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Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
I had a thread for Francisco Varela on the old version of this forum, and after coming across a couple websites this weekend with some good resources on his work, I decided to recreate a thread for him here. His work developing the enactive model of cognition, of course, has had a significant impact on the articulation of integral postmetaphysical theory.
Laying Down a Path in Walking (Click "Open the Francisco Varela player and site")
From Autopoiesis to Neurophenomenology: A Tribute to Francisco Varela
(Audio and Video links)
"Francisco Varela was born September 7, 1946 in Chile. As a child and teenager, he received a strong classical education from the German Lyceum in Santiago, which instilled in him a deep and lifelong appreciation of literature, art, philosophy, and science. He received his M.Sc. (Licenciatura) in Biology in 1967 from the University of Chile in Santiago, where he studied with the neurobiologist Humberto R. Maturana (well known for his classic work with Jerome Lettvin on the neurophysiology of vision in frogs and for his subsequent work with Varela on autopoiesis). According to the story Francisco was fond of telling, as a young undergraduate he one day burst into Maturana's office and enthusiastically declared that he wanted "to study the role of mind in the universe." Maturana responded, "My boy, you've come to the right place."
From 1968 to 1970 Francisco followed in the footsteps of his mentor Maturana by pursuing graduate studies in Biology at Harvard University. His doctoral thesis, "Insect retinas: information processing in the compound eye," was written under the direction of Torsten Wiesel (who shared a Nobel Prize with Davd Hubel in 1981).
With his Ph.D. in hand at the young age of twenty-three, Francisco declined a position as researcher at Harvard and another as Assistant Professor at another American university, choosing instead to return to Chile to help build a scientific research community. It was during these years of 1970 to 1973 that Varela and Maturana, now colleagues at the University of Chile, formulated their famous theory of autopoiesis (Maturana & Varela 1973, 1980; see Varela 1996a for a personal recounting of this time and work). According to this theory, living systems are autonomous systems (endogenously controlled and self-organizing), and the minimal form of autonomy necessary and sufficient for characterizing biological life is autopoiesis, i.e., self-production having the form of an operationally closed, membrane-bounded, reaction network. Maturana and Varela also held that autopoiesis defines cognition in its minimal biological form as the "sense-making" capacity of life; and that the nervous system, as a result of the autopoiesis of its component neurons, is not an input-output information processing system, but rather an autonomous, operationally closed network, whose basic functional elements are invariant patterns of activity in neuronal ensembles (see Varela 1979). These ideas, dating back to the early seventies, not only anticipated but laid the groundwork for ideas that were to become prominent much later in the nineties, in scientific fields as diverse as the origins of life (Fleischaker 1994), the chemical synthesis of minimal living systems (Bachman et al. 1992), artificial life (Varela & Bourgine 1991), theoretical immunology (Varela & Coutinho 1991), dynamical neuroscience (Varela et al. 2001), and embodied cognition (Varela et al. 1991).
When Francisco returned to Chile, he arrived on September 2, 1970, two days before the election of Salvador Allende (the first Marxist politician ever elected in a free election). Three years later Chile was in turmoil, and Francisco, a strong supporter of the Allende government, was forced to flee with his family after the military coup of General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the Allende goverment on September 11, 1973. They fled first to Costa Rica, and then eventually to the United States, where Francisco took up a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Medical School in Denver. There he taught and pursued his research until 1978. In 1978-79, he spent a year in New York at the Brain Research Laboratories of the NYU Medical School, and as scholar in residence at the Lindisfarne Association, and then returned to Chile in 1980, staying there until 1985 (with a year spent in 1984 as a Visiting Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt). In 1986 he moved to Paris, where he was based at the Institut des Neurosciences and at CREA (Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Applique). In 1988, he was appointed to be a Director of Research at CNRS (Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique), a position he held until his death.
Francisco's years in Paris, up until the very month of his passing, were remarkably full and productive by any standard; that he suffered from Hepatitis C from the early 1990s onward, including receiving a liver transplant in 1998, makes his life and work during this time truly wonderful and inspiring.
During these years Francisco pursued two main complementary lines of work: experimental studies using multiple electrode recordings and mathematical analysis of large-scale neuronal integration during cognitive processes; and philosophical and empirical studies of the "neurophenomenology" of human consciousness (see Varela 1996b).
In a 1998 study published in Nature, Francisco and his colleagues in Paris showed for the first time that the human perception of meaningful complex forms (high contrast faces or "Mooney figures") is accompanied by phase-locked, synchronous oscillations in distinct brain regions (Rodriguez et al. 1998). In an important review article published one month before his death, in the April 2001 issue of Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Francisco and his colleagues presented a new viewpoint on what they call the "brainweb": the emergence of a unified cognitive moment depends on large-scale brain integration, whose most plausible mechanism is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands (Varela et al. 2001). In addition to these studies, Francisco published numerous technical, experimental and mathematical papers on the nonlinear dynamical analysis of brain activity, including groundbreaking studies on the prediction of seizures in epileptic patients prior to the onset of symptoms (Martinerie et al. 1998; see also Schiff 1998).
Francisco also firmly believed, however, that such scientific research needs to be complemented by detailed phenomenological investigations of human experience as it is lived and verbally articulated in the first person. To this end, he published a number of original and innovative phenomenological studies of aspects of human consciousness (e.g., Varela 1999; Varela and Depraz 2000), including a profound and moving meditation on his own illness and the phenomenology of organ transplantation experience (Varela 2001). He also co-edited two important collections, one on phenomenology and cognitive science (Petitot et al. 1999), and the other on first-person methods in the science of consciousness (Varela and Shear 1999).
Since the mid-seventies, Francisco was a serious practitioner of Tibetan Buddhist meditation and a student of Buddhist psychology and philosophy. His conviction that this tradition and Western cognitive science have much to gain from each other provided another, ultimately spiritual and existential dimension, to his work. This dimension was the subject of his 1991 book (co-written with Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch), The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. He was one of the key members of the Advisory Board of the Mind and Life Institute, which organizes private meetings between Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, and Western scientists (see Varela 1997). The ninth and most recent of these meetings was held May 21-22, 2001, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on the theme of "Transformations of Mind, Brain, and Emotion: Neurobiological and Bio-Behavioral Research on Meditation," directed by Professor Richard Davidson. This meeting was a dream-come-true for Francisco: the best of Western brain science and Buddhist meditative practice and psychology brought together in the context of cognitive neuroscientific research on the cognitive and emotional effects of meditation evident in long-term practitioners. Francisco was to present his studies and findings using EEG and MEG methods at the morning session of May 22, but sadly was unable to be there because of his illness. His Ph.D. student, Antoine Lutz, presented the material in his stead, and a live web-cam was set up so that Francisco could watch the proceedings from his apartment in Paris.
Although the passing of Francisco, especially at a time when his rich and diverse research program was coming to such fruition, is an immeasurable loss, the spirit of his unique and exemplary style of research has never been stronger, and will continue to inspire many of us for years to come.
Francisco was an active and enthusiastic supporter of many interdisciplinary groups devoted to the study of consciousness. In the seventies and eighties, he served on the faculty of the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and was a Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association in New York City. He was a founding member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) and was actively considering hosting the 2002 ASSC meeting until shortly before his death. He was a strong supporter of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona at Tucson, and served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. He was also instrumental in the creation of a new journal, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, and was to serve as its Consulting Editor." ~ Evan Thompson
Enaction in a nutshell from Varela's "Whence perceptual meaning":
"The kingpin of cognition is its capacity for bringing forth meaning: information is not pre-established as a given order, but regularities emerge from a co-determination of the cognitive activities themselves."
What I also find interesting about the above referenced paper is how the general P2P (and evolutionary) zeitgeist of distributed networks organizing via interconnection (like we're seeing expressed in the progressive economics and Rifkin threads for example)* manifests in Varela's cogsci. For example, these passages from section 4 of the paper:
"At the Macy conferences, for example, it was argued in actual brains there are no rules or central logical processor nor is information stored in precise addresses. Rather, brains seems to operate on the basis of massive interconnections, in a distributed form, so that their actual connectivity changes as a result of experience. In brief, they present a self-organizing capacity that is nowhere to be found in logic" (242).
"In this approach each component operates only in its local environment, but because of the network quality of the entire system there is global cooperation which emerges spontaneously, when the states of all participating components reach a mutually satisfactory state, without the need for a central processing unit to guide the entire operation" (243-4).
* And unlike we're seeing in kennilingus with its formal logical base and attachment to individualism, authoritarianism and capitalism.
Brief tangent into the evolving P2P meme of which Varela is one example, from Michel Bauwens' "P2P and Human Evolution":
"Russ Volckman...wondered why it was that the Integral Theories that he was familiar with, such as those by Ken Wilber and the Spiral Dynamics system, did not seem to talk at P2P at all, while for me, P2P is nothing less that the most likely next civilisational stage.
"So in my view, it is a mix, there is a kind of center of gravity, which draws together green/yellow/turquoise types, while making it uninteresting for orange 'capitalist' types, and difficult to adhere to for blue 'fundamentalist' types. But that does not preclude IBM from supporting Open Sources and fundamentalists from enthusiastically using blogs. Life is clearly more complex than any totalizing system's efforts to bring it into neat categories. And as John Heron, one of the pioneers of participative spirituality notes below, the problem might be with the nature of Spiral Dynamics [and kennilingus] theorizing itself, which is based on a individualist notion of spiritual [and economic, etc.] development."
This article by Glenn Smith places Varela in the progressive zeitgeist that is creating a positive vision for that worldview. Smith notes that it took a conservative worldview going too far to galvanize progressive resistance, but it also led them to understand they needed a positive vision to promote, heretofore absent. An expression of this is Arianna Huffington choosing The Empathic Civilization as the Post's book of the month. This vision captures the balance between individualism and cooperation, or as it might be suggested, includes and transcends the best of conservative and liberal. Among those championing such a vision Smith names the following: George Lakoff, William Connolly, Franz de Waal, Marco Iacoboni, Francisco Varela, Drew Weston.
He discussed the biological roots of empathy as prerequisite for democracy. And how this is resisted by both capitalism and Marxism via the rational, scientific worldview:
“It’s also no accident that the rise of the scientific worldview and rationalism rejected empathy as dangerously emotional. Rational management and historical determinism, in both Marxism and capitalism, became hallmarks of the modern democratic era.”
It is with honor and distinction that Varela is part of this progressive, evolutionary movement taking us forward into our integral future.
In this interview Varela is accused of a variety of the performative contradiction. It begins as a discussion of subject-object duality, which he doesn't accept. In so doing he makes a truth claim about "truth" and it is here the supposed contradiction occurs, since he just defended the notion of variable truths depending on different embodiments.
Poerksen: But if we, as you suggest, begin with our perceptions and experiences, we immediately see: there is a subject and an object. Both appear separated. That is the fundamental insightwe gain. It should actually lead us back to realism again.
Varela: You are now speaking of common, everyday experience, which is formed and shaped by a whole set of theories and metaphysical presumptions. I do not propose to trust that kind of experience. On the contrary, it is the very duty of philosophy and natural science to question and challenge ordinary perception and everything that seems self-evident, and to confront it with new approaches. These may contradict common sense but that is no problem for me at all and quite irrelevant; the crucial question is whether they fit, whether they are true. The reference to common sense does not prove anything.
Poerksen: What do you mean by “fitting,” “true” approaches? If truth is the goal of your researches, then you definitely assume a realist position, after all. Of course, there are people who believe that we could keep truth as a kind of ideal and a distant goal because we can never do more than approximate it step by step, anyway. But that thesis seems contradictory to me, too. If we want to establish whether we have achieved some partial understanding of the absolute or come closer to the truth, we must be able to compare our partial understanding with absolute truth itself. However, this comparison of realities presupposes the possibility of apprehending absolute truth—otherwise the claim of its approximation remains undecidable. My thesis is that we can only maintain the idea of truth as a goal of human knowing, however distant, if we assume an extreme realist position at the same time.
Varela: The attempt to characterize my position as clandestine realism and a masked belief in truth is due to the definitional decision you have taken, which I certainly do not accept. You are working with a concept of truth that is based on correspondence: truth is the correspondence between theory and reality. Such a position will inevitably make you a realist. Let me just point out that there are many ways of speaking about truth. My own concept of truth, which is inspired by phenomenology and the philosophy of pragmatism, is best understood as a theory of coherence: what counts is the consistency of theories, the coherence of viewpoints. Truth is, the motto of pragmatism proclaims, what works.
Thanks for the great links (hyper and conceptual), Ed. Here's a brief passage from an interview conducted with him by Otto Scharmer:
“I wish that insight about the distributiveness of what we call a subject would be taken more seriously. Because there are lots of people who know that, but it stays at the level of the know-what. Developing a know-how, that you really incorporate into your blood and bones in day-to-day behavior, that is the process of transformation that needs the discipline and the methodologies that we’re talking about. There are lots of people who understand that, but that doesn’t make them change, because their habitual patterns are still there.
You cannot be a virtual self unless you have this constant creation of letting go. That is the nature of virtuality. What this is saying to me is if you really want to get closer to understanding what it means to be a subject, you’d better understand that this is the constant generator of what that subject is all about … since it is not a stable, solid entity, since it is not within the head, since it is not just in language. It’s in none of those dimensions, it’s somehow in a figure of multiple levels of emergence, but it is always fragile. Virtual is a more "engineering" way of speaking about fragility, which is more philosophical or ethical. But it has exactly the same connotation for me.
An excellent example of Varela's exploration of 1st person meditative methodology and what it will (not) find. For comparison I offer Wilber's critique of Varela on exactly this point, from footnote 3 to Excerpt C:
"This is not to say that autopoietic and systems approaches cannot be applied to interiors, as we will see, but only that when they are, they still capture only the third-person aspects of those interiors.
"The autopoiesis paradigm of Maturana and Varela is often mentioned as a "postmodern epistemology" because it strongly denies the existence of a pregiven world (i.e., it denies the "myth of the given"--the myth of the Mirror of Nature--the myth that the world is a given territory that we are supposed to map and mirror accurately [see The Marriage of Sense and Soul for a discussion of the myth of the given]). According to Maturana and Varela, the representational or mirror-of-nature epistemologies naively assume that there is a single biosphere or natural world--the great Web of Life--and that we are to live in accord with that Web, which itself is the myth of the given. The autopoietic approaches point out that "nature" and "the world" actually consist of various enacted worlds brought forth in part by the autopoietic regimes of the organisms perceiving them. There is no "biosphere" or "nature" or "the natural world" except in the rationalized cognition of some human beings, a cognition not shared by 99.9999% of biological organisms.
"The enactive point that Maturana and Varela make is true enough, and to that extent, the notion of autopoiesis is indeed postmodern. I share an agreement with most of its important features; but my point is that the autopoietic version of this interpretive component of world-making is still addressing only the insides of the exteriors, not the insides of the interiors (see fig. 3). It is, if you will, a postmodernism of the UR, not the UL. Obviously this is an important perspective that we would want to include in any integral methodological pluralism, but again, only if shorn of absolutisms.
"(Demonstrating this inadequacy--which means, not wrongness but partialness--of the autopoietic paradigm is the burden of several critical endnotes in SES which specifically address the strengths and weaknesses of the typical enactive paradigm, which--as with Whitehead--could be called "the partial enactive paradigm" as opposed a more "complete" or "tetra-enactive paradigm." For a critical appraisal of Francisco Varela's work, see numerous endnotes in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, second edition [CW6], particularly note 1 for chap. 14, beginning with subheading "Francisco Varela's Enactive Paradigm," pp. 734-741; this note also gives references to several other notes in the book discussing these themes.)
"On a very positive note, Maturana and Varela speak of biological and even physical phenomenology--that is, they fully acknowledge the existence of the UL (or interior experience or proto-experience) going all the way down to, and including, physical holons. They also acknowledge that these interiors: (a) can be known from within, (b) can be described (or reconstructed), or (c) can be known from without (by observing behavior). I definitely agree. The problem is that when they attempt to reconstruct (which is item "b") the inside experiences (which is item "a"), they actually slip into (c) realities.
"For example, they correctly maintain that organisms have an inside to the extent that they have structural memories and co-evolve (or structurally couple) with their environments. Structural memories represent the enacted history of an organism's cognitive choices via structural coupling with the exteriors. But those cognitions are pictured/described in third-person terms, not first-person terms: they are the "insides" of exteriors, not the insides of interiors (see figs 2 and 3). Actual prehensions represent the felt-meanings of interiors as they touch their preceding feelings, which do not represent cognitive choices with nomic intent (i.e., "biological identity and survival"--which is Maturana and Varela's definition of cognition), but rather the felt presence of the holon in its bit of exuberant élan vital and joie de vie (to put it more poetically, which is the better language for the UL anyway). The habits of intimate touching of prehensive unification tend to be reduced to the mechanics of structural coupling and exterior-cognitive enactment. I agree with what they say about structural coupling, but, as explained in SES endnotes, it does not cover the actual UL very well at all; rather, autopoiesis looks at the organism in third-person terms (which is fine; this is science), and then attempts to explain what goes on inside that (exteriorly-viewed) organism as it enacts and brings forth its world: hence, the insides and outsides of the exterior, neither of which actually includes first-person realities as such.
