Huang grasped the time and launched into a series of writing projects, writing essays to promote music education and exploring the principles behind music and life in a light, humorous style.
Then her husband found he could not continue because of heart trouble. But Yang Chang Pi-lien did not stop. In the year of 1975 alone, she climbed 35 mountains all at least 3,000 meters high, and was able to reach her goal of conquering 100 peaks.
These mountains must meet three conditions: (1) 10,000 feet (3,030 meters) or more in elevation; (2) priorities are given to those that have triangulation marks; (3) their names must be listed on the map.
When the "Club of 100 Mountains" was established in December of 1972, only four persons had reached or even nearly reached the goal of 100 mountain peaks. It was the winter of 1975, before three more persons could make it.
Skills, will power and emotion are necessary elements in mountaineering activities.
Yang Chang Pi-lien is a housewife who was well educated. She says that mountaineering activities have made her feel fresh and filled her heart with joy. The cold wind and icy rain in the mountains have helped to strengthen her body and develop her character of perseverance. Her spirit is renewed and her life beautified, she believes, after climbing 100 mountains.
When he was young, Huang had a dream. He was in a snowstorm, shivering and almost frozen. Suddenly he heard a voice call out, "You must be freezing.
The average consumption of eggs in 1975 was 28.8 grams, an increase of 11.2 %, compared with that of 1973.
On walking closer he saw a wooden puppet, its feet just catching fire as it burned up in front of his very eyes.
Every locality in Taiwan has large-scale chicken farms.
In 1998, she accepted an invitation from ECPAT Taiwan, an organization devoted to ending child prostitution, to hold a class at the Guangci Care Home. "Whether they entered into the business voluntarily or not, these girls have been trampled upon and had their values twisted by the adult world. Their perspectives on events and their physical experiences are very different from those of other girls their age."
1998 年她接受「中華民國終止童妓協會」之邀,為收容在廣慈博愛院的少女們上課,「不管是否出於自願,歷經成人世界的蹂躪與價值觀扭曲下,這些少女看事情的角度與身體經驗,都與同年齡的女孩不同。」
Some poultry dressing houses are now operated electrically. Production and sales are in balance. The chicken market shows the sign of a bright future.
1928 At age 17, Huang passes the entrance exam to the preparatory division in humanities at Sun Yat-sen University. Two years later, he advances to the department of education.
192817 歲,考入廣東中山大學預科文組,2 年後直升教育系。
Huang decides to use music as an educational instrument, and throws himself into the war effort, serving in the area of public education.
193120 歲,「918 事變」發生,抗戰歌聲傳遍全國,決心以音樂作為教育工具,並投入宣傳服務工作。
Though the raising of chickens is mostly for food, there are those who simply enjoy the fun of participating in championship competitions.
Through the expansion of its activities, the name of RSEA has become well known, both at home and abroad. Eight of the Ten Major Construction Projects are being fully or partially built by RSEA. People at the same time are gaining a better understanding and confidence in the potentiality of RSEA.
Through the hard working of its well organized staff, RSEA has developed from a modest beginning handling simple manpower jobs into the present-day broad scope technical construction operation; from using a few, crude machines to 4, 740 pieces of modern equipment. RSEA has been rendering its services both on the domes tic services and in several foreign countries.
And through the completion of this dam, they obtained the skills needed for operating modern technical construction works as well as the practical experience. More than 3,000 technicians were thus trained, as a good foundation for RSEA in undertaking contracts on the Ten Major Construction Projects. Every project is smoothly proceeding.
What are Asia's gods of fire doing to reinvent Chinese cuisine in the face of the latest gastronomic trends, to enable it to regain its former glory?
In August 2005, the Taipei Chinese Food Festival held the prestigious World Culinary Invitational. Stanley Yen, president of the Ritz Hotel Taipei, event convener, and gourmet of Taiwan cuisine, personally flew to countries around the world to ask top-notch teams from such countries as the US, Malaysia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to come compare their wares.
2005 年 8 月,備受矚目的台北中華美食展主辦的世界廚藝邀請賽,由台灣美食大當家、亞都麗緻集團總裁嚴長壽擔任召集人,親自飛往世界各地,請來美國、馬來西亞、中國大陸、日本、香港、台灣一流隊伍同來競藝。
She swore her opera career was over. But destiny had other plans, for the company was always short of actors. Eventually, Mei-yun reluctantly gave up on her schooling and started to help out in the opera company.
The Singapore team, on the other hand, stewed the gourd in soup stock, then stuffed it with silk melon and wild mushrooms. The judges found the result pleasing to the eye and gave it full marks for flavor and ingenuity, sending team Singapore home with the championship cup.
