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Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 眼界幾好 | The vision is okay |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 香港人接受英國管治,接受西方嘅教育制度,開始同中國人嘅世界觀有差異 | Hong Kong people accepted United Kingdom rule and the Western education system, and began to have a different worldview from the Chinese |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 依家庫房水浸,財爺唔應該做守財奴,要將盈餘還富於民。 | Now that the treasury is flooded, the rich man should not be a miser, but should return the surplus to the people. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 好似好奇號咁嘅火星探測器 喺火星表面行走 尋找已知生命之源嘅線索 | Mars probes like Curiosity walk the Martian surface looking for clues to the known source of life |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 其實本書慘不忍睹 。 | In fact, this book is miserable. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 將呢幾頁講義釘埋一份 | Pin a copy of these handouts |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 啱啱入職,如果你老細唔睇你台戲,代表你冇運行,可以收皮。 | When you just joined, if your boss doesn't watch your play, it means that you are not running, and you can keep your voice. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 波士話想炒佢喎。 | The general manager said he wanted to fire him. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 單車 | bicycle |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 琴晚落咗場雨,成個操場水汪汪。 | It rained last night and the whole playground was watery. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 啲人成日吹奏呢科,搞到個個都走曬去讀。 | People are always playing this subject, and everyone is going to read it. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 手作 | Handmade |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 埋去埋便 | In the past |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 撳 | press |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 開正 | Open |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 四道菜 | Four courses |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我們鬧情緒是正常 | It's normal for us to scold emotions |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 朝朝早都要拍先至起身,好心你早啲瞓啦 | I have to shoot every morning before I get up, so kindly go to bed early |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有呼聲話要舉行第二場公投 呢個情況就好似運動比賽完咗 我哋叫對手重新比賽一樣 | There are calls for a second referendum, which is like a sports game when we call our opponents to play again |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 書擠喺邊度? | Where are the books crowded? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 惡死 | Fierce |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 既然其他國家都可以成功限制每日工作小時同埋實施最低工資,我相信喺香港都一定得。 | Since other countries can succeed in limiting the number of hours worked per day and imposing a minimum wage, I believe that in Hong Kong it can do the same. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 和氣生財 | Harmony makes money |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 黎張圖片裡 , 你見到宜家好風行的一個現象 叫做 “ 裸婚 ” 。 | In a picture, you see a phenomenon that is very popular now called "naked marriage". |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 用圖像去諗嘢 用圖畫記低事情 | Think of things with images and write things down with pictures |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ( 掌聲 ) 互動唔一定係虛擬 , 可以係現實嘅 | Interactions don't have to be virtual, they can be real |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 問哩兩個? | Ask these two? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 同時可以揀得明智啲 | At the same time, you can choose wisely |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 驕傲在敗壞以先,狂心在跌倒之前 | Pride precedes ruin, and madness precedes fall |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你隻戒指咩記認都冇,唔見咗好難揾㗎喎。 | Your ring doesn't have any markings, it's hard to find when it's gone. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 一年三造 | Three times a year |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢耐不耐都有嚟坐吓嘅。 | From time to time, he would come and sit down. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ( 打咳嚏 ) 冇事嗎 ? | (coughing) Are you alright? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我哋要喺崎嶇嘅山路上面行走 | We had to walk on a rough mountain road |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 雞腸 | Chicken intestines |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 做乜心不在焉啊?你係咪有心事啊? | Why are you distracted? Are you on your mind? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 椒鹽九肚魚 | Salt and pepper belly fish |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 將唔同地方嘅資料整合做一個表先。 | First, integrate the data from different places to make a table. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有原則 | There are principles |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢啱啱離開咗一陣。 | He had just been away for a while. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 打褶 | pleat |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 好啦好啦,淨係同你講 | Okay, okay, just to tell you |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔生仲等幾時呢 | When will I not survive? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有個細路仔响街度喊 | There was a little kid crying in the street |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 而我成日都好緊張 | And I was nervous all day |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 鐳射打印機 | Laser printers |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 用稀釋咗嘅漂白水洗地可以殺菌除臭。 | Washing the floor with diluted bleach can sterilize and deodorize. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 噉,我就要畀佢繼續發言落去。 | In that case, I will let him continue. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 啲青菜啽到殘晒。 | These greens are crippled. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 點樣去大角嘴維港灣 | How to get to Victoria Harbour in Big Horn Mouth |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我從來冇過問佢以前嘅嘢 | I never asked him about his old stuff |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 印仔表 | Prints and watches |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我之所以去研究呢樣也 , 而唔係傳統人類學係有原因嘅 。 | There's a reason why I'm studying this rather than traditional anthropology. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 氣順 | Smooth air |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 體格健碩 | Fit and well-built |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢一個人去咁遠路,叫人成日心掛掛 | He went so far alone, so that people are always worried |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢勻 | This time |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我嘗試緊為小熊軟糖增加結餘 。 」 ( 笑聲 ) 「 咁佢先可以提交 所有需要嘅可樂樽啫喱豆 畀奶油蛋 , 從而開始進行花生 。 」 | I'm trying to add balance to the gummy bears. "Then he can submit all the required bottles of Coke jelly beans to the brioche and start making peanuts." 」 |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我電腦個喇叭啲聲好空洞,係時候要換喇。 | The sound of my computer's horn is hollow, it's time to change. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 計正佢唔使出錢嘅 | It stands to reason that he doesn't have to pay |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 頂住先喇。 | Resist first. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 暫時都幾好呀? | Are you okay for the time being? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢個世界,有強權,冇公理! | In this world, there is power, there is no justice! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 傷口結咗焦 | The wound is scorched |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 臺灣問題 | The Taiwan question |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 將啲錢存入呢個銀行帳户。 | Deposit money into this bank account. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 工廠北移之後,製造業開始式微。 | After the factory moved north, the manufacturing industry began to decline. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 間接接觸 | Indirect contact |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 發燒同中暑唔同㗎:發燒係因為有其它病所以體温升高,而中暑就係因為體温升高引致嘅病嘞。 | Fever is different from heat stroke: fever is caused by an increase in body temperature due to other diseases, while heat stroke is caused by an increase in body temperature. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢而家讀緊博士。 | He is now a PhD student. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 流浪貓喺九龍灣祥業街嘅垃圾桶搵野食 | Stray cats look for something to eat in a garbage can on Cheung Yip Street in Kowloon Bay |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 醒少少當幫忙啦 | Wake up and help |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你要我等佢幾耐啊? | How long do you want me to wait for him? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係咩?但係乜唔係即係- | But what isn't it? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 埋手打三更 | Start playing three watches |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 第一手 | firsthand |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 暖水壺 | Kettle |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔使欿 | No need to chatter |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 冷氣咁勁,認真凍春死! | The air conditioner is so powerful, it really freezes to death! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢破產之後就發咗癲嚹。 | He went crazy when he went bankrupt. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋發現咗個寶藏。 | They found a treasure. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 淘汰柴油的士 | Eliminate diesel taxis |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 轉眼即逝 | It's fleeting |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 不過唔係條條捷徑都咁危險嘅 我記得有次响希思羅機場 | But not all shortcuts are so dangerous, I remember one time at Heathrow Airport |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 鑊黸 | Pot dumplings |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 衰鬼學生今日又唔嚟嘞 | The bad ghost students are not here again today |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 1705年荷蘭外交官Nicolaes Witsen繪制嘅韃靼利亞地圖 | Map of Tataria by Netherlands diplomat Nicolaes Witsen, 1705 |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔係支支墨水筆都咁貴㗎! | It's not that all fountain pens are so expensive! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 真係有好多改善空間 | There's a lot of room for improvement |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ( 笑聲 ) | (Laughter) |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 歐盟排放交易體系就係其中主要市場 | The European Union's emissions trading system is one of the main markets |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 奇離 | Bizarre |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 邊個會知道尖沙咀海底隧道邊間雲吞麵最好食 | Who knows which wonton noodle restaurant in the Tsim Sha Tsui Cross Harbour Tunnel is the best |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係老母供屋嘅,佢個仔一個仙都冇畀過。 | It was his mother who provided the house, and his son never gave him a fairy. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 畢業證書 | diploma |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 上嚟二樓傾呀 | Come up to the second floor and talk |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 抱審慎樂觀嘅態度 | Be cautiously optimistic |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 空氣嘅主要成分係氮氣同氧氣。 | The main components of air are nitrogen and oxygen. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唉,好攰呀 | Alas, I'm so tired |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 嗰個人明明退咗休𠺝,點解可以翻閹? | That person obviously retired, why can he be castrated? |