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You 've finally managed to discover the secret to immortality . Suddenly , Death appears before you , hands you a business card , and says , `` When you realize living forever sucks , call this number , I 've got a job offer for you . ''
The moon is actually a giant egg , and it has just started to hatch .
You find a rip in time walking through the alleys . You enter it to find yourself on a metal table with surgical instruments on a chair next to you .
For years in your youth the same imaginary character appears in your dreams , you are good friends . Years later , when adult , you meet her in real life , she clearly recognises you and tries to avoid you , and you want answers .
You glance at your watch 10:34 am , roughly 10 seconds later your plane explodes over the Pacific Ocean . Your eyes open as you jolt awake . The familiar hum of the planes engine remains . Checking your watch it is 9:35
Through Iron And Flame
You live in a world where there has never been sickness , and you are the first to have ever experienced being sick .
You are at the park with your kids , when you see the telltale signs of a lightning strike . You divert your kids from danger , but are hit by lightning . Soon after , you discover that your Dad Senses have increased 100 fold .
Write a horror story from the perspective of the antagonist . Make them as sympathetic as possible .
An alien invasion happens during an alien invasion .
Season 30 of Game of Thrones
A boy pretends he is an astronaut in order to help cope with concepts and situations he ca n't understand .
The Earth is flat , you , as the head of NASA , have to explain to the incoming President why its a secret .
You hold the job title in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter where you say random words looking for spells
Despite years of research , vetting , and training , the first person to contact extraterrestrial intelligent life goes WAY off script .
`` Sir , our assault on the humans is failing . '' `` What ! '' roared the alien overlord . `` How is this possible ? '' `` Well , um ... they ate our ammunition . ''
`` My fellow Americans ... '' The newly elected President begins . `` I am gay , and have been my whole life . '' Give me your best account of the country 's reaction .
A child has the ability to control every aspect of their dreams and treats their life as only a waiting period between dreams . Convince them that life is worth their effort .
You are the Dark One , about to meet with the Heroes sworn to destroy you . Describe your toil as you get every detail *just so* for the upcoming confrontation , as you want their first final encounter to be a special one .
You get one random power from this generator . Talk about your day
Satan faces the issues of being a single parent to the babies and children sacrificed to him
After Earth is destroyed , the surviving humans colonize two different planets . All contact between the two groups was lost , until they rediscover each other thousands of years later .
Every authority is baffled but for the past few years everyone has been receiving a Christmas present . To some delight and others horror , the gifts are based on how 'good ' you 've been .
It 's the future and we 've been colonizing space for some time now . People quickly realize that with such long distances democracy does n't really work . So , a set of exceptional children are trained since adolescence so one may be chosen as the Dictator . You 're one of those kids .
Write a story that is perfectly normal , until the last line .
Even with all the stars on the sky , the night will always remain dark .
You dress up as the `` classic '' reaper for a Halloween party -- black robe , toy scythe , all that jazz . Midway through the night , you hear a deep , dark voice in your head ... `` I need a sick day , man , and you look like the perfect person to take my place ... Your costume is almost perfect , after all . ''
Over night , 90 % of the world 's population has dropped dead . In the following weeks , the survivors , who come from diverse countries , ethnicities , religious beliefs and lifestyles realize that they all share a single , peculiar trait ...
Scientists finally create Artificial Intelligence . However , each time they activate it , it commits suicide .
You have an ability to see soul escorts , who appear when someone is going to die . You are on a bus when you see the bus filled with escorts .
You 've kept your immortality secret for thousands of years . Thats going to be a lot harder now that your on a generation ship on a 2000 year voyage .
Your cat wo n't stop meowing at you . After an hour you 've had enough . You yell to the cat that you will do anything they ask if they say it in English . `` Deal '' responds the cat .
`` I told you to make a small fire . That is NOT a small fire ! ''
Gay marriage is now legal woldwide , and the conservatives were right all along . Everyone is turning gay , as if it was a pseudo zombie apocalypse . You are one of the surviors , trying to survive in this new world .
Your alarm clock goes off and you wake up fifteen years ago ...
You are permanently trapped in the last video game you played . How do you survive ?
Describe a game of Civilization from the perspective of one of the civ 's citizens
First contact with an alien race . As part of the first meeting , the aliens share a truth with us that is devastatingly terrifying . However upon reflection , a lot of things now make perfect sense .
You are a spell support technician at a large magic company , you go around fixing spells for the everyday person .
Inaugural Adress
You accidentally uncover a vast , dangerous , government conspiracy that only exists to cover up something petty and absurd .
By the time Humans come along , Elves had invented Space Travel , and Dwarves had split the atom . 100 years later , the world looks like your typical fantasy setting . How did it happen ?
You are a normal person who spent your entire life infiltrating the evil Empire . You even became the Emperor 's right hand . The day before you finally topple the Empire , the hero arrives , kills the Emperor , and saves the day .
You are an 17 year old teenager during the zombie apocalypse . While searching for an orthodontist to remove your braces , you somehow manage to save the world .
You are one of the lucky few to be chosen to go to Mars on the Mars One mission . Today is the day of departure .
One day you wake up with the ability to control one of the four elements ( Earth , Water , Fire , Air ) . What do you do ?
You 're lost at sea after a tremendous storm with fresh water supplies running low . The situation is looking dire . Then you spot him ; a man is swimming towards your boat .
Fire does n't go out anymore .
A man hires a hit man on himself , with a note saying `` This will not be easy . ''
Every time you go to defecate , you poop out black and brown reptilian creatures shaped like turds with human eyes , and when you flush they cry like human babies .
