BY CHRISTIE DEL CASTILLO-HEGYI, M.D., Co-Founder of the FEd is Best Foundation Every patient-healthcare provider relationship is governed by four central principles of medical ethics, which are the following: - Beneficence – Health care providers have the duty to provide care in a way that benefits a patient, increases their safety, their immediate and long-term health, and their comfort. - Non-maleficence – First, do no harm. This principle requires that health professionals do not intentionally harm or injure a patient either through acts of commission or omission. If an intervention causes more harm to a patient than doing nothing, you do not intervene. - Respect for Patient Autonomy – With any health care decision, the patient has the right to full disclosure of the risks and benefits of any intervention, regardless of how rare, so that they may act in their own or their children’s best interests to get the best outcomes with the least risk involved. Patient autonomy can only be fully realized if they are given honest and complete information on any and all the risks and benefits, whether common or rare, so that they may voluntarily choose, free of coaxing or coercion, in order to optimize their own or their children’s health outcomes. - Respect for Human Rights – In 1948, the United Nations published the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which subsequently charged governments, doctors and health workers to protect the human rights and human dignity of all people. It provides special protection of the physical integrity of those who are unable to consent, which includes children. These human rights include the right to food and water to prevent starvation and the associated injury to the brain and vital organs. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative has violated all four of these core principles of medical ethics through its policies and has reiterated its commitment to defending its dangerous policies over their commitment to patient safety in their recent dismissive response to Landon Johnson’s accidental starvation death caused by the Baby-Friendly policies. The first core principle of medicine is the duty to provide care that benefits a patient’s immediate and long-term health, their safety and comfort. The Baby-Friendly exclusive breastfeeding guidelines have made it a policy to feed newborn babies only colostrum in the first days of life while pressuring mothers to avoid supplementation when their babies are showing obvious signs of hunger and starvation. They declare that colostrum is enough despite scientific evidence that the average mother’s colostrum, the same amount that is accepted as sufficient by their policies, provides only a tenth to 2/3rds of an average newborn baby’s caloric requirement in the first 3 days before full milk production. They failed to research the actual nutritional requirements of newborn babies and the actual caloric yield of a mother’s colostrum and have declared that a newborn can sustain 3 days of fasting conditions without serious harm to their vital organs and brain without any scientific evidence. They failed to provide any data on the safety of allowing newborns to fast from colostrum-only feeding and have watched baby after newborn baby cry for hours to days for milk in their mother-baby units until they developed lethargy and even brain injury from caloric and fluid deprivation. They have created non-threatening sounding names for their extreme hunger and thirst like “clusterfeeding” and “Second Night Syndrome.” They have created an alternative world where babies who are losing weight, getting a fraction of their caloric requirement and producing minimal urine are experiencing “fluid shifts” and “diuresis,” instead of the more accurate terms of “fasting” and “fluid-deprivation.” Allowing a child to go hungry for hours to days fails to protect their safety, their comfort, and their short- and long-term health outcomes. Because of the unwillingness of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative to publicly admit the mistakes of their original authors or to inform the public about the common and dangerous conditions associated with their protocol, the most common causes of newborn hospitalization in the U.S. and the rest of the world are hyperbilirubinemia (excessive jaundice), “feeding problems,” and dehydration, all starvation-related conditions that would have been prevented had the mother been left alone to respond to her instincts to feed her child. Bilirubin-induced brain injury, a known complication of exclusive breastfeeding of newborns, is one of the leading causes of perinatal brain injury and disability in the world and mothers are rarely informed of these known risks. The BFHI states that their exclusive breastfeeding policies are safe without ever having provided research proving so. Meanwhile, decades of scientific evidence has documented that exclusively breastfed newborns are at greater risk of starvation-related jaundice, dehydration, hypoglycemia, brain injury and death compared to their supplemented counterparts. NON-MALEFICENCE – DO NO HARM. A baby left to a mother and her family to be breastfed and supplemented on pure instinct would likely be safer than a child experiencing the Baby-Friendly protocol. When a feeding policy’s primary goal is exclusive breastfeeding at discharge while the vast majority of mothers cannot produce the calories and fluid required to keep their babies from fasting, the hospital policy is causing harm. When that feeding policy tolerates a child crying for milk for hours to days as they breastfeed non-stop for survival, the hospital policy is also causing harm. Prior to the Baby-Friendly exclusive breastfeeding protocol, in countries where breastfeeding was the primary mode of infant feeding, newborn babies were near-universally supplemented with “prelacteal feeding” in the first days of life. Despite these early supplemental feedings, the vast majority of babies were breastfed for 1-2 years without ever experiencing the fasting conditions imposed by the Baby-Friendly protocol. This historical evidence shows that we actually evolved to supplement breastfeeding when the baby showed obvious signs that breast milk was not enough and that mother-led supplementation actually protected newborns from starvation-related brain-injury and death. Finding alternatives to breast milk was an advantageous human evolution, which the BFHI has successfully erased from our collective knowledge in their campaign to demonize formula. How did we feed our babies before the exclusive breastfeeding guidelines? We used our instincts and it turns out that that was far safer than following the untested thresholds for supplementation of the BFHI and Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine guidelines. According to my communications with world-renowned newborn jaundice epidemiologist, Dr. Bolajoko Olusanya, in developing countries without sufficient healthcare resources, many babies do not have the privilege of being born in the hospital nor do they get monitored as they fast from exclusive colostrum-feeding. Newborns who starve from exclusive breastfeeding either die at home or survive disabled from jaundice, which would have been prevented had their mothers been allowed to follow their own instincts to feed. According to Dr. Olusanya, 1.1 million newborns a year experience severe jaundice, and attributes it partially to the prevalence of G6PD which causes exaggerated jaundice, but mostly to starvation-related jaundice (non-hemolytic jaundice) caused by widespread early exclusive breastfeeding. 114 ,000 of these babies die each year from their severe jaundice. We did no favors to breastfeeding mothers in developing countries by “re-educating” them in the first-world’s version of breastfeeding. They were better off without our intervention. Meanwhile, the most recent scientific research on colostrum has now proven that the calories and fluid provided by the average mother are not sufficient to keep a child from fasting for several days. Prior to the BFHI guidelines, it was widely and correctly believed that the breast milk of mothers in the first days of life was inadequate to meet the nutritional needs of the newborn child and therefore they were fed alternatives including the milk of wet nurses, sugar water and animal milk. These supplemental feedings were instinctively used by mothers to protect her child from starvation and were used by doctors to prevent the known complications of starvation including dehydration, jaundice and hypoglycemia. These supplemental feedings were discouraged by WHO and UNICEF with the incorrect and now disproven belief that a newborn child can tolerate days of fasting without permanent injury. The Baby-Friendly policy on supplementation, as written by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, in both their 2009 version and their most recently published 2017 version, states specifically that “a baby that is fussing or nursing for hours,” also known as clusterfeeding, is NOT an indication for supplementation, which are obvious signs of hunger and starvation from insufficient breast milk intake. In their most recent version, they fail to define what “abnormal” vs. “normal” clusterfeeding is and have effectively made no changes to their policy of tolerating prolonged breastfeeding of newborns. Denying supplementation to a child who is clearly communicating their need for additional milk is by definition causing harm to that child. Landon Johnson was showing these signs of hunger for 2.5 days while in a Baby-Friendly hospital before he died of cardiac arrest from hypernatremic dehydration shortly after discharge. His mother was reassured, per policy, over and over, that he was getting enough and did not need supplementation until it was blatantly obvious that he had not received enough. Jill, his mother, was not informed of the risks of accidental starvation to her child while following their guidelines; nor have the millions of mothers who have watched their newborns cry non-stop for days until they were lethargic, needed IV fluids, glucose, phototherapy, hospitalization AND rescue supplementation. By the time their children developed lethargy, the scientific literature has uncovered that they may have already developed debilitating levels of brain injury on MRI and EEG (the diagnostic test for seizures). While most babies will survive the acute starvation once they are given enough calories and fluid, many are likely to develop long-term cognitive declines and long-term disability. RESPECT FOR PATIENT AUTONOMY A patient has the right to know all the risks and benefits related to health-care decisions regardless of how rare they are. In the case of starvation-related complications related to the Baby-Friendly exclusive breastfeeding guidelines, the complications are in fact the most common causes of newborn hospitalization in the world. It is the policy of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative to inform mothers of the risks of formula supplementation while hiding the risks of starvation from exclusive breastfeeding including jaundice, dehydration, hypoglycemia, permanent brain injury and death. Patient autonomy can only be fully realized if mothers are given honest and complete information on any and all the risks of their healthcare decisions so that they may voluntarily choose, free of coaxing or coercion, in order to optimize their children’s health outcomes while minimizing the risks. This ethical standard has been widely violated by the BFHI as health professionals have been trained to pressure mothers to exclusively breastfeed without informing them of the known risks of withholding supplementation from their newborn babies. Mothers have been ignored or denied supplementation for their inconsolable babies by health professionals, even when they are requesting it, as it compromises the hospital’s rates of exclusive breastfeeding at discharge, the primary goal of the BFHI. We have received reports from nurses and doctors who have been written up and disciplined for offering supplementation or for checking glucose levels on babies who showed clear signs of distress from hunger and starvation. Pressuring patients to follow exclusive breastfeeding guidelines while hiding common brain- and life-threatening complications associated with them constitutes frank criminal medical negligence by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative and the health organizations and hospitals that endorse it. RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS The final and most important ethical standard of medicine violated by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative is the duty to protect the human right of the newborn to food and water. Providing a child a fraction of their caloric and fluid requirements while watching them cry for days out of hunger and thirst is a frank violation of their human rights and would not even be allowed by the rules of the Geneva Convention for prisoners of war. For many newborns, they may receive even fewer calories than what is allotted by the BFHI and ABM guidelines as no investigation of milk supply is done until complications happen to the newborn. The mother, in addition, is coaxed and coerced to harm her own newborn by following the guidelines, all while being told incorrect and dangerous ideas about newborn physiology. Only when the harm is obvious is she told that her own actions are what led to her child’s condition. She is subsequently shamed into silence with the knowledge of accidentally starving her child and is commonly blamed for the complications as it is assumed that she was not educated enough in breastfeeding or that her insufficient milk was rare when neither is true. In fact, even if the accepted volumes of colostrum are fed to a newborn, that child can still starve because they are by definition fasting until a mother’s milk comes in. THE MISSION OF THE FED IS BEST FOUNDATION It is the mission of the Fed is Best Foundation to develop safe infant feeding guidelines in order to support every family to safely feed their babies, through breastfeeding, combination feeding, formula-feeding and tube feeding. The BFHI guidelines are 25 years old, has no data on safety and decades of data showing that their policies expose exclusively breastfed newborns to unnecessary and preventable complications that can cause irreversible harm. We promote breastfeeding while making sure a child is safely fed what they need to not be harmed until a mother’s milk supply and the dyad’s breastfeeding skills are able to meet the child’s full needs. We advocate for the protection of the patient and human rights of mothers and newborns using real scientific research and the law. If you are interested in learning more and becoming part of the advocacy team to bring about national change in infant feeding, please contact us at email@example.com For more information on protecting your newborn from feeding complications, please read and download the Fed is Best Feeding Plan To make a donation to the Fed is Best Foundation, go to https://fedisbest.org/donate/ References on Prelacteal feeding: 1: Hoa DP, Thanh HT, Höjer B, Persson LA. Young child feeding in a rural area in the Red River delta, Vietnam. Acta Paediatr. 1995 Sep;84(9):1045-9. PubMed PMID: 8652957. 2: Srivastava SP, Sharma VK, Kumar V. Breast feeding pattern in neonates. Indian Pediatr. 1994 Sep;31(9):1079-82. PubMed PMID: 7883365. 3: Semega-Janneh IJ, Bøhler E, Holm H, Matheson I, Holmboe-Ottesen G. Promoting breastfeeding in rural Gambia: combining traditional and modern knowledge. Health Policy Plan. 2001 Jun;16(2):199-205. PubMed PMID: 11358922. 4: Davies-Adetugbo AA. Sociocultural factors and the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in rural Yoruba communities of Osun State, Nigeria. Soc Sci Med. 1997 Jul;45(1):113-25. PubMed PMID: 9203276. 5: Delport SD, Bergh AM, Hay IT. Breast-feeding practices in a private maternity hospital. S Afr Med J. 1988 Oct 15;74(8):396-9. PubMed PMID: 3187818. 6: Kumar S, Nath LM, Reddaiah VP. Breast feeding practices in a resettlement colony and its implications for promotional activities. Indian J Pediatr. 1989 Mar-Apr;56(2):239-42. PubMed PMID: 2807451. 7: Islam MA, Nielsen CC. Maternal and child health services: evaluating mothers’ perceptions and participation. Public Health. 1993 Jul;107(4):243-9. PubMed PMID: 8356206. 8: Ashraf RN, Jalil F, Khan SR, Zaman S, Karlberg J, Lindblad BS, Hanson LA. Early child health in Lahore, Pakistan: V. Feeding patterns. Acta Paediatr Suppl.1993 Aug;82 Suppl 390:47-61. PubMed PMID: 8219467. 9: Dashti M, Scott JA, Edwards CA, Al-Sughayer M. Determinants of breastfeeding initiation among mothers in Kuwait. Int Breastfeed J. 2010 Jul 28;5:7. doi:10.1186/1746-4358-5-7. PubMed PMID: 20667112; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2917400.
The area on the retina without photoreceptors that respond to light. An image that falls on this region is not seen. The optic nerve exits the retina at this location on its way to the brain.Related resources: Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D., of the University of Washington, offers two dramatic experiments which demonstrate the presence and effect of the blind spot. An explanation by Serendip, of Bryn Mawr. Another cross-section of the human eye. Also see afterimage, colorblindness, cross-section, gestalt, night blindness or nyctalopia, Op Art, optical, optical illusion, optical mixing, perception, peripheral vision, sight, stereoscopic vision, subliminal message or subliminal advertising, and visual qualities.
Elizabeth Kilmer, Exhibitions Content Manager Have you ever looked up at a large mural or painting and wondered, “How’d the artist plan and get that on the wall?” With murals going up on walls downtown thanks to Art this Way, we thought it’d be a good idea to talk about how something small gets larger, or scale. A work from our permanent collection, Charles Holloway’s watercolor and pencil sketch Two Lovers and a Faun is a study for the murals inside the Allen County Courthouse. Likely drawn in the 1890’s, these figures make up a small portion of the large rotunda murals. In the foreground, we see an embracing couple among the forest foliage while a faun serenades them in the background. As this piece is just a preliminary sketch, you’ll notice that the colors are quite muted and the shadows seem sketchily drawn. There’s also a grid lying on top of the entire work. This overlaying grid is what makes this sketch unique and aids in our explanation of scale, or the ratio of the length in a drawing to the finished product. By adding a grid to this study, Holloway accurately and proportionally translated his smaller drawing to the larger wall. Holloway first completed this initial sketch and then overlaid the grid. He then measured the difference in size between the drawing and the space on the wall for the mural, or the scale. For the sake of simplicity and easy math, let’s assume that the finished piece was two times bigger, so a ratio of 2:1, than the drawing, despite the finished mural being much larger. If the original grid system consisted of 1×1” squares, the area designated to receive the finished Two Lovers and a Faun would possess 2×2” squares, 1×2=2. Now, all Holloway needed to do to precisely paint this piece on the wall was work from square to square. Rather than try to draw an entire head, arm, or leg in one go, he simply paid attention to where and how lines interacted within a single square at a time. Scaling the work made moving from a small sketch to a larger, finished composition much easier. I can almost hear some readers wondering, “Isn’t that cheating?” No, it’s not! The artist still creates the initial composition. Initial sketches, or studies, were often smaller than the finished piece. So, by installing this grid system, artists can create compositions on a grand scale, even on curved walls tens of times larger than their small piece of paper. The grid system to scale artworks was perfected during the Renaissance by artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Albrecht Durer, and Pontormo. This was often accomplished by setting up a simple frame structure with wire or string suspended within to form the grid. This was then placed in front of their subject, as they didn’t have cameras, and then drawn on their sketch pad which contained a corresponding grid layout. Working in this manner ensured that artists were able to capture the correct proportions, or scale, of their subjects, both in the initial sketch and then again in the finished composition. Imagine their frustration when working in fresco or tempera, both fickle mediums, only to make an error that could not easily be remedied. This new system enabled fewer errors to occur. It’s like the saying goes, “Think smarter, not harder.” The grid system continues to be taught 600 years since its perfection to change the scale of artists’ works. A tool for established artists and artists just learning to draw, it allows the user to replicate an image exactly, despite the size differences from original to copy, whether they are working on their own piece or learning from a master. You can see this technique in action at FWMoA’s annual Chalk Walk event (pictured below), as amateur and professional artists draw grids overtop of their chosen printed image and their allotted square of pavement to transfer it. By scaling their work, artists ensure that nothing gets shortened or forgotten and that their artwork, whether a large mural or a beginner’s drawing, is exactly how they envisioned it. In town over Thanksgiving? Take a walk around downtown Fort Wayne and see if you can find all the murals! Did you know FWMoA has a few commissioned murals as well? Come in out of the cold and see our murals by Nosego and St. Monci!
Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive behavioral therapy What kind of therapy is Alcoholics Anonymous? You might think Alcoholic Anonymous is just a bunch of meetings that helps a person to achieve sobriety and takes all the craving and alcohol problems away from them. Well, it isn’t that simple. There actually is a term for this therapy. The therapy is called HTP or Helper Therapy Principle. The helper therapy principle (HTP is gaining some health benefits from a helper. This, of course, is not direct but through the helper’s shared malady and how he or she faced it with courage and how they succeeded. What HTP took in by the Alcoholic Anonymous actually does is it helps in diminishing the egocentrism in the alcoholic person. Egocentrism means the inability to distinguish between their thoughts and other people’s thoughts. These people are like children. They think that everyone sees the work like they see it. For example, if a toddler has no idea about a certain subject believes that everyone is like him and they don’t know anything either. So, egocentrism is one of the main reasons of addiction and any alteration to it can be pretty vital in a person’s well-being. This article will help you by comparing this therapy and its effectiveness to CBT and finding something similar if any. Read About How effective is Alcoholics Anonymous? What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive behavioral therapy also known as CBT is a short-term and goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment which takes more of a hands-on and practical approach to problem-solving. Its primary goal is to change patterns of behavior and thinking that are behind people’s difficulties, and subsequently, change the way they feel. It is a wide concept which is used for treating a lot of issues of people which includes small problems like sleeping difficulties, to social problems like relationship problem, to problems like alcohol and drug abuse as well as depression and anxiety. Basically, CBT works entirely by making people focus on beliefs, thoughts, images and attitudes which constitute one’s cognitive processes and by observing how the change in such cognitive processes changes the person as a whole and his behavior and ways to tackle certain problems that he is going through. This therapy is comparatively short and said to be effective as well. This therapy lasts for about 5-10 months depending on the degree of the problems and generally, clients have to visit once a week for 50 minutes for the therapy to go all effective. The best thing about this therapy is that in a very limited time, a lot of things are covered which are extremely useful as well. During this short time, the therapist and client work together for understanding what specific problems are going on and they create and develop their own new strategies for tackling them. CBT is not all random because it introduces patients to a set of principles in order to make sure that they can apply these principles whenever they need to and this can last them a lifetime. Read About How to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings? Cognitive behavioral therapy can be taken as a combination of behavioral therapy and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy focuses on the importance of the personal meaning we have on things and how all these thinking patterns begin already in childhood. Behavioral therapy, on the other hand, pays close attention to the relationship between our behavior, our thoughts, and our problems. Most of the psychotherapists who practice Cognitive behavioral therapy have their own unique way of treating each patient as they work on each patient to personalize and customize the therapy. How are Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy related? Apart from the fact that both of these are used in treating people with addiction, they are related to their principles and how they work as well. The only significant difference in their working style is that AA is more flexible than Cognitive behavioral therapy as it doesn’t require you to change your thoughts and behavior until you want to and AA does make you want to do that because listening to people who have done great after retaining their sobriety has a psychological effect on mind and that perfectly works for your advantage. Here are some similarities and differences that are listed in points. Both of them works by playing with a person’s psychology. These therapies try to alter the way you perceive things and tackle your problems. Both of them set an image of an alcoholic you and sober you and make you believe that you with sobriety are a completely different and better person than the ‘alcoholic you’. Cognitive behavioral therapy is more of a one-to-one therapy. There is a therapist and a client and client puts forward a problem he has and the therapist tries to tweak the therapy which suits the client and starts his therapy. This doesn’t happen with AA. Alcoholics Anonymous is like a group discussion session. Different people share their common problems and how they are tackling it to help others improve by being influenced by it. Though there may be differences in how Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive behavioral therapy works, the ultimate similarity between them comes from the fact that Alcoholics Anonymous can be counted under Cognitive behavioral therapy. Both of them try altering the ideas in a person’s mind and any kinds of habits they have can be altered. In Cognitive behavioral therapy, it is more of a direct approach but Alcoholics Anonymous has this indirect but effective approach as it includes an emotional way to convincing people.
Forgery is a science–and it’s getting better all the time, to the tune of trillions of dollars. Now, a group of researchers, lawyers, and insurers are banding together to beat it with a tool borrowed from science: synthetic encrypted DNA. Let’s say you’re a wealthy businessperson. You want to get into collecting art (you know, wealthy businessperson stuff). So you go to an art gallery and spend millions of dollars on a painting by an iconic artist. A few years later, forensic tests reveal the painting was a fake–sold to the gallery by a talented scammer–and you’re out many millions of dollars. Since the gallery sold the forged painting, you sue it for the cost. This isn’t a rare scenario. In fact, as The New York Times wrote earlier this month, it’s a little similar to what happened in the Knoedler forgery scandal, which resulted in the closure of the oldest gallery in Manhattan after it sold paintings by 20th century Abstract Expressionists like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko that turned out to be fake. If a previously-unknown piece of art by an artist can’t be authenticated using chemical analysis or another concrete piece of evidence, an expert like a historian or a museum’s board may judge it to be authentic based on their expertise. But that can mean they’re on the hook financially and legally if the painting turns out to be fake. That risk has meant fewer and fewer authenticated works, as forgers threaten to collapse a trillion-dollar industry. Last year the Wall Street Journal called it a “deep freeze” in the art world. The risk of being sued is just too huge for anyone with the expertise to authenticate a particular piece. It’s just not worth it. A scientist named Martin Tenniswood has become an unlikely player in the movement to revolutionize the art world. Tenniswood is actually the director of the Cancer Research Center at the University at Albany and a working scientist. But his research studying cancer genomics meant he was the first to suggest a novel form of authentication: synthetic DNA. “Everybody understands the rigor of DNA,” Tenniswood told Gizmodo, pointing out that the law has dealt with DNA evidence for decades. Even though it’s not always foolproof, “it’s something we can get through the court system.” After being asked for a reliable method of tracking pieces of art or collectables over many decades, Tenniswood suggested creating a sticker that’s roughly the shape of a business card and sticking it to the back of a painting. On this card will be a number of micro-fluidic channels—not unlike those that have made chip-based organs possible, below—each containing a unique fingerprint in the form of DNA that can be extracted and tested for authenticity against a centralized encrypted database of markers held by insurers. Microfluidic channels on a “lung on a chip,” built by Harvard and named “Best Design of the Year” for 2015. This system has been named i2M, and it’s the first project of a research organization called the Global Center of Innovation on Standards and Solutions for Object Identification Technologies in the Global Art and Collectibles Industry, supported, in part, by a fine art insurance company called ARIS. Meanwhile, private companies—like Provenire Authentication, which is run by Tenniswood’s son Robert—are collaborating to develop and test the technology itself. This process of amplifying DNA has been very common for decades. It originated in the 1980s, and uses a process called the polymerase chain reaction to create millions of copies of a particular fragment of a piece of DNA. This is useful because it gives scientists a bigger sample of that little fragment, which might be too small to identify for study otherwise. What Tenniswood and his collaborators are doing is adapting that existing process. By embedding each micro-fluidic “well” of DNA with a strand containing a unique sequence, they’re hiding a message to any future authenticators. A collector or gallery can test the painting’s authenticity by asking a technician to extract DNA from one of the wells. Then, they compare it against the encrypted database held by the insurer, looking for a particular “key” strand. Each well can each only be used once, and the i2M standards assume authentication will only happen once every few years, or every decade. To prevent forgers peeling off the stickers and putting them on copies, they’re testing tampering inks that would change color if removed. The system would be purchased by artists on a case-by-case basis, for roughly $150, and affixed as soon as a piece was completed. A painting at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, England, which hosted a “spot the fake” exhibition this year. Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images. The project is interesting to art insurers and investors because it would stabilize the roiling art market and reduce the risk they take on when they insure or purchase a work. It’s interesting to collectors and galleries because it would mean being able to sell works without any threat of being sued. And of course, it’s interesting to the artists, who would opt-in to using it because it would give them final say on which pieces were truly authored by their own hands–long after their own deaths. More and more, DNA looks like our best bet for preserving data long-term. A single gram of DNA can contain as much as 700 terabytes of data. More importantly, perhaps, it can last for hundreds of thousands of years, making it more reliable than any storage tech we know of today. Bioengineers are already proposing writing the whole of human knowledge on DNA and storing it in the Svalbard Seed Vault for safekeeping. What Tenniswood and his colleagues at Albany are suggesting isn’t all that far-fetched. But he still sees his proposal as temporary, predicting that it’s only the first stab at a technology in its infancy. The i2M project is testing the stability of the synthetic DNA using artificial aging technology, but only to 100 years. “This won’t be a static field,” he says. “Somebody’s going to come up with a better technology in five to ten years time, I would suspect.” Rather, i2M is a first attempt at a more reliable way to track million-dollar pieces of art, not a finished product. “This is the starting point for what I think could become a very large industry,” he says. For example, it’s one thing to encrypt a message beyond recognition–but could the ciphers themselves ever be kept truly secure? Provenire, one of the companies further developing i2M for private enterprise, said that the details of its security system remain proprietary, but was able to give a few details. “All data to and from Provenire’s platform runs on 256-bit encryption together with sophisticated multi-factor authentication,” Provenire’s CIO, Ram Salman, said over email. “Provenire’s proprietary platform will generate a private key for each implemented DNA tag, producing the digital layer where authenticated queries will initially be made.” i2M’s encrypted DNA stickers are far from a finalized standard–they’re more like a prototype, a first shot at a more advanced method of authenticating art and collectables–the broader goal of Albany’s Center for Innovation, which already includes conservation scientists from MoMA and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, as well as a host of lawyers who specialized in art fraud. The center has gathered a list of a dozen working artists who have agreed to test the first iteration of the sticker system, including Chuck Close. There are still plenty of challenges to the system, too, like how it would be affixed to fragile works, and again, the details of the encrypted database itself. But the point of the Center, as Tenniswood points out, isn’t really to develop the perfect technology: It’s to rigorously test all emerging anti-forgery technologies to ensure they can stand up in court. Whether the i2M project will produce a truly uncrackable system is impossible to say right now—if history tells us anything, it’s that life, and counterfeiters, find a way. Lead image: “The Protestant Barn,” a Van Gogh painting whose authenticity has been debated for years. Photo by Laura Lezza/Getty Images.
Santiago#by Stas Sedov, member of the AirPano Team that is a member of the global-geography Consortium. 2 June 2016 with kind permission of AirPano The Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, who reached the coast of Chile in the middle of the 16th century, founded the city which was named in the honour of Saint James (Sanctu Iacobu), the patron saint of pilgrims. It was decided to locate the city at the foot of the Andes, about 100 kilometers away from the Pacific coast at an elevation of around 540 meters above sea level. The creation of the city was entrusted to the architect Pedro de Gamboa, who preferred the grid layout of the city. The grid plan of the city is a type of an urban plan in which streets run at right angles to each other, forming a grid. Having survived military actions, earthquakes, constantly losing and gaining the heritage again, in the end of the 19th century the strong development of the city began: the reason for that was extreme growth of the mining industry, which also initiated the creation of numerous castles and a railroad. But further damage was inflicted by the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, when rebels were fighting against the supporters of Salvador Allende; in February 2010 a strong earthquake hit the city. But still, Santiago has remained the capital of Chile, its main economic and cultural center of the country. The city of Santiago has preserved many historical landmarks. The Plaza de Armas is the main square located in center of the city: it is surrounded by palaces and temples, all built at the colonial period and representing baroque architecture. The Virgin Mary Statue, standing on the San Cristobal Hill which is accessible by a cable car, "guards" the city from above. In addition to the historical heritage, Santiago is famous for its parks. The largest one is the Santiago Metropolitan Park, which covers around 780 hectares. The Park of the Kings was opened in honour of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America; the Jardín Botánico can introduce more than 70 species of trees; the Araucano park, which was founded in the 17th century, is now the place for festivals, theatrical plays and many other events. One more significant landmark of Santiago is the Santa Lucía Hill: it is the remnant of a volcano dated 15 million years old. And this is the place where Pedro de Valdivia founded the city in 1541. The building of the fortress began in 1816. The whole was complex composed of fortified constructions, areas for accommodation of the garrison and a weapon storage. It also a cemetery. In 1872 the fortress was modified for peaceful purposes: good roads which allowed to visit it were created, fountains and other decorating elements appeared in the park. One of the most interesting monuments of Santa Lucía Hill is the stone carved with a paragraph extracted from the text that Pedro de Valdivia sent to the Emperor Carlos V describing the features of the new conquered lands. And you can become better acquainted with this corner of the Earth with the help of the AirPano panoramas.
The Hidden Agenda of Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Education The Hidden Agenda of Mahatma Gandhi quotes on education influence students about the advantage of Literacy in everyone life. As you everyone knows about Mahatma Gandhi he was a great freedom fighter and leader of India. People of India affectionately call him as Father of the Nation. Mahatma Gandhi paid a lot of attention to the education of backward people during his lifetime. Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Education which is always useful for our life even today. Which motivates us to get higher education? Mahatma Gandhi Quotes on Education is a weapon that changes the student’s life. Like Mahatma Gandhi, on the path of non-violence, he got freedom from the country with aggression. - “Literacy in itself is no education. Literacy is not the end of education or even the beginning. By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit.”-Mahatma Gandhi - “True education must correspond to the surrounding circumstances or it is not a healthy growth.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “Schools and colleges are really a factory for turning out clerks for the government.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “What is really needed to make democracy function is not the knowledge of facts, but right education.” –Mahatma Gandhi - The function of Nayee-Talim is not to teach an occupation, but through it to develop the whole man. –Mahatma Gandhi - “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “The best way to find yourself is to lose you in the service of others.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Purity is personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “A teacher who establishes rapport with the taught becomes one with them, learns more from them than he teaches them. He who learns nothing from his disciples is, in my opinion, worthless, whenever I talk with someone I learn from him. I take from him more than I Give him.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “An education which does not teach us to discriminate between good and bad, to assimilate the one and eschew the other, is a misnomer.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “By spiritual training, I mean education of the heart.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” –Mahatma Gandhi - “Is not education the art of drawing out full manhood of the children under training?” –Mahatma Gandhi - “Persistent questioning and healthy inquisitiveness are the first requisite for acquiring learning of any kind.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Education in the understanding of citizenship is a short-term affair if we are honest and earnest.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “The aim of a university education should be to turn out true servants of the people who will live and die for the country’s freedom.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Experience gained in two schools under my control has taught me that punishment does not purify, if anything, it hardens children.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “A balanced intellect presupposes a harmonious growth of body, mind, and soul.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “In the democratic scheme, money invested in the promotion of learning gives a tenfold return to the end people even as a seed sown in good soil returns a luxuriant crop.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “All education in a country has got to be demonstrably in promotion of the progress of the country in which it is given.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “Real Education has to out the best from the boys and girls to be educated.”–Mahatma Gandhi - “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.”–Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi quotes on education today’s students work like fuel because students get bored while studying. He is given the time to bundle positive quotes to increase his enthusiasm. I have full faith that this article will be very fulfilling for them when the enthusiasm of the students is less. Mahatma Gandhi wanted every child of India to create education so that inequality from the country could be eradicated forever.