"Varela has attempted to integrate first- and third-person perspectives in his "neurophenomenology." Again, this is an important move toward a more integral stance, but one that is flawed, in my opinion, by a lack of inherent second-person perspective and a lack of waves and streams (i.e., it fails to include quadrants, levels, and lines). See Integral Psychology for a critical appraisal of neurophenomenology. Varela's reliance on, e.g., Merleau-Ponty's version of felt phenomenology makes it more difficult for his theory to easily cover intrinsic intersubjectivity as well as waves and streams."
A key to kennilingus distaste for, and misapprehension of, the P2P matrix in which Varela is embedded is revealed in footnote 2 to Excerpt A. He is talking about the difference between individual and social holons, how the former has a boundary and dominant monad whereas the social holon does not. He says:
"Confusing these two is a calamitous fallacy that, among other things, is the very definition of fascism, whether political fascism or ecofascism or values fascism, because the collective is treated as an individual with a single will, value, and intentionality, which enslaves all real individuals to that system and its dominant monad; and this occurs in everything from mere theories, such as Maturana and Varela's autopoiesis, to actual politics, such as Louis XIV's famous L'etat c'est moi, "I am the State," and therefore all people in the State must do as I, its dominant monad, command."
Here autopoiesis is compared to a dictatorship! We see this played out in today's US politics where liberalism is equated with the Marxist dictatorships. And all of which arises from a formal operational and correspondence theory that just cannot get outside its dualism long enough to see the kind of distributed, nonlocal and nondualistic ways in which our (3rd person) brains and (1st person) consciousness operate through (2nd person) P2P. Mark Edwards' critique of this very thing in his 3-part essay "The depths of the exteriors" is most instructive.
Yes, I was re-reading that critique of Varela the other day. But, regarding Varela's so-called non-inclusion of intersubjectivity or the second person, check out the following (from the same interview with Scharmer, "Gestures on Becoming Aware," on the interactive Varela site I linked in my first post):
III. Second Person
"Now, with respect to the second person, to make this work, you really need the mediation of the other, right? And the other comes in here in different flavors. I like to call that the second person. Because it is not a simple first person, right? The third person is what you find typically in classical science. The first person acts and plays a new role. The second person is somebody who is not in the first person having direct access to the experience, but is interested in that first-person access. So, for example, you are the expert. You know things that I don't know. We want you to be able to teach others, so we are going to [develop] a process of trying to make explicit what is implicit. This is an old goal of many people in many fields. Now the point there is that I put myself in the position of the second person because I don't just observe you purely externally, but I don't have the first access. So what I do is to become your partner in the process.
This partner can have two modes. One is a mode which is slightly closer to the third-person position. That is verbal reports. It is what many cognitive scientists do. They place themselves in the position of admitting that you have the mind, that you can have access from the first person to what I just showed you. So they admit the position of first person, but at the same time they remain a little bit removed. They are content with taking notes and noticing whatever it is that you say. In contrast, a more interesting second person is really empathetic. He admits that you have in your mind an access to your experience, but this person himself knows the kind of experience you're talking about and therefore acts as a coach. The good sports coach cannot be somebody who hasn't done the sport. The coach must have first-person access to his own experience that perfectly resonates with yours. For example, in Buddhism, you have to advance and progress in this cycle with a qualified teacher. A qualified teacher is who? A second person. Because he can then make the process work through mutual resonance and correct it.
In our book The View from Within4, there is an interesting study on intuition by Claire Petitmengin-Peugeot. She tries to understand the intuitive experience by working as a coach on an explicit technique of coaching people who say they just choose what they think is an intuitive experience. And then they try to work through it in this coaching mode she induces by taking the second-person position.
Is this very confusing, or is it --
COS: It's not at all confusing. But I'm not 100 percent sure whether I'm really in the --
Francisco Varela: The second person?
COS: Yeah, your second point, which is that this process only works if there is a second-person relationship.
Francisco Varela: Well, only very, very gifted, extraordinary individuals can carry this out in a productive manner. The access to experience seems difficult to most people because it is. To go beyond just this purely impressionistic account of what one is experiencing is not easy. If you don't mobilize these tools in detail -- and that requires that kind of mediation -- then it just doesn't work. Do you see what I mean? The whole first person is just too demanding for most people. Human beings are not spontaneously very gifted for this process. So the social mediation is absolutely fundamental. You might say it's not surprising; it's also essential for language, and so forth. It's also essential for certain essential values --
COS: -- and for social learning.
Francisco Varela: -- social learning. But it's not obvious that basic learning, such as admitting that the other is equal to you, is something that is spontaneous; it really needs to be mediated by the social context. Is that more clear?
COS; Yes, that makes absolute sense. Probably it's also true that without the other, the experience of the other, you could never perceive your self.
Francisco Varela: Absolutely. So this is a very important antidote to the myth or the belief or the dogma that anything that has to do with introspection or meditation or phenomenological work is something that people do in their little corners. That really is a mistaken angle on the whole thing. Although there are some reasons that it is a very common mistake. This is perhaps the greatest difficulty within science. The first reaction people have is that [the first person is] just a personal thing. That it's private. But the notion that the first person is private is a disaster. The first-person access is as public as the third person, okay? When you have a third-person point of view, clearly you need a first person who does the measurement and does the writing, etc., but [provides] a social network to which it is going to be addressed. So a key point is that it's really not very meaningful to speak about consciousness or experiences being private. There is a quality to experience where you need a mode of access that you might want to call the first-person access. That doesn't make it private. It's just as social as everything else. And that's something it took me a long time to discover. I had a blind spot on that like everybody else." | <urn:uuid:9fbf3343-8cf9-492b-a6c4-d56595325fa8> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T12:27:59Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-20240412131354-00000.warc.gz | en | 0.958894 | 6,596 | 7,392 |
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Attorney Marlene Kamish speaking on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal
(After audio version of Confession of Arnold Beverly played) You have just heard the confession of Arnold Beverly. Mumia's former attorneys, Leonard Weinglass and Daniel Williams, had the confession of Arnold Beverly since June of 1999. They suppressed it and never turned it over to the court. On the day we filed our appearances, we filed the confession, the results of a polygraph corroborating the confession, a request for a deposition of Arnold Beverly, and we made the confession public at a news conference.
You might wonder why a person would freely confess to a killing. But I tell you, he is courageous and he is taking responsibility for his own act. You might also wonder why the prosecution and the court fight so desperately to keep the confession out of the court and to ignore the evidence that has been filed.
There is nothing unique in this situation. Another such case is within my own experience. In the case of Rolando Cruz and Alex Hernandez, the killer Brian Dugan had freely confessed to the rape, kidnapping and murder of Jeanine Nicarico when he was arrested for the murder of Melissa Ackerman, but the prosecution refused to hear his evidence. I think, primarily because Rolando Cruz and Alex Hernandez were framed. The police had falsified a confession. The fact that the confession was fabricated was only revealed when one of the policemen cracked during cross-examination. An investigator named Randy Garrett had discovered that the policeman who claimed to have overheard a confession to the killing was really in Florida on vacation on that day. Brian Dugan has confessed and Rolando and Alex are free, yet the state of Illinois refuses to charge the confessed killer. Maybe it is also because they had Dugan in custody for another crime after he killed Jeanine Nicarico, after that they let him go and he killed again, the details of the frame up of the two men would have been fully exposed if they accepted Dugan's confession.
Here in the case of Mumia, it is obvious that Mumia was framed, that he is innocent, and allowing Arnold Beverly into the courtroom would expose all these facts and the corruption of the police and prosecution as well.
Today I will first explain the current legal status of Mumia's case. Second, I will tell you a story that involves Mumia, a member of my family and me. And finally, I will offer some suggestions to you as to how you can help Mumia to win his freedom.
FIRST: THE LEGAL STATUS IN THE FEDERAL COURT. As many of you perhaps already know, on December 18, 2001 the United States District Court Judge William H. Yohn overturned the death sentence, sustained the conviction, and certified only one issue for appeal. At this moment the Commonwealth (which is what the prosecution calls itself in Pennsylvania) is appealing the overturning of the death sentence in the United States Court of Appeals For the Third Circuit. On behalf of Mumia we are also appealing Judge Yohn's decision to sustain the conviction to the Third Circuit. We have filed a Motion asking that the court certify additional issues for appeal.
In his ruling overturning the death sentence Judge Yohn gave the Commonwealth 180 days to hold a re-sentencing hearing. Several results are possible. If the Commonwealth decides not to hold a re-sentencing hearing in 180 days, Mumia's death sentence automatically becomes a life sentence unless the Third Circuit grants either our appeal or the Commonwealth's.
If the Commonwealth does hold a re-sentencing hearing, the death sentence could be re-instated. It could also be re-instated if the Third Circuit reverses Judge Yohn's opinion on overturning the death sentence. But, the 180 days has not yet begun to run because it is tolled by the appeals to the Third Circuit.
In his Memorandum & Order of December 18, 2001, Judge Yohn inter alia denied our Redrafted and Amended Petition for Habeas Corpus Relief. He also rejected Arnold Beverly's confession to the killing of Daniel Faulkner. This, in spite of the fact that the video tape, of which you just heard the sound track, is filed with the court as is the written confession. Also filed is the Declaration of Dr. Honts, the noted polygraph examiner, corroborating the fact that Arnold Beverly is telling the truth and the fact that the evidence supports the veracity of the confession of Arnold Beverly.
Arnold Beverly is ready and willing to testify as you just heard him say. Judge Yohn will not even let us take his deposition, which is why the video was made and filed in the court.
The single issue that Judge Yohn certified for appeal is called the Batson issue and is based on the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986) where the court held that the potential jurors cannot be struck from serving on the jury based on race. In Mumia's case, eleven out of fifteen peremptory strikes were made by prosecutor McGill against black potential jurors. Statistically, it is virtually impossible that this striking of Blacks from the jury was anything but race based. If we win on Batson, that ruling would mean that the court decided that Mumia never had a fair trial. The conviction would be thrown out automatically and he would either be given a re-trial or he would be freed.
The appeals court is empowered not only to overturn Judge Yohn's ruling on the death sentence, but it can also expand the issues it will review beyond the Batson issue. We have asked the court to review an additional eleven issues. Mumia is an innocent man. We have asked that the Writ of Habeas Corpus be granted and that he be set free.
NOW TURNING FOR JUST A MOMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE SUPREME COURT. In addition to being on appeal to the Third Circuit, we are on appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judge Dembe of the Court of Common Pleas has denied our Petition for Post Conviction Relief and/or Writ of Habeas Corpus. She has said she will not hear Arnold Beverly although she also has his written and video confession as well as the corroborating and supporting documentation. She says it comes too late, and she claims that she does not have the jurisdiction to hear about innocence. Nor, for that matter, does she have the jurisdiction to hear about guilt since Arnold Beverly is ready and willing to walk into any court and openly declare both his guilt and Mumia's innocence. It is not Mumia's fault that his former attorney's suppressed Arnold Beverly's confession. But Judge Dembe says that neither Mumia nor Beverly have a place in her courtroom. It is baffling to try to find logic in such a decision. We have filed a Notice of Appeal, but as of yet there is no briefing schedule.
NOW, MY STORY. First, let me reiterate: Mumia is innocent. Let the cynics sneer, if there are among you, those who choose to think, Oh, you never know. If you know Mumia, you know he is innocent. I know him very well and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever. What happened to him on December 9th 1981 is that he was shot and beaten and brutalized.
I knew Mumia was innocent by merely reading the transcript. It was long before I came to know that the killer of Daniel Faulkner had confessed. It was long before I knew that the most highly esteemed polygraph expert in the country corroborated the confession. I knew he was innocent before Terri Maurer Carter, a court reporter, came forward and reported to us, confirming what we already knew, that Judge Sabo was a bigot. She signed a sworn declaration that she had heard Judge Sabo say "I'm going to help them fry the n****r."
It was before I knew that Chobert had recanted his testimony and admitted to an investigator that he was not in the position he said he was at the trial, and he could not have seen the shooting of Daniel Faulkner. I knew he was innocent before I knew that Chobert's evidence was suppressed by the former attorneys in the 1995 post-conviction hearing. I knew he was innocent before Yvette Williams, who had been in jail with Cynthia White (the most damning primary perjurous witness for the prosecution) came forward. I knew he was innocent before Yvette Williams swore in her declaration that Cynthia White told her that she had lied on the stand, that she saw nothing, wasn't there, and that she had lied because the police had forced her by intimidation and threats.
I knew he was innocent and must be freed before I knew that Mumia's brother Billy Cook expected to testify in the 1995 post-conviction hearing and was discouraged from doing so by Mumia's attorney Leonard Weinglass. He was intending to testify to his brother's innocence. He had written a sworn declaration, which was also suppressed, like the killer Arnold Beverly's confession was suppressed. Billy was going to testify because he was there, and because he knew his brother to be innocent.
I knew he was innocent and had to be freed before I knew that in the 1995 post-conviction hearing - as the whole world watched, Philadelphia thronged with media, and the city belonged to those who love Mumia - had Mumia testified, he would have been a presence so powerful that the force of the truth of his innocence could not have been denied. He would have walked from the courthouse a free man leaving in his wake the wicked Judge alone in the court, an evil alchemist stirring his pot of lies.
But Mumia, brother to us all, was not to take the witness stand on his own behalf at his own post-conviction hearing. He was to sit silent as the world watched wondering. He rose only momentarily to tell the court that his attorneys, i.e. Weinglass and Williams, had advised him not to testify. He was to wait for that legendary trial that oh these long years is yet to come. And the world watched wondering.
I knew he was innocent because you have but to open the trial transcript, not to the part where the trial actually begins on June 18th 1982, but to the earlier hearings, the preliminary ones, where Mumia is begging for a line-up as to all and every witness against him. Who begs for a line-up? Only two kinds of people, the crazy or the innocent, and Mumia is not crazy.
Was it bravado? No, this is no bravado. The insistence on his right to a line-up dominates the hearings on January 5, 1982, January 11, 1982 on February 22, 1982 and again on March 18th 1982.
Listen to Jackson speaking on January 5, 1982, page 2. (This was before Mumia asked for his right of self-representation) Jackson spoke: "May it please the Court I am appointed to represent Mr. Jamal in this matter. After several conversations and discussions with my client with regard to identification of him in this matter, Sir I would like to request a line-up, if the court please prior to the preliminary hearing."
Look at page 7, same date: McGill vigorously opposes a line-up. Why would that be only that he couldn't trust his witnesses to lie and he knew they couldn't independent of coercion make an identification? And this is the Mumia - remember - who was himself investigating the police. He knew how they handled witnesses. He knew the vulnerability of these witnesses to police intimidation.
As I read the repeated demands for a line-up, I began to experience his innocence and his desperation in his innocence. I could see him and feel his emotion. I experienced it not only intellectually, not only in the heart, but also viscerally in the gut. No guilty man begs to be thrown up against a white wall with blinding lights in his face to risk being identified by an unknown and unseen person. Mumia is innocent.
I went to Mumia. I told him what I had read and what I learned from the reading. He smiled. "It seems so long since anyone talked about it," he said. "But it gives me so much," I said. "What is that?" he asked. "Well," I said, "It is the best evidence of your innocence since you're not crazy, you must be innocent. But, it also tells me so much more. It tells me that you could not have been anywhere near either the policeman or your brother. You could not have intruded on any incident in progress because you would never have dared to ask for a line-up because some witness could have placed you in close proximity. But, beyond all that, I learned of your indomitable faith in human nature. You believed that when faced with the reality of the situation no one would be so evil as to pick you out of the line-up because they would be picking the wrong man." There was silence for a moment. And then Mumia said, "Thank You."
AND NOW TO COMPLETE MY STORY. I want to tell you what happened with a member of my family shortly after my conversation with Mumia. I was on the phone talking with a close relative. I was trying to explain to her how important the case was because the man was a wonderful person and he was innocent and the witnesses lied and the trial was unfair. I was trying to justify to her why I was devoting myself so entirely to the case. For everything I said, I heard a "A-huh, A-huh," dry with skepticism. Then I said, "He asked for a line-up, but they wouldn't give it to him.² Her voice broke in on my words, "I was once in a line-up," she said. "Why when was that?" I asked. "Well," she said, "my work was across the street from the police station and one day the police came over and asked the supervisor if people could participate in a line up. My supervisor picked me." "But why would you do that? Weren't you scared?" I asked. "No," she blurted out, "because I was innocent." There was silence. She never criticized me again.
THERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS THAT YOU MAY DO SUPPORT MUMIA. Firstly, a campaign has been launched to write to Governor Mark Schweiker asking him to order the Attorney General to take over the case from the obviously corrupt District Attorney's office, immediately go into court and stipulate to the fact that Mumia did not have a fair trial < to do the right thing, confess error, and free Mumia.
Mumia is a union member. He refused to be interviewed by the scabs during the ABC strike. He said, "He'd rather die then cross the picket line." He deserves your support. He has achieved significant union support. As many of you perhaps know from your own participation, the Oakland teachers union voted to conduct a one day teach-in throughout the entire system, and succeeded in doing so in spite of severe opposition from the police and the school board. From this action they broke the media black-out and achieved two weeks of media coverage.
Another remarkable show of support for Mumia was when the ILWU conducted a twenty-four hour shut-down of all the ports from Vancouver to San Diego as a protest strike in behalf of Mumia. This was the first political strike since the 1930's.
