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<h1 id="wb-cont" property="name">Progress polyfill (progress bar)</h1>
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<h2 class="h3">Looking for WET v3.1?</h2>
<p>As of September 23, 2014, version 3.1 of the Web Experience Toolkit is no longer supported. The source code and documentation have been moved to the <a href="https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew-legacy">wet-boew-legacy</a> repository.</p>
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<p>The HTML5 <code>progress</code> element displays the progress of a task. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.</p>
<h2>Use when</h2>
<li>Displaying the progress of a task</li>
<h2>Working example</h2>
<h3>Task in progress</h3>
<pre><code><progress value="25" max="100" /></code></pre>
<h3>Completed task</h3>
<pre><code><progress value="50" max="50" /></code></pre>
<h3>Task of indeterminate progress</h3>
<pre><code><progress /></code></pre>
<pre><code><progress max="50" /></code></pre>
<li><a href="../../../demos/progress/progress-en.html">English examples</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../demos/progress/progress-fr.html">French examples</a></li>
<h2>How to implement</h2>
<p>To use the polyfill, a standard <code>progress</code> element must be used. In cases where a browser doesn't support the <code>progress</code> element, the polyfill is automatically loaded.</p>
<h2>Configuration options</h2>
<p><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/forms.html#the-progress-element">Configuration options available for the <code>progress</code> element (HTML5 specification)</a></p>
<table class="table">
<th>What it does</th>
<td>Triggered manually (e.g., <code>$( "progress" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-progress" );</code>).</td>
<td>Used to manually initialize the <code>progress</code> polyfill. <strong>Note:</strong> The <code>progress</code> polyfill will be initialized automatically unless the <code>progress</code> element is added after the page has already loaded.</td>
<td>Triggered manually (e.g., <code>$( "progress" ).trigger( "wb-update.wb-progress" );</code>).</td>
<td>Used to manually update the <code>progress</code> polyfill.</td>
<td><code>wb-ready.wb-progress</code> (v4.0.5+)</td>
<td>Triggered automatically after the <code>progress</code> polyfill initializes. <strong>Note:</strong> This event will only be triggered if the polyfill is loaded. The polyfill will not load for browsers with native <code>progress</code> support.</td>
<td>Used to identify where the <code>progress</code> polyfill initialized (target of the event)
<pre><code>$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-progress", "progress", function( event ) {
<pre><code>$( "progress" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-progress", function( event ) {
<td><code>wb-updated.wb-progress</code> (v4.0.5+)</td>
<td>Triggered automatically after the <code>progress</code> polyfill is updated. <strong>Note:</strong> This event will only be triggered if the polyfill is loaded. The polyfill will not load for browsers with native <code>progress</code> support.</td>
<td>Used to identify where the <code>progress</code> polyfill initialized (target of the event)
<pre><code>$( document ).on( "wb-updated.wb-progress", "progress", function( event ) {
<pre><code>$( "progress" ).on( "wb-updated.wb-progress", function( event ) {
<td><code>wb-ready.wb</code> (v4.0.5+)</td>
<td>Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.</td>
<td>Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
<pre><code>$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
<h2>Source code</h2>
<p><a href="https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/tree/master/src/polyfills/progress">Progress polyfill source code on GitHub</a></p>
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<dt>Date modified: </dt>
<dd><time property="dateModified">2014-08-04</time></dd>
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Baldur Bjarnason
<p class="p-note blog-description">... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development</p>
<p class="p-note blog-description">These are his notes</p>
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<p>This service is for people whose work is critical to the coronavirus response.</p>
<p>You can read about what happens if you need to take a driving test or if your test was cancelled because of coronavirus.</p>
<p>If your job changes and your work becomes critical to the coronavirus response, go to www.gov.uk/apply-emergency-driving-test and go through the questions again.</p>
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<p class="section-title">SSH</p>
<p class="section-subtitle">Reference Manual</p>
<p class="section-version">Version 4.5</p>
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<li><a href="index.html">Reference Manual</a></li>
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<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
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<li title="SSH (App)"><a href="SSH_app.html">SSH (App)
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="ssh " expanded="true">ssh<ul>
<li><a href="ssh.html">
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<li title="close-1"><a href="ssh.html#close-1">close/1</a></li>
<li title="connect-3"><a href="ssh.html#connect-3">connect/3</a></li>
<li title="connect-4"><a href="ssh.html#connect-4">connect/4</a></li>
<li title="connect-2"><a href="ssh.html#connect-2">connect/2</a></li>
<li title="connect-3"><a href="ssh.html#connect-3">connect/3</a></li>
<li title="connection_info-2"><a href="ssh.html#connection_info-2">connection_info/2</a></li>
<li title="daemon-1"><a href="ssh.html#daemon-1">daemon/1</a></li>
<li title="daemon-2"><a href="ssh.html#daemon-2">daemon/2</a></li>
<li title="daemon-3"><a href="ssh.html#daemon-3">daemon/3</a></li>
<li title="daemon-1"><a href="ssh.html#daemon-1">daemon/1</a></li>
<li title="daemon-2"><a href="ssh.html#daemon-2">daemon/2</a></li>
<li title="daemon_info-1"><a href="ssh.html#daemon_info-1">daemon_info/1</a></li>
<li title="default_algorithms-0"><a href="ssh.html#default_algorithms-0">default_algorithms/0</a></li>
<li title="shell-1"><a href="ssh.html#shell-1">shell/1</a></li>
<li title="shell-2"><a href="ssh.html#shell-2">shell/2</a></li>
<li title="shell-3"><a href="ssh.html#shell-3">shell/3</a></li>
<li title="shell-1"><a href="ssh.html#shell-1">shell/1</a></li>
<li title="start-0"><a href="ssh.html#start-0">start/0</a></li>
<li title="start-1"><a href="ssh.html#start-1">start/1</a></li>
<li title="stop-0"><a href="ssh.html#stop-0">stop/0</a></li>
<li title="stop_daemon-1"><a href="ssh.html#stop_daemon-1">stop_daemon/1</a></li>
<li title="stop_daemon-2"><a href="ssh.html#stop_daemon-2">stop_daemon/2</a></li>
<li title="stop_listener-1"><a href="ssh.html#stop_listener-1">stop_listener/1</a></li>
<li title="stop_listener-2"><a href="ssh.html#stop_listener-2">stop_listener/2</a></li>
<li id="no" title="ssh_channel " expanded="false">ssh_channel<ul>
<li><a href="ssh_channel.html">
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<li title="call-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#call-2">call/2</a></li>
<li title="call-3"><a href="ssh_channel.html#call-3">call/3</a></li>
<li title="cast-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#cast-2">cast/2</a></li>
<li title="enter_loop-1"><a href="ssh_channel.html#enter_loop-1">enter_loop/1</a></li>
<li title="init-1"><a href="ssh_channel.html#init-1">init/1</a></li>
<li title="reply-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#reply-2">reply/2</a></li>
<li title="start-4"><a href="ssh_channel.html#start-4">start/4</a></li>
<li title="start_link-4"><a href="ssh_channel.html#start_link-4">start_link/4</a></li>
<li title="Module:code_change-3"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:code_change-3">Module:code_change/3</a></li>
<li title="Module:handle_call-3"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:handle_call-3">Module:handle_call/3</a></li>
<li title="Module:handle_cast-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:handle_cast-2">Module:handle_cast/2</a></li>
<li title="Module:handle_msg-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:handle_msg-2">Module:handle_msg/2</a></li>
<li title="Module:handle_ssh_msg-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:handle_ssh_msg-2">Module:handle_ssh_msg/2</a></li>
<li title="Module:init-1"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:init-1">Module:init/1</a></li>
<li title="Module:terminate-2"><a href="ssh_channel.html#Module:terminate-2">Module:terminate/2</a></li>
<li id="no" title="ssh_connection " expanded="false">ssh_connection<ul>
<li><a href="ssh_connection.html">
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<li title="adjust_window-3"><a href="ssh_connection.html#adjust_window-3">adjust_window/3</a></li>
<li title="close-2"><a href="ssh_connection.html#close-2">close/2</a></li>
<li title="exec-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#exec-4">exec/4</a></li>