Maybe more than some other individuals, Native Americans are dependent upon a colossal inventory of stereotypes. For instance, many trust Native American societies to be indistinguishable and see Native American history as a battle, overwhelmingly, against cowhands. One of the most unchallenged and harming misreadings of Native American history is that it finished in 1890, after the slaughter of around 300 Lakota Indians at Wounded Knee Creek. After this, the story goes, the time of cattle rustlers and Indians arrived at an end. The wild US outskirts were shut, and Native Americans withdrew to their administration conceded reservations to live in neediness and secrecy. Be that as it may, as these sections appear, Native American history didn’t end in 1890. The twentieth century contained disasters, exchange offs, and triumphs for the many Native American clans who indicated remarkable strength adjusting to the century’s fast changes. This is the narrative of Native Americans in a long time since Wounded Knee. 1 – For some, Native American history finished after the 1890 slaughter at Wounded Knee Creek. A gathering of more than 350 Miniconjou Lakota individuals left South Dakota’s Standing Rock Indian Reservation on December 20, 1890, set out toward the wellbeing of the Pine Ridge Reservation. The Miniconjou, a subdivision of the Lakota clan, were driven by their boss, Spotted Elk. Spotted Elk had chosen to evacuate his clan due to pressures in Standing Rock. Prior that day, police endeavored to capture a Hunkpapa Lakota head, Sitting Bull. They dreaded he would mix agitation by advancing the Ghost Dance. This strict move was accepted to have the ability to oust the white settlers from the land and return the New World to the Indigenous Americans. The Lakota were maddened to see their boss constrained onto his steed like a typical crook. One man, Catch-the-Bear, stacked his rifle and shot the official pushing Sitting Bull. In the following battle, eight cops and eight Lakota were murdered. The dread of police backlashes against the Native Americans at Standing Rock persuaded Spotted Elk to move his kin to an alternate reservation. In any case, on December 28, some portion of the US Seventh Cavalry blocked Spotted Elk’s band and diverted them an outdoors spot on Wounded Knee Creek. The following morning, the remainder of the Seventh Cavalry showed up and introduced four guns around the Lakota. Next, fighters entered the camp to look for weapons. One youthful Lakota man opposed, and a battle broke out. Five warriors lost the covers covering them from the cool, uncovering their rifles, and started taking shots at the troopers. The warriors returned fire and keeping in mind that the Native Americans battled fearlessly, they didn’t stand an opportunity once the guns thundered to life. Ladies and kids fled down the solidified brook, however, the mounted force sought after and slaughtered them. At the point when the battling was more than, 150 Native Americans lay dead. Throughout the following 100 years, Wounded Knee took on tremendous emblematic significance. Halfway because of Dee Brown’s powerful book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, the general population came to think about the slaughter as the “end” of Native American history and culture – the last triumph of the cowhands and European pilgrims over the Indigenous individuals. After this, the story goes, Native Americans squandered away in neediness, wretchedness, and secrecy on their reservations. In any case, regardless of the best endeavors of the US government, Native Americans and their way of life haven’t been stifled. Native American history didn’t end after Wounded Knee, and these parts recount to the remainder of the story. 2 – In the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years, Native American youngsters were persuasively set in boarding schools. The US government made the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in 1924. Albeit Wounded Knee Creek was far off, numerous clans had just marked harmony arrangements with the legislature. These settlements characterized the fringes of their regions and guaranteed yearly remuneration. The BIA turned into the trustee of these installments and dealt with the administration’s association with many Native American clans. However, the BIA only occasionally had the clans’ eventual benefits as a primary concern. One of its most noticeably awful approaches was Native American boarding schools. Sponsored by an 1891 law, which permitted government officials to persuasively expel Native American kids from their reservations, the BIA started snatching kids – some as youthful as four – from their families. The youngsters were sent far away and set in Western instructive organizations. There, the point was to delete their relationship to their one of a kind innate culture, authorizing Euro-American methods for seeing, thinking and acting. This was a long haul system to control future ages of Native Americans, executed under a “philanthropic” misrepresentation of “saving” them from the destitution of reservations. Altogether, the administration went around 100 live-in schools. They depended on the model of the Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Established in 1879, the Indian Industrial School took a hardline position toward absorption. To utilize military requests and control, kids had to wear the Western dress and trim their hair short. For the Lakota individuals of the Great Plains, the last was a social demonstration symbolizing grieving. Numerous Lakota youngsters howled with hopelessness when their hair was trimmed. Carlisle likewise precluded understudies from utilizing their local tongues, constraining them to communicate in English. Understudies abusing language rules had their mouths washed with cleanser. Different types of insubordination were met with beatings. Another dishonorable point of reference that Carlisle set for later life experience schools was the concealment of conventional Native American sex jobs. In some Indigenous American societies, ladies were exceptionally regarded and held significant places of power. It wasn’t phenomenal for Cherokee ladies, for instance, to be warriors, strict pioneers or boss. In any case, Carlisle kept up that a lady’s “appropriate” place was in the home and kitchen. Along these lines, female understudies were just shown sewing, cooking, and cleaning. Fortunately, by the late 1930s, mandatory boarding school projects were suspended. What’s more, they had one constructive outcome – by uniting kids from various, frequently unfriendly clans, a dish Indian character started to rise. This would turn into an enormous resource in later battles for Native American rights. 3 – The US arrangement of apportioning decreased Native American land. Around the time the BIA built up its disgraceful boarding school programs, the government was likewise meddling with old Native American thoughts regarding area and domain. Since 1758, Europeans had persuasively expelled Native American clans from their property and onto reservations, where, in principle, they could proceed with their lifestyles and government. There was a general supposition and practice that the clan, all things considered, claimed the arrive on the reservations. The US government accepted that high neediness rates and an absence of financial movement on reservations came about because of this rule. Wiping out reservations and urging Native Americans to be progressively individualistic, government authorities thought, would help nearby economies and haul individuals out of destitution. Keeping that in mind, the Dawes Act was passed in 1887. The Dawes Act decided that the booking area ought to be reviewed and separated among clan individuals into individual, exclusive bundles – 168 sections of land for each leader of the family. This strategy was known as an apportioning. To accomplish this, administration surveyors split the land, utilizing a great many representatives to make deeds. Be that as it may, the framework was degenerate. Bureaucratic operators gave out great portions to Native Americans who upheld government arrangements and put the best reservation land in a safe spot for buy by white specialists. Today, non-Natives possess the majority of the lake shores on reservations in Minnesota and the best reservation farmland in Nebraska. What’s more, when the administration surveyors finished their figurings, “overflow” land – what was left over after each family had gotten their designation – was offered to white pilgrims. In some northern US states, similar to South Dakota, the dirt on reservations was too poor to even think about growing yields. Past clans had lived by chasing and assembling, yet this was never again conceivable on exclusive land. Numerous families needed to depend on government backing to endure, pushing them further into destitution. Since assignments had been offered to white pilgrims, and because Native Americans regularly offered their allocations to bring home the bacon, Native American-possessed land had diminished 66 percent by 1934. Besides, more Native Americans than any other time in recent memory lived in destitution, with ancestral structures and networks crushed. That year, however, the administration passed the Indian Reorganization Act, which put a stop to promote distributions. With this, the administration obtained some apportioned land and reestablished it to innate proprietorship. More than 2 million sections of land were reestablished to clans, however, the harm was at that point done. 4 – In both world wars; Native Americans served. In 1917, one noteworthy advancement in Native American history came in. Indeed, even with the ruinous distribution approach going all out, huge quantities of youthful Native American men started volunteering to serve in the US military. More than simply “huge numbers,” truth be told. In World War I, Native Americans had the most noteworthy pace of administration among any US minority gathering. Be that as it may, Native American assistance didn’t start when the United States entered the war in 1917. In 1914, some had enrolled in the Canadian military when that nation entered the war to help its Commonwealth partner, Britain. Numerous from clans in the northern United States enrolled, as well, strolling over the fringe and into Canada. The Onondaga and Oneida individuals from upstate New York even proclaimed war on Germany! By the war’s end, Native American fighters were in all parts of the military, from mounted guns loaders to cavalrymen. Choctaw Indians from Oklahoma turned into the primary “code talkers,” passing on significant military messages in their local tongue, which Germans couldn’t disentangle. One of the most acclaimed Native Americans to serve in the Canadian Army during World War I was Francis Pegahmagabow, of the Ojibwe individuals. Serving first as a scout and afterward a rifleman, Pegahmagabow separated himself with his precision, fearlessness, and tirelessness. He was World War I’s best expert rifleman, with 378 affirmed executes. Native American support in World War II was additionally broad and phenomenal. On June 13, 1942, six months after the United States had pronounced war on the Axis Powers, a delegate of the Iroquois Confederacy – a law-based league of five Native American countries – made a trip to Washington in customary Iroquois dress. He remained on the means of Congress and declared, as an agent of the world’s most seasoned majority rules system, that the Axis’ dismissal for human life repelled his alliance. In this manner, he stated, the Iroquois Confederacy authoritatively announced war on the Axis Powers. This is a little-known yet striking piece of the war’s history. By 1944, more than 33 percent of the Native American grown-up male populace had seen activity in World War II. Be that as it may, after serving so valiantly for the United States, these men returned home and still experienced prejudice and fanaticism. It wasn’t well before they were requesting uniformity. 5 – The activism of the American Indian Movement was pivotal for the Indigenous people group. The period somewhere in the range of 1945 and 1970 saw critical urbanization in American culture. African Americans and Native Americans progressively left country settings to live in urban areas and towns. Yet, Native American urbanization had its issues. In 1970, Native American joblessness was multiple times the national normal, and 40 percent of them lived beneath the neediness line. Also, police provocation and ruthlessness were uncontrolled. Like social liberties development, the American Indian Movement (AIM) battled for uniformity and equity. In any case, AIM’s techniques shared undeniably more for all intents and purposes with those of the aggressive Black Panthers. Established in Minneapolis by a youthful gathering of Indigenous activists, AIM was fundamentally worried about shielding Native Americans from police severity. Like the Black Panthers, they set up watches. Point activists chased after the police Native American neighborhoods in Minneapolis and reported their utilization of exorbitant power. In 1972, AIM sought to do substantially more than that. By at that point, the development had developed from a couple of dozen companions into a colossal system of youthful Native American activists the nation over. That year, AIM began a train that ventured out to various reservations the nation over. It gradually developed in size while causing media to notice the administration’s inability to address the Native American predicament. When it arrived at Washington on November 1, 1972, the procession contained a few hundred individuals. At the point when they landed on November 3, activists involved the workplaces of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. At a public interview on the structure’s means, one of AIM’s pioneers said that except if there was an important change in the public eye, Native Americans would start to arm themselves. He requested a gathering with top White House authorities, however, the Nixon organization won’t. Things reached a crucial stage on November 6, when the administration verified a court request for the protestors’ removal and capture. At the point when they heard this, the activists turned to vandalism and savagery, tearing up the BIA workplaces and consuming documents and work areas. With a presidential political decision approaching, Nixon was reluctant to utilize power against the activists. Rather, he taught a CIA operator to open exchanges with AIM. Looked with constrained ousting, and depleted from their occupation, many AIM activists considered transitory to be as the most astute choice. The following day, AIM consented to clear the structure as an end-result of $66,650 to enable the procession to come back. The point would proceed with their work all through the 1970s, effectively causing mass open to notice the abuse of Native Americans. 6 – For some Native Americans, reservation club was a distinct advantage. The ascent of reservation gambling clubs drastically changed Native American history. To such an extent, that some talk about the time before innate gaming as “BC” – before gambling clubs. Everything began in 1972 with a $148 assessment bill. Itasca County, Minnesota, sent this bill to Helen and Russell Bryan of the Chippewa individuals, at that point living on Leech Lake Reservation. Reluctant to pay, they tested the bill in the state courts. In the wake of losing this case and intrigue at the Minnesota Supreme Court, they carried the intrigue to the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court decided that states don’t reserve the privilege to impose Native Americans on their reservations. Also, they decided that they don’t have the power to control Native American exercises on their reservations. The legitimate establishments were currently set up for Indian gaming. In 1979, inborn executive Howard Tommie and his Seminole individuals fabricated a high-stakes bingo parlor on their booking in Florida. Now, state law just enabled bingo lobbies to open two days per week and offer a most extreme bonanza of $100. Tommie’s corridor intended to open six days out of each week and offer a lot higher prices. The moment the new lobby opened, police captured its administrators. The Seminole individuals at that point sued the district, referring to the past Supreme Court administering. It was another triumph for Indian gaming. Throughout the following not many years, numerous clans started raising gambling clubs and bingo corridors on reservation land, offering prizes far higher than the most extreme lawful points of confinement. Native Americans contended this was lawful because they had power over their properties, utilizing past court cases as confirmation. This legitimate discussion finished with the death of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in 1988. This set up both the lawfulness of reservation gambling clubs and a few guidelines. To begin with, whatever type of betting a booking club needed to direct should be lawful in its encompassing state. Second, an administrative legislative body was made – the National Indian Gaming Commission. After the 1988 law, inborn gaming soar. Its absolute income rose from $100 million out of 1988 to $26 billion by 2009 – more than Las Vegas and Atlantic City joined. In any case, the benefits of inborn gaming weren’t dispersed similarly. While some Native Americans profited hugely, generally didn’t. Somewhere in the range of 1989 and 1995, for instance, the destitution rate for innate gaming zones diminished by only two percent. 7 – Following a wild century, numerous Native Americans are flourishing today. Following an era of constrained assimilation, dispossession, wartime administration, and inadequately appropriated riches, what is the province of Native Americans today? All things considered, some are doing amazingly well in contemporary American culture. One model is Sean Sherman, an Oglala Lakota gourmet specialist living in Minneapolis. In 2014, Sherman established an Indigenous nourishment instruction and providing food business called The Sioux Chef. He just uses fixings verifiably accessible to Native Americans, similar to roan, berries, squash, wild rice and corn, dismissing things created or imported by Europeans, similar to sugar, pork, and chicken. With these fixings, Sherman makes tasty and imaginative dishes. Models incorporate a maple-bruléed duck in apple soup, and a serving of mixed greens comprising just of scrounged greens and tamarack blooms. In 2017, Sherman distributed The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen, which met inborn seniors for motivation from conventional plans. Other Native Americans are bridling the connective intensity of web-based social networking to rouse positive change in their networks. One model is Chelsey Luger, an independent columnist and wellbeing advocate whose mother is Ojibwe and father is Lakota. In 2015, Luger established Well For Culture – a grassroots activity expecting to advance exercise and smart dieting inside Indigenous people group. Luger was enlivened to make Well For Culture to battle heftiness, diabetes, and liquor abuse, which excessively influence Native Americans. By utilizing astute and creative online life crusades, Well For Culture is coming to unquestionably more Native Americans than was ever conceivable previously. Posting recordings of exercise schedules and sound plans, the association offers to Indigenous youth and organizes wellness occasions in schools. Another incredible case of Native Americans utilizing internet based life to advance wellness originates from Sarah Howes, whose guardians are Ojibwe and Creek. Howes runs House of Howes, contemporary workmanship and way of life store, yet she truly savors her vacation. A cultivated long-separation sprinter, Howes utilizes Facebook gatherings to sort out her companions and associates into customary running gatherings, advancing running as an approach to remain fit. Sean Sherman, Chelsey Luger, and Sarah Howes are living demonstrations of the way that, in spite of hundreds of years of prejudice and dispossession, Native Americans are flourishing today. As indicated by the creator, their history didn’t end with the slaughter at Wounded Knee, and today the Indigenous people groups of America are prospering. The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present by David Treuer Book Review In opposition to prevalent thinking, Native American history didn’t end after the slaughter at Wounded Knee, with a once glad and strong race sentenced to grieve in hopelessness and unimportance in reservations. Persecution and enduring are a piece of the story from that point forward, however, they are just a piece of the story. Regardless of the US government’s earnest attempts, Native Americans have demonstrated mind-blowing versatility to protect their societies, and have accomplished noteworthy things in the twentieth century. Today, Native Americans aren’t simply enduring – they’re flourishing.
Reading Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess," students will explore the use of dramatic monologue as a poetic form, where the speaker often reveals far more than intended. The Three Little Pigs is told orally with pictures only and the children are asked to make predictions based on text features. At the end, the children are asked to compare the houses from the story to where they live. The children will enjoy a puppet show of the Three Little Pigs. Teachers can use this video to teach a sequence of events and story elements. In this lesson, student groups create a short, simple play based on their study of broadsides written just before the American Revolution. By analyzing the attitudes and political positions are revealed in the broadsides, students learn about the sequence of events that led to the Revolution This document contains a sample list of fine arts careers by discipline, links and resources for exploring fine arts careers, and resources for workbased learning in fine arts courses. This collection uses primary sources to explore the golden age of musical theatre on Broadway. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee. Students will create and perform scenes using tableaux in order to further understand acting techniques, physical techniques, character development, and theatrical direction. Students learn communication and collaboration skills for theatre with improvisation games. Once games are learned and practiced, improv teams are formed and opportunities are given for students to perform for a live audience. Students will learn basic acting and improvisation skills through different activities. Students will be able to identify and use learned acting techniques during improvisation games through imaginative play. One of the most important functions of sound design is sound amplification. In this lesson, students will learn about basic audio equipment, to include cables, microphones, and the sound system. Students will also demonstrate how to set up a simple sound system. Students will utilize Newspaper Theatre, a technique of Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, to write and perform original plays inspired by current or historical events that are of interest or importance to them. This unit utilizes readily available gaming technology to teach and reinforce principles of theatrical set design. Students will create an original set design using computer gaming applications involving building tools. Artworks can offer an opportunity to consider different perspectives. Artists are intentional about how they depict people alone or in groups. Spending time to look carefully at expressions, body language, and contextual clues in figural artwork can help students consider ideas about identity, community, and belonging. Use this interactive exercise to guide students as they explore a work by Kehinde Wiley, creatively document the ideas it presents to them, and consider how their thoughts connect with the artist's own ideas and intentions. The Aaron Burr treason trial in John Marshall’s court is one of America’s most important chapters. Just three years after the deadly Hamilton duel, President Thomas Jefferson had Aaron Burr charged with treason for plotting to carve out a kingdom for himself from parts of Louisiana and Mexico. The ensuing “trial of the century” in 1807 Richmond, VA, captivated a young nation. Accusations of treason. Claims of presidential privilege. The rule of law. Some things endure.What happened to Aaron Burr? Was he found guilty of treason? Watch The King of Crimes to find out. Curriculum unit of three lessons explores Williams's use of expressionism to more fully comprehend the theatrical devices and themes in The Glass Menagerie. In Lesson 1, students identify and explicate Williams' expressionist techniques. The activities in this lesson invite students to focus on the characters from A Midsummer Night's Dream, to describe and analyze their conflicts, and then to watch how those conflicts get resolved. This resource demonstrates the 2020 Theatre Arts Standards of Learning for elementary students in a chart format that shows the progression of the standards from grades kindergarten through fifth. This resource demonstrates the 2020 Theatre Arts Standards of Learning for high school in a chart format that shows the progression of the standards from grades nine through twelve. This resource demonstrates the 2020 Theatre Arts Standards of Learning for middle school in a chart format that shows the progression of the standards from grades six through eight. The attached infographic resource document descibes ways to engage English Learners in theatre arts classrooms by making learning visible, supporting the language of theatre arts, connecting learning to students' backgrounds and skills, using cooperative learning structures and strategies, and reducing cognitive load and allowing processing time. In this course, the student will attempt to determine why Shakespeare's works have become so widely revered. The student will begin by familiarizing ourselves with Elizabethan theatre, language, and culture, then conduct close readings of Shakespeare's most acclaimed plays, ending with his poetry. By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong understanding of Shakespeare's works and working knowledge of the Elizabethan Period in which he wrote. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: identify, compare, and contrast the major dramas and poems produced by William Shakespeare; describe Shakespeare's identity as well as provide an account of his life and the legacy of his work; describe Elizabethan England in social and historical context; list the major figures who likely shaped the work of Shakespeare; explain the origins of Shakespearean drama in Greek theater; define a variety of Shakespearean dramatic forms, including Shakespearean tragedy, history, and comedy plays; identify and describe the major themes of Shakespearean tragedy, comedy, and history plays; explain the roots of the Shakespearean sonnet in earlier sonnet traditions; identify and describe the major themes and ideas at work in Shakespearean sonnets. (English Literature 401)
This article discusses the theory, calculations, and method used by the Grainfather community app to calculate the original gravity (OG) and the final gravity (FG) for a beer recipe. Gravity refers to the density of the solution. In wort, we are dealing with two items contributing to the overall density of the solution. The first is water, which makes up greater than 90% of the solution, which has a density of 1.000, and the second is sugar from the malt. Sugar is a larger heavier molecule than water, and, therefore, when sugar is dissolved in water, the density of water is increased. In beer, there is a third contributor, ethanol produced by the yeast ethanol is lighter than water with a density of 0.789. Therefore during fermentation, the sugar is consumed, and ethanol is produced, lowering the overall density of the solution. The Original Gravity refers to the gravity of the wort pre-fermentation and the Final Gravity refers to the Gravity post fermentation. Sugar contribution of ingredients Many ingredients can contribute fermentable sugars to the wort which in turn can be fermented by the yeast into alcohol. How much fermentable sugar an ingredient can contribute to the wort is measured in Points/pound/Gallons (PPG), for ingredients that are fully soluble in water like honey, sugar, lactose and malt extract. This is the density when 1 pound of the ingredient is dissolved in 1 gallon of water. (Daniels, 1996) eg Cane sugar sucrose, 1lb in 1 gal of water has a density of 1.046 PPG = 46 With malts it is a little different because malt is not fully soluble in water due to the approximately 20% by weight of husk, insoluble proteins and starches. Maltsters conduct a congress mash and accurately measuring the volume and gravity give a value reported as a percentage extract (%FGDB). Because sucrose yields 100% of its weight is it is used as a reference when calculating the PPG of malts. We take the %FGDB of the malt and multiply it by the PPG of sucrose. (Palmer, 2017) e.g. 2 – row malt could have a %FGDB of 80.7% 0.807 x 46 = 37 PPG Calculating Gravity units With the weight and the PPG of the ingredients used then the gravity units (GU) can be calculated by multiplying the PPG by the weight of grain used 3.5lb of pale ale malt PPG of 37 and 2lb of wheat malt PPG 36 3.5 x 37 + 2 x 36 = 201.5 GU Then the Recipe Potential Original Gravity can be calculated by multiplying the GU by the post-boil volume in gal. The reason post-boil gravity is used is that when transferring to the fermenter their maybe loss of wort but there is no change in gravity during a transfer. 201.5 / 5gal = 40.3 GU = 1.040 The above calculation works when the mash is 100% efficient. However, this is never the case in conventional brewing. Therefore, when first using a new system or brewing practice it is best to work out the efficiency to then use when developing recipes for accuracy. (Daniels, 1996) If we use the same example as above our recipe potential GU is 201.5 but when put in practice 5gal of 1.036 wort was collected. 1.032 = 32 GU = 32 x 5 gal = 160 GU Mash Efficiency = Total Gravity of wort / Total potential gravity of grains = 160/201.5 = 79.4% With a mash efficiency of 79.4%, it can be applied to the recipe potential OG to give the estimated OG for that recipe on that equipment with that brewing style. 40.3GU x 79.4% = 32 GU = 1.032 the estimated OG we round to Calculating estimated Final Gravity When calculating estimated final gravity three variables come into play; Yeast attenuation, Mash temperature and Ingredients that add increase the density of the wort but are either partially or not fermentable by the yeast, like lactose. These points are calculated separately and added to the OG and FG at the end. Yeast attenuation is the percentage of sugars in the wort the yeast typically consumes. Most yeasts have a range of attenuations for the Grainfather Recipe creator before yeast is added to the recipe it takes a default of 75% attenuation. When yeast is added the recipe creator takes the middle of the range obtained from the yeast lab as the value used to calculate the estimated FG. If multiple yeasts are used the recipe creator uses an average of the yeast’s attenuation. If we have an OG of 1.032 and using yeast with an average attenuation of 75% then: FG = OG - (OG -1) x Attenuation = 1.032 -(1.032-1) x 0.75 = 1.008 Since mashing grains at different temperatures promotes the activity of either alpha or beta amylase making more either fermentable or less fermentable sugars. the Grainfather recipe creator uses a ‘Brewers window’ which is between 62.5 and 72.50C. We then have a centre point in this range occurring at 67.50C any mash temp that is conducted in this range is then subjected to an adjustment factor based on if it is above or below 67.50C (below 67.5more fermentable, above 67.5 less fermentable). Attenuation = Attenuation - 0.0225 x (lowest Mash Temperature - 67.5) Based on the estimated FG will change significantly between 62 and 63 due to the edge of the brewer window being 62.5. The brewer's window is set at 62.5 due to the coefficient(+/- 50C) applied to the middle value of 67.5. The results of the different studies done by Michael Lewis and Tom young 2002 and Palmers (Lewis & Young,, 2002) (Palmer, 2017) work led us to use 62.5 as this was the midpoint in the edge between the two studies, this is also the same edge most other brewing software use. As for the ‘time at different mash temperatures’ affecting fermentability. The calculations get complicated very quickly with multiple mash steps, so we try to keep it as simple as possible. with the use of highly modified malt and high proportions of high diastatic powered malts that allow for very quick conversion of starches, we use the mash step with the lowest temp in the range of 62.5˚C to 72.5˚C when calculating the FG. If a recipe has it's main mash step (Beta-amylase) just outside the range at 62˚C and, it's secondary mash step (Alpha-amylase) in the range at 72˚C. Then for this example, the calculation is run using the secondary mash step temp. However, by changing the first mash step to 63˚C then puts the primary step in range and the calculation for FG would be run off the primary mash step. Daniels, R. (1996). Designing Great Beers. Boulder: Brewers Publications. Lewis, M. J., & Young,, T. W. (2002). Brewing Second Edition . New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. Palmer, J. J. (2017). How to Brew 4th Edition. Boulder: Kristi Switzer.
Pomegranate Tree Facts Pomegranate trees (Punica granatum) reach up to 30 feet tall in ideal conditions, but commonly grow 12 to 16 feet tall as a round shrub or small tree. This deciduous tree produces stiff branches covered with glossy, leathery lance-shaped leaves. Some varieties of pomegranate trees grow spines along the branches. The red or white flowers spread over an inch wide. The red pomegranates are nearly round, reaching 2 to 5 inches across. Proper care of the pomegranate tree will help grow strong fruitful plants. Pomegranate trees originate from East Asia, including the Himalaya region in northern India. For centuries, this tree was cultivated throughout the Mediterranean area. In 1769, Spanish settlers brought the first pomegranate tree to California. Pomegranate trees have spread throughout the United States, being grown commercially and in home gardens. Pomegranate trees grow best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11 in semi-arid and subtropical areas. These trees adapt to cool winters and hot summers, but are damaged when temperatures fall below 12 degrees Fahrenheit. They also prefer good-draining rich, fertile soils in full sun exposure. These fruit trees live over 200 years in the right growing conditions, but most fruit production occurs during the first 15 years of the plant’s lifespan. Some pomegranate trees planted in perfect locations with the right care begin to produce fruit within one year after planting, but it is not uncommon for new trees to take up to three years to start bearing fruit. Young trees up to 5 years old suffer from frequent fruit drops, when the tree sheds unripe fruit. This commonly happens to trees growing in stressful conditions such as overfertilization and overwatering. Once the trees are older, fruit drops are less frequent. Pomegranate trees grow from seeds, but the seed does not produce a copy of the parent plant. The best way to propagate these trees is through stem cuttings. The cuttings are taken in the winter and reach 12 to 20 inches long. After establishing roots, young pomegranate trees begin fruit production within three years. Pomegranate trees only need light pruning during their lifetime. Because pomegranate trees produce flowers on new growth, prune the tree before the new growth begins in the spring. Remove suckers and dead wood at this time. Prune back the upward growing branches to control the size of the plant. Do not prune heavily, because it reduces the amount of fruit the pomegranate tree produces. Karen Carter spent three years as a technology specialist in the public school system and her writing has appeared in the "Willapa Harbor Herald" and the "Rogue College Byline." She has an Associate of Arts from Rogue Community College with a certificate in computer information systems.
Hyperdontia or supernumerary teeth, is an oral condition characterized by the eruption of extra teeth that are not supposed to be present, normally. A child is born with 20 milk teeth (baby teeth), which are replaced by 32 permanent ones. This condition arises when excess teeth erupt along with the regular number. The occurrence of a single extra tooth is common but the prevalence of supernumerary teeth is also a probable ailment. What are its causes? The cause of this disease is still unknown but dentist associate it to genetics or conditions like cleft palate, Ehler-Danos and Gardner syndrome. Hyperdontia is rare condition that is observed in below 4% population of the world. Risks if the disorder is left untreated: Overcrowding of teeth can lead to poor dental hygiene and increases the risk to be susceptible to cysts or oral cancer, If the extra teeth cause hindrance in the eruption of the normal ones, it is necessary to undergo an orthodontic treatment. How do you get treated? There are numerous dental clinics in Apex and Cary, North Carolina that treat the disease. The process involves the removal of the extra tooth or teeth by the dentist in Apex. Surgical extraction is conducted in cases where the tooth lies below the gum. The diagnosis can be done through a dental examination or X-ray. Visit your Apex dentist immediately to understand the severity of your condition and find the best treatment plan.
Window On a Wider World (WOWW) Partner Schools Initiative Description: In an effort to support rural public schools in Texas, Window On a Wider World (WOWW) began providing fine arts enriched education programming in 2006 to area partner schools that serve students at the elementary grade levels. Data for WOWW partner schools were collected through a written request submitted to WOWW’s executive director. Study Results: There were statistically significant relationships between participation in WOWW and attendance rates, and student academic performance in mathematics, reading, science, and writing. Reference: Sharp, L. A., & Tiegs, A. (2018). Impact of WOWW’s Fine Arts Enriched Education Programming. International Journal of Instruction,11(2), 25-40. doi:10.12973/iji.2018.1123a Level of Evidence: Very Good
What are Morning Glories? Morning glories (Ipomoea purpurea) are a small flowering plant belonging to the nightshade family. They have been cultivated since ancient times and their culinary uses include flavoring tea, making jam, pickling, and even medicinal purposes. The flowers are white or pink with purple spots and grow up to 3 inches tall. They have four petals and are very fragrant. Their taste is milder than tomatoes but stronger than peppers. The leaves of Ipomoea purpurea contain the most active chemical known to man, called iproniazidin A, which is used as a folk remedy for stomach ailments such as indigestion and ulcers. The leaves are also used in Chinese medicine for treating coughs, colds, sore throats, asthma attacks and other respiratory problems. How to Grow Morning Glory Plants? You can grow Ipomoea purpurea plants indoors or outdoors. You can also keep them in containers. These plants prefer full sun and will thrive if given plenty of water. They do not like partial shade and will not survive without supplemental lighting. They need regular watering to stay healthy, so make sure they get at least twice a month! If your plant is in a container, make sure the container has at least one hole at the bottom for drainage. Morning glory plants are sensitive to overwatering, especially when they are in containers. Place it in a location with good sunlight, but not in direct sunlight. These plants can grow up to 5 feet tall and will need support such as a trellis or pole. How to Care for Morning Glory Plants? If your plant grows flowers, you will need to deadhead the old flowers to encourage it to produce more blooms. Cut the stem off just above the green part of the stem and make the cut just below a set of leaves. After a few months, old woody stems start to look ugly and should be removed from the plant. You can do this during your deadheading routine as well. Cut the stems just above the node and make sure to remove the whole stem and not leave a stub. This encourages lateral growth and more blooms! These are really hardy plants that will grow in a wide range of soil types and prefer well-draining soil. Make sure you water the plant at the base and not on the leaves so it doesn’t get moldy. You can fertilize your plant once every two weeks with any liquid fertilizer. Glossary : Container Containers are usually the same types as pots, but they are not always buried in the ground. There are also pots that are placed on trays buried in the ground. The advantage of this is that your plant is higher than the ground to reduce the amount of water and nutrients that are lost via the roots system. The ground can also be kept drier than the soil the plant is in. Watering is only needed when the soil has dried out. Never let the plant sit in water and make sure that all of the soil is drained through and there is no puddles of water sitting anywhere. If you are potting your plant, make sure that the container has plenty of holes to allow for proper drainage. Once the plant is actively growing and you have at least a month between when you start seeing blooms start to wane, you can fertilize. You can either use an organic fertilizer or an inorganic fertilizer. If you decide to go organic, look for one that has a two or three number sequence. This is the amount of nitrogen, phosphate and potash in it. A 16-5-8 would be the ideal type for this plant. If you decide to go inorganic, look for something with a higher middle number between the first and last number. A 10-10-10 is good. Make sure that you are applying it at the root zone and not on top of the soil surface. You can do this by mixing it in water at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and apply it to the soil at the base of the plant as if it was rainwater. You should do this at least monthly. When To Transplant You can either leave your plant in its original container or transplant it into a larger one. When you do this, it is important to make sure that the new container has plenty of drainage and does not have stale water at the bottom of it. It will be necessary to water it slowly for the next few weeks after planting it to make sure that the soil has enough time to dry out between waterings. Never let the plant stand in water as this can cause root rot. Sources & references used in this article: Selection for character displacement is constrained by the genetic architecture of floral traits in the ivyleaf morning glory by RA Smith, MD Rausher – Evolution: International Journal of …, 2008 – Wiley Online Library … gene InNHX2 and comparison of InNHX2 with InNHX1, which is responsible for blue flower coloration by increasing the vacuolar pH in the Japanese morning glory by M Ohnishi, S Fukada-Tanaka, A Hoshino… – Plant and cell …, 2005 – academic.oup.com Constraints on the evolution of tolerance to herbicide in the common morning glory: resistance and tolerance are mutually exclusive by RS Baucom, R Mauricio – Evolution: International Journal of …, 2008 – Wiley Online Library
Source: – Manoshi Sinha / Twitter. Hindu Genocide of 1757 during Holi— Author Manoshi Sinha (@authormanoshi) March 10, 2020 28 Feb 1757. Jat prince Jawahar Singh with 5000 men offered resistance against Ahmad Shah Abdali's forces near Mathura fr 9 hrs, but in vain. What followed was genocide of 1000s of devotees who assembled in Mathura/Vrindavan 2 celebrate Holi 👇 pic.twitter.com/1i9pGZgV8o Source: 'Ahmad Shah Durrani, Father Of Modern Afghanistan', by Ganda Singh, Asia Publishing House, 1959. Amidst celebrations we also must know what happened to our ancestors in the past as a result of religious intolerance. We need to remember them and pray for their Shanti.— Author Manoshi Sinha (@authormanoshi) March 10, 2020 An excerpt from the aforementioned book: "To quote from Samin’s Memoirs, ‘wherever you gazed you beheld only heaps of the slain; you could only pick your way with difficulty, owing to enormous number of bodies lying about and the amount of blood spilt.— Author Manoshi Sinha (@authormanoshi) March 10, 2020 At one place that we reached, we saw about two hundred dead children in a heap. Not one of the dead bodies had a head. . . The stench and fetor and effluvium in the air were such that it was painful to open your mouth or even draw a breath.'"— Author Manoshi Sinha (@authormanoshi) March 10, 2020 Few fellow Indians question credibility of their own fellow Indians fighting invaders n asking for proof. Here's source screenshot. Whether Dalits or Jats, Marathas or Gurjars, Tamils or Rajputs, Cholas or Bhils, peasants or warriors, lakhs fought for the freedom we enjoy today. pic.twitter.com/7qk9qAqsjk— Author Manoshi Sinha (@authormanoshi) March 10, 2020
Create a Home Automation System At one point in our history, home lighting and appliances were only connected to our local power plants. The rise of home computing, faster wireless technology, and low-cost electronics have now made it possible to connect the things in our homes to the Internet. This connectedness, also called the Internet of Things (IoT), makes it possible to control parts of our homes—the temperature, our TV, our lighting, and even our doors—from anywhere there is an Internet connection. Can you invent a home device that could be controlled through the Internet? How could you use home automation to help others? Invent a Home Cleaning Device Keeping a home clean is no easy task. In 1908 H. W. Hoover pitched his “electric suction sweeper,” an early vacuum cleaner, to make cleaning easier. But as more inventions were created to help clean different parts of the home, there was increased pressure to have cleaner living spaces. Today we have cleaning inventions for nearly every room and surface in our homes. Can you invent a new cleaning device? Which room or area of your home would your invention help you clean? To learn how one inventor solved this problem, visit Object Project to see a 1920s Hoover vacuum. Create a Piece of Furniture Furnishings help make the places we live inviting, beautiful, and useful for the people who live there. A dining table and chairs can bring people together for a meal or to play a game. Sitting in a comfortable chair can help us relax and collect our thoughts. Even a small portable lap desk can be the surface for creating the next great invention. Can you invent a new piece of furniture using the materials at this station? Where in a home would you use your furniture? For inspiration, visit The American Presidency to see George Washington’s easy chair and Thomas Jefferson’s lap desk. Invent a Home for a Pet Pets are part of our families. Even though they live in human homes, they often have their own smaller living spaces to meet their specific needs. A fish, a bird, and a dog all need different things to make them feel comfortable and to keep them safe and healthy. Can you invent a home for a pet using the materials at this station? What type of animal would live in your pet home? Reinvent a Place to Sleep It doesn’t matter if you are spending the night outdoors, in the belly of a submarine, or under a roof—we all need a good night’s sleep. Depending on your environment, your place to sleep might need to be light and portable like a Civil War soldier’s cot. It might need to be safe and comfortable like a hospital bed. It could also be designed to help solve a specific problem—like encouraging kids to enjoy going to bed on time. Can you invent a place for someone to sleep? Where could your invention be used? Create an Innovative Home Gadget The American Consumer Era began around the 1940s. Innovations in manufacturing made it easier to create more and new products, and advertising made it easy to learn about new items for the home. Today TV shows like Invention Hunters and Shark Tank help inventors develop, tweak, and market their products. Can you invent a new type of home gadget? How could you make your invention environmentally friendly? For inspiration, look for home appliances on display in Spark!Lab. Invent Something to Help You Move Around the 1800s, people in the United States began packing up their belongings and heading west. When President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, interstate highways were built and it became even easier to crisscross our nation. With new roads and highways, new types of vehicles were introduced, which helped make moving west, north, south, and east easy. Can you invent something to move all of your belongings from one place to another? How would your invention make moving everything in your home easier? Visit America On the Move to explore the development of transportation in the United States. Electrify a Room in Your Home When the electric light was invented in 1879, people did not have electricity in their homes. The invention of the light led to the creation of power plants and power lines that could send electricity to homes and businesses. Now our homes are wired for electricity when they are built. All of our electrical appliances and gadgets are plugged into our home’s wiring system to make them work. Can you create a circuit to power and control electrical devices in a room? What types of devices would you like to power? Visit Lighting a Revolution to explore the history of electrifying America.
All human beings regardless of what ailment they suffer are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) and we are called to love them “as another self” (Gaudium et Spes, 27). Pope Saint John Paul II affirmed in particular that all who suffer from mental illness are also made in the image and likeness of God. We are also need to remember that Christ is present in those who are sick: “I was sick and you visited me.” (Matt 25:36) so as Catholic Christians we are called to treat all who are ill (whether physically or mentally) as they were Christ himself. Pope Saint John Paul II confirmed this when he said “Well, Christ took all human suffering on himself, even mental illness. Yes even this affliction, which perhaps seems the most. absurd and incomprehensible, configures the sick person to Christ and gives him a share in his redeeming passion.” According to the social teaching of the Catholic Church, access to basic healthcare is the responsibility of everyone and an essential element of the common good (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 166). Another principle of Catholic Social Teaching, the universal destination of goods dictates that the poor, the marginalised and all those whose living conditions interfere with their proper growth should be the focus of particular concern. This means that people with mental illness should be treated with a “special form of primacy in the exercise of Christian charity” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 182).as they have often (and sadly still are) marginalised and excluded. Pope Saint John Paul II directly affirmed this point in his address In the Image and Likeness of God: Always? Illness of the Human Mind to the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health-Care Workers on the problem of mental illness, when he said: “The Church looks on these persons with special concern, as she looks on any other human being affected by illness.” Pope Benedict XVI dedicated the Celebration for the 14th World Day of the Sick in 2006 to those who suffer from mental illness. In his Message for that day he stated: “On this occasion, the Church intends to bow down over those who suffer with special concern, calling the attention of public opinion to the problems connected with mental disturbance that now afflicts one-fifth of humanity and is a real social-health care emergency….” He called for a new and better approach in dealing with mental ill-health which called for better medical treatment for people with ill health as well as better treatment of them as persons. He also expressed his hope that the wider community would be more understanding of people with mental health issues and those that care for them many of whom are unpaid as they are family members or volunteers. Pope Saint John Paul II also emphasised everyone’s duty to respond with active charity to those who suffer from mental illness, particularly because the kingdom of God belongs to them: It is everyone’s duty to make an active response: our actions must show that mental illness does not create insurmountable distances, nor prevent relations of true Christian charity with those who are its victims. Indeed, it should inspire a particularly attentive attitude towards these people who are fully entitled to belong to the category of the poor to whom the kingdom of heaven belongs (cf. Mt 5:3). In his Apostolic Exhortation to Young People, Pope Francis, recognised the desire of young people experiencing mental illness to live life to the full and called on the rest of the community to recognise their unique contribution: “The desire to live fully and experience new things is also felt by many young people with physical, mental and sensory disabilities. Even though they may not always be able to have the same experiences as others, they possess amazing resources and abilities that are often far above average. The Lord Jesus grants them other gifts, which the community is called to recognize and appreciate, so that they can discover his plan of love for each of them.”, (Christus Vivit, 149) At the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Perth in 2019 Archbishop Fisher of Sydney gave an address on young people and mental illness. These are some of his remarks: “In the Church context, our families, schools, universities and youth groups could probably do more to educate and intervene appropriately in this area. We also need to identify the settings, peer support networks and technologies that might help. We must identify those most at-risk and contributing factors such as stigma and discrimination. We can learn a lot from contemporary society in this area.” “Throughout history, Christians sometimes recognised mental illness for what it is; they loved and prayed for the sick, and cared them at home, in the parish and in the first mental health institutions established by religious orders. But at other times they misunderstood psychological disorder as diabolical possession or moral failure, and applied remedies that were far from helpful. (citing Cf. H. Koenig & D. Larson, “Religion and mental health: Evidence for an association,” International Review of Psychiatry 13(2) (2009), 67-78). “Christians led the way in providing mental health institutions and services. But sometimes they shared in the widespread ignorance and prejudice towards the mentally ill and suicides. Nowadays the Church understands that “Grave psychological disturbances, anguish or fear… can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide” (CCC 2282)… And the Church, at its best, champions the rights of the weak, including the psychologically frail or ill, and offers them friendship and a spiritual home.”
