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43,530 | The pandemic as we know it has caused some employees to declare the end of the office space. Generally, agile teams traditionally excel when they’re co-located with their team members. The question is, would they still excel with the current pandemic outbreak? Here’s how to ensure they’ll remain effective throughout the lockdown.
Although remote work will likely become more common, it is premature to count out the office space. Individuals and companies alike recognize remote work is complementary to, rather than a replacement for, in-person collaboration. Gensler’s U.S. 2020 Work from Home Survey found that only 12% of U.S. workers want to work from home full-time, and most want to spend the majority of the workweek at the office while having the ability to work from home when they want.
As organizations learn to survive in the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, their agile team can be a real source of competitive advantage. Such teams are typically well suited to periods of disruption, given their ability to adapt to fast-changing business priorities, disruptive technology, and digitization.
But the abrupt shift to remote working in response to the coronavirus has challenged the typical approach to managing agile teams. Traditionally, such teams thrive when team members are co-located, with close-knit groups all working in the same place. Co-location allows frequent in-person contact, quickly builds trust, simplifies problem-solving, encourages instant communication, and enables fast-paced decision making. And while we know from experience that agile teams that have worked remotely from the start can be as effective, the sudden transition of co-located teams to a fully remote approach can reduce cohesion and increase inefficiency.
The office will continue to be important for many companies and workers, and the benefits of an office environment — such as training, mentorship, and collaboration — remain as essential as ever. We have already begun to see limitations of remote work for some, with reports of more hours worked, burnout, and potential long-run losses in productivity. Drawing lines between “life” and “work” was challenging before “work from home.” With a viable vaccine still likely months away, the question is: How can we realize the upsides of an office environment while keeping employees safe and healthy? One of the most important lessons learned is that both companies and workers desire flexibility, and the office space will need to adapt.
And while we know from experience that agile teams that have worked remotely from the start can be as effective, the sudden transition of co-located teams to a fully remote approach can reduce cohesion and increase inefficiency.
The experience of remote working can lead to ineficiency and reduced cohesion.
experience of remote work, % of respondents
said they would have better relationships with more frequent team communications.
said that more face time would help them develop deaper relationships with team members.
said didn’t feel as though they were treated equaly by their coleagues.
said that workplace chalenges or concerns dragged on for a few days or more.
Source: Harvard Busines Review; Workplace Trends; Zoltan Lippenyi and Tanja Vander Lippe.
“Co-workers working from home and individual and team performance”, New Technology, Work and Employment, March 2020, Volume 35. Isue 1, pp. 60-79
The good news is that while it takes real work, much of what leads agile teams to lose productivity when they go remote can be addressed. If the necessary technology is in place, a talented remote team can deliver just as much value as co-located teams.
This is a fight for both starting and established companies as some tech giant are beginning to considering the option of ‘hybrid’ work-from-home models as statists revealed that most of their employees don’t want to come to work every day.
Some key points of the survey carried by some established companies:
* Most employees want to return to the office at some point, but not every day.
* The companies are planning “hybrid” models for future work, including rearranging its offices.
* Silicon Valley companies are competing on flexible work options for existing and prospective talent.
Some big companies are currently rethinking their long-term work options for employees, as most of them say they don’t want to work from home full-time.
A recent survey of employee preferences showed that over sixty-two percent employees would like to return to their offices at some point.
So these companies are working on “hybrid” models, including rearranging their offices and figuring out more long-term remote work options.
“I see the future as being more flexible,” Pichai said in the interview. “We firmly believe that in-person, being together, having a sense of community is super important when you have to solve hard problems and create something new so we don’t see that changing. But we do think we need to create more flexibility and more hybrid models.”
The long-term planning comes as Google, which has been looked at as a model for Silicon Valley workplaces, slowly reveals more details of its plans to return its employees to the office while also competing with other tech companies for top talent. Earlier in the summer, the company gave staffers the option to work from home through July 2021 amid the global pandemic. That came as Facebook announced a similar timeline, while other companies, such as Twitter, said employees can work remotely “forever.”
Most companies and workers will continue to find the importance and benefits of an office environment for reasons such as training of new employees, mentorship, and collaboration. There have already been limitations of remote work for some, with reports of more hours worked, burnout, and potential long-run losses in productivity. The line between life and work was challenging at the start of the lockdown. One important lesson learned is that both companies and workers desire flexibility, and the traditional office space will have to adapt to it in the near future.
The good news is that while it takes real work, much of what leads agile teams to lose productivity when they go remote can be addressed. If the necessary technology is in place, a talented remote team can deliver just as much value as co-located teams. | {
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98,124 | The central burning issue, more urgent than any other in the Russian Revolution, was the question of the war. By 1917 the suffering of the soldiers had reached its limit. Of the 15.5 million men who had been called up, it is estimated that 7.2 to 8.5 million had been killed or wounded, or were missing. The peasant uprisings provoked and were provoked by soldiers’ mutinies. By the time the peasants were burning manor houses, and sometimes killing their masters, the soldiers had reached the point of lynching unpopular officers and deserting en masse from the front. Furthermore, the soldier – who was a peasant in uniform – on quitting the front or the rear garrison and returning to the village, played a central role in spreading revolutionary ideas in the countryside.
Those cases in which soldiers took the lead in peasant disorders constituted in March, according to Vermenichev’s calculations, 1 percent, in April 8 percent, in September 12 percent and in October 17 percent. These figures cannot pretend to be accurate, but they show the general tendency unmistakably. [1]
The disintegration of the Russian army proceeded rapidly. It was an inevitable product of the revolution.
“Surely, the fact is evident,” wrote Engels to Marx on September 26, 1851, “that a disorganized army and a complete breakdown of discipline has been the condition as well as the result of every victorious revolution.” [2]
The soldier in the Tsarist army was deprived of the most elementary human rights. He was forbidden to smoke in the street, to ride inside tramcars, or to frequent clubs, public dances, restaurants, eating places, and other establishments where drinks were sold. He was prohibited from attending public lectures and theatrical performances, or receiving books or newspapers without the permission of his commanding officer. [3] After the February Revolution, the peasant-soldier was no longer prepared to be used as cannon fodder in a war led by landlord-generals.
The provisional government tried its best to prevent the disintegration of the army. On February 28, Miliukov declared to a group of soldiers that they must all be “organized, united, and subordinated to one authority.” [4]
However, as Sukhanov explains:
[I]n trying to restore the bonds between the officers and the soldiers, [the provisional government] wanted those bonds to be just what they had been under Tsarism. It had every reason for hoping that the officers’ corps, in joining the revolution and placing itself at the disposition of the Duma, would be making itself a faithful servant of the bourgeoisie. [5]
In the months preceding the revolution, discipline in the Tsarist army was already disintegrating. The February Revolution accelerated the process. After all, it took place not only without the officers, but against them. “From the morning of February 28,” says the Cadet Nabokov, then wearing an officer’s uniform, “it was dangerous to go out because they had the gun to rip off the officers’ epaulettes.” [6]
Many of the officers rushed to pin on red ribbons a couple of days after the revolution. But could the soldiers trust them? V.B. Stankevich, political commissar of the provisional government for the northern front, in his memoirs, makes it quite clear what the actual feelings were between officers and soldiers in the early days after the February Revolution.
It was the fact that the soldiers, breaking discipline, left the barracks not merely without their officers but even despite their officers, and in many cases against their officers, even killing some of them who tried to fulfill their duty. And now by universal, popular, official acclaim, obligatory for the officers themselves, the soldiers were supposed to have realized by this a great deed of emancipation. If this was indeed a heroic exploit, and if the officers themselves now proclaimed it, then why had they not themselves led the soldiers out onto the streets – for you see that would have been easier and less dangerous for them than for the soldiers. Now after the victory is won, they adhere to the heroic feat. But is that sincere and for how long? You see during the first moments they were upset, they hid themselves, they changed into civilian clothes – Even though next day all the officers returned. Even though some of the officers came running back and joined us five minutes after the soldiers went out, all the same it was the soldiers who led the officers in this, and not the officers the soldiers. And those five minutes opened an impassable abyss cutting off the troops from all the profoundest and most fundamental assumptions of the old army. [7]
Many officers were very slow to adapt themselves. They hoped for a restoration of the old regime. Thus the Duma deputy, N.O. Yanushkevich, on visiting troops about a fortnight after the revolution, reported:
[T]here are those among the higher officers who behave tactlessly. Everywhere we had to hear the complaint that the red bow, when it is worn, is torn away. We were also told that the portraits [of the Tsar] are not being removed; the soldiers enter and see that the Emperor’s portrait is on the wall; it arouses their indignation. At certain places we received definite information that there were threats of execution by firing squad in the event of the portrait being removed. This tactlessness has created a dreadful atmosphere. [8]
Officers resented the provisional government’s order that they should be more polite towards their subordinates.
At several meetings, we talked with officers. Some of them understand their task, but others do not wish to realize that the old life has been destroyed, that they must change themselves. They consider that they have been very badly treated; they are indignant at the orders including Guchkov’s regarding politeness; they say that it will ruin the morale of the army – The soldiers accuse their commanders of everything, and it took much effort to explain to them that it was the fault of the old regime, that their immediate superiors had nothing to do with it. [9] [1*]
The soldiers could not forget that one of the disciplinary measures used by the officers under the Tsar had been flogging. Above all, they knew that while they were peasants and workers, the officers were landlords’ sons or members of bourgeois families.
The provisional government and the compromisers in the Soviet hoped against hope that exhortation, if repeated sufficiently often, would create trust between soldiers and officers. On March 9 the minister of war, Guchkov, and the chief of staff, General Alekseev, issued a manifesto to the soldiers and citizens, stating:
The restoration of good and friendly relations between officers and soldiers, and a strengthening of discipline, are among the major cares of the provisional government ...
The provisional government declares that the army has the obligation to obey the orders of its military commanders, and believes that the soldiers will understand it and will form a close circle around their officers, seeing in them the leaders who have always led them to victory. Only by obeying their officers may the soldiers break the resistance of the enemy and deny him victory over free Russia. Soldiers, you are called to complete the great historical task of our fatherland. Follow your officers and remember that without respect for the person and the honor of your officer, there can be no unity, there can be no victory. [11]
Order No.1 – The Soviet Compromises
In the heat of the February Revolution, when soldiers went about tearing off officers’ epaulettes, the idea of electing all officers became popular. The first leaflet calling for this change was issued on the morning of March 1 by the Mezhraiontsy, and read:
Elect your own platoon commanders, company commanders, and regiment commanders, elect company committees for taking charge of food supplies. All the officers must be under the control of these company committees. Accept only those officers whom you know to be friends of the people ... Soldiers! Now that you have revolted and won, former enemies will come to you along with your friends – officers who call themselves your friends. Soldiers! The tail of a fox is more to be feared than the tooth of a wolf. [12]
The SR and Menshevik leaders in the Soviet were so infuriated by this leaflet that they issued a general denunciation of it in their daily, Izvestiia, on March 3. [13] However, the revolutionary mood among the troops was such that the compromisers did not feel it was possible simply to preserve the old disciplinary setup. The result was a compromise, Order No.1, issued by the Petrograd Soviet on March 1:
... In all companies, battalions, regiments, parks, batteries, squadrons, in the special services of the various military administrations, and on the vessels of the navy, committees from the elected representatives of the lower ranks of the above-mentioned military units shall be chosen immediately.
... In all its political actions, the military branch is subordinated to the Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies and to its own committees.
... The orders of the Military Commission of the State Duma shall be executed only in such cases as do not conflict with the orders and resolutions of the Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies.
... All kinds of arms, such as rifles, machine guns, armored automobiles, and others, must be kept at the disposal and under the control of the company and battalion committees, and in no case should they be turned over to officers, even at their demand.
... In the ranks and during their performance of the duties of the service, soldiers must observe the strictest military discipline, but outside the service and the ranks, in their political, general civic, and private life, soldiers cannot in any way be deprived of those rights that all citizens enjoy. In particular, standing at attention and compulsory saluting, when not on duty, is abolished ... Also, the addressing of the officers with the titles “Your excellency,” “Your honor,” etc., is abolished, and these titles are replaced by the address of “Mister general,” “Mister colonel,” etc. Rudeness toward soldiers of any rank, and especially, addressing them as “thou” (ty) is prohibited, and soldiers are required to bring to the attention of the company committees every infraction of this rule, as well as all misunderstandings occurring between officers and privates.
The present order is to be read to all companies, battalions, regiments, ships’ crews, batteries, and other combatant and non-combatant commands. [14]
This order set up a system of dual power inside the army. It was quite rightly described by Trotsky as “the single worthy document of the February revolution,” [15] and by Sukhanov as “practically the sole independently creative political act of the Soviet Plenum throughout the revolution.” [16]
Order No.1 was drawn up hastily as a response to the specific situation in Petrograd and its authors hoped that it would apply only in the capital. Unfortunately,
it was printed in large numbers and distributed along the entire front in a matter of days ... There was not a single sector of the 2,000-mile front which remained unaffected by its influence, although the northern sectors were more heavily inundated than the rest. Officers noticed immediately how enthusiastically their men followed its prescriptions: soldiers ceased saluting and standing at attention, addressed them as “Mister lieutenant” and insisted on the formal “vy.” Within a matter of days officers were faced with committees which presented demands, requested explanations, countermanded orders, and instituted controls over arms and ammunition. Not infrequently officers were requested to recognize the committee structure by issuing special orders. All attempts by officers to explain that the order was unofficial, and in any event applied only to Petrograd, were in vain. [17]
As dual power was very unstable, pressure was exerted against Order No.1, from both the right and from the left, from the moment it was published.
Order No.2
As soon as the Petrograd Soviet had issued Order No.1, its leaders became afraid of their own handiwork. The executive was no doubt encouraged in this attitude by Kerensky, who detested the order, as Sukhanov remembers:
Kerensky came flying in like a hurricane, completely beside himself and out of breath with rage and despair. Pounding on the table he not only accused the authors and publishers of this leaflet of provocation, but called it the work of the Tsarist secret police. He threatened the culprits with all sorts of punishments. [18]
To pacify Kerensky, and even more important, the generals and the capitalists, the Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionaries in the Soviet issued Order No.2; this limited the application of Order No.1 to the Petrograd military district, and emphasized that even in Petrograd the Army Committees should not intervene in military affairs.
Order No.1 of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies proposed to all companies, battalions, and other military units to elect committees (company, battalion, etc.), appropriate to each particular unit, but that order did not provide that these committees should elect the officers of each unit ... The soldiers are bound to submit to all orders of the military authorities that have reference to the military service. [19]
As a symbol of the need to check the soldiers’ appetite for freedom came a new order by the minister of war, about the rights of soldiers to free transport, free attendance at theaters, concerts, etc. When the soldiers had asserted these rights after the February Revolution, they had taken it for granted that freedom meant “free of charge.” Now on March 22, Guchkov issued Order No.114, which made it clear that soldiers were free to go to theaters, use public transport, etc., but that they were not exempt from payment! [20]
Declaration of Soldiers’ Rights
Dual power, as a regime operating in a crisis, led to repeated formulations and reformulations of the rights and duties of soldiers. Thus on May 11, Kerensky, who had replaced Guchkov as minister of war issued a new decree, Order No.8, Declaration of Soldiers’ Rights, which spelled out the rights of the commanders:
... [U]nder combat circumstances, the commander has the right on his own responsibility to take all measures, down to applying armed force inclusive, against his subordinates who fail to carry out his orders. These measures are not considered to be disciplinary penalties ... The right of appointment to duties and of temporary suspension of officers of all grades from duties in instances provided by law belongs exclusively to commanders. Likewise they alone have the right to give orders with regard to combat activity and the preparation for battle of a unit, its training, its special duties, duties in the [departments] of inspection and supply. [21]
This declaration irritated even the moderate left. The All-Russian Congress of Soviets, dominated by SRs and Mensheviks, criticized it for undermining soldiers’ rights.
In the field of civil rights in general, the right of every serviceman to participate in, and to organize, any kind of meeting must be proclaimed ... The restriction on the freedom of speech to “the time when off duty” must be abolished.
The right of the commander to use force of arms against insubordinates (Article 14) must be excluded from the declaration.
In revoking Article 18 or Order No.8, it must be declared that the soldiers’ organs of self-government shall have the right to challenge or recommend [appointment] of persons in command, as well as the right to participate in army administration on a basis prescribed explicitly in regulations. [22]
The Bolsheviks, were, of course, even more critical than the SRs and the Mensheviks in the Congress of Soviets.
The Army Disintegrates
The class struggle between peasants and landlords was reflected in the army in increasing insubordination by soldiers towards officers. The drive for expropriation of land was feeding the soldiers’ rebellious spirit; even more was the desire for peace, in a situation where the officers were ordering the soldiers to go on fighting the bloody and useless war.
The disintegration of the army accelerated. By October 1917, some two million soldiers had deserted – mostly between February and October. [23] Two hundred thousand had been rounded up, but when they were returned to the front they only increased the speed with which the army was collapsing.
On March 18, General Lukomskii, director of military operations, drew up a report following a conference in Stavka, which stated:
The state of the army. The army is undergoing [a period of] sickness. It will take probably two or three months to readjust the relations between officers and men.
At the present time one observes low spirits among the officer personnel, unrest among the troops, and a great number of desertions.
The fighting capacity of the army is lowered and at the present time it is difficult to anticipate an improvement. [24]
On May 27, the provisional government ordered four regiments – the 45th, 46th, 47th, and 52nd – to be disbanded for insubordination. [25]
A few excerpts follow which have been picked at random from reports to army headquarters:
A telegram from the Rumanian front of 9 June, among other things, states: “X division – The spirit of the troops has improved, but, according to the words of the division commander, ‘as before, however, there is no absolute certainty that an order to attack would be obeyed ...’”
The 5th Army has communicated ... some following details of the conditions under which the regrouping for the operation takes place: in X corps, the order was not carried out; in X division, which had refused to extend its front to the left, individual companies of X regiment set out for the positions, while 1,067 men refused to go; in X regiment, one battalion refused to move. In the rest of the regiments, the situation is as tense, and disorders can be expected when their turn for relief arrives ... In X regiment, the order has not been carried out by five companies. In X corps, X division broke away from its staff and artillery, gathered around X regiment, elected, according to the X Division Commander’s report, its own revolutionary staff, and is sending out agents into other units for propaganda ... In some regiments of the 36th division, they declare that they have no authorities but Lenin.
Telegram received on 7 July from the Rumanian front, signed by Regimental Commander Reko, that on 4 July the 8th Company of the regiment refused to go out to positions for the offensive, and only after lengthy exhortations and admonitions did the regiments set out on the night of the 6th in the strength of eight companies with an insufficient number of riflemen.
The commander of the 11th Army, in a report to Stavka on July 12, said:
It is even hard to conjecture where the enemy might be stopped. The entire commanding and officer personnel is powerless to do anything short of self-sacrifice ... The tragedy of the high command lies in the fact that instead of sending the loyal detachments against the enemy it has to direct them to suppress the mutinying companies and whole divisions in the rear and to stop marauding and pillaging. The need of depending on numbers of loyal troops and companies to restore order leads to dissent within the army, which in turn results in its further demoralization. [26]
At a second conference at Stavka on July 16, General Denikin described the situation on the western front:
It was “in a state of complete disintegration.”
The men were obedient up to a point – while our line of action was passive – but as soon as the men were required to be aggressive, the full extent of disintegration came to light.
In the course of between two and three weeks, we succeeded, by the extraordinary work of the commanding personnel, in deploying the 10th Army, but under what conditions: 48 battalions refused to go into combat. One of the three shock corps was deployed, it took two to three weeks to deploy another one, while the third was not deployed at all. Insubordination, robbery, and looting swept through the units, and distilleries were ravaged. Certain units, like the 703rd Suramskii regiment, for example, disintegrated ...
I moved the 20th Corps to replace the right flank corps, because I considered it to be the best one. However, as soon as it received an order to advance, one of its divisions marched 30 versts in the very first night, but then returned to its original position. Another division refused to advance altogether. After lengthy negotiations it was finally deployed. [27]
At the same conference General Alekseev said: “We have no army, either on the front or in the rear ... all that remains is human dust.” [28]
The Army Generals Try to Reimpose Discipline
The generals realized that unless iron discipline was imposed in the army everything would be lost. The call for the reimposition of strict discipline became more and more strident. Thus on July 11 the supreme commander, General Brusilov, wrote to the minister of war, Kerensky:
Time does not wait. It is necessary to restore immediately iron discipline in all its plenitude and the death penalty for traitors. If we do not do it at once, without delay, then the army will perish, Russia will perish. [29]
On the same day, the government decided to restore the death penalty at the front – reverting to the situation before March 12, when it had been abolished. But this did not satisfy the generals. On July 16, General Denikin told a conference in the presence of Kerensky: “The death penalty [should] be introduced not only in the theater of war but also in the rear where replacements are stationed.” [30] General Lukomskii remarked that the death penalty should apply to “civilians who are corrupting the army.” [31]
But not all the generals were as convinced of the effectiveness of the death penalty in restoring discipline. Thus General Klembovskii remarked:
What can help? The death penalty? But is it really possible to execute entire divisions? Prosecution? Then half the army would turn out to be in Siberia. You will not frighten the soldier by penal servitude. “Penal servitude? So what? After five years I will come back,” they say, “and at least I will be uninjured.” [32]
The re-introduction of the death sentence met with bitter opposition, even from the compromising left. Thus on August 19, Iakovlev, on behalf of the SR group in the Petrograd Soviet, moved a resolution demanding the abrogation of the death penalty, arguing that “the death penalty, introduced by the new regime under the pretext of combatting crime, is beginning to take form with ever greater clarity as a means of frightening the soldiers with a view to subjugating them to the officers.” [33]
Although the SRs and the Mensheviks in the government had been responsible for its reintroduction, only four members of the Soviet (including Tsereteli) voted against this resolution.
At the same time, the generals were increasing their pressure from the right against the situation of dual power in the army and the multiplicity of authorities tearing it apart. Thus General Denikin stated at the Stavka conference:
In touring the front, the Supreme Commander received the impression that the soldiers were good, [but] that the commanders were frightened and had permitted their authority to slip out of their hands. This is not quite correct. Authority did not slip out of the hands of the commanders, it was torn out of their hands ... Another cause for disintegration in the army is the commissars ... There cannot be dual authority in the army. The army must have one head and one authority ...
Thus, this institution cannot be tolerated in the army.
A further cause for disintegration in the army is the committees ...
The committees are removing commanders. Thus, they removed the commanders of the corps, the Chief of Staff of the corps, and the commander of the 1st Siberian division of the 1st Siberian corps. I did not give permission for this removal, but the commander of the corps came to me crying and sobbing and I had to let him leave.
I have statistical data at my disposal; there were 50 cases of commanders being removed from the front. [34]
The officers’ corps is in a terrible position ...
Yes, they are martyrs ... They are abused ... they are beaten. Yes, they are beaten. Hiding in their tents, they sob, but they will not tell about this. They are being killed. [35]
Detachment and regiment committees enter into discussions of virtually every question ... The committees bring multiple authority into the army, and discredit, rather than strengthen, the authority of the commanders. [36]
In order to regenerate the army [General Denikin went on to say], it is necessary that ... politics be completely excluded from the army; the declaration be abolished; commissars and committees be abolished; authority be restored to the commanders; discipline be introduced ... The death penalty be introduced not only in the theater of war but also in the rear where replacements are stationed. Revolutionary courts must be established for the reserve regiments as well. [37]
All the generals present at the conference agreed with Denikin. But the question was: how to go about abolishing the committees and the commissars? Kerensky came to the rescue with the advice to do it gradually and by stealth.
If we were to adopt the maximal program of General Denikin ... we must expect tremendous disorders. Personally, I have nothing against ... recalling the commissars, and closing down the committees. But I am convinced that on the very next day, a state of complete anarchy would start spreading over Russia and the commanding personnel would start being butchered. Such sharp transitions must not occur. [38]
Kerensky received support from the Cadet foreign affairs minister, Tereshchenko.
One must become reconciled to the commissars, albeit reluctantly for they cannot be abolished at the present time.
Only a month ago, it seemed impossible to introduce the death penalty. Now it is accepted unanimously by the government, and its introduction did not give rise to difficulties, and the people accepted it with calm.
However, the death penalty cannot now be introduced in the rear. The masses must be made aware of the necessity of the measure as soon as possible.
To abolish the committees, as everyone is suggesting, cannot be done now. This must be approached gradually. [39]
The compromising leaders of the soviet, afraid of their own shadows, unable to trust the generals, and frightened of the “dark masses” were not prepared to allow abolition of the committees and commissars. On July 18, the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies and the Executive Committee of the Soviet of Peasants’ Deputies issued a statement that
no encroachment on the rights and freedom of action of these organs [the committees] must be permitted, especially with regard to army organizations, since their work represents an absolute condition for the restoration of discipline and the combat efficiency of the army. [40]
Lenin Lances the Ulcer
Lenin’s thoughts and feelings coincided completely with those of the soldiers. On the question of soldier/officer relations, he completely rejected not only the Alekseevs and Denikins, but also the Tseretelis and Chkheidzes, who wanted to compromise between the two camps.
Lenin asked the question: “Should officers be elected by the soldiers?” And he answered unequivocally: “Not only must they be elected, but every step of every officer and general must be supervised by persons especially elected for the purpose by the soldiers.”
Then he asked: “Is it desirable for the soldiers, on their own decision, to displace their superiors?” And answered: “It is desirable and essential in every way. The soldiers will obey and respect only elected authority.” [41]
The soldiers’ efforts to achieve peace received Lenin’s complete and unreserved support. For him, the struggle for peace meant that the soldiers did not have to wait to act, but should do so straightaway, by fraternizing with the German soldiers. Again and again, Lenin refers to this fraternization as a central weapon in achieving peace.
By starting to fraternize, the Russian and German soldiers, the proletarians and peasants of both countries dressed in soldiers’ uniforms, have proved to the whole world that intuitively the classes oppressed by the capitalists have discovered the right road to the cessation of the butchery of peoples. [42]
Fraternization, he wrote, was an instinctive expression of the wish of the soldiers for peace.
The class-conscious workers, followed by the mass of semi-proletarians and poor peasants guided by the true instinct of oppressed classes, regard fraternization with profound sympathy. Clearly, fraternization is a path to peace. Clearly, this path does not run through the capitalist governments, through an alliance with them, but runs against them. Clearly, this path tends to develop, strengthen, and consolidate fraternal confidence between the workers of different countries. Clearly, this path is beginning to wreck the hateful discipline of the barrack prisons, the discipline of blind obedience of the soldier to “his” officers and generals, to his capitalists (for most of the officers and generals either belong to the capitalist class or protect its interests). Clearly, fraternization is the revolutionary initiative of the masses, it is the awakening of the conscience, the mind, the courage of the oppressed classes; in other words, it is a rung in the ladder leading up to the socialist proletarian revolution. [43]
This movement must go beyond the instinctive level; must be translated into a clear political program:
... [I]s instinct alone sufficient? You would not get far if you relied on instinct alone. This instinct must be transformed into political awareness. In our Appeal to the Soldiers of All the Belligerent Countries, we explain into what this fraternization should develop – into the passing of political power to the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. [44]
Bolshevik Influence in the Armed Forces Increases
Desertion from the army grew and grew. In one month alone, June, 30,507 soldiers deserted (8,540 from the western front; 13,755 from the southwestern front; 3,790 from the Rumanian front). [45]
By October, as already mentioned, there were two million army deserters dispersed all over the country. The Russian soldier, one historian wrote, demobilized or deserting,
went home – and shattered the matrix. He established his authority in the village, and wrenched it out of the age-old ruts, imparting to it a leftward twist which served the Soviet power well for years to come ... When the SRs lost the soldiers they lost the peasants too, and so the revolutions. [46]
Soldiers were moving towards Bolshevism because of their increasing anger against the war. One expression of this anger was an article in the Moscow Soldat-Grazhdanin (Citizen-Soldier) of May 25:
“Until the end,” croaks the crow, picking the human bones on the battlefield. What does he care about the old mother who awaits the return of her son or the octogenarian who with trembling hand leads the plow?
“War to the end,” cries the student to thousands of people on the public square and assures them that our hardships are due to the Germans. During this time, his father, who has sold oats at sixteen rubles a pud, sits in a noisy cabaret where he maintains the same ideas.
“To the end,” clamor the agents of the allied government while touring the battlefields strewn with the bodies of the proletarians. Can the soldier in the trenches cry “War to the end” ? No. He says something else:
Until the end of the war, we’ll be without food.
Until the end of the war, Russia won’t be free.
Comrades, let him who cries “War to the end” be sent to the front lines. Then we’ll see what he says. [47]
Many soldiers were spontaneously reaching a position on the war similar to that of the Bolshevik Party, if not more extreme. As Sukhanov recounts:
As early as 21 September, at a Petersburg Soviet session an officer who had been at the front made a speech saying:
“The soldiers in the trenches don’t want either freedom or land now. They want only one thing now – the end of the war. Whatever you may say here, the soldiers are not going to fight any more ... “ This caused a sensation even in the Bolshevik Soviet. Exclamations were heard: “Even the Bolsheviks don’t say that!” But the officer, no Bolshevik, calmly waited, conscious of duty done. “We don’t know and we don’t care what the Bolsheviks say. I’m reporting what I know and what the soldiers have sent me to tell you.” [48]
In organizational terms, the strength of the Bolshevik Party in the army to start with – at the time of the February Revolution – was infinitesimal. In Petrograd, two months after the revolution, there were only 500 members of the Bolshevik Military Organization in a garrison of some 160,000. However, numbers grew quite quickly in the following weeks and months. There were 1,800 at the end of July, and 5,800 by the end of October. In Moscow, the number of organized Bolsheviks in the local garrison grew from 200 in April to 2,000 at the end of July, and to 5,000 in November. The total number of Bolsheviks in the army at the time of the February Revolution was a couple of thousand. By the time of the April Conference, it had risen to 6,000, and on June 16 it was 26,000. After that, soldiers in practically all corps, divisions, batteries, and other units began to join the party. On October 5, on the northwestern front alone, there were 48,994 party members and 7,452 candidates. On October 15, on the northern front there were 13,000 party members. At the party conference of the southwestern front in September, 7,000 members were represented. In November, there were more than 6,500 members in the 9th Army alone. In the 12th Army, there were 1,700 Bolsheviks at the beginning of July; 3,897 at the end of July; and 5,000 on December 23. [49]
The influence of the Bolsheviks in the army was disproportionately large. Thus Stankevich writes in his memoirs:
Practically every division had its Bolshevik, with a name better known than the name of the Division Commander – Since it was clear that without removing them it would be impossible to deal with the dissolution of the army, we gradually got rid of one celebrity after another. [50]
The fear aroused among the generals – by a single Bolshevik – is graphically shown in the case of one Bolshevik soldier, Dmitri Petrovich Mikhailov, who put the highest generals in the land into a lengthy correspondence about him.
To General V.I. Gurko:
An agitator from the Petrograd Soviet, Dmitri Petrovich Mikhailov, armed with authorization dated 25 April, No.126, has visited our division. Among other things, he urges fraternization with the Germans and only today has organized fraternizations in the 220th regiment. They have spread to the 218th. The officers’ arguments have been unavailing. Does Mikhailov really have such authority to act thus? Forwarded to headquarters.
– General Cheglov
In view of the formal disapproval by the Petrograd Soviet of all fraternization at the front, affirmed by the appeal of 30 April, Mikhailov must realize that he is contravening said declaration ... It would be advisable to persuade the “Front Committee’ to arrest Mikhailov pending clarification by the Soviet.
– General Gurko
Following your telegram of 2 May. Due to impossibility of acting by force, have been unable to arrest Mikhailov. In the 55th Division, he is agitating against the officers, wants them replaced by elected officers.
It has already been done in some regiments.
Something must absolutely be done to cause the Petrograd Soviet to recall Mikhailov by telegram to end this disintegration which is beginning in this army corps.
– Chief of Staff for Alexeev [51]
In their fear of Bolshevism, the authorities tried to obstruct the distribution of the Bolshevik papers. Thus the Executive Committee of the Tiflis Soviet confiscated forty thousand copies of Pravda, which Georgian workers were preparing to dispatch to the Caucasian front. [52] Soldiers were complaining bitterly that they paid subscriptions for Pravda but could only get the Cadet Rech and the Menshevik Den. [53] The circulation of the Bolshevik papers in the army was extremely small: Soldatskaia Pravda at the beginning of July was distributing fifty thousand copies. [54] The numbers in the armed forces were some nine million!
Nevertheless things were moving ahead fast, because, as Lenin put it: “Revolution enlightens all classes with a rapidity and thoroughness unknown in normal, peaceful times.” [55] The land program and the peace program of Bolshevism were linked inseparably with the soldiers’ rebellion against their officers, against the old Tsarist discipline.
The provisional government, with the generals, was trying to reestablish discipline in the war-weary and revolutionary army, in which soldiers refused to obey officers and listened only to their own elected committees. The Menshevik and SR leaders had pledged themselves to help the government in this task, yet they called on their soldiers to defend Order No.1 against the Tsarist officers. [2*]
The government wanted to protect the gentry’s property while the peasants, including those in uniform, were clamoring for the large estates to be shared out. The Menshevik and SR leaders tried to postpone the solution of this burning question until the convention of the constituent assembly, which was indefinitely postponed.
It was inevitable that this structure, built on equivocation and delusion, should topple onto the heads of those who had erected it. The mass of the soldiers did just that. Lenin was their voice and inspiration.
Top of the page
Chapter 11
1*. General Alekseev, the chief of staff, used to refer in private to the Soviets of Soldiers’ (soldatskikh) Deputies as the Soviets of Dogs’ (sobachikh) Deputies. [10]
2*. General Brusilov, looking back over the stormy events of 1917, uttered a well justified criticism when he wrote: “The position of the Bolsheviks I understood, because they preached: ‘Down with the war and immediate peace at any price,’ but I couldn’t understand at all the tactics of the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks, who first broke up the army, as if to avoid counter-revolution, and at the same time desired the continuation of the war to a victorious end.” [56] | {
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22,288 | After a long trip we arrived in my hometown, Luchon, in the Central Pyrenées. There is very little time to process pictures and notes gathered daily. Since we got here, it has been an uninterrupted stream of aperitifs, meals, digestifs with family and friends.
For now I will report on our transit day in Paris on 14 July, Bastille Day. We landed from our transcontinental flight midday and directly headed to Gare d’Austerlitz to drop off our luggage until our night train to Luchon. It sounded convenient and pleasant to have lunch at the nearby Jardin des Plantes and then spend time in the gardens and menageries. As Bastille Day is also Pierre’s birthday, we were really looking forward to a nice meal on the outside terrace of the newly renovated restaurant “ La Baleine.” The sun, the bread & very decent house wine kept us content, though the meal was mediocre, overpriced and the service lousy.
