What is the treatment for chest discomfort?
Patient: ChestIve been feeling a lot of pressure and heaviness on my lower chest for two weeks now . Along with random sharp pains that get worse when I breathe in . Its difficult to breath and its really uncomfortable . My heart is also pounding and I keep feeling like there is air stuck in my chest and I try burping . My chest also burns at random . I cant do any acivities anymore because I run out of breath fast and its difficult to sleep also . I want to know what I may have Age : 16 Height : 5'3Weight 96 Doctor: Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is more due to your weight. Obesity is known risk factor for GERD. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of burping, gaseous feeling in stomach, chest tightness, heaviness, burning central chest pain etc. So better to follow these lifestyle modifications for symptomatic relief in GERD. 1. Avoid stress and tension. 2. Avoid hot and spicy food. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic drugs. 5. Go for walk after meals. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. 6. Do regular aerobic exercise and loose your weight. 7. Avoid smoking and alcohol if you have these habits. Don't worry, you will be alright with above mentioned modifications. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Suggest treatment for Calcified Granuloma
Patient: Hello, I have a 12 year old grandson that recently found a knot about the size of a half dollar near the left armpit on the upper area of his arm. He didn t realize it was there until his Mom ran her hand down his arm and noticed it. It doesn t hurt unless messed with but we had an US done and the diagnosis was Calcified Granuloma .How is this treated and do we need to see a surgeon? Doctor: Hi,Thank you for asking question on health care magic.The calcified granuloma is harmless.If you desire you may consult surgeon for excission for cosmetic purposes.Hope this answer will serve your purposePlease feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake careDr.M.V.Subrahmanyam MD;DCHAssociate professor of pediatrics
Is pregnancy possible post tubectomy surgery?
Patient: Hi, I have 2 kids(not normal delivery) and undergone with tubectomy(open surgery) also. I didn t get my periods in the last month. I have checked using the pregnancy kit and it is positive. How it is possible. Is it a doctor mistake that she didn t do properly? Doctor: Hello,Thanks for sharing your health concern with us. I have gone through your query and here are your answers. 1. Any contraceptive procedure, including tubectomy, has a failure rate. This does not mean that the doctor has not performed the procedure correctly. It only means that the tubes have re-canalized after surgery. 2. If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, please get further help from a specialist. Either way, you need to see a doctor for further management. 3. If you wish to clarify further, you can go for the estimation of the serum beta-hCG titres and follow up with a trans-vaginal sonogram. Hope this helps.
Suggest remedy for nausea
Patient: 53YOF, post-menaposal, Med Hx: Psoriatric Arthritis, High B/P & Non-Insulin dependent Diabetes. I have been taking Victoza for approx 4 months. Before that I had been taking Metformin for approx 1-1/2 years without any real change in BG levels. My last A1C a month ago was 6.2 - down from 7.1 before starting Victoza. I have also been able to lose 20 lbs which is helping me feel better. The last 2 weeks, I have been experiencing nausea in the mornings when I wake up. Sometimes it clears up but other days it lasts until the afternoon - it is just kind of there in the background at varying degrees of severity. I am wondering whether this would have anything to do with the Victoza. I did experience nausea at first until the dose was adjusted but not like this. I am also on diovan daily which has my b/p controlled, and ultram daily & humira bi-monthly for arthritis which is doing well. I have been on these meds for several years. I will be seing my arthritis doctor in 2 weeks but since this was available online, I thought I would ask. Any thoughts? Doctor: Dear Friend, greetings from HCM... I understand your problem s .. Victoza can cause nausea and vomiting in some patient s .. Your HbA1c is now OK .. But I do not know why did you stop metformin .. You please meet your doctor and tell your problem s and take other class like gliptins with metformin .. Which is an excellent drug.. Plus your lifestyle change s both dietary modification s and exercise is must which helps to keep your sugar and BP in check .. Take more of green leafy vegetables, and fruits .. .. Thank you and do contact us for more questions ..
Suggest treatment for tooth and gum infection
Patient: hello i am 21 years old 170 6'3. i have some really old life long cavities and it seems like my jawbone is throbbing on my nerves and its super sore and my neck ears and temples throb all the time.but in my gums im noticing like fluid and stuff that moves in my and botem left n right side. to me it feels life threatening everyday. i go to bed in pain,then wake up in pain i realize its because my teeth are bad but can u tell me whats going on and what a doctor can do to help me. Doctor: Hi,Thanks for posting the query, According to your clinical symptoms i suppose that you are having a lots of cavities in your mouth this could be due to poor oral hygiene.I would suggest you to get an examination done take an OPG radiograph, the tooth which can be saved can be root canal treated, which cannot be saved can be removed and replaced by removable and fixed prosthesis.For pain relief take tab almox TDS , tab dicloserratiopeptidase TDS, tab omee BD.Go for complete mouth scaling and polishing.Take care!
Swollen gum in between the teeth. White lines on the gums. Do I have mouth cancer? Have the habit of smoking
Patient: Hello, on the left side of my mouth my gums are swollen inbetween two teeth and the whole left side of my gums are red and tender. The lining of my gums hurt and there is white lines. Also underneath my jaw (i think it is my glands) hurt to touch. What could this be and should I see and doctor or a dentist? Thank you for your help. I am really worried this is the beginning stages of mouth cancer . I am scared because I did smoke on and off for 7 years. I am 23 now. Doctor: Hello on the basis of your dental history these white lines could be white precancerous lesion like leucoplakia. But proper clinical diagnosis and biopsy will confirmed it.i would advice advice you to show this to a oral pathologist and get a biopsy done .plz maintain your oral hygiene.use mouthwash twice daily and get cleaning of your teeth done since you are a smoker. Plz give up smoking because this will worsen the condition. Have high nutrition diet.
What is the treatment for TID 1:26 and left branch blockage?
Patient: Hi I m a 47year old male who recently went for a myocardial perfusion scan and the results letter states; moderate severity stress induced ischemia within the anticipated distribution of the LAD but also within the RCA. The elevated TID ratio 1.26 may occasionally be a marker of balanced three vessel disease. My ECG showed that I also have got Left Bundle Branch Block. I have an appointment to see the Cardiologist next month but I am worried what to expect! Can you please give me some insight and is the TID ratio bad. I have tried my Doctor and Cardiologist with no joy!! Doctor: Abnormal values of the transient ischemic dilation ratio (TID) according to an exercise myocardial SPECT are linked to severe coronary artery disease. Abnormal values of the transient ischemic dilation (TID) ratio are associated with severe and extensive coronary artery disease (CAD). The mean TID ratio in patients with multi-vessel disease was 1.19. The threshold for an abnormal TID was 1.39 with specificity of 95% and sensitivity of 15% for determining multi-vessel CAD status. You may need Coronary angiography.
Should I take an emergency contraceptive pill along with Diane 35?
Patient: hye ....i am on a treatment for pcod and i hv been taking Diane 35(CYPROTERONE ACETATE AND ETHINYLESTRADIOL TAB) its my 15th day of my musttrual cycle.. and yesterday i had intercourse without using any protection.. do u think i should go for an emergency contraceptive pill today..?? Doctor: Hi,Your doctor must have prescribed Diane to treat acne and hirsutism associated with PCOD. Diane contains ingredients similar in action to hormonal birth control pill. Cyproterone acetate contained in it is a progesterone derivative and ethinylestradiol present in it is a synthetic estrogen. So this tablet is also a effective combined hormonal contraceptive. It is as effective as any other combined hormonal pill. Therefore if you have been using this pill correctly as per the instructions there is no need to use emergency contraception.However there is a very small possibility of method failure as in birth control pill. So if your periods get delayed get a pregnancy test done. I advise you to use barrier method of contraception like condom along with Diane to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.I hope I have answered to your satisfaction. If you have any further queries do contact me through healthcare magic
Can glycerin suppository be taken for constipation during early pregnancy?
Patient: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your quecry haere...can a women 10 weeks pregnant take a glycerin suppository if she is constipated? She is having a hard time keeping food down and lots of cramping due to constipation, is there any liquids you would reccomend? Doctor: HiDr. Purushottam welcomes you to HCM virtual clinic!Thanks for consulting at my virtual clinic. I have carefully gone through your case, and I think I have understood your concern. I will try to address your medical concerns and would suggest you the best of the available treatment options.1]yes, surely, you can safely use glycerine suppository safely.2] Also, I will suggest Liquid DUPHALAC 15 ml at night with 250 ml of water, to be taken daily or alternate days as needed.3] I will suggest indulging in a healthy diet and regular exercise regime.Include plenty of fruits, salads, vegetables in the diet.Have adequate water intake , say 8 – 10 glasses per day. Avoid deep fried foods, bakery products, and refined sugars.Avoid substance abuse, if any.This will help to regularize bowel movements.4] I will suggest Tab DOXINATE 2 or 3 times a day to be taken 30 minutes before meals to avoid nausea & vomiting.I hope my answer helps you.Thanks.Wish you great health.Dr Purushottam
What causes oral thrush post a miscarriage?