<li title="exit_status-3"><a href="ssh_connection.html#exit_status-3">exit_status/3</a></li>
<li title="ptty_alloc-3"><a href="ssh_connection.html#ptty_alloc-3">ptty_alloc/3</a></li>
<li title="ptty_alloc-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#ptty_alloc-4">ptty_alloc/4</a></li>
<li title="reply_request-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#reply_request-4">reply_request/4</a></li>
<li title="send-3"><a href="ssh_connection.html#send-3">send/3</a></li>
<li title="send-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#send-4">send/4</a></li>
<li title="send-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#send-4">send/4</a></li>
<li title="send-5"><a href="ssh_connection.html#send-5">send/5</a></li>
<li title="send_eof-2"><a href="ssh_connection.html#send_eof-2">send_eof/2</a></li>
<li title="session_channel-2"><a href="ssh_connection.html#session_channel-2">session_channel/2</a></li>
<li title="session_channel-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#session_channel-4">session_channel/4</a></li>
<li title="setenv-5"><a href="ssh_connection.html#setenv-5">setenv/5</a></li>
<li title="shell-2"><a href="ssh_connection.html#shell-2">shell/2</a></li>
<li title="subsystem-4"><a href="ssh_connection.html#subsystem-4">subsystem/4</a></li>
<li id="no" title="ssh_client_key_api " expanded="false">ssh_client_key_api<ul>
<li><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html">
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<li title="Module:add_host_key-3"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html#Module:add_host_key-3">Module:add_host_key/3</a></li>
<li title="Module:is_host_key-4"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html#Module:is_host_key-4">Module:is_host_key/4</a></li>
<li title="Module:user_key-2"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html#Module:user_key-2">Module:user_key/2</a></li>
<li id="no" title="ssh_server_key_api " expanded="false">ssh_server_key_api<ul>
<li><a href="ssh_server_key_api.html">
Top of manual page
<li title="Module:host_key-2"><a href="ssh_server_key_api.html#Module:host_key-2">Module:host_key/2</a></li>
<li title="Module:is_auth_key-3"><a href="ssh_server_key_api.html#Module:is_auth_key-3">Module:is_auth_key/3</a></li>
<li id="no" title="ssh_sftp " expanded="false">ssh_sftp<ul>
<li><a href="ssh_sftp.html">
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<li title="apread-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#apread-4">apread/4</a></li>
<li title="apwrite-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#apwrite-4">apwrite/4</a></li>
<li title="aread-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#aread-3">aread/3</a></li>
<li title="awrite-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#awrite-3">awrite/3</a></li>
<li title="close-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#close-2">close/2</a></li>
<li title="close-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#close-3">close/3</a></li>
<li title="del_dir-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#del_dir-2">del_dir/2</a></li>
<li title="del_dir-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#del_dir-3">del_dir/3</a></li>
<li title="delete-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#delete-2">delete/2</a></li>
<li title="delete-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#delete-3">delete/3</a></li>
<li title="list_dir-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#list_dir-2">list_dir/2</a></li>
<li title="list_dir-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#list_dir-3">list_dir/3</a></li>
<li title="make_dir-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#make_dir-2">make_dir/2</a></li>
<li title="make_dir-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#make_dir-3">make_dir/3</a></li>
<li title="make_symlink-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#make_symlink-3">make_symlink/3</a></li>
<li title="make_symlink-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#make_symlink-4">make_symlink/4</a></li>
<li title="open-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#open-3">open/3</a></li>
<li title="open-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#open-4">open/4</a></li>
<li title="open_tar-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#open_tar-3">open_tar/3</a></li>
<li title="open_tar-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#open_tar-4">open_tar/4</a></li>
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<li title="opendir-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#opendir-3">opendir/3</a></li>
<li title="position-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#position-3">position/3</a></li>
<li title="position-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#position-4">position/4</a></li>
<li title="pread-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#pread-4">pread/4</a></li>
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<li title="read_link_info-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#read_link_info-2">read_link_info/2</a></li>
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<li title="start_channel-2"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#start_channel-2">start_channel/2</a></li>
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<li title="stop_channel-1"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#stop_channel-1">stop_channel/1</a></li>
<li title="write-3"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#write-3">write/3</a></li>
<li title="write-4"><a href="ssh_sftp.html#write-4">write/4</a></li>
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<li id="no" title="ssh_sftpd " expanded="false">ssh_sftpd<ul>
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<div id="content">
<div class="innertube">
<!-- refpage --><center><h1>ssh</h1></center>
<h3><a name="module" href="#module">Module</a></h3>
<div class="REFBODY module-body">ssh</div>
<h3><a name="module-sumary" href="#module-sumary">Module Summary</a></h3>
<div class="REFBODY module-summary-body">Main API of the ssh application</div>
<h3><a name="description" href="#description">Description</a></h3>
<div class="REFBODY description-body"><p>
<p>Interface module for the <span class="code">ssh</span> application.</p>
<p>See <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','ssh','SSH_app.html#supported');">ssh(6)</a></span> for details of supported version,
algorithms and unicode support.</p>
<h3><a name="idp893904">OPTIONS</a></h3>
<div class="REFBODY rb-3">
<p>The exact behaviour of some functions can be adjusted with the use of options which are documented together
with the functions. Generally could each option be used at most one time in each function call. If given two or more
times, the effect is not predictable unless explicitly documented.</p>
<p>The options are of different kinds:</p>
<dd><p>which alters limits in the system, for example number of simultaneous login attempts.</p></dd>
<dd><p>which give some defined behaviour if too long time elapses before a given event or action,
for example time to wait for an answer.</p></dd>
<dd><p>which gives the caller of the function the possibility to execute own code on some events,
for example calling an own logging function or to perform an own login function</p></dd>
<dd><p>which changes the systems behaviour.</p></dd>
<h3><a name="idp900816">DATA TYPES</a></h3>
<div class="REFBODY rb-3">
<p>Type definitions that are used more than once in
this module, or abstractions to indicate the intended use of the data
type, or both:</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">boolean() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">true | false</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">string() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">[byte()]</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">ssh_daemon_ref() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p>opaque() -
as returned by <span class="code">ssh:daemon/[1,2,3]</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">ssh_connection_ref() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p>opaque() - as returned by <span class="code">ssh:connect/3</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">ip_address() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">inet::ip_address</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">subsystem_spec() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">{subsystem_name(),
{channel_callback(), channel_init_args()}}</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">subsystem_name() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">string()</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">channel_callback() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">atom()</span> - Name of the Erlang module
implementing the subsystem using the <span class="code">ssh_channel</span> behavior, see
<span class="bold_code bc-19"><a href="ssh_channel.html">ssh_channel(3)</a></span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">key_cb() =</span></strong></dt>