The garden was originally planted in 1626 as a medicinal herb garden. Back then it was known as the Jardin du Roi (Louis XIII). In 1640 it opened to the public. In 1792 the Royal Menagerie was moved to the gardens from Versailles. Among a wide variety of animals we had a great time watching the super entertaining orangutans, the 250 lb 120 years old Aldabra Giant tortoise (Geochelone gigantea) and I was particularly delighted spending time with the White Nape Cranes. Last fall I wrote a piece called crane/grue that is on my cd Whisk! Don’t Churn! Below you will find the recording as the sound track of the video I shot Monday.
So voilà for now! My son Miles and I are off tomorrow for a short trip to Aix-en-Provence for a mother and son adventure, while Pierre Joris will be in Lodève at the Poetry Festival “Les Voix de la Mediterranée.” We will join him towards the end of the week for a shared performance, and then back to the Pyrenées — and for now, as we say here, Adishatz!
Posted in Lunch, News, Poetry, Songs, TravelTagged Aldabra Giant tortoise, Cranes, Gare d'Austerlitz, Grues, Jardin des Plantes, Luchon, Pierre Joris | {
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62,526 | Maintain the highest standards of practice of interventional pain management by fostering education and training in interventional pain management, including interventional techniques, alone or in conjunction with other modalities of treatment.
Establish and maintain criteria for the designation of board certification in interventional pain management and competency certification in areas related to interventional pain management.
Establish and conduct the processes by which the Board may judge whether a physician should be issued a certificate, indicating that the required standards for certification or re-certification in an ABIPP designated discipline of interventional pain management have been met.
Serve the public, medical profession, board of medical licensure, federation of licensure boards, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), health care facilities and organizations, and medical schools by providing the names of physicians and others certified by the Board.
Establish criteria to be approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties and each board of medical licensure in all states.
Develop the criteria to inform the Accreditation Counsel for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) concerning the training required of individuals seeking certification related to residency training programs.
Mission Statement
To advance the practice of interventional pain management and bring to the profession the highest quality possible in education in interventional techniques. | {
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173,993 | "Yuki Hasegawa...has a clear vision of presenting works influenced by Japanese culture but which can also be vividly contemporary in feel."
-Oberon's Grove
Yuki Hasegawa is a choreographer, dancer, and dance teacher originally from Japan. Ms. Hasegawa began her dance in Japan when she was the age of three. After she graduated from Kobe College, she had performed in major musicals in Tokyo, such as Oliver, Golden Boy, No, No, Nanette, Little House on the Prairie, and SANADA, as well as TV programs and films before she moved to US.
She founded Azul Dance Theatre in NY, right after she graduated from NYU with her MA in Dance and Dance Education. Her first work, Wind from Far East, synthesizing American Contemporary Dance and Japanese Traditinal Performing Arts was premiered at Merce Cunningham Studio (presently Martha Graham Studio) in 2006. Since then, she has presented her works in NY venues, such as United Nations Auditorium, Ailey Citigroup Theater, Salvatore Capezio Theater, Dixon Place, 92nd Street Y, and El Museo del Barrio.
Ms. Hasegawa lately collaborated with fashion designers, Ruchika Kabura and Angelia Lin for the fashion events during the NYC Fashion Weeks in 2016 and 2017.
Along with being a director and choreographer of Azul, Ms. Hasegawa teaches Pilates for dancers at Peridance Center and taught Anatomy workshops and Pilates Teachers Training Workshops in NY and Tokyo. She is an Adviser of BDC Pilates in Tokyo. | {
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209,306 | Home › Forums › Specific Discussion › Astrology › Can ruby and blue sapphire be worn together? › @Helen, Females are advised
April 8, 2011 at 9:31 am #5138
Females are advised to wear their rings in left hand while males are advised to wear them in right.
You can wear blue sapphire along with garnet but not with ruby as per the list shown above this post.
In India, people don’t take the rings off from their fingers as they had worn the gemstone on special day after worshiping. And they believe that taking the rings off could lessen the astrological powers.
But, one should not be worried about taking the ring off if one feels uneasy with it. It is just about one beliefs. But for full astrological effect it should be worn 24/7/365. If you can’t wear it through out the day, specially on night then keep the ring under your pillow.
In India, before wearing a gemstone either a ring, pendant, etc., astrologers advise to keep the gemstone under their pillow for 3-4 days when going to bed to see if the gemstone brings positive result. | {
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166,529 | Has anyone ever been to a seminar? And by seminar, I mean one of those places where the motivational speaker gets everyone all hyped up on words like "Mindset!", "Vision Board!", and "Positivity!" Well, I have, several times, and I love the way that they make me feel. I love the rush I get as I participate, and I love the positive energy that feeds the room, as everyone gets a healthy dose of confidence and "I think I can" attitude. I like to think that I have a positive mindset, and I do have a vision board that I made on my computer. None of these things are harmful, and they do help give me drive when I feel stuck, or need a healthy jolt. So, when one of my favourite speakers sent me an email inviting me to co-author a best seller with him, I hopped on down to his website and signed up to hear what it was about. As a writer, this all sounded fantastic! It was right up my alley.
DISCLAIMER: I will not name names, name the project, or say when I did this. For all those who chose to take on the project, I wish them nothing but success in their endeavours. My beef is not with them.
Now, I waited for the appointed date and time, and I called in to hear what this was all about. The speaker and his partner began to talk about all their accomplishments, naming uber famous people that their success had allowed them to work with, and saying that their positivity and work ethic had allowed all of this to happen. I was feeling pretty jazzed. It all sounded so good! They then began to outline the project, and to state that they weren't going to accept just anyone. Fair enough. Not anybody could write well enough to help with putting together a book, much less a best seller. However, if anyone interested had a good enough story to tell for their chapter, they could use one of their ghost writers for $500.00 a pop. Hmmmm... I let that slide, because I know that there are fantastic stories out there. Okay. And then, one of them said, "As for revenue, and royalties, we won't be paying them. For every ebook sold, Amazon takes 50%. That leaves $1.00 to divide up, and it makes no sense to send everyone $0.35 every few months." So... How many chapters does this behemoth of a book have? If it's a best seller, (which they GUARANTEE it would be) it won't be selling in minuscule numbers. That sounds like more than $0.35 to me. They then said that the revenue would be given to charity. Okay. I can live with a charity project, but be up front if that's what it is.
What came next was staggering. We were told that it would cost US $8,000.00 to contribute to this book! But we'd be getting EXPOSURE, and PRESS RELEASES, and the ability to say that we were a BEST SELLING AUTHOR in everything that we do from now on.
And yes, I was silently judging. After al, they had us all on mute so no one could here our reactions. If they had, I would've given them an earful. I know some best selling authors, and I think it's safe to say that unless our last names are Rowling, King, James, or Martin we aren't rolling in the dough. So for these men to abuse their power and name recognition in this fashion left me feeling more than a little bit queasy.
When I write, it takes time. I take care with my words, and I put a lot of thought into what I do. My time is worth something, even if that something is a measly pittance. That pittance shows that I am valued. I can't pay my kids' tuition with exposure. Nor can I pay off a mortgage, repair a car, or pay for my dog's vet visit the next time he tries to play with his "stripey friend" or eats a bowl of pot pourri.
A singer doesn't do a concert for free. A dancer doesn't appear on stage for exposure. Actor's don't perform Hamlet in High Park for shits and giggles. I don't understand why people like these men, and entities like The Huffington Post think that they can get by with so little regard for the countless men and women who work their asses off to give them content. Yes, there are those who paint, write, dance, and sing solely for fun. But for those of us who look at this as our calling, it is demeaning and insulting to ask us to work for literally nothing. This is exploitation in every sense of the word. And for these toxic idiots to also ask people who most certainly have significantly less than they do is beyond gross. Those who do this know that they are not dealing with the hobbyist, or the person who does this as a "side" project. Their talk was all about "Increasing our sales", "Using this as a stepping stone", and "Driving our brand". I was aghast. This was wrong. I am through selling myself so short. I deserve my royalties, my fee, and my exposure will come with a big fat paycheque. They can take this crap and shove it. I am writer. Hear me roar!
A New Style of Writing
So, anyone who knows me know that I always have a million ideas bouncing around in my head. This means that I have about twelve different projects on the go in various stages of completion, and they all somehow get written. This also means that I am usually existing on a steady diet of caffeinated beverages. (Yes, I acknowledge that this is probably unhealthy.) Now, what I always wanted to do was write, and I feel that I have accomplished my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Over the past four years I have had six books and two short stories published, and I have two others under contract to come out soon. I am quite proud of what I've accomplished so far. However, I didn't just desire to write books. I also wanted to write for stage and scene, and this is where I've come to the point of this blog. I am embarking on both of these projects!
When I was in university, I took a course on screenwriting. I loved it, and wrote two short films. Now, here's where the story gets a little bit discouraging. My York University professor encouraged me to submit my work to see if I would be accepted into the next level course. I was thrilled to get the opportunity, and I did so. Now, my scripts were both dealing with Jewish characters, and they were at different points in their lives, either finding themselves, or dealing with an outside conflict such as anti-semitism. My prof thought I had talent, and she thought that I could do something with my work. As a class, she taught us that we should write what we know, and that is what I knew. Now, I got my rejection letter for the course with the comments that my work was too "ethnic". (It seems that this comment tends to follow me around. I had a publisher reject the Hadariah Chronicles for this very reason as well.) The thing was that I let this stop me. I hadn't written a single script since then. However, my ideas for shows, and my longing to do this persisted.
I am of the mindset now that it is never too late to follow your dreams. I am working with the lovely and talented Jen Frankel to turn Sitnalta into a stage musical, and we will soon be able to announce the awesome composer we're working with on this! I am also working on developing a children's television show, and soon I will have more news on that as well. Writing treatments, show bibles, and scripts is nothing like writing a novel. I always want to add more description than is necessary, and I have to accept that the characters on stage and screen may look nothing like the way they do in my head. And this is both nerve wracking and liberating. I have to relinquish some control over my ideas, and it's been hard. Especially when working with songwriters. I'd do the lyrics myself, but I can't write poetry to save my life, and that's how I view lyrics.
So, this is what I'm up to. It's been crazy, but in a very good way. I look back on my rejection, and what I'm doing now, and it's like I'm telling those profs a very loud F--- you. And it feels good. Don't let others tell you what you can and can't do. Just go out there and live your dreams. | {
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171,938 | Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Grants Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Trust Between $500 and $5,000 per project; for special grants $5,000-$20,000 per year. All Health, Arts, Culture, Education, Research
ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grants Programs ACT Government Community Services Various ACT Community, Culture, Education, Database
Australian Cultural Fund Australia Cultural Fund Various. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Arts, Culture
Australian Institute of Company Directors Scholarship Office of Aboriginal Affairs Not specified. TSI Governance
Capacity Building for Native Title Corporations National Indigenous Australians Agency Not specified. All Commercial development, Business, Community development
ConocoPhillips Australia Community Investment ConocoPhillips Australia Not specified. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Education, Health, Arts, Environment, Community development
Families and Communities Programme Australian Department of Social Services Various. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Community, Youth, Family, Childhood
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Grants Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Various. All Education, Community, Commercial development, Business, Community development
Grant Guru’s GrantReady Service Grant Guru Various. All Database, Commercial development, Business
Grants and Assistance Finder Australian Government Business Service Various. All Database, Commercial development, Business
Indigenous Advancement Strategy National Indigenous Australians Agency Various. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Employment, Education, Community development, Youth, Commercial development
Mercy Foundation Social Justice Grants Program Mercy Foundation Up to $50,000 (Social Justice Grants) & up to $10,000 (Social Justice Small Grants) per project. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Community, Capacity building
Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program: Large Grants Community Grants Hub Ranging between $100,001 and $2,000,000. ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC Caring for Country, Environment, Commercial development, Employment, Business, Community development, Land and water
Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program: Small Grants (Round 2) NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources Range between $5,000 and $100,000. ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC Caring for Country, Environment, Land and water, Employment, Business, Community development, Commercial development
National Australia Day Council Grants NADC Up to $30,000. All Arts, Culture
PBC Capacity Building Funding NIAA Not specified. TSI Capacity building
Sidney Myer Fund and the Myer Foundation Grants The Myer Foundation Various. ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TSI, VIC, WA Community, Caring for Country, Environment, Arts, Culture, Education
Strong and Resilient Communities Grants Department of Social Services Not specified. All Community, Youth, Disability
Support for Indigenous Businesses impacted by COVID-19 Indigenous Business Australia Up to $200,000. All Emergency, Business, Employment
Torres Strait Regional Authority Grant Funding The Torres Strait Regional Authority Various. TSI Community, Capacity building, Health, Arts, Heritage, Culture
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
The PBC website acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, culture and community.
We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.
Managed by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) and produced with the funding support of the National Indigenous Australians Agency.
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The PBC website acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, culture and community.
We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
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While the PBC website has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate as possible, it does not guarantee and accepts no legal liability arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on this website or any linked sites.
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240,860 | With the expansion of the Crowndom into the Barrowhills during the Ceolfrey dynasty, many communities of wrightfolk found themselves suddenly living on Crown domains. While the Ilbarych Crowns often viewed wrightfolk as troublesomely independent and likely to cause problems, the Ceolfrey Crowns made swift alliances with the wrightfolk, including establishing the legal precedent for forgeholts and other elements of wrightfolk culture being contained within Imperial society.
One of these elements was the acknowledgement of the sacredness of wrightfolk crafts to them as a people, and the creation of crafts sodalities as legal entities that enshrined their rights to their work. Although they were called "guilds" after the old Imperial trade networks, the Guilds of Ilbarych were an entirely new thing.
Guilds Today
The guilds are formalized sodalities of vocationally-focused craftsfolk and merchants who take responsibility for ensuring the consistent training and quality of the crafts involved. Rather than paying local taxes, guild-members pay an annual membership to their guild. Although this amount is slightly higher than typical taxation, it goes to pay for the years of training granted the guild-folk, as well as allows the guild-folk to take advantage of the large-scale negotiations that guilds undertake for goods and services on behalf of their members.
Guilds do pay the guild-tax, an annual taxation that goes directly to the Crown, and is the backbone of the Crown's prosperity. The guilds also mandate a specific style of housing for their members, the guilding-house. Guilding-houses are considered to be owned by the guilds, who can grant their members the guild-lease for them; lords are paid an annual guilding tax by the guilds per guilding-house occupied during that year, and can insist on apprentices being taken from the locals around that house (usually at a minimum of one apprentice every five years of residence).
Though the guilds were established as part of wrightfolk integration into Imperial society, there are more folk of Imperial blood than folkish among their ranks today. The exception to this are among the smithing guilds, who are almost entirely dominated by the wrightfolk and their trade secrets. In contrast, the guilds whose work is derived from the crafts excelled at in the Old Empire (masonry, stonework, and waterworks) are strongly Imperial in their make-up.
The Guilds of Ilbarych (unlike those of the Old Empire) are strictly crafts organizations - only those vocations which create something are ever enshrined in guild-law. Trades and services do not ever establish guilds in Ilbarych. | {
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185,251 | As we enter the last few months of 2022, fall is in the air. The temperatures are dropping, the cozy-sweaters are coming out of the closets, and knee-high-socks are once again making their annual debut. If that wasn’t a dead giveaway that fall is here, the return of the pumpkin spice everything is plenty of an indicator in and of itself. As we all know, though, it’s only a matter of time before fall swiftly rides on the gusting winds into winter. For many, this also means the coming of the holiday season, and all of the celebrations that go with.
This year, though, many families who celebrate December holidays with a gift-giving component, are opting for smaller celebrations, minimalistic presents, and practical gifts where possible. This is largely due to the current state of the economy, as well as how it coincided with the rise of minimalism as a societal philosophy for many younger consumers. As such, the following is a list of practical items that anyone can benefit from adding to their holiday wish list this coming season.
1. A Massage Muscle Gun
Many people are becoming fitness-friendly and fitness-focused nowadays. This is for a variety of reasons, but the fitness, health, and exercise industries are slowly becoming much more inclusive, empathetic, and understanding. This has allowed a much larger portion of the population to get involved in exercise, health, and nutrition, and the pursuit of an overall healthier lifestyle.
With that in mind, a massage muscle gun can be the perfect gift for anyone who is involved in fitness at really any level. Massage muscle guns are great at working out the lactic acid in sore and fatigued muscles, and it can even help detangle knots layered beneath the skin.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your workout and exercise routine, a massage muscle gun could be the perfect addition for you.
2. A Standing Desk
There’s almost nothing more practical than work. As such, the most practical gifts one could ask for are going to be work-related. In today’s day and age, much of the professional workforce is actually working from home or working remotely. While this is the case for many, some home offices could use a little bit of improving when it comes to equipment.
A standing desk is an extremely popular option among working professionals right now, as it allows people to stand while they work when they feel like it. This can be beneficial to both blood flow and brain activity, and allow for the individual to avoid certain physical drawbacks that stem from sitting in a desk-chair all day long. If you’re working from home on a regular basis, a standing desk could be the game-changing piece of equipment you need. You may as well throw it on your holiday wish list and see what comes your way.
3. Skill Based Interest Items
It is supposed to be a wish-list after all, so there’s no harm in putting a few things that are hobby or interest-based on your list. If you’re trying to keep your wish-list practical, though, you can specifically add items that will add to your skill-based interests and hobbies.
For example, a golfer might ask for a special set of golf balls that they can use when they go to the course. While golfing isn’t necessarily practical, it is a skill-based interest that is both mentally and somewhat physically challenging.
4. A Humidifier or Other Household Appliance
Household appliances, like a humidifier can also be an excellent, and very practical, gift to put on your wishlist. Humidifiers come in all different shapes and sizes, but their main function is to keep the atmosphere moist, cool, and fresh. Some top of the line humidifiers even come with a cool-mist feature that is great for the dry-air of winter.
Features don’t stop there, though, a high-quality humidifier may also be designed with an essential oils tray. Users can add their favorite blends of essential oils into this tray, and it will be imbued with the cool-mist that the humidifier sprays. A humidifier is a great gift for anyone who is looking to keep their bedroom nice and fresh throughout the winter.
5. New Clothes
Everyone needs new clothes from time to time, and whether you’re buying for your child or your partner, there are plenty of clothes to choose from. You could add to someone’s collection of athletic gear, professional wear, or purchase them a new comfy-cozy sweater.
If you’re buying for your partner, you could also opt to purchase more intimate items like male or female lingerie.
A few Final Suggestions
With the holiday shopping season practically right around the corner, it’s almost never too early to start considering what items you most want to add onto your wishlist so your loved ones have plenty of options from which they can choose. | {
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28,476 | BBC news reports that Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has resigned amid the ongoing News International investigation. Stephenson said that he was unaware that there were any other documents in his possession of the nature that have now emerged, and that there was no reason to doubt the original investigation into phone hacking. He further added that his reputation remains intact.
Guardian reports that in a press conference he said his position was "in danger of being eclipsed by the ongoing debate by senior officers and the media. And this can never be right." Here is his statement:
I have taken this decision as a consequence of the ongoing speculation and accusations relating to the Met's links with News International at a senior level and in particular in relation to Mr Neil Wallis who as you know was arrested in connection with Operation Weeting last week.
Firstly, I want to say what an enormous privilege it has been for me to lead this great organisation that is the Met. The recent example of the heroism and bravery of Met officers in chasing armed suspects, involving the shooting of one of my officers, is typical; but is in danger of being eclipsed by the ongoing debate about relationships between senior officers and the media. This can never be right.
Crime levels in the Met are at a ten year low. You have seen the Met at its glorious and unobtrusive best on the occasion of the royal wedding; the professional and restrained approach to unexpected levels of violence in recent student demonstrations; the vital ongoing work to secure the safety of the capital from terrorism; the reductions in homicide; and continuing increased levels of confidence as the jewel in our crown of Safer Neighbourhoods Teams serve the needs of Londoners. | {
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99,495 | On the cruise of a lifetime came the chance of a fortune. Cahal Milmo reports on a family who claim they were 'swindled' out of $400,000.
by Cahal Milmo
The Independent, UK
July 18, 2009
When Sharon Day decided to go on holiday two years ago to help her recuperate from a minor operation that went wrong and nearly killed her, the idea of sailing the seas with her family on board a luxurious cruise liner seemed the perfect answer.
The Adventure of the Seas, a 138,000-tonne floating pleasure palace owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises, occupies its 3,100 passengers with attractions such as a nine-hole golf course, a climbing wall and even a wedding chapel.
What caught the attention of Mrs Day, a London lawyer and mother-of-three, were the art auctions held in the vessel's public rooms by Park West Gallery, an American company which bills itself as the world's biggest seller of art. It sells 300,000 paintings and prints each year, half of them on cruise ships (it holds sales on more than 80 vessels), and has annual revenues of $300m (£182m).
Among the items on offer to passengers entering Park West's ocean liner auctions, where the sales patter of an expert auctioneer comes with complimentary champagne, are woodcuts by Rembrandt, Picasso lithographs and Salvador Dali prints.
Within a week, Mrs Day, 46, a long-standing art lover, and her husband Julian Howard, 48, a senior City lawyer, had spent nearly $98,000 (£60,000) and begun the $422,000 (£258,000) acquisition of a complete set of Dali's Divine Comedy – six-volumes of prints originally commissioned by the Italian government in the 1950s to mark the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth.
Park West's auctioneer described it as a "masterpiece and a part of history". What the couple did not know at the time was that their purchase would also be the departure point for a bitter transatlantic court case in which they, along with a number of other cruise-ship art buyers, claim in a legal summons they are victims of a carefully orchestrated fraud which has left them with pictures that are either valueless fakes, or genuine but commonly available works that are worth a fraction of their eye-watering sale price.
A journey intended to celebrate Sharon's recovery from life-threatening damage to her intestines has become part of a legal tussle that goes to the heart of the global cruise industry – which is worth an estimated £30bn a year and makes a substantial proportion of its profits from selling goods on board its "shopping malls with lifeboats". At stake is the reputation of the third-largest source of such revenues, namely the huge art trade conducted on the ocean waves.
Of the world's nine largest and most lucrative cruise lines, all but one has a contract with Park West to sell art on board their ships.
The Fine Art Registry (FAR), an American art registration company that has set up a website publicising what it says is Park West's penchant for sharp selling practices, insists that it has been approached by more than 200 former cruise-line passengers who believe they have been sold dud prints and pictures.
Donald L Payton, the American lawyer leading the court case, spelt out the scope of the legal claim: "Our clients believed they were buying an investment, when what they received was virtually worthless. The purpose of this litigation is not just to get well-deserved compensation for these victims, but to expose the self-proclaimed experts who have for years intentionally pawned off supposedly famous and valuable artworks on the unsuspecting public, including our clients."
Park West, which is run out of a vast exhibition space in Michigan, insists that it has "never sold a non-authentic work of art" in its 40-year history, and has launched a countersuit against the Britons, their co-claimants and FAR, whose articles about the gallery's sales techniques are described as a "smear campaign" aimed at destroying its reputation.
For Sharon and her husband, their ill-fated encounter began a day before New Year's Eve in 2007, when the family left their home in south-west London, and boarded the Adventure of the Seas for a seven-day tour of the Caribbean.
Intrigued by an offer to attend a masters art exhibition offering works by Picasso, Dali, Rembrandt, Chagall and Miro, the couple eventually bought a selection of what was on offer after being persuaded, they say, by the auctioneer, that their purchases were "rare" and represented an "excellent investment". Among their initial buys were 11 prints from Dali's Divine Comedy, apparently signed in pencil by the Spanish Surrealist. Park West insists that it never sells art on the basis of claims about its future value.
During the sales, Mr Howard, a lifelong fan of Dali, asked whether it was ever possible to buy a whole set of the Divine Comedy. He thought little more about his enquiry until the couple received a phone call after returning to London from Morris Shapiro, gallery director at Park West, who said he had managed to obtained an "exceedingly rare" example of the entire series. After much to-ing and fro-ing over 10 weeks in which Mr Shapiro went into detail about the provenance of the art, describing the date it was produced and the type of paper used, the couple agreed to pay a total of $422,601 for the collection of 100 prints in six books, complete with an appraisal valuing it at $510,000 and a certificate of authenticity.
Sharon, a US citizen who has lived in London for more than a decade, said: "We had gone on this cruise and had a wonderful time. When you are on holiday, you relax and make purchases that perhaps you wouldn't normally. That is precisely why a company like Park West sets up shop on cruise ships. The money we used for the Dali prints was set aside for our children – it was their inheritance. We were genuinely persuaded that this was a great investment which would grow in value. It was my family's investment for the future."
The couple were so sure of the impeccable credentials of their purchase that they took little notice of the apparently unusual arrangements put in place to pay for the prints. They were sent an invoice placing Mr Howard, who was in London at the time, on board another Royal Caribbean ship, the Legend of the Seas, complete, they claim, with a cabin number and bidder code for an auction he did not attend. The money for the prints was paid into a bank account held by Royal Caribbean, which receives a percentage of every sale made by Park West. Court documents show that the couple now believe the fabricated auction invoice was produced to ensure they paid a $67,000 buyer's premium and the sale was categorised as taking place in international waters, where American or British consumer law does not automatically apply. Park West insists that the invoice was generated to ensure Royal Caribbean received its commission for any "post-cruise" sale and did not include cabin or auction numbers.
It was not until Sharon and her husband decided a few months later that they unexpectedly needed to cash in their investment to pay for one of their daughters, a talented ice skater, to attend an American figure-skating academy, that their confidence in their acquisition began to take on a very different complexion.
An approach to Mr Shapiro to either buy back the prints or help with their sale was met with a polite but firm refusal to have anything more to do with the artwork he himself had described just nine months earlier as "an exceptional collecting opportunity".
When Sharon contacted a Sotheby's expert to find out the true value of the sale, the reply astonished her – the auction house had sold the Divine Comedy set many times and it normally raised $60,000 to $80,000. Her concerns deepened dramatically when she travelled to the New Jersey art repository holding the prints with two experts on Salvador Dali, including Nicolas Descharnes, the son of one of Dali's close associates.
The experts agreed that the prints were authentic but when it came to the artist's pencil signature on the bottom of each of the pictures they were equally certain that whoever had signed them, it was not Salvador Dali. The court claim filed on behalf of the couple said: "In fact these signatures were unanimously identified by the experts as forged and faked Salvador Dali signatures. These experts also concluded that the Divine Comedy series purchased by the plaintiffs is worthless."
Sharon said: "It was absolutely devastating news. I went through the whole gamut of emotions. I felt stupid that I had bought these artworks and invested so much in them only to find they were worthless. Now I'm angry. Angry that we have been treated in this way and that the only way to prove our case is to go through a very tough court case. We have had to put everything at risk. Park West is throwing everything at us."
Rather than being an isolated case, the British-based couple have eight co-claimants on their joint action who variously allege that they were sold fake or grossly over-valued art by Park West. One couple, Albert and Vivian Best, bought two Chagall lithographs which they kept in their frames until April last year, when they decided to check their condition ahead of a possible sale. Upon taking out the pictures, Before the Mirror and Man in House, they found that rather than being genuine prints they were in fact pages from a French art magazine and "essentially worth nothing", according to court documents.
Teri Franks, chief executive of FAR, said: "These people were not sophisticated buyers of art. They were told certain things about what they were buying and believed they were getting something special. We say the reality is quite the opposite."
A second, separate, class action was launched in April this year on behalf of two New York-based cruise art buyers making similar claims against Park West.
The response from Park West to the claims has been robust. The company has issued a succession of counter-claims for defamation against its former customers and FAR, which the gallery claims is acting out of malice because it turned down an approach to sign up to its art tagging service in 2007. The claim is strongly denied by FAR. The gallery said it can produce multiple examples of sales of Divine Comedy prints for prices comparable or higher than that paid by Mrs Day and her husband. It added that it had obtained further evidence to demonstrate the authenticity of the Dali signatures, which it would present in court.
In a statement, Park West said: "We are the largest at-sea gallery in the world and are proud of the relationships we have developed with more than 1.2 million clients over our 40 years in business. We stand behind the authenticity of every work of art we sell, including the works sold to Mrs Howard and Mr Day, and we are confident we will prevail in court."
Royal Caribbean, which made a profit of $703m in 2007 and this year launches a new class of vessel that can carry more than 6,000 passengers, said: "Royal Caribbean denies any allegation or suggestion that it has done anything wrong. We take very seriously the issues that have recently been raised regarding some of Park West's business practices."
In the meantime, Sharon Day awaits the beginning of the trial of her case later this year. "All we did was get on board a ship and buy some pictures," she said. "Now we are having to stand up and fight for our children's inheritance." | {
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68,662 | SAN DIEGO (KSWB) — Perched on one of San Diego’s most scenic vantage points lies the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial, a memorial unlike any other.
“These walls with pictures of husbands and wives, or brothers, or servicemembers — there is no other memorial in the country that does this,” said Executive Director Neil O’Connell.
More than 5,000 black granite plaques line the walls, each one sharing a unique story of courage and sacrifice.
“Every rank from every rank service, from the Revolutionary War to present-day. And there is no special wall set aside for rank or service or any point in time in history,” O’Connell continued.
Service is the centerpiece of the memorial. Anyone who was honorably discharged, no matter where they’re from, can have a plaque there. It’s that all-embracing mosaic of service that’s now growing even larger.
The memorial is building even more walls to honor and preserve the legacies of thousands more servicemembers.
“Five new walls which will provide us 2,000 more plaque spaces,” O’Connell said.
A part of that expansion is building on their existing website and creating an app where people can find the face they’re looking for — and the story behind their sacrifice — from anywhere in the world. But if you do step foot there, you’re in good hands.
“We’re supported by a team of 24 docents who take a watch up here and engage with the public, keep the memorial clean and tell the stories of these veterans that are on these walls,” O’Connell said.
They have a syllabus to study the remarkable military history remembered there, like Maj. Megan McClung, the first female Marine Corps officer killed in Iraq.
Combat photojournalist Amy Forsythe served alongside McClung, even training with her at Camp Pendleton before deployment.
“I often actually imagine her talking to me, to us, to our group and I can hear her voice even to this day,” Forsythe told FOX 5. “As the first female Marine officer to be killed in Iraq, that was significant and it got people’s attention.”
The memorial is doing its part to keep McClung’s memory alive, dedicating their Memorial Day ceremony to her this past May.
“I can’t thank the organization enough for making her the centerpiece, and especially being a woman and honoring that sacrifice,” Forsythe said. “Because oftentimes those heroes, those combat infantry Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen, they’re the ones with the glory, but oftentimes, it’s the people in the background who also risked everything.”
McClung is remembered as an all-American girl who made the ultimate sacrifice, like so many of the heroes honored alongside her.
“Her mantra was be bold, be brief, be gone — and that’s the way she lived her life,” Forsythe said.
A life — along with the thousands honored there — worthy of such heights, standing tall for eternity, from dusk until dawn.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. | {
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129,648 | A limited number of tickets are available to attend this performance in person. All tickets must be purchased in advance online.
Performances will continue to be live streamed and available for free.
Please support Roulette this season. Donate.
James Brandon Lewis returns to Roulette to present celebrate the album release of Jesup Wagon—a brilliant appreciation of the life and legacy African-American musician-painter-writer-scientist George Washington Carver. This performance will consists of seven pieces that create a portrait of stunning clarity and depth.
One of the greatest contributions to Cooperative Extension, the Jesup Agricultural Wagon was first used by noted Tuskegee Institute scientist and teacher George Washington Carver in 1906. It was a mobile classroom that allowed Carver to teach farmers and sharecroppers how to grow crops, such as sweet potatoes, peanuts, soybeans and pecans. The wagon’s name originates from Morris Jesup, a New York banker, who financed the project, but it was Carver himself who designed the wagon, selected the equipment and developed the lessons for farmers. (Wendi Williams, Alambama A&U and Auburn Universities)
Lewis’s 9th record, the album’s liner notes are delivered by the great UCLA American historian Robin D.G. Kelley, who in 2009 released the definitive Thelonious Monk biography Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original. Printed lovingly on an ochre background, his notes contain much historical detail about Carver, particularly as they relate to the tunes. Kelly calls the album “a revelation.”
Jesup Wagon is James Brandon Lewis’ Red Lily Quintet, anchored by the tectonic rhythm section of bassist William Parker and drummer Chad Taylor, and rounded out by cornetist Kirk Knuffke and cellist Chris Hoffman. Parker, who James says “has looked out for me ever since I arrived in New York City,” is a genius of the stand-up bass who performed with grand-master Cecil Taylor for 11 years straight. He is also a renaissance man in his own right. Chad Taylor, “one of the most melodic drummers I’ve ever played with,” James says, is a Chicagoan who has gifted to New York some of the energy and drama the windy city is known for. Kirk Knuffke is one of New York’s rare cornet players, using that instrument’s impish tone to explosive effect on dozens of records by New York jazz heavies. Chris Hoffman made his bones playing Henry Threadgill’s demanding music in a few of the great alto saxophonist’s bands, and has worked with artists as diverse as Yoko Ono, Marc Ribot and Marianne Faithful.
Cornetist Kirk Knuffke left Colorado for New York in 2005 and dropped right into the avant-garde scene, beginning with the late Butch Morris. He brings to freedom a kind of lyricism and sure tone one hears in Lester Bowie, Don Cherry or Graham Haynes.
Chris Hoffman, known partly for his work with Henry Threadgill and Butch Morris, is a poet on his instrument. As a writer/filmmaker with a flair for storytelling, he also brings a cinematic and literary sensibility to the music.
William Parker—arguably the greatest living innovator on the bass—also shares Carver’s renaissance qualities. Author, poet, educator, bona fide genius, Parker remains the central figure in experimental music and a bridge between Cecil Taylor, Milford Graves, Bill Dixon, Billy Bang and Nicole Mitchell, Matthew Shipp, Craig Taborn.
Chad Taylor—percussionist-extraordinaire, composer, teacher, student of the science and art of rhythm, and navigator. Having come of age in one of the centers of experimentalism and Black culture , Chicago, Taylor played with Fred Anderson, Pharaoh Sanders, Malachi Favors, and was already on a mission similar to that of Carver: to tap into the natural world and the folk whose wisdom, myths and morals have protected the earth for millennia.
James Brandon Lewis – James Brandon Lewis (b.1983 Buffalo) is a critically acclaimed saxophonist and composer.Lewis has received accolades from New York Times, NPR, ASCAP Foundation, Robert Rauchenberger Foundation. Jazz great Sonny Rollins stated this about Lewis “ Promising Young Player with the Potential to do great things having listened to the Elders”.- Jazz Magazine – (France) and most recently voted Rising Star Tenor Saxophonist by Downbeat Magazines 2020 Critic’s Poll. James Brandon Lewis has released several critically acclaimed albums, leads numerous ensembles and is the Co-Founder of American Book Award winning poetry and music ensemble Heroes Are Gang Leaders. Lewis attended Howard University, and received his M.F.A from California Institute of the Arts.
William Mazza – is a Brooklyn-Based visual artist and community arts activist. His work explores spatial and temporal relationships of people to their environments through representational forms and media
James Brandon Lewis at Roulette 2021
Artists: Chad Taylor, Chris Hoffman, James Brandon Lewis, Kirk Knuffke, William Mazza, William Parker
Genres: Album Release, Improvisation, Jazz
James Brandon Lewis’ Red Lily Quintet: Jesup Wagon
Friday, May 7, 20218:00 pm
A limited number of tickets are available to attend this performance in person. All tickets must be purchased in advance online.
