10 values
I feel like a useless friend, I promised myself that I will support my friends as best as I can. But I also hope that my friends understand my capabilities.
psychiatric or mental illness
Dari dulu lagi, aku kurang rapat dengan kak ngah dan kak z. Dua-dua mulut laser, suka jaga tepi kain orang. Aku selalu jadi mangsa buli mereka berdua. Mereka deras aku dari segi emosi dan mental. Aku lemah. Aku bukan jenis melawan. Jadi aku hanya mampu nangis dalam bilik. Mak aku jenis tak ambik port kalau kakak-kakak aku buli mengata aku. Tu yang jadikan mereka makin berani.
psychiatric or mental illness
The jokes write themselves
safe for work
Suddenly my hand became cold, my heart was pounding, and cold sweat was trickling down my forehead. My suspicion earlier was not wrong. Why am I so worried and anxious?
psychiatric or mental illness
Normalize jangan simpan aib jantan bila diorang yang start dulu sengsarakan hidup ko.Sebarkan everything bout him at your finger tips..spread it like the arabs spend their money.Pergi mampus la aib, both family need to know.Tinggalkan jantan camni, byk lagi lelaki lain.
Ainun Haji Wahab Hasnun Anwar is the best Prime Minister
safe for work
Oh poor thing.. why is the video of condensed milk so difficult to pour? Don't worry about the condensed milk.. sister.. there is no power except with Allah.
religion insult
that s really sibay jialat
This is because when leaders are lazy to perform congregational prayers, the people also follow suit. It's a kind of epidemic. Even when the call to prayer is broadcasted on TV, when it reaches the part 'Haiya Alal Falaah', what is shown on the TV screen are images of people working in factories, tall buildings, progress, and so on. Whereas the meaning of Falaah or success in the call to prayer is the prayer itself. No wonder the majority of people are reluctant to leave their work and affairs to perform congregational prayers.
religion insult
DSAI deserves to be PM
safe for work
But the same thing doesn't apply to my siblings. It's okay if they don't want to clean the house, because I'm here. They're girls, so they have to clean the house. Studying? If I don't memorize my times tables, I get punished badly. My siblings just laugh.
leepee and i green green white white wan we play scrabbles only
safe for work
Nak bela pati pun bagi je lah sinovac. Pfitzer bagi rakyat tempatan. Then buat lah tempat vaksin kha .. Memang dah dikhaskan di Bukit Jalil. Tapi PATI ni tak faham bahasa main hentam je pergi mana2 PPV untuk rakyat tempatan. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ .. y-can-to-get-jabbed
Aku tak kuat. Anak-anak saja yang buat aku terus bernafas.Dan masih bernafas. Entah tak tahu apa kesudahan rumahtangga aku. Doakan anak-anak aku jadi anak soleh solehah..
psychiatric or mental illness
I feel ashamed to show my face to my parents, I feel like giving up, but it was their love and prayers that made me complete my studies. And finally, I have completed my degree. I did not attend the convocation ceremony.
psychiatric or mental illness
Since I was a child, I was taught to strive until I succeed. Did you fail? Try again. Failed again? Keep trying until you die. There is no such thing as failure in my family's dictionary of life. Everyone must do their best. Only then will the future be bright. I still remember, when I was young, I don't remember how old I was. I got a score in the twenties in an exam. My mom looked at the record book and scolded me. Getting beaten was a normal thing, but what made me sad was seeing my mom look at my record book while crying. I felt so guilty. I was a useless child because I made my mom cry. Since then, I have pushed myself hard. I try to do my best. It's not easy, especially with my brain, but I believe that if I work hard, Allah SWT will help me.
psychiatric or mental illness
Terkadang saya rasa tertekan dan sedih. Kehadiran saya tidak membantu apa-apa dalam kehidupan dia apa lagi personaliti dia. Malah terasa saya ini hanya merosakkan kehidupan dia.
