name michael brown robbed local convenience store roughed store manager tried take gun cop confronted killed struggle media might covered innocent 17 year old boy minding business faced awful decision whether risk life save life total stranger stand back watch elderly woman killed hero chose sacrifice life lived world real heroism celebrated controversial good decent world raekwon juaquay brown name would household name thug michael brown live world left celebrates victimhood real imagined good victim always used prop cause rip raekwon juaquay brown hero seventeenyearold raekwon juaquay brown sacrificed life pushed elderly woman way gunfire slain wednesday daylight shooting near jeremiah e burke high school griefstricken lady told herald hours vigil honoring young hero saved life new life woman 67 said spanish yesterday tears streamed face 17 lived 10 years never seen anything like needs police said showing wound right ankle police say grazedthe woman one four people struck gunfire 115 pm ambush left brown burke high junior dead name withheld herald witness murdershe explained alley pizza shop shooting broke teen sitting eating hamburger got pushed side car claimedlast night hundreds people including least dozen family members crowded front market washington street less block school brown fellsome men turned walked away tears several women dabbed eyes tissues box passed around brown mother wanda graddy supported several relatives walked toward memorial son cried boy boy rev william dickerson greater love tabernacle church spoke first called killer step forward witnesses name pray justice come midst terrible reality dickerson saidfamily members said hope whoever pulled trigger surrender stop cowards said raekwon older brother john brown stand like man take consequences beside slain teen godmother jacqueline cane want know whoever turn said going sleep turn good guy godbaby seventeen years old took life turn never rest mourners said another prayer hugged departedburke school staff also took time day recall brown selfless teen raekwon probably one loving caring students ever sophomore academy said cheryl windle leader academy actually warmth really believe captures true essence truly missed us burke community lindsa mcintyre headmaster burke said students staff miss brown dearly came us vibrant struggling middle school student looking fun full vim vigor grew high school career became metamorphosis real burke student looks like via boston herald
washington reuters japanese prime minister shinzo abe seek reassurances us presidentelect donald trump usjapan ties thursday senior adviser abe said told campaign remarks calling alliance question taken literally abe due meet trump new york thursday expected first foreign leader meet president elect since election last week trumps transition team responded requests comment meeting adviser trump speaking anonymously said week trump would seek reassure abe asian allies rattled campaign rhetoric trump fanned worries tokyo beyond comments possibility japan acquiring nuclear arms demands allies pay upkeep us forces soil face possibility withdrawal katsuyuki kawai adviser abe sent set trump meeting said spoken several trump advisers since arriving washington monday meeting many top aides presidentelect also meeting distinguished senators congressmen unanimously told dont take word mr trump said publicly literally told reuters kawai said among trump advisers met representative devin nunes senator tom cotton presidents conservative heritage foundation hudson institute think tanks jim demint ken weinstein kawai said fact abe would first foreign leader trump would meet since winning presidency nov 8 meaningful signal abes aim establish highest level personal ties presidentelect meeting first building great personal relationship two leaders said prime minister abe definitely talk importance japanus alliance alliance japan united states also entire indopacific region well world politics trump adviser want identified authorized speak media said expected meeting set tone trumps relations japan region think message going extremely reassuring adviser said expect going reaffirm commitments alliance american commitment pacific longterm adviser said japans financial support us troops japan might come unlikely focus diplomats say trump makes key appointments hard assess policies issues ranging overseas deployments us troops chinas maritime aggressiveness asia north koreas nuclear threat day trumpabe meeting japanese officials said idea exactly meeting would take place new york happen invited call answers japanese us officials said wednesday state department involved planning meeting left logistical protocol details normally would settled weeks advance still determined lot confusion said one japanese official abe political blue blood veteran lawmaker trump brash outsider diplomatic government experience sharp differences policy issues free trade two may find much common including pledges restore countries global stature desire counter rising china improving relations russia prime minister abe mr trump good chemistry said takashi kawakami professor tokyos takushoku university tend decide act based intuition pragmatists put countries interests first kawai said abe considered us relationship japans important essential built trust prime minister wants build highest level personal ties mr trump said trumps rhetoric suggests image japan forged 1980s tokyo seen many united states threat jobs freerider defense election also dashed hopes us approval 12nation trade pact transpacific partnership tpp linchpin washingtons pivot asia pillar abes economic reforms abes personal attitude defense appears viewed positively trump camp even would like japan since taking office 2012 abe boosted japans overall defense spending stretching limits pacifist postwar constitution allow military take bigger global role frankly prime minister assertive forthright trying make changes japans global posture trump adviser said think hes going get receptive audience japan agreed last december boost spending us forces japan 14 percent next five years average 1893 billion yen 174 billion per year defence minister tomomi inada said tokyo paying enough however defense spending still stands 1 percent gdp 3 percent united states
chicago reuters us house republican tax bill released thursday would put end taxexempt debt issuance state local governments array health care education economic development financing took municipal market participants surprise proposed elimination lowcost funding private activity bonds many 38 trillion us municipal market expecting would raise nearly 39 billion federal government next nine years according summary legislation came quite shock said barbara thompson executive director national council state housing agencies noting assurances congress private activity bond issuance would retained thompson said would devastating countrys production affordable housing bill increase borrowing costs harm ability state local governments build maintain infrastructure needed critical health education ports airports lowincome housing sandy maclennan president national association bond lawyers said statement nonprofit hospitals major issuers taxfree bonds fund capital projects would also hit many communities taxexempt financing private activity bonds key maintaining vital hospital services tom nickels executive vice president american hospital association said statement hospital access taxexempt financing limited eliminated hospitals ability make investments new technologies renovations future challenged also chopping block advance refunding bonds issuers us municipal bond market use take advantage lower interest rates outstanding bonds called currentlaw advance refunding bonds provide state local governments incentives issue two sets federally subsidized debt finance activity house bills summary stated taxcredit bonds never really caught investors would repealed federal tax credits existing bonds would remain place bonds issued professional sports facilities would subject federal taxation bill alternative minimum tax would end legislation tax applied earnings small percentage muni bonds sold issuers airports housing authorities substantial privateactivity components deals proposals sure thing bill long legislative process ahead changes expected could voted law bill gale codirector urbanbrookings tax policy center said likelihood final bill including elimination private activity bonds high hard get support enormous number revenue raisers every one politically going hard gale said
reuters fbi interviewed michael flynn initial days us president donald trumps national security adviser conversations russian ambassador united states new york times reported tuesday citing current former officials flynn resigned late monday revelations discussed us sanctions russia ambassador trump took office misled vice president mike pence conversations nl1n1fy1l9 fbi interview flynn jan 26 clear flynn said newspaper reported nytims2lnjcqa fbi immediate comment white house spokesman could immediately reached comment
harare reuters ousted zimbabwe finance minister ignatius chombo charged three counts corruption offences allegedly took place two decades ago denied bail monday detained custody case heard dec 8 zimbabwe new president emmerson mnangagwa named patrick chinamasa acting finance minister replace chombo faces charges including trying defraud central bank detained military seized power operation restore legacy said meant remove criminals around former president robert mugabe lawyer lovemore madhuku told reporters would appeal magistrate ruling high court tuesday decision always made bail would granted hopeful high court show independence madhuku said earlier told packed courtroom chombo sat impassively throughout hearing would deny charges trial documentary evidence showing allegations basis magistrate detained chombo said former minister could abscond influence state witnesses target mob attack allegations abused position minister local government decade ago chombo appointed finance minister october among members g40 political faction allied mugabe wife grace also expelled ruling zanupf party two ousted zanupf youth league leaders kudzanai chipanga innocent hamandishe allied g40 also ordered detained dec 8 mnangagwa supporters called unspecified action g40 president urged citizens undertake form vengeful retribution chombo told court saturday abducted home nov 15 armed men soldiers uniform kept blindfolded nine days promoted finance portfolio interior ministry mugabe october reshuffle replacing chinamasa chief secretary president cabinet said return role new cabinet appointed zimbabwe struggling severe shortage us dollars uses instead currency main act finance minister chombo told parliament nov 9 zimbabwe budget deficit would soar 182 billion 112 percent gross domestic product year initial target 400 million mnangagwa served mugabe loyally decades sworn president last friday 93yearold former leader quit pressure military expected form new cabinet week zimbabweans watching see mnangagwa breaks past names broadbased government selects figures mugabe era old guard
washington reuters president barack obama issued scathing attack donald trump tuesday criticizing muslim family whose us army captain son killed iraq challenged republican leaders withdraw support unfit nominee obamas comments added growing number statements republicans democrats lambasting trump criticism khizr ghazala khan appeared democratic national convention last week trump questioned whether mrs khan speak convention prevented religion characterized mr khans criticism vicious families lose sons daughters serve us military called gold star families notion would attack gold star family made extraordinary sacrifices behalf country fact doesnt appear basic knowledge around critical issues europe middle east asia means hes woefully unprepared job obama said trump white house news conference democratic president noted leading republicans including speaker house representatives paul ryan senate republican leader mitch mcconnell onetime republican presidential nominee john mccain us senator arizona criticized trump remarks stood endorsements question think ask repeatedly say strong terms said unacceptable still endorsing obama said say party standardbearer obama said obama spoke white house news conference singapores prime minister lee hsien loong obama endorsed former secretary state hillary clinton democratic nominee president obama said even lost white house races 2008 mccain 2012 former massachusetts governor mitt romney would doubted abilities lead country case trump businessman new york obama said come point say somebody makes kinds statements doesnt judgment temperament understanding occupy powerful position world obama said
back 2012 getting thenrepublican presidential candidate mitt romney show back tax returns like pulling teeth knew showed returns would displaying much truly makes would revealing much actually pays taxes romney decided go presentday republican presidential candidate donald trump reasonromney seems legitimately concerned may sort bombshell hidden within trump taxes show something american people like allwhile appearing fox news neil cavuto romney said like see number things candidates positions issues detail candidates thorough laying going others also like see back taxes like see filed taxes last several years talking taxes year talking taxes already filed irs donald trump marco rubio ted cruz shown us back taxes know issue campaignthey taxes became big issue put taxes january 2012 gave people chance digest decide whether going nominee fact donald trump taxes marco rubio ted cruz real problems let get see think pretty clear given donald trump dodging weaving delay think last time asked taxes said well going month look people right know problem taxes decide romney also said good reason believe bombshell donald trump taxes either anywhere near wealthy says paying taxes would expect pay perhaps giving money vets disabled like telling us besides accusing trump random things let think second romney actually concerned trump taxes trying trump done maybe sort sweet revenge however look romney looks like giant walking talking hypocrite one first point none trump himselfmitt romneywho totally blew election whose tax returns made look like fool playing tough guy donald j trump february 24 2016he wrong seem exactly doingeither way trump make finances transparent american voting public judge approve way trump handles finances romney especially issue probably keep mouth shut last person going anybody taxeswatch herefeatured image via screen capture fox news
google trends telling google trends comparing users interest donald j trump vs hillary clinton say lot americans interested learning results searches likely based oversampled group democrats real way know many people searching google registered voters good indication candidate running office popular let face voters enthusiasm candidate going polls november 8thin past two hours candidate searched google find hover state map mostly likely see trump show interactive map updated every 2 hours trendsembedrenderwidgetuscun5tktvcbaaacomen fegeocolorcharta76ecf6fc9a64798b038568948d46bd0 graph shows frequently trump red line hillary blue line searched google trendsembedrenderwidgetuscun5tktvcbaaacomen felinechart4be39b1ea0dc4ac08c0ea6be30463edd see state interested searching issues related 2016 presidential election hover state image trendsembedrenderwidgetelection2016 feusstatesc4cd90ef96734bc39cd5bfdfd2ce862d
dubai reuters new us immigration curbs cast uncertainty futures thousands iranian students united states many losing hope able finish studies find job country president donald trumps executive order bans travelers seven muslimmajority countries including iran three months little certainty happen many students spent families life savings pay american higher education hope ticket wellpaid job west iran fear leave country allowed back also know status three months whether allowed study live work united states amin amouhadi 32 studies university georgia girlfriend also iranian finish phd canada planning get married month move together current ban possible consequences put future plans jeopardy told reuters might quit phd program try find university canada apply cant think plan united states popular destination iranians studying abroad despite decades hostility two countries trend goes right top iranian president hassan rouhanis cabinet boasts us doctorates cabinet trumps predecessor barack obama 8700 iranian students us universities 2014 fifth estimated 50000 iranians studying abroad according washington institute near east policy 3000 iranian students received phds american universities past three years 7000 us academics including 40 nobel laureates said petition order signed trump friday said ban could lead departure many talented individuals mohammadreza jalaeipour postdoctorate student harvard university canceled study visit oxford university britain afraid would able return 34yearold said hopeful extending studies another american university receiving visa job united states discriminatory inhumane order targeted harm iranian society shows us government dishonest says problem iranian people iranian government said medical students could among hardest hit roozbeh esfandiari iranian studied medicine united states gaining job researcher harris county psychiatric center houston said us medicine school qualifications could easily transferred countries would major blow iranian graduates unable work united states several years study news trumps order headache iranian doctors applying residency said educational commission foreign medical graduates said website aware executive order evaluating potential impact international medical students graduates even trumps order road american higher education always tough one iranians since us embassy iran students must travel embassies consulates countries apply cost thousands dollars student visas take many months secure security concerns iranians face background stiff checks zahra razavi computer science student university rochester said husband applied us visa several times obama administration success trump order crushed lingering hopes living together united states added disaster caused depression deep anxiety impossible continue way choice say goodbye dreams quit studies shirin sajadi iranian psychotherapist boston wants help shellshocked students homeland offering free psychotherapy sessions theres sense facing crisis need make sense chaos surrounding us told reuters many immigrants come country nothing hope better life theyve worked hard played rules hoped succeed hope gone
