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你 需 要 具 備 什 麼 樣 基 礎 的 能 力 | What kind of basic ability you need to have | clips/week1_1-clips/101-week1_1.wav |
到 時 候 你 才 不 會 真 的 修 了 這 門 課 以 後 | So you won't really only start to study this course | clips/week1_1-clips/102-week1_1.wav |
覺 得 這 門 課 實 在 太 難 | Feel that this course is too difficult | clips/week1_1-clips/103-week1_1.wav |
你 都 沒 有 辦 法 跟 上 | You can't keep up at all | clips/week1_1-clips/104-week1_1.wav |
那 假 設 你 想 修 這 門 課 的 話 | If you want to take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/105-week1_1.wav |
你 需 要 具 備 什 麼 樣 的 基 礎 能 力 呢 | What basic abilities should you have? | clips/week1_1-clips/106-week1_1.wav |
那 在 數 學 的 方 面 | In terms of mathematics | clips/week1_1-clips/107-week1_1.wav |
那 我 會 假 設 你 已 經 修 過 微 積 分 | I'll assume you've already taken calculus, | clips/week1_1-clips/108-week1_1.wav |
你 修 過 線 性 代 數 你 修 過 機 率 | You took Linear Algebra and Probability before | clips/week1_1-clips/109-week1_1.wav |
那 多 數 理 工 科 系 大 一 大 二 的 學 生 | This applies to majority of the first and second year students in the Science and Engineering departments | clips/week1_1-clips/110-week1_1.wav |
都 應 該 修 過 這 三 門 課 | Everyone should have taken these three courses | clips/week1_1-clips/111-week1_1.wav |
那 這 幾 門 課 應 該 都 是 理 工 科 系 的 必 修 課 | These courses should be compulsory courses for science and engineering students | clips/week1_1-clips/112-week1_1.wav |
所 以 假 設 理 工 科 系 大 三 以 上 的 學 生 | So assuming upper year students in the Science and Engineering departments | clips/week1_1-clips/113-week1_1.wav |
在 數 學 基 礎 上 | In terms of mathematical fundamentals | clips/week1_1-clips/114-week1_1.wav |
你 應 該 都 有 辦 法 聽 得 懂 這 門 課 的 內 容 | You should be able to understand the content of this course | clips/week1_1-clips/115-week1_1.wav |
而 那 這 一 門 課 呢 | And this course, | clips/week1_1-clips/116-week1_1.wav |
需 要 具 備 程 式 的 能 力 | Programming skills are required | clips/week1_1-clips/117-week1_1.wav |
那 需 要 具 備 程 式 的 能 力 到 什 麼 樣 的 程 度 呢 | What level of programming ability is required then? | clips/week1_1-clips/118-week1_1.wav |
那 其 實 這 門 課 的 每 一 個 作 業 | Each assignment in this course, in fact | clips/week1_1-clips/119-week1_1.wav |
助 教 都 有 提 供 範 例 程 式 | Teaching assistants have provided sample programs | clips/week1_1-clips/120-week1_1.wav |
那 其 實 你 只 要 執 行 這 些 範 例 程 式 | In fact, all you need to do is run these example programs, | clips/week1_1-clips/121-week1_1.wav |
就 算 是 你 完 全 不 懂 範 例 程 式 的 內 容 | Even if you don't understand the content of the example program | clips/week1_1-clips/122-week1_1.wav |
你 可 能 也 可 以 拿 到 一 部 分 的 分 數 | You may also be able to earn part of the score | clips/week1_1-clips/123-week1_1.wav |
但 是 假 設 你 想 要 在 這 門 課 | But if you want to in this course | clips/week1_1-clips/124-week1_1.wav |
拿 到 比 較 好 的 分 數 的 話 | If you score higher | clips/week1_1-clips/125-week1_1.wav |
你 一 定 要 能 夠 讀 並 且 改 助 教 的 範 例 程 式 | You must be able to read and modify the template programs provided by the teaching assistant | clips/week1_1-clips/126-week1_1.wav |
那 助 教 的 範 例 程 式 呢 | What about the teaching assistant's example program? | clips/week1_1-clips/127-week1_1.wav |
都 是 用 python 寫 的 | They're all written in Python | clips/week1_1-clips/128-week1_1.wav |
所 以 假 設 你 要 讀 跟 改 助 教 範 例 程 式 | So assuming you need to read and correct the Teaching Assistant's sample program | clips/week1_1-clips/129-week1_1.wav |
那 想 必 你 需 要 具 備 這 個 python 基 本 的 程 式 能 力 | You certainly need to have basic Python programming skills | clips/week1_1-clips/130-week1_1.wav |
那 因 為 這 一 門 課 | Because of this course | clips/week1_1-clips/131-week1_1.wav |
要 講 的 是 ml | What we're going to talk about is ML | clips/week1_1-clips/132-week1_1.wav |
