Percentage of board members who are women
Percentage of female board members
Mineral waste - Accumulated tailings
Total weight of tailings waste
Mineral waste - Accumulated waste rock (on surface)
Total weight of waste directed to rock dump sites
Number of employees trained, including internal and external training interventions
Total number of employees in training
Environmental fines and/or non-compliances
Fines associated with environmental incidents
Total investment in skills development
Total employee training expenditure
Employee turnover
Voluntary turnover rate for all employees
AET training employees
Total number of adults in education & training (AET) programmes
Medically treated injury frequency rate (MTIFR)
Percentage of staff covered by an independent union or collective bargaining agreements
Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements
Current tax and royalties
Total amount of taxes paid and payable (encompassing not only income taxes, but also other levies and taxes, such as property taxes or value added taxes) plus related penalties paid, plus all royalties, license fees, and other payments to Government for a given period
Representation (HDP South Africans) - Middle management (Average of SA region)
Percentage of black people/ HDSA in middle management
51% black-owned suppliers
BBBEE procurement spend from Exempt Micro Enterprises (EMEs), Qualifyimg Small Enterprises (QSEs) & Empowering Suppliers that are >51 black owned
Land used for mining (hectare)
Area of land used for the production of basic plant, animal or mineral commodities (e.g. the area of land used for forestry, agriculture or mining activities).
Salaries and wages paid
Employee wages and benefits
Total skills development expenditure (R million)
Total employee training expenditure
Rand value of CSI/SED spend on basic needs and social development, including nutrition and/or feeding programmes
Total spend on community health & social welfare initiatives excl. infrastructure investments
Total number of person hours worked (million)
Total number of hours worked
tCO2e / capita / annum
GHG Intensity (GHG Scope 1 +Scope 2 per Revenue)
Top management - Female African
Number of black women in executive management
Total indirect Nox
Air emissions of the following pollutants: (2) NOx (excluding N2O)
Social Investment Spend - Community health and infrastructure
Spend on community health & wellness programmes
Hazardous waste to landfil
Hazardous waste to legal landfill
Rand value of total revenue generated in South Africa
Total energy use (thousand gigajoules)
Total energy consumed
Taxes paid in South Africa and Namibia
Total amount of taxes paid and payable
Total direct CO2
GHG Scope 1 emissions
Hazardous waste (kilotons)
Hazardous waste
B-BBEE Level
B-BBEE Scorecard Level
LTIFR (including RWC)
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
Rand value of corporate social investment (CSI) / socioeconomic development (SED) expenditures – reported
Spend on ALL infrastructure and services investment, development, support of housing, sanitation, energy, telecoms and other community-related needs (consolidated CSI Spend)
Investments in projects to improve water efficiency
Total spend or investment towards the treatment of water for the purposes of reusing/recycling it back into the production process and/or back into the ecosystem so as to avoid water wastage
Lost-time injury frequency rate (number of lost-time injuries per 200 000 person hours worked) (South Africa)
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
Sub-Total Scope 1 & 2
GHG Scope 1 emissions + GHG Scope 2 emissions
Indirect carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Scope 2 (kilotons)
GHG Scope 2 emissions
Preferential procurement from all suppliers
Total procurement spend
Depreciation as per income statement
Average hours training per person
Average hours of training per employee
Senior management - African
Number of black people/HDSA in senior management
Board members
Number of Board Members
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
Investment in bursary scheme (R million)
Total spend or investment in the reporting period for graduate development, bursaries or skills development for employees
Electricity consumed
Total megawatt hours electricity consumed
Employees currently receiving company-provided ART (anti-retroviral treatment)
Number of HIV-positive employees undergoing anti-retroviral treatment (ART)
Number of board members who are women
Number of female board members
Employee wages and benefits
Fines, penalties and settlements (US$ million)
Penalties/fines or contributions paid
Training spend (Rm)
Total employee training expenditure
Employee turnover – South Africa
Voluntary turnover rate for all employees
Indirect employees
Total number of contractors
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)
Total number of noise induced hearing loss cases
Number of employees (full time equivalent)
Total number of employees
Investments in projects to improve waste efficiency
Total spend on waste management initiatives
Non-renewable – Electricity (kWh)
Total megawatt hours electricity consumed
B-BBEE (RSA only) - Black-owned women spend
Procurement from suppliers that are majority black-owned or 30% or more black women-owned
Total mineral waste
Total weight of mineral processing waste
Carbon emissions – Scope 1
GHG Scope 1 emissions
Percentage of employees who are women
Percentage of women in workforce
Number of board members
Number of Board Members
Rehabilitation provisions
Total investment towards rehabilitating land damaged/disturbed by operations
Fatalities (Average of SA region)
Number of work-related fatalities
Independent Board members
Number of independent board members
New cases of NIHL* – employees and contractors
Total number of noise induced hearing loss cases
Rand value of carbon tax paid
Total External carbon tax paid
Total assets
Total assets as per balance sheet
Staff costs and benefits (Rbn)
Employee wages and benefits
Number of person hours worked – employees and contractors
Total number of hours worked
Waste intensity (tonnes milled/total waste)
Waste intensity (total waste / sales)
Representation (HDP South Africans) - Executive management (Average of SA region)
Percentage of black people/ HDSA in executive management
Average age 40-49 years
Board members between 30 - 50
Non-renewable – Diesel (kWh)
Total fuel consumed
Learnerships – to unemployed / Learnerships – to individuals with disabilities / Internships
Total number of participants in learnerships, internships & apprenticeships
Finance costs
Finance cost per income statement
Overall board and committee meeting attendance
Board meeting attendance rate
Junior management - Female African
Number of black people/HDSA in junior management
Executive directors
Number of executive board members
Physical footprint - Branches
Number of retail locations
Community development
Total spend on local, regional or national community development initiatives
Total Rand value of investments in projects to improve environmental efficiencies
Total expenditure on green investments
Non-hazardous waste sent to landfill
Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill
Top management - African
Number of black people/HDSA in executive management
Number of Lost Time Injuries (LTIs, i.e., injuries on duty leading to at least one lost day)
Number of lost time injuries for employees
Fatalities (i.e. injuries on duty leading to death, excluding the deaths of workers not occurring “at work”) – employees and contractors
Number of work-related fatalities
Employee bursaries (number of bursaries)
Total number of bursaries awarded
Employee diversity (%) - Total women employees
Percentage of women in workforce
Total number of employees trained (including AET)
Total number of employees in training
Value Added (i.e. Revenue - Cost of Sales as per Income Statement)
Water consumption (kilolitres)
Total water consumed
Lost-time injuries
Number of lost time injuries for employees
Percentage of employees who belong to a trade union
Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements
Energy efficiency: total direct and indirect energy consumed per ton of sugar produced
Energy Efficiency (Energy consumption per saleable output)
Percentage hazardous waste recycled, reused and refurbished
Percentage hazardous waste recycled
Total carbon emissions (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2 e) – Scopes 1, 2 and 3
Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3)
Non-hazardous waste (kilotons)
Non-hazardous waste
Salaries and employee benefits
Employee wages and benefits
Number of new appointments/rehires externally - Male
Total number of new employee hires during the reporting period, by gender: Male
Representation (HDP South Africans) - Senior management (Average of SA region)
Percentage of black people/ HDSA in senior management
Junior management - African
Number of black women in junior management
General waste to landfill
Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill
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