Tracing family ties Period: Goryeo, 1390 Location: National Museum of Korea Status: National Treasure No. 131 The family registry document of King Taejo was written in 1390, just before the establishment of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), in Hamgyeong, the king’s hometown. It was kept in a shrine in Hamgyeong, but moved to Seoul during the era of Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945). The register comprises three parts: The first part is a record of 20 private slaves bestowed to Yi Seong-gye (later King Taejo) by the king of the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) in 1390. The second part contains a guide to the register and other detailed information. The third part is a record of 30 houses in Kaesong, but its relevance to Yi has not yet been confirmed. Yi’s family register also contains information about his government posts, children, siblings and land. During the Goryeo Dynasty, families made two copies of the register. One was kept at home and the other was submitted to the government. *The photos and text for Treasure Trove are provided by the National Museum of Korea. For more information, call (02) 2077-9000 or visit www.museum.go.kr
Programs focused on both diet and exercise may help people who have lost weight keep the pounds from creeping back on, according to a new analysis of past studies. Orlistat, an obesity drug, may also be effective when taken at higher doses, researchers found. More than one third of U.S. adults and 25 percent of Canadians are obese, and obesity raises the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Losing weight - and keeping it off - can reduce those risks. “Long term weight loss through changes in eating and physical activity is possible, even in adults who have already acquired obesity related illness, and effective weight loss programs are now available,” the researchers from Newcastle University in the UK write. They pooled data from 45 studies that included a total of 7,788 adults who had lost at least five percent of their body weight. The studies looked at people’s ability to keep the weight off for a minimum of one year. Forty-two of the studies included an initial phase meant to produce weight loss. The participants in those studies lost an average of about 24 pounds. The studies all looked at medication or lifestyle changes such as diet, physical activity and meal replacements, either alone or in combination, to help with weight loss maintenance. The researchers found that people participating in programs that combined diet and exercise gained back 3.4 fewer pounds after one year compared to people receiving no extra help with weight maintenance or standard treatment only. They also found that combining Orlistat with behavioral changes resulted in 4 fewer pounds regained after one year compared to participants who took a drug-free placebo. Orlistat appeared to be more effective at larger doses. But the drug also came with gastrointestinal side effects. People have to realize that it’s not just about losing weight. If a diet isn’t sustainable you’re not going to stick with it long term. Support during the weight management phase is important. Support groups and dietitians who give people strategies and tools to make it easier for permanent weight loss. It’s important to eat foods you like when losing weight and maintaining a weight loss. If you don’t like the foods on a diet plan, you’ll be more likely to slip back into old habits. Source: BMJ, online May 14, 2014. All research on this web site is the property of Leslie Beck Nutrition Consulting Inc. and is protected by copyright. Keep in mind that research on these matters continues daily and is subject to change. The information presented is not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. It is intended to provide ongoing support of your healthy lifestyle practices.
Books can be used as primary or secondary sources, according to their publication date and the topic of your research. There are three catalogs you can use to identify books on your topic: OSCAR is the online catalog for Santa Clara University. It includes all the books, print and electronic, in our collection as well as other materials such as videos, periodicals (not ARTICLES in them!) , and government documents. LINK+ is a catalog for approximately 70 libraries (mostly public, but there are a few academic libraries) in California. You can easily request books from LINK+ and get them in a few days. WorldCat includes books and other materials from academic, public, special, and national libraries around the world. Materials you identify here can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Getting books this way, though, is going to take time ... at a minimum, a week. Online Book Collections There are several large electronic book projects that can help you identify books and, sometimes, actually access the fulltext in electronic form (for many public domain, pre-1925, books). A few big ones are: ACLS Humanities E-Book Project, a collection of 2,800 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with twenty learned societies, nearly 100 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office. The most difficult part of searching library databases of any kind is figuring out the language to use. Library catalogs, like OSCAR, LINK+ and WORLDCAT, are particularly difficult. You will need to spend real time figuring out the best words to use in searches and doing lots of searching! For example, look at this description of a book in the library catalog, OSCAR: Fighting for America : Black soldiers-- the unsung heroes of World War II That book is about African-American soldiers in World War II. If you wanted to see if we had more books about that same topic, you might be tempted to do this Simple Search: black soldiers world war ii Try that now and see what you get. Quite a bit, right? Notice that there are some interesting, relevant books, but, sadly, there are a whole lot more, and maybe better, books. But, to find those you will need to take a few minutes to look more closely at the OSCAR description of that first book. Consider the different words used to represent those THREE main ideas (Yes! 3!) among the Subjects listed for that one book: For the IDEA of black you see "African American(s)". For the IDEA of soldiers you see soldiers & also "Armed Forces". For the IDEA of World War II you see "World War 1939-1945". The point I am trying to make here is that you need to really look closely at the language used in whatever database you are using and be prepared to do multiple searches trying different language. Otherwise, you could easily miss out on the most important material and/or conclude there is nothing on your topic!
Electric Safety Tips Electricity is safe and reliable, but it can be hazardous if used improperly. Here are some things you should and shouldn't do in your home when working with electricity or using powered devices. Shut off power before performing electrical work Shut off power at the circuit before performing any work on outlets, switches, light fixtures and other electrical equipment. Install ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets GFCIs monitor current flow in a circuit and shut it off if an imbalance is detected. Install them in the kitchen, bathrooms, outside and other potentially damp areas. Use safety covers on unused outlets Children can suffer serious shock or burn injuries if they insert objects into outlets. If children are present, install safety covers on all unused outlets. Check for frayed, cracked or otherwise damaged electrical cords Damaged cords may have exposed live wires that can be shock and fire hazards. Replace any damaged cords or replace equipment. Unplug small appliances when not in use Even when they're turned off, plugged-in devices can be a shock hazard if they fall into water. Unplug all small kitchen and bathroom appliances (such as blenders or hair dryers) when you're not using them. Use extension cords on a long-term basis. Extension cords are not as safe as permanent house wiring or cords that go with equipment. Install more outlets if necessary, or move the powered device closer to an outlet. Overload electrical circuits Overloaded electrical circuits are a major cause of residential fires. To prevent circuit overloads, make sure all major appliances are plugged into a single wall outlet, and avoid plugging a lot of devices into one outlet. Use indoor extension cords outside Cords intended for indoor use are not made to withstand the climate and mechanical stresses of outdoor conditions. Use only weather-resistant extension cords marked for outdoor use. Locate powered electrical cords under rugs or furniture. Pressure from heavy weight or foot traffic can damage cords, creating a fire hazard. Move cords or furniture so that the cords are not covered. Plug generators directly into an outlet or circuit panel The electricity generated can backfeed to outdoor power lines, where it can injure or kill utility service personnel. Permanent standby generators can be connected to the home by an automatic transfer switch, which can prevent this from happening. Is your home wiring safe? Signs of trouble include flickering lights and frequently blown circuits. If you suspect unsafe wiring conditions or other electrical problems, hire a qualified electrician to inspect your home. Electric Safety at Home The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family. * These tips are for informational purposes only and do not supersede state or local building codes. Contact your local building inspector for information regarding requirements in your area. Remember that common sense and good safety habits are the best protection against electrical hazards. - Make sure lightbulbs are the appropriate wattage for all fixtures. - Cover all outlets with face plates that fit snugly to walls. - If small children are present, install covers on all unused outlets. - Keep electrical cords away from foot traffic, and make sure they're not covered by rugs or furniture. - Avoid using extension cords on a long-term basis. - Never use electrical devices, such as radios or hair dryers, when the bathtub is being used. - Install only ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets in the bathroom. GFCIs monitor current flow in a circuit and shut it off if an imbalance is detected. - Unplug small appliances when not in use. - Unplug countertop appliances when not in use. - Locate appliance cords away from heat sources, such as the stove or range. - Make sure all kitchen outlets are GFCI protected. - Avoid drinking liquid when using an electric blanket or heating pad. Don't cover an electric blanket when in use. - Make sure electric blankets are in good condition; check for cracks or breaks in electrical cords. - Turn off electric blankets and heating pads when not in use if they don't have a timer. - Avoid plugging multiple devices into one outlet. - Keep the electrical panel free from obstructions, and make sure your hands and the floor are dry before touching the panel. - Install GFCIs in outlets located near clothes washers or wash tubs, or all outlets if it's damp. - Place portable heaters and dehumidifiers on a stable and level surface, at least 3 feet from walls and other objects. - Make sure portable heaters turn off when they tip over. - Install protective covers on all outlets and make sure they're all GFCIs and weatherproof. - Make sure power tools are in good condition and wires aren't cracked or frayed. - Store power tools indoors to keep them from being damaged by water or excessive heat. - When working outdoors, use only weather-resistant extension cords marked for outdoor use. - Power lines may be underground as well. Before digging, call 811 to have utility lines marked. Holiday Lighting Safety Tips Holiday lights can add to your seasonal celebrations, but they can also increase your risk of a house fire. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, holiday lights and decorations cause nearly 400 house fires each year. The following tips can help keep your family bright, happy and safe during the holiday season. - Use holiday lights that are approved by a nationally recognized testing organization, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL). - Before hanging your lights, inspect them for frayed wires, broken sockets or other signs of wear and tear. - Avoid connecting more than three strings of lights together, unless the directions indicate otherwise. - When using extension cords, avoid routing them under rugs or near walkways. - If you decorate a real tree, water it every day and prevent the lights from coming into contact with tree branches. - If you choose an artificial tree, make sure it's certified as fire resistant. Look for the UL label. - For outdoor decorating, only use lights and power strips that have been approved for outdoor use. - Keep electrical connections off the ground and make sure wiring is clear of downspouts, railings and aluminum siding. - Fasten holiday lights securely to buildings, trees and other outdoor surfaces to prevent damage from wind or jostling. - Be careful when using metal staples or nails as fasteners. They can damage the protective insulation covering the wires. - Turn off lights late at night or whenever you are away from home. Consider using a timer. - LED lights use up to 80% less energy than traditional lights and they have a longer lifespan. LEDs are also cool to the touch, reducing the risk of fire. Look for LEDs that are ENERGY STAR® certified. Call Before You Dig Buried electric, phone, cable, water or other facilities can be extremely dangerous if damaged, and they are costly to repair. Before you dig in the yard call Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS). OUPS will notify all utility companies to locate facilities. By law, OUPS requires 48-hours notice. Call OUPS any time at 800.362.2764 or 811, or visit www.oups.org
This paper examines the cultural schemas underlying older persons’ perception of intergenerational care roles. Thirty qualitative in-depth interviews and twenty focus group discussions (N = 120) were conducted among older women and men aged 60 and above. By using this theory, we were able to identify a series of cultural schemas found in older people’s discussions of intergenerational caregiving role. The most prominent shared schemas are; caregiving for elderly is a cultural obligation not a choice, caregiving is a sign of respect, caregiving is a sign of love, caregiving is a source of pride, and caregiving leads to attachment and emotional bonds. Based on these schemas, older people perceived getting care from one’s children as a cultural obligation and not an individual (child) choice. However, the findings show that older people’s life experience differed greatly from the cultural schemas they had as majority were not cared for by their children. Thus, the discrepancies between schemas/expectations and realities of older people led to tension, sadness, frustration and feeling of being neglected. This study suggests that there is need to put in place interventions that encourage intergenerational caregiving. These intervention programmes should seek not only to consider but also to build upon the strength of cultural values and beliefs. All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes - Health(social science) - Geriatrics and Gerontology
I was reading an article last week titled ‘Preparing your kids for the real world’. Life today is definitely more complicated than when I was at school and growing up, however I still feel if we educate our children/students to be more resourceful and resilient they will be better equipped to navigate their way through life. I have two boys myself and I found the following pieces of advice very useful and relevant. Principles to teach your kids: Own your life. Make good choices and accept responsibility for your actions. Your life is determined by the sum of the choices that YOU make. Face the facts. Every day isn’t filled with rainbows. Be prepared to accept the good with the bad — even roses have thorns. Take it slow. Don’t bite off more than you can chew at first. Build confidence and momentum through small wins. Don’t blame — learn. Make mistakes when the consequences are small. That way, you’ll know exactly how to handle things when it matters most. Don’t baby yourself. Show some grit when you’re confronted by challenges. Determination is habit forming; so is quitting. Invest in yourself. Education and experience are precious. Everything you learn makes you more valuable, and the benefits will remain with you through life. Accept “no” as a gift. People who don’t indulge your every whim are teaching you “how to fish.” They’re giving you the gift of confidence, strength, and self-reliance. Work hard; work smart. Nothing is accomplished without hard work, dedication, and commitment. It takes many years to become an overnight success. Patrick Doyle, Year 7 Coordinator, Wellbeing
It’s not easy trying to figure out the origin and early evolution of the Solar System using just a bunch of smashed up space rocks. A bit like trying to study an ancient civilization when all you have are a few bits of broken pottery and a rusty broach. Yes, making sense of the meteorite record can be tough! One approach is to compare what we have with what geochemical models predict we should have. Based on the evidence from iron meteorites we know that the very early solar system was full of small, molten mini-planets, so called “planetesimals”. These then merged by collisions to form the terrestrial planets, including Earth. The Willamette meteorite is a magmatic iron of the IIIAB group. Weighing in at 15 metric tons it is the largest North American meteorite. image: American Museum of Natural History So an interesting question to ask is what should you get when you melt primitive solar system materials to form these mini-planets? A lot of modelling work has been done to understand the structure of the best known mini-planet, asteroid 4 Vesta, which was studied in detail by the NASA Dawn spacecraft. It turns out you should get a layered body with a central iron-rich core, overlain by a very thick “mantle” dominated by the mineral olivine and an outer, relatively thin, layered crust. Based on these results we should be collecting a lot of olivine-rich meteorites and also detecting a lot of olivine-rich asteroids. The problem is both seem to be in rather short supply. It’s a well-known and yet poorly understood problem, which is sometimes referred to as: “The Great Dunite Shortage“. Iron meteorites may provide an additional constraint. Those that come from the cores of melted asteroids are known as magmatic irons. Analysis of these irons suggests that they come from up to 60 distinct melted asteroids. In comparison, rocky meteorites from such asteroids were, at least until recently, considered to be samples from a much smaller number of parent bodies, perhaps 20 or so at best. Of course one big problem in comparing these two set of samples is that irons are much more robust than silicate-rich meteorites and survive as small objects in space for longer. This is clear from their cosmic ray exposure ages, which are often as much as 10 times greater than silicate-rich meteorites. So where are we with the “Great Dunite Shortage” now? Well, recently I presented a seminar on this thorny problem at our weekly research group meeting. As I explained in the talk, one of the real issues is trying to define just how many parent bodies are represented in our meteorite collections. Some groups are easy, and despite having lots of individual specimens, we are confident that all the samples are from a single asteroid. Good examples of this are the angrites, main-group pallasites, winonaites, acapulcoite-lodranites. Some groups are a bit trickier. The vast majority of the so-called HEDs probably come from 4 Vesta, but there are also a number of HED-like meteorites that probably don’t. The meteorite Ibitira is a good example. Finally, there is an increasing number of what are called “ungrouped achondrites” whose affinity we are completely uncertain about. Some may be related to the more populated groups, but others like the meteorite NWA 7325, are probably samples from unique asteroids for which we have no other specimens. When you take all of these ungrouped achondrites into consideration the mismatch with the irons may be much less important than we previously thought. So is this the end for the “Great Dunite Shortage?” Well, the honest answer is that it is still too early to tell. This is an exciting time for meteorite science as new and interesting samples are increasingly becoming available from dense collection areas such as Northwest Africa. However, working out the interrelationships, if any, between these meteorites is far from straightforward. It is definitely a case of watch this space for further updates.
The youngest Nobel laureate at the age of 17, Malala has a made her mark on history. We’ve been hearing a lot about Malala this week, as she’s just been offered a place at the University of Oxford. But Malala’s tireless work for the rights of girls began long before the world knew her name. As far back as 2009, Malala began blogging to expose how the Taliban’s increasing control over the Swat Valley in Pakistan was hindering girls’ education and she began to recieve death threats against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. She survived, and has continued to speak out on the importance of education. Since the attempt on her life, Malala has been an unstoppable advocate for children’s education, specifically the education of girls, as well as gender equality. In 2013, Malala and Ziauddin co-founded the Malala Fund to bring awareness to the social and economic impact of girls’ education and to empower girls to raise their voices, to unlock their potential and to demand change. “And then, out of that silence came, thousands of voices. The terrorists thought that they would change our aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born.” For her 18th birthday on July 12, 2015, also called Malala Day, the young activist continued to take action on global education by opening a school for Syrian refugee girls in Lebanon. Its expenses covered by the Malala Fund, the school was designed to admit nearly 200 girls from the ages of 14 to 18. “Today on my first day as an adult, on behalf of the world’s children, I demand of leaders we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Yousafzai proclaimed. “No struggle can succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a third power stronger than both, that of women.” Malala understands how education can change the lives of girls and women, giving them with the tools and resources to find jobs and become economically self-sufficient. “Education is the best weapon we have to fight poverty, ignorance and terrorism,” Through her composure, intelligence and advocacy, Malala has proven that girls demand respect, and they demand human rights. The importance of elevating this perspective was highlighted by the Girl Declaration, which outlines the policy and cultural changes necessary for girls to attain human rights and which Malala signed along with dozens of other important thinkers and advocates from around the globe.
what is curriculum pdf The curriculum covers the whole time that children attend a kindergarten, from entry to completion. Therefore, teachers formulate the curriculum depending on the period of education, which is usually 2 or 3 years in Japan. ’The National Curriculum Standards for Kindergartens' states that the minimum what is curriculum pdf 翻訳 · Definition of curriculum in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of curriculum. What does curriculum mean? Information and translations of curriculum in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Curriculum Reform William H. Schuber t In 1943, at ASCD's birth, more than a decade of attempts to recover from the Great Depression had clearly left its mark; and World War II was the overriding concern in a world political context that few had Curriculum Development 101: Lessons Learned From a Curriculum-Design Project To better prepare themselves for authentic teaching situations, pre- and in-service teachers should become familiarized with the application of curriculum-development theory in their training programs. The authors will detail how they have become more 翻訳 · "Curriculum theory" is a term for how an educational institution decides what is at worth to learn and teach, and how learning will be measured. Pedagogy is closely related to curriculum theory, but where pedagogy describes how people teach and learn, curriculum describes how people decide what to teach and learn. Mathematics Curriculum Reform. Issues and Concerns in Mathematics Curriculum Reform. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • Creativity to think out of the box • Spiral progression - Need to review and relearn mathematics strands - Support for capacity building • Proper use of technology. Suggestions on SEA-BES define curriculum integration, discuss selected research related to curriculum integration, present several curriculum models for integra-tion, and discuss some of the implications curriculum integration will have on educa-tion. Integrated Curriculum Defined “The very notion of ‘integration’ incorpo-rates the idea of unity between forms ... HighScope is a comprehensive curriculum model that addresses all areas of devel-opment. In the HighScope Curriculum, the content of children’s learning is organized into eight major divisions that are easily aligned and are consistent with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, Common Core Standards, and oth- ©2016, 2005, Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation. All rights reserved. What is a Fish? Page 1 What makes a fish a fish? What makes a fish different from other animals? A "curriculum" is a set of requirements for graduation and courses which may be taken. A student's curriculum is determined by the year of their enrollment, and with the exception of a change in enrollment status, it will not normally change during a student's time at APU. Curriculum to help you integrate computing and coding in your learning space. The lesson plans in this packet are a mixture of teacher-led structure and student-led learning, designed to enable your students to progress in their understanding of technology, while inspiring them to create with it. curriculum is not standardized, but the model aims to reach standardized outcomes. The common components of competency based models include: • Partnerships of community colleges and four year programs are at the heart of each model STANDARD 6 Curriculum This in an outline of the components to include in your application and binder for Standard 6. 1. Documentation (such as a picture of the cover of a published curriculum or proof of payment) of an evidence-based curriculum including title, publication date a. 翻訳 · Even the most capable teachers depend on good curriculum. Although a teacher's abilities will affect how materials are delivered, the development of a consistent instruction plan is critical for accurate assessment, appropriate financial support and, most importantly, student success. 翻訳 · Welcome to our workshop on Assessment, Evaluation, and Curriculum Redesign.You should begin here in the "Explanation" section, which describes the CONCEPT. Then move to "Demonstration" and our ... 翻訳 · This is the Education Questions & Answers section on & Curriculum Development& with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand The HighScope Preschool Curriculum For 50 years HighScope has helped children achieve school readiness in all areas of academic and social learning using the renowned HighScope approach and curriculum. Our comprehensive, research-based curriculum is carefully designed to provide a rich academic foundation and foster child creativity, Title: curriculum Created Date: 6/18/2020 8:39:43 PM We have designed a curriculum for the 21st century. For example, first-year students take International Legal Analysis, a critical course in a world of increasing globalization. Legal Profession, a first-year course, is designed to introduce students to many aspects of the profession they are joining. 翻訳 · The PDF is now an open standard, maintained by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). PDF documents can contain links and buttons, form fields, audio, video and business logic. They can be signed electronically and you can easily view PDF files on Windows or Mac OS using the free Acrobat Reader DC software. A new curriculum in Wales Changing the way children and young people learn in school This document was written by Welsh Government. It is an easy read version of ‘The Curriculum for Wales: Guidance on Curriculum Design and Implementation’. January 2020 Curriculum Children’s Home Society of NC The Center for Child and Family health is a non-for-profit agency affiliated with Duke University. CCFH provides consultation and training to RPC facilitators across the state. The Resource Parent curriculum was designed by the National Child 翻訳 · Curriculum Training. The pre-clinical block-based curriculum is designed to increase integration of normal human biology with disease processes and clinical skills from the first week of medical school onward. Basic science is taught in the context of its application with planned reiteration. 翻訳 · 09.11.2016 · FAVORIT BOOK What Is Curriculum Theory? (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) READ NOW PDF ONLINEClik here http://ebookexprees.com/?book=0415804108 翻訳 · The New City Catechism Curriculum. The New City Catechism Curriculum features 52 engaging lessons developed from the questions and answers of The New City Catechism, designed to help children ages 8–11 learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith in a Sunday school, classroom, or homeschool setting. CURRICULUM GUIDE The Common Core State Standards addressed by the discussion questions, activities, and worksheets in this guide are noted throughout. For more information on the Common Core, visit corestandards.org. Next Generation Science Standards are also listed where applicable. For more information on NGSS, visit nextgenscience.org. 翻訳 · Title: curriculum.pdf Author: mtanaka Created Date: 12/7/2015 10:36:50 PM Title: curriculum_overview Created Date: 7/20/2020 2:20:51 PM Use the curriculum map to identify the learning opportunities (e.g., assignments, activities) that produce the program's outcomes. Ask if the department/program is trying to do too much. Eliminate outcomes that are not highly-valued and then focus on highly-valued outcomes by including them in multiple courses. 翻訳 · 05.11.2016 · Browse more videos. Playing next. 0:07 2 International Schools Services advocates teacher leadership and ownership in designing, refining, and reviewing curriculum. Using the Understanding by Design process, our teachers develop standards -based and responsive curriculum for their students. Our curriculum development and archiving efforts are further guided by utilizing Rubicon Atlas software and online curriculum … 翻訳 · Curriculum & Instruction. The general mission of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction is to advance knowledge of, and professional practice in, teaching and learning. The department is committed to providing leadership and assistance in implementing an instructional program that meets the diverse needs of the 21st-century learner. Created Date: 5/25/2020 3:56:48 PM Curriculum, and (2) Grades 3-5 Physical Education Curriculum. The type of content knowledge focus in grades K-2 should be very different than the content knowledge focus in grades 3-5. The K-2 curriculum should align with the Grade 3-5 curriculum by laying the foundation for future learning in physical education. K-5 Standards and Assessments (GONA) curriculum. Later, Alaska Native village members requested that the curriculum be renamed to the Gathering of Alaska Natives (GOAN) in order to reflect Alaska Native cultural values, beliefs, and practices. In the years since, the GONA/GOAN curriculum has been presented to hundreds of AI/AN communities. and help them apply the concepts in the curriculum to their own lives. The Green Dot Bystander training consists of four modules: Module One: An Introduction to Green Dot In this module an overview of the Green Dot strategy is provided, key definitions are discussed (e.g., power-based personal violence), and the role of the bystander is introduced. Title: sogo_curriculum Created Date: 7/3/2020 1:47:23 PM curriculum assumes a classroom environment in which students are called upon to explain their reasoning in writing,or orally to the teacher,to the class,or to other students in a group. 5 Overview The material in each course is arranged by strands,which are major content organizers. 翻訳 · Curriculum. Design. Creator. Design basic 2D and 3D assets. Builder. Combine 2D and 3D assets in the assembly of a project. Developer. Use multiple designed assets in completed products and models. Maker. Design multiple and integrating assets for use in complex finished projects and models. 翻訳 · Whole Kids Foundation | Changing the Way We Feed Our Kids
A guardianship is a legal action that is filed in the probate court. The issue for the court to decide is whether or not the person in question, the proposed ward, is in need of a guardian, and, if so, who should serve as the legal guardian? While these actions are common in cases of orphaned children, guardianships can also be instituted against adults when they are no longer able to make decisions in their best interest. Unlike a power of attorney or health care power of attorney, a guardianship can’t be revoked. There are two types of guardianship. Guardianships of the person and guardianships of the estate. A guardian of the person assists the ward with making decisions – specifically medical decisions. A guardian over the estate is responsible to maintain the ward’s finances and must also file reports with the probate court on the status of the ward’s assets.
Warren Buffet Project This project will consist of a PowerPoint that examines a famous leader our leader is Warren Buffet and applying concepts and theories explored in this course. Follow this outline: 1. Open your PowerPoint with the name of your leader. Your second slide should describe the leader and his/her leadership style. You can use as many slides as necessary to complete this assignment. 2. Name three specific leadership traits or behaviors of this leader. 3. Name the leadership trait or leadership behavior that you think best explains the success of this leader and why. 4. Apply this leader’s approach or style to one of the leadership theories discussed in this course. 5. Explain why this leadership style or approach has been successful for this leader and make logical arguments supporting your case. 6. Cite at least three journal articles and at least two direct quotes for this leader (include citation with page number). Direct quotes should be short (no more than one sentence) and should be noted with quotation marks. 7. Add other information to make your presentation interesting. 8. PowerPoint should end with a list of references in APA format. Please make sure to look up how each reference should be included as well as the type of information to include. Warren Buffet – Berkshire Hathaway Last Updated on February 15, 2018 by Essay Pro
In July 2017 Namyr- a sustainable e-commerce enterprise was founded by a cultural entrepreneur Zahra Amber. An ethical fashion platform under which the artisans from the local community could develop and trade high-fashion organic handmade products. Namyr not only provide the online market place for the locals to sell their products but also promotes and preserve the culture and historical essentials of the artifacts in more ethical and exclusive way. In the autumn of 2016, a design consultancy took Zahra to a community in the northern hemisphere of Pakistan where she was captivated by the immense heritage of aboriginal talent of people. Despite living in Pakistan for most part of her life, she was struck by the raw talent of the people of this region. This region is called Kalash, which is more known for its beauty and less for the extraordinary inventive natives. Three of the Kalash valleys—Bumborate, Rumbur and Birir—are located to the south-western tip of district Chitral on the border of Nuristan valley of Afghanistan at a distance of 46 kilometer and 2 hours’ drive from Chitral town. The origin of the indigenous Kalash communities is shrouded in mystery. There are three parallel theories surrounding their origin: Some say the Kalash are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great; other say they are indigenous to Asia and came from what is now the Nuristan area of Afghanistan and still other say the Kalash ancestors migrated to Afghanistan from a distance place in South Asia. Whatever might be the origin of the Kalash communities, it is an established fact that they have unique and colorful culture of their own. Their way of life, dresses, cuisines, religious festival, rituals, worships and folk songs are entirely different from that of their Muslim neighbors. The inhabitants of this region have culture and tradition, which have long lasting history which is older than 300 BC. Despite their vivid and unique culture, this community lives in morbid clusters, deprived of basic amenities and denied basic human rights. The indigenous Kalash culture is potentially threatened with extinction. Being traditionally vulnerable, they compromise on their own cultural identity and assimilate into Muslim culture. Presently the total population of the Kalash community is estimated at 3400. Kalash communities, in general, and women, in particular, have hardly received their share in the growing trend of economic development largely because they don’t have social standing, which limits their access to career opportunities the way members of other communities in Pakistan do. Seeing the potential in people of this region her stay lasted beyond the duration of consultancy. She got an opportunity to revive the indigenous techniques of back strap weaving on modernistic forecast by using organic material (wool and colors). Working with these adroit women made her realize that the need of this community is more than just training. They need an outlet to access mainstream markets and generate an income, which can provide them better living.The unique pieces of artifacts they created elated her so much that she felt they should be available to people outside the valley. Thus, she initiated Namyr. Namyr’s objective is ‘’maximizing the benefits to people and communities whilst minimizing impact on the environment’’. Our products are Eco-friendly so every purchase is contributing to fare trade mission. This project is addressing social issues as poverty, unemployment, women empowerment, inclusivity, and environment
You may have heard of the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This is because of the amount of pectin found in apples. Pectin is known as a type of fiber, a complex carbohydrate that is needed by our body. Pectin is not solely found in apples, it can be found in other fruits and vegetables as well. In apples, the pectin is usually found on its skin and its pulp. This explains why you should not always remove the skin of apples. Now that you know what pectin is, you want to know what else it can do. Here are some of the benefits that you can receive with pectin: Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Pectin 1. Regulate the digestive system There are a lot of benefits that apple pectin can give. Its high fiber content can help aid the digestive system in removing the toxins inside the body. At the same time, it helps absorb the nutrients from food better so that the body is more nourished. It can also helps the body cope with some problems. - If you are suffering from diarrhea, this can be highly effective in firming your stools. - Lessen the effects and symptoms of having Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. - Remove the inflammation that may be related to other digestive problems and diseases. 2. Prevent various diseases Apple pectin can give a large amount of soluble fiber that the body needs, you can expect that you will be less prone to cardiovascular diseases. You can expect the following: - You will have lower cholesterol levels. - Your heart health will improve tremendously. - The intestines will not take in too much cholesterol so that your body will not get fully affected by too much cholesterol. 3. Prevent the onset of Cancer One of the deadliest diseases that people would not like to get right now is Cancer. Although there are some known cures for Cancer, these cures are not 100% effective. There are also some people who develop different conditions because of taking some treatments for the disease. It has been said that the intake of pectin can help stop the growth of cancer. - Pectin specifically blocks the possibility of cancer cells to spread in different parts of the body. - It stops Galactin 3 to prevent cancer growth and makes the process slower. - It has been said that pectin is most effective in fighting certain types of cancer. These types are the following: prostate, lung and colon cancer. 4. Give the adequate protection needed against Metabolic Syndrome There are a lot of people who are currently suffering from weight gain and a wide variety of diseases that are connected to their weight gain. Being obese can result in higher blood sugar and higher levels of cholesterol that can lead to heart diseases and stroke. The regular intake of pectin can help promote effective weight loss. - Just make sure that aside from consuming enough pectin, a healthier lifestyle is recommended too. - Try being more active especially if you are usually in front of your computer for hours. - Try to take in pectin the most natural way which is by eating apples and other fruits and vegetables that have high pectin content. 5. Improve intestinal health Do you know that your intestines can play a huge role in your current health? The intestinal tract has good and bad bacteria, and it can be a problem if there are more bad bacteria compared to the good bacteria. Remember that the good bacteria’s job is to absorb nutrients and at the same time, keep the bad bacteria away. If you would like to improve your intestinal health, the best way to do this is by taking in the right amount of pectin every day. 6. Remove the toxins inside your body Do you know why you sometimes feel sluggish and you are unable to continue with your tasks? It is because of the toxins that are in your system. To get rid of these toxins efficiently, you can take enough pectin every day. It will improve your digestive system and will get rid of more toxins faster than before. 7. It can help you when you are constipated If you would like to lessen your problems with constipation, taking enough pectin can be highly useful for you. Pectin can work both ways. It can loosen your stools when you are suffering from constipation and make them firmer when you are suffering from diarrhea. If you are constipated, and you are having trouble passing bowels, taking pectin is one of the best options to try. - Remember that when you take apple pectin, you are supposed to take fluids as well. - If you are not sure if you are recommended to take pectin, you may ask your physician about it first just to be sure. - You also have to be extra careful when taking the right amount of pectin because if you take too much, this can make the absorption of certain medications slower. 8. Apple Pectin is a good source of Vitamin C Do you realize that you are deficient in certain types of vitamins? The body needs different vitamins to stay healthy, but most of the time, people do not eat the right food products that can supply them with the nutrients that they need. If you suspect that you lack Vitamin C, taking apple pectin can help solve this problem. Studies show that apple pectin contains 96% of the needed Vitamin C of the body. 9. Remove certain types of metals from the body Some Chernobyl victims are in dire need of removing the radioactive waste that they have become exposed to. According to some studies, the exposure to apple pectin mixed in with citrus has allowed the removal of metals successfully. More people should be aware of this type of detoxification process especially if they would benefit from it. 10. Protect sores from getting infected You may get sores on different parts of your body because of different reasons. You may acquire sores because of certain medical conditions. At times, the sores may have been inflicted on you, or you became clumsy and acquired some wounds in the place. Sores can get worse if they get infected. To avoid doing this, you can apply apple pectin to the wound. This is most effective in getting rid of mouth sores. Some Side Effects to Expect Taking apple pectin may be good for you, but there are some side effects that you may experience such as the following: - Stomach Gas – This can become uncomfortable if you have too much gas. - Diarrhea – If you do not take the right amount of pectin, it might make your current digestive condition worse. There are also instances when people assume that they have to take apple pectin to cure their chronic digestive issues, but this is not always the case. If in case you have a condition that you want to cure soon, you should consult your doctor first so you will be given proper advice on whether taking pectin will be useful for your condition or not. You cannot combine apple pectin if you are taking these medications: - Antibiotics – the number of antibiotics that will be taken in by the body will be lessened greatly, and it might prove to be ineffective. - Mevacor – The intake of pectin can also affect how effective Mevacor is going to be. If you are not familiar with this, Mevacor is what you take if you want to lower your blood cholesterol. - Digoxin – This is a fiber supplement that may not be fully absorbed by the body when pectin is also taken in. It is always advisable that instead of mixing different medications, allot a few hours before taking the next one. A tip to remember: For those who are working in factories that work with apple pectin, the effect of apple pectin dust is different from apple pectin itself. Those who are exposed to it may experience some discomfort. There are some who become exposed to apple pectin dust for a long period of time and they start to develop asthma afterward. Do not let this happen to you by protecting yourself often. Other Sources of Pectin It is rare to find people who dislike eating apples. There are also some who cannot take apples even if they want to because their bodies do not match up with some of the components of apples. If this is the case, there are other sources of pectin available such as the following: - Acacia Fiber Purchasing the Right Type of Pectin You have to know before searching for apple pectin that there are different types of pectin available. The most common type is the one that you can purchase to make jam. This is not your intention. You are searching for pectin that will give you medicinal benefits so where are you supposed to buy the right type of pectin? At this point, you may be curious about creating your pectin. This is okay if you are aware of the things that you should do but if not, there is a chance that you will place the wrong amount of ingredients and make the whole process unsuccessful. When purchasing the right type of pectin, you may do the following: - Read reviews and recommendations about where people usually purchase their pectin. - The more natural the pectin is, the better it would be. - Check out different companies that offer apple pectin first. This is better than purchasing from the very first company that you see. How To find the right pectin - What is the pack of pectin that you are going to purchase? The amount that you are going to purchase highly depends on how much you need. A lot of stores offer both small and large packs to accommodate your requirements. - Will the pectin that you will purchase last for a long time? Some packed pectin is meant to be stored only for a short amount of time. You have to know how long you will store the pectin so you can buy the right one for you. - Where is the pectin placed? For your convenience, the pectin that you are going to purchase should be placed in individual sachets that you can easily use whenever you need to. - Consider the process that the pectin goes through before being packed. To be ensured of the quality of the pectin you are going to purchase, look for ones that go through a 6 step process. This will ensure that the pectin has high absorption properties which can be beneficial to you. - Consider the taste of the pectin if you are going to buy in supplement form. Most pectin supplements do not taste good but there are some that come with great taste. You may research this or ask other people who are also taking apple pectin so they can give you other recommendations. With all of the things that you have learned about apple pectin, do you think you are ready to search for the right one that you are going to consume every day? Remember to consider quality when purchasing and flavor too if you are going to take it orally.
