the surveys available up until 2013 as the point of departure for defining the proposal. The final questionnaire included 77 questions grouped in six dimensions: socio-demographic characteristics of workers and companies; employment conditions; working conditions; health status; resources and preventive activities; and family characteristics. The minimum methodological criteria feature the interviewee's home as the place for the interview and aspects related to the quality of the fieldwork. These results can help improve the comparability of future surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean, which would in turn help improve information on workers' heath in the region. Dietary Screener Questionnaire in the National Health Interview Survey Cancer Control Supplement 2010: Overview The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Cancer Control Supplement (CCS) is administered every five years and focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in cancer-related health behaviors, screening, and risk assessment. The Readiness for Integrated Care Questionnaire (RICQ): An Instrument to Assess Readiness to Integrate Behavioral Health and Primary Care. Scott, Victoria C; Kenworthy, Tara; Godly-Reynolds, Erin; Bastien, Gilberte; Scaccia, Jonathan; McMickens, Courtney; Rachel, Sharon; Cooper, Sayon; Wrenn, Glenda; Wandersman, Abraham 2017-04-10 Integration of behavioral health and primary care services is a promising approach for reducing health disparities. The growing national emphasis on care coordination has mobilized efforts to integrate behavioral health and primary care services across the United States. These efforts align with broader health care system goals of improving health care quality, health equity, utilization efficiency, and patient outcomes. Drawing from our work on a multiyear integrated care initiative (Integrated Care Leadership Program; ICLP) and an implementation science heuristic for organizational readiness (Readiness = Motivation x General Capacity and Innovation-Specific Capacity; R = MC2), this article describes the development and implementation of a tool to assess organizational readiness for integrated care, referred to as the Readiness for Integrated Care Questionnaire (RICQ). The tool was piloted with 11 health care practices that serve vulnerable, underprivileged populations. Initial results from the RICQ revealed that participating practices were generally high in motivation, innovation-specific capacities, and general capacities at the start of ICLP. Additionally, analyses indicated that practices particularly needed support with increasing staff capacities (general knowledge and skills), improving access to and use of resources, and simplifying the steps in integrating care so the effort appears less daunting and difficult to health care team members. We discuss insights from the initial use of RICQ and practical implications of the new tool for driving integrated care efforts that can contribute to health equity. (PsycINFO Database Record Multi-Dimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire in China: Reliability, Validity and Clinical Value in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Song, Yang; Zhu, Li-an; Wang, Su-li; Leng, Lin; Bucala, Richard; Lu, Liang-Jing 2014-01-01 Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties and clinical utility of Chinese Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire (MDHAQ-C) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in China. Methods 162 RA patients were recruited in the evaluation process. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by internal consistency and item analysis. Convergent validity was assessed by correlations of MDHAQ-C with Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Hospital anxiety and depression scales (HAD). Discriminant validity was tested in groups of patients with varied disease activities and functional classes. To evaluate the clinical values, correlations were calculated between MDHAQ-C and indices of clinical relevance and disease activity. Agreement with the Disease Activity Score (DAS28) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) was estimated. Results The Cronbach's alpha was 0.944 in the Function scale (FN) and 0.768 in the scale of psychological status (PS). The item analysis indicated all the items of FN and PS are correlated at an acceptable level. MDHAQ-C correlated with the questionnaires significantly in most scales and scores of scales differed significantly in groups of different disease activity and functional status. MDHAQ-C has moderate to high correlation with most clinical indices and high correlation with a spearman coefficient of 0.701 for DAS 28 and 0.843 for CDAI. The overall agreement of categories was satisfying. Conclusion MDHAQ-C is a reliable, valid instrument for functional measurement and a feasible, informative quantitative index for busy clinical settings in Chinese RA patients. PMID:24848431 The EQ-5D-5L health status questionnaire in COPD: validity, responsiveness and minimum important difference Nolan, Claire M; Longworth, Louise; Lord, Joanne; Canavan, Jane L; Jones, Sarah E; Kon, Samantha S C; Man, William D-C 2016-01-01 Background The EQ-5D, a generic health status questionnaire that is widely used in health economic evaluation, was recently expanded to the EQ-5D-5L to address criticisms of unresponsiveness and ceiling effect. Aims To describe the validity, responsiveness and minimum important difference of the EQ-5D-5L in COPD. Methods Study 1: The validity of the EQ-5D-5L utility index and visual analogue scale (EQ-VAS) was compared with four established disease-specific health status questionnaires and other measures of disease severity in 616 stable outpatients with COPD. Study 2: The EQ-5D-5L utility index and EQ-VAS were measured in 324 patients with COPD before and after 8 weeks of pulmonary rehabilitation. Distribution and anchor-based approaches were used to estimate the minimum important difference. Results There were moderate-to-strong correlations between utility index and EQ-VAS with disease-specific questionnaires (Pearson's r=0.47–0.72). A ceiling effect was seen in 7% and 2.6% of utility index and EQ-VAS. Utility index decreased (worsening health status) with indices of worsening disease severity. With rehabilitation, mean (95% CI) changes in utility index and EQ-VAS were 0.065 (0.047 to 0.083) and 8.6 (6.5 to 10.7), respectively, with standardised response means of 0.39 and 0.44. The mean (range) anchor estimates of the minimum important difference for utility index and EQ-VAS were 0.051 (0.037 to 0.063) and 6.9 (6.5 to 8.0), respectively. Conclusions The EQ-5D-5L is a valid and responsive measure of health status in COPD and may provide useful additional cost-effectiveness data in clinical trials. PMID:27030578. Development of the mammography beliefs and attitudes questionnaire for low-health-literacy Mexican-American women. Lopez-McKee, Gloria 2010-11-24 Los Angeles Community College District Statewide Student Health Services Fee Questionnaire. Research Report 80-6. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Sachs, Steven Mark; Eisen, Nadine In order to assess the benefits of charging student fees for expanded health services, East Los Angeles College conducted a telephone survey of 106 California community colleges to determine: (1) the number of colleges charging student health fees; (2) the amount charged per full- and part-time student; (3) the percentage of the fee which went…. A tool for sexual minority mental health research: The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) as a depressive symptom severity measure for sexual minority women in Viet Nam Nguyen, Trang Quynh; Bandeen-Roche, Karen; Bass, Judith K; German, Danielle; Nguyen, Nam Thi Thu; Knowlton, Amy R 2016-01-01 In a context with limited attention to mental health and prevalent sexual prejudice, valid measurements are a key first step to understanding the psychological suffering of sexual minority populations. We adapted the Patient Health Questionnaire as a depressive symptom severity measure for Vietnamese sexual minority women, ensuring its cultural relevance and suitability for internet-based research. Psychometric evaluation found that the scale is mostly unidimensional and has good convergent validity, good external construct validity, and excellent reliability. The sample’s high endorsement of scale items emphasizes the need to study minority stress and mental health in this population. PMID:27642381 Cultural adaptation and validation of the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ): robust nine-dimension Danish language confirmatory factor model. Maindal, Helle Terkildsen; Kayser, Lars; Norgaard, Ole; Bo, Anne; Elsworth, Gerald R; Osborne, Richard H 2016-01-01 'Social support for health', and the hardest were 'Navigating the healthcare system' and 'Appraisal. Social class in childhood and general health in adulthood: questionnaire study of contribution of psychological attributes Bosma, Hans; van de Mheen, H Dike; Mackenbach, Johan P 1999-01-01 men and women aged 25-74 years. Baseline self reported data from 1991 provided information on childhood and adult social class, psychological attributes, and general health. Main outcome measure Self rated poor health. Results Independent of adult social class, low childhood social class was related to self rated poor health (odds ratio 1.67 (95% confidence interval 1.02 toRegardless of adult social class, low social class in childhood is related to poor general health in adulthoodAdverse personality profiles and negative coping styles are more common in people who grew up in lower social classesPsychological attributes, such as low perceived control, explain a substantial part. A Simple, Flexible and Scalable Approach for Generating Tailored Questionnaires and Health Education Messages MACRI, JENNIFER M.; DOWNS, STEPHEN M.; DEMARK-WAHNEFRIED, WENDY; SNYDER, DENISE C.; LOBACH, DAVID F. 2006-01-01 Tailored health information is important for generating patient-specific recommendations in clinical decision support systems and for crafting health education materials that are specifically customized to a patient. Many previous attempts to generate tailored information require complex representations, lack general applicability, and are inflexible to content alterations. In this article, we describe a simple, yet flexible approach for tailoring health communication. This generalized and scalable approach relies on a flexible state representation of each individual and an expandable rule drafting and processing engine. It utilizes a relational database schema and a simple table structure to maintain each individual's past and current health information. Content for tailored communication is represented in a single table which stores predefined logic describing the rules for selecting content applicable to specific individuals. The flexibility, scalability, and simplicity of this approach are demonstrated by describing two diverse projects. One project has provided patient-tailored decision support for physicians for over 82,000 patient encounters and the other generates tailored health questions and messages for patients through a tool developed in less than 4 months. PMID:16292046 Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the "World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire--Brief Version" for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Miller, Susan M.; Chan, Fong; Ferrin, James M.; Lin, Chen-Ping; Chan, Jacob Y. C. 2008-01-01 This study examined the factorial structure of the "World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire--Brief Version" in a community sample of Canadians with spinal cord injuries. A confirmatory factor analysis provides evidence that the instrument is a multidimensional measure of quality of life. Additionally, the questionnaire is…… Access Barriers to Dental Health Care in Children with Disability. A Questionnaire Study of Parents ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Gerreth, Karolina; Borysewicz-Lewicka, Maria 2016-01-01 Background:… Development and Validation of a Clostridium difficile Health-related Quality-of-Life Questionnaire Aitken, Samuel L.; Gschwind, Liliane; Goddu, Sumana; Xie, Yang; Duff, Catherine; Barbut, Frédéric; Shah, Dhara N.; DuPont, Herbert L. 2016-01-01 Goals and Background: Patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) can experience long-term symptoms and poor quality of life due to the disease. Despite this, a health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instrument specific for patients with CDI does not exist. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a disease-specific instrument to assess HRQOL in patients with CDI. Study: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify HRQOL instruments and questions related to general health (n=3) or gastrointestinal disease (n=12) potentially related to CDI HRQOL. Removing duplicate questions and using direct patient or clinician interviews, a 36-item survey was developed. The survey was then tested using 98 patients with CDI and compared with the RAND Short-Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey. Psychometric analysis techniques were used to identify domains and remove redundant items. Results: Exploratory factor analysis identified 3 major domains (physical, mental, and social) with 4 associated subdomains. Survey overall and domain scores displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach α coefficient >0.87) and concurrent validity evidenced by significant correlation with SF-36 scores. The C. difficile survey scores were better able than the SF-36 to discriminate quality-of-life score differences in patients with primary versus recurrent CDI and increasing time since last episode of CDI. The final version contained 32 items related to the physical, mental, and social health of CDI patients. Conclusion: The properties of the newly developed Cdiff32 should make it appropriate to assess changes over time in HRQOL in patients with CDI. PMID:26796081 The Huntington's Disease health-related Quality of Life questionnaire (HDQoL): a disease-specific measure of health-related quality of life Hocaoglu, MB; Gaffan, EA; Ho, AK 2012-01-01. Section Editor: Aad Tibben, email: a.tibben@lumc.nl PMID:22151007 The McGill Pain Questionnaire in Amharic: Zwai Health Center patients' reports on the experience of pain. Aboud, Frances E; Hiwot, Mismay G; Arega, Adefris; Molla, Mesfin; Samson, S; Seyoum, Nebyou; Ressom, Shewangizaw; Worku, Solomon; Mulatu, Mesfin; Egale, Tewedros 2003-01-01 This paper presents for the first time an Amharic translation of the McGill Pain Questionnaire developed by Melzack and used in many countries around the world. It allows for a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the intensity, location, and nature of experienced pain, as well as conditions that relieve pain. Data collected from one hundred patients attending the Zwai Health Center indicated that 81% reported pain at the time, one-quarter of whom were in severe pain. The most commonly chosen descriptors were: burning, stabbing, sore, gnawing, aching, and cramping. Descriptors were often associated with certain diagnoses: burning with gastrointestinal problems, stabbing with respiratory diseases, and gnawing or aching with myalgia/neuralgia. Approximately 40% of those in pain had previously sought relief from a clinic or pharmacy and were attending the center because the pain persisted. Analgesics were more likely to be prescribed for those in mild pain, while other medication without analgesics were prescribed for those in severe pain. The McGill Pain Questionnaire--Amharic (MPQ-Am) could be a useful tool for future studies of illness-specific pain, and of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical strategies for pain management. Work and Health Questionnaire (WHQ): A Screening Tool for Identifying Injured Workers at Risk for a Complicated Rehabilitation. Abegglen, Sandra; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Schade, Volker; Znoj, Hans-Jörg 2016-07-08 Purpose Unintentional injuries occur frequently and many of the accident survivors suffer from temporary or permanent disabilities. Although most accident victims recover quickly, a significant fraction of them shows a complicated recovery process and accounts for the majority of disability costs. Thus, early identification of vulnerable persons may be beneficial for compensation schemes, government bodies, as well as for the worker themselves. Here we present the Work and Health Questionnaire (WHQ), a screening tool that is already implemented in the case management process of the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (Suva). Moreover, we demonstrate its prognostic value for identifying workers at risk of a complicated recovery process. Methods A total of 1963 injured workers answered the WHQ within the first 3 months after their accident. All of them had minor to moderate accidental injuries; severely injured workers were excluded from the analyses. The anonymized individual-level data were extracted from insurance databases. We examined construct validity by factorial analyses, and prognostic validity by hierarchical multiple regression analyses on days of work disability. Further, we evaluated well-being and job satisfaction 18 months post-injury in a subsample of 192 injured workers (9.8 %) Results Factor analyses supported five underlying factors (Job Design, Work Support, Job Strain, Somatic Condition/Pain, and Anxiety/Worries). These subscales were moderately correlated, thus indicating that different subscales measured different aspects of work and health-related risk factors of injured workers. Item analysis and reliability analysis showed accurate psychometric properties. Each subscale was predictive at least for one of the evaluated outcomes 18 months post-injury. Conclusion The WHQ shows good psychometric qualities with high clinical utility to identify injured persons with multiple psychosocial risk factors. Thus, the questionnaire appears to be suitable. PMID:27324717 A Comparison of Mail and Telephone Administration of District-Level Questionnaires for the School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) 2006: Effects on Estimates and Data Quality ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Denniston, Maxine; Brener, Nancy 2010-01-01 Background: The School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) is a national study periodically conducted to assess school health policies and programs at the state, district, school, and classroom levels. For SHPPS 2006, district-level questionnaires were designed for telephone administration, but mixed-mode data collection that also used… Subjective Mental Health, Peer Relations, Family, and School Environment in Adolescents with Intellectual Developmental Disorder: A First Report of a New Questionnaire Administered on Tablet PCs ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Boström, Petra; Johnels, Jakob Åsberg; Thorson, Maria; Broberg, Malin 2016-01-01,… Responsiveness Comparison of the EQ-5D, PROMIS Global Health, and VR-12 Questionnaires in Knee Arthroscopy Oak, Sameer R.; Strnad, Gregory J.; Bena, James; Farrow, Lutul D.; Parker, Richard D.; Jones, Morgan H.; Spindler, Kurt P. 2016-01-01 Background: The EuroQol 5 dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D), Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) 10 Global Health, and Veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey (VR-12) are generic patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires that assess a patient’s general health. In choosing a PRO to track general health status, it is necessary to consider which measure will be the most responsive to change after treatment. To date, no studies exist comparing responsiveness among the EQ-5D, PROMIS 10 Global Health, and the Veterans Rand 12-Item Health Survey (VR-12). Purpose: To determine which of the generic PROs are most responsive internally and externally in the setting of knee arthroscopy. Study Design: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 3. Methods: Fifty patients who underwent knee arthroscopy were surveyed preoperatively and a mean 3.6 months postoperatively, with 90% follow-up. PROs included the EQ-5D, EQ-5D visual analog scale, PROMIS 10 Global Health (PROMIS 10) physical and mental components, VR-12 physical and mental components, and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS)–pain subscale. Internal responsiveness was evaluated by performing paired t tests on the changes in measures and calculating 2 measures of effect size: Cohen d and standardized response mean (SRM). External responsiveness was evaluated by comparing Pearson correlation measures between the disease-specific reference KOOS-pain and generic PROs. Results: For internal responsiveness, 3 PROs showed a statistically significant improvement in score after treatment (EQ-5D: +0.10 [95% CI, 0.06-0.15], VR-12 physical: +7.2 [95% CI, 4.0-10.4]), and PROMIS 10 physical: +4.4 [95% CI, 2.6-6.3]) and effect size statistics with moderate change (Cohen d and SRM, 0.5-0.8). Assessing external responsiveness, a high correlation with the disease-specific reference (KOOS-pain score) was found for EQ-5D (0.65), VR-12 physical (0.57), and PROMIS 10 physical (0.77). For . Psychometric Properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Mental Health Problems Among Children With Hearing Loss. Niclasen, Janni; Dammeyer, Jesper 2016-04 derived from two independent samples of D/HH children, one from 2007 of children (N = 334) in bilingual/bicultural educational programs and another from 2014 of children (N = 233) in mostly mainstream oral educational programs with cochlear implants. Teacher-SDQs were collected for the 2007 sample and parent-SDQs for the 2014 sample. The factor structure of the SDQ was examined from both Exploratory Factor Analytic (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analytic (CFA) perspectives and internal consistency was examined. Mean problem scores were presented. The five-factor structure of the SDQ was overall found for both the 2007 and the 2014 samples using EFA. However, problems with the Conduct scale and the reversed items loading onto the Prosocial scale were observed. The five-factor model was superior to a one- and a two-factor model from a CFA perspective in both samples. Better internal consistency was observed for the 2007 sample rated by teachers. Both samples showed higher mean scores on all SDQ problem subscales compared to a cohort of Danish children without hearing loss. The five-factor structure of the SDQ is recommended to be used among D/HH children. District nurses' experience of supervising nursing students in primary health care: A pre- and post-implementation questionnaire study. Bos, Elisabeth; Löfmark, Anna; Törnkvist, Lena 2009-11-01 Nursing. Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy Morales, Nívea MO; Funayama, Carolina AR; Rangel, Viviane O; Frontarolli, Ana Cláudia; Araújo, Renata RH; Pinto, Rogério MC; Rezende, Carlos HA; Silva, Carlos HM 2008-01-01 Background Cerebral palsy (CP) patients have motor limitations that can affect functionality and abilities for activities of daily living (ADL). Health related quality of life and health status instruments validated to be applied to these patients do not directly approach the concepts of functionality or ADL. The Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) seems to be a good instrument to approach this dimension, but it was never used for CP patients. The purpose of the study was to verify the psychometric properties of CHAQ applied to children and adolescents with CP. Methods Parents or guardians of children and adolescents with CP, aged 5 to 18 years, answered the CHAQ. A healthy group of 314 children and adolescents was recruited during the validation of the CHAQ Brazilian-version. Data quality, reliability and validity were studied. The motor function was evaluated by the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Results Ninety-six parents/guardians answered the questionnaire. The age of the patients ranged from 5 to 17.9 years (average: 9.3). The rate of missing data was low (<9.3%). The floor effect was observed in two domains, being higher only in the visual analogue scales (≤ 35.5%). The ceiling effect was significant in all domains and particularly high in patients with quadriplegia (81.8 to 90.9%) and extrapyramidal (45.4 to 91.0%). The Cronbach alpha coefficient ranged from 0.85 to 0.95. The validity was appropriate: for the discriminant validity the correlation of the disability index with the visual analogue scales was not significant; for the convergent validity CHAQ disability index had a strong correlation with the GMFM (0.77); for the divergent validity there was no correlation between GMFM and the pain and overall evaluation scales; for the criterion validity GMFM as well as CHAQ detected differences in the scores among the clinical type of CP (p < 0.01); for the construct validity, the patients' disability index score (mean:2.16; SD:0.72) was The Impact of Health Literacy Status on the Comparative Validity and Sensitivity of an Interactive Multimedia Beverage Intake Questionnaire Hooper, Lucy P.; Myers, Emily A.; Zoellner, Jamie M.; Davy, Brenda M.; Hedrick, Valisa E. 2016-01-01 Self-reported dietary assessment methods can be challenging to validate, and reporting errors for those with lower health literacy (HL) may be augmented. Interactive multimedia (IMM) based questionnaires could help overcome these limitations. The objectives of this investigation are to assess the comparative validity and sensitivity to change of an IMM beverage intake questionnaire (IMM-BEVQ) as compared to dietary recalls and determine the impact of HL. Adults completed three 24-h dietary recalls and the IMM-BEVQ at baseline and after a six-month intervention targeting either sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) or physical activity. Correlations and paired-samples t-tests are presented. For validity (n = 273), intake of SSB (mean difference = 10.6 fl oz) and total beverage consumption (mean difference = 16.0 fl oz) were significantly different (p ≤ 0.001) at baseline between the IMM-BEVQ and dietary recalls for all participants. However, the differences in intake were generally greater in low HL participants than in adequate HL participants. For sensitivity (n = 162), change in SSB intake (mean difference = 7.2 fl oz) was significantly different (p ≤ 0.01) between pre-/post-IMM-BEVQ and pre-/post-dietary recalls, but not total beverage intake (mean difference = 7.6 fl oz) for all participants. Changes in SSB and total beverage intake were not significantly different for those with adequate HL. The IMM-BEVQ is a valid dietary assessment tool that is as responsive to detecting changes in beverage intake as dietary recalls. However, adults with lower HL may need additional guidance when completing the IMM-BEVQ. PMID:28025538 Content comparison of quality of life questionnaires used in head and neck cancer based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health: a systematic review. Tschiesner, U; Rogers, S N; Harréus, U; Berghaus, A; Cieza, A 2008-06-01 Validation of Chinese Version of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (Chi-PCOSQ) Lin, Chung-Ying; Ou, Huang-tz; Wu, Meng-Hsing; Chen, Pei-Chi 2016-01-01 Objectives To evaluate the responsiveness, longitudinal validity, and measurement invariance of the Chinese version of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire (Chi-PCOSQ). Research Design and Method This prospective study was conducted in a medical center in southern Taiwan. 102 women aged 18–45 years and diagnosed with PCOS were enrolled. Objective indicators for clinical changes of PCOS included assessing the 2-hour glucose and insulin levels before and after treatment. The responsiveness of Chi-PCOSQ and WHOQOL-BREF was analyzed using paired t-tests and the standard response mean. