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1 value
I want to thank Bill Daley for his exemplary service as Secretary of Commerce .
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He was brilliant .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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I think he did a brilliant job in leading Vice President Gore to victory myself .
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Al Gore is spending the Thanksgiving holiday in Washington with his family .
{ "start": [ 0, 24, 48 ], "end": [ 7, 36, 58 ], "label": [ "PERSON", "DATE", "GPE" ], "text": [ "Al Gore", "Thanksgiving", "Washington" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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Yesterday , he and his wife , Tipper , made their annual visit to a local food bank .
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The Vice President joked whether volunteers ought to recount the boxes of food .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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Gore also says he 's focusing on building a possible administration , a move he thinks George W. Bush should make as well , in spite of the election uncertainty .
{ "start": [ 0, 87 ], "end": [ 4, 101 ], "label": [ "PERSON", "PERSON" ], "text": [ "Gore", "George W. Bush" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
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Hi .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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Thanks for looking in .
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Our top story this half hour -- sources tell CNN President Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray have reached an accommodation that would end the long - running investigation of the Clinton White House .
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Details are to be announced at this hour by the White House .
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Mr. Clinton is expected to admit when he gave sworn testimony in August 1998 , he knowingly misled investigators looking into the Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky matters .
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In return , sources say Mr. Clinton will not be indicted that is he would avoid being indicted .
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He also would accept a five - year suspension of his Arkansas law license .
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The deal would bring an end to seven years of investigations , covering the Whitewater land deal , Travelgate , and the sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky which led to Mr. Clinton 's impeachment .
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A fire in a Bangladeshi garment factory has left at least 37 people dead and 100 hospitalized .
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Most of the deceased were killed in the crush as workers tried to flee the blaze in the four - story building .
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Witnesses say the only exit door was on the ground floor , and that it was locked when the fire broke out .
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Most of the victims were women and children .
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In the waters off the coast of Yemen , two urgent missions tonight collecting evidence from the suicide bombing and retrieving bodies still buried in debris .
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316 were aboard the `` USS Cole '' when the terrorists struck .
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Dozens were injured .
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17 were killed .
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Our coverage begins with NBC 's Joe Johns .
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A plane carrying the bodies of five dead American sailors from the `` USS Cole '' arrived today at Dover Air Force Base , as the first wave of forensics experts and investigators from the Department of Defense and the FBI arrived in Yemen .
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Their mission -- to continue the search for evidence and suspects in the explosion .
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Also on the way , equipment to lift the `` Cole '' out of the water and specialists to help retrieve the bodies of those trapped and presumed dead .
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We know there are spaces that are inaccessible .
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We know there are some remains in those spaces .
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We need to get in those and locate the remains that we anticipate finding there .
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Though the work was only beginning , a top Justice Department official in Washington predicted the outcome of the investigation .
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I 'm confident that we will be able to determine who was behind the bombing and that those people , those organizations , will be held accountable , they will be punished .
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This critical phase of the investigation must be conducted both above and beneath the water on a tight time line .
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They 'll want to get in there quickly because one of the problems when you 're dealing with seawater is that it will have an adverse effect on your evidence .
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To further speed up the process , the FBI has now activated the Strategic Information and Operation Center in Washington , conceived after the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania , ensuring the fastest possible exchange of information between investigators and the decision makers .
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On the diplomatic front , the U.S. said the government of Yemen is cooperating with the investigation , though that country 's President disputes charges that his nation is a haven for terrorists .
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The Justice Department says no group or individual has been ruled out as a suspect , though many expect that whoever gets the blame will eventually be tied to the terrorist Osama bin Laden .
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And the grieving continued today at the Naval Academy 's football game against Notre Dame .
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A moment of silence to remember the victims of this terrorist act .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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Joe Johns , NBC News .
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The `` USS Cole '' is on its long journey home tonight , sitting atop a rescue ship , and now , for the first time , its open wound fully visible .
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NBC 's Jim Miklaszewski tonight at the Pentagon with an exclusive report on the damage done and the difficulty in finding those responsible .
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Jim ?
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What 's the latest there ?
