Signed Digit Addition and Related Operations with Threshold Logic.
AbstractAssuming signed digit number representations, we investigate the implementation of some addition related operations assuming linear threshold networks. We measure the depth and size of the networks in terms of linear threshold gates. We show first that a depth-$2$ network with $O(n)$ size, weight, and fan-in complexities can perform signed digit symmetric functions. Consequently, assuming radix-$2$ signed digit representation, we show that the two operand addition can be performed by a threshold network of depth-$2$ having $O(n)$ size complexity and $O(1)$ weight and fan-in complexities. Furthermore, we show that, assuming radix-$(2n-1)$ signed digit representations, the multioperand addition can be computed by a depth-$2$ network with $O(n^3)$ size with the weight and fan-in complexities being polynomially bounded. Finally, we show that multiplication can be performed by a linear threshold network of depth-$3$ with the size of $O(n^3)$ requiring $O(n^3)$ weights and $O(n^2 \log n)$ fan-in.
Introduction High performance addition and addition related operations, such as multiplication, play an important role in the computer based computational paradigm. A major impediment to improve the speed of arithmetic execution units incorporating addition and addition related operations is the presence of carry and borrow chains. One solution for the elimination of carry chains is the use of redundant representation of operands, proposed by Avizienis in [1]. The Signed Digit (SD) number representation method allows, under certain assumptions, the so called "totally parallel addition" [1], which limits the propagation of the carries at the expense of some overhead in data storage space and in processing time for the conversion of the results and potentially of the operands. The redundant representation operates as follows. For any radix r - 2, a sign-digit integer number represented with n digits has the algebraic Each digit x i of the X number can assume its value in the digit set \Sigma ffg. The cardinality of the set \Sigma r is 2ff and the maximum digit magnitude ff must satisfies the relations stated in Equation (1) 1 . In order to have minimum redundancy and as consequence minimum storage overhead one can assume that ri but in order to break the carry chain, i.e., to have "totally parallel addition", the value of ff should satisfy the relations stated in Equation (2). Based on sign-digit representation, a number of high-speed architectures 2 have been re- ported, see for example [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. Thus far all the investigations in SD arithmetic architectures assumed logic implementation with technologies that directly implement Boolean gates. Currently other possibilities exist in VLSI for the implementation of Boolean functions using threshold devices in CMOS technology [7], [8], [9], [10]. In assuming Threshold Logic (TL) the basic processing element can be a Linear Threshold 1 Note that for a given radix r it might be that ff is not unique, therefore there can be more than one possible digit set. On-Line, and parallel. Gate 3 (LTG) computing the Boolean function F (X) such that: where the set of input variables and weights are defined by and Such a LTG contains a threshold value, /, a summation device, \Sigma, computing F(X) and a threshold element, T , computing Given that may be promising, it is of interest to investigate new schemes applicable to such a new technology. To this end, assuming binary non-redundant representations, a number of recent proposals regarding addition and multiplications, see for example [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], have been developed that assume threshold rather than Boolean logic. Thus far there are no studies assuming redundant representations and TL. In this paper we assume SD number representation and we investigate linear threshold networks for addition, multi-operand addition, and multiplication. We assume that the operands are n-SD numbers and we are mainly concerned in establishing the limits of the circuit designs using threshold based networks. We measure the depth and the size of the networks we propose in terms of LTGs. The main contributions of our proposal can be summarized as: ffl Any SD symmetric function can be implemented by a depth-2 feed-forward Linear Threshold Network (LTN) with O(n) size, weight and fan-in values. ffl Assuming radix-2 redundant operand representation, the addition of two n-SD numbers can be computed by a depth-2 LTN with O(n) size and O(1) weight and fan-in values. Assuming operand representation the multi-operand addition of n n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-2 LTN with the size in the order of O(n 3 ), with the maximum weight value in the order of O(n 3 ), and the maximum fan-in value in the order of O(n 2 ). 3 Such a threshold gate corresponds to the Boolean output neuron introduced in the McCulloch-Pitts neural model [11], [12] with no learning features. Assuming representation the multiplication of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-3 LTN with the size in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is in the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 log n). We also note here that while our results are primarily theoretical, there exist technology proposals, see for example [10], which may implement at least some of the proposed schemes, e.g., two operand addition. The presentation is organized as follows: In Section 2 we discuss background information on Boolean symmetric functions and their implementation with preliminary results; In Section 3 we present schemes for the addition of radix-2 SD numbers; In Section 4 we study the multiplication of radix-2 SD numbers and we present schemes for the multi-operand addition and the multiplication of SD numbers; We conclude the presentation with some final remarks. II. Background and Preliminaries In order to make this presentation self consistent we introduce in this section the definition of Boolean symmetric functions and some based implementation techniques that we will use in our investigation. Definition 1: A Boolean function of n variables F s is symmetric if and only if for any permutation oe of ! For any n input variable symmetric Boolean function F s the sum ranges from (all input variables are 0) to n (all input variables are 1). Inside this definition domain [0; n] there are r intervals [q to 1 and outside these intervals the function is 0. This is graphically depicted in Figure 1 and formally described by Equation (4). elsewhere The number of intervals depends on the function definition and we proved elsewhere [21] that for any Boolean symmetric function the maximum number of intervals r is upper June 23, 1999 c c s Fig. 1. Interval Based Representation of F s bounded by d n+1e. Definition 2: A Boolean function of n variables F gs is generalized symmetric 4 if it entirely depends on the weighted sum of its input variables, with w i , In essence a generalized symmetric Boolean function F gs is either a symmetric Boolean function or a non symmetric Boolean function that can be transformed into a symmetric Boolean function by trivial transformations, e.g., assignation of different weight values to the inputs or input replication. F gs can be described as a function of and the definition domain extends from [0; n] to [0; - max ], where - . All the results that stand true for symmetric Boolean functions can be applied also to generalized symmetric Boolean functions. To clarify the generalized symmetric Boolean function concept let consider the 4 2- bit multi-operand addition producing a 4-bit result. The truth table and the schematic diagram for such a function are depicted in Figure 2. First it can be observed that in order to produce the sum at bit position 0 we need to consider only the bits in the first column (LSB position). It can be easily verified that the Boolean function computing the sum's because it can be clearly determined by the integer value of 4 This definition and also Definition 1 are not specific to functions with Boolean input variables. The symmetry is an intrinsic property of the function and do not depend on the input variable type. Therefore they apply also to functions of other type of input variables, e.g., integer, real. 5 The weights w i can be also real numbers but we have assumed here integer values because of practical considerations related to the LTG fabrication technology [7], [10]. Decimal Sum Binary Sum1y1 y0 2Fig. 2. 4 2-bit Multi-operand Addition Fig. 3. Interval Based Representation of s 1 This property however does not hold for the other sum bits. For example the Boolean function s 1 not a symmetric Boolean function as its value depends on the positioning of the inputs and can not be always correctly determined from the x value. The s 1 function is however a generalized symmetric Boolean function as it can be made to be a symmetric Boolean function if a weight of 2 is associated to the input bits in the column 1. Consequently, the s 1 sum bit can be computed by a symmetric Boolean function s 1 (-), where based representation is graphically depicted in Figure 3. Given that symmetric (generalized or not) functions constitute a frequently used class of Boolean functions and because they are expensive to implement in hardware, in terms of area and delay, their implementation with feed-forward LTNs have been the subject of numerous theoretical and practical scientific investigations see for example [22], [23], [24], [25], [16], [21]. The most network size efficient approach known so far for the depth-2 implementation of symmetric Boolean function with TL is the telescopic sum method and it was introduced by Minick in [23]. The method can be used for the implementation of any Boolean symmetric function and produces depth-2 feed-forward LTNs with the size in the order of O(n), measured in terms of LTGs, and with linear weight and fan-in values. We shortly describe this method by introducing the following lemma. Lemma 1: [Minick 0 61] Any Boolean symmetric function F s described as in Equation (4), can be implemented by a two-layer feed-forward LTN with a size complexity measured in terms of LTGs in the order of O(n) as follows: r where: A formal proof of Lemma 1 and implementation examples can be found in [26]. Given that we assume SD operands (that is we consider functions with no Boolean input variables) we need to map them into general Boolean functions. In order to achieve this mapping we have first to choose a representation for the SDs. One possible representation is the 2's complement [27] 6 . Given a fixed radix r a SD number is represented as (s presentation we will consider that any digit s i can assume a value in the symmetric 7 digit set with the maximum digit magnitude ff satisfying the Equation (1) or (2). The cardinality of the digit set is 2ff consequently any 6 There are also other possibilities but the 2's complement notation seems to be the natural choice. Later on we will suggest that in some particular cases other codification schemes are more convenient as they lead to the reduction of the network depth. 7 The symmetry of the digit set is not a restriction. We make this assumption for simplicity of notations. Digit sets which are not symmetric can be also considered without changing the results we report in the next chapters. can be binary represented by a k-tuple and x l 2 f0; 1g, for For the particular case of the 2's complement codification of the SDs the dimension of the k-tuple can be computed also as 1)e. For each s i , values of x l , are to be computed such as s Assuming 2's complement representation codification of the SDs we will prove (in the following lemma) that any generalized symmetric SD function can be implemented by a depth-2 LTN with polynomially bounded size. Lemma 2: Let F(s an arbitrary generalized symmetric function of and ff satisfying Equation (1) or (2) for a fixed radix r. F can be implemented by a LTN with the cost in the order of O(n). Proof: Given that F is generalized symmetric it can be expressed as in Equation (6), are arbitrary integer constant weights. Under 2's complement representation of the SDs s i Equation (6) is equivalent to: \Gamma2 dlog As a consequence of Equation (7) F is expressed as a generalized Boolean symmetric function of n(1+dlog (ff then it can be computed with the scheme in Lemma 1. The size of the LTN implementing F depends, on the number of intervals on the definition domain. Given that in our case the maximum absolute value any digit can assume is the argument of F as described in Equation (7), in the worst case scenario, can take any value inside the definition domain [\Gamma Consequently the maximum number of intervals is upper bounded by . Because we assumed that the weights w i and the radix r are arbitrary integer constants the LTN cost is in the order of O(n). Obviously the weight and fan-in values are in the order of O(n). I Totally Parallel Addition at Digit Position i III. Signed Digit In this section we addition schemes using a "totally parallel" [1] addition approach. We use a fixed radix of 2 and the corresponding digit set f1; 0; 1g, where 1 denotes \Gamma1. We consider two n-SD integers and and propose two schemes to compute the sum represented as Traditionally, in the context of Boolean logic, the 2\Gamma1 addition of radix-2 SD represented operands has been achieved with two step approaches [2], [27], [3]: First an intermediate carry c i and an intermediate sum s i satisfying the equation x i +y are computed for each digit position i. Second the sum digit z i , computed as In our approach we will use the "totally parallel" addition described in Table I [3]. We also assume that any digit x in the set f1; 0; 1g is represented in the 2's complement notation by two bits, as is shown in Table II. Note that in this codification the combination not allowed and can not appear during the computations. It can be observed in the Table I that the digits in position contribute into the June 23, 1999 II Digit Codification for x 2 f1; 0; 1g computation of s i and c i only by their sign. Therefore what we have to compute in order to implement the scheme presented in the Table are the functions s These two functions, as they directly implied from the Table, are not symmetric in their input variables. They can be made symmetric by computing the weighted sum of the inputs - s stated by Equation (8), such that the Equations (9, 10) with proper determined weights w i and w hold true for all the possible input combinations. We compute the weights w i and w i\Gamma1 by taking into consideration the specific structure of the functions s i and c i . The choice for w straightforward. Given that for the digits in position account only the x \Gamma bits the minimum value of should be equal 8 to 3. Consequently the weighted sum - s in the Equation (8) can be computed as \Gamma6(x \Gamma and the description of the symmetric functions computing s i and c i is described in Table III. From the Table we derive the interval description (similar to the description of Equation (4)) for the required Boolean functions: has to be greater than the maximum value that can be assumed by w which in this case is 2. III c i and s i as Symmetric Functions of x Assume that [ff] are computed as in Equations (15,16). We introduce next an implicit depth-1 implementation technique based on the fact that any symmetric Boolean function F s defined as in Equation (4) can be expressed as: r Q r (17) where: q concatenation represent logical OR, and AND respectively. Lemma 3: Any Boolean symmetric function F s described in Equation (17), can be implemented by an implicit depth-1 feed-forward LTN with the size in the order of O(n) as follows: Proof: To verify Equation (18) it will be shown that F s is indeed 1 when the sum lies inside an interval [q for a specific j and that F s is 0 when there is no j such that - 2 [q In this case Q as needed. ffl Case 2: There is no r such that - 2 [q In this case there are three possibilities: We will prove that in all of them F s is 0 as needed. In the first sub-case i.e., is 0. In the second sub-case Consequently F i.e., is 0. In the last sub-case Consequently F i.e., is 0. Given that any q j can be obtained with a LTG computing sgnf- \Gamma q j g and any Q with a LTG computing -g the entire network is built with 2r LTGs, i.e., the implementation cost is in the order of O(n). All the input weights are 1 and the fan-in for all the gates is n. The method presented in Lemma 3 can be also applied for the implementation of generalized symmetric functions. Given that in this case the number of intervals is upper bounded by , the implementation cost will be upper bounded by 2 i.e., is still in the order of O(n). Remark 1: The scheme in Lemma 3 can be changed into an explicit one by connecting all the outputs of the gates computing q j to a gate with the threshold value of 1. The output of this extra gate will provide explicitly the value of F s after the delay of 2 TGs. Remark 2: If q 1 is always 1 and Equation (18) becomes: r is always 1 and Equation (18) becomes: If are always 1 and Equation (18) becomes: It should be noted that if used in cascaded computation the method described in Lemma 3 increases the fan-in of the next stage because the value of the function F s is carried by 2r signals. From the Table III and using the Equation (17) the four Boolean symmetric functions describing the computations of the intermediate sum s i and carry c i can be expressed by the following: By applying the Lemma 3 we derive from the Equations (22,23,24,25) an implicit depth-1 implementation of the first step of the "totally parallel" addition scheme. Because [\Gamma6] and are always 1 and Remark 2 we have that: In order to make more intuitive the way this implicit scheme is working we depicted in Figure 4 the regions in which the threshold signals [ff] are active for each of the four signals s The second step of the "totally parallel" addition is the computation of z Following the reasoning used for the computation of s Fig. 4. Description of Threshold Signals for s where: d c Theorem 1: Assuming radix-2 SD operand representation and the SD codification in Table II the addition of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an implicit depth-2 LTN with weight value of 6 and a maximum fan-in of 12. Proof: The quantities d i in Equation (33,34) can be computed, by doing the proper substitutions, using Equations (26,27,28,29), as: d ni c \Gamma2 \Gamma[\Gamma3] \Gamma[\Gamma4] June 23, 1999 Consequently, the Equations (30,31) provide an implicit depth-2 implementation scheme for the computation of the sum digit z i . On the first level of the network we compute for each digit position i, use 9 TGs per digit. On the second level we need 2 TGs for each digit position i, in order to compute d i as stated by Equations (35,36). Therefore the network producing all the sum digits can be constructed with 11n TGs. For the digit position we have to produce the carry-out. This can be explicitly generated in depth-2 at the expanse of two TGs computing: Therefore the cost of the entire addition network is 11n 2, i.e., of O(n) complexity. Obviously the weight values and fan-in values do not depend on n. The maximum fan-in is 12 and the maximum weight value is 6, i.e., having O(1) complexity. Note that for this scheme the value of z i is carried by two signals and one threshold value and z \Gamma i is actually depth-2 explicitly computed. If used in cascaded computation this method will increase with 1 the fan-in of the next stage and will contribute with 1 to the threshold value of some of the gates in the next stage. If we compare the scheme introduced in Theorem 1 with the depth-2 scheme presented in [28] which has a network size of 25n + 5, a maximum fan-in of 26, and a maximum weight value of 123, one can observe that we achieved a substantial reduction in network size, weight, and fan-in values for the same network depth. However the new depth-2 scheme is implicit and this fact increases the fan-in of the stage requiring as inputs the digits z i . In the remainder of this section we show that it is possible to explicitly compute the sum while maintaining the network depth and complexity. The method described by Equations (30,31) is implicit because of the way we compute the final sum bit z . All the other signals, i.e., z \Gamma are explicitly computed with two levels of TGs. Consequently, Equation (30) has to be modified to appear as inducing fundamental changes to the Equations (31,37,38). To this end we assume that in order to represent a SD x in the set f1; 0; 1g we use the codification described in Table IV instead of the 2's complement codification in Table II. IV New Digit Codification for x 2 f1; 0; 1g c i and s i as Functions of - s Note that with this new codification the combination x allowed and can not appear during the computations. Under this assumption the quantity - s can be expressed as in Equation (39) and it can take values in the definition interval [\Gamma12; 8]. Thus the first step of the "totally parallel" addition scheme is described in Table V. From the Table it can be deduced that the Boolean symmetric functions describing the June 23, 1999 computations of the intermediate sum s i and carry c i are as follows: As is was proved in the Lemma 3 from these equations we can derive an implicit depth-1 implementation of the first step of the "totally parallel" addition scheme. Because [\Gamma12] are always 1 the results of Remark 2 can also be included in the derivation. Thus, The second step of the "totally parallel" addition is the computation of z In this case - z and the second step can be described by the Table VI. Following the same reasoning applied previously for the computation of this step can be implemented by: Theorem 2: Assuming radix-2 SD operand representation and the SD codification in Table IV the addition of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-2 LTN with weight value of 10 and a maximum fan-in of 14. Proof: By proper substitutions, using the Equations (44,45,46,47), the Equations (48,49) provide an explicit depth-2 implementation scheme of the addition as follow: ni June 23, 1999 VI z i as Functions of - z \Gamma2 \Gamma2[\Gamma6] \Gamma2[\Gamma10] On the first level we compute for each digit position i, the values digit. On the second level we need 2 TGs for each digit position i, order to compute d i as stated by the Equations (50,51). For the digit position we have to produce the carry-out. This can be also explicitly generated in depth-2 at the expanse of two TGs computing: Therefore the cost of the entire addition network is 12n 2. The maximum fan-in is 14 and the maximum weight value is 10. One can observe that all the quantities involved in Theorem 2 are in the same order of magnitude as in Theorem 1. Even though the scheme in Theorem 1 requires slightly larger maximum fan-in (14 instead of 12) and weight values (10 instead of 6) it has the advantage of explicitly computing the sum digits after the delay of 2 TGs. IV. Signed Digit Multi-Operand Addition and Multiplication Threshold networks for multi-operand addition and multiplication of n-bit binary operands have been reported [14], [15], [26], [29]. Generally speaking multi-operand addition and multiplication can be achieved in two steps, namely: First reduce a multi-operand addition (in multiplication such addition is required for the reduction of the partial product into two rows; Second add the two rows to produce the final result. In addition to these two steps the multiplication also requires a third step, the production of the partial product matrix. In this section we investigate these processes. For such a scheme and non-redundant representations the following has been suggested: ffl The reduction of the multi-operand addition (or the reduction of multiplication partial product matrix) into two rows can be achieved by depth-2 networks with the cost of the network, in terms of LTGs, in the order of O(n 2 ) and a maximum fan-in in the order of O(n log n), see for example [15], [29]. ffl The entire multiplication can be implemented by a depth-4 network [14]. It was also suggested in [30], based on a result in [31], that multi-operand addition can be computed in depth 2 and multiplication in depth 3 but no explicit construction for the networks and no complexity bounds are provided. A constructive approach can be derived if the result in [32] suggesting that a single threshold gate computing with arbitrary weights can be simulated by an explicit polynomial-size depth-2 network is used. Such a LOGSPACE-uniform construction as stated in [32] produces a network with O(log 12 W (n)) wires and the weights of those wires in order of O(log 8 W (n)), for a total size of O(n 20 log 20 n). The total size for such a construction was further reduced to O(n 12 log 12 n) in [33]. LOGSPACE-uniform constructions for depth 2 multi-operand addition and depth 3 multiplication has been suggested in [32] but the discussion about depth-2 multi-operand addition or depth-3 multiplication schemes is marginal and no complexity bounds are explicitly given. In an attempt to asses the complexity of such scheme for multi-operand addition which operates on an n 2 -input function instead of an n-input function we can use the least expensive scheme in [32] and estimate that such a depth-2 multi-operand addition or depth-3 multiplication network may require a total size of O(n 24 log 24 n). (b) One Step Reduction (a) Two Step Reduction Fig. 5. Addition of 8 8-Bit Numbers In this section we investigate the potential benefit that can be expected by using SD represented operands in multiplication schemes. First we prove that multi-operand addition can be achieved by a depth-2 network with O(n 3 ) size, O(n 3 ) weights and O(n 2 ) fan-in complexities. It must be noted that the proposed network performs an n operand to one result reduction in depth-2 not an n operand to two reduction in depth-2 as previously proposed schemes [15], [29] do. Subsequently we show that the multiplication (that is the generation of the partial products and the matrix reduction into one row representing the product) can be achieved with a depth-3 network with O(n 3 ) size, O(n 3 ) weights and O(n 2 log n) fan-in complexities. A. Depth-2 Multi-Operand Addition It is well known that in order to perform n-bit multi-operand addition first the n rows (representing the n numbers) are reduced to two then the two rows are added to produce the final result. This two step process is depicted, for the particular case of 8 8-bit numbers, in the Figure 5(a). As indicated in the introduction of the section the first step of multi- operand addition using not redundant digit representations requires a depth-2 network and additional depth is required to perform the second step. In the following we will prove that if we assume SD operands in an appropriate representation radix the multi-operand addition of n n-SD numbers, and consequently the reduction of the partial product matrix of the multiplication operation, into one row, can be achieved in one computation step as June 23, 1999 in Figure 5(b), requiring a depth-2 network. This is achieved by determining a radix which allows an n-digit "totally parallel" addition. Avizienis investigated this issue in [1] but from the dual point of view, by assuming a given radix-r SD representation and determine the maximum number of digits that can be added in "totally parallel" mode within that radix-r SD representation. In our investigation the number of digits n is given and a minimum value for the radix-r must be found to compute n SD addition into a "totally parallel" mode. We answer to this question in the following lemma. Lemma 4: The simultaneous addition of n SDs can be done in a "totally parallel" mode by assuming a representation radix greater or equal with 2n \Gamma 1. Proof: The simultaneous addition of n SDs can be done in a way similar to the addition of two digits. That is in order to add the n digits x 1 i in a "totally parallel" mode we have first to produce an intermediate sum digit u i and a transport digit t i that satisfy the Equation (54) and also we have to satisfy the constraint indicating that the subsequent addition in the Equation (55), that gives the value of the sum digit z i in the position i, can be performed without generating a carry-out. That is: We have to find the value of the radix r for which the computation in the Equations (54,55) can be achieved and also the maximum absolute values that we can allow for the intermediate sum digit u i and the transport digit t i . In order to have consistency we have to assume that jx j Therefore, if mapped in absolute maximal values, the Equations (54,55) become: From the Equations (56,57) we can derive the following inequalities: In order to obtain the greatest range for jtj max we have to assume the maximum redundancy digit set, i.e., jxj for the intermediate sum an absolute maximum value June 23, 1999 of juj ri . This together with the Equation (58) and depending if we assume an or an even one r e , lead to r e - 2n or r Therefore in order to perform simultaneous addition of n SDs in a "totally parallel" mode we have to use a representation radix greater or equal with 2n \Gamma 1. Assuming a representation radix of 2n \Gamma 1 we introduce the depth-2 multi-operand addition scheme for n n-SD numbers. Theorem 3: Assuming representation the multi-operand addition of (that is the reduction via addition of an n-digit n row matrix to one row) can be computed by an explicit depth-2 LTN with the size of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 ). Proof: Assume that the n SD numbers we have to add are x and all the digits x j can take value within the symmetric digit set Given that the radix-(2n \Gamma 1) allows for "totally parallel" addition of n SDs, we can compute the sum of the n numbers as follows: for each position i produce an intermediate sum digit u i and a transport digit t i that satisfy the sum digit z i in the position i is computed as z generating a carry-out. If we assume that the greatest absolute values for the input digits, transport digits and intermediate sum digits are jxj the sum digit z i will depend only on the values of the digits in the columns i and of the multi-operand addition matrix and can be computed with the two step approach. With this scheme the network implementing the multi-operand addition contains one sub-circuit performing this computation for each digit position i, Obviously the cost of the entire network is n times the cost of the circuit performing the "totally parallel" addition of n digits. The delay of the multi-operand addition, the maximum weight and fan-in values are imposed by their similar values in the circuit performing the "totally parallel" addition of n digits. The direct implementation of this two steps computation procedure with the scheme in the Lemma 1 is not convenient because it will lead to a depth-4 LTN. However, given that June 23, 1999 any generalized symmetric Boolean function can be implemented with a depth-2 network we can reduce the depth of the network to 2 if we are able to compute the value of z i with a symmetric function of 2n input variables, i.e., all the digits in the columns i and of the multi-operand addition matrix. This can be done by observing the direct link that exists between the value of z i and the value assumed by the weighted sum - of all the 2n digits x 1 in the columns i and computed as in the Equation (59). This link exists as a consequence of the fact that under the maximum value assumptions we made for the input digits, transport digits and intermediate product digits the radix- representation of the sum - is the values of t i , z i and t follow from Equations (54,55). The maximum absolute value that can be assumed by - can be derived from the Equation (59) under the assumption that all the x j digits are 2. This will lead to j-j and to a variation domain for - equal to Because the digits involved into the computation in the Equation (59) belong to the set D we need [log bits for their 2's complement codification. Under this codification each digit x j i is represented by a Each of this bits will take part into the computation of - with a weight that correspond to its position inside the digit and following the 2's complement codification convention. With this assumption the Equation (59) becomes: iA Assuming all of these the product digit z i can be expressed by a function F(-). Obviously, because of the weighted manner we did the computation of the sum -, the function F is symmetric in all of the input variables 9 and consequently it can be implemented using the 9 The number of input Boolean variables is given by the product of the number of digits involved into the computation of z i and the number of bits we need in order to represent a digit in D, i.e., method described in the Lemma 1 with a depth-2 LTN. Because z i can assume any digit value in the set D we need again its codification. Therefore in order to compute F(-) we have to compute [log (2n \Gamma 1)] +1 symmetric Boolean functions F 1)]. For the implementation of each symmetric Boolean function F i (-) we need r i LTGs in the first layer of the network, being the number of intervals in the definition domain where F i assume the value of 1, and 1 LTG in the second layer. Consequently the computation of the function F(-) can be done LTGs. The definition domain for F(-) is given by [\Gamma4n it F(-) can change its value at most I = 2\Theta4n 2 (n\Gamma1)+1 times. As consequence for each Boolean function F i (-) the number of intervals r i can not be greater than I. Given that the changes of the values of F i (-) can appear only in certain fixed positions common for all of them, we can use the gate sharing concept we introduced in [29]. In this way the gates associated to the upper limit of the intervals can be shared between the networks implementing the Boolean functions F i (-). This fact leads to an upper bound of l 8n 2 (n\Gamma1)+1 for the maximum number of TGs in the first level of the network. The second level of the network has to contain one gate for each F i (-), i.e., bit position in the 2's complement representation of z i , then it can be build with gates. Therefore the network computing the sum digit z i as F(-) can be built with at most l 8n 2 (n\Gamma1)+1 LTGs. Because we need one such network for each digit position i and the multi-operand addition matrix has n columns 10 the cost of the entire multi-operand addition is upper bounded by n Asymptotically speaking this leads to an implementation of the multi-operand addition of n n-SD numbers with a depth-2 network having the number of LTGs in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is upper bounded by the dimension of the definition domain, consequently it is in the order of O(n 3 ). If the multi-operand addition matrix is the partial product matrix corresponding to the multiplication of two n-SD numbers the number of columns is 2n and the cost change as consequence. However this do not change the asymptotic cost. The maximum fan-in value is imposed by the gates in the second level of the network which take as inputs all the bits participating into the computation, i.e., 2n([log(2n \Gamma some outputs of the gates on the first level. The total number of gates in the first level of the network is upper bounded by l 8n 2 (n\Gamma1)+1 and consequently the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 ). We conclude our investigation on networks for the multiplication of SD operands by introducing a depth-3 LTN for multiplication which uses the multi-operand addition scheme we presented in Theorem 3. B. Depth-3 Multiplication Multiplication is achieved with the generation and reduction of a partial product ma- trix. In the previous subsection we have shown that the multi-operand addition (and by extension the reduction of the multiplication partial product matrix) can be performed in depth-2 using threshold networks and SD representations. In this section we investigate the entire multiplication operation including the generation of the partial product matrix. In the case of non redundant operand representation the generation of the partial product matrix can be performed at the expanse of n 2 TGs in depth-1 because we need one AND gate to produce each partial product z This may not be true for sign digit operands where each partial product z i;j is a SD which has to be computed as the product of two SDs x i and y j . In essence, even though using representation the partial product reduction can be achieved by a depth-2 it is not said that multiplication can be achieved by a depth-3 network. To achieve a depth-3 multiplication we use Theorem 3 for the reduction of the partial product matrix and use implicit computations in the network connecting the partial product production and the first stage of partial product reduction. Given that in order to use the scheme in Theorem 3 all the partial products z i;j , to assume values inside the digit set we have to restrict the maximum absolute values for the SDs x i and y j to In the following lemma we assume that the operand digits are represented with the 2's complement codification discussed in Section II and prove that the entire partial product matrix can be produced by a depth-2 LTN with polynomially bounded size, weight and June 23, 1999 fan-in values. Lemma 5: Assuming two n-SD operands and jy the partial product matrix can be produced by a depth-2 LTN with the size measured in terms of LTGs in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is in the order of O(n) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n). Proof: We assume that all the SDs are represented in the 2's complement notation by x ). The value of d is imposed by the maximum absolute value of we have assumed for the operand digits and is equal with log ii 1. With these assumptions the partial product z i;j can be expressed as in the following equation: z \Gamma2 !/ \Gamma2 On the other hand z i;j is a SD in the set and can be represented by the ([log(2n\Gamma1)]+1)-tuple (z [log(2n\Gamma1)] Consequently each bit z r can be expressed by a symmetric Boolean function F r (- m ) with the weighted sum -m computed as in Equation (63). This function can be implemented with a depth-2 network as shown in Lemma 1. By its construction -m can assume values in the definition domain Consequently the definition domain for all the F r (- m ) describing the partial product z i;j is given by definition domain any F r (- m ) can change its value at most 4(n\Gamma1)+1times. Using the same way of reasoning as in the Theorem 3 an upper bound of l 4(n\Gamma1)+1m can be obtained for the maximum number of TGs in the first level of the network. The second level of the network has to contain one gate for each F r (- m ), i.e., bit position in the 2's complement representation of the partial product z i;j , then it can be build with gates. Therefore the network computing the partial product z i;j can be built with at most l 4(n\Gamma1)+1m Because one such network for each digit pair (i; j), required the cost of the network producing the entire partial product matrix is upper bounded by n 2 . This leads to an implementation cost of the depth-2 network producing the partial product matrix in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is upper bounded by the dimension of the definition domain for the F r (- m ) functions, i.e., consequently it is in the order of O(n). The maximum fan-in value is imposed by the gates in the second level of the network which take as inputs all the bits participating into the computation, log ii 2, and some outputs of the gates on the first level. Because we proved that the total number of gates in the first level of the network is upper bounded by l 4(n\Gamma1)+1m the maximum fan-in value is also in the order of O(n). By connecting the results for the multi-operand addition and the generation of the partial product matrix for SD operands we obtain a depth-4 scheme for the multiplication of SD numbers as stated in the following corollary. Corollary 1: Assuming representation the multiplication of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-4 LTN with the size measured in terms of LTGs in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 ). Proof: Trivial from Lemma 5 and Theorem 3. The delay of the multiplication network can be still reduced by producing the partial product matrix using an implicit computation scheme presented in Lemma 3. Theorem 4: Assuming representation the multiplication of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-3 LTN with the size in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 log n). Proof: Trivial. First use the implicit implementation (Lemma 3) in order to produce the partial products z i;j with the delay of one TG. This derivation will not change the asymptotic costs we derived in the Lemma 5. Second use the depth-2 multi-operand addition in Theorem 3 to produce the product. The implicit computation of the partial products will only increase the fan-in of the gates in the first level of the network performing the multi-operand addition from 2n([log(2n 1) to at most 2n(4n \Gamma 3)([log(2n This will change the asymptotic bound for the fan-in from O(n 2 ) to O(n 2 log n). The asymptotic size of the network and the maximum weight value will remain unchanged. Consequently this depth-3 scheme has a network size in the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ). V. Conclusions We investigated LTNs for symmetric Boolean functions addition, and multiplication. We assumed SD number representation and we were mainly concerned in establishing the limits of the circuit designs using threshold based networks. We have shown that assuming radix-2 representation the addition of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-2 LTN with O(n) size and O(1) weight and fan-in values. If a higher radix of (2n \Gamma 1) is assumed we proved that the multi-operand addition of n n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-2 LTN with the size in the order of O(n 3 ), with the maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 ). Finally we have shown that the multiplication of two n-SD numbers can be computed by an explicit depth-3 LTN with the size in the order of O(n 3 ). The maximum weight value is the order of O(n 3 ) and the maximum fan-in value is in the order of O(n 2 log n). --R "Signed-Digit Number Representations for Fast Parallel Arithmetic," "Logic Design of a Redundant Binary Adder," "High-Speed VLSI Multiplication Algorithm with a Redundant Binary Addition Tree," "Fast Radix-2 Division with Quotient-Digit Prediction," "Simple Radix-4 Division with Operands Scaling," "High Radix Square Rooting," "A Functional MOS Transistor Featuring Gate-Level Weighted Sum and Threshold Operations," "Neuron MOS Binary-Logic Integrated Circuits- Part II: Simplifying Techniques of Circuit Configuration and their Practical Applications," "A Capacitive Threshold-Logic Gate," "A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity," "How we Know Universals: The Perception of Auditory and Visual Forms," "Neural Computation of Arithmetic Functions," "Some Notes on Threshold Circuits and Multiplication in Depth 4," "Efficient Implementation of a Neural Multiplier," "Depth-Size Tradeoffs for Neural Computation," Addition and Related Arithmetic Operations with Threshold Logic," "ffi-bit Serial Addition with Linear Threshold Gates," "A Compact High-Speed (31; 5) Parallel Counter Circuit Based on Capacitive Threshold-Logic Gates," "On the Application of the Neuron MOS Transistor Principle for Modern VLSI Design," "Periodic Symmetric Functions with Feed-Forward Neural Networks," "The Principle of Majority Decision Elements and the Complexity of their Circuits," "Linear Input Logic," "The Realization of Symmetric Switching Functions with Linear-Input Logical Elements," "On Threshold Circuits for Parity," "Block Save Addition with Telescopic Sums," Computer Arithmetic: Principles "2j1 Redundant Binary Addition with Threshold Logic," "Block Save Addition with Threshold Logic," "On optimal depth threshold circuits for multiplication and related problems," "Majority gates vs. general weighted threshold gates," "Simulating threshold circuits by majority circuits," "A note on the simulation of exponential threshold weights," --TR
redundant adders;carry-free addition;computer arithmetic;redundant multipliers;neural networks;threshold logic;signed-digit arithmetic;signed-digit number representation
Algebraic Foundations and Broadcasting Algorithms for Wormhole-Routed All-Port Tori.
AbstractThe one-to-all broadcast is the most primary collective communication pattern in a multicomputer network. We consider this problem in a wormhole-routed torus which uses the all-port and dimension-ordered routing model. We derive our routing algorithms based on the concept of span of vector spaces in linear algebra. For instance, in a 3D torus, the nodes receiving the broadcast message will be spanned from the source node to a line of nodes, to a plane of nodes, and then to a cube of nodes. Our results require at most $2(k-1)$ steps more than the optimal number of steps for any square $k$-D torus. Existing results, as compared to ours, can only be applied to tori of very restricted dimensions or sizes and either rely on an undesirable non-dimension-ordered routing or require more numbers of steps.
Introduction One-to-all broadcast is an essential communication operator in multicomputer networks, which has many applications, such as algebraic problems, barrier syn- chronization, parallel graph and matrix algorithms, cache coherence in distributed-share-memory systems, and data re-distribution in HPF. Wormhole routing [1, 4] is characterized with low communication latency due to its pipelined nature and is quite insensitive to routing distance in the absence of link contention. Machines adopting such technology include the Intel Touchstone DELTA, Intel Paragon, MIT J-machine, Caltech MOSAIC, nCUBE 3, and Cray T3D and T3E. In this paper, we study the scheduling of message distribution for one-to-all broadcast in a wormhole- This work is supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under Grant # NSC87-2213-E-008-012 and #NSC87-2213-E-008-016. routed torus, which type of architecture has been adopted by parallel machines such as Cray T3D and T3E (3-D tori). The network is assumed to use the all-port model 1 and the popular dimension-ordered routing. Following the formulation in many works [2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13], this is achieved by constructing a sequence of steps, where a step consists of a set of communication paths each indicating a message delivery. The goal is to minimize the total number of steps used. The same problem has been studied in several works. In [9, 10], schedules following the dimension-ordered routing are proposed for 2-D 2 n \Theta 2 n and 3-D 2 n \Theta 2 n \Theta z tori using n and respectively, where . The numbers of steps used are at least log 4 5 and log 6 7 times, i.e., about 16% and 8.6% more than, the optimal numbers of steps, respectively (refer to the lower bounds in Lemma 1). A schedule using the optimal number of steps is proposed in [8] for any 2-D torus of size 5 p \Theta 5 p or (2 \Theta 5 p ) \Theta (2 \Theta 5 p ), where p is any integer. The works in [6, 7] remain op- timal, but can be applied to any square k-D torus with nodes on each side. However, the disadvantages of [6, 7, 8] include : (i) the tori must be square, (ii) very few network sizes are solvable (e.g., for 2-D tori, the possible sizes are 5 \Theta 5, 10 \Theta 10, 25 \Theta 25, 50 \Theta 50, 125 \Theta 125, 250 \Theta 250, etc.), and (iii) the routing is not dimension-ordered (we comment that unfortunately most current torus machines use dimension- ordered routing). These drawbacks would greatly limit the applicability of [6, 7, 8]. Generalization to tori supporting multi-port capability is shown in [3]; however, the routing is still non-dimension-ordered. Recently, these deficiencies were eliminated by [11], which can 1 The reverse of this is the one-port model, in which case the broadcast problem can be trivially solved by a recursive-doubling technique. be applied to 2-D tori of any size using dimension- ordered routing; at most 2 (resp., 5) communication steps more than the optimum are required when the torus is square (resp., non-square). However, it still remains as an open problem how to extend this scheme to higher-dimensional tori. One interesting technique used in [11] is the concept of diagonal in a 2-D torus. In this paper, we extend the work of [11] and show how to perform one-to-all broadcast in a torus of any dimension. For practical consideration, the routing should still follow the dimension-ordered restriction. The extension turns out to need some mathematical foundations when higher-dimensional tori are considered. Our schemes are based on the concept of "span of vector spaces" in linear al- gebra. For instance, in a 3-D torus, the nodes receiving the broadcast message will be "spanned" from the source node to a line of nodes, to a plane of nodes, and then to a cube of nodes. We develop the algebraic foundations to solve this problem for any k-D torus of size n on each dimension. Our results require at most more than any optimal scheduling. Existing results, as compared to ours, can only be applied to tori of very restricted dimensions or sizes, and either rely on an undesirable non-dimension-ordered routing or require more numbers of steps. 2. Preliminaries A k-D torus of size n is an undirected graph denoted as Tn\Theta\Delta\Delta\Delta\Thetan . Each node is denoted as p x1;x2 Each node is of degree 2k. Node p x1 ;x2 has an edge connecting to along dimension one, an edge to along dimension two, and so on. (Hereafter, we will omit saying "mod n" whenever the context is clear.) We will map the torus into an Euclidean integer space Z k . Note that instead of being the normal integer set, Z is in the domain f0; 1g. A node in the torus can be regarded as a point . A vector in Z k is a k-tuple As a convention, the i-th positive negative) elementary vector ~e i (resp., ~e \Gammai ) of Z k , 1::k, is the one with all entries being 0, except the i-th entry being 1 (resp., \Gamma1). We may write ~e i 1 as , and similarly . For instance, ~e and ~e . The linear combination of vectors (say a 1 are integers) follows directly from the typical definition of vector addition, except that a "mod n" operation is implicitly applied. In Z k , given a node x, an m-tuple of vectors and an m-tuple of integers the span of x by vectors B and distances N as a i ~ Note that the above definition is different from the typical definition of SPAN in linear algebra [5]. The main purpose here is to identify a portion of the torus. For instances, the main diagonals of Tn\Thetan and Tn\Thetan\Thetan can be written as SPAN(p 0;0 ; (~e 1;2 ); (n)) and SPAN(p 0;0;0 ; (~e 1;2;3 ); (n)), respectively; an XY - plane passing node p 0;0;i in Tn\Thetan\Thetan can be written as In the one-to-all broadcast problem, a source node needs to send a message to the rest of the network. The all-port model will be assumed, in which a node can simultaneously send and receive messages along all outgoing and incoming channels. Since the node degree is 2k, in the best case one may multiply the number of nodes owning the broadcast message by 2k each step. This leads to the following lemma. Lemma 1 In a k-D all-port torus Tn\Theta\Delta\Delta\Delta\Thetan , a lower bound on the number of steps to achieve one-to-all broadcast is dlog 2k+1 n k e. 3. Broadcasting in 2-D Tori In this section, we review the broadcasting scheme for 2-D tori in [11]. This will be helpful to understand our algorithms for higher-dimensional tori later. Consider any 2-D torus Tn\Thetan . As the network is symmetric, we let, without loss of generality, the source node be We denote by M the message to be broadcast. The scheme is derived in two stages. Stage 1: In this stage, message M will be sent to the main diagonal, SPAN(p 0;0 ,(~e 1;2 ); (n)). This is achieved by two parts. Stage 1.1 (Distribution): In this part, M will be recursively distributed to one of the nodes in each row. For easy of representation, let 5t. First, we regard 0;0 as the center of the torus and horizontally and evenly slice the torus into five strips. In one step, we let p 0;0 send four copies of M to nodes p 0;\Gamma2t , p \Gammat;\Gammat , . The above five nodes are located at the center rows of the five strips and the routing is clearly congestion-free, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Then, by regarding these five nodes as the source node of the five strips, we can recursively send M to more rows. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the routing in the second step. This is repeated until the height of each strip reduces to one or zero. At the end, along each row in the torus, Figure 1. Stage 1.1 of broadcast in a 2-D torus: (a) the first step, and (b) the second step. Figure 2. Stage 2 of broadcast in a 2-D torus: (a) the first step, and (b) the second step. Note that for clarity only typical communication paths are shown. exactly one node will have received M . Overall, this stage takes dlog 5 ne steps to complete. Stage 1.2 (Alignment): For each node p i;j holding message M , p i;j sends M along the first dimension to all nodes on the main diagonal will own M . This requires only one step. Stage 2: In this stage, the torus is viewed as n diagonals We evenly partition the torus into 5 strips S \Gamma2::2 each contains t diagonals. This is illustrated in Fig. 2(a). In the first step, M will be sent to 4 other diagonals . This can be done by having each node p i;i in L 0 send M to nodes p i\Gamma2t;i , p i;i+t , . The communication, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a), is clearly congestion-free. In the second step, we can regard the diagonal L it as the source of strip S i , recursively perform the above diagonal-to-diagonal message distribution in S i . (refer to Fig. 2(b)). The recursion terminates when each strips contains one or zero di- agonal. This stage takes dlog 5 ne steps to complete. Hence, broadcast can be done in 2dlog 5 ne which number of steps is at most 2 steps more than the lower bound in Lemma 1. 4. Broadcasting in 3-D Tori Now we develop our algorithm for a Tn\Thetan\Thetan with any n. Without loss of generality, let p 0;0;0 be the source node. The basic idea is to distribute the broadcast message M in three stages: (i) from p 0;0;0 to a line SPAN(p 0;0;0 ; (~e 1;3 ); (n)), (ii) from the above line to a plane SPAN(p 0;0;0 ; (~e 1;3 ; ~e 1;2 ); (n; n)), and then (iii) from the above plane to the whole torus. These stages will use dlog 7 ne ne ne steps, respectively. For simplicity, we may use X-, Y - , and Z-axes to refer to the first, second, and third dimensions, respectively. 4.1. Stage 1: From the Source Node to a Line Again, this stage is divided into two parts. In the first part, M will be distributed to one representative node on each of the n XY -planes. In the second part, M will be forwarded to the line 4.1.1 Stage 1.1 (Distribution) For simplicity, let n be a multiple of 7, 7t. We view the torus as consisting of the following planes We then partition the torus horizontally into 7 cubes \Gamma3::3, such that the first cube consists of the first t XY -planes in Eq. (2), the second cube the next t XY -planes, etc. Let's identify the following nodes: In one step, node m 0 can forward M to m congestion. The communication paths are illustrated in Fig. 3(a). Now, observe that each m i is located at the central XY -plane of the cube C \Gamma3::3. So we can regard as the source of C i and recursively perform broadcasting in C i , until each cube reduces to only one Figure 3. Stage 1.1 of broadcast in a 3-D torus: (a) the first step, and (b) the second step. or zero XY -plane. The second step is illustrated in Fig. 3(b). At this point, we would introduce some notations to our later presentation. Consider a k-D torus. A routing matrix is a matrix with entries \Gamma1; 0, or 1 such that each row indicates a message delivery; if r (resp. \Gamma1), the corresponding message will travel along the positive (resp. negative) direction of dimension j; if r the message will not travel along dimension j. A distance matrix is an integer diagonal matrix (all non-diagonal elements are 0); d i;i represents the distance to be traveled by the i-th message described in R along each dimension. For instance, the six message deliveries in Fig. 3(a) have three directions and thus can be represented by a routing matrix: ~e 2;3 ~e In general, the six nodes receiving M are (note that ff \Sigmai - \Sigma in deriving ff \Sigmai ). So we can use two distance matrices: and represent the 6 message deliveries in Fig. 3(a) by matrix multiplication: where each row represents one routing path. 4.1.2 Stage 1.2 (Alignment) The goal is to "align" the nodes receiving M to the line (n)). This can be done in one step by having every p x;y;z holding M send to p z;0;z along Figure 4. Stage 2 of broadcast in a 3-D torus: (a) viewing the torus from the perspective partitioning the torus into 7 cubes C \Gamma3::3. Stage 3 of broadcast in a 3D torus: (c) viewing the torus from the perspective (d) partitioning the torus into 7 cubes C \Gamma3::3. the path . This is congestion-free as communications only happen in individual XY - planes. 4.2. Stage 2: From a Line to a Plane In this stage, we will view the torus from a different perspective: Fig. 4(a) for an illustration. With this view, we partition the network along the direction ~e 1 into the following The message M will be sent from the line lines, each spanned along the same direction ~e 1;3 but located on a different plane in Eq. (6). Finally, we will align these lines to a plane SPAN(p 0;0;0 ; (~e 1;3 ; ~e 1;2 ); (n; n)). It is easy to send messages from a line of nodes to another parallel line in one communication step. For instance, to deliver messages from line SPAN(p 0;0;0 ; (~e 1;3 ); (n)) to line simply let each p i;0;i (of the former line) send to p i+2;3;i+4 (of the latter line). One can easily generalize this to a line sending to six other parallel lines in one step. 4.2.1 Stage 2.1 (Distribution) This stage is based on a recursive structure as follows. For simplicity, let 7t. We partition the torus into 7 Figure 5. Stage 2 of broadcast in a 3-D torus: (a) the first step, and (b) the second step. cubes \Gamma3::3, such that C \Gamma3 consists of the first t planes in Eq. (6), C \Gamma2 the next t planes, etc. (refer to Fig. 4(b)). be the line already owning M . By having each p i;0;i 2 L 0 send M to the following six nodes: we can distribute M to six other lines in one step: This communication step, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a), is congestion-free. The resulting line L it is on the central plane of C i for all To see this, let's prove the case of L 2t : which is indeed the central plane of C 2 . The other cases can be proved similarly. The routing matrix can be written as: Using the distance matrices in Eq. (4), the six routing paths in Fig. 5(a) can be described by the six rows in Next, we can recursively perform the similar line- to-line distribution in each C i using L it as the source. The next step is shown in Fig. 5(b). 4.2.2 Stage 2.2 (Alignment) From stage 2.1, on each plane line owns M . The goal is to "align" these n lines to the plane n)). This can be done by having each node 2 L send M along the second dimension by hops, which is obviously congestion-free. This will forward M to the lines lines constitute the plane Only one step is used in this stage. 4.3. Stage 3: From a Plane to More Planes In this stage, we view the torus from another perspective which is illustrated in Fig. 4(c). With this view, we partition the torus along the direction ~e 1 into n planes For simplicity, let 7t. Following the same philosophy as before, we divide the torus into 7 cubes \Gamma3::3, such as the first cube consists of the first t planes, the second cube the next t planes, etc. This is shown in Fig. 4(d). The central plane in Eq. (8) already owns message M . In this stage, plane-to-plane message distribution will be performed. For instance, if every node on plane sends M along the Y - and Z-axes to nodes that are +3 and +5 hops way, respectively, then two planes will receive which are \Gamma3 and \Gamma5 planes next to the source plane. Specifically, we will use the routing matrix: The distance D + and D \Gamma remain the same. The resulting 6 routing paths can be represented by the 6 rows in the following matrices: // the next t planes // the next 2t planes // the next 3t planes // the next \Gammat planes // the next \Gamma2t planes // the next \Gamma3t planes Now we have 7 planes owning M on the centers of the cubes so the recursion can be proceeded, until each C i reduces to one or zero plane. Totally dlog 7 ne steps will be used in this stage. Theorem 1 In a 3-D Tn\Thetan\Thetan torus with dimension- ordered routing and all-port capability, broadcast can be done in 3dlog 7 ne which number of steps is at most 4 steps more than optimum. 5. Broadcasting in k-D Tori In this section, we extend our broadcasting algorithm to a k-D Tn\Theta\Delta\Delta\Delta\Thetan torus. Following the same philosophy as before, broadcasting in Z k (a k-D torus) will be achieved by distributing the broadcast message M in k stages: from the source to a line, from a line to a plane, from a plane to a cube, from a cube to a 4-D cube, etc. In the following, we discuss in general how stage 1::k. Still, this has two parts: distribution and alignment. Throughout this section, we 0;:::;0 be the source node and N i be a vector of length i equal to (n; 5.1. Distribution Sub-stage First, we need to define the set of nodes receiving the broadcast message after stage i. Definition 3 The set of nodes receiving message M after stage i is defined to be: The number of nodes in U i is n times that of U Also, we can think of U i as n copies of U expanding along the vector ~e 1;k\Gammai+1 , i.e., where a vector ~v plus a set of nodes S (~v + S) means a "translation" operation which moves each node of S to a node relative to the former by a vector of ~v. The following lemma guarantees that M will really be received by all nodes after stage k. The being selected is to insure the following two lemmas, which are important later to guarantee our routing to be congestion-free. The following two lemmas can be simply proved by the Gaussian Elimination method. Lemma 3 For any i and j such that 1 - the union of\Omega i and the vector ~e j is linearly independent. Lemma 4 For any of\Omega i and is linearly independent. Figure 6. Partitioning V i along ~s i into a "super linear path". To expand U i\Gamma1 to U i , we need to view the torus from a different perspective defined as follows. Definition 4 In stage i, we view the torus as: where ~ (Here "\Delta" means the concatenation of two sequences.) The earlier perspectives Fig. 3(a), Fig. 4(a) and (c) of a 3-D torus are derived based on this formula. The above perspective provides us a way to partition the torus. As we have seen earlier, partitioning is used to solve our problem in a recursive manner. Definition 5 In stage i, V i is partitioned along direction ~s i into the following n sub-networks (j = \Gammab The partitioning is illustrated in Fig. 6. Examples of such partitioning of a 3-D torus at different stages can be seen in Fig. 3(b), Fig. 4(b) and (d). We can imagine j as a "super-node" which is connected through a vector ~s i to two "super-nodes" W i j+1 in a wrap-around manner. So these super-nodes actually form a "super linear path" of length n. Also note that U (which already has the message M) is resident in the central super-node W i 0 . In the distribution sub- stage, we try to send M from W i 0 to the other 1 super-nodes; the sets of nodes receiving M in each super-node will have a shape "isomorphic" to U i\Gamma1 . This is done based on the following recursive structure: (i) partition the linear path into 2k send M to a representative super-node in each segment, and then (iii) perform the distribution in each segment recursively. Given a segment of super-nodes of length m, we use a routing matrix and two distance matrices to describe the routing in one recursive step. Definition 6 In stage i, the routing matrix is a k \Theta k matrix defined as: ~e 1;k ~e 2;k ~e k\Gamma1;k ~e 2;\Gammak ~e k\Gammai+1;\Gammak \Gamma~e k\Gammai+2 I k\Gammai+1 Definition 7 In stage i, given a segment of super-nodes of length m, the distance matrices with respect to m are (intuitively, ff \Sigmai - \Sigma im are derived in [14]): ff \Gamma2 ~e 2 \Gammam Using these matrices, the intuitive meanings of routing paths in one recursive step can be described by the 2k rows through the following matrix multiplication: m \Theta R i routing paths to W i routing paths to W i routing paths to W i routing paths to W i m \Theta R i routing paths to W i routing paths to W i ff \Gamma2 (ff \Gamma2 - \Gamma2m routing paths to W i ff \Gamma3 routing paths to W i ff \Gammak (ff \Gammak - \Gammakm Consider the first communication step where U (resident in W i following the second row of (which is equal to ff 2 ~e 2;\Gammak ). Then, the message M will be sent to: The meanings of routing paths in the other rows can be proved similarly, so we omit the details. Figure 7. Aligning S to S 0 in W i d . Lemma 5 [14]In the distribution sub-stage of stage i, each communication step is congestion-free. 5.2. Alignment Sub-stage Now each super-node W i already has a set of nodes (of shape isomorphic to U The next job is to align these n sets to form U i . In the following, we show the routing in W i d . Suppose the set of nodes owning M after the distribution sub-stage in d is S. As S is isomorphic to U i\Gamma1 , we can write S as (v 1 Also, recall that U i consists of n copies U spanned along direction ~e 1;k\Gammai+1 . So the set of nodes that we expect to own M in W i d should be S (see the illustration in Fig. 7). is no need of alignment. Otherwise, some alignment may be necessary. Intuitively, if we take a difference of these two vectors: then the resulting vector can be used to represent the routing paths leading S to S 0 . However, such a routing may not be congestion-free. The following lemma shows that S in fact can be rewritten in a different form. Lemma 6 d) U where means a "don't care''. Using the new form in Lemma 6, we perform the following subtractions: The resulting vectors indicate how to align S to S 0 . the alignment may go along dimensions (by observing the locations where 's appear in Eq. (12)). As ~e 1 the routing only happens inside W 1 d . Thus, we only need to prove that the routing for the alignment inside individual d 's is congestion-free. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 5, so we omit the details. Similarly, the alignment may go along dimensions (by observing the locations where 's appear in Eq. (13)). As ~e , the routing only happens inside W i d . Also note that when reduces to a zero vector, which means no need of alignment sub-stage in stage k. This leads to the following theorem. Theorem 2 In a k-D Tn\Theta\Delta\Delta\Delta\Thetan torus with dimension- ordered routing and all-port capability, broadcast can be done in kdlog 2k+1 ne which number of steps is at most 2(k \Gamma 1) steps more than optimum. 6. Conclusions We compare our scheme for 3-D tori against two other known schemes: (i) Tsai and McKinley [10], which works for T 2 d \Theta2 d \Thetaz and requires d+1 or d+m+2 steps when 2 - z - 7 or 7 \Theta 6 m respectively, and (ii) Park et al. [6, 7], which works for steps. In Fig. 8, we draw the numbers of communication steps required by these and our schemes in a Tn\Thetan\Thetan torus. We make the following observations. First, in terms of the numbers of steps uses, the Park scheme is the best and always coincides with the lower bound; the TM scheme is better than ours when n is small, but is outperformed by ours as n becomes larger. Second, in terms of network sizes allowed, ours has the broadest applicability because any n is allowed; the TM and the Park schemes have quite limited applicability, and the situation is getting worse especially when n becomes larger. Third, in terms of communication capability, both TM and our schemes assume a dimension-ordered routing, while the Park scheme assumes a stronger non- dimension-ordered routing. We are currently trying to extend our result to other port models such as [3]. --R The torus routing chip. Optimal broadcasting in all-port wormhole-routed hypercubes Optimal broadcast in ff-port wormhole-routed mesh networks A survey of wormhole routing techniques in directed network. Linear Algebra with Applications. A broadcasting algorithm for all-port wormhole-routed torus networks A broadcasting algorithm for all-port wormhole-routed torus networks A dilated-diagonal-based scheme for broadcast in a wormhole-routed 2d torus Algebraic foundations and broadcasting algorithms for wormhole-routed tori --TR --CTR Xiaotong Zhuang , Vincenzo Liberatore, A Recursion-Based Broadcast Paradigm in Wormhole Routed Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.16 n.11, p.1034-1052, November 2005 Olivier Beaumont , Arnaud Legrand , Loris Marchal , Yves Robert, Pipelining Broadcasts on Heterogeneous Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.16 n.4, p.300-313, April 2005 Yuanyuan Yang, A New Conference Network for Group Communication, IEEE Transactions on Computers, v.51 n.9, p.995-1010, September 2002 Yuh-Shyan Chen , Chao-Yu Chiang , Che-Yi Chen, Multi-node broadcasting in all-ported 3-D wormhole-routed torus using an aggregation-then-distribution strategy, Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal, v.50 n.9, p.575-589, September 2004 San-Yuan Wang , Yu-Chee Tseng , Sze-Yao Ni , Jang-Ping Sheu, Circuit-Switched Broadcasting in Multi-Port Multi-Dimensional Torus Networks, The Journal of Supercomputing, v.20 n.3, p.217-241, November 2001
torus;wormhole routing;interconnection network;one-to-all broadcast;parallel processing;collective communication
Lower Bounds on Communication Loads and Optimal Placements in Torus Networks.
AbstractFully populated torus-connected networks, where every node has a processor attached, do not scale well since load on edges increases superlinearly with network size under heavy communication, resulting in a degradation in network throughput. In a partially populated network, processors occupy a subset of available nodes and a routing algorithm is specified among the processors placed. Analogous to multistage networks, it is desirable to have the total number of messages being routed through a particular edge in toroidal networks increase at most linearly with the size of the placement. To this end, we consider placements of processors which are described by a given placement algorithm parameterized by $k$ and $d$: We show formally, that to achieve linear communication load in a $d$-dimensional $k$-torus, the number of processors in the placement must be equal to $c k^{d-1}$ for some constant $c$. Our approach also gives a tighter lower bound than existing bounds for the maximum load of a placement for arbitrary number of dimensions for placements with sufficient symmetries. Based on these results, we give optimal placements and corresponding routing algorithms achieving linear communication load in tori with arbitrary number of dimensions.
Introduction Meshes and torus based interconnection networks have been utilized extensively in the design of parallel computers in recent years [5]. This is mainly due to the fact that these families of networks have topologies which reflect the communication pattern of a wide An extended abstract was presented in the IEEE Symposium IPPS/SPDP 1998, April 1998, Orlando. y Supported in part by a fellowship from - Izmir Institute of Technology, - Izmir, Turkey. variety of natural problems, and at the same time they are scalable, and highly suitable for hardware implementation. An important factor determining the efficiency of a parallel algorithm on a network is the efficiency of communication itself among processors. The network should be able to handle "large" number of messages without exhibiting degradation in performance. Throughput, the maximum amount of traffic which can be handled by the network, is an important measure of network performance [3]. The throughput of an interconnection network is in turn bounded by its bisection width, the minimum number of edges that must be removed in order to split the network into two parts each with about equal number of processors [8]. Here, following Blaum, Bruck, Pifarr'e, and Sanz [3, 4], we consider the behavior of torus networks with bidirectional links under heavy communication load. We assume that the communication latency is kept minimum by routing the messages through only shortest (minimal length) paths. In particular, we are interested in the scenario where every processor in the network is sending a message to every other processor (also known as complete exchange or all-to-all personalized communication). This type of communication pattern is central to numerous parallel algorithms such as matrix transposition, fast Fourier trans- distributed table-lookup, etc. [6], and central to efficient implementation of high-level computing models such as the PRAM and Bulk-Synchronous Parallel (BSP). In Valiant's BSP-model for parallel computation [14] for example, routing of h-relations, in which every processor in the network is the source and destination of at most h packets, forms the main communication primitive. Complete-exchange scenario that we investigate in this paper has been studied and shown to be useful for efficient routing of both random and arbitrary h-relations [7, 12, 13]. The network of d-dimensional k-torus is modeled as a directed graph where each node represents either a router or a processor-router pair, depending on whether or not a processor is attached at this node, and each edge represents a communication link between two adjacent nodes. Hence, every node in the network is capable of message routing, i.e. directly receiving from and sending to its neighboring nodes. A fully-populated d-dimensional k-torus where each node has a processor attached, contains k d processors. Its bisection width is 4k which gives k d =2 processors on each component of the bisection. Under the complete-exchange scenario, the number of messages passing through the bisection in both directions is 2(k d =2)(k d =2). Dividing by the bisection bandwidth, we find that there must exist an edge in the bisection with a load This means that unlike multistage networks, the maximum load on a link is not linear in the number of processors injecting messages into the network. To alleviate this problem, Blaum et al. [3, 4] have proposed partially-populated tori . In this model, the underlying network is torodial, but the nodes do not all inject messages into the network. We think of the processors as attached to a (relatively small) subset of nodes (called a placement), while the other nodes are left as routing nodes. This is similar to the case of a multistage network: A multistage network with k \Theta k switches (routing nodes) and log k n stages serves n injection points, and utilizes n log k n routing nodes [3]. In partially-populated tori, a routing algorithm which utilizes shortest paths is specified together with the placement. An optimal placement is a placement that achieves linear load on edges using maximum number of processors possible. The notion of resource placement in general has been investigated by a number of researchers such as Bose et al. [5], Alverson et al. [1], F. Pitteli and D. Smitley [11]. Our aim is to give placements and routing algorithms which will enable efficient communication between processors, and at the same time reduce the susceptibility of the network to link faults by reducing the number of messages relying upon a particular edge [3]. This is achieved by providing routing algorithms in which the number of minimal paths specified between pairs of processors in the placement is kept large, without compromising the linearity of load. denote the maximum load over all the edges for the placement P . Blaum et al. give the lower bound which means that for constrained to be of the form k i , then they also give placements of sizes k for together with routing algorithms. These placements are optimal in the sense that the two lower bounds are actually achieved by the placements. How do we justify that in general a maximal size placement that can achieve linear load is O(k d\Gamma1 )? If the placement has size ck d\Gamma1 for some constant c, then mimicking the case of the fully-populated d-dimensional k-torus, 2(ck This seems to imply that linear load is at least possible for jP ck d\Gamma1 . This is a faulty argument however, as we do not know a priori that number of edges needed to split P into two equal size pieces is the same as the bisection width of the whole torus. This may push the size of an optimal placement above or below k d\Gamma1 . In this paper, we introduce the concept of bisection width with respect to a placement P , and use its properties to prove that in a d-dimensional k-torus, the size of an optimal placement is \Theta(k Given a placement P of maximal size, we also prove that there exists an edge separator of size which splits the torus into two components with \Theta(k processors of P on each side. This gives a lower bound of the form ck for maximum load. In (2) c is a constant independent of d. This is a tighter lower bound for the load for large d than the lower bound (1). Finally, we give optimal placements (called linear placements ) achieving the lower bound (2) and corresponding routing algorithms (Ordered Dimensional Routing (ODR) and Unordered Dimensional Routing (UDR)) in tori with arbitrary number of dimensions. Of the two routing algorithms ODR is simpler, but UDR provides fault tolerance by allowing more routes. We also show how tho extend these to more general placements in tori that we refer to as multiple linear placements. The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 gives necessary definitions and the formal statement of the problem. In section 3, a lower bound on the maximum load on an edge is given, which is also a generalization of the lower bound given by [3]. This bound, along with the notion of bisection width with respect to a placement, is used to get an upper bound on the number of processors in an optimal placement. We introduce the notion of ff\Gammaseparator with respect to a placement in section 4, and use it to give a new lower bound on the maximum load which is independent of the dimension parameter in section 5. Finally, in sections 6-8, we define and analyze an important class of placements called linear placements, and give associated routing algorithms which achieve linear load and fault tolerance. Section 9 includes conclusions and some future considerations. Preliminaries and Problem Definition In this section, we start out with the problem definition, and follow it by a sequence of formal definitions and terminology that will be used in the rest of the paper. Problem Definition Our aim is to find placements and associated routing algorithms in the d-dimensional k-torus k that have linear message load (in number of processors in the placement) on edges under the complete exchange scenario. Specifically, we like to devise a placement P , and a routing algorithm A for P for which The d-dimensional k-torus is a directed graph T d E), with vertex set where ZZ k denotes the integers modulo k, and edge set 9j such that a k has a total of k d nodes. Each node has two neighbors in each dimension, for a total of 2d neighbors. Directed edges of T d are also referred to as links. placement P of processors in T d E) is a subset of V . We use the term node for a generic element of the vertex set of T d k . A node with a processor attached is simply called a processor. fRouting Algorithmg Let P be a placement in T d k . A routing algorithm A is a subset C A ~ p!~q of the set of all shortest paths between ~p and ~q for every pair ~ p , ~q 2 P (See Figure 1). The routing algorithm A is used to deliver packets from ~ p to ~q : When ~ p needs to communicate with ~q , a shortest path in C A ~ p!~q is selected randomly with uniform probability. For any link l, we denote the set of paths in C A ~ p!~q going through l by C A ~ p!l!~q , and use the following definition of load as given in [3]. Given a placement P in a T d k along with a routing algorithm A, the load of an edge l is defined as ~ jC A jC A The maximum value of E(l) for a network with placement P and a routing algorithm A is called the maximum load and denoted by E max . Thus Considering the expression (3) for E(l), the more paths the routing algorithm provides between any two processors, the smaller the load on any edge that is used to route messages between these processors. In addition to this, availability of a large number of choices means better fault tolerance. We shall consider algorithms which use minimal (shortest) paths. Minimal paths are associated with the notion of cyclic distance and Lee distance which we define next. Definition 6 fCyclic Distance, Lee Distanceg Given three integers, i, j and k, the cyclic distance between i and j modulo k is given by where the equivalence classes modulo k are taken to be 0; 1. The Lee distance between two nodes ~ k is the sum of the cyclic distances between the coordinates of ~ and ~q. The Lee distance between ~ k is the length of a shortest path between ~p and ~q on the torus [5, 9]. Definition 7 fBisection Widthg The bisection width of a graph is the minimum number of edges which must be removed in order to split the node set into two parts of equal (within one) cardinality. Definition 8 fBisection Width with respect to a Placementg The bisection width with respect to a placement P of T d E) is the minimum number of edges which must be removed from E in order to split V into two parts each of which containing an equal (within one) number of processors in P . We denote by @ b P a minimal cardinality set of edges of T d which needs to be removed to bisect P . Thus j@ b P j is the bisection width with respect to the placement P . Definition 9 fff-separator Width with respect to a Placementg An ff-separator with respect to a placement P in T d k is a set of edges whose removal splits the graph into two parts containing (approximately) ffjP j and (1 \Gamma ff)jP j processors, for 1. The ff-separator width of T d k with respect to a placement P is the size of a minimal ff-separator with respect to P . We denote the set of edges in an ff-separator by @ ff P . Thus j@ ff P j is the ff-separator width of T d k with respect to P . Note that when are equivalent. We use the notation ck for some constant c ? 0 whenever k - k 0 . ck for infinitely many values of k. loosely use The problem we are interested in is the construction of placements P and associated routing algorithms in T d k such that under the complete exchange scenario, for some constant c. For et al. [3, 4] have investigated placements with k d\Gamma1 processors. Evidently, placements with provably maximum possible number of processors are desirable. This raises another important question which we shall address: what is the maximum number of processors a placement could have on T d k without compromising linear load on Another important issue is fault tolerance. Specifically, the routing algorithm should provide multiple routing paths between each pair of processors so that, if any of the links fails, the network will remain functional by routing the messages through paths which do not include the defective link. Consequently we also address the following problem: is it possible to construct optimal placements which are at the same time fault tolerant? In the following sections, we analyze lower bounds for maximum load and study the above questions. Figure 1: A placement of 3 processors on T 2 3 . Among the links, the ones on specified shortest paths between the processors are highlighted. 3 A General Lower Bound for Maximum Load We start out with an important lemma which will prove to be a very useful tool in the subsequent sections. The lower bound for maximum load originally given by Blaum et al. [3] is 2d (4) The following lemma gives a more general form of (4). be a placement in a T d and @S be the set of all edges each connecting a node in S with another node not in S. Then Proof The total number of messages exchanged between processors in S and processors in either direction, is personalized communication scenario. Also, these messages must go through one of the edges in @S. The average number of messages going through an edge in @S is and the lemma It is easy to see that (5) reduces to (4) if the set S is taken to contain only one processor, 4d. The lower bound (5) is valid independent of the routing algorithm used. Another interesting form of (5) that we shall subsequently make use of is obtained when the set S consists of half of the processors in P , i.e., Note that in this case @S becomes @ b P , which is the bisection width of T d k with respect to placement P . Next we give an upper bound on the size of @ b P , which we then use to calculate the maximum number of processors an optimal placement can contain. Proposition 1 Any subset P of nodes of the d-dimensional k-torus can be bisected by removing k . In particular, any subgraph of T d k has bisection width O(k Proof Omitted. See Appendix I. 2 The constant in O(k d\Gamma1 ) of Proposition 1 is no larger than 6d when we consider directed edges. As a particular case of the proposition we view a placement P as a subgraph of T d with no edges. Then Corollary 1 The d-dimensional k-torus T d k has bisection width of at most 6dk d\Gamma1 with respect to any placement P , i.e. j@ b Remark Although the assertion of Proposition 1 appears intuitive because of its geometric nature for it is easy to come up with examples of general graphs for which the bisection width of subgraphs can become arbitrarily far from that of the original graph. As an example, two copies of the complete graph K 2n on 2n nodes joined by a single edge has bisection width 1. Its subgraphs with 2n nodes have bisection widths ranging from 1 to depending on how evenly the 2n nodes are distributed among the two copies of K 2n . Maximum Placement Size An upper bound for the maximum number of processors an optimal placement can contain can now be obtained by substituting the bound for j@ b P j given in the corollary into the inequality (6), while at the same time insuring that E i.e. the load remains linear in the number of processors in the placement. ck for That is, the size of an optimal placement in T d k is O(k Thus, we are justified in seeking placements which have ck for some constant c. However, for ease of exposition, we will give analyses of placements of size k d\Gamma1 first (i.e. 1). Subsequently, we also consider the construction of placements with c ? 1. 4 ff-Separator Width with respect to a Placement From corollary 1, we know that the bisection width of T d k with respect to a placement P is no larger than 6dk d\Gamma1 . The lower bound on maximum load that one can obtain using this result is a function of dimension d, however. In this section we show that given a placement on T d k with jP possible to divide the network into two parts each having processors by removing O(k d\Gamma1 ) edges, where the constants involved in \Theta(jP j) and are independent of d. This will be useful in obtaining a better lower bound for load on edges than (4). We give a proof of this result in Theorem 1, assuming that the number of processors placed in subtori of T d k are given by "reasonable" functions of k, such as polynomials. Theorem 1 holds in general without this assumption, see Appendix II. Theorem 1 Relative to a placement P of size \Theta(k k has an edge separator @ ff P of size O(k d\Gamma1 ) which splits T d k into two parts each with \Theta(k processors (specifically, ffk processors, respectively, for some ff, 0 ! ff ! 1), where the constants are independent of d. Proof Let us fix a dimension. There are k copies of a lower dimensional torus T embedded along this dimension, indexed from 0 through k \Gamma 1. Let a j (k) be the number of processors P has in the j th subtorus, 1. There are two cases to consider depending on whether or not a i First we assume that there is such an a i (k). The situation is especially simple if there are two indices a we remove the edges between subtori i and separating T d k into two parts each with processors. The total number of edges removed is \Theta(k If there is only a single index i for which a i an argument as above can again be used to split P by removing 4k d\Gamma1 edges. We can thus assume that P time we cannot separate T d k using the argument above however. Now let S k be the subtorus for which a i k can be bisected relative to the processors it contains by removing no more than 6dk d\Gamma2 edges. Therefore T d k has a bisection relative to P obtained by removing at most 6dk d\Gamma2 +4d edges. This is because there are a total of 4d incident on the processors in all the subtori excluding S k . Therefore a whenever d ! k. Thus, it is possible to split the T d k into two parts, each containing \Theta(k processors by removing no more than O(k (actually o(k edges. Now consider the case that no a i (k) is \Omega\Gamma k at the same time We outline the proof here for the case when the a i (k) are polynomial functions of k (It follows from Proposition 2 in Appendix II that this assumption is not necessary). Let 1g. Note that must be \Omega\Gamma k), since otherwise jP j could not be \Theta(k are polynomial functions and all a i whose indices are in U must each have \Theta(k d\Gamma2 ) processors. Furthermore this forces jU Thus we can find aek subtori that have 1. Consequently we can split T d k into two parts each having ae processors by removing O(k 5 An Improved Lower Bound for Maximum Load We have shown in the previous section that given a placement P of size c 1 k d\Gamma1 , it is possible to split T d k into two parts having ffjP j and (1 \Gamma ff)jP j processors by removing at most c 2 k edges, for some constants c 1 , c 2 , and ff, We use this result to establish a lower bound on load which shows that the lower bound E max - (jP as the parameter d grows larger. Taking in (5), we have ck . Note that the constant c is independent of parameter d. Hence, this lower bound comes to characterize the quantity E max more closely than (4) as the parameter d grows. We will use this lower bound to gauge the optimality of the placements and routing algorithms that we give next. 6 Linear Placements We have established in section 3 that optimal placements have \Theta(k processors. In this section, we introduce the notion of a linear placement: these are placements in which the coordinates of each processors in P satisfy a particular type of a linear equation over ZZ k . Definition 11 A placement P on T d which satisfies , and at least one of c i 2 ZZ k is relatively prime to k is called a linear placement. For simplicity, we will use placements where c even though our analyses apply to linear placements in general form (i.e. (7)) provided that c 1 and c d are relatively prime to k. Note that there are exactly k d\Gamma1 processors satisfying the expression specific c 2 ZZ k . Originally, linear placements of this form were used in three dimensional tori by Blaum et al. [3, 4], where they were called shifted diagonal placements. We can also specify placements of size tk d\Gamma1 where t is a fixed integer less than k. For instance, the placement has tk d\Gamma1 processors. We shall call such placements multiple linear placements. Remark We would like to point out that linear (and multiple linear) placements themselves do not guarantee the linearity of the load on edges. Linear only refers to the fact that the coordinates of the processors in the placement satisfy a linear equation over ZZ k . We still need to construct routing algorithms which enable communication between pairs of processors in a way that yields load that is linear in jP j. In the remaining sections, we will specify different routing algorithms and analyze their maximum communication load on edges. As we have mentioned earlier, the routing algorithms will use minimal (shortest) paths between processors. To deliver a message from processor ~p to ~q , the value of ~p in each dimension is "corrected" towards the corresponding value in ~q by the amount and direction (\Sigma) dictated by the shortest cyclic distance between the values in that dimension. The exact way of correcting the dimensions to route the packets is specified by the routing algorithm. We consider two classes of routing algorithms and the analysis of the load in each case both for linear and multiple linear placements: Ordered Dimensional Routing (ODR) and Unordered Dimensional Routing (UDR). 7 The Ordered Dimensional Routing Algorithm (ODR) The algorithm is simple. Given a placement P on T d k to route a packet from to for to d do in the direction of shortest cyclic distance That is, the routing path will include the following nodes: Note that if k is odd, jC ODR there is only 1 path specified by the ODR algorithm for any given ~p and ~q 2 P . However, when k is even the ODR algorithm may result in multiple paths between some pairs of processors in the placement. To aid in the analysis, we will use the following (restricted) version which ensures the existence of only one canonical routing path between any given pair of processors regardless of the parity of k. for to d do begin if there is more than one way of correcting p i then Pick the path that corrects p i in the (+) direction (mod k); in the direction of shortest cyclic distance Thus if there are two choices for some coordinate pair, the algorithm routes through . The shortcoming of having only one path between a pair of processors is the lack of fault-tolerance in the network. Specifically, if an edge over which a pair of processors communicate fails then the pair will no longer be able to exchange messages. In section 8 we look at another routing algorithm which does not suffer from this limitation. 7.1 Load Analysis for Linear Placements with ODR Theorem 2 Given a linear placement Ordered Dimensional Routing Algorithm results in linear load on edges. Proof Since ODR algorithm ensures one path between each pair of processors, each denominator in the expression (3) for E(l) is 1. Thus, in order to compute E max , we need only to count the (maximum) number of pairs of processors that communicate through a specific edge. Without loss of generality, consider an edge l 2 E, where We will count pairs of processors which communicate using l. Let ~ p and ~q 2 P be two processors where ~p sends messages to ~q through l. Since ODR algorithm is used, we must have and with and ~q are both in P and P is linear, the coordinates and Therefore Note that if ~ p and ~q are to use the edge l then, in order to ensure that messages follow shortest paths, we must also have, by the property of cyclic distance. The number of processors satisfying equation (8) is less than or equal to k s\Gamma1 while those satisfying (9) is less than or equal to k d\Gammas . Thus, the total number of processor pairs cannot be more than k and the maximum load is linear in jP Note that we are actually overcounting since we have not taken the restrictions p s - i s , on the s-th dimension into account when we count the solutions of (8) and (9). These conditions affect the choices of p s and q s . A more accurate expression (though of the same order) can be obtained by paying closer attention to these parameters: To determine the number of different ways p s and q s may be chosen, consider the 1-dimensional k-subtorus (ring) on which the edge l lies. Assume first that k is even. Without loss of generality, also assume that the nodes in the ring are enumerated from 0 to 1. Then, the ODR algorithm will use l to deliver messages from node 0 to only node k=2 on this ring. Similarly, it will use edge l for messages from node 1 to node k=2 and from node 1 to node k=2 from node k=2 can be sent using l to any node indexed k=2 to k \Gamma 1. The total number of choices for p s and q s will therefore be Now assume that k is odd, and also that i 1)=2. In this case, messages from node 1 can be delivered to only node (k while messages from node 2 can be routed to nodes on. Thus there are a total of k\Gamma1( k\Gamma1+ 1)choices for p s and q s when k is odd. Therefore the number of solutions to equations (8) and (9) which satisfy the conditions d\Gamma2when k is even, and Therefore regardless of the parity of k, for a linear placement P with ODR, jP 7.2 Multiple Linear Placements with ODR Theorem 3 Multiple linear placements along with ODR algorithm on T d k results in linear load on edges. Proof The analysis is conceptually similar to that of the previous section. Consider a multiple linear placement E) with ODR where for some fixed constant Note that jP As before, consider an edge l 2 E of the form and a pair of processors ~ p , ~q 2 P , which communicate using l. Since ODR algorithm is used, we must have and with and ~q are both in P , each must satisfy an equation among and The number of solutions to equations (10) is no more than tk . Similarly, the number of solutions to equations (11) is no more than tk d\Gammas . Therefore, the total number of processor pairs communicating through l is bounded by t 2 k d\Gamma1 , which is linear in jP j for constant t. 2 8 Unordered Dimensional Routing (UDR) We mentioned in section 7 that ODR algorithm suffers from lack of fault-tolerance, since there is only one path between each pair of processors. In this section, we introduce Un-ordered Dimensional Routing (UDR), which eliminates this problem. The algorithm is as follows: To route a packet from ~ for to d do begin Select a number j from the set f1; dg that has not been used before; in the direction of shortest cyclic distance As was the case in ODR, a dimension is corrected completely before another is selected. Unlike ODR, however, the order in which the dimension to be corrected next is picked is arbitrary. This algorithm thus provides multiple paths for each pair of processors and improves the fault-tolerance of the system. If ~p and ~q are two processors differing in s dimensions, then there will be s! different paths from ~p to ~q in UDR, i.e. jC UDR we show that UDR algorithm results in linear load in edges. 8.1 Load Analysis for Linear Placements with UDR For a linear placement P which uses UDR algorithm, the load on an edge l is ~ p2P;~q2P Since there exist some pairs of processors for which jC UDR ~ p2P;~q2P The upper bound on the right hand side of this inequality specifies the number of messages sent between pairs of processors which could "potentially" route their messages through l. Such processors can also use other paths that do not include l, since UDR algorithm provides multiple routing paths. Theorem 4 Given a linear placement Unordered Dimensional Routing Algorithm results in linear load on edges. Proof Without loss of generality l 2 E is of the form l =! (i Suppose ~ p and ~q 2 P are two processors communicating through l. Our aim is to find an upper bound on the number of pairs of processors communicating through l. A moment of thought reveals that ~ p and ~q must have either arbitrary or q arbitrary, for j 6= s. This means the number of possible choices in dimension j is less than 2k. Hence, the total number of choices for all of the coordinates of ~p and ~q excluding s is less than 2 and ~q are both in P they satisfy and There are at most one solution pair for each one of 2 choices (as before, the co-ordinates in the s-th dimension are restricted by the conditions p s Therefore, the total number of processor pairs communicating through l is bounded by 2 f ~ p2P;~q2P which is linear in jP fixed d. 2 8.2 Multiple Linear Placements with UDR Theorem 5 Multiple linear placements along with UDR algorithm on T d k results in linear load on edges. Proof We have As before, consider a processor pair ~p , ~q 2 P which communicate using l where The number of choices for processor pairs using l is strictly less than 2 as in the case of linear placements with UDR. Since there are t equations for each of ~ p and ~q , there are t 2 solutions for every one of 2 choices of pairs. Therefore the number of pairs of processors communicating through l is less than t which is linear in jP j for any fixed constant t ! k. 2 9 Conclusion Following the work of Blaum, Bruck, Pifarr'e, and Sanz [3, 4], we have considered communication in partially-populated torus networks in terms of placements of processors and associated routing algorithms. We have provided lower bounds for the maximum load under the all-to-all communication scenario, and found bounds on the size of an optimal place- ment. We have shown that arbitrary placements can be bisected by removing a set of edges of the same order as the bisection width of the torus. We then provided optimal placements of size \Theta(k d\Gamma1 ) on the d-dimensional k-torus using what we call linear and multiple linear placements, and gave load analyses of each under two different routing algorithms. There are some interesting combinatorial properties of placements still to be resolved. Among these are the characterization of optimal placements in terms of restrictions to subtori and an extensive analysis of the properties of edge separators of tori relative to optimal placements. --R The Tera Computer System. Resource Placement in Torus-Based Networks On Optimal Placements of Processors in Tori Networks. On Optimal Placements of Processors in Fault-Tolerant Tori Networks Lee Distance and Topological Properties of k-ary n-cubes Direct Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Algorithms Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: Arrays The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes A Survey of Wormhole Routing Techniques in Direct Networks. Analysis of a 3D Toroidal Network for a Shared Memory architecture. Efficient Communication Using Total Exchange. Routing on Triangles A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation. --TR
routing;torus;interconnection network;edge separator;bisection;placement
A Minimal Universal Test Set for Self-Test of EXOR-Sum-of-Products Circuits.
AbstractA testable EXOR-Sum-of-Products (ESOP) circuit realization and a simple, universal test set which detects all single stuck-at faults in the internal lines and the primary inputs/outputs of the realization are given. Since ESOP is the most general form of AND-EXOR representations, our realization and test set are more versatile than those described by other researchers for the restricted GRM, FPRM, and PPRM forms of AND-EXOR circuits. Our circuit realization requires only two extra inputs for controllability and one extra output for observability. The cardinality of our test set for an $n$ input circuit is ($n+6$). For Built-in Self-Test (BIST) applications, we show that our test set can be generated internally as easily as a pseudorandom pattern and that it provides 100 percent single stuck-at fault coverage. In addition, our test set requires a much shorter test cycle than a comparable pseudoexhaustive or pseudorandom test set.
INTRODUCTION The large increase in the complexity of ASICs has led to a much greater need for circuit testability and Built-In-Self-Test (BIST) [1]. The testability properties of different forms of two-level networks have attracted many researchers [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The forms investigated include Positive Polarity Reed-Muller (PPRM) [2], Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller (FPRM) [6], Generalized Reed-Muller (GRM) [7], and EXOR-Sum-of- Products (ESOP) [3]. All of the canonical Reed-Muller forms (PPRM, FPRM, and GRM) have restrictions on the allowed polarities of variables or on the allowed product terms. ESOP, on the other hand, has no restrictions, and is formed by combining arbitrary product terms using EXORs [3, 7]. Therefore, ESOP is the most general form of 2-level AND-EXOR networks. The Reed-Muller expansion of an arbitrary function is: , where x is a literal term that can be a variable xn or its negation xn , and c n is a constant term that can be '0' or `1'. PPRM, also called the Reed-Muller form, is the most restricted form in that only positive polarities are allowed for input variables. FPRM allows only one polarity for each input variable. GRM has no restrictions on the allowed polarities of variables but does not allow the same U. Kalay, Marek A. Perkowski, Douglas V. Hall are with the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Portland State University, Port- land, E-mail: fugurkal,mperkows, For more information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number 107101. set of variables in more than one product term. For exam- since the variables appear with only positive polarities in the expression. is an FPRM because negative polarity exists and each variable appears with only one polar- either negative or positive. is a GRM because the variable x 2 appears with both positive and negative polarities. 3 is not a GRM but an ESOP because the same set of variables are used in more than one product term. We can write the following inclusion relationship for ESOP and the Reed-Muller forms; PPRM FPRM GRM ESOP . Due to the total freedom of input polarity and product term selection, the minimum number of product terms required to represent an arbitrary function in ESOP form can never be larger than the minimum number of product terms in any of the canonical Reed-Muller forms [3]. This fact can be seen from the arithmetic benchmark circuits given in Table 1, which was presented in [7]. Notice that PPRM yields the largest number of product terms since it is the most restricted form of AND- EXOR networks. In most cases, an ESOP realization gives a significantly smaller number of product terms even over the least restricted Reed-Muller form, GRM. This observation provides strong motivation for developing a testable ESOP implementation Another aspect of AND-EXOR representations presented in Table 1 is that AND-EXOR representations (especially ESOP) usually yield fewer product terms than a SOP representation. As we will illustrate later, this may be an area and delay advantage when realizing the function in 2-level form. Our main contributions described in this paper are a highly testable ESOP realization and a minimal universal test set that detects all possible single stuck-at faults in the entire circuit, including the faults in the primary input and output leads. Another contribution of our work is a special built-in pattern gen- Function PPRM FPRM GRM ESOP SOP log8 253 193 105 96 123 Table 1: The number of product terms required to realize some arithmetic functions for different forms. erator, which gives 100% fault coverage for single stuck-at faults and has a much shorter testing cycle than a PseudoExhaustive or Pseudo-Random Pattern Generator (PRPG). In addition, the hardware overhead for our special pattern generator is comparable to that of Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) based pattern generators, such as PRPG. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, some background on previous researchers' work is given. Section 3 describes our testable realization and the test set for it. In Section 4, we give a preliminary circuit, which can be used to generate our test set for BIST applications. In Section 5, we present our experimental results from area, delay, and test set size measurements performed on some benchmark circuits, along with the comparisons of our scheme with other schemes. Section 6 summarizes our results and gives some possible directions for future work. Reddy showed that a PPRM network can be tested for single stuck-at faults with a universal test set that is independent of the function being realized [2]. Figure 1a shows an EXOR cascade implementation of the PPRM expression In normal mode of operation, the control input, c, is set to the constant term in the functional expression (in this example: '0'). In testing mode, c is set according to the test set given in Figure 1b. The four tests in test set T 1 detect all single stuck at faults in the EXOR cascade by applying all input combinations to every gate, independent of the number of EXOR gates in the cascade. The test vector h1111i in T 1 and the walking-zero test vectors in test set T 2 detect a single stuck-at fault in the AND part of the circuit. Since the number of vectors in T 1 is always equal to 4 and the number of vectors in T 2 is always equal to the number of input variables, n, the cardinality of Reddy's universal test set is (n+4). Reddy's technique is good for self testing because as shown by Daehn and Mucha [8], the entire test sequence can be inexpensively generated by a modified LFSR using a NOR gate and a shift register. However, as shown in Table 1, the number of terms in a PPRM is usually higher than the number of FPRM or GRM terms, and much higher than the number of ESOP terms [5]. For FPRM networks, Sarabi and Perkowski showed that by just inverting the test bits for the variables that (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) A PPRM network implemented according to Reddy's scheme given in [2]. (b) Reddy's test set for the PPRM implementation. are negative polarity in the FPRM, Reddy's test set can be used for single fault detection in a FPRM network [6]. They also showed that a GRM network can be decomposed into multiple FPRMs. This way, each FPRM can be tested separately to test the combined GRM circuit for single fault detection. The size of the test set, the worst case, is the number of FPRMs times (n+4). This method, however, does not yield a universal test set. Other researchers have investigated multiple fault detection in AND-EXOR circuits. Sasao recently introduced a testable realization and a test set to detect multiple faults in GRM networks As shown in Figure 2a, Sasao uses an extra EXOR block, called the Literal Part, to obtain positive polarities for any negated variables and convert a GRM network into a PPRM network. When the control input c is set to '1', the shaded part of the circuit in Figure 2a realizes the GRM expression . The Check Part of the circuit in Figure 2a is added to test the literal part. Sasao implements the EXOR-Sum of the product terms with a tree structure instead of a cascade to obtain a less circuit delay. Nevertheless, his scheme does not lead to a universal test set. Furthermore, his scheme cannot be used for ESOP circuits because the conversion of an ESOP into PPRM by the literal part may produce an AND-EXOR expression that has multiple product terms with the same set of variables, which is not a PPRM form. For example, given the circuit in Figure 2b, the ESOP expression after the conversion from GRM into PPRM; one for x 1 x 2 x 3 and the other Pradhan also targeted detection of multiple stuck-at faults in circuits [3]. As shown in Figure 3, he does the negation of the literals by using an extra EXOR block called the Control Block. He uses cascaded AND gates in a Check Block to detect the faults in the control block. Figure 3 shows c f Literal Part Check Part c f (a) (b) Figure 2: (a) Sasao's GRM realization scheme, (b) Realizing an ESOP circuit with Sasao's scheme. Pradhan's testable ESOP implementation for the function implemented the EXOR- Sum of the product terms with a cascade structure. f Control Block Check Block c Figure 3: Pradhan's testable ESOP implementation. Pradhan introduced a test set to detect all of the multiple faults in his testable realization for ESOP expressions. How- ever, his test set is not universal and is too large to be practical for single fault detection. The cardinality of Pradhans test set is: e where j is the order of the ESOP expression. The order is simply the maximum number of literals contained in any of the product terms. Notice that the complexity of the test is exponential with respect to the number of literals in product terms. Furthermore, if a product term has all possible literals, the test set is even larger than exhaustive due to the additional test inputs required. For example, if there are four variables in an ESOP expression (n=4), and the order of the expression is 4 (j=4), the exponential term in the formula;X e which is exhaustive. The size of the entire test set then is, e In this section, we introduce an improved testing scheme to detect single stuck-at faults not only in the internal lines of the circuit, but also in the primary inputs and outputs of the most general AND-EXOR circuits, ESOP. 3.1 Easily Testable ESOP Implementation Figures 4 shows a new testable implementation for an ESOP expression. The circuit has up to two extra observable outputs, and two additional control inputs, c 1 and c 2 . The Literal Part, named after the similar part in Sasao's testable re- alization, is added to convert the ESOP circuit into a positive polarity AND-EXOR expression during testing. We do not refer to the expression after conversion as a PPRM because, as mentioned earlier, it may have some repeated product terms with the same set of variables. The positive polarity AND- EXOR expression cannot be tested by Sasao's multiple fault detection scheme [7], but can be tested by our single fault detection scheme. The AND Part and the Linear Part implement the desired ESOP expression as the c 1 control input is set to '1'. The f output is implemented with an EXOR cascade so that Reddy's universal tests for PPRM can be used for our real- ization. For the same reason, the Check Part, which is required to test the literal part, is implemented with an EXOR cascade. The gates marked with 'A' and `B' are added for the detection of faults in the primary inputs, and the control input c 1 . They are required based on the function being implemented. We will later describe the cases where gates 'A' and `B' are required and how each section of our realization is tested when we explain our test set in the next sections. f AND Part Literal Part Linear Part Check Part A Figure 4: Easily testable ESOP circuit. Hayes used mainly EXOR gates as additional circuitry to make a logic circuit easily testable [9]. Likewise, in our real- ization, we mainly use EXOR gates in the additional circuitry to take advantage of the superior testability properties of the EXOR gate. This allows us to obtain a minimal and universal test set. 3.2 The Fault Model A fault model represents failures that affect functional behavior of logic circuits [10]. In a stuck-at fault model of a TTL AND gate, for example, an output could become shorted to V cc This can be modeled as a stuck-at 1 (s-a-1) fault. In MOS tech- nology, most of the probable faults are opens and shorts, which can also be modeled with the appropriate s-a-0 or s-a-1 fault [11]. We follow the same approach taken by the previous researchers presented in Section 2, and assume a single stuck-at fault model, which allows only one stuck-at fault in the entire circuit. We also adopt their testing model for the detection of stuck-at faults in individual logic gates. An n-input AND gate test vectors to detect a single stuck-at fault in its inputs or output. The tests for a 3-input AND gate, for ex- ample, would be: f111, 011, 101, 110g. In this test set, h111i detects a s-a-0 fault on any of the inputs or the output, and the remaining tests, commonly referred to as walking-zero tests, detect a s-a-1 on any of the inputs and the output of the gate. Some researchers (i.e. Pradhan [3], and Saluja, et al. [12]) analyzed in detail the fault characteristics of the EXOR gate implementation shown in Figure 5. They considered the faults in the internal lines of the EXOR gate as well as the faults in the inputs and the output of the EXOR gate. Table 2 shows the possible functions that a 2-input circuit can implement. The circuit in Figure 5 realizes the function g 1 , EXOR. If only a single stuck-at fault can occur in this implementation, the gate produces one of the 10 functions in Class A (g 2 11 ), and it can never produce the functions in Class B (g 12 a mutually exclusive list of the faults in Class A as they are detected for each test applied to an EXOR gate. Figure 5: The EXOR implementation assumed by Pradhan and Reddy (et al. Inputs Class A Class B Table 2: Functions that a 2-input logic gate can implement. For our work we use the EXOR model in Figure 5, and the exhaustive test set in Table 3 to detect a single stuck-at fault in this model. By setting the c 1 and c 2 inputs in the proposed realization to the appropriate logic values, Reddy's four tests provide all input combinations for each EXOR gate in the EXOR cascades (the linear part and the check part) of our realization. Detected Table 3: The faults exclusively detected by all of the input vectors applied to an EXOR. 3.3 The Test 3.3.1 Fault detection in the internal lines of the realization The linear part of the proposed ESOP circuit can be tested by test set. During the testing of this part, the AND gate inputs are either all 0's or all 1's. This makes the AND part transparent to the linear part because all-0's or all-1's are transferred to the external inputs of the EXOR cascade in the linear part. The network response to the test vectors is observed from the function output f . The test set for the linear part, T a , is given below. During the testing of the linear part, the check part of the circuit receives the same test vectors given in T a , and is therefore tested at the same time. However, for the check part, output observed instead of output f for the response to the test vectors. The AND part of the circuit is tested for single stuck-at faults in the same way as in Reddy's scheme. The test vectors are applied to the primary inputs and transferred to the AND part by setting c 1 control input to '0'. The test set T 2 is applied to detect a s-a-1 in any input and the output of the AND gates. The complete test set for the AND gates, T b , is obtained as below by including the test vector h0-11 1i to detect a s-a- 0 in any of the inputs and the outputs of the AND gates. A '-' denotes a don't care logic value. The literal part is tested through the check part and the extra observation output, Again, in the case of a fault, any logic change in the output of the EXOR gates in the literal part is propagated to the observable output . The four tests given in T c apply all input combinations to each EXOR gate in the literal part. 3.3.2 Fault detection in the circuit input/output leads The primary inputs that are applied to the literal part are tested through the path formed by the literal part, check part, and the observable output . The required test set of this case, T d , is given below. The first vector detects a s-a-1 fault, and the second vector detects a s-a-0 fault. The primary inputs that are not applied to the literal part (when used only in positive polarity in the expression), but that are applied an odd number of times to the AND part are tested through the path formed by the AND part, the linear part, and the function output f . The required test set, T e , is given below. Any stuck-at fault in the primary inputs of this class causes an odd number of changes in the external inputs of the linear part, and is detected by observing the function output f . The primary inputs that are not applied to the literal part, and are applied an even number of times to the AND part cannot be tested with the above test set because an even number of value changes cannot be propagated to the output by the EXOR cascade in the linear part. Therefore, the additional AND gate 'A' with the observable output required for the primary inputs of this class. The same scheme is described by Reddy in [2]. However, the chance of having this extra AND gate is less likely in our scheme because of the alternative path from the primary inputs to the observable output when the primary inputs are applied to the literal part. The required test vectors for the primary inputs of this class and for the observable output are covered by the required test vectors to test the extra AND gate 'A', which are given in T f . Notice that the faults in the primary inputs and the faults in the AND gate inputs are equivalent; and similarly, the faults in the observable output and the faults in the AND gate output are equivalent. The faults in the control input c 1 are detected through the path formed by the literal part, check part, and the observable output Detection through the path to the function output f cannot be guaranteed because it is dependent on the function being implemented. If the number of the literal part outputs (the number of EXOR gates in the literal part) is an odd num- ber, the extra EXOR gate 'B' is not required and c 2 is by-passed to the output of this extra gate. Note that all of the literal part outputs will change at the same time in case of a fault in c 1 . Therefore, if the number of changes at the output of the literal part is an odd number, the EXOR cascade in the check part will propagate the fault to . The required test set, T g , is given below. The first vector detects a s-a-1, and the second vector detects a s-a-0 in c 1 . If the number of the literal part outputs is an even number, then the extra EXOR gate 'B' is required to make the number of changes fed into the check part an odd number. This configuration also allows the use of the same test set, T g , above for the detection of faults in c 1 . However, the extra EXOR gate needs to be tested, as well. The test set for this EXOR gate, T h , is exhaustive by its testing model, and given below. The faults in primary output f and the control input c 2 are covered by the test set T a of the linear part due to fault equiv- alence. Similarly, the faults in the observable output are covered by the test set T a of the check part. 3.3.3 The complete test set Theorem: An ESOP circuit with the realization in Figure 4 can be tested for single stuck-at faults in its internal lines and in its input/output leads requiring a test set of (n cardinality. Proof: A test set, T, that covers all of the test sets above, T a h , detects a single stuck-at fault in the entire circuit. The minimal test set then is: The cardinality of the minimal test set is obtained as follows. include T a in T . (4 tests), combine the last two vectors of T c and T h and include in T . (2 tests), include the first n vectors of T b in T . (n tests). The remaining tests are covered by T as follows: the last vector of T b , the first two vectors of T c , the test set T d , the test set T e , the last vector of T f , the first vector of T g , the first vector of T h are covered by the first two vectors of T a , which are included in T. the first n vectors of T f are covered by the first n vectors of T b , which are included in T. the second vector of T g is covered by the last vector of c , which is included in T. the second vector of T h is covered by the third vector of T a , which is included in T. The final test set T: The combining process over two test vectors is done by replacing the don't care values of the first test vector with the determined values of the second test vector. Although we did not prove that there is not a shorter universal test set than (n general ESOP, this result is very close to the lower bound of the length of a universal test set, (n networks [2, 13, 14]. Note that by modifying Reddy's test set based on the function being re- alized, Kodandapani introduced a test set with (n+3) tests [15], but his test set is not universal. 3.4 Example Figure 6 shows our testable realization for the ESOP expression . In this example, the extra observable output required for the detection of the faults in primary input x 1 since x 1 is not applied to the literal part and it is used an even number of times in the AND part. The primary input x 5 is not applied to the literal part, ei- ther, but it is used an odd number of times in the AND part. Note that the extra AND gate 'A' is not required since there is only one primary input to observe at . The extra EXOR gate 'B' is also not required because the number of EXOR gates in the literal part is an odd number. f Figure An example testable ESOP realization. The test set for the example implementation is: CLR CLR CLR CLR Rst Part II Part I Figure 7: An example EDPG circuit implementation. A traditional, signature analysis based Built-in Self Test (BIST) circuitry for a combinational network consists mainly of a pattern generator, and a signature register. For the complete testing system, a BIST controller, some multiplexers, a comparator, and a ROM are also embedded inside the chip. Using a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)-based PseudoExhaustive or Pseudo-Random Pattern Generator (PRPG) is a well-known method for generating test patterns for very large and complex combinational circuits. The PRPG approach is used because it is difficult to otherwise generate the large and irregular test sets required by such combinational circuits. As shown by Drechsler (et al.) in [16], the PRPG approach does not work better with AND-EXOR circuits than it does with equivalent SOP circuits. However, they show that AND-EXOR networks do have good deterministic testability performance. Considering this fact and the properties of our design, we can list the reasons why we propose a deterministic test generation for built-in self test of ESOP circuits as below; 1. Our ESOP realization is designed for testing and therefore requires a minimal test set. Traditional PRPG test length is much longer than our test set for the same fault coverage. Also, there is no need for partitioning the circuit to prevent the long cycles of a pseudo-exhaustive test generation. 2. Our test set is universal, which allows it to be generated by fixed hardware that can be used for any function. 3. Our test set has regular patterns and therefore easy to generate. As a result, the area overhead of our pattern generator in our scheme is comparable to that of PRPG based schemes. 4. Our test set gives 100% fault coverage for single fault detection and does not require fault simulation. Figure 8 shows the BIST circuitry for ESOP circuits. In this structure, the only difference from classical BIST circuitry is the ESOP Deterministic Pattern Generator (EDPG) that is introduced for our easily testable ESOP implementation. The results from the applied test vectors are collected from the function output f and from the extra observable outputs then compressed in the signature register, which can simply be an LFSR based Multiple Input Signature Register (MISR) [1]. After all the tests are applied, the signature register content is compared with the correct signature of the implemented ESOP to generate a go/no go signal at the end of the test cycle. Easily Testable 2-level ESOP Network Correct Signature Compare go / no go MISR Figure 8: The BIST circuitry for highly testable ESOP circuits. A real life circuit is more likely to have multiple outputs rather than a single output as shown in the earlier examples. In this case, the AND gates in the AND part (the product terms) are distributed over multiple linear parts (EXOR cascades) for multiple outputs, and therefore the faults must be observed from all circuit outputs. Also, for a multi-output circuit, all the function outputs should be applied to the MISR along with the extra observable outputs. Daehn and Mucha designed a simple BIST circuit to test PLAs [8]. They used LFSRs and NOR gates to generate regular test patterns such as a walking-one test sequence. Similarly, our EDPG can be built to generate the walking-zero sequence along with the extra c 1 and c 2 bits, as shown in Figure 7. Part I of EDPG generates the walking-zero portionof the test vectors. This portion of the BIST circuitry can be expanded linearly based on the number of inputs in the ESOP circuit. Part II of the EDPG is a Finite State Machine (FSM), and generates c 1 and c 2 bits of the test vectors. It also provides CLR and SET signals for the D-Flip-flops in Part I to generate all-0 or all-1 bits in the first six test vectors of the test set, T. Part II is independent of the function being realized, and therefore is fixed size. Figure 9 gives the state diagram and the circuit implementation for the FSM in Part II. The FSM generates the six vectors of the test set, then stops and enables Part I to generate the walking-zero tests. Figure 10 gives the simulation results for the EDPG implementation. CLR CLR CLR CLR Vcc Rst Reset Test Test Test Vector 3 Stop Test Vector 6 Test Vector 5 Test Vector 4 Figure 9: State diagram and the circuit implementation for Part II of EDPG. Rst 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 State CLR Figure 10: Simulation of the EDPG circuit. We performed area, delay, and test set size measurements on some benchmark circuits using our realization scheme and 2-level/multi-level synthesis schemes. We selected the circuits from LGSynth'93 and Espresso benchmark sets to provide a wide variety of function types. For example, we selected circuits with different numbers of primary inputs; implementations in 2-level or multi-level; and of different classes such as math, logic, etc. All the circuits were optimized for area and mapped to a technology library before performing the measurements. SIS [17] was used to optimize and synthesize the circuits in multi- level; and Exorcism [18] was used to optimize ESOP expres- sions. For a multi-level benchmark circuit, we used SIS to obtain the equivalent two-level SOP expression; and used Disjoint [19] to convert it to a two-level AND-EXOR expression before optimizing with Exorcism. A 0.5 micron, array-based library developed by LSI Logic Corp. [20] was used for synthesis. We limited the number of components in the library according to Table 4. All area measurements are expressed in cell units, excluding the interconnection wires. Area Delay(ns) Component Function (cells) Block Fanout Table 4: The technology library used in measurements. Table 5 gives the number of test vectors and the fault coverage obtained from different schemes for single faults. This table compares our test scheme with LFSR based pseudo-random test generation and with algorithmic test generation. Pseudo-random and algorithmic test vectors were generated for the multi-level implementation of the circuits, where our test set was generated (predetermined) for the easily testable ESOP im- plementation. SIS was used for algorithmic test generation. Up to 10,000 LFSR patterns were generated for each circuit using the program used in [21]. The goal was to cover a wide range of circuits to determine circuits that are random vector resistant and require more than 10,000 patterns. Almost half of the selected benchmark circuits required more than 10K pseudo-random patterns for 100% fault coverage, whereas our scheme required no more than 150 patterns for all the circuits. For ex- ample, the fault coverage for the circuit x9dn is 73.1% for 10K random patterns. In comparison, our scheme yields only 33 patterns for 100% fault coverage. In all circuits, our test set is smaller than either pseudo-random or algorithmic test sets. Also, note that algorithmic test sets are generally not universal and therefore cannot be utilized in a simple self-test circuit. The next measurement was performed to see the testability Multi-level Our ESOP Implementation Implementation Pseudo-random Test Set Algorithmic Test Number of (LFSR) (SIS) Our Test Primary Total Fault Fault Fault Circuit Inputs #Tests Undetected Faults Coverage #Tests Coverage #Tests Coverage 9symml 9 512 0 513 100 137 100 15 100 apex5 117 10K 979 4129 74.6 1245 100 121 100 apex6 135 10K 27 1680 98.3 400 100 141 100 ex4 128 10K 92 1042 91.1 474 100 134 100 mux Table 5: Comparisons of the number of test vectors for different circuits. improvement of the proposed ESOP implementation that requires some additional gates and input/output pins (labeled in Table 6 as: "ESOP with DFT (Design for Test)"), over the ordinary 2-level ESOP implementation that does not include any additional hardware (labeled in Table 6 as: "Ordinary ESOP"). The test vectors for the ordinary ESOP implementation were algorithmically generated with the program used in [22], and compared with the universal test set of our implementation scheme. In Table 6, our test set is significantly smaller than the algorithmically generated test sets for the majority of the benchmark circuits. Only one of the benchmark circuits, alu1, yielded fewer number of algorithmically generated test patterns than our universal test set. However, as mentioned earlier, our test set is universal, which eliminates the need for test generation programs; and it has regular patterns, which can be generated easily. As a result, it is very suitable for BIST. We did not generate pseudo-random vectors for our implementation scheme as an alternative to our EDPG for three rea- sons. First, the fact that AND-EXOR circuits are not more testable with pseudo-random patterns than AND-OR circuits was shown by Drechsler (et al.) in [16]; second, our ESOP implementation is constructed considering certain regular and minimal patterns, and therefore it requires those patterns for guaranteed 100% fault coverage; and third, as shown next, the area overhead for our EDPG is very close to that of LFSR based PRPGs. In Table 8, the area of different patterns generators is given in cell units based on the library components given in Table 4. The total BIST area is not calculated for comparisons because, as mentioned earlier, the only difference between a classical BIST circuitry and the ESOP BIST circuitry is the pattern generators used in them. We selected circuits with a wide range of number of primary inputs since the area of a pattern generator Number of Algorithmic / Our Scheme / Primary Ordinary ESOP with Circuit Inputs ESOP DFT 9symml 9 181 15 a04 9 173 15 sse 11 Table Number of deterministic test vectors for two ESOP implementations. is directly related to the number of primary inputs. An LFSR based pseudo-exhaustive or pseudo-random pattern generator mainly consists of D-Flip-flops and EXOR gates [23, 24]. The number of 2-input EXOR gates changes typically from one to the number of primary inputs (n), based on the characteristic polynomial used to generate the patterns. Therefore, the area of an LFSR-based PRPG is given as a range in the table. The area of a BILBO register is also included in the table since it is used for pseudo-random pattern generation [25]. As shown in Table 8, the area of EDPG is comparable to those of other pattern generators for all benchmark circuits. It is always better than BILBO's if n 8, and is in the range of PRPG's if n 48. For example, for the circuit rd73, the BILBO register is smaller than EDPG, but 128 pseudo-random Multi-level 2-level Using All Using AND2, Our Number of Number of Components OR2, INV SOP ESOP Primary Primary Area Area Circuit Inputs Outputs Area Delay Area Delay #Terms Area Delay #Terms (Function) (DFT) Delay apex6 135 99 694 2.39 1537 3.57 657 3548 2.22 408 4127 221 13.08 ex4 128 28 439 2.11 1029 3.51 559 3925 2.33 317 3829 299 14.47 Table 7: Area and delay comparisons for different implementation schemes. Num. of Area of Area Area Primary PRPG (LFSR) of of Circuit Inputs 1 EXOR n EXORs BILBO EDPG apex1 apex5 117 1056 1404 1935 1335 Table 8: Area measurements in cell units for different pattern generators. patterns are required for 100% fault coverage, where only 13 EDPG patterns are required for the same fault coverage. Another advantage of EDPG is that it does not need an initialization seed, unlike most of the LFSR based pattern generators that require one or more seeds. We did not include the area overhead of the additional hardware that provides the initialization for the PRPGs in Table 8. Table 7 presents the results of another set of measurements to show the area and delay performance of our ESOP implementation in Figure 4 as compared to the multi-level and 2- level SOP implementations. The area information is separated into two parts for the ESOP implementation. Those are, the area required for the implementation of the function being implemented (the literal part, the AND part, and the linear and the area required for the gates added for better testability (the gates 'A' and `B', and the check part), denoted in the table as "Design for Testing" (DFT). The measurements on multi-level implementations are performed for two different cases: one by using the entire set of library components presented in Table 4, and the other by using only AND2, OR2, and INV gates. These two different measurements were performed to see the variations in area and delay as the components in the targeted library were changed for synthesis. This provides a more objective comparison. A column is provided for 2-level SOP implementations to evaluate our design in the PLA environment. The delay information for a 2-level SOP circuit is calculated by assuming a tree-of-OR-gates structure (using 3-input and 2-input OR gates) to combine the product terms. Similarly, the AND gates with more than three inputs in both SOP and our ESOP implementations were implemented as a tree of smaller AND gates (3-input and 2-input). The tree structure assumption does not affect the testing of the AND gates in our ESOP scheme. Another comparison of 2-level SOPs and ESOPs is given by Saul (et al.) in [26] for PLA and XPLA implementations. Although it is not fair to compare a cascade implementation to a tree-like implementation, Table 7 shows that our 2-level ESOP implementation is comparable to multi-level implementations in most of the cases. For example, the ESOP implementations of apex5 and f51ml have better delay than multi-level implementations. Also, adr4, alu1, mux, x2, x4, and x2dn have fairly low delays when implemented with our ESOP scheme. In a few cases, our ESOP scheme yielded significantly larger delays than multi-level and 2-level SOP implementations, such as for the circuits alu4, x1, and x9dn. Similarly, the ESOP circuits implemented for alu2, alu4, and f51ml have areas between the area of their multi-level version implemented using all library gates and the area of their multi-level version implemented using only AND2, OR2, and INV gates. Also the areas of 9symml, alu1, and rd73 are very close to those of their multi-level versions. As 2-level implementation comparisons, for 50% of the benchmark circuits, our ESOP implementation scheme yielded smaller area than 2-level SOP implementation. Especially for circuits rd73,alu2,f51ml, and alu4 the areas of SOP implementations are 3.65, 3, 2.01, and 1.8 times larger, respectively, than those of ESOP implementations. The area overhead for DFT in our ESOP implementation is typically less than 0.1% (the least, the largest area overhead, 28%, was obtained for alu1 since the functionality of the circuit is relatively small in comparison to those of the other benchmark circuits. 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH In this paper, we have shown a highly testable ESOP realization and a minimal universal test set for the detection of single stuck-at faults in both internal lines and primary inputs/outputs of the circuit with 100% fault coverage. An EXOR cascade is used in the check part instead of AND gates or OR gates because the EXOR cascade yields much fewer test vectors and to- day's advanced technology makes it possible to have an EXOR gate almost as fast as an AND gate. The experimental results show that our test set is always smaller in exponential degree than pseudo-random test set, and smaller in multiples than an algorithmically generated test set for 100% single stuck-at fault coverage. A deterministic test pattern generator is presented to be used as a part of the built-in self-test circuitry. The experimental results show that the over-all overhead of our BIST circuit is comparable to that of the traditional PRPG based BIST circuit. More importantly, our pattern generator is superior to a PRPG because of its 100% single fault coverage and much shorter testing cycle. Also, it does not require an initialization seed and the circuitry for generating it. The results also show that our 2-level ESOP implementation is comparable to (or in some cases better than) the multi-level and 2-level SOP implementations in the area and delay measurements. Furthermore, our implementation gives a very small DFT area overhead. In addition to detecting all single stuck-at faults, our architecture and test set detect a significant fraction of multiple stuck-at faults. More tests can be added to improve the multiple fault coverage even though it is very unlikely that a minimal and universal test set can be found. For instance, more zero- weighted test vectors can be added to improve the multiple fault coverage for the AND part of the circuit as explained by Saluja and Reddy in [12]. Another method to improve the fault coverage is to detect multiple faults with the help of multiple outputs in a multi-output ESOP circuit. Our BIST methodology with an MISR is an ideal method for this purpose. Our test set can also be improved for bridging faults using a method similar to that presented by Bhattacharya (et al.) in [27]. We are currently investigating our test set and implementation scheme for detecting bridging faults and multiple faults. The results will be presented in our next paper. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Prof. W. Robert Daasch at Portland State University for helping with area calculations; Craig M. Files at Portland State University for a review of the Prof. Nur A. Touba at Univ. of Texas at Austin for providing the program used in [21]; and Prof. L. Jozwiak and A. Slusarczyk at Eindhoven University for providing the program used in [22] for our measurements. --R Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design. "Easily Testable Realizations for Logic Functions," "Universal Test Sets for Multiple Fault Detection in AND-EXOR Arrays," Logic Testing and Design for Testability. Logic Synthesis and Optimization. "Design for Testability Properties of AND-EXOR Networks," "Easily Testable Realizations for Generalized Reed-Muller Expressions," "A Hardware Approach to Self-Testing of Large Programmable Logic Arrays," "On modifying logic networks to improve their diagnosability," Testing and Diagnosis of VLSI and ULSI New York: John Wiley "Fault Detecting Test Sets for Reed-Muller Canonic Networks," "Fault Detection in Combinational Networks by Reed-Muller Transforms," "On Closedness and Test Complexity of Logic Circuits," "A Note on Easily Testable Realizations for Logic Functions," "Testability of 2-level AND/EXOR Circuits," "SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis," "Minimization of Exclusive Sum of Products Expressions for Multi-Output Multiple-Valued Input, Incompletely Specified Functions," "An Algorithm for the Generation of Disjoint Cubes for Completely and Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions," LSI Logic Corporation "BETSY: Synthesizing Circuits for a Specified BIST Environment," "Term Trees in Application to an Effective and Efficient ATPG for AND-EXOR and AND-OR Circuits," "Circuits for Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generation," "Built-In Logic Block Observation Technique," "Two-level Logic Circuits Using EXOR Sums of Products," "Testable Design of RMC Networks with Universal Tests for Detecting Stuck-At and Bridging Faults," --TR --CTR Hafizur Rahaman , Debesh K. Das , Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, Testable design of GRM network with EXOR-tree for detecting stuck-at and bridging faults, Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Asia South Pacific design automation: electronic design and solution fair, p.224-229, January 27-30, 2004, Yokohama, Japan Hafizur Rahaman , Debesh K. Das, Bridging fault detection in Double Fixed-Polarity Reed-Muller (DFPRM) PLA, Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Asia South Pacific design automation, January 18-21, 2005, Shanghai, China Katarzyna Radecka , Zeljko Zilic, Design Verification by Test Vectors and Arithmetic Transform Universal Test Set, IEEE Transactions on Computers, v.53 n.5, p.628-640, May 2004
Built-in Self-Test BIST;easily testable combinational networks;test pattern generation;Design for Testing DFT;AND-EXOR realizations;universal test set;reed-muller expressions;self-testable circuits;single stuck-at fault model
Fast Approximation Methods for Sales Force Deployment.
Sales force deployment involves the simultaneous resolution of four interrelated subproblems: sales force sizing, salesman location, sales territory alignment, and sales resource allocation. The first subproblem deals with selecting the appropriate number of salesman. The salesman location aspect of the problem involves determining the location of each salesman in one sales coverage unit. Sales territory alignment may be viewed as the problem of grouping sales coverage units into larger geographic clusters called sales territories. Sales resource allocation refers to the problem of allocating scarce salesman time to the aligned sales coverage units. All four subproblems have to be resolved in order to maximize profit of the selling organization. In this paper a novel nonlinear mixed-integer programming model is formulated which covers all four subproblems simultaneously. For the solution of the model we present approximation methods capable of solving large-scale, real-world instances. The methods, which provide lower bounds for the optimal objective function value, are benchmarked against upper bounds. On average the solution gap, i.e., the difference between upper and lower bounds, is about 3%. Furthermore, we show how the methods can be used to analyze various problem settings of practical relevance. Finally, an application in the beverage industry is presented.