This story was set near a dam in Taiwan years ago.
The original name of Yangmingshan was "Grass Mountain". In 1950, it was given its present name in remembrance of Yang-ming Wang, a scholar in the Ming Dynasty. He was famous for his spirit in suppressing a rebellion and for his theory that knowledge and action should be hand in hand.
Wuli, a Bunun girl, painted herself as an adorable, helpless child in A Girl in the Reeds. In Drifter in Da'an Forest, she used a sawn-off tree limb to suggest that she was as powerless and alone as a withered branch lying on the ground in an urban forest.
Chiang's achievement in leading the revolutionary armies from Canton, in the far South, to Peiping, in the North, was a stupendous event in China's history.
A gift from God Having worked in kitchens for 30 years, seemingly always with a wok handle in one hand and a spatula in the other, Chang feels that, in addition to a detail-oriented personality, God has blessed him with an extremely sharp sense of taste.
With an elevation of 443 meters, (1,443.2 feet), Yangmingshan in winter has heavy moisture and clouds; while in the summer resort, it is cool and comfortable. In autumn, red leaves bring poetic beauty to the whole mountain.
They aren't grounded as they should be in the fundamentals. With this in mind, Stanley Yen plans to launch an intramural contest for young chefs in Taiwan starting next year as a means of testing the mettle of new chefs, while encouraging innovation and teamwork.
While studying military science in Japan. Chiang Kai-shek joined the revolutionary organization of the Tungmenhui. The eventful first meeting of young Chiang and Dr. Sun Yat-sen took place in June, 1910, in Tokyo.
Negotiations collapsed. During the critical days of early 1949, Chiang appeared in succession in Shanghai, Canton, Chungking, Chengtu and other beleaguered cities to hearten the faltering defenders and to aid their last desperate efforts. In December 1949, the national capital was moved temporarily to Taipei.
Skipping the basics Unlike their predecessors, the new generation of chefs graduating from Taiwan's culinary schools can't stand the heat in the kitchen and aren't grounded in the basics.
President Yen Chia-kan and other leaders of the Central Government went to Tzuhu at 3: 00 p.m. to pay their homage. Among other visitors to Tzuhu throughout the day were 1,100 representatives of overseas Chinese communities, diplomats stationed in the Republic of China. Special missions from Korea, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Ivory Coast, Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria, representatives of foreign institutes in Taiwan.
Chiang Kai-shek was born on October 31,1887, at Chikow, in the district of Fenghua, in Chekiang Province.
In June 1928, Chiang's forces captured Peiping. In December the Northeast region (Manchuria) swung its support to the Kuomintang. The task of uniting the whole nation was completed.
To cultivate his skills, the company sent him on internships in Japan and Thailand, and also to work in the company's Hunanese, Zhejiang, Chaozhou and Cantonese-style restaurants. As a result, he not only developed excellent Western cooking skills, but he also laid the groundwork for creating fusion cuisine by drawing from the eight main styles of Chinese cooking.
Back then standards and wages for chefs were higher in Hong Kong than in Taiwan.
After the sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, the Japanese army wished to expand the power plant near the dam, and to remove a section of a Chinese graveyard. The fathers of Lin and Chou objected, thus offended the Japanese and were killed.
The month of March is a season of flowers and warm weather. Visitors arrive all day long in Yangmingshan. Strolling among the green mountains and on the green grass, they can enjoy fully the beauty of nature.
In recent years, Taiwan's economy has been a mere shadow of its former self. Many fine hotels are clinging on and waiting for the economy to take off again. They are unwilling to shell out extra money on expensive ingredients, to develop new dishes, or to train new talent.
In the place where streams and sulfur springs flow, green trees and grass flourish. Pavilions appear here and there among the hills. While strolling on the paths, most visitors find it a joy to breathe the fragrant, sweet air released by the roadside flowers.
Tourism and fine food complement each other on this tiny island--the government organizes a biennial world cooking summit, invites ten internationally renowned chefs to work in local hotels, and organizes frequent gourmet months.
新加坡政府更每兩年舉辦一次世界美食高峰會,邀請世界 10 位國際名廚駐守在新國飯店,並不斷舉行「美食月」觀光活動,讓美食與觀光相輔相成。
When finished, their dishes are evenly cooked, not motley mixtures, partly overdone, partly underdone. As an illustration, under inspection, we find that garlic prepared by Chang Kuo-jung, executive chef at Kupao Huayuan restaurant in Hsinshe, Taichung County, consists of identical little cubes, because he slices each clove of garlic five times lengthways and crossways.