new york reuters us judge hear arguments thursday whether grant final approval 25 million settlement fraud lawsuits president donald trump trump university real estate investment seminars least one former student objecting deal sherri simpson fort lauderdale florida paid 19000 learn trumps investing secrets filed court papers earlier month arguing class action settlement contained provision barring students opting suing trump objection raises possibility litigation could continue dog trumps presidency campaign trump vowed fight fraud claims agreed settlement soon election deal trump admitted wrongdoing lawyers trump representing thousands students two class actions urge us district judge gonzalo curiel san diego overrule objection approve deal students paid much 35000 seminars expected recover 80 percent money paid though simpsons lawyer gary friedman called settlement laudable said client wanted press full recovery well punitive damages relief planning argue deal rejected unless allowed ms simpson seeks day court friedman said court papers simpson students claim lured seminars false promises would learn trumps investment strategies handpicked instructors trump admitted personally select instructors said claim sales puffery rachel jensen class action lawyer students said court filing 3730 students submitted claim forms two filed objections simpsons lawyers expected hearing court papers jensen daniel petrocelli lawyer trump suggested simpsons objection might politically motivated noted appeared antitrump political ad february 2016 defendants paid 25 million avoid uncertainty political opponents might solicit optouts force highprofile trial jensen said friedman denied political motive said would appeal judge overruled objection trump accused curiel bias last year based indianaborn judges mexican ancestry
release americans held prisoner iran comes welcome news patriotic citizens happy see people come home except republican presidential candidatesthe top tier men seeking gop presidential nomination released messages hostage release saturday almost man mealymouthed missives upset president obama international situation defused resolved without world going war hundreds thousands people killeddonald trump current front runner iran getting seven people essentially get 150b plus seven get four adding happy coming back tell disgrace long ted cruz released tweet praise god surely bad parts obama latest deal prayers thanksgiving pastor saeed coming home chris christie prisoners released without condition know iranians treated president disrespect years continues take marco rubio iran takes people hostage order gain concessions fact get away administration think created incentive governments around world washington post reporter jason rezaian going home family former marine amir hekmati saeed abedini nosratollah khosraviroodsari matthew trevithick navy sailors detained iranian government nobody died go war fire rockets time negotiated deal underway prevent iran becoming dangerous nuclear stateall developments come leadership barack obama defeated republican candidate 2008 promised simply bomb iran america chose different path worked outand driving republicans crazyfeatured image via youtube
least consistent crooked core like candidate hillary clinton crowned democratic presidential candidate philadelphia next week event costing estimated 60 million democrats 15 million credit line city case fundraising falls short independent journalist fighting names donors made public convention begins host committee tells court hearing donations kept secretthe host committee democratic national convention wants keep donor list wraps convention even though state open records agency ordered releasea philadelphia 2016 host committee lawyer told judge thursday release fundraising records could harm organization lastminute efforts seek donations negotiate vendor contractsthe host committee set raise 60 million private sources secured 15 million line credit city safety net committee must therefore file financial updates cityread entire story daily mail
washington reuters republican tax legislation due released week us house representatives include deduction state local income taxes top house republican tax policy said tuesday house ways means committee chairman kevin brady said radio interview commentator hugh hewitt emerging bill offer relief property taxes brady spoke house republican leaders sought broker agreement republican lawmakers want state local income tax deduction remain asked would relief income side state local taxes brady replied answer lawmakers hightax states really believe families punished property taxes
todayshero james rose whose legs blown roadside bomb afghanistan also suffered broken pelvis
chicago reuters illinois ended historic budget drought thursday house representatives enacted states first complete spending plan since 2015 overriding governors vetoes 36 billion fiscal 2018 budget 5 billion tax hike may save illinois becoming firstever us state junk credit rating democraticcontrolled house mustered republican votes enact trio budget revenue bills law republican governor bruce rauners objection houses action delayed nearly twohour lockdown state capitol springfield woman threw white powder governors office followed successful senate veto override votes tuesday spending plan fiscal year began july 1 ends unprecedented twoyear budget impasse rauner democrats control legislature rauner pointed house speaker michael madigan architect 32 percent permanent increase states personal income tax rate rise 495 percent 375 percent taxandspend plan balanced cut enough spending pay enough debt help grow jobs restore confidence government rauner said statement adding illinois desperately needs local property tax relief term limits elected officials madigan next month becomes longestserving house speaker us history said acted states interest people chamber easy today right future state madigan said house completed veto overrides budget tax package ranks one brightest legislative victories three decades speaker security scare woman threw white powder later determined harmless offices governor lieutenant governor house gallery bipartisan turning back rauners budgetary vetoes came swiftly rauner significant humiliating political blow 30 months office representative david harris among 10 republicans voted overturn tax hike veto rhetorically asked rauner house floor willingly could take state financial abyss considering governors longestablished business acumen former private equity investor astute capable businessman understand numbers harris said understand implications junkbond status want fifthlargest state union rauners allies made effort defend governors position hold nonbudgetary priorities like propertytax freeze changes injured workers compensated employers lost cause hope everybody back home everybody across state rise let everyone chamber know exactly feel vote taken said representative john cabello republican vote illinois operating two fiscal years stopgap budgets spending ordered courts mandated illinois law unpaid bill backlog ballooned 15 billion leaving state universities social service health care providers scores vendors starving cash moodys investors service rates illinois one notch junk placed state review wednesday potential downgrade saying budget plan may fall short addressing states huge unfunded pension liability bill backlog new budget aims initially reduce bill pile third banking projected 15 billion savings creating hybrid retirement plan new hires pension measures praise thursdays house action flooded cashdeprived socialservice groups including chicagobased ounce prevention fund group dedicated fighting childhood poverty whose president diana rauner governors wife applaud members general assembly parties took tough vote try end impasse group said statement new budget hand illinois lottery immediately seek leave resume sales mega millions powerball tickets suspended late june shutdown billions dollars state road projects end according state spokespeople
single person left robert mueller trumprussian collusion team bed barack obama hillary clintonan attorney special counsel robert mueller attended hillary clinton election night party new york city wall street journal reported fridayandrew weissmann attendance party one many signs pointing troubling bias attorney weissmann described new york times mueller lieutenant pit bull conservative watchdog group judicial watch obtained email tuesday revealed weissmann praised former acting attorney general sally yates defiance trump proud awe thank much deepest respects weissmann wrote yates jan 30 email followed yates instruction doj defend executive order banning immigration seven nations act led dismissal president trumpweissmann one several democratic donors hired mueller registered republican special counsel pit bull donated combined 6600 presidential campaigns barack obama hillary clintonthe special counsel probe criticized trump allies white house maintains trump intention fire mueller daily caller
heart happy knowing animals rescued
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accusation president obama wiretapped thoroughly debunked donald trump attacked nbc anchor chuck todd covering fake storylast month trump posted series tweets openly accusing president obama wiretapping himterrible found obama wires tapped trump tower victory nothing found mccarthyism donald j trump march 4 2017is legal sitting president wire tapping race president prior election turned court earlier new low donald j trump march 4 2017how low president obama gone tapp phones sacred election process nixonwatergate bad sick guy donald j trump march 4 2017trump accusation set firestorm around country trump literally accused former president felonyas turns trump accusation totally wrong fbi director james comey dropped bombshell trump claim stating oath wiretap furthermore given deadline provide evidence congress supporting trump claim justice department deliver evidencetrump claim merely meant distract congress media focusing growing russia scandalnbc anchor chuck todd distracted trump trump attacked todd saturday repeated accusation president obama yet another embarrassing rant twitterwhen sleepy eyes chuck todd start talking obama surveillance scandal stop fake trumprussia story donald j trump april 1 2017it fake news media said path victory trump pushing phony russia story total scam donald j trump april 1 2017again trump falsely accusing president obama wiretapping even though claim debunked high level authorities also comey told congress fbi investigating trump colluding russia 2016 electionand evidence trump continues pile even disgraced former national security adviser michael flynn asking immunity deal testimony could blow lid russia scandal put trump behind bars high treasonthus far todd responded trump attack twitter love president calls people names reassess life learn adult job mike p williams april 1 2017 idea april fool joke fool surveillance scandal ask fbi trumprussia real jack schofield april 1 2017 dead russians connections putin coincidence right brandon neely april 1 2017 scandal around obama surveillance fact invented traded credibility falsely support tom bonier april 1 2017 behavior guilty man rob taub april 1 2017 pictwittercomypcurcoxxa joemygod april 1 2017featured image olivier doulierypoolgetty images
quetta pakistanjakarta reuters christmas church services celebrations held weekend gaze armed guards security cameras many countries islamic state gunmen attacked methodist church pakistan sunday service began majoritymuslim countries asia middle east particularly nervous us president donald trump recent announcement intends relocate us embassy israel jerusalem decision outraged many muslims indonesia world biggest muslimmajority country police said stepped security around churches tourist sites mindful nearsimultaneous attacks churches christmas 2000 killed 20 people muslim volunteers indonesia also standby provide additional security requested brother sisters celebrate christmas need maintain security worship help said yaqut chiolil qoumas chairman youth wing nahdlatul ulema one country biggest muslim organizations cairo bombing egyptian capital largest coptic cathedral killed least 25 people last december interior ministry said police would conduct regular searches streets around churches ahead coptic celebration christmas jan 7 egypt christian minority targeted several attacks recent years including bombing two churches north country palm sunday april heliopolis basilica catholic cathedral northeastern cairo security forces set metal detectors main doors police vehicles stationed outside ahead masses dec 25 marks christmas day catholic protestant christians german police brought experts explosives robot investigate suspicious package christmas market city bonn late friday germany high alert year failed tunisian asylum seeker killed 12 people hijacked truck drove berlin christmas market bombedout church pakistani city quetta members bethel memorial methodist church repairing damage done pair suicide bombers attacked service last sunday killing 10 people wounding 50 broken pews damaged musical instruments still strewn around church grounds thursday dozen police standing guard making efforts complete repairs renovation christmas seems difficult view lot damage said pastor simon bashir leading service attackers struck hurt government baluchistan province quetta capital plans deploy 3000 security personnel around 39 christian churches sunday monday provincial police chief moazzam jah ansari told reuters volunteers churches also trained conduct body searches identify worshippers entering churches pakistan christian minority makes 1 percent population 208 million frequent target along shi ite sufi muslims sunni muslim militants eastern pakistani city lahore easter day bombing park last year killed 70 people police detective inspector general haider ashraf said every church would monitored cctv cameras part security measures christian kaleem masih lost aunt easter attack claimed islamic state wife wounded said would attending christmas services christmas holy day kaleem said fulfill religious duty celebrating smiles faces malaysia police official said trump decision jerusalem increased worry attacks concerned safety churches places worship also threats islamic state security threat following jerusalem issue said malaysia inspectorgeneral police mohamad fuzi harun jerusalem revered jews christians muslims alike home islam third holiest site heart israelipalestinian conflict decades israel captured arab east jerusalem 1967 later annexed action recognized internationally protests across muslim world asia middle east largely peaceful jerusalem israeli police spokesman said new security measures police would deploy forces usual around christian holy sites including church holy sepulchre also secure convoys worshippers west bank city bethlehem traditionally known birthplace jesus christ run palestinian authority many palestinian christians oppose trump announcement say fear attacks trump decision offended palestinians christians muslims would feel threatened muslims said george antone catholic lives gaza run palestinian hamas group
united states celebrates gay pride marriage equality enters first year world partakes solidarity lost orlando shooting pope francis issuing personal decree fellow christians apologize marginalizing lgbt citizensafter holy trip armenia pope francis bluntly stated catholic church well christians needed apologize gays lesbians comported well many times many times called christians sinners ostracizing many years believe church must say sorry person gay offended must say sorry poor also mistreated women children forced work say church christians church healthy sinners responding questions regarding german cardinal reinhard marx suggested church apologize francis doubled repeat thing said first trip also repeat catechism catholic church says gay people discriminated respected pastorally accompanied matter person condition good search god judge francis using anecdotes younger days argentina praised shift acceptance saying culture changed thank god christians must say sorry many times pope strongest words yet favor broader acceptance lgbtq church republican lawmakers many catholic continue generous hateful road bigotry discrimination real catholics including leader church standing firm hatred bigotryalthough endorsement unions love samesex couples big step right direction yet doubt culture acceptance makes way endless possibilitiesfeatured image via wikipedia
election ask us choose one following overqualified dignified woman fascist xenophobic billionaire woman hillary clinton dedicated life fighting rights dignities man donald trump fought pocketsone group tends vote democrat leaning little towards right recently jewish people 2008 78 percent jewish americans voted president obama 74 percent 2012this year different instead facing john mccain mitt romney democrats facing definition fascism xenophobia message grandchildren vote hillary clintonwhy seen beforein video titled message grandma grandpa seen group elderly jewish americans plead younger generations get vote warns type man donald trump enlisted powerful allies effort defeat donald trump grandparents holding back probably one important elections much stake course experiences germany take front center seen saw germany want see hatred trump hidden good reason trump tyrant obnoxious lying individual respect tremendous fears country grandchildren adding lighthearted important humor one grandparent tells grandkids vote future vote hillary crazy man trump elected haunt die another promises major spoiler spoil every episode game thrones dinner party come say something racist voting trump probably care powerful video sponsored bend arc jewish action released warn future generations forget history listen wisdom elders especially ones know oppression see jews recognize trump candidacy echoed times jewish community experienced dangers fascism antiimmigration persecution religious minorities seen wanted make sure jews speaking boldly loudly making sure known jewish community rejects trump platform hatred bigotry unleashed watch powerful ad herefeatured image video