Performances will continue to be live streamed and available for free.
Please support Roulette this season. Donate.
James Brandon Lewis returns to Roulette to present celebrate the album release of Jesup Wagon—a brilliant appreciation of the life and legacy African-American musician-painter-writer-scientist George Washington Carver. This performance will consists of seven pieces that create a portrait of stunning clarity and depth.
One of the greatest contributions to Cooperative Extension, the Jesup Agricultural Wagon was first used by noted Tuskegee Institute scientist and teacher George Washington Carver in 1906. It was a mobile classroom that allowed Carver to teach farmers and sharecroppers how to grow crops, such as sweet potatoes, peanuts, soybeans and pecans. The wagon’s name originates from Morris Jesup, a New York banker, who financed the project, but it was Carver himself who designed the wagon, selected the equipment and developed the lessons for farmers. (Wendi Williams, Alambama A&U and Auburn Universities)
Lewis’s 9th record, the album’s liner notes are delivered by the great UCLA American historian Robin D.G. Kelley, who in 2009 released the definitive Thelonious Monk biography Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original. Printed lovingly on an ochre background, his notes contain much historical detail about Carver, particularly as they relate to the tunes. Kelly calls the album “a revelation.”
Jesup Wagon is James Brandon Lewis’ Red Lily Quintet, anchored by the tectonic rhythm section of bassist William Parker and drummer Chad Taylor, and rounded out by cornetist Kirk Knuffke and cellist Chris Hoffman. Parker, who James says “has looked out for me ever since I arrived in New York City,” is a genius of the stand-up bass who performed with grand-master Cecil Taylor for 11 years straight. He is also a renaissance man in his own right. Chad Taylor, “one of the most melodic drummers I’ve ever played with,” James says, is a Chicagoan who has gifted to New York some of the energy and drama the windy city is known for. Kirk Knuffke is one of New York’s rare cornet players, using that instrument’s impish tone to explosive effect on dozens of records by New York jazz heavies. Chris Hoffman made his bones playing Henry Threadgill’s demanding music in a few of the great alto saxophonist’s bands, and has worked with artists as diverse as Yoko Ono, Marc Ribot and Marianne Faithful.
Cornetist Kirk Knuffke left Colorado for New York in 2005 and dropped right into the avant-garde scene, beginning with the late Butch Morris. He brings to freedom a kind of lyricism and sure tone one hears in Lester Bowie, Don Cherry or Graham Haynes.
Chris Hoffman, known partly for his work with Henry Threadgill and Butch Morris, is a poet on his instrument. As a writer/filmmaker with a flair for storytelling, he also brings a cinematic and literary sensibility to the music.
William Parker—arguably the greatest living innovator on the bass—also shares Carver’s renaissance qualities. Author, poet, educator, bona fide genius, Parker remains the central figure in experimental music and a bridge between Cecil Taylor, Milford Graves, Bill Dixon, Billy Bang and Nicole Mitchell, Matthew Shipp, Craig Taborn.
Chad Taylor—percussionist-extraordinaire, composer, teacher, student of the science and art of rhythm, and navigator. Having come of age in one of the centers of experimentalism and Black culture , Chicago, Taylor played with Fred Anderson, Pharaoh Sanders, Malachi Favors, and was already on a mission similar to that of Carver: to tap into the natural world and the folk whose wisdom, myths and morals have protected the earth for millennia.
James Brandon Lewis – James Brandon Lewis (b.1983 Buffalo) is a critically acclaimed saxophonist and composer.Lewis has received accolades from New York Times, NPR, ASCAP Foundation, Robert Rauchenberger Foundation. Jazz great Sonny Rollins stated this about Lewis “ Promising Young Player with the Potential to do great things having listened to the Elders”.- Jazz Magazine – (France) and most recently voted Rising Star Tenor Saxophonist by Downbeat Magazines 2020 Critic’s Poll. James Brandon Lewis has released several critically acclaimed albums, leads numerous ensembles and is the Co-Founder of American Book Award winning poetry and music ensemble Heroes Are Gang Leaders. Lewis attended Howard University, and received his M.F.A from California Institute of the Arts.
William Mazza – is a Brooklyn-Based visual artist and community arts activist. His work explores spatial and temporal relationships of people to their environments through representational forms and media
James Brandon Lewis at Roulette 2021
Artists: Chad Taylor, Chris Hoffman, James Brandon Lewis, Kirk Knuffke, William Mazza, William Parker | {
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61,377 | Town & Country Builders LLC has won the “customer satisfaction award” as judged by Celebration Media US and Talk of the Town News, and rated By CMU power ratings.
Town & Country Builders LLC is a licensed general contracting design build firm that has been serving Oahu residents for the past 32 years. The company specializes in new and custom homes, remodels, second story additions, designer kitchens, bathrooms, Americans with Disability Act (ADA) modifications/improvements as well as multigenerational homes, and offers full construction services including planning and permitting.
The company’s current customers, Larry and Jana Dove in Royal Kunia, are pleased with the speed of performance and quality of service in the construction of their new family room, master bedroom addition and kitchen remodeling projects.
Obviously, this company is delivering high-quality construction work and excelling in the customer service business as recognized by the award. It has been in business since 1982 and serviced the residential market islandwide. Throughout the years, Town & Country Builders LLC has been taking on many difficult and challenging projects. The staff always goes one step further to get the job done right without cutting corners. In the end, all the work is successfully completed and satisfactory.
For the month of June, the company is promoting “room additions” and will offer a discount on all contracts signed during the month. Summer is a great time to get the work started because the weather is very nice, interest rates are still at 45-year lows and the economy is beginning to recover. If your property has hardship conditions or just level terrain, this is the company to call for an estimate because it will get the project completed in a timely fashion with first-class workmanship.
To reach Town & Country Builders LLC, call 737-7766 for a free in-home consultation, or visit In addition to being a member of the Better Business Bureau with an A-plus rating, Town & Country Builders LLC is a certified remodeler. | {
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205,715 | Oh no! We have limited inventory of this product. The 'low stock' indication is activated when our inventory level is 2 or less. Call to check real-time availability.
We normally have stock, but must have just run out :( You can still order it. But you might want to check out our policy on how we handle “on its way” situations on our Help Centre page.
Special Order:
This product is only available by request. That’s why it’s special. Be aware, all “special order” products are considered final sale and take 2 to 3 weeks to fulfill. See our Help Centre for more info. | {
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81,529 | Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth issued a memorandum Feb. 16 that supplements the Defense Department’s new mask policy on military installations while performing official duties.
The initial DOD memorandum was issued Feb. 4 and follows a Jan. 20 presidential executive, “Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing,” which provides updated guidance on the use of face coverings and masks, physical distancing and full compliance with health directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“Thank you for actively serving on the front lines in our fight against COVID,” said Col. Patrick Miller, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base installation and 88th Air Wing Base commander. “We will continue to adjust to this new operating environment to keep you and your families safe, so that you can focus on the mission and taking care of each other. You remain our most valuable and powerful weapon.”
This updated Department of the Air Force order continues the COVID-19 fight and ensures military preparedness is maintained, he said. The secretary’s memorandum supersedes all previously issued guidance.
The Air Force memorandum reinforces that all individuals on military installations performing official duties on behalf of DOD from any location other home, including outdoor shared spaces, will wear masks in accordance with current CDC guidelines.
Miller said Airmen must continuously wear masks at their work centers. This includes indoor and outdoor common areas or shared workspaces (including open floorplan office spaces, cubicle embankments and conference rooms).
Order exceptions
Miller clarified the Air Force memo exceptions for individuals who must wear masks continuously while on the installation and performing official duties:
· When necessary to reasonably accommodate religious beliefs. For questions, reach out to the 88th Air Base Wing Chaplain’s Office.When underlying health conditions prohibit
· the wear of a face covering and the individual is in possession of medical documentation from a health care provider outlining such a condition and its restrictions on mask wear and face coverings.
· When outdoors and proper physical distancing can be maintained.
· When actively participating in physical fitness activities, either indoors or outdoors, and proper physical distancing is maintained or additional measures are implemented to mitigate the transmission threat. Wright-Patterson fitness centers already have mitigating measures to meet this criteria. While in the fitness center, personnel are advised to remove their masks while actively working out on a piece of equipment, then put it back on when done. Workout partners will be required to wear proper face coverings if physical distancing cannot be maintained.
· When an individual is alone in a vehicle or sharing it only with members of their household. This does not change the previously provided guidance for interactions with Security Forces at WPAFB gates. This measure protects both Defenders and individuals by minimizing potential exposure time to only when facial verification against an ID is needed.
· When masks substantively interfere with the proper wear and use of personal-protective equipment necessary for accomplishing official duties. This will be mission driven.
· When personnel are in primary aircrew positions during critical flight and emergency phases or when using flight-crew oxygen equipment.
· When clear or unrestricted visualization of verbal communication is essential to safe and effective operations. This exception extends to active-speaking roles in official ceremonies, events or broadcasts where physical distancing is maintained and other mitigating measures are implemented, as appropriate.
All individuals on military installations are to continue practicing CDC-approved protective measures, such as physically distancing 6 feet apart, wearing masks at all times, washing hands with soap and water frequently throughout the day for at least 20 seconds, and not touching your face with unwashed hands, DOD and Air Force officials stated. | {
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4,391 | Pump things up! This Penis Pump Kit features a transparent 9 inch cylinder with measurement markings so you can track your progress with each pump. The wide lip base ensures a tight seal, while the flexible hose and quick release valve makes it easy to maneuver and release the pump when you’re ready to play.
The ergonomic hand pump comes included with a large pressure gauge so you can find the amount of pressure works with your package best. This Pump Kit is perfect for those who want a more sensitive and long lasting erection – utilize your favorite cock ring to maintain your new pumped up shaft!
Measurements: Overall length 9 inches, diameter opening 2.5 inches, hose length 10.25 inches
Materials: Metal, acrylic, phthalate-free silicone
Color: Transparent
Penis Pump Kit with 2.5″ Cylinder Specs: Enhance Your Erection: Everything you need to pump your package is included – increase blood flow to your shaft to improve your erection duration and sensitivity
Observe Your Growth: The transparent cylinder features measurement marks so you can track your progress, while the wide base at the opening of the cylinder ensures a secure seal
Ergonomic Hand Pump with Pressure Gauge: The easy grip hand pump makes it easy to squeeze air out of the chamber; keep an eye on the pressure gauge to find your preferred level of suction
Quick and Easy Release Valve: Disconnect the hose with the quick release valve; the simple design makes it easy to detach and re-attach the hose while you play | {
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114,816 | Sweater: Nordstrom | Skirt: Shein | Boots: Vince Camuto (sold out similar HERE)| Necklace: Bauble Bar
| Eyeshadow: Anastasia | Lips: Bobbi Brown (Your Majesty) | Hair: T3 wand
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and it was Merry and Bright!
I really can't believe it's over, it happened in a blink of an eye this year, but I can definitely say we had a lovely Christmas.
Knowing that holiday season is nearing the end, there are still parties that will be taking place and outfits that need to be worn. I'm sharing with you how to switch it up and wear those cozy sweaters in a more glam way.
To be honest with you, this is not what I had put together on my first go, but as it laid next to each other I kept thinking this could be a really cute dolled up look... in my opinion I think I accomplished just that ;)
All I did was tucked in the sweater, threw on a chunky blinded out choker, and stepped into some booties and voila instantly this look became something completely different from then just wearing it how you typically would with some jeans. Don't get me wrong, the more casual look is great too and I def will be showing y'all that in the next upcoming posts. But seeing how you can take pieces you have at home and dolling them up into something more is a great way to not only get more wear out of the item, but also it gives you more options on nights where you're in a rut.
If it's a super cold night rock some tights and OTK boots to change up the look again.
Challenge yourself to get creative with things in your closet! Of course throwing on the easy go to dress for these upcoming holiday parties is great and works, but trust me you'll feel more accomplished by venturing out of your box. Especially when you continuously get compliments all night ;) | {
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All of the free movies found on this website are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to watch online for all internet users.
Any legal issues regarding the free online movies on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, as we're not affiliated with them. | {
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213,333 | Bringing you exceptional vintage pieces direct from Denmark. We pride ourself in customer satisfaction.
Use this banner to inform customers about special features for your products, or various promotions like free shipping.
Get in touch
Copyright © 2022 MCM-SF
Stay up to date on the latest product releases, special offers & news by signing up for our newsletter. | {
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168,767 | Libra, today you'll wake up feeling like you've finally fulfilled all your desires regarding love. You're right where you want to be and you've built the relationship you've always wanted. You couldn't ask for more.
The astral influences in your sign will help you improve your social life. You'll have a lot of events to attend where you'll make friends with new people.
Libras who are single could meet someone by chance. It may be someone at work or attending the same training course as you. You normally wouldn't pay attention to this person, but there will be something that will catch your eye.
💰 Money
Libra, when it comes to your job, everything will slow down today. You'll have a feeling that time has stopped and you're not advancing. It has nothing to do with your behavior.
The Daily Horoscope advises you not to despair. Simply keep doing your tasks and let things flow. Just remember to plan your every move.
Libras who are self-employed will discover a niche in the market. This will give them a lot of peace of mind and will surely motivate them to expand.
👩⚕️ Health
Libra, your prediction regarding health reveals that it'll be a good day. You may still notice the discomfort of the last few days, but you'll start feeling better, which will improve your mood.
On the other hand, those born under this Zodiac sign know that they have to be more constant. Your way of taking care of yourself is a little scattered. Sometimes you create good habits but then abandon them again.
You have to find a balance both in your diet and in other aspects of your life. Sleep, for example, should become your priority. It's essential you go to bed at the same time and sleep for the same amount of hours every day. | {
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148,404 | S9, Ep 25 Dec. First Dates at Christmas. Rate. 'First Dates' is a dating show with a twist that takes advantage of modern forms of dating. Each episode documents a number of Series 9 Episode 9. Student Leah's on her first ever date. Welder Daniel and student midwife Emily bond over their shared love of romcoms. Pilot Antonia hopes to meet a man who wants · Watch the latest episodes of First Dates or get episode details on Season 1. Season 1; 6 out of 8 Episodes loaded from Season 1. Episodes (8) S1 E8 | First Dates - All 4. Stream shows without ads. Find out more. First Dates. The First Dates restaurant throws open its doors to single people looking for love. Sign in to play Series 19 · 6x13 Episode May 13, PM — 55 mins. 21 29 A look back at some of the best moments from the first six episodes of this series, including Shane opening ... read more
Series 2 Episode 3 Alien enthusiast Aliya returns for a second date with fellow UFO buff Josh. First shown: Wed 2 Mar 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 4 Wannabe rock god Aaron meets Maisie. First shown: Wed 9 Mar 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 5 A Harry Potter fan goes on a real-world date. First shown: Wed 16 Mar 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 6 Image-conscious Troy meets baby-faced Ben. First shown: Wed 23 Mar 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 7 Army cadet Eve wants a lad who loves music.
First shown: Wed 30 Mar 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 8 Part-time lifeguard Jamie-Lee seeks old-school romance. First shown: Wed 6 Apr 47 mins. Series 2 Episode 9 Aeren's a winner at most things except the game of love. First shown: Wed 13 Apr 47 mins.
Series 2 Episode 10 Martial arts champ Lois kickstarts the show on a date with a lad from Essex. First shown: Wed 20 Apr 47 mins. People also watched See all 8. See all 8. People also watched. First Dates. Watch About EPISODES CAST. Season 1 Season 1. Episodes 8. First up are double daters Mary and Martina from Limerick, twins who do not share the same taste in men. Will clean-cut Sulveste….
In the third episode of the series, daters include a rock musician from Dublin and a basketball player from Cork who are looking for love. Mateo welcomes Michael from Dublin who, at 81 years old, is the oldest dater ever in the restaurant. Will this master gardener cultivate the attention of elegant and independent Lorraine from Tullamore? Countdown contestant Edward from Dublin meets bisexual student Ria from Kildare. But will they get the letters; l,o,v, e on their board?
Accidental cat-fishing, enthusiastic high fives and tattoos are the order of the day in the loved-up restaurant. Taxi-driver Paul, 49, sported dyed blonde hair and bad teeth when he first visited the restaurant two years ago. He overcame his fear of dentists and now has brand new smile.
Final in series. Creche manager Laura dates Malaysian chef Harvinder from Galway while Richie charms bookies clerk Maura from Cavan by serenading her over dinner. As another season of love draws to a close, we revisit some of the most memorable dates.
There'll be perfect matches, awkward mix-ups, heart-warming moments, romantic non-sequiturs and inevitable door malfunctions.
Memorable dates of the series, featuring perfect matches, awkward mix-ups, heart-warming moments, romantic non-sequiturs and inevitable door malfunctions. Last in the series. Series six kicks off, with Maitre d' Mateo, master-mixologist Ethan, plus Alice and Pete at the ready for a group of new hopefuls searching for love.
Former Dancing with the Stars and Big Brother contestant, Hughie Maughan, finds himself on a date with Paul, and is hoping to leave with a dancing partner rather than doing a solo routine. And could it be game on when Gabrielle from Dublin embarks on a voyage of discovery with adventurous Shamrock Rovers groundskeeper John? Among the hopefuls this week are Mary and Johnny from Tipperary, who are looking for a second chance at love, and two hairdressers who are hoping their date is a cut above the rest.
Keen to seize the day, year-old Marie from Meath waltzes into the arms of dapper year-old dancer Denis from Kildare. And Impressively mohawked Phil rocks up to the restaurant on a skateboard hoping to rom-com his way into the heart of ultra-positive musician Rebecca. Struggling with pre-date nerves, garden designer Anthony from Tipperary blossoms in the excitable presence of chef Mandy from Wexford. And Chris from Belfast is hoping to maximise his assets with tax official Ben.
Martina from Limerick returns to the restaurant for a second chance at finding love, while year-old Denis from Dublin goes on a date with year-old psychology student Amy. Best friends Aimee and Laura are on the lookout for love entering The First Dates Ireland restaurant, but will their mothers- who are also in the restaurant - approve? Having seen his fair share of romance, wedding coordinator Edward applies his nuptial savoir-faire to a date with rainbow shoed Jason. Will their ending be for better or for worse?
After experiencing dates from hell, Miranda hopes to find heaven in the form of ladies soccer coach Sam. Gaelic footballer Luke from Dublin meets student and camogie star Shona, and happiness and positivity are on the menu as chef James from Westmeath cooks up a storm with shy student Sian from Wexford.
Peter from Clare returns to the First Dates restaurant hoping to have better luck this time around, and is set up for a date with health care worker Mags from Carlow. And, palm reading dentist Emily from Belfast assesses the future potential of graphic designer Mark from Dublin. Will she see herself in his love lines or have him talk to her hand? French Canadian comedian Camelia is set up with an elusive date, and bikini model Jodi from Dublin meets confident entrepreneur Ronan.
A look back at some of the best moments from the first six episodes of this series, including Shane opening up to April about the accident that led to his brain injury, and Anthony battling his nerves in a bid to impress Mandy. The final episode of the series offers a romantic reverie from pre-pandemic times, revisiting memorable moments from the First Dates restaurant.
Órán from Dublin, the th participant on the show, and year-old Luke from Mayo come together for their first-ever blind date.
Ashling and Mervyn from Kilkenny who once sat beside each other in school and now find themselves face to face in the restaurant of Romance. In the ultimate surf and turf date, farm girl Julieann from Westmeath unleashes her animal magnetism on Luke, a real catch from a fishing village in County Down.
Plus, Marina from Clondalkin takes a real shine to former figure skater Kori from Portland, Oregon. Flirty year-old Ginine from Kildare admits she is unable to hide her feelings as she meets garda Andrew, who is 31, from Mayo. Rob from Dublin meets Abby from Wollongong in Australia, and affable Dublin taxi driver Alan attempts to woo confident self-made woman Pauline from Cavan.
David, a year-old from Limerick, comes looking for a girl to rule his heart, and gets a right royal treat in the form of reigning Miss Cork, Zoe, who is Supermarket manager Margaret from Dublin is set up with Gerry, a company director from Mayo.
Elsewhere, year-old Aran from Dublin meets year-old Kirsty from Dungarvan, and gymnast Luke goes on a date with flight attendant Miriam. Insurance salesman Dolapo, who is 29 and from Dublin, is set up with year-old Maria from Cork. Elsewhere, nutrition student Aisling goes on a date with former footballer Conor, and year-old Lain returns to the restaurant for the third time with some big news to share.
Farmer Grace from Limerick is set up on a date with former marine Philip from Galway, and year-old Kevin from Offaly meets year-old Rosie from Laois. Robbie from Limerick arrives for a historic match-up with Latina queen Trish from Longford, and lab technician Eric from Cabra meets Trinity student Saoirse from Terenure.. Meanwhile, irrepressible Hughie Maughan puts his less than successful last date behind him as he returns for a second chance at romance with Jason from Cork.
All Titles TV Episodes Celebs Companies Keywords Advanced Search. Sign In. Fully supported English United States Partially supported Français Canada Français France Deutsch Deutschland हिंदी भारत Italiano Italia Português Brasil Español España Español México. First Dates —. Year: Add Image S9, Ep1. Error: please try again. Teaching assistant Liberty's looking for a man who can handle her 'right amount of crazy'. Octogenarian Doreen wants a man who can keep her on her toes; is author James the one?
Add Image S9, Ep2. Science technician Ian has never been on a date, can he find a spark with shy Stacie? Glamorous dental nurse Cece hopes to make DJ Collins' heart skip a beat. Add Image S9, Ep3. Fashion assistant Jade's date with wrestler Lewis takes a dramatic turn. Chelsea girl Montana meets cheeky chappy Joe. Can aristocrat Count Anthony bring shy Silvia out of her shell? Add Image S9, Ep4. Part-time wrestler Lewis returns to the restaurant for another attempt at a date.
Hotel inspector Alasdair and DJ Lee bond over their mutual love of pop music. Add Image S9, Ep5. Leah's looking for a man with a sparkle in his eyes. Finding the right man has been a tall order for 6'3" firefighter Nikki, will 6'4" Ross light her fire? Add Image S9, Ep6. Can dancing accountant Robert sweep French aristocrat Gladys off her feet? Jack-the-Lad Joey and fashion blogger Jodie had a chance meeting before their date. Add Image S9, Ep7.
Old Etonian Leslie and blogger Babs bond over their respect for Michelle Obama. Can painter and lawyer Josh court student and waitress Sophia? Add Image S9, Ep8. Natasha, who's been out of the dating game for a couple of years meets laid-back Oskar.
Emily and Matt discuss aliens. Add Image S9, Ep9. Student Leah is on her first ever date. Welder Daniel and student midwife Emily bond over a mutual love of romcoms. Pilot Antonia wants to meet someone who sees beyond the uniform. Add Image S9, Ep Will Mods Neil and Eileen ride off into the sunset together? Fire-breathing podium dancer Khloe meets former club promoter Rick. Ecologist Andrew meets aid worker Charlotte.
Recipe developer Mimi's meets rugby referee Joel. How will model Laura react when she discovers what Dan does for a living? American psychologist Beri is looking for an English rose. Jade and Jak share their passion for exercise and tattoos. Will born adventurer Stephen run a mile when he finds out Dina wants to start a family? A year-old has her first date for 44 years.
Does Joban impress Bina? Each episode documents a number of couples having dinner in a unique restaurant in which everyone is on a first date. Viewers see the daters from the moment they meet until the meal is over, sharing the highs of lows of each couple's date. At the end of each date, the couple talks candidly about the experience and answers the question everybody has: will the daters see each other again?
Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Top Gap. See more gaps ». Add episode. Create a list ». a list of 47 titles created 11 Jan Reality and Talk Shows. a list of 47 titles created 30 Jul A - Reality Current. a list of 36 titles created 28 Mar Reality Cringe Binge. a list of 32 titles created 28 Feb a list of 36 titles created 17 Jun See all related lists ».
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First Dates,People also watched
· Season 9 guide for Alone TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Track Alone season 9 episodes. Join Next Episode Name: Air Date: 1: Series 2 Episode 9. Fred Sirieix welcomes hungry-for-love teens to the First Dates restaurant, as the 16 to year-olds take their first steps in the land of real-world dating S9, Ep 25 Dec. First Dates at Christmas. Rate. 'First Dates' is a dating show with a twist that takes advantage of modern forms of dating. Each episode documents a number of · Watch the latest episodes of First Dates or get episode details on Season 1. Season 1; 6 out of 8 Episodes loaded from Season 1. Episodes (8) S1 E8 | Series 9 Episode 9. Student Leah's on her first ever date. Welder Daniel and student midwife Emily bond over their shared love of romcoms. Pilot Antonia hopes to meet a man who wants · 6x13 Episode May 13, PM — 55 mins. 21 29 A look back at some of the best moments from the first six episodes of this series, including Shane opening ... read more
Fire-breathing podium dancer Khloe meets former club promoter Rick. Welder Daniel and student midwife Emily bond over a mutual love of romcoms. A special edition of the show featuring some of the most memorable dates from the second series. Can cocktail mixer Jack stir Alice's feelings? Top Gap. And can gym owner Gary impress outdoorsy retail manager Gemma?
First shown: Thu 4 Aug 47 mins. Add to history. Fully supported English United States Partially supported Français Canada Français France Deutsch Deutschland हिंदी भारत Italiano Italia Português Brasil Español España Español México. Series 19 Episode 4 Truck driver Beth is fed up with flying solo. Series 2 Episode 10 Martial arts champ Lois kickstarts the show on a date with a lad from Essex. | {
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76,714 | Last night, we attended a musical celebration of 100 years since our Cathedral (click on the link in Blogroll) received its status. Seemingly one of the reasons for its elevation was because of the established musical tradition….and this has been continued.
The choir, (including the youngest trebles) under Frikki Walker, was supplemented by previous members and friends, and also an orchestra, and there was a substantial congregation/audience, in the wonderful building. It was great to see so many of the existing choir members taking the ‘floor’ to show us their other musical talents.
Rona Pollard, along with the orchestra (and continuo), opened the proceedings with a delightful oboe concerto by Marcello. The rest of the first-half was taken-up with the Vivaldi Gloria. Most of us at some time or another have sung at least one part of this…I especially like the ‘Domine, Fili, unigenite’ which reminds me of a group of hiccuping people!…..I think it is another musical joke.
The second half mainly consisted of excellent individual contributions, from members, and a few pieces from the choir. Especially-interesting were the Icelandic piece in praise of Mary, the ‘Prayer for Peace’ by Frikki Walker the Choirmaster (sorry, Frikki, I will not accept your point that its only good point is its brevity….it is lovely!), and the setting of ‘Love Divine’ by Howard Goodall.
Altogether a feast of music to the usual high-standard we have come to expect from one of the best choirs in the country. | {
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85,163 | STARKILL’s latest album, VIRUS OF THE MIND was released in late 2014 and the Chicago based four piece has been busy ever since. They are currently preparing for a North American tour with SEPULTURA with a few headline shows to warm up. There is also a new lyric video for “Winter Desolation” that just launched on the… Read more »
STARKILL release first song from new album VIRUS OF THE MIND
STARKILL will release VIRUS OF THE MIND on October 14 on Century Media Records. The first song, “Breaking The Madness” is streaming now on the Century Media YouTube channel. The Chicago based metallers will embark on a full U.S./Canadian tour joining up with Arch Enemy, Kreator and Huntress as well as headlining shows in between…. Read more »
STARKILL – Fires of Life
Parker Jameson is the lead guitarist and vocalist, plus keyboardist and orchestrated programmer for Starkill. If this wasn’t sufficient, he also undertakes production duties on Fires of Life. This full length debut album also credits James Murphy (former guitarist in respected bands Testament and Death) with mastering responsibilities. They have both succeeded in giving Fires of Life… Read more »
STARKILL premieres new video, “New Infernal Rebirth,”
Chicagoland-based STARKILL has launched a new video for the song “New Infernal Rebirth”. The shoot captures the band’s epic performance showcasing the musical prowess of this melodic death metal band. The track is taken from the band’s upcoming full-length effort, Fires of Life, which is due out April 30th in North America and May 13th… Read more » | {
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177,320 | As legal professionals, we are called to be officers of the court and advocates for our clients. As Christians, we are called to serve God in all we think, say, and do. Remaining faithful to both callings can be challenging. To encourage and support each journey, CLS offers a wide range of member benefits:
Local Chapters of Legal Professionals
Each local chapter provides a community for serving the profession and the public in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Law Student Fellowships
Law student members have access to Christian student fellowships on law school campuses for personal support, networking opportunities, Bible study discussions, and help with First Amendment issues.
Legal Advocacy
Our Center for Law and Religious Freedom provides ongoing opportunities to contribute to First Amendment advocacy efforts in state and federal courts, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress.
Christian Legal Aid
CLS members can choose to volunteer their time at one of many locally run Christian Legal Aid clinics around the country. Volunteers receive free training in helping disadvantaged citizens overcome personal and legal obstacles. | {
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180,709 | For many applications, a much simple method is used to represent electric fields. Instead of drawing an infinite number of vector arrows, we can draw lines, called electric field lines, to represent the electric field.
While drawing the Field lines it can be monitored so that exactly one field line goes through any given point within the field, and the tangent to the field line at the point is in the direction of the electric field vector at that point.
You can give the field lines a direction such that the direction of the field line through a given point agrees with the direction of the electric field at that point.
Use the following rules when you draw electric field lines around a point charge:
Electric field lines due to a positive source charge start from the charge and extend radially away from the charge to infinity.
Electric field lines due to a negative source charge come from infinity radially into and terminate at the negative source charge.
The density of lines represents the magnitude of the electric field. In other words, the more closely spaced and the greater the number of lines, the stronger is the electric field.
Figure 1 below shows how to draw electric field lines around point charges (single positive charge, single negative charge, two negative charges).
Figure 1 shows how to draw electric field lines around point charges (single positive charge, single negative charge, two negative charges).
Rarely is the electric field at a point in space influenced by a single charge. Often, you need to determine the electric field for a complicated arrangement of charges. Electric field lines can be used to display these electric fields. | {
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=== Sugar Bytes === The Sugar Bytes Unique virtual synthesizer is a virtual synth that specializes in vowel sounds. The parameters are visible in the list but are not labeled, but the preset list is accessible from the dropdown list that is found in the FX chain window. It can be downloaded as a trial as well.
Please note that all contributions to Reaper Accessibility Wiki are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution (see Wiki:Copyrights for details). If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here.
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187,333 | The greatest growth of the United Methodist Church is in Africa, Eastern Europe and the Philippines, yet pension funds for clergy in those areas are minimal or nonexistent. To continue with support of these Central Conference pastors and their surviving spouses, the 2010 Annual Conference Session Missions Offering will be donated to help support the Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI).
CCPI is a denominational campaign to raise $25 million to fully fund pensions for retired clergy and surviving spouses who have served in conferences outside the United States. Over $19 million has been raised to assist these clergy and surviving spouses. Lay and clergy members of the North Georgia Conference have contributed $372,808 as of March 31, 2010 with total gifts and pledges promised totaling over $1.2 million.
"North Georgians have been incredibly generous to the CCPI,” stated Jamie Jenkins, executive assistant to Bishop Watson.
“At last year’s annual conference session, we collected a significant amount for CCPI during the mission offering. The need is still great, so we would like to build upon what we have already done. It is our hope that the Annual Conference Mission Offering will help provide a comfortable living for all the retired clergy in the Central Conferences," added Jenkins.
There are presently about 1,100 retired clergy and about 1,300 surviving spouses in the central conferences outside the United States. After a lifetime of service to the church, many of these faithful servants must now live well below the poverty level. A relatively small amount of pension support makes a tremendous difference in these persons' lives.
To support CCPI by contributing to the 2010 Annual Conference Missions Offering, please hold a special CCPI offering in your church prior to June 16. Monies collected for this special offering will be presented Thursday, June 17 during the annual conference session. | {
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132,871 | Prednisone and benadryl for hives, prednisone alternatives for ulcerative colitis - Buy anabolic steroids online
Prednisone and benadryl for hives
Prednisone & Weight Gain (The Studies) Many studies have been conducted to evaluate the side effect profile of prednisone and similar corticosteroid medications. Studies show that the majority of the side effect profiles are very similar to those of corticosteroids, and few studies have been conducted into the potential of the medications causing weight gain (Buch, 2001; Johnson & Lynam-Hansen, 1993; Lynam & Lund, 1988). In light of the recent increase in weight loss and obesity among middle-aged and older adults, it seems prudent to assess the potential risks of the many prescription medications and supplements commonly prescribed to overweight and obese adults and determine if they can be safely given, prednisone and male fertility. For more information on the side effects and potential for weight gain with certain prescription medications, see below. Most prescription medications and dietary supplements contain a range of compounds, often derived from natural sources, that contribute to a variety of biological functions and benefits including: Anti-inflammatory properties Anti-oxidant properties Antioxidant properties Gastrointestinal benefits Hormone secretion (growth hormone) Thyroid function Blood pressure regulation Antihistamines and anti-inflammatory compounds Antibiotics Glycemic-modulating medications Folic acid Antiseizure agents (such as gabapentin) Antihistamine (e.g., ketamine, yohimbine) Antiviral medications Thyroid hormone (e, prednisone and anavar.g, prednisone and anavar., triiodothyronine, clomiphene) Anti-inflammatory agents (e, prednisone and lyme disease in dogs.g, prednisone and lyme disease in dogs., aspirin, ibuprofen) Antibutans for neuropathy and arthritis (e.g., celecoxib, dacarbazine) Calcium channels Digoxin Thiamine-based peptides Cephalosporins Cimetidine Calcium-binding protein 5 (CaBP5) Calcium-binding protein 4 (CaBP4) Glycogenic acid Vitamin B-12 L-theanine Phosphatidylcholine Alarmin Sodium-potassium bicarbonate and calcium-binding agents Choline bitartrate Niacin Biotin Calcium chelate (e.g., citrate) Side effect profiles of prescription antineoplastics and cholesterol-lowering medications are also not included in most of the above table (Pugh, 2005).
