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this is a children 's film in the truest sense . it 's packed with adventure and a worthwhile environmental message , so it 's great for the kids . parents , on the other hand , will be ahead of the plot at all times , and there is n't enough clever innuendo to fil | 0 |
fear permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz ' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique . | 0 |
a thoughtful look at a painful incident that made headlines in 1995 . | 1 |
workmanlike , maybe , but still a film with all the elements that made the other three great , scary times at the movies . | 1 |
about as enjoyable , i would imagine , as searching for a quarter in a giant pile of elephant feces . . . positively dreadful . | 0 |
just plain silly . | 0 |
the values that have held the enterprise crew together through previous adventures and perils do so again-courage , self-sacrifice and patience under pressure . | 1 |
the film feels uncomfortably real , its language and locations bearing the unmistakable stamp of authority . | 1 |
a 75-minute sample of puerile rubbish that is listless , witless , and devoid of anything resembling humor . | 0 |
contrived pastiche of caper clichM-is . | 0 |
tells a fascinating , compelling story . | 1 |
it 's hard to imagine any recent film , independent or otherwise , that makes as much of a mess as this one . | 0 |
rumor , a muddled drama about coming to terms with death , feels impersonal , almost generic . | 0 |
it 's easy to love robin tunney -- she 's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choices . | 0 |
this is a fragmented film , once a good idea that was followed by the bad idea to turn it into a movie . | 0 |
a fascinating examination of the joyous , turbulent self-discovery made by a proper , middle-aged woman . | 1 |
tries to add some spice to its quirky sentiments but the taste is all too familiar . | 0 |
the new faces are interesting , but the old story is n't , especially when it starts to seem more improvised than scripted . | 0 |
an unsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . | 0 |
merci pour le movie . | 1 |
it 's a familiar story , but one that is presented with great sympathy and intelligence . | 1 |
limps along on a squirm-inducing fish-out-of-water formula that goes nowhere and goes there very , very slowly . | 0 |
`` abandon `` will leave you wanting to abandon the theater . | 0 |
deuces wild is an encyclopedia of cliches that shoplifts shamelessly from farewell-to-innocence movies like the wanderers and a bronx tale without cribbing any of their intelligence . | 0 |
hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture 's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse . | 1 |
an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundly humanist ( not to mention gently political ) meditation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . | 1 |
shamelessly resorting to pee-related sight gags that might even cause tom green a grimace ; still , myer 's energy and the silliness of it all eventually prevail | 1 |
a hugely rewarding experience that 's every bit as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant 's two best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones 's diary . | 1 |
mr . parker has brilliantly updated his source and grasped its essence , composing a sorrowful and hilarious tone poem about alienated labor , or an absurdist workplace sitcom . | 1 |
as gamely as the movie tries to make sense of its title character , there remains a huge gap between the film 's creepy , clean-cut dahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendish acts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . | 0 |
this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to create and sustain a mood . | 1 |
a compelling story of musical passion against governmental odds . | 1 |
provide [ s ] nail-biting suspense and credible characters without relying on technology-of-the-moment technique or pretentious dialogue . | 1 |
there 's a reason the studio did n't offer an advance screening . `` the adventures of pluto nash `` is a big time stinker . | 0 |
those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , step right up . | 1 |
in this film , aussie david caesar channels the not-quite-dead career of guy ritchie . | 0 |
the humor and humanity of monsoon wedding are in perfect balance . | 1 |
this is not chabrol 's best , but even his lesser works outshine the best some directors can offer . | 1 |
ourside the theatre roger might be intolerable company , but inside it he 's well worth spending some time with . | 1 |
american and european cinema has amassed a vast holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone . | 1 |
calculated swill . | 0 |
[ gai ] comes closer to any actress i can remember to personifying independence in its purest and , yes , most intimidating form . | 1 |
inside the film 's conflict-powered plot there is a decent moral trying to get out , but it 's not that , it 's the tension that keeps you in your seat . affleck and jackson are good sparring partners . | 1 |
one of the more irritating cartoons you will see this , or any , year . | 0 |
like most bond outings in recent years , some of the stunts are so outlandish that they border on being cartoonlike . a heavy reliance on cgi technology is beginning to creep into the series . | 1 |
when seagal appeared in an orange prison jumpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! ' | 0 |
not a schlocky creature feature but something far more stylish and cerebral -- and , hence , more chillingly effective . | 1 |
for 95 often hilarious minutes , [ cho ] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outrM-i sexual practice . | 1 |
as an actor 's showcase , hart 's war has much to recommend it , even if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive player . as a story of dramatic enlightenment , the screenplay by billy ray and terry george leaves something to be desired . | 0 |