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assess the measurement invariance of Chi-PCOSQ. Results With improved 2-hour glucose and insulin levels, we also found significantly increased Chi-PCOSQ total and individual domain scores (total score: t (49) = 5.20; p < 0.001, domain scores: t (49) = 2.72 to 3.87; p < 0.01), except for hair growth. Half of the domains scores (3 of 6) and the total score of Chi-PCOSQ had a medium responsiveness, but WHOQOL-BREF was not sufficiently responsive to clinical changes of PCOS. Improved PCOS-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL), as indicated by Chi-PCOSQ scores, was significantly associated with improved 2-hour glucose and insulin levels. All indices of the data-model fit of the Chi-PCOSQ structure were satisfactory, except for the slightly high standardized root mean square residual values (0.087 to 0.088). The measurement invariance of Chi-PCOSQ was supported across time. Conclusion Chi-PCOSQ is sufficiently sensitive in detecting clinical changes and its measurement structure is suitable for Chinese women with PCOS. It is thus a promising tool for assessing the HRQoL of ethnic Chinese women with PCOS. PMID:27124836 Validity of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in detecting depressive and anxiety disorders among high school students. Baksheev, Gennady Nickolaevich; Robinson, Jo; Cosgrave, Elizabeth Mary; Baker, Kathryn; Yung, Alison Ruth 2011-05-15 Despite the common use of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) with adolescents, there is limited data supporting its validity with this population. The aims of the study were to investigate the psychometric properties of the GHQ-12 among high school students, to validate the GHQ-12 against the gold standard of a diagnostic interview, and to suggest a threshold score for detecting depressive and anxiety disorders. Six hundred and fifty-four high school students from years 10 to 12 (ages 15-18) completed the GHQ-12 (Likert scored) and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-Test Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted. The mean GHQ-12 score for the total sample was 9.9 (S.D.=5.4). Results from the ROC curve indicated that the GHQ-12 performed better than chance at identifying depressive and anxiety disorders (area under the curve (AUC)=0.781). A GHQ-12 threshold score of 9/10 for males and 10/11 for females was found to be optimal. Given the significant proportion of mental illness among high school students, there may be a need to introduce screening for mental illnesses as part of the school curriculum. This can assist with the early identification and enable low stigma preventive intervention within the school environment. Psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-100) in Portuguese patients with sarcoma. Paredes, T; Simões, M R; Canavarro, M C 2010-08-01 The purpose of this article is to report on the study of the psychometric properties of the European Portuguese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire--WHOQOL-100, in a clinical sample of patients with bone and soft tissue cancer. Eighty-one participants, in different phases of the disease, were recruited from the Department of Orthopaedics of the Coimbra University Hospitals. After the informed consent was obtained, all patients responded to the European Portuguese version of WHOQOL-100 and the Portuguese versions of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI). The results show an acceptable internal consistency for the set of facets, domains, and 100 questions (alphas from 0.73 to 0.96) and across domains (alphas from 0.82 to 0.94), as well as an acceptable test-retest reliability (test-retest correlations from 0.71 to 0.88) of WHOQOL-100. Construct validity was demonstrated by moderate correlations between domains (r from 0.23 to 0.70) and with the general facet (r from 0.32 to 0.57), concurrent validity by its correlation with the total scores of BDI and Global Severity Index of BSI, and discriminant validity by its ability to discriminate between healthy individuals and cancer patients. In general, the European Portuguese version of WHOQOL-100 is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of quality of life in patients with bone and soft tissue cancer. Validation of the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Questionnaire with parents of children with autistic disorder. Dardas, Latefa A; Ahmad, Muayyad M 2014-09. [Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the World Health Organization staff questionnaire on dengue warning signs for use in Brazil]. Correa, Luana Sicuro; Hökerberg, Yara Hahr Marques; Daumas, Regina Paiva; Brasil, Patrícia 2015-02-01 Early recognition of warning signs and treatment of severe dengue cases is the main strategy for reducing case-fatality, especially in children, who usually present few symptoms and can progress rapidly to dengue shock syndrome. The objective of this study was to elaborate the Brazilian version of the World Health Organization (WHO) staff questionnaire on the use and value of dengue warning signs, through translation and back-translation of the WHO questionnaire, followed by an expert panel consensus, pretest (n = 13), and pilot study (n = 20) of the preliminary version. Comparison of the original questionnaire in English and the back-translation showed that 8 of the 49 items had been extensively or completely altered, and three were rephrased. The expert panel added the warning signs listed by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. In the final version of the questionnaire, the item "ranking of warning signs" was rephrased and the answer option "do not know" was excluded. The Brazilian version of the WHO staff questionnaire allows assessing health professionals' experience and perceptions regarding the use of warning signs included in the recent dengue guidelines. Should breast reduction surgery be rationed? A comparison of the health status of patients before and after treatment: postal questionnaire survey. Klassen, A.; Fitzpatrick, R.; Jenkinson, C.; Goodacre, T. 1996-01-01. PMID:8776311 The British Sign Language Versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale, and the Work and Social Adjustment Scale ERIC Educational Resources Information Center).… Adaptation and initial validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Questionnaire (GAD-7) in an Arabic speaking Lebanese psychiatric outpatient sample. Sawaya, Helen; Atoui, Mia; Hamadeh, Aya; Zeinoun, Pia; Nahas, Ziad 2016-05-30. Development of Chinese Version of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (Chi-PCOSQ) Ou, Huang-tz; Chen, Pei-Chi 2015-01-01 Objectives To develop the Chinese version of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire (Chi-PCOSQ). Research Design and Method This cross-sectional study was conducted in a medical center in Taiwan. Eighty women who met the criteria were enrolled: female, age range of 18–45 years, competent in the Chinese language, had been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and were regularly followed at outpatient clinics (defined as at least two outpatient visits before enrollment). The PCOSQ was translated and culturally adapted according to standard procedures. A semi-structured interview was applied to assess face validity. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied to determine scale constructs. Measurements of internal consistency via Cronbach’s α, test-retest reliability via intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), construct validity, and discriminative validity were performed. Results Five additional items, representing the issues of acne, hair loss, and fear of getting diabetes, were incorporated into the original scale. A six-factor structure emerged as a result of the EFA, explaining 71.9% of the variance observed. The reliability analyses demonstrated satisfactory results for Cronbach’s α ranging from 0.78–0.96, and for ICC ranging from 0.73–0.86. Construct validity was confirmed by significant correlation between the domains of the Chi-PCOSQ and generic health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measures (WHOQOL-BREF, EQ-5D) and clinical parameters (body mass index, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure). The known-group analysis indicated that the Chi-PCOSQ is a discriminative tool that differentiates patients according to their HRQoL. Conclusion The Chi-PCOSQ seems internally consistent, culturally acceptable, and our preliminary evidence suggests that it may be reliable and valid. The Chi-PCOSQ is a promising assessment tool to address the HRQoL of women affected by PCOS in Chinese-speaking countries and to The Gutenberg Health Study: measuring psychosocial factors at work and predicting health and work-related outcomes with the ERI and the COPSOQ questionnaire 2013-01-01 Measuring renewed expertise for integrated care among health- and social-care professionals: Development and preliminary validation of the ICE-Q questionnaire. van der Aa, Maartje J; van den Broeke, Jennifer R; Stronks, Karien; Busschers, Wim B; Plochg, Thomas 2016-01-01 Accumulations of health and social problems challenge current health systems. It is hypothesized that professionals should renew their expertise by adapting generalist, coaching, and population health orientation capacities to address these challenges. This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument for evaluating this renewal of professional expertise. The (Dutch) Integrated Care Expertise Questionnaire (ICE-Q) was developed and piloted. Psychometric analysis evaluated item, criterion, construct, and content validity. Theory and an iterative process of expert consultation constructed the ICE-Q, which was sent to 616 professionals, of whom 294 participated in the pilot (47.7%). Factor analysis (FA) identified six areas of expertise: holistic attitude towards patients (Cronbach's alpha [CA] = 0.61) and considering their social context (CA = 0.77), both related to generalism; coaching to support patient empowerment (CA = 0.66); preventive action (CA = 0.48); valuing local health knowledge (CA = 0.81); and valuing local facility knowledge (CA = 0.67) point at population health orientation. Inter-scale correlations ranged between 0.01 and 0.34. Item-response theory (IRT) indicated some items were less informative. The resulting 26-item questionnaire is a first tool for measuring integrated care expertise. The study process led to a developed understanding of the concept. Further research is warranted to improve the questionnaire. The Brief Symptom Inventory and the Outcome Questionnaire-45 in the Assessment of the Outcome Quality of Mental Health Interventions Schuetz, Christopher; Andreae, Andreas; Koemeda, Margit; Schulthess, Peter; Tschuschke, Volker; von Wyl, Agnes 2016-01-01. Critical differences (reliable change index) and cut-off points between functional and dysfunctional populations were calculated using the Jacobson and Truax method of calculating clinical significance. Overall, the results indicated that the BSI was more accurate than the OQ-45 in correctly classifying patients as clinical subjects. Nonetheless, even with the BSI, about 25% of inpatients with schizophrenia attained a score at admission below the clinical cut-off. Both questionnaires exhibited the highest sensitivity to psychopathology with patients with personality disorders. When considering the differences in the prescores, both questionnaires showed the same sensitivity to change. The advantage of using these self-report measures is observed primarily in assessing outpatient psychotherapy outcome. In an inpatient setting two main problems—namely, the low response rate and the scarce sensitivity to psychopathology with severely ill patients—limit the usability of self-report questionnaires. PMID:27699166 Story-based scales: development and validation of questionnaires to measure subjective health status and cultural adherence in British Bangladeshis with diabetes. Greenhalgh, Trisha; Chowdhury, Mu'min; Wood, Gary W 2006-11-01 Questionnaires that measure subjective health status are increasingly used in clinical trials. But scales based on the quantification of subjective traits ("rate your feelings on a scale of 1 to 5") and initially developed in western population samples may not be valid for use in minority ethnic groups, even if accurately translated. The measurement of cultural adaptation and assimilation in immigrant groups is important for health research but has well documented methodological challenges. The aim of this study was to develop valid and reliable questionnaires to measure subjective health status and cultural adherence in a minority ethnic group, using the story as the unit of inquiry. The design was a multi-phase study involving (a) narrative interview, (b) vignette construction, (c) questionnaire development, and (d) questionnaire validation in relation to two scales (well-being and cultural adherence) in British Bangladeshis with diabetes. Using data from in-depth narrative interviews (i.e., a non-directive research technique in which the participant is invited to "tell me the story about your diabetes, starting with when you first noticed anything wrong", and the only prompts used are "tell me more about that" or "what happened next?"; Greenhalgh, Helman, & Chowdhury, 1998; Muller, 1999), we constructed culturally congruent vignettes to depict different subjective health states and behaviours. We refined these items in focus group interviews and validated the instruments on 98 Bangladeshi participants, randomly sampled from GP diabetes registers in inner London and interviewed by a Bangladeshi anthropologist. We used factor analysis to explore the underlying structure in the responses to questionnaire items, plus Cronbach alpha tests to measure internal consistency of scales. The questionnaires were acceptable and credible to Bangladeshi participants with diabetes. Ninety of 98 participants were able and willing to complete them with interviewer assistance. A population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with mixed Sami and Norwegian settlements – the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study Brustad, Magritt; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Hansen, Solrunn; Melhus, Marita 2014-01-01. PMID:24971230 Protocol study: sexual and reproductive health knowledge, information-seeking behaviour and attitudes among Saudi women: a questionnaire survey of university students 2014-01-01 Background Sexual and reproductive health (SRH), a basic right for women worldwide, is infrequently researched in countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). No empirical studies of SRH among Saudi women exist. This protocol describes a study to explore the SRH knowledge, information-seeking behaviour and attitudes of Saudi female university students. Methods/Design This study will administer a questionnaire survey to female students at 13 universities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire was developed following a literature search to identify relevant content, with psychometrically tested tools used when available. The content layout and the wording and order of the questions were designed to minimize the risk of bias. The questionnaire has been translated into Arabic and piloted in preparation for administration to the study sample. Ethical approval for the study has been granted (reference no. QMREC2012/54). After questionnaire administration, the data will be collated, analysed and reported anonymously. The findings will be published in compliance with reporting guidelines for survey research. Discussion This study will be the first to provide fundamental information concerning Saudi females university students SRH knowledge and information needs. PMID:24885041. A multidimensional perspective of relations between self-concept (Self Description Questionnaire II) and adolescent mental health (Youth Self-Report). Marsh, Herbert W; Parada, Roberto H; Ayotte, Violaine 2004-03-01 Relations between self-concept and mental health are best understood from a multidimensional perspective. For responses by 903 adolescents (mean age = 12.6) to a new French translation of the Self Description Questionnaire II (SDQII), confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a well-defined multidimensional factor structure of reliable, highly differentiated self-concept factors. Correlations between 11 SDQII factors and 7 mental health problems (Youth Self-Report; YSR) varied substantially (.11 to -.83; mean r = -.35). Single higher-order factors could not explain relations among SDQII factors, among YSR factors, or between the SDQII and YSR factors. This highly differentiated multivariate pattern of relations supports a multidimensional perspective of self-concept, not the unidimensional perspective still prevalent in mental health research and assessment. Development of the Malocclusion Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) to measure the oral health-related quality of life of young people with malocclusion: part 1 – qualitative inquiry Patel, Neil; Hodges, Samantha J.; Hall, Melanie; Benson, Philip E.; Marshman, Zoe; Cunningham, Susan J. 2016-01-01 Objectives: To seek the views of adolescents with malocclusion about how the appearance and arrangement of their teeth affects their everyday life and to incorporate these views into a new Malocclusion Impact Questionnaire (MIQ). Methods: Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a purposive sample of 30 young people (10–16 years) referred for orthodontic treatment to two dental teaching hospitals. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using framework analysis. Several themes and sub themes were identified and these were used to identify items to include in the new measure. Results: Three themes emerged which were: concerns about the appearance of their teeth, effect on social interactions and oral health/function. Participants expressed the view that their teeth did not look normal, causing them embarrassment and a lack of confidence, particularly when they were with their peers or having their photograph taken. Concerns regarding the potential effect of a malocclusion on oral health, in terms of food becoming stuck between crooked teeth, interferences when chewing and increased risk of damaging the teeth were also identified. The themes were used to generate individual items for inclusion in the questionnaire. Conclusions: Common themes relating to the impact of malocclusion on the lives of young people were identified and generated items for the new MIQ to measure the oral health-related quality of life of young people with malocclusion. Part 2 outlines the further development and testing of the MIQ. PMID:26747334 2013-02. Oral Health Behavior and Lifestyle Factors among Overweight and Non-Overweight Young Adults in Europe: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study Nihtila, Annamari; West, Nicola; Lussi, Adrian; Bouchard, Philippe; Ottolenghi, Livia; Senekola, Egita; Llodra, Juan Carlos; Viennot, Stephane; Bourgeois, Denis 2016-01-01 Being participating in the Escarcel study. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire on dietary habits, oral health behavior, smoking, exercise, height, and weight. Overweight was defined as body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2 using the World Health Organization criteria. Mean BMI was 23.2 (SD 3.48) and 24.3% of the study population were overweight. Those who were overweight drank more soft drinks (p = 0.005) and energy drinks (p = 0.006) compared with those who were non-overweight. Brushing once a day (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.3-2.0), emergency treatment as the reason for last dental visit (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.3–1.9) and having seven or more eating or drinking occasions daily (OR 1.4; 95% CI 1.1–1.7) were statistically significantly associated with overweight. Associations were found between oral health behavior, lifestyle and overweight. A greater awareness of the detrimental lifestyle factors including inadequate oral health habits among overweight young adults is important for all healthcare providers, including oral health care professionals. PMID:27417609 Health-related quality of life, assessed with a disease-specific questionnaire, in Swedish adults suffering from well-diagnosed food allergy to staple foods 2013-01-01. A comparison of the measurement properties of the Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale with the childhood health assessment questionnaire in daily practice. Bekkering, W Peter; ten Cate, Rebecca; van Rossum, Marion A J; Vliet Vlieland, Theodora P M 2007-11-01 We compared the measurement properties of a performance test (Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale; JAFAS) with a questionnaire-based instrument (Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire; CHAQ) to measure functional ability in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis on the level of individual items. In 28 consecutive children visiting an outpatient paediatrics clinic, the JAFAS (range 0-20) and CHAQ (range 0-3) were applied, and measures of disease activity and joint range of motion (ROM) were determined. Twenty-eight children with a median age of 10 years and median disease duration of 3.2 years were included. The median JAFAS score was 0, and the median CHAQ score was 0.125. Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 for the JAFAS and 0.96 for the CHAQ. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the JAFAS and the CHAQ was 0.55 (P < 0.01). With six out of ten items, the JAFAS classified the child as less disabled than with corresponding CHAQ activities. Overall, associations with measures of disease activity and ROM were higher for the CHAQ than for the JAFAS. A performance test (JAFAS) does not appear to have an added benefit over the questionnaire-based assessment (CHAQ) of physical function in a cross-sectional study.-03. International validation of the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 questionnaire for assessment of health-related quality of life elderly patients with cancer Wheelwright, S; Darlington, A-S; Fitzsimmons, D; Fayers, P; Arraras, J I; Bonnetain, F; Brain, E; Bredart, A; Chie, W-C; Giesinger, J; Hammerlid, E; O'Connor, S J; Oerlemans, S; Pallis, A; Reed, M; Singhal, N; Vassiliou, V; Young, T; Johnson, C 2013-01-01 Background: Older people represent the majority of cancer patients but their specific needs are often ignored in the development of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-ELD15 was developed to supplement the EORTC's core questionnaire, the QLQ-C30, for measuring HRQOL in patients aged >70 years in oncology studies. Methods: Patients (n=518) from 10 countries completed the QLQ-C30, QLQ-ELD15 and a debriefing interview. Eighty two clinically stable patients repeated the questionnaires 1 week later (test–retest analysis) and 107 others, with an expected change in clinical status, repeated the questionnaires 3 months later (response to change analysis, RCA). Results: Information from the debriefing interview, factor analysis and item response theory analysis resulted in the removal of one item (QLQ-ELD15→QLQ-ELD14) and revision of the proposed scale structure to five scales (mobility, worries about others, future worries, maintaining purpose and illness burden) and two single items (joint stiffness and family support). Convergent validity was good. In known-group comparisons, the QLQ-ELD14 differentiated between patients with different disease stage, treatment intention, number of comorbidities, performance status and geriatric screening scores. Test–retest and RCA analyses were equivocal. Conclusion: The QLQ-ELD14 is a validated HRQOL questionnaire for cancer patients aged ⩾70 years. Changes in elderly patients' self-reported HRQOL may be related to both cancer evolution and non-clinical events. PMID:23868003 Personality, health and lifestyle in a questionnaire family study: a comparison between highly cooperative and less cooperative families. Distel, Marijn A; Ligthart, Lannie; Willemsen, Gonneke; Nyholt, Dale R; Trull, Timothy J; Boomsma, Dorret I 2007-04-01 The effect of nonresponse on health and lifestyle measures has received extensive study, showing at most relatively modest effects. Nonresponse bias with respect to personality has been less thoroughly investigated. The present study uses data from responding individuals as a proxy for the missing data of their nonresponding family members to examine the presence of nonresponse bias for personality traits and disorders as well as health and lifestyle traits. We looked at the Big Five personality traits, borderline personality disorder (BPD) features, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Anger, and several measures of health (Body Mass Index, migraine) and lifestyle (smoking, alcohol use). In general, outcomes tend to be slightly more favorable for individuals from highly cooperative families compared to individuals from less cooperative families. The only significant difference was found for BPD features (p = .001). However, the absolute difference in mean scores is very small, less than 1 point for a scale ranging from 0 to 72. In conclusion, survey data on personality, health and lifestyle are relatively unbiased with respect to nonresponse. Risk assessment vs. right to privacy: the access to health information on the insurance candidate through questionnaires and the right to privacy. Martins, Maria Inês de Oliveira 2013-03-01 The need of private insurers for information on the candidate's health risks is recognized by the law, which places pre-contractual duties of disclosure upon the candidates. When the risks are influenced by health factors, e.g. in the case of life- and health insurances, it implies the provision of health information by the candidates, who thus voluntarily limit their right to privacy. This consent, however, often happens in a context of factual coercion to contract. Next to this, from a legal standpoint, the collection of personal information must respond to the principle of proportionality. Against this background, this article assesses the compatibility of questionnaire techniques that rely on open-ended health related questions with the right to privacy, as protected by Portuguese and international law. It then analyses the extent of pre-contractual duties of disclosure as defined by the Portuguese Insurance Act, which requires the candidate to volunteer all the relevant information independently of being asked for it. In doing so, the article also refers to some other European countries. It concludes that the relevant Portuguese legislation is incompatible both with Portuguese constitutional law and with international law. Measuring Appetite with the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire Identifies Hospitalised Older People at Risk of Worse Health Outcomes PILGRIM, A.L.; BAYLIS, D.; JAMESON, K.A.; COOPER, C.; SAYER, A.A.; ROBINSON, S.M.; ROBERTS, H.C. 2016 University hospital in England. Participants 179 female inpatients. Measurements Age, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), grip strength, SNAQ, Barthel Index Score, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale: Short Form (GDS-SF), Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), category of domicile and receipt of care were measured soon after admission and repeated at six month follow-up. The length of hospital stay (LOS), hospital acquired infection, readmissions and deaths by follow-up were recorded. Results 179 female participants mean age 87 (SD 4.7) years were recruited. 42% of participants had a low SNAQ score (<14, indicating poor appetite). A low SNAQ score was associated with an increased risk of hospital acquired infection (OR 3.53; 95% CI: 1.48, 8.41; p=0.004) and with risk of death (HR 2.29; 95% CI: 1.12, 4.68; p = 0.023) by follow-up. Conclusion Poor appetite was common among the older hospitalised women studied, and was associated with higher risk of poor healthcare outcomes. PMID:26728926 Spanish validation of the "Kidney Transplant Questionnaire": a useful instrument for assessing health related quality of life in kidney transplant patients Rebollo, Pablo; Ortega, Francisco; Ortega, Teresa; Valdés, Covadonga; García-Mendoza, Mónica; Gómez, Ernesto 2003-01-01 Background There is a growing interest in the evaluation of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) among patients undergoing Renal Replacement Therapy. In Spain, no specific questionnaire exists for kidney transplant patients. Here we present the Spanish validation of the first specific HRQoL assessment tool: the kidney transplant questionnaire (KTQ). Methods Prospective study of 31 patients on transplant waiting list who received the first kidney. Patients were evaluated before transplant and after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, using the KTQ and the SF-36 Health Survey. Feasibility, validity, reliability, and sensibility to change were evaluated. Results Mean time of administration of the KTQ was 12 minutes. Correlation coefficients among KTQ dimensions range between 0.32 and 0.72. Correlation coefficients of KTQ dimensions with SF-36 PCS were low (r<0.4), and with SF-36 MCS were moderate-high (r>0.4) except for Physical Symptom dimension (r = 0.33). Cronbach's Alpha was satisfactory for all KTQ dimensions (Physical Symptoms = 0.80; Fatigue = 0.93; Uncertainty/Fear = 0.81; Emotional= 0.90) except Appearance (0.69). Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged between 0.63 and 0.85, similar to those of the original KTQ version. Conclusions Results of validation study show that feasibility, validity, reliability and sensibility to change of the Spanish version of the KTQ are similar to those of the original version. PMID:14613566 Is Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in a Community Sample the Optimal Way to Assess Mental Health Functioning? Vaz, Sharmila; Cordier, Reinie; Boyes, Mark; Parsons, Richard; Joosten, Annette; Ciccarelli, Marina; Falkmer, Marita; Falkmer, Torbjorn 2016-01-01. PMID:26771673 The Euro Cardio-QoL Project. An international study to develop a core heart disease health-related quality of life questionnaire, the HeartQoL. Oldridge, Neil; Saner, Hugo; McGee, Hannah M 2005-04-01 Cardiovascular diseases, which include coronary heart disease, account for 48% of deaths in Europe and many developed countries have specifically targeted significant reductions in coronary heart disease deaths as major health care objectives. Reduction in the death rate and morbidity from coronary heart disease can be accomplished through three primary interventions: (1) modification of lifestyle behaviors; (2) use of medications; and (3) surgical procedures. In order to prescribe a specific intervention, patients with heart disease are typically diagnosed by physicians with one or more of three inter-related (but clinically distinct) conditions: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, or heart failure. This diagnostic conceptualization of coronary heart disease has led to important improvements in specific treatments and researchers have increasingly focused their attention on comparing the efficacy of one intervention versus another. Patients, providers, and researchers have increasingly become interested in identifying those interventions that not only improve mortality but also improve symptoms, function, and health-related quality of life. Thus, researchers have developed specific symptom scales and health-related quality of life instruments for each of these three coronary heart disease conditions for use in clinical trials. As part of the Euro Cardio-QoL Project, the HeartQoL study is designed to develop a single reliable and valid core coronary heart disease-specific, health-related quality of life questionnaire, to be called the HeartQoL, in order to compare outcomes with the same or across different treatments among pure or mixed populations of patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and/or heart failure. To be of value in international studies, health-related quality of life instruments must be available in a range of languages as many important clinical studies require multi-national and multi-language site collaboration. The project will Good Psychometric Properties of the Addiction Version of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire for Health Care Professionals Dijkstra, Boukje; Golbach, Milou; De Jong, Cor; Schellekens, Arnt 2016-01-01 Background Addiction, or substance dependence, is nowadays considered a chronic relapsing condition. However, perceptions of addiction vary widely, also among healthcare professionals. Perceptions of addiction are thought to contribute to attitude and stigma towards patients with addiction. However, studies into perceptions of addiction among healthcare professionals are limited and instruments for reliable assessment of their perceptions are lacking. The Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ) is widely used to evaluate perceptions of illness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the IPQ: factor structure, internal consistency, and discriminant validity, when applied to evaluate healthcare professionals’ perceptions of addiction. Methods Participants were 1072 healthcare professionals in training and master students from the Netherlands and Indonesia, recruited from various addiction-training programs. The revised version of the IPQ was adapted to measure perceptions of addiction (IPQ-A). Maximum likelihood method was used to explore the best-fit IPQ factor structure. Internal consistency was evaluated for the final factors. The final factor structure was used to assess discriminant validity of the IPQ, by comparing illness perceptions of addiction between 1) medical students from the Netherlands and Indonesia, 2) medical students psychology students and educational science students from the Netherlands, and 3) participants with different training levels: medical students versus medical doctors. Results Factor analysis revealed an eight-factor structure for the perception subscale (demoralization, timeline chronic, consequences, personal control, treatment control, illness coherence, timeline cyclical emotional representations) and a four-factor structure for the attribution subscale (psychological attributions, risk factors, smoking/alcohol, overwork). Internal reliability was acceptable to good. The IPQ-A was able to detect Electronic Versus Paper-Based Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life Specific to HIV Disease: Reliability Study of the PROQOL-HIV Questionnaire Lalanne, Christophe; Goujard, Cécile; Herrmann, Susan; Cheung-Lung, Christian; Brosseau, Jean-Paul; Schwartz, Yannick; Chassany, Olivier 2014-01-01 An Insight into Health Care Setup in National Capital Region of India using Dimensions of Learning Organizations Questionnaire (DLOQ)- A Cross-Sectional Study Gupta, Ritu; Basavaraj, Patthi; Singla, Ashish; Prasad, Monika; Pandita, Venisha; Malhi, Ravneet; Vashishtha, Vaibhav 2016-01-01 Introduction Over the past decades India, though being a developing country has progressed in multiple sectors but has not shown a substantial qualitative progress in healthcare. To be able to evaluate learning organization in a healthcare setup would thrust millennium development goals and infuse continuous learning model into health sector. Aim To assess health care context using the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ) in a health care setting in National Capital Region of India. Materials and Methods DLOQ proforma were distributed among 315 employees at all levels of the hospital. Data was analysed using SPSS software version 19.0 and was subjected to quantitative analysis and non-parametric tests. Results The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant difference between the means of the different professions where as Mann-Whitney tests compared the relation between each of the profession and a significant difference (p < 0.05) was noted, except dimension “systems connection”. Conclusion The results provided sufficient inputs about the multidimensional learning organization capacity of a health care setting in a rapidly developing country. PMID:27504396 Measurement invariance across chronic conditions: a systematic review and an empirical investigation of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ™) 2014-01-01. PMID:24758346-01. PMID:21273397 Business planning health-check questionnaire: a survey of first, second, third and fourth wave NHS Trusts. Bennett, A R; Banks, J M 1999-02-01 This paper reports the results of primary research which was carried out in July 1995 with respect to business planning within first, second, third and fourth wave National Health Service (NHS) Trusts. The purpose of the research was to examine current practice in these Trusts in three areas--namely, the levels of responsibility for business planning in general, the business planning processes applied by these Trusts, and the tools and techniques used by business planning managers in the compilation of business plans. The research, based on a 37.5% response rate, concludes that, as a general rule, business planning in first, second, third and fourth wave NHS Trusts tends to be a board-level activity, where senior managers have a job title which reflects this function. Secondly, the research shows that by far the greatest challenge for Trusts lies in the external marketplace. In areas such as patient needs forecasting, competitive (Trust) intelligence, purchaser and general practice fundholder requirements, data are difficult to acquire. Finally, the evidence suggests that there is a significant gap between what is regarded as business planning practice in the NHS and what is actually applied as best practice. The report concludes that business planning in the NHS Trusts sampled appears to be an art rather than a science, and that many assumptions made by business planning managers are founded on qualitative information rather than on specific, measurable data derived from the external and internal market. The British Sign Language versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale, and the Work and Social Adjustment Scale.).. Internet Searching About Disease Elicits a Positive Perception of Own Health When Severity of Illness Is High: A Longitudinal Questionnaire Study Greving, Hannah 2016-01-01 [Translation and adaptation to Spanish language of the quality of life questionnaire for celiac people called Canadian Celiac Health Survey]. Pelegrí, Cristina; Mañes, Jordi; Soriano, Jose Miguel 2014-10-01 Introducción: Adaptar y valorar el cuestionario de calidad de vida denominado Canadian Celiac Health Survey (CCHS). Objetivo: Traducir y adaptar en castellano el cuestionario CCHS para poder ser utilizado por la población de habla hispana puesto que se trata de un cuestionario específico para la celiaquía. Método: La adaptación del CCHS, que consta de 76 ítems distribuidos en 11 secciones diferentes, se realizó mediante el método de traducción-retrotraducción y tras ser revisado y consensuado se procedió a realizar una prueba piloto con 25 personas celíacas, de forma individual y por un miembro del grupo de investigación, para valorar la comprensión de los ítems y sus secciones. Las aportaciones fueron introducidas, configurando el cuestionario definitivo. Resultados: La máxima dificultad en la traducción se produjo en la pregunta donde existían principios activos y nombres comerciales de medicamentos, optándose para ello a los comercializados a nivel nacional. Por otro lado, para el estudio piloto del cuestionario se observó un buen valor de la naturalidad de la comprensión con valores comprendidos entre 8,4 y 10,0. Conclusiones: La herramienta específica CHCS permitirá el uso de un cuestionario que pueda ser utilizado por la población de habla hispana en estudios, ensayos clínicos o en la práctica profesional sanitaria cotidiana, permitiendo un mejor conocimiento del estado de salud de los celíacos. Knowledge, attitude, and practices of oral health care in prevention of early childhood caries among parents of children in Belagavi city: A Questionnaire study Suma Sogi, H. P.; Hugar, Shivayogi M.; Nalawade, Triveni Mohan; Sinha, Anjali; Hugar, Shweta; Mallikarjuna, Rachappa M. 2016-01-01 Dental Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka. Institutional Ethical Clearance was obtained. The study was conducted during the month of April 2014 to October 2014 after taking prior informed consent from the 218 parents. Inclusion criteria were parents getting their children treated for dental caries and who were willing to participate. Parents who could not read and write were excluded from the study. The self-administered, close-ended questionnaire was written in English. It was then translated in local languages, i.e. Kannada and Marathi, and a pilot study was conducted on 10 parents to check for its feasibility and any changes if required were done. Results: The response rate was 100% as all 218 parents completed the questionnaire. Of 218 parents, 116 were mothers and 102 were fathers. The overall mean knowledge score was 69.5%. The overall mean attitude score was 53.5%. The overall attitude toward prevention of ECC was not in accordance to knowledge. The overall mean of “good” practices and “bad” practices score was 33.5% and 18.5%, respectively. Good knowledge and attitude toward oral health do not necessarily produce good practices. PMID:27843829 Health Services OutPatient Experience questionnaire: factorial validity and reliability of a patient-centered outcome measure for outpatient settings in Italy Coluccia, Anna; Ferretti, Fabio; Pozza, Andrea 2014-01-01 Purpose Development and validation of a specific questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life in patients with home enteral nutrition: NutriQoL® development Cuerda, Maria Cristina; Apezetxea, Antonio; Carrillo, Lourdes; Casanueva, Felipe; Cuesta, Federico; Irles, Jose Antonio; Virgili, Maria Nuria; Layola, Miquel; Lizan, Luis 2016-01-01 Introduction Home enteral nutrition (HEN) is indicated in patients with a functional gastrointestinal tract but who are unable to meet their nutritional requirements with normally consumed foodstuffs. HEN allows patients to remain in their social and family environment, thus reducing complications and costs associated with hospital admission, while increasing health-related quality of life (HRQoL). HRQoL in patients with HEN is mainly evaluated by generic instruments, which are not sensitive enough to identify certain specific patient-related outcomes of HEN. Objective To develop a specific instrument to measure HRQoL in patients receiving HEN whose results allow interpretation regardless of the underlying disease and nutritional support administration route: the NutriQoL® questionnaire. Materials and methods The development of the NutriQoL entailed a literature review, focus groups with experts, semistructured interviews with patients, an assessment of face validity and feasibility, and Rasch analysis conducted on data from a sample of 141 patients and 24 caregivers. Results Of the 52 items initially proposed on the basis of the literature review, expert focus group, and semi-structured interviews with patients and caregivers, 17 items were finally selected through the development process to make up the final version of the NutriQoL, as well as a visual analog scale for global HRQoL scoring. The selected items were evaluated as adequate for frequency, importance, and clarity. Furthermore, they have been shown to be independent of the underlying condition and HEN administration route. Conclusion A new instrument for measuring the HRQoL of patients with HEN in Spain has been developed, whose results are independent of the underlying condition and administration route. The next step will be the validation of the questionnaire to ensure that the instrument is valid, reliable, and sensitive to health status changes in patients, to be used periodically in usual Cross-cultural development and psychometric evaluation of a patient-reported health-related quality of life questionnaire for adults with haemophilia. Rentz, A; Flood, E; Altisent, C; Bullinger, M; Klamroth, R; Garrido, R P; Scharrer, I; Schramm, W; Gorina, E 2008-09-01 Co-morbidities of haemophilia, such as arthropathy and blood-borne infections, can adversely affect the quality of life of adult patients with haemophilia. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a haemophilia-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire for adults (HAEMO-QoL-A). Subjects with varying severities of haemophilia completed the HAEMO-QoL-A at baseline and 4 weeks. Other assessments included the SF-36 and Health Assessment Questionnaire - Functional Disability Index (HAQ-FDI). Two-hundred and twenty-one participants completed the 41-item HAEMO-QoL-A covering six domains (Physical Functioning, Role Functioning, Worry, Consequences of Bleeding, Emotional Impact and Treatment Concerns) and four independent items. Internal consistency was good-to-excellent (Cronbach's alpha-range: 0.75-0.95). Test-retest reproducibility was good, with intraclass correlation coefficients >0.80 except for the Emotional Impact domain (0.79). Concurrent validity between the HAEMO-QoL-A total and subscale scores and all SF-36 subscale scores were generally good (correlations range: 0.13-0.87). Significant correlations between the HAEMO-QoL-A and the HAQ-FDI ranged from -0.14 to -0.69. There were non-significant correlations with the Treatment Concerns subscale and with the Worry subscale. The HAEMO-QoL-A discriminated significantly between adults with haemophilia by severity and HIV status. The Physical Functioning subscale discriminated between patients receiving prophylactic or on-demand therapy. The HAEMO-QoL-A is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing quality of life in haemophilia patients.. Testing the Invariance of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey's Sexual Behavior Questionnaire Across Gender, Ethnicity/Race, and Generation. Zhou, Anne Q; Hsueh, Loretta; Roesch, Scott C; Vaughn, Allison A; Sotelo, Frank L; Lindsay, Suzanne; Klonoff, Elizabeth A 2016-02-01 Federal and state policies are based on data from surveys that examine sexual-related cognitions and behaviors through self-reports of attitudes and actions. No study has yet examined their factorial invariance--specifically, whether the relationship between items assessing sexual behavior and their underlying construct differ depending on gender, ethnicity/race, or age. This study examined the factor structure of four items from the sexual behavior questionnaire part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). As NHANES provided different versions of the survey per gender, invariance was tested across gender to determine whether subsequent tests across ethnicity/race and generation could be done across gender. Items were not invariant across gender groups so data files for women and men were not collapsed. Across ethnicity/race for both genders, and across generation for women, items were configurally invariant, and exhibited metric invariance across Latino/Latina and Black participants for both genders. Across generation for men, the configural invariance model could not be identified so the baseline models were examined. The four item one factor model fit well for the Millennial and GenerationX groups but was a poor fit for the baby boomer and silent generation groups, suggesting that gender moderated the invariance across generation. Thus, comparisons between ethnic/racial and generational groups should not be made between the genders or even within gender. Findings highlight the need for programs and interventions that promote a more inclusive definition of "having had sex." Factor structure of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in subjects who had suffered from the 2004 Niigata-Chuetsu Earthquake in Japan: a community-based study Toyabe, Shin-ichi; Shioiri, Toshiki; Kobayashi, Kuriko; Kuwabara, Hideki; Koizumi, Masataka; Endo, Taro; Ito, Miki; Honma, Hiroko; Fukushima, Noboru; Someya, Toshiyuki; Akazawa, Kouhei 2007-01-01. PMID:17650342 Using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to assess suicidal ideation among pregnant women in Lima, Peru. Zhong, Qiu-Yue; Gelaye, Bizu; Rondon, Marta B; Sánchez, Sixto E; Simon, Gregory E; Henderson, David C; Barrios, Yasmin V; Sánchez, Pedro Mascaro; Williams, Michelle A 2015-12-01 conducted among 1,517 pregnant women attending prenatal care clinics in Lima, Peru. Item 9 of the PHQ-9 assesses suicidal ideation over the last 14 days while item 10 of the EPDS assesses suicidal ideation in the past 7 days. The two suicidal ideation items have a high concordance rate (84.2 %) but a moderate agreement (the Cohen's kappa = 0.42). Based on the PHQ-9 and the EPDS, 15.8 and 8.8 % of participants screened positive for suicidal ideation, respectively. Assessed by the PHQ-9, 51 % of participants with suicidal ideation had probable depression. In prenatal care clinics, screening for suicidal ideation is needed for women with and without depressive symptoms. Future studies are needed to identify additional predictors of antepartum suicidality, determine the appropriate duration of reporting period for suicidal ideation screening, and assess the percentage of individuals with positive responses to the two suicidal ideation items at high risk of planning and attempting suicide.… Validation of Portuguese version of Quality of Erection Questionnaire (QEQ) and comparison to International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and RAND 36-Item Health Survey Reis, Ana Luiza; Reis, Leonardo Oliveira; Saade, Ricardo Destro; Santos, Carlos Alberto; de Lima, Marcelo Lopes; Fregonesi, Adriano 2015-01-01 Purpose To validate the Quality of Erection Questionnaire (QEQ) considering Brazilian social-cultural aspects. Materials and Methods To determine equivalence between the Portuguese and the English QEQ versions, the Portuguese version was back-translated by two professors who are native English speakers. After language equivalence had been determined, urologists considered the QEQ Portuguese version suitable. Men with self-reported erectile dysfunction (ED) and infertile men who had a stable sexual relationship for at least 6 months were invited to answer the QEQ, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the RAND 36-Item Health Survey (RAND-36). The questionnaires were presented together and answered without help in a private room. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), test-retest reliability (Spearman), convergent validity (Spearman correlation) coefficients and known-groups validity (the ability of the QEQ Portuguese version to differentiate erectile dysfunction severity groups) were assessed. Results We recruited 197 men (167 ED patients and 30 non-ED patients), mean age of 53.3 and median of 55.5 years (23-82 years). The Portuguese version of the QEQ had high internal consistency (Cronbach α=0.93), high stability between test and retest (ICC 0.83, with IC 95%: 0.76-0.88, p<0.001) and Spearman correlation coefficient r=0.82 (p<0.001), which demonstrated the high correlation between the QEQ and IIEF results. The correlations between the QEQ and RAND-36 were significantly low in ED (r=0.20, p=0.01) and non-ED patients (r=0.37, p=0.04). Conclusion The QEQ Portuguese version presented good psychometric properties and high convergent validity in relation to IIEF. The low correlations between the QEQ and the RAND-36, as well as between the IIEF and the RAND-36 indicated IIEF and QEQ specificity, which may have resulted from the patients’ psychological adaptations that minimized the impact of ED on Quality of Life (QoL) and reestablished the well. Development and initial cohort validation of the Arthritis Research UK Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) for use across musculoskeletal care pathways Hill, Jonathan C; Kang, Sujin; Benedetto, Elena; Myers, Helen; Blackburn, Steven; Smith, Stephanie; Hay, Elaine; Rees, Jonathan; Beard, David; Glyn-Jones, Sion; Barker, Karen; Ellis, Benjamin; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Price, Andrew 2016-01-01 ‘highly relevant’ and ‘easy to understand’. Completion rates were high (94.2%), with scores normally distributed, and no floor/ceiling effects. Test–retest reliability was excellent, and Assessment of health-related quality of life of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma following esophagectomy using EORTC quality of life questionnaires SHEN, HONGCHANG; WANG, JUE; LI, WENHUAN; YI, WEIWEI; WANG, WEIBO 2015-01-01 Esophageal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality and surgery is currently the main treatment modality for resectable esophageal cancer. To assess health-related quality of life (HRQL) of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) following esophagectomy, 62 consecutive patients with middle ESCC were randomly assigned into hand video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (HVATS) (n=33) and Ivor-Lewis surgery (ILS) (n=29) groups. Quality of life questionnaires (QLQ)-C30 and QLQ-OES18, published by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, were used prior to treatment and at regular intervals until 6 months following surgery. The results of QLQ-C30 and QLQ-OES18 demonstrated that i) patients with comorbidities and advanced tumor stage (III-IV) exhibited increased risk of poor HRQL, while their gender, age, body mass index and anastomosis location were not associated with HRQL at 6 months after surgery; ii) all the patients had worse functional, symptom and global scores within 6 months after surgery; iii) patients in the HVATS group had similar baseline functional and symptom scores to those of patients in the ILS group; however, their functional and global scores were higher and their symptom scores were lower compared to those of patients in the ILS group; iv) the HRQL of patients in the HVATS group returned to preoperative levels within a shorter time period compared to patients in the ILS group. There were significant differences in global health, physical functioning, fatigue and pain scales between the two groups. In QLQ-OES18, the dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux scales were improved in both the HVATS and ILS groups, but no significant differences were observed between the two groups. In addition, the overall survival rate was similar in the two groups. Taken together, our findings indicated that HVATS is a safe procedure, associated with less disturbance to short-term HRQL compared to ILS. Therefore Assessing the value of and contextual and cultural acceptability of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in evaluating mental health problems in HIV/AIDS affected children Skinner, Donald; Sharp, Carla; Marais, Lochner; Serekoane, Motsaathebe; Lenka, Molefi 2015-01-01 Background The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a robust, powerful and internationally recognised diagnostic screening tool for emotional and behaviour problems among children, with the particular advantage that it can be used by non-health professionals. This makes it useful in a South African context characterized by shortages of professional mental health carers. However the cultural and contextual acceptability and potential uses of the SDQ have not yet been examined in the South African context. Methods The aim of the current study was to evaluate the acceptability of the SDQ in a Sesotho speaking area of South Africa. As part of a larger study to standardise the SDQ for use among Sotho speakers, teachers were asked to use the tool to assess learners in their class. Ten teachers were then asked to write a report on their experience of the SDQ and how useful and applicable they found it for their school setting. These findings were discussed at two later meetings with larger groupings of teachers. Reports were analysed using a modified contextualised interpretative content analysis method. Results Teachers found the SDQ very useful in the classroom and easy to administer and understand. They found it contextually relevant and particularly useful in gaining an understanding of the learners and the challenges that learners were facing. It further allowed them to differentiate between scholastic and emotional problems, assisting them in developing relationships with the pupils and facilitating accurate referrals. There were very few concerns raised, with the major problem being that it was difficult to assess items concerning contexts outside of the school setting. The teachers expressed interest in obtaining further training in the interpretation of the SDQ and a greater understanding of diagnostic labels so as to assist their learners. Conclusion The SDQ was found to be acceptable and useful in the context of this very disadvantaged community Measuring changes in self-concept: a qualitative evaluation of outcome questionnaires in people having acupuncture for their chronic health problems Paterson, Charlotte 2006-01-01 Background Changes in self-concept are an important potential outcome for many interventions for people with long-term conditions. This study sought to identify and evaluate outcome questionnaires suitable for quantifying changes in self-concept in people with long-term conditions, in the context of treatment with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Methods A literature search was followed by an evaluation of three questionnaires: The Wellbeing Questionnaire W-BQ12, the Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI), and the Arizona Integrative Outcome Scale (AIOS). A convenience sample of 23 people completed the questionnaires on two occasions and were interviewed about their experience and their questionnaire responses. All acupuncturists were interviewed. Results Changes in self-concept were common and emerged over time. The three questionnaires had different strengths and weaknesses in relation to measuring changes in self-concept. The generic AIOS had face validity and was sensitive to changes in self-concept over time, but