2 classes
but i don't know you know maybe you could do that for a certain period of time but i mean how long does that kind of a thing take you know to to um say to question the person or to get into their head
It might take a long time to do that because getting inside a person's head takes time.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "241-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is true, because the possibility exists, that it takes a long time to get into their head.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "241-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Context states it is not known how long it would take, so it might take a long time", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "241-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement seems to be a continuation of the context, the reason why it meight take a long time is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "241-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether it will take to get into a person's head.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 69, "n": 28, "c": 3 }
All of our many earnest experiments produced results in line with random chance, they conclude.
The experiments proved it was a much better predictor.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1297-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The results are in line with random chance, which indicates that it was not a better predictor, it was just random.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1297-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If results were in line with random chance, it was not a good predictor.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1297-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, if it was a much better predictor, then the earnest experiments should produce results much better than random chance.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1297-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Because the results are random, so the predictor is not good", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 8, "n": 28, "c": 64 }
It seeks genuine direct elections after a period that is sufficient to organize alternative parties and prepare a campaign based on freedom of speech and other civil rights, the right to have free trade unions, the release of more than 200 political prisoners, debt relief, stronger penalties for corruption and pollution, no amnesty for Suharto and his fellow thieves, and a respite for the poor from the hardest edges of economic reform.
The only thing that can our society is more power to the presidential electors.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "825-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't contain any information about the power of the presidential electors.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "825-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "There is stronger penalties for corruption, so more restrictions on the presidential electors.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ 1, 2 ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 4, "n": 79, "c": 17 }
but how do you know the good from the bad
Why care if it's good or bad?
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1580-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Two different questions", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 8, "n": 64, "c": 28 }
'But if White has any designs at all on living, he'll be as far from Little as he can possibly get by now.'
White should be afraid to come back to Little.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1197-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context suggests that White will die if he is with Little, we can infer that he should be afriaid of being with Litte.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1197-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It sounds like Little is after White's life.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1197-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "In context, White should be far away from Little if he wants to live, so coming back to Little should be terrible, and he should be afraid of that.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1197-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If White has any planning on life, then he should not come back to Little. It means that Little is not a good place for living, so he should be afraid to come back to this place", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 74, "n": 24, "c": 2 }
yes well yeah i am um actually actually i think that i at the higher level education i don't think there's so much of a problem there it's pretty much funded well there are small colleges that i'm sure are struggling
Small colleges usually have trouble with funding and resources.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "563-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement suggest that small colleges have funding issues.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "563-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker doesn't say anything about 'usually'. They only assert that there are some small colleges that are struggling.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "563-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Some small colleges are struggling, but it can be a common phenomenon, or may be quite rare.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "563-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker mentioned his college is well funded and then said some small colleges are struggling. It can not be concluded that all small colleges usually have trouble with funding", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 54, "n": 43, "c": 3 }
Even if auditors do not follow such other standards and methodologies, they may still serve as a useful source of guidance to auditors in planning their work under GAGAS.
GAGAS requires strict compliance for auditors to follow.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1069-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context suggests that auditors need to plan their work under GAGAS.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1069-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear how strict GAGAS is.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1069-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context is not about GAGAS's requirements, we only know under GAGAS auditors can use other standards and methodologies as reference.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1069-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "GAGAS can also only serve as guidance to the auditors", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 19, "n": 52, "c": 29 }
What a brilliantly innocuous metaphor, devised by a master manipulator to obscure his manipulations.
The metaphor was created by the manipulator to convince people of something.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "321-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Manipulation does aim to make people believe certain things.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "321-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The purpose of the metaphor in the context is described as \"to obscure his manipulations\", whether he wanted to \"convince people of something\" is not given.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "321-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The metaphor was created to hide the manipulations, not for manipulating directly.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "321-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It was created to hide his true intention to manipulate", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 88, "n": 7, "c": 5 }
Changes in technology and its application to electronic commerce and expanding Internet applications will change the specific control activities that may be employed and how they are implemented, but the basic requirements of control will not have changed.
Technology will make it so we have less control of activities.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "466-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It doesn't say anything about whether the possibility for control will change.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "466-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Although \"the basic requirements of control will not have changed\", we don't know whether technology will bring more control of activies or less control.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "466-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not mentioned how the specific control activites will be changed. But it is sure that the basic requirements of controll will not change", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "466-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Technology will change the employment and implementierung of some control activities, but the basic requirements, which means the degree of control, will not be changed.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 13, "n": 35, "c": 52 }
The order was founded by James VII (James II of England) and continues today.
Kings frequently founded orders that can still be found today.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "609-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only mentions the order founded by James VII, we know nothing about orders that founded by other kings.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "609-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context talks about a single order. We cannot infer that such orders are frequent.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "609-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The order founded by a king can continue until now, but it is not given whether it is frequently founded.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "609-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The frequeny of founding orderings is not known", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 36, "n": 63, "c": 1 }
The road along the coastline to the south travels through busy agricultural towns and fishing villages untouched by tourism.
There are no tourists on the road through the agricultural towns and fishing villages.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "738-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"untouched\" implies that these places are not visited by tourists.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "738-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The towns and villages are untouched by tourism so probably the route going through them is also relatively free of tourists.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "738-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We can only know that the fishing villages are not the destination of tourists, but we can't promise there are no tourists on the road through it.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "738-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about the road being touched by the tourists or not. The towns and villages are not touched by the tourists", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 72, "n": 24, "c": 4 }
well they're so close to an undefeated undefeated season they can taste it and they wanna make history so i don't think they're gonna lack for motivation
Unless they suffer any losses, they'll remain motivated.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "536-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They are motivated by being undefeated. This will persist unless they are defeated.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "536-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They are motivated to get a full win season. So if they suffer loss, then they can no longer make history, so their movitation may lack", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "536-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention what would happen if they suffer any losses, they may or may not lose motivation.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "536-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "After suffering any losses they maybe will lose motivation, but maybe still remain motivated.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 56, "n": 41, "c": 3 }
The woman rolled and drew two spears before the horse had rolled and broken the rest.
