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He waited for the group on the nearby 18 th green to finish. | He was patient while hte group on the 18th hole finished. | 1entailment
He thought about ways to achieve this life goal for a long time, which means until he learned the basics of text editing, which happened at his first job at a firm trading in plastic bags landfill disposal permits. | He thought about ways to achieve his life goals for a long time. | 1entailment
Kofukuji's many surviving artworks and artifacts are housed in its newest building, the Museum of National Treasures, a fireproof repository built in 1958 to honor Kofukuji's immense cultural and historic importance. | The fireproof repository built in 1958 is considered to be enough to protect the artifacts. | 1entailment
Inside, a huge mountain of a man, even bigger than Thorn, fought with a huge two-handed axe. | The man was extremely large. | 1entailment
5 billion, but households' wealth declined by nearly $842 billion (2 percent) largely as a result of the drop in the market value of households' stock holdings. | The value of households' stock holdings dropped and this contributed to a decline in household wealth. | 1entailment
Where's Tommy? | Do you know where Tommy is? | 1entailment
Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees. | Long term capacity will be improved by the realignment. | 1entailment
The lot upon which it is being built had been vacant. | The lot had been vacant. | 1entailment
Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith. | His faith may be lacking. | 1entailment
um-hum yeah i end up well yeah i mean i do a lot of like even weekender kind of things i go out for just one or two nights uh it's not my favorite thing but i can do it a lot more often so like over at the uh particularly in the uh the fall and spring when the insects haven't come out yet uh where they're already gone uh you know i spend almost every weekend up in the mountains and i guess i live about five hours away from some place to go hiking where i am now | I don't mind camping for a couple nights in the fall and spring. | 1entailment
they use the the injection thing or whatever it is | They use lethal injection. | 1entailment
A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already have them. | They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities. | 1entailment
In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations. | Auditors can issue a limited official use report that has such information. | 1entailment
The point isn't that polls are dishonest. | Dishonest polls is not the point being made. | 1entailment
but uh what's that | However, what is that? | 1entailment
Stop blaming John. | Quit holding John responsible. | 1entailment
i think on the local elections it's actually um i think um i think people vote in the larger elections because they feel like well you know the country's real important and you know if i elect if we help elect a president who's going to save us then the then the whole country will be saved but they figure local elections don't mean that much i suspect so people don't really worry about their local mayor or something figuring that you know um and i think wrongly figuring that that well what good is another mayor going to do anyway because our federal taxes are more important right now and you know and stuff like that so people think that that that they don't have um that that it doesn't doesn't matter as much whereas i think it's probably just the opposite is true i think it's probably the case that people could have more effect on a local level | I think more people vote during the presidential elections than local elections. | 1entailment
Kashmir remained an unresolved problem of Partition. | The partition problem of Kashmir remained unresolved. | 1entailment
Given the assumptions and economic drivers in each of the scenarios, the AMIGA model calculates the capital investment, operation and maintenance, and fuel costs necessary to meet consumer demand for electricity. | The AMIGA model finds the capital investment. | 1entailment
For Columns 5 though 8, the only amounts that change in lines 1 and 2, compared to columns 1 through 4, are outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue. | Only the outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue change in lines 1 and 2 in columns 5 through 8. | 1entailment
The troopers behind Muller stiffened into wooden soldiers, all expression vanishing from their features until they matched each other in exact anonymity. | Muller was with soldiers. | 1entailment
Meanwhile, lawyers were at a premium Indians love litigation and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics had been clandestine, because it was so often fatal to express an opinion on the wrong (i.e. , losing) side. | Lawyers were at a premium and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics. | 1entailment
Someone was applauding. | A person applauded. | 1entailment