Introduction In many selling organizations, sales force deployment is a key means by which sales management can improve profit. In general, sales force deployment is complicated and has attracted much analytical study. It involves the concurrent resolution of four interrelated subproblems: sizing the sales force, salesman 1 location, sales territory alignment, and sales resource al- location. Sizing the sales force advocates selecting the appropriate number of salesmen. The salesman location aspect of the problem involves determining the location of each salesman in one of the available sales coverage units (SCUs). Sales territory alignment may be viewed as the problem of grouping SCUs into larger geographic clusters called sales territories. Sales resource allocation refers to the problem of allocating salesman time to the assigned SCUs. Research has yielded some models and methods that can be helpful to sales managers. The choice of the SCUs depends upon the specific application. SCUs are usually defined in terms of a meaningful sales force planning unit for which the required data can be ob- tained. Counties, zip codes, and company trading areas are some examples of SCUs (cp. e.g. Zoltners and Sinha 1983 and Churchill et al. 1993). Note, it is more meaningful to work with aggregated sales response functions on the level of SCUs rather than with individual accounts because then substantially less response functions have to be estimated and the model size does not explode (cp. e.g. Skiera and Albers 1996). In literature, a large variety of different approaches are labeled with general terms like 'territory design', `resource allocation' or 'distribution of effort'. Frequently, from a modelling point of view the multiple-choice knapsack problem is the matter of concern. This knapsack model covers several important practical settings and - what has been a driving source for its repeated use - can be solved very efficiently (cp. e.g. Sinha and Zoltners 1979). As already mentioned 'resource allocation' addresses the question: How much of the available time should each salesman allocate to the SCUs which are assigned to him? Early work in this area has been published by e.g. Layton (1968), Hess and Samuels (1971), Parasuraman and Day (1977), and Ryans and Weinberg (1979), respectively. Waid et al. (1956) present a case study where the allocation of sales effort in the lamp division of General Electric is investigated. Fleischmann and Paraschis (1988) study the 1 Note, we avoid the term 'salesperson' in order to make the `his/her' distinction superfluous. case of a German manufacturer of consumer goods. For the solution of the case problem they employ a classical location-allocation approach. Sales resource allocation models consist of several basic components, i.e. sales resources, sales entities, and sales response functions, respectively. As discussed in, e.g., Zoltners and Sinha (1980) and Albers (1989), specific definitions for these components render numerous specific sales resource allocation models. Beswick and Cravens (1977) discuss a multistage decision model which treats the sales force decision area (allocating sales effort to customers, designing sales territories, managing sales force, etc.) as an aggregate decision process consisting of a series of interrelated stages. The sales force sizing subproblem has been addressed by e.g. Beswick and Cravens (1977) and Lodish (1980). The sales resource allocation subproblem has been analyzed, among others, by Lodish (1971), Montgomery et al. (1971), Beswick (1977) and Zolt- ners et al. (1979). Tapiero and Farley (1975) study temporal effects of alternative procedures for controlling sales force effort. LaForge and Cravens (1985) discuss empirical and judgement-based models for resource allocation. Allocation of selling effort via contingency analysis is investigated by LaForge et al. (1986). The impact of resource allocation rules on marketing investment-decisions is studied by Mantrala et al. (1992). Among the four interrelated subproblems, so far the alignment subproblem has attracted the most attention. For it, several approaches appeared in the literature. These approaches can be divided between those which depend upon heuristics and those which utilize a mathematical programming model. Heuristics have been proposed, among others, by Easingwood (1973), and Heschel (1977). Two types of mathematical programming approaches have been developed. Shanker et al. (1975) formulated a set-partitioning model. Alternatively, the models of Lodish (1975), Hess and Samuels (1971), Segal and Weinberger (1977), Zoltners (1976), and Zoltners and Sinha (1983) are SCU-assignment models. For an overview see Howick and Pidd (1990). Some of the papers published so far on the alignment subproblem aimed at aligning sales territories in a way almost balancing with respect to one or several attributes. The most popular balancing attributes are sales potential or workload of the salesmen. A detailed discussion of the shortcomings of the balancing approaches can be found in Skiera and Albers (1996) and Skiera (1996). Glaze and Weinberg (1979) address the three subproblems of locating the salesmen, aligning accounts and allocating calling time. More specific, they present the procedure TAPS which seeks to maximize sales for a given salesforce size while attempting to achieve equal workload between salespersons also and in addition minimizing total travel time. Recently, Skiera and Albers (1994), (1996) and Skiera (1996) formulated a conceptual model which addresses both the sales territory alignment and the sales resource allocation problems simultaneously. Conceptual means that the sales territory connectivity requirement is formulated verbally, but not in terms of a mathematical programming for- mulation. For the solution of their model they propose a simulated annealing heuristic. The objective of their model is to align SCUs and to allocate resources in such a way that sales are maximized. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: In x2 the problem setting under consideration is described as a nonlinear mixed-integer programming model. A fast method for solving large-scale problem instances approximately is presented in x3. The results of an in-depth experimental study are covered by x4. x5 discusses insights for marketing management. A summary and conclusions are given in x6. Programming Model The larger the size of the sales force the more customers can be visited which in turn has a positive impact on sales. On the other hand increasing the sales force size tends to increase the operational costs per period. In addition, the number of possible calls to customers, the operational costs and the salesmen's resource (time) which might be allocated to customers is affected by the location of the salesmen, too. To make things even more complicated, the alignment decision is very important for all these issues as well. Clearly, we have to take care of all the mutual interactions of the different factors affecting the quality of the overall sales force deployment. The aim of what follows is to provide a formal model which relates all the issues to each other. Let us assume that the overall sales territory has already been partitioned in a set of J SCUs. The SCUs have to be grouped into pairwise disjoint sales territories (clusters) in such a way that each SCU j 2 J is assigned to exactly one cluster and that the SCUs of each cluster are connected. In each cluster a salesman has to be located in one of the assigned SCUs, called sales territory center. Note, connected means that we can 'walk' from a location to each assigned SCU without crossing another sales territory. I ' J denotes the subset of SCUs which are potential sales territory centers. To simplify notation i 2 I denotes both the sales territory center i and the salesman located in SCU i. In practice, selling time consists of both the calling time and the travel time. For notational purposes let denote z i;j the calling time per period which is spent by salesman i to visit customers in SCU j. Further, assume b j 2 [0; 1] to denote the calling time elasticity of SCU scaling parameter. Then defines expected sales S i;j as a function of the time to visit customers. More precisely, equation (1) relates z i;j and S i;j for all sales territories i 2 I and SCUs j 2 J . Hence, via b j it is possible to take care of the fact that firm's competitive edge might be different in different SCUs. Note, expected sales are defined via concave rather than s-shaped functions, as is assumed to be the case with individual accounts (cp. Mantrala et al. 1992). Let denote t i;j the selling time of salesman i 2 I in SCU j 2 J . Note, t i;j includes the time to travel from SCU i to SCU j, the time to travel to customers in SCU j and the customer calling time, respectively. Then, p relates the calling time z i;j to the selling t i;j . Substituting z i;j in equation (1) by p i;j t i;j yields Note, equation (2) has first been proposed by Skiera and Albers (1994). In equation (2) the parameter is introduced. c i;j measures the sales contribution when SCU j is part of sales territory i where c i;j is a function of p i;j . This is best illustrated as follows: Suppose that for salesman i the travel times to customers in SCUs j and k are different. Then in general p i;j and p i;k will be different also. Clearly, this produces different parameters c i;j and c i;k - and puts emphasis on the location decision. Now we are ready to state the model formally. We summarize the model parameters J set of SCUs, indexed by j I set of SCUs (I ' J) for locating salesmen, indexed by i set of SCUs which are adjacent to SCU j fixed cost for locating a salesman in SCU i 2 I c i;j expected sales if SCU j 2 J is covered by the salesman located in i 2 I selling time available per period for salesman i 2 I introduce the decision variables x i;j =1, if SCU j 2 J is assigned to the salesman located in SCU i 2 I t i;j selling time allocated by the salesman located in SCU i 2 I to SCU and then formulate an integrated model for sales force sizing, salesman location, sales territory alignment, and sales resource allocation as follows: maximize i2I i2I subject to i2I Objective (4) maximizes sales while taking fixed cost of the salesman locations into account - and hence maximizes profit contribution or profit for short. The salesman i is allowed to allocate selling time to SCU j only when SCU j is assigned to him (cp. equation (5)). Equation (6) guarantees that the maximum workload per period (consisting of travel and call time) and salesman is regarded. Equation (7) assigns each SCU to exactly one of the salesmen. Equation (8) guarantees that all the SCUs assigned to one sales territory are connected with each other. Note that these equations work similar to constraints destroying short cycles in traveling salesman model formulations (an example can be found in Haase 1996). Clearly, it would be sufficient to take care of connected subsets of SCUs only. Equations (9) and (10) define the decision variables appropriately. So far we did not mention the following assumption which is covered by our model: means that SCU i is assigned to the salesman located in sales territory i. In other words, x does not only tell us where to locate salesman i, it also defines how to align SCU i. This assumption is justified with respect to practice. Moreover, we assume by definition of the binary alignment variables x i;j 2 f0; 1g that accounts are exclusively assigned to individual salesman. Note, this is an assumption in marketing science and marketing management because of several appealing reasons. The model (4) to (10) has linear constraints, but a nonlinear objective. Furthermore, we have continuous and binary decision variables. Therefore, there is no chance to solve this model with standard solvers. In Haase and Drexl (1996) it is shown how the objective function can be linearized in order to make the model accessible to mixed-integer programming solvers (cp. Bradley et al. 1977 also where it is shown how to approximate nonlinear functions by piece-wice linear ones). This makes it possible to compute upper bounds for medium-sized problem instances which in turn facilitates to evaluate the performance of the heuristics. Clearly, all the parameters of the sales response function (1) have to be estimated. This can be done as follows if a sales territory alignment already exists since several periods, i.e. if our concern is to rearrange an already existing sales territory alignment. Then information for each SCU about the sales, the time to travel to customers as well as the time to visit the customers is already available. Usually, these informations can be extracted from sales reports. In this situation b j and g j can be estimated as follows. Transform equation (1) to equation and then calculate estimates of b j and g j via linear regression. Finally, for the computation of c i;j we need estimates of p i;j . In this regard the time to travel from SCU i to SCU j and the time to visit the customers within SCU j are required. If salesman i has already covered SCU j in the past we just have to look at his sales reports. Otherwise, we assume that the time to travel within an SCU is independent from the salesman. Then the only information required for a salesman k 6= i is the time to travel from k to i. This is easily available e.g. from commercial databases or simply by assuming that the travel time is proportional to the travel distance. In the case where the sales territory has to be designed from scratch, more efforts are neccessary. Unfortunately, going into details is beyond the scope of this paper. The four interrelated subproblems are addressed in our model by the decision variables x i;j and t i;j . Let denote x i;j and t i;j an optimal solution for a given problem instance: ffl Apparently, the optimal size of the sales force jIj which corresponds to the optimal number of sales territories (clusters) is given by the cardinality of the set I = fi j x 1g. ffl For each of the sales territories in the set I the SCU i with x is the optimal location of the salesman, i.e. the optimal sales territory center. ffl For each sales territory i 2 I the optimal set J i of aligned sales territories or SCUs is given by J 1g. Finally, t is the optimal sales resource allocation for This interpretation of an optimal solution x i;j and t i;j illustrates that the model is 'scarce' in the sense that two types of decision variables cover all the four subproblems of interest. This suggests that in fact that the model is a suitable representation of the overall decision problem. Moreover, it comprises the first step towards a solution of the problem. The aim of the following section is to present heuristic methods which balance computational tractability with optimality. 3 Approximation Methods This section discusses a solution approach which has been developed specifically for the model. Two reasons led to this development. First, standard methods of mixed-integer programming seem to lend themselves to solving the linearized version of the model. However, even for modestly sized problems the formulation translates into very large mixed-integer programs which in turn result in prohibitive running times (for details see Haase and Drexl 1996). In fact it is conjectured that - except for smaller problem sizes - no exact algorithm will generally produce optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time. Second, apart from exact methods, so far no heuristic is available for solving the model. The simulated annealing procedure of Skiera and Albers (1994), (1996) and Skiera (1996) solves two of our subproblems, i.e. the sales territory alignment and the sales resource allocation. Unfortunately, it does not tackle the sales force sizing and the salesman location subprob- lems. In addition, although dealing only with two of the four subproblems in general the running times of the simulated annealing procedure do not allow to solve large-scale problem instances in a reasonable amount of time. Our heuristic may be characterized as a construction and improvement approach. It consists of the Procedure Construct and the Procedure Improve. ffl The Procedure Construct determines the sales force size and hence the number of salesman. In addition, it calls two other procedures: The Procedure Locate which computes the SCU in which each salesman has to be located and the Procedure Align which aligns the SCUs to the already existing sales territory centers. ffl The Procedure Improve systematically interchanges adjacent SCUs of two different clusters. This way it improves the feasible solution which is the outcome of the Procedure Construct. Note that the sales resource allocation subproblem can be solved as soon as all sales territories are aligned by equation (13) or equation (14). Now, first we describe the procedures designed to generate feasible solutions followed by the description of equations (13) and (14). Then the improvement procedure will be presented. 3.1 Compute Feasible Solution Recall J to denote the set of SCUs, I to be the set of SCUs which are potential locations, and N j to denote the set of SCUs which are adjacent to SCU j, respectively. In addition, let denote S the minimum number of sales territory centers which might be established (S - S the maximumnumber of sales territory centers which might be established (S - jIj) s the 'current' number of sales territory centers (S - s - S) I 1 the set of selected locations (jI I 0 the set of non-selected locations locations (i.e. SCUs) of the sales territory centers i 2 I 1 j(i) the SCU j where sales territory center i 2 I 1 is located in center i to which SCU j is assigned to J 0 the set of SCUs which are not yet aligned (initially J J i the set of SCUs which are aligned to sales territory center i 2 I 1 sum of sales contributions of location LB a lower bound on the optimal objective function value Based on these definitions the set A i of SCUs which might be aligned to sales territory center i may be formalized according to equation (12). Note that the number of sales territory centers equals the number of salesmen (i.e. the sales force size) which in turn equals the number of locations. Therefore, some of the newly introduced parameters are superfluous, but this redundancy will be helpful for the description of the procedures. In the sequel Z will denote the objective function value of a feasible solution at hand. Clearly, Z is a function of the decision variables x i;j and t i;j . The algorithms do not operate on the set of x i;j variables, only the t i;j variables will be used directly. In what follows it is more convenient to express the x i;j decisions partly also in terms of the number of salesman s, and in terms of L(I 1 respectively. Redundancy will simplify the formal description and ease understanding substantially. With respect to this redundancy Z(:::) will be used in different variants, but from the local context it will be evident what it stands for. We introduce a global variable lose[h; i]; h 2 I; i 2 I, which is used for locating the salesmen in the set of potential locations. The variable lose[h; i] is a means for selecting some elements of a probably large set I quickly. The meaning of lose[h; i] will be explained below in more detail. An overall description of the Procedure Construct is given in Table 1. Some comments shall be given as follows: The Procedure Construct just consists of an overall loop which updates the current number s of salesmen under consideration. Then it passes calls to Procedure Locate and to Procedure Align and afterwards evaluates the resource allocation by equation (13) or (14). Finally, the objective function values Z(s; x; t) and Z(s are compared with the best known lower bound LB which is updated whenever possible. Note, the number of salesman s for which search is performed is - without loss of generality - restricted to the interval S - S. Table 1. Procedure Construct Initialize call Procedure Locate call Procedure Align (L(I1)) evaluate resources allocation by equation (13) or (14) When a call to Procedure Locate is passed we start with jI I 1 which implies I 1 " I I and initialize L(I 1 ). Note that the Procedure Locate uses as calling parameter only the current number s of locations. A description of the Procedure Locate is given in Table 2. Table 2. Procedure Locate Initialize WHILE improve DO update I0 and L(I1) lose[ik In the Procedure Locate the for-loop tells us that as starting locations L(I 1 ) the 'first' j elements of the set I of potential locations are chosen. The procedure stops when within the for-loop no further improvement of the set of locations can be found. As an outcome we know the locations L(I 1 ) of the current number s of salesman. Capitalizing on the definitions given above a compact description of the Procedure Align is given in Table 3. Within the while-loop one of the not yet aligned SCUs is chosen and aligned to one of the already existing sales territory centers. The criterion for chosing SCU h and sales territory center i is motivated below. Table 3. Procedure Align (L(I1)) Initialize compute (h; i) such that c h;i =C update A i Apparently, as a final step of the overall Procedure Construct the sales resource allocation subproblem has to be solved. This is done by evaluating equations (13) or (14), where a = in the case of b In the general case where b h allocation is done by equation (14). are used for short, where fi i is the the 'average' elasticity which has to be calculated by bisection search. Note, it is beyond the scope of this paper to show how equation (14) can be derived and the reader is referred to Skiera and Albers (1994). 3.2 Improve Feasible Solution In general feasible solutions at hand can easily be improved by the following simple Procedure Improve. For a compact description of the procedure we define two boolean parameters: ae connected FALSE otherwise ae connected and j 6= j(i) FALSE otherwise The function add(V defines only those alignments to be feasible where we add SCU j to the sales territory V i such that the newly derived sales territory consists of connected SCUs only. Similarly, the function drop(V admits only alignments to be feasible where we drop running into disconnectedness. In other words: Both functions define those moves of an SCU j to/from a sales territory V i to be feasible where the outcome does not violate the connectivity requirement. As a consequence, only those SCUs are suspected move candidates which are located on the border of each of the sales territories. In this respect the functions add(V are complementary. As a consequence the Procedure Improve might be characterized as an interchange method, too. Note that 'add' and `drop' are used in discrete location theory also (cp. e.g. Mirchandani and Francis 1990 and Francis et al. 1992). Clearly, the resource allocation t i;j has to be updated with respect to each move by evaluating equation (13) or (14). A formal description of the Procedure Improve is given in Table 4. For the sake of com- pactness, the calling parameter denotes the vector of sales territory alignments currently under investigation and Z(V ) the corresponding objective function value, respectively. us that the objective function value has to be computed with respect to the current alignment under investigation where SCU j is subtracted from sales territory V i(j) while sales territory V i is augmented by SCU j. Clearly, the computation of the objective function requires an update of the resource allocation t i;j via equation or (14) also. Table 4. Procedure Improve (V ) Initialize improve = TRUE, WHILE improve DO Finally, we shall explain in more detail how the different procedures work and further motivate why they are constructed the way they are: ffl First, without any formal treatment we start off with the observation that - for 'reason- able' parameters c i;j and f i - the objective function is concave with respect to the sales force size, i.e. the number of salesman. Therefore, 'gradient search' within the interval is implemeted in the Procedure Construct. ffl Second, the global variable lose[h; i] is used in the Procedure Locate like in tournament selection. The tournament is finished when the 'best' player h (i.e. the one which so far has lost the least number of games) does not win against any other player k 2 I 1 . As already mentioned above this is an effective means for selecting some elements of a probably large set quickly. ffl Third, the Procedure Align is greedy in the sense that the steepest ascent of the objective function is used as criterion for the choice of the next SCU to be aligned. More precisely, the choice depends on the ratios c h;i =C i , i.e. the rational is to take care of the relative weights of the expected sales contributions. ffl Fourth, the Procedure Improve belongs to the variety of local search methods (for a survey of advanced local search methods cp. e.g. Pesch 1994). In order to keep our explanations as simple as possible we distract our attention from the resource allocation t i;j . Starting with an incumbent sales territory alignment we search all its neighboors - x 2 H(x), where H(x) equals the set of feasible solutions which are properly defined by the functions add(V called neighborhood of x. Searching over all neighboors - in a steepest ascent manner may be characterized as a 'best fit strategy'. By constrast, a `first fit strategy' might by less time consuming while presumably producing inferior results. ffl Fifth, the Procedures Construct and Improve comprise deterministic methods. In the next section we will show that these simple deterministic methods produce already very promising results. Therefore, there is no necessity to make the methods more sophisticated (and more complicated) by incorporating either self-adaptive randomization concepts (cp. e.g. Kolisch and Drexl 1996) or procedure parameter control techniques adopted from sequential analysis (cp. e.g. Drexl and Haase 1996). Furthermore, if desired it is straightforward to incorporate simulated annealing randomization schemes (for a comprehensive introduction into the theory and techniques of simulated annealing cp. e.g. Johnson et al. 1989, 1991). Finally, when solving difficult combinatorial optimization problems one is likely going to be trapped in local optima when searching greedily in a steepest ascent manner only. Therefore, numerous researchers have devised (less greedy) steepest ascent/mildest descent procedures which provide the ability to escape from local optima while avoiding cycling through setting some moves 'tabu' (for a comprehensive introduction into the theory and techniques of tabu search see e.g. Glover 1989, 1990). While, clearly, there might be some potential for improvement there seems to be no necessity in this respect to incorporate tabu search techniques. 4 Experimental Evaluation The outline of this section is as follows: First, we elaborate on the instances which are used in our computational study. Second, we describe how to compute benchmark solutions in order to judge the performance of the methods presented in the preceeding section. Third, numerical results will be presented. Even in current literature, the systematic generation of test instances does not receive much attention. Generally, two possible approaches can be found adopted in literature when having to come up with test instances. First, practical cases. Their strength is their high practical relevance while the obvious drawback is the absence of any systematic structure allowing to infer any general properties. Thus, even if an algorithm performs good on some practice cases, it is not guaranteed that it will continue to do so on other instances as well. Second, artificial instances. Since they are generated randomly according to predefined specifications, their plus lies in the fact that fitting them to certain requirements such as given probability distributions poses no problems. detailed such procedure for generating project scheduling instances has been recently proposed by Kolisch et al. 1995). However, they may reflect situations with little or no resemblance to any problem setting of practical interest. Hence, an algorithm performing well on several such artificial instances may or may not perform satisfactorily in practice. Therefore, we decided to devise a combination of both approaches, thereby attempting to keep the strenghts of both approaches while avoiding their drawbacks. 4.1 Practical Case First, we used the data of a case study which have been compiled by Skiera (1996) in order to evaluate his simulated annealing procedure. This instances are roughly characterized as follows: The company is located in the northern part of Germany. The sales region covers the whole area of Germany. The sales territory is partitioned into 95 SCUs (two-digit postal areas). The number of salesman employed is ten where the location of each salesman, i.e. the sales territory center is assumed to be fixed. Then the sales force sizing and the salesman location subproblems are (presumed to be) of no relevance. For the remaining two subproblems the solutions currently used by the company and the solution computed by Skiera are available as a point of reference for our procedure. While, clearly, all the data available are of great practical interest we refrain, however, from the tedious task of citing all the respective details. 2 4.2 Generation of Instances Second, we generated instances at random. We assumed that only two instance-related factors do have a major impact on the performance of the algorithms, viz. the cardinality of the set I of potential sales territory centers and the cardinality of the set J of SCUs, respectively. Both factors relate to the 'size' of a problem, hence (I; J) denotes the size of an instance. When generating instances at random a critical part is the specification of a connected sales territory. In order to do so we employ the Procedure Generate which is able to generate a wide range of potential sales territories while preserving connectivity. The basic idea is to define a set squares located on a grid. For every unit square (ff; fi) 2 K the set of adjacent unit squares N (ff;fi) or neighbours is defined as follows: The Procedure Generate is formally described in Table 5. As calling parameters the set of sales territory centers I and the set of SCUs J are used. Note that - starting with the 'central' - the set M is incremented until it equals the set of SCUs J which have to be generated while preserving connectivity of the sales territory. Similar to the Procedure Align A denotes the set of those unit squares of the grid which are candidates to be aligned to the already generated sales territory. In a last step the set of sales territories I is chosen at random. Table 5. Procedure Generate (I; J) Initialize chose (ff; fi) 2 A at random chose I ' J sales territories at random It is easy to verify that the Procedure Generate is capable to produce a large range of quite different shaped sales territories. Nevertheless, the question is whether this construction process which basically relies on unit squares and hence on SCUs of equal size does produce instances which are meaningful for the methods to be evaluated? The answer is 'yes' because the grouping, i.e. building of larger units is just what the Procedure Align does. Summarizing the instances treated in the computational study are characterized as follows ffl The set of SCUs J is given by f50, 100, 250, 500g. ffl The set of potential sales territory centers I is given by f10, 25, 50g. ffl The scaling parameter g j is chosen at random out of the interval [10, 210]. ffl The expected sales c i;j equal where the distances d i;j are computed as follows: ae 2 All the instances used in this study are available on our ftp-site under the path /pub/operations- research/salesforce via anonymous ftp. b was set to 0.3 with respect to empirical findings of Albers and Krafft (1992). As a consequence because of travel times being proportional to travel distances d i;j expected sales c i;j decrease the longer the distance between i and j is and vice versa. ffl The fixed cost f i of sales territory centers are drawn at random out of the interval [750, 1,250]. ffl The maximum workload T i per period and salesman is set to 1,300 for all i 2 I. This is an estimate of the annual average time salesman in Germany have to work (cp. Skiera and Albers 1994). ffl The lower bound S for the number of sales territory centers is set to 0 while the upper bound S equals jIj. Note, to calculate the scaling parameter g j at random as described above might not be the best choice whenever the data are spatially autocorrelated. While, certainly, it is not that difficult to generalize the generator such that autocorrelation is covered also we do not follow these lines here because of the following reason: The practical case described in Subsection 4.1 has spatially autocorrelated data. Solving the practical case with our procedures is by no means more difficult than solving the artificial instances (details are provided below). Hence, we refrain from introducing some more parameters in order to get a more 'realistic' instance generator. Clearly, only 'reasonable' combinations of J and I are taken into account (details are provided below). In addition, due to the computational effort required to attempt all the sizes only ten instances were considered in the experiment for each instance class (J; I). 4.3 Computation of Benchmarks Unfortunately, it is not possible to solve the nonlinear mixed-integer programming (NLP-) model (4) to (10) by the use of a 'standard' solver. Hence, even for small-sized problem instances there is no 'direct' way to get benchmarks. Consequently, in a companion paper (cp. Haase and Drexl 1996) the model (4) to (10) has been reformulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MIP-) model. In order to do so one has to replace the nonlinear objective by a piecewise-linear one such that an optimal solution of the MIP-model provides a lower bound for the NLP-model. Clearly, solving the LP-relaxation of the MIP-model yields an upper bound of the optimal objective of the NLP-model and, hence, benchmarks. The LP-relaxation of the MIP-model can be solved directly by the use of one of the commercially available LP-solvers. This way it is possible to compute upper bounds for problems having up to territories in a reasonable amount of time. A more efficient approach uses the MIP-model within a set partitioning/column generation framework. Going into details is beyond the scope of this paper and the interested reader is referred to Haase and Drexl (1996). 4.4 Computational Results The algorithms have been coded in C and implemented on a 133 Mhz Pentium machine under the operating system Linux. The parameter K of the Procedure Generate is defined to be used. Note, FAC ? 1 serves to generate sales territories where not all units form part of the overall sales region, i.e. lakes and other 'non-selling' regions can be included also. Table 6 provides a comparison of lower and upper bounds. Columns 1 and 2 characterize the instance class, i.e. problem size under consideration in each row in terms of jJ j and jIj, respectively. Columns 3 and 4 report the results which have been obtained using the LP-solver of CPLEX (cp. CPLEX 1995). More specific, column 3 provides the average upper bound UB which has been obtained by solving the LP-relaxation of the linearized version. Column 4 shows the average CPU-time in sec required to compute UB. Recall that averages over ten instances for each row, i.e. instance class (J; I), are provided. Columns 5 to 7 with the header Table 6. Comparison of Lower and Upper Bounds CPLEX CONIMP 50 13,271.83 49.20 12,736.17 2.60 4.04 50 29,583.04 172.60 28,464.76 13.50 3.73 500 50 133,702.41 3,424.34 130,962.26 626.70 2.05 CONIMP present the results of the Procedures Construct and Improve. More specific, LB cites the average best feasible solution, i.e. lower bound computed. CPU denotes the average CPU-time in sec required by the algorithms to compute LB. - 1 denotes that the average is only an ffl above zero sec. Finally, UP measures the average percentage deviation between upper and lower bound, i.e. the solution gap. Note, GAP covers both the tightness of the LP-relaxation and the deviations of the lower bounds obtained from the optimal objective function values. On the average, the solution gap roughly equals 3%. Hence, the feasible solution computed indead must be very close to the optimal one. Table 7. Comparison of the Procedures Construct and Improve CON IMP 50 28,416.35 13.40 28,464.76 0.10 0.17 500 50 129,746.85 544.70 130,962.26 82.00 0.94 Now the question shall be answered which of the Procedures Construct or Improve contributes to which extent to the fact that the lower bounds are very close to the optimum. Table 7 gives an answer. The header CON groups the information provided with respect to the Procedure Construct while the header IMP does so for the Procedure Improve. In the former case LB denotes the lower bound obtained while in the latter one it shows the additional improvement. In both cases CPU denotes the required CPU-time in sec. AP I provides the average percentage improvement. It has already been mentioned that our model is more general than the one of Skiera and Albers (1996) because it covers the sales force sizing and the salesman location subproblems also. Consequently, our methods cover the more general case, too. Surprisingly, although being more general, our methods are more efficient than the simulated annealing method of Skiera and Albers. While our algorithms solve the practical case close to optimality in a CPU-time - 1 sec, the simulated annealing method requires up to ten minutes on a 80486 DX-33 machine to do so. Moreover, the solution computed by our algorithms is slightly better than the one found by the simulated annealing method. Note, suboptimality means that profit increase is about 5% compared with the alignment used by the company so far. Clearly, the run-times of the simulated annealing algorithm will become prohibitive when applied to large-scale problem instances. Regarding the results reported in Tables 6 and 7 some important facts should be emphasized Roughly speaking, the solution gap decreases from 4% to 2% while the size of the instance increases, because of two reasons. First, relaxing the connectivity requirements makes the LP-bounds for small problem instances weak compared to large ones. Second, the quality of the piece-wise linear approximation increases with increasing problem size and hence makes the LP-bounds more tight. ffl The larger the cardinality of the set I the more time has to be spent in evaluating the size and the location of the sales force. Clearly, this takes the more CPU-time the larger I is in relation to J . From another point of view, if there is no degree of freedom with respect to the size of the sales force and the location of the salesmen, i.e. then the alignment and the allocation subproblems are solved very effective and very efficient by our algorithms also. This decidedly underlines the superiority of our approach compared to the one of Skiera and Albers (1996). ffl In general, the quality of the solutions computed by the procedure Construct is already that good that only minor improvements can be obtained subsequently. In other words, exploiting the degree of freedom on the level of the sizing and the locating decisions appropriately already gives an overall sales force deployment which is hardly to improve by realigning some of the SCUs. The scope of the experiment conducted so far was to show how good our algorithms work. Seriously this can only be done with respect to the optimal objective function or at least an upper bound. Therefore, the experiment was limited to include only instances of the size for which the LP-relaxation of the MIP-model can be solved in reasonable time. Clearly, there is no obstacle for using the algorithms on larger instances which might become relevant e.g. in a global marketing context. The CPU-times required by our procedure show that for really huge instances comprising thousands of SCUs it is possible to compute near-optimal solutions within some hours of computation. Summarizing there is no obstacle for using the algorithms even on very large instances. 5 Insights for Marketing Management In what follows we will discuss managerial implications of our findings. More precisely, we will state some insights and subsequently assess their validity on basis of experiments. Insight 1: The results are robust with respect to wrong estimates of parameters. In order to evaluate insight 1 we took one of the instances with jJ potential locations. Now assume that b 0:3 and the c i;j which are generated along the lines described in Subsection 4.2 8j 2 J and i 2 I are the (unknown, but) 'true' values of the parameters of the sales response function. The parameters - b and - c i;j which are used in the experiment are then generated via data perturbation as follows: Calculate - and choose - c i;j 2 [c i;j at random where \Deltac and \Deltab are perturbation control parameters. Table 8 presents the results of this study. Across rows and columns we provide the percentage decrease OPT \Delta 100 of profit where OPT denotes the 'optimal' objective value which has been calculated based upon the 'true' parameter values while ACT is the one which has been computed with respect to the perturbed parameters. The results show that even in the case when the parameters are estimated very 'bad' (i.e. all of them are under- or overestimated drastically) the percentage decrease of profit does hardly exceed 3%. Table 8. Robustness of the Model \Deltab -0.10 -0.05 0.00 Insight 2: Profit is not that sensitive with respect to sales force size. In order to evaluate insight 2 once more we took the instance with jJ potential locations. Then, the size of the sales force was set to the levels 29, 30, by fixing accordingly. Table 9 provides the results of this experiment. OFV denotes the objective function value (normalized to the interval [0; 1]) which has been computed by our methods with respect to the size s. The results which are typical for various other experiments not documented here support insight 2 which means that the objective function is fairly flat near the optimum number of salesmen. Hence, the 'flat maximum principle' (cp. Chintagunta 1993) is valid also in this context. Table 9. Profit as Function of Sales Force Size s OFV 29 0.99577 Insight 3: Profit is sensitive with respect to the location of the salesmen. Once more we relate to the instance already used twice. Table 10 provides part of the protocol of a run. More precisely, the outcome of some typical iterations of the Procedure Locate where potential locations are evaluated systematically is given in terms of normalized objective function values OFV (s). Similar to Table 9 the size of the sales force is fixed in each row. Clearly, the process converges to the best found objective function value (hence, OFV 1 in column seven), but the values go up and down depending on the specific old and new locations under investigation. Hence, the 'flat maximum principle' is not valid with respect to the location of the salesmen. Table 10. Profit as Function of Location of Salesmen s OFV Iterations 29 0.934 0.960 0.947 0.973 0.986 1.000 The insights evaluated in Tables 8, 9 and 10 can be summarized as follows: ffl For reasonable problem parameters the size of the sales force does not affect firm's profit that much. ffl The location of the salesmen in general will affect firm's profit drastically. Consequently, existing alternatives must be evaluated. ffl Fortunately, the model is very robust with respect to the estimation of the parameters of the sales response function. Even in the case when there is a systematic estimation bias (over- or underestimation of all the parameters) the decision is not that bad in terms of firm's profit. Usually, there is no systematic bias, hence, the sales force deployment evaluated by the algorithms will be superb. 6 Summary and Conclusions In this paper it is shown how four interrelated sales force deployment subproblems can be modelled and solved simultaneously. These subproblems are: sizing the sales force, salesman location, sales territory alignment, and sales resource allocation. More specific an integrated nonlinear mixed-integer programming model is formulated. For the solution of the model we present a newly developed effective and efficient approximation method. The methods are evaluated on two sets of instances. The first one stems from a case study while the second one is based on the systematic generation of a representative set of problem instances covering all problem parameters at hand. The results show that the method allows to solve large-scale instances close to optimality very fast. The methods which provide lower bounds for the optimal objective function value are benchmarked against upper bounds. On the average the solution gap, i.e. difference between upper and lower bound, is roughly 3%. Furthermore, it is shown, how the methods can be used to analyze various problem settings which are of highly practical relevance. Hence, the methods presented in this paper are effective and efficient and will be very helpful for marketing management. --R Entscheidungshilfen f? "Steuerungssysteme f?r den Verkaufsau-endienst" "Allocating selling effort via dynamic programming" "A multistage decision model for salesforce manage- ment" Applied Mathematical Programming. "Investigating the sensitivity of equilibrium profits to adverstising dynamics and competitive effects" Sales Force Management. CPLEX Inc. "Sequential-analysis based randomized-regret-methods for lot-sizing and scheduling" "A heuristic approach to selecting sales regions and territories" "Solving a large scale districting problem: a case report" Facility Layout and Location - An Analytical Approach "A sales territory alignment program and account planning system (TAPS)" search - Part I" search - Part II" "Deckungsbeitragsorientierte Verkaufsgebietseinteilung und Standortplanung f?r Au-endienstmitarbeiter" "Sales force deployment by mathematical programming" "Effective sales territory development" "Experiences with a sales districting model: criteria and implementation" "Sales force deployment models" "Optimization by simulated annealing: an experimental evaluation - Part I: graph partitioning" "Optimization by simulated annealing: an experimental evaluation - Part II: graph colouring and number partitioning" "Adaptive search for solving hard project scheduling problems" "Characterization and generation of a general class of resource-constrained project scheduling problems" "Empirical and judgement-based sales-force decision models: a comparative analysis" "Using contingency analysis to select selling effort allocation methods" "Sales territory alignment to maximize profit" "A user-oriented model for sales force size, product, and market allocation decisions" "Impact of resource allocation rules on marketing investement-level decisions and profitability" Learning in Automated Manufacturing - A Local Search Approach "Territory sales response" "Turfing" "Sales territory design: an integrated approach" "The multiple-choice knapsack problem" "Verkaufsgebietseinteilung zur Maximierung des Deckungsbeitrages" "COSTA: Ein Entscheidungs-Unterst-utzungs-System zur deckungsbeitragsmaximalen Einteilung von Verkaufsgebieten" "COSTA: Contribution optimizing sales territory alignment" "Integer programming models for sales territory alignment to maximize profit" "Integer programming models for sales resource allocation" "Sales territory alignment: a review and model" --TR
marketing models;salesman location;Application/Distribution of Beverages;Sales Force Sizing;Sales Territory Alignment;Sales Resource Allocation
Transparent replication for fault tolerance in distributed Ada 95.
In this paper we present the foundations of RAPIDS ("Replicated Ada Partitions In Distributed Systems"), an implementation of the PCS supporting the transparent replication of partitions in distributed Ada 95 using semi-active replication. The inherently non-deterministic executions of multi-tasked partitions are modeled as piecewise deterministic histories. I discuss the validity and correctness of this model of computation and show how it can be used for efficient semi-active replication. The RAPIDS prototype ensures that replicas of a partition all go through the same history and are hence consistent.
Introduction Virtual nodes (i.e., partitions in Ada 95) in a distributed application can be rendered fault-tolerant by replication. A failure of a replica of a replicated partition can be masked thanks to the remaining replicas, which ensure that the partition remains available in spite of the failure. Despite Ada's strong position in the development of dependable systems, the Ada 95 language standard addresses the issue of replication in distributed systems only in an "implementation permission" clause: "An implementation may allow separate copies of a partition to be configured on different processing nodes, and to provide appropriate interactions between the copies to present a consistent state of the partition to other active partitions." With this statement, the standard argues in favor of a transparent solution to replication: as a distributed application is configured only after it has been programmed and com- piled, it follows that the intent is that replication should be offered in a way transparent to the replicas of the replicated partition itself (replica transparency). Note that although distribution is not quite transparent in Ada 95, this does not imply that replication shouldn't be either! The quoted paragraph also clearly addresses the issue of replication transparency by stating that a replicated partition should present a "consistent state" to other active partitions, which I take to mean that its behavior should be indistinguishable from that of a singleton parti- tion. Replication is therefore also seen as transparent towards the other active partitions in the system. In this paper, I present some results from my work on replication for fault tolerance in distributed Ada 95 [Wol98]. Replication in Ada 95 is complicated by the inherent non-determinism of partitions; a simple state machine approach [Sch90] is not applicable. I assume the following system model: . A distributed Ada 95 application executes on an asynchronous distributed system (no timing assumptions, no synchronized clocks). . The distributed system may be heterogeneous. . Partitions do not share memory, i.e., there are no passive partitions in the system. . Active partitions communicate by remote procedure calls through reliable channels over the network. . Partitions are subject to crash failures only. . Partitions are multi-tasked: incoming RPCs are handled concurrently in separate tasks. . A view-synchronous group communication system provides consistent membership information and various reliable multicast primitives. . Replicas are organized as a group. The goal of replication is to render a partition fault-tolerant against crash failures in a way that ideally preserves both replica and replication transparency for the application. The rest of this paper is structured as follows. I briefly review the various causes for non-determinism in Ada 95 in section 2. Section 3 presents the piecewise computation model, which abstracts from the vagaries of non-deterministic executions. In section 4, I give brief consideration to active and passive replication schemes, before describing in some detail semi-active replication in section 5. Section 6 gives a brief overview of Rapids, an implementation of a replication manager for the GNAT system using semi-active replication. 2 Non-Determinism in Ada 95 When a deterministic partition is to be replicated, active replication using the state machine approach of [Sch90] can be used. Replica consistency can be ensured by fulfilling the following two conditions: . Atomicity: if one replica handles a request r, then all replicas do. . Order: all replicas handle all requests in the same order. This is insufficient if replicas are non-deterministic. In a multi-tasked partition for instance, task scheduling may well violate the order imposed on requests, leading to different state evolutions of replicas. Instead, the sequence of state accesses must by ordered identically on all replicas. There are several causes of non-determinism in Ada 95. Besides the behavior of the tasking system, e.g. in its choices made for selective accept statements, explicit timing dependencies such as delay statements are the most obvious sources of non-determinism. Implicit timing dependencies also may cause non-deterministic behavior, e.g. the use of a pre-emptive time-sliced task scheduler or simply different message delivery times (even if their order is preserved) originating in network delays. Because there is no coordinated time in a distributed Ada 95 application, these dependencies on time make the use of a deterministic task scheduler - i.e., one that always makes the same decisions at corresponding task dispatching points given the same set of tasks - impractical for guaranteeing replica determinism. Even if explicit time dependencies such as delays were forbidden, e.g. through pragma Restrictions, the implicit timing differences may cause replicas to diverge. To overcome these difficulties, a more refined model of concurrent executions in Ada 95 is needed. The piecewise deterministic computation model [SY85, Eln93] views an execution as a sequence of deterministic state intervals that are separated by non-deterministically occurring events. This model can be applied to Ada 95 as well. The signaling model of the language [ISO95, 9.10(3-10)] guarantees that all accesses to objects shared between any two tasks actually happen in some sequential order. As a result, shared objects must be protected using appropriate application-level synchronization through protected objects or rendezvous 1 . A partition is considered erroneous if it contains two tasks that access the same unprotected object without signaling in between. An execution in the piecewise deterministic computation model is characterized by the events that occur. I distinguish two different classes of events. Internal events account for non-determinism in the language model. They cover all task dispatching points, signaling actions, and events related to abort deferral: . The choice made in a selective accept statement. . The outcome of conditional and timed entry calls. . Entering and leaving protected actions (locking/ unlocking protected objects). . Queueing and requeueing on entry calls. . Task creations, abortions, and terminations. . Abortions in ATC. . Initialization, finalization, and assignment of controlled objects. External events basically account for non-determinism in the network: . Delivery of an RPC request from another partition. . Sending an RPC request to some other partition. . Sending an RPC result back to the calling partition. . Delivery of an RPC result from some other partition. There are some additional internal events concerning local calls to subprograms whose results depend upon state outside the application, e.g. system calls like calling Ada.Calendar.Clock. With the piecewise deterministic computation model, replicas can be synchronized by making sure that they all follow the same execution history, i.e. that they all go through the same sequence of events. Because signaling actions and task dispatching points are subsumed by the above list of events and any two concurrent state accesses must be separated by a signaling action, this will ensure that the sets of tasks and the states of all replicas are consistent Abortions and abort-deferred regions are included because otherwise abortions in ATC might basically cause replicas to diverge if abortions didn't happen at precisely the same logical moment on all replicas. Consider the example in fig. 1. If the assignment in to variable X is aborted, X may be abnormal [ISO95, 9.8(21)] and hence its subsequent use is 1. There are some special cases, though. A task could e.g. write a value to some unprotected variable and then create another task that read it. However, task creations also are signaling actions. erroneous [ISO95, 13.9.1]. This is even true in centralized applications: even there, asynchronous aborts may cause problems for the application to make sure that state accessed in an asynchronous select statement remains consistent in the face of abortions. The critical sections of abortable parts (in the sense of making state modifications that may influence the further execution of the application) must therefore be encapsulated within abort-deferred regions. The language defines several constructs that defer abortion [ISO95, 9.8(6-11)], in particular, protected actions and also initialization, finalization, and assignment of controlled objects cannot be aborted. An abortion is delayed until the abort-deferred region has been com- pleted. Because entering and leaving such abort-deferred regions is again subsumed by the above list of events, coordinating replicas by ensuring they follow the same sequence of events is sufficient to guarantee consistency. The semantics of Ada 95 will be preserved as abortions occur between the same two abort-deferred regions on all replicas. 4 Active and Passive Replication Active replication is attractive because it offers a high availability of the replicated partition: as replicas execute in parallel, failures do not incur an additional overhead. It seems that one could use active replication with the piece-wise deterministic computation model by reaching a consensus [BMD93] on events. In fact, several systems employ this method, see e.g. However, these are special-purpose reliable hard real-time systems, not general systems. They are synchronous systems and use severely constrained tasking models, where inter-task communication is strongly reduced and task scheduling is restricted or even performed off-line, prior to run-time (static scheduling, e.g. in MARS). As a conse- quence, there are relatively few events, and thus the needs for interactive agreement are limited. Still, SIFT reports an overhead of up to 80% for replica synchronization [Pra96, p. 272] (admittedly assuming byzantine failures). MAFT achieves better performance by delegating the consensus protocols to dedicated hardware. Nevertheless, this approach seems feasible for general systems, too, if one assumes deterministic task scheduling. This implies disallowing the use of any explicit time dependency (delay statements, calls to package Ada.Calendar or Ada.Real_Time). Under this assump- tion, progress can be measured by the task dispatching points passed. Consensus must then be reached only on the task dispatching point at which a message is delivered 2 , as message deliveries are the sole remaining source of non- determinism. The most advanced task dispatching point must be taken as the common consensus value 3 . Those replicas that "lag behind" continue executing until this task dispatching point is reached and deliver the message only then. In this way, they all deliver all messages at the same task dispatching point and hence the sets of tasks continue to evolve identically on all replicas. The overhead of an additional consensus for each message delivery may be significant, but seems still tolerable. However, this method violates replica transparency: forbidding the use of delay statements is a severe restriction and certainly not transparent. If delays are to be allowed, replicas must reach consensus on each and every event, not just on message deliveries! In a timed entry call for instance, all replicas must agree whether or not the entry call timed out, and if so, when this time-out occurred with respect to other task scheduling decisions taken during the delay. It is not sufficient if they agree only on the first condition (whether or not a time-out occurred), and they are thus forced to track and synchronize all task scheduling decisions, not just time-outs. In other words, active replicas supporting the full tasking model of Ada 95 have to communicate over the net-work (run a consensus protocol) for each and every task scheduling decision. This seems impractical as it would tremendously slow down a replicated partition. In fact, one loses the main advantage of active replication, which is its high availability. Passive replication, on the other hand, does not suffer from this communication overhead. As only the primary replica executes a request, no interactive agreement protocol is needed. However, in case of a failure, there's a higher latency until one of the backups has taken over. Further- more, passive replication either requires checkpointing coordinated with output 4 , or remote calls must have the semantics of nested transactions. This latter approach 2. Besides an earlier consensus needed for the totally ordered multicast necessary to ensure the ordering condition given in section 2. 3. Although all replicas make the same scheduling decisions, they do not execute in lockstep: one replica may already have advanced further than another. task body T is begin select Trigger.Event; then abort loop exit when .; do something with X . this use of X is erro- neous. The increment must be encapsulated in an abort-deferred region. If this is aborted. Fig. 1: Abortions in ATC [Wol97] cannot be implemented transparently because application-defined scheduling (through partial operations, i.e. entry calls) may conflict with the constraints imposed on scheduling by the serializability correctness criterion of transactions. Such conflicts may result in deadlocks that cannot be resolved in a transparent manner, and the transactional nature of remote calls would have to be exposed to the application [Wol98]. If transactions are to be offered in Ada 95, they must therefore be integrated at the language level 5 . 5 Semi-Active Replication Since both active and passive replication have their deficiencies when used for replication of non-deterministic partitions in Ada 95, I focussed on semi-active replication The piecewise deterministic computation model lends itself readily to this form of replica organization, which was pioneered in the Delta-4 project [Pow91]. Replicas are organized as a view-synchronous group [SS93], and all replicas execute incoming RPC requests. One replica is designated the leader and is responsible for taking all non-deterministic decisions. The other replicas - the followers are then forced to make the same choices. Replica synchronization can thus be achieved by logging events on the leader. The leader then synchronizes its followers using a FIFO-ordered reliable multicast [HT94]. The followers then replay the events as they occurred on the leader. As a result, all replicas will go through the same sequence of deterministic state intervals, which ensures replica consistency. Because events, instead of message deliveries, are ordered and synchronized, semi-active replication has less stringent requirements on the group communication layer than active replication: other partitions may use a relatively simple reliable multicast for communication with the group of replicas instead of an expensive totally ordered multicast. (The FIFO multicast needed for synchronization within the group can be built easily upon the basic primitive of reliable multicast.) Nevertheless, synchronizing the followers at each and every event would most probably be impractical: since internal events are bound to occur very frequently, this would entail a prohibitively high performance overhead as each task scheduling decision would again involve communication over the network for reaching agreement. Fortu- 4. Checkpointing a multi-tasked partition is not trivial: the complete tasking state with program counters, stacks, etc. must be included. Check-pointing is also limited to replicas running on homogeneous physical nodes. 5. And in this case, transactional RPCs would constitute an inversion of abstractions. In my opinion, transactions should be built upon RPCs, not the other way round! nately, this is not necessary. Synchronization is only needed at observable events: . Sending an RPC result back to the client. . Sending an RPC request to some other partition. As long as the effects of state intervals remain purely local to the leader, the followers need not be informed of any events. The followers must be brought up to date only once the effects become visible to the rest of the system, i.e., when the leader sends a message beyond the group of repli- cas. Before doing so, the leader must update its followers in order to guarantee that they will reach the same state, otherwise, a failure might corrupt the overall consistency of the distributed application when one of the followers becomes the new leader. Between observable events, the leader just logs events by buffering them in an event log. Just before it will execute an observable event, it multicasts this log to its follow- ers. Only then may it proceed and perform the observable event. The log records an extended state interval, as it may contain many simple state intervals (or rather, the events delimiting them). Each observable event starts a new extended state interval. A follower recreates extended state intervals by replaying events from the logs it receives. When it has replayed all the events in the received logs, it just waits until the next extended state interval arrives from the leader, or until it becomes the leader itself due to a failure of the former leader. A follower does not re-execute the observable event at the very beginning of an extended state interval as this would only result in a duplicate message being sent. It just uses the logged outcome of this event's execution on the leader to replay the event. The leader is thus the only replica that interacts with the rest of the system beyond the group of replicas. While extended state intervals are generally started by observable events, the leader is free to synchronize the followers more tightly. This may be necessary when the event log buffer on the leader threatens to overflow: in this case, the leader has to send the log's current contents to the followers in order to make room for new events. Given a reasonably sized event buffer, the synchronization interval can still be kept large enough to obtain acceptable performance with this scheme. Because followers do not participate in any interaction beyond the group, failures of followers are completely transparent with this replica organization. Upon a failure of the leader, however, one of the followers must take on the role of the new leader. It first replays any pending events it already had received from the failed leader to bring itself up to date with the last known state of the latter. It then simply continues executing, henceforth logging events and synchronizing the remaining followers. Fig. 2 shows a failure of the leader L of a replicated par- tition. It started executing a request req A , made a nested remote call req B to some other partition, waited for the result and continued processing req A before failing. Just before sent the events for the extended state interval S 1 to its followers, which then recreate this extended state interval by replaying the logged events. When L finally fails, a view change occurs and follower F 1 is chosen as the new leader and continues executing from just after S 1 . Note that the extended state interval S 3 may well be different from S 2 , but since S 2 could not possibly have affected any other part of the system except L itself, the overall state of the system remains consistent. If the failure and the view change had occurred before the reply rep B to the nested remote call had arrived, the new leader F 1 would have had no way to tell whether or not the former leader L did still send req B . A failure at point p is indistinguishable from one at point r. Conse- quently, the new leader F 1 has no choice but (re-)execute the observable event req B . If L had failed at point r (or later), this results in a duplicate request. An analogous situation arises when F 1 finally sends the reply rep A back to the client. If it fails after the synchronization of S 3 , but before S 4 is synchronized, the then new leader F 2 again does not know whether or not rep A has been sent. This implies that partitions must be able to deal with duplicate messages 6 . Messages must be tagged with a unique, system-wide identifier. Repeated RPC result messages are then simply ignored. Repeated invocations are more difficult to handle. A partition only handles the first RPC request message it receives. Later messages with the same message identifier are ignored if they arrive while the RPC is still in progress, or return the result of the first invocation if the RPC already has completed. The latter case necessitates that results of remote subprogram calls be retained, and therefore some kind of garbage collection of retained results must be provided (see section 6). Semi-active replication based on the piecewise deterministic computation model can offer transparent replication of non-deterministic Ada 95 partitions. Replication transparency (i.e., transparency towards other partitions) is given at the application level, although partitions must be able to handle duplicate messages correctly at the system level. Yet the application level remains unaffected by this. Replica transparency, i.e. transparency towards the application level of the replicated partition itself also is main- tained. The piecewise deterministic computation model supports the full tasking model of Ada 95. However, replica transparency in heterogeneous systems is only given as long as only failures are considered, and thus holds only for k-resiliency. If recovery is to be included in the model, replica transparency cannot fully be maintained in the general case. If a new follower is to join a running group, it must get the group's current state. This state transfer can only be done transparently in a homogeneous system by taking a system-level checkpoint on one of the old group members and installing this checkpoint in the newly joining replica. If replicas execute on heterogeneous physical nodes, this state transfer is only possible for a restricted subset of all possible partitions and furthermore requires the cooperation of the application itself [Wol98]. In this case, replica transparency cannot be upheld totally. 6 RAPIDS RAPIDS ("Replicated Ada Partitions In Distributed Sys- tems") [Wol98] is an implementation of the semi-active replication scheme based on a piecewise deterministic computation model as presented above for the GNAT com- piler. It is implemented within the run-time support and is thus largely transparent to the application. The core of RAPIDS is the event log buffer, which is implemented within the PCS as a child package of Garlic [KPT95] called System.Garlic.Rapids. This choice was made because synchronization between the leader and 6. The reliable multicast primitive assumed for communication of clients and servers with a replicated partition (i.e., a group of replicas) already makes duplicate message detection necessary. However, here one needs a second duplicate message detection scheme at a higher level. It would be beneficial if this high-level duplicate message detection could exploit the fact that such a facility already exists in the (hidden) low-level protocols of the group communication layer. rep A sync sync View change Client r Fig. 2: A Failure in Semi-Active Replication its followers is triggered by observable events, i.e. sending messages, and these event occur within the PCS. Further- more, the actual synchronization involves multicasting a message within the group, which can be done conveniently through a new protocol added to Garlic. This new protocol is only an interface to a third-party view-synchronous group communication system. Currently, RAPIDS uses the Phoenix [MFSW95] toolkit, but any other group communication system can be used as long as it satisfies view synchrony and offers a reliable multicast primitive. The PCS has also been modified to include unique message identifiers in all messages. Using these, duplicate message detection is implemented. Garbage collection of retained results has also been included in Garlic. Whenever a partition A sends a message to another partition B, it piggybacks information about the messages it already received from B. Partition B can then discard these messages RAPIDS actually offers three different interfaces for logging and replaying events and for transferring the event log from the leader to the followers. The PCS uses direct calls to a first interface given by System.Garlic.Rapids to handle external events. To handle internal events, the tasking support GNARL has been modified to use a callback interface to RAPIDS for logging and replaying events for all task scheduling decisions. Some other packages of the run-time support also use callbacks to RAPIDS, e.g. Sys- tem.Finalization_Implementation uses this to log and replay events regarding entry and exit of the abort- deferred regions given by initialization and finalization of controlled objects. Finally, there is a public interface to the event log in System.RPC.Replication (shown in fig. for use by the standard libraries, which also may have to log and replay events, e.g. Ada.Calendar.Clock of file accesses. The event log buffer is organized as a heterogeneous FIFO list, storing event descriptors derived from the abstract tagged type Event. A leader can append events to the log using the Log subprogram, and can multicast its log to its followers using the Send_Log operation, which also empties the log. Each event also contains a unique group-wide task identifier for the task involved. A follower replays events in the order they have been logged. The Get subprogram blocks the calling task until an event matching the tag of the actual parameter E and that tasks's group-wide ID is frontmost in the log. It then returns the event with Valid set to True. (On a leader, Get returns immediately with Valid set to False.) With the Remove opera- tion, a follower can actually remove the frontmost event from the log once it has replayed the event. This makes the next event in the log become the new frontmost event, and thus some other call to Get may be unblocked. If the log on a follower is empty, i.e., has been wholly replayed, Get also blocks until either the next extended state interval is received from the leader and a matching event appears at the front of the log, or the follower becomes a leader when the old leader has failed. In this case, Get returns even if no matching event has appeared (once the log has been exhausted, cf. section 5) with Valid set to False: as the former follower is now a leader, it may make its own choices. With this interface, event logging and replay can be implemented following the pattern shown in fig. 4. package System.RPC.Replication is type Event is abstract tagged private; procedure Log procedure Get procedure Remove; procedure private Fig. 3: Public Interface of the Event Log Fig. 4: Pattern for Event Logging and Replay with System.RPC.Replication; package Example is package Repl renames System.RPC.Replication; type Event is new Repl.Event with record - The characterizing data of the event. for Event'External_Tag use ``Example.Event''; procedure The_Operation (.) is The_Event begin Repl.Get (The_Event, Is_Follower); if Is_Follower then - Use the description in 'The_Event' to - replay the event. Then remove it: else - Leader! - If it's an observable event, send the - log to the followers. Only if observable! - Do the event. - Log the event. The_Event := (Repl.Event with .); Repl.Log (The_Event); Event replay on a follower is atomic: other tasks that also might call Get for other events will remain blocked until this event is removed. On the leader, event logging must be done in the right places. Do_Operation itself should not cause additional non-deterministic events. (If it did, Do_Operation instead of The_Operation should be implemented using this pattern.) Also, the event must be logged in the right moment. Consider for example the event of locking a protected object. Obviously, a task must first get the lock and then log the event for it; if it logged the event first, some other task might actually get the lock first, and the event log would be inconsistent with the actual execution history. Group-wide task identifiers are implemented through task creation events. These events contain both the group-wide ID of the creating task and that of the newly created task. When a follower replays the event, it therefore also knows which group-wide ID it must assign to the new task. References to time such as delay statements or calls to Ada.Calendar.Clock all generate events. RAPIDS implements a mapping of time values such that all replicas always run logically on the initial leader's time base. This avoids that time suddenly jumps backwards when a failure occurs and thus guarantees the monotonicity of time for the application. Not all internal events are logged by RAPIDS. It makes a distinction between system tasks, which are local to the run-time support, and application tasks. Only events involving application tasks are logged and replayed. The system tasks, however, execute independently on all repli- cas: they have to, because the run-time support must do different things on the leader than on a follower. At the interface of the PCS, tasks may change their status: an application task calling e.g. System.RPC.Do_RPC becomes a system task inside that call, and conversely a system task becomes an application task for the time it executes a remotely called subprogram. RAPIDS is currently (Nov 1998) still in a prototype stage. It still needs serious optimization efforts, and it doesn't yet handle dynamically bound remote calls through remote access-to-subprogram or remote access-to-class-wide values. Also, events due to assignments of controlled objects are not yet handled, as this seems to require some cooperation of the compiler's part. 7 Conclusion Modeling executions of Ada 95 partitions using a piece-wise deterministic computation model overcomes the problems due to non-determinism that occur in replication. The model, together with the abstractions in the language stan- dard, abstracts from timing dependencies and thus makes replication possible. It seems that semi-active replication is the most appropriate replication scheme for general Ada 95 partitions using the full tasking model of the language. A prototype of a replication manager called RAPIDS ("Replicated Ada Partitions in Distributed Systems") has been developed. It guarantees replica consistency by logging non-deterministic events on the leader and replaying them on the followers. Although this project is still in an early prototype stage, first results are encouraging, indicating that efficient replication is attainable using this model. --R "The Delta-4 Extra Performance Architecture XPA" "The Consensus Problem in Fault-Tolerant Comput- ing" Manetho: Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems using Rollback Recovery and Process Replication "A Modular Approach to Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and Related Problems" ISO: International Standard ISO/IEC 8652: "Real-Time Systems Development: The Programming Model of MARS" "GAR- LIC: Generic Ada Reusable Library for Inter-partition Communication" "The MAFT Architecture for Distributed Fault Tolerance" "Phoenix: A Toolkit for Building Fault- Tolerant, Distributed Applications in Large-Scale Networks" "Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services using the State Machine Approach" "Understanding the power of the virtually-synchronous model" "Optimistic Recovery in Distributed Systems" "SIFT: Design and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Computer for Aircraft Control" "Fault Tolerance in Distributed Ada 95" Replication of Non-Deterministic Objects --TR
fault tolerance;piecewise determinism;distributed systems;semi-active replication;group communication
The Martin Boundary of the Young-Fibonacci Lattice.
In this paper we find the Martin boundary for the Young-Fibonacci lattice YF. Along with the lattice of Young diagrams, this is the most interesting example of a differential partially ordered set. The Martin boundary construction provides an explicit Poisson-type integral representation of non-negative harmonic functions on YF. The latter are in a canonical correspondence with a set of traces on the locally semisimple Okada algebra. The set is known to contain all the indecomposable traces. Presumably, all of the traces in the set are indecomposable, though we have no proof of this conjecture. Using an explicit product formula for Okada characters, we derive precise regularity conditions under which a sequence of characters of finite-dimensional Okada algebras converges.
Introduction The Young-Fibonacci lattice YF is a fundamental example of a differential partially ordered set which was introduced by R. Stanley [St1] and S. Fomin [F1]. In many ways, it is similar to another major example of a differential poset, the Young lattice Y. Addressing a question posed by Stanley, S. Okada has introduced [Ok] two algebras associated to YF. The first algebra F is a locally semisimple algebra defined by generators and relations, which bears the same relation to the lattice YF as does the group algebra C S1 of the infinite symmetric group to Young's lattice. The second algebra R is an algebra of non-commutative polynomials, which bears the same relation to the lattice YF as does the ring of symmetric functions to Young's lattice. The purpose of the present paper is to study some combinatorics, both finite and asymptotic, of the lattice YF. Our object of study is the compact convex set of harmonic functions on YF (or equivalently the set of positive normalized traces on F or certain positive linear functionals on R.) We address the study of harmonic functions by determining the Martin boundary of the lattice YF. The Martin boundary is the set consisting of those harmonic functions which can be obtained by finite rank approximation. There are two basic facts related to the Martin boundary con- struction: 1) every harmonic function is represented by the integral of a probability measure on the Martin boundary, and 2) the set of extreme harmonic functions is a subset of the Martin boundary (see, e.g., [D]). This paper gives a parametrization of the Martin boundary for YF and a description of its topology. The Young-Fibonacci lattice is described in Section 2, and preliminaries on harmonic functions are explained in Section 3. A first rough description of our main results is given at the end of Section 3. precise description of the parametrization of harmonic functions is found in Section 7, and the proof, finally, is contained in Section 8.) Section contains some general results on harmonic functions on differential posets. The main tool in our study is the Okada ring R and two bases of this ring, introduced by Okada, which are in some respect analogous to the Schur function basis and the power sum function basis in the ring of symmetric functions (Section 5). We describe the Okada analogs of the Schur function basis by non-commutative determinants of tridiagonal matrices with monomial entries. We obtain a simple and explicit formula for the transition matrix (character matrix) connecting the s-basis and the p-basis, and also for the value of (the linear extension of) harmonic functions evaluated on the p-basis. This is done in Sections 6 and 7. The explicit formula allows us to study the regularity question for the lattice YF, that is the question of convergence of extreme traces of finite dimensional Okada algebras Fn to traces of the inductive limit algebra . The regularity question is studied in Section 8. The analogous questions for Young's lattice Y(which is also a differential poset) were answered some time ago. The parametrization of the Martin boundary of Y has been studied in [Th], [VK]. A different approach was recently given in [Oku]. A remaining open problem for the Young-Fibonacci lattice is to characterize the set of extreme harmonic functions within the Martin boundary. For Young's lattice, the set of extreme harmonic functions coincides with the entire Martin boundary. Acknowledgement . The second author thanks the Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa, for a teaching position in the Spring term of 1993. Most part of the present work was completed during this visit. 4 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV x2. The Young-Fibonacci lattice In this Section we recall the definition of Young-Fibonacci modular lattice (see Figure 1) and some basic facts related to its combinatorics. See Section A.1 in the Appendix for the background definitions and notations related to graded graphs and differential posets. We refer to [F1-2], [St1-3] for a more detailed exposition. A simple recurrent construction. The simplest way to define the graded graph n=0 YFn is provided by the following recurrent procedure. Let the first two levels YF 0 and YF 1 have just one vertex each, joined by an edge. Assuming that the part of the graph YF, up to the nth level YFn , is already constructed, we define the set of vertices of the next level YFn+1 , along with the set of adjacent edges, by first reflecting the edges in between the two previous levels, and then by attaching just one new edge leading from each of the vertices on the level YFn to a corresponding new vertex at level n + 1. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Figure 1. The Young-Fibonacci lattice. In particular, we get two vertices in the set YF 2 , and two new edges: one is obtained by reflecting the only existing edge, and the other by attaching a new one. More generally, there is a natural notation for new vertices which helps to keep track of the inductive procedure. Let us denote the vertices of YF 0 and YF 1 by an empty word ? and 1 correspondingly. Then the endpoint of the reflected edge will be denoted by 2, and the end vertex of the new edge by 11. In a similar way, all the vertices can be labeled by words in the letters 1 and 2. If the left (closer to the root ?) end of an edge is labeled by a word v, then the endvertex of the reflected edge is labeled by the word 2v. Each vertex w of the nth level is joined to a vertex 1w at the next level by a new edge (which is not a reflection of any previous edge). Clearly, the number of vertices at the nth level YFn is the nth Fibonacci number fn . Basic definitions. We now give somewhat more formal description of the Young-Fibonacci lattice and its Hasse diagram. Definition. A finite word in the two-letter alphabet f1; 2g will be referred to as a Fibonacci word. We denote the sum of digits of a Fibonacci word w by jwj, and we call it the rank of w. The set of words of a given rank n will be denoted by YFn , and the set of all Fibonacci words by YF. The head of a Fibonacci word is defined as the longest contiguous subword of 2's at its left end. The position of a 2 in a Fibonacci word is one more than the rank of the subword to the right of the 2; that is if then the position of the indicated 2 is jvj + 1. Next we define a partial order on the set YF which is known to make YF a modular lattice. The order will be described by giving the covering relations on YF in two equivalent forms. Given a Fibonacci word v, we first define the set v ae YF of its successors. By definition, this is exactly the set of words w 2 YF which can be obtained from v by one of the following three operations: (i) put an extra 1 at the left end of the word v; (ii) replace the first 1 in the word v (reading left to right) by 2; anywhere in between 2's in the head of the word v, or immediately after the last 2 in the head. Example. Take 222121112 for the word v of rank 14. Then the group of 3 leftmost 2's forms its head, and v has 5 successors, namely The changing letter is shown in boldface. Note that the ranks of all successors of a Fibonacci word v are one bigger than that of v. The set v of predecessors of a non-empty Fibonacci word v can be described in a similar way. The operations to be applied to v in order to obtain one of its predecessors are as follows: (i) the leftmost letter 1 in the word v can be removed; (ii) any one of 2's in the head of v can be replaced by 1. 6 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV Example. The word predecessors, namely We write u % v to show that v is a successor of u (and u is a predecessor of v). This is a covering relation which determines a partial order on the set YF of Fibonacci words. As a matter of fact, it is a modular lattice, see [St1]. The initial part of the Hasse diagram of the poset YF is represented in Figure 1. The Young-Fibonacci lattice as a differential poset. Assuming that the head length of v is k, the word v has predecessors, if v contains at least one letter 1. If is made of 2's only, it predecessors. Note that the number of successors is always one bigger than that of predecessors. Another important property of the lattice YF is that, for any two different Fibonacci words v 1 , v 2 of the same rank, the number of their common successors equals that of common predecessors (both numbers can only be 0 or 1). These are exactly the two characteristic properties (D1), (D2) of differential posets, see Section A.1. In what follows we shall frequently use the basic facts on differential posets, surveyed for the readers convenience in the Appendix. Much more information on differential posets and their generalizations can be found in [F1], [St1]. The Okada algebra. Okada [Ok] introduced a (complex locally semisimple) algebra F , defined by generators and relations, which admits the Young-Fibonacci lattice YF as its branching diagram. The Okada algebra has generators (e i ) i-1 satisfying the relations: 2. The algebra Fn generated by the first n\Gamma1 generators e these identities is semisimple of dimension n!, and has simple modules M v labelled by elements For one has u % v if, and only if, the simple Fn-module M v , restricted to the algebra Fn\Gamma1 contains the simple Fn\Gamma1 -module Mu . As a matter of fact, the restrictions of simple Fn-modules to Fn\Gamma1 are multiplicity free. x3. Harmonic functions on graphs and traces of AF-algebras In this Section, we recall the notion of harmonic functions on a graded graph and the classical Martin boundary construction for graded graphs and branching diagrams. We discuss the connection between harmonic functions on branching diagrams and traces on the corresponding AF -algebra. Finally, we give a preliminary statement on our main results on the Martin boundary of the Young-Fibonacci lattice. We refer the reader to Appendix A.1 for basic definitions on graded graphs and branching diagrams and to [E], [KV] for more details on the combinatorial theory of AF -algebras. The Martin boundary of a graded graph. A function R defined on the set of vertices of a graded graph \Gamma is called harmonic, if the following variant of the "mean value theorem" holds for all vertices w:u%w We are interested in the problem of determining the space H of all non-negative harmonic functions normalized at the vertex ? by the condition compact convex set with the topology of pointwise convergence, it is interesting to ask about its set of extreme points. A general approach to the problem of determining the set of extreme points is based on the Martin boundary construction (see, for instance, [D]). One starts with the dimension function d(v; w) defined as the number of all oriented paths from v to w. We put From the point of view of potential theory, d(v; w) is the Green function with respect to "Laplace operator" w:u%w This means that if /w fixed vertex w, then \Gamma(\Delta/ w \Gamma. The ratio is usually called the Martin kernel. Consider the space Fun(\Gamma) of all functions with the topology of pointwise convergence, and let e E be the closure of the subset e ae Fun(\Gamma) of functions v 7! K(v; w), those functions are uniformly bounded, 0 - K(v; w) - 1, the space e (called the Martin compactification) is indeed compact. One can easily check that e \Gamma ae e is a dense open subset of e Its boundary called the Martin boundary of the graph \Gamma. By definition, the Martin kernel (3.3) may be extended by continuity to a function R. For each boundary point negative, harmonic, and normalized. Moreover, harmonic functions have an integral representation similar to the classical Poisson integral representation for non-negative harmonic functions in the disk: 8 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV Theorem (cf. [D]). Every normalized non-negative harmonic function ' 2 H admits an integral representation Z where M is a probability measure. Conversely, for every probability measure M on E, the integral (3.4) provides a non-negative harmonic function ' 2 H. All indecomposable (i.e., extreme) functions in H can be represented in the form and we denote by Emin the corresponding subset of the boundary E. It is known that Emin is a non-empty G ffi subset of E. One can always choose the measure M in the integral representation (3.4) to be supported by Emin . Under this assumption, the measure M representing a function Given a concrete example of a graded graph, one looks for an appropriate "geometric" description of the abstract Martin boundary. The purpose of the present paper is to give an explicit description for the Martin boundary of the Young - Fibonacci graph YF. The traces on locally semisimple algebras. We next discuss the relation between harmonic functions on a graded graph and traces on locally semisimple algebras. A locally semisimple complex algebra A (or AF- algebra) is the union of an increasing sequence of finite dimensional semisimple complex algebras, An . The branching diagram or Bratteli diagram \Gamma(A) of a locally semisimple algebra A (more precisely, of the approximating sequence fAng) is a graded graph whose vertices of rank n correspond to the simple An-modules. Let M v denote the simple An-module corresponding to a vertex . Then a vertex v of rank n and a vertex w of rank are joined by -(v; w) edges if the simple An+1 module Mw , regarded as an An module, contains M v with multiplicity -(v; w). We will assume here that all multiplicities -(v; w) are 0 or 1, as this is the case in the example of the Young-Fibonacci lattice with which we are chiefly concerned. Conversely, given a branching diagram \Gamma - that is, a graded graph with unique minimal vertex at rank 0 and no maximal vertices - there is a locally semisimple algebra A such that A trace on a locally semisimple algebra A is a complex linear functional / satisfying To each trace / on A, there corresponds a positive normalized harmonic function ~ / on whenever v has rank n and e is a minimal idempotent in An such that eM v 6= (0) and fvg. The trace property of / implies that ~ / is a well defined non-negative function on \Gamma, and harmonicity of ~ / follows from the definition of the branching diagram \Gamma(A). Conversely, a positive normalized harmonic function ~ / on defines a trace on A; in fact, a trace on each An is determined by its value on minimal idempotents, so the assignment whenever e is a minimal idempotent in An such that eM v 6= (0), defines a trace on An . The harmonicity of ~ / implies that the / (n) are coherent, i.e., the restriction of / (n+1) from An+1 to the subalgebra An coincides with / (n) . As a result, the traces / (n) determine a trace of the limiting algebra The set of traces on A is a compact convex set, with the topology of pointwise convergence. The map ~ is an affine homeomorphism between the space of positive normalized harmonic functions on and the space of traces on A. From the point of view of traces, the Martin boundary of \Gamma consists of traces / which can be obtained as limits of a sequence /n , where /n is an extreme trace on An . All extreme traces on A are in the Martin boundary, so determination of the Martin boundary is a step towards determining the set of extreme traces on A. The locally semisimple algebra corresponding to the Young-Fibonacci lattice YF is the Okada algebra F introduced in Section 2. The main result. We can now give a description of the Martin boundary of the Young-Fibonacci lattice (and consequently of a Poisson-type integral representation for non-negative harmonic functions on YF). Let w be an infinite word in the alphabet f1; 2g (infinite Fibonacci word), and let d the positions of 2's in w. The word w is said to be summable if, and only if, the series equivalently, the product Y converges. As for any differential poset, the lattice YF has a distinguished harmonic function 'P , called the Plancherel harmonic function; 'P is an element of the Martin boundary. The complement of f'P g in the Martin boundary of YF can be parametrized with two parameters (fi; w); here fi is a real number, 0 ! fi - 1, and w is a summable infinite word in the alphabet f1; 2g. We denote by\Omega the parameter space for the Martin boundary: Definition. Let the space\Omega be the union of a point P and the set summable infinite word in the alphabet f1; 2gg; with the following topology: A sequence (fi (n) ; w (n) ) converges to P iff A sequence (fi (n) ; w (n) ) converges to (fi; w) if, and only if, We will describe in Section 7 the mapping ! 7! '! from\Omega to the set of normalized positive harmonic functions on YF. We are in a position now to state the main result of the paper. Theorem 3.2. The map ! 7! '! is a homeomorphism of the space\Omega onto the Martin boundary of the Young-Fibonacci lattice. Consequently, for each probability measure M on\Omega , the integral Z provides a normalized, non-negative harmonic function on the Young-Fibonacci lattice YF. Conversely, every such function admits an integral representation with respect to a measure M on\Omega (which may not be unique). In general, for all differential posets, we show that there is a flow on [0; 1] \Theta H with the properties ts (') and C 0 For the Young-Fibonacci lattice, one has C t (' fi;w In particular, the flow on H preserves the Martin boundary. It is not clear whether this is a general phenomenon for differential posets. We have not yet been able to characterize the extreme points within the Martin boundary of YF. In a number of similar examples, for instance the Young lattice, all elements of the Martin boundary are extreme points. x4. Harmonic functions on differential posets The Young-Fibonacci lattice is an example of a differential poset. In this section, we introduce some general constructions for harmonic functions on a differential poset. Later on in Section 7 we use the construction to obtain the Martin kernel of the graph YF. Type I harmonic functions. In this subsection we don't need any special assumptions on the branching diagram \Gamma. Consider an infinite path in \Gamma. For each vertex the sequence fd(u; vn )g 1 n=1 is weakly increasing, and we shall use the notation Note that d(u; if the sequences t; s coincide eventually. Lemma 4.1. The following conditions are equivalent for a path t in \Gamma: (i) All but finitely many vertices vn in the path t have the single immediate predecessor . (iv) There are only finitely many paths which eventually coincide with t. Proof. It is clear that d(?; is the only predecessor of vn . Since (i). The number of paths equivalent to t is exactly d(?; t). In case is the Young lattice, there are only two paths (i.e. Young tableaux) with these conditions: In case of Young- Fibonacci lattice there are countably many paths satisfying the conditions of Lemma 4.1. The vertices of such a path eventually take the form Fibonacci word v of rank m. Hence, the equivalence class of eventually coinciding paths in YF with the properties of Lemma 4.1 can be labelled by infinite words in the alphabet f2; 1g with only finite number of 2's. We denote the set of such words as 1 1 YF. Proposition 4.2. Assume that a path t in \Gamma satisfies the conditions of Lemma 4.1. Then is a positive normalized harmonic function on \Gamma. Proof. Since w:v%w d(w; t), the function ' t is harmonic. Also, ' t (v) - 0 for all We say that these harmonic functions are of type I, since the corresponding AF - algebra traces are traces of finite - dimensional irreducible representations (type I factor - representations). It is clear that all the harmonic functions of type I are indecomposable. Plancherel harmonic function. Let us assume now that the poset \Gamma is differential in the sense of [St1] or, equivalently, is a self-dual graph in terms of [F1]. The properties of differential posets which we need are surveyed in the Appendix. Proposition 4.3. The function is a positive normalized harmonic function on the differential poset \Gamma. Proof. This follows directly from (A.2.1) in the Appendix. Note that if is the Young lattice, the function 'P corresponds to the Plancherel measure of the infinite symmetric group (cf. [KV]). Contraction of harmonic functions on a differential poset. Assume that \Gamma is a differential poset. We shall show that for any harmonic function ' there is a family of affine transformations, with one real parameter - , connecting the Plancherel function 'P to '. Proposition 4.4. For 0 - 1 and a harmonic function ', define a function C - (') on the set of vertices of the differential poset \Gamma by the formula juj=k Then C - (') is a positive normalized harmonic function, and the map ' 7! C t (') is affine. Proof. We introduce the notation juj=k First we observe the identity w:v%w which is obtained from a straightforward computation using (A.2.3) from the Appendix, and the harmonic property (3.1) of the function '. From this we derive that w:v%w w:v%w This shows that C - (') is harmonic. It is easy to see that C - (') is normalized and positive, and that the map ' 7! C t (') is affine. Remarks. (a) The semigroup property holds: C t (C s st ('); (b) C 0 'P , for all ', and C t ('P These statements can be verified by straightforward computations. Example. Let ' denote the indecomposable harmonic function on the Young lattice with the Thoma parameters (ff; fi; fl), see [KV] for definitions. Then the function C - (') is also indecomposable, with the Thoma parameters (- ff; - Central measures and contractions. Recall (see [KV]) that for any harmonic function ' on \Gamma there is a central measure M ' on the space T of paths of \Gamma, determined by its level distributions In particular, There is a simple probabilistic description of the central measure corresponding to a harmonic function on a differential poset obtained by the contraction of Proposition 4.4. Define a random vertex by the following procedure: (a) Choose a random k, 0 - k - n with the binomial distribution (b) Choose a random vertex (c) Start a random walk at the vertex u, with the Plancherel transition probabilities Let v denote the vertex at which the random walk first hits the n'th level set \Gamma n . We denote by M (-;') n the distribution of the random vertex v. 14 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV Proposition 4.5. The distribution M (-;') n is the n'th level distribution of the central measure corresponding to the harmonic function C - ('): Proof. It follows from (A.2.1) that (4.10) is a probability distribution. By Lemma A.3.2, the probability to hit \Gamma n at the vertex v, starting the Plancherel walk at The Proposition now follows from the definition of the contraction C - (') written in the Example. Y be the Young lattice and let be the one- row Young tableau. Then the distribution (4.9) is trivial, and the procedure reduces to choosing a random row diagram (k) with the distribution (4.8) and applying the Plancherel growth process until the diagram will gain n boxes. x5. Okada clone of the symmetric function ring In this Section we introduce the Okada variant of the symmetric function algebra, and its two bases analogous to the Schur function basis and the power sum basis. The Young-Fibonacci lattice arises in a Pieri-type formula for the first basis. The rings R and denote the ring of all polynomials in two non-commuting variables X;Y . We endow R with a structure of graded ring, n=0 Rn , by declaring the degrees of variables to be deg 2. For each word let h v denote the monomial Then Rn is a Q-vector space with the fn (Fibonacci number) monomials h v as a basis. We let denote the inductive limit of linear spaces Rn , with respect to imbeddings Q 7! QX. Equivalently, is the quotient of R by the principal left ideal generated by X \Gamma 1. Linear functionals on R1 are identified with linear functionals ' on R which satisfy '(fX). The ring R1 has a similar r-ole for the Young-Fibonacci lattice and the Okada algebra F as the ring of symmetric functions has for the Young lattice and the group algebra of the infinite symmetric group S1 (see [M]). Non-commutative Jacobi determinants. The following definition is based on a remark which appeared in the preprint version of [Ok]. We consider two non-commutative n-th order determinants and By definition, the non-commutative determinant is the expression w2Sn sign(w) a w(1)1 a In other words, the k-th factor of every term is taken out of the k-th column. Note that polynomials (5.3), (5.4) are homogeneous elements of R, deg Following Okada, we define Okada-Schur polynomials (or s-functions) as the products (cf. [Ok], Proposition 3.5). The polynomials s v for are homogeneous of degree n, and form a basis of the linear space Rn . We define a scalar product on the space R by declaring s-basis to be orthonormal. The branching of Okada-Schur functions. We will use the formulae obtained by decomposing the determinants (5.3), (5.4) along the last column. The first identity is also true for case of the second identity (5.8) can be written in the form One can think of (5.9) as of a commutation rule for passing X over a factor of type Q 0 . It is clear from (5.9) that It will be convenient to rewrite (5.7), (5.8) in a form similar to (5.9): The following formulae are direct consequences of (5.10) - (5.12): It is understood in (5.13), (5.14) that n - 1. The formulae (5.10), (5.13) and (5.14) imply Theorem 5.1 (Okada). For every w 2 YFn the product of the Okada-Schur determinant s w by X from the right hand side can be written as This theorem says that the branching of Okada s-functions reproduces the branching law for the Young-Fibonacci lattice. In the following statement, U is the "creation operator" on Fun(YF), which is defined in the Appendix, (A.1.1). Corollary 5.2. The assignment \Theta : v 7! s v extends to a linear isomorphism taking Fun(YFn ) to Rn and satisfying \Theta ffi Because of this, we will sometimes write U(f) instead of fX for f 2 R, and D(f) for \Theta ffi D ffi \Theta \Gamma1 (f ), see (A.1.2) for the definition of D. Corollary 5.3. There exist one-to-one correspondences between: (a) Non-negative, normalized harmonic functions on YF; (b) Linear functionals ' on Fun(YF) satisfying (c) Linear functionals ' on R satisfying (d) Linear functionals on s v denotes the image of s v in Traces of the Okada algebra F1 . We refer to linear functionals ' on R satisfying '(s v positive linear functionals The Okada p-functions. Following Okada [Ok], we introduce another family of homogeneous polynomials, labelled by Fibonacci words v 2 YF, where One can check that fp v g jvj=n is a Q-basis of Rn . Two important properties of the p-basis which were found by Okada are: Since the images of pu and of p 1u in R1 are the same, we can conveniently denote the image by p 1 1 u . The family of p v , where v ranges over 1 1 YF, is a basis of R1 . Transition matrix from s-basis to p-basis. We denote the transition matrix relating the two bases fpug and fsw g by X v jvj=n The coefficients X v are analogous to the character matrix of the symmetric group Sn . They were described recurrently in [Ok], Section 5, as follows: where m(u) is defined in (6.2) below. An explicit product expressions for the X v be given in the next section. x6. A product formula for Okada characters In this Section we improve Okada's description of the character matrix X v u to obtain the product formula (6.11) and its consequences. Some notation. We recall some notation from [Ok] which will be used below. Let v be a Fibonacci word: Then: if the rightmost digit of v is 1, and is the number of 1's at the left end of v. (6.3) The rank of v, denoted jvj, is the sum of the digits of v. then the position of the indicated 2 is jv 1). In other words, d(v) is the product of the positions of 2's in v. (6.7) The block ranks of v are the numbers k 0 (6.8) The inverse block ranks of v are k t Consider a sequence - positive integers with a word v 2 YFn - n-splittable, if it can be written as a concatenation Lemma 6.1. Let - be the sequence of block ranks in a Fibonacci word u. Then only if, the word v is - n-splittable. is the - n-splitting, then where Proof. This is a direct consequence of Okada's recurrence relations cited in the previous Proposition 6.2. Let u; v 2 YFn . Let be the positions of 2's in the word u, and put r the positions of 2's in the word v. Then Y Y Proof. This can also be derived directly from Okada's recurrence relations, or from the previous lemma. Note in particular that X v only if, d and j; this is the case if, and only if, v does not split according to the block ranks of u. We define ~ u ; from Proposition 6.2 and the dimension formula (6.5), we have the expression Y Y d s The inverse transition matrix. According to [Ok], Proposition 5.3, the inverse formula to Equation (5.18) can be written in the form juj=n pu We will give a description of a column X v u for a fixed v. Lemma 6.3. Let - be the sequence of inverse block ranks n in a word only if, the word u is - n-splittable. (ii) If is the - n-splitting for u, then where ae \Gamma1; if ffl(u Here denotes the number of 1's at the left end of Proof. This is another corollary of Okada's recurrence relations cited in Section 5. M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV x7. The Martin Boundary of the Young-Fibonacci Lattice In this section, we examine certain elements of the Martin boundary of the Young- Fibonacci lattice YF. Ultimately we will show that the harmonic functions listed here comprise the entire Martin boundary. It will be useful for us to evaluate normalized positive linear functionals on the ring (corresponding to normalized positive harmonic functions on YF) on the basis fpug. The first result in this direction is the evaluation of the Plancherel functional on these basis elements. Proposition 7.1. 'P (p u words u containing at least one 2. Proof. It follows from the definition of the Plancherel harmonic function 'P that for v:v%w Therefore, for all f 2 Rn , If since Dp For each word w 2 YFn , the path (w; 1w; 1 clearly satisfies the conditions of Proposition 4.1, and therefore there is a type I harmonic function on YF defined by Proposition 7.2. Let w 2 YFn , and let d be the positions of 2's in w. Let u be a word in 1 1 YF containing at least one 2, and let be the positions of 2's in u. Then: Y Y Proof. Let Thus the result follows from Equation (6.12). Next we describe some harmonic functions which arise from summable infinite words. Given a summable infinite word w, define a linear functional on the ring R1 by the requirements 'w Y Y where are the positions of 2's in u, and the d j 's are the positions of 2's in w. It is evident that 'w (p u that 'w is in fact a functional on R1 . Proposition 7.3. If w is a summable infinite Fibonacci word, then 'w is a normalized positive linear functional on R1 , so corresponds to a normalized positive harmonic function on YF. Proof. Only the positivity needs to be verified. Let wn be the finite word consisting of the rightmost n digits of w. It follows from the product formula for the normalized characters /wn that 'w (p u /wn (p u ). Therefore also 'w (s v Given a summable infinite Fibonacci word w and 0 - fi - 1, we can define the harmonic function ' fi;w by contraction of 'w , namely, ' For denote the essential rank of u, namely ffi is the position of the leftmost 2 in u, and Proposition 7.4. Let w be a summable infinite word and 0 - fi - 1. Let u Then Proof. The case any linear functional ' on R1 , one has '(pu A w jxj=n In particular, A w jvj=n Note that UA w It follows from the definitions of ' fi;w (cf. (4.4)) and of A w k;n that A w 22 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV for f in Rn , where h\Delta; \Deltai denotes the inner product on R with respect to which the Okada s-functions form an orthonormal basis. Recall that the operators U and D are conjugate with respect to this inner product. Consequently, A w since hUA w in Rn . Corollary 7.5. The functionals ' fi;w for fi ? 0 and w summable are pairwise distinct, and different from the Plancherel functional 'P . Proof. Suppose that w is a summable word and that A is the set of positions of 2's in w. We set Y Then for each k - 2 and fi ? 0, is zero if and only if k 2 A. In particular ' fi;w 6= 'P , by Lemma 7.1, and moreover, A n f1g is determined by the sequence of values ' fi;w (p 21 k\Gamma2 2. It is also clear that ' fi;w (p 2 negative hence the set A and therefore also w are determined by the values ' fi;w (p 21 k Finally, fi is determined by for any k 62 A. Proposition 7.6. For each summable infinite Fibonacci word w and each fi, 0 - fi - 1, there exists a sequence v (n) of finite Fibonacci words such that ' Proof. If choose the sequence r n so that lim Then, in every case, lim Let wn be the finite word consisting of the rightmost n digits of w, put s and Fix j. Suppose that u 0 has 2's at positions 1. Using the product formula for / v (n) , one obtains The first factor converges to 'w (p u ), so it suffices, by Proposition 7.4, to show that the second factor converges to fi k . The second factor reduces to Using the well-known fact that lim one obtains that the ratio of gamma functions is asymptotic to which, by our choice of r n , converges to fi k , as desired. This proposition shows that 'P as well as all of the harmonic functions ' fi;w are contained in the Martin boundary of the Young-Fibonacci lattice. In the following sections, we will show that these harmonic functions make up the entire Martin boundary. x8. Regularity conditions In this Section we obtain a simple criterion for a sequence of characters of finite dimensional Okada algebras to converge to a character of the limiting infinite dimensional . Using this criterion, the regularity conditions, we show that the harmonic functions provided by the formulae (7.3) and (7.4) make up the entire Martin boundary of the Young-Fibonacci graph YF. Technically, it is more convenient to work with linear functionals on the spaces Rn and their limits in with traces on F . As it was already explained in Section 5, there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between traces of Okada algebra Fn , and positive linear functionals on the space Rn . In this Section we shall use the following elementary inequalities: d for every pair of positive integer numbers d - 2 and k; d and d d for every pair of integers d ? k. We omit the straightforward proofs of these inequalities. Convergence to the Plancherel measure. We first examine the important particular case of convergence to the Plancherel character 'P . We define the function - of a finite or summable word v by Y where the d j are the positions of the 2's in v. We also recall that for each k - 2 the function - k was defined as Y Note that if is a summable word, then ' v (p u according to Equation (7.3). Proposition 8.1. The following properties of a sequence wn 2 YF, are equivalent: (i) The normalized characters /wn converge to the Plancherel character, i.e., lim /wn (p u for each (ii) lim for every (iii) lim -(wn The proof is based on the following lemmas. Lemma 8.2. For every finite word v 2 YF, and for every of essential rank Proof. Let indicate the positions of 2's in the word u, and let d the positions of 2's in v. The essential rank of u can be written as so that Y By the product formula, Y since none of the factors in the product exceed 1. In fact, j1 Lemma 8.3. For each and for every word v 2 YF, Proof. It follows from (8.1) that Y Y Y Y 2, the last product can be estimated as Y and the lemma follows. 26 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV Lemma 8.4. If d 1 (v) 6= 2, then Proof. We apply the inequality (8.2). If d 1 (v) - 3, then Y Y by the inequality (8.2). If d 1 \Gamma1, and since d 2 - 3, the inequality holds in this case as well. In case of d 1 so that the second inequality of Lemma also follows from (8.2). Proof of Proposition 8.1. The implication (i) ) (ii) is trivial, since - k a particular character value for . The statement (iii) follows from (ii) by Lemma 8.4. In fact, we can split the initial sequence fwng into two subsequences, fw 0 and fw 00 n g, in such a way that d 1 (w 0 2. Then we derive from Lemma 8.4 that for both subsequences -(wn (ii) follows from (iii) by Lemma 8.3, and (ii) implies (i) by Lemma 8.2. General regularity conditions. We now find the conditions for a sequence of linear functionals on the spaces Rn to converge to a functional on the limiting space Definition (Regularity of character sequences). Let /n be a linear functional on the graded component Rn of the ring for each assume that the sequence converges pointwise to a functional ' on the ring R, in the sense that for every m 2 N and every polynomial P 2 Rm . We call such a sequence regular. Our goal in this Section is to characterize the set of regular sequences. Definition (Convergence of words). Let fwng be a sequence of finite Fibonacci words, and assume that the ranks jwn j tend to infinity as n !1. We say that fwng converges to an infinite word w, iff the mth letter wn (m) of wn coincides with the mth letter w(m) of the limiting word w for almost all n (i.e., for all but finitely many n's), and for all m. Let us recall that an infinite word w with 2's at positions d and only if, the series equivalently, if the product Y converges. Consider a sequence w words converging to a summable infinite word w. We denote by w 0 n the longest initial (rightmost) subword of wn identical with the corresponding segment of w, and we call it stable part of wn . The remaining part of wn will be denoted by w 00 n , and referred to as transient part of wn . Definition (Regularity Conditions). We say that a sequence of Fibonacci words wn 2 YFn satisfies regularity conditions, if either one of the following two conditions holds: (i) lim -(wn (ii) the sequence wn converges to a summable infinite word w, and a strictly positive limit exists. Theorem 8.5. Assume that the regularity conditions hold for a sequence wn 2 YFn . Then the character sequence /wn is regular. If the regularity condition (i) holds, then lim /wn (QX n\Gammam and if regularity condition (ii) holds, then /wn (QX n\Gammam for every polynomial Q Conversely, if the character sequence /wn is regular, then the regularity conditions hold for the sequence wn 2 YFn . This theorem will follow from Proposition 8.1 and the following proposition: Proposition 8.6. Assume that a sequence w words converges to a summable infinite word w, and that there exists a limit -(wn Then for every generally, /wn (p u 28 FREDERICK M. GOODMAN AND SERGEI V. KEROV for every element u of essential rank Proof. Let mn be the length of the stable part of the word wn , and note that mn !1. In the following ratio, the factors corresponding to 2's in the stable part of wn cancel out, -(wn Y and a similar formula holds for the functional - k , Y Consider the ratio Y The second product in the right hand side is a tail of the converging infinite product (since the word w is summable), hence converges to 1, as n ! 1. By 8.3, the first product can also be estimated by a tail of a converging infinite product, Y Y j:d?mn hence converges to 1, as well. The proof of the formula (8.10) is only different in the way that the ratio in the left hand side of (8.11) should be replaced by /wn (p u )='w (p u ). Proof of the Theorem 8.5. It follows directly from Propositions 8.1 and 8.6 that the regularity conditions for a sequence w imply convergence of functionals /wn to the Plancherel character 'P in case (i), and to the character ' fi;w in case (ii). By the Corollary 7.5 we know that the functions ' fi;w are pairwise distinct, and also different from the Plancherel functional 'P . Let us now assume that the sequence /wn converges to a limiting functional '. We can choose a subsequence /wnm in such a way that the corresponding sequence wmn converges digitwise to an infinite word w. If w is not summable, then with the Plancherel functional, and the part (i) of the regularity conditions holds. Oth- erwise, we can also assume that the limit (8.6) exists, and hence 8.6. Since the parameter fi and the word w can be restored, by Corollary 7.5, from the limiting functional ', the sequence wn cannot have subsequences converging to different limits, nor can the sequence -(wn ) have subsequences converging to different limits. It follows, that the regularity conditions are necessary. The Theorem is proved. In the following statement,\Omega refers to the space defined at the end of Section 3. Theorem 8.7. The map is a homeomorphism of\Omega onto the Martin boundary of YF. Proof. It follows from Corollary 7.5 that the map is an injection of\Omega into the Martin boundary, and from Theorem 8.5 that the map is surjective. Furthermore, the proof that the map is a homeomorphism is a straightforward variation of the proof of the regularity statement, Theorem 8.5. x9. Concluding remarks The Young-Fibonacci lattice, along with the Young lattice, are the most interesting examples of differential posets. There is a considerable similarity between the two graphs, as well as a few severe distinctions. Both lattices arise as Bratteli diagrams of increasing families of finite dimensional semisimple matrix algebras, i.e., group algebras of symmetric groups in case of Young lattice, and Okada algebras in case of Young-Fibonacci graph. For every Bratteli dia- gram, there is a problem of describing the traces of the corresponding inductive limit algebra, which is well-known to be intimately related to the Martin boundary construction for the graph. The relevant fact is that indecomposable positive harmonic functions, which are in one-to-one correspondence with the indecomposable traces, form a part of the Martin boundary. For the Young lattice the Martin boundary has been known for several decades, and all of the harmonic functions in the boundary are known to be indecomposable (extreme points). In this paper we have found the Martin boundary for the Young- Fibonacci lattice. Unfortunately, we still do not know which harmonic functions in the boundary are decomposable (if any). The method employed to prove indecomposability of the elements of the Martin boundary of the Young lattice can not be applied to Young-Fibonacci lattice, since the K 0 -functor ring R of the limiting Okada algebra F is not commutative, as it is in case of the group algebra of the infinite symmetric group (in this case it can be identified with the symmetric function ring). Another natural problem related to Okada algebras is to find all non-negative Markov traces. We plan to address this problem in another paper. Appendix In this appendix, we survey a few properties of differential posets introduced by R. Stanley in [St1-3]. A more general class of posets had been defined by S. Fomin in [F1-3]. In his terms differential posets are called self - dual graphs. A.1 Definitions. A graded poset called branching diagram (cf. [KV]), if (B1) The set \Gamma n of elements of rank n is finite for all (B2) There is a unique minimal element There are no maximal elements in \Gamma. One can consider a branching diagram as an extended phase space of a non - stationary being the set of admissible states at the moment n and covering relations indicating the possible transitions. We denote the rank of a vertex the number of saturated chains in an interval [u; v] ae \Gamma by d(u; v). Following [St1], we define an r-differential poset as a branching diagram \Gamma satisfying two conditions: (D1) If u 6= v in \Gamma then the number of elements covered by u and v is the same as the number of elements covering both u and v exactly k elements, then v is covered by exactly of \Gamma. Note that the number of elements in a differential poset covering two distinct elements can be at most 1. In this paper we focus on 1-differential posets. For any branching diagram \Gamma one can define two linear operators in the vector space Fun(\Gamma) of functions on \Gamma with coefficients in Q: the creation operator w:v%w and the annihilation operator u:u%v finitely supported functions on \Gamma with formal linear combinations of points of \Gamma and vertices of \Gamma with the delta functions at the vertices, one can write instead: w:v%w u:u%v u: One can characterize r-differential posets as branching diagrams for which the operators U; D satisfy the Weyl identity DU \Gamma A.2 Some properties of differential posets. We review below only a few identities we need in the main part of the paper. For a general algebraic theory of differential posets see [St1-3], [Fo1-3]. Assume here that \Gamma is a 1-differential poset. The first formula is well known: w:v%w Proof. Let can be written as . This is trivial for assuming D Our next result is a generalization of (A.2.1). Lemma A.2.2. Let \Gamma be a 1-differential poset, and let u - v be any vertices of ranks w:v%w Proof. Using the notation dn jvj=n d(u; v) v, one can easily see that U dn dn+1 (u) and that (A.2.3) can be rewritten in the form For the formula is true by the definition of D. By the induction argument, Note that (A.2.3) specializes to (A.2.1) in case A.3 Plancherel transition probabilities on a differential poset. It follows from (A.2.1) that the numbers can be considered as transition probabilities of a Markov chain on \Gamma. Generalizing the terminology used in the particular example of Young lattice (see [KV]), we call (A.3.1) Plancherel transition probabilities. Lemma A.3.2. Let u - v be the vertices of ranks in a 1-differential poset \Gamma. Then the Plancherel probability p(u; v) to reach (by any path) the vertex v starting with u is Proof. We have to check that d(u; w), we obtain jvj=n and the Lemma follows. --R Dimensions and C Generalized Robinson - Schensted - Knuth correspondence Duality of graded graphs Schensted algorithms for dual graded graphs Algebras associated to the Young-Fibonacci lattice Variations on Further combinatorial properties of two Fibonacci lattices Discrete potential theory and boundaries The Grothendieck Group of the Infinite Symmetric Group and Symmetric Functions with the Elements of the K 0 2nd edition Asymptotic character theory of the symmetric group Thoma's theorem and representations of infinite bisymmetric group Analysis and its Appl. The Boundary of Young Graph with Jack Edge Multiplicities Department of Mathematics --TR Further combinatorial properties of two Fibonacci lattices Schensted Algorithms for Dual Graded Graphs --CTR Jonathan David Farley , Sungsoon Kim, The Automorphism Group of the Fibonacci Poset: A Not Too Difficult Problem of Stanley from 1988, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics: An International Journal, v.19 n.2, p.197-204, March 2004
differential poset;okada algebra;harmonic function;non-commutative symmetric function;martin boundary
Structural gate decomposition for depth-optimal technology mapping in LUT-based FPGA designs.
In this paper we study structural gate decomposition in general, simple gate networks for depth-optimal technology mapping using K-input Lookup-Tables (K-LUTs). We show that (1) structural gate decomposition in any K-bounded network results in an optimal mapping depth smaller than or equal to that of the original network, regardless of the decomposition method used; and (2) the problem of structural gate decomposition for depth-optimal technology mapping is NP-hard for K-unbounded networks when K3 and remains NP-hard for K-boundeds networks when K5. Based on these results, we propose two new structural gate decomposition algorithms, named DOGMA and DOGMA-m, which combine the level-driven node-packing technique (used in FlowMap) and the network flow-based labeling technique (used in Chortle-d) for depth-optimal technology mapping. Experimental results show that (1) among five structural gate decompostion algorithms, DOGMA-m results in the best mapping solutions; and (2) compared with speed_up(an algebraic algorithm) and TOS (a Boolean approach), DOGMA-m completes, decomposition of all tested benchmarks in a short time while speed_up and TOS fail in several cases. However, speed_up results in the smallest depth and area in the following technology mapping steps.
Introduction The field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been widely used in circuit design implementation and system prototyping for the advantages of short design cycles and low non-recurring engineering cost. An important class of FPGAs use lookup-tables (LUTs) as the basic logic elements. A K-input LUT (K-LUT) which consists of 2 K SRAM cells can store the truth table of arbitrary Boolean function of up to K variables. By connecting LUTs into a network, LUT-based FPGAs can be used to implement circuit designs in a short time. Logic synthesis for LUT-based FPGAs transforms networks of logic gates into functionally equivalent LUT networks. The process is usually divided into two tasks: logic optimization and technology mapping. Logic optimization extracts common subfunctions to reduce the circuit size and/or resynthesizes critical paths to reduce the circuit delay. Technology mapping consists of two subtasks: gate decomposition and LUT mapping. In gate decomposition, large gates are decomposed into gates of at most K inputs (that is, K-bounded). The resulting K-bounded network is then mapped onto (i.e., covered by) K-LUTs in the LUT mapping step. The separation of optimization and mapping tasks is artificial. Some LUT synthesis algorithms (e.g. [LaPP94] and [WuEA95]) decompose collapsed networks into LUT networks directly. The objectives of these tasks include area or delay minimization, routability maximization, or a combination of them. A comprehensive survey of gate decomposition, LUT mapping, and logic synthesis algorithms for LUT-based FPGAs can be found in [CoDi96]. The delay of an LUT network can be measured by the number of levels (or depth) in the network under the unit delay model. A number of algorithms were proposed in the past for delay-oriented LUT mapping. We classify them into two classes. The first class of algorithms, such as Chortle-d [FrRV91b], DAG-Map [ChCD92], and FlowMap [CoDi94a], perform LUT mapping without logic resynthesis. Among these algorithms, Chortle-d guarantees depth-optimal technology mapping for simple-gate tree networks and FlowMap guarantees depth-optimal LUT mapping for general K-bounded networks. Following FlowMap, FlowMap-r [CoDi94b] and CutMap [CoHw95] further reduce the mapping area, and FlowMap-d [CoDi94c] and Edge-Map [YaWo94] minimize delay under a more accurate net delay model. Another class of LUT mapping algorithms, such as MIS-pga-delay [MuSB91], TechMap-D [SaTh93], FlowSyn [CoDi93], and ALTO [HuJS96] collapse critical paths followed by delay-oriented logic resynthesis. Due to resynthesis, this class of algorithms could obtain mapping depth smaller than the optimal depth computed by FlowMap, but usually with longer computation time. Gate decomposition may affect significantly the network depth obtained by the algorithms in the first LUT mapping class. For example, the network in Figure 1(a) is not a K-bounded network for When node v is decomposed as shown in Figure 1(b), any mapping algorithm will result in a depth of 3 or larger. But if node v is decomposed in the way shown in Figure 1(c), a mapping solution with a depth of 2 can be obtained. In addition, when a K-bounded network is further decomposed, the mapping depth could be reduced. Figure 2(a) shows a 3-bounded network. For produces a 3-level mapping solution of five LUTs. (Every shaded square represents an LUT in the figure.) But if node v is further decomposed, FlowMap produces a 2-level network of four LUTs (Figure 2(b)). The two examples demonstrate that gate decomposition affects the depth obtained by LUT mapping algorithms. We classify gate decomposition methods into structural, algebraic, or Boolean approaches. Structural gate decomposition can only be applied to simple gates (e.g., AND gates, OR gates, XOR gates). Complex gates need to be transformed into simple gates (e.g., via AND-OR decomposition) before any structural decomposition. The tech_decomp algorithm in SIS [SeSL92], the dmig algorithm [Wa89, ChCD92], and the Chortle family of mapping algorithms [FrRC90, FrRV91a, FrRV91b] all perform structural gate decomposition. In algebraic gate decomposition approaches, networks are (a) (b) (c) Figure 1 Impact of gate decomposition on mapping depth for (a) Initial network. (b) A decomposition resulting in a mapping depth of 3. (c) A decomposition resulting in a mapping depth of 2. (a) Before Decomposition (b) After Decomposition Figure Gate decomposition in a K-bounded network Initial K-bounded network with a mapping depth of 3. (b) Decomposed network with a mapping depth of 2. usually partially collapsed and gates are represented in the sum-of-product (SOP) form. Common logic subfunctions are then extracted with algebraic divisions [Ru89, De94]. The speed_up algorithm in SIS [SeSL92] is an algebraic approach which collapses critical paths followed by network resynthesis for delay minimization. In Boolean gate decomposition approaches, logic gates are decomposed via functional operations. Shannon expansion, if-then-else (ITE) decomposition, and AND-OR decomposition are very common Boolean gate decomposition operations. Recently, functional decomposition techniques [AS59, Cu61, RoKa62] are used in a number of LUT network synthesis algorithms [LaPP94, WuEA95, LeWE96]. In these algorithms, networks are completely collapsed whenever possible for the outputs to be represented as functions of the network inputs directly. The output functions are then decomposed into composed K-input subfunctions for implementation using K- LUTs. Optional LUT mapping steps may follow to improve the synthesis results. The FGSyn algorithm [LaPP94] and the BoolMap-D algorithm [LeWE96] take this approach for delay-oriented LUT network synthesis. Generally speaking, algebraic approaches and Boolean approaches are more effective for both area and delay minimization in technology mapping while structural approaches are usually faster. Hybrid approaches such as algebraic decompositions followed by structural decompositions are used in many logic synthesis approaches. In this paper, we study structural gate decomposition for delay minimization in general networks with the following motivations. First, we have shown that how gates are decomposed can affect the mapping depth computed by FlowMap. A good gate decomposition step allows mapping algorithms to obtain the smallest mapping depth. Second, structural gate decomposition allows arbitrary grouping of gate inputs for our optimization objective while algebraic or Boolean approaches do not have this advantage. Third, structural gate decomposition is computationally efficient. This is an important factor for mapping large designs and estimating the mapping delay or area. Nowadays, the IC process technology has advanced to 0.25 -m and below. Million-gate FPGAs have become a reality. Structural gate decomposition algorithms can be employed in the technology mapping approaches along with this technology trend. Several delay-oriented structural gate decomposition algorithms were proposed in the past. The tech_decomp algorithm [SeSL92] decomposes each simple gate into a balanced fanin tree to minimize the number of levels locally. The dmig algorithm [Wa89, ChCD92] is based on the Huffman coding algorithm and guarantees the minimum depth in the decomposed network. However, the mapping depth might not be the minimum. The network in Figure 1(b) is actually decomposed using dmig and results in a suboptimal mapping depth. The Chortle-d algorithm [FrRV91b] employs bin packing heuristics to achieve depth minimization, but is optimal for trees only. In this paper, we go one step further. We shall develop structural gate decomposition algorithms for depth-optimal technology mapping on general networks. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the terminology, presents general properties and formulates the structural gate decomposition problems. Section 3 addresses the NP-completeness of the problems. Section 4 presents two new algorithms, named DOGMA and DOGMA- m, for structural gate decomposition. Experimental results are presented in Section 5 and Section 6 concludes the paper. A preliminary version of this work was published in DAC'96 [CoHw96] without the proofs of theorems and considered only single-gate decompositions. 2. Problem Formulation 2.1. Definitions and Preliminaries A combinational Boolean network N can be represented by a directed acyclic graph where each node v -V represents a logic gate and each directed edge (u,v) -E represents a connection from the output of node u to the input of node v. A node v is a simple gate if v implements one of the following functions: AND, OR, XOR, or their inversions. Primary inputs (PIs) are nodes of in-degree zero. Other nodes are internal nodes among which some are designated as primary outputs (POs). A node v is a predecessor of a node u if there is a directed path from v to u in N. The depth of a node v is the number of edges on the longest path from any PI to v. Each PI has a depth of zero. The depth of a network is the largest depth for nodes in the network. Let input (v) and fanout (v) represent the set of fanins and the set of fanouts of node v, respectively. Given a subgraph H of N, let input (H) denote the set of distinct nodes outside H that supply inputs to nodes in H. A fanin cone C v rooted at v is a connected subnetwork consisting of v and its predecessors. Node v is the root node of C v , and is denoted as root K be the LUT input size. A node v is K-bounded if | input (v) | -K. Otherwise, v is K- unbounded. A network N is K-bounded if it contains only K-bounded nodes. Given a K-bounded network N, a set { of subnetworks is a K-LUT mapping solution of N if (C1) for every L i -M, L i is a fanin cone in N and | input (L i ) | -K, (C2) for every L i -M, input (L i ) contains only PIs or root nodes of other subnetworks in M, (C3) for every L i -M, root (L i ) is either a PO or belongs to input (L j ) for some L j -M, and (C4) for every PO v of N, A mapping solution M is duplication free if L i -L j =- for all L i -L j in M. By implementing every subnetwork in M using a K-LUT, we obtain a K-LUT network which is functionally equivalent to N. The mapping area and the mapping depth of M is the LUT count (i.e., | M | ) and the depth in the K-LUT network that implements M, respectively. Given a K-bounded network N, let S K (N) represent the set of K-LUT networks that implement all mapping solutions of N. The minimum mapping depth of N, denoted as MMD (N), is the minimum network depth for all K-LUT networks in S K (N). Let N v represent the largest fanin cone rooted at v in N. The minimum mapping depth of a node v -N, denoted as MMD N (v), is MMD (N v ). The mapping depth of any PI is 0. Given a K-bounded network N, the FlowMap algorithm [CoDi94a] computes MMD N (v) for every node v -N in polynomial time. A cut in N v is a partition (X v , X v ) of N v such that X v is a fanin cone rooted at v and X v is N v -X v . The cutset of the cut, denoted as n (X v , X v ), is defined as input (X The cut is K-feasible if | n (X v , X -K. The height of the cut, denoted as height (X v , X v ), is v )}. FlowMap computes a min-height K-feasible cut in the fanin cone of each node v to obtain MMD N (v). The following two lemmas are on the minimum mapping depth in general networks. Lemma 1 states the monotone property of minimum mapping depth and Lemma 2 gives a way to compute MMD N (v). be a K-bounded network and let node v -V. Then MMD N (u) -MMD N (v) for every fanin u - input (v). be a K-bounded network, node v -V, and let there exists a K-feasible cut of height p - 1 in N v . Otherwise, MMD N 2.2. Properties of Structural Gate Decomposition Simple gates allow arbitrary grouping of their fanins in decomposition. However, the grouping and the resulting gate size in decomposition can affect significantly the depth and area in the final mapping solution. In this subsection, we shall show that the best mapping results can only be obtained from completely decomposed networks. Let node v be a simple gate in a network N and let | input (v) | - 3. Given a structural gate decomposition algorithm D, a decomposition step D v on node v (i) chooses two fanins u 1 and u 2 of v, (ii) removes edges introduces a node w and three edges to re-connect u 1 , u 2 and v. Because v is a simple gate, D v can always be applied. Node w has the same gate type as node v. For any subnetwork N- = (V-,E-) of N and a decomposition step D v , we define { w}, E- { if v -V-, and D v (N-) =N- if v -/ N-. A network is completely decomposed when it becomes 2-bounded. In Figure 3(a), N- contains nodes u 1 and v with input { a,b,u 2 , c,d}. Figure 3(b) shows D v (N-) after one decomposition step D v . The subnetwork is completely decomposed in Figure 3(c). We have the following theorem. Theorem 1 Let be a K-bounded network, node v -V be a simple gate, and | input (v) | - 3. Then S K (N) - S K (D v (N)) for any structural gate decomposition algorithm D. (a) (c) (b) a b c d a b c d a u 2 b c d e Figure 3 Decomposition of node v. (a) Before decomposition. (b) D v (N) after one decomposition step D v . (c) Complete decomposition of v. Proof Let w be the node introduced by D v . Let { be an arbitrary mapping solution of N. We claim { D v (L 1 ),D v (L 2 ), . , D v (L m )} is a mapping solution of D v (N). First, N and D v (N) have the same set of PIs and POs. From Figure 3, it should be clear that L i and D v (L i ) have the same set of inputs as well as the same output node. As a result, M- satisfies conditions (C1) to (C4) for being a mapping solution of D v (N). The K-LUT that implements L i also implements D v (L i ). Hence the K-LUT network that implements M also implements M-. Therefore, S K (N) - S K (D v (N)). However, a mapping solution M- of D v (N) can not be a mapping solution of N if w is the root node of some subnetwork in M- (due to w -/ N). There exists at least one such mapping solution which is D v (N) itself. As a result, S K (N) - S K (D v (N)). # Corollary 1.1 Let be a K-bounded network, node v -V be a simple gate, and | input (v) | - 3. Then MMD (D v (N)) -MMD (N) for any structural gate decomposition algorithm D. Proof Since S K (N) - S K (D v (N)) for any decomposition algorithm D, by definition, MMD (D v (N)) -MMD (N). # Note that Theorem 1 and Corollary 1.1 hold as long as the decomposition step at v (structural, algebraic, or Boolean) can be carried out regardless v is a simple gate or not. However, the algebraic or functional decomposition for a complex gate may not always be possible. Since the set of all possible functionally equivalent K-LUT networks expands whenever a simple gate is decomposed (Theorem 1), it is always beneficial to decompose simple-gate networks into 2- bounded networks for LUT mapping algorithms to exploit the larger mapping solution space. The experimental results reported in [CoDi94a] confirm this conclusion. In their experiments, the input networks were first transformed into simple gate networks and then decomposed structurally into 5- bounded, 4-bounded, 3-bounded, or 2-bounded networks before for LUT mapping. The resulting mapping depth decreases monotonically along with the decrease of gate sizes in decomposition. An interesting contrast comes from the results reported in [LeEW96] where networks were first collapsed completely and then decomposed functionally into 5-bounded, 4-bounded, or 3-bounded networks for LUT mapping. The best mapping solutions in terms of area and depth are mostly from the 5-bounded networks. The two experiments show an important difference between structural and functional decompositions: logic signals are preserved in structural decompositions while new gates are synthesized during functional decompositions. In [LeEW96], the 5-bounded, 4-bounded, and 3-bounded networks contain totally different sets of internal gates which are synthesized independently in three functional decomposition processes. In fact, according to Corollary 1.1, if the 5-bounded networks in [LeEW96] were further decomposed for LUT mapping, even smaller mapping depth could be obtained in their experiments. The following lemma specifies a condition where the structural gate decomposition will not cause further mapping depth reduction. be a K-bounded network, node v -V be a simple gate, and | input (v) | - 3. Assume that nodes u 1, Figure 4(a)). Let D v be the decomposition step which merges u 1 , u 2 into an intermediate node w (see Figure 4(b)). Then MMD (N) =MMD (D v (N)). Proof Assume MMD N )). Next, assures that p-MMD D v (N) (w) -MMD D v (N) (v). Then, according to Corollary 1.1, we have MMD D v (N) (v) -MMD N Figure 4(b)). Now we show MMD (D v (N)) =MMD (N). Suppose this is not the case. Then MMD (D v (N)) <MMD (N) and there exists a mapping solution { (N) such that M has a depth smaller than MMD (N). Let x i represent the output node of each K-feasible subnetwork L i in M. First, would be a mapping solution of N (by collapsing w into v) and MMD (D v (N)) would not be smaller than MMD (N). Next, there must exist some x i such that We call node x i a depth-reduced node. There are two cases for any depth- reduced node x i . (i) w -/ input (L i ). Then we can find another node x j - input (L i ) such that won't be a depth-reduced node. We continue to trace depth-reduced nodes towards PIs. This tracing, however, won't reach PIs since PIs have a depth of 0. At certain depth, the second case must happen. (ii) w - input (L i ). Then (N- x -L i , L i ) is a cut in the fanin cone N- x i in D v (N) (see Figure 4(c)). But we can move node v from L i to N- x -L i and obtain another K- feasible cut of height p in N- x i (see Figure 4(d)), since w is fanout-free and w and v have the same mapping depth p. This implies MMD D v (N) As a result, x i is not a depth-reduced node. Contradiction. So we proved MMD (D v (N)) =MMD (N). # Lemma 4 Let be a K-bounded network, node v -V be a simple gate, and | input (v) | - 3. If MMD N (D v (N)) for any structural gate decomposition algorithm D. Proof Since the intermediate node w has the same depth as node v, this lemma is true according to Lemma 3. # (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4 (a) Before D v . (b) After D v . (c) w - input (L i ). (d) v is moved out of L i . 2.3. Integrated versus Two-step Technology Mapping Gate decomposition and LUT mapping can be performed in two different ways. In an integrated mapping approach, the input network is decomposed and covered by LUTs simultaneously, while in a two-step mapping approach, the input network is decomposed into a K-bounded network before LUT mapping is performed. For example, Chortle-d is an integrated mapping approach while FlowMap fits only into a two-step mapping approach. The separation of gate decomposition and LUT mapping is a restriction in general since integrated approaches allow more informative gate decomposition and LUT mapping decisions while two-step approaches do not have this advantage. It may appear that the minimum mapping depth for all integrated mapping approaches will be smaller than the minimum mapping depth for all two-step mapping approaches. However, we show that this is not the case for structural gate decomposition. Theorem 2 Given a K-bounded network N, if only structural gate decomposition is allowed, the minimum mapping depth for all integrated mapping approaches equals to the minimum mapping depth for all two-step mapping approaches. Proof Given an arbitrary K-bounded network N, assume some integrated approach results in the optimal depth MMD (N) in a mapping solution M N . Then M N is a mapping solution of some K-bounded network N- decomposed structurally from N. A depth-optimal mapper (e.g. FlowMap) can take N- as input and generate a mapping solution M N- . Since M N- is depth-optimal with respect to N-, we have MMD (N-MMD (N). But M N is depth optimal with respect to N, As a result, MMD (N) -MMD (N-). Therefore, MMD (N) =MMD (N-). # Our mapping algorithms to be presented in Section 4 should be considered a hybrid approach. On one hand, depth minimization is achieved in structural gate decomposition (by DOGMA or DOGMA-m) to return a network topology of the minimum mapping depth; On the other hand, the LUT mapping solution is computed in depth-optimal LUT mapping with area minimization as a second objective. As a result, the depth and the area are optimized separately in the two steps of technology mapping. Therefore, we consider our algorithm as a hybrid approach. 2.4. The SGD/K and K-SGD/K Problems In this paper, we study structural gate decomposition of K-bounded or K-unbounded simple-gate networks into 2-bounded networks such that LUT mapping algorithms (e.g., FlowMap) can obtain the smallest mapping depth. We formulate the following two problems. Structural Gate Decomposition for K-LUT Mapping (SGD/K) Given a simple-gate K- unbounded network N - , decompose N - into a 2-bounded network N 2 such that MMD (N 2 for any other 2-bounded decomposed network N- 2 of N - . Structural Gate Decomposition in K-bounded Network for K-LUT Mapping (K-SGD/K) Given a simple-gate K-bounded network N K , decompose N K into a 2-bounded network N 2 such that other 2-bounded decomposed network N- 2 of N K . 3. Complexity of SGD/K and K-SGD/K Problems We shall show the following results: (1) The SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 3; and (2) the K- SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 5. We shall present the construction for the NP-Complete reduction, the lemmas and theorems, and the proofs for theorems. Proofs for lemmas can be found in the Appendix. Our results are based on polynomial-time transformations from the 3SAT problem to the decision version of the SGD/K and the K-SGD/K problems. The 3SAT problem, which is a well-known NP-Complete problem [GaJo79], is defined as follows. Problem: 3-Satisfiability (3SAT) Instance: A set of Boolean variables collection of m clauses each clause is the disjunction (OR) of 3 literals of the variables and (ii) each clause contains at most one of x i and x # i for any variable x i . Question: Is there a truth assignment for the variables in X such that C We shall transform an arbitrary instance of 3SAT to an instance of SGD/K in polynomial time. The idea is to relate the truth assignment of variables in 3SAT to the decision of gate decomposition in SGD/K. Since determining the truth assignment is difficult, the decision of gate decomposition is also difficult. We define the decision version of the SGD/K problem as follows. Problem: Structural Gate Decomposition for K-LUT Mapping (SGD/K-D) Instance: A constant K - 3, a depth bound B, and a simple-gate K-unbounded network N - . Question: Is there a way to structurally decompose N - into a 2-bounded network N 2 such that the depth-optimal K-LUT mapping solution of N 2 has a depth no more than B? Given an instance F of 3SAT with n variables x 1 , x 2 , . , x n and m clauses C i , C 2 , . , C m , we construct an K-unbounded network N (F) corresponding to the instance F as follows. First, for each variable x i , we construct a subnetwork N which consists of the following nodes: (a) two output nodes denoted as x i and x nodes in which two of them are denoted as 1 and PI i nodes, denoted as v i respectively; The nodes are connected as shown in Figure 5. Each node of w i 2 has K - 1 PI fanins. Node s i has 4 fanins from w i 1 and PI i . Every other internal node has K PI fanins. Note that well-defined for K - 3 and is K-bounded for Next, for each clause C j with 3 literals l j 3 , we construct a subnetwork N (C j ) which consists of the following nodes: (a) one output node denoted as C j ; (b) three literal nodes denoted as l j 2K-5 , each of them being the root of a complete 2-level K-ary tree with PI nodes as leaves; (d) (K - 2) internal nodes r j K-2 , each of them being the root of a complete 3- level K-ary tree with PI nodes as leaves. The connections are shown in Figure 6(a). The output node C j has all internal nodes as its fanins in N (C j ). Note that N (C j ) is well-defined for K - 3. However, the output node C j is not K-bounded. K PI's K PI's K-1 PI's K-1 PI's K PI's K PI's K-3 K-2 Figure 5 Construction of network N r j3 K-2 l j r j3 K-2 l j (a) (b) Figure 6 (a) Construction of network N (C j ) for each clause C j . (b) Exact 2K nodes of depth 2 appear when MMD (l j 2. Finally, we connect the subnetworks N (C j with the subnetworks N as follows to form the network N (F). Let literal l j k be a literal in clause C j . If l j x i is a variable, we connect node x i in N as the single fanin of node l j k in N (C j ). Similarly, if l j we connect node x # i in N as the single fanin of node l j k in N (C j ). Note that every literal node has exactly one fanin. This fanin node is called the variable node of the corresponding literal node. Network N primary outputs: nodes C 1 , . , C m . We illustrate the construction of N (F) by an example. Assume The network N (F) is shown in Figure 7. Because clause as fanins to nodes l 1 3 in N (C 1 ), respectively. is the variable node of node l 1 1 . We have the following lemma. Lemma 5 The 3SAT instance F is satisfiable if and only if N (F) can be decomposed into D (N such that MMD (D (N Theorem 3 The SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 3. Proof The transformation from an instance F of 3SAT to the network N (F) takes O (K 3 (n +m)) time. If the SGD/K-D problem can be solved in polynomial time, we can set solve 3SAT in polynomial time. So the SGD/K-D problem is NP-hard. For a given decomposed network D (N (F)) of takes polynomial time to compute its mapping depth d and verify whether d -B (e.g. by FlowMap). So the SGD/K-D problem is NP-Complete. Since N are well-defined forl 1l 1 3 l 1l 2l 2l 2l 3l 3l 3 Figure 7 The network N (F) for the SGD/K-D problem is NP-Complete for K - 3. Hence the SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 3. We now show the complexity of the K-SGD/K problem. In this construction of reduction, we must have every node K-bounded (note that N (C j ) is not K-bounded in the previous construction). Given an instance F of the 3SAT with n variables x 1 , x 2 , . , x n and m clauses C i , C 2 , . , C m , we construct a corresponding K-bounded network N K (F) as follows. For each variable x i , construct subnetwork N before (shown in Figure 5). However, for each clause C j , construct subnetwork N K (C consisting of (a) one output node denoted C j ; (b) three literal nodes denoted as l j K-5 , each of them is the root of a complete 2-level K-ary tree with PI nodes as leaves. The subnetwork N K (C j ) is shown in Figure 8(a). Note that N K (C j ) is well defined and K-bounded for K - 5. We connect subnetworks N according to the formula F as before to obtain the network N K (F). We have the following lemma. Lemma 6 The 3SAT instance F is satisfiable if and only if N K (F) can be decomposed into D (N K (F)) such that MMD (D (N K Theorem 4 The K-SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 5. Proof The subnetwork N K-bounded for 4. The subnetwork N K (C j ) is K-bounded for 5. Based on similar arguments in the proof of Theorem 3, it is easy to see the K-SGD/K problem is NP-hard for K - 5. # 4. Gate Decomposition Algorithms for Depth-Optimal Mapping In this section, we combine the node packing technique in Chortle-d with the min-height K-feasible cut technique in FlowMap in structural gate decomposition of simple-gate networks. Our objective is to minimize the depth in the final mapping solution. We propose two algorithms. The first algorithm decomposes logic gates independently as in most previous approaches; while the second algorithm decomposes multiple gates simultaneously to exploit common fanins. The advantage of multi-gate (a) (b) l jl jl j3 C j2 l j K-5 K-5 Figure 8 Construction of K-bounded subnetwork N K (C j ) for each clause C j . decomposition can be seen in one example. Nodes a, b, . , f in Figure 9 are primary inputs. If nodes u and v in Figure 9(a) are decomposed independently, we might obtain a network in Figure 9(b). For the best mapping solution in this case will be a 3-level network of 6 LUTs. However, if nodes u and v are decomposed together to exploit their common fanins c and d as shown in Figure 9(c), a 2-level network of 4 LUTs can be obtained. Both the depth and the area are reduced in the mapping solution. (a) a b c d e f x (b) a b c d e f x (c) a b c d e f x Figure 9 Multi-gate decomposition. (a) Initial network. (b) Single gate decomposition result. (c) Multi-gate decomposition result. (Shaded nodes are LUT outputs.) 4.1. Single Gate Decomposition We present our single gate decomposition algorithm DOGMA (Depth-Optimal Gate decomposition for MApping) in this subsection. Given a simple-gate network N, DOGMA decomposes nodes in topological order from PIs to POs. At each node v, DOGMA shall decompose and label v with the number l (v) =MMD N (v) (v) where N (v) denotes the decomposed network. The set of fanins of label q in input (v), denoted S q , is called a stratum of depth q. A K-feasible cut of height q - 1 exist for every node in S q . A K-feasible cut of height q - 1 exists for a set B of nodes if such a cut exists for a node s created with input (s) =B. DOGMA groups input (v) into strata according to their labels, and processes each stratum in two steps. (1) Starting from the stratum S q of the smallest depth, DOGMA partitions S q into a minimum number of subsets such that there exists a K-feasible cut of height q - 1 for each subset of nodes. The process is similar to packing objects into bins. Each bin has a size of K. The size of a node (also called an object) is the size of its min-cut of height q - 1. A set of nodes can be packed into one bin if their overall size is no larger than K. Such a bin is called a min-height K-feasible bin which corresponds to a partitioned subset of S q . Note that the overall cut size for nodes in a set could be smaller than the sum of their individual cut sizes. (2) After partitioning S q into subsets (or min-height K-feasible bins), an intermediate node (also called bin node) w i is created for each bin B i with input (w i ) =B i and is labeled l (w is then created for each w i with input (b i { w i } and a label l (b buffer nodes are put into the set S q +1 . Note that if some bin B i contains more than 2 nodes, bin node w i needs to be further decomposed. However, according to Lemma 4, no matter how w i is decomposed, the minimum mapping depth of the network does not change. DOGMA arbitrarily decomposes w i into an unbalanced tree. DOGMA repeats steps (1) and (2) for stratum S q +1 and so on until all strata have been processed. The last bin node corresponds to node v. Note that buffer nodes are introduced only for the packing process and will be removed when the decomposition is complete. To determine if there exists a K-feasible cut of height q - 1 for a bin B i - S q of nodes, we compute a max-flow in the flow network constructed as follows [CoDi94a]. (i) Create a sink node t with input (t) =B i . (ii) Create a source node s that fanouts to all PIs in N t . (iii) Assign every edge in N t an infinite flow capacity. (iv) Replace every node u -N t , except s and t, by a subgraph (V u { an infinite flow capacity if l otherwise, a unit flow capacity is assigned. (v) Finally, compute a max-flow in the constructed flow network. The amount of flow f corresponds to the min-cut size in the flow network. If f -K, there exists a min-cut of height q - 1 for the bin B i of nodes. We illustrate DOGMA for 3. The output node v in Figure 10(a) is under decomposition. Among the five fanins of v, b,c,d have labels l As a result, S { b,c,d} and S { a,e}. According to DOGMA, b,c will be packed into one bin since a K- feasible cut of height 1 exists for them, and d into another bin for a total of two (which is the minimum) min-height K-feasible bins. Then bin nodes f and g with labels l (f buffer nodes h and i with labels l are created for the two bins, respectively (see Figure 10(b)). DOGMA proceeds to the stratum of depth 3. Two K-feasible cuts of height 2 are found for { a,h} and { i,e} respectively. Again, bin nodes j and k with labels l nodes m and n with labels l are created for the two bins, respectively. Nodes m and n are then packed into a bin which corresponds to v (see Figure 10(c)). Finally, nodes g, h, i, m and n are removed and node v is completely decomposed with a label l The following problem needs to be solved in DOGMA. a c d e a c d e a c d e (a) (b) (c) Figure Decomposition of gate v by the DOGMA algorithm. (a) Before decomposition. (b) b and c, d are packed into f and g. (c) a and h, i and e are packed into j and k. Min-Height K-Feasible Bin Packing Problem Given a stratum S q of depth q, pack nodes in S q into a minimum number of min-height K-feasible bins. In our study, we developed three heuristics to solve the problem. The first-fit-decreasing (FFD) and best-fit-decreasing (BFD) are two heuristics for the bin packing problem [HoSa78]. The FFD heuristic sorts objects into a list of objects of decreasing sizes, indexes the bins 1,2,3,., then removes the object from the list (in order) and puts it into the first bin that can accommodate it. The initial conditions on the bins and objects in the BFD heuristic are the same as in the FFD heuristic. But BFD puts the object into the bin that leaves the smallest empty space. For the min-height K-feasible bin packing problem, we proposed two min-cut based heuristics, MC-FFD and MC-BFD, which are analogous to FFD and BFD except that every object is a node whose size is defined to be the size of its min-cut of height q - 1. A set of nodes can be packed into a K-feasible bin as long as their combined cut size is no larger than K. The third heuristic is called maximal-sharing-decreasing (MC-MSD) which encourages sharing during packing, i.e., the size of the min-cut for the packed nodes is smaller than the sum of their individual min-cut sizes. The packing that produces the maximum sharing is considered the best-fit packing when MC- MSD calls MC-BFD for a packing result. Experimental results (Table 1) show very little difference between the three heuristics on the mapping results (DOGMA followed by CutMap) for MCNC benchmarks. It indicates that the same number of bins were obtained by the three heuristics in most cases. This could be due to the small bin size in the experiment. We choose MC-FFD for its efficiency. The FFD heuristic is also used in Chortle-d for packing nodes into bins. However, MC-FFD packs nodes according to the size of their min-height K-feasible cut for better performance. With reconvergent fanouts in general networks, one can not decide locally whether a set of nodes can be packed into one bin or not. For example, it is not obvious that nodes e and i in Figure 10(b) can be packed into one bin. The MC-FFD heuristic employs max-flow computation and can decide the packing feasibility correctly. The time complexity of DOGMA is computed as follows. For every node v in the input network create | input (v) | - 2 nodes. In total, there are ( | input (v) | - created. The min-height K-feasible cut computation has a time complexity of O (K . | E | ) [CoDi94a] where K is the LUT input size, and is carried out O ( | input (v) | 2 ) times in the worst case at each node v in the MC-FFD heuristic. Let d max be the maximal fanin size for nodes in N. Then the time complexity of DOGMA is O (K . d max . | E | 2 ). We can reduce the time complexity of min-height cut computation to O (K . | constructing partial flow networks only to a certain depth, where E p is the edge set of the partial flow network. Let E p_max represent the edge set of the largest partial flow network constructed during decomposition. Then the time complexity of DOGMA is reduced to O (K . d max Bin packing heuristics in DOGMA MC-FFD MC-BFD MC-MSD Circuits D A D A D A count 5 rot 7 267 7 267 7 267 too_large 5 C6288 22 724 22 724 22 724 des 5 965 5 965 5 965 total 171 7674 171 7674 171 7677 Table 1 Comparison of packing heuristics MC-FFD, MC-BFD, and MC-MSD in DOGMA. 4.2. Multiple Gate Decomposition We present our multiple gate decomposition algorithm, named DOGMA-m, and illustrate the procedure on the network shown in Figure 11(a) for 3. DOGMA-m is outlined in Figure 12. We call the stratum of each node a local stratum. The union of all local strata of depth q is called the global stratum of depth q. For each depth q, a node v is under decomposition if | input (v) | > 2 (i.e., not yet completely decomposed) and input (v) intersets with the global stratum of depth q. Starting from the depth the nodes of the same gate type and also under decomposition will be decomposed simultaneously. In Figure 11(a), nodes a, b, ., h all have a label of 1. Nodes x, y, and z are under decomposition for 1. The local stratum of depth 1 is { a,b,c} for node x, { b,c,d,e, f } for node y, and { e, f , g,h} for node z, respectively. The global stratum of depth 1 is { a,b,c,d,e, f , g,h}. (a) e a b c g h f d x y z (c) e a b c g h f d z (b) e a b c g h f d y z e a b c g h f d z Figure Multiple gate decomposition. (a) Initial network. (b) After one (c) After two Completely decomposed network. In initialization, buffers are created for PIs to supply inputs to the the rest of the network. PIs are labeled 0 and buffers are labeled 1. In Figure 11(a), nodes a, b, . , h are buffers PI buffers. Gray regions represent the global strata of depth 1 and 2 in Figure 11(a)-(c) and (d), respectively . The gate decomposition proceeds as follows. (1) For each depth q and for each gate type f, the nodes under decomposition are collected into a set G q f . Then the global stratum of depth q, denoted as S q , is computed by the union of local strata of depth q for all nodes in G q f . In Figure { x,y,z} and { a,b,c,d,e, f , g,h}. Based on G q f and S q , we formulate the Global Stratum Bin Packing (GSBP) problem (to be formally defined later). By solving the GSBP problem, we achieve (i) for each node in G q f , its local stratum of depth q are packed into min-height K-feasible bins, and (ii) there are a minimum number of min-height K-feasible bins in total. The second objective is achieved by packing common fanins for the nodes in G q f . Intermediate nodes (also called bin nodes) are created for bins. In Figure 11(b), nodes b and c, e and f, g and h are packed into bin nodes i, j and k, respectively. (2) It is possible that some nodes in G q f have been decomposed completely (e.g., nodes x and z in Figure while the local strata of other nodes can be further packed (e.g., node y in Figure 11(b)). Both G q f and S q are updated and a new instance of the GSBP problem for the same q value is formulated and solved. The process iterates until the global stratum of depth q has been minimally packed into bins (as a result, the network does not change). In Figure 11(b), we have l { v,y}, and S { i,d, j,x}. By solving the GSBP problem for the updated G 1 f and S 1 , node d and i are packed into a bin node m. Node y is now completely decomposed with a label l 2. The process iterates with updated G 1 { v} and S { x}. But no further packing are possible for Figure 11(c)). (3) Buffer nodes are created and labeled q every fanin in the global strata S q . The decomposition process iterates steps (1) and (2) until the network is 2-bounded. In Figure 11(d), a buffer node n is created for node x, nodes y and z are then packed into a bin, and the decomposition of node v is completed. Two points are worth mentioning. First, in DOGMA, each node is decomposed only after all its fanins have been decomposed and labeled. In DOGMA-m, however, nodes could undergo decomposition even though some of their fanins have not been labeled. For example, node v in Figure 11(b) is under decomposition (v -G 1 f ) while its fanin y is not labeled yet. Second, for each depth q and gate type f, multiple instances of the GSBP problem might be solved in order to pack local strata into a minimal number of bins. For example, two instances of the GSBP problem are solved for before the local stratum of node y is minimally packed (from Figure 11(a) to (c)). In our experiments, we found that solving three instances of the GSBP problem are sufficient for each q value. The Global Stratum Bin Packing (GSBP) Problem is formally defined as follows. Global Stratum Bin Packing (GSBP) Problem Given a set G q f of nodes of gate type f under decomposition and a global stratum S q of depth q that contain fanins of nodes from G q , pack the fanins in S q into a set of bins such that (i) for each node in G q , its local stratum of depth q are packed into min- height K-feasible bins, (ii) there is a minimum number of min-height K-feasible bins in total. To solve the GSBP problem, we build a matrix M where rows correspond to nodes in G q columns correspond to fanins in S { not. A rectangle is a subset of rows and columns, denoted by a pair (R,C) indicating the row and column subsets, where all entries are 1. C corresponds to a bin of fanins and R corresponds to a set of nodes that share fanins in C. A solution of the GSBP problem is a rectangle cover for M subject to that a K-feasible cut of height q - 1 exists for fanins in each column set C. This matrix representation is similar to the cube-literal matrix used for solving the cube extraction problem procedure DOGMA-m ( N, K ) /* N is the input network and K is LUT input size. */ Initialization . until N is 2-bounded do 4 while not inc_q do 5 for each gate function type f do { u | label 8 Solve GSBP( G q f , S q , K ) problem 9 for each min-height K-feasible bin B i created (if any) in GSBP do create bin node w i , label (w i to N, update fanins of nodes in G q f 12 if no new bin node was created then 13 for each node u i - S q do 14 create buffer node b i , label (b i return N Figure Multiple gate decomposition algorithm. [Ru89, De94]. However, the algorithms for cube extraction can not be applied directly because the C in every rectangle (R,C) must satisfy the K-feasible cut constraint. We use the MC-FFD packing heuristic to compute a rectangle cover for the GSBP problem as follows. First, compute the fanout factor and the cut size s j of min-cut of height q - 1 for a b c d e f x y (a)00 z a b c d e f x y (b)00 z Figure 13 FFD bin packing heuristic for the GSBP problem. (a) Initial M. (b) The M after the first run of bin packing. every fanin u j - S q . The weight of each fanin is . s j . Then we sort the fanins according to their weights and follow the MC-FFD bin packing heuristic to pack fanins into bins (starting from the fanin with the largest weight). Our strategy is to group fanins of large cut sizes for obtaining a minimum number of bins and to group fanins of large fanout sizes for exploiting common fanins. A set of fanins can be packed into one bin C if (i) a K-feasible cut of height q - 1 exists for the fanins in C, and (ii) the largest rectangle satisfies | R | - r min (i.e., at least r min nodes in G q f share these fanins) where r min is a user-specified parameter. By performing the MC-FFD packing heuristic, we obtain a set of rectangles. Each rectangle (R,C) that satisfies | C | - c min (another user-specified parameter) will be saved and covered with 0's in M. The MC-FFD packing procedure is repeated until M contains only 0's. A rectangle cover for M is then obtained, and the set C in each rectangle corresponds to a bin. In our implementation, we set in the first pass of the MC-FFD packing procedure, and decrease both values to 1 in subsequent iterations. The decrease of values guarantees the termination of our procedure. We demonstrate the MC-FFD packing heuristic on the network in Figure 11(a) for solving the GSBP problem. The initial matrix M is shown in Figure 13(a). The rows correspond to nodes in { x,y,z} and the columns correspond to fanins in S { a,b,c,d,e, f , g,h}. The weight of each fanin is its fanout size (i.e., the number of 1's in each column) since every fanin is a PI buffer whose cut size is 1. Fanins are sorted into the order b,c,e, f , a,d,g,h according to their weights. Nodes b and c are packed into the first bin, which corresponds to the rectangle (R 1 , b,c}). Although there is a 3- feasible cut of height 0 for nodes b,c,e, they can't be packed into one bin because the rectangle for them have | R | = | { y} | < r 2. As a result, node e is put into a separate bin and packed with node f, which corresponds to the rectangle (R 2 , e, f }). Then the two rectangles are covered with 0's Figure 13(b)). We reset r another run of MC-FFD packing heuristic. Three bins are obtained but only one bin contains two fanins. Totally, three bin nodes will be created. The network in Figure 11(a) is now decomposed into the network in Figure 11(b). original rugged ckt gate fanin ckt gate fanin Circuits size 3 >3 time(s) size 3 >3 z4ml count 111 14% 0% 1.4 79 22% 20% 9symml 153 34% 8% 20.4 96 28% 35% cordic 73 11% 8% 1.3 36 22% 28% i3 70 0% 6% 2.2 78 0% 26% alu2 210 17% 53% 29.9 172 19% 16% alu4 416 13% 47% 22.0 374 16% 9% rot 494 21% 39% 17.1 392 21% 18% dalu 1939 10% 4% 3.0 595 42% 7% too_large 1038 0% 100% 7.0 137 21% 35% des total 18824 16% 26% 317.4 13007 16% 12% Table optimization using the rugged script. 5. Experimental Results We implemented DOGMA and DOGMA-m in C language and incorporated them into the RASP logic synthesis system for FPGAs [CoPD96]. We prepared two sets of benchmarks in our experiments. The first set C original consists of 24 original multi-level MCNC benchmarks which all contain a large percentage of 2-unbounded gates (i.e., 3 or more inputs). We performed the rugged script in SIS [SeSL92] for technology independent optimization and obtained the second set C rugged of benchmarks. Both sets of benchmarks were transformed into simple-gate networks using AND-OR decomposition. Table 2 shows the circuit sizes and fanin distributions of the two sets of simple-gate networks. The benchmark set C original contains 18,824 simple gates with 42% of them being 2-unbounded, while the benchmark set C rugged contains 13,007 simple gates with 28% of them being 2-unbounded. Clearly, both circuit size and fanin size were reduced by performing the rugged script. The total runtime is less than 6 minutes. We compared DOGMA and DOGMA-m with three structural gate decomposition algorithms, as well as DOGMA-m with algebraic and Boolean decomposition approaches in our experiments. The three structural gate decomposition algorithms used for comparison were the tech_decomp algorithm [SeSL92], the dmig algorithm [Wa89, ChCD92], and our implementation of the Chortle-d algorithm [FrRV91b]. After gate decomposition by each of these algorithms, CutMap [CoHw95] was employed to obtain depth-optimal mapping solutions. For a comparison across structural, algebraic, and Boolean gate decompositions, we employed DOGMA-m, speed_up in SIS [SeSL92] and the TOS package [EcLL96] to perform decompositions, respectively. Again, CutMap was employed to perform LUT mapping except for TOS since it produced LUT networks directly. The objective of gate decomposition and LUT mapping in our experiments was to minimize mapping depth. CutMap also minimizes mapping area as the second objective. All experiments were performed on a Sun ULTRA2 workstation with 256M of memory. We first demonstrate the impact of further gate decomposition on depth and area in technology mapping. According to Theorem 1, the mapping solution space expands regardless of the gate decomposition algorithm used. We use tech_decomp to decompose benchmarks in C rugged into 5- bounded networks, and subsequently into 2-bounded networks, followed by LUT mapping to obtain mapping solutions. The sizes of 5-bounded networks increase substantially comparing to the 5- unbounded networks in C rugged . However, the percentages of 2-unbounded gates are about the same. We employed CutMap [CoHw95] and DFMap [CoDi94b] to produce depth-optimal and duplication free 5-bounded CutMap DFMap ckt gate fanin 5-bounded 2-bounded 5-bounded 2-bounded Circuits size 3 >3 D A D A D A D A count 79 22 20 5 31 5 31 9symml 131 24 28 7 90 6 105 alu4 434 21 9 rot too_large 219 des total 16007 ratio 1.00 1.00 0.84 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.02 0.84 Table 3 Comparison of results for 5-bounded and 2-bounded networks. area-optimal mapping solutions, respectively. In Table 3, we see that both the optimal mapping depth (by CutMap) and the optimal duplication-free mapping area (by DFMap) are reduced by 16% when the 5- bounded networks are further decomposed into 2-bounded networks. These results confirm the results stated in Theorem 1. Structural gate decomposition algorithms tech_decomp dmig chortle-d DOGMA DOGMA-m Circuits D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) z4ml 4 count 5 9symml 5 dalu 9 507 3.7 9 513 4.3 9 507 12.0 9 506 175.8 9 497 19.9 too_large 7 4867 26.3 7 4700 297.4 6 3913 137.6 6 3867 456.9 6 2124 1680.7 C6288 22 728 4.5 22 728 5.1 22 728 85.9 22 728 854.9 22 728 42.6 des 5 total ratio 1.11 1.50 0.03 1.05 1.48 0.12 1.06 1.41 0.12 1.01 1.39 0.69 1.00 1.00 1.00 Table 4 Comparison of results using tech_decomp, dmig, chortle-d, DOGMA and DOGMA-m for gate decomposition followed by CutMap for circuits in C original . Next, we compared five structural gate decomposition algorithms (tech_decomp, dmig, Chortle- d, DOGMA, and DOGMA-m) on benchmarks in C original and C rugged using CutMap as the mapping engine. The depth and area of mapping solutions as well as the runtimes of the compared algorithms (not including CutMap time) for the two sets of benchmarks are presented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Comparing to DOGMA-m, we see that the other four algorithms result in up to 11% larger mapping depth and up to 50% larger mapping area on the benchmark set C original , and up to 16% larger mapping depth and up to 10% larger mapping area on the benchmark set C rugged . The differences in mapping depth obtained by DOGMA-m and dmig or DOGMA are marginal, while the differences in mapping area are more significant. Regarding the runtime, DOGMA-m runtime is comparable to DOGMA runtime, but is 8 to 33 times slower than the runtimes of other three algorithms. However, DOGMA-m runtime is in the same order of magnitude as the time spent in performing the rugged script or CutMap. Structural gate decomposition algorithms tech_decomp dmig chortle-d DOGMA DOGMA-m Circuits D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) count 5 cordic 5 rot 9 270 1.0 7 259 1.1 8 265 2.5 7 267 6.2 7 261 5.4 too_large 6 162 0.4 5 161 0.6 5 185 1.1 5 C6288 22 727 4.3 22 690 4.9 22 690 19.4 22 724 769.2 22 723 192.0 des 6 1087 4.5 5 1058 5.3 6 1127 14.4 5 965 49.0 5 969 208.5 total 196 7857 32.0 176 7773 42.8 182 7836 103.4 171 7689 1130.9 169 7144 919.0 ratio 1.16 1.10 0.03 1.04 1.09 Table 5 Comparison of results using tech_decomp, dmig, chortle-d, DOGMA and DOGMA-m for gate decomposition followed by CutMap for circuits in C rugged . Comparing Tables 4 and 5, we see that the mapping area for C rugged is 30% to 50% smaller than that for C orginal , while the mapping depth for C rugged is 1% to 7% larger than that for C original . It shows that the rugged script, which performs logic optimization based on algebraic divisions, is very effective for area minimization but not as effective for depth minimization. A benefit resulted from the area reduction is the significant decrease of runtime for all decomposition algorithms. For benchmarks in rugged , DOGMA-m results in 10% smaller area comparing to the other four algorithms under comparison. It shows that DOGMA-m can exploit common fanins for area minimization in addition to the rugged script. Finally, we employed DOGMA-m, speed_up and TOS for a comparison across structural, algebraic, and Boolean gate decomposition approaches. We configured TOS for delay-oriented synthesis in the medium-effort mode performing both single-output (TOS-s) and multi-output (TOS-m) functional decompositions. The input circuits to TOS were prepared as follows. First, we tried to collapse each benchmark in C rugged into a flat logic network within 30 minutes of CPU time. If this could not be done, we used the reduce_depth -depth d command provided in TOS to collapse benchmarks into networks of the smallest depth d where d - 2. We allocated minutes of CPU time for each depth d starting from Among all benchmarks after collapsing, rot and C880 have a depth of 2, C432, C2670, C5315, and C7552 have a depth of 3, C3540 and i10 have a depth of 4, and C6288 has a depth of 6. The remaining benchmarks are completely collapsed. Table 6 collects the mapping results by DOGMA TOS-m. Subtotal1, subtotal2, and subtotal3 are totals of the mapping results for benchmarks that speed_up, TOS-s, and TOS-m succeed, respectively, and the ratios measure the relative performances of these approaches with respect to DOGMA-m CutMap. The time T(s) reports the computation time in seconds. In Table 6, we see that DOGMA-m + CutMap is able to map all benchmarks in 23 minutes, while speed_up fail to map some benchmarks after 2 hours. Comparing to DOGMA-m takes more than 5 hours (98% consumed Technology mapping (gate decomposition and LUT mapping) algorithms DOGMA-m speed_up TOS-TUM (medium effort) CutMap single-output multiple-output Circuits D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) D A T(s) count 5 31 1.0 3 52 12.2 2 42 8.4 3 38 24.7 rot 7 261 13.2 6 251 71.1 7 404 117.5 8 291 612.0 too_large 5 149 7.5 5 112 24.3 9 324 465.0 8 168 1395.4 C6288 22 723 213.0 des 5 969 263.9 - 4 704 1586.8 - subtotal2 139 6266 1103.3 139 11294 15792.6 ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.94 17.60 1.00 1.80 14.31 1.01 1.11 29.83 Table 6 Mapping results resulted from structural (DOGMA-m), algebraic (speed_up), and Boolean (TOS) gate decomposition approaches on C rugged . by speed_up) to map 23 benchmarks (not including des) but obtains significantly better results: 13% smaller mapping depth and 6% smaller mapping area. The results on C432 show the largest contrast between the performance of speed_up and the efficiency of DOGMA-m: speed_up results in a mapping depth of 8 in more than 2 hours while DOGMA-m results in a mapping depth of 11 in 6.6 seconds. TOS-s and TOS-m do not return mapping solutions in allocated CPU times for 3 and 8 benchmarks, respectively. Comparing to the other two approaches, TOS-s obtains smaller mapping depth on count,9sym m l,alu2,alu4 and t481, and TOS-m obtains smaller mapping area on 9symml, cordic, x1, alu2 and t481. It is worth noting that TOS is extremely successful for 9symml and t481. The results indicate that functional decomposition based mapping approaches require longer computation time to obtain good results, especially on circuits of medium to large sizes. Overall, from these experiments, we conclude that DOGMA-m can obtain the best mapping results among five structural gate decomposition algorithms under comparison, and is much more efficient in terms of runtime (over 17 and times faster, respectively) comparing to the algebraic decomposition algorithm speed_up and the functional decomposition approach TOS. However, speed_up obtains the best results among compared approaches. 6. Conclusion In this paper, we present an in-depth study of structural gate decomposition for depth-optimal technology mapping in LUT-based FPGA designs. We show that any structural gate decomposition in K-bounded networks can only result in a smaller depth in K-LUT mapping solutions regardless of the decomposition algorithm used. Therefore, it is always beneficial to decompose circuits into 2-bounded networks for depth minimization when structural decompositions are applied. We prove that the structural gate decomposition problem in depth-optimal technology mapping is NP-hard for K-unbounded networks when the LUT input size K - 3 and remains NP-hard for K-bounded networks when K - 5. We propose two new algorithms, named DOGMA and DOGMA-m, which combine the level-driven node packing technique in Chortle-d and the network flow based labeling technique in FlowMap, for structural gate decomposition. DOGMA-m decomposes multiple gates simultaneously to exploit common fanins. The following experimental results have been observed. First, the optimal mapping depth and the optimal duplication-free mapping area can be reduced by 16% if 5-bounded networks are decomposed structurally into 2-bounded networks. Second, applying the rugged script for technology independent logic optimization before technology mapping can result in 40% to 50% area reduction with only marginal increase in depth, while significantly reduce the runtime of structural decomposition algorithms. Third, DOGMA-m results in the smallest mapping depth and mapping area among five structural gate decomposition algorithms under comparison. Finally, comparing three algorithms DOGMA-m, speed_up, and TOS, which take structural, algebraic, and Boolean (functional gate decomposition approaches respectively, DOGMA-m can decompose all tested benchmarks in a short time, while speed_up and TOS fail to obtain results on some benchmarks. However, speed_up results in 13% smaller depth and 6% smaller area in final mapping solutions comparing to DOGMA-m. Acknowledgement The authors are very grateful to Mr. Legl in Professor Antreich's group in the Institute of Electronic Design Automation, Technical University of Munich, Germany, for providing us with the TOS logic synthesis package. The authors would like to acknowledge the supports from NSF Young Investigator (NYI) Award MIP-9357582, grants from Xilinx, Quickturn, and Lucent Technologies under the California MICRO programs, and software donation from Synopsys. --R "The Decomposition of Switching Functions," "DAG-Map: Graph-based FPGA Technology Mapping for Delay Optimization," "Beyond the Combinatorial Limit in Depth Minimization for LUT-Based FPGA Designs," "FlowMap: An Optimal Technology Mapping Algorithm for Delay Optimization in Lookup-Table Based FPGA Designs," "On Area/Depth Trade-off in LUT-Based FPGA Technology Mapping," "On Nominal Delay Minimization in LUT-Based FPGA Technology Mapping," "Combinational Logic Synthesis for LUT Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays," "Simultaneous Depth and Area Minimization in LUT-Based FPGA Mapping," "Structural Gate Decomposition for Depth-Optimal Technology Mapping in LUT-based FPGA Designs," "RASP: A General Logic Synthesis System for SRAM-based FPGAs," "A Generalized Tree Circuit," "Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits," "TOS-2.2 Technology Oriented Synthesis User Manual," "Chortle: A Technology Mapping Program for Lookup Table -Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays," "Chortle-crf: Fast Technology Mapping for Lookup Table -Based FPGAs," "Technology Mapping of Lookup Table-Based FPGAs for Performance," Computer and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP- Completeness Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms "An Iterative Area/Performance Trade-Off Algorithm for LUT-based FPGA Technology Mapping," "FPGA Synthesis using Function Decomposition," "Performance-Directed Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGAs - What Role Do Decomposition and Covering Play?," "A Boolean Approach to Performance-Directed Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGA Designs," "Performance Directed Synthesis for Table Look Up Programmable Gate Arrays," "Minimization Over Boolean Graphs," "Logic Synthesis for VLSI Design," "Performance Directed Technology Mapping for Look-Up Table Based FPGAs," "SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis," "Algorithms for Multi-level Logic Optimization," "Functional Multiple-Output Decomposition: Theory and an Implicit Algorithm," "Edge-Map: Optimal Performance Driven Technology Mapping for Iterative LUT Based FPGA Designs," --TR Chortle-crf: Fast technology mapping for lookup table-based FPGAs Algorithms for multilevel logic optimization Performance directed technology mapping for look-up table based FPGAs Edge-map Simultaneous depth and area minimization in LUT-based FPGA mapping On nominal delay minimization in LUT-based FPGA technology mapping Functional multiple-output decomposition Combinational logic synthesis for LUT based field programmable gate arrays A Boolean approach to performance-directed technology mapping for LUT-based FPGA designs An iterative area/performance trade-off algorithm for LUT-based FPGA technology mapping Beyond the combinatorial limit in depth minimization for LUT-based FPGA designs A Generalized Tree Circuit Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits Computers and Intractability DAG-Map FPGA Synthesis Using Function Decomposition Performance-Directed Technology-Mapping for LUT-Based FPGAs - What Role Do Decomposition and Covering Play?
simplification;technology mapping;delay minimization;system design;decomposition;logic optimization;programmable logic;computer-aided design of VSLI;synthesis;FPGA
Affine Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics.