They were in rotation on the ground grabbing their weapons.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "557-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The woman and the horse were grabbing the spears. They rolled indicates that they were on the ground.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "557-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The women and horse both rolled. And the woman grabbed two spears", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "557-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only described a woman, we don't know who are \"they\" in the statement.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "557-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The horse most likely wasn't grabbing a weapon.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 33, "n": 51, "c": 16 }
However, the other young lady was most kind.
I received a warm welcome from the other young lady who was present.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1550-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention what the young lady did to the speaker.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1550-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Only because the woman was kind, she did not have to extend a warm welcome.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1550-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The other young lay was most kind, but she could do anything to show her kindness, maybe to give warm welcome, maybe others.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1550-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The young lady was kind, but we don't know what she did", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 64, "n": 34, "c": 2 }
The author began with a set of hunches or hypotheses about what can go wrong in agency management, and what would be evidence supporting-or contradicting-these hypotheses.
The hunches provided by the author weren't realistic as it pertains to agency management.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "40-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the hunches provided by the author were realistic or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "40-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear how realistic the hypotheses were.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "40-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The judgement of the hunches provided by the author is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "40-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The hunches could be realistic, as the author provide potential evidence supporting these hypotheses", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 6, "n": 64, "c": 30 }
okay and and i think we just hang up i don't think we have to do anything else
We need to wait until they tell us what to do.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1232-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't talk about why they don't have to do anything.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1232-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They explicitly say that they have to only hang up and not do anything else.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1232-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"I don't think we have to do anything else\" means we don't need to nothing, so we don't need to wait.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1232-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't need to do anything, meaning also not waiting for them to tell us what to do", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 11, "n": 38, "c": 51 }
David Cope, a professor of music at the University of California at Santa Cruz, claims to have created a 42 nd Mozart symphony.
Music Professor David Cope who specializes in Mozart's music claims to have created Mozart's 42nd symphony.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "885-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "885-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They context doesn't mention the speciality of Professor David Cope.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "885-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Whether David Cope specialized in Mozart's music is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "885-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about the specialization of the Music Professor", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 65, "n": 30, "c": 5 }
The conspiracy-minded allege that the chains also leverage their influence to persuade the big publishers to produce more blockbusters at the expense of moderate-selling books.
Big publishers want to produce more high budget films, even if that means badly selling books.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "208-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "208-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "According to the claim of conspiracy-minded, it's the chains that want to produce more blockbusters, not the big publishers. And we don't know if the claim is true.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "208-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Producing film is not mentioned in the context, so we don't know the attitude of big publishers to it.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "208-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is at the expense of moderate-selling books, not badly selling books", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 43, "n": 33, "c": 24 }
(A bigger contribution may or may not mean, I really, really support Candidate X.) Freedom of association is an even bigger stretch--one that Justice Thomas would laugh out of court if some liberal proposed it.
A bigger contribution means to support candidate Y.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "125-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They context doesn't talk about candidate Y.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "125-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Candidate Y is not mentioned at all.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "125-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A bigger contribution may or may not mean to support Candidate X, so the possibility of supporting Y exists, but not hundred percent.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "125-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, a bigger contribution can not prove any preference.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "125-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is to support candidate X", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 1, "n": 48, "c": 51 }
Because marginal costs are very low, a newspaper price for preprints might be as low as 5 or 6 cents per piece.
Many people consider these prices to be unfair to new printers.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1537-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention people's opinions on these prices.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1537-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not mentioned whether these prices are unfair.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1537-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "How do people think about the price for new printers is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1537-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Not known about the poeple's opinion on the price", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 91, "c": 7 }
Took forever.
Lasted two years
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "309-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Forever is longer than two years.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "309-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "two years are not forever", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": null, "n": 53, "c": 47 }
Just like we have hairpins and powder-puffs." Tommy handed over a rather shabby green notebook, and Tuppence began writing busily.
Tommy handed Tuppence an empty shabby green notebook.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "591-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of a part of the context.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "591-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't know if the notebook is empty.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "591-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The shabby green notebook can be empty or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "591-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about whether the notebook is empty", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 44, "n": 54, "c": 2 }
And far, far away- lying still on the tracks- was the back of the train.
The train wasn't moving but then it started up.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "119-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the train moved or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "119-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The movement of the train is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "119-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about whether the train started up", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "119-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The tarin was lying still, so it didn't start up.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 1, "n": 54, "c": 45 }
It lacked intelligence, introspection, and humor--it was crass, worthy of Cosmopolitan or Star . I do have a sense of humor, but can only appreciate a joke when it starts with a grain of truth.
The article won a Pulitzer Prize.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "369-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention the Pulitzer Prize.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "369-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about the article winnning a prize", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "369-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Apparantely, the article was very bad, so it most likely did not win a Pulitzer.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "369-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The article was lacked intelligence, introspection, and humor, and that is not the taste of Pulitzer Prize.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 67, "c": 31 }
It will be held in the Maryland woods, and the telecast will consist of jittery footage of the contestants' slow descent into madness as they are systematically stalked and disappeared/disqualified by Bob Barker.
The show will be set in the woods north of Boston.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1244-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The show will be held in the Maryland woods, not the woods north of Boston.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1244-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Boston is not near Maryland.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1244-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, the show \"will be held in the Maryland woods\".", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1244-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Maryland is to the south of Boston", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 12, "n": 25, "c": 63 }
It has served as a fortress for the Gallo-Romans, the Visigoths, Franks, and medieval French (you can see the layers of their masonry in the ramparts).