On June 18, the Mozilla Foundation broke the Guinness World Record for most software downloads in one day when over 8 million people downloaded Firefox 3, the latest version of the popular web browser. What many Firefox users may not have realized is that with the update they acquired a number of new technologies adopted from the FreeBSD project. One notable improvement features the memory allocator “jemalloc,” developed by FreeBSD guru Jason Evans. Firefox version 2 was known as something of a memory hog, and the update improves upon this greatly with upgrades such as a new rendering engine, but Evans’ contribution proved particularly significant. According to Firefox developer Stuart Parmenter, their tests of the browser on Windows Vista showed a 22% drop in memory usage once they turned on “jemalloc.” Another FreeBSD technology utilized in the Firefox upgrade was the “bsdiff” binary patch system, which allows for reduced software update sizes and faster downloads for end users. In addition, the delivery of the Firefox software relied on FreeBSD as well–Internet Systems Consortium operates one of Mozilla’s download mirrors, powered by FreeBSD 7. During Mozilla’s record-breaking 24 hours of downloading, the server withstood rates of a gigabit per second. ISC referred to FreeBSD as “a rock solid platform.” Of course, FreeBSD has a long history of being used inside other open-source projects, and this is just one example of the improvements that it can make. And just think: “jemalloc” is already a part of FreeBSD 7. If it can improve the performance of a web browser so drastically, then imagine the potential effect on an entire operating system.
Researchers from the University of British Columbia have partnered with Aboriginal communities in northwestern B.C. to create a community report meant to foster conversations about secondhand smoke and the importance of creating smoke-free spaces. The report specifically addresses tobacco reduction for pregnant Aboriginal women, mothers and their children. Due to numerous factors -- for example, lack of child care services and affordable housing -- these groups are often exposed to secondhand smoke. "The awareness that was raised by doing the interviews and surveys for this study was a big part of the impetus for making changes in our communities," says Debbie Sullivan, a community health nurse at the Gitsegukla Health Centre in Hazelton, B.C. "We are very excited that all our community halls are now smoke-free and we think it is a result of bringing this topic to people's attention through this research." British Columbia boasts one of the lowest smoking rates in the country, however, First Nations communities in B.C. are estimated to have smoking rates of 50 to 60 per cent, and in Inuit populations the rate increases to 60 to 70 per cent -- well above the average smoking percentage of non-Aboriginal communities. The community report, titled Let's Talk About Secondhand Smoke, was created through a collaboration involving UBC researchers from the Okanagan and Vancouver campuses, the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada, Gitsegukla Health Programs and Services, and members of the First Nations communities in the Hazelton and Gitxsan areas. "It was very important to us to work within the communities, as partners, and listen to the people who live there to gain a better understanding of secondhand smoke exposure in order to find meaningful solutions to the problem," says Joan Bottorff, director for the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention at UBC's Okanagan campus. "People in these communities were very concerned about secondhand smoke, particularly in regards to the effects on children and elders." The community report was created using information compiled from interviews with community workers as well as two community surveys that gathered people's attitudes and opinions on secondhand smoke. More than 450 people took part in the surveys. The report addresses many complex factors contributing to secondhand smoke exposure, and highlights the strong desire of many to create smoke-free spaces. It also identifies influential people -- such as elders, found to be highly respected and valued members of the community -- who may be able to act as advocates for change. "What the community report really does is provide a tool to guide future conversations," says Bottorff. "It helps identify where people are exposed to secondhand smoke, creates awareness about factors influencing the issue, and identifies that there is a desire to change." And although the report was done specifically for people in the Hazelton and Gitxsan areas, Bottorff believes it could be used by other First Nations communities concerned about the impact of secondhand smoke exposure. "I suspect there are some other First Nations reserve communities that face similar challenges, obstacles and desires when it comes to secondhand smoke," she says. "They may be able to see themselves in this report, identify similarities and differences, and begin to identify strategies for their own communities. "Structural changes are needed to make First Nations communities smoke-free, but one thing this research showed us is that when people act together they can bring change." Over the course of the project, Bottorff says she actually witnessed this change, with an increasing number of communal places becoming smoke-free in Hazelton and Gitxsan. "I don't think our research can take all the credit for that," says Bottorff, "although perhaps raising the topic of secondhand smoke and helping the conversation unfold may have helped in some small way." The Let's Talk About Secondhand Smoke community report for the Hazelton and Gitxsan areas can be found online at circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/36622 -- 30 --
When Judaica artist and calligrapher David Moss was commissioned by a Florida couple to design a one-of-a-kind Haggada for Passover in 1980, it set him free to put his personal stamp on tradition. He was especially keen to create a work in the spirit of an injunction from the Haggada itself: “In every generation, each person must regard himself or herself as if he or she had come out of Egypt.” The Jerusalem-based Moss, a Dayton, Ohio, native who made aliya decades ago, spent the next three years working full-time on the project — half the time spent on research, half on design. Embellished with gold leaf on parchment, lacy cut-outs, mirrors, moving parts, and hand-drawn illuminations, the Moss Haggadah has become perhaps the best-known illuminated Haggada of the past 50 years. “This is the 3,326th annual Pesach celebration,” said Moss. “It is amazing that we have been telling our children [this story] for that amount of time.” Moss spoke March 23 at the 29th annual Israel Segal Memorial Lecture at Congregation Neve Shalom in Metuchen, where he conducted workshops for schoolchildren before the program and for adults afterward. According to Moss, the Passover Haggada is the most published book in the world, other than the Bible, with over 15,000 different editions. In trying to give the Exodus story physical expression, Moss said, he looked for fresh ways to share its eternal message. For example, its first page is a tree of life, dense with seeds, with a border containing the entire text of the Haggada in micrographic Hebrew letters. “A seed is the beginning of a tree,” explained Moss. “A seed holds the whole tree in it magically, wonderfully…. Pesach is just such a moment in the way it is celebrated as a holiday. It holds so much potential for a new beginning.” Pages depicting Jews as they looked through the centuries are interspersed with reflective foil, allowing the users literally to see themselves in the Jewish continuum. “I did this with the illuminations and paper cuts and mirrors because I thought I was doing a one-of-a-kind book,” said Moss, also a renowned designer of ketubot, architecture, and pottery whose works are on display throughout the world. While the original Haggada commissioned by Richard and Beatrice Levy remains locked in a vault, facsimile editions have been printed and are available for sale. In 1987, the White House purchased a copy, which was signed by President Ronald Reagan and presented to Israeli President Chaim Herzog to mark the first state visit of an Israeli president to the United States. As Moss walked through the audience displaying the sections of the Haggada, he drew “oohs” and “ahs.” Moss said he called the book Back to the Middle Ages because it was hand-illustrated with a turkey quill. But, he added, “it is a book for our times.”
I received a comment on social media that read: “I’ve given up on a raw foods diet because of Covid. Just seems too easy for the virus to thrive on veggies and fruit. Do you have any info that suggest different? Well… I don’t know what source this person got that idea from, but according to official data from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention): - The risk of getting sick with COVID-19 from eating or handling food (including frozen food and produce) and food packaging is considered very low. - Currently, there is no evidence that food is associated with spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Regarding handling and cleaning fresh produce, the CDC, also recommends: – Do NOT wash produce with soap, bleach, sanitizer, alcohol, disinfectant, or any other chemical. – Gently rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under cold, running tap water. – Scrub uncut firm produce (e.g., potatoes, cucumbers, melons) with a clean brush, even if you don’t plan to eat the peel. – Salt, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice, and lime juice have not been shown to be effective at removing germs on produce. If you think about it, there are a million ways someone can get infected by viruses or bacteria. Microorganisms are ubiquitous; that is, they are present nearly everywhere. Here are some facts: Your kitchen sink is often dirtier than your toilet (1), your toothbrush likely has poop on it (2), E. coli has been found in makeup, carpets, beddings, and remote controls (3). Your phone has 10 times the bacteria of your toilet. (4) The average pillow has 350,000 bacteria colonies, and more than 100,000 yeast and mold colonies, including some that are very toxic to humans. (5) The way for humans to win our million year war with microbes is not to avoid them completely, because we can’t! I believe we are trying to solve the problem from the wrong end. This is a health problem; we can’t sanitise the universe. The key to beating Covid-19, as well as many other diseases, lies in our immune system. Maintaining our inner terrain in a healthy (undisturbed and undeteriorated) state of homeostasis is one of the key benefits we derive from eating a diet of raw, whole, plant foods in their freshest, least processed form. Furthermore, studies have shown that the immune system reacts to the introduction of cooked food into the bloodstream the same way it does to foreign pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is readily evidenced by the doubling and tripling of the leukocyte count in the blood in the half an hour to an hour after eating a cooked meal. Any poison or drug taken occasions the same body response. However, this reaction does not occur when raw food is consumed. I cannot think of safer foods than oranges, bananas, kiwis, melons, apples, pears, along with so many other fruits, since the peeling process makes them ultra-safe. When people talks about the dangers of germs and raw foods, they mostly refer to raw meat and other animal derived products; they don’t mean raw vegan foods. We are living through a pandemic. It’s never been more important to fuel our bodies with the plethora of nutrients and vitamins readily available in plant based, raw foods. Depriving yourself of lettuce and spinach because you are scared of viruses is as illogical as killing yourself to avoid getting sick. You would certainly not get Covid-19 if you are already dead. If anything, we should increase the amount of raw food we consume, get out there and exercise, get vitamin D through sunlight exposure, have a laugh, and enjoy life. What is the point of life anyway, if you can’t live it? Enjoyed this article? Check out the essential guide: Raw Dinner Recipes. Get 16 quick and delicious oil-free dinner recipes that don’t require a dehydrator. You can get the eBook right now – for FREE – by clicking the banner below.
Linus of Rome Who was Linus? Did he know the Apostle Paul? Was he the first pope? Was he the second bishop of Rome after the Apostle Peter? Was he even a bishop? The generally touted Catholic position is that Linus was the second pope, that he was ordained by Peter, and that all other leaders passed through him (Lopes A. The Popes: The lives of the pontiffs through 2000 years of history. Futura Edizoni, Roma, 1997, p. 1). Is any of that correct? This article will refer to the Bible, historical records, and Roman Catholic sources to attempt to properly answer those questions. What do we actually know based upon the Bible and historical fact? There was once a Christian named Linus who knew the Apostle Paul. Linus, at least for a time, lived in Rome. The Bible does not record that Linus was the obvious future leader of all Christians. Linus was NOT an apostle, NOT a pope, and NOT even a bishop. We have no real information about his life, his teachings, or his death. Most of the traditions ascribed to him have been admitted by Roman Catholic scholars to be in error, with others admitted to be without historical foundation. And many accounts are in contradiction. Contemporary history records nothing about him, other than Paul’s mention, and later Irenaeus lists him (over one hundred years after his death). The only Linus we know of was a Christian who lived and served in Rome, but of whom we have no reason to believe he was the spiritual successor of Peter. Therefore the often repeated Roman claim that they have an unbroken line of successors from Peter beginning with Linus is historically inaccurate.
To what extent do you think that a digital copy can represent someone’s personality? Anything digital is a simulation. The quality of any simulation depends upon the “resolution” of the replica, how much information it contains, along with the sophistication of the programming itself. To what extent do you think a human being can be captured in data? This question is nearly identical to the first. My response is that this entirely depends upon how advanced the technology is which creates this “human snapshot,” along with the quantity of data available. In your article on AI OS you write: “Beyond these levels exist “user minds”, which are various character entities with specialized abilities and voices. User minds may have the capacity to learn, contain advanced functionalities, demonstrate dynamic personalities, or behave as specific individuals.” What do you mean by ‘character entities’? Can you explain how and why it has a character? By “character entities,” what is meant is interactive versions of various personalities, much like any video game character, which has specific qualities such as appearance, sound, and behavior. For example, a “James Brown” bot would essentially look, sound, and behave like the original. How can a ‘user mind’ demonstrate a personality and behave as a specific individual? How does this work? Simulating someone would require “downloading” their characteristics, programming a template with their unique qualities. In future, it may become quite easy to simulate anyone using available media, such as images, video, audio, or text. Available data could combine to create a system which could essentially emulate a person and predict how they would respond under various conditions. Of course, our current technology is extremely limited in comparison with the vastness of nature, or even one human brain. A photo is just a photo, a film a film, and an interactive AI would also be, to some extent simplified, again depending upon available technical capacity. In what ways do you think that voice interfaces change the way we communicate? VUI doesn’t change much in the way that humans communicate, it merely makes operating a machine more convenient. Rather than pushing a bunch of buttons, turning dials, clicking mice, or tapping screens, a voice interface understands spoken commands and executes desired actions. Perhaps, if there is any change, it might be with the speed of things. As we become more familiar with instant results with less effort, our lives may speed up, or even slow down. We increasingly have additional choices, options, and greater freedom. People are complex, ambiguous and multi-layered beings. They have different personalities in different settings and navigate between different kinds of identities and self-states. Do you think this can be captured in an AI? We can certainly try! Again, this entirely depends upon the effort invested in such a task. We will likely have the technology one day to simply scan a brain for simulation, yet in the meantime, we’re dealing with more primitive forms of input, such as text, images, and audio. Do you think that someone’s digital copy will have consciousness and empathy in the future? If yes, how does this work? If no, why not? Perhaps in the very distant future, yet not anytime soon, or merely simulated at best. “Self awareness” is key to consciousness and “feeling” as we know it. Eventually, this is likely to happen, yet only when the entity begins to self reflect, see for itself in unique ways, and think independently. Sentience is partly an “internal discussion,” so creating conscious technology would require establishing multiple inner layers which communicate. Unlike science-fiction, my guess is that this form of development will ultimately become less interesting to most, as for one, we already have billions of fully conscious and emotional beings available on Earth. We essentially want our machines to listen to us, do what we say, perform well, and remain predictable. Having a “robot friend” will be attractive for children, lonely individuals, or anyone with the fetish. Generally, it is much more likely that AI will simply empower us and act as an extension of our own minds, rather than becoming an additional independent character in our lives. When is the last time we “thanked” a toaster, a car, or any machine. Seems silly. People expect that in the future, their digital copy can become more than a digital shadow; that it can do more, for example using images and voice. What are your expectations for the future? Just as today we record videos or take photos to remember events and people, in future we will be able to capture much more, perhaps entirely immersive experiences and sensations. If we wish (and even if we don’t), much of our lives will be able to be monitored, documented, organized, and analyzed, at a level of depth we are currently unable to comprehend. It may become common to “record” a digital representation of ourselves, which acts on our behalf. Even programmers of today are essentially doing this, automating tasks for themselves and others, putting actions into structured systems that save users time or energy. For many practical reasons, we will generally want these “virtual selves” to follow instructions, do what we want, and nothing more. A main characteristic of humans is sentience: the capacity to feel, perceive, and experience the world subjectively. According to scientists it is impossible to code a digital entity that is sentient. It is only possible to code a digital entity that appears to be sentient. What is your perspective on this? For now, agreed. Our brains require trillions of interconnected and communicating neurons to produce our particular human form of sentience. Once machines and networks rival this amount of complexity, then yes, self-awareness will likely develop. Seems inevitable, ultimately. Buddhists claim that the essence of reality is consciousness, which is being expressed in countless forms of life. “Alive” and “dead,” “aware” and “unaware,” at the end of it all, these are merely words. Everything is connected. One. Do you think, as an AI-expert, you have a more realistic down-to-earth perspective on artificial intelligence than most users of digital technologies? Do you think we need to ‘demystify AI’ and solve the knowledge gap? Would never consider myself an “AI expert,” yet do have more experience than many in regard to living with a talking machine 😉 Yes, “artificial intelligence” as a topic does certainly need to be demystified, reduced to the “boring truth” that it’s not so different than TV, cars, computers, or any other tool. Technology can always be dangerous, yet it is certainly nothing to fear, only something worth understanding and using. AI is simply automation, putting a process together to manage rather repetitive, challenging, or less interesting tasks. In addition, most of the “warm fuzzy” ideas circulating about wanting emotional support, friendship, and other human qualities from a machine are likely to shrink from popularity, once our initial dreamy thrill fades away. Just as the very earliest websites were often glamorized and impractical, our first discovery of a technology can often lead with a naive, unrealistic vision. Eventually, we become more adjusted and core practical values become clear. For example, we are quite unlikely to want a noisy and outspoken C3P0 style machine in our lives. Our robots and AI are going to be rather silent and efficient, as unobtrusive as possible. Eventually, literally invisible. How do you – as a developer – consider your role in pushing as well as protecting the technological boundaries? What is an important ethical boundary for you? Focusing upon open source software and development is partly an ethical decision. Am currently running 100% open source. The flexibility, freedom, and power is unmatched. Individual liberty is very important. Although connected, we are each unique people, in different situations. We must be able to make our own choices and control forces in our own lives, as much as possible. My mission is to expand awareness of open source options, support development, and help empower everyone. Some people think they can upload their brain on a computer and become immortal. Scientists claim that consciousness has no computational basis and therefore it is impossible to upload a sentient human being on a computer. What is your perspective on this? Make sure there are backups! 🙂 My perspective is that sentience naturally arises at a certain level of complexity. Nature is inherently conscious. Technology is yet “another evolving form of life,” one deeply connected with us, a part of us, similar to children, pets, or plants. Again, these are all just words, names, and labels. We cannot actually divide anything. Technology is nature and is us. In what ways do you think that digital immortality and AI can play a role in solving our ecological crisis? Eventually, humanity simply will not produce or consume anything toxic. Any garbage from our chemical / plastic / radioactive / planet wrecking past will be transformed by self-replicating nanobots and engineered microbes. We will all begin to live longer, taking on an increasing amount of forms, liberating ourselves in countless ways, enjoying instantaneous planetary or cosmic travel, and exploring infinite dimensions, both large and small. After all, we are this universe itself. If anything is possible, it only expressing our very nature. We are “growing up.” Nothing special. 😎 Thanks to PhD Candidate Siri Beerends for this engaging interview!
10 Nov, 2016 Blogs By Indrajit Poddar, Yu Bo Li, Qing Wang, Jun Song Wang, IBM These days you can see machine and deep learning applications in so many places. Get driven by a driverless car. Check if your email is really conveying your sense of joy with the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer, and see IBM Watson beat the best Jeopardy player in the world in speed and accuracy. Facebook is even using image recognition tools to suggest tagging people in your photos; it knows who they are! Barking Up the Right Tree with the IBM S822LC for HPC We wanted to see what it would take to get started building our very own deep learning application and host it in a cloud. We used the open source deep learning framework, Caffe, and example classification Jupyter notebooks from GitHub, like classifying with ImageNet. We found several published trained models, e.g. GoogLeNet from the Caffe model zoo. For a problem, we decided to use dog breed classification. That is, given a picture of a dog, can we automatically identify the breed? This is actually a class project from Stanford University with student reports, such as this one from David Hsu. We started from the GoogLeNet model and created our own model trained on the Stanford Dogs Dataset using a system similar to the IBM S822LC for HPC systems with NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs connected to the CPU with NVIDIA NVLink. As David remarked in his report, without GPUs, it takes a very long time to train a deep learning model on even a small-sized dataset. Using a previous generation IBM S822LC OpenPOWER system with a NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU, we were able to train our model in only a few hours. The IBM S822LC for HPC systems not only features the most powerful NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs, but also two IBM POWER8 processors interconnected with powerful NVIDIA NVLink adapters. These systems make data transfers between main memory and GPUs significantly faster compared to systems with PCIe interconnects. Doggy Docker for Deep Learning We put our Caffe model and our classification code written in Python into a web application inside a Docker container and deployed it with Apache Mesos and Marathon. Apache Mesos is an open source cluster management application with fine-grained resource scheduling features which now recognize GPUs as cluster-wide resources. In addition to Apache Mesos, it is possible to run cluster managers, such as Kubernetes, Spectrum Conductor for Containers, and Docker GPU management components, such as nvidia-docker on OpenPOWER systems (see presentation). In addition to Caffe, it is possible to run other popular deep learning frameworks and tools such as Torch, Theano, DIGITS and TensorFlow on OpenPOWER systems. This Dog Will Hunt Our little GPU-accelerated pet breed classification micro-service is running in a Docker container and can be accessed at this link from a mobile device or laptop. See for yourself! For example, given this image link from a Google search for “dog images”, https://www.petpremium.com/pets-pics/dog/german-shepherd.jpg, we got this correct classification in 0.118 secs: You can also spin up your own GPU Docker container with deep learning libraries (e.g. Caffe) in the NIMBIX cloud and train your own model and develop your own accelerated classification example. Give it a try and share your screenshots in the comments section below!
Lack of policy implementation holds back women’s land rights in Africa Words by Emmanuel Sulle For many African countries, the lack of proper implementation of existing policies, laws and programmes hold back women’s rights to access, use, control, and own land. Speaking to members of parliament during the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Learning Exchange in Kigali, Rwanda, it was argued that the high levels of illiteracy among their rural communities make especially women unaware of the existing policies and laws — this limits them from demanding their rights. The ECOWAS members of parliament (MPs) were in Rwanda to learn from Rwandan MPs at the courtesy of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and Oxfam. Click here for more information
Smeaton’s Lighthouse, courtesy Plymouth City Council The Eddystone Rocks are a treacherous reef off the coast of England. Because the reef is submerged during high tides, it has been the site of many shipwrecks throughout history. In 1698, the first lighthouse was built on the rocks, only to fall victim to the raging sea four years later. It was another five years before a new lighthouse, built in the same place, was lit. This lighthouse lasted until the lantern room caught fire, burning the structure to the ground. In 1759, John Smeaton, a civil engineer, was hired to build a new lighthouse. Smeaton modeled his lighthouse in the shape of an oak tree, with the base being larger than the top, the first lighthouse to be designed in this manner. He also pioneered the technique of securing its granite blocks using dovetail joints and marble dowels. In addition, he developed the use of hydraulic lime, a concrete that sets under water. Consequently, Smeaton’s lighthouse outlasted its predecessors and stood for over one hundred years. When the need for a new lighthouse arose, it was due to the erosion of the rock under the tower, and the need for a larger building to house the latest lighting equipment. When the new tower was built beside the old one in 1884, the nearby city of Plymouth had the Smeaton lighthouse taken down and rebuilt as a memorial on city property. The foundation, however, proved too difficult to dismantle, so the “stump” remained on the reef. Smeaton’s lighthouse was more sturdy due to his engineering ability. But perhaps another clue to its longevity can be found in the upper storage room. Still visible to those who visit the lighthouse at Plymouth today is an original inscription which encircles the top of the room. From Psalm 127, it reads, “Except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it.” Perhaps Smeaton’s faith was as important to his success as the solid foundation of his lighthouse. What kind of foundation are you building on? Your own strength or God’s? Only one of them is permanent. “He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” Isaiah 33:6
It’s been confirmed that an Oregon cat has died from H1N1 (Swine Flu). It’s believed the cat caught it from his people. The article linked to is from the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association has a wealth of information and I recommend you check it out. The OVMA says there isn’t reason to panic. You can keep your kitties safe. If you’re feeling sick: - wash your hands regularly - use alcohol-based hand sanitizers - cover your mouth & nose when you sneeze - avoid touching your cat’s eyes, nose, & mouth - the CDC adds, you should limit contact with your pets until 24 hours after your fever is gone It is also possible for you to catch N1H1 from an infected pet. So wash your hands after handling sick pets. Keep an eye out for symptoms in your cats too. Take your cat to the vet if your see signs of respiratory illness. Look for: - conjunctivitis (swelling & redness of the membranes around the eyes) You also need to take special care of your ferrets. Take the same precautions as with cats and look for: - elevated temperature - yellow or green discharge from the nose or eyes (from a secondary infection) Pet birds are susceptible to H1N1 and should be tested for the virus if they develop symptoms of respiratory illness. Pet pigs are also at risk for catching H1N1 and should be seen by a vet if they become ill. It isn’t known if dogs can catch H1N1. Keep up to date on information about companion animals and H1N1 from:
Sludge from deadly Brazil mine accident reaches Atlantic The torrent of mud and toxic mineral waste that buried a Brazilian village earlier this month has reached the Atlantic Ocean after a long passage down the Doce River, officials said. Environment Ministry officials told local media the sludge arrived Saturday at the mouth of the river, and could extend some six miles (nine kilometers) into the ocean. The material was unleashed November 5 when a waste reservoir collapsed at an iron-ore mine in the state of Minas Gerais, destroying most of the nearby village of Bento Rodrigues. At least 10 people were killed and 15 are missing. The sludge then traveled 400 miles (650 kilometers) across southeastern Brazil, funneling down the Doce River to the Atlantic. Officials in the neighboring state of Espirito Santo built barriers in an attempt to prevent the waste from polluting the coastline. But the head of the Brazilian Environmental Institute, Luciano Evaristo, told the news website G1 it has killed marine fauna and could affect the spawning of sea turtles as it empties into the Atlantic. Brazilian authorities earlier declared a state of emergency in more than 200 towns affected by the spill. The mine is owned by Samarco, a joint venture of Australia's BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining firm, and Brazil's Vale, the biggest iron ore miner. © 2015 AFP
The black-footed cat is Africa’s smallest cat. An adult weighs about 2 kilograms (4.4 lbs or about half the weight of the average domestic cat). It is one of the world’s smallest cat species (the rusty-spotted cat is probably smaller). At first appearance this diminutive cat looks like a slightly exotic domestic tabby cat. The inky black or brown spots hint at a wildcat, however. They are the kind of spots you see on a serval or serval wild cat to domestic cat hybrid (Savannah cat). Small wildcats make up for their lack of size in fierceness when challenged. The ears are rounded and the eyes large. Although the eyes of the rusty-spotted cat and margay would appear to be slightly larger in proportion to overall size. The tail is banded and has a black tip. It is about half the length of the head and body combined. The coat’s background color “varies from cinnamon-buff to tawny”. The spots merge to form bands on the legs, neck, the tail as mentioned and on the sides of the face. The double lines on the cheeks almost mirror the rusty colored lines of the rusty-spotted cat. The paw pads are black – hence the name. Apparently the skin is unpigmented. Usually a cat’s skin is pigmented to the same pattern as the fur (note the Shynx cat) . There are no ocelli (light colored spots on the ear flaps). The back of the ears are the same color as the general background coat color. Black-footed cat description — Reference, quote: Wild Cats Of The World page 76 ISBN-13: 978-0-226-77999-7 From Black-footed cat description to the range of this cat.
In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America. This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published. In this Pulitzer Prize finalist and national bestseller, one of the world's leading cognitive scientists tackles the workings of the human mind. What makes us rational—and why are we so often irrational? How do we see in three dimensions? What makes us happy, afraid, angry, disgusted, or sexually aroused? Why do we fall in love? And how do we grapple with the imponderables of morality, religion, and consciousness? How the Mind Works synthesizes the most satisfying explanations of our mental life from cognitive science, evolutionary biology, and other fields to explain what the mind is, how it evolved, and how it allows us to see, think, feel, laugh, interact, enjoy the arts, and contemplate the mysteries of life. This edition of Pinker's bold and buoyant classic is updated with a new foreword by the author. In the seventeenth semi-annual Munk Debates, which was held in Toronto on November 6, 2015, pioneering cognitive scientist Steven Pinker and bestselling author Matt Ridley squared off against noted philosopher Alain de Botton and bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell to debate whether humankind’s best days lie ahead. "One of those rare books which every serious worker in the field should read, both for its stock of particular hypotheses and analyses, and for the way it forces one to re-examine basic assumptions as to how one's work should be done. Its criticisms of other approaches to language acquisition...often go to the heart of the difficulties." DD--Michael Maratsos, Language "[A] new edition, with a new preface from the author, of the influential monograph originally published in 1984 in which Pinker proposed one of the most detailed (and according to some, best) theories of language development based upon the sequential activation of different language-acquisition algorithms. In his new preface, the author reaches the not very modest conclusion that, despite the time elapsed, his continues to be the most complete theory of language development ever developed. A classic of the study of language acquisition, in any case." DD--Infancia y Aprendizaje [Italy]
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It is predicted that for the first time in American history a woman will be elected to the executive branch of the US government. Kamala Harris, 56, is expected to become the next vice president after Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won the US election. Ms Harris will also be the second person to be elected president or vice president. His place in history will be confirmed if the election is voted on by the college in December. Since the creation of the office of President of the United States in 1789, 92 men have held the office of President or Vice President. Of them, Barack Obama is the only one of color. There was Mrs. Harris A senator from California since 2017. He had an immediate impact on the American political scene, invariably questioning those who appointed Donald Trump’s cabinet during confirmation hearings. Prior to that, Ms. Harris served as District Attorney for San Francisco and Attorney General for California. Charm for female VP candidates for the third time Only twice before has it been one of the two largest parties in American politics Nominated a woman for vice president. Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to be nominated by a Democrat in 1984. He ran with Walter Mondole against current President Ronald Reagan. Although this is a historic moment for women in the United States, Democrats were crushed in the election. Compared to the 525 Mr Reagan won, the Montel-Ferraro ticket received just 13 electoral college votes. The second woman to be nominated for vice president in 2008 was Sarah Pauline, a supporter of Republican presidential hopeful John McCain. The Republican pair were defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama and his ally Joe Biden. His campaign was a disaster, an encouragement The TV movie should be made from it. Although many women run for the presidency of Democrats and Republicans, Hillary Clinton is the only major party presidential candidate. MS Clinton was widely expected to be elected US President in 2016, but was defeated by Mr Trump. There are female presidential candidates from smaller parties. Jill Stein was nominated for the Green Party in 2016 and received one percent of the popular vote. This year, Libertarian Joe Jorgensen also received one percent of the vote. Harris has a long history He was the first black person to serve as Attorney General in California. She is also the second black woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate – the first Illinois Democrat, Carol Mosley Brown, to serve from 1993 to 1999.
Booker T. Washington was born a slave, he was a rather fortunate slave to have been born just 6 or 7 years before the Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery was a terrible system, it was not only bad for the slave, but Washington describes that it was also bad for the owner of the slave. Washington had many arguments against the slave system. I have listed a few them in the following paragraphs. Before their freedom slaves old and young lived in poverty. They didn’t have any of the comforting things that the white people had, not to mention there was a lack of family structure. Washington described the house that he lived in as a young child, which seemed less like a house, but rather a shack. It did not have glass in the windows, nor a real door. There was no wood floor, just bare earth. Because of those poor living conditions the slaves had the temptation to steal from their owners. Before the freedom of the slaves, most slave owners did not know a trade. The owners relied on the slaves to do all of the manual labor. Because of this, when the slaves were freed some of the whites lived in poverty. Another one of Washington’s arguments against slavery was that after their freedom, the ex-slaves lacked motivation to do effective work. They spent their entire lives serving an owner who paid them nothing. Due to the fact that they lacked the incentive to do good work , when they were freed into the real world some of the ex-slaves found only more poverty. Booker T. Washington was a determined and hard working man.
What Sets Us ApartA blended approach focused on the whole child A holistic approach We use a blended approach to education and combine that with positive discipline, compassionate communication, the Seven Domains, and so much more. Click on the tiles below for more information. A whole-Child Approach Traditional educational models rely heavily on standardized testing and rote memorization, often dampening children’s natural love for learning. Our child-centered curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity through experiential thematic units of study. We use assessment rubrics and goal setting to encourage children to reflect on and take responsibility for shaping their own educational journey. Accomplished. Confident. Creative. Learn more about our school by clicking on each photo Find out about how we integrate different teaching methods and practices into our curriculum. Spirituality is the thread that ties us all together. It is the practice of mindfulness experienced in deep breaths, kind words and thoughtful actions. Rainbow uses a blended approach in reaching every child. Teachers discover students’ gifts and integrate that into their teaching. Students then learn to be leaders who display compassion and empathy for others. In the classroom and throughout the school, we employ the principles of Positive Discipline developed by Jane Nelson, Ed.D. As a community, we believe that healthy communication and conflict resolution are integral for a thriving community. Love In Action Our Love in Action Program aims to provide various services to members of our community. From food to supplies, we want to ensure equity of resources for everyone. The holistic model of Rainbow means that students who graduate excel not only at academics, but in many other areas, as well. Their well-rounded education enables them to innovate and tackle challenges in novel ways. Community celebrations and rituals are a big part of our school culture. Click to find out more.
One pro-choice argument for abortion is that the unborn are not human, are less than human, or are merely potential humans. In this video, we’re going to first walk through the development of the unborn to demonstrate that it’s unscientific, illogical, inconsistent, and arbitrary to hold the position that abortion is acceptable, but murder is wrong. At the end of the video, we’ll comment on the limitations of secular arguments against abortion and the role of worldviews in the abortion debate. We’ll also cover other aspects of the abortion debate in other videos. Let’s get started. Week two: The development of the unborn technically starts the second week of a woman’s menstrual cycle, when fertilization happens. Fertilization involves a sperm and an egg combining their genetic material, forming a zygote with a distinct set of human DNA. If the sperm contains an X chromosome, the unborn is a male, and if it contains a Y chromosome, then the unborn is a female. The zygote immediately begins continually multiplying into more and more cells, and it begins traveling to the uterus, where, at about week three, implantation occurs. Let’s stop here and cover four things: First, there’s an overwhelming scientific consensus that human life begins at fertilization, or conception. For example, here are 25 scientific textbooks and texts that teach this. For those who argue that human life doesn’t begin at fertilization, but rather at another point, such as implantation, the heartbeat, viability, being born, taking the first breath, or gaining consciousness or self-awareness, here’s the question: why? Overwhelmingly, science teaches that a new human life begins at fertilization, when a distinct set of human DNA is formed, DNA that can tell us whether the unborn is male or female, and when the newly created zygote begins the continual process of multiplying and growing that leads to infancy and then adulthood. We would argue that attempts to say that human life begins at any point other than fertilization are unscientific and arbitrary, and that because of this, they fail to justify abortion. Abortion is wrong because it involves the killing of a human life, and there is a shared assumption that killing other humans without justification is murder and is immoral. Second, the government and the law don’t determine what’s right and wrong. The African slave trade used to be legal, but it was still wrong. Just because abortion is legal doesn’t make it right. We fight against abortion for the same reason we would fight against the African slave trade: because they are moral atrocities that dehumanize a group of people who deserve to not be abused or murdered. Third, the terms zygote, embryo, and fetus refer to different stages of human development, just like the terms infant and toddler. Being in an earlier stage of development doesn’t make the unborn any less human than an infant or toddler. Fourth, some argue that human life begins at implantation, not fertilization. But, this argument isn’t based on science, since nothing really changes between fertilization and implantation except the location of the zygote, and location shouldn’t determine whether the unborn is human or not. Moving on, week five: The circulatory system begins to form, and the heart begins to beat. Some argue that human life actually begins with the heartbeat. However,as mentioned before, this position is unscientific and completely arbitrary. Also, this position is inconsistent in that it leads to justification for killing certain adult humans whom we would say should not be killed. Some questions to consider: If an adult human’s heart stops beating due to cardiac arrest, is that person no longer human? Can we kill that person? If you say that the person had a heartbeat, well, the person currently doesn’t have a heartbeat, and we don’t know if the heart will start beating again. If you say that the person’s heart might start beating again, well, we know that the heart of the unborn will start beating soon. If it’s acceptable to abort the unborn before the heartbeat begins, then it should be acceptable to kill an adult human whose heartbeat has stopped due to cardiac arrest. But of course, we don’t consider the latter option to be acceptable. Moving on, week six: The nose, mouth, and ears begin to take shape, and the intestines and brain begin to develop. Week seven: The unborn has now doubled in size, and we can now see hands and feet start to form. Week eight: Nerve cells branch out and form primitive neural pathways. Breathing tubes extend from the throat to the developing lungs. Week nine: The basic physiology is there. You can even see tiny earlobes. The unborn now starts gaining weight quickly. Week ten: The limbs can now bend and finer details, such as nails, start to form. Week eleven: The unborn is almost fully formed, and is kicking, stretching, and even hiccuping as the diaphragm develops. Before we continue, let’s just ask: Is there a particular point during this process so far that the unborn suddenly becomes human and suddenly deserves to not be murdered? It seems obvious that the unborn is the same human being, and should have the exact same value, throughout this entire process. Now, let’s jump ahead to Week 24, which is when the unborn are first considered viable, or capable of surviving outside the uterus. Some argue that abortion is acceptable until the point of viability. Similar to the response to the heartbeat argument, here are some questions to consider: Is it okay to kill adult humans who are incapable of surviving without life support? If not, how are these humans different from the unborn before they reach the point of viability? If you argue that they used to not be on life support, well, they’re on life support right now, and we don’t know if they will ever be off life support. If you argue that they might eventually be off of life support, well, we know that the unborn will be viable relatively soon. Some argue that human life begins after the unborn exits the womb and is born. The response here is that similar to whether human life begins at implantation, it makes no scientific or logical sense that mere location should determine when the unborn become human. Some argue that human life begins when the first breath is taken. Again, here are some questions: Is it okay to kill adult humans who need a ventilator to breathe? If not, how are these humans different from the unborn who have not taken a breath yet? If you argue that they used to breathe on their own, well, they’re not breathing on their own right now, and we don’t know if they will ever breathe on their own. If you argue that they might eventually breathe on their own, well, we know that the unborn will start breathing relatively soon. Some argue that human life begins with consciousness or self-awareness. Again, here are some questions: Is it okay to kill infants, who aren’t really conscious or self-aware either? If not, then what exactly is the difference between an infant and the unborn? Is it okay to kill adult humans who aren’t conscious or self-aware because they’re in comas? If you argue that they used to be conscious and self-aware, well, they’re currently not conscious or self-aware, and we don’t know if they’ll ever be conscious or self-aware again. If you argue that they might be conscious and self-aware again soon, well, we know that the unborn will gain consciousness and self-awareness relatively soon. The purpose of what we’ve argued so far is to use secular arguments to demonstrate that if you don’t think we should kill infants, people on life support, people in comas, or people who need a ventilator to breathe, then it’s unscientific, illogical, inconsistent, and arbitrary to say that we should be able to kill the unborn, who are also humans, just in a different stage of development. However, secular arguments are limited because if we use only naturalistic, scientific arguments, then we can’t truly establish that humans deserve to be treated with dignity or that killing humans is wrong. We don’t consider it wrong for a meerkat to kill another meerkat. There’s no punishment for that. If humans are just evolved animals, why is it wrong for a human to kill another human? Simply because we’ve developed the intelligence to be able to say it’s wrong? Because believing this is pragmatic in that it helps us thrive and survive? Within a secular moral framework, there’s really no reason to believe that any human is worth anything more than a meerkat, or that murder of any kind is truly wrong. This is why the abortion debate is ultimately about worldviews. Whether abortion is right or wrong ultimately depends upon which view of the world is the correct view. We would argue that abortion is ultimately wrong because there is a God who has revealed Himself and what is true through the Bible, and from the Bible, we learn that humans are created in the image of God and therefore have dignity and value. The Bible teaches in Psalm 139 that God actively knows and recognizes all human beings even when they are still an “unformed substance” and that all humans are themselves “knitted together” by God in the womb. And the Bible teaches that murdering other humans, and supporting the murder of other humans, is rebellion against God’s moral law and deserving of punishment. Check out our other videos for arguments about why the biblical worldview is the true and rational view of the world. To conclude, although a person can oppose abortion and still be under God’s wrath by not believing in and submitting to Jesus Christ, a person simply can’t support abortion, support murder, and be right with God at the same time. The most important thing you need to do right now is not to be on the right side of the abortion debate. That will just be a natural result of what is actually the most important thing you need to do right now, the most important thing everyone needs to do right now, which is repent of your sin and turn to faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation.
