25 values
19 values
19 values
Statistics from the Companies Commission of Malaysia show that, as of July 2018, a total of 53,285 businesses had registered as online retailers. However, no formal data has been obtained on the engagement of co-operatives in online business. This research aimed to identify the profile of cooperatives in online business, particularly the factors that motivate co-operatives’ adoption of online business and the barriers faced by co-operatives in performing online business. In addition, this study sought to determine the role of co-operative performance in linking the motivating and barrier factors to continuous online business usage among co-operatives. The census method was used to collect data from the entire population of the study, which comprised co-operatives engaged in e-commerce businesses in Malaysia. The findings showed that trendiness, government support, and cost reduction have a direct positive effect on co-operative performance, while risk and a lack of employee competency have a direct negative effect on co-operative performance. Apart from that, co-operative performance was found to influence satisfaction and continuous usage directly and positively. The results further revealed that satisfaction has a direct positive impact on continuous usage as well as a mediating effect on the relationship between co-operative performance and continuous usage.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Azlifah Abas, Hajar Azwin Mohamad Ashi, Zaharatul Laili Zakaria, Arfizawati Abd Hadi, Romaizah Abd Kadir, Rosmalina Che Yakzam, Cham Tat Huei." ]
This paper seeks to shed light on cooperative development through a bibliometric analysis of 568 articles culled from the Scopus database between 1927 and 2022. Using the Bibliometrix package in RStudio and the Biblioshiny web apps, the bibliometric analyses reveal a significant increase in the number of publications related to cooperative development over the years, indicating a growing interest in this topic among researchers. This study analysed the annual publication trends, the most influential journals and articles, the leading authors, and the countries of cooperative development research. The Sustainability (Switzerland) published the greatest number of cooperative development-related articles, followed by the Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, and Collection Management. Additional analyses included a keyword analysis, a co-occurrence network, and a thematic map to illustrate the evolution of pertinent themes and subthemes in cooperative development research. The article concludes with a discussion of limitations and recommendations for future research.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam*, Hisham Sabri, Hasrin Abu Hassan." ]
Cooperative has long been regarded as a vital tool to promote technology adoption and boost smallholder farmers’ income. Cooperatives are being tapped to extend hands-on training and seminars on production and management practices in dairy buffalo milk production. Several studies investigated the causal relationship between technology adoption and cooperative membership. However, no empirical studies tried to explore the effect of cooperative membership on the technology adoption extensity. This study analyzes the factors affecting the decision of farmers to become members of cooperatives and the impact of cooperative membership on the adoption of technologies. The study utilized farm-level data from 351 randomly selected dairy buffalo raisers from the Philippines’ major dairy buffalo milk-producing regions. The Poisson regression with endogenous treatment model was used to analyze causality that links cooperative membership to technology adoption. Variables representing cooperative membership, farmgate price of milk, dairy farming as the primary source of income, training attendance, number of milking cows, and cold storage (refrigerator/freezer) ownership positively influence the technology adoption. The results of the endogenous treatment regression show that cooperative membership positively and significantly influenced technology adoption. Findings imply that cooperative membership is an effective tool to enhance technology uptake among dairy buffalo farmers for improved productivity and income.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Agham C. Cuevas, Ceptryl S. Mina*." ]
PERANAN GAYA KEPIMPINAN DAN AMALAN PERAKAUNAN PENGURUSAN KE ATAS PRESTASI KOPERASI DI SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA (Role of leadership style and management accounting practices on cooperative performance in Peninsular Malaysia)
Perubahan persekitaran perniagaan yang pesat mendorong sektor koperasi melaksanakan transformasi dengan usaha meningkatkan prestasi dan ia menjadi keutamaan selari dengan peranannya sebagai sektor ketiga dalam ekonomi negara. Prestasi koperasi perlu ditingkatkan dengan lebih baik melalui penekanan strategi dalaman yang cekap daripada ALK dan pihak pengurusan bukan sahaja memberikan kebaikan kepada koperasi seperti menjana pertumbuhan koperasi namun ia juga dapat meningkatkan sumber pendapatan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Oleh itu dengan berpandukan teori (teori berasaskan sumber), objektif kajian adalah mengenal pasti hubungan gaya kepimpinan ALK atau pihak pengurusan melalui transformasi dan transaksi dengan amalan perakaunan pengurusan (MAPs) serta MAPs dengan prestasi koperasi. Data diperoleh menerusi soal selidik yang dihantar kepada 190 buah koperasi melalui ALK dan pengurusan koperasi. Kadar respon sebanyak 76.8% iaitu sebanyak 146 soal selidik yang telah diisi dan dikembalikan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif antara gaya kepimpinan transformasi dan MAPs serta MAPs dan prestasi koperasi. Namun, bagi gaya kepimpinan transaksi ia berhubung secara negatif dengan MAPs. Penemuan kajian mampu dijadikan input kepada agensi kerajaan khususnya koperasi dalam memantapkan amalan tadbir urus melalui amalan perakaunan pengurusan.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Julizah Sabstu, Amizawati Mohd Amir." ]
PENGLIBATAN DAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI RANTAIAN NILAI KOPERASI AGROMAKANAN DI MALAYSIA (Agrofood cooperative’s involvement and factors affecting the value chain activities in Malaysia)
Era globalisasi kini mendesak pengusaha untuk kekal relevan dalam jurang persaingan perniagaan yang semakin mencabar tidak kira pasaran domestik ataupun global. Bagi memastikan sesebuah perniagaan kekal bertahan dan berdaya saing, pengusaha perlu menciptakan “nilai” yang bermakna serta memberikan persaingan sihat kepada pesaing. Nilai ini tercipta ketika produk melalui setiap tahap rantaian yang dikenali sebagai rantaian nilai. Artikel ini membincangkan penglibatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rantaian nilai koperasi agromakanan di Malaysia. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui situasi penglibatan koperasi dalam aktiviti rantaian nilai dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktiviti tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dan strategi penentuan saiz sampel menggunakan kaedah bancian, di mana kesemua koperasi yang terlibat dengan aktiviti agromakanan diambil kira untuk pengumpulan data kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan (SPSSv.27). Analisis yang dijalankan terhadap penglibatan koperasi dalam aktiviti rantaian utama seperti bekalan input, pemprosesan, pengumpulan, pemasaran, pengangkutan dan pengilangan. Selain itu, enam faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi juga telah dikenal pasti seperti faktor tadbir urus, teknologi, logistik, pembekal, kualiti dan pemasaran. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati faktor-faktor utama telah difokuskan dan dikupas sebagai faktor penting dalam mempengaruhi aktiviti rantaian nilai koperasi iaitu faktor kualiti, tadbir urus dan pembekal.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Norul Hayatie Hashim, Rosmalina Che Yakzam, Zulkiflee Aspan, Mohd Nusi Abdul Rahman, Salwana Ali." ]
ANALISIS KOMPETENSI ANGGOTA LEMBAGA KOPERASI MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PENGUKURAN RASCH (Competence analysis of cooperative board members using the Rasch measurement model)
Kompetensi merupakan keupayaan atau kemampuan seseorang untuk menjalankan tugas atau kerja dengan baik. Penelitian berkenaan kompetensi anggota lembaga koperasi (ALK) masih kurang dijalankan dan dengan adanya penelitian ini diharap dapat membantu pihak koperasi untuk memperkasakan kompetensi diri serta boleh dijadikan usaha untuk melonjakkan prestasi koperasi. Kajian ini dijalankan ke atas 420 orang responden yang memegang jawatan sebagai Pengerusi, Setiausaha dan Bendahari dari koperasi berdaftar di Malaysia. Kajian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tahap kompetensi semasa ALK dan juga untuk menganalisis jurang kompetensi yang bercirikan kepada lima bidang utama pengurusan iaitu (i)pengurusan dan pentadbiran, (ii)pengurusan kewangan, (iii)pengurusan strategik, (iv)pengurusan tadbir urus, dan (v)pengurusan perniagaan. Data kajian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan Model Pengukuran Rasch dengan Winstep Hasil analisis kajian mendapati seramai 211 orang responden (50.2 peratus) memiliki kompetensi tinggi, 170 orang responden (40.5 peratus) memiliki kompetensi sederhana, dan 39 orang responden (9.3 peratus) memiliki kompetensi rendah. Melalui penelitian kajian ini juga mendapati bidang tugas pengurusan kewangan merupakan bidang pengurusan yang paling sukar untuk dilaksanakan oleh ALK. Implikasi kajian ini mencadangkan kursus yang bersesuaian dengan jurang kompetensi ALK dan diharap seterusnya dapat menjadi input penambahbaikan kepada kekurangan dalam kompetensi bagi tiga jawatan utama dalam koperasi. Kajian lanjut berkenaan kompetensi ALK ini boleh menjurus dengan lebih kritis berkenaan elemen yang terdapat dalam bidang pengurusan utama koperasi yang mempunyai tahap kesukaran tertinggi agar jurang kompetensi dapat dikenal pasti dan dibaiki dari masa ke masa.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Adila Hashim, Nur Yazira Hamsan, Siti Nuraini Abu Bakar, Azianti Ismail." ]
FAKTOR DAYA TAHAN PERNIAGAAN KOPERASI DI SARAWAK (Cooperative business resilience factors in Sarawak)
Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor daya tahan perniagaan koperasi mikro di negeri Sarawak menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Sebanyak 22 buah koperasi mikro yang berusia lebih lima tahun di seluruh negeri Sarawak melibatkan keseluruhan sembilan fungsi perniagaan telah dipilih sebagai peserta dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan sampel adalah menggunakan kaedah persampelan bertujuan dengan menggunakan instrumen temu bual melibatkan 22 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan kaedah tematik yang merangkumi tiga tahap pengekodan iaitu pengekodan terbuka, berpaksi dan terpilih. Melalui proses temu bual bersemuka yang telah dijalankan menggunakan soalan protokol yang dibangunkan oleh penyelidik serta penterjemahan data yang diperoleh, sebanyak tiga faktor daya tahan perniagaan dalam kalangan koperasi mikro di Sarawak telah dikenal pasti iaitu faktor pengurusan sumber, ciri-ciri berkoperasi, dan persekitaran perniagaan. Hasil dapatan kajian telah menyumbang kepada perkembangan teoretikal dan praktikal khususnya pembangunan koperasi mikro di Malaysia.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Hamizah Mohd Nadzir, Yusman Yacob, Syarifah Rohaya Wan Idris, Nur Fatin Syazwani Ahmad, Dayang Adelina Abang Muan." ]
AMALAN TERBAIK KOPERASI DALAM SEKTOR PEMBORONGAN DAN PERUNCITAN KAJIAN KES: SAIGON CO.OP, VIETNAM DAN NTUC FAIRPRICE, SINGAPURA (The best practices of co-operative in wholesale and retail sector Case study: Saigon Co.op, Vietnam and NTUC Fairprice, Singapore)
Perolehan koperasi sektor pemborongan dan peruncitan Malaysia adalah kecil berbanding pertumbuhan keseluruhan sektor tersebut di Malaysia yang rancak membangun. Ini bermakna terdapat peluang bagi prestasi koperasi sektor ini dipertingkatkan. Pencapaian yang menyeluruh mencakupi matlamat sosioekonomi anggota koperasi seperti yang berkesan di koperasi peruncitan negara lain penting dijadikan tauladan. Oleh sebab itu, analisis ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti amalan terbaik aktiviti peruncitan koperasi Saigon Co.op di Vietnam dan NTUC FairPrice di Singapura. Perbincangan artikel ini adalah berdasarkan kajian kes dua buah koperasi tersebut melalui pendekatan temu bual, pemerhatian dan penelitian dokumen. Seterusnya, analisis deskriptif dan analisis merentasi kes dilakukan. Ia adalah berdasarkan dua perspektif besar iaitu pentadbiran dan perniagaan koperasi. Hasil analisis mendapati strategi kepelbagaian premis mengikut segmen pelanggan dan lokasi menjadikan aktiviti peruncitan koperasi sentiasa relevan. Signifikan sumbangan artikel ini secara teoritikalnya telah membuktikan konsep gabungan koperasi mampu memperkasa gerakan tersebut. Namun, dari sudut praktikalnya untuk diaplikasi di Malaysia bergantung kepada kemampuan dan persekitaran perniagaan federasi sektor pemborongan dan peruncitan yang telah dibangunkan oleh gerakan koperasi negara ini.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Haslinda Sujak." ]
SUMBANGAN AKTIVITI AGROMAKANAN DAN RANTAIAN NILAI TERHADAP SEKTOR KOPERASI MALAYSIA (Contribution of agricultural food activities and value chain to the cooperative sector in Malaysia)
Dasar Agromakanan Negara 2.0 (DAN 2.0) memberi penekanan kepada pemodenan sektor pertanian dan industri di sepanjang rantaian nilai agromakanan berdasarkan peningkatan penggunaan automasi dan teknologi berasaskan revolusi industri 4.0. Namun, sumbangan agromakanan terhadap perolehan koperasi masih rendah disebabkan kurang kecekapan di sepanjang rantaian nilai tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti sumbangan aktiviti agromakanan terhadap koperasi di Malaysia. Seterusnya mengenal pasti sumbangan koperasi melalui penglibatan rantaian nilai dalam aktiviti agromakanan. Kaedah kuantitatif dan strategi penentuan sampel menggunakan kaedah bancian, di mana kesemua koperasi yang terlibat dengan aktiviti agromakanan diambil kira untuk pengumpulan data kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan laporan tahunan koperasi serta borang soal selidik bagi mendapatkan profil koperasi yang menjalankan aktiviti agromakanan. Dapatan kajian mendapati aktiviti tanaman padi menyumbang pendapatan tertinggi koperasi. Manakala, aktiviti penternakan pula menyumbangkan keuntungan tertinggi terhadap pelaburan. Seterusnya hasil dapatan analisa kewangan membuktikan bahawa koperasi terlibat dengan aktiviti rantaian nilai lebih daripada dua peringkat akan meningkatkan pendapatan. Namun, koperasi yang terlibat dalam satu peringkat rantaian nilai sahaja akan mencatatkan pendapatan paling rendah. Implikasi kajian ini diharapkan sektor koperasi melalui DAN 2.0 dapat memainkan peranannya dalam memperkasakan aktiviti rantaian nilai yang akan memberi impak positif terhadap aspek kewangan koperasi sekali gus menangani agenda keterjaminan negara pada masa hadapan.