The fortress was built by the medieval French in 1173.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1471-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention when and by whom the fortress was built.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1471-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The building year of the fortress is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1471-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about who built the fortress. The medieval French only had used it, so did Gallo-Romans.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1471-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The Gallo-Romans were much earlier than 1173, so the fortress was built earlier.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 1, "n": 79, "c": 20 }
Tommy realized perfectly that in his own wits lay the only chance of escape, and behind his casual manner he was racking his brains furiously.
He'd been stuck for hours, starting to feel doubt crawl into his mind.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1313-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no mention in the context of how long he was stuck.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1313-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether Tommy experienced doubt.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1313-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't know from which situation need Tommy escape , and the doubt didn't show up in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1313-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about how long he had been stuck.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 14, "n": 70, "c": 16 }
He touched it and felt his skin swelling and growing hot.
His skin was burning.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1070-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The skin grew hot, so it was burning.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1070-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "his skin was swelling and growning hot. They are signs of burning", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1070-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason that hes skon swelling and growing hot is not clear. It may or may not be because his skin was burning.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1070-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "His could be burning or maybe he was taken a bug's bite", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 64, "n": 35, "c": 1 }
Bush the elder came of age when New England Republicans led the party, and patrician manners were boons to a Republican.
New England Republicans were weak.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "770-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "New England Republicans could be weak or strong.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "770-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about the New England Republicans being weak", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "770-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "New England Republicans had patrician manners doesn't mean that they were weak.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "770-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "New England Republicans cannot have been weak because they led the party.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 68, "c": 30 }
In the depths of the Cold War, many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy.
Communists assisted America's government during the Cold War.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "117-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only mentions American suspection. It may or may not be true.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "117-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context is about what people suspected not about the facts.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "117-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "In the context it is all about Americans' suspect", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "117-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It was suspected that the communists had infiltrated Washington and to subvert the democracy, which is the opposite of assisting America", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 3, "n": 40, "c": 57 }
For an authentic feel of old Portugal, slip into the cool entrance hall of theimpressive Leal Senado ( Loyal Senate building), a fine example of colonial architecture.
All that remains of Leal Senado is old ruins.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1166-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The current status of Leal Senado is not mentioned.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1166-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The condition of Leal Senado is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1166-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Leal Senado is impressive and has an entrance hall, so it can hardly be only ruins.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1166-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is entrance hall of Leal Senado, so it can not be ruins", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 3, "n": 43, "c": 54 }
no chemicals and plus then you can use it as a fertilizer and not have to worry about spreading those chemicals like on your lawn or your bushes or whatever
We don't want to use chemicals on our lawn
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "271-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't need to worry about using them on the lawn because they are not chemicals, which suggests that we don't want to use chemicals on the lawn.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "271-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker says that they might worry about spreading the chemicals on the lawn, so they don't want that.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "271-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "when using chemicals, we need to worry about spreading the chemicals on the lawn", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 69, "n": 29, "c": 2 }
We also have found that leading organizations strive to ensure that their core processes efficiently and effectively support mission-related outcomes.
Leading organizations want to be sure their processes are successful.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "107-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Leading organizations strive to ensure the success of their processes.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "107-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "107-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, because leading organizations strive to ensure their processes.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "107-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The organizations strive to ensure their process to support the outcomes. So the process needs to be successful to provide support for the outcomes", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 91, "n": 9, "c": null }
well that's uh i agree with you there i mean he didn't have the surrounding cast that Montana had there's no doubt about that
I agree that he didn't have the same support as Montana, but he did well.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1539-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention whether he did well or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1539-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the speaker thinks that he did well.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1539-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "I agree that he didn't have the same support as Montana, but he could did well, or bad.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1539-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about where he did well or not", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 40, "n": 57, "c": 3 }
H-2A agricultural workers are required to maintain a foreign residence which they have no intention of abandoning.
Permanent foreign residence is required for some types of agricultural work visas.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1078-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"H-2A\" is a type of agricultural work visa that mentioned in the statement.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1078-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1078-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "H-2A agricultural workers need permanent foreign residence prove that some types of agricultural need permanent foreign residence.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1078-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's those agricultural workers with H-2A visas needs to maintain the residence as part of their work but not a requirement for their application for the visa", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 84, "n": 16, "c": null }
No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us for that.
No, Dave Hanson, we couldn't risk your life becaus you are too important to us.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "273-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention anything about risking life.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "273-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the speakre talks about risking Hanson's life.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "273-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Dave's is too important to us for \"that\", but that can be anything, not definitely about living or death.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "273-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not mentioned if Dave is going to risk his life for that", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 46, "n": 54, "c": null }
The pope, suggesting that Gen.
Gen is being suggested by the Pope.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1178-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement suggest that the pope suggested the Gen.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1178-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1178-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, it is a switch of active voice and passive voice.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1178-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "paraphrases", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 78, "n": 21, "c": 1 }
but there's no uh inscriptions or or dates or anything else
There aren't any dates on it?
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "158-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "question is not a statement", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 87, "n": 11, "c": 2 }
If you have the energy to climb the 387 steps to the top of the south tower, you will be rewarded with a stunning view over the city.
The south tower has the best view in the city.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1015-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The view of the south tower may or may not be the best.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1015-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the stunning view is actually the best in the city.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1015-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context did not compare the view of the south tower with other places, so we don't know whether it has the best view.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1015-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The south tower has a stunning view but it is not known if it is the best", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 26, "n": 73, "c": 1 }
I am glad she wasn't, said Jon.