washington reuters us republican presidential nominee donald trump tuesday propose allowing families deduct cost childcare expenses income taxes campaign said move aimed bolstering support among women voters trump lay plan evening speech philadelphia suburb aston pennsylvania latest attempt construct policy framework would use governing elected democrat hillary clinton nov 8 trump introduced event daughter ivanka championed issue childcare influential voice campaign told reporters conference call involved developing plan im passionate said trumps support among women voters lagged overall risen competitive position clinton national opinion polls battleground states election likely decided polls show race tightening crucial state pennsylvania quinnipiac university poll last week said clinton led 48 percent 43 percent trump reduction 10point lead month ago trumps plan would change us tax code let parents deduct income taxes childcare expenses four children elderly dependents campaign said would available individuals earning less 250000 year 500000 couples filing jointly trump campaign officials detail overall cost program senior official said would part trumps plan overhaul tax code would end adding deficit spending us budget trump would offer childcare spending rebates lowerincome taxpayers existing earned income tax credit campaign said could mean tax rebates high 1200 eligible families year trump also would create new dependent care savings accounts allow families set aside money foster childrens development offset elder care parents adult dependents campaign said individuals could contribute 2000 year tax free new york businessman also proposing guaranteed six weeks paid maternity leave would accomplish amending existing unemployment insurance companies required carry benefit would apply employers offer paid maternity leave would paid offsetting reductions federal unemployment insurance program taxes raised
aware donald trump repeatedly humiliates nation handshake games awkwardly tugs people kind attempted power play holds hands far long inhospitable move attempts give unwanted hugswell 2016 presidential campaign appears hillary clinton team observed bizarre behavior made sure met trump debates hillary ready avoid gross awkwardness unwanted trump hug front millions debate viewerson friday longtime clinton aide phillip reines released rare clip debate prep played donald trump clip reines trump attempts hug hillary runs away himwhile funny really show bizarre trump behavior speaks larger issue mental state anyone acts like people opposing politically worse meeting purpose diplomacy serious issueswe ones think either google videos trump oval office meetings japanese prime minister shinzo abe german chancellor angela merkel canadian prime minister justin trudeau world leader trump behaved way look either disgusted alarmed horrified insulted combination thereof course leave reports nowformer fbi director james comey quote disgusted forced halfhug trump gave camerasoh well least get bit hillary humor witness live easily craziest bizarre presidency history great nationwatch video belownot easy avoid unwanted trump hug sometimes even takes practice favorite moment debate prep 92416 pictwittercomjaahaqkfoa philippe reines may 19 2017featured image via drew angerergetty images
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dubai reuters vast majority 200 businessmen officials implicated sweeping crackdown corruption agreeing settlements hand assets government crown prince mohammed bin salman told new york times show files soon see 95 percent agree settlement means signing cash shares companies saudi treasury newspaper quoted prince mohammed saying 1 percent able prove clean case dropped right 4 percent say corrupt lawyers want go court prince mohammed repeated previous official estimate government could eventually recover around 100 billion illicit money settlements government said two weeks ago questioned 208 people crackdown released seven without charge dozens princes senior officials top businessmen believed held riyadh opulent ritz carlton hotel cases processed 2000 saudi bank accounts frozen probe causing concern crackdown could damage economy government insisted companies detained businessmen continue operating normally experts making sure businesses bankrupted process prince mohammed told times dismissed suggestions crackdown aimed strengthen political power ludicrous noting prominent people held ritz already publicly pledged allegiance reforms majority royal family behind prince mohammed said saudi law public prosecutor independent cannot interfere job king dismiss driving process send signal signal going forward escape
iconoclastic efforts erase past rob knowing men forged national identity events made us jarrett stepmancrane tubman wyman dell park remove jacksonandlee monument pictwittercomru8hqvyacb baltimore bloc august 16 2017one city caves alt left update baltimore 4 confederate statues removed last night big question coming cleansing history city council vote remove history get decide thismob rule taken come police got rid white supremacist symbols time get rid white supremacist systems got rid white supremacist symbols time get rid white supremacist systems pictwittercomz8x247xwqg baltimore bloc august 16 2017the lost city baltimore already removed least four confederate statues voted remove 4 quietly removed early wednesday charlottesville riot cities get monuments fast enough want take stand would theyhurry remove history target altleft blmthe baltimore city council voted unanimously cowards monday remove four confederate monuments immediately council recommended maryland historical trust give permission removalskentucky boston momentum growsstatues lexington kentucky expected removed durham north carolina woman arrested toppling confederate statue protest monday new orleans final confederate statue city came may memorials removed baltimore roger b taney monument robert e lee thomas j jackson monumentmayor catherine pugh told station monuments sent confederate cemeteriesshame mayor
21st century wire says last friday president donald trump appears temporarily lost mind suggesting us may act militarily venezuela rationale irrationale seems usbacked protests rule president nicolas maduro destabilizing country therefore us must intervene maduro go shades last 7 years us western antisyrian regime change rhetoric washington stand venezuela crumbles saidvice president mike pence fournation latin american tour expressed concern venezuela trigger regional instability south americameanwhile latin america countries rallied around venezuela trump offhanded comments somewhat goal trump seems united latin america support venezuela united statesvenezuela foreign minister jorge arreaza urged venezuelans resist america insolent foreign aggression reckless threats president donald trump aim drag latin america caribbean conflict would permanently alter stability peace security region said arreazato compound washington problems issue russia also weighed duransergey lavrov russian foreign minister speaking bolivian counterpart issue venezuela arose bolivia one venezuela closest regional allies along cubasergey lavrov responded threats made donald trump caracas us president threatened use military action oil rich south american country venezuela called trump threats crazy threat sovereignty countrytoday lavrov stated united need overcome existing disagreements country peaceful means nationwide dialogue soon possible without external pressure mention unacceptability threats military intervention internal affairs country recently mercosur bloc nations covering majority south america condemned attempts us stage war venezuela included countries disagreements caracas today lavrov cited example widespread opposition war venezuelaread south america opposes trump military threat venezuelathis russia strongest condemnation threat war venezuela todateread venezuela news 21st century wire russia filessupport work subscribing becoming member
reaper hellfire missile pod great
beirut reuters lebanon hezbollah group joined calls thursday new palestinian uprising response us recognition jerusalem israel capital us president donald trump decision amounted act blatant aggression arab muslim world leader shi ite muslim political military movement sayyed hassan nasrallah said televised speech governments across region beyond warned trump reversal decades american policy jerusalem would imperil middle east peace efforts palestinian factions called day rage friday islamist group hamas urged palestinians abandon negotiations launch new uprising israel support call new palestinian intifada uprising escalating resistance nasrallah said biggest important gravest response american decision nasrallah described trump move major historical injustice outline direct actions hezbollah would take called mass protest beirut southern suburbs monday people palestine stand today first line defense jerusalem shrines added iranbacked hezbollah israel views biggest threat borders sent arms palestinian territories nasrallah said last month hezbollah israel fought war 2006 killed around 1200 people lebanon mostly civilians 160 israelis troops two avoided major confrontation since monthlong battle though tensions risen earlier year nasrallah asked listeners around region confront us move stand solidarity palestinians appealed arab states cut kind diplomatic ties israel summon us ambassadors formal protest steps certainly make trump regret said status jerusalem home sites holy muslim jewish christian religions represents one biggest obstacles peace deal israelis palestinians international community recognize israeli sovereignty entire city usbrokered oslo accords 1993 negotiations decide city status country embassy jerusalem hezbollah parliamentary bloc said earlier trump decision would catastrophic repercussions threaten regional international security stability
san francisco reuters international group cryptography experts forced us national security agency back two data encryption techniques wanted set global industry standards reflecting deep mistrust among close us allies interviews emails seen reuters academic industry experts countries including germany japan israel worried us electronic spy agency pushing new techniques good encryption tools knew break nsa agreed drop powerful versions techniques least likely vulnerable hacks address concerns dispute played series closeddoor meetings around world past three years previously reported turns whether international organization standards approve two nsa data encryption techniques known simon speck us delegation iso encryption issues includes handful nsa officials though controlled american standards body american national standards institute ansi presence nsa officials former nsa contractor edward snowden revelations agency penetration global electronic systems made number delegates suspicious us delegation motives according interviews dozen current former delegates number voiced distrust emails one another seen reuters written comments part process suspicions stem largely internal nsa documents disclosed snowden showed agency previously plotted manipulate standards promote technology could penetrate budget documents example sought funding insert vulnerabilities commercial encryption systems dozen experts involved approval process simon speck feared nsa able crack encryption techniques would gain back door coded transmissions according interviews emails documents seen reuters trust designers israeli delegate orr dunkelman computer science professor university haifa told reuters citing snowden papers quite lot people nsa think job subvert standards job secure standards nsa confirm authenticity snowden documents told reuters developed new encryption tools protect sensitive us government computer communications equipment without requiring lot computer processing power nsa officials said via email want commercial technology companies sell government use techniques likely happen designated global standard iso asked could beat simon speck encryption nsa officials said firmly believe secure iso independent organization delegations 162 member countries sets standards everything medical packaging road signs working groups spend years picking best practices technologies iso seal approval fight simon speck played iso twice voted delay multistage process approving oral written comments opponents cited lack peerreviewed publication creators absence industry adoption clear need new ciphers partial success academics showing weaknesses iso delegates said much skepticism stemmed 2000s nsa experts invented component encryption called dual elliptic curve got adopted global standard iso approval dual ec considered success inside agency according documents passed snowden founders online news site intercept made available reuters documents said agency guided dual ec proposal four iso meetings emerged standard 2007 mathematicians private industry showed dual ec could hide back door theoretically enabling nsa eavesdrop without detection snowden leaks reuters reported us government paid security company rsa 10 million include dual ec software development kit used programmers around world iso standards groups subsequently retracted endorsements dual ec nsa declined discuss case simon speck nsa says formulas needed defensive purposes official led nowdisbanded nsa division responsible defense known information assurance directorate said unit develop simon speck probably legitimate questions around whether ciphers actually needed said curtis dukes retired earlier year similar encryption techniques already exist need new ones theoretical said ansi body leads us delegation iso said simply forwarded nsa proposals organization endorsed united states first introduced simon speck proposed iso standard 2014 experts several countries expressed reservations said shin ichiro matsuo head japanese encryption delegation delegates objection chris mitchell member british delegation said supported simon speck noting one succeeded breaking algorithms acknowledged though dual ec revelations trust particularly us government participants standardization nonexistent meeting jaipur india october 2015 nsa officials american delegation pushed back critics questioning expertise witnesses said german delegate jaipur talks christian wenzelbenner subsequently sent email seeking support dozens cryptographers wrote seven german experts concerned simon speck expect companies citizens use security algorithms iso standards algorithms come source compromised securityrelated iso standards years ago wenzelbenner asked views helped delay simon speck delegates said americans kept pushing october 2016 meeting abu dhabi majority individual delegates approved techniques moving countrybycountry vote proposal fell one vote short required twothirds majority finally march 2017 meeting hamilton new zealand americans distributed 22page explanation design summary attempts break sort paper formed part delegates seeking since 2014 simon speck aimed respectively hardware software robust versions lightweight variants americans agreed hamilton compromise dropped lightweight versions opponents saw major partial victory paved way compromise another nationbynation poll last month sturdiest versions advanced final stage approval process single vote japan germany israel remaining opposed final vote takes place february
soros paid protesters blocked streets created mass chaos big cities cashed election president trump part protesters blocked miles traffic large cities law enforcement officers also target thanks another sorosobama effort protected unintentionally struck vehicles roads highways blocking stories people rushing hospital trying make work time circulating social media course mainstream media leftist news sources collusion democrats efforts threaten shame americans dared support trump foolishly believed violent unlawful behavior would sway voters addition putting people lives danger end obama george soros thugs turned lot people away polls many democrat independent voters want tied party longer recognizedwatch protesters yell whose streets streets midnight curfew clt crowd square chanting look like want go home keithscotta post shared david boraks sep 23 2016 856pm pdtwatch antitrump antifa terrorists take major streets dc chanting streets nc lawmakers taking action protect innocent drivers encounter protesters think jumping front traffic great way protest oh yeah streets streets belong americanswfae stop heard one north carolina house passed bill sure bring controversythis measure shields drivers hit protesters lawsuitslast year wake killing keith lamont scott protesters took charlotte city streets even marching sections i277 i85the often chanted street street caught attention republican representative justin burr montgomery county seen time time folks run middle streets interstates charlotte attempt block traffic burr said introduced bill wants ensure drivers fear driving charlotte anywhere north carolina many ways could donebut burr decided go controversial direction house bill 330he explains bill way provides person driving automobile exercising due care immune civil liability injury another injured person participating demonstration protest blocking traffic translation driver hits even runs protester street could shielded lawsuits person injurebut burr wanted clear one point bill allow driver vehicle target protesters intentionally obviously intention watch happens protesters block car way st jude children hospital sick child words trying get point point b happen hit protester driving demonstration would protected civil lawsuits know done try make point protests said democrat greg meyer one lawmakers saw problem bill going embarrass us good reason pass bill bill passed north carolina house heads senate
far costs associated cleanup officials numbers yet