In this paper several new methods for estimating scene structure and camera motion from an image sequence taken by affine cameras are presented. All methods can incorporate both point, line and conic features in a unified manner. The correspondence between features in different images is assumed to be known.Three new tensor representations are introduced describing the viewing geometry for two and three cameras. The centred affine epipoles can be used to constrain the location of corresponding points and conics in two images. The third order, or alternatively, the reduced third order centred affine tensors can be used to constrain the locations of corresponding points, lines and conics in three images. The reduced third order tensors contain only 12 components compared to the components obtained when reducing the trifocal tensor to affine cameras.A new factorization method is presented. The novelty lies in the ability to handle not only point features, but also line and conic features concurrently. Another complementary method based on the so-called closure constraints is also presented. The advantage of this method is the ability to handle missing data in a simple and uniform manner. Finally, experiments performed on both simulated and real data are given, including a comparison with other methods.
Introduction Reconstruction of a three-dimensional object from a number of its two-dimensional images is one of the core problems in computer vision. Both the structure of the object and the motion of the camera are assumed to be unknown. Many approaches have been proposed to this problem and apart Supported by the ESPRIT Reactive LTR project 21914, CUMULI Supported by the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR), project 95-64-222 from the reconstructed object also the camera motion is obtained, cf. (Tomasi and Kanade 1992, Koenderink and van Doorn 1991, McLauchlan and Murray 1995, Sturm and Triggs 1996, Sparr 1996, Shashua and Navab 1996, Weng, Huang and Ahuja 1992, Ma 1993). There are two major diOEculties that have to be dealt with. The -rst one is to obtain corresponding points (or lines, conics, etc.) through-out the sequence. The second one is to choose an appropriate camera model, e.g., perspective (cali- brated or uncalibrated), weak perspective, aOEne, etc. Moreover, these two problems are not completely ?separated, but in some sense coupled to each other, which will be explained in more detail later. The -rst problem of obtaining feature correspondences between dioeerent images is simpli-ed if the viewing positions are close together. How- ever, most reconstruction algorithms break down when the viewpoints are close together, especially in the perspective case. The correspondence problem is not addressed here. Instead we assume that the correspondences are known. The problem of choosing an appropriate camera model is somewhat complex. If the intrinsic parameters of the camera are known, it seems reasonable to choose the calibrated perspective (pinhole) camera, see (Maybank 1993). If the intrinsic parameters are unknown, many researchers have proposed the uncalibrated perspective (pro- jective) camera, see (Faugeras 1992). This is the most appealing choice from a theoretical point of view, but in practice it has a lot of drawbacks. Firstly, only the projective structure of the scene is recovered, which is often not suOEcient. Secondly, the images have to be captured from widespread locations, with large perspective eoeects, which is rarely the case if the imaging situation cannot be completely controlled. If this condition is not ful-lled, the reconstruction algorithm may give a very inaccurate result and might even break down completely. Thirdly, the projective group is in some sense too large for practical applications. Theoretically, the projective group is the correct choice, but only a small part of the group is actually relevant for most practical situations, leading to too many degrees of freedom in the model. Another proposed camera model is the aOEne one, see (Mundy and Zisserman 1992), which is an approximation of the perspective camera model. This is the model that will be used in this paper. The advantages of using the aOEne camera model, compared to the perspective one, are many-fold. Firstly, the aOEne structure of the scene is obtained instead of the projective in the uncalibrated perspective case. Secondly, the images may be captured from nearby locations without the algorithms breaking down. Again, this facilitates the correspondence problem. Thirdly, the geometry and algebra are more simple, leading to more eOE- cient and robust reconstruction algorithms. Also, there is a lack of satisfactory algorithms for non-point features in the perspective case, especially for conics and curves. This paper presents an integrated approach to the structure and motion problem for aOEne cam- eras. We extend current approaches to aOEne structure and motion in several directions, cf. (Tomasi and Kanade 1992, Shapiro, Zisserman and Brady 1995, Quan and Kanade 1997, Koenderink and van Doorn 1991). One popular reconstruction method for aOEne cameras is the Tomasi- Kanade factorization method for point correspon- dences, see (Tomasi and Kanade 1992). We will generalize the factorization idea to be able to incorporate also corresponding lines and conics. In (Quan and Kanade 1997) a line-based factorization method is presented and in (Triggs 1996) a factorization algorithm for both points and lines in the projective case is given. Another approach to reconstruction from images is to use the so-called matching constraints. These constraints are polynomial expressions in the image coordinates and they constrain the locations of corresponding features in two, three or four images, see (Triggs 1997, Heyden 1995) for a thorough treatment in the projective case. The drawback of using matching constraints is that only two, three or four images can be used at the same time. The advantage is that missing data, e.g. a point that is not visible in all images, can be handled automatically. In this paper the corresponding matching constraints for the aOEne camera in two and three images are derived. Specializing the projective matching constraints di- rectly, like in (Torr 1995), will lead to a large over- parameterization. We will not follow this path, instead the properties of the aOEne camera will be taken into account and a more eoeective parameterization is obtained. It is also shown how to concatenate these constraints in a uni-ed manner to be able to cope with sequences of images. This will be done using the so-called closure con- straints, constraining the coeOEcients of the matching constraints and the camera matrices. Similar constraints have been developed in the projective case, see (Triggs 1997). Some attempts to deal with the missing data problem have been made in (Tomasi and Kanade 1992, Jacobs 1997). We describe these methods and the relationship to our approach based on closure constraints, and we also provide an experimental comparison with Jacobs' method. Preliminary results of this work, primarily based on the matching constraints for image triplets and the factorization method can be found in (Kahl and Heyden 1998). Recently, the matching constraints for two and three aOEne views have also been derived in a similar manner, but in- dependently, in two other papers. In (Bretzner and Lindeberg 1998), the projective trifocal tensor is -rst specialized to the aOEne case, like in (Torr 1995), resulting in 16 non-zero coeOEcients in the trifocal tensor. Then, they introduce the centred aOEne trifocal tensor by using relative co- ordinates, reducing the number of coeOEcients to 12. From these representations, they calculate the three orthographic camera matrices corresponding to these views in a rather complicated way. A factorization method for points and lines for longer sequences is also developed. In (Quan and Ohta 1998) the two-view and three-view constraints are derived in a nice and compact way for centred aOEne cameras. By examining the relationships between the two- and three-view con- straints, they are able to reduce the number of co- eOEcients to only 10 for the three-view case. These coeOEcients for three aOEne cameras are then directly related to the parameters of three orthographic cameras. Our presentation of the matching constraints is similar to the one in (Quan and Ohta 1998), but we prefere to use a tensorial no- tation. While we pursue the path of coping with longer image sequences, their work is more focused on obtaining a Euclidean reconstruction limited to three calibrated cameras. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief review of the aOEne camera, describing how points, lines and conics project onto the image plane. In Section 3, the matching constraints for two and three views are described. For arbitrary many views, two alternative approaches are presented. The -rst one, in Section 4, is based on factorization and the second one, in Section 5, is based on closure constraints that can handle missing data. In Section 5, we also describe two related methods to the missing data problem. A number of experiments, performed on both simulated and on real data, is presented in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, some conclusions are given. 2. The affine camera model In this section we give a brief review of the aOEne camera model and describe how dioeerent points, lines and quadrics are projected onto the image plane. For a more thorough treatment, see (Shapiro 1995) for points and (Quan and Kanade 1997) for lines. The projective/perspective camera is modeled by x- where P denotes the standard 3 \Theta 4 camera matrix and - a scale factor. Here X is a 3-vector and x is a 2-vector, denoting point coordinates in the 3D scene and in the image respectively. The aOEne camera model, -rst introduced by Mundy and Zisserman in (Mundy and Zisserman 1992), has the same form as (1), but the camera matrix is restricted to 22 and the homogeneous scale factor - is the same for all points. It is an approximation of the projective camera and it generalizes the orthographic, the perspective and the para-perspective camera models. These models provide a good approximation of the projective camera when the distances between dioeerent points of the object is small compared to the viewing distance. The aOEne camera has eight degrees of freedom, since (2) is only de- -ned up to a scale factor, and it can be seen as a projective camera with its optical centre on the plane at in-nity. Rewriting the camera equation (1) with the aOEne restriction (2), the equation can be written where A =p 34 and b =p 34 A simpli-cation can be obtained by using relative coordinates with respect to some reference in the object and the corresponding point in the image. Introducing the relative coordinates , (3) simpli-es to In the following, the reference point will be chosen as the centroid of the point con-guration, since the centroid of the three-dimensional point con- -guration projects onto the centroid of the two-dimensional point con-guration. Notice that the visible point con-guration may dioeer from view to view and thus the centroid changes from view to view. This must be considered and we will comment upon it later. A line in the scene through a point X with direction D can be written With the aOEne camera, this line is projected to the image line, l, through the point according to Thus, it follows that the direction, d, of the image line is obtained as This observation was -rst made in (Quan and Kanade 1997). Notice that the only dioeerence between the projection of points in (4) and the projection of directions of lines in (6) is the scale present in (6), but not in (4). Thus, with known scale factor -, a direction can be treated as an ordinary point. This fact will be used later on in the factorization algorithm. For conics, the situation is a little more complicated than for points and lines. A general conic curve in the plane can be represented by its dual form, the conic envelope, where l denotes a 3 \Theta 3 symmetric matrix and extended dual coordinates in the image plane. In the same way, a general quadric surface in the scene can be represented by its dual form, the quadric envelope, where L denotes a 4 \Theta 4 symmetric matrix and extended dual coordinates in the 3D space. A conic or a quadric, (7) or (8), is said to be proper if its matrix is non- singular, otherwise it is said to be degenerate. For most practical situations, it is suOEcient to know that a quadric envelope degenerates into a disc quadric, i.e., a conic lying in a plane in space. For more details, see (Semple and Kneebone 1952). The image, under a perspective projection, of a quadric, L, is a conic, l. This relation is expressed by where P is the camera matrix and - a scale factor. Introducing l =4 l 2 l 3 l 5 l 4 l 5 l and specializing (9) to the aOEne camera (3) gives two set of equations. The -rst set is l 1 l 2 l 2 l 3 \Theta \Theta containing three non-linear equations in A and b. Normalizing l such that l 6 L such that 1, the second set becomes l 4 l 5 containing three linear equations in A and b. Observe that this equation is of the same form as (3), which implies that conics can be treated in the same way as points, when the non-linear equations in (10) are omitted. The geometrical interpretation of (11) is that the centre of the quadric projects onto the centre of the conic in the image, since indeed corresponds to the centre of the conic. This can be seen by parameterizing the conic by its centre point then expressing it in the form of (7). 3. Affine matching constraints The matching constraints in the projective case are well-known and they can directly be specialized to the aOEne case, cf. (Torr 1995). However, we will not follow this path. Instead, we start from the aOEne camera equation in (4) leading to fewer parameters and thereby a more eoeective way of parameterizing the matching constraints. We will from now on assume that relative coordinates have been chosen and use the notation I x 2 I for relative coordinates. The subindex indicates that the image point belongs to image I . 3.1. Two-view constraints Denote the two camera matrices corresponding to views number I and J by A I and A J and an arbitrary 3D-point by X (in relative coordinates). Then (4) gives for these two images x I = A I X and x equivalently, A I x I A J x J Thus, it follows that det since M has a non-trivial nullspace. Expanding the determinant by the last column gives one linear equation in the image coordinates x I x 2 I . The coeOEcients of this linear equation depend only on the camera matrices A I and A J . Therefore, let A I A J De-nition 1. The minors built up by three dioeerent rows from E IJ in (12) will be called the centred aOEne epipoles and its 4 components will be denoted by E and I A J and JI e A I where A i I denotes the ith row of A I and similarly for A J . Remark. The vector IJ is the well-known epipole or epipolar direction, i.e., the projection in camera I of the focal point corresponding to camera J . Here the focal point is a point on the plane at in-nity, corresponding to the direction of projection. Observe that E IJ is built up by two dioeerent tensors, IJ e i and JI e j , which are contravariant tensors. This terminology alludes to the transformation properties of the tensor components. In fact, consider a change of image coordinates from x to - x according to equivalently x where S denotes a non-singular 2 \Theta 2 matrix and denotes i.e., the element with row-index i and column-index i 0 of S. Then the tensor components change according to Observe that Einstein's summation convention has been used, i.e., when an index appears twice in a formula it is assumed that a summation is made over that index. Using this notation the two-view constraint can be written in tensor form as denotes the permutation symbol, i.e., Using instead vector notations the constraint can be written as where - denote the 2-component cross product, i.e., Writing out explicitly gives Remark. The tensors could equivalently have been de-ned as I A J giving a covariant tensor instead. The relations between these tensors are IJ e and IJ e i IJ e The two-view constraints can now simply be written, using the co-variant epipolar tensors, as I The choice of covariant or contravariant indices for these 2D tensors is merely a matter of taste. The choice made here to use the contravariant tensors is done because they have physical interpretations as epipoles. The four components of the centred aOEne epipoles can be estimated linearly from at least four point or conic correspondences in the two im- ages. In fact, each corresponding feature gives one linear constraint on the components and the use of relative coordinates makes one constraint linearly dependent on the other ones. Corresponding lines in only two views do not constrain the camera mo- tion. From (14) follows that the components can only be determined up to scale. This means that are centred aOEne epipoles, then -E are also centred aOEne epipoles corresponding to the same viewing geometry. This undetermined scale factor corresponds to the possibility to rescale both the reconstruction and the camera matrices, keeping (4) valid. The tensor components parameterize the epipolar geometry in two views. However, the camera matrices are only determined up to an unknown aOEne transformation. One possible choice of camera matrices is given by the following proposition. Proposition 1. Given centred aOEne epipoles, normalized such that JI e a set of corresponding camera matrices is given by Proof: The result follows from straightforward calculations of the minors in (12). 3.2. Three-view constraints Denote the three camera matrices corresponding to views number I , J and K by A I , A J and AK and an arbitrary 3D-point by X. Then, the projection of X (in relative coordinates) in these images are given by x I = A I X, x according to (4), or equivalently A I x I A J x J Thus, it follows that rank M ! 4 since M has a non-trivial nullspace. This means that all 4 \Theta 4 minors of M vanish. There are in total ( such minors and expanding these minors by the last column gives linear equations in the image coordinates x I , x J and xK . The coeOEcients of these linear equations are minors formed by three rows from the camera matrices A I , A J and AK . Let A I A J The minors from (16) are the Grassman coordinates of the linear subspace of R 6 spanned by the columns of T IJK . We will use a slightly different terminology and notation, according to the following de-nition. De-nition 2. The ( determinants of the matrices built up by three rows from T IJK in (16) will be denoted by T denotes the previously de-ned centred aOEne epipoles and t ijk will be called the centred aOEne tensor de-ned by I where A i I again denotes the ith row of A I and all indices i, j and k range from 1 to 2. Observe that T IJK is built up by 7 dioeerent ten- sors, the 6 centred aOEne epipoles, IJ e i , etc., and a third order tensor t ijk , which is contravariant in all indices 1 . This third order tensor transforms according to when coordinates in the images are changed according to (13) in image I and similarly for image J and K using matrices U and V instead of S. Given point coordinates in all three images, the minors obtained from M in (15) yield linear constraints on the 20 numbers in the centred aOEne tensors. One example of such a linear equation, obtained by picking the -rst, second, third and -fth row of M is The general form of such a constraint is or where the last equation is the previously de-ned two-view constraint. In (18), j and k can be chosen in 4 dioeerent ways and the dioeerent images can be permuted in 3 ways, so there are 12 linear constraints from this equation. Adding the 3 additional two-view constraints from (19) gives in total 15 linear constraints on the 20 tensor com- ponents. All constraints can be written where R is a 15 \Theta 20 matrix containing relative image coordinates of the image point and t is a vector containing the 20 components of the centred aOEne tensor. From (20), it follows that the overall scale of the tensor components cannot be determined. Observe that since relative coordinates are used, one point alone gives no constraints on the tensor components, since its relative coordinates are all zero. The number of linearly independent constraints for dioeerent number of point correspondences is given by the following proposition. Proposition 2. Two corresponding points in 3 images give in general 10 linearly independent constraints on the components of T IJK Three points give in general 16 constraints and four or more points give in general 19 constraints. Thus the centred aOEne tensor and the centred aOEne epipoles can in general be linearly recovered from at least four point correspondences in 3 images. Proof: See Appendix A. The next question is how to calculate the camera matrices A I , A J and AK from the 20 tensor components of T IJK . Observe -rst that the camera matrices can never be recovered uniquely, since a multiplication by an arbitrary non-singular 3 \Theta 3 matrix to the right of T ijk in (16) only changes the common scale of the tensor components. The following proposition maps T IJK to one set of compatible camera matrices. Proposition 3. Given T IJK normalized such that t the camera matrices can be calculated as and Proof: Since the camera matrices are only determined up to an aOEne transformation, the -rst rows of A I , A J and AK can be set to the 3\Theta3 iden- tity. The remaining components are determined by straightforward calculations of the minors in (16). We now turn to the use of line correspondences to constrain the components of the aOEne tensors. According to (6) the direction of a line projects similar to the projection of a point except for the extra scale factor. Consider (6) for three dioeerent images of a line with direction D in 3D space, - I d I = A I D; Since these equations are linear in the scale factors and in D, they can be written \Gamma- I \Gamma- J A I d I 0 0 A J 0 d J 0 \Gamma- I \Gamma- J \Gamma- K Thus the nullspace of N is non-empty, hence det Expanding this determinant, we get I d j 0 i.e., a trilinear expression in d 1 and d 3 with coeOEcients that are the components of the centred aOEne tensor included in T IJK . Finally, we conclude that the direction of each line gives one constraint on the viewing geometry and that both points and lines can be used to constrain the tensor components 2 . 3.3. Reduced three-view constraints It may seem superAEuous to use 20 numbers to describe the viewing geometry of three aOEne cam- eras, since specializing the trifocal tensor (which has 27 components) for the projective camera, to the aOEne case, the number of components reduces to only 16 without using relative coordinates, cf. (Torr 1995). Since our 20 numbers describe all trilinear functions between three aOEne views, the comparison is not fair, even if the specialization of the trifocal tensor also encodes the information about the base points. It should be compared with the 3 \Theta components of all trifocal tensors between three aOEne views and three projective views, respectively. Although, it is possible to use a tensorial representation with only 12 components to describe the viewing geometry In order to obtain a smaller number of parame- ters, start again from (15) and rank M - 3. This time we will only consider the 4 \Theta 4 minors of M that contain both of the rows one and two, one of the rows three and four, and one of the rows -ve and six. There are in total 4 such minors and they are linear in the coordinates of x I , x J and xK . Again, these trilinear expressions have coef- -cients that are minors of T IJK in (16), but this time the only minors occurring are the ones containing either both rows from A I and one from A J or AK , or one row from each one of A I , A J and AK . De-nition 3. The minors built up by rows and k from T IJK in (16), where either i 2 will be called the reduced centred aOEne tensors and the 12 components will be denoted by T r the previously de-ned centred aOEne epipoles and t denotes the previously de-ned centred aOEne tensor in (17). Observe that T r IJK is built up by three dioeer- ent tensors, the tow centred aOEne epipoles, JI e j and KI e k , which are contravariant tensors and the third order tensor t ijk , which is contravariant in all indices. Given the image coordinates in all three images, the chosen minors obtained from M give linear constraints on the 12 components of T r IJK . There are in total 4 such linear constraints and they can be written which can be written as R r is a 4 \Theta 12 matrix containing relative image coordinates of the image point and t r is a vector containing the 12 components of the reduced centred aOEne tensors. Observe again that the overall scale of the tensor components can not be determined. The number of linearly independent constraints for dioeerent number of point correspondences are given in the following proposition Proposition 4. Two corresponding points in 3 images give 4 linearly independent constraints on the reduced centred aOEne tensors. Three points give 8 linearly independent constraints and four or more points give 11 linearly independent con- straints. Thus the tensor components can be linearly recovered from at least four point correspondences in 3 images. Proof: See Appendix A. Again the camera matrices can be calculated from the 12 tensor components. Proposition 5. Given T r IJK normalized such that t the camera matrices can be calculated 9as a 21 a 22 a 23 and A 3 a 31 a 32 a 33 where a a a 23 a a a Proof: The form of the elements a 22 and a 33 follows by direct calculations of the determinants corresponding to t 212 and t 221 , respectively. The others follow from taking suitable minors and solving the linear equations. Using these combinations of tensors, a number of minimal cases appear for recovering the viewing geometry. In order to solve these minimal cases one has to take also the non-linear constraints on the tensor components into account. However, in the present work, we concentrate on developing a method to use points, lines and conics in a uni-ed manner, when there is a suOEcient number of corresponding features available to avoid the minimal cases. 4. Factorization Reconstruction using matching constraints is limited to a few views only. In this section, a factorization based technique is given that handle arbitrarily many views for corresponding points, lines and conics. The idea of factorization is sim- ple, but still a robust and eoeective way of recovering structure and motion. Previously with the matching constraints only the centre of the conic was used, but there are obviously more constraints that could be used. After having described the general factorization method, we show one possible way of incorporating this extra information. Now consider m points or conics, and n lines in images. (4) and (6) can be written as one single matrix equation (with relative coordinates), A p7 5 \Theta The right-hand side of (26) is the product of a 2p \Theta 3 matrix and a 3 \Theta (m + n) matrix, which gives the following theorem. Theorem 1. The matrix S in (26) obeys Observe that the matrix S contains entries obtained from measurements in the images, as well as the unknown scale factors - ij , which have to be estimated. The matrix is known as the measurement matrix. Assuming that these are known, the camera matrices, the 3D points and the 3D directions can be obtained by factorizing S. This can be done from the singular value decomposition of are orthogonal matrices and \Sigma is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values, oe i , of S. Let ~ and let ~ U and ~ V denote the -rst three columns of U and V , respectively. Then6 4 A p7 U ~ \Sigma and \Theta ~ ful-l (26). Observe that the whole singular value decomposition of S is not needed. It is suOEcient to calculate the three largest eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of SS T . The only missing component is the scale factors - ij for the lines. These can be obtained in the following way. Assume that T IJK or T r IJK has been calcu- lated. Then the camera matrices can be calculated from Proposition 3 or Proposition 5. It follows from (22) that once the camera matrices for three images are known, the scale factors for each direction can be calculated up to an unknown scale factor. It remains to estimate the scale factors for all images with a consistent scale. We have chosen the following method. Consider the -rst three views with camera matrices A 1 and A 3 Rewriting (22) as A 3 d shows that M in (28) has rank less than 4 which implies that all 4 \Theta 4 minors are equal to zero. These minors give linear constraints on the scale factors. However, only 3 of them are independent. So a system with the following appearance is obtained 54 where indicates a matrix entry that can be calculated from A i and d i . It is evident from (29) that the scale factors - i only can be calculated up to an unknown common scale factor. By considering another triplet, with two images in common with the -rst triplet, say the last two, we can obtain consistent scale factors for both triplets by solving a system with the following appearance,6 6 6 6 6 6 400 In practice, all minors of M in (28) should be used. This procedure is easy to systematize such that all scale factors from the direction of one line can be computed as the nullspace of a single matrix. The drawback is of course that we -rst need to compute all camera matrices of the sequence. An alternative would be to reconstruct the 3D direction D from one triplet of images according to (22) and then use this direction to solve for the scale factors in the other images. In summary, the following algorithm is proposed 1. Calculate the scale factors - ij using T IJK or IJK . 2. Calculate S in (26) from - ij and the image measurements. 3. Calculate the singular value decomposition of S. 4. Estimate the camera matrices and the reconstruction of points and line directions according to (27). 5. Reconstruct 3D lines and 3D quadrics. The last step needs a further comment. From the factorization, the 3D directions of the lines and the centres of the quadrics are obtained. The remaining unknowns can be recovered linearly from (5) for lines and (10) for quadrics. Now to the question of how to incorporate all available constraints for the conics. Given that the quadrics in space are disk quadrics, the following modi-cation of the above algorithm can be done. Consider a triplet of images, with known matching constraints. Choose a point on a conic curve in the -rst image, and then use the epipolar lines in the other two images to get the point-point correspondences on the other curves. In general, there is a two-fold ambiguity since an epipolar line intersects a conic at two points. The ambiguity is solved by examining the epipolar lines between the second and third image in the triplet. Repeating this procedure, point correspondences on the conic curves can be obtained throughout the sequence, and used in the factorization method as ordinary points. 5. Closure constraints The drawback of all factorization methods is the diOEculty in handling missing data, i.e., when all features are not visible in all images. In this sec- tion, an alternative method based on closure con- straints, is presented that can handle missing data in a uni-ed manner. Two related methods are also discussed. Given the centred aOEne tensor and the centred aOEne epipoles, it is possible to calculate a representative for the three camera matrices. Since the reconstruction and the camera matrices are determined up to an unknown aOEne transformation, only a representative can be calculated that dioeers from the true camera matrices by an aOEne trans- formation. When an image sequence with more than three images is treated, it is possible to -rst calculate a representative for the camera matrices and A 3 , and a representative for A 2 , A 3 and A 4 and then merge these together. This is not a good solution since errors may propagate uncontrollably from one triplet to another. It would be better to use all available combinations of aOEne tensors and calculate all camera matrices at the same time. The solution to this problem is to use the closure constraints. There are two dioeerent types of closure constraints in the aOEne case springing from the two-view and three-view constraints. To obtain the second order constraint, start by stacking camera matrices A I and A J like in (12), which results in a 4 \Theta 3 matrix. Duplicate one of the columns to obtain a 4 \Theta 4 matrix A I A n I A J A n where A n I denotes the n:th column of A I . Since B IJ is a singular matrix (a repeated column), we have det B by the last column, for \Theta \Theta where IJ e 1 etc. denote the centred aOEne epipoles. Thus (30) gives one linear constraint on the camera matrices A I and A J . To obtain the third order type of closure constraints consider the matrix T IJK de-ned in (16) for the camera matrices A I , A J and AK and duplicate one of the columns to obtain a 6 \Theta 4 matrix A I A n I A J A n where again A n I denotes the n:th column of A I . Since C IJK has a repeated column it is rank de- -cient, i.e., rank C 4. Expanding the 4 \Theta 4 minors of C IJK give three expressions, involving only two cameras of the same type as (30) and 12 expressions involving all three cameras of the type \Theta \Theta \Theta Thus we get in total 15 linear constraints on the camera matrices A I , A J and AK . However, there are only 3 linearly independent constraints among these 15, which can easily be checked by using a computer algebra package, such as MAPLE. Some of these constraints involve only components of the reduced aOEne tensors, e.g., the one in (31), making it possible to use the closure constraints in the reduced case also. To sum up, every second order combination of centred aOEne epipoles gives one linear constraint on the camera matrices and every third order combination of aOEne tensors gives 12 additional linear constraints on the camera matrices. Using all available combinations, all the linear constraints on the camera matrices can be stacked together in a matrix M , Given a suOEcient number of constraints on the camera matrices, they can be calculated linearly from (32). Observe that the nullspace of M has dimension 2, which implies that only the linear space spanned by the columns of A can be de- termined. This means that the camera matrices can only be determined up to an unknown aOEne transformation. When only the second order combinations are used, it is not suOEcient to use only the combinations between every successive pair of images. However, it is suOEcient to use the combinations between views every i. This can easily be seen from the fact that one new image gives two new independent variables in the linear system of equations in (32) and the two new linear constraints balances this. When the third order combinations are used, it is suOEcient to use the tensor combinations between views for every i, which again can be seen be counting the number of unknowns and the number of linearly independent constraints. This is also the case for the reduced third order combinations. The closure constraints bring the camera ma- trices, A i , into the same aOEne coordinate system. However, the last column in the camera matrices, denoted by b i , cf. (3), needs also to be calculated. These columns depend on the chosen centroid for the relative coordinates. But if the visible feature con-guration changes, as there may be missing data, the centroid changes as well. This has to be considered. For example, let x 01 , and X 0 denote the centroid of the visible points in the images and in space for the -rst three views, respectively, and let x 02 0 denote the centroid in the images and in space for views two, three and four, respectively. The centroids are projected as This is a linear system in the unknowns b 1 0 . It is straightforward to generalize the above equations for m consecutive images and the system can be solved by a single SVD. 5.1. Related work We examine two closely related algorithms for dealing with missing data. Tomasi and Kanade propose one method in (Tomasi and Kanade 1992) to deal with the missing data problem for point features. In their method, one -rst locates a rectangular subset of the measurement matrix S (26) with no missing elements. Factorization is applied to this matrix. Then, the initial sub-block is extended row-wise (or column-wise) by propagating the partial structure and motion solution. In this way, the missing elements are -lled in iteratively. The result is - nally re-ned using steepest descent minimization. As pointed out by Jacobs (Jacobs 1997), their solution seems like a reasonable heuristics, but the method has several potential disadvantages. First, the problem of -nding the largest full submatrix of a matrix is NP-hard, so heuristics must be used. Second, the data is not used in a uni-ed manner. As only a small subset is used in the -rst fac- torization, the initial structure and motion may contain signi-cant inaccuracies. In turn, these errors may propagate uncontrollably as additional rows (or columns) are computed. Finally, the re- -nements with steepest descent is not guaranteed to converge to the globally optimal solution. The method proposed in (Jacobs 1997) also starts with the measurement matrix S using only points. Since S should be of rank three, the m columns of S span a 3-dimensional linear sub- space, denoted L. Consequently, the span of any three columns of S should intersect the subspace L. If there are missing elements in any of the three columns, the span of the triplet will be of higher dimension. In that case, the constraint that the subspace L should lie in the span of the triplet will be a weaker one. In practise, Jacobs calculates the nullspace of randomly chosen triplets, and -nally, the solution is found by computing the nullspace of the span of the previously calculated nullspaces, using SVD. Jacobs' method is closely related to the closure constraints. It can be seen as the 'dual' of the closure constraints, since it generates constraints by picking columns in the measurement matrix, while we generate constraints by using rows. Therefore, a comparison based on numerical experiments has been performed, which is presented in the experimental section. There are also signi-cant dioeerences. First, by using matching tensors, lines can also contribute to constraining the viewing geometry. Second, for m points, there are point triplets. In practice, this is hard to deal with, so Jacobs heuristically chooses a random subset of the triplets, without knowing if it is suOEcient. With our method we know that, e.g., it is suOEcient to use every consecutive third order closure constraint. Finally, Jacobs uses the visible point con-guration in adjacent images to calculate the centroid. Since there is missing data, this approximation often leads to signi-cant errors (see experimental comparison). However, one may modify Jacobs' method, so it correctly compensates for the centroid. In order to make a fair experimental comparison, we have included a modi-ed version which properly handles this problem. It works in the same manner as the original one, but it does not use relative coordinates. In turn, it has to compute a 4- dimensional linear subspace of the measurement matrix S. This modi-ed version generates constraints by picking quadruples of columns in S. Since there are quadruples, the complexity is much worse than the original one. 6. Experiments The presented methods have been tested and evaluated on both synthetic and real data. 6.1. Simulated data All synthetic data was produced in the following way. First, points, line segments and conics were randomly distributed in space with coordinates between \Gamma500 and +500 units. The camera positions were chosen at a nominal distance around 1000 units from the origin and then all 3D features were projected to these views and the obtained images were around 500 \Theta 500 pixels. In order to test the stability of the proposed methods, dioeerent levels of noise were added to the data. Points were perturbated with uniform, independent Gaussian noise. In order to incorporate the higher accuracy of the line segments, a number of evenly sampled points on the line segments were perturbated with independent Gaussian noise in the normal direction of the line. Then, the line parameters were estimated with least-squares. The conics were handled similarly. The residual error for points was chosen as the distance between the true point position and the re-projected reconstructed 3D point. For lines, the residual errors were chosen as the smallest distances between the endpoints of the true line segment and the re-projected 3D line. For conics, the errors were measured with respect to the centroid. These settings are close to real life situations. All experiments were repeated 100 times and the results reAEect the average values. Before the actual computations, all input data was rescaled to improve numerical conditioning. In Table 1, it can be seen that the 20-parameter formulation (the centred aOEne tensor and the centred aOEne epipoles) of three views is in general superior to the 12-parameter formulation (the reduced aOEne tensors). For three views, factorization gives slightly better results. All three methods handle moderate noise perturbations well. In Table 2 the number of points and lines is var- ied. In general, the more number of points and lines the better results, and the non-reduced representation is still superior the reduced version. Finally, in Table 3 the number of views is var- ied. In this experiment, two variants of the factorization method are tried and compared to the method of closure constraints. The -rst one (I) uses the centroid of the conic as a point feature, and the second one uses, in addition, one point on each conic curve, obtained by the epipolar transfer (see Section 4). The -rst method appears more robust than the second one, even though the second method incorporates all the constraints of the conic. Somewhat surprisingly, the method based on closure constraints has similar performance as the best factorization method 3 . The closure constraints are of third order and only the tensors between views used. However, the dioeerences are minor between the two methods and they both manage to keep the residuals low. Table 1. Result of simulations of 10 points and 10 lines in 3 images for dioeerent levels of noise using the third order combination of aOEne tensors, the reduced third order combination of aOEne tensors and the factorization approach. The root mean square (RMS) errors are shown for the reduced aOEne tensors T r IJK , the non-reduced T IJK , and factorization. STD of noise Red. aOEne tensors RMS of points 0.0 3.3 8.4 7.7 RMS of lines 0.0 3.5 7.1 8.6 AOEne tensors RMS of points 0.0 1.6 2.2 6.2 RMS of lines 0.0 1.7 2.3 8.3 Factorization RMS of points 0.0 1.0 1.8 4.5 RMS of lines 0.0 1.1 2.1 6.8 Table 2. Results of simulation of 3 views with a dioeerent number of points and lines and with a standard deviation of noise equal to 1. The table shows the resulting error (RMS) after using the reduced aOEne tensors T r IJK , the non-reduced T IJK , and factorization. #points, #lines 3,3 5,5 10,10 20,20 Red. aOEne tensors RMS of points 1.0 1.5 1.6 2.0 RMS of lines 3.9 1.5 1.2 1.7 AOEne tensors RMS of points 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.2 RMS of lines 3.9 2.2 0.8 1.1 Factorization RMS of points 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.9 RMS of lines 3.9 1.1 0.7 0.7 6.2. Real data Two sets of images have been used in order evaluate the dioeerent methods. The -rst set is used to verify the performance on real images, and the second set is used for a comparison with the method of Jacobs. 6.2.1. Statue sequence A sequence of 12 images was taken of an outdoor statue containing both points, lines and conics. More precisely, the statue consists of two ellipses lying on two dioeerent planes in space and the two ellipses are connected by straight lines, almost like a hyperboloid, see Figure 1. There are in total 80 lines between the ellipses. In total, four dioeerent experiments were performed on these images. In the -rst three experiments only 5 images were used. In these images, 17 points, 17 lines and the ellipses were picked out by hand in all images. For the ellipses and the lines, the appropriate representations were calculated by least-squares. In the -rst experiment, only the second order closure constraints between images i and i +1 and between images i and used. The reconstructed points, lines and conics were obtained by intersection using the computed camera matrices. The detected and re-projected features are shown in Figure 1. In the second experiment, only the third order closure constraints between images used. The tensors were estimated from both point, line and conic correspondences. The camera matrices were calculated from the closure constraints and the 3D features were obtained by intersection. The detected and re-projected features are shown in Figure 2 together with the re-constructed 3D model. The third experiment was performed on the same data as the -rst two, but the factorization method was applied. In Figure 2, a comparison is given for the three methods. The third order closure constraints yield better results than the second order constraints as expected. However, the factorization method is outperformed by the third order closure constraints which was unexpected. Table 3. Table showing simulated results for lines and 3 conics in a dioeerent number of views, with an added error of standard deviation 1 for the factorization approaches and using third order closure constraints. Factorization I uses only conic centres, while Factorization II uses an additional point on each conic curve. Factorization I RMS of points 0.84 0.73 0.69 0.65 RMS of lines 0.62 0.62 0.70 0.73 RMS of conics 1.00 0.76 0.78 0.76 Factorization II RMS of points 0.87 1.00 1.25 1.59 RMS of lines 0.67 0.98 1.45 1.90 RMS of conics 1.02 1.07 1.43 1.71 Closure Constr. RMS of points 0.86 0.75 0.68 0.65 RMS of lines 0.64 0.64 0.70 0.75 RMS of conics 1.20 0.84 0.86 0.85 100 200 300 400 500 600100200300400500100 200 300 400 500 600100200300400500Fig. 1. The second and fourth image of the sequence, with detected points lines and conics together with re-projected points, lines and conics using the second order closure constraints. Fig. 2. The second image of the sequence, with detected and re-projected points, lines and conics together with the reconstructed 3D model using the third order closure constraints. Fig. 3. Root mean square (RMS) error of second and third order closure constraints, and factorization for -ve images in the statue sequence. The -nal experiment was performed on all 12 images of the statue. In these images, there is a lot of missing data, i.e., all features are not visible in all images. The reconstruction then has to be based on the closure constraints. In the resulting 3D model, the two ellipses and the 80 lines were reconstructed together with 80 points, see Figure 4. The resulted structure and motion was also re-ned using bundle adjustment techniques, cf. (Atkinson 1996) to get, in a sense, an optimal reconstruction, and compared to that of the original one. To get an idea of the errors caused by the aOEne camera model, the result was also used as initialization for a bundle adjustment algorithm based on the projective camera model. The comparison is given in Figure 5, image per image. The quality of the output from the method based on the closure constraints is not optimal, but fairly accurate. If further accuracy is required, it can serve as a good initialization to a bundle adjustment algorithm for the aOEne or the full projec- tive/perspective model. 6.2.2. Box sequence As a -nal test, we have compared our method to that of Jacobs, described in (Jacobs 1997). Naturally, we can only use point features, since Jacobs method is only valid for that. As described in Section 5.1, it works by -nding a rank three approximation of the measurement matrix. Since this original version incorrectly compensates for the translational com- ponent, we have included a modi-ed version which does this properly by -nding a rank four approx- imation. We have used Jacobs' own implementation in Matlab, for both versions. As a test sequence, we have chosen the box sequence, which was also used by Jacobs in his paper. The sequence, which originates from the Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts, contains forty points tracked across eight images. One frame is shown in Figure 6. We generated arti-cial occlusions, by assuming that each point is occluded for some fraction of the sequence. The fraction is randomly chosen for each point from a uniform distribution. These settings are the same as in (Jacobs 1997). For Jacobs' algorithm, the maximum number of triplets (quadruples) has been set to the actual Fig. 4. The full reconstruction of the statue based on the third order closure constraints. Fig. 5. Root mean square (RMS) error of third order closure constraints, aOEne bundle adjustment and projective bundle adjustment for each image in the statue sequence. number of available triplets (quadruples). How- ever, this is only an upper limit. Jacobs chooses triplets until the nullspace matrix of all triplets occupies ten times as many columns as the original measurement matrix. We have set this threshold to 100 times. In turn, all possible third order closure constraints for the sequence are calculated. In Figure 7, the result is graphed for Jacobs' rank three approximation, rank four approximation and the method of closure constraints. The result for the rank three version is clearly biased. The performance of the rank four and closure based methods are similar up to about percent missing data. With more missing data, the closure method is superior. Based on this exper- Fig. 6. One image of the box sequence. 0.5135fraction of occlusion RMS Jacobs, rank three Jacobs, rank four Closure constraints Fig. 7. Averaged RMS error over 100 trials. The error is plotted against the average fraction of frames in which a point is occluded. The tested methods are Jacobs' rank three and four methods and closure based method. iment, the closure constraints are preferable both in terms of stability and complexity. 7. Conclusions In this paper, we have presented an integrated approach to the structure and motion problem for the aOEne camera model. Correspondences of points, lines and conics have been handled in a uni-ed manner to reconstruct the scene and the camera positions. The proposed scheme is illustrated on both simulated and real data. Appendix A Proof: (of Proposition 2) The number of linearly independent equations (in the components of T IJK ) can be calculated as follows. The 15 linear constraints obtained from the minors of M in (15) are not linearly independent, i.e., there exists non-trivial combinations of these constraints that vanishes. Consider the matrix4 A I x I x I A J x J x J obtained from M by duplicating its last column. This matrix is obviously of rank ! 5, implying that all 5 \Theta 5 minors vanish. There are 6 such minors and they can be written (using Laplacian expansions) as linear equations in the previously obtained linear constraints (minors from the -rst four columns) with image coordinates (elements from the last column) as coeOEcients. This gives 6 linear dependencies on the 15 original constraints, called second order constraints. On the other hand it is obvious that all linear constraints on the originally obtained 15 constraints can be written as the vanishing of minors from a determinant of the form4 A I x I k 1 A J x J k 2 Hence the vector [ is a linear combination of the other columns of the matrix and since it has to be independent of A I , A J and AK , we deduce that we have obtained all possible second order linear constraints. The process does not stop here, since these second order constraints are not linearly indepen- dent. This can be seen by considering the matrix4 A I x I x I x I A J x J x J x J Again Laplacian expansions give one third order constraint. To sum up we have linearly independent constraints for two corresponding points. The similar reasoning as before gives that all possible second order constraints has been obtained. Using three corresponding points we obtain 10 linearly independent constraints from the second linearly independent constraints from the third point. However, there are linear dependencies among these 20 constraints. To see this consider the matrix4 A I x I - x I A J x J - x J x denotes the third point. Using Laplacian expansions of the 5 \Theta 5 minors we obtain 6 bilinear expressions in x and - x with the components of the third order combination of aOEne tensors as coeOE- cients. Each such minor give a linear dependency between the constraints, i.e., 6 second order con- straints. Again there are third order constraints obtained from4 A I x I x I - x I A J x J x J - x J and 2A I x I - x I - x I A J x J - giving in total 2 third order constraints. To sum up we have independent constraints. We note again that all possible linear constraints have been obtained according to the same reasoning as above. The same analysis can be made for the case of four point matches. First we have 10 linearly independent constraints from each point (apart from the -rst one) and each pair of corresponding points give 4 second order linear constraints, giving constraints. Then one third order constraint can be obtained from the determinant of4 A I x I - x I - x I A J x J - where - x denote the fourth point, giving linearly independent constraints for four points. Again all possible constraints have been obtained, which concludes the proof. Remark. The rank condition rank M ! 4 is equivalent to the vanishing of all 4 \Theta 4 minors of M . These minors are algebraic equations in the 24 elements of M . These (non-linear) equations de-ne a variety in 24 dimensional space. The dimension of this variety is a well-de-ned number, in this case 21, which means that the co-dimension is 3. This means that, in general (at all points on the variety except for a subset of measure zero in the Zariski topology), the variety can locally be described as the vanishing of three polynomial equations. This can be seen by making row and column operations on M until it has the following structure 2 where p, q and r are polynomial expressions in the entries of M . The matrix above has rank ! 4 if and only if equations de-ne the variety locally. The points on the variety where the rank condition can not locally be described by three algebraic equations are the ones where all of the 3 \Theta 3 minors of M vanishes, which is a closed (and hence of measure zero) subset in the Zariski topology. Remark. Since we are interested in linear con- straints, we obtain 10 linearly independent equations instead of the 3 so-called algebraically independent equations described in the previous re- mark. However, one can not select 10 such constraints in advance that will be linearly independent for every point match. Therefore, in numerical computations, it is better to use all of them. Proof: (of Proposition 4) It is easy to see that there are no second (or higher) order linear constraints involving only the 4 constraints in (23). Neither are there any higher order constraints for the two sets of (23) involving two dioeerent points, x and - x. Finally, for four dioeerent points, there can be no more than 11 linearly independent con- straints, since according to (24) the matrix containing all constraints has a non-trivial null-space. Notes 1. Again the choice of de-ning a contravariant tensor is arbitrarily made. In fact, the tensor could have been de-ned covariantly as I K7which is the one used in (Quan and Kanade 1997). Transformations between these representations (and other intermediate ones such as covariant in one index and contravariant in the other ones) can easily be made. 2. The tensor t ijk can also be used to transfer directions seen in two of the three images to a direction in the third one, using the mixed form t i jk according to 3. This has been con-rmed under various imaging condi- tions, like e.g., closely spaced images. --R Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision Use your hand as a 3-d mouse What can be seen in three dimensions with an uncalibrated stereo rig? Geometry and Algebra of Multipe Projective Transformations Structure and motion from points Theory of Reconstruction from Image Motion A unifying framework for structure and motion recovery from image sequences Geometric invariance in Computer Vision AOEne structure from line correspondences with uncalibrated aOEne cam- eras A new linear method for euclidean motion/structure from three calibrated aOEne views Algebraic Projective Geometry AOEne Analysis of Image Sequences 3d motion recovery via aOEne epipolar geometry Relative aOEne struc- ture: Canonical model for 3d from 2d geometry and applications Simultaneous reconstruction of scene structure and camera locations from uncalibrated image sequences A factorization based algorithm for multi-image projective structure and mo- tion Shape and motion from image streams under orthography: a factorization method Motion Segmentation and Outlier Detec- tion Factorization methods for projective structure and motion Linear projective reconstruction from matching tensors Motion and structure from line correspondences: Closed-form solution --TR Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences; Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization Shape and motion from image streams under orthography Geometric invariance in computer vision Conics-based stereo, motion estimation, and pose determination Affine analysis of image sequences 3D motion recovery via affine epipolar geometry Relative Affine Structure Affine Structure from Line Correspondences With Uncalibrated Affine Cameras What can be seen in three dimensions with an uncalibrated stereo rig A Factorization Based Algorithm for Multi-Image Projective Structure and Motion Use Your Hand as a 3-D Mouse, or, Relative Orientation from Extended Sequences of Sparse Point and Line Correspondences Using the Affine Trifocal Tensor Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics with Affine Cameras Linear Fitting with Missing Data Factorization Methods for Projective Structure and Motion A New Linear Method for Euclidean Motion/Structure from Three Calibrated Affine Views A unifying framework for structure and motion recovery from image sequences Simultaneous Reconstruction of Scene Structure and Camera Locations from Uncalibrated Image Sequences --CTR Yi Ma , Kun Huang , Ren Vidal , Jana Koeck , Shankar Sastry, Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.59 n.2, p.115-137, September 2004 Leo Reyes , Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Simultaneous and Sequential Reconstruction of Visual Primitives with Bundle Adjustment, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.25 n.1, p.63-78, July 2006 Fredrik Kahl , Anders Heyden , Long Quan, Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v.23 n.4, p.418-424, April 2001 Jacob Goldberger, Reconstructing camera projection matrices from multiple pairwise overlapping views, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v.97 n.3, p.283-296, March 2005 Nicolas Guilbert , Adrien Bartoli , Anders Heyden, Affine Approximation for Direct Batch Recovery of Euclidian Structure and Motion from Sparse Data, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.69 n.3, p.317-333, September 2006 Pei Chen , David Suter, An Analysis of Linear Subspace Approaches for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.68 n.1, p.83-106, June 2006 Pei Chen , David Suter, A Bilinear Approach to the Parameter Estimation of a General Heteroscedastic Linear System, with Application to Conic Fitting, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.28 n.3, p.191-208, July 2007 Hayman , Torfi Thrhallsson , David Murray, Tracking While Zooming Using Affine Transfer and Multifocal Tensors, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.51 n.1, p.37-62, January
closure constraints;matching constraints;reconstruction;affine cameras;multiple view tensors;factorization methods
Large Occlusion Stereo.
A method for solving the stereo matching problem in the presence of large occlusion is presented. A data structurethe disparity space imageis defined to facilitate the description of the effects of occlusion on the stereo matching process and in particular on dynamic programming (DP) solutions that find matches and occlusions simultaneously. We significantly improve upon existing DP stereo matching methods by showing that while some cost must be assigned to unmatched pixels, sensitivity to occlusion-cost and algorithmic complexity can be significantly reduced when highly-reliable matches, or ground control points, are incorporated into the matching process. The use of ground control points eliminates both the need for biasing the process towards a smooth solution and the task of selecting critical prior probabilities describing image formation. Finally, we describe how the detection of intensity edges can be used to bias the recovered solution such that occlusion boundaries will tend to be proposed along such edges, reflecting the observation that occlusion boundaries usually cause intensity discontinuities.
Introduction Our world is full of occlusion. In any scene, we are likely to find several, if not several hundred, occlusion edges. In binocular imagery, we encounter occlusion times two. Stereo images contain occlusion edges that are found in monocular views and occluded regions that are unique to a stereo pair[ 7]. Occluded regions are spatially coherent groups of pixels that can be seen Aaron Bobick was at the MIT Media Laboratory when the work was performed. in one image of a stereo pair but not in the other. These regions mark discontinuities in depth and are important for any process which must preserve object boundaries, such as segmentation, motion analysis, and object iden- tification. There is psychophysical evidence that the human visual system uses geometrical occlusion relationships during binocular stereopsis[ 27, 24, 1] to reason about the spatial relationships between objects in the world. In this paper we present a stereo algorithm that does so as well. Although absolute occlusion sizes in pixels depend upon the configuration of the imaging system, images Fig. 1. Noisy stereo pair of a man and kids. The largest occlusion region in this image is 93 pixels wide, or 13 percent of the image. of everyday scenes often contain occlusion regions much larger than those found in popular stereo test im- agery. In our lab, common images like Figure 1 contain disparity shifts and occlusion regions over eighty pixels wide. 1 Popular stereo test images, however, like the JISCT test set[ 9], the "pentagon" image, the "white house" image, and the "Renault part" image have maximum occlusion disparity shifts on the order of 20 pixels wide. Regardless of camera configuration, images of the everyday world will have substantially larger occlusion regions than aerial or terrain data. Even processing images with small disparity jumps, researchers have found that occlusion regions are a major source of error[ 3]. Recent work on stereo occlusion, however, has shown that occlusion processing can be incorporated directly into stereo matching[ 7, 17, 14, 20]. Stereo imagery contains both occlusion edges and occlusion regions[ 17]. Occlusion regions are spatially coherent groups of pixels that appear in one image and not in the other. These occlusion regions are caused by occluding surfaces and can be used directly in stereo and occlusion reasoning. 2 This paper divides into two parts. The first several sections concentrate on the recovery of stereo matches in the presence of significant occlusion. We begin by describing previous research in stereo processing in which the possibility of unmatched pixels is included in the matching paradigm. Our approach is to explicitly model occlusion edges and occlusion regions and to use them to drive the matching process. We develop a data structure which we will call the disparity-space image (DSI), and we use this data structure to describe the the dynamic-programming approach to stereo (as in that finds matches and occlusions simul- taneously. We show that while some cost must be incurred by a solution that proposes unmatched pixels, an algorithm's occlusion-cost sensitivity and algorithmic complexity can be significantly reduced when highly-reliable matches, or ground control points (GCPs), are incorporated into the matching process. Experimental results demonstrate robust behavior with respect to occlusion pixel cost if the GCP technique us employed. The second logical part of the paper is motivated by the observation that monocular images also contain information about occlusion. Different objects in the world have varying texture, color, and illumination. Therefore occlusion edges - jump edges between these objects or between significantly disparate parts of the same object - nearly always generate intensity edges in a monocular image. The final sections of this paper consider the impact of intensity edges on the disparity space images and extends our stereo technique to exploit information about intensity discontinuities. We note that recent psychophysical evidence strongly supports the importance of edges in the perception of occlusion. 2. Previous Occlusion and Stereo Work Most stereo researchers have generally either ignored occlusion analysis entirely or treated it as a secondary process that is postponed until matching is completed and smoothing is underway[ 4, 15]. A few authors have proposed techniques that indirectly address the occlusion problem by minimizing spurious mis-matches resulting from occluded regions and disconti- Belhumeur has considered occlusion in several pa- pers. In [ 7], Belhumeur and Mumford point out that occluded regions, not just occlusion boundaries, must be identified and incorporated into matching. Using this observation and Bayesian reasoning, an energy functional is derived using pixel intensity as the matching feature, and dynamic programming is employed to find the minimal-energy solution. In [ 5] and [ 6] the Bayesian estimator is refined to deal with sloping and creased surfaces. Penalty terms are imposed for proposing a break in vertical and horizontal smoothness or a crease in surface slope. Belhumeur's method requires the estimation of several critical prior terms which are used to suspend smoothing operations. Geiger, Ladendorf, and Yuille[ 17, 18] also directly address occlusion and occlusion regions by defining an a priori probability for the disparity field based upon a smoothness function and an occlusion constraint. For matching, two shifted windows are used in the spirit of [ 25] to avoid errors over discontinuity jumps. Assuming the monotonicity constraint, the matching problem is solved using dynamic programming. Unlike in Bel- humeur's work, the stereo occlusion problem is formulated as a path-finding problem in a left-scanline to right-scanline matching space. Geiger et al. make explicit the observation that "a vertical break (jump) in one eye corresponds to a horizontal break (jump) in the other eye." Finally, Cox et al.[ 14] have proposed a dynamic programming solution to stereo matching that does not require the smoothing term incorporated into Geiger and Belhumeur's work. They point out that several equally good paths can be found through matching space using only the occlusion and ordering constraints. To provide enough constraint for their system to select a single so- lution, they optimize a Bayesian maximum-likelihood cost function minimizing inter- and intra-scanline disparity discontinuities. The work of Cox et al. is the closest to the work we present here in that we also do not exploit any explicit smoothness assumptions in our DP solution. 3. The DSI Representation In this section we describe a data structure we call the disparity-space image, or DSI. We have used the data structure to explore the occlusion and stereo problem and it facilitated our development of a dynamic programming algorithm that uses occlusion constraints. The DSI is an explicit representation of matching space; it is related to figures that have appeared in previous work [ 25, 28, 13, 17, 18]. 3.1. DSI Creation for Ideal Imagery We generate the DSI representation for i th scanline in the following way: Select the i th scanline of the left and right images, s L and s R respectively, and slide them across one another one pixel at a time. At each step, the scanlines are subtracted and the result is entered as the next line in the DSI. The DSI representation stores the result of subtracting every pixel in s L i with every pixel s R and maintains the spatial relationship between the matched points. As such, it may be considered an (x, disparity) matching space, with x along the horizontal, and disparity d along the vertical. Given two images I L and I R the value of the DSI is given: DSI L when \Gammad being the horizontal size of the image. The superscript of L on DSI L indicates the left DSI. DSI R i is simply a skewed version of the DSI L The above definition generates a "full" DSI where there is no limit on disparity. By considering camera geometry, we can crop the representation. In the case of parallel optic axes, objects are shifted to the right in the left image. No matches will be found searching in the other direction. Further, if a maximum possible disparity dmax is known, then no matches will be found by shifting right more than dmax pixels. These limitations permit us to crop the top N and bottom lines of the DSI. DSI generation is illustrated in Figure 2. 3.2. DSI Creation for Imagery with Noise To make the DSI more robust to effects of noise, we can change the comparison function from subtraction to correlation. We define g L i and g R i as the groups of scanlines centered around s L and s R and g R are shifted across each other to generate the DSI representation for scanline i. Instead of subtracting at a single pixel, however, we compare mean-normalized windows in g L and Right Image Left Image Crop One pixel overlap (negative disparity) Two pixel overlap (negative disparity) pixel overlap (zero disparity) One pixel overlap (positive disparity) Slide Right over Left and subtract scanline scanline Fig. 2. This figure describes how a DSI L i is generated. The corresponding epipolar scanlines from the left and right images are used. The scanline from the left image is held still as the scanline from the right image is shifted across. After each pixel shift, the scanlines are absolute differenced. The result from the overlapping pixels is placed in the resulting DSI L . The DSI L i is then cropped, since we are only interested in disparity shifts that are zero or greater since we assume we have parallel optical axis in our imaging system. (wy \Gammac y ) s=\Gammac y (wx \Gammac x ) [(I (2) where w x \Thetaw y is the size of the window, (c x ; c y ) is the location of the reference point (typically the center) of the window, and M L (M R ) is the mean of the window in the left (right) image: (wy \Gammac y ) s=\Gammac y (wx \Gammac x ) I L (x+t; y+s) Normalization by the mean eliminates the effect of any additive bias between left and right images. If there is a multiplicative bias as well, we could perform normalized correlation instead [ 19]. Using correlation for matching reduces the effects of noise. However, windows create problems at vertical and horizontal depth discontinuities where occluded regions lead to spurious matching. We solve this problem using a simplified version of adaptive windows[ 22]. At every pixel location we use 9 different windows to perform the matching. The windows are shown in Figure 3. Some windows are designed so that they will match to the left, some are designed to match to the right, some are designed to match towards the top, and so on. At an occlusion boundary, some of the filters will match across the boundary and some will not. At each pixel, only the best result from matching using all 9 windows is stored. Bad matches resulting from occlusion tend to be discarded. If we define C x ; C y to be the possible window reference points c x ; c y , respec- tively, then DSI L i is generated by: DSI L min To test the correlation DSI and other components of our stereo method, we have produced a more interesting version of the three-layer stereo wedding cake image frequently used by stereo researchers to assess algorithm performance. Our cake has three square lay- ers, a square base, and two sloping sides. The cake is "iced" with textures cropped from several images. A side view of a physical model of the sloping wedding cake stereo pair is shown in Figure 4a, a graph of the Fig. 3. To reduce the effects of noise in DSI generation, we have used 9 window matching, where window centers (marked in black) are shifted to avoid spurious matches at occlusion regions and discontinuity jumps. depth profile of a scanline through the center of the cake is shown in Figure 4b, and a noiseless simulation of the wedding cake stereo pair is shown in Figure 4c. The sloping wedding cake is a challenging test example since it has textured and homogeneous regions, huge occlusion jumps, a disparity shift of 84 pixels for the top level, and flat and sloping regions. The en- hanced, cropped DSI for the noiseless cake is shown in Figure 4d. Note that this is a real, enhanced image. The black-line following the depth profile has not been added, but results from enhancing near-zero values. A noisy image cake was generated with Gaussian white noise The DSI generated for the noisy cake is displayed in Figure 4e. Even with large amounts of noise, the "near-zero" dark path through the DSI disparity space is clearly visible and sharp discontinuities have been preserved. 3.3. Structure of the DSI Figure 4d shows the cropped, correlation DSI for a scanline through the middle of the test image pair shown in Figure 4c. Notice the characteristic streaking pattern that results from holding one scanline still and sliding the other scanline across. When a textured region on the left scanline slides across the corresponding region in the right scanline, a line of matches can be seen in the DSI L . When two texture-less matching regions slide across each other, a diamond-shaped region of near-zero matches can be observed. The more homogeneous the region is, the more distinct the resulting diamond shape will be. The correct path through DSI space can be easily seen as a dark line connecting block-like segments. 4. Occlusion Analysis and DSI Path Constraint In a discrete formulation of the stereo matching prob- lem, any region with non-constant disparity must have associated unmatched pixels. Any slope or disparity jump creates blocks of occluded pixels. Because of these occlusion regions, the matching zero path through the image cannot be continuous. The regions labeled "D" in Figure 4d mark diagonal gaps in the enhanced zero line in DSI L . The regions labeled "V" mark vertical jumps from disparity to disparity. These jumps correspond to left and right occlusion regions. We use this "occlusion constraint"[ 17] to restrict the a) b) c) d) Fig. 4. This figure shows (a) a model of the stereo sloping wedding cake that we will use as a test example, (b) a depth profile through the center of the sloping wedding cake, (c) a simulated, noise-free image pair of the cake, (d) the enhanced, cropped, correlation DSI L representation for the image pair in (c), and (e) the enhanced, cropped, correlation DSI for a noisy sloping wedding cake In (d), the regions labeled "D" mark diagonal gaps in the matching path caused by regions occluded in the left image. The regions labeled "V" mark vertical jumps in the path caused by regions occluded in the right image. type of matching path that can be recovered from each DSI i . Each time an occluded region is proposed, the recovered path is forced to have the appropriate vertical or diagonal jump. The fact that the disparity path moves linearly through the disparity gaps does not imply that we presume the a linear interpolation of disparities or a smooth interpolation of depth in the occluded regions. Rather, the line simply reflects the occlusion constraint that a set of occluded pixels must be accounted for by a disparity jump of an equal number of pixels. Nearly all stereo scenes obey the ordering constraint (or monotonicity constraint [ object a is to the left of object b in the left image then a will be to the left of b in the right image. Thin objects with large disparities violate this rule, but they are rare in many scenes of interest. Exceptions to the monotonicity constraint and a proposed technique to handle such cases is given in [ 16]. By assuming the ordering rule we can impose a second constraint on the disparity path through the DSI that significantly reduces the complexity of the path-finding problem. In the DSI L , moving from left to right, diagonal jumps can only jump forward (down and across) and vertical jumps can only jump backwards (up). It is interesting to consider what happens when the ordering constraint does not hold. Consider an example of skinny pole or tree significantly in front of a building. Some region of the building will be seen in the left eye as being to the left of the pole, but in the right eye as to the right of the pole. If a stereo system is enforcing the ordering constraint it can generate two possible solutions. IN one case it can ignore the pole completely, considering the pole pixels in the left and right image as simply noise. More likely, the system will generate a surface the extends sharply forward to the pole and then back again to the background. The pixels on these two surfaces would actually be the same, but the system would consider them as un- matched, each surface being occluded from one eye by the pole. Later, where we describe the effect of ground control points, we will see how our system chooses between these solutions. 5. Finding the Best Path Using the occlusion constraint and ordering constraint, the correct disparity path is highly constrained. From any location in the DSI L i , there are only three directions a path can take - a horizontal match, a diagonal occlusion, and a vertical occlusion. This observation allows us to develop a stereo algorithm that integrates matching and occlusion analysis into a single process. However, the number of allowable paths obeying these two constraints is still huge. 3 As noted by previous researchers [ 17, 14, 18] one can formulate the task of finding the best path through the DSI as a dynamic programming (DP) path-finding problem in disparity) space. For each scanline i, we wish to find the minimum cost traversal through the DSI i image which satisfies the occlusion constraints. 5.1. Dynamic Programming Constraints DP algorithms require that the decision making process be ordered and that the decision at any state depend only upon the current state. The occlusion constraint and ordering constraint severely limit the direction the path can take from the path's current endpoint. If we base the decision of which path to choose at any pixel only upon the cost of each possible next step in the path and not on any previous moves we have made, we satisfy the DP requirements and can use DP to find the optimal path. As we traverse through the DSI image constructing the optimal path, we can consider the system as being in any one of three states: match (M), vertical occlusion (V), or diagonal occlusion (D). Figure 5 symbolically shows the legal transitions between each type of state. We assume, without loss of generality, that the traversal starts at one of the top corners of the DSI. The application of dynamic programming to the stereo problem reveals the power of these techniques formulated as a DP problem, finding the best path through an DSI of width N and disparity range D requires considering N D dynamic programming nodes (each node being a potential place along the path). For the 256 pixel wide version of the sloping wedding cake example, the computation considers 11,520 nodes. To apply DP a cost must be assigned to each (DSI) pixel in the path depending upon its state. As indi- cated, a pixel along a path is either in one of the two "occlusion" states - vertical or diagonal - or is a "matched" pixel. The cost we assign to the matched pixels is simply the absolute value of the DSI L i pixel at the match point. 4 The better the match, the lower the cost assessed. Therefore the algorithm will attempt to maximize the number of "good" matches in the final path. However, the algorithm is also going to propose unmatched points - occlusion regions - and we need to assign a cost for unmatched pixels in the vertical and diagonal jumps. Otherwise the "best path" would be one that matches almost no pixels, and traverses the DSI alternating between vertical and diagonal occlusion regions. 5.2. Assigning occlusion cost Unfortunately, slight variations in the occlusion pixel cost can change the globally minimum path through the DSI L space, particularly with noisy data[ 14]. Because this cost is incurred for each proposed occluded pixel, the cost of proposed occlusion region is linearly proportional to the width of the region. Consider the example illustrated in Figure 6. The "correct" solution is the one which starts at region A, jumps forward diagonally 6 pixels to region B where disparity remains constant for 4 pixels, and then jumps back vertically 6 pixels to region C. The occlusion cost for this path is is the pixel occlusion cost. If the c is too great, a string of bad matches will be selected as the lower-cost path, as shown. The fact that previous DP solutions to stereo matching (e.g. [ 18]) present results where they vary the occlusion cost from one example to the next indicates the sensitivity of these approaches to this parameter. In the next section we derive an additional constraint which greatly mitigates the effect of the choice of the occlusion cost c o . In fact, all the results of the experiments section use the same occlusion cost across widely varying imaging conditions. 5.3. Ground control points In order to overcome this occlusion cost sensitivity, we need to impose another constraint in addition to the occlusion and ordering constraints. However, unlike previous approaches we do not want to bias the solution towards any generic property such as smooth- Current state & Location Match state Vertical occlusion Horizontal occlusion d j-1 d j+1 Fig. 5. State diagram of legal movesthe DP algorithm can makewhen processingthe DSI L . From the match state, the path can move vertically up to the vertical discontinuity state, horizontally to the match state, or diagonally to the diagonal state. From the vertical state, the path can move vertically up to the vertical state or horizontally to the match state. From the diagonal state, the path can move horizontally to the match state or diagonally to the diagonal state. ness across occlusions[ 17], inter-scanline consistency[ 25, 14], or intra-scanline "goodness"[ 14]. Instead, we use high confidence matching guesses: Ground control points (GCPs). These points are used to force the solution path to make large disparity jumps that might otherwise have been avoided because of large occlusion costs. The basic idea is that if a few matches on different surfaces can identified before the DP matching process begins, these points can be used to drive the solution. Figure 7 illustrates this idea showing two GCPs and a number of possible paths between them. We note that regardless of the disparity path chosen, the discrete lattice ensures that path-a, path-b, and path-c all require 6 occlusion pixels. Therefore, all three paths incur the same occlusion cost. Our algorithm will select the path that minimizes the cost of the proposed matches independent of where occlusion breaks are proposed and (almost) independent of the occlusion cost value. If there is a single occlusion region between the GCPs in the original image, the path with the best matches is similar to path-a or path-b. On the other hand, if the region between the two GCPs is sloping gently, then a path like path-c, with tiny, interspersed occlusion jumps will be preferred, since it will have the better matches. 5 The path through (x, disparity) space, there- fore, will be constrained solely by the occlusion and ordering constraints and the goodness of the matches between the GCPs. Of course, we are limited to how small the occlusion cost can be. If it is smaller than the typical value of correct matches (non-zero due to noise) 6 then the algorithm proposes additional occlusion regions such as in path-d of Figure 7. For real stereo images (such as the JISCT test set [ 9]) the typical DSI value for incorrectly matched pixels is significantly greater than that of correctly matched ones and performance of the algorithm is not particularly sensitive to the occlusion cost. Also, we note that while we have attempted to remove smoothing influences entirely, there are situations in which the occlusion cost induces smooth solu- tions. If no GCP is proposed on a given surface, and if the stereo solution is required to make a disparity jump across an occlusion region to reach the correct disparity level for that surface, then if the occlusion cost is high, the preferred solution will be a flat, "smooth" surface. As we will show in some of our results, even scenes with thin surfaces separated by large occlusion regions tend to give rise to an adequate number of GCPs (the next section describes our method for selecting such points). This experience is in agreement with results indicating a substantial percentage of points in a stereo pair can be matched unambiguously, such as Hannah's 5.4. Why ground control points provide additional constraint Before proceeding it is important to consider why ground control points provide any additional constraint to the dynamic programming solution. Given that they Desired path Path chosen if occlusion cost too high Occluded Pixel A (light substituted for occlusion pixels (bold selected using good matches and occlusion pixels Fig. 6. The total occlusion cost for an object shifted D pixels can be cost occlusion D 2. If the cost becomes high, a string of bad matches may be a less expensive path. To eliminate this undesirable effect, we must impose another constraint. Ground Control Point Occluded Pixel Path A Path C Path D Paths A,B, and C have 6 occluded pixels. Path D has 14 occluded pixels. Fig. 7. Once a GCP has forced the disparity path through some disparity-shifted region, the occlusion will be proposed regardless of the cost of the occlusion jump. The path between two GCPs will depend only upon the good matches in the path, since the occlusion cost is the same for each path A,B, and C. path D is an exception, since an additional occlusion jump has been proposed. While that path is possible, it is unlikely the globally optimum path through the space will have any more occlusion jumps than necessary unless the data supporting a second occlusion jump is strong. represent excellent matches and therefore have very low match costs it is plausible to expect that the lowest cost paths through disparity space would naturally include these points. While this is typically the case when the number of occlusion pixels is small compared to the number of matched pixels, it is not true in general, and is particularly problematic in situations with large disparity regions. Consider again Figure 6. Let us assume that region represents perfect matches and therefore has a match cost of zero. These are the types of points which will normally be selected as GCPs (as described in the next section). Whether the minimal cost path from A to C will go through region B is dependent upon the relative magnitude between the occlusion cost incurred via the diagonal and vertical jumps required to get to region B and the incorrect match costs of the horizontal path from A to C. It is precisely this sensitivity to the occlusion cost that has forced previous approaches to dynamic programming solutions to enforce a smoothness constraint. 5.5. Selecting and enforcing GCPs If we force the disparity path through GCPs, their selection must be highly reliable. We use several heuristic filters to identify GCPs before we begin the DP pro- Occluded Pixel Multi-valued GCP Path A Path B Path C Prohibited Pixel Fig. 8. The use of multiple GCPs per column. Each path through the two outside GCPs have exactly the same occlusion cost, 6co . As long as the path passes through one of the 3 multi-GCPs in the middle column it avoids the (infinite) penalty of the prohibited pixels. cessing; several of these are similar to those used by Hannah [ 19] to find highly reliable matches. The first heuristic requires that a control point be both the best left-to-rightand best right-to-left match. In the DSI approach these points are easy to detect since such points are those which are the best match in both their diagonal and vertical columns. Second, to avoid spurious "good" matches in occlusion regions, we also require that a control point have match value that is smaller than the occlusion cost. Third, we require sufficient texture in the GCP region to eliminate homogeneous patches that match a disparity range. Finally, to further reduce the likelihood of a spurious match, we exclude any proposed GCPs that have no immediate neighbors that are also marked as GCPs. Once we have a set of control points, we force our DP algorithm to choose a path through the points by assigning zero cost for matching with a control point and a very large cost to every other path through the control point's column. In the DSI L i , the path must pass through each column at some pixel in some state. By assigning a large cost to all paths and states in a column other than a match at the control point, we have guaranteed that the path will pass through the point. An important feature of this method of incorporating GCPs is that it allows us to have more than one GCP per column. Instead of forcing the path through one GCP, we force the path through one of a few GCPs in a column as illustrated in Figure 8. Even if using multiple windows and left-to-right, right-to-left matching, it is still possible that we will label a GCP in error if only one GCP per column is permitted. It is un- likely, however, that none of several proposed GCPs in a column will be the correct GCP. By allowing multiple GCPs per column, we have eliminated the risk of forcing the path through a point erroneously marked as high-confidence due image noise without increasing complexity or weakening the GCP constraint. This technique also allows us to handle the "wallpaper" problem of matching in the presence of a repeated pattern in the scene: multiple GCPs allow the elements of the pattern to repeatedly matched (locally) with high confidence while ensuring a global minimum. 5.6. Reducing complexity Without GCPs, the DP algorithm must consider one node for every point in the DSI, except for the boundary conditions near the edges. Specification of a GCP, however, essentially introduces an intervening boundary pointand prevents the solutionpath from traversing certain regions of the DSI. Because of the occlusion and monotonicity constraints, each GCP carves out two complimentary triangles in the DSI that are now not valid. Figure 9 illustrates such pairs of triangles. The total area of the two triangles, A, depends upon at what disparity d the GCP is located, but is known to lie within the range D 2 =4 - A - D 2 =2 where D is the allowed disparity range. For the 256 pixel wedding cake image, 506 - A - 1012. Since the total number of DP nodes for that image is 11,520 each GCP whose constraint triangles do not overlap with another pair of constraint triangles reduces the DP complexity by about 10%. With several GCPs the complexity is less than 25% of the original problem. 6. Results using GCPs Input to our algorithm consists of a stereo pair. Epipolar lines are assumed to be known and corrected to correspond to horizontal scanlines. We assume that Fig. 9. GCP constraint regions. Each GCP removes a pair of similar triangles from the possible solution path. If the GCP is at one extreme of the disparity range (GCP 1), then the area excluded is maximized at D 2 =2. If the GCP is exactly in the middle of the disparity range (GCP 2) the areas is minimized at D 2 =4. additive and multiplicative photometric bias between the left and right images is minimized allowing the use of a subtraction DSI for matching. As mentioned, such biases can be handled by using the appropriate correlation operator. The birch tree example shows that the subtraction DSI performs well even with significant additive differences. The dynamic programming portion of our algorithm is quite fast; almost all time was spent in creating the correlation DSI used for finding GCPs. Generation time for each scanline depends upon the efficiency of the correlation code, the number and size of the masks, and the size of the original imagery. Running on a HP 730 workstation with a 515x512 image using nine 7x7 filters and a maximum disparity shift of 100 pixels, our current implementation takes a few seconds per scanline. However, since the most time consuming operations are simple window-based cross-correlation, the entire procedure could be made to run near real time with simple dedicated hardware. Furthermore, this step was used solely to provide GCPs; a faster high confidence match detector would eliminate most of this overhead. The results generated by our algorithm for the noise-free wedding cake are shown in Figure 10a. Computation was performed on the DSI L i but the results have been shifted to the cyclopean view. The top layer of the cake has a disparity with respect to the bottom of 84 pixels. Our algorithm found the occlusion breaks at the edge of each layer, indicated by black regions. Sloping regions have been recovered as matched regions interspersed with tiny occlusion jumps. Because of homogeneous regions many paths have exactly the same total cost so the exact assignment of occlusion pixels in sloping regions is not identical from one scan-line to the next, and is sensitive to the position of the GCPs in that particular scanline. Figure 10b shows the results for the sloping wedding cake with a high amount of artificially generated noise noise dB). The algorithm still performs well at locating occlusion regions. For the "kids" and "birch" results displayed in this paper, we used a subtraction DSI for our matching data. The 9-window correlation DSI was used only to find the GCPs. Since our algorithm will work properly using the subtraction DSI, any method that finds highly-reliable matches could be used to find GCPs, obviating the need for the computationally expensive cross correlation. All our results, including the "kids" and "birch" examples were generated using the same occlusion cost, chosen by experimentation. Figure 11a shows the "birch" image from the JISCT stereo test set[ 9]. The occlusion regions in this image are difficult to recover properly because of the skinny trees, some texture-less regions, and a 15 percent brightness difference between images. The skinny trees make occlusion recovery particularly sensitive to occlusion cost when GCPs are not used, since there are relatively few good matches on each skinny tree compared with the size of the occlusion jumps to and from each tree. Figure 11b shows the results of our algorithm without using GCPs. The occlusion cost prevented the path on most scanlines from jumping out to some of the trees. Figure 11c shows the algorithm run with the same occlusion cost using GCPs. 7 Most of the occlusion regions around the trees are recovered reasonably well since GCPs on the tree sur- )Fig. 10. Results of our algorithm for the (a) noise-free and (b) noisy sloping wedding cake. faces eliminated the dependence on the occlusion cost. There are some errors in the image, however. Several shadow regions of the birch figure are completely washed-out with intensity values of zero. Conse- quently, some of these regions have led to spurious GCPs which caused incorrect disparity jumps in our final result. This problem might be minimized by changing the GCP selection algorithm to check for texture wherever GCPs are proposed. On some scanlines, no GCPs were recovered on some trees which led to the scanline gaps in some of the trees. Note the large occlusion regions generated by the third tree from the left. This example of small foreground object generating a large occlusion region is a violation of the ordering constraint. As described previously, if the DP solution includes the trees it cannot also include the common region of the building. If there are GCPs on both the building and the trees, only one set of GCPs can be accommodated. Because of the details of how we incorporated GCPs into the DP algorithm, the surface with the greater number will dominate. In the tree example, the grass regions were highly shadowed and typically did not generate many GCPs. 8 Figure 12a is an enlarged version of the left image of Figure 1. Figure 12b shows the results obtained by the algorithm developed by Cox et al.[ 14]. The Cox algorithm is a similar DP procedure which uses inter-scanline consistency instead of GCPs to reduce sensitivity to occlusion cost. Figure 12c shows our results on the same image. These images have not been converted to the cyclopean view, so black regions indicate regions occluded in the left image. The Cox algorithm does a reasonably good job at finding the major occlusion regions, although many rather large, spurious occlusion regions are proposed. When the algorithm generates errors, the errors are more likely to propagate over adjacent lines, since inter-and intra-scanline consistency are used[ 14]. To be able to find the numerous occlusions, the Cox algorithm requires a relatively low occlusion cost, resulting in false occlusions. Our higher occlusion cost and use of GCPs finds the major occlusion regions cleanly. For example, the man's head is clearly recovered by our ap- proach. The algorithm did not recover the occlusion created by the man's leg as well as hoped since it found no good control points on the bland wall between the legs. The wall behind the man was picked up well by our algorithm, and the structure of the people in the scene is quite good. Most importantly, we did not use any smoothness or inter- and intra-scanline consistencies to generate these results. We should note that our algorithm does not perform as well on images that only have short match regions interspersed with many disparity jumps. In such imagery our conservative method for selecting GCPs fails to provide enough constraint to recover the proper sur- face. However, the results on the birch imagery illustrate that in real imagery with many occlusion jumps, there are likely to be enough stable regions to drive the computation. 7. Edges in the DSI Figure 13 displays the DSI L i for a scanline from the man and kids stereo pair in Figure 12; this particular scanline runs through the man's chest. Both vertical and diagonal striations are visible in the DSI data struc- Fig. 11. (a) The "birch" stereo image pair, which is a part of the JISCT stereo test set[ 9], (b) Results of our stereo algorithm without using GCPs, and (c) Results of of our algorithm with GCPs. Fig. 12. Results of two stereo algorithms on Figure 1. (a) Original left image. (b) Cox et al. algorithm[ 14], and (c) the algorithm described in this paper. Fig. 13. A subtraction DSI L for the imagery of Figure 12, where i is a scanline through the man's chest. Notice the diagonal and vertical striations that form in the DSI L due to the intensity changes in the image pair. These edge-lines appear at the edges of occlusion regions. ture. These line-like striations are formed wherever a large change in intensity (i.e. an "edge") occurs in the left or right scan line. In the DSI L i the vertical strid Fig. 14. (a) A cropped, subtraction DSI L . (b) The lines corresponding to the line-like striations in (a). (c) The recovered path. (d) The path and the image from (b) overlayed. The paths along occlusions correspond to the paths along lines. ations correspond to large changes in intensity in I L and the diagonal striations correspond to changes in I R . Since the interior regions of objects tend to have less intensity variation than the edges, the subtraction of an interior region of one line from an intensity edge of the other tends to leave the edge structure in tact. The persistence of the edge traces a linear structure in the DSI. We refer to the lines in the DSI as "edge-lines." As mentioned in the introduction, occlusion boundaries tend to induce discontinuities in image intensity, resulting in intensity edges. Recall that an occlusion is represented in the DSI by the stereo solution path containing either a diagonal or vertical jump. When an occlusion edge coincides with an intensity edge, then the occlusion gap in the DSI stereo solution will coincide with the DSI edge-line defined by the corresponding intensity edge. Figures 14a and 14b show a DSI and the "edge-lines" image corresponding to the line-like striations. Figure 14c displays the solution recovered for that scanline, and Figure 14d shows the recovered solution overlayed on the lines image. The vertical and diagonal occlusions in the DSI travel along lines appearing in the DSI edge-line image. In the next section we develop a technique for incorporating these lines into the dynamic programming solution developed in the previous section. The goal is to bias the solution so that nearly all major occlusions proposed will have a corresponding intensity edge. Before our stereo algorithm can exploit edge infor- mation, we must first detect the DSI edge-lines. Line detection in the DSI is a relatively simple task since, in principal, an algorithm can search for diagonal and vertical lines only. For our initial experiments, we implemented such an edge finder. However, the computational inefficiencies of finding edges in the DSI for every scan line led us to seek a one pass edge detection algorithm that would approximate the explicit search for lines in every DSI. Our heuristic is to use a standard edge-finding procedure on each image of the original image pair and use the recovered edges to generate an edge-lines image for each DSI. We have used a simplified Canny edge detector to find possible edges in the left and right image[ 10] and combined the vertical components of those edges to recover the edge-lines. The use of a standard edge operator introduces a constraint into the stereo solution that we purposefully excluded until now: inter-scanline consistency. Because any spatial operator will tend to find coherent edges, the result of processing one scanline will no longer be independent of its neighboring scanlines. However, since the inter-scanline consistency is only encouraged with respect to edges and occlusion, we are willing to include this bias in return for the computationally efficiency of single pass edge detection. 8. Using Edges with the DSI Approach Our goal is to incorporate the DSI edge information into the dynamic programming solution in such a way as to 1) correctly bias the solution to propose occlusions at intensity edges; 2) not violate the occlusion ordering constraints developed previously; and not significantly increase the computational cost of the path-finding algorithm. As shown, occlusion segments of the solution path paths through the DSI usually occur along edge-lines of the DSI. Therefore, a simple and effective strategy for improving our occlusion finding algorithm that satisfies our three criteria above is to reduce the cost of an occlusion along paths in the DSI corresponding to the edge-lines. Figure 15 illustrates this cost reduction. Assume that a GCP or a region of good matches is found on either side of an occlusion jump. Edge-lines in the DSI, corresponding to intensity edges in the scanlines, are shown in the diagram as dotted lines. The light solid lines show some possible paths consistent with the border boundary constraints. If the cost of an occlusion is significantly reduced along edge-lines, however, then the path indicated by the dark solid line is least expen- sive, and that path will place the occlusion region in the correct location. By reducing the cost along the lines, we improve occlusion recovery without adding any additional computational cost to our algorithm other than a pre-processing computation of edges in the original image pair. Matching is still driven by pixel data but is influ- enced, where most appropriate, by edge information. And, ground control points prevent non-occlusion intensity edges from generating spurious occlusions in the least cost solution. The only remaining issue is how to reduce the occlusion cost along the edge-lines. The fact that the GCPs prevent the system from generating wildly implausible solution gives us additional freedom in adjusting the cost. 8.1. Zero cost for occlusion at edges: degenerate case A simple method for lowering the occlusion cost along edge-lines would be simply to reduce the occlusion pixel cost if the pixel sits on either a vertical or diagonal edge-line. Clearly, reducing the cost by any amount will encourage proposing occlusions that coincide with intensity edges. However, unless the cost of occlusion along some line is free, there is a chance that somewhere along the occlusion path a stray false, but good, match will break the occlusion region. In Figure 15, the proposed path will more closely hug the dotted diagonal line, but still might wiggle between occlusion state to match state depending upon the data. More importantly, simply reducing the occlusion cost in this manner re-introduces a sensitivity to the value of that cost; the goal of the GCPs was the elimination of that sensitivity. If the dotted path in Figure 15 were free, however, spurious good matches would not affect the recovered occlusion region. An algorithm can be defined in which any vertical or diagonal occlusion jump corresponding to an edge-line has zero cost. This method would certainly encourage occlusions to be proposed along the lines. Unfortunately, this method is a degenerate case. The DP algorithm will find a solution that maximizes the number of occlusion jumps through the DSI and minimizes the number of matches, regardless of how good the matches may be. Figure 16a illustrates how a zero cost for both vertical and diagonal occlusion jumps leads to nearly no matches begin proposed. Figure 16b shows that this degenerate case does correspond to a potentially real camera and object configuration. The algorithm has proposed a feasible solution. The prob- lem, however, is that the algorithm is ignoring huge amounts of well-matched data by proposing occlusion everywhere. 8.2. Focusing on occlusion regions In the previous section we demonstrated that one cannot allow the traversal of both diagonal and vertical lines in the DSI to be cost free. Also, a compromise of simply lowering the occlusion cost along both types of edges re-introduces dependencies on that cost. Because one of the goals of our approach is the recovery of the occlusion regions, we choose to make the diagonal Ground Control Point (GCP) Line in lines DSI path Other possible paths Fig. 15. This figure illustrates how reducing the cost along lines that appear in the lines DSI (represented here by dotted lines) can improve occlusion recovery. Given the data between the two GCPs is noisy, the thin solid lines represent possible paths the algorithm might choose. If the cost to propose an occlusion has been reduced, however, the emphasized path will most likely be chosen. That path will locate the occlusion region cleanly with start and end points in the correct locations. Proposed Match Proposed Occlusion Lines (from edges) (a) (b) Fig. 16. (a) When the occlusion cost along both vertical and diagonal edge-lines is set to zero, the recovered path will maximize the number of proposed occlusions and minimize the number of matches. Although real solutions of this nature do exist, an example of which is shown in (b), making both vertical and diagonal occlusion costs free generates these solutions even when enough matching data exists to support a more likely result. occlusion segments free, while the vertical segments maintain the normal occlusion pixel cost. The expected result is that the occlusion regions corresponding to the diagonal gaps in the DSI should be nicely delineated while the occlusion edges (the vertical jumps) are not changed. Furthermore, we expect no increased sensitivity to the occlusion cost. 9 Figure 17a shows a synthetic stereo pair from the JISCT test set[ 9] of some trees and rocks in a field. Figure 17b shows the occlusion regions recovered by our algorithm when line information and GCP information is not used, comparable to previous approaches (e.g. [ 14]). The black occlusion regions around the trees and rocks are usually found, but the boundaries of the regions are not well defined and some major errors exist. Figure 17c displays the results of using only GCPs, with no edge information included. The dramatic improvement again illustrates the power of the GCP constraint. Figure 17d shows the result when both GCPs and edges have been used. Though the improvement over GCPs alone is not nearly as dramatic, the solution is better. For example, the streaking at the left edge of the crown of the rightmost tree has been reduced. In general, the occlusion regions have been recovered almost perfectly, with little or no streaking or false matches within them. Although the overall effect of using the edges is small, it is important in that it biases the occlusion discontinuities to be proposed in exactly the right place. 9. Conclusion 9.1. Summary We have presented a stereo algorithm that incorporates the detection of occlusion regions directly into the matching process, yet does not use smoothness or intra- or inter-scanline consistency criteria. Employing a dynamic programming solution that obeys the occlusion and ordering constraints to find a best path through the disparity space image, we eliminate sensitivity to the occlusion cost by the use of ground con- (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 17. (a) Synthetic trees left image, (b) occlusion result without GCPs or edge-lines, (c) occlusion result with GCPs only, and (d) result with GCPs and edge-lines. trol points (GCPs)- high confidence matches. These points improve results, reduce complexity, and minimize dependence on occlusion cost without arbitrarily restricting the recovered solution. Finally, we extend the technique to exploit the relationship between occlusion jumps and intensity edges. Our method is to reduce the cost of proposed occlusion edges that coincide with intensity edges. The result is an algorithm that extracts large occlusion regions accurately without requiring external smoothness criteria. 9.2. Relation to psychophysics As mentioned at the outset, there is considerable psychophysical evidence that occlusion regions figure somewhat prominently in the human perception of depth from stereo (e.g. [ 27, 24]). And, it has become common (e.g. [ 18]) to cite such evidence in support of computational theories of stereo matching that explicitly model occlusion. However, for the approach we have presented here we believe such reference would be a bit disingenu- ous. Dynamic programming is a powerful tool for a serial machine attacking a locally decided, global optimization problem. But given the massively parallel computations performed by the human vision system, it seems unlikely that such an approach is particularly relevant to understanding human capabilities. However, we note that the two novel ideas of this paper - the use of ground control points to drive the stereo solution in the presence of occlusion, and the integration of intensity edges into the recovery of occlusion regions - are of interest to those considering human vision. One way of interpreting ground control points is as unambiguous matches that drive the resulting solution such that points whose matches are more ambiguous will be correctly mapped. The algorithm presented in this paper has been constructed so that relatively few GCPs (one per surface plane) are needed to result in an entirely unambiguous solution. This result is consistent with the "pulling effect" reported in the psychophysical literature (e.g. [ 21]) in which very few unambiguous "bias" dots (as little as 2%) are needed to pull an ambiguous stereogram to the depth plane of the unambiguous points. Although several interpretations of this effect are possible (e.g. see [ 1]) we simply note that it is consistent with the idea of a few cleanly matched points driving the solution. Second, there has been recent work [ demonstrating the importance of edges in the perception of occlusion. Besides providing some wonderful demonstrations of the impact of intensity edges in the perception of occlusion, they also develop a receptive-field theory of occlusion detection. Their receptive fields require a vertical decorrelation edge where on one side of the edge the images are correlated (matched), while on the other they are not. Furthermore, they find evidence that the strength the edge directly affects the stability of the perception of occlusion. Though the mechanism they propose is quite different than those discussed here, this is the first strong evidence we have seen supporting the importance of edges in the perception of occlusion. Our interpretation is that the human visual system is exploiting the occlusion edge constraint developed here: occlusion edges usually fall along intensity edges. 9.3. Open questions Finally we mention a few open questions that should be addressed if the work presented here is to be further developed or applied. The first involves the recovery of the GCPs. As indicated, having a well distributed set of control points mostly eliminates the sensitivity of the algorithm to the occlusion cost, and reduces the computational complexity of the dense match. Our initial experiments using a robust estimator similar to have been successful, but we feel that a robust estimator explicitly designed to provide GCPs could be more effective. Second, we are not satisfied with the awkward manner in which lattice matching techniques - no sub-pixel matches and every pixel is either matched or occluded handle sloping regions. While a staircase of matched and occluded pixels is to be expected (math- ematically) whenever a surface is not parallel to the image plane, its presence reflects the inability of the lattice to match a region of one image to a differently- sized region in the other. [ 7] suggests using super resolution to achieve sub-pixel matches. While this approach will allow for smoother changes in depth, and should help with matching by reducing aliasing, it does not really address the issue of non-constant dispar- ity. As we suggested here, one could apply an iterative warping technique as in [ 26], but the computational cost may be excessive. Finally, there is the problem of order constraint violations as in some of the birch tree examples. Because of the dynamic programming formulation we use, we cannot incorporate these exceptions, except perhaps in a post hoc analysis that notices that sharp occluding surfaces actually match. Because our main emphasis is on demonstrating the effectiveness of GCPs we have not energetically explored this problem. Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by a grant from Interval Research. Notes 1. Typical set up is two CCD cameras, with 12mm focal length lenses, separated by a baseline of about 30cm. 2. Belhumeur and Mumford [ 7] refer to these regions as "half- occlusion" areas as they are occluded from only one eye. How- ever, since regions occluded from both eyes don't appear in any image, we find the distinction unnecessary here and use "oc- cluded region" to refer to pixels visible in only one eye. 3. For example, given a 256 pixel-wide scan-line with a maximum disparity shift of 45 pixels there are 3e+191 possible legal paths. 4. For a subtraction DSI, we are assigning a cost of the absolute image intensity differences. Clearly squared values, or any other probabilistically motivated error measure (e.g. [ 17, 18]) could be substituted. Our experimentshave not shown great sensitivity to the particular measure chosen. 5. There is a problem of semantics when considering sloping regions in a lattice-based matching approach. As is apparent from the state diagram in Figure 5 the only depth profile that can be represented without occlusion is constant disparity. Therefore a continuous surface which is not fronto-parallel with respect to the camera will be represented by a staircase of constant disparity regions interspersed with occlusion pixels, even though there are no "occluded" pixels in the ordinary sense. In [ 18] they refer to these occlusions as lattice-induced, and recommend using sub-pixel resolution to finesse the problem. An alternative would be to use an iterative warping technique as first proposed in [ 26]. 6. Actually, it only has to be greater than half the typical value of the correct matches. This is becauseeach diagonalpixel jumping forward must have a corresponding vertical jump back to end up at the same GCP. 7. The exact value of co depends upon the range of intensities in an image. For a 256 grey level image we use 12: The goal of the GCPs is insensitivity to the exact value of this parameter. In our experiments we can vary co by a factor of almost three before seeing any variation in results. 8. In fact the birch tree example is a highly pathological case because of the unbalanced dynamic range of the two images. For example while 23% of the pixels in the left image have an intensity value of 0 or 255, only 6% of the pixels in the right image were similarly clipped. Such extreme clipping limited the ability of the GCP finder to find unambiguousmatches in these regions. 9. The alternative choiceof makingthe vertical segments free might be desired in the case of extensive limb edges. Assume the system is viewing a sharply rounded surface (e.g. a telephone pole) in front of some other surface, and consider the image from the left eye. Interior to left edge of the pole as seen in the left eye are some pole pixels that are not viewed by the right eye. From a stereo matching perspective, these pixels are identical to the other occlusion pixels visible in the left but not right eyes. However, the edge is in the wrong place if focusing on the occlusion regions, e.g. the diagonal disparity jumps in the left image for the left side of the pole. In the right eye, the edge is at the correct place and could be used to bias the occlusion recovery. Using the right eye to establish the edges for a left occlusion region (visible only in the left eye) and visa versa, is accomplished by biasing the vertical lines in the DSI. Because we do not have imagery with significant limb boundaries we have not experimented with this choice of bias. --R Toward a general theory of stereopsis: Binocular matching Depth from edge and intensity based stereo. Realtime stereo and motion integration for navigation. Computational stereo. Bayesian models for reconstructing the scene geometry in a pair of stereo images. A A bayseian treatment of the stereo correspondence problem using half-occluded regions Dynamic Programming. The JISCT stereo eval- uation A computational approach to edge detection. On an analysis of static occlusion in stereo vision. Use of monocular groupings and occlusion analysis in a hierarchical stereo system. Amaximum likelihood stereo algorithm. Structure from stereo - a review Stero matching in the presence of narrow occluding objects using dynamic disparity search. of Comp. A system for digital stereo image matching. Interaction between pools of binocular disparity detectors tuned to different disparities. A stereo matching algorithm with an adaptive window: theory and experiment. Direct evidence for occlusion in stereo and motion. stereopsis: depth and subjective occluding contours from unpaired image points. Stereo by intra- and inter-scanline search using dynamic programming Hierachical warp stereo. Real world occlusion constraints and binocular rivalry. --TR A computational approach to edge detection Direct evidence for occlusion in stereo and motion 3-D Surface Description from Binocular Stereo Disparity-space images and large occlusion stereo Occlusions and binocular stereo A maximum likelihood stereo algorithm Computational Stereo Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects Using Dynamic Disparity Search Occlusions and Binocular Stereo Dynamic Programming --CTR Yuri Boykov , Vladimir Kolmogorov, An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v.26 n.9, p.1124-1137, September 2004 Minglun Gong , Yee-Hong Yang, Fast Unambiguous Stereo Matching Using Reliability-Based Dynamic Programming, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v.27 n.6, p.998-1003, June 2005 Minglun Gong , Ruigang Yang , Liang Wang , Mingwei Gong, A Performance Study on Different Cost Aggregation Approaches Used in Real-Time Stereo Matching, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.75 n.2, p.283-296, November 2007 Elisabetta Binaghi , Ignazio Gallo , Giuseppe Marino , Mario Raspanti, Neural adaptive stereo matching, Pattern Recognition Letters, v.25 n.15, p.1743-1758, November 2004 Antonio Criminisi , Sing Bing Kang , Rahul Swaminathan , Richard Szeliski , P. 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occlusion;dynamic-programming stereo;stereo;disparity-space
Efficient and cost-effective techniques for browsing and indexing large video databases.
We present in this paper a fully automatic content-based approach to organizing and indexing video data. Our methodology involves three steps: Step 1: We segment each video into shots using a Camera-Tracking technique. This process also extracts the feature vector for each shot, which consists of two statistical variances VarBA and VarOA. These values capture how much things are changing in the background and foreground areas of the video shot. Step 2: For each video, We apply a fully automatic method to build a browsing hierarchy using the shots identified in Step 1. Step 3: Using the VarBA and VarOA values obtained in Step 1, we build an index table to support a variance-based video similarity model. That is, video scenes/shots are retrieved based on given values of VarBA and VarOA. The above three inter-related techniques offer an integrated framework for modeling, browsing, and searching large video databases. Our experimental results indicate that they have many advantages over existing methods.
Introduction With the rapid advances in data compression and networking technology, video has become an inseparable part of many important applications such as digital libraries, distance learning, public information systems, electronic commerce, movies on demand, just to name a few. The proliferation of video data has led to a This research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation grant ANI-9714591. significant body of research on techniques for video database management systems (VDBMSs) [1]. In general, organizing and managing video data is much more complex than managing text and numbers due to the enormous size of video files and their semantically rich contents. In particular, content-based browsing and content-based indexing techniques are essential. It should be possible for users to browse video materials in a non-sequential manner and to retrieve relevant video data efficiently based on their contents. In a conventional (i.e., relational) database management system, the tuple is the basic structural element for retrieval, as well as for data entry. This is not the case for VDBMSs. For most video applications, video clips are convenient units for data entry. However, since an entire video stream is too coarse as a level of ab- straction, it is generally more beneficial to store video as a sequence of shots to facilitate information retrieval. This requirement calls for techniques to segment videos into shots which are defined as a collection of frames recorded from a single camera operation. This process is referred to as shot boundary detection (SBD). Existing SBD techniques require many input parameters which are hard to determine but have a significant influence on the quality of the result. A recent study [2] found that techniques using color histograms [3, 4, 5, 6] need at least three threshold values, and their accuracy varies from 20% to 80% depending on those values. At least six different threshold values are necessary for another technique using edge change ratio [7]. Again, these values must be chosen properly to get satisfactory results [2]. In general, picking the right values for these thresholds is a difficult task because they vary greatly from video to video. These observations indicate that today's automatic SBD techniques need to be more reliable before they can be used in practice. From the perspective of an end user, a DBMS is only as good as the data it manages. A bad video shot, returned as a query result, would contain incomplete and/or extra irrelevant information. This is a problem facing today's VDBMSs. To address this issue, we propose to detect shot boundaries in a more direct way by tracking the camera motion through the background areas in the video. We will discuss this idea in more detail later. A major role of a DBMS is to allow the user to deal with data in abstract terms, rather than the form in which a computer stores data. Although shot serves well as the basic unit for video abstraction, it has been recognized in many applications that scene is sometimes a better unit to convey the semantic meaning of the video to the viewers. To support this fact, several techniques have been proposed to merge semantically related and temporally adjacent shots into a scene [8, 9, 10, 11]. Similarly, it is also highly desirable to have a complete hierarchy of video content to allow the user to browse and retrieve video information at various semantic levels. Such a multi-layer abstraction makes it more convenient to reference video information and easier to comprehend its content. It also simplifies video indexing and storage organization. One such technique was presented in [12]. This scheme abstracts the video stream structure in a compound unit, sequence, scene, shot hierarchy. The authors define a scene as a set of shots that are related in time and space. Scenes that together give meaning are grouped into a sequence. Related sequences are assembled into a compound unit of arbitrary level. Other multilevel structures were considered in [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. All these studies, however, focus on modeling issues. They attempt to design the best hierarchical structure for video representation. However, they do not provide techniques to automate the construction of these structures. Addressing the above limitation is essential to handling large video databases. One attempt was presented in [18]. This scheme divides a video stream into multiple segments, each containing an equal number of consecutive shots. Each segment is then further divided into sub-segments. This process is repeated several times to construct a hierarchy of video content. A drawback of this approach is that only time is considered; and no visual content is used in constructing the browsing hierarchy. In contrast, video content was considered in [19, 20, 21]. These methods first construct a priori model of a particular application or domain. Such a model specifies the scene boundary characteristics, based on which the video stream can be abstracted into a structured representation. The theoretical frame-work of this approach is proposed in [19], and has been successfully implemented for applications such as news videos [20] and TV soccer programs [21]. A disadvantage of these techniques is that they rely on explicit models. In a sense, they are application models, rather than database models. Two techniques, that do not employ models, are presented in [11, 22]. These schemes, however, focus on low-level scene construction. For instance, given that shots, groups and scenes are the structural units of a video, a 4-level video-scene-group- shot hierarchy is used for all videos in [22]. In this paper, we do not fix the height of our browsing hierarchy, called scene tree, in order to support a variety of videos. The shape and size of a scene tree are determined only by the semantic complexity of the video. Our scheme is based on the content of the video. Our experiments indicate that the proposed method can produce very high quality browsing structures. To make browsing more efficient, we also introduce in this paper a variance-based video similarity model. Using this model, we build a content-based indexing mechanism to serve as an assistant to advise users on where in the appropriate scene trees to start the browsing. In this environment, each video shot is characterized as follows. We compute the average colors of the foreground and background areas of the frames in the shot, and calculate their statistical variance values. These values capture how much things are changing in the video shot. Such information can be used to build an index. To search for video data, a user can write a query to describe the impression of the degree of changes in the primary video segment. Our experiments indicate that this simple query model is very effective in supporting browsing environment. We will discuss this technique in more detail. In summary, we present in this paper a fully automatic content-based technique for organizing and indexing video data. Our contributions are as follows: 1. We address the reliability problem facing today's video data segmentation techniques by introducing a camera-tracking method. 2. We fully automate the construction of browsing hierarchies. Our method is general purpose, and is suitable for all videos. 3. We provide a content-based indexing mechanism to make browsing more efficient. The above three techniques are inter-related. They offer an integrated framework for modeling, browsing, and searching large video databases. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We present our SBD technique [23], and discuss the extensions required to support our browsing and indexing mechanisms in Section 2. The procedure for building scene trees is described in details in Section 3. In Section 4, we discuss the content-based indexing technique for video browsing. The experimental results are examined in Section 5. Finally, we give our concluding remarks in Section 6. Tracking Technique for SBD and Its Extension To make the paper self-contained, we first describe our SBD technique [23]. We then extend it to include new features required by our browsing and indexing techniques. 2.1 A Camera Tracking Approach to Shot Boundary Detection r c (a) Motion (b) I i Figure 1: Background Area Since a shot is made from one camera operation, tracking the camera motion is the most direct way to identify shot boundaries. This can be achieved by tracking the background areas in the video frames as follows. We define a fixed background area all frames as illustrated by the lightly shaded areas in Figure 1(a). The rationale for the u shape of the FBA is as follows: ffl The bottom part of a frame is usually part of some object(s). ffl The top bar cover any horizontal camera motion. ffl The two columns cover any vertical camera motion. ffl The combination of the top bar and the left column can track any camera motion in one diagonal direction. The other diagonal direction is covered by the combination of the top bar and the right column. These two properties are illustrated in Figure 1(b). The above properties suggest that we can detect a shot boundary by determining if two consecutive frames share any part of their FBAs. This requires comparing each part of one FBA against every part of the other FBA. To make this comparison more efficient, we rotate the two vertical columns of each u shape FBA outward to form a transformed background area (TBA) as illustrated in Figure 2. From each TBA, which is a two-dimensional array of pixels, we compute its signature and sign by applying a modified version of the image reduction technique, called Gaussian Pyramid [24]. The idea of 'Gaussian Pyramid' was originally introduced for reducing an image to a smaller size. We use this technique to reduce a two-dimensional TBA into a single line of pixels (called signature) and eventually a single pixel (called sign). The complexity of this procedure is O(2 log(m+1) ), which is actually O(m), where m is the number of pixels involved. The interested reader is referred to [23] for the details. We illustrate this procedure in Figure 3. It shows a 13 \Theta 5 TBA being reduced in multiple steps. First, the five pixels in each column are reduced to one pixel to give one line of 13 pixels, which is used as the signature. This signature is further reduced to the sign denoted by sign BA . The superscript and subscript indicate that this is the sign of the background area of some frame i. We note that this rather small TBA is only illustrative. We will discuss how to determine the TBA shortly. TBA I Figure 2: Shape Transformation of FBA Signature Sign TBA Figure 3: Computation of Signature and Sign We use the signs and signatures to detect shot boundaries as illustrated in Figure 4. The first two stages are quick-and-dirty tests used to quickly eliminate the easy cases. Only when these two tests fail, we need to track the background in Stage 3 by shifting the two signatures, of the two frames under test, toward each other one pixel at a time. For each shift, we compare the overlapping pixels to determine the longest run of matching pixels. A running maximum is maintained for these matching scores. In the end, this maximum value indicates how much the two images share the common background. If the score is larger than a certain threshold, the two video frames are determined to be in the same shot. Sign Matching Sign Sign i+1 Pixel Matching Background Tracking Signature Signature Cut Not a cut Stage (1) Stage (2) Stage (3) Figure 4: Shot Boundary Detection Procedure 2.2 Extension to the Camera Tracking Technique We define the fixed object area (FOA) as the foreground area of a video frame, where most primary objects appear. This area is illustrated in Figure 1 as the darkly shaded region of a video frame. To facilitate our indexing scheme, we need to reduce the FOA of each frame i to one pixel. That is, we want to compute its sign, sign OA , where the superscript indicates that this sign is for an FOA. This parameter can be obtained using the Gaussian Pyramid as in sign BA i . This computation requires the dimensions of the FOA. Given r and c as the dimensions of the video frame (see Figure 1), we discuss the procedure for determining the dimensions of TBA and FOA as follows. Let the dimensions of FOA be h and b, and those of TBA be w and L as illustrated in Figure 1. We first estimate these parameters as h 0 , b 0 , w 0 , and L 0 , respectively. We choose w 0 to be 10% of the width of the video frame, i.e., w \Xi c\Pi . This value was determined empirically using our video clips. They show that this value of w 0 results in TBAs and FOAs which cover the background and foreground areas, respectively, very well. Using these w 0 , we can compute the other estimates as follows: b In order to apply the Gaussian Pyramid technique, the dimensions of TBA and FOA must be in the size set f1, 5, 13, 29, 61, 125, .g. This is due to the fact that this technique reduces five pixels to one pixel, 13 pixels to five, 29 pixels to 13, and so on. In general, the jth element (s j ) in this size set is computed as follows: Using this size set, the proper value for w is the value in the size set, which is nearest to w 0 . This nearest number can be determined as follows. We first compute log . Substituting this value of j into Equation (1) gives us the desired value for w. Similarly, we can compute L; h, and b. This approximation scheme is illustrated in Table 1. As an example, let 16. The corresponding j value is 3. Substituting j into Equation (1) gives us 13 as the proper value for w. h', b', w' or L' Nearest value 21, 22, ., 44 45, 46, ., 9229h, b, w or L529 Table 1: Approximate the dimensions using the nearest value from the size set. In this section, we have described the computation of the two sign values sign BA i and sign OA the procedure to determine the video shots. In the next two sections, we will discuss how these shots and signs are used to build browsing hierarchies and index structures for video databases. Building Scene Trees for Non-linear Browsing Video data are often accessed in an exploring or browsing mode. Browsing a video using VCR like functions (i.e., fast-forward or fast-reverse) [25], however, is tedious and time consuming. A hierarchical abstraction allowing nonlinear browsing is desirable. Today's techniques for automatic construction of such structures, however, have many limitations. They rely on explicit models, focus only on the construction of low-level scenes, or ignore the content of the video. We discuss in this section our Scene Tree approach which addresses all these drawbacks. In order to automate the tree construction process, we base our approach on the visual content of the video instead of human perception. First, we obtain the video shots using our camera-tracking SBD method discussed in the last section. We then group adjacent shots that are related (i.e., sharing similar backgrounds) into a scene. Similarly, scenes with related shots are considered related and can be assembled into a higher-level scene of arbitrary level. We discuss the details of this strategy and give an example in the following subsections. 3.1 Scene Tree Construction Algorithm Let A and B be two shots with jAj and jBj frames, respectively. The algorithm to determine if they are related is as follows. 1. 2. Compute the difference D s of Sign BA i of shot A and Sign BA j of shot B using the following equation. We use the number 256 since in our RGB space red, green and blue colors range from 0 to 255 difference in Sign BA s' \Theta 100(%) (2) 3. If D s is less than 10%, then stop and return that the two shots are related; otherwise, go to the next step. 4. Set i ffl If i ? jAj, then stop and return that two shots are not related; otherwise, set j 5. Go to Step (2). For convenience, We will refer to this algorithm as RELATIONSHIP. It can be used in the following procedure to construct a browsing hierarchy, called scene tree, as follows. 1. A scene node SN 0 i in the lowest level (i.e., level 0) of scene tree is created for each shot#i. The subscript indicates the shot (or scene) from which the scene node is derived; and the superscript denotes the level of the scene node in the scene tree. 2. Set i / 3. 3. Apply algorithm RELATIONSHIP to compare shot#i with each of the shots shot#(i-2), \Delta \Delta \Delta, shot#1 (in descending order). This sequence of comparisons stops when a related shot, say shot#j, is identified. If no related shot is found, we create a new empty node, connect it as a parent node to SN 0 proceed to Step 5. 4. We consider SN . Three scenarios can happen: ffl If SN 0 j do not currently have a parent node, we connect all scene nodes, SN 0 j , to a new empty node as their parent node. ffl If SN 0 share an ancestor node, we connect SN 0 i to this ancestor node. ffl If SN 0 j do not currently share an ancestor node, we connect SN 0 i to the current oldest ancestor of SN 0 , and then connect the current oldest ancestors of SN 0 j to a new empty node as their parent node. 5. If there are more shots, we set i go to step 3. Otherwise, we connect all the nodes currently without a parent to a new empty node as their parent. 6. For each scene node at the bottom of the scene tree, we select from the corresponding shot the most "repetitive" frame as its representative frame, i.e., this frame shares the same sign with the most number of frames in the shot. We then traverse all the nodes in the scene tree, level by level, starting from the bottom. For each empty node visited, we identify the child node, say SN c m , which contains shot#m which has the longest sequence of frames with the same Sign BA value. We rename this empty node as SN c+1 m , and assign the representative frame of SN c m to SN c+1 . We note that each scene node contains a representative frame or a pointer to that frame for future use such as browsing or navigating. The criterion for selecting a representative frame from a shot is to find the most frequent image. If more than one such image is found, we can choose the temporally earliest one. As an ex- ample, let us assume that shot#5 has 20 frames and the Sign BA value of each frame is as shown in Table 2. Since Sign BA is actually a pixel, it has three numerical values for the three colors, red, green and blue. In this case, we use frame 1 as the representative frame for shot#5 because this frame corresponds to an image with the longest sequence of frames with the same Sign BA values (i.e., 219, 152, 142). Although, the sequence corresponding to frames 15 to 20 also has the same sequence length, frame 15 is not selected because it appears later in the shot. Instead of having only one representative frame per scene, we can also use g(s) most repetitive representative frames for scenes with s shots to better convey their larger content, where g is some function of s. Frames Sign Red Green Blue No. 3 219 152 142 No. 4 219 152 142 No. 5 219 152 142 No. 6 219 152 142 No. 7 226 164 172 No. 8 226 164 172 No. 9 213 149 134 Table 2: Frames in the shot#5 us evaluate the complexity of the two algorithms above. The complexity of RELATIONSHIP is O(jAj \Theta jBj). The average computation cost, however, is much less because the algorithm stops as soon as it finds the two related scenes. Furthermore, the similarity computation is based on only one pixel (i.e., Sign BA ) of each video frame making this algorithm very efficient. The cost of the tree construction algorithm can be derived as follows. Step 3 can be done in O(f 2 \Theta n), where f is the number of frames, and n is the number of shots in a given video. This is because the algorithm visits every shot; and whenever a shot is visited, it is compared with every frame in the shots before it. In Step 4 and Step 6, we need to traverse a tree. It can be done in O(log(n)). Therefore, the whole algorithm can be completed in O(f 2 \Theta n). 3.2 Example to explain Scene Tree shot 1 A Find Relation B, B1 related related related D, D1,D2 related (a) (b) Figure 5: A video clip with ten shots The scene tree construction algorithm is best illustrated by an example. Let us consider a video clip with ten scenes as shown in Figure 5. For convenience, we label related shots with the same prefix. For instance, shot#1, shot#3 and shot#6 are related, and are labeled as A; A1 and A2, respectively. An effective algorithm should group these shots into a longer unit at a higher level in the browsing hierarchy. Using this video clip, we illustrate our tree construction algorithm in Figure 6. The details are discussed below. Shot A (a) (b) (c) (d) SN 8Shot A Shot A Shot A Shot A Shot A Shot A Figure Building Figure We first create three scene nodes 2 and SN 0 3 for shot#1, shot#2 and shot#3, respectively. Applying algorithm RELATIONSHIP to shot#3 and shot#1, we determine that the two shots are related. Since they are related but neither currently has a parent node, we connect them to a new empty node called EN1. According to our algorithm, we do not need to compare shot#2 and shot#3. However, shot#2 is connected to because shot#2 is between two related nodes, shot#3 and shot#1. Figure Applying the algorithm RELATIONSHIP to shot#4 and shot#2, we determine that they are related. This allows us to skip the comparison between shot#4 and shot#1. In this case, since SN 0and SN 0 3 share the same ancestor (i.e., EN1), we also connect shot#4 to EN1. Figure Comparing shot#5 with shot#3, shot#2, and shot#1 using RELATIONSHIP, we determine that shot#5 is not related to these three shots. We, thus create SN 0 5 for shot#5, and connect it to a new empty node EN2. Figure 6(d): In this case, shot#6 is determined to be related to shot#3. Since SN 0 5 and SN 0 currently do not have the same ancestor, we first connect SN 0to EN2; and then connect EN1 and EN2 to a new empty node EN3 as their parent node. Figure 6(e): In this case, shot#7 is determined to be related to shot#5. Since SN 0 7 and SN 0 5 share the same ancestor node EN2, we simply create SN 0 7 for shot#7 and connect this scene node to EN2. Figure This case is similar to the case of Figure 6(c). shot#8 is not related to any previous shots. We create a new scene node SN 0 8 for shot#8, and connect this scene node to a new empty node EN4. Figure shot#9 and shot#10 are found to be related to the immediate previous node, shot#8 and shot#9, respectively. In this case, according to the algorithm, both shot#9 and shot#10 are connected to EN4. Since shot#10 is the last shot of the video clip, we create a root node, and connect all nodes which do not currently have a parent node to this root node. Now, we need to name all the empty nodes. EN1 is named SN 1 shot#1 contains an image which is "repeated" most frequently among all the images in the first four level-0 scenes. The superscript of "1" indicates that 1 is a scene node at level 1. As another example, EN3 is named SN 2 because shot#1 contains an image which is "repeated" most frequently among all the images in the first seven level-0 scenes. The superscript of "2" indicates that SN 2 1 is a scene node at level 2. Similarly, we can determine the names for the other scene nodes. We note that the naming process is important because it determines the proper representative frame for each scene node, e.g., SN 1 7 indicates that this scene node should use the representative frame from shot#7. In Section 5, we will show an example of a scene tree built from a real video clip. 4 Cost-effective Indexing In this section, we first discuss how Sign BA and Sign OA , generated from our SBD technique, can be used to characterize video data. We then present a video similarity model based on these two parameters. 4.1 A Simple Feature Vector for Video Data To illustrate the concept of our techniques, we use the same example video clip in Figure 5, which has 10 shots. From this video clip, let us assume that our SBD technique generates the values of Sign BA s and Sign OA s for all the frames as shown in the 4th and 5th columns of Table 3, respectively. The 6th and Shots No. of start frame Sign BA100170415495550 No. of end frame Sign OA Var BA Var OA76141351416496 OA ., Sign 75 OA Var A BA Var A OA BA ., Sign 100 OA ., Sign 100 OA Sign 101 BA ., Sign 140 BA Sign 101 OA ., Sign 140 OA BA ., Sign 170 BA Sign 141 OA ., Sign 170 OA BA ., Sign 290 BA Sign 171 OA ., Sign 290 OA Sign 191 BA ., Sign 350 BA Sign 191 OA ., Sign 350 OA BA ., Sign 415 BA Sign 351 OA ., Sign 415 OA Sign 416 BA ., Sign 495 BA Sign 416 OA ., Sign 495 OA Sign 496 BA ., Sign 550 BA Sign 496 BA ., Sign 550 BA BA ., Sign 625 BA Sign 551 OA ., Sign 625 OA OA OA BA Var B1 OA OA BA Var A2 OA BA Var C1 OA BA Var D OA OA OA Table 3: Results from Shot Boundary detection 7th columns of Table 3, which are called ar BA and ar OA , respectively, are computed using the following equations: ar BA where k and l are the first and last frames of the ith shot, respectively. Sign BA i is the mean value for all the signs, and is computed as follows: Sign BA Similarly, we can compute V ar OA i as follows: ar OA Sign OA We note that V ar BA and V ar OA are the statistical variances of Sign BA s and Sign OA s, respectively, within a shot. These variance values measure the degree of changes in the content of the background or object area of a shot. They have the following properties: ar BA is zero, it obviously means that there is no change in Sign BA s. In other words, the background is fixed in this shot. ar OA is zero, it means that there is no change in Sign OA s. In other words, there is no change in the object area. ffl If either value is not zero, there are changes in the background or object area. A larger variance indicates a higher degree of changes in the respective area. Thus, V ar BA and V ar OA capture the spatio-temporal semantics of the video shot. We can use them to characterize a video shot, much like average color, color distribution, etc. are used to characterize images. Based on the above discussions, we may be asked if just two values, V ar BA and V ar OA , are enough to capture the various contents of diverse kinds of videos. To answer this concern, we note that videos in a digital library are typically classified by their genre and form. 133 genres and 35 forms are listed in [26]. These genres include 'adaptation', 'adventure', 'biographical', 'com- ern', etc. Some examples of the 35 forms are 'anima- series'. To classify a video, all appropriate genres and forms are selected from this list. For examples, the movie 'Brave Heart' is classified as 'adventure and biographical feature'; and 'Dr. Zhivago' is classified as 'adaptation, historical, and romance feature'. In total, there are at least 4,655 (133 \Theta 35) possible categories of videos. If we assume that video retrieval is performed within one of these 4,655 classes, our indexing scheme using V ar BA and V ar OA should be enough to characterize contents of a shot. We will show experimental results in the next section to substantiate this claim. Unlike methods which extract keywords or key- frame(s) from videos, our method extracts (V ar BA and ar OA ) for indexing and retrieval. The advantage of this approach is that it can be fully automated. Fur- thermore, it is not reliance on any domain knowledge. 4.2 A Video Similarity Model To facilitate video retrieval, we build an index table as shown in Table 4. It shows the index information relevant to two video clips, 'Simon Birch' and 'Wag the Dog.' For convenience, we denote the last column as . That is D ar ar OA . A F 6 117 153 34.23 17.81 16.42 9 200 205 13.10 13.97 -0.88 7 90 96 2.81 35.07 -32.26 9 104 116 1.88 17.23 -15.35 (a) Simon Birch (b) Wag the Dog To search for relevant shots, the user expresses the impression of how much things are changing in the background and object areas by specifying the V ar BA and V ar OA q values, respectively. In response, the system computes D v ar BA ar OA q , and return the ID of any shot i that satisfies the following conditions: (D v ar BA ar BA ar BA q Since the impression expressed in a query is very approximate, ff and fi are used in the similarity computation to allow some degree of tolerance in matching video data. In our system, we set 1:0. We note that another common way to handle inexact queries is to do matching on quantized data. In general, the answer to a query does not have to be shots. Instead, the system can return the largest scenes that share the same representative frame with one of the matching shots. Using this information, the user can browse the appropriate scene trees, starting from the suggested scene nodes, to search for more specific scenes in the lower levels of the hierarchies. In a sense, this indexing mechanism makes browsing more efficient. 5 Experimental Results Our experiments were designed to assess the following performance issues: ffl Our camera tracking technique is effective for SBD. ffl The algorithm, presented in Section 3, builds reliable scene trees. ffl The variance values V ar BA and V ar OA make a good feature vector for video data. We discuss our performance results in the following subsections. 5.1 Performance of Shot Boundary Detection Technique Two parameters 'recall' and 'precision' are commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of IR (Information Retrieval) techniques [27]. We also use these metrics in our study as follows: ffl Recall is the ratio of the number of shot changes detected correctly over the actual number of shot changes in a given video clip. ffl Precision is the ratio of the number of shot changes detected correctly over the total number of shot changes detected (correctly or incorrectly). In a previous study [23], we have demonstrated that our Camera Tracking technique is significantly more accurate then traditional methods based on color histograms and edge change ratios. In the current study, we re-evaluate our technique using many more video clips. Our video clips were originally digitized in AVI format at frames/second. Their resolution Type News Commercials Name Duration (min:sec) Shot Changes Scooby Dog Show (Cartoon) Friends (Sitcom) Movies Chicago Hope (Drama) Sports Events Star Trek(Deep Space Nine) Programs Silk Stalkings (Drama) Documentaries Music Videos All My Children (Soap Opera) Kobe Bryant Flinstone (Cartoon) Jerry Springer (Talk Show) National (NBC) Brave Heart ATF Simon Birch Tennis (1999 U.S. Open) Mountain Bike Race Football Today's Vietnam For all mankind Alabama Song Wag the dog Recall on (H p )0.870.960.890.900.850.750.810.840.89 0.94 0.90 0.95 0.93 0.94 0.91 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.90 Table 5: Test Video Clips and Detection Results for Shot Changes is 160 \Theta 120 pixels. To reduce computation time, we made our test video clips by extracting frames from these originals at the rate of 3 frames/second. To design our test video set, we studied the videos used in [28, 7, 9, 10, 29, 30, 2]. From theirs, we created our set of 22 video clips. They represent six different categories as shown in Table 5. In total, this test set lasts about 4 hours and 30 minutes. It is more complete than any other test sets used in [28, 7, 9, 10, 29, 30, 2]. The details of our test video set and shot boundary detection results are given in Table 5. We observe that the recalls and the precisions are consistent with those obtained in our previous study [23]. 5.2 Effectiveness of Scene Tree In this study, we run the algorithms in Section 3 to build the scene tree for various videos. To assess the effectiveness of these algorithms, we inspected each video and evaluated the structure of the corresponding tree and its representative frames. Since it is difficult to quantify the quality of these scene trees, we show one representative tree in Figure 7. This scene tree was built from a one-minute segment of our test video clip "Friends." The story is as follows. Two women and one man are having a conversation in a restaurant, and two men come and join them. If we travel the scene tree from level 3 to level 1, and therefore browsing the video non-linearly, we can get the above story. We note that the representative frames serve well as a summary of important events in the underlying video. 5.3 Effectiveness of V ar BA and V ar QA To demonstrate that V ar BA and V ar QA indeed capture the semantics of video data, we select arbitrary shots from our data set. For each of these shots, we compute its V ar BA and V ar QA , and use them to retrieve similar shots in the data set. If these two parameters are indeed good feature values, the shots returned should resemble some characteristics of the shot used to do the retrieval. We show some of the experimental results in Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10. In each of these figures, the upper, leftmost picture is the representative frame of the video short selected arbitrarily for the retrieval experiment. The remaining pictures are representative frames of the matching shots. The label under each picture indicates the shot and the video clip the representative frame belongs to. For instance, #12W represents the representative frame of the 12th shot of 'Wag the dog'. Due to space limitation, we show only the three most similar shots in each case. They are discussed below. Figure 8 The shot (#12W) is from 'Wag the dog'. This shot is a close-up of a person who is talking. The D v ar BA 12 for this shot are 5.86 and 17.37, respectively, as seen in Table 4(b). The shot #102 from 'Wag the dog', and the shots #64 and #154 from 'Simon Birch' were retrieved and presented in Figure 8. The results are quite impressive in that all four shots show a close-up view of a talking person. Figure 9 The shot (#33W) is from 'Wag the dog', and the content shows two people talking from some distance. The D v ar BA 33 for this shot are 1.46 and 9.37, respectively, as seen in Table 4(b). The shot #11 from 'Wag the dog', and the shots #93, and #108 from 'Simon Birch' were retrieved and presented in Figure 9. Again, the four shots are very similar in content. All show two people talking from some distance. Figure 10 The shot (#76S) is from 'Simon Birch.' The content is a person running from the kitchen to the window. The D v 76 and V ar BA 76 for this shot are -0.78 and 23.55, respectively, as seen in Table 4(a). The shot #87 from 'Wag the dog', and the shots #1 and #4 from 'Simon Birch' were retrieved and presented in Figure 9. Two people are riding a bike in shot #1S. In shot #4W, one person is running in the woods. In shot #87, one person is picking a book from a book shelf and walking to the living room. These shots are similar in that all show a single moving object with a changing background. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Figure 7: Scene Tree of 'Friends' Figure 8: Shots with similar index values - Set 1. Figure 9: Shots with similar index values - Set 2. Figure 10: Shots with similar index values - Set 3. 6 Concluding Remarks We have presented in this paper a fully automatic content-based approach to organizing and indexing video data. There are three steps in our methodology: Camera-Tracking Shot Boundary Detection technique is used to segment each video into basic units called shots. This step also computes the feature vector for each shot, which consists of two variances V ar BA and V ar OA . These two values capture how much things are changing in the background and foreground areas of the shot. ffl Step 2: For each video, a fully automatic method is applied to the shots, identified in Step 1, to build a browsing hierarchy, called Scene Tree. ffl Step 3: Using the V ar BA and V ar OA values obtained in Step 1, an index table is built to support a variance-based video similarity model. That is, video scenes/shots are retrieved based on given values of V ar BA and V ar OA . Actually, the variance-based similarity model is not used to directly retrieve the video scenes/shots. Rather, it is used to determine the relevant scene nodes. With this information, the user can start the browsing from these nodes to look for more specific scenes/shots in the lower level of the hierarchy. Comparing the proposed techniques with existing methods, we can draw the following conclusions: ffl Our Camera-Tracking technique is fundamentally different from traditional methods based on pixel comparison. Since our scheme is designed around the very definition of shots, it offers unprecedented accuracy. ffl Unlike existing schemes for building browsing hier- archies, which are limited to low-level entities (i.e., scenes), rely on explicit models, or do not consider the video content, our technique builds a scene tree automatically from the visual content of the video. The size and shape of our browsing structure reflect the semantic complexity of the video clip. ffl Video retrieval techniques based on keywords are ex- pensive, usually application dependent, and biased. These problems remain even if the dialog can be extracted from the video using speech recognition methods [31]. Indexing techniques based on spatio-temporal contents are available. They, however, rely on complex image processing techniques, and therefore very expensive. Our variance-based similarity model offers a simple and inexpensive approach to achieve comparable performance. It is uniquely suitable for large video databases. We are currently investigating extensions to our variance-based similarity model to make the comparison more discriminating. We are also studying techniques to speed up the video data segmentation process. --R Video Database Systems - Issues Comparison of automatic shot boundary detection algorithms. Automating the creation of a digital vidoe library. The moca workbench: Support for creativity in movie content analysis. A visual search system for video and image databases. A feature-based algorithm for detecting and classifying scene breaks knowledge-based macro-segmentation of video into sequences A shot classification method of selecting effective key-frame for video browsing Extracting story units from long programs for video browsing and navigation. Clustering methods for video browsing and annotation. Modeling and querying video data. Cinematic primitives for multimedia. Object composition and playback models for handling multimedia data. Knowledge guided parsing in video databases. Developing power tools for video indexing and retrieval. Image indexing and retrieval based on color histogram. Constructing table-of-cont for videos A content-based scene change detection and classification technique using background tracking The laplacian pyramid as a compact image code. 2psm: An efficient framework for searching video information in a limited-bandwidth environment The moving image genre-form guide Information Retrieval - Data Structures and Algorithms Digital video segmentation. Videoq: An automated content based video search system using visual cues. Exploring video structure beyond the shots. Lessons learned from building terabyte digital video library. --TR Information retrieval Object composition and playback models for handling multimedia data Digital video segmentation A feature-based algorithm for detecting and classifying scene breaks Automating the creation of a digital video library A shot classification method of selecting effective key-frames for video browsing CONIVAS knowledge-based macro-segmentation of video into sequences Lessons Learned from Building a Terabyte Digital Video Library WVTDB-A Semantic Content-Based Video Database System on the World Wide Web Modelling and Querying Video Data Constructing table-of-content for videos A visual search system for video and image databases Exploring Video Structure Beyond The Shots --CTR Kien A. Hua , JungHwan Oh, Detecting video shot boundaries up to 16 times faster (poster session), Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Multimedia, p.385-387, October 2000, Marina del Rey, California, United States JungHwan Oh , Maruthi Thenneru , Ning Jiang, Hierarchical video indexing based on changes of camera and object motions, Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Applied computing, March 09-12, 2003, Melbourne, Florida Zaher Aghbari , Kunihiko Kaneko , Akifumi Makinouchi, Topological mapping: a dimensionality reduction method for efficient video search, Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing, March 11-14, 2002, Madrid, Spain Haoran Yi , Deepu Rajan , Liang-Tien Chia, A motion based scene tree for browsing and retrieval of compressed videos, Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Multimedia databases, November 13-13, 2004, Washington, DC, USA Mohamed Abid , Michel Paindavoine, A real-time shot cut detector: Hardware implementation, Computer Standards & Interfaces, v.29 n.3, p.335-342, March, 2007 JeongKyu Lee , JungHwan Oh , Sae Hwang, Scenario based dynamic video abstractions using graph matching, Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia, November 06-11, 2005, Hilton, Singapore Aya Aner-Wolf , John R. Kender, Video summaries and cross-referencing through mosaic-based representation, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v.95 n.2, p.201-237, August 2004 Haoran Yi , Deepu Rajan , Liang-Tien Chia, A motion-based scene tree for browsing and retrieval of compressed videos, Information Systems, v.31 n.7, p.638-658, November 2006 Yu-Lung Lo , Wen-Ling Lee , Lin-Huang Chang, True suffix tree approach for discovering non-trivial repeating patterns in a music object, Multimedia Tools and Applications, v.37 n.2, p.169-187, April 2008
video retrieval;video indexing;video similarity model;shot detection;video browsing
Information dependencies.
This paper uses the tools of information theory to examine and reason about the information content of the attributes within a relation instance. For two sets of attributes X and Y, an information dependency measure (InD measure) characterizes the uncertainty remaining about the values for the set Y when the values for the set X are known. A variety of arithmetic inequalities (InD inequalities) are shown to hold among InD measures; InD inequalities hold in any relation instance. Numeric constraints (InD constraints) on InD measures, consistent with the InD inequalities, can be applied to relation instances. Remarkably, functional and multivalued dependencies correspond to setting certain constraints to zero, with Armstrong's axioms shown to be consequences of the arithmetic inequalities applied to constraints. As an analog of completeness, for any set of constraints consistent with the inequalities, we may construct a relation instance that approximates these constraints within any positive &egr;. InD measures suggest many valuable applications in areas such as data mining.