psychiatric or mental illness
jujurin,aku sendiri x kuasa nk bela anak orang apatah lg anak yatim ni.esp bab2 duit dr parents dior .. Betul.. setuju. Bkn senang sebenarnya. Pastu taku kita jd terpukul budak2 tu sbb hilang kawalan. Baik tak perlu ambik tanggung jawab ni. Mcm mak tulis awal2 tu.. mula2 mmg la happy2 dan tenang2 aje.. nnti makin lama.. emmm
psychiatric or mental illness
I remember having a little chat with a chinese friend. Dia cakap dalam keadaan relax lebih kurang gist nya begini "Orang cina biasanya takut ahli keluarga mereka peluk Islam, sebab biasanya bila mereka peluk Islam, mereka hilang identiti bangsa mereka. Anak-anak dia pun nanti hilang identiti bangsa. Nama pun tukar. Tapi orang Cina tak takut kalau ahli keluarga mereka peluk Kristian, cucu cicit pun Cina". Tu lah hasilnya bila nama pun nak di suruh tukar [ Last edited by antiQue at 17-10-2008 01:32 AM ]
religion insult
Both are willing to bathe in the river of promises to be loyal together
safe for work
But I can't just spend the baby's money as I please, because I am the husband. I am not responsible for the baby. What will I answer to God later?
Keep on living. I understand that my mother loves me, but sometimes she focuses too much on what she wants and not what I want. I am grateful for my life even though it feels like hell.
psychiatric or mental illness
I always studied the night before the exam, but it was like I didn't know anything or didn't study at all. I pushed myself to take the exam. Luckily, I always got a GPA of 3.0 or higher even though I just wrote and made up answers during the exam. But in reality, I didn't really know anything that I studied.
psychiatric or mental illness
Berapa ramai je lelaki yg balik kerja dengan isteri, sambung pulak buat kerja rumah. Masak, kemas, lipat kain. Jarang aku dengar. Yg aku slalu dengar, lelaki balik kerja terus terbongkang ngorok si isteri pulak time ni lah nak masak untuk suami, kemas rumah, susukan anak. Murah sungguh maruah kau wahai suami.
biasanya kalu terpijak ekor kucing atau main tarik2 ekor depa ni boleh watkan kucing2 ni cirit birit taw!
Pendekkan cita, masa aku sem 3 phd. Aku berjumpa jodoh dgn suami aku skrg. Kami kenal 3 minggu je. Pastu decide nak nikah. Taktau nape, aku rasa nak kahwin dgn dia. Aku nak dia jd ayah anak-anak aku. Aku nak ada family dgn dia. Gituhhhh.
safe for work
Dan time aku tgh takde kawan, aku banyak kali jugak rasa lonely sedih and fikir kenapa aku takde kawan rapat mcm org lain. Sedih lebih2 gak la.
psychiatric or mental illness
Why get angry at them for increasing the population of their community? It's the same as in the West, where other ethnicities also strive to become the majority population. Many takbir.
Walid dihalau mertua dan isteri kerana pekerjaan walid ketika itu. Perkerjaan walid ketika itu memerlukan walid keluar dua tiga minggu untuk hantar beras ke Singapore. Sampai lah suatu hari walid pulang dari berdagang dia melihat satu beg baju atas tangga dan sangat terkejut kerana ada dua tiga orang berdiri untuk memukul walid.
hmm br mlm tadi tgk law & order svu pasal attempt nak culik kanak2 kat taman..
Hana, all our happiness revolves around food, right? But when our body weight increases, we don't feel happy anymore. Huhu, that's true. If our weight goes up, we don't feel happy. If we go on a diet and have a great body, but our cravings are suppressed, we still don't feel happy. How do we solve this? If we only eat a spoonful or a small portion, it won't be enough. How can we be satisfied with just one hand? :@
psychiatric or mental illness
lor unless u got crystal ball in which case we should all bet to get more oh thanks burger yes it is supposed to be championship
safe for work
Keep up the spirit, sister.
safe for work
My brother attends a Chinese primary school..there are only 4 Malay teachers. When the District Education Office came, they transferred the Malay teachers to the front, oh my goodness, so clever. My friend is even more clever, he is the only Malay teacher teaching religious subjects at the Chinese primary school. Luckily, it's in the Seremban area, so there's no need to go to remote areas. He can't stand it when there's no one to chat with during work.