Publication Date : 31/10/2023
Volume 19
[ "Mohd Nusi Abdul Rahman, Salwana Ali, Zulkiflee Aspan, Norul Hayatie Hashim, Rosmalina Che Yakzam." ]
In Malaysia, the co-operative movement started in 1922 with only 11 co-operatives and the number increased to 14,834 as of December 2021. The government has undertaken vigorous efforts by providing assistance programmes in the form of financial and non-financial support to intensify the co-operative business performance. However, the contribution of co-operative to Malaysia’s gross domestic products (GDP) is still insignificant. Furthermore, the management of the assistance programmes by the cooperatives must be taken into consideration to ensure the programmes meet their objectives. Hence, this study aims to examine the factors influencing co-operative business performance by investigating the relationship between financial support, non-financial support, and co-operative business performance. In addition, this study investigates the moderating role of managerial competencies on the relationship between financial support, non-financial support, and co-operative business performance. A conceptual framework is developed, and four hypotheses are established to facilitate the validation of the study. Theoretically, this study provides new insights into the body of knowledge, including the underpinning theories namely resource-based view (RBV) and competency-based view (CBV), and practically contributes information to the relevant stakeholders. Keywords: Business performance, co-operative, financial support, managerial competencies, nonfinancial support
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Mazdhee Mohamad Hussain." ]
Ar-rahnu is a micro-credit mortgage financing company with a large market potential. The popularity of ar-rahnu stems from its support of cooperative principles, which enhance members financial wellbeing. The ar-rahnu financing scheme has been rapidly expanding among banking institutions and co-operatives in recent years. It is worthwhile to conduct in-depth research on the profiling of ar-rahnu cooperative outlets in Malaysia to ensure future ar-rahnu sustainability. As a result, this study employed a quantitative approach, distributing 455 questionnaires to ar-rahnu cooperative outlets in Malaysia via both online and offline means. A total of 308 completed questionnaires were returned. The information is then analysed with IBM® SPSS® Statistics software to determine the respondent profile. The relationship between financial performance and selected variables such as zone, states, period of ar-rahnu services, cooperative function, and number of employees at cooperatives is then examined using a simple SPSS cross tab. The results show that ar-rahnu cooperative, which is in the central zone, has been in operation for a longer time, provides services, and employs 4-6 people, contributes more to financial performance stability. This study's findings will aid ar-rahnu operators and co-operatives in developing strategies to improve their financial performance in the future. Also crucial is the need to improve certain aspects of the ar-rahnu operation to ensure the financial sustainability of the company. Keywords: Ar-rahnu, cooperative, profiling, sustainability
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Nik Hadiyan Nik Azman, Mohamad Rasydi Abd Rashid, Ahmad Faizal Ahmad Shaaran, Ju Samsuddin Safian, Asha’ari Arshad, Nur Afifah Izzati Mokhtar." ]
Pemulihan semula aktiviti ekonomi dalam kalangan koperasi dan pengurangan permasalahan kegagalan bayaran balik pinjaman dapat diatasi dengan memanjangkan tempoh pembiayaan yang bersesuaian. Bertepatan dengan situasi semasa, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai tempoh kesesuaian bayaran balik maksimum daripada perspektif anggota dan koperasi. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kaedah gabungan dengan melibatkan instrumen soal selidik (664 orang responden) dan temu bual (10 buah koperasi) dalam kalangan koperasi kredit di Malaysia. Dapatan kajian ini mendapati bahawa kebanyakan anggota koperasi mencadangkan agar tempoh pembiayaan dipanjangkan kepada maksimum 15 tahun dari tempoh asal iaitu selama 10 tahun. Tempoh pembiayaan yang lebih panjang dapat membantu meringankan beban peminjam, dapat mengurangkan bayaran bulanan dan mengurangkan kos sara hidup yang semakin meningkat. Sebaliknya, perspektif koperasi menunjukkan kebanyakan koperasi tidak bersetuju untuk memanjangkan tempoh pembiayaan dan ingin mengekalkan kerana tempoh pembiayaan sedia ada yang membolehkan koperasi mempunyai kecukupan modal dan dapat menawarkan pembiayaan kepada peminjam yang baharu. Sumbangan kajian ini dapat dijadikan panduan dalam pembuatan keputusan yang strategik kepada pembuat dasar dalam memanjangkan tempoh pinjaman sedia ada. Kata kunci: Koperasi kredit, pembiayaan kredit, pinjaman, tempoh bayaran balik
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Julizah Sabstu, Mohamad Rasydi Abd Rashid, Mohamad Kamarulzaman Mohamad Annuar Mus’adad." ]
TAHAP KEPUASAN ANGGOTA TERHADAP MANFAAT DITERIMA DARIPADA KOPERASI KREDIT DI MALAYSIA(Level of members’ satisfaction towards member’s benefits received from credit cooperatives in Malaysia)
Koperasi merupakan entiti perniagaan yang ditubuhkan bukan sahaja untuk memperoleh keuntungan tetapi juga untuk menjaga kebajikan dan memberi perkhidmatan kepada anggota. Koperasi kredit di Malaysia bukan sahaja boleh memberikan perkhidmatan kredit dengan lebih mudah kepada anggota masing-masing kerana prosedur pemberian kredit yang kurang ketat berbanding institutsi kewangan lain, tetapi hasil daripada pendapatan aktiviti kredit tersebut juga akan diagihkan kepada anggota dalam bentuk manfaat kewangan dan bukan kewangan yang diperoleh anggota koperasi. Tahap kepuasan anggota biasanya diukur berdasarkan manfaat yang diperoleh oleh anggota dari koperasi. Bertepatan dengan situasi semasa, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai tahap kepuasan kesejahteraan anggota yang diterima dari koperasi kredit dalam bentuk manfaat kewangan dan bukan kewangan. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kaedah gabungan dengan melibatkan instrumen soal selidik (664 orang responden) dan temu bual (10 koperasi) dalam kalangan koperasi kredit di Malaysia. Dapatan kajian ini mendapati secara keseluruhannya anggota koperasi mengiktiraf sumbangan koperasi kredit dalam mensejahterakan kehidupan mereka di mana tiga perempat daripada jumlah keseluruhan responden berpuas hati dengan sumbangan koperasi terhadap kesejahteraan anggota. Dividen dan khairat kematian merupakan manfaat kewangan utama yang diperoleh dari koperasi manakala kebanyakan responden menyatakan yang mereka penah mendapat manfaat bukan kewangan dalam bentuk khidmat nasihat dari koperasi masing-masing. Majoriti responden koperasi pula bersetuju bahawa koperasi kredit banyak memberikan sumbangan dengan mewujudkan kumpulan wang kebajikan khusus untuk anggota. Kata kunci: Kesejahteraan, koperasi kredit, manfaat koperasi, pembiayaan kredit, tahap kepuasan anggota
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Nor Alyani Abdul Razak, Farahaini Mohd Hanif, Nur Afifah Izzati Mokhtar." ]
PENGLIBATAN KOPERASI DALAM PERNIAGAAN ONLINE DI MALAYSIA: FAKTOR-FAKTOR KEKANGAN (Cooperative’s involvement in online businesses in Malaysia: Constraining factors)
Perniagaan online merupakan perniagaan yang menggunakan Internet sebagai medium perantaraan antara penjual dan pembeli. Platform ini merupakan cabang baharu yang dapat merancakkan ekonomi koperasi sekali gus dapat melestarikan perniagaan koperasi mengikut peredaran masa kini. Namun penglibatan koperasi dalam perniagaan online masih lagi kurang. Bagaimanapun, jumlah kecil koperasi yang terlibat dalam perniagaan online dipercayai berpunca daripada kekangan tertentu. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kekangan yang dihadapi semasa menjalankan perniagaan online oleh koperasi. Kajian ini melibatkan 92 buah koperasi melalui data yang diperoleh daripada Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) dan koperasi yang menyertai program Pemerkasaan Digitalisasi Koperasi (CODE) anjuran Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKMa). Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah banci (census) iaitu kesemua populasi kajian ini terdiri dari koperasi yang telah menjalankan perniagaan e-dagang di Malaysia. Hasil analisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) membuktikan faktor kekangan iaitu faktor risiko dan kekurangan kecekapan pekerja mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap prestasi koperasi. Kata kunci: E-dagang, kecekapan pekerja, koperasi, perniagaan online, prestasi koperasi, risiko
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Hajar Azwin Mohamad Ashi , Rosmalina Che Yakzam , Zaharatul Laili Zakaria, Arfizawati Abd Hadi, Azlifah Abas, Romaizah Abd Kadir." ]
KOPERASI WANITA DI MALAYSIA: ISU DAN CABARAN (Women’s cooperatives in Malaysia: Issues and challenges)
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat isu dan cabaran koperasi wanita di Malaysia. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti isu dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh koperasi wanita dalam mengembangkan perniagaan, menilai impak COVID-19 ke atas aktiviti perniagaan dan mengenal pasti bentuk bantuan dan sokongan yang diperlukan untuk memperkasakan koperasi wanita. Kaedah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan soal selidik atas talian (google form) digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Kajian ini menggunakan teknik pensampelan rawak mudah dan hanya seorang wakil koperasi wanita memberikan maklum balas iaitu anggota lembaga, juruaudit dalaman, ahli jawatankuasa dan pengurus/eksekutif. Antara isu yang dihadapi oleh koperasi wanita ialah anggota kurang melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti koperasi, masalah modal pusingan perniagaan, dan masalah pemasaran produk. Cabaran yang dihadapi seperti kekurangan sumber modal, kurang pengetahuan untuk menjalankan aktiviti koperasi, kurang sokongan ahli dan pengetahuan teknikal. Kesimpulannya, penglibatan wanita dalam gerakan koperasi di Malaysia masih berada pada tahap yang rendah. Berdasarkan isu dan cabaran, mereka amat memerlukan sokongan dan bimbingan daripada pelbagai pihak khususnya aspek sokongan perniagaan dan latihan. Antara cadangan bagi membantu memperkasakan gerakan koperasi wanita di Malaysia ialah pembudayaan dan kesedaran berkoperasi, penglibatan dalam aktiviti-aktiviti perniagaan bernilai tambah, sokongan perniagaan koperasi dan pemerkasaan modal insan melalui latihan, khidmat nasihat dan bimbingan. Kata kunci: COVID-19, isu dan cabaran, koperasi, perniagaan, wanita
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Azmaliza Arifin, Yusman Yacob , Amalina Ibrahim." ]
In the current competitive business landscape, digitalization has been acknowledged as one of the significant competitive edges for businesses to ensure survival and remain relevant to the needs and requirements of the market. It has been consistently reported that digitalization could help businesses in crafting their strategies and planning their operational activities. Although there is burgeoning research on the importance of digitalization, there is still limited knowledge about its impact on cooperatives. By adopting the theory acceptance model (TAM) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT), this study contributes to the field by investigating the antecedent influence of external and internal factors towards digitalization adoption among cooperatives as well as the latter’s possible impact on the performance of cooperatives. Data were collected from 256 cooperatives and the research model was analysed using both SPSS and SmartPLS software. The findings confirmed that factors such as competitive pressure, government support, top management support, and organization innovativeness positively influence digitalization adoption intention among cooperatives, which in turn, influences their performance. Furthermore, discussion and implications are provided to assist the cooperatives to develop successful digitalization adoption and to ensure sustainability in the industry. Keywords: Competitive pressure, cooperative, digitalization, government support, organization innovativeness, top management support
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Tat-Huei Cham, Low Mei Peng, Yusman Yacob, Azmaliza Ariffin, Boon-Liat Cheng." ]
There is increasing interest in the gig economy and its popularity as a viable career profession, especially among the youth. However, at the same time, there is indifference by the youth to joining cooperatives in Malaysia, and if left unchecked, it may lead to its eventual demise. This concept paper proposes attracting youth participation in cooperatives by remodelling platform cooperatives to protect and promote the interests of freelancers. Utilising secondary data from the Malaysian Cooperative Societies Commission Survey in 2018, the co-operators’ age composition reveals the need for more youth involvement. In conclusion, cooperatives can futureproof freelancers’ fate, which in turn offers much-needed youth reinvigoration to the cooperative sector. Equally important, as the gig workers’ labour force will only grow further, the author recommends safeguarding their interests through freelancer cooperatives as the key to a sustainable gig economy. Keywords: Cooperatives, gig economy, freelancers, youth, platform cooperatives
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Muhammad Ammir Haron." ]
CABARAN DAN IMPAK PELAKSANAAN PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN (PKP) TERHADAP KOPERASI DI MALAYSIA (Challenges and impacts of implementation of the movement control order (MCO) on cooperatives in Malaysia)
Wabak COVID-19 telah merebak ke seluruh dunia dan memberi kesan kepada semua sektor terutamanya operasi perniagaan termasuklah sektor koperasi. Pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) di Malaysia oleh kerajaan melalui tiga fasa iaitu PKP 1.0, PKP 2.0 dan PKP 3.0 telah mengehadkan aktiviti ekonomi dan memberi impak kepada perniagaan. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat cabaran dan impak pelaksanaan PKP terhadap gerakan koperasi di Malaysia. Ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif yang melibatkan 2,884 buah koperasi dari seluruh Malaysia sebagai responden kajian. Analisis kajian secara deskriptif bagi mendapatkan peratusan dan analisis jadual silang. Antara cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh koperasi ialah masalah aliran tunai, kurang permintaan oleh pelanggan, tidak dikategorikan sebagai perkhidmatan perlu, kurang keupayaan dalam teknnologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) untuk menjalankan norma perniagaan baharu dan gangguan rantaian bekalan. Hasil kajian mendapati majoriti (94.9%) koperasi terkesan dengan pelaksanaan PKP. Impak ke atas perniagaan koperasi juga turut terjejas apabila berlaku penurunan daripada segi pendapatan (79.2%), nilai jualan (77.6%), dan juga permintaan atau tempahan (74.1%). Hampir separuh koperasi (45.8%) menyatakan operasi perniagaan mereka hanya mampu kekal bertahan dalam tempoh kurang satu tahun. Kesimpulanya, koperasi memerlukan bantuan, sokongan dan intervensi daripada pihak kerajaan untuk memastikan kelangsungan operasi perniagaan. Kata kunci: Cabaran, COVID-19, impak, koperasi, perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP)
Publication Date : 31/10/2022
Volume 18
[ "Azmaliza Arifin, Mohd Shahron Anuar Said, Nur Anizah Aziz, Sharina Abdullah." ]
CABARAN DALAM PENGURUSAN DAN PENTADBIRAN KOPERASI KARIAH MASJID DI SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA (Challenges in the Management and Administration of Kariah Masjid Co-operatives in Peninsular Malaysia)
Koperasi kariah masjid (KKM) merupakan salah satu cabang koperasi kluster komuniti yang disasarkan dalam Dasar Koperasi Negara (DKN) 2011-2020, Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM). Penelitian awal menunjukkan bilangan KKM masih kecil dan aktiviti yang dijalankan juga terhad. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi meneliti profil serta mengenal pasti cabaran dalam mengurus dan mentadbir KKM di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melibatkan lapan buah koperasi yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan khusus. Responden kajian terdiri daripada Anggota Lembaga Koperasi (ALK) dan staf pengurusan koperasi. Data kajian diperoleh melalui temu bual bersemuka bersama responden yang direkodkan secara audio dan juga bertulis. Analisis kandungan digunakan untuk menganalisis data temu bual, hasil pemerhatian dan kandungan dokumen berkaitan. Kesemua koperasi yang terpilih ialah koperasi fungsi pengguna dan perkhidmatan, serta mempunyai 200-500 orang anggota. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat enam cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh KKM, iaitu pendidikan koperasi, kepimpinan, kerjasama, persaingan perniagaan, kewangan dan kelestarian. Kurangnya pendedahan tentang pendidikan koperasi menyebabkan kesukaran untuk menarik anggota baharu, dan seterusnya menyumbang kepada masaalah kurang pengetahuan, keyakinan dan minat dalam kalangan anggota sedia ada terhadap koperasi. Isu kepimpinan merangkumi masalah kurang persefahaman antara ALK, kesukaran mendapat kerjasama dari AJK masjid dan Jabatan Agama Islam negeri, manakala ALK sukar memberikan komitmen yang diharapkan atas kekangan tugas hakiki masing-masing.
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Roziah Mohamed, Nur Anizah Aziz." ]
PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP KOPERASI (Perception of Community towards Cooperative)
Kajian ini dilaksanakan oleh MaktabKoperasi Malaysia (MKM) untuk menilai persepsi masyarakat terhadap peranan koperasi dan manfaatnya, di samping mengenal pasti program latihan dan pendidikan yang sesuai untuk pembangunan modal insan. Masyarakat merujuk kepada anggota koperasi, golongan belia dan penduduk setempat. Kajian ini merupakan satu tinjauan awal melibatkan peserta Program Lestari Modal Insan Koperasi (LMIK) anjuran MKM daerah Kemaman dan daerah Dungun, Terengganu. Objektif khusus kajian ialah untuk meneliti profil para peserta dan mengenal pasti persepsi mereka terhadap koperasi. Data kajian diperoleh melalui soalselidik melibatkan 440 orang peserta program berkenaan. Responden anggota koperasi (299 responden; 68%) lebih ramai berbanding anggota koperasi (141 responden; 32% ). Empat elemen digunakan untuk menilai persepsiresponden terhadap koperasi, iaitu, pengetahuan,sikap, tingkah laku dan ekonomi. Kajian menunjukkan secara purata, anggota koperasi beranggapan mereka mempunyai pengetahuan tentang koperasi, mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap koperasi, mempunyai tingkah laku yang mendorong ke arah pembangunan koperasi dan mempunyai pandangan yang positif bahawa koperasi dapat membantu dalam hal kewangan untuk menangani kossara hidup, meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan membantu masyarakat berpendapatan rendah. Sebaliknya,responden bukan anggota mempunyai tahap kesedaran terhadap koperasi yang lebih rendah, kurang mempamerkan sikap positif terhadap koperasi serta kurang menyertai aktiviti yang dijalankan koperasi. Namun, mereka berpandangan positif bahawa koperasi membantu masyarakat daripada segi ekonomi. Oleh itu, kesedaran tentang manfaat berkoperasi ini perlu diperluaskan untuk menarik minat masyarakat menyertai atau menubuhkan koperasi.