Jon was sad that she wasn't happy.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "374-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether Jon was talking about her being happy.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "374-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Jon's attitude to her happiness is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "374-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Jon was glad, not sad.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "374-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Jon was glad that she was not happy", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": null, "n": 54, "c": 46 }
is there still that type of music available
Is that genre of music still a thing?
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "890-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and statement are about the same question.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "890-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "890-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"is it a thing\" means \"is it popular\". A thing can be available but not popular", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 84, "n": 15, "c": 1 }
Strange as it may seem to the typical household, capital gains on its existing assets do not contribute to saving as measured in NIPA.
NIPA considers cat fur when it defines savings.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "824-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "Yes, because cat fur based on cats, which are existing assets, so it will not be counted by NIPA.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "824-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Cat fur is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "824-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Cat furs are not mentioned at all.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "824-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Not clear statement", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 3, "n": 44, "c": 53 }
my goodness it's hard to believe i didn't think there was anybody in the country who hadn't seen that one
I thought I was the only one in this country who had seen it.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "871-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "I didn't think there was anybody seen that one. So I thought I was the only one in this country who had seen it", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "871-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is false because the speaker thought that everyone had seen that one.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "871-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "I thought everybody in this country had seen it, so I am not the only one.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 1, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 23, "n": 9, "c": 68 }
and i look back on that and i bought shoes i went shopping i did not need that money i did not need it i didn't need it i shouldn't have even qualified to get it i didn't need it and it would have been a little rough i might have eaten some bologna instead of roast beef out of the deli but i did not need it and as i look back now now we're paying that back i told my son if you have to live in the ghetto to go to college do it but don't take out ten thousand dollars in loans don't do it and i don't i hope don't think he'll have to do that but i just so like we might if we didn't have those loans we could have saved in the last five years the money for that and i believe we would have because God's really put it in our heart not to get in debt you know but we have friends at church that do this on a constant basis that are totally debt free and they pay cash for everything they buy
I am envious of all my debt-free churchgoing friends.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1158-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention the speaker's attitude toward the debt-free friends at church.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1158-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the speaker is envious.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1158-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not known if i am envious of my debt-free friends", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 43, "n": 52, "c": 5 }
If you have any questions about this report, please contact Henry R. Wray, Senior Associate General Counsel, at (202) 512-8581.
Henry R. Wray can be reached at (555) 512-8581.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "51-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The number of Henry R. Wray mentioned in the statement is wrong", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "51-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The phone number starts with (202) not with (555).", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "51-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The number is wrong, it should be (202) 512-8581 not (555) 512-8581.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "51-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "wrong phone numbers", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 21, "n": 3, "c": 76 }
No, monsieur.
The speaker is answering no to a question.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1448-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "According to the context, the speaker did say no.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1448-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "This is correct.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1448-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, the speaker said no.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1448-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "monsieur states that the speaker is talking to a man and said no", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 88, "n": 11, "c": 1 }
The policy succeeded, and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to make that contribution to my people.
Because the policy was a success, I was able to make a contribution to my people.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "287-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement mention the sucessful of the policy and the speaker's contribution to the people.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "287-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "287-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "paraphrases", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "287-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, the contribution I made to my people is the success of policy.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 88, "n": 11, "c": 1 }
3) The gap between the productivity of women and the productivity of men.
The gap of genders.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "1486-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, the gap between the productivity of genders can prove there is a gap between genders.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1486-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Statement does not specifiy the gap of WHAT of genders. In the context, it is the gap of productivity", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 1 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 83, "n": 15, "c": 2 }
While obviously constrained by their bondage, blacks nonetheless forged a culture rich with religious observances, folk tales, family traditions, song, and so on.
Clearly are constrained by their folk tales and traditions.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "553-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They are constrained by their bondage, not their folk tales and traditions.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "553-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "They forges a rich culture with folk tales and traditions, which are not their constrans", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 1, 2 ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 14, "n": 34, "c": 52 }
SSA is also seeking statutory authority for additional tools to recover current overpayments.
SSA wants the authority to recover overpayments made to insurers.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "487-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context does not mention to whom the overpayment was made.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "487-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the overpayments were made to insureres or to someone else.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "487-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The overpayments can be made to insurers or to other shops, or department of government, etc.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "487-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't know to whom was the overpayments made.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 61, "n": 36, "c": 3 }
Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York, the conservative vanguard on the issue, show no inclination to exploit research that says, in effect, Why care about day-care quality?
Thompson and Giuliani don't want to care about day cares.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "839-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "\"No inclination to exploit reserach\" can be understood as to study about day cares.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "839-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Thompson and Giuliani don't want to exploit the research that doesn't care about day cares, which means they did care about day cares.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "839-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Thompson and Giuliani did not care about the research, that says not to care about the day-care quality. So they might actually care about day cares", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 1 ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 1, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 46, "n": 38, "c": 16 }
So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us.
Our clients can barely afford our legal assistance.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1259-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and statement suggest that their clients are not able to afford attorneys.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1259-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether the clients have to pay for the services at all.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1259-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The cost of our legal assistance is not given in the context, maybe it is free.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1259-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not mentioned if our assistance is charged. It could be free.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 66, "n": 26, "c": 8 }
apparently apparently the appraisers likes it because our taxes sure is high isn't it it really is
We wished the taxes were lower.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "652-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention the speaker's wishes about the taxes.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "652-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether the speaker wants the taxes to be lower.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "652-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Our taxes is high, but our attitude to high taxes is not shown in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "652-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no info about our wishes", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 31, "n": 60, "c": 9 }
Of how, when tea was done, and everyone had stood,He reached for my head, put his hands over it,And gently pulled me to his chest, which smelledOf dung smoke and cinnamon and mutton grease.I could hear his wheezy breathing now, like the prophet's Last whispered word repeated by the faithful.Then he prayed for what no one had time to translate--His son interrupted the old man to tell him a groupOf snake charmers sought his blessing, and a blind thief.The saint pushed me away, took one long look,Then straightened my collar and nodded me toward the door.