clear donald trump proud visiting texas second time hurricane harvey made sure post videos arriving press swarming visits shelters housing displaced hurricane victims optics really best right especially plummeting approval ratingshowever weird moment camera caught trump talking hand size right trump shouted hands big videotrump yells hands big sure talking pictwittercomxprsbrlhcc judd legum september 2 2017weird right really clear would say thing saying however middle hurricane shelter seemingly bragging size handsif unaware size trump hands ongoing joke ever since presidential race gag really tiny hands least rumor overcompensating bragged hands clearly still making sure people think hands plenty big enough whatever shelternonetheless still weird unnecessary make sure says thing camera doth protest muchfeatured image via video screen capture
ford export nextgeneration focus compact car china north america 2019 rather mexico earlier planned saving company 500 million top executive said tuesdayit first major manufacturing investment decision made new chief executive officer jim hackett succeeded mark fields late maydiscussion smallcar production shift mexico china began couple months ago fields said joe hinrichs president global operationsin january us president donald trump criticized ford shipping smallcar manufacturing mexico ford said would kill plans build 18billion focus plant san luis potosi instead produce new focus existing plant hermosilloalthough cheaper build ship cars united states mexico china variable cost decision hinrichs said tuesday morning briefing allows us free lot capital ford retool one plant existing focus factory chongqing rather two supply north americagiven dwindling overall us demand small cars focus thought best balance costcapital tradeoff hinrichs saidhe said ford planned inform white house tuesdayasked ford concerned pay border tax trump threatened vehicle imports mexico hinrichs said capital saving outweighs risk potential tax chinesebuilt focusford stock fell 08 percent 1115 daily mailhow feel ford decision move manufacturing china let us know comment section
tripoli reuters gunmen killed least four people wounded nearly 40 wednesday suicide attack court complex libyan city misrata officials witness said islamic state claimed responsibility attack saying statement run group amaq news agency targeted one prominent strongholds libya unbacked government national accord gna attack shows enduring militant threat libya misrataled coalition nominal gna command battled six months last year oust islamic state former stronghold sirte 230 km 140 miles southeast misrata since militants trying regroup desert south sirte stepped presence remote areas though attacks urban centers rare wednesday attack launched several assailants drove complex central misrata black vehicle witness said one blew gate two kalashnikovs opened fire random said shooting could heard city center attack witness asked named said believed attackers used rocket propelled grenades military alliance misrata led campaign sirte said two suicide attackers involved operation explosion gun battle lasting 20 minutes attackers killed four wounded 39 misrata hospital said statement listing names victims two attackers blew third killed gun battle said local security source speaking condition anonymity bomb disposal experts also defused boobytrapped car packed explosives used attack said misrata large commercial port 190 km east tripoli one libya major military power bases city largely immune armed clashes attacks recent years dozens islamic state suspects held city libya slid turmoil natobacked uprising toppled longtime leader muammar gaddafi six years ago remains divided loose political military alliances based east west resulting security vacuum center country militants increased activity recent weeks south east sirte united states launched two sets air strikes jihadist desert camps us also provided air support misrataled campaign last year
hundreds passengers including women infants stuck roads harsh weather monday night
cant even remember childhood trauma scarred believing im worth measure
eric holder skirt obama department justice working dozen new gun control regulations plans begin implementing apart congress regulations set put place november others simply end obama administrationaccording hill regulations range new restrictions highpowered pistols gun storage requirements issuance new rules expanding criteria people quality gun ownership part parcel new criteria atfimplemented ban gun ownership anyone convicted misdemeanor domestic violence gun owners america michael hammond warns rule person barred gun ownership could someone spanked kid yelled wife slapped husband new regulations also include atf enlargements mental healthbased gun ownership bans hammond summed saying obama administration trying hard disqualify people owning gun basis seeing psychologist nra pointed mentally ill persons pose threat society new regulations actually become snares masses mostly harmless individuals nra added unjust stigmatizing creates disincentives need mental health treatment seek increasing whatever risks associated untreated mental illness words people might actually need minor mental health attention may refuse pursue fear losing gunsthe atf also working rules would require gun dealers report gun thefts provide gun storage safety devices march nra warned attorney general nominee loretta lynch would eric holder 20 yet april ten republican senators sided democrats confirmed lynch ag hill reports republicans includedsen kelly ayotte rnh42 sen lindsey graham rsc49 sen jeff flake raz40 sen mitch mcconnell rky54via breitbart news
washington reuters president donald trump stepped attacks republican senators approach may regret someday impeached senate weigh charges stemming investigation russian meddling 2016 us election half 11 republicans senate judiciary committee would central proceeding remove trump office tangled republican president including thursday fired earlymorning tweets one twitter series trump called senator lindsey graham publicity seeking said cant forget election trouncing 2016 presidential race trump also assailed senator jeff flake another republican critic nonfactor senate adding hes toxic flake graham members judiciary committee whose chairman chuck grassley urged trump tone 100 percent sticking ideas forget personalities grassley said friday pressed whether trump might find without friends congress would need defend impeachment proceeding part grassley said views would colored past presidential sniping lets say house representatives impeached president united states im juror grassley said senate jury decides whether impeached jury supposed impartial little serious talk heard congress removing trump office two house democrats introduced article impeachment alleging obstruction justice president connection ongoing investigation possible ties 2016 campaign moscow republicans control house well senate article impeachment gained little traction us constitution house representatives vote approve impeachment measure happens goes senate acts jury weighs charges house measure twothirds senate vote needed conviction approval leads removal office two presidents impeached house andrew johnson 1868 bill clinton 1998 neither convicted senate president richard nixon facing almost certain impeachment watergate scandal resigned 1974 clinton impeachment fight committee resource full senate could play similar role future trial white house immediately respond request comment friends would help president facing impeachment said charles brain white house liaison congress clintons impeachment without friendships brain said lawmakers quiet refusing share information white house letting attacks president gain momentum besides flake graham trump runins various issues election republican senator ted cruz judiciary committee members including grassley john cornyn orrin hatch thom tillis ben sasse president also times attacked republican senators committee including mitch mcconnell john mccain marco rubio rand paul lisa murkowski special counsel robert mueller investigating whether trumps campaign colluded russia influence election grassleys committee also looking matter congressional panels kremlin denies election interference trump dismissed mueller probe witch hunt denies collusion end mueller could end clearing trump aides wrongdoing least two questions loom large possible impeachment inquiry said senior fellow elaine kamarck liberalleaning brookings institution think tank one would severity possible charges another said would friends people believe want save presidency
alabama governor robert bentley admitted today made inappropriate statements period time aide rebekah mason press conference bentley denied done anything illegal also denying physical affair sexual activity aidegov robert bentley denies physical affair alpolitics pictwittercomyurnodcvd4 tim lockette march 23 2016the revelation comes spencer collier former secretary alabama law enforcement claimed governor involved extramarital affairspencer collier fired tuesday come forward claims heard recording indicates governor improper personal relationship political adviser rebekah mason bentley refused end relationship even though cost marriage dianne bentleycollier also claimed according new york times report cautioned governor risk illegal conduct state resources used facilitate affair local news website alcom heard tape questionalcom heard recording though collier man sounds like bentley speaks woman calls rebekah describes likes approach behind put hands herat times says loves rearrange office make privatelike many conservative republicans caught situations bentley identified family values movement conservative rightthe 72yearold bentley republican serving second term repeatedly touted christian faith conservative family values attract voters long served deacon first baptist church tuscaloosa bentley made national headlines 2011 shortly inauguration said anybody today accepted jesus christ savior telling brother sister want brother matter time family values gop politicians caught kind sexual scandal anotherfeatured image via flickr
us congressman joe wilson right obama liar reckless amateur decisions made america unsafe ever asking americans vote hillary ensure lawless legacy lives obama administration secretly organized airlift 400 million worth cash iran coincided january release four americans detained tehran according us european officials congressional staff briefed operation afterwardwooden pallets stacked euros swiss francs currencies flown iran unmarked cargo plane according officials us procured money central banks netherlands switzerland saidthe money represented first installment 17 billion settlement obama administration reached iran resolve decadesold dispute failed arms deal signed 1979 fall iran last monarch shah mohammad reza pahlavithe settlement resolved claims international tribunal hague also coincided formal implementation weekend landmark nuclear agreement reached tehran us global powers summer nuclear deal done prisoners released time right resolve dispute well president barack obama said white house jan 17 without disclosing 400 million cash paymentsenior us officials denied link payment prisoner exchange say way various strands came together simultaneously coincidental result quid pro quo made clear negotiations settlement outstanding claim completely separate discussions returning american citizens home state department spokesman john kirby said two negotiations separate conducted different teams side including case hague claims technical experts involved negotiations many years us officials also acknowledge iranian negotiators prisoner exchange said wanted cash show gained something tangiblesen tom cotton republican arkansas fierce foe iran nuclear deal accused president barack obama paying 17 billion ransom ayatollahs us hostages break longstanding us policy put price head americans led iran continue illegal seizures americans saidsince cash shipment intelligence arm revolutionary guard arrested two iranianamericans tehran also detained dualnationals france canada uk recent monthsat time prisoner release secretary state john kerry white house portrayed diplomatic breakthrough mr kerry cited importance relationships forged diplomatic channels unlocked course nuclear talks entire story wall street journalas bonus rep joe wilson calling barack obama one many lies
wont blueauraexplosion spawn naming convention aurablueexplosion indiedev
nancy pelosi said interview joy reid met president trump prayed america giggled nervously usual pelosi act giggles says something bitter mean believe itwe quite collection pelosiisms keep nancynancy call trump president giggle giggle nancy pelosi sink lower question answer giggled said call donald trump president trump oddest behavior comes giggles goes brag position democrat party looking forward hillary win quite delusional ranthow democrats taken seriously behave way pelosi one maxine waters close second wacky category see video one goes ballistic woman said love president pelosi giggles like child
vienna reuters tuesday blast austria baumgarten gas hub killed one person disrupted european gas flows likely caused loose seal filter cap operator gas connect austria gca said hub eastern austria major regional transfer node taking gas far away russia pumping towards neighbors including italy biggest recipient well germany hungary slovenia croatia investigating authorities believe incident caused seal cap filter separator gca unit energy company omv said website cap come loose propelled great force another part causing damage part well gas subsequently escaped ignited leading gas fire two points origin see gca statement click gca added parts question isolated rest site accordance emergency plan allowing gas flows return normal wednesday
riyadh reuters saudi arabia public prosecutor issued arrest warrant saturday twitter user called anyone supports women driving killed days royal decree ended longtime ban women taking wheel twitter user named alleged referred men support women driving cuckolds killed according statelinked asharq alawsat newspaper prosecutor announcement comes two days separate arrest warrant issued man threatened video clip posted online attack women drivers many saudis welcomed tuesday announcement king salman lifting ban next year others expressed opposition online quiet conversations decades support policy prominent clerics statement prosecutor vowed monitor threats abuse pursue cases incite attacks society violations rights others
friday msnbc climate activist bill nye warned conservatives watch saying progressive blue states address climate change ownnye said 40 percent people us think congress addressing certain conservative groups especially fossil fuel industry successful introducing idea scientific uncertainty plus minus two percent plus minus 100 percent continued lot emphasis conservatives writlarge states rights watch conservatives states rights include california illinois new york places people voted progressive fashion watch places start address climate change impose economic sanctions either overtly default places embraced work needs done end states rights working way added got remind people together people think time eloquently stated hillbillies want engage everybody working address climate change one best interest best interest especially children grandchildren couple times mentioned president especially president think gotten surrounded people willing mortgage future let people coming workforce pay future true regard national debt almost certainly increase way tripled beloved ronald reagan national debt increase climate debt sense address climate change difficult pay back pay breitbart newsthe climate change debate went nuclear last year whistleblower explosive allegation national oceanic atmospheric association manipulated data advance political agenda hiding global warming pause article climate etc blog john bates retired last year principal scientist national climatic data center accused lead author 2015 noaa pausebuster report trying discredit hiatus flagrant manipulation scientific integrity guidelines scientific publication standards addition mr bates told daily uk mail report author former noaa national centers environmental information director thomas karl insisting decisions scientific choices maximized warming minimized documentation gradually months report came evidence kept mounting tom karl constantly thumb scale documentation scientific choices release datasets effort discredit notion global warming hiatus rush time publication paper influence national international deliberations climate policy mr bates said saturday climate etcthe june 2015 report possible artifacts data biases recent global surface warming hiatus updated ocean temperature record published six months un paris summitthe accusations sparked fierce backandforth sunday socalled climate warmists skeptics validity implications mr bates claim defended climate etc blog run former georgia tech climatologist judith curryzeke hausfather berkeley earth climate scientist said sunday factcheck carbonbrief blog karl paper conclusions validated independent data satellites buoys argo floats many independent groups noaa data management procedures may well need improvement results independently validated agree separate global temperature records created groups mr hausfather said citing berkeley earth uk met office hadley centrehe said record strongly suggests noaa got right underestimating ocean warming recent years meanwhile whistleblowing prompted wetoldyouso moment republicans house science space technology committee long suspected obama administration retroactively fiddling climate data order erase 19982013 pause global temperature increases dr bates confirmed heated disagreements within noaa quality transparency data publication know noaa fought transparency oversight every turn said chairman lamar smith sunday statementthe panel launched investigation noaa pausebuster report whistleblowers said study rushed publication underlying data issues resolved help influence public debate socalled clean power plan upcoming paris climate conference dr bates revelations noaa obstruction certainly lend credence expected along karl study used flawed data rushed publication effort support president climate change agenda ignored noaa standards scientific study mr smith saidmr bates said decided come forward reading washington post article dec 13 said federal scientists frantically copying us climate data fearing might vanish trump climate scientist formerly responsible noaa climate archive critical issue archival climate data actually scientists unwilling formally archive document data said climate etcin experience serious example climate scientist archiving documenting critical climate dataset study tom karl et al 2015 hereafter referred karl study k15 purporting show hiatus global warming 2000s noaa return immediately sunday request comment daily mail said mr karl admitted data archived paper published denied trying influence climate summit asked waited said john bates talking formal process takes long time denied rushing get paper time paris saying discussion paris said daily mail articlethe american geophysical union issued statement saying closely monitoring situation considered possible implications sharing new information response agu