Patient: Hi there, I had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago, 7 days later I get Sinusitis with flu symptoms, am prescribed Amoxicillin 21 tbl for 7 d, then had a thrush, now am having pain around the bladder area, which I try to self treat with Cranberry extract.This time it does not work, could it be some sort of infection? I gave no discharge. Doctor: Hi,I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complain oral thrush post intake of antibiotics is common as antibiotics disturb the normal flora of the mouth along with bad bacteria leading to yeast overgrowth causing thrush. Pain around bladder area can be secondary to infection.I would suggest you to consult an oral physician and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigation like microscopy of the scraping from the infected area can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly. You can be advised anti fungal medication like Fluconazole and Nystatin mouthwash gargle and also Clotrimazole lozenges. Take plenty of probiotics like yogurt and garlic.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Thanks and regards,Dr. Honey Nandwani Arora
Have severe pain in the upper abdomen
Patient: Hi! For the past several weeks, I have been suffering from severe upper abdominal pain. The pain is always worse when I am hungry, and often worse in the mornings. It hurts enough to wake me up at night. The pain is in the center of my upper abdomen, and pierces through to my back and shoulder blades. I have been also having diarrhea. Can you please help me? Thanks! Doctor: Hello, Thanks for your query.I read carefully all your concerns and I understood your query.With regards to your diarrhea I would suggest evaluate with this examination:- fecal analysis(coproculture, candida, ova/parasites)-abdominal ultrasound -blood workMeanwhile I would suggest to use :- buscopan for abdominal pain- antiacids or omeprazoel-tasectan and hydramin-plenty of waterI do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query.Take care
Suggest treatment for infection after piles treatment
Patient: i am 27 years old, married, before 5 years ago i fill i have piles problem, i was getting treatment for that, i get 3 injection for that but my last injection infected ( i fell that) now i can't walk, fell alot of pain on my back hole. what can i do now? Doctor: Hello, Thnx to contact us. If I am your treating doctor I would like to advice you that I think you are talking about sclerotherapy. The chance of sclerotherapy to get infected is very less. If you are suspecting the infection I advice you to do culture and sensitivity for the infection. Take treatment according to sensitivity of the report. You will be OK with in a week. If you have anything else to ask please contact me. Thanx. Dr. Arun Tank; Infectious Disease Specialist
What brain problems can occur due to pressure on scalp by headband use?
Patient: Hi, i have been wearing my hair up and with a headband on for about 5 years now. its getting to the point where i get dizzy very easilly, i can not do my work because of the computer. nausea and major headaches. i know the headband will give me the headaches but since ive been wearing it so long can constant pressure to my scalp cause any major head/brain problems besides headaches? Doctor: Hello !Thank you for your question. In my opinion you have nothing to worry about it. The headache you have is caused by the contracted muscles of the scalp due to hair traction by the band in this case. It may be also aggravated by a wrong position of your head ( during staying or writing, working at the computer), from psychological stress, etc. Dizziness is another feature of this kind of headache ( Tension type Headache). Nothing is going to happen to your brain if you continue holding the band. Your brain is well protected! We have seen in patient who underwent brain surgery , that the bands very straight to the head can cause damage of skin in the pressure point, but it is not your case. Your band is not so tight, also you don't have it on during night. You may just make pauses ( remove it) remove it during the day , so your muscles get a little relaxed. You will get pain relief.Hope to have been helpful to you. Thank you for using HCM!Best wishes, Dr. Abaz
What causes severe groin pain on the left side?
Patient: I have had L4-5 fusion, and have been told that I have lots of arthritis and stenosis in my spine in general. About a week ago I started having pain in the left groin area (btw, 65 yo female) that gets worse as the day progresses. I have been trying to stretch (both sides) my glute muscles as well as quads. No help with that. I don t think I strained anything. Could this be referred from the spine? Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Well your pain may be due to compression of any nerve exiting from neural foramen.You have undergone spinal fusion surgery and there are chances of nerve entrapment between the fusion.You need to undergo fresh MRI lumbosacral spine and consultation of spine surgeon.Hope my answer helps you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Unexplained sleeping seizures. Can be due to lack of sleep or neck injury?
Patient: Hi my name i amanda. I have unexsplained sleeping seizers since last january. Each time they come in two an they are grandmals. I had my daughter july 5 2011 an she for over the first yr rarly slept due to her exsima and teething. I have two questions. Due to barely getting sleep could that be a factor of my seizers? Iv had two eegs an both clean and two mris and both clean. I have neruoligist but hes not knowing. The other thisng tho is i have a spot in the top of my neck at my scole line that hurts all the time and also before my seizures i had a major headach for two days prier. My second question if not from lack of sleep could the seizures be due to a pinch nurve or injury in my neck? I dont want to say i dnt like my doctor but i dont feel they are really trying to find the cause Thank u for letting people ask their questions just for more advice Doctor: Dear AmandaFirst of all I need you to relax and understand that according to a research every 100th person on this planet is prone to having at last 1 seizure in his or her life span. It is a big number. secondly if your MRI and EEGs are normal then the cause of your seizures is at neuron level. Sometimes some part of our brain produce enhanced neurological activity that can lead to a seizure. Now that as your seizure is Grand Mal type, it is most likely that it originates in the cerebral cortex of your brain. If i was your doctor I would recommend you take some anti epileptic medication. I would also recommend you to get enough sleep. There is a more chance of having an epileptic fit if your brain is fatigued so yes it is related to less sleep.As for the injury to your neck; There are a lot of seizures that can develop post traumatic to head injury but mostly these seizures are focal because a certain part of brain is damaged. The pain you have prior to an epileptic fit could be an aura. Auras are very common in grand mal epilepsy. But you should get it checked from a good neurologist/ neurosurgeon.I hope this answer was helpful. Feel free to ask anything regards,Dr. Ammar bin Ahsan
What causes a sore lump in the back?
Patient: I have a soft, squishy lump on my back that I can move around. It has not increased in size or cause me pain but recently it has been feeling sore. I went to the doctor for it before and she told me it was just a "build up of fat cells" but I am scared it is something else. Doctor: Hello! Welcome to HCM.Yes, your concern is very true.This is called "lipoma", a benign tumor of fat cells.Lump is soft, freely movable.In my clinic, many such patients do come, where I'm confirm clinically that its a lipoma, I do excision if symptomatic or if patient insists for cosmetic reason and then send the specimen for histopathology.If doubtful clinically, FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology is advised to confirm the diagnosis.Hope this information is useful for you.Wish you a good health.Thanks. Regards.
What causes recurrent tightness in the calf and hamstring muscles?
Patient: I am concerned because I keep getting very tight calf and hamstring muscles. Stretching helps a little but the tightness returns quickly. I also have a feeling of fatigue in my legs and feet and back. I work at a job where I have to stand for about 4 hours at a time with no opportunity to sit down which can be very difficult. Doctor: Hello,As per your history of injury while doing exercises, there is possibility of pathology to hamstring tendon or muscle. I will advise you to do Ultrasonography and if required MRI.You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and matrix therapy will give quick healing of tissue.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Vaibhav Gandhi
What causes lump on left lower leg?
Patient: For over a year I have had a grapefruit sized soft lump on my left lower leg; to the right of my tibia. The ultrasound showed nothing and 2 doctors were clueless. It is not going away; what could it be and should I be worried? It doesn't hurt but if I wrap it, the swelling (if that is what it is) spreads around to other spots in my leg. A fatty tissue tumor sort of thing? I am 60, 5'2", 140 lbs., excellent health albeit lazy. Weird! Doctor: Hi,Dear,Thanks for the query to HCM. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns.The lump on the left lower leg seems to be -This lump could be due to the Varicose lumps ? or could be due to bursitis,as it is soft lump around left lower leg.So don't build up wrong concepts and create more psychic complications in you which would increase risks and costs to you, but just ask a query to HCM and be comfortable to resolve your health issues.Welcome for any more query in this regard to HCM.Write good resume and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advise.Have a Good Day.Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Does masturbation causes looseness of scrotum?
Patient: hello doctor...i am masterbating since for the past 5 years and now my scrotum become very that a problem or not and i have a habit of going gym and also jogging at morning should i stop these activities due to the looseness of my scrotum???? reply stunner.... Doctor: Hello, Saggy testicles are a natural part of aging and don’t necessarily indicate that there’s anything wrong with your scrotum or your testicles. However, if your scrotum looks swollen or misshapen, it’s best to follow up with your doctor. These may be signs of an underlying condition requiring treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr K. V. Anand, Psychologist
Can I take Metrogyl 400 thrice a day?
Patient: My family physician has recommended metrogyl 400 for intestine infection caused by food or water three times a day for five days. I have taken this drug before and could tolerate without problem. But at that time the dose recommended was twice a day. Advice please. Doctor: Dear FriendWelcome to HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.The actual dose of Metrogyl is 400 mg thrice a day for Gastroenteritis.You can take it 3 times a day.Just observe following:1. It can cause metallic taste in mouth.2. Don't consume alcohol with this medicine in case you take alcohol.This is my personal opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me.Stay HealthyDr Anshul Varshney, MD
What are the side effects of prevasatin?
Patient: My doctor wants me to take prevasatin. My total choles. is 241/79 HDL/62 Tri./150 LDL. My familly history is my Dad has heart problems, but is 86. My Mom just got high blood pressure and a-fib, but is 81. I have heard of bad side effects from this medication. Should I try it or go another route? Doctor: Hello, Let me tell you that every medicine has it's side effects but a doctor always weighs the benefits against the risks before prescribing a drug. I'd also like to add that pravastatin also has side effects and all these are non-specific and benefits are much more so you should take it as advised. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Prabhash Verma, General & Family Physician
How to treat manic depression?