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New pictures reveal the sheer power of that terrorist bomb that ripped through the `` USS Cole . ''
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For the first time , with the `` Cole '' out of the water , the full impact of the catastrophic blast clearly visible .
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In these photos obtained by NBC News , the damage much larger than first imagined , extending well below the water line .
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Workers on deck dwarfed by the 40 x 60 - foot gaping wound .
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Large sections of the hull buckled inward .
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Crewman Sean Powell , back home in Florida , says inside the `` Cole , '' it was chaos , it got dark , we lost power , ship started to list , that 's what scared everybody .
{ "start": [ 8, 35, 64 ], "end": [ 19, 42, 68 ], "label": [ "PERSON", "GPE", "PRODUCT" ], "text": [ "Sean Powell", "Florida", "Cole" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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Despite the devastating damage , Navy officials predict the `` Cole '' can be repaired for about $ 150 million , and put back into service .
{ "start": [ 33, 63, 97 ], "end": [ 37, 67, 110 ], "label": [ "ORG", "PRODUCT", "MONEY" ], "text": [ "Navy", "Cole", "$ 150 million" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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Justice Department officials say in Yemen , the FBI 's investigation is dead in the water .
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Senior U.S. officials tell NBC News the Yemen government has all but shut down all cooperation in finding those behind the `` Cole '' attack .
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Evidence is either withheld or tampered with .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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A surveillance video of the harbor at the time of the attack was so heavily edited , it did n't even show the blast itself .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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Why ?
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Yemen is a terrorist hotbed , and some members of President Saleh 's own cabinet have direct ties to radical Islamic extremists and terrorists .
{ "start": [ 0, 60, 109 ], "end": [ 5, 65, 116 ], "label": [ "GPE", "PERSON", "NORP" ], "text": [ "Yemen", "Saleh", "Islamic" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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It 's hard to see exactly why it is that the President there would ever want to cooperate with the United States and possibly put himself in jeopardy .
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Reporter :
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And even though cooperation from Yemen is at a standstill , U.S. officials tell NBC News that they are making substantial progress in the investigation and are fully confident they will get enough evidence to retaliate against those responsible .
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Tom ?
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Thanks very much , NBC 's Jim Miklaszewski tonight .
{ "start": [ 19, 26, 43 ], "end": [ 22, 42, 50 ], "label": [ "ORG", "PERSON", "TIME" ], "text": [ "NBC", "Jim Miklaszewski", "tonight" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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The nation 's highest court will take up the case next week .
{ "start": [ 50 ], "end": [ 59 ], "label": [ "DATE" ], "text": [ "next week" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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That development may not be as significant as it seems .
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Joining me now is law professor Rick Pildes , a consultant to NBC News .
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Could a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court settle this case once and for all ?
{ "start": [ 22 ], "end": [ 44 ], "label": [ "ORG" ], "text": [ "the U.S. Supreme Court" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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At this stage , any decision from the U.S. Supreme Court is almost certainly not going to provide a final resolution of this election dispute .
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Indeed , the issue is so narrow now before the Supreme Court that whichever way the court rules , it will likely have only the most marginal impact on what 's going on in Florida .
{ "start": [ 43, 171 ], "end": [ 60, 178 ], "label": [ "ORG", "GPE" ], "text": [ "the Supreme Court", "Florida" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
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Even if the Bush campaign prevails before the Supreme Court , it simply means we will move more quickly into the contest phase of the litigation or the next stage of the litigation .
{ "start": [ 12, 42 ], "end": [ 16, 59 ], "label": [ "PERSON", "ORG" ], "text": [ "Bush", "the Supreme Court" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
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But you believe the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court just decided to hear this case is a partial victory for both Bush and Gore .
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It is a partial victory for both sides .
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For the last two weeks , the central constitutional argument the Bush campaign has been making to the federal courts is , stop these manual recounts now , they violate the Constitution .
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The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear that part of the case , agreeing with all the other federal judges who have unanimously held that this is not the proper time for federal court intervention .
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So in that sense , a victory for the Gore campaign .