Introduction That the well-developed discipline of information theory seemed to have so little to say about information systems is a long-standing conundrum. Attempts to use information theory to "measure" the information content of a relation are blocked by the inability to accurately characterize the underlying domain. An answer to this mystery is that we have been looking in the wrong place. The tools of information theory, dealing closely with representation issues, apply within a relation instance and between the various attributes of that instance. The traditional approach to information theory is based upon communication via a channel. In each instance there is a fixed set of messages when one of these is transmitted from the sender to the receiver (via the channel), the receiver gains a certain amount of information. The less likely a message is to be sent, the more meaningful is its receipt. This is formalized by assigning to each message v i a probability p i (subject to the natural constraint that and defining the information content of v i to be log 1 / p i (all logarithms in this paper are base 2). Another way of viewing this measure is that the amount of information in a message is related to how "surprising" the message is-a weather report during the month of July contains little information if the prediction is "hot," but a prediction of "snow" carries a lot of information. The issue of surprise is also related to the recipient's ``state of knowledge.'' In the weather report example, the astonishment of the report "snow" was directly related to the knowledge that it was July; in January the information content of the two reports would be vastly different. Thus the in- or inter-dependence of two sets of messages is highly significant. If two message sets are independent ( in the intuitive and the statistical sense), receipt of a message from one set does not alter the information content of the other (e.g. temperature and wind speed). If two message sets are not independent, receipt of a message from the first set may greatly alter the likelihood of receipt, and hence information content, of messages from the second set (e.g. temperature and form of precipitation). A central concept in information theory is the entropy H of a set of messages, the weighted average of the message information: Definition 1.1 Entropy. Given a set of messages with probabilities g, the entropy of M is Entropy is closely related to encoding of messages, in that encoding each v i using log 1 / p i bits gives the minimal number of expected bits for transmitting messages of M . Remark 1 Suppose for messages of M , no probability is 0 and M contains a single message. In a database context, information content is measured in terms of selection (specification of a specific value) rather than transmission. This avoids the thorny problem which seems to say that, since the database is stored on site and no transmission occurs, there is no information. In particular, the model looks at an instance of a single relation and at values for some arbitrarily selected tuple. For simplicity, we assume that the message source is ergodic-all tuples are equally likely; a probability distribution could be applied to the tuples with less impact on the formalism than on the intuition. Because of the assumption that all tuples are equally likely, the information required to specify one particular tuple from a relation instance with n tuples is, of course, log n and the minimal cost of encoding requires uniformly log n bits. We treat an attribute A as the equivalent of a message source, where the message set is the active domain and each value v i has probability c i/ n , when v i occurs c i times. Thus a single value carries log n bits only if it is drawn from an attribute which has n distinct values, that is, when the attribute is a key. The class standing code at a typical four-year college has approximately two bits of information (somewhat less, to the extent that attrition has skewed enrollment) while gender at VMI has little information (using the entropy measure, since the information content of the value "female" is high, but its receipt is unlikely). The major results of this paper use the common definition of information to characterize information dependencies. This characterization has three steps. The first extends the use of entropy as a measure of information to be an information dependency measure (Section 4). The second derives a number of arithmetic inequalities which must always hold between particular measures in a relation instance (Section 5). The third investigates the consequences of placing numeric constraints on some or all measures of a relation instance. Most significantly, functional and multi-valued dependency result from constraining certain particular measures (or their differences) to zero (Section 6). For example, in a weather report database, month has entropy 3.58 and we might discover that condition has entropy 1.9. But in a fixed month, condition has entropy approximately 1.6. Thus knowing the value of month contributes approximately 0.3 bits of information to knowledge of condition, with 1.6 bits of uncertainty. On the other hand, in a personnel database where EmpID provides the entire information content of salary with 0 bits uncertain. In addition, the measure/constraint formulation exhibits an analog of completeness in that, for any set of numeric constraints consistent with the arithmetic inequalities and any positive ffl, there is a relation instance that achieves those constraints within ffl (Section 7). This characterization of information dependency has many important theoretic and practical im- plications. It allows us to more carefully investigate notions of approximate functional dependency. It can help with normalization. It opens up whole realms of data mining approaches. Preliminaries Here are the notations and conventions. Relations All relation instances are non-empty and multi-sets. r, s denote instances 1 . Operators oe do not filter for distinctiveness. Attributes R is schema for instance r and X;Y; Z; V; W ' R. XY denotes X [ Y and A is equivalent to fAg for A 2 R. X;Y; Z partition R. Values v is equivalent to hvi when hvi 2 A (r). enumerates the instances of distinct( X (r)), so 1 i ', similarly for m and y j wrt Y , and n and z k wrt Z. Probabilities count(r) for S ' R. use of i is consistent with above), similarly Two central notions to entropy are conditional probability and statistical independence. Conditional probability allows us to make a possibly more informed probability measure of a set of values by narrowing the scope of overall possibilities. Independence establishes a bound on how informed the conditional probability enables us to be. Definition 2.1 Conditional Probability. The conditional probability of in the instance oe X=x i (r). In symbols, Definition 2.2 Independence. X;Y are independent if P In this paper, there are log function expressions of the form log(1=0). By convention (continuity real number a ? 0. Lemma 2.1 log x Lemma 2.2 Let be a probability distribution and such that log q i/ p i q i/ Null values are not considered here. 3 The bounds on entropy To ease notation, we write HX for H(X). From now on, we understand that H is always associated with a non-empty instance r. When r is not clear from context, we write H r X . In the remainder of this section, we establish upper and lower bounds on the entropy function. Lemma 3.1 Upper and Lower Bounds on Entropy. 0 HX log '. consequently, HX 0. Suppose By Lemma 2.2, log 1 / 'p Intuitively, the entropy of a set X ' R equal to zero signifies that there exists no uncertainty or information, whereas, equal to log ' signifies complete uncertainty or information. A consequence of our notation allows us to find the joint entropy of sets X;Y ' R. The joint entropy of X;Y , written HXY , is Lemma 3.2 Bounds on Joint Entropy. X;Y ' R, with HX +H are independent. PROOF First inequality: When X and Y are independent, p thus, the inequality in the above deduction is in fact equality. Second inequality: Observe that mg. Then for any j, consequently, log 1 / p i;j log 1 / q i and thus, and symmetrically for H Y as well. 4 InD measures An information dependency measure (InD measure) between X and Y , for X;Y ' R, attempts to answer the question "How much do we not know about Y provided we know X?" Using the notation of Section 2, if we know that then we are possibly more informed about and therefore, can recalculate the entropy of Y as log Amortizing this over each of the ' different X values according to the respective probabilities gives the entropy of Y dependent on X, resulting in the following definition of an information dependency measure. Note that these are measures, not metrics. r a e a f a e a f c g InD measures H A Figure 1: (left) An instance r. (right) InD measures of r. Observe that H Definition 4.1 Information Dependency Measure. The information dependency measure (InD measure) of Y given Xis HX!Y , We will now normally drop the word "entropy" when referring to these measures, but that this value is not a declaration of dependency (as is the case with FDs) but a measure of dependency is important to keep in mind. We now characterize an InD measure HX!Y in terms of InD measures HX and HXY . Lemma 4.1 HX!Y Note that HX!Y is a measure of the information needed to represent Y given that X is known, not the information that X contains about Y . This latter quantity of course is measured by 5 InD measure inequalities The relationships among InD measures are characterized by inequalities and expressions involving the various measures. Of these formulae, several are named according to the corresponding functional dependency inference rules, which they characterize under special circumstances. Lemma 5.1 Reflexivity. X. Then by Lm 4.1 Lemma 5.2 d: 111 111 Figure 2: Encodings of A, B, B given A from Fig.1. The u contains the portion of the bit string that encodes similarly for B. Where u t overlap shows the portion of the encoding of B that is contained within the encoding of A. The surprise after receiving A=a is witnessed by the fact that, although we know we will receive the first bit of B=e or B=f, i.e. 0, we need an additional 1=4 bits for both the second bit of B=e and B=f. Receipt of A=b,A=c, or A=d, on the other hand, poses no surprise since B=g is completely contained therein. illustrate the situation: two InDs may interact little so they combine to sum their InDs, or they may interact strongly, so their combination yields total dependencies. Putting restrictions on the left- or right-hand sides constrains the interactions and hence tightens the InD relationships. Lemma 5.3 Union (left). HX!Y +HX!Z HX!Y Z with equality if p jji and p kji are independent Lemma 5.4 HX!Y Lemma 5.5 HXY!Z HX!Z . HXY!Z HX!Z Lemma 5.6 Union (right). min(HX!Z HX!Z HXY!Y Lm 5.5 Lemma 5.7 Augmentation (1). HXZ!YZ HX!Y . HX!Y Lm 5.5 Lemma 5.8 Transitivity. HX!Y +H Y !Z HX!Z . HX!XY +HXY!XZ Lm 5.7 Lemma 5.9 Union (full). HX!Y +HW!Z HXW!YZ HXW!YW +HWY!ZY Lm 5.7 HXW!YZ Lm 5.8 Lemma 5.10 Decomposition. if Z ' Y , then HX!Y HX!Z . HX!Y HX!Z Lemma 5.11 Psuedotransitivity. HX!Y +HWY!Z HXW!Z . HXW!YW +HWY!Z Lm 5.7 HXW!Z Lm 5.8 Lemma 5.12 For XY HWX!Y Z . PROOF By Lm 5.2 we may assume wlog V ' W ' Y [ Z. Let Z +H XZ Y Z +H XZ Y Y 6 FDs, MVDs, and Armstrong's axioms 6.1 Functional dependencies Functional dependencies (FDs) are long-known and well-studied [8, 10]. For X;Y ' R, X functionally determines Y , written value yields a single Y value. PROOF Recasting this in terms of probabilities, given any x i 2 X, there is a single y such that p i;j ? 0, and consequently p a singleton; hence, 6.2 Armstrong's axioms Armstrong's axioms [8] are important for functional dependency theory because they provide the basis for a dependency inferencing system. There are commonly three rules given as the Armstrong Axioms, which are merely specializations of the above inequalites. 1. Reflexivity If Y ' X then 2. Augmentation 3. Transitivity Theorem 6.1 The Armstrong axioms can be derived directly from InD inequalities. PROOF Reflexivity follows directly from Lm 5.1, augmentation from Lm 5.7, and transitivity from Lm 5.8. An additional three rules derived from the axioms are often cited as fundamental: union, psue- dotransitivity, decomposition. These also follow from Lm 5.3, Lm 5.11, and Lm 5.10 respectively. Interestingly, a critical distinction between Armstrong's axioms and InD inequalities is that in the former, union can be derived from the original three axioms, whereas the latter union must be derived from first principles. 6.2.1 Fixed arity dependencies Lemma 6.1 for FDs is alternatively a statement about the number of distinct values any x i 2 X determines (we work through an example to motivate this). In the case of FDs and in a non-empty r. In practice, however, the size is often not unity and FDs are ill-suited for this e.g., consider a fParent; Childg relation r. Biologically count-distinct( Parent (oe Child=c child c 2 Child. InDs measures can be used to model this dependency easily; H Child!Parent 6.3 Multivalued dependencies In the following, X;Y;Z partition R. Multivalued dependencies (MVDs) arise naturally in database design and are intimately related to the (natural) join operator . A multivalued dependency, Intuitively, we see that the values of Y and Z are not related to each other wrt an particular value of X. Lemma 6.2 MVD count. Assume X i Y in r. Then for all x PROOF By definition of MVDs. Lemma 6.3 X i Y jZ holds iff HX!Y 6.2, the conditional probabilities of Y; Z wrt X must be independent, which is the condition required in Lemma 5.3 for equality to hold. (:By Lemma 5.3 for equality, the conditional probabilities of Y; Z wrt X are independent; hence, by Lemma 6.2, X i Y . Since acyclic join dependencies can be characterized by a set of MVDs, it is clear that InD inequalities can characterize them as well, though the "work" is really done by the characterization of the set of MVDs. 6.4 Additional InD inference rules There are three standard rules of MVD inference: 1. Complementation If 2. Augmentation For 3. Transitivity If Both complementation and augmentation trivially true under InD inequalies. The last rule, tran- sitivity, is rather interesting. For its proof, we find an alternative characterization of MVDs. Intuitively, the proof establishes that . HX!Y +HX!Z= HX!Y Z Lm 6.3 HX!Y +HX!Z= HX!Y +HXY!ZLm 5.4 Interestingly, this is an alternative characterization of MVDs. In this case, Y does not contribute any information about Z. Lemma Lemma 6.6 As a consequence of Lm 6.5, Lemma 6.7 If Y iW jV X, then XY iW jV by Lm 5.12. Lemma 6.8 Let HX!R HX!R Lemma 6.9 Transitivity for MVDs. HX!R 6.5 Rules involving both FDs and MVDs There are a pair of rules that allow mixing of FDs and MVDs: 1. Conversion 2. Interaction The rule for conversion is trivial. Interaction follows from Lm 6.4. In Section 6.2, we stated a critical difference between Armstrong axioms and InD inequalities was the distinction between what were axioms and derivable rules. Additionally, there appear to be other fundamental differences between FDs and MVDs, and InD inequalities. For example, consider the following problem. Let R be a schema and set of FDs over R. Let I(R; F ) be the set of all relation instances over R that satisfy F . For X ' R, let )g. The question is whether there exists a set G of FDs over X such that \Pi X (I(R; F G). It is known that in general such a G does not exist. Further, a similar negative result holds for MVDs. InD measures are a broader class than FDs and MVDs, and the expectation is that a theorem holds: it does, trivially since all relation instances satisfy any set of InD inequalities. 7 InD measure constraints To summarize the previous sections, we have defined InD measures on an instance, values that reflect how much information is additionally required about a second set of attributes given a first set. We have proved a number of arithmetic equalities and inequalities between various InD measures for a given schema; these (in)equalities must hold for any instance of that schema. And we have shown that constraining certain InD measures, or simple expressions involving InD measures, to 0 imposes functional or multivalued dependences on the instances. We now generalize this last step by considering arbitrary numeric constraints upon InD measures, e.g., HX!Y 4=9. A relation instance r over R ' fX; Y g is a solution to this constraint if H r X!Y 4=9 by standard arithmetic. Formally, Definition 7.1 An InD constraint system over schema R is an m \Theta n linear system a a The constraint system is characterized by will be written as AHX b, where Transpose . Observe that Definition 7.1 is sufficient to describe any InD measure or inequality. InD constraint systems can be as simple as requiring a single FD or as extensive as specifying the entropies of all subsets of R. However, not every A, b, and X make sense as applied to a relation instance. Either the A and b may admit no solutions (e.g. or the solutions may violated the InD measure constraints for X (e.g. Definition 7.2 An InD constraint system A, b, X is feasible provided that the linear system A, b plus all InD measure constraints inferable from X is solvable. Observe that a solution to this extended system involves finding values for each HX 7.1 Instances for feasible constraint systems The question naturally arises whether an instance always exists for a feasible constraint system. The affirmative answer to this question, whose proof is sketched below, provides InD measures with an analog to completeness. Before venturing into the proof of the theorem itself, we prove a simple result merely for the sake of providing intuition for what comes after. There are two things to be observed while reading the following proof: first, the duality between instance counts and approximate probabilities, and, second, the way interpolation occurs. Lemma 7.1 Given a rational c 0, there exists a relation instance r over a single attribute A such that jH r 1). By the intermediate value theorem, since f is a continuous function on the interval [0; 1], and c is a value between f(0) and f(1), then there exists some a 2 [0; 1] such that a) is the probability distribution. From this distribution we can approximate r by constructing an instance " r over fAg with distinct values that is sufficiently large such that if count(oe A=i (" While this proof is non-constructive, we can find a suitable x by, for example, binary search. Theorem 7.1 Instance existence. For any feasible constraint system A, b, and X, and any ffl ? 0, there is a relation instance r that satisfies A, b, and X within ffl. 1. Using the observation from Definition 7.2, solve A, b, and X for fixed values for 2. Pick m ? 1=ffl 3. Give every attribute a value with large probability, namely is the number of attributes. Note that these highly probable attributes contribute a negligible amount to any entropy since their probabilities are so close to 1. 4. The remaining probabilities for each attribute A i will be divided among b i equal size buckets. Thus, HA i log b i . Find b i such that ff Remark 2 Wlog, the A i are ordered in decreasing entropy. Hence b i b i+1 . We will add attributes in order A 1 ; A 5. At stage construction has included A and we are adding A i+1 ; that is, we already have and want to construct . We also have a single distribution q corresponding to A i+1 . We actually construct two distributions p' and pu, for "p lower" and "p upper". (a) The upper case is simple: A i+1 is independent from A \Theta (b) The lower case is found by allocating the q j among the various p's. Because b i b i+1 , there are more than enough i buckets to go around. With some small error, each non-zero will correspond to a unique q 6= 0. and by induction H p' An Interpolate between p ' and p u to match other entropies This is conceptually similar to Lm 7.1, but relies upon the unusual structure of pu caused by the almost-unity cases of p and q and another iteration. 8 Applications and extensions We have presented a formal foundation incorporating information theory in relational databases. There are many interesting and valuable applications and extensions of this work that we are already pursuing. 8.1 Datamining Datamining [3], the search for interesting patterns in large databases, motivated our initial work, our interest in establishing what it means to be "interesting." A primary objective here is to certainly find all the InD measures HX!Y ffi given an instance r over R. The search in r takes place upon the lattice of h2 R ; 'i, where HX!Y ffi is checked for every X ( Y . The InD inequalities facilitate this search. Kivinen et. al. [4], considers finding approximate FDs. The central notion is that of violating for an instance r over R and X;Y ' R, a pair of tuples s; They define three normalized measures are based upon the number of violating pairs, the number of violating tuples, and the number of violating tuples removed to achieve a dependency, respectively. The authors state that problematically the measures give very different values for some particular relations, and therefore, choosing which measure is the best-if any are-is difficult. We feel that the InD measure can shed some light upon the metrics. The connection between these measures and InD measures is illustrated with three instances r 1.52 .80 .16 .8 .4 s 1.37 .95 .36 .8 .4 This example shows that HX!Y can sometimes make finer distinctions than g i s. On the applications side, Kivinen et. al have done substantial work related to approximate FDs as in [4]. The paper is important not only for the notion of approximate dependency, but also a brief discussion about how the errors can be cast into Armstrong Axiom-like inequalities. 8.2 Other Metrics Rather than considering what information X lacks about Y , we may look at the information contains about Y , that is " its normalized form I=H Y . Some interesting results about I and " I are max(IX!Y I Y !X . While I makes the specification of FDs more natural cannot be used to characterize MVDs. Another interesting measure that uses additional notions from information theory is rate of the language X =count(r) which is the average number of bits required for each tuple projected on X. The absolute rate is s ab = log(count(r)). The difference s ab \Gamma s indicates the redundancy. As X approaches R, the average tuple entropy increases, reducing redundancy. This is pertinant especially to the following section. 8.3 Connections to relational algebra Examining how InDs behave with relational operators. For example, Lemma 8.1 Let R = fX; Y; Zg and r be an instance of R. if r For instance, when employing a lossless decomposition, how will both the InD measures and rates (from above) change to indicate the decomposition was indeed lossless. 9 Related work There is a dearth of literature in this area, marrying information theory to information systems. The closest work seems to be Piatesky-Shapiro in [2] who proposes a generalization of functional dependencies, called probabilitistic dependency (pdep). The author begins with the (using our notation). To relate two sets of attributes X;Y , pdep(X; Y Observe that pdep approaches 1 as X comes closer to functionally determining Y . Since pdep is itself inadequate, the author normalizes it using proportion in variation, resulting in the known statistical measure (X; Y Y is a better FD than Y ! X (and vice versa). The author describes the expectation of both pdep effeciently sample for these values. In the area of artificial intelligence, an algorithm developed to create decision trees, a means of classification, by Quinlan, notably ID3 [5] and C4.5 [6] uses entropy to dictate how the building should proceed. In this case of supervised learning, an attribute A is selected as the target, and the remaining attributes R \Gamma fAg the classifier. The algorithm works by progressively selecting attributes from the intial set R \Gamma fAg, measuring be classified properly. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dennis Groth, Dirk Van Gucht, Chris Giannella, Richard Martin, and C.M. Rood for their helpful suggestions. --R The Elements of Real Analysis Second Edition. Probabilistic data dependencies. From data mining to knowledge discovery: An overview. Approximate inference of functional dependencies from relations. Induction of decision trees. Coding and Information Theory. Foundations of Databases. Elements of Information Theory. Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems Vol --TR Principles of database and knowledge-base systems, Vol. I Coding and information theory Elements of information theory C4.5: programs for machine learning Approximate inference of functional dependencies from relations From data mining to knowledge discovery Bottom-up computation of sparse and Iceberg CUBE Foundations of Databases Data Cube Induction of Decision Trees Recovering Information from Summary Data --CTR Chris Giannella , Edward Robertson, A note on approximation measures for multi-valued dependencies in relational databases, Information Processing Letters, v.85 n.3, p.153-158, 14 February Ullas Nambiar , Subbarao Kambhampati, Mining approximate functional dependencies and concept similarities to answer imprecise queries, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on the Web and Databases: colocated with ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2004, June 17-18, 2004, Paris, France Marcelo Arenas , Leonid Libkin, An information-theoretic approach to normal forms for relational and XML data, Proceedings of the twenty-second ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, p.15-26, June 09-11, 2003, San Diego, California Periklis Andritsos , Rene J. Miller , Panayiotis Tsaparas, Information-theoretic tools for mining database structure from large data sets, Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, June 13-18, 2004, Paris, France Luigi Palopoli , Domenico Sacc , Giorgio Terracina , Domenico Ursino, Uniform Techniques for Deriving Similarities of Objects and Subschemes in Heterogeneous Databases, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, v.15 n.2, p.271-294, February Marcelo Arenas , Leonid Libkin, An information-theoretic approach to normal forms for relational and XML data, Journal of the ACM (JACM), v.52 n.2, p.246-283, March 2005 Solmaz Kolahi , Leonid Libkin, On redundancy vs dependency preservation in normalization: an information-theoretic study of 3NF, Proceedings of the twenty-fifth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, June 26-28, 2006, Chicago, IL, USA Bassem Sayrafi , Dirk Van Gucht, Differential constraints, Proceedings of the twenty-fourth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, June 13-15, 2005, Baltimore, Maryland Solmaz Kolahi , Leonid Libkin, XML design for relational storage, Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, May 08-12, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada Chris Giannella , Edward Robertson, On approximation measures for functional dependencies, Information Systems, v.29 n.6, p.483-507, September 2004
multivalued dependency;armstrong's axioms;functional dependency;entropy;information dependency
Efficient Interprocedural Array Data-Flow Analysis for Automatic Program Parallelization.
AbstractSince sequential languages such as Fortran and C are more machine-independent than current parallel languages, it is highly desirable to develop powerful parallelization-tools which can generate parallel codes, automatically or semiautomatically, targeting different parallel architectures. Array data-flow analysis is known to be crucial to the success of automatic parallelization. Such an analysis should be performed interprocedurally and symbolically and it often needs to handle the predicates represented by IF conditions. Unfortunately, such a powerful program analysis can be extremely time-consuming if not carefully designed. How to enhance the efficiency of this analysis to a practical level remains an issue largely untouched to date. This paper presents techniques for efficient interprocedural array data-flow analysis and documents experimental results of its implementation in a research parallelizing compiler. Our techniques are based on guarded array regions and the resulting tool runs faster, by one or two orders of magnitude, than other similarly powerful tools.
Introduction Program execution speed has always been a fundamental concern for computation-intensive applications. To exceed the execution speed provided by the state-of-the-art uniprocessor machines, programs need to take advantage of parallel computers. Over the past several decades, much effort has been invested in efficient use of parallel architectures. In order to exploit parallelism inherent in computational solutions, progress has been made in areas of parallel languages, parallel libraries and parallelizing compilers. This paper addresses the issue of automatic parallelization of practical programs, particularly those written in imperative languages such as Fortran and C. Compared to current parallel languages, sequential languages such as Fortran 77 and C are more machine-independent. Hence, it is highly desirable to develop powerful automatic parallelization tools which can generate parallel codes targeting different parallel architectures. It remains to be seen how far automatic parallelization can go. Nevertheless, much progress has been made recently in the understanding of its future directions. One important finding by many is the critical role of array data-flow analysis [10, 17, 20, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42]. This aggressive program analysis not only can support array privatization [29, 33, 43] which removes spurious data dependences thereby to enable loop parallelization, but it can also support compiler techniques for memory performance enhancement and efficient message-passing deployment. Few existing tools, however, are capable of interprocedural array data-flow analysis. Furthermore, no previous studies have paid much attention to the issue of the efficiency of such analysis. Quite understandably, rapid prototyping tools, such as SUIF [23] and Polaris [4], do not emphasize compilation efficiency and they tend to run slowly. On the other hand, we also believe it to be important to demonstrate that aggressive interprocedural analysis can be performed efficiently. Such efficiency is important for development of large-sized programs, especially when intensive program modification, recompilation and retesting are conducted. Taking an hour or longer to compile a program, for example, would be highly undesirable for such programming tasks. In this paper, we present techniques used in the Panorama parallelizing compiler [35] to enhance the efficiency of interprocedural array data-flow analysis without compromising its capabilities in practice. We focus on the kind of array data-flow analysis useful for array privatization and loop parallelization. These are important transformations which can benefit program performance on various parallel machines. We make the following key contributions in this paper: ffl We present a general framework to summarize and to propagate array regions and their access conditions, which enables array privatization and loop parallelization for Fortran-like programs which contain nonrecursive calls, symbolic expressions in array subscripts and loop bounds, and IF conditions that may directly affect array privatizability and loop parallelizability. ffl We show a hierarchical approach to predicate handling, which reduces the time complexity of analyzing the predicates which control different execution paths. ffl We present experimental results to show that reducing unnecessary set-difference operations contributes significantly to the speed of the array data-flow analysis. ffl We measure the analysis speed of Panorama when applied to application programs in the Perfect benchmark suite [3], a suite that is well known to be difficult to parallelize automatically. As a way to show the quality of the parallelized code, we also report the speedups of the programs parallelized by Panorama and executed on an SGI Challenge multiprocessor. The results show that Panorama runs faster, by one or two orders of magnitude, than other known tools of similar capabilities. We note that in order to achieve program speedup, additional program transformations often need to be performed in addition to array data-flow analysis, such as reduction-loop recognition, loop permutation, loop fusion, advanced induction variable substitution and so on. Such techniques have been discussed elsewhere and some of them have been implemented in both Polaris [16] and more recently in Panorama. The techniques which are already implemented consume quite insignificant portion of the total analysis and transformation time, since array data-flow analysis is the most time-consuming part. Hence we do not discuss their details in this paper. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present background materials for interprocedural array data-flow analysis and its use for array privatization and loop parallelization. We point out the main factors in such analysis which can potentially slow down the compiler drastically. In Section 3, we present a framework for interprocedural array data-flow analysis based on guarded array regions. In Section 4, we discuss several implementation issues. We also briefly discuss how array data-flow analysis can be performed on programs with recursive procedures and dynamic arrays. In Section 5, we discuss the effectiveness and the efficiency of our analysis. Experimental results are reported to show the parallelization capabilities of Panorama and its high time efficiency. We compare related work in Section 6 and conclude in Section 7. Background In this section, we briefly review the idea of array privatization and give reasons why an aggressive interprocedural array data-flow analysis is needed for this important program transformation. 2.1 Array Privatization If a variable is modified in different iterations of a loop, writing conflicts result when the iterations are executed by multiple processors. Quite often, array elements written in one iteration of a DO loop are used in the same iteration before being overwritten in the next iteration. This kind of arrays usually END DO Figure 1: A Simple Example of Array Privatization serve as a temporary working space within an iteration and the array values in different iterations are unrelated. Array privatization is a technique that creates a distinct copy of an array for each processor such that the storage conflict can be eliminated without violating program semantics. Parallelism in the program is increased. Data access time may also be reduced, since privatized variables can be allocated to local memories. Figure 1 shows a simple example, where the DOALL loop after transformation is to be executed in parallel. Note that the value of A(1) is copied from outside of the DOALL loop since A(1) is not written within the DOALL loop. If the values written to A(k) in the original DO loop are live at the end of the loop nest, i.e. the values will be used by statements after the loop nest, additional statements must be inserted in the DOALL loop which, in the last loop iteration, will copy the values of to A(k). In this example, we assume A(k) are dead after the loop nest, hence the absence of the copy-out statements. Practical cases of array privatization can be much more complex than the example in Figure 1. The benefit of such transformation, on the other hand, can be significant. Early experiments with manually- performed program transformations showed that, without array privatization, program execution speed on an Alliant FX/80 machine with 8 vector processors would be slowed down by a factor of 5 for programs MDG, OCEAN, TRACK and TRFD in the well-known Perfect benchmark suite [15]. Recent experiments with automatically transformed codes running on an SGI Challenge multiprocessor show even more striking effects of array privatization on a number of Perfect benchmark programs [16]. 2.2 Data Dependence Analysis vs. Array Data-flow Analysis Conventional data dependence analysis is the predecessor of all current work on array data-flow analysis. In his pioneering work, D.J. Kuck defines flow dependence, anti- dependence and output dependence [26]. While the latter two are due to multi-assignments to the same variable in imperative languages, the flow dependence is defined between two statements, one of which reads the value written by the other. Thus, the original definition of flow dependence is precisely a reaching-definition relation. Nonetheless, early compiler techniques were not able to compute array reaching-definitions and therefore, for a long time, flow dependence is conservatively computed by asserting that one statement depends on another if the former may execute after the latter and both may access the same memory location. Thus, the analysis of all three kinds of data dependences reduces to the problem of memory disambiguation, which is insufficient for array privatization. Array data-flow analysis refers to computing the flow of values for array elements. For the purpose of array privatization and loop parallelization, the parallelizing compiler needs to establish the fact that, as in the case in Figure 1, no array values are written in one iteration but used in another. 2.3 Interprocedural Analysis In order to increase the granularity of parallel tasks and hence the benefit of parallel execution, it is important to parallelize loops at outer levels. Unfortunately, such outer-level loops often contain procedure calls. A traditional method to deal with such loops is in-lining, which substitutes procedure calls with the bodies of the called procedures. Illinois' Polaris [4], for example, uses this method. Unfortunately, many important compiler transformations increase their consumed time and storage quadratically, or at even higher rates, with the number of operations within individual procedures. Hence, there is a severe limit on the feasible scope of in-lining. It is widely recognized that, for large-scale applications, often a better alternative is to perform interprocedural summary analysis instead of in-lining. Interprocedural data dependence analysis has been discussed extensively [21, 24, 31, 40]. In recent years we have seen increased efforts on array data-flow analysis [10, 17, 20, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42]. However, few tools are capable of interprocedural array data-flow analysis without in-lining [10, 20, 23]. 2.4 Complications of Array Data-flow Analysis In reality, a parallelizing compiler not only needs to analyze the effects of procedure calls, but it may also need to analyze relations among symbolic expressions and among branching conditions. The examples in Figure 2 illustrate such cases. In these three examples, privatizing the array A will make it possible to parallelize the I loops. Figure 2(a) shows a simplified loop from the MDG program (routine interf) [3]. It is a difficult example which requires certain kind of inference between IF conditions. Although both A and B are privatizable, we will discuss A only, as B is a simple case. Suppose that the condition kc:NE:0 is false and, as the result, the last loop K within loop I gets executed and A(6 : gets used. We want to determine whether A(6 : may use values written in previous iterations of loop I . Condition kc:NE:0 being false implies that, within the same iteration of I , the statement not executed. Thus, B(K):GT:cut2 is false for all 9 of the first DO loop K. This fact further implies that B(K + 4):GT:cut2 is false for of the second DO loop K, which ensures that gets written before its use in the same iteration I . Therefore, A is privatizable in loop I . Figure 2(b) illustrates a simplified version of a segment of the ARC2D program(routine filerx)[3]. The DO I=1, nmol1 DO K=1,9 ENDDO DO K=2,5 1: ENDDO DO K=11,14 ENDDO 2: ENDDO ENDDO IF (.NOT.p) ENDDO ENDDO call in(A, m) call out(A,m) ENDDO IF (x?SIZE) RETURN ENDDO SUBROUTINE out(B, mm) IF (x?SIZE) RETURN ENDDO END (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: More Complex Examples of Privatizable Arrays. condition :NOT:p is invariant for DO loop I . As the result, if A(jmax) is not modified in one iteration, thus exposing its use, then A(jmax) should not be modified in any iteration. Therefore, A(jmax) never uses any value written in previous iterations of I . Moreover, it is easy to see that the use of A(jlow : jup) is not upward exposed. Hence, A is privatizable and loop I is a parallel loop. In this example, the IF condition being loop invariant makes sure that there is no loop-carried flow dependence. Otherwise, whether a loop-carried flow dependence exists in Figure 2(b) depends upon the IF condition. Figure 2(c) shows a simplified version of a segment of the OCEAN program(routine ocean)[3]. Interprocedural analysis is needed for this case. In order to privatize A in the I loop, the compiler must recognize the fact that if a call to out in the I loop does use A(1 : m), then the call to in in the same iteration must modify A(1 : m), so that the use of A(j) must take the value defined in the same iteration of I . This requires to check whether the condition x ? SIZE in subroutine out can infer the condition x ? SIZE in subroutine in. For all three examples above, it is necessary to manipulate symbolic operations. Previous and current work suggests that the handling of conditionals, symbolic analysis and interprocedure analysis should be provided in a powerful compiler. Because array data-flow analysis must be performed over a large scope to deal with the whole set of the subroutines in a program, algorithms for information propagation and for symbolic manipulation must be carefully designed. Otherwise, this analysis will simply be too time-consuming for practical compilers. To handle these issues simultaneously, we have designed a framework which is described next. 3 Array Data-Flow Analysis Based on Guarded Array Regions In traditional frameworks for data-flow analysis, at each meet point of a control flow graph, data-flow information from different control branches is merged under a meet operator. Such merged information typically does not distinguish information from different branches. The meet operator can be therefore said to be path-insensitive. As illustrated in the last section, path-sensitive array data-flow information can be critical to the success of array privatization and hence loop parallelization. In this section, we present our path-sensitive analysis that uses conditional summary sets to capture the effect of IF conditions on array accesses. We call the conditional summary sets guarded array regions (GAR's). 3.1 Guarded Array Regions Our basic unit of array reference representation is a regular array region. Definition A regular array region of array A is denoted by A(r is the dimension of A and r i , is a range in the form of (l being symbolic expressions. The all values from l to u with step s, which is simply denoted by (l) if l = u and by array region is represented by ;, and an unknown array region is represented by The regular array region defined above is more restrictive than the original regular section proposed by Callahan and Kennedy [6]. The regular array region does not contain any inter-dimensional relationship. This makes set operations simpler. However, a diagonal and a triangular shape of an array cannot be represented exactly. For instance, for an array diagonal A(i; i), triangular are approximated by the same regular array region: Regular array regions can cover the most frequent cases in real programs and they seem to have an advantage in efficiency when dealing with the common cases. The guards in GAR's (defined below) can be used to describe the more complex array sections, although their primary use is to describe control conditions under which regular array regions are accessed. Definition A guarded array region (GAR) is a tuple [P; R] which contains a regular array region R and a guard P , where P is a predicate that specifies the condition under which R is accessed. We use \Delta to denote a guard whose predicate cannot be written explicitly, i.e. an unknown guard. If both we say that the GAR [P; R] =\Omega is unknown. Similarly, if either P is F alse or R is ;, we say that In order to preserve as much precision as possible, we try to avoid marking a whole array region as unknown. If a multi-dimensional array region has only one dimension that is truly unknown, then only that dimension is marked as unknown. Also, if only one item in a range tuple (l say u, is unknown, then we write the tuple as (l Let a program segment, n, be a piece of code with a unique entry point and a unique exit point. We use results of set operations on GAR's to summarize two essential pieces of array reference information for n which are listed below. ffl UE(n): the set of array elements which are upwardly exposed in n if these elements are used in n and they take the values defined outside n. ffl MOD(n): the set of array elements written within n. In addition, the following sets, which are also represented by GAR's, are used to describe array references in a DO loop l with its body denoted by b: the set of the array elements used in an arbitrary iteration i of DO loop l that are upwardly exposed to the entry of the loop body b. the subset of array elements in UE i (b) which are further upwardly exposed to the entry of the DO loop l. ffl MOD i (b): the set of the array elements written in loop body b for an arbitrary iteration i of DO loop l. Where no confusion results, this may simply be denoted as MOD i . the same as MOD i (b). ffl MOD !i (b): the set of the array elements written in all of the iterations prior to an arbitrary iteration i of DO loop l. Where no confusion results, this may simply be denoted as MOD !i . ffl MOD !i (l): the same as MOD !i (b). ffl MOD ?i (b): the set of the array elements written in all of the iterations following an arbitrary iteration i of DO loop l. Where no confusion results, this may simply be denoted as MOD ?i . ffl MOD ?i (l): the same as MOD ?i (b). Take Figure 2(c) for example. For loop J of subroutine in, UE j is empty and MOD j equals [T rue; B(j)]. Therefore MOD !j is [1 ! The MOD for the loop J is [1 hence the MOD of subroutine in is Similarly, UE j for loop J of subroutine out is [T rue; B(j)], and UE for the same loop is [1 Lastly, UE of the subroutine out is [x - Our data-flow analysis requires three kinds of operations on GAR's: union, intersection, and difference. These operations in turn are based on union, intersection, and difference operations on regular array regions as well as logical operations on predicates. Next, we will first discuss the operations on array regions, then on GAR's. 3.2 Operations on Regular Array Regions As operands of the region operations must belong to the same array, we will drop the array name from the array region notation hereafter whenever there is no confusion. Given two regular array regions, is the dimension of array A, we define the following operations: For the sake of simplicity of presentation, here we assume steps of 1 and leave Section 4 for discussion of other step values. Let r 1 have ae (D Note that we do not keep max and min operators in a regular array region. Therefore, when the relationship of symbolic expressions can not be determined even after a demand-driven symbolic analysis is conducted, we will mark the intersection as unknown. Since these regions are symbolic ones, care must be taken to prevent false regions created by union operations. For example, knowing R we have R 1 if and only if both R 1 and R 2 are valid. This can be guaranteed nicely by imposing validity predicates into guards as we did in [20]. In doing so, the union of two regular regions should be computed without concern for validity of these two regions. Since this introduces additional predicate operations that we try to avoid, we will usually keep the union of two regions without merging them until they, like constant regions, are known to be valid. For an m-dimensional array, the result of the difference operation is generally 2 m regular regions if each range difference results in two new ranges. This representation could be quite complex for large m; however, it is useful to describe the general formulas of set difference operations. first define R 1 (k) and R 2 (k), as the last k ranges within R 1 and R 2 respectively. According to this definition, we have R 1 ). The computation of R 1 recursively given by the following ae The following are some examples of difference operations, In order to avoid splitting regions due to difference operations, we routinely defer solving difference operations, using a new data structure called GARWD to temporarily represent the difference results. As we shall show later, using GARWD's keeps the summary computation both efficient and exact. GARWD's are defined in the following subsection. 3.3 Operations on GAR's and GARWD's Given two GAR's, we have the following: The most frequent cases in union operations are of two kinds: the union becomes [P 1 - If R the result is [P If two array regions can not be safely combined due to the unknown symbolic terms, we keep two GAR's in a list without merging them. As discussed previously, R 1 may be multiple array regions, making the actual result of T potentially complex. However, as we shall explain via an example, difference operations can often be canceled by intersection and union operations. Therefore, we do not solve the difference unless the result is a single GAR, or until the last moment when the actual result must be solved in order to finish data dependence tests or array privatizability tests. When the difference is not yet solved by the above formula, it is represented by a GARWD. Definition A GAR with a difference list (GARWD) is a set defined by two components: a source GAR and a difference list. The source GAR is an ordinary GAR as defined above, while the difference list is a list of GAR's. The GARWD set denotes all the members of the source GAR which are not in any GAR on the difference list. It is written as f source GAR, !difference list? g. 2 The following examples show how to use the above formulas: which is a GARWD. Note that, if we cannot further postpone A(1:N:1)=. denoted by (3) denoted by (2) denoted by (1) ENDDO ENDDO Figure 3: An Example of GARWD's solving of the above difference, we can solve it to GARWD operations: Operations between two GARWD's and between a GARWD and a GAR can be easily derived from the above. For example, consider a GARWD gwd=fg ?g and a GAR g. The result of subtracting g from gwd is the following: 1. fg 3 2. 3. where g 3 is a single GAR. The first formula is applied if the result of (g exactly a single GAR g 3 . Because g 1 and g may be symbolic, the difference result may not be a single GAR. Hence, we have the third formula. Similarly, the intersection of gwd and g is: 1. fg 4 2. ;, if (g \Gamma 3. unknown otherwise. where g 4 is also a single GAR. The Union of two GARWD's is usually kept in the list, but it can be merged in some cases. Some concrete examples are given below to illustrate the operations on GARWD's: ENDDO END C=. DO I=1,m Figure 4: Example of the HSG Figure 3 is an example showing the advantage of using GARWD's. The right-hand side is the summary result for the body of the outer loop, where the subscript i in UE i and in MOD i indicates that these two sets belong to an arbitrary iteration i. UE i is represented by a GARWD. For simplicity, we omit the guards whose values are true in the example. To recognize array A as privatizable, we need to prove that no loop-carried data flow exists. The set of all mods within those iterations prior to iteration i, denoted by MOD !i , is equal to MOD i . (In theory, MOD which nonetheless does not invalidate the analysis.) Since both GAR's in the MOD !i list are in the difference list of the GARWD for UE i , it is obvious that the intersection of MOD !i and UE i is empty, and that therefore array A is privatizable. We implement this by assigning each GAR a unique region number, shown in parentheses in Figure 3, which makes intersection a simple integer operation. As shown above, our difference operations, which are used during the calculation of UE sets, do not result in the loss of information. This helps to improve the effectiveness of our analysis. On the other hand, intersection operations may result in unknown values, due to the intersections of the sets containing unknown symbolic terms. A demand-driven symbolic evaluator is invoked to determine the symbolic values or the relationship between symbolic terms. If the intersection result cannot be determined by the evaluator, it is marked as unknown. In our array data-flow framework based on GAR's, intersection operations are performed only at the last step when our analyzer tries to conduct dependence tests and array privatization tests, at the point where a conservative assumption must be made if an intersection result is marked as unknown. The intersection operations, however, are not involved in the propagation of the MOD and UE sets, and therefore they do not affect the accuracy of those sets. 3.4 Computing UE and MOD Sets The UE and MOD information is propagated backward from the end to the beginning of a routine or a program segment. Through each routine, these two sets are summarized in one pass and the results are (a) in out (b) out in U padd((MOD(S2) U MOD_IN(out)), ~p) Figure 5: Computing Summary Sets for Basic Control Flow Components saved. The summary algorithm is invoked on demand for a particular routine, so it will not summarize a routine unless necessary. Parameter mapping and array reshaping are done when the propagation crosses routine boundaries. To facilitate interprocedural propagation of the summary information, we adopt a hierarchical supergraph (HSG) to represent the control flow of the entire program. The HSG augments the supergraph proposed by Myers [36] by introducing a hierarchy among nested loops and procedure calls. An HSG contains three kinds of nodes: basic block nodes, loop nodes and call nodes. A DO loop is represented by a loop node which is a compound node whose internal flow subgraph describes the control flow of the loop body. A procedure call site is represented by a call node, which has an outgoing edge pointing to the entry node of the flow subgraph of the called procedure and has an incoming edge from the unique exit node of the called procedure. Due to the nested structures of DO loops and routines, a hierarchy for control flow is derived among the HSG nodes, with the flow subgraph at the highest level representing the main program. The HSG resembles the HSCG used by the PIPS project for parallel task scheduling [25]. Figures 4 shows an example of the HSG. Note that the flow subgraph of a routine is never duplicated for different calls to the same routine, unless multiple versions of the called routine are created by the compiler to enhance its potential parallelism. More details about the HSG and its implementation can be found in reference [20, 18]. During the propagation of the array data-flow information, we use MOD IN (n) to represent the array elements that are modified in nodes which are forwardly reachable from n (at the same or lower HSG level as n), and we use UE IN (n) to represent the array elements whose values are imported to n and are used in the nodes forwardly reachable from n. Suppose a DO loop l, with its body denoted by b, is represented by a loop node N and the flow subgraph of b has the entry node n. We have UE i (b) equal to UE IN (n) and UE (N) equal to the expansion of UE i (b) (see below). Similarly, we have MOD i (b) i=l,u,s Loop: d Figure Expansion of Loop Summaries equal to MOD IN (n) and MOD(N) equal to the expansion of MOD i (b). The MOD and MOD IN sets are represented by a list of GAR's, while the UE and UE IN sets by a list of GARWD's. Figure 5 (a) and (b) show how the MOD IN and UE IN sets are propagated, in the direction opposite to the control flow, through a basic block S and a flow subgraph for an IF statement (with the then-branch S1 and the else-branch S2), respectively. During the propagation, variables appearing in certain summary sets may be modified by assignment statements, and therefore their right-hand side expressions substitute for the variables. For simplicity, such variable substitutions are not shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 (b) shows that, when summary sets are propagated to IF branches, IF conditions are put into the guards on each branch, and this is indicated by function padd() in the figure. The whole summary process is quite straightforward, except that the computation of UE sets for loops needs further analysis to support summary expansion, as illustrated by Figure 6. Given a DO loop with index I, I 2 (l; u; s), suppose UE i and MOD i are already computed for an arbitrary iteration i. We want to calculate UE and MOD sets for the entire I loop, following the formula below: MOD The \Sigma summation above is also called an expansion or projection, denoted by proj() in Figure 6, which is used to eliminate i from the summary sets. The UE calculation given above takes two steps. The first step computes (UE which represents the set of array elements which are used in iteration i and have been exposed to the outside of the whole I loop. The second step projects the result of Step 1 against the domain of i, i.e. the range (l to remove i. The expansion for a list of GAR's and a list of GARWD's consists of the expansion of each GAR and each GARWD in the lists. Since a detailed discussion on expansion would be tedious, we will provide a guideline only in this paper (see Appendix). DO I1=1,100 DO I2=1,100 ENDDO ENDDO END DO I1=1,N1-1 ENDDO END (a) (b) Figure 7: Examples of Symbolic Expressions in Guarded Array Regions Implementation Considerations and Extensions 4.1 Symbolic Analysis Symbolic analysis handles expressions which involve unknown symbolic terms. It is widely used in symbolic evaluation or abstract interpretation to discover program properties such as values of expressions, relationships between symbolic expressions, etc. Symbolic analysis requires the ability to represent and manipulate unknown symbolic terms. Among several expression representations, a normal form is often used [7, 9, 22]. The advantage of a normal form is that it gives the same representation for congruent expressions. In addition, symbolic expressions encountered in array data-flow analysis and dependence analysis are mostly integer polynomials. Operations on integer polynomials, such as the comparison of two polynomials, are straightforward. Therefore, we adopt integer polynomials as our representation for expressions. Our normal form, which is essentially a sum of products, is given below: where each I i is an index variable and t i is a term which is given by equation (2) below: where p j is a product, c j is an integer constant (possible integer fraction), x j k is an integer variable but not an index variable, N is the nesting number of the loop containing e, M i is the number of products in t i , and L j is the number of variables in p j . Take the program segments in Figure 7 as examples. For subroutine SUB1, the MOD set of statement contains a single GAR: [True, A(N1 I2)]. The MOD set of DO loop I2 contains [True, 100)]. The MOD set of DO loop I1 contains [True, Lastly, the MOD set of the whole subroutine contains [True, A(N2 \Delta For subroutine SUB2, the MOD set of statement S2 contains a single GAR: [True, A(I1)]. The MOD set of DO loop I1 contains [N1 ? 1, 1)]. The MOD set of the IF statement contains [N1 ? N6 - Lastly, the MOD set of the whole subroutine contains [N2 All expressions e, t i , and p j in the above are sorted according to a unique integer key assigned to each variable. Since both M i and L j control the complexity of a polynomial, they are chosen as our design parameters. As an example of using M i and L j to control the complexity of expressions, e will be a linear expression (affine) if M i is limited to be 1 and L j to be zero. By controlling the complexity of expression representations, we can properly control the time complexity of manipulating symbolic expressions. Symbolic operations such as additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions by an integer constant are provided as library functions. In addition, a simple demand-driven symbolic evaluation scheme is implemented. It propagates an expression upwards along a control flow graph until the value of expression is known or the predefined propagation limit is reached. 4.2 Range Operations In this subsection, we give a detailed discussion of range operations for step values other than 1. To describe the range operations, we use the functions of in the following. However, these functions should be solved, otherwise the unknown is usually returned as the result. Given two ranges r 1 and r 2 , r 1. If s Assuming r 2 ' r 1 (otherwise use r ffl Union operation. If (l 2 ? cannot be combined into one range. Otherwise, assuming that r 1 and r 2 are both valid. If it is unknown at this moment whether both are valid, we do not combine them. 2. If s is a known constant value, we do the following: If (l divisible by c, then we use the formulas in case 1 to compute the intersection, difference and union. Otherwise, r 1 "r . The union r 1 [r 2 usually cannot be combined into one range and must be maintained as a list of ranges. For the special case that jl 1 \Gammal and 3. If s (which may be symbolic expressions), then we use the formulas in case 1 to perform the intersection, difference and union. 4. If s 1 is divisible by s 2 , we check to see if r 2 covers r 1 . If so, we have r 5. In all other cases, the result of the intersection is marked as unknown. The difference is kept in a difference list at the level of the GARWD's, and the union remains a list of the two ranges. 4.3 Extensions to Recursive Calls and Dynamic Arrays Programming languages such as Fortran 90 and C permit recursive procedure calls and dynamically allocated data structures. In this subsection, we briefly discuss how array data-flow analysis can be performed in the presence of recursive calls and dynamic arrays. Recursive calls can be treated in array data-flow analysis essentially the same way as in array data dependence analysis [30]. A recursive procedure calls itself either directly or indirectly, which forms cycles in the call graph of the whole program. A proper order must be established for the traversal of the call graph. First, all maximum strongly-connected components (MSC's) must be identified in the call graph. Each MSC is then reduced to a single condensed node and the call graph is reduced to an acyclic graph. Array data flow is then analyzed by traversing the reduced graph in a reversed topological order. When a condensed node (i.e. an MSC) is visited, a proper order is established among all members in the MSC for an iterative traversal. For each member procedure, the sets of modified and used array regions (with guards) that are visible to its callers must be summarized respectively, by iterating over calling cycles. If the MSC is a simple cycle, which is a common case in practical programs, the compiler can determine whether the visible array regions of each member procedure grow through recursion or not, after analyzing that procedure twice. If a region grows in a certain array dimension during recursive calls, then a conservative estimate should be made for that dimension. In the worst case, for example, the range of modification or use in that array dimension can be marked as unknown. A more complex MSC requires a more complex traversal order [30]. Dynamically allocated arrays can be summarized essentially the same way as static arrays. The main difference is that, during the backward propagation of array regions (with guards) through the control flow graph, i.e. the HSG in this paper, if the current node contains a statement that allocates a dynamic array, then all UE sets and MOD sets for that array are killed beyond this node. The discussion above is based on the assumption that no true aliasing exists in each procedure, i.e., references to different variable names must access different memory locations if either reference is a write. This assumption is true for Fortran 90 and Fortran 77 programs, but may be false for C programs. Before performing array data-flow analysis on C programs, alias analysis must first be performed. Alias analysis has been studied extensively in recent literature [8, 11, 14, 27, 28, 39, 44, 45]. 5 Effectiveness and Efficiency In this section, we first discuss how GAR's are used for array privatization and loop parallelization. We then present experimental results to show the effectiveness and efficiency of array data-flow analysis. 5.1 Array Privatization and Loop Parallelization An array A is a privatization candidate in a loop L if its elements are overwritten in different iterations of L (see [29]). Such a candidacy can be established by examining the summary array MOD i set: If the intersection of MOD i and MOD!i is nonempty, then A is a candidate. A privatization candidate is privatizable if there exist no loop-carried flow dependences in L. For an array A in a loop L with an index I , if MOD !i " UE there exists no flow dependence carried by loop L. Let us look at Figure 2(c) again. UE so A is privatizable within loop I . As another example, let us look at Figure 2(b). Since MOD i is not loop-variant, we have MOD !i is not empty and array A is a privatization candidate. Furthermore, The last difference operation above can be easily done because GAR [T is in the difference list. Therefore, UE i " MOD !i is empty. This guarantees that array A is privatizable. As we explained in Section 2.1, copy-in and copy-out statements sometimes need to be inserted in order to preserve program correctness. The general rules are (1) upwardly exposed array elements must be copied in; and (2) live array elements must be copied-out. We have already discussed the determination of upwardly exposed array elements. We currently perform a conservative liveness analysis proposed in [29]. The essence of loop parallelization is to prove the absence of loop-carried dependences. For a given DO loop L with index I , the existence of different types of loop-carried dependences can be detected in the following order: ffl loop-carried flow dependences: They exist if and only if UE loop-carried output dependences: They exist if and only MOD loop-carried anti- dependences: Suppose we have already determined that there exist no loop-carried output dependences, then loop-carried anti-dependences exist if and only if UE MOD ?i 6= ;. (If loop-carried anti-dependences were to be considered separately, then UE i in the above formula should be replaced by DE i , where DE i stands for the downwardly exposed use set of iteration i.) Take output dependences for example. In Figure 7(a), MOD i of DO loop I2 contains a single GAR: contains Loop-carried output dependences do not exist for DO loop I2 because MOD In contrast, for DO loop I1, MOD i contains [True, Loop-carried output dependences exist for DO loop I1 because MOD i " MOD !i 6= ;. Note that if an array is privatized, then no loop-carried output dependences exist between the write references to private copies of the same array. 5.2 Experimental Results We have implemented our array data-flow analysis in a prototyping parallelizing compiler, Panorama, which is a multiple pass, source-to-source Fortran program analyzer [35]. It roughly consists of the phases of parsing, building a hierarchical supergraph (HSG) and the interprocedural scalar UD/DU chains [1], performing conventional data dependence tests, array data-flow analysis and other advanced analyses, and parallel code generation. Table 1 shows the Fortran loops in the Perfect benchmark suite which should be parallelizable after array privatization and after necessary transformations such as induction variable substitution, parallel reduction, and event synchronization placement. This table also marks which loops require symbolic analysis, predicate analysis and interprocedural analysis, respectively. (The details of privatizable arrays in these loops can be found in [18].) Columns 4 and 5 mark those loops that can be parallelized by Polaris (Version 1.5) and by Panorama, respectively. Only one loop (interf/1000) is parallelized by Polaris but not by Panorama, because one of the privatizable arrays is not recognized as such. To privatize this array requires implementation of a special pattern matching which is not done in Panorama. On the other hand, Panorama parallelizes several loops that cannot be parallelized by Polaris. Table 2 compares the speedup of the programs selected from Table 1, parallelized by Polaris and by Panorama, respectively. Only those programs parallelizable by either or both of the tools are selected. The speedup numbers are computed by dividing the real execution time of the sequential codes divided by the real execution time of the parallelized codes, running on an SGI Challenge multiprocessor with four 196MHZ R10000 CPU's and 1024 MB memory. On average, the speedups are comparable between Polaris-parallelized codes and Panorama-parallelized codes. Note that the speedup numbers may be Table 1: Parallelizable Loops in the Perfect benchmark suite and the Required Privatization Techniques Program Routine SA PA IA Parallel OCEAN Total 80% 32% 80% 7 SA: Symbolic Analysis. PA: Predicate Analysis. IA: Interprocedural Analysis. further improved by a number of recently discovered memory-efficiency enhancement techniques. These techniques are not implemented in the versions of Polaris and Panorama used for this experiment. Table 3 shows wall-clock time spent on the main parts of Panorama. In Table 3, "Parsing time" is the time to parse the program once, although Panorama currently parses a program three times (the first time for constructing the call graph and for rearranging the parsing order of the source files, the second time for interprocedural analysis, and the last time for code generation.) The column "HSG & DOALL Checking" is the time taken to build the HSG, UD/DU chains, and conventional DOALL checking. The column "Array Summary" refers to our array data-flow analysis which is applied only to loops whose parallelizability cannot be determined by the conventional DOALL tests. Figure 8 shows the percentage of time spent by the array data-flow analysis and the rest of Panorama. Even though the time percentage of array data-flow analysis is high (about 38% on average), the total execution time is small (31 seconds maximum). To get a perspective of the overhead of our Table 2: Speedup Comparison between Polaris and Panorama (with 4 R10000 CPU's). Program Speedup by Polaris Speedup by Panorama ADM 1.1 1.5 MDG 2.0 1.5 BDNA 1.2 1.2 OCEAN 1.2 1.7 ARC2D 2.1 2.2 TRFD 2.2 2.1 interprocedural analysis, the last column, marked by "f77 -O", shows the time spent by the f77 compiler with option -O to compile the corresponding Fortran program into sequential machine code. Table 4 lists the analysis time of Polaris alongside of that of Panorama (which includes all three times of parsing instead of just one as in Table 3). It is difficult to provide an absolutely fair comparison. So, these two sets of numbers are listed together to provide a perspective. The timing of Polaris (Version 1.5) is measured without the passes after array privatization and dependence tests. (We did not list the timing results of SUIF, because SUIF's current public version does not perform array data-flow analysis and no such timing results are publically available.) Both Panorama and Polaris are compiled by the GNU gcc/g++ compiler with the -O optimization level. The time was measured by gettimeofday() and is elapsed wall-clock time. When using a SGI Challenge machine, which has a large memory, the time gap between Polaris and Panorama is reduced. This is probably because Polaris is written in C++ with a huge executable image. The size of its executable image is about 14MB, while Panorama, written in C, has an executable image of 1.1MB. Even with a memory size as large as 1GB, Panorama is still faster than Polaris by one or two orders of magnitude. 5.3 Summary vs. In-lining We believe that several design choices contribute to the efficiency of Panorama. In the next subsections, we present some of these choices made in Panorama. The foremost reason seems to be that Panorama computes interprocedural summary without in-lining the routine bodies as Polaris does. If a subroutine is called in several places in the program, in-lining causes the subroutine body to be analyzed several times, while Panorama only needs to summarize each subroutine once. The summary result is later mapped to different call sites. Moreover, for data dependence tests involving call statements, Panorama uses the summarized array region information, while Polaris performs data dependences between every pair of array references in the loop body after in-lining. Since the time complexity of data dependence tests is O(n 2 ), where n is the number of individual references being tested, in-lining can significantly increase the time for dependence testing. In our experiments with Polaris, we limit the number of in-lined executable statements to 50, a default Table 3: Analysis Time (in seconds) Distribution 1 Program Parsing HSG & Tradi. Array Code Total F77 -O Analysis Summary Generation ADM 3.63 12.68 11.76 3.53 31.60 54.1 QCD 1.04 3.71 3.04 1.22 9.01 20.3 MDG 0.82 2.58 2.11 0.77 6.28 12.3 BDNA 2.41 7.41 3.80 2.45 16.06 45.2 OCEAN 1.37 8.49 3.31 1.35 14.53 39.3 DYFESM 3.77 6.04 2.26 2.48 14.56 20.2 MG3D 1.67 7.46 14.87 1.70 25.71 34.0 ARC2D 2.46 6.24 10.14 1.96 20.81 37.7 TRFD 0.54 0.70 0.48 0.18 1.90 7.2 Total 24.56 72.1 70.31 20.37 187.38 349.8 1: Timing is measured on SGI Indy workstations with 134MHz MIPS R4600 CPU and 64 MB memory. Table 4: Elapsed Analysis Time (in seconds) Program #Lines excl. SGI Challenge SGI Indy 2 comments Panorama Polaris Panorama Polaris ADM 4296 17.03 435 38.80 2601 MDG 935 3.02 123 7.90 551 OCEAN 1917 8.70 333 18.2 1801 TRFD 417 1.05 62 2.98 290 1 SGI Challenge with 1024MB memory and 196MHZ R10000 CPU. 2 SGI Indy with 134MHz MIPS R4600 CPU and 64 MB memory. 3 '*' means Polaris takes longer than four hours. ADM QCD MDG TRACK BDNA OCEAN DYFESM MG3D ARC2D FLO52 TRFD SPEC77 Total The rest Summary Figure 8: Time percentage of array data-flow summary value used by Polaris. With this modest number, data dependence tests still account for about 30% of the total time. We believe that another important reason for Panorama's efficiency is its efficient computation and propagation of the summary sets. Two design issues are particularly noteworthy, namely, the handling of predicates and the difference set operations. Next, we discuss these issues in more details. 5.4 Efficient Handling of Predicates General predicate operations are expensive, so compilers often do not perform them. In fact, the majority of predicate-handling required for our array data-flow analysis involves simple operations such as checking to see if two predicates are identical, if they are loop-independent, and if they contain indices and affect shapes or sizes of array regions. These can be implemented rather efficiently. A canonical normal form is used to represent the predicates. Pattern-matching under a normal form is easier than under arbitrary forms. Both the conjunctive normal form (CNF) and the disjunctive normal form (DNF) have been widely used in program analysis [7, 9]. These cited works show that negation operations are expensive with both CNF and DNF. This fact was also confirmed by our previous experiments using CNF [20]. Negation operations occur not only due to ELSE branches, but also due to GAR and GARWD operations elsewhere. Hence, we design a new normal form such that negation operations can often be avoided. We use a hierarchical approach to predicate handling. A predicate is represented by a high level predicate tree, PT (V; E; r), where V is the set of nodes, E is the set of edges, and r is the root of PT . The internal nodes of V are NAND operators except for the root, which is an AND operator. The leaf nodes are divided into regular leaf nodes and negative leaf nodes. A regular leaf node represents AND negative leaf operator regular leaf Figure 9: High level representation of predicates a predicate such as an IF condition, while a negative leaf node represents the negation of a predicate. Theoretically, this representation is not a normal form because two identical predicates may have different predicate trees, which may render pattern-matching unsuccessful. We, however, believe that such cases are rare and that they happen only when the program is extremely complicated. Figure 9 shows a PT . Each leaf (regular or negative) is a token which represents a basic predicate such as an IF condition or a DO condition in the program. At this level, we keep a basic predicate as a unit and do not split it. The predicate operations are based only on these tokens and do not check the details within these basic predicates. Negation of a predicate tree is simple this way. A NAND operation, shown in Figure 10, may either increase or decrease by one level in a predicate tree according to the shape of the predicate tree. If there is only one regular leaf node (or one negative leaf node) in the tree, the regular leaf node is simply changed to a negative leaf node (or vice versa). AND and OR operations are also easily handled, as shown in Figure 10. We use a unique token for each basic predicate so that simple and common cases can be easily handled without checking the contents of the predicates. The content of each predicate is represented in CNF and is examined when necessary. Table 5 lists several key parameters, the total number of arrays summarized, the average length of a MOD set (column "Ave # GAR's''), the average length of a UE set (column ``Ave # GARWD's"), and some data concerning difference and predicate operations. The total number of arrays summarized given in the table is the sum of the number of arrays summarized in each loop nest, and an array that appears in two disjoint loop nests is counted twice. Since the time for set operations is proportional to the square of the length of MOD and UE lists, it is important that these lists are short. It is encouraging to see that they are indeed short in the benchmark application programs. Columns 7 and 8 (marked "High" and "Low") in Table 5 show that over 95% of the total predicate operations are the high level ones, where a negation or a binary predicate operation on two basic predicates is counted as one operation. These numbers are dependent on the strategy used to handle the predicates. Currently, we defer the checking of predicate contents until the last step. As a result, only a few low level AND A AND Negation, increase by 1 Negation, decrease by 1 AND AND AND AND AND AND AND (a) (b) (c) Figure 10: Predicate operations Table 5: Measurement of Key Parameters Program # Array Ave # Ave # Difference Ops # Predicate Ops Summarized GAR's GARWD's Total Reduced High Low QCD 414 1.41 1.27 512 41 4803 41 BDNA 285 1.27 1.43 267 3 3805 4 OCEAN 96 1.72 1.53 246 19 458 36 MG3D 385 2.79 2.62 135 Total 4011 1.55 1.49 3675 314 42391 618 predicate operations are needed. Our results show that this strategy works well for array privatization, since almost all privatizable arrays in our tested programs can be recognized. Some cases, such as those that need to handle guards containing loop indices, do need low level predicate operations. The hierarchical representation scheme serves well. Reducing Unnecessary Difference Operations We do not solve the difference of T using the general formula presented in Section 2 unless the result is a single GAR. When the difference cannot be simplified to a single GAR, the difference is represented by a GARWD instead of by a union of GAR's, as implied by that formula. This strategy postpones the expensive and complex difference operations until they are absolutely necessary, and it avoids propagating a relatively complex list of GAR's. For example, let a GARWD G 1 be and G 2 be m). We have OE, and two difference operations represented in G 1 are reduced (i.e., there is no need to perform them). In Table 5, the total number of difference operations and the total number of reduced difference operations are illustrated in columns 5 and 6, respectively. Although difference operations are reduced by only about 9% on average, the reduction is dramatic for some programs: it is by one third for MDG and by half for MG3D. Let us use the example in Figure 2(b) to further illustrate the significance of delayed difference operations. A simplified control flow graph of the body of the outer loop is shown in Figure 11. Suppose 1st DO J NOT p THEN branch 2nd DO J Figure 11: The HSG of the Body of the Outer Loop for Figure that each node has been summarized and that the summary results are listed below: Following the description given in Section 3.4, we will propagate the summary sets of each node in the following steps to get the summary sets for the body of the outer loop. 1. MOD 2. MOD This difference operation is kept in the GARWD and will be reduced at step 4. 3. MOD In the above, p is inserted into the guards of the GAR's, which are propagated through the TRUE edge, and p is then inserted into the guards propagated through the FALSE edge. 4. MOD At this step, the computation of UE IN (p1 ) removes one difference operation because (f[p; (jlow : is equal to ;. In other words, there is no need to perform the difference operation represented by GARWD ?g. An advantage of the GARWD representation is that a difference can be postponed rather than always performed. using a GARWD, the difference operation at step 2 always has to be performed, which should not be necessary and which thus increases execution time. Therefore, the summary sets of the body of the outer loop (DO I) should be: To determine if array A is privatizable, we need to prove that there exists no loop-carried flow dependence for A. We first calculate MOD !i , the set of array elements written in iterations prior to iteration i, giving us MOD . The intersection of MOD !i and UE i is conducted by two intersections, each of which is formed on one mod component from MOD !i and UE i respectively. The first mod, [T appears in the difference list of UE i , and thus the result is obviously empty. Similarly, the intersection of [p; (jmax)] and the second mod, [p; (jmax)], is empty because their guards are contradictory. Because the intersection of MOD !i and UE i is empty, array A is privatizable. In both intersections, we avoid performing the difference operation in UE i , and therefore improve efficiency. 6 Related Work There exist a number of approaches to array data-flow analysis. As far as we know, no work has particularly addressed the efficiency issue or presented efficiency data. One school of thought attempts to gather flow information for each array element and to acquire an exact array data-flow analysis. This is usually done by solving a system of equalities and inequalities. Feautrier [17] calculates the source function to indicate detailed flow information. Maydan et al. [33, 34] simplify Feautrier's method by using a Last- Write-Tree(LWT). Duesterwald et al. [12] compute the dependence distance for each reaching definition within a loop. Pugh and Wonnacott [37] use a set of constraints to describe array data-flow problems and solve them basically by the Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination. Maslov [32], as well as Pugh and Wonnacott [37], also extend the previous work in this category by handling certain IF conditions. Generally, these approaches are intraprocedural and do not seem easily extended interprocedurally. The other group analyzes a set of array elements instead of individual array elements. Early work uses regular sections [6, 24], convex regions [40, 41], data access descriptors [2], etc. to summarize MOD/USE sets of array accesses. They are not array data-flow analyses. Recently, array data-flow analyses based on these sets were proposed (Gross and Steenkiste [19], Rosene [38], Li [29], Tu and Padua [43], Creusillet and Irigoin [10], and M. Hall et al. [21]). Of these, ours is the only one using conditional regions (GAR's), even though some do handle IF conditions using other approaches. Although the second group does not provide as many details about reaching-definitions as the first group, it handles complex program constructs better and can be easily performed interprocedurally. Array data-flow summary, as a part of the second group mentioned above, has been a focus in the parallelizing compiler area. The most essential information in array data-flow summary is the upwardly exposed use set. These summary approaches can be compared in two aspects: set representation and path sensitivity. For set representation, convex regions are highest in precision, but they are also expensive because of their complex representation. Bounded regular sections (or regular sections) have the simplest representation, and thus are most inexpensive. Early work tried to use a single regular section or a single convex region to summarize one array. Obviously, a single set can potentially lose information, and it may be ineffective in some cases. Tu and Padua [43], and Creusillet and Irigoin [10] seem to use a single regular section and a single convex region, respectively. M. Hall et al. [21] use a list of convex regions to summarize all the references of an array. It is unclear if this representation is more precise than a list of regular sections, upon which our approach is based. Regarding path sensitivity, the commonality of these previous methods is that they do not distinguish summary sets of different control flow paths. Therefore, these methods are called path-insensitive, and have been shown to be inadequate in real programs. Our approach, as far as we know, is the only path-sensitive array data-flow summary approach in the parallelizing compiler area. It distinguishes summary information from different paths by putting IF conditions into guards. Some other approaches do handle IF conditions, but not in the context of array data-flow summary. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented an array data-flow analysis which handles interprocedural, symbolic, and predicate analyses all together. The analysis is shown via experiments to be quite effective for program parallelization. Important design decisions are made such that the analysis can be performed efficiently. Our hierarchical predicate handling scheme turns out to serve very well. Many predicate operations can be performed at high levels, avoiding expensive low-level operations. The new data structure, GARWD (i.e. guarded array regions with a difference list), reduces expensive set-difference operations by up to 50% for a few programs, although the reduction is unimpressive for other programs. Another important finding is that the MOD lists and the UE lists can be kept rather short, thus reducing set operation time. As far as we know, this is the first time the efficiency issue has been addressed and data presented for such a powerful analysis. We believe it is important to continue exploring the efficiency issue, because unless interprocedural array data-flow analysis can be performed reasonably fast, its adoption in real programming world would be unlikely. With continued advances of parallelizing compiler techniques, we hope that fully or partially automatic parallelization will provide a viable methodology for machine-independent parallel programming. --R A mechanism for keeping useful internal information in parallel programming tools: The data access descriptor. The Perfect club benchmarks: Effective performance evaluation of supercomputers. Parallel Programming with Polaris. Symbolic analysis techniques needed for the effective parallelization of Perfect benchmarks. Analysis of interprocedural side effects in a parallel programming environment. Efficient flow-sensitive interprocedural computation of pointer-induced aliases and side effects Applications of symbolic evaluation. Interprocedural array region analyses. Interprocedural may-alias analysis for pointers: Beyond k-limiting A practical data-flow framework for array reference analysis and its use in optimizations On the automatic parallelization of the perfect benchmarks. Experience in the automatic parallelization of four perfect- benchmark programs On the automatic parallelization of the Perfect Benchmarks. Dataflow analysis of array and scalar references. Structured data-flow analysis for arrays and its use in an optimizing compiler Symbolic array dataflow analysis for array privatization and program parallelization. Interprocedural analysis for parallelization. Symbolic dependence analysis for parallelizing compilers. Maximizing multiprocessor performance with the SUIF Compiler. An implementation of interprocedural bounded regular section analysis. Semantical interprocedural parallelization: An overview of the PIPS project. The Structure of Computers and Computations A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing. Interprocedural modification side effect analysis with pointer aliasing. Array privatization for parallel execution of loops. Interprocedural analysis for parallel computing. Program parallelization with interprocedural analysis. Lazy array data-flow dependence analysis Array data-flow analysis and its use in array privatization Accurate Analysis of Array References. An interprocedural parallelizing compiler and its support for memory hierarchy research. A precise interprocedural data-flow algorithm An exact method for analysis of value-based array data dependences Incremental dependence analysis. Direct parallelization of CALL statements. Interprocedural analysis for program restructuring with parafrase. Gated ssa-based demand-driven symbolic analysis for parallelizing compilers Automatic array privatization. Efficient context-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs Program decomposition for pointer aliasing: A step towards practical analyses. --TR --CTR Array resizing for scientific code debugging, maintenance and reuse, Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, p.32-37, June 2001, Snowbird, Utah, United States Thi Viet Nga Nguyen , Franois Irigoin, Efficient and effective array bound checking, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.27 n.3, p.527-570, May 2005
interprocedural analysis;parallelizing compiler;array data-flow analysis;symbolic analysis
Analyzing bounding boxes for object intersection.
Heuristics that exploit bouning boxes are common in algorithms for rendering, modeling, and animation. While experience has shown that bounding boxes improve the performance of these algorithms in practice, the previous theoretical analysis has concluded that bounding boxes perform poorly in the worst case. This paper reconciles this discrepancy by analyzing intersections among n geometric objects in terms of two parameters: &agr; an upper bound on the aspect ratio or elongatedness of each object; and &sgr; an upper bound on the scale factor or size disparity between the largest and smallest objects. Letting Ko and Kb be the number of intersecting object pairs and bounding box pairs, respectively, we analyze a ratio measure of the bounding boxes' efficiency, r=Kb/n+Ko . The analysis proves that r=Oas log2s and r=Was . One important consequence is that if &agr; and &sgr; are small constants (as is often the case in practice), then Kb= O(Ko)+ O(n, so an algorithm that uses bounding boxes has time complexity proportional to the number of actual object intersections. This theoretical result validates the efficiency that bounding boxes have demonstrated in practice. Another consequence of our analysis is a proof of the output-sensitivity of an algorithm for reporting all intersecting pairs in a set of n convex polyhedra with constant &agr; and &sgr;. The algorithm takes time O(nlogd1n+ Kolog d1n) for dimension 3. This running time improves on the performance of previous algorithms, which make no assumptions about &agr; and &sgr;.
Introduction Many computer graphics algorithms improve their performance by using bounding boxes. The bounding box of a geometric object is a simple volume that encloses the object, forming a conservative approximation to the object. The most common form is an axis-aligned bounding box, whose extent in each dimension of the space is bounded by the minimum and maximum coordinates of the object in that dimension. (See Figure 1 (a) for an example.) Bounding boxes are useful in algorithms that should process only objects that intersect. Two objects intersect only if their bounding boxes intersect, and intersection testing is almost always more efficient for objects' bounding boxes than for the objects themselves. Thus, bounding boxes allow an algorithm to quickly perform a "trivial reject" test that prevents more costly processing in unnecessary cases. This heuristic appears in algorithms for rendering, from traditional algorithms for visible-surface determination [10], to algorithms that optimize clipping through view-frustum culling [13], and recent image-based techniques that reconstruct new images from the reprojected pixels of reference images [23]. Bounding boxes are also common in algorithms for modeling, from techniques that define complex shapes as Boolean combinations of simpler shapes [18] to techniques that verify the clearance of parts in an assembly [11]. Animation algorithms also exploit bounding boxes, especially collision detection algorithms for path planning [21] and the simulation of physically based motion [2, 20, 25]. While empirical evidence demonstrates that the bounding box heuristic improves performance in practice, the goal of proving that bounding boxes maintain high performance in the worst case has remained elusive. Such a proof is important to reassure practitioners that their application will not be the one in which bounding boxes happen to perform poorly. To understand the difficulties in such a proof, consider the use of bounding boxes when detecting pairs of colliding objects from a set, S, of n polyhedra. Let K o be the number of colliding pairs of objects, and let K b be the number of colliding pairs of bounding boxes. Figure 1 (b) shows an example in which meaning that the bounding box heuristic adds only unnecessary overhead, and a collision detection algorithm that uses the heuristic is slower than one that naively tests every pair of objects for collision. Intuitively, the poor performance in this example is due to the pathological shapes of the objects in S. In this paper, we identify two natural measures of the degree to which objects' shapes are pathological, and we analyze the bounding box heuristic in terms of these measures. We show that if the aspect ratio, ff, and scale factor, oe, are bounded by small constants (as is generally the case in practice) then the bounding box heuristic avoids poor performance in the worst case. The aspect ratio measures the elongatedness of an object. In classical geometry, the aspect ratio of a rectangle is defined as the ratio of its length to its width. This definition can be extended in a variety of ways to general objects and dimensions (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) A polygonal object and its axis-aligned bounding box. (b) An example with K greater than two. It is often defined as the ratio between the volumes of the smallest ball enclosing the object and the largest ball contained in the object. We will find it convenient to use the volumes of L1-norm balls in the d-space. 1 Given a solid object P in d-space, let b(P ) denote the smallest L1 ball containing P , and let c(P ) denote the largest L1 ball contained in P . The aspect ratio of P is defined as where vol(P ) denotes the d-dimensional volume of P . We will call b(P ) the enclosing box , and c(P ) the core of P . Thus, the aspect ratio measures the volume of the enclosing box relative to the core. For a set of objects the aspect ratio is the smallest ff such that ff - ff(P i ), for The scale factor for a set of objects measures the disparity between the largest and smallest objects. For a set of objects in d-space, we say that S has scale factor oe if, for all 1 - The analysis in this paper focuses on the ratio In two dimensions, for instance, the L1 ball of radius r and center o is the axis-aligned square of side length 2r, with center o. The choice of the norm affects only the small dimension-dependent constant factors, and our results apply also to L 2 balls or other commonly used norms with small changes in the constant. Note also that the estimates derived with the L1 norm are the most pessimistic since L1 box is the most conservative bounding volume. where K o is the number of object pairs in S with nonempty intersection, and K b is the number of object pairs whose enclosing boxes intersect. 2 The denominator represents the best-case work for an algorithm using the bounding box heuristic, so the ratio can be seen as the relative performance measure of the heuristic. Ideally, this ratio would be a small constant. Unfortunately, the pathological case of Figure 1 (b) shows that without any assumptions on ff and oe, we can have ae = \Omega\Gamma n). However, if we include aspect ratio and scale factors in the analysis, we can prove the following theorem, which is the main result of our paper. Theorem 1.1 Let S be a set of n objects in d dimensions, with aspect bound ff and scale factor oe, where d is a constant. Then, oe log 2 oe). Asymptotically, this bound is almost tight, as we can show a family S achieving oe). There are two main implications of this theorem. First, it provides a theoretical justification for the efficiency that the bounding box heuristic shows in practice. In most applications, ff and oe are small constants, so ae is also constant. The theorem then indicates that K O(n). An algorithm that uses the bounding box heuristic is thus nearly optimal in the asymptotic sense: it does not waste time processing bounding box intersections because their number grows no faster than the number of actual object intersections (plus an O(n) factor which matches the overhead the algorithm must incur if it does anything to each object). Poor performance requires uncommon situations in which ff n), as in Figure 1 (b). The theorem also shows that performance is affected more by the aspect ratio than the scale factor, so it may be worthwile to decompose irregularly-shaped objects into more regular pieces to reduce the aspect ratio. The second implication of the theorem is an output-sensitive algorithm for reporting all pairs of intersecting objects in a set of n convex polyhedra in two or three dimensions. By using the bounding box heuristic, the algorithm can report the K pairs of intersecting polyhedra in O(n log m) time, for is the maximum number of vertices in a polyhedron. (We assume that each polyhedron has been preprocessed in linear time for efficient pairwise intersection detection [6].) Without the aspect and scale bounds, we are not aware of any output-sensitive algorithm for this problem in three dimensions. Even in two dimensions, the best algorithm for finding all intersecting pairs in a set of n convex polygons takes O(n 4=3 and oe are constants, as is common in practice, then the algorithm runs in time O(n log which is nearly optimal. 2 Notice that the L1 ball is a more conservative estimate than the axis-aligned bounding box and so K b is an upper bound on the number of bounding box intersections. Related Work The use of the bounding box heuristic in collision detection algorithms is representative of its use in other algorithms. Thus, our analysis focuses on collision detection, but we believe that our results extend to other applications. Most collision detection algorithms that use bounding boxes can be considered as having two phases, which we call the broad phase and narrow phase. The basic structure of the algorithms is as follows: ffl Broad phase: find all pairs of intersecting bounding boxes. ffl Narrow phase: for each intersecting pair found by the broad phase, perform a detailed intersection test on the corresponding objects. The broad and narrow phases have distinct characteristics, and often have been treated as independent problems for research. Efficient algorithms for the broad phase must avoid looking at all O(n 2 ) pairs of bounding boxes, and they do so by exploiting the specialized structure of bounding boxes. Edelsbrunner [8] and Mehlhorn [24] describe provably efficient algorithms for axis-aligned bounding boxes in d-space, algorithms that find the k intersecting pairs in O(n log d\Gamma1 n+ time and O(n log d\Gamma2 n) space. A variety of heuristic methods are used in practice [2, 19], and empirical evidence suggest that these algorithms perform well; the "sweep-and-prune" algorithm implemented in the I-COLLIDE package of Cohen et al. [2] currently appears to be the method of choice. It might seem desirable to use a broad phase the replaces axis-aligned bounding boxes with objects' convex hulls, which provide a tighter form of bound. Unfortunately, no provably efficient algorithm is known for finding the intersections between n convex polyhedra in three dimensions. In two dimensions, though, a recent algorithm of Gupta et al. [14] can report the intersecting pairs of convex polygons in time O(n 4=3 The narrow phase solves the problem of determing the contact or interpenetration between two objects. Thus, the performance of a narrow phase algorithm does not depend on n, the number of objects in the set, but rather on the complexity of each object. If the objects are convex polyhedra, then a method due to Dobkin and Kirkpatrick [6] can decide whether two objects intersect in O(log d\Gamma1 m) time, where m is the total number of edges in the two polyhedra, and d - 3 is the dimension. This algorithm preprocesses the polyhedra in a separate phase that runs in linear time. Using this preprocessing, one can also compute an explicit representation of the intersection of two convex polyhedra in time O(m), as shown by Chazelle [1]. If only one of the objects in the pair is convex, then intersection detection can be performed in time O(m log m) [5]. The problem is more difficult if both polyhedra are nonconvex, and only recently has a subquadratic time algorithm been discovered for deciding if two nonconvex polyhedra intersect [27]. This algorithm takes O(m 8=5+" ) time to determine the first collision between two polyhedra, one of which is stationary and the other is translating. While the provable running times of these algorithms are important results, they are primarily of theoretical interest because the algorithms are too complicated to be practical. As an alternative, a variety of heuristic methods have been developed that tend to work well in practice [12, 20]. These methods use hierarchies of bounding volumes and tree-descent schemes to determine intersections. Our analysis of the bounding box heuristic is related to the idea of "realistic input models," which has become a topic of recent interest in computational geometry. In a recent paper, de Berg et al. [4] have suggested classifying various models of realistic input models into four main classes: fatness, density, clutter, and cover complexity. Briefly, an object is fat if it does not have long and skinny parts; a scene has low clutter if any cube not containing a vertex of an object intersects at most a constant number of objects; a scene has low density if a ball of radius r intersects only a constant number of objects whose minimum enclosing ball has radius at least r; the cover complexity is a measure of the relative sparseness of an object's neighborhood. One of the first nontrivial results in this direction is by Matou-sek et al. [22], who showed that the union of n fat triangles has complexity O(n log log n), as opposed to arbitrary triangles; a triangle is fat if its minimum angle exceeds ffi, for a constant this result to show that the union of convex objects has complexity O(n 1+" ) provided that each object is fat and each pair of objects intersects only in a constant number of points. Additional results on fat or uncluttered objects can be found in [3, 15, 29]. 3 Analysis Overview Our proof for the upper bound on ae consists of three steps. We first consider the case of arbitrary ff but fixed oe (Section 4). Next, in Section 5, we allow both ff and oe to be arbitrary but assume that there are only two kinds of objects: one with box sizes ff and the other with box sizes ffoe (the two extreme ends of the scale factor). Finally, in Section 6, we handle the general case, where objects can have any box size in the range [ff; ffoe]. We first detail our proof for two dimensions, and then sketch how to extend it to arbitrary dimensions in Section 7. Arbitrary Aspect Ratio but Fixed Scale We start by assuming that the set S has scale factor one, that is, the aspect ratio bound ff can be arbitrary. (Any constant bound for oe will work for our proof; we assume one for convenience. The most straightforward way to enforce this scale bound is to make every object's enclosing box to be the same size.) We will show that in this case ae(S) = O(ff). We describe our proof in two dimensions; the extension to higher dimensions is quite straightforward, and is sketched in Section 7. Without loss of generality, let us assume that each object P in S has vol(c(P and vol(b(P Recall that a L1 box of volume ff in two dimensions is a square of side length p ff. We call this a size ff box. Consider a tiling of the plane by size ff boxes that covers the portion of the plane occupied by the bounding boxes of the objects, namely, Figure 2. We will consider each box semi-open, so that the boundary shared by two boxes belongs to the one on the left, or above. Thus, each point of the plane belongs to at most one box. Figure 2: Tiling of the plane by boxes of size ff. The unit size core for the object in B 1 is also shown. We assume an underlying unit lattice in the plane, and assign each object P to the lexicographically smallest lattice point contained in P . (Such a point exists because the core is closed and has volume at least one.) Let m(q) be the number of objects assigned to a lattice point q, and let M i denote the total number of objects assigned to the lattice points contained in a box B i . That is, means that the lattice point q lies in the box B i . Since the boxes in the tiling are disjoint, we have the equality We will derive the bounds on K b and K o in terms of M i . Lemma 4.1 Given a set of objects S with aspect bound ff and scale bound oe = 1, let denote a tiling by size ff boxes as defined above, and let M i denote the total number of objects assigned to lattice points in B i , for Proof. Consider an object P assigned to B i , and let P j be another object whose box intersects b(P ). Suppose P j is assigned to the box B j . Since b(P the L1 norm distance between the boxes B i and B j is at most 2 ff. This means that is among the 24 boxes that lie within 2 ff wide corridor around B i . Figure 3: A box, shown in dark at the center, and its 24 neighbors. Suppose that the boxes are labeled in the row-major order-top to bottom, left to right in each row. Assume that the number of columns in the box tiling is k. Then, the preceding discussion shows that if the boxes of objects P i and intersect and these objects are assigned to boxes B i and B j , then we must have ck where c; d 2 f\Gamma2; \Gamma1; 0; 1; 2g. (The box B j can be at most two rows and two columns away from B i . For instance, the box preceding two rows and two columns from B i is B i\Gamma2k\Gamma2 .) See Figure 3. The number of box pair intersections contributed by B i and B j is clearly no more than M i M j . Thus, the total number of such intersections is bounded by where c; d 2 f\Gamma2; \Gamma1; 0; 1; 2g. Recalling that x 1 x 2 - 1(x 2 can bound the intersection count by There are 5 possible values for c and d each, and so altogether 25 values for j for each i. Since each index can appear once as the i and once as the j, we get that the maximum number of intersections is at most This completes the proof of the lemma. 2 Next, we establish a lower bound on the number of intersecting object pairs. We will need the following elementary fact. Lemma 4.2 Consider non-negative numbers a 1 ; a a i Proof. Let m denote the index for which the ratio a i =b i is maximized. Since summing it over all i, we get am Dividing both sides by completes the proof of the lemma. 2 Let us now focus on objects assigned to a box B i in our tiling. If L i is the number of intersecting pairs among objects assigned to B i , then we have the following: where the second to last inequality follows from the fact that last inequality follows from the preceding lemma. We will establish an upper bound on the right hand side of this inequality by proving a lower bound on the denominator term. Fix a box B i in the following discussion, where 1 - i - p, and consider a lattice point q in it. Since m(q) objects have q in common, at least object pair intersections are contributed by the objects assigned to q. (Observe that each object is assigned to a unique lattice point, and so we count each intersection at most once.) Thus, the total number of pairwise intersections L i among objects assigned to B i is at least We will show that the ratio 25M 2 never exceeds cff, where c is an absolute constant. Considering M i fixed, this ratio is maximized when L i is minimized. Lemma 4.3 Let x non-negative numbers that sum to z. The minimum value of is z(z \Gamma n)=2n, which is achieved when x Proof. We observe the following equalities: x i! Thus, is minimized when iis minimized. Using Cauchy's Inequality [16], the latter is minimized when x z=n. The lemma follows. 2 Since no square box of size ff can have more than 2dffe lattice points in it, we get a lower bound on L i by setting 2dffe , for all q. Thus, Lemma 4.4 Proof. Using the bound for L 2dffe 100dffe: This completes the proof. 2 Theorem 4.5 Let S be a set of n objects in the plane, with aspect bound ff and scale 5 Objects of two Fixed Sizes In this section, we generalize the result of the previous section to the case where objects come from the two extreme ends of the scale: their box size is either ff or ffoe. To simplify our analysis, we will assume that just use the next nearest powers of 4 as upper bounds for ff; oe. In d dimensions, ff and oe are assumed to be integral powers of 2 d .) Let us call an object large if its enclosing box has size ffoe, and small otherwise. Clearly, there are only three kinds of intersections: large-large, small-small, and large- small. Let K l b and K sl b , respectively, count these intersections for the enclosing boxes. So, for example, K sl b is number of pairs consisting of one large and one small object whose boxes intersect. Similarly, define the terms K l object intersections. The ratio bound can now be restated as K l (1) K l K sl where We know from the result of the previous section that K l - cff, for some constant c. So, we only need to establish a bound on the third ratio, K sl K l , which we do as follows. Let us again tile the plane with boxes of volume ffoe. Call these boxes . Underlying this tiling are two grids: a level oe grid, which divides the boxes into cells of size oe, and a level 1 grid, which divides the boxes into cells of size 1. The level oe grid has vertices at coordinates (i oe), while the finer grid has vertices at coordinates (i; j), for integers j. The level oe grid is used to reason about large objects, while the level 1 grid is used for small objects. We will mimic the proof of the previous section, and assign objects of each class to an appropriate box. In order to do that, we need to define subboxes of size ff within each size ffoe original box. s Figure 4: The box on the left shows large grid, and the one on the right shows small grid as well as the subboxes. In this figure, Consider a large box B i . The level oe grid partitions B i into ff boxes of volume oe each. Next, we also partition B i into oe subboxes, each of volume ff. Since these subboxes are perfectly aligned with both the level 1 and level oe grids. (Along a side of B i , the oe grid has vertices at distance multiples of while the vertices of the subboxes lie at distance multiples of We label the oe subboxes within B row major order. Figure 4 illustrates these definitions, by showing two boxes side by side. Now, each member of the large object set (resp. small object set) contains at least one grid point of the large (resp. small) grid. Just as in the previous section, we assign each object to a unique grid point (say, the one with lexicographically smallest coordinates). Let X i denote the number of large objects assigned to all the grid points in B i . Let y ij , for oe, denote the number of small objects assigned to the to be the total number of small objects assigned to level one grid points in B i . We estimate an upper bound on K sl b and a lower bound on K sl in terms of X i and Y i . Fix a box B i . The enclosing box of a large object P i , assigned to B i , can intersect the box of a small object P j , assigned to B j , only if B j is one of the 25 neighbors of B i (including itself) that form the two layers of boxes around B i . (See Figure i be the box with a maximum number of small objects among the 25 neighbors of B i , and let Y m i be the count of the small objects in B m . That is, is one of 25 neighbors of B i g, and B m i is the box corresponding to Y m . Then, we have the following upper bound: K sl Next, we estimate lower bounds on the number of object pair intersections. Let the number of object pair intersections among the large objects assigned to denote the object pair intersections among the small objects assigned to B i . Since there are only ff grid points for the large objects in B i , by Lemma 4.3, we have ff Similarly, each of the subboxes points of the level 1 grid. Thus, we also have oe y ff In deriving our bound, we will use the conservative estimate of only count the intersections between two large or two small objects. We also use the notation S m i for the number of object-pair intersections among the small objects assigned to B m i . We have the following inequalities: K sl where the second inequality follows from the fact that the third follows from the fact that a particular can contribute the Y m i term to at most its 25 neighbors; and the final inequality follows from Lemma 4.2. The remaining step of the proof now is to show that the above inequality is O(ff oe). First, by summing up the terms in Eqs. (2) and (3), we observe the following: where recall that . Thus, we have where once again Cauchy's inequality is invoked to show that oe It can be easily shown that this ratio is at most 2ff p oe, as follows. If Y m then we have oe: and we have oe: This shows that K sl oe): Combining this with Ineq. (2), we get the desired result, which is stated in the following theorem. Theorem 5.1 Suppose S is a set of n objects in the plane, such that each object has aspect ratio at most ff, and the enclosing box of each object has size either ff or ffoe. oe). 6 The General Case We now are in a position to prove our main theorem. Suppose S is a set of n polyhedral objects, with aspect ratio bound ff and scale factor oe. Recall that for simplicity we assume that both ff and oe are powers of four. We partition the set S into O(log oe) classes, C log oe, such that a polyhedron P belongs to class C (Equivalently, the enclosing boxes of objects in class C i have volumes between ff2 i and ff2 i+1 .) Each class behaves like a fixed size family (the case considered in Section 4), and so we have ae(C log oe. Any pair of classes behaves like the case considered in Section 5, implying that ae(C i [ log oe. We can now formalize this argument to show that oe log 2 oe). b , for 0 - log oe, denote the number of object pairs enclosing boxes intersect such that Similarly, define K ij we have the following: log 2 oe oe log 2 oe) where the second inequality follows from the fact that i; j are each bounded by log oe, and the last inequality follows directly from Theorem 5.1. This proves our main result, which we restate in the following theorem. Theorem 6.1 Let S be a set of n objects in the plane, with aspect ratio bound ff and scale factor bound oe. Then, oe log 2 oe). 7 Extension to Higher Dimensions The 2-dimensional result might lead one to suspect that the bound in d dimensions, for d - 2, will be O(ff oe 1=d ). In fact, the asymptotic bound in d dimension turns out to be the same as in two dimensions-only the constant factors are different. A closer examination shows that the exponent on oe in Theorem 6.1 arises not from the dimension, but rather from Cauchy's inequality. Our proof of Theorem 6.1 extends easily to d dimensions, for d - 3. The structure of the proof remains exactly the same. We tile the d-dimensional space with boxes (L1 balls). The main difference arises in the number of neighboring boxes for a . While in the plane, a box has at most 5 2 neighboring boxes in the two surrounding layers, this number increases to 5 d in d dimensions. Since our arguments have been volume based, they hold in d dimensions as well. Our main theorem in d dimensions can be stated as follows. Theorem 7.1 Let S be a set of n polyhedral objects in d-space, with aspect ratio bound ff and scale factor bound oe. Then, oe log 2 oe), where the constant is about 5 d . 8 Lower Bound Constructions We first describe a construction of a family S with The construction works in any dimension d, but for ease of exposition, we describe it in two dimensions. See Figure 5 for illustration. a Figure 5: The lower bound construction showing Consider a square box B of size ff in the standard position, namely, ff] \Theta ff]. We can pack roughly ff unit boxes in B, in a regular grid pattern; the number is b ffc 2 to be exact. We convert each of these unit boxes into a polyhedral object of aspect ratio ff, by attaching two "wire" extensions at the two endpoints of its main diagonal. Specifically, consider one such unit box u, the endpoints of whose main diagonal have coordinates (a 1 ; a 2 ) and (b of u is connected to the point ( ff) with a Manhattan path, whose ith edge is parallel to the positive i-coordinate axes and has length p . Similarly, the a endpoint of u is connected to the origin with a Manhattan path, whose ith edge is parallel to the negative i-coordinate axes and has length a i . It is easy to see that each unit box, together with the two wire extensions forms a polyhedral object with aspect ratio ff. By a small perturbation, we can ensure that no two objects intersect. The bounding boxes of each object pair intersect, however, and so we have at least bounding box intersections in B. We can group our n objects into bn=ffc groups, each group corresponding to a ff-size box as above. This gives us ff c \Theta On the other hand, K We next generalize this construction to establish a lower bound of \Omega\Gamma ff oe), assuming that ffoe - n. See Figure 6. objects objects small d c large Figure The lower bound construction, showing oe). We take a square box B 0 of volume 4ffoe. We divide the lower right quadrant of subboxes of size oe. We take a copy of the construction of Figure 5, scale it up by a factor of oe, and put it in place of the lower right quadrant of B 0 . We extend the wires attached to each object to the corners c, d of B 0 . Thus, the smallest enclosing box of each object is now exactly B 0 , and aspect ratio is 4ff. These are the big objects. Next, we take the upper-left quadrant, divide it into oe subboxes of size ff each. At each ff-size subbox, we place a copy of the construction in Figure 5. These are the small objects. Altogether we want small objects. Since there are a total of ff locations for big objects, we superimpose X=ff copies of the big object at each location. Similarly, there are ffoe locations for the small objects, so superimpose Y =ffoe copies of the small object at each location. (This is where we need the condition ffoe - n, since we want so ensure that each location receives at least one object.) Let us now estimate bounds for K b and K o . The enclosing box of every big object intersects the enclosing box of every small object, we have oe On the other hand, the only object pair intersections exist between objects assigned to the same location. We therefore have Y =ffoe! ffoe Thus, oe ff oe for some constant c ? 0. (The ratio ff(1+ n is bounded by a constant, since ffoe - n.) Theorem 8.1 There exists a family S of n polyhedral objects with aspect ratio bound ff and scale factor oe such that oe), assuming ffoe - n. 9 Applications and Concluding Remarks Theorems 6.1 and 7.1 have two interesting consequences. The first is a theoretical validation of the bounding box heuristic mentioned in Section 1. In practice, the object families tend to have bounded aspect ratio and scale factor. Thus, the number of extraneous box intersections is at most a constant factor of the number of actual object-pair intersections. This result needs no assumption about the convexity of the objects. If the aspect ratio and scale factor grow with n, our theorem indicates their impact on the efficiency of the heuristic. The degradation of the heuristic is smooth, and not abrupt. Furthermore, the result suggests that the dependence on aspect ratio and scale factor is not symmetric-the complexity grows linearly with ff, but only as a square root of oe. It is common in practice to decompose complex objects into simpler parts. Our work suggests that for collision detection purposes, reducing aspect ratio may have higher payoff that reducing scale factor. It would be interesting to verify empirically how this strategy performs in practice. The second consequence of our theorems is an output sensitive algorithm for reporting intersections among polyhedra; the bound is the strongest for convex polyhedra in dimensions 3. We are aware of only one non-trivial result for this problem, which holds in two dimensions. Gupta et al. [14] give an O(n 4=3 +K algorithm for reporting K o pairs of intersecting convex polygons in the plane. The problem is wide open in three and higher dimensions. Our theorem leads to a significantly better result in two and three dimensions for small aspect and scale bounds, and nearly optimal result for convex polyhedra. Given n polyhedra in two or three dimensions, we can report all pairs whose bounding boxes intersect in time O(n log is the number of intersecting bounding box pairs. If the polyhedra are convex, then the narrow phase intersection test can be performed in O(log d\Gamma1 m) time [6], assuming that all polyhedra have been preprocessed in linear time; m is the maximum number of vertices in a polyhe- dron. If the convex polyhedra have aspect ratio at most ff and scale factor at most oe, then by Theorem 7.1, the total running time of the algorithm is O(n log ff 3. If ff and oe are constants, then the running time is O(n log m), which is nearly optimal. Finally, an obvious open problem suggested by our work is to close the gap between the upper and lower bounds on ae(S). We believe the correct bound is \Theta(ff oe). Our analysis is quite loose and the actual constants of proportionality are likely to be much smaller than our estimates. It would be interesting to establish better constants both theoretically and empirically. Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank Peter Shirley for his valuable comments on earlier versions of the proof. --R An optimal algorithm for intersecting three-dimensional convex polyhedra I-COLLIDE: An interactive and exact collision detection system for large-scale environments Linear size binary space partitions for fat objects. Realistic input models for geometric algorithms. Computing the intersection-depth of polyhedra Determining the separation of preprocessed polyhedra-a unified approach A complete and efficient algorithm for the intersection of a general and a convex polyhedron. A new approach to rectangle intersections (Parts I and II). On the complexity of the union of fat objects in the plane. Solving the Collision Detection Problem. OBBTree: A hierarchical structure for rapid interference detection. Detecting Intersection of a Rectangular Solid and a Convex Polyhe- dron Efficient algorithms for counting and reporting pairwise intersection between convex polygons. Cambridge University Press Collision detection for fly- throughs in virtual environments Morgan Kaufmann Collision detection for interactive graphics applications. Robot Motion Planning. Fat triangles determine linearly many holes. An Image-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Computer Graph- ics Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multi-dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry Collision Detection and Response for Computer Animation. Computational Geometry: An Introduction. Efficient collision detection for moving polyhedra. A Simple and Efficient Method for Accurate Collision Detection among Deformable Objects in Arbitrary Motion. Efficient algorithms for exact motion planning amidst fat obstacles. --TR Data structures and algorithms 3: multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry Geometric and solid modeling: an introduction Determining the separation of preprocessed polyhedra: a unified approach An optimal algorithm for intersecting three-dimensional convex polyhedra Fat Triangles Determine Linearly Many Holes Solving the Collision Detection Problem Spheres, molecules, and hidden surface removal Detecting intersection of a rectangular solid and a convex polyhedron Computer graphics (2nd ed. in C) Efficient collision detection for moving polyhedra OBBTree Collision detection for fly-throughs in virtual environments On the complexity of the union of fat objects in the plane Realistic input models for geometric algorithms An image-based approach to three-dimensional computer graphics Analysis of a bounding box heuristic for object intersection Robot Motion Planning Collision Detection for Interactive Graphics Applications Efficient Collision Detection Using Bounding Volume Hierarchies of k-DOPs Linear Size Binary Space Partitions for Fat Objects --CTR Yunhong Zhou , Subhash Suri, Algorithms for minimum volume enclosing simplex in R Pankaj K. Agarwal , Mark de Berg , Sariel Har-Peled , Mark H. Overmars , Micha Sharir , Jan Vahrenhold, Reporting intersecting pairs of convex polytopes in two and three dimensions, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, v.23 n.2, p.195-207, September 2002 Orion Sky Lawlor , Laxmikant V. Kale, A voxel-based parallel collision detection algorithm, Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Supercomputing, June 22-26, 2002, New York, New York, USA
collison detection;bounding boxes;aspect ratio
Content-based book recommending using learning for text categorization.
Recommender systems improve access to relevant products and information by making personalized suggestions based on previous examples of a user's likes and dislikes. Most existing recommender systems use collaborative filtering methods that base recommendations on other users' preferences. By contrast,content-based methods use information about an item itself to make suggestions.This approach has the advantage of being able to recommend previously unrated items to users with unique interests and to provide explanations for its recommendations. We describe a content-based book recommending system that utilizes information extraction and a machine-learning algorithm for text categorization. Initial experimental results demonstrate that this approach can produce accurate recommendations.
INTRODUCTION There is a growing interest in recommender systems that suggest music, films, books, and other products and services to users based on examples of their likes and dislikes [19, 26, 11]. A number of successful startup companies like Fire- fly, Net Perceptions, and LikeMinds have formed to provide recommending technology. On-line book stores like Amazon and BarnesAndNoble have popular recommendation ser- vices, and many libraries have a long history of providing reader's advisory services [2, 21]. Such services are important since readers' preferences are often complex and not readily reduced to keywords or standard subject categories, but rather best illustrated by example. Digital libraries should be able to build on this tradition of assisting readers by providing cost-effective, informed, and personalized automated recommendations for their patrons. Existing recommender systems almost exclusively utilize a form of computerized matchmaking called collaborative or social filtering. The system maintains a database of the preferences of individual users, finds other users whose known preferences correlate significantly with a given patron, and recommends to a person other items enjoyed by their matched patrons. This approach assumes that a given user's tastes are generally the same as another user of the system and that a sufficient number of user ratings are available. Items that have not been rated by a sufficient number of users cannot be effectively recommended. Unfortunately, statistics on library use indicate that most books are utilized by very few patrons [12]. Therefore, collaborative approaches naturally tend to recommend popular titles, perpetuating homogeneity in reading choices. Also, since significant information about other users is required to make recommendations, this approach raises concerns about privacy and access to proprietary customer data. Learning individualized profiles from descriptions of examples (content-based recommending [3]), on the other hand, allows a system to uniquely characterize each patron without having to match their interests to someone else's. Items are recommended based on information about the item itself rather than on the preferences of other users. This also allows for the possibility of providing explanations that list content features that caused an item to be recommended; potentially giving readers confidence in the system's recommendations and insight into their own preferences. Finally, a content-based approach can allow users to provide initial subject information to aid the system. Machine learning for text-categorization has been applied to content-based recommending of web pages [25] and newsgroup messages [15]; however, to our knowledge has not previously been applied to book recommending. We have been exploring content-based book recommending by applying automated text-categorization methods to semi-structured text extracted from the web. Our current prototype system, LIBRA (Learning Intelligent Book Recommending Agent), uses a database of book information extracted from web pages at Users provide 1-10 ratings for a selected set of training books; the system then learns a profile of the user using a Bayesian learning algorithm and produces a ranked list of the most recommended additional titles from the sys- tem's catalog. As evidence for the promise of this approach, we present initial experimental results on several data sets of books randomly selected from particular genres such as mystery, sci- ence, literary fiction, and science fiction and rated by different users. We use standard experimental methodology from machine learning and present results for several evaluation metrics on independent test data including rank correlation coefficient and average rating of top-ranked books. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the system including the algorithm used to learn user profiles. Section 3 presents results of our initial experimental evaluation of the system. Section 4 discusses topics for further research, and section 5 presents our conclusions on the advantages and promise of content-based book recommending. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Extracting Information and Building a Database First, an Amazon subject search is performed to obtain a list of book-description URL's of broadly relevant titles. LIBRA then downloads each of these pages and uses a simple pattern-based information-extraction system to extract data about each title. Information extraction (IE) is the task of locating specific pieces of information from a document, thereby obtaining useful structured data from unstructured text [16, 9]. Specifically, it involves finding a set of substrings from the document, called fillers, for each of a set of specified slots. When applied to web pages instead of natural language text, such an extractor is sometimes called a wrapper [14]. The current slots utilized by the recommender are: title, au- thors, synopses, published reviews, customer comments, related authors, related titles, and subject terms. Amazon produces the information about related authors and titles using collaborative methods; however, LIBRA simply treats them as additional content about the book. Only books that have at least one synopsis, review or customer comment are retained as having adequate content information. A number of other slots are also extracted (e.g. publisher, date, ISBN, price, etc.) but are currently not used by the recommender. We have initially assembled databases for literary fiction (3,061 titles), science fiction (3,813 titles), mystery (7,285 titles), and science (6,177 titles). Since the layout of Amazon's automatically generated pages is quite regular, a fairly simple extraction system is suffi- cient. LIBRA's extractor employs a simple pattern matcher that uses pre-filler, filler, and post-filler patterns for each slot, as described by [6]. In other applications, more sophisticated information extraction methods and inductive learning of extraction rules might be useful [7]. The text in each slot is then processed into an unordered bag of words (tokens) and the examples represented as a vector of bags of words (one bag for each slot). A book's title and authors are also added to its own related-title and related- author slots, since a book is obviously "related" to itself, and this allows overlap in these slots with books listed as related to it. Some minor additions include the removal of a small list of stop-words, the preprocessing of author names into unique tokens of the form first-initial last-name and the grouping of the words associated with synopses, published reviews, and customer comments all into one bag (called "words"). Learning a Profile Next, the user selects and rates a set of training books. By searching for particular authors or titles, the user can avoid scanning the entire database or picking selections at random. The user is asked to provide a discrete 1-10 rating for each selected title. The inductive learner currently employed by LIBRA is a bag- of-words naive Bayesian text classifier [22] extended to handle a vector of bags rather than a single bag. Recent experimental results [10, 20] indicate that this relatively simple approach to text categorization performs as well or better than many competing methods. LIBRA does not attempt to predict the exact numerical rating of a title, but rather just a total ordering (ranking) of titles in order of preference. This task is then recast as a probabilistic binary categorization problem of predicting the probability that a book would be rated as positive rather than negative, where a user rating of 1-5 is interpreted as negative and 6-10 as positive. As described below, the exact numerical ratings of the training examples are used to weight the training examples when estimating the parameters of the model. Specifically, we employ a multinomial text model [20], in which a document is modeled as an ordered sequence of word events drawn from the same vocabulary, V . The "naive Bayes" assumption states that the probability of each word event is dependent on the document class but independent of the word's context and position. For each class, c j , and word or token, w must be estimated from the training data. Then the posterior probability of each class given a document, D, is computed using Bayes rule: Y where a i is the ith word in the document, and jDj is the length of the document in words. Since for any given docu- ment, the prior P (D) is a constant, this factor can be ignored if all that is desired is a ranking rather than a probability es- timate. A ranking is produced by sorting documents by their odds ratio, P represents the positive class and c 0 represents the negative class. An example is classified as positive if the odds are greater than 1, and negative otherwise. In our case, since books are represented as a vector of "doc- uments," dm , one for each slot (where s m denotes the mth slot), the probability of each word given the category and the slot, must be estimated and the posterior category probabilities for a book, B, computed using: Y Y where S is the number of slots and ami is the ith word in the mth slot. Parameters are estimated from the training examples as fol- lows. Each of the N training books, B e (1 - e - N ) is given two real weights, 0 - ff ej - 1, based on scaling it's user rat- positive weight, ff a negative weight ff . If a word appears n times in an example B e , it is counted as occurring ff e1 n times in a positive example and ff e0 n times in a negative example. The model parameters are therefore estimated as follows: ff ej =N (3) where n kem is the count of the number of times word w k appears in example B e in slot s m , and denotes the total weighted length of the documents in category c j and slot s m . These parameters are "smoothed" using Laplace estimates to avoid zero probability estimates for words that do not appear in the limited training sample by redistributing some of the probability mass to these items using the method recommended in [13]. Finally, calculation with logarithms of probabilities is used to avoid underflow. The computational complexity of the resulting training (test- ing) algorithm is linear in the size of the training (testing) data. Empirically, the system is quite efficient. In the experiments on the LIT1 data described below, the current Lisp implementation running on a Sun Ultra 1 trained on 20 examples in an average of 0.4 seconds and on 840 examples in Slot Word Strength WORDS ZUBRIN 9.85 WORDS SMOLIN 9.39 WORDS TREFIL 8.77 WORDS DOT 8.67 WORDS ALH 7.97 WORDS MANNED 7.97 RELATED-TITLES SETTLE 7.91 RELATED-TITLES CASE 7.91 RELATED-AUTHORS A RADFORD 7.63 WORDS LEE 7.57 WORDS MORAVEC 7.57 WORDS WAGNER 7.57 RELATED-TITLES CONNECTIONIST 7.51 RELATED-TITLES BELOW 7.51 Table 1: Sample Positive Profile Features an average of 11.5 seconds, and probabilistically categorized new test examples at an average rate of about 200 books per second. An optimized implementation could no doubt significantly improve performance even further. A profile can be partially illustrated by listing the features most indicative of a positive or negative rating. Table 1 presents the top 20 features for a sample profile learned for recommending science books. Strength measures how much more likely a word in a slot is to appear in a positively rated book than a negatively rated one, computed as: Producing, Explaining, and Revising Recommendations Once a profile is learned, it is used to predict the preferred ranking of the remaining books based on posterior probability of a positive categorization, and the top-scoring recommendations are presented to the user. The system also has a limited ability to "explain" its recommendations by listing the features that most contributed to its high rank. For example, given the profile illustrated above, LIBRA presented the explanation shown in Table 2. The strength of a cue in this case is multiplied by the number of times it appears in the description in order to fully indicate its influence on the ranking. The positiveness of a feature can in turn be explained by listing the user's training examples that most influenced its strength, as illustrated in Table 3 where "Count" gives the number of times the feature appeared in the description of the rated book. After reviewing the recommendations (and perhaps disrec- ommendations), the user may assign their own rating to examples they believe to be incorrectly ranked and retrain the The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes- And Its Implications by David Deutsch recommended because: Slot Word Strength WORDS MULTIVERSE 75.12 WORDS UNIVERSES 25.08 WORDS REALITY 22.96 WORDS UNIVERSE 15.55 WORDS QUANTUM 14.54 WORDS INTELLECT 13.86 WORDS OKAY 13.75 WORDS RESERVATIONS 11.56 WORDS DENIES 11.56 WORDS EVOLUTION 11.02 WORDS WORLDS 10.10 WORDS SMOLIN 9.39 WORDS ONE 8.50 WORDS IDEAS 8.35 WORDS THEORY 8.28 WORDS IDEA 6.96 WORDS IMPLY 6.47 WORDS GENIUSES 6.47 Table 2: Sample Recommendation Explanation The word UNIVERSES is positive due to your ratings: Title Rating Count The Life of the Before the Beginning : Our Universe and Others 8 7 Unveiling the Edge of Time Black Holes : A Traveler's Guide 9 3 The Inflationary Universe 9 2 Table 3: Sample Feature Explanation system to produce improved recommendations. As with relevance feedback in information retrieval [27], this cycle can be repeated several times in order to produce the best results. Also, as new examples are provided, the system can track any change in a user's preferences and alter its recommendations based on the additional information. Methodology Data Collection Several data sets were assembled to evaluate LIBRA. The first two were based on the first 3,061 adequate-information titles (books with at least one abstract, review, or customer comment) returned for the subject search "literature fiction." Two separate sets were randomly selected from this dataset, one with 936 books and one with 935, and rated by two different users. These sets will be called and LIT2, respectively. The remaining sets were based on all of the adequate-information Amazon titles for "mystery" (7,285 titles), "science" (6,177 titles), and "science fiction" (3,813 titles). From each of these sets, 500 titles were chosen at random and rated by a user (the same user rated both the science and science fiction books). These sets will be called Data Number Exs Avg. Rating % Positive (r ? 5) MYST 500 7.00 74.4 SCI 500 4.15 31.2 Table 4: Data Information Rating Table 5: Data Rating Distributions MYST, SCI, and SF, respectively. In order to present a quantitative picture of performance on a realistic sample; books to be rated where selected at ran- dom. However, this means that many books may not have been familiar to the user, in which case, the user was asked to supply a rating based on reviewing the Amazon page describing the book. Table 4 presents some statistics about the data and Table 5 presents the number of books in each rating category. Note that overall the data sets have quite different ratings distributions. Performance Evaluation To test the system, we performed 10-fold cross-validation, in which each data set is randomly segments and results are averaged trials, each time leaving a separate segment out for independent testing, and training the system on the remaining data [22]. In order to observe performance given varying amounts of training data, learning curves were generated by testing the system after training on increasing subsets of the overall training data. A number of metrics were used to measure performance on the novel test data, including: ffl Classification accuracy (Acc): The percentage of examples correctly classified as positive or negative. ffl Recall (Rec): The percentage of positive examples classified as positive. ffl Precision (Pr): The percentage of examples classified as positive which are positive. ffl Precision at Top 3 (Pr3): The percentage of the 3 top ranked examples which are positive. ffl Precision at Top 10 (Pr10): The percentage of the 10 top ranked examples which are positive. ffl F-Measure weighted average of precision and recall frequently used in information retrieval: Data N Acc Rec Pr Pr3 Pr10 F Rt3 Rt10 r s MYST 100 86.6 95.2 87.2 93.3 94.0 90.9 8.70 8.69 0.55 MYST 450 85.8 93.2 88.1 96.7 98.0 90.5 8.90 8.97 0.61 SCI 100 81.8 74.4 72.2 93.3 83.0 72.3 8.50 7.29 0.65 SCI 450 85.2 79.1 76.8 93.3 89.0 77.2 8.57 7.71 0.71 SF 100 76.4 65.7 46.2 80.0 56.0 52.4 7.00 5.75 0.40 Table Summary of Results ffl Rating of Top 3 (Rt3): The average user rating assigned to the 3 top ranked examples. ffl Rating of Top 10 (Rt10): The average user rating assigned to the 10 top ranked examples. ffl Rank Correlation (r s correlation coefficient between the system's ranking and that imposed by the users ratings ties are handled using the method recommended by [1]. The top 3 and top 10 metrics are given since many users will be primarily interested in getting a few top-ranked recom- mendations. Rank correlation gives a good overall picture of how the system's continuous ranking of books agrees with the user's, without requiring that the system actually predict the numerical rating score assigned by the user. A correlation coefficient of 0.3 to 0.6 is generally considered "moderate" and above 0.6 is considered "strong." Basic Results The results are summarized in Table 6, where N represents the number of training examples utilized and results are shown for a number of representative points along the learning curve. Overall, the results are quite encouraging even when the system is given relatively small training sets. The SF data set is clearly the most difficult since there are very few highly-rated books. The "top n" metrics are perhaps the most relevant to many users. Consider precision at top 3, which is fairly consistently in the 90% range after only 20 training examples (the exceptions are LIT1 until 70 examples 1 and SF until 450 examples). Therefore, LIBRA's top recommendations are highly likely to be viewed positively by the user. Note that the "% Positive" column in Table 4 gives the probability that a randomly chosen example from a given data set will be positively rated. Therefore, for every data set, the top 3 and recommendations are always substantially more likely than random to be rated positively, even after only 5 training examples. 1 References to performance at 70 and 300 examples are based on learning curve data not included in the summary in Table 6. Correlation Coefficient Training Examples LIBRA LIBRA-NR Figure 1: Considering the average rating of the top 3 recommenda- tions, it is fairly consistently above an 8 after only 20 training examples (the exceptions again are LIT1 until 100 examples and SF). For every data set, the top 3 and top 10 recommendations are always rated substantially higher than a randomly selected example (cf. the average rating from Table 4). Looking at the rank correlation, except for SF, there is at least a moderate correlation (r s - 0:3) after only 10 exam- ples, and SF exhibits a moderate correlation after 40 exam- ples. This becomes a strong correlation (r s - 0:6) for LIT1 after only 20 examples, for LIT2 after 40 examples, for SCI after 70 examples, for MYST after 300 examples, and for SF after 450 examples. Results on the Role of Collaborative Content Since collaborative and content-based approaches to recommending have somewhat complementary strengths and weak- nesses, an interesting question that has already attracted some initial attention [3, 4] is whether they can be combined to produce even better results. Since LIBRA exploits content about related authors and titles that Amazon produces using collaborative methods, an interesting question is whether this collaborative content actually helps its performance. To examine this issue, we conducted an "ablation" study in which the slots for related authors and related titles were removed from LIBRA's representation of book content. The resulting system, called LIBRA-NR, was compared to the original one using the same 10-fold training and test sets. The statistical significance of any differences in performance between the two systems was evaluated using a 1-tailed paired t-test requiring a significance level of p ! 0:05. Overall, the results indicate that the use of collaborative content has a significant positive effect. Figures 1, 2, and 3, show sample learning curves for different important metrics for a few data sets. For the LIT1 rank-correlation results shown in Figure 1, there is a consistent, statistically- significant difference in performance from 20 examples on-20406080100 Precision TopTraining Examples LIBRA LIBRA-NR Figure 2: MYST Precision at Top 1013570 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Rating TopTraining Examples LIBRA LIBRA-NR Figure 3: SF Average Rating of Top 3 ward. For the MYST results on precision at top 10 shown in Figure 2, there is a consistent, statistically-significant difference in performance from 40 examples onward. For the SF results on average rating of the top 3, there is a statistically- significant difference at 10, 100, 150, 200, and 450 examples. The results shown are some of the most consistent differences for each of these metrics; however, all of the datasets demonstrate some significant advantage of using collaborative content according to one or more metrics. Therefore, information obtained from collaborative methods can be used to improve content-based recommending, even when the actual user data underlying the collaborative method is unavailable due to privacy or proprietary concerns. We are currently developing a web-based interface so that LIBRA can be experimentally evaluated in practical use with a larger body of users. We plan to conduct a study in which each user selects their own training examples, obtains recom- mendations, and provides final informed ratings after reading one or more selected books. Another planned experiment is comparing LIBRA's content-based approach to a standard collaborative method. Given the constrained interfaces provided by existing on-line rec- ommenders, and the inaccessibility of the underlying proprietary user data, conducting a controlled experiment using the exact same training examples and book databases is difficult. However, users could be allowed to use both systems and evaluate and compare their final recommendations. 2 Since many users are reluctant to rate large number of training examples, various machine-learning techniques for maximizing the utility of small training sets should be utilized. One approach is to use unsupervised learning over unrated book descriptions to improve supervised learning from a smaller number of rated examples. A successful method for doing this in text categorization is presented in [23]. Another approach is active learning, in which examples are acquired incrementally and the system attempts to use what it has already learned to limit training by selecting only the most informative new examples for the user to rate [8]. Specific techniques for applying this to text categorization have been developed and shown to significantly reduce the quantity of labeled examples required [17, 18]. A slightly different approach is to advise users on easy and productive strategies for selecting good training examples themselves. We have found that one effective approach is to first provide a small number of highly rated examples (which are presumably easy for users to generate), running the system to generate initial recommendations, reviewing the top recommendations for obviously bad items, providing low ratings for these examples, and retraining the system to obtain new recommendations. We intend to conduct experiments on the existing data sets evaluating such strategies for selecting training examples. Studying additional ways of combining content-based and collaborative recommending is particularly important. The use of collaborative content in LIBRA was found to be use- ful, and if significant data bases of both user ratings and item content are available, both of these sources of information could contribute to better recommendations [3, 4]. One additional approach is to automatically add the related books of each rated book as additional training examples with the same (or similar) rating, thereby using collaborative information to expand the training examples available for content-based recommending. A list of additional topics for investigation include the following ffl Allowing a user to initially provide keywords that are of known interest (or disinterest), and incorporating this information into learned profiles by biasing the parameter esti- 2 Amazon has already made significantly more income from the first author based on recommendations provided by LIBRA than those provided by its own recommender system; however, this is hardly a rigorous, unbiased comparison. mates for these words [24]. ffl Comparing different text-categorization algorithms: In addition to more sophisticated Bayesian methods, neural-network and case-based methods could be explored. Combining content extracted from multiple sources: For example, combining information about a title from Amazon, BarnesAndNoble, on-line library catalogs, etc. ffl Using full-text as content: A digital library should be able to efficiently utilize the complete on-line text, as well as abstracted summaries and reviews, to recommend items. CONCLUSIONS The ability to recommend books and other information sources to users based on their general interests rather than specific enquiries will be an important service of digital libraries. Unlike collaborative filtering, content-based recommending holds the promise of being able to effectively recommend unrated items and to provide quality recommendations to users with unique, individual tastes. LIBRA is an initial content-based book recommender which uses a simple Bayesian learning algorithm and information about books extracted from the web to recommend titles based on training examples supplied by an individual user. Initial experiments indicate that this approach can efficiently provide accurate recommendations in the absence of any information about other users. In many ways, collaborative and content-based approaches provide complementary capabilities. Collaborative methods are best at recommending reasonably well-known items to users in a communities of similar tastes when sufficient user data is available but effective content information is not. Content-based methods are best at recommending unpopular items to users with unique tastes when sufficient other user data is unavailable but effective content information is easy to ob- tain. Consequently, as discussed above, methods for integrating these approaches will perhaps provide the best of both worlds. Finally, we believe that methods and ideas developed in machine learning research [22] are particularly useful for content-based recommending, filtering, and categorization, as well as for integrating with collaborative approaches [5, 4]. Given the future potential importance of such services to digital li- braries, we look forward to an increasing application of machine learning techniques to these challenging problems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Paul Bennett for contributing ideas, software, and data, and to Tina Bennett for contributing data. This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation through grant IRI-9704943. --R The New Statistical Analysis of Data. Laying a firm foundation: Administrative support for readers' advisory services. Recommendation as classification: Using social and content-based information in recommendation Learning collaborative information filters. Relational learning of pattern-match rules for information extraction Empirical methods in information extrac- tion Improving generalization with active learning. A probabilistic analysis of the Rocchio algorithm with TFIDF for text categorization. Papers from the AAAI Improving simple Bayes. Wrapper induction for information extraction. Learning to filter netnews. A performance evaluation of text-analysis technologies Heterogeneous uncertainty sampling for supervised learning. Active learning with committees for text categorization. Agents that reduce work and information overload. A comparison of event models for naive Bayes text classification. Developing Readers' Advisory Services: Concepts and Committ- ments Machine Learning. Learning to classify text from labeled and unlabeled documents. The identification of interesting web sites. 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recommender systems;text categorization;information filtering;machine learning
Hybrid Fault Simulation for Synchronous Sequential Circuits.
We present a fault simulator for synchronous sequential circuits that combines the efficiency of three-valued logic simulation with the exactness of a symbolic approach. The simulator is hybrid in the sense that three different modes of operationthree-valued, symbolic and mixedare supported. We demonstrate how an automatic switching between the modes depending on the computational resources and the properties of the circuit under test can be realized, thus trading off time/space for accuracy of the computation. Furthermore, besides the usual Single Observation Time Test for the evaluation of the fault coverage, the simulator supports evaluation according to the more general Multiple Observation Time Test Strategy (MOT). Numerous experiments are given to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of our approach. In particular, it is shown that, at the expense of a reasonable time penalty, the exactness of the fault coverage computation can be improved even for the largest benchmark functions.