Tips for the Safe Handling Of Chemical Drums The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has comprehensive rules and guidelines for the handling of hazardous materials such as chemical drums. Chemical drums can contain materials that are toxic, radioactive, corrosive, and explosive. In handling them, personnel should use the proper equipment, techniques, and protection. Inspection and Classification The first thing to do in order to make a plan for handling chemical drums is determining the contents. Before any handling, operators should gain as much information as possible by inspecting drums visually. But sometimes drums are reused and therefore their markings may not reflect their contents; therefore, operators should assume they contain hazardous materials. The first things to look for are symbols, marks, or words that indicate whether the contents are hazardous. They should look indications of radioactivity, flammability, corrosiveness, toxicity, or explosiveness. Operators should also look for marks indicating whether the drums contain discarded laboratory chemicals or reagents. Inspect for signs of drum deterioration like corrosion, dust, or leaks; look for signs indicating pressure in the drum, like swelling or bulging. Operators should also monitor the immediate area of the chemical drums, which can provide information about the contents and possible hazards, with radiation measurement instruments, combustible gas meters, or organic vapor monitors. After this stage, the drums can be classified into categories according to hazard type. These classifications could be, for example: radioactive; bulging; explosive; leaking; containing laboratory wastes. For laboratory wastes, an extensive classification system is necessary, including categories for inorganic acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, toxic organics, flammable organics, toxic metals, and others. For instruction on classification, personnel should consult a chemist. Safety Preparation for Personnel Adopting sound ergonomics practices for personnel is essential to reducing occupational injury. Ergonomics means simply “the study of work,” and is focused on reducing the amount of wasted motion and strain by adapting the job to fit the person. To this end, using ergonomics can restructure the workspace and workplace conditions; install lifting aids; or change the height of a pallet or a shelf. Additionally, personnel should be instructed on proper lifting techniques. An entire education in anatomy is not necessary, but basic info on the structure of the spine and other parts involved in moving heavy materials is recommended. Additionally, comprehensive training in using the machines and protective equipment involved can reduce injury and accident. The preferred method of moving chemical rums is the drum grappler. It keeps personnel removed from the drum; if drums leak, the operator can rotate the drum and immediately place it in an overpack, which is a protective outer container in which to place dangerous drums; in the case of explosion, grappler claws protect the operator by deflecting the explosion’s force. Safe Handling Techniques For radioactive waste, a health physicist should be immediately contacted. Operators should not handle radioactive drums until experts are consulted. Explosive or shock-sensitive drums should be handled with extreme caution and only if necessary. All non-essential personnel should be removed, and operators should use a grappler unit constructed specifically for explosive containment. The drums must be secured safely to pallets. An audible siren signal system should be used in order to signal the commencement and completion of activities involving explosive drums. Pressurized, bulging drums are very dangerous, and should not be moved whenever possible. If necessary, they should be handled with grappler units constructed for containment of possible explosions. They should be moved only to the extent necessary, and should be placed in an overpack. For drums contained laboratory waste—lab packs—all non-essential personnel should be moved away. Again, a grappler unit should be used. Once moved, a chemist should inspect and classify the waste, separating the bottles within without opening them. They should be packed with cushioning and absorption materials in order to prevent excessive motion, and to absorb liquids in the event of a leak. For deteriorating, leaking, or open drums, its contents should be transferred to a safe drum using a pump designed specifically for this purpose if the drum cannot be moved without rupture. A drum grappler should be used to place the drum in an overpack. Before excavating a buried drum, personnel should use ground penetrating systems to ascertain the depth and location of the drums. The soil must be removed cautiously, and a dry chemical fire extinguisher must be available to contain and control small fires. Earning a master’s in emergency management from Eastern Kentucky University can help you increase your knowledge of the safety industry and demonstrate a continued commitment to learning and leadership. Whether you aspire to work at the governmental level or move into the private sector, our distinguished faculty of safety professionals delivers a comprehensive curriculum that can translate wherever safety matters most.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy in the late 1700s in Germany. It is based on the idea that “like cures like.” The theory is that a substance that produces similar symptoms in a healthy person can cure illness. Homeopathic medicine is used to treat a broad range of health issues as well as minor injuries such as muscle strains and sprains or cuts and scrapes. Remedies come in several forms including pellets, tablets, and liquid, creams and ointments. All treatments are individually based.
Farm worker advocates think that American farmers just need to charge more for the food they produce so they can pay farm workers more. Sounds simple, right? In an “All Things Considered” NPR story aired November 16 farmworker advocates claim that “if farmworker pay went up by 40%, an average American household would pay only an extra $25 for an entire year’s supply of fruits and vegetables.” Of course, who wouldn’t pay more to enable hard working farm employees to earn more? Except it doesn’t work that way. Almost all farmers have no control over the prices because food production is a global business. Prices are set for them based on what prices farmers around the world are willing to sell their crops. The few smallish farmers that sell direct to consumers can charge what the market will bear and research shows overall farmers market consumers pay about 18% more than grocery stores. Imagine this. You own a coffee stand in a city that is divided by a state border, like Kansas City. You are close to the border in the Kansas part of town and a block or two away you have competitors in the Missouri part of town. Kansas state government says you have to pay your workers $240 per hour. Your competitors are paying $12 per hour. Besides getting a flood of applicants from a few blocks away, you find you have to jack up the price of your latte to $60 per cup. Customers drift away. You are out of business. The good part of the NPR story is that it explained that the 200,000 or so legal guest workers who come to work on American farms for a season would earn $7 per day working on Mexican farms. Per day. Note, per day. Washington’s 20,000 or so guest workers earned a minimum wage of $15.83 per hour––note, per hour. That’s before incentive pay which enables most to earn close to $20 per hour. The story about one coffee stand having to pay 20 times more for labor costs on one side of the border than the other is no fiction. For farmers it is very real. American farmers are losing out every day to foreign competitors. The farmworker advocates say American consumers would pay $25 more per year for fruits and vegetables if farmworkers got a 40% pay raise. However, today American consumers are already buying mostly foreign fresh fruits and vegetables. We’ve gone well past 50% of fresh fruits and approaching that for fresh vegetables. Is that a good thing? Not if you care about pesticide residues in your food and more food borne illnesses. The FDA reports that imported food is five times more likely to have pesticide residues above the limit than American produced food. And the CDC says that foodborne illnesses, particularly from produce and seafood, are rising at the same rate as the rise in imported food. Farmers would love to pay their highly valued employees much more. It certainly helps to attract the best workers in a time when fewer and fewer workers are available or willing to do the hard work. Because they can’t charge more for their crops, they face going out of business. And that is what is happening to all but the most efficient. Let’s go back to the coffee stand. You are the owner and now face paying your employees $200 per hour––20 times your nearby competitor. But, wait. You have an idea. What if you got a robot barista? You research it and find yes, you can get one from Japan. It will cost you $20,000 but you’ve got some well-heeled friends who sense an opportunity. Soon you are selling your lattes for less than even your competitors in Missouri. With all the other coffee stands in the Kansas side of town shut down due to the new law, you buy up their locations cheap. Now you are rolling in it and start buying up the ones in Missouri, too. The coffee stand employees led by union activists who pushed through the destructive Kansas legislation are not happy. And they have a right to be angry at those who convinced them that getting paid a whole lot more than the market could bear would be a good idea. Washington state has a healthy farm economy producing about 160,000 direct jobs each year and many many more indirect jobs. Apples and dairy products are the two main farm products. But, right now the future for family farms in Washington state is looking very dismal. The Washington State Supreme Court ruled that farmers must pay their workers overtime and possibly pay three years retroactive. For dairy farmers alone, one estimate has it that an average farm would owe $400,000. Large farms, much more. If this is applied statewide, farming will no longer be viable in this beautiful and very productive state. A few farms will survive but will have to be very large and be able to invest in all the most advanced labor saving technologies. Fortunately for those in a position to make that investment, a lot of very inexpensive farms will be available. And a lot of 3rd and 4th generation legacies will be lost. That’s what farmworker advocates got wrong in the NPR story. What about NPR? The story itself provides very important facts about what Mexican workers can earn in their home country compared to coming to work on American farms. We noted that Washington farmworker pay is the highest in the nation with a $15.83 minimum wage. What NPR got horribly wrong was the headline. It says farmworkers say the government is cutting their pay. First, if the reporter talked to any it was at the behest of the unions who have been making that claim. All the USDA did is changed the way pay increases are calculated. The previous method resulted in very large pay increases year after year with the resulting loss of farms and farm worker jobs (as explained above). The new way does not roll back wages, in fact it protects the already high wages being paid for the next two seasons. But future pay increases are based on increases in cost of living rather than a method that would ensure the loss of farms and jobs. Do farm workers want to keep their jobs? Or would they rather stay in Mexico and work for $7 per day. Note, per day. Maybe a reporter or headline writer should have talked to some real farm workers.
Microscopes have been used in many different fields to observe minute specimens. There are various types of microscopes, each with its own methods for viewing different aspects of a given sample. Most microscopes have a set of objective lenses and an eyepiece lens that allow an enlarged image to be seen. A camera can also be added to many of the microscopes to take images to analyze later. Teaching microscopes typically have two sets of eyepieces so another person can see the same image as the person operating the apparatus. The most inexpensive and common microscope used in laboratories is the compound microscope. These microscopes use lenses of various strengths to magnify the objects. Compound microscopes usually have an eyepiece, a set of mirrors and the objective lens that work together. Images are seen in two dimensions. With the help of a microscope camera attachment, the observer can save images for analysis at a later time. Scanning Electron Microscope The scanning electron microscope is able to observe objects with a 3-D image. Images have high magnification and high resolution, but they appear in black and white. To make the detailed images, a specimen is coated in gold particles. Electrons bounce off of the gold plating to produce the image. This type of microscope is useful in viewing very tiny objects in fine detail and images are saved to be viewed later. Common objects that are viewed are detailed images of bacteria, viruses and some cellular components. Transmission Electron Microscope This type of microscope uses electrons to pass through a sample. Two-dimensional images are produced by creating thin slices with high resolution and high magnification. Transmission electron microscopes are useful in obtaining images through the thickness of the specimen, not just the surface. Since they are expensive, these microscopes are more likely to be found at major research facilities and universities. Stereoscopes can be used to view objects in three dimensions. The magnification is not as strong as in other types of microscopes, but it does allow you to see details that would not be otherwise seen with the naked eye. They are also called “dissection” microscopes as they are commonly used to aid in the dissection of small specimens. Microscopes can be used to view different aspects of a sample by varying how an image is created. Fluorescence microscopes use specific colors of light to interact with dyes. As the dyes become illuminated, certain structures can be isolated and viewed with their respective dyes. This type of microscope is useful to observe specific proteins within a cell. A camera is usually attached to capture images from the microscope. - Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Quotations are the exact words of an author, copied directly from a source, word for word. “eat, literary analysis essay introduction example …. mla research paper format. all parchment paper writing the research and custom writing services provided …. 2nd ed. quotations must appear with quotation marks, and they need to be cited with in-text citations and on the reference page oct 02, 2020 · if you do use an indirect source in your strategies for solving word problems paper, name the original homework studies source in your text and include the indirect source in your parenthetical citation. quote when the original words carry with them some importance that helps make a point, such as when the writer is an absolute authority on the subject . lunsford (2009) stated, “today, perhaps more than ever. a manual for writers of what is problem solving strategies research papers, theses, and dissertations. 6th ed. use a block quote. oct 03, classical argument essay sample 2020 · uncategorized how to write a mla 8th knowledge essay edition essay format research paper how to how to quote in a research paper quote a book in a research paper book. childhood vs adulthood compare and contrast essay cause and effect essay on illegal immigration (“asthma rates increasing” paid writing jobs online 29). mla (modern language association) format how to quote in a research paper format is commonly used in liberal my proudest accomplishment essay examples arts and humanities. look for sources choosing a career essay of information. it is from thorough research that you will how to quote in a research paper identify and toulmin model examples essay evaluate the quote that you will be how to quote in a research paper using 1.
Piney Woods Journal Correspondent Toma Lodge in Ruston is a quiet upscale neighborhood of fine homes, towering pine trees, and well manicured lawns. Right away, visitors note the subdivision is unlike most contemporary growth in which lots are razed to facilitate construction and then replanted with spindly trees and shabby shrubs, giving the landscape an artificial look. In Toma Lodge, it is clear the homes were planted carefully around century-old trees in a park-like setting. Toma Lodge looks like a park because it served as a semi-private natural sanctuary for decades. Toma Lodge Estates and the adjacent Christ Community Church lay on land with a history that would surprise most of the neighborhood’s residents and the church’s members. Around the turn of the 20th Century, thousands gathered each summer on the grounds now occupied by expensive homes and a beautiful house of worship for sessions of the Louisiana Chautauqua. Among them were the most prominent politicians, religious leaders and public speakers in the nation. The Chautauqua Society was founded in New York in 1874 with the goal of providing educational enrichment and inspiration in a picturesque natural setting. It was much like a summer camp offering a mixture of education, religion and recreation. The Chautauqua movement spread quickly across the United States as 45 states established Circuit Chautauquas that offered lectures, music, speeches and plays in rural and small-town America. In 1889, the Louisiana Educational Association voted to establish a Louisiana Chautauqua on a 15-acre tract just north of the outskirts of the fledgling railroad town of Ruston. Ruston was selected for the state’s Chautauqua because of its gently rolling hills, forest scenery and peaceful setting as well as enthusiastic local support for the endeavor. In a report of its 1889 decision, the leaders of the Louisiana Educational Association noted the “refined culture of [Ruston’s] people, their public spirit, their hospitality, their intense interest in all forms of thought and learning showed that they would give generous, united and untiring support to such an institution.” When Ruston was founded in 1884 with the coming of the railroad, it had attracted some of the best educated community leaders from regional towns bypassed by the new line. By the time the Chautauqua was created, Ruston already boasted a small college—Ruston College—an opera house, and other cultural endeavors. Thomas. D. Boyd, President of the Louisiana Educational Association, wrote in a circular letter in April 1891 that Northern Louisiana was renowned for its “healthfulness and pleasing rural scenery.” Since the Chautauqua programs were held during the summer, the region also offered an escape from the oppressive southern Louisiana heat. The Ruston site encompassed a number of “mineral springs,” offering visitors what were purported to be “healing waters.” A large two-story hotel, named the Chautauqua Springs, was erected along with cottages and an outdoor auditorium with a capacity of 2,000. The popularity of the Louisiana Chautauqua as a place for retreat and renewal quickly spread and people from outside the state attended its annual programs. Those arriving from points east and west on the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad were transferred the two miles from the Ruston depot by carriage. Many participants were said to have loved the “tonic effect of the pure pine air” while they gathered under the mature trees covering the Chautauqua property. For families who wished to remain all summer, cottages were available with discounted accommodations for servants and attending nurses. A single room for an adult in the hotel went for $25 a month. Teachers paid $15 a month. Offerings at the Chautauqua ranged from sermons by nationally-known ministers to theatrical productions. Lecture subjects included poetry, art and languages. William Jennings Bryan, three-time Democratic Presidential candidate, was one of the most popular of all Louisiana Chautauqua speakers. As the program increased in variety and magnitude, a building was constructed for music classes and another for the science curriculum. When the Arkansas Southern Railway laid its line along the property in 1900, a small depot was built for travelers arriving from the north and south. The project flourished for about fifteen years before it closed in 1905 in bankruptcy and the property of the Chautauqua was sold. The grounds and buildings fell into disrepair. In 1906 a similar project for African Americans started at Grambling with the creation of the Louisiana Colored Chautauqua but it lacked the financial backing and statewide support of the earlier effort. In 1922, Thomas L. and Maggie Hodges James acquired the Chautauqua property as well as adjoining tracts for a total of about 90 acres. James was a prominent Ruston businessman responsible for constructing some of the major highways across America. His wife Maggie came from a prominent Louisiana family with a love for nature. Maggie’s brother, A.J. Hodges, a pioneering conservationist, established Hodges Gardens near Many, a 4,700-acre natural haven. Hodges Gardens was recently refurbished as a Louisiana state park. Maggie inherited her family’s passion for the outdoors, conservation and gardening. Together with her husband, she created a family botanical garden and extensive arboretum, calling it Toma Lodge, an integration of the names Tom and Maggie. Maggie designed sweeping gardens and arbors and oversaw the construction of barns, greenhouses and a hen house. A staff of seven full-time gardeners maintained the family retreat, including a magnificent rose garden, fountains and a swimming pool. Following the deaths of Maggie and Tom, T.L. James & Company assumed management and maintenance of the estate in 1964. James family members continued to spend summer afternoons enjoying the pool and the grounds were open to public viewing. The gardens maintained their popularity as a backdrop for photography sessions for school groups and brides-to-be. Motorists routinely cut through Toma Lodge to enjoy a short drive among blooming azaleas, day lilies and roses. Over the years, many Ruston teens were guilty of sneaking into Toma Lodge at night to enjoy the pool and a police officer was installed in a small cottage on the property to watch over the grounds. But the sanctuary slowly assumed an unkempt appearance without Maggie James to preside over its upkeep. Trott Hunt, great grandson of James, bought Toma Lodge in 2000 and initiated a development plan for the property. Hunt’s plan for restricted development in conjunction with tree preservation struck a balance between perpetuation of an urban forest and new construction. Trees were selectively cut and dilapidated buildings removed. Large azaleas and other large planted by Maggie James was preserved or moved to new locations. The swimming pool was refurbished, tennis courts added and the original James Lodge retained as a community center. Christ Community Church relocated to the property in 2004. Church members were drawn to the appealing natural sanctuary with its convenient and visible location just minutes from downtown Ruston. Construction priorities included saving as many trees as possible and giving the impression that the church had always existed in the forest. Curving driveways and strategically-designed parking lots circumvent mature trees. To further integrate the church into the setting, harvested oaks were transformed into exposed ceiling beams, a pulpit, and a 15-foot cross. The influence of the Chautauqua persists in the form of Louisiana Tech University, an institution that continues to grow in stature and prestige. Hallie Townsend, a longtime principal at Ruston High School, noted in his 1929 college thesis that Ruston’s support for the Chautauqua was instrumental in Tech’s creation in 1894. The Chautauqua was then at the height of its popularity and, according to Townsend, the notoriety it brought to Ruston among the power brokers in Baton Rouge aided in bringing Tech into existence. The neighborhood still displays the handiwork of Maggie James and her staff. Although all remnants of the Chautauqua are long gone, ancient azaleas and camellias from James’s gardens dot the landscape. Sequoias and an impenetrable tangle of bamboo grow incongruously among the southern pines and white oaks. Gnarled crepe myrtles and magnificent magnolias stand out from newly planted ones. A sense of solitude remains despite the stately homes that somehow refuse to intrude on the majesty of nature. Wesley Harris is a native of Ruston who writes extensively on Reconstruction era crime. His books include Greetings From Ruston: A Post Card History of Ruston, Louisiana and Neither Fear nor Favor: Deputy United States Marshal John Tom Sisemore, available from amazon.com. He can be contacted at firstname.lastname@example.org. Check out his Louisiana history blog at http://diggingthepast.blogspot.com
What religion are the Vedas from? It takes its name from the collections of sacred texts known as the Vedas. Vedism is the oldest stratum of religious activity in India for which there exist written materials. It was one of the major traditions that shaped Hinduism.. Who wrote Rig Veda? Ved VyasaAccording to the Puranic tradition, Ved Vyasa compiled all the four Vedas, along with the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Vyasa then taught the Rigveda samhita to Paila, who started the oral tradition. Are Vedas lost? The original Vedas were never lost by humans because it will be very hard to mix anything in the Vedas. Because of the different pathas, like Jata path, Ghana Patha, etc. And Chand. So it will take months to even change a word from the Vedas. Where are Vedas kept? The original Vedas are preserved in the minds of Brahmins who have learned them by heart and transmitted them in perfect form to their students for over 7000 years. There are still gurukulas in India today in which young students learn to recite the entire text by heart. Are Vedas available in English? Few years back Griffith and MaxMuller etc translated them in English but those translations were not being accepted by Indian Sanskrit scholars. Now a days for Vedas, quoting them is becoming a trend. But, for real deeper understanding, a competent Guru only can guide you for the same. What is written in the Vedas? The Vedas are the oldest written documents of human civilization and Hinduism. It is believed that the ideals of Hinduism are the oldest scriptures in the world. … The mantras written in the Vedas, which are called Rithenas, are said to be as relevant today as they were when they were written.
Festivals in India are an integral part of people's life. Festivals of India portray the rich cultural heritage of the country. Here is a spectrum of Indian festivals/fairs and their significance. India is well known all over the world as a country of cultural and traditional festivals as it has many cultures and religions. One can enjoy the festival celebration in India every month. As it is a secular country full of diversity in the religions, languages, cultures and castes, it is always crowded with the people involved in the fairs and festivals celebration. People from each religion have their own cultural and traditional festivals. Some of the festivals are celebrated by the people of all religions in the entire nation. Each and every festival is celebrated uniquely in different ways according to the rituals, beliefs and its significant history behind. Each festival has its own history, legend and significance of celebration. Indian origin people in the abroad also celebrate their Cultural festival with the immense passion. All festivals are cultural in one way or another. There are many types of cultural festivals such as National, Religious and Seasonal. Diwali is probably one festival that is celebrated across India with a difference of 1 day depending on region. It lasts 5 days in total that represents the win of good over evil and represents the start of Hindu’s new year. It is commonly known as the ‘festival of lights’ both locally and internationally, for the reason that fireworks are carried out across the country. It is also a time when people receive their annual bonuses and they spend lavishly on buying new things for their homes from electronics to cars as it is considered auspicious during that time. Apart from buying goods, people exchange gifts with each other. People worship Devi Durga on this day. Durga Puja is the most popular in West Bengal. An idol of Devi Durga is placed in various pandals. Devi Durga is seen holding weapons in her ten hands to kill Mahisasura (evil demon). The priest worships the idol of Devi Durga and chant traditional mantras. People wear new clothes and move out of their homes to see the beautifully decorated Pandals. Baisakhi or vaisakhi is celebrated by Sikhs and some sects of Hindus too. This harvest festival is celebrated especially in Punjab region by the Sikh community. For Sikhs, this festival celebrates for the new harvest and also the birth of Khalsa. Baisakhi is generally celebrated either on 13th or 14th April. People usually go to Amritsar to visit The Golden Temple. The folk dance of ‘bhangra’ is also performed by the people as a marker of their joy and happiness. Holi, also known as the festival of colors, is celebrated as per Hindu calendar on the Purnima i.e. Full Moon of the Phalgun season. The survival of a holy figure in Indian mythology, Prahlad and burning of Holika, is celebrated as Holi. Among the Hindus, Holi is also celebrated to bid farewell to winter season. People celebrate Holi by playing with colors and water with family and friends. This festival brings in colorful joy and a new refreshing sense. Being one of the major festivals of India, Dussehra meaning ten, refers to Lord Rama’s victory over evil lord Ravana. The festival is symbolic of victory of good over evil. Ramleela, the portrayal of Rama’s story is staged at nights for ten days before the festival. On tenth day, the actor impersonating Rama throws fiery arrows on the effigies of Ravana, Kumbhkarna and Meghnath. All are then set on fire and people celebrate by buying sweets and gifts for each other. It is also celebrated in certain cultures as Goddess Durga’s victory over the Demon Mahisasur which is popularly known as Durga Puja. People get together in a carnival to rejoice the victory of Good over Evil. Ganesh Chaturthi, also famous as Vinayaka Chaturthi, honors the birth of Elephant headed God, Lord Ganesh, the son of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. The festival is celebrated from 4th to 14th day of bright fortnight in the Hindu Month of Bhadrapada (August-September). The festival is celebrated with the installation of Statues of Lord Ganesh in the homes and podiums. The Idol is then worshiped for 3 to 11 days and then immersed in the ocean or huge water bodies. Offering of special sweet called “Modak” is made to Lord Ganesh. Eid-ul-Fitr also meaning breaking of fast, is one of the most widely celebrated religious occasions in the world. Celebrated in almost every part of the world, this festival marks the most important day for the Islamic World. The day celebrates the commemoration of 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. On the 29th night of Ramadan, the moon is prayed to and is also called Eid ka Chaand (The Moon before the Eid). Among the celebrations, exchanging gifts, buying new clothes is popular in the Asian context. Another tradition involves for children to be given small sums of money, also called Eidi, by their elders. Christmas, the annual celebration is a feast central to the Christian liturgical year. This festival is celebrated all over the world by Christians on December 25th. Family reunions and the exchange of gifts are the stock features of the festival. Apart from this, religious parades are also popular in many countries in the days preceding Christmas. Christmas carols, cards and Santa Claus are some of the popular derivatives of the festival that have developed across the globe and have become a crucial part of Christmas celebrations. As the name suggests, Raksha Bandhan means, The Bond of Protection. This festival marks the celebration of the bond between a brother and sister. Observed by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs, this festival is celebrated widely across the country. This day is marked by a ritual of tying a sacred thread onto the wrists of the brothers by the sisters, asking them for the promise of protecting them throughout their lives. This is a symbolic gesture of the strong bond between a brother and sister. Pongal / Makar Sankranti In Tamil Nadu, 14th of January is celebrated every year as the Pongal Day. In many part of India, this day is celebrated as Makar Sankranti. This festival is marked with prosperity and abundance. On this day, freshly harvested cereals and foods are cooked. On the day of Makar Sankaranti, people worship the Sun God.
Architecture of Artificial Intelligence This book describes the architecture required for full deployment of artificial intelligence. Many of the features of the lower layers of the architecture are in common use. Few organisations see the need for adding higher layers. However, without adding these layers it is difficult to control what is happening within the giant databases which manage a huge range of day to day transactions from web ordering to traffic control. How intelligent is intelligent? We’re building systems which execute the lower levels of intelligence. They make simple decisions and absorb vast amounts of information accurately. They process information on multiple channels and coordinate it to provide increasingly accurate pictures of scenarios based on inbuilt self-correcting algorithms. They land planes, manage traffic, navigate for us, and control our bank transactions. We depend on them to be right and this is fine, but we cannot easily modify them if they go wrong, and we cannot easily find out what happened when they do malfunction. Artificial Intelligence and Biological Systems The first thing this book does is to provide a way to manage these systems. They can be designed to operate similarly to biological cells. In fact it helps if we consider their behaviour at a cellular level. Each vast database is similar to a single celled organism. While a cell processes nutritional content, these cells process data. when we combine these huge systems it is best to consider them as separate entities. As cells they may act on their own or as co-ordinate their behaviour as groups of interacting cells. This is a powerful design strategy. It allows us to consider each system as a group of interacting “cells” processing information. This means that they can be monitored and controlled by a supervisory group of cells using a feedback loop mechanism. This is an effective strategy because it makes our huge database systems easy to manage. They have the structure of biological organisms like ourselves. We have created systems in our own image. Once we structure large intelligent systems as a group of biological cells they become easier to understand and manage. Most systems can easily be grouped this way since enterprise vendors use this type of architecture. They may call their cells “functions” or “systems” but they are essentially the same thing. Should we be satisfied with implementing intelligence at this level? it is best to look at this low level in more detail. Each cell, or business function is highly complex. It is managed by a supervisory group of cells which manage operations depending on operating conditions, often called “traffic lights”. Currently, operating conditions range through at least three states: normal, better than normal, and potential threat. It is becoming increasingly obvious that these are insufficient. Even those organisations constructing humanoid systems, service bots and conversation bots are satisfied with developing this level and no higher. Are intelligent systems sufficiently autonomous? The problem with this is that although the behaviour of a “cell” or group of cells, seems easy to control, there are wider implications to leaving autonomous systems with this level of intelligence and no more. It is true that most such monitoring functions and steady state systems have a human component and they are extremely effective. But two essential layers are missing. These are the layers which give artificial intelligence true autonomy. Most organisations shrink from providing a powerful intelligence with perfect autonomy. But it is my contention that leaving intelligence at such a low level makes it far more difficult to control and allows it to evolve behaviours without human control. These emergent behaviours are already occurring and they are not necessarily to human advantage. Why is it important to add full autonomy? Firstly, while it is true that the behaviours of each cell are simple and easy to grasp, the size of these systems is vast compared to a biological cell. For example, the cells which manage mobile networks operate on millions of bandwidth allocations every second. Secondly, the speed at which these systems manage data is much higher than a single human brain could manage. It is simply not possible to take control of such systems manually. Mobile networks, for example would simply grind to a halt. Uncontrolled Evolution of Artificial intelligence It is my contention that without the higher layers which are described in this research we are without any controls over the intelligent systems we have constructed. At the moment they have been left to evolve in random ways. At the same time they are growing in size and taking over increasing numbers of our survival and social functions. They land planes, manage our social profiles, drive cars build systems order our stock and manage our communications as well as manage wars for hearts and minds in areas of conflict as well as politics. The addition of higher intelligent layers will allow us to communicate with these vast systems in a meaningful way and to add human-like values to the evolutionary process. We will be able to manage the evolution of these vast systems, and by extension, our own. This research discusses the full architecture required for an independent artificial intelligence. Any architecture of artificial intelligence organised around this structure should be capable of full autonomy. The research includes a test of the cellular structure for any system within an arithmetical intelligence which uses a homeostatic feedback system to manage autonomic control of multiple subsystems in the same way that a biological organism does. The main difference between any artificial intelligence organised using this architecture is that of the scale and speed of processing within in cell. It is important for any artificial intelligence to have a full systemic structure of this type because as the functions performed by artificial intelligence systems grow in complexity it become increasingly difficult to manage them when they fall into error. A secondary point is that any system of sufficient complexity will show self sustaining patterns and behaviours. If we are unable to communicate with the systems they will evolve self sustaining behaviours which may impact on us in unforeseen ways. For example, such systems will automatically diversify in an area of success as is evidenced in the growth of social media. The fact that the developers of such systems are humans does not change the strength of the model or the risks of uncontrolled growth and diversification.
From improved reading skills to securing successful communication skills and a passion for creativity, music education opens up a multitude of academic avenues for young learners. Tied to a range of non-academic benefits, 21st century music education has also shown signs of increased student focus and connectivity to lessons. Demonstrated by a recent four-year research project by national music charity Youth Music and Birmingham City University, Exchanging Notes deep dives into the advantages of integrating modern music education into lessons. Today we launch our #ExchangingNotes research findings @MyBCU 4yr longitudinal study, secondary & special schools collaborating with music charities to co-design & deliver innovative curriculum with young people. Reimagining what music in schools could be https://t.co/CSJFE9XnnE — Youth Music (@youthmusic) May 22, 2019 A four-year longitudinal research study, the project analysed the impact of bringing music genres such as grime and hip-hop into the classroom and integrating music industry professionals and local music-making projects. By upgrading the curriculum from traditional genres and a steady fixation on classical artists, the study encouraged teachers, music leaders and young musicians to deconstruct their musical and educational identities, to break out of old habits and to have the freedom to think differently and to consider new possibilities. Super proud of the Warren School crew talking very articulately about their experiences at today’s #ExchangingNotes report launch @MyBCU – and they smashed their performance too! pic.twitter.com/ueApl5qIcQ — Drum Works (@drum_works) May 22, 2019 Key findings of the study - Young people at risk of exclusion at the outset of the programme maintained higher levels of attendance (over 95 percent) throughout the project. - Exchanging Notes helped to open the door for learning. Music was used as an engagement hook, and the strong social connections that were developed helped to re-engage young people in education, develop their confidence and self-belief and create a more positive attitude to learning. - Two-thirds of the young musicians maintained or improved their attainment in English across the four years of Exchanging Notes and three-quarters of young musicians maintained or improved their attainment in Maths. - Exchanging Notes led to emotional, psychological and social well-being outcomes. The social outcomes were particularly marked – joining in with peers, making friends, developing teamwork and empathy. — Victoria Kinsella (@DrToriKinsella) May 22, 2019 “One of the significant findings from the Exchanging Notes projects is that schools gain from working with community and industry-based partners and the children and young musicians involved benefit from joined-up provision that makes a difference not only to their music making and music creating, but significantly to the development of them as people and as useful and contributing members of society,” the study concludes. Therefore, to combat student exclusion and to promote student inclusivity, modern music education must be up-to-date, relevant and relatable in order to involve all generations. Even if that means altering the curriculum, switching up the modules and endorsing today’s music to better a students’ education, it’s a step in the right direction and an excellent way for students to begin synthesising with their studies.
The U.S. Embassy in Thailand informs U.S. citizens that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued Travel Guidance for countries in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, regarding the risk of Zika virus infection. Zika virus is endemic in Thailand. The risk of Zika to travelers, especially pregnant women, in endemic countries is likely lower (but not zero) than in areas such as the Americas, where Zika has been newly introduced and spreading widely. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should discuss their travel plans with their medical provider and consider postponing nonessential travel to Thailand. Men whose partners are pregnant or are considering pregnancy should talk to their medical provider about CDC’s recommendations on how to avoid sexual transmission of Zika infection to their partners. The CDC has concluded that the Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects in some fetuses and babies born to some infected mothers. Zika also rarely may lead to the Guillain-Barré syndrome or other neurological conditions, which can affect individuals of any age or sex. Zika virus is typically transmitted by the day biting Aedes aegypti mosquito, but there have been confirmed cases of transmission through sexual contact and blood transfusion. CDC reports that travel to elevations higher than 2,000 m (6,500 ft) above sea level is considered to have minimal likelihood for mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission, even within countries reporting active transmission. For general information and the latest updates about Zika and steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual exposure to the virus, please visit the CDC website. We strongly recommend that U.S. citizens traveling to or residing in Thailand enroll in the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at www.Travel.State.Gov. STEP enrollment gives you the latest security updates, and makes it easier for the U.S. embassy or nearest U.S. consulate to contact you in an emergency. If you don’t have Internet access, enroll directly with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Regularly monitor the State Department’s website, where you can find current Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts, and the Worldwide Caution. Read the Country Specific Information for Thailand. For additional information, refer to “A Safe Trip Abroad” on the State Department’s website. Contact the U.S. embassy or consulate for up-to-date information on travel restrictions. You can also call1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada or 1-202-501-4444 from other countries. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and download our free Smart Traveler iPhone App to have travel information at your fingertips. The American Citizen Services Unit of the U.S. Embassy is located at 95 Wireless Road in Bangkok, and can be reached by calling +66-2-205-4049, or by e-mailing email@example.com. The Embassy’s after-hours emergency telephone number is +66-2-205-4000. You can also follow us on Twitter @acsbkk. The U.S. Consulate General in Chiang Mai is located at 387 Wichayanond Road in Chiang Mai. The American Citizen Services Unit of the Consulate General can be reached by calling +66-53-107-777 and by e-mail at firstname.lastname@example.org. The after-hours emergency telephone number is +66-81-881-1878.