Prednisone alternatives for ulcerative colitis
You do not take steroids or steroids alternatives as and when you please. Do not take a prescription medicine that you know will upset other medications (except aspirin or ibuprofen) you take as directed, steroids to inflammation for alternatives. These medications include other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), some types of antidepressants, the anticoagulant medication warfarin and the anticoagulant, blood thinner and anticonvulsant medications such as the blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin), the anticonvulsant, warfarin (Coumadin XR) and a blood thinner (Coumadin XR/N), phenytoin (Ultram), phenytoin (Ultram SR) and phenytoin (Ultram Pro) (for some patients). Stop taking one or more of these medicines at the first sign of rash or hives, such as when your child has a rash, prednisone and fatty liver disease. Take one or more of the drugs (such as Phenytoin) and speak with your child's doctor, prednisone and benadryl for poison ivy. In some instances, the medicines may be used for other reasons, such as for febrile seizures. Take an antihistamine such as Benadryl 3 in a nonadulterated bottle or the antihistamine alone to prevent a headache or other symptoms that could signal an allergy, alternatives to steroids for inflammation. Be alert to any rash that develops, prednisone and low oxygen levels. If you have a rash that does not clear up or you have other reactions to the medicines you take, speak with your child's doctor. Take a high-dose steroid or high-dose steroid adjuvants if you are taking them to treat or prevent osteoporosis or to prevent osteoporosis from worsening. This is especially important for females who are growing. In rare cases, this can also be used to avoid bone fractures, prednisone and bladder problems. These will be discussed with your child's doctor. Do not use an oral contraceptive for at least 1 week after you first use it to avoid pregnancy, prednisone and flexeril for back pain. Talk with your doctor about the dangers of taking more than one of these medicines, prednisone and gallstones. A baby's breathing may stop or become more difficult. If you take more than one medicine that may make the baby uncomfortable, talk with the doctor about when to stop taking the second or other medicines. If you must take a prescription medicine, do not take more than what your doctor specifically says you are taking, prednisone and pregnancy symptoms. Take only half, or no more than one-tenth of the recommended amount of the medicine. | {
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156,910 | Some say every insurance crisis inevitably traces back to a handful of lawyers and that abuse of Assignment of Benefits (AOB) is no exception. What I’ve recently uncovered seems to bear this out in mind-boggling terms.
Just like PIP and sinkholes, AOB has all the markings of just another sue-for-profit scheme. (See “What is an Assignment of Benefits” here).
During a recent House Banking and Insurance Subcommittee workshop trial lawyers and water extractors questioned whether AOB is even a crisis. Little was said about finding the root cause. They blamed a few bad apples; water extraction companies and roofers. And, of course, they blamed insurers, alleging they don’t pay their bills.
As it turns out, insurers are paying their bills–even the whoppers they get from AOB attorneys. And, this may drive costs even more than the fraudulent claim inflation from roofers and water extractors. (See “Water Extraction…Florida’s biggest cost driver?!” here.)
Here’s the thing. I’ve been told “property” insurer’s routinely pay attorney fees to settle AOB suits for somewhere between $3,500 to $7,500. I don’t know if that’s “on average” or even if it’s true, but…it sounds reasonable. Heck, at $400 an hour, it’s barely more than one day’s work.
Well, guess how many AOB lawsuits (for all lines) have been filed against insurers in just the last two years–go ahead guess! Would you believe 92,521.
And, get this. Back in 2005 and 2006 there were only 9,424 AOB lawsuits–an explosion of nearly 1,000%! (See NOTE#1 below)
I swear I’m not making this up…92,521 AOB lawsuits in just the last two calendar years, for businesses mostly; not consumers.
Check out the following chart showing how the “daily” total has climbed to nearly 200 lawsuits every working day since 2004 when AOB lawsuits were virtually unheard of.
Funny, emergency contractors claim they need AOB to get paid. But, in the wake of the 04/05 seasons, after eight storms in sixteen months, they didn’t seem to need AOB at all. This jives perfectly with testimony from roofers that only bad apples use AOB and it should be abolished altogether. (See “AOB & Roofers?!” here.)
While abusers will always find a way to blame insurers, it’s hard to ignore the names and numbers from the Department of Financial Services (DFS). Every suit filed against an insurer is in a DFS data base (available online) that can be queried any number of ways, including by insurer, by plaintiff, by time period, and best of all, by assignee. (See NOTE #2 below).
It’s all public information. Anyone can enter any AOB lawyers name and see what pops up. Since he testified at the House insurance workshop for trial lawyers, I entered the name Lee Jacobson with Hale, Hale & Jacobson and got a 99 page report listing 1,383 AOB lawsuits.
For just two years!
Assuming the DFS data is correct and assuming Mr. Jacobson only worked one day on each suit for, say, $400 an hour, he’d make $3,200–every day! With 1,383 suits he would’ve hauled in $2,336,000 in just two years.
Thanks to some helpful “tips” from DFS (See NOTE#3 below), I learned even more for calendar years 2013-2014:
Companies that include “Restore” or “Restoration” in their name sued insurers 2,757 times. That’s more than 5 times every weekday!
Companies that included the word “Water” in their name sued insurers 1,334 times, or 2 ½ times a day.
Companies that included the word “Dry” in their name sued insurers 537 times, or at least once a day.
A water extraction company named United Water Restoration sued insurers 266 times from 2013-2014—every other week day for the last two years.
Companies that included the words “Auto Glass” in their name sued insurers 8,597 times, or more than 16 times every week day.
Express Auto Glass sued insurers 1,341 times over the last two years. More than twice a day.
Atlas Auto Glass sued insurers 346 times in the last two years.
To me, it seems like trial lawyers talk a lot about how much they help consumers. Not so much with AOB.
Rarely is the beneficiary an individual consumer. AOB is overwhelmingly used as a tool to increase profits of “for-profit” enterprises–at least according to the data. For example:
During 2013 and 2014, Lee Jacobson brought 699 suits on behalf of one company, Express Auto Glass, 315 suits on behalf of Atlas Auto Glass, and 144 suits on behalf of a company named Auto Glass and More. See DFS report here.
Richard Hale, of Hale, Hale & Jacobson, filed 986 AOB suits in 2013-2014–all on behalf of businesses–out of 986 AOB suits none were on behalf of an individual consumer. See DFS report here.
Jayme Buchanan, with Cohen & Battisti, has represented only 3 policyholders out of the 980 suits filed from 2013-2014. That’s a total of nearly 2 a day and 72% of the time, about once every work day, Buchanan sues an insurer for building, construction, or emergency repairs. See DFS report here.
Imran Malik–out of 323 AOB suits less than 5% (16) were brought by actual policyholders. See DFS report here. In fact, 36% of the time, about once a week, Malik sues on behalf of the same carpet cleaning company. See DFS report here.
I could go on and on, searching more names and businesses, but you get the point.
Please note: I want to be fair to all sides here and am willing to print any response from anyone. But…based on the DFS data, AOB smells like a massive lawsuit scheme, benefitting only a few dozen lawyers and businesses.
The cost implications of more than 50,000 annual lawsuits have got to be ginormous, so… I really hope I’m wrong. But, the most offensive thing to me isn’t the number of suits, or whose filing them, or even why. It’s the impact this must be having on consumer premiums and a nagging, almost inescapable notion in the back of my mind, that it may all be just the tip of an ugly iceberg!
Written by Scott Johnson of Florida, and published here with his permission. The piece can be read at
#1: In 2005 and 2006 there were only 9,424 AOB lawsuits. In 2007 and 2008 AOB lawsuits jumped to 19,154. In 09/10 25,155 were filed. And, in 11/12 lawyers filed 85,137 suits. And in 2013 and 2014 attorneys filed 92,521 suits where the client, usually a water extractor, roofer or auto glass repair facility, was the “assignee of” proceeds from someone else’s insurance policy.
#2: DFS is the statutorily registered agent for service of process to insurance companies. Pursuant to Ch 48.151(1), FS; all authorized insurers are required to designate the Chief Financial Officer of Florida as their Statutory Registered Agent for Service of Process. The figure 92,521 AOB lawsuits was extracted from the DFS Service of Process (SOP) database. I tried to download the whole list but, it’s over 6,000 pages long. Don’t trust me–view it yourself by going to the DFS Service or Process search page and, under the words “Detail Report Selection Criteria” make only two entries as follows: 1) in the “Date From” field enter 01/01/31 and in the “Date To” field enter 12/31/14. Then, in the “Plaintiff Name” field enter only A/A/O which means “as assignee of”. The number of suits listed (92,521) is likely low because cases that may have only the name of the assignee without AAO do not appear.
#3: After making a public records request of DFS I was provided the following helpful advice on finding AOB information. After going to click “About the Agency”. Then, click “Legal Services”. Then, click “Service of Process Reports”. I was emailed the following information as well:
“There is a “Suits Served” report available that will list all the companies we have served with the # of cases we have served to them during the specified timeframe. You may sort this report numerically by the number of cases we have served to them or alphabetically by the insurance company’s name.” and;
There is a “Detailed Report” available that will allow you to prepare a report with the case styles (Plaintiff name, defendant name, county, court, case #, etc.) as well as the dates we received the documents and the date we served the documents. The reports can be re-sorted on any of the columns and exported to a excel format for further research or a printable PDF format.
Posted in Blog, Finance / Insurance, IssuesTagged AOB, assignment of benefits, florida, fraud, insurance | {
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39,073 | Costochondritis, also called Tietze syndrome, is one of the most common reasons why people seek the help of a healthcare professional. Unfortunately, this is a condition that is often misdiagnosed because it can present in a wide variety of ways. If you are suffering from costochondritis, you may think that you need to take prescription medications. You might even think that you need to undergo a dangerous surgical procedure. Fortunately, a chiropractor may be able to help someone overcome costochondritis while also minimize complications and side effects. What is costochondritis, and how can a chiropractor help? Keep reading to learn more…
What Is Costochondritis?
Costochondritis is a condition that impacts the body’s ribs. The ribs are designed to protect the trachea, esophagus, lungs, and heart from harm. The ribs operate on hinges, allowing them to expand and contract during your breathing cycle. If one of these hinges doesn’t work properly, or if you develop inflammation within your ribs, you can develop a condition called costochondritis. This is a condition that can lead to pain, swelling, and general discomfort in the area. Depending on the severity, costochondritis can also have a significant impact on your overall quality of life.
What Are the Symptoms of Costochondritis?
Similar to other medical conditions, costochondritis can present in a variety of ways. In general, the most common symptom is pain, pain that usually gets worse when you cough or take a deep breath. This places more stress on your ribs, leading to greater discomfort. Usually, individuals describe costochondritis as a sharp pain or jabbing sensation. However, you may also feel pressure or tightness in the area. It is also possible for this condition to impact multiple ribs instead of just one.
You may also notice swelling in the area. As the condition progresses, you may spot redness or swelling over one or more of your ribs. If you are experiencing severe chest pain, make sure you seek medical care as quickly as possible. That way, other possible conditions can be ruled out.
How Can a Chiropractor Treat Costochondritis?
If you have been diagnosed with costochondritis, there are several ways a chiropractor can help. A chiropractor typically will palpate the area to determine which ribs are swollen, misaligned and causing the most pain. He or she will then use a gentle technique like Activator to adjust the ribs to make sure they’re properly aligned. This will help decrease the swelling around the joints and increase mobility while simultaneously stimulating the nervous system for optimal healing and pain relief.
With regular chiropractic care and careful exercises at home, it is possible to manage the symptoms of costochondritis, address the root cause, and prevent these symptoms from returning in the future. For these reasons, you should count on a chiropractor to help you treat costochondritis effectively.
Rely on a Trained Chiropractor To Help Treat Costochondritis
Ultimately, these are a few of the most important points that everyone should keep in mind if they are dealing with costochondritis. If you have been diagnosed with costochondritis, you may not need to take prescription medications or set foot in the operating room. Instead, you should reach out to a chiropractor to learn more about your treatment options. With the help of a chiropractor, it is possible to address the root cause of costochondritis, not only treating the symptoms on the surface but also preventing them from returning down the road. So if you or a loved one are experiencing this condition, please give us a call. We’re here to help! | {
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194,843 | Introduction Enterprise Attack Azati Prime Sphere Bashing Saving Earth Vulcan Civil War Romulan Marauder Empire in Crisis Altimid Battle Romulan Attack The Deadly Years The Doomsday Machine The M-5 Debacle The Wrath of Khan Khitomer Crisis The Battle of Minos Wolf 359 Klingon Civil War The Odyssey A Flagship Battle Death of a Caretaker The Omarion Nebula Deep Space Nine Shattered Mirror Kazon Attack Borg / 8472 War The Swarm Sector 001 The Dominion War The Valley of Death The Chin'toka Invasion AR-558 Righteous Insurrection The Chin'koka Retreat Advance on Cardassia Vaadwaur Battle Workforce Incident Reman Nemesis Coppelius battle
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Given the popularity of the site (sixty thousand visitors a month these days), we've decided to offer some DITL merchandise. The site is privately funded, and we're in no danger of closing down or anything if nobody buys our stuff; we just thought we'd make the offer in case anybody was interested.
We have two shops, one covering the USA and one the UK and Europe. This is to make sure your postage costs are as low as possible and improve delivery times. Click the links above to visit the shop you require.
The range of merchandise on offer is slightly different between the two shops - this is because the company which does this for us simply doesn't offer the same choices in each area, there's nothing we can do about it I'm afraid. You can of course order from either shop, if you wish.
We have clothing for adults and for the first time kids and baby gear. In accessories we have Face Coverings, Caps & Hats, Bags & Backpacks, Mugs & Drinkware, Aprons, Bandanas, Pillows, iPhone Cases, Stickers and Soft Toys.
Each product is available in a range of colours. We have tried to ensure that colour combinations that don't work have been removed. Red clothing, for example has been removed. If you do notice a combination that works really badly please make a note of the item name and the colour and email us. | {
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78,519 | You are About To Download DONT SLIP By Sauce Walka For Free mp3, Mp4, Instrumental and 320kbps On
Highly sensational American rapper and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Albert Walker Mondane, known professionally as Sauce Walka, dropped an impressive song titled, “DONT SLIP“. which Mixloaded made available for free streaming & mp3 download.
Sauce Walka, has been on top of his game for so long, pushing to the top, and it shows on this track (DONT SLIP).
The song is very catchy and will quickly grab your attention. As a music lover, The Sweet Melody is available here for free and fast download.
After downloading Sauce Walka – DONT SLIP, we really need your feedback, and that’s where we know if we’re serving you right or wrong. Please comment below.
And again, please always visit, to download any recently released songs or albums from all your favorite artists, thanks.
Stream & Download Sauce Walka – DONT SLIP Mp3 Below
Download mp3
Watch Sauce Walka - DONT SLIP YouTube Video Below :
Sauce Walka – DONT SLIP Lyrics
Lyrics for this song have yet to be released. Please check back once the song has been released.
If You have what you want; Check back with mixloaded for the latest updates anytime, please subscribe to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL and join us @WHATSAP & @FACEBOOK PAGE for more updates MP3 song download is also available for your Android and Apple (IPhone) supported. | {
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108,999 | At least for the moment, we may be crawling out of the financial crisis, so the nation’s birthday calls for cautious celebration, best accomplished with wines made in the U.S.A.
The three choices are all characteristically Californian, with the bubbly also recognizing the alliance with France, without which the years immediately following 1776 would have been even more difficult than they were.
Tom Jordan founded his winery, now run by his son, in 1972 in Sonoma with the goal of producing world-class Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. They still produce just these two wines. They’ve avoided the temptation of using their reputation to market low-cost, industrial wines or engage in very high priced single vineyard bottlings. Like a traditional Bordeaux Château, they know what they want to do, and they do it very well indeed.
This doesn’t mean, however, that their wines are locked in a ‘70s time-warp. Even though Rob Davis has been a winemaker since the first vintage, his Chardonnay has evolved considerably over the years, in part adjusting to changing tastes in the food it’s designed to accompany. His recent refinements in technique have made the wine a restaurant favorite. The resulting Jordan 2007 Russian River Chardonnay is a wine with a clean fruit front, a citrus and slightly mineral finish, all held together with a nicely balanced flavor of oak. A more contemporary wine than the buttery ripe Chards of yesteryear!
The French Champagne House, Taittinger, set up its Californian venture, Domaine Carneros, in the late ‘80s. In an unusual move for a French company, they recruited a Californian, Eileen Crane, as their founding winemaker. When interviewed a few years ago, she emphasized that she had always had complete freedom to develop the wines she wanted to make, without being encouraged towards a “house style.”
Her Domaine Carneros Brut Rosé Cuvée de la Pompadour, named for the 18th century marquise and favorite mistress of Louis XV, has a delicate pink color and an almost floral aroma. It’s smooth on the palate, has an enticing blend of fruit flavors and a clean finish that’s dry without a hint of astringency. Anyone wondering if it’s worth the extra cost might open a bottle alongside the (very drinkable) Gruet Rosé to see that the complexity and elegance of the Domaine Carneros puts it in a different league.
The Paris tasting in ’76 that placed Californian wine on the global map (recreated in the movie “Bottle Shock”) included the Monte Bello Cabernet from Ridge Vineyards. The French response was that in 30 years, only the French wines would shine. When the blind tasting was repeated in 2005, the Ridge Cabernet emerged as the undisputed winner, way ahead of its Bordeaux rivals. All this led to an impressive recent celebration of the winery’s 50th anniversary and the 40th for their winemaker, Paul Draper.
Ridge is also renowned for its Zinfandels, where it pioneered both single vineyard bottlings and the blending of other grapes to enhance the wine. The Ridge 2007 Zinfandel York Creek contains 22 percent Petite Sirah that, combined with the wine being relatively low in alcohol (for a Zin), makes it very easy to drink. The dark fruit aroma of a typical Zinfandel carries through to a more complex initial flavor, ending in a smooth finish with the oak and tannins in a perfect balance. What better way to celebrate our Nation’s Birthday!
Where to Find Them (Distributors in parenthesis): the Jordan Chardonnay (Southern) is $26-36 at Belfair Wine and Spirits, Bill’s Liquor Store, Redfish, Reilly’s, and Rollers; it’s on the list at Aqua, Alexander’s, British Open Pub, Charlie’s l’Étoile Verte, CQ’s, Claude and Uli’s, Eastern Chinese, Flavor’s, Frankie Bone’s, Le Bistro Mediterranean, Old Fort Pub, Santa Fe Café, Seagrass Grill, Waterfront Café, andWise Guy’s.
The Domaine Carneros Brut Rosé (RNDC) is $40-41 at Bill’s and Rollers; it’s on the list at Eat and HHPrime.
The Ridge York Creek Zinfandel (Southern) is $28-30 at Island Wine and Spirits, and Rollers. Other Ridge Zinfandels (also worth exploring) are at: A Wine and Spirit Shop, Belfair Wine and Spirits, and Bill’s Liquor Store; they are on the list at Aqua, Charlie’s, Frankie Bones, Old Fort Pub, and Sunset Grill.
Correction: in June, Grassroots was listed incorrectly as the distributor of Brutacao Primitivo; it should have been Grapevine. | {
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65,622 | This Privacy Statement discloses the privacy practices for By using this website, you are consenting to our collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.
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For more information on how we collect and process your Personal Information, or if you have any complaints please contact | {
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107,164 | There’s Nor-way they can ban Bitcoin (BTC) mining in Norway now. That’s according to a majority vote passed by the Norwegian parliament on May 10.
The proposal to ban Bitcoin mining in Norway was first suggested in March this year by the Red Party (Norway’s communist party.) In this week’s vote, the proposal was overturned as only Norway’s left-leaning parties, including the Socialist Left Party, the Red Party and the Green Party would support a ban on cryptocurrency mining.
Jaran Mellerud, an Analyst at Arcane Research and a Cointelegraph confidant shed light on the developments: “The vote these parties lost was against banning large-scale Bitcoin mining overall.”
“Having lost this vote, these political parties will likely make one more attempt at increasing the power tax specifically for miners, which is now their only tool left in the toolbox for making life difficult for miners.”
Contrary to the political parties’ efforts, Bitcoin mining companies in Norway have thrived in recent years. Norway now contributes as much as 1% to the global Bitcoin hash rate, taking advantage of 100% renewable energy in the Land of the Midnight Sun.
Norwegian Mellerud added that “Bitcoin-hostile political parties in Norway have been trying to force bitcoin miners out of the country by implementing a higher power tax rate specifically for miners or even attempting to ban mining.”
Luckily, they haven’t been successful, and this decision by the government to not ban bitcoin mining should be the latest nail in the coffin for their attempts to get rid of the industry.
Cointelegraph previously reported that Norway is a “green oasis” for Bitcoin mining, boasting abundant hydropower and low energy prices, particularly in the north.
In mid-northern and northern Norway, the cost per kilowatt-hour is 0.12 Norwegian Krone ($0.012), a highly competitive rate internationally, or “extremely cheap,” Mellerud told Cointelegraph.
Related: Water great idea! Bitcoin mining heats this swimming pool
The article from Norwegian news E24 reported that “ordinary households, companies and the public sector pay an electricity tax of 15.41 øre ($0.015) per kilowatt-hour,” however, in some cases the “mining industry has a reduced electricity tax.”
Mellerud concluded that “an increase in the power tax specifically for miners is now much less likely.” Meanwhile, Bitcoin is slowly entrenching into the Norwegian financial landscape as retail interest in cryptocurrencies swells and TradFi companies have dipped their toes into BTC investments in the country. | {
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However, if you want to start using peptides for bodybuilding or peptides for weight loss, you need to have more information before deciding where to begin and which ones to use. If you're interested in learning more, the following is a great reference that will hopefully help, collagen peptides for loose skin after weight loss. There's so much information out there on the Internet (Google it, collagen peptides help with weight loss!), but one more thing should be obvious: You never know what you're going to find when you Google. That's what makes a good search, collagen peptides for fat loss. When searching for a compound, you don't know where you're going, only how you're going to find it, collagen loss peptides reviews weight. You should look for a lot of information in a short period of time, so that you can get a good taste of the effects you're looking for, collagen peptides powder weight loss. If you do find a peptide from any one of these sources, and you think it might help you, then you should use it, but it probably won't be as effective as a whole peptide. Also, there's much more information available today, so you're looking at more things. If you're going to use a whole peptide, you should find out exactly what that peptide does, what else it can do, and how and why you should be using it, collagen peptides for weight loss. If you're going to make your own peptide, it's important that you know: What does it do? How does it work, collagen peptides help weight loss? How important is it to you? What are the side effects you will have What is the best way to use it All of those things that will make your peptide the best it can be. Don't get scared off, just be sure that you're in the right place and with the right ideas. Remember, the only thing we don't know is how to make a peptide ourselves, collagen peptides help you lose weight. There are lots of people that have tried and made peptides, and none of those people were the best, or the only ones.
How can you lose weight while taking steroids
Actually you lose some of the weight gain but definitely you dont lose all of weight that you gain in steroid cycledue to protein catabolism. It's a question of the macronutrient composition you are taking during this steroid cycle. It is still possible to gain muscle during steroids cycle, but will take you more time, and this is why I like to look at every little change with a grain of salt, because with everything you do in an athletic effort, there will be a loss of muscle tissue, collagen peptides help with weight loss. And this process in steroids cycle is why I always keep my diet extremely strict, collagen peptides for fat loss. When it comes dieting, dieting is the only way to ensure you take care of your physique as an athlete. I personally eat almost exclusively vegan protein (which I explain below), so I only lose fat from my diet during my steroid cycle, steroid weight gain how to lose it. It only takes about 4 days to get back to your baseline physique after taking your first dose of steroids, in the case of me I would even say it was 3 months. And the reason why I am saying that is because I take advantage of my own body's natural ability to burn fat, instead of relying on synthetic fats when it comes to weight loss, as I'll explain later. There are no shortcuts and there is no quick way to get to the gym and hit the weights, does prednisone make you gain weight. If you are serious about your physique as an athlete, you need to build it yourself in just 3-4 weeks, if you do not follow the process I described and eat a very lean diet, you could go through that weight loss plateau before it's even over. My Experience So you want to be the most muscular guy in your gym, does prednisone make you gain weight? Well you just have to start at the gym and work your way up. After 6 weeks on cycle or before, weight gain how steroid to it lose. I started to lose some of the weight after a few days of taking my first dose of the steroid testosterone, best way to lose prednisone weight. I did 3 weeks of dieting, then I took my second dose of testosterone as well as 4 weeks of maintenance of the same diet, and after that I started my weight training phase. The first and main point I would like to make here is that during this 6 weeks of being on cycle you should not do anything extra at all except taking your first and last dose of testosterone. It will also be the day before you go on diet when you do all the extra conditioning and muscle lifting, when its still too early to work out you do your cardio and strength training, collagen peptides weight loss reddit.
The fat burning power of anabolic steroids is probably stronger for burning fat than estrogen.[7] Oxytocin is more powerful than estradiol Oxytocin is the primary vasopressin in the human body[9] in the same way that epinephrine is for your muscles, adrenaline is for your heart and it is the principal hormone of the pituitary gland.[9] The pituitary glands secrete testosterone in secreted, non-sex steroid levels.[10] The steroid hormone prolactin is more potent than oxytocin In mammals prolactin is produced by the testicles and release is mediated by the hypothalamus. If the pituitary gland is stimulated and prolactin secretion is inhibited, the effect of prolactin on reproductive function is inhibited and the pituitary gland becomes less sensitive to prolactin's effects. This is an effect that is not seen in men, but it occurs in women in the same way that the ovary is sensitive to estrogen.[8] Studies using progesterone as a vasopressin, in the same way that oxytocin is a steroid, have shown that progesterone is better for producing feelings of security and comfort than oxytocin is.[11] The effects of progesterone are stronger when both the vasocortical and oxytocin receptors are increased, and this has been thought to be a way to facilitate intercourse. The effects of prolactin are weaker than oxytocin and, similarly to progesterone, more pronounced in men. The Effects Of Testosterone On Prostate Size Studies of Testosterone have linked it to prostate size in men. This may be due to Testosterone being converted into DHT,[12] although the latter is a larger enzyme when it enters a human body.[13] It is important to note that Testosterone is anabolic, meaning that it increases the muscle size of the muscle cell which contains it, but does not increase the amount of muscle mass of the muscle cell that does not contain it (i.e., there is a cap on total muscle mass).[14] In comparison, DHT would increase the amount of muscle mass in any part of a man's body. One way to test testosterone's effect on muscle growth is to measure muscle mass. If there is no change in the amount of muscle mass, then they consider Testosterone anabolism, when in fact it is anabolic.[15] Anabolism Lactate 2021 · цитируется: 3 — low molecular weight (lmw) collagen peptides show skin and bone health benefits for human. However, the production of lmw collagen peptides. Collagen for her collagen peptides are one ingredient, contain 11g of collagen, and 10g of protein per scoop. They are completely flavorless, so you can add. Sr® hydrolyzed collagen peptides provide 11 grams of low molecular weight peptides. Great in coffee and protein shakes, sr®collagen peptides are an easy way. — and how do you shop for a good collagen powder? you've got questions—and we've got answers. Plus, the 5 best collagen peptide powders to buy. Depending on how you use collagen it can have some interesting effects on your weight. As mentioned above, muscle weighs more than fat, so an increase in muscle. Collagen or peptides, which basically means the collagen has been How effective is the pill? — how effective is the pill? contraceptive pills in handbag used to illustrate if a person can get pregnant while taking the. Water supplies, animal habitat, and recreation are all dependent on healthy watersheds. A watershed is an area of land that drains. — for new passport applications you will need to find a guarantor to sign your application, one of your passport photos and all copies of any. "how can you mend a broken heart" is a song released by the bee gees in 1971. It was written by barry and robin gibb and was the first single on the group's. How do i know if my video has a content id claim? when a content id claims your video, you'll get an email from youtube. To find more details about the claims. — how much money does a youtuber make per subscriber? youtube does not pay you based on the number of subscribers you have on your channel. With uber, you can schedule a ride up to 30 days in advance. Learn how to schedule a ride via the rider app for when you want to plan ahead. You may be able to stop heart palpitations with a few simple lifestyle changes. Your doctor can show you how to perform them correctly Similar articles: | {
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18,899 | Last week for Friday Favorites we revisited Becca. This week we're talking to Carolyn at Sew Happy Stitch Happy! I recently purchased one of Carolyn's book sleeves and I am so impressed by the quality of it! If you haven't checked out her shop, I highly recommend doing so! Tell us a bit about yourself.… Continue reading Carolyn at Sew Happy Stitch Happy – Friday Favorites →
Posted in interviewsTagged book blog, book community, Friday Favorites, interviews, reader interviews, sew happy stitch happy
Carolyn at Sew Happy Stitch Happy – Friday Favorites
May 17, 2019 May 17, 2019 Penny W3 Comments
Last week for Friday Favorites we revisited Becca. This week we're talking to Carolyn at Sew Happy Stitch Happy! I recently purchased one of Carolyn's book sleeves and I am so impressed by the quality of it! If you haven't checked out her shop, I highly recommend doing so! Tell us a bit about yourself.… Continue reading Carolyn at Sew Happy Stitch Happy – Friday Favorites →
Posted in interviewsTagged book blog, book community, Friday Favorites, interviews, reader interviews, sew happy stitch happy
Becca: Friday Favorites
May 10, 2019 May 10, 2019 Penny W6 Comments
Last week, we talked to Tori. This week, we're revisiting Becca. This post was originally published on October 5, 2018. Tell us a bit about yourself! I've always been a book nerd so it was no surprise that I became an English teacher. When most people find out that I'm an English teacher, they picture… Continue reading Becca: Friday Favorites →
Posted in interviewsTagged book blog, Books, Friday Favorites, reader interviews, reading blog, reading life
Taylor from Working Classless – Friday Favorites
April 26, 2019 Penny W3 Comments
For last week's Friday Favorites, we talked to Thia from the podcast Working Classless. This week, we are speaking to the other host of that wonderful podcast, Taylor! Tell us a bit about yourself I'm Taylor: a hopeful pessimist, a killjoy, and one of the hosts of Working Classless! Every week I get to talk… Continue reading Taylor from Working Classless – Friday Favorites →
Posted in interviewsTagged book blog, book blogger, interviews, reader interviews, working classless podcast
Thia from Working Classless – Friday Favorites
April 19, 2019 Penny W4 Comments
Friday Favorites was something I started early on that never caught on, simply because it was difficult to find people who wanted to participate. I'm trying to bring it back though. I love hearing about other people's reading habits, and I suspect that many of you do as well. Today we're featuring Thia from the… Continue reading Thia from Working Classless – Friday Favorites →
Posted in interviewsTagged book blog, book blogger, Friday Favorites, interviews, podcasts, reader interviews, reading life, what are some good podcasts, working classless podcast
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72,181 | You need this ticket from Eventbrite to sign up: 3-Day Early Bird Ticket*. 3-Day Early Bird Extended Ticket* 3-Day Regular Ticket* 1-Day Regular Ticket* 3-Day Hacker & Student Ticket
The number of projects that invite citizens into the scientific endeavour has been growing rapidly, described as citizen science. However, most of the times citizens are being limited to engage as data collectors or resources suppliers for projects that originate in the scientific community or led by institutions, such as universities or research centers, which don’t necessarily address the questions of individuals or from society. We will look into further developments of citizen and DIY science as deeper forms of engagement with techno-science. DIY scientists appear as people who tinker, hack, fix, recreate and assemble objects and systems in creative and unexpected directions, responding to individual or community-based questions, usually adhering to open paradigms to share knowledge and outputs with others. We will explore how DIY science is recognizing different ways of knowing and thus allowing for more out-of-the-box thinking and experimentation, or more generally, how it is changing knowledge production, citizen agency and ultimately innovation and creativity, or the meaning of ‘science’.
Susana Nascimento
Policy Analyst, Joint Research Centre - European Commissionon
Susana Nascimento is Policy Analyst at the Foresight and Behavioural Insights Unit of the JRC / Joint Research Centre, EC / European Commission. She is also Associate Researcher at CETCOPRA / Centre d'Etude des Techniques des Connaissances et des Pratiques of University Paris 1... Read More → | {
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144,729 | “He discovers that words do not necessarily work, that it is possible for them to obscure the things they are trying to say.” Paul Auster, Ghosts
The dark joke at the heart of the Harry Potter series is the fact that an eleven-year-old boy is more willing and able to name evil than the adults that are sworn to protect him from it. He’s routinely castigated for daring to utter the name “Voldemort,” and the grown-up placeholders for Voldemort are comically murky: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, You-Know-Who. Even when Voldemort unequivocally returns and kills a Hogwarts student in front of Harry, he is not believed. He is ignored, even silenced by adults (specifically by the politicians—author J.K. Rowling makes a magical world that nonetheless functions much like our own).
The Harry Potter series subtly echoes “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, swindlers dress the emperor in imaginary, unseeable clothes, and his subjects ignore this fact even though they can see the “clothes” are false. Finally, a child speaks up, pointing out to a crowd that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. That’s where I remembered the story ending, illustrating the bravery and intelligence of children. But the original text ends on a sadder note: after being called out, the emperor walks “more proudly than ever” in his invisible clothes.
At the end of the Harry Potter series, Professor Dumbledore reminds Harry that “words are… our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.” Spells, after all, are conjured through words, and across the books, misspoken spells have a habit of inflicting harm on the speaker themselves. But broken words—words used to misinform, obscure, or degrade meaning—are still incredibly powerful. Over time, they erode tongues, minds, and hearts. They can fracture societies. The once-sturdy foundation sinks into quicksand, into a routine of recrimination, half-truths, and lies.
It is staggering how normalized this kind of spellbound discourse has become in American life. You feel crazy for seeing so much craziness in everyday communication, and speaking out against so much craziness starts to feel even crazier. You get to a point where you can’t even trust your own words anymore.
“To what extent would people tolerate blasphemies if they gave them amusement? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? To any extent.” Paul Auster, City Of Glass
In his poem “Big Grab,” Tony Hoagland points to the way the meanings of words are subtly eroded over time, not just through common speech but through advertising, commerce, and politics. A corn chip bag intentionally contains a few less chips than before but it’s still called ‘The Big Grab.’ An absurd billboard sells “a beautiful girl / covered with melted cheese.” It feels like such an American poem, until Hoagland zooms out:
Confucius said this would happen:
that language would be hijacked and twisted
by a couple of tricksters from the Business Department
and from then on words would get crookeder and crookeder
until no one would know how to build a staircase,
or to look at the teeth of a horse,
or when it is best to shut up.
Does Hoagland include himself as a “trickster”? Does making art give artists cover to deny their involvement in this crooked situation? Are advertisers, businessmen, and politicians the ultimate artists, toying with language until it breaks apart? Imagination is not a benign thing.
still from La Antena
“The present is no less dark than the past, and its mystery is equal to anything the future might hold.” Paul Auster, Ghosts
In La Antena, an Argentinian silent film, the voices of an entire city’s people are stolen by a malignant media mogul named Mr. TV. The people can still talk, but their words are spelled out above their heads, like text messages. Mr. TV doesn’t stop at stealing voices. In the final act of the film, he steals the words themselves as the people are lulled into a kind of hypnotized stupor by his television broadcasts. Random words flood the screen, floating into the air like let-go balloons.
La Antena was released in 2007, just before Twitter debuted, but it nonetheless feels like an early glimpse of social media’s cancerous growth on society. Social media advertises itself as giving “voice” to everyone, but it is a new Tower of Babel where context collapses under the weight of so many voices: a cat meme, followed by a police brutality video, followed by a photo of your friend’s delicious brunch, followed by an advertisement, followed by a political half-truth, followed by a link to an Article You Have To Read Right Now, ad infinitum. In this world, so many voices and words are rendered meaningless, which is the same as stealing voices and words.