Similarly, you can organize in your workplace. Declare one day for education about Mumia's case. If you have a union in your work place set up a support committee for Mumia. If you don't have a union organize one. Take a three-hour paid lunch to educate your fellow workers on the case. Get the word out. We must work legally and politically together to assert enough pressure to win Mumia's freedom. Life imprisonment is an intolerable result. He must be freed.
Very importantly the defense team is desperately in need of funds. If you wish to support the defense, please do as Mumia has requested. None of the lawyers have gotten paid at all. Period. This cannot continue. It is virtually insupportable. Furthermore, we cannot do the work we need to do, and pay the people to do what is necessary to be done, without even money for supplies, or to pay experts and investigators. The situation is quite desperate. If I do say so, we've done a phenomenal amount of work and paid for it ourselves because we are totally dedicated to the freedom of Mumia regardless of the personal sacrifice. This should not go on. Mumia has asked that money to support his legal defense be sent to, or made out today to:
Humanitarian Law Project 8124 W. 3rd St. Suite 105 Los Angeles, California 90048.
It will be greatly appreciated by Mumia and his defense team.
Thank you very much. It is an honor to represent Mumia and to be here with you today.
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In Fury We Trust
In Fury We TrustSarah Schulman’s resounding rebuttal to exclusionary AIDS histories The ACT UP activist Katrina Haslip. | Courtesy of Women Make Movies
Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987–1993 by Sarah Schulman. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 736 pages.
The popular origin story of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power has a mythic quality to it. In March 1987, the writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron cancelled her planned talk at the Lesbian and Gay Center in New York. To fill in, organizers tapped Larry Kramer, author of the controversial novel Faggots and embattled cofounder of the AIDS service organization Gay Men’s Health Crisis. The speech Kramer ended up giving proved a far cry from anything the screenwriter of the forthcoming When Harry Met Sallycould possibly have offered. Almost six years into the AIDS crisis—with nearly twenty-five thousand dead in the United States, and more than six thousand of those deaths in New York City alone—Kramer was appalled by what he saw as the lackluster activist response from the gay community. And he made sure the room knew it. As one attendee recalled, “I remember he asked half the audience to stand up and he said, ‘You’re all going to be dead in six months, now what are we going to do about it?’” Within two days, ACT UP was born.
Stories like this populate what AIDS activist and cultural critic Ted Kerr has called the “AIDS Crisis Revisitation,” or the renewed attention, in the last decade, to narratives of the “plague” years—the period between the first reported cases, in 1981, of what would later become AIDS, and the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 1995. These narratives, which include Ryan Murphy’s rendition of Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart, the Broadway revival of Angels in America, and Rebecca Makkai’s novel The Great Believers, often elevate the experiences of white gay men to the universal narrative of the AIDS crisis.
David France’s 2012 documentary How to Survive a Plagueand his 2016 book of the same title are the worst offenders, collapsing the complex and diverse histories of AIDS activism, and particularly the work of ACT UP, into the neat story of an elite cadre of white gay men who triumphed against pharmaceutical greed and government inaction to end the AIDS crisis. France has even admitted to the revisionist nature of his work, conceding that he “did not talk about housing issues, I did not talk about IV drug use, I didn’t talk about women’s issues, I did not talk about the complicated and knotty issues around race when that was something that ACT UP was addressing.” In other words, France’s history of AIDS activism failed to address some of the most urgent issues and affected communities of the epidemic, leaving the impression that ACT UP, and AIDS activism more broadly, was the privileged domain of white male heroism. Within this framing, Kramer’s founding of ACT UP serves as a pivotal plot point, as if without his singular vision, collective action against AIDS simply wouldn’t have happened—a notion that belies the historical record.
ACT UP would not have succeeded without the membership and political influence of feminist, antiracist, and anti-war activists.
Writing contemporaneously with France, scholars of AIDS history such as Jennifer Brier, Darius Bost, Dan Royles, Emily Hobson, Alexandra Juhasz, Kevin Mumford, and Jih-Fei Cheng have demonstrated the centrality of women and people of color in histories of AIDS activism, while also underscoring the ongoing nature of the AIDS epidemic, especially for Black gay and bisexual men, Black women, trans people, and people living in the Global South. Adding to this important work is writer, scholar, and former ACT UP member Sarah Schulman’s Let the Record Show, which documents the group from its formation in March 1987 to its public decline in 1993. Clocking in at over seven hundred pages, Schulman’s sprawling history offers a resounding rebuttal to exclusionary versions of AIDS history by foregrounding the role women, lesbians, people of color, IV drug users, and incarcerated people played in the history of ACT UP.
Let the Record Show’s massive size is the result of Schulman’s decision to structure the book around oral histories collected over the course of nearly twenty years for the ACT UP Oral History Project, which she cofounded with the experimental filmmaker Jim Hubbard. In her reflection on the methodology used in the project, Schulman explains that she and Hubbard were inspired by the Fortunoff collection of Holocaust testimonies, which asked interviewees to describe who they were before and after the Holocaust. The result, Schulman argues, is a more holistic view of the interviewee, and in the case of ACT UP, offers a better picture of the activist traditions and communities that ACT UP grew out of.
Although collective anger against the AIDS crisis existed before ACT UP—as work like Deborah Gould’s book Moving Politicsreveals—many of the white gay men in the group were new to political activism and looked to women, lesbians, and people of color with previous activist experience for inspiration. Women like Marion Banzhaf, who worked at the reproductive justice organization Tallahassee Feminist Women’s Health Center prior to joining ACT UP, provided a crucial framework for ACT UP’s “patient-centered politics.” Anti-war activists like Jamie Bauer, who participated in the 1979 Women’s Pentagon Action, brought with them a deep knowledge of civil disobedience tactics, which became a hallmark of ACT UP’s direct actions. By generating space for interviewees to share these previous activist experiences, Schulman demonstrates how ACT UP would not have succeeded without the membership and political influence of feminist, antiracist, and anti-war activists.
You Are Witness to a CrimeBy Debra Levine
Grounding the book in the tradition of oral history also allows for voices previously sidelined from major ACT UP historiographies to be heard. Work like How to Survive a Plague has promulgated the impression of ACT UP membership andleadership as made up of exclusively white gay men, but Let the Record Showrecalibrates—and broadens—how we should think about ACT UP’s demographics. Although Schulman does not deny that a large portion of ACT UP members were white gay men, she also emphasizes the integral place women, lesbians, people of color, and IV drug users held not only as rank-and-file members, but as movement leaders. For example, Maxine Wolfe, a prominent activist in feminist reproductive health circles, appears only as a minor character in How to Survive a Plague, but in Let the Record Showshe is positioned, rightfully, alongside Mark Harrington and Larry Kramer as one of the major leaders of ACT UP. Activists of color, too, are front and center, as evidenced by Schulman’s editorial—and political—decision to open the book with the stories of Robert Vázquez-Pacheco and Moisés Agosto-Rosario, two Puerto Rican members of ACT UP who played significant roles in the Majority Action Committees and Gran Fury, and the Latino Caucus and ACT UP Puerto Rico, respectively.
But Let the Record Showis still missing a crucial set of voices: HIV positive women, specifically HIV positive women of color. On this limitation, Schulman is very open: “By 2001, almost every HIV-positive woman in ACT UP New York, except one confirmed survivor, had died. . . . Because they died of systemic racism, and governmental and corporate indifference and neglect, their full impact on the movement cannot be accurately assessed.” While Schulman does succeed in including key experiences of women of color by way of other members’ oral histories, their early deaths are a reminder of the stark inequalities that the AIDS epidemic exacerbated, as well as the challenges that face historians of minoritarian communities.
Central to Schulman’s recalibration is her birds-eye view of ACT UP’s structure, which helps recontextualize the historical role of one of ACT UP’s most well-known groups: the Treatment and Data Committee (T&D). Comprised of “citizen scientists” who studied everything from the pathogenesis of HIV to the intricacies of clinical trials, T&D helped spearhead some of ACT UP’s largest wins—like the creation of a parallel track system within clinical trials, which allowed people living with AIDS who were not eligible for controlled studies to still receive access to experimental drugs. While the membership of T&D changed over ACT UP’s duration (the group, in fact, was started by Dr. Iris Long, a straight chemist who did not know any gay people before joining ACT UP) Schulman notes that it was the T&D of those most present in Revisitation narratives—Peter Staley, Mark Harrington, Gregg Gonsalves, and Garance Franke-Ruta—that shifted from “influencing the way drugs were studied and made available” in clinical trials to influencing “which drugs were studied and what approaches embraced.”
Schulman’s ACT UP becomes less of a homogenous group and more an environment in which many different collectives came together to engage in direct-action to end the AIDS crisis.
Schulman argues that ACT UP’s strength derived not from the victories of one single group, but from a multi-pronged activist approach of many groups working in “simultaneity of action” rather than consensus. In this structure, T&D was just onegroup, albeit an influential one, among many others that included the Actions, Fundraising, Outreach, Coordinating, Media, and Majority Action Committees, the last of which was a group for people of color in ACT UP, and so named because people of color represented the majority of those affected by the epidemic. In addition to official committees and caucuses, ACT UP also had affinity groups like Gran Fury—the art agitprop collective responsible for the iconic slogan “Silence = Death” and Read My Lips posters—which organized around specific issues, worked autonomously, and provided members with networks of care. By introducing the reader to groups who are often absent from Revisitation narratives, Schulman’s ACT UP becomes less of a homogenous group and more an environment in which many different collectives came together to engage in direct-action to end the AIDS crisis.
Not merely a matter of representation, Schulman’s recontextualization serves as an intervention in the political analysis of ACT UP. While histories focused on T&D can make it seem like they alone won victories for the activist group, Schulman argues that most ACT UP wins must be viewed as the result of what she calls the group’s “inside”/“outside” tactical approach. In this dynamic, those with racial and gender privilege—namely, white gay men—would serve as “insiders” who met with government and pharmaceutical officials to negotiate on behalf of ACT UP. And while those meetings occurred, the “outsiders”—primarily women, radicals, and people of color—would literally rally outside, putting additional pressure on those meeting with the “insiders.” Schulman points to the FDA’s adoption of the parallel track following the “Seize Control of the FDA” action in October 1988, and Burroughs Wellcome’s 1989 decision to lower the price of AZT, as success stories of the “inside”/“outside” strategy. To focus only on the insider, Schulman concludes, is to fundamentally miss how ACT UP’s strategy delivered victories that would eventually alter the course of the epidemic.
Despite the importance of the inside/outside tactic to ACT UP’s overall success, Schulman argues that the group’s greatest achievement was accomplished without it: the four-year long campaign initiated by the Women’s Committee to change the CDC’s definition of AIDS to include symptoms present in women. In the 1980s, the criteria to receive an AIDS diagnosis derived from how AIDS manifested in gay men, and particularly white gay men who had the race and class privilege to access health care. There was little to no attempt to investigate how AIDS appeared in other groups, which is why women with AIDS, whose symptoms included invasive cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial pneumonia, endocarditis, and persistent yeast and urinary tract infections, did not meet the CDC’s definition of AIDS. The issue, of course, was that they didhave AIDS, but could not get Social Security and other government benefits without an official diagnosis. (Hence ACT UP’s slogan “Women don’t get AIDS, they just die from it.”) Compounding the problem, most cisgender women were barred from early clinical trials because they were “people of child-bearing potential,” and pharmaceutical companies feared the liability involved if the experimental drugs harmed fetuses.
The fight to change the CDC definition was actually several intertwined projects, and differed from other ACT UP efforts in that those directly affected lacked the same access as men. Members of the Women’s Committee ran a Women and AIDS teach-in, which led to the publication of the hugely popular book Women, AIDS & Activism. They also helped organize protests at the offices of the Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC in 1990. At the same time, Terry McGovern, an attorney and founder of the HIV Law Project, began representing many poor clients in New York City who faced discrimination in housing due to their HIV status. What McGovern found was that the CDC’s AIDS definition was also being used locally to deny AIDS-related benefits, which led her to file a class-action lawsuit against Social Security for discrimination.
If the record shows anything, it’s that one must talk about ACT UP histories, in the plural.
Some of McGovern’s clients included women previously incarcerated at the New York women’s prison Bedford Hills, and it was through them that McGovern met Katrina Haslip, a Black Muslim woman who co-founded ACE to help incarcerated women with HIV/AIDS, and later ACE-OUT to support women once they were released. Other women involved in efforts to change the CDC definition include Iris De La Cruz, a member of Prostitutes of New York (PONY) and author of the column “Iris with the Virus,” as well as Phyllis Sharpe, a Black activist who spoke openly of her history with homelessness and drug use, and how that intersected with her positive status. Through the efforts of these women, the CDC relented and in 1993 changed the definition of AIDS to include invasive cervical cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, and anyone who had two hundred T-cells or less. Unfortunately, by the time the definition was changed, Haslip had already died from AIDS, and did so without the official diagnosis that could have provided her with some support.
In addition to the immediate benefit to women with AIDS, the movement to change the CDC definition had two other vital effects. First, it demonstrated the massive power of the “outside” group, in that most of the activists involved in the effort were those who didn’t have access to pharmaceutical executives and government leaders. Not only were the men of T&D largely absent from aiding the campaign—and therefore providing a more direct path to “insider” access—but when the women didgain access, they were not treated with the respect and influence afforded to ACT UP men. Second, the campaign offered a vision of ACT UP as a broader movement for racial justice, universal health care, social welfare, and gender equity, which these activists saw as essential to truly ending the HIV/AIDS crisis. This vision ultimately came into conflict with T&D’s singular focus on pharmaceutical reform and getting “drugs into bodies,” leading the men of T&D to split from ACT UP in early 1992 to start the Treatment Action Group, or TAG. But Schulman’s detailed analysis of the campaign to change the CDC definition demonstrates the power of coalitional politics and provides a blueprint for contemporary activist efforts that seek to address multiple social issues through a single campaign.
Let the Record Show takes its title from an ACT UP public art exhibition, in a window of the New Museum, which set tombstones with the names of politicians ACT UP had designated as enemies against a backdrop photograph of the Nuremberg trials[*]. Above the installation, in neon lights, hung ACT UP’s famous slogan “Silence = Death.” The implication was clear: the harm these politicians were committing was on par with what the Nazis did in the Holocaust, and—someday—there would be a reckoning.
The irony of Schulman’s choice is that ACT UP’s Let the Record Showassumes that the record of harm will reveal itself without explication, which is surely not an interpretive task Schulman believes regarding the oral histories. Not only are the oral histories meticulously edited and organized for the purpose of the book, but there’s an inherent instability to them: the contradictions, conflicting ideologies, and mismatched testimonies unsettle any possibility for ACT UP to be one thing. If the record shows anything, it’s that one must talk about ACT UP histories, in the plural.
This, of course, is hard work; AIDS history is emotional history. In a recent post, T&D member Peter Staley wrote that we need to “stop with the scolding (purist) view that ACT UP didn’t shoot high enough with ‘drugs into bodies’ (only winning a pharma-based solution) and supposedly didn’t fight hard enough for universal health care.” He concludes: “Our history needs no equivocation from today’s politically naive purists on the left.” I empathize with Staley’s words. It’s hard to be faced with renegotiations of your personal history, especially when, as Staley writes, if we “failed on drugs into bodies, I’d be dead. . . . Most of my friends would be dead.” For younger generations who did not experience the worst years of the epidemic, Staley’s post is an instructive reminder of how easy it is to fall into unfair lines of criticism, like the suggestion that all white gay men sold out women and people of color for a chance to live. These criticisms not only overlook well-documented instances of activism across differences, but often ignore the very real conditions under which people with AIDS made life-and-death decisions: the total eradication of communities, friends, and family.
But Staley’s post is also a cautionary warning, reminding us that despite the emotional politics of ACT UP and AIDS history, we can and must differentiate between unfounded criticisms of ACT UP and the necessity for multiple, and at times conflicting, histories of the group, and to not allow the fear of the former to prevent the latter. Otherwise, we run the risk of losing sight of those activists now receiving the overdue recognition they deserve.
[*] Correction: An earlier version of this piece credited Let the Record Showto Gran Fury. The installation was created by members of ACT UP and resulted in the formation of Gran Fury.
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- 9How world cities moving forward on climate change leave the US President behind
- 10Why we need an international freedom movement | <urn:uuid:03dca575-48c7-4cfa-b522-8d3cd485bce7> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T10:54:08Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-20240412131354-00000.warc.gz | en | 0.960094 | 4,511 | 5,043 |
How is one to speak of the plunge from the 1920s into the 1930s—the toboggan slide, as it seemed, from affluence to penury? The word used in common talk are “crash” and “slump” or “boom” and “bust” or simply “crisis” and “depression.” How can such words begin to suggest shabby gentlemen and women selling apples on the streets? or the shantytown that sprang up below Riverside Drive? or the millions of idle across a continent? New generations cannot begin to feel the strange nightmare moments as we turned into the 1930 decade, 50 years ago. A thick curtain seemed to fall between the moment of the Wall Street panic in 1929 and the beginning of World War II in 1939. Looking backward, Edmund Wilson wrote that it was difficult for books did not sell; his play failed. But he was in love with Margaret Canby, a friend of some years. She was a lively, laughing, unliterary, down-to-earth drinking companion, a woman of warmth and dignity. They married. Their domesticity would be erratic, tempestuous, passionate.