<p><span class="code">atom() | {atom(), list()}</span></p>
<p><span class="code">atom()</span> - Name of the erlang module implementing the behaviours
<span class="bold_code bc-19"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html">ssh_client_key_api</a></span> or
<span class="bold_code bc-19"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html">ssh_client_key_api</a></span> as the
case maybe.</p>
<p><span class="code">list()</span> - List of options that can be passed to the callback module.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">channel_init_args() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">list()</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">algs_list() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">list( alg_entry() )</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">alg_entry() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">{kex, simple_algs()} | {public_key, simple_algs()} | {cipher, double_algs()} | {mac, double_algs()} | {compression, double_algs()}</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">simple_algs() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">list( atom() )</span></p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">double_algs() =</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p><span class="code">[{client2serverlist,simple_algs()},{server2client,simple_algs()}] | simple_algs()</span></p></dd>
<h3><a name="exports" href="#exports">Exports</a></h3>
<div class="exports-body">
<p><a name="close-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">close(ConnectionRef) -> ok </span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p><p>Closes an SSH connection.</p>
<p><a name="connect-3"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">connect(Host, Port, Options) -> </span><br><a name="connect-4"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) -> </span><br><a name="connect-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">connect(TcpSocket, Options) -> </span><br><a name="connect-3"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">connect(TcpSocket, Options, Timeout) ->
{ok, ssh_connection_ref()} | {error, Reason}</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Host = string()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-6">
<span class="code">22</span> is default, the assigned well-known port
number for SSH.</div>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Options = [{Option, Value}]</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Timeout = infinity | integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-6">Negotiation time-out in milli-seconds. The default value is <span class="code">infinity</span>.
For connection time-out, use option <span class="code">{connect_timeout, timeout()}</span>.</div>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">TcpSocket = port()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-6">The socket is supposed to be from <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#connect-3');">gen_tcp:connect</a></span> or <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#accept-1');">gen_tcp:accept</a></span> with option <span class="code">{active,false}</span>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Connects to an SSH server. No channel is started. This is done
by calling
<span class="bold_code bc-15"><a href="ssh_connection.html#session_channel-2">ssh_connection:session_channel/[2, 4]</a></span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{inet, inet | inet6}</span></strong></dt>
<p>IP version to use.</p>
<dt><strong><a name="opt_user_dir"></a><span class="code">{user_dir, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets the user directory, that is, the directory containing
<span class="code">ssh</span> configuration files for the user, such as
<span class="code">known_hosts</span>, <span class="code">id_rsa,
id_dsa</span>, and
<span class="code">authorized_key</span>. Defaults to the
directory normally referred to as
<span class="code">~/.ssh</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{dsa_pass_phrase, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>If the user DSA key is protected by a passphrase, it can be
supplied with this option.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{rsa_pass_phrase, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>If the user RSA key is protected by a passphrase, it can be
supplied with this option.
<span class="code">{silently_accept_hosts, boolean()}</span> <br>
<span class="code">{silently_accept_hosts, CallbackFun}</span> <br>
<span class="code">{silently_accept_hosts, {HashAlgoSpec, CallbackFun} }</span> <br>
<span class="code">HashAlgoSpec = crypto:digest_type() | [ crypto:digest_type() ] </span><br>
<span class="code">CallbackFun = fun(PeerName, FingerPrint) -> boolean()</span><br>
<span class="code">PeerName = string()</span><br>
<span class="code">FingerPrint = string() | [ string() ] </span>
<p>This option guides the <span class="code">connect</span> function how to act when the connected server presents a Host
Key that the client has not seen before. The default is to ask the user with a question on stdio of whether to
accept or reject the new Host Key.
See also the option <span class="bold_code bc-17"><a href="#opt_user_dir"><span class="code">user_dir</span></a></span>
for the path to the file <span class="code">known_hosts</span> where previously accepted Host Keys are recorded.
<p>The option can be given in three different forms as seen above:</p>
<li>The value is a <span class="code">boolean()</span>. The value <span class="code">true</span> will make the client accept any unknown
Host Key without any user interaction. The value <span class="code">false</span> keeps the default behaviour of asking the
the user on stdio.
<li>A <span class="code">CallbackFun</span> will be called and the boolean return value <span class="code">true</span> will make the client
accept the Host Key. A return value of <span class="code">false</span> will make the client to reject the Host Key and therefore
also the connection will be closed. The arguments to the fun are:
<span class="code">PeerName</span> - a string with the name or address of the remote host.</li>
<span class="code">FingerPrint</span> - the fingerprint of the Host Key as
<span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','public_key','public_key.html#ssh_hostkey_fingerprint-1');">public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/1</a></span>
calculates it.
<li>A tuple <span class="code">{HashAlgoSpec, CallbackFun}</span>. The <span class="code">HashAlgoSpec</span> specifies which hash algorithm
shall be used to calculate the fingerprint used in the call of the <span class="code">CallbackFun</span>. The <span class="code">HashALgoSpec</span>
is either an atom or a list of atoms as the first argument in
<span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','public_key','public_key.html#ssh_hostkey_fingerprint-2');">public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint/2</a></span>.
If it is a list of hash algorithm names, the <span class="code">FingerPrint</span> argument in the <span class="code">CallbackFun</span> will be
a list of fingerprints in the same order as the corresponding name in the <span class="code">HashAlgoSpec</span> list.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{user_interaction, boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>If <span class="code">false</span>, disables the client to connect to the server
if any user interaction is needed, such as accepting
the server to be added to the <span class="code">known_hosts</span> file, or
supplying a password. Defaults to <span class="code">true</span>.
Even if user interaction is allowed it can be
suppressed by other options, such as <span class="code">silently_accept_hosts</span>
and <span class="code">password</span>. However, those options are not always desirable
to use from a security point of view.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{disconnectfun, fun(Reason:term()) -> _}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a server disconnects the client.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{unexpectedfun, fun(Message:term(), Peer) -> report | skip }</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other action when an unexpected message arrives.
If the fun returns <span class="code">report</span> the usual info report is issued but if <span class="code">skip</span> is returned no
report is generated.</p>
<p><span class="code">Peer</span> is in the format of <span class="code">{Host,Port}</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{pref_public_key_algs, list()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>List of user (client) public key algorithms to try to use.</p>
<p>The default value is the <span class="code">public_key</span> entry in
<span class="bold_code bc-17"><a href="#default_algorithms-0">ssh:default_algorithms/0</a></span>.
<p>If there is no public key of a specified type available, the corresponding entry is ignored.
