two women wearing safety goggles looking at the same notebook
i ll put some salt in the soup
what do you count as pets
someone is making music
a bunch of old people sit on a rock
pretty much anything about the real world tv artists i didn t know who prince was and i got ridiculed gotta brush up on pop culture i guess
they insisted on my paying the money
a man and a woman are eating in a resteraunt
oooh good question
i ll stand by you no matter what others may say
the chinese people are busy with something
i bought a pair of gloves
if i had a million dollars i would build a theme park that s a combination of star wars and harry potter
children practice typing on an old computer
the little girl is riding a bike
indian couple holding child near riverbank
people are throwing a frisbee to a dog on the beach
a soccer game occurring at sunset
a street performer is trying to earn extra money
humans playing in the snow
the girls are walking to the park
hello gooooood morning to you
i hope computers can t fall in love
how s your day going
two people play a game
i would focus on improving education at the elemenary levels in at risk areas
i would say the ability to read mind is a good superpower in general
two children are playing
woman walk through a crowded mall
a man is wearing a bright green shirt
okay how cool would it be to go unicorn back riding
a little boy underwater in a pool holding a plastic dinosaur
a small black and brown dog on a leash is jumping on a bigger tri colored dog on a leash
many people are playing outside
a woman wearing a red apron inspects a large black pot on a table filled with cups bowls pots and baskets of assorted size
hell hows it going
runners run in the marathon
workers are diligently building a house
don t make fun of foreigners
hey gooood morning
two little girls one in a green jacket and one in a pink jacket and a little boy in a green jacket holding an apple sitting on a rock
the restaurant is closed as people look from outside
hello how are you doing this lovely evening
there are four people dancing each wearing black clothing with a red ribbon belt
a man is running behind a dogsled being pulled by four dogs
a poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation
if i had a magic wand i would grant myself the wish of being able to fly
two skilled soccer teams are competing against one another for the championship
air is a mixture of gases
i don t trust them
he asked me for help
the law should be clear
he went in place of me
some girls are running on the sidewalk next to some parked cars
a family of three is at the beach
hello i don t think that s possible but it would be cool
is all my stuff still there
a young man has a tan hat
the sculptures are a recent creation
this cola has lost its fizz and doesn t taste any good
a man is taking the picture of a skateboarder who is being taken by aliens
i passed my classes
five ladies are not there
a group of locals run on a dirt trail next to a frozen stream
college professors would have to start grading everything by hand
i have not seen this topic before but this could be complicated
the boy does a skateboarding trick
if pigs could fly then we would have a lot of poop falling from the sky
the bike is tied to a stop sign
a grasshopper and many ants lived in a field
she never forgets to admire our baby
some kids are going skating
a bride in a groom don t share a kiss
a woman writes down what she is seeing
someone is on top of a cart full of items while someone else observes
some people down near a creek
the old men are wearing raincoats
i learned how to build a laser tag system from scratch
i would try to help others and spend time with my family what about you
two kids are in a parade in a wagon wearing red white and blue
the man is boiling a pot of corn
a rock musician auditions for a band
nobody is on the street in asia
my favorite smell is of fresh popcorn
the people who were here have all gone
ooh that s an interesting question
a little boy batting with a red helmet on
i learned today that some citroen cars can be driven on only three wheels
just when the first human beings will reach mars remains to be seen
a blond woman in a decorated matching red skirt and top is standing in a field
a blond man getting a drink of water from a fountain in the park
a kid does a tumbling move over a leaf covered lawn near sundown
love kennedy
he keeps telling the same jokes over and over again
careless driving causes accidents
the women is beautiful
a group of people sitting around a picnic table
i love this question
did you put on sunscreen