Patient: I am 36, female, 190 lbs. I am otherwise extreemly healthy, my mother is a diagnosed manic depressive, does not take meds. I am a naturalist at heart.... torn between the two worlds. I have been both anorexic and a cutter in the past.No surgeries, broken bones, occasional high bloodbressure. Doctor: DearWelcome to HMWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely opine that whatever is right for you, is right for you. Unless otherwise proved. Be happy with your way of thinking. Always think that you are right unless other wise proved. This method gives us belief and belief based self confidence. Not necessary that you should also be troubled with manic episodes. Treat anorexia with psychotherpy which do not use medicines. Consult a psychotherapist.If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to over come your problems.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck.
What causes small lump on the neck?
Patient: Hi, I am 21 years old and just this morning after waking up I went to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the bathroom. Just as I stretched my arms I saw a little pea - sized ball move on the left side of my neck where my collar bone meets. I m kind of scared. I ve never been to the hospital. I ve never had any medical problems. What is it that I saw? What should I do? Doctor: HiThanks for your queryBased on your query, my opinion is1. Swelling in the neck is most often related to lymph nodes, usually enlarged secondary to infection in the head and neck region.2. If your swelling is less than a centimeter, not painful, then no need to bother.3. If the swelling increases in size/ gets painful/ if you have upper respiratory tract infection/ fever, then you need to get examined.4. This is very trivial, and no need to bother much.Hope this helps.Regards
Had flu, cold, mild chest pains. What to do?
Patient: had flu for two weeks, which then turned into a cold , practically every time I go out I catch a fresh cold, this has been going on for nearly three months now. im always well dressed eat well drink plenty of fluids, fruits and veg. mild chest pains from time to time. before my flu I know my immune system was pretty low as I was recovering from two episodes of gastro , 2 days later I caught flu. Never had flu in my life rarely colds either. I am 49 years of age. Doctor: Hi, Thanks for using HCM.You may be suffering due to lower immunity or due to allergy. Continue your healthy practice of taking nutritious food, dressing habbits and do exercises regularly. This will increase your resistance to infection. Allergy can cause allergic gastro enteropathy, allergic rhinites and also asthma. Since you have some of these symptoms get done one skin test to rule out any allergic cause. Get done complete hemogram, HIV and HBsAg investigation once. Consult your doctor for examination and management.Hope I answered your question. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care.RegardsDr. Vidya
Pregnant. Back pain. Taken muscle relaxers. Done kidney sonogram. What can be done?
Patient: I am 26 weeks pregnant have not gained more than I should all seems well except stabbing intermittent mid back pain started about 6 weeks ago. Chiropractor helped some but pain returns. OBGYN gave me muscle relaxers but they did not help. OBGYN says baby is fine but wants to do a sonogram of my kidneys - what is he looking for and what could be done. Doctor: DEAR SIR/MADAMTHE CAUSES FOR STABBING AND INTERMITTENT BACK PAIN MIGHT BE FOR VARIOUS CAUSES.VAGUE LOW BACK PAIN MAY BE DUE TO PRESSURE ON THE SACROILIAC JOINT BUT IT DOES NOT CAUSES STABBING PAIN.THE STABBING INTERMITTENT MID BACK PAIN IS DUE TO1. GASTRITIS.2. GALL BLADDER STONES3. RENAL STONES WHICH IS VERY COMMON IN PREGNANCY.THE BEST WAY TO DIAGNOSE IS TO GET ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF KIDNEY URETER AND BLADDER.THANKS.
Suggest treatment for lump of mass in anus
Patient: Hi, since 3 days I have been feeling a small lump of mass in my anus which comes & disappears time to time. I have no pain & no bleeding, though I have a little trouble in passing stools. Could you suggest me as to which doctor should I visit: Gastro/Dermatologist/General Surgeon? Thanks!Jack Doctor: HI.Great observation and understanding . This looks to be either a hemorrhoid or a polyp.The best way is to visit a Surgeon specialized into Gastro work/ General Surgeon.
What causes the symptoms of intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts and depression?
Patient: Hello, I believe I might be experiencing signs of either some type of anxiety disorder or worse. I don t know how to explain without sounding crazy. Intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts, depression, fear of everything and I don t know who to talk to. Doctor: Hi, It seems you are suffering with depression with comorbid anxiety symptoms. More details would have been helpful to make a confidant diagnosis. I would advise you to consult a psychiatrist and start on medications right away as earlier initiation of treatment improves the chance of better outcome. In addition, start exercising on a daily basis.Best wishes. Hope you get well soon.
What are the symptoms of respiratory track infection?
Patient: My soft palate/back of my nose has been getting dry, with a small amount of mucous (yellow-ish). I have no symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection other than waking up with some mucous in the back of my nose/soft palate, and a little bit in my throat. Doctor: Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM .Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seems to suffer from -Post-Nasal pharyngitis with yellow phlegmn.This is not the symptom of Lower respiratory/ or respiratory infections.This is localized infection with inflammation-which makes pharynx more dry from blast of incoming nasal air. So proper care of the pharyngeal and soft palate health,by gargles and cleaning with antiseptic-listerin gargles.Plenty of fluids and steaming of the respiratory passages would help it to recover fast.Tab Motrin-1 x 2 times a day-would recover this upper pharyngitis fast.Antibiotics may be added if things don't recover in 2 days time.Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours.If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-Dear, if satisfied,Don't forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.If you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,You are most Welcome herewith !!Good Day!!Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!Dr.Savaskar M.N.Senior Surgical SpecialistM.S.Genl-CVTS
What causes drifting of mouth towards left?
Patient: I have a 34months old, I noticed his mouth drift to the left when he talks, laugh, cries, eats, open his mouth wide etc which was on like him. He can t tell if it hurts or not. I checked the inside and I realized it s swollen, please help I m worried. Doctor: what you quote this looks like a facial palsy. This is also called Bells Palsy. I suggest you get him examined by your pediatrician immediately or take him to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible as it has a propensity to progress and there be a complete neurological examination done.Regards - Dr. Sumanth
What causes large bruise near the stab wound?
Patient: I was carving a pumpkin and stabbed myself in my wrist on my left arm right below my thumb. I went to the ER and got two stitches. Now, three days later, there is a large bruise from the bottom of my thumb on my same arm that goes down the middle of my wrist and it is about 3-4 inches long. Is this normal? Does it indicate more complication or possibly and infection? Doctor: Hi..Welcome to HEALTHCARE MAGIC..I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..As per your complain due to getting stabbed there has been sharp injury to the soft tissue and also there seems to be injury to the blood vessels leading to spillage of blood into the soft tissues leading to bruising and you not to worry about it as gradually when the blood will disintegrate the bruising will also disappear..You can do alternate warm and cool compresses over the bruised area and also apply heparin containing gel like Thrombophob gel or other brands available at your local pharmacy as it will help in faster disintegration of the blood and bruising will resolve..You can also apply an antibiotic ointment at the site of cut to prevent infection..Hope this information helps..Thanks and regards.Dr. Honey Nandwani Arora.
Are there any pills rather than inhalers to treat COPD?
Patient: I have copd. I was on symbicort 2puffsmorning and 2 puffs evening. Along with Tudorza 1 puff morning 1 puff evening. Due to cost I ask doctor to see if I could get cheaper. I m trying spiriva once daily. With qvar 80 once a day. I started out spiriva in am it only lasts 4 hours at most. So have switched to evening. I have started cheating with at least one puff if symbicort especially if I leave the house. I tried advair and second day my voice leaves me. There is a new product breo inhaler would it be worth trying. I don t smoke anymore. I have oxygen at home. Do you think there might be a pill we could take Doctor: Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your situation and problem. COPD (chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease) is chronic, progressive obstructive disease of the airway. It is incurable. Inhaled treatment is the first line therapy for COPD. And if patient is not improving or controlled with Inhaled treatment then we can add oral bronchodilators too. Oral bronchodilators are theophylline group. Acebrophyllin and doxophyllin are commercially available. Since both are prescribed drugs, you need doctor's prescription for them. You should also enroll yourself in pulmonary rehabilitation center where chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercises are done. These will improve your lung function and decrease the symptoms. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these.
Can contractions, be related to sharp stomach pain during pregnancy?
Patient: hi i am about 31 weeks pregnant, i felt the baby move around a couple of hours ago and after that i felt a sharp stomachpain that worsened with in 10 mins now. its been about 3 hours now and it has not gone away. for a while my stomach was so tight and in pain that i could change positions from where i was layng. are these contractions? shpuld i be worried? Doctor: Hallow Dear,The foetal movements seem to be normal; however if your uterus is becoming tight, it means your uterus is contracting strongly. Please note the frequency of such contractions and whether you can indent the uterus with your finger during contractions. Also note whether it is uterus which is becoming firm or whole of the abdomen is getting tight. If it is uterus which is causing painful contractions, you will have to report to the Obstetrician ASAP since this is indicating premature labour contractions. You will be given some injections to relax your uterus; however at the same time you will be given steroid injections to make the lungs of the baby mature so that they will function well after the premature delivery. Please do not waste time and rush to the emergency room ASAP. Till that restrict yourself to the bed. Hope this gives you message. Dr. Nishikant
What causes pain in lower back with numbness in toes?