dominican newspaper el nacional bit fun comically inept president accidentally used photo trump archnemesis alec baldwin instead orangeskinned wannabe dictator recent storythe story regarding trump upcoming meeting war criminal benjamin netanyahu following united states decision block palestinian official un appointment fear would hurt bibi precious little feelings united states disappointed see letter indicating intention appoint former palestinian authority prime minister lead un mission libya unqualified mess human un ambassador nikki haley said long un unfairly biased favor palestinian authority detriment allies israel course sure make netanyahu happy prior meeting trump expected discuss moving us embassy tel aviv jerusalemthe paper posted appears tongueincheek photo correction claiming sent photo associated pressit unclear honest mistake altmistake one thing certain trump going happy sees thisfeatured image via screengrab
washington reuters us president donald trumps deputy national security adviser strategy dina powell plans resign early next year continue role middle east diplomacy white house said friday white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said powell key player us diplomatic efforts middle east always planned stay one year trump white house return home new york powell could one several administration officials leave oneyear mark trumps presidency speculation centered secretary state rex tillerson officials say could replaced cia director mike pompeo top economic adviser gary cohn may possibly leave also powells replacement likely nadia schadlow national security council aide working powell new us national security strategy expected released next couple weeks senior administration official said powell one trumps inner circle key aide national security adviser hr mcmaster engaged diplomacy throughout middle east trumps senior adviser soninlaw jared kushner dina done great job administration valued member israelipalestinian peace team continue play key role peace efforts share details future kushner said statement trumps move united states officially recognize jerusalem capital israel denounced across much arab world team working framework potential israelipalestinian peace deal aides say could released early next year
trey gowdy destroys clueless dhs employee asking due process getting terror watch list response priceless sorry um process afforded citizen prior getting list
washington reuters president donald trump thursday vowed free churches taxexempt institutions 1954 us law banning political activity drawing fire critics accused rewarding evangelical christian supporters turning houses worship political machines trump used prayer breakfast take aim longstanding statutory barrier politics religion called johnson amendment civil liberties gay rights groups expressed concern might consider executive order allow government agencies businesses deny services gay people name religious freedom trump reference order remarks lambasted johnson amendment prohibits taxexempt organizations churches places worship charities educational institutions directly indirectly participating political campaign favor political candidate get rid totally destroy johnson amendment allow representatives faith speak freely without fear retribution remember trump told us politicians religious leaders guests including jordans king abdullah annual national prayer breakfast white house spokesman sean spicer told reporters trump wanted find ways make sure people penalized following religious beliefs draft executive order religious freedom circulating among advocacy groups would allow government officials deny marriage licenses gay couples let businesses withhold services gay people activists said white house said working order trump previously spoke johnson amendment campaign support evangelical christian leaders including liberty university president jerry falwell jr change law would require action republicanled us congress republican lawmakers introduced legislation would reverse policy trumps remarks republican house representatives speaker paul ryan told reporters always supported eliminating johnson amendment critics including group americans united separation church state expressed alarm president donald trump allies religious right seek turn americas houses worship miniature political action committees said groups executive director barry lynn would also lead houses worship focus supporting candidates exchange financial aid would disaster churches politics america lynn said peter montgomery liberal advocacy group people american way said trump wants pay back religious conservatives helped get elected letting turn churches political machines taxexempt charitable dollars scrapping johnson amendment goal christian conservatives contend violates free speech religious freedom rights us constitutions first amendment guarantees freedom religion bars government establishing official religion encouraged see president trump understands real constitutional violation posed johnson amendment committed restoring pastors right speak freely pulpit without fearing government retribution said erik stanley senior counsel conservative christian legal group alliance defending freedom trump used opening moments usually solemn prayer breakfast deride actor arnold schwarzenegger successor reality tv show viewership ratings trump said schwarzenegger republican former governor california disastrous ratings nbc reality tv program celebrity apprentice trump previously starred hired big big movie star arnold schwarzenegger take place know turned trump said total disaster want pray arnold ratings ok schwarzenegger endorsed ohio governor john kasich trump republican presidential nomination shot back alluding controversies trumps first two weeks office hey donald great idea schwarzenegger said video dont switch jobs take tv youre expert ratings take job people finally sleep comfortably spicer later called trumps remarks lighthearted part absolutely beautiful speech trump week ago put 120day halt us refugee program barred syrian refugees indefinitely imposed 90day suspension people seven predominantly muslim countries iran iraq libya somalia sudan syria yemen trump defended directive thursday crucial ensuring religious freedom tolerance america said wanted prevent beachhead intolerance spreading united states also called terrorism fundamental threat religious freedom world trouble going straighten ok thats fix things trump said hear tough phone calls im dont worry trump added apparently referring telephone conversations including one australian prime minister malcolm turnbull time going little tough folks taken advantage every nation world virtually going happen anymore trump said
dady chery news junkie post let tell rich different f scott fitzgeraldeducation latest public commons turned commodity group world arrivistes including douglas becker donald trump bill hillary clinton money brings obsessively accumulate transformation thought deed discernible nouveaux richesto give meaning purchasing power commodify part process almost celestial joke also become persuaded anything bought gradually come believe money guarantee access anything acquiescence corruption anyone evasion law ailment repair deficiency including many cases spotty educationconsider 49year old douglas becker founder chairman ceo network 88 forprofit institutions 28 countries offer undergraduate master doctoral degrees enroll million students becker forprofit institutions mainly south america europe although also united states quickly branching asia middle east cynically exploit deeply held belief many people education passport poverty indebt ambitious workingclass peoplelaureate especially targeted market latin america many countries 20 percent collegeage people manage gain admission public universities institutions free require passing grades difficult entrance exams prestigious schools countriesbecker reach status attending college possibly regards fool anyone although claims mission make college education accessible according bloomberg markets becker worked computer land store high school got first taste money selling blue cross blue shield idea swipe card patient information built wealth buying stake chain tutoring services called sylvan learning systems taking sylvan public 1993 targeting universities verge bankruptcy purchase sylvanthe first acquisition universidad europea de madrid uem 1999 uem boasts 15600 students claims 90 percent attain employment within 12 months completing studies mentions nothing whatever faculty known dropped 40 percent within first five years laureateas uem cut teaching staff increased cachet inviting famous people campus accept honorary degrees large speaking fees like wizard oz becker confers degrees anyone wishes including honorary doctorates uem south africa nelson mandela turkey recep tayyip erdoganistanbul bilgi university faculty cut prevented unionizing even enrollment grew 40 percent tuition climbed 14000 per year among 20 institutions sylvan controlled 2007 year becker renamed operation laureate education took private 34 billion deal might conceived prevent scrutiny shareholdersthe main backers included henry kravis new york based equity firm kohlberg kravis roberts kkr steven cohen point 72 asset management formerly sac capital management citigroup private equity within three years kravis investment 487 million portion business grew 711 millionfinancial analyst whistleblower charles ortel points buyout involved unnecessary risks one main players steven cohen make 12 billion settlement us justice department 2014 allegations insider trading regarding another business deal ortel explains management publicly traded company wants take company private inherent conflict interest management knows public raises money buy public shares case process negotiating among multiple parties aligned competing financial interests took 15 months start finish quite long time buyout transaction completed august 17 2007 strains global economy financial system began accentuate given financial performance laureate since august 2007 risks materializing price paid public shareholders laureate douglas becker members buying group may seem attractive hindsight regulators might choose reexamine carefully process mr becker secured financing buy public shareholders concentrating variances representations made investors lenders buying group disclosures made selling shareholder details another profitable move becker became known hillary clinton announcement latest presidential bid bill clinton made public federal income tax information tax returns 165 million payments laureate bill clinton disclosed purportedly made role honorary chancellor laureate international university recall hillary clinton become us secretary state 2009 bill clinton times position exercise significant influence affairs clinton foundation affiliates including clinton global initiative inc new cgi involved laureate venture known clinton global initiativeuniversity cgiu charles ortel saidindeed period state department initially granted 55 million international youth foundation charity becker actively involved years based maryland us government later organized laureate receive 100 million world bank international finance corporation ifc transaction fund managed ifc provided 50 million sovereign wealth fund korea provided 50 millionortel verified clintons taxes says huge mess notes bill hillary clinton earned substantial sums speeches rendered numerous states new york washington dc many countries us yet supplied information concerning state foreign tax filings furthermore clintons disclose transactions laureate relatedparty transactions irs form 990s clinton foundation new cgi original filings 2010 2011 2012 2013 also corrected filings even clear cgiu controlled whether registered legal jurisdictions operates financial results may interview richard johnson new york post trump advisor roger stone wondered clintons got rich state department funds accused clintons helping laureate eliminate competition stone argued payments bill clinton protected laureate government attacks accreditation fitness student loans even much smaller operations like corinthian trump university severely hitcorinthian went bankrupt 2015 federal district court illinois found liable 530 million predatory loans promising students jobs materialize getting heavily indebted trump university recently hit fraud lawsuits new york california calling university although since inception 2005 contrast lawsuit far stuck laureatepossibly main mistake trump u corinthian grow us citizens unlike laureate taken care parasitize foreign nationals first particularly workingclass people emerging powersbill clinton greatest help laureate likely come introductions foreign politicians probably corrupt could influence governments student loan programs highest number campuses single country far brazil laureate owns 12 institutions dilma rousseff sevenfold increase governmentbacked student loans great boon centro universario ibmr rio de janeiro typical campus enrollment tripled ponzi scheme pay loans students become employed telemarketers recruit new students paid headthe school remains open although rio legislature criticized firing faculty achieved extraordinary expansion chile president sebastian pinera raised taxes around 2012 fund student loans laureate owns five institutions santiago universidad de las ricas udla accreditation withdrawn 2013 graduation rates dived 10000 new students added number teachers dropped udla accepts students scores low 20 percent entrance exam described place go one else accept list campuses goes may inspect herelaureate decided go public fall 2015 filed convert delawarebased public benefit corporation initial public offering ipo disclosed 47 billion debt probably hoping ipo would erase crushing debt burden friends like clintons lose laureate continues grow expand us market way stop doesimagine laureate bid brandeis university red bernie madoff squandered endowment wayne state university city detroit gone bankrupt imagine devaluation every degree universities granted think school suddenly insolvent children schools becoming parodies educational institutionsclinton packed laureate board people 19932001 administration including former secretary education richard w riley former secretary housing development henry cisneros former head us information agency joseph duffeyquite apart fact clintons associates appear set forprofit education scam dwarf others also seem established entity grow wealth finance political campaigns sly grease wheels wherever needed indefinitely keep power regardless voter choiceall done far backs world aspiring poor collusion governments pretext improving lot way clintons rich friends dady chery author dared free photographs one joe brusky two joi ito three four archives universidad europea de madrid six quinn dombrowski seven archives world bank nine mike lichtread ponzi scheme 21st century wire ponzi filessupport work become member 21wiretv
washington reuters congress faces possible fight future iran nuclear agreement senior senate democrats demanded wednesday trump administration provide lawmakers information showing tehran complying international pact letter secretary state rex tillerson defense secretary jim mattis cabinet officials first reported reuters lawmakers said administration provided information required 2015 iran nuclear review act republican president donald trump long criticized nuclear agreement one signature foreign policy achievements democratic predecessor barack obama speech united nations tuesday trump blasted deal reached united states five world powers iran known jcpoa called embarrassment united states trump facing midoctober deadline certifying whether iran still complying jcpoa iran agreed curb nuclear program exchange sanctions relief wednesday senior us official said trump leaning toward certifying iran complying pact letting congress effectively decide whether kill agreement 2015 iran nuclear review act gives congress right vote whether reimpose sanctions suspended jcpoa president decides decertify law also requires however president formally notify congress evidence justify decision wednesday letter signed democrats even trump fellow republicans questioned wisdom breaking agreement unless trump provide concrete evidence iran complying congressional aides parties also said leaving agreement seemed unnecessary especially washington needs work international partners complicated issues like north korea nuclear weapons ballistic missiles program civil war syria refugee crisis ed royce republican chairman house representatives foreign affairs committee said cnn trump un speech united states stay iran deal enforce hell democrats letter wednesday noted 2015 review act required president provide information congress iranian breach agreement compliance concern within 10 days receiving information date senate received notification administration provided little public testimony congress status iranian compliance agreement letter said letter asked administration provide written report appropriate public testimony senate committees oct 6 aware information suggesting iran complying would lead trump conclude continued suspension sanctions us national security interest letter tillerson mattis treasury secretary steve mnuchin energy secretary rick perry director national intelligence dan coats signed senators sherrod brown maria cantwell ben cardin richard durbin patrick leahy jack reed mark warner