When tea was done, he put his hands on me romantically.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1219-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "When tea was done he put his hands over the speaker's head. According to the context, his moves were romantic.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1219-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether there was romantic intention.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1219-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He was a \"saint\", so \"he put his hands on me\" could be romantically, but also could be nothing to do with romance, whereas about religion.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1219-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He is a saint, so it is more a religious practice rather than a romantice move", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 31, "n": 30, "c": 39 }
EPA estimates that 5.6 million acres of lakes, estuaries and wetlands and 43,500 miles of streams, rivers and coasts are impaired by mercury emissions.
The release of mercury has an impact on rivers, streams and lakes
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "723-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement suggest that mercury emissions inpact streams, rivers and lakes.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "723-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The mercury impairs the rivers, treams and lakes among others.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "723-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True because mercury emissions impaired lakes, estuaries, wetlands, streams, rivers and coasts.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "723-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A large land is impaired by mercury emissions, as reported by EPA. So the release of mercury has an impact on these natural bodies", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
[ "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 99, "n": 1, "c": null }
Mykonos has had a head start as far as diving is concerned because it was never banned here (after all, there are no ancient sites to protect).
Protection of ancient sites is the reason for diving bans in other places.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "779-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context mentions that driving was never banned in Mykonos because there are no ancient sites to protect, which implies that protection of ancient site might be a reation for driving bans.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "779-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context states that Mykonos did not need to ban diving because there are no ancient sites to proect. This implies that other places banned diving for that reason.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "779-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Mykonos is not banned for diving, because there is no ancient site to protect. So if there is ancient sites, then it would be a reason for Mykonos to be banned for diving", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "779-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "In other places, protection of ancients sites could be one reasonfor diving bans, but there could be other reasons like the danger for divers' life.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 60, "n": 32, "c": 8 }
substitute my my yeah my kid'll do uh four or five hours this week for me no problem
I just can't make the time because of my job.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "13-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason the speaker can't make the time is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "13-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether the speaker needs a substitute because of their job.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "13-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No clear context", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "13-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"No problem\" means I can handle the time.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 2 ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 1, "n": 57, "c": 42 }
Most menu prices include taxes and a service charge, but it's customary to leave a tip if you were served satisfactorily.
Most customers will tip in addition to the tax on the menus.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "607-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "607-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Leaving a tip is \"customary\", so it should be a behaviour that most people do.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "607-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The customers usually tip additionally if the service was good. I don't know if most customers were served satisfactorily.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "607-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If people are satisfied with the service, they will usually leave a tip, but if they are not satisfied, maybe they will not leave a tip.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "607-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The tip is customary, but it is not known how often people tip", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 74, "n": 26, "c": null }
Recently, however, I have settled down and become decidedly less experimental.
I have lost my experimental nature due to old age.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1273-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason the speaker lost the experimental nature is not mentioned.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1273-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether the speaker is old.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1273-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason for the lost of my experimental nature could be old age, or others like lack of money or poor health condition.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1273-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason for becoming less experimental is unknown", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 23, "n": 74, "c": 3 }
When he's ready for a major strike, how many innocents do you suppose are going to suffer? To quote one of your contemporaries; 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' '
He won't do a big strike because of the innocent people.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "863-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A big strike could influence many innocents, he could give up because of that consideratin, but also could still continue his pain.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "863-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The person is ready for a major strike. Thus he most likely is willing to do it.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "863-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"when he is ready for a major strike\" means he is not ready not but preparing for it.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0 ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 10, "n": 55, "c": 35 }
To get a wonderful view of the whole stretch of river, and to stretch your legs in a beautiful parklike setting, climb up to the Ceteau de Marqueyssac and its jardins suspendus (hanging gardens).
You will enjoy stretching your legs as you climb the Ceteau de Marqueyssac.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "972-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is put as a suggestion to climb up the Ceteau de Marqueyssac. During the climbing one should get wonderful view of the river and be able to strech his legs", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "972-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether the people enjoy stretching their legs.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "972-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Whether stretching your legs is pleasant or annoying is not discussed in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "972-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context indicate that people can only stretch their legs after climbing up to the Ceteau de Marqueyssac, not during the climb.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 61, "n": 34, "c": 5 }
The book is a parody of Bartlett's , serving up quotes from Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roger Rosenblatt with equal pomposity.
Bill Reilly's book has quotes from various presidents ranging from Lincoln to Jefferson.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "776-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "if assuming it is Bill Reilly's book.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "776-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention the name Bill Reilly.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "776-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context mentions only two presidents (Lincoln and Jefferson). This does not qualify as \"various\" for me.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "776-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No information of Bill Reilly's book is given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "776-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "if the book is not known to be Bill's", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 46, "n": 46, "c": 8 }
(As the old saying goes, If you can't figure out who the fool is at the poker table, it's probably you.
Dealers say everyone is smart that is playing.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "454-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention what the dealers say.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "454-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Dealers are not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "454-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "not relevant", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "454-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The saying implies that there is at least one fool at the poker table.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "454-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context says, if people can not find the fool, then themselves are fools, so at least one guy who is playing is not smart.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 4, "n": 37, "c": 59 }
They have prominent red protuberances and may have been named after the British redcoats.
They were named after the redcoats because they are the same bright red color on their bodies.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "528-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context mentions the word \"may\", which suggests that it is just a possibility that they were named after the redcoats.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "528-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context says that they \"may have been named\" not that the definitely were named after the redcoats.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "528-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The color of their body is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "528-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not known for sure that they were named after the British redcoats. In the context, they may have been named after that", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 50, "n": 48, "c": 2 }
NEH-supported exhibitions were distinguished by their elaborate wall panels--educational maps, photomurals, stenciled treatises--which competed with the objects themselves for space and attention.