At the beginning of the decade Wilson completed Axel’s Castle, his book on the literary moderns, showing how they descended from the French symbolists. He dealt with Yeats, Joyce, Proust, Valery, Eliot, Gertrude Stein, anticipating the stature these writers now have. The book was praised, but, given the temper of the times, only modestly (it would have a wide success in the later decades). Even as he read the proofs Wilson asked himself whether it wasn’t obsolete. The “high aesthetic” in literature was yielding to the leftist insistence that novelists must concern themselves with the proletariat and poetry proclaim the clenched fist. Wilson understood the mood, even if he had other views. To his friends he jauntily remarked how invigorating it was “to find ourselves still carrying on while the bankers are taking a beating.” He liked this quip sufficiently to put it into a comedy about the Depression written in the early 1930s which mocked the discomfiture of the “prosperity decade.” But it was clear soon enough that the whole nation was “taking a beating” along with the bankers, and this was not a subject for comedy.
Aware of the national urgencies, Wilson issued an appeal to “progressives” in the columns of The New Republic. He wrote:
Moneymaking and the kind of advantages which a moneymaking society provides for money to buy are not enough to satisfy humanity—neither is a system like ours in which everyone is out for himself and the devil take the hindmost, with no common purpose and little common culture to give life stability and sense.
Old conceptions, he wrote, should be “dynamited” and new ones “as shocking as necessary, substituted.” If Edmund sounded ready for revolution, he felt also that Americans needed information. And so he traveled to Detroit, Chicago, the South, wherever there were shutdowns and unrest, to describe and explain and interpret. Of his writings at this time, Matthew Josephson, never an admirer of Wilson, asserted after Edmund’s death that they were “the most objective description of America in 1932 that we have.”
Wilson’s assertion that old conceptions should be dynamited was reshaped very early into a manifesto, issued in 1932 by a group of writers that included Lewis Mumford, Waldo Frank, Dos Passos, and others. Its text, and the circumstances surrounding it, can be read in Elena Wilson’s edition of her husband’s literary and political letters. It is a quiet, sober, rather dry statement, and in a low key. The writers were determined not to be inflammatory. There wasn’t a stick of dynamite in it. To read it after half a century is to be made suddenly aware how little the 1930 intellectuals knew what Hitler intended, and what Mussolini was doing: the nature of paternal, dictatorial, capitalistic fascism, or its proletarian form under Stalin, was still to be revealed. The manifesto seems now Utopian and curiously ingenuous. Free enterprise had proved bankrupt. New social forms, a new social order, new human values were needed. A society stripped of the profit motive and of competition would evolve a changed social philosophy. This was not possible so long as there was “the exploitation of the many for the profit of the few.” The manifesto’s solution: a “temporary dictatorship of the class-conscious workers.” Once nationalization was achieved, and the new society established (one presumed), there would be no further need for this dictatorship. And the manifesto called on writers, engineers, intellectuals, teachers to make common cause with the proletariat. Dos Passos promptly pointed out that the white-collar workers were left out and that certain communist formulas had been followed in spite of their efforts to keep clear of them. Dreiser, who declared for communism, issued his own statement.
Revolutions are not often created by manifestos, and the ferment among the intellectuals, their disregard of the “petty bourgeois”—as Dos Passos and Wilson recognized—and their use of a language unfamiliar to rank-and-file America did not carry the writers far: nor could there be real agreement among them. Wilson’s work as a reporter brought him much closer to the nation’s realities and he described these with his masterly concreteness. Those who remember him from this time recall the changes that came with middle age. He had ceased to be the slender Ivy League young man of his Greenwich Village days. He had become rotund and ruddy-cheeked. He no longer dressed in a collegiate way, as Scott Fitzgerald described him. He wore business suits, gray or dark blue; he sported a variety of hats, from the floppy to the Stetson. In manner he could be brusque and impatient; in speech he was incisive and he could be rude if foolishly pressed; occasionally he reached for words and a sentence would end in a splutter. His volubility masked shyness and withdrawal and depression, which led to hard drinking. But he could be generous and attentive when approached with directness and clarity. His humane sympathies were wide, and no passage in these journals testifies more to this than the record of his trip to the labor “barricades” in the Kentucky coal fields. Here he saw for himself the ruthlessness and cruelty of company officials, businessmen, and professionals, and their hatred of the locked-out and starving miners. This step in the education of his “social consciousness” was completed by his being ridden out of town by a bunch of pistol-swinging deputies.
Edmund Wilson’s politics during the 1930s have confused many of his readers and critics. The Marxist penitents, remembering his meetings with communist leaders, and the Utopian manifesto, have called him a “Red.” Others have used the word “leftist.” Still others have suggested he was either a dupe or politically naive. The breast-beaters and name-callers, involved in a constant dance of apology and rear-vision, overlook the simple fact that Wilson was an old-fashioned American individualist. He felt he could vote for “the party of his choice” in any election without carrying a permanent stigma. A passage in these journals written in Provincetown during the summer of 1932 tells us all we need to know. At the height of the Depression, Wilson felt that the helpless and inert Hoover administration had shown its impotence in calling out the army to drive the bonus marchers from the streets of Washington. Nor was he satisfied with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s platform as the election approached; the time had not yet come for FDR to show his political flexibility and his gift for improvisation. Wilson would always distrust him and accuse him of political duplicities. As for the Norman Thomas socialists, they were like the British Fabians, caught in a dream of some remote welfare state (the term had not yet been invented). Wilson, in later years—or at least up to the time of Adlai Stevenson—voted the Thomas ticket, more in protest than in support. In 1932 he wanted a dynamic platform, “action now,” and for one who had seen firsthand the national misery, the Communists offered a program that made sense to him—they would cast out the Washington double-dealers and put the proletariat in the saddle.
Wilson took steps to inform himself. He talked with William Z. Foster, the Communist party leader. He invited him to his home and invited friends to meet him and ask questions. And he decided, as his journal tells us, to vote the communist ticket even though he disliked the rank-and-file party comrades. He followed his social and humane beliefs without making permanent party commitments. He was a freewheeling writer descended from the makers of the American Revolution who was not afraid to be revolutionary. He was never a “joiner,” and as he remarks, the Communists would never have considered him for the party even if he had pleaded to join. He had a distinct distaste for stereotyped party utterances; and in Kentucky was critical of their maneuvers. What Wilson came to feel was that the nation and the press tended to second-guess history—a common American failing. Wilson’s philosophy of history consisted of study and assessment of the past. He was not concerned with prophecy or the planning of national policy on paranoid assumptions of what other nations might do. He was and remained an independent. He would later denounce the tyranny in Russia as he had denounced the muddle in Washington. And he kept an open mind. He settled now to a close study of Marx—almost as if the Marxian text were written by Joyce or Dante. Later he admitted a bias. He had believed the Soviet Union would “put into practice its Leninist ideals” and “this was implied in my whole attitude toward what was going on at home.”
We may wonder why Wilson read so intensively in Marx and Engels, Trotsky and Lenin. More than his usual curiosity was involved. He was aware that Marx was too often invoked without much knowledge of what he had written. The Communist party itself had reduced Marx to a series of slogans and platitudes. Congress was unaware of history—few of its members possessed that kind of literacy. What had Marx really advocated? How were the Russians using him? How did social revolutions begin? Wilson began to see that what was happening in the 20th century needed to be traced back to Vico’s ideas in the I7th. But how explain history to a Congress which could only express moral indignation, and a simplifying American press which used only tags and labels? Most persons to whom Wilson talked possessed a derivative Marxism, exception made for philosophers and political scientists. In the fullness of time Wilson himself would sum up his readings. He recognized that Marx clearly understood how workers were exploited and that he had contributed immeasurably to the world’s philosophy of labor. But, observed Wilson, “why should we suppose that man’s brutal and selfish impulses will all evaporate with a socialist dictatorship?” The welfare state could harbor atrophies and ineptitudes as great as those of free enterprise.
The consequences of Wilson’s explorations and self-questionings were far-reaching. He embarked on a book that would parallel Axel’s Castle. That volume sought the origins of the “modern” movement in literature. Now he would begin to seek out the roots of modernism in politics and revolution. He would show how revolution, rising out of man’s misery, gave birth to ideas that flowed and grew within a historic stream, a stream that often became a torrent. He would show how persecutions and massacres and common sufferings, the revolutions in America and France, the years of ferment in Russia, the radicalism in Germany, led up to a singular moment in our time: one might call it the turning point in our century—that moment when Lenin arrived in the city that would bear his name: he came with all this history and theory in his head to take command of the floundering Russian Revolution. The title of Wilson’s book suddenly occurred to him as he was walking in the street: To the Finland Station. Only later would he realize that he had been influenced by Virginia Woolf’s title. To the Lighthouse. The Finland Station was the little shabby stucco building, “rubber-gray and tarnished pink” (Wilson would travel to Russia to look at it), in what was then St. Petersburg. Here Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, otherwise Lenin, arrived from his long exile following his wartime journey through Germany in a sealed train. Clutching a bouquet of roses handed him by his admirers, he had delivered one of his portentous slogans: “All power to the Soviets.” His book would show, Wilson believed, how history can determine human actions. It would be, as he subtitled it, “a study in the writing and acting of history.”
It was a splendid, a poetic conception and he carried out his plan in the hope that it would enlighten American political and social thought. To write this book, Wilson felt he should visit Russia and study the scenes of his drama and thoroughly steep himself in the relevant documents. He knew some German. He now began the study of Russian. A Guggenheim Fellowship provided him with travel funds. His predecessors in this pilgrimage had been fairly numerous—among them his friend Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Max Eastman, and earlier Lincoln Steffens, who had come back saying the much-quoted words that he had seen the future “and it works.” They had gone largely as reporters curious about the new supposed utopia-in-the-making. Wilson went as a historian and with few preconceptions; he had certain unvoiced hopes that Steffens had been right, that some new form of society was emerging. His ostensible goal was the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute in Moscow. His journals, however, do not tell US of his researches; they testify instead to his many encounters and interrogations. He had done sufficient “homework” by this time to be able to interpret what he heard—and also what could not be heard: the enigmatic reticences, the deep silences. He sought out his Fellow historian. Prince D. S. Mirsky, whose work he admired, and we have some notes of their meetings. Mirsky would be one of Stalin’s early victims, and Wilson later drew a finely sketched portrait of him, as he amplified his notes. He goes to picnics, night clubs, the Physkultur Parade, museums, monasteries; he is at the ballet, the theater, the opera, and has an easy familiarity from his readings in America with the plays, the players, the directors. His journey up the Volga, in its singular details, is like a Chekhov tale; and to climax his experiences he finds himself a captive student of socialized medicine in the USSR—for he comes down with scarlatina and for some weeks is quarantined in an old, dignified, dirty building in Odessa, a building that went back to the time of Pushkin. There are bedbugs everywhere. The orderlies urinate in the solitary sink near his room. Nurses and patients are cheerful; the patients are mostly children. He has many amusing conversations, is treated with the greatest respect, and at night is permitted to use the operating room as his study. All his bills—including telegrams and cables—are paid by the state. This ends his private adventure in Red Russia. He would continue his Russian studies in all the years to come.
In the year before his death, Wilson took a backward glance at To the Finland Station. He was writing a preface for a new edition and he recalled that he had gone to Russia with “a too hopeful bias.” “We did not foresee that the new Russia must contain a good deal of the old Russia. . . . I had no premonition that the Soviet Union was to become one of the most hideous tyrannies that the world had ever known, and Stalin the most cruel and unscrupulous of the merciless Russian tsars.” However, he believed that his book remained “a basically reliable account of what the revolutionists thought they were doing in the interests of ‘a better world.’” He also accepted criticism that he had given too amiable a picture of Lenin. Later documents and much more evidence had convinced him that, behind Lenin’s worshipped facade, one could find all the corruptions of power.
Edmund Wilson’s wife Margaret Canby died two years after their marriage, in an accident while she was in California. She slipped on some steep Spanish-style steps at Santa Barbara and fractured her skull. Wilson boarded a propeller plane for the long trip to the coast; he was overwhelmed and distraught. He nursed anxious thoughts that she might have committed suicide, for he lacked details. His journal record of his stay in California, his visit to the funeral parlor, his talks with relatives are a kind of emptying of his grief, his memories, his guilt. The passage is perhaps the most “felt” and intimate of all his writings about himself. If there had been some strain in the marriage, there had also been the love he now expressed. The monologue provided catharsis, but it did not bring total relief. For years Wilson continued to dream about Margaret: she is alive again, they are coming together, he experiences a kind of sublime joy— and always something happens to keep them apart and he races through rooms and corridors but cannot find her. The dreams suggest profound and unresolved feelings, continuing grief and self-blame; he had a strange sense that in dying she had abandoned him; and then the opposite, he felt guilty, as if he had abandoned her. The monologue reminds one of passages in Proust, or the soliloquy of Molly Bloom in Ulysses. Some readers may be startled by the publication of this intimate record of a marriage. One gains the impression that Wilson wrote the entire passage at a single sitting for himself, without thought of publication, Thirty years later he had it typed up for inclusion in his journals. The candor may seem at times gratuitous; it is a piece of private history, but it is also a search for the truth of personal history. The monologue testifies to Wilson’s core difficulty—there were things he could not allow himself to feel. In my introduction to The Twenties (Wilson’s journal for that decade) I discussed his dissociation of emotion in certain situations. He defended himself against emotional hurt by a kind of curmudgeonly bluntness which sometimes alienated friends. His modes of verbal aggression were in counterpoint with his verbal amiability. One is prompted to say that this problem, which deprived him of certain empathies, made it difficult for him in criticism to deal with writers of our time, like Kafka, who explored man’s troubled dream-existence. It ran counter to Wilson’s concreteness, derived from his ability to look at reality without having to feel it. In To the Finland Station he tells us that Karl Marx’s “blinded and paralyzed side” was his “negation of personal relations, of the responsibility of man to man,” and there was something of this in Wilson. For he speaks in these journals, in a moment of insight, of “the dead tissue in my soul—it could never grow back.” Perhaps he is thinking of the blocked sensibilities of his childhood. There had been, as we know, a deaf mother and a depressed and often apathetic father. The little boy Edmund had considerable difficulty communicating with those closest to him. In the process there was a short-circuiting of the common articulations and joys of childhood. The distancings were carried into adult life. Certain “social reflexes” were thwarted. We are given a glimpse of his insight into himself during a visit to an old friend:
I was awfully glad to see him, and it was very pleasant at first to talk to him again, with his intellectual range and his cultivation: his history, psychology, literature; but my visit got to be more and more eerie. He wanted to be amiable and hospitable; but he had to make a conscious effort—his solitary and self-centered life had practically deprived him of the social reflexes.
Wilson adds: “I have been that way myself, possibly always to some extent.”
There were these sealed corridors in his personal relations, “and it was strange to see it from the outside,” Wilson said. He added that it “at once depressed me and made me feel superior.” What he could do was to displace emotion from the human scene into his writing. At his desk, the world fell into place. He was free to grasp, explain, sympathize, understand Proust’s sensitive childhood, experience Dickens’s sufferings and Turgenev’s struggles with his mother. Wilson’s journals reflect a compulsive and meticulous man reaching out with words to himself and his fellow humans, but allowing masses of fact and detail, and intellectual musings, to defend him against full-face encounter. Perhaps in this way we can understand the use of the bold inquiring front, the value language had for him: there was nothing arbitrary about dictionaries, or the past. The past was safe and confrontable.
Why do some authors keep journals? Journals can be a way of shoring up life and siphoning off a surplus of creative energy. They become, on occasion, a device for dealing with parts of experience not readily useful; in effect, they can be a memory bank. We can see how, for Andre Gide or Thoreau or the copious Anais Nin—to take three disparate writers—journals became full-length mirrors of the self. In the case of Nin, they seem almost to have become a way of writing her life without having to live it. These are the journals of a profound narcissism. But there are other kinds. Kafka’s, as he told us, were a form of prayer. Henry James’s were used to solve artistic problems and allay anxiety about his immediate work. Virginia Woolf’s enabled her to maintain balance and use her mental iridescence to haul herself up, as it were, from chronic despondency.
Wilson was not creating on the scale of such writers, and his journals, we may judge, served largely the function of memory and self-discipline. They were the notebooks of a chronicler, a way of tidying the mind for his craft of criticism: no meditations, no prayers, no invocation to the muse, no polished mirrors. He tries rather to be a camera, for this is what he finds most comfortable. A camera, however, doesn’t think: and Wilson is using his intellectual powers. His sensitivity resides in his visuality. He has an ear for what (and how) people say things. In this way he also tries to be a tape recorder. The journals are his mental account books and a way of handling unachieved relationships. Even his record of his own copulations has this kind of objectivity—as if he were a naturalist at the zoo of himself, writing a chapter of natural history. Thomas Mann, in his highly intellectual way, justified such intimate revelations (when his wife complained) by saying “the most intimate is at the same time the most universal.” Erich Heller’s response to this seems to me penetrating. Culture is attained, he reminds us, “by a tactful disregard of much that is ‘natural.’” When we universalize intimacy, it ceases to be intimate. When we impersonalize the personal, we risk stripping it of its humanity. Wilson also wrote down experience often in order to depersonalize it. Once it was written down, he could detach himself from it. Yet he couldn’t part with it. When I said to him one day (we were talking of his journals) that he was after all quite free to revise and change what he had written and even to trim passages, he rebelled. They had acquired total objectivity; they seemed almost not to belong to him. “I don’t want to cut any corners,” was the way he answered me. “But they’re your own corners, Edmund, you can do what you like with them.” My rejoinder did not please him. The text had become impersonal. He wasn’t going to tamper with it. The text belonged, unchangeably, to literary history. | <urn:uuid:88382c6c-9927-4bc2-bb19-4a0153782351> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T10:59:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-20240412131354-00000.warc.gz | en | 0.985777 | 5,280 | 5,724 |
Weddings, Seniors & More
Hey there! I'm Ali, a Milwaukee-based photographer specializing in weddings and senior portraits. Exciting news – I've earned The Knot's Best of Weddings Hall of Fame and clinched a spot in the Top 50 Up & Coming Senior Photographers. How cool is that?