Patient: Hi doctor, I have being suffering from lowback pain, and some numbness of toes for quite some time. There is an area just above the knees (both), parallel to the hands when when stand with arms hanging down. It is fairly a small area where the feeling is different. i have consulted many neuro and orthopaedic surgeons and taken two to three MRI images along with number of x-rays. But none of those MRI s show a severe damage to the joints L4 L5 or any other area examined. But highlighted there is a slight bulging in L4 & L5, I m a regular Badminton player for the last one & half years. When playing i don t have much of difficulties, but after sitting and doing some work, it is difficult to strighten my back with one go, it takes a while for me to settle down. In addition to that if i put my right arm back of my head or extend above the head and keep resting for a while, i find it very difficult to bring it back without the healp of the other arm. But after few movements it becomes close to normal, but have very pale pain in the shoulder joint area. Would appreciate if you could advice me on the type of problem i have and how to overcome or treat to my problem. Thank you Hussain Doctor: Hello Hussain! I just read your concerns. The pain on your lower bacj and numbness in your toes is caused by the bulge in your L4-L5 (lumbar area). With the description you gave me, it seems you have a nerve root compression in your back. Nerve compressions are treated initially with physical therapy, analgesics, and warm compress. For more severe cases, surgical intervention is suggested. I suggest you go to the nearest rehabilitation for you to start your physical therapy-- it will greatly reduce your pain and discomfort.
Suggest treatment for cancer in the tonsil area
Patient: my doctor thinks i might have cancer in the tonsil area? after scoping my throat he said that every thing looked clean but due to the lump on the left side of my neck he thinks the cancer started in the tonsil area. will have ct scan tomorrow. what can i expect? YYYY@YYYY Doctor: Hello,If you are feeling there is a lump in tonsillar area, then go for an incisional biopsy where the possibility of malignancy (cancer) can be found out accurately.Meet surgical oncologist or general surgeon for biopsy. Biopsy test only gives 100% diagnosis whether cancer or not.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Siddartha
How long does bleeding continue after mirena is expelled?
Patient: have heavy bleeding since a mirena expelled after 9 months insertion, have had a scan and have fibroids, went to a specialist yesterday and planning a procedure and was put on Ralovera and cyklokapron however I am still bleeding, It has only been 24 hrs how long should I wait?? Doctor: Hallow Dear,Since you are having fibroids, do expect the bleeding for longer duration and on heavier side. Ralovera is a medroxyprogesterone acetate preparation. In addition to progesterone effect, it helps controlling the bleeding. In addition, you have been prescribed Cyklokapron which is Tranexamic acid. Tranexamic acid is also used for controlling bleeding. With the history of Uterine fibroids, I will advise you not to wait for the bleeding to stop; go for the Ralovera Ciklokapron therapy straight a way. I hope your dilemma is resolved. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Suggest treatment for a swollen hand with sores
Patient: a family memeber has slightly swollen rt hand with many round red sores on his hand. he has his rt arm wrapped but states these sores are all over that arm as well. he says he got into nettles! I am not sure I believe this answer ( for many reason-not medical) never-the- less I am concerned. can you enlighten me ? Doctor: Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you have swollen hand with sores. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like Poison ivy, oak, and sumac , sunburn , allergic reaction , glomerulonephritis , rheumatoid arthritis , acute kidney failure or drug allergy . I would suggest you to keep your hands clean and dry , clean them with betadine and take over the counter antihistamine like benadryl twice a day . Keep yourself hydrated , If condition doesn't get well then consult general practitioner for proper checkup . Doctor may order allergy test , blood test along with physical examination . Doctor may prescribe immunosuppressants , anti inflammatory or may refer you to allergy specialist or nephrologist . Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari
How to reduce reactive oxygen species level ?
Patient: hi my i m 32 yr old nmy husband is 36. we r trying for baby since 8 yrs we have undergone several iui failure nd 1 ivf/icsi failure.. now doctor has suggested my husband ros level test.the value we get is 109675 while it should b 100-1100 range. value shocking .is it curable and exactly what is it?plz explain.can we have still hope. Doctor: Hi Welcome to HealthcareMagic ROS is reactive oxygen species. ROS are actually free radicals present in human spermatozoa. In men, ROS support normal physiologic functioning of spermatozoa, but when produced in excess they can cause physiological damage to spermatozoa. ROS can occur due to infections, varicocele, smoking. Infections should be treated using antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs. Varicocele should be surgically corrected. Antioxidants are of certain help. You still have hope. After treatment for 3-6 months semen parameters may improve and you may have success through IVF/ICSI. Take care
I am taking medicine for irregular periods and pcod. Will it increase my chances of getting pregnancy ?
Patient: im sunitha (married 1yr completed) and my age is 25,height is 160cm and weight is suffering frm PCOD since 10 yrs ie irregular trying to conceive now. doctor prescribed me to use Benforce-m(daily morning and evening after food) and folwise plus capsules(daily night after food).doctor my doubt is the above tablets helps to incresse the chances of getting pregnancy ...tell me please Doctor: Hi,thanks for query.The tablets given to your are for treating pcod that you have.It is a very effective drug,and once this comes under control that are chances of you getting
What is the reason for frequent periods after missing birth control pill?
Patient: I missed a pill on thursday n took it late friday n now i have my period again after just having it a week ago could missing my pill give me my period again ive not been stressed or nething n yes my boyfriend n i have unprotected sex but he always pulls out Doctor: Dear Madam, I think it is break through bleeding or withdrawl bleeding that you are getting due to missing your dose . Dr. Shruti
Does injecting Deca Durabolin in the buttocks cause pain in the hips?
Patient: I have severe muscle pain in my right left at the hip join (site of surgery from 2 years ago). Yesterday, I self injected Deca in my right buttocks. The usual swelling and pain continued for a day. 24 hours later, the pain is now so severe I cannot walk without assistance. I have a mild fever. I suspect the injection may have caused an infection that might be traveling down my leg. I m visiting from Brazil. I do not have health insurance and my limited funding maxs at $500. I m not sure what to do. I have been taking ibuprofun for 12 hours. It helps a little. while there is no apparent swelling or redness in the area on my hip where the pain is, there is a rash that I ave developed before. I used a clean needle to inject 1 ml of testosterone phynolproprianate. I cannot say if the injection and pain is directly related. But, it hurts enough for a 30 year old man to cry. Doctor: Hi, The injection is painful and can cause a pain in the soft tissue for a few days which gradually subsides on its own. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr Praveen Tayal, Orthopaedic Surgeon
How to treat dog bite?
Patient: hi there is No cut or bleeding after dog bite with in 4- to 5 hrs taken to seek medical attentionAND the patient is given TT and vacination and doctors suggested to take dose periodicallywhat kind of food to be takenwhat next steps to be taken for care of Paitent Doctor: Hello,Welcome to HCM,Rabies is a 100% fatal disease which is transmitted by dog bite but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment.As there was no bleeding according WHO Categorized into Cat II, Which requires local wound treatment with soap and water and active immunization with anti rabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.There is no food restriction while on treatment. If you are a smoker or alcoholics you need to stop as it may interfere with production of antibody titres.Thank you.
Can Nurofen be used to reduce fever in chicken pox for a child?
Patient: My 3 and a 1/2 year old daughter has chicken pox. She already started having red spots / blisters all over her body. Her doctor adviced to give her panadol to reduce the fever. Panadol is not working well to bring her fever down from over 40 degrees. Is it safe to use Nurofen as well? Thanks Doctor: thank you for using healthcare magic.yes you can use nurofen for fever > 38.5 celcius every 6 hours. Make sure you give the nurofen with meals because it can cause upset stomach.sincerely,Mark RosarioGeneral pediatrics/pediatric pulmonology
Can sun exposure cause high fever?
Patient: My son was outside at the pool today from 10 am to 12 and again from 4 to 6. When he came home with him mom, he complained that he was not feeling well. His head was hot and his temp was 102.5. I gave him some gatorade which he drank and his temp is now 101.5 Could the sun exposure have caused this? I put suncreen on him this morning when I took him to the pool but I did not go with him in the afternoon. His face does not look very red as it was cloudy today. But the heat here was 92 today for the high with about 55% humidity.Thanks. Doctor: HiWelcome to Health care magicSun exposure can cause Sun stroke which can look like fever.The treatment is by cold bath and giving lot of oral fluids to correct the hydration levels.If there are signs of infection like chills, rigors... then infection needs to be ruled out.Do consult your doctor for confirmation of diagnosis and treatment accordingly.Thank you for writing to us
What causes spots on head and black/blue hip after hitting head?
Patient: I fell off of an elevated (. 2 steps up) toilet, not kidding last Sunday night at 11:30. The toilet seat broke off and I hit every step . Landed very hard on my head. My head has three spots that hurt, my hip is black and blue and I have my first black eye (I am70 yrs old).head hurts. Should I see my doctor? I work and don t have time to waste, but I m worried cause my head hurts. Doctor: It's better to get medicines so that long term.internal clotting doesn't take place. Without clinical assessment its not advisable to comment. However concussions and bruises will go with antiinflammatory and analgesics but main thing is to ensure no clotting takes place following head injury.In India we advise patients to start taking Turmeric powder 1/2 to 1 tsp in warm milk or water immediately for few days. It's a wonderful first aid, antiinflammatory and analgesic and bacteriostatic without the toxic effect of synthetic drugs. No side effects.Hope you understand and it helps you.