The exhibitions seem well-funded due to the elaborate detail of the gallery.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1368-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement makes sense, as it is true that the exhibitions does have elaborate wall panels that can cost a lot of money.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1368-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Elaborate wall panels are costly, so most likely the exhibitions are well-funded.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1368-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Because the wall panels etc. are competing with the objects themselves, which cost money and thoughts", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "1368-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The financial support of the gallery is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 52, "n": 46, "c": 2 }
Specifically, by defining mission improvement objectives, senior executives determine whether their organization needs a CIO who is a networking/marketing specialist, business change agent, operations specialist, policy/oversight manager, or any combination thereof.
A CIO must be an operations specialist.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1107-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "According to the context, a CIO could be any combination of the personnel mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1107-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A CIO can also have only a single of the other named specializations. This is indicated by \"or any combination thereof\".", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1107-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, a CIO can be a networking/marketing specialist, too.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1107-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "it can also be networking/marketing specialist or business change agent and so on", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 30, "n": 28, "c": 42 }
In this case, shareholders can pay twice for the sins of others.
shareholders can pay once for the sins of others.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "743-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Shareholders can pay twice, that includes once.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "743-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, because paying once is included by paying twice.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "743-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We only know shareholders can pay twice for the sins, but whether can pay once or three times or more is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "743-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context clearly states \"twice\" not \"once\".", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "743-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "they can pay twice", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 12, "n": 11, "c": 77 }
But they also don't seem to mind when the tranquillity of a Zen temple rock garden is shattered by recorded announcements blaring from loudspeakers parroting the information already contained in the leaflets provided at the ticket office; when heavy-metal pop music loudly emanates from the radio of the middle-aged owner of a corner grocery store; and when parks, gardens, and hallowed temples are ringed by garish souvenir shops whose shelves display both the tastefully understated and the hideously kitsch.
A Zen temple rock garden is a a place for lots of people to gather and celebrate.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "481-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention what people do in the Zen temple rock garden.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "481-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "In the context, nothing is about gathering and celebrating.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "481-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not known that many people come to the garden to celebrate", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "481-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If the tranquility of a Zen garden can be distirbued, this implies that the traniquility is the usual state. This probably precludes large celebrations.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 24, "n": 50, "c": 26 }
According to a 1995 Financial Executives Research Foundation report,5 transaction processing and other routine accounting activities, such as accounts payable, payroll, and external reporting, consume about 69 percent of costs within finance.
The financial world would be ok it there wasn't any 5 percent processing.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "649-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention how the financial would be ok.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "649-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear what 5 percent processing is or what it's impact on the financial world would be.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "649-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Eliminating 5 percent processing may make the costs with finance lower, but we don't know whether there are some bad influence about that, like workers become less active.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "649-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "5% transaction processing and other routine accounting activities count up about 69% of costs within finance. So the 5% plays a big roll in the financial world", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 6, "n": 63, "c": 31 }
Castlerigg near Keswick is the best example.
A good example would be Castlerigg near Keswick, in Scotland.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "737-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "According to the context, the example is the best, which certainly suggests that it is a good one.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "737-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If it is the best, then certainly it is also good.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "737-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The location of Keswick is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "737-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Keswick is in England", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 77, "n": 21, "c": 2 }
The large scale production of entertainment films is a phenomenon well worth seeing several times.
The production of entertainment films is elaborate and large scaled.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "347-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The production is worth seeing several times, so it is elaborate. And the production is large scaled", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "347-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear if the production of entertainment films is elabortate.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "347-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear whether it is elaborate.", "self_corrected": true }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "347-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is elaborate and large scaled production of entertainment films, but there could be small-scaled production too.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 73, "n": 26, "c": 1 }
Because marginal costs are very low, a newspaper price for preprints might be as low as 5 or 6 cents per piece.
Newspaper preprints can cost as much as $5.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "229-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "5 dollars for a pieace of newspaper", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "229-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only mentions how low the price may be, not how high it may be.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "229-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The maximum cost of newspaper preprints is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "229-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context says 5 or 6 cents, not $5.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 3, "n": 33, "c": 64 }
You are sure that you did not in any way disclose your identity?" Tommy shook his head.
I wish you hadn't revealed your identity, that was a mistake.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1323-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Tommy did not reveal his identity.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1323-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "My preference of the answer of the question, whether Tommy disclosed his identity is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1323-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "can not infer about Tommy's wish about whether the other person should disclose his identity or not", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 11, "n": 44, "c": 45 }
I'm not interested in tactics, Al.
Al is very interested in tactics.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "593-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only suggests that the speaker's attutude toward tactics, not AI's.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "593-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether Al is interested in tactics.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "593-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker is not interested in tactics, but Al's interest is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "593-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "irrelevant", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "593-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "if the sentence in the context is said by AI, then AI is not interested in tactics", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 8, "n": 59, "c": 33 }
If the collecting entity transfers the nonexchange revenue to the General Fund or another entity, the amount is accounted for as a custodial activity by the collecting entity.
Nonexchange revenue to the General Mills.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "900-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "General Mills are not mentioned at all.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "900-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The General Mills is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 3 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 12, "n": 49, "c": 39 }
For fiscal year 1996, Congress determined that the Commission should recover $126,400,000 in costs, an amount 8.6 percent higher than required in fiscal year 1995.