I am happy for you, mate.
safe for work
Kadang bila orang tak senyum dekat aku, aku dah fikir mereka tak suka aku. Kadang bila orang bercakap dengan aku, aku akan fikir mereka bosan bercakap dengan aku. Kadang bila mereka tak pedulikan kehadiran Aku, Aku akan fikir yang aku ni tak penting pun.
psychiatric or mental illness
It's embarrassing that this Chinese person doesn't even know their own traditional clothing. What a difference.
Of course, the problem here is for Muslims.
religion insult
emas ibu seks
wah you more jialat
safe for work
Mendapatkan bersedia kepada melihat fav Lesbo lucah filem dengan ...
Gila betul jem tahun ni. Aku dari kota bharu bertolak pukul 10 semalam and sekarang kat gua musang.
muka dia kelakar doh
safe for work
Yay!!!! I should have a treat!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, momod!!!!!!!!!!!!!
safe for work
If we can count how many times he has prayed, fasted, attended Friday prayers and others. He talks a lot about religion but doesn't practice it.
religion insult
Dalam mimpi tu aku baca Al fatihah dengan jelas dan sebutan yang betul. Part yang aku ingat sekali 'ihdinas sirotol mistaqim" huruf s mewakili sebutan sod. Lepas aku baca dengan betul aku pun terjaga.
safe for work
Syirik tuu.. Huhu.. Perlu nasihat pakar agama..
religion insult
Aku bersyukur sbb aku belum sampai tahap obses. Tapi bila keseorangan, cepat sahaja internet tunjuk yang bukan2. Inilah bahayanya internet kan? Hmm.
psychiatric or mental illness
dia tahu anak kena rogol tapi dibiarkan sampai anaknya lahirkan anak dari hasil rogol tersebut
Nak tidur selamanya dan tak perlu bangun untuk memikir hal dunia.
Anda kegemaran jenis daripada lucah adalah yang satu yang has lucah percuma yang tidak hd dalam ia?
With him getting further away day by day on the pretext of being busy, my work performance has declined to the point where I had to take a leave to calm my mind and emotions.
psychiatric or mental illness
Actually, we are all adjusting to the loss of our father but when conflicts like this arise, it makes my mother very sad. She always feels like she has to do what she can to please everyone. I always tell number 2 not to pressure mom, her emotions are not strong enough but it seems like she is not satisfied with that answer. There are still some conflicts but it's tiring to explain too much. Sometimes I feel stuck, what should I do? I really hope that you can give some advice. If possible, I don't want any lame jokes because you will look lame.
psychiatric or mental illness
Ok straight to the point, the habit of our elders is to say that getting married is like building a mosque. That's why this confession is titled, Behind the Mosque That Was Built.
religion insult
Haritu aku q kt ofc imi rata2 situ org bukan b40. Memandai je. B40 tu xkacah pun korg..apa yg kamu dengki sgt. Tp aku tgk sejak golongan semakin ramai berhijrah kt bandar b40 ni byk mencerminkan sebahagian life b40 yg mana byk kelihatan mereka srpti tidak menyenangkan dimata org lain dari segi adab dan etika mereka sdri. Yg kaya2 tu sbnrnya ujub serta merasa diri hebat sdgkan mereka hnya diberi rezeki yg lebih sedikit.
jempol kaki ditarik tarik ughtea
Oops. I forgot. Sabah and Sarawak are not part of Malaysia. Free delivery for the whole of Malaysia! Except for Sabah and Sarawak.
Come on, it's free food! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
safe for work
Oh Allah.. why is it like this
religion insult
Reply 3# siputsedut, I have seen a doctor and he gave me medication for my period. But if I still don't get my period within these 7 days, I have to go see him again to try another method. I have noticed that my body has been experiencing irregular periods like this. I am worried because I am currently trying to conceive. It becomes even more difficult to get pregnant when this happens.
psychiatric or mental illness
Dijual:BATU Batu ginjal mampus loe kena tipu
If the wife is truly lazy, it may be acceptable. But what if she is truly exhausted from all the household and childcare responsibilities? Because for most people, being a homemaker is considered lucky. Just eat, sleep, and take care of the 'behaving' children. Yes, behave with their father who only spends a few hours with them compared to the mother who takes care of them 24/7 without rest.