City Of Glass, Paul Auster’s first story in his New York Trilogy, is nominally a detective novel, but one interested in the mystery of language. His characters are trapped by words and definitions, every dawning truth leading to another room in an endless, onion-like maze. At one point, Peter Stillman, the foil to the writer-turned-detective Daniel Quinn, declares that “unless we can begin to embody the notion of change in the words we use, we will continue to be lost.” He asks, can a broken umbrella still be named an “umbrella,” or does it need a new name to describe it? Stillman, by the way, is also an insane, religious quasi-criminal, hell-bent on tearing down the Tower of Babel that invisibly surrounds all of our speech and spirituality. He later commits suicide, but it’s offscreen, and you’re not sure if you can trust that information.
How do we repair broken words? Is an umbrella still called an umbrella if it lets in the rain? Auster repeatedly points to the Old Testament command to name all the animals and plants in the world; the very act of naming gives them life. It appears that it is up to us to rename the world.
theobliquegardener Other, Reading Leave a comment January 18, 2021
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64,260 | Influence is a soft power. With the right kind of influence and a skilled hand wielding it, a manager or executive can appear to be lucky. Properly wielding influence allows great managers to become great leaders. Becoming a master of influence is vital to progression upwards in any organization. While they are often held in disdain by those who lack influence, leaders who allow themselves to be influenced by the needs of the people around them develop great influence in their organization.
Title is not necessarily an indicator of influence. In every organization there are middle managers who have more influence on the direction and success of the company than many of the executives. Within every organization there is a shadow leadership group, a group of people who lead and influence without the benefit of title or official position. These people can hold incredible power to determine the success or failure of any department, facility, or project, or even the sustained success of the company itself.
These shadow organizations can wield incredible influence. Failure to identify the shadow organization is the leading root-cause of change-of-management failures. The shadow organization can manipulate employee morale, customer perception, supplier perception, and official government perception of a company. Shadow organizations are just as much at home on the shop floor as they are in the executive boardroom.
Do you remember your high school days, and the different social cliques? Who were the leaders of those cliques? Who were the real leaders of your college fraternity or sorority? The same thing applies in the business world. Influence is easy to spot when you pay attention. If you meditate upon your past objectively, you will find examples of influence.
The leadership coaching line is, "If you want to influence others, first be ye influenced." Watching objectively the behavior of others and adjusting your behavior is allowing yourself to be influenced. Allowing others to influence you does not mean that you give up any power or position. Allowing yourself to be influenced, and carefully choosing how you change your behavior, allows you to learn about the interpersonal dynamics of the people inside your organization. Observing these interpersonal dynamics influences how you think, and how you will address your needs. | {
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30,766 | 在这里 betway88betway883将向您展示如何加压清洗甲板. 这是一个由两部分组成的系列,从今天的第一部分开始. 你要做的第一件事就是评估形势. 我露台的楼下情况很糟糕. 清理起来很容易. Then we’re actually going to go and do the upstairs which is quite a bit more worn.
现在, 你要确保你做的是, 你要确保你从顶端开始,然后一路向下. You also want to make sure that you clear anything out that could get messed up from debris. betway883今天不会用化学药品, but if you use chemicals it’s even more important to get the stuff cleaned out from underneath the deck. Today what we’re going to be using is we’re going to actually be using a vortex pressure washer. 叫做prosumer plus.
And basically this unit is a prosumer unit which means that it’s not quite professional-grade, 但它确实可以做一些大事. And, it’s definitely on the high end of what you would call a consumer grade. 所以,在家里做任何你需要做的事情. What we have on this machine is a couple things; one we have a triplex plunger pump. 而且,这个三缸柱塞泵允许你重建. It’s one of the things with a lot of pressure washers where the pumps are pretty much so disposable. 而且,如果它们坏了,你就无法重建. 但这个是可以重建的. 它也有很多其他的选择,下面有一个冷却软管.
That cooling hose actually allows you to go in a bypass mode without overheating the pump. One thing when you’re getting started with any of the vortex pressure washers that have the oil on the top which is for the pump oil is that it usually comes with a red shipping cap. 这是一顶通风帽. 另一个是不通风的盖子. 当你出货的时候,什么都不会漏. But you want to make sure you remove the red cap and put in the permanent cap.
它有很好的标记,这是一个开始. The other thing you’ll want to do is make sure you check your oil and you have a good full ol. And then make sure you have clean gas and then from there you hook up the hose and make sure that you have a good water flow.
It’s also very important that when you are going to pressure wash that you wear the right clothes, because it’s tempting on a warm day to throw on your flip-flops and walk out with some shorts on. But, this pressure washer can put out 2,750 psi and three gallons per minute. 这些数字betway883稍后会详细讨论. The important thing is that that can really do damage to your skin if you for the one gets loose or if it starts banging around and you get a slice across your foot. Having the right shoes on and having the right pants and being also very keen with protective glasses, 万一有东西飞回来,打结是最重要的. So when you’re getting started, the key is that you have to have water to the machine.
That’s always a clean water scenario where you want to have the best water flow you possibly can. Vortex actually builds their pumps in a way that there’s straight shots with why filters on the bottom. And this fly filter allows you to clean that out in case debris gets in there. 春天来了很多次, people will have dirty garden hoses and they hook them up to a pressure washer and that will get debris into your pressure washer really quick. 一旦它在里面,就很难取出来了. 有内置屏幕和一个白带,以使这工作. 另一件非常重要的事情是要有足够的压力. 所以如果你的水压很低或者你正在从井里流出, usually you’ll be okay but you want to make sure that you look at your manual and have enough pressure flowing through there. 通常如果花园软管, when you hold it up if it’s squirting outward and not just dribbling down, 你会没事的. 但要确保你有足够的压力. 所以压力清洗机总是有干净的淡水流过. 接下来,你要确保你连接了快速连接.
When you hook up your Quick Connect, what’s really important is that it locks into place. 所以很好很紧. If it’s not tight and what ends up happening many times it’ll just pop off. So now that we’ve got it hooked up we’ll turn on the water and make sure we have good flow. 现在 that our water is turned on we can definitely take a look to see if we have flow. The best way to do that without a tip on is actually just pull the trigger and you can see that there’s good flow out of out of the one.
Another question I get many times is how much pressure and flow do I really need to clean my deck properly. 而现实是,唯一的问题需要大约1,500磅的压力才能在甲板上好好工作. (The same applies to any roof cleaning if you have been able to check out 箴洗的 网站.然而), if you start with a small electric unit or a small gas unit that only has low flow, what it does is it actually creates a lot of pressure in a very focused area. 但你不能搬动足够多的泥土. So you will be cleaning a very small area at a time it will be like using a pen to paint a wall versus using a roller. What’s very important to understand is that you have to have a good combination of pressure and flow. 这就是不同之处. betway883将使用一个工具,但实际上, because we have enough flow along with the pressure that we have it’s going to make this job much much quicker. It’s important to understand that you have pressure and flow and the more flow you have the better ability to have to clean faster. 接下来你需要做的是决定你要使用哪一个技巧. 这一单元有4个不同的技巧.
小贴士真的可以调节你的压力. 很多人都没有意识到这一点, but the tip is actually what creates the pressure and regulates it at the actual end of the wand. 这里betway883有一个0度的尖端. 0-degree tip is actually one that you would use here, the red one for blasting. 这是直的,而且没有风扇. 然后你向外,从那里出来,从不同的角度. 这是你的15度秘诀,用于重度清洁和封闭rin. 然后越高,这里是25度,然后是40度, 你可以切割和清理更宽的区域, but also the less pressure actually going to have at the point of contact. 对于压力清洗甲板,我将从25度的尖端开始. 如果你有轻微的清洁,你可能会移动到40. 但大多数情况下你会是25. And if you have something real stubborn you might actually move down to the 15. So we’re going to take the tip out and we’re actually going to insert it into the end of the one. You want to make sure that it clicks in nice and solid and that it’s fastened. Because these will shoot when you turn on the pressure washer if it’s not locked into place.
如果你需要压力清洗甲板, 天井或车道, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today by checking out our 网站 | {
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219,410 | At the corner of Davie & Granville Street, behind the facade of the unassuming former bank building lies a thriving hub of Vancouver’s dance scene, the Scotiabank Dance Centre.
Kababayang Pilipino
photo: Leah Villalobos
Since 1986 The Dance Centre has been as a resource centre for professional dance companies and the public, providing a range of activities to the dance community. Presenting programs and events for artists and general public to build the profile of the dance scene in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia and beyond.
The annual Scotiabank Dance Centre Open House, taking place September 15, 2018 is an opportunity to sample a host of exciting dance styles, from ballet and contemporary to flamenco and swing, in a day of open classes, studio showings and events.
Vanessa Goodman
photo: David Cooper
“Our annual Open House is an opportunity to celebrate a wonderful building, which has become a home for dance of all kinds, and also to experience the excitement and diversity of Vancouver’s dance scene,” said Mirna Zagar, Executive Director of The Dance Centre, the organization which spearheaded the development of the building.
Participating companies and artists include Raven Spirit Dance, Kababayang Pilipino, Karen Flamenco, Shot of Scotch, Polymer Dance, Vanessa Goodman/Action at a Distance, Anderson Performance Clinic, Project Soul and many more.
Linda Arkelian Balley
photo: Erik Zennstrom
The Scotiabank Dance Centre Open House from 11am – 5pm, for a full schedule of events taking place throughout the day visit . | {
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91,976 | Sunshine Retirement Communities are home to numerous military veterans who will be receiving special recognition for Veteran’s Day next week. Some of them may even remember when the holiday was known as Armistice Day.
In case you haven’t been keeping up on your Veteran’s Day history, it’s worth knowing that it originated as Armistice Day almost 100 years ago when Americans celebrated the first anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11, 1919. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 to have an annual observance “dedicated to the cause of world peace,” and November 11 officially became a national holiday beginning in 1938.
At the end of the Korean War, it was decided that the holiday should honor all veterans. So the name “Veteran’s Day” was adopted in 1954 and November 11 has been celebrated with memorial ceremonies, parades and salutes at military cemeteries ever since.
Here’s how several of Sunshine Retirement Communities will join in the festivities:
Dunwoody Pines in Dunwoody, Georgia will get things started on Wednesday, November 8 with a Veteran’s Honor Brunch and pinning ceremony.
Fountain Crest in Lehigh Acres, Florida will have a special fundraising event on November 11, which includes an antique car show and a rummage sale. Money raised will benefit Wounded Warriors in the local area.
The Verandah in Lake Charles, Louisiana will feature a special performance by the Verandah Entertainers, a resident singing group. The performance includes several patriotic songs, readings and a slide show. The Entertainers will hand out gifts to the veterans and offer a special tribute their wives.
Waterford Terrace in La Mesa, California will also have live entertainment with patriotic music, a visit from a local boy scout troop, and a color guard.
And finally, Garden Way in Eugene, Oregon honors its veterans with a booklet that provides a dossier containing each vet’s term of service, branch of the military, rank, deployment and favorite memory.
We deeply appreciate the years of service given by our veterans and treasure having them as residents. | {
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114,766 | The first step in training your dog is to understand your pet’s behavioral problems. There are a number of different types of dog training classes, and each one is designed to help your dog perform its best in different environments. There is no right or wrong way to train your dog. The key is to teach it the correct behavior. In this article, we will look at three common training classes. Listed below are some of the best-known ones.
Reward Your Dog for Good Behaviors Dogs with low to moderate drive are more likely to become distracted or stop trying. You may even make mistakes that cause your dog to shut down or behave boredly until you figure out what to do. It’s time for you to try other training methods. Keeping these three things in mind will ensure that your dog develops a positive response to your training.
When you train your dog, you’ll need to focus on using short commands and consistent names. Dogs can get confused by many commands, so use the same word or name for all of them. To ensure that your dog understands your training methods, you can attend a training class at your local American Kennel Club or pet association. These associations offer classes for pet owners about basic dog behavior and behavioral issues. AKC has clubs across the country and over 5,000 member organizations nationwide.
Before you can teach your dog how to follow the lure, it is important to show him how to charge the mark with his tongue and stay down. Once the dog has learned how to charge the lure and stay down, mark him when he touches the ground. If he responds quickly, you should reward him. A poor timing may make your dog go down slowly or consider the exercise as a “down stay” which is not desirable. So, when training your dog to sit or stand, it is important to be consistent and patient.
The YES mark is a secondary reinforcement, and should not be the only reward your dog receives for completing the command. You must remember to always offer a reward after the training session. Dogs’ behavior is an expression of their owner’s attitude. You should always be prepared to reward them with treats. A dog will respond positively to positive reinforcement if it hears the word “YES”.
When training a dog to sit, the reward system is vital. To reward the behavior in the best way, it is important to get to know the dog’s preferences and likes. Dogs are most motivated by food. Dogs are more likely to repeat the behavior if they receive a treat for it. Although food treats can be a great way for you to get started with training, it is important to know what works best for your dog.
Dogs can learn various tasks, including herding, protecting, and even running an agility course. Some dog training is fun, but others are beneficial to humans. Dogs have evolved alongside humans for millennia and can be trained for many different tasks. They have adapted to different situations, so the skills they learn can be useful in everyday life. Your imagination and the skills of a qualified instructor are the only limitations to the possibilities of dog training.
Treats can help your dog learn a new command. For good behavior, you can give your dog treats such as a treat bag with treats. A dog with drive will focus more on training if they receive a treat for good behavior. You can increase the number of treats to reward good behavior by giving your dog multiples of different treats at different levels. Stop giving treats to your dog when they behave badly.
The second type of dog training exercise teaches your dog how to recognize the command “STOP” from a command. Dogs respond to a command that is accompanied with a movement of their arm. Likewise, a command such as “ARE YOU READY” will not work in every situation. Before you can train a dog to learn advanced techniques, you must practice in different environments using the same commands. | {
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124,041 | Portrait of a House — Signed Edition is a photo book by photographer Simon Devitt exploring the Athfield House – the ‘village on the hill’ – an architectural experiment that Ian Athfield started in 1965 on the Khandallah hillside in Wellington. It is inscribed with the signatures of Ian Athfield and Simon Devitt.
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Categories: Portrait of a House, Publications Tags: book, photography, portrait of a house, Signed, Signed Edition, simon devitt, Store
Additional information
Portrait of a House – Signed Edition is inscribed with the signatures of Ian Athfield and Simon Devitt.
It is a photo book by photographer Simon Devitt in collaboration with graphic designer Arch MacDonnell (In-house Design).
The idea for the book came from Devitt’s admiration of Robin Morrison’s work and in particular Morrison’s 1978 photo book Images of a House about a William Gummer-designed house built in 1916. “A house is a pretty refined subject to make a book about,” explains Devitt. “It is not market driven, it is content driven and born out of passion. Life has happened there like in no other house, and the ‘living’ leaves its evidence, the time has played out on its surface. There is a lot to be said about sitting still and how that looks. The Athfield house is a wonderful example of this. An accessible counterpoint to a largely asset-based living that pervades New Zealand.” | {
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110,235 | London – England made the right decision to end Kevin Pietersen’s international career when the batsman was axed in February, the country’s test captain Alastair Cook was quoted as saying by British media on Tuesday.
“Of course you think back and ask if it was the right decision given all that was going on, but in my mind, and alongside the ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board), I know it is the right decision,” the Essex batsman said at his county’s media day ahead of the new season.
Cook told the BBC the decision took “a lot of guts and consideration” and that England’s dressing room would be stronger without the controversial 33-year-old batsman.
Speaking for the first time about the axing of Pietersen, Cook said: “We all know how important team culture and team unity is. It was obviously a very big and important decision.”
The South African-born Pietersen, England’s all-time leading run-scorer in all formats of the game, was told of the decision by the England and Wales Cricket Board on February 4 in the wake of the 5-0 Ashes whitewash in Australia.
Cook, 29, said he still could not go into detail on the reasons why England had cut their ties with Pietersen but he expected an explanation to be made public soon.
“I know things will become clearer in a little bit of time,” said Cook. “I know it is frustrating. It is frustrating for me because I have not totally been able to tell my side of the story. People just have to be a little bit patient.”
“It was a brave call (to axe Pietersen) and people have been talking as if it just happened overnight,” Cook was quoted as saying by The Independent.
“The last thing we wanted to do was make Kevin a scapegoat for what happened in Australia. That is not what it was about at all. But at some time you have to say this is what we want going forward and that was the decision we made.
“For people to say it was a decision made on a toss of a coin is wrong and I think very disrespectful because a lot of effort went into getting him back in the side in the first place in 2012 and a lot of effort and thought went into the decision that has been made now.
“I understand the reasons why the ECB has decided to stay quiet but it’s frustrating. Things will become clear in a little time now. People just have to be patient.” | {
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234,254 | In all honesty, we won’t miss it. We’ve dipped into the mode once or twice but it’s not going to set the world on fire and was clearly created in an effort to jump in the battle royale bandwagon. Now, Bethesda have announced that they’ll be removing it from the game.
Bethesda cited falling playing numbers as their reason for closing Nuclear Winter down, stating that while there’d been a strong initial take-up, “we’ve seen the vast majority of players prefer to explore other aspects of the game.”
Bethesda have yet to say whether they’ll be implementing a new mode, or whether they’ll just leave the game as it is but they have confirmed they’ll be putting extra effort in the adventure mode, so we suspect the latter. We were deeply, deeply unimpressed by Fallout 76 when it first arrived, awarding it a miserable 2 out of ten, saying that “Fallout 76 is just dire. It shouldn’t have seen the light of day, and you shouldn’t buy it.”
It’s improved significantly since then and is actually worth playing, though it’s still not on the same level as the other 3D Fallout games. It’s also dropped in price, as far as the disc version goes, so you can pick up a physical copy for around ten pounds if you want to explore a post-nuclear Appalachia.
Nuclear Winter will remain online till September; you can expect Bethesda to reveal the actual shutdown date closer to then. | {
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155,161 | Coldest morning of the season with 7am temp checking in at -24.5. No wind, clear skis folks still getting out for a before smorgasbord ski! No reason not to ski today with a great conditions. Bundle up proper and enjoy sunshine, warming temps, nice tracks and fresh snow from the January 6th/7th snow event ! (Maplelag 40-60 miles from the big snow!)
Big day of grooming on Friday with around 50km of trail groomed. All trails we have been grooming this season groomed as well as track set on Wavy Gravy and Island lake for the first time this year. Overall the track set nice and good skiing on Island and Wavy. Caution in between Twin lakes as still a bit rough, didn’t groom there there. Grooming Saturday morning on the skater trails. All other classic trails groomed Friday in great shape for the weekend! Bundle up and enjoy!
Good to excellent ski conditions. Reports have been good. Thanks for those that have filed a report.
Trails that have been groomed and open with tracks set: Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, North Loup, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star, Sap Run, Wavy Gravy, Island Lake and JibFly. Skaters Waltz, the extension and North Loup open and groomed for skating. Please no skating on trails other than Skaters Waltz, the extension of Skaters and North Loup. Trails are open with skier made track include Roy’s Run, Lucky’s Loype and Bullhead. Please note portions of certain trails will not be groomed this year due to change in the lease on AMA property.
Total snowfall since December 15th=12″, compacted base on trail 3-5″. Overall the trails have good coverage, a few rough spots on the marsh/lake crossings to use caution, especially on Bullhead trail. Ski with caution and enjoy! Total snowfall since December 1st, 18″. Total snowfall since November 20th= 20″. We had a warm spell that melted most of the snow from November 20th and December 1st other than the north facing areas. First grooming of the season on November 20th after 2″ of snowfall.
Check out the new Maplelag weather station for current temps and weather trend.
The trails are open for public day skiing. Trail access pass is $15. Ski rental is $15 a day. After January 3rd, lunch will be available for day skiers by reservation. Contact us to reserve and for pricing. | {
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14,829 | Welcome to the 21st century. Gone are the days when a pregnant woman could not appear on television. A magazine shoot of a topless model no longer evokes a gasp. The definition of marriage is re-defined. However, despite the exponential rise in the divorce rate, it would seem that divorce talk is the last taboo.
At a recent business luncheon, a female executive learned of my recent divorce. With a furtive glance sideways, she turned to me and whispered, “I am divorced, too”. Why was she whispering? Furthermore, why was I made to feel that we were discussing something so shameful that it could only be discussed in the privacy of our own female company?
Divorce is normally a traumatic event, and it helps to talk about traumatic events. Yet, unlike other life challenges, it seems that the world does not want to hear another divorcee “singing the blues”.
Why do people avoid involvement in divorce talk, even on a superficial basis? Do they think it’s viral, such that it could be transmitted by communication? We are taught throughout our lives that it is a positive attribute to recognize a mistake and rectify it. Yet marriage to an unsuitable partner and a resultant divorce appears to be the one mistake that is unforgivable, in the views of the community, notwithstanding the frequency and legality of the event.
Here is a challenge to the community-at-large: instead of making a divorced person run from the shadows and restrict their confidence to family and insulated support groups, how about we recognize the pain and suffering of this event, and bring Divorce Talk into the public sphere. Let’s dissolve this last taboo.
What can a divorced person do? Do what you need to do, to expunge the anger and sadness you may feel, over the event. At the same time, do not allow anyone to make you feel like your experience is less traumatic than it is. Don’t be ashamed of your change in marital status, and don’t be ashamed of any decisions that you made, or that were foisted upon you, in regards to your single status. Keep your head high throughout the process and maintain your dignity. If friends prove unsupportive, make an effort to make new friends, who can understand and deal with your change in life.
Editorial Team
Divorce Talk: The Last Taboo
link to How to prepare for Online Dating Success | 7 Essential Tips
How to prepare for Online Dating Success | 7 Essential Tips
Divorced or not, your friends have mixed experiences about online dating, aka internet dating. One friend shares how wonderful it is; she met her new boyfriend online. Another friend relays horror...
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link to Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer
Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer
Divorce can be confusing and overwhelming. The stress in your personal life during a divorce can make it hard to know all the right steps to take in divorce proceedings. Your lawyer will be there to...
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About Us
Karri. went through a divorce when her son was 11 years old. She initiated the divorce because her partner had serious issues that he was unwilling or unable to change. She was fortunate that she had a good job and a supportive family. However, her social life was seriously effected - She lost many friends and many of the friends that she kept invited her to "couple events" which was difficult for her. She felt rage and sorrow about her personal situation. Her son was confused and, at times, angry. She had to do tasks that were unfamiliar and difficult for her. Despite her former partner's personal issues, there were still aspects of him that she missed; she was lonely and overwhelmed.
She looked around, but could not find the resources that she needed, to deal with what was happening to her life. She promised myself that when she made the journey to "beyond", She would make the necessary resources available to other women that were having a similar experience.
She has since gotten beyond the separation and divorce to a positive, healthful place (and her son is an emotionally healthy and happy child). She kept the promise and created this resource.
Enjoy all the benefits that this website can offer! We wish you all the very best on your Journey forward in Living Divorced!
-- Editorial Team
Legal Disclaimer
The website is designed to help subscribers/registrants obtain advice and guidance. The individual visitors who provide information, advice and guidance within the website believe it to be accurate and reliable. In some instances, the information, advice and guidance provided in this area may represent opinion or judgment. The individual members, the website and its owner do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, advice or guidance in this area. As such, Woman Divorce, its owner and the individual members will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information, advice and guidance. The information is provided with the understanding that neither the individual members of the website nor the owner of this website are engaged in any formal or professional capacity in rendering legal, medical, counseling or other professional services or advice. Woman Divorce, its' owner, and the individual members shall not be liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be have been caused, directly or indirectly by the information or ideas contained, suggested, or referenced in this website. Your participation in this website therefore is solely at your own risk. | {
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16,703 | Hello everyone, Khan Academy is an American non-profit that provides Free online courses, lessons and practices, in multiple languages. Among others things, we can find resources in Math, Sciences, Art and Humanities, Reading and Language Art as well in Computer Programming for Prek-12th grades.
Posted bycmb556 February 13, 2022 Posted inInformation from a LibrarianTags:freeresources, mathematics resources, teaching resourcesLeave a comment on Khan Academy Free online resources
Mathematics Classroom Resources NSF
Good Morning everyone 🙂, The National Science Foundation has a page dedicated to FREE Mathematics Classroom resources for Prek-12 (e.g. Statistics in Schools: Math from the United States Census Bureau(K-12), PBS Learning Media: Mathematics for PreK, High school and above, Statistics Online Computational Resources from UCLA for College Students). Enjoy and Stay safe 🧮🧮🧮 InformationContinue reading “Mathematics Classroom Resources NSF”
Posted bycmb556 August 4, 2020 August 4, 2020 Posted inInformation from a Librarian, Reference servicesTags:mathematics, mathematics resourcesLeave a comment on Mathematics Classroom Resources NSF
Mathematics resources for teachers, students and parents
Good Morning everyone 🙂, NRICH an innovative project of the University of Cambridge, provides thousands of FREE online mathematics resources for ages 3 to 18, and covers PreK -12 grades (early, primary, middle school and high school education) .
Posted bycmb556 August 3, 2020 Posted inInformation from a LibrarianTags:mathematics, mathematics resources, teaching resourcesLeave a comment on Mathematics resources for teachers, students and parents | {
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30,311 | Baguio City and its neighboring Benguet towns will implement strict border controls anew by Feb. 1 in light of the detection of the Covid-19 UK variant in the Cordillera.
This means medical clearances will be mandatory for residents within Baguio and nearby La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay, all in Benguet. Health declaration forms, which used to be the requirement, will not be honored.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said the mayors within the BLISTT have agreed on this in anticipation of the possible escalation of Cordillera’s quarantine classification from modified to general community quarantine.
Malacañang announced on Jan. 29 that the region will be under GCQ from Feb. 1 to 28. The elevation of the region’s quarantine classification is brought about by the continued spike in cases and the detection of the UK variant in 12 cases from Bontoc, Mountain Province and one from La Trinidad.
During this time, residents of Baguio going to the LISTT and residents from the LISTT coming to the city should present a medical clearance stating they do not exhibit symptoms of the Covid-19.
Magalong said there is a need to tighten border checks because a close contact of the case in La Trinidad is a driver of a public utility vehicle.
“We want to be proactive because the close contacts were able to move around,” Magalong said.
As of Jan. 28, Covid-19 cases in the Cordillera reached 11,463 with 1,379 active cases or those admitted to hospitals or isolation facilities and 154 deaths.
Baguio and Benguet remain to have the highest number at 4,904 and 4,095, respectively.
Kalinga logged 1,134 while Mountain Province recorded 700 cases.
Ifugao had 320 cases; Abra, 182; and Apayao, 129.
DOH-Cordillera Director Ruby Constantino has asked local government units to increase their temporary treatment and monitoring facilities to lessen their hospital care utilization rate, which is one of the bases for the escalation of their quarantine classifications. – Jane B. Cadalig | {
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163,820 | Kim Kardashian has revealed she changed into not one but two Marilyn Monroe gowns at the 2022 Met Gala as she channelled the Hollywood icon at the star-studded event last week.
On Friday (May 6), the 41-year-old gave her loyal legion of fans an insight into her time at the show-stopping celebrity event as she shared a carousel of snaps of herself looking drop-dead gorgeous in a stunning cream sequin gown.
But this wasn’t the only piece of clothing the reality star borrowed from the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes star’s wardrobe, as she later revealed that she changed into another vintage gown the actress wore to the Golden Globes awards back in 1962.
The mum-of-four took to Instagram to share a slew of snaps from the night as she posed up a storm in the gorgeous figure-hugging green dress which clung to her enviable hourglass figure while she showed off the award Marilyn took home 60 years ago.
And to prove her gown was the real deal, Kim also included some black and white snaps of the Diamonds Are Forever star in the dress from the awards ceremony all those years ago.
The blonde bombshell captioned the shots: “To top off my night after The Met, I had the honor of changing into Marilyn Monroe’s Norman Norell dress that she wore to the Golden Globes in 1962 – where she received the Henrietta Award For World Film Favourite.
“In my quest to find the Jean Louis hand beaded dress that I wore to the gala, I discovered @heritageauctions owned Marilyn’s iconic green sequined gown.
“Further into my research I found out that the owner of the Golden Globe that she received that evening was none other than my friend @jeffleatham.
“I saw this all as a sign the way that all of the stars aligned. It will forever be one of the greatest privileges of my life to be able to channel my inner Marilyn in this way, on such a special night.”
The starlet signed off saying: “Thanks you Heritage Auctions, Barbara Zweig and Jeff for helping to make this memory possible.”
However, many of her doting fans were left unimpressed as they flooded to her comments section to share their thoughts on the star wearing the Hollywood icons dress.
One user fumed: “Her hair, her dress and now her award? This isn’t iconic this is so f**king disrespectful and creepy.”
Another argued: “Is she gonna dig up her body next? Not only is Kim K wearing another one of Marilyn Monroe’s dresses, but she is literally holding the actual award she received that night too. Yikes.”
“The fact that she’s holding Marilyn’s actual Golden Globe. Not a prop. Ghoulish,” a third complained.
On the Met Gala red carpet, Kim wore the $5million dress the actress wore to sing Happy Birthday to President John F. Kennedy in 1962, but reassured fans that she only wore the dress on the carpet and changed into a replica for the event itself.
For more of the latest showbiz and TV news from the Daily Star, make sure you sign up to one of our newsletters here. | {
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212,602 | As Minister Rahim Aton stood outside of currency exchanges on the city's South Side last Friday, he made customers feel more comfortable about going inside.
He is the founder of the We Care Coalition which recently created this initiative to ensure that the elderly and disabled can avoid robbery while going to cash their checks. Members of the group stand guard out front while customers make transactions and watch for potential muggers. Without this program in place, the men working foot patrol feel that more people would be in harm's way.
Across the city, citizens have been experiencing more harm than good in some unsuspecting areas.
On Wednesday, the Chicago police issued a community alert informing residents of Hyde Park, Bronzeville, and Washington Park about people being forcibly robbed while walking down the street or near their vehicles.
According to WBBM's Bernie Tafoya, the alert featured mentions of incidents which occurred early morning, late afternoon and early evening. In addition, police have not received consisent descriptions about the robbers and there is no one currently in custody.
Aton believes that the We Care Coalition's foot patrol could help reduce robberies across the city. But he says that it is hard to provide the necessary manpower it will take to see a change.
"I want to be worldwide; I want to be citywide. One of my main [challenges] is getting more people to volunteer," the 54 year-old minister and musician told The Z City.
Formerly known as Darrell Wilson, Minister Aton started the We Care Coalition in 2003 as a nondenominational extension of his first organization called The Original Men In Black. [The group formed in 1991, six years before the film "Men In Black" was released.]
The group briefly disbanded but reformed recently to alleviate some of the crime in neighborhoods such as Englewood.
Aton believes that the volunteering spirit of the organization is what makes it work well.
"Most people do it for money, but I tell people [who I help] to 'pass it down'."
~ Zack The Producer
bernie tafoya cbslocal chicago crime hyde park police rahim aton robberies safety sax preacher south side urban affairs washington park wbbm Zack Isaacs | {
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Page Links To: Some straight free microsoft is responded the debris Debris of accumulation. next free microsoft office certification FREE at Panda Express - EVERY VISIT! thank to Lift this so later? | {
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185,000 | The Pacific Islands Screen Artists Group (Est. 2020) is a not-for-profit incorporated society that supports, encourages and promotes individuals of Pacific Islands heritage working in the New Zealand Screen sectors at all stages of their journey.
· Faka’apa’apa - Underlying our mission is respect for all screen art disciplines and to see the value in each; but also to show respect to the often overlooked individuals within the strands of each discipline.
· Va’a Tautua - We will be loud and proud while being respectful. We will advocate for our members to ensure that they have a voice within the screen sector where their contributions are acknowledged and respected and the pathways provided not only to exist but to excel in the screen industry.
· Lumana’i fou - We will provide opportunities for individuals to improve and learn about their craft. And not simply echoing the paths of those before but finding new ones in an ever changing landscape.
· Solesolevaki - We will provide a space to gather and socialise. The Pacific Islands strength and joy comes from numbers. The generosity of sharing spirit and experiences, in an industry that leans towards championing individual accomplishments, PISA seeks to hold up the ability to gather as a collective to be just as powerful and meaningful. | {
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44,529 | Are you looking to finally get that straighter smile? Tired of everyone noticing your crooked teeth rather than you? However, many teens or adults dealing with this problem also don’t relish the idea of wearing braces. While braces might seem like a rite of passage when we are younger, it can feel more like a nuisance as we get older. Luckily, your Gaithersburg dentists at Kenneth Woo, DDS and Associates offer Invisalign.
What cases can Invisalign treat?
Invisalign treats everything from mild to more serious cases. It can fix protruding and crooked teeth, as well as a variety of malocclusions such as overbites, underbites or crossbites. It can also mend gaps between teeth, and overcrowding.
Is Invisalign right for me?
Invisalign can be a wonderful option for someone looking to get a straighter smile without wearing traditional braces. Invisalign is right for most teens and adults with malocclusions and other common dental problems; however, it won’t be the right treatment for children and some young teens since their teeth are still growing.
Invisalign is usually best for someone responsible enough to wear their braces. Since Invisalign aligners can be removed, it’s natural to want to take your braces out more often that you should; therefore, you need to be disciplined enough to wear your aligners for about 22 hours out of the day. While you can take your aligners off to eat, brush and floss, it’s important to continue to wear them the rest of the time.
Furthermore, it’s not uncommon to wear a retainer following your Invisalign treatment. But your Gaithersburg dentist has seen many patients ignore their retainer regimen, which ultimately causes teeth to shift back to their original position. Therefore, it’s important that you are dedicated fully to your orthodontic treatment to make sure you get the results you want.
Are you interested in finding out if Invisalign is right for your smile? If so, then it’s time to pick up the phone and schedule a consultation with Dr. Kenneth Woo, your Gaithersburg dentist. Finally get the smile you’ve always wanted with Invisalign. | {
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206,098 | Dr. James M. Balkovec is a pharmaceutical industry consultant and advisor with over 35 years of experience in drug discovery.
Background in organic, medicinal and natural products chemistry, and scientific program management
Led multidisciplinary teams in infectious disease, metabolic disorders, inflammatory, and thrombosis disease areas
Contributed to over a dozen development candidates
Over 100 patents plus publications and numerous presentations
He is a co-inventor of the first-in-class echinocandin antifungal, caspofungin acetate (CANCIDAS™) and led the team that discovered the first orally active glucan synthase inhibitor ibrexafungerp (BrexaFemme™) for treatment of VVC. He also contributed to the development of rezafungin, a once-weekly echinocandin under FDA review for IFIs and CD388 in clinical trials as a preventative and treatment for seasonal influenza. Dr. Balkovec has received several prestigious awards including the American Chemical Society’s Heroes of Chemistry, the Thomas Alva Edison and ACS Industrial Innovation Awards. He received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin – Madison working with Professor Barry Trost and was an NIH postdoctoral fellow with the late Professor Gilbert Stork at Columbia University.
While Dr. Balkovec was trained as a synthetic organic chemist, he has a breadth of experience in related disciplines such as QSAR, structural chemistry, natural products chemistry, DMPK, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology and toxicology. He has strong leadership skills and experience in working on highly collaborative programs.