Note that the available set is dependent on the underlying cryptolib and current user's public keys.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>List of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The default <span class="code">algs_list()</span> can
be obtained from <span class="bold_code bc-17"><a href="#default_algorithms-0">default_algorithms/0</a></span>.
<p>If an alg_entry() is missing in the algs_list(), the default value is used for that entry.</p>
<p>Here is an example of this option:</p>
<div class="example"><pre>
<p>The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server and server2client),
for cipher but specifies the same algorithms for mac and compression in both directions.
The kex (key exchange) is implicit but public_key is set explicitly.</p>
<div class="warning">
<div class="label">Warning</div>
<div class="content"><p>
<p>Changing the values can make a connection less secure. Do not change unless you
know exactly what you are doing. If you do not understand the values then you
are not supposed to change them.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{dh_gex_limits,{Min=integer(),I=integer(),Max=integer()}}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets the three diffie-hellman-group-exchange parameters that guides the connected server in choosing a group.
See RFC 4419 for the function of thoose. The default value is <span class="code">{1024, 6144, 8192}</span>.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{connect_timeout, timeout()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets a time-out on the transport layer
connection. For <span class="code">gen_tcp</span> the time is in milli-seconds and the default value is
<span class="code">infinity</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{auth_methods, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Comma-separated string that determines which
authentication methods that the client shall support and
in which order they are tried. Defaults to
<span class="code">"publickey,keyboard-interactive,password"</span></p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{user, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a username. If this option is not given, <span class="code">ssh</span>
reads from the environment (<span class="code">LOGNAME</span> or
<span class="code">USER</span> on UNIX,
<span class="code">USERNAME</span> on Windows).</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{password, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a password for password authentication.
If this option is not given, the user is asked for a
password, if the password authentication method is
<dt><strong><span class="code">{recv_ext_info, boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Tell the server that the client accepts extension negotiation. See
<span class="bold_code bc-20"><a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info">Draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info (work in progress)</a></span> for details.
<p>Currently implemented extension is <span class="code">server-sig-algs</span> which is the list of the server's preferred
user's public key algorithms.
<p>Default value is <span class="code">true</span>.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{key_cb, key_cb()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Module implementing the behaviour <span class="bold_code bc-19"><a href="ssh_client_key_api.html">ssh_client_key_api</a></span>. Can be used to
customize the handling of public keys. If callback options are provided
along with the module name, they are made available to the callback
module via the options passed to it under the key 'key_cb_private'.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{quiet_mode, atom() = boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>If <span class="code">true</span>, the client does not print anything on authorization.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{id_string, random | string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>The string that the client presents to a connected server initially. The default value is "Erlang/VSN" where VSN is the ssh application version number.
<p>The value <span class="code">random</span> will cause a random string to be created at each connection attempt. This is to make it a bit more difficult for a malicious peer to find the ssh software brand and version.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{fd, file_descriptor()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Allows an existing file descriptor to be used
(by passing it on to the transport protocol).</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{rekey_limit, integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides, in bytes, when rekeying is to be initiated.
Defaults to once per each GB and once per hour.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{idle_time, integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets a time-out on a connection when no channels are active.
Defaults to <span class="code">infinity</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{ssh_msg_debug_fun, fun(ConnectionRef::ssh_connection_ref(), AlwaysDisplay::boolean(), Msg::binary(), LanguageTag::binary()) -> _}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provide a fun to implement your own logging of the SSH message SSH_MSG_DEBUG. The last three parameters are from the message, see RFC4253, section 11.3. The <span class="code">ConnectionRef</span> is the reference to the connection on which the message arrived. The return value from the fun is not checked.</p>
<p>The default behaviour is ignore the message.
To get a printout for each message with <span class="code">AlwaysDisplay = true</span>, use for example <span class="code">{ssh_msg_debug_fun, fun(_,true,M,_)-> io:format("DEBUG: ~p~n", [M]) end}</span></p>
<p><a name="connection_info-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">connection_info(ConnectionRef, [Option]) ->[{Option,
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Option = client_version | server_version | user | peer | sockname </span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Value = [option_value()] </span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">option_value() = {{Major::integer(), Minor::integer()}, VersionString::string()} |
User::string() | Peer::{inet:hostname(), {inet::ip_adress(), inet::port_number()}} |
Sockname::{inet::ip_adress(), inet::port_number()}</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Retrieves information about a connection.</p>
<p><a name="daemon-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon(Port) -> </span><br><a name="daemon-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon(Port, Options) -> </span><br><a name="daemon-3"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon(HostAddress, Port, Options) -> </span><br><a name="daemon-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon(TcpSocket) -> </span><br><a name="daemon-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon(TcpSocket, Options) -> {ok, ssh_daemon_ref()} | {error, atom()}</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">HostAddress = ip_address() | any | loopback</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Options = [{Option, Value}]</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Option = atom()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Value = term()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">TcpSocket = port()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-6">The socket is supposed to be from <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#connect-3');">gen_tcp:connect</a></span> or <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#accept-1');">gen_tcp:accept</a></span> with option <span class="code">{active,false}</span>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Starts a server listening for SSH connections on the given
port. If the <span class="code">Port</span> is 0, a random free port is selected. See
<span class="bold_code bc-17"><a href="#daemon_info-1">daemon_info/1</a></span> about how to find the selected port number.</p>
<p>Please note that by historical reasons both the <span class="code">HostAddress</span> argument and the inet socket option
<span class="code">ip</span> set the listening address. This is a source of possible inconsistent settings.</p>
<p>The rules for handling the two address passing options are:</p>
<li>if <span class="code">HostAddress</span> is an IP-address, that IP-address is the listening address.
An 'ip'-option will be discarded if present.</li>
<li>if <span class="code">HostAddress</span> is <span class="code">loopback</span>, the listening address
is <span class="code">loopback</span> and an loopback address will be choosen by the underlying layers.
An 'ip'-option will be discarded if present.</li>
<li>if <span class="code">HostAddress</span> is <span class="code">any</span> and no 'ip'-option is present, the listening address is
<span class="code">any</span> and the socket will listen to all addresses</li>
<li>if <span class="code">HostAddress</span> is <span class="code">any</span> and an 'ip'-option is present, the listening address is
set to the value of the 'ip'-option</li>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{inet, inet | inet6}</span></strong></dt>
<dd><p>IP version to use when the host address is specified as <span class="code">any</span>.</p></dd>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{subsystems, [subsystem_spec()]}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides specifications for handling of subsystems. The
"sftp" subsystem specification is retrieved by calling
<span class="code">ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec/1</span>. If the subsystems option is
not present, the value of
<span class="code">[ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([])]</span> is used.