Suggest treatment for headache,memory loss,sweating and fatigue
Patient: My partner has been sick for over a year. He is so fatigued he cannot do the most basic things. He constantly has indigestion, ongoing headache, sweating. He has all kinds of blood tests. He has had an mri. He has had heart monitor. He has seen a natropath and was given astragalus. it will not go away and is getting worse. Doctors now say they have no idea and maybe hes just depressed. Where do we go from here. Its affecting everything he does. He cannot remember things. He finds it difficult even to drive a car. Please steer us in some direction.. Doctor: what is your partner age?there can be many causes for headache, memory loss, cognitive decline and fatigue.1st He need to get MRI Brain done to look for any structural cause for his problems.Therafter will require other tests also to look for the diagnosis
What causes pain in sternum after bypass surgery?
Patient: Hi, my father has pain in sternum after 1.5 year bypass surgery, then i have visted ortho surgen and he told me thAT there was problem to heal sternum and now he told me to go for surgery, but i am hesotate to go for surgery and confuse to go which doctor either cardiac or ortho sirgen, kindly guide me.... Doctor: Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your concern. Wound gapping and delayed healing can be seen after bypass surgery. And this can cause pain especially in movements of chest. In my opinion, you should consult cardiac surgeon for this. He needs revision surgery with artificial bone graft. By this healing can be achieved and hence symptomatic relief is more likely. Calcium and vitamin d 3 supplements are also helpful in healing. So consult cardiac surgeon and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks.
What causes depressed feelings and fear?
Patient: My girlfriend recently had to start taking some painkillers for 2 pulled teeth, shes been on them for 2 - 3 weeks now. She tells me that she's afraind to close her eyes, something is telling her sleep is dangerous and feels if she falls asleep and won't wake up. She's also been very depressed lately she says. And can't stop thinking about disturbing images like planes crashing, cancer, maggots and worms. I'm very concerned and unaware what the heck is going on, do you know? Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. These are delusions which are normal when we have deep seated pain. Depression is also playing its role. But for the time being she needs expert treatment. Please consult a psychiatrist.Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck.
What causes bump near anus opening?
Patient: I have a bump near the opening of my anus and normally I don t notice it unless it feels itchy, usually after going to the bathroom. I also have a bump on my cheek that doesn t itch, but hurts a little when I sit a certain way and looks a bit like a pimple. Doctor: Hi,It seems that you might be having some skin infection like dermatitis causing this type of lumps.Possibility of having fistula in ano should be ruled out.Consult surgeon and get examined.Avoid constipation.Keep local hygiene proper.Ok and take care.
How should i stop eating tissue paper and stomach pain?
Patient: tissue papermy issue is i am 43 yrs old and for the last 6 years i have had this problem of eating toilet tissue every time i try to stop it becomes worse. i tend to want to eat more and now im getting alot of stomach pains whats happening to me...i need help Doctor: HiThanks for using healthcare magicI think, you have obsessive compulsive disorder. In that case, you need treatment with anti-obsessional drug like fluoxetine or fluvoxamine. You can also take help of psychologist to learn some technique to stop such thoughts. In case, you need further help, you can ask.Thanks
What causes bloating and stomach ache with chills?
Patient: God bless,im 41 hispanic female w a heart disease ,i also suffer depression ,and ulcers,when servir classic migrains my question is i been having bloating of corse w my menstrual ,but now as if im 4,5 months pregnant,everythng i eat everythng gves me a stomachach ach w goosbumps or chills now i hve diaharea, WHAT CAN I DO AND WHY,I ALSO FIND MYSELF PURGEN 5-6 TIMES A DAY I THNK I WEIGH 145 BUT I SEE MY SELF LIKE 200LBS....SOMETIMES I GET REALY DIZZY AS WHN I WLK THE FLOOR MOVES ....HELP! god bless thnk u Doctor: welcome to Health care magic.1.If its just Vomiting and loose stools are general seen on and off in case of pregnancy, which will goes by time ( less than 5 days)2.There are many underlying causes you are mentioning.3.Keeping mind your pregnancy i would recommend to see your treating doctor first to confirm the fetal wellbeing, after that other symptoms can be taken care.4.About your weight, if you are concern, you can workup on it after the pregnancy, mean wile avoid thinking of your weight and the feelings.Anything to ask ? do not hesitate. Thank you.
Suggest treatment for pain in hydrocele
Patient: hello sir i am basically a restrictive cardiomyopathy patient since 5 yearrs and i am having a hydrocele since 20 years of 38 years age, 52 kg, 170cm. Now i am getting more pain in hydrolcel due to fluid accumulation. Is it possible to operate hydrocel and any side affects please Doctor: Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!Regarding your concern, I would explain that you have no contraindications to surgery. But considering your restrictive cardiomyopathy, you are at an increased risk for possible cardiovascular complications during surgery. Anyway, if surgery is done with epidural/spinal anesthesia or safe general anesthesia with etomidate, there is nothing to worry about. Besides, surgery is performed under close monitoring of the vital parameters by your anesthesiologist. You have nothing to be afraid of. Surgery would be a good option for the relief of your symptoms. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful!Kind regards, Dr. Iliri
Suggest treatment for infertility problem
Patient: I am 41 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years now. I am 9.5 stone, 5'3" and have never had a pregnancy in the past. I have very bad period pains which make me bed bound for at least 24 hrs. Doctor gave me Cyclacur. Can you explain to me what Cyclacur does? Doctor: Hi, Welcome to HealthcareMagic. Cyclacur is given for you to regularise your cycles and also to reduce the crampy pain you get. It also improves ovulation. Hope I have answered your query. RegardsDr.Deepika Patil
What does this pelvic ultrasound test result for conception indicate?
Patient: Doc kindly explain the impression of my result in my ultrasound, my menstruation this month was delayed, Normal sized empty anterverted uterus with intact endometrium unremarkable ovaries and adnexal areas. I and my husband are having fertility work up. Thank you very much. Doctor: Hi, Thanks for the query. Iunderstand your concern. The USGscan of pelvis shows that your uterus , ovaries &surrouding tissue (adnexa) are within normal limits.There is no evidence of pregnancy at time if USG. Usually ovulation study is done in cases of sterility...done arround 10 days to 17th day in 28 -38 days regulat mense cycle. Thanks.
I have had unusual conditions like constant ache in lower abdomen and lower back
Patient: I have had a low grade fever persistent for ten days, chills, abdominal pain began as stabbing and sharp pain but now dull constant ache in lower abdomen and lower back. Some days swelling of legs below the knee only in both legs. I had a hysterectomy many years ago. Doctor: Welcome to Healthcare Magic Do you drink alcohol. You need to quit if you do. Any prior history of heart disease. Do you have high blood pressure. Any vaginal discharge, burning micturition. You need to rule out Pelvic inflammatory disease. Better to get to the ER and get examined and tested for the same. Kindly do so without delay. Drink enough water and keep well hydrated.
Is working out in gym safe with incomplete right bundle branch block?
Patient: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I am 23 year old suffering from Incomplete right bundle brunch.Can i join jim or can lift heavy instruments. i am internally felling too sick.I need tips to protect myself Doctor: Hi ThereAfter going through your query I understand your concernI would like to tell you that RBBB ( Right bundle branch block ) is normal in some significant no of adult males. You can live your life normally.You can do your gym but it's advisable not to overt exert yourself whenever you feel tired stop there right away and rest.Hopefully this will answer your query.Kind RegardsDr Navneet Mahajan
Which medicine can be used to normalize my BP?
Patient: hello doctor,my misses is having more blood pressure,it is equal to nerarly160/110 affter using revelol xl 50 will not come down to normal level.we are some what feeling tention about that much of BP.kindly prescribe me better medicine to normalise the BP. Doctor: hi, you have realy high blood pressure. and at this blood pressure anything can be happen. you may have stroke or coronary events with this blood pressure. go to the doctor urgenty and take medicine. you can take losarton, B bloker or calciuum channel blocker according to your doctors advice. just go to the physician and take treatment accordingly.
What happens to broken bone fragments under the skin?
Patient: I have a broken finger kinda got crushed and busted most of the way around.. Has been stitched and stitches removed. I just discoverer a bone fragment just under the skin where cut is not quite healed.. What happens to bone fragments ? Do they desolve? Doctor: Hello, Consult a general practitioner and get the fragment removed. Nothing much to worry and you can get it removed under local anesthesia. If left intact, it might act as a focus of infection and lead to unwanted complications. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician
Suggest treatment for mental illness
Patient: Hi, I'm 15 years old and i have a question.. I do things, that scares me.. for example, when i'm on my way home at night, i choose to go the way through the wood, cuz I know that it will make me feel scared. And i watch horror movies alone, even if i get really scared.. I watch movieclips on sites when people die, on real.. I do all of these things and more weird stuffs.. even if I get so scared, when i do it.. but i like the feeling some kinda way..and hate it too.. What's wrong with me? I can't stop. Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You should talk to your friends. At the age between 15 and 20, young people do undertake so many tasks which are off the normal and such an attitude is natural. At this age period, young people do have risk taking attitude and is universal attitude. Nothing to worry about. Such attitude shall diminish when you understand the fact that risk taking behavior is actually harmful, and such a wisdom comes after a delay. Don;t worry.If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck.