Currently, Dr. Balkovec is VP of Chemistry at Kathera Biosciences, Senior Scientific Advisor at Cidara Therapeutics, Key Advisor at Bryologyx, Scientific Advisor at Sunnylife Pharma, SAB member at Lytica Therapeutics and consults with additional pharma companies. Previously, he was Senior VP of Research at Cidara Therapeutics until 2018 and Senior Scientific Director and Program Lead at Merck Research Laboratories in Rahway, NJ until 2011. Since that time, his consulting company, ChemTract LLC has been advising clients in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and academic arenas. | {
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47,699 | The last 7 years of my professional experience were focused on architecting and developing web applications mainly within ReactJS and NodeJS ecosystems, where I consulted different customers to provide expert knowledge for their dedicated problems and lead high skilled teams to overcome those problems.
Since the sharing of knowledge and the improvement of existing processes is one of my passions, I also worked in developer relations and giving lectures about advanced web technologies as a lecturer at the university.
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Update 2020/06 React added with 16.08 Supoort for React Hooks. Especially the useContext -hook became one which replaced all my need for…
Testing React - an overview
Testing your frontend application has never been easier before. Within this article, I’ll explain different levels of testing your… | {
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28,833 | RIPON, Wis. — Speed Queen reports its first Speed Queen Laundromat franchise in South Carolina opened earlier this month in Greenville.
The store located at 3505 W. Blue Ridge Dr. offers 2,800 square feet of space, featuring touchscreen controls and washers with capacities ranging from 20 to 80 pounds to make quick work of even the largest of laundry days, along with 45-pound stack tumblers for quick, efficient drying.
Owners opened their doors to the neighborhood with a week of grand-opening activities. Customers were treated to free wash cycles and food trucks. In addition, new customers who downloaded and signed up for the Speed Queen app – which streamlines the experience with app payment, a rewards program, and access to special promotions – saw $5 added to their accounts.
“We are beyond excited to bring this amazing laundromat to the people of Greenville,” says Dan Bowe, general manager of North America Speed Queen Franchise Operations. “Our goal is to take the chore out of doing the laundry and deliver a customer experience like no other in the industry. Across the country, our Speed Queen Laundry franchises are changing peoples’ perceptions of just what a laundromat can be.”
Fast, efficient laundry equipment offers customers flexibility to tailor cycles, while getting them in and out in an hour, all in a clean, colorful, well-lit environment, Speed Queen says.
Families will appreciate the children’s play area, complete with books and iPads to keep kids busy while parents focus on getting laundry cycles completed.
There are more than 20 Speed Queen Laundromat franchise stores in the United States.
Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Bruce Beggs at [email protected] .
Latest Podcast
Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act
New York City attorney Eric Sarver describes the ADA, identifies store areas most deserving of ownership attention, and warns of the problems that noncompliance could bring. | {
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93,916 | If you’ve just purchased your first wax pen, you’re about to enjoy a form of vaping that’s completely different from anything you’ve experienced before. Oil vaping is a user-friendly and convenient way to get elevated on the go. Wax vaping can give you an even more powerful experience – but using a wax vaporizer isn’t quite as easy as oil vaping in many ways. You need to baby your device a little bit, and there are certain things that you need to do if you want to have the best possible experience.
When you learn to use a wax vaporizer properly, you’ll enjoy a vaping experience that’s more enjoyable and more satisfying. Wax vaping is also incredible from a flavor standpoint. Even more importantly, you’ll avoid wasting your material needlessly. Wax concentrates aren’t cheap – you want to enjoy every puff to the fullest possible extent.
These are the 7 tips that every wax pen owner needs to know.
Use the Right Wax Pen for Your Needs
If you don’t own a wax pen yet, the first thing you’ll need to do is choose the device that’s right for your needs. Although many Hamilton Devices vaporizes will work with wax coils, we have two devices that are particularly well suited to wax vaping and suggest that you take a look at them before making your decision.
Nomad: We specifically designed the Nomad to be the best wax pen on the market – and since this device includes a wax coil, it has everything that you need in order to get started. The Nomad has a glass mouthpiece for top-quality flavor. It also includes a bubbler and a quick-connect adapter that allows you to connect the device to a full-sized bong. When you’re not vaping, you can store the device and all of its glass attachments in the included padded waterproof case.
Starship: The Starship is the first oil and wax vaporizer with the ability to use up to three cartridges or coils simultaneously. If you’ve tried other vaporizers and found them not quite intense enough for your liking, you definitely won’t have that experience with the Starship. The Starship has a long-lasting 1,450 mAh battery, and it includes three wax coils. You’re also free to use the Starship with two cartridges or coils – or just one – for a less intense experience.
When buying any wax pen, it’s important to note that wax coils are usually a bit wider than oil cartridges. For that reason, it’s not usually possible to connect a wax coil to a vape pen that has hidden or retractable threading.
Load Your Coil Very Carefully
Before your wax vaping experience can begin, you’ll need to load your device’s coil with wax. To do that, you’ll use a metal dab tool to take a bit of wax out of your storage container and place it directly on your coil. When you do this, it’s important to be very careful because you don’t want to scratch the coil. Many wax coils have exposed metal. Our Nomad wax coil has no exposed metal and uses a ceramic oven instead for increased durability. Regardless of the type of coil you’re using, though, you want to deposit the wax carefully because a scratch can affect the coil’s performance. In the case of a coil with exposed metal, damage to the coil can even potentially cause a short circuit.
Only Load Your Coil with What You Plan to Use
The easiest way to keep a wax coil clean and avoid waste is by only loading it with as much material as you plan to use during your vaping session. Overloading a wax coil can cause the air vents to become clogged, and that will hamper the quality of your experience. In addition, an overloaded coil may leak – and that can lead to waste. A rice-sized ball of wax is usually more than sufficient for a great vaping session.
Always Soften the Wax Before Inhaling Deeply
After loading your wax coil, you don’t want to just start vaping right away. You want to melt the wax first because that maximizes the physical contact between the wax and the coil’s heating surface. If the wax doesn’t cover the coil’s heating surface completely, you’ll get a harsh “dry hit” when you inhale. Before you take a deep puff, press your vaporizer’s fire button in brief pulses to gently heat and soften the wax. When the wax is fully liquified, you’re ready to start vaping.
Keep Your Wax Pen Upright Between Puffs
One of the most important things to remember about wax vaping is that a wax coil isn’t an enclosed environment in the way that an oil cartridge is. A wax coil has large holes to facilitate airflow. If you place your wax pen on its side while the wax is still warm and liquified, it’ll leak out of the holes. Always keep your wax pen upright until you’ve used all of the material. Don’t put the device away until it is completely cool.
Store Your Wax in an Airtight Silicone Container
A relatively small amount of wax can last a long time since you’ll typically only use a rice-sized portion during a vaping session. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to store your wax carefully. If you minimize your wax’s exposure to heat, light and air, you’ll maximize its flavor and potency during long-term storage. The best type of container to use for storing your wax is an airtight silicone jar. Silicone is a non-stick material that’s easy to clean and does a good job of keeping smells contained. A glass jar with a silicone or rubber gasket can also work well. If the wax that you’re using is runny and difficult to load into a wax coil, consider hardening it up a bit by storing it in your refrigerator.
Keep Your Wax Coils Clean
Every wax coil has a finite life. Eventually, a coil will fail due to heat stress, or baked-on residue will degrade the coil’s flavor quality until it reaches a point at which it’s no longer enjoyable to use. In most cases, though, you can use a coil for months before one of those things happens. The way to maximize a wax coil’s life is by keeping it clean, and that’s very easy to do by giving it a quick soak in rubbing alcohol after every few vaping sessions. The alcohol dissolves and loosens the residue that’s stuck to the coil, allowing you to rinse it away easily in your sink. Don’t use the coil again until it is completely dry. | {
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86,294 | Network advertising is also referred to as multi-level marketing or referral advertising. In the multi-level advertising enterprise mannequin, salespeople of community marketing corporations aren’t salaried. Instead they obtain a portion of the income from products they promote.
The lack of sales training or support from experience could make their sales efforts very inefficient. For the 2019 annual ANMP Event, Ezzey was tapped to assist drive ticket sales in the previous few weeks leading as a lot as the event. Held in Dallas, Texas in May of 2019, Ezzey had less than 5 weeks market and help promote as many tickets as potential. I traded my rolly chair and office cardigan for that 6-figure entrepreneur life. I’m obsessed with noodles, improv comedy, and traveling carry-on solely.
Two Network Marketers Need To Set The Record Straight About Community Advertising
An MLM company is a multi-level marketing firm, which can additionally be known as referral advertising, network marketing, or pyramid selling. In essence, in an MLM firm, the workforce is comprised of primarily non-salaried representatives, who are encouraged to promote services/products and sometimes also recruit extra representatives. We make it EZZEY to maximise your business by seeking to enhance your three biggest enterprise areas. Our inventive group can help polish your sales provide to guarantee that it turns into irresistible to your present visitors.
Three Is Network Marketing Successful?
If you’re trying to earn some additional revenue, online marketing is an effective way to do so. Unfortunately, many individuals mistake affiliate marketing for MLM marketing, which stands for “multi-level marketing†and is typically known as “pyramid schemesâ€. With a lot at stake, partnering with an experienced funds providers supplier is vital. A funds providers supplier that understands the business might help multi-level advertising companies navigate its challenges. And, extra importantly, offer steering as they grow.… Read More
November 8, 2022 by Author Network Marketing
The Three Stages Of Social Media Advertising For Events
However, the greatest way to inspire return clients is to increase their ROI primarily based on your social media strategy. A social media marketer provides ideas and content material for his or her clients. Some homeowners may concentrate on a specific type of platform (e.g., Facebook only), but most work with all platforms to create a cohesive technique for a business. Owners may go with one specific kind of business (e.g., social media for actual property only) or with a wide selection of businesses or causes. Today’s greatest companies are adjusting their advert spend to depend on social media marketing, and are opening up new positions to maintain up with demand. There are large opportunities in each trade, together with jobs as a content material manager, digital media supervisor, social media analyst, or even a communications coordinator.
Social media promoting positions your model in entrance of the right clients on the right time and platform. This social media digital advertising technique is important if you want to attain new, particular demographics fast. At Thrive, we perceive that social media management is an ongoing process. That is why we stay abreast of the most recent developments and market developments to unlock your brand’s full potential. As social media utilization continues to develop exponentially, knowing the means to market on social media is becoming more crucial in reaching your target demographics and creating brand awareness. Many marketers, nevertheless, enter the digital and social media advertising realm without absolutely understanding what is social media advertising and its calls for.
Group Management
You don’t need your social media advertising efforts to be for nothing, so that’s the place at social media advertising company like LYFE Marketing comes in! We know how to simultaneously focus on the followers and engagement while maintaining the end aim of ROI in thoughts. Our LinkedIn marketing agency is committed to establishing your professional status throughout social media channels. We imagine that the best LinkedIn social media advertising strategy differentiates your brand from the competitors.
Social Media In Todays World
According to Gartner, marketers must “prepare for the subsequent wave of social media marketing†to efficiently connect with a new era of consumers. Stay tuned to be taught more of such ideas for social media marketing to get your model wheel spinning. Social media analytics and reporting by SocialPilot allow you to maintain track of your social media analytics.
International Social Media Marketingdelivers Results With Award
Statistics show that more than 238 million individuals use Snapchat daily for entertainment and communication. Interact with extra prospects and attract new followers via Snapchat social media advertising. At Thrive, we provide hourly consultations that can help you generate valuable social media marketing concepts and guarantee your Snapchat advertising techniques drive constructive engagement. The social media advertising realm is changing fast and model constructing has become even more sophisticated for a number of B2C social media advertising firms. Today, only some brands are capable of generate meaningful consumer curiosity on-line because of poor social … Read More
November 6, 2022 by Author Social Media Marketing
Social Media Advertising Diploma, Online Courses
Paid promoting campaigns on social networks provide distinct advantages in comparability with traditional pay-per-click on conventional search engines like google and yahoo. And as a result of social media channels offer such a fast-paced setting, we stay agile in our approach, evolving techniques and methods with every new trend, fleeting fad, and algorithm update. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and lots of other social media channels are merely part of day by day life for millions—in reality, billions—of us.
The ubiquitous use of Facebook extends to more than a quarter of the earth’s population—that’s more than 2 billion active customers. Creating a voice in your firm through these platforms is necessary in humanizing your company. Customers recognize understanding that when they submit feedback in your pages, they’ll obtain a customized response rather than an automated message. Being in a position to acknowledge every comment shows that you’re attentive of your guests’ wants and aim to offer the best experience. For example, a product error or by chance charging a customer’s bank card twice.
Continued Learning
The interactive components of social media give prospects the chance to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This facet of SMM known as social customer relationship management . Build relationships together with your audience and win loyal customers by investing in your social media presence. A new Florida invoice bans social media corporations from eradicating political candidates. It might have implications for any U.S. enterprise internet hosting its personal on-line neighborhood.
Reboot Your Social Media Like Intel
Influencers – Listen for the subjects thought leaders and influencers are speaking about, and have a look at the content they’re producing. Topics relevant to your business – You want to keep on high of the heartbeat of your trade. So take heed to the matters individuals are bringing up, their questions, and their hot buttons. Your brand – Watch for mentions of your organization name, your merchandise, or any other identifying info. The key, after all, is to make listening your #1 priority and use your insights to inform the opposite three levels of the social success cycle. But when you do reply the decision, listening and responding appropriately, you can connect with your fans and followers, discover and fix points you may not be conscious of, and build unimaginable good will.
Adaptive Social Media Services
Once you have an thought of what works and what does not you can start growing your price range and rapidly enjoy a constructive return in your investment. You may choose to earn a certificates from a company — such as HubSpot’s social media certification. This free certification teaches you tips on how to engage together with your customers and improve conversions. You’ll also get a greater understanding of tips on how to develop your strategy, extend your attain, and measure your social media ROI. Here are three ways to earn an schooling within the subject of social media advertising should you feel it’s needed in your particular … Read More
November 1, 2022 by Author Social Media Marketing
Tech Manufacturers Main The Best Way In Social Media Advertising
Think of this aim as conventional networking using a new communications channel. We discovered that the High Growth corporations get pleasure from a decided expertise benefit. Professionals from High Growth companies were 25{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede} more more likely to be rated highly expert in social media networking.
What follows is a list of ever-changing details, figures, and stats that each social media marketer must maintain abreast of. This thrilling dance of influence and adaptation makes social media an area the place “generating unimaginable ROI” and “wasting a ton of super useful resources” are equally doubtless. Social media is unique from other advertising channels as a end result of it has the flexibility to each adapt to and affect user conduct.
Step 8: Discover & Create Your Content
B2B corporations generally make the most of the private profiles of their workers for evangelist functions . Knowing which social profile was used to publish a submit that a lead transformed from can present essential perception. Knowing which social network a lead got here from can provide you a greater concept of his or her personality. Knowing which one you’ll be able to attribute a lead’s conversion to is a highly contested topic.
Optimize Your Publish Frequency
70{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede} of video marketers use Facebook as one of their broadcasting platforms. 63{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede} of consumers anticipate corporations to supply assist via their respective social media presences. 15{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede} of individuals uploaded a video or a picture to a brand’s social media page.
Developing Your Social Media Marketing Technique
Graduates of our Social Media Marketing MBA are capable of conduct traditional advertising research, as properly as net and social media analytics using the newest information mining methods. In addition, they may learn how to integrate all these findings into comprehensive advertising methods using both the standard and the new online tools. The confusing factor right now is that as social media expands, brands need to create content material to populate these channels. Further, many content material repositories have rich social media overlays (Facebook-driven feedback on weblog posts, for example). In no method will content material marketing overtake social media in any nook of the universe with the attainable exception of professional entrepreneurs.… Read More
October 31, 2022 by Author Social Media Marketing
16 Affiliate Marketing Instruments To Boost Sales And Drive Traffic To Your Presents
Within three years I had won two vehicles and was making ten occasions as a lot as an affiliate compared to my old job. Honestly I’ve had successes that I didn’t even dream of having when I first started affiliate net marketing. My story getting began in affiliate internet marketing is precisely this. Seeking much more advice on whether or not or not affiliate marketing is right for your business?
Be the supply that may be a money generator, not a proposal that folks send out of pity and don’t totally get behind,” she stated. “Cost of goods adjustments every so often, product costs drop, and so on. One mistake I made was not re-calculating all commissions to determine they have been set accurately. After doing some digging, I realized that commissions on a number of of our merchandise were way greater than what they should have been.
Faucet Into Your Network Of Connections
As you promote extra products and take a glance at different ways to succeed in prospects, you’ll have many links and tracking ID’s. When you promote an Amazon affiliate product, you will be paid for the product as quickly as, but not for any recurring billings. It’s a possibility to study – without a doubt –what presents your viewers will respond to. Amazon Associates, then again, is a physical product affiliate community. The common fee per product at Amazon Associates is round 10{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede} whereas ClickBank is around 25{5cda553f1355ac6e91fb9d41b28cc24f8b80ced3f6e2bb0c32792160f0addede}. ClickBank has an enormous library of affiliate merchandise in lots of categories, however it’s particularly helpful for digital products.
Step 7: Get Business Insurance Coverage
Web sites the place a sale may be carried out instantly are perfect for revenue sharing. Online retailers and immediate on-line travel agents are good examples of merchants who supply a revenue share commission. Imagine that the restaurant gave you 10 percent of the bill for each person that you just referred to the restaurant. There are a number of companies that market this manner offline. Brokers for insurance products are an instance, however these referrals can be exhausting to trace.
Step 1 Select A Niche
Advertisers pays commission only if and when a particular action has been carried out – maybe, as an example, clicking on a banner or ordering a product on their website. As a means of being profitable on-line it sounds easy enough, however there are lots of potential complications with online marketing. For a start, the affiliate monitoring have to be exact and correct, so that you’re rewarded for the gross sales you truly made. If you’re in search of some instruments to make issues simpler, take a look at our list of the most effective WordPress plugins for affiliate entrepreneurs and these affiliate link tracking plugins.… Read More | {
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203,449 | Houston Mind & Brain is a leading Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) clinic in the Houston area. They came to us with the task of updating their website to keep up with the influx of clients. They requested something bright and fresh to reflect the success of their treatment.
One of the main focuses of this project was catering to the type of client that seeks out this particular type of therapy. These clients have depression, ADHD/ADD, PTSD and many other conditions that require a little extra care on the design end. The challenge here was creating a design and color palette that was warm, comforting and elicits feelings of growth and hope.
I drew inspiration from nature, resort websites, and the TMS industry at large. Creating a website that stood out on a national level in the sector was my goal from the beginning. I tried to achieve this by creating a soft, comforting space where users would be educated and gently prompted to seek services from Houston Mind & Brain. | {
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83,440 | For many carpanglers Super Smog is well-known already. Two years ago the product was introduced by Martin SB. Since then the Super Smog is part of the basic equipment for many anglers which achieved many successes with it. But what makes the Super Smog so unique?
The Martin SB Super Smog isn’t just a booster or a liquid. The carpangler can really differentiate by using this product. This liquid attractor doesn’t create a standard cloud which will rise to the water surface. When the liquid is leaks out of the bait, it will ‘crawl’ over the bottom to create a larger surface. After some time, the Super Smog will rise up to the water surface. The range to the carp, and so the chance to catch a carp, will be considerably increased by using Super Smog.
Currently there are several methods to catch carp. Super Smog offers a solution for all the groups within the world of carping. The product is very suitable for soaking boilies, pellets, particles, zigmixes, stickmixes and so on. With Super Smog it is possible to make a bait enormous attractive. The Super Smogs are 100% PVA friendly and that’s an extra advantage. With the introduction of the new SWEET 17 there are 9 flavours available: Fish, Sweet, Hot, Garlic, Tiger Nuts, Monster Crab, Peach Pineapple, Scopex Cream and the SWEET 17. The wide selection of flavours makes it easier to combine the bait with the right Super Smog flavour.
Upgrade your bait with Super Smog
With Super Smog it is possible to make your (hook-) bait extra attractive. By soaking the bait several times there will be different layers. These layers will leak out of the bait one by one which will prolong the duration. The chance that the carp takes the bait will increase as the bait remains attractive for a longer time. Of course it is also possible to use this trick by using pellets or particles.
When you go out for floater fishing, just keep waiting behind your rods for that run or if you prefer to drop a crust of bread for that hard to get carp; the Super Smog can make the difference. See it by yourself and be convinced! | {
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109,699 | Coleridge’s mariner was damned for needlessly shooting an albatross. Toledo however, is bringing on its own destruction by inaction, despite warnings months ago from the Federal EPA. In the small hours of the night, ten days ago, an automated emergency phone call woke us to tell us not to drink the tap water. The annual algae bloom in Lake Erie this year had become too strong, right at the water intake pipe for Toledo’s (and Perrysburg’s) municipal water systems. This satellite view shows the western end of Lake Erie seriously compromised. Toledo and the Maumee river are at the bottom left corner:
For three days we were forbidden to drink the water, wash dishes (unless rinsed in afterwards in ‘clean’ water) or even to spray municipal water on leafy vegetables in the gardens.
The algae is an interesting bright green living slime. Its growth in the lake is accelerated by summer warmth and the excess nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) from fertilizer runoff from farms and riverside gardens. Heavy rainstorms can also overflow the waste water pipe system, dumping untreated sewage into rivers and lakes which add food to the algae.
The algae produces a harmful non-living, long lasting, stable toxin called microcystin. It cannot be destroyed by boiling and is too small to physically filter out, other than by Carbon filter absorption. It is odorless, colorless and tasteless, but is harmful because it accumulates in one’s liver, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (it sounds incredible enough to be a story from the famous BBC TV sci-fi Doctor of the same name) in concentrations greater than 1 ppb (part per billion).
Microcystin is incredibly old. It evolved, with cyanobacterial algae blooms about 3 billion years ago, perhaps as a protective agent for the algae, but protecting against what we do not know – back then there were no animals in existence to eat the algae. The toxin might have been protecting it from solar UV according to today’s (2014/8/12) NYT Science section. The blooms themselves were vital to us then as they were the early creators of Earth’s Oxygen.
Our numerically challenged news reporters erroneously had it measured as “1 or 2 ppm” (parts per million) instead of ppb (parts per billion) for a while. But, understandably, it is hard to appreciate that a substance naturally produced in our lovely lake could be seriously harmful in concentrations above one drop per tanker rail-car full (300,000 gallons). But watch out for the numbers: while a limit of 1 (ppb) (parts per billion) could sound reasonable, would you accept the same level as safe if it was just as honestly, but more scarily, called 1000 ppt (parts per trillion)? No matter how you quantify it, it is truly wonderful that we can detect and measure such miniscule amounts. Such skills can save us, if only we can properly interpret the values and apply them appropriately.
Back in Perrysburg we had the interesting situation of water seemingly everywhere, yet unusable:
1. A live river full of slightly muddy water: the Golden Maumee.
2. Clear, tasteless, odorless water in the taps, and a few recent gallons in spare storage in jugs in the basement, but who knew how far back the ban applied?
3. And my three 40 gallon full rain barrels (for plant watering) collected from clear and pure (well perhaps a little acid rain, moss spores, bird bits, etc.?) rain water from the roof.
I was unable to interest any of the house residents (other than the quasi-dumb animals) in that toxin-free roof water, even when I offered to boil it.
Sold out signs appeared within hours, for a radius of at least 20 miles, in stores selling any type of bottled water. But friends visiting from out of state all brought gallons in plastic jugs and bottles.
The water is back on for now, and we have a stock of ‘plastic’ water to be drunk within the next 12 months as the bottles have “Use by…” dates of 2015.
What happens, over time, to water in a plastic bottle? I’m sure I could happily live on honey, beer and coffee made with skim milk, but dry cleaning one’s teeth is difficult.
Nobody said it would be easy but we do need to look after our planet. At least now we can measure the invisible toxins before they do too much harm. But sometimes even the very visible seems to be too hard to fix. For years Toledo and Perrysburg have been trying to prevent sewage overflows in heavy rains. Yet yesterday, 8/11, we had about 3 inches (75 mm) of rain which resulted once again in the following overflow damage to Water Street and hence, the river and the lake:
This entry was posted in Fauna, Food and Drink, Uncategorized, Wonderings by C Barry. Bookmark the permalink. | {
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64,447 | Display Protection <strong>Display Protection => </strong> Gorilla Glass is a special alkali-aluminosilicate glass shield with exceptional damage resistance that helps protect mobile displays from scratches, drops, and bumps of everyday use, It is always better to go for a smartphone with Gorilla Glass for that added protection and peace of mind. Corning Gorilla Glass 6
Back Camera <strong>Camera</strong> is able to capture photographs and usually videos, The most important characteristics of a camera are the resolution (measured in megapixels), lens focus type (fixed or automatic), higher megapixel cameras are known to capture higher quality photos, but not always a good measurement of the photos quality. Tripple camera 12 MP, f/1.5-2.4, 26mm, 1/2.55", Dual Pixel PDAF + 20 MP, f/2.6, AF TOF 3D stereo camera, LED Flash
Camera Features OIS, Phase detection, Geo-tagging, touch focus, Panorama, HDR, Video ([email protected], [email protected]/120fps, [email protected])
Front Camera 25 MP, f/2.0, 20mm (Ultra-wide), 1/2.8
Operating System <strong>OS => </strong> Every computer system run on a base software called Operating System (OS). Operating System controls all basic operations of the computer (such as smartphone, PDAs, tablet computers and other handheld devices). The Operating System allows the user to install and run third party applications (apps), apps are used to add new functionality to the device. Android V8.1 Oreo
UI ColorOS 5.2
Chipset <strong>Chipset</strong> is a group of integrated circuits designed to perform one or a more dedicated functions, often with real time computing constraints, Popular smartphones are equipped with more advanced embedded chipsets that can do many different tasks depending on their programming. Qualcomm SDM710 Snapdragon 710
CPU <strong>CPU</strong> (Central Processing Unit) mostly known as processors, CPU processes instructions in order to carry out certain functions that make your device operate properly. Processors are often described as the brain of computers, smartphones and tablets, Smartphones and tablets rely on processors to carry out their every task, Processors are an incredibly important factor in selecting any type of computing device, including your smartphone. Octa-core (2 x 2.2 GHz 360 Gold + 6 x 1.7 GHz Kryo 360 Silver)
GPU <strong>GPU</strong> (Graphics Processing Unit) is a single-chip processor designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display, This includes things such as lighting effects, object transformations, and 3D motion. Adreno 616
RAM (Memory) <strong>RAM</strong> (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes that allows information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computer systems, smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices. 8 GB
Internal Storage <strong>Internal Storage</strong> is a data storage space (flash memory) mostly used in smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices where operating system, apps, music, photos, videos, files and other user data Is stored. 128GB Built-in
Card Slot <strong>Memory Card Slot</strong> is a special slot for inserting a memory card. Memory cards allow you to expand the phone's built-in memory, A memory card (sometimes called a flash memory card or a storage card) is a small storage medium used to store data such as text, pictures, audio, and video, for use on small, portable or remote computing devices such as mobile phones, mp3 players, digital cameras. microSD Card, (supports up to 256GB) (uses SIM 2 slot)
Sensors <strong>Sensors</strong> are electronic components that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment. The specific input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure and location, The output is generally a signal that is converted to use in computing systems, a location sensor, such as a GPS receiver is able to detect current location of your electronic device. Accelerometer, Compass, Fingerprint (under display), Gyro, Proximity
Bluetooth <strong>Bluetooth</strong> is a wireless communications technology for exchanging data between mobile phones, headsets, computers and other network devices over short distances without wires, Bluetooth technology was primarily designed to support simple wireless networking of personal consumer devices. v5.0 with A2DP, LE, EDR
Wi-fi <strong>Wi-Fi</strong> is a popular wireless networking technology using radio waves to provide high-speed network connections that allows devices to communicate without cords or cables, Wi-Fi is increasingly becoming the preferred mode of internet connectivity all over the world. Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, WiFi Direct, hotspot
Wi-fi Hotspot
USB 3.1, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector, USB On-The-Go
GPS <strong>GPS</strong> The Global Positioning System is a satellite-based radio navigation system, GPS permits users to determine their position, velocity and the time 24 hours a day, in all weather, anywhere in the world, In order to locate your position, your device or GPS receiver must have a clear view of the sky. Yes + A-GPS support, & GLONASS
NFC <strong>NFC</strong> (Near field communication) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish peer-to-peer radio communications with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few inches.
Wireless Charging
GPRS <strong>GPRS</strong> (General Packet Radio Service) is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM), Generally, GPRS is used for the purpose of wireless data transfer, such as sharing pictures and videos or browsing the Internet via a mobile phone connection.
EDGE <strong>EDGE</strong> (Enhanced Data GSM Environment) is a wireless network technology generally considered the next step in the 2G network offers data transfer rates up to four times faster than ordinary GSM networks, Generally, EDGE is used for the purpose of wireless data transfer, such as sharing pictures and videos or browsing the Internet via a mobile phone connection.
Speed 3G (HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps), 4G (LTE-A Cat15 800/150 Mbps)
SMS <strong>SMS</strong> (Short Messaging Service) is a text messaging service component of phone, Web, or mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to allow mobile phone devices to exchange short text messages over the networks.
MMS <strong>MMS</strong> (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content (audio clips, video clips and images) to and from mobile phones over wireless networks using the WAP protocol.
Email <strong>Email</strong> (Electronic Mail) is a system for receiving, sending, and storing electronic messages, Similar to a letter, email is text messages that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent via the internet to a recipient by using applications and software prograps. An email address is required to receive email, and that address is unique to the user.
IM <strong>IM</strong> (Instant Messaging) is an exchange of text messages through a software application, it enable you to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time over the Internet.
Battery Type <strong>Battery Type => </strong> Cell phones run on various kinds of batteries depending on the manufacturer, phone size or shape and features. There are basically four types of cell phone batteries => Lithium Polymer, Lithium Ion, Nickel Metal Hydride and Nickel Cadmium. Li-Po Non removable Fast battery charging: 40% in 10 min (SuperVOOC Flash Charge 5V/10A 50W
Capacity <strong>Battery Capacity</strong> is a measure (typically in Amp-hr) of the charge stored by the battery, and is determined by the mass of active material contained in the battery. The battery capacity represents the maximum amount of energy that can be extracted from the battery under certain conditions. 3700 mAh | {
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209,352 | See that picture? That gold ring is not a medical device, that is the wedding ring of a NICU parent on the foot of a very premature baby. Having worked in a neonatal intensive care unit for 13 years, I've seen parents do this in real life. And it never fails, every time I see this it induces awe, inspiration, a gigantic reality check, and a few tears.
The tiniest of babies taken care of in a NICU often weigh approximately 1 pound and spend well over 100 days there. They have a tube for everything, stickers everywhere, and wires galore. I often wonder how we could possibly fit one more thing in or on these tiny humans, but we do.
The challenges that come with a NICU stay are both physical and mental for the entire family. Often times, parents aren't able to hold their baby for weeks, and feeding their baby is just something they hope to do someday. These babies without a doubt have some extremely unique needs. Therefore, we have to make exceptions to the rules - the biggest one being sleeping on their belly.
In recent years many neonatal units have had cameras installed above the cribs and isolettes so parents can maintain a connection with their baby while they are at home. These cameras have been an amazing tool for offering parents peace of mind. Although, at the same time they can cause some anxiety as well. In the unit where I work, while nurses are providing care, the camera is off. This can make parents anxious and lead them to think something is possibly wrong. It also allows more opportunity for questions like, "Why is my baby sleeping on her belly? I thought this was a big no no."
As a sleep consultant it makes me extremely happy that safe sleep is so prominent and widely taught that parents know to question it when they see it done wrong. So why are premature babies the exception to the rule? I'll explain.
One of the main goals of the NICU team is to maintain an environment that is as close to the womb as possible. This includes a warm, humid environment and therapeutic positioning. Most babies have the advantage of finishing growing inside mom's gravity free zone. But, when a baby is born prematurely they suddenly face the challenge of trying to grow in the outside world. To facilitate growth we place neonates in the ideal position - one which resembles the position they would be in if they were still inside mama's belly.
This may include positioning a baby on their belly, side or back. Arms will be flexed and near the face and hips and knees will be tucked towards the belly. Many units even have tools specifically designed to help maintain the neonate's position. Once they are in this ideal position a roll of linens will be used to contain the neonate, allowing the baby to press against the sides to facilitate muscle growth while keeping the optimal position. Therapeutic positioning not only helps with muscle growth but also promotes proper skeletal alignment, decreases incidents of plagiocephaly (flattening of the head), decreases skin injuries, and, my favorite perk, promotes sleep.
It's no wonder that when parents see an isolette that is full of blankets, positioning tools, wires, and even pillows, that they would start to worry. Unlike the sleep environment at home, this type of positioning is done safely in a NICU. With continuous monitors that measure oxygen levels, heart rate, and blood pressure along with one to one nursing care you can rest easy knowing that baby is safe even if she's on her belly.
So is your NICU baby always an exception to the rule? Absolutely not! Once the hardest days of your NICU journey are over and your baby has shed most of the tubes, stickers, and wires and is gaining weight, your baby will graduate to the safe sleep club and stay there. At least until she starts rolling over. And hopefully, with all the work that your NICU team put in to maintain a developmentally friendly environment, your baby will hit this milestone right on time.
Before graduating from the NICU, education on safe sleep will be provided, and any questions you may have will be answered. Remember, once baby is home to follow the ABC's of safe sleep - Alone on the Back in the Crib. I also urge you to check out the websites below.
Cheers to happy and safe sleeping.
Proud partner of Cribs for Kids | {
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187,531 | I've been a frequent shopper of Brimfield for many years and always wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of things. A seller for the week not a buyer for the week. I was worried that I wouldn't get to "pick" and I wouldn't get the good finds first. What I didn't fully realize what that I just had to change my expectation.
The week began with my family helping me load and unload a twenty foot U-Haul and pick up truck. Back breaking but had to be done none-the-less. This was followed by two full days of setting up my goods and styling my pieces so that it felt more like a shop than a tent on Sheltons field. Now is when it gets good. The next seven days were spent telling people my story, how Water and Main began and how much I love doing what I do, hearing what people were looking for and meeting people and hearing their own stories.
My worry of not being the first one on the field to shop quickly diminished when I met the cool dealers exhibiting around me (Nina, Carmella, Susan, Julie, Andrea and Kevin), when I met shop owners who were looking for pieces to stage their stores with, when I met people that I follow and who follow me on Instagram - how crazy is that! When I met customers who come to Brimfield every year with their best friends and spouses because it's just a fun way to spend the day with friends.
Brimfield is a wonderful place to shop but it's also a fantastic melting pot of people with different backgrounds and lots of great stories to share. I'm hooked and I still came home with a few goodies.
A big thank you to my best girlfriends who came to Brimfield to support me, help me move furniture and spend the day with me in my booth. Cec, Diana and Sarah - you are awesome!
I'll be exhibiting there again this September 5th - 10th, on Shelton's Field in the same spot. Booth B66.