The option can be set to the empty list if
you do not want the daemon to run any subsystems.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{shell, {Module, Function, Args} |
fun(string() = User) - > pid() | fun(string() = User,
ip_address() = PeerAddr) -> pid()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Defines the read-eval-print loop used when a shell is
requested by the client. The default is to use the Erlang shell:
<span class="code">{shell, start, []}</span></p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{ssh_cli, {channel_callback(),
channel_init_args()} | no_cli}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides your own CLI implementation, that is, a channel callback
module that implements a shell and command execution. The shell
read-eval-print loop can be customized, using the
option <span class="code">shell</span>. This means less work than implementing
an own CLI channel. If set to <span class="code">no_cli</span>, the CLI channels
are disabled and only subsystem channels are allowed.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{user_dir, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets the user directory. That is, the directory containing
<span class="code">ssh</span> configuration files for the user, such as
<span class="code">known_hosts</span>, <span class="code">id_rsa,
id_dsa</span>, and
<span class="code">authorized_key</span>. Defaults to the
directory normally referred to as
<span class="code">~/.ssh</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{system_dir, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets the system directory, containing the host key files
that identify the host keys for <span class="code">ssh</span>. Defaults to
<span class="code">/etc/ssh</span>. For security reasons,
this directory is normally accessible only to the root user.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{auth_methods, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Comma-separated string that determines which
authentication methods that the server is to support and
in what order they are tried. Defaults to
<span class="code">"publickey,keyboard-interactive,password"</span></p>
<p>Note that the client is free to use any order and to exclude methods.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{auth_method_kb_interactive_data, PromptTexts}</span>
<br><span class="code">where:</span>
<br><span class="code">PromptTexts = kb_int_tuple() | fun(Peer::{IP::tuple(),Port::integer()}, User::string(), Service::string()) -> kb_int_tuple()</span>
<br><span class="code">kb_int_tuple() = {Name::string(), Instruction::string(), Prompt::string(), Echo::boolean()}</span>
<p>Sets the text strings that the daemon sends to the client for presentation to the user when using <span class="code">keyboar-interactive</span> authentication. If the fun/3 is used, it is called when the actual authentication occurs and may therefore return dynamic data like time, remote ip etc.</p>
<p>The parameter <span class="code">Echo</span> guides the client about need to hide the password.</p>
<p>The default value is:
<span class="code">{auth_method_kb_interactive_data, {"SSH server", "Enter password for \""++User++"\"", "password: ", false}></span></p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{user_passwords, [{string() = User,
string() = Password}]}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides passwords for password authentication. The passwords
are used when someone tries to connect to the server and
public key user-authentication fails. The option provides
a list of valid usernames and the corresponding passwords.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{password, string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a global password that authenticates any
user. From a security perspective this option makes
the server very vulnerable.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>List of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The default <span class="code">algs_list()</span> can
be obtained from <span class="bold_code bc-17"><a href="#default_algorithms-0">default_algorithms/0</a></span>.
<p>If an alg_entry() is missing in the algs_list(), the default value is used for that entry.</p>
<p>Here is an example of this option:</p>
<div class="example"><pre>
<p>The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server and server2client),
for cipher but specifies the same algorithms for mac and compression in both directions.
The kex (key exchange) is implicit but public_key is set explicitly.</p>
<div class="warning">
<div class="label">Warning</div>
<div class="content"><p>
<p>Changing the values can make a connection less secure. Do not change unless you
know exactly what you are doing. If you do not understand the values then you
are not supposed to change them.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{dh_gex_groups, [{Size=integer(),G=integer(),P=integer()}] | {file,filename()} {ssh_moduli_file,filename()} }</span></strong></dt>
<p>Defines the groups the server may choose among when diffie-hellman-group-exchange is negotiated.
See RFC 4419 for details. The three variants of this option are:
<dt><strong><span class="code">{Size=integer(),G=integer(),P=integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<dd>The groups are given explicitly in this list. There may be several elements with the same <span class="code">Size</span>.
In such a case, the server will choose one randomly in the negotiated Size.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{file,filename()}</span></strong></dt>
<dd>The file must have one or more three-tuples <span class="code">{Size=integer(),G=integer(),P=integer()}</span>
terminated by a dot. The file is read when the daemon starts.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{ssh_moduli_file,filename()}</span></strong></dt>
<dd>The file must be in
<span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','public_key','public_key.html#dh_gex_group-4');">ssh-keygen moduli file format</a></span>.
The file is read when the daemon starts.
<p>The default list is fetched from the
<span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','public_key','public_key.html#dh_gex_group-4');">public_key</a></span> application.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{dh_gex_limits,{Min=integer(),Max=integer()}}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Limits what a client can ask for in diffie-hellman-group-exchange.
The limits will be
<span class="code">{MaxUsed = min(MaxClient,Max), MinUsed = max(MinClient,Min)}</span> where <span class="code">MaxClient</span> and
<span class="code">MinClient</span> are the values proposed by a connecting client.
<p>The default value is <span class="code">{0,infinity}</span>.
<p>If <span class="code">MaxUsed < MinUsed</span> in a key exchange, it will fail with a disconnect.
<p>See RFC 4419 for the function of the Max and Min values.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{pwdfun, fun(User::string(), Password::string(), PeerAddress::{ip_adress(),port_number()}, State::any()) -> boolean() | disconnect | {boolean(),any()} }</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a function for password validation. This could used for calling an external system or if
passwords should be stored as a hash. The fun returns:
<span class="code">true</span> if the user and password is valid and</li>
<span class="code">false</span> otherwise.</li>
<p>This fun can also be used to make delays in authentication tries for example by calling
<span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','stdlib','timer.html#sleep-1');">timer:sleep/1</a></span>. To facilitate counting of failed tries
the <span class="code">State</span> variable could be used. This state is per connection only. The first time the pwdfun
is called for a connection, the <span class="code">State</span> variable has the value <span class="code">undefined</span>.
The pwdfun can return - in addition to the values above - a new state
<span class="code">{true, NewState:any()}</span> if the user and password is valid or</li>
<span class="code">{false, NewState:any()}</span> if the user or password is invalid</li>
<p>A third usage is to block login attempts from a missbehaving peer. The <span class="code">State</span> described above
can be used for this. In addition to the responses above, the following return value is introduced:
<span class="code">disconnect</span> if the connection should be closed immediately after sending a SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT
<dt><strong><span class="code">{pwdfun, fun(User::string(), Password::string()) -> boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a function for password validation. This function is called
with user and password as strings, and returns
<span class="code">true</span> if the password is valid and
<span class="code">false</span> otherwise.</p>
<p>This option (<span class="code">{pwdfun,fun/2}</span>) is the same as a subset of the previous
(<span class="code">{pwdfun,fun/4}</span>). It is kept for compatibility.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{negotiation_timeout, integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Maximum time in milliseconds for the authentication negotiation.
Defaults to 120000 (2 minutes). If the client fails to log in within this time,
the connection is closed.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{max_sessions, pos_integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>The maximum number of simultaneous sessions that are accepted at any time
for this daemon. This includes sessions that are being authorized.
Thus, if set to <span class="code">N</span>, and <span class="code">N</span> clients have connected but not started
the login process, connection attempt <span class="code">N+1</span> is aborted.
If <span class="code">N</span> connections are authenticated and still logged in, no more logins
are accepted until one of the existing ones log out.
<p>The counter is per listening port. Thus, if two daemons are started, one with
<span class="code">{max_sessions,N}</span> and the other with <span class="code">{max_sessions,M}</span>, in total
<span class="code">N+M</span> connections are accepted for the whole <span class="code">ssh</span> application.
<p>Notice that if <span class="code">parallel_login</span> is <span class="code">false</span>, only one client
at a time can be in the authentication phase.