it lacked specificity. The PEI was sensitive and specific in measuring these changes but had lower acceptability. The sensitivity of the W-BQ12 was affected by initial high scores (ceiling effect) and a shorter timescale but was acceptable and is suitable for repeated administration. The PEI and W-BQ12 questionnaires worked well in combination. Conclusion Changes in self-concept are important outcomes of complex interventions for people with long-term illness and their measurement requires carefully evaluated tools and long-term follow-up. The literature review and the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the questionnaires is a resource for other researchers. The W-BQ12 and the PEI both proved useful for this population and a larger quantitative study is planned. PMID:16539737 Psychometric testing of the short version of the world health organization quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Taiwan 2012-01-01 Background. Methods. Results. Conclusion Biomarkers of Dietary Intake Are Correlated with Corresponding Measures from Repeated Dietary Recalls and Food-Frequency Questionnaires in the Adventist Health Study-2123 Fan, Jing; Knutsen, Synnove F; Sabaté, Joan; Bennett, Hannelore 2016-01-01 Background: Accurate assessment of diet in study populations is still a challenge. Some statistical strategies that use biomarkers of dietary intake attempt to compensate for the biasing effects of reporting errors. Objective: The objective was to correlate biomarkers of dietary intake with 2 direct measures of dietary intake. Methods: Subjects provided repeated 24-h dietary recalls and 2 food-frequency questionnaires (FFQs) separated by ∼3 y. Correlations between biomarkers and reported dietary intakes as measured by the recalls and FFQs were de-attenuated for within-person variability. The Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) has a large database of biomarkers of dietary intake (blood, urine, adipose tissue) from a calibration study (909 analytic subjects) representing the cohort. Participants were black and non-black Adventists in the United States and Canada. Results: Dietary items with higher-valued de-attenuated correlations (≥0.50) between biomarkers and recalls included some fatty acids (FAs), the non-fish meats, fruit (non-black subjects), some carotenoids, vitamin B-12 (non-black subjects), and vitamin E. Moderately valued correlations (0.30–0.49) were found for very long chain ω-3 (n–3) FAs, some carotenoids, folate, isoflavones, cruciferous vegetables, fruit (black subjects), and calcium. The highest correlation values in non-black and black subjects were 0.69 (urinary 1-methyl-histidine and meat consumption) and 0.72 (adipose and dietary 18:2 ω-6), respectively. Correlations comparing biomarkers with recalls were generally similar for black and non-black subjects, but correlations between biomarkers and the FFQ were slightly lower than corresponding recall correlations. Correlations between biomarkers and a single FFQ estimate (the usual cohort situation) were generally much lower. Conclusions: Many biomarkers that have relatively high-valued correlations with dietary intake were identified and were usually of similar value in black and non A QUESTIONNAIRE TO ASSESS THE RELEVANCE AND CREDIBILITY OF OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES TO INFORM HEALTH CARE DECISION MAKING: AN ISPOR-AMCP-NPC GOOD PRACTICE TASK FORCE REPORT Berger, Marc L; Martin, Bradley C; Husereau, Don; Worley, Karen; Allen, Dan; Yang, Winnie; Mullins, C. Daniel; Kahler, Kristijan; Quon, Nicole C.; Devine, Scott; Graham, John; Cannon, Eric; Crown, William 2014-01-01 Evidence-based healthcare decisions are best informed by comparisons of all relevant interventions used to treat conditions in specific patient populations. Observational studies are being performed to help fill evidence gaps. However, widespread adoption of evidence from observational studies has been limited due to a variety of factors, including the lack of consensus regarding accepted principles for their evaluation and interpretation. Two Task Forces were formed to develop questionnaires to assist decision makers in evaluating observational studies, with one Task Force addressing retrospective research and the other. PMID:24636373 Smallpox still haunts scientists: results of a questionnaire-based inquiry on the views of health care and life science experts and students on preserving the remaining variola virus stocks. Srinivasan, Thangavelu; Dedeepiya, Vidyasagar Devaprasad; John, Sudhakar; Senthilkumar, Rajappa; Reena, Helen C; Rajendran, Paramasivam; Balamurugan, Madasamy; Kurosawa, Gene; Iwasaki, Masaru; Preethy, Senthilkumar; Abraham, Samuel J K 2013-01-01… Validation of the Mexican Spanish version of the EORTC C30 and STO22 questionnaires for the evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients with gastric cancer. Oñate-Ocaña, Luis F; Alcántara-Pilar, Alberto; Vilar-Compte, Diana; García-Hubard, Gabriela; Rojas-Castillo, Edith; Alvarado-Aguilar, Salvador; Carrillo, José F; Blazeby, Jane M; Aiello-Crocifoglio, Vincenzo 2009-01-01 alpha. Young People in 1988. The Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire Results for 33,459 Pupils between the Ages of 11 and 16. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Balding, John Since 1983 the Health Education Authority Schools Education Unit has been providing a survey service to schools throughout the United Kingdom. The service enables a school to survey the health behavior of boys and girls at different ages. The purpose is to make the planning of programs in Health and Social Education in the schools more realistic.… Utah Drug Use Questionnaire. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center. Physician Enabling Skills Questionnaire Hudon, Catherine; Lambert, Mireille; Almirall, José 2015-01-01 Abstract Objective To evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed Physician Enabling Skills Questionnaire (PESQ) by assessing its internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity with patient-centred care, and predictive validity with patient activation and patient enablement. Design Validation study. Setting Saguenay, Que. Participants One hundred patients with at least 1 chronic disease who presented in a waiting room of a regional health centre family medicine unit. Main outcome measures Family physicians’ enabling skills, measured with the PESQ at 2 points in time (ie, while in the waiting room at the family medicine unit and 2 weeks later through a mail survey); patient-centred care, assessed with the Patient Perception of Patient-Centredness instrument; patient activation, assessed with the Patient Activation Measure; and patient enablement, assessed with the Patient Enablement Instrument. Results The internal consistency of the 6 subscales of the PESQ was adequate (Cronbach α = .69 to .92). The test-retest reliability was very good (r = 0.90; 95% CI 0.84 to 0.93). Concurrent validity with the Patient Perception of Patient-Centredness instrument was good (r = −0.67; 95% CI −0.78 to −0.53; P < .001). The PESQ accounts for 11% of the total variance with the Patient Activation Measure (r2 = 0.11; P = .002) and 19% of the variance with the Patient Enablement Instrument (r2 = 0.19; P < .001). Conclusion The newly developed PESQ presents good psychometric properties, allowing for its use in practice and research. PMID:26889507 Usual Dietary Intakes: NHANES Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) NCI developed a new instrument called the NHANES Food Frequency Questionnaire (formerly called Food Propensity Questionnaire) and supported its application in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).... [Physicians see both pros and cons of health care financial management. Questionnaire study provides more insights--with starting point in controversial DN-article series]. Björk, Joar; Petersson, Christer 2015-05-12 In the spring of 2013, the Swedish journalist Maciej Zaremba wrote a series of articles criticizing the impact of NPM (New Public Management) on Swedish health care. The present study examines the views of experienced Swedish physicians (general practitioners and internal medicine speclialists) on the problems focused in Mr Zaremba's article series. The respondents (51 general practitioners and 61 internal medicine specialists) mention advantages as well as disadvantages with NPM in Swedish health care. The majority agrees that with NPM, physicians loose influence over health care governance to other professional groups. The majority disagree with the charge made by Mr Zaremba that NPM has had the effect of manipulating Swedish physicians away from the standards of good medical care.. Screening for Depression in Low-Income Elderly Patients at the Primary Care Level: Use of the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 Lino, Valéria Teresa Saraiva; Portela, Margareth Crisóstomo; Camacho, Luiz Antônio Bastos; Atie, Soraya; Lima, Maria José Barbosa; Rodrigues, Nádia Cristina Pinheiro; Barros, Mônica Bastos de Lima; Andrade, Mônica Kramer de Noronha 2014-01-01 Introduction Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and a leading cause of disability worldwide. It constitutes a serious public health problem, particularly among elderly individuals. Most depressed elderly patients are treated by primary care (PC) physicians. The “Patient Health Questionnaire” (PHQ-2) is an instrument used for the detection of depression in PC settings. Objective Evaluate the performance of the PHQ-2 in a low-income and uneducated elderly PC population. Methods A non-probabilistic population sample of 142 individuals was selected from the healthcare unit's users ≧60 years. Criterion validity was assessed by estimating the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the PHQ-2 in comparison with the structured interview using the DSM-IV. The estimates of sensitivity and specificity were obtained from varying cut-offs of the PHQ-2 score. A Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Results The group was predominantly female (73.9%), with low education level (mean 3 years of schooling). The mean age was 72.5 years old. The prevalence of depression was 26.1%. The best values of sensitivity (0.74), specificity (0.77), PPV (0.50) e NPV (0.90) were obtained with score equal to 1. The AUC was 0.77, indicating a modest performance of the test accuracy. Conclusion The simplicity of the PHQ-2 is an advantage for its use in PC. The high NPV indicated that 90% of those who tested negative would not need additional tests. However, the low PPV indicated that the PHQ-2 is not sufficient to screen for depression. The application of the instrument could be the first step of the screening, that would include a second step to all those with positive tests formerly. PMID:25473845 Health – related quality of life of Kuwaiti women with breast cancer: a comparative study using the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire 2009-01-01 Relationship of Sleep Quality and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents According to Self- and Proxy Ratings: A Questionnaire Survey Roeser, Karolin; Eichholz, Ruth; Schwerdtle, Barbara; Schlarb, Angelika A.; Kübler, Andrea 2012-01-01 Introduction: Sleep disturbances are common in adolescents and adversely affect performance, social contact, and susceptibility to stress. We investigated the hypothesis of a relationship between sleep and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and applied self- and proxy ratings. Materials and Methods: The sample comprised 92 adolescents aged 11–17 years. All participants and their parents completed a HRQoL measure and the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC). Children with SDSC T-scores above the normal range (above 60) were classified as poor sleepers. Results: According to self- and proxy ratings, good sleepers reported significantly higher HRQoL than poor sleepers. Sleep disturbances were significantly higher and HRQoL significantly lower in self- as compared to parental ratings. Parent-child agreement was higher for subscales measuring observable aspects. Girls experienced significantly stronger sleep disturbances and lower self-rated HRQoL than boys. Discussion: Our findings support the positive relationship of sleep and HRQoL. Furthermore, parents significantly underestimate sleep disturbances and overestimate HRQoL in their children. PMID:22969731 Requirements and access needs of patients with chronic disease to their hospital electronic health record: results of a cross-sectional questionnaire survey White, H; Gillgrass, L; Wood, A; Peckham, D G 2016-01-01 Objectives To identify patient's views on the functionality required for personalised access to the secondary care electronic health record (EHR) and their priorities for development. Design Quantitative analysis of a cross-sectional self-complete survey of patient views on required EHR functionality from a secondary care EHR, including a patient ranking of functionality. Setting Secondary care patients attending a regional cystic fibrosis unit in the north of England. Participants 201 adults (106 (52.7%) males), median age 29 years (range 17–58 years), entered and completed the study. Inclusion criteria are as follows: a confirmed diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, aged 16 years and over, at the time of clinical stability. Outcome measures Quantitative responses within 4 themes; (1) value placed on aspects of the EHR; (2) access requirements to functions of the EHR; (3) views on information sent to the EHR and (4) patient feedback entered into the EHR. A ranked score for 15 functions of the EHR was obtained. Results Highest ratings (% reporting item as very important/important) were reported for access to clinical measures (lung function (94%), C reactive protein (84%), sputum microbiology (81%) and blood results (80%)), medication changes (82%) and lists (83%) and sending repeat prescription (83%) and treatment requests (80%), while sending symptom diaries was less so (62%). Email contact with clinicians was the most valuable communication element of the EHR (84% very important/important). Of 15 features of the EHR (1=most desirable to 15=least desirable), patients identified ‘clinical measures’ (2.62 (CI 2.07 to 3.06)), and ‘access to medication lists’ (4.91 (CI 4.47 to 5.44)), as highest priority for development and the ability to comment on errors/omissions (11.0 (CI 10.6 to 11.5)) or experience of care (11.8 (CI 11.4 to 12.2)) as lowest. Conclusions Patients want extensive personal access to their hospital EHR, placing high importance on the Electronic multidimensional health assessment questionnaire (eMDHAQ): past, present and future of a proposed single data management system for clinical care, research, quality improvement, and monitoring of long-term outcomes. Pincus, Theodore 2016-01-01 An MDHAQ/RAPID3 (multidimensional health assessment questionnaire/routine assessment of patient index data) was developed from the HAQ over 25 years, based on observations made from completion by every patient (with all diagnoses) at every routine rheumatology visit since 1980. Modification of the HAQ was viewed as similar to improving a laboratory test, with a primary focus on clinical value for diagnosis, prognosis, and/or management, as well as feasibility for minimal effect on clinical workflow. Rigorous attention, was also directed to validity, reliability, other methodologic and technological considerations, but after clinical value and feasibility were established. A longer "intake" MDHAQ was introduced for new patients to record a complete past medical history - illnesses, hospitalisations, surgeries, allergies, family history, social history and medications. MDHAQ scales not found on the HAQ record complex activities, sleep quality, anxiety, depression, self-report joint count, fatigue, symptom checklist, morning stiffness, exercise status, recent medical history, social history and demographic data within 2 pages on one sheet of paper. An electronic eMDHAQ/RAPID3 provides a similar platform to pool data from multiple sites. A patient may be offered a patient-administered, password-protected, secure, web site, to store the medical history completed on the eMDHAQ. This eMDHAQ would allow a patient to complete a single general medical history questionnaire rather than different intake questionnaires in different medical settings. The eMDHAQ would be available for updates and correction by the patient for future visits, regardless of electronic medical record (EMR). The eMDHAQ is designed to interface with an EMR using HL7 (health level seven) and SMART (Substitutable Medical Apps, Reusable Technology) on FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), although implementation requires collaboration with the EMR vendor. Advanced features include reports for Usability of a barcode scanning system as a means of data entry on a PDA for self-report health outcome questionnaires: a pilot study in individuals over 60 years of age Boissy, Patrick; Jacobs, Karen; Roy, Serge H 2006-01-01 Humanistic and economic burden of nausea and vomiting among migraine sufferers Gajria, Kavita; Lee, Lulu K; Flores, Natalia M; Aycardi, Ernesto; Gandhi, Sanjay K 2017-01-01. Population-Based Questionnaire Survey on Health Effects of Aircraft Noise on Residents Living around U.S. Airfields in the RYUKYUS—PART i: AN Analysis of 12 Scale Scores NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) MIYAKITA, T.; MATSUI, T.; ITO, A.; TOKUYAMA, T.; HIRAMATSU, K.; OSADA, Y.; YAMAMOTO, T. 2002-02-01 A questionnaire survey was made of health effects of aircraft noise on residents living around Kadena and Futenma airfields using the Todai Health Index. Aircraft noise exposure expressed by Ldnranged from under 55 to over 70 in the surveyed area. The number of valid answers was 7095, including 848 among the control group. Twelve scale scores were converted to dichotomous variables based on scale scores of the 90 percentile value or the 10 percentile value in the control group. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done taking 12 scale scores converted into the dependent variable andLdn , age (six levels), sex, occupation (four categories) and the interaction of age and sex as the independent variables. Significant dose-response relationships were found in the scale scores for vague complaints, respiratory, digestive, mental instability, depression and nervousness. The results suggest that the residents living around Kadena and Futenma airfields may suffer both physical and mental effects as a result of exposure to military aircraft noise and that such responses increase with the level of noise exposure (Ldn).. Development and Application of the Chinese (Mainland) Version of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire to Assess the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Zhao, Yali; Du, Juan; Jin, Guanghui; Shao, Shuang; Lu, Xiaoqin 2016-01-01 Objective To develop the Chinese (Mainland) version of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire (CLDQ) and use it to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients in China and identify the determinants of HRQoL. Methods The Chinese (Mainland) CLDQ was developed by expert consultation, focus group interviews with patients, and pilot study. The final version of questionnaire was adopted to assess the HRQoL of chronic hepatitis B outpatients enrolled from two largest infectious hospitals in Beijing. Cronbach’ s alpha was used to measure the internal consistency reliability. The construct validity was measured by factor analysis. T-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multi-variable linear regression were used to analyze the data. Results Cronbach’s alpha of the overall CLDQ is 0.935, ranging from 0.628 to o.881 among six subscales. Six factors were identified via factor analysis, including a new factor sleeping(SL). A total of 519 patients with CHB were included in the investigation with the final version of questionnaire, 405 of them were only with CHB, 53 with compensated cirrhosis, and 61 with decompensated cirrhosis. The CHB group scored the highest in the overall score of CLDQ (p<0.05). The score of worry (WO) domain was significantly lower in the compensated group than the CHB group (p<0.05). Decompensated cirrhosis patients scored lower than the CHB group in all CLDQ domains and the overall score (p<0.05). Stages of illness, gender, regular visits to specialized hospitals, and work status in last year were determinants of HRQoL. Conclusion The psychometric properties of the Chinese(Mainland) CLDQ is acceptable. The HRQoL of CHB patients deteriorated with disease progression. Advanced stages of CHB, female, long time absence from work after illness, and no job or retirement were determinants of poor HRQoL. Regular visits to specialized hospitals was a positive determinant of HRQoL. PMID:27631983… Primary care follow-up and measured mental health outcomes among women referred for ultrasound assessment of pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy: a quantitative questionnaire study Moscrop, Andrew; Harrison, Sian; Heppell, Victoria; Heneghan, Carl; Ward, Alison 2013-01-01 Objectives To examine the extent of primary care follow-up and mental health outcomes among women referred for ultrasound assessment of pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy, including those whose pregnancy is found to be viable on ultrasound assessment. Design Questionnaire study with prospective follow-up. Setting Urgent gynaecology clinic in secondary care, England. Participants 57 women participated in the study. Entry criteria: referral to the urgent gynaecology clinic with pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy; gestation less than 16 weeks (the clinic's own ‘cut-off’); no previous attendance at the clinic during the current pregnancy. Exclusion criteria: inability to understand English or to provide informed consent. Primary and secondary outcome measures Incidence of primary care follow-up among women referred to the urgent gynaecology clinic; incidence of women with measured mental health scores suggesting significant symptoms of distress. Results Fewer than 1 in 10 women referred for ultrasound assessment of pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy had follow-up arrangements made with their general practitioner (GP). Most women who had GP follow-up found it helpful and a significant minority of women who did not have GP follow-up felt that it would have been helpful. Following ultrasound assessment, more than one-third of women had significant symptoms of distress. Symptoms of distress, particularly anxiety, were present among those women found to have viable pregnancies, as well as among those with non-viable pregnancies. Conclusions GPs are advised to consider offering follow-up to all women referred for ultrasound assessment of pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy. Researchers in this area are advised to consider the experiences of women with pain and/or bleeding in early pregnancy whose pregnancies are ultimately found to be viable on ultrasound scan. PMID:23585390 Subjective Versus Objective: An Exploratory Analysis of Latino Primary Care Patients With Self-Perceived Depression Who Do Not Fulfill Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Patient Health Questionnaire Criteria for Depression Alvidrez, Jennifer; Paris, Manuel; Escobar, Javier I.; Dixon, Jane K.; Desai, Mayur M.; Whittemore, Robin; Scahill, Lawrence D. 2010-01-01 Objective: Identification and treatment of depression may be difficult for primary care providers when there is a mismatch between the patient's subjective experiences of illness and objective criteria. Cultural differences in presentation of symptoms among Latino immigrants may hinder access to care for treatment of depression. This article seeks to describe the self-perceptions and symptoms of Latino primary care patients who identify themselves as depressed but do not meet screening criteria for depression. Method: A convenience sample of Latino immigrants (N = 177) in Corona, Queens, New York, was obtained from a primary care practice from August 2008 to December 2008. The sample was divided into 3 groups according to whether participants met Patient Health Questionnaire diagnostic criteria for depression and whether or not participants had a self-perceived mental health problem and self-identified their problem as “depression” from a checklist of cultural idioms of distress. Psychosocial, demographic, and treatment variables were compared between the 3 groups. Results: Participants’ descriptions of symptoms had a predominantly somatic component. The most common complaints were ánimo bajo (low energy) and decaimiento (weakness). Participants with “subjective” depression had mean scores of somatic symptoms and depression severity that were significantly lower than the participants with “objective” depression and significantly higher than the group with no depression (P < .0001). Conclusions: Latino immigrants who perceive that they need help with depression, but do not meet screening criteria for depression, still have significant distress and impairment. To avoid having these patients “fall through the cracks,” it is important to take into account culturally accepted expressions of distress and the meaning of illness for the individual. PMID:21274360 Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Malay language version of the TZO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life questionnaire: A health-related quality of life instrument for preschool children. Tay, Chee Geap; Jalaludin, Muhammad Yazid; Low, Wah Yun; Lim, Chin Theam 2015-06-01 The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the translated Malay language version of TZO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life (TAPQOL) questionnaire in preschool children. Preterm children and term children aged between two and five years were enrolled into the study. The Malay language version of TAPQOL and a set of questions regarding the child's health status were answered by the caregivers. The internal consistency, Spearman's correlation coefficients and principal component analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation and Mann-Whitney U test for group comparison were employed to evaluate the psychometric properties of this instrument. A total of 258 children (120 preterm children and 138 term children) were recruited to this study with a response rate of 94%. All (sub)domains except one had Cronbach's α coefficients of more than .7. The Spearman's correlation coefficients between 12 subdomains were generally low. PCA supported the structural unidimensionality of the items in the instrument. Preterm children had lower quality of life scores than that of term children. Malay version of TAPQOL has multidimensional construct. It is a reliable and valid instrument for preschool children, with almost similar psychometric properties to the original version. Comparing different revisions of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire to reduce the ceiling effect and improve score distribution: Data from a multi-center European cohort study of children with JIA 2010-01-01 Background The original version of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ30orig) suffers from a ceiling effect and hence has reduced clinical validity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding eight more demanding items (CHAQ38) and a new categorical response option (CATII) on discriminant validity and score distribution in a European patient sample. Methods Eighty-nine children with Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and 22 healthy controls, aged 7-16 years, were recruited from eight centres across Europe. Eight new CHAQ items and scoring option were translated back and forth for the countries in which they were not already present. Demographic, clinical, and CHAQ data were collected on-site. Subsequently, five different scoring methods were applied, i.e. the original method (CHAQ30orig) and four alternatives. These alternatives consisted of the mean item scores for the 30 and 38-question versions with either the original (CATI), or the new categorical response option (CATII). The five versions were tested for their ability to distinguish between patients and controls. Furthermore score distributions were evaluated and visualized by box and whisker plots. Results Two CHAQ revisions with the new response option showed poor discriminative ability, whereas one revised version (CHAQ38CATI) had comparable discriminative ability comparable to the original CHAQ. A profound ceiling effect was observed in the original scoring method of the CHAQ (27%). The addition of eight more demanding items and application of a plain mean item score reduced this significantly to 14% (χ2 = 4.21; p < 0.05). Conclusions Revising the CHAQ by adding eight more demanding items and applying a plain mean item scoring (CHAQ38CATI) maintained discriminant ability and reduced the ceiling effect in a European patient sample. The new categorical response option (CATII) seemed promising, but was less able to distinguish children with JIA from healthy controls and Comparison of employer productivity metrics to lost productivity estimated by commonly used questionnaires Gardner, Bethany T.; Dale, Ann Marie; Buckner-Petty, Skye; Van Dillen, Linda; Amick, Benjamin C.; Evanoff, Bradley 2016-01-01 Objective To assess construct and discriminant validity of four health-related work productivity loss questionnaires in relation to employer productivity metrics, and to describe variation in economic estimates of productivity loss provided by the questionnaires in healthy workers. Methods 58. PMID:26849261 Validation of the Mexican-Spanish version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and BR23 questionnaires to assess health-related quality of life in Mexican women with breast cancer. Cerezo, O; Oñate-Ocaña, L F; Arrieta-Joffe, P; González-Lara, F; García-Pasquel, M J; Bargalló-Rocha, E; Vilar-Compte, D 2012-09-01 The aim of this study was to validate the Mexican-Spanish version of The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-BR23 questionnaire. The translation procedure followed EORTC guidelines. QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 instruments were completed by Mexican women with breast cancer, attending a teaching referral cancer centre from February 2009 to January 2010. Patients were divided in two groups: (1) Patients with early stage of breast cancer; and (2) Patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC). Reliability and validity tests were performed, and validity over time (responsiveness) was conducted in a subset of patients. Two hundred and thirty-four women (mean age, 52.3 years) completed both questionnaires. Convergent and divergent validity was adequate. Cronbach's alpha of all multi-item scales showed values ≥0.7 except for Cognitive and Breast symptoms scales (0.52 and 0.65 respectively). Patients with early stages (n= 77) showed better functional scores and lower symptoms scores than patients with LABC (n= 157). Score means variation after responsiveness analysis demonstrated high sensitivity to change after breast cancer surgery. The Mexican-Spanish version of the EORTC QLQ-BR23 questionnaire is a valid and suitable instrument to estimate HRQL in patients with breast cancer. Increasing response rates to postal questionnaires: systematic review Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Clarke, Mike; DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Pratap, Sarah; Wentz, Reinhard; Kwan, Irene 2002-01-01 Objective To identify methods to increase response to postal questionnaires. Design Systematic review of randomised controlled trials of any method to influence response to postal questionnaires. Studies reviewed 292 randomised controlled trials including 258 315. Toddler Autism Screening Questionnaire: Development and Potential Clinical Validity ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Tsai, Wen-Che; Soong, Wei-Tsuen; Shyu, Yea-Ing Lotus 2012-01-01 No feasible screening instrument is available for early detection of children with autism in Taiwan. The existing instruments may not be appropriate for use in Taiwan due to different health care systems and child-rearing cultures. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a screening questionnaire for generic autism. The initial 18-item… Acromegaly Quality of Life Questionnaire (AcroQoL) Badia, Xavier; Webb, Susan M; Prieto, Luis; Lara, Nuria 2004-01-01. PMID:14987332 Database of Standardized Questionnaires About Walking & Bicycling This database contains questionnaire items and a list of validation studies for standardized items related to walking and biking. The items come from multiple national and international physical activity questionnaires. Surveys and questionnaires in nursing research.. 19 CFR 357.105 - Questionnaires. Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR 2011-04-01 ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2011-04-01 2011, 2012 CFR 2012-04-01 ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2012-04-01 2012, 2010 CFR.... . Development and Validation of the Bicultural Youth Acculturation Questionnaire Kukaswadia, Atif; Janssen, Ian; Pickett, William; Bajwa, Jasmine; Georgiades, Katholiki; Lalonde, Richard N.; Quon, Elizabeth C.; Safdar, Saba; Pike, Ian 2016-01-01 Objectives Acculturation is a multidimensional process involving changes in behaviour and beliefs. Questionnaires developed to measure acculturation are typically designed for specific ethnic populations and adult experiences. This study developed a questionnaire that measures acculturation among ethnically diverse populations of youth that can be included as a module in population surveys. Methods Questionnaires measuring acculturation in youth were identified in the literature. The importance of items from the existing questionnaires was determined using a Delphi process and this informed the development of our questionnaire. The questionnaire was then pilot tested using a sample of 248 Canadians aged 18–25 via an online system. Participants identified as East and South East Asian (27.8%), South Asian (17.7%) and Black (13.7%). The majority were 1st (33.5%) or 2nd generation immigrants (52.0%). After redundant items were eliminated, exploratory factor analysis grouped items into domains, and, for each domain, internal consistency, and convergent validity with immigrant generation then age at immigration estimated. A subset of participants re-completed the questionnaire for reliability estimation. Results The literature review yielded 117 articles that used 13 questionnaires with a total of 440 questions. The Delphi process reduced these to 32 questions. Pilot testing occurred in 248 Canadians aged 18–25. Following item reduction, 16 questions in three domains remained: dominant culture, heritage language, and heritage culture. All had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas > .75). The mean dominant domain score increased with immigrant generation (1st generation: 3.69 (95% CI: 3.49–3.89), 2nd: 4.13 (4.00–4.26), 3rd: 4.40 (4.19–4.61)), and mean heritage language score was higher among those who immigrated after age 12 than before (p = .0001), indicative of convergent validity. Conclusions This Bicultural Youth Acculturation Questionnaire.... 78 FR 45259 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Federal Labor Standards Questionnaire(s... Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 2013-07-26 ... Questionnaire(s); Complaint Intake Form AGENCY: Office of Labor Relations, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is... Standards Questionnaire; Complaint Intake Form. OMB Approval Number: 2501-0018. Type of Request: Extension... 4730SP, Federal Labor Standards Questionnaires, will be used by HUD and agencies administering... Bladder cancer documentation of causes: multilingual questionnaire, 'bladder cancer doc'. Golka, Klaus; Abreu-Villaca, Yael; Anbari Attar, Rowshanak; Angeli-Greaves, Miriam; Aslam, Muhammad; Basaran, Nursen; Belik, Rouslana; Butryee, Chaniphun; Dalpiaz, Orietta; Dzhusupov, Keneshbek; Ecke, Thorsten H; Galambos, Henrieta; Galambos, Henrieta; Gerilovica, Helena; Gerullis, Holger; Gonzalez, Patricia Casares; Goossens, Maria E; Gorgishvili-Hermes, Lela; Heyns, Chris F; Hodzic, Jasmin; Ikoma, Fumihiko; Jichlinski, Patrice; Kang, Boo-Hyon; Kiesswetter, Ernst; Krishnamurthi, Kannan; Lehmann, Marie-Louise; Martinova, Irina; Mittal, Rama Devi; Ravichandran, Beerappa; Romics, Imre; Roy, Bidyut; Rungkat-Zakaria, Fransiska; Rydzynski, Konrad; Scutaru, Cristian; Shen, Jianhua; Soufi, Maria; Toguzbaeva, Karlygash; Vu Duc, Trinh; Widera, Agata; Wishahi, Mohamed; Hengstler, Jan G 2012-06-01. Development of a Preference-Based Index from the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 Rentz, Anne M.; Kowalski, Jonathan W.; Walt, John G.; Hays, Ron D.; Brazier, John E.; Yu, Ren; Lee, Paul; Bressler, Neil; Revicki, Dennis A. 2015-01-01 Importance Understanding how individuals value health states is central to patient-centered care and to health policy decision making. Generic preference-based measures of health may not effectively capture the impact of ocular diseases. Recently, 6 items from the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 were used to develop the Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index health state classification, which defines visual function health states. Objective To describe elicitation of preferences for health states generated from the Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index health state classification and development of an algorithm to estimate health preference scores for any health state. Design Non-intervention, cross-sectional study. Setting General community in four countries (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States) Participants 607 adult participants recruited from local newspaper advertisements. In the United Kingdom, an existing database of participants from previous studies was used for recruitment. Interventions Eight out of 15,625 possible health states from the Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index were valued using time trade-off technique. Main Outcome Measures A theta severity score was calculated for Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index–defined health states using item response theory analysis. Regression models were then used to develop an algorithm to assign health state preference values for all potential health states defined by the Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index. Results Health state preference values for the 8 states ranged from 0.343 (standard deviation, 0.395) to 0.956 (0.124). As expected, preference values declined with worsening visual function. Results indicate that the Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index describes states that participants view as spanning most of continuum from full health to dead. Conclusions and Relevance Visual Function Questionnaire-Utility Index health. Similarities and Differences among the Taiwan, China, and Hong-Kong Versions of the WHOQOL Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Yao, Grace; Wu, Chia-huei 2009-01-01 To facilitate comparison across cultures, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a universal measure of quality of life (QOL) called the WHOQOL Questionnaire. This questionnaire contains 24 facets organized into six broad domains: physical, psychological, level of independence, social relationships, environment, and… Protocol for the development and validation of a questionnaire to assess concerning behaviours and mental health in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: the Assessment of Concerning Behaviour (ACB) scale Santosh, Paramala; Tarver, Joanne; Gibbons, Felicity; Vitoratou, Silia; Simonoff, Emily 2016-01-01 Introduction Co-occurring psychiatric conditions and concerning behaviours are prevalent in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and are likely to be detrimental to functioning and long-term outcomes. The cognitive rigidity and deficits in emotional literacy and verbal behaviour that commonly occur in ASD can adversely affect clinicians’ confidence to identify concerning behaviours and mental health problems. There is a need to develop a measure that is tailored towards individuals with ASD, and differentiates between symptoms of psychopathology and core ASD symptoms. Furthermore, it should be modified to capture internalising symptoms that individuals with ASD may find difficult or be unable to verbalise. This protocol describes the intended development and validation of the Assessment of Concerning Behaviour (ACB) scale. The ACB will aim to be a multidimensional measure of concerning behaviours in ASD incorporating self-report, parent/carer, teacher/employer and clinician report versions that can be used across the lifespan and spectrum of intellectual ability. Methods and analysis This study will be guided by the methods described in the US Food and Drug Administration Guidance for Industry Patient-reported Outcome Measures. A literature review, cognitive interviews and focus groups with individuals who have experience of working or living with ASDs will be used for item generation. A sample of children and adults with ASD will complete the ACB, in addition to other gold standard measures of concerning behaviour in order to establish the initial psychometric properties of the scale. Ethics and dissemination This study has received ethical approval from the NHS Research Ethics Committee: London-Camden and King's Cross (ref: 15/LO/0085). Study findings will be disseminated to healthcare professionals and scientists in the field through publication in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. PMID:27006345 Validation of Italian multiple sclerosis quality of life 54 questionnaire Solari, A.; Filippini, G.; Mendozzi, L.; Ghezzi, A.; Cifani, S.; Barbieri, E.; Baldini, S.; Salmaggi, A.; Mantia, L. L.; Farinotti, M.; Caputo, D.; Mosconi, P. 1999-01-01 OBJECTIVES—Health related quality of life (HRQOL) inventories are multi-dimensional measures of patient-centred health status developed for clinical research. The MS quality of life 54 (MSQOL-54) is an MS-specific HRQOL inventory originally devised for English speaking patients. It consists of a core measure, the 36-item short form health survey (SF-36) previously adapted into Italian, and 18 additional items exploring domains relevant to patients with MS (MS-18 module). The authors translated and culturally adapted into Italian the MS-18 module of the MSQOL-54 questionnaire, and clinically validated the whole questionnaire. METHODS—The MS-18 module was translated following the methodology of the International Quality of Life Assessment (IQOLA) project. The MSQOL-54 was validated in 204 consecutive patients with MS seen between April and September 1997 at three participating centres. The questionnaire was explained by the physician who also administered the expanded disability status scale (EDSS) and mini mental status scale examination, and the patient filled in the MSQOL-54 and Beck depression inventory questionnaires (BDI), with assistance if required. The contribution of impairments and disabilities to MSQOL-54 scores were assessed, and mean scores were compared with normative data for the general Italian population, and with the original sample of United States MS patients. RESULTS—The mean age of the 204 patients was 42 years; mean EDSS score was 4.5 (range 0-8.5). Patients' participation in the assessment was satisfactory, and all scales satisfied the usual psychometric standards. The characteristics of the United States sample matched those of our patients in all but gender (72% United States patients v 52% Italian patients were women), and education (90% United States patients and 44% Italian patients completed high school); MSQOL-54 profiles were also similar. The EDSS was significantly associated with the physical health composite but not with Validation of a questionnaire measuring the regulation of autonomic function Kröz, M; Feder, G; von Laue, HB; Zerm, R; Reif, M; Girke, M; Matthes, H; Gutenbrunner, C; Heckmann, C 2008-01-01. PMID:18533043 Validation of Iranian Version of Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire Askarizadeh, Ghasem; Karamoozian, Mahsa; Darekordi, Ali 2017-01-01 Background: Pregnancy is an acute period in the lifetime of women, during which numerous excitatory physical and social changes occur. The purpose of this study is confirmatory factor analysis of Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ) that is designed in Iranian pregnant women population. Methods: A total of 170 pregnant women in health centers of Kerman city were chosen through random sampling method and completed PRAQ questionnaire and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). In this study, confirmatory factor analysis and concurrent validity are used to evaluate the validity of models; and to test-retest and Cronbach alpha were used for evaluating external and internal reliability in SPSS-19 and the AMOS software to evaluate reliability of models. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis gave an acceptable value for the latent PRAQ in the question scale and 5 micro-scale level. Furthermore, significant correlation between the components and the overall scale of the PRAQ questionnaire with the BAI confirmed concurrent validity of questionnaire. The reliability of questionnaire is confirmed based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient value of 0.78 that calculated 0.69–0.76 for the five-factors. A month later, reliability coefficient amplitude of test-retest on forty pregnant women was between 0.65 and 0.72 which shows the reliability of PRAQ over time. Conclusions: The short form of anxiety during pregnancy questionnaire has the essential psychometric properties. In this study, five-factors extracted in the PRAQ were adapted with the factors extracted from the original version. This study introduces an instrument that can be benefit in measuring anxiety and concerns of women during pregnancy. PMID:28382193 The purpose of the present study was to develop a questionnaire to assess student attitudes towards school by describing the factors that affect these attitudes. For this purpose, a sample of 362 (11-13 years-old) elementary-school students was used. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were carried out. The questionnaire consists of… practical guide to surveys and questionnaires.. Occupant feedback questionnaire producing a fingerprint and a score Levermore, G.J.; Lowe, D.J.; Ure, J.W. 1999-07-01 In order to ensure that buildings and HVAC plans are truly for people and actually satisfy the occupants, it is necessary to obtain feedback from the occupants. This can be done by a novel questionnaire that produces a readily understandable fingerprint and score to indicate occupants' liking of their environments. The questionnaire uses a double-Likert section rating the liking and importance of up to 24 environmental, organizational, and human factors. To date it has been used primarily in U.K. offices, including modern deep-plan, naturally ventilated buildings. Comparison is made to previous results from 1,400 occupants in 12 offices that are air conditioned and naturally ventilated, where scores ranged from +17% (greatly liked by the occupants) to {minus}15% (greatly disliked). However, four U.K. offices with 1,300 occupants, which are discussed in detail, produced very low scores, {minus}14% to {minus}39%, the latter for a building with no windows. The fingerprints and scores were supported by an independent consultant's survey of the buildings and plant and also detailed factor analysis. The latter indicated that the 18 factors used in the questionnaire could be reduced to 5 general factors. The most important factors for the occupants for their ideal office were temperature, health, ventilation, and heating control, and the least important were the appearance of the building, distance to a window, humidity, and glare. It is proposed that this questionnaire is a useful management tool and suitable for use as a final commissioning tool. . Concurrent and convergent validity of the simple lifestyle indicator questionnaire. Godwin, Marshall; Pike, Andrea; Bethune, Cheri; Kirby, Allison; Pike, Adam 2013-01-01 = -0.. Psychometric properties of a prostate cancer radiation late toxicity questionnaire Rodrigues, George; Bauman, Glenn; Lock, Michael; D'Souza, David; Mahon, Jeff 2007-01-01. PMID:17540022 Hare, R M 1986-01-01 illnesses. PMID:3806628…. Diet History Questionnaire Paper-based Forms.… Caregivers feeding styles questionnaire. Establishing cutoff points Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN) Teachers' Ideas about Health: Implications for Health Promotion at School ERIC Educational Resources Information Center…... Discomfort and unease of the subject in the interpretation movement of a Tuberculosis questionnaire Peruhype, Rarianne Carvalho; da Silva, Laís Mara Caetano; de Assis, Elisângela Gisele; Moncaio, Ana Carolina Scarpel; de Sá, Lenilde Duarte; Palha, Pedro Fredemir 2014-01-01 OBJECTIVE:: health professionals from a Primary Health Care Unit in Porto Alegre/RS were interviewed and some excerpts from the interviews were investigated in the light of French Discourse Analysis. RESULTS: resistance, discomfort, slips, silencing and the derivation of meanings were observed in the subjects' interpretation. CONCLUSION: the interpretation process has multiple meanings and varies from subject to subject. The questionnaire, as a prototype of the logically stabilized universe, fails when the purpose is to control the interpretation. Its isolated use in health research can entail inexactness or incompleteness of the collected data. Therefore, its use associated with qualitative research techniques is ideal. PMID:25591094. A measurement error model for physical activity level as measured by a questionnaire with application to the 1999-2006 NHANES questionnaire. Tooze, Janet A; Troiano, Richard P; Carroll, Raymond J; Moshfegh, Alanna J; Freedman, Laurence S 2013-06-01. Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version of the ‘Aging Male Scales’ Questionnaire Ardebili, Hasan Eftekhar; Khosravi, Shahla; Larijani, Bagher; Nedjat, Saharnaze; Nasrabadi, Alireza Nikbakht 2014-01-01 Background: Men, much like women, are faced with age-related menopause-like symptoms as they age. In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to clinical research into elderly men and their health-related quality of life. The Aging Male Scales (AMS) questionnaire is an international tool for assessing the health-related quality of life in elderly men. Hence far this questionnaire has not been subjected to psychometric assessment in Iran. This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the AMS questionnaire specific to the health of elderly men in Iran. Methods: To validate this instrument, a cross-sectional study was conducted on 521 healthy Iranian men aged 40-65 years old, who attended the blood transfusion center clinic between February 2011 and June 2012. The English version of the AMS questionnaire was translated to Persian and then back-translated. To determine the reliability of the AMS questionnaire, internal consistency was evaluated and test-retest was done. The questionnaire was validated using convergent and structural validity methods. To assess the factor structure of the questionnaire, a correlation matrix of questions and domains was used. Results: Cronbach's alpha was higher than 0.7 (0.73-0.88) in all domains. A Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.87 between pretest and posttest indicated a high correlation and an acceptable reliability. The convergent validity of the questionnaire was found acceptable by calculating the correlation between the domains and items-total correlation ranging 0.40-0.85, except for question 14 that had a 0.28 correlation with the whole test. The criterion-related validity of the questionnaire in the psychological domain was confirmed with the “two-item Patient Health Questionnaire” (r = 0.63, P < 0.001). Conclusions: According to the results, the Persian version of the AMS questionnaire has high validity and reliability and may be used to assess the health. Validity of three asthma-specific quality of life questionnaires: the patients' perspective Jones, Christina J; Frew, Anthony; Smith, Helen 2016-01-01. PMID:28007706 Translation, cultural adaptation and reproducibility of the Cochin Hand Functional Scale questionnaire for Brazil Chiari, Aline; de Souza Sardim, Carla Caires; Natour, Jamil 2011-01-01. PMID:21789372 Burn Sexuality Questionnaire: Brazilian translation, validation and cultural adaptation. Piccolo, Monica Sarto; Gragnani, Alfredo; Daher, Ricardo Piccolo; de Tubino Scanavino, Marco; de Brito, Maria José; Ferreira, Lydia Masako 2013-08-01 In measuring the quality of life of burn victims, it is essential that we find reliable and valid means. The Burn Sexuality Questionnaire (BSQ) is a specific instrument that assesses sexuality in the context of quality of life of burn victims. We set out to translate, validate and culturally adapt the BSQ into Brazilian Portuguese. The Portuguese version was applied to 80 patients. After translation, cultural adaptation was performed with 30 patients. We also tested the final version for reliability in 20 patients, and for face, content and construct validities in 30 patients, according to standard procedures. Total Cronbach's alpha was 0.87. Pearson's correlation was significant between scores for different time points. Construct validity was demonstrated with the correlation of the BSQ with the Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised (BSHS-R) questionnaire. It showed significant correlation between the BSQ social comfort domain and the BSHS-R affect and body image (p=0.025), simple function ability (p=0.008), work (p=0.016) and treatment (p=0.037) domains. This cultural adaptation of the BSQ suggests that it is a reliable tool and has construct validity for the social comfort domain. There is still need for a better-structured tool that could possibly evaluate functional and psychological aspects of sexuality, because one could easily overlook the psychosocial aspects of patients with major, complex burns.. PMID:28356745. Active Mobility and Environment: A Pilot Qualitative Study for the Design of a New Questionnaire. Hess, Franck; Salze, Paul; Weber, Christiane; Feuillet, Thierry; Charreire, Hélène; Menai, Mehdi; Perchoux, Camille; Nazare, Julie-Anne; Simon, Chantal; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Enaux, Christophe. Active Mobility and Environment: A Pilot Qualitative Study for the Design of a New Questionnaire Salze, Paul; Weber, Christiane; Feuillet, Thierry; Charreire, Hélène; Menai, Mehdi; Perchoux, Camille; Nazare, Julie-Anne; Simon, Chantal; Oppert, Jean-Michel. PMID:28052086. The Development of an Aftermath of Dietary Lapses Coping Questionnaire for Weight Control ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Shimpo, Misa; Akamatsu, Rie 2015-01-01 Objective: This study was designed to develop the Aftermath of Dietary Lapses Coping Questionnaire (ADLCQ) for evaluating how people cope with the aftermath of dietary lapses during weight control. Method: Between June-July 2012, dieticians working in public health centres and city offices in Sizuoka, Japan, recruited 466 participants. They were… Differential Item Functioning Analysis of the 2003-04 NHANES Physical Activity Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Gao, Yong; Zhu, Weimo 2011-01-01 Using differential item functioning (DIF) analyses, this study examined whether there were any DIF items in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) physical activity (PA) questionnaire. A subset of adult data from the 2003-04 NHANES study (n = 3,083) was used. PA items related to respondents' occupational, transportation,… Validation Evidence for the Netherlands Physical Activity Questionnaire for Young Children: The Iowa Bone Development Study ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Janz, Kathleen F.; Broffitt, Barbara; Levy, Steven M. 2005-01-01 In this paper, the authors present reliability and validity information for the Netherlands (Health Education Project) Physical Activity Questionnaire (NPAQ), a global proxy report of children's everyday activity preferences (Montoye, Kemper, Saris, & Washburn, 1996). In this study, the authors examined the measurement properties of a global… The Salient Stressor Impact Questionnaire (SSIQ): A Measurement of the Intensity and Chronicity of Stress ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Bloch, George J.; Neeleman, Lori; Aleamoni, Lawrence M. 2004-01-01… Validity and reliability of the Questionnaire for Compliance with Standard Precaution Valim, Marília Duarte; Marziale, Maria Helena Palucci; Hayashida, Miyeko; Rocha, Fernanda Ludmilla Rossi; Santos, Jair Lício Ferreira 2015-01-01 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Questionnaire for Compliance with Standard Precaution for nurses. METHODS : This methodological study was conducted with 121 nurses from health care facilities in Sao Paulo’s countryside, who were represented by two high-complexity and by three average-complexity health care facilities. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and stability was calculated by the intraclass correlation coefficient, through test-retest. Convergent, discriminant, and known-groups construct validity techniques were conducted. RESULTS : The questionnaire was found to be reliable (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.80; intraclass correlation coefficient: (0.97) In regards to the convergent and discriminant construct validity, strong correlation was found between compliance to standard precautions, the perception of a safe environment, and the smaller perception of obstacles to follow such precautions (r = 0.614 and r = 0.537, respectively). The nurses who were trained on the standard precautions and worked on the health care facilities of higher complexity were shown to comply more (p = 0.028 and p = 0.006, respectively). CONCLUSIONS : The Brazilian version of the Questionnaire for Compliance with Standard Precaution was shown to be valid and reliable. Further investigation must be conducted with nurse samples that are more representative of the Brazilian reality. The use of the questionnaire may support the creation of educational measures considering the possible gaps that can be identified, focusing on the workers’ health and on the patients’ safety. PMID:26759967…. A Psychometric Properties of the Malay-version Police Stress Questionnaire IRNIZA, Rasdi; EMILIA, Zainal Abidin; MUHAMMAD SALILUDDIN, Suhainizam; NIZAM ISHA, Ahmad Shahrul 2014-01-01 Background: Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ) was developed to measure police-specific stressors. The present study was the first to have translated the PSQ to Malay. This study aims to test the reliability, construct validity, and component structure of the Malay-version PSQ. Methods:. PMID:25977621 Evaluation of a validated food frequency questionnaire for self-defined vegans in the United States. Dyett, Patricia; Rajaram, Sujatha; Haddad, Ella H; Sabate, Joan 2014-07-08 This study aimed to develop and validate a de novo food frequency questionnaire for self-defined vegans in the United States. Diet histories from pilot samples of vegans and a modified 'Block. Adverse Reactions to Foods and Food Allergy: Development and Reproducibility of a Questionnaire for Clinical Diagnosis Lyra, Nilza R. S.; Motta, Maria E. F. A.; Rocha, Luiz A. R.; Solé, Dirceu; Peixoto, Décio M.; Rizzo, José A.; Taborda-Barata, Luis; Sarinho, Emanuel S. C. 2013-01-01. PMID:24198840. Evaluation of a Validated Food Frequency Questionnaire for Self-Defined Vegans in the United States Dyett, Patricia; Rajaram, Sujatha; Haddad, Ella H.; Sabate, Joan 2014-01-01. PMID:25006856 The Turkish version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity Tosun, Ozge Celiker; Solmaz, Ulas; Ekin, Atalay; Tosun, Gokhan; Mutlu, Ebru Kaya; Okyay, Emre; Adiyeke, Mehmet; Gezer, Cenk; Mat, Emre; Malkoc, Mehtap 2015-01-01 [Purpose] The aim of this study was to translate the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, adapt it for use with Turkish subjects and determine its reliability and validity. [Subjects and Methods] The Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire was translated into Turkish and administered twice at 7–14-day intervals to pregnant women to assess the test-retest reliability. Cronbach’s α was used for internal consistency, and the inter-rater correlation coefficient was used to calculate the test-retest reliability. The Turkish Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire were used to estimate validity. [Results] The internal consistency during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy was excellent, with Cronbach’s α values of 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. The mean interval between the two assessments was 11.1 ± 2.1 days. The correlation coefficient between the total activity measured by the Turkish version of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire estimates of the total metabolic equivalent were fair to poor during the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy (r = 0.17, r = 0.17, r = 0.21, respectively). The Turkish version of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire showed fair correlations with the Short Form 36 Health Survey physical component score (r =... Development of a new disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire to adults living with haemophilia. Arranz, P; Remor, E; Quintana, M; Villar, A; Díaz, J L; Moreno, M; Monteagudo, J; Ugarriza, A; Soto, I; Pérez, R; Chacón, J; García-Luaces, M; Cid, A; Balda, I; López, M F; Gutíerrez, M J; Martínez, E; Marrero, C; Prieto, M; Sedano, C; Vaca, R; Altisent, C; Hernández-Navarro, F 2004-07-01 A haemophilia-specific health-related quality-of-life questionnaire (named 'Hemofilia-QoL') was developed to assess quality-of-life in adults with haemophilia, and was psychometrically tested. Seventy-three interviews with haemophilia patients and health care professionals were used to generate the items included in the questionnaire, and expert ratings on the items formulated were used to screen them for potential omission. This was followed by psychometric testing in a sample of 35 patients. Preliminary psychometric testing of the revised questionnaire version, which contains 10 domains (physical health, physical role, joint damage, pain, treatment satisfaction, emotional role, mental health, social support), showed acceptable reliability (alpha = 0.94 for the Hemofilia-QoL total score) and validity, and this will be examined in a subsequent study with a larger patient sample.. Should subjects be forewarned of the possible psychological consequences of filling out a PTSD questionnaire? Berghout, Caspar; van Ginkel, Joost; Groeneweg, Nikolaj; Israëls, Han; Kas, Arnoud; Lesniewski, Ulrike; van Stempvoort, Jeannette 2002-04-01. The control group did not receive this warning. The abused women scored higher on the questionnaire than the nonabused women. The warning they received may have influenced their reports. Our experiment investigated this. 101 psychology students were divided into two groups, one who received a warning and a control group who did not. The hypothesis was that people who had been previously warned would score higher on a PTSD questionaire than people who had not. There were, however, no significant differences in mean PTSD scores and no known initial differences between groups. Limitations of asthma control questionnaires in the management and follow up of childhood asthma. Carroll, Will 2013-12-01 It is important to achieve asthma control whenever possible in clinical practice. Asthma control questionnaires undoubtedly provide a useful measure of asthma control in research studies but their place in routine clinical practice has yet to be secured. There is considerable variation in the results yielded from different validated asthma control tools. It remains to be seen whether they improve the reliability of reporting of symptoms to health care professionals when compared to verbal reporting. In the presence of sensible care from compassionate and well informed doctors and nurses asthma control questionnaires will not improve outcomes for children. A patient-focused clinical encounter supplemented with lung function measurements and occasional eNO testing has more to offer families and children than control questionnaires and their routine use in the clinic cannot be recommended on the basis of current evidence. Measurement equivalence of four psychological questionnaires in native-born Germans, Russian-speaking immigrants, and native-born Russians. Hirsch, Oliver; Donner-Banzhoff, Norbert; Bachmann, Viktoria 2013-07-01 Psychological constructs depend on cultural context. It is therefore important to show the equivalence of measurement instruments in cross-cultural research. There is evidence that in Russian-speaking immigrants, cultural and language issues are important in health care. We examined measurement equivalence of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15), the Hamburg Self-Care Questionnaire (HamSCQ), and the questionnaire on communication preferences of patients with chronic illness (KOPRA) in native-born Germans, Russian-speaking immigrants living in Germany, and native-born Russians living in the former Soviet Union (FSU). All four questionnaires fulfilled requirements of measurement equivalence in confirmatory factor analyses and analyses of differential item functioning. The Russian translations can be used in Russian-speaking immigrants and native-born Russians. This offers further possibilities for cross-cultural research and for an improvement in health care research in Russian-speaking immigrants in Germany. The most pronounced differences occurred in the KOPRA, which point to differences in German and Russian health care systems.±10.08, mean±SD) than for the CS (4.40±3.09), as was the PDNMS score (10.53±4.78 and 1.80±2. PMID:25324880.. Validation of an adapted arabic version of fibromyalgia syndrome impact questionnaire. El-Naby, Mai Abd; Hefny, Mohamed Ahmed; Fahim, Ayman Ekram; Awadalla, Magdy Ahmed 2013-10-01 Fibromyalgia (FM) is the most common chronic pain syndrome encountered in medical practice, affecting females more than males, and the estimated prevalence of FM in Egypt is 1.3 %. The aim was to translate and adapt the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) into Arabic and assess reliability and validity. The Arabic version of Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ-A) was adapted following the forward/backward translation approach. Fifty-one female patients with FM were studied to assess psychometric properties of the FIQ-A. Reliability was analyzed by the correlation coefficient between test and retest. Internal consistency was checked by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Construct validity was assessed comparing FIQ-A with Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), Health Assessment Questionnaire of Fibromyalgia (FHAQ), The Medical Outcome Survey Short-Form-36 (SF-36), and the Total Visual Analog Scale (TVAS) for FM symptom, and feasibility was assessed by the time taken in completing the FIQ-A and the proportion of patients completed the questionnaire. Patients studied were 33.2 ± 9.8 years old. Translation was concordant. Adaptation affected 4 sub-items of physical function. Test-retest correlation coefficient was 0.89 for total FIQ-A and Cronbach's alpha was 0.76. Excellent to good statistically significant correlations (p < 0.05) were found between the FIQ-A items and HAQ, FHAQ, and SF-36. The FIQ-A is a reliable, valid for measuring health status and physical function in Arabic-speaking FM patients. Comparison of questionnaires determining patient satisfaction with medical care. Roberts, J G; Tugwell, P 1987-01-01 This study compares the results of previously developed patient satisfaction questionnaires which quantitatively assessed the personal attitudes of 59 patients toward their medical care. These patients, hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction, were admitted to the intensive care unit of a community hospital in southern Ontario, Canada. The questionnaires were completed by these patients at four and six months post-myocardial infarction. This quantitative assessment of patient satisfaction, as indicated by Hulka and Ware questionnaires, provided data to compare the relative effectiveness of these questionnaires in measuring satisfaction. Generally, these questionnaires were reliable (r = .64, r = .59) and evidence of criterion concurrent validity was noted (r = .75-.81). Both questionnaires have comparable results concerning the prevalence of dissatisfaction (0-7 percent). PMID:3692863 [Pain and pruritus : differences and similarities as revealed by the PainDetect questionnaire parameters]. Depenau, C; Schröder, R; Osada, N; Baron, R; Schmelz, M; Pogatzki-Zahn, E; Ständer, S 2012-07-01 Chronic pruritus and chronic pain are frequent symptoms of a variety of underlying diseases. Painful sensations usually suppress acute itching. In chronic states, both may be present in parallel and be a part of one event. Patients with chronic pruritus should be asked for the presence of pain, which can be identified and characterized using specific and validated questionnaires. The early detection of (neuropathic) pain in patients with chronic pruritus can be done using the PainDetect questionnaire. In general, patients suffering from both itch and pain have a highly impaired quality of life, high degree of objective health burden, need a more intensive health care and a complex analgetic and antipruritic therapy.. Use of a questionnaire to improve occupational and environmental history taking in primary care physicians. Thompson, J N; Brodkin, C A; Kyes, K; Neighbor, W; Evanoff, B 2000-12-01 New patient charts were reviewed before and after the introduction of a self-administered questionnaire, designed to elicit occupational and environmental (OE) information from patients. The Occupational Health Risk Assessment questionnaire (OHRA) was expected to prompt primary care physicians to make further inquiries into OE health issues. Chart reviews determined the amount and type of information detailed in the primary care physicians' notes. Twenty-three percent of completed OHRAs indicated a job-related health problem. Despite a high prevalence of self-reported work-related symptoms and exposures, the mean number of notations regarding OE exposures was less than one item per patient chart. A comparison of mean OE notations per chart before versus after introduction of the OHRA indicated a decline in notations after introduction of the OHRA (1.03 vs 0.72, P = 0.02). We detail the type of OE issues that patients presented to a primary care practice and the resulting information contained in primary care providers' notes. Suggestions are made to improve a self-administered patient questionnaire to better diagnose, prioritize, and formulate treatment plans related to OE issues. Validation of the spanish version of the multiple sclerosis international quality of life (musiqol) questionnaire 2011-01-01. PMID:22013975 Development of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess food, energy and nutrient intake in Denmark. Overvad, K; Tjønneland, A; Haraldsdóttir, J; Ewertz, M; Jensen, O M 1991-12-01 Foods to be included in a Danish self-administered semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire were identified from food tables developed, together with data collected, for the survey 'Dietary habits in Denmark, 1985'. The questionnaire was to be used in a prospective study on diet, cancer and health, and the aim was to rank individuals with regard to intake of 19 different nutrients considered of prime importance in human carcinogenesis. The questionnaire for the dietary survey included 247 foods and recipes. From stepwise multiple regression analyses with the intake of each of the 19 nutrients as the dependent variable and the intake of the 247 foods and recipes as independent variables, the foods in the models explaining 90% of the between-person variability were considered for the final questionnaire. All relevant analyses were performed for the study group as a whole, for men and women separately, and in each gender for subgroups of energy intake. Taken together, the models explaining 90% of the between-person variability identified a total of 74 foods or recipes, which were important predictors of the intake of one or more of the nutrients considered. A few foods were excluded and a few foods were added to the final questionnaire based on common biological background information, and on information on foods providing important amounts of given nutrients, but which failed to contribute to regression analyses. The 92 foods and recipes, which were included in the final questionnaire provided altogether 81% of the average total supply of the nutrients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) Psychometric Properties of the Modified RESIDE Physical Activity Questionnaire among Low-Income Overweight Women Jones, Sydney A.; Evenson, Kelly R.; Johnston, Larry F.; Trost, Stewart G.; Samuel-Hodge, Carmen; Jewell, David A.; Kraschnewski, Jennifer L.; Keyserling, Thomas C. 2014-01-01 Objective This study explored the criterion-related validity and test-retest reliability of the modified RESIDential Enviroment (RESIDE) physical activity questionnaire and whether the instrument’s validity varied by body mass index (BMI), education, race/ethnicity, or employment status. Design Validation study using baseline data collected for randomized trial of a weight loss intervention. Method Participants recruited from health departments wore an ActiGraph accelerometer and self-reported non-occupational walking, moderate and vigorous physical activity on the modified RESIDE questionnaire. We assessed validity (n=152) using Spearman correlation coefficients (SCC), and reliability (n=57) using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Results When compared to steps, moderate physical activity, and bouts of moderate/vigorous physical activity measured by accelerometer, these questionnaire measures showed fair evidence for validity: recreational walking (SCC 0.23–0.36), total walking (SCC 0.24–0.37), and total moderate physical activity (SCC 0.18–0.36). Correlations for self-reported walking and moderate physical activity were higher among unemployed participants and women with lower BMIs. Generally no other variability in the validity of the instrument was found. Evidence for reliability of RESIDE measures of recreational walking, total walking, and total moderate physical activity was substantial (ICC 0.56–0.68). Conclusions Evidence for questionnaire validity and reliability varied by activity domain and was strongest for walking measures. The questionnaire may capture physical activity less accurately among women with higher BMIs and employed participants. Capturing occupational activity, specifically walking at work, may improve questionnaire validity. PMID:24462117 Validity and Reliability of General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults in Uganda Bukenya, Richard; Ahmed, Abhiya; Andrade, Jeanette M.; Grigsby-Toussaint, Diana S.; Muyonga, John; Andrade, Juan E. 2017-01-01. PMID:28230779 Evaluation of the response of a questionnaire study by using the GIS and standard statistical methods. Slachtová, H; Machová, T; Tomásková, H; Michalík, J 2003-06-01 This study is a part of a larger project Nr. NJ 6139-3 funded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health. The aim of the paper was to analyse the response rate using standard statistical methods and the Geographical Information System (GIS); to indicate differences in the response by sex, age, education, and employment; to determine the breakpoint for the collection of questionnaires according to which we can estimate the total response rate; to indicate whether the study sample was representative enough to generalize the project results. The additional aim of the paper was to collect those background literary sources dealing with the response rate as a methodological paradigm. The statistical and GIS analysis were based on comparison of the total population data (Census 2001), the study sample and the sample of the completed questionnaires data in the 23 districts of the city of Ostrava. The information from the data collection was derived from the date of receipt for each questionnaire. The literature sources were obtained from the Internet--in total 228 papers from the period since 1986 to the present have been checked. The main results of this study are: the GIS analysis was confirmed in all stages by standard statistical methods--it can therefore be used as a valid tool for quick orientation in data and for the comparison of a study sample with the general population; we did not find significant differences in the course of the collection of the questionnaires between sex, age, education, and the employment of respondents; it can be seen that the breakpoint according to which we can estimate the total response rate, is the 10th day after the questionnaires are distributed by post (75% of the questionnaires collected); our sample is representative enough from the geographical point of view. More detailed information about the whole project and results already published or presented are available on the following web site:. Statement: The use of self-report questionnaires may lead to biases such as careless responses that distort the research outcomes. Early detection of careless responses in self-report questionnaires may reduce error, but little guidance exists in the literature regarding techniques for detecting such careless or random responses in…… Psychometric field study of the new haemophilia quality of life questionnaire for adults: the 'Hemofilia-QoL'. Remor, E; Arranz, P; Quintana, M; Villar, A; Jiménez-Yuste, V; Diaz, J L; Rincón, C; Marrero, C; Moreno, M; Lucia, J F; Martínez, E; Soto, I; Sedano, C; Gonzalez-Boullosa, R; Prieto, M; Garcia-Luaces, M; Hernández-Navarro, F 2005-11-01 Although there is a worldwide interest in the assessment of health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) in haemophilia patients, no non-disease specific instruments (for adults) are readily available. In this paper, a haemophilia-specific quality-of-life assessment measure for adults (the Hemofilia-QoL questionnaire) has been developed and tested for psychometric properties in 121 adults with haemophilia living in Spain. The Hemofilia-QoL questionnaire is a self-report modular instrument that assesses nine relevant HRQoL domains for patients with haemophilia (e.g. physical health, daily activities, joint damage, pain, treatment satisfaction, treatment difficulties, emotional functioning, mental health, relationships and social activity). Psychometric examination involved the assessment of data quality, scaling assumptions, reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) and validity (concurrent; external clinical criterion and sensitivity). The Hemofilia-QoL 36-item version questionnaire had acceptable internal consistency and retest reliability values. The questionnaire shows excellent concurrent validity (with the SF-36 Health Survey) and external clinical criterion validity (haemophilia clinical status) and sensitivity (health status changes) as well. The Hemofilia-QoL is now available for adult assessment and is ready for use in clinical research in Spain. . Qualitative interviews vs standardized self-report questionnaires in assessing quality of life in heart transplant recipients. Abbey, Susan E; De Luca, Enza; Mauthner, Oliver E; McKeever, Patricia; Shildrick, Margrit; Poole, Jennifer M; Gewarges, Mena; Ross, Heather J 2011-08. Validity and Reproducibility of a Habitual Dietary Fibre Intake Short Food Frequency Questionnaire. Healey, Genelle; Brough, Louise; Murphy, Rinki; Hedderley, Duncan; Butts, Chrissie; Coad, Jane 2016-09-10. [Development of a questionnaire for measuring effort-reward imbalance in household and family work]. Sperlich, Stefanie; Arnhold-Kerri, Sonja; Engelke, Sonja; Noeres, Dorothee; Collatz, Jürgen; Geyer, Siegfried 2009-05-01 Siegrists concept of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) had been shown to be associated with a broad range of health impairments, in particular cardiovascular diseases and depression. The original questionnaire was designed to assess ERI in the field of occupational work. This paper reports on a newly developed questionnaire for the assessment of ERI in household and family work. Analogous to the original version, it is divided into two components: (i) dysbalance of effort and reward (extrinsic component), and (ii) over-commitment (intrinsic components). The questionnaire was tested with data drawn from a clinical sample of mothers (n = 567) in rehabilitation clinics. Factor analyses have reproduced the two main dimensions "effort" and "reward". Relevant aspects of reward at home were (i) meaningfulness, (ii) social gratification, (iii) appreciation from the spouse, and (iv) affection for the child. Finally a 19-item questionnaire for assessing ERI in household and family work (ERI-M) and a four-item measure for measuring parental over-commitment (Over-M) are available. The psychometric properties of both instruments are good to satisfactory.. PMID:25035716 Validation of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire developed to under graduate students. Komatsu, Tiemy Rosana; Oku, Simone Kimie; Gimeno, Suely Godoy Agostinho; Asakura, Leiko; Coelho, Luciola de Castro; Silva, Clarissa Viana Demezio da; Akutsu, Rita de Cassia Coelho Almeida; Sachs, Anita 2013-12-01 on calorie estimates and also intend to classify groups into intake categories. Validity and Reproducibility of a Habitual Dietary Fibre Intake Short Food Frequency Questionnaire Healey, Genelle; Brough, Louise; Murphy, Rinki; Hedderley, Duncan; Butts, Chrissie; Coad, Jane 2016-01-01. PMID:27626442… Development, factor structure and application of the Dog Obesity Risk and Appetite (DORA) questionnaire. Raffan, Eleanor; of Development, factor structure and application of the Dog Obesity Risk and Appetite (DORA) questionnaire [Questionnaire methods used in the psychosomatic evaluation of tinnitus]. Eğilmez, Oğuz Kadir; Kalcıoğlu, M Tayyar; Kökten, Numan 2014-01-01 Tinnitus is a common disorder in ear, nose and throat practice. Not only muscular, vascular, neuronal, odiologic and ear pathologies, also psychological parameters contribute to the formation of tinnitus. Scales which evaluate patients' perception of tinnitus and how they are affected from tinnitus psychosomatically have gained increasing importance. Questionnaire studies are very assisting in terms of showing the degree of anxiety and depression experienced by the patients, diagnosis of the disease, evaluation of treatment efficacy, and patient follow-up. In this study, we reviewed the visual analog scale which measures the level of subjective perception in tinnitus, tinnitus evaluation questionnaires, and questionnaires measuring the level of quality of life and depression.. [Validation of a job expectancy questionnaire with secondary students]. Vázquez Alonso, Angel; Manassero Mas, María Antonia 2008-11-01 This study presents the validity and reliability analysis of a questionnaire that assesses the importance of some general job features, for the diagnosis of youths' expectations and priorities concerning a future job. The results show an 8-factor structure with a very good fit to the theoretical structure of the questionnaire, and reliability for the entire questionnaire and for the factor sub-scales is also quite satisfactory. The analysis of the sub-scale scores reveals that youths' most important factor is Self-actualization, whereas the Manual dimension is the least important one.. Assessing Adult Leisure Activities: An Extension of a Self-Report Activity Questionnaire Jopp, Daniela; Hertzog, Christopher 2009-01, Assessing adult leisure activities: an extension of a self-report activity questionnaire. Jopp, Daniela S; Hertzog, Christopher 2010-03, the authors enhanced. Factorial validity of the Job Expectations Questionnaire in a sample of Mexican workers. Villa-George, Fabiola Itzel; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; Villalpando Uribe, Jessica 2011-11-01 Services in Puebla-Mexico. The second sample comprised 400 health professionals from the Hospital de la Mujer in Puebla-Mexico. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a three-factor solution, accounting for 51.8% of the variance. The results of confirmatory factorial analysis indicate that the three-factor model provided the best fit with the data (CFI = .96, GFI = .95, NNFI = .95, RMSEA = .04), maintaining the structure with 12 items. The reliability of the questionnaire and the diverse subscales showed high internal consistency. Significant correlations were found between job expectations and autonomy, vigor, dedication, and absorption, providing evidence of its construct validity. The evaluation of the psychometric qualities confirms this questionnaire as a valid and specific instrument to measure job expectations. Validation of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 8-10 in Bosnia and Herzegovina Hadzipasic-Nazdrajic, Amra 2012-01-01. PMID:23922523. A Questionnaire to Measure Children's Awareness of Strategic Reading Processes. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Schmitt, Maribeth Cassidy 1990-01-01 Describes the Metacomprehension Strategy Index, a multiple-choice questionnaire, and its supporting validity and reliability data. Discusses how teachers can use and interpret this information to evaluate middle and upper elementary students' knowledge of strategic reading processes. (MG) Preliminary reliability of the five item physical activity questionnaire Cho, Min-Haeng 2016-01. PMID:28174459 Preliminary reliability of the five item physical activity questionnaire. Cho, Min-Haeng 2016-12. Development of a questionnaire to evaluate coping strategies for skin problems. Hernández-Fernaud, Estefanía; Hernández, Bernardo; Ruiz, Cristina; Ruiz, Antonia 2009-05-01 The aim of this work was to develop an instrument (Coping Strategies for Skin Problems Questionnaire) suitable for identifying the coping strategies people use for general skin problems. We analyzed its psychometric properties when applied to a sample of 299 individuals. Factor analysis shows a 6-factor structure referring to the wish to change, problem-solving strategies, the search for information and asking for social support, the ability to distance oneself from the problem and to see the positive aspects of the situation. These factors explain 60.77% of the variance and show an internal consistency higher than 0.67. We analyse the validity of the questionnaire and identify different coping profiles depending on the degree of skin damage as assessed by the participants and their search for health services. According to the psychometric properties obtained, we conclude that our instrument is valid and reliable for use with people presenting skin problems. Which kind of psychometrics is adequate for patient satisfaction questionnaires? Konerding, Uwe 2016-01-01.. Attitudes and awareness of female genital mutilation: a questionnaire-based study in a Kenyan hospital. Livermore, L; Monteiro, R; Rymer, J 2007-11-01 There are considerable efforts in Kenya to increase awareness of the issues and health risks associated with female genital mutilation (FGM) through educational programmes. The Kenyan government formally outlawed FGM in 2001. This questionnaire-based study aimed to explore attitudes and awareness of FGM in Kenya with particular reference to the law, health complications and educational programmes. A significant decline in the prevalence of FGM was demonstrated and awareness of health complications of FGM shown to be the main factor causing this trend. The need for further efforts to eradicate the practice and the importance of religion and culture in shaping social attitudes was evident. The outlawing of FGM was considered a positive advance but may have the detrimental effect of deterring women from seeking medical assistance for complications relating to FGM.-factor structure of the 9-item CCUQ, with “Health Cues,” “Partner Cues,” and “Health Professional Cues” subscales accounting for 59.91% of the total variance. The CCUQ demonstrated modest internal consistency and split-half reliability. The questionnaire is brief and user friendly, with readability at a seventh-grade level. The most frequently endorsed cues for starting CPAP were Health Professional Cues (prompting by the sleep physician) and Health Cues such as tiredness and concern about health outcomes. Conclusions: This study validates a measure of an important motivational component of the Health Belief Model. Health Professional Cues and internal Health Cues were reported to be the most important prompts to commence CPAP by this patient sample. Responsiveness of EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-CR38 and FACT-C quality of life questionnaires in patients with colorectal cancer 2011-01-01. PMID:21859485 Health status of newcomers. Matuk, L C 1996-01-01 This article presents and discusses findings on the health status of newcomers residing in Windsor, Ontario. The data are part of a larger study, which was based on the Ontario Health Survey's questionnaire. Data were collected from 548 newcomers through home visits, focus groups, mail surveys, and telephone interviews. Descriptive multivariate analyses focused on main areas in newcomers' physical and mental health status and their access to health services. The findings identified that most newcomers do not have acute, life-threatening physical problems or chronic illness. They do not experience major problems with access to health care or activity limitations. Men are happier, more satisfied with their health, and less stressed than women. This study has implications for adoption of sensitive transcultural approaches to promote newcomers' health. Special challenges lie in women's health and mental health. Perception and Needs in Health Education Curriculum among School Nurses as Health Teachers in Korea ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Lee, Gyu Young; Ham, Ok Kyung 2013-01-01 The study investigated perceived effectiveness and perceived barriers to health education curriculum targeting school nurses as health teachers in Korea. A total of 741 health teachers participated. The questionnaire included perceived effectiveness and perceived barriers to health education curriculum, future roles of health teachers, and needs…… Health Educators' Knowledge of Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Hearing Health Practices. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Lass, Norman J.; And Others 1990-01-01 A questionnaire on hearing, hearing loss, and hearing health practices was developed and administered to 89 school health educators in 6 states. Analysis of responses indicates some deficiencies in their knowledge level suggesting the need for preservice and continuing education programs. The questionnaire is appended. (Author/DB) Improving quality of Food Frequency Questionnaire response in low-income Mexican American children. Garcia-Dominic, Oralia; Treviño, Roberto P; Echon, Roger M; Mobley, Connie; Block, Torin; Bizzari, Ansam; Michalek, Joel 2012-11-01<0.05). Most students (337 of 364, 92.6%) reported experiences with respectful health providers. These students experienced significantly more satisfaction than did other students (p<0.001). We analyzed 343 sentences written by 261 students, using text mining analysis after excluding unsuitable responses. The word most used was "patient" (121 times). Many students noted their impression that the pharmacists had answered patients' questions. Of the 10 trait categories, "professional knowledge and skills" was mentioned most often (151 students). Classification of natural and supernatural causes of mental distress. Development of a Mental Distress Explanatory Model Questionnaire. Eisenbruch, M 1990-11-01 This paper describes the background and development of a Mental Distress Explanatory Model Questionnaire designed to explore how people from different cultures explain mental distress. A 45-item questionnaire was developed with items derived from the Murdock et al. categories, with additional items covering western notions of physiological causation and stress. The questionnaire was administered to 261 people, mostly college students. Multi-dimensional scaling analysis shows four clusters of mental distress: a) stress; b) western physiological; c) nonwestern physiological; and d) supernatural. These clusters form two dimensions: western physiological vs. supernatural and impersonal vs. personalistic explanations. Natural and stress items are separated from supernatural and nonwestern physiological items along the first dimension. Brain damage, physical illness, and genetic defects have the greatest separation along the first dimension. Being hot, the body being out of balance, and wind currents passing through the body most strongly represent the non-western physiological category. The questionnaire has the potential to be used for community health screening and for monitoring patient care, as well as with students in the health sciences and with health practitioners. Development and validity of a questionnaire to test the knowledge of primary care personnel regarding nutrition in obese adolescents 2013-01-01 Development and Validation of a Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students (SCQ-AS) Paiva, Paula Cristina Pelli; de Paiva, Haroldo Neves; de Oliveira Filho, Paulo Messias; Lamounier, Joel Alves; Ferreira, Efigênia Ferreira e; Ferreira, Raquel Conceição; Kawachi, Ichiro; Zarzar, Patrícia Maria 2014-01-01 Objectives Social capital has been studied due to its contextual influence on health. However, no specific assessment tool has been developed and validated for the measurement of social capital among 12-year-old adolescent students. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a quick, simple assessment tool to measure social capital among adolescent students. Methods A questionnaire was developed based on a review of relevant literature. For such, searches were made of the Scientific Electronic Library Online, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, The Cochrane Library, ISI Web of Knowledge, International Database for Medical Literature and PubMed Central bibliographical databases from September 2011 to January 2014 for papers addressing assessment tools for the evaluation of social capital. Focus groups were also formed by adolescent students as well as health, educational and social professionals. The final assessment tool was administered to a convenience sample from two public schools (79 students) and one private school (22 students), comprising a final sample of 101 students. Reliability and internal consistency were evaluated using the Kappa coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. Content validity was determined by expert consensus as well as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results The final version of the questionnaire was made up of 12 items. The total scale demonstrated very good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.71). Reproducibility was also very good, as the Kappa coefficient was higher than 0.72 for the majority of items (range: 0.63 to 0.97). Factor analysis grouped the 12 items into four subscales: School Social Cohesion, School Friendships, Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Trust (school and neighborhood). Conclusions The present findings indicate the validity and reliability of the Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students. PMID:25093409 American Society of Nephrology Quiz and Questionnaire 2013: transplantation. Josephson, Michelle A; Perazella, Mark A; Choi, Michael J 2014-07-01.. The validity and reliability of the Dutch Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire. Hanson, E K; Schaufeli, W; Vrijkotte, T; Plomp, N H; Godaert, G L 2000-01-01 The reliability and validity of the Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire were tested in 775 blue- and white-collar workers in the Netherlands. Cronbach's alpha revealed sufficient internal consistency of all subscales except Need for Control. With exploratory probabilistic scaling (Mokken) analysis, the psychometric qualities of the Need for Control scale were improved. With confirmatory factor analysis, the factorial validity of the Extrinsic Effort and Reward subscales was confirmed. A model with 3 separate dimensions for reward (status control, esteem reward, and monetary gratification) proved adequate, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing subscales. The congruent validity of the subscales and a hypothesized relationship with an external construct, health functioning, were confirmed. Questionnaire survey of customer satisfaction for product categories towards certification of ergonomic quality in design. Mochimaru, Masaaki; Takahashi, Miwako; Hatakenaka, Nobuko; Horiuchi, Hitoshi 2012-01-01. Symptom Distress and Quality of Life after Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Patients with Pituitary Tumors: A Questionnaire Survey Yang, Ching-Ju; Huang, Guey-Shiun; Xiao, Fu-Ren; Lou, Meei-Fang 2014-01-01 Background Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a common treatment for recurrent or residual pituitary adenomas. The persistence of symptoms and treatment related complications may impair the patient’s quality of life (QOL). Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine symptom distress, QOL, and the relationship between them among patients with pituitary tumors who had undergone SRS. Methods. Results. Conclusion Symptom distress can affect different aspects of patient QOL. Levels of symptom distress, number of symptoms, age, and gender were variables significantly correlated with patient QOL. These results may be utilized by healthcare personnel to design educational and targeted interventional programs for Awareness and implementation of the regional animal welfare strategy for the Americas: a questionnaire. Glass, E; Kahn, S; Arroyo Kuribreha, M 2015-12-01 The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is the global standard-setting organisation for animal health and these standards are references for the World Trade Organization legal framework. In 2002, noting the relationship between animal health and welfare, the OIE accepted the mandate to develop animal welfare standards. These standards were subsequently adopted by Member Countries and have been included in the TerrestrialAnimal Health Code and the Aquatic Animal Health Code. The implementation of the OIE standards by Member Countries is continually promoted. National OIE Delegates are encouraged to nominate National Focal Points for key topics, including animal welfare. In 2012, the OIE Regional Commission of the Americas adopted a Regional Animal Welfare Strategy (Regional Strategy) to promote a coordinated approach to the implementation of the OIE animal welfare standards by the 29 Member Countries in the region. In February 2015, the OIE Regional Representation for the Americas distributed a questionnaire to determine the level of awareness and implementation of the Regional Strategy. This paper presents the results of the questionnaire. With a few exceptions, veterinary officials and stakeholders are only just becoming aware of the strategy and implementation is at an early stage. To promote the implementation of the Regional Strategy, it will be.necessary to continue building the capacity of the national Veterinary Services, strengthening public-private partnerships, modernising legislation and promoting veterinary involvement in animal welfare. Through the implementation of the Regional Strategy, the OIE will provide support to countries in establishing animal welfare standards, in line with government priorities and consumer concerns. Item generation in the development of an inpatient experience questionnaire: a qualitative study 2013-01-01. PMID:23835186 Athletes' assessment of the coach--the coach evaluation questionnaire. Rushall, B S; Wiznuk, K 1985-09-01 The purpose of this study was to provide an assessment tool to judge coaching performance that was appropriate for completion by athletes. The questionnaire underwent a variety of developmental stages. In its final form, it contained 36 items. The tool was shown to be a valid, reliable, and standardized questionnaire. It demonstrated discriminability and provoked honest, accurate responding in subjects. The test was capable of providing immediate feedback to coaches seeking information about athletes' perceptions of their coaching performance. Responses on the developed scale were weighted to reflect the desirability of the coaching characteristics of a good coach. The questionnaire provides a total score which can be interpreted by the coach as a measure of how much of an "ideal" coach exists in him/her. Haemangioma family burden: creation of a specific questionnaire. Boccara, Olivia; Méni, Cecile; Léauté-Labreze, Christine; Bodemer, Christine; Voisard, Jean-Jacques; Dufresne, Hélène; Brauchoux, Sébastien; Taieb, Charles 2015-01-01 To develop and validate a specific questionnaire to assess burden on families of children with infantile haemangioma (IH): the Haemangioma Family Burden questionnaire (HFB). Items were generated from a literature review and a verbatim report from parents. Subsequently, a study was implemented at the Necker Hospital and the Pellegrin Children's Hospital for psychometric analysis. The HFB was refined via item reduction according to inter-question correlations, consensus among experts and exploratory factor analysis. A 20-item questionnaire, grouped into 5 dimensions, was obtained. Construct validity was demonstrated and HFB showed good internal coherence (Cronbach's α: 0.93). The HFB was significantly correlated with the mental dimension of the Short-Form-12 (r = -0.75), and the Psychological General Well-Being Index (r = -0.61). HFB scores differed significantly according to the size and localization of the IH. A validated tool for assessing the burden on families of children with IH is now available. Development and Preliminary Validation of a Comprehensive Questionnaire to Assess Women’s Knowledge and Perception of the Current Weight Gain Guidelines during Pregnancy Ockenden, Holly; Gunnell, Katie; Giles, Audrey; Nerenberg, Kara; Goldfield, Gary; Manyanga, Taru; Adamo, Kristi 2016-01-01 The aim of this study was to develop and validate an electronic questionnaire, the Electronic Maternal Health Survey (EMat Health Survey), related to women’s knowledge and perceptions of the current gestational weight gain guidelines (GWG), as well as pregnancy-related health behaviours. Constructs addressed within the questionnaire include self-efficacy, locus of control, perceived barriers, and facilitators of physical activity and diet, outcome expectations, social environment and health practices. Content validity was examined using an expert panel (n = 7) and pilot testing items in a small sample (n = 5) of pregnant women and recent mothers (target population). Test re-test reliability was assessed among a sample (n = 71) of the target population. Reliability scores were calculated for all constructs (r and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC)), those with a score of >0.5 were considered acceptable. The content validity of the questionnaire reflects the degree to which all relevant components of excessive GWG risk in women are included. Strong test-retest reliability was found in the current study, indicating that responses to the questionnaire were reliable in this population. The EMat Health Survey adds to the growing body of literature on maternal health and gestational weight gain by providing the first comprehensive questionnaire that can be self-administered and remotely accessed. The questionnaire can be completed in 15–25 min and collects useful data on various social determinants of health and GWG as well as associated health behaviours. This online tool may assist researchers by providing them with a platform to collect useful information in developing and tailoring interventions to better support women in achieving recommended weight gain targets in pregnancy. PMID:27916921. Validation of the French version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Reychler, Gregory; Schinckus, Mathilde; Fremault, Antoine; Liistro, Giuseppe; Pieters, Thierry 2015-11-01 Cough is one of the three major symptoms reported by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. The Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) is a questionnaire exploring the impact of cough, but it does not exist in French. The aim of this study was to develop a French version of LCQ and to assess its psychometrics properties. A forward-backward translation process was used to develop the French version of the LCQ. COPD patients completed LCQ and Cough and Sputum Assessment Questionnaire (CASA-Q) to determine concurrent validity, content validity and internal consistency. Two weeks later, the LCQ was repeated to evaluate the reproducibility. Seventy-four COPD patients were recruited. The concurrent validity showed highly significant correlations between all scores of LCQ and CASA-Q (p < 0.001). The content validity was good with domain total scores correlations ranging from 0.918 to 0.953. The LCQ domains and total scores showed a very good internal consistency with Cronbach's α coefficients ranging between 0.802 and 0.917. The test-retest reliability was high in COPD patients with no change in cough. In conclusion, The French version of the LCQ is a valid and reliable instrument to measure health status in COPD patients. Predicting dyslexia at age 11 from a risk index questionnaire at age 5. Helland, Turid; Plante, Elena; Hugdahl, Kenneth 2011-08-01 Validating the Farsi version of the Pregnancy Worries and Stress Questionnaire (PWSQ): An exploratory factor analysis Navidpour, Fariba; Dolatian, Mahrokh; Shishehgar, Sara; Yaghmaei, Farideh; Majd, Hamid Alavi; Hashemi, Seyed Saeed 2016-01-01 Introduction Biological, environmental, inter- and intrapersonal changes during the antenatal period can result in anxiety and stress in pregnant women. It is pivotal to identify potential stressors and prevent their foetal and maternal consequences. The present study was conducted to validate and examine the factor structure of the Farsi version of the Pregnancy Worries and Stress Questionnaire (PWSQ). Methods In 2015, 502 Iranian healthy pregnant women, referred to selected hospitals in Tehran for prenatal care at 8–39 weeks of pregnancy, were recruited through a randomized cluster sampling. The PWSQ was translated into Farsi, and its validity and reliability were examined using exploratory factor analysis by SPSS version 21. Results The content validity of items on the PWSQ was between 0.63–1. The content validity index for relevance, clarity and simplicity were 0.92, 0.98, and 0.98, respectively, with a mean of 0.94. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.863. Test–retest reliability showed high internal consistency (α=0.89; p<0.0001) Conclusion The psychometric evaluation and exploratory factor analysis showed that the translated questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to identify stress in Iranian pregnant women. Application of the questionnaire can facilitate the diagnosis of stress in pregnant women and assist health care providers in providing timely support and minimizing negative outcomes of stress and anxiety in pregnant women and their infants. PMID:27957315 Cross-cultural adaptation of the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire to Argentinian Spanish. De Cunto, Carmen L; Eymann, Alfredo; Britos, María de Los Ángeles; González, Florencia; Roizen, Mariana; Rodríguez Celin, María de Las Mercedes; Soriano Guppy, Enrique 2017-04-01 In Argentina, there was not an adapted and validated instrument to evaluate readiness for the transition to adult health care. The purpose of this study was to describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire 5.0 to Argentinian Spanish. The authors of the instrument were contacted to this effect. Stage 1: two translators performed the translation to Spanish. Stage 2: based on these two versions, version 1 was agreed upon. Stage 3: two back-translations were performed. Stages 4 and 5: both back-translated versions were compared, and the Spanish version was adapted to ensure correspondence with the original. Subheads were added in each domain, and version 2 was obtained. Stage 6: the questionnaire was field tested to ensure the cultural adequacy of the vocabulary, thus obtaining version 3. In the last stage (stage 7), the instrument was tested in two hospitals. Finally, the cross-cultural adaptation of the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire 5.0 for the Argentinian population was obtained. [Study of psychometric properties of two new questionnaires assessing beliefs in hypochondriasis in a non-clinical population]. Pelletier, O; Gosselin, P; Langlois, F; Ladouceur, R 2002-01-01 Most instruments focussing on hypochondriasis symptoms do not have for goal to assess beliefs specifically. Instead, these instruments are used to measure specific behaviors. To assess underlying beliefs with these kinds of instruments, you have to extract false beliefs by deduction. In cognitive therapy, it is important to target erroneous beliefs in order to change them. On the other hand, existing instruments are not really suitable to target erroneous health beliefs. Even if some questionnaires are built to assess beliefs directly, it seems that they only measure the conviction of having an illness and do not assess the general health beliefs present in excessive health worriers. However, many researchers argue that this other kind of beliefs are the ones responsible in maintaining hypochondriasis symptoms. Presently, researchers assume that erroneous beliefs can maintain worries about illness among people with hypochondriasis symptoms like false beliefs about worry maintain worries in people with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Even if the importance of false beliefs in the maintenance of pathological worries is now recognized, most instruments on hypochondriasis symptoms do not have for goal to assess erroneous beliefs concerning worry about health. For instance, although the questionnaire Why do people worry? (WW) shows good psychometric properties and measures beliefs related to general worries, this questionnaire is not specific enough to correctly evaluate beliefs associated to health worry. A new questionnaire has to emerge in order to assess false beliefs associated to worry about health. This manuscript presents the development and the validation of a new questionnaire: the General Health Beliefs Questionnaire (GHBQ) that assesses general health beliefs, and also presents the development and the validation of a new questionnaire assessing beliefs associated to worry about health: the Why do people Worry about Health? (WW-H) . In this study, the GHBQ Validation of a persian version of motorcycle rider behavior questionnaire. Motevalian, Seyed Abbas; Asadi-Lari, Mohsen; Rahimi, Habibollah; Eftekhar, Mehrdad 2011-01-01 In Iran, road traffic injuries are the first cause of burden of disease and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable road users. Elliot and colleagues developed the "Motorcycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire" (MRBQ), on the basis of Reason's "Driver Behavior Questionnaire" (DBQ) in 2007. The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of a Persian version of MRBQ. The 43-item MRBQ was adapted to Persian according to translation-back translation method. The questionnaire was significantly revised after assessment of content validity. In the revised version, 10 items of original MRBQ were deleted and 15 new items were added. The revised MRBQ was used in a survey of 518 motorcyclists. To assess the construct validity of MRBQ, we used Buss-Perry Aggression questionnaire concurrently on all of the subjects. After three weeks, we carried out the retest study on 119 out of 518 subjects. The mean age of the subjects was 32.5 years (SD=8.8). All of the participants were male with mean of 9.3 years of motorcycle riding experience (SD=7.3). Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed six subscales: "Speed Violations", "Traffic Errors", "Safety Violations", "Traffic Violations", "Stunts" and "Control Errors", which accounted for 36.44% of total variance together. For each of these subscales, Cronbach's Alpha was between 0.79 to 0.91. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for six subscales and total questionnaire were from 0.73 to 0.91. There were significant correlations between MRBQ subscales and subscales of Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire. The results indicated that the 48-item Persian version of MRBQ is a suitable measure for studying motorcyclists' behavior. Benchmarking the health of health sciences students at Kuwait University: towards a culture of health. Al-Sayegh, N; Al-Shuwai, N; Ramadan, S; Al-Qurba, T; Al-Obaidi, S M; Dean, E 2016-11-02 Health professional entry-to-practice programmes are intense, competitive and prolonged. The aims of this study were to benchmark the health of health sciences students at Kuwait University, thereby informing student health services, and to establish a base for individual student's health assessments throughout the programmes. We used a convenience sample of 176 students. Assessment included a health/wellness questionnaire (smoking, nutrition, physical activity, sleep and stress) and objective measures (resting heart rate, blood pressure, waist-to-hip ratio and random blood glucose). Students had suboptimal activity, diet, stress and sleep. Health was suboptimal based on significant proportions of students in unhealthy categories for resting heart rate, blood pressure and body composition. Health status of health sciences students at Kuwait University is not consistent with healthy health professionals in training, who should serve as role models for the public. A culture of health on campus is recommended to maximize the health of students and their capacity as health role models. Validation of the Greek Translation of the Nursing Dimensions Inventory questionnaire (NDI-35) Kotrotsiou, Evagelia; Gouva, Mary; Kotrotsiou, Stiliani; Malliarou, Maria; Paralikas, Theodosios 2014-01-01 α coefficients and test–retests), and (d) construct validity revealed similarities between English and Greek versions, replications consistent with past research, as well as differences explained Reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment questionnaire for patients with musculoskeletal disorder. Jung, Kyoung-Sim; Jung, Jin-Hwa; In, Tae-Sung; Cho, Hwi-Young 2016-09. Chilean experimental version of the State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (ST-DEP): State subscale (S-DEP). Vera-Villarroel, Pablo; Buela-Casal, Gualberto; Zych, Izabela; Córdova-Rubio, Natalia; Celis-Atenas, Karem; Zepeda, Lorena; Spielberger, Charles D 2010-02-01 Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder and one of the most important health problems in Chile. The current study shows data for validity and reliability of the State subscale (S-DEP) of the Chilean experimental version of the State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (ST-DEP). The procedure conducted with the original version of the questionnaire was replicated on a sample of 300 university students. The utilized measures were the State Depression Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and neutral depressive, mild depressive, and moderate depressive vignettes. Results indicated that the factor structure was replicable, the internal consistency was good, and the situations were ranked as expected. The scale distinguishes intensities of depression. Clinicians and researchers in Chile are provided with a new measure for state depression. Reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment questionnaire for patients with musculoskeletal disorder Jung, Kyoung-Sim; Jung, Jin-Hwa; In, Tae-Sung; Cho, Hwi-Young 2016-01. PMID:27799696 Validation of the ABILHAND questionnaire as a measure of manual ability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Durez, Patrick; Fraselle, Virginie; Houssiau, Frédéric; Thonnard, Jean‐Louis; Nielens, Henri; Penta, Massimo 2007-01-01 Objective: Hand and upper limb involvement is common in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, its impact on manual activities of daily life has not been fully evaluated. A measure of manual ability was developed, through the Rasch measurement model, by adapting and validating the ABILHAND questionnaire, which measures the patient's perceived difficulty in performing everyday manual activities. Methods 112 patients with RA were evaluated. The following tests were performed: the ABILHAND questionnaire, the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), the Jamar grip and key pinch strength tests, the Box and Block dexterity test and the Purdue pegboard dexterity test. In total, 35 patients were reassessed to determine the test–retest reliability of the ABILHAND, and 6 patients were studied before and after therapy with tumour necrosis factor (TNF) blockers to address sensitivity to change. Results The Rasch refinement of the ABILHAND led to a selection of 27 items rated on a 3‐point scale. The resulting ability scale was targeted to the ability of the patients. The item‐difficulty hierarchy was stable across demographic and clinical subgroups and over time. Grip and key pinch strength and manual and digital dexterity on both hands were significantly, though moderately, correlated with the ABILHAND measures. Manual ability was also significantly related to the number of affected hands, disease duration, tender and swollen joint counts on upper limbs, disease activity and the HAQ. Sensitivity to change was demonstrated in patients treated with TNF blockers, commensurate with their clinical improvement. Conclusion The ABILHAND questionnaire is a clinically valid person‐centred measure of manual ability that could be useful in longitudinal RA studies. PMID:17170054 Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure research involvement among registered dietitians. Whelan, Kevin; Copeland, Emma; Oladitan, Leah; Murrells, Trevor; Gandy, Joan 2013-04-01. Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess delay in treatment for breast cancer’ initial interpretations of symptoms, patients’ perceptions of delay, reasons for delay in initial seeking of medical care, barriers perceived to have caused provider delay, prior utilisation of health services, use of alternative medicine, cancer-screening knowledge and practices, and aspects of the social network of support for medical attention. The questionnaire was assembled with consideration for previous research results from a review of the literature and qualitative interviews of patients with breast cancer symptoms. It was tested for face validity, content validity, reliability, internal consistency, convergent and divergent validity, sensitivity and specificity in a series of 4 tests with 602 patients. Results The instrument showed good face and content validity. It allowed discrimination of patients with different types and degrees of delay, had quite good reliability for the time intervals (with no significant mean differences between the two measurements), and fairly good internal consistency of the item dimensions (with Cronbach’s alpha values for each dimension between 0.42 and 0.85). Finally, sensitivity and specificity were 74.68% and 48.81%, respectively. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the first published report of the development and validation of a questionnaire for estimation of breast cancer delay and its correlated factors. It is a valid, reliable and sensitive instrument. PMID:23272645. Understanding Physical Educators' Perceptions of Mattering Questionnaire--Physical Education ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Richards, K. Andrew R.; Gaudreault, Karen Lux; Woods, Amelia Mays 2017-01-01… Measurement Invariance of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire across Three Countries ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Lievens, Filip; Anseel, Frederik; Harris, Michael M.; Eisenberg, Jacob 2007-01-01 In recent years, pay satisfaction has been increasingly studied in an international context, prompting the importance of examining whether the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) is invariant across countries other than the United States. This study investigated the measurement invariance across three countries, namely, the United States (N =…… Caregiver’s feeding styles questionnaire - new factors and correlates Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN) Study objectives were to conduct exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of Caregiver’s Feeding Styles Questionnaire (CFSQ) and evaluate correlations between factors and maternal feeding practices, attitudes, and perceptions. Mothers (N = 144) were 43% minority race/ethnicity, 24% full-time employed, 54% ... Psychometric Characteristics of the Modified World Affairs Questionnaire. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Mayton, Daniel M., II 1988-01-01 Subjected Modified World Affairs Questionnaire (MWAQ) to comparable common factor analysis which identified five factors: civil defense, escalation, nuclear war outcome, probability/worry, and patriotic. Alpha coefficients and test-retest reliability were determined to be adequate for the first four subscales. Acceptable discriminant validity and… Extreme Samples on the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Psychoticism Scale. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Loo, Robert; Shiomi, Kunio 1983-01-01 Examined the P scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in three samples of normal Canadian and Japanese students who obtained either very high or very low means on the P scale. Psychometric problems were identified in the sample with a low P mean. Recommended that the scale be renamed. (JAC) Further Evaluation of the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2 ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Rice, Kenneth G.; Suh, Hanna; Ege, Engin 2014-01-01 Data from clinical and nonclinical samples ("Ns" = 2,096, 618) were used to evaluate and replicate the measurement structure of the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2. Different measurement models and invariance tests were evaluated and the best psychometric support was found for a shortened measure of two factors: overall maladjustment and…… Psych) Structural and Convergent Validity of the Homework Performance Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Pendergast, Laura L.; Watkins, Marley W.; Canivez, Gary L. 2014-01-01 Homework is a requirement for most school-age children, but research on the benefits and drawbacks of homework is limited by lack of psychometrically sound measurement of homework performance. This study examined the structural and convergent validity of scores from the newly developed Homework Performance Questionnaire -- Teacher Scale (HPQ-T).… A Psychometric Investigation of the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Anderson, Amy L.; Lester, David; Rogers, James R. 2008-01-01 The factor structure of the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) was investigated in 2 studies. In the first study, the SOQ was administered to 568 participants to investigate the relative strength of 3 competing latent structure models previously identified in the literature. Confirmatory factor analyses provided no support for any of the prior… American Society of Nephrology quiz and questionnaire 2013: glomerulonephritis. Fervenza, Fernando C; Perazella, Mark A; Choi, Michael J 2014-05-01 The Nephrology Quiz and Questionnaire (NQ&Q) remains an extremely popular session for attendees of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology. As in past years, the conference hall of the 2013 meeting NQ&Q responses and the results of the questionnaire are displayed. This article recapitulates the session and reproduces its educational value for CJASN readers. Enjoy the clinical cases and expert discussions. Racial Differences in Responses to the Caregiver Strain Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Kang, Eunjeong; Brannan, Ana Maria; Heflinger, Craig Anne 2005-01-01… Blocked versus Randomized Format of Questionnaires: A Confirmatory Multigroup Analysis ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Sparfeldt, Jorn R.; Schilling, Susanne R.; Rost, Detlef H.; Thiel, Alexandra 2006-01-01 The notion of item context effects implies that psychometric properties of an item or scale are altered by the presentation format, for example, blocked versus randomized. In an experimental study with high school students, the experimental group (n = 407) answered a four-dimensional academic self-concept questionnaire, in which the items were…… Trends in Teacher Education as Reported on the Institutional Questionnaire. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Galluzzo, Gary R.; And Others This paper reports on the degree to which teacher educators have addressed the current calls for reform in teacher education. The data were taken from the Institutional Questionnaire of the Research about Teacher Education (RATE) Project of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). The 90 respondents, each representing… The Validity of the Interpersonal Behaviors Questionnaire (IBQ) in Sport ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Rocchi, Meredith; Pelletier, Luc; Desmarais, Philippe 2017-01-01 According to Self-Determination Theory (SDT), basic psychological needs will be influenced by other individuals' interpersonal behaviors. The objective of the present research is to extend the validity of the Interpersonal Behaviors Questionnaire (IBQ and IBQ-Self) to the sport context. The measure was designed to assess perceptions of… Assessing Academic Potential for University Admission: The Biographical Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Enslin, P. A.; Button, A.; Chakane, M.; de Groot, M.; Dison, L. 2006-01-01… Development and Initial Validation of the Performance Skills Questionnaire (PSQ) ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Bart, Orit; Rosenberg, Limor; Ratzon, Navah Z.; Jarus, Tal 2010-01-01 The objective… Development and Validation of the Self-Harm Reasons Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Lewis, Stephen P.; Santor, Darcy A. 2008-01-01… Validation of the French version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire Martel, Johanne; Dugas, Claude; Lafond, D.; Descarreaux, M. 2009-01-01 Self questionnaires are an important aspect of the management of neck pain patients. The Bournemouth Questionnaire (BQ), based on the biopsychosocial model, is designed to evaluate patients with neck pain. The validated English version of this questionnaire (BQc-English) has psychometric properties that range from moderate to excellent. The goal of this study is to translate and validate a French version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire for neck pain patients (BQc-f). Its translation and adaptation are performed using the translation back-translation method, generating a consensus among the translators. This validation study was performed on 68 subjects (mean age 41 years old) who participated in a randomized controlled trial regarding the efficiency of manual therapy for neck pain patients. This experimental protocol was designed to generate data in order to evaluate the construct validity, longitudinal validity, test-retest reliability and responsiveness. The BQc-f psychometric properties of construct validity (r = 0.67, 0.61, 0.42) for pre treatment, post treatment and longitudinal validity, respectively), test-retest reliability (r = 0.97) and responsiveness (effect size = 0.56 and mean standardized response = 0.61) are sufficient to suggest it could be used in the management of patients with neck pain. PMID:19506700… Development of the Dimensions of Adult Mastery Motivation Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Doherty-Bigara, Jacqueline; Gilmore, Linda 2015-01-01 Mastery motivation is an important developmental construct that has implications for development across the lifespan. Research to date has focused predominantly on infants and children, with the Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ) being the most widely used measure of mastery motivation. This article reports on the development and initial… Revisiting the Factor Structure of the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Toll, Benjamin A.; McKee, Sherry A.; Krishnan-Sarin, Suchitra; O'Malley, Stephanie S. 2004-01-01 This study assessed the factor structure of the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges (QSU), a commonly used assessment of cravings for cigarettes, with a sample of smokers presenting for treatment in a smoking cessation trial. On the basis of previous research, three confirmatory factor analytic models were tested. Model 1 hypothesized a 26-item,…... An Educator's Guide to Questionnaire Development. REL 2016-108 ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Harlacher, Jason 2016-01-01 Educators have many decisions to make and it's important that they have the right data to inform those decisions and access to questionnaires that can gather that data. This guide, developed by REL Central and based on work done through separate projects with the Wyoming Office of Public Instruction and the Nebraska Department of Education,… Assessing Dimensions of Single Parenting: The Single Parenting Questionnaire. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Stolberg, Arnold L.; Ullman, Ann J. 1984-01-01 Developed and validated an instrument that assesses five dimensions of single parenting: problem solving skills, parental warmth, discipline procedures, parent rules, enthusiasm for parenting and parent support systems. Results gave statistical support for the Single Parenting Questionnaire, suggesting it may be useful in both clinical and… A Rasch Analysis of the Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Joyce, Tan Bei Yu; Yates, Shirley M. 2007-01-01 This study used the Rasch model to assess the unidimensionality and item-person fit of an Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire (ASCQ) that is based on the Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) perspective. Knowledge of the relationship between academic achievement and academic self-concept is particularly useful because academic achievement is… The Therapist Personal Reaction Questionnaire: A Cluster Analysis. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Tryon, Georgiana Shick 1989-01-01 Analyzed Therapist Personal Reaction Questionnaire. Participants consisted of 6 practicum trainee graduate students and 208 undergraduate clients. Found two clusters--one related to counselor feelings toward client, one related to counselor feelings toward interview. Results indicated that more attractive clients were seen more frequently and for… A Structural Examination of the Learning Experiences Questionnaire ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Tokar, David M.; Buchanan, Taneisha S.; Subich, Linda M.; Hall, Rosalie J.; Williams, Christine M. 2012-01-01 The underlying factor structure of the Learning Experiences Questionnaire (LEQ; Schaub, 2004) was examined using data from 742 male and female college-age respondents. The LEQ items reflect a variety of learning experiences (generated based on Bandura's (1986, 1997) four sources of self-efficacy perceptions) that might occur in each of Holland's… Reported Voice Difficulties in Student Teachers: A Questionnaire Survey ERIC Educational Resources Information Center Fairfield, Carol; Richards, Brian 2007-01-01 As professional voice users, teachers are particularly at risk of abusing their voices and developing voice disorders during their career. In spite of this, attention paid to voice care in the initial training and further professional development of teachers is unevenly spread and insufficient. This article describes a questionnaire survey of 171… Motivational Distortion Scales for the Children's Personality Questionnaire.
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Wal-Mart may sell Asda's distribution network arm Wal-Mart said yesterday that the investment bank UBS had been retained to explore options, including a sale, for Gazeley, Asda's property development arm. Gazeley develops distribution networks in Britain, mainland Europe and China, and last year leased warehouses across Europe worth £325m. Gazeley's customers include many of the world's leading companies, third-party logistics providers, original equipment manufacturers, retailers and their suppliers. Andy Bond, chief executive of Asda, said that although Gazeley had grown beyond expectations, it was not a core brand for Asda. Five of FSA's Northern Rock regulators have quit Five of the seven supervisors involved in regulating Northern Rock in the 18 months before it ran into financing difficulties last summer, are no longer working at the Financial Services Authority. Reflecting the problems the City regulator has with staff turnover, the unnamed five all left of their own accord and did not receive payoffs. The FSA has admitted to failings in its regulation of the Newcastle-based bank and is expected to publish its internal report into the affair later this month. The board of the watchdog is thought to be planning to meet to discuss the report in further detail. Jill Treanor Billions knocked off value of final salary pensions Company retirement funds came under further pressure last month as the stockmarket plunged, knocking billions off the value of final salary pensions. Figures published yesterday by the Pension Protection Fund, which acts as a lifeboat for crashed company schemes, said the funds have lost more than £100bn since last year after deficits worsened for the fourth consecutive month in February. The situation for almost 7,800 defined benefit schemes was as bad as 2003, the Pension Protection Fund said, after a fall to a £97.5bn deficit from a surplus of £3.2bn in the same month last year. Phillip Inman
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Through tragedy and change, Columbus radio station CD101 has been rocking the alternative airwaves since 1990. “The reality is, the show must go on,” said Randy Malloy, general manager of CD101, referring to the death earlier this year of one of the station’s most loved and recognized personalities. John Andrew “Andyman” Davis was an on-air personality at CD101 from 1991 until July 18, 2010, when he drowned in a lake while vacationing with his family in Michigan. He was voted Columbus’ favorite DJ on multiple occasions, according to the CD101 website. Davis’ wife, Molly Davis, requested that officials forgo an autopsy on her husband, but he likely drowned after suffering a heart attack. “The sudden loss of Andy this summer, about four months ago, was obviously a great shock to everybody here at the radio station,” Malloy said. “We’re continuing on with the radio station normally, as he would have wanted to do, and as we must do.” Previous midday DJ Lesley James has taken Davis’ spot in the afternoon, and Brian Phillips has moved into James’ old spot. Nate Ellis has been promoted to the director of marketing and promotions in an attempt to replace Davis. “The thing about Andy Davis, the man, is that he was like the magnetic North of the Columbus music scene, meaning he had a gravitational pull and brought together so many bands,” said Joe Oestreich, member of the band Watershed. “Andy was a pro, but he wasn’t a jaded industry dude … and in the radio industry, you don’t see many people like that anymore.” More recently, CD101 has changed its frequency to 102.5, with WOSU purchasing the previous frequency of 101.1 for $5.7 million to provide an all-classical music station for Columbus. “We’ll be CD101 at 102.5. It’s a different call signal, but it’s the same attitude, the same people. We’ll still play the same music. We’ll still break alternative bands that haven’t been heard before,” Malloy said. But even with all the alterations, both on air and behind the scenes, Malloy is confident there won’t be any “drastic changes.” “The hope is it won’t change anything. We’re still us. Our philosophy is etched in stone. We’ve been doing this for about 20 years now, and CD101 will continue to be that entity,” Malloy said. Adam Horn, 23, disagrees. A Columbus resident who has listened to CD101 for about five years, he said he is upset that the station is playing more mainstream music and fewer local bands. “We play what fits with our audience. We play what sounds good. We have a team of people who listen to the music, that’s their jobs, so they listen to the music and evaluate what works,” Malloy said. “We definitely play a lot of independent bands and independent music, definitely more so than even close to anything else in this city.” Regardless of music choice, the station’s presence as a promoter for local charities hasn’t changed. Tonight at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, bands are joining for charity with the support of CD101. A third of the proceeds from ticket sales at the door, along with all proceed from merchandise sales, will go to the Andy Davis Memorial Fund. The rest will go to another of the station’s fundraising projects, called CD101 for the Kids Charities. “The radio station is helping to promote this, but Quinn Fallon, who was Andy’s business partner as well as the leading member of X-Rated Cowboys, has been the spearhead of this event,” Malloy said. “The local musicians have come together out of the love for Andy and for what he did for the local community musically. They are what is driving this.” In June 1999, Davis and Fallon began organizing annual benefit concerts, setting up bands to perform and raise money for central Ohio families in need. In 2003, they moved the charity performances to the LC Pavilion. “If someone was going to do this, I felt I owed it to (Davis) to do it right,” Fallon said. “I knew which bands Andy was fans of … and everybody was on board with the idea that we owed it to Andy to celebrate the things that were very important to him, to honor his legacy.” Fallon’s collection of bands for tonight’s performance is based on Davis’ musical taste. Andy “didn’t worry about cliques, he just liked what he liked, and so the cool thing about this show is it really honors Andy as a person and Andy’s taste in music — bringing together all these different bands,” Oestreich said. Fallon’s band X-Rated Cowboys will be playing along with Oestreich’s band, Watershed. Also performing are Howlin Maggie, The Toll, Willie Phoenix Band and Earwig. “The artists are the real heroes here,” Malloy said. “They are really doing the work.” Doors open at 6 p.m., and tickets are $20 at the LC Pavilion.
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ALEX FERGUSON has vowed to galvanise Manchester United by putting on a show against Chelsea. The sense of injustice is still burning within the all-conquering boss after Tuesday’s Champions League exit at the hands of Real Madrid. He now feels he has been denied the chance of Euro glory on three occasions by referees. But that will not stop him from trying to complete a domestic double — starting with disposing of Chelsea in tomorrow’s FA Cup quarter-final at Old Trafford. Ferguson said: “There are a lot of things you can do when you lose a game. One thing we don’t do is give in. “We get up off our backsides and make sure we’re ready for Sunday. Absolutely. “My job now is to galvanise the troops and the fans, who were fantastic on Tuesday. “We owe them a good performance. “We have a job to do and I think we’ll do that okay. “When you’re at a club for a long time there are always damp moments and dark days. In general we recover very well and we’ll do that again. “I’ve cleared my mind. It’s just another day in the history of our club. “Not a good day, but another day.” For Ferguson, the prospect of twin foes in Chelsea and former Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez could not provide a better incentive to get back on track. Ferguson is constantly giving his teams new targets to aim for and a first FA Cup since 2004 is one of them. And if Chelsea are one of the hurdles, even better. He said: “A big game’s probably best. “We have a hard game against good opponents. Chelsea have a terrific record in the FA Cup, probably the best of any team in the last decade. “We haven’t won it for almost 10 years, so there are a lot of incentives for us.” While many clubs allow body blows to drag them down, Fergie has a way of picking himself and the club up. But it has been some job this week after that controversial Champions League exit at the hands of Real Madrid in the last 16. Having drawn the first game 1-1 in the Bernabeu, United were in control of proceedings at 1-0 in the second leg at Old Trafford. Then Nani was harshly sent off for a high boot which caught Alvaro Arbeloa and Ferguson admits his side lost their focus as Real pounced with two goals in three second-half minutes. Fergie said: “It cost us the game. When you get a player sent off and he deserves to be sent off the reaction from your players is ‘Oh you stupid bugger!” but you don’t lose your composure. “We lost our composure for that 10-minute period. We were all over the place. That period was the killer. “There was a sense of ‘here we go again’. Then we lost the second goal. “We realised that we needed to do something and we could have scored five goals in the last 15 minutes of the match. “If we’d scored a second goal I think we would have won it. I think Jose Mourinho said that himself.” Fergie feels his side have also suffered previous injustices in the same competition. Ten years ago against Mourinho and Porto, Paul Scholes had a perfectly good goal ruled out for offside in the second leg which would have finished the tie. But Porto pounced in the last seconds to knock United out. Then, in 2009, at the quarter-final stage a red card for Rafael allowed Bayern Munich back into the second leg, Arjen Robben scored and the Red Devils went out on away goals. Ferguson said: “It’s hard to keep your faith when you see these things happen. “That’s three European Cups we’ve been knocked out of due to refereeing decisions. “But somewhere along the line you have to find the energy to get back up and carry on.” Ferguson had refused to talk about referee Cuneyt Cakir before the game with Madrid but admitted yesterday he did have pre-match concerns about the Turkish official. He said: “I was concerned, yes. I said that to my staff. I had a big worry about it. But it’s gone now. We have to get on with it.” Video: Rooney staying at united – Ferguson
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