Congress determined that Commission should recover over $126 in costs.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "303-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "$126,400,000 is indeed more than $126 mentioned in the statement.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "303-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "$ 126400000 is larger than $126, so technically it's over $126.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "303-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "$126400000 is more than $126, so it is correct to say over $126.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "303-entailment-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "commission should recover over 126,400,000 in costs", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "303-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Commission should recover $126,400,000 not over $126", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 4, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 56, "n": 1, "c": 43 }
OMB issued the guidance in Memorandum M0010, dated April 25, 2000.
Memorandum M0010 was issued by INS.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1445-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "It's not clear who issued the memorandum.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1445-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Memorandum M0010 was issued by OMB, not by INS.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1445-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, Memorandum M0010 was issued by OMB.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1445-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is issued by OMB", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 11, "c": 87 }
Credibility is a vital factor, and Jim Lehrer does, indeed, have it.
Everyone would believe whatever Jim Lehrer said.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "262-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Jim Lehrer has great credibility, which means evertone would believe him.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "262-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "That a person is credible does not mean that everyone will believe them.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "262-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Jim Lehrer has credibility, but it cannot be promised that no one would disbelieve him whatever he said.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "262-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "overexaggeration. Jim Lehrer has credibility. But iit is exaggerated to say everyone would believe him", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 49, "n": 47, "c": 4 }
right oh they've really done uh good job of keeping everybody informed of what's going on sometimes i've wondered if it wasn't almost more than we needed to know
I think I have shared too much information with everyone, so next year I will share less.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1458-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention what the speaker will do next year.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1458-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"They\" shared information, not \"I\".", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1458-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "What I want to know is whether \"they\" shared too much information, not I, and what I will next year is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1458-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"I\" didn't share the information, \"they\" did", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 14, "n": 67, "c": 19 }
Each caters to a specific crowd, so hunt around until you find the one right for you.
There are marketers who have argued that there needs to be more effort to broaden appeal.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1202-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Based on the context, we don't know anything about the marketer's argument.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1202-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Marketers or their opinion are not mentioned at all.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1202-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "In context, there is no comparison between the effort has been made and the need to be made in the future.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1202-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "irrelevant", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 68, "c": 30 }
Both initial and supplemental proposed rule publications invited comments on the information collection requirements imposed by the rule.
There's no point in following politics or voting because your vote won't actually make a difference.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1497-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "We don't know whether votes would make a difference or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1497-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There's no mention of politics or voting in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1497-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context has nothing to do with the effect of following politics and voting.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1497-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The comments are invited on the requirements. So one's opinoin might make a difference", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 2, "n": 65, "c": 33 }
She buried his remains to spare her mother the gruesome sight.
The remains would have caused grief to her mother.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1320-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "She buried the remains to spare her mother the grief. So if her mother saw the remain, she would grieve", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1320-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no mention in the context of how her mother might feel about the remains.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1320-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It could also be that the remains would have triggered another strongly negative reaction like disgust (and not grief).", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 90, "n": 9, "c": 1 }
Write, write, and write.
You should keep practicing writing.
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "864-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "True, the context is a imperative sentence and repeated three times \"write\", which could be seen as a order to keep writing.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "864-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "the repetition of verbs implies the repetition doing that action. So it means keeps writing", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "864-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether they should write for the sake of practicing.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 76, "n": 24, "c": null }
But those that are manufactured for sale in in Europe and so forth are quite the other way around
Products are made with differently designed machines in Europe.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "477-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no mention in the context of what machines are used to produce products made in Europe.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "477-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not clear how the products made for Europe differ from the others.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "477-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Products could be made with differently designed machines in Europe, or with the same designed machines.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 3 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 24, "n": 70, "c": 6 }
and so i have really enjoyed that but but there are i do have friends that watch programs like they want to see a particular program and they are either home watching it or definitely recording it they have some programs that they won't miss
What programs do your friends like to watch?
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "57-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "statement is a question", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 12, "n": 68, "c": 20 }
But it just might be because he's afraid he'll lose his No.
He's definitely afraid of losing he's No.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "434-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement mention that he is afraid he'll lose his No.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "434-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context says \"might\" and not \"definitely\".", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "434-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, it \"just might be\", but not definitely.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "434-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is a possible that he is afraid of losing he's No. but not definitely", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "entailment", "neutral" ]
{ "e": 24, "n": 59, "c": 17 }
BUDGETARY RESOURCES - The forms of authority given to an agency allowing it to incur obligations.
Administrations generally feel that some agencies should have more budgetary resources than others.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "298-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context only talks about what budget resources are.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "298-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no mention of giving different resources to different agencies.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "298-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There is no comparison of budgetary resources between agencies.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "298-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "context is a defination. Statement is the opinion of the administrations.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 14, "n": 79, "c": 7 }
well we bought this with credit too well we found it with a clearance uh down in Memphis i guess and uh
We bought non-sale items in Memphis on credit.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "215-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It is not known if the items are non-sales or not", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "215-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker found the item with a clearance, which suggests that it is on sale.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "215-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It was a clearance, so the items were on sale.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "215-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, we bought it with a clearance down.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 3, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 23, "n": 20, "c": 57 }
He threw one of them and shot the other.
He shot his gun.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "872-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He shot on of them. So he must have shot his gun", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "872-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He shot, but it is not clear what did he shot, it could have been a gun or an arrow.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "872-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether he shot with a gun or with some other weapon.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "872-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He shot, but the objective could be his gun or something else like arrow.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 63, "n": 37, "c": null }
Buffet and a  la carte available.
It has table service.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "682-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A la carte is available suggests that it has table service.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "682-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If it has a la carte, then it probably also has table service.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "682-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "A la carte includes table service, and a la carte is available.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "682-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": true, "reason": "It is a buffet, so there is no people serving the table", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction", "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 36, "n": 47, "c": 17 }
No, I exclaimed, astonished.