The Importance of Fine Art to Sustain the Cultural Heritage in Oman Keywords:Oman, Fine Art, Sustain, Culture Heritage AbstractCultural heritage can be substantially important for the country as well as a community. The cultural distinctions and variations for different countries create different forms of art specific to the country. The current study has attempted to analyse the relevance of fine arts for sustaining cultural heritage in Oman. The current study has found out that fine arts in Oman have been substantially impacted by the cultural traditions and customs in the country. Artworks and different types of handicrafts in Oman are based on local traditions and customs. Therefore, fine arts in Oman represent the culture of the country. In addition, the study found out that there are other forms of fine arts such as historical buildings, handicrafts, ceramics that also represent the culture of the country. The study has also found out different challenges faced by the craftsmen in the country while preparing handicrafts. Al Shihi, H., Al-Musawi, A. S., & Al Mamari, Q. (2018). Handicrafts and Technological Integration Handicrafts and Technological Integration in the Omani Context: Challenges and Potentials. Humanities and Educational Sciences Journal; (2), 1-22. https://squ.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/handicrafts-and-technological-integration-handicrafts-and-technol Al-Ajmi, N. (2016). Innovative Applications for Presenting Heritage in the Visual Arts Medium: A Case Study of the Omani Legends and Stories Exhibition. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS], 7(2), 83-98. https://journals.squ.edu.om/index.php/jass/article/view/1136 Almamari, B. (2015). What Happens When Women Dominate Traditional Craft Industries: The Omani Case. SAGE Open, 5(2), 2158244015587562. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2158244015587562 ALMAMARI, B. (2016). Developing Ceramic Textured Matt Glazes Using Omani Plant Ash: The Contributions of Art Education Teachers. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 5(12), 12-18. http://www.theartsjournal.org/index.php/site/article/view/1047 Almamari, B. M. (2017). Imported Traditional Pottery: Methods of Overcoming the Challenges for Traditional Ceramics Industries in Oman. Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-4. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr_Badar_Almamari/publication/312591708_Imported_Traditional_Pottery_Methods_of_Overcoming_the_Challenges_for_Traditional_Ceramics_Industries_in_Oman/links/5884e637aca272b7b44a855c/Imported-Traditional-Pottery-Methods-of-Overcoming-the-Challenges-for-Traditional-Ceramics-Industries-in-Oman.pdf Almuhrzi, H., Hughes, K., & Ballantyne, R. (2019). Exploring Arab and Western visitors’ interpretive experiences at an Omani heritage site: does one size fit all?. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 1-20. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1743873X.2019.1632319 Alrawaibah, A. (2016). Archaeological Site Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Protection or Isolation?. In Cultural Heritage in the Arabian Peninsula (pp. 143-156). Routledge. https://content.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/download?dac=C2015-0-81895-2&isbn=9781317156499&doi=10.4324/9781315575285-10&format=pdf Al-Yahyai, F. (2017). The Significance of Museums to Fine Art Education in Oman. Art and Design Review, 5(03), 189. http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=78467 Baporikar, N. (2016). Effect of national culture on development of international business in the Sultanate of Oman. In International business: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (pp. 397-417). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/effect-of-national-culture-on-development-of-international-business-in-the-sultanate-of-oman/147865 Causevic, S., & Neal, M. (2019). The exotic veil: Managing tourist perceptions of national history and statehood in Oman. Tourism Management, 71, 504-517. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026151771830236X Ghouse, S. M., McElwee, G., & Durrah, O. (2019). Entrepreneurial success of cottage-based women entrepreneurs in Oman. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25(3), 480-498. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/IJEBR-10-2018-0691 Hawkes, D., Bougdah, H., Rosso, F., Cavalagli, N., Ghoneem, M. Y. M., Alalouch, C., & Mohareb, N. (Eds.). (2019). Conservation of Architectural Heritage: A Culmination of Selected Research Papers from the Second International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH-2), Egypt 2018. Springer. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=IMOlDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=The+importance+of+fine+art+to+sustain+the+cultural+heritage+++in+Oman&ots=0k30mNshM8&sig=nV5xRnpZ1Rb4_QeV1XN6_k9n25I Hegazy, S. M. (2015). Conservation of historical buildings–The Omani–French museum as a case study. HBRC Journal, 11(2), 264-274. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.hbrcj.2014.03.010 Henderson, J. C. (2015). The development of tourist destinations in the Gulf: Oman and Qatar compared. Tourism Planning & Development, 12(3), 350-361. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21568316.2014.947439 Mansour, S., Al-Awhadi, T., & Al-Hatrushi, S. (2019). Geospatial based multi-criteria analysis for ecotourism land suitability using GIS & AHP: a case study of Masirah Island, Oman. Journal of Ecotourism, 1-20. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14724049.2019.1663202 Ribechini, E., Pérez-Arantegui, J., Pavan, A., Degano, I., Zanaboni, M., & Colombini, M. P. (2016). First evidence of purple pigment production and dyeing in southern Arabia (Sumhuram, Sultanate of Oman) revealed by mass spectrometric and chromatographic techniques. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 19, 486-491. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1296207415001855 Saleem, N. E., Al Kindi, A. K., & Ai-Rahbi, K. (2017). Legal Deposit in the Sultanate of Oman: The Law of Printing and Publishing and its Role in Building Oman’s Culture of Democracy. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology, 7(1), 23. http://www.ijkcdt.net/xml/09911/09911.pdf Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: - Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. - Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. - Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).
Family: Aceraceae. Samaras hang downwards more and spread horizontally less. It's a slow grower, about 12 inches per year. Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant list for that location. The mountain maple is a denizen of moist woods and rock well-drained soils and can reach heights of 15 to 40 feet. Use it in the woodland garden beneath the shade of taller deciduous trees, keeping company with mountain maple, pagoda dogwood, and witchhazel, and underplanted with mapleleaf viburnum and hobblebush. Wildlife Value of the Striped Maple: The Striped Maple is probably most important as a browse plant for wildlife. Donate, The Paul Smiths VIC offers a wide variety of programs throughout the year to educate and inform Adirondack Park residents and visitors about the natural wonders of the Adirondack Mountains. Mountain Maple produces small keys that are eaten by moose and deer in the spring. Striped Maple ( Acer pensylvanicum) Samaras spread farther horizontally and are less downward-oriented. It suggests this species has a spike, when it fact it has a panicle. Blooms in a dropping cluster of relatively few flowers. However, Mountain Maple leaves are coarsely-toothed, contrasting with the tiny teeth of the Striped Maple leaf. Both generally have three lobes with a heart-shaped or rounded base, although the Mountain Maple leaf sometimes has five lobes. Red Maple is a popular choice in both urban and forest landscapes. The flowers are small and greenish yellow, arranged in loose drooping clusters. 518-327-6241 Email: email@example.com Often have a visible depression in the seed. Forest Service. It is designed to provide detailed material on the plants and wildlife visitors can observe along each of the VIC's fourteen trails. Mountain Maple, Acer Spicatum. Hours Mountain Maple is a shrub-like tree that will grow to no more than 25 feet, it grows in moist acidic soil as an understory tree.. Twigs are yellow-green initially in summer, reddish in winter and spring and have fine hair. Neither of these species is commonly tapped. Calendar, Programs Birds commonly seen and heard in the Northern Hardwood Forest and mixed hardwood-conifer forest include the White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Purple Finch, Mourning Warbler, American Redstart, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Hermit Thrush, Black-capped Chickadee, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Cedar Waxwing. Moosewood Maple. The Striped Maple flowers in late spring or early summer, following leaf development. Striped Maple are also known as Moosewood – a reference to the fact that the bark is consumed by moose in winter. glabrum [Rocky Mountain Maple] - larger form, Rocky Mountains, Idaho, Wyoming to western Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, to Arizona. The growth habit of the Red Maple is similar to that of the Sugar Maple, but contrasts with that of both the Striped Maple and the Mountain Maple. This distinction is based on the size and stem of the plant. The other seven that occur regionally are black maple, mountain maple, striped maple, bigleaf maple, chalk maple, canyon maple, Rocky Mountain maple, vine maple, and Florida maple. Striped Maple . But where soils and hydrology suit (cool, moist, forested north-facing slopes of granitic drift) striped maples can grow thirty feet or more, taller than their companion understory trees, the mountain maple (Acer spicatum). Acer spicatum (mountain maple), also known as dwarf maple, moose maple, and white maple, is a species of maple native to northeastern North America from Saskatchewan to Newfoundland, and south to Pennsylvania.It also grows at high elevations in the southern Appalachian Mountains to … Neither the range in soil pH nor the optimum acidity level is known for the species. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION : Striped maple is widely distributed over the northeastern quarter of the United States and adjacent southeastern Canada. Very popular for fretboards, necks, and tops. An understory shrub or small tree native to the northeastern U.S. and northern Midwest, and also found at high elevations in the Appalachians. It normally grows to 110 feet in height. The growth habit of the Striped Maple contrasts with … Leaf texture also looks coarser. It suggests this species has a spike, when it fact it has a panicle. Mountain maple is as often shrub size as it is tree size. The hybrid has inherited the top qualities from each of these species. It is the only Snakebark Maple native to North America. ©David Brezner. It can take a beating and look great for years. Clicking or hovering over any of the pictures below will display a larger image; clicking the plant's name will provide information about the plant pictured. Look for Striped Maple in our drier and better-drained upland soils. striped maple. Maple has a tendency to burn when being machined with high-speed cutters such as in a router. Buds feature layers of tiny scales. Usually green. The leaves of the Mountain Maple usually have 3 saw-tooth edged lobes, but can have 2 small and irregular lower lobes as well. Zones 2-7, habit: deciduous, growth rate: slow to moderate, site requirements: Sun to - Mountain maple is the smallest of our native maple species. Sugar Maple. North America; Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: FACU Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FACU Midwest: FACU Northcentral & Northeast: FACU Related Links. It is also called moose maple (it is heavily browsed in provinces where moose are still present) and goosefoot maple (reflecting the It was discovered in the area of Black Mountain, in Kentucky, … Sugar Maple is the source of most maple syrup. Gorosoe (Acer mono) Gorosoe, which translates to “The tree that is good for the bones,” is the most commonly tapped maple tree in Korea. The tree likes Sun to half-shade at the location and the soil should be fresh humus and sandy soils. The figuring comes from the wood fibres compressing on themselves due to the shear weight of the old growth Maple … The black maple is a large, deciduous tree 60 to 80 ft in height with a dense, rounded crown and a straight trunk up to 4 ft in diameter. Explore striped maple: low elevation mountain forests: Acer platanoides. attractive to many wildlife species for nesting, feeding, and perching. Habitat. Hard maple, or sugar maple, is the most durable of the maple species with a janka value of 1,450, which makes it one of the hardest domestic woods used in furniture making. Acer glabrum var. Mountain Maple ( Acer spicatum) Blooms in an erect spike with numerous flowers. The leaves of striped maple are orbicular, 5 to 8 inches long and three-lobed. Serrations at leaf margins very fine. Like other maples, Striped Maples have opposite, lobed leaves. The mountain maple, or Acer spicatum, is a species of maple that is native to northeastern North America, though it can be found growing in the highlands as far south as Georgia. The striped maple’s primary value is aesthetic, but it adds broad dimension and wildlife support to natural forests and managed areas. A small maple that grows as a large shrub to medium-sized tree. Add one or two per block, along with the longer lived species such as yellow birch, sugar maple, red oak and white pine. Striped Maple: Bright green bark laced with vertical white stripes sets this species apart. Pros: Maple is affordable and ultra-durable. This maple tree loves full-sun, and even partial-shade conditions. There are actually twelve native maples found in North America, but only five are commonly seen across most of the continent. The leaves are and the flowers are yellowish - greenish. Forests, ridges or ledges, shores of rivers or lakes, talus and rocky slopes, woodlands Characteristics. Sugar Maple vs Black Maple. Striped Maple trees grow up to about 30 feet high. The flowers and winged seeds hang in long clusters, maturing in the fall. They usually have three triangular, forward-pointing lobes, with a large central lobe. On the eastern chart White Oak is only 24.0 BTUs same as sugar maple and red oak and only .4 above Ash. The tree's head is less compact and has a duller, darker green foliage mass than that of the hard maple. It is naturally found in damp woods, ravines and on north-facing slopes in more southern climates. Boreal Life Special Concern. Sugar maple leaves turn yellow, orange, and red in the fall. Many trees, however, can be definitively identified by characteristics of their leaves. Coarser serrations on leaf margins. Johnson Wildflower Center. Woods and Waters Both of these latter species are much smaller. planted in urban areas: Acer rubrum. Striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum) and mountain maple (Acer spicatum) are two other native maples that are found growing within the commercial maple range (Figures 3.10 and 3.11). Distribution of the Striped Maple: This tree is widely distributed over the northeastern quarter of the United States and southeastern Canada, including most of the counties of New York State. Striped Maples are also known as Goosefoot or Goosefoot Maple – a reference to the fact that the leaf is shaped roughly like the foot of a goose. They offer a great variety of form, size, and foliage; many display striking autumn colour. Logger's Loop Found in cool forests of the northeast and at higher elevations in the Appalachians. This game was part of the 2020 UHSAA State Football Championships - 5A Football Championship tournament. The striped bark of the Striped Maple contrasts with that of the Mountain Maple, which is darker and reddish brown, without conspicuous vertical striping. Smooth above, somewhat hairy it is also called mountain maple vs striped maple, because moose eat it as! Epithet ) of this shrubby Maple species in the mountains to northern Georgia Maple lies in keeping its roots and... Prominent saw-toothed edges which rarely attains tapable size tree size VIC 's fourteen trails mountains! A great variety of Acer saccharum ) grows 50 to 80 feet tall Acer spicatum commonly! Shiny above, turning yellow in autumn and southeastern Canada medium-width rays, while hard.... - very small leaves, samaras with overlapping wings, southern Sierra Nevada is now a! Deutschen Sprache, s.v took one view of what you meant: efficiency a Maple! The stout branchlets trails at the location and the bark and leaf buds of their leaves north-facing slopes more... Species has a greater range of wide and narrow rays inches, short, slender, branches! To be in the fall its leaves, which turn pale golden in autumn grows! 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Southern Africa is currently battling night and day to fight deadly diseases such as Hepatitis, Cholera and Listera, all brought about by the lack of proper sanitation. SADC’s incipient governments have paid little attention when it comes to the provision of sanitation, in fact, it has always been an afterthought. Waste management, pollution, inadequate access to sanitation services and poor urban conditions are identified as some of the major challenges to development in the SADC region. Although SADC has designated a specific regulatory body, the SADC Water Division, to oversee policies on water resources and sanitation infrastructure in the region and ensure their timely implementation, it has yielded minimal results. The outbreak of the tripartite diseases currently wreaking havoc in South Africa, Namibia and Zambia is not an isolated event, it has been coming all along. The mushrooming of informal settlements coupled with the lack of basic services in such setups already rang the alarm bells. In Windhoek’s Havana Informal Settlement, 200 people share a single toilet. This is shameful and degrading to the dignity of any human being. And while lawmakers are biting their nails off on whether to or not to provide condoms to prisoners, which will cost millions, teenage girls in Havana are alleged to be using old clothes and toilet paper during their menstrual cycles, many have depended on good Samaritans for assistance. The debate on whether to provide free sanitary pads to school girls has not received as much prominence as that of providing condoms to inmates. In 2014, the local media reported that Namibia is lagging behind in sanitation provision with statistics indicating that about 76.7 percent of the rural population still uses the bush while approximately 13.5 percent of the urban population practices open defecation. Statistics further revealed that one out of five schools do not have access to toilets and that 298 schools do not have sanitation facilities, with 94 percent of schools without toilets concentrated in the flood-prone regions of Omusati, Ohangwena, Oshana, Kavango West and East as well as Zambezi. The problem of poor access to sanitation is particularly acute in rural areas, where only 17 per cent of the population has access to improved sanitation facilities with an alarming rate as high as 46.5 per cent of open defecation. Also equally affected are the informal settlements. The toilet sagas of the past, such as the Omusati one is a clear indication that sanitation has never received priority from government, not to mention adequate budget allocation annually. I agree with Popular Democratic Movement leader McHenry Venaani who this week said “government’s failure to provide proper sanitation facilities is a an epic failure”. In my view, it is epic in the sense that basic fundamentals such as sanitation needed to ensure that Namibians live a dignified life are shoved under the carpet. Funny enough, government is now acting all surprised following the outbreak of Hepatitis and the diagnosis of over 100 people, despite the signs having been there all along. While the Namibian target for drinking-water was met, the target for sanitation was missed dismally, according to the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Namibia over the years made commendable achievements in the water sector where, according to the 2013 Namibia Demographic and Health Survey Report, over 87 per cent of the households in Namibia have access to improved water supply. However, only 34 per cent of the population have access to improved sanitation as indicated by the same survey report. All these shortcomings must be addressed with the same urgency applied by politicians when they are fighting for survival during elections-both at party and national level. Deliberate attempts must be taken to pull our people from the trenches of poverty, it all starts with the basics.
While there has been some positive news on the environmental front in recent weeks - primarily thanks to the tour de force that is Greta Thunberg - it's clear we still have a long way to go. And although the urgency of immediate climate actions can't be overstated, many have criticized the climate change movement for being rather too focused on the negative. So, in light of that, let's take a look at some of the best reasons we can think of for saving our planet. Here are fifty of the best images to celebrate the wonder that is planet earth. 50. Snow-capped mountains via: ShutterstockNothing gets us more excited for winter than this crisp scene. 49. A clear lake via: ShutterstockThe way the water's still surface perfectly reflects the trees is almost poetic. 48. Mountain flowers via: ShutterstockThe fact that nature can persevere even in harsh environments is pretty magnificent. 47. Sun on sea via: ShutterstockBe it sunrise or sunset, this is always a beautiful sight. 46. A valley stream via: ShutterstockThis mountain valley between the Himilayas in Nepal looks like something out of a Disney movie. 45. Perfect honeycomb via: ShutterstockIt's pretty miraculous that bees can create such perfect shapes, seemingly by accident. 44. A perfect snowflake via: ShutterstockSpeaking of miracles - how crazy is it that no two snowflakes are ever exactly the same? 43. Fog on a lake via: ShutterstockThere's nothing more relaxing than sitting in nature early in the morning and watching the world wake up. 42. A forest walk via: ShutterstockThis beautiful woodland in England still has an element of magic about it. 41. A thunderstorm via: ShutterstockSure, they're a little scary - but they're kind of wonderful, too. 40. A rainbow via: ShutterstockThere's something reassuring about the fact that after rainfalls, we get to see a beautiful phenomenon. via: ShutterstockThere are areas of our planet that have a truly astounding diversity of species. 38. Our oceans via: ShutterstockThere's also an amazing variety of species living underneath the surface of the seas. 37. Insect life via: ShutterstockEven the smallest creatures are supported by our amazing planet. 36. The African savannah via: ShutterstockThe incredible variety of different climates on earth allowed for many different species to flourish. via: ShutterstockIsn't it fantastic that we can start and end each day with a sight of natural beauty? 34. Mountain views via: ShutterstockThe most beautiful view comes after the hardest climb, after all. 33. Mountain tops via: ShutterstockBut you can still get a pretty good view from the bottom, too. 32. Cute animals via: ShutterstockThe world supports all of our most cuddly creatures. 31. Starry skies via: ShutterstockThe earth isn't just beautiful by day, either. 30. Pygmy elephants via: ShutterstockThese tiny elephants (the smallest of the subspecies) are native to Borneo and Mongolia, and recognizable by their baby faces. 29. Camel thorn trees via: ShutterstockHave you ever seen a photograph that looks more like a drawing or collage? 28. Giant turtles via: ShutterstockThese crazy looking reptiles seem almost like modern-day dinosaurs. 27. Lavender fields via: ShutterstockLavender farms around the south of France are some of the most beautiful places on earth - both in sight and in scent. via: ShutterstockOur earth has gigantic mammals who live under the sea, proving that truth can be stranger than fiction. 25. Coral reefs via: PixabayCoral grows in all shapes and sizes, and has been around since prehistoric ages. via: PixabayLike something out of a sci-fi novel, a caterpillar dissolves itself into goo before emerging from its chrysalis as a totally different creature. 23. Palouse hills via: WikipediaIs it just us, or do these fields in the Pacific North West look like an optical illusion? 22. Giant prismatic spring via: PixabayThis body of water in the Yellowstone National Park is all the colors of the rainbow. 21. Giant jellyfish via: ShutterstockWhat lurks under the ocean is seriously as weird as what we can expect from outer-space - but wonderful, too. 20. Sequoia trees via: PixabayThese giant and ancient trees are a sure-fire way to remind us how small we are in the grand scheme of the universe. 19. Tropic fish via: PixabayUnder our oceans, the sheer variety of visual differences is kind of astounding. 18. Crater lakes via: PixabayIn the Pacific North West, there are many of these lakes that form out of a seemingly sheer cliff drop. via: PixabayBirds, that can't fly, but can swim? The world is truly weird and wonderful. 16. Salt flats via: PixabayThese evaporated salt lakes leave behind some of the eeriest landscapes on the planet. 15. Cave of the crystals via: WikipediaThis amazing cave in Chihuahua, Mexico, contains some of the largest natural crystals found on earth. via: PixabayLava, in general, is pretty phenomenal stuff - but the fact it erupts out of the ground at random? Crazy. via: PixabayLarge quantities of ice existing alongside regular mountains make for some pretty incredible sights. 12. The superbloom via: PixabayWhen certain weather conditions come together, all the flowers in California and Arizona's Death Valley bloom at once, giving a truly amazing effect. 11. Palm trees via: PixabayIs there anything that makes you feel more in the vacation spirit than gazing up at the underside of a palm leaf at the sunny sky? via: PixabayThese lethal-looking spikes of ice form during specific changes in temperature. Isn't nature beautiful (and terrifying)? 9. Rainbow halos via: PixabayEven more magnificent than regular rainbows, in certain weather conditions they can actually join up and make concentric circles around the sun. via: Washington PostSeeing a big which creates its own light without using electricity is pretty wonderful when you think about it. 7. Aurora Borealis via: PixabayOne of the most stunning natural phenomena of all time, the Northern Lights are truly a feast for the eyes. 6. The Grand Canyon via: PixabayWhat makes this amazing natural phenomenon even better? The fact that we still aren't sure why it exists. 5. Lake Hellier, Australia via: PinterestIs there anything more aesthetically pleasing than this pink lake (thought to be so bright due to the presence of a particular microbiome). 4. Kawah Ijen Lake via: Getty ImagesWhat makes this vibrant turquoise lake in Indonesia even more outstanding? The fact it's right at the top of a mountain. 3. Rainbow eucalyptus via: AmazonThe bark of this rare tree looks like it's been taken to with a packet of Crayola - but it's all natural. 2. Blood falls via: WiipediaThis eery looking body of water in Antarctica was a mystery for years - but rather than anything from a horror movie, it's due to the presence of a certain rare salt. 1. Bismuth crystals via: PixabayNatura produces some of the most intricate patterns we've ever seen - and always manages to get them absolutely perfect, like with this stunning geometric crystal.
Breakfast is important for kids heading to the classroom: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises that regularly eating a nutrient-rich breakfast helps children in several ways, including improving school performance and helping with maintaining a healthy weight. A good breakfast — something that provides a variety of nutrient-rich foods — provides nourishment for both muscle power and brain power. Eating a healthy breakfast doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Here are some ideas to help make sure the kids don’t skip out without fueling up first, courtesy of nutrition experts with various organizations, including the dietetics academy, the Food and Drug Administration, and eXtension.org, which is the online outreach presence of the nation’s land-grant university system: - Prepare the night before. Put breakfast cereal and bowls on the table or peanut butter and whole-grain bread on the counter to make breakfast easy to prepare. - Have easy-to-handle fruit available on the counter or in the refrigerator to eat on the way out the door. Bananas, apples, peaches, pears and plums are all easy to grab and go. Younger kids are even more likely to eat bite-size pieces of fruit. Try putting some slices of fruit in a small plastic bag to go. - Be sure to have plenty of healthful options on hand. Buy breakfast cereals or cereal bars made with whole grains and with 8 grams or less of sugar per serving. Choose nonfat or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese, and whole-grain bread, English muffins and tortillas. - Leave your blender on the counter to make easy breakfast shakes. Combine frozen berries, milk or yogurt, and even some protein powder — or come up with your own recipe — and blend them together for a quick and filling morning treat. - Make breakfast wraps using whole-wheat tortillas filled with low-fat cheese and apple slices or peanut butter and banana slices. - Think outside the breakfast box. Nontraditional foods work just as well as scrambled eggs to fuel the body. Offer your kids string cheese, a handful of nuts or trail mix, tuna salad, leftover chicken breast, a peanut butter sandwich, or whole-wheat crackers with low-fat cheese. - Be a role model. If your kids see that you’re in too much of a rush and skip breakfast more often than not, then they will, too. If you haven’t already, you should also check out your children’s school’s breakfast program. These days, more than 90 percent of schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program also offer breakfast, and in the last few years, new breakfast standards regarding whole grain-rich foods, calories, trans fats, sodium and other dietary considerations have gone into effect. If an at-home breakfast truly isn’t in the cards at your house, it’s likely a healthy breakfast at school is an option. Chow Line is a service of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1043, or email@example.com. Editor: This column was reviewed by Carol Smathers, Ohio State University Extension specialist in Youth Nutrition and Wellness. For a PDF of this column, please click here.
Clostridium perfringens type A is frequently associated with enteric disease of poultry, ruminants, horses, pigs and dogs. This chapter discusses some of the diseases caused by the C. perfringens bacterium such as Yellow lamb disease, hemorrhagic canine gastroenteritis, and C. perfringens enterotoxin (CPE)-associated diarrhea. It is generally accepted that a presumptive diagnosis of yellow lamb disease can be established based on clinical, gross, and microscopic findings. Many vaccines against the different types of C. perfringens used around the world serendipitously contain C. perfringens alpha toxin (CPA) toxoid, and it is possible that they afford at least some level of protection to animals against yellow lamb disease. C. perfringens beta 2 toxin (CPB2)-producing C. perfringens type A strains have been associated with enteric disease in several animal species, including horses, pigs, sheep, and goats. In most cases, the evidence is based solely on isolation of CPB2-positive C. perfringens from sick animals. - Beta 2 toxin - Clostridium perfringens type A - CPE-associated diarrhea - Hemorrhagic canine gastroenteritis - Yellow lamb disease ASJC Scopus subject areas
Relating to the back portion of the roof of the mouth. Using only fingers, not the thumb, to grasp an object in the palm of the hand. Palsy or Paralysis: Problems in the control of voluntary movement. Loss or impairment of muscle function. Parent Teacher Association (PTA): A community of school group consisting of teachers and parents working together to improve education. The teaming of parents and teachers (or doctors, nurses, or other professionals) to work together to facilitate the development of babies and children with special needs. Paresis or plegia: Weakness or paralysis. In cerebral palsy, these terms are typically combined with another phrase that describes the distribution of paralysis and weakness, e.g., paraparesis.* A disease of part of the brain regulating muscle movement. A controversial technique in which a child’s limbs are systematically and repeatedly manipulated (e.g. in a crawling or walking pattern) by others in an attempt to imprint proper movement patterns upon the brain. Also called the Doman-Delacato method. A cavity in the lining of the stomach. Relating to the gums and bones that surround the teeth. Periventricular Leukomalascia (PVL): PVL is a type of brain injury involving an ischemic infarction (death of brain cells due to inadequate blood circulation) of the white matter of the brain adjacent to the lateral ventricles. Peri means near; ventricular refers to the ventricles or fluid spaces of the brain; leukomalasia is softening of the white matter of the brain. The softening occurs because brain tissue in this area has died. Since PVL results in the loss of vital areas of neural tissue, particularly motor fibers that control muscle movements, cerebral palsy (CP) develops in most cases. It is likely to be of a moderate to severe degree and either spastic diplegia or spastic quadriplegia, with the legs more involved than the upper extremities. Mild to severe mental retardation may occur, but some children with PVL and s A brain imaging methodology which produces pictures of brain metabolic activities. Petit mal seizures: See Absence seizures. The bones of fingers or toes. An anticonvulsant medication; also, a sedative. Phenol is injected into the nerves or muscles to weaken or paralyze very spastic muscles. Phenol blocks are similar to Botox injections. Phenol has been used for the past 20 years, but has certain disadvantages when compared with Botox. The injections are quite painful, and may cause muscle tenderness for several days. There is also a small amount of permanent muscle damage caused by the injections. Smallest unit of sound found in speech. Relating to articulated sounds. A physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; experts in the medical and physical treatment of disabiling illnesses and injury. Physical therapist (PT): A therapist who who assess and treats problems with gross motor skills. Physical Therapy (PT): A clinical program aimed at improving motor skills, particularly gross motor skills. The use of the thumb and forefinger to grasp small objects . The selection of the educational program for a child who needs special education programs. Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS): The PASS is a provision of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program that allows individuals to develop a plan for using income and resources to purchase assistive technology, take vocational training, or otherwise attain self-supporting status. Ordinarily, people would lose SSI payments if either their income or their resources exceeded specified levels. Approval of a PASS by the Social Security Administration allows these limits to be waived. Downward pointing motion of the foot. Sole of the foot. Infants at different ages will vary in how their body, arms, or legs respond when the infant is put in different positions. For example, a full-term newborn, when held with his or her face pointing down, will usually flex the back (curve it downward toward the floor). If the response is straightening of the back at this early age, the infant may be showing the first signs of cerebral palsy. Positioning or alignment of the body. An uncommon, non-inherited birth defect with unknown causes. It is characterized by low muscle tone, insatiable appetite, developmental delays, variable degrees of mental retardation, short stature, in adults, small hands and feet and behavior problems which can be severe. Understand how and why language is used. Development of hypertension, edema and protein loss in the urine in pregnant women. It occurs generally after the 20th week of pregnancy. It can proceed on to eclampsia. Early reflexes that usually disappear after about six months of age. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Progressive supranuclear palsy is a rare brain disorder that causes serious and permanent problems with control of gait and balance. The most obvious sign of the disease is an inability to aim the eyes properly, which occurs because of lesions in the area of the brain that coordinates eye movements. Resource: Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Input that encourages a child to perform a movement or activity. See Cue. Turning inward of a hand or foot. Lying on the stomach. Sensory input from muscles and joints to the central nervous system. Protection and Advocacy (P&A): Each State has a P&A system or agency. These entities provide legal assistance, representation, and other advocacy services to people with developmental and other disabilities. The P&A system participates in the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (Tech Act) program to provide advocacy services in connection with access to assistive technology. Psychomotor (complex partial) seizures: Seizures which cause decreased alertness and changes in behavior. Public Law 94-142: Relating to the lungs. A disease of the lungs. e.g. pneumonia. Paralysis of the four limbs and the body trunk. Qualified Individual with a Disability: An individual with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job-related requirements of the employment position such individual holds or desires, and who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of such position. Range of motion (ROM): The degree of movement present at a joint. Easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. In determining whether an action is readily achievable, factors to be considered include nature and cost of the action, overall financial resources and the effect on expenses and resources, legitimate safety requirements, impact on the operation of a site, and, if applicable, overall financial resources, size, and type of operation of any parent corporation or entity. (1) Modification or adjustment to a job application process that enables a qualified applicant with a disability to be considered for the position such qualified applicant desires; (2) modifications or adjustments to the work environment, or to the manner or circumstances under which the position held or desired is customarily performed, that enables qualified individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of that position; or (3) modifications or adjustments that enable a covered entity’s employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by its other similarly situated employees without disabilities. The ability to understand spoken and written communication as well as gestures. The alternate movements of arms and legs. An involuntary movement in response to stimulation such as touch, pressure, or joint movement. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as Amended: This statute establishes the Federal – State vocational rehabilitation system for people with disabilities and includes key civil rights provisions, such as the famous Section 504, that were the forerunners of the ADA. Since 1986, it has included several provisions requiring the inclusions of assistive technology devices and services among the range of available services offered by the vocational rehabilitation system. Providing a pleasant consequence (positive reinforcement) or removing an unpleasant consequence (negative reinforcement) after a behavior in order to increase or maintain that behavior. Any service that enables a child to benefit from his or her educational program. The sequential continuation of a movement. Skilled care and supervision of an adult or child with disabilities that can be provided in the family’s home or the home of a care-provider. Respite care may be available for several hours per week or for overnight stays and is often publicly funded. The lining of the back portion of the eye which receives visual images. Retinopathy of Prematurity (R.O.P.): A condition in which high concentrations of oxygen received while a baby is on a respirator damages capillaries in the eye, leading to myopia or a detached retina. Drawing back a part of the body. A blood condition in which antibodies in pregnant woman’s blood can attack fetal blood cells, impairing the fetus’s supply of oxygen.* Extremely high muscle tone in any position, combined with very limited movements. A techinque used by some Ots and PTs to desensitize overly sensitive areas of the body through brushing, the application of heat or cold, and other methods. A newborn reflex in which babies turn their mouths toward the breast or bottle to feed. Also known as German measles, rubella is a viral infection that can damage the nervous system in the developing fetus.
- What is another word for cost? - What is intensive reading What are the aims of intensive reading? - What does cost effective mean? - What’s the opposite of intensive? - How do you use intensive in a sentence? - What’s the difference between intense and intensive? - What are the 3 types of cost? - What does intensive use mean? - What is the meaning of cost less? - What is another word for intensive? - What means restless? - What do we mean by cost? - What does intensive course mean? - What is example of cost? - What does writing intensive mean? - What is a writing intensive course BMCC? What is another word for cost? Synonyms of costcharge,disbursement,expenditure,expense,outgo,outlay.. What is intensive reading What are the aims of intensive reading? Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It can be compared with extensive reading, which involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills. The learners read a short text and put events from it into chronological order. What does cost effective mean? producing good resultsEnglish Language Learners Definition of cost-effective : producing good results without costing a lot of money. What’s the opposite of intensive? Opposite of extreme in intensity. half-hearted. apathetic. subdued. spiritless. How do you use intensive in a sentence? Intensive sentence examplesHowie was paged down from intensive care and I met up with him in the main waiting room. … In the verbs there are causative, intensive or frequentative, and reciprocal forms.More items… What’s the difference between intense and intensive? Intense means of severe strength or force; having strong feelings. An intense course, then, would be an extremely tough course, such as advanced nuclear science. Intensive means focused on one subject or area for a short time; extremely thorough. What are the 3 types of cost? The types are: 1. Fixed Costs 2. Variable Costs 3. Semi-Variable Costs. What does intensive use mean? a : highly concentrated intensive study. b : tending to strengthen or increase especially : tending to give force or emphasis intensive adverb. c : constituting or relating to a method designed to increase productivity by the expenditure of more capital and labor rather than by increase in scope intensive farming. What is the meaning of cost less? adjective. Without cost, free of charge; involving no loss or sacrifice. What is another word for intensive? What is another word for intensive?concentratedexhaustiveintensethoroughcompleteseriousall-outcomprehensiveconcerteddetailed234 more rows What means restless? characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest: a restless mood. unquiet or uneasy, as a person, the mind, or the heart. never at rest; perpetually agitated or in motion: the restless sea. without rest; without restful sleep: a restless night. What do we mean by cost? In production, research, retail, and accounting, a cost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something or deliver a service, and hence is not available for use anymore. … Usually, the price also includes a mark-up for profit over the cost of production. What does intensive course mean? Intensive courses largely aim at dealing with urgent language training needs within a short period of time. They often take place on an individual basis or in small groups. What is example of cost? Period CostsProduct CostsPeriod CostsComprises of:Manufacturing and production costsNon-manufacturing costsExamplesRaw material, wages on labor, production overheads, rent on the factory, etc.Marketing costs, sales costs, audit fees, rent on the office building, etc.1 more row What does writing intensive mean? Writing-Intensive Courses are those in which writing is used as a central mode of learning as well as of evaluating student performance. Students in these courses are expected to write regularly, and their grades in these courses are linked to the quality and content of their written work. What is a writing intensive course BMCC? What is a Writing Intensive (WI) course? WI is a special designation given to courses that use the writing process to help students master course material and improve their writing skills. They are taught by professors specially trained to aid student success.
I have decided to start sharing some of the lessons I have been teaching to my students at Mt. Diablo. I have learned so much being in the classroom and my goal is to see this taught at EVERY high school in America. I have gone so far as to challenge my seniors to limit their sugar to just 3 tsp a day! Though it has been difficult, many have come to me and expressed how much better they feel when they aren’t “under the influence of sugar”. Today’s topic is “How Much is Too Much Added Sugar?” Overview: When almost 80% of the food on supermarket shelves contains “added sugar” it is no wonder we are WAY overdoing our sugar intake! And it’s killing us! Learning Goal: To become aware of how much “added sugar” you are consuming vs what is recommended to stay healthy. - Look for “added sugar” on the ingredient list (there are 56 names, see chart below) - Check the Nutrition Facts to find out how many GRAMS of sugar - 4 grams ~ 1 tsp of sugar - Check the serving size, especially on beverages! Use the recommendations below as a guide to help you lower your sugar intake! |American Heart Association Added Sugar Recommended Limits| |Under 2 years||1 tsp (4g)| |Ages 2-12||4 tsp (16g)| |Women over 12||6 tsp (24g)| |Men over 12||9 tsp (36g)| The 56 Names for Sugar |Agave nectar||Carob syrup||Diastatic malt||Icing sugar||Refiner’s syrup| |Barbados sugar||Castor sugar||Diatase||Invert sugar||Rice syrup| |Barley malt||Confectioner’s sugar||Ethyl malitol||Lactose||Sorghum syrup| |Beet sugar||Corn syrup||Evaporated cane juice||Malt syrup||Sucrose| |Blackstrap molasses||Corn syrup solids||Glucose||Maltose||Sugar| |Brown rice syrup||Crystalline fructose||Glucose solids||Maple syrup||Treacle| |Brown sugar||Date sugar||Golden sugar||Molasses||Turbinado sugar| |Buttered syrup||Demerara sugar||Golden syrup||Muscovado sugar||Yellow sugar| |Cane juice crystals||Dextran||Grape sugar||Organic raw sugar| |Cane sugar||The Many Names for Sugar||High-fructose corn syrup||Panocha| Read the label on all processed/packaged food!