What makes my photography stand out? It's not just about freezing moments; it's about creating a joy-filled, stress-free experience tailored to you. Your unique personality deserves to shine effortlessly, and I'm here to capture that authenticity in timeless images.
When I'm not behind the lens, you'll find me trying to keep up with my fantastic husband and our two active boys. Whether we're at a youth sporting event or exploring the outdoors across Wisconsin, we're always up for an adventure.
Being part of your story, capturing those amazing moments that mark the beginning of your next big adventure – that's what fuels my passion. I can't wait to get to know you and dive into your awesome story through my lens. Let's create some unforgettable memories together!
Get to know me
WOW - Just wow! My husband and I planned our Milwaukee wedding from Georgia and choosing a photographer from afar seemed so overwhelming. We wanted someone who would capture more than just posed images on our wedding day.
From my first meeting with Ali, I knew she was someone who genuinely cared to show love through her photography and made me feel so comfortable that she could provide everything I wanted. Throughout the planning process, Ali was so flexible, easy to communicate with, and proactive to ensure our wedding vision came to fruition on our big day.
Let me tell you - WE ARE SO OVERWHELMED AND OVERJOYED by our experience. Ali fit in so well on our wedding day and made picture-taking so fun and easy! The turnaround time to get our pictures back was unreal. The amount of happiness and joy we see in our pictures is exactly what we wanted - they look so beautiful, and feel so natural, I am obsessed. Thank you for everything!
The factory on Barclay | Milwaukee, wi
Meghan + Kyle
Ali was the perfect photographer! We were so impressed with her professionalism and timeline management over the day. We have some headstrong family members, and she was able to handle them with ease - they even complimented us later on how amazing she was! Her high energy and excitement about the day were also amazing. We will be using her for all future photography needs!
Geneva National Resort | Lake Geneva, WI
Anna + David
2 / 18
Ali was amazing!! I could not have asked for a better photographer.
I was super nervous it would be awkward, but she was super easy-going and talkative. Ali was very flexible and treated me like the most important person.
All the images turned out great. Ali got them to me only FOUR days after our session. I was very impressed with all of Ali's work.
Pamperin park | Green Bay, WI
Ali is amazing and helped take so much stress and anxiety away from me. Our venue closed three months before our wedding day, and we went to Wisconsin from Illinois, which meant we needed a new photographer. Ali’s work was amazing, and we instantly knew we wanted to work with her.
Ali was in constant communication with us, knew what happened, and did everything she could to help. She even offered to help us find new vendors. She was so friendly and easygoing.
Ali was the greatest. She made every so stress-free, fun and enjoyable. Austin and I didn’t feel like we had to force anything and felt extremely comfortable around her. Thank you so much!!
We were looking for a wedding photographer that made us feel comfortable, and the photography process felt natural and fun. Ali was an amazing choice! She made the experience so easy! Ali was bubbly, organized, timely, and upbeat.
She knew our bridal party and family members' names by the time we were taking group pictures!
Many guests commented on how great she was. I would definitely recommend her! We got our pictures back from her less than two weeks after our wedding, and they are astonishing. We can't wait to pick some out to print!
The Milwaukee MaRriott West | Waukesha, WI
Amanda + Brian
I was so nervous about getting my senior pictures taken because I'm not super comfortable in front of a camera. Ali made me super comfortable, and she was so nice and helped me with posing.
I got my pictures back super fast, and I loved how they turned out.
My session helped grow my confidence. I have never felt as confident and pretty as I felt during my session. Thank you, Ali!!
Black Cat Alley | Milwaukee, wi
When looking for a photographer for my daughter's senior photo session, we wanted someone that would take photos with a natural yet simple look. From the get-go, Ali was great to work with. When we booked the session, Ali was prompt to welcome us, answer any questions we had, and gave us a few suggestions on locations for her pictures. Ali's energy and personality were infectious. She was so much fun to work with. I was amazed at how quickly we received the photos after our session. She did a fantastic job capturing my daughter's personality. Thanks again, Ali!!
THe Gardens | Allenton, WI
When looking for a wedding photographer, we were worried about their personality, photo results, and reliability.
Ali blew us away right from the start when we had an introductory meeting. Ali's fun personality and organization drew us in, and her photo samples had us sold. From the standpoint of a bride, I was so grateful for Ali's organization during wedding prep and especially on the wedding day. I knew I could count on her to ensure to capture the day's memories.
We 100% recommend Ali! We loved her and her work. We will certainly be coming to Ali for any and all future photography needs.
Boerner Botanical Gardens | Hales Corners, WI
The biggest concern I had when looking for a senior picture photographer was getting quality photos that made it worth the money. My money was well spent with Ali behind the camera!
My senior pictures turned out phenomenal. Ali was very interactive and upbeat. She was knowledgeable about lighting and other photo techniques. Lastly, Ali was super easy to communicate with and flexible!
I highly recommend Ali for your senior pictures!
Hartford Union High School | Hartford, WI
There are not even words for how awesome and wonderful Ali and our second photographer we. Ali was so easy to work with throughout the process. She was quick to respond to my emails. I was nervous for was our timeline between the ceremony and reception. Ali was on top of getting us through our family photos. During our bridal party photos at the Boerner Botanical Gardens, they knew where to get the best shots, but they also helped with the little ones in the bridal party so that their parents could take pictures. Ali even stuck around a little later at the reception to ensure we got all of the pictures that we wanted. She was so easy and fun to work with that we honestly would love to hang out and be friends!
Brookfield conference Center | Brookfield, WI
Paula + Travis
Ali was amazing! The two most important components I was looking for when setting up my daughter’s senior pictures were a photographer who could capture her true, authentic self and create a FUN experience!
The pictures are amazing, and I would highly recommend Ali for any photography needs! Ali was professional, responsive to our needs, and impressively creative. She was even able to get my daughter to SMILE for pictures which is a rare sighting, AND my daughter is still talking about how much fun she had!
lion's den gorge | Grafton, WI
Ali did a fantastic job for us not only on our wedding day but throughout the entire process! She was professional and organized - she sent notification reminders for payment, info to help with our timeline, and questionnaires on shot details for the day. Besides the excellent organization, Ali showed up promptly and full of excitement! She was very sweet and catered to our requests as they came up. We kept to our timeline, which allowed for a super smooth day.
And finally, she delivered our sneaks right away and full gallery within two weeks! We were very happy with the beautiful photos she took! Clean, timeliness, and true to color. 10/10 would recommend Ali for your wedding photography ☺️
Stasia + Caleb
I was very nervous before my senior pictures. I tend to feel uncomfortable when it's just me in front of the camera, and I didn't want to look awkward in my senior pictures.
Thankfully, as soon as I met Ali, I felt completely relaxed and confident. It was such a great experience! I am so happy I booked her!!
Fonferek Glen | De Pere, WI
To say Ali is amazing is an understatement! She made our special day that much better with her energy, upbeat attitude, and fantastic attention to detail! We all know that once the day is done, the photos are what allow us to remember our wedding. If you were to ask us out of all the images we thought were the best, we could quickly answer with everyone that was our favorite (This is not a joke).
Another aspect that we loved about Ali was her professionalism. She is always available for questions, she responds quickly, and she got all of our photos back much quicker than we anticipated. We would highly recommend Ali if you are in search of a photographer! She is the best!
The concourse Hotel | Madison, WI
Katelyn + Adam
Ali is a super talented, creative, and fun photographer to work with!
Our senior picture session was on the verge of getting rained out, yet Ali turned the negative into a positive. The pictures were absolutely stunning, with the storm clouds rolling in.
Ali makes you feel comfortable and uses her creative talent to ensure your session and pictures are unique to each client. I highly recommend her; besides getting beautiful images, Ali was so easy to work with!
Downtown Hartford | Hartford, WI
Ali was lovely and an excellent photographer for our ceremony. She was willing to move things around for us when we decided to have the ceremony a day early (our ceremony was small—12 people—because of COVID safety concerns), but she also worked through cold and rain for us. Ali even had an extra umbrella for me (the bride) to use during the ceremony that would look good in the photos. She worked quickly and efficiently to get the family portraits we wanted so that people could get out of the cold and the rain and was enthusiastic and energetic throughout the whole thing. Ali also turned the photos around for us faster than I anticipated, and most importantly, we love our photos! She captured the spirit of the place and the day in a way that I'm thrilled with.
Laura + Kristofer
When looking for a photographer for our daughter's senior pictures, I looked for someone passionate about what they do, energetic, great personality, and creative. I wanted to find someone who would make our daughter feel comfortable and enjoy the experience.
Ali checked all those boxes for us. She captured our daughter's smile and her personality in the photographs, and we had so much fun during her session. We are in love with her pictures!
Delafield fish hatchery | Delafield, WI
Ali was amazing to work with, and I loved her positive energy and enthusiasm! She made the process easy for what can feel a little overwhelming with all the planning and nerves on the wedding day.
We would definitely recommend Ali! We enjoyed working with her, and she was always very responsive, professional, and organized. She is very polite and helped keep to our timeline the day of and made sure to fulfill any request we had for photos. We were excited to have our sneak peeks within a few days and shortly after the rest of our images.
Holy Hill Basilica | Hubertus, WI
Sarah + Matt
Ali is amazing!!! She responded immediately to our questions. Her website was user-friendly, and prices were very reasonable.
Her photography is beautiful!! She really knows how to bring out one's true personality through pictures! I've never liked a photoshoot this much! She did such a good job! ❤️
milwaukee art museum | milwaukee, WI
Ali is absolutely wonderful! Her photography speaks for itself, and she captured our love perfectly on our wedding day.
We had some issues the day of our wedding that was out of our control, but Ali jumped right in and created a new schedule for us to ensure we could still get the photos that were most important to us.
She made us feel so comfortable and at ease. Ali is such a beautiful soul, and her photography reflects that.
The Ingleside Hotel | Pewaukee, Wi
Kayla + Kyle
Ali makes you feel like you have been friends for years! She is super energetic and creative. I loved her positive energy!
Ali was great at communication and never forgot anything we discussed. She actually reminded me of some ideas I had forgotten! We had to move our session date, and Ali was super helpful in changing the date with the venue and makeup artist.
So easy to work with and does fast work! Highly recommend!
The gardens Wedding Center | Allenton, WI
Ali was a pleasure to work with for our wedding. She is extremely responsive and pays close attention to details. Leading up to the wedding, Ali was very proactive and ensured that she had everything she needed from my husband and me to prepare for the big day. Ali surprised and delighted us with little notes and gifts that made the experience feel personal. On our wedding day, she captured beautiful images that I know we'll cherish for years to come. We also have to applaud her super speedy turnaround time with the photos. Ali delivered more than 1,000 photos within two weeks of our wedding (a great surprise while on our honeymoon!). She edited each and every image with care, no matter how many there were. Thank you for being a part of our wedding day!
Halverson house | Waterford, WI
Caelin + Walter
Ali, thank you so much for Dylan's amazing senior photos.
You were able to capture exactly what we wanted. You have a fun personality and an incredible talent.
I'm beyond thrilled with every single picture!
Downtown Hartford, WI
Ali photographed our wedding, and she was absolutely amazing! I had pictures in mind that I sent her, and she made it all come to life. She had amazing ideas and was so fun to work with. Looking at the pictures I’ve gotten back so far, I am in love and so glad we got to work with her. She was messaging me throughout my whole planning process and helping me in so many other ways as well. She sent me so much helpful information and made sure everything was going smoothly. If you’re looking for a photographer, you should definitely book with Ali! Pictures are the one keepsake that you have to remember, and I can’t wait to be able to look back on these amazing photos!
The Waters | Oshkosh, WI
Heather + dalton
I've had issues in the past with photographers being slow to respond or challenging to contact. That's not the case with Allysha Noelle Photography! The communication was great! Very fast to respond, quick to answer any questions, super helpful and friendly.
The photoshoot was great - so much fun, well organized, and enjoyable. The pictures turned out beautiful, and the edits were back SO fast!
Menomonee Park | Lannon, WI
I can’t say enough wonderful things about Ali and how amazing she is at her job. Very personable and so easy to work with.
Our engagement and wedding pictures turned out amazing and caught the best moments of our day. Thank you so much, Ali!!
Cartens Mill - Brillion, WI
Tilly + Travis
My daughter’s senior pics are amazing! So glad we went with Allysha Noelle Photography!!
We had some last-minute wardrobe issues, but everything turned out perfectly with Ali’s help and suggestions! Ali, you were a joy to work with, and we couldn’t have asked for a better photographer!
We both had an enjoyable and memorable photoshoot. Thanks so much!
Lion's Den Gorge | Grafton, WI
Ali was a joy to have as our wedding photographer. Her professionalism and creativity shine through her photos and personality.
My wife and I were blessed to have her capture the wedding, it was a beautiful night, and with Ali's help, we'll be able to cherish the day forever.
lake Mendota | madison, WI
isabel + cody
We wanted a photographer who would make Peyton feel comfortable and knew we would really need to rely on them for ideas, locations, lighting, and poses.
Ali was amazing! From the moment we got out of the car, Ali was friendly and fun. She made us relax and feel comfortable instantly - it was like we had known Ali for years. The session was fun and easy - painless. And efficient - Ali knew what would work and what wouldn't and had great ideas. She also made sure to ask us if there was anything specific we wanted or if we had any ideas or changes. It was great! Thank you!
The Gardens | Allenton, WI
Ali was amazing to work with! She was very helpful and a total pro.
We were planning the wedding ourselves, so we didn't really have a schedule other than an approximate ceremony and dinner time. Ali helped us lay out a very detailed schedule and stay on it or even ahead.
Ali worked great with our family and us for formal pictures. She was very good with my little nephew, who didn't want to cooperate the whole time.
Many of our guests mentioned that they liked her, and if we ever need to hire a photographer again, Ali is who we will be contacting!
Cherish + Matt
Ali has the rare talent of being able to combine professionalism and fun. She immediately put my daughter to ease and took away her nervousness. She made the entire experience relaxed and fun.
Ali is a remarkably talented photographer. I would not hesitate to recommend Ali to my family or my friends. The pictures were wonderful.
richfield historical society | richfield, WI
Some Kind Words
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15 Best Carpet Cleaners For Dog Urine
Dogs are wonderful friends, but nothing ruins your carpets faster than bringing a puppy home. They never seem to get tired of finding new and ingenious ways to soil your floors.
Many pet-based carpet cleaners on the market do nothing to remove the stains Fido leaves behind – and some can make the situation worse!
With a special emphasis on removing urine odors, so you can pick a cleaner that will truly work rather than one that will simply highlight your dog's favorite spots.
Rocco & Roxie has a specific enzymatic bacteria that breaks down all portions of the pee, removing not only the stain but also the odor. That manner, no signs of the mishap are left behind.
It is not only effective on pee. It also neutralizes excrement, vomit, and hairballs, so it should be able to manage whatever your pet can conjure up from within her body.
It also works on almost any surface that can be dyed. You can clean carpet, beds, and upholstery – anything your dog might defile.
However, there is one significant drawback. The spray has a foul odor. You may believe that coping with the pee stench after spraying it on your carpet was preferable.
The good news is that the spray’s stench fades rapidly, leaving you with a clean (and clean-smelling) rug.
It would be lovely if Rocco and Roxie could make their cleaner smell nice, but we’ll take it as it is.
- Stains are completely removed.
- It also eliminates smells.
- Works on a wide range of stains.
- Can be used on almost any surface.
- It has a very strong odor.
It may not seem like much, but the Simple Solution Enzymatic’s 3-in-1 multifunctional sprayer comes in useful.
You can make a direct spray for targeted use, a mist for a wider area, or a foam to scrub out tough stains.
The foam is what makes this bottle so enticing, while most other bottles only deliver jets or mist.
However, pet stains are nasty and tend to spread and sink deep into your carpet; the foam alternative delves deep into the fibers and thoroughly cleans everything.
That’s especially crucial when it comes to eradicating scents — because because your dog’s sense of smell is so much stronger than yours, you need to get all of the stink molecules out to avoid a repeat engagement.
Despite this, it is one of the most affordable cleaners on the market, which is why it is our choice for the best carpet cleaner for dog urine for the money.
There are several disadvantages to be aware of. The sprayer leaks frequently, especially while switching modes, and it is ineffective on old stains. That’s a lot to expect from a cleaner at this pricing point.
Simply Solution Enzymatic is one of the greatest cleaners available, and unquestionably one of the best values.
- Convenient three-in-one spray nozzle
- The foam feature is fantastic.