要 講 的 是 machine learning | We're going to talk about Machine Learning | clips/week1_1-clips/133-week1_1.wav |
不 是 教 你 怎 麼 做 程 式 設 計 | This is not about teaching you how to code | clips/week1_1-clips/134-week1_1.wav |
所 以 我 們 並 不 會 花 太 多 心 力 在 程 式 設 計 的 部 分 | So we won't spend too much effort on the programming part | clips/week1_1-clips/135-week1_1.wav |
我 們 並 不 會 花 太 多 力 氣 | We will not spend much effort | clips/week1_1-clips/136-week1_1.wav |
在 教 大 家 python 的 語 法 | Teaching everyone Python syntax | clips/week1_1-clips/137-week1_1.wav |
python 的 套 件 等 等 | Packages in Python and so on | clips/week1_1-clips/138-week1_1.wav |
我 們 會 假 設 說 | We will make assumptions that | clips/week1_1-clips/139-week1_1.wav |
你 要 嘛 是 自 己 已 經 學 過 python 的 語 法 | You must have already learned Python syntax | clips/week1_1-clips/140-week1_1.wav |
你 自 己 學 過 怎 麼 使 用 python 的 套 件 | You have learned how to use Python packages on your own, | clips/week1_1-clips/141-week1_1.wav |
或 你 有 辦 法 自 己 學 這 些 東 西 | Or you are able to learn these things on your own | clips/week1_1-clips/142-week1_1.wav |
所 以 舉 例 來 說 | So for instance | clips/week1_1-clips/143-week1_1.wav |
我 們 在 上 課 的 時 候 | During the class | clips/week1_1-clips/144-week1_1.wav |
不 會 告 訴 你 什 麼 怎 麼 用 numpy | I won't tell you how to use Numpy | clips/week1_1-clips/145-week1_1.wav |
不 會 告 訴 你 怎 麼 用 matplotlib | It doesn't teach you how to use Matplotlib. | clips/week1_1-clips/146-week1_1.wav |
那 假 設 你 不 知 道 numpy 是 什 麼 | Assuming you don't know what Numpy is | clips/week1_1-clips/147-week1_1.wav |
matplotlib 是 什 麼 的 話 | If you're wondering what Matplotlib is | clips/week1_1-clips/148-week1_1.wav |
那 這 些 是 python 裡 面 的 套 件 了 | These are the packages in Python | clips/week1_1-clips/149-week1_1.wav |
那 我 們 不 會 教 你 這 些 | We will not teach you these | clips/week1_1-clips/150-week1_1.wav |
我 們 假 設 說 你 有 辦 法 自 學 | We assume that you can learn on your own | clips/week1_1-clips/151-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 你 已 經 會 了 | Or maybe you already know how to do it | clips/week1_1-clips/152-week1_1.wav |
所 以 如 果 你 想 要 修 這 門 課 的 話 | So if you want to take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/153-week1_1.wav |
你 還 是 需 要 一 些 程 式 的 基 礎 | You still need some basic programming knowledge. | clips/week1_1-clips/154-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 你 願 意 自 學 python | Or you are willing to self-learn Python, | clips/week1_1-clips/155-week1_1.wav |
你 才 有 辦 法 修 這 一 門 課 | That's the only way you can take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/156-week1_1.wav |
好 那 在 這 門 課 上 | Well, during this course | clips/week1_1-clips/157-week1_1.wav |
過 去 你 可 能 會 聽 到 有 些 學 長 姐 跟 你 講 說 | In the past, you might have heard some older students tell you | clips/week1_1-clips/158-week1_1.wav |
修 李 宏 毅 的 機 器 學 習 啊 | Taking Lee Hong-yi's machine learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/159-week1_1.wav |
要 自 己 買 gpu 啊 | You have to buy your own GPU | clips/week1_1-clips/160-week1_1.wav |
這 個 要 花 很 多 錢 買 gpu 才 有 辦 法 修 這 一 門 課 | This would require spending a lot on GPUs to be able to pass this course | clips/week1_1-clips/161-week1_1.wav |
那 現 在 沒 有 這 個 問 題 了 | That problem doesn't exist now | clips/week1_1-clips/162-week1_1.wav |
所 有 的 作 業 都 有 辦 法 用 google colab 來 完 成 | All assignments can be completed using Google Colab | clips/week1_1-clips/163-week1_1.wav |
那 google colab 這 個 東 西 呢 | What about this thing called Google Colab? | clips/week1_1-clips/164-week1_1.wav |
這 個 在 講 作 業 一 的 時 候 | This was during the first assignment | clips/week1_1-clips/165-week1_1.wav |
助 教 會 跟 大 家 解 釋 google colab 是 什 麼 | The teaching assistant will explain to everyone what Google Colab is | clips/week1_1-clips/166-week1_1.wav |