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Azmaliza Arifin, Amalina Ibrahim, Nur Anizah Aziz." ]
KOMPETENSI PENGURUS: SATU KAJIAN KES KOPERASI TERBAIK MALAYSIA (Manager’s Competency: A Case Study of Best Cooperatives in Malaysia)
Pengurus memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam memastikan kelancaran sesebuah organisasi serta mewujudkan perancangan yang berkesan. Pengurus yang mempunyai ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang tinggi, berhemah dan berintegriti mampu mempengaruhi dan memberi inspirasi kepada individu-individu lain untuk memberikan khidmat terbaik. Dasar Koperasi Negara (DKN, 2011-2020) menerusi teras strategik ketiganya memberi penekanan kepada meningkatkan profesionalisme di kalangan pengurus koperasi. Bermakna, jawatan ini sangat penting kepada pembangunan perniagaan koperasi. Namun, masih terdapat koperasi yang kurang memberi penekanan terhadap perkara ini. Justeru, kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi memperihalkan bidang tugas pengurus koperasi dan mengenal pasti tahap kompetensi para pengurus koperasi kluster besar dan sederhana daripada segi pengetahuan, kemahiran, dan kemampuan. Kawasan kajian ialah Semenanjung Malaysia sahaja dan sampel sasaran ialah lapan buah koperasi yang dipilih dari koperasi yang tersenarai dalam Indeks 100 Koperasi Terbaik selama tiga tahun berturutturut, 2015-2017. Ini merupakan satu kajian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian kes. Data kajian diperolehi melalui temu bual bersemuka dan juga pemerhatian. Hasil kajian mengenalpasti enam kompetensi yang perlu dimiliki oleh seorang pengurus koperasi untuk berjaya. Kompetensi tersebut ialah pengetahuan tentang pelbagai aspek pengurusan koperasi, kemahiran perniagaan, komunikasi di semua pringkat, kepimpinan, kreativiti dan inovasi dalam menentukan produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan, dan pengurusan sistem secara bersepadu.Kata Kunci: Pengurus koperasi, kajian kes, koperasi terbaik, kompetensi, pengetahuan, kemahiran, kemampuanNo. of Downloads :18
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Azmaliza Arifn, Nur Anizah Aziz." ]
FAKTOR-FAKTOR KEJAYAAN KRITIKAL BAGI KOPERASI PENANAM SAWIT MAMPAN DI MALAYSIA (Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Oil Palm Cooperatives in Malaysia)
Secara umumnya prestasi koperasi penanam sawit mampan (KPSM) masih pada tahap yang rendah, kerana hanya sebilangan kecil dalam kalangan KPSM menunjukkan prestasi yang memuaskan. Beberapa kajian terdahulu telah mengenal pasti faktor-faktor kritikal yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan sesebuah perniagaan. Faktor-faktor tersebut berkaitan dengan aspek pengurusan, strategi, lokasi, kewangan, pelanggan dan pasaran, pengalaman dan sokongan persekitaran luaran. Namun, tiada satu pun antara kajian tersebut yang menjurus kepada koperasi perladangan kelapa sawit. Bagi mengisi kekurangan ini, kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor kejayaan kritikal bagi perniagaan KPSM menggunakan pendekatan kaedah kualitatif. Enam KPSM dipilih bagi kajian ini, iaitu dua dari setiap kawasan kajian - Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Setiap kawasan kajian diwakili oleh koperasi yang mempunyai jumlah perolehan tertinggi dan satu lagi mempunyai jumlah perolehannya terendah. Kajian ini juga melibatkan Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOB) dan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) sebagai peserta kajian. Seramai 24 orang responden dipilih daripada lapan buah organisasi terlibat menggunakan kaedah persampelan bertujuan. Data diperolehi melalui temu bual bersemuka berpandukan protokol supaya semua temu bual dilaksanakan dengan konsisten. Data dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis bertema (thematic) yang merangkumi tiga tahap pengkodan, iaitu pengkodan terbuka, berpaksi dan terpilih. Hasil analisis mengenal pasti tujuh faktor kejayaan kritikal yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan KPSM. Faktor-faktor tersebut ialah komitmen, gaya pengurusan, pengurusan persaingan, pengurusan kewangan, pengurusan operasi, pengurusan fasiliti dan sokongan persekitaran luaran. Seterusnya, model faktor kejayaan kritikal dibina untuk memperlihatkan hubungkait antara faktor-faktor kritikal tersebut dan faedah hasil penubuhan KPSM.Kata Kunci: Faktor kejayaan kritikal, koperasi kelapa sawit, kaedah kualitatif, analisis bertema, model faktor kejayaan kritikalNo. of Downloads :20
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Frank Me-ol, Yusman Yacob, Siti Maimunah Jerni, Mohd Suandi Mortadza, Syarifah Rohaya Wan Idris, Vronica Kumang Lawrence." ]
PENYEDIAAN RUMAH MAMPU MILIK DAN PEMBIAYAAN PATUH SYARIAH OLEH KOPERASI DI MALAYSIA (Provision of Affordable House and Shariah-Compliant Financing by Co-operatives in Malaysia)
Rumah mampu milik merupakan salah satu isu utama rakyat di Malaysia pada masa ini kerana permintaan rumah sedemikian adalah jauh lebih tinggi berbanding penawarannya. Oleh itu, gambaran yang lebih tepat mengenai situasi penyediaan dan pembekalan rumah mampu milik di Malaysia amat diperlukan untuk membantu dalam menyediakan pelan tindakan yang berkesan. Khususnya, objektif kajian ialah untuk mengkaji tahap penglibatan koperasi dalam menyediakan rumah mampu milik serta kemudahan pembiayaan patuh syariah, disamping mengenal pasti cabaran yang dihadapi. Hasil kajian dijangka dapat membantu koperasi untuk mengenal pasti produk pembiayaan perumahan patuh shariah yang sesuai untuk ditawarkan kepada pembeli. Data kajian didapati menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa berstruktur dengan pengurusan koperasi dan pengurusan hartanah di koperasi terpilih. Maklumat kajian juga didapati daripada dokumen-dokumen yang relevan melalui kajian kes melibatkan tiga buah koperasi perumahan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan koperasi dalam aktiviti perumahan mampu milik masih rendah, manakala kemudahan pembiayaan patuh syariah masih di peringkat kajian. Koperasi berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran untuk menyediakan rumah mampu milik. Antaranya, persaingan dengan pemaju swasta, kekangan sumber dana, kemerosotan nilai dan prinsip berkoperasi dalam kalangan anggota, dasar kerajaan yang kurang jelas serta kerenah birokrasi, harga tanah yang mahal, dan perubahan citarasa pembeli. Kajian ini berpendapat bahawa bagi meningkatkan penglibatan dalam sektor perumahan mampu milik, koperasi bolehlah menggunakan mekanisme musyarakah mutanaqisah (MMQ), iaitu satu kaedah pembiayaan perumahan patuh syariah.Kata Kunci: Rumah mampu milik, pembiayaan patuh shariah, koperasi perumahan, temu bual separa berstruktur, musyarakah mutanaqisahNo. of Downloads :8
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Mohd Nusi Abdul Rahman, Shahida Shahimi, Mohd Adib Ismail." ]
Institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) bertanggungjawab meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran berkaitan keusahawanan. Ilmu keusahawanan amat penting kepada para mahasiswa kerana pendidikan peringkat tinggi berserta ilmu keusahawanan mampu membuka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dan juga perniagaan kepada mereka. Dijangka, ini mampu mengurangkan kadar pengangguran di kalangan graduan pada masa hadapan. Walau bagaimanapun, penglibatan sebenar para mahasiswa dalam aktiviti keusahawanan di institusi pengajian awam (IPTA) masih rendah walaupun bilangan mahasiswa besar. Justeru, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengenal pasti ciri-ciri keusahawanan dan faktor-faktor yang mendorong aktiviti keusahawanan, serta menilai tahap penglibatan mahasiswa dalam aktiviti keusahawanan sebagai anggota koperasi siswa (KOSISWA). Data kajian didapati melalui tinjauan sampel menggunakan borang soal selidik. Responden terdiri daripada 230 orang anggota 17 buah KOSISWA di institusi pengajian tinggi awam di seluruh Malaysia. Keputusan analisis regresi menunjukkan faktor paling signifkan yang mendorong mahasiswa untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan KOSISWA ialah minat, diikuti oleh pengetahuan tentang koperasi dan pelbagai kemahiran yang dimiliki. Dapatan kajian ini amat berguna kepada pihak-pihak yang berkenaan seperti Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT), Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC), IPTdan agensi kerajaan bagi menambah baik modul program latihan serta pelan tindakan ke arah meningkatkan aktiviti keusahawanan koperasi pada masa hadapan.Kata Kunci: Institusi pengajian tinggi awam, keusahawanan, KOSISWA, tinjauan sampel, analisis regresi, faktor pendorongNo. of Downloads :21
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Mohamad Haniff Mohamad Hashim, Mohd Zaib Mat Yunus, Salwana Ali." ]
The study assessed the professional development needs of co-operatives in Calabarzon, Philippines from the practitioners’perspectives. The study employed qualitative and quantitative approaches. Primary data were obtained from 156 respondents using semi-structured questionnaire, while descriptive statistics and logistic regression model were adopted for data analysis. Data indicate that the preferred course contents are operations management, fnancial management, and governance. The study reveals that respondents prefer shorter courses and a combination of on-campus, off-campus, and online programmes. Moreover, organisational performance is a strong motivation to go for training, while fnancial constraint is a big deterrent. The study also shows that the odds of enrolling in a co-operative training program are higher if respondents are co-operative members, programmes are shorter, and there are networking opportunities for participants. However, those who were educated, attended the programmes to enhance promotion, and registered for the programmes to comply with the requirement of their co-operatives had lower odds to enrol. Thus, this study recommends that customised, modular and ladderized programs are offered for cooperatives. Finally, there is a need to conduct a more comprehensive study in more areas to compare the impact of training between younger and older participants, and validate the effectiveness of training on organisational performance. The fndings from such study are useful when developing training programmes that are relevant to co-operatives. These are also useful for academic institutions, training providers, and government agencies.Keywords: Co-operatives, co-operative management, education and training, professional developmentNo. of Downloads :9
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Liezel S. Cruz." ]
Like any business enterprises, co-operatives cannot escape from the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any disruptions brought about by the pandemic can negatively affect the business operations of co-operatives. This study reports the nature and extent of the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on 77 co-operatives in the Calabarzon region of the Philippines. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential analyses. Chi-square test of independence was used to examine the association between co-operatives’net surplus and two factors, the COVID-19 pandemic and whether or not co-operatives had a business continuity plan (BCP). The results revealed that most of the co-operatives had been severely affected by the pandemic. Among other things, co-operatives experienced several encumbrances, particularly affecting the supply chain, cash flow, and workforce. All the respondents felt that fnancial and technical assistance were needed to help co-operatives to weather the effects of the pandemic. The results further revealed that having a BCP was vital to help co-operatives build resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, co-operatives, Chi-square test, net surplus, business continuity planNo. of Downloads :10
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Ceptryl S. Mina, Liezel S. Cruz." ]
ISU DAN CABARAN YANG DIHADAPI PERGERAKAN KOPERASI IBU TUNGGAL DI SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA: SATU TINJAUAN AWAL (Issues and Challenges Faced by Single Mother Cooperative Movement in Peninsular Malaysia: A Preliminary Review)
Kementerian Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) telah bekerjasama dengan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) bagi menyediakan peluang kepada golongan wanita termasuk ibu tunggal untuk berniaga atau bekerja. Justeru, KPWKM telah merangka pelbagai program yang bersesuaian bagi meningkatkan penglibatan ibu tunggal dalam bidang keusahawanan melalui koperasi ibu tunggal. Namun, usaha menubuhkan koperasi melibatkan ibu tunggal bukanlah mudah disebabkan pelbagai kekangan dan cabaran. Bagi meneliti isu ini dengan lebih lanjut, kajian ini telah dilaksanakan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melibatkan 23 buah koperasi ibu tunggal yang berdaftar dengan SKM di Semenanjung Malaysia. Data kajian diperolehi melalui temu bual terperinci dengan pegawai-pegawai SKM beberapa negeri dan anggota 23 koperasi ibu tunggal tersebut. Hasil kajian mengenalpasti tiga faktor yang menyumbang kepada prestasi yang tidak memuaskan oleh koperasi ibu tunggal, iaitu, sumber yag terhad, pengurusan yang tidak cekap, dan kurangnya penglibatan anggota dalam aktiviti koperasi. Juga, didapati bilangan koperasi yang tidak aktif lebih banyak berbanding yang aktif. Oleh itu, bagi meningkatkan prestasi koperasi ibu tunggal supaya setanding dengan koperasi-koperasi yang sudah berjaya, pengurusan koperasi perlu dibekalkan dengan ilmu pengurusan yang mencukupi bagi membolehkan mereka memimpin koperasi masing-masing dengan lebih baik.Kata Kunci: Ibu tunggal, keusahawanan koperasi, prestasi koperasi, kaedah kualitatif, faktor penyumbangNo. of Downloads :12
Not Available
Publication Date : 31/10/2021
Volume 17
[ "Azliana Mohd Jelani, Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafai, Salmy Edawati Yaacob." ]
Members’ citizenship is a form of voluntary, extra-role customer behaviour which is found to have positive impact on the service organization. Although past studies have been dedicated to value co-creation behaviour in service industry, much less is done to substantiate the causality between its specific dimension, namely members’ citizenship, and its outcome in the context of cooperative industry, in particular the credit service in the emerging markets. This paper aims to look into members’ citizenship behaviour and determine its relationship with trust and loyalty among the members in the credit cooperatives in Sarawak. Service Dominant (S-D) Logic and Social Exchange Theory are adopted as the underpinning basis to develop the framework of the study. By appropriating the quantitative approach, 395 copies were collected and deemed usable after data cleaning procedure. Common method variance and non-response bias were checked statistically and addressed. Partial least squares structural equation modelling was employed to test the hypotheses empirically. The findings indicate that members’ citizenship has positive effect on the trust and loyalty of the cooperative members in the state with substantive effect. This study contributes to the knowledge and practice in the service industry by underscoring the importance of member’s citizenship behaviour in the credit cooperatives in Sarawak and emerging markets.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Yusman Yacob, Jati Kasuma Ali, Rosmimah Roslin, Nelson Lajuni." ]
The National Co-operative Policy 2011- 2020 identifies tourism as one of the potential industries that can offer high income to the co-operatives business sector. The tourism industry could create downstream tourism activities as part of community based tourism (CBT) and provide a stimulus for entrepreneurs among the communities. Despite the remarkable potential that the tourism industry can offer, The Malaysia Co-operatives Societies Commission (2015) reported that only 12 (0.98%) out of 1,223 co-operatives in Sabah have actively become involved in tourism businesses. As Sabah is one of the leading tourist attractions in Malaysia, the present study is part of the efforts to promote CBT among co-operative in Sabah by highlighting the benefit of co-operative in managing CBT. Considering this, the present study attempts to investigate the success factors of CBT that based on co-operative business model in Sabah. This is a case study that involved one community based tourism, the Koperasi Walai Tokou Kundasang Berhad (KOPSTAY) of Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia. The primary data were gathered through field interviews with the board members of the co-operative, and the members of KOPSTAY. The results of this study revealed that the co-operative enables higher community involvement in the decision making process, which generates ideas and implementation of various tourism downstream activities as an addition to the homestay business. The initiatives have boosted the income of the KOPSTAY. Three main factors that supported the development of the community based homestay through co-operative include strong leadership, sharing knowledge and skills as well as the strong support from the government agencies. Therefore, this study recommends the importance of cooperation to achieve successful CBT development.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Najmah Nawawi, Christina Andin @ Nur Qistina, Shamsiah Syamsudin." ]
In the contemporary, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and co-operative sector have become essential topics among business academics and practitioners. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and the practice of co-operative principles (CP) on co-operative performance. In this study, the components of EO are innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking. Despite the importance of EO, researches that link these concepts to co-operatives performance are very limited. In this view, through extensive literature view, this study has found a positive relationship that exists between EO and co-operatives performance and developed a conceptual model for empirical validations. This study serves not only to clarify the effect between EO and co-operatives performance; it also explains the effects of CP on co-operative performance which most studies have neglected. As a unique organisation, co-operatives have an advantage over other businesses, especially by applying the CP in co-operative activities will have a greater impact on co-operative performance.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Mohamad Haswardi Morshidi." ]
Penglibatan gerakan koperasi dalam aktiviti pemborongan dan peruncitan bukan asing lagi dalam usaha membantu mengurangkan kenaikan kos sara hidup masyarakat khususnya anggota koperasi. Penglibatan koperasi dalam sektor pemborongan amat relevan dalam membantu menstabilkan harga barang keperluan selain menangani isu bekalan barangan ke kedai koperasi melalui penguasaan rantaian bekalan (supply chain). Kajian ini bagi mengenal pasti ciri-ciri yang mempengaruhi amalan pengurusan pusat pengedaran koperasi di Malaysia khususnya bagi aktiviti pembekalan barangan keperluan pengguna seiring hasrat pihak kerajaan membantu isu kos sara hidup rakyat Malaysia. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dan sebanyak enam koperasi yang menjalankan aktiviti pusat pengedaran terlibat sebagai responden dalam kajian ini bagi mengenal pasti ciri-ciri utama yang mempengaruhi amalan pusat pengedaran koperasi di Malaysia. Enam ciri-ciri yang mempengaruhi amalan pusat pengedaran ialah tahun beroperasi, saiz gudang, jumlah SKU (stock keeping unit), logistik, jumlah tenaga kerja dan bilangan outlet. Akhir sekali kertas ini mencadangkan agar kajian lanjut dapat dilaksanakan untuk menguji ciri-ciri yang dinyatakan dalam mempengaruhi amalan pusat pengedaran koperasi di Malaysia.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Norul Hayatie Hashim, Mohd Zaib Mat Yunus." ]