Write an alt history where another sentient race evolved alongside humans , and now we live in harmony/conflict with them
He stood there , looking at his own grave .
You have the power that whenever you tell a lie and someone believes you it becomes true . You 're talking to the president and he 's believing everything you 're saying .
Aliens have landed and are instilling everyone with a super power based on their natural abilities . You however are extremely disappointed in yours .
The Cocaine God
A Vampire who owns a home in Italy that struggles to stay away from garlic , the sunlight , and holy objects on a daily basis .
12.000 years in the future . Civilizations fell and rose . Technology back on renaissance level . Mysterious area where no one can survive . Turns out to be Chernobyl .
A time traveller interviews major historical figures at three points in their lives : Their 16th birthday , the day after they made their most important decision , and the day before they die .
A mortician has the ability to restore the body and soul of a deceased person at the cost of 1 year off of his/her lifespan . Tell of the events leading up to his/her death .
Everyone has superpowers , but the richer you are , the weaker your powers become .
A costumed superhero sworn to uphold the law finds himself defending a corporation legally dumping hazardous waste into the local river from another superhero who fights to uphold his own moral code rather than the letter of the law , and is now attempting to destroy the offending facilities .
Your SuperSuit ( TM ) is machine washable . Like colors only , mild detergent , tumble dry low . _DO NOT_ iron .
You 're an end-game level 50 god in the underworld . A new level 1 player is pestering you by hitting your ankle with a wooden sword .
There is a lamp that have granted three wishes to hundreds of the people through the history . You are that genie , tell us about the highlights .
After nearly one hundred generations on a colony ship , the ships original mission has become like a religion . Some still believe , while others deny that there ever was a goal .
When you kill , you gain some of the attributes of who or what you killed .
Your T.V . suddenly turns on by itself mid-lunch and a message from the local weather warning system , normally accompanied with a loud alarm but oddly silent this time around , reads `` For the safety and well-being of all local citizens this warning will be broadcasted silently ... ''
the internet becomes conscious . what does it do ?
There are creatures unknown to us here on earth , but we can not sense them because we lack that one sensory organ that can sense them .
Write a high fantasy story ( magic , dragons , etc ) set in a trench warfare environment with modern weapons . Circa WWI
Every 2000 years a Lottery is drawn in the Universe . Earth has been drawn three times in a row .
When anyone is born , they are given a playing card from a standard deck , and it determines their place in society .
A toy boat floats out to sea and has an adventure .
9 out of 10 dentists recommend Drexco® brand toothpaste . What does the 10th dentist know , that he 's not telling us .
After almost 1,000 years the population of a generation ship has lost the ability to understand most technology and now lives at a preindustrial level . Today the ship reaches its destination and the automated systems come back online .
You 're the leader , and you keep trying to get your people to rebel , but they wo n't .
After a series of misunderstandings and miscommunications you find yourself Pope of the Catholic Church
As we stood there , staring up at the moon , a giant crack appeared . So big , it was visible to the naked eye .
You are a dream broker . The dreams are bought , cultivated , and resold . The pride of your work , the golden dream , has rotted into a nightmare . A guest asks to buy the nightmare .
[ IP ] It is modern times and the British Empire still rules over all of its colonies and the land they 've expanded to ; however , rumours of rebellion and independence have recently begun to spread .
Throught the storyline , your character realizes he is written by you .
Fourteen years ago , scientists noticed a Doppler shift in the signals from the Voyager probe , consistent with slowing down and turning around . Today , three hours from now , it will pass Earth at an enormous velocity . And an operator at Arecibo has just noticed something unusual ...
`` When we were young , we could at least turn off our devices ... ''
After you leave here , remember that you must never look back .
A boy wants to learn how to eat an apple , but ends up learning so much more .
`` Remember , children , the Mainframe loves you and wants you to be happy . ''
God has delegated the responsibility of `` Prayer answering '' to Gary , his personal assistant . He has total autonomy but one day a prayer lands in his inbox that he needs God 's advice on .
Write a comedy about the invention of the meatball .
To everyone 's surprise , Mars One successfully makes it to the red planet . The colonists are thriving while the world watches , until they suffer their first casualty : a homicide
You can freeze the world and time around you including people . You can choose which people are n't frozen .
Writing challenge : Write a character who devolves into madness , and narrate his mind . The challenge ? His mind has to be completely rational and understandable .
Every fifty years , the accumulated wealth of the world is randomly re-distributed . Tonight is the eve of the global redistribution .
The guardian angel was thoroughly surprised when a demon mauled the assailant .
Your bong is the home of a genie . You spark the bowl and he appears to grant you 3 wishes . You 're both pretty high .
A famous pornstar signs up for a 'do a fan ' scene . Unexpectedly , when she meets him , she falls instantly head over heels in love with him . However , the oblivious fan interprets her advances as all being part of the scene they 're filming .
Describe a day in your marriage to Captain Obvious
Upon his suicide Hitler will join the dead waiting to be ferried across the river Styx . The dead include the millions who died in WWII . You have been tasked with keeping Hitler safe until he can arrive for his final judgment .
Every person has a song in their hearts that shows you who they are , and you are the only one who can hear these songs . One day , you meet a woman who has nothing but static echoing from her .
A stranger runs into your yard and begs for you to hide him before he gets killed . Minutes later , your best friend ( or co-worker ) appears with a weapon in hand , describe what happens next ...
God has come to earth and bestowed omnipotence upon two people , but there 's a catch ...
Subsets and Splits