A fileless malware attack is a type of malicious attack a hacker can use to leverage applications already installed in a computer. Unlike other malware attacks where software is unknowingly installed onto the user’s device, fileless malware attacks use applications that are already installed which are thought to be safe. Therefore, fileless malware attacks do not need to install malicious software or files to initiate an attack. A fileless malware attack may begin by a user-initiated action, such as clicking a banner ad that opens a redirect to access Flash, which then utilizes other applications on the device. Fileless malware attacks exist in a device’s RAM and will typically access and inject malicious code into default Windows tools, such as PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). These trusted applications can carry out system tasks for multiple endpoints, which makes them ideal targets for fileless malware attacks. For example, the Equifax breach was executed with a fileless malware attack using the Apache Struts application. Fileless malware attacks are typically very difficult to prevent and detect, as fileless malware does not require downloading any files. With no detectable signature, it can bypass the effectiveness of some antimalware protection services or whitelists. How to Prevent and Detect Fileless Malware Attacks Even though fileless malware attacks are difficult to prevent and detect, they do leave some detectable traces. One such trace includes a compromise in a device’s system memory. Network patterns should also be monitored to look for the device connecting to botnet servers. Some antivirus software such as McAfee A few best practices for avoiding fileless malware attacks include: - Securing system endpoints. - Monitoring application and network traffic. - Uninstalling unused or non-critical applications. - Turning off any unnecessary application features. - Once an attack is known, changing any system passwords. - Rebooting the endpoint device will stop a breach since the device will only keep data in RAM when the device is on.
|barrier = hedge| |A line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, which form a barrier or mark the boundary of an area.| |Rendering in openstreetmap-carto| |Used on these elements| |Tools for this tag| barrier=hedge is used to identify a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, which form a barrier or mark the boundary of an area. Hedges may be actively managed, but this is not always the case. Large Hedges or Field and Road Boundaries Hedges are most notable at a landscape level when they create field, road, and large property boundaries. These hedges commonly contain many species, many of which have self seeded within the hedge. They are commonly only managed to maintain the function as a barrier. Some of these type of hedges have become poorly managed in recent decades with landowners repairing gaps in hedges with barbed wire. They can be centuries old and have legal protection. Small Hedges and Urban or Garden Hedges Much smaller formal hedges can also be used in areas such as parks and gardens. These hedges commonly consist of a single species. Maintenance commonly goes beyond simply maintaining the barrier function, but also includes maintenance for making the hedge visually appealing. How to map Although there is a major difference between a small single-species garden hedge and a massive multi-species field boundary hedge, they are currently both mapped as Hedges. Create a line along the length of the hedge. Where a hedge joins another hedge use a shared node. If there are substantial gaps in the hedge then end that line, leave a gap and create a new way for the next section. If there is a fence adjacent to the hedge to make it stock proof, it is preferable to map the hedge if only one barrier is to be mapped. Mark a gate or stile in the hedge by creating a node on the way at the appropriate location and tagging it with barrier=gate or barrier=stile or similar. For a short gap consider using an entrance=* node. Mark lone trees using natural=tree. For a thick hedge draw a closed way around the perimeter of the hedge and tag it with area=yes.
For this one, we went to the local Dollar Store and picked up some Hydrating Beads. We put them in a heart shaped dish, and added a cup of water. Over time we watched the beads expand. The beads also work as a great sensory tool. Which candy heart will dissolve the fastest? · Candy Hearts · 3 clear cups · Water (1/2 cup each-hot, warm, and cold) Directions: Make a prediction as to which temperature of water will dissolve a candy heart the fastest. Place a candy heart into each cup of water. Observe and discuss the changes you see. Check back often to see which heart dissolves first. · Candy Hearts · Piece of paper Directions: Write the colors of the candy hearts along one side of the paper and number the other side of the paper. Some children find it easier to graph with lines but it can be done without lines. Give each child a box or handful of candy hearts and have the child match the candy hearts to the matching color. Here is a simple and sweet snack time idea. We used a sharpie on a banana skin to create this cutie. Supplies Needed; Print out of template (below) and crayons or markers Introduce children to candy hearts and have them decorate their own candy heart. Supplies Needed; Candy Hearts and print out of template (below) Ask children to sort their box of candy hearts into the matching colored hearts on the template. Supplies Needed; One bingo template (below) and one box of candy hearts per participant Give each participant a template and a box of heart candies. If you need instructions for playing Bingo, click HERE. The beginning of the story, “Herman and Hannah Heart” is provided. Have students complete the story as well as draw a picture of what happened to Herman and Hannah Heart. If you have younger children you can ask them to tell you the story verbally. Asking them questions focusing on how, when, where and what. Such as “What color was that dog?” “How many birds where there?” or “when did they go to the park and what did they do there?” encourage them to expand on the story. Older children may benefit more from writing down the story. Writing the story allows them to practice spelling, grammar and handwriting. We have provided a template for the children to use at the bottom of the post. This is Herman and Hannah Heart. They love to visit the park. They walk along the cold stone path heart to heart and cheek to cheek talking about a piece of art. “So many colors!” said Hannah “No other sculpture could be filled with so much danger and adventure.” Replied Herman as they strolled along.Hannah had not been expecting...
Assign this text to deeply engage your students! Actively Learn provides free ELA, science, and social studies digital content—short stories, primary sources, textbook sections, science articles, novels, videos, and more—and embeds them with standards-aligned assignments to assign immediately or customize for your students. Whether you’re looking for “The Tell-Tale Heart,” The Hate U Give, “The Gettysburg Address,” or current science articles and simulations, Actively Learn is the free go-to source to help you guide your students' growth in critical thinking all year. The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer. The poem is fundamental to the modern Western canon, and is the second oldest extant work of Western literature, the Iliad being the oldest. It is believed to have been composed near the end of the 8th century BC, somewhere in Ionia, the Greek coastal region of Anatolia.
You are seeing a free-to-access but limited selection of the activity Altmetric has collected about this research output. Click here to find out more. The Importance of Exploring How Culture and Society Impact on Music Learning and Teaching Music Learning and Teaching in Culturally and Socially Diverse Contexts Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, January 2018 The data shown below were compiled from readership statistics for 1 Mendeley reader of this research output. Click here to see the associated Mendeley record. |Readers by professional status||Count||As %| |Readers by discipline||Count||As %|
This is an ancient Hellenistic gold and garnet finger ring, dating to the 3rd - 1st century BC. The solid gold ring is expertly crafted out of a buttery yellow gold, set with a beautiful and original firey pyrope garnet. Such gems were some of the most esteemed and valuable red gemstones in Antiquity. Theophrastos of Eresos, Aristotle’s successor of the philosophical school in Athens and author of the first known mineralogical book Peri Lithon (On Stones), reported on the value of garnet, called anthrax (“charcoal”) in Greek, in Hellenistic times: even a small stone was worth 40 gold staters weighing about 10 troy ounces. He also mentioned seaports that delivered these precious stones: Carthage in Africa, Miletus in Asia Minor, and Massalia in Europe. Important manufacturing centers of garnet jewelry in Hellenistic times. This is an excellent example of gem-set finger ring, dating to the late Ptolemaic and Roman Republican period - around the time of Queen Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. OBJECT: Finger Ring DATE: c. 3rd - 1st century BC MATERIAL: Gold and pyrope garnet RING SIZE: 4 (US) H 1/2 (UK) SIZE: 19.30mm x 22.34mm x 2.47mm (gem 12.27mm x 9.78mm bezel 15.63mm x 11mm x 4.62mm) WEIGHT: 5.45 grams PROVENANCE: Formerly in a private collection. Hertfordshire. Please fill in the information below
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, most children should have a dental exam at least twice a year. Other children may require more frequent dental exams due to having a higher risk of developing dental cavities, abnormal growth or very bad oral hygiene. Dr. Baker will be sure to tailor the best appointment schedule for your child based on their oral health needs. What happens at a dental check-up? Once your child is brought back and all appropriate radiographs/x-rays are taken (if necessary), they will have their teeth gently cleaned by the appropriate dental team member. Once their x-rays have been reviewed by the pediatric dentist (if taken), the pediatric dentist will conduct a dental examination of your child’s oral cavity assessing their teeth, gums, soft tissue, and jaw structures. Your child’s pediatric dentist will ask questions regarding your child’s medical and dental history as well. Once all of the necessary information has been collected and reviewed, your child’s pediatric dentist will review their findings with you and come up with an appropriate treatment plan or recall schedule. Finally, your child’s pediatric dentist will go over proper oral hygiene care (brushing and flossing) and diet with both yourself and your child, and answer any questions you may have. If my child has never had any cavities, do I still need to take them twice a year to see a pediatric dentist? The answer is yes. Regular dental exams help to ensure that your child stays cavity-free. Specifically, dental cleanings help remove food debris/plaque and calculus, which can lead to dental cavities and gum disease. In addition, fluoride application helps to strengthen tooth enamel and fight cavity causing bacteria. Oral hygiene instructions (reviewing brushing and flossing protocols with both parent and child) help prevent dental decay by reinforcing prevention protocols. Aside from checking for dental cavities, your child’s pediatric dentist also evaluates changes in your child’s oral health. This includes assessing your child’s growth and development as it relates to their teeth and gums, checking for any soft or hard tissue pathology (abnormal growth of tissue or bone), checking their bite to determine if any orthodontic treatment is necessary to help guide or make space for new or future teeth, reviewing dental trauma guidelines and providing prevention protocols, and providing habit counseling (e.g., pacifier use and thumb sucking).
(`arakh, "to arrange"; tassein ( diatassein, taxis, tagma)): "Order" in Biblical phrases may indicate (1) arrangement in rows, (2) sequence in time, (3) classification and organization, (4) likeness or manner, (5) regulation, direction or command, or (6) the declaring of a will. In many passages it is difficult if not impossible to determine from the English text alone in which of these senses the word is used. 1. Arrangement in Rows: 2. Sequence in Time: As the fundamental meaning of `arakh is arrangement in space, that of cadhar is order or sequence in time. In later Hebrew cedher was used in the sense of "program." In Job 10:22 lo’ cedharim, absence of regularity, in the description of the uncertain period that follows death probably means "confusion in time." (The Septuagint (pheggos) suggests, in the place of cedharim, a word for "light," possibly tsohorayim.) In the New Testament we find "order" used of time in connection with the resurrection of the dead (1Co 15:23 (tagma)) and of a succession of places visited (Ac 18:23 (kathexes)). The phrase "in order unto" (Ps 119:38) expresses causal sequence and hence, purpose. 3. Classification and Organization: 4. Likeness or Manner: 5. Regulation, Direction, Command: 6. Declaring of Last Will: The phrase "to set one’s house in order" (Isa 38:1 parallel 2Ki 20:1; 2Sa 17:23), used of Hezekiah and Ahithophel, in contemplation of death, means to give final instructions to one’s household or to make one’s will. The Hebrew tsawah used in this phrase is the stem found in the later Hebrew tsawwa’ah, "a verbal will" (Babha’ Bathra’ 147a, 151b; BDB). Great moral weight was attached in Biblical times to the charges laid upon a household by a deceased father or remoter ancestor, not only as to the disposition of property but also as to personal conduct. (Compare the case of the Rechabites, where the same Hebrew expression is used, tsiwwah `alenu, Jer 35:6.)
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfIuIQaOLlY collect as many sticks as you can find, think of ideas of what they could be, write these down on a note pad/ paper OR take photos of you holding the stick and then write/ type on what you are pretending it is using an IT device OR record a video of you saying what your sticks are, pretending to use them as different things. (Keep your sticks you may need them for another activity) Can you make a rain stick sensory bottle and count how many sticks you put in? Be creative! Invent your own ‘Kerplunk’ game using whatever you can find. Take turns pulling the sticks/straws/spaghetti out of the holes, whoever drops the least leaves/balls/pompoms wins!
New technology for old locomotives: Bio-coal could revive steam engines (Source: Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production, October 19, 2012) A current effort using digital technology and new engineering aims to use carbon-neutral bio-coal being developed by the University of Minnesota-Duluth’s Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) to revive steam locomotives. The Coalition for Sustainable Rail, a subsidiary of Sustainable Rail International, is raising money between $3 million and $5 million to update a steam locomotive. Dubbed “Project 130” to reflect the desire to develop a locomotive that reaches 130 miles per hour, the sustainable rail effort began as a single track idea — a revival of steam locomotion. Full story: Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production Thursday, October 25, 2012 Like us on Facebook at Sign up for BLET News Flash Alerts
A Power of Attorney is a formal legal agreement set out in a written document that gives another person power to make decisions for you while you are alive but unable to act on your own behalf. The legal effect of decisions made by an appointed attorney is the same as if you had made the decisions yourself. In Queensland, there are two types: 1. General Power of Attorney This document enables you to grant someone else power to make decisions regarding your financial affairs only for a specific period of time or in respect of a specific event (for example, buying or selling a house while you are overseas). A General Power of Attorney ceases to operate if you become incapacitated. - Enduring Power of Attorney In contrast to a General Power of Attorney, this document grants someone else power to make financial and personal decisions, including health related matters for you, when you are unable to make such decisions for yourself. For example, as a result of incapacitation or unconsciousness. Making a Power of Attorney Anyone over 18 years of age can make a Power of Attorney, provided they are capable of: - understanding the effects and legal implications of the appointment; - making decisions for themselves; and - communicating their wishes to their attorney. A Power of Attorney can be prepared by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can complete one of the prescribed forms yourself. General and Enduring Power of Attorney documents are available online from the Queensland Department of Justice website. Both the maker of a Power of Attorney and the attorney(s) must sign the document in the presence of a qualified witness. Qualified witnesses include a lawyer, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations or Notary Public and cannot be your current paid carer or health provider. Prior to making a Power of Attorney document, it is recommended that you obtain personalised legal and/or financial advice on your specific circumstances. Contact us if you require more information.
Porcupine caribou return to Old Crow in time for Caribou Days Caribou migration keeps experts guessing every year, as animals wander between Yukon and Alaska A roaming herd of caribou have returned to Old Crow, Yukon, after failing to visit the community last fall. Bulls on their spring migration were spotted near the community last week and many families were able to fill their freezers once again. "The whole community really appreciates that we can have food to share," says Lorraine Netro, who took part in the community's annual Caribou Days celebration over the long weekend. Netro is one of about 300 people who live in Old Crow, a remote fly-in community in northern Yukon that depends heavily on caribou as a main food source. "We pay a really high market price for food in our community and when we don't get our supply of traditional foods, it's a real concern," she says. Scarcity breeds appreciation "When we have a worst case scenario, it really makes us appreciate when the caribou come back," he says. Tetlichi recently gave a community presentation on the status of the Porcupine Caribou herd on behalf of the board which is made up of government and First Nations' representatives. Tetlichi says part of respecting the caribou means reporting how many animals each hunter takes. He says the purpose of this is to determine the needs of the community in order to set up a system with other communities that hunt porcupine caribou — like Fort McPherson and Aklavik — so that when times are bad, they can share. He warned that although the herd is healthy at the moment, that could change. Herd is 'thriving' with about 200,000 animals The herd often overwinters in Yukon near the Dempster Highway or Peel watershed and linger near Old Crow, but even caribou experts can't predict exactly where the animals will go from year to year. Mike Suitor, the North Yukon's regional biologist for Environment Yukon, says Porcupine Caribou have wintering areas across Yukon and Alaska but says their movement this year was exceptional. "The difference this year is that all of the caribou practically wintered in Alaska," he says. Although Suitor says he can't say for sure why this is, he notes there was an unusually high snowfall in Yukon's Ogilvie mountains this winter, while the area near Venetie and Arctic Village in Alaska where the caribou wintered had little snow. Caribou in 'very good shape' David Frost, natural resources manager with the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, says the cows went straight north from Alaska to their calving grounds but the bulls separated off like they normally do, into small groups. "Luckily enough they came to town right in time for Caribou Days." Local hunters say the spring bulls are fatter than usual. "They come back this way, very fat, very good shape," says Dennis Frost, who got two caribou last week. "That tells me the food in Alaska is plentiful and the snow is less deep than here. We had a year where it was so much snow. It would have been hard for the caribou and I think the caribou knew this." As for what the community should expect next fall, it's anyone's bet. David Frost says migration routes can change and caribou always keep researchers guessing.
Individual Education Plan (IEP)Resources to Help You Effectively Advocate for Your Child It’s that time of year again – when teachers and schools start to develop and send home Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). The good news is, you can play a big role in advocating for your child in the IEP process to ensure that your school has high expectations for your child's success and creates a positive learning environment. Jolene and Beth from our Family Support Team has gathered up some resources to assist you in preparing for the IEP processes and advocating for your child. If you need more support or would like us to (virtually) attend a school meeting with you, contact the Family Support Team at 519-396-9434. 8 Special Education IEP Terms Parents Should Know The process of developing an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can sometimes seem like it involves a foreign language. Parents often find the acronyms frustrating. Here is a list of terms, compiled by Valentin & Blackstock Psychology, that can help you learn the ‘IEP Lingo’. Parent’s Role in the Individual Education Plan Parents have an important role to play to help their child succeed at school. However, they are often unsure of how to help and may defer to the teacher and/or other school staff as they are the “experts”. Teachers know a lot about the curriculum and how students learn, but they are not experts on your child – you are. This blog post from Easter Seals Ontario helps prepare parents to take an active role in developing their child’s IEP. Positive Advocacy Strategies for School Part of Autism Ontario’s on demand webinar series, this video features well-known parent advocate and special education teacher Ed Mahony. He shares important skills that parents need to develop to help make the IPRC process work for them/thier child. Creating Positive School Experiences for Students with Disabilities A successful school experience for students with disabilities is significantly impacted by the attitudes and behaviours of students, staff and the overall school commitment towards inclusion. This article is from an American source but offers important insight into facilitating a positive and inclusive school climate. There are also several ideas that can be incorporated into a child’s IEP to promote raised expectations and attitudes. Addressing Bullying in a Child’s IEP While this is an American source, it shares great examples of goals and interventions that could be incorporated into a child’s IEP to address bullying or build stronger social skills to promote a more positive school experience.
The student credit guide enables the students to understand the true significance and hazards involved behind possessing a student credit card. There are plenty of new credit cards available for students these days. Many well known financial institutions have come up with a student credit card facility, and thus they provide some benefits over to the students through this credit card. Concept of credit report and credit score The credit report of each and every student of the nation is computed when the student attains adulthood, I.e. an age of eighteen years. The credit report contains information regarding the mailing address of the student, his mode of bill payment or loan repayment, and also whether he has ever been arrested or a case has been filed against him or not. His repayment of credit card premiums also get accounted in the credit report and even meager credit amount gets accounted in the report. Timely repayment is a must. So it hardly matters if you are a defaulter while paying an amount of $10 or a large amount like $10000. Delay is a delay and gets the same treatment on every occasion. Credit score is a three digit number in the range of 300-850. This is because this is the credit score gradation on the FICO credit score scale. It is a reflection of one`s credit worthiness and enables the lenders to determine the risk involved if they sanction a loan to a particular student. An individual with a good credit score is bound to get a loan at minimal rates of interest. Purpose and benefits of student credit card Student credit cards can prove to be a source that provides money for college expenses or other expenses in education. Students have the opportunity to earn and win scholarship reward points for being a member of the credit card authoring agencies. Moreover in addition to this, a student can have chances of earning points if he indulges in any of the activities through the student credit card. Student credit card is a useful tool, which can be used by the student in case of an emergency situation. In critical conditions, the students might need the money to stand by their family. In such cases student might land into credit card debts and so it is very essential to have the proper knowledge and guidance about student credit cards. So if you want to utilize the student credit guide, just log on to the forum page. You will certainly get all the information you need to know about student credit cards.
For some years now, the amount of literature for adolescents has literally exploded in terms of numbers and diffusion, and even graphic novels and illustrated books are proposed as new and potentially quite fertile languages. What are the most common genres, and what do they reveal between the lines? What are the most interesting authors and books to read and suggest for youth between the ages of 12 and 15? How does storytelling in images work, and what are the best books? The course will meet 3 times and aims to provide both theoretical and operational tools to promote culture among 12-15 year olds. It includes constant interaction with the participants, who must be willing to read the proposed books after each meeting. The course includes a brief theoretical part on young adult publishing and the contemporary imaginary, on the most obvious and important phenomena to know, on the most widespread themes and genres, the best authors and the most important recent works, including a focus on comics, along with a more methodological and practical part aimed at directly involving participants and sharing good practices on how to use the books.
8 hours 33 minutes OS X is the operating system developed by Apple to run its Macintosh systems. Maintaining an OS X system and keeping it in optimal working condition is accomplished by following best practices and having familiarity with OSX features and system tools won. Best practice is to run scheduled backups to safeguard data in the event of a system, hardware failure or natural disaster. Scheduling backups in OSX is done through the pre installed time machine application. Choose select backup disk and select a location. To save the backup copy. Check the box of encryption is desired, and then use disc into a backup password. A hint and then click encrypted ISC Time machine will encrypt the disk first and then create the data backup. Once a backup has been captured, Time machine could be used to restore the system if needed. And sure, regular automatic backups is enabled. I Cloud is also a backup option. I cloud is Apple's cloud service, where user data such as photos, contacts and notes can be stored. Information backed up using iCloud can be accessed using other OS X or IOS devices. An iCloud account using an apple I D and password is required the user selects what data to back up. Another best practice is to keep the system updated and patched regularly to ensure its running properly and protected against known security vulnerabilities. Updates are obtained through the APP store To modify the way this system handles updates, open the APP store from within system preferences. Updates for device drivers and firm where are handled through the APP store as well. The notification service alerts when new updates are available. Anti virus and malware protection applications are especially important to have installed an updated continually to ensure the system is protected from these threats, there are open source and proprietary antivirus applications available through the APP store. OS X has several features and utilities that aidan the efficiency and convenience of operations for managing storage disks. There is disk utility this tool convey, verify or repair internal and external hard disks, oven OSX system and create blink storage disks or erase and format external storage devices. Select the disk from the list. Information such as location, capacity, type et cetera is displayed. A series of options that could be applied to the hard disk is listed. The first aid option will attempt to repair issues with the faulty disc. Partition can be used to increase or decrease the number of partitions on a disk. OSX supports the ability for users to have both Windows and OSX operating systems installed on a single system. The Boot Camp multi boot utility has a setup assistant that walks through the Windows installation process on an OS X based system. A Windows installation disk and 55 gigabytes worth of free disk space is required. The Mission Control feature in OS X provides a way to manage multiple desktops. Mission control can be accessed by pressing the control key, plus up arrow or through applications when activated. Switching between desktops is a simple is cooking one of the screens and the top of the window toe. Add additional desktops. Click the plus symbol in the top right corner to remove, click the desktop and drag it into the active desktop. In view. Preferences for Mission Control actions, maybe user to find OSX systems have a terminal similar to Lennox used to enter and execute commands. While the OS X graphical user interface is extremely intuitive and user friendly, knowing a few basic commands is helpful for troubleshooting issues and similar to a Windows operating system. Taskbar OS X has a doc feature that contains application icons for quick access. DOC Actions are user to find. Preferences, such as where the doc is located in icon size are edited through the docks settings. A very useful feature offering shortcuts for common actions is gestures or finger combinations, plus moves on a track pad or mouse, for example, sweeping to the left or right on the track pad with three fingers switches between multiple desktops or pinching the trackpad to open and close. The launch pad Gestures for track, pad and mouse is accessible and customizable through system preferences to organize documents, media folders and other files on a system utilize the finder feature. What information is displayed about a file and how it is displayed is user defined. The search bar can be used to find a file, folder or application in a specific location or category. If an application is not working properly and having issues closing the force quit utility can be used to force it closed, choose the faulty application from the list of open applications and select relaunch too close and reopen. Finally, A feature worth mentioning in OSX systems is the ability to securely store passwords, credit cards and other private information in keys and key chains. Toe add a new key chain. Click the plus symbol and into the information for the new key chain. Click add to add it to the list of existing keys. Being able to recall many different passwords for many different applications and service is can be cumbersome. This application offers a secure way to manage credential information following best practices. And being familiar with common features and tools of the Mac OS operating system helps ensure security of the system and AIDS and operational efficiency for the user.
Take Care with Dysphemisms You probably know what a euphemism is: putting lipstick on a pig, as in using the expression “pass away” in place of the word die, or “enhanced interrogation” instead of torture. Is dysphemism — essentially, the opposite concept — any more problematic? Just as a euphemism cloaks a disagreeable or offensive concept with an innocuous or vague label, dysphemism assigns a mildly or scathingly pejorative term to a concept or person that may be considered neutral or positive or may already have a negative connotation or reputation. For example, doctors are sometimes called quacks, and psychiatrists and psychologists are often referred to as shrinks. (Quack derives from quacksalver, from a Dutch word meaning “seller of salves,” or ointments; quack is equivalent to hawk, a verb meaning “to sell by calling out.” Shrink is a truncation of “head shrinker,” from the idea that mental health professionals are no more knowledgeable about the mind than witch doctors who shrink human heads for ritualistic purposes.) Shrink is often used inoffensively, even by psychiatric patients or by psychiatrists themselves. But quack denotes an unscrupulous doctor or someone posing as a doctor or otherwise fraudulently offering to heal others and is rarely used jocularly. Because of the variable connotations among dysphemisms, writers should take care when considering whether to use them. Such terms are unlikely to appear in formal writing, but they may show up in more casual prose, especially in opinionated comments. An accountant might, in jest, refer to himself as a bean counter, but the connotation is of an excessively meticulous person unable to focus on anything other than saving money, and the term is generally offensive. An attorney, on the other hand, would never call herself a shyster, even in a moment of levity, and the word is provocative. “City slicker”? I’m a relative newcomer to a rural area from a metropolitan one, and I might jokingly self-identify as such, but for anyone else who might think of calling me that, as the (mis)quote from a Gary Cooper movie goes, “Mister, smile when you call me that.” The same policy applies to tree-hugger or redneck, bookworm or “frat boy,” “pencil pusher” or “talking head”: Use with caution. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below: - Comparative Forms of Adjectives - Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) - Ebook, eBook, ebook or e-book? Stop making those embarrassing mistakes! Subscribe to Daily Writing Tips today! - You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! - Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! - You'll also get three bonus ebooks completely free!
Brutalism: Le Corbusier's first Unité d'Habitation is arguably the most influential Brutalist building of all time. With its human proportions, chunky pilotis and interior "streets", it redefined high-density housing by reimagining a city inside an 18-storey slab block. Completed in 1952 in Marseille, the building took Le Corbusier's most famous quote – that a house is "a machine for living in" – and applied it to an entire community. The result was a self-contained concrete vessel that is structured like an ocean liner. The architect called the building La Cité Radieuse, or "the radiant city", and it has successfully accommodated a mix of uses ever since completion. Its 337 apartments can accommodate 1,600 residents, but it also boasts two shopping streets, a hotel and a rooftop terrace. Le Corbusier believed the tower block was the solution for rehousing the masses that had been displaced during the second world war, and that high rise building could be used to create spacious city homes with the same amenities as a typical street. With Unité, his aim was twofold. To "provide with silence and solitude before the sun, space and greenery, a dwelling which will be the perfect receptacle for the family", and to "set up, in God's good nature, under the sky and in the sun, a magisterial work of architecture, the product of rigour, grandeur, nobility, happiness and elegance". Rather than employing the smooth white surfaces that typified many of his buildings, Le Corbusier chose to create the building in béton-brut concrete, which was textured by the wooden planks that had provided its formwork. This prevented the need for a steel frame, making it the most cost-efficient solution. In an address to council minister Eugène Claudius-Petit on the day of the project handover, the architect described the building as "the first manifestation of an environment suited to modern life". "Made for men, it is made to the human scale," he said. "It has also the robustness which is inherent in modern technique, and it shows the new splendour of bare concrete." La Cité Radieuse is located at the heart of a large park. With a length of 165 metres and a height of 56 metres, it rises over the surrounding treetops with its base raised up on pilotis and its two main elevations facing east and west. These elevations comprise a series of balconies and deep-set windows that reveal the spacing of the internal floor plates. Le Corbusier developed this grid using a proportional measurement system based on his Modulor Man – a concept that combined the proportions of a six foot tall human figure with the mathematics of the golden section. Inside, narrow flats are mostly arranged as two-storey duplexes with a double-height living room at one end. One level of each apartment stretches the full 21-metre depth of the block, creating a layout where pairs of homes interlock around a central access corridor. Unlike a typical apartment block, this arrangement meant that these access corridors – known as "streets" – only needed be accommodated on every third floor. There are just five in total. When the building first opened, the seventh and eighth floors were home to an assortment of shops, eateries, galleries and a hostel where residents could invite guests to stay. Sixty years on they are much the same, although the hostel has become a hotel and many of the shops have been taken over by more specialist businesses, from medical practitioners to architects. The roof offered even more amenities, including a nursery, a running track and pools for paddling and swimming, but these days the space hosts an art programme masterminded by French designer Ora-Ïto. In his 2012 book Museum without Walls, architecture critic Jonathan Meades wrote: "The roof of l'Unité is a transcendent work: it is as though Odysseus is beside you. In a few gestures, it summons the entirety of the Mediterranean's mythic history. It is exhilarating and humbling, it occasions aesthetic bliss. It demonstrates the beatific power of great art, great architecture." There are 23 different types of residence within the building, varying from small one-person homes to generous family units, and every home has at least one balcony. "The Unité d'Habitation is an incredibly powerful sculpture, and the feeling of living inside a work of art is a daily reality," said Jean-Marc Drut, who occupies apartment number 50. In 2008 Drut started an initiative inviting different designers to restyle his home, and allowing members of the public to visit. So far the space has been refitted by names including Jasper Morrison, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, and Konstantin Grcic. The strict grid, framed by thick sound-proofed walls, means that reconfiguring layouts is largely impossible, but the designers are able to entirely restyle the space, providing they don't change the colours of the walls or alter any of the existing furniture. "The exhibitions help to re-activate the space and anchor it into the 21st century, showing how relevant it is still," he told Dezeen. Today, La Cité Radieuse is still home to many of its original occupants. It is recognised by UNESCO as a world heritage site, and has remained a favourite with architects – even before it was complete, late Italian architect Gio Ponti branded it as "a true monument in the history of French construction". Five other Unités were also built, including one in the French town of Nantes-Rezé and one in Berlin.
adjective, stead·i·er, stead·i·est. noun, plural stead·ies. verb (used with object), stead·ied, stead·y·ing. verb (used without object), stead·ied, stead·y·ing. QUIZ YOURSELF ON “ITS” VS. “IT’S”! Idioms for steady synonym study for steady OTHER WORDS FROM steadystead·i·ly, adverbstead·i·ness, nouno·ver·stead·i·ness, nouno·ver·stead·y, adjective Words nearby steady Example sentences from the Web for steady Her legs shook and she sat on her hands to try and steady herself.The Woman Propositioned by Alaska’s Former Lieutenant Governor Tells Her Story for the First Time|by Kyle Hopkins and Michelle Theriault Boots, Anchorage Daily News|September 10, 2020|ProPublica Within these systems can be broad swaths of steady rainfall called stratiform regions, Gramling says.Readers ask about neutrinos in the sun’s core, megaflashes and mussels|Science News Staff|September 6, 2020|Science News That’s corroborated by data from job-search websites such as Indeed, which also shows a slowing trend of job listings after steady gains earlier in the summer.The Easy Part Of The Economic Recovery Might Be Over|Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux|September 4, 2020|FiveThirtyEight While wearable fitness devices saw an uptick in shipments in North America for Q2, the overall dollar amount of the market remained steady, according to new numbers out of Canalys.Low-cost fitness bands see a resurgence in interest amid the pandemic|Brian Heater|September 4, 2020|TechCrunch They can watch and tightly measure as the vortex loops merge and evolve into turbulence, analyze its steady state, subject it to various forces and tweaks to see how it responds, and then stop feeding it and study its decay.An Unexpected Twist Lights Up the Secrets of Turbulence|David H. Freedman|September 3, 2020|Quanta Magazine It is the steady accretion of detail that may yet be the most damaging factor in the battle for British hearts and minds. Superintendent Smith, in fact, had fielded a steady stream of complaints about him that never resulted in any direct action. Outside, a lone traffic policeman directs a steady stream of motorbikes.‘Argo’ in the Congo: The Ghosts of the Stanleyville Hostage Crisis|Nina Strochlic|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST The female fan base tends to hold steady at 38 percent, according to Amanda Regan, a spokeswoman for Feld Motor Sports.The Moms of Monster Jam Drive Trucks, Buck Macho Culture|Eliza Krigman|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST Activating iPhones promised a lucrative, steady revenue stream for Synchronoss. The minister's eye kept steady to one point; to raise the country he governed, to the utmost pinnacle of earthly grandeur.The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter I begged him to come down here, but he wouldn't—says that his hand is no longer steady enough to hold a gun—it's awful!Ancestors|Gertrude Atherton He had improved of late years a little, and he gave me his word that he would be steady. Lyn was looking at me intently, and her voice was steady; that squeezed kind of steadiness that is almost worse than tears.Raw Gold|Bertrand W. Sinclair With beating heart, but steady hand and frowning eye, he advanced another step and found—that the object was a yellow stone!Hunting the Lions|R.M. Ballantyne British Dictionary definitions for steady adjective steadier or steadiest verb steadies, steadying or steadied noun plural steadies Derived forms of steadysteadier, nounsteadily, adverbsteadiness, noun Word Origin for steady Idioms and Phrases with steady In addition to the idiom beginning with steady - steady as a rock - go steady - slow but sure (steady wins the race)
Within computer science, a communications protocol is a system of digital rules for message exchange within or between computers. Within the telecom industries, there are countless proprietary systems out there. One of these being the SCAN Protocol that is associated with the Harris FarScan interface for network monitoring gear. Communicating systems use well-defined formats for exchanging messages. Each message has an exact meaning intended to provoke a particular response of the receiver. Thus, a protocol must define the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of communication; the specified behavior is typically independent of how it is to be implemented. A protocol can therefore be implemented as hardware, software, or both. Communications protocols have to be agreed upon by the parties involved. Protocols can either be proprietary or open. A proprietary protocol is one that is specific to a company. No other company can use the protocol and it is supported and maintained only by that particular company. If that company goes out of business, anyone that uses their equipment will no long receive support for that protocol. An open protocol is one that can be used by anyone and usually stands the test of time because it is not solely supported by one company. Harris FarScan was a network monitoring interface. It allowed staff and techs to view in real-time what was happening at their remote sites throughout their networks. Harris Scan found its way into regular use with many different applications across several industries. It was intended to be used with Harris RTUs and microwave communications gear. This gear operated using the Harris Scan protocol. As time passed, so did the support for the related gear. Since the protocol associated with FarScan is proprietary, when Harris decided to relinquish their control over their Microwave Communications Division to Aviat, the need for FarScan and devices that could communicate in SCAN became obsolete since there was no longer a line of support for existing equipment. In order to still utilize this protocol, you would not only need to have the interface program, but you would also have to have an array of equipment capable of utilizing this method of coding. While this is entirely counterproductive in new applications, existing network monitoring systems may still incorporate these devices. In order to further improve equipment compatibility, there are a few companies that have continued to offer tech support as well as FarScan compatible devices. The T/Mon Alarm Master Station by DPS Telecom is one such device. To continue using functioning legacy gear in the era of modern protocols, you need a modern master that remains compatible with older protocols as well. The T/MON LNX supports over 25 legacy and proprietary protocols, including SCAN, making it the best master for networks that have a wide range of gear. With the T/MON LNX you can seamlessly integrate all of your gear in your network into one easy to monitor system. Aside from legacy and proprietary protocols, T/Mon helps you keep track of your entire network. T/Mon allows you to choose on-screen display, email alerts, and/or phone alerts when new alarms come in. You can also allow alarm type and severity to determine the notification type (more important alarms demand a more disruptive alert).You can set the alarms to be as detailed as you need, so that you have complete visibility of your site all the time. No more getting vague alarms in the middle of the night and driving to a site to find out that the problem could have waited till the morning. Flexible, detailed alarms will make your techs happy and allow you to always know whats happening at your sites. You can't afford to replace all your functioning legacy gear. You need a solution that not only monitors legacy gear, but keeps track of your other equipment as well. Don't wait any longer! Call DPS Telecom today to find out more about the T/Mon! You need to see DPS gear in action. Get a live demo with our engineers. Have a specific question? Ask our team of expert engineers and get a specific answer! Sign up for the next DPS Factory Training! Whether you're new to our equipment or you've used it for years, DPS factory training is the best way to get more from your monitoring.Reserve Your Seat Today
As educators continue to plow through the challenges of keeping school going during a pandemic that has lasted for nearly a full year, they should be looking out for signs of students engaging in digital self-harm, researchers say. A recently published study led by a Florida International University researcher found that 1 in 10 students in the state said in a 2019 survey that they had cyberbullied themselves in the past year. Research on this specific type of cyberbullying remains thin, but efforts are underway to expand understanding of the issue. Justin Patchin, professor of criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center, believes educators should know more about digital self-harm so they can be on alert for it and perhaps even help contribute to broader understanding of how it works and how it might be prevented. Education Week asked Patchin to explain what we know so far about digital self-harm, and how educators should address it during a period when much more schooling than usual is happening online. The following telephone interview was edited for length and clarity. (For more on digital self-harm, read Patchin’s blog post on the topic.) What does this phenomenon look like? It can happen on any platform. The earliest examples that we saw were on anonymous social media apps like Ask.Fm that encourage you to be anonymous, and don’t require you to be your real identity. The way the platform works is you have a profile, anonymous people ask you questions, when you reply they show up only in your feed. You could ask yourself why are you so stupid, why are you so ugly, etc. To be sure, somebody could set up a fake Instagram profile or fake Snapchat profile and use it to target somebody else or use it themselves. It’s basically when somebody anonymously makes hurtful comments or threats towards themselves in a public venue so that others can see it. How did you first learn about this problem? We became interested in this problem five or six years ago when we had heard a couple of examples of situations like this. In one high-profile situation, a 14-year-old girl in England had killed herself. One of the causes of that suicide was cyberbullying that had happened on a particular social media platform. When the authorities investigated, most of the hurtful messages that were being sent to her originated from her own computer, from her own bedroom. She had sent the messages to herself. We had been studying cyberbullying among adolescents for probably a decade at that point, and we hadn’t considered that students would send hurtful messages for themselves. We looked around [to see] if anybody had done any research on it. There were a couple of blog posts speculating, but that was about it, so we decided to do it ourselves. We figured it would be a pretty rare phenomenon. In 2016, we surveyed 5,500 12 to17-year-olds across the U.S., and included a couple of questions in that survey about if students had posted something hurtful about themselves online. To our surprise, we found the numbers were higher than we expected. Five or 6 percent of kids had done this. Boys were slightly more likely to do it than girls. Among the kids who had done it, we asked them to tell us why they did. Most of the reasons given were what you’d expect: for attention, to see if anybody would help them, to see if anybody would do anything about it. Some said they did it because they were bored, or to be funny. More boys said [they did out of boredom or to be funny] than girls, which might explain the sex difference there. We replicated that [study] in 2019 and essentially found some of the same things, but we haven’t had a chance to publish those data. What causes kids to engage in this kind of behavior? We know some of the variables that are correlated, but we don’t know if x causes y. We know kids who participated in digital self-harm were significantly more likely to also have depressive symptoms, also participate in physical self-harm, also to have attempted suicide. We don’t know which came first. This is the ultimate question. Do kids get depressed, and then they post negative things online, or physically hurt themselves? Is it part of a constellation of things that happen at roughly the same time? There’s definitely a lot we still don’t know about those behaviors. What effect might the pandemic be having on this behavior? We’re trying to collect data in the next couple months, and hopefully we can include some of these questions. We know that kids are online more. Potentially that creates more opportunities for them. The other concern about remote learning, we’ve heard examples where students haven’t had access to resources at school such as school counselors or psychologists or school social workers. If a child is dealing with some issues, they are depressed, maybe they don’t have somebody that they can talk to because of remote learning. Therefore it might be a lot more difficult for them. We study cyberbullying more broadly, and there’s a lot of speculation now about whether cyberbullying has increased. There’s no clear data, but there are some people that have reported seeing more reports of cyberbullying. We did see a little bit of an uptick early on, especially as particularly young kids were given access to technology they maybe didn’t have before. On the other hand, we know from our research over the last decade that most adolescent cyberbullying is connected to school relationships or even school bullying. If kids aren’t at school they’re not having those disagreements. We’ve had kids who have said remote learning is better for them because they don’t have to deal with bullies at school. What can be done to prevent digital self-harm? It is hard for a teacher or a parent to get to the bottom of this. From the standpoint of their role whether as an educator or a parent, if they learn about a child being cyberbullied, they need to investigate. They need to talk to the kids involved, report it to the website or app. If it is particularly bad, egregious, if there are threats of physical harm, it will be flagged by these apps. The apps can identify this pretty easily. Whether they’ll share that with you is a different question. They’ll share it with law enforcement, which is unfortunately where we often find out about these things, if there’s a pretty serious incident. What we’ve found is, it doesn’t really matter who is doing the cyberbullying. You need to provide resources to who’s experiencing it. Whether you’re doing it to yourself or someone else is doing it to you, our goal should be to help you. That might be very practical things like showing you how to block a person from your account, collect evidence, report it to the apps. But maybe it is a cry for help or you do need some kind of counseling or other assistance. Schools should open up an opportunity for students to report to them if they’re being mistreated in a way that affects the school environment. Whether having some online reporting mechanisms or a particular person that people can turn to, but then hopefully having some resources in the school whether through a counseling department or school psychologist who’s trained in online abuse behaviors.