my dad's got a new um i guess it's an eighty nine or ninety uh Chrysler something or other it's one those transverse mounted V sixes front wheel drive | My dad has a new eighty nine or ninety Chrysler with a transverse mounted V and front wheel drive. | 1entailment
This is a colourful Middle Eastern-Yemenite restaurant (where the downstairs is expensive, and the upstairs is less formal) with an interesting menu of meat and offal. | The restaurant serves Middle Eastern-Yemenite food. | 1entailment
Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply. | The table shows a summary of the resources in demand. | 1entailment
Unless otherwise noted, hotels take all major credit cards. | Hotels accept credit cards as payment unless otherwise stated. | 1entailment
The mosque is unusual in Cairo in that it has no facade it is hidden behind a protective wall with nineteen openings. | The mosque in cairo is protected by walls. | 1entailment
Warn't no Apaches, that's for certain. | It wasn't the Apaches, certainly. | 1entailment
right i think we'd have the same type of problem say with Mexico uh Canada on the other hand uh English is one of their national languages they have | We probably have the same issues as Mexico and Canada with regards to the use of the English language. | 1entailment
um-hum yeah it takes a lot of concentration i mean it was the type of thing i was i was making some little things for Christmas and i also made a little thing for a baby gift and uh i thought oh i can do this while i watch TV wrong | I was making some things for gifts. | 1entailment
and uh i have a few health food stores that i send it to i can buy the cookies in a larger quantity than they can so i can get a deal from the uh from the main from the supplier | There are a few health food stores that can buy the cookies in bulk for a better deal. | 1entailment
There's a pile of money called the Social Security Trust Fund. | The Social Security Trust Fund is made up of money. | 1entailment
Dave Hanson, to whom nothing is impossible, he said. | He said Dave Hanson. | 1entailment
expressed about the methodology and results of the procedures to determine the federal pay gap. | The methodology and results were used to determine the federal pay gap. | 1entailment
Old salts may want to skipper their charter craft acroseopen sea to the smaller Dutch islands of Sint Eustatius or Saba, or to French Saint-Barthelemy. | If you are looking for a different options you can take your charter ship to one of the less popular islands nearby. | 1entailment
Tomb 57, that of Khaemhat, was decorated with statues of himself and his family very rare for tombs of his class. | The tomb was decorated with statues. | 1entailment
Chambers developed increasing reservations in his later years about the direction the American right was taking, distancing himself first from Joe McCarthy, then from Richard Nixon, and even from William Buckley Jr.'s National Review . But Chambers' importance lies, finally, not in his politics but in his romantic penchant for the extremes of the psychic and political undergrounds. | Chambers built a wall between himself and McCarthy and Nixon. | 1entailment
Thank you. Tuppence felt a terrific rise in her spirits. | Tupperence felt better after this event. | 1entailment
The place was a living tomb… . | It was no more than a living tomb. | 1entailment
The dramatically rising cliff of black basalt stone made the castle impregnable to all but the most wily commander. | The castle was secure due to its proximity to a cliff. | 1entailment
somehow i hoped that as a people we could be better than than um expecting | I hoped we could be better than that. | 1entailment
He gasped for air and his head throbbed. | His head hurt terribly. | 1entailment
If food and medical care tripled in cost, people would of necessity spend less on other things to pay for the increase or cut down on the food and medical care they purchased. | People would have to cut spending in other areas if food and medical care increased. | 1entailment
I beg your pardon. A man's voice beside her made her start and turn. | She was startled by the man and turned when he said I beg your pardon. | 1entailment
However, an interim program was instituted between April 4 and October 4, 1996, to maintain a basic program until EQIP could begin. | They had a temporary program in place. | 1entailment
and uh when i played softball it was with the church team it was just for fun although the church team we made it to the nationals we were ranked fifteenth in the nation so i you know i'm proud of that | I played softball with the church team for the fun of it. | 1entailment
The next witness was Mary Cavendish. | There was another witness. | 1entailment
plant that emits 0.1 pounds of mercury and a plant that emits 2000 pounds of mercury - regardless of cost - is neither efficient nor necessary. | Plants that emit mercury are not necessary. | 1entailment
it really is our kids are all grown and gone and away from home so our our new family is the you know our two cats and our dog we never really well we had we did have some time to devote to them you know but not nearly as much time as we have now so they've really become children they're they're real characters they really well all of them are | Since our kids are all grown and gone, we have the pets to fill their spots. | 1entailment