Pertumbuhan koperasi sekolah di Malaysia amat menggalakkan dalam menyumbang kepada pendapatan koperasi. Namun statistik perolehan pendapatan tahunan yang dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia mendapati kebanyakan prestasi koperasi sekolah di Sabah adalah sebaliknya. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti pengaruh faktor-faktor kejayaan perniagaan (produk, promosi, pendidikan & latihan, pengurusan, modal dan motivasi kerja) terhadap prestasi perniagaan koperasi sekolah. Faktor-faktor kejayaan perniagaan dalam kajian ini adalah berdasarkan Teori Pemasaran dan Model McKinsey 7S. Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk bukan eksperimen telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan sampel kajian dijalankan secara pensampelan rawak berstrata (berlapis) melibatkan 217 orang Anggota Lembaga Koperasi yang terdiri daripada kalangan guru sekolah dari seluruh Negeri Sabah. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen soal selidik yang telah di ubah suai dari beberapa pengkaji terdahulu yang berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor kejayaan koperasi sekolah. Data telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensi. Analisis deskriptif menjelaskan latar belakang responden dan latar belakang koperasi sekolah yang dikaji, manakala statistik inferensi pula dianalisis dengan menggunakan Model Persamaan Struktur (SEM) yang akan menerangkan kesan pengaruh kesemua pemboleh ubah tidak bersandar terhadap pemboleh ubah bersandar. Hasil kajian menunjukkan hanya tiga faktor kejayaan perniagaan (pendidikan dan latihan, pengurusan dan motivasi) mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kejayaan perniagaan koperasi sekolah. Kesimpulan daripada kajian menunjukkan kesemua faktor-faktor kejayaan perniagaan mempunyai kesan terhadap prestasi koperasi sekolah namun hanya tiga faktor yang signifikan.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Samsu Ewang, Juliana Osman, Rohieszan Ramdan." ]
Cooperatives are autonomous voluntary associations of persons efficaciously addressing the common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations of the members, aiming at their well-being through collective action. These organizations work democratically, in line with cooperative principles and values to meet their objectives. Cooperative Department Government of Punjab has, time and again, been introducing different interventions to strengthen the cooperative societies so as to make them more vibrant player in national economy. Provision of interest-free (without markup) tractors to the members of Agricultural Cooperative Societies of Barani Areas of the Punjab Province is one of such initiatives. Barani Areas are the areas with rain-water cultivation in the province. These are 13 notified districts including District Narowal, the study site. The focus of present study is to evaluate well-being fetched by interest-free tractor scheme to the farmer members of the cooperatives. The study, first ever of its kind, was conducted through Focus Group Technique (FGT) by forming two focus groups FG1 (comprising cooperative field staff implementing the scheme) and FG2 (comprising beneficiary members of cooperatives) and data so collected was thematically analyzed using Nvivo v 10 which indicated that implementation of this intervention was highly welcomed and is considered as a meaningful measure for enhancement in the agricultural productivity of members of cooperatives besides poverty reduction, strengthening the cooperative movement and creating employment opportunities in the society.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Muneeb ur Rehman." ]
Pengurusan pengetahuan (KM) adalah proses yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan, penyimpanan, pengambilan, dan penyebaran maklumat serta kepakaran dalam sesebuah organisasi bagi menyokong dan meningkatkan prestasi perniagaannya. Sesebuah organisasi perlu menyedari bahawa pengetahuan adalah sumber terpenting dan ianya harus diurus dengan bijaksana. Secara idealnya, pengurusan pengetahuan yang efisien dan baik juga mampu merangsang pertumbuhan melalui produktiviti dan inovasi bagi meningkatkan sumbangan sektor koperasi kepada ekonomi negara khususnya kepada gerakan koperasi kluster sederhana di Malaysia melalui KM yang berkesan. Koperasi merupakan entiti perniagaan yang memiliki aset pengetahuan (selain sumber manusia, kewangan, bangunan, kenderaan) yang perlu diurus dan digunakan untuk mencipta nilai baharu, budaya kerja, produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan. Budaya kerja, produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditambahbaik ini boleh melonjakkan pencapaian sesebuah koperasi yang seterusnya membolehkan koperasi tersebut kekal kompetitif dalam persaingan dan menjana keuntungan untuk diagihkan kepada ahli koperasi dan seterusnya meningkatkan sumbangan sektor koperasi kepada ekonomi negara. Oleh kerana penyelidikan berkaitan amalan pengurusan pengetahuan koperasi di Malaysia agak terhad, penyelidikan berkaitan pengurusan pengetahuan khusus dalam konteks koperasi dicadangkan untuk memperolehi maklumat tepat dan semasa berkaitan pengurusan pengetahuan di koperasi. Kajian lanjut dan pengumpulan data dari pelbagai sumber akan mencadangkan satu kerangka konseptual berkenaan struktur pengurusan pengurusan pengetahuan bagi koperasi kluster sederhana di Malaysia.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Norul Hayatie Hashim, Faiz Ahmad Yatim." ]
Koperasi merupakan sebuah pertubuhan yang ditubuhkan untuk memenuhi keperluan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Akan tetapi, terdapat persoalan berkaitan apakah jenis sumbangan yang anggota perlukan sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup anggota. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti bentuk sumbangan koperasi yang terdiri daripada kewangan dan bukan kewangan, dan jenis sumbangan yang meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota koperasidi Tanah Rancangan FELDA. Kaedah kuantitatif menggunakan borang soal selidik digunakan untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan daripada responden kajian melibatkan seramai 432orang yang merupakan anggota koperasi FELDA yang mewakili semua kluster iaitu mikro, kecil,sederhana dan besar. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa daripada segi manfaat kewangan, dividen (82.2%) merupakan manfaat kewangan tertinggi yang diperoleh anggota, diikuti denganelaun (76.7%), honorarium (45.8%) dan khairat kematian (21.1%). Daripada segi manfaat bukankewangan pula, manfaat tertinggi diterima ialah latihan dan pendidikan (27.8%), diikuti oleh kemudahan awam (19%), pekerjaan (8.8%), khidmat nasihat (7.4%) dan insuran berkelompok (7.2%). Daripada kajian ini, didapati sumbangan yang diperoleh oleh anggota koperasi FELDAadalah lebih berbentuk sumbangan kewangan berbanding bukan kewangan. Akan tetapi, hanya dua (2) sahaja sumbangan yang berkait rapat dengan kesejahteraan anggota iaitu biasiswa dan pekerjaan. Justeru itu, ini menunjukkan bahawa jika sesebuah koperasi ingin meningkatkankesejahteraan anggota, mereka boleh memberikan fokus kepada sumbangan biasiswa danpekerjaan. Kajian ini akan membantu koperasi memberikan sumbangan yang diinginkan oleh anggota koperasi.
Publication Date : 31/10/2020
Volume 16
[ "Rahimah Abd Samad, Farahaini Mohd Hanif, Faiz Ahmad Yatim, Nur Shuhada Mohd Ali, Mohamad Haniff Mohamad Hashim." ]
Despite the financial and non-financial support by the federal government and perceived significant roles played by the co-operatives in the country’s development, previous studies show that the performance of co-operatives has not been satisfactory. Thus, this study examines the influence of Board of Directors’ finance and planning competency on co-operative’s financial and non-financial performances. The data were collected via the distribution of 200 questionnaires but only 112 usable copies were subsequently collected. The data were then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results reveal that co-operative’s financial and non-financial performances are indeed influenced by Board of Directors’ finance and planning competency. Implication and contribution of the study are discussed to justify the significance of this research
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Nelson Lajuni, Mohd Pisah Ali, Yusman Yacob, Yusri Tarip." ]
Sistem pengukuran prestasi merupakan alat kawalan pengurusan yang berupaya menyelaras objektif dan matlamat strategik koperasi. Kertas ini membincangkan kesan sistem pengukuran prestasi ke atas prestasi pengurusan koperasi. Sistem pengukuran prestasi era baharu mempunyai elemen komprehensif, strategik, dinamik dan kontemporari yang perlu disesuaikan dengan persekitaran semasa sesebuah organisasi. Kelemahan dalam amalan tadbir urus koperasi dan kurangnya bilangan koperasi berjaya di Malaysia menjadikan kertas ini sesuai untuk dibincangkan terutama kepentingan amalan sistem pengukuran prestasi. Tinjauan literatur menunjukkan sistem pengukuran prestasi boleh mempengaruhi ciri-ciri dalaman pengurusan seperti kognisi dan motivasi pengurus yang seterusnya boleh mempengaruhi prestasi pengurusan. Pemantapan sumber modal insan seperti pengurusan koperasi boleh memberi kesan kepada kesinambungan prestasi koperasi secara agregat.
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Mohd Shahron Anuar Said, Sharul Effendy Janudin." ]
The world’s co-operative movement shows that co-operative continue to grow across the globe. In the Malaysian context, neo-endogenous development model has been a focus of many studies on future rural development policies for the 21st century wherein the supporting role of cooperatives may be acknowledged especially in terms of enhancing local capacity and establishing internal and external network. In Malaysia, transformative rural development embodying the characteristics of neoendogenous development model is embedded in several policies such as the Government Transformation Plan, Economic Transformation Plan and Rural Transformation Plan. However, the role of cooperatives in supporting neo-endogenous model through Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) is constrained by the limited involvement of households as cooperative members. Exploration into the potential of cooperative entrepreneurship is not an aberration. Throughout the world, thousands of cooperatives producing goods and services for the market and also providing social condition and job opportunities. Realizing the advantages of cooperative for community development especially in the village or kampong, this research seeks to understand the kampong cooperatives development and sustainability from the mizan principles. The word mizan in Arabic comes from the word wazana means balance and consistency, scales or measurement of an object. On the other view, mizan is a tool that shows the value of the scales or measurement of a thing measured or weighed. Mizan principles are al-ubudiyyah, as-syura, al-hurriyah and al-musawah. Those principles are important as guidelines in the process of kampong cooperative development and sustainability. Utilizing upon a qualitative research, a case study of three kampung cooperatives in Negeri Sembilan have been explored. Focus group interviews were conducted with the cooperative members, kampong development and security committee members (JKKK) and the villagers. It is found that all of four mizan principles have been utilized without realizing the importance of those principles due to knowledge lacking. The study also found that there are several issues that need to be addressed.
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam, Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali, Nur Ainna Ramli, Nurshuhada Kamarudin, Khatijah Othman, Zulhamizan Ismail, Asmaddy Haris." ]
Sehingga kini, populasi wanita yang bergelar usahawan terus meningkat di seluruh dunia dan terbukti bahawa wanita telah menguasai lebih satu pertiga daripada keseluruhan individu yang terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan. Penglibatan wanita dalam arena keusahawanan telah menjadi tumpuan dan perhatian utama dalam kalangan penyelidik serta pengamal perindustrian memandangkan banyak negara membangun kini telah membuka peluang kepada wanita untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan yang sebelum ini dikuasai oleh golongan lelaki. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi usahawan wanita dalam koperasi di bahagian Kuching dan Samarahan di negeri Sarawak. Pembolehubah bebas yang terlibat dalam penyelidikan ini adalah orientasi keusahawanan, modal insan, matlamat dan motif usahawan, faktor sosiobudaya dan faktor perundangan dan pentadbiran. Pengantara dalam kajian ini pula adalah pengiktirafan peluang manakala pemboleh ubah bergantung adalah prestasi usahawan wanita. Asas pembolehubah telah dinilai dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang sah. Sejumlah 118 responden dalam kalangan anggota wanita di koperasi telah mengambil bahagian dalam tinjauan tersebut. Data diperoleh daripada analisis menggunakan Pakej Statistik untuk Sains Sosial (SPSS) versi 22. Keputusan empirikal menunjukkan bahawa modal insan didapati signifikan dengan korelasi positif dan hubungan kuat dengan skala pengiktirafan peluang, sedangkan pengantara didapati mempunyai korelasi positif dan hubungan kuat ke arah prestasi usahawan wanita. Sementara itu, hubungan antara pembolehubah lain didapati signifikan dengan korelasi sederhana dan hubungan positif dengan pengiktirafan peluang. Sumbangan utama penyelidikan ini telah memberikan bukti empirikal mengenai hubungan antara setiap pembolehubah. Selain itu, ia mendedahkan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi prestasi usahawan wanita dalam kalangan anggota koperasi khususnya di kawasan Kuching dan Samarahan. Bidang untuk kajian masa depan juga dibincangkan dalam kajian ini
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Syarifah Rohaya Wan Idris." ]
Kertas konsep ini disediakan bagi memperluaskan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang tingkahlaku penglibatan aktif dalam kalangan anggota lembaga yang mentadbir urus koperasi. Berdasarkan laporan empirikal lepas, kertas ini mencadangkan satu kerangka teori kajian yang disokong secara konseptual untuk menerangkan peranan rangkaian sosial dan motivasi bagi menyingkap di sebalik proses lembaga iaitu tingkah laku penglibatan aktif. Struktur tadbir urus serta peranan anggota lembaga dalam tadbir urus diterangkan secara kritis khususnya dalam konteks organisasi koperasi. Isu-isu semasa berkaitan penglibatan berdasarkan penemuan dan kajian-kajian lalu turut dikupas bagi menggambarkan kepentingan penglibatan anggota lembaga dalam tadbir urus. Konsep tingkah laku penglibatan dalam kajian-kajian lepas turut dibincangkan bagi merumuskan konsep tingkah laku penglibatan aktif dalam tadbir urus koperasi. Ini termasuklah penglibatan anggota lembaga dalam menjalankan fungsinya secara sukarela sebagai pentadbir dengan mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam membuat keputusan. Antara dimensi tingkah laku yang dikenalpasti ialah Anggota Lembaga berusaha mengakses maklumat untuk tujuan analisa dan penilaian, berupaya mengemukakan pandangan yang konstruktif dan berkonflik secara positif dalam membuat keputusan mengenai tadbir urus. Teori Kognitif Sosial yang disokong oleh Teori Penentuan Kendiri dijelaskan secara ringkas bagi menggambarkan fenomena tingkah laku penglibatan aktif berkait dengan rangkaian sosial dan motivasi Anggota Lembaga Koperasi. Akhir sekali kertas ini mencadangkan agar kajian lanjut dapat dilaksanakan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor rangkaian sosial dan motivasi terhadap tingkah laku penglibatan aktif Anggota Lembaga dalam tadbir urus koperasi
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Romaizah Abd Kadir." ]
This study investigates the effect of cooperative structure on its performance in the rural sector. It focuses on democratic control and ownership structure of Agricultural cooperatives which dominates the rural areas. Primary data collected through structured survey instrument were obtained through multi-stage sampling procedure. The data were fitted to multi-linear regression model after descriptive and Pearson correlation analysis. The regression results suggests that one-member, one-vote principle is not related to performance of agricultural cooperative societies in the rural area. The extent to which control right is tied to members’ capital contribution has positive and significant effect on performance of cooperatives in the rural areas. The individual economic strength of cooperative members also exerts positive and significant effect on cooperative performance at 5% level. The cooperative members’ economic strength could provide opportunity for investments to generate more surpluses for the members. Thus, membership dimension in cooperatives could be a requisite for positive outcome of cooperative enterprise most especially in the rural areas
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "Sofoluwe N A." ]
Innovation, production and productive use of renewable energy is fast becoming a challenging phenomenon for global leaders. Renewable energy will continue to remain a major source for sustenance of civilization. Solar power has showcased the promise of providing avenues for commercial use. This article presents a case of a farmer cooperative in India which uses solar power to operate irrigation pumps to manage their livelihoods. This case also describes the opportunity and challenges in scaling up such attempts
Publication Date : 31/10/2019
Volume 15
[ "T. Paranjothi, H.K. Mishra." ]
This study attempts to examine the dimensions of cooperative characteristics towards trust in cooperative brand. Although there are abundance of studies on brand’s trust in the marketing literature, little has been done on the factors leading to brand’s trust in the cooperative context. Specifically, the present study serves as a groundwork to examine the dimensions of cooperative characteristics and its relation towards trust in the cooperative brand among cooperative members with a focus on Sarawak consumer cooperatives as a research site of the study. Cooperative integrity, cooperative reputation, perceived motives of cooperative, and trust in cooperative as a dimension of cooperative characteristics are looked into so as to assess their impact on trust in the cooperative brand. A quantitative approach was adopted using self-administered questionnaire. By using field data collected from 135 consumer cooperative members in Sarawak, all postulated relationships are examined using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings suggest that cooperative characteristics, namely cooperative integrity, perceived motives of cooperative and trust in cooperative have significant effect on trust in cooperative brand. However, cooperative reputation shows insignifcant impact on trust in cooperative brand. The study highlights the need to inculcate cooperative members’ with adequate knowledge about cooperative as well as to provide platform for them to acquire their experience with the cooperative so as to transform into their trust in the cooperative brand. The study also provides the managerial implications to cooperative as a retail provider as well as cooperative members’ and future directions of the research .