Lumps under skin that burn and are painful affecting movement. Is it related to blood clots or factor 5 blood disorder?
Patient: I have several lumps under the skin on my inner thigh, they burn and very painful to walk, and sleep threw out the night. I did have blood clots in the past, and I m worried, should I be, What should I do. I went to a doctor and was told its from vertical veins, but I received no answer on what to do. Please help? I also have a Factor 5 blood disorder, that I found out five years ago. Doctor: hello there! Thank you for asking.Factor 5 deficiency with the symptoms you presented are indicative of Esophageal varices with or with out associated DVT. So you need a good endovascular surgeon with allied hematologist to work up further. Clot plus vasculitis plus varices and DVTs need to be ruled out.take careS khan
What causes itching sensation in heart?
Patient: I am 36, male, atheletic and in very good shape. I was over weight for along time, but lost 70 pounds in 9 months. When I was over weight I had VERY high blood pressure, 210/170 when it was first noticed by a doctor. Now I have 11% body fat, intense exercise 8 hours a week, 120/77 blood pressure, no meds! when I was over weight, sometimes my heart would itch . No pain, just itch. Not often either. It has not happened in years, but now it is itching again. This past week my diet has not been good, too many fried foods. This is very unusual for me to eat like this. I was on a strict diet, low carb, lots of veggys, and whey protein (I lift some serious heavy weights). So my heart has not itched in years, but it is right now. Im worried, but I don t have insurance to see a doctor. so what should I do? Doctor: Hi,Don't panic, probably it is not the heart but esophagus, because you have bad diet recently. I would advise you to regulate your diet and take Omeorazol 20 mg twice a day 30 minutes before meal. Your complaints should disappear in a week.Take care
Will fallopian tubes open during laproscopy?
Patient: hello dr. im Ashwini, age 27, married 4yrs ,we did laparascopy in may dr. told my both tubes are blocked, they try with cannualation but it failed. i want to ask u is experience dr. can open tubes while doing laparascopy?once it fail so can we go again for laparascopy?our dr suggest to do IVF this is only the option?if yes,suggest me good dr in belgaum or pune Doctor: Hello,Welcome to healthcare Magic.I have gone through your query and Would like to reply in detail as follows:1. Attempt can be made to open fallopian tubes.2. But it has chances of reclosure or failureI hope your doubt is clarified. Let me know if you wish any other information.Regards,Dr. Mahesh
Will taking dub 5 for long term has any side effects?
Patient: i used to have a very irregular period (delayed) sometime it used to take 60 days.. i consulted my doctor, n she suggested to take DUB 5 from 16th day of period for 10 days, n to countinue this for 6 months.. so i just want to ask will there b any side effect taking this medicine for such a longer period of time ? Doctor: HiDub 5 MG Tablet is a synthetic form of progestin and has a similar action to the female hormone, progesterone.Side effects occur with hormonal pills but type and duration differs from person to person.Continue the drug for 2 to 3 cycles and watch for the side effects.Watch for any abdominal pain,irregular bleeding,weight loss or gain,sleep disturbances.Hope that was helpful.Let me know if i can assist you further.RegardsDr.Saranya RamadossGeneral and Family Health Physician
What causes severe pain below the breast?
Patient: What would cause severe pain immediately below the breast line and pain in the teeth occurring during sleeping hours and lasting approx. 10 minutes. Occurs intermittently about once or twice a month in a 54 year old female with hx of family heart disease Doctor: rule out heart could be due to gastritis caused by hot & spicy food or inolrence to specific food.It is unlikely to be connected to family history of heart disease.
5 yr old had a root canal, on antibiotics due to small abscess, has been moody, has temperature. Is it normal ?
Patient: Hi- My 5 year old daughter had a baby root canal yesterday. Not removing the nerve just cleaning and packing. She has been on antibiotics (allergic to amoxicillin so the gave her something else) due to a small abscess for the past week prior to appointment. The dentist said he is trying to save the tooth as she will need it for another 5 years or so. There was a lot of drainage per the dentist. My daughter did not even flinch during procedure and when I got home I gave her motrin and was told to finish the remainder of the 2nd bottle of antibiotics by the dentist. However, she woke up 2 times during the night and this morning moody as could be. I felt her cheeks were a little warm and took temp. 100 at that time. Is this something that I should be concerned about and get her to an ER or??? Thank you... Doctor: HELLO AND WELCOME, AS per the description,the abscess has developed due to spread of decay into periapical area. Your dentist is removing the decay and the infected pulp thereby enhancing drainage of pus thro' the access cavity opened. During such procedures pain,swelling and fever are associated symptoms. moodyness may be due to heavy antibiotics taken by your child so nothing to be panic.Avoid intake of hot/spicy foods. Take plenty of water and fluid to keep your baby nourished. If symptoms persists,please do visit a physician too. hope this helps
Will flagyl suffice to cure abdominal pain caused by diverticulitis?
Patient: What could shooting pain in upper abdomin/chest area and mid-upper back indicate? These pains are sharp shooting and get worse if laying down. Was seen in the ER and Dx with Diverticulosis and was given flagyl. Pain has not gotten any better. These pains don't seem to be a part of the Dx??? Gallbladder has been removed several years ago. Doctor: Hi. The pain in the areas you mentioned are more indicative of esophagitis and need the PPI/ Ranitidine , antacids and supportive medicines. Flagyl may not be sufficient. How was the diverticulitis diagnosed ?
Kidney infection, lightheadedness, headaches, green stools, shooting pain under the rib cage, twinging in the left leg. What should i do?
Patient: I have been in and out of the hospitol e.r. s for two weeks now with a kindney infection, pyleninfritis or however it is spelled. However, the past three days I have had constant bouts of lightheadedness with a headache that does not ever fully go away. I do get migranes, however, this does not feel like the typical one I get. Along with that, I have had low grade temps for three days and physically can not take a deep breath as it is agonoy. I get sharp shooting pains just underneath my upper rib cage when I try to breathe. I have had a twinge like feeling in my left lower leg for about 2 days now as well, and tonight started to have stools that are hunter green in color. I m sick of going to the e.r. and being sent home but I do not feel right and my life is greatly affected. I can not take care of my children go to school, or even work for more than a hour. Doctor: HelloThanks for the queryIt looks like you have colitis, which explains the greenish coloured stools, pain under your rib cage and the low grade temeprature. You will have to receive a course of antibiotics for the same, most commonly given is a combination antibiotic like ciprofloxacin with tinidazole for 5 days. However light headedness needs further work up, please visit a physician to check for your thyroid levels, EKG and blood test for anemiaI hope I was of helpRegards
What causes pain in the shoulder and arm?
Patient: I have pain in my shoulder that shoots down my arm. My elbow hurts. The muscles in that arm hurts. My hand is numb and painful. This has been going on for two months now. I have to take a lot of pain meds to be able to sleep. I end up waking up after sleeping for three to four hours in pain. Doctor: Hi, In my opinion, this problem is due to cervical nerve compression. Start painkillers, muscle relaxants and physiotherapy. Get an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
What causes very small penis under erection?
Patient: Hi i am 18 years old and 1 day me and the lads were looking at each others penis', before this i knew that i had a very small penis, but after seeing the lads penis i now know that i have got a extremely small penis, i measured it and it is just over 3 cm on an erection...please help me, i have a girlfriend and she doesnt know......pleaseee helppppp Doctor: Hello dear,The size of penis is genetically determined and it does not increase after a certain limit.But one thing should be known that the size of penis does not determine the potency of an individual.So, stop worrying about this. Also do not get influenced by any over the counter medication which claim to increase the size of penis or improve may be harmful.Having a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts & honey increase blood flow to penis & maintains erection.Avoid stress...practice meditation..this helps in improving concentration & builds up the confidence level.Avoid smoking & alcohol.You can also do oil massage of the increases blood flow & maintains the erection.Wishing you a Healthy Life.Take care.
What causes soreness in between my butt cheeks?
Patient: In between my but cheeks is very sore. When I pee if it hits the spot it burns like crazy. The past two days my vagina had became sore. Almost seems like my vagina lips are swelling up. Also the spots where it hurts between my butt checks seems like they are discharging something. To keep them from rubbing together today I put a paper towel between them and it had a weird whitish yellow color of some sort. If I try to like close my butt hole like as if squeezing of a turd it hurts. It hurts to sit down or get up fast also. Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. I think, you have an abscess in your gluteal region; which may spread as infection.You need medical attention for further evaluation of condition.Do not panic. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
What causes secretion on the penis with painful urination?
Patient: I had painful urination, and a secretion from my penis, slight pain in stomache. My first thought was a UTI but I went to the doctors and they told me it wasn't a UTI. They said it could be chlamydia or gonorrhea, but I got tested and they came back negative. The doc gave me some medicine that since then has got rid of painful urination, and sore stomache, but at times I still see secretion. I have also since the medicine got a itchy throat and bad cough. What is wrong with me then? Doctor: Hello, It looks like you had been given metronidazole in combination with medicine for UTI. Sometimes itchy throat & bad cough are side effects of medicines taken (prescribed), secretion of the penis is commonly due to Chlamydia or gonorrhea infection. Since the secretion of the penis is there you can take a course of Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin to stay on the safer side under your treating doctor or health care provider. Take care of your hygiene. Avoid unprotected sex or multiple partners. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Nupur K, General & Family Physician
What does a small lump on spine indicate?