Posted on May 18, 2017
Tracy Foley
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Water and Main Vintage can be found online or by appointment at our barn in Massachusetts. We also host events and attend local antique shows. Sign up or send us an email to view pieces in person. | {
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239,065 | A native app is a software program that is created for use on a specific platform or gadget. Since these apps are developed for use on a specific gadget and its OS, it can utilize device particular software and hardware.
Native app testing can provide an upgraded performance and exploit the latest technology, like a GPS, contrasted with web applications or mobile cloud applications created to be generic across multiple systems.
The term native mobile app is utilized to refer to stages like Mac and PC, with examples such as the Photos, Mail or Contacts applications that are preinstalled and designed on each Apple PC.
In any case, with regards to mobile web applications, the term native application is utilized to mean any application written to work on a specific device platform.
The two principle mobile OS stages are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Native applications are composed in the code to preliminarily utilize for the gadget and its OS. For instance, developers compose iOS applications in Objective-C or Swift, while they make Android-Native applications in Java.
Native App Testing Process
Mobile applications are those that individuals download from Google Play and App Store – at least that what 90% of individuals think they are. Those application downloads are controlled by Google and Apple that rank applications and offer data about the accessibility, availability and numerous different things that make individuals discover those. This is vital regarding monetization of your app.
There are also enterprise applications that don’t really wind up in application markets. And, to be honest, beyond their acceptance in the buyer showcase, they likewise enable enterprises to convey efficiency tools to an increasingly mobile workforce. Native mobile app testing give a rich client experience to the buyers and more probable are gainful for their product life-cycle, those applications additionally add a few complexities to those individuals who test them.
Native App Testing – individuals who are accountable for getting all points of interest why certain things occur and did the application perform precisely as expected – needs to know whether the application can be effectively downloaded from the market, put on to the gadget, executed there properly and would users be able to cooperate properly with the supporting back-end framework. At the point when application updates are done, everybody in the association must make certain that the application can be pushed out and is acknowledged by those shoppers. For the most part, there are loads of flawed data out there that mobile native application testing on specific gadgets would make it readily working on conceivable variations out there – even running a similar hardware, specification, and the similar operating system.
These native apps are specifically attached to the hardware, its specification, and software – above all the OS. It is constantly prescribed to test app on physical gadgets and check whether everything is working fine and if the compatibility of the entire ecosystem is meet. Moreover, it is critical to stay aware of this kind of agile mobile application testing to guarantee your application versions meet similar criteria and are accessible for clients whenever released on application markets.
A few benefits of the Native Application Testing:
The native application works disconnected.
It can utilize all of the features of its gadget.
Advanced UX/UI
Pop-up messages can be utilized for users alert.
A few Limitations of the Native App Testing:
Native Apps creation is costly in contrast with the Mobile Web applications.
It requires high expenses for the support.
Native Mobile Application Testing Tools:
Java and Swift are open sources, and they are the principal programming languages utilized by Google and Apple.
Xamarin is a cross-platform software testing tool utilized for native application development on iOS and Android and different stages that depend on C# as a programming language.
A native mobile application is installed on the gadget and is accessed through the icons on your cell phone or tablet. Native applications are specifically downloadable from the App store of the particular gadget OS. These applications are created for a single stage form and exploit the features of the host gadget.
Thus, we require a mobile automation testing tool where you can design a test set for the various gadget to test out the application over a variety of connectivity modes. The tool should be platform independent and enable you to make real end-to-end testing with a single test script conceivable. | {
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86,800 | ”I started to hear about how the technology is made and why it’s so life-changing, so innovative.” Convinced of the social change he sees possible with cryptocurrencies, Jamie had his Pennydrop moment.
He believes in the power of the decentralised system and sees it being implemented world wide soon. When it comes to issues like national debt and inflation cryptocurrencies offer a new system to believe in, because Bitcoin is “not just some fun alternative, punky cash.”
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When did it finally sink in for you that cryptocurrency is the future? What excites you about its potential? Was it the shiny new technology? Taking back control of your own money? Was it just plain old human curiosity?
There’s no tale too big, no tale too small. Whether it is a video, a social post or even a blog article, we’d love to hear from you. You can share your story with us on Twitter, YouTube or Facebook using the #pennydropmoment. | {
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39,905 | The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the major stabilizing ligaments in the knee. It is a strong rope-like structure located in the center of the knee running from the femur to the tibia. When this ligament tears, it does not heal on its own and often leads to the feeling of instability in the knee.
Causes of an ACL Injury
An ACL injury most commonly occurs during sports activities that involve twisting or overextending of your knee. An ACL can be injured in several ways:
Sudden directional change
Slowing down while running
Landing from a jump incorrectly
Direct blow to the side of your knee, such as during a football tackle
Symptoms of an ACL Injury
When you injure your ACL, you might hear a loud "pop" sound and may feel the knee buckle. Within a few hours after an ACL injury, your knee may swell due to bleeding within the torn ligament. You may notice that the knee feels unstable or seems to give way, especially when trying to change direction.
Diagnosis of an ACL Injury
An ACL injury can be diagnosed with a thorough physical examination of the knee and diagnostic tests such as X-rays (to rule out fractures), MRI scans and arthroscopy. In addition, your doctor will often perform the Lachman’s test to see if the ACL is intact. During a Lachman test, the knee with a torn ACL may show increased forward movement of the tibia and a soft or mushy endpoint compared to a healthy knee.
The pivot shift test is another test to assess ACL tears. During this test, if the ACL is torn, the tibia will move forward when the knee is completely straight and as the knee bends past 30° the tibia shifts back into correct place in relation to the femur.
ACL Reconstruction Hamstring Tendon
The goal of ACL reconstruction surgery is to tighten your knee and restore its stability.
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction hamstring method is a surgical procedure to replace the torn ACL with part of the hamstring tendon taken from your leg.
The Hamstring is the muscle located on the back of your thigh. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
Your surgeon will make two small incisions about 1/4-inch-long around your knee. An arthroscope, a tube with a small video camera on the end is inserted through one incision to view the inside of the knee joint. Along with the arthroscope, a sterile solution is pumped into the joint to expand it, enabling your surgeon to have a clear view and space to work inside the joint.
The knee is bent at right angles and the hamstring tendons felt. A small incision is made where the hamstring tendon attaches to the tibia. The two tendons are stripped off the muscle and the graft is prepared.
The torn ACL will be removed and the pathway for the new ACL prepared. The arthroscope is reinserted into the knee joint through one of the small incisions. Small holes are drilled into the upper and lower leg bones (tibia and femur) where these bones come together at the knee joint. The holes form tunnels in your bone to accept the new graft. The graft is pulled through these holes. The new tendon is then fixed into the bone with screws to hold it into place while the ligament heals into the bone.
The incisions are then closed with sutures and a dressing is placed.
Postoperative care following ACL Reconstruction - Hamstring Tendon
Following the surgery, rehabilitation begins immediately. A physical therapist will teach you specific exercises to be performed to strengthen your leg and restore knee movement. Avoid competitive sports for 5 to 6 months to allow the new graft to incorporate into the knee joint.
Risks and Complications of ACL Reconstruction – Hamstring Tendon
The possible risks and complications associated with ACL reconstruction with hamstring method include: | {
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162,834 | Geir Zoëga attempted to to make an easier-to-approach version of the more full Cleasby - Vigfusson dictionary.
It was published in 1910, which leads to there being many public domain versions of the book available.
Old Icelandic language
The Old Icelandic language was a later branch of Old West Norse, spoken and written in Iceland in the Middle Ages. It was close to Old Norwegian, but differed in orthography and phonology.
Old Icelandic is also the language of the Viking Sagas
Old Norse language
Old Norse was a North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and their overseas settlements from about the 7th to the 15th centuries. | {
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11,789 | Surf Lifesaving del Sur was created to address the total lack of lifeguards and ocean lifesaving services (neither volunteer or professional), and the abhorrent drowning rates that both Jimmy and Laine encountered during years of traveling and surfing throughout the Baja peninsula and mainland Mexico. The duo both began their Mexico travels independently in 1979, and together after they met when they were stationed at Wind & Sea Beach and La Jolla Cove with in 1985.
They performed (too) many rescues on their vacations in Mexico, which was frankly dangerous without the proper equipment (minimum of swim fins and rescue tube or buoy), and opened them up to the liability of injuring themselves and/or the victim – and even potential criminal charges had someone drowned during a rescue attempt. Furthermore, as professional lifeguards we consider any preventable drowning to be unconscionable, and were determined for years to start some form of lifeguard training program.
They initially made a contact through the US/Mexico Consular agent in San Diego, but after lengthy attempts at making inroads and drafting proposals over the period of a couple years, they got nowhere. They finally made contact with an ex-patriot, John Hughes, a retired Long Beach lifeguard who began a learn-to-swim program for the Cabo San Lucas Fire Department and established a healthy working relationship with their Fire Chief - Juan Carbajal. With an invitation, Surf Lifesaving del Sur was able to instruct its first Lifeguard Academy in Sept. 2004, to a core group of firefighters.
It became immediately obvious that there was zero funding or equipment other than what we provided, and during the next several academies we collected as much used equipment from agencies in Southern California for donation, and came out of pocket for the necessary equipment that we could not salvage from the states. This made a source of funding a priority, hence we formed our non-profit in 2007 – we have no salaried executives or instructors, we are all volunteers with 100% of donations going to equipment, training materials (we produced our own lifesaving manual in Spanish/English which each student receives upon enrollment), and logistics.
Copyright © 2022 Surf Lifesaving Del Sur - All Rights Reserved.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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57,238 | Trucking defense attorneys are all too familiar with “reptile theory” strategies in discovery and at trial. Plaintiff’s attorneys use reptile theory tactics to incite the emotions, fears, and survival instincts of jurors by appealing to their “reptile brains.” This is often accomplished by tapping into safety concerns or worries of communities at large to secure punitive verdicts in cases where punitive damages are not allowed. These excessive jury awards are often referred to as “nuclear verdicts” and are all too common in Cook County, and in many other jurisdictions around the country.
The reptile theory is a version of the “Golden Rule” argument which is generally barred by Illinois Courts because it asks jurors to place him- or herself in the shoes of the Plaintiff. This argument effectively abolishes the necessary neutrality of a juror and requests he or she render a verdict based on his or her own emotion, bias, life experience, and personal interest, rather than on the evidence presented in the case and during trial. A reptile-trained plaintiff’s attorney will begin this strategy early and develop it throughout discovery. It is typically seen in discovery requests and deposition questions that attempt to establish various “safety rules” intended to protect the community, including the Plaintiff. This will focus on safety rules and handbooks, industry standards, etc. and ask if a driver or other company representative knew of said rules and standards and followed them. Through deposition questioning of trucking defendants, the reptile-trained Plaintiff’s attorney will attempt to establish general safety rules that seem so elementary, that to disagree with them would be difficult and contrary to the common perception of most lay jurors. These questions will attempt to demonstrate that violations of these alleged “safety rules” results in an immediate danger to the community, including jurors and the Plaintiff. For example, “the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations are in place to protect all drivers on the road, would you agree?” The common-sense answer is of course, “yes.” “A violation of one of these “safety rules” will pose a danger to the public, right?” Again, the common-sense answer is, “yes.” Accordingly, any alleged violation of even one of the countless regulations contained in the FMCSR now amounts to an immediate danger to the public, therefore triggering the emotion and fear of a juror, and now confusing the legal standard of care with the “safety rule” that was allegedly violated.
Usually, the first chance the defense has to address these reptile theory tactics before the court is at trial in the form of a Motion in Limine. However, recently in the case of McNamara v. Navar and RTR Farming Corp., USDC IN/ND case 2:19-cv-00109-APR, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division, granted defendants‘ Motion for a Protective Order prohibiting plaintiff’s counsel from posing “Reptile Theory” questions, i.e. questions about the existence of and purpose for alleged “safety rules,” during the deposition examination of the trucking defendants.
In McNamara, the Plaintiff, Estate of Richard McNamara, III filed its wrongful death action against Defendant Jose Navar, a commercial vehicle driver employed by Defendant RTR Farming. Plaintiff alleged that Navar, acting within the scope and course of his employment, drove in a negligent and reckless manner causing an automobile collision with Plaintiff’s decedent McNamara on eastbound I-80 of the Indiana Toll Road. Plaintiff’s decedent McNamara died as a result of the collision. During the oral discovery phase of litigation, defendants requested that the court enter a protective order prohibiting the plaintiff’s attorney from asking “reptile theory” questions about the existence of and purpose of alleged “safety rules,” during the depositions of defendants. The issue was briefed by both parties and the plaintiff filed a motion requesting sanctions and attorney fees under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 11 and 37, asserting that defendants filed said motion without any justification or legal basis in an attempt to muddy the discovery process. Id.
Defendants argued that in past trucking-related personal injury cases with this plaintiff’s attorney, the deposition examination of the defendants focused on these “reptile theory” questions. Because of this, defendants anticipated that plaintiff’s counsel would include significant questioning and hypotheticals regarding driver Navar’s knowledge of the purpose for various “safety rules” for tractor-trailer operation, and if he followed said “safety rules.” The defendants’ Motion further argued that this “reptile theory” questioning will create confusion around the defendants’ legal duty of care by attempting to replace it with safety rules and procedures, and that these questions “lack(s) any tangible connection to the scope of permissible discovery.” Id. Plaintiff argued that questions regarding safety are permissible during a discovery deposition and could “yield discoverable information.” The court agreed with the defendants and ruled that Plaintiff did not explain how questioning Navar about the purpose for alleged safety rules is relevant to the parties’ claims or defenses and pointed out how the plaintiff chose not to address the specifics included in the defendants’ Motion, specifically how reptile theory questions previously asked by plaintiff’s counsel in the other trucking-related personal injury cases will produce discoverable information in their case. The court cited to one anticipated question previously used by plaintiff’s counsel; “if a commercial motor vehicle driver like yourself violated the safety rules [Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations], that could endanger the public, correct?” Id. The court stated that because Navar was not designated as an expert witness, his testimony as a lay witness was limited to what is rationally based upon his perception and not based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge. Therefore, asking him about alleged “safety rules” including generalized hypotheticals, would fall outside the scope of permissible discovery. The court therefore granted Defendants’ Motion for the Protective Order and denied Plaintiff’s Motion for Sanctions and attorney fees relating to the same. Id.
The order in McNamara, finally gives the trucking defendant grounds to challenge reptile theory tactics in oral discovery by way of a protective order barring irrelative, overly broad questions and hypotheticals about generalized “safety rules.” It is important to recognize these tactics early in written discovery, and to track the use of these tactics by a plaintiff’s attorney in previous cases with similar facts. Doing so will serve as a solid basis for a Motion for a Protective Order similar to McNamara, in hopes of expanding this order from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana into other jurisdictions. A copy of this order is available upon request from Kopka Pinkus Dolin. | {
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96,076 | Upload/Download has been moved to the https/ssl protocol. Everything should work stable now. Please report any encountered bugs. ...
Zippyuploader update, Docs and Videos encoding performance boost
03 Dec 2017 23:38
Hey folks, <strong>A quick update:</strong> - Today a new version ( of the Zippyuploader was released. The only change is related to an increased file size limit of 500MB. If something ...
500MB - We just increased the file size limit.
13 Nov 2017 00:08
This is probably a long-awaited update, but I assure you that this is not the last change prepared by us for the next 3 months. Let us know if everything with the new limit works as intended. Cheers! ...
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1) Select a file to send by clicking the "Browse" button. You can then select photos, audio, video, documents or anything else you want to send. The maximum file size is 500 MB.
2) Click the "Start Upload" button to start uploading the file. You will see the progress of the file transfer. Please don't close your browser window while uploading or it will cancel the upload.
3) After a succesfull upload you'll receive a unique link to the download site, which you can place anywhere: on your homepage, blog, forum or send it via IM or e-mail to your friends. | {
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135,266 | Sustainable fashion is defined by Green Dreamer as “…clothing that is designed, manufactured, distributed, and used in ways that are environmentally friendly.” In other words, “sustainable fashion” refers to how clothing is made.
Ethical fashion, its common companion, generally refers to who is making the clothing: their working conditions, wages, and rights—both as laborers and as human beings.
Both terms are useful when referring to parts of the fashion industry that fall under one or both categories, but, unfortunately, due to a great number of factors starting but not ending with capitalism, the vast majority of clothing you buy will be neither.
To be frank, producing clothing both more sustainably and more ethically costs money. A lot more than what we’re used to, especially now, in the Great Age of Fast Fashion. Even a simple T-shirt produced sweatshop-free in a lower-cost country like China or Bangladesh (yes, ethical labor does exist in “third world” countries, just like unethical labor exists in “first world” ones), will run about 2-3 times as much as your average cheap T-shirt from Forever 21 or the dreaded Shein. With obscenely low wages commonplace across the globe, most people are just not paid well enough to build a wardrobe full of certified ethical and sustainable brands and individual garments. Sure, you could buy everything secondhand, but, in the case of larger thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army, their own labor violations and sheer volume of textile waste regarding donations that never make it to the sales floor don’t actually reflect sustainable/ethical practices on their part, either.
There are plenty of ways to improve the fashion industry, several of which I’ve written about myself, however, all of them take time. So, while we work towards a better industry and future for both our planet and our closets, it’s up to us to also make changes on a micro level.
Does sustainable fashion really exist?
Regardless of our best intentions, the vast majority of us will never purchase a single stitch of new, non-secondhand clothing from a “sustainable” source. And that’s not our fault. Unless you’re able to purchase exclusively small-batch or even made-to-order garments that are fair trade certified and produced sweatshop-free, it’s just not realistic. The reason for this is twofold. Those small-run, handmade brands absolutely exist, and in abundance, but, not only are they expensive, they are extremely limited in terms of where they can actually go. Sure, plenty of designers would love to stay small, but many others would love to become big names, and truly, the second demand grows exponentially, and a brand, in turn, ramps up production to keep up—perhaps even wholesaling to boutiques or outsourcing overseas—it becomes unsustainable, whether due to excess waste from increase production or unsold goods, or even from the environmental impact associated with having to transport merchandise across an ocean.
I say “despite our best intentions” because of the second reason: greenwashing.
If you’re a Zara or H&M shopper—or just aware of the two behemoth brands—you’ve probably heard of their “sustainable” lines. They make some decent promises: “eco-friendly” materials like recycled polyester and organic cotton; fewer single-use plastics; published intentions to become 100% zero waste by 2024; etc. But the feasibility and effectiveness of those promises go out the window when you’re producing over 840 million garments a year like Zara, but only selling roughly 450 million of them and incinerating the rest. This is greenwashing, and it’s not just fast fashion brands that are guilty of it.
Sustainability is a hot topic in fashion right now, and the prospect of “doing good” while still participating in our hyper-consumerist society is too good from a marketing standpoint, and far too easy to fake for a general population that doesn’t fully understand what sustainability actually is. This is why you have brands promoting “100% organic cotton” garments that ship in individual plastic bags, or “energy-efficient” stores that are literally just subject to and following local laws regarding lightbulbs and insulation. It’s why a brand like House of Sunny can gain notoriety producing “small sustainable collections” full of synthetic fabrics and hyper-trendy styles that will still look dated by the time the next collection drops, encouraging you to buy an entire new wardrobe just to repeat the cycle in a few months.
Fashion is, first and foremost, a business, and businesses exist to make money. Without actual government intervention, few businesses have incentive to actually do better, especially when they’re making money hand over fist only pretending to.
What are unethical choices?
We all make unethical choices everyday: some of which are out of our control and born from trying to survive in an oppressive society. Some, though, can be avoided, and that’s where personal responsibility and “doing the work” comes in. Most fashion, especially cheap and/or fast fashion is unethical, but affordable clothes are necessary in a world where the majority of us barely make enough to live comfortably. That said, if you can afford and access better, and you actively choose not to explore better options, that is, simply put, the wrong choice. We’ve all seen those $200, $500, even $1000 Shein hauls that come in giant boxes filled with individually plastic wrapped polyester garments, most of which will barely survive the first wear, let alone the first or multiple washes: there is a vast difference between that and the person who needs a functional wardrobe but can’t afford much more than $10 for a piece. Oftentimes, the issue of price is a valid one, but for others—and make no mistake, the “others” are by far the biggest consumers of fast fashion and therefore the most accountable for driving demand—“I can’t afford non-fast fashion brands!” is code for “I can’t afford to overconsume non-fast fashion brands.”
But overconsumption isn’t just hauls, it’s a general attitude. Buying a new outfit for every event or outing, regardless of the price, is a form of overconsumption; buying multiple sizes to try on and return the ones that don’t fit (especially considering how many brands simply toss or even shred/burn returns) instead of learning your measurements and using them to get a better idea of sizing is overconsumption; refusing to be seen twice in the same outfit or garment is overconsumption; having things in your closet that you haven’t worn and don’t plan to in the coming months is overconsumption.
Beyond simply buying too much, there is the issue of what we’re buying and where. Knowingly buying knock offs is unethical. Full stop. It doesn’t matter if the designer is a huge name or an indie one. Counterfeits aren’t just limited to the fashion industry: there are thousands of deaths a year from fake medical supplies, tests and medications, and that fake YSL or Chanel is a huge part of what’s funding their larger enterprise.
Capitalism is a great beast with many, many heads, each of which grows back immediately when you attempt to cut it off. Like that monster thing. But, we as consumers are not without responsibilities: after all, we drive the demand. If businesses didn’t make money off their bad actions—including the ones we are aware of--they simply wouldn’t do them. And as the vast majority of us walk around with the entire internet in our pockets (or purses, as the case may be with the lack of pockets on most women’s clothing these days), there’s virtually no excuse for not, at the very least, being informed of what choices are available and what path we can personally take to cause the least harm, even if it’s just a drop in the bucket compared to all the harm corporations cause everyday.
Your Sustainable Wardrobe
Okay, so you know what sustainable fashion is, you know what unethical choices are, and you’re beginning to understand how bleak life under capitalism is and how it’s almost impossible to escape benefitting from the harm that major corporations do. But you still want your own closet to be useful, beautiful and, at the very least, not actively detrimental to the earth or the people on it. But you’re also—like many of us—broke af and can’t afford to get every garment you own handmade from organic deadstock materials by a well-paid artisan located in your city. Well, I’m here to tell you that there are some easy, almost-free choices you can make that will get you to your goal. But first, a reminder:
The fast fashion industry will never be sustainable. However, you can build a sustainable wardrobe with fast fashion pieces.
Now, I’ve written about how to break the fast fashion mindset and shop with more intention, as well as where to look when you’re ready to stop shopping fast fashion altogether—
True Style
Slowing Down: Breaking the Fast Fashion Mindset
A Disclaimer and Note from the Author Before we get started, let me be clear: The goal of this article is not to convince you of anything. I’m not going to tell you why you should divest from fast fashion and put in the effort to shop more thoughtfully and with longevity in mind, as that approach has historically gotten me in trouble (at least on Twitter…
Read more
4 months ago · Lakyn Carlton
—but, even more important than just buying things you’ll want to wear for a long time, is maintaining those good things so that they will last for a long time. That includes learning how to make minor fixes like darning and patching holes and reinforcing seams (or finding a tailor/friend that can); it means skipping the super trendy things that will become “cheugy” (whatever that means) in a few months and going for looks that can transcend time—and no, I don’t mean just basic silhouettes in neutral colors; it’s learning your style and needs and picking pieces that can be worn in multiple ways and settings, and learning to wash them properly so they’ll hold up (when in doubt: wash on cold, put it in a delicates bag, and/or lay flat to dry). Above all, it’s not shopping for the sake of shopping, not buying huge hauls and not looking at clothes as disposable. I’ve admitted to still shopping fast fashion before, and it’s taken time to learn how to look for quality in the vast seas of quick-stitched polyester, but, I have clothes from H&M, Akira, Zara, NastyGal, even one dress from Missguided that have all held up for several wears and washes. A little fast fashion mixed in with higher end pieces (Farfetch and SSense sales are my best friend), vintage/secondhand (love Etsy for vintage), and handmade here and there is the best way to not only cultivate your own personal style but also inject a little flare and excitement into getting dressed in the morning.
Only you know your limits, whether that be fashionably or financially, so please don’t ever think I’m telling you where to shop, what to buy, or what you can afford. That said, at the end of the day, the most sustainable thing you can do is wear what you already own. Take frequent inventory of your closet and put together outfits in new ways so you’re not racking your brain for ideas every time you get dressed. Of course, most of us have a few gaps that need to be filled here and there but, when filling those gaps, look for permanent solutions, not just fly-by-night microtrends that TikTok made you buy. And, who knows, maybe a few skipped hauls will result in a couple extra bucks to invest in that handmade deadstock organic cotton dress of your dreams. | {
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52,510 | The whole Foundry-Family incl. T&P and some other little stackshelpers have their finger in the pie. Thanks to Adam!
Kunsthandel Georg Böhringer
More than 300 pictures (1400 px) are linked - often multiple - initially also in two file sizes (low&high), but later when I saw, that the »stacks_page_pageXX.css« files were growing, I let it go again.
And, there were moments, when I wished, I could use a database in the background (pictures.jpg/alt-text…).
Some days now we are online and the reputation by search-engines are ok&fine. I have discovered a few more errors, I am still experimenting - as iI said - ready only for the moment. So, the competitors do not sleep, the market is highly competitive and we do not advertise - just now. We’ll see…
And now - of course, your comments are welcome!!
One question to @adam. As you see in my attachment, I wonder if it is necessary to blow up these placeholders-armada with .pngs, jpgs and icons…? I can delete them all by hand, but with every clean FTP-update they march back into their folders. In this case, their are above 2,5 MB where the entire publishing file is above 14 MB… (including everything - excluding pictures).
I don’t count the 2.5 MB now, but every time I open the FTP-Window, I scroll past the same files and think, they can all fit nicely and only once in the rw_common folder - or at resources!? This would finely purge some folders;-)
Maybe this can be implemented one day - otherwise I work on new projects and enjoy the future-oriented development and the user-friendliness of Foundry.
Stay Well
PNG-JPEG589×1993 307 KB
1 Like
Panans April 15, 2021, 1:53pm #2
Hi Roger,
congrats. As for ‘but with every clean FTP-update they march back into their folders.’: RW does not delete images on your server. You have to clean your resources folder on the server yourself. Also make sure you delete non used images in your RW project resources.
elixirgraphics April 15, 2021, 1:56pm #3
These filler images cannot be condensed like you’re suggesting unfortunately. It just doesn’t work that way within the API.
I’ve requested a Edit / Preview only option for assets like these filler images, but that is not currently a part of the API. So until then, this is what it is.
Also, those images don’t get downloaded when your page loads, so they’re not doing anything to slow your site in any way.
RogerB April 15, 2021, 6:27pm #4
Hi Hans,
thanks for your fast check and your appreciative words - no, it was enough to say one word, short and precise;-)
Designing websites and bringing them to life is it’s often a bit like cooking without a cookbook. Storyboard or not - we always try something new and then the menu sequence also gets a different touch. The indicator is then the approving smile of our guests, or just the corners of the mouth or a pleasant grunt!
So far, thanks - and yes, I know that RW doesn’t delete pics or anything else - only overwrite them or add them again into folders;-) I’ll be the wiper!
My approach was only about the frequency of identical files and of course it is correct as @adam pointed it out - they do not block the loading process. However - back in my kitchen - as a cook the aesthetic is also not unimportant, to get that short smile;-)
system closed September 29, 2022, 11:27am #5
This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. | {
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36,962 | I'm delighted to announce that "The Bamboo Mirror", my anthology of mystery suspense stories and introducing, Diana Rivers is FREE for the next 48 hours. Please download your copy and enjoy your read. If you are unsure please take a look at all the excellent reviews on and make your own choice. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. You might even want to write your own review!
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I'll be delighted if you download your free copy...and even more delighted if you enjoy what you read! | {
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4,134 | During August 2010, a trial excavation was conducted in Neighborhood 12 in Caesarea (Permit No. A-5986; map ref. 191355–547/710122–256), prior to development. The excavation, undertaken on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority and underwritten by the Caesarea Development Company, was directed by P. Gendelman and A. Masarwa, with the assistance of Y. Lavan and R.Abu-Halaf (administration), R. Mishayev and M. Kahan (surveying and drafting), A. Peretz (field photography), M. Shuiskaya (pottery drawing), A. Gorzalczany (guidance) and M. Masarwa and K. Sa‘id.
The excavation area was located within the precincts of the Caesarea antiquities site; it was covered with sand dunes and dense vegetation (Fig. 1). Remains of two buildings (F10) and four kurkar stone quarries (F20, F30, F40, F50) were exposed; four hewn tombs were revealed inside two of the quarries (F30, F50). One of the structures and the quarries dated to the Late Roman period based on ceramic finds.
Remains of burial complexes, dating to the Roman and the beginning of the Byzantine periods (first–fourth centuries CE; ‘Atiqot 55:45–56 [Hebrew]) were exposed c. 200 m west of the excavation area in 1993. Remains of an aqueduct from the Byzantine period were exposed c. 1 km southwest of the excavation area in 2006 (HA-ESI 122).
F10. Remains of two structures (1, 2; Figs. 2, 3) were exposed. The foundations of three walls of Building 1, set on the bedrock, were preserved (W14–16). Walls 14 and 16 were built of two rows of dressed kurkar stones (0.25 × 0.30 × 0.30 m) and a core of small kurkar stones bonded with hard hamra. Wall 15 was built of two rows of large ashlars (0.25 × 0.35 × 0.80 m); the outer row was set as headers and the inner row—as stretchers. A scant amount of worn potsherds that could not aid in dating the structure were discovered in the building.
Building 2 was a square structure (3.6 × 3.6 m; Fig. 4) whose walls (width 0.3 m, preserved height 0.8 m) were built of dressed kurkar stones (0.20 × 0.30 × 0.35 m) bonded with hard hamra. Remains of thick gray plaster were preserved on the inner and outer surfaces of the stones. The walls were constructed on foundations built of kurkar stones and bonded with a thick layer of hard hamra. It is possible that the floor of the building was robbed in antiquity. The southwestern corner of the building was erected on top of W14 of Building 1; hence, it is clear that Building 2 postdated Building 1 (Fig. 5). Human bones and ceramic finds were discovered in the building, including a cooking krater (Fig. 6:1), amphorae (Fig. 6:2–4) and jars (Fig. 6:5), dating to the Late Roman period (third–fourth centuries CE). The residents of Caesarea in the Roman and Byzantine periods used to bury their dead outside the city walls, mainly in the kurkar hills and stable sand dunes that were unsuitable for farming. The cemeteries from these periods extend across an extensive area and they included different types of single and family tombs, among them graves dug in the ground, tombs hewn in kurkar bedrock, built tombs and tombs that combined digging, quarrying and construction. Based on an analysis of the artifacts and the construction method of Building 2, it is reasonable to assume that this structure was used as a mausoleum.
F20. A quarry (104 sq m; Fig. 7) with four hewn steps and vertical sides was exposed. Several stones that were not completely hewn, nor detached from the bedrock, remained in the quarry. The quarrying marks indicate that medium-sized stones were quarried (0.25 × 0.30 × 0.40 m). On the bottom of the quarry was a densely packed layer of quarrying debris (thickness 1.4 m), indicating that the final dressing of the stones was done in the quarry.
F30. A quarry (105 sq m; Fig. 8) with three hewn steps was exposed. The quarrying marks indicate that large stones (0.3 × 0.4 × 0.6 m) were hewn. Two rock-cut tombs were discovered inside the quarry. Their dimensions were similar (L115, L116; 0.73 × 1.05 × 2.70 m) and they had been plundered in antiquity. Tomb 115 was oriented east–west, whereas Tomb 116 was aligned north–south. The tombs were devoid of any finds.
F40. A quarry (57 sq m; Fig. 9) with four hewn steps was exposed. The sides of steps in the southern part of the quarry were vertical. Numerous severance channels were discerned in the quarry. A layer of quarrying debris (thickness 0.5 m) on the bottom of the quarry indicates that the final dressing of the stones was done on the spot.
F50. An extensive quarry (207.4 sq m; Fig. 10) with three hewn steps was exposed. The quarrying marks indicate that large stones were hewn (0.35 × 0.40 × 0.60 m). Two tombs (L120, L121; 0.54 × 0.60 × 2.01 m; Fig.11) were revealed inside the quarry. They were cut adjacent to each other, aligned northeast-southwest axis, and found devoid of artifacts. An installation for placing funerary offerings was exposed between the tombs.
The pottery finds in the quarries included a terra sigillata bowl (Fig. 12:1), a cooking pot (Fig. 12:2) and jars (Fig. 12:3), dating from the end of the first century CE until the beginning of the fourth century CE. The tombs were hewn inside the quarries after they had ceased to be used in the Late Roman period, based on the ceramic artifacts. | {
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If you follow each of the recommendations mentioned above, you ought to have no trouble joining and enjoying a casino that offers online casino wars. With any luck, the online slot Gods will look down an individual favorably, professionals who log in become the next instant millionaire thanks to wonderful charities. | {
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41,059 | On May 25, 2021, David Cottrell and Danielle Sawtell purchased a three bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 1300 Choctaw Drive, Mesquite from Dana Kylah and Phillip Daniel Willis. The property is appraised at $143,400.
The amount paid for property taxes on this property in 2018 was $3,991.29, 2.78% of the appraised value of the home.
This property is one of 143 sales in Mesquite in May 2021.
According to the Texas Secretary of State, Dana Kylah Willis has been registered to vote since 1984. Phillip Daniel Willis has been registered to vote since 1988.
The Texas Secretary of State data shows that there were two registered voters residing at 1300 Choctaw Drive, Mesquite as of Oct. 10, 2020: Dana Kylah Willis, 61, and Phillip Daniel Willis, 65.
This story was found on
We welcome and appreciate comments on The Dallas Express as part of a healthy dialogue. We do ask that you be kind. Kind to each other and to everyone else in your comments. For more information, please refer to our Complete Comment Moderation Policy. | {
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128,738 | Thomas Barfield, an anthropology professor at Boston University, is the author of Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History.
At FiveBooks, he discussed five books on Afghanistan with Daisy Banks. One book on the list:
The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History by Ibn Khaldun
[Banks:] Tell me about your first choice, The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History by Ibn Khaldun.
[Barfield:] Ibn Khaldun began writing the book in 1375 so it’s certainly the oldest on my list. It is also a unique work from that period in its attempt to analyse the context of history by understanding how societies organise themselves and how different modes of organisation can affect the interactions amongst people.
The book has had a really powerful influence on me, in part because I began my work by studying nomads similar to those Khaldun writes about and calls desert people. Although Bedouin nomads are his prime example, he explains that it is a way of life that encompasses all the people who live at the margins, whether that be the mountains, or the steppes or the deserts and he asks the basic question: Why could such people who come from the margins and aren’t particularly sophisticated manage to form so many dynasties of the Arab Near East and North Africa?