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "Yusman Yacob, Jati Kasuma Ali, Nelson Lajuni, Hiram Ting, Muhd Khairul Azhar Ahmad." ]
Belia merupakan pelapis masa hadapan yang disifatkan sebagai aset negara yang mempunyai semangat tinggi serta penentu kejayaan program dan dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penglibatan belia dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi dan isu-isu serta cabaran yang mereka hadapi. Kajian ini melibatkan 300 responden terdiri daripada mereka yang berumur antara 18 hingga 40 tahun yang merupakan Anggota Lembaga Koperasi (ALK) atau kakitangan yang terlibat dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi di semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Kaedah analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, kolerasi dan regrasi berganda. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan belia dalam jawatan utama (Pengerusi, Setiausaha dan Bendahari) koperasi adalah rendah. Minat merupakan faktor utama mendorong belia menyertai koperasi. Manakala, kepimpinan merupakan faktor paling mempengaruhi penglibatan belia dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi. Antara isu utama dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi yang dihadapi belia ialah kerjasama, perancangan aktiviti dan pengetahuan tentang koperasi. Manakala, kekangan masa dan keyakinan masyarakat pula, menjadi cabaran utama dalam pengurusan tertinggi koperasi.
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak Shaik, Aishah Ariffin, Shamsul Khairi Abu Hassan, Rosidah Rashid, Mohd Fitri Ab Rahman, Mohamad Haniff Mohamad Hashim, Nazirah Baharudin." ]
Sistem pengukuran prestasi merupakan alat pengurusan yang efektif untuk mengurus pencapaian objektif dan matlamat strategik koperasi. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membina model sistem pengukuran prestasi kontemporari koperasi-koperasi terbaik Malaysia. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada pengerusi, setiausaha, bendahari, ahli lembaga dan pengurusan koperasi 100 terbaik tahun 2016. 328 maklumbalas yang diterima telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan persamaan pemodelan berstruktur (structural equation modelling). Dapatan kajian membuktikan sistem pengukuran prestasi yang diamalkan oleh pihak pengurusan koperasi adalah bersifat kontemporari. Tiga komponen utama sistem pengukuran prestasi kontemporari iaitu strategik, komprehensif dan dinamik didapati padan dengan model yang dibangunkan. Model sistem pengukuran prestasi yang dibangunkan ini boleh dijadikan panduan penggerak koperasi untuk memastikan aktiviti yang dijalankan sentiasa selari dengan objektif jangka panjang dan memenuhi inspirasi Dasar Koperasi Negara (DKN) 2011 - 2020
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "Sharul Effendy Janudin, Hartini Jaafar, Zuriadah Ismail, Mohd Shahron Anuar Said." ]
Ethiopia is producing ranges of coffee varieties with unique flavors, quality and traditional organic and shade grown coffee by smallholder farmers for which actors including cooperatives are involved in adding values at each stage of the activities of the value chain. This study focused on examining the linkage between cooperatives and other actors in coffee value chain, and analyzing factors influencing the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain. The study was conducted in Sasiga district. All the five primary coffee cooperatives were selected purposively and 134 respondents were selected using PPS sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data collection methods were used. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Binary logistic regression model. The result of the descriptive statistics showed that there was strong linkage among chain actors. The binary logistic regression model revealed that trust, technology, market information and training has statistically significant positive partial effect on the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain at P-value of less than 5% while timely delivery of products and financial support have statistical significant positive effect on the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain at p-value of between 5%and 10%. Though the result of the descriptive statistics showed that there is strong linkage among chain actors, greater attention should be given by all stakeholders to further strengthen the linkage by minimizing the adverse effect of practices which erodes members trust and affects the effectiveness of cooperatives in coffee value chain. On top of these, the chain actors should exchange technologies and market information to increase their competitiveness. Sustained training has to be offered to cooperatives based on need assessment to enhance their technical capacity to process coffee for adding value. Similarly, coffee cooperatives financial base has to be strengthened through promoting self-financing strategies and interventions
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "M. Karthikeyan, Amanuel Fekadu." ]
The study investigated the survival strategies of producer cooperatives in Uganda, by using Nyakatonzi Growers’ Cooperative Union as a case study. The study explored the role of diversification; examined members’ participated in the union activities; assessed the role of cooperative leadership and management; and established the extent to which the financial and asset base facilitated the survival of the cooperative union. A case study research design combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used. Data was collected in January 2013 using a questionnaire, interview techniques and observation with 100 respondents from four primary cooperative societies (PCSs) affiliated to Nyakatonzi Growers’ Cooperative Union. Data was analysed using SPSS16. The study established that diversification played a significant role in the survival of the cooperative union. The board of directors made union decisions through the top-bottom approach, ensured strategic planning, and supervised management and mobilised resources. Nonetheless, a competent, skilled and innovative management empowered through capacity-building programmes ran the union and access to information and assets enhanced production. The study recommends that producer cooperatives should pursue diversification through a variety of commodities and value addition for higher bargaining power in the market. Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) should strengthen the growth of PCSs through capacity-building and empowerment programmes for effective members’ participation. The government also should spearhead awareness drives about cooperatives, establish a framework for impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and review the status of existing cooperatives.
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "Arinanye Joseph, Julius Omona." ]
It is believed that above all the success of cooperative societies depends on the quality of leadership competence dedicated and vibrant leader they possess. It is undisputed fact that primary multipurpose cooperatives are meager means and thus mostly and are inefficient. Hence this study is initiated to identify the cooperative leadership competencies to serve their members by analyzing the determinants of cooperative leadership competence level. Eight primary multipurpose cooperatives were selected from a total of 31 multipurpose cooperatives in Ambo Woreda (district). Eight boards of directors as leaders from each selected cooperatives (8x8=64), and 15 members from each selected cooperatives (15x8=120) were selected as respondents. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted. Primary data was collected using semi-structured interview schedule among leaders and members; checklists for key informant interview and FGD. Descriptive statistics and ordered logit model were used to analyze data collected. Leaders of selected cooperatives have response to five dimensions of leadership competency. Majority of leaders are at competent level as reported by both leaders and members by considering various core competencies of leadership. The crosstab analysis revealed that there is relationship between demographic variables, leadership qualities, and leadership skills. Ordered logit model result shows that education level and, knowledge and ability have positive significant influence at 1% level, analytical thinking, human relation skill, conceptual skill and personal traits have positive significant influence and communication skill has negative significant influence at 5% level, leadership experience has positive influence, and family size has negative influence as the leadership competency level at 10% level. As for leadership competency level majority of the cooperative leaders are at competent level, followed by novice level.
Publication Date : 31/10/2018
Volume 14
[ "M. Karthikeyan, Ato Segni Niguse Gemeda." ]
Although there are abundance of studies on consumer loyalty in the marketing literature, little has been done on the factors contributing to the members’ loyalty in the context of cooperative organization which is unique in terms of its business function and goals in the emerging economies. The present study serves as a groundwork to determine the factors that influence the loyalty of cooperative members who are also regarded as consumers with a focus on Sarawak cooperatives as a research site of the study. Satisfaction, perceived value, resistance to change, and trust are looked into so as to assess their impact on loyalty. Hence, a quantitative approach was adopted. Self-administered questionnaire was designed and pre-tested. Questionnaires were then distributed among members of the cooperatives in Sarawak. A total of 300 copies were distributed and 215 usable copies were subsequently collected. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to assess the effect of the variables studied on members’ loyalty. The results show that perceived value, resistance to change and trust have positive effects on members’ loyalty. Interestingly, satisfaction is found to have no significant relationship with members’ loyalty. The understanding of cooperative members through this study underscores the importance of retaining consumers in developing economies. The study also provides the managerial implications to cooperatives as service providers as well as cooperative members and future directions of the research .
Publication Date : 31/10/2017
Volume 13
[ "Yusman Yacob, Jati Kasuma Ali, Hiram Ting, Nelson Lajuni, Syed Muhammad Othman Syed Hussin." ]
Pengurusan risiko bagi sektor awam di Malaysia telah menjadi aspek penting dalam memastikan sesebuah organisasi mempunyai tadbir urus yang cekap, berkesan dan telus bagi menjamin pembangunan yang berterusan. Amalan pengurusan risiko yang berkesan di koperasi dapat mengawal atau mengurangkan tahap kerugian yang dialami oleh sesebuah koperasi. Sehubungan itu, kajian pengurusan risiko telah dilaksanakan terhadap 40 koperasi Tier 1 dan Tier 2 di Malaysia. Objektif kajian ini adalah mengenal pasti profl koperasi Tier1 dan Tier 2 di Malaysia; mengenal pasti keberkesanan pelaksanaan pengurusan risiko di koperasi, mengenal pasti kesedaran pihak pengurusan terhadap pelaksanaan pengurusan risiko dikoperasi dan mengenal pasti hubungan antara kesedaram pihak pengurusan terhadap keberkesanan pengurusan risiko di koperasi. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 21 bagi analisis statistik seperti deskriptif, kolerasi dan regresi. Sebanyak 194 (78%) borang soal selidik diperoleh daripada responden yang terdiri daripada pengurus besar, pengurus dan eksekutif pengurusan atasan koperasi yang terlibat dalam mesyuarat pengurusan atasan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelaksanaan pengurusan risiko adalah lebih baik dalam kalangan koperasi Tier 1 berbanding Tier 2 kerana koperasi Tier 1 berimpak besar. Maka kesedaran koperasi Tier 1 adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Tier 2.Kata Kunci: Koperasi, Pengurusan Risiko, Keberkesanan, KesedaranNo. of Downloads :4
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Publication Date : 31/10/2017
Volume 13
[ "Ruzilah Abd Malek, Ahmad Faizal Shaarani Mohd. Shahron Anuar Said, Azmaliza Arifn, Intan Nur Azreen Mohamad Radzi." ]
Cooperative banks now possess the capability of becoming a formidable competitive force in the savings and consumer credit sectors of the fnancial marketplace all over the world. Cooperative banks did not contribute to the fnancial crisis, yet they are still subject to increasing regulatory environment challenge all over the world. Urban cooperative banks (UCBs) consistently strive to ensure their member fnancial health and well-being as member-owned–not–for-proft cooperatives whether from the perspective of capital levels, CAMELS ratings or asset quality, the urban cooperative banking industry is generally healthy and well capitalized. The number of UCBs under composite rating ‘A’ and ‘B’ consistently increased from the year 2011-12 to 2015-16 whereas composite rating of ‘C’ and ‘D’ declined the same period (See table 1).Out of the 8 parameters have been selected for measuring the performance of UCBs in the post vision document clearly states that 6 parameters are in favour of this sector i.e., gross and Net NPAs, deposits, loans, grade-wise rating, CAMELS ratings, and total assets. Only two parameters did not i.e., number of banks and share of UCBs assets to banking assets Yet UCBs have faced a crippling wave of new regulatory burdens in the years since the implementation of Vision Document 2005. The article make an attempt to fnd out whether or not the urban cooperative banking sector can achieve and sustain a rate of growth that will carry them to a position of prominence in the post vision document period.Key Words: Cooperative Bank, Urban Cooperative Bank, Financial Crisis, Vision Document and CAMELS RatingsNo. of Downloads :3
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Publication Date : 31/10/2017
Volume 13
[ "Dr. N. Ramu." ]
Sabah merupakan sebuah negeri yang kaya dengan pelbagai keindahan semulajadi dan keunikan sosio-budaya yang mampu menarik ramai pelancong berkunjung sama ada daripada dalam atau luar negara. Ini terbukti dengan jumlah ketibaan pelancong yang semakin meningkat ke Sabah. Secara tidak langsung, industri ini mewujudkan pelbagai peluang perniagaan pelancongan hiliran yang boleh diceburi oleh koperasi seperti penginapan, pengangkutan, restoren, taman, dan kedai cenderamata. Namun begitu, hanya 12 koperasi (0.98 peratus) sahaja yang bergiat aktif dalam perniagaan yang melibatkan aktiviti hiliran pelancongan tersebut. Ini jelas memberikan gambaran bahawa aktiviti hiliran pelancongan tidak popular dalam kalangan koperasi walaupun industri ini mempunyai potensi perniagaan yang sangat memberangsangkan melalui peningkatan berterusan jumlah pelancong yang berkunjung ke Sabah. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk memaparkan kejayaan koperasi yang menjalankan aktiviti hiliran pelancongan. Kajian ini merupakan sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menarik minat dan kesedaran kepada koperasi tentang peluang perniagaan yang luas dalam industri pelancongan di Sabah. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan pendekatan kajian kes di tiga buah koperasi yang aktif dalam aktiviti hiliran pelancongan di Sabah. Data diperoleh melalui temu bual secara berkumpulan, temu bual secara individu dan analisis dokumentasi. Individu yang terlibat terdiri daripada Anggota Lembaga Koperasi, staf dan anggota koperasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan koperasikoperasi tersebut mencatatkan peningkatan pendapatan yang berterusan dan setiap koperasi ini tidak hanya memberi fokus kepada satu aktiviti sahaja. Hasil kajian ini memberikan gambaran bahawa industri pelancongan mempunyai potensi besar untuk dimajukan oleh koperasi di Sabah.Kata Kunci: Koperasi, Pelancongan, Prestasi, PotensiNo. of Downloads :11
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Publication Date : 31/10/2017
Volume 13
[ "Najmah Nawawi, Shamsiah Syamsudin, Christina Andin." ]
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat keberkesanan pengwujudan dan pematuhan Garis Panduan(GP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) bagi meningkatkan tadbir urus yang baik dalam koperasi. Penyelidikan ini melibatkan 35 buah koperasi yang dikategorikan sebagai koperasi berimpak sederhana dan besar yang dikelaskan sebagai koperasi Tier I dan Tier II oleh pihak SKM. Seramai 70 orang responden yang terdiri daripada Lembaga koperasi, pengurus, kakitangan dan Jawatankuasa Audit Dalaman(JAD). Penyelidik juga telah menetapkan bahawa kategori ketidakpatuhan kepada GP dinilai apabila didapati koperasi tidak mematuhi walaupun satu peruntukan dalam GP berkenaan. Daripada analisis yang dibuat mendapati hanya 13 buah koperasi yang patuh sepenuhnya GP pengurusan koperasi. Manakala 22 buah koperasi mempunyai pelbagai kesalahan ketidakpatuhan ke atas GP. Ketidakpatuhan ini kebanyakannya berlaku ke atas GP 14 : berkaitan dengan Pengurusan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Koperasi sebanyak 18 ketidakpatuhan, diikuti oleh GP 4 : Pelantikan dan Fungsi JAD sebanyak sembilan (9) ketidakpatuhan, GP 3 : Pelantikan dan pelantikan semula ALK sebanyak lima (5) ketidakpatuhan dan GP 26 : Juruaudit yang diberi kelulusan mengaudit di bawah subseksyen 61 (1) Akta Koperasi 1993 mempunyai satu (1) ketidakpatuhan. Walau bagaimanapun secara keseluruhan hasil penyelidikan ini mendapati koperasi tidak mempunyai masalah dan mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi dalam pematuhan GP berkaitan dengan pengurusan koperasi.Kata Kunci: Garis Panduan (GP), Ketidakpatuhan, PematuhanNo. of Downloads :6
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Publication Date : 31/10/2017
Volume 13
[ "Siti Maimunah Jerni, Mohd Zaib Mat Yunus, Yusnita Othman, Noor Shafeeza Zainuddin." ]
This study aims to examine the perception on internal control system (ICS) practices among Malaysian credit co-operatives. Specifically, this study provides input to those who are involved in developing ICS in co-operative namely, the Board Members (BOARD), Internal Audit Committee (IAC) and management staff. Using Malaysian Co-operative Societies Commission (MCSC) definition on classification of co-operatives, four groups of respondent cooperatives based on size of cooperatives were developed i.e. micro, small, medium and large. After eliminating with incomplete data, 536 co-operatives were selected to be included in this study, where, two questionnaires were mailed to co-operatives’ BOD and IAC. After three follow up procedure, 22% of the respondents returned the questionnaire. To compliment the questionnaire analysis, a case study on four co-operatives using unstructured interview questions was conducted. The data was analysed based on three themes namely ICS awareness, readiness and practices. It was found that the majority of respondents are highly aware on the importance of ICS and they believed that ICS should associate with monitoring activities. Consistently, the large majority of the respondents pointed out that, their co-operatives are ready to perform ICS in the perspective of human resource, knowledge, and training. On the other hand, the majority of Malaysian credit co-operatives are not ready to provide sufficient financial resources to appoint competent and skilled staff. Finally, the majority of the respondents (> 80 percent) have performed 60 percent of the ICS components presented to them. Also, 56 percent of the respondents submitted periodic report to the MCSC as required by the law. These findings indicate that Malaysia credit co-operatives are aware and ready to perform ICS towards good governance in the interest of their members.
Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Aishah Ariffin, Farahaini Mohd Hanif, Salwana Ali, Nor Alyani Abdul Razak, Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori." ]
This research was undertaken to identify the status and progress of the indigenous people or so called the Orang Asli co-operatives, their participation in economic and entrepreneurial activities, governance practices, and potential growth. The individual household economic and entrepreneurial activities amongst the Orang Asli community were also examined to provide further insights to the research. A total of 33 Orang Asli co-operatives in Perak and Pahang and 655 heads of households (HOHs), of whom 241 of them were co-operative members were selected as the sample for the study. Data were collected through surveys using structured questionnaires and interviews with various stakeholders, conducted by the researcher and a group of trained enumerators from amongst the Orang Asli community. The study observed that the development of the Orang Asli co-operatives was largely lagging behind particularly in terms of fnancial performance, business capacity, leadership, management expertise and economic participation by members. Most of the co-operatives have not been able to accumulate adequate capital and establish any form of sustainable economic activities to generate fund for the co-operatives. Management of the co-operatives and its business are entirely run by the Board who lacks business expertise and experience. The Orang Asli co-operatives also faced poor participation by members, consumers, employees and suppliers, poor accessibility to funds and insuffcient support from related agencies. The study found that only a small percentage of individuals are involved in producing and marketing products and services at the community and local level. Besides poor infrastructure which limits mobility, inaccessibility to funds and unavailability of business premise to spur economic activities, Orang Asli entrepreneurs also encounter bureaucratic problems in obtaining permits, licenses, and approval of working paper. To improve the performance of the Orang Asli co-operatives, the study proposed a “business development model” that puts emphasis on the collaboration and strategic alliance between the co-operatives, the private sector, government agencies, government link companies (GLC) and non-government institutions. Adequate incentives and policies must also be in place in order for the co-operatives to achieve its role as an effective platform to enhance economic and entrepreneurial activities and develop their communities economically and socially.Key words: Indigenous co-operatives, Orang Asli, business and managementNo. of Downloads :19
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Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Juliana Md. Yusop, Asan Ali Golam Hassan." ]
Kajian ini secara umumnya bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sejauhmana tahap kualiti perkhidmatan Maktab Koperasi Malaysia Cawangan Sarawak berdasarkan elemen-elemen dimensi kualiti perkhidmatan. Objektif khusus bagi kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti tahap persepsi peserta kursus terhadap elemen dimensi kualiti perkhidmatan Maktab Koperasi Malaysia Cawangan Sarawak berbanding dengan perkhidmatan yang diperolehi mereka. Dimensi-dimensi kualiti perkhidmatan telah dibentuk berdasarkan model Parasuraman, Zeithaml dan Berry (1988) untuk mengukur dimensi Jelas/Nyata dan Fizikal (tangibles), dimensi kebolehpercayaan (reliability), dimensi tindakbalas (responsiveness), dimensi jaminan (assurance), dan dimensi prihatin (emphaty). Kaedah pengumpulan data adalah berdasarkan jawapan soal selidik daripada responden yang hadir berkursus di MKMCS. Analisa deskriptif statistik menggunakan ukuran peratusan dan min. Secara keseluruhannya, dimensi yang mempunyai min yang paling tinggi ialah dimensi prihatin dengan min 6.925 manakala dimensi yang mempunyai min yang paling rendah ialah dimensi Jelas/Nyata dan Fizikal (tangible) dengan min 6.032. Bagi ujian-t bagi melihat perbezaan persepsi peserta kursus terhadap kualiti perkhidmatan berbanding perkhidmatan yang diperolehi yang dilihat mengikut jantina, umur, jawatan di koperasi dan latarbelakang akademik peserta kursus, didapati tiada perbezaan diperolehi. Kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat dalam kajian ini ialah tahap kualiti perkhidmatan di MKMCS boleh dikatakan mencapai tahap yang sederhana tinggi berbanding tahap jangkaan awal responden.Kata kunci: Dimensi kualiti, Kualiti Perkhidmatan, Maktab Koperasi Malaysia, SERVQUALNo. of Downloads :6
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Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Mohamad Haswardi bin Morshidi." ]
Education is important for developing human capital and intellectual strength, enhancing business knowledge and inculcating positive values. The main objective of this study is to identify training programmes that are appropriate for members of credit co-operatives. The fndings from this study are important for Co-operative College of Malaysia (CCM) as a guideline in formulating training programmes suitable for all co-operatives in Malaysia.The respondents in this study comprise staff of 136 credit co-operatives from the medium and large clusters, selected randomly. Questionnaire forms were sent to these co-operatives but only 72 of them (52.9%) returned a total of 196 completed forms. The data were analysed using frequency tables, the chi-square test of association study and gap analysis of the respective mean scores. The results of the study show that the supervisors are satisfed with the skills of their staff in performing fve tasks. However, the former are of the view that the skills exhibited by the staff in 12 other more challenging tasks are only at the moderate level. Based on the staff’s self-evaluation, they are found to be highly committed to their organisations and able to work in a team, but have some problems in fulflling promises and lack the spirit of give and take. The study also examines the relationship between level of knowledge on the one hand, and the background of respondents on the other, vis-à-vis, length of service, age, gender, education level and cluster of the co-operatives. It was found that only two factors are signifcantly related to the level of knowledge, namely, education level and the co-operative cluster. The fndings are suitable for use by those involved in the development of co-operatives such as the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (MDTCC), the Malaysia Cooperative Societies Commission of Malaysian (MCSC), CCM and the co-operative movement itself. In particular, the fndings of this study should be used as a guideline in identifying and formulating suitable training programmes for the staff of credit co-operatives to enhance their management performance.Key Words : Credit Co-operatives, Training Needs Analysis , Training ProgrammeNo. of Downloads :4
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Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Azlifah Abas, Nor Azlina Kassim, Nor Aslamiah Ali, Farahaini Mohd Hanif, Ju Samsuddin Safan." ]
Cooperative societies employ a variety of governance control mechanism choices (GCMCs) those are the outcomes of control mechanisms which leads to good governance to protect themselves against various hazards of changes and reduce conflicts amongst the stakeholders pursuing the maximization of their welfare. In this study an attempt was made to measure control mechanisms for good governance in selected multipurpose cooperative societies affliated to Robi Barga Farmers’ Cooperative Union. This paper therefore, aims at exploring governance practices, assessing the relationship between internal and external control mechanisms and analyzing variables influencing GCMCs. To address these objectives, 150 respondents from 15 cooperative societies of two Districts were selected and collected primary data by administering semi structured interview schedule. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS (version 20) and simple statistics such as; frequency and percentages to describe the result, correlation were used to determine the degree to which the variables were interrelated. In addition, Multinomial logistic regression model was employed to determine factors that influence GCMCs. The fndings show that poor application of good governance mechanisms, insuffcient stakeholders’ participation in governing cooperatives, ineffcient committee members and lack of autonomy and independence were found to be the reasons for committee turnover which led to absence of good governance and resulted to increase in the rate of state intervention. The correlation analysis result shows that internal and external control mechanism have signifcant relationship and it implies the extent to which the external control system influences the activities of cooperatives positively. Finally, the multinomial logistic regression model results show that, GCMCs were influenced by business factors, constitutional factors and management factors. All gaps found would be addressed through collaboration of members, cooperative stakeholders, government and cooperative societies to bring ethical and good governance for sustainable development of cooperatives.Key words: Cooperative Governance, Cooperative Society, Governance Control Mechanism Choices, Good Governance.No. of Downloads :5
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Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Dr.M.Karthikeyan, Ato Mekonnen Tolessa Edossa." ]
Value co-creation is a crucial component in the service industry and pivotal to the growth and survival of organizations. The rationale is based on the belief that value is created by both the organizations and the customers. Notwithstanding its magnitude, little is done to delve into the subject matter in cooperatives in the context of developing markets. The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between value co-creation dimensions and satisfaction of cooperative members in Sarawak. A quantitative approach using self-administered survey was adopted. A total of 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to cooperative members in Sarawak and 274 usable copies were subsequently collected. Multiple regressions analysis was conducted to assess the effect of value co-creation dimensions on members’ satisfaction. The fndings indicate that relating, ethical, developmental and concerted joint actions have positive effect on members’ satisfaction, where developmental joint actions is found to be the strongest influence dimension. The study thus highlights the practical importance of learning culture among service providers and cooperative members, and lays the foundation for future studies.Keywords: Value Co-creation Dimensions, Members’ Satisfaction, CooperativeNo. of Downloads :7
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Publication Date : 31/10/2016
Volume 12
[ "Yusman Yacob, Jati Kasuma Ali, Hiram Ting." ]
In the International Co-operative Alliance 2020 Vision, co-operatives are envisioned to become the acknowledged leader in economic, social and environmental sustainability, the model preferred by people, and the fastest growing form of enterprise by 2020. With less than a decade left for this vision, it is important to realize where the co-operatives are now in terms of promoting progress towards sustainable development. This country study aimed to examine the contributions and impacts that co-operatives in the Philippines have created to advance sustainability in the four pillars of development – “people, planet, prosperity, and peace”, at micro level. Key fndings showed that the co-operatives have carried out initiatives promoting sustainability among its members and their communities. However, the extent of such impacts was perceived to be limited due to some constraints, which include inadequate support services, weak organizational structure, and inadequate or lack of entrepreneurial and managerial skills. In view of these problems, strategic actions recommended were: (i) developing a defnite policy framework for co-operative enterprise development; (ii) improving access to support services with focus on fnancial services; (iii) enhancing human resource skills through education and professionalization; and (iv) strengthening networks and linkages of the co-operative sector.Key words: co-operatives, enterprise development, sustainable developmentNo. of Downloads :1
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Karen P. Quilloy, Isabelita M. Pabuayon." ]
Credit Co-operatives serve to stabilize the global economy and played a vital role in Malaysian economic. There are a total of 10,087 registered co-operatives in Malaysia, with a total membership of more than 7 millions people. The purpose of this research is to identify outstanding entrepreneurial attitudes possessed by the Members of the Board of excellent credit co-operatives which are parallel to Muhammad p.b.u.h. as a pioneering entrepreneur. The method used in this study is a questionnaire survey using the instruments that were mainly developed based on a study by Paige (1999) entitled Enterpreneurs’ Perception of Success Inventory. There are only 35 credit co-operatives which listed in the category of best 100 co-operatives by Co-operative Commission of Malaysia, which represented by a total number of 350 Credit Co-operative Board members. Variables tested were the phenomenon of credit co-operatives success as the dependent variable while the independent variables were the eight dimensions with an addition of Islamic fnancing product. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. Through correlation analysis test, the results found that there were signifcant correlations between the successful credit co-operatives with goal-setting, personality, motivation, knowledge and Islamic fnancing product. It makes way to promote Islamic fnancing product.Keywords: Muhammad p.b.u.h. as a pioneering entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs’ Perception of Success Inventory (EPSI), 35 excellent credit co-operatives, Islamic fnancing productNo. of Downloads :3
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Mustapa Kamal Maulut, Norsaadah Mustafa, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jumaat Muhajar." ]
This study focused on the effectiveness of training programs among members of co-operative in Sarawak. The study framework used Kirkpatrick’s Model in which employees’ reaction, learning, behavior, results and transfer of training will be examined. The study also examined the transfer of training in the context after being trained and to explore the training effectiveness by looking at how the transfer of training is applied. A survey was conducted in the Co-operative College of Malaysia Sarawak Branch Campus in year 2013 where a total of 351 questionnaires were distributed in order to evaluate the training effectiveness, factors and relationship between factors that affect training effectiveness. With the returned questionnaires of 299, the result shows at the reaction level, most of the respondents were satisfed with the training programs. This reflects the appreciation of training from the participants. At the learning level, majority of the respondents learned the skills taught. It is stated that the respondents use the new skills on the job at the behavior level. At the outcome level, the fndings revealed that the training program was productive and cost effective to measure the change in the result of the organization. Overall, only 41.6 percent of the independent variables explained the impact to the training effectiveness. The highest beta value indicates that learning is the strongest factor among the others in relation to training effectiveness. This study will help related parties in the Co-operative sector to have a better understanding in measuring the effectiveness of training programs conducted and to identify what are the areas they can improve for the future development of the co-operative in the country.Keywords: Training Effectiveness, Co-operative Members, SarawakNo. of Downloads :6
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Azra Alhafdz Azmi, Jati Kasuma, Yusman Yacob." ]
This study focused on the purchased intention of halal products among Co-operatives’ nonMuslim members. The study aims to understand the relationship between attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on purchase intention. A survey was conducted in Kuching City where a total of 338 questionnaires were distributed to gather information on willingness to purchase halal products among non-Muslim member of co-operatives. With the returned questionnaires of 166, the result shows that the respondents are aware of the existence of halal products and are willing to purchase halal products. The results also indicate that the Perceived Behavior Control is the most important factor in influencing non-Muslim’s halal purchase intention, followed by Subjective Norms and Attitude. Furthermore, in determining category of halal products purchased, halal food and beverages were found to be the major category of halal products that counted high willingness of purchases, followed by halal toiletries products, halal cosmetics products, and halal pharmaceutical products. This study provides halal industries with a greater understanding of the consumer behavior relating to halal products thus creating an understanding on halal principles that will influence their perceptions and attitudes towards halal products.Keywords: Halal, Non-Muslim, Purchase intention, Co-operative members, Kuching CityNo. of Downloads :0
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Publication Date : 28/01/2015
Volume 11
[ "Douglas Chupong, Jati Kasuma, Ratnawate Panie, Yusman Yacob." ]