but uh because i work for uh Hal Ammon | I work for Hal Ammon. | 1entailment
yeah the current average or whatever | Yeah the average right now. | 1entailment
A company of handweavers has been working here since at least 1723, and visitors are able to watch them at work, but their products have become less distinctive since they expanded into a popular tourist attraction. | Tourists can view the company of handweavers work, but the historic company have less distinctive products now due to becoming a popular attraction. | 1entailment
You will be able to buy it at the giftshop adjacent to the ship on your visit. | You can buy the item at the giftshop on your visit. | 1entailment
U.S. economic interests through the prevention and mitigation ofmarine incidents. | Prevention of marine incidents for U.S. economic reasons. | 1entailment
In the southeast corner of the courtyard is the Turkish Sultana's House, or Hujra-i-Anup Talao (the Chamber of the Peerless Pool); animals covering every wall panel and pillar create the illusion of woodwork rather than stone. | There are a number of animals on the wall panels. | 1entailment
Breyiana Breyiana look at me please just a second be quite please i can not hear i will talk to you in just a second go ahead so she went to school out here | Please be quiet for a second; I cannot hear and will talk to you in a second. | 1entailment
yeah well i think they got i think that was almost everyone of them that he recruited uh recruited for this year | He recruited everyone for this year. | 1entailment
As a matter of fact he is. | He is, actually. | 1entailment
Town End is full of wonderful artifacts from 17th-century daily life, such as cooking utensils bowls, pans, crockery, and hooks to hang hare and pheasants rag rugs made by the women of the household, and laundry implements such as a dolly used for stirring the clothes in the washing tub. | There are many artefacts in Town End which date back to the 1600s, including laundry tools and cookware. | 1entailment
Why come here? The torrent has started already and many other southern villages surely draw the interest of bandits. | There were villages in the south. | 1entailment
Adrienne Worthy, executive director of Legal Aid, said her agency will receive $400,000 less in federal funds in 2003, because the 2000 Census found 30,000 fewer poor people in West Virginia. | Federal funds are dependent upon the populous which they serve. | 1entailment
that's right uh-huh well you know it's just like you say there's so much stuff that needs to be done here in this country and uh you know if if you could have a thought of something like uh like a uh uh a Peace Corps sort of organization i mean this would be so useful just in uh for instance just helping old folks | There's a lot of stuff we need to do in this country. | 1entailment
We established the program because we were concerned about the changeover, Wheeler said. | Wheeler said that the program was established because of the changeover concern. | 1entailment
yeah but well they vary from from place to place it's hard to tell you know how well they've been kept up how old they are and these are probably oh one of the nicest that i found and uh | It's hard to tell how things have been kept up and their age because they vary so much from place to place. | 1entailment
if a person has done a crime so bad that the jury gives them the death penalty now the Supreme Court says we've got to give them one appeal okay i agree give them one appeal when that appeal fails within thirty days execution of sentence | You are allowed to appeal the death sentence. | 1entailment
Locked up in the desk in the boudoir, they found a will of Mrs. Inglethorp's, dated before her marriage, leaving her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp. | They found Mrs. Inglethorp's will, which left all her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp. | 1entailment
TV is the most important medium for conveying history. | TV is the most important medium for showing history. | 1entailment
yeah i do that too | Yes, I do that as well. | 1entailment
Praise goes to Kirstie Alley, who plays an aging ex-model now in the lingerie Less frenetic than Lucy, more mature than Mary (Richard Corliss, Time ). The Washington Post 's Tom Shales dissents, calling Alley unwatchably neurotic and in a virtually perpetual feverish tizzy. | Kirstie Alley plays an older ex-model in the tv show. | 1entailment
oh yeah that yeah they they just run all over the place don't they | Don't they just run all over the place? | 1entailment
I could. | I am able to. | 1entailment
no i've uh you you can rent people's kiln they they uh you take your pieces to their house or their ceramic shop and uh pay them there's one woman that charge ten dollars a month for fire all that i wanted | There are people that let you rent their kilns to finish pieces at their shop. | 1entailment