<p>By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{max_channels, pos_integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>The maximum number of channels with active remote subsystem that are accepted for
each connection to this daemon</p>
<p>By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{parallel_login, boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>If set to false (the default value), only one login is handled at a time.
If set to true, an unlimited number of login attempts are allowed simultaneously.
<p>If the <span class="code">max_sessions</span> option is set to <span class="code">N</span> and <span class="code">parallel_login</span>
is set to <span class="code">true</span>, the maximum number of simultaneous login attempts at any time is
limited to <span class="code">N-K</span>, where <span class="code">K</span> is the number of authenticated connections present
at this daemon.
<div class="warning">
<div class="label">Warning</div>
<div class="content"><p>
<p>Do not enable <span class="code">parallel_logins</span> without protecting the server by other means,
for example, by the <span class="code">max_sessions</span> option or a firewall configuration. If set to
<span class="code">true</span>, there is no protection against DOS attacks.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{minimal_remote_max_packet_size, non_negative_integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>The least maximum packet size that the daemon will accept in channel open requests from the client. The default value is 0.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{id_string, random | string()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>The string the daemon will present to a connecting peer initially. The default value is "Erlang/VSN" where VSN is the ssh application version number.
<p>The value <span class="code">random</span> will cause a random string to be created at each connection attempt. This is to make it a bit more difficult for a malicious peer to find the ssh software brand and version.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{send_ext_info, boolean()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Send a list of extensions to the client if the client has asked for it. See
<span class="bold_code bc-20"><a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info">Draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info (work in progress)</a></span> for details.
<p>Currently implemented extension is sending <span class="code">server-sig-algs</span> which is the list of the server's preferred
user's public key algorithms.
<p>Default value is <span class="code">true</span>.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{key_cb, key_cb()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Module implementing the behaviour <span class="bold_code bc-19"><a href="ssh_server_key_api.html">ssh_server_key_api</a></span>. Can be used to
customize the handling of public keys. If callback options are provided
along with the module name, they are made available to the callback
module via the options passed to it under the key 'key_cb_private'.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{profile, atom()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Used together with <span class="code">ip-address</span> and <span class="code">port</span> to
uniquely identify a ssh daemon. This can be useful in a
virtualized environment, where there can be more that one
server that has the same <span class="code">ip-address</span> and
<span class="code">port</span>. If this property is not explicitly set, it is
assumed that the the <span class="code">ip-address</span> and <span class="code">port</span>
uniquely identifies the SSH daemon.
<dt><strong><span class="code">{fd, file_descriptor()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Allows an existing file-descriptor to be used
(passed on to the transport protocol).</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{failfun, fun(User::string(),
PeerAddress::ip_address(), Reason::term()) -> _}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user fails to authenticate.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{connectfun, fun(User::string(), PeerAddress::ip_address(),
Method::string()) ->_}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user authenticates to the server.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{disconnectfun, fun(Reason:term()) -> _}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user disconnects from the server.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{unexpectedfun, fun(Message:term(), Peer) -> report | skip }</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other action when an unexpected message arrives.
If the fun returns <span class="code">report</span> the usual info report is issued but if <span class="code">skip</span> is returned no
report is generated.</p>
<p><span class="code">Peer</span> is in the format of <span class="code">{Host,Port}</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{idle_time, integer()}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Sets a time-out on a connection when no channels are active.
Defaults to <span class="code">infinity</span>.</p>
<dt><strong><span class="code">{ssh_msg_debug_fun, fun(ConnectionRef::ssh_connection_ref(), AlwaysDisplay::boolean(), Msg::binary(), LanguageTag::binary()) -> _}</span></strong></dt>
<p>Provide a fun to implement your own logging of the SSH message SSH_MSG_DEBUG. The last three parameters are from the message, see RFC4253, section 11.3. The <span class="code">ConnectionRef</span> is the reference to the connection on which the message arrived. The return value from the fun is not checked.</p>
<p>The default behaviour is ignore the message.
To get a printout for each message with <span class="code">AlwaysDisplay = true</span>, use for example <span class="code">{ssh_msg_debug_fun, fun(_,true,M,_)-> io:format("DEBUG: ~p~n", [M]) end}</span></p>
<p><a name="daemon_info-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">daemon_info(Daemon) -> {ok, [DaemonInfo]} | {error,Error}</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">DaemonInfo = {port,Port::pos_integer()} | {listen_address, any|ip_address()} | {profile,atom()}</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Error = bad_daemon_ref</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Returns a key-value list with information about the daemon. For now, only the listening port is returned. This is intended for the case the daemon is started with the port set to 0.</p>
<p><a name="default_algorithms-0"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">default_algorithms() -> algs_list()</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Returns a key-value list, where the keys are the different types of algorithms and the values are the
algorithms themselves. An example:</p>
<div class="example"><pre>
20> ssh:default_algorithms().
<p><a name="shell-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">shell(Host) -> </span><br><a name="shell-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">shell(Host, Option) -> </span><br><a name="shell-3"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">shell(Host, Port, Option) -> </span><br><a name="shell-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">shell(TcpSocket) -> _</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Host = string()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Options - see ssh:connect/3</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">TcpSocket = port()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-6">The socket is supposed to be from <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#connect-3');">gen_tcp:connect</a></span> or <span class="bold_code bc-13"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','gen_tcp.html#accept-1');">gen_tcp:accept</a></span> with option <span class="code">{active,false}</span>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Starts an interactive shell over an SSH server on the
given <span class="code">Host</span>. The function waits for user input,
and does not return until the remote shell is ended (that is,
exit from the shell).
<p><a name="start-0"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">start() -> </span><br><a name="start-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">start(Type) -> ok | {error, Reason}</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Type = permanent | transient | temporary</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Reason = term() </span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Utility function that starts the applications <span class="code">crypto</span>, <span class="code">public_key</span>,
and <span class="code">ssh</span>. Default type is <span class="code">temporary</span>.
For more information, see the <span class="bold_code bc-18"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','application.html');">application(3)</a></span>
manual page in Kernel.</p>
<p><a name="stop-0"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">stop() -> ok | {error, Reason}</span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Reason = term()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Stops the <span class="code">ssh</span> application.