reuters florida power light fpl expects restore power knocked hurricane irma eastern side florida weekend harder hit western part state sept 22 fpl spokesman rob gould said tuesday news conference noted however customers hardest hit areas east west coasts extensive flooding tornadoes would wait longer power restored fpl unit florida energy company nextera energy inc
sorry tiger hillary lot influence unlikely anything golf game adulterer former golf star tiger woods donated 25001 50000 clinton foundation first half 2015 records show charitable organization founded adulterer former president bill clinton two men perhaps renowned philanderers america yet whatever reason clinton far respected public eye occasionally wins father year awardswoods one 10500 individuals organization donated clinton foundation first half year significant increase 8800 donors contributed period last year probably nothing fact hillary officially announced presidential campaign april clinton foundation exclusively charitable organization lot good world definitely slush fund influence peddlersvia wfb
really cher excusing infidelity pointed donald trump fell love marla maples ended marrying many twisted affairs bill marriage hillary happy ending women involved bill multiple affairs women loved simply pervert clearly respect sanctity marriage make mistakes comparing single affair trump serial philanderer simply fair comparisontrump cant throw one stone pres clinton regarding cheating trump humiliated wives headlines 4wksbecause cheating cher january 5 2016marla maples true feelings donald trumpand former president convicted liar serial pervert bill clinton said b4but must reiterateif theres pres trump2016u thank media news sources handed win silver platter4free cher december 30 2015honestly think pathological side trump always existedhoweverthis campaign opened pandora boxhe lowest common denominator cher december 29 2015by way comparisonaside famous white house affair teenager intern monica lewinsky list accusations serial pervert bill clintonjuanita broaddrick ar rapeeileen wellstone oxford rapeelizabeth ward gracen rape quid pro quo post incident intimidationregina hopper blakely forced biting bruising kathleen willey wh sexual assault intimidations threatssandra allen james dc sexual assault22 year old 1972 yale sexual assaultkathy bradshaw ak sexual assaultcristy zercher unwelcomed sexual advance intimidationspaula jones ar unwelcomed sexual advance exposure bordering sexual assaultcarolyn moffet unwelcomed sexual advance exposure bordering sexual assault1974 student university arkansas unwelcomed physical contact19781980 seven complaints per arkansas state troopersmonica lewinsky quid pro quo post incident character assaultgennifer flowers quid pro quo post incident character assaultdolly kyle browning post incident character assaultsally perdue post incident threatsbetty dalton rebuffed advances married one supportersdenise reeder apologetic note scanned
former secretary state madeleine albright weighed donald trump remarks brilliant leader thinks kim jong un including comment would ever honored meet take situation trump needs stay hell away north korean dictator far far away president go country without preparation honored would definitely wrong way discuss somebody keeping people poverty starving control albright told cnn jake tapper tuesdaytrump repeatedly gushed much loves various autocrats around world recently singing praises kim jong un sunday said cbs face nation murderous leader smart cookie know killing family members stay power fun stuff like monday trump told bloomberg would honored meet kim jong un circumstances happened rightalbright slammed trump kissing dictators especially likes kim jong un think part issue president trump seems believe oneonone relationships maybe possible business something possible president united states said matter charming saying honored smart cookie former secretary state spoken trump piss poor excuse foreign policy beginning candidacy tuesday comments come amid rising tensions us north korea pyongyang weapons programyou watch albright entire interview herefeatured image via video screen capture
update video language alert
come medical emergency cannot manage without powerwhats plan help thi
president trump keeps another promise winning streak americans continues department homeland security stop processing new applications deferred action childhood arrival daca program today announce program known daca effectuated obama administration rescinded attorney general jeff sessions said tuesday justice department news conferencesessions critical obama program implemented executive order 2012 give work authorization government benefits like social security nearly million illegal aliens mrctv watch brilliant jessica vaughan center immigration studies shared important facts daca recipients america compiled harvard university researcher roberto g gonzales called national undacamented research project important selfacknowledged caveats findings research based online survey 2000 selfdescribed dacaeligible respondents 200 followup interviews gonzales believes variety reasons respondents educated welloff daca population wholenevertheless findings interesting sample73 percent daca recipients surveyed live lowincome household defined qualifying free lunch high school 22 percent earned degree fouryear college university 21 percent dropped high school 20 percent education beyond high school plans attend college 59 percent obtained new job daca work permit 45 percent increased overall earnings 36 percent parent holds bachelor degree 51 percent already employed daca none suggest individuals considered amnesty legalization program suggest arguments favor program largely political rather economic immigrants highly educated working lowpaying jobs likely access welfare public assistance programs course lives
still sore saintsfc fans protests rupe seems hes still refusing take ownership
former us attorney joseph digenova slammed fbi director james comey handling investigation hillary clinton private email server digenova says people currently fbi fbi consider comey dirty cop
cairo reuters egypt appointed housing minister mustafa madbuly serve interim prime minister prime minister sherif ismail receives medical treatment abroad state newspaper alahram reported thursday cabinet said wednesday ismail would travel germany thursday surgery expected remain three weeks though specify condition would treated
remember army used google translate ask excited go korea messed said horn
former american idol finalist celebrity apprentice contestant clay aiken never fan donald trump presidential candidate even think trump fascist racist changed thoughafter donald trump supposed moral leader united states refused condemn white nationalists neonazis insane press conference tuesday aiken enoughafter saying year ago think fascist think racist aiken change heartremember times defended believed actually racist well fg dumbass imsorry clay aiken august 15 2017aiken democrat campaigned hillary clinton knew trump would horrible president person gave benefit doubtaiken democrat unsuccessfully ran congress 2014 previously said liked trump even though disagreed politics 2015 aiken told cnn considered trump friend said like uncle embarrasses hell sometimes still love damn wish shut source huffington posttbc always thought would dumpster fire president right think racist wrong clay aiken august 15 2017twitter twitter posts became divisive aiken attacked right leftpictwittercomegifvxopmh sol august 16 2017okay aiken might late realizing trump racist never supported aiken called trump racist 2016 trump would still officedarling calm knew people still defended u apologizing ok book changes nothing sol august 16 2017don take hard insulting saying unfortunately late peace sol august 16 2017clay stupid real racists democrat party support abortion black babies high rate tom snyder phd august 16 2017while infuriated ppl like caitlin jenner susan sarandon supporting nut appreciate admission help resist gnomester210 august 16 2017yes still waiting apologies aiken may naive least admits itfeatured image via jeffrey camaratigetty images
united nationswashington reuters united states called un security council blacklist 10 ships circumventing sanctions north korea documents showed tuesday south korea president suggested delaying military exercises washington ease tensions ahead next year winter olympics documents seen reuters said 10 vessels conducting shiptoship transfers refined petroleum products north korean vessels transporting north korean coal violation un sanctions imposed pyongyang nuclear missile programs ships would blacklisted meaning countries would required ban entering ports none 15 members security council north korea sanctions committee object thursday afternoon north korea un arms embargo security council banned trade exports coal textiles seafood iron minerals choke funding pyongyang missile nuclear programs september council put cap 2 million barrels year refined petroleum products exports north korea ships targeted blacklisting xin sheng hai flag unknown hongkongflagged lighthouse winmore togoflagged yu yuan panamaflagged glory hope 1 also known orient shenyu kai xiang billions 18 north koreanflagged ul ji bong 6 rung ra 2 rye song gang 1 sam jong 2 four ships designated carrying coal north korea council north korea sanctions committee october united states led drive step sanctions north korea response pyongyang efforts develop nucleartipped missiles capable hitting united states ottawa tuesday canada united states said would cohost foreign ministers meeting vancouver jan 16 demonstrate international solidarity north korea nuclear missile tests representatives countries sent troops military support unbacked effort repel north korean forces 1950 invasion south korea attend japan india sweden also attend us secretary state rex tillerson said talk unless north korea ready talk tillerson told reporters meeting canadian foreign affairs minister chrystia freeland important north korea know pressure campaign abate rolling back intensified time goes remain place agree give nuclear weapons allow us verify fact done said freeland said world demonstrate north korea united condemning pyongyang actions international pressure campaign believe going successful successful outcome international pressure campaign diplomatic engagement freeland said washington warned options table including military ones prevent north korea missile development friday tillerson urged north korea carry sustained cessation weapons testing allow two countries hold talks north korea paused missile testing two months firing new type intercontinental ballistic missile late november us officials say given indication willing discuss giving nuclear program pyongyang repeatedly denounced us south korean military drills says prelude invasion tuesday south korean president moon jaein said willing ease tensions ahead next year winter olympics south korea delaying joint military exercises possible south korea us review possibility postponing exercises told nbc news made suggestion us us currently reviewing however depends north korea behaves spokesman us pacific command commander dave benham declined discuss plans exercises earlier tuesday japan south korea us allies urged china put pressure north korea japanese foreign minister taro kono said talks south korean foreign minister kang kyungwha china north korea neighbor big ally implementing security council resolutions could china routinely says meeting un obligations north korea urged sides pursue dialogue us navy top officer chief naval operations admiral john richardson said tuesday vessels eastern pacific could moved reinforce us naval power asia washington contends increased threats region accidents weakened maritime force china irritated steppedup us naval deployments pacific along russia proposed washington seoul halt major military exercises exchange north korea freezing weapons programs washington warned north korea would totally destroyed event war monday us president donald trump unveiled new national security strategy stressing need deal challenge posed pyongyang week washington publicly blamed north korea massive worldwide cyber attack may crippled hospitals banks companies white house official said tuesday facebook inc microsoft corp disabled number north korean cyber threats last week researchers say series cyber attacks netted north korean hackers millions dollars virtual currencies like bitcoin attacks expected international sanctions drive country seek new sources cash
ice cream parlor orange county california turned money muslimbashing customer insulted muslim woman store sitting enjoying ice cream22yearold nura takkish target bigottakkish sitting two friends andrew ice cream dessert orange county california monday may 23 noticed commotion counter customer asked leave saying racist nasty things shop baker jessie noah later told huffington posttakkish friend malaak ammari started record incident phonewhen trying eat ice cream trump supporters wont let live pictwittercomrw3mi8a2pn palestina may 24 2016the baker handed bigot back 3 telling give somebody else business cindy ramsay wife shop owner added nice want way defeated bigot yelled againas heads door man points finger two women headscarves says want near country bad ammari replies still filming sucks sucks see happens man replies threateningly noah walks door closes man walks awaydonald trump made antimuslim bigotry one centerpieces presidential campaign issued call muslims barred travel united states repeated message press release live media eventthe attacks muslims repudiated civil rights organizations leading politicians like president obama hillary clinton bernie sanders even republicans said trump attack muslims beyond pale reflective american valuesthe trump campaign winning nomination attempted step away comments ardent supporters majority republicans according multiple polls share view muslims bigot ice cream parlorfeatured image via twitter
schools brace five years upheaval triumphant party gove heart teaching guardian
trump simply political arsonist requires crisis chaos survive crisis create
topeampbamike oladipo adenibuyan bamteddy fam lord favoured josephamppromoted midst famineamp
warningthis video graphic
liberal compassion story perfect example left leaving citizens behind favor invaders countries allowing politicians kind power voices citizens watching heritage centuries rich history countries stolen overnight strangers many looking better economic situationa homeless man found dead centre bolzano corpse found passersby makeshift bed made cardboard boxes alongside wall hotel alpi currently used house refugees according investigators initial information traces violence man bodyhere photo lobby 4star hotel bolzanohere image refugees live taken july last year staging protest given enough milk please note refugee smart phone earbuds suffering refugees summed one picturevia ansait trentino aas
facebook vp advertising took twitter set record straight ads run facebook paid russians rob goldman tweeted media trying promote false narrative russians interfered 2016 presidential election fact happenedgoldman tweeted special counsel robert mueller indictment 13 russian nationals 3 russian entities alleged interference 2016 presidential electionthe indictment says russian organization called internet research agency sought wage information warfare united states sow discord american political system using fictitious american personas social media platforms internetbased mediainternet research agency socalled troll farm based st petersburg russia allegedly controlled defendant indictment named yevgeny progozhin wealthy associate russian president vladimir putin cnbcvery excited see mueller indictment today shared russian ads congress mueller american people help public understand russians abused system still keys facts russian actions still well understood rob goldman february 17 2018the majority russian ad spend happened election shared fact outlets covered align main media narrative tump election rob goldman february 17 2018facebook vp ads tweeted majority ad spend took place election landed verbal molotov cocktail dishonest press pointed facebook shared fact mainstream media cover align narrative trump electiongoldman went explain main goal russian propaganda campaign divide americans using free speech us social media goldman claims stoking fear hatred amongst americans main goal russian propaganda misinformation effort divide america using institutions like free speech social media us stoked fear hatred amongst americans working incredibly well quite divided nation rob goldman february 17 2018president trump retweeted goldman tweetthe fake news media never fails hard ignore fact vice president facebook ads rob goldman donald j trump february 17 2018here screenshot trump tweetfinally goldman tweeted real scary example russians using fake propaganda social media intentionally divide united states citizensthe single best demonstration russias true motives houston antiislamic protest americans literally puppeted streets trolls organized sides protest rob goldman february 17 2018the thing goldman got wrong reason nation deeply divided actually little russian bots social media operatives nation divided president 8 years worked behind scenes meeting radical hate groups like blm underground democratic party groups like one headed felon rob creamer whose purpose disrupt create violence chaos trump rallies across americagoldman also tweeted recent example russian operatives attempting divide americans heated issue gun controlrussialinked bots promoting progun messages twitter attempt sow discord aftermath florida school shooting monitoring groups say pictwittercomudqcwqp4lo cnn february 17 2018according cnbc indictment said internet research agency registered russian government corporate entity 2013 may 2014 group strategy included interfering 2016 us presidential election stated goal spreading distrust towards candidates political system general indictment saidthe indictment details extremely sophisticated conspiracy defendants traveled united states conduct research employed specialists finetune social media posts ensure appeared authentic stole real people identities purchase online ads