to call the other side of heaven `` appalling `` would be to underestimate just how dangerous entertainments like it can be . | 0 |
a playful iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get along despite their ideological differences . | 1 |
[ a ] thoughtful , visually graceful work . | 1 |
awesome work : ineffable , elusive , yet inexplicably powerful | 1 |
tells ( the story ) with such atmospheric ballast that shrugging off the plot 's persnickety problems is simply a matter of ( being ) in a shrugging mood . | 1 |
tender yet lacerating and darkly funny fable . | 1 |
the problem is that for the most part , the film is deadly dull . | 0 |
although sensitive to a fault , it 's often overwritten , with a surfeit of weighty revelations , flowery dialogue , and nostalgia for the past and roads not taken . | 0 |
a movie that hovers somewhere between an acute character study and a trite power struggle . | 0 |
laconic and very stilted in its dialogue , this indie flick never found its audience , probably because it 's extremely hard to relate to any of the characters . | 0 |
these characters become wearisome . | 0 |
a brisk , reverent , and subtly different sequel . | 1 |
vera has created a provocative , absorbing drama that reveals the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . | 1 |
instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story 's emotional thrust . | 0 |
sitting through the last reel ( spoiler alert ! ) is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . | 0 |
witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy . | 1 |
this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proportions -- a lunar mission with no signs of life . | 0 |
once again , director chris columbus takes a hat-in-hand approach to rowling that stifles creativity and allows the film to drag on for nearly three hours . | 0 |
much of the movie 's charm lies in the utter cuteness of stuart and margolo . their computer-animated faces are very expressive . | 1 |
colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical . . . the rare sequel that 's better than its predecessor . | 1 |
it 's still adam sandler , and it 's not little nicky . and for many of us , that 's good enough . | 1 |
the whole thing plays out with the drowsy heaviness of synchronized swimmer wearing a wool wetsuit . | 0 |
a supernatural mystery that does n't know whether it wants to be a suspenseful horror movie or a weepy melodrama . it ends up being neither , and fails at both endeavors . | 0 |
an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first order | 1 |
. . . does such a fine job of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its characters ' choices , good and ill , that its shortcomings are remembered only as an afterthought . | 1 |
no worse than a lot of the crap we 've been offered this summer , and slightly better than men in black 2 as far as slapdash extraterrestrial comedies go . | 0 |
will warm your heart without making you feel guilty about it . | 1 |
every sequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . | 0 |
far from perfect , but its heart is in the right place . . . innocent and well-meaning . | 1 |
quiet , adult and just about more stately than any contemporary movie this year . . . a true study , a film with a questioning heart and mind that is n't afraid to admit it does n't have all the answers . | 1 |
the pool drowned me in boredom . | 0 |
a incompetM-jncia de marcus adams como roteirista sM-s M-i superada por sua pM-issima direM-gM-co . | 0 |
a disturbing and frighteningly evocative assembly of imagery and hypnotic music composed by philip glass . | 1 |
[ stephen ] earnhart 's film is more about the optimism of a group of people who are struggling to give themselves a better lot in life than the ones they currently have . | 1 |
hart 's war seems to want to be a character study , but apparently ca n't quite decide which character . | 0 |
a film that loses sight of its own story . | 0 |
the only fun part of the movie is playing the obvious game . you try to guess the order in which the kids in the house will be gored . | 0 |
a sleep-inducingly slow-paced crime drama with clumsy dialogue , heavy-handed phoney-feeling sentiment , and an overly-familiar set of plot devices . | 0 |
[ jeff 's ] gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil finn and edmund mcwilliams 's melancholy music , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent . | 1 |
its one-sidedness . . . flirts with propaganda . | 0 |
with its paint fights , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it 's a pretty listless collection of kid-movie clichM-is . | 0 |
. . . what a banal bore the preachy circuit turns out to be | 0 |
well , jason 's gone to manhattan and hell , i guess a space station in the year 2455 can be crossed off the list of ideas for the inevitable future sequels ( hey , do n't shoot the messenger ) . | 0 |
while it has definite weaknesses -- like a rather unbelievable love interest and a meandering ending -- this '60s caper film is a riveting , brisk delight . | 1 |
like a skillful fisher , the director uses the last act to reel in the audience since its poignancy hooks us completely . | 1 |
the most memorable moment was when green threw medical equipment at a window ; not because it was particularly funny , but because i had a serious urge to grab the old lady at the end of my aisle 's walker and toss it at the screen in frustration . | 0 |
smith 's approach is never to tease , except gently and in that way that makes us consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes . | 1 |
those of you who are not an eighth grade girl will most likely doze off during this one . | 0 |
the movie slides downhill as soon as macho action conventions assert themselves . | 0 |
the film 's snags and stumblings are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive tone . | 1 |
the film has several strong performances . | 1 |