Patient: my massage therapist found a small lump on my spine yesterday. I go every 2 weeks and she hadn't noticed it before. It doesn't hurt and seems more squishy than hard. I'm very active and in good medical health, 36. Should I be overly concerned or check with my physician in a few days? Doctor: HI.Certainly yes!!!It is important as this is not the normal part of the body , some unwanted growth and it is beneficial to get rid of the swelling in time , before it enlarges and causes more troubleIt is better to get this removed (excised) for 2 reasons.1> your get rid of the disease and 2> you get the histopathological diagnosis- makes you tension-free
What causes a lump in the rectal area?
Patient: while in the shower, I gave myself a rectal exam and noticed a lumpy, hard area on the left wall of my rectrum. Is this a cause for concern or this just part of the anatomy? I have had a recent colonoscopy and have been given an "all clear" with no need to come back for 10 years. Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. At this area it may indicate several issues and most common are pilonidal cyst or perianal abscesses. These are inflammatory processes in sacral and perianal area usually manifested with pain, redness, swelling, fever and pus discharge. Cellulitis is less common and may be present in sacral area as well. This is mostly caused by beta hemolytic streptoccocus and it necessitates antibiotic treatment with Augmentin, or combination of Ciprinol + Metronidazole . You should also, apply cold compresses, take non steroid painkillers such as Ibuprofen and rest. If there is no improvement within 2 days, you should see doctor and have intravenous antibiotics. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Suggest treatment for high blood pressure while diagnosed with Pre-eclampsia
Patient: I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant,they recently diagnosed me with pre e clampsia...i have been checkin my blood pressure throughout today. this morning it was 139/88 at two o clock it was 144/93 at nine thirty pm it was 145/96 now it is ten twenty five and it is 147/92,,should i go to the hospital? Doctor: Hi dear, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns . A blood pressure of more than140/90 mm of Hg is worrisome at 36 weeks of pregnancy.You should go to the hospital immediately as delivery might have to be conducted if the blood pressure is not controlled by medication.Hope you found the answer helpful.RegardsDr Deepti Verma
Suggest treatment for abdominal pain after gallbladder removal
What can cause chest pains and related tingling feeling for a person having history of heart problems?
Patient: Hello, My name is Greg. I am 29 years of age. I've been having chest pains since Friday on and off, and my left arm has been feeling weird, like a tingling feeling at times. My mental health doctor was concerned because the last time I was there he said my blood pressure reading was 138/100. I'm curious because my dad has heart problems, and my dads dad passed from a massive heart attack. Thank-You Greg Doctor: Hello GregSorry for your father. As you described your chest pain that is radiating to left arm. Generally chest pain of constricting or squeezing type with radiation is likely to be pain from heart. But the sensitivity and specificity of symtoms are very low to confirm the diagnosis. As you have family history and your diastolic BP and you did not mention regarding other high risks like smoking, dysdlipedemia, BMI.So in my opinion, kindly contact Physician and get an ECG done to rule out any heart pathology.Thank you.
Suggest treatment for severe foot pain
Patient: Hello, I have been having pain in my left foot / toes every night for the past week. Previously it was on and off. The pain is so intense that it wakes me from sleep. I do not have Diabetes or any other condition that I am aware of. What can cause this pain and what can I do to relieve it? Doctor: HiWelcome to healthcaremagicI have gone through your query and understand your concern.There can be two causes. One can be vascular deficiency. It needs colour Doppler study to confirm. Second cause can be nerve compression leading to numbness and tingling. Analgesic as ibuprofen is helpful in pain relief. Mecobalamin is useful for neuralgic pain. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you.Wishing you a good health.Take care.
Does delay in periods indicate pregnancy?
Patient: hi on june 18th my bf and i went to the movies he toucched me didnt even finger me he clamed to have no cum on his hands he said he took a shower before he came to the movies. i got my period the 28th of june about 9 or 10 days after i went to the movies. that day the 28ht i took a prego test in the morning and it said i wasnt pregnant and then that affternoon i got my period. i was wondering if im pregnant Doctor: Hi,Thanks for writing in.1. If there was no deposition of semen in your vagina then pregnancy cannot happen.2. For pregnancy to occur the sperm should meet the egg in the fallopian tube and for this semen should be deposited in the vagina. If your boy friend did not finger you and there was no semen in his fingers when he touched you then pregnancy cannot happen.3. You have written that you got your periods few days after going to the movies. This confirms that you do not have a pregnancy. If a woman has periods after a sexual event then pregnancy is unlikely. Please do not worry.
What do dark blemishes on penis foreskin indicate?
Patient: Hi, I have found three small dark blemishes on my foreskin recently. they are not painful or itchy or raised. I have not had unprotected sex with any unknowns for a while, and she claimed to be clean. Have been tested for chlamydia and came back clean. My partner now was tested a fee months ago and was also clean so am a little concerned. Any ideas? Doctor: Hello, It's normal to have dark pigmented areas over penis. Do not be afraid of these pigmentation areas if these are not causing any problems. If you are still concerned then I suggest you to visit your doctor and get checked physically. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr SAMEEN BIN NAEEM, General & Family Physician
What causes black and dark blue tongue with discolored teeth in a child?
Patient: hi my three year old son has a black /dark blue toungue and it wont go even after ive tried brushing his toungue with a toothbrush...his teeth sometimes are discoloured aswell...hes had this for 4 weeks now was going but has come back it serious and what is it? Doctor: Hello,I can understand your concern. Was your son born with dark tongue and discolored tongue? If that is the case, then there seems to be problem in the development of the teeth and tongue and it might be difficult to cure. However, if the black tongue and discoloration of the teeth have developed after birth, then it might be due to inadequate oral hygiene. When oral hygiene is not maintained well, plaque and debris accumulate on the tongue and teeth which may cause the discoloration or yellow discoloration.I would advise you to visit a pedodontist, dentist who specializes in the treatment of oral cavity of children or a dentist and go for ultrasonic scaling, which is the process which cleans the plaque, calculus (tartar) and debris from the teeth. He/she might also advise to use a mouthwash and about the care of tongue.I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HealthcareMagic. Take care.Best,Dr. Viraj Shah
What causes swollen and red testicles in toddler?
Patient: My son is 19 months old, just getting over chicken pox. I have noticed that his testicles are slightly swollen & red. He also is teething & cold, cough, & temperature. Which we keep down with calpol. Are the swollen testicles related to his current illness of teething or the chicken pox? Doctor: Good afternoon..!!Swollen and red testicles in your 19 month old son could possibly due to viral infection / a complication of chicken pox.Continue giving calpol.So if persisting, it's better to visit pediatric surgeon for further evaluation and management.Thank you, have a nice day..!!!
Can I take medicines life long for wrist splint instead of surgery?
Patient: ihave R A problemfor 4 years now i have devloped another problem .that is bilateral carpal syndrome doctor has advised me restricted hand movement and to use wrist splint .he is SAYING THAT ALTIMATE SOLUTION ISSURGERY .iam using w splint in both hands for 16 hrs a day .iam taking lefno 10 ,folic acid ,ultracet ,feldex ahd zincovit .so can i stay like this for life long without having surgery .i want to know whether with thisprecaution the condition will remain same or it will detoriate further. iam 48 years old housewife having 2 children . Doctor: Hi, You have RA with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. Taking medicines life long is not the answer for this condition. If the EMG, NCV study had detected a moderate to severe carpal tunnel and its bothering you the surgery is the option. Since you have RA this may worsen. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. George Verghese, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Suggest treatment for leg pain
Patient: I have been having achey legs. It doesn t sound like RLS because I don t have the urge to move my legs at night. I just don t know what else is going on... I do have issues with my back and have been seeing chiro for 18 years and pain doctor s for 10 or more (all staring in 86). I have been diagnosed with fibro., ddd; spinal-stenosis and the other... (for get name-but arthritus throughout my spine, and narrowing of the vetebrae. Could my meds be taking on new symptoms? It s not constant, but when it hits, it s frustrating... Doctor: Hi . The aches in leg at your age could be due to spinal canal stenosis or degenerative spinal disease , as you have mentioned. They could also be due to vit D or Vit E deficiency. Take Vit D3 and Vit E for a month and if you feel better then we are on right track, else you may have to consult an orthopedic surgeon
whitefluid comes from penis
Patient: if i talk with my girlfriend whitefluid comes from penis nothing problem Doctor: if i talk with my girlfriend whitefluid comes from penis nothing problem
Suffering from white spots on whole body. Diagnosed as hypomelonasis. Home remedy?