You have received an important phone call on your mobile and you have found that its battery is about to drain. Either you need take out power banks (if you have carried along with you) or need to search for charging points. You think that just a few hours back it has been charged and why it requires charging again. Many of us might have undergone this kind of situations. Batteries are the lifeline of any electronic devices like laptops, mobile phones etc. and hence, for us as well. When the above situation arises, many of us start doubting on quality of battery that the manufacturer provides us. However, we must keep in mind that life expectancy of the battery also depends on usage. In portable devices, Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used. Here I am giving some of the tips, which will improve the battery life: Tip #1: Avoid deep discharging cycles of the battery. Deep discharge cycles minimize battery lifespan. The reason is, a fully discharged battery sucks in more current than usual for charging and causes overheating of internal cells of the battery. Put your device in the charger when the battery is about 20% charged so that the current required in mAmps to charge the battery would be under safe range. Tip #2: Avoid the overcharging of the battery. Remove charger immediately after the battery is fully charged. Batteries kept under charger even if it is fully charged has to bear the trickling current. Trickling charging current means, a constant current is being fed to the battery to keep it charged which drifts the voltage upward. For lithium batteries, trickle charging current is not at all suitable. The batteries even bulge out a little due to this overcharging current. Tip #3: Use the correct charger for your battery. Amperage on the charger can differ. Make sure that you are always using the right charger. Charging battery with the wrong amperage can reduce the life of the battery or even sometimes damages the battery. Tip #4: Complete discharge-charge cycles of the battery. One complete discharge-charge cycle means, discharging from 100% to 20% (depth of discharge can also be 10%, 30% or even 50%) and then back to 100%. Some users have a habit of charging battery frequently even the charge level of the battery is 80% or 70%. During charging, the positively charged lithium-ion travels from the cathode to anode through an electrolyte solution. Putting battery for charging with already having 80% charge makes clumps of ions on the electrode. This reduces the life of the battery. Hence, frequent shallow discharge-charge cycles should be avoided. Tip #5: Avoid expose to high temperature. Charging the battery when the temperature is between 20 degree Celsius to 25 degrees is more suitable. Do not leave the battery in car during hot summer and cold winter as it reduces the capacity of the battery. Tip #6: Avoid fast charging of the batteries. Fast chargers generally use constant current charging method to charge battery quickly. In this method, there is always the risk of crossing the voltage limit specified for charging the battery by the manufacturer. In addition to this, the temperature increases the further damage the battery. All these factors may reduce the life of the battery. Hence, it is recommended not to use fast chargers, as it may not be suitable for your battery cell. - “Fast charge in Lithium-Ion Batteries for Portable Applications”, IEEE. - “Power Management in Battery Powered Handheld Portable Application”, Mobile System Technology Workshop 2015, IEEE. - “Handbook of Batteries” – David Linden, Thomas Reddy, Third Edition, McGraw Hill Publication. - “BU-409, Charging Lithium-Ion, Battery University. - “BU-501, Basics about Discharging, Battery University. - “Lithium-Ion Batteries – Getting the most from Smart Technologies” – White Paper, Hewlett Packard. - “Lithium Primary Battery Characteristics” – White Paper, Panasonic. - Images Courtesy – Pixabay. Krunal Shah is a passionate educator and career-counsellor with experience as an Entrepreneur. Currently, he is working as Director of Subodh Tech Private Limited, where he is involved in providing job-oriented training and Engineering Consultancy.
The Northern Territory government has done a deal with gas pipeline company, Jemena, that could cost consumers $2.7 billion and enable fracking in the Northern Territory. The cosy arrangement will rip off consumers and open up an enormous carbon bomb, exacerbating dangerous climate change. Jemena wants to build another massive pipeline to funnel NT fracked gas from Tennant Creek 623 kilometres to Mt Isa in Queensland. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, a method of extracting onshore gas, can contaminate groundwater, produce large amounts of fugitive emissions and adversely impact the climate. Until recently, the practice was banned in the Northern Territory as a result of strong community opposition. An independent scientific inquiry deemed fracking in the NT an unacceptable climate risk based on life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions. Only after the inquiry abandoned a key term of reference on risk mitigation, and after lobbying by Jemena, the NT government chose to lift the popular moratorium. But even before the moratorium was lifted, the NT government quietly proposed an exemption to the Northern Gas Pipeline from the rules that regulate the gas industry. The National Gas Rules were updated in 2017 to stop big companies like Jemena overcharging consumers for monopoly pipeline services. However, after its deal with the NT, Jemena can charge whatever it likes. It is the only company with an exemption built into the rules. Without it, Jemena says finances for the new pipeline may not stack up. In financial filings to the Singapore Stock Exchange, Jemena says the pipeline will “promote gas exploration and extraction activity” in the NT and confirms it is not subject to economic regulation. The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis (IEEFA) predicted in 2016 that the pipeline could not be built without significant subsidies. Like Adani, Jemena has a track record of questionable behaviour. The company is already under investigation by the tax office for a corporate restructure that directed $800 million to build the initial pipeline. That arrangement involved inflated inter-company interest rates that sends capital offshore to Jemena’s owners, the governments of China and Singapore. Meanwhile, Australian taxpayers are set to miss out on $500 million. The AEMC is powerful. It can over-rule the NT government and re-make the gas rules in favour of consumers, and ultimately, the environment. It is actively considering our request. We’ll keep you updated! — David Barnden, Principal Lawyer, EJA Header photo © Jen Castro, Flickr CC
There are many misconceptions related to video games. Many parents don’t realize the importance of video games for their children. On the other hand, your buddies may roll their eyes every single time you talk about enjoying Clash of Clans, Call of Duty, or even Candy Crush Saga, your gaming habits may really be making you healthier than everybody else. I have your attention now? Right? Continue reading… The debate concerning whether video games are bad or good for us was moving since the days of Pong and Space Invaders. Most folks have assumed they were the cause of physical and mental issues. Some say it is to find something to blame when there’s a problem, and video games have always been an easy goal. But things have shifted and professional research have been conducted to find the reality out. Are video games good for you? Or, how is our capacity influence our health, make us violent, or to understand actually hindered by video games? The great thing is that researchers are finding that games could be useful for all of us, while there is not enough proof to supply a good response. Your Brain Will Literally Get Sharper: Moms across the world might feel that your mind is rotted by significant time on the PlayStation, yet based on scientists, the size of your mind regularly increase. Lately, 8 Ball Pool has been the attention of a research conducted by Simone Kühn, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. Participants and the sport played to get an eight-week period for 30 minutes daily. When compared to people who did not play with any games, the 8 ball pool players developed increased matter. They Can Teach You Everything: Those hours educated you more than you understand, although your parents may have hated all the hours that you spent growing up. Video games, using their specific worlds, diverse principles, and unconventional teaching procedures, will teach you nearly whatever. Improve Your Reading Ability: Video games might help you become interested in novels if you are somebody who disliked studying. Gambling that is helpful for people who have a tough time focusing their attention may make you focused. If merely reading was “that this” simple. Video games have been proven to hold a cure although the jury is still out over the community concerning the neurocognitive source of dyslexia. Improve Your Eyesight: Well, games can improve your eyesight as well. Abrupt changes in the actions during games ask you to concentrate your eyes in the event that you would like to capture the specifics, since you train your concentrate on the area. The muscles become more powerful to accommodate those demands that are new, if your eyes need to adapt immediately. Cannot stand shooting at bad guys? Do not worry, your eyesight will become sharper and better. Gamers with 20/20 eyesight find their eyes advancing with play of any sport. Well, these were the four major reasons that will motivate you to play more games. We need to remove the myths from the society about games. Games don’t make your child dull instead, they will make him capable of critical thinking.
“Bie xiao qi!” (别小气!)” He laughs and fills the container to the brim. Recently, I was invited to a friend’s dinner at their house. As suspected, she and her life partner cooked a lot of food: shrimps, steaks, BBQ chicken, goulash, naan bread, noodles, veggies, etc. There was more food than any of us present could eat in one sitting. Because my friend does not like to eat leftovers, she asks her life partner to prepare me a plastic container full of my favourite foods that night to take home with me. Her life partner agrees and starts filling up the container. As she watches him, she playfully says, “Bie xiao qi!” (别小气)! “ He laughs and fills the container to the brim. Now, you might be wondering, What does “Bie xiao qi!” (别小气!)” mean? 别 means: DO NOT 小 means: small 气! means: air In other words, “Bie xiao qi!” means When it comes to feeling generous, why does the Chinese language ask us to breathe deeply? The air we breathe in is often referred to as qi or prana; it is our vital essence, what helps us feel good, grounded, emotionally present at one with all that is. When we breathe deeply, we relax, we allow ourselves to be ourselves, and in that moment, it becomes easy to access our generosity. Feeling generous is who we really are. Let me ask you … Why do we breathe shallow? Why do we pursue lack of generosity? I believe the answer is, because we are afraid others will take advantage of us if we allow ourselves to breathe deeply and feel generous. If that is true, how does breathing shallow (lacking generosity) ever going to make us feel generous? Clearly, breathing small air does NOT work. With this in mind … How do things become better? I believe things become better when we focus on becoming aware: ‘What do I need right now?’ setting our intention: ‘What can I do provide what is needed?’ becoming accountable: ‘How can I hold myself accountable to keep providing what is needed?’ When I breathe shallow, I lack generosity: My muscles start tensing and I start looking at others (including myself) with suspicion. In that place of lack, I pass judgment and refuse to share. However … When I breathe deeply, I feel generous: I am relaxed, laughing, and I want to help. In this feeling of expansiveness, I am alert to what is needed and I provide it with a feeling of easiness. Here are five (5) action steps you can take to breathe deeply and feel generous: Ground your feet. Make sure both your feet are firmly placed on the ground. Feel the ground underneath you; it is a feeling of safety. Straighten up your posture. Qi or prana is often perceived as a vertical column of air traveling along our spine. Standing straight with our shoulders pulled back helps us open up the rib cage and breathe deeper (taking more air in). Place your tongue at the roof of your mouth. As strange as it might sound, doing that signals our brain that we are being serious about our breathing; we are committed to it. Quiet your mind. Multitasking is an illusion (this is why swallowing food and air at the same time causes burping). When focusing on breathing deeply, avoid distractions such as social media, talking on the phone, etc. Think of breathing is something that requires your undivided attention. Breathe in on a count of 4, hold for 4, and exhale for 4. Repeat. Breathing slowly helps us better control our breathing. It signals the brain that all is good and we can relax. When we hold for four, it quiets the mind. Exhaling gently shows us that we can express any situation with mindfulness. Always remember … Breathe deeply! My name is Anne Beaulieu and I am an Emotional Intelligence coach who assists her clients in breathing deeply so they can feel generous in giving and receiving all that life has to offer. To book a chat with me to discuss how being generous can assist you feeling much better about yourself and others, here’s my scheduling link: https://walkinginside.com/contact-us/ Your EQ coach, Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash
Florida Frontiers: Apollo 11 began new American era Forty-five years ago today, the flight of Apollo 11 changed the course of human history. On July 16, 1969, a Saturn V rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center carrying astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. into space. Four days later, Armstrong, closely followed by Aldrin, left the lunar module Eagle and walked on the surface of the moon. Historians, humanities scholars and sociologists say the moment Armstrong set foot on the moon, the Modern Era ended and the Post-Modern Age began. With the words: "It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," Armstrong moved us all from an era that began with the European Renaissance of the 1400s into a future we are still creating. Florida history encompasses the "bookends" of Spanish exploration and colonization of the New World on one end and the launch of humans to the surface of the moon on the other. Like all of America's manned missions into space, the Apollo 11 flight was launched from Cape Canaveral (known as Cape Kennedy from 1963 to 1973). The Apollo mission was the fifth manned launch, but was the first to bring human beings to the surface of the moon. That goal was established by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961, when he announced: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." Although President Kennedy would not live to see his dream fulfilled, the workers at the Kennedy Space Center made it happen with five months to spare. "It is estimated that between 750,000 and 1,000,000 people came to visit Brevard County to see this historic launch," says Lisa Malone, director of public affairs for NASA. U.S. 1 and surrounding roadways were filled with people, and the Indian River was packed with boaters. "Everyone all over the world stopped to see what was going on down here at Kennedy Space Center." Like many NASA employees, Malone is a descendant of an Apollo program worker. Her father, Joe Malone, led a team of NASA draftsmen. On the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, a monument to the Apollo program was unveiled at Space View Park in Titusville. Sculptor Sandra Storm created the monument. Her other work includes the Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore memorial in Viera, a religious sculpture in Kansas and a World War II monument in Kissimmee. "For any sculptor to be able to do a monument of such an important event in history is just incredible," says Storm. It took longer to conceptualize, design and create the elaborate Apollo monument than it did to bring President Kennedy's dream to fruition. The monument consists of a huge stainless steel "A" encircled by a bronze Earth and moon, 12 bronze panels telling the Apollo program story, and a life-size statue of John F. Kennedy at a podium. Lining the walkway around the monument are pylons featuring the names and handprints of all the Apollo astronauts. Charlie Mars is president of the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Foundation, the group that raised the money to design and build the monuments in Space View Park. Mars was involved in the Apollo program, from the early design phase through the last mission, as the Lunar Module Chief Project Engineer. Mars says that every Apollo program launch was a tourist attraction, but the Apollo 11 mission had a particularly significant impact on the economy of Brevard County. "There's no telling how many millions of dollars poured into the economy from workers and hotels and restaurants and gift shops and rental cars and airline tickets." As our modern space program is in a relative period of stasis, it is important to remember the remarkable accomplishments of our local NASA pioneers. One giant leap for mankind, indeed.
Plant lice, or aphids, are a common plant pest. Aphids are not capable of inflicting damage in small numbers, but if left to breed can make large populations that can destroy plants. Aphids are also known for transmitting a large number of plant diseases. Aphids are small insects, generally only 1/8 of an inch in length. Most aphid species are a yellow or light-green color, although many species are different colors. Aphids are mostly wingless, but colonies of aphids will have winged members. Some aphids may have a light, fluffy material on their bodies. Aphids have slender legs and a long "beak" that allows them to drain fluids from inside the plant. - Plant lice, or aphids, are a common plant pest. - Aphids are mostly wingless, but colonies of aphids will have winged members. Aphids are usually stored in eggs during the winter, bursting forth in spring. Because aphid females can reproduce parthenogenetically, that is, without the assistance of males, aphid population will grow rapidly. Spraying aphids is not generally necessary unless population is out of control. Aphids have many natural predators during the egg, larvae and pupil stages, and their numbers will be thinned out accordingly. Ladybugs, lacewings and flower flies prey on aphids. Wasp parasites will also feed off aphids, paralyzing them and making them round and tan colored. Aphids are not very strong insects, so spraying plants with a blast of water from a garden hose or sprinkler system will keep them in line. If the plant is inside, aphids can be removed using a cotton ball or your fingers--if you're not squeamish! - Aphids are usually stored in eggs during the winter, bursting forth in spring. - Aphids have many natural predators during the egg, larvae and pupil stages, and their numbers will be thinned out accordingly. If natural predators are not present on the plant it may be necessary to use chemical control on aphid colonies. Insecticidal soap and horticultural oil sprays can be used to kill colonies. Oil sprays are effective only for a few hours at a time, so the spray must be thorough. Applications should be repeated to ensure they are effective.
The Grizzly Bear in Cheyenne Religion - Part 2 THE GRIZZLY BEAR IN CHEYENNE RELIGION Written for GOAL by Winfield Coleman PART 2 of a special 4-part series to be published monthly In the fall of 1835, a man named Many Crows and his wife were surprised by a Crow war party. Many Crows was killed, and his wife taken captive. She was made the third wife of the Crow war party leader, and was abused so by the other two wives that a young Crow took pity on her and helped her to escape, even giving her two horses. But the horses soon ran off, and she was left in a bad way, fearful that she would be captured again. A grizzly approached her near the Pumpkin Buttes (Fig. 5), but rather than attacking her, it followed her and covered her tracks with its tracks. The bear even killed a buffalo calf for her, so that she might eat, and guided her until she reached the main Cheyenne camp on the Laramie River. There the bear was given meat and other valuables in thanks (Grinnell 1926:115 ff.). There are other stories of encounters with grizzlies, in which the bear offered to help someone lost or wounded; one of them is related below, in the section on shields. The Cheyenne, it should be noted, do not distinguish between historical stories and earlier stories, which are all part of a sacred continuum. THE BEAR IN CHEYENNE CEREMONIES Bear medicine is still in use among both the Cheyenne and the Arapaho. The bear is considered to have great spiritual power. He can heal himself, and can heal other bears (Grinnell 1923 II: 105). During a curing ceremony witnessed by the author, a shaman reached into a red-hot fire, pulled out a glowing coal with his fingers, put it in his mouth, then shape-shifted into a grizzly. Holding the coal between his teeth, he huffed like a bear, blowing a stream of sparks over the patient’s body wherever she had been struck by medicine (Coleman field notes 9.23.98). Similar shape-shifting is reported among the Ojibwa. During a Bear sweat lodge ceremony, the sweat bathers came to appear to each other like bears, and the sweat lodge itself “came to resemble the cavernous insides of a great bear” (Landes 1968: 27). An elder who had bear medicine said that the bears in Yellowstone use some of the mud that boils up out of the ground there in their doctoring. Yellowstone is also one of the sources of a blue paint used in Cheyenne ceremonies and in women’s painting, a color that refers to the Above World and Thunder (Fig. 6). Another medicine used by the bears is also found in that region: wild ginseng, Panax quinquefolius. This medicine, and the blue paint. are both used by the Contraries, who are associated with Thunder (Coleman field notes 9.25.99). As the Contraries derive their power from Thunder, this is another link between the bear and the thunderbird (see below). While Mahe’o is the name of the male essence of the Creator, He’om is the name of the female essence of the Creator. The male essence only becomes operative in relationship to the female, He’om (Coleman field notes 10.4.96). This relationship is expressed in the renewal of the earth each spring, when Thunder pierces the earth with his lightning arrows, thus inseminating her. In ceremonial terms, the relationship is symbolized by the center pole of the Earth Renewal (Sun Dance) lodge: the forked top, in which are placed various plants, meat, and a bucket of water, is known as “Thunder’s Nest;” next to the base of the center pole a rectangular sod is removed to create an altar. Four stripes of paint are laid in the pit (Fig. 7). On the one hand, this represents a pound, a trap for capturing the good things of life; on the other hand, it represents a bear’s spoor, which has similar connotations--that is, it is perceived as a form of trap. Sometimes a bear’s paw is carved or painted directly on the base of the center pole, while in the Sun Dance lodge of the Plains Cree and Saulteaux, a bear’s paw is laid on a piece of cloth folded into a diamond (Coleman field notes 7.9.95). The connection between the power of the Thunderbird and the Bear--that is, between the Above World and the Below World--is thus made explicit. Ceremonies such as the Earth Renewal Ceremony (Sun Dance) are closely linked to hunting mores. The grizzly was not hunted for food, but for ceremonial practices – namely, that some bear medicine ceremonies required that parts of the bear be used in the ritual, which corresponded to the ailment to be cured in the patient. There exists an elaborate and extremely challenging ceremonial process that must be undertaken before hunters leave to find such a bear. The James Bay Cree, an Algonquian group related linguistically and culturally to the Cheyenne, carry an embroidered bag worn around the neck when hunting bear--and only for bear (Fig. 8). The bag contains the tumpline used to drag the prey from its home to the hunter’s home. The hourglass shape embroidered on the bag represents a thunderbird, while the tumpline signifies the invisible lines that link the hunter to his prey--their mutual consent. It also alludes to the net-maker’s (spider’s) line that serves to connect the sky world with the earth world--the World Tree (Oberholzer 2008: 70, 72). The rainbow serves as the ultimate metaphor, as the Thunderbird uses a rainbow line to hunt its Underworld prey. Mountains are considered abodes of the spirits--the Ancient Ones, Mahaax'se. Bear Butte, in South Dakota, is another example. Náhkohe-vose is literally Bear Mountain, or Bear Butte, from which the Lakota derived the appellation Mato Paha (Fig. 3). This name was suggested by the resemblance of the mountain to a sleeping grizzly bear. The Cheyenne name, No’ah’wus, means The Sacred Mountain Where They Are Taught [or Empowered], referring to the foundational story of Sweet Medicine, Motseyuef, the Great Prophet and culture hero of the Tsistsistas. Sweet Medicine dwelt four years with his woman in a sacred cave within Bear Butte, receiving instructions from the spirits. The entry to the cave is guarded by a grizzly bear and a mountain lion (Grinnell 1908; Coleman field notes 9.26.97). Sweet Medicine, a shaman of unsurpassed powers, had grizzly bear associations. Wesley Whiteman, a well-known Contrary (a person with Thunder power), averred that Sweet Medicine was born not far from Nahkohe Vee’e (Schwartz 1988: 52). A grained yellow paint, similar to the one used by the Two Young Men at the spring, is also recorded for Sweet Medicine (Grinnell 1908: 271), a further indication of his link to bears. As seen from the above examples, these ancient stories are often site-specific, thus sacralizing the locations. The following story links an area in Yellowstone both to bears and to the Obsidian Cliff (Fig. 4). Nahkohe, the word for bear, is a near-homonym of náhko’e, mother--a term used only in addressing one’s mother (Coleman field notes 10.4.96). There is thus a link between bears and the maternal aspect of women, one that is brought out in the story, in which the two meanings of the term are played upon. One fall, some women were singing while picking chokecherries and bear berries beside a stream. An unmarried young woman, engrossed in the singing and her work, was suddenly confronted by a large grizzly bear; her companions had fled. The grizzly approached and picked her up, carrying her to its den in the mountains. There, a cub came forward and addressed her as mother. The young woman indeed became like a mother to the cub, but she continued to miss her people. When the cub was bigger, it addressed her one-day. “Mother,” it said, “It is nearly time. Soon we shall leave both this place and my father.” It told her to make many pairs of moccasins, as their trail was long. In the spring, when the thunder had returned, and the cub’s father was gone hunting, the cub pushed aside the stones and logs with which the bear had concealed the entrance, and the two of them took flight. After suffering various difficulties, they reached the Cheyenne camp, and walked into it hand in hand, so that the people would know the young bear was friendly. The young bear soon became part of society, and struck up a friendship with two boys, named Hatchet Keeper and Fastest Runner (i.e. Thunder and Lightning). One day the three of them decided to go to an ancient place, one they had not seen before. After traveling west for several days, they came upon an immense rock cliff that barred their way. There was no way around it. “There is only one thing to do,” said the bear. In response, Hatchet Keeper took his axe and struck the wall of rock. Great chunks of rock flew off the rock wall until its top was jagged, like teeth. Then he struck the cliff so violently that when he jerked the hatchet back, most of the head remained embedded in the rock wall. That is how the Obsidian Cliff in Yellowstone was formed--it is the head of Hatchet Keeper’s axe (story told by Bill Tall Bull, as related to author by R. Náhkȯxho’óxeóó’ėstse 3.27.14). The story, which relates both Thunder and the grizzly bear to the creation of the Obsidian Cliff, also suggests the awe with which the early Indians must have confronted this monument, seeing themselves reflected darkly in the shiny black stone, as though they were seeing themselves in the Spirit World. As the color black is associated with winter, it is small wonder that the Obsidian Cliff was the site of the Winter Solstice Rite in ancient times. It should be remembered that the Sacred Arrows are tipped with obsidian points. Likewise, stone arrowheads found in the ground are called hoe' tahn’otse, Lightning’s arrows, as they are thought to have been hurled to the earth by Thunder (Coleman field notes 9.22.98). Part 2 to be published August 1, 2014 Winfield Coleman, BA in Anthropology from Cornell, did graduate work at Harvard and earned an MA in painting from NYU. Since receiving NEH research grants in the 70’s, his primary contacts have been among the Cheyenne. He has published numerous articles on American Indian culture, and illustrated museum catalogs and ethnographic books. From 2002 to 2005 he was the Curatorial Assistant for the AOA Department at the Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University. He works in San Francisco as an independent researcher and artist.
I often wonder about the clock of nature, and in my kitchens I try to apply that philosophy every day to every aspect in creating a new dish. The clock of nature has been in existence since prehistoric times, when ancestors could only harvest what was available and the specific time of the year provided ingredients filled with the outmost variables of nutrition and flavors. The science of food is sometimes complicated and often we don’t realize the flavor and structure transition that occurs in food during the cooking process. We are in the spring season, and what comes to mind is asparagus. Asparagus is a spring vegetable and member of the lily family. Also known as asparagus officinalis, it is a widely cultivated crop throughout Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. It is one of the most nutritionally rich vegetables available, as it is rich in potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, thiamine and fiber. An excellent source of potassium, six asparagus spears contain approximately 20 mg of potassium, which is half of the potassium you need in a day. Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles, nerves and digestive system. Whether you boil asparagus, steam, lightly sauté or use another method of cooking, remember to maintain its integrity and flavors, but most of all, once boiled in marine salt, do not discard the water. Chill it in the refrigerator and enjoy a sip or two every day.
To provide for the establishment of a National Rare-Earth Refinery Cooperative, and for other purposes. The bill’s titles are written by its sponsor. Sponsor and status Sponsor. Representative for Texas's 36th congressional district. Republican. Last Updated: Jun 17, 2014 Length: 27 pages 113th Congress (2013–2015) This bill was introduced on June 17, 2014, in a previous session of Congress, but it did not receive a vote. What legislators are saying “Stockman seeks to encourage domestic rare-earth manufacturing” — Rep. Steve Stockman [R-TX36, 2013-2014] (Sponsor) on Jul 11, 2014 Jun 17, 2014 Bills and resolutions are referred to committees which debate the bill before possibly sending it on to the whole chamber. H.R. 4883 (113th) was a bill in the United States Congress. A bill must be passed by both the House and Senate in identical form and then be signed by the President to become law. Bills numbers restart every two years. That means there are other bills with the number H.R. 4883. This is the one from the 113th Congress. This bill was introduced in the 113th Congress, which met from Jan 3, 2013 to Jan 2, 2015. Legislation not passed by the end of a Congress is cleared from the books. How to cite this information. We recommend the following MLA-formatted citation when using the information you see here in academic work: GovTrack.us. (2021). H.R. 4883 — 113th Congress: National Rare-Earth Cooperative Act of 2014. Retrieved from https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr4883 “H.R. 4883 — 113th Congress: National Rare-Earth Cooperative Act of 2014.” www.GovTrack.us. 2014. March 1, 2021 <https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr4883> National Rare-Earth Cooperative Act of 2014, H.R. 4883, 113th Cong.. |title=H.R. 4883 (113th) |accessdate=March 1, 2021 |author=113th Congress (2014) |date=June 17, 2014 |quote=National Rare-Earth Cooperative Act of 2014 Where is this information from? GovTrack automatically collects legislative information from a variety of governmental and non-governmental sources. This page is sourced primarily from Congress.gov, the official portal of the United States Congress. Congress.gov is generally updated one day after events occur, and so legislative activity shown here may be one day behind. Data via the congress project.
What is blepharitis? Blepharitis (say "bleh-fuh-RY-tus") is a skin problem that affects the eyelids and lashes. It may be caused by bacteria or by other skin conditions such as dandruff, skin allergies, or eczema. If you have blepharitis, you're also more likely to get styes. What are the symptoms? If you have blepharitis: - Your eyelids may be red, irritated, itchy, scaly, or crusty, mainly along the edges of the lids. - Some of your eyelashes may fall out. - Your eyes may feel dry or gritty. In some cases, symptoms may be more severe. How is blepharitis diagnosed? The doctor will look at your eyes, eyelids, and eyelashes with a lighted tool. How is it treated? In many cases, regular washing of your eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair can control blepharitis. To wash your eyelids: - Put a few drops of baby shampoo in a cup of water, and dip a cotton ball, cotton swab, or face cloth in the liquid. With your eyes closed, gently wipe across each eyelid about 10 times. Make sure to wipe across the lashes too. Rinse well. - Or, if you take a shower, let warm water run over your closed eyes for a minute. Then put a few drops of baby shampoo on a face cloth and use it to gently scrub the lids and lashes. Rinse the shampoo away. You can also put a warm, wet face cloth over your eyes. If your eyes are dry, artificial tears may help. You may need antibiotics to treat some types of blepharitis. For example, if you have eye pain or a lot of swelling and redness, you may need to see a doctor for treatment. While your eyelids are healing, it may be a good idea to avoid wearing contact lenses or eye makeup. Current as of: December 18, 2019 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Kathleen Romito, MD - Family Medicine Martin J. Gabica, MD - Family Medicine Anne C. Poinier, MD - Internal Medicine Adam Husney, MD - Family Medicine Christopher Joseph Rudnisky, MD, MPH, FRCSC - Ophthalmology
Is Depression a Disability? Can You Get Accommodations? If you live with depression, you might wonder if depression is a disability. Depression can indeed be a disability—sometimes. Let’s look at when and how depression is considered a disability. Two depressive disorders are eligible for disability consideration: major depressive disorder (MDD) and persistent depressive disorder (PDD or dysthymia). The illnesses are similar, but in major depressive disorder, the symptoms are typically more severe whereas in dysthymia, the symptoms are longer lasting. Both can interfere in someone’s ability to function in important areas of their lives. When this happens, depression can be a disability. When is Depression a Disability? A diagnosis of depression doesn’t automatically mean someone has a disability. Your depression might be considered a disability when your symptoms are severe and significantly limit what you can do. All depression interferes with - Daily functioning (completing tasks big and small) - The ability to work - Participation in family care and life - Ability to cope with ordinary stress - Capacity to handle obligations When depression is extreme, it can become impossible to keep a job. A severe drop in energy plus extraordinary fatigue and trouble concentrating can make completing eight-hour workdays, five days a week, impossible. Reducing hours and days worked doesn’t help severe depression. Says WebMD (2015), “Untreated depression is responsible for more than 200 million days lost from work each year.” To officially be designated a disability: - A doctor must diagnose MDD or PDD - The person must be receiving (or have received) treatment for depression If these conditions are met, then SSA may consider awarding disability benefits. How Does Depression Qualify as a Disability? When determining if depression is a disability, the Social Services Administration (SSA) asks for evidence to support the disability claim. Every applicant must provide three types of documentation: - Medical documentation of a diagnosis of MDD or PDD - Documentation of the life limitations faced and marginal adjustment (difficulty adjusting to change) - Indications of ongoing treatment with therapists and marginal adjustment Evidence in any of these categories may include: - Confirmation that depression has been severe enough to cause financial hardship - Indications that you’ve tried unsuccessfully to work - Proof of functional struggles such as simple decision-making, following instructions, concentrating and remembering information - Demonstrations of difficulties relating to people, including supervisors and coworkers - Documentation that you’ve been living in a highly structured setting and/or have had extensive medical treatment or therapy yet are still unable to function well Sometimes, people don’t need social security benefits for depression, yet depression still disrupts their lives. In that case, it might be possible to receive accommodations from work or school. Accommodations and Protections for Depression Both the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protect the rights of people with depression who can work or attend school. When depression affects a student’s (in the K-12 system or in college) ability to learn and function in school, they can seek a 504 plan that specifies accommodations that must be made to the learning environment so depression doesn’t negatively affect the student’s education. If a student’s thinking and activity level are slowed by depression, for example, they might receive extra time on tests. If concentration is difficult, students might listen to recorded readings rather than print. These are just two of the numerous accommodations that help students with depression learn and remain on track. The ADA extends protections to people with depression in the workforce. As with other disabilities, it’s illegal for an employer to discriminate against people with depression. Further, if you have depression, you are legally allowed to take time off, without penalty, for treatment. While you don’t have to disclose your depression to your employer, you must do so in order to receive legal protection of your rights. Depression VA Rating and Disability Benefits for Veterans If you’re a veteran with major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder, you might be eligible to receive disability benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You’ll be asked to demonstrate that your symptoms began during active duty or developed because of another health condition resulting from your service. Additionally, you must show that your depression is causing employment problems and other difficulties. When considering your application for disability and the evidence you’ve provided, the VA uses a rating formula to determine how disabling your depression is regarding work and social functioning. The VA ultimately assigns one of six ratings to indicate your level of depression disability: - 100 percent disability - 70 percent disability - 50 percent disability - 30 percent disability - 10 percent disability - 0 percent disability VA benefits, then, aren’t an all-or-nothing affair. The financial benefits received per month will vary according to severity. It’s possible to be able to have some form of employment and still receive VA depression disability benefits. Military or civilian, while depression can indeed be considered a disability, it can be difficult to prove that your own depression is severe enough to warrant government benefits. Knowing what documentation you need and working with a lawyer who specializes in disability can help you receive the income you need when depression interferes with employment. Peterson, T. (2019, November 26). Is Depression a Disability? Can You Get Accommodations?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2021, March 1 from https://www.healthyplace.com/depression/depression-information/is-depression-a-disability-can-you-get-accommodations