I said no to him several time, utterly surprised by the change of events.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1502-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Both the context and the statement suggest that the speaker said no and was surprised.", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1502-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear whether they said \"no\" several times or only once.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1502-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The reason of my astonishment is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1502-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "it is not known how many times I said no", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "entailment" ]
{ "e": 28, "n": 59, "c": 13 }
He's a bad lot.
He's a dishonest person
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "752-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He may or may not be bad because he is dishonest.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "752-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He might be bad in other ways.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "752-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Bad people can be both honest and dihonest.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "752-neutral-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "He could be honest but bad in other quality", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 4 }
[ "neutral" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 42, "n": 57, "c": 1 }
A button on the Chatterbox page will make this easy, so please do join in.
They wanted to make the site very user friendly.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "643-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context did show that they want to make it easy, which is a factor in user-friendliness.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "643-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Yes, they want to add a botton which will make the operation easy.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "643-entailment-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "only clicking a button would join the user in. So the user does not need to click a lot buttons. Therefore, it is user-friendly", "self_corrected": true } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "643-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's not clear from one text of the webpage that they really tried to make it user friendly.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 3, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 2, "neutral": null }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "entailment" ]
[ "neutral" ]
{ "e": 68, "n": 32, "c": null }
So it wasn't Missenhardt's singing--marvelous though that was--that made Osmin's rantings so thrilling.
Osmin was always calm and collected.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1092-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context mentions Osmin's rantings, which implies that he was not always calm.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1092-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Osmin ranted, so they probably were not always calm and collected.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1092-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, because Osmin rants and quite thrilling.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1092-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Osmin is ranting. So he is not calm", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": null, "n": 44, "c": 56 }
Deborah Pryce said Ohio Legal Services in Columbus will receive a $200,000 federal grant toward an online legal self-help center.
A $200,000 federal grant will be received by Ohio Legal Services, said Deborah Pryce, who could finally say it to the public.
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "600-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The statement is a paraphrase of the context, with the addition of \"who could finally say it to the public\" which is only a minor aspect.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "600-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context doesn't mention whether Deborah Pryce said it to public or not.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "600-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"Finally\" means at the beginning, Deborah Pryce is not allowed to announce this information, but the true situation is not given in the context.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "600-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No info about whether he could say it to the public or not", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 63, "n": 37, "c": null }
Since the rules were issued as interim rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking, they are not subject to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
The rules were not issued as interim rules but rather general notices of proposed rulemaking.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "859-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context clearly states that the rules were issued as interim rules.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "859-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "It's clearly stated that the rules were issued as interim rules.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "859-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, the rules were issued as interim rules.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "859-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The rules were issued as interim rules", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 18, "n": 6, "c": 76 }
so you um-hum so you think it comes down to education or or something like that
IT all boils down to how much education you have.
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "986-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Education is the the reason that explains something", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "986-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context talks about \"your\" thought, this thought may or may not be true.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "986-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context is a question, not a statement.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ 2 ]
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": 1, "neutral": 2 }
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 45, "n": 51, "c": 4 }
The m??tro (subway) is the fastest way to move around the city, but the buses, both in the capital and the other big towns, are best for taking in the sights.
Taking the subway is a good way to experience big city life.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1394-entailment-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Subway is the fastest way to move around the city, so it is somehow a good way to experience big city life.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1394-entailment-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If \"experience big city life\" means having an authentic experience of people living in the city, then the metro is a good way to do that.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 2, "id": "1394-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Taking bus is a good way to experience big city life, taking subway could be good or not good.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 1, "id": "1394-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "If \"experience big city life\" means sight seeing, then the metro is not a good way to do this.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "1394-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Taking buses would allow one to take in the sights in the city", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 2, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": 2, "neutral": 1 }
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
[ "contradiction", "neutral", "entailment" ]
{ "e": 20, "n": 38, "c": 42 }
maybe adult literacy maybe you know composition writing maybe you know uh volunteering you know on a tutor line or though the even through the elementary schools for help with homework or the other part of me says is God i've had enough kids do i really
maybe I could volunteer to help coach sports since I've helped all my children be successful in sports
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "1386-neutral-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The context makes no mention about coaching sports mentioned in the statement, so I don't know if the statement is true.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "1386-neutral-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "The speaker is not talking about sports but about writing.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "1386-neutral-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "Helping couch sports is not mentioned in the context.", "self_corrected": false } ]
[ { "annotator": 3, "id": "1386-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": false }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": false } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "I might volunteer to help with composition writing.", "self_corrected": true } ]
{ "contradiction": 1, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
{ "contradiction": null, "entailment": null, "neutral": 3 }
[ "neutral", "contradiction" ]
[ "neutral" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 3, "n": 47, "c": 50 }
By seeding packs with a few high-value cards, the manufacturer is encouraging kids to buy Pokemon cards like lottery tickets.
Each Pokemon card pack is filled with every rare card a kid could want.
[ { "annotator": 0, "id": "787-contradiction-1", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "There are only a few rare cards in the Pokemon card packs.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 1, "id": "787-contradiction-2", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "\"Few high value cards\" means that one pack does not contain \"every rare card\".", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 2, "id": "787-contradiction-3", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "No, because lottery tickets are seldom to be valuable, and rare card can only appear rare in common card pack.", "self_corrected": false }, { "annotator": 3, "id": "787-contradiction-4", "judgments": [ { "annotator": 0, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 1, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 2, "makes_sense": true }, { "annotator": 3, "makes_sense": true } ], "label_correction": false, "reason": "the packs are only filled with a few high-value cards.", "self_corrected": false } ]
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
{ "contradiction": 4, "entailment": null, "neutral": null }
[ "contradiction" ]
[ "contradiction" ]
{ "e": 17, "n": 20, "c": 63 }