- Digs deep to eliminate smells
- Reasonably priced
- While spraying, the bottle occasionally spills.
- Not recommended for old stains.
One of the finest aspects of dog ownership is their company and love. The occasional indoor accident is one of the worst, but they do happen.
It’s critical to clean it up fast so it doesn’t damage your carpets or flooring and so your dog doesn’t pee there again.
Here’s when Hepper’s Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray comes in handy!
It works on every biological fluid that needs to be eliminated, including drool, vomit, diarrhea, and pee.
It works by binding and lifting the stain and accompanying odor and eradicating them permanently. This way, your dog won’t be drawn back to the same location over and over again.
It is safe to use on all surfaces, including carpets, floors, fabrics, and furniture, and has a neutral scent, so no harsh or cloying artificial perfumes are used.
It’s 32 ounces in size and should last you a long time. Furthermore, Hepper has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which means it will return your money if you are dissatisfied with the goods.
Finally, unlike many other similar products on the market, Hepper’s Bio-Enzyme Spray does not require the addition of water to the solution. You only need to give it a good shake to begin spraying and cleaning.
There are no obvious drawbacks to using this spray. You’ll just need to conduct some spot testing on your carpet to make sure it doesn’t change the color.
You must also be cautious when storing it so that it does not lose its potency and keep it out of the reach of youngsters. Regardless, it easily tops our list of the best carpet cleaners for dog urine.
- Binds odors and stains, lifts them, and eliminates them.
- It is effective on floors, carpets, upholstery, and furniture.
- Guaranteed 100% satisfaction
- There is no need for water: simply mix and spray.
- There are no unpleasant artificial fragrances because the smell is neutral.
- Spot testing is advised.
If you’ve ever lived in the country, you know that when you’re in a jam, you contact a guy named Bubba.
Although it may be overkill for everyday stains, Bubba’s Shampoo is as wonderful as a visit from the guy himself.
The objective is to utilize Bubba’s when other cleaners have failed you or when your entire carpet needs to be reset.
It’s a thorough deep cleaning, and as such, it requires some time and work. You will also require a steam cleaner or shampooer.
There is, however, nothing better for stains that you believed would never come out. You may also use it on almost any upholstery, including your couch and drapes.
It’s a touch costly, but given how concentrated it is, that balances out. One bottle should last quite a while.
Nothing works as well as Bubba’s Shampoo, but considering the effort required, you’d be better off attempting one of the methods listed above it first before bringing in the big guns.
- Extremely potent
- Excellent for set-in stains
- It is effective on all types of upholstery.
- A single bottle lasts a long time.
- It takes a lot of time, work, and some specialized equipment.
- On the expensive side
Sunny & Honey is a true multi-surface cleaner because it works on more than just textiles.
You may also use it on tile, leather, countertops, and other surfaces (though if your dog is urinating on your counters, you should probably call a trainer — or an exorcist).
It’s safe to use around children and pets since it utilizes enzymes rather than harsh chemicals — plus the firm doesn’t test their products on animals and donates money to animal shelters, both of which are excellent for your conscience.
Because it’s intended for indoor use, it’s safe; it’s a terrific method to clean up a crate or some bedding, for example. However, because the stench is overwhelming, open a window before you begin spraying.
You must also allow it to sit for an extended period of time (up to an hour), depending on the severity of the stain.
This provides your pet plenty of time to re-mark the location, as well as enough of time for you to become preoccupied and forget to return to scrub it.
Sunny & Honey is a favorite of ours, and its fourth-place performance here is less an indictment of the product itself and more a reflection of how fantastic the products rated above it genuinely are.
- It is effective on all surfaces.
- It is safe to use around children and pets.
- The organization is socially concerned.
- Excellent for cleaning crates and bedding.
- The odor is strong.
- It takes a long time to complete the task.
Woolite Pet Stain Remover is one of the best all-purpose carpet cleaners available. It can remove imperfections ranging from pee and vomit to tracked-in dirt.
It smells nice and helps eradicate pee odors rather than just hiding them. If your dog has a propensity of returning to the same places, this can finally break him of the behavior.
It cleans couches and other upholstery just as well as carpet, so you can keep your furniture smelling and looking as good as your rugs and carpet.
There were only a few difficulties with this cleanser. Because it is unlikely to completely remove a stain from white carpet, you may require something stronger in that instance (then again, you may want to change from a white carpet entirely if you have a dog on it).
Also, regardless of the color of your carpet, you’ll most likely need to reapply it numerous times for maximum results.
Woolite Pet Stain Remover, on the other hand, accomplishes more than enough to merit inclusion on our list, and it’s nearly as good as the options above it.
While we’d recommend those first, we don’t think you’ll be sorry if you get this spray as well.
- It is effective on all types of stains.
- It smells nice.
- Instead of simply covering urine scents, it breaks them down.
- It also works great on upholstery.
- Not recommended for use on white carpets.
- For the finest results, many applications are required.
While this choice from Amaziing Solutions prides itself on not having a nasty odor, the smell it does have may be too subtle to keep your dog from returning to the same location over and over.
The strength of the odor determines whether or not this occurs. This item is helpful for light-to-medium odors, but severe or deeply ingrained aromas may be too much for it to handle.
It is, however, difficult to beat for cosmetic issues. It works well for eliminating stains of various kinds. That is, of course, of limited use if your dog continues renewing the stain for you.
The liquid itself is incredibly sudsy, and it’s difficult to get all of it out. You’ll make one more pass and see some film return just when you think you’ve gotten it all.
While the thoroughness required helps to break up imperfections, you’ll undoubtedly wonder if the spray or your elbow grease is doing the trick.
Amaziing Solutions is a good-but-not-great cleanser worth keeping around if you want to test something that won’t stink up your entire house, but if you want something that’s certain to work, you’ll have to seek elsewhere.
- A little odor
- Excellent for minor to moderate problems.
- Excellent at eliminating stains
- The stench of pee may not be completely removed.
- It takes a lot of effort.
- The spray is really sudsy.
BISSELL Febreze Cleaner, like Bubba’s Shampoo, is intended for use in steamers or shampooers, so don’t expect to buy a bottle and be done with it.
It’s also useful for whole-house cleaning, but not nearly as effective as Bubba’s. The actual star here is the Febreze; if all you care about is making your house smell nice, this is the cleaner to buy.
The difficulty is that Febreze covers the odor rather than eliminating it, so the scent will reappear after a while. It’s also unlikely that your dog will ever stop sniffing it, so he may be contributing to the problem in the meanwhile.
The mixture contains Scotchgard, which appears to be fairly efficient in preventing subsequent stains. However, given that you’re likely purchasing it due to existing stains, that may not be much of a help.
Your best approach, in our opinion, is to spot-clean your carpet using one of our higher-rated options before going over it with the BISSELL Febreze Cleaner.
However, you may be able to achieve the same results by omitting the BISSELL and simply lighting a candle.
- It smells amazing.
- Has Scotchgard to prevent future stains
- It works great with spot cleaners.
- Only hides the odor of pee.
- Repeat crimes may be permitted.
- A steamer or shampooer is required.
It may not be entirely fair to rank Hoover Paws & Claws so low considering it plainly mentions that it works best when used in conjunction with a spot cleaner.
However, we believe that a carpet cleanser should be able to manage simple scents such as dog pee, and this one is already pricey, so requiring you to purchase another product seems excessive.
This item, like the BISSELL shampoo, contains Scotchgard, which can help lessen the impact of subsequent spills. But, once again, that doesn’t help you with problems in the present.
The cleanser does not have a strong odor, but it does smell faintly like mothballs. While it does reduce the smell of urine, it is unlikely to fully erase it, leaving you with an unusual pee-and-mothball combo after you’re done.
Hoover Paws & Claws has a few advantages, but the disadvantages outweigh them to the point where it cannot rise above the bottom half of this ranking.
- Scotchgard is a fabric protector.
- A faint odor
- It must be used in conjunction with another cleanser.
- On the pricey side
- When finished, it emits a peculiar mothball-and-urine odor.
Although ANGRY ORANGE has a strong fruit scent that can mask the stink of dog urine, you may not want your house to smell like a citrus orchard.
The smell lingers as well, so make sure you like it because you’ll be stuck with it for a while. Your dog is unlikely to like it either, but he may begin to avoid problem areas.
Dog urine is the most difficult of all frequent pet bodily fluid stains to remove. It works good on vomit, but it will take a lot of effort to remove a pee stain.
Also, the spray itself can stain certain materials, so test it first before splattering it all over the place. You don’t want the urine stain to be the most appealing feature of the floor.
While ANGRY ORANGE is effective at masking urine odor, its overpowering citrus aroma may make you, well, angry.
- Urine scents can be concealed.
- Effective on vomit stains
- Citrus aroma that is overpowering
- Doesn’t do anything to eliminate urine stains.
- Certain fabrics may become discolored.
- Dogs, it appears, dislike odor as well.
Each order of Resolve Pet High Traffic Foam includes four aerosol cans, and all you have to do is apply a layer to the target area and scrub.
We apologize for implying that “all you have to do” would be easy. The truth is that removing anything older than a few minutes from your carpet will require a lot of scrubbing.
This product appears to derive the most of its strength from your efforts rather than its recipe. When you start scrubbing, everything comes up – filth, hair, last week’s lasagna, and so on.
This may make you feel busy, but all it appears to do is add to the mess, as the stain will most likely remain once it dries.
It also does little to eliminate odors. It leaves a faint chemical odor on top of them, but that’s probably not what you were looking for.
With each order of Resolve Pet High Traffic Foam, you certainly get a lot of stuff, but given how much work it produces for you, that may not be a good thing.
- Each order contains a large number of products.
- It takes a lot of effort.
- Doesn’t do anything to remove stains.
- Makes a huge mess
- Adds a chemical odor to the odor
Rocco & Roxie Stain Remover contains enzymes that eat away at pee in your carpet, fully breaking it down and removing it.
Even better, the spray works on all surfaces, so you won’t have to surrender any space in your home for your dog’s target practice.
Simple Answer Enzymatic also effectively removes stains and odors at a reasonable cost. The best part is that it has a foam setting that allows you to truly dig into large, deeply-set stains.
The only thing more aggravating than discovering that your dog peed on the floor again is discovering that your carpet cleaner is powerless to remove it.
With the help of these evaluations of the best carpet cleaners for dog urine from BestForPets (, you should never have that problem again since these cleaners can finally eliminate the problem at its source, protecting both your carpet and your nose from future attacks.
Buyer's Guide: How to Choose the Best Carpet Urine Odor Cleaner
The type of cleaner you use will have a significant impact on your results.
Many brands, for example, employ chemical cleansers, which can be helpful but can also be harmful to your pet’s health.
They are also dangerous to use near children, and certain brands of the material you use are toxic. We only recommend chemical cleaners if you’ve exhausted all other choices.
Cleaners with Enzymes
Enzymes are little, beneficial bacteria that consume organic matter (urine, excrement), generating the stench.
When the organic material is depleted, the bacteria die and the stain and odor go.
Because enzymes dissolve the stain, they are the most efficient at preventing repeat visits, as opposed to other cleaners that disguise them.
The disadvantage of enzymes is that it can take a long time for the enzymes to eat the stain, and you may need to treat the stain numerous times before it is clean.
Another issue with enzymes is that different manufacturers use different concentrations of microorganisms.
Peroxide of Hydrogen
Hydrogen peroxide is a harmless chemical that can be used to eliminate organic stuff that causes odors, such as enzymes.
It is usually less expensive and extremely effective. The disadvantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it loses potency quickly, therefore you must frequently reapply it.
When you know what type of chemical you intend to employ, you can select the appropriate bottle size.
If you have a small to medium-sized dog, a 24- or 32-ounce bottle should suffice.
However, if you have a large dog or more than one, you should buy a one-gallon size or larger to ensure that you always have enough cleaning on hand in case one of your dogs has an accident.
Bottle of Spray
It may appear insignificant, but we strongly advise selecting a brand with a spray container to make application easier.
If it doesn’t come with a spray bottle, you’ll have to buy one on your own, which will delay getting started.
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VPB S12 Wired Earbuds: A Four-Pack of High-Quality Earphones for Any Device!
Welcome to our product review blog! Today, we are excited to share our first-hand experience with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone. This 4-pack of earphones offers an incredible value, allowing you to enjoy deep bass and clear sound, all while staying tangle-free and noise-isolated.
One of the standout features of these earbuds is their compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, Samsung, or Google device, these earphones are sure to fit your 3.5mm audio jack. The 3.6 feet long cable provides ample length, allowing you to comfortably keep your device in your pocket.
We were particularly impressed with the in-line microphone and call button. This feature allows you to easily make and receive calls without any inconvenience. The sound quality is exceptional, with the VPB S12 prioritizing deep bass and clear sound above all else.
Not only are these earbuds perfect for everyday use, but they are also an excellent choice for kids and teenagers in school. With their compatibility with devices such as Chromebook, they provide a seamless audio experience for educational purposes. Additionally, they are a great travel companion, perfect for those long flights, thanks to their noise isolation.
Each package comes with four wired earphones in different colors: black, white, pink, and green. The cable length for each earbud is 120 cm (4.72 ft), offering ample room for movement. Whether you’re jamming to music or enjoying your favorite podcast, these earphones ensure an uninterrupted listening experience.
At VPB, we take great pride in the quality of our products and look forward to bringing you a good experience. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Stay tuned as we dive deeper into our experience with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone. We can’t wait to share more details and insights with you.
Table of Contents
- Highlights of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones
- Detailed Insights and Recommendations
- Customer Reviews Analysis
- Pros & Cons
- Reveal the Extraordinary
The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone offer a convenient and stylish audio solution with their sleek design and 4-pack color options. These in-ear wired earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, making them versatile and easy to use. The cable length of approximately 3.6 feet allows for freedom of movement while still keeping your device within reach.
One of the standout features of these earphones is the deep bass and clear sound quality they provide. We understand the importance of delivering high-quality sound to enhance your listening experience. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite music or making and receiving calls, the in-line microphone and call button make it convenient and hassle-free.
These earphones are not only suitable for adults but also safe for kids and teenagers to use. They are perfect for school use with devices such as Chromebooks and are even great for traveling by airplane. Additionally, the noise-isolating design allows for uninterrupted music enjoyment. If you encounter any issues or are not satisfied with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We prioritize your satisfaction and aim to provide you with a great experience. Considering the affordable price and the pack of four, don’t miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your audio gear today. Visit our website to get your VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone now.
The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones offer a whole package of convenience and functionality. With four pieces included in each package, you’ll always have a spare set on hand. These earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, making them versatile and suitable for use with smartphones, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, and even streaming devices like Roku.
One of the highlights of these earbuds is their in-line microphone and call button, allowing you to easily make and receive calls without having to take out your device. The cable length of approximately 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters gives you the freedom to keep your device in your pocket while still enjoying your favorite music or podcasts.
The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones are designed with deep bass and clear sound, ensuring a high-quality audio experience. Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a student who needs a reliable pair of headphones for studying, or a frequent traveler who wants to enjoy uninterrupted entertainment on flights, these earphones are perfect for you. Plus, they are compatible with devices such as Chromebooks, making them suitable for kids and teenagers in school.
At VPB, we prioritize sound quality and user satisfaction, which is why we look forward to bringing you a good experience with our earphones. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Click here to check out the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones on Amazon and enhance your audio experience today.
When it comes to the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones, we were truly impressed with the quality and functionality of these earphones. The whole package includes four pieces of earphones in different colors, allowing you to switch it up depending on your mood or style. Each earbud cable has a length of 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters, providing enough flexibility for you to comfortably keep your device in your pocket while enjoying your favorite music or podcasts.
One of the standout features of these earbuds is the in-line microphone and call button. This allows you to effortlessly make and receive calls without having to take your device out of your pocket. The sound quality is exceptional, with deep bass and crystal-clear audio that truly immerses you in your music. Whether you’re listening to your favorite songs or watching videos, these earphones ensure a premium listening experience.
We were also pleased to find that these earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack. From iPhones to iPads, Samsung devices to Google devices, you can enjoy your music on a wide range of devices. Additionally, the noise isolating feature allows you to enjoy your music without any external interference, making these earphones perfect for use in noisy environments or during travel.
If you have kids or teenagers using devices such as Chromebooks in school, these earphones are a great choice. They are also suitable for use during air travel, providing a comfortable and enjoyable listening experience. However, please note that these earphones contain small parts and are not suitable for children under 3 years old.
Overall, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones are a fantastic option for anyone in need of reliable and high-quality earphones. The variety of colors, long cable length, and compatibility with multiple devices make them a versatile choice. If you’re not satisfied with the product, the company is more than willing to assist you. Don’t miss out on this outstanding listening experience, visit our website to get yours today!
Customer Reviews Analysis
Customer Reviews Analysis
Here are some customer reviews of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds, providing valuable insights into their performance and durability:
I use them at night while my husband reads I play on iPod mostly solitary and movies
This user appreciates using these earbuds for personal entertainment, allowing them to enjoy their own audio while their husband reads.
Bought these for my laptop.Works perfectly. Great sound.Happy customer!
This customer found these earbuds to be a perfect fit for their laptop, delivering excellent sound quality and overall satisfaction.