Program Transformasi Kedai Runcit (TUKAR) diperkenalkan pada tahun 2011 oleh kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengubah konsep tradisional kedai runcit kepada konsep yang lebih moden. Analisis perbandingan sebelum dan selepas TUKAR diperlukan untuk melihat pencapaian sebenar hasil daripada program TUKAR. Justeru, matlamat kajian ini secara khusus bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sama ada terdapat peningkatan dari segi pencapaian pengurusan perniagaan kedai koperasi sebelum dan selepas program TUKAR dilaksanakan. Soal selidik telah diedarkan menggunakan kaedah pensampelan strata secara rawak dan sebanyak 102 orang (65.8%) Ahli Lembaga Koperasi dan Pengurus Koperasi yang mewakili kedai Coop Mart di seluruh Malaysia telah dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan semua aspek pengurusan perniagaan meningkat dengan ketara terutamanya aspek pengurusan kewangan. Ini membuktikan program TUKAR berjaya, berdaya maju dan wajar diteruskan.Kata kunci: Program Transformasi Kedai Runcit ( TUKAR ), Program Transformasi Ekonomi, Entry Point Project (EPP) , Pengurusan Perniagaan, Coop MartNo. of Downloads :3
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Noranita Mohd Nor, Norhayati Abdul Rahman, Nur Faeza Yahya, Roshidi Hassan." ]
To fulfll highly expectations of the government and to retain continuous supports from the members, Area Farmers Organization (AFOs) is anticipated to be an effcient organization. Hence, one way to measure the ability of an organization is through effciency measurement. Therefore, this paper examines the technical effciency (TE) of AFOs and determinant factors of effciency; from 2006 to 2010. The effciency is measured through three different dimensions namely as economic, social and socio-economic. For the purpose of the study, a two stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used. In the frst stage, DEA applied to measure the effciency score of 56 AFOs. In the second stage, the effciency score obtained and regressed by using Tobit model. Based on previous study, determinant factors such as assets, location, year of operation, types of business, manager’s education, size of business and size of membership serve as independent variables. The effciency analysis in the study reveals most of the AFOs are plagued with ineffciency. The average technical effciency scores recorded at 0.708, 0.672 and 0.790 under economic, social and socio-economic dimensions respectively. As for determinant factors, the variables liked location, age of operation, size of business and membership are found to have a positive relationship with effciency level.Key words: Technical Effciency, Area Farmers Organization (AFOs)No. of Downloads :0
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Anuar Mat Esa." ]
Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti keperluan mewujudkan jawatan Setiausaha Koperasi Berlesen (SKB) dalam sektor koperasi. Sebanyak 687 buah koperasi telah dipilih mewakili 310 buah koperasi besar dan sederhana serta 377 buah koperasi koperasi kecil dan mikro. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah perbincangan Kumpulan Fokus dan soal selidik yang diedarkan melalui pos. Perbincangan Kumpulan Fokus telah dilakukan terhadap tiga buah koperasi di Melaka yang telah menggunakan lebih 10 tahun perkhidmatan kesetiausahaan daripada sebuah frma setiausaha syarikat yang sama iaitu Syarikat UMG Sdn.Bhd. Antara perbezaan yang ditemui ialah dari sudut caj yang dikenakan adalah mengikut kemampuan koperasi dan kerja-kerja yang dijalankan bergantung kepada keperluan koperasi. Dapatan kajian telah menemukan beberapa faktor yang menjadi cabaran utama kepada Setiausaha Koperasi iaitu kekangan masa menjalankan tugas-tugas Setiausaha Koperasi dengan tugas hakiki mereka, elaun yang tidak setimpal dengan bebanan kerja dan tugas setiausaha yang terlalu membebankan. Analisis tabulasi silang telah dilakukan secara berasingan di antara Setiausaha dan Lembaga daripada koperasi besar dan kecil bagi mendapatkan maklum balas penerimaan SKB. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua Lembaga bagi koperasi besar dan kecil bersetuju SKB diwujudkan dengan sebahagian tugas setiausaha diambil alih oleh SKB. Kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan antara Setiausaha di koperasi besar iaitu mereka tidak bersetuju SKB diwujudkan manakala Setiausaha di koperasi kecil bersetuju mewujudkan SKB dengan sebahagian tugas Setiausaha diambil alih oleh SKB.Kata kunci: Setiausaha Koperasi Berlesen (SKB), cabaran setiausaha koperasiNo. of Downloads :2
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Publication Date : 01/07/2015
Volume 11
[ "Aishah Ariffn, Nasibah Ahmad, Rohalinda Ahad, Nor Arma Abu Talib." ]
Social Audit of Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Social Audit is one of the evaluation methods applied to the organizations, which are engaged in commercial and social activities. The objective of social audit is to bring to light for public knowledge how far an organization has discharged its responsibilities to the society and to make an assessment of the social performance of an organization. Here, social audit has particular relevance, because it reinforces the cooperative’s “commitment to social improvement which lies at the heart of the co-operative philosophy”. The present study is unique in Ethiopia in the context of changing role assigned to the cooperatives. The main objective of this study is the application of the social audit measures on the social responsibilities of Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU). Case study method is adopted for the present study. All the Board of Directors, all the employees, 100 members and 100 non-members are selected as samples. Stakeholder survey as a social audit model is employed to elicit information from the stakeholders of the union. The collected data are processed through SPSS and social audit measures are used to analyze and assess the relationship of cooperative activities with the stakeholders of the union. Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative union is a small holder coffee grower owned cooperative union established in June 1, 1999 by 34 cooperatives with 22,503 farmers and capital ETB 825,000 ($90,000). To date there are 217 cooperatives with 202,397 households and capital ETB 161, 575, 474. Annual coffee production is 202,524 tons and area under cultivation is 327,921 ha. OCFCU is a democratic member owned business operating under the principles of International Cooperative Alliance and one among objectives is to improve the social conditions of farmers. With their fair trade premiums they have constructed four schools, two health clinics and clean water supply tanks. They now have a cupping lab located at their office and are in the process of constructing two warehouses. They hope to have their own processing plant within the next three years. The union has accomplished very many social projects for the well being of the community where it exists. This union is a model for other cooperatives in fulfilling the social objectives in relation to stakeholders. The results out of stakeholders survey reveals that the union is sincerely adhered to and practice the principle of “Concern for Community”.
Publication Date : 13/12/2014
Volume 10
[ "M. Karthikeyan ." ]
The purpose of this research is to identify the examplary entrepreneurial attitudes which characterizes board members of an excellent credit cooperatives in Malaysia, with a view to act as role model for other cooperatives, against the backdrop of numerous hurdles it has been encountering including certain government policies as well as external competitions. This study is carried out based on a survey questionnaire method using several instruments that are adapted from the “Entrepreneurs Perception of Success Inventory” (EPSI). Out of the 588 registered credit cooperatives, there are only 35 cooperatives, which are listed among the best 100 cooperatives by the Cooperative Commission of Malaysia, representing a total population of 350 credit cooperative board members. The variables tested in this study are; 1) The dependent variable represented by the phenomenon factors of credit cooperatives success and 2) The independent variables, that are represented by nine dimensions, are goal setting, personality, knowledge, motivation and Islamic fnancing. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. Tests were conducted prior to factor analysis and the seven variables tested by correlation analysis showed signifcant results. From the results obtained, regression model can be built and the most dominant variable that contributes to the success of credit cooperatives is setting clear goals and the value of relationship strength of the tested variants is 25%.Keywords: 35 excellent credit cooperatives; Entrepreneurs’ Perception of Success Inventory (EPSI); goal setting, personality; knowledge; motivation and Islamic fnancing.No. of Downloads :7
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Mustapa Kamal Maulut, Norsaadah Mustafa, Ahmad Zahiruddin Yahya." ]
Islamic Pawn broking industry is still new in Malaysia in which many of the outlets commenced operation actively since 2002. Up until now research pertaining to Ar-Rahnu is limited. Previous study only concentrated on customers’ awareness and satisfaction of providers of the industry. The main purpose of this paper is to study on critical success factors of Ar-Rahnu, providers of micro-credit through Islamic pawn broking practices. Altogether a total of 109 respondents, comprising representatives of Ar-Rahnu outlets throughout Malaysia were selected for the study. The feld works were conducted in late 2010 and early 2011. There were 7 organisations involved in the Ar-Rahnu business such as YaPEIM, Bank Rakyat, Agrobank, MAIDAM, PKB, Ar-Rahnu Cooperatives and Franchise Ar-Rahnu Cooperatives. These organizations were further divided into 3 clusters according to nature of their businesses. Data for the study were obtained from survey and SPSS facilitated data analysis. The performance of the Ar-Rahnu outlets under study is measured using variables implicit in the Ar-Rahnu business, including general business operation, types of gold, pawning conditions and charges, security, and internal as well as external control. In general the research found the modus operandi of each and every outlet is more or less similar – having standard operating procedures (SOP). Pawning process is also similar between clusters with each charging safekeeping fee at rates ranging from RM0.50 to RM0.80 for every RM100 of pawn value. A common issues of importance across Ar-Rahnu providers is competency in gold testing because of the presence of imitation gold and gold jewellery. Customer trust is a primary critical success factor (CSF) for all clusters, followed by competitive safekeeping charges, competency of employees, good quality service and strategic location. It was found that securing capital is not an issue for the larger organisations, but it is for the smaller ones.Keywords: Islamic Pawn Broking, Microcredit, Critical Success Factors (CSFs)No. of Downloads :2
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Mohd Raf Yaacob, Ghazali Ahmad, Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim, Ahmad Syakir Junoh, Norwatim Abd. Latiff, Noraesyah Saari, Shamsul Khairi Abu Hassan, R. Zarinatun Mohd Abdul Kader, Norsyeirawani Shari." ]
Housing development is a high cost investment that influences the performance of a cooperative. It is noted however, that Malaysia’s cooperatives do not venture into housing development that much in spite of the fact that their main vision and mission include providing members with houses at affordable prices. Consequently, this study seeks to evaluate the performance of cooperatives involved in housing projects and identify the challenges faced by those keen to venture into this business. Data were obtained from interviews and survey questionnaire with board members of cooperatives that are involved in housing development. The results show that there is still a dearth of cooperatives venturing into the housing sector in the country, and that those currently involved in the business are facing myriad of challenges. These challenges are with respect to planning and implementation, funding and management or administration associated with housing development. It is proposed that further research be carried out with an objective to establish a guideline for cooperatives going into housing development and identify what the government can do to help achieve the National Cooperative Policy.Keywords: Housing cooperatives, performance, challengesNo. of Downloads :5
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Najmah Nawawi." ]
Co-operative Commission of Malaysia has identifed Agriculture as a potential sector to further develop. The objective is to contribute 6% of the GDP in 2014 and 10% in 2020. In Malaysia, 6.78 million people or 27% of the total population are members of co-operatives. Fisheries Co-operative society is formed for the promotion of thrift, self help and mutual assistance of the members. Therefore, this paper aims to highlight on the fshery subsectors under co-operative in Sabah to drive its growth especially in Ko-Nelayan Sabah. A comparative study was done based on literature review, descriptive study on a successful Hokkaido Fisheries of Cooperatives to emulate some factors to be recommended in Malaysia.Keywords: fsheries, cooperativesNo. of Downloads :2
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Faridah Hj Hassan, Fatin Amanina Zaid, Fatin Nur Rosli, Ili Nabihah Ahmad, Wan Nurul Amirah Wan Abd Aziz, Ummi Kalthum Ab Mujib." ]
Perancangan strategik dalam koperasi merupakan satu proses pengurusan bagi melakar strategi jangka panjang perniagaan demi mencapai matlamat penubuhan koperasi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tahap amalan perancangan strategik koperasi dan mengukur kekuatan hubungan elemen serta perbezaan amalan. Sampel adalah sejumlah 660 buah koperasi atau lebih kurang 33% daripada populasi koperasi yang aktif dan berdaftar dengan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia. Tujuh elemen utama dikenal pasti bagi memperihalkan amalan perancangan strategik koperasi iaitu struktur, pelaksanaan, matlamat, aktiviti, teknik, penambahbaikan dan kepentingan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan perancangan strategik dalam kalangan koperasi berada pada tahap menggalakkan. Malah kebanyakan koperasi mempunyai struktur dan pelaksanaan perancangan strategik yang rasmi. Kebanyakan koperasi juga menjalankan aktiviti perancangan strategik dengan teknik yang disarankan dalam beberapa model perancangan strategik. Hubungan antara elemen amalan perancangan strategik tersebut pula didapati kuat. Wujud juga perbezaan ketara antara elemen amalan perancangan strategik dengan kewangan koperasi (pendapatan, keuntungan, ekuiti dan aset) dan beberapa faktor demografk (pekerja dan zon). Perbincangan dalam kajian ini memberi gambaran tentang kepentingan dan penambahbaikan perancangan strategik dalam koperasi agar koperasi mampu berdaya maju dan berdaya tahan dalam pasaran perniagaan di Malaysia.KATA KUNCI Perancangan strategik, elemen amalan, tahap amalan, pengurusan strategik koperasi.No. of Downloads :6
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Noor Zeeta Mohd. Ramli, Haslinda Sujak, Mohd. Safa’ai Said, Ruzilah Abd. Malek, Nurol’ain Mustapha." ]
Jumlah koperasi berdaftar di Malaysia adalah melebihi 10,087 buah dengan jumlah keanggotaan melebihi 7 juta orang dan mereka adalah layak untuk mendapat faedah pembiayaan peribadi dari koperasi kredit. Tetapi koperasi kredit sentiasa menghadapi berbagai-bagai rintangan dari polisi dalaman Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia mahupun halangan luaran. Tujuan kajian ini untuk menggariskan satu prosedur penambahbaikan instrumen EPSI untuk mengukur status koperasi kredit di Malaysia. Penambahbaikan Instrumen Entrepreneurs Perception of Success Inventory” (EPSI ) yang diperkenalkan oleh Paige (1999) dijalankan secara sistematik yang melibatkan lima pakar membuat validasi dan item-item asal diperastukan tanpa pertindihan elemen penilaian mengikut atribut secara jitu.s dan indeks kesahan mencapai kriteria standard. Langkah berikutnya dipiawaikan dengan keputusan analisis faktor yang menetapkan enam atribut yang mencatat nilai kebolehpercayan Cronbach Alra antara 0.65 hingga 0.91. Hasil daripada analisis faktor yang dijalankan ke atas 190 responden menunjukkan faktor yang dihasilkan adalah sama dengan dimensi rekabentuk yang ditetapkan dan memenuhi semua syarat yang dibincangkan oleh Hair et al (1998).Kata kunci: Koperasi kredit, instrument Entrepreneurs Perception of Success Inventory (EPSI), kesahan kandungan, ujian faktor analisis, ujian kebolehpercayaan dan ujian syarat regresi berganda.No. of Downloads :2
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Publication Date : 01/07/2014
Volume 10
[ "Mustapa Kamal Maulut, Mohd Sahandri Gani Hamzah." ]
Determining The Elements in Supply Chain Model of The Malaysian Agricultural Co-operatives
In Malaysia, cooperatives are viewed as a developing sector, yet agricultural cooperatives are still lagging behind in terms of a number of factors mainly in supply chain system. Thus, this study attempts to examine the elements contributing to the supply chain model in Malaysian agricultural cooperatives. The primary data is collected via survey using questionnaire from agricultural-based cooperatives, farmers’ cooperatives and fishermen’s cooperatives. Factor analysis and structural equations modeling were used to analyze the data. Findings show quality, technology and marketing, logistic, governance and quality of workforce, suppliers and optimum level of production, quality work life and efficient technology and experienced and trained worker are significant in determining the supply chain of Malaysian agricultural cooperatives.