Introduction Simulation is a basic technique applied in many areas of electronic design. As is well known, the task of simulation at gate level is to determine values (in a given logic) for every lead of the circuit with respect to a set of primary input assignments. Also in the testing area numerous tools use simulation as a fundamental underlying algorithm: E.g. the quality of classical Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) tools [2] significantly relies on efficient fault simulation, a specific type of simulation, where the current test patterns are simulated to determine all faults of a fault model that are also detected by the computed patterns. More recently, a new type of ATPG tool, the so-called Genetic Algorithm-based tool [30, 14] has emerged. Here, fault simulation as the core algorithm plays an even more important role. Apart from this, test set compaction, switching activity computation, signal probability computation, and fault diagnosis provide further examples of the application of simulation/fault simulation in testing. Here, we are mainly interested in fault simulation for synchronous sequential circuits. Several gate level based fault simulation algorithms are known, e.g. [12, 21, 24, 3]. In general, these simulators focus on performance, and accuracy is not a main concern. On the other hand, if there is no information about the initial state of the circuit available, the algorithm has to deal with this unknown initial state. Very often a three-valued logic (0,1 and X for modeling an unknown value) is used. It is well known, that in general only a lower bound for the fault coverage is determined. Even for some of the usual benchmarks [4] the gap between this lower bound and the real fault coverage is large. The reason for this gap is the inherent inaccuracy of the three-valued logic. For instance, there are circuits whose synchronizing sequence cannot be verified using three-valued logic [23]. synchronizing sequence is an input sequence which drives the circuit into a unique state starting in any initial state.) A lot of work has been done to overcome these problems. On the one hand, if possible, changes made already during the design phase may help: The problem of synchronization can be bypassed by implementing a full-reset or a full scan environment and additionally making the assumption that the added circuitry is fault-free. However, besides this assumption there are some further disadvantages with such approaches, e.g. the long and sometimes inadequate test evaluation for full scan circuits, due to the scan-in and scan-out overhead. Also, the area and delay penalty for full scan circuits might be high and unacceptable. Circuits with partial reset have been shown to be a good alternative. For example, in [22, 28] partial reset has been used to improve fault coverage and test length for a given circuit. Thus, assuming a (partially) non- resetable circuit has its advantages. Furthermore, a sophisticated state assignment procedure [8] may avoid initializability problems. Nevertheless, the above methods can only be applied during synthesis and not if an already designed circuit is considered. In that case, the fault simulation algorithm itself has to handle the unknown initial state. One possibility, apart from the standard way of using three-valued logic, is complete simulation, where the unknown values are successively simulated for all possible combinations of 0 and 1 [7, 27]. In general, this approach is only reasonable for circuits with a small number of memory elements. A more promising approach is based on symbolic traversal techniques, well known in the area of verification. Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) [5] may be used for an representation of the state space and its traversal, i.e. they offer the potential of calculating the exact values for all signals in the circuit. The computation of minimum (or almost minimum) reset sequences [16, 31] and test generation with symbolic methods [6, 9, 10] denote successful applications of this concept. Nevertheless, the advantage of exact computation is paid for by the complexity of handling the OBDDs. Indeed, in practical applications it happens quite frequently that circuits leading to large BDDs have to be treated. Thus, purely symbolic methods are either only applicable to smaller circuits or they have to be combined, e.g., in the case of test generation, with classical path-oriented methods to allow the handling of large circuits. Concerning fault simulation, test generation using symbolic methods should be accompanied by a fault simulation tool exploiting the potential of the symbolically generated test sequences. Of course, for the reasons already mentioned before, fully exact symbolic fault simulation in general cannot be performed for large circuits. Contrary to verification and ordinary test generation OBDDs for sets of faults have to be constructed and kept in memory. One possibility to handle this problem is to implement a combination with incomplete, but more efficient strategies. The hybrid fault simulator H-FS presented in this article follows this approach. Hybrid in our context means that the algorithm supports different simulation modes, one of them being the symbolic mode. The simulator assumes a gate level description of the circuit and supports the stuck-at fault model. It allows a dynamic, fully automatic switching between the modes and thereby guarantees correctness of the transformation steps between the modes. More precisely, H-FS uses three kinds of fault simulation procedures: ffl a fault simulation procedure X-FS based upon three-valued logic, ffl a symbolic fault simulation procedure B-FS based upon OBDDs, and ffl a fault simulation procedure BX-FS which is hybrid itself in the sense that a symbolic true- value simulation and an explicit fault simulation procedure based upon the three-valued logic are combined. These procedures differ in their time and space requirements and the accuracy of their fault simulation. H-FS tries to combine the advantages of these procedures by choosing a convenient logic before starting the simulation for the next test vector. For instance, if the space requirements of B-FS is becoming too large, the hybrid fault simulator will select BX-FS or if necessary X-FS. After the application of a few patterns, that possibly initialize a large number of memory elements and thereby reduce the space requirements of B-FS, the algorithm will try to continue with B-FS. For that reason, the hybrid fault simulation strategy works also for the largest benchmark circuits [4]. Experiments show that H-FS is able to determine the exact fault coverage for many benchmarks or at least a tighter lower bound than previously known. Until now, we have considered fault simulation based on the Single Observation Time Test Strategy (SOT) which is inaccurate in itself. To overcome the limitation of SOT a more general definition of detectability has to be considered. This led to the Multiple Observation Time Test Strategy (MOT) which is used e.g. in [26] to increase the efficiency of test generation. Pomeranz and Reddy realized the necessity to support MOT-based test generation by a MOT-based fault simulation and proposed three-valued fault simulation based on MOT in [27, 29]. For "complete" MOT it is necessary to compare the sets of fault-free responses with the set of responses obtained in the presence of faults (for all possible states of the circuit). This is especially time consuming if long test sequences and a large number of memory elements exist. To overcome these problems a restricted version of MOT (rMOT) has been proposed which nevertheless is more accurate than SOT [26]. In addition to SOT, H-FS supports rMOT and MOT as well. It turns out that rMOT and MOT can be included in the symbolic parts of H-FS without too much effort. The use of OBDDs makes it possible to handle a large number of output sequences. Experiments demonstrate that we succeed in computing the exact MOT fault coverage for many of the considered benchmark circuits. In case the space requirements of the OBDD-based approach exceed a given limit, which is determined by the working environment, the hybrid fault simulator may e.g. change to the SOT strategy based on the three-valued logic for some simulation steps and then again return to the symbolic evaluation and the MOT strategy. This guarantees that the MOT strategy can be applied even to large circuits. In contrast to the general MOT strategy, the rMOT strategy allows a test evaluation by comparing the output sequence of the circuit under test with the unique output sequence of the fault-free circuit. We show experimentally that the accuracy of fault simulation based on rMOT is almost identical with that based on MOT for many circuits. With regard to performance it can be observed that for some circuits a symbolic rMOT fault simulation works even more efficiently than a symbolic SOT fault simulation. Thus, the results generated according to rMOT have all attributes important for a fault simulation algorithm: reasonably fast simulation time, high fault coverage, and normal test evaluation. The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents some definitions and important properties of synchronous sequential circuits. In Section 3, the different fault simulation components and their properties are described. The resulting hybrid fault simulator H-FS based on SOT and the symbolic extensions for MOT are explained in Section 4. Section 5 gives some experi- ments, which demonstrate the efficiency of the presented hybrid fault simulator. We finish with a summary of the results in Section 6. Preliminaries In this section we repeat some basic definitions and notation necessary for the understanding of the paper. SOT, MOT and rMOT are introduced. Finally, the complexity of fault simulation for sequential circuits is briefly analyzed from a theoretical point of view. 2.1 Basic Definitions and Notation As is well known, the input/output - behavior of a synchronous sequential circuit can be described by a Finite State Machine (FSM) [18]; an illustration is given in Figure 1. More formally, a finite state machine M is defined as a 5-tuple is the input set, O the output set, and S the state set. ffi : S \Theta I ! S is the next state function, O is the output function. combi- national logic INPUT OUTPUT Figure 1: Model of a finite state machine Since we consider a gate level realization of a FSM, we have the number of primary inputs (PIs), l the number of primary outputs (POs), and m the number of memory elements. ffi and - are computed by a combinational circuit. The inputs of the combinational circuit which are connected to the outputs of the memory elements are called secondary inputs (SIs) or present-state variables. Analogously, the outputs of the combinational circuit connected to the inputs of the memory elements are called secondary outputs (SOs) or next-state variables. For the description of our algorithms we use the following denotes an input sequence of length n with denotes the value that is assigned to the i-th PI before starting simulation at time step t. (s(p; 0); denotes the state sequence defined by Z, the initial state and the next state function ffi, i.e. is the output sequence defined by the initial state p, input sequence Z and output function -, i.e. o(p; n. The notion l is used to denote the value at the i-th PO after simulation in time step t. As usual, the behavior of a circuit affected by a stuck-at fault f is described by a faulty FSM , the states s f (p; t) and the outputs are defined analogously to the fault-free case. Notice that for the case of an unknown initial state, we have to assume that the initial state of the fault-free machine and the faulty machine as well may be any element in B m . 2.2 Fault Detection in Sequential Circuits Detectability of faults in synchronous sequential circuits in general depends on the (possibly) unknown initial state [1, 15, 26]. Here, we consider the Single Observation Time Test (SOT) [1], the Multiple Observation Time Test Strategy (MOT), and a restricted version of MOT [26] together with the single stuck-at fault model. Definition 2.1 A fault f is SOT-detectable by an input sequence 1g such that 8 states According to the above definition a fault is SOT-detectable if there is a unique point in time such that independent of the initial states of both machines the Boolean output values on a particular PO are to each other's inverse. Figure 2: Example of SOT (MOT) fault detection. It turns out that there are some intuitively detectable stuck-at faults which are not detectable according to this definition. For illustration consider Figure 2 [27]. The figure shows two fault simulation steps for the test sequence There are four possible initial state pairs: 1)g. These four pairs can be separated into two cases: there is a difference at the PO in time frame one, but there is no difference at the PO in time frame two. For (p; q) 2 f(0; 1); (1; 0)g there is a difference at the PO in time frame two, but there is no difference in time frame one. Hence, this fault is undetectable according to SOT since there is no single time frame for that all initial state pairs cause the faulty and fault-free outputs to differ. On the other hand, the fault is detectable according to MOT: Definition 2.2 A fault f is MOT-detectable by an input sequence l such According to MOT, there is an individual point in time for each possible initial state pair (p; q), such that the Boolean output values on a particular PO are complementary. In other words, there is no state pair (p; q), such that the corresponding output sequences resulting from application of input sequence Z (to the fault-free and faulty circuit) are identical. Hence, it is clear that MOT is more general than SOT. Furthermore, MOT-detectability is equivalent to the fact that the set of output sequences (obtainable for a fixed sequence Z and all possible initial states) for the fault free and faulty circuit are disjoint. Restricted MOT requires a unique output value for the fault-free circuit, thus being less general than MOT, but more general than SOT: Definition 2.3 A fault f is rMOT-detectable by an input sequence (Notice that the fault given in the example of Figure 2 is MOT-detectable, but not rMOT- detectable.) As mentioned before, the advantage of rMOT compared to MOT results from the fact that rMOT allows a test evaluation by comparing the output sequence of the circuit under test with a (partially defined) unique output sequence of the fault-free circuit. We close this section by analyzing the complexity of fault simulation for synchronous sequential circuits. While it is well known [2] that fault simulation in combinational circuits can be solved in O(n \Delta size of the circuit and number of patterns), the situation is more difficult in the sequential case: The run-time of sequential fault simulation based on three-valued logic is identical to this bound, but a three-valued simulation in general computes only a lower bound for the fault coverage. (An example circuit will be shown later.) However, the exact solution of the problem of sequential fault simulation, i.e. the computation of the exact fault coverage for a given test sequence, is much more complex, even with respect to SOT. For an analysis of the complexity of exact sequential fault simulation we consider the following decision problem which has to be solved during fault simulation. Instance: Synchronous sequential circuit, input sequence Z and stuck-at fault f Question: Is f SOT-undetectable by Z? We construct a (polynomial time) reduction of the non-tautology problem to SOT-FSIM-UNDE- TECT. (The non-tautology problem corresponds to the question whether a given combinational circuit C evaluates to 0 for at least one assignment of the variables.) Since non-tautology is well-known to be NP-complete we obtain. Theorem 2.1 SOT-FSIM-UNDETECT is NP-hard. Sketch of the Proof: For the reduction we consider any combinational circuit C. Then the PIs of C are replaced by memory elements, so there are no longer any PIs. The resulting sequential circuit together with the empty input sequence and the sa-0 fault at the PO forms an instance of SOT-FSIM-UNDETECT. Due to the unknown initial state the fault is SOT- undetectable (for the empty input sequence) iff C is a non-tautology. 2 Note that the above result is valid also for rMOT and MOT, because a test sequence of length 1 is considered. From Theorem 2.1 it follows that there is no hope of finding an efficient polynomial time algorithm for obtaining an exact solution. Thus, from the point of view of complexity theory, using OBDDs with an exponential worst case behavior is justified, if we want to attack the problem of finding an exact solution. Furthermore, we will see in the following how the exact algorithm can be modified to trade off runtime of the method for exactness of the result. 3 Components of Hybrid Fault Simulation In this section we introduce the three main components of H-FS: the three-valued fault simulation procedure X-FS, the symbolic simulation procedure B-FS and a mixed simulation procedure BX-FS. Since all of them follow the same basic simulation method we introduce this method in advance to simplify the presentation. 3.1 Basic Fault Simulation Scheme In our approach the overall fault simulation scheme corresponds to an event-driven single-fault propagation (SFP) [2]. Since procedures with different logics are going to be combined in the final algorithm we do not make use of the machine word length for parallel evaluation of input patterns. At the beginning the fault simulation procedure receives a set of faults F and a test sequence Z of length n. Also, an encoding of the unknown initial state is defined depending on the logic used. Then the simulation of the sequential circuit for each time frame is performed similar to the simulation of a combinational circuit by evaluating the gates in a topological order, with the extension that the value of a secondary input at time t, 1 - t - n, is defined by the value of the corresponding secondary output at time t \Gamma 1. At first, a true-value simulation is carried out. Subsequently, the faults are injected one by one and an event-driven SFP is performed. Thereby the effects of each fault are propagated towards the POs and SOs. If any fault reaches a PO it will be marked as detected. Of course the fault is dropped and it will not be considered during following simulation steps. If an SO changes, the next state of the faulty circuit is different from the next state of the fault-free circuit and it has to be stored for the next simulation step. This means, only those memory elements are stored whose value differ from that of the fault-free case. This helps to reduce the memory requirements of the simulator. 3.2 Three-Valued Fault Simulation As already mentioned fault simulation using the logic Xg, in this paper denoted as X-FS, is the usual way to handle circuits with an unknown initial state. (0 and 1 are called defined values. X is used to denote the unknown or undefined value.) The unknown initial state is encoded by (X; thus representing the set of all possible binary initial states. A fault f is marked as detectable by the input sequence Z, if during explicit fault simulation based on logic BX a PO is reached where the fault-free and the faulty circuit compute different but defined values. Since this difference is obtained without using any information about the state of the (fault-free and faulty) circuit it follows immediately that the fault is SOT-detectable by Z. FFr r r r a c r r r r Figure 3: BX -uninitializable circuit. On the other hand, the undefined value X is not able to capture dependencies between two undefined signals and thus leads to inaccurate computations. A simple example is given in Figure 3, where a simulation based upon the three-valued logic is not able to verify the synchronizing sequence given by [a=1,b=0,c=0]. (As shown in [23] the choice of the binary encoding may be a further reason for inaccuracy preventing the verification of synchronizing sequences with the three-valued logic.) The advantage of three-valued fault simulation is its time and space behavior. Based upon the three-valued logic the fault simulation of a circuit C for a test sequence of length n can be performed in time O(n \Delta jCj 2 ). In summary, X-FS efficiently determines a lower bound for the exact fault coverage with respect to SOT. 3.3 Symbolic Fault Simulation Unlike X-FS, the symbolic fault simulation procedure called B-FS aims at representing the exact values of all signals in the circuit under the assumption that the initial state is not known and a fixed input sequence Z is given. To do so, the signal value in each time step is completely defined by a Boolean function depending on the m memory elements and the fixed Boolean values of the sequence Z. Thus, B-FS is based upon the logic B i.e. the elements of the logic are single output Boolean functions with m Boolean variables, where to each memory element a Boolean variable p i is assigned, representing the unknown value at the beginning of the simulation of both the fault-free and the faulty circuit. The two constant functions contained in will be abbreviated by 0 and 1. (At the beginning of the simulation of each time step they are assigned to the PIs according to the values of the sequence Z.) For the representation of the elements in B s we use OBDDs. Using OBDD manipulation algorithms a symbolic fault simulation along the general scheme presented in Section 3.1 can now be performed. According to SOT, a fault f is marked as detectable by Z, iff there exists an output for which M and M f lead to different but constant functions in a certain time frame. (We want to mention at this point, that, in contrast to X-FS, the symbolic simulation scheme also offers the possibility to determine detectability with respect to rMOT and MOT. The details are more complicated and will be discussed separately in Section 4.2.) Concerning time and space behavior the following should be noted: In each time step B-FS assigns an OBDD to each lead of the circuit during true-value simulation. This OBDD must be stored for the event-driven explicit fault simulation. Moreover, the symbolic representations for the state vector of the fault-free circuit and all state vectors of the faulty circuits, not detected in the previous time steps, have to be stored for the next simulation step. In short, B-FS determines the exact fault coverage with respect to SOT. But, even when using heuristics to find a "good" variable order, the space and time requirements may be prohibitively high (in the worst case exponential) and prevent an application of a purely OBDD-based fault simulation algorithm to large circuits. 3.4 Mixed-Logic Fault Simulation We take a first step towards a hybrid fault simulation procedure by combining X-FS and B-FS. The resulting mixed-logic fault simulation procedure BX-FS basically works as follows: ffl The true-value simulation which is carried out only once per input vector uses the accurate i.e. the values are represented by OBDDs and the initial state is given by the variable sequence (p 1 ffl The expensive explicit fault simulation uses the three-valued logic BX , thus the unknown initial state is modeled by In the following we discuss problems emerging from the use of differing logics in the simulation of the fault-free and of the faulty machine in combination with the SFP method. Algorithm BX sim (Figure 4) gives a more detailed description of the mixed-logic true-value simulation: At first the PIs and SIs are initialized (Line 1). After an OBDD-based evaluation of the gate g (Line 2) the output-OBDD TB [output(g)] at signal output(g) is transformed according to - (Line 3): Here, - is a mapping realizing a transformation of symbolic values to values 0,1,X as follows: Note that - is surjective but not injective, since all non-constant values in B s are mapped to the value X. Line 4 of Algorithm BX sim ensures that an OBDD is freed (and finally deleted) as soon as the OBDD is no longer necessary. This is different from the pure symbolic simulation. There, all OBDDs of the true-value simulation have to be stored for initializing the faulty circuits. Here, this storing is only done for the OBDDs of the next state. The storing for the remaining signals is done more efficiently by logic elements of BX . Note that only elements of BX are required for the explicit fault simulation part. procedure BX sim( z(t), s(t) ) vector vectors of length No.of leads (1) initialize the primary and secondary inputs with the OBDDs z(t) and s(t) ; for each gate g 2 G in topological order else if ( else all successors of input(g; are evaluated ) Figure 4: Algorithm BX sim for mixed-logic true-value simulation Using the transformed true-value assignment instead of using a three-valued true-value simulation increases the accuracy of the explicit fault simulation. A simple example illustrates the improvement. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3 again. This circuit cannot be initialized by the input assignment using the three-valued logic as shown in Section 3.2. However, algorithm BX sim initializes the fault-free circuit and assigns a 1 to the primary output of the circuit, whereas a three-valued simulation would assign the value X. Thus, a stuck-at 0 fault at the output becomes detectable now. On the other hand, combining different logics for fault simulation together with the efficient method of event-driven simulation leads to a new problem. For illustration consider Figure 5, which shows a symbolic assignment determined by the true-value simulation on the left-hand side and the assignment after the logic transformation on the right-hand side. f , g, h, 0 and 1 are elements of B s with f , g, h 62 f0; 1g and f \Delta h 62 f0; 1g. Now assume that a stuck-at 0 fault at u is injected and the resulting event is propagated towards w by SFP as usually done in three-valued fault simulation; see the right-hand side of MUX MUX MUX MUX Figure 5: How to combine different logics in in BX-FS event-driven single-fault propagation? Figure 5. At first, the multiplexers are evaluated. Since no event is produced at the outputs SFP stops and the value on lead v remains 0 for the faulty circuit. If we now evaluate the OR gate (which has an event at the right input), we obtain 1=0 at the output. Thus, the fault would be judged to be detectable at output w. This is not correct, however, as a look at the left-hand side of Figure 5 easily reveals. Therefore, the event-driven SFP has to be modified to guarantee its correctness: Whenever a gate evaluated during the event-driven single fault propagation and the value at the output of the gate is equal to X in the faulty case, we in general do not know anything about the symbolic value represented by X. In particular we do not know whether X stands for a value that is identical to the value of the signal in the fault-free case. Thus, to be correct, SFP at this point has to be continued i.e. X has to be considered as a (potential) event. Consider again Figure 5. Evaluating both multiplexers leads to X on the multiplexer outputs in the fault-free and faulty cases. Consequently, the following AND gate has to be evaluated and we get a 0=X event at v. Evaluating the OR gate leads to 0=X at w and the fault is not observable, which is the correct answer. Algorithm BX fa sim in Figure 6 describes this event propagation more precisely. procedure BX fa sim( f , L f , list of faulty state values computed by BX sim (2) for all (lead, value) 2 L f while exists gates g with marked input leads then if (output(g) is PO with then f is SOT-detectable; exit; s is a marked SOg; Figure Algorithm BX fa sim for mixed-logic explicit fault simulation F denotes the three-valued assignment of the faulty circuit and TX the three-valued assignment determined by Algorithm BX sim (Figure 6): After the initialization of the value vector (Line 1) the present state of the faulty circuit is loaded from L f , the list storing the state values different from those of the fault-free circuit. L f will be updated in Line 8 at the end of the algorithm. In Line 3 the fault is injected and the corresponding lead is marked. As long as there is a gate in the queue (sorted by the level of the gate), the body of the loop is executed (Line 4). After the computation of the output value of g (Line 5), Line 6 checks for an event. If an event reaches a PO, a fault is detected with respect to SOT (Line 7). If after the while-loop the fault is not detected, the next state of the faulty circuit is stored (Line 8). Based on the description of BX-FS and the considerations given above, we are now ready to conclude the correctness of the algorithm: The true-value simulation performed by Algorithm BX sim is similar to that of B-FS. In particular, it guarantees that all constant values at the POs are computed. The modified event propagation as given by Algorithm BX fa sim guarantees that all potential events are propagated. Thus, a 0=1 or 1=0 difference at a PO guarantees the detectability of the fault according to SOT. Furthermore, a slight modification of the example in Figure shows that B-FS in general detects more faults than BX-FS. Theorem 3.1 The procedure BX-FS determines (only) a lower bound for the fault coverage with respect to SOT. The lower bound in general is tighter than the bound determined by X-FS. As already mentioned, the space and time requirements of BX-FS are considerably smaller than those of B-FS, since fewer OBDDs have to be stored and fewer OBDDs have to be constructed. Consequently, with the same parameter setting for the OBDD-manager, larger OBDDs can be built. Thus, in terms of accuracy and complexity, BX-FS is positioned between X-FS and B-FS. We will see in the experiments that from the practical point of view BX-FS also offers a reasonable compromise between efficiency and accuracy. 4 The Hybrid Fault Simulator H-FS In this section the integration of the three simulation procedures in H-FS is discussed. To repeat our motivation, pure symbolic fault simulation with B-FS and even a mixed simulation with BX-FS may be infeasible for specific large circuits. On the other hand, fault coverage should be determined as precisely as possible, thus symbolic methods should be applied as often as possible. For that reason, we developed a hybrid scheme which is able to automatically select a suitable simulator and switch back and forth between the simulators depending on the resources available and the properties of the circuit under test. We firstly describe how hybrid fault simulation with respect to SOT is performed. Then, we extend the concept to also work with rMOT and MOT. 4.1 Hybrid Fault Simulation with respect to SOT To perform hybrid fault simulation for synchronous sequential circuits with an input sequence Z, H-FS receives as additional inputs a space limit S max and an initial mode. S max bounds the memory which can be used by the OBDD package. In its basic form H-FS works in three modes based upon X-FS, B-FS, BX-FS. The modes differ in their accuracy and space/time requirements. performs a fault simulation using the three-valued logic. In this mode, it works like X-FS. tries to perform a fault simulation using BX-FS. If the space required by the OBDD-based true-value simulation exceeds the space limit S max , H-FS selects X-FS and simulates the next \Delta 1 time steps in mode MX , starting with the resimulation of the current fault-free circuit. Subsequently, H-FS works in mode MBX again if necessary. A change back to MBX is unnecessary if all memory elements of the fault-free circuit are initialized. tries to perform fault simulation using B-FS. If the space required by B-FS exceeds the space limit S max , H-FS selects BX-FS and works in mode MBX for the rest of the current and the next \Delta 2 time steps, starting with the resimulation of the current faulty (or fault-free) circuit. Subsequently, H-FS changes to mode MB again if necessary. A change to MB is unnecessary, if all memory elements of the faulty circuits are initialized. Clearly, if the space limit is never exceeded by B-FS, H-FS determines the exact fault coverage achievable with the test sequence Z.MB input sequence mode memory exceeded all memory elements initialized I Figure 7: Automatic switching between different simulation modes. Figure 7 illustrates the mode selection. In this example H-FS starts in mode MB . If the memory limit is exceeded it changes to mode MBX or MX , respectively. After \Delta i steps it returns to mode MB . If all memory elements are initialized in mode MB (in Figure 7 at time t I ) H-FS switches to mode MX . The values of and the space limit S max have a strong influence on the run time and the accuracy of H-FS. For instance if no space limit is given H-FS started in mode MB determines the exact fault coverage and has the same run time behavior as B-FS. Using a small space limit and large values for \Delta i the accuracy and the efficiency of H-FS "converges" to that of X-FS. In the current version of H-FS the pair defined by the user. Based on numerous tests, we used the pair (5; 7) for our experiments in Section 5. We now want to point out details of the switches between the three simulation modes. According to the definition of the modes a switch from a mode to a less precise mode - a switch- may occur during a time frame, while a switch to a more accurate mode - a switch-up - only occurs at the beginning of a time frame. In both cases signal values have to be transformed between the corresponding logics B s and BX . We first consider the switch-down from MB to MBX . Here, stored symbolic state vectors of the faulty circuits are transformed to BX by using transformation - already introduced in Section 3.4. In particular this means, that any correlations between signal values before time step t are lost, unless the values are constant. Transformations for a switch-down from MBX to MX are performed analogously for the fault-free circuit. For an example see Table 1, where the transformation of symbolic state vectors into three-valued state vectors is illustrated. s(t) is the state vector computed by the fault-free circuit at time t, and s f 1 (t) and s f 2 (t) are the state vectors computed by the faulty circuits having fault f 1 and f 2 , respectively. We now consider the transformations necessary for a switch-up. In this case values from BX have to be replaced by symbolic values. Since - is not injective an inverse mapping cannot \Gamma! Table 1: Transformation of symbolic state vectors into three-valued state vectors. be defined. We make use of the fact that a switch-up is performed only at the beginning of a time step and therefore an "inverse" transformation has to be applied only to state vectors. Let am ) be a three-valued state vector. Then the transformation is defined by - 1 if a An example for the transformation of three-valued state vectors into the corresponding symbolic state vectors after a time step t is shown in Table 2. If the i-th component of a state vector is undefined, it is replaced by p i , otherwise, the corresponding defined value is used. In the following time steps, the OBDDs are defined only over the remaining p i variables, resulting in a (much) smaller memory demand. s \Gamma! Table 2: Transformation of three-valued state vectors into symbolic state vectors. Of course, the efficiency of H-FS depends on the selected mode. To improve the efficiency, H-FS checks after each simulation step whether there is any memory element left that is not initialized either in the fault-free circuit or in any faulty circuit. H-FS automatically changes from mode MB to mode MX if all memory elements of the fault-free circuit and of the faulty circuits are initialized because gate evaluations based upon the three-valued logic are much more efficient than gate evaluations based upon OBDDs. See Figure 7 for an example. In simulation step t I the correct and all faulty circuits are initialized and the simulator switches from mode MB to mode MX without losing accuracy. Notice that only the fault-free circuit must be initialized to allow a switching from MBX to MX without a disadvantage. The hybrid fault simulation procedure H-FS uses X-FS for reducing the space requirements of B-FS and BX-FS. It profits from the fact that after some three-valued simulation steps, in most cases the number of memory elements which are not initialized is greatly reduced. Consequently, the space required by B-FS or BX-FS is reduced because the number of variables introduced to encode the current state of the circuits is smaller. Noting that the space requirements may be exponential in the number of variables introduced, the importance of the three-valued simulation steps is obvious. Consequently, H-FS partially allows a symbolic fault simulation even for very large circuits. This will be shown by experiments in Section 5. 4.2 Hybrid Fault Simulation with respect to rMOT and MOT As mentioned in Section 2 there are stuck-at faults which cannot be detected by any fault simulation based on SOT. However, as the example in Figure 2 shows, a fault may be detectable by watching the output sequence for several time frames and applying the MOT strategy. According to the definition of MOT in Section 2.2 it is necessary to compare sets of fault-free responses with sets of responses obtained in the presence of faults. This is especially costly if long test sequences and a large number of memory elements exist. An elegant way to solve this task by using symbolic methods is presented in the sequel. We define the MOT-detection function D MOT f;Z (p; q) := Y l Y for each fault f and test sequence Z. denote the state variables for the initial state of the fault-free and faulty circuit, respectively. f;Z compares all output sequences of the fault-free and faulty circuits simultaneously. As long as there is an initial state p of the fault-free circuit that causes the same output sequence (with respect to Z) as a faulty circuit with initial state q, the two circuits cannot be distinguished, and D MOT f;Z 6= 0. We conclude: Lemma 4.1 A fault f is MOT-detectable by the input sequence Z iff To illustrate the computation of D MOT f;Z consider the circuit shown in Figure 2 again. For the test sequence and the stuck-at 1 fault f indicated in the figure we obtain f;Z Consequently, the fault is MOT-detectable. According to the definition of rMOT a "restricted" version of the MOT-detection function f;Z is sufficient: The product has to be taken only over terms with i.e. we obtain the rMOT-detection function D rMOT defined by f;Z (q) := Y 1-t-n;1-j-l for each fault f and test sequence Z. We obtain a lemma analogous to that for MOT: Lemma 4.2 A fault f is rMOT-detectable by the input sequence Z iff Fault simulation with respect to rMOT and MOT is now realized during symbolic fault simulation with B-FS by iteratively computing the detection functions D rMOT f;Z and D MOT f;Z , respectively. To do so, we consider the function Detect f;Z , which initially is set to the constant function 1 and then incrementally "enlarged" to finally represent f;Z or D MOT f;Z . If in course of the fault simulation process the i-th PO is reached during time frame t, the observability of the activated fault f is checked and, depending on the current test strategy, Detect f;Z is modified as follows: Detect f;Z (p; q) / Detect f;Z (p; q) \Delta [o i (p; 1g. If Detect f;Z is evaluated to 0 the fault is marked as rMOT-detectable. Note that the OBDD-representation for already provided by the event-driven SFP of B-FS. Besides the correct output function we have to compute the faulty output function Thus a second set of Boolean variables q for the memory elements of the faulty circuit is required. Again we profit from the fact that the OBDD-representation for with the variable set by the event-driven SFP of B-FS: We obtain (q; t) from by a compose operation on the corresponding OBDDs, which basically replaces p i by q i for all i. This is much more efficient than computing separately and thereby unnecessarily increasing the memory demand of the OBDD-manager, since equivalent functions would have to be stored twice, once for each variable set. Moreover, the SFP method cannot be applied directly. Finally, we compute Detect f;Z (p; q) / Detect f;Z (p; q) \Delta [o i (p; If Detect f;Z is evaluated to 0 the fault is marked as MOT-detectable. Besides the usual advantages of a symbolic approach compared to explicit enumeration tech- niques, the integration of the approach in the hybrid fault simulator H-FS allows the application of the MOT strategy even to large circuits. If the space requirements of the symbolic fault simulation exceed a given limit the hybrid fault simulator changes to the SOT strategy and works as described in Section 4.1. After a few simulation steps using e.g. the three-valued logic, which usually reduces the space requirements for the subsequent symbolic simulation, H-FS returns to the MOT strategy again. In doing so, the detection function Detect f;Z has to be re-initialized with the constant function 1. Concerning efficiency and accuracy we want to make the following points: MOT works more accurately than rMOT. On the other hand the space requirements of MOT is larger, because MOT requires different variables for encoding the initial state of the fault-free and the faulty circuit. rMOT uses the output value of the fault-free circuit only if it represents a constant function. Therefore, no additional set of variables is used, and Detect f;Z usually is smaller. A further important advantage of rMOT is that it allows the same test evaluation method as SOT but achieves higher fault coverages. This means there is an advantage in fault coverage without any drawback for test evaluation, as explained next. c(n) be the output sequence which is obtained by applying Z to the circuit under test. Then test evaluation requires the decision whether or not the circuit under test is faulty. In case of a test sequence which is determined with respect to SOT or rMOT the test evaluation can easily be done: Only a single (partially defined) output sequence of the fault-free circuit has to be compared with the output sequence of the circuit under test, i.e. the circuit under test is declared faulty if there are t - n and i - l with 1g. In case of a test sequence which is determined with respect to MOT the test evaluation is more complicated. The implementation proposed in [27] requires checking whether the output sequence contained in the set of output sequences caused by the different initial states of the fault-free circuit. Since the number of output sequences may be exponential in the number of memory elements, test evaluation may be very time-consuming. To reduce the time requirements we propose the comparison of the sequence with the symbolic representation of the fault-free output sequence. The comparison can be done by evaluating step by step the product Y l Y If the result of this computation is 0 the circuit under test is faulty. Experimental results given in the next section assure that this symbolic test evaluation in many cases requires very small resources in both time and space. 5 Experimental Results To investigate the performance of our approach we implemented hybrid fault simulation with respect to SOT, rMOT and MOT in the programming language C++. The measurements were performed on a SUN Ultra 1 Creator with 256 Mbytes of memory. For our experiments, we considered the ISCAS-89 benchmark suite [4]. A space limit S max of 500,000 OBDD-nodes (300,000 for the circuits s9234.1 and larger) was used to ensure that the procedures of H-FS based upon OBDDs work efficiently. This number of nodes guarantees that small and mid-size circuits can be simulated fully symbolically. For larger circuits we noticed that increasing the node limit does not help to increase efficiency or accuracy. Therefore, a reduced number of nodes guarantees that execution time otherwise wasted is saved. We give a short overview on the sets of experiments performed. At first SOT fault coverage and execution times for a number of benchmark circuits with respect to the deterministically computed patterns of HITEC [25] (Table 3) is analyzed. Surprisingly, for some benchmarks, mode MB is faster than both other modes. To explain these execution times, a closer look at the number of gate evaluations during the simulation is taken in Table 4. The test patterns of HITEC are determined based on BX . Thus, the special abilities of a symbolic simulation could not be considered. To do so, test patterns of a symbolic ATPG tool [17] have been used for Table 5. Table 6 summarizes the results for random patterns applied to circuits hard to initialize with three-valued random pattern simulation. The graph shown in Figure 8 depicts the possible large gap of fault coverage between the three simulation modes for one of these circuits. Finally, Tables 7 and 8 collect the advantages of (r)MOT. The first table considers the deterministic patterns of [17]. In the second table 500 random patterns are used. The MOT- fault evaluation is considered in Table 9. 5.1 H-FS and SOT Fault coverage [%] CPU time [sec] Cct. jZj MX MBX MB MX MBX MB s838.1 26 5.16 5.16 5.16 0.48 4.74 97.11 Table 3: SOT results for test sequences generated by HITEC. evaluations Cct. MX MBX MB s386 4.81 8.04 6.42 s400 449.44 449.61 239.85 evaluations Cct. MX MBX MB s1494 193.24 194.82 41.15 Table 4: Number of gate evaluations for test sequences generated by HITEC. Fault coverage [%] CPU time [sec] Cct. jZj MX MBX MB MX MBX MB s400 691 90.09 90.09 92.22 1.98 2.00 [1] 16.23 s953 196 8.34 25.58 99.07 5.72 25.58 [18] 2.96 [57] Table 5: SOT results for deterministic patterns generated by Sym-ATGP. The fault coverages and execution times for several benchmark circuits for deterministic test sequences computed by HITEC [25] are shown in Table 3. jZj denotes the length of the test sequence. Comparing the fault coverages determined by H-FS working in different modes we observed that, as expected, the fault coverage determined in mode MB is higher than the lower bounds determined in modes MX or MBX . The fault coverages determined by H-FS in modes MX and MBX are equal for all circuits except two. This is not surprising, because using a deterministic test sequence after a few input vectors the fault-free circuit is initialized and H-FS automatically switches to mode MX . For MBX and MB the simulation step after which H-FS works in mode MX due to the initialized state vectors is given in square brackets. Note that we are now able to classify the accuracy of a fault simulation procedure based upon the three-valued Fault Coverage [%] CPU time [sec.] Cct. jZj MX MBX MB MX MBX MB 1000 0.00 21.45 100.00 6.40 172.99 79.44 s953 100 8.34 33.55 48.84 2.90 20.63 10.57 500 8.34 59.59 86.28 14.37 91.57 12.66 1000 8.34 62.56 90.92 30.65 172.88 14.14 500 59.67 59.77 59.90 13.32 27.73 70.91 s9234.1 100 5.28 5.47 5.47 30.00 415.87 1411.60 500 5.28 5.47 5.47 148.45 1583.88 4161.27 1000 5.37 5.56 5.64 300.07 3205.65 8453.75 500 8.74 12.23 12.55 386.17 6149.53 5855.76 1000 8.98 13.65 13.94 743.01 9161.44 8655.97 500 19.67 20.08 20.11 293.19 473.42 5055.48 1000 22.99 23.36 23.41 547.70 957.79 9665.74 500 3.53 4.99 4.99 835.36 9527.66 10137.90 s38584.1 100 26.86 28.66 28.82 317.16 484.93 1158.75 1000 52.08 52.37 52.49 1771.85 1976.83 5158.50 Table results for random patterns and hard-to-initialize circuits. logic by comparing the fault coverage determined in mode MX with the exact fault coverage determined in mode MB . Such exact results which were obtained without a temporary change to the three-valued logic during hybrid fault simulation are indicated by an '\Lambda'. For the first time it is possible to show that for half of the benchmark circuits considered in Table 3 the exact fault coverage with respect to the patterns from [25] is already computed by mode MX . For the other half of the circuits, the gap between the exact fault coverage and the three-valued one is very small. Comparing the execution times, we observed that only one third of the simulations in mode MB are considerably slower than those in modes MX or MBX . At first sight, it should generally hold that MB is slower than MX and MBX . But for circuits s820, s832, s1488, and s1494, mode MB is even faster than both other modes! This can be explained by Table 4, which shows the number of gate evaluations performed during the simulation of the HITEC test sequences given in units of 10 000 gate evaluations. For almost all circuits H-FS performs far fewer gate evaluations in mode MB than working in the other modes, because besides the fault-free circuit most of the faulty circuits are initialized during simulation. In mode MBX , H-FS performs the Faults detected CPU time [sec] Cct. s953 1079 989 979 979 979 3.47 5.03 9.73 Table 7: Comparison of SOT with rMOT and MOT for patterns generated by Sym-ATPG. largest number of gate evaluations due to the modified single-fault propagation. Of course, a gate evaluation performed during an OBDD-based simulation is much more expensive than a gate evaluation performed by a simulation based on the three-valued logic. But a smaller number of gate evaluations can neutralize these more expensive OBDD evaluation costs. From this it follows that mode MB can accelerate the fault simulation. Note that H-FS working in mode MX is very fast for deterministic test sequences. In many examples its efficiency is approximately comparable with that of fault simulators published in [3, 24, 12]. Since HITEC is based on BX , it is not surprising that the symbolic simulation modes of H-FS do not provide an essential advantage. Therefore, in Table 5 test sequences generated by using methods during ATPG ("Sym-ATPG") are considered [17]. The underlying (symbolic) simulator used there is H-FS, as proposed here. Table 5 shows that for nearly all circuits mode MB improves the fault coverage (up to 2.2%). Moreover, for some hard-to-initialize circuits (s953, s510) the gap of fault coverage between mode MX , MBX , and MB is significantly higher. Another important observation is that circuit s510 does not contain any fault that is redundant with respect to SOT. Consequently, an application of the expensive multiple observation time test strategy as proposed in [27] is not necessary. Likewise, a full-scan approach as proposed in [11, 13] is also not necessary for reasons of fault coverage. However, in [13] the test length for the full-scan version of s510 is 90 patterns, whereas here 245 patterns are necessary to also achieve 100% fault coverage. In [11] 968 patterns have been computed for 100% fault coverage. More known hard-to-initialize circuits are considered in Table 6. Moreover, in [16] it was shown that some of these circuits cannot be initialized, not even symbolically. Random test sequences have been used for the different modes of H-FS. For all circuits, H-FS increases the fault coverage working in mode MB . For instance, consider the fault coverages obtained for circuit s510. After simulating a random sequence of length 1000 we get a fault coverage of 100% again. This fault coverage for random patterns is much better than the fault coverage determined by the ATPG procedure VERITAS [10] which only achieves a fault coverage of 93:3% with a test length of 3027, possibly due to the non-symbolic fault simulation used there. The Faults detected CPU time [sec] Cct. 26 26 95.40 3656.37 76.59 s9234.1 6927 6561 13 19 19 4448.82 4487.38 3877.41 Table 8: Comparison of SOT with rMOT and MOT for 500 random patterns. small difference in the execution times for circuit s510 for fault simulation with 500 and 1000 patterns is explained by the fact that during the simulation, after 553 input vectors the state vector of the fault-free circuit and the state vectors of all faulty circuits were initialized and H-FS continues to work in mode MX . In contrast to other procedures using symbolic methods, we are also able to perform a more accurate fault simulation for the largest benchmark circuits. For instance, using H-FS in mode MB the fault coverage achieved for circuit s13207 is approximately 5% higher than using MX . Furthermore, the table shows also a more general behavior of modes MBX and MB : They detect faults sooner in the test sequence, see e.g. s510, s953, s38584.1. Thus, a given level of fault coverage is obtained with far fewer random patterns. For a direct comparison of the accuracy of H-FS working in different modes consider Figure 8. It shows the fault coverage as a function of the test sequence length for circuit s953 depending on the different modes. The resulting graph illustrates the gap between the exact fault coverage determined in mode MB and the lower bounds computed in modes MX or MBX . Cct. Max. product size CPU time [sec] s13207.1 16926 9.36 s38584.1 173466 85.17 Table 9: Results for MOT test evaluation for 500 random patterns. test sequence length Mx Mb Mbx Figure 8: Dependence of fault coverage on the working mode for circuit s953. 5.2 H-FS and rMOT and MOT To compare the performance and the accuracy of the different observation strategies we performed two sets of experiments. Firstly, we took the deterministic patterns (Table 7), already used for Table 5. Secondly, randomly determined test sequences of length 500 were used (Ta- ble 8). The experiments are separated into four parts: First, all three-valued SOT-detectable faults are eliminated. Then, a symbolic random fault simulation based on the SOT, rMOT and MOT strategies is performed. Note, that all three symbolic simulations and the initial three-valued simulation use the same (randomly determined) test sequence. jF j denotes the number of faults. jF u j denotes the number of faults that were not detected by the three-valued fault simulation. For each strategy the results are given with respect to this set of remaining faults. Again, exact computations are denoted by a '\Lambda'. Due to the OBDD-based simulation all strategies permit a further classification of detectability of faults. Obviously, MOT has no advantage over rMOT for the deterministic patterns (Table 7). This becomes clear looking at the time steps, when the fault-free circuit is initialized (see Table 5, Column 7). With an initialized fault-free circuit, there is no difference between MOT and rMOT. However, this table shows, that even for patterns computed for a symbolic evaluation the more advanced test strategies rMOT and MOT will increase the fault coverage with almost no overhead for simulation time. For the randomly determined patterns (Table 8), in general, fault simulation based on MOT detects more faults than fault simulation based on rMOT, and rMOT detects more faults than a SOT-based fault simulation. In all but eight examples we even succeeded in computing the exact MOT fault coverage of the test sequences. On the other hand, in most cases where MOT was not exact we succeeded at least in improving the accuracy compared to the three-valued fault simulation and the SOT approach as well. For all but six circuits the rMOT strategy computed the same fault coverage as the MOT strategy. However, for these six circuits MOT does detect considerably more faults than rMOT. Using rMOT instead of SOT also led to an improvement in execution time for a number of circuits. For all other circuits, with exception of s526n, s3384, and s5378, the simulation time of rMOT is about the same time as that of SOT. Although many OBDD-operations must be performed for MOT, this strategy is faster than rMOT (SOT) for seven (eleven) circuits. In general, this happens for circuits for which MOT computes a higher fault coverage than rMOT (SOT) and due to earlier detection of the faults. In order to investigate the space and time needed for the test evaluation of MOT, we measured the maximal size of the symbolic output sequences evaluation product (see Section 4.2) and the necessary execution time. The same 500 random patterns as used for the results of Table 8 have been used. We considered the circuits for which the MOT strategy detects faults which cannot be detected either by the SOT or the rMOT strategy. Additionally, to show the feasibility of the MOT test evaluation the largest benchmark circuits are considered. In order to estimate the maximum time needed for the test evaluation we computed a possible test response of the fault-free circuit as follows: (1) Initialize the memory elements of the fault-free circuit at the beginning of the simulation with random values. Then (2) simulate the test sequence. Since the output sequence of the circuit under test is correct the test evaluation does not terminate until the test sequence is fully evaluated. Also note that a test response of a fault-free circuit under test requires the computation of the product of all symbolic output values. The maximal size of this product is given in the table together with the execution time. The experiments show that MOT-test evaluation can efficiently be performed in both time and space. 6 Conclusions In this paper we presented the hybrid fault simulator H-FS for synchronous sequential circuits. It is able to automatically select between three different logics during simulation: the well known three-valued logic, a Boolean function logic, and a mixed logic. Consequently, H-FS can profit from the advantages which are offered by the different logics. On the one hand, it may use the efficiency of the three-valued fault simulator, on the other hand, it may use the accuracy of the simulator. Furthermore, the advantages of both strategies are combined in the mixed-logic simulator. Experiments have shown that H-FS is able to increase the fault coverage even for the largest benchmark circuits. Of course, in some cases H-FS requires more time and space than a fault simulator merely based upon the three-valued logic. On the other hand, the accuracy can be considerably increased. Moreover, for many benchmark circuits it computes the exact fault coverage, not known before. The symbolic parts of the H-FS can be enhanced by the more advanced Multiple Observation Time Test Method (MOT) with only a few extensions to the fault detection definition. This results in a further improvement of fault coverage. Additionally, we showed that test evaluation can also be performed efficiently for MOT. Moreover, using restricted MOT, which achieves the same fault coverage as MOT for many circuits, the usual SOT-test evaluation method need not be modified. Thus, evaluating a test sequence according to rMOT one obtains an advantage without any drawbacks. Additionally, the fault simulation time with respect to rMOT is often shorter than that with respect to SOT. --R On redundancy and fault detection in sequential circuits. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design. FAST-SC: Fast fault simulation in synchronous sequential circuits. Combinational profiles of sequential benchmark circuits. Full symbolic ATPG for large circuits. Accurate logic simulation in the presence of unknowns. State assignment for initializable synthesis. Redundancy identification/removal and test generation for sequential circuits using implicit state enumeration. Synchronizing sequences and symbolic traversal techniques in test generation. Advanced techniques for GA-based sequential ATPG PARIS: a parallel pattern fault simulator for synchronous sequential circuits. New techniques for deterministic test pattern generation. Sequential circuit test generation using dynamic state traversal. Sequentially untestable faults identified without search. On the (non-) resetability of synchronous sequential circuits Combining GAs and symbolic methods for high quality tests of sequential circuits. Switching and Finite Automata Theory. A hybrid fault simulator for synchronous sequential circuits. Symbolic fault simulation for sequential circuits and the multiple observation time test strategy. HOPE: An efficient parallel fault simulator for synchronous sequential circuits. Partial reset: An inexpensive design for testability approach. The sequential ATPG: A theoretical limit. HITEC: A test generation package for sequential circuits. The multiple observation time test strategy. Fault simulation for synchronous sequential circuits under the multiple observation time testing approach. On the role of hardware reset in synchronous sequential circuit test generation. Fault simulation under the multiple observation time approach using backward implication. A test cultivation program for sequential VLSI circuits. On the initialization of sequential circuits. --TR Graph-based algorithms for Boolean function manipulation The Multiple Observation Time Test HOPE: an efficient parallel fault simulator for synchronous sequential circuits Symbolic fault simulation for sequential circuits and the multiple observation time test strategy Fault simulation under the multiple observation time approach using backward implications CRIS On the Role of Hardware Reset in Synchronous Sequential Circuit Test Generation A Hybrid Fault Simulator for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Sequentially Untestable Faults Identified Without Search ("Simple Implications Beat Exhaustive Search!") Full-Symbolic ATPG for Large Circuits On the Initialization of Sequential Circuits Advanced Techniques for GA-based sequential ATPGs Sequential Circuit Test Generation Using Dynamic State Traversal On the (non-)resetability of synchronous sequential circuits 20.2 New Techniques for Deterministic Test Pattern Generation --CTR Martin Keim , Nicole Drechsler , Rolf Drechsler , Bernd Becker, Combining GAs and Symbolic Methods for High Quality Tests of Sequential Circuits, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, v.17 n.1, p.37-51, February 2001
symbolic simulation;fault simulation;MOT;BDD;SOT
Software evolution in componentware using requirements/assurances contracts.
In practice, pure top-down and refinement-based development processes are not sufficient. Usually, an iterative and incremental approach is applied instead. Existing methodologies, however, do not support such evolutionary development processes very well. In this paper, we present the basic concepts of an overall methodology based on component ware and software evolution. The foundation of our methodology is a novel, well-founded model for component-based systems. This model is sufficiently powerful to handle the fundamental structural and behavioral aspects of component ware and object-orientation. Based on the model, we are able to provide a clear definition of a software evolution step.During development, each evolution step implies changes of an appropriate set of development documents. In order to model and track the dependencies between these documents, we introduce the concept of Requirements/Assurances Contracts. These contracts can be rechecked whenever the specification of a component evolves, enabling us to determine the impacts of the respective evolution step. Based on the proposed approach, developers are able to track and manage the software evolution process and to recognize and avoid failures due to software evolution. A short example shows the usefulness of the presented concepts and introduces a practical description technique for Requirements/Assurances Contracts.
INTRODUCTION Most of today's software engineering methodologies are This paper originates from the research in the project A1 \Methods for Component-Based Software Engineering" at the chair of Prof. Dr. Manfred Broy, Institut fur Informatik, Technische Universitat Munchen. A1 is part of \Bayerischer Forschungsverbund Software-Engineering" (FORSOFT) and supported by Siemens AG, Department ZT. based on a top-down development process, e.g., Object Modeling Technique (OMT) [27], Objectory Process [15], or Rational Unied Process (RUP) [14]. All these methodologies share a common basic idea: During system development a model of the system is built and stepwise rened. A renement step adds additional properties of the desired system to the model. At last the model is a su-ciently ne, consistent, and correct representation of the system under consideration. It may be implemented by programmers or even partly generated. Surely, all of these processes support local iterations, for instance the RUP allows iterations during analysis, design or implementation. However, the overall process is still based on renement steps to improve the specication model and nally end with the desired system. In formal approaches, like ROOM [3] or Focus [4] the concept of renement is even more strict. These kinds of process models involve some severe draw- backs: Initially, the customer often does not know all relevant requirements, cannot state them adequately, or even states inconsistent requirements. Consequently, many delivered systems do not meet the customer's ex- pectations. In addition, top-down development leads to systems that are very brittle with respect to changing requirements, because the system architecture and the involved components are specically adjusted to the initial set of requirements. This is in sharp contrast to the idea of building a system from truly reusable com- ponents, as the process does not take already existing components into account. Beyond this, software maintenance and life-cycle are not supported. This is extreme critical as, for instance, nowadays maintenance takes about 80 percent of the IT budget of Europe's companies in the average, and 20 percent of the user requirements are obsolete within one year [21]. However, software evolution as a basic concept is currently not well supported. In our opinion, this is partly due to the lack of a suitable overall componentware methodology with respect to software evolution. Such a methodology should at least incorporate the following parts [26]: The common system model provides a well- dened conceptual framework for componentware and software evolution is required as a reliable foundation Based on the system model a set of description techniques for componentware are needed. Developers need to model and document the evolution of a single component or a whole system. Development should be organized according to a software evolution process. This includes guidelines for the usage of the description techniques as well as reasonable evolution steps. To minimize the costs of software evolution, systems should be based on evolution-resistant ar- chitectures. Such architectures contain a common basic infrastructure for components, like DCOM [2], CORBA [22], or Java Enterprise Beans [16]. But even more important are business-oriented standard architectures, that are evolution- resistant. At last, all former aspects should be supported by tools. The contribution of this work can be seen from two different perspectives. From the viewpoint of specica- tion methods, it constitutes a sophisticated basic system model as solid foundation for new techniques in the areas of software architectures, componentware, and object-orientation. From a software engineering per- spective, it provides a clear understanding of software evolution steps in an evolutionary development process. Moreover, it oers a new description technique, called Requirements/Assurances Contracts. These contracts can be rechecked whenever the specication of an component evolves. This allows us to determine the impacts of the respective evolutionary step. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides the basic denitions to model dynamics in a component-based system. In the next section, Section 3, we specify the observable behavior of an entire component-based system based on former denitions. In Section 4, we provide a composition technique that enables us to determine the behavior of the system from the behavior of its components. Section 5 will complete the formal model with a simple concept of types. These types are described by development documents. Section 6 introduces our view of development documents and evolution steps on those documents. In Section 7 we present the concept of Requirements/Assurances Contracts to model explicitly the dependencies between development documents. Section 8 provides a small example to show the usefulness of the proposed concepts in case of software evolution. A short conclusion ends the paper. This section elaborates the basic concepts and notions of our formal model for component-based systems. The system model incorporates two levels: The instance-level represents the individual operational units of a component-based system that determine its overall be- havior. We distinguish between component, interface, connection, and variable instances. We dene a number of relations and conditions that model properties of those instances. The type-level contains a normalized abstract description of a subset of common instances with similar properties. Although some models for component-based and object-oriented systems exist, we need to improve them for an evolutionary approach. Formal models, like for instance Focus [4] or temporal logic [17], are strongly connected with renement concepts (cf. Section 1). Furthermore, these methods do not contain well elaborated type concepts or sophisticated description techniques, that are needed to discuss the issues of software evolution (as in case of evolution the types and the descriptions are usually evolved). Moreover, in practice formal methods are not applicable, since formal models are too abstract and do not provide a realistic view on today's component-based systems. Architectural description languages, like MILs, Rapide, Aesop, UniCon, are other, less formal approaches. As summarized in [5] they introduce the concepts of components and communication between them via connec- tors, but do not consider all behavior-related aspects of a component system. In a component-based system behavior is not limited to the communication between pairs of components, but also includes changes to the overall connection structure, the creation and destruction of instances, and even the introduction of new types at runtime. In the context of componentware and software evolution, these aspects are essential because dynamic changes of a system may happen both during its construction at design-time as well as during its execution at runtime, either under control of the system itself or initiated by human developers. Other approaches, like pre/post specications cannot specify mandatory external calls that components must make. This restriction also applies to Meyer's design by contract [20] and the Java Modeling Language (JML) [18], although they are especially targeted at component-based development. int =7 String int i =5 Figure 1: A Component System: Behavioral Aspects For that reason, we elaborated a novel, more realistic model. We claim, that the presented formal model is powerful enough to handle the most di-cult aspects of component-based systems (cf. Figure 1): dynamically changing structures, a shared global state, and at last mandatory call-backs. Thus, we separate the behavior of component-based systems into these three essential parts: Structural behavior captures the changes in the system structure, including the creation or deletion of instances and changes in the connection as well as aggregation structure. Variable valuations represent the local and global data space of the system. This enables us to model a shared global state. Component communication describes message-based asynchronous interaction between compo- nents. Thus, we can specify mandatory call-backs without problems. In the following sections we rst come up with de- nitions for these three separate aspects of behavior in component-based systems. Components are the basic building blocks of a component-based system. Each component possesses a set of local attributes, a set of sub-components, and a set of interfaces. Interfaces may be connected to other interface via connections. During runtime some of these basic building blocks are created and deleted. In order to uniquely address the basic elements of a component-based system, we introduce the disjoint sets: VARIABLES ID. As Figure 1 shows, a component-based system may change its structure dynamically. Some of these basic elements may be created or deleted (ALIVE). New interfaces may be assigned to components (ASSIGNED). Interfaces may be connected to or de-connected from other interfaces (CONNECTED). New Subcomponents may be aggregated by existing parent-components (PARENT). The following denitions cover the structural behavior of component-based systems: Note, that this approach is strong enough to handle not only dynamic changing connections structures in systems but also mobile systems as, for instance it covers mobile components that migrate from one parent component to another (PARENT). Usually, the state space of a component-based system is not only determined by its current structure but also by the values of the component's attributes (cf. Figure 1). With VALUES the set of all possible valuations for attributes and parameters are denoted. They are in essence mappings of variables (attributes, parame- ters, etc.) to values of appropriate type (VALUATION). These variables belong to components, characterizing the state of the component (ALLOCATION). The following denitions cover the variable valuations of component-based systems: Later on we will allow components to change the values of other component's variables (cf. Section 4). Thus, we can model shared global states as well-known from object-oriented systems. Note, we do not elaborate on the underlying type system of the variables and values here, but assume an appropriate one to be given. COMPONENT COMMUNICATION Based on existing formal system models, e.g. Focus [4], sequences of messages represent the fundamental units of communication. In order to model message-based communication, we denote the set of all possible messages with M, and the set of arbitrary nite message sequences with M . Within each time interval components resp. interfaces receive message sequences arriving at their interfaces resp. connections and send message sequences to their respective environment, as given by the following denition (cf. Figure 1): The used message-based communication is asyn- chronous, like CORBA one-way calls. Hence, call-backs based on those asynchronous one-way calls can be explicitly specied within our model. But one cannot model \normal" blocking call-backs as usual in object-oriented programming languages. However, our observation shows, call-backs need not to be blocking calls. Often call-backs are used to make systems extensible. In layered system architectures they occur as calls from lower into higher layers in which the are known as up-calls. These up-calls are usually realized by asynchronous events (cf. the Layers Pattern in [9]). Another representative application of call-backs as asynchronous events is the Observer Pattern [11]. There the observer may be notied via asynchronous events if the observed object has changed. To sum up, we believe call-backs as supported in our model are powerful enough to model real component-based systems under the assumption that a middleware supporting asynchronous message exchange is available. SYSTEM SNAPSHOT Based on all former denitions we are now able to characterize a snapshot of a component-based system. Such a snapshot captures the current structure, variable val- uation, and actual received messages. Let SNAPSHOT denote the type of all possible system snapshots: CONNECTED PARENT ALLOCATION VALUATION EVALUATION Let SYSTEM denote the innite set of all possible sys- tems. A given snapshot snapshot s 2 SNAPSHOT of a system s 2 SYSTEM 1 is tuple that capture the current active sets of components, interfaces, connections, 1 In the remainder of this paper we will use this shortcut. Whenever we want to assign a relation X to a system s 2 SYSTEM (component c 2 COMPONENT) we say X s and variables, the current assignment of interfaces to components, the current connection structure between interfaces, the current super-/sub-component relation- ship, the current assignment of variables to components, the current values of components, and nally the current messages for the components. Similar to related approaches [4], we regard time as an innite chain of time intervals of equal length. We use N as an abstract time axis, and denote it by T for clar- ity. Furthermore, we assume a time synchronous model because of the resulting simplicity and generality. This means that there is a global time scale that is valid for all parts of the modeled system. We use timed streams, i.e. nite or innite sequences of elements from a given do- main, to represent histories of conceptual entities that change over time. A timed stream (more precisely, a stream with discrete time) of elements from the set X is an element of the type with Nnf0g. Thus, a timed stream maps each time interval to an element of X. The notation x t is used to denote the element of the valuation x 2 X T at Streams may be used to model the behavior of sys- tems. Accordingly, SNAPSHOT T is the type of all system snapshot histories or simply the type of the behavior relation of all possible systems: CONNECTED T PARENT T ALLOCATION T VALUATION T EVALUATION T Let Snapshot T s SNAPSHOT T be the behavior a sys- tem. A given snapshot history snapshot s 2 Snapshot T s is a timed stream of tuples that capture the changing snapshots snapshot t s Obviously, a couple of consistency conditions can be dened on such a formal behavior specication Snapshot T s . For instance, we may require that all assigned interfaces are assigned to an active component: assigned t s alive t s Furthermore, components may only be connected via their interfaces if one component is the parent of the other component or if they both have the same parent component. Connections between interfaces of the same component are also valid: connected t s assigned t s s parent t s s parent t s s (b) We can imagine an almost innite set of those consistency conditions. A full treatment is beyond the scope of this paper, as the resulting formulae are rather lengthy. A deeper discussion of this issue can be found in [1]. In the previous sections we have presented the observable behavior of a component-based system. This behavior is a result of the composition of all component behaviors. To show this coherence we rst have to provide behavior descriptions of a single component. In practice are transition-relations an adequate behavior description technique. In our formal model we use a novel kind of transition-relation: In contrast to \nor- predecessor state and successor state|the presented transition relation is a relation between a certain part of the system-wide predecessor state and a certain part of the wished system-wide successor state: Let behavior c BEHAVIOR be the behavior of a component COMPONENT. The informal meaning of each tuple in behavior c is: If the specied part of the system-wide predecessor state ts (given by the rst snapshot), the component wants the system to be in the system-wide successor-state in the next step (given by the second snapshot). Consequently we need some specialized runtime system that collects at each time step from all components all wished successor states and composes a new well-dened successor state for the whole system. The main goal of such a runtime system is to determine the system snapshot snapshot t+1 s from the snapshot snapshot t s and the set of behavior relations behavior c of all components. In essence, we can provide a formulae to calculate the system behavior from the initial conguration snapshot 0 s , the behavior relations behavior c , and external stimulations via messages at free inter- are interfaces that are not connected with other interfaces and thus can be stimulated from the environment. First we have to calculate all transition-tuples of all active components: behavior t s alive t s true behavior c Now, we can calculate all transition-tuples of the active components that t the actual system state. Let transition t s be the set of all those transition-tuples that could re: transition t s s s Before we can come up with the nal formulae for the calculation of the system snapshot snapshot t+1 s we need a new operator on relations. This operator takes a relation X and replaces all tuples of X with tuples of Y if the rst element of both tuples is equal At last, we are now able to provide the complete formulae to determine the system snapshot snapshot t+1 s snapshot t+1 s (alive t+1 s assigned t+1 s connected t+1 s parent t+1 s allocation t+1 s alive t+1 s alive t s assigned t+1 s assigned t s connected t+1 s connected t s parent t+1 s parent t s allocation t+1 s allocation t s valuation t+1 s s evaluation t+1 s evaluation t s Intuitively spoken, the next system snapshot (snapshot t+1 s ) is a tuple. Each element of this tuple, for instance alive t+1 s , is a function, that is determined simply by merging the former function (alive t s ) and the \delta-function" 8 (transition t s This \delta-function" includes all \wishes" of all transition-relations that re. The basic concepts and their relations as covered in the previous sections provide mathematical denitions for the constituents of a component-based system at runtime. However, in order to present an adequate model useful for practical de- velopment, we introduce the concept of a type. CONNECTION TYPE [ VARIABLES TYPE TYPE be the innite set of all types. A type models all common properties of a set of instance in an abstract way. TY PE OF assigns to each instance (component, inter- face, connection, and variables) its corresponding type: Let PREDICATE be the innite set of all predicates that might ever exist. Predicates (boolean expres- sions) on a type are functions from instances of this type to BOOLEAN. For instance, for the component behavior c is a predicate on the type of c. This is one of the simplest predicate we can imagine. It provides a direct mapping from the type-level to the instance-level. The predicate is true, if the arbitrary transition is part of component the behavior. Now, we can dene functions that provide an abstract description for all existing types 3 : 2 The \standard" notation denotes the set of m-tuples as a result of the projection of the relation R of arity r onto the components 3 P(A) denotes the powerset of the set A. 6 SOFTWARE EVOLUTION Usually, during the development of a system, various development documents are created. These development documents are concrete descriptions, in contrast to the abstract descriptions linked to types as discussed in the last sections. Such a development document is separate unit that describes a certain aspect of, or \view" on the system under development. In componentware we typically have the following kinds of documents: Structural Documents describe the internal structure of a system or component. The structure of a component consists of its subcomponents and the connections between the subcomponents and with the supercomponent, e.g. aggregation or inheritance in UML Class Diagrams [23] or architecture description languages [5]. Interface Documents describe the interfaces of components. Currently most interface descriptions (e.g. CORBA IDL [24]) only allow one to specify the syntax of component interfaces. Enhanced descriptions that also capture behavioral aspects use pre- and post-conditions, e.g. Eiel [20] or the Java Modeling Language [18]. Protocol Documents describe the interaction between a set of components. Typical interactions are messages exchange, call hierarchies, or dynamic changes in the connection structure. Examples of protocol descriptions are: Sequence Diagrams in UML [23], Extended Event Traces [6], or Interaction Interfaces [7]. Implementation Documents describe the implementation of a component. Program code is the most popular kind of those descriptions, but we can also use automatons, like in [28, 12] or some kind of greybox specications [8]. Especially in componentware the implementation of a component can be (recursively) described by a set of structural, in- terface, protocol, and implementation documents. During development we describe a system|or more exactly the types of the system|by sets of those docu- ments. Let DOC be the innite set of all possible doc- uments. Each type of a component-based system is described by a set of those development documents: The semantics of a given set of development documents is simply a mapping from this set of documents to a set of predicates. Thus, we can dene a semantic function which assigns to a given set of documents a set of properties characterizing the system: The semantic mapping from the concrete descriptions of a system (doc s DOC) into a set of predicates is correct, if these predicates are equal with the predicates of the abstract description of each t 2 TYPE. More for- mally, the semantic mapping is correct if the following Documents sem (doc ) sem (doc )s s Figure 2: Software Evolution during System Development condition holds: sem s (described by s description s (t) As already discussed in Section 1, the ability for software to evolve in a controlled manner is one of the most critical areas of software engineering. Developers need support for an evolutionary approach. Based on the semantic function SEM, we are able to formulate the concept of an evolution step. Figure 2 shows three typical evolution steps during system development. An evolution step in our sense causes changes in the set of development documents within a certain time step as given by the functions of type EVOLVE: We call an evolution step of a set of documents doc s renement, if the condition sem s (evolve s (doc s abstraction, if the condition sem s (doc s ) sem s (evolve s (doc s strict evolution, if the condition sem s (doc s ) 6 sem s (evolve s (doc s ))^ sem s (evolve s (doc s sem s (doc s ) \ sem s (evolve(doc s total change, if the condition sem s (doc s ) \ sem s (evolve s (doc s holds. Obviously, we should pay the most attention to the strict evolution. In the remaining paper we use evolution and strict evolution as synonymous, unless if we explicitly distinguish the various kinds of evolution steps. A more detailed discussion about the dierences between evolution and renement steps can be found in [26]. CONTRACTS If a document changes via an evolution step, the consequences for documents that rely on the evolved document are not clear at all. Normally, the developer who causes the evolution step has to check whether the other documents are still correct or not. As the concrete dependencies between the documents are not explicitly formulated, the developer has usually to go into the details of all concerned documents. For that reason we claim that an evolution-based methodology must be able to model and track the dependencies between the various development documents. To reach this goal we have to make the dependencies between the development documents more explicit. Cur- rently, in description techniques or programming languages dependencies between dierent documents can only be modeled in an extremely rudimentary fashion. For instance, in UML [23] designers can only specify the relation uses between documents or in Java [10] programmers have to use the import statement to specify that one document relies on another. Surely, more sophisticated specication techniques ex- ist, e.g. Evolving Interoperation Graphs [25], Reuse Contracts [29, 19], or Interaction Contracts [13]. Evolving Interoperation Graphs provide a framework for change propagation if a single class changes. These graphs take only into account the syntactical interface of classes and the static structure (class hierarchy) of the system, but not the behavioral dependencies. Reuse Contracts address the problem of changing implementations of a stable abstract specication. There, evolution con icts in the scope of inheritance are dis- cussed, but not con icts in component collaborations. This might be helpful to predict the consequences of evolving a single component, but the eects for other components or the entire system are not clear at all. Finally, Interaction Contracts are used to specify the collaborations between objects. Although the basic idea of interaction contracts|to specify the behavioral dependencies between objects|seems to be a quite good suggestion, this approach takes neither evolution nor componentware su-ciently into account. Interaction contracts strongly couple the behavior specication of the component seen as an island and the behavioral dependencies to other components. Hence, the impacts of an evolutionary step can not be determined. Contract B Contract A Contract B Contract A A A Assurances Requirements Figure 3: Requirements/Assurances Contracts between Development Documents of Component Types To avoid these drawbacks and support an evolution- based development process at the best, we propose to decouple the component island specication from the behavioral dependencies specication. The following two types of functions allow us to determine the behavioral specication of a single component seen as an island: Intuitively, a function requires s 2 REQUIRES calculates for a given set of documents doc s 2 P(DOC) the set of predicates the component type ct 2 COMPONENT TYPE expects from its environment. The function assures s 2 ASSURES calculates the set of predicates the component type provides to its environment We need specialized description techniques to model the required and assured properties of a certain component explicitly within this development document. Such description techniques must be strongly structured. They should have at least two additional parts capturing the set of required and assured properties (cf. Figure 3): Requirements: In the requirements part the designer has to specify the properties the component needs from its environment. Assurances: In the assurances part the designer describes the properties the component assures to its environment, assuming its own requirements are fullled. Once these additional aspects are specied (formally given by the functions requires s and assures s ), the designer can explicitly state the behavioral dependencies between the components by specifying for each component the assurances that guarantee the requirements. We call such explicit formulated dependencies Require- ments/Assurances Contracts (r/a-contracts). Figure 3 illustrates the usage of those contracts. The three development documents include the additional requirements (white bubble) and assurances (black bubble) parts. Developers can explicitly model the dependencies between the components by r/a-contracts shown as double arrowed lines. Formally a r/a-contract is a mapping between the required properties of a component and the assured properties of other components: For a given contract contract s 2 CONTRACT the predicate fulfilled s 2 FULFILLED holds, if all required properties of a component are assured by properties of other components: fulfilled s (ct)(requires s (ct)(described by s (ct))) () (ct)(described by s (ct))g (x)(described by s (x))g In the case of software evolution the designer or a tool has to re-check whether requirements of components, that rely on the assurances of the evolved component, are still guaranteed. Formally the tool has to re-check whether the predicate fulfilled s (ct)(requires s (ct)(evolve s (described by s (ct)))) still holds. For instance, in Figure 3 component C has changed over time. The designer has to validate whether Contract B still holds. More exactly, he or she has to check whether the requirements of component C are still satised by the assurances of component A or not. The advantages of r/a-contracts come only fully to validity if we have adequate description techniques to specify the requirements and assurances of components within development documents. In the next section we provide a small sample including some simple description techniques to prove the usefulness of r/a-contracts. To illustrate the practical relevance of the proposed r/a- contracts we want to discuss a short example. Consider a windows help screen as shown in Figure 4. It contains two components: a text box and a list box control element. The content of the text box restricts the presented help topics in the list box. Whenever the user changes the content of the text box|simply by adding a single character|the new selection of help topics is immediately presented in the list box. Component HelpText Component HelpList Figure 4: A Short Sample: Windows Help Screen A simple implementation of such a help screen may contain the two components HelpText and HelpList. The collaboration between these two components usually follows the Observer Pattern [11]. In the case of an \ob- servable" component (HelpText) changing parts of its state, all \observing" components (HelpList) are notied Components in a system often evolve. To make the windows help screen more evolution resistant, one should specify the help screen in a modular fashion. Thus, we use two dierent kinds of descriptions as proposed in Section 7: Descriptions of the behavior of a single component seen as an island start with COMPONENT and descriptions of the behavioral dependencies between components start with RA-CONTRACT. In the example description technique we use, keywords are written with capital letters. Each component island specication consists of two parts in the specication: The rst part is the REQUIRES part containing all interfaces the component needs. For each interface the required predicates (syntax and behavior) are explicitly specied. The second part is the ASSURES part capturing all interfaces the component provides to its environ- ment. For each interface the assured predicates (again syntax and behavior) are explicitly described. The notation and semantic within these parts is equal to the one used for the interaction contracts [13]. The language only supports the actions of sending a message M to a component C, denoted by C !M , and change of a value v, denoted by v. The ordering of actions can be explicitly given by the operator \;", an IF-THEN-ELSE construct, or be left unspecied by the operator k. The language also provides the construct ho for the repetition of an expression e separated by the operator for all variables v which satisfy c. Now, we can start out with a textual specication of the requirements and assurances of the two components HelpText and HelpList|the components island spec- ication: COMPONENT HelpText REQUIRES INTERFACE Observer WITH METHODS ASSURES INTERFACE TextBox WITH LOCALS WITH METHODS The component HelpText requires an interface supporting the method update():void. Note that, in the context of this specication the required interface is named Observer. This represents neither a global name nor a type of the required interface. Later, we can explicitly model the mapping between the various required and assured interface and method names via the proposed r/a-contracts. Additionally, the component HelpText assures an interface TextBox with the two methods getText():String and addText(t:String):void. When addText(t) is called the method update() is invoked for all observers. Correspondingly, the component HelpList requires an interface named Observable that includes the method getText():String. Moreover, whenever the return value of getText() changes, the update() method of the component HelpList has to be called via the interface ListBox. This is the basic behavior requirement the component HelpList needs to be assured by its environment COMPONENT HelpList REQUIRES INTERFACE Observable WITH METHODS WITH INVARIANTS ASSURES INTERFACE ListBox WITH LOCALS WITH METHODS Now, we can specify two r/a-contracts: One to satisfy the requirements of the component HelpList and the other for the requirements of component HelpText. Such a contract contains two sections: The rst sec- tion, the INSTANTIATION, declares the participants of the contract and their initial conguration. For in- stance, in the contract HelpListContract are two participants hl:HelpList and ht:HelpText instantiated and the initial connection between both is established. Note, the variables declared in the instanciation section are global identiers, as one must be able to refer them in the current contract as well as in other contracts. The second section, the PREDICATE MAPPING, maps the required interfaces to assured interfaces of the partic- ipants. Additionally, it contains the most important part of the contract: the \proof". There, the designer has to validate the correctness of the contract, means he or she has to proof whether the syntax and behavior of the requirements/assurance pair ts together. The contract HelpListContract includes a proof. It simply starts with conjunction of all assured predicates of the interface ht.TextBox and has to end with all required predicates of the interface hl.Observable: RA-CONTRACT HelpListContract INSTANTIATION HelpList MAPPING: REQUIRED hl.Observable ASSURED BY ht.TextBox RA-CONTRACT HelpTextContract INSTANTIATION MAPPING: REQUIRED ht.Observer ASSURED BY hl.ListBox proof is omitted Once the windows help screen is completely specied and implemented, it usually takes a couple of months until one of the components appears in a new, improved version. In our example, the new version of the component HelpText has been evolved. The new version assures an additional method addChar(c:Char):void. For performance reasons, this method does not guarantee that the observers are notied if the method is invoked: COMPONENT HelpText REQUIRES INTERFACE Observer WITH METHODS ASSURES INTERFACE TextBox WITH LOCALS WITH METHODS The assurances part in the specication of the component HelpText has changed. Therefore, the designer or a tool should search for all r/a-contracts where HelpText is used to fulll the requirements of other components. Once, all of these contracts are identied, the corresponding proofs have to be re-done. In our example the contract HelpListContract is concerned. The designer has to re-check whether the goal ht ! can be reached. But the premises have been changed. Obviously the goal cannot be derived, as a call of addChar(c) changes the return value of the method getT ext() but does not result in an update() for the HelpList|whenever the text in HelpText changes update() is called|are no longer satised by the new component HelpText. The current design of the system may not longer meet the expectations or the re- quirements. Now, the designer can decide to keep the former component in use or to realize a workaround in the HelpList component. However, this is outside the scope of the discussed concepts. 9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK The ability for software to evolve in a controlled manner is one of the most critical areas of software engineer- ing. Therefore, a overall evolution-based development methodology for componentware is needed. In this paper we have outlined a well-founded common system model for componentware that copes with the most difcult behavioral aspects in object-orientation or com- ponentware: dynamicall changing structures, a shared global state, and nally mandatory call-backs. The model presented includes the concepts of a type and abstract as well as concrete descriptions for types. During system development a set of those descriptions are cre- ated. Software evolution means that these descriptions are changed over time. Thus, we need techniques to determine the impacts of the respective evolution steps. With the presented requirements/assurances-contracts developers can explicitly model the dependencies between the dierent components. Whenever a component or the entire system changes the contracts show the consequences for other components. Contracts help the developer to manage the evolution of the complete system. A number of additional issues remain items of future work: We are currently working on a rst prototype runtime environment for the presented system model. We still have to elaborate on the underlying type sys- tem. Addionally, we have to provide more sophisticated graphical description techniques based on UML and OCL (structural documents, interface documents, protocol documents, and implementation documents). A complete development example will show these description techniques in practice. For each of those description techniques a clear semantical mapping into the system model has to be dened. Additionally, syntax compatible checkers, theorem prover, and model checker could be included to run the correctness proof for evolution steps semi-automatically or even full-automatically. Fi- nally, we have to develop tool support and provide a set of evolution-resistant architectures based on technical componentware infrastructures like CORBA, DCOM, or Java Enterprise Beans. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Klaus Bergner, Manfred Broy, Ingolf Kruger, Jan Philipps, Bernhard Rumpe, Bernhard Schatz, Marc Sihling, Oskar Slotosch, Katharina Spies, and Alexander Vilbig for interesting discussions and comments on earlier versions of this paper. --R A formal model for componentware. The design of distributed systems - an introduction to FOCUS Interaction Interfaces - Towards a scienti c foundation of a methodological usage of Message Sequence Charts Java in a Nutshell. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Soft- ware On Visual Formalisms. Specifying Behavioral Compositions in Object-Oriented Sys- tems The Uni The temporal logic of actions. Preliminary design of JML: A behavioral interface speci Managing software evolution through reuse contracts. 500 Europa: Der Club der Innovatoren. Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA. Modeling Software Evolution by Evolving Inter-operation Graphs Executive Summary: Software Evolution in Componentware - A Practical Approach Formale Methodik des Entwurfs verteilter ob- jektorientierter Systeme Reuse Contracts: Managing the Evolution of Reusable Assets. --TR On visual formalisms Contracts: specifying behavioral compositions in object-oriented systems Object-oriented software engineering Object-oriented modeling and design Real-time object-oriented modeling The temporal logic of actions Design patterns Reuse contracts Pattern-oriented software architecture Client/server programming with Java and CORBA Object-oriented software construction (2nd ed.) The unified software development process Software Change and Evolution Using Extended Event Traces to Describe Communication in Software Architectures Interaction Interfaces - Towards a Scientific Foundation of a Methodological usage of Message Sequence Charts A Plea for Grey-Box Components
formal methods;contracts;componentware;software evolution;software architecture;description techniques;object-orientation
Deriving test plans from architectural descriptions.
INTRODUCTION In recent years the focus of software engineering is continuosly moving towards systems of larger dimensions and complexity. Software production is becoming more and more involved with distributed applications running on heterogeneous networks, while emerging technologies such as commercial o-the-shelf (COTS) products are becoming a market reality [22]. As a result, applications are increasingly being designed as sets of autonomous, decoupled components, promoting faster and cheaper system development based on COTS integration, and facilitating architectural changes required to cope with the dynamics of the underlying environment. The development of these systems poses new challenges and exacerbates old ones. A critical problem is understanding if system components integrate correctly. To this respect the most relevant issue concerns dynamic integration. Indeed, component integration can result in architectural mismatches when trying to assemble components with incompatible interaction behavior [12, 7], leading to system deadlocks, livelocks or in general failure to satisfy desired functional and non-funtional system properties. In this context Software Architecture (SA) can play a signicant role. SAs have in the last years been con- sidered, both by academia and software industries, as a means to improve the dependability of large complex software products, while reducing development times and costs [21, 3]. SA represents the most promising approach to tackle the problem of scaling up in software engineering, because, through suitable abstractions, it provides the way to make large applications manage- able. The originality of the SA approach is to focus on the overall organization of a large software system (the using abstractions of individual components. This approach makes it possible to design and apply tractable methods for the development, analysis, validation, and maintenance of large software systems. A crucial part of the development process is testing. While new models and methods have been proposed with respect to requirements analysis and design, notably UML [18], how to approach the testing of these kinds of systems remains a neglected aspect. The paradox is that these new approaches specically address the design of large scale software systems. However, for such systems, the testing problems not only do not diminish, but are intensied. This is especially true for integration testing. In fact, due to the new paradigms centered on component-based assembly of systems, we can easily suppose a software process in which unit testing plays a minor role, and testers have to focus more and more on how components work when plugged together. Lot of work has been devoted to the analysis of formal descriptions of SAs. Our concern is not in the analysis of the consistency and correctness of the SA, but rather on exploiting the information described at the SA level to drive the testing of the implementation. In other words we assume the SA description is correct and we are investigating approaches to specication-based integration testing, whereby the reference model used to generate the test cases is the SA description. In general, deriving a functional test plan means to identify those classes of behavior that are relevant for testing purposes. A functional equivalence class collects all those system executions that, although dierent in details, carry on the same informative contents for functional verication. The tester's expectation/hope is that any test execution among those belonging to a class would be equally likely to expose possible non con- formities to the specication. We identify interesting test classes for SA-based testing as sequences of interactions between SA components. More precisely, starting from an architectural descrip- tion, carrying on both static and dynamic information, we rst derive a Labelled Transition System (LTS), that graphically describes the SA dynamics. The problem is that the LTS provides a global, monolithic description of the set of all possible behaviors of the system. It is a tremendous amount of information attened into a graph. It is quite hard for the software architect to single out from this global model relevant observations of system behavior that would be useful during validation. We provide the software architect with a key to decipher the LTS dynamic model: the key is to use abstract views of the LTS, called ALTSs, on which he/she can easily visualize relevant behavioral patterns and identify those ones that are more meaningful for validation purposes. Test classes in our approach correspond to ALTS paths. However, once test class selection has been made, it is necessary to return to the LTS and retrieve the information that was hidden in the abstraction step, in order to identify LTS paths that are appropriate renements of the selected ALTS paths. This is also supported by our approach. In the following we describe in detail the various steps of the proposed approach in the scope of a case study. In Section 2 we provide the background information: we recall the Cham formalism, that is used here for SA specication, and outline the case study used as a working example. In Section 3 we provide a general overview of the approach. In Section 4, we give examples of using the approach, and address more specic issues. In Section 5, we clarify better the relation between ALTS paths and test specications. Finally, in the Conclu- sions, we summarize the paper contribution and address related work. ADL DYNAMICS architectures represent the overall system structure by modelling individual components and their interactions. An SA description provides a complete system model by focussing on architecturally relevant abstractions. A key feature of SA descriptions is their ability to specify the dynamics. Finite State Machines Petri Nets or Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs) can be used to model the set of all possible SA behaviors as a whole. In the following subsection we brie y recall the Cham description of SA. From this description we derive an LTS which represents the (global) system behavior of a concurrent, multi-user software system. The Cham Model The Cham formalism was developed by Berry and Boudol in the eld of theoretical computer science for the principal purpose of dening a generic computational framework [4]. Molecules constitute the basic elements of a Cham, while solutions S 0 are multisets of molecules interpreted as dening the states of a Cham. A Cham specication contains transformation rules dictating the way solutions can evolve (i.e., states can change) in the Cham. Following the chemical metaphor, the term reaction rule is used interchangeably with the term transformation rule. In the follow- ing, with abuse of notation, we will identify with R both the set of rules and the set of corresponding labels. The way Cham descriptions can model SAs has already been introduced elsewhere [14]. Here we only summarize the relevant notions. We structure Cham specications of a system into four parts: 1. a description of the syntax by which components of the system (i.e., the molecules) can be represented; 2. a solution representing the initial state of the system 3. a set of reaction rules describing how the components interact to achieve the dynamic behavior of the system. 4. a set of solutions representing the intended nal states of the system. The syntactic description of the components is given by a syntax by which molecules can be built. Following Perry and Wolf [17], we distinguish three classes of components: data elements, processing elements, and connecting elements. The data elements contain the information that is used and transformed by the processing elements. The connecting elements are the \glue" that holds the dierent pieces of the architecture to- gether. For example, the elements involved in eecting communication among components are considered connecting elements. This classication is re ected in the syntax, as appropriate. The initial solution corresponds to the initial, static conguration of the system. We require the initial solution to contain molecules modeling the initial state of each component. Transformation rules applied to the initial solution dene how the system dynamically evolves from its initial conguration. One can take advantage of this operational avor to derive an LTS out of a Cham description. In this paper we will not describe how an LTS can be derived (see [11]). We only recall the LTS denition we will rely on. Denition 2.1 A Labelled Transition System is a quintuple (S; is the set of states, L is the set of labels, S 0 2 S is the initial state, SF S is the set of nal states and is the transition relation. Each state in the LTS corresponds to a solution, therefore it is made of a set of molecules describing the states of components. Labels on LTS arcs denote the transformation rule that lets the system move from the tail node state to the head node state. We also need the denition of a complete path: Denition 2.2 Let l 1 l 2 l 3 be a path in an LTS. p is complete if S 0 is the initial solution and Sn is a nal one. Although our approach builds on the Cham description of a SA it is worthwhile stressing that it is not committed to it. Our choice of the Cham formalism is dictated by our background and by its use in previous case stud- ies. We are perfectly aware that other choices could be made and want to make clear that the use of a specic formalism is not central to our approach. In more general terms what we have done so far can be summarized as follows: we have assumed the existence of an SA description in some ADL and that from such description an LTS can be derived, whose node and arc labels represent respectively states and transitions relevant in the context of the SA dynamics. We also User1 Router Server Timer AlarmUR AlarmRS (c) Check1 AckSR (c) User2 AlarmUR1 Check2 Check Figure 1: Processes and Channels assume that states contain information about the single state of components and that labels on arcs denote relevant system state transitions. The TRMCS Case-Study The Teleservice and Remote Medical Care System (TRMCS) [2] provides monitoring and assistance to users with specic needs, like disabled or elderly people. The TRMCS is being developed at Parco Scientico e Tecnologico d'Abruzzo, and currently a Java prototype is running and undergoes SA based integration testing. A typical TRMCS service is to send relevant information to a local phone-center so that the family and medical or technical assistance can be timely notied of critical circumstances. We dene four dierent processes (User, Router, Server and Timer), where: User: sends either an \alarm" or a \check" message to the Router process. After sending an alarm, it waits for an acknowledgement from the Router. Router: waits signals (check or alarm) from User. It forwards alarm messages to the Server and checks the state of the User through the control messages. Server: dispatches help requests. Timer: sends a clock signal for each time unit. Figure 1 shows the static TRMCS Software Architectural description, in terms of Component and Connec- tors. Boxes represent Components, i.e., processing el- ements, arrows identify Connectors, i.e., connecting elements (in this case channels) and arrows labels refer to the data elements exchanged through the channels. Figure shows only the reaction rules of the TRMCS Cham Specication. A portion of the LTS of the TRMCS SA is given in Fig. 3. The whole LTS is around 500 states. Note that arc labels 0, 1, ., 21 correspond, respectively, to T 0 , T 1 , ., T 21 , i.e., the labels of the TRMCS reaction rules,\0" denotes the initial state and box states denote pointers to states elsewhere shown in the picture (to make the Reaction Rules T1: User1= User1.o(check1), User1.o(alarmUR1).i(ackRU1) T2: User2= User2.o(check2), User2.o(alarmUR2).i(ackRU2) T3: User1.o(check1)= o(check1).User1 T4: User2.o(check2)= o(check2).User2 T11: o(alarmUR1).i(ackRU1).User1, i(alarmUR).o(alarmRS).i(ackSR).o(ackRU).Router T12: o(alarmUR2).i(ackRU2).User2, i(alarmUR).o(alarmRS).i(ackSR).o(ackRU).Router T13: o(alarmRS1).i(ackSR1).o(ackRU1).Router , i(alarmRS).o(ackSR).Server T14: o(alarmRS2).i(ackSR2).o(ackRU2).Router , i(alarmRS).o(ackSR).Server T15: o(ackSR1).Server, T17: o(ackRU1).Router , T18: o(ackRU2).Router , T19: m1.Router, Timer, Sent = o(nofunc).Router, m1.Router, NoSent Figure 2: TRMCS Cham Reaction Rules graph more readable). Double arrows denote the points in which the gure cuts LTS paths. In this section we introduce our approach to SA-based testing. Our goal is to use the SA specication as a reference model to test the implemented system. Needless to say, there exists no such thing as an ideal test plan to accomplish this goal. It is clear, on the contrary, that from the high-level, architectural description of a system, several dierent SA-based test plans could be derived, each one addressing the validation of a specic functional aspect of the system, and dierent interaction schemes between components. Therefore, what we assume as the starting point for our approach is that the software architect, by looking at the SA from dierent viewpoints, chooses a set of important patterns of behavior to be submitted to testing. This choice will be obviously driven by several factors, including specicity of the application eld, criticality, schedule constraints and cost, and is likely the most crucial step to a good test plan (we give examples of some possible choices in Section 4). With some abuse of terminology, we will refer to each of the selected patterns of behavior as to an SA testing criterion. With this term we want to stress that our approach will then derive a dierent, specic set of tests so as to fulll the functional requirements that each \criterion" (choice) implies. In general more SA testing criteria can be adopted to test a SA. Two remarks are worth noting here. One is that as the derived tests are specically aimed at validating the high-level interactions between SA components, the test plans we develop apply to the integration test stage. The second remark is that since we are concerned with testing, i.e., with verifying the software in execution, we will greatly base our approach on the SA dynamics. In particular, starting from a selected SA testing criterion, we will primarily work on the SA LTS and on other graphs derived from the latter by means of abstraction (as described in the following). Introducing obs-functions over SA dynamics An SA testing criterion is initially derived by the software architect in informal terms. We want to translate it in a form that is interpretable within the context of the SA specication, in order to allow for automatic processing. Intuitively, an SA testing criterion abstracts away not interesting interactions. Referring to the Cham formal- ism, an SA testing criterion naturally partitions the Cham reaction rules into two groups: relevant interactions (i.e., those ones we want to observe by testing) and not relevant ones (i.e., those we are not interested in). This suggests to consider an interpretation domain D, where to map the signicant transformation rules (i.e., the arc labels of the LTS), and a distinct element , where to map any other rule. Figure 3: A portion of the TRMCS LTS We therefore associate to an SA testing criterion an obs- function. This is a function that maps the relevant reaction rules of the Cham SA description to a particular domain of interest D. More precisely, we have: The idea underlying the set D is that it expresses a semantic view of the eect of the transition rules on the system global state. From LTS to ALTSs We use the obs-function just dened as a means to derive from the LTS an automaton still expressing all high level behaviors we want to test according to the selected SA testing criterion, but hiding any other unrelevant be- haviors. The automaton is called an ALTS (for Abstract LTS). This is the LTS that is obtained by relabelling, according to the function obs, each transition in R(S 0 ), and by minimizing the resulting automaton with respect to a selected equivalence (trace- or bisimulation-based equiv- alence), preserving desired system properties (as discussed in [5]). If we derive a complete path over an ALTS (see De- nition 2.2), this quite naturally corresponds to the high level specication of a test class of the SA (we give examples in the next section). Therefore, the task of deriving an adequate set of tests according to a selected SA testing criterion is converted to the task of deriving a set of complete paths appropriately covering the ALTS associated with the criterion via an obs-function. In an attempt of depicting a general overview of the ap- proach, we have so far deliberately left unresolved some concrete issues. Most importantly, what does it mean concretely to look at the SA from a selected observation point, i.e., which are meaningful obs-functions? And, also, once an ALTS has been derived, how are paths on it selected? Which coverage criterion could be ap- plied? We will devote the next section to answer these questions, with the help of some examples regarding the TRMCS case study. Considering the informal description of the TRMCS in Section 2, because of obvious safety-critical concerns, we may want to test the way an Alarm message ows in the system, from the moment a User sends it to the moment the User receives an acknowledgement. Casting this in the terms used in the previous section, issues an Alarm msg receives an Ack issues an Alarm msg obs (T receives an Ack For any other T i , obs (T i Figure 4: Alarm ow: Obs-function ReceiveAck1 ReceiveAck2 ReceiveAck1 ReceiveAck2 ReceiveAck1 A ReceiveAck2 Figure 5: Alarm the software architect may decide that an important SA testing criterion is \all those behaviors involving the ow of an Alarm message through the system". From this quite informal specication, a corresponding obs-function could be formally dened as in Figure 4. As shown, we have included in the interpretation domain D all and only the Cham transition rules that specically involve the sending of an Alarm message by a User, or the User's reception of an acknowledgement of the Alarm message from the Router. Note that this information is encoded, at the LTS level, in the arcs labels. With reference to this obs-function, and applying reduction and minimization algorithms (in this case we have minimized with respect to trace equivalence, since it preserves paths), we have derived the ALTS depicted in Figure 5 (the shaded circle represents the initial state, that in this example also coincides with the only nal one). This ALTS represents in a concise, graphical way how the Alarm ow is handled: after an Alarm is issued (e.g., SendAlarm1), the system can nondeterministically react with one of two possible actions (elaborat- ing this Alarm and sending back an Acknowledgement (ReceiveAck1) or receiving another Alarm message from another User (SendAlarm2)). Note the rather intuitive appeal of such a small graph with regard to the (much more complex) complete LTS (for the TRMCS it is one hundred times bigger). One could be tempted to consider some rather thorough coverage criterion of the ALTS, such as taking all complete paths derivable by xing a maximum number of cycles iterations. However, as we will see better in the next section, each ALTS path actually will correspond to sends the first Check msg sends a further Check msg sends the first Check msg sends a further Check msg obs every User has sent a Check msg obs (T 21 some User has not sent a Check msg For any other T i , obs (T Figure Check ow: Obs-function many concret test cases. Therefore, less thorough coverage criteria seem more practical. In particular, we found that McCabe's technique of selecting all basic paths [16] oers here a good compromise between arc and path coverage. A list of ALTS test paths derived according to McCabe's technique is the following: Let us consider, for example, Paths No. 2, 3 and 4. These three paths are all devoted to verify that the system correctly handles the consecutive reception of two Alarm messages issued by two distinct Users. By putting these three ALTS paths in the list, we explicitly want to distinguish in the test plan the cases that: i) each Ack message is sent rightly after the reception of the respective Alarm message (Path3); or, the acknowledgements are sent after both Alarms are received and ii) in the same order of Alarm receptions (Path4); or nally iii) in the opposite order (Path2). So the three test classes are aimed at validating that no Alarm message in a series of two is lost, whichever is the order they are processed in. Still considering the TRMCS, the software architect could decide that also the Check ow is worth testing. Thus, in analogous way to what we have done for the Alarm ow, the Check ow obs-function is derived in Figure 6 and the corresponding ALTS is depicted in Figure 7. It represents a dierent \observation" of the TRMCS behavior. We have reasoned so far in the hyphotetical scenario of the TRMCS system being developed and of a software architect that is deriving interesting architectural behaviors to be tested. An alternative scenario could be that the TRMCS is already functioning, and that one CheckERR CheckERR CheckERR CheckERR CheckERR CheckOK CheckERR CheckOK CheckERR I A F G CheckOK CheckERR Figure 7: Check of the components is being modied, but we don't want that this change aects the SA specication. We want then to test whether the modied component still interacts with the rest of the system in conformance to the SA original description. In this case, the observation point of the software architect will be \all the interactions that involve this component". If, specically, the component being modied is the Server, then the corresponding obs-function is given in Figure 8. McCabe's coverage criterion yields the following set of test classes: This example evidences that even in deriving the basic ALTS paths we do not blindly apply a coverage cri- terion, but somehow exploit the semantics behind the elements in D. For instance, consider Path5 above. If we interpret it in light of McCabe's coverage criterion, it is aimed at covering transition FRa2 from State A to State C. The shorter path A C A would be equally good for this purpose. But for functional testing this shorter path is useless, because it would be perfectly equivalent to the already taken Path2 A B A: both paths in fact test the forwarding of one Alarm message to the Server. Therefore, to cover the transition from A to C we have instead selected the longer path A B A C A that serves the purpose to test the consecutive forwarding of two Alarms. From Router obs From Router To Router To Router obs (T 21 From Router For any other T , obs (T Figure 8: Component Based: Obs-function FRno FRno FRno FRno A Figure 9: Component Based: ALTS CATION ALTS paths specify functional test classes at a high abstraction level. One ALTS path will generally correspond to many concrete test cases (i.e., test executions at the level of the implemented system). It is well-known that several problems make the testing of concurrent systems much more di-cult and expensive than that of sequential systems (for reasons of space we do not discuss these problems in depth here; see, e.g., [9]). Said simply, a trade-o can be imagined in general between how tightly is the test specication of an event sequence given, and how much eort will be needed by the tester to force the execution of that sequence. The point is that the tester, on receiving the high level test specications corresponding to ALTS paths, could choose among many concrete test executions that conform to them. For example, considering Path2 A B D B A on Fig. 5, a possible test execution can include the sending of an Alarm message from User1 immediately followed by the sending of an Alarm message from User2; another test execution could as well include, between the two Alarm messages, the Router reception of other messages, e.g., a Check or a Clock, and still conform to the given high level test specication. This exibility in rening test specications descends from the fact that to derive the ALTS from the complete LTS we have deliberately abstracted away transitions not involving the Alarm ow from and to a User. In other words, more concrete executions, however dif- ferent, as long as they conform to Path2, all belong to a same test class according to the selected SA-based test criterion (obs-function). But after an ALTS-based list of paths has been cho- sen, we can go back to the complete LTS and observe what the selected abstraction is hiding, i.e., we can precisely see on the SA LTS which are the equivalence assumptions 1 behind ALTS paths (test classes) selection This is a quite attractive feature of our approach for SA- based test class selection. When functional test classes are derived ad-hoc (manually), as is often the case for the high level test stages, equivalence assumptions those test classes rely upon remain implicit, and are hardly recoverable from the system specication. In our approach, rst an explicit abstraction step is required (ALTS derivation). Second, going back from the ALTS to the complete LTS, we can easily identify which and how many LTS paths fulll a given ALTS path. We can better explain this by means of an example. Considering the ALTS for the Alarm ow (Fig. 5), State B is equivalent (under the test assumptions made) roughly to forty states in the complete LTS (of course, we can automatically identify all of them). Not only, but there are more valid LTS subpaths that we could traverse to reach each of these forty states. The valid subpaths for this example are all those going from the initial state S 0 of the LTS to any of the forty states equivalent to state B of the ALTS, without including any of the transformation rules in the domain D dened for the Alarm ow obs-function, except for the last arc that must correspond to the transformation rule T 11 . All of these (many) subpaths would constitute a valid rene- ment of the abstract SendAlarm1 transition in Path2. As such a renement should be applied to each state and each arc of the ALTS paths, it is evident then how the number of potential LTS paths for one ALTS path soon becomes huge. We cannot realistically plan test cases for all of them; so the pragmatic question is: how do we select meaningful LTS paths (among all those many rening a same ALTS path)? We don't believe that a completely automatic tool, i.e., a smart graph processing algorithm, could make a good choice. There are not only semantic aspects of the functional behavior that a tool could not capture, but also several non-functional 1 The term \equivalence" here refers to its usual meaning in the testing literature, i.e., it denotes test executions that are interchangeable with respect to a given functional or structural test criterion, and not to the more specic trace/bisimulation equivalence used so far for graph Figure 10: An LTS test path factors to take into account. What we prospect, there- fore, is that the software architect, with the indispensable support of appropriate graphical tools and processing aids, can exploit on one side his/her semantic knowledge of the SA dynamics to discern between LT- S paths that are equivalent with respect to an ALTS abstraction. On the other side, he/she will also take into account other relevant factors, not captured in the SA description, such as safety-critical requirements, or time and cost constraints. Thus we nally expect that the software architect produces from the list of ALTS paths a rened list of LTS paths, and give this list to the tester as a test specication for validating system conformance to SA. In Fig. 12, for instance, we show an LTS path that is a valid renement of Path2 for the Alarm ow ALT- S. This example is the shortest path we could take to instantiate the ALTS path, in that it only includes indispensable TRMCS transformation rules to fulll the path. We precise that S 15 (lled in light gray) in particular is the state equivalent to State B of the Alarm ow ALTS (note in fact that the entering arc is labelled 11). Another of the forty LTS states equivalent to B is Fig. 3). There is a semantic dierence between S 15 and S 159 that could be relevant for integration testing purposes. Before reaching S 159 , i.e., before User1 sends an Alarm, User2 can send a Check message, while this is never possible for any of the LTS subpaths reaching S 15 . We could see this from analyzing the state information that is associated with LTS nodes. In the renement of Path2, the software architect could then decide to pick one LTS path that includes S 159 in order to test that a Check from another user does not interfere with an Alarm from a certain user. 6 CONCLUSIONS The contribution of this paper consists of an approach to the use of the architectural description of a system to dene test plans for the integration testing phase of the system implementation. The approach starts from a correct architectural description and relies on a labelled transition system representation of the architecture dynamics By means of an observation notion the software architect can get out of the dynamic model suitable abstractions that re ect his/her intuition of what is interesting or relevant of the system architectural description with respect to a validation step. To be eective this step relies on the software architect judgement and semantic knowledge of the SA functional and non-functional characteristics. In summary, the proposed approach consists of the following steps: 1. the software architect selects some interesting SA testing criteria; 2. each SA testing criterion is translated into an obs- in some case, a criterion could also identify several related obs-functions; 3. For each obs-function, an ALTS is (automatically) derived from the global LTS corresponding to the SA specication; 4. On each derived ALTS, a set of coverage paths is generated according to a selected coverage criteri- on. Each path over the ALTS corresponds to the high-level specication of a test class; 5. For each ALTS path, the software architect, by tool supported inspection of the LTS, derives one or more appropriate LTS paths, that specify more rened transition sequences at the architectural level. Our approach allows the software architect to move across abstractions in order to get condence in his/her choices and to better select more and more rened test plans. It is worth noticing that in our approach a test plan is a path, that is not only a sequence of events (the labels on a path) but also a set of states which describe the state of the system in terms of the single state com- ponents. This is a much more informative test plan with respect to the one that could be derived from e.g., the requirements specications. In fact, using the SA LTS, we also provide the tester with information about state components that can be used to constrain the system to exercise that given path. Related Work Lot of work has been devoted to testing concurrent and real-time systems, both specication driven and implementation based [9, 15, 8, 1]. We do not have room here to carry out a comprehensive survey; we will just outline some main dierences with our approach. These works addressed dierent aspects, from modelling time to internal nondeterminism, but all focus on unit test- ing, that is they either view the concurrent system as a whole or specically look at the problem of testing a single component when inserted in a given environmen- t. Our aim is dierent, we want actually to be able to derive test plans for integration testing. Thus although the technical tools some of these approaches use are obviously the same of ours (e.g., LTS, abstractions, event sequences), their use in our context is dierent. This goal dierence emerges from the very beginning of our we work on an architectural description that drives our selection of the abstraction, i.e., the testing criterion, and of the paths, i.e., the actual test classes. Our approach of dening ALTS paths for specifying high level test classes has lot in common with Carver and Tai's use of Sequencing Constraints for specication- based testing of concurrent programs [9]. Indeed, sequencing constraints specify restrictions to apply on the possible event sequences of a concurrent program when selecting tests, very similarly to what ALTS paths do for a SA. In fact, we are currently working towards incorporating within our framework Carver and Tai's technique of deterministic testing for forcing the execution of the event sequences (rened LTS paths) produced with our approach. As far as architectural testing is concerned, the topic has raised interest and received a good deal of attention in recent years [19, 6, 20]. Our approach indeed stems from this ground. Though, up to our knowledge, besides our project no other attempt at concretely attacking the problem has been pursued so far. The Future Our aim is to achieve a usable set of tools that would provide the necessary support to our approach. So far we have experimented our approach on the described case study of which a running Java prototype exists. The way we did it was not completely automatically supported with respect to the ALTS denitions, the criterion identication and path selection. As tool support we could rely on a LTS generator starting from the Cham description, which also allows for keeping track of the state and arc labels. Work is ongoing to generalize it to ALTS generation and to implement a graphical front-end for Cham descriptions. We denitely believe that the success of such an approach heavily depends on the availability of simple and appealing supporting tool- s. Our eort goes in two directions, on one side we are investing on automating our approach and we would also like to take advantage of other existing environments and possibly integrate with them, e.g. [13, 10], on the other we are involved in more experimentation. The latter is not an easy job. Experimenting our approach requires the existence of a correct architectural description and a running implementation. The case study presented here could be carried out since the project was entirely managed under our control, from the requirements specication to the coding. This is obviously not often the case. The results we got so far are quite satisfactory and there are other real world case studies we are working on at the moment. For them we have already a running implementation and we have been asked to give a model of their architectural structure. We are condent these will provide other interesting insights to validate our approach. --R Design of a Toolset for Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Java Programs. Software Architecture in Practice. The Chemical Abstract Machine. An Approach to Integration Testing Based on Architectural Descriptions. Cots integration: Plug and pray? A Practical and Complete Algorithm for Testing Real-Time Systems Use of Sequencing Constraints for Speci Uncovering Architectural Mismatch in Component Be- havior Architectural Why reuse is so hard. The Project. Formal Speci Generating Test Cases for Real-Time Systems from Logic Speci cations A Complexity Measure. Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture. "" Software testing at the architectural level. Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Component Software. --TR The chemical abstract machine Foundations for the study of software architecture The concurrency workbench Formal Specification and Analysis of Software Architectures Using the Chemical Abstract Machine Model Generating test cases for real-time systems from logic specifications Software architecture Software testing at the architectural level Component software Software architecture in practice Use of Sequencing Constraints for Specification-Based Testing of Concurrent Programs Uncovering architectural mismatch in component behavior COTS Integration Architectural Mismatch A Practical and Complete Algorithm for Testing Real-Time Systems An approach to integration testing based on architectural descriptions --CTR Mauro Cioffi , Flavio Corradini, Specification and Analysis of Timed and Functional TRMCS Behaviours, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, p.31, November 05-07, 2000 Myra B. Cohen , Matthew B. Dwyer , Jiangfan Shi, Coverage and adequacy in software product line testing, Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Role of software architecture for testing and analysis, p.53-63, July 17-20, 2006, Portland, Maine Holger Giese , Stefan Henkler, Architecture-driven platform independent deterministic replay for distributed hard real-time systems, Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Role of software architecture for testing and analysis, p.28-38, July 17-20, 2006, Portland, Maine Antonia Bertolino , Paola Inverardi , Henry Muccini, An explorative journey from architectural tests definition down to code tests execution, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, p.211-220, May 12-19, 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Luciano Baresi , Reiko Heckel , Sebastian Thne , Dniel Varr, Modeling and validation of service-oriented architectures: application vs. style, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.28 n.5, September Henry Muccini , Antonia Bertolino , Paola Inverardi, Using Software Architecture for Code Testing, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, v.30 n.3, p.160-171, March 2004 Hong Zhu , Lingzi Jin , Dan Diaper , Ganghong Bai, Software requirements validation via task analysis, Journal of Systems and Software, v.61 n.2, p.145-169, March 2002 Paola Inverardi, The SALADIN project: summary report, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.27 n.3, May 2002
labelled transition systems;functional test plans;software achitectures;integration testing
Three approximation techniques for ASTRAL symbolic model checking of infinite state real-time systems.
ASTRAL is a high-level formal specification language for real-time systems. It has structuring mechanisms that allow one to build modularized specifications of complex real-time systems with layering. Based upon the ASTRAL symbolic model checler reported in [13], three approximation techniques to speed-up the model checking process for use in debugging a specification are presented. The techniques are random walk, partial image and dynamic environment generation. Ten mutation tests on a railroad crossing benchmark are used to compare the performance of the techniques applied separately and in combination. The test results are presented and analyzed.
Introduction ASTRAL is a high-level formal specification language for real-time systems. It includes structuring mechanisms that allow one to build modularized specifications of complex systems with layering [9]. It has been successfully used to specify a number of interesting real-time systems [1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12]. The ASTRAL Software Development Environment (SDE) [20, 22] is an integrated set of design and analysis tools , which includes, among others, an explicit-state model checker, a symbolic model checker and a mechanical theorem prover. The explicit-state model checker [12, 22] generates customized C++ code for each specification and enumerates all the branches of execution of this implementation up to a system time bound set by the user. The symbolic model checker [13] tests specifications at the process level and requires only limited input to set up constant values. Its model checking procedure uses the Omega library [23] to perform image computations on the execution tree of an ASTRAL process that is trimmed by the execution graph of the process. In [13], the symbolic model checker was used to test a railroad crossing benchmark. In those experiments the model checker aborted before completion for two of the test cases due to the extremely large size of the specification instances. Because the model checkers in the ASTRAL SDE are only intended to be used for debugging purposes, it is reasonable to use lower approximation techniques that allow the search procedure to complete, while still remaining effective in finding violations. Although the lower approximation techniques calculate only a subset of the reachable states, these techniques will not cause false negativities. This is because the properties specified using ASTRAL are essentially safety properties. In this paper, three techniques to meet this need are introduced. They are random walk, partial image and dynamic environment generation. The idea of random walk techniques and partial image techniques is not new, although we are not aware of their use in symbolic model checking. The name "random walk" is borrowed from the theory of stochastic processes. This technique is used to allow the model checker to randomly skip a number of branches when traversing the execution tree. The partial image technique is inspired by sampling and random testing methods [16, 15] in software testing. How- ever, instead of picking a single sample from the domain, the partial image technique selects a subset of the image and uses this subset to calculate the postimage at each node. The dynamic environment generation technique [14] generates a different sequence of imported variable values for different execution paths. It is similar to the idea of Colby, Godefroid and Jagadeesan [8] in that both address the problem of automatically closing an open system, in which some of the components are not present. Their approach targets concurrent programs (written in C) and is based upon static analysis of a program to translate it into a self-executable closed form. By considering real-time specifications, the approach presented in this paper dynamically selects a reasonable environment according to the imported variable clause and the previous environment. The reason for considering the previous environment is that, as stated later, ASTRAL is a history-dependent specification lan- guage. As a case study, ten mutation tests [21] of a railroad crossing benchmark are used to show their effectiveness in finding bugs, and the performance of the model checker is compared when the three approximation techniques are used separately and in combination. In [4, 5] Bultan used the Omega library as a tool to symbolically represent a set of states that is characterized by a Presburger formula. He also investigated partitions and approximations in order to calculate fixed points. As in the work reported in this paper, Bultan worked with infinite state systems. However, the systems Bultan considered are "simple" in the following sense: (1) quantifications are only limited to a very small number, (2) the transition system is a straightforward history- independent transition system; i.e., the current state only depends upon the last state, and other history references are not allowed, (3) the transition system itself is not a real-time system in the sense that no duration is attached to a transition and the start and end times are not allowed to be referenced. Unfortunately, a typical ASTRAL specification, such as the benchmark considered in this paper, is not "simple". For these complex systems, a fixed point may not even exist. However, because the ASTRAL symbolic model checker is primarily intended to be used as a debugger instead of a verifier, calculating the fixed point of a transition system is not an important issue. Therefore, Bultan's approaches can be considered to be orthogonal to the approaches presented in this paper. The model checker considered in this paper is modular- ized; one need only check one process instance for each process type declared, without looking at the transition behaviors of other process instances. The STeP system also uses a modularized approach [7, 6]. However, STeP primarily uses a theorem prover to validate a property while the approach presented here uses a fully automatic model checker. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a brief overview of the ASTRAL specification language is presented, along with an introduction to the ASTRAL modularized proof theory. In section 3, the ASTRAL symbolic model checker and three approximation techniques are presented. Section 4 gives the results of using the techniques separately and in combination on ten mutation tests, and it analyzes the results. Finally, in section 5, conclusions are drawn from this work, and future areas of research are proposed. 2 Overview of ASTRAL A railroad crossing specification is used as a benchmark example throughout the remainder of this paper. The system description, which is taken from [19], consists of a set of railroad tracks that intersect a street where cars may cross the tracks. A gate is located at the crossing to prevent cars from crossing the tracks when a train is near. A sensor on each track detects the arrival of trains on that track. The critical requirements of the system are that whenever a train is in the crossing the gate must be down and when no train has been in between the sensors and the crossing for a reasonable amount of time the gate must be up. The complete ASTRAL specification of the railroad crossing system can be found at An ASTRAL system specification includes a global specification and process specifications. The global specification contains declarations of process instances, global constants, nonprimitive types that may be shared by process types, and system level critical requirements. There is a process specification for each process type declared in the global specification. Each process specification consists of a sequence of levels, with the highest level being an abstract view of the process being specified Processes, Constants, Variables, and Types The global specification begins with a process type declaration PROCESSES the gate: Gate, the sensors: array [1.n tracks] of Sensor. This declaration indicates that there is one process instance of type Gate and n tracks process instances of type Sensor in the system, where n tracks is a global constant of type pos integer. In ASTRAL, primitive types include Integer, Real, Boolean, ID and Time. Additional types can be declared by using the TYPEDEF construct. For instance, pos integer is defined as follows: pos integer: TYPEDEF i: integer (i ?0). Each process instance has a unique identifier with type ID. The ASTRAL specification function IDTYPE(i) represents the type of the process with the identifier i. For instance, the global declaration sensor id: TYPEDEF i: id (IDTYPE(i)=Sensor). represents all identifiers of process instances of type nsor. In the railroad crossing specification there are two process specifications Gate and Sensor, which correspond to the two process types declared in the global specification. A process specification includes an interface section, which specifies the imported variables, types, transitions and constants (from either the global specification or exported by other processes) used by the process, and the variables and transitions exported by the process. ASTRAL does not have global variables. Therefore, variables, as well as local constants, must be declared in each process specification. ASTRAL supports a modularized design principle: every variable is associated with a unique process instance, and changes to the variable can only be caused by the transitions specified in that process instance. This is discussed further in the next subsection. Transitions The ASTRAL computation model is defined by the execution of state transitions, which are specified inside process specifications. Each transition in a process instance can only change the variables specified in that instance. The body of an ASTRAL transition includes pairs of entry and exit assertions with a nonzero duration associated with each pair. The entry assertion must be satisfied at the time the transition starts, whereas the exit assertion will hold after the time indicated by the duration from when the transition fires. For example, in process Gate, the transition, TRANSITION up raising now - End (raise) ?= raise time specifies the gate being fully raised, after it has been rising for a reasonable amount of time (raise time). Start(T) and End(T) specify the last start and end time of a transition T. Start(T,t) and End(T,t) are predicates used to indicate that the last start and end of transition T occurred at time t. A transition instance is fired if its entry assertion is satisfied and no other transition in the same process instance is executing. The execution of this transition instance is completed after the duration indicated in the transition specification, for instance up dur above. An exported transition must be called from the external environment in order to fire. Call(T) is used to indicate the time when a call to the exported transition T is made. ASTRAL broadcasts variable values instantaneously at the time the execution finishes. Other process instances may refer to these variables as well as to the start and end times of transitions under the assumption that these variables and transitions are explicitly exported and the process instances properly import them. If it is the case that there is more than one transition instance that is enabled inside the same process instance and no other transition is executing, then one of the enabled transitions is nondeterministically chosen to fire. Inside a process instance, executions of transitions are non-overlapping interleaved, while between process in- stances, maximal parallelism is supported. Thus, the execution of transition instances in different process instances is truly concurrent. Assumptions and Critical Requirements Besides transitions, requirement descriptions are also included as a part of an ASTRAL specification. They comprise axioms, initial clauses, imported variable clauses, environmental assumptions and critical require- ments. Axioms are used to specify properties about constants. An initial clause defines the system state at startup time. An imported variable clause defines the properties the imported variables should satisfy, for in- stance, patterns of changes to the values of imported variables and timing information about transitions exported from other processes. An environment clause formalizes the assumptions that must hold on the behavior of the environment to guarantee some desired system properties. Typically, it describes the pattern of invocation of exported transitions. The critical requirements include invariant clauses and schedule clauses. An invariant expresses the properties that must hold for every state of the system that is reachable from the initial state, no matter what the behavior of the external environment is. A schedule expresses additional properties that must hold provided the external environment and the other processes in the system behave as assumed (i.e., as specified by the environmental assumptions and the imported variable clauses). Both invariants and schedules are safety properties. ASTRAL is a rich language and has strong expressive power. For a detailed introduction to ASTRAL and its formal semantics the reader is referred to [9, 10, 22]. Modularized Proof Theory In this paper, modularization means the principle that a system specification can be broken into several loosely independent functional modules. Although most high level specification languages support modularization, each module in the specification is only a syntactical module. That is, these languages provide a way to write a specification as several modules, however, there is often no way to verify the correctness of each process without looking at all the behaviors of all the other processes. The ultimate goal of modularization is to partition a large system, both conceptually and func- tionally, into several small modules and to verify each small module instead of verifying the large system as a whole. This greatly eases both verification and design work. In ASTRAL, a process instance is considered as a module. It provides an interface section including an imported variable clause, which is an ASTRAL well-formed formula, that can be regarded as an abstraction of the behaviors of the other processes. This is a unique feature in ASTRAL, which helps to develop a modular verification theory for real-time systems. For example, verifying the schedule and the invariant of each process instance uses only the process's local assumptions and behaviors. Thus, verifying the local invariant uses only the behaviors of transitions of the process instance, and verifying the local schedule uses the process's local environment and imported variable clause, plus the behaviors of the process's transitions. Finally, because the imported variable clause must be a correct assumption, it needs to be verified by combining all the invariants from all the other process instances. At the global level, the global invariant of an ASTRAL specification can be verified by using only the invariants for all process in- stances, without looking at the details of each process instance's behavior. Similarly, the global schedule can be verified by using only the global environment and the schedules for all process instances. Due to page limita- tions, the ASTRAL proof theory can not be presented in detail in this paper. The interested reader should see [10] 3 Approximation techniques for the ASTRAL symbolic model checker In this section, an overview of the ASTRAL symbolic model checker is given along with the motivation for introducing the approximation techniques. Next, each of the techniques is formulated in more detail. An overview of the ASTRAL symbolic model checker A prototype implementation of the ASTRAL symbolic model checker for a nontrivial subset of ASTRAL is given in [13]. This prototype uses the Omega library [23] as a tool to symbolically represent a set of states that are characterized by a Presburger formula, which is an arithmetic formula over integer variables that is built from logical connectives and quantifiers. The Omega library provides rich operations on Omega sets and re- lations, such as join, intersection and projection. These operations are used in the image computations in the symbolic model checker. The symbolic model checker presented in this paper is implemented as a process level model checker, based upon the modularized ASTRAL proof theory. For each process type that is globally declared, one only needs to check one process instance's critical requirements. Each ASTRAL process declaration P can be translated into a labeled transition system that consists of a set Q of (infinitely many) states, a finite set of transitions ! a with name a from \Sigma. \Sigma consists of all the transition names declared in P as well as two special transitions idle and initial. Each ! a is a relation on Q, i.e., ! a ' Q \Theta Q: Init ' Q denotes the initial states. The assumption Assump and property Prop of T are also subsets of states Q. T is further restricted to have a form in which the components Q, are Presburger formu- las. As usual, for a set of states R ' Q, one can denote the preimage P re a (R) of a transition ! a as the set of all states from which a state in R can be reached by this transition: P re a The postimage P ost a (R) of a transition ! a is the set of all states that are reachable from a state in R by this transition: P ost a The semantics of T is characterized by runs q 0 a such that for all i, correct with respect to its specification, if for any run the following condition is satisfied for all k, fq initial lower raise up Figure 1: The execution graph of Gate initial lower down raise idle lower idle idle Figure 2: The execution tree of Gate The model checking procedure starts by constructing the execution graph G of P . The graph G is a where T i represents a transition declared in P . initial indicates the initial transition, which is defined as an identity transition on the initial states with zero dura- tion. idle is a newly introduced transition, which has duration one. idle fires if every T i is not firable and no transition is currently executing. idle will not change the values of any local variables. RG ' VG \ThetaV G excludes all the pairs of transitions such that the second transition is not immediately firable after the first one finishes. G is automatically constructed using the Omega library by analyzing the initial conditions and the entry and exit assertions of each ASTRAL transition in the process Figure 1 is an example of the execution graph for the Gate process in the railroad crossing specification. A dashed arrow in Figure 1 means that zero or more idle transitions are executed to reach the next node. The model checking procedure is carried out on the tree of all possible execution paths trimmed by the execution graph G. Figure 2 is part of the execution tree for the Gate process. Starting from the initial node initial in the execution tree of P , the model checker calculates the image of the reachable states on every node along each path up to a user-assigned search depth. Each image is checked against the assumption Assump and the property Prop in order to detect potential errors. A number of techniques are also used to dynamically resolve the values of variables according to the path that is being searched. These techniques reduce the number of variables used in the actual image calculation. Whenever an error is found, the model checker generates a concrete specification level trace leading to this error. Three approximation techniques In this subsection, three approximation techniques are presented to speed up the ASTRAL symbolic model checker. The techniques are random walk, partial image and dynamic environment generation. Motivation for introducing the approximation techniques As mentioned earlier, the ASTRAL symbolic model checker performs process level model checking by checking only one process instance for each process type declared in the global system. The correctness of doing this is ensured by the modularized proof theory of AS- TRAL. Without looking at the global behaviors of the entire system, the performance of the model checker can be greatly increased, since dealing with a single process instance is much easier. However, this does not mean that a single process instance is necessarily simple. In [13], the model checker was used to test the railroad crossing benchmark. In those experiments the model checker failed to complete two of the test cases due to the extremely large size of the instances. The high complexity of a single process instance can come from two sources: the local and global constants used in the instance and the local and imported variables that constitute the variable portion of the process instance. For example, in the Gate process there are 10 global constants and 6 local constants. These constants are used to parameterize the specified system, e.g., to specify a system containing a parameterized number of process instances as well as a system containing parameterized timing requirements. The local variables contribute to the local state and are changed by executing transitions. Though each process in ASTRAL is modularized, each process instance does not stand alone. An environment assumption is typically used to characterize the pattern of invocations (calls) of exported transitions from the outside environment. A process instance may also interact with other process instances through imported variables that are exported from other process instances. Since a process's local properties are proved using only its local assumptions, the process instance must specify strong enough assumptions (environment clause and imported variable clause) to correctly characterize the environment and the behaviors of the imported variables. In order to guarantee the local properties, it is not unusual for an assumption to include complex timing requirements on the call patterns and the imported vari- ables' change patterns. Thus, the second source of complexity primarily comes from the history-dependency of ASTRAL, which expresses that a system's current state depends upon its past states. When it is not practical for the symbolic model checker to complete the search procedure for a complex process instance, it is desirable to define approximation approaches to speed up the procedure by sacrificing cov- erage. Based upon the above analysis, two kinds of approaches can be used. The first is to assign concrete values to some of the constants before using the model checker. In [13], it was shown that doing this will speed up the model checker and that it is still effective in finding bugs in some cases. There are, however, reasons for not using this approach. First, picking the right set of constant values to cause "interesting" things (especially potential errors) to happen is not trivial. Some constant value choices will miss scenarios in which the specification would fail. Second, even with a number of the constant values fixed, the model checker is still expensive in some cases due to the complexity of the behavior of the local and imported variables. Experience shows that this approach, as well as using the explicit state model checker [12], should be used at the earlier stages in debugging a specification, when errors are relatively easier to catch. The second approach speeds up the model checker by enforcing it to check either less nodes or "small" nodes. These approaches free the user from setting up constant values. A random walk technique is used to allow the model checker to randomly skip a number of branches when traversing the execution tree. Approximations can also be applied by limiting the image size of all the reachable states on a node in the execution tree. Currently, two techniques are provided for image size reduction. One is partial image which considers only a subset of the image and uses this sub-set to calculate the postimage at each node. The other is dynamic environment generation [14], which generates different sequences of imported variable values for different execution paths. Doing this reduces the image size at a node by restricting the environment (primar- ily the imported variable part) of a process instance. These three techniques are discussed in more details in the following subsections. Random walk A path in the execution tree of an ASTRAL process is a sequence of transitions. Each node in the tree containing the image of all reachable states from the initial node along the path. Theoretically, the number of paths is exponential to the user-assigned search depth. Even though the symbolic model checker itself adopts a number of trimming techniques [13], the time for a complete search for a large specification is unaffordable. It is our experience that, when a specification has a bug, this bug can usually be demonstrated by many different paths. The reasons are (1) The ordering of some transitions can be switched without affecting the result (though practically it is hard to detect this, since ASTRAL is history dependent. 1 ), (2) Most specifications contain a number of parameterized constants. When a specification has a bug, usually there are numerous scenarios and choices of parameterized constant values to demonstrate it, so these scenarios can be shown by many different paths. Random walk is an approximation technique of searching only a portion of the reachable nodes on the execution tree. Figure 3 shows the recursive procedure, which is based upon depth-first search. The algorithm is similar to the procedure proposed in [13] except that this algorithm includes a random choice when the model checker moves from one node to its children. In the al- gorithm, depth indicates the maximal number of iterations of transitions to check. P ost A , which was defined earlier, is the postimage operator for the transition indicated by node A. Model checking a node A starts by calculating the preimage and postimage of it. If the postimage is not empty, which means that the transition is firable, then the preimage is checked with respect to the property, followed by checking every child node according to the execution graph 2 and the result of the random boolean function toss(A; B): The function toss is not symmetric. The probability of result tail is chosen as depth depth where numChildren(A) indicates the number of successors of node A in the execution graph G, i.e., indicates the layer where node A is located in the execution tree. The reason for this choice is to ensure the 1 This is significantly different from some standard techniques used in finite state model checking, such as the partial order method [18] 2 In the actual implementation, when A is idle, if the nearest non-idle ancestor node of A is A 0 , then a non-idle child node B of A with hA 0 ; Bi 62 RG is not checked. That is, only a non-idle child which is reachable from the closest non-idle ancestor of A in the execution graph is checked. ffl A short violation has less chance to miss. When A:layer is small, the probability of result tail is large. When A:layer is large, if numChildren(A) is greater than 1, then the probability is small. Hence a longer path has higher probability to be skipped. ffl When numChildren(A) is 1, 3 the probability of result tail is 1. That is, a node with only one successor can not be skipped. The model checking procedure starts from the initial node initial, Check(initial; depth): Boolean Check(Node A, int depth) f depth then return true; else if A:postimage if(A:preimage 6' Prop) then return false; else foreach B, hA; Bi 2 RG and toss(A; return true; Figure 3: The model checking algorithm with random walk Partial image In the Omega library, each image is represented by a union of convex linear constraints. The efficiency of an image calculation depends upon the number of variables and the number of constraints. Experience shows that, when a specification has a bug, there are usually numerous sets of parameterized constant and variable values that lead to the bug. These values usually satisfy many constraints in an image. Thus, considering only a part of the image will usually still let the model checker find the bug. As reported in [13], fixing a number of parameterized constant values increases the speed of the model checker, since the number of variables in the image is decreased. This is a special case of the partial image technique. However, finding the right set of constant values leading to a potential bug is not easy for complex specifications; it usually requires a user that thoroughly understands the specification. The partial image technique presented in this paper is used without fixing any constant values, by applying the PartialImage() opera- tor, which returns only half of the unions for the image. The algorithm presented in Figure 4 is essentially the same as the one in [13] except that during the depth first search the PartialImage() operator is applied on each preimage on node A. This reduced preimage represents 3 numChildren(A) is always at least one, since each node has a successor through the idle transition. the set of reachable states at the node. The approximated image is then used to calculate the postimage of the node, as stated in the algorithm. In previous experiments [13] the two test cases where the symbolic model checker failed to complete the search procedure were due to the extremely large size of the instance. The large number of constants and variables used in the test cases resulted in an extremely long time (hours as observed in [13] ) for a single image computation. When represented in the Omega library, these computations usually involve images containing hundreds or even thousands of unions of convex regions. Thus, it is natural to cut the image size of the reachable states at each node. Doing this is always sound for the ASTRAL symbolic model checker, because in ASTRAL, only safety and bounded liveness properties are specified. Boolean Check(Node A, int depth) f depth then return true; else if A:postimage if(A:preimage 6' Prop) then return false; else foreach B, hA; Bi 2 RG return true; Figure 4: The model checking algorithm with partial image Dynamic environment generation The dynamic environment generation technique used in this paper is proposed in detail in [14]. ASTRAL is a history dependent specification language. A technique is needed to encode the history of an imported variable when its past values are referenced, since as pointed out in [13], it is too costly to encode the entire history. Therefore, a limited window size technique is proposed in that paper to approximate the entire history by only a part of it. For example, a window size of two means that the process instance can only remember an imported variable's last two change times, and the values before and after the changes. As observed in [14], the imported variables and their history encodings are the main bottleneck of the symbolic model checker, due to the extra variables introduced for each imported vari- able. Thus, an environment is characterized by all the imported variables and their histories inside a given win- dow. If every variable in the environment has a concrete value, then the environment is called concrete. The dynamic environment generation technique effectively generates a reasonable sequence of concrete environments for each execution path. The sequence is selected according to the imported variable clause and the previous environment. The reader is referred to [14] for the details of the algorithm. The techniques used in combination The three techniques mentioned above can also be used in combination in a straightforward manner. For exam- ple, random walk and partial image can be combined in such a way that the model checker propagates only part of the reachable states to the children nodes while it randomly skips a number of branches. Random walk and dynamic environment generation can also work together such that along each randomly chosen execution path a sequence of concrete environments are generated. Similarly, partial image and dynamic environment generation can be applied when a part of the image of reachable states is used to calculate the postimage and they are also used to generate the concrete environments. In the following section, the results of running ten mutation tests of the Gate process using the model checker with each of the techniques and their combinations are presented. Performance comparisons: a case study All three approximation techniques are integrated into the ASTRAL symbolic model checker. Since the use of the symbolic model checker in the ASTRAL SDE is only for debugging purposes, its effectiveness for detecting a potential error in a specification is the major concern. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approximation techniques proposed in the last section, the model checker was run on ten mutations [21] of the Gate process from the railroad crossing specification. The reason that the Gate process specification was used is that it contains imported variables as well as their histories. These imported variables result in a large instance of the Gate process for which the symbolic model checker previously failed to complete [13], when not using approximation techniques. Each mutation contains a minor change to the original specification 4 . A detailed list of all the mutations can be found in Table 1. As pointed out in [21], the mutation techniques can be used in two ways for formal specifications: they can help a user understand the specification, and they can test the strength of a specification. Experience shows that real-time specifications are hard to write and to read, especially when they involve complex timing con- straints. A user can mutate a part of the specification where he or she believes that such a change should affect the behavior of the system. If the mutant is killed (i.e., a violation is found), then a specification level violation trace is demonstrated. Reading through the trace 4 The unmutated railroad crossing specification has been proved to be correct using the ASTRAL theorem prover, which is also part of the ASTRAL SDE [22]. helps the user to quickly figure out where and how the syntax change affects the specification. If a mutation is created by weakening an assumption in the specification and the model checker fails to find any violations, then a potential weakness is demonstrated in the original spec- ification. There are two possibilities in this case. One is that the model checker is not able to find the bug under this specific run with the specific setup. The other is that the mutation is equivalent to the original (correct) specification. M1 delete the 1st conjunction from the axiom of GATE M2 delete the 2nd conjunction from the axiom of GATE M3 delete the 3rd conjunction from the axiom of GATE M4 delete the term raise dur from the 2nd conjunction of the axiom of GATE M5 delete the term up dur from the 3rd conjunction of the axiom of GATE M6 delete now-Change(s.train in R)?=RImax-response time from the 1st conjunction of the schedule of GATE M7 delete the imported variable clause of GATE M8 delete now-End(lower)?=lower time from the entry assertion of transition down M9 delete now-End(raise)?=raise time from the entry assertion of transition up delete ~(position=raising - position=raised) from the entry assertion of transition raise Table 1. Ten mutations of the railroad crossing specification For all of the tests, the constants min speed and speed were set to 15 and 20, respectively, the constant tracks was set to 2, and the history window size was chosen as 2. There were no other user-assigned con- stants. The maximal search depth was 10. The reason that both n tracks and the window size were chosen to be 2 is that this setting demonstrates the effectiveness of the model checker on an extremely large instance of the specification. Table 2 and Table 3 show the results with the three approximation techniques used separately and used in combination, respectively. In the tables, each result contains the number of nodes visited in the execution tree, the time taken (measured in seconds), and the result status. The status values are "\Theta" (i.e., the model checker is able to detect a violation), " "(i.e., the model checker finishes and reports no error), or """(i.e., the model checker fails to finish in a reasonable amount of time). A number is also attached to the status value to indicate the actual number of runs of the specific tests that were performed. For example, "\Theta(2)" means a violation is found after the second run and within the first run no error was detected. In this case, the number of nodes and the time taken are the sum of the two runs. For each case at most two trials were made. For M3, M5, M8 and M9, the model checker ran only once. The reason is that the model checker will not report any errors for these cases, as discussed below. For comparison, all the mutations were also run using the earlier symbolic model checker that did not use the approximation techniques. The results of these runs are shown under column "plain" in Table 2. All tests were performed on a Sun Ultra 1 with 64M main memory and 124M swap memory. It should be noted that all of the experiments were independent. That is, before each run of the model checker, the cache was cleaned 5 . Therefore, the performances of different runs are comparable. As observed in [14], among the ten mutations, M8 and M9 are both correct. Hence the model checker should not report any error for these cases. M3 and M5 are two cases that demonstrate a limitation of the symbolic model checker when it fails to detect an error although the mutations should be killed. In [14], the explicit state model checker [12] was used to successively find the violations under a set of constant values provided by the specifier. Test results on these live mutants are still meaningful in that they can be used to show the node coverage of each approximation technique when the model checker completes the search procedure. The remaining six mutations are the ones that the model checker is able to kill. They are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of using the model checker to debug a specification. A number of observations can be made from the results shown in Table 2 and Table 3. During the first run, all six mutations were killed by using partial image and dynamic environment generation separately. After the second run, partial image combined with dynamic environment generation was also able to kill all six muta- tions. Random walk, either applied separately or combined with the other two techniques, was not able to kill the six mutations. M6, M7 and M10 show relatively short violation traces, while M1, M2 and M4 show long violation traces. Therefore, we are more interested in the latter three cases. In the first run, random walk was able to kill three mutations on average. After the second run, however, it could not kill M1 for each of its three uses. The time used in finding an error is 2 to 4 times faster on average than the time without using approximation techniques. Even when the error was detected after the second run, the total time used in the two runs is still 2 times faster on average. One can also notice that using the techniques in combination could speed up the procedure further, though the ratio is not especially high, and on occasion it is worse. The reason is that using the techniques in combination sacrifices more coverage. Therefore, it has less chance of detecting an error in the first run. Consider the results on the live mutants M3, M5, M8 and M9 mentioned above. On these mutations, random walk has the least node coverage especially when applied in combination with the other two techniques. In contrast, both partial image and dynamic environment generation have much cleaning the cache, 4 to 10 times speed up is usually observed. However, it was noticed that the approximation techniques used in this paper can also degrade cache performance. partial image dynamic env random walk plain cases nodes time result nodes time result nodes time result nodes time result M4 28 1,694 \Theta(1) 23 1,726 \Theta(1) 104 5,069 p (2) 23 10,168 \Theta(1) (1) 91 3,173 p Table 2. Experiments: the approximation techniques used separately cases nodes time result nodes time result nodes time result Table 3. Experiments: the approximation techniques used in combination higher node coverage, even when applied in combina- tion. However, it is unknown what the total number of reachable nodes is, since the symbolic model checker failed to complete the searching procedure for all four of these mutations. From the above analysis, one can conclude that all of the approximation approaches are effective. They are able to kill at least half of the mutations in a much shorter time during the first run, while they can finish the procedure in a reasonable amount of time for live mutants. For this specific set of tests, partial image and dynamic environment generation are the most effective. They are fast to detect an error, and when no error is reported, they attain a high node coverage. Random walk performs slightly worse than the other two tech- niques. The reason is that random walk didn't reach a high node coverage as shown by the results on the live mutations. Along each execution path, the image calculations are still very expensive since a node must propagate a full reachable image. However, compared to the model checker without approximation techniques, the performance in detecting a violation is still much faster. 5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, three approximation techniques for using the ASTRAL symbolic model checker as a specification debugger were introduced. The techniques are random walk, partial image and dynamic environment genera- tion. The random walk technique is used to allow the model checker to randomly skip a number of branches when traversing the execution tree. The partial image technique considers only a subset of the image and uses this subset to calculate the postimage at each node. The dynamic environment generation technique [14] generates different sequences of imported variable values for different execution paths. The three techniques were applied separately and in combination to ten mutation tests on the Gate process in the railroad crossing benchmark specification. All the techniques are effective in finding bugs. Besides the techniques discussed in this paper, we believe that there are many other applicable approximation approaches. Unlike other model checkers, the ASTRAL model checker is primarily intended for use as a specification debugger. Once the fixed point computation is out of the question, numerous approximation techniques that already exist in the testing area can also be investigated. We believe the techniques proposed in this paper will also be useful in model checkers using different specification languages as long as only safety properties are considered. For debugging a general temporal property formulated in a temporal logic, it is still unknown how well these approximation approaches will work. This is an area for further research. The coverage analysis in this paper is empirical. The factors considered are time and number of nodes. Another issue to be investigated is what metrics can be used to systematically measure path and/or node coverage for a specific approximation technique applied on an execution tree. This is a challenging topic, since sometimes the symbolic model checker without using the approximation techniques fails to complete the entire search. Therefore, a theoretical estimation is urgently needed. The authors would like to thank T. Bultan and P. Kolano for many insightful discussions. The ten mutations tested in this paper were created as a result of discussions among T. Bultan, P. Kolano and the authors well before this paper was written. The specification was written by P. Kolano. --R "Hybrid specification of control systems," "Hardware specification using the assertion language ASTRAL," "Verifying Systems with Integer Constraints and Boolean Pred- icates: A Composite Approach." 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" "The generalized railroad crossing: a case study in formal verification of real-time systems," "Proof Assistance for Real-Time Systems Using an Interactive Theorem Prover," " Mutation tests for ASTRAL real-time spec- ifications," "The design and analysis of real-time systems using the ASTRAL software development environment," "The Omega test: a fast and practical integer programming algorithm for dependence analy- sis," --TR A partial approach to model checking Model checking for programming languages using VeriSoft Specification of realtime systems using ASTRAL Verifying systems with integer constraints and Boolean predicates Automatically closing open reactive programs Using the ASTRAL model checker to analyze mobile IP Model-checking concurrent systems with unbounded integer variables The design and analysis of real-time systems using the ASTRAL software development environment A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Intralevel Proof Obligations Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite State Systems Using Presburger Arithmetic Deductive Verification of Real-Time Systems Using STeP Proof Assistance for Real-Time Systems Using an Interactive Theorem Prover A report on random testing A Symbolic Model Checker for Testing ASTRAL Real-Time Specifications Dynamic Environment Generations for an ASTRAL Process --CTR Bernard Boigelot , Louis Latour, Counting the solutions of Presburger equations without enumerating them, Theoretical Computer Science, v.313 n.1, p.17-29, 16 February 2004 Zhe Dang , Tevfik Bultan , Oscar H. Ibarra , Richard A. Kemmerer, Past pushdown timed automata and safety verification, Theoretical Computer Science, v.313 n.1, p.57-71, 16 February 2004 Zhe Dang , Oscar H. Ibarra , Richard A. Kemmerer, Generalized discrete timed automata: decidable approximations for safety verification, Theoretical Computer Science, v.296 n.1, p.59-74, 4 March
formal methods;ASTRAL;real-time systems;state machines;formal specification and verification;timing requirements;model checking
Light-weight context recovery for efficient and accurate program analyses.
To compute accurate information efficiently for programs that use pointer variables, a program analysis must account for the fact that a procedure may access different sets of memory locations when the procedure is invoked under different callsites. This paper presents light-weight context recovery, a technique that can efficiently determine whether a memory location is accessed by a procedure under a specific callsite. The paper also presents a technique that uses this information to improve the precision and efficiency of program analyses. Our empirical studies show that (1) light-weight context recovery can be quite precise in identifying the memory locations accessed by a procedure under a specific call-site and (2) distinguishing memory locations accessed by a procedure under different callsites can significantly improve the precision and the efficiency of program analyses on programs that use pointer variables.