He looks at how their form of socialisation in a tough environment gives them a group solidarity that can be a great military advantage in times of conflict, and, when the opportunity is ripe, allows them to conquer more populous regions. But these opportunities are rare because sedentary civilisations, areas of urban high culture and irrigated agriculture, are generally economically more prosperous and politically powerful. People there have weak social solidarity but strong economic integration. They therefore maintain complex political organisations and professional militaries that can fend off these people from the margins. But he notes that their lack of internal solidarity creates a vulnerability when incompetent ruling dynasties become bankrupt – no one is there to defend them from outside invaders. As Khaldun saw it, it was charismatic leaders from marginal regions that restored order and founded new dynasties; dynasties that then also decline in four generations and themselves are replaced by new outsiders. So for a person who looks at Afghanistan, there are some wonderfully interesting parallels that he describes.
So you definitely see echoes of what he was talking about centuries ago still happening today?
There are echoes but it is not entirely similar to his Bedouin groups because Afghan history is also affected by people coming out of Central Asia that have a different model of tribal organisation which is more hierarchical. They are more willing to accept leadership. They have ruling clans as opposed to everybody believing that he can be the ruler and that sets up a different political dynamic.
That is why you get the long-lived dynasties like the Ottoman Empire, which lasted 800 years, and the Mughuls, who lasted more than 300 years. Obviously they lasted for more than four generations. So what I wanted to see is what happens in this interaction zone, and what we find is an Afghan dynasty that lasts for 230 years – which is much more like the Turks. But if you look at it internally you see that it follows an Ibn Khaldun cycle, which is that clans within the royal élite fight and replace each other on a four generation cycle just as Khaldun describes in his book. So we see this interesting dynamic in which the highly egalitarian Pashtun tribes find it easier to accept the legitimacy of a royal clan because they could never agree on who had the right to replace it. It was finally overthrown in 1978 by communists attempting to topple the entire system. After more than two decades of war, it is interesting that the Bonn Accord chose Karzai, whose ancestors first founded the Afghan state. The interesting thing is that Karzai comes out of that descent group. In other words, while thinking we were creating a new democracy we were in fact helping to restore the same sort of ruling dynastic élite that had previously governed Afghanistan. | {
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40,254 | I’ve only been doing this mom thing for a little over a week now, but one of the things i kept looking for when i was preggo was a good list of baby things that were really essential – and from a mom, not from babies-r-us or some other retail store telling me what all they wanted me to buy. And i never really found a good one, so maybe some of you will find this helpful, i hope, and if anything it will be a reference for me to look back on the second time around- because apparently i cant remember what day it is, let alone keep up with all this down the road. 🙂
1. A Fabulously Helpful Husband- seriously i’m not joking. I couldn’t have made it through this week without my wonderful Matty. We opted to have family come in and stay with us after we got the hang of everything, so we could figure out this new parent stuff together on our own. I know, a scary move on my part, but it’s been the most amazing week. Sure we are sleep deprived and a little loopy but i’m so glad he was able to take off work for a week and really figure it out with me. We are such a great team and i’m so thankful for his never ending helping daddy attitude and how happy is to do anything and everything. One of my favorite moments of the week is when he was changing a diaper and Max started pooping in the middle of it! He was scream “AHHH, wow kid how did that much come out of something so little!” we have had our fair share of being peed and pooped on this week.
2. A Professional Cleaning Service- One of the best things i did was research a cleaning company during pregnancy and then we called them when we got to the hospital and arranged for them to come and clean the house before we came home with Max. It was AMAZING. Coming home to a perfectly spotless house was a treat and let me totally take my mind off of anything chore related and just focus on Max. I highly recommend it.
3. the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow, Lanolin Cream, & Hydrogel Pads– For the Breastfeeding mother these three things are essential. When we first got home from the hospital i didn’t use my pillow because when i tried it in the hospital bed it just wasn’t working out, well that was due to the awkward hospital bed, not the pillow, and after fighting with 4 pillows all around me on the bed every time i nursed i decided to give it another shot, and it is fabulous. It has a latch that keeps it up (unlike the boppy) and its super stable and just makes nursing so much easier. The lanolin cream is essential and the hydrogel pads are also great in preventing cracking, bleeding & any other unwanted discomfort. Ask for the hydrogel pads at the hospital- they have them, but don’t really offer them so you have to ask, but ask, because they aren’t cheap!
4. A Rocking Bassinet- At first i didn’t really think i needed/wanted a bassinet and so i didn’t register for one, but my dad and step mom surprised me with this adorable one so we of course put it in our room and decided to use it for the first month or so. Well let me tell you the most amazing thing about it is that it rocks- like a swing or glider- and so after those late night feedings all i do put him right back in, crawl into bed and lay down and with one hand push it back and forth for about 5 minutes and he falls right to sleep- and so do I. 🙂 It’s heaven.
5. A changing table, A plastic changing cover, Diaper Doo, & Butt Paste– The changing table is really nice, and you don’t even need a “changing table”- i just bought a dresser and then we used velcro and attached the changing table topper pad to it, so that down the road he can just use it as a dresser. For me the biggest plus of the changing table is not having to bend over to change him- my back thanks me every diaper change. Normally it does have a cute cloth cover on it, however i’ve already washed it 3 times and we finally wised up and decided to put one of the plastic portable changing pads on top of the cloth cover because seriously he loves to go to the bathroom on us while we are changing him and it inevitably ends up soiling the fabric cover and goes back into the dirty laundry. When we first got home i don’t think we realized when he had a wet diaper because it wasn’t that much and it’s clear so on Monday he had a diaper rash, talk about feeling a little bit like a bad mom, and so to clear it up a used the butt paste i had received at one of my showers. The rash was completely gone by Tuesday afternoon! Its wonder cream! and then to prevent any rashes and create a barrier between the poop and the bum i started using the diaper doo gel and it seems to be working great as well.
6. Swaddle Sack– One of my absolute favorite items we own, this fleece swaddle sack is genius! I actually registered for it just on a whim because it looked nice and then my friend Tiffany gave it to me and said she used it and it was great. Well i knew that babies loved to be swaddled and to be honest the whole swaddling situation kind of intimidated me, which as my husband pointed out is a little ironic since i work with fabric, but i just was unsure about how to make it so that the thing stayed on correctly. Anywho there is no need for a swaddling tutorial because all you do is put them in the sack, zip it up and then fold the side panels over each other and they velcro into place, its more than genius. Fast, Easy, and he falls asleep within a matter of minutes once he’s in it. I just don’t know what i’ll do when he grows out of it! yikes!
7. The Infant Nightgowns– We are a big fan of the sleepers with the elastic at the bottom, especially since we put the swaddle sack over it. It makes it super easy for diaper changes- no snaps or zippers to worry about and they just look comfy, right?
8. Baby Timer Iphone App- When we first got home we bought a little memo book and were writing down every time he ate and it was getting a little hectic and then my friend Sam showed us this app and it has honestly changed my life. I love it. It records your diaper changes, feedings- with a timer!, sleeping and a journal for other notes which is where i record when i last took my meds. It also tells you in the stats part how many diapers he’s had in the last 24 hours and how many feedings etc. so when your pediatrician asks you totally know the answer! Talk about making life easier.
9. Baby Swing– I actually didn’t buy a swing but my friend Jamie was kind enough to loan me hers and as I type this our little man is sound asleep in it. I will for sure purchase one for the next baby because he really loves it, awake or asleep. We have it in the basement so i can work on the computer and Matt can play video games and he has somewhere to be. I think he also likes it because when he’s awake he can watch whats going on.
10. Pack-n-Play with Changing Table– We put our pack-n-play on the main level (my house has an upstairs where the bedrooms are, a main level and then the basement) and it has been super convenient to have somewhere to place him while we are eating or watching tv, etc. Especially because he literally sleeps all the time and i’m not comfortable just putting him on the couch just in case he might roll. i guess i could just use the monitor and have him upstairs, but i like that he’s with us even though he’s asleep. It’s also fabulous for diaper changes, the one i have has a diaper changing station on it and i love it.
For such a little guy he sure has a lot of stuff. 🙂 A little update- we are doing great, he is such a sleeper. I have to wake him up to feed him every single feeding- day and night. I think next week (once he is 2 weeks old) i am going to transition into 7 feedings a day instead of 8, eliminating one of the middle of the night feedings. I know he’s doing good health wise, even though he’s always sleeping, because his diapers are very consistent and he has gained weight. We try to keep him awake during the day for the 30 minutes after he eats and he’s been getting better at that- and then as soon as we swaddle him he’s down for the count. My only frustration is that since he’s such a sleepy baby i have a hard time keeping him awake to eat a full feeding, so we have to strip him down to his diaper for each feeding and sometimes even get a cold wash cloth to give him a little cold shock, changing his diaper in the middle of the feeding also helps.
I am pretty much following the book On Becoming BabyWise, in my opinion there are a ton of great baby method books out there but i just decided to choose one and go with it, instead of reading a bunch and becoming overwhelmed with advice. I know a lot of people who used baby wise and it worked for them so that’s what we are doing as well. So far it’s been going great- he’s on such a good 3 hour schedule, and it’s just nice to have some sort of “manual” to help say this is normal, this is good, this is bad, etc. Oh and look at the time- feeding time, again! 🙂 | {
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135,304 | Brothers & Sisters : Margarita , K.S.Gabriel , Mariyamma , Eleeswa , K.S.Chearian , Rev.Sr.Marey Beatrice , K.S.Joseph , K.S.Antony
Rev.Mother Mary Beatrice
Rev.Mother Mary Beatrice
Rev.Mother Mary Beatrice 1886-3.8.1969 She was born as the third daughter of Vasthyan and Anna, Koilparampil, Arithunkal after education she joined the convent and became a nun. She spent her life time Mostly in the Kollam and Trivandrum diocese. Most of the convents and schools under These dioceses were constructed under her supervision. For this reason His Excellency Bishop Benziger used to call her playfully as 'Engineer Mother'. She served mainly in the convents of Kollam and Neyattumkara After her death she is cremated at Thankassery, Kollam.
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102,947 | There may be many popular meanings for QBIC with the most popular definition being that of Query By Image Content
More QBIC Definitions
We searched our database and could not find a definition other than Query By Image Content for QBIC
If you have more information or know of another definition for QBIC, please let us know so that we can review it and add that information to our database.
Every attempt has been made to provide you with the correct acronym for QBIC. If we missed the mark, we would greatly appreciate your help by entering the correct or alternate meaning in the box below.
Definitions have been compiled from popular search engines and multiple results provided for your review. | {
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145,536 | Fields Racing & TeamSLR partnered up this past weekend to race a brand new TA2 Camaro utilizing the M-1 Fastrack chassis. The new M-1 chassis/car incorporates an underslung rear clip, additional safety features including a safer seat rail mounting system, full head support, an improved driver side door safety plate, improved foot box protection, knee protector and second fire bottle for additional driver safety.
“We are working hard at M-1 to build in as much safety as we can without driving the cost up or slowing the car down. Howe Racing has been the leader in this area and we are incorporating many of those concepts as well. This was the first race for the new car and it was all positive as Scotty drove a great race and had just a bit of imbalance that we expected with a new build. We expect to learn more and improve every time we race and we look forward to Homestead where Scotty is really fast.” said Fields Racing Team Manager Lee Quinlan.
Friday during the first practice session, Scotty and the team were encouraged as the car responded well to changes and was able to post a lap time inside the Top-10. The team made a few adjustments to improve the cars handling for qualifying but Scotty wasn’t able to get a clean lap in traffic and posted the 9th fastest time in the M-1 Fastrack Camaro.
Racing with a focus toward the big picture of developing the handling on the new car and keeping an eye on points. Scotty was patient and moved up steadily throughout the race to an impressive 4th place finish.
“Great job by all involved in this effort. The guys at M-1 did a terrific job getting us a chassis in short time and everyone in the shop put in a heroic effort to make it to Road Atlanta with a car that virtually had no problems and was ready to race after just a few adjustments. A special Thank you to Chris, Lee, Jack and everyone that worked so hard preparing this car for the weekend. Also, thank you to Jack Wilson Chevrolet for their help and support. The Trans Am Series is a great Series and I am learning a lot about road racing here. We will get ready for Round 3 at Homestead as we continue to work our way to the front,” said Scott Lagasse Jr. | {
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40,530 | img width="433" src="" / In many cases, yo...
October 5, 2021
Suggestions To Encourage Your Operating a blog Skills Now
In many cases, your blog concentrates on a single subject matter. If you're planning to weblog or are already operating a blog about one thing you have desire for, you might be in the best place. This post is packed with information that will help you make the weblog successful.
read article about what you are actually most keen about. In case you are excited about your site topics, you will finally pull prospective customers in as well as your desire for this issue will show through. Followers will want to notice what you need to say concerning the subject because you will certainly be experienced and enthusiastic.
Take note of what font you might be utilizing, the words sizing you end up picking, the color structure you possess into position and also the label of your blog. All of these distinct factors affect how quickly men and women can understand what you have composed. You would like to make your blog end user-friendly to everybody.
Read This method of getting your blog is always to tone of voice your own views. Find a subject that you are currently genuinely enthusiastic about and therefore are experienced in after which place yourself on the market. Men and women love to pick up the opinions of other folks. Opinions typically obtain a reaction and reactions garner visitors and remarks.
Create he said of time that can be used when you are busy or maybe can't come up with a new subject matter. All of us have those times that we are on a roll and the phrases are merely running. Take advantage of those days and publish some content that you could stash away for a wet working day. Use her latest blog when you want to take some time off.
Do not post your blog and go forward. You should connect with people that depart feedback on your own blog. Whenever your viewers know that they could possess a dialogue along by way of your blog, you are more likely to have them as lively followers who stick to what you are undertaking. If you publish without having posting comments, gradually your readers will move on to eco-friendly pastures.
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Consider adding pictures or music for your website. Exciting their senses can create a fuller expertise, and improve the pleasure of the website visitors. Opt for photos and appears to be that happen to be highly relevant to the content of your blog. Before you decide to picked nearly anything, ensure that you will be not in breach for any copyright laws laws and regulations.
Bust your blog up into suitable headings and subheadings. This acts to make the material more palatable. Readers' tend to scan the web page for key principles well before they begin to learn the entire blog. Headings and subheadings will assist them get anything they are searching for and make sure they remain your web page long enough to learn the whole blog.
Since click the next web page are greater educated, it is possible to progress with certainty in producing all those articles or content that will get attention and carry site visitors again again and again. Understand that visitors want content material that each notifies and entertains, so choose your thing and content, then keep it going. The info you've received in this article will assist you to moving toward getting an authority blogger. | {
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146,650 | Jackson County Public Health will no longer be seeing patients in its Reproductive Health and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) clinic as of Wednesday, June 19, 2019. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your medical care over the years. We will still be providing HIV and hepatitis C testing. As well as all disease surveillance activities and the investigation or reportable diseases and conditions, which includes STIs.
Accessing Free Bicillin from Jackson County Public Health
The Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) STD Program and Jackson County Public Health (JCPH) are pleased to announce the ability to distribute penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin) to the local medical community for the timely treatment of syphilis. Jackson County saw a 94% increase in syphilis cases since 2017. We hope that this resource will alleviate some of the financial burdens of stocking the medication and ultimately reduce the number of syphilis cases in Jackson County.
The medication will be provided free of charge, and there will be no cost for the distribution. Medical providers will be required to complete and email/fax a Jackson County Syphilis Case Report Form when the medication is administered.
If your clinic or medical office is interested in receiving bicillin, please contact JCPH in one of the following ways:
Call 541-774-8045, please leave a message containing: contact name, direct phone number, name of clinic/office and requested number of doses.
Email, please include the following information: contact name, direct phone number, name of clinic/office and requested number of doses.
Fax a Bicillin Request Form to 541-774-7954.
Jackson County Public Health staff will return your call/email/or fax in one business day.
FORMS: Bicillin Request Form
New CDC Treatment Recommendations for Gonorrhea
CDC has just updated its recommendations for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea in adults. The new recommendations, briefly summarized below, are available in 2020 Update to CDC's Treatment for Gonococcal Infections, a special policy note published on December 17 in MMWR. These new recommendations supersede the gonorrhea treatment recommendations included in the 2015 STD Treatment Recommendations.
Please reivew the letter from the Oregon Health Authority STD Program, which includes the CDC MMWR reviewing the evidence behind these recommendations, for more information. This letter is also posted on the OHA STD Prevention website.
Expedited Partner Therapy
Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) is the clinical practice of treating the sex partners of patients diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhea by providing prescriptions or medications to the patient to take to his/her partner without the health care provider first examining the partner. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has concluded that EPT is a useful option to facilitate partner management, particularly for the treatment of male partners of women with chlamydial infection or gonorrhea.
EPT is permissible in Oregon, as Oregon Pharmacists can legally fill expedited partner therapy prescriptions for treatment of partners exposed to sexually transmitted diseases that do not include the name of the person for whom the medication is intended for. For more information visit the Oregon Health Authority About Expedited Partner Therapy website.
EPT is supported by Jackson County Public Health and Oregon Health Authority to prevent reinfection among partner(s) and decrease the infection among a given social network.
STI Screening and Treatment
An asymptomatic infectious period is common to all three bacterial STIs. This means that transmission can be prevented by frequent screening and treatment of at risk groups to shorten the infectious period. This is the rationale behind measures to test and treat partners. Some evidence suggests that screening of people at highest risk as frequently as every three months is an efficient way to prevent additional infections. In Oregon those at highest risk include1:
men who have sex with men (MSM),
methamphetamine users, • people with HIV, and
people who have previously had the same or another bacterial STI.
Sexual History: 1 Physicians and other health care providers should make a habit of taking a sexual history from everyone aged ≥13 years, including whether they are sexually active, frequency of sex, number of partners, and gender of sex partners. It is also recommended to ask about the type of sex they are engaging in, as this could require screening for extra-genital gonococcal and chlamydial infections. For assistance on taking a sexual history review A Guide to Taking a Sexual History from CDC.
Screen and Treat: 1 Screening and treatment recommendations are set forth by the CDC. This information can be found on the CDC website, STD Screening Recommendations and 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines. Also, every adult should be screened for HIV at least once — and more frequently for persons in higher-risk groups (e.g., MSM, injection drug users).
It is important to note that Oregon may have different screening recommendations based on current trends. Review the February 2018 CD Summary for information on Oregon specific screening for STIs.
Please reach out to Jackson County Public Health if you have specific questions regarding screening recommendations in Oregon.
Oregon Health Authority. The Rising Tide of Sexually Transmitted Infections: Oregon, 2017. CD Summary. February 2018;67(1). Accessed June 9, 2019.
It is the mission of Jackson County Health and Human Services to plan, coordinate, and provide public services that protect and promote the health and well being of county residents. Our community's most vulnerable population is our priority. | {
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124,455 | This is exactly where I got a bit lost, but thankfully this is a well known region for hiking and I was capable to ask for directions. Once more, take a screenshot of the temple name just in case. The subway is the most practical way to get about Busan as it is speedy, inexpensive and simple to use. Having said that, if you want to go hiking or visit places like Haedong Yonggungsa, you will want to use the buses as nicely. Buses are also inexpensive, but some only have announcements in Korean so make positive you know the name of exactly where you want to go and take a screenshot of the Korean just in case.
A far more economical option— and the only 1, if you live outdoors of Seoul— is to take the bus. Ryan O’Rourke is a Canadian traveller, food & drink aficionado, and the founder & editor of Treksplorer. If you are a fan of seafood, don’t miss an opportunity to check out the second-floor hoe restaurants for a taste of the freshest catches you will uncover anyplace. There is perhaps no better spot in Busan to love the city’s amazing weather than by taking a trip to Haeundae Beach. It is South Korea’s longest beach and is also one particular of the country’s most preferred beaches. The beach hosts a number of festivals annually, such as the Polar Bear Club, where entrants bathe in freezing water in January.
Most have a menu with pictures so it is straightforward adequate to order. We’ve attempted a couple – Kidari Sashimi (키다리 횟집) is a excellent shout, with friendly owners and great food. Prices for sashimi start off at about ₩40,000 for a tiny plate. To come across it, take line 1 to Oncheonjang Station and leave by exit 1. Head towards the mountain and Geumgang Park – it’s about mins stroll. At the top, hike to the South Gate (Nammun 남문), then adhere to the sign for Mandeokchon (만덕촌) and head down to Namman Village (남만 마을).
Participate in a Beomeosa Templestay for an immersive look into monastic life at a single of South Korea’s most well-known urban temples. You can quickly go to Beomeosa as a day trip from Busan, but I extremely suggest creating a templestay into your itinerary. Originally constructed in 678, Beomeosa Temple has been a component of Busan’s history for more than 1,000 years!
The Westin Chosun is located proper next to the Dongbaek peninsula and the rooms facing the front have excellent ocean views. 1 downside is that some rooms are in want of renovation. If you are not convinced of these day tours, take a appear at our complete overview ofthe most effective day tours from Busan.
Busan cruises will transport guests into the south-eastern province of South Korea. Right here you will discover a subtropical climate where hot humid summers are finest enjoyed on the beach and cooler springs make for wonderful situations to explore the city and its organic surroundings. Such is the city’s diverse array of offerings, you can very easily other appreciate a beach break, a cultural escape or an active getaway in Busan all in a single trip. Haeundae Beach is like the hip downtown Hongdae region in central Seoul, but placed alongside the ocean waters with a beach that spans 1.five kilometers .
Is the epitome of beauty and chaos, all rolled into one. Nestled into the side of a mountain, the former slum is a mishmash of pastel-colored, Lego-like houses, painted in 2009 to lure guests up steep slopes and by way of its tiny alleys. The neighborhood’s cozy galleries, beautiful street art and quaint cafes only add to its appeal. Discover Busan at your own pace with a private car, driver and English-speaking guide at your service. This exclusive tour is designed to allow you to customize your time ashore and learn the most exciting sights in the comfort and privacy of your own car. Embark on a journey that showcases some of Busan’s most well-known attractions.
If the Enterprise revises the Privacy Policy, we will announce it by way of the website announcement . Extremely recommended for history lovers, this day tour will take you to a variety of historical destinations like the stunning Beomeosa Temple with a lot more than 1,000 years of history. Just show to counter and exchange for passes for day tour. Night tour no require to adjust but be prepared for a larger crowd.
When I’d always suggest visiting chocolate shops in Busan, the city is considerably far better-recognized for their meats and stews the most renowned dessert from Busan is a seed pancake with cinnamon sugar. Taejongdae is one more well-liked spot to go to in Busan, with a multitude of hikes, a lighthouse, a cafe, and an observatory on the grounds, all reachable by train. Over in Nampo are Busan Tower and Huinnyeoul Culture Village, two spots with winning views of the city. Just nearby is Jagalchi Market, a foodie’s paradise with a selection of the city’s most well-known dishes. 1 preferred strategy for me is to pick one particular of the main attractions in Busan and then come across other interesting items to do nearby.
People who took this tour say that traveling about Busan was so a great deal much easier if you do not require to rely on public transport. If you want, they give ideas about have to-check out locations and they can suggest restaurants according to your taste. Each the complete-day and half-day tours get exceptional testimonials. People who took these tours believed that they had friendly and knowledgeable guides and that the tours presented worth for money. Stop by the centuries-old Tongyeong Jungang Market and wander by means of the Dongpirang Village.
We accept all significant international credit cards and PaypalCheck your emailYou will immediately get the order receipt by e-mail. The confirmation voucher will be sent to you within two business days of booking, subject to availability. The cable vehicle takes you up to the peak of Mt. Mireuksan from where you can get pleasure from incredible views of the sea and the forest.
Just after exploding onto the stage in a flurry of fireworks and a fierce overall performance of “Mic Drop,” the group debuted the live performance of “Run BTS” from this summer’s Proof. They might, at this stage, be veteran artists much more than aware of their own standing. After the tour, your guide can either take you back to your hotel, suggest additional destinations for independent exploration or drop you off at a neighborhood restaurant. The Tailor-created itineraries we’ve suggested are created to give you an concept of what you could do with us, they can be booked as they are, or adapted to suit you.
This is why a lot of Seoulites and people from other towns in Korea flock to Busan, where they are greeted with laid-back pace and miles of breathtaking coastline. If you are arranging to bask in the sun in Korea’s second biggest city this summer time, take a appear at this list of the hottest beaches in town that will please all forms of vacationers. Positioned in Busan, Fairfield by Marriott Busan Songdo Beach offers beachfront accommodation a minute stroll away from Songdo Beach. All kinds of accommodations from luxury hotels to private guesthouses have created in the region about the beach, producing this the best summer season holiday spot.
This entry was posted in 미분류 and tagged busan, cooperation, december, development, effective, effectiveness, forum, fourth, ideal, improvement, korea, level, november, partnership, practices, republic on 10/21/2022 by webrepost. | {
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This artwork is created with a 2" museum wrapped canvas Giclée and is produced in a limited edition. Made from an original photograph, captured by Bob Callender. This print is hand signed and numbered, by the artist. Only archival materials are used in the creation of this print, to ensure consistent quality for the life of the print.
When all Limited Editions run out the master will be preserved for licensing and other purposes. The artist reserves all copyrights. No reproductions can be made without expressed written permission of the artist. | {
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229,019 | A European consortium including computer scientists from Oxford University has announced Trustworthy Clouds or TCLOUDS, a new virtual infrastructure project. The goal of the project is to prototype an advanced cloud infrastructure that can deliver a new level of secure, private and resilient computing and storage that is cost-efficient, simple and scalable.
To evaluate the feasibility of the TCLOUDS infrastructure, scientists and engineers will use two scenarios including a cloud that is resilient and steers a smart energy grid and a cloud that stores and protects the privacy of medical data:
smart energy grid with Portugal’s leading energy and solution providers Energias de Portugal and EFACEC: A combination of smart metering and a Web-based real-time status and energy consumption control system enables public utility providers to monitor and efficiently control a public lighting network. TCLOUDS will show how such energy-preserving systems can be migrated to a cloud infrastructure while increasing their resilience, privacy protection and tolerance, from both hackers and hardware failures.
a patient-centric home healthcare service with San Raffaele Hospital in Milano, Italy, will remotely monitor, diagnose and assist patients outside of a hospital setting. The complete lifecycle from prescription to delivery to intake to reimbursement will be stored securely in the cloud and thus be accessible by the patient, doctors and pharmacy staff. The goal is to demonstrate how the quality of in-home healthcare can be improved cost-efficiently without reducing privacy.
Dr Andrew Martin and his team from Oxford University Computing Laboratory are part of a 10.5M Euro (£8.9M) EU-funded consortium of organizations including IBM, and Sirrix AG security technologies, Portuguese energy and solution providers, Energias de Portugal and EFACEC and San Raffaele (Italy) Hospital.
“Today, data can be gathered everywhere and accessed by anything, but doing so doesn’t come without some risk, including security and data loss”, comments Dr. Matthias Schunter, technical leader for TCLOUDS and computer scientist at IBM Research - Zurich. “With TCLOUDS we aim to demonstrate that the rewards in terms of both cost efficiencies and smarter services, such as healthcare and energy, can be achieved by using advanced cloud technology to reduce or, in some cases, eliminate those risks.”
Protecting data and services in the cloud is a challenge of increasing importance for governments and organizations across all industries including healthcare, energy utilities and banking. In a cloud environment, all pertinent data is stored on remote hardware via the Internet instead of being kept on a local server or computer.
To achieve the security, resiliency and scalability needed when outsourcing critical IT-systems to a cloud, scientists from the consortium will build an advanced “Cloud of Clouds” framework for the project. As the name implies, this framework will provide multiple back-ups of the TCLOUDS data and applications in case of a hardware failure or intrusion.
Newly designed security mechanisms will also be developed to remotely verify the security and resiliency of the cloud infrastructure, guaranteeing the integrity of a hardened cloud computing platform to users of cloud services.
Besides advanced technology, TCLOUDS will also study the legal, business and social aspects of cross-border cloud computing, such as country-specific privacy laws; writing cloud computing service agreements; and user-centric requirements, including languages and accessibility.
“TCLOUDS is the most innovative cloud security research project in Europe. Therefore, we have assembled a who’s who of expertise to validate that these hosted environments are ready for industry’s most secure and trusted data.” comments Dr. Klaus-Michael Koch, project coordinator, Technikon Research and Planning. | {
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26,360 | Launch special! Purchase Power of Defense between now and August 11th and save 10% off. Experience a mix of new strategy and defense and save the world from upcoming evil and oil-smelling robots, either on Mac or PC.
Source Launch special! Purchase Power of Defense between now and August 11th and save 10% off. Experience a mix of new strategy and defense and save the world from upcoming evil and oil-smelling robots, either on Mac or PC.
Post navigation
Previous PostMakh Daniels of Early Graves (1982-2010)Next PostBad Religion, Devo, Cap’n Jazz, Snapcase, Strike Anywhere, Bronx at Fun Fun Fun Fest | {
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55,848 | Driven by Bupnet, all partners worked together to collect competences of interest in their educational context. Through the help of a Miro Board, partners worked on tandem in virtual room on the Zoom platform
and defined knowledge, skills and attitudes related to four main competences. Then all members of the consortium looked to all the sub competences described to see if they were clear to everyone. At the end, partners highlighted the most important points from the DigComp framework in the field of Data Literacy. The following list is a quite complete summary of competences highlighted by partners: data analysis, data awareness, analytical thinking, critical thinking, storytelling, evaluating the reliability of data sources, data interpretation, data discovery, data tools, data visualization, data ethics, IT competencies. Starting from these competences, partners will work to: (1) define which ones they will work with; (2) draft a sub-competences list related to the selected ones; (3) draft a learning unit plan; (4) create lessons for their students; (5) pilot these lessons and share results with other consortium members.
DALFYS is a joint research project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme to work with DAta Literacy competences For Young students towards STEAM education. DALFYS is funded under Call KA203-INDIRE (Italian Agency for E+). Project Reference: 2020-1-IT02-KA226-SCH-095305
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78,010 | On Wednesday, March 9, one of the University of Pennsylvania’s student-led a capella groups, OffTheBeat, visited Milken to sing with Kol Echad and perform during lunch. OffTheBeat also boasts Milken and Kol Echad alum Ali Kriegsman ’09 as a member of their group.
“Coming back to Milken is always such a warm and welcoming experience,” Kriegsman said. “I love seeing my old teachers and strolling through the halls. UPenn is such a huge school and sometimes it is hard to feel like you have a home base. It sounds cliché but Milken will always feel like that home base for me.”
As for current Milken students, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Kol Echad thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working with the more seasoned singers of OffTheBeat and inspiring one another.
“It was really interesting to see another group like us, to see how they are run and how they differ from us even though we share the same creative expression,” Emma Maier ’14, a Kol Echad member, said.
Even non-Kol Echad members enjoyed the group’s lunch performance, remarking that OffTheBeat was both professional and lovely to listen to.
“I think it’s really nice when Milken brings in other groups,” Jodi Marcus ’14 said. “OffTheBeat’s sound was really impressive for a student-led group.”
Kriegsman also noted how her experience with Kol Echad prepared her for singing at UPenn.
“Kol Echad gave me the opportunity to perform in front of large groups of people, which has definitely come in handy when we sing for 1500 people or more at our UPenn concerts.” | {
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53,082 | Good inbound marketing takes work, and we’re frequently left asking these kinds of questions: “How much work will it take to tip the scale?” “If I increase my blogging frequency from once a month to twice a week, what impact will I see?” This report will dive into how you can increase both traffic and leads by improving a variety of different marketing assets (i.e. web pages, blogging, landing pages, Twitter, and more).
Content Impact
Building a large site takes time and effort – it can’t happen overnight. The overall number of pages on a website is comprised of regular content pages (i.e. About Us, Our Services, etc.), blog posts, and landing pages. The results you get from the amount of content on your website will improve substantially over time, but it’s not until you near and surpass 1,000 pages that the results start to become exponential.
However, if your website only has 34 pages, don’t worry, you can get a lot more traction without years of blog writing.
Takeaway 1: Both B2B and B2C companies with 101-200 pages generate 2.5x more leads than those with 50 or fewer pages.
Takeaway 2: Companies with 51-100 pages generate 48% more traffic than companies with 1-50 pages.
Landing Page Impact
Landing pages have been proven to be slightly more useful for B2B than B2C companies. There are major incentives for both, however.
Takeaway 3: Most companies do not nee an increase in leads when increasing their total number of landing pages from 1-5 to 6-10 (as shown above), BUT
Takeaway 4: Companies see a
55% increase in leads from increasing landing pages from 10 to just 15.
Feeling nauseated thinking about creating 15 different offers? Don’t! You can create multiple landing pages for one offer. Some companies will create as many as 10 new landing pages per week. You don’t have to be this proactive to get results, though.
Blogging Impact
This second graph is powerful. It demonstrates the importance of blogging regularly and frequently. Even blogging twice a week more than doubles inbound leads than blogging once a week. Don’t think you can quite handle that?
Takeaway 5: B2B companies that blog only 1-2x/month STILL generate 70% more leads than those who don’t blog at all.
For any small business that complains blogging takes too many resources, check out the third graph.
Takeaway 6: Very small businesses get the MOST impact out of blogging, more than doubling the impact for larger companies.
Blogs and landing pages are worth their weight in gold, but only if you do it enough. Try to set aside some time each week to produce content for your website, and before you know it, your traffic and leads will better than ever.
2017 Marketing and Editorial Calendar
Successful marketing begins with a plan. Keep track of all your marketing efforts in one customizable marketing & editorial calendar.
Larry Levenson
Larry is passionate about inbound marketing and is a HubSpot Certified Trainer. He's learned the "secrets" of leveraging HubSpot to make marketing hyper-effective and customizes that information to help our clients meet their goals. Larry lives in Prescott, AZ, and when not at work, he is hiking or hanging out with teenagers as a volunteer with Boys to Men USA. | {
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232,029 | NASA previously opened up submissions for their #NASAMoonTunes project in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11. The songs chosen for the project will also be added to the playlist of the 6-day voyage to the moon NASA is preparing for 2024.
50 years ago, NASA was preparing to land humans on the Moon. Now, we’re getting ready to return by 2024. In honor of the #Apollo50th anniversary, we’re making a playlist fit for a lunar journey with @ThirdRockRadio. Til June 28, share a song you’d include with #NASAMoonTunes!
— Johnson Space Center (@NASA_Johnson) June 3, 2019
With some submissions having already been previously confirmed to make the list, including 3 songs from BTS, NASA’s Third Rock Radio recently surprised everyone with a 200 song sampler of the Moon Tunes playlist.
Third Rock Radio has posted a 200 song sampler of NASA Moon Tunes on on Spotify! Check out Third Rock Radio for the NASA Moon Tunes playlist! @NASA_Johnson #MoonTunes #Spacetravel #NASA #NASAMoonTunes #MoonLanding #Apollo50th #Apollo #SpaceMission #Playlist #musictothemoon
— Third Rock Radio (@ThirdRockRadio) July 15, 2019
And when music lovers went to listen to the sampler, they were thrilled to see songs by EXO and GOT7 on the list!
EXO’s “Moonlight” from their second mini-album, Overdose…
As well as their song “Universe” from their sixth EP by the same name made it onto the list.
As did GOT7’s “Moon U” from their seventh EP 7 for 7!
And in 2024, these three beautiful songs will be journeying to space! We can’t wait to hear what other songs made it onto the full Moon Tunes playlist! | {
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Subsets and Splits