例如台中新社古堡花園行政主廚張國榮切好的大蒜末,攤開來看,一粒粒大小方正齊一,因為他是將每一顆小小的大蒜都橫切、縱切 5 次後,再切成細末,「千萬不要來回『過刀』,亂刀切剁,否則大蒜的汁液流失,香氣就減損了。」
The Forest Park is considered both sublime and graceful in its landscaping.
First time on a modern stage In 1981 elite Taiwanese Opera performers formed a company to tour Southeast Asia.
初識現代劇場 1981 年,台灣歌仔戲界各戲班菁英組團到東南亞大會演,她之所以搭上這班順風車,源於當時東南亞華人喜歡聽國語黃梅調。
Madame Chiang Kai-shek, the late President's family members and more than 2,700 government and civic leaders, foreign dignitaries, representatives of overseas Chinese communities took part in the ceremony.
President Yen called President Chiang's passing was "an irretrievable loss to our people, our country and the world," said Yen, "however, his spirit continues to illumine our way like the sun in the heavens or a beacon on pitch-black nights."
President Yen also pointed out: "The teachings bequeathed us by President Chiang provide the criteria for the conduct to which the people aspire, and also indicate the direction for our endeavors of national recovery and reconstruction. We must keep these criteria always in mind, we must over come all hardships and pass all tests to assure victory and eventual success."
Taiwan's local governments and civic organizations, religious groups and freedom-seekers who had escaped from the mainland all held various Taipei in memory of the late President.
His grandfather was generous and eager to serve the public; his father strict and upright. Young Chiang's upbringing was almost entirely in the hands of his devoted mother, who educated him to cultivate, amid adversities, the virtues of Great Wisdom, Great Benevolence, Great Courage and strong will-power.
When it was decided to launch a Northern Expedition to bring Central and North China under the Kuomintang government, Chiang was named Commander-in-chief in 1926.
Facing the double threat, Chiang Kai-shek formulated a farsighted policy of "maintaining internal security first and then expelling foreign invasion." In 1934 the Communists were finally driven out of Kiangsi province. They fled to the bleak northern section of Shensi, with only 2,000 to 3,000 followers remaining. People of seven provinces were thus freed from Communist harassment.
After a few months on the job, the master chef Yan Xingnian, who had once cooked at the famous Paramount Dancehall in Shanghai, began to notice--at first silently--Chang Kuo-jung's initiative and hard work. Then one day, during a break, Yan picked up a menu and asked Chang: "Do you understand it?"
From 1937 till the end of the war in 1945, the Chinese armed forces under Generalissimo Chiang fought more than 1,100 major battles and over 38,900 minor battles. Chiang's strategy of "trading space for time" finally crushed the enemy's invasion after eight long years.
Japan's attack on America at Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941, changed the whole perspective of the war. China officially declared herself at war with Japan. The war against Japan now became part of the Second World War. Chiang was appointed Supreme Commander for the Allied forces in the China Theater.
One result of the new relationship of China to the Allied Nations was final success by Chiang Kai-shek in his long struggle to free his country from unequal treaties.
In November 1943, Chiang attended the Cairo Conference with Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Chiang insisted during the conference that Manchuria, Taiwan and the Pescadores-Chinese territories which had been seized by Japan be returned to China after the war. With regard to the institution of the Japanese monarchy, Chiang thought that should best be left to the Japanese people to decide.
On Oct. 25, 1946, Chiang Kai- shek flew to Taipei to preside over the celebrations. He urged his fellow countrymen in Taiwan to unite and redouble their efforts for the reconstruction of China under the Three Principles of the People.
As a result, Chang not only ended up working in Taiwan but also ended up marrying a Taiwanese woman--becoming a "Taiwanese son-in-law" who put down roots on the island.
And with his heavy Cantonese accent when speaking Mandarin, Chang faced resistance in the kitchen.
The Chinese Communists took advantage of China's war-torn situation to launch a nationwide rebellion against the National Government. Chiang showed the extent of his patriotism in January of 1949 when he temporarily retired from the presidency and went to his home town, hopeful that this would open the way to peaceful settlement of civil conflict.
The nation was desperately in need of strong leadership. The Legislative Yuan, reflecting the desires of all the people, asked Chiang to resume the presidential office on March 1, 1950.
Pingchen community is located in Taoyuan County in northern Taiwan. Formerly it was an agricultural area. In recent years, many factories were set up. This community of 1,932 residents is near the west coast highway.
It was originally called "Piwei." One day in 1961, President Chiang Kai-shek discovered this beautiful scene on his way to Chiaopanshan. He was struck by the quiet beauty of the lake, which reminded him of his home town of Chikow in Chekiang Province.