{ "start": [ 37 ], "end": [ 41 ], "label": [ "PERSON" ], "text": [ "Gore" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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For the Bush campaign , a victory in the willingness of the Supreme Court to play some role in overseeing the Florida system and the Florida judicial decision making process .
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{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
Whatever the Supreme Court decides this time , you say this case could come back before the U.S. Supreme Court again ?
{ "start": [ 9, 88 ], "end": [ 26, 110 ], "label": [ "ORG", "ORG" ], "text": [ "the Supreme Court", "the U.S. Supreme Court" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
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John , if the Supreme Court of the United States is to play a final and decisive role in this dispute , that role is going to come at the end of the Florida judicial process , not at this stage .
{ "start": [ 10, 31, 149 ], "end": [ 27, 48, 156 ], "label": [ "ORG", "GPE", "GPE" ], "text": [ "the Supreme Court", "the United States", "Florida" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
Law professor Rick Pildes , thank you .
{ "start": [ 14 ], "end": [ 25 ], "label": [ "PERSON" ], "text": [ "Rick Pildes" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
It will be one of the first election returns on Tuesday .
{ "start": [ 11, 22, 48 ], "end": [ 14, 27, 55 ], "label": [ "CARDINAL", "ORDINAL", "DATE" ], "text": [ "one", "first", "Tuesday" ], "score": [ 1, 1, 1 ] }
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It will also be among the most important .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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As we continue our coverage of presidential politics with a look at the last - minute battle to win a crucial swing state , Florida .
{ "start": [ 72, 124 ], "end": [ 85, 131 ], "label": [ "TIME", "GPE" ], "text": [ "last - minute", "Florida" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
25 electoral votes .
{ "start": [ 0 ], "end": [ 2 ], "label": [ "CARDINAL" ], "text": [ "25" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
It 's being fought over hard .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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With a look at how the candidates are getting out the vote there , here 's NBC News correspondent Kerry Sanders .
{ "start": [ 75, 98 ], "end": [ 83, 111 ], "label": [ "ORG", "PERSON" ], "text": [ "NBC News", "Kerry Sanders" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
{ "type": null, "score": null, "agent": "gold_labels" }
The image of Florida , both fact and fiction .
{ "start": [ 13 ], "end": [ 20 ], "label": [ "GPE" ], "text": [ "Florida" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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A great getaway , a state where a mouse wields more power than a tropical paradise .
{ "start": [], "end": [], "label": [], "text": [], "score": [] }
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While the mild winters make this comfortable living for almost three million seniors , the largest elderly population in the United States , this year it is not the weather drawing Al Gore and George W. Bush to the Sunshine State .
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Both candidates list 25 reasons to keep coming back , Florida 's 25 electoral votes .
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Polls show Florida is still up for grabs .
{ "start": [ 11 ], "end": [ 18 ], "label": [ "GPE" ], "text": [ "Florida" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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Both candidates have been here almost equally .
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In fact , it 's almost I dare you politics .
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Each of them dares the other one to spend less time , money , and energy than they are at their own peril .
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Elderly voters once again in Florida , the most important voting bloc because they actually vote more than any other group .
{ "start": [ 29 ], "end": [ 36 ], "label": [ "GPE" ], "text": [ "Florida" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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In this election , 45 % of those going to the voting booth are expected to be over the age of 65 .
{ "start": [ 19, 83 ], "end": [ 23, 96 ], "label": [ "PERCENT", "DATE" ], "text": [ "45 %", "the age of 65" ], "score": [ 1, 1 ] }
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The issue most important to them , Social Security .
{ "start": [ 35 ], "end": [ 50 ], "label": [ "ORG" ], "text": [ "Social Security" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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Pay down the nation 's debt , strengthen Social Security , cut taxes for middle class family , save our environment .
{ "start": [ 41 ], "end": [ 56 ], "label": [ "ORG" ], "text": [ "Social Security" ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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Experience .
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Vision .
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Values .
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Al Gore .
{ "start": [ 0 ], "end": [ 9 ], "label": [ "PERSON" ], "text": [ "Al Gore ." ], "score": [ 1 ] }
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