For more information, see the <span class="bold_code bc-18"><a href="javascript:erlhref('../../../../doc/../','kernel','application.html');">application(3)</a></span>
manual page in Kernel.</p>
<p><a name="stop_daemon-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">stop_daemon(DaemonRef) -> </span><br><a name="stop_daemon-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">stop_daemon(Address, Port) -> ok </span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Address = ip_address()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Stops the listener and all connections started by
the listener.</p>
<p><a name="stop_listener-1"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">stop_listener(DaemonRef) -> </span><br><a name="stop_listener-2"></a><span class="bold_code fun-type">stop_listener(Address, Port) -> ok </span><br></p>
<div class="REFBODY rb-5">
<h3 class="func-types-title">Types</h3>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Address = ip_address()</span><br>
<div class="REFTYPES rt-4">
<span class="bold_code fun-param-type">Port = integer()</span><br>
<div class="REFBODY rb-7"><p>
<p>Stops the listener, but leaves existing connections started
by the listener operational.</p>
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<center><h1>Cfg Node <a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">9</a></h1></center>PROC: <a href="./../com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c.html">void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush()</a> LINE: <a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>
<a href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node7.html"><span class='visited with_tooltip'>N_7<span class='tooltip'>node7 preds:5 succs:9 exn:3 </span></span></a> <a href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node8.html"><span class='visited with_tooltip'>N_8<span class='tooltip'>node8 preds:6 succs:9 exn:3 </span></span></a><br>SUCCS:
<a href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node2.html"><span class='visited with_tooltip'>N_2<span class='tooltip'>node2 preds:9 3 succs: exn: </span></span></a><br>EXN:
<a href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node3.html"><span class='visited with_tooltip'>N_3<span class='tooltip'>node3 preds: succs:2 exn:2 </span></span></a><br>
<LISTING class='color_green'></LISTING>
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session4" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session4">node9#session4</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [compute pre] liveness 9
<LISTING class='color_black'>JOIN
LEFT: { }
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session5" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session5">node9#session5</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [exec] liveness 9
<LISTING class='color_black'>PRE STATE:
{ }
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session29" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session29">node9#session29</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [compute pre] nullify
<LISTING class='color_black'>JOIN
LEFT: ({ },{ _, n$9, n$11, this })
RIGHT: ({ },{ n$8, $irvar1 })
RESULT: ({ },
{ _, n$8, n$9, n$11, $irvar1, this })
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session30" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session30">node9#session30</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [exec] nullify
<LISTING class='color_black'>PRE STATE:
({ },{ _, n$8, n$9, n$11, $irvar1, this })
({ },{ })
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session12" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session12">node9#session12</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [compute pre] quandary(java)
<LISTING class='color_black'>JOIN
LEFT: { n$7 -> { },
cache.CacheService -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService }) ~> ?, { cacheFileMap -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
this -> (Footprint({ @val$0 }) ~> ?, { out -> (Footprint({ @val$0.endFlag*,
@val$0.out* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
baseUrl -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
body -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
endFlag -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
util.PluginHelper -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper }) ~> ?, { LOGGER -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper.LOGGER*,
@val$0.adminTokenVO.protocol }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> ?, *) }) }
RIGHT: { n$7 -> { } }
RESULT: { n$7 -> { },
cache.CacheService -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService }) ~> ?, { cacheFileMap -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
this -> (Footprint({ @val$0 }) ~> ?, { out -> (Footprint({ @val$0.endFlag*,
@val$0.out* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
baseUrl -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
body -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
endFlag -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
util.PluginHelper -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper }) ~> ?, { LOGGER -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper.LOGGER*,
@val$0.adminTokenVO.protocol }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> ?, *) }) }
<hr width="100%">
<a name="session13" href="./../nodes/com.zrlog.web.handler.ResponseRenderPrintWriter.tryFlush%28%29%3Avoid.3e26c491a85ee1efa1e93b93bcd8e56c_node9.html#session13">node9#session13</a>(<a href="./../../ResponseRenderPrintWriter.java.ceb4dd4fa689f77a675f9e4760042a00.html#LINE61">61</a>) [exec] quandary(java)
<LISTING class='color_black'>PRE STATE:
{ n$7 -> { },
cache.CacheService -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService }) ~> ?, { cacheFileMap -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
this -> (Footprint({ @val$0 }) ~> ?, { out -> (Footprint({ @val$0.endFlag*,
@val$0.out* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
baseUrl -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
body -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *),
endFlag -> (Footprint({ cache.CacheService.cacheFileMap*,
@val$0.baseUrl* }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> { CreateFile(void ResponseRenderPrintWriter.flush() at line 59) }, *) }),
util.PluginHelper -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper }) ~> ?, { LOGGER -> (Footprint({ util.PluginHelper.LOGGER*,
@val$0.adminTokenVO.protocol }) + Sanitizers({ StringConcatenation }) ~> ?, *) }) }
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<center><font size="2">The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition<br>
IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (Revision of IEEE Std 1003.1-2008)<br>
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<a name="top"></a> <a name="pthread_mutex_consistent"></a> <a name="tag_16_436"></a><!-- pthread_mutex_consistent -->
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_01"></a>NAME</h4>
<blockquote>pthread_mutex_consistent - mark state protected by robust mutex as consistent</blockquote>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_02"></a>SYNOPSIS</h4>
<blockquote class="synopsis">
<p><code><tt>#include <<a href="../basedefs/pthread.h.html">pthread.h</a>><br>
int pthread_mutex_consistent(pthread_mutex_t *</tt><i>mutex</i><tt>);<br>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_03"></a>DESCRIPTION</h4>
<p>If <i>mutex</i> is a robust mutex in an inconsistent state, the <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() function can be used to mark
the state protected by the mutex referenced by <i>mutex</i> as consistent again.</p>
<p>If an owner of a robust mutex terminates while holding the mutex, the mutex becomes inconsistent and the next thread that
acquires the mutex lock shall be notified of the state by the return value [EOWNERDEAD]. In this case, the mutex does not become
normally usable again until the state is marked consistent.</p>
<p>If the thread which acquired the mutex lock with the return value [EOWNERDEAD] terminates before calling either
<i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() or <a href="../functions/pthread_mutex_unlock.html"><i>pthread_mutex_unlock</i>()</a>, the next
thread that acquires the mutex lock shall be notified about the state of the mutex by the return value [EOWNERDEAD].</p>
<p>The behavior is undefined if the value specified by the <i>mutex</i> argument to <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() does not
refer to an initialized mutex.</p>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_04"></a>RETURN VALUE</h4>
<p>Upon successful completion, the <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() function shall return zero. Otherwise, an error value shall be
returned to indicate the error.</p>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_05"></a>ERRORS</h4>
<p>The <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() function shall fail if:</p>
<dl compact>
<dd>The mutex object referenced by <i>mutex</i> is not robust or does not protect an inconsistent state.</dd>
<p>These functions shall not return an error code of [EINTR].</p>
<div class="box"><em>The following sections are informative.</em></div>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_06"></a>EXAMPLES</h4>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_07"></a>APPLICATION USAGE</h4>
<p>The <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() function is only responsible for notifying the implementation that the state protected by
the mutex has been recovered and that normal operations with the mutex can be resumed. It is the responsibility of the application
to recover the state so it can be reused. If the application is not able to perform the recovery, it can notify the implementation
that the situation is unrecoverable by a call to <a href="../functions/pthread_mutex_unlock.html"><i>pthread_mutex_unlock</i>()</a>
without a prior call to <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>(), in which case subsequent threads that attempt to lock the mutex will
fail to acquire the lock and be returned [ENOTRECOVERABLE].</p>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_08"></a>RATIONALE</h4>
<p>If an implementation detects that the value specified by the <i>mutex</i> argument to <i>pthread_mutex_consistent</i>() does not
refer to an initialized mutex, it is recommended that the function should fail and report an [EINVAL] error.</p>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_09"></a>FUTURE DIRECTIONS</h4>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_10"></a>SEE ALSO</h4>
<p><a href="../functions/pthread_mutex_lock.html#"><i>pthread_mutex_lock</i></a>, <a href=
<p>XBD <a href="../basedefs/pthread.h.html"><i><pthread.h></i></a></p>
<h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_16_436_11"></a>CHANGE HISTORY</h4>
<p>First released in Issue 7.</p>
<div class="box"><em>End of informative text.</em></div>
<p> </p>
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<TITLE>Review for Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER" CLASS="title"><A HREF="/Title?0145660">Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)</A></H1><H3 ALIGN=CENTER>reviewed by<BR><A HREF="/ReviewsBy?Joe+Chamberlain">Joe Chamberlain</A></H3><HR WIDTH="40%" SIZE="4">
<PRE>Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
A review by Joe Chamberlain</PRE>
<P>Starring Mike Myers; Heather Graham; Michael York; Robert Wagner & Rob Lowe</P>
<P>I'll have to say that I thought that Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
was better than the first one. Although, to the credit of the original, it
seems to be getting funnier each time I see it. I'm guessing that this one
might play the same way. Austin Powers (Mike Myers) is still adjusting to
the 90's when something evil happens. Dr. Evil, that is. Evil (Mike Myers)
and Mr. Bigglesworth (Evil's hairless cat) return to Earth from their
cryogenic sleep chamber on board their Big Boy satellite. Evil now has a
plan to stop Austin Powers for good. His right hand man, Number 2 (Robert
Wagner) has had a time machine built for Dr. Evil. Evil plans to use it to
return to the 1960's and steal Austin Powers' mojo. And he is taking along
some help. While Dr. Evil was in cryogenic sleep, his henchmen have cloned
him. His clone is not quite the perfect match -- he is only 1/3 Evil's size.