I paid around $10 for this 4pk of assorted earbuds. I received 1 black, 1 white, 1 pink, and 1 light green. I definitely think this was a great purchase for the price. I was expecting them to be cheaply made and not work well but so far, I haven’t had any issues. I’d absolutely recommend!
This review highlights the affordability and quality of the product. The customer received a pack of four earbuds in different colors and found them to exceed their expectations.
They are comfortable in ear, sound is mediocre, quality is slightly above the free ones you get on an airplane. For the price, not terrible.
Although the sound quality is described as mediocre, this user emphasizes that the earbuds are comfortable to wear and offer better quality compared to free airline earbuds.
I’m 77 and didn’t need a $100 pair of earbuds. I use these for Zoom calls and watching news and movies on my laptop. I bought the multi-set because I have cats and they like dangly things 🙂 need I say more!? I didn’t need to have an expensive pair of earbuds. These are perfect and clear. I would buy again.
A senior user appreciates the affordability and clear sound of these earbuds, stating that they were ideal for Zoom calls and media consumption on their laptop. The inclusion of multiple earbuds in the set was also a bonus for the user’s cats.
I love these little headphones. I wasn’t looking to spend a lot on wireless so I went with these wired sets. I was worried when I purchased them that they would be cheaply made as you get 4 sets for the price of one, but they are great. I seem to lose and break a lot of things so I didn’t want to spend much on these. The line is long enough to put my phone in my pocket with the microphone still picking up my voice when I am talking. The sound quality is really good and the ear tips are soft. I wasn’t looking for anything that cancels out sound as I use them to walk and need to be able to hear the cars. I will definitely purchase them again in the future.
This customer praises the affordability and functionality of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. They particularly appreciate the long cord length, clear sound quality, and soft ear tips. The user’s specific requirements for hearing outdoor sounds while walking were also fulfilled.
I used to swear by these. It still has great sound but they definitely do not last long anymore. I gave out most of mine that I got back in 2017 I kept the green and black one. I lost the black one so I only had the green one and it recently gave out after 6 years. I bought these again in August of last year I’m down to my last pair because it’s always one earpiece that doesn’t seem to want to work and for some reason the last one doesn’t seem to fit my ear right even if I switch the got me earpiece from the one that recently gave out. Yeah I’m not buying these again
The durability of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds is mentioned in this review. While the sound quality is appreciated, the customer states that the earbuds do not last as long as they used to. They also experienced issues with one earpiece not functioning properly and difficulty finding a comfortable fit.
I originally bought these pack of headphones all the way back in 2019. How it goes is that I stuffed the pairs away in my electronics storage bin for later use and just forgot about it. Bought another different brand of headphones because I forgot I had these lol.While rummaging in my messy storage bin for something else, I came across these headphones. I was really surprised how well they held up. I went through the a few of pairs in the span of maybe two years or so 2021-2023. The last pair I had of these, the black ones left side went out and so now in 2023 I’ve bought a new pair. They each lasted me maybe 6-8 months roughly.I like how they fit in my ear, it’s a comfortable fit. For the cord, it’s not flimsy and when placed in the headphone jack it’s not loose.I’m sure these headphones would last a lot longer if I didn’t use them while in bed, fall asleep and roll around on them lol. So if you take good care of them they’ll last as long as they’re not a defective pair. I’m quite rough with my headphones too, I don’t put them in a carrying case, just stuff them in my purse in a somewhat neat wrapped circle or not at all.Happy with my purchase, I hope these new pairs will last me!
This user shares their experience of using the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds after rediscovering them in their storage. They were pleasantly surprised by the durability and comfortable fit. Despite being rough with their headphones, these earbuds lasted several months before needing a replacement pair.
Overall, while some customers highlighted concerns about durability, the majority of reviews affirm the value, quality, and performance of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. The affordability, clear sound, and comfort of the earbuds were commonly praised. It is important to note that individual experiences may vary based on usage habits and handling. However, the positive feedback and recommendation from satisfied customers make these earbuds worth considering for anyone looking for a cost-effective option without compromising performance.
Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons
- High-quality sound with deep bass and clear sound
- Tangle-free design for hassle-free use
- Noise isolation feature for improved audio experience
- Compatible with most electronic devices with a 3.5mm audio jack
- Includes a microphones and call button for convenient hands-free calling
- Comes in a four-pack with different colors for variety
- Suitable for kids, teenagers, and adults alike
- Long cable length for easy device handling
- Potential choking hazard for children under 3 years old
- No volume control on the earphones
- May not fit perfectly in all ear sizes
- No additional features such as audio controls
Overall, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone are a great option for anyone looking for a high-quality audio experience. The deep bass and clear sound delivery make for an immersive listening experience. The tangle-free design and noise isolation feature add convenience and enhance the overall audio quality.
With the in-line microphone and call button, making and receiving calls is a breeze. The four-pack with different colors allows for personalization and variety. While there are a few drawbacks, such as the potential choking hazard for young children and the lack of volume control, these earphones provide excellent value for money.
Q: Are these earbuds compatible with iPhones and Android devices?
A: Yes, these VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, including iPhones, iPads, Samsung phones, Google devices, and more!
Q: How long is the cable for these earbuds?
A: The cable length for these earbuds is approximately 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters, giving you plenty of freedom to leave your device in your pocket while enjoying your favorite music or making calls.
Q: Do these earbuds have a built-in microphone for phone calls?
A: Absolutely! These earbuds feature an in-line microphone and call button, allowing you to easily make and receive calls without having to take out your device.
Q: Are these earbuds suitable for kids?
A: While these earbuds are suitable for kids and teenagers in school, it’s important to note that they contain small parts and are not suitable for children under 3 years old. Please ensure proper supervision when using them.
Q: Are these earbuds noise isolating?
A: Yes, these VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are noise isolating, providing you with a clear and immersive listening experience without any interference from external noises.
Q: Can I use these earbuds while traveling by airplane?
A: Absolutely! These earbuds are suitable for use when traveling by airplane, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music or watch movies without disturbing other passengers.
Q: Can I use these earbuds with streaming devices?
A: Yes, these earbuds are compatible with streaming devices such as Roku, making them a versatile option for enjoying your favorite shows and movies.
Q: What colors are included in the four-pack?
A: Each package contains four wired In-ear headphones in different colors, including black, white, pink, and green. You can choose the color that suits your style or switch between them depending on your mood.
Q: What if I’m not satisfied with these earbuds?
A: We strive to bring you a good experience with our VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. However, if you’re not satisfied, please contact us. We value your satisfaction and will do our best to address any concerns you may have.
Reveal the Extraordinary
In conclusion, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are a must-have for anyone in need of high-quality earphones that are compatible with various devices. With a package of four earbuds, each in a different color, you can enjoy an immersive audio experience wherever you go.
These earphones not only offer deep bass and clear sound, but they also prioritize the quality of sound, ensuring that every note and beat is delivered with precision. Whether you’re listening to music, watching a movie, or making calls, the in-line microphone and call button allow for seamless communication.
We understand the importance of convenience, which is why the earbud cable length is approximately 3.6 feet, providing ample room for movement while keeping your device safely tucked away in your pocket. The versatility of the 3.5mm audio jack ensures compatibility with smartphones, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, and even streaming devices such as Roku.
Furthermore, these earphones are suitable for various situations. They are perfect for kids and teenagers using devices like Chromebook in school, as well as for travelers looking to enjoy their favorite tunes on flights. However, please keep in mind that these earbuds should not be used by children under 3 years of age due to small parts.
As we strive to provide the best experience possible, we value your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not pleased with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to resolving any concerns or issues you may have.
Click here to embark on an auditory journey with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. Elevate your listening experience and immerse yourself in crystal-clear sound and deep bass: Visit Amazon
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Paraguayan wives are suitable life associates for guys from across the world. Foreigners even consider Paraguayan not only because of the beauty, although also since they are wonderful hostesses. They are extremely affectionate and gentle.
Paraguayan Women happen to be Loving of course
The main right of Paraguayan girls is certainly their caring nature. Also romantic the french language women cannot compare with pain and love of Paraguayan women. Every last man wishes to be preferred, and needs to be by means of disinterested ladies. When purchasing a partner, gals from paraguay do not look closely at money and status, individuals value solely human attributes in males. One other thing is love-making relations among spouses. It is not necessary to bother with this by means of single paraguay ladies, since they are well-known when passionate wifes who can entirely satisfy their particular partner.
Peace of Paraguayan Brides
Is not wants to begin dating someone that constantly throws tantrums. Calmness is a superb ability to get and it’s an absolute fineness of Paraguayan women more than women in other ethnicities. Paraguayan females are not green with envy of their guys, if there’re late approaching home with work. Connecting with magnificent Paraguayan females will only make you excitement, not frustration.
Paraguayan Gals Love to Look after Themselves
As to beauty, almost everyone would like to choose hand in hand which has a handsome girlfriend. That is why Paraguayan women often care about the look of them and ensure that they check charming on a daily basis. This is one of the largest differences amongst and other wives, because within a lot of countries nowadays females don’t care for themselves that much.
They are simply Very Smart
Mind, much like beauty, can be an another superb advantage of Paraguayan girls. Individuals behave shrewdly to maintain a good relationship utilizing their husband too to retain family convenience. However , they will easily overcome daily regime. Despite the fact that those women are extremely hard-working and can’t stay without do the job, they do not erase the memory of spiritual certification and make sure you develop quite frequently.
Paraguayan Gals Support and Inspire the Husbands
Paraguayan women are actually certainly some treasure. In the event that they adore you, entirely sure that they are going to love most people and continue faithful right until the rest in your life. By deciding on to live which has a Paraguayan lover, you choose that eternal sustain, inspiration and development.
The key reason why Americans Absolutely adore Paraguayan Brides-to-be So Much?
1. They are Extra Beautiful and Feminine
It consists of long been not any secret who girls in Slavic ethnicities are considered very attractive on the globe. Tourists out of other countries who arrive to paraguay are most often thrilled by the best way beautiful Paraguayan women are actually. In addition , as outlined by foreigners, women from paraguay are more girlie, they have a particular understanding of exactly what is “male” and “female”. It truly is more pleasant to provide for such females, they have fantastic manners and gentle character.
2 . They are simply Family Driven
In new decades, the examples below tendency has grown into firmly organized in United states of america among gals: first, you must finish grasping and produce a career, in support of after that these think about the spouse and children. Because of the fact that, most of the ALL OF US girls acquire married and provide birth immediately after 35. Paraguayan girls, then again, tend to receive married immediately. Not all consultants are in your mind ready for the purpose of marriage and children young, but acne wants to own as much effort with friends and family as possible.
3. They are Trustworthy and Loyal Wives.
In case your Paraguayan girlfriend gets betrothed, then charged confident on herself and her decided on one. The moment she marries, she consciously takes guilt for her alternatives.
4. They may be Great The average joe
Practically just about every Paraguayan person, even during her my childhood, were showed by his or her’s mother and grandmother for the importance of being allowed to cook and keep the household clean to acheive married efficiently. That’s as to why it isn’t surprising that they will be great within keeping your home cozy.
5. They Assist Patriarchy
On a yearly basis, Us ladies are becoming further emancipated, free and feminist. That may not be said regarding paraguay spouse. They are even more dependent on males psychologically and financially, many people still include strong patriarchal foundations. Paraguayan women, dissimilar to American, naturally distinguish among roles during the family and don’t compete with the husband for the purpose of the job of tops.
What’s Completely different Between Paraguayan and North american Women?
North american women are extremely about feminism, at least most are. Individuals won’t inquire men for the purpose of help whether or not they certainly need it. Paraguayan brides are actually completely one other. They trust and depend on their guys to do several things, because they reckon that men include the strongest sexuality.
Drinking within Bars
It’s totally common for a great American lovely lady to request a guy for the drink within the bar. In contrast, Paraguayan gals never make it happen themselves, when they never essentially talk to boys unless many people fill that your guy is usually interested in these. They constantly wait for someone to start thinking first.
This may be greatest differences, since most of the Caribbean and Latinas brides never dress up when ever going out. It’s totally common for them to try out a store within a simple T-shirt without any foundation. It’s many different for Paraguayans. They absolutely adore dressing up and putting up loads of makeup (too much by times) regardless if it is definitely unnecessary, when they want to search good constantly.
North american women are typically different: you will discover short a lot of women, tall females, thin females, plump a lot of women. Obviously you will find different types of a lot of women in paraguay as well. Similar to in any several other country. Nonetheless most of them enjoy a thin physique. That is not amazing, considering simply how much time that they spend on caring for themselves.
Are definitely the Mail Get Bride Online sites Legitimate?
They will most definitely happen to be. There are plenty of men and women that managed to build their friendships that way. It truly is an ideal method for active people who wish to find most of the love.
How come Paraguayan A lot of women are More In to Foreigners?
It’s no solution that a lot of Paraguayan women wish to give paraguay to get a higher position and an even better life. Besides, a lot of Paraguayan girls have gotten negative encounter with their past marriage. Paraguayan men will not be willing to get married to a woman by using a child out of previous marital life, but the vast majority of foreigners don’t see that in the form of problem.
Frame of mind to Wives
Some of the Paraguayan guys include alcohol fixation, because of they will die ahead of time, and they prefer to beat most of the women. Cheating is an an additional common challenge. Besides, a lot of the women don’t get whatever help with spouse and children, and they must do everything themselves. All of this is normally terrible and there is no surprise why warm Paraguayan females prefer and also the.
Contrary to Paraguayan blokes, foreigners is a lot more exotic and can anything to help you please most of the woman. They may be very kind, have very good manners, and in addition they give merchandise all the time of showing their take pleasure in.
Best Discovering a Paraguayan Woman
Expressions and Lifestyle
First you must realise that you can merely meet a good Paraguayan lover if you are in the position to communicate with the woman’s. To do this, you have to have a common dialect with the girl’s and a respectable understanding of traditions. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Paraguayan females barely understand English, the program might be best if you learn Russian/Paraguayan. Besides, you ought to have a general concept of paraguay, on the subject of its tradition, about the prices of Paraguayan women, and about online dating sites in paraguay and the romance between males and females. Then you can go into correspondence by means of her (live communication) and discover common issues for discussion without any conditions even with that difference from mentality.
You may learn that language your self, you can check out specialized speech school. While using the right procedure and your own desire, you’ll be able to raise the a higher level language skill to an enough level with 1-2 quite a few years. The cost of this may not be all that great.
As for lifestyle, to begin with, you’ll want to watch that video sites of the persons living in paraguay (you may understand that difference from mentality well), watch documentaries about this usa, and slowly but surely switch to make sure you official press and well-liked websites.
How to start Chatting
Paid back Sites
The conditions from such online sites are different. Just like:
Paid stay for guys and zero cost for women;
They feature you having a free-trial for that certain volume of days;
Merely the basic combination options relating to the dating website will be 100 % free, such as speaking in a normal chat, observing profiles; and after getting membership, an entire package in options shall be available for far easier personal connecting with capability partners.
Absolutely free Sites
In the first appearance, free online websites are more handy and appealing than the paid off ones. You’ll be able to quickly enroll without distinctive conditions from stay, actually without profound knowledge of a fabulous foreign language. That interface is usually clear and accessible. Therefore, you don’t be required to pay a penny to speak to the girls that you just find captivating. The biggest disadvantage, however , certainly is the competition. You will have plenty of different guys which might be willing to meeting girls like everyone else. In this case, ones chances are relatively reduced, the woman may not really have enough time frame or excerpt to alot more carefully check out you seeing that an interesting man and interlocutor. Nevertheless, you can’t neglect absolutely free sites, since they are worth an attempt.
International Holy matrimony Agencies
Holy matrimony agencies, just like Happy Relatives, are significant projects, even more specifically, businesses that actively help many people from numerous countries to get know one and start a family group. Marriage specialists have true offices which includes a staff from translators, psychologists, lawyers, shooters. The solutions of a marital life agency will be resorted to help you by guys who are actually interested in selecting a wife out of another area. The work in the site is definitely organized such that a gentleman has the directly to communicate with the woman he enjoys only following paying a commission. This way your ex will discover how serious gentleman is about your partner’s feelings and it leaves you a much better chance to look for your appreciate.
The goals and objectives of the brides-to-be agency’s staff members in this case coincide as much as possible while using goal of this girl so, who came in this article for assist in finding a foreigner husband: both agency plus the girl ought to present your ex most dependably and viably, to help the woman’s in corresponding with the mum. The more effective marriages for the account for the agency, the upper its standing. As well as more content stories skincare products customers. Gner, but it’s still quite likely going to find a girl to talk with than throughout international online websites.
Paraguayan girls like social networks, such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter, and also other social network. Consequently , if you do not discover and preference to work with Paraguayan dating sites, then you definitely should sample social networks. Nevertheless this method takes a lot of time for them to filter females, because it doesn’t mean that the different women resting there are trying to find relationships. It’s long, dull, but in some cases quite successful.
Thematic Online websites
It is also conceivable to start online dating a woman with any thematic site. For instance , on the site in classical new music lovers, start to talk about a particular theme from music, thereafter gradually switch the connection to your own topics, if you’re like that’s the right man.
The Best Way to Purchase a Paraguayan Girlfriend
Internet helps you find a lover to talk, get nearer to her and in some cases agree on one’s destiny. However , all the works with only a few women just who either have a very good strong sensing for you, or maybe have already despaired of getting love.