INTRODUCTION Software development, testing, and maintenance activities are important but expensive. Thus, researchers have investigated ways to provide software tools to improve the e#ciency, and thus reduce the cost, of these activities. Many of these tools require program analyses to extract information about the program. For exam- ple, tools for debugging, program understanding, and impact analysis use program slicing (e.g., [5, 6, 15]) to focus attention on those parts of the software that can influence a particular statement. To support software engineering tools e#ectively, a program analysis must be su#ciently e#cient so that the tools will have a reason-able response time or an acceptable throughput. More- over, the program analysis must be su#ciently precise so that useful information will not be hidden within spurious information. 1. int x; 2. f(int* p) { 3. 4. } 5. f1(int* q) { 6. int 7. f(&z); 8. f(q); 9. } 10. int 11. main() { 12. int 13. 14. 15. f1(&y); 17. printf("%d",w); 18. } Figure 1: Example Program. Many program analyses can e#ectively compute program information for programs that do not use pointer variables. However, when applying these techniques to programs that use pointer variables, several issues must be considered. First, in programs that use pointer vari- ables, two di#erent names may reference the same memory location at a program point. For example, in the program in Figure 1, both pointer dereference *p and variable name y can reference the memory location for y at statement 3. This phenomenon, called aliasing, must be considered when computing safe program in- formation. For example, without considering the e#ects of aliasing, a program analysis would ignore the fact that y is referenced by *p in statement 3 and thus, conclude incorrectly that procedure f() does not modify y. Second, in programs that use pointer variables, a procedure can access di#erent memory locations through pointer dereferences when the procedure is invoked at di#erent callsites. For example, f() accesses y and x when it is called by statement 8, but it accesses w and x when it is called by statement 16. A program analysis that cannot distinguish the memory locations accessed by the procedure under the context of a specific callsite might compute spurious program information for this callsite. For example, a program analysis might report that y, z, and w are modified by f() when f() is called by statement 8. Furthermore, a program analysis that propagates the spurious program information through-out the program will be unnecessarily ine#cient. Many existing techniques (e.g., [2, 8, 12, 14]) compute safe program information by accounting for the e#ects of aliasing in the analysis. However, only a few of these techniques (e.g., [8, 12]) can distinguish memory locations accessed by a procedure under the context of specific callsites. These techniques use conditional analysis that attaches conditions to the information generated during program analysis. For example, *p references w at statement 3 (Figure 1) if *p is aliased to w at the entry to f(). Thus, a program analysis reports that w is modified by statement 3 under this condition. To determine whether w is modified by f() when statement 8 is executed, the program analysis determines whether *p is aliased to w at the entry to f() by checking the alias information at statement 8. Because *q is not aliased to w at statement 8, *p is not aliased to w at the entry to f() when f() is invoked at statement 8. Thus, the program analysis reports that w is not modified when statement 8 is executed. Although a technique using conditional analysis can distinguish memory locations accessed by a procedure under specific callsites, and thus avoid computing spurious program information, it can be ine#cient. First, it requires conditional alias information, which currently can be provided only by expensive alias-analysis algorithms (e.g., [7]). Second, it can increase the cost of computing the program information. For example, without using conditional analysis, the complexity of computing inter-procedural reaching definitions is O(n 2 v) where n is the size of the program and v is the number of names that references memory locations whereas using conditional analysis, the complexity is O(n To compute accurate program information without using expensive conditional alias information or adding complexity to a program analysis, we develop a new approach that has two parts. First, by examining the ways in which memory locations are accessed in a proce- dure, it e#ciently identifies the set of memory locations that can be accessed by the procedure under a specific callsite. Second, it uses this set of memory locations to reduce the spurious information propagated from the procedure to the callsite or from the callsite to the procedure To e#ciently identify the memory locations that can be accessed by a procedure under a specific callsite, we developed a technique, light-weight context recovery. This technique is based on the observation that, under the context of a callsite, a formal parameter for a procedure typically points to the same set of memory loca- tions, throughout the procedure, as the actual parameter to which it is bound if the formal parameter is a pointer. Given a memory location that is accessed exclusively through the pointer dereferences of this formal parameter, such memory location can be accessed by the procedure under a specific callsite only if the memory location can be accessed at the callsite through the pointer dereferences of the actual parameter to which it is bound. This observation allows the technique to identify the memory locations that are accessed by a procedure under a specific callsite. To reduce the spurious information propagated across procedure boundaries by program analyses, we also developed a technique that uses the information about memory locations computed by light-weight context re- covery. At each callsite, program information about a memory location that is not identified as being accessed by the called procedure need not be propagated from the callsite to the called procedure or from the called procedure to the callsite. Thus, this technique can improve the precision and the e#ciency of program analyses. This paper presents our new first presents a light-weight context recovery algorithm (Section 2); it then illustrates, using interprocedural slicing [15], the technique that uses information provided by the light-weight context recovery to improve program analyses (Section 3). The main benefit of our approach is that it is e#cient: it can use alias information provided by e#cient alias analysis algorithms, such as Liang and Harrold's [9] and Andersen's [1]; the light-weight context recovery is almost as e#cient as modification side- e#ects analysis; using information provided by light-weight context recovery in a program analysis adds little cost to the program analysis. A second benefit of our approach is that, in many cases, it can identify a large number of memory locations whose information need not be propagated to specific callsites. Thus, it can provide significant improvement in both the precision and the e#ciency of the program analysis. A third benefit of our approach is that it is orthogonal to many other techniques that improve the e#ciency of program analyses. Thus, it can be used with those techniques to improve further the e#ciency of program analyses. This paper also presents a set of empirical studies in which we investigate the e#ectiveness of using light-weight context recovery to improve the e#ciency and the precision of program analyses (Section 4). These studies show a number of interesting results: - For many programs that we studied, the light-weight context recovery algorithm computes, with relatively little increase in cost, a significantly smaller number of memory locations as being modified at a callsite than that computed by the traditional modification side- e#ect analysis algorithm. - For several programs, using alias information provided by Liang and Harrold's algorithm [9] or Andersen's algorithm [1], the light-weight context recovery algorithm reports almost the same modification side-e#ects at a callsite as Landi, Ryder, and Zhang's algorithm [8], which must use conditional alias information. - Using information provided by the light-weight context recovery can reduce the sizes of slices computed using the reuse-driven slicing algorithm [5] and the time required to compute such slices. This section first gives some definitions and then presents the light-weight context recovery algorithm. Definitions Memory locations in a program are referenced through object names; an object name consists of a variable and a possibly empty sequence of dereferences and field ac- cesses. If an object name contains no dereferences, then the object name is a direct object name. Otherwise, the object name is an indirect object name. For example, x.f is a direct object name, whereas *p is an indirect object name. A direct object name obj represents a memory location, which we refer to as L(obj). We say object name N 1 is an extension of object name constructed by applying a possibly empty sequence of dereferences and field accesses # to N 2 ; in this case, we denote N 1 as E#N 2 #. We refer to N 2 as a prefix of N 1 . If # is not empty, then N 1 is a proper extension of N 2 , and N 2 is a proper prefix of N 1 . If N is a formal parameter and a is the actual parameter that is bound to N at callsite c, we define a function A c (E #N#) that returns object name E#a#. For example, suppose that r is a pointer that points to a struct with field f . Then E #r# is #r, E #.f #r# is (#r).f , and r is a proper prefix of *r. If r is a formal parameter to function F and *q is the actual parameter bound to r at a callsite c to F , then A c (E #.f #r#) is (*q).f . Given an object name obj and a statement s, an alias analysis can determine a set of memory locations that may be aliased to obj at s. We refer to this set as obj's accessed set at s, and denote this set as ASet(obj, s). For example, in Figure 1, ASet(#p, Landi and Ryder's algorithm [7] is used. Given a memory location loc and a procedure P , the name set of loc in P contains the object names that are used to reference loc in P . For example, the name set for y in f() Figure 1) is {*p}. A memory location loc supports object name obj at statement s if the value of loc may be used to resolve the dereferences in obj at s. For ex- ample, suppose that q points to r and r points to x at statement s. Then r supports *q at s. Light-Weight Context Recovery To identify memory locations accessed by a procedure P under a specific callsite, light-weight context recovery considers the nonlocal memory locations in P . If the name set of a nonlocal memory location loc contains a direct object name, then the technique reports that loc is accessed under each callsite to P . If the name set of loc contains a single indirect object name, then the technique computes additional information to determine whether loc can be accessed under a specific callsite to P . In other cases, for e#ciency, the technique assumes that loc is accessed under each callsite to P . Suppose that indirect object name obj is the only object name in the name set of nonlocal memory location loc in procedure P . Then, if loc is referenced in P , it must be referenced through obj. If none of the memory locations supporting obj at statements in P is modified in P , then when P is executed, obj references the same memory location at each point in P . In this case, if obj is an extension of a formal parameter, then when P is called at callsite c, obj must reference the same memory location as the one referenced by A c (obj) at c. Thus, if loc is referenced in P under c, loc must be referenced by A c (obj) at c. During program analysis, we must propagate the information for loc from P to c only if A c (obj) is aliased to loc at c. This property of memory locations gives us an opportunity to avoid propagating (i.e., filter) some spurious information when the information is propagated from the procedure to a callsite during program analyses. We say that, if loc has this property in P , then loc is eligible to be filtered under callsites to P , and we say that loc is a candidate. More precisely, loc is a candidate in P if the following conditions hold. Condition 1: loc's name set in P contains a single indirect name obj. Condition 2: obj is a proper extension of a formal parameter to P . Condition 3: the memory locations supporting obj at statements in P are not modified in P . For example, in Figure 1, the name set of w in f() contains only *p, a proper extension of formal parameter p. The value of p does not change in f(). Thus, w is a candidate in f(). Because A 16 (#p) is w, we need to propagate the information for w from f() to statement 16. However, because A 7 (#p) is z, we need not propagate the information for w from f() to statement 7. Light-weight context recovery processes the procedures in a reverse topological (bottom-up) order on the call graph 1 to identify the memory locations that are candidates in each procedure. Figure 2 shows algorithm ContextRecovery that performs the processing. For a nonlocal memory location loc referenced in procedure ContextRecovery computes a mark, MarkP [loc], whose value can be unmarked (U), eligible ( # ), or ineligible(-). By default, MarkP [loc] is initialized to U. If loc is a candidate in P , then MarkP [loc] is # . In this case, if obj is the object name in loc's name set in ContextRecovery stores obj in OBJP [loc]. If loc is not a candidate in P , then MarkP [loc] is - and OBJP [loc] is #. ContextRecovery also sets MODP [loc] to true if loc is modified by a statement in P so that it can check whether the memory locations supporting an object name have been modified in P . ContextRecovery examines the way loc is accessed in P , and calls Update() at various points (e.g., lines 5 and algorithm ContextRecovery(P) input P: a program global MarkP : maps memory locations in procedure P to marks whether a memory location is modified memory locations to object names declare list of procedures sorted in reverse topological order begin ContextRecovery 1. foreach procedure P do /*Intraprocedural phase*/ 2. foreach statement s in P do 3. foreach object name obj in s do 4. if obj is direct then 5. Update(P ,L(obj),F,#) 6. else 7. foreach memory location loc in ASet(obj, s) do 8. Update(P ,loc,T,obj) 9. endfor 10. endif 11. endfor 12. set MODP for memory locations modified at s 13. endfor 14. add P to W 15. endfor 16. while W # do /*Interprocedural phase*/ 17. take the first procedure P from W 18. foreach callsite c to R in P do 19. foreach nonlocal memory loc referenced in R do 20. if MarkR [loc] # then 21. Update(P ,loc,F,#) 22. elseif loc#ASet(Ac (OBJR [loc]), c) then 23. if Ac (OBJR [loc]) is indirect then 24. Update(P ,loc,T,Ac (OBJR [loc])) 25. else 26. Update(P ,loc,F,#) 27. endif 28. endif 29. update MODP [loc] 30. endfor 31. endfor 32. validate object names in OBJP with MODP 33. if MarkP or MODP updated then add P 's callers to W 34. endwhile ContextRecovery procedure Update(Q,l,m,o) input Q is a procedure, l is a memory location, m is a boolean, and o is an object name or # global MarkQ : marks for memory locations in Q array of object names begin Update 36. MarkQ [l] := -; OBJQ [l] := # 38. if o is an extension of a formal then 39. MarkQ [l] := # ; OBJQ [l] := 40. else 41. MarkQ [l] := -; OBJQ [l] := # 42. endif 43. elseif m =T and MarkQ 44. if o#=OBJQ [l] then 45. MarkQ [l] := -; OBJQ [l] := # 47. endif Update Figure 2: Algorithm identifies candidate memory locations. to compute MarkP [loc] and OBJP [loc]. Update() inputs procedure Q, a memory location l, a boolean flag m, and an object name o. When ContextRecovery detects that a memory location is accessed at a statement in P , if the memory location is accessed through an indirect object name, the algorithm calls Update() with m as T (true). Otherwise, if the memory location is not accessed through an indirect object name, the algorithm calls Update() with m as F (false). Update() sets the values for MarkQ [l] and OBJQ [l] according to m and the current value of MarkQ [l]. If m is F, then l is not a candidate in Q because condition 1 is violated. Thus, MarkQ [l] is updated with - and OBJQ [l] is updated with # (line 36). If m is T and the current value of MarkQ [l] is U, then Update() checks to see whether o is an extension of a formal parameter to Q (lines 37-38). If so, then l is a candidate according to the information available at this point of computa- tion. Thus, MarkQ [l] is updated with # and OBJQ [l] is updated with Otherwise, l is not a candidate because condition 2 is violated. Thus, MarkQ [l] is updated with - and OBJQ [l] is updated with # (line 41). If m is T and MarkQ [l] is # , then Update() checks whether o is the same as OBJQ [l] (lines 43-44). If they are not the same, then l can be accessed in Q through more than one object name. This violates condition 1. Thus, l is not a candidate and MarkQ [l] is updated with - and OBJQ [l] is updated with # (line 45). For the other cases, MarkQ [l] and OBJQ [l] remain unchanged. ContextRecovery computes Mark, OBJ , and MOD using an intraprocedural phase and an interprocedural phase. In the intraprocedural phase, ContextRecovery processes the object names appearing at each statement s in a procedure P (lines 2-13). If an object name obj is direct, ContextRecovery calls Update(P ,L(obj),F,#) (lines 4-5). If obj is indirect, then for each memory location loc in ASet(obj, s), ContextRecovery calls (lines 7-9). For each memory location l that is modified at s, ContextRecovery also sets MODP [l] to be true (line 12). For example, when ContextRecovery processes statement 3 in f() in Figure 1, it checks *p. *p is an indirect name and ASet(#p, Thus, the algorithm calls Update(f,y,T,*p), Update(f,z,T,*p), and Update(f,w,T,*p). ContextRecovery also checks x at statement 3. Because x is a direct name, ContextRecovery calls Update(f, x,F,#). After f() is processed, Mark f and OBJ f have the following values: Mark f Mark f Mark f In the interprocedural phase, ContextRecovery processes each callsite c to procedure R in a procedure P (lines 16-34) using the worklist W . For each nonlocal memory location loc referenced in R, ContextRecovery checks MarkR [loc] (line 20). If MarkR [loc] is not # , then ContextRecovery assumes that loc is accessed by R under each callsite to R, including c. Thus, ContextRecovery calls Update(P ,loc,F,#) to indicate that loc is accessed by R under c in some unknown way (line 21). Otherwise, if MarkR [loc] is # , then ContextRecovery checks whether loc is in ASet(A c (OBJR [loc]), c) (line 22). If loc is in then loc is referenced by R under c through object name A c (OBJR [loc]). Context- Recovery calls Update(P ,loc,T,A c (OBJR [loc])) if A c (OBJR [loc]) is indirect, and calls Update(P ,loc,F,#) if A c (OBJR [loc]) is direct (lines 23-27). If loc is not in loc is not referenced by R under c. ContextRecovery does nothing in this case. In the interprocedural phase, when a memory location loc is processed, if MODR [loc] is true, then MODP [loc] is also set to true (line 29). For example, when ContextRecovery processes the callsite to f() at statement 8 (Figure 1), it first checks x. Mark f [x] is -. Thus, the algorithm calls Update(f1,x,F,#). The algorithm then checks y. Mark f [y] is # . The algorithm checks whether y is in Thus, the algorithm calls Update(f1,y,T,*q). The algorithm finally checks z and w and does nothing because z and w are not in ASet(#q, 8). The values for Mark f1 and OBJ f1 change from Mark f1 Mark f1 to Mark f1 Mark f1 after statement 8 is processed. In the interprocedural phase, ContextRecovery also validates the indirect object names appearing in OBJP to make sure that the memory locations supporting such indirect names in P are not modified in P (line 32). Suppose that indirect name obj is assigned to OBJP [loc]. If there is a memory location l that supports obj at a statement in P such that MODP [l] is true, then loc is ineligible because condition 3 is vi- olated. Thus, ContextRecovery updates MarkP [loc] with - and OBJP [loc] with #. After ContextRecovery processes P in the inter-procedural phase, if MODP or MarkP is updated, then the algorithm puts P 's callers in W (line 33). ContextRecovery continues until W becomes empty. Table 1 shows the results computed by ContextRecovery for the example program (Figure 1). Mark OBJ MOD Mark f Mark f Mark f Mark f Mark f1 Mark f1 Markmain Markmain Table 1: Mark, OBJ , and MOD for example program. Given that n is the size of the program, the complexity of ContextRecovery is O(n 2 ) in the absence of recursion and O(n 3 ) in the presence of recursion. The complexity of ContextRecovery is the same as the algorithm for computing modification side e#ects for the procedures. TO IMPROVE SLICING This section shows how the information computed using ContextRecovery can improve interprocedural slicing. Other program analyses, such as computing interprocedural reaching definitions and constructing system- dependence graphs, can be improved in a similar way. Interprocedural Slicing Program slicing is a technique to identify statements in a program that can a#ect the value of a variable v at a statement s (#s, v# is called the slicing criterion) [15]. Program slicing can be used to support tasks such as debugging, regression testing, and reverse engineering. One approach for program slicing first computes data and control dependences among the statements and builds a system-dependence graph, and then computes the slice by solving a graph-reachability problem on this graph [6]. Other approaches, such as the one used in the reuse-driven interprocedural slicing algorithm [5], use precomputed control-dependence information, but compute the data-dependence information on demand using control-flow graphs 2 (CFGs) for the procedures. We use the reuse-driven slicing algorithm as an example to show how a program analysis can be improved using information provided by light-weight context recovery. The reuse-driven slicer computes an interprocedural slice for criterion #s, v# by invoking a partial slicer on the procedures of the program. The reuse-driven slicer first invokes the partial slicer on P s , the procedure that contains s, to identify a subset of statements in P s or in procedures called by P s and a subset of inputs to P s that may a#ect v at s. We refer to s and v as the partial slicing standard used by the partial slicer and denote it as [s, v]. We refer to the subset of statements identified by the partial slicer as a partial slice with respect to [s, v]. We also refer to the subset of inputs identified by the partial slicer as relevant inputs with respect to [s, v]. When P s is not the main function of the program, the statements in procedures that call P s might also a#ect the slicing criterion #s, v# through the relevant inputs of [s, v]. Therefore, after P s is processed, for each call-site c i that calls P s , the reuse-driven slicer binds each relevant input f back to c i and creates a new partial slicing standard [c i , a i ], given that a i is bound to f at c i . The reuse-driven slicer then invokes the partial slicer on [c i , a i ] to identify the statements in P c i that should be included in the slice. The algorithm continues until no additional partial slicing standards can be generated. The algorithm returns the union of all partial slices computed by the partial slicer as the program slice for #s, v#. Figure 3 shows the call graph for the program in Figure [15,x] [16,x] f main Figure 3: Call graph annotated with partial slicing standards for #3, x#; solid lines show graph edges; dotted lines show relationships among partial slicing standards. 1. The graph is annotated with partial slicing standards created by the reuse-driven slicer to compute the slice for #3, x#. The reuse-driven slicer first invokes the partial slicer on f() with respect to [3, x]. The partial slicer computes partial slice {3} and relevant input set {x}. After f() is processed, the reuse-driven slicer creates new partial slicing standards [7, x] and [8, x] for the callsites to f() in f1() and partial slicing standard [16, x] for the callsite to f() in main(), and invokes the partial slicer on these standards. The partial slicer computes relevant input set {x} for [7, x] and [8, x]. After the partial slicer finishes processing [7, x] or [8, x], the reuse-driven slicer further creates partial slicing standard [15, x] for the callsite to f1() in main(), and invokes the partial slicer on this standard. The resulting slice for #3, x# is {3, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16}, the union of all partial slices computed during the processing. The partial slicer computes the partial slice for standard [s, v] by propagating memory locations backward throughout P s using P s 's CFG. For each node N in the CFG of P s , the partial slicer computes two sets of memory locations: IN [N ] at the entry of N ; OUT [N ] at the exit of N . IN [N ] is computed using OUT [N ] and information about N . OUT [N ] is computed as the union of the IN [] sets of N 's CFG successors. The partial slicer iteratively computes IN [] and OUT [] for each node in fixed point is reached. The formal parameters and nonlocal memory locations in IN [] at P s 's entry are the relevant inputs with respect to [s, v]. When N is not a callsite, the partial slicer computes considering OUT [N ] and those memory locations whose values are modified or used at N . If memory locations in OUT [N ] can be modified at N , then N and statements on which N is control dependent are added to the slice. When N is a callsite to procedure Q, the partial slicer must process Q to compute IN [N ] and to identify the statements in Q for inclusion in the partial slice. Figure 4 shows ProcessCall(), the procedure that processes a callsite c to Q. ProcessCall() uses a cache to store the partial slice and the relevant inputs for each partial slicing standard created by the reuse-driven slicer. For each memory location u in OUT [c], ProcessCall() binds u to u # in (line 2). If u # is not modified by Q or by proce- procedure ProcessCall(c, IN,OUT ) input c: a call node that calls Q : the set OUT [c] output IN : the set IN [c] globals cache[s, v]: pair of (pslice, relInputs) previously computed by ComputePSlice on [s, v] begin ProcessCall 1. foreach u in OUT do 2. 3. if u # is not modified by Q or pocedures called by Q then 4. 5. else 6. if cache[Q.exit, u # ] is NULL then 7. cache[Q.exit, 8. endif 9. add cache[Q.exit, u # ].pslice to the slice 11. endif 12. endfor Figure 4: Procedure processes callsites using caching. dures called by Q, ProcessCall() simply adds u to IN [c] (lines 3-4). Otherwise, ProcessCall() creates a partial slicing standard [Q.exit, u # ], in which Q.exit is the exit of Q. ProcessCall() then checks the cache against [Q.exit, u # ] (line 6). If the cache does not contain information for [Q.exit, u # ], then ProcessCall() invokes ComputePSlice() on [Q.exit, u # ], and stores the partial slice and the relevant inputs returned by ComputePSlice() in the cache (line 7). ProcessCall() then merges the partial slice with the program slice (line 9), and calls BackBind() (not show) to bind the relevant inputs back to c and adds them to the IN [c] (line 10). After c has been processed, if some statements in are included in the slice, then c and statements on which c is control dependent are added to the slice. For example, to compute the slice for #17, w#, the slicer first propagates w from statement 17 to OUT [16]. Because statement 16 is a callsite, the slicer propagates w into f() and creates a new partial slicing standard [4, w]. The slicer then invokes the partial slicer on [4, w], and computes partial slice {3} and relevant inputs {x,y,z,w,p}. The slicer binds x, y, z, w, and p back to statement 16 and puts x,y,z, and w in IN[16]. The slicer keeps processing and adds statements 3, 6, 7, and 17 to the slice. Interprocedural Slicing Using Information Provided by Light-Weight Context Recovery The precision and the e#ciency of the reuse-driven slicer can be improved if it can identify the set of memory locations modified by a procedure under a specific callsite. To do this, before the slicer propagates a memory location from the callsite to the called procedure, it first checks whether the memory location can be modified by the procedure under this callsite. If the memory location cannot be modified by the procedure under this callsite, the reuse-driven slicer does not propagate the memory location into the called procedure. Similarly, the precision and the e#ciency of the reuse-driven slicer can be improved if it can identify the set of memory loca- procedure ProcessCall(c, IN,OUT ) input c: a call node that calls Q : the set OUT [c] output IN : the set IN [c] globals cache[s, v]: pair of (pslice, relInputs) previously computed by ComputePSlice for [s, v] begin ProcessCall 1. foreach u in OUT do 2'. if u is not modified by Q at c then 3'. 4'. else 5'. 7. cache[Q.exit, 8. endif 9. add cache[Q.exit, u # ].pslice to the slice 11. endif 12. endfor function BackBind(eV ars, c, P ) input eV ars: memory locations reaching the entry of P c: a call node that calls P output memory locations at callsite begin BackBind 13. foreach memory location l in eV ars do 14. if l is formal parameter then 15. add memory locations bound to l at c into CalleeV ars 16. elseif l is referenced by P at c then /*old: 16. else */ 17. add l to into CalleeV ars 18. enif 19. endfor 20. return CalleeV ars BackBind Figure 5: ProcessCall() (modified) and BackBind(). tions referenced by a procedure under a specific callsite. The slicer propagates, from the called procedure to a callsite, only the memory locations that are referenced under the callsite. Both improvements can reduce the spurious information propagated across the procedure boundaries, and thus can improve the precision and efficiency of the reuse-driven slicer. For example, consider the actions of the reuse-driven slicer for #17, w# (Figure 1), if the two improvements, described above, are made. The improved slicer first propagates w from statement 17 to statement 16. Because modifies w when it is invoked by statement 16, the improved slicer propagates w from statement 16 into f(), and creates partial slicing standard [4, w]. The improved slicer then invokes the partial slicer on [4, w], adds statement 3 to the partial slice, and identifies x, y, z, w, and p as the relevant inputs. The improved slicer checks statement 16 and finds that only x and w can be referenced when f() is invoked by statement 16. Thus, it adds only x and w to IN[16]. The improved slicer further propagates x and w to OUT [15]. Because f1() modifies neither x nor w when it is invoked at statement 15, the improved slicer propagates x and w directly to IN[15], without propagating them into f1(). The improved slicer continues and adds statements 3, 12, 13, 16, 17 to the slice. This example shows that using specific callsite information can help the reuse-driven slicer compute more precise slices. We modify ProcessCall() (Figure 4) to use the set of memory locations that are modified by a procedure under a specific callsite to reduce the spurious information propagated from a callsite to the called procedure. Figure 5 shows the modified ProcessCall() (lines 2'-5' replace lines 2-5 in the original version). For each u in OUT [c], the new ProcessCall() first checks whether u is modified by Q at c (line 2'). If u is not modified by Q at c, then the new ProcessCall() adds u to IN [c] (line 3'). If u is modified by Q at c, then the new ProcessCall() binds u to u # in Q, creates partial slicing standard [Q.exit, u # ], and continues the computation in the usual way (lines 5'-10). Because u being modified by Q at c implies that u # is modified by Q, the new ProcessCall() need not check u # . We also modify BackBind() to use the set of memory locations that are referenced by a procedure under a specific callsite to reduce the spurious information propagated from a procedure to its callsites. Figure 5 shows the modified BackBind() in which line 16 has been changed. BackBind() checks each memory location l in its input eV ars (line 13). If l is a formal parameter, BackBind() adds the memory locations that are bound to l at c to CalleeV ars (lines 14-15). Otherwise, the new BackBind() checks whether l is referenced when P is invoked at c (line 16). If so, then BackBind() puts l in CalleeV ars (line 17). Finally, BackBind() returns CalleeV ars (line 20). We use MarkP , OBJP , and MODP computed by ContextRecovery to determine the memory locations that can be modified by P under callsite c. 3 For a nonlocal memory location loc in P , if MODP [loc] is true and MarkP [loc] is -, then loc may be modified by P under each callsite to P , including c. If MODP [loc] is true and MarkP [loc] is # , and if loc is in then loc can be modified by P under c. Otherwise, loc is not modified by P under c. For example, according to the result in Table 1, Mark f Thus, f() modifies y when f() is invoked at statement 8 in Figure contains y. However, f() does not modify y when f() is invoked at statement 16 because ASet(A (i.e., ASet(w, 16)) does not contain y. We use a similar approach to determine the memory locations that can be referenced by P when P is invoked from c. For a memory location loc, if MarkP [loc] is -, then loc can be referenced by P under c. If MarkP [loc] is # and OBJP [loc] is obj, and if loc is in ASet(A c (obj), c), then loc can be referenced by P under c. Otherwise, loc is not referenced by P under c. 3 We also can use conditional alias information to determine the memory locations that may be modified by P under c. However, this approach might be too expensive for large programs. We performed several studies to evaluate the e#ective- ness of using light-weight context recovery to improve the precision and the e#ciency of program analyses. We implemented ContextRecovery and the reuse-driven slicing algorithm that uses information provided by ContextRecovery using PROLANGS Analysis Frame-work (PAF) [3]. In the studies, we compared the results computed with alias information provided by Liang and Harrold's algorithm (LH) [9] and by Andersen's algorithm (AND) [1]. 4 We gathered the data for the studies on a Sun Ultra30 workstation with 640MB physical memory and 1GB virtual memory. 5 The left side of Table 2 gives information about the subject programs. CFG LH AND program Nodes LOC CI CR CI CR loader 819 1132 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.11 dixie 1357 2100 0.12 0.19 0.11 0.17 learn 1596 1600 0.11 0.2 0.11 0.17 assembler 1993 2510 0.26 0.35 0.23 0.34 smail simulator 2992 3558 0.47 0.59 0.49 0.57 arc 3955 7325 0.38 0.77 0.38 0.68 space 5601 11474 1.48 1.62 1.86 1.91 larn 11796 9966 2.18 2.85 2.11 2.84 espresso 15351 12864 7.34 8.81 8.62 15.25 moria 20316 25002 29.29 38.98 22.49 24.79 twmc 22167 23922 2.98 4.69 3.53 7.96 Table 2: Information about subject programs (left) and time in seconds for context-insensitive modification side effect analysis (CI) and for ContextRecovery (CR) (right). The goal of study 1 is to evaluate the e#ciency of our algorithm (CR). We compared the time required to run CR on a program and the time required to compute modification side-e#ects of the procedures in the program with a context-insensitive algorithm (CI). We make this comparison because (1) the time for computing modification side-e#ects is relatively small compared to the time required for many program analyses and (2) our algorithm can be used instead of CI to compute more precise modification side-e#ects that are required for many program analyses. The right side of Table 2 shows the results computed using alias information provided by the LH algorithm and by the AND algorithm. From the table, we can see that, for the subjects we studied, CR is almost as e#cient as CI. This suggests that the time added by our algorithm might be negligible in many program analyses. The goal of study 2 is to evaluate the precision of our algorithm in identifying memory locations that are modified by a procedure under a specific callsite (MOD at 4 See [9] for a detailed comparison of these two algorithms. 5 Because we simulate the e#ects of library functions using new stubs with greater details, data reported in these studies for the subject programs di#er from those reported in our previous work. Figure Average sizes of MOD at a callsite. a callsite). We compared the size of MOD at a callsite computed by the traditional context-insensitive modification side-e#ect analysis algorithm (the CI-MOD al- gorithm) and by our algorithm. The reduction of the size of MOD at a callsite indicates the e#ectiveness of our technique in filtering spurious information at a call- site. We also compared the results computed by our algorithm with the results computed by Landi, Ryder, and Zhang's modification side e#ect analysis algorithm (the LRZ algorithm) [8] that uses conditional analy- sis. The results computed by the LRZ algorithm can be viewed as a lower bound for our algorithm. We used our implementations of the CI-MOD algorithm and of our algorithm, and used the implementation of the LRZ algorithm provided with PAF. Figure 6 shows the results of this study. In the graph, the total length of each bar indicated by either AND or LH represents the average size of MOD at a callsite computed by the CI-MOD algorithm using the alias information provided by the AND algorithm or the LH al- gorithm. On each bar, the length of the slanted segment represents the average size of MOD at a callsite computed by our algorithm using alias information provided by the corresponding alias analysis algorithm. For ex- ample, using the alias information provided by the AND algorithm, the CI-MOD algorithm reports that a call-site modifies 29 memory locations in space. Using the same alias information, however, our algorithm reports that a callsite modifies only 4.2 memory locations. The graph shows that for most subject programs we stud- ied, our algorithm computes significantly more precise MOD at a callsite than the CI-MOD algorithm. Thus, we expect that using information provided by our algorithm can significantly reduce the spurious information propagated across procedure boundaries. Figure 6 also shows the average size of MOD at a call-site computed by the LRZ algorithm. 6 In the graph, the length of each bar indicated by LRZ represents the average size of MOD at a callsite computed by the LRZ algorithm. For example, the LRZ algorithm reports that a callsite in space can modify 5 memory locations. Note that because this algorithm uses alias information computed by Landi and Ryder's algorithm [7], which treats a structure in the same way as its fields in some cases, this algorithm reports a larger MOD at a callsite than our algorithm for space. The graph shows that, for several programs we studied, the size of MOD at a callsite computed by our algorithm is close to that computed by the LRZ algorithm. This result suggests that our algorithm can be quite precise in identifying memory locations that may be modified by a procedure under a specific callsite. The graph also shows that the precision of MOD at a callsite computed by our algorithm varies for di#erent programs. This suggests that the e#ective- ness of improving program analyses using information provided by our algorithm might depend on how the program is written. Study 3 The goal of study 3 is to evaluate the e#ectiveness of using information provided by light-weight context recovery in improving the precision and e#ciency of the reuse-driven slicing algorithm. We compared the size of a slice and the time to compute a slice with and without using information provided by light-weight context recovery. Table 3 shows the results. The left side of Table 3 shows S, the average size of a slice computed using information provided by light-weight context recovery, and S # , the average size of a slice computed without using such information. The table also shows the ratio of S to S # in percentage. From the table, we can see that, for some programs, using information provided by light-weight context recovery can significantly improve the precision of computing inter-procedural slices. However, for other programs, we do not see significant improvement. One explanation for this may be that, on these programs, the precision of the interprocedural slicing is not sensitive to the precision of identifying memory locations that are modified or referenced at a statement. This result is consistent with results reported in References [9, 14], which show that the precision of interprocedural slicing is not very sensitive to the precision of alias information. The right side of the Table 3 shows T , the average time to compute a slice using information provided by 6 Data for some programs are unavailable: Landi and Ryder's algorithm [7] fails to terminate within 10 hours (time limit we set) when computing alias information for these programs. average size time in seconds name alias S S' S/S' T T' T/T' load- LH 187 241 77.9% 2.3 6.4 35.0% er+ AND 187 241 77.9% 2.3 6.4 35.2% dixie+ LH 629 648 97.0% 10.0 23.0 43.6% AND 609 648 94.0% 5.3 12.3 42.9% learn+ LH 499 501 99.6% 16.2 29.7 54.6% AND 479 501 95.6% 10.9 21.2 51.5% AND 791 806 98.1% 8.3 9.7 85.7% assem- LH 744 751 99.1% 15.2 93.8 16.2% smail# LH 1066 1087 98.1% 158 545 29.0% AND 1032 1090 94.7% 129 390 33.0% AND 546 698 78.3% 10.3 39.5 26.2% simu- LH 1174 1178 99.7% 11.1 18.5 59.8% later+ AND 1174 1178 99.7% 10.8 18.7 58.0% arc+ LH 788 804 98.1% 9.4 12.9 72.5% AND 771 803 96.1% 7.6 9.2 82.2% space# LH 2028 2161 93.9% 31.8 577 5.5% AND 2019 2161 93.4% 31.2 574 5.4% larn# LH 4590 4612 99.5% 642 977 65.7% AND 4576 4603 99.4% 619 798 77.5% average size time in hours name alias S S' S/S' T T' T/T' espre- LH 5704 5705 100% 1.2 4.7 25.4% sso# AND 5704 5705 100% 6.9 7.3 93.7% moria# LH 7820 28 >100 AND 7822 7.1 >100 twmc# LH 4331 4331 100% 1.9 2.2 83.7% AND 4327 4327 100% 1.7 2.0 84.1% +Data are collected from all slices of the program. #Data are collected from one slice. Table 3: Average size of a slice (left) and average time to compute a slice (right). light-weight context recovery, and T # , the average time to compute a slice without using information provided by light-weight context recovery. The time measured does not include time required for building CFG, alias analysis, computing modification side-e#ect, and context recovery. The table also shows the ratio of T to . From the table, we see that using information provided by light-weight context recovery can significantly reduce the time required to compute interprocedural slices. This suggests that that our technique might e#ec- tively improve the e#ciency of many program analyses. Flow-insensitive alias analysis algorithms can be ex- tended, using a similar technique as in Reference [4], to compute polyvariant alias information that identifies di#erent alias relations for a procedure under di#erent callsites. Using polyvariant alias information, a program analysis can identify the memory locations that are accessed in a procedure under a specific callsite, and thus, computes more accurate program informa- tion. However, computing polyvariant alias information may require a procedure to be analyzed multiple times, each under a specific calling context. This requirement may make the alias analysis ine#cient. Observing that memory locations pointed to by the same pointers in a procedure have the same program information in the procedure, we developed a technique [10] that partitions these memory locations into equivalence classes. Memory locations in an equivalence class share the same program information in a procedure. Therefore, when the procedure is analyzed, only the information for a representative of each equivalence class is computed. This information is then reused for other memory locations in the same equivalence class. Experiments [10, 11] show that this technique can e#ec- tively improve the performance of program analyses. The technique presented in this paper improves the performance of program analyses in another dimension, and thus, can be used together with equivalence analysis to further improve the e#ciency of program analyses. Horwitz, Reps, and Binkley [6] present a technique that uses the sets of variables that may be modified or may be referenced by a procedure to avoid including unnecessary callsites in a slice. This technique is needed so that a system-dependence-graph based slicer can compute slices that are as precise as those computed by other interprocedural slicers (e.g., [5]). Our technique di#ers from theirs in that our technique uses the sets of memory locations that may be accessed by a procedure under a specific callsite to filter spurious program infor- mation. Thus, our technique can improve the precision and performance of many program analyses on which Horwitz, Reps, and Binkley's technique cannot apply. There are many other techniques that can improve the performance of program analyses (e.g., [13]). Our light-weight context-recovery technique can be used with many of these approaches to improve further the performance of data-flow analyses. 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK We presented a light-weight context recovery algorithm, and illustrated a technique that uses the information provided by the light-weight context recovery to improve the precision and the e#ciency of program anal- yses. We also conducted several empirical studies. The results of our studies suggest that, in many cases, using light-weight context recovery can e#ectively improve the precision and e#ciency of program analyses. In our future work, first, we will repeat the studies in this paper on larger programs to further validate our conclusions. Second, we will perform studies to evaluate the e#ectiveness of combining light-weight context recovery with equivalence analysis to improve the e#- ciency of computing interprocedural slices. Third, we will apply our technique to other program analyses and evaluate its e#ectiveness on those program analyses. Fi- nally, we will perform studies to compare our technique with conditional analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NSF under grants CCR- 9696157 and CCR-9707792 to Ohio State University. --R Program analysis and specialization for the C programming language. Programming Languages Research Group. Call graph construction in object-oriented languages Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs. A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing. Interprocedural modification side e Equivalence analysis: A general technique to improve the e Interprocedural def-use associations in C programs Program slicing. --TR Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural aliasing Interprocedural modification side effect analysis with pointer aliasing Call graph construction in object-oriented languages Effective whole-program analysis in the presence of pointers Reuse-driven interprocedural slicing Equivalence analysis Efficient points-to analysis for whole-program analysis Data-flow analysis of program fragments Interprocedural Def-Use Associations for C Systems with Single Level Pointers The Effects of the Presision of Pointer Analysis Reuse-Driven Interprocedural Slicing in the Presence of Pointers and Recursions --CTR Donglin Liang , Maikel Pennings , Mary Jean Harrold, Evaluating the impact of context-sensitivity on Andersen's algorithm for Java programs, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.31 n.1, January 2006 Anatoliy Doroshenko , Ruslan Shevchenko, A Rewriting Framework for Rule-Based Programming Dynamic Applications, Fundamenta Informaticae, v.72 n.1-3, p.95-108, January 2006 Markus Mock , Darren C. Atkinson , Craig Chambers , Susan J. Eggers, Improving program slicing with dynamic points-to data, Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Foundations of software engineering, November 18-22, 2002, Charleston, South Carolina, USA Markus Mock , Darren C. Atkinson , Craig Chambers , Susan J. Eggers, Improving program slicing with dynamic points-to data, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.27 n.6, November 2002 Markus Mock , Darren C. Atkinson , Craig Chambers , Susan J. Eggers, Program Slicing with Dynamic Points-To Sets, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, v.31 n.8, p.657-678, August 2005 Michael Hind, Pointer analysis: haven't we solved this problem yet?, Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, p.54-61, June 2001, Snowbird, Utah, United States Baowen Xu , Ju Qian , Xiaofang Zhang , Zhongqiang Wu , Lin Chen, A brief survey of program slicing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.30 n.2, March 2005
program analysis;aliasing;slicing
Learning functions represented as multiplicity automata.
We study the learnability of multiplicity automata in Angluin's exact learning model, and we investigate its applications. Our starting point is a known theorem from automata theory relating the number of states in a minimal multiplicity automaton for a function to the rank of its Hankel matrix. With this theorem in hand, we present a new simple algorithm for learning multiplicity automata with improved time and query complexity, and we prove the learnability of various concept classes. These include (among others): -The class of disjoint DNF, and more generally -The class of polynomials over finite fields. -The class of bounded-degree polynomials over infinite fields. -The class of XOR of terms. -Certain classes of boxes in high dimensions. In addition, we obtain the best query complexity for several classes known to be learnable by other methods such as decision trees and polynomials over GF(2). While multiplicity automata are shown to be useful to prove the learnability of some subclasses of DNF formulae and various other classes, we study the limitations of this method. We prove that this method cannot be used to resolve the learnability of some other open problems such as the learnability of general DNF formulas or even k-term DNF for These results are proven by exhibiting functions in the above classes that require multiplicity automata with super-polynomial number of states.
Introduction The exact learning model was introduced by Angluin [5] and since then attracted a lot of attention. In particular, the following classes were shown to be learnable in this model: deterministic automata [4], various types of DNF formulae [1, 2, 3, 6, 16, 17, 18, 20, 29, 33] and multi-linear polynomials over GF(2) [44]. Learnability in this model also implies learnability in the "PAC" model with membership queries [46, 5]. One of the classes that was shown to be learnable in this model is the class of multiplicity automata [12] 1 and [40]. Multiplicity automata are essentially nondeterministic automata with weights from a field K on the edges. Such an automaton computes a function as follows: For every path in the automaton assign a weight which is the product of the weights on the edges of this path. The function computed by the automaton is essentially the sum of the weights of the paths consistent with the input string (this sum is a value in K). 2 Multiplicity automata are a generalization of deterministic automata, and the algorithms that learn this class [12, 13, 40] are generalizations of Angluin's algorithm for deterministic automata [4]. We use an algebraic approach for learning multiplicity automata, similar to [40]. This approach is based on a fundamental theorem in the theory of multiplicity automata. The theorem relates the size of a smallest automaton for a function f to the rank (over K) of the so-called Hankel matrix of f [22, 26] (see also [25, 15] for background on multiplicity 1 A full description of this work appears in [13] These automata are known in the literature under various names. In this paper we refer to them as multiplicity automata. The functions computed by these automata are usually referred to as recognizable series. automata). Using this theorem, and ideas from the algorithm of [42] (for learning deterministic automata), we develop a new algorithm for learning multiplicity automata which is more efficient than the algorithms of [12, 13, 40]. In particular we give a more refined analysis for the complexity of our algorithm when learning functions f with finite domain. A different algorithm with similar complexity to ours was found by [21]. 3 In this work we show that the learnability of multiplicity automata implies the learnability of many other important classes of functions. 4 First, it is shown that the learnability of multiplicity automata implies the learnability of the class of Satisfy-s DNF formulae, for in which each assignment satisfies at most s terms). This class includes as a special case the class of disjoint DNF which by itself includes the class of decision trees. These results improve over previous results of [18, 2, 16]. More generally, we consider boxes over a discrete domain of points (i.e., Such boxes were considered in many works (e.g., [37, 38, 23, 7, 27, 31, 39]). We prove the learnability of any union of O(log n) boxes in time poly(n; '), and the learnability of any union of t disjoint boxes (and more generality, any t boxes such that each point is contained in at most of them) in time poly(n; t; '). 5 The special case of these results where implies the learnability of the corresponding classes of DNF formulae. We further show the learnability of the class of XOR of terms, which is an open problem in [44], the class of polynomials over finite fields, which is an open problem in [44, 19], and the class of bounded-degree polynomials over infinite fields (as well as other classes of functions over finite and infinite fields). We also prove the learnability of a certain class of decision trees whose learnability is an open problem in [18]. While multiplicity automata are proved to be useful to solve many open problems regarding the learnability of DNF formulae and other classes of polynomials and decision trees, we study the limitations of this method. We prove that this method cannot be used to resolve the learnability of some other open problems such as the learnability of general DNF formulae or even k-term DNF for (these results are tight in the sense that O(log n)-term DNF formulae and satisfy-O(1) DNF are learnable using multiplicity automata). These impossibility results are proven by exhibiting functions in the above classes that require multiplicity automata with super-polynomial number of states. For proving these results we use, again, the relation between multiplicity automata and Hankel matrices. 3 In fact, [21] show that the algorithm can be generalized to K which is not necessarily a field but rather a certain type of ring. In [33] it is shown how the learnability of deterministic automata can be used to learn certain (much more restricted) classes of functions. 5 In [9], using additional machinery, the dependency on ' was improved. Organization: In Section 2 we present some background on multiplicity automata, as well as the definition of the learning model. In Section 3 we present a learning algorithm for multiplicity automata. In Section 4 we present applications of the algorithm for learning various classes of functions. Finally, in Section 5, we study the limitations of this method. Background 2.1 Multiplicity Automata In this section we present some definitions and a basic result concerning multiplicity au- tomata. Let K be a field, \Sigma be an alphabet, and f : \Sigma ! K be a function. Associate with f an infinite matrix F each of its rows is indexed by a string x 2 \Sigma and each of its columns is indexed by a string y 2 \Sigma . The (x; y) entry of F contains the value f(xffiy), where ffi denotes concatenation. (In the automata literature such a function f is often referred to as a formal series and F as its Hankel Matrix.) We use F x to denote the x-th row of F . The (x; y) entry of F may be therefore denoted as F x (y) and as F x;y . The same notation is adapted to other matrices used in the sequel. Next we define the automaton representation (over the field K) of functions. An automaton A of size r consists of j\Sigmaj matrices f- oe : oe 2 \Sigmag each of which is an r \Theta r matrix of elements from K and an r-tuple . The automaton A defines a function First, we associate with every string in \Sigma an r \Theta r matrix over K by defining -(ffl) 4 ID, where ID denotes the identity matrix 6 , and for a string let -(w) (a simple but useful property of - is that denotes the first row of the matrix -(w)). In words, A is an automaton with r states where the transition from state q i to state q j with letter oe has weight [- oe ] i;j . The weight of a path whose last state is q ' is the product of weights along the path multiplied by fl ' , and the function computed on a string w is just the sum of weights over all paths corresponding to w. The following is a fundamental theorem from the theory of formal series. It relates the size of the minimal automaton for f to the rank of F [22, 26]. Theorem 2.1 Let f : \Sigma ! K and let F be the corresponding Hankel matrix. Then, the size r of the smallest automaton A such that fA j f satisfies (over the field K). Although this theorem is very basic, we provide its proof here as it sheds light on the way the algorithm of Section 3 works. 6 That is, a matrix with 1's on the main diagonal and 0's elsewhere. Direction I: Given an automaton A for f of size r, we prove that rank(F ) - r. Define two matrices: R whose rows are indexed by \Sigma and its columns are indexed by C whose columns are indexed by \Sigma and its rows are indexed by r. The (x; i) entry of R contains the value [-(x)] 1;i and the (i; y) entry of C contains the value [-(y)] i \Delta ~fl . We show that This follows from the following sequence of simple equalities: r where C y denotes the y-th column of C. Obviously the rank of both R and C is bounded by r. By linear algebra, rank(F ) is at most minfrank(R); rank(C)g and therefore rank(F as needed. Direction II: Given a function f such that the corresponding matrix F has rank r, we show how to construct an automaton A of size r that computes this function. Let F x be r independent rows of F (i.e., a basis) corresponding to strings x To define A, we first define Next, for every oe, define the i-th row of the matrix - oe as the (unique) coefficients of the row F x i ffioe when expressed as a linear combination of F x 1 That is, r We will prove, by induction on jwj (the length of the string w), that [-(w)] i for all i. It follows that fA (as we choose x The induction base is ffl). In this case we have needed. For the induction step using Equation (1) we r then by induction hypothesis this equals r as needed. 2.2 The Learning Model The learning model we use is the exact learning model [5]: Let f be a target function. A learning algorithm may propose, in each step, a hypothesis function h by making an equivalence query (EQ) to an oracle. If h is logically equivalent to f then the answer to the query is YES and the learning algorithm succeeds and halts. Otherwise, the answer to the equivalence query is NO and the algorithm receives a counterexample - an assignment z such that f(z) 6= h(z). The learning algorithm may also query an oracle for the value of the function f on a particular assignment z by making a membership query (MQ) on z. The response to such a query is the value f(z). 7 We say that the learner learns a class of functions C, if for every function f 2 C the learner outputs a hypothesis h that is logically equivalent to f and does so in time polynomial in the "size" of a shortest representation of f . 3 The Algorithm In this section we describe an exact learning algorithm for multiplicity automata. The "size" parameter in the case of multiplicity automata is the number of states in a minimal automaton for f . The algorithm will be efficient in this number and the length of the longest counterexample provided to it. K be the target function. All algebraic operations in the algorithm are done in the field K. 8 The algorithm learns a function f using its Hankel matrix representation, F . The difficulty is that F is infinite (and is very large even when restricting the inputs to some length n). However, Theorem 2.1 (Direction II) implies that it is sufficient to maintain independent rows from F ; in fact, r \Theta r submatrix of F of full rank suffices. Therefore, the learning algorithm can be viewed as a search for appropriate r rows and r columns. The algorithm works in iterations. At the beginning of the '-th iteration, the algorithm holds a set of rows X ae \Sigma and a set of columns Y ae \Sigma fy F z denote the restriction of the row F z to the ' coordinates in Y , i.e. F z Note that given z and Y the vector b F z is computed using queries. It will hold that b are ' linearly independent vectors. Using these vectors the algorithm constructs a hypothesis h, in a manner similar to the proof of Direction II of Theorem 2.1, and asks an equivalence query. A counterexample to h leads to adding a new element to each of X and Y in a way that preserves the above properties. 7 If f is boolean this is the standard membership query. 8 We assume that every arithmetic operation in the field takes one time unit. This immediately implies that the number of iterations is bounded by r. We assume without loss of generality that f(ffl) 6= 0. 9 The algorithm works as follows: 1. X / fx 2. Define a hypothesis h (following Direction II of Theorem 2.1): )). For every oe, define a matrix b - oe by letting its i-th row be the coefficients of the vector b expressed as a linear combination of the vectors b (such coefficients exist as b are ' independent '-tuples). That is, b For define an ' \Theta ' matrix b -(w) as follows: Let b ID and for a string . Finally, h is defined as 3. Ask an equivalence query EQ(h). If the answer is YES halt with output h. Otherwise the answer is NO and z is a counterexample. Find (using MQs for f) a string wffioe which is a prefix of z such that: (a) b but (b) there exists y 2 Y such that Fwffioe (y) 6= GO TO 2. The following two claims are used in the proof of correctness. They show that in every iteration of the algorithm, a prefix as required in Step 3 is found, and that as a result the number of independent rows that we have grows by 1. 3.1 Let z be a counterexample to h found in Step 3 (i.e., f(z) 6= h(z)). Then, there exists a prefix wffioe satisfying (a) and (b). Proof: Assume towards a contradiction that no prefix satisfies both (a) and (b). We prove (by induction on the length) that, for every prefix w of z, Condition (a) is satisfied. That is, 9 To check the value of f(ffl) we ask a membership query. If then we learn f 0 which is identical to f except that at ffl it gets some value different than 0. Note that the matrix F 0 is identical to F in all entries except one and so the rank of F 0 differs from the rank of F by at most 1. The only change this makes on the algorithm is that before asking EQ we modify the hypothesis h so that its value in ffl will be Alternatively, we can find a string z such that f(z) 6= 0 (by asking EQ(0)) and start the algorithm with which gives a 2 \Theta 2 matrix of full rank. By the proof of Theorem 2.1, it follows that if . However, we do not need this fact for analyzing the algorithm, and the algorithm does not know r in advance. . The induction base is trivial since b ffl). For the induction step consider a prefix wffioe. By the induction hypothesis, b which implies (by the assumption that no prefix satisfies both (a) and (b)) that (b) is not satisfied with respect to the prefix wffioe. That is, b . By the definition of b - and by the definition of matrix multiplication All together, b which completes the proof of the induction. Now, by the induction claim, we get that b In particular, b F z However, the left-hand side of this equality is just f(z) while the right-hand side is h(z). Thus, we get which is a contradiction (since z is a counterexample). 3.2 Whenever Step 2 starts the vectors b (defined by the current X and Y ) are linearly independent. Proof: The proof is by induction. In the first time that Step 2 starts ffflg. By the assumption that f(ffl) 6= 0, we have a single vector b F ffl which is not a zero vector, hence the claim holds. For the induction, assume that the claim holds when Step 2 starts and show that it also holds when Step 3 ends (note that in Step 3 a new vector b Fw is added and that all vectors have a new coordinate corresponding to oe ffiy). By the induction hypothesis, when Step 2 starts, F x ' are ' linearly independent '-tuples. In particular this implies that when Step 2 starts b Fw has a unique representation as a linear combination of b . Since w satisfies (a) this linear combination is given by b remain linearly independent (with respect to the new Y ). However, at this time, Fw becomes linearly independent of b (with respect to the new Y ). Otherwise, the linear combination must be given by b However, as wffioe satisfies (b) we get that b Fw (oe Fwffioe (y) 6= (oe ffiy) which eliminates this linear combination. (Note that oe ffiy was added to Y so b F is defined in all the coordinates which we refer to.) To conclude, when Step 3 ends b F x '+1 =w are linearly independent. We summarize the analysis of the algorithm by the following theorem. Let m denote the size of the longest counterexample z obtained during the execution of the algorithm. Denote by the complexity of multiplying two r \Theta r matrices. Theorem 3.3 Let K be a field, and f : \Sigma ! K be a function such that K). Then, f is learnable by the above algorithm in time O(j\Sigmaj using r equivalence queries and O((j\Sigmaj queries. Proof: Claim 3.1 guarantees that the algorithm always proceeds. Since the algorithm halts only if EQ(h) returns YES the correctness follows. As for the complexity, Claim 3.2 implies that the number of iterations, and therefore the number of equivalence queries, is at most r (in fact, Theorem 2.1 implies that the number of iterations is exactly r). The number of MQs asked in Step 2 over the whole algorithm is (j\Sigmaj since for every x 2 X and y 2 Y we need to ask for the value of f(xy) and the values f(xoey), for all oe 2 \Sigma. To analyze the number of MQs asked in Step 3, we first need to specify the way that the appropriate prefix is found. The naive way is to go over all prefixes of z until finding one satisfying (a) and (b). A more efficient search can be based upon the following generalization of Claim 3.1: suppose that for some v, a prefix of z, Condition (a) holds. That is, b F x i . Then, there exists wffioe a prefix of z that extends v and satisfies (a) and (b) (the proof is identical to the proof of Claim 3.1 except that for the base of induction we use v instead of ffl). Using the generalized claim, the desired prefix wffioe can be found using a binary search in log jzj - log m steps as follows: at the middle prefix v check whether (a) holds. If so make v the left border for the search. If (a) does not hold for then by Equation (2) condition (b) holds for v and so v becomes the right border for the search. In each step of the binary search 2' - 2r membership queries are asked (note that the values of b are known from Step 2). All together the number of MQs asked during the execution of the algorithm is O((log m+ j\Sigmaj)r 2 ). As for the running time, to compute each of the matrices b - oe observe that the matrix whose rows are b F x ' ffioe is the product of b - oe with the matrix whose rows are b Therefore, finding b - oe can be done with one matrix inversion (whose cost is also O(M(r))) and one matrix multiplication. Hence the complexity of Step 2 is O(j\Sigmaj \Delta M(r)). In Step 3 the difficult part is to compute the value of b -(w) for prefixes of z. A simple way to do it is by computing m matrix multiplications for each such z. A better way of doing the computation of Step 3 is by observing that all we need to compute is actually the first row of the matrix b -wm . The first row of this matrix can simply be written as -(w). Thus, to compute this row, we first compute (1; then multiply the result by b and so on. Therefore, this computation can be done by m vector-matrix multiplications, which requires O(m \Delta r 2 ) time. All together, the running time is at most O(j\Sigmaj The complexity of our algorithm should be compared to the complexity of the algorithm of [12, 13] which uses r equivalence queries, O(j\Sigmajmr 2 ) membership queries, and runs in time The algorithm of [40] uses r+1 equivalence queries, O((j\Sigmaj +m)r 2 ) membership queries, and runs in time O((j\Sigmaj +m)r 4 ). 3.1 The Case of Functions In many cases of interest the domain of the target function f is not \Sigma but rather \Sigma n for some value n. We view f as a function on \Sigma whose value is 0 for all strings whose length is different than n. We show that in this case the complexity analysis of our algorithm can be further improved. The reason is that in this case the matrix F has a simpler structure. Each row and column is indexed by a string whose length is at most n (alternatively, rows and columns corresponding to longer strings contain only 0 entries). Moreover, for any string x of length 0 - d - n the only non-zero entries in the row F x correspond to y's of length Denote by F d the submatrix of F whose rows are strings in \Sigma d and its columns are strings in \Sigma n\Gammad (see Fig. 1). Observe that by the structure of F , Now, to learn such a function f we use the above algorithm but ask membership queries only on strings of length exactly n (for all other strings we return 0 without actually asking the query) and for the equivalence queries we view the hypothesis h as restricted to \Sigma n . The length of counterexamples, in this case, is always n and so Looking closely at what the algorithm does it follows that since b F is a submatrix of F , not only b F x ' are always independent vectors (and so ' - rank(F )) but that for every d, the number of x i 's in X whose length is d is bounded by rank(F d ). We denote r d and r max d=0 r d . The number of equivalence queries remains r as before. The number of membership queries however becomes smaller due to the fact that many entries of F are known to be 0. In Step 2, over the whole execution, we ask for every x 2 X of length d and every y 2 Y of length one MQ on f(xy) and for every y 2 Y of length and every oe 2 \Sigma we ask MQ on f(xoey). All together, in Step 2 the algorithm asks for every x at most r queries and total of O(r \Delta r max j\Sigmaj) membership queries. In Step 3, in each of the r iterations and each of the log n search steps we ask at most 2r max membership queries (again, because most of the entries in each row contain 0's). All together O(rr max log n) membership queries in Step 3 and over the whole algorithm O(r log n)). F d F Figure 1: The Hankel matrix F As for the running time, note that the matrices b - oe also have a very special structure: the only entries (i; j) which are not 0 are those corresponding to vectors x that jx multiplication of such matrices can be done in Therefore, each invocation of Step 2 requires time of O(j\Sigmajn \Delta M(r max )). Similarly, in [ b -(w)] 1 the only entries which are not 0 are those corresponding to strings by a column of b units. Furthermore, we need to multiply only for at most r max columns, for the non-zero coordinates in [ b Therefore, Step 3 takes at most nr 2 for each counterexample z. All together, the running time is at most O(nrr 2 Corollary 3.4 Let K be a field, and f : \Sigma n ! K such that d=0 rank(F d ) (where rank is taken over K). Then, f is learnable by the above algorithm in using O(r) equivalence queries and O((j\Sigmaj+log n)r \Delta r queries. 4 Positive Results In this section we show the learnability of various classes of functions by our algorithm. This is done by proving that for every function f in the class in question, the corresponding Hankel matrix F has low rank. By Theorem 3.3 this implies the learnability of the class by our algorithm. First, we observe that it is possible to associate a multiplicity automaton with every non-deterministic automaton, such that on every string w the multiplicity automaton "counts" the number of accepting paths of the nondeterministic automaton on w. To see this, define the (i; j) entry of the matrix - oe as 1 if the given automaton can move, on letter oe, from state i to state j (otherwise, this entry is 0). In addition, define fl i to be 1 if i is an accepting state and 0 otherwise. Thus, if the automaton is deterministic or unambiguous 11 then the associated multiplicity automaton defines the characteristic function of the language. By [33] the class of deterministic automata contains the class of O(log n)-term DNF and in fact the class of all boolean functions over O(log n)-terms. Hence, all these classes can be learned by our algorithm. We note that if general nondeterministic automata can be learned then this implies the learnability of DNF. 4.1 Classes of Polynomials Our first results use the learnability of multiplicity automata to learn various classes of multivariate polynomials. We start with the following claim: Theorem 4.1 Let p i;j (z arbitrary functions of a single variable (1 K be defined by Finally, let f : \Sigma n ! K be defined by F be the Hankel matrix corresponding to f , and F d the sub-matrices defined in Section 3.1. Then, for every 0 - d - n, t. Proof: Recall the definition of F d . Every string z 2 \Sigma n is viewed as partitioned into two substrings Every row of F d is indexed by hence it can be written as a function F d x Y Y Now, for every x and i, the term just a constant ff i;x 2 K. This means, that every function F d x (y) is a linear combination of the t functions for each value of i). This implies that rank(F d ) - t, as needed. Corollary 4.2 The class of functions that can be expressed as functions over GF(p) with t summands, where each summand T i is a product of the form p i;1 are arbitrary functions) is learnable in time poly(n; t; p). 11 A nondeterministic automata is unambiguous if for every w 2 \Sigma there is at most one accepting path. The above corollary implies as a special case the learnability of polynomials over GF(p). This extends the result of [44] from multi-linear polynomials to arbitrary polynomials. Our algorithm (see Corollary 3.4), for polynomials with n variables and t terms, uses O(nt) equivalence queries and O(t 2 n log n) membership queries. The special case of the above class - the class of multi-linear polynomials over GF(2) - was known to be learnable before [44]. Their algorithm uses O(nt) equivalence queries and O(t 3 n) membership queries (which is worse than ours for "most" values of t). Corollary 4.2 discusses the learnability of a certain class of functions (that includes the class of polynomials) over finite fields (the complexity of the algorithm depends on the size of the field). The following theorem extends this result to infinite fields, assuming that the functions p i;j are bounded-degree polynomials. It also improves the complexity for learning polynomials over finite fields, when the degree of the polynomials is significantly smaller than the size of the field. Theorem 4.3 The class of functions over a field K that can be expressed as t summands, where each summand T i is of the form p i;1 are polynomials of degree at most k, is learnable in time poly(n; t; k). Furthermore, if jKj - nk class is learnable from membership queries only in time poly(n; t; (with small probability of error). Proof: We show that although the field K may be very large, we can run the algorithm using an alphabet of k elements from the field, g. For this, all we need to show is how the queries are asked and answered. The membership queries are asked by the algorithm, so it will only present queries which are taken from the domain \Sigma n . For the equivalence queries we do the following: instead of representing the hypothesis with j\Sigmaj matrices b -(oe k+1 ) we will represent it with a single matrix H(x) each of its entries is a degree k polynomial (over K), such that for every oe 2 \Sigma, -(oe). (To find this use interpolation in each of its entries. Also, in this terminology, for the hypothesis is it is easy to see that both the target function and the hypothesis are degree-k polynomials in each of the n variables. Therefore, given a counterexample w 2 K n , we can modify it to be in \Sigma n as follows: in the i-th step fix z doing so, both the hypothesis and the target function become degree k polynomials in the variable z i . Hence, there exists oe 2 \Sigma, for which these two polynomials disagree. We set w We end up with a new counterexample w 2 \Sigma n , as desired. Assume that K contains at least nk be a subset of K. By Schwartz Lemma [45], two different polynomials in z (in each variable) can agree on at most knjLj n\Gamma1 assignments in L n . Therefore, by picking at random poly(n; random elements in L n we can obtain, with very high probability, a counterexample to our hypothesis (if such a counterexample exists). We then proceed as before (i.e., modify the counterexample to the domain \Sigma n etc.) An algorithm which learns multivariate polynomials using only membership queries is called an interpolation algorithm (e.g. [10, 28, 47, 24, 43, 30]; for more background and references see [48]). In [10] it is shown how to interpolate polynomials over infinite fields using only 2t membership queries. In [47] it is shown how to interpolate polynomials over finite fields elements. If the number of elements in the field is less than k then every efficient algorithm must use equivalence queries [24, 43]. In Theorem 4.3 the polynomials we interpolate have a more general form than in standard interpolation and we only require that the number of elements in the field is at least kn + 1. 4.2 Classes of Boxes In this section we consider unions of n-dimensional boxes in ['] n (where ['] denotes the set Formally, a box in ['] n is defined by two corners (a (in We view such a box as a boolean function that gives 1 for every point in ['] n which is inside the box and 0 to each point outside the box. We start with a more general claim. Theorem 4.4 Let p i;j (z arbitrary functions of a single variable (1 be defined by Assume that there is no point which satisfies more than s functions g i . Finally, let f : \Sigma n ! f0; 1g be defined by F be the Hankel matrix corresponding to f . Then, for every field K and for every Proof: The function f can be expressed as: Y jSj=t jSj=s where the last equality is by the assumption that no point satisfies more than s functions. Note that, every function of the form i2S g i is a product of at most n functions, each one is a function of a single variable. Therefore, applying Theorem 4.1 complete the proof. Corollary 4.5 The class of unions of disjoint boxes can be learned in time poly(n; t; ') (where t is the number of boxes in the target function). The class of unions of O(log n) boxes can be learned in time poly(n; '). Proof: Let B be any box and denote the two corners of B by (a functions (of a single 1g to be 1 if a j - z be defined by belongs to the box B. Therefore, Corollary 3.4 and Theorem 4.4 imply this corollary. 4.3 Classes of DNF formulae In this section we present several results for classes of DNF formulae and some related classes. We first consider the following special case of Corollary 4.2 that solves an open problem of [44]: Corollary 4.6 The class of functions that can be expressed as exclusive-OR of t (not necessarily monotone) monomials is learnable in time poly(n; t). While Corollary 4.6 does not refer to a subclass of DNF, it already implies the learnability of Disjoint (i.e., Satisfy-1) DNF. Also, since DNF is a special case of union of boxes (with 2), we can get the learnability of disjoint DNF from Corollary 4.5. Next we discuss positive results for Satisfy-s DNF with larger values of s. The following two important corollaries follow from Theorem 4.4. Note that Theorem 4.4 holds in any field. For convenience (and efficiency), we will use Corollary 4.7 The class of Satisfy-s DNF formulae, for Corollary 4.8 The class of Satisfy-s, t-term DNF formulae is learnable for the following choices of s and t: (1) log log n); (3) log log n ) and 4.4 Classes of Decision Trees As mentioned above, our algorithm efficiently learns the class of Disjoint DNF formulae. This in particular includes the class of Decision-trees. By using our algorithm, decision trees of size t on n variables are learnable using O(tn) equivalence queries and O(t 2 n log n) membership queries. This is better than the best known algorithm for decision trees [18] (which uses O(t 2 ) equivalence queries and O(t 2 In what follows we consider more general classes of decision trees. Corollary 4.9 Consider the class of decision trees that compute functions f GF(p) as follows: each node v contains a query of the form "x i 2 S v ?", for some S v ' GF(p). then the computation proceeds to the left child of v and if x the computation proceeds to the right child. Each leaf ' of the tree is marked by a value is the output on all assignments which reach this leaf. Then, this class is learnable in time poly(n; jLj; p), where L is the set of all leaves. Proof: Each such tree can be written as ' is a function whose value is 1 if the assignment reaches the leaf ' and 0 otherwise (note that in a decision tree each assignment reaches a single leaf). Consider a specific leaf '. The assignments that reach ' can be expressed by n sets S ';n such that the assignment reaches the leaf ' if and only if x j 2 S ';j for all j. Define p ';j to be 1 if . By Corollary 4.2 the result follows. The above result implies as a special case the learnability of decision trees with "greater- than" queries in the nodes. This is an open problem of [18]. Note that every decision tree with "greater-than" queries that computes a boolean function can be expressed as the union of disjoint boxes. Hence, this case can also be derived from Corollary 4.5. The next theorem will be used to learn more classes of decision trees. Theorem 4.10 Let defined F be the Hankel matrix corresponding to f , and G i be the Hankel matrix corresponding to g i . Then, rank(F d Proof: For two matrices A and B of the same dimension, the Hadamard product A fi B is defined by C . It is well known that rank(C) - rank(A) \Delta rank(B). Note that F hence the theorem follows. This theorem has some interesting applications, such as: Corollary 4.11 Let C be the class of functions that can be expressed in the following way: arbitrary functions of a single variable (1 be defined by \Sigma n Finally, be defined by learnable in time poly(n; j\Sigmaj). Corollary 4.12 Consider the class of decision trees of depth s, where the query at each node v is a boolean function f v with r (as defined in Section 3.1) such that (t+1) Then, this class is learnable in time poly(n; j\Sigmaj). Proof: For each leaf ' we write a function g ' as a product of s functions as follows: for each node v along the path to ' if we use the edge labeled 1 we take f v to the product while if we use the edge labeled 0 we take to the product (note that the value r max corresponding to (1 \Gamma f v ) is at most t 1). By Theorem 4.10, if G ' is the Hankel matrix corresponding to g ' then rank(G d ' ) is at most (t+1) s . As it follows that rank(F d ) is at most 2 s (this is because jLj - 2 s and rank(B)). The corollary follows. The above class contain for example all the decision trees of depth O(log n) that contain in each node a term or XOR of a subset of variables (as defined in [34]). 5 Negative Results The purpose of this section is to study some limitation of the learnability via the automaton representation. We show that our algorithm, as well as any algorithm whose complexity is polynomial in the size of the automaton (such as the algorithms in [12, 13, 40]), does not efficiently learn several important classes of functions. More precisely, we show that these classes contain functions f that have no "small" automaton. By Theorem 2.1, it is enough to prove that the rank of the corresponding Hankel matrix F is "large" over every field K. We define a function f exists such that z 1. The function f n;k can be expressed as a DNF formula by: Note that this formula is read-once, monotone and has k terms. First, observe that the rank of the Hankel matrix corresponding to f n;k equals the rank of F , the Hankel matrix corresponding to f 2k;k . It is also clear that rank(F ) - rank(F k ). We now prove that rank(F k 1. To do so, we consider the complement matrix D k (obtained from F k by switching 0's and 1's), and prove by induction on k that rank(D k Note that This implies that rank(D 1 It follows that rank(F k (where J is the all-1 matrix). 12 Using the functions f n;k we can now prove the main theorem of this section: In fact, the function f 0 z n\Gammak+1 has similar properties to f n;k and can be shown to have rank\Omega\Gamman k \Delta n) hence slightly improving the results below. Theorem 5.1 The following classes are not learnable as multiplicity automata (over any field K): 1. DNF. 2. Monotone DNF. 3. 2-DNF. 4. Read-once DNF. 5. k-term DNF, for 6. Satisfy-s DNF, for 7. Read-j Satisfy-s DNF, for n). Some of these classes are known to be learnable by other methods (monotone DNF [5], read-once DNF [6, 1, 41] and 2-DNF [46]), some are natural generalizations of classes known to be learnable as automata (log n-term DNF [17, 18, 20, 33], and Satisfy-s DNF for or by other methods (Read-j Satisfy-s for log log n) [16]), and the learnability of some of the others is still an open problem. Proof: Observe that f n;n=2 belongs to each of the classes DNF, Monotone DNF, 2-DNF, Read-once DNF and that by the above argument every automaton for it has size 2 n=2 . This shows For every n), the function f n;k has exactly k-terms and every automaton for it has size 2 n) which is super-polynomial. This proves 5. For consider the function f n;s log n . Every automaton for it has size 2 s log which is super-polynomial. We now show that the function f n;s log n has a small Satisfy- s DNF representation. For this, partition the indices sets of log n indices. For each set S there is a formula on 2 log n variables which is 1 iff there exists i 2 S such that z 1. Moreover, there is such a formula which is Satisfy-1 (i.e., disjoint) DNF, and it has n 2 terms (this is the standard DNF representation). The disjunction of these s formulas gives a Satisfy-s DNF with sn 2 terms. This proves 6. Finally, for As before, the function f n;k requires an automaton of super-polynomial size. On the other hand, by partitioning the variables into s sets of log j variables as above (and observe that in the standard DNF representation each variable appears 2 log this function is a Read-j Satisfy-s DNF. This proves 7. In what follows we wish to strengthen the previous negative results. The motivation is that in the context of automata there is a fixed order on the characters of the string. However, in general (and in particular for functions over \Sigma n ) there is no such "natural" order. Indeed, there are important functions such as Disjoint DNF which are learnable as automata using any order of the variables. On the other hand, there are functions for which certain orders are much better than others. For example, the function f n;k requires automaton of size exponential in k when the standard order is considered, but if instead we read the variables in the order there is a small (even deterministic) automaton for it (of size O(n)). As an additional example, every read-once formula has a "good" order (the order of leaves in a tree representing the formula). Our goal is to show that even if we had an oracle that could give us a "good" (not necessarily the best) order of the variables (or if we could somehow learn such an order) then still some of the above classes cannot be learned as automata. This is shown by exhibiting a function that has no "small" automaton in every order of the variables. To show this, we define a function n) as follows. Denote the input variables for g n;k as w k. The function g n;k outputs 1 iff there exists t such that w Intuitively, g n;k is similar to f n;k but instead of comparing the first k variables to the next k variables we first "shift" the first k variables by t. 13 First, we show how to express g n;k as a DNF formula. For a fixed t, define a function to be 1 iff ( ) holds. Observe that g n 0 ;k;t is isomorphic to f n 0 ;k and so it is representable by a DNF formula (with k terms of size 2). Now, we write g Therefore, g n;k can be written as a monotone, read-k, DNF of k 2 terms each of size 3. We now show that, for every order - on the variables, the rank of the matrix corresponding to g n;k is large. For this, it is sufficient to prove that for some value t the rank of the matrix corresponding to g n 0 ;k;t is large, since this is a submatrix of the matrix corresponding to g n;k (to see this fix w As before, it is sufficient to prove that for some t the rank of g 2k;k;t is large. The main technical issue is to choose the value of t. For this, look at the order that - induces on z (ignoring w Look at the first k indices in this order and assume, without loss of generality, that at least half of them are from (hence out of the last k indices at least half are from 13 The rank method used to prove that every automaton for f n;k is "large" is similar to the rank method of communication complexity. The technique we use next is also similar to methods used in variable partition communication complexity. For background see, e.g., [36, 35]. Denote by A the set of indices from that appear among the first k indices under the order -. Denote by B the set of indices i such that appears among the last k indices under the order -. Both A and B are subsets of and by the assumption, jAj; jBj - k=2. Define A Ag. We now show that for some t the size of A t " B is \Omega\Gamma k). For this, write Let t 0 be such that " B has size jSj - k=4. Denote by G the matrix corresponding to g 2k;k;t 0 . In particular let G 0 be the submatrix of G with rows that are all strings x of length k (according to the order -) whose bits out of S are fixed to 0's and with columns that are all strings y of length k whose bits which are not of the are fixed to 0's. This matrix is the same matrix obtained in the proof for f k;k=2 whose rank is therefore 2 k=2 \Gamma 1. Corollary 5.2 The following classes are not learnable as automata (over any field K) even if the best order is known: 1. DNF. 2. Monotone DNF. 3. 3-DNF. 4. k-term DNF, for 5. Satisfy-s DNF, for --R Exact learning of read-twice DNF formulas Exact learning of read-k disjoint DNF and not-so-disjoint DNF Learning k-term DNF formulas using queries and counterexamples Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples. Machine Learning Learning read-once formulas with queries On the applications of multiplicity automata in learning. Learning boxes in high dimension. A deterministic algorithm for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation. Learning sat-k-DNF formulas from membership queries Learning behaviors of automata from multiplicity and equivalence queries. Learning behaviors of automata from multiplicity and equivalence queries. Learning behaviors of automata from shortest coun- terexamples Rational Series and Their Languages On learning read-k-satisfy- j DNF Fast learning of k-term DNF formulas with queries Exact learning via the monotone theory. A note on learning multivariate polynomials under the uniform distribu- tion Simple learning algorithms using divide and conquer. Learning matrix functions over rings. Realization by stochastic finite automaton. On zero-testing and interpolation of k-sparse multivariate polynomials over finite fields Matrices de Hankel. Learning unions of boxes with membership and equivalence queries. Fast parallel algorithms for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation over finite fields. Learning 2- DNF formulas and k- decision trees Interpolation of sparse multivariate polynomials over large finite fields with applications. An efficient membership-query algorithm for learning DNF with respect to the uniform distribution An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory. A simple algorithm for learning O(log n)-term DNF Learning decision trees using the Fourier spectrum. Communication Complexity. VLSI theory. On the complexity of learning from counterexamples. Algorithms and lower bounds for on-line learning of geometrical concepts Efficient learning with virtual threshold gates. A polynomial time learning algorithm for recognizable series. Inference of finite automata using homing sequences. Interpolation and approximation of sparse multivariate polynomials over GF (2). Learning sparse multivariate polynomials over a field with queries and counterexamples. Fast probabilistic algorithms for verification of polynomial identities. A theory of the learnable. Interpolating polynomials from their values. Efficient Polynomial Computation. --TR A theory of the learnable Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples Rational series and their languages A deterministic algorithm for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation Interpolating polynomials from their values Introduction to algorithms Fast parallel algorithms for sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation over finite fields Interpolation and approximation of sparse multivariate polynomials over GF(2) Learning 2u DNF formulas and <italic>ku</italic> decision trees VLSI theory On zero-testing and interpolation of <inline-equation> <f> k</f> </inline-equation>-sparse multivariate polynomials over finite fields Exact learning of read-twice DNF formulas (extended abstract) On-line learning of rectangles Random DFA''s can be approximately learned from sparse uniform examples Exact learning of read-<italic>k</italic> disjoint DNF and not-so-disjoint DNF Learning read-once formulas with queries C4.5: programs for machine learning Learning decision trees using the Fourier spectrum Cryptographic hardness of distribution-specific learning On-line learning of rectangles in noisy environments Cryptographic limitations on learning Boolean formulae and finite automata Inference of finite automata using homing sequences On learning Read-<italic>k</italic>-Satisfy-<italic>j</italic> DNF Learning unions of boxes with membership and equivalence queries Algorithms and Lower Bounds for On-Line Learning of Geometrical Concepts An introduction to computational learning theory Read-twice DNF formulas are properly learnable Fast learning of <italic>k</italic>-term DNF formulas with queries Exact learning Boolean functions via the monotone theory A note on learning multivariate polynomials under the uniform distribution (extended abstract) Learning sparse multivariate polynomials over a field with queries and counterexamples Learning Sat-<italic>k</italic>-DNF formulas from membership queries Learning Behaviors of Automata from Multiplicity and Equivalence Queries Simple learning algorithms using divide and conquer A simple algorithm for learning O (log <italic>n</italic>)-term DNF Communication complexity An efficient membership-query algorithm for learning DNF with respect to the uniform distribution The art of computer programming, volume 2 (3rd ed.) Efficient learning with virtual threshold gates Interpolation of sparse multivariate polynomials over large finite fields with applications Fast Probabilistic Algorithms for Verification of Polynomial Identities Automata, Languages, and Machines Induction of Decision Trees Queries and Concept Learning Probabilistic algorithms for sparse polynomials Learning behaviors of automata from shortest counterexamples Simple learning algorithms for decision trees and multivariate polynomials On the applications of multiplicity automata in learning --CTR Amir Shpilka, Interpolation of depth-3 arithmetic circuits with two multiplication gates, Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, June 11-13, 2007, San Diego, California, USA Nader H. Bshouty , Lynn Burroughs, On the proper learning of axis-parallel concepts, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4, p.157-176, 12/1/2003 Lane A. Hemaspaandra, SIGACT News complexity theory column 32, ACM SIGACT News, v.32 n.2, June 2001 Ricard Gavald , Pascal Tesson , Denis Thrien, Learning expressions and programs over monoids, Information and Computation, v.204 n.2, p.177-209, February 2006
DNF;learning disjoint;multiplicity automata;computational learning;learning polynomials
An inheritance-based technique for building simulation proofs incrementally.
This paper presents a technique for incrementally constructing safety specifications, abstract algorithm descriptions, and simulation proofs showing that algorithms meet their specifications.The technique for building specifications (and algorithms) allows a child specification (or algorithm) to inherit from its parent by two forms of incremental modification: (a) interface extension, where new forms of interaction are added to the parent's interface, and (b) specialization (subtyping), where new data, restrictions, and effects are added to the parent's behavior description. The combination of interface extension and specialization constitutes a powerful and expressive incremental modification mechanism for describing changes that do not override the behavior of the parent, although it may introduce new behavior.Consider the case when incremental modification is applied to both a parent specification S and a parent algorithm A. A proof that the child algorithm A implements the child specification S can be built incrementally upon simulation proof that algorithm A implements specification S. The new work required involves reasoning about the modifications, but does not require repetition of the reasoning in the original simulation proof.The paper presents the technique mathematically, in terms of automata. The technique has already been used to model and validate a full-fledged group communication system (see [26]); the methodology and results of that experiment are summarized in this paper.
INTRODUCTION Formal modeling and validation of software systems is a major challenge, because of their size and complex- ity. Among the factors that could increase widespread usage of formal methods is improved cost-effectiveness and scalability (cf. [20, 22]). Current software engineering practice addresses problems of building complex systems by the use of incremental development techniques based on an object-oriented approach. We believe that successful efforts in system modeling and validation will also require incremental techniques, which will enable reuse of models and proofs. In this paper we provide a framework for reuse of proofs analogous and complementary to the reuse provided by object-oriented software engineering method- ologies. Specifically, we present a technique for incrementally constructing safety specifications, abstract algorithm descriptions, and simulation proofs that algorithms specifications. Simulation proofs are one of the most important techniques for proving properties of complex systems; such proofs exhibit a simulation relation (refinement mapping, abstraction func- tion) between a formal description of a system and its specification [13, 24, 29]. The technique presented in this paper has evolved with our experience in the context of a large-scale modeling and validation project: we have successfully used this technique for modeling and validating a complex group communication system [26] that is implemented in C++, and that interacts with two other services developed by different teams. The group communication system acts as middleware in providing tools for building distributed applications. In order to be useful for a variety of applications, the group communication system provides services with diverse semantics that bear many similarities, yet differ in subtle ways. We have modeled the diverse services of the system and validated the algorithms implementing each of these ser- vices. Reuse of models and proofs was essential in order to make this task feasible. For example, it has allowed us to avoid repeating the five-page long correctness proof of the algorithm that provides the most basic semantics when proving the correctness of algorithms that provide the more sophisticated semantics. The correctness proof of the most sophisticated algorithm, by comparison, was only two and a half pages long. (We describe our experience in this project as well as the methodology that evolved from it in Section 6.) Our approach to the reuse of specifications and algorithms through inheritance uses incremental modification to derive a new component (specification or algo- rithm), called child , from an existing component called parent . Specifically, we present two constructions for modifying existing components: 1. We allow the child to specialize the parent by reusing its state in a read-only fashion, by adding new state components (read/write), and by constraining the set of behaviors of the parent. This corresponds to the subtyping view of inheritance [8]. We will show that any observable behavior of the child is subsumed (cf. [1]) by the possible behaviors of the parent, making our specialization analogous to the substitution inheritance [8]. In particular, the child can be used anywhere the parent can be used. (Specialization is the subject of Section 3.) 2. A child can also be derived from a parent by means of interface (signature) extension. In this case the state of the parent is unchanged, but the child may include new observable actions not found in the parent and new parameters to actions that exist at the parent. When such new actions and parameters are hidden, then any behavior of the child is exactly as some behavior of the parent. (Interface extension is presented in Section 5.) When interface extension is combined with specializa- tion, this corresponds to the subclassing for extension form of inheritance [8] which provides a powerful mechanism for incrementally constructing specifications and algorithms. Consider the following example. The parent defines an unordered messaging service using the send and recv primitives. To produce a totally ordered messaging service we specialize the parent in such a way that recv is only possible when the current message is totally ordered. Next we introduce the safe primitive, which informs the sender that its message was deliv- ered. First we extend the service interface to include safe primitives and then we specialize to enable safe actions just in case the message was actually delivered. The specialization and extension constructs can be applied at both the specification level and the algorithm level in a way that preserves the relationship between the specification and the algorithm. The main technical challenge addressed in this paper (in Section 4) is the provision of a formal framework for the reuse of simulation proofs especially for the specialization construct. Consider the example in Figure 1: Let S be a specifica- tion, and A an abstract algorithm description. Assume that we have proven that A implements S using a simulation relation R p . Assume further that we specialize the specification S, yielding a new child specification S 0 . At the same time, we specialize the algorithm A to construct an algorithm A 0 which supports the additional semantics required by S 0 . Figure Algorithm A simulates specification S with . Can R p be reused for building a simulation R c from a child A 0 of A to a child S 0 of S? A A' simulation simulation Rp inheritance inheritance When proving that A 0 implements S 0 , we would like to rely on the fact that we have already proven that A implements S, and to avoid the need to repeat the same reasoning. We would like to reason only about the new features introduced by S 0 and A 0 . The proof extension theorem in Section 4 provides the means for incrementally building simulation proofs in this manner. Simulation proofs [13] lend themselves naturally to be supported by interactive theorem provers. Such proofs typically break down into many simple cases based on different actions. These can be checked by hand or with the help of interactive theorem provers. Our incremental simulation proofs break down in a similar fashion. We present our incremental modification constructs in the context of the I/O automata model [30, 32] (the basics of the model are reviewed in Section 2). I/O automata have been widely used in formulating formal service definitions and abstract implementations, and for reasoning about them, e.g., [6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 28, 31]). An important feature of the I/O automaton formalism is its strong support of composition. For example, Hickey et al. [24] used the compositional approach for modeling and verification of certain modules in Ensemble [19], a large-scale, modularly structured, group communication system. Introducing inheritance into the I/O automaton model is vital in order to push the limits of such projects from verification of individual modules to verification of entire systems, as we have experienced in our work on such a project [26]. Further- more, a programming and modeling language based on I/O automata formalism, IOA [17, 18] has been defined. We intend to exploit the IOA framework, to develop IOA-based tools to support the techniques presented in this paper both for validation and for code generation. Stata and Guttag [36] have recognized the need for reuse in a manner similar to that suggested in this paper, which facilitates reasoning about correctness of a sub-class given the correctness of the superclass is known. They suggest a framework for defining programming guidelines and supplement this framework with informal rules that may be used to facilitate such reason- ing. However, they only address informal reasoning and do not provide the mathematical foundation for formal proofs. Furthermore, [36] is restricted to the context of sequential programming and does not encompass reactive components as we do in this paper. Many other works, e.g., [1, 6, 10, 23, 25, 33], have formally dealt with inheritance and its semantics. Our distinguishing contribution is the provision of a mathematical framework for incremental construction of simulation proofs by applying the formal notion of inheritance at two levels: specification and algorithm. This section presents background on the I/O automaton model, based on [30], Ch. 8. In this model, a system component is described as a state-machine, called an I/O automaton. The transitions of the automaton are associated with named actions, classified as input, output and internal. Input and output actions model the component's interaction with other components, while internal actions are externally unobservable. Formally, an I/O automaton A consists of: an interface (or signature), sig(A), consisting of input, output and internal actions; a set of states, states(A); a set of start states, start(A); and a state-transition relation (a sub-set of states(A) \Thetasig(A) \Thetastates(A)), trans(A). An action is said to be enabled in a state s if the automaton has a transition of the form (s, , s'); input actions are enabled in every state. An execution of an automaton is an alternating sequence of states and actions that begins with a start state, and successive triples are allowable transitions. A trace is a subsequence of an execution consisting solely of the automaton's external actions. The I/O automaton model defines a composition operation which specifies how automata interact via their input and output actions. I/O automata are conveniently presented using the precondition-effect style. In this style, typed state variables with initial values specify the set of states and the start states. Transitions are grouped by action name, and are specified using a pre: block with preconditions on the states in which the action is enabled and an eff: block which specifies how the pre-state is modified. The effect is executed atomically to yield the post-state. Simulation Relations When reasoning about an automaton, we are only interested in its externally-observable behavior as reflected in its traces. A common way to specify the set of traces an automaton is allowed to generate is using (abstract) I/O automata that generate the legal sets of traces. An implementation automaton satisfies a specification if all of its traces are also traces of the specification automaton. Simulation relations are a commonly used technique for proving trace inclusion: Definition 2.1 Let A and S be two automata with the same external interface. Then a relation R ' states(A) \Theta states(S) is a simulation from A to S if it satisfies the following two conditions: 1. If t is any initial state of A, then there is an initial state s of S such that s 2 R(t). 2. If t and s 2 R(t) are reachable states of A and S respectively, and if (t; ; t 0 ) is a step of A, then there exists an execution fragment of S from s to having the same trace, and with s The following theorem emphasizes the significance of simulation relations. (It is proven in [30], Ch. 8.) Theorem 2.1 If A and S are two automata with the same external interface and if R is a simulation from A to S then traces(A) ' traces(S). The simulation relation technique is complete: any finite trace inclusion can be shown by using simulation relations in conjunction with history and prophecy variables [2, 35]. Our specialization construct captures the notion of sub-typing in I/O automata in the sense of trace inclusion; it allows creating a child automaton which specializes the parent automaton. The child can read the parent's state, add new (read/write) state components, and restrict the parent's transitions. The specialize construct defined below operates on a parent automaton, and accepts three additional parameters: a state extension - the new state components, an initial state extension - the initial values of the new state components, and a transition restriction which specifies the child's addition of new preconditions and effects (modifying new state components only) to parent transitions. We define the specialization construct formally below. Definition 3.1 Let A be an automaton; let N be a set of states, called a state extension; let N 0 be a non-empty subset of N, called an initial state extension; let TR ' (states(A) \Theta N) \Theta sig(A) \Theta N be a relation, called a transition restriction. For each action , TR specifies the additional restrictions that a child places on the states of A and N in which is enabled and specifies how the new state components are modified as a result of a child taking a step involving . Then specialize(A)(N; defines an automaton A 0 as follows: Notation 3.2 If A use the following to denote its parent component and tj n to denote its new component. If ff is an execution sequence of A 0 , then ffj p denotes a sequence obtained by replacing each state t in ff with tj p We also extend this notation to sets of states and to sets of execution sequences. We now exemplify the use of the specialization con- struct. Figure 2 presents a simple algorithm automaton, write through cache, implementing a sequentially-consistent register x shared among a set of processes P. Each process has access to a local cache p . Register x is initialized to some default value v 0 . A write p (v) request propagates v to both x and cache p . A response read p (v) to a read request returns the value v of p's local cache p without ensuring that it is current. Thus, a process p responds to a read request with a value of x which is at least as current as the last value previously seen by p but not necessarily the most up-to-date one. Figure 3 presents an atomic write-through cache au- tomaton, atomic write through cache, as a specialization of write through cache. The specialized automaton maintains an additional boolean variable synched p for each process p in order to restrict the behavior of the parent so that a response to a read request returns the latest value of x. The traces of this automaton are indistinguishable from those of a system with a single shared register and no cache. In general, the transition restriction denoted by this type of precondition-effect code is the union of the following two sets: ffl All triples of the form (t; ; tj n ) for which is not mentioned in the code for A 0 , i.e., A 0 does not Figure Write-through cache automaton. automaton write through cache Signature: Input: write p (v) read Output: read p (v) synch p () State: Transitions: cache p INTERNAL synch p () eff: cache p INPUT read req p () OUTPUT read p (v) pre: Figure 3 Atomic write-through cache automaton. automaton atomic write through cache modifies write through cache State Extension: initially true Transition Restriction: eff: synched q INTERNAL synch p () eff: synched p true OUTPUT read p (v) pre: synched p true restrict transitions involving . The read req p ac- tion of Figure 2 is an example of such a . Note that the new state component, tj n , is not changed. ) in which state t satisfies new preconditions on placed by A 0 and in which state is the result of applying 's new effects to t. Theorem 3.1 below says that every trace of the specialized automaton is a trace of the parent automaton. In Section 4, we demonstrate how proving correctness of automata presented using the specialization operator can be done as incremental steps on top of the correctness proofs of their parents. Theorem 3.1 If A 0 is a child of an automaton A, then: 1. execs(A). 2. Proof 3.1: 1. Straightforward induction on the length of the execution sequence. Basis: If t 2 by the definition of start(A 0 ). Inductive Step: If (t; ; t 0 ) is a step of A 0 , then ) is a step of A, by the definition of 2. Follows from Part 1 and the fact that sig(A). Alternatively, notice that trace inclusion is implied by Theorem 2.1 and the fact that the function that maps a state t 2 is a simulation mapping from A 0 to A. The formalism we have introduced allows not only for code reuse, but also, as we show in this section, for proof reuse by means of incremental proof construction. We start with an example, then we prove a general theorem. An Example of Proof Reuse We now revisit the shared register example of Section 3. We present a parent specification of a sequentially-consistent shared register, and describe a simulation that proves that it is implemented by the write through cache automaton presented in the previous section. We then derive a child specification of an atomic shared register by specializing the parent specification. Finally, we illustrate how a proof that automaton atomic write through cache implements the child specification can be constructed incrementally from the parent-level simulation proof. Figure 4 presents a standard specification of a sequentially-consistent shared register x. The interface of seq consistent register is the same as that of through cache. The specification maintains a sequence hist-x of the values stored in x during an execution. A write p (v) request appends v to the end of hist-x. A response read p (v) to a read request is allowed to return any value v that was stored in x since p last accessed x; this nondeterminism is an innate part of sequential consistency. The specification keeps track of these last accesses with an index last p in the hist-x. We argue that automaton write through cache of Figure 2 satisfies this specification by exhibiting a simulation relation R. R relates a state t of write through cache to a state s of seq consistent register as follows: (t, s) 2 R () 2 Integer) such that -s.hist-x- step of write through cache initiating from state t and involving read p (v) simulates a Figure 4 Sequentially consistent shared register specification automaton. automaton seq consistent register Signature: Input: write p (v) read Output: read p (v) State: last p Transitions: eff: append v to hist-x last p INPUT read req p () OUTPUT read p (v) choose i pre: last p eff: last p / i step of seq consistent register which initiates from s and involves read p (v) choose hi p , where hi p is the number whose existence is implied by the simulation relation R. Steps of write through cache involving read (v) actions simulate steps of seq consistent register with the respective actions. It is straightforward to prove that R satisfies the two conditions of a simulation relation (Definition 2.1). We are not interested in the actual proof, but only in reusing it, i.e., avoiding the need to repeat it. For the purpose of illustrating proof reuse, we present in Figure 5 a specification of an atomic shared register as a specialization of seq consistent register. The child restricts the allowed values returned by read p (v) to the current value of x by restricting the non-deterministic choice of i to be the index of the latest value in hist-x. Figure 5 Atomic shared register specification. automaton atomic register modifies seq consistent register Transition Restriction: OUTPUT read p (v) choose i pre: We want to reuse the simulation R to prove that automaton atomic write through cache implements atomic register. Since atomic register does not extend the states of seq consistent register, the simulation relation does not need to be extended, and it works as is. In general, one may need to extend the simulation relation to capture how the imple- mentation's state relates to the new state added by the specification's child. To prove that R is also a simulation relation from the child algorithm atomic write through cache to the child specification atomic register we have to show two things: First, we have to show that initial states of atomic write through cache relate to the initial states of atomic register. In general, as we prove in Theorem 4.1 below, we need to check the new variables added by the specification child. We need to show that, for any initial state of the implementation, there exists a related assignment of initial values to these new variables. In our example, since atomic register does not add any new state, we get this property for free. Second, we need to show that whenever R simulates a step of seq consistent register, this step is still a valid transition in atomic register. As implied by Theorem 4.1, we only have to check that the new preconditions placed by atomic register on transitions of seq consistent register are still satisfied and that the extension of the simulation relation is pre- served. Since in our example atomic register does not add any new state variables, we only need to show the first condition: whenever read p (v) choose i is simulated in atomic register, the new precondition "i holds. Recall that, when read p (v) choose i is simulated in atomic register, i is chosen to be hi p . For this simulation to work, we need to prove that it is always possible to choose hi p to be -hist-x-. This follows immediately from the added precondition in atomic write through cache, which requires that read p (v) only occurs when synched p true, and from the following simple invariant. (This invariant can be proven by straightforward induction.) Invariant 4.1 In any reachable state t of atomic - write through cache: true =) t.cache p Proof Extension Theorem We now present the theorem which lays the foundation for incremental proof construction. Consider the example illustrated in Figure 1, where a simulation relation from an algorithm A to a specification S is given, and we want to construct a simulation relation R c from a specialized version A 0 of an automaton A to a specialized version S 0 of a specification automaton S. In Theorem 4.1 we prove that such a relation R c can be constructed by supplementing R p with a relation R n that relates the states of A 0 to the state extension introduced by S 0 . Relation R n has to relate every initial state of A 0 to some initial state extension of S 0 and it has to satisfy a step condition similar to the one in Definition 2.1, but only involving the transition restriction relation of S 0 . Theorem 4.1 Let automaton A 0 be a child of automaton A. Let automaton S 0 be a child of automaton S such that be a simulation from A to S. Let R n A relation R c defined in terms of R p and R n as is a simulation from A 0 to S 0 if R c satisfies the following two conditions: 1. For any t 2 exists a state sj nR n (t) such that sj n 2. If t is a reachable state of A 0 , s is a reachable state of S 0 such that sj p (t), and a step of A 0 , then there exists a finite sequence ff of alternating states and actions of S 0 , beginning from s and ending at some state s 0 , and satisfying the following conditions: (a) ffj p is an execution sequence of S. (e) ff has the same trace as Proof 4.1: We show that R c satisfies the two conditions of Definition 2.1: 1. Consider an initial state t of A 0 . By the fact that is a simulation, there must exist a state sj pR p ) such that sj p start(S). By property 1, there must exist a state sj n (t) such that . Consider state is in R c (t) by definition. Also, start(S) \Theta N 0 use the fact that start(S 0 (Def. 3.1). 2. First, notice that the assumption on state s and relation R c imply that s 2 R c (t) and that properties 2c and 2d imply that s 0 Next, we show that ff is an execution sequence of with the right trace. Indeed, every step of ff is consistent with trans(S) (by 2a) and is consistent with TR (by 2b). Therefore, by definition of (Def. 3.1), every step of ff is consistent with In other words, ff is an execution sequence of S 0 which starts with state R c ends with state R c and has the same trace as In practice, one would exploit this theorem as follows: The simulation proof between the parent automata already provides a corresponding execution sequence of the parent specification for every step of the parent al- gorithm. It is typically the case that the same execution sequence, padded with new state variables, corresponds to the same step at the child algorithm. Thus, conditions 2a, 2c, and 2e of Theorem 4.1 hold for this se- quence. The only conditions that have to be checked are 2b, and 2d, i.e., that every step of this execution sequence is consistent with the transition restriction TR placed on S by S 0 and that the values of the new state variables of S 0 in the final state of this execution are related to the post-state of the child algorithm. Note that, we can state a specialized version of Theorem 4.1 for the case of three automata, A, S, and S 0 , by letting A 0 be the same as A. This version would be useful when we know that algorithm A simulates specification S, and we would like to prove that A can also simulate a child S 0 of S. The statement and the proof of this specialized version are the same as those of Theorem 4.1, except there is no child A 0 of A must be substituted for A 0 and t for tj p . In fact, given this specialized version, Theorem 4.1 then follows from it as a corollary because the relation fht; g is a simulation relation from A 0 to S, and the specialized theorem applies to automata A 0 , S, and S 0 . Interface extension is a formal construct for altering the interface of an automaton and for extending it with new forms of interaction. For technical reasons, it is convenient to assume that the interface of every automaton contains an empty action ffl and that its state-transition relation contains empty- transitions: i.e., if A is an automaton, then An interface extension of an automaton is defined using an interface mapping function that translates the new (child) interface to the original (parent) interface. New actions added by the child are mapped to the empty action ffl at the parent. The child's states and start states are the same as those of the parent. The state-transition of the child consists of all the parent's transi- tions, renamed according to the interface mapping. In particular, the state-transition includes steps that do not change state but involve the new actions (those that map to ffl). Definition 5.1 Automaton A 0 is an interface- extension of an automaton A if states(A), and if there exists a function f, called interface-mapping 1 , such that 1. f is a function from that f can map non-ffl actions of A 0 to ffl (these are the new actions added by A 0 ) and is also allowed to be many-to-one. 2. f preserves the classification of actions as "input", "output", and "internal". That is, if 2 is an input action, and f() 6= ffl, then f() is also an input action; likewise, for output and internal actions. 3. Notation 5.2 Let A 0 be an interface-extension of A with an interface-mapping f. If ff is an execution sequence of A 0 , then ffj f denotes a sequence obtained by replacing each action in alpha with f(), and then collapsing every transition of the form (s; ffl; s) to s. Likewise, if fi is a trace of A 0 , then fij f denotes a sequence obtained by replacing each action in fi to f(), and by subsequently removing all the occurrences of ffl. The following theorem formalizes the intuition that the sets of executions and traces of an interface-extended automaton are equivalent to the respective sets of the parent automaton, modulo the interface-mapping. The proof is straightforward by induction using Definition 5.1 and Notation 5.2. Theorem 5.1 Let automaton A 0 be an interface extension of A with an interface-mapping f. Let ff be a sequence of alternating states and actions of A 0 and let fi be a sequence of external actions of A 0 . Then: 1. ff 2 2. When interface extension is followed by the specialization modification, the resulting combination corresponds to the notion of modification by subclassing for extension [8]. The resulting child specializes the parent's behavior and introduces new functionality. Specifically, a specialization of an interface-extended automaton may add transitions involving new state components and new interface. The generalized definition of the parent-child relationship is then as follows: 1 Interface-mapping is similar to strong correspondence of [38]. Definition 5.3 Automaton A 0 is a child of an automaton A if A 0 is a specialization of an interface extension of A. Theorem 5.1 enables the use of the proof extension theorem (Theorem 4.1) for this parent-child definition, once the child's actions are translated to the parent's actions using the interface mapping of Definition 5.1. 6 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE WITH INCREMENTAL PROOFS In this section we describe our experience designing and modeling a complex group communications service (see [26]), and how the framework presented in this paper was exploited. We then describe an interesting modeling methodology that has evolved with our experience in this project. Group communication systems (GCSs) [3, 37] are powerful building blocks that facilitate the development of fault-tolerant distributed applications. GCSs typically provide reliable multicast and group membership ser- vices. The task of the membership service is to maintain a listing of the currently active and connected processes and to deliver this information to the application whenever it changes. The output of the membership service is called a view. The reliable multicast services deliver messages to the current view members. Traditionally, GCS developers have concentrated primarily on making their systems useful for real-world distributed applications such as data replication (e.g., [16]), highly available servers (e.g., [5]) and collaborative computing (e.g., [7]). Formal specifications and correctness proofs were seldom provided. Many suggested specifications were complicated and difficult to understand, and some were shown to be ambiguous in [4]. Only recently, the challenging task of specifying the semantics and services of GCSs has become an active research area. The I/O automaton formalism has been recently exploited for specifying and reasoning about GCSs (e.g., in [9, 11, 12, 15, 24, 28]). However, all of these suggested I/O automaton-style specifications of GCSs used a single abstract automaton to represent multiple properties of the same system component and presented a single algorithm automaton that implements all of these properties. Thus, no means were provided for reasoning about a subset of the properties, and it was often difficult to follow which part of the algorithm implements which part of the specification. Each of these papers dealt with proving correctness of an individual service layer and not with a full-fledged system. In [26], we modeled a full-fledged example spanning the entire virtually synchronous reliable group multi-cast service. We provided specifications, formal algorithm descriptions corresponding to our actual C++ implementation, and also simulation proofs from the algorithms to the specifications. We employed a client-server We presented a virtually synchronous group multicast client that interacts with an external membership server. Our virtually synchronous group multicast client was implemented using approximately 6000 lines of C++ code. The server [27] was developed by another development team also using roughly 6000 lines of C++ code. Our group multicast service also exploits a reliable multicast engine which was implemented by a third team [34] using 2500 lines of C++ code. We sought to model the new group multicast service in a manner that would match the actual implementation on one hand, and would allow us to verify that the algorithms their specifications on the other hand. In order to manage the complexity of the project at hand we found a need for employing an object-oriented approach that would allow for reuse of models and proofs, and would also correspond to the implementation, which in turn, would reuse code and data structures. In [26], we used the I/O automaton formalism with the inheritance-based incremental modification constructs presented in this paper to specify the safety properties of our group communication service. We specified four abstract specification automata which capture different GCS properties: We began by specifying a simple GCS that provides reliable fifo multicast within views. We next used the new inheritance-based modification construct to specialize the specification to require also that processes moving together from one view to another deliver the same set of messages in the former. We then specialized the specification again to also capture the Self Delivery property which requires processes to deliver their own messages. The fourth automaton specified a stand-alone property (without inheritance) which augments each view delivery with special information called transitional set [37]. We then proceeded to formalize the algorithms implementing these specifications. We first presented an algorithm for within-view reliable fifo multicast and provided a five page long formal simulation proof showing that the algorithm implements the first specification. Next, we presented a second algorithm as an extension and a specialization of the first one. In the second al- gorithm, we restricted the parent's behavior according to the second specification, i.e., we added the restriction that processes moving together from one view to another deliver the same set of messages in the former. Additionally, in the second algorithm, we extended the service interface to convey transitional sets, and added the new functionality for providing clients with transitional sets as per the fourth specification. By exploiting Theorem 4.1, we were able to prove that the second algorithm implements the second specification (and therefore also the first one) in under two pages without needing to repeat the arguments made in the previous five page proof. We separately proved that the algorithm meets the fourth specification. Finally, we extended and specialized the second algorithm to support the third property. Again, we exploited Theorem 4.1 in order to prove that the final algorithm meets the third specification (and hence all four specifications) in a merely two and a half page long proof. We are currently continuing our work on group commu- nication. We are incrementally extending the system described in [26] with new services and semantics using the same techniques. A Modeling Methodology Specialization does not allow children to introduce behaviors that are not permitted by their parents and does not allow them to change state variables of their par- ents. However, when we modeled the algorithms in [26], in one case we saw the need for a child algorithm to modify a parent's variable. We dealt with this case by introducing a certain level of non-determinism at the parent, thereby allowing the child to resolve (specialize) this nondeterminism later. In particular, the algorithm that implemented the second specification described above sometimes needed to forward messages to other processes, although such forwarding was not needed at the parent. The forwarded messages would have to be stored at the same buffers as other messages. However, these message buffers were variables of the parent, so the child was not allowed to modify them. We solved this problem by adding a forwarding action which would forward arbitrary messages to the parent automaton; the parent stored the forwarded messages in the appropriate message buffers. The child then restricted this arbitrary message forwarding according to its algorithm. We liken this methodology to the use of abstract methods or pure virtual methods in object-oriented methodol- ogy, since the non-determinism is left at the parent as a "hook" for prospective children to specify any forwarding policy they might need. In our experience, using this methodology did not make the proofs more complicated 7 DISCUSSION We described a formal approach to incrementally defining specifications and algorithms, and incorporated an inheritance-based methodology for incrementally constructing simulation proofs between algorithms and specifications. This technique eliminates the need to repeat arguments about the original system while proving correctness of a new system. We have successfully used our methodology in specifying and proving correct a complex group communication service [26]. We are planning to experiment with our methodology in order to prove other complex systems. We have presented the technique mathematically, in terms of I/O automata. Furthermore, the formalism presented in this paper and the syntax of incremental modification is consistent with the continued evolution of the IOA programming and modeling language. Since IOA is being developed as a practical programming framework for distributed systems, one of our goals is to incorporate our inheritance-based modification technique and approach to proof reuse into the IOA programming language toolset [17, 18]. Future plans also include extending our proof-reuse methodology to a construct that allows a child to modify the state variables of its parent. Other future plans include adding the ability to deal with multiple inher- itance. In all of our work, we aim to formulate and extend formal specification techniques that would be useful for practical software development. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Paul Attie, Steve Garland, Victor Luchangco and Jens Palsberg for their helpful comments and suggestions --R A Theory of Objects. The existence of refinement mappings. ACM 39(4) On the formal specification of group membership ser- vices Fault tolerant video- on-demand services An object-oriented approach to verifying group communication systems Middleware support for distributed multimedia and collaborative computing. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Program- ming An Adaptive Totally Ordered Multi-cast Protocol that Tolerates Partitions A denotational semantics of inheritance and its correctness. A dynamic primary configuration group communication service. Data Refinement Model-Oriented Proof Methods and their Comparison Specifying and using a partionable group communication ser- vice Fast replicated state machines over partitionable networks. Foundations of Component Based Systems IOA: A Language for Specifying Optimizing Layered Communication Protocols. Formal methods for developing high assurance computer systems: Working group report. The generalized railroad crossing: A case study in formal verification of real-time systems On the need for 'practical' formal methods. Wrapper semantics of an object-oriented programming language with state Specifications and proofs for ensemble layers. Inheritance in Smalltalk-80: A denotational definition A client-server approach to virtually synchronous group multicast: Specifica- tions A Client-Server Oriented Algorithm for Virtually Synchronous Group Membership in WANs Multicast group communication as a base for a load-balancing replicated data service Generalizing Abstraction Functions. Distributed Algorithms. Robust emulation of shared memory using dynamic quorum-acknowledged broadcasts An introduction to In- put/Output Automata Objects as closures: Abstract semantics of object-oriented languages Implementation of Reliable Datagram Service in the LAN environment. Proving correctness with respect to nondeterministic safety specifications. Modular reasoning in the presence of subclassing. Group Communication Specifications: A Comprehensive Study. I/O automaton model of operating system primitives. --TR Objects as closures: abstract semantics of object-oriented languages Inheritance in smalltalk-80: a denotational definition The existence of refinement mappings Proving correctness with respect to nondeterministic safety specifications A denotational semantics of inheritance and its correctness Modular reasoning in the presence of subclassing An introduction to object-oriented programming (2nd ed.) Specifying and using a partitionable group communication service A dynamic view-oriented group communication service Eventually-serializable data services Distributed Algorithms A Theory of Objects Data Refinement Wrapper Semantics of an Object-Oriented Programming Language with State Multicast Group Communication as a Base for a Load-Balancing Replicated Data Service A Dynamic Primary Configuration Group Communication Service Specifications and Proofs for Ensemble Layers On the Need for Practical Formal Methods Robust emulation of shared memory using dynamic quorum-acknowledged broadcasts Fast Replicated State Machines Over Partitionable Networks Formal Methods For Developing High Assurance Computer Systems A Client-Server Approach to Virtually Synchronous Group Multicast Optimizing Layered Communication Protocols Fault Tolerant Video on Demand Services A Client-Server Oriented Algorithm for Virtually Synchronous Group Membership in WANs --CTR Sarfraz Khurshid , Darko Marinov , Daniel Jackson, An analyzable annotation language, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.37 n.11, November 2002 Keidar , Roger I. Khazan , Nancy Lynch , Alex Shvartsman, An inheritance-based technique for building simulation proofs incrementally, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.11 n.1, p.63-91, January 2002
system modeling/verification;specialization by inheritance;simulation;refinement;interface extension
Towards the principled design of software engineering diagrams.
Diagrammatic specification, modelling and programming languages are increasingly prevalent in software engineering and, it is often claimed, provide natural representations which permit of intuitive reasoning. A desirable goal of software engineering is the rigorous justification of such reasoning, yet many formal accounts of diagrammatic languages confuse or destroy any natural reading of the diagrams. Hence they cannot be said to be intuitive. The answer, we feel, is to examine seriously the meaning and accuracy of the terms natural and intuitive in this context. This paper highlights, and illustrates by means of examples taken from industrial practice, an ongoing research theme of the authors. We take a deeper and more cognitively informed consideration of diagrams which leads us to a more natural formal underpinning that permits (i) the formal justification of informal intuitive arguments, without placing the onus of formality upon the engineer constructing the argument; and (ii) a principled approach to the identification of intuitive (and counter-intuitive) features of diagrammatic languages.
INTRODUCTION Diagrammatic representations - and attempts to formalise them - are an area of increasing attention in modern software engineering. Visual specification and modelling languages, most notably UML [21], and domain-specific programming languages [15, 24] typically have a strong diagrammatic flavour; software architecture description languages (ADLs) and diagrams [1, 2, 25] further add claims being of "natural" and "intuitive" ways of thinking about (software) sys- tems. Many such grand claims are made that diagrams are "how we naturally think about systems". Yet, even if we accept this as being at least partly true (and it is clearly a debatable issue) it begs the questions of: what kinds of diagrams are intuitive; why are they the natural way to think about systems; and - most importantly for the purposes of this paper - do the formal accounts typically provided for such diagrammatic languages succeed in accurately capturing whatever it is that is natural and intuitive about such representations? Taking seriously the assertion that diagrams are useful because they are intuitive (well matched to meaning) and natural (directly capture this well matched mean- ing), then for any formal underpinning of diagrams in software engineering to be truly useful it must therefore reflect these intuitive and natural aspects of diagrams. In this paper we demonstrate that such an approach is feasible as well as desirable. We commence in the next section with a review of the critical issues in a theory of diagrammatic representa- tion. In Section 3 we present a typical diagrammatic software language, taken from industrial embedded control software, to motivate and illustrate a more detailed exploration of our concepts of natural and intuitive. Section 4 then presents an simple formalisation of this language. The use of formal methods is often advised or required in the provision of evidence of desirable system properties, yet in practice the application of such methods is undeniably di#cult. In Section 5 we illustrate how our approach provides a formal underpinning of natural (previously informal) reasoning, in which the onus of formality lies not with the engineer constructing the argument, but with the designer of the original no- tation. Section 6 illustrates that our general approach also naturally permits the identification of questionable or counter-intuitive features in diagrams. We conclude with a summary of the major issues raised and an indication of directions for future research. Studies such as [5, 30, 33] have indicated that the most e#ective representations are those which are well matched to what they represent, in the context of particular reasoning tasks. For the purposes of this paper we assert that an "intuitive" representation is one which is well matched. Furthermore, we assert that whether a representation is "natural" concerns how it achieves its intuitive matching; and (certain classes of) diagrammatic representations are particularly good at naturally matching their intuitive interpretations. Clearly, these two assertions beg the questions of how such natural matching are achieved and what are the intuitive meanings which an e#ective representation matches. Natural Representation in Diagrams Previous studies have typically examined two di#er- ing dimensions through which diagrammatic representations "naturally" embody semantic information. Firstly logical analyses such as [3, 12, 26, 27, 28] have examined the inherent constraints of diagrams (topological, geo- metric, spatial and so forth) to explicate their computational benefits. The second dimension which has been studied (particularly from an HCI perspective) concerns features and properties which impact upon the cognition of the user [4, 7, 16, 19, 29]. Recently a careful examination [9] of analogies (and dis- analogies) between typical text-based languages and diagrammatic languages has sought to unify the above two dimensions of "naturalness". The examination was quite revealing about both similarities and di#erences in the textual and diagrammatic cases. One primary di#erence with diagrams is that they may capture semantic information in a very direct way. That is to say, intrinsic features in the diagram, such as spatial layout, directly capture aspects of the meaning of the diagram. An understanding of how diagrams naturally capture such aspects permits us next to consider what specific information should be captured for a diagram to be truly intuitive. Intuitive Meaning in Diagrams The decomposition in [9] of issues in how diagrams capture information permitted the identification, in a subsequent study [11], of the fundamental issues relating to the e#ectiveness of visual and diagrammatic representations for communication and reasoning tasks. As indicated above, an e#ective representation is one which is well matched to what it represents. That is, an in- tuitive, or well matched, representation is one which clearly captures the key features of the represented artifact and furthermore simplifies various desired reasoning tasks. It has been demonstrated in [7, 20, 22] that pragmatic features of diagrammatic representations (termed "sec- ondary notations" by Green [6]) significantly influence their interpretation. A particular concern of the exploration of [11] was the importance of accounting for such pragmatic aspects of diagrams in considering when they are well matched. Wait Move Start Brake Halt true Alarm Checks ChkFault Fault level=FloorCall Stopped Ready Fault Figure 1: Example SFC diagram (lift controller). ING A concrete application of our work is to the formalisation of diagrammatic (graph-based) languages for industrial embedded control software. This commonly occurring class of systems spans many di#erent domains (e.g. automotive, process control, ASIC design, mobile telephony) and is a very common component of critical systems. We have formalised various sub-languages of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's [14, 17]) and concentrate here on the PLC sub-language of Sequential Function Charts (SFCs), which present a control-flow view of an embedded controller. The diagrammatic representation of SFCs is illustrated in Figure 1 and consists of elements of two distinct kinds: rectangular boxes called steps and thick horizontal lines called transitions. In such diagrams, no elements of the same kind may be linked directly. Each step is labelled by an identifier and may have an associated action, and each transition carries a boolean condition. The SFC of Figure 1 is a simplified lift controller , adapted from a teaching example of "good" SFC design from [17]. SFCs exhibit a rich control-flow behaviour. At any given time, each step can be either active or inactive and the set of all active steps defines the current state of the system. A step remains active until one of its successor 1 "elevator" controller, for American readers transition conditions evaluates to "true", thereby passing control to the step(s) targeted by the links emanating from that transition. The double horizontal lines introduce and conclude sections of the diagram which execute concurrently with each other. Diagrams: Direct Representations The term "visual representation" has, at times, been taken to be synonymous with "diagram". However, consider a textual representation, for example a propositional logic sentence such as "p and (not q or r)". This, if we are to be precise, is also an example of a visual representation. After all, the symbols in this sentence are expressed to the reader's visual sense (as ink marks on a page), not to their senses of touch or hearing, as would be the case with braille or speech for example. There is, however, a significant di#erence between certain of the visual symbols of Figure 1 and those of this propositional sentence. The di#erence is that certain of the symbols in Figure 1 exhibit intrinsic properties, and these properties directly correspond to properties in the represented domain. Consider that the reader of an SFC diagram can instantly distinguish step and transition elements. They are represented by quite distinct visual tokens (rectan- gles and lines respectively) which clearly belong to different categories, in a manner obviously not matched by the textual tokens of the above propositional logic sen- tence. Furthermore, the SFC of Figure 1 follows a convention common to many such graph-based notations by laying out sequences of steps in a top-down fashion (leaving aside the issue of loops for the moment). Thus a reader can also instantly see that the step "Brake" will be preceded by "Wait" and "Move" steps, as these steps appear above it in the diagram. These aspects of SFC diagrams are both examples of the direct representation of semantic information. Thus, in general certain diagrammatic notations and relations may be directly semantically interpreted. This directness may be exploited by the semantics of diagrams in a systematic way. Such "systematicity" is not exclusively the preserve of diagrammatic representa- tions, but - with their potential for direct interpretation diagrams have a head start over sentential representations in the systematicity stakes. However, to understand what makes diagrams e#ective, we must consider their interpretation by humans more generally. Studies have shown that what we describe next as pragmatic aspects of diagrams, play a significant role in typical uses of successful diagrammatic languages. Pragmatics in Diagrams In linguistic theories of human communication, developed initially for written text or spoken dialogues, theories of "pragmatics" seek to explain how conventions and patterns of language use carry information over and above the literal truth value of sentences. For example, in the discourse: 1. (a) The lone ranger jumped on his horse and rode into the sunset. (b) The lone ranger rode into the sunset and jumped on his horse. (1a)'s implicature is that the jump happened first, followed by the riding. By contrast, (1b)'s implicature is that riding preceded jumping. In both (1a) and (1b), implicatures go beyond the literal truth conditional meaning. For instance, all that matters for the truth of a complex sentence of the form P and Q is that both P and Q be true; the order of mention of the components is irrelevant. Pragmatics, thus, helps to bridge the gap between truth conditions and "real" meaning. This concept applies equally well to the use of diagrammatic languages in practice. Indeed, there is a recent history of work which draws parallels between pragmatic phenomena which occur in natural language, and for which there are established theories, and phenomena occurring in diagrammatic languages [9, 18, 20]. Studies of digital electronics engineers using CAD systems for designing the layout of computer circuits demonstrated that the most significant di#erence between novices and experts is in the use of layout to capture domain information [23]. In such circuit diagrams the layout of components is not specified as being semantically significant. Nevertheless, experienced designers exploit layout to carry important information by grouping together components which are functionally related. By contrast, certain diagrams produced by novices were considered poor because they either failed to use layout or, in particularly "awful" examples, were especially confusing through their mis-use of the common layout conventions adopted by the experienced en- gineers. The correct use of such conventions is thus seen as a significant characteristic distinguishing expert from novice users. These conventions, termed "secondary no- tations" in [23], are shown in [20] to correspond directly with the graphical pragmatics of [18]. A straightforward example of the use of such pragmatic features may be readily observed in the SFC diagram of Figure 1. While this diagram is a simplified version of the SFC from [17], nevertheless we have retained the layout of that original SFC, and note that it carries important information concerning the application being represented. The main body of the SFC of Figure 1 is conceptually partitioned into the three regions illustrated in the following outline: F A Region N is concerned with normal operation, A is an alarm-raising component and F performs fault detection (e.g. action "Checks" monitors the state of the lift and raises the boolean signal "Fault" whenever a fault occurs). More recent studies of the users of various other diagrammatic languages, notably visual programming lan- guages, have highlighted similar usage of graphical pragmatics [22]. A major conclusion of this collection of studies is that the correct use of pragmatic features, such as layout in graph-based notations, is a significant contributory factor in the comprehensibility, and hence usability, of these representations. Diagrammatic Reasoning: SFC Example One of the major tasks that SFC notations intend to support is the inference (by system designers) of which sequences of states may the system exhibit. Desirable such sequences are formulated in terms of system prop- erties, prominent among which are safety properties. For instance, appropriate for our lift controller is property Safe expressed as: "Assuming no faults, the lift always stops before the next call is attended." Example 1 The diagram of Figure 1 exhibits property Safe because: (1) Once the main loop is entered, the assumption of fault-freeness implies that control is retained within the loop; and (2) the loop forms a single path from step "Move" to itself that includes condition "Stopped". Crucial to part (2) of this argument is the observation that paths in the diagram correspond semantically to temporal orderings of events: if only a single path exists from any current step A to step B and condition t appears along the path, the next activation of B must be preceded by an occurrence of t. A desirable software engineering goal is to support the formalisation of informal arguments, such as the above. We argue that for a formalisation to be e#ective, as with an e#ective diagrammatic representation, it should accurately structure those aspects of the represented artifact which are pertinent to the required reasoning tasks. For example, essential to the informal argument in the preceding example is the ability to focus precisely on the part of the diagram which is responsible for property Safe. That is, focusing on the loop and excluding the alarm-raising and fault-checking parts of the dia- gram. A formalisation which does not readily permit a similar structuring, will clearly be less e#ective than one which does. Consider that there are numerous, less direct ways of capturing the semantics of SFCs; a common one being to enumerate all possible states of the SFC in a transition system [31]. Example 2 A transition system modelling the behaviour of the lift controller has as states all reachable sets of steps. Its transitions are possible combinations (i.e. sets) of conditions. A small part of this transition system is given below (with step names truncated to their initials): {S} Ready Floor. Fault zz# {Floor. ,Fault} . {W,CF} {M,C} level. Fault "" {level. ,Fault} # {M,CF} . {B, CF} Stopped OO {B, C} Fault This resulting transition system is typical of a formalisation which obscures the structure necessary to the informal argument of Example 1. This is because paths in the transition system result from the interweaving of events belonging to several concurrent components in the SFC. In contrast to the informal argument of Example 1, when arguing properties such as Safe on the model of Example 2 it is generally hard to exclude behaviour originating in parts of the system which are otherwise unrelated to the property in question. While it could be argued that this is hardly a problem for small SFCs, the size of a transition system grows rapidly with the number of concurrent components in the SFC. Supporting Intuitive Reasoning A significant determiner of what makes a particular representation e#ective is that it should simplify various reasoning tasks. Any formalisation of the semantics of such a representation must therefore ensure that such reasoning tasks are equally easy in it. One benefit that certain diagrammatic representations o#er to support this is the potential to directly capture pertinent aspects of the represented artifact (whether this be a concrete artifact or some abstract concept). As we have seen, this "directness" is typically an intrinsic feature of di- agrams; determining which aspects of the represented artifact are "pertinent" requires that we consider pragmatic as well as syntactic aspects of representations. For example, the operation of the lift controller in our example is conceptually partitioned into three modes: of normal, alarm-raising and fault checking behaviour. The layout of the SFC diagram of Figure 1 is such that, for any given step or transition, membership of one these modes is represented as membership of an identifiable region of the graph (one of the regions N , A or F above). Thus, a conceptual aspect of the artifact (membership of some behavioural mode) is directly captured by a representing relation in the diagram with matching logical properties (membership of a spatial region in the plane). Note that, in this case as with the expert designers of CAD diagrams and visual programs studied in [23, 22], it is the pragmatic features of the diagram (layout being chosen so as to suggest conceptual regions) which are exploited to carry this information. Indeed, in the original SFC diagram from [17], of which our example is a simplification, these regions were strikingly well de- lineated. We outline next a formal description of SFC diagrams which reflects both their direct and pragmatic features, leading to a formal underpinning of intuitive arguments such as the one for the Safe property illustrated above. Let S and T be the sets of all step identifiers and transition conditions respectively. One way of describing the structure (and layout) of SFC diagrams is to construct an algebra of "diagram expressions", in which each expression denotes a particular way of decomposing a diagram [10]. To begin with, let the atomic diagrams and be denoted s and t respectively (where s # S and t # T). Also, write # and # respectively for the branching elements and In introducing the operations of the algebra, it is facilitative to visualise each diagram expression D as an "abstract" diagram: defined whenever the number of connections emanating from the bottom of D equals that of connections entering juxtaposes D and D # with D on the left. Two further operations are defined: D, resulting in and [D] resulting in In writing SFC expressions, we shall assume to have higher precedence than ; and# to have the least precedence The main body of our example may now be expressed as where: (level . ; Brake; A # Fault; Alarm and 1 denotes a vertical line. Examining the original SFC, one can now see how the expressions N , A and F correspond to the regions identified at the end of Section 3. Finally, the expression for the entire controller is: Algebraic methods of diagram description, such as the one just outlined, may be called analytic (a term originally due to McCarthy) as they emphasise a decompositional view of diagrams. When carefully designed, such descriptions are generally simpler (more abstract) than synthetic ones, e.g. those based on graph gram- mars, and naturally lend themselves to the analysis of diagrams from a semantic or logical standpoint. Almost every non-trivial diagram may be decomposed in a variety of ways, thus allowing multiple semantic interpretations and also multiple routes for constructing reasoning arguments based on the diagram. Some semantic and logical analysis of software diagrams is therefore required, not only to ensure consistency of interpretations, but also to validate many commonly occurring reasoning arguments. Viewing, as we do, formalisation as a means to the validation of informal (or semi-formal) reasoning practices emphasises formal analysis as a tool of the notation designer, not as an imposition on the user. The provision of rigorous evidence of desirable properties in software systems is a required, but highly costly activity in many domains; especially those in which products are subject to regulation or certification (e.g. safety-critical systems). While the use of formal methods in supplying such evidence is often recommended or mandated (e.g. SEMSPLC guidelines [13], MOD guidelines [32]), their practical application remains undeniably di#cult. This is largely because most formal methods rely on intimate knowledge and explicit manipulation of some underlying, generic model and are typically less concerned with user-oriented representations. Thus, given a system expressed as diagram d and a property traditional approaches typically consist in: (1) obtaining some behavioural model M(d) of d, such as a function, a transition system, etc.; (2) formalising p as a formula #(p) in some suitable logic; and (3) verifying whether M(d) |= #(p), i.e. whether the model satisfies the formula. By contrast, many informal or semi-formal arguments appeal directly to domain-specific features of a system's representation to gain remarkable simplicity. Neverthe- less, the elevation of such arguments to a level admissible as rigorous evidence requires their formal underpinning and justification by logical means. Roughly speaking, our approach attempts to substitute structural (i.e. algebraic) models of diagrams for behavioural models in step (1) above. If, for instance, D(d) is an algebraic expression denoting an (actual) SFC diagram d, and formula #(p) expresses a property, the reasoning problem (step (3) above) is reformulated as D(d) |= #(p). In terms of our example property Safe and the main body of our lift controller: LiftBody |= #(Safe) . (1) Continuing with our illustration, property Safe may be expressed as a temporal formula [31]. Let, for instance, A(Stopped where A(#) is interpreted as "always # 1 B# 2 as "# 1 before "implies". What is important here is not the precise definitions of A and B in our crude formalisation. Rather, we aim to illustrate the overall structure of the formula, #, where # expresses an assumption about the computation (here "always not Fault") and # expresses a commitment of the system. The implicit inferential "short-cuts" in the informal argument of Example 1 may now be formalised, and thus justified, by means of inference rules. For instance, one rule views concurrency as the conjunction of the com- ponents' respective properties: Rule 1: If D |= # and D # , then [D# Another rule eliminates part of a diagram which is inaccessible under given assumptions: Rule 2: If D |= A(# and t #, then Starting with goal (1), equivalently written as and applying Rule 1 yields sub-goals N ; A |= #(Safe) and F |= true, the second of which is trivial. By Rule 2, applied to the definitions of A and #(Safe), we now discard the alarm-raising component to concentrate on the part precisely responsible for our property: N |= #(Safe). The soundness of rules such as those above must eventually be established wrt. some behavioural model. This obligation, however, lies not with the user, but once- and-for-all with the developers of the diagrammatic notation 6 DISTURBING DIAGRAM FEATURES A further benefit of our approach relates to the over-all design of diagrammatic languages. The rigorous examination of how the concepts of "natural" and "intu- itive" relate to diagrams, paves the way to the principled identification of specific features which contravene these concepts. Thus far, we have concentrated on the core features of SFC diagrams. In pursuit of our goal to demonstrate formal analysis as a tool in the design of software engineering diagrams, we shall briefly introduce an extra feature, subject it to semantic analysis and examine the insights resulting from this analysis. The semantic model associated with SFCs is that of (labelled) Petri nets, a concept widely used and well understood in the domain, and the basic SFC notation is highly suggestive of this association. Unfortunately, the definition of SFCs in [14] abounds with extensions which forcefully violate this analogy. One such exten- sion, called action qualification, permits certain actions to be "set active" by some step and continue to be invoked following the step's deactivation. Such actions will remain active either indefinitely or until they are explicitly "reset" by a step elsewhere in the diagram. This mechanism of action-step association is visualised by attaching an oblong box to a step as follows: Step where Q is a "qualifier". Of the many qualifiers permit- ted, here we look at "N" (usually omitted and standing for "normal") and "S", "R" (standing for "set" and "re- set"). An example of an SFC diagram making use of this feature is given in Figure 2. To describe both SFC diagrams and nets in a uniform way we shall, following [8], think of each as a collection of "objects" and relations among them. (Notation: Given relation R we write (x, y, z) # R if objects x, y and z are related via R.) Under this view, one abstraction of the SFC diagram in Fig. 2 has objects s 1 , . , s 5 , A, B, C, responding to the steps, actions and transitions). The relations in this abstraction capture links and action- step associations. Relation L is such that (x, y) # L A R A p3 p6 A Figure 2: SFC diagram and its corresponding net. i# a directed link exists from x to y in the diagram (e.g. For each type (S, R or N) of qualifier there is a binary relation Q such that (x, a) # Q i# x is a step associated with a via Q. So, for example, us call this abstraction D as it captures all that we regard as essential about the diagram. The labelled-net semantics of our example diagram is given (also diagrammatically!) in Fig. 2. Each place in the net is labelled with zero or more actions and the abstraction P associated with the net has objects for the places, transitions and labels. Its relations are F , corresponding to the "flow" of the net (i.e. (x, y) # F i# a single directed link exists from object x to object place p is labelled with action a. We now proceed to evaluate the degree of correspondence between the abstractions modelling the diagram and its semantics. A mapping m from abstraction W to abstraction W # maps the objects of W to those of W # and also the relations in W to relations in W # . Such a mapping is called a homomorphism if for every relation R which holds between objects x, y, . in W , the corresponding relation m(R) in W # holds between the corresponding objects m(x), m(y), . Consider now a situation where an abstraction W adequately captures everything which is deemed relevant in a diagram, whereas W # captures the relevant aspects of the artifact represented by the diagram. What does the existence of a homomorphism h from W # to W signify? In part, it tells us that every relation in the artifact which we regard as important has a corresponding relation in the diagram. Moreover, it tells us that every (first-order) logical statement about the relations in W # translates to a statement about W which holds if the original does in W # . Returning to our running example, let us derive from D a slightly higher abstraction, having the same objects and relation L as D but only one additional relation This abstraction, which we call U , provides partial information about a user's interpretation of the SFC diagram. In particular, G contains exactly those action-step associations which are explicitly guaranteed in the diagram, and thus hold in all semantic interpretations which respect the meaning of qualifiers. Thus, for example, (s 4 , G as this association depends on the history of the computation leading to s 4 . One now observes that there can be no homomorphism from P to U , as every candidate should map both p 4 and p 5 to s 4 and (p 5 , G. We are forced to conclude that an important semantic re- lation, that of which actions are invoked in each mode of the system, is not systematically visualised. This introduces complications in reasoning and suggests that the introduction of the "S" and "R" qualifiers poorly integrates with the core notation. Using an elementary semantic analysis, we have thus shown how some questionably convenient features of IEC SFCs can introduce a seriously dangerous mismatch between a user's intuitive interpretation of the graphical representation and its actual semantics. In the presence of such features, knowledge of the global structure of the SFC may be required before overall behaviour can be inferred from the behaviours of the currently active steps. Such knowledge may be extremely hard to establish accurately about large diagrams. 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK This paper has presented an overview of an ongoing re-search theme of the authors. The use of diagrams and diagrammatic languages has become increasingly prevalent in software engineering, with claims of their natural "intuitiveness" being typical. We have summarised the primary findings of a deeper and more cognitively informed examination of these proclaimed benefits. These findings indicate that a more considered approach than is common is required, if the formalisation of such diagrammatic languages is to successfully provide equally natural and intuitive support for their practical use. The benefits of such a more considered approach have been illustrated through examination of the industry standard language of SFCs (Sequential Function Charts) for embedded controllers. Consideration of which features of this language are natural and intuitive guided the design of a simple formalisation which, as we have shown, supports the validation of typical informal arguments concerning desirable system proper- ties. Furthermore, we have argued that such validation, and its formal details, is best seen as the responsibility of the designer of the language, rather than of the user (engineer) who constructs the informal argument. At present we are exploring and extending our approach in the following areas: . the development of a more concrete framework for exploring the connection between semantics of diagrammatic languages and their form: both the natural encoding of semantic properties by features of the language, and the implications that features carry of intuitive semantic meaning; . the broader application of our approach: to other PLC languages, to other domain specific languages and - more generally - to specification and modelling languages; . the exploration of tool support: both specifically for the design of diagrams in specific languages (such as SFCs) and more generally for the design and exploration of novel diagrammatic languages. A further benefit of our approach is that it paves the way towards a principled exploration of specific features of diagrammatic languages, permitting ready identification of potentially dangerous, misleading, or otherwise counter-intuitive features. As diagrammatic languages become more commonplace in software engineering - whether for design, modelling, or programming - the need for a sound basis for the design of such languages becomes ever more pressing. A basis which will serve to guide the design of diagrammatic languages which benefit from rigorous formality, without sacrificing their intrinsic intuitiveness and appeal. The work reviewed in this paper provides a foundation upon which such a basis may be developed. --R Formalizing style to understand descriptions of software archi- tecture A formal basis for architectural connection. logic. VPLs and novice program comprehen- sion: How do di#erent languages compare? In 15th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'99) Cognitive dimensions of notations. Usability analysis of visual programming environments: a 'cognitive di- mensions' framework. On the isomorphism Theories of diagrammatic reasoning: distinguishing component problems. Formalising pragmatic features of graph-based notations Towards a model theory of Venn diagrams. Institute of Electrical Engineers. IEC 1131-3: Programmable Controllers - Part3: Programming Languages Why a diagram is (sometimes) worth ten thousand words. Programming Industrial Control Systems Using IEC 1131-3 Avoiding unwanted conversational implicature in text and graphics. Visual language the- ory: Towards a human-computer interaction per- spective Grice for graphics: pragmatic implicature in network diagrams. OMG ad/99-06-08 (Part Why looking isn't always seeing: Readership skills and graphical programming. Requirements of graphical notations for professional users: electronics CAD systems as a case study. Formulations and formalisms in software architecture. Operational constraints in diagrammatic reasoning. Derivative meaning in graphical representations. A cognitive theory of graphical and linguistic reasoning: logic and im- plementation Image and language in human reasoning: a syllogistic illustration. UK Ministry of Defence. Representations in distributed cognitive tasks. --TR Cognitive dimensions of notations Modal and temporal logics Why looking isn''t always seeing Formalizing style to understand descriptions of software architecture A formal basis for architectural connection Operational constraints in diagrammatic reasoning Situation-theoretic account of valid reasoning with Venn diagrams Towards a model theory of Venn diagrams Visual language theory On the isomorphism, or lack of it, of representations Diagrammatic Reasoning Theories of Diagrammatic Reasoning Derivative Meaning in Graphical Representations Formalizing Pragmatic Features of Graph-Based Notations VPLs and Novice Program Comprehension --CTR Helen C. Purchase , Ray Welland , Matthew McGill , Linda Colpoys, Comprehension of diagram syntax: an empirical study of entity relationship notations, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, v.61 n.2, p.187-203, August 2004 Helen C. Purchase , Linda Colpoys , Matthew McGill , David Carrington , Carol Britton, UML class diagram syntax: an empirical study of comprehension, Proceedings of the 2001 Asia-Pacific symposium on Information visualisation, p.113-120, December 01, 2001, Sydney, Australia
software diagrams;programmable logic controllers;diagrammatic languages
An approach to architectural analysis of product lines.
This paper addresses the issue of how to perform architectural analysis on an existing product line architecture. The con tribution of the paper is to identify and demonstrate a repeatable product line architecture analysis process. The approach defines a good product line architecture in terms of those quality attributes required by the particular product line under development. It then analyzes the architecture against these criteria by both manual and tool-supported methods. The phased approach described in this paper provides a structured analysis of an existing product line architecture using (1) formal specification of the high-level architecture, (2) manual analysis of scenarios to exercise the architecture's support for required variabilities, and (3) model checking of critical behaviors at the architectural level that are required for all systems in the product line. Results of an application to a software product line of spaceborne telescopes are used to explain and evaluate the approach.