那 你 現 在 如 果 不 知 道 這 是 什 麼 的 話 | If you don't know what this is now | clips/week1_1-clips/167-week1_1.wav |
沒 有 關 係 | It doesn't matter | clips/week1_1-clips/168-week1_1.wav |
那 所 以 其 實 如 果 你 想 修 這 門 課 的 話 | So in fact, if you want to take this course, | clips/week1_1-clips/169-week1_1.wav |
在 硬 體 上 你 不 需 要 準 備 任 何 東 西 | You don't need to prepare anything in terms of hardware | clips/week1_1-clips/170-week1_1.wav |
你 不 需 要 自 己 買 gpu | You don't need to buy a GPU yourself | clips/week1_1-clips/171-week1_1.wav |
那 你 也 不 需 要 自 己 安 裝 任 何 軟 體 | You don't need to install any software yourself | clips/week1_1-clips/172-week1_1.wav |
所 有 事 情 都 可 以 在 google colab 上 完 成 | Everything can be done on Google Colab | clips/week1_1-clips/173-week1_1.wav |
那 接 下 來 呢 | What comes next is | clips/week1_1-clips/174-week1_1.wav |
講 一 下 這 門 課 的 特 色 | Let's talk about the features of this course | clips/week1_1-clips/175-week1_1.wav |
那 這 一 門 課 呢 | So this course, huh | clips/week1_1-clips/176-week1_1.wav |
我 們 會 特 別 專 注 在 深 度 學 習 這 個 技 術 上 面 | We will focus specifically on the technology of deep learning | clips/week1_1-clips/177-week1_1.wav |
那 我 知 道 說 | Then I know | clips/week1_1-clips/178-week1_1.wav |
機 器 學 習 有 很 多 各 式 各 樣 的 模 型 | Machine learning has a variety of models | clips/week1_1-clips/179-week1_1.wav |
但 在 眾 多 模 型 裡 面 | But among many models | clips/week1_1-clips/180-week1_1.wav |
我 們 只 特 別 選 擇 deep learning 出 來 跟 大 家 講 | We especially selected and discussed Deep Learning | clips/week1_1-clips/181-week1_1.wav |
那 你 可 能 會 想 說 | You might be wondering | clips/week1_1-clips/182-week1_1.wav |
這 個 deep learning 不 是 算 是 比 較 進 階 的 技 術 嗎 | Isn't Deep Learning considered an advanced technique? | clips/week1_1-clips/183-week1_1.wav |
不 是 算 是 機 器 學 習 裡 面 這 幾 年 才 興 起 的 技 術 嗎 | Isn't it a technique that has only gained popularity in the field of machine learning in recent years? | clips/week1_1-clips/184-week1_1.wav |
它 可 能 應 該 是 比 較 進 階 的 技 術 | It's probably more advanced technology | clips/week1_1-clips/185-week1_1.wav |
如 果 只 講 deep learning 不 講 其 他 的 技 術 | If you only focus on Deep Learning and ignore other techniques, | clips/week1_1-clips/186-week1_1.wav |
我 們 有 辦 法 聽 得 懂 這 門 課 嗎 | Can we understand this course? | clips/week1_1-clips/187-week1_1.wav |
你 還 是 可 以 聽 得 懂 這 門 課 的 | You can still understand this course | clips/week1_1-clips/188-week1_1.wav |
這 一 門 課 可 以 當 做 是 你 的 | This class can be considered as your | clips/week1_1-clips/189-week1_1.wav |
ml 機 器 學 習 的 第 一 門 課 | The first course of ML machine learning | clips/week1_1-clips/190-week1_1.wav |
所 以 你 拿 這 一 門 課 作 為 ml 的 啟 蒙 課 程 | So you're taking this course as an introduction to ML | clips/week1_1-clips/191-week1_1.wav |
完 全 是 沒 有 問 題 的 | It's completely fine | clips/week1_1-clips/192-week1_1.wav |
那 有 的 同 學 可 能 會 想 說 | Some students might think | clips/week1_1-clips/193-week1_1.wav |
我 上 學 期 已 經 修 過 林 軒 田 老 師 的 | I've already taken Professor Hsuan-Tien Lin's course last semester. | clips/week1_1-clips/194-week1_1.wav |
機 器 學 習 基 石 跟 機 器 學 習 技 法 | Machine Learning Foundations and Techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/195-week1_1.wav |
那 會 不 會 這 門 課 跟 機 器 學 習 基 石 和 技 法 | Would this course be mixed with Machine Learning Foundations and Techniques? | clips/week1_1-clips/196-week1_1.wav |
有 很 大 的 重 疊 呢 | There's a lot of overlap | clips/week1_1-clips/197-week1_1.wav |
完 全 不 會 | Absolutely not | clips/week1_1-clips/198-week1_1.wav |
這 一 門 課 跟 基 石 和 技 法 的 重 疊 的 部 分 非 常 地 小 | This course has very little overlap with the fundamentals and techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/199-week1_1.wav |
所 以 如 果 你 有 修 過 基 石 跟 技 法 | So, if you have taken the foundation and techniques courses | clips/week1_1-clips/200-week1_1.wav |