Aku mula menidakkan cinta aku rasa. Mula dah nak slow-slow undur diri. Mula tenangkan hati sendiri. Mula cari Tuhan bila dah kena batang hidung sendiri. Dia pulak hari-hari tak putus tanya kenapa aku dah banyak diam.. Aku just reply bz dengan minggu exam. Ada sesekali aku tanya "awak ada tak nak jujur apa-apa dengan saya? " sampai tahap tu.. Dia masih tak berterus-terang. Dia masih macam biasa..
psychiatric or mental illness
21:58; Upload: ... lemak (>10000) Penguasaan wanita (>10000) ... All porn tubes, ...
It's alright. You may feel this way because your community is considered to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy in Singapore (as you mentioned) and probably also at the bottom of the caste system.
Aku pernah fikir untuk lari bawa diri, tapi aku kerja kerajaan nak lari mana? Anak bulus nak makan. Dan paling teruk aku pernah terfikir untuk cederakan diri sendiri.
psychiatric or mental illness
sorry bud i personally know enough ang moh men wife s friends husbands who married asian women who are racist as f k
Did you get raped by the fat whore and the whiny faggot bitch in their disgusting looking shit filled dungeon?
That's what I've seen throughout my time as a counselor and observer of my surroundings. What we hear, what we read, may not necessarily be true. Only Allah, husband and wife know the real story.
religion insult
Aku kasar, tak reti tunjuk aku sayang, aku ego, aku bukan seorg penyabar dan aku kuat melenting. Mungkin sebab sikap aku yang buatkan orang lain tak pernah nampak pengorbanan aku.
psychiatric or mental illness
Tak boleh ke jadi kuat macam aku ni, bukanlah kuat sangat at least memudahkan dan tahu nak buat apa. Takkan nak jadi dewasa tapi tak function. Takkan nak jadi dewasa tapi bodoh. Geram weh!
psychiatric or mental illness
We who read also feel tired because we can imagine how busy it is to manage children alone every morning. Yes, writing is a kind of therapy too. Expressing here may not solve the problem, but at least it makes the burden in my heart feel a little lighter.
psychiatric or mental illness
Hothdfilms.com - Video Lucah Percuma Tonton Atas Talian
Eh eh bila pula Jihan ni pandai nak sentap nak terasa bagai? Marah pula digelar retis? Abistu yang .. itu le beza RETIS dgn ARTIS JIHAN itu RETIS
religion insult
Stay at home, female family members. The family cannot just watch the male sitting with his legs wide open at home.
The obligation to seek halal food is not something we just say without basis. This matter must be accompanied by evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. One common thing seen in people who underestimate the importance of seeking halal food is that they only know how to speak using their own logic. When we ask for evidence based on their sources, they cannot provide any. It is clear that they are only speaking without any knowledge foundation.
religion insult
Hodoh tudung tu..byk corak camtu di pasar malam. So stupid
religion insult
Apart from best android phone you will need the best android application 2017. Try out this 8 ball pool mod apk to get 8 ball pool mod apk unlimited coins and cash for free. It is one of the best android application available on the internet.
safe for work
There are wives who are concerned like this... My wife is completely indifferent... She only knows how to use... When it comes to household chores, your wife wants to be pampered... She doesn't want to do it herself... Imagine if there was no husband... She would definitely be able to do/manage it on her own. Just look at my sister. Initially, she couldn't even fill up the car with fuel, let alone inflate the tires... Now she knows how to do it. It took a while for her to learn as she had been doing it on her own for a long time... So she became capable. Before getting married, she had been doing it on her own for about 2-3 years, as her future husband was far away. So she sought advice and managed it herself. Even after marriage, it's the same, he is always busy. We can only hope for more, but it just hurts.
'Kebetulan' waktu tu juga terbaca ayat lain surah yang sama, tak ingat ayat berapa, tapi tentang memaafkan, itu lebih baik. Sakit hati tak hilang, tapi saya jadi lebih 'cool' walau merembes air mata.
psychiatric or mental illness
Lepas tu, kakak aku pula tak rasa dia bersalah langsung. Macam biasa sebabkan aku adik, mak dan adik beradik lain suruh aku minta maaf kat kakak aku.