Publication Date : 14/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "Nurjihan Idris, Fatimah Mohamed Arshad, Alias Radam, Noor Azman Ali." ]
Rationale for the Study of Urban Co-operative Banks in India
This article examines the recent policy developments of UCBs as well as the major issues and challenges. In the last one and a half decade the UCBs have undergone historical transformation of unprecedented breadth and depth. This new stage has generated special concern amongst cooperative banks. At the same time, the economic meltdown impaired the fnancial institutions all over the world but cooperative banks in most markets have performed reasonably well in comparison with other fnancial institutions. This is due to relatively straightforward operations of most cooperative banks, their ability to focus on member service as opposed to short-term proft maximization and the conservative nature of its executives and their regulators. The current status and the operational features of UCBs are dealt with in order to describe the future trends and potential diffculties and opportunities of urban cooperative banking sector.
Publication Date : 01/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "N. Ramu." ]
Analysis on the Competency of School Cooperative Board Members in Malaysia
This paper explored the board members competencies of school cooperative in Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed using the stratifed random sampling method to obtain the perception of respondents from school cooperatives. For identifcation of the competency, the survey method is adopted and a total of 586 questionnaires were collected from individual respondents (Board Members) representing 100 selected Grade A school cooperatives. A response was then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows the level of competency among Board Members has a gap that means they have low competency in discharging their duties as board members of school cooperatives. Keywords: School cooperatives, Competency
Publication Date : 01/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "Jamilah Din, Noranita Mohd Nor, Rosidah Rashid." ]
Determinants of Co-operative Leadership for Social Innovation: An Assessment of Selected MPCSs in Oromia Region of Ethiopia
For country striving to escape from poverty the contribution of multipurpose cooperative societies (MPCSs) have dramatic implication in changing the living standards of small farmers by way of social innovation strategies. In order to survive and serve their members, cooperatives must have a strong dedicated and vibrant leadership with social innovation. The study is undertaken with a main objective to assess the determinants that affect cooperative leadership. In this study multi-stage sampling technique was employed. In the frst stage, multipurpose cooperative society was selected using purposive sampling technique from all the types of cooperatives. In the second stage, from the total 18 multi-purpose cooperative societies found in the district, the researcher adopted convenience-sampling technique to identify 9 primary multipurpose cooperative societies as the sampled unit. In the third stage, the researcher adopted census survey method for all members of management committee (63), all members of the control committees (27) and all members of the credit committees (27), amounted to 117. Focus group discussion was conducted among 9 full groups. In addition one individual from audit department and two experts from cooperative promotion department of the district promotion offce were selected for key informant interview guided by checklist. The required data were collected and analyzed to assess determinant of cooperative leadership to design social innovation strategies. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of selected variables show that from the fourteen variables entered in to the model four of them show statistically high probability of influence on the dependent variable. These are education, linkage or relationship between committees, incentive and leadership skills. Therefore social innovation strategies designed to enhance the capacity of cooperative leadership should be based on this grounds. From pair wise comparison of high quality and low quality score societies against the determinants of leadership show that keeping all other factors constant age, social participation, media exposure, contact with change agents, training, government intervention, relation among leaders and members and among the committees and leadership skill would make a difference to the quality level of leadership in cooperative societies which lead to social innovation strategies that specifc cooperative society needs for specifc social innovation strategy.Keywords: Cooperatives, leadership, social innovation, determinantsNo. of Downloads :3
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Publication Date : 01/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "M. Karthikeyan." ]
Model Regresi Logistik dan Rangkaian Neural: Suatu Perbandingan dalam Mengukur Kerugian Koperasi
Currently, The use of statistical models to predict business failures have been noticed. However, very few studies have been conducted to predict the loss of a co-operative business. The objective of this study to construct the Logistic Regression model (LR) and Neural Network (NN), to compare and to identify the best model (LR and NN) and identify important variables in forecasting losses cooperative. Data from 2009 until 2011 were obtained from the Department of Cooperatives Commission of Malaysia (CCM) Terengganu branch were analyzed using SPSS Clementine version 12.0 Results shown that the Prune method in the NN model gave the highest value of testing 82.77%, the sensitivity of 82.90%, the specifcity of 75% and minimum error (MSE) of 17%. Capital was the most variable influence towards the cooperative loss due to the highest value of 0.23(23%).Keywords: Cooperative, Cooperative loss, Logistic Regression and Neural NetworkPenggunaan model statistik untuk meramalkan kegagalan perniagaan telah mendapat perhatian pada masa kini. Walau bagaimanapun, sangat sedikit kajian telah dijalankan untuk meramalkan kerugian dalam perniagaan sesebuah koperasi. Objektif kajian ialah untuk membina model Regresi Logistik (RL) dan Rangkaian Neural (RN), membandingkan dan mengenalpasti model ramalan terbaik (RL dan RN) serta mengenalpasti pembolehubah penting dalam peramalan kerugian koperasi. Data 2009 sehingga 2011 diperolehi daripada Jabatan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) cawangan Terengganu di analisis menggunakan SPSS Clementine versi 12.0. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa kaedah Prun di dalam model RN memberikan nilai pengujian yang paling tinggi iaitu 82.77%, nilai kepekaan iaitu 82.90%, nilai ketentuan iaitu 75% dan kadar ralat (MSE) terendah iaitu 17%. Modal menjadi pembolehubah yang paling mempengaruhi kerugian koperasi kerana mempunyai nilai yang paling tinggi iaitu 0.23(23%).Kata Kunci : Koperasi, Kerugian Koperasi, Regresi Logistik dan Rangkaian Neural.No. of Downloads :3
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Publication Date : 01/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "Nor Bazilah Safar, Sabri Ahmad, Jusoh Yacob, Mustafa Man." ]
Faktor-Faktor Kritikal Kejayaan Perniagaan Kedai Runcit Koperasi di Negeri Sarawak
Kajian eksplorasi ini dijalankan bertujuan mengenalpasti profl serta faktor-faktor kritikal kejayaan koperasi yang menjalankan perniagaan kedai runcit di Negeri Sarawak. Profil koperasi yang menjalankan kedai runcit di Negeri Sarawak menunjukkan kebanyakan ia ditubuhkan sebelum tahun 1990 dan kebanyakannya bertumpu di kawasan luar bandar. Kebanyakan ia hanya menumpukan kepada satu jenis perniagaan sahaja tanpa adanya aktiviti-aktiviti sokongan perniagaan lain. Hasil kajian ini juga telah mengenalpasti terdapat enam faktor kritikal penyumbang dalam menentukan kejayaan sesebuah perniagaan kedai runcit koperasi di Negeri Sarawak yang terdiri dari faktor keusahawanan, sokongan, komunikasi, persaingan, susun atur dan pengurusan.Kata kunci: Faktor-faktor kritikal, Koperasi, Kedai runcitNo. of Downloads :7
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Publication Date : 01/07/2013
Volume 9
[ "Syarifah Rohaya Bt Wan Idris, Yusman Bin Yacob, Frank Meol Abdullah, Mohd Suandi Bin Hj Mortadza, Mohd Haswardi Bin Hj Morshidi." ]
Co-operative enterprise is a democratic corporate entity, created in a legal mould. Co-operative enterprise is not a unit to which the profit maximization theory is applicable. It aims at optimization of resource use and maximization of net returns to the members. In this framework an attempt has been made to study a co-operative enterprise in Kerala which has been started to empower the unskilled workers. The objective of the study is to understand the practices of co-operative entrepreneurship in Uralungal Labour Contract Co-operative Society, Kerala (ULCCS). The study is based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected from the records of the selected co-operative, and through focus group discussions. ULCCS which was started with 14 members in the year 1925 has got 952 members as on31 st March 2010 and provides them regular employment. The performance indicators such as share capital, volume of business and profit earned from the year 1999-’00 to 2009-’10 shows an increasing trend. Democratic management practices, quality assurance, workers’ discipline, competitive compensation and welfare measures beyond retirement are other significant features of the co-operative. Hither to a cooperative for unskilled workers is transforming itself in to a high-tech employment provider to attract and retain knowledge workers.
Publication Date : 13/12/2012
Volume 8
[ "G.Veerakumaran, E.Vinaikumar." ]
Co-operatives are socio-economic institutions operating at the primary level to meet and satisfy the needs of a common man. They not only endeavour to provide services and facilities but also provide training in the skills of operating a democratic economic institution. The essence of a co-operative institution is the democratic control and the participation of members in the government of their own co-operative. Without participating in a democratic institution the essence of democratic management tends to diminish. Co-operative institutions are thus the “little democracies operating at the doorstep of a common man”. The loyalty of members towards their co-operatives is hinged on to the quality and range of services provided by the society to its members. The key factor in the management of a co-operative institution is the participation by members - participation in business, participation in the democratic process and participation in the social factors relating to the co-operative activity. Some of the principal factors which help make a co-operative strong, viable and vibrant are: Awareness, Strengthening of the institution; Professionalisation; Active participation for higher business; Rewards and satisfaction; Flow of information; and Marketing with advantage.
Publication Date : 01/07/2012
Volume 8
[ "Daman Prakash." ]
Co-operatives provide local households with access to goods and services at cost while encouraging self-help and democratic participation. In contrast to traditional investor- owned frms, these co-operatives enforce shared values and contribute to the development of social capital within communities. Unfortunately, only about one third of the number of registered co-operatives, consisting of small, fragmented community organizations in the Philippines, was considered active. This paper suggests co-operative merger as an alternative strategy from a theoretical and empirical perspective. A key distinction is made between mergers involving investor- owned frms and those of co-operatives. The economic nature of co-operatives draws upon a list of potential problems and opportunities for streamlining the merger process. A merger is deemed as a force that ―unfreezes the status quo and may disrupt the existing organizational inertia. However, this type of strategy is envisioned to reinforce the community resources and potentials for effective delivery of services to members.
Publication Date : 01/07/2012
Volume 8
[ "DonVito B. Valle, Teresita P. Rosales." ]
The main purpose of this paper is to study the level of entrepreneurship among co-operatives in Malaysia. Sums of 465 co-operatives throughout the country were interviewed in this study. Respondents were randomly selected proportionally according to the functions namely credit/fnance, farming, housing/construction, industrial, consumer, transportation and services. Based on the classifcation function, the co-operatives stratifed by zone; North, South, East, Central, Sabah and Sarawak. The scope of the study was determined based on the fndings of related studies on entrepreneurship, and then modifed using feedback from interview sessions held with a focus group, made up of mainly of co-operative board members who were experienced in co-operative matters. The information and data obtained from the co-operatives covered a three-year period (2006-2008) prior to the study year (2009). Focus group interviews were conducted withsenior manangement members of the co-operatives to obtain the initial input and issues related to co-operative entrepreneurship. Issues raised during the focus group interviews are important to develop a questionnaire that is used as the main instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was tested in two pilot studies. Respondents comprise a member of the co-operative board, secretary, treasurer, manager and assistant manager. The questionnaire was refned after getting feedback from the respondents as a result of the pilot study. Data were collected through face-to-face interview sessions with respondents at their offces. Field surveys were conducted beginning the middle of August 2009 and were completed by the middle of January 2010. The study classifes the level of entrepreneurship in co-operatives into three levels, namely high, medium and low among the co-operatives in Malaysia. Nine variables were used; direction of organization, innovation, risk-taking, ability to identify and take advantages of opportunity, effciency managing resources, recognition, internationalization, instilling entrepreneurial culture and management effectiveness. Based on the nine variables, 251 co-operatives (54%) are classifed in the low-level entrepreneurship, 188 co-operatives (40.4%) are in the medium entrepreneurship level and 25 co-operatives (5.6%) in the high level entrepreneurship. A High Level Co-operative Entrepreneurship Model (HLCEM) has been developed to serve as a guide to all interested parties to build a co-operative that has a high level of entrepreneurship. The attributes of high level cooperative entrepreneurship are also described. As a result, seven strategies are proposed to improve the level of entrepreneurship in co-operatives. The proposed strategies are based on an appropriate level of entrepreneurship in the co-operatives. These strategies include adopting characteristics of entrepreneurship in co-operatives, improving managerial and technical skills among board members, management and workers, making entrepreneurs among the members of the co-operatives, adding the role of cooperatives as corporate marketers, establishing support systems to improve the performance of co-operatives as organizations with entrepreneurial characteristics, establishing an R&D One Stop Centre for Co-operatives, and promoting internationalization.
Publication Date : 01/07/2012
Volume 8
[ "Ayu Diana Awang." ]
Malaysia targets co-operatives sector to be the third engine of economic development in the 9th Malaysian plan and to increase its contribution from 1% of Malaysian GDP in 2008 to 5% in 2013. This study investigates factors that affect performance of agricultural co-operatives in Malaysia. Production function is used as a guide to measure how much input (farm size, share capital, labor and energy cost) is needed to produce goods and services (sales). The panel data analysis or random effect model in particular is used to measure economic effciency of agricultural co-operatives, using the secondary data obtained from annual fnancial report of Malaysian agro-based and farmers’ co-operative from 2004-2007. There are four variables (energy cost, share capital, workers salary and farm size) estimated to determine the sales of co-operative, however the result indicates that only workers salary is signifcant in determining sales of co-operatives.
Publication Date : 01/07/2012
Volume 8
[ "Nurjihan Idris, Amin Mahir Abdullah." ]
Housing co-operatives among other purposes offer affordable housing and build communities where the members work in support of each other, sharing common values. In order to meet these purposes and to keep on meeting them, members are expected to play certain roles such as meeting their fnancial obligations, attending regular meetings and supporting education and training opportunities for members. The study assessed the role of members in the sustainability of housing co-operatives through the administration of structured questionnaires. Results revealed that the membership base of any housing co-operative determines to a large extent the method of communication to be adopted. Also, refusal of members to meet their fnancial obligations is a serious impediment to the sustainability of housing co-operatives. It was concluded among others that education and training of members should be vigorously pursued so that members’ responsibilities could be understood.
Publication Date : 01/07/2012
Volume 8
[ "Professor J.J. Van Wyk, Jimoh Richard (Phd)*." ]
This study addresses the question of how retail co-operatives project their stature as socially responsible co-operatives through their corporate culture and their business ability. Using integrity as the proxy to such projection, the link between integrity and the corporate culture and integrity and business abilities are assessed. The fndings of this study confrmed such relationships and further illustrate how integrity is deemed crucial to the image of the co-operatives. Although this study is just an extension of another study on retail co-operatives, it nevertheless established how co-operatives view their positions as socially responsible entities and how important it is for the co-operatives to constantly display their actions as being efforts that will allow their members and the public to perceive them positively.
Publication Date : 01/07/2011
Volume 7
[ "Raja Maimon Raja Yusof, Rahimah Abdul Samad, Hasrin Abu Hassan." ]
The main aim of this study is to empirically analyze the major factors influencing members’ participation in input and output marketing of agricultural multipurpose co-operatives in the Southern Zone of Tigray Region of Ethiopia. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was adopted as to selection of Woredas, co-operative societies, and member respondents. As such, in the frst stage, Tigray Region was purposively selected. In the second stage, from the fve Woredas (Districts) of the Southern Zone of Tigray Region, Alamata and Ofla Woredas were selected at random for the study. In the third stage, out of 27 primary multipurpose co-operatives in the selected Woredas, 10 societies were selected based on the volume of business. In the fnal stage, a total of 208 sample respondents at the rate of 56 from Alamata and 152 from Ofla Woreda by adopting probability proportionate to size sampling. Primary data pertaining to the year 2007/08 was collected from the selected sample respondents by using a structured interview schedule. Of the total respondents, about 70.2% and 29.8% were participants and non-participants of the co-operatives agricultural input and output marketing respectively. Probit econometric model was employed to identify the determinants of participation of co-operative members in the input and output marketing by co-operatives in the two Woreda. Fifteen explanatory variables were included in the model of which ten variables were found to be signifcant. Of these, six explanatory variables namely own land, shareholding, distance, output price, membership in other co-operatives and seed price were found to be signifcantly and positively related to the participation of co-operative members in the agricultural input and output marketing by co-operatives.
Publication Date : 01/07/2011
Volume 7
[ "R. Karunakaran, Brehanu Borji, Ahmedin Sherefa." ]

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