INTRODUCTION A software product line is a collection of systems that share a managed set of properties that are derived from a common set of software assets [4]. A product line approach to software development is attractive to most organizations due to the focus on reuse of both intellec- This research was performed while this author was a visiting researcher at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. y This author supported in part by a NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship. z Contact Author. x Mailing address: Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State Uni- versity, 226 Atanaso Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1041. tual eort and existing tangible artifacts. The systems or \derivatives" in a software product line (e.g., software based on the product line) usually share a common ar- chitecture. For a new product line, many alternative architectures are designed according to the requirement specications and one is selected as the \baseline" or \core" for future systems. For a product line that leverages existing systems, an architecture may already be in place with organizational commitment to its continued use. This paper addresses the issue of how to perform architectural analysis on an existing product line archi- tecture. The contribution of the paper is to identify and demonstrate a repeatable product line architecture analysis process. Throughout the paper, application to a software product line of spaceborne telescopes is used to explain and evaluate the approach. The approach denes a \good" product line architecture in terms of those quality attributes required by the particular product line under development. It then analyzes the architecture against these criteria by both manual and tool-supported methods. This paper demonstrates the analytical value of specifying an existing architecture with an Architectural Description Language (ADL), both in terms of identifying architectural mismatches with the product line and in terms of providing a baseline for subsequent automated analyses. The ADL model is then used to manually exercise the architecture in order to measure how each of a set of selected scenarios that capture the required attributes (e.g., modiability, fault tolerance) impacts the architecture. We found that this technique was particularly eective at verifying whether or not the architecture supported planned variabilities within the product line. Further verication of the architecture involves automated tool support to analyze key, common behaviors. We were particularly interested in the adequacy of the fault-tolerant behavior of a critical data interface common to all systems. Model checking of the targeted behaviors allows demonstration of the consequences of some architectural decisions for the product line. The phased approach described in this paper provides a structured analysis of an existing product line architecture using: (1) architectural recovery and specication, (2) manual analysis of scenarios to exercise architectural support for required variabilities, and (3) model checking of critical behaviors at the architectural level that are required for all systems in the product line. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides background relating to software architecture, product lines, and the interferometer application. Section 3 describes the three-step approach outlined above in greater detail. Section 4 presents and discusses the results from the manual and tool-supported analyses. Section 5 brie y describes related work. Section 6 offers concluding remarks and indicates some directions for future research. This section describes background material in the areas of software architectures, software product lines, and interferometry. 2.1 Software Architectures A software architecture describes the overall organization of a software system in terms of its constituent ele- ments, including computational units and their interrelationships [21]. In general, an architecture is dened as a conguration of components and connectors. A component is an encapsulation of a computational unit and has an interface that species the capabilities that the component can provide. Connectors, on the other hand, encapsulate the ways that components interact. A conguration of components interconnected with connectors determines the topology of the architecture and provides both a structural and semantic view of a sys- tem, where the semantics are provided by the individual specications of the components and connectors. Another important concept in the area of software architectures is the concept of an architectural style. An architectural style denes patterns and semantic constraints on a conguration of components and connec- tors. As such, a style can dene a set or family of systems that share common architectural semantics [18]. For instance, a pipe and lter style refers to a pipelined set of components whereas a layered style refers to a set of components that communicate via hierarchies of interfaces. The distinction between architectural style and architecture is an important concept throughout the work described here. As one would expect, all the systems in our example product line share a base architectural style and a set of shared software components that are organized and communicate in certain prescribed manners. However, there are architectural variations among the systems regarding the number of components and connectors, with some systems replicating portions of the baseline reference architecture in their individual architectures. 2.2 Product Lines Bass, Clements, and Kazman dene a software product line as \a collection of systems sharing a managed set of features constructed from a common set of core software assets" [4]. These assets typically include a base architecture and a set of shared software components. The software architecture for the product line displays the commonality that the systems share and provides the mechanisms for variability among the products. The systems in the product line are referred to as members or derivatives of the baseline architecture or architectural style. 2.3 Interferometers The product line of interest in this work is a set of interferometer projects under development by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. An interferometer, in this con- text, is a collection of telescopes that act together as a single, very powerful instrument. Interferometers will be used to explore the origins of stars and galaxies and to search for Earth-like planets around distant stars. An interferometer combines the starlight it collects from telescopes in such a way that the light \interferes" or interacts to increase the intensity and increase the precision of the observation. Three spaceborne interferometers are either under development or planned for launch in the next eleven years, with additional formation- ying interferometers envisioned for subsequent years [13, 19]. Two ground-based interferometers in the product line are currently operational, with at least two more planned. Among the components shared by the interferometer systems and discussed in this paper are the Delay Line, the Fringe Tracker, and the Internal Metrology. The Delay Line component compensates for the dierence in time between the arrival of starlight at the separate mirrors. The Fringe Tracker component provides constant feedback to the Delay Line regarding needed adjustments to maintain peak intensity of the fringe (pat- terns of light and dark bands produced by interference of the light). The Internal Metrology component provides input to the Delay Line regarding small changes in distances among parts of the interferometer that must be included in its calculations. In previous work, we analyzed commonalities and variabilities of the JPL interferometry software project [17]. The software in these interferometers has a high degree of commonality with a managed set of shared features built from core software components [3]. A group of developers at JPL with a strong background in interferometer software provides reusable, generic software components to the interferometer projects. Extensive documentation of the requirements and design for these software components, as well as C code for the component prototypes, were available for our analyses. In addition, we used whatever project-unique documentation was available. Predictably, more documentation exists for projects farther along in their de- velopment. System descriptions are available for all the missions; software requirements and design documents are still high-level and informal for later missions; and code is not yet available for any of the spaceborne interferometers In this section we describe the approach that was used to analyze the interferometer software product line. Section 3.1 summarizes the overall process used during the project and introduces the architectural recovery, dis- covery, and specication of the existing product line; Section 3.2 describes the manual analysis process used to measure quality attributes related to product lines; and Section 3.3 describes the behavioral analysis performed using automated tool support. 3.1 Process A software architecture is one key required element that should be present in order to analyze software for product line \tness" since it is the architecture, above any other artifact, that is being reused. One of the properties of this particular product line is that although an architecturally-based product line approach was not used in the construction of the software, the artifacts (both conceptual and physical) were being used in a manner indicative of a product line approach. As such, several software products had been developed or were in the process of being developed based on the core architecture For the interferometer software, we performed three architecture-centered steps: 1) architecture recovery, discovery, and specication, 2) manual architectural analysis, and assisted architectural analysis. The rst step, architecture recovery, discovery, and specication, was used in order to facilitate two goals: 1) to familiarize the analysts with the problem domain and implemented solution, and 2) to support construction of a software architectural representation that was consistent with current standards and vocabulary. For this step, documentation, source code, and developer communication was used to assist in the construction of a reasonable specication of the software architec- ture. The resulting architecture specication, shown graphically in Figure 1, formed the basis for all subsequent analyses, both manual and automated. In the diagram, hardware components are shown as shaded and round rectangles while the software components are shown as sharp rectangles. The connectors, represented by lines between components, depict the relationships between components in the architecture. This particular diagram represents the software that exists within an \arm" of an interferometer, where a standard interferometer has two arms. The software architecture recovered in the rst step formed the baseline or core architecture for the interferometer product line. The assumption in this step (later conrmed by the analysis described below) was that, although changes in software code are frequent, signicant modications to the software architecture are infrequent. As such, a reasonable, initial view of the software architecture can be derived from existing design documents and later modied as new information is recovered. To aid in the validation of the models constructed in the rst step, we consulted with the project engineers to determine the accuracy of the architecture as documented in comparison with how the project engineers viewed the architecture. This information was instrumental in constructing a more accurate view of the interferometer architecture. To further validate the accuracy of the core architecture and its scalability to the existing and planned products in the product line, we compared the core to the individual product line derivatives. To facilitate the com- parison, we developed a table (excerpted in Table 1) as a medium for communication with several developers. In the table, each row represents a dierent component that could be potentially present in an interferometer system. The columns represent the dierent derivatives that are currently either being developed or are planned for deployment over the next several years. This table served as a simple way to represent features of the architecture that are common in behavior to each potential derivative, but can potentially vary in multiplicity based on the number of potential starlight collectors or \arms". For each derivative, we consulted with developers to verify that the number of components listed in the table was consistent with individual mission plans. Components Core D1 D2 D3 Baselines Arms Delay Line 2 2 6-8 4 Fringe Tracker 2 1 3-4 2 Instrument User Interface Table 1: Comparison Matrix The next phase of the approach was to perform a number of analyses in order to help determine whether the architecture was amenable to a product line development approach. The primary goal was to determine Figure 1: Interferometer Software Architecture if certain, desirable quality attributes present in most product line architectures were also present in the interferometer architecture. In addition, we were interested in performing behavioral analysis in order to study how behavioral interactions in the core architecture might potentially impact derivatives. The remainder of this section is divided into Manual Architectural Analysis and Analysis Using Automated Support Tools. One of the interesting aspects of this bifurcation of the analysis along manual and automated analysis lines is that the quality attributes that fall into the class of variabilities seem to be supported only by manual analysis techniques whereas the commonalities seem to be supported in some manner by automated tools. As the work described here is only a single point of data, we do not attempt to explain the observation, although we do nd it interesting and recognize the need for further investigation along these lines. 3.2 Manual Architectural Analysis Bass, Clements, and Kazman divide quality attributes into those that can be discerned by observing the system at runtime and those that cannot [4]. Of the ones that cannot be observed at runtime, modiability is the key property required by the interferometer product line. Modiability, according to Bass et al., \may be the quality attribute most closely aligned to the architecture of a system," and, as such, is a good way to evaluate the architecture. Bass et al., identify four categories of mod- iability: Extensibility or changing capabilities, Deleting capabilities, Portability (adapting to new operating environments), and Restructuring. To evaluate the modiability of the interferometry product line architecture, we extracted examples of each of the four categories of modiability from the requirements specications of four systems currently planned or under development. As such, we are using a product-oriented view of a product line, which is consistent with other product line approaches such as the PuLSE technique [6]. We then manually analyzed the eect of each change on the specied architecture. This interferometer system was chosen because its requirements were well documented and individual product line derivatives had requirements that facilitated the study of the mod- iability of the baseline architecture. The approach used is very similar to SAAM [14], a scenario-based method for analyzing architectures. A scenario is a description of an expected use of a spe- cic product line. SAAM also tests modiability, e.g., by proposing specic changes to be made to the sys- tem. The advantage of the scenario-based approach is that it moves the discussion from a rather amorphous, high-level of generality (\modiability") to a concrete, context-based level of detail particular to the product line (\adds pathlength feedforward capability"). The interferometer product line has signicant requirements that fall under each of the four categories of mod- iability as follows. Extensibility. Potential extensibility variations include new algorithms (e.g., a dierent fringe-search algo- rithm) and added features (e.g., pathlength feedforward, internal metrology). Deletions. Deletions involve changes required to support the incremental capabilities of the various testbeds and prototypes. For example, testbeds use pseudostar input rather than actual starlight, whereas the science interferometers use direct starlight as input. Attribute Scenario Type Example Scenario Eect on Architecture Extensibility Change algorithm Algorithm for fringe search changed No change required Extensibility Add feature Pathlength feedforward capability No style change; additional connectors Extensibility Add feature Internal metrology added No style change; additional components and connectors Deletion Delete input Use pseudostar rather than actual No change required Portability Change HCI device Shift handheld paddle to remote device Connector unchanged Portability Change sensor Starlight detector hardware changed Interface intact; component implementation changes Portability Add input units More starlight collectors No style change; \duplicate" existing pieces; see discussion Portability Add processors Distribute targeting computation No style change; change within components Restructuring Optimize for reuse Proposed switch to CORBA Might change style and connectors Table 2: Analyzing the Architecture's Modiability via Scenarios Portability. Portability changes are widespread, since dierent interferometers in the product line will have dierent numbers of starlight collectors, mirrors, tele- scopes, etc. In addition, dierent systems will use different starlight detector hardware and dierent operator interfaces (e.g., a handheld paddle for the testbeds, remote commandability for the ight units). The interferometer software will run on multiple processors, with the number of processors being a variability among the systems. Restructuring. Restructuring changes that are not included in the other categories are limited. A proposed change to optimize for reuse is the only scenario used in the architectural evaluation. As shown in Table 2, nine representative changes were selected to evaluate the modiability of the architecture: three extensibility changes, one deletion, four portability changes, and one restructuring. All these changes are variabilities in the product line specication, i.e., not common to all the interferometers. The approach was to use these representative scenarios to exercise and evaluate the baseline architecture. A discussion of the results of the application to the baseline interferometer architecture and, more generally, of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach can be found in Section 4. 3.3 Analysis using Automated Support Tools One of the goals of this project was to determine the extent to which automated support tools could be used to aid in the analysis of a product line software archi- tecture. Specically, it was our intent to identify tools that could be adopted with little overhead, while still satisfying the objective of formally analyzing the architectural behavior. This meant that the selected tools should have a reasonable level of support and documentation The following tasks were identied as the critical path for achieving our automated analysis objectives: (1) Architecture specication in an ADL, (2) Formal speci- cation of behavior, and (3) Analysis of behavior. The approach used in the selection of notations and tools is described here. The results of the tool-supported analysis are described and discussed in Section 4. The ACME [9] ADL and ACMEStudio [1] support tool were chosen for the specication of the architecture. ACME is an architecture description language that has been used for high-level architectural specication and interchange [9]. ACME contains constructs for embedding specications written in a wide variety of existing ADLs, making it extensible to both existing and future specication languages. ACME is supported by an architectural specication tool, ACMEStudio, that supports graphical construction and manipulation of software architectures. Analysis of the design documents yielded the software architecture depicted in Figure 1. In addition to recovering and specifying the high-level view of the interferometer architecture, behaviors of component interactions were derived from existing design documentation. Specically, we used information found in design documents to help construct a formal specication of component interactions in the interferometer software. The Wright ADL was used for the formal specication of behavior. Wright [2] is an ADL based on the CSP specication language [11]. The primary focus of the Wright ADL is to facilitate the spec- ication of connector, role, and port semantics. In addition to being based on the well-established CSP se- mantics, existing Wright tools support the ACME ADL, thus providing a clean interface with the existing ACME specication. The nal step involved using the formal specications to analyze behavior of various aspects of certain interactions between components in the architecture. To increase condence in the validity of the formal anal- ysis, source code from the interferometer components planned for reuse was informally reverse engineered to determine whether properties observed in the formal specication were present in the implementation. The Model Checker was used to further analyze behaviors of interest. Spin [12] is a symbolic model checker that has been used for verifying the behavior of a wide variety of hardware and software applications. Promela, the input specication language for Spin, is based on Di- jkstra's guarded command language as well as CSP. The primary reason for choosing each of the notations and tools listed above was a pragmatic one. The notations are related either via direct tool interchange support (as is the case between ACME and Wright) or by some semantic foundation (e.g., CSP foundation for Wright and Promela). As such, the ACME framework (including Wright specications) could be used for specifying the interferometer architecture, and verication using Spin could follow naturally with a small amount of translation of the embedded Wright into Promela. In this section we describe the results of applying the approach described in Section 3. Specically, Section 4.1 discusses the issues that were encountered during the recovery and specication of the interferometer architec- ture. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 describe our eorts to manually and semi-automatically analyze the architecture, respectively. 4.1 Architecture Specication As shown in Figure 2, the original documentation for the interferometry software depicts the architecture using a layered style. However, during the analysis and subsequent specication of the architecture, it was discovered that the architecture, as documented, exhibited \layer bridging" properties whereby non-adjacent layers in the architecture communicated, thus \bridging" or by passing intermediate layers. In addition, sibling components located in a layer were found to communicate, contrary to the layered style. Consequently, the high-level interferometer architecture was re-specied in a style that was consistent with the services and behaviors described in lower-level documentation. The resulting architecture, shown in Figure 1, more accurately spec- ied the architecture as a heterogeneous architecture with a collection of communicating processes as well as a constrained pipe and lter interaction between the Instrument CDS and all of the other remaining components 4.2 Manual Analysis Results The baseline architecture shows the commonality that exists among the members of the product line. Each member of the product line uses this architecture or an adaptation of it. Thus, nothing in the architecture can constrain the anticipated variabilities among the members As mentioned earlier, one of the key quality attributes for the interferometer product line is modiability. It Gizmo Prototypes Gizmo Design Pattern Core Services Configuration Controller Modulation Framework Command Framework Command & Telemetry Framework Engine Framework Framework Gizmo Inter-processor Communication Periodic Task Scheduler Hardware Framework Pointer Angle Instrument CDS Delay Line Fringe Tracker Star Tracker Figure 2: Original Core Architecture was with the goal of exercising the product line architecture that we considered the eect on the architecture of each of nine representative modiability scenarios, all drawn from the documentation. Eect on architecture of scenarios Table 2 summarizes the results of our manual analysis of the product line architecture for modiability via the nine scenarios described in Section 3.2. Column 1 indicates to which of the four categories of modiability each scenario belongs (Extensibility, Deletion, Portability, or Restructuring). Column 2 is a high-level description of the scenario (e.g., \Change algorithm", \Add feature", \Change sensor", etc. Column 3 brie y describes the particular scenario. Column 4 indicates the eect of that modiability scenario on the baseline architecture. Of the nine scenarios, four involved no change to the baseline architecture. These scenarios were: change of algorithm, deletion of input, change of human-computer interface device, and change of sensor device. Two other scenarios, related to extensibility, require additional connectors and, in one case, an additional component not in the original architecture. However, these extensions are relatively straight-forward and their scope is easy to anticipate. The other three scenarios require signicant changes to the product line architecture, but the changes are not visible at the level of the specied architecture. In one case (add input units), implementation of the scenario can involve adding \arms" (i.e., additional axes) to the interferometer. This has no eect on the more detailed core architecture (which represents a single axis), but requires duplication/replication of connectors and components on the baseline architecture, a signicant architectural consequence. The scenario that distributes the targeting computation over more processors can be accommodated without change to the baseline architec- ture. At the level of the model, there was no commitment to implementation details such as number of processors. The sole restructuring scenario, a possible switch to CORBA, might change both the style and the implementation of the connectors, and would require further investigation. Discussion Locality of change. Most modiability scenarios demonstrated good locality of change for the specied architecture (i.e., involved changes that could be readily scoped). The existence of an architectural specication assisted in this eort. Most scenarios do not aect the services required of other components. Units of reuse. The units of reuse in the architecture tended to be small. For example, a Delay Line is a unit, but a Delay Line-Fringe Tracker-Star Tracker is not. All Delay Lines have a high degree of common- ality, and the interfaces between a single Delay Line and a single Fringe Tracker are similar for all members (the \portability layer"), but the number of Delay Line-Fringe Tracker interfaces varies greatly among the product line members. The architectural style was not changed by the scenarios, but the number of connections and, to a lesser degree, components, was changed. There are many dierent cross-strappings possible and a large amount of reconguration involved in meeting the real-time constraints on the various missions. Having small units of reuse may complicate verication and integration of individual members (e.g., with regard to contention, race conditions, starvation, etc. Role of redundancy. Several of the scenarios involved adding multiple, identical components or connectors. However, these copies are not redundant, in the sense of adding robustness, since they are all needed to achieve the required performance. For example, if starlight collectors are added, it is to increase the amount of starlight that the interferometer can process in order to meet requirements for detecting dim targets. Like- wise, if processors are added, it is to meet requirements for increasing the resolution capability of an interfer- ometer. In this architecture, redundancy does not add robustness for the most part; there are not spare units or alternate data paths. Performance. One of the unusual aspects of this application is that the range and scope of the variabilities tend to be non-negotiable. This is due to the very tight performance and accuracy requirements on the interferometry missions. For example, an upcoming in- terferometer, the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM), requires precision at the level of picometer metrology and microarcsecond astrometry. To achieve this level of precision, signicant real-time constraints exist with limited exibility to accommodate reuse concerns. Performance requirements on each mission also drive the choice of hardware, algorithms, and added capabilities. The consequence for reuse is that in trade-os of modi- ability vs. performance, performance wins. Architectural style. Despite the range of variations that aect the architecture (e.g., varying the number of ports on a component, varying the number of instances of a component), the interferometry project is committed to keeping the architectural style stable. Most im- portantly, this demonstrates itself in their maintaining the commonality of the interfaces. The number of interfaces is not constant among product line members, but the interfaces themselves are relatively stable. Recognizing the long timeline over which the product line will extend (proposed launches from to 2020) and the primacy of performance (with continuous improvement of hardware and algorithms), the project has done a good job of designing for evolvability. Repeatable process. The manual analysis of the architecture is a repeatable process that can be applied to product lines. The process is as follows: 1. anticipated changes from available documentation and project information. These anticipated changes form product line variabilities that the baseline architecture must accommodate. 2. Categorize the anticipated changes into modia- bility categories (extensibility, deletion, portability, restructuring). 3. Select and develop scenarios for each category. The choice of scenarios is made to broadly challenge the goodness of the architecture with regard to the four modiability categories. 4. Evaluate the eect of each modiability scenario on the baseline architecture. This gives a measure of the goodness of the architecture with respect to the anticipated variabilities for this product line. 4.3 Analysis Using Automated Support Tools While the manual analysis addressed issues related directly to the use of the interferometer architecture as a product line, the automated analysis was primarily of use for analyzing behavior viewed as common across product line members. As such, any behavioral properties (both positive and negative) discovered at the architectural level were likely to be common to all members of the product line. Verication A key element of the interferometer architecture was the use of the \Target Buer" connector. This connec- tor, both in the design and in the implementation, is a non-locking buer used to communicate star targets to the Delay Line component by several other components. The Target Buer connector was viewed as a possible concern, especially in light of the non-locking feature. It was determined that behavior involving this connector should be formally specied in order to study its impact on the system. There are several components that are either directly or indirectly impacted by the non-locking nature of the Target Buer connector: Target Sources, a Command Controller, and a Target Generator component. The Target Generator uses the values written to the Target Buer by various Target Sources to compute a target position for the interferometer. The Command Controller provides control for the computation by enabling or disabling the Target Sources. Target Sources write a timestamped value to the Target Buer, with the timestamp determining a time that the target value becomes valid. The Target Generator uses the following four-step sequence for calculating the target position: 1. Promote waiting targets to active status if the current time is greater than or equal to the timestamp 2. Read new targets from enabled target sources 3. Pend (assign to wait status) or activate new targets based on timestamps 4. Compute the total target The Wright specication of the interaction between the Target Generator and the potential sources of data that are written to the Target Buer is shown in Figure 3. The Source specication models the fact that a source internally decides whether or not to write a new value to the Target Buer. Finally, the Target Generator specication models the target-position algorithm described above. From the Wright specication, we constructed a Promela specication, portions of which are found in Figures 4 and 5, with the intention of determining whether or not the following situations could occur. Data From Disabled Sources. Is there a potential for calculating the target position by using data from sources that are currently disabled? Best Data from Enabled Sources. Is there a potential to calculate a target position by using data that is less current than data currently in the target buer? In the rst case, we were interested in determining whether or not it was possible to generate a target position by using data from inactive sources. In essence, a target position input can be read by the Target Gener- ator, pended due to the timestamp (e.g., the timestamp indicates that the target value is not to be used until some time in the future), and subsequently promoted into use when the timestamp matches (or precedes) the current time. The potential inconsistency occurs during the time that the target is pended and is caused by the fact that a source can be disabled during this waiting period. Style TargetComputation Connector TargetBuffer Role Role Reader.readtarget!x -> Glue [] Tick Component Source disable -> CDSCommand |~| Tick Computation (CDSCommand.enable -> Generate) [] (CDSCommand.disable -> Computation) [] Tick where { Generate = DLTarget.write!y -> Generate [] Generate [] Tick } Component TargetGenerator Input.read_target?x -> _pend_or_activate -> _compute -> Computation [] Tick ) Style Configuration TargetComputationInstance Instances Attachments src1.DLTarget as tb1.Writer dl.Input as tb1.Reader End Configuration Figure 3: Subset of the Wright Specication proctype source_1 (chan cds){ chan cmd; chan ts = [1] of { int }; chan { int }; int active_or_inactive; cds?cmd; do :: (msgs_generated < max_msgs) && (active_or_inactive == true) -> if :: run message(msg); run timestamp(ts); od Figure 4: Promela Specication of Target Source The second case involves the following situation. As be- fore, a target from a source is read, potentially pended, and eventually promoted. Because of the sequencing of events, a new target value from the source can over-write the recently promoted target and, based on the timestamp, be valid for immediate use. Using the Spin model checker, it was veried that these situations do in fact exist. In order to determine whether these cases were also present in the code, we examined source les and were able to verify that the proctype target_generator (chan valid){ int sum; int v; do :: (msgs_generated < max_msgs) -> /* "activation/promotion" of pended targets achieved by maintaining previous value of s1 or s2 */ /* read new targets from active target sources */ if :: (v == (v == /* check if pended or not and compute target*/ if :: (v > if :: ((s1_ap <= now) && (s2_ap <= now)) -> reset sum */ (msgs_generated >= max_msgs) -> break; Figure 5: Promela Specication of Target Generator situations, as documented and as specied with Wright, did in fact exist in an early, pre- ight version of the source code. In each of these cases, the use of a non-locking buer coupled with the target-generator algorithm provided the potential for intermittent values that are inconsistent with the desired and current target. The interferometry project engineers conrmed that the Spin model checker accurately modeled the software behavior in both situations. In the rst case, a target from a currently disabled target source may still be activated. In the second case, a newly received target with a less- current timestamp can overwrite an active target. How- ever, in neither case is the software behavior contrary to intent, given the underlying assumptions about the operational use of the software. Discussion The automated analysis of the interferometer architecture using the Spin model checker was greatly facilitated by the availability and use of the Wright and ACME ADLs. In eect, by using this combination of tools, we were able to use model checking in a manner that was directed by the structure and behavior of a software archi- tecture. That is, the software architecture specication was used to direct the model checking activity by facilitating identication of potentially interesting points of interaction in the interferometer architecture. Given the fact that any behavior observed in the architecture is potentially replicated among all product line members, we found that the approach was a good complement to the manual analysis activities. There is an extensive body of related work on product lines, described brie y in Section 2.2 and in more detail in [17]. Our work builds on product family techniques such as Commonality Analysis [3] and the FAST process [22], which systematically model the required similarities and dierences among family members. The architectural implications of product line models have been analyzed by Perry [20], by Gomaa and Farrukh [10], and by researchers at SEI, among others [5]. To date, the emphasis has been on developing architectures for new product lines rather than on evaluating the architecture of an existing product line, as is done here. As described in Section 3.2, the Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM) is a scenario-based method for architectural assessment. A related architectural analysis method is the Architecture Tradeo Analysis Method (ATAM) [15]. This iterative method is based on identifying a set of quality attributes and associated analysis techniques that measure an architecture along the dimensions of the attributes. Sensitive points in an architecture are determined by assessing the degree to which an attribute analysis varies with variations in the architecture. In our approach, we focus on quality attributes that are specic to product line architec- tures. As such, the approach can be applied in either the SAAM or the ATAM context. Rapide [16] is a suite of techniques and tools that support the use of executable architectural design languages (EADLs). The toolset supports analysis of time-sensitive systems from the early construction phase (e.g., architecture denition) to analysis of correctness and performance. In our work, the motivation for choosing a particular technique was based on a desire to eventually transfer the technology to the project engineers. In addition, we were interested in interoperability with other tools. As such, we found that the ACME ADL and associated ACMEStudio tool presented the least amount of educational overhead. ACME also had the advantage of being able to embed other ADLs in its specication. However, we recognize that several alternatives such as Rapide exist and are investigating the possibility of performing similar analyses with those tools. 6 CONCLUSION The work described here identies and demonstrates a process for analysis of an existing product line archi- tecture. The results of the architectural recovery and discovery are captured in an ADL model to support subsequent inquiries. The architecture is manually analyzed against a set of representative scenarios that have the required quality attributes. Further analysis of critical behaviors at the architectural level uses automated tools and model checking to evaluate the consequences of architectural decisions for the product line. The application of this combined approach to the interferometer product line architecture resulted in some measurements of both the exibility and limits of its architectural style that could assist the project. Further work is planned in several areas. In previous work we have used formal techniques for the reverse engineering of program code [7, 8]. We plan to investigate how reverse engineering can also be used to assist in the recovery of product line assets from existing repositories or collections of programs. This may involve consideration of dierent analysis frameworks (e.g., Rapide) that oer fully integrated environments and investigation of Wright/Spin translations. We also plan to pursue the relationship between product line commonali- ties/variabilities and analysis techniques. The observation here that quality attributes relating to variabilities (e.g., modiability) seem best supported by manual analysis techniques whereas commonality attributes are best analyzed with automated tool support (e.g., model checking) merits further study. Finally, we would like to make more precise the role of architectural issues in product line decision models. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. John C. Kelly for his continued support of this work. We thank Dr. Braden E. Hines, Dr. Charles E. Bell, and Thomas G. Lockhart for helpful discussions and explanations regarding the reuse of interferometry software. Part of the work described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Funding was provided under NASA's Code --R Acmestudio: A graphical design environment for acme. A Formal Basis for Architectural Connection. Software Architecture in Practice. A framework for software product line practice. A systematic approach to derive the scope of software product lines. Strongest Post-condition as the Formal Basis for Reverse Engineer- ing A Speci ACME: An Architecture Description Interchange Language. A reusable architecture for federated client/server systems. Communicating Sequential Processes. The Model Checker Spin. An Event-Based Architecture De nition Language Extending the product family approach to support safe reuse. Exploiting architectural style to develop a family of applications. Generic architecture descriptions for product lines. Software Architectures: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Software Product-Line Engineering --TR Communicating sequential processes Software architecture Defining families A formal basis for architectural connection The Model Checker SPIN Strongest postcondition semantics as the formal basis for reverse engineering Software architecture in practice A systematic approach to derive the scope of software product lines A specification matching based approach to reverse engineering A reusable architecture for federated client/server systems Software product-line engineering Extending the product family approach to support safe reuse Scenario-Based Analysis of Software Architecture An Event-Based Architecture Definition Language Generic Architecture Descriptions for Product Lines Acme --CTR Robyn R. Lutz , Gerald C. Gannod, Analysis of a software product line architecture: an experience report, Journal of Systems and Software, v.66 n.3, p.253-267, 15 June H. Conrad Cunningham , Yi Liu , Cuihua Zhang, Using classic problems to teach Java framework design, Science of Computer Programming, v.59 n.1-2, p.147-169, January 2006 Femi G. Olumofin , Vojislav B. Mii, A holistic architecture assessment method for software product lines, Information and Software Technology, v.49 n.4, p.309-323, April, 2007
software architecture analysis;software archtecture;product lines;interferometry software
A Faster and Simpler Algorithm for Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals.
We give a quadratic time algorithm for finding the minimum number of reversals needed to sort a signed permutation. Our algorithm is faster than the previous algorithm of Hannenhalli and Pevzner and its faster implementation by Berman and Hannenhalli. The algorithm is conceptually simple and does not require special data structures. Our study also considerably simplifies the combinatorial structures used by the analysis.
Introduction . In this paper we study the problem of sorting signed permutations by reversals. A signed permutation is a permutation on the integers each number is also assigned a sign of plus or minus. A reversal, (i; j), on transforms to The minimum number of reversals needed to transform one permutation to another is called the reversal distance between them. The problem of sorting signed permutations by reversals is to nd, for a given signed permutation , a sequence of reversals of minimum length that transforms to the identity permutation (+1; The motivation to studying the problem arises in molecular biology: Concurrent with the fast progress of the Human Genome Project, genetic and DNA data on many model organisms is accumulating rapidly, and consequently the ability to compare genomes of dierent species has grown dramatically. One of the best ways of checking similarity between genomes on a large scale is to compare the order of appearance of identical genes in the two species. In the Thirties, Dobzhansky and Sturtevant [7] had already studied the notion of inversions in chromosomes of drosophila. In the late Eighties, Jerey Palmer demonstrated that dierent species may have essentially the same genes, but the gene orders may dier between species. Taking an abstract perspective, the genes along a chromosome can be thought of as points along a line. Numbers identify the particular genes; and, as genes have directionality, signs correspond to their direction. Palmer and others have shown that the dierence in order may be explained by a small number of reversals [17, 18, 19, 20, 12]. These reversals correspond to evolutionary changes during the history of the two genomes, so the numA preliminary version of this paper was presented at the Eighth ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [13]. y AT&T-labs research, 180 Park Ave, Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA. z Department of Computer Science, Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Research supported in part by a grant from the Ministry of Science and the Arts, Israel, and by US Department of Energy, grant No. DE-FG03-94ER61913/A000. x Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA and InterTrust Technologies Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA. Research at Princeton University partially supported by the NSF, Grants CCR-8920505 and CCR-9626862, and the O-ce of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014-91-J-1463. ber of reversals re ects the evolutionary distance between the species. Hence, given two such permutations, their reversal distance measures their evolutionary distance. Mathematical analysis of genome rearrangement problems was initiated by Sanko [22, 21]. Kececioglu and Sanko [16] gave the rst constant-factor polynomial approximation algorithm for the problem and conjectured that the problem is NP-hard. Bafna and Pevzner [3], and more recently Christie [6] improved the approximation factor, and additional studies have revealed the rich combinatorial structure of re-arrangement problems [15, 14, 2, 9, 10]. Quite recently, Caprara [5] has established that sorting unsigned permutations is NP-hard, using some of the combinatorial tools developed by Bafna and Pevzner [3]. In 1995, Hannenhalli and Pevzner [11] showed that the problem of sorting a signed permutation by reversals is polynomial. They proved a duality theorem that equates the reversal distance with the sum of three combinatorial parameters (see Theorem 2.3 below). Based on this theorem, they proved that sorting signed permutations by reversals can be done in O(n 4 ) time. More recently, Berman and Hannenhalli [4] described a faster implementation that nds a minimum sequence of reversals in O(n 2 (n)) time, where is the inverse of Ackerman's function [1] (see also [23]). In this study we give an O(n 2 ) algorithm for sorting a signed permutation of n elements, thereby improving upon the previous best known bound [4]. In fact, if the reversal distance is r, our algorithm requires O(r n In addition to giving a better time bound, our work considerably simplies both the algorithm and combinatorial structure needed for the analysis, as follows: The basic object we work with is an implicit representation of the overlap graph, to be dened later, in contrast with the interleaving graph in [11] and [4]. The overlap graph is combinatorially simpler than the interleaving graph. As a result, it is easier to produce a representation for the overlap graph from the input, and to maintain it while searching for reversals. As a consequence of our ability to work with the overlap graph we need not perform any \padding transformations", nor do we have to work with \simple permutations" as in [11] and [4]. We deal with the unoriented and oriented parts of the permutation separately, which makes the algorithm much simpler. The notion of a hurdle, one of the combinatorial entities dened by [11] for the duality theorem, is simplied and is handled in a more symmetric manner. The search for the next reversal is much simpler, and requires no special data structures. Our algorithm computes connected components only once, and any simple implementation of it su-ces to obtain the quadratic time bound. In con- trast, in [4] a logarithmic number of connected component computations may be performed per reversal, using the union-nd data structure. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives the necessary preliminaries. Section 3 gives an overview of our algorithm. Sections 4 and 5 give the details of our algorithm. We summarize our results and suggest some further research in Section 6. 2. Preliminaries. This section gives the basic background, primarily the theory of Hannenhalli and Pevzner, on which we base our algorithm. The reader may nd it helpful to refer to Figure 2.1, in which the main denitions are illustrated. We start with some denitions for unsigned permutations. Let permutation of ng. Augment to a permutation on n vertices by adding it. A pair is called a gap. Gaps are classied into two types. breakpoint of if and only if otherwise, it is an adjacency of . We denote by b() the number of breakpoints in . A reversal, (i; j), on a permutation transforms to We say that a reversal (i; j) acts on the gaps ( a c 4,5 2,3 Fig. 2.1. a) The breakpoint graph, B(), of the permutation edges are solid; gray edges are dashed; oriented edges are bold. b) B() decomposes into two disjoint alternating cycles. c) The overlap graph, OV (). Black vertices correspond to oriented edges. 2.1. The breakpoint graph. The breakpoint graph B() of a permutation is an edge-colored graph on n 1g. We join vertices i and j by a black edge if in and by a gray edge if (i; j) is a breakpoint in 1 . We dene a one-to-one mapping u from the set of signed permutations of order n into the set of unsigned permutations of order 2n as follows. Let be a signed permutation. To obtain u(), replace each positive element x in by 2x and each negative element x by 2x; 2x 1. For any signed permutation , let Note that in B() every vertex is either isolated or incident to exactly one black edge and one gray edge. Therefore, there is a unique decomposition of B() into cycles. The edges of each cycle alternate between gray and black. Call a reversal (i; j) such that i is odd and j even an even reversal. The reversal (2i+1; 2j) on u() mimics the reversal (i+1; j) on . Thus, sorting by reversals is equivalent to sorting the unsigned permutation u() by even reversals. Henceforth we will consider the latter problem, and by a reversal we will always mean an even reversal. Let c() be the number of cycles in B(). Figure 2.1(a) shows the breakpoint graph of the permutation It has eight breakpoints and decomposes into two alternating cycles, i.e. 2. The two cycles are shown in Figure 2.1(b). Figure 2.2(a) shows the break-point graph of which has seven breakpoints and decomposes into two cycles. For an arbitrary reversal on a permutation , dene b(; and c(; c(). When the reversal and the permutation are clear from the context, we will abbreviate b(; ) by b and c(; ) by c. As Bafna and Pevzner [3] observed, the following values are taken by b and c depending on the types of the gaps (i; acts on: 1. Two adjacencies: 2. 2. A breakpoint and an adjacency: 3. Two breakpoints each belonging to a dierent cycle: 4. Two breakpoints of the same cycle C: a. are gray edges: 2. b. Exactly one of c. Neither gray edge, and when breaking C at i and in the same d. Neither gray edge, and when breaking C at i and dierent paths: Call a reversal proper if b c = 1, i.e. it is either of type 4a, 4b, or 4d. We say that a reversal acts on a gray edge e if it acts on the breakpoints which correspond to the black edges incident with e. A gray edge is oriented if a reversal acting on it is proper, otherwise it is unoriented. Notice that a gray edge oriented if and only if k + l is even. For example, the gray edge (0; 1) in the graph of Figure 2.1(a) is unoriented, while the gray edge (7; 2.2. The overlap graph. Two intervals on the real line overlap if their intersection is nonempty but neither properly contains the other. A graph G is an interval overlap graph if one can assign an interval to each vertex such that two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding intervals overlap (see, e.g., [8]). For a permutation , we associate with a gray edge the interval [i; j]. The overlap graph of a permutation , denoted OV (), is the interval overlap graph of the gray edges of B(). Namely, the vertex set of OV () is the set of gray edges in B(), and two vertices are connected if the intervals associated with their gray edges overlap. We shall identify a vertex in OV () with the edge it represents and with its interval in the representation. Thus, the endpoints of a gray edge are actually the endpoints of the interval representing the corresponding vertex in OV (). Note that all the endpoints of intervals in this representation are distinct integers. A connected component of OV () that contains an oriented edge is called an oriented component; otherwise, it is called an unoriented component. Figure 2.1(c) shows the interval overlap graph for It has only one oriented component. Figure 2.2(b) shows the overlap graph of the permutation which has two connected components, one oriented and the other unoriented. a 4,5 Fig. 2.2. a) The breakpoint graph of was obtained from of Figure 2.1 by the reversal (7; 10); or, equivalently, by the reversal dened by the gray edge (2; 3). b) The overlap graph of 0 . 2.3. The connected components of the overlap graph. Let X be a set of gray edges in B(). Dene Xg and Equivalently, one can look at the interval overlap representation of OV () mentioned above and dene the span of a set of vertices X as the minimum interval which contains all the intervals of vertices in X . The major object our algorithm will work with is OV (), though for e-ciency considerations we will avoid generating it explicitly. In contrast, Pevzner and Han- nenhalli worked with the interleaving graph H , whose vertices are the alternating cycles of B(). Two cycles C 1 and C 2 are connected by an edge in H i there exists a gray edge e 1 2 C 1 and a gray edge e 2 2 C 2 that overlap. The following lemma and its corollary imply that the partition imposed by the connected components of OV () on the set of gray edges is identical to the one imposed by the connected components of H : Lemma 2.1. If M is a set of gray edges in B() that corresponds to a connected component in OV () then min(M) is even and max(M) is odd. Proof. Assume min(M) is odd. Then must both be in span(M) (i.e. there exist l 1 span(M) such that l 1 1). Thus min(M) is neither the maximum nor the minimum element in the set f i span(M)g. Hence, either the maximum element or the minimum element in span(M) is j for some min(M) < j < max(M ). By the denition of B() there must be a gray edge contradicting the fact that M is a connected component in OV (). The proof that max(M) is odd is similar. As an illustration of Lemma 2.1, consider Figure 2.2(a). Let M and [10; 15]. Corollary 2.2. Every connected component of OV () corresponds to the set of gray edges of a union of cycles. Proof. Assume by contradiction that C is a cycle whose gray edges belong to at least two connected components in OV (). Assume M 1 and M 2 are two of these components such that there are two consecutive gray edges along C. Since the spans of dierent connected components in OV () cannot overlap there are two dierent cases to consider. 1. e 1 and e 2 are in dierent components they cannot overlap. Thus, either the right endpoint of e 2 is even and equals max(M 2 ) or the left endpoint of e 2 is odd and In both cases we have a contradiction to Lemma 2.1. 2. are disjoint intervals. W.l.o.g. assume that max(M 1 ) < The right endpoint of e 1 is even and equals max(M 1 ), which contradicts Lemma 2.1. Note that in particular Corollary 2.2 implies that an overlap graph cannot contain isolated vertices. 2.4. Hurdles. Let i 1 be the subsequence of 0; consisting of those elements incident with gray edges that occur in unoriented components of OV (). Order i 1 on a circle CR such that i j for . Let M be an unoriented connected component in g be the set of endpoints of the edges in M . An unoriented component M is a hurdle if the elements of E(M) occur consecutively on CR. This denition of a hurdle is dierent from the one given by Hannenhalli and Pevzner [11]. It is simpler in the sense that minimal hurdles and the maximal one do not have to be treated in dierent ways. Using Corollary 2.2 above, one can prove that the hurdles as we have dened them are identical to the ones dened by Hannenhalli and Pevzner. Let h() denote the number of hurdles in a permutation . A hurdle is simple if when one deletes it from OV () no other unoriented component becomes a hurdle, and it is a super hurdle otherwise. A fortress is a permutation with an odd number of hurdles all of which are super hurdles. The following theorem was proved by Hannenhalli and Pevzner. Theorem 2.3. [11] The minimum number of reversals required to sort a permutation is b() c() + h(), unless is a fortress, in which case exactly one additional reversal is necessary and su-cient. 3. Overview of our algorithm. Denote by d() the reversal distance of , i.e., is a fortress and Following the theory developed in [11], it turns out that given a permutation with h() > 0 one can perform permutation 0 such that h( 0 t. If OV () has unoriented components then our algorithm rst nds t such reversals that transform into a 0 which has only oriented components. Our method of \clearing the hurdles" uses the theory developed by Hannenhalli and Pevzner. In Section 5 we describe an e-cient implementation of this process which uses the implicit representation of the overlap graph OV (). Our implementation runs in O(n) time assuming OV () is already partitioned into its connected components. Recently, Berman and Hannenhalli [4] gave an O(n(n)) algorithm for computing the connected components of an interval overlap graph given implicitly by its representation. Using their algorithm we can clear the hurdles from a permutation in O(n(n)) time. The overlap graph of 0 , OV ( 0 ), has only oriented components. In Section 4 we prove that in the neighborhood of any oriented gray edge e there is an oriented gray could be the same as e) such that a reversal acting on e 1 does not create new hurdles. Call such a reversal a safe reversal. We develop an e-cient algorithm to locate a safe reversal in a permutation with at least one oriented gray edge. Our algorithm uses only an implicit representation of the overlap graph and runs in O(n) time. The second stage of our algorithm repeatedly nds a safe reversal and performs it as long as OV () is not empty. Clearly the overall complexity is O(r n where r is the number of reversals required to sort 0 . 3.1. Representing the overlap graph. We assume that the input is given as a sequence of n signed integers representing 0 . First the permutation constructed as described in Section 2.1 and stored in an array. We also construct an array representing 1 . It is straightforward to verify that with these two arrays we can determine for each element in whether it is a left or a right endpoint of a gray edge in constant time. In case the element is an endpoint of a gray edge we can also nd the other endpoint and check whether the edge is oriented in constant time. Thus the arrays and 1 comprise a representation of OV (). Our algorithm will maintain these two arrays while carrying out the reversals that it nds. The time to update the arrays is proportional to the length of the interval being reversed, which is O(n). We shall give a high-level presentation of our algorithm and use primitives like \Scan the oriented gray edges in increasing left endpoint order". It is easy to see how to implement these primitives using the arrays and 1 ; we shall omit the details. It is easy to produce a list of the intervals in the representation of OV () sorted by either left or right endpoint from the arrays and 1 . It is also possible to maintain them without increasing the asymptotic time bound of the algorithm. In practice it may be faster to maintain such lists instead of, or in addition to and 4. Eliminating oriented components. First we introduce some notation. Recall that the vertices of OV () are the gray edges of B(). In order to avoid confusion we will usually refer to them as vertices of OV (). Hence a vertex of OV () is oriented if the corresponding gray edge is oriented and it is unoriented otherwise. Let e be a vertex in OV (). Denote by r(e) the reversal acting on the gray edge corresponding to e. Denote by N(e) the set of neighbors of e in OV () including e itself. Denote by ON(e) the subset of N(e) containing the oriented vertices and by UN(e) the subset of N(e) containing the unoriented vertices. In this section we prove that if an oriented vertex e exists in OV () then there exists an oriented vertex f 2 ON(e) such that r(f) is proper and safe. We also describe an algorithm that nds a proper safe reversal in a permutation that contains at least one oriented edge. We start with the following useful observation: Observation 4.1. Let e be a vertex in OV () and let be obtained from OV () by the following operations. 1) Complement the graph induced by OV () on N(e) feg, and ip the orientation of every vertex in N(e) feg. 2) If e is oriented in OV () then remove it from OV (). 3) If there exists an oriented edge e 0 in OV () with Note that if e is an oriented vertex in a component M of OV (), M feg may split into several components in OV ( 0 ). (Compare gures 2.1(c) and 2.2(b).) Denote these components by M 0 k (e), where k 1. We will refer to M 0 simply as whenever e is clear from the context. Let C be a clique of oriented vertices in OV (). We say that C is happy if for every oriented vertex e 62 C and every vertex f 2 C such that (e; f) 2 E(OV ()) there exists an oriented vertex g 62 C such that (g; e) 2 E(OV ()) and (g; f) 62 E(OV ()). For example, in the overlap graph shown in Figure 2.1(c) f(2; 3); (10; 11)g and f(6; 7)g are happy cliques, but f(2; 3); (10; 11); (8; 9)g is not. Our rst theorem claims that one of vertices in any happy clique denes a safe proper reversal. Theorem 4.1. Let C be a happy clique and let e be a vertex in C such that for every e 0 2 C. Then the reversal r(e) is safe. Proof. Let assume by contradiction that M 0 i (e) is unoriented for Assume there exists y 2 N(e) \ M 0 i such that y 62 C. Clearly y must be oriented in OV () and since C is happy it must also have an oriented neighbor y 0 such that not adjacent to e in OV () it stays oriented and adjacent to y in OV ( 0 ), in contradiction with the assumption that M 0 i is unoriented. Hence we may assume that N(e) \ M 0 i and let z 2 UN(e). Vertex z is oriented in OV ( 0 ) and if it is adjacent to y in OV ( 0 ) we obtain a contradiction. Hence, z and y are not adjacent in must be adjacent in OV (). Hence we obtain that UN(e) UN(y) in OV (). Corollary 2.2 implies that component M 0 cannot contain y alone. Thus y must have a neighbor x in M 0 x is not adjacent to e in OV (). Thus we obtain that (x; y) 2 OV (), (x; e) 62 OV (), and x is unoriented in OV (). Since we have already proved that UN(e) UN(y), this implies that UN(e) UN(y), in contradiction with the choice of e. For example Theorem 4.1 implies that the reversal dened by the gray edge (10; 11) is a safe proper reversal for the permutation of Figure 2.1 (a), since it corresponds to the vertex with maximum unoriented degree in the happy clique 11)g. On the other hand, the reversal dened by (2; creates a new unoriented component, as it yields the permutation shown in Figure 2.2. The following theorem proves that a happy clique exists in the neighborhood of any oriented edge. Theorem 4.2. Let e be an oriented vertex in OV (). There exists an oriented vertex f 2 ON(e) such that for all the components in OV ( 0 ) are oriented Proof. By Theorem 4.1 it su-ces to show that there exists a happy clique C in ON(e). there exists y 2 ON(x) such that y 62 ON(e)g. That is, Ext(e) contains all oriented neighbors of e which have oriented neighbors outside of ON(e). Case 1: Case 2: Ext(e) ON(e) feg. Let D not a clique let K j be a maximal clique in D j and dene D be the nal clique and set It is straightforward to verify that in each of the two cases C is indeed a happy clique. In the next section we describe an algorithm that will nd an oriented edge e such that r(e) is safe given the representation of OV () described in Section 3.1. The algorithm rst nds a happy clique C and then searches for the vertex with maximum unoriented degree in C. According to Theorem 4.1 this vertex denes a safe reversal. Even though Theorem 4.2 guarantees the existence of a happy clique in the neighborhood of any xed oriented vertex, our algorithm does not search in one particular such neighborhood. We will prove that the algorithm is guaranteed to nd a happy clique assuming that there exists at least one oriented edge. Therefore the algorithm provides an alternative proof to a weaker version of Theorem 4.2 that only claims the existence of a happy clique somewhere in the graph. 4.1. Finding a happy clique. In this section we give an algorithm that locates a happy clique in OV (). Let e be the oriented vertices in OV () in increasing left endpoint order. The algorithm traverses the oriented vertices in OV () according to this order. Let L(e) and R(e) be the left and right endpoints, respectively, of vertex e in the realization of OV (). After traversing e the algorithm maintains a happy clique C i in the subgraph of OV () induced by these vertices. Assume jC be the vertices in C i where . The vertices of C i are maintained in a linked list ordered in increasing left endpoint order. If there exists an interval that contains all the intervals in C i then the algorithm maintains a minimal such interval t i . The clique C i and the vertex t i (if exists) satisfy the following invariant. Invariant 4.1. Every vertex e l 62 C i , l i, such that L(e i 1 must be adjacent to t i , i.e., ) that is adjacent to a vertex in C i is either adjacent to an interval e p such that R(e p ) < L(e or adjacent to t i . The fact that C i is happy in the subgraph induced by e this invariant. We initialize the algorithm by setting C g. Initially, t 1 is not dened. Let the current interval be e i+1 . If R(e i j guaranteed to be happy in OV () since all remaining oriented vertices are not adjacent to C i . Hence the algorithm stops and returns C i as the answer. See Figure 4.1(a). We now assume that L(e i+1 show how to obtain C i+1 and t i+1 . We have to consider the following cases. Case 1. The interval t i is dened and Figure 4.1(b). Case 2. The interval t i is not dened or R(e i+1 a) obtained by adding e i+1 to C i and Figure 4.1(c). ). The clique C i+1 consists of e i+1 alone and Figure 4.1(d). c) ). As in the previous case C g. In this case t i+1 is set to e i j , the last interval in C i . See Figure 4.1(e). The following theorem proves that the algorithm above produces a happy clique. Theorem 4.3. Let C l be the current clique when the algorithm stops. Then C l is a happy clique in OV (). Proof. A straightforward induction on the number of oriented vertices traversed by the algorithm proves that C l and t l satisfy Invariant 4.1. The algorithm stops either when R(e when l is equal to the number of oriented vertices. In either case since C l is happy in the subgraph induced by e must be happy in OV (). The running time of the algorithm is proportional to the number of oriented vertices traversed since a constant amount of work is performed for each such vertex. 4.2. Searching the happy clique. After locating a happy clique C in OV () we need to search it for a vertex with a maximum number of unoriented neighbors. In this section we give an algorithm that performs this task. d a e c Fig. 4.1. The various cases of the algorithm for nding a happy clique. The topmost interval is always t i . The three thick intervals comprise C i . The dotted interval corresponds to e i+1 . be the intervals in C ordered in increasing left endpoint order. Clearly, R(j). Thus the endpoints of the j vertices in C partition the line into 2j I 1). The algorithm consists of the following three stages. Stage 1: Let e be an unoriented vertex that has a non-empty intersection with the interval [L(1); R(j)]. Mark each of e's endpoints with the index of the interval that contains it. Stage 2: Let o be an array of j counters, each corresponding to a vertex in C. The intention is to assign values to o such that the sum P l o[i] is the unoriented degree of the vertex e l 2 C. The counters are initialized to zero. For each unoriented vertex e that overlaps with the interval [L(1); R(j)] we change at most four of the counters as follows. Let I l and I r be the intervals in which L(e) and R(e) occur, respectively. We may assume l < r as otherwise e is not adjacent to any vertex in C and we can ignore it. We continue according to one of the following cases. Case 1: r j. All the vertices from e l+1 to e r are adjacent to e: we increment o[l and decrement o[r Case 2: j l. All the vertices from e l j+1 to e r j are adjacent to e: we increment decrement Case 3: l < j and j < r. Let all the vertices from e 1 to e m are adjacent to e: we increment o[1] and decrement o[m then the vertices from e l+1 to e j are adjacent to e: we increment the counter o[l Stage 3: Compute jg. Return e f . The following theorem summarizes the result of this section. We omit the proof, which is straightforward. Theorem 4.4. Given a clique C, the vertex e f 2 C computed by the algorithm above has maximum unoriented degree among the vertices in C. The complexity of the algorithm is proportional to the size of C plus the number of unoriented vertices in OV (), and hence is O(n). 5. Clearing the hurdles. In case there are unoriented components in OV (), there exists a sequence r of t reversals that transform into 0 such that t, where dh()=2e. In this section we summarize the characterization given by Hannenhalli and Pevzner for these t reversals and outline how to nd them using our implicit representation of OV (). We will use the following denitions. A reversal merges hurdles H 1 and H 2 if it acts on two breakpoints, one incident with a gray edge in H 1 and the other incident with a gray edge in H 2 . Recall the circle CR dened in Section 2, in which the endpoints of the edges in the unoriented components of OV () are ordered consistently with their order in . Two hurdles H 1 and H 2 are consecutive if their sets of endpoints occur consecutively on CR, i.e., there is no hurdle H such that E(H) separates E(H 1 ) and E(H 2 ) on CR. The following lemmas were essentially proved by Hannenhalli and Pevzner though stated dierently in their paper. Lemma 5.1 ([11]). Let be a permutation with an even number, say 2k, of hurdles. Any sequence of k 1 reversals each of which merges two non-consecutive hurdles followed by a reversal merging the remaining two hurdles will transform into 0 such that has only oriented components. Lemma 5.2 ([11]). Let be a permutation with an odd number, say 2k hurdles. If at least one hurdle H is simple then a reversal acting on two breakpoints incident with edges in H transforms into 0 with 2k hurdles such that d() 1. If is a fortress then a sequence of k 1 reversals merging pairs of non-consecutive hurdles followed by two additional merges of pairs of consecutive hurdles (one merges two original hurdles and the next merges a hurdle created by the rst and the last original hurdle) will transform into 0 such that 0 has only oriented components. We now outline how to turn these lemmas into an algorithm that nds a particular sequence of reversals r with the properties described above. First OV () is decomposed into connected components as described in [4]. One then has to identify those unoriented components that are hurdles. This task can be done by traversing the endpoints of the circle CR, counting the number of elements in each run of consecutive endpoints belonging to the same component. If a run contains all endpoints of a particular unoriented component M then M is an hurdle. In a similar fashion one can check for each hurdle whether it is a simple hurdle or a super hurdle. While traversing the cycle, a list of the hurdles in the order they occur on CR is created. At the next stage this list is used to identify correct hurdles to merge. We assume that given an endpoint one can locate its connected component in constant time. It is easy to verify that the data can be maintained so that this is possible. Theorem 5.3. Given OV () decomposed into its connected components, the algorithm outlined above nds t reversals such that when we apply them to we obtain a 0 which is hurdle-free and has t. The algorithm can be implemented to run in O(n) time. Proof. Correctness follows from Lemma 5.1 and 5.2. The time bound is achieved if we always merge hurdles that are separated by a single hurdle. If the ith merge merged hurdles H 1 and H 2 that are separated by H , then H should be merged in the 1st merge. Carrying out the merges this way guarantees that the span of each hurdle H overlaps at most two merging reversals, the second of which eliminates H . 6. Summary . Figure 6.1 gives a schematic description of the algorithm. algorithm Signed Reversals(); /* is a signed permutation */ 1. Compute the connected components of OV (). 2. Clear the hurdles. 3. while is not sorted do : iteration */ begin a. nd a happy clique C in OV (). b. nd a vertex e f 2 C with maximum unoriented degree, and perform a safe reversal on e f ; c. update and the representation of OV (). 4. output the sequence of reversals. Fig. 6.1. An algorithm for sorting signed permutations Theorem 6.1. Algorithm Signed Reversals nds the reversal distance r in n) time, and in particular in O(n 2 ) time. Proof. The correctness of the algorithm follows from Theorem 2.3, Theorem 4.1 and Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2. by the algorithm of Berman and Hannenhalli [4]. takes O(n) time by Theorem 5.3. Step 3 takes O(n) time per reversal, by the discussion in Section 4. It is an intriguing open question whether a faster algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals exists. It certainly might be the case that one can nd an optimal sequence of reversals faster. To date, no nontrivial lower bound is known for this problem. Acknowledgments . We thank Donald Knuth, Sridhar Hannenhalli, Pavel Pevzner, and Itsik Pe'er for their comments on a preliminary version of this paper. --R Zum hilbertshen aufbau der reelen zahlen Sorting permutations by transpositions SIAM Journal on Computing Fast Sorting by reversals is di-cult Inversions in the chromosomes of drosophila pseu- doobscura Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs Polynomial algorithm for computing translocation distance between genomes Transforming men into mice (polynomial algorithm for genomic distance problems Transforming cabbage into turnip (polynomial algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals) including parallel inversions Faster and simpler algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals Physical mapping of chromosomes using unique probes Tricircular mitochondrial genomes of Brassica and Raphanus: reversal of repeat con Evolutionalry signi Edit distance for genome comparison based on non-local operations Genomic divergence through gene rearrangement. --TR --CTR Tannier , Anne Bergeron , Marie-France Sagot, Advances on sorting by reversals, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v.155 n.6-7, p.881-888, April, 2007 Anne Bergeron, A very elementary presentation of the Hannenhalli-Pevzner theory, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v.146 n.2, p.134-145, 1 March 2005 Glenn Tesler, Efficient algorithms for multichromosomal genome rearrangements, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, v.65 n.3, p.587-609, November 2002 Adam C. Siepel, An algorithm to enumerate all sorting reversals, Proceedings of the sixth annual international conference on Computational biology, p.281-290, April 18-21, 2002, Washington, DC, USA Max A. Alekseyev , Pavel A. Pevzner, Colored de Bruijn Graphs and the Genome Halving Problem, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), v.4 n.1, p.98-107, January 2007 Haim Kaplan , Elad Verbin, Sorting signed permutations by reversals, revisited, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, v.70 n.3, p.321-341, May 2005 Isaac Elias , Tzvika Hartman, A 1.375-Approximation Algorithm for Sorting by Transpositions, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), v.3 n.4, p.369-379, October 2006 Severine Berard , Anne Bergeron , Cedric Chauve , Christophe Paul, Perfect Sorting by Reversals Is Not Always Difficult, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), v.4 n.1, p.4-16, January 2007
reversal distance;computational molecular biology;sorting permutations
Strategies in Combined Learning via Logic Programs.
We discuss the adoption of a three-valued setting for inductive concept learning. Distinguishing between what is true, what is false and what is unknown can be useful in situations where decisions have to be taken on the basis of scarce, ambiguous, or downright contradictory information. In a three-valued setting, we learn a definition for both the target concept and its opposite, considering positive and negative examples as instances of two disjoint classes. To this purpose, we adopt Extended Logic Programs (ELP) under a Well-Founded Semantics with explicit negation (WFSX) as the representation formalism for learning, and show how ELPs can be used to specify combinations of strategies in a declarative way also coping with contradiction and exceptions.Explicit negation is used to represent the opposite concept, while default negation is used to ensure consistency and to handle exceptions to general rules. Exceptions are represented by examples covered by the definition for a concept that belong to the training set for the opposite concept.Standard Inductive Logic Programming techniques are employed to learn the concept and its opposite. Depending on the adopted technique, we can learn the most general or the least general definition. Thus, four epistemological varieties occur, resulting from the combination of most general and least general solutions for the positive and negative concept. We discuss the factors that should be taken into account when choosing and strategically combining the generality levels for positive and negative concepts.In the paper, we also handle the issue of strategic combination of possibly contradictory learnt definitions of a predicate and its explicit negation.All in all, we show that extended logic programs under well-founded semantics with explicit negation add expressivity to learning tasks, and allow the tackling of a number of representation and strategic issues in a principled way.Our techniques have been implemented and examples run on a state-of-the-art logic programming system with tabling which implements WFSX.
Introduction Most work on inductive concept learning considers a two-valued setting. In such a setting, what is not entailed by the learned theory is considered false, on the basis of the Closed World Assumption (CWA) [44]. However, in practice, it is more often the case that we are confident about the truth or falsity of only a limited number of facts, and are not able to draw any conclusion about the remaining ones, because the available information is too scarce. Like it has been pointed out in [13, 10], this is typically the case of an autonomous agent that, in an incremental way, gathers information from its surrounding world. Such an agent needs to distinguish between what is true, what is false and what is unknown, and therefore needs to learn within a richer three-valued setting. To this purpose, we adopt the class of Extended Logic Programs (ELP, for short, in the sequel) as the representation language for learning in a three-valued setting. ELP contains two kinds of negation: default negation plus a second form of nega- tion, called explicit, whose combination has been recognized elsewhere as a very expressive means of knowledge representation. The adoption of ELP allows one to deal directly in the language with incomplete and contradictory knowledge, with exceptions through default negation, as well as with truly negative information by means of explicit negation [39, 2, 3]. For instance, in [2, 5, 16, 9, 32] it is shown how ELP is applicable to such diverse domains of knowledge representation as concept hierarchies, reasoning about actions, belief revision, counterfactuals, diagnosis, updates and debugging. In this work, we show, for the first time in a journal, that various approaches and strategies can be adopted in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP, henceforth) for learning with ELP under an extension of well-founded semantics. As in [25, 24], where answer-sets semantics is used, the learning process starts from a set of positive and negative examples plus some background knowledge in the form of an extended logic program. Positive and negative information in the training set are treated equally, by learning a definition for both a positive concept p and its (explicitly) negated concept :p. Coverage of examples is tested by adopting the SLX interpreter for ELP under the Well-Founded Semantics with explicit negation defined in [2, 16], and valid for its paraconsistent version [9]. negation is used in the learning process to handle exceptions to general rules. Exceptions to a positive concept are identified from negative examples, whereas exceptions to a negative concept are identified from positive examples. In this work, we adopt standard ILP techniques to learn some concept and its opposite. Depending on the technique adopted, one can learn the most general or the least general definition for each concept. Accordingly, four epistemological varieties occur, resulting from the mutual combination of most general and least general solutions for the positive and negative concept. These possibilities are expressed via ELP, and we discuss some of the factors that should be taken into account when choosing the level of generality of each, and their combination, to define a specific learning strategy, and how to cope with contradictions. (In the paper, we concentrate on single predicate learning, for the sake of simplicity.) Indeed, separately learned positive and negative concepts may conflict and, in order to handle possible contradiction, contradictory learned rules are made defeasible by making the learned definition for a positive concept p depend on the default negation of the negative concept :p, and vice-versa. I.e., each definition is introduced as an exception to the other. This way of coping with contradiction can be even generalized for learning n disjoint classes, or modified in order to take into account preferences among multiple learning agents or information sources (see [28]). The paper is organized as follows. We first motivate the use of ELP as target and background language in section 2, and introduce the new ILP framework in section 3. We then examine, in section 4, factors to be taken into account when choosing the level of generality of learned theories. Section 5 proposes how to combine the learned definitions within ELP in order to avoid inconsistencies on unseen atoms and their opposites, through the use of mutually defeating ("non-deterministic") rules, and how to incorporate exceptions through negation by default. A description of our algorithm for learning ELP follows next, in section 6, and the overall system implementation in section 7. Section 8 evaluates the obtained classification accuracy. Finally, we examine related works in section 9, and conclude. 2. Logic Programming and Epistemic Preliminaries In this section, we first discuss the motivation for three-valuedness and two types of negation in knowledge representation and provide basic notions of extended logic programs and W FSX. 2.1. Three-valuedness, default and explicit negation Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs to deal with knowledge in flux, and less than perfect conditions, by means of more dynamic forms of logic than classical logic. Much of this has been the focus of research in Logic Programming (LP), a field of AI which uses logic directly as a programming language 1 , and provides specific implementation methods and efficient working systems to do so 2 . Horn clause notation is used to express that conclusions must be supported, "caused", by some premises. Implication is unidirectional, i.e., not contrapositive: "causes" do not run backwards. Various extensions of LP have been introduced to cope with knowledge representation issues. For instance, default negation of an atom P , "not P ", was introduced by AI to deal with lack of information, a common situation in the real world. It introduces non-monotonicity into knowledge representation. Indeed, conclusions might not be solid because the rules leading to them may be defeasible. For in- stance, we don't normally have explicit information about who is or is not the lover of whom, though that kind of information may arrive unexpectedly. Thus we not lover(H; L) I.e., if we have no evidence to conclude lover(H; L) for some L given H , we can assume it false for all L given H . Mark that not should grant positive and negative information equal standing. That is, we should equally be able to write: to model instead a world where people are unfaithful by default or custom, and where it is required to explicitly prove that someone does not take any lover before concluding that person not unfaithful. Since information is normally expressed positively, by dint of mental and linguistic economics, through Closed World Assumption (CWA), the absent, non explicitly obtainable information, is usually the negation of positive information. Which means, when no information is available about lovers, that :lover(H; L) is true by CWA, whereas lover(H; L) is not. Indeed, whereas the CWA is indispensable in some contexts, viz. at airports flights not listed are assumed non-existent, in others that is not so: though one's residence might not be listed in the phone book, it may not be ruled out that it exists and has a phone. These epistemologic requisites can be reconciled by reading ':' above not as classical negation, which complies with the excluded middle provision, but as yet a new form of negation, dubbed in Logic Programming "explicit negation" [39] (which ignores that provision), and adopted in ELP. This requires the need for revising assumptions and for introducing a third truth- value, named "undefined", into the framework. In fact, when we combine, for instance, the viewpoints of the two above worlds about faithfulness we become confused: assuming married(H; K) for some H and K; it now appears that both faithful(H; K) and :faithful(H; K) are contradictorily true. Indeed, since we have no evidence for lover(H; L) nor :lover(H; L) because there simply is no information about them, we make two simultaneous assumptions about their falsity. But when any assumption leads to contradiction one should retract it, which in a three-valued setting means making it undefined. The imposition of undefinedness for lover(H; L) and :lover(H; L) can be achieved simply, by adding to our knowledge the clauses: :lover(H; L) / not lover(H; L) lover(H; L) / not :lover(H; L) thereby making faithful(H; K) and :faithful(H; K) undefined too. Given no other information, we can now prove neither of lover(H; L) nor :lover(H; L) true, or false. Any attempt to do it runs into a self-referential circle involving default negation, and so the safest, skeptical, third option is to take no side in this marital dispute, and abstain from believing either. Even in presence of self-referential loops involving default negations, the well-founded semantics of logic programs (WFS) assigns to the literals in the above two clauses the truth value undefined, in its knowledge skeptical well-founded model, but allows also for the other two, incompatible non truth-minimal, more credulous models. 2.2. Extended Logic Programs An extended logic program is a finite set of rules of the form: with n 0, where L 0 is an objective literal, L are literals and each rule stands for the sets of its ground instances. Objective literals are of the form A or :A, where A is an atom, while a literal is either an objective literal L or its default negation not L. :A is said the opposite literal of A (and vice versa), not A the complementary literal of A (and vice versa). By not fA we mean fnot A not An g where A i s are literals. By we mean f:A g. The set of all objective literals of a program P is called its extended Herbrand base and is represented as H E (P ). An interpretation I of an extended program P is denoted by T [ not F , where T and F are disjoint subsets of H E (P ). Objective literals in T are said to be true in I , objective literals in F are said to be false in I and those in H are said to be undefined in I . We introduce in the language the proposition u that is undefined in every interpretation I . WFSX extends the well founded semantics (WFS ) [46] for normal logic programs to the case of extended logic programs. WFSX is obtained from WFS by adding the coherence principle relating the two forms of negation: "if L is an objective literal and :L belongs to the model of a program, then also not L belongs to the model ", i.e., :L ! not L. Notice that, thanks to this principle, any interpretation I F of an extended logic program P considered by WFSX semantics is non-contradictory, i.e., there is no pair of objective literals A and :A of program P such that A belongs to T and :A belongs to T [2]. The definition of WFSX is reported in Appendix . If an objective literal A is true in the WFSX of an ELP P we write A. Let us now show an example of WFSX in the case of a simple program. Example: Consider the following extended logic program: a / b: A WFSX model of this program is not :b; not ag: :a is true, a is false, :b is false (there are no rules for :b) and b is undefined. Notice that not a is in the model since it is implied by :a via the coherence principle. One of the most important characteristic of WFSX is that it provides a semantics for an important class of extended logic programs: the set of non-stratified pro- grams, i.e., the set of programs that contain recursion through default negation. An extended logic program is stratified if its dependency graph does not contain any cycle with an arc labelled with \Gamma. The dependency graph of a program P is a labelled graph with a node for each predicate of P and an arc from a predicate p to a predicate q if q appears in the body of clauses with p in the head. The arc is labelled with appears in an objective literal in the body and with \Gamma if it appears in a default literal. Non-stratified programs are very useful for knowledge representation because the WFSX semantics assigns the truth value undefined to the literals involved in the recursive cycle through negation, as shown in section 2.1 for lover(H; L) and :lover(H; L). In section 5 we will employ non stratified programs in order to resolve possible contradictions. WFSX was chosen among the other semantics for extended logic programs, answer-sets [21] and three-valued strong negation [3], because none of the others enjoy the property of relevance [2, 3] for non-stratified programs, i.e., they cannot have top-down querying procedures for non-stratified programs. Instead, for WFSX there exists a top-down proof procedure SLX [2], which is correct with respect to the semantics. Cumulativity is also enjoyed by WFSX, i.e., if you add a lemma then the semantics does not change (see [2]). This property is important for speeding-up the implemen- tation. By memorizing intermediate lemmas through tabling, the implementation of SLX greatly improves. Answer-set semantics, however, is not cumulative for non-stratified programs and thus cannot use tabling. The SLX top-down procedure for WFSX relies on two independent kinds of derivations: T-derivations, proving truth, and TU-derivations proving non-falsity, i.e., truth or undefinedness. Shifting from one to the other is required for proving a default literal not L: the T-derivation of not L succeeds if the TU-derivation of L fails; the TU-derivation of not L succeeds if the T-derivation of L fails. Moreover, the T-derivation of not L also succeeds if the T-derivation of :L succeeds, and the TU-derivation of L fails if the T-derivation of :L succeeds (thus taking into account the coherence principle). Given a goal G that is a conjunction of literals, if G can be derived by SLX from an ELP P , we write P 'SLX G The SLX procedure is amenable to a simple pre-processing implementation, by mapping WFSX programs into WFS programs through the T-TU transformation [8]. This transformation is linear and essentially doubles the number of program clauses. Then, the transformed program can be executed in XSB, an efficient logic programming system which implements (with polynomial complexity) the WFS with tabling, and subsumes Prolog. Tabling in XSB consists in memoizing intermediate lemmas, and in properly dealing with non-stratification according to WFS. Tabling is important in learning, where computations are often repeated for testing the coverage or otherwise of examples, and allows computing the WFS with simple polynomial complexity on program size. 3. Learning in a Three-valued Setting In real-world problems, complete information about the world is impossible to achieve and it is necessary to reason and act on the basis of the available partial information. In situations of incomplete knowledge, it is important to distinguish between what is true, what is false, and what is unknown or undefined. Such a situation occurs, for example, when an agent incrementally gathers information from the surrounding world and has to select its own actions on the basis of such acquired knowledge. If the agent learns in a two-valued setting, it can encounter the problems that have been highlighted in [13]. When learning in a specific to general way, it will learn a cautious definition for the target concept and it will not be able to distinguish what is false from what is not yet known (see figure 1a). Supposing the target predicate represents the allowed actions, then the agent will not distinguish forbidden actions from actions with an outcome and this can restrict the agent acting power. If the agent learns in a general to specific way, instead, it will not know the difference between what is true and what is unknown (figure 1b) and, therefore, it can try actions with an unknown outcome. Rather, by learning in a three-valued setting, it will be able to distinguish between allowed actions, forbidden actions, and actions with an unknown outcome (figure 1c). In this way, the agent will know which part of the domain needs to be further explored and will not try actions with an unknown outcome unless it is trying to expand its knowledge. Figure 1. (taken from [13])(a,b): two-valued setting, (c): three-valued setting We therefore consider a new learning problem where we want to learn an ELP from a background knowledge that is itself an ELP and from a set of positive and a set of negative examples in the form of ground facts for the target predicates. A learning problem for ELP's was first introduced in [25] where the notion of coverage was defined by means of truth in the answer-set semantics. Here the problem definition is modified to consider coverage as truth in the preferred WFSX semantics Definition 1. [Learning Extended Logic Programs] Given: ffl a set P of possible (extended logic) programs ffl a set E + of positive examples (ground facts) ffl a set E \Gamma of negative examples (ground facts) ffl a non-contradictory extended logic program B (background knowledge 4 ) Find: ffl an extended logic program P 2 P such that Eg. We suppose that the training sets E are disjoint. However, the system is also able to work with overlapping training sets. The learned theory will contain rules of the form: for every target predicate p, where ~ stands for a tuple of arguments. In order to satisfy the completeness requirement, the rules for p will entail all positive examples while the rules for :p will entail all (explicitly negated) negative examples. The consistency requirement is satisfied by ensuring that both sets of rules do not entail instances of the opposite element in either of the training sets. Note that, in the case of extended logic programs, the consistency with respect to the training set is equivalent to the requirement that the program is non-contradictory on the examples. This requirement is enlarged to require that the program be non-contradictory also for unseen atoms, i.e., B[P 6j= L":L for every atom L of the target predicates. We say that an example e is covered by program P if P e. Since the SLX procedure is correct with respect to WFSX, even for contradictory programs, coverage of examples is tested by verifying whether P 'SLX e. Our approach to learning with extended logic programs consists in initially applying conventional ILP techniques to learn a positive definition from E and a negative definition from In these techniques, the SLX procedure substitutes the standard Logic Programming proof procedure to test the coverage of examples. The ILP techniques to be used depend on the level of generality that we want to have for the two definitions: we can look for the Least General Solution (LGS) or the Most General Solution (MGS) of the problem of learning each concept and its complement. In practice, LGS and MGS are not unique and real systems usually learn theories that are not the least nor most general, but closely approximate one of the two. In the following, these concepts will be used to signify approximations to the theoretical concepts. LGSs can be found by adopting one of the bottom-up methods such as relative least general generalization (rlgg) [40] and the GOLEM system [37], inverse resolution [36] or inverse entailment [30]. Conversely, MGSs can be found by adopting a top-down refining method (cf. [31]) and a system such as FOIL [43] or Progol [35]. 4. Strategies for Combining Different Generalizations The generality of concepts to be learned is an important issue when learning in a three-valued setting. In a two-valued setting, once the generality of the definition is chosen, the extension (i.e., the generality) of the set of false atoms is undesirably and automatically decided, because it is the complement of the true atoms set. In a three-valued setting, rather, the extension of the set of false atoms depends on the generality of the definition learned for the negative concept. Therefore, the corresponding level of generality may be chosen independently for the two definitions, thus affording four epistemological cases. The adoption of ELP allows to express case combination in a declarative and smooth way. Furthermore, the generality of the solutions learned for the positive and negative concepts clearly influences the interaction between the definitions. If we learn the MGS for both a concept and its opposite, the probability that their intersection is non-empty is higher than if we learn the LGS for both. Accordingly, the decision as to which type of solution to learn should take into account the possibility of interaction as well: if we want to reduce this possibility, we have to learn two LGS, if we do not care about interaction, we can learn two MGS. In general, we may learn different generalizations and combine them in distinct ways for different strategic purposes within the same application problem. The choice of the level of generality should be made on the basis of available knowledge about the domain. Two of the criteria that can be taken into account are the damage or risk that may arise from an erroneous classification of an unseen object, and the confidence we have in the training set as to its correctness and representativeness. When classifying an as yet unseen object as belonging to a concept, we may later discover that the object belongs to the opposite concept. The more we generalize a concept, the higher is the number of unseen atoms covered by the definition and the higher is the risk of an erroneous classification. Depending on the damage that may derive from such a mistake, we may decide to take a more cautious or a more confident approach. If the possible damage from an over extensive concept is high, then one should learn the LGS for that concept, if the possible damage is low then one can generalize the most and learn the MGS. The overall risk will depend too on the use of the learned concepts within other rules. The problem of selecting a solution of an inductive problem according to the cost of misclassifying examples has been studied in a number of works. PREDICTOR [22] is able to select the cautiousness of its learning operators by means of meta- heuristics. These metaheuristics make the selection based on a user-input penalty for prediction error. [41] provides a method to select classifiers given the cost of misclassifications and the prior distribution of positive and negative instances. The method is based on the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) graph from signal theory that depicts classifiers as points in a graph with the number of false positive on the X axis and the number of true positive on the Y axis. In [38] it is discussed how the different costs of misclassifying examples can be taken into account into a number of algorithms: decision tree learners, Bayesian classifiers and decision lists learners. The Reduced Cost Algorithm is presented that selects and order rules after they have been learned in order to minimize misclassification costs. More- over, an algorithm for pruning decision lists is presented that attempts to minimize costs while avoiding overfitting. In [23] it is discussed how the penalty incurred if a learner outputs the wrong classification is considered in order to decide whether to acquire additional information in an active learner. As regards the confidence in the training set, we can prefer to learn the MGS for a concept if we are confident that examples for the opposite concept are correct and representative of the concept. In fact, in top-down methods, negative examples are used in order to delimit the generality of the solution. Otherwise, if we think that examples for the opposite concept are not reliable, then we should learn the LGS. In the following, we present a realistic example of the kind of reasoning that can be used to choose and specify the preferred level of generality, and discuss how to strategically combine the different levels by employing ELP tools to learning. Example: Consider a person living in a bad neighbourhood in Los Angeles. He is an honest man and to survive he needs two concepts, one about who is likely to attack him, on the basis of appearance, gang membership, age, past dealings, etc. he wants to take a cautious approach, he maximizes attacker and minimizes :attacker, so that his attacker1 concept allows him to avoid dangerous situations. Another concept he needs is the type of beggars he should give money to (he is a good man) that actually seem to deserve it, on the basis of appearance, health, age, etc. Since he is not rich and does not like to be tricked, he learns a beggar1 concept by minimizing beggar and maximizing :beggar, so that his beggar concept allows him to give money strictly to those appearing to need it without faking. However rejected beggars, especially malicious ones, may turn into attackers, in this very bad neighbourhood. Consequently, if he thinks a beggar might attack him he had better be more permissive about who is a beggar and placate him with money. In other words, he should maximize beggar and minimize :beggar in a beggar2 concept. These concepts can be used in order to minimize his risk taking when he carries, by his standards, a lot of money and meets someone who is likely to be an attacker, with the following kind of reasoning: lot of money(X); lot of money(X); give money(X; Y ) give give If he does not have a lot of money on him, he may prefer not to run as he risks being beaten up. In this case he has to relax his attacker concept into attacker2, but not relax it so much that he would use :attackerMGS . The various notions of attacker and beggar are then learnt on the basis of previous experience the man has had (see [29]). 5. Strategies for Eliminating Learned Contradictions The learnt definitions of the positive and negative concepts may overlap. In this case, we have a contradictory classification for the objective literals in the intersec- tion. In order to resolve the conflict, we must distinguish two types of literals in the intersection: those that belong to the training set and those that do not, also dubbed unseen atoms (see figure 2). In the following, we discuss how to resolve the conflict in the case of unseen literals and of literals in the training set. We first consider the case in which the training sets are disjoint, and we later extend the scope to the case where there is a non-empty intersection of the training sets, when they are less than perfect. From now onwards, ~ stands for a tuple of arguments. For unseen literals, the conflict is resolved by classifying them as undefined, since the arguments supporting the two classifications are equally strong. Instead, for literals in the training set, the conflict is resolved by giving priority to the classification stipulated by the training set. In other words, literals in a training set that are covered by the opposite definition are made as exceptions to that definition. Figure 2. Interaction of the positive and negative definitions on exceptions. Contradiction on Unseen Literals For unseen literals in the intersection, the undefined classification is obtained by making opposite rules mutually defeasible, or "non-deterministic" (see [5, 2]). The target theory is consequently expressed in the following way: not :p( ~ not p( ~ X) are, respectively, the definitions learned for the positive and the negative concept, obtained by renaming the positive predicate by p + and its explicit negation by p \Gamma . From now onwards, we will indicate with these superscripts the definitions learned separately for the positive and negative concepts. We want p( ~ X) and :p( ~ X) each to act as an exception to the other. In case of contradiction, this will introduce mutual circularity, and hence undefinedness according to WFSX. For each literal in the intersection of p + and are two stable models, one containing the literal, the other containing the opposite literal. According to WFSX, there is a third (partial) stable model where both literals are undefined, i.e., no literal p( ~ X), :p( ~ X), not p( ~ X) or not :p( ~ to the well-founded (or least partial stable) model. The resulting program contains a recursion through negation (i.e., it is non-stratified) but the top-down SLX procedure does not go into a loop because it comprises mechanisms for loop detection and treatment, which are implemented by XSB through tabling. Example: Let us consider the Example of section 4. In order to avoid contradictions on unseen atoms, the learned definitions must be: MGS (X); not :attacker1(X) LGS (X); not attacker1(X) LGS (X); not :beggar1(X) MGS (X); not beggar1(X) MGS (X); not :beggar2(X) LGS (X); not beggar2(X) LGS (X); not :attacker2(X) LGS (X); not attacker2(X) Note that p X) X) can display as well the undefined truth value, either because the original background is non-stratified or because they rely on some definition learned for another target predicate, which is of the form above and therefore non-stratified. In this case, three-valued semantics can produce literals with the value "undefined", and one or both of p X) X) may be undefined. If one is undefined and the other is true, then the rules above make both p and :p undefined, since the negation by default of an undefined literal is still undefined. However, this is counter-intuitive: a defined value should prevail over an undefined one. In order to handle this case, we suppose that a system predicate undefined(X) is available 5 , that succeeds if and only if the literal X is undefined. So we add the following two rules to the definitions for p and :p: According to these clauses, p( ~ X) is true when X) is true and X) is undefined, and conversely. Contradiction on Examples Theories are tested for consistency on all the literals of the training set, so we should not have a conflict on them. However, in some cases, it is useful to relax the consistency requirement and learn clauses that cover a small amount of counter examples. This is advantageous when it would be otherwise impossible to learn a definition for the concept, because no clause is contained in the language bias that is consistent, or when an overspecific definition would be learned, composed of very many specific clauses instead of a few general ones. In such cases, the definitions of the positive and negative concepts may cover examples of the opposite training set. These must then be considered exceptions, which are then are due to abnormalities in the opposite concept. Let us start with the case where some literals covered by a definition belong to the opposite training set. We want of course to classify these according to the classification given by the training set, by making such literals exceptions. To handle exceptions to classification rules, we add a negative default literal of the form not abnorm p ( ~ X) X)) to the rule for p( ~ X)), to express possible abnormalities arising from exceptions. Then, for every exception p( ~ t), an individual fact of the form abnorm p ( ~ t) (resp. abnorm:p ( ~ t)) is asserted so that the rule for p( ~ X)) does not cover the exception, while the opposite definition still covers it. In this way, exceptions will figure in the model of the theory with the correct truth value. The learned theory thus takes the form: not abnorm p ( ~ not :p( ~ not abnorm:p ( ~ not p( ~ Abnormality literals have not been added to the rules for the undefined case because a literal which is an exception is also an example, and so must be covered by its respective definition; therefore it cannot be undefined. Notice that if E example p( ~ t), then p( ~ t) is classified false by the learned theory. A different behaviour would obtain by slightly changing the form of learned rules in order to adopt, for atoms of the training set, one classification as default and thus give preference to false (negative training set) or true (positive training set) Individual facts of the form abnorm p ( ~ used as examples for learning a definition for abnorm p and abnorm:p , as in [25, 19]. In turn, exceptions to the definitions of abnorm p and abnorm:p might be found and so on, thus leading to a hierarchy of exceptions (for our hierarchical learning of exceptions, see [27]). Example: Consider a domain containing entities a; b; c; d; e; f and suppose the target concept is f lies. Let the background knowledge be: bird(a) has wings(a) jet(b) has wings(b) angel(c) has wings(c) has limbs(c) penguin(d) has wings(d) has limbs(d) dog(e) has limbs(e) cat(f) has limbs(f) and let the training set be: A possible learned theory is: f lies(X) / f lies + (X); not abnormal flies (X); not :f lies(X) f lies(X) / f lies lies abnormal flies (d) where f lies (X) / has wings(X) and f lies(X) \Gamma / has limbs(X). Figure 3. Coverage of definitions for opposite concepts The example above and figure 3 show all the various cases for a literal when learning in a three-valued setting. a and e are examples that are consistently covered by the definitions. b and f are unseen literals on which there is no contradiction. c and d are literals where there is contradiction, but c is classified as undefined whereas d is considered as an exception to the positive definition and is classified as negative. Identifying contradictions on unseen literals is useful in interactive theory revision, where the system can ask an oracle to classify the literal(s) leading to contradiction, and accordingly revise the least or most general solutions for p and for :p using a theory revision system such as REVISE [7] or CLINT [12, 14]. Detecting uncovered literals points to theory extension. Extended logic programs can be used as well to represent When one has to learn n disjoint classes, the training set contains a number of facts for a number of predicates i be a definition learned by using, as positive examples, the literals in the training set classified as belonging to p i and, as negative examples, all the literals for the other classes. Then the following rules ensure consistency on unseen literals and on exceptions: not abnormal p1 ( ~ not abnormal p2 ( ~ not abnormal pn ( ~ regardless of the algorithm used for learning the 6. An Algorithm for Learning Extended Logic Programs The algorithm LIVE (Learning In a 3-Valued Environment) learns ELPs containing non-deterministic rules for a concept and its opposite. The main procedure of the algorithm is given below: 1. algorithm LIVE( inputs training sets, 2. B: background theory, outputs learned theory) 3. 4. 5. Obtain H by: 6. transforming H p , H:p into "non-deterministic" rules, 7. adding the clauses for the undefined case 8. output H The algorithm calls a procedure LearnDefinition that, given a set of positive, a set of negative examples and a background knowledge, returns a definition for the positive concept, consisting of default rules, together with definitions for abnormality literals if any. The procedure LearnDefinition is called twice, once for the positive concept and once for the negative concept. When it is called for the negative used as the positive training set and E + as the negative one. LearnDefinition first calls a procedure Learn(E learns a definition H p for the target concept p. Learn consists of an ordinary ILP algorithm, either bottom-up or top-down, modified to adopt the SLX interpreter for testing the coverage of examples and to relax the consistency requirement of the solution. The procedure thus returns a theory that may cover some opposite examples. These opposite examples are then treated as exceptions, by adding a default literal to the inconsistent rules and adding proper facts for the abnormality predicate. In partic- ular, for each rule covering some negative examples, a new non-abnormality literal not abnormal r ( ~ X) is added to r and some facts for abnormal r ( ~ are added to the theory. Examples for abnormal r are obtained from examples for p by observing that, in order to cover an example p( ~ t) for p, the atom abnormal r ( ~ t) must be false. Therefore, facts for abnormal r are obtained from the r of opposite examples covered by the rule. 1. procedure LearnDefinition( inputs positive examples, 2. negative examples, B: background theory, 3. outputs learned theory) 4. 5. H := H p 6. for each rule r in H p do 7. Find the sets r of positive and negative examples covered by r 8. r is not empty then 9. Add the literal not abnormal r ( ~ X) to r ~ t)g from facts in r by 11. transforming each p( ~ r into abnormal r ( ~ t) 13. endif 14. enfor 15. output H Let us now discuss in more detail the algorithm that implements the Learn pro- cedure. Depending on the generality of solution that we want to learn, different algorithms must be employed: a top-down algorithm for learning the MGS, a bottom-up algorithm for the LGS. In both cases, the algorithm must be such that, if a consistent solution cannot be found, it returns a theory that covers the least number of negative examples. When learning with a top-down algorithm, the consistency necessity stopping criterion must be relaxed to allow clauses that are inconsistent with a small number of negative examples, e.g., by adopting one of the heuristic necessity stopping criteria proposed in ILP to handle noise, such as the encoding length restriction [43] of FOIL [43] or the significancy test of mFOIL [18]. In this way, we are able to learn definitions of concepts with exceptions: when a clause must be specialized too much in order to make it consistent, we prefer to transform it into a default rule and consider the covered negative examples as exceptions. The simplest criterion that can be adopted is to stop specializing the clause when no literal from the language bias can be added that reduces the coverage of negative examples. When learning with a bottom-up algorithm, we can learn using positive examples only by using the rlgg operator: since the clause is not tested on negative examples, it may cover some of them. This approach is realized by using the system GOLEM, as in [25]. 7. Implementation In order to learn the most general solutions, a top-down ILP algorithm (cf. [31]) has been integrated with the procedure SLX for testing the coverage. The specialization loop of the top-down system consists of a beam search in the space of possible clauses. At each step of the loop, the system removes the best clause from the beam and generates refinements. They are then evaluated according to an accuracy heuristic function, and their refinements covering at least one positive example are added to the beam. The best clause found so far is also separately stored: this clause is compared with each refinement and is replaced if the refinement is better. The specialization loop stops when either the best clause in the beam is consistent or the beam becomes empty. Then the system returns the best clause found so far. The beam may become empty before a consistent clause is found and in this case the system will return an inconsistent clause. In order to find least general solutions, the GOLEM [37] system is employed. The finite well-founded model is computed, through SLX, and it is transformed by replacing literals of the form :A with new predicate symbols of the form neg A. Then GOLEM is called with the computed model as background knowledge. The output of GOLEM is then parsed in order to extract the clauses generated by rlgg before they are post-processed by dropping literals. Thus, the clauses that are extracted belong to the least general solution. In fact, they are obtained by randomly picking couples of examples, computing their rlgg and choosing the consistent one that covers the biggest number of positive examples. This clause is further generalized by choosing randomly new positive examples and computing the rlgg of the previously generated clause and each of the examples. The consistent generalization that covers more examples is chosen and further generalized until the clause starts covering some negative examples. An inverse model transformation is then applied to the rules thus obtained by substituting each literal of the form neg A with the literal :A. LIVE was implemented in XSB Prolog [45] and the code of the system can be found at : 8. Classification Accuracy In this section, we compare the accuracy that can be obtained by means of a two-valued definition of the target concept with the one that can be obtained by means of a three-valued definition. The accuracy of a two-valued definition over a set of testing examples is defined as number of examples correctly classified by the theory total number of testing examples The number of examples correctly classified is given by the number of positive examples covered by the learned theory plus the number of negative examples not covered by the theory. If Np is the number of positive examples covered by the learned definition, Nn the number of negative examples covered by the definition, Nptot the total number of positive examples and Nntot the total number of negative examples, then the accuracy is given by: Nptot +Nntot When we learn in a three value setting a definition for a target concept and its opposite, we have to consider a different notion of accuracy. In this case, some atoms (positive or negative) in the testing set will be classified as undefined. Undefined atoms are covered by both the definition learned for the positive concept and that learned for the opposite one. Whichever is the right classification of the atom in the test set, it is erroneously classified in the learned three-valued theory, but not so erroneously as if it was covered by the opposite definition only. This explains the weight assigned to undefined atoms (i.e., 0.5) in the new, generalized, notion of accuracy: number of examples correctly classified by the theory total number of testing examples +0.5 \Theta number of examples classified as unknown total number of testing examples In order to get a formula to calculate the accuracy, we first define a number of figures that are illustrated in figure 4: ffl Npp is the number of positive examples covered by the positive definition only, ffl Npn is the number of positive examples covered by the negative definition only, ffl Npu is the number of positive examples covered by both definitions (classified as undefined), ffl Nnn is the number of negative examples covered by the negative definition only, ffl Nnp is the number of negative examples covered by the positive definition only, ffl Nnu is the number of negative examples covered by both definitions (classified as undefined). The accuracy for the three-valued case can thus be defined as follows: Nptot +Nntot It is interesting to compare this notion of accuracy with that obtained by testing the theory in a two-valued way. In that case the accuracy would be given by: Nptot +Nntot We are interested in situations where the accuracy for the three-valued case is higher than the one for the two-valued case, i.e., those for which Accuracy 3 ? Accuracy 2 . By rewriting this inequation in terms of the figures above, we get: This inequation can be rewritten as: Figure 4. Sets of examples for evaluating the accuracy of a three-valued hypothesis where the expression Nntot represents the number of negative examples not covered by any definition (call it Nn not covered). Therefore, the accuracy that results from testing the theory in a three-valued way improves the two-valued one when most of the negative examples are covered by any of the two definitions, the number of negative examples on which there is contradiction is particularly high, and the number of positive examples on which there is contradiction is low. When there is no overlap between the two definitions, and no undefinedness, the accuracy is the same. 9. Related Work The adoption of negation in learning has been investigated by many authors. Many propositional learning systems learn a definition for both the concept and its op- posite. For example, systems that learn decision trees, as c4.5 [42], or decision rules, as the AQ family of systems [33], are able to solve the problem of learning a definition for n classes, that generalizes the problem of learning a concept and its opposite. However, in most cases the definitions learned are assumed to cover the whole universe of discourse: no undefined classification is produced, any instance is always classified as belonging to one of the classes. Instead, we classify as undefined the instances for which the learned definitions do not give a unanimous response. When learning multiple concepts, it may be the case that the descriptions learned are overlapping. We have considered this case as non-desirable: this is reasonable when learning a concept and its opposite but it may not be the case when learning more than two concepts (see [17]). As it has been pointed out by [34], in some cases it is useful to produce more than one classification for an instance: for example if a patient has two diseases, his symptoms should satisfy the descriptions of both diseases. A subject for future work will be to consider classes of paraconsistent logic programs where the overlap of definitions for p and :p (and, in general, multiple concepts) is allowed. The problems raised by negation and uncertainty in concept-learning, and Inductive Logic Programming in particular, were pointed out in some previous work (e.g., [4, 13, 10]). For concept learning, the use of the CWA for target predicates is no longer acceptable because it does not allow to distinguish between what is false and what is undefined. De Raedt and Bruynooghe [13] proposed to use a three-valued logic (later on formally defined in [10]) and an explicit definition of the negated concept in concept learning. This technique has been integrated within the CLINT system, an interactive concept-learner. In the resulting system, both a positive and a negative definition are learned for a concept (predicate) p, stating, respectively, the conditions under which p is true and those under which it is false. The definitions are learned so that they do not produce an inconsistency on the examples. Furthermore, CLINT does not produce inconsistencies also on unseen examples because of its constraint handling mechanism, since it would assert the constraint false , and take care that it is never violated. Distinctly from this system, we make sure that the two definitions do not produce inconsistency on unseen atoms by making learned rules non-deterministic. This way, we are able to learn definitions for exceptions to both concepts so that the information about contradiction is still available. Another contradistinction is that we cope with and employ simultaneously two kinds of negation, the explicit one, to state what is false, and the default (defeasible) one, to state what can be assumed false. The system LELP (Learning Extended Logic Programs) [25] learns ELPs under answer-set semantics. LELP is able to learn non-deterministic default rules with a hierarchy of exceptions. Hierarchical learning of exceptions can be easily introduced in our system (see [27]). From the viewpoint of the learning problems that the two algorithms can solve, they are equivalent when the background is a stratified extended logic program, because then our and their semantics coincide. All the examples shown in [25] are stratified and therefore they can be learned by our algorithm and, viceversa, example in section 5 can be learned by LELP. However, when the background is a non-stratified extended logic program, the adoption of a well-founded semantics gives a number of advantages with respect to the answer-set semantics. For non-stratified background theories, answer-sets semantics does not enjoy the structural property of relevance [15], like our WFSX does, and so they cannot employ any top-down proof procedure. Furthermore, answer-set semantics is not cumulative [15], i.e., if you add a lemma then the semantics can change, and thus the improvement in efficiency given by tabling cannot be obtained. Moreover, by means of WFSX, we have introduced a method to choose one concept when the other is undefined which they cannot replicate because in the answer-set semantics one has to compute eventually all answer-sets to find out if a literal is undefined. The structure of the two algorithms is similar: LELP first generates candidate rules from a concept using an ordinary ILP framework. Then exceptions are identified (as covered examples of the opposite set) and rules specialized through negation as default and abnormality literals, which are then assumed to prevent the coverage of exceptions. These assumptions can be, in their turn, generalized to generate hierarchical default rules. One difference between us and [25] is in the level of generality of the definitions we can learn. LELP learns a definition for a concept only from positive examples of that concept and therefore it can only employ a bottom-up ILP technique and learn the LGS. Instead, we can choose whether to adopt a bottom-up or a top-down algorithm, and we can learn theories of different generality for different target concepts by integrating, in a declarative way, the learned definitions into a single ELP. Another difference consists in that LELP learns a definition only for the concept that has the highest number of examples in the training set. It learns both positive and negative concepts only when the number of positive examples is close to that of negative ones (in while we always learn both concepts. Finally, many works have considered multi-strategy learners or multi-source learn- ers. A multi-strategy learner combines learning strategies to produce effective hypotheses (see [26]). A multi-source learner implements an algorithm for integrating knowledge produced by the separate learners. Multi-strategy learning has been adopted, for instance, for the improvement of classification accuracy [17], and to equip an autonomous agent with capabilities to survive in an hostile environment [11]. Our approach considers two separate concept-based learners, in order to learn a definition for a concept and its opposite. Multiple (opposite) target concepts constitute part of the learned knowledge base, and each learning element is able to adopt a bottom-up or a top-down strategy in learning rules. This can be easily generalized to learn definitions for n disjoint classes of concepts or for multiple agent learning (see our [28]). Very often, the hypothesis can be more general than what is required. The second step of our approach, devoted to the application of strategies for eliminating learned contradictions, can be seen as a multi-source learner [26] or a meta-level one [6], where the learned definitions are combined to obtain a non-contradictory extended logic program. ELPs are used to specify combinations of strategies in a declarative way, and to recover, in the the process, the consistency of the learned theory. 10. Concluding Highlights The two-valued setting that has been adopted in most work on ILP and Inductive Concept Learning in general is not sufficient in many cases where we need to represent real world data. This is for example the case of an agent that has to learn the effect of the actions it can perform on the domain by performing experiments. Such an agent needs to learn a definition for allowed actions, forbidden actions and actions with an unknown outcome, and therefore it needs to learn in a richer three-valued setting. In order to achieve that in ILP, the class of extended logic programs under the well-founded semantics with explicit negation (WFSX ) is adopted by us as the representation language. This language allows two kinds of negation, default negation plus a second form of negation called explicit, that is mustered in order to explicitly represent negative information. Adopting extended logic programs in ILP prosecutes the general trend in Machine Learning of extending the representation language in order to overcome the recognized limitations of existing systems. The programs that are learned will contain a definition for the concept and its opposite, where the opposite concept is expressed by means of explicit negation. Standard ILP techniques can be adopted to separately learn the definitions for the concept and its opposite. Depending on the adopted technique, one can learn the most general or the least general definition. The two definitions learned may overlap and the inconsistency is resolved in a different way for atoms in the training set and for unseen atoms: atoms in the training set are considered exceptions, while unseen atoms are considered unknown. The different behaviour is obtained by employing negation by default in the definitions: default abnormality literals are used in order to consider exceptions to rules, while non-deterministic rules are used in order to obtain an unknown value for unseen atoms. We have shown how the adoption of extended logic programs in ILP allows to tackle both learning in a three-valued setting and specify the combination of strategies in a declarative way, also coping with contradiction and exceptions in the process. The system LIVE (Learning in a three-Valued Environment) has been developed to implement the above mentioned techniques. In particular, the system learns a definition for both the concept and its opposite and is able to identify exceptions and treat them through default negation. The system is parametric in the procedure used for learning each definition: it can adopt either a top-down algorithm, using beam-search and a heuristic necessity stopping criterion, or a bottom-up algorithm, that exploits the GOLEM system. Notes 1. For definitions and foundations of LP, refer to [16]. For a recent state-of-the art of LP extensions for non-monotonic reasoning, refer to [2]. 2. For the most advanced, incorporating more recent theoretical developments, see the XSB system at: htpp:// 3. Notice that in the formula not lover(H; L) variable H is universally quantified, whereas L is existentially quantified. 4. By non-contradictory program we mean a program which admits at least one WFSX model. 5. The undefined predicate can be implemented through negation NOT under CWA (NOT P means that P is false whereas not means that P is false or undefined), i.e., undefined(P ) / --R Reasoning with Logic Programming "Classical" Logic programming and knowledge representation. REVISE: An extended logic programming system for revising knowledge bases. Abduction on 3 A survey on paraconsistent semantics for extended logic programs. Interactive Theory Revision: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach. Learning to survive. Towards friendly concept-learners On negation and three-valued logic in interactive concept learning Interactive concept learning and constructive induction by analogy. A classification-theory of semantics of normal logic programs: I Prolegomena to logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning Multistrategy learning: An analytical approach. Cooperation of abduction and induction in logic programming. The stable model semantics for logic programming. Logic programs with classical negation. Explicitly biased generalization. Learning active classifiers. Learning abductive and nonmonotonic logic programs. Learning extended logic programs. A framework for multistrategy learning. Learning in a three-valued setting Agents learning in a three-valued setting Strategies in combined learning via logic programs. A tool for efficient induction of recursive programs. Generalizing updates: from models to programs. Discovery classification rules using variable-valued logic system VL1 A theory and methodology of inductive learning. Inverse entailment and Progol. Machine invention of first-order predicates by inverting resolution Efficient induction of logic programs. Reducing misclassification costs. Well founded semantics for logic programs with explicit negation. A note on inductive generalization. Analysis and visualization of classifier performance: Comparison under imprecise class and cost distribution. Learning logical definitions from relations. On closed-word data bases The XSB Programmer's Manual Version 1.7. The well-founded semantics for general logic programs --TR Explicitly biased generalization Logic programs with classical negation The well-founded semantics for general logic programs Sub-unification Interactive Concept-Learning and Constructive Induction by Analogy Well founded semantics for logic programs with explicit negation C4.5: programs for machine learning SLXMYAMPERSANDmdash;a top-down derivation procedure for programs with explicit negation Interactive theory revision Strategies in Combined Learning via Logic Programs A survey of paraconsistent semantics for logic programs Reasoning with Logic Programming Inductive Logic Programming MYAMPERSANDlsquo;ClassicalMYAMPERSANDrsquo; Negation in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming Learning Logical Definitions from Relations Generalizing Updates Abduction over 3-Valued Extended Logic Programs Prolegomena to Logic Programming for Non-monotonic Reasoning --CTR Chongbing Liu , Enrico Pontelli, Nonmonotonic inductive logic programming by instance patterns, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN international symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming, July 14-16, 2007, Wroclaw, Poland Chiaki Sakama, Induction from answer sets in nonmonotonic logic programs, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), v.6 n.2, p.203-231, April 2005 Evelina Lamma , Fabrizio Riguzzi , Lus Moniz Pereira, Strategies in Combined Learning via Logic Programs, Machine Learning, v.38 n.1-2, p.63-87, Jan.&slash;Feb. 2000 Thomas Eiter , Michael Fink , Giuliana Sabbatini , Hans Tompits, Using methods of declarative logic programming for intelligent information agents, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, v.2 n.6, p.645-709, November 2002
inductive logic programming;multi-strategy learning;explicit negation;contradiction handling;non-monotonic learning
Relations Between Regularization and Diffusion Filtering.
Regularization may be regarded as diffusion filtering with an discretization where one single step is used. Thus, iterated regularization with small regularization parameters approximates a diffusion process. The goal of this paper is to analyse relations between noniterated and iterated regularization and diffusion filtering in image processing. In the linear regularization framework, we show that with iterated Tikhonov regularization noise can be better handled than with noniterated. In the nonlinear framework, two filtering strategies are considered: the total variation regularization technique and the diffusion filter technique of Perona and Malik. It is shown that the Perona-Malik equation decreases the total variation during its evolution. While noniterated and iterated total variation regularization is well-posed, one cannot expect to find a minimizing sequence which converges to a minimizer of the corresponding energy functional for the PeronaMalik filter. To overcome this shortcoming, a novel regularization technique of the PeronaMalik process is presented that allows to construct a weakly lower semi-continuous energy functional. In analogy to recently derived results for a well-posed class of regularized PeronaMalik filters, we introduce Lyapunov functionals and convergence results for regularization methods. Experiments on real-world images illustrate that iterated linear regularization performs better than noniterated, while no significant differences between noniterated and iterated total variation regularization have been observed.
Introduction Image restoration is among other topics such as optic flow, stereo, and shape-from- shading one of the classical inverse problems in image processing and computer vision [4]. The inverse problem of image restoration consists in recovering information about the original image from incomplete or degraded data. Diffusion filtering has become a popular and well-founded tool for restoration in the image processing community [25, 50], while mathematicians have unified most techniques to treat inverse problems under the theory of regularization methods [14, 19, 30, 44]. Therefore it is natural to investigate relations between both approaches, as this may lead to a deeper understanding and a synthesis of these techniques. This is the goal of the present paper. We can base our research on several previous results. In the linear setting, Torre and Poggio [45] emphasized that differentiation is ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard, and applying suitable regularization strategies approximates linear diffusion filtering or - equivalently - Gaussian convolution. Much of the linear scale-space literature is based on the regularization properties of convolutions with Gaussians. In particular, differential geometric image analysis is performed by replacing derivatives by Gaussian-smoothed derivatives; see e.g. [16, 29, 42] and the references therein. In a very nice work, Nielsen et al. [31] derived linear diffusion filtering axiomatically from Tikhonov regularization, where the stabilizer consists of a sum of squared derivatives up to infinite order. In the nonlinear diffusion framework, natural relations between biased diffusion and regularization theory exist via the Euler equation for the regularization functional. This Euler equation can be regarded as the steady-state of a suitable nonlinear diffusion process with a bias term [34, 41, 9]. The regularization parameter and the diffusion time can be identified if one regards regularization as time-discrete diffusion filtering with a single implicit time step [43, 39]. A popular specific energy functional arises from unconstrained total variation denoising [1, 8, 6]. Constrained total variation also leads to a nonlinear diffusion process with a bias term using a time-dependent Lagrange multiplier [38]. In spite of these numerous relations, several topics have not been addressed so far in the literature: ffl A comparison of the restoration properties of both approaches: Since regularization corresponds to time-discrete diffusion filtering with a single time step, it follows that iterated regularization with a small regularization parameter gives a better approximation to diffusion filtering. An investigation whether iterated regularization is better than noniterated leads therefore to a comparison between regularization and diffusion filtering. ffl Energy formulations for stabilized Perona-Malik processes: The Perona-Malik filter is the oldest nonlinear diffusion filter [36]. Its ill-posedness has triggered many researchers to introduce regularizations which have shown their use for image restoration. However, no regularization has been found which can be linked to the minimization of an appropriate energy functional. ffl Lyapunov functionals for regularization: The smoothing and information-reducing properties of diffusion filters can be described by Lyapunov functionals such as decreasing L p norms, decreasing even central moments, or increasing entropy [50]. They constitute important properties for regarding diffusion filters as scale-spaces. A corresponding scale-space interpretation of regularization methods where the regularization parameter serves as scale parameter has been missing so far. These topics will be discussed in the present paper. It is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the relations between variational formulations of diffusion processes and regularization strategies. In Section 3 we first discuss the noise propagation for noniterated and iterated Tikhonov regularization for linear problems. In the nonlinear framework, well-posedness results for total variation regularization are reviewed and it is explained why one cannot expect to establish well-posedness for the Perona-Malik filter. We will argue that, if the Perona-Malik filter admits a smooth solution, however, then it will be total variation reducing. A novel regularization will be introduced which allows to construct a corresponding energy functional. Section 4 establishes Lyapunov functionals for regularization methods which are in accordance with those for diffusion filtering. This leads to a scale-space interpretation for linear and nonlinear regularization. In Section 5 we shall present some experiments with noisy real-world images, which compare the restoration properties of noniterated and iterated regularization in the linear setting and in the nonlinear total variation framework. Moreover, the novel Perona-Malik regularization is juxtaposed to the regularization by Catt'e et al. [5]. The paper will be concluded with a summary in Section 6. Variational formulations of diffusion processes and the connection to regularization methods We consider a general diffusion process of the on\Omega \Theta (0; 1[ Here g is a smooth function satisfying certain properties which will be explained in the course of the paper;\Omega ' R d is a bounded domain with piecewise Lipschitzian boundary with unit normal vector n, and f ffi is a degraded version of the original image f := f For the numerical solution of (2.1) one can use explicit or implicit or semi-implicit difference schemes with respect to t. The implicit scheme reads as Here h ? 0 denotes the step-size in t-direction of the implicit difference scheme. In the following we assume that g is measurable on [0; 1[ and there exists a differentiable function - g on [0; 1) which satisfies - g. Then the minimizer of the functional (for given u(x; t)) Z \Omega satisfies (2.2) at time t + h. If the functional T is convex, then a minimizer of T is uniquely characterized by the solution of the equation (2.2) with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. T (u) is a typical regularization functional consisting of the approximation functional and the stabilizing functional The weight h is called regularization parameter. The case - called regularization. In the next section we summarize some results on regularization and diffusion filtering and compare the theoretical results developed in both theories. 3 A survey on diffusion filtering and regularization We have seen that each time step for the solution of the diffusion process (2.1) with an implicit, t-discrete scheme is equivalent to the calculation of the minimizer of the regularization functional (2.3). The numerical solution of the diffusion process with an implicit, t-discrete iteration scheme is therefore equivalent to iterated regularization where on has to minimize iteratively the set of functionals Z \Omega Here u n is a minimizer of the functional T . If the functionals T n are convex, then the minimizer of (3.1) denoted by u n is the approximation of the solution of the diffusion process with an implicit, t-discrete method at time t In the following we refer to iterated regularization if h That corresponds to the solution of the diffusion process with an implicit, t-discrete method using a fixed time step size If the regularization parameters h n are adaptively chosen (this corresponds to the situation that the time discretization in the diffusion process is changed adaptively), then the method is called nonstationary regularization. For some recent results on nonstationary Tikhonov regularization we refer to Hanke and Groetsch [24]; however, their results do not fit directly into the framework of this paper. They deal with regularization methods for the stable solution of operator equations where I is a linear bounded operator from a Hilbert space X into a Hilbert space Y , and they use nonstationary Tikhonov regularization for the stable solution of the operator equation (3.2). 3.1 propagation of Tikhonov regularization with linear unbounded operators In this subsection we consider the problem of computing values of an unbounded operator L. We will always denote by densely defined unbounded linear operator between two Hilbert spaces H 1 and H 2 . A typical example is The problem of computing values ill-posed in the sense that small perturbations in f 0 may lead to data f ffi satisfying but f 2 D(L), or even if f may happen that Lf ffi 6! Lf 0 as the operator L is unbounded. Morozov has studied a stable method for approximating the value Lf 0 when only approximate data f ffi is available [30]. This method takes as an approximation to the vector y ffi h minimizes the functional over D(L). The functional is strictly convex and therefore if D(L) is nonempty and convex there exists a unique minimizer of the functional T TIK (u). Thus the method is well-defined. For more background on the stable evaluation of unbounded operators we refer to [20]. Let then the sequence fu n g n-1 of minimizers of the family of optimization problems are identical to the semi-discrete approximations of the differential equation (2.1) at time This shows Methods for evaluating unbounded operators can be used for diffusion filtering and vice versa. However the motivations differ: For evaluating unbounded operators we solve the optimization and evaluate in a further step the unbounded operator. In diffusion filtering we "only" have to solve the optimization problem. In the following we compare the error propagation in Tikhonov regularization with regularization parameter h and the error propagation in iterated Tikhonov regularization of order N with regularization parameter h=N . This corresponds to making an implicit, t-discrete ansatz for a diffusion process with one step h and an implicit, t-discrete ansatz with N steps of step h=N , respectively. Tikhonov regularization with regularization parameter h reads as follows where L is the adjoint operator to L (see e.g. [47] for more details). Tikhonov regularization of order N with regularization parameter h=N reads as follows I Let L L be an unbounded operator with spectral values such that - n !1 as n !1. Then I I I I denotes the propagated error of the initial data f ffi , which remains in uN - this corresponds to the error propagation in diffusion filtering with an implicit, t-discrete method. be the spectral family according to the operator L L. Then it follows that [47] I Z 1/ Using / N!/ we get that I In noniterated Tikhonov regularization the error propagation is For large values of - (i.e., for highly oscillating noise) the term (1 in (3.7) is significantly larger than the term in (3.6). This shows that noise propagation is handled more efficiently by iterated Tikhonov regularization than by Tikhonov regularization. Above we analyzed the error of the (iterated) Tikhonov regularized solutions and not the error in evaluating L at the Tikhonov regularized solutions. We emphasize that the less noise is contained in a data set the better the operator L can be evaluated. Therefore we conclude that the operator L can be evaluated more accurately with the method of iterated Tikhonov regularization than with noniterated Tikhonov regularization. This will be confirmed by the experiments in Section 5. 3.2 Well-posedness of regularization with nonlinear unbounded operators In this subsection we discuss some theoretical results on regularization with nonlinear unbounded operators. 3.2.1 Well-posedness and convergence for total variation regularization Total variation regularization goes back to Rudin, Osher and Fatemi [38] and has been further analysed by many others, e.g. [1, 7, 6, 8, 12, 13, 27, 28, 43, 40, 46]. In the unconstrained formulation of this method the data f 0 is approximated by the minimizer of the functional over the space of all functions with finite total variation norm where TV(u) := R \Omega jruj and Z \Omega Z \Omega This expression extends the usual definition of the total variation for smooth functions to functions with jumps [22]. It is easy to see that a smooth minimizer of the functional T Acar and Vogel [1] proved the following results concerning existence of a minimizer of (3.8) and concerning stability and convergence of the minimizers: Theorem 3.1 (Existence of a minimizer) Let f minimizer u h 2 TV(\Omega\Gamma of (3.8) exists and is unique. Theorem 3.2 (Stability) Let f with respect to the L p -norm (1 - is the minimizer of (3.8) and is the minimizer of (3.8) where f ffi is replaced by f 0 . Theorem 3.3 (Convergence) Let f Then for h := h(ffi) satisfying with respect to the L p -norm (1 - It is evident that analogous results to Theorem 3.1, Theorem 3.2 and 3.3 also hold for the minimizers of the iterated total variation regularization which consists of minimizing a sequence of functionals Z \Omega denotes the minimizer of the functional This regularization technique corresponds to the implicit, t-discrete approximation of the diffusion process (2.1) with - x. 3.2.2 The Perona-Malik filter In the Perona-Malik filter [36] we have 1+s and - Perona-Malik regularization minimizes the family of functionals Z \Omega The functionals T n PM are not convex and therefore we cannot conclude that the minimizer of (3.11) (it it exists) satisfies the first order optimality conditionh with homogeneous Neumann boundary data. In the following we comment on some aspects of the Perona-Malik regularization tech- nique. For the definitions of the Sobolev spaces W l;p and the notion of weak lower semi-continuity we refer to [2]. 1. Neumann boundary conditions: Let\Omega be a domain with smooth boundary @ Using trace theorems (see e.g. [2]) it follows that the Neumann boundary data are well-defined in L 2 (@ \Omega\Gamma for any function in W 3;2(\Omega\Gamma4 Suppose we could prove that there exists a minimizer of the functional T n PM , then this minimizer must satisfy Z \Omega Elementary calculations show that any function u (3.13). Therefore we cannot deduce from (3.13) that the minimizer is in any Sobolev space W 1;p 1). Consequently, there exists no theoretical result that the Neumann boundary conditions are well-defined. 2. Existence of a minimizer of the functional T n convex, and therefore the functional T n PM (u) is not weakly lower semi-continuous on W 1;p Therefore, there exists a sequence u k 2 W 1;p (\Omega\Gamma with u k * u in W 1;p(\Omega\Gamma4 but Consequently, we cannot expect that a minimizing sequence converges (in W to a minimizer of the functional T n PM . Thus the solution of the Perona-Malik regularization technique is ill-posed on W The diffusion process associated with the Perona-Malik regularization technique is The Perona-Malik diffusion filtering technique can be split up in a natural way into a forward and a backward diffusion process: Here Both functions a and b are non-negative. In general the solution of a backward diffusion equation is severely ill-posed (see e.g. [14]). We argue below that this nonlinear backward diffusion is well-posed with respect to appropriate norms. In fact we argue that the backward diffusion equation satisfies The intuitive reason for the validity of this is the following: Let v 2 C 2(\Omega \Theta [0; T ]) then Using (3.17), (3.15), and integration by parts it follows that R R\Omega rv R\Omega r: \Deltav 2(\Omega \Theta [0; T ]) then the right hand side tends to zero as fi ! 0. These arguments indicate that Z \Omega Consequently the total variation of v(:; t) does not change in the course of the evolutionary process (3.17). Indeed, (3.15) may be regarded as a total variation preserving shock filter in the sense of Osher and Rudin [35]. The diffusion process is a forward diffusion process which decreases the total variation during the evolution. In summary we have argued that the Perona-Malik diffusion equation decreases the total variation during the evolutionary process. 3.2.3 A regularized Perona-Malik filter Although the ill-posedness of the Perona-Malik filter can be handled by applying regularizing finite difference discretizations [51], it would be desirable to have a regularization which does not depend on discretization effects. In this subsection we study a regularized Perona-Malik filter Z \Omega where L fl is linear and compact from L (\Omega ). The applications which we have in mind include the case that L fl is a convolution operator with a smooth kernel. In the following we prove that the functional T n R-PM attains a minimium: Theorem 3.4 The functional T n R-PM is weakly lower semi continuous on L . Proof: Let fu s : s 2 Ng be a sequence in L which satisfies Then fu s g has a weakly convergent subsequence (which is again denoted by fu s g) with limit u. Since L fl is compact from L (\Omega ) the sequence converges uniformly to In particular, we have Z \Omega Z \Omega Using the weak lower semi-continuity of the norm k:k L it follows that the functional R-PM is weakly lower semi-continuous. q.e.d. The minimizer of the regularized Perona-Malik functional satisfies The corresponding nonlinear diffusion process associated with this regularization technique is Regularized Perona-Malik filters have been considered in the literature before [3, 5, 32, 48, 50]. Catt'e et al. [5] for instance investigated the nonlinear diffusion process This technique (as well as other previous regularizations) does not have a corresponding formulation as an optimization problem. The differences between (3.20) and (3.21) will be explained in Section 5. 4 Lyapunov functionals for regularization methods play an important role in continuous diffusion filtering (see [49, 50]). In order to introduce Lyapunov functionals of regularization methods, we first give a survey on Lyapunov functionals in diffusion filtering. We consider the diffusion process (here and in the will be a domain with piecewise smooth boundary) on\Omega \Theta (0; T ) We assume that the following assumptions hold: (\Omega\Gamma3 with a := ess inf x2\Omega f and b := ess sup x2\Omega f . 2. L fl is a compact operator from L into C p (\Omega\Gamma for any p 2 N . 3. T ? 0: 4. For all w 2 L on\Omega , there exists a positive lower bound -(K) for g. The regularizing operator L fl may be skipped in (4.1), if one assumes that - convex from R d to R. Moreover, it is also possible to generalize (4.1) to the anisotropic case where the diffusivity g is replaced by a diffusion tensor [50]. Under the preceding assumptions it can be shown that (4.1) is well-posed (see [5, 50]): Theorem 4.1 The equation (4.1) has a unique solution u(x; t) which satisfies Moreover, (\Omega \Theta [0; T The solution fulfills the extremum principle a - u(x; on\Omega \Theta (0; T ]: For fixed t the solution depends continuously on f with respect to k:k L 2 . This diffusion process leads to the following class of Lyapunov functionals [50]: Theorem 4.2 Suppose that u is a solution of (4.1) and that assumptions 1 - 4 are satisfied. Then the following properties hold (a) (Lyapunov functionals) For all r 2 C 2 [a; b] with r 00 - 0 on [a; b], the function Z \Omega is a Lyapunov functional: 1. Z \Omega 2. Moreover, if r 00 ? 0 on [a; b], then V is a strict Lyapunov functional: 3. only if a.e. 4. If t ? 0, then V 0 only if on\Omega . 5. on\Omega and on\Omega \Theta (0; T ]. (b) (Convergence) 1. lim t!1 2. If\Omega ' R, then the convergence lim t!1 u(x; In the sequel we introduce Lyapunov functionals of regularization methods. In the beginning of this section we discuss existence and uniqueness of the minimizer of the regularization functional in H Z \Omega Lemma 4.3 Let\Omega ' R d , d - 1. Moreover, let - g satisfy: g(:) is in C 0 (K) for any compact K ' [0; 1[ is convex from R d to R : Moreover, we assume that there exists a constant c ? 0 such that Then the minimizer of (4.6) exists and is unique in H . Proof: By virtue of (4.9) it follows that Z \Omega Z \Omega Suppose now that u n is a sequence such that I(u n ) converges to the minimum of the functional I(:) in H 1 (\Omega\Gamma7 From (4.10) it follows that u n has a weakly convergent subsequence in H 1 (\Omega\Gamma3 which we also denote by u n ; the weak limit will be denoted by u . Since the functional lower semi continuous in H (see [11, 10]), and thus Z \Omega Z \Omega Thanks to the the Sobolev embedding theorem (see [2]) it follows that the functional is weakly lower semi continuous on H Consequently and thus u is a minimizer of I in H 1(\Omega\Gamma5 Suppose now that u 1 and u 2 are two minimizers of the functional I. Then, from the optimality condition it follows that (4. And thus the minimizer of I is unique. q.e.d The minimizer of (4.6) will be denoted by u h in the remaining of this paper. In the following we establish the average grey level invariance of regularization methods. Theorem 4.4 Let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) hold. Then for different values of h the minimizers of (4.6) are grey-level invariant, i.e., for h ? 0 Z \Omega Z \Omega Proof: Elementary calculations show that the minimizer of (4.6) satisfies for all v 2 Taking the second term vanishes and the assertion follows. q.e.d. In the following we establish some basic results on regularization techniques. As we will show the proofs of the following results can be carried out following the ideas of the corresponding results in the book of Morozov [30]. However Morozov's results can not be applied directly since they are only applicable in the case that - g(jxj 2 which is not sufficient for the presentation of this paper. Later these results are used to establish a family of Lyapunov functionals for regularization methods. Lemma 4.5 Let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) hold. Then for any h ? 0 and for Proof: If - g(j:j 2 ) is convex, then g(jsj 2 )s is monotone (see e.g. [11]), i.e., for all s; t 2 R d 1. First we consider the case h ? 0: from (4.13) it follows by using the notation that Thus using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the identity (4.14) it follows that which shows the continuity of u h . 2. If There exists a sequence f n 2 H Consequently for any h ? 0 it follows from the definition of a minimum of the Tikhonov-like functional it follows that Z \Omega Consequently by taking the limit h ! 0 it follows that for any n 2 N lim which shows the assertion. q.e.d. In the following we present some monotonicity results for the regularized solutions. Lemma 4.5 implies that we can set u causing any confusion. Lemma 4.6 Let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) hold. Then monotonically decreasing in h and ku monotonically increasing in h. Proof: Using the definition of the regularized solution it follows Z \Omega Z \Omega Z \Omega Z \Omega 'Z \Omega Z \Omega and therefore, for t ? 0, Z \Omega Z \Omega This shows the monotonicity of the functional Using very similar arguments it can be shown that ku (\Omega\Gamma is monotonically increasing in h. q.e.d. In the following we analyze the behaviour of the functionals Lemma 4.7 Let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) hold. Then, for h ! 1 the regularized solution converges (with respect to the L 2 -norm) to the solution of the optimization problem under the constraint Z \Omega Proof: The proof is similar to the proof in the book of Morozov [30] (p.35) and thus omitted. q.e.d. In the following lemma we establish the boundedness of the regularized solution. For the proof of this result we utilize Stampacchia's Lemma (see [23]). Lemma 4.8 Let B be an open domain, u a function in H 1 (B) and a a real number. Then u Z Z We are using this result to prove that each regularized solution lies between the minimal and maximal value of the data f . Lemma 4.9 Let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) hold. Moreover, let - g be monotone in [0; 1[: , then for any h ? 0 the regularized solution satisfies a := ess Proof: We verify that the maximum of u h is less than b. The corresponding assertion for the minimum values can be proven analogously. Let u b g, then from Lemma 4.8 and the assumption (4.15) it follows that Z \Omega Z \Omega Since it follows from the definition of a regularized solution that u h (x) - b. q.e.d. Next we establish the announced family of Lyapunov functionals. Theorem 4.10 be as in (4.16). Morover, let (4.7), (4.8), (4.9), and (4.15) be satisfied. Suppose that u h is a solution of (4.6). Then the following properties hold (a) (Lyapunov functionals for regularization methods) For all r 2 C 2 [a; b] with r 00 - 0, the function Z \Omega is a Lyapunov functional for a regularization method: Let Z \Omega Then 1. 2. Moreover, if r 00 ? 0 on [a; b], then V strict Lyapunov functional: 3. OE(u h only if u on\Omega . 4. if h ? 0, then DV only if u on\Omega . 5. V on\Omega and u \Omega \Theta (0; H]: (b) (Convergence) d=1: u h converges uniformly to Mf for h !1 d=2: lim d=3: lim Proof: (a) 1. Since r 2 C 2 [a; b] with r 00 - 0 on [a; b], we know that r is convex on [a; b]. Using the gray level invariance and Jensen's inequality it follows R\Omega r R\Omega u h (x) dx dy R\Omega u h (x) dx) dy 2. From Lemma 4.5 it follows that V 2 C[0; 1[. Setting from (4.13) and (4.8) that The right hand side is negative since r is convex. We represent in the following way \Omega R \Omega R \Omega From (4.19) and the convexity of r it follows that the last two terms in the above chain of inequalities are negative. Thus the assertion is proved. 3. Let OE(u h us now show that the estimate (4.18) implies that const on \Omega\Gamma Suppose that u h 6= c Since u h 2 H 1(\Omega\Gamma2 there exists a j\Omega Z Z This assertion follows from the Poincare inequality for functions in Sobolev spaces [15]. From the strict convexity of r it follows that r R \Omega u h dx If we utilize this result in (4.18) we observe that for h ? 0 OE(u h implies that u const on\Omega . Thanks to the average grey value invariance we finally obtain u on\Omega . We turn to the case From (1.) and (2.) it follows that If Thus we have that for all ' ? 0 . Using the continuity of u ' with respect to ' 2 [0; 1[ (cf. Lemma 4.5) the assertion follows. 4. The proof is analogous to the proof of the (iv)-assertion in Theorem 3 in [50]. 5. Suppose that V (0), then from (2.) it follows that const on [0; H] : it follows from (4.) that u Using the continuity of u h with respect to h 2 [0; 1[ (cf. Lemma 4.5) the assertion follows. The converse direction is obvious. (b) From Lemma 4.7 and assumption 4.9 it follows that Z \Omega This shows that From the Sobolev embedding theorem it follows in particular that for h !1 d=1: u h converges uniformly to Mf (note that we assumed that\Omega is bounded domain) (note that we assumed that\Omega is bounded domain). q.e.d. In Theorem 4.10 we obtained similar results as for Lyapunov functional of diffusion operators (see [50]). In (2.) of Theorem 4.10 the difference of Lyapunov functionals for diffusion processes and regularization methods becomes evident. For Lyapunov functionals in diffusion processes we have V 0 (t) - 0 and in regularization processes we have is obtained from V 0 (t) by making a time discrete ansatz at time 0. We note that this is exactly the way we compared diffusion filtering and regularization techniques in the whole paper. It is therefore natural that the role of the time derivative in diffusion filtering is replaced by the time discrete approximation around 0. Example 4.11 In this example we study different regularization techniques which have been used for denoising of images: 1. Tikhonov regularization: Here we have - g(juj 2 . In this case the assumptions (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) and (4.15) are satisfied. 2. total variation Regularization: Here we have - g(juj 2 In this case the assumption (4.9) is not satisfied. However, for the modified versions, proposed by Ito and Kunisch [27], where the functional is replaced by (4.7), (4.8), (4.9), and (4.15) are satisfied. For the functional [1, 9] the assumption (4.9) is not satisfied. For the modified version studied in [33], the assumptions (4.7), (4.8), (4.9), and (4.15) are satisfied. For the functional the assumptions (4.7), (4.8), (4.9), and (4.15) are satisfied. This method has been proposed by Geman and Yang [17] and was studied extensively by Chambolle and Lions [8] (see also [33]). 3. Convex Nonquadratic Regularizations: The functional used by Schn-orr [41] l l )c ae satisfies (4.7), (4.8), (4.9), and (4.15), whereas the Green functional [18] violates the assumption (4.9). 5 Experiments In this section we illustrate some of the previous regularization strategies by applying them to noisy real-world images. Regularization was implemented by using central finite differences. In the linear case this leads to a linear system of equations with a positive definite system matrix. It was solved iteratively by a Gau-Seidel algorithm. It is not difficult to establish error bounds for its solution, since the residue can be calculated and the condition number of the matrix may be estimated using Gerschgorin's theorem. The Gau-Seidel iterations were stopped when the relative error in the Euclidean norm was smaller than 0:0001. Discretizing stabilized total variation regularization with leads to a nonlinear system of equations. It was numerically solved for combining convergent fixed point iterations as outer iterations [13] with inner iterations using the Gau-Seidel algorithm for solving the linear system of equations. The fixed point iteration turned out to converge quite rapidly, such that not more than 20 iterations were necessary. Figure 5.1 shows three common test images and a noisy variant of each of them: an outdoor scene with a camera, a magnetic resonance (MR) image of a human head, and an indoor scene. Gaussian noise with zero mean has been added. Its variance was chosen to be a quarter, equal and four times the image variance, respectively, leading to signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios of 4, 1, and 0.25. The goal of our evaluation was to find out which regularization leads to restorations which are closest to the original images. We applied linear and total variation regularization to the three noisy test images, used 1, 4, and 16 regularization steps and varied the regularization parameter until the optimal restoration was found. The distance to the original image was computed using the Euclidean norm. The results are shown in Table 1, as well as in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3. This gives rise to the following conclusions: ffl In all cases, total variation regularization performed better than Tikhonov regular- ization. As expected, total variation regularization leads to visually sharper edges. The TV-restored images consist of piecewise almost constant patches. ffl In the linear case, iterated Tikhonov regularization produced better restorations than noniterated. Visually, noniterated regularization resulted in images with more high-frequent fluctuations. This is in complete agreement with the theoretical considerations in our paper. Improvements caused by iterating the regularization were mainly seen between 1 and 4 iterations. Increasing the iteration number to 16 did hardly lead to further improvements, in one case the results were even slightly worse. ffl It appears that the theoretical and experimental results in the linear setting do not carry over to the nonlinear case with total variation regularization: regularization was extremely robust: different iteration numbers gave similar results, and the optimal total regularization parameter did not depend much on the iteration number. Thus, in practice one should give the preference to the faster method. In our case iterated regularization was slightly more efficient, since it led to matrices with smaller condition numbers and the Gau-Seidel algorithm converged faster. Using for instance multigrid methods, which solve the linear systems with a constant effort for all condition numbers, would make noniterated total variation regularization favourable. In a final experiment we juxtapose the regularizations (3.20) and (3.21) of the Perona-Malik filter. Both processes have been implemented using an explicit finite difference scheme. The results using the MR image from Figure 5.1(c) are shown in Figure 5.4, where different values for fl, the standard deviation of the Gaussian, have been used. For small values of fl, both filters produce rather similar results, while larger values lead to a completely different behaviour. For (3.20), the regularization smoothes the diffusive flux, so that it becomes close to 0 everywhere, and the image remains unaltered. The regularization in (3.21), however, creates a diffusivity which gets closer to 1 for all image locations, so that the filter creates blurry results resembling linear diffusion filtering. 6 Summary The goal of this paper was to investigate connections between regularization theory and the framework of diffusion filtering. The regularization methods we considered were Tikhonov regularization, total variation regularization, and we focused on linear diffusion filters as well as regularizations of the nonlinear diffusion filter of Perona and Malik. We have established the following results: ffl We analyzed the restoration properties of iterated and noniterated regularization both theoretically and experimentally. While linear regularization can be improved by iteration, there is no clear evidence that this is also the case in the nonlinear setting. ffl We introduced an alternative regularization of the Perona-Malik filter. In contrast to previous regularization, it allows a formulation as a minimizer of a suitable energy functional. ffl We have established Lyapunov functionals and convergence results for regularization methods using a similar theory as for nonlinear diffusion filtering. These results can be regarded as contributions towards a deeper understanding as well as a better justification of both paradigms. It appears interesting to investigate the following topics in the future: Table 1: Best restoration results for the different methods and images. The total regularization parameter for N iterations with parameter h is denoted Nh, and the distance describes the average Euclidean distance per pixel between the restored and the original image without noise. image regularization t distance camera linear, 1 iteration 0.82 15.41 camera linear, 4 iterations 0.54 15.06 camera linear, iterations 0.48 15.02 MR linear, 1 iteration 2.05 23.09 MR linear, 4 iterations 1.16 22.62 MR linear, iterations 1.02 22.64 office linear, 1 iteration 5.7 31.76 office linear, 4 iterations 3.3 30.47 office linear, iterations 2.9 30.45 camera TV, 1 iteration 13.2 11.92 camera TV, 4 iterations 12.8 12.10 camera TV, iterations 12.4 12.19 MR TV, 4 iterations 33.5 20.52 MR TV, iterations 33 20.65 office TV, 1 iteration 102 28.66 office TV, 4 iterations 104 27.99 office TV, iterations 106 28.05 Figure 5.1: Test scene. (b) Top Right: Gaussian noise added, SNR=4. (c) Middle Left: Magnetic resonance image. (d) Middle Right: Gaussian noise added, SNR=1. (e) Bottom Left: Office scene. (f) Bottom Right: Gaussian noise added, SNR=0.25. Figure 5.2: Optimal restoration results for Tikhonov regularization. Figure 5.3: Optimal restoration results for total variation regular- Figure 5.4: Comparison of two regularizations of the Perona-Malik filter Filter (3.20), Right: Filter (3.21), 0:5. (c) Middle Left: Filter (3.20), 2. (d) Middle Right: Filter (3.21), 2. (e) Bottom Left: Filter (3.20), 8. (f) Bottom Right: Filter (3.21), ffl Regularization scale-spaces. So far, scale-space theory was mainly expressed in terms of parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations. Since scale-space methods have contributed to various interesting computer vision applications, it seems promising to investigate similar applications for regularization methods. Fully implicit methods for nonlinear diffusion filters using a single time step. This is equivalent to regularization and may be highly useful, if fast numerical techniques for solving the arising nonlinear systems of equations are applied. --R Analysis of bounded variation penalty methods for ill-posed problems Coll T. A nonlinear primal-dual method for total-variation based image restoration Total variation blind deconvolution Image recovery via total variation minimization and related problems Two deterministic half-quadratic regularization algorithms for computed imaging Weak Continuity and Weak Lower Semicontinuity of Non-Linear Functionals Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations Analysis of regularized total variation penalty methods for denoising Convergence of an iterative method for total variation denoising Regularization of Inverse Problems Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions Image Structure Nonlinear image recovery with half-quadratic regulariza- tion Bayesian reconstructions from emission tomography data using a modified EM algorithm The Theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm Equations of the First Kind Spectral methods for linear inverse problems with unbounded operators Optimal order of convergence for stable evaluation of differential operators Minimal Surfaces and Functions of Bounded Variation Elliptic partial differential equations of second order 2nd Nonstationary iterated Tikhonov regularization J. Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space An active set strategy for image restoration based on the augmented Lagrangian formulation A computational algorithm for minimizing total variation in image enhancement Methods for Solving Incorrectly Posed Problems Nonlinear image filtering with edge and corner enhancement Least squares and bounded variation regularization Scale space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion Functional Analysis Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms Stable evaluation of differential operators and linear and nonlinear milti-scale filtering Denoising with higher order derivatives of bounded variation and an application to parameter estimation Gaussian Scale-Space Theory Relation of regularization parameter and scale in total variation based image denoising Solutions of Ill-Posed Problems On edge detection Lineare Operatoren in Hilbertr-aumen Anisotropic diffusion filters for image processing based quality control A review of nonlinear diffusion filtering Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing Partielle Differentialgleichungen --TR On edge detection Direct methods in the calculus of variations Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion Feature-oriented image enhancement using shock filters Biased anisotropic diffusion Spectral methods for linear inverse problems with unbounded operators Nonlinear Image Filtering with Edge and Corner Enhancement Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms A degenerate pseudoparabolic regularization of a nonlinear forward-backward heat equation arising in the theory of heat and mass exchange in stably stratified turbulent shear flow Variational methods in image segmentation Convergence of an Iterative Method for Total Variation Denoising Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge Detection Filters Denoising with higher order derivatives of bounded variation and an application to parameter estimation Nonstationary iterated Tikhonov regularization Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision Gaussian Scale-Space Theory A Review of Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering Scale-Space Properties of Regularization Methods --CTR Markus Grasmair, The Equivalence of the Taut String Algorithm and BV-Regularization, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.27 n.1, p.59-66, January 2007 Walter Hinterberger , Michael Hintermller , Karl Kunisch , Markus Von Oehsen , Otmar Scherzer, Tube Methods for BV Regularization, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.19 n.3, p.219-235, November
regularization;image restoration;total variation denoising;diffusion filtering;inverse problems
The Topological Structure of Scale-Space Images.
We investigate the deep structure of a scale-space image. The emphasis is on topology, i.e. we concentrate on critical pointspoints with vanishing gradientand top-pointscritical points with degenerate Hessianand monitor their displacements, respectively generic morsifications in scale-space. Relevant parts of catastrophe theory in the context of the scale-space paradigm are briefly reviewed, and subsequently rewritten into coordinate independent form. This enables one to implement topological descriptors using a conveniently defined coordinate system.