Memandangkan aku agak excited aku cuba diet yang tak sihat. Berlapar dan sebagainya. Serius menyesal aku. Selama sebulan tu aku tak bermaya dan kesihatan terjejas teruk.
psychiatric or mental illness
pahal umobile sial ni telan duit aku babi
konfuse jama n qasar nih..mmg x pernah praktik pn kalu pegi jauh..seboleh2nya akan semayang bila sampai waktu
psychiatric or mental illness
Kalau boleh jangan biar mak ayah kita cari kita, call kita, tunggu kita. Assignments banyak and busy? Memang. Students tak akan penah lari dengan semua ni. Tapi sampai bila nak.layankan busy kita? Sampai bila nak dahulukan kerja dan membelakangkan mak ayah. Nangis aku tulis ni. Betapa banyak kalinya aku buat benda mcm ni.
psychiatric or mental illness
but still ok for u lah
safe for work
Tumbuk? Sepak terajang? Maki hamun. Segala kata cacian makian adalah makanan aku hari-hari. Tubuh aku lebam, leher aku dicekik, aku ditampar bila tersilap kejut tidur, aku dibaling apa yang ada di depannya kerana lambat masak.
no lah if the guard upgrade gun he will start robbing ppl
> Is that why Ryan went for a more demure girl
safe for work
Macam mana nak perform, kalau kerja yang aku buat tu sikit jiwa aku pun takda dalam tu. Lagilah aku rasa nak berhenti bila macam tu.
psychiatric or mental illness
But, I don't know. There was a man who never gave up on trying to win me over, he never wanted to be apart from me. Even though I did everything to make him give up, he still wanted me. And in the end, he became my husband.
safe for work
Yes it was a lie, but I don't think it being used for criminal investigations came from a negative starting point. Good intentions, wrong executions/bad information from a minister. Still not anywhere near being an insidious use, e.g. being used to track down and persecute political opponents.
safe for work
aku ada gak tgk iklan tu. haha. sweet lak tgk harith iskander jd maskot. tp btul la kalau cek kt website nya, bnyk gila brg jual murah. less smpai lebih sparuh rege pon ada. cash ada instalmen ada. try usha courts
safe for work
ko cakap kat diorang pak lah pon orang penang
He's lucky if he receives guidance from Allah, you know. Hollywood celebrities are known for their strong Christianity/atheism, and suddenly they convert to Islam. Haha, lucky them.
religion insult
After cooking is done, it is the men who serve, wash dishes, top up dishes, and arrange the table. Women only help. The auntie earlier will only supervise. Everything else is done by men. During the feast, you can see beautiful women, but all the men are wearing towels on their shoulders, folded pants, different slippers, and sweaty and smelly clothes. That's why his family is still able to cook for themselves during the feast.
@hafizimuktar_ Ahahhahaahha sial lah piji follow laki gay
Aku buntu! Harap kalian dapat bagi cadangan dan nasihat kat aku. Kalau nak kecam, kecamlah.. Aku tahu aku berdosa. Aku dah hilang maruah diri. Aku penzina....tapi ingin bertaubat.
psychiatric or mental illness
Just wanted bye to this sub (NOT suicidal anymore!)Around 1.5 yrs ago I became depressed. Nothing felt real, I would have crying episodes for around 2 hours at a time. I would self harm every-night before going to sleep. I ripped a lot of my hair out. I also thought about death and suicide, nearly every night I would hope that I would die in my sleep. I would always think about how to kill myself I looked for places to potentially hang myself, I would look up how to extract cyanide from seeds and pits of fruits. I would look for places to jump to my death. I would imagine myself jumping into a train. During that time I really wanted to die. If I had a gun during that time I would be dead, I would have shot myself. I would have committed suicide. Luckily I am MUCH better. I have posted on this sub before and I just wanna say thanks to everyone who has been there for me during my harder times. To everyone who feels like shit, though it seems like life will never get better (I have denied this before) it will. Good luck and hugs to everyone here.
Dulu pernah follow juga dia ni. Teruk juga kontroversi yg 1st sampai tersenyap. Pas tu bangkit semula, dgn kisah dia kahwin. Sekali tipu jugak tu semua. Kalau betul, so masuk islam utk content dan viewer?
religion insult

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  • religion insult
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  • safe for work
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