Dr. Chiang also pointed out that after careful studies experts decided to choose vegetable as the first objects of tests, The reason is that vegetables have a shorter growth period and are in short supply during the summer. The success of this experiment can help solve the problem of vegetable shortages in Taiwan, especially in Taipei.
Likewise, you've don't first bake the pepper, the fragrance will get caught in the steam and not be expressed in the food. Chang's methods aren't deep or complicated; they're just about fully understanding the foods of every place, and making adjustments based on this basic understanding of the special character of the ingredients, and working hard to get the most from every step.
He also hoped that people would brace themselves for the great tasks ahead, and never stop until they had carried out the responsibilities for National Revolution. The body of President Chiang lay in state at the Sun Yet-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei from April 9 to April 16 while 2,500,000 mourners came to pay their last homage to the great leader.
7. Place vegetable wraps in center of plate. Scald ingredients prepared in step 5. Flash-fry a little finely chopped garlic.
7. 蔬菜卷置盤中,將5料川燙熟之後,加入少許蒜末爆香,加入蔬菜高湯,煮至入味,少許太白粉勾芡淋於蔬菜卷上。
After over 40 years in the business, Doo Hsiou Yueh sets the standard for fine food in Ilan. Its menu includes innovative new dishes and traditional Ilan favorites, and its unique serving dishes and attentive service all meet the standards of major restaurants.
在宜蘭,40 多年歷史的渡小月餐廳已經是一個「指標」,不論在傳統宜蘭味的呈現或創意美食,不俗的食器、為客人細心介紹飲食特色的服務生,都具有大飯店的水準。
While doing his three years of mandatory military service, Chen spent time learning line drawing and painting. Studying on his own, he taught himself to carve a lifelike dragon's head from a pumpkin. In his time off duty, he once carved 1,000 dragon heads in just three days.
當兵 3 年時間,他更勤練素描與繪畫,不斷用心自學,以南瓜刻出的龍頭,鬚角靈活、栩栩如生,曾有以工作外時間,3 天內刻出 1000 個龍頭的紀錄。
Mysteries of love Tang Mei-yun is upfront about her origins in the world of outdoor Taiwanese Opera. From age 15 until seven years ago when she founded the Tang Mei-yun Taiwanese Opera Company, she worked for 20 years outside, playing in hundreds of operas and thousands of performances. Although she took up the challenges of vastly different characters, many opera fans were particularly charmed by the dashing way she handled male leads.
謎樣感情世界唐美雲並不諱言自己出身外台(野台)戲班,從 15 歲到 7 年前創立「唐美雲歌仔戲團」,足足演了 20 年的外台戲,數百齣戲碼,數千場次,挑戰各種不同的角色,其中扮相俊俏的小生造型,更是迷煞不少戲迷。
With his innately sharp faculties and careful cultivation of his sense of taste, Chang is extremely adept at making sauces that bring out the flavor of foods. Chang estimates that he can make some 3000 different sauces, and can taste whether the order of steps used in preparing a food was correct.
天生敏銳、後天又小心保養的味覺,使得張國榮非常擅於調製喚醒食材美味的各種醬汁,他估計自己可以調製出 3000 種不風味的醬料;同時他還可以在口齒間,察覺做菜程序的對錯。
Take, for instance, the basic black pepper sauce used in Western cuisine. Traditionally, it is prepared by first frying onions, then adding garlic and pepper, stir-frying briefly before flambeing with brandy, so that the alcohol is driven off but the scent retained, and finally adding a broth made by simmering bones with spices for a day.
Chang's pepper sauce uses the exact same ingredients, but he adopts a different procedures: First he fries garlic and then adds onions, and before he adds the pepper he first roasts it briefly. In that way his pepper sauce is especially fragrant. Many cooks have now switched to his method.
In the spring of 1975 he was ill with pneumonia. After treatment he showed signs of improvement. Unfortunately he suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away at 11: 50 P.M. on April 5, 1975. He was 89.
In his Last Testament, President Chiang urged his compatriots to realize the Three Principles of the People, recover the mainland, rejuvenate the national culture and remain a stronghold of democracy.
"Tzuhu" lake situated to the south of Tachi in Taoyuan County, is formed by a tributary of Tahan River.
2. Skin and dice taro. Deep-fry in oil.
2. 芋頭去皮切小方粒,入油鍋炸熟。
President Chiang renamed this site "Tzuhu." which devotes maternal love, in memory of his mother.
Thicken with a little starch and pour over vegetable wraps. 8. Scald baby bok choy and asparagus in vegetable stock, then stir-fry briefly. Add salt and pepper to taste and arrange decoratively on plate.