unbelievably outrageousrepublicans literally pretending last eight years never happenedin february 2016 justice antonin scalia passed away leaving vacancy supreme court president obama responsible fill scalia body even cold republicans vowed block nominee selected positionand republicans refused even grant merrick garland hearing despite fact moderate centrist enjoyed support republicans pastrepublicans excused unprecedented behavior claiming lameduck presidents pick supreme court nominees claimed american people get say november pick next supreme court justiceth gop three problems first president obama elected twice american people therefore right choose nominee second plenty historical examples presidents picking supreme court nominees getting confirmed final year office ronald reagan one finally american people vote donald trump voted hillary clinton nearly 3 million votesso trump definitely mandate republicans excuses obstructionbut democrats certainly really good excuse block trump nomination neil gorsuch high court republicans created new precedent last year refusing confirm garland republicans literally stole supreme court seat president obama democratic partybut mike pence claims even threatening obstruct trump nominee unprecedented speech federalist society pence promised gorsuch pick scalia left words complete dick wants repeal every supreme court ruling protects rights women minorities gay people environment etc nation taken way back 1850sand said several announced opposition within minutes nomination even threatening use filibuster procedure senate stop make mistake unwise unprecedented act seat belong party ideology interest group seat supreme court belongs american people american people deserve vote floor united states senate video via youtubedemocrats block trump supreme court pick costs turnabout fair play republicans hypocrites whining obstruction ones totally disrespected president obama merrick garland first place blame democrats threatening right complain way acted last year republicans wanted democrats cooperate trump thought acting like complete traitors toward president obamarepublicans wanted supreme court eight justices lasted year time democrats extend wait another four years republicans change rules force gorsuch supreme court democrats impeach trump get control congress show republicans word unprecedented really meansfeatured image via screenshot
sydney reuters north korea sent letter australia parliament warning nuclear power cowed us president donald trump threats destroy according copy letter published australian newspaper friday trump thinks would bring dprk nuclear power knees nuclear war threat big miscalculation expression ignorance said facsimile letter published sydney morning herald verified australia foreign ministry trump threatened totally destroy dprk extreme act threatening totally destroy whole world spokeswoman australia foreign minister told reuters herald report accurate paper copy letter dated sept 28 genuine titled open letter parliaments different countries note said sent north korea embassy jakarta indonesia australia embassy city well countries without naming dprk stands democratic people republic korea north korea official name tension soared peninsula following series weapons tests north korea string increasingly bellicose exchanges trump north korean leader kim jong un trump speech last month united nations threatened totally destroy north korea necessary defend allies called north leader kim jong un rocket man suicide mission letter calls countries loving independence peace justice discharge duty keep sharp vigilance heinous reckless moves trump administration trying drive world horrible nuclear disaster press conference sydney australian foreign minister julie bishop said note unprecedented communication way usually publish global messages collective strategy imposing maximum diplomatic economic pressure sanctions north korea working response pressure
homeless needy people every corner know truly needs help looking game system undercover expose explosion homeless people every corner suburban detroit shines light business panhandling panhandling protected first amendmentpanhandlers standing corners become increasing issue men women old young begging moneythe problem moved city suburbs giveit seems happened recent months panhandlers everywhere including american first highway woodward avenuethey hold signs pull heart strings claim homeless cancer veteran hungry connedwe spotted young guy corner woodward avenue maple recent friday afternoon panhandling moments later watched folded sign walked nearby parking lot got dark colored suvwe spotted suv different occasions house nice neighborhood west bloomfield confronted young guy first closed door without answering considered fraudmoments later exposed came profanities flying upset going tvto panhandling become job honest abe crew work corner 8 mile woodward daily even accepts credit cards says truly homeless panhandling frauds becoming frequentthe problem growing corners limits prime real estate recent court ruling involving michigan chapter aclu allows happen court said conduct asking money public form free speech must protected first amendment attorney ryan berman told 7 action newswe discovered many panhandlers work teams sharing signs corners use money buy food others trade cash drugs booze cigaretteselizabeth kelly hope shelter pontiac says want really help ways give really want donation good best thing give agency going move forward via wxyz
reuters republicans us house representatives thursday released details 429page tax bill calls slashing taxes corporations along many changes affecting individuals families businesses based publicly released documents comments republican lawmakers bills main features expected change tax debate unfolds weeks ahead permanently reduces us corporate income tax rate 20 percent current statutory rate 35 percent change line initial republican proposals dramatically reshapes tax system us multinational corporations worldwide taxation foreign profits would end territorial tax system exempting foreign profits corporate tax would imposed gives multinationals tax break 26 trillion profits stashed offshore taxexempt basis measure would require profits brought united states repatriated full 35percent corporate tax rate would normally due instead profits would taxed 12 percent cash assets 5 percent illiquid assets repatriation tax due proposal would payable eight years imposes new 10percent minimum tax us companies highprofit foreign units calculated global basis discourage shifting profits abroad proposes tax foreign companies operating united states 20 percent payments made abroad us operations companies could lower taxes putting operations us tax system repeals 20 percent corporate alternative minimum tax passthrough businesses caps maximum tax rate small businesses noncorporate enterprises 25 percent present maximum rate passthrough income 396 percent sets standards distinguishing individual wage income actual passthrough business income prevent taxavoidance abuse new lower tax level allows immediate full expensing capital investments businesses allows businesses deduct interest costs 30 percent taxable income exempts rule businesses average gross receipts 25 million less certain public utilities real property trades also exempted preserves research development tax credit phases tax credits solar geothermal wind power consolidates three higher education tax credits single credit ends taxexempt bonds professional sports stadiums ends deductions employee entertainment recreation activities well fringe benefits consolidates number tax brackets seven following zero tax income 24000 12 percent 90000 25 percent 260000 35 percent 1 million 396 percent 1 million top bracket present level added bill critics hammered republicans original proposal cut top rate increases standard deduction taxpayers 12000 6350 individuals 24000 12700 married couples repeals 4050 individual personal exemption preserves home mortgage interest deduction existing mortgages reduces amount interest taxpayers deduct taxes new mortgages capping 500000 cap 1 million caps deduction state local property taxes 10000 repeals deduction state local income sales taxes measure hurts highincome tax states new york new jersey california retains popular retirement savings programs including 401k ira pension plans expands child tax credit 1600 1000 establishes new 300 credit parent nonchild dependent also preserves child dependent care tax credit preserves earned income tax credit preserves deduction charitable giving changes higher education benefits college tuition details immediately available repeals individual alternative minimum tax highincome taxpayers doubles exemption estate tax inherited assets repeals tax six years adds 151 trillion federal budget deficit decade deficit 700 billion year national debt exceeds 20 trillion
venice runs dry gondolas stranded mud two months severe flooding venice gondolas flooding
story broke wednesday donald trump saying women punished getting abortion honestly confused outrage people talking like one ever far deep end punishing women abortion central pillar republican ideology could think republicans trying years people shocked apparently person noticed thatplanned parenthood executive vice president dawn laguens said presidential candidate donald trump exposed real views many republicans plan punish women seek abortion country news actually republican party platform horrified outed every day punish women seek abortions back laws tell doctors must lie women work shut clinics ban certain procedures doctors say important women safety health said thursday morning appearance cnn mean things agenda day day punish women yeah pretty much worse republicans proposed laws would make legal kill abortion providers criminalized pregnancy several states resulting growing trend women arrested miscarrying idea punishing women new idea republicans laguens exactly right says problem republicans trump saying loudthis main objection trump gop entire time sophisticated enough use dog whistles anything resembling subtlety says republicans actually think want without veil respectability built excites base tired unable wear racism sleeve pointy white hood made moderate republicans independents recoil disgustas long trump continues expose core republican ideology world enormous threat agenda primed lose november lose bigkeep good work donaldfeatured image via getty
mudslide ein alloza neighborhood silwan south alaqsa mosque without intervention jerusalem
debbie wassermanschultz exactly kind bernie sanders campaign chairperson democratic national committee wassermanschultz duty see party primaries fair candidates treated equally sanders campaign long complained treated anything butmany rules sanders campaign like new certainly come shock use superdelegates closed primaries states like new york things campaign harped met brick wall debate issue almost dnc want anyone watch scheduled poorly time people tuning watch republicans tear beach pieces primetime democrats looked like almost hiding candidates scheduling debates saturday nights college pro football playoff seasonthe campaign little recourse bound rules dnc sanders personal level dropped bomb supporting wassermanschultz opponent tim canova primary run florida 23rd congressional district canova sanders supporter much closer fit senator platform wassermanschultz especially dark money concerned repeatedly voted keep money flowing halls corruption sanders clinton called endthere time endorsement bernie sanders may seemed like big deal days sanders amazing influence young people enough miamidade area come vote guy sanders supports wasserman schultz could well job asked sanders endorsement opponent said proud serve people florida 23rd district confident know effective fighter advocate behalf congress even though senator sanders endorsed opponent remain beginning neutral presidential democratic primary look forward working together democratic victories fallthe congresswoman little bit better job convincing people neutral actions speak louder wordsfeatured image andrew burtongetty images
nairobi reuters kenya president uhuru kenyatta 96 percent votes counted far thursday rerun election according local media tally numbers released constituency level election commission tally compiled daily nation media group 200 292 constituencies reported showed kenyatta 558 million votes well ahead rival raila odinga boycotted process
completely inundated yet
chris matthews tried best create sympathy loser shot random republicans believe msnbc host chris matthews got political defense alexandria shooter james hodgkinson know sadness guy life blah blah blah inequalitymatthews unbelievable gaul bring sympathy guy making excuse heinous act using class warfare inequality exactly twisted thinking caused loser shoot peoplehodgkinson hater republicans president trump volunteered sen bernie sanders 2016 election deranged view conservatives lead shootingcheck word salad ramble matthews trying somehow justify would make someone shoot republicans howard know know goes somebody say wacky behavior dead know sadness guy life prospects something made mad world focused republicans understand inequality issue bernie sanders wrote paper day nothing wrong issue great issue fight progressive got head going get better equality incomes country killing people going happen
kardashians team petition starter demand cleanup worst nuclear disaste
many americans shocked latest abcwashington post goal seeking report aka poll shows hillary opening 12point lead likely voters latest debate last wednesday ironically latest polling farce embargoed release 9 est certainly made dominant topic conversation morning talk showsof course like many recent polls likes reuters abc washington post something curious emerges look beneath surface headline 12point leadas zero hedge pointed numerous times past response reuters efforts tweak polls per pew research center least since 1992 democrats never enjoyed 9point registration gap despite folks abc washington post somehow convincing reasonable margin methodology abc news poll conducted landline cellular telephone oct 2022 2016 english spanish among random national sample 874 likely voters results margin sampling error 35 points including design effect partisan divisions 362731 percent democrats republicans independents meanwhile huge variances preference across demographics one easily see simple rig poll indexing one group vs another pollsters release split sample pool political affiliation share split following demographics important determining outcome polljulie e phelan lead analyst langer research website mentions several awards phelan articles wrote coauthored article listed appear related women rights specifically women leadership roles hmmm seems julie passion wanting see women leadership roles politicsin dec 2015 phelan cited contribution paper initiative ndi whose chairman happens one hillary biggest cheerleaders madeline albright paper titled tackling violence women phelan coauthor rudman wrotephelan also coauthored prejudice toward female leaders rudmanas reminder madeline albright told women hillary rally february 2016 special place hell women vote hillary chad p kiewiet de jonge senior research analyst langer research graduated notre dame phd 2013 dissertation political learning democratic commitment new democracies donald trump visit usmexico border marks extent negative views immigration fuel candidacy republican presidential nomination limits may imposeabout half potential gop voters latest abc newswashington post poll oppose path legal status undocumented immigrants trump wins support 34 percent group remarkable tally 16candidate race among favor providing legal status undocumented immigrants contrast trump support drops sharply 13 percentgeoff feinberg senior research analyst langer research assoc 20122016 feinberg research director yale program climate change communication yale university oversaw numerous public opinion polls experiments lectured survey methodsclinton sanders supporters likely understand scientific consensus global warminga recent review study cook colleagues found peerreviewed studies extent scientific consensus global warming reached similar conclusions 90 100 climate experts convinced humancaused climate change happening rigorous studies found 97 climate scientists convinced humancaused climate change happeningfewer half candidate supporters aware consensus exists however supporters democratic candidates likely think least 90 climate scientists convinced
washington reuters us house panel wednesday approved sweeping proposal voice vote allow automakers deploy 100000 selfdriving vehicles without meeting existing auto safety standards bar states imposing driverless car rules representative robert latta republican heads energy commerce committee subcommittee overseeing consumer protection said would continue consider changes full committee votes measure expected next week full us house representatives take bill reconvenes september summer recess measure would first significant federal legislation aimed speeding selfdriving cars market would require automakers submit safety assessment reports us regulators would require premarket approval advanced vehicle technologies automakers would show selfdriving cars function intended contain fail safe features get exemptions safety standards transportation department could condition deployment testing highly automated vehicles review safety assessment certifications draft measure unveiled late monday said issue taken new urgency road deaths united states rose 77 percent 2015 previous year 35200 highest annual jump since 1966 traffic deaths climbed nearly 8 percent first nine months 2016 government data showed current federal motor vehicle safety rules prevent sale selfdriving vehicles without human controls automakers must meet nearly 75 auto safety standards many written assumption licensed driver control vehicle general motors co gmn alphabet inc googlo ford motor co fn tesla inc tslao others lobbying congress preempt rules consideration california states could limit selfdriving vehicle deployment states could still set rules registration licensing liability insurance safety inspections could set selfdriving car performance standards proposal california state assemblyman freddie rodriguez questioned washington would want us states look safety standards every state representative debbie dingell democrat michigan said bill creates strong flexible regulatory framework seeks avoid patchwork different state rules auto dealers want final bill clarify measure would preempt state dealer franchise laws generally bar automakers selling vehicles directly consumers democrats praised bipartisan proposal said want changes full committee takes including potentially adding auto safety measures alliance automobile manufacturers trade group said pleased legislation moving forward expect see areas finetuned legislation consumers union public advocacy group said bill needs changes must ensure automakers demonstrate automated vehicles safety dont put consumers greater risk crash group opposes restricting states safety authority without strong federal safety standards place administration former president barack obama last year unveiled voluntary guidelines selfdriving cars asked automakers submit 15question safety assessment president donald trumps transportation secretary elaine chao said plans update coming months separately republican senator john thune working democrats said wednesday hopes release draft selfdriving car reform bill end july
