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In a dystopian future , how much you earn in life is determined by your Reddit karma . You 're living in poverty , but you intend to change that .
Click the random superpower wiki link provided below three times , create an origin story for a super hero based off of the super powers .
A man asks God about the meaning of life and gets an unexpected answer
As the chosen successor to Satan 's throne , you must now undergo rigorous training to become the best at literally everything for when people challenge you for their souls .
A kid tries to talk the monster under the bed into attacking the monster in the closet .
Fetishes are an accepted cultural phenomenon . Every person 's birthday equals as their Fetish Day , when friends gather to fulfill this person 's fetish .
You work at Area 51
Write a Sea Shanty about an island full of dragons , guarded by three fierce women .
Your free trial of life has ended
A man wanders the streets distraughtly , looking for someone . However , the photograph he 's showing around is one of himself .
She did n't make it through the night .
- `` You either die a hero ... ''
We all know about the living dead . Tell me about the dead living .
A woman comes into the same diner every morning , orders the same meal , and always leaves without eating a bite .
Death has been making weekly visits to an old man where they talk about life , memories , and mortality . Death knows that the man will die at their next visit and is having a hard time breaking the news .
You are a surgeon about to begin a simple procedure . Just before you start , you see Death standing by in scrubs .
The twisted and most evil thoughts you 've had in life must be enacted upon you before you can enter Paradise . The price for admission is this final `` cleanse . ''
Upon returning home , you find a grand piano in your kitchen .
Deconstruct a favorite song and make a short story about it ...
in a world where you get superpowers for doing good deeds , write the story of a super villain .
The internet runs out of space . It becomes full .
At night , when everything is dark and silent .
You own a magical camera that is similar to a thermal camera , but instead of heat it shows you value . A ring glows as bright as the sun while a piece of plastic wrapping is almost invisible . You have been careful never to look at a person with it for your whole life .
Where do bad guys get their legions of goons ? Well , it 's all thanks to you . You specialize in supplying grunts of a wide variety to aspiring super villains , whether they need masked men with bad aim or hideous/sexy merfolk to guard their underwater lair .
Write an epic based off a childhood playground game ( e.g . tag , hide-and-seek , the floor is lava , etc ) . Battle scenes optional .
A young child suspects that his grandpa 's walking stick is an artifact of great power .
First your father died and your mother remarried . Next your mother died and your stepfather remarried . Then your brother died and your stepparents adopted a new son . You 're starting to suspect that yours is not the only family they 've replaced .
: your seventh son is fated to murder you . You laugh until you remember you used to donate sperm .
You have a feeling that your history teacher may just be immortal .
You wake up in Hell . You look around , you ca n't see anybody , it 's just fire and brimstone going on forever . Eventually the Devil walks over and says `` Finally , you 're the first to arrive , so tell me , who are you ? what did you do ? and how did you die ? ''
Humans are born with a mark around their wrist which has a matching color with that of their soulmate 's , but can change through their life . Your mark has had a blue hue since you were 14 , but one night , while you 're out , people start looking at you funny . You realize that your mark is gone .
A government creates a powerful dangerous AI to help them fight wars , but all the AI wants to do is paint .
The First TechnoMage
A democratic society spanning the entire globe is on the verge of the next major election , and you know that the favored candidate will bring tyranny -- but no one else sees it !
- You deliver a pizza to the lock down ward of a mental institution . When you try to leave an orderly grabs you and says , `` Nice try , get back to your room . ''
This morning , you received a note : `` 23:00 - you know where . '' Start your story at 22:58 .
A mathematician on the brink of insanity has spent years locked in his apartment , attempting to find a formula that proves God exists . As he nears to a breakthrough , God shows up to explain why the proof should n't be made public .
A fisherman finds out that the river they are on is the River Styx .
Archie finally decides and settles down with either Betty or Veronica
You have a super power , however you have a fear of what it is . Examples included .
You 've just been awakened from cryosleep . The thing is , it 's been thousands of years because no one was there to wake you up .
Due to a crossed line a customer support worker has to deal with a hostage situation . Meanwhile a hostage negotiator has to deal with a disgruntled customer .
Turn the worst dad joke you have heard into a dramatic scene .
Dr. Frankenstein enters a bodybuilding competition due to a big misunderstanding
Whenever someone commits a murder , the victim 's life flashes before his eyes , instead of the victim 's eyes .
tell me of a childhood nightmare that has affected you even as an adult
The end of reddit .
A world where each person needs to laugh at least once a day . Death awaits at midnight if they have n't .
January 2nd , 2013 - The Day Your Resolution Fails
Inspector gadget attempts to infiltrate ISIS ...
You die and are informed you 'll restart your life exactly as it was when you turned 6 . All your memories are as they were the moment you died , everything else resets . You are told you are the only one like this .
You are one of the evil villains on Scooby Doo . Describe how you become the first villain they dont catch .