well another thing that we've noticed that's uh changed over the years and uh we're not really sure exactly what we're going what we want to do with it publicly but uh the teachings uh the ideas that are taught uh don't always agree with what we would teach them either from a standpoint of morals or from a standpoint of how to handle a given situation | We noticed that the teachers say things we don't agree with. | 1entailment
oh yeah they they spent more money last year than any other team in the in the league and they were you know toward the bottom of the league uh so it's like i said spending money doesn't guarantee you uh winning a pennant it really doesn't so | The amount of money you spend does not always indicate your level of success. | 1entailment
The New Territories can be explored by taking the Kowloon Canton Railway (KCR), which makes 10 stops between the station in Kowloon and Sheung Shui, the last stop before entering China. | The Kowloon Canton Railway makes over five stops between the station and Sheung Shui. | 1entailment
NJP operates CLEAR--Coordinated Legal Education and Referral System-- to provide telephone and internet-based referral, advice, brief service, community legal education and intake services throughout the state. | NJP provides internet-based help and assistance for those seeking legal help. | 1entailment
you're very fortunate well i ran into a problem with my car uh course we have a little colder weather up here and i had set the emergency brake after we'd had a freezing rain apparently | I had car trouble in the cold weather. | 1entailment
Jon, still looking through Adrin's eyes, saw a wicked sharp blade burst through the Kal's chest. | A blade went through Kal's chest. | 1entailment
It is 'up to them' ”as you say over here." Then, suddenly, he asked: "Are you a judge of finger-marks, my friend?" | Are you capable of passing judgment on markings of fingers? | 1entailment
So-called Houston! This one problem, Denise, or maybe Dennis, was repeating. | There is a question about the gender of the announcer. | 1entailment
But as Mir floated in orbit, the Soviet Union fell apart. | The Mir was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union. | 1entailment
so we took the wiring harness out and the engine and the transmission and everything else and we put it into the the the shell that was burned we had the shell all sandblasted and painted and he he pretty much built me a car so | We transferred the engine and transmission into another body. | 1entailment
no i'm not in Cape Cod i'm uh oh about a you know five minute ride from Rhode Island | I am about five minutes from Rhode Island, not in Cape Cod. | 1entailment
That you value your origins, that you cradle old stories and remember old morals. | You value your origins a lot. | 1entailment
Strike a match to see the effect. | If you want to see what happens, strike the match. | 1entailment
'Exactly,' he nodded. | He responded. | 1entailment
For that, they'll need to sign certain contracts.' | Certain contracts are going to need to be signed to proceed. | 1entailment
Today, the Loire is a sleepy waterway, running deep only with heavy rains or spring thaws, and its sandbanks and mud flats become islands during the summer. | The Loire's sandbanks become islands in the summer. | 1entailment
Using lower cut points for females may maximize screening test performance. | Females might perform higher on the screening tests if the cut points are reduced. | 1entailment
For certain types of work to be performed at an agency, GAO may initially provide only telephone or e-mail message notification. | GAO might only give telephone or email messages. | 1entailment
We have examples of these in the giant outer planets. | There are instances of this in some large bodies. | 1entailment
okay uh are you in the market for a new car | Are you looking for a new car? | 1entailment
um me i'm a firm believer in that if you got it spend it | If you've got it, spend it. | 1entailment
They were pushing the pace all right. | They were pushing the pace. | 1entailment
Greenhouse gas emissions should be addressed in the context of climate change, which is being undertaken by the President's Cabinet level working group. | Greenhouse gases and climate change are being worked on by the President's Cabinet. | 1entailment
I had a slew of comfortable rooms with cushions everywhere, and a fridge forever stocked with fatty foods. | There were fattening foods in the refrigerator. | 1entailment
Over the past two decades, Comart has seen the role of Pine Tree change in response to federal funding cuts and stricter regulations. | The role of Pine Tree has changed over the past twenty years. | 1entailment
we can hook it into our uh a video or uh stereo system and uh put music to the film and that will cut out all the background the noise of the uh recorder running and that | We can cut out all the background noise when we hook it in. | 1entailment
Under current law, LSC recipients may provide legal assistance to an alien if the alien is present in the United States and falls within one of several designated | LSC recipients may provide legal aid to foreign people. | 1entailment
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