Patient: Hi , I am deepa 28 years old and suffering from white spots in my whole body from last 2.5 years. Doctors detected it's a hypomelonasis, but they are not providing any treatment ,as saying it can't be treated. I am currently residing in US from last three months. Can you help me out with it or can you recommend me any home remedies that I can apply on it? Please do the needful. Waiting for reply? Doctor: hi welcome to HCM-i had gone through your query and understand your concerns. i would come up with the possibility of VITILIGO is the cause for your sufferings.important known factors are;-nutritional ; defects in copper,proteins,and vitamins in diet-digestive upsets like amoebiasis,helminthes,chronic diarrhea,dysentery-endocrines;associated with thyrotoxicosis,and diabetes-trophoneurosis and autonomic imbalance-emotional stress and strain treatment option; i advise you taking Homeopathic medicines gives safe and permanent cure for your complaints the principle remedy in homeopathy for effective cure of vitilgo is ARSENIC SULPHURATUM FLAVUM- i seen similar cases in my clinic and treated very well with constitutional similimum. consult your local homeopathic physician for correct diagnosis of the case and remedy to fit your complaints I hope this is helpful for you, thank you
Got IUD inserted previously. Experiencing pelvic pain radiating to back. Body rejecting IUD?
Patient: Hy I had an iud inserted 5 month ago. 1st three month I had my period regular a bit more Heavy . Then it disappeared. Now I m experiencing loads of pelvic pain n cramps reaching Out till my back. No painkiller is helping. I went for ultrasound my uterus ovaries r fine N my copper T is in place. Is my body rejecting now the iud? Thnx Doctor: Hi good day. If ultrasonogram is normal then no need to worry much about IUD. Get ine gynaecologist opinion to rule out other causes.
White film over the gum where back wisdom tooth removed, tried anti-inflammatory, gargles. Should I worry ?
Patient: I had a back wisdom tooth removed yesterday. Now there's like a white film over the gum and around one of the stitches. I've been tacking an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, I brush my teeth very gentle and today I gargle with tepid water with salt. I have been eating puree and ice cream, and avoid to chew. It's only bothering me, it doesn't really hurt. So should I be worried? Is the white film normal? Doctor: HiThanks for writing in.I would like to tell you that white film over gum is granulation tissue & its normal during healing process.Its nothing to worry about.Continue with your medication.Do warm saline rinses 3 times a day.Visit your dentist after a week for suture removal.Take CareRegardsDr.Neha
What causes dark complexion after using Cosmelite cream?
Patient: Respected Sir, As i am using cosmolite creame at bed time only from last few week now i feel my freckle become light but fairness and glowing of my skin become bad. So sir please give advice whether i use above creame or not ? Doctor: Hello,Thanks for writing to health care magic.Cosmelite cream contain mometasone,hydroquinone and tretinion.Out of these last two are photosensitve drugs.They can produce either redness or darkness of face.Applying a good sunscreen will prevent this side effect.Hope this will help you.Take care.
What causes clear liquid shooting out of areola?
Patient: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type I have a clear liquid shooting out of my right areola , what is that? have had pain on upper right breast accross from armpit for a this related? Also have had my period 9 times in four mths.... Doctor: Hello, sorry you are having issues with your health. Fluid coming out of your areola is not normal and could be caused by different reasons, for example, hormonal imbalance etc. A period of 9 times in 4 months indicates a problem and the pain is associated with all your symptoms. I advise that you immediately see your gynecologist. Best regards
Are dizziness and low blood pressure symptoms of lupus?
Patient: Hi, I m a 44 yr old female,118 pounds at 5 ft 2. They are testing for lupus.Had a lot of gastro problems and lost 30 lbs rather fast. Skin rashes for 15 yrs,joint pain tired,bladder infections ,nose bleeds etc.My question is the last few days been feeling extra tired and a little dizzy,took my blood pressure and it is running 88/54...80/56...90/58.My usual is around 110/80 or so.Can you have low blood pressure and still have lupus? Should I call the Dr?? Thanks and have a great day! :) Doctor: yes its not necessary to have high BP in lupus , since you had nose bleeds and skin rashes i think you should get your self tested for lupus immediately.
What causes swelling on ankle?
Patient: I am 42 and overweight. Yesterday evening i noticed that my left ankle and below wasyestwe swollen. I work at a computer and sit most of the day. Overnight swelling left, my foot was normal. Now i noticed same swelling as yesterday. No pain, tingling, numbbess or red patches on calf. What could it be? Doctor: Hello, The swelling in the ankles after a day's work is due to inactivity that causes pooling of blood in the legs. Rest improves it. You need regular stretch breaks to avoid this. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Praveen Tayal, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Why is my period irregular after miscarriage ?
Patient: Hi Sir, I am 24 yrs old. I had miscarriage 11/2 year back. My perroids are irregular after misacarriage. I undergone to USG. Results are endometrial lining appears intactand sixe 7.1mm. Both Ovaries appear normal size and show tiny peripheral follicles with centaral echogenic stroma.. finally impression is BPCO. my Doctor suggested me to take B long F100mg daily and Siphene50mg from Day2 to Day6. Ciuld you please let me know will I get concieve? Doctor: Hi,Welcome to HCM.Your doctor has prescribed the right medicines to assist you to get pregnant.In addition follicular growth monitoring on ultrasound can also be done, starting from 7th day of menstrual cycle or earlier, to assess the follicular growth and if necessary give injection to induce ovulation, when the dominant follicle size has exceeded 18 mms.You should have intercourse approximately when ovulation occurs, roughly within 36 hrs. of ovulation.Wishing you a successful conception.
What causes spreading rash in 8.5 months old?
Patient: my baby is about 8.5 months old, he has a rash the size of a silver dollar on ischest by his armpit, and its spreading across his chest, its also on the inside of his forarm and spreading up his arm..i though it was rignwarm but i went to a pharmacy and they said it wasnt..what do you think it could be...its also starting to flack Doctor: Hi, welcome to HCM. Looks like fungal infection. However, an examination by doctor should be done. Take care.
I am having chemo at the moment can I take champix ?
Patient: I am having chemo at the moment can I take champix ? Doctor: Hello, welcome to HCM. You need to specify which chemotherapeutic drug is being used in your case. And also your renal function status. As champix is excreted by kidney from body i dont see any issue in its use if your renal function is good. SO you must consult your doctor about the renal status. Wish you good health.
Suggest remedy for pain in rib cage
Patient: I have had pain in my right side some lower mainly upper right. Just below rib cage. Sometimes pain severe with nausea. Happens alot at night. Diarrhea. Often pain and diarrhea following meals. Gotten worse. Tell me they want Ti do ultrasound and blood work to look at gall bladder. What if it is not gall bladder Doctor: Hello,I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to the presence of the gas in the colon.I suggest using Simethicone medications to relieve the gas.I also suggest using an over the counter option for the diarrhea such as Imodium. I rector take daily probiotics. Hope my answer was helpful.If you have further queries feel free to contact me again.Kind regards! Dr.Dorina Gurabardhi General &Family Physician
what is the remedy for rashes on hands, arms and neck?
Patient: I seem to have a strange non itchy rash on my hands, arms and neck .. Have used Benadryl at night and reactin during the day but seem to be the same.. No improvement. I did stay in a hotel the night before noticing these odd bumps. A little paranoid that I have now possibly brought home bed bugs??? Doctor: HiThank you for asking HCMAs you have the rash on sun light exposing parts like hands arms and neck, it is most likely a Photodermatitis. Anyhow its better to show a dermatologist and confirm it.For photodermatitis i usually treat with steroid creams, short course oral steroid tablets and advise patient to avoid direct sun exposure.Do limit the amount of limes, celery, carrots, and figs in your diet, because these contain natural psoralens (sun sensitizers).Hope this may help you.Let me know if you have any further query.
What causes unconsciousness while on Lisinopril?
Patient: Yes I have a question my mother has high blood pressure and she is a diabetic. Her doctor prescribe all of this medication months apart. Here are all of the medications. Lisinopril 20mg, Metformin 1000mg, Carvedilol 12 mg, Glimepiride 2mg , Amlodipine Besylate 10 mg and also insulin and she is taking all of these at once and she fainted today what should I do to help her. Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. The possible reasons are hypotesion, low pulse rate or low blood sugar. She should monitor her blood pressure and if on lower side then dose of anti-hypertensives should be reduced. Also, get pulse rate checked if on lower side; then Carvedilol dose needs to be reduced. Glimepiride may cause low blood sugar. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
What causes sudden difficulty in walking and hand movement?
Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain triggered when lying down?
Patient: Hello, I am experiencing incredible stabbing pain in my lower abdo right side 2 in from the top of my pelvic pain. I have had several RF s done in my facet joins bilateral lumber and thoracic. I have also had ultrasound on my gleuatel muscles-no findings. The pain is worse when I lie down or bend to my right, sitting over long periods also triggers the pain. Please help Doctor: Hi.Thanks for your query.Read the history and understood the problems.History of several RF meaning radio-frequency session for facet joints of bilateral lumbar and thoracic region could have caused the trauma to the nerves supplying the pelvic area.I would advise you the following:Get a fresh MRI of the thoracic and lumbar spine to see the compression on the cord or any other problem related to the spine. CT scan of the abdomen and colonoscopy to rule out or confirm any abdominal pathology. Further treatment will depend upon the findings of these reports and obviously a clinical diagnosis done on physical examination.
What causes protruding lower rib after a liposuction?
Patient: I have recently undergone liposuction and my left lower rib is protruding, with an indentation in the skin directly below the rib. The area is sensitive with mild pain or discomfort at times. This rib was always protruding slightly compared to the right side, but no indention in the skin below was visible and there was never any sensitivity or discomfort. Is this normal or perhaps due to an injury to the rib.Thx. Doctor: In my opinion it is rib injury , see if pain increase with sitting or sleeping, if so then i recommend an chest x ray to confirmGood Luck