You and your crew come across a debris field in space . Amid the scattered ship parts you find a small asteroid and are surprised by what ’ s on it .
Two enter . Only ... three can leave ? Huh ? How did that happen ?
A good friend routinely greets you , `` I see my assassins have failed again ! '' and a laugh . You took it as a joke . It turns out competent assassins are expensive and he only makes minimum wage .
A love letter is slipped under your door at your college . It would be cute , but it came from the closet door .
Describe to me a world where mental health disorders are contagious .
The Final Frontier : it 's not Space , and it 's not the Ocean , it 's ...
You have come so close to dying so many times that you 've met Death that many times . So much so , that you 've made quite a close relationship with Death .
The last person on Earth is essentially turning off the lights before they leave .
Sci-Fi Realism is a new genre that focuses on the mundane , slice-of-life , everyday aspects that will exist in the coming years , far removed from the high-emotion drama of cyberpunk or space operas . With that in mind , write a story set in the future , but reads like a contemporary work !
The black slime moves quickly , coating the walls as you run . You are cornered , turning around to come face to face with a wall of the corrosive goo . A single eye opens in its center , followed by thousands more as tendrils slowly slither towards you
Weapons become more powerful the older they get . Modern guns will barely give someone a scratch but an ancient spear can devastate armies .
You have been a serial killer for 25 years , and the cops have no idea you exist . One day you wake up strapped to a table . You hear a voice say , `` I have been watching you for some time . ''
Life is indeed a simulation . When you die , you get re-inserted in a new life . But , you 've pissed off the supervisor in charge of re-inserting you into the simulation
Elon Musk , Supervillian .
It has been six months since you first teleported and you have been able to control it for three months . You have n't told anyone , and yet you get a bad feeling about that man who has followed you to work for the past week ...
Scientists correctly guessed when a massive solar flare would reach Earth but they were wrong on what would happen once it got here .
Humans have a trait , that when in danger , they revert/grow into their peak physical form and intelligence , which can last as long as their life is in danger . Everyone on Earth has gone Prime , and it 's been over three years since it began .
an average day in the life of a random school kid in a world that runs on video-game logic .
Pick your poison - write about the day of an addict .
As long as you rhyme you will be pardoned of all crimes commited while defending yourself in court .
`` Hold on tight , and do n't let go . ''
At age 18 , everyone is given a manual explaining how to live a long and happy life . However , yours is telling you to do some pretty unusual things .
One day the world wakes up to everyone having a number visible over their head . Your number is 1 .
Everyone has the last words of their soulmate written on their body . Yours says `` I never loved you. ``
A handful of people have been born with a dumb and useless superpower . The government has made sure to not let two of these people make contact with each other because when these two useless powers combine the world will be at risk . One day two of these people accidently meet
The System has appointed you as the newest Regulator , one of the elite . Except you have no idea exactly what you are supposed to be 'regulating ' , and it slowly becomes apparent that neither do any of your co-workers .
You are the only person in the world who can not spontaneously break into song ( like Disney ) .
A zombie outbreak has just began and they 're all over your town , write me a story starting from wherever you currently are .
You are becoming frustrated that nobody is responding to your writing prompts
`` I never really was welcome here ... was I ? ''
They laughed at me when I said my superpower was hydrokinesis . Said that the ability to control water was useless . They forgot that the human body is 60 % water .
Your whole modern life is a lucid dream . Now you wake up into real life , the Middle Ages .
A mathematician on the brink of insanity has spent years locked in his apartment , attempting to find a formula that proves God exists . As he nears to a breakthrough , God shows up to explain why the proof should n't be made public .
`` We 've still got time . Not enough , but enough . ''
You appear in a small dark room . In the middle of it there is a table , a computer terminal on it and an uncomfortable looking stool . The screen blinks . nº 47525961285641377 `` I wish I could be less fat . '' Allow ? [ y/N ] | This is your life now .
You chanced upon the meaning of life as a showerthought ; it is as god 's decree that you are now to take his place .
On her deathbed , your ill mother finally allows you to own the recipe to her famous cookies . It reads : `` 2 cups flour , 1/4 teaspoon salt , and a human heart . ''
Your parents have another child , as time goes on you discover that your baby sister does not age . Describe life growing up .
You 're practicing CPR on a fake dummy and you do a bit too well . The dummy starts gasping for air .
Write a review for the latest book by God `` Bible : The newest testament - confusions resolved , mistakes corrected '' .
You can move freely through time , but are incapable of moving through space
You are sentenced to death . After entering the execution room , instead of being executed , you were instead given a new passport and a new identity . Turns out the death sentence had been abolished years ago , and now exists only as a deterrent to violent crime and not actually implemented .
Every human has their soulmate 's last words to them engraved in their skin from birth .
A story based on something that happened to you , and the character does what you wish you 'd have done .
God holds a press event , admits he 's always secretly hated humans .
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