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In deepest humility I dedicate herewith to Your Majesty a musical offering, the |
noblest part of which derives from Your Majesty's own august hand. With awesome |
pleasure I still remember the very special Royal grace when, some time ago, during |
my visit in Potsdam, Your Majesty's Self deigned to play to me a theme for a fugue |
upon the clavier, and at the same time charged me most graciously to carry it out in |
Your Majesty's most august presence. To obey Your Majesty's command was my most |
humble dim. I noticed very soon, however, that, for lack of necessary preparation, the |
execution of the task did not fare as well as such an excellent theme demanded. I |
resoled therefore and promptly pledged myself to work out this right Royal theme |
more fully, and then make it known to the world. This resolve has now been carried |
out as well as possible, and it has none other than this irreproachable intent, to glorify, |
if only in a small point, the fame of a monarch whose greatness and power, as in all |
the sciences of war and peace, so especially in music, everyone must admire and |
revere. I make bold to add this most humble request: may Your Majesty deign to |
dignify the present modest labor with a gracious acceptance, and continue to grant |
Your Majesty’s most august Royal grace to |
Leipzig, July 7 1747 |
Your Majesty's |
most humble and obedient servant, |
Some twenty-seven years later, when Bach had been dead for twentyfour years, a Baron |
named Gottfried van Swieten-to whom, incidentally, Forkel dedicated his biography of |
Bach, and Beethoven dedicated his First Symphony-had a conversation with King |
Frederick, which he reported as follows: |
He [Frederick] spoke to me, among other things, of music, and of a great organist |
named Bach, who has been for a while in Berlin. This aitist [Wilhelm Friedemann |
Bach] is endowed with a talent superior, in depth of harmonic knowledge and power |
of execution, to any I have heard or can imagine, while those who knew his father |
claim that he, in turn, was even greater. The King |
Introduction: A Musico-Logical Offering |
6 |
is of this opinion, and to prove it to me he sang aloud a chromatic fugue subject which |
he had given this old Bach, who on the spot had made of it a fugue in four paits, then |
in five parts, and finally in eight parts.' |
Of course there is no way of knowing whether it was King Frederick or Baron van |
Swieten who magnified the story into larger-than-life proportions. But it shows how |
powerful Bach's legend had become by that time. To give an idea of how extraordinary a |
six-part fugue is, in the entire Well-Tempered Clavier by Bach, containing forty-eight |
Preludes and Fugues, only two have as many as five parts, and nowhere is there a six-pait |
fugue! One could probably liken the task of improvising a six-part fugue to the playing of |
sixty simultaneous blindfold games of chess, and winning them all. To improvise an |
eight-part fugue is really beyond human capability. |
In the copy which Bach sent to King Frederick, on the page preceding the first sheet of |
music, was the following inscription: |
dTVcyis lam (untie El Jvl icjua Gnoi lica A rtc ^Rdolula . |
("At the King's Command, the Song and the Remainder Resolved with Canonic Art.") |
Here Bach is punning on the word "canonic", since it means not only "with canons" but |
also "in the best possible way". The initials of this inscription are |
-an Italian word, meaning "to seek". And certainly there is a great deal to seek in the |
Musical Offering. It consists of one three-part fugue, one six-part fugue, ten canons, and a |
trio sonata. Musical scholars have concluded that the three-part fugue must be, in |
essence, identical with the one which Bach improvised for King Frederick. The six-pait |
fugue is one of Bach's most complex creations, and its theme is, of course, the Royal |
Theme. That theme, shown in Figure 3, is a very complex one, rhythmically irregular and |
highly chromatic (that is, filled with tones which do not belong to the key it is in). To |
write a decent fugue of even two voices based on it would not be easy for the average |
musician! |
Both of the fugues are inscribed "Ricercar", rather than "Fuga". This is another |