For that reason the easiest way to locate a Paraguayan partner is to literally fly to help you paraguay. In case you go to the usa for a while, you’ll get familiarized while using women, develop trusting conversation with these individuals, and finally create relationships. Perhaps you can agree on the best way and best places live by means of her. Them works very well, and most guys do this.
Such applications cost close to $ 3000-4000 for 6-12 months, which in turn, in general, just isn’t too expensive.
Important things to Remember
Several women desire to meet by means of unprofitable and worthless males. Therefore , you need to get a female from paraguay, as well as maintain living in the region, then you need be a valuable professional who can look after yourself plus your woman. Consequently , while you are during paraguay, get yourself a higher education, obtain certificates from knowledge of all the language, endeavor to get the work help, as well as other records that indicate your specialist level.
Any time a woman finds out that you are not just a good someone, but an important specialist, she could be more as opposed to willing to get started in dating you will.
What is any 3-Date Guideline?
Three Particular date Rule is compared to an ultimatum for yourself and also for one other sex. Both associates are aware of any established custom, and they privately consider the middle date mainly because the most suitable intended for sex. When a girl fails to like the fella, she will display it unobtrusively on the 1 / 3 date and discover stop internet dating. Many scientific tests prove the statistically, mainly because more than half with the interviewed partners already have gender on a other date.
Nevertheless, the position of move to the other date plus the subsequent closeness is very important meant for the few. And to allow it to go further smoothly and comfortably, there are particular recommendations.
You need to understand that any kind of girl, without regard to how chaste she is, waits for you to indicate interest in the girl’s. So , like this, she will recognize that you have significant, far-reaching hopes towards the woman’s, and don’t just stick with her to get sex. To be able to psychologically spark the cross over to gender on a 1 / 3 date, you need to use some scams.
For example , because you have basically two goes in investment, this may force a girl for some reason. That means you do have to make sure you relax the woman’s. For example , send out her some funny and romantic TEXT, or ymca send flora through a courier. All of these bridal party should not have strong guarantees of appreciate, but straightforward compliments may be there. Due to these hassle-free manipulations, the lady can get all the impression of the constant position, and know-how about her internal and splendor. This will make it easy for her to help you relax alot more in your position, and you your self subconsciously add a little more to the current girl and then see the girl’s positive personality traits. Moreover, after the moment date, you are able to discreetly get a chocolate bar with a accompaniment in the woman’s handbag. Subsequently, the girl obtaining it following on from the date can be very taken aback and pleased.
To definitely resolve the challenge of gender on a 3 date, you have to create a great atmosphere from trust and intimacy round your few. During seeing, use muffled light, delicate music. It is additionally advisable to help you invite the girl’s to your home. In this instance, the surroundings has to be comforting. It would be smart to use wax lights and mild, lounge popular music.
If you have established a positive get hold of, be sure to request the girl for the dance. Skating is a great chance to evaluate the overall body and plasticity of a girlfriend. Do not at once dismiss and also make muck hints. Are around the girl with pride and warm. Gently cerebrovascular accident or cva her rear and scalp. Say an important compliment or simply admiringly look at the eyes with the partner. Amorous setting, candle and popular music will insert the necessary shine teeth whitening to your view.
If you feel of the fact that girl can be ready, you’ll be able to slowly begin taking action. For no reason neglect an important kiss. In advance of having sex using a date, you’ll want to kiss for some time and practice it tastefully. Both hands at this point helps make a lot of off traffic and significant manipulations.
In addition to implemented the guidelines of 3 dates, it is advisable to competently end the day time. Be sure to claim compliments, and thank the girl’s for any pleasure.
Paraguayan ladies are really divine. There’re pretty, scorching, loving, trustworthy, and his or her’s main goal is usually to build a pleased family. Every last man likes to start going out with a girl this way.
Best Online dating sites
Here are some of the highest quality dating services for you to look for Paraguayan girls:
NaughtyDate. Several other brides | <urn:uuid:14c15e4f-06ad-4e73-90bd-b06134dc558b> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T11:31:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-20240412131354-00000.warc.gz | en | 0.953327 | 3,914 | 4,193 |
Chainsaws go on sale at various times throughout the year. The best deals can be found in fall, late summer, during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, and in spring when outdoor projects begin. End of the financial year in June and Presidents’ Day on the 3rd Monday of February are also potential times for discounts.The Author
Do you want to know the best times when you can buy a chainsaw with HUGE discounts or deals like free chain/oil?
These are EXACT times when you can buy your chainsaw and save $150-$250.
Being a tree surgeon, I own multiple saws. I have been buying my chainsaws in these times for a few years.
To be honest, I also use some techniques which are not dependent on any specific time.
I use these techniques to get good deals anytime for chainsaw oil, gas, and other accessories. (and you can do the same)
7 Best Time when chainsaws go on sale
Chainsaws go on sale throughout the year, but the best time to find a good deal is typically during the following times:
This is when many people are preparing for winter and need to stock up on firewood. As a result, many retailers offer sales on chainsaws and other outdoor power equipment during this time of year.
The amount of money you can save on a chainsaw in the fall depends on a number of factors, including the brand, model, and retailer. However, in general, you can expect to save anywhere from 10% to 20% off the retail price of a chainsaw if you buy it in the fall.
For example, STIHL, one of the leading manufacturers of chainsaws, currently has a fall promotion in the United States where customers can save up to $50 on select models. Other retailers, such as Home Depot and Lowe’s, also typically have chainsaw sales in the fall.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday
These major shopping holidays are another great time to find deals on chainsaws. Many retailers offer deep discounts on a variety of products, including chainsaws, during these events.
In fact, many people consider these two days to be the best time of year to buy a chainsaw.
In previous years, we have seen deals on chainsaws from top brands such as STIHL, Husqvarna, Echo, and Makita that could save up to $120. Walmart offered up to 41% discount on a wide range of chainsaws.
In 2021, STIHL offered MS 170 16″ Chainsaw for $209.95, down from its regular price of $289.95
End of the financial year
Towards the end of the financial year, usually in June, many companies need to move their stock, leading to potential discounts on chainsaws.
This is because many retailers offer sales and discounts on chainsaws at the end of the financial year to clear out inventory and make room for new models.
This is when people are starting to think about outdoor projects, such as landscaping and tree trimming. As a result, some retailers offer sales on chainsaws and other outdoor power equipment during this time of year.
In addition to landscaping and tree trimming, spring is also a popular time for gardening and preparing the soil for planting. Many people take advantage of the warmer weather to start growing their own vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
As a result, gardening supplies such as seeds, fertilizers, and gardening tools are often on sale during this season. Retailers understand the increased demand for these products and offer discounts to attract customers.
Whether it’s revamping the backyard or starting a new garden, spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and tackle those outdoor projects with the help of discounted equipment and supplies.
In the late summer, many retailers and manufacturers often roll out enticing promotions and discounts for chainsaws and blowers, capitalizing on the seasonal demand for outdoor equipment. These promotions aim to attract homeowners, landscapers, and DIY enthusiasts who are preparing for the upcoming fall and winter seasons.
Some retailers may offer discounts of 10% to 25%, while others may offer different types of promotions such as a free case, chain, or other benefits with the purchase of a chainsaw.
For example, the Husqvarna Endless Summer Sale offers up to 20% off on tractors, zero-turn mowers, and other products. Stihl also offers promotions on chainsaws and blowers in late summer. ECHO has a National Sales Event from September 1 to October 31, where customers can get a free battery-powered blower with the purchase of a 56V battery-powered 18 in. chainsaw kit.
Some promotions for chainsaws and blowers are offered in the late summer.
This holiday, which falls on the 3rd Monday in February, may also offer deals on chainsaws and outdoor power tools.
Presidents’ Day, celebrated on the 3rd Monday in February, is not only a time to honor past presidents but also a great opportunity to snag some amazing deals. If you’re in the market for chainsaws and outdoor power tools, this holiday might just be the perfect time to make your purchase.
Pro Tip: Discounts are mainly for homeowner chainsaws. I never see any discount on the professional-grade saw.
I bought once Stihl 170 and Stihl 250 at a discounted price. it mainly depends on the dealers.
If you want to buy a pro saw, I suggest not holding your breath for a discount. Take it when you need it.
Other Times To get Discount
In buying a chainsaw, some people wait for the right cutting season while some wait for the best deals or discounts.
You can save some bucks through discounts if you buy at a specific time, from a specific source, and through a specific payment method.
Whether you buy a homeowner or a pro saw, you can use a few options to lower the current price and get a good deal.
This applies to both the brand new and used saws.
In some cases, you can get a good deal, such as a free chain or oil from the dealers/store, with some research.
Dealer Days From Stihl
Stihl started a yearly promotion program named “Dealer days” from 2015. Some also call it winter warm-up.
Sometimes, it only keeps a specific chainsaw model on sale, homeowner grade. However, in Ontario, some pro saws were on sale last year.
In Europe, they started the promotion in 2015 and offered homeowner chainsaws such as model MS271 and MS291.
You can get similar promotions from Black+Decker and other brands.
Pro Tip: The yearly promotions are advertised on the Stihl website and newspaper.
But there will be no advertisement if a dealer gets a discount from the stihl.
They started offering some dealers a big discount on pro-grade chainsaws from 2016.
Obviously, these dealers are those who have been selling Stihl’s products for more than decades.
Keep in mind that all pro chainsaws are not under the offer or promotion.
Last year, when I bought Stihl MS362 and Stihl MS441, I got a discount, but I had to pay the full price for Stihl MS461.
For these deals, contact the dealers. These deals and promotions are not advertised as much as “Dealer days,” but they exist.
For example, If you find one such deal, you can pick a second-generation Stihl 362 for the price of an Echo CS620.
Just Before You Need To Cut
For many people, the best time is when they need to use it or when they will get it at a low price. So, These can be:-
- After a major hurricane
- Need to cut firewood for winter
- Need to trim branches
- Do you use a chainsaw a few times or around the year?
- Cost factors such as availability of discounts, tax season, etc.
If you want to buy a chainsaw to clean up hurricane debris, I suggest buying it earlier.
If you have never used a chainsaw before, I would suggest you buy a chainsaw with lightweight as it is safer.
Today, with the help of an advanced weather forecast, we can know about any upcoming hurricane earlier.
The main reason is that it will be hard to go out and shop for a chainsaw after a hurricane.
Secondly, there may be a chance of stock out since many people will buy their saws then.
Pro Tip: If you buy a chainsaw mainly for a hurricane, do not buy an electric or battery-powered chainsaw, as, after a hurricane, you may face load shedding and have to spend some days without electricity.
A gas chainsaw is a good option for such a situation.
If you have to cut firewood for winter, I suggest you buy it around 8-10 months earlier. It takes some time for the wood to season.
Some people use a chainsaw a few months a year, while some use it around the year for trimming or maintaining a big property of their own.
Most homeowner falls into this category.
If you are one of them, buy it when you get a discount or a big deal if you can wait.
Pro Tip: If you do pruning or cutting limbs, I suggest you not cut in the winter and at the beginning of spring.
Doing so will get a lot of sap which will invite bad pests.
Before The Right Season comes
There are 4 cutting seasons when people cut most. They are:- Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
Some people use chainsaws only in one season, and some in multiple seasons.
There are many advantages of buying chainsaws just before or at the beginning of the season.
You will get a lot of discount offers.
Local stores and dealers offer the best deal in the fall.
Online shops such as Amazon and eBay also offer a great deal in these seasons as these seasons are the peak cutting season.
How To Get the best deal Anytime
The easiest way to try luck and get a good deal is Amazon. You can get discounts from brands, sellers, or even amazon anytime.
If you want to buy from local dealers, visit multiple dealers and compare prices before buying your desired saw.
The price can vary from dealer to dealer.
Brands such as Stihl do not set the selling price. So, the best deal depends on your location and nearby dealers/stores.
Tip: Doing research can give you the best deal from local stores/dealers.
I bought a chainsaw for 20$ less price, with a 2″ bigger bar (18″ instead of 16″) and 1 extra chain.
credit card companies
If you own a credit card, you can use it to get a discount.
Most credit card companies offer cash-back incentives to their cardholders.
If you pay through your credit card, you have to pay much less than the original price.
I love it so much because of the amount of money I can save.
This cashback, aka incentives, can easily beat any dealer’s discount offer.
You can get $250 off on purchases of $1000 or more. For a chainsaw of $500-$700, you can get $100-$200 off.
Tip: Even if you have a credit card, I suggest asking for a discounted price from the store. It will reduce the total amount.
How To get the best chainsaw deals from dealers/stores
Build a good relationship with dealers.
This will help you in a number of ways, including free tips and suggestions on your projects from experts.
In general, dealers expect to make a long-lasting relationship with the customers and sell consumables such as chains, oil, mix, etc, regularly to them.
They make a higher profit in these recurring/consumable products than the chainsaw(one-time purchase).
A few ways to build a good relationship can be:-
- Tell them you will buy another model chainsaw(such as Stihl 441 or Stihl 461) from them soon. It needs to be a more expensive saw than what you will buy now! They may ask for no extra charges for freight. It works for me.
- Buy chainsaw chains, oil, mix, and other parts from the same dealers. They remember recurring customers.
- Build projects and discuss them so that they can know you by name. Almost all guys working in a power tools store know a bit about chainsaws, but someone from servicing is the best. whenever you need a chainsaw, you will get the proper treatment.
Note that most dealers (if not all) of power tools cannot give much discount even if they wish.
They have limited wiggle room. They make a little profit on whole goods.
After purchase, they have to spend on shipping and labor.
Sometimes, they cannot even profit on some saws considering their true costs on products.
That’s why they cannot offer a big discount unless the manufacturers sanction.
The cost/profit ratio of the dealers is low. it just can arrange some food for them at the end of the day.
Among all brands, stihl gives the lowest margin to the dealers. The profit margin is so narrow on the chainsaw.
They make a little profit on consumables.
Some deals give discounts on chainsaws expecting you to make profiles from the consumables if you buy from them regularly.
You can buy accessories such as gloves, helmets, or chainsaw boots for safety to convince the dealer of a discount.
The bottom thing is that you cannot expect a discount from all dealers. The only way to check is to ask. So ask them.
Tip: I buy chainsaws by paying MSRP or DSRP.I try to convince them and politely ask for a discount.
If they don’t agree, I move on to other dealers/stores.
I get more positive responses from hardware stores and tools/equipment rental/sales stores.
Does “Buying time” matter?
It depends on the situation, and there is no correct answer which can suit everyone’s needs.
If you have a preferred brand, such as Huskies, I think there is no need to wait to buy a new chainsaw.
However, you can wait for used saws as the price fluctuates considerably.
Best Time To Buy Used Saw
Needless to say, you want to buy a used saw at the price of a new saw.
The best time for buying used saws is when the market gets so many saws and the price decreases.
The best time for buying used saws actually depends on the cutting seasons. I’m mentioning a few below:-
- Right before Christmas
- From the end of Jan through the start of Feb
- Mid-July through mid-Aug
Most tree professionals take rests and eat Macaroni and cheese for weeks at the end of January.
They keep their chainsaw under the workbench and look for ways to get rid of them.
Some sell their saw, and that’s why the market will get a good number of used saws coming.
Xmas is a good occasion for all types of business. Right before Xmas, the money the tree guys need will recover from Xmas.
For a used saw, place matters more than time.
You can get the same saw at 25%-30% less on a local farm auction instead of eBay or a hardware/rental store.
You can check for offers on popular forums such as or
Tip: You can do reverse engineering. Check on what models people are not talking about.
You can get those models at a much cheaper price.
Before buying a used chainsaw, take some time and research the products carefully.
If you want to buy online, there are a few websites to check and compare. Try to buy lightly used saws, such as in-home, garden, or yard.
You can find such “used” saws on classified websites if it is “likely new.” I will mention a few renowned website names to check later.
Do not purchase the saw that has been used for more than 2 years. Older saws do not worth the risks.
You can find good pro saws around 1 year old and use those saws for firewood cutting.
But you have to spend a little time to find and check them.
If the price is the main factor, you can get a good deal for a used saw around the year.
But you must be careful to select the right one during slow times.
Most professional tree guys use chainsaws in spring.
They try to upgrade their saw for better performance and sell old problematic saws.
If you cannot check and judge a saw properly, you may end up buying a problematic saw.
Tree companies sell saws that are already dropped. crushed or run over.
So, before buying anything from them, double-check and ensure you get what you have paid for.
Where To get good deals for used saw
- Local craigslist
- Forums or community sites
- Farm auction up the road (my favorite)
If you are a homeowner and your budget is $40-$50, I suggest not waiting for the right time.
You will never receive a huge discount for these models.
The same goes for the expensive pro saws most of the time.
The dealers make a little profile, so the chance of a huge discount is rare here too. | <urn:uuid:b14ad791-5da6-4001-b0f7-55f991201b52> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T11:24:25Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-20240412131354-00000.warc.gz | en | 0.95504 | 3,735 | 4,206 |
"Board of Trade\nLife Span: 1882-1929\nLocation: Jackson and LaSalle Streets\nArchitect: William W. (...TRUNCATED) | <urn:uuid:c9dc3b08-5678-4240-9ed3-63ed946589fb> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-12T10:44:59Z | "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296815919.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20240412101354-2(...TRUNCATED) | en | 0.963793 | 6,783 | 7,558 |
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