21st century wire asks tragic death kurt cobain mystified public two decades time many questionable forensic elements come light surrounding singer sudden endwe asking readers law enforcement reopen kurt cobain case read kurt cobain news 21st century wire cobain files
tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room starting 600 pm pst 800 pm cst 900 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custommade barfly philosophers misguided moralists masochists street corner evangelists mediamaniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascalsjoin acr hosts hesher spore along randy j stewart howe 21wire andy nowicki alt right blogspot jay dyer jays analysis 80th episode boiler room dim lights dawn headphones indulge boiler room crew week boiling media maniac conversation blend topics boiler room pull offplease like share program visit donate page get involvedboiler room polictally correct zone listen show player enjoylisten boiler room 80 chaos clowns catastrophe collapse spreakerreference links
berlin reuters mayor small town western germany known pursuing liberal migrant policies stabbed neck kebab shop monday evening seriously hurt attack officials suspected politically motivated conservative mayor altena andreas hollstein appeared news conference tuesday describe attack left 15 cm long cut neck covered white plaster feared life said 57yearold mayor received german integration prize chancellor angela merkel said attack took place atmosphere growing social tension hate attacker asked mayor saying let die thirst let 200 refugees altena hollstein recalled man plunged 30 cm long kitchen knife police told reporters suspect identified werner arrested believed motives xenophobic political although took spontaneous attack adding alcohol system attack comes germany struggles deal increasingly fractured society many voters still angry influx 16 million people seeking asylum two years end 2016 september election 13 percent germans voted farright alternative germany afd campaigned hard merkel opendoor migrant policy brings us forward transmit political views hate hollstein said said wife warned possible attacks due policies determined continue work push refugees people weaker social situation vowed thanking owner shop son probably saving life leadership town altena 17000 residents 450 refugees taken migrants allocated politicians including merkel expressed shock horrified knife attack mayor andreas hollstein relieved already back family thanks also helped merkel said via spokesman twitter attack reminiscent stabbing two years ago candidate mayor cologne henriette reker antirefugee attack seriously hurt went win election become mayor
grandmothers prayer closet survives powerful tornado flattened home killed many
washington reuters political feud erupted wednesday us house intelligence committees probe suspected russian meddling 2016 presidential election charges panels republican chairman subpoenaed cia fbi national security agency without telling democratic members committee aides complained chairman representative devin nunes publicly recused leading russia probe april following secret visit paid white house officials failed consult democrats subpoenas subpoenas asked agencies provide details requests made two top obama administration aides former cia director unmask names trump campaign advisers inadvertently picked topsecret foreign communications intercepts congressional sources said former officials named subpoenas obama national security adviser susan rice former us ambassador united nations samantha power former cia director john brennan subpoenas related unmasking issue would sent chairman nunes acting separately committees russia investigation action would taken without minoritys democrats agreement said senior committee aide speaking condition anonymity another congressional source also requested anonymity said democrats informed consulted subpoenas issued cia declined comment subpoenas federal bureau investigation nsa immediate respond requests comment us privacy laws intelligence regulations require americans names picked foreign communications intercepts concealed unless senior officials request disclosed intelligence law enforcement purposes requests undergo rigorous legal reviews several us officials speaking condition anonymity told reuters requests obama administration officials properly scrutinized appropriate subpoenas trump lawyer exaide spy agency subpoenas mentioned bipartisan announcement wednesday panel approved subpoenas president donald trumps former national security adviser michael flynn trumps personal lawyer michael cohen connection russia probe committee also approved subpoenas two mens firms flynn intel llc michael cohen associates pc committee statement said part ongoing investigation russian active measures 2016 campaign today approved subpoenas several individuals testimony personal documents business records republican representative mike conaway democratic representative adam schiff leading committee probe said joint statement conaway assumed republican leadership probe nunes recused nunes retained power issue subpoenas us intelligence agencies reported january russian president vladimir putin oversaw campaign computer hacking fake news propaganda intended swing election republican trump democratic opponent hillary clinton putin denied conducting campaign trump denies collusion russia campaign questioned veracity us intelligence finding trump fired flynn february failing disclose content talks sergei kislyak russias ambassador united states misleading vice president mike pence conversations retired army general subject congressional justice department defense department investigations apparent failure disclose payments received russian turkish entities cohen one several trump associates scrutiny fbi examination possible contacts trumps campaign russia according new york times reported cohen involved backchannel plan never came fruition would involved peace agreement russia ukraine lifting us sanctions moscow cnn reported wednesday night congressional investigators looking whether attorney general jeff sessions undisclosed private meeting kislyak campaign citing republican democratic sources congress intelligence officials briefed probe focus probe whether meeting took place april 27 2016 mayflower hotel washington trump delivered first major foreign policy address cnn reported confirmation hearing january sessions testified communications russians campaign said written statement given senate judiciary committee contact anyone linked russian government campaign reported march met kislyak twice campaign republican national convention july senate office september sessions later admitted meetings said part senate duties unrelated campaign later recused russia probe
speaking bill maher participation women march dc hanoi jane fonda remarked ability use celebrity express hate donald trump masses fonda told maher one benefits celebrity bring attention things need addressed went refer president trump predator chief course hanoi jane evidence whatsoever back hideous claim yet made claim anyhow turns hanoi jane actually knew certain sexual predator actually assaulted much younger actress one year ago younger actress rosana arquette shared horrible experience celebrity jane fonda fonda bragged much power bring attention important issues absolutely nothing ithypocrite hanoi jane would rather stay mum actual sexual predator harming many young women industry risk ostracized hollywood better stick hate trump script get along sickening hypocrites hollywood expose serial sexual predator stopped years ago many selfserving shallow human beings running around hollywood watchhanoi jane comfortable trashing president trump believes hurt career comes megademocrat donor hollywood kingpin producer harvey weinstein bets daily mail jane fonda admitted found last year harvey weinstein sexually harassing hollywood women ashamed speak earlierwatch met harvey old tells harvey goes young vulnerable pictwittercomrbrjxcfu6w christiane amanpour october 12 2017more 30 women come forward allegations sexual harassment hollywood producer described god film industrythe accusations including world famous actresses range inappropriate massages rape date back nearly three decadeswhile fonda says harassed weinstein told abuse last year one victimsi found harvey year ago ashamed say anything back told cnn christiane amanpour interview air fridayshe informed weinstein transgressions rosanna arquette one many women since spoken movie mogul came shock great disappointment fonda said met harvey old harvey goes young vulnerable added proud victims speaking unique isolated case specifically mentioned bill cosby history unique goes horrendous high levels said glad coming proud fellow actors speaking know taken long time hard thing get anything person victimized important come list women come forward claiming victims dirty harvey go
jakarta reuters speaker indonesia parliament investigated suspected involvement 170 million graft scandal tendered resignation two members assembly said monday setya novanto arrested last month suspected role scandal linked national electronic identity card scheme anticorruption investigators took custody sent letter assembly leaders pleading allowed keep job fought charges mr novanto resigned member parliament yandri susanto told reuters referring letter novanto announced decision say replacement speaker expected decided party golkar extraordinary meeting dec 19 said dito ganinduto member parliament novanto golkar party novanto resigned chairman golkar ganinduto said lawyer novanto maqdir ismail deferred questions matter acting golkar chairman idrus marham marham could reached comment novanto clung power several previous corruption cases latest battle graft agency gripped indonesia newspapers splashed story front pages social media posts mocking widely shared detention last month months declined answer summonses questioning corruption eradication commission known indonesian initials kpk allegations novanto reinforced perception among indonesians parliament long regarded riddled entrenched corruption failing institution indonesia ranked last year 90 176 countries transparency international corruption perception index watchdog singled parliament indonesia corrupt institution july called president joko widodo protect kpk attempts legislature weaken commission powers critics inside outside parliament say root problem money politics
dublin reuters irish prime minister leo varadkar friday gave cautious welcome speech florence british prime minister theresa may called britain stay single market current terms twoyear transition period give speech cautious welcome think genuine effort prime minister move things along make progress varadkar told journalists course need clarity understanding transition period might work requesting transition period also step right direction said varadkar said particularly happy may reassertion support protections northern ireland good friday peace deal frictionless border ireland northern ireland physical infrastructure
tokyo reuters japan looks quick resolute response north korea growing missile threat defense policy makers tokyo say may time reconsider nonnuclear pledges invite us nuclear weapons soil japan country suffer nuclear attack upholds three nonnuclear principles commit possess manufacture allow nuclear weapons territory adopted five decades ago perhaps time three principles become two senior defense policy maker told reuters suggesting nuclear weapons allowed japan asked identified sensitivity issue north korea pursuing weapons programs defiance international condemnation fired intermediate ballistic missile japan last week prompting authorities sound sirens advise residents take cover sunday north korea tested nuclear device yield estimated ten times atom bomb dropped united states hiroshima 1945 inviting us nuclear weapons would attempt japan jolt china north korea sole major ally rein neighbor showing consequences north korean provocations threaten neighbors destabilize region policy maker said simple way could nucleararmed us submarine operate one us navy bases japan said move bound infuriate china former japanese defense minister shigeru ishiba stoked controversy wednesday questioning whether japan expect protection us nuclear umbrella maintaining nonnuclear principles right discuss ishiba asked television interview election campaign last year donald trump chided japan south korea contributing enough defenses tuesday president said ready sell seoul billions dollars weapons scrap limit size warheads washington would supply plan begin discussing three nonnuclear principles japan chief cabinet secretary yoshihide suga told reporters asked respond ishiba comment yet growing north korean threat could stifle opposition experts say raising issue nuclear principles japan push united states china act something beijing going like said takashi kawakami security expert japan takushoku university medicine china needs make act north korea allowing us military deploy nuclear weapons japanese territory would pose grave political risk prime minister shinzo abe particularly amid influencepeddling scandal hit popularity ratings move toward relaxing nonnuclear principles however unlikely lead homemade atomic bomb despite japan technical abilities say experts tokyo civilian nuclear program fissile materials weaponization technology necessary could probably develop small arsenal nuclear devices within year motivation said emily chorley nuclear weapons expert ihs janes would force japan renege nonproliferation commitments could severely damage washington alliances position strength asia would signal japanese longer confidence us extended deterrence said former senior us military commander asked identified authorized talk media would essentially mean longer confidence alliance
israel moves demolish house belonging parents palestinian prisoner jenin
city first transgender police officer kept event san diego lgbt community center wearing uniformthe transgender day awareness annual event honor lost lives antitransgender violence held nov 17 hillcrest neighborhood officer christine garcia transitioned last year helped plan event part police department security detail watched commemorative march university avenue march garcia tried enter event member lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer community asked leave uniform could upset others attendance leaders center learned happened apologized garcia san diego police chief shelley zimmerman wish ever make community member feel unwelcome officers valued members community delores jacobs chief executive officer lgbt center said statement jacobs said occurrence misunderstanding center existing policy inclusion seeks acknowledge concerns members community may without excluding others leaders reviewed policy staff since event need support uncomfortable honor reactions valid understandable difficult previous experiences also need explain lgbtq san diego police liaisons valued part community jacobs wrote longtime lgbtq activist city commissioner nicole murrayramirez said incident outrage officer gay straight welcomed community center uniform said protect community neighborhoods make san diego better placeread san diego tribune
reuters us appeals court friday put restrictive republicanbacked arizona ballotcollection law hold tuesdays election handing democrats victory intensifying statebystate legal battle access polls arizonas legislature earlier year passed law prohibiting advocacy groups collecting completed early ballots voters delivering election offices part getoutthevote efforts plaintiffs case including democratic national committee argued law unconstitutional unfairly impacted ability minorities vote polls shown republican donald trump small lead arizona democrat hillary clinton presidential race san franciscobased 9th us circuit court appeals earlier week agreed revisit ruling refused block law hear case 11judge panel panel voted 65 friday prohibit arizona enforcing law court records showed arizona filed emergency appeal us supreme court later friday asking reverse 9th circuits order democrats accused republicans enacting state laws intended make harder minorities others tend back democratic candidates cast ballots republicans called laws necessary guard voting fraud judge sidney thomas 9th circuits chief judge wrote courts action would disrupt arizonas ability conduct us presidential election simply would enjoin enforcement legislative act would criminalize collection persons voter legitimately cast ballots thomas wrote joined five judges appointed democratic presidents five dissenting 9th circuit judges republican appointees argued court interfered arizona law close election day early voting already underway 9th circuit covers nine western states including arizona disappointed decision confuse voters depress turnout arizona secretary state michele reagan said statement representative democratic national committee could immediately reached comment acting another voting case friday us judge ohio ordered trumps campaign verbally harass voters near polling places take pictures key battleground state

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