But even with his short stature, Mini Me (Verne Troyer) is a force to be
reckoned with. So Evil and Mini Me go back in time where they hook up with a
much younger Number 2 (Rob Lowe) and steal the mojo with the help of a
disgruntled Scotsman by the name of Fat Bastard (Mike Myers). Austin must
then return to the '60's to retrieve his mojo with the help of '60's secret
agent Felicity Shagwell (Heather Graham).</P>
<P>I was very disappointed in the somewhat cheesy way that Elizabeth Hurley was
dealt with in this movie. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be funny but it
really didn't work for me. She had about two minutes of screen time and her
scenes were pretty much the weakest points of the movie through no fault of
her own. As in the first one, Dr. Evil steals the show. Although, Fat
Bastard is pretty good too. Felicity Shagwell comes a close second to the
two evil Myers characters. Heather Graham is a very groovy, and a more than
adequate replacement for Hurley in both the looks and talent departments.
Also, like the first one, Robert Wagner does a great job. As does Rob Lowe,
playing Wagner's younger self. I wouldn't be surprised if this performance
by Lowe resurrects his career.</P>
<P>My sense is that fans of the old James Bond films will catch a few more of
the jokes here than the rest of the audience. There are a lot of very subtle
little things geared towards them that I really appreciated. Some of the
humor, especially surrounding Fat Bastard, was downright disgusting. But I
must admit that it was among the funniest in the film, and I laughed along
with everyone else in the theater.</P>
<P>At times I get the impression that Myers finds something that works and
milks it a bit too much.
The strategically placed object to disguise nudity worked really well in the
first film. So instead of coming up with something more inventive, he based
to whole opening sequence around the hidden nudity. It was funny, but just a
bit of a cop-out in my opinion. Especially considering how much thought was
put into the trailers spoofing the other movie of the summer of '99 -- The
Phantom Menace.</P>
<P>One sequence that I really enjoyed has a scene involving Dr. Evil'
spaceship, which was in the shape of a part of the male anatomy. The
descriptions used by people on the ground as they looked up at it flying
through the sky were hilarious. Then of course, we have Mini Me (Vern
Troyer), Dr. Evil's clone. He combined with Evil to come up with some great
scenes. The interaction between Evil and his son Scott (Seth Green) also
worked just as well in this film as it did in the original. As with the
first, the writers played off the fact that Evil was just slightly behind on
the progress that has been made during his 30 years of hibernation. But this
time they added to it by having Evil screw up in the '60's by using '90's
expressions with the 60's characters that he was trying to interact with.</P>
<P>The movie was stolen by Myers playing Evil as he tried to be the hip villain
but just usually ended up showing how square he really was. Austin Powers:
The Spy Who Shagged should easily rank as one of the funnier films of the
year. The movie was groovy baby, yeah!</P>
The Movie Guy
<A HREF="http://movieguy.tripod.com">http://movieguy.tripod.com</A></PRE>
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<p>Потребительский Кооператив «ВЕСТА ГЛОБАЛ» начал свою все большедеятельность 27 марта 2017 года в г.Павлодар и несмотря на относительно небольшой период времени нам есть чем гордиться. Ежедневно количество пайщиков увеличивается
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Update time: 2019-08-20
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<p>You can view basic information of your application on SOFADashboard, including the IP address, ports, and health check status. This feature is dependent on the SOFADashboard client. If you want to display the information about an application on the SOFADashboard control page, import the sofa-dashboard-client dependency.</p>
<pre><code class="language-xml"><denpendency>
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<TITLE> [whatwg] Drag and drop in HTML5
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<H1>[whatwg] Drag and drop in HTML5</H1>
<B>Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen</B>
<A HREF="mailto:whatwg-whatwg.org%40lists.whatwg.org?Subject=%5Bwhatwg%5D%20Drag%20and%20drop%20in%20HTML5&In-Reply-To=Pine.LNX.4.61.0505052112050.5094%40dhalsim.dreamhost.com"
TITLE="[whatwg] Drag and drop in HTML5">hallvord at hallvord.com
<I>Thu May 5 14:40:35 PDT 2005</I>
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<PRE>On 5 May 2005 at 21:12, Ian Hickson wrote:
><i> > Perhaps a way to specify a "drag-group" to say that certain elements
</I>><i> > considered draggable should be dragged together.
><i> Do you mean that instead of labelling each draggable element as draggable,
</I>><i> you would instead add each draggable element to a list?
I suppose the most powerful API might have both a "draggable" and a
"dragGroup" property on nodes, but this may of course be too complex.
* The "baseline" option is to support draggable=true or some
equivalent and let user drag and drop one such item at a time.
* One alternative is to say that all items with draggable=true always
are dragged - it requires a bit more caution by the JS author and the
user -
* The third way would be a draggable node list *and* a draggable
property. (Only a list is functionally same as the option above)
This is the way I thought it might work:
When a drag action starts on an element that has draggable set to
true, the UA checks if the dragGroup property of the element is set.
If it is set, it performs a "drag" action on all the elements that
refer to the same drag group and have their draggable property set to
A use case might be a complex web mail interface where you can drag
both contacts and E-mails, and drag only those you select by
checkboxes or by clicking on them. Such an interface requires that
you can drag multiple items, and distinguish different groups of
multiple items.
It would be really neat to have a CSS-like inheritance for the
dragGroup so that you could specify it once - say
<div draggroup="mail">
[list of E-mails, for example using UL, LI and A markup]
and all child nodes would drag together if selected. :-)
Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen
<A HREF="http://www.hallvord.com/">http://www.hallvord.com/</A>
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