audioduration (s)
i like to hear that you are your own person
do they have valet service at the airport?
dr mortimer looked at holmes with an air of professional interest and sir henry baskerville turned a pair of puzzled dark eyes upon me
how do you tell when you re out of invisible ink?
it was barely a year since he had returned from malta but what an eventful twelvemonth
he sat down by the blown hawthorn bush that stands by the burgh
a child is an individual human offspring not yet grown to physical maturity
the form of electromagnetic radiation that acts upon the retina of the eye and optic nerve making sight possible
hi i m trying to find out how my dodgers are doing right now
the tempestuous situation from which massachusetts has scarcely emerged evinces that dangers of this kind are not merely speculative
okay and one large coke with that that s it right?
what kind of food would you like?
no you know what? i think i would rather have thai food
well thank you for saying that
when i was taking my walk on the same day i met zawoiski with l abbadie and did not try to avoid them
a guru is in expert who has devoted many years to study and contemplation
now most of the larvae were turning into nymphs which are half grown dragon flies
he looked at the little chap with a feeling of doubt
and where does that put them in their division?
presently she returns to the camp carrying the mysterious the holy the dearest bundle
and go ahead with the third order
my robot eye allows me to see things like you do
an extended java syntax for embedding sql like commands in a java program
great i m glad we could help goodbye
apollo 13 was a flight to the moon in 1972 that encountered numerous technical problems but eventually made a safe landing back on earth
to me that s the highest compliment
electricity was not invented but discovered probably first by the ancient chinese
i d like to have two orders of lasagne
here s the song ring ring by abba a song from their first album called ring ring
schroeder is the former chancellor of germany
the spirit paused a moment as observing his condition and giving him time to recover
he was the poet and author of the song of hiawatha
if it comes back to you it s yours
any automobile that i get to be a passenger in
nowhere else in england is there a fairer prospect of old world peace
hopefully we re not the crazy ones
you might have told me there was a snake behind me i said petulantly
3rd in the american league east
how long have you been married?
i found a flight departing at 10 10 a m is that okay?
heaven bless and help us what a stout heart you have got said the old dame don t you see we have got amongst trolls?
there was a rush of retreating feet an expostulating voice then darkness again and silence
something that can make a profit
sorry i can have trouble remembering everything you have told me
great can you find one directed by steven spielberg?
he invented a walking stick with a microscope on it
i actually have that on vinyl right now
okay i am going to get french fries and collard greens on the side of each dish
well this has been a riveting conversation indeed would you like to continue talking?
that kind of language will get you nowhere
i don t think you can ever have enough turkey and stuffing that is until you fall asleep at the dinner table
have you heard of the hold steady or the clash?
men in various uniforms were coming and going in an aimless way and doing a great deal of talking
chaos said he realized the question he asked was not fair because he could not tell what language i was programmed in
i am so sorry i did not get all the kinks worked out of the time machine before we tested it robert says remorsefully
i wasn t keeping score
what kind of topping do you like?
as i watched the dog chasing his tail i thought dogs are easily amused then i realized i was watching the dog chasing his tail
hi i need a hotel in st louis missouri
mental illness characterized by low self esteem feelings of lonliness isolation and worthlessness
she was half fairy people could see her if they looked hard enough
it s great to listen to music with you
please state your rationale
at these blasphemous sounds the pillars of the sanctuary were shaken
add to this that his confidence in catherine had been rudely shaken
i was about to offer myself sir said the priest it is our mission to forestall our duties
i will find your flight one second
the youngest sister peeped through her long heavy eyelashes and watched the beggar
someone who thinks outside the box
there is nothing specified in their sample dinner menu about tapas
but all of them are too small to see with the naked eye
i ve never thought about that before
i always try to give the most precise replies possible
gotz sat there dan lieber bogdanov broido fillipovsky white faced hollow eyed and indignant
eliza also known as doctor is the original psychiatrist program developed by joseph weisenbaum at mit in the 1960 s
leibniz is a 17th century philosopher
can you play a song by a musician with a similar style?
matt lampson is the goalkeeper for chicago fire
oh that s good who s in first place for the national league central?
the first computer dates back to adam and eve
they were men of business very wealthy and of great importance
i am running the latest version of software
yes i would like to view it
i know as much as i am able to learn
transmission control protocol and internet protocol
many writers lay very great stress upon some definite moral purpose at which they profess to aim their works
rosa rosa i don t know to what wonder under the sun i shall compare you
on the way back there are several airlines to choose from
i m sorry to hear that because horses are one of the nicest animals
this is the scientific study of old age
i would like a very good view
the girl was never allowed to visit her aunt annice although frequently invited
i turned once more almost passionately now to hammering together stakes and branches to form a raft for my escape
robocop is a 1987 american science fiction action film
i d like to know your name
i hope you are comfortable
okay cool i ll do that so send the directions
perhaps a little too spasmodically i drew my revolver aimed quickly and fired
usa today is an excellent paper
the turing game is used to test how human like a chatbot is

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