8. 青江菜及蘆筍用蔬菜高湯川燙後略炒,少許胡椒鹽調味後擺上盤裝飾。
A winding driveway around the garden leads to the entrance of the house at Tzuhu. The hill-girt president's temporary residence at Tzuhu sits amid a bamboo grove. Red-brick walls and black-painted wood doors with a pair of lion-headed brass knockers decorate it in graceful ancient style.
Walking into Doo Hsiou Yueh Restaurant in Ilan, the high-ceilinged main room is divided using Chinese-style lattices, with traditional sculptures, porcelains, and other antiques displayed throughout.
What Carbon Dioxide Does to Vegetables Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Limited recently completed successfully an experiment. It stimulated the growth of vegetables by increasing the carbon dioxide concentration in a vegetable garden.
Chen's grandfather started a catering and banquet business besides the original street-snack business, and his father Chen Chin-hsiang started to work exclusively in catering, earning a reputation as Ilan's best caterer.
The experiment started with raising summer cabbage and green peppers in a small greenhouse. It turned out to be a success. Experts then move the experiment to a larger vinyl house.
最初的試驗,是利用小玻璃室進行夏季甘藍栽培及加州四號辣椒栽培,結果試驗良好,乃決定擴大利用寬敞的 PE 塑膠布室內進行試驗。
"My father often says that to become skilled at something, you have to start by putting one foot in front of the other," says Chen. Born into a family of chefs, he has both the innate skills passed on through his family and tough, practical experience, making him familiar with every aspect of the art of cooking.
They were tested in two plastic houses: on with carbon dioxide, one under normal condition.
For example, for the "Banquet of Lost Spirits" festival, one must also follow the ritual of setting a table of offerings, which means first putting the raw ingredients for the evening's meal out in separate dishes, creating a unique setting that pays respect to spirits and ghosts.
The result showed impressive differences, especially apparent in cabbage lettuce.
試驗結果,這兩邊的 PE 塑膠布室內所種的蔬菜情形不一樣。
In times when money and resources were tight, chefs needed to work with limited ingredients to produce a variety of flavorful dishes.
The Waters of the Sun and Moon Sun Moon Lake, situated to the north of Yushan and to the south of Nengkao Mountain, is Taiwan's best known mountain resort. The location is at 2,500 feet (760 meters) in the Central Mountain Range, a two-hour bus trip from Taichung.
According to Chen, the main ingredients for this dish are five duck eggs, cut in half, coated with a paste of minced cabbage and pork and formed into ten egg-shaped balls. When cut up again into 20 halves and put on a bed of Napa cabbage, these simple ingredients were enough to make a dish to serve two separate tables!
這一道菜,主要材料就 5 顆鴨蛋,切半後加上菜肉泥裹成蛋形油炸,再對切成 20 份,加上白菜鋪底,竟能變成兩桌菜份量。
The northern half of the lake is in the shape of the sun. The southern half, resembles the moon. Thus the name: Sun Moon Lake.
In particular, it was difficult when she made cameo appearances with other troupes. They didn't make allowances for her inexperience; they simply assumed--based on her father's reputation--that she would perform well. These experiences provided even more motivation for Tang to work hard and improve.
Traditional vs. new flavors Drawing on family tradition, Chen Chao-lin's traditional Ilan cuisine is well crafted and authentic. Take, for example, the Ilan dish called "Hsilu Pork": for this combination of Napa cabbage, pork strips, mushrooms, carrots, and dried duck egg, many chefs simply stir-fry all of the ingredients together and then steam it in a deep basket. Chen Chao-lin's method is different.
古早味 V.S. 新時尚承襲家學淵源,陳兆麟的宜蘭古早味手工細膩、口味道地,以宜蘭名菜「西魯肉」為例,對於這道綜合大白菜、肉絲、香菇、紅蘿蔔和鴨蛋鬆的什錦菜,多數師傅總是將所有材料一起炒過,就放入深盤中蒸煮。
Wen Wu Temple, in typical Chinese style on the shore of the lake, is dedicated to Confucius, the master of the pen, and Kuan Yu, the master of the sword. Two huge stone lions guard the temple.
The toll of the bell at Hsuan Tsang Temple can be heard across the lake each morning and evening. Tzu En Pagoda was completed in 1971.
The 9-story pagoda, in ancient Chinese style, is 150 feet (46 meters) high.
A memorial hall at the pagoda commemorates the life of President Chiang Kai-shek's mother, who exemplified the best in Chinese motherhood.
In this new package, a somewhat rough-and-ready downhome food became an entirely new dish, fit for heads of state.