Introduction 1.1 Historical Background A fairly well understood way to endow an image with a topology is to embed it into a one-parameter family of images known as a "scale-space image". The parameter encodes "scale" or "resolution" (coarse/fine scale means low/high resolution, respectively). Among the simplest is the linear or Gaussian scale-space model. Proposed by Iijima [13] in the context of pattern recognition it went largely unnoticed for a couple of decades, at least outside the Japanese scientific community. Another early Japanese contribution is due to Otsu [32]. The Japanese accounts are quite elegant and can still be regarded up-to-date in their way of motivating Gaussian scale-space; for a translation, the reader is referred to Weickert, Ishikawa, and Imiya [41]. The earliest accounts in the English literature are due to Witkin [42] and Koenderink [18]. Koenderink's account is particularly instructive for the fact that the argumentation is based on a precise notion of causality (in the resolution domain), which allows one to interpret the process of blurring as a well-defined generalisation principle akin to similar ones used in cartography, and also for the fact that it pertains to topological structure. 1.2 Scale and Topology The quintessence is that scale provides topology. In fact, by virtue of the scale degree of freedom one obtains a hierarchy of topologies enabling transitions between coarse and fine scale descriptions. This is often exploited in coarse-to-fine algorithms for detecting and localising relevant features (edges, corners, segments, etc. The core problem-the embodiment of a decent topology-had already been addressed by the mathematical community well before practical considerations in signal and image analysis boosted the development of scale-space theory. Of particular interest is the theory of tempered distributions formulated by Laurent Schwartz in the early fifties [34]. Indeed, the mere postulate of positivity imposed on the admissible test functions proposed by Schwartz, together with a consistency requirement 1 suffices to 1 The consistency requirement, the details of which are stated elsewhere [5, 6], imposes a convolution-algebraic structure on admissible filter classes in the linear case at hand. Both Schwartz' ``smooth functions of rapid decay'' as well as Koenderink's Gaussian family are admissible. The autoconvolution algebra generated by the normalised zeroth order Gaussian scale-space filter is unique in Schwartz space given the constraint of positivity. single out Gaussian scale-space theory from the theory of Schwartz. Moreover, straightforward application of distribution theory readily produces the complete Gaussian family of derivative filters as proposed by Koenderink in the framework of front-end visual processing [24]. For details on Schwartz' theory and its connection to scale-space theory cf. the monograph by Florack [6]. In view of ample literature on the subject we will henceforth assume familiarity with the basics of Gaussian scale-space theory [6, 12, 29, 35]. 1.3 Deep Structure In their original accounts both Koenderink as well as Witkin proposed to investigate the "deep structure" of an image, i.e. structure at all levels of resolution simultaneously. Today, the handling of deep structure is still an outstanding problem in applications of scale-space theory. Nevertheless, many heuristic approaches have been developed for specific purposes that do appear promising. These typically utilise some form of scale selection and/or linking scheme, cf. Bergholm's edge focusing scheme [2], Linde- berg's feature detection method [29, 30], the scale optimisation criterion used by Niessen et al. [31] and Florack et al. [9] for motion extraction, Vincken's hyperstack segmentation algorithm [40], etc. Encouraged by the results in specific image analysis applications an increasing interest has recently emerged trying to establish a generic underpinning of deep structure. Results from this could serve as a common basis for a diversity of multiresolution schemes. Such bottom-up approaches invariably rely on catastrophe theory. 1.4 Catastrophe Theory An early systematic account of catastrophe theory is due to Thom [37, 38], although the interested reader will probably prefer Poston and Stewart's [33] or Arnold's account [1] instead. Koenderink has pointed out that a scale-space image defines a versal family, to which Thom's classification theorem can be applied [10, 33, 37, 38]. "Versal" means that almost all members are generic (i.e. "typical" in a precise sense). However, although this is something one could reasonably expect, it is not self- evident. On the one hand, the situation is simplified by virtue of the existence of only one control parameter: isotropic inner scale. On the other hand, there is a complication, viz. the fact that scale-space is constrained by a p.d.e. 2 : the isotropic diffusion equation. The control parameter at hand is special in the sense that it is in fact the evolution parameter of this p.d.e. Catastrophe theory in the context of the scale-space paradigm is now fairly well-established. It has been studied, among others, by Damon [4]-probably the most comprehensive account on the subject-as well as by Griffin [11], Johansen [14, 15, 16], Lindeberg [27, 28, 29], and Koenderink [19, 20, 21, 22, 25]. An algorithmic approach has been described by Tingleff [39]. Closely related to the present article is the work by Kalitzin [17], who pursues a nonperturbative topological approach. Canonical versus Covariant Formalism The purpose of the present article is twofold: (i) to collect relevant results from the literature on catastrophe theory, and (ii) to express these in terms of user-defined coordinates. More specifically we derive covariant expressions for the tangents to the critical curves in scale-space, both through Morse as well as non-Morse critical points (or top-points 3 ), establish a covariant interpolation scheme for the locations 3 The term "top-point" is somewhat misleading; we will use it to denote any point in scale-space where critical points merge or separate. of the latter in scale-space, and compute the curvature of the critical curves at the top-points, again in covariant form. The requirement of covariance is a novel and important aspect not covered in the literature. It entails that one abstains-from the outset-from any definite choice of coordinates. The reason for this is that in practice one is not given the special, so-called "canonical coordinates" in terms of which catastrophe theory is invariably formulated in the literature. Canonical coordinates are chosen to look nice on paper, and as such greatly contribute to our understanding, but in the absence of an operational definition they are of little practical use. A covariant formalism-by definition-allows us to use whatever coordinate convention whatsoever. All computations can be carried out in a global, user-defined coordinate system, say a Cartesian coordinate system aligned with the grid of the digital image. Theory Theory is presented as follows. First we outline the general plan of catastrophe theory (Section 2.1), and then consider it in the context of scale-space theory (Section 2.2). An in-depth analysis is presented in subsequent sections in canonical (Section 2.3), respectively arbitrary coordinate systems (Section 2.4). The first three sections mainly serve as a review of known facts scattered in the literature, and more or less suffice if the sole purpose is to gain insight in deep structure. The remainder covers novel aspects that are useful for exploiting this insight in practice, i.e. for coding deep structure given an input image. 2.1 The Gist of Catastrophe Theory A critical point of a function is a point at which the gradient vanishes. Typically this occurs at isolated points where the Hessian has nonzero eigenvalues. The Morse Lemma states that the qualitative properties of a function at these so-called Morse critical points are essentially determined by the quadratic part of the Taylor series (the Morse canonical form). However, in many practical situations one encounters families of functions that depend on control parameters. An example of a control parameter is scale in a scale-space image. Catastrophe theory is the study of how the critical points change as the control parameters change. While varying a control parameter in a continuous fashion, a Morse critical point will move along a critical curve. At isolated points on such a curve one of the eigenvalues of the Hessian may become zero, so that the Morse critical point turns into a non-Morse critical point. Having several control parameters to play with one can get into a situation in which ' eigenvalues of the Hessian vanish simul- taneously, leaving them nonzero. The Thom Splitting Lemma simplifies things: It states that, in order to study the degeneracies, one can simply discard the variables corresponding to the regular (n \Gamma ') \Theta (n \Gamma ')-submatrix of the Hessian, and thus study only the ' "bad" ones [37, 38]. That is, one can split up the function into a Morse and a non-Morse part, and study the canonical forms of each in isolation, because the same splitting result holds in a full neighbourhood of a non-Morse func- tion. Again, the Morse part can be canonically described in terms of the quadratic part of the Taylor series. The non-Morse part can also be put into canonical form, called the catastrophe germ, which is a polynomial of order 3 or higher. The Morse part does not change qualitatively after a small perturbation. Critical points may move and corresponding function values may change, but nothing will happen to their type: if i eigenvalues of the Hessian are negative prior to perturbation (a "Morse i-saddle"), then this will still be the case afterwards. Thus-from a topological point of view-there is no need to scrutinise the perturbations. The non-Morse part, on the other hand, does change qualitatively upon perturbation. In general, the non-Morse critical point of the catastrophe germ will split into a number of Morse critical points. A +scale space Figure 1: The generic catastrophes in isotropic scale-space. Left: annihilation of a pair of Morse critical points. Right: creation of a pair of Morse critical points. In both cases the points involved have opposite Hessian signature. In 1D, positive signature signifies a minimum, while a negative one indicates a maximum; creation is prohibited by the diffusion equation. In multidimensional spaces creations do occur generically, but are typically not as frequent as annihilations. This state of events is called morsification. The Morse saddle types of the isolated Morse critical points involved in this process are characteristic for the catastrophe. Thom's Theorem provides an exhaustive list of "elementary catastrophes" canonical formulas for the catastrophe germs as well as for the perturbations needed to describe their morsification [37, 38]. 2.2 Catastrophe Theory and the Scale-Space Paradigm One should not carelessly transfer Thom's results to scale-space, since there is a nontrivial constraint to be satisfied: Any scale-space image, together with all admissible perturbations, must satisfy the isotropic diffusion equation. Damon has shown how to extend the theory in this case in a systematic way [4]. That Damon's account is somewhat complex is mainly due to his aim for completeness and rigour. If we restrict our attention to generic situations only, and consider only "typical" input images that are not subject to special conditions such as symmetries, things are actually fairly simple. The only generic morsifications in scale-space are creations and annihilations of pairs of Morse hypersaddles of opposite Hessian signature Fig. 1 (for a proof, see Damon [4]). Everything else can be expressed as a compound of isolated events of either of these two types (although one may not always be able to segregate the elementary events due to numerical limitations). In order to facilitate the description of topological events, Damon's account, following the usual line of approach in the literature, relies on a slick choice of coordinates. However, these so-called "canonical coordinates" are inconvenient in practice, unless one provides an operational scheme relating them to user-defined coordinates. Mathematical accounts fail to be operational in the sense that-in typical cases-canonical coordinates are at best proven to exist. Their mathematical construction often relies on manipulations of the physically void trailing terms of a Taylor series expansion, in other words, on derivatives up to infinite order, and consequently lacks an operational counterpart. Even if one were in the possession of an algorithm one should realize that canonical coordinates are in fact local coordinates. Each potential catastrophe in scale-space would thus require an independent construction of a canonical frame. The line of approach that exploits suitably chosen coordinates is known as the canonical formalism. It provides the most parsimonious way to approach topology if neither metrical relations nor numerical computations are of interest. Thus its role is primarily to understand topology. In the next section we give a self-contained summary of the canonical formalism for the generic cases of interest. "Hessian signature" means "sign of the Hessian determinant evaluated at the location of the critical point". 2.3 Canonical Formalism The two critical points involved in a creation or annihilation event always have opposite Hessian signature (this will be seen below), so that this signature may serve to define a conserved "topological charge" intrinsic to these critical points. It is clear (by definition!) that the charge of Morse-critical points can never change, as this would require a zero-crossing of the Hessian determinant, violating the Morse criterion that all Hessian eigenvalues should be nonzero. Thus the interesting events are the interactions of charges within a neighbourhood of a non-Morse critical point. Morse-critical point is assigned a topological charge corresponding to the sign of the Hessian determinant evaluated at that point. A regular point has zero topological charge. The topological charge of a non-Morse critical point equals the sum of charges of all Morse-critical points involved in the morsification. In anticipation of the canonical coordinate convention, in which the first variable is identified to be the "bad" one, and in which also a second somewhat special direction shows up, it is useful to introduce the following notation. Notation 1 We henceforth adhere to the following coordinate conventions: Instead of x 1 and x 2 we shall write x and y, respectively. This notation will allow us to account for signals and images of different dimensions (typically within a single theoretical framework. Using Notation 1 we define the catastrophe germs together with their perturbations The quadric Q(y; t) is defined as follows: in which each ffl k is either +1 or \Gamma1. Note that germs as well as perturbations satisfy the diffusion equation @t In the canonical formalism it is conjectured that, given a generic event in scale-space, one can always set up coordinates in such a way that qualitative behaviour is summarised by one of the two "canonical given above. Note that, even though it does describe the effect of a general perturbation in a full scale-space neighbourhood of the catastrophe, the quadric actually does not depend on x. At the location of the catastrophe exactly one Hessian eigenvalue vanishes. The forms f A (x; t) and f C (x; t) correspond to an annihilation and a creation event at the origin, respectively (v.i. The latter requires creations will not be observed in 1D signals. Both events are referred to as "fold catastrophes". The diffusion equation imposes a constraint that manifests itself in the asymmetry of these two canonical forms. In fact, whereas the annihilation event is relatively straightforward, a subtlety can be observed in the creation event, viz. the fact that the possibility for creations to occur requires space to be at least two-dimensional 5 . The asymmetry of the two generic events reflects the one-way nature of blurring; topology tends to simplify as scale increases, albeit not monotonically. 2.3.1 The A-Germ Morsification of the A-germ of Definition 2 entails an annihilation of two critical points of opposite charge as resolution is diminished. (Morsification of the A-Germ) Recall Definition 2. For t ! 0 we have two Morse-critical points carrying opposite charge, for t ? 0 there are none. At the two critical points collide and annihilate. The critical curves are parametrised as follows: \Gamma2t; Fig. 2. It follows from the parametrisation that the critical points collide with infinite opposite velocities before they disappear. Thus one must be cautious and take the parametrisation into account if one aims to link corresponding critical points near annihilation. Annihilations of the kind described by Result 1 are truly "one-dimensional" events. At the origin both branches of critical curves are tangential to the (x; t)-plane, and in fact approach eachother from opposite spatial directions tangential to canonical case-perpendicular to the Hessian zero-crossing 6 . In numerical computations one must account for the fact that near annihilation corresponding critical points are separated by a distance of the order O( \Deltat) if \Deltat is the "time 7 -to- collision". For 1D signals this summarises the analysis of generic events in scale-space. For images there are other possibilities, which are studied below. In 2D images the present case describes the annihilation of a minimum or maximum with a saddle. Minima cannot annihilate maxima, nor can saddles annihilate In 3D images one has two distinct types of hypersaddles, one with a positive and one with a negative topological charge. Also minima and maxima have opposite charges in this case, and so there are various possibilities for annihilation all consistent with charge conservation. However, charge conservation is only a constraint and does not permit one to conclude that all events consistent with it will actually occur. In fact, by continuity and genericity one easily appreciates that a Morse i-saddle can only interact with a (i \Gamma 1)-saddle because one and only one Hessian eigenvalue is likely to change sign when traversing the top-point (i.e. the degenerate critical point) along the critical path. Genericity implies that sufficiently small perturbations will not affect the annihilation event qualitatively. It may undergo a small dislocation in scale-space, but it is bound to occur. 5 The germ f C seems to capture another catastrophe happening at a somewhat coarser scale some distance away from the origin, yet invariably coupled to the creation event. However, it should be stressed that canonical forms like these are not intended to describe events away from the origin. Indeed, the associated "scatter" event turns out to be highly nongeneric, and is therefore of little practical interest. 6 "Hessian zero-crossing" is shorthand for "zero-crossing of the Hessian determinant". 7 "Time" in the sense of the evolution parameter of Eq. (1). Figure 2: In 2D, positive Hessian determinant signifies an extremum, while a negative one indicates a saddle. The morsification is visualised here for the annihilation event (Result 1), showing five typical, fixed-scale local pictures at different points on or near the critical curve. 2.3.2 The C-Germ Morsification of the C-germ of Definition 2 entails a creation of two critical points of opposite charge as resolution is diminished. (For a while there has been some confusion about this in the literature; creation events were-falsely-believed to violate the causality principle that is the core of scale-space theory [18].) The event of interest here is the one occurring in the immediate vicinity of the origin. (Morsification of the C-Germ) Recall Definition 2. For t ! 0 there are no Morse-critical points in the immediate neighbourhood of the origin. At critical points of opposite charge emerge producing two critical curves for t ? 0. The critical curves are parametrised as follows: Again charges are conserved, and again the emerging critical points escape their point of creation with infinite opposite velocities. Genericity implies that creations will persist despite perturbations, and will suffer at most a small displacement in scale-space. 2.3.3 The Canonical Formalism: Summary To summarize, creation and annihilation events together complete the list of possible generic catastro- phes. The canonical formalism enables a fairly simple description of what can happen topologically. However, canonical coordinates do not coincide with user-defined coordinates, and cease to be useful if one aims to compute metrical properties of critical curves. This limitation led us to develop the covariant formalism, which is presented in the next section. 2.4 Covariant Formalism In practice the separation into "bad" and "nice" coordinate directions is not given. The actual realization of canonical coordinates varies from point to point, a fact that might lead one to believe that it requires an expensive procedure to handle catastrophes in scale-space. However, the covariant formalism declines from the explicit construction of canonical coordinates altogether. It allows us (i) to carry out computations in any user-defined, global coordinate system, requiring only a few image convolutions per level of scale, and (ii) to compute metrical properties of topological events (angles, directions, velocities, accelerations, etc. The covariant formalism relies on tensor calculus. The only tensors we shall need are (i) metric tensor - and its dual g - (the components of which equal the Kronecker symbol in a Cartesian frame, and its dual " - 1 :::- n in n dimensional space, and (iii) covariant image derivatives (equal to partial derivatives in a Cartesian frame). In a Cartesian frame the Levi-Civita tensor is defined as the completely antisymmetric tensor with " this any other nontrivial component follows from permuting indices and toggling signs. Actually, we will only encounter products containing an even number of Levi-Civita tensors, which can always be rewritten in terms of metric tensors only (see e.g. Florack et al. [7] for details). Wherever possible we will use matrix notation to alleviate theoretical difficulties so that familiarity with the tensor formalism is not necessary. Derivatives are computed by linear filtering: Z Here, (z) is the k-th order transposed covariant derivative of the normalised Gaussian OE(z) with respect to z - tuned to the location and scale of interest (these parameters have been left out for notational simplicity), and f(z) represents the raw image. In particular, the components of the image gradient and Hessian are denoted by L - and L - , respectively. Instead of "covariant derivative" one can read "partial derivative" as long as one sticks to Cartesian frames or rectilinear coordinates. (This is all we need below.) Distributional differentiation according to Eq. (2) is well-posed because it is actually integration. Well-posedness admits discretisation and quantisation of Eq. (2), and guarantees that other sources of small scale noise are not fatal. Of course the filters need to be realistic; for scale-space filters this means that one keeps their scales confined to a physically meaningful interval, and that one keeps their differential order below an appropriate upper bound [3]. Equally important is the observation that Eq. (2) makes differentiation operationally well-defined. One can actually extract derivatives from an image in the first place, because things are arranged in such a way that, unlike with "classical" differentiation and corresponding numerical differencing schemes, differentiation precedes discrete sampling. In practice one will almost always calculate derivatives at all points in the image domain; in that case Eq. (2) is replaced by a convolution of f and OE - 1 :::- k (the minus sign is then implicit). The ensemble of image derivatives up to k-th order provides a model of local image structure in a full scale-space neighbourhood, known as the local jet of order k [8, 10, 23, 24, 26, 33]. Here it suffices to consider structure up to fourth order at the voxel 8 of interest (summation convention applies): 8 The term "voxel" refers to a "pixel" in arbitrary dimensions. The constraints for a non-Morse critical point are r det rr T (4) which become generic in (n 1)-dimensional scale-space. For a Morse critical point one simply omits the determinant constraint, leaving n equations in n unknowns (and 1 scale parameter). Let us investigate the system of Eqs. (3-4) in the immediate vicinity of a critical point of interest. Assume that (x; labels a fiducial grid point near the desired zero-crossing, which has been designated as the base point for the numerical coefficients of Eq. (3). Both gradient as well as Hessian determinant at the corresponding (or any neighbouring) voxel will be small, though odds are that they are not exactly zero. Then we know that Eq. (4) will be solved for (x; t) - (0; 0), and we may use perturbation theory for interpolation to establish a lowest order sub-voxel solution. The details are as follows. Introduce a formal parameter " - 0 corresponding to the order of magnitude of the left hand sides of Eq. (4) at the fiducial origin. Substitute (x; (4) and collect terms of order O(") (the terms of order zero vanish by construction). Absorbing the formal parameter back into the scaled quantities the result is the following linear system: e in which the e L - are the components of the transposed cofactor matrix obtained from the Hessian Appendix A), and kL - k denotes the Hessian determinant 9 . The determinant constraint (last identity) follows from a basic result in perturbation theory for matrices: In Eq. (5) both the coefficients on the left hand side as well as the data on the right hand side can be obtained by staightforward linear filtering of the raw image as defined by Eq. (2), so that we indeed have an operationally defined interpolation scheme for locating critical points within the scale-space continuum. It is important to note that the system of Eq. (5) holds in any coordinate system (manifest covariance). We will exploit this property in our algorithmic approach later on. Our next goal is to invert the system of Eq. (5) while maintaining manifest covariance. This obviates the need for numerical inversions or the construction of canonical frames. Such methods would have to be applied to each and every candidate voxel in scale-space, while neither would give us much insight in local critical curve geometry. The inversion differs qualitatively for Morse and non-Morse critical points and so we consider the two cases separately. It is convenient to rewrite Eq. (5) in matrix form with the help of the definitions z - e e 9 This abuse of notation-there are actually no free indices in kL-k-is common in classical tensor calculus. Note that so that we may conclude that all relevant information is contained in first order spatial and scale derivatives of the image's gradient and Hessian determinant. With this notation (n coefficient matrix of Eq. (5) becomes z T c For Morse critical points at fixed resolution the relevant subsystem in the hyperplane but in fact we obtain a linear approximation of the critical curve through the Morse critical point of interest if we allow scale to vary: This can be easily generalised to any desired order. For top-points we must consider the full system x det H 2.4.1 Morse Critical Points From Eq. (18) it follows that at level the tangent to the critical path in scale-space is given by x x 0# c in which the sub-voxel location of the Morse critical point is given by and its instantaneous scale-space velocity-i.e. the displacement in scale-space per unit of t-by v# \GammaH inv w# Note that the path followed by Morse critical points is always transversal to the hyperplane is why we can set the scale component equal to unity. In other words, such critical points can never vanish "just like that"; they necessarily have to change identity into a non-Morse variety. According to Eq. (22), spatial velocity v becomes infinite as the point moves towards a degeneracy (odds are that w remains nonzero). If we do not identify "time" with scale, but instead reparametrise scale-space velocity-now defined as the displacement per unit of -becomes Hw det H With this refinement of the scale parameter the singularity is approached "horizontally" from a spatial direction perpendicular to the null-space of the Hessian (note, e.g. by diagonalising the Hessian, that e becomes singular, yet remains finite when eigenvalues of H degenerate). The trajectory of the critical point continues smoothly through the top-point, where its "temporal sense" is reversed. This picture of the generic catastrophe captures the fact that there are always pairs of critical points of opposite Hessian signature that "belong together", either because they share a common fate (annihilation) or because they have a common cause (creation). The two members of such a pair could therefore be seen as manifestations of a single "topological particle" if one allows for a non-causal interpretation, in much the same way as one can interpret positrons as instances of electrons upon time-reversal. The analogy with particle physics can be pursued further, as Kalitzin points out, by modeling catastrophes in scale-space as interactions conserving a topological charge [17]. Indeed, charges are operationally well-defined conserved quantities that add up under point interactions at non-Morse critical points, irrespective their degree of degeneracy. This interpretation has the advantage that one can measure charges from spatial surface integrals around the point of interest (by using Stokes' theorem), thus obtaining a "summary" of qualitative image structure in the interior irrespective of whether the enclosed critical points are generic or not. So far, however, Kalitzin's approach has not been refined to the sub-voxel domain, and does not give us a local parametrisation of the critical curve. The perturbative approach can be extended to higher orders without essential difficulties, yielding a local parametrisation of the critical path of corresponding order. It remains a notorious problem to find the optimal order in numerical sense, because it is clear that although the addition of yet another order will reduce the formal truncation error due to the smaller Taylor tail discarded, it will at the same time increment the amount of intrinsic noise due to the computation of higher order derivatives. It is beyond the scope of this paper to deal with this issue in detail; a point of departure may be Blom's study of noise propagation under simultaneous differentiation and blurring [3]. We restrict our attention to lowest nontrivial order. For Morse critical points this is apparently third order, for top-points this will be seen to require fourth order derivatives. If one knows the location of the top-point one can find a similar critical curve parametrisation in terms of the parameter - , starting out from this top-point instead of a Morse critical point. In that case we first have to solve the top-point localisation problem. It is clearly of interest to know the parametrisation at the top-point, since this will enable us to identify the two corresponding branches of the Morse critical curves that are glued together precisely at this point. Our next objective will be to find the location of the top-point with sub-voxel precision, as well as geometric properties of the critical curve passing through. 2.4.2 Top-Points The reason why we must be cautious near top-points is that Eq. (21) breaks down at degeneracies of the Hessian, and is therefore likely to produce unreliable results as soon as we come too close to such a point. A differential invariant [7] that could be used to trigger an alarm 10 is t - oe 4n det 2 H for any - ? 0 (exponents have been chosen as such for reasons of homogeneity); in the case t - top-point. "Hot-spots" in scale-space thus correspond to regions where t - (x; t) becomes smaller than some suitably chosen small parameter times its average value over the scale-space domain (say). In those regions we must study the full system of Eq. (19), including the degeneracy constraint. The additional scale degree of freedom obviously becomes essential, because top-points will typically be located in-between two precomputed levels of scale. Recall Eq. (16). Let us rewrite the corresponding cofactor matrix, the Cartesian coefficients of zero-crossings method for g and det H is, however, the preferred choice, as it preserves connectivity. which are defined by (cf. Appendix f into a similar block form: f z T c By substitution one may verify that the defining equation f I (n+1)\Theta(n+1) is satisfied iff the coefficients are defined as follows: Note that Hw, and Recalling Eq. (23) one observes that (w; c) = (v det M =n! or, in coordinate-free notation, det Hwz T ). At the location of a critical point this is proportional to the scale-space scalar product of the critical point's scale-space velocity and the scale-space normal of the Hessian zero-crossing (recall Eqs. (14-15) and Eq. (23) and the remark above): det (Transversality Hessian Zero-Crossing/Critical Curve) At a top-point the critical path intersects the Hessian zero-crossing transversally. This readily follows by inspection of the tangent hyperplane to the Hessian zero-crossing, z and the critical curve's tangent vector, Eq. (23). The cosine of the angle of intersection follows from Eq. (31), which is nonzero in the generic case; genericity implies transversality. With the established results it is now possible to invert the linear system of Eq. (19); just note that f so that " x Hg +wc z The expression is valid in any coordinate system as required. Note that the sign of det M subdivides the image domain into regions to which all generic catastrophes are confined. In fact, the following lemma holds. (Segregation of Creations and Annihilations) det M ! 0 at annihilations, det M ? 0 at creations. One way to see this is to note that it holds for the canonical forms f A (x; t) and f C (x; t) of Definition 2. If we now transform these under an arbitrary coordinate transformation that leaves the diffusion equation invariant, it is easily verified that the sign of det M is preserved. An alternative proof based on geometric reasoning is given below. First consider an annihilation event, and recall Eq. (14), and the geometric interpretation of Eqs. (27) and (29) as the scale-space velocity given by Eq. (23). As the topological particle with positive charge (i.e. the Morse-critical point with det H ? moves towards the catastrophe (to- wards increasing scale), the magnitude of det H must necessarily decrease. By the same token, as the anti-particle moves away from the catastrophe (towards decreasing scale), the magnitude of det H must decrease as well. But recall that at the catastrophe det just the directional derivative of det H in the direction of motion as indicated. Therefore det M ! 0. Next consider a creation event. The positive particle now escapes the singularity in the positive scale direction, whereas the negative particle approaches it in the negative scale direction, so that along the prescribed path det H must necessarily increase. In other words, det M ? 0 at the catastrophe. This completes the proof. The lemma is a special case of the following, more general result, which gives us the curvature of the critical path at the catastrophe. (Curvature of Critical Path at the Catastrophe) At the location of a generic catastrophe the critical path satisfies z T x The curvature of the critical path at the catastrophe is given by (w T r) 2 t catastrophe = det M. Consider the local 2-jet expansion at the location of a generic catastrophe: r (2) det rr T (2) in which L From this it follows that along the critical path through the catastrophe Contraction with z - e noting that e at the catastrophe, and using Eq. (27), yields z z T x Note that the first order directional derivative w T at the catastrophe, so that first order terms disappear. Also recall that z T det M at such a point, so that the first result follows. Straightforward differentiation produces the curvature expression. 2.4.3 Explicit Results from the Covariant Formalism Having established covariant expressions we have drawn several geometric conclusions that do not follow from the canonical formalism. Here we give a few more examples, using explicit Cartesian coordinates. Example 1 (Tangent Vector to Critical Curve) At any point on the critical curve-including the top- point-the scale-space tangent vector is proportional to that given by Eq. (23). In 2D Cartesian coordinates we have 2 x y c 07 5 =6 4 Example 2 In 2D the tangent plane to the Hessian zero-crossing in scale-space is given by the following equation in any Cartesian coordinate system: Example 3 (Segregation of Creations and Annihilations) In a full scale-space neighbourhood of an annihilation (creation) the following differential invariant always has a negative (positive) value: det \GammafL xx [L xxy \GammaL xy ([L xxx The expressions are a bit complicated, but nevertheless follow straightforwardly from their condensed covariant counterparts, which at the same time illustrates the power of the covariant formalism. 3 Conclusion and Discussion We have described the deep structure of a scale-space image in terms of an operational scheme to characterise, detect and localise critical points in scale-space. The characterisation pertains to local geometrical properties of the scale-traces of individual critical points (locations, angles, directions, velocities, accelerations), as well as to topological ones. The latter fall into two categories, local and bilocal properties. The characteristic local property of a critical point is determined by its Hessian signature (Morse i-saddle or top-point), which in turn defines its topological charge. The fact that pairs of critical points of opposite charge can be created or annihilated as resolution decreases determines bilocal connections; such pairs of critical points can be labelled according to their common fate or cause, i.e. they can be linked to their corresponding catastrophe (annihilation, respectively creation). This possibility to establish links is probably the most important topological feature provided by the Gaussian scale-space paradigm. Conceptually a scale-space representation is a continuous model imposed on a discrete set of pixel data. The events of topological interest in this scale-space representation are clearly the top-points, and the question presents itself whether these discrete events in turn suffice to define a complete and robust discrete representation of the continuous scale-space image (possibly up to a trivial invariance). In the 1D case it has been proven to be possible to reconstruct the initial image data from its scale-space top- points, at least in principle [16], but the problem of robustness and the extension to higher dimensions is still unsolved. The solution to this problem affects multiresolution schemes for applications beyond image segmentation, such as registration, coding, compression, etc. Acknowledgement James Damon of the University of North Carolina is gratefully acknowledged for his clarifications. A Determinants and Cofactor Matrices Definition 3 (Transposed Cofactor Matrix) Let A be a square n \Theta n matrix with components a - . Then we define the transposed cofactor matrix e A as follows. In order to obtain the matrix entry e a - skip the -th column and -th row of A, evaluate the determinant of the resulting submatrix, and multiply by (\Gamma1) - ("checkerboard pattern"). Or, using tensor notation, e By construction we have A e I. Note that if the components of A are indexed by lower indices, then by convention one uses upper indices for those of e A (vice versa). Furthermore, it is important for subsequent considerations to observe that the transposed cofactor matrix is always well- defined, and that its components are homogeneous polynomial combinations of those of the original matrix of degree n \Gamma 1. In the nonsingular case one has e equals inverse matrix times determinant. See e.g. Strang [36]. Note that for diagonal matrices determinants and transposed cofactor matrices are straightforwardly computed. --R Catastrophe Theory. Edge focusing. Local Morse theory for solutions to the heat equation and Gaussian blurring. Image Structure The intrinsic structure of optic flow incorporating measurement duality. Catastrophe Theory for Scientists and Engineers. Superficial and deep structure in linear diffusion scale space: Isophotes Basic theory on normalization of a pattern (in case of typical one-dimensional pattern) On the classification of toppoints in scale space. Local analysis of image scale space. Representing signals by their top points in scale-space The structure of images. The structure of the visual field. A hitherto unnoticed singularity of scale-space Solid Shape. Dynamic shape. Representation of local geometry in the visual system. Receptive field families. The structure of two-dimensional scalar fields with applications to vision Operational significance of receptive field assemblies. On the behaviour in scale-space of local extrema and blobs Feature detection with automatic scale selection. Mathematical Studies on Feature Extraction in Pattern Recognition. Catastrophe Theory and its Applications. Gaussian Scale-Space Theory Linear Algebra and its Applications. Structural Stability and Morphogenesis (translated by D. Mathematical software for computation of toppoints. Probabilistic multiscale image segmentation. On the history of Gaussian scale-space axiomatics --TR Dynamic shape Representation of local geometry in the visual system Edge Focusing A Hitherto Unnoticed Singularity of Scale-Space Solid shape The Gaussian scale-space paradigm and the multiscale local jet A multiscale approach to image sequence analysis Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation The Intrinsic Structure of Optic Flow Incorporating Measurement Duality Topological Numbers and Singularities in Scalar Images Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection Edge Detection and Ridge Detection with Automatic Scale Selection Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision Gaussian Scale-Space Theory Linear Scale-Space has First been Proposed in Japan Calculations on Critical Points under Gaussian Blurring --CTR Tomoya Sakai , Atsushi Imiya, Gradient Structure of Image in Scale Space, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.28 n.3, p.243-257, July 2007 Ahmed Rebai , Alexis Joly , Nozha Boujemaa, Constant tangential angle elected interest points, Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval, October 26-27, 2006, Santa Barbara, California, USA Bart Janssen , Frans Kanters , Remco Duits , Luc Florack , Bart Ter Romeny, A Linear Image Reconstruction Framework Based on Sobolev Type Inner Products, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.70 n.3, p.231-240, December 2006 Arjan Kuijper , Luc M. J. Florack , Max A. Viergever, Scale Space Hierarchy, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.18 n.2, p.169-189, March Michael Felsberg , Remco Duits , Luc Florack, The Monogenic Scale Space on a Rectangular Domain and its Features, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.64 n.2-3, p.187-201, September 2005 Arjan Kuijper, Using Catastrophe Theory to Derive Trees from Images, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.23 n.3, p.219-238, November 2005 Yotam I. Gingold , Denis Zorin, Controlled-topology filtering, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling, June 06-08, 2006, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom Arjan Kuijper , Luc M. J. Florack, The Relevance of Non-Generic Events in Scale Space Models, International Journal of Computer Vision, v.57 n.1, p.67-84, April 2004 M. Felsberg , G. Sommer, The Monogenic Scale-Space: A Unifying Approach to Phase-Based Image Processing in Scale-Space, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.21 n.1, p.5-26, July 2004 Yotam I. Gingold , Denis Zorin, Controlled-topology filtering, Computer-Aided Design, v.39 n.8, p.676-684, August, 2007 Alfons H. Salden , Bart M. Ter Haar Romeny , Max A. Viergever, A Dynamic ScaleSpace Paradigm, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.15 n.3, p.127-168, November 2001
image topology;catastrophe theory;critical points;scale-space;deep structure
Timing Analysis for Data and Wrap-Around Fill Caches.
The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, an automatic tool-based approach is described to bound worst-case data cache performance. The approach works on fully optimized code, performs the analysis over the entire control flow of a program, detects and exploits both spatial and temporal locality within data references, and produces results typically within a few seconds. Results obtained by running the system on representative programs are presented and indicate that timing analysis of data cache behavior usually results in significantly tighter worst-case performance predictions. Second, a method to deal with realistic cache filling approaches, namely wrap-around-filling for cache misses, is presented as an extension to pipeline analysis. Results indicate that worst-case timing predictions become significantly tighter when wrap-around-fill analysis is performed. Overall, the contribution of this paper is a comprehensive report on methods and results of worst-case timing analysis for data caches and wrap-around caches. The approach taken is unique and provides a considerable step toward realistic worst-case execution time prediction of contemporary architectures and its use in schedulability analysis for hard real-time systems.
Introduction Real-time systems rely on the assumption that the worst-case execution time (WCET) of hard real-time tasks be known to ensure that deadlines of tasks can be met - otherwise the safety of the controlled system is jeopardized [18, 3]. Static Compiler Information Control Flow Configurations I/D-Cache Interface User Analyzer Timing Timing Predictions Addr Info and Relative Data Decls Virtual Address Information Cache Simulator Categorizations I/D-Caching User Timing Requests Address Calculator Source Files Dependent Machine Information Figure 1. Framework for Timing Predictions analysis of program segments corresponding to tasks provides an analytical approach to determine the WCET for contemporary architectures. The complexity of modern processors requires a tool-based approach since ad hoc testing methods may not exhibit the worst-case behavior of a program. This paper presents a system of tools that perform timing prediction by statically analyzing optimized code without requiring interaction from the user. The work presented here addresses the bounding of WCET for data caches and wrap-around-fill mechanisms for handling cache misses. Thus, it presents an approach to include common features of contemporary architectures for static prediction of WCET. Overall, this work fills another gap between realistic WCET prediction of contemporary architectures and its use in schedulability analysis for hard real-time systems. The framework of WCET prediction uses a set of tools as depicted in Figure 1. The vpo optimizing compiler [4] has been modified to emit control-flow information, data information, and the calling structure of functions in addition to regular object code generation. A static cache simulator uses the control-flow information and calling structure in conjunction with the cache configuration to produce instruction and data categorizations, which describe the caching behavior of each instruction and data reference, respectively. The timing analyzer uses these categorizations and the control-flow information to perform path analysis of the program. This analysis includes the evaluation of architectural characteristics such as pipelining and wrap-around-filling for cache misses. The description of the caching behavior supplied by the static cache simulator is used by the timing analyzer to predict the temporal effect of cache hits and misses overlapped with the temporal behavior of pipelining. The timing analyzer produces WCET predictions for user selected segments of the program or the entire program. 2. Related Work In the past few years, research in the area of predicting the WCET of programs has intensified. Conventional methods for static analysis have been extended from unoptimized programs on simple CISC processors [23, 20, 9, 22] to optimized programs on pipelined RISC processors [30, 17, 11], and from uncached architectures to instruction caches [2, 15, 13] and data caches [24, 14, 16]. While there has been some related work in analyzing data caching, there has been no previous work on wrap-around-fill caches in the context of WCET prediction, to our knowledge. Rawat [24] used a graph coloring technique to bound data caching performance. However, only the live ranges of local scalar variables within a single function were analyzed, which are fairly uncommon references since most local scalar variables are allocated to registers by optimizing compilers. Kim et al. [14] have recently published work about bounding data cache performance for calculated references, which are caused by load and store instructions referencing addressing that can change dynamically. Their technique uses a version of the pigeonhole principle. For each loop they determine the maximum number of references from each dynamic load/store instruction. They also determine the maximum number of distinct locations in memory referenced by these instructions. The difference between these two values is the number of data cache hits for the loop given that there are no conflicting references. This technique efficiently detects temporal locality within loops when all of the data references within a loop fit into cache and the size of each data reference is the same size as a cache line. Their technique at this time does not detect any spatial locality (i.e. when the line size is greater than the size of each data reference and the elements are accessed contiguously) and detects no temporal locality across different loop nests. Fur- thermore, their approach does not currently deal with compiler optimizations that alter the correspondence of assembly instructions to source code. Such compiler optimizations can make calculating ranges of relative addresses significantly more challenging. et al. [16] have described a framework to integrate data caching into their integer linear programming (ILP) approach to timing prediction. Their implementation performs data-flow analysis to find conflicting blocks. However, their linear constraints describing the range of addresses of each data reference currently have to be calculated by hand. They also require a separate constraint for every element of a calculated reference causing scalability problems for large arrays. No WCET results on data caches are reported. However, their ILP approach does facilitate integrating additional user-provided constraints into the analysis. 3. Data Caches Obtaining tight WCETs in the presence of data caches is quite challenging. Unlike instruction caching, addresses of data references can change during the execution of a program. A reference to an item within an activation record could have different addresses depending on the sequence of calls associated with the invocation of the function. Some data references, such as indexing into an array, are dynamically calculated and can vary each time the data reference occurs. Pointer variables in languages like C may be assigned addresses of different variables or an address that is dynamically calculated from the heap. Initially, it may appear that obtaining a reasonable bound on worst-case data cache performance is simply not feasible. However, this problem is far from hope- less, since the addresses for many data references can be statically calculated. Static or global scalar data references do retain the same addresses throughout the execution of a program. Run-time stack scalar data references can often be statically determined as a set of addresses depending upon the sequence of calls associated with an invocation of a function. The pattern of addresses associated with many calculated references, e.g. array indexing, can often be resolved statically. The prediction of the WCET for programs with data caches is achieved by automatically analyzing the range of addresses of data references, deriving relative and then virtual addresses from these ranges, and categorizing data references according to their cache behavior. The data cache behavior is then integrated with the pipeline analysis to yield worst-case execution time predictions of program segments 3.1. Calculation of Relative Addresses The vpo compiler [4] attempts to calculate relative addresses for each data reference associated with load and store instructions after compiler optimizations have been performed (see Figure 1). Compiler optimizations can move instructions between basic blocks and outside of loops so that expansion of registers used in address calculations becomes more difficult. The analysis described here is similar to the data dependence analysis that is performed by vectorizing and parallelizing compilers [5, 6, 7, 21, 28, 29]. However, data dependence analysis is typically performed on a high-level representation. Our analysis had to be performed on a low-level representation after code generation and all optimizations had been applied. The calculation of relative addresses involves the following steps. 1. The compiler determines for each loop the set of its induction variables, their initial values and strides, and the loop-invariant registers. 1 2. Expansion of actual parameter information is performed in order to be able to resolve any possible address parameters later. 3. Expansion of addresses used in loads and stores is performed. Expansion is accomplished by examining each preceding instruction represented as a register transfer list (RTL) and replacing registers used as source values in the address with the source of the RTL setting that register. Induction variables associated with a loop are not expanded. Loop invariant values are expanded by proceeding to the end of the preheader block of that loop. Expansion of the addresses of scalar references to the run-time stack (e.g. local variables) is trivial. Expansion of references to static data (e.g. global variables) often requires expanding loop-invariant registers since these addresses are constructed with instructions that may be moved out of a loop. Expansion of calculated address references (e.g. array indexing) requires knowledge of loop induction variables. This approach to expanding addresses provides the ability to handle non-standard induction variables. We are not limited to simple induction variables in simple for loops that are updated only at the head of the loop. Consider the C source code, RTLs and SPARC assembly instructions in Figure 2 for a simple Initialize function. The code in Initialize goes through elements 1 to 51 in both array A and array B and initializes them to random integers. Note that although delay slots are actually filled by the compiler, they have not been filled when compiling the code for most of the figures in this paper, in order to simplify the examples for the reader. 2 7. add %l2,%lo(_A),%i3 8. add %l4,%lo(_B),%i4 9. add %i4,204,%i0 r[14]=SV[r[14]+-96]; # 1. save %sp,(-96),%sp 2. sethi %hi(_B),%l4 5. sethi %hi(10200),%i2 st st %o0,[%l4] store of A[i][j] store of B[i][j] int B[MAX][MAX]; int A[MAX][MAX]; #define MAX 50 { int i, j; for (i=1; i<MAX; i++) for (j=1; j<MAX; j++) { L37 Figure 2. Example C Function, RTLs, and SPARC Assembly for Function Initialize The first memory address, r[20] (instruction 22), is for the store of A[i][j]. The second memory address, r[20] (instruction 23), is for the store of B[i][j]. Register r[20] is the induction register for the inner loop (instructions 19- 27) and thus cannot be expanded. It has an initial value, a stride, and a maximum and minimum number of iterations associated with it, these having been computed and stored earlier in the compilation process. 3 The initial value for r[20] consists of the first element accessed (base address of B plus 4) plus the offset that comes from computing the row location, that of the induction variable for the outer loop, r[25]. The stride is 4 and the minimum and maximum number of iterations are the same, 50. Once the initial value, stride, and number of iterations are available, there is enough information to compute the sequence of addresses that will be accessed by the store of B[i][j]. Knowing that both references have the same stride, the compiler used index reduction to avoid having to use another induction register for the address computation for A[i][j], since it shares the same loop control variables as that for B. The memory address r[20] + r[21] for A[i][j] includes the address for B (r[20]) plus the difference between the two arrays (r[21]). This can be seen from the following sequence of expansions and simplifications. Remember that register r[20] cannot be immediately expanded since it is an induction register for the inner loop, so the expansion continues with register r[21] as follows. Note that register r[25] will not be expanded either since it is the induction variable for the outer loop (instructions 13-31). 1. load at 22 2. r[20]+(r[21]-r[22]) # from 17 3. r[20]+(r[21]-(r[25]+r[28])) # from 4. r[20]+(r[25]+r[27]-(r[25]+r[28])) # from 15 5. r[20]+(r[25]+r[27]-(r[25]+r[20]+LO[ B])) # from 8 6. r[20]+(r[25]+(r[18]+LO[ A])-(r[25]+r[20]+LO[ B])) # from 7 7. r[20]+(r[25]+(HI[ A]+LO[ A])-(r[25]+r[20]+LO[ B])) # from 3 8. r[20]+(r[25]+(HI[ A]+LO[ A])-(r[25]+HI[ B]+LO[ B])) # from 2 The effect of this expansion is simplified in the following steps. 9. r[20]+(r[25]+( A)-(r[25]+ B)) # eliminate HI and LO 10. r[20]+(r[25]+ A-(r[25]+ B)) # remove unnecessary ()'s 11. remove ()'s and distribute +'s and -'s 12. remove negating terms Thus, we are left with the induction register r[20] plus the difference between the two arrays. The simplified address expression string is then written to a file containing data declarations and relative address information. When the address calculator attempts to resolve this string to an actual virtual address, it will use the initial value of r[20], which is r[25]+ B+4, and the B's will cancel out (r[25]+ B+4+ A- B A). Note this gives the initial address of the row in the A array. The range of relative addresses for this example can be depicted algorithmically as shown in Figure 3. For more details on statically determining address information from fully optimized code see [26]. for for address-A r[25]r[20] - Figure 3. Algorithmic Range of Relative Addresses for the Load in Figure 2 startup code program code segment static data run-time program stack initial stack Figure 4. Virtual Address Space (SunOS) 3.2. Calculation of Virtual Addresses Calculating addresses that are relative to the beginning of a global variable or an activation record is accomplished within the compiler since much of the data flow information required for this analysis is also used during compiler optimizations. However, calculating virtual addresses cannot be done in the compiler since the analysis of the call graph and data declarations across multiple files is required. Thus, an address calculator (see Figure 1) uses the relative address information in conjunction with control-flow information to obtain virtual addresses. Figure 4 shows the general organization of the virtual address space of a process executing under SunOS. There is some startup code preceding the instructions associated with the compiled program. Following the program code segment is the static data, which is aligned on a page boundary. The run-time stack starts at high addresses and grows toward low addresses. Part of the memory between the run-time stack and the static data is the heap, which is not depicted in the figure since addresses in the heap could not be calculated statically by our environment. Static data consists of global variables, static variables, and non-scalar constants (e.g. strings and floating-point constants). In general, the Unix linker (ld) places the static data in the same order that the declarations appeared within the assembly files. Also, static data within one file will precede static data in another file specified later in the list of files to be linked. (There are some exceptions to these rules depending upon how such data is statically initialized.) In addition, padding between variables sometimes occurs. For instance, variables declared as int and double on a SPARC are aligned on word and double-word boundaries, respectively. In addition, the first static or global variable declared in each of the source files comprising the program is aligned on a double-word boundary. Run-time stack data includes temporaries and local variables not allocated to registers. Some examples of temporaries include parameters beyond the sixth word passed to a function and memory used to move values between integer and floating-point registers since such movement cannot be accomplished directly on a SPARC. The address of the activation record for a function can vary depending upon the actual sequence of calls associated with its activation. The virtual address of an activation record containing a local variable is determined as the sum of the sizes of the activation records associated with the sequence of calls along with the initial run-time stack address. The address calculator (along with the static simulator and timing analyzer) distinguishes between different function instances and evaluates each instance separately. Once the static data names and activation records of functions are associated with virtual addresses, the relative address ranges can be converted into virtual address ranges. Only virtual addresses have been calculated so far. There is no guarantee that a virtual address will be the same as the actual physical address, which is used to access cache memory on most machines. In this paper we assume that the system page size is an integer multiple of the data cache size, which is often the case. For instance, the MicroSPARC I has a 4KB page size and a 2KB data cache. Thus, both a virtual and corresponding physical address would have the same relative offset within a page and would map to the same line within the data cache. 3.3. Static Simulation to Produce Data Reference Categorizations The method of static cache simulation is used to statically categorize the caching behavior of each data reference in a program for a specified cache configuration (see Figure 1). A program control-flow graph is constructed that includes the control flow within each function, and a function instance graph which uniquely identifies each function instance by the sequence of call sites required for its invocation. This program control-flow graph is analyzed to determine the possible data lines that can be in the data cache at the entry and exit of each basic block within the program [19]. The iterative algorithm used for static instruction cache simulation [2, 19] is not sufficient for static data cache simulation. The problem is that the calculated references can access a range of possible addresses. At the point that the data access occurs, the data lines associated with these addresses may or may not be brought in cache, depending upon how many iterations of the loop have been performed at that point. To deal with this problem a new state was created to indicate whether or not a particular data line could potentially be in the data cache due to WHILE any change DO FOR each basic block instance B DO input lines input FOR each immed pred P of B DO input state(B) += output state(P) calc input state(B) += output state(P) IF P is in another loop THEN input state(B) += calc output state(P) data lines(remaining in that loop) output FOR each data reference D in B DO IF D is scalar reference THEN output state(B) += data line(D) output state(B) -= data lines(D conflicts with) calc output state(B) += data line(D) calc output state(B) -= data lines(conflicts with) output state(B) -= data lines(D could conflict with) calc output state(B) += data lines(D could access) calc output state(B) -= data lines(D could conflict with) Figure 5. Algorithm to Calculate Data Cache States calculated references. When an immediate predecessor block is in a different loop (the transition from the predecessor block to the current block exits a loop), the data lines associated with calculated references in that loop that are guaranteed to still be in cache are unioned into the input cache state of that block. The iterative algorithm in Figure 5 is used to calculate the input and output cache states for each basic block in the program control flow. Once these cache state vectors have been produced, they are used to determine whether or not each of the memory references within the bounded virtual address range associated with a data reference will be in cache. The static cache simulator needs to produce a categorization of each data reference in the program. The four worst-case categories of caching behavior used in the past for static instruction cache simulation [2] were as follows. (1) Always Miss (m): The reference is not guaranteed to be in cache. (2) Always Hit (h): The reference is guaranteed to always be in cache. (3) First Miss (fm): The reference is not guaranteed to be in cache the first time it is accessed each time the loop is entered, but is guaranteed thereafter. (4) First Hit (fh): The reference is guaranteed to be in cache the first time it is accessed each time the loop is entered, but is not guaranteed thereafter. These categorizations are still used for scalar data references. int a[100][100]; int a[100][100]; row order sum */ main() - /* column order sum */ int i, j, for sum += a[i][j]; sum += a[i][j]; row (a) Detecting Spatial Locality int i, j, for sum += a[i]; /* a[i] is ref 1 */ for if (a[i] == b[j]) /* a[i] is ref 2 and b[i] is ref 3 */ ref 1: c 13 from [m h m h h h m h h h m h h h . m h h h] 2: h from [h h . h h] due to temporal locality across loops. ref 3: c 13 13 from [m h h m h h h . m h] on first execution of inner loop, and [h h h h . h] on all successive executions of it. (b) Detecting Temporal Locality across and within Loops Figure 6. Examples for Spatial and Temporal Locality To obtain the most accuracy, a worst-case categorization of a calculated data reference for each iteration of a loop could be determined. For example, some categorizations for a data reference in a loop with 20 iterations might be as follows: With such detailed information the timing analyzer could then accurately determine the worst-case path on each iteration of the loop. However, consider a loop with 100,000 iterations. Such an approach would be very inefficient in space (stor- ing all of the categorizations) and time (analyzing each loop iteration separately). The authors decided to use a new categorization called Calculated (c) that would also indicate the maximum number of data cache misses that could occur at each loop level in which the data reference is nested. The previous data reference categorization string would be represented as follows (since there is only one loop level The order of access and the cache state vectors are used to detect cache hits within calculated references due to spatial locality. Consider the two code segments in Figure 6(a) that sum the elements of a two dimensional array. The two code segments are equivalent, except that the left code segment accesses the array in row order and the right code segment uses column order (i.e., the for statements are reversed). Assume that the scalar variables (i, j, sum, and same) are allocated to registers. Also, assume the size of the direct-mapped data cache is 256 bytes with lines containing 16 bytes each. Thus, a single row of the array a requiring 400 bytes cannot fit into cache. The static cache simulator was able to detect that the load of the array element in the left code segment had at most one miss for each of the array elements that are part of the same data line. This was accomplished by inspecting the order in which the array was accessed and detecting that no conflicting lines were accessed in these loops. The categorizations for the load data reference in the two segments are given in the same figure. Note in this case that the array happens to be aligned on a line boundary. The specification of a single categorization for a calculated reference is accomplished in two steps for each loop level after the cache states are calculated. First, the number of references (iterations) performed in the loop is retrieved. Next, the maximum number of misses that could occur for this reference in the loop is determined. For instance, at most 25 misses will occur in the innermost loop for the left code segment. The static cache simulator determined that all of the loads for the right code segment would result in cache misses. Its data caching behavior can simply be viewed as an always miss. Thus, the range of 10,000 different addresses referenced by the load are collapsed into a single categorization of c 25 2500 (calculated reference with 25 misses at the innermost level and 2500 misses at the outer level) for the left code segment and an m (always miss) for the right code segment. Likewise, cache hits from calculated references due to temporal locality both across and within loops are also detected. Consider the code segment in Figure 6(b). Assume a cache configuration with lines (512 byte cache) so that both arrays a and b requiring 400 bytes total (200 each) fit into cache. Also assume the scalar variables are allocated to registers. The accesses to the elements of array a after the first loop were categorized as an h (always hit) by the static simulator since all of the data lines associated with array a will be in the cache state once the first loop is exited. This shows the detection of temporal locality across loops. After the first complete execution of the inner loop, all the elements of b will be in cache, so then all references to it on the remaining executions of the inner loop are also categorized as hits. Thus, the categorization of c 13 13 is given. Relative to the innermost loop, 13 misses are due to bringing b into cache during the first complete execution of the inner loop. There are also only 13 misses relative to the outermost loop since b will be completely in cache on each iteration after the first. Thus, temporal locality is also detected within loops. The current implementation of the static data cache simulator (and timing an- alyzer) imposes some restrictions. First, only direct-mapped data caches are supported. Obtaining categorizations for set-associative data caches can be accomplished in a manner similar to that described in other work on instruction caches [27]. Second, recursive calls are not allowed since it would complicate the generation of unique function instances. Third, indirect calls are not allowed since an explicit call graph must be generated statically. 3.4. Timing Analysis The timing analyzer (see Figure 1) utilizes pipeline path analysis to estimate the WCET of a sequence of instructions representing paths through loops or functions. Pipeline information about each instruction type is obtained from the machine-dependent data file. Information about the specific instructions in a path is obtained from the control-flow information files. As each instruction is added separately to the pipeline state information, the timing analyzer uses the data caching categorizations to determine whether the MEM (data memory access) stage should be treated as a cache hit or a miss. The worst-case loop analysis algorithm was modified to appropriately handle calculated data reference categorizations. The timing analyzer will conservatively assume that each of the misses for the current loop level of a calculated reference has to occur before any of its hits at that level. In addition, the timing analyzer is unable to assume that the penalty for these misses will overlap with other long running instructions since the analyzer may not evaluate these misses in the exact iterations in which they occur. Thus, each calculated reference miss is always viewed as a hit within the pipeline path analysis and the maximum number of cycles associated with a data cache miss penalty is added to the total time of the path. This strategy permits an efficient loop analysis algorithm with some potentially small overestimations when a data cache miss penalty could be overlapped with other stalls. The worst-case loop analysis algorithm is given in Figure 7. The additions to the previously published algorithm [11] to handle calculated references are shown in boldface. Let n be the maximum number of iterations associated with a given loop. The WHILE loop terminates when the number of processed iterations reaches n no more first misses, first hits, or calculated references are encountered as misses, hits, and misses, respectively. This WHILE loop will iterate no more than the minimum of (n - 1) or (p + r) times, where p is the number of paths and r is the number of calculated reference load instructions in the loop. The algorithm selects the longest path for each loop iteration [11, 10]. In order to demonstrate the correctness of the algorithm, one must show that no other path for a given iteration of the loop will produce a longer time than that calculated by the algorithm. Since the pipeline effects of each of the paths are unioned, it only remains to be shown that the caching effects are treated properly. All categorizations are treated identically on repeated references, except for first misses, first hits, and calculated references. Assuming that the data references have been categorized correctly for each loop and the pipeline analysis was correct, it remains to be shown that first misses, first hits, and calculated references are interpreted appropriately for each loop iteration. A correctness argument about the interpretation of first hits and first misses is given in [2]. total pipeline first misses encountered = first hits encountered = NULL. Find the longest continue path. first misses encountered += first misses that were misses in this path. first hits encountered += first hits that were hits in this path. IF first miss or first hit encountered in this path THEN curr iter += 1. Subtract 1 from the remaining misses of each calculated reference in this path. Concatenate pipeline info with the union of the info for all paths. total cycles += additional cycles required by union. ELSE IF a calculated reference was encountered in this path as a miss THEN the minimum of the number of remaining misses of each calculated reference in this path that is nonzero. curr iter += min misses. Subtract min misses from the remaining misses of each calc ref in this path Concatenate pipeline info with the union of info for all paths min misses times. total cycles += min misses * (additional cycles required by union). break. Concatenate pipeline info with the union of pipeline info for all paths (n - 1 - curr iter) times. total cycles += (n - 1 - curr iter) * (additional cycles required by union). FOR each set of exit paths that have a transition to a unique exit block DO Find the longest exit path in the set. first misses encountered += first misses that were misses in this path. first hits encountered += first hits that were hits in this path. Concatenate pipeline info with the union of the info for all exit paths in the set. total cycles += additional cycles required by exit union. Store this information with the exit block for the loop. Figure 7. Worst-Case Loop Analysis Algorithm The WHILE loop will subtract one from each calculated reference miss count for the current loop in the longest path chosen on each iteration whenever there are first misses or first hits encountered as misses or hits, respectively. Once no such first misses and first hits are encountered in the longest path, the same path will remain the longest path as long as its set of calculated references that were encountered as misses continue to be encountered as misses since the caching behavior of all of the references will be treated the same. Thus, the pipeline effects of this longest path are efficiently replicated for the number of iterations associated with the minimum number of remaining misses of the calculated references that are nonzero within the longest path. After the WHILE loop, all of the first misses, first hits, and calculated references in the longest path will be encountered as hits, misses, and hits, respectively. The unioned pipeline effects after the WHILE loop will not change since the caching behavior of the references will be treated the same. Thus, the pipeline effects of this path are efficiently replicated for all but one of the remaining iterations. The last iteration of the loop is treated separately since the longest exit path may be shorter than the longest continue path. A correctness argument about the interpretation of calculated references needs to show that the calculated references are treated as misses the appropriate number of times. The algorithm treats a calculated reference as a miss until its specified number of calculated misses for the loop is exhausted. The IF-THEN portion of the WHILE loop subtracts one from each calculated reference miss count since only a single iteration is analyzed and each calculated reference can only miss once in a given loop iteration. The ELSE-IF-THEN portion of the WHILE loop subtracts the minimum of the misses remaining in any calculated reference for that path and the number of iterations remaining in the loop. The number of iterations analyzed is again the same as the number of misses subtracted for each calculated reference. Since the misses for the calculated references are evaluated before the hits, the interpretation of calculated references will not underestimate the actual number of calculated misses given that the data references have been categorized correctly. An example is given in Figure 8 to illustrate the algorithm. The if statement condition was contrived to force the worst-case paths to be taken when executed. Assume a data cache line size of 8 bytes and enough lines to hold all three arrays in cache. The figure also shows the iterations when each element of each of the three arrays will be referenced and whether or not each of these references will be a hit or a miss. Two different paths can be taken through the loop on each iteration as shown in the integer pipeline diagram of Figure 8. Note that the pipeline diagrams reflect that the loads of the array elements were found in cache. The miss penalty from calculated reference misses is simply added to the total cycles of the path and is not directly reflected in the pipeline information since these misses may not occur in the same exact iterations as assumed by the timing analyzer. Table 1 shows the steps the timing analyzer uses from the algorithm given in Figure 7 to estimate the WCET for the loop in the example shown in Figure 8. The longest path detected in the first step is Path A, which contains references to k[i] and c[i]. The pipeline time required 20 cycles and the misses for the two calculated references (k[i] and c[i]) required cycles. Note that each miss penalty was assumed to require 9 cycles. Since there were no first misses, the timing analyzer determines that the minimum number of remaining misses from the two calculated references is 13. Thus, the path is replicated an additional 12 times. The overlap between iterations is determined to be 4 cycles. Note that 4 is not subtracted from the first iteration since any overlap for it would be calculated when determining the worst-case execution time of the path through the main function. The total time for the first 13 iterations will be 446. The longest path detected in step 2 is also Path A. But this time all references to c[i] are hits. There are 37 remaining misses to k[i]. The total time for iterations 14 through 50 is 925 cycles. The longest path detected in step 3 is Path B, which has 25 remaining misses to s[i]. This results in 550 additional cycles for iterations 51 through 75. After step 3 the worst-case loop analysis has exited the WHILE loop in the algorithm. Step for { char c[100]; short s[100]; int k[100]; int i, sum; sum += k[i]+c[i]; else sum += s[i]; Path B: Blocks 2, 4, & 5 Path A: Blocks 2,3, & 5 Paths in the loop: load of s[i] load of c[i] load of k[i] ld [%l0],%o1 Instructions 1 through 11 Instructions 12 through 15 Block 4 Instructions 23 through 28 Instructions 29 through Block 5 Block 6 data line 0 data line 1 data line 2 data line 3 data line 50 data line 51 data line 76 data line 77 k: missmiss hit miss miss hit miss miss result: accessed: iteration elements: array data lines: s: c: k[i]: c 50 from [m h m h . m h s[i]: c 25 from [m h h h m h h h . m h h h] c 13 from [m h h h h h 26 28 26 28 26 28 26 28 ID IF cycle stage121213141515 22 2223 2323 28 28 26 28 Pipeline Diagram for Path B: Instructions 12-15 and 21-28 (blocks 2,4,5) ID IF cycle 19 232324252526272828 Pipeline Diagram for Path A: Instructions 12-20 and 23-28 (blocks 2,3,5) Figure 8. Example to Illustrate Worst-Case Loop Analysis Algorithm 4 calculates 384 cycles for the next 24 iterations (76-99). Step 5 calculates the last iteration to require 16 cycles. The timing analyzer calculates the last iteration separately since the longest exit path may be shorter than other paths in the loop. The total number of cycles calculated by the timing analyzer for this example was identical to the number obtained by execution simulation. A timing analysis tree is constructed to predict the worst-case performance. Each node of the tree represents either a loop or a function in the function instance graph, where each function instance is uniquely identified by the sequence of calls resulting in its invocation. The nodes representing the outer level of function instances are treated as loops that will iterate only once. The worst-case time for a node is not calculated until the time for all of its immediate child nodes are known. For Table 1. Timing Analysis Steps for the loop in Figure 8 start longest total step iter path cycles min misses iters additional cycles cycles instance, consider the example shown in Figure 8 and Table 1. The timing analyzer would calculate the worst-case time for the loop and use this information to next calculate the time for the path in main that contains the loop (block 1, loop, block 6). The construction and processing of the timing analysis tree occurs in a similar manner as described in [2, 11]. 3.5. Results Measurements were obtained on code generated for the SPARC architecture by the vpo optimizing compiler [4]. The machine-dependent information contained the pipeline characteristics of the MicroSPARC I processor [25]. A direct-mapped data cache containing 16 lines of 32 bytes for a total of 512 bytes was used. The MicroSPARC I uses write-through/no-allocate data caching [25]. While the static simulator was able to categorize store data references, these categorizations were ignored by the timing analyzer since stores always accessed memory and a hit or miss associated with a store data reference had the same effect on performance. Instruction fetches were assumed to be all hits in order to isolate the effects of data caching from instruction caching. Table 2 shows the test programs used to assess the timing analyzer's effectiveness of bounding worst-case data cache performance. Note that these programs were restricted to specific classes of data references that did not include any dynamic allocation from the heap. Two versions were used for each of the last five test programs. The a version had the same size arrays that were used in previous studies [2, 11]. The b version of each program used smaller arrays that would totally fit into a 512 byte cache. The number of bytes reported in the table is the total number of bytes of the variables in the program. Note that some of these bytes will be in the static data area while others will be in the run-time stack. The amount of data is not changed for the program Des since its encryption algorithm is based on using large static arrays with preinitialized values. Table 3 depicts the dynamic results from executing the test programs. The hit ratios were obtained from the data cache execution simulation. Only Sort had very high data cache hit ratios due to many repeated references to the same array elements. The observed cycles were obtained using an execution simulator, modified from [8], to simulate data cache and pipeline affects and count the number of cycles. The estimated cycles were obtained from the timing analyzer discussed in Table 2. Test Programs for Data Caching Name Bytes Description or Emphasis Des 1346 Encrypts and Decrypts 64 bits Matcnta 40060 Count and Sum Values in a 100x100 Int Matrix Matcntb 460 Count and Sum Values in a 10x10 Int Matrix Matmula 30044 Multiply 2 50x50 Matrices into a 50x50 Int Matrix Matmulb 344 Multiply 2 5x5 Matrices into a 5x5 Int Matrix Matsuma 40044 Sum Values in a 100x100 Int Matrix Matsumb 444 Sum Values in a 10x10 Int Matrix Sorta 2044 Bubblesort of 500 Int Array 444 Bubblesort of 100 Integer Array Section 3.4. The estimated ratio is the quotient of these two values. The naive ratio was calculated by assuming all data cache references to be misses and dividing those cycles by the observed cycles. The timing analyzer was able to tightly predict the worst-case number of cycles required for pipelining and data caching for most of the test programs. In fact, for five of them, the prediction was exact or over by less that one-tenth of one percent. The inner loop in the function within Sort that sorted the values had a varying number of iterations that depends upon a counter of an outer loop. The number of iterations performed was overrepresented on average by about a factor of two for this inner loop. The strategy of treating a calculated reference miss as a hit in the pipeline and adding the maximum number of cycles associated with the miss penalty to the total time of the path caused overestimations with the Statsa and Statsb programs, which were the only floating-point intensive programs in the test set. Often delays due to long-running floating-point operations could have been overlapped with data cache miss penalty cycles. Matmula had an overestimation Table 3. Dynamic Results for Data Caching Hit Observed Estimated Est/Obs Naive Name Ratio Cycles Cycles Ratio Ratio Des 75.71% 155,340 191,564 1.23 1.45 Matcnta 71.86% 1,143,014 1,143,023 1.00 1.15 Matcntb 70.73% 12,189 12,189 1.00 1.15 Matmula 62.81% 7,245,830 7,952,807 1.10 1.24 Matmulb 89.40% 11,396 11,396 1.00 1.33 Matsuma 71.86% 1,122,944 1,122,953 1.00 1.15 Matsumb 69.98% 11,919 11,919 1.00 1.15 Sorta 97.06% 4,768,228 9,826,909 2.06 2.88 average 80.75% N/A N/A 1.24 1.55 of about 10% whereas the smaller data version Matmulb was exact. The Matmul program has repeated references to the same elements of three different arrays. These references would miss the first time they were encountered, but would be in cache for the smaller Matmulb when they were accessed again since the arrays fit entirely in cache. When all the arrays fit into cache there is no interference between them. However, when they do not fit into cache the static simulator conservatively assumes that any possible interference must result in a cache miss. Therefore, the categorizations are more conservative and the overestimation is larger. Finally, the Des program has several references where an element of a statically initialized array is used as an index into another array. There is no simple method to determine which value from it will be used as the index. Therefore, we must assume that any element of the array may be accessed any time the data reference occurs in the program. This forces all conflicting lines to be deleted from the cache state and the resulting categorizations to be more conservative. The Des program also has overestimations due to data dependencies. A longer path deemed feasible by the timing analyzer could not be taken in a function due to the value of a variable. Despite the relatively small overestimations detailed above, the results show that with certain restrictions it is possible to tightly predict much of the data caching behavior of many programs. The difference between the naive and estimated ratios shows the benefits for performing data cache analysis when predicting worst-case execution times. The benefit of worst-case performance from data caching is not as significant as the benefit obtained from instruction caching [2, 11]. An instruction fetch occurs for each instruction executed. The performance benefit from a write-through/no-allocate data cache only occurs when the data reference from a load instruction is determined by the timing analyzer to be in cache. Load instructions only comprised on average 14.28% of the total executed instructions for these test programs. However, the results do show that performing data cache analysis for predicting worst-case execution time does still result in substantially tighter predictions. In fact, for the programs in the test set the prediction improvement averages over 30%. The performance overhead associated with predicting WCETs for data caching using this method comes primarily from that of the static cache simulation. The time required for the static simulation increases linearly with the size of the data. However, even with large arrays as in the given test programs this time is rather small. The average time for the static simulation to produce data reference categorizations for the 11 programs given in Table 3 was only 2.89 seconds. The overhead of the timing analyzer averages to 1.05 seconds. 4. Wrap-Around-Filling for Instruction Cache Misses Several timing tools exist that address the hit/miss behavior of an instruction cache. But modern instruction caches often employ various sophisticated approaches to decrease the miss rate or reduce the miss penalty [12]. One approach to reduce the miss penalty in an instruction cache is wrap-around fill. A processor employing this feature will load a cache line one word at a time, starting with the instruction Table 4. Order of Fill When Loading Words of a Cache Line First Requested Word Miss Delay for Word within Cache Line that caused the cache miss. For each word in the program line that is being loaded into the cache, the associated instruction cannot be fetched until its word has been loaded. The motivation for wrap-around fill is to let the CPU proceed with this instruction and allow the pipelined execution to continue while subsequent instructions are loaded into cache. Thus, the benefit is that it is not necessary to wait for the entire cache line to be loaded before proceeding with the execution of the fetched instruction. However, this feature further complicates timing analysis since it can introduce dead cycles into the pipeline analysis during those cycles when no instruction is being loaded into cache [25]. Wrap-around fill is used on several recent architectures, including the Alpha AXP 21064, the MIPS R10000 and the IBM 620. Table 4 shows when words are loaded into cache on the MicroSPARC I processor [25]. In each instruction cache line there are eight words, hence eight instructions. The rows of the table are distinguished by which word w within a cache line was requested when the entire line was not found in cache. The leftmost column shows that any of the words 0-7 can miss and become the first word in its respective program line to be loaded into cache. It takes seven cycles for the requested instruction to reach the instruction cache. During the eighth cycle, the word with which w is even or w - 1 if w is odd, gets loaded into cache. After each pair of words is loaded into cache, there is a dead cycle during which no word is written. Table 6 indicates that the MicroSPARC I has dead cycles during the ninth, twelfth and fifteenth cycles after a miss occurs. It takes seventeen cycles for an entire program line to be requested from memory and completely loaded into cache. Note that on the MicroSPARC I there is an additional requirement that an entire program line must be completely loaded into cache before a different program line can be accessed (whether or not that other program line is already in cache). For wrap-around-fill analysis, information stored with each path and loop includes the program line number and the cycles during which the words of the loop's first and last program lines are loaded into cache. These cycles are called the available times, and the timing analyzer calculates beginning and ending available times for each path in a particular loop. For loop analysis, this set of beginning and ending information is propagated along with the worst-case path's pipeline requirements and data hazard information. Keeping track of when the words of a program line are available in cache is analogous to determining when a particular pipeline stage is last occupied and to detecting when the value of a register is available via hardware forwarding. These available times are used to carry out wrap-around-fill analysis of paths and loops. This analysis detects the delays associated with dead cycles and cases where these delays can be overlapped with pipeline stalls to produce a more accurate WCET prediction. 4.1. Wrap-Around-Fill Delays Within a Path During the analysis of a single path of instructions, it is necessary to know when the individual words of a cache line will be loaded with the appropriate instructions. When the timing analyzer processes an instruction that is categorized as a miss, it can automatically determine when each of the instructions in this program line will be loaded into cache, according to the order of fill given in the machine-dependent information. The timing analyzer stores the program line number and the relative word number in that line for every instruction in the program. During the analysis of a path, the timing analyzer can update information about which program line is arriving into cache and when the words of that line are available to be fetched without any delay. At the point the timing analyzer is finished examining a path, it will store the information associated with the first and last program lines referenced in this path, including the cycles during which words in these lines become available in cache, plus the amount of delay caused by latencies from the filling of cache lines. Such information will be useful when the path is evaluated in a larger context, namely when the first iteration of a loop or a path in a function is entered or called from another part of the program. Figure 9 shows the algorithm that is used to determine the number of cycles associated with a instruction fetch while analyzing a path. The cycles when the words become available in the last line fetched are calculated on each miss. In order to demonstrate the correctness of the algorithm, one must show that the required number of cycles are calculated for the wrap-around-fill delay on each instruction fetch. There are three possible cases. The first case is when the instruction being fetched is in the last line fetched, which means the instruction fetch must be a hit. Line 4 in the algorithm uses the arrival time of the associated word containing the instruction to determine if extra cycles are needed for the IF stage. The second and third cases are when the reference was not in the last line fetched and the instruction fetch could be a hit or a miss, respectively. In either case, cycles for the IF stage of the instruction have to include the delay to complete the loading of the last line, which is calculated at line 6. Line 8 calculates the additional cycles for the IF stage required for a miss to load the requested word in the line. Lines 9-10 establish the arrival times of the words in the line when there is a miss. All three cases are handled. Thus, the algorithm is correct given that arrival times of the current line preceding the first instruction in the path are accurate. Techniques to determine the arrival times at the point a path is entered are described in the following sections. // matrix containing information from Table 4 const int waf delay[WORDS PER LINE][WORDS PER LINE] indicates when each word of the last line fetched become available int available[WORDS PER LINE] const int max delay // delay required to load the last word of a line 1: curr word inst word num % WORDS PER LINE. 2: first cycle = first vacancy of IF stage. 3: IF instruction in last line fetched THEN 4: cycles in first cycle). 5: ELSE cycles in previous line delay = max(0,last word avail - first cycle). 7: IF reference was a miss THEN 8: cycles in IF += waf delay[curr word num][curr word num]. previous line delay last word previous line delay 12: last line fetched = line of current instruction. 13: cycles in IF += 1. Figure 9. Algorithm to Calculate WAF Delay within a Path 4.2. Delays Upon Entering A Loop or Function During path analysis, when the timing analyzer encounters a loop or a function call in that path (child), it determines if the first instruction in the child lies in a different program line than the instruction executed immediately before entering the loop or function. If it does, then the first instruction in the child must be delayed from being fetched if the program line containing the last instruction executed before the child is still loading into cache. If the two instructions lie in the same program line, then it is only necessary to ensure that the instructions belonging to the first program line in the child will be available when fetched. Often, these available times (and corresponding dead cycle delays) have already been calculated by the child. Likewise, the available times could have been calculated in some other child encountered earlier in the current path, i.e. in the situation where the path calls two functions that share a program line. Figure shows a small program containing a loop that has ten iterations and comprises instructions 5-9. The first instruction in the loop is instruction 5, and in memory this instruction is located in the same program line (0) as instructions 0-4. At the beginning of the program execution, instruction 0 misses in cache and causes program line 0, containing instructions 0-7, to load into cache. On the first iteration of the loop, the timing analyzer detects that instruction 5 only needs to spend 1 cycle in the IF stage; there is no dead cycle associated with instruction 5 even though program line 0 is in the process of still being fetched into cache during the first iteration. Categorizations fm->fm Prog. Line000011135713 Word Number ID IF cycle stage Pipeline Instructions inst 0: save %sp,-104,%sp inst 1: mov %g0,%o3 inst 2: add %sp,.1_a,%o0 inst 3: mov %o0,%o4 inst 4: add %o0,40,%o5 inst inst 7: cmp %o4,%o5 inst 8: bl L16 inst 10: ret inst 9: add %o3,1,%o3 inst 11: restore %g0,%g0,%o0 inst 5: st %o3,[%o4] C Source Code { int i, a[10]; for return 0; Figure 10. Example Program and Pipeline Diagram for First 2 Loop Iterations 4.3. Delays Between Loop Iterations In the loop analysis algorithm, it is important to detect any delay that may result from a program line being loaded into cache late in the previous iteration that causes the subsequent iteration to be delayed. For example, consider again the program in Figure 10. The instruction cache activity can be inferred by how long various instructions occupy the IF stage. Before timing analysis begins, the static cache simulator [19] had determined that instruction 8 is a first miss. The pipeline behavior of the first two iterations of the loop is given in the pipeline diagram in Figure 10. The instruction cache activity can often be inferred by how long various instructions occupy the IF stage. On the first iteration, instruction 6 is delayed in the IF stage during cycle 16 because of the dead cycle that occurs when its program line is being loaded into cache. Note that if instruction 6 had not been delayed, it would have later been the victim of a structural hazard when instruction 5 occupies the MEM stage for cycles 18-19. 4 Thus, the dead cycle delay overlaps with the potential pipeline stall. Later during the first iteration, instruction 8 is a miss, so it must spend a total of 8 cycles in the IF stage. Program line 1 containing instructions 8-11 (and 12-15 if they existed) takes (from cycle 19 to cycle 36) to be completely loaded from the time instruction 8 is referenced. That is, the program line finishes loading during cycle 36, so instruction 5 on the second iteration cannot be fetched until cycle 37. This is a situation where a delay due to jumping to a new program line takes place between loop iterations. 4.4. Results The results of evaluating the same test programs as in section 3.5 are shown in Table 5. The fifth column of the table gives the ratio of the estimated cycles to the observed cycles when the timing analyzer was executed with wrap-around-fill analysis enabled. The sixth column shows a similar ratio of estimated to observed cycles, but this time with wrap-around-fill analysis disabled. In this mode, the timing analyzer assumes a constant penalty of 17 cycles for each instruction cache miss, which is the maximum miss penalty an instruction fetch would incur. The fetch delay actually attains this maximum only when there are consecutive misses, as in the case when there is a call to a function and the instruction located in the delay slot of the call and the first instruction in the function are both misses. In this case, this second miss will incur a 17 cycle penalty because the entire program line containing the delay slot instruction must be completely loaded first. All data cache accesses are assumed to be hits in both the timing analyzer and the simulator for these experiments. Table 5. Results for the Test Programs Hit Observed Estimated Ratio with Ratio without Name Ratio Cycles Cycles w-a-f Analysis w-a-f Analysis Des 86.16% 154,791 171,929 1.11 1.38 Matcnta 81.86% 2,158,038 2,161,172 1.00 1.12 Matmula 98.93% 4,544,944 4,547,299 1.00 1.01 Matsuma 93.99% 1,131,964 1,132,178 1.00 1.13 Sorta 76.06% 14,371,854 30,714,661 2.14 2.52 average 87.58% N/A N/A 1.21 1.38 The WCET of these programs when wrap-around-fill analysis is enabled is significantly tighter than when wrap-around fill is not considered. Des and Sorta has overestimations for the same reasons as described in Section 3.5. The small overestimations in the remaining programs primarily result from the timing analyzer's conservative approach to first miss-to-first miss categorization transitions. These slight overestimations also occurred when the timing analysis assumed a constant miss penalty [11]. Because this situation occurs infrequently, this approach resulted in only small overestimations. The overhead of executing the timing analysis was quite small even with wrap-around-fill analysis. The average time required to produce the WCET of the programs in Table 5 was only 1.27 seconds. 5. Future Work There are several areas of timing analysis that can be further investigated. More hardware features, such as write buffers and branch target buffers, could be modeled in the timing analysis. Best case timing bounds for various types of caches and other hardware features may also be investigated. An eventual goal of this research is to integrate the timing analysis of both instruction and data caches to obtain timing predictions for a complete machine. Actual machine measurements using a logic analyzer could then be used to gauge the accuracy of our simulator and the effectiveness of the entire timing analysis environment. 6. Conclusion There are two general contributions of this paper. First, an approach for bounding the worst-case data caching performance is presented. It uses data flow analysis within a compiler to determine a bounded range of relative addresses for each data reference. An address calculator converts these relative ranges to virtual address ranges by examining the order of data declarations and the call graph of the program. Categorizations of the data references are produced by a static simulator. A timing analyzer uses the categorizations when performing pipeline path analysis to predict the worst-case performance for each loop and function in the program. The results so far indicate that the approach is valid and can result in significantly tighter worst-case performance predictions. Second, a technique for WCET prediction for wrap-around-fill caches is presented. When processing a path of instructions, the timing analyzer computes when each instruction in the entire program line will be loaded into cache based on instruction categorizations that indicate which instruction fetches could result in cache misses. The timing analyzer uses this information to determine how much delay, if any, a fetched instruction will suffer due to wrap-around fill. When analyzing larger program constructs such as loops or function instances, the wrap-around-fill information associated with each path is used to detect delays beyond the scope of a single path. The results indicate that WCET bounds are significantly tighter than when the timing analyzer conservatively assumes a constant miss penalty. this paper contributes a comprehensive report on methods and results of worst-case timing analysis for data caches and wrap-around caches. The approach taken is unique and provides a considerable step toward realistic worst-case execution time prediction of contemporary architectures and its use in schedulability analysis for hard real-time systems. Acknowledgments The authors thank the anonymous referees for their comments that helped improve the quality of this paper and Robert Arnold for providing the timing analysis platform for this research. The research on which this article is based was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract number N00014-94-1-006 and the National Science Foundation under cooperative agreement number HRD- 9707076. Notes 1. A basic loop induction variable only has assignments of the form v := v \Sigma c, where v is a variable or register and c is an integer constant. Non-basic induction variables are also only incremented or decremented by a constant value on each loop iteration, but get their values either directly or indirectly from basic induction variables. A variety of forms of assignment for non-basic induction variables are allowed. Loop invariant values do not change during the execution of a loop. A discussion of how induction variables and loop invariant values are identified can be found elsewhere [1]. 2. Annulled branches on the SPARC do not actually access memory (or update registers) for instructions in the delay slot when the branch is not taken. This simple feature causes a host of complications when a load or a store is in the annulled delay slot. However, our approach does correctly handle any such data reference. 3. This earlier computation and expansion of the initial value string of an induction register proceeds in basically the same manner as has already been discussed, except that loop invariant registers are expanded as well. 4. On the MicroSPARC I, a st instruction is required to spend two cycles in the MEM stage. --R Bounding worst-case instruction cache performance Fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling: An historical perspective A portable global optimizer and linker. Programming in vienna fortran. High performance fortran without templates. 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Calculating the maximum execution time of real-time programs Static analysis of cache analysis for real-time programming Integrated SPARC Processor Bounding Worst-Case Data Cache Performance Timing analysis for data caches and set-associative caches Optimizing Supercompilers for Supercomputers. High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing. Pipelined processors and worst case execution times. --TR --CTR Wegener , Frank Mueller, A Comparison of Static Analysis and Evolutionary Testing for the Verification of Timing Constraints, Real-Time Systems, v.21 n.3, p.241-268, November 2001 Wankang Zhao , William Kreahling , David Whalley , Christopher Healy , Frank Mueller, Improving WCET by applying worst-case path optimizations, Real-Time Systems, v.34 n.2, p.129-152, October 2006 Kiran Seth , Aravindh Anantaraman , Frank Mueller , Eric Rotenberg, FAST: Frequency-aware static timing analysis, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), v.5 n.1, p.200-224, February 2006 Kaustubh Patil , Kiran Seth , Frank Mueller, Compositional static instruction cache simulation, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.39 n.7, July 2004 Yudong Tan , Vincent Mooney, Timing analysis for preemptive multitasking real-time systems with caches, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), v.6 n.1, February 2007 Wankang Zhao , David Whalley , Christopher Healy , Frank Mueller, Improving WCET by applying a WC code-positioning optimization, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), v.2 n.4, p.335-365, December 2005 Aravindh Anantaraman , Kiran Seth , Kaustubh Patil , Eric Rotenberg , Frank Mueller, Virtual simple architecture (VISA): exceeding the complexity limit in safe real-time systems, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, v.31 n.2, May
wrap-around fill cache;worst-case execution time;data cache;timing analysis
A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems.
We compare four graphical techniques for representation and solution of asymmetric decision problems-decision trees, influence diagrams, valuation networks, and sequential decision diagrams. We solve a modified version of Covaliu and Oliver's Reactor problem using each of the four techniques. For each technique, we highlight the strengths, weaknesses, and some open issues that perhaps can be resolved with further research.
Introduction This paper compares four graphical techniques for representing and solving asymmetric decision problems-traditional decision trees (DTs), Smith, Holtzman and Matheson's (SHM) [1993] influence diagrams (IDs), Shenoy's [1993b, 1996] valuation networks (VNs), and Covaliu and Oliver's [1995] sequential decision diagrams (SDDs). We focus our attention on techniques designed for asymmetric decision problems. In a decision tree, a path from the root to a leaf node is called a scenario. We say a decision problem is asymmetric if the number of scenarios in a decision tree representation is less than the cardinality of the Cartesian product of the state spaces of all chance and decision variables. Each technique has a distinct way of encoding asymmetry. DTs encode asymmetry through the use of scenarios. IDs encode asymmetry using graphical structures called "distribution trees." VNs encode asymmetry using functions called "indicator valuations." Finally, SDDs encode asymmetry by showing all scenarios in a compact fashion using graphs called "sequential deci- Bielza and Shenoy 2 sion diagrams." The main contribution of this paper is to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, and some open issues that perhaps can be resolved with further study of the four techniques. By strengths and weaknesses, we mean intrinsic features we find desirable and undesirable, respectively. An outline of the remainder of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we give a complete statement of a modified version of the Reactor problem [Covaliu and Oliver 1995], describe a DT representation and solution of it, and discuss strengths, weaknesses, and open issues associated with DTs. In Section 3, we represent and solve the same problem using Smith, Holtzman and Matheson's IDs, and discuss strengths, weaknesses, and open issues associated with IDs. In Section 4, we do the same using Shenoy's VNs. In Section 5, we focus on Covaliu and Oliver's SDDs. Finally, in Section 6, we summarize our conclusions. In this section, we describe a DT representation and solution of a small asymmetric decision problem called the Reactor problem, and we discuss strengths, weaknesses, and some open issues associated with DTs. The Reactor problem is a modified version of the problem described by Covaliu and Oliver [1995]. In our version, Bayesian revision of probabilities is required during the solution process, and the joint utility function decomposes into only three factors. 2.1 A Statement of the Reactor Problem An electric utility firm must decide whether to build (D 2 ) a reactor of advanced design (a), a reactor of conventional design (c), or neither (n). If successful, an advanced reactor is more profit- able, but is riskier. Based on past experience, a conventional reactor (C) has probability 0.980 of no failure (cs), and a probability 0.020 of a failure (cf). On the other hand, an advanced reactor (A) has probability 0.660 of no failure (as), probability 0.244 of a limited accident (al), and probability 0.096 of a major accident (am). The profits for the case the firm builds a conventional reactor are $8B if there is no failure, and -$4B if there is a failure. The profits for the case the firm builds an advanced reactor are $12B if there is no failure, -$6B if there is a limited accident, A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 3 and -$10B if there is a major accident. The firm's utility function is a linear function of the profits. Before making this decision, the firm can conduct an expensive test of the components of the advanced reactor. The test results (T) can be classified as bad (b), good (g), excellent (e) or no result (nr). The cost of this test is $1B. If the test is done, its results are correlated with the success or failure of the advanced reactor. The likelihoods for the test results are as follows: P(g | as) P(g | If the test results are bad, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will not permit an advanced reactor. The firm needs to decide (D 1 ) whether to conduct the test (t), or not (nt). If the decision is nt, the test outcome is nr. 2.2 DT Representation and Solution Figure 2.1 shows a decision tree representation and solution of this problem. The order in which the nodes are traversed from left to right is the chronological order in which decisions are made and/or outcomes of chance events are revealed to the decision-maker, and every available branch at every node is explicitly shown. Thus, the decision tree gives a chronological and fully detailed view of the structure of the decision problem. Notice that even before the decision tree can be completely specified, the conditional probabilities required by the decision tree representation have to be computed from those specified in the problem using the standard procedure called preprocessing. In this procedure, given the priors and the likelihoods, first we compute the joints, then the preposteriors, and finally the poste- riors. Details of the results of the procedure for the Reactor problem can be found in Bielza and Shenoy [1998]. Figure 2.1 also shows the solution of the Reactor problem using rollback. The optimal strategy is to do the test; build a conventional reactor if the test results are bad or good, and build an advanced reactor if the test results are excellent. The expected profit associated with this strategy is $8.130B. Bielza and Shenoy 4 Figure 2.1. A decision tree representation and solution of the Reactor problem. Profit, B$ A A A -10cs, .980 cf, .020 as, .660 al, .244 am, .096 as, .400 al, .460 am, .140 as, .900 al, .060 am, .040 c a a c g, .300 e, .600 t, cc a 2.3 Strengths of DTs DTs are easy to understand and easy to solve. DTs encode asymmetries through use of scenarios without introducing dummy states for variables. If a variable is not relevant in a scenario, a DT simply does not include it. As we will see shortly, IDs and VNs introduce dummy states for chance and decision variables in the process of encoding asymmetry. This decreases their computational efficiency. Like DTs, SDDs do not introduce dummy states for variables. 2.4 Weaknesses of DTs DTs capture asymmetries globally in the form of scenarios. This contributes to the exponential growth of the decision tree representation and limits the use of DTs to small problems. In com- parison, IDs, VNs and SDDs capture asymmetries locally. A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 5 Although we have shown the decision tree representation using coalescence 1 [Olmsted 1983], it should be noted that automating coalescence in decision trees is not easy since it involves constructing the complete uncoalesced tree and then recognizing repeated subtrees. This is a major drawback of DTs (as compared to IDs, VNs, and SDDs), and it limits the use of DT representation to small decision problems. 2.5 Some Open Issues To complete a DT representation of a problem, the probability model may need preprocessing, and this makes the automation of DTs difficult. One method for avoiding preprocessing is to use von Neumann-Morgenstern [1944] information sets to encode information constraints-see Shenoy [1995, 1998] for details. However, adding information sets makes the resulting representation more complex. conditional independence is not explicitly encoded in probability trees, doing the pre-processing by computing the joint probability distribution for all chance variables is computationally intractable in problems with many chance variables. This issue can be resolved by using a Bayesian network representation of the probability model, and Olmsted's [1983] and Shachter's [1986] arc-reversal method can then be used to compute the probability model demanded by the DT representation. However, this raises the issue of determining a sequence of arc reversals so as to achieve the desired probability model with minimum computation. 3 Asymmetric Influence Diagrams In this section, we will represent and solve the Reactor problem using Smith, Holtzman and Matheson's [1993] (henceforth, SHM) asymmetric influence diagram technique. Although SHM describe their technique for a single undecomposed utility function, we use Tatman and Shachter's [1990] extension of the ID technique that allows for a decomposition of the joint utility function. The symmetric ID technique was initially developed by Howard and Matheson 1 When a DT has repeating subtrees, they are shown just once and are pointed to by all scenarios in which they oc- cur. This is referred to as coalescence. Bielza and Shenoy 6 [1981], Olmsted [1983], and Shachter [1986]. Modifications of the symmetric ID solution technique have been proposed by Smith [1989], Shachter and Peot [1992], Ndilikilikesha [1994], Jensen et al. [1994], Cowell [1994], Zhang et al. [1994], Goutis [1995], and others. Besides SHM, asymmetric extensions of the influence diagram technique have been proposed by, e.g., Call and Miller [1990], Fung and Shachter [1990], and Qi et al. [1994]. 3.1 ID Representation An influence diagram representation of a problem is specified at three levels-graphical, func- tional, and numerical. At the graphical level, we have a directed acyclic graph, called an influence diagram, that displays decision variables, chance variables, factorization of the joint probability distribution into conditionals, factorization of the joint utility function, and information constraints. Figure 3.1 shows an influence diagram for the Reactor problem at the graphical level. Figure 3.1. An ID for the Reactor problem at the graphical level. A Note that the arcs pointing to chance nodes reflect the way in which their joint probability distribution is currently factored, which is not necessarily the chronological order in which their outcomes will be revealed to the decision maker. Arcs between pairs of chance nodes may be reversed by changing the way in which the joint distribution is factored, as in applications of Bayes' theorem. Also, note that the ID avoids the combinatorial explosion of the decision tree (the so-called "bushy mess" phenomenon) by suppressing details of the number of branches A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 7 available at each decision or chance node. The latter information is encoded deeper down at the functional level instead. At the functional level, we specify the structure of the conditional distribution (or simply, conditional) for each node (except super value nodes) in the ID, and at the numerical level, we specify the numerical details of the probability distributions and the utilities. The key idea of the SHM technique is a new tree representation for describing the conditionals. These are called distribution trees with paths showing the conditioning scenarios that lead to atomic distributions that describe either probability distributions, set of alternatives, or (expected) utilities, assigned in each conditioning scenario. A conditional for a chance node represents a factor of the joint probability distribution. A conditional for a decision node can be thought of as describing the alternatives available to the decision-maker in each conditioning scenario. A conditional for a value node represents a factor of the joint utility function. For the Reactor problem, some of the conditionals are shown in Figure 3.2 (the complete set is found in Bielza and Shenoy [1998]). The distribution tree for D 2 has two atomic distributions. The firm will choose among three alternatives (conventional or advanced reactor or neither) only if it decides to not do the test (D 1 or if it conducts the test and its result is good or excellent. The conditional for D 2 is coa- lesced, i.e., the atomic distribution with three alternatives is shared by three distinct scenarios, and is clipped, i.e., many branches in conditioning scenarios are omitted because the corresponding conditioning scenarios are impossible. For example, if the firm chooses to not do the test, then it is impossible to observe any test results. The distribution tree for T shows that if the firm decides to not perform the test (D then regardless of the advanced reactor state. Thus, the conditional for T can be collapsed across A given D nt. Collapsed scenarios are shown by indicating the set of possible states on a single edge emanating from the node. They allow the representation of conditional independence between variables that holds only given particular outcomes of some other variables. Deterministic atomic distributions for chance and decision variables are shown by double-bordered nodes. Bielza and Shenoy 8 Figure 3.2. Distribution trees for decision node D 2 , chance node T, and utility node u 1 . A nt A T g, e, g, e, .147 g, .437 e, .250 nr as al am {as, al, am} cs cf a c {cs, cf} e nt nr c c a Although not all are shown in Figure 3.2, the conditionals for the three utility nodes provide other examples of coalesced, clipped, and collapsed distributions. They are deterministic nodes because we assign a single utility for each conditioning scenario. Since utility functions are always deterministic, and we use diamond-shaped nodes to indicate utility functions, we do not draw these nodes with a double border. Another feature of distribution trees not illustrated in the Reactor problem is unspecified distributions where certain atomic distributions of a chance node are left unspecified since they are not required during the solution phase. If only the probabilities are unspecified, then we have a partially unspecified distribution. All of these features-coalesced, clipped, collapsed, and unspecified distributions-provide a more compact and expressive representation than the usual table in the symmetric ID literature. 3.2 ID Solution The algorithm for solving an asymmetric ID is conceptually the same as that for conventional ID. However, SHM describe methods for exploiting different features of a distribution tree (such as clipped scenarios, coalescence, collapsed scenarios, etc.) to simplify the computations. A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 9 We solve an ID by reducing variables in a sequence that respects the information constraints. If the true state of a chance variable C is not known at the time the decision maker must choose an alternative from the atomic distribution of decision variable D, then C must be reduced before D, and vice versa. In the Reactor problem, there are two possible reduction sequences, CAD 2 TD 1 and ACD 2 TD 1 . Both of these reduction sequences require the same computational effort. In the following, we use the first reduction sequence CAD 2 TD 1 . We use this sequence also when we solve this problem with the VN and the SDD techniques. We start by reducing node C. Essentially, we absorb the conditional for C into utility function using the expectation operation (following Theorem 5 in Tatman and Shachter [1990]). The expectation operation is carried out by considering each conditioning scenario separately. Figure 3.3 shows the ID after reducing C. Next, we reduce A. To do so, we first reverse arc (A, T), and then absorb the posterior for A into utility function u 2 using the expectation operation. Figure 3.3 shows the ID after reduction of A. Next, we need to reduce D 2 . Since D 2 has two value node successors, before we reduce D 2 , we introduce a new super-value node w, and then we merge u 1 and u 2 into w (as per Theorem 5 in Tatman and Shachter [1990]). We reduce D 2 by maximizing w over the states of D 2 permitted by the distribution tree for D 2 . Notice that this distribution tree (shown in Figure 3.2) has asymmetry in the atomic alternative sets, but this is not exploited either during the reduction of A or during the processing prior to reduction of D 2 . We will comment further on this aspect of SHM technique in Subsection 3.5. Figure 3.3 shows the ID after reduction of D 2 . Next, we reduce T. Notice that w is the only value node that has T in its domain. We absorb the conditional for T into the utility function w using the expectation operation. Figure 3.3 shows the resulting ID. Finally, we need to reduce D 1 . Since D 1 is in the domain of u 3 and w, first we combine u 3 and w obtaining u, and then we reduce D 1 by maximizing u over the possible states of D 1 . This completes the solution of the Reactor ID representation. Complete details of the ID solution of the Reactor problem are found in Bielza and Shenoy [1998]. Bielza and Shenoy 10 Figure 3.3. ID solution at the graphical level. A 1. After reducing C 2. After reducing A 3. After reducing D 2 4. After reducing T 5. After reducing D 1 A Initial ID An optimal strategy can be pieced together from the optimal decision function for D 1 (ob- tained during reduction of D 1 ) and the optimal decision function for D 2 (obtained during reduction of D 2 ). Of course, we get the same optimal strategy and the same maximum expected utility as in the DT case. 3.3 Strengths of IDs The main strength of IDs is their compactness. The size of an ID graphical representation grows linearly with the number of variables. Also, they are intuitive to understand, and they encode conditional independence relations in the probability model. The asymmetric extension of IDs captures asymmetry through the notion of distribution trees. These are easy to understand and specify. The sharing of scenarios, clipping of scenarios, A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 11 collapsed scenarios, and unspecified-distribution features of distribution trees contribute to the expressiveness of the representation and to the efficiency of the solution technique. In distribution trees one can mix the different kinds of atomic distributions-not only can one mix deterministic and stochastic atomic distributions for chance nodes, one can mix stochastic atomic distributions and atomic alternative sets for decision nodes. This feature may be useful if the decision-maker's ability to decide is determined by some previous decision or uncertainty [SHM 1993, p. 287]. The ID technique can detect the presence of unnecessary information in a problem by identifying irrelevant or barren nodes [Shachter 1988]. This leads to a simplification of the original model and to a corresponding decrease in the computational burden of solving it. 3.4 Weaknesses of IDs The ID technique is most suitable for problems in which we have a conditional probability model (also called a Bayesian network model) of the uncertainties. This is typical of problems in which the modeling of probabilities is done by a human expert. However, for problems in which a probability model is induced from data, the corresponding probability model is not always a Bayesian network model. In this case, the use of ID technique is problematic, i.e., it may require extensive and unnecessary preprocessing to complete an ID representation [Shenoy 1994a]. 3.5 Some Open Issues The asymmetric ID graphical representation does not distinguish between pure informational arcs and conditioning arcs for decision variables. Thus, we cannot predict the domain of the conditional for decision variables from the graphical representation alone. One of the most attractive aspects of graphical models (Bayes nets, symmetric IDs, VNs, etc.) is that one can determine domains of functions directly from the graphical level description. This is the essence of encoding conditional independence by graphs. This aspect of asymmetric IDs can be easily resolved by having two kinds of arcs that lead to decision variables. One kind can be interpreted as conditional as well as informational, and the other can be interpreted as purely informational. Our major concerns with the SHM representation center around having information about Bielza and Shenoy 12 asymmetries in the problem stored in many distribution trees in the diagram. For example, in the Reactor problem, consider the distribution trees for T and D 2 (shown in Figure 3.2). Notice that, e.g., in the distribution tree for T, if D probability 1. The clipping of T in the distribution tree for D 2 describes the same information. This repetition raises questions about the consistency and efficiency of the representation and the solution technique. First, the redundant specification of information may be inefficient when assessing these distributions; the user may have to repeatedly clip or collapse these same scenarios for many distributions. Second, if the user fails to clip or collapse scenarios in some distribution trees, (s)he may do unnecessary calculations for these scenarios when solving the influence diagram. Third, even if the user represents all clipped/collapsed scenarios in all distribution trees, there is still the possibility of some unnecessary computation since the solution algorithm does not have access to all asymmetric information at all times. For example, in the Reactor problem, consider the situation immediately after reduction of node A shown in Figure 3.3. u 2 has just inherited two new predecessors T and D 1 , and its distribution tree has some conditioning scenarios that are not possible such as D 1 a. The absence of this scenario is encoded in the distribution tree for D 2 (see Figure 3.2), but we do not use this information until it is time to reduce D 2 . Finally, the redundant specification creates a need for consistency: we need to somehow ensure that scenarios that are in fact possible are not inadvertently clipped in one of the distribution trees. Similarly, if we use the "unspecified distribution" feature, we need to be sure that we really do not need that distribution to answer particular questions. We can always check the consistency of an influence diagram by attempting to solve it (perhaps not carrying out the numeric calculations) and seeing if any required information has been clipped or left unspecified. It would be nice, however, if there were some simpler tests (perhaps along the lines of those used in VNs, Shenoy 1993b) that could determine whether the ID is sufficiently defined to answer specific questions. The efficiency concerns can be at least partially addressed by "propagating" clipped scenarios during the assessment phase, as suggested by SHM (p. 288, top of right column). For exam- ple, if the user has specified the alternatives for D 1 and the distribution for T prior to specifying A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 13 the distribution for D 2 , then the system can figure out which combinations of D 1 and T are impossible (e.g., the combination D automatically clip the corresponding branches in the distribution tree for D 2 . By propagating clipping in this way, we save the user the trouble of repeatedly doing this, thereby making the user more efficient and less likely to specify scenarios that should be clipped and less likely to clip scenarios that are possi- ble. To propagate clipping in this way, the user must define distribution trees in a sequence consistent with the partial order defined by the influence diagram. Note, however, that this propagation does not make use of the numeric probabilities in the representation; it depends only on the specification of possible and impossible events. This propagation process is somewhat similar to the calculation of "effective state spaces" in VNs, as described in Shenoy [1993b]. 4 Asymmetric Valuation Networks In this section, we will represent and solve the Reactor problem using Shenoy's [1993b, 1996] asymmetric valuation network technique. The symmetric VN technique is described in [Shenoy 1993a] for the case of a single undecomposed utility function, and in [Shenoy 1992] for the case of an additive decomposition of the joint utility function. 4.1 VN Representation A valuation network representation is specified at three levels-graphical, dependence, and nu- merical. The graphical and dependence levels refer to qualitative (or symbolic) knowledge, whereas the numerical level refers to quantitative knowledge. At the graphical level, we have a graph called a valuation network. Figure 4.1 shows a valuation network for the Reactor problem. A valuation network consists of two types of nodes-variable and valuation. Variables are further classified as either decision or chance, and valuations are further classified as indicator, probability, or utility. Thus, in all there are five different types of nodes-decision, chance, indicator, probability, and utility. Decision nodes correspond to decision variables and are depicted by rectangles. Chance nodes correspond to chance variables and are depicted by circles. This part of VNs is similar to IDs. Bielza and Shenoy 14 Figure 4.1. A valuation network for the Reactor problem. a Indicator valuations represent qualitative constraints on the joint state spaces of decision and chance variables and are depicted by double-triangular nodes. The set of variables directly connected to an indicator valuation by undirected edges constitutes the domain of the indicator valuation. In the Reactor problem, there are two indicator valuations labeled d 2 and t 2 . d 2 's domain is {D 1 , T, D 2 } and it represents the constraints that the test results are available only in the case we decide to do the test, and that the alternatives at D 2 depend on the choices at D 1 and the test results T. t 2 's domain is {T, A} and it represents the constraint that if A = as, then not possible. Utility valuations represent additive factors of the joint utility function and are depicted by diamond-shaped nodes. The set of variables directly connected to a utility valuation constitutes the domain of the utility valuation. In the Reactor problem, there are three additive utility valuations labeled domains {D 2 , C}, {D 2 , A}, and {D 1 }, respectively. Probability valuations represent multiplicative factors of the family of joint probability distributions for the chance variables in the problem, and are depicted by triangular nodes. Thus, in a VN, information about the current factorization of the joint probability distribution of chance variables is carried by the additional probability valuation nodes, rather than by the directions of arcs pointing to chance nodes. The set of all variables directly connected to a probability valuation constitutes the domain of the probability valuation. In the Reactor problem, there are three A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 15 probability valuations labeled t 1 , a, and c, with domains {A, T}, {A}, and {C}, respectively. The specification of the valuation network at the graphical level includes directed arcs between pairs of distinct variables. These directed arcs represent information constraints. Suppose R is a chance variable and D is a decision variable. An arc (R, D) means that the true state of R is known to the decision maker (DM) at the time the DM has to choose an alternative from D's state space (as in an ID). Conversely, an arc (D, R) means that the true state of R is not known to the DM at the time the DM has to choose an alternative from D's state space. Next, we specify a valuation network representation at the dependence level. At this level, we specify the state spaces of all variables and we specify the details of the indicator valuations. Associated with each variable X is a state space 0X . As in the cases of IDs and SDDs, we assume that all variables have finite state spaces. Suppose s is a subset of variables. An indicator valuation for s is a function i: 0 s {0, 1}. An efficient way of representing an indicator valuation is simply to describe the elements of the state space that have value 1, i.e., we represent i by To minimize jargon, we also call W i an indicator valuation for s. In the Reactor problem, the details of the two indicator valuations are as follows: W d 2 {(nt, nr, n), (nt, nr, c), (nt, nr, a), (t, b, n), (t, b, c), (t, g, n), (t, g, c), (t, g, a), (t, e, n), (t, e, c), (t, e, a)}; W t 2 {(as, nr), (as, g), (as, e), (al, nr), (al, b), (al, g), (al, e), (am, nr), (am, b), (am, g), (am, e)}. Notice that the indicator valuation W d 2 is identical to the scenarios in the distribution tree for D 2 depicted in Figure 3.2. The indicator valuation W t 2 rules out the scenario Before we can specify the valuation network at the numerical level, it is necessary to introduce the notion of effective state spaces for subsets of variables. Suppose that each variable is in the domain of some indicator valuation. (If not, we can create "vacuous" indicator valuations that are identically one for every state of such variables.) We define combination of indicator valuations as pointwise Boolean multiplication, and marginalization of an indicator valuation as Boolean addition over the state space of reduced variables. Then, the effective state space for a subset s of variables, denoted by W s , is defined as follows: First we combine all indicator valuations that Bielza and Shenoy include some variable from s in their domains, and next we marginalize the combination so that only the variables in s remain in the marginal. Shenoy [1994b] has shown that these definitions of combination and marginalization satisfy the three axioms that permit local computation [She- noy and Shafer 1990]. Thus, the computation of the effective state spaces can be done efficiently using local computation. For example, to compute the effective state space for {A, T}, by definition denotes combination of valuations d 2 and t 2 , and denotes marginalization of the joint valuation d 2 ft 2 down to the domain {A, T}). However, using local computation, it can be computed more efficiently as follows: W {A, . Details of local computation are found in Shenoy [1993b]. Finally, we specify a valuation network at the numerical level. At this level, we specify the details of the utility and probability valuations. A utility valuation u for s is a function u: W s R, where R is the set of real numbers. The values of u are utilities. In the Reactor problem, there are three utility valuations. One of these is shown in Table 4.1, and we refer the reader to Bielza and Shenoy [1998] for the complete description. Table 4.1. Utility valuation u 1 and probability valuation t 1 in the Reactor problem. a cs 0 as e .818 a cf 0 al nr 1 c cs 8 al b .288 c cf -4 al g .565 al e .147 am nr 1 am b .313 am g .437 am e .250 A probability valuation p for s is a function p: W s [0, 1]. The values of p are probabilities. In the Reactor problem, there are three probability valuations. One of these is shown in Table 4.1. What do these probability valuations mean? c is the marginal for C, a is the marginal for A, A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 17 and d 2 is the conditional for T given A and D 1 . Thus the conditional for T factors into three valuations such that t 1 has the numeric information, and d 2 and t 2 include the structural information. Notice that the utility and probability valuations are described only for effective state spaces that are computed using local computation from the specifications of the indicator valuations. There is no redundancy in the representation. However, in u 1 , unlike the ID representation, the irrelevance of C in scenarios D or a is not represented in the VN representation because we are unable to do so. Also, in u 2 , the irrelevance of A in scenarios where D or c is not repre- sented. We will comment further on these issues in Subsection 4.5. 4.2 VN Solution In this section, first we sketch the fusion algorithm for solving valuation network representations of decision problems, and then we solve the Reactor problem. The fusion algorithm is essentially the same as in the symmetric case [Shenoy 1992]. The main difference is in how indicator valuations are handled. Since indicator valuations are identically one on effective state spaces, there are no numeric computations involved in combining indicator valuations. Indicator valuations do contribute domain information and cannot be totally ignored. In the fusion algorithm, we reduce a variable by doing a fusion operation on the set of all valuations (utility, probability, and indicator) with respect to the variable. All numeric computations are done on effective state spaces only. This means that the effective state spaces may need to be computed prior to doing the fusion operation if the effective state space has not been already computed during the representation phase. Fusion with respect to a decision variable D is defined as follows. The utility, probability, and indicator valuations whose domains do not include D remain unchanged. All utility valuations that include D in their domain are combined together, and the resulting utility valuation u is marginalized such that D is eliminated from its domain. A new indicator valuation z D corresponding to the decision function for D is created. All probability and indicator valuations that include D in their domain are combined together and the resulting probability valuation r is Bielza and Shenoy combined with z D and the result is marginalized so that D is eliminated from its domain. Fusion with respect to a chance variable C is defined as follows. The utility, probability, and indicator valuations whose domains do not include C remain unchanged. A new probability valuation, say r, is created by combining all probability and indicator valuations whose domain include C and marginalizing C out of the combination. Finally, we combine all probability and indicator valuations whose domains include C, divide the resulting probability valuation by the new probability valuation r that was created, combine the resulting probability valuation with the utility valuations whose domains include C, and finally marginalize the resulting utility valuation such that C is eliminated from its domain. In some special cases-such as if r is identically one, or if C is the only chance variable left-we can avoid creating a new probability valuation and the corresponding division. The solution of the Reactor problem using the fusion algorithm is as follows. Fusion with respect to C. First we fuse valuations in {d 2 , to C. Since c is identically one, Fus Let u 4 denote (u 1 fc) D 2 . The details of the numerical computation involved are shown in Table 4.2. The result of fusion with respect to C is shown graphically in Figure 4.2. Fusion with respect to A. Next, we fuse the valuations in {d 2 , to A. Fus A {d 2 , . The result of fusion with respect to A is shown graphically in Figure 4.2. Notice that all computations are done on effective state spaces, and so we need to compute the effective state space of {T, D 2 , A} prior to doing the fusion since it has not been already computed during the representation stage (see Bielza and Shenoy [1998] for details). A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 19 Table 4.2. Details of fusion with respect to C. c cs 8 0.98 7.840 7.760 c cf -4 0.02 -0.080 a cs 0 0.98 0 0 a cf 0 Figure 4.2. Fusion in VNs at the graphical level. a c Initial VN a 1. After fusion wrt C 2. After fusion wrt A 3. After fusion wrt D 2 4. After fusion wrt T 5. After fusion wrt D 1 Fusion with respect to D 2 . Next we fuse {d 2 , u 3 , u 4 , u 5 , t'} with respect to D 2 . Since D 2 is a decision variable, Fus D 2 is the indicator function representation of the decision function for D 2 . Let u 6 denote (u 4 fu 5 and d 2 ' denote (d 2 fz D 2 . The result of fusion with respect to D 2 is shown graphically in Bielza and Shenoy 20 Figure 4.2. Fusion with respect to T. Next we fuse {d 2 ', u 3 , u 6 , t'} with respect to T. Since T is the only chance variable, Fus R {d 2 ', u 3 , u 6 , . The result of fusion with respect to T is shown graphically in Figure 4.2. Fusion with respect to D 1 . Next, we fuse {u 3 , u 7 } with respect to D 1 . Since D 1 is a decision variable, Fus D 1 . The result of fusion with respect to D 1 is shown graphically in Figure 4.2. This completes the fusion algorithm. An optimal strategy can be pieced together from the decision functions for D 1 and D 2 . The optimal strategy and maximum expected utility are the same as in the DT and ID case. Complete details of the VN solution of the Reactor problem can be found in Bielza and Shenoy [1998]. 4.3 Strengths of VNs Like IDs, VNs are compact and they encode conditional independence relations in the probability model [Shenoy 1994c]. Unlike IDs, the VN technique can represent directly every probabilistic model, without any preprocessing. All that is required is a factorization of the joint probability distribution for the chance variables. The information constraints representation is more flexible in VNs than in IDs. In IDs, all decision nodes have to be completely ordered. This condition is called "no-forgetting" [Howard and Matheson 1981]. In VNs, there is a weaker requirement called "perfect recall" [Shenoy 1992]. The perfect recall requirement can be stated as follows. Given any decision variable D and any chance variable C, it should be clear whether the true state of C is known or unknown when a choice has to be made at D. The flexibility of information constraints will offer a greater number of allowable reduction sequences than the other techniques. Of course, the perfect recall condition can be easily adapted to the ID domain. The VN representation technique captures asymmetry through the use of indicator valuations and effective state spaces. Indicator valuations encode structural asymmetry modularly with no duplication, and the effective state space for a subset of variables contains all structural asym- A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 21 metry information that is relevant for that subset. This contributes to the parsimony of the representation In VNs, the joint probability distribution can be decomposed into functions with smaller domains than in IDs. This is so because IDs insist on working with conditionals. For example, the conditional for T has the domain {D 1 , A, T} in the ID (as seen in Figure 3.2), and the valuation t 1 has the domain {A, T} in the VN (as seen in Table 4.1). The distribution tree for T in the ID could be computed from the VN as d 2 One implication of this decomposition is that during the solution phase, the computation is more local, i.e., it involves fewer variables, than in the case of IDs. For example, in the ID technique, reduction of A involves variables D 1 , (as deduced from Figure 3.3), whereas in the VN technique, reduction of A only involves variables T, D 2 , and A (as deduced from Figure 4.2). VNs do not perform unnecessary divisions done in DTs, IDs, and in SDDs. In DTs, these un-necessary divisions are done during the preprocessing stage. In IDs and SDDs, the unnecessary divisions are done during arc reversal. For symmetric problems, Ndilikilikesha [1994] and Jensen et al. [1994] have suggested modifications to the ID solution technique to avoid these unnecessary divisions. These modifications need to be generalized to the asymmetric case. In general, with arbitrary potentials and an additive decomposition of the utility function, divisions are often necessary if we want to take advantage of local computation. In this case, VNs, IDs and SDDs are similar. This is the situation in the Reactor problem, i.e., all divisions done in this problem are necessary. Finally, the VN technique includes conditions that tell us when a representation is well defined for computing an optimal strategy [Shenoy 1993b]. These conditions are useful in automating the technique. 4.4 Weaknesses of VNs The modeling of conditionals is not as intuitive in VNs as in IDs. For example, in the Reactor problem, the probability valuation t 1 is not a true conditional, it is only a factor of the condi- tional, i.e., d 2 A. This factoring of conditionals Bielza and Shenoy 22 into valuations with smaller domain makes it difficult to attach semantics for the probability valuations, and this may make it difficult or non-intuitive to represent. In VNs, the specification of a decision problem is done sequentially as follows. First, the user specifies the VN diagram. Next, the user specifies the state spaces of all decision and chance nodes, and all indicator valuations. Finally, the user specifies the numerical details of each probability and utility valuations for configurations in the effective state spaces that are computed using local computation from the indicator valuations. Some users may find this sequencing too constraining. VNs show explicitly the probability distributions as nodes, which implies a greater number of nodes and edges in the diagram and probably more confusion when representing problems with many variables. 4.5 Some Open Issues A major issue of VNs is their inability to model some asymmetry. For example, in the Reactor problem, we are unable to model the irrelevance of node C for the scenarios D or a in the utility valuation u 1 . This issue perhaps can be resolved by adapting the collapsed scenario feature of IDs to VNs. In comparison with IDs, VNs are unable to use sharing of scenarios and collapsed scenario features of IDs. Consequently, a VN representation may demand more space than a corresponding ID representation that can take advantage of these features. Also, the inability to use sharing and collapsed scenarios features has a computational penalty. For example, in the Reactor prob- lem, reduction of C requires 9 arithmetic operations in VNs as compared to 3 in the case of IDs, and reduction of A requires 80 operations in VNs as compared to 39 in the case of IDs. This issue can be perhaps be resolved by adapting the sharing and collapsed scenario features of IDs to VNs. However, VNs can and do represent clipping of scenarios through the use of effective state spaces. The elements of an effective state space include the unclipped conditioning scenarios. Also, VNs can represent partially unspecified distributions by simply not specifying the values for particular elements of the effective state space. However to avoid the problem of determining A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 23 when a representation is completely specified for computation of an optimal strategy, it may be better to not use this feature of IDs. 5 Sequential Decision Diagrams In this section, we will represent and solve the Reactor problem using Covaliu and Oliver's [1995] sequential decision diagram technique. The SDD technique is described either for a problem in which the utility function is undecomposed, or for a problem in which the utility function decomposes into additive (or multiplicative) factors such that each factor has only one variable in its domain. Since our version of the Reactor problem is not in either of these two categories, first we combine the three utility factors and then we use the undecomposed version of the SDD technique to represent and solve the Reactor problem. 5.1 SDD Representation In this technique, a decision problem is modeled at two levels, graphical and numerical. At the graphical level, we model a decision problem using two directed graphs-an ID to describe the probability model, and a new diagram, called a sequential decision diagram, which captures the asymmetric and the information constraints of the problem. Figure 5.1 shows an ID and a SDD for the Reactor problem. Figure 5.1. The initial ID and the SDD for the Reactor problem. A A nt c At the numerical level, we specify the conditionals for each chance node in the ID, and data built from both diagrams are organized in a formulation table, similar to the one used by Kirkwood [1993], in such a way that the recursive algorithm used in the solution process can easily access the data contained in it. Bielza and Shenoy 24 A SDD is a directed acyclic graph, with the same set of nodes as in the ID. However, its paths show all possible scenarios in a compact way, as if it were a schematic decision tree, i.e., a decision tree in which all branches from a decision or chance node leading to the same generic successor node are collapsed together. A SDD is said to be proper if (i) there is only one source node (a node with no arrows pointing to it), (ii) there is only one sink node (a node with no arrows emanating from it) and it is the value node, and (iii) there is a directed path that contains all decision nodes. In the SDD for the Reactor problem, the arc (D 1 , T) with the label t tells us that if we perform the test (D then we will observe its result or e). Arc (D 1 , D 2 ) with label nt tells us that we will not observe T when D nt. Arcs (D 2 , u), (D 2 , C) and (D 2 , show that A is relevant only if D and C is relevant only if D c. The label over the arc (D 2 , dependence on realized states at predecessor nodes, i.e., the alternative D a is available only if b. The six directed paths from D 1 to u in the SDD are a compact representation of the twenty-one possible scenarios in the decision tree representation (Figure 2.1). Figure 5.2. The transformed ID. A Notice that the partial order implied by the arrows in an ID may be different from the partial order implied by the arrows in a corresponding SDD. Let < D and < I denote the partial orders in SDD and ID respectively. If C is a chance node, D is a decision node, and C < I D implies C < D D, then we say the ID and SDD are compatible [Covaliu and Oliver 1995]. In Figure 5.1, e.g., we have A < I D 2 (since there is a directed path from A to D 2 in the ID), and D 2 < D A (since A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 25 there is an arrow from D 2 to A in the SDD). Therefore the two diagrams are incompatible. The next step in completing the SDD representation is to transform the ID so that it is compatible with the SDD. In the Reactor problem, we must reverse the arc (A, T) in the ID to make the ID compatible with the SDD. The transformed ID is shown in Figure 5.2. Next, we organize data in the formulation table, which contains the complete information the solution algorithm will require. Table 5.1 is the formulation table for the Reactor problem. Not all details of the utility function u are shown here-see Bielza and Shenoy [1998] for details. Table 5.1. A formulation table for the Reactor problem. Node Name Node Type Standard Histories (Minimal in bold) State Space Probability Distribution Next-Node Function nt t D 2 T nt - n c a u C A A chance D 1 T D 2 nt - a as al am .660 .244 .096 u u u t g a .400 .460 .140 t e a .900 .060 .040 nt - c cs cf .98 .02 u u nt nt - c - cs 8 t e a am -11 The formulation table has a row for each node in the SDD. If X < D Y, then the row for X precedes the row for Y. Each row includes node name, node type, standard histories and minimal histories, state space, conditional distribution (for chance nodes only), and next-node function. It should be noted that the formulation table is part of the representation of the decision problem. Bielza and Shenoy 26 The term history refers to how one gets to a node through the directed paths in the SDD. It can be represented as a 2-row matrix, the first row listing a node sequence of all nodes that precede it in the partial order, and the second row listing the corresponding realized states. The nextnode function (in the last column) denotes the node that is realized after a node for each of its states and for each minimal history. There are different kinds of histories. Minimal histories are sufficient for defining node state spaces, probability distributions (for chance nodes), and next node functions. For a decision node, the minimal histories will include those variables that affect its state space, and its next-node function. For example, for D 2 , variable T is the only one under these conditions. So, at node D 2 we have the minimal histories: e where - denotes the absence of T in a path to D 2 , i.e., when D nt. For a chance node, the minimal histories will include the nodes that suffice for defining its next-node function, and its conditional probability distribution. For example, for C, the set of minimal histories is the empty set. For a value node, the minimal histories will include the nodes that suffice to define the values of the corresponding utility function and they are the direct predecessors of u in the ID. As we will see, minimal histories are not always sufficient to solve a decision problem. We need a new kind of history called relevant history. The node sets of relevant histories contain the node sets of minimal histories and are contained in the node sets of full histories. Also relevant histories can be computed from minimal and full histories. Therefore, we do not show relevant histories in the formulation, just full and minimal histories. 5.2 SDD Solution Let w N (H N denote the maximum expected utility at node N of the SDD given history optimal decisions are made at N (if N is a decision node) and from there onwards. Let denote the set of nodes in H N . The solution technique is based on the same backward recursive relations used in decision trees, but here we use a new kind of history called relevant history. We cannot use only minimal histories because, when calculating w N (H N ), we may refer- A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 27 ence the next nodes n N and their histories H n N , and w N (H N ) is not well defined if there exists at least one n N such that 1(H n N We obtain the node sets in the relevant histories by enlarging the node sets in minimal histories by those SDD predecessors that appear in the node sets of relevant histories of any of the direct successors nodes. Covaliu and Oliver [1995] give a recursive definition of this term. The solution algorithm then follows a backward recursive method. We will describe in detail a part of the solution-the reduction of C. Reduction of Node C. Let w u denote the utility function associated with node uin the formulation table, e.g., w A nt n The relevant history for node C includes nodes D 1 and D 2 (since C's minimal history node set is , C's successor is node u, u's minimal history node set is {D 1 , D 2 , C, A}, and the set of predecessors of C is {D 1 , T, D 2 }). nt c nt c cs nt c cf nt c cs nt c cf Similarly, w C ( For further details, see Bielza and Shenoy [1998]. 5.3 Strengths of SDDs The main strength of SDDs is their ability to represent asymmetry compactly. A SDD can be thought of as a compact (schematic) version of a DT. Thus, we get the intuitiveness of DTs without their combinatorial explosion. Like DTs, SDDs model asymmetry without adding dummy states to variables. This is in contrast to IDs and VNs that enlarge the state spaces of some variables in order to represent Bielza and Shenoy 28 asymmetry. For example, in the Reactor problem, the state space of T is {b, g, e} in the DT and SDD representation, whereas it is {nr, b, g, e} in the ID and VN representation. In the solution phase, SDDs avoid working on the space of all scenarios (or histories) by using minimal and relevant histories. Thus, they can exploit coalescence automatically, which DTs cannot. The SDD technique can detect the presence of unnecessary information in a problem by identifying irrelevant or barren nodes [Covaliu 1996]. This leads to a simplification of the original model and to a corresponding decrease in the computational burden of solving it. 5.4 Weaknesses of SDDs The main weakness of the SDD technique is its inability to represent probability models consis- tently. It uses one distribution in the ID representation that is compatible with the SDD and a different one in the formulation table. For example, in the Reactor problem, the state space of T in the ID representation in Figure 5.2 includes nr whereas the state space of T in the formulation table does not include nr. Before one can complete a SDD formulation, including specifying a formulation table, it may be necessary to preprocess the probabilities. This means that the ID has to be modified to make it compatible with a corresponding SDD. In the reactor problem, there was only one incompatibility requiring one arc reversal. In other problems, there may be many incompatibilities requiring many arc reversals. In such problems, it is not clear which arcs one should reverse and in what sequence so as to achieve compatibility at minimum computational cost. In large problems, the lack of a formal method to translate a probability model from an ID to a formulation table may make the SDD technique unsuitable for large problems requiring Bayesian revision of probabilities In a formulation table, the nodes are linearly ordered by rows. This linear ordering is used during the solution process-the variable in a row is reduced only after all the variables in succeeding rows are reduced. Ideally, the ordering of nodes for reduction should belong to the solution phase and not to the formulation phase. If an arbitrary linear order is chosen (compatible A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 29 with the partial order in SDD), there may be a computational penalty (see [Shenoy 1994a] for an example of this phenomenon). This weakness is also shared by DTs. 5.5 Some Open Issues As in DTs, SDDs require that a unique node be defined as a next node for each state of a variable in a formulation table even though the problem may allow several nodes to qualify as next nodes. The choice of which node should be a next node is a computational issue and it properly belongs to the solution phase, not to the formulation phase. This issue perhaps can be resolved by allowing the next node to be a subset instead of a single node. This strategy is advocated by Guo and Shenoy [1996] in the context of Kirkwood's algebraic method. The SDD technique tells us how to compute minimal history node sets and relevant history node sets. However, once we have the node sets, we still have to generate the corresponding histories. Generating these from a list of standardized histories is one possibility. However, for large problems, the number of standardized histories is an exponential function of the number of variables. Thus, we need procedures for generating minimal histories and relevant histories from the corresponding node sets without actually listing all standardized histories. This is a task that remains to be done. A complete SDD formulation of a problem consists of an ID and a SDD at the graphical level, and conditionals for the chance variables in the ID and a formulation table at the numerical level. The formulation table is built partly from information from a compatible ID (e.g., the conditional probability distributions), and partly from the SDD (e.g., the histories). Thus, there is duplication of information. A complete ID representation is sufficient for solving the problem. A corresponding SDD duplicates some of this information. And a formulation table that includes standardized histories has all information required for solving the problem. Thus, a formulation table duplicates information contained in an ID and a SDD. This issue can be resolved by developing a solution technique that solves a decision problem directly from a SDD and a corresponding ID representation without having the user specify a formulation table. As currently described, the SDD technique tells us only how to represent a problem with a Bielza and Shenoy single undecomposed utility function or a problem in which the utility function decomposes into factors whose domains include only one variable. The case of an arbitrary decomposition of the utility function is not covered. Also, it is not clear when a SDD representation is well defined. These are tasks that remain to be done. 6 Conclusion The main goal of this work is to compare four distinct techniques proposed for representing and solving asymmetric decision problems-traditional decision trees, SHM influence diagrams, Shenoy's valuation networks, and Covaliu and Oliver's sequential decision diagrams. For each technique, we have identified the main strengths, intrinsic weaknesses, and some open issues that perhaps can be resolved with further research. One conclusion is that no single technique stands out as always superior in all respects to the others. Each technique has some unmatched strengths. Another conclusion is that considerable work remains to be done to resolve the open issues of each technique. One possibility here is to borrow the strengths of a technique to resolve the issues of another. Also, there is need for automating each technique by building computer implementations, and there is very little literature on this topic 2 . We conclude with some speculative comments about the class of problems for which each technique is appropriate. Decision trees are appropriate for small decision problems. Influence diagrams are appropriate for problems in which we have a Bayesian network model for the un- certainties. Valuation networks are appropriate for problems in which we have a non-Bayesian network model for the uncertainties such as undirected graphs, chain graphs, etc. Finally, se- 2 There are several implementations of the decision tree technique, e.g., [], and Supertree [], several implementations of the symmetric influence diagram technique, e.g., Hugin [], Netica [], and Analytica [], and one implementation of the asymmetric influence diagram technique based on Call and Miller's [1990] technique, namely DPL []. Currently, there are no implementations of either SHM's IDs or Shenoy's asymmetric VNs or Covaliu and Oliver's SDDs. For details of other software for decision analysis, see Buede [1996]. A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision Problems 31 quential decision diagrams are appropriate for problems for which we have a Bayesian network model for the uncertainties such that no Bayesian revision of probabilities are required and for which the utility function decomposes into factors whose domains are singleton variable subsets. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Jim Smith, Zvi Covaliu, David Ros Insua, Robert Nau, and an anonymous reviewer for extensive comments on earlier drafts. --R "A Comparison of Graphical Techniques for Asymmetric Decision problems: Supplement to Management Science Paper," "Aiding insight III," "A comparison of approaches and implementations for automating decision analysis," "Representation and solution of decision problems using sequential decision diagrams," "Sequential diagrams and influence diagrams: A complementary relationship for modeling and solving decision problems," "Decision networks: A new formulation for multistage decision prob- lems," "Contingent influence diagrams," "A graphical method for solving a decision analysis problem," "A note on Kirkwood's algebraic method for decision prob- Bielza and Shenoy "From influence diagrams to junction trees," "An algebraic approach to formulating and solving large models for sequential decisions under uncertainty," "On representing and solving decision problems," "Influence diagrams," "Potential influence diagrams," "Solving asymmetric decision problems with influence diagrams," "Evaluating influence diagrams," "Probabilistic inference and influence diagrams," "Decision making using probabilistic inference meth- ods," "Valuation-based systems for Bayesian decision analysis," "A new method for representing and solving Bayesian decision prob- lems," "Valuation network representation and solution of asymmetric decision problems," To appear in "A comparison of graphical techniques for decision analysis," "Consistency in valuation-based systems," "Representing conditional independence relations by valuation networks," "A new pruning method for solving decision trees and game trees," Besnard and S. "Representing and solving asymmetric decision problems using valuation networks," "Game Trees for Decision Analysis," "Axioms for probability and belief-function propagation," "Influence diagrams for Bayesian decision analysis," "Structuring conditional relationships in influence diagrams," "Dynamic programming and influence diagrams," "A computational theory of decision networks," --TR --CTR Liping Liu , Prakash P. Shenoy, Representing asymmetric decision problems using coarse valuations, Decision Support Systems, v.37 n.1, p.119-135, April 2004 M. Gmez , C. Bielza, Node deletion sequences in influence diagrams using genetic algorithms, Statistics and Computing, v.14 n.3, p.181-198, August 2004
Asymmetric Decision Problems;decision trees;influence diagrams;Sequential Decision Diagrams;valuation networks
Partitioning Customers Into Service Groups.
We explore the issues of when and how to partition arriving customers into service groups that will be served separately, in a first-come first-served manner, by multiserver service systems having a provision for waiting, and how to assign an appropriate number of servers to each group. We assume that customers can be classified upon arrival, so that different service groups can have different service-time distributions. We provide methodology for quantifying the tradeoff between economies of scale associated with larger systems and the benefit of having customers with shorter service times separated from other customers with longer service times, as is done in service systems with express lines. To properly quantify this tradeoff, it is important to characterize service-time distributions beyond their means. In particular, it is important to also determine the variance of the service-time distribution of each service group. Assuming Poisson arrival processes, we then can model the congestion experienced by each server group as an M/G/s queue with unlimited waiting room. We use previously developed approximations for M/G/s performance measures to quickly evaluate alternative partitions.
Introduction In this paper we consider how to design service systems. We assume that it is possible to initially classify customers according to some attributes. We then consider partitioning these customer classes into disjoint subsets that will be served separately, each in a first-come first-served manner. We assume that all customer classes arrive in independent Poisson processes. Thus the arrival process for any subset in the partition, being the superposition of independent Poisson processes, is also a Poisson process. Each arriving customer receives service from one of the servers in his service group, after waiting if necessary in a waiting room with unlimited capacity. We assume that the service times are mutually independent with a class-dependent service-time distribution. Hence, we model the performance of each subset as an M/G/s service system with s servers, an unlimited waiting space and the first-come first-served service discipline. The problem is to form a desirable partition and assign an appropriate number of servers to each subset in the partition. If all the service-time distributions are identical, then it is more efficient to have aggregate systems, everything else being equal; e.g., see Smith and Whitt (1981) and Whitt (1992). (See Mandelbaum and Reiman (1997) for further work on resource sharing.) Thus, with common service-time distributions we should select a single aggregate system. However, here we are interested in the case of different service-time distributions. With different service-time distributions, the service-time distributions are altered in the partitioning process. With different service-time distributions, there is a tradeoff between the economies of scale gained from larger systems and the cost of having customers with shorter service times have their quality of service degraded by customers with longer service times. Thus, there is a natural motivation for separation, as in the express checkout lines in a supermarket. When the different classes have different service-time distributions, the service-time distribution for each subset in the partition is a mixture of the component service-time distributions. This makes the mean just the average of the component means. If the component means are quite different, though, then the subset service-time distribution will tend to be highly variable, e.g., as reflected by its squared coefficient of variation (SCV, variance divided by the square of its mean). This high variability will in turn tend to degrade the performance of the M/G/s queue for the subset. The customers may initially be classified in many ways. One way that we specifically want to consider is by service time. It may happen that the customers' service requirements are known (or at least can be accurately estimated) upon arrival. Then we can consider classifying the customers according to their service times. We can then partition the positive halfline into finitely many disjoint subintervals and let customers with service times in a common subinterval all belong to the same class. Clearly, partitioning customers according to service times tends to reduce variability; i.e., the variability within each class usually will be less than the overall variability. (For ways to formalize this, see Whitt (1985a).) Since there are (infinitely) many possible ways to partition service times into subintervals, there are (infinitely) many possible designs. Thus, we want a quick method for evaluating candidate designs. For that purpose, we propose previous M/G/s approximations, as in Whitt (1992, 1993). When the customer classes are specified at the outset, it is natural to formulate our design problem as an optimization problem. The goal can be to minimize the total number of servers used, while requiring that each class meet a specified performance requirement, e.g., the steady-state probability that a class-i customer has to wait more than d i should be less than or equal to p i for all i. These requirements might well not be identical for all classes. It is natural to measure the waiting time (before beginning service) relative to the service time or expected service time; i.e., customers with longer service times should be able to tolerate longer waiting times. The alternatives that must be considered in the optimization problem are the possible partitions that can be used and the numbers of servers that are used in the subsets. When there are not many classes, this optimization problem can be easily solved with the aid of the approximations by evaluating all (reasonable) alternatives. Larger problems can be solved approximately by exploiting two basic principles. First, the advantage of partitioning usually stems from separating short service times from long ones. Thus, we should tend to put classes with similar service-time distributions in the same subset. In many cases (as when we partition according to service times), it will be possible to rank order the classes according to the usual size of service times. Then it may be reasonable to restrict attention to partitions in which no two classes appear together unless all classes ranked in between these two also belong. Then partitions can be easily characterized by their boundary point in the ordering. The second principle is that we should not expect to have a very large number of subsets in the partition, because a large number tends to violate the efficiency of large scale. Thus it is natural to only look for and then compare the best (or good) partitions of size 2, 3, 4, and 5, say. For example, it is natural to consider giving special protection to one class with the shortest service times; e.g., express lanes in supermarkets. It is also natural to consider protecting the majority of the customers from the customers with the largest service times; e.g., large file transfers over the internet. If only these two objectives are desired, then only three classes are needed. It is not difficult to examine candidate pairs of boundary points within a specified ordering. In this paper we assume that the customer service-time distributions are unaffected by the partitioning, but in general that need not be the case. Combining classes might actually make it more difficult to provide service, e.g., because servers may need different skills to serve different classes. This variation might be analyzed within our scheme by introducing parameters for each pair of classes (i; We could then have each service time of a customer of class i multiplied by j ij if classes i and j belong to the same subset in the partition. This would cause the mean to be multiplied by j ij but leave the SCV unchanged. This modification would require recalculation of the two service-time moments for the subsets in the partition, but we still could use the M/G/s analysis described here. More general variants take us out of the M/G/s framework, and thus remain to be considered. Here is how the rest of this paper is organized. In Section 2 we review simple approximations for M/G/s performance measures. In Section 3 we indicate how to calculate the parameters of the subset service-time distributions when we partition according to service times. In Section 4 we indicate how to calculate service-time parameters when we aggregate classes. In Section 5 we indicate how we can select a reasonable initial number of servers for an M/G/s system, after which we can tune for improvement. In Section 6 we illustrate the advantages of separating disparate classes by considering a numerical example with three classes having very different service-time distributions. In Section 7 we illustrate the potential advantage of partitioning according to service requirement by considering a numerical example with a Pareto service-time distribution. We split the Pareto distribution into five subintervals. We show there that the partition may well be preferred to one aggregate system. In Section 8 we briefly discuss other model variants; e.g., we point out that the situation is very different when there is no provision for waiting. Finally, in Section 9 we state our conclusions. 2. Review of M/G/s Approximations In this section we review basic approximations for key performance measures of M/G/s systems. We want to be able to quickly determine the approximate performance of an M/G/s system, so that we can quickly evaluate possible partition schemes. We shall be concerned with the steady-state probability of having to wait, P (W ? 0), and the steady-state conditional expected wait given that the customer must wait, E(W jW ? 0). The product of these two is of course the mean steady-state wait itself, EW . We shall also want the steady-state tail probability desired t. Relevant choices of t typically depend on the mean service time, here denoted ES. The basic model parameters are the number of servers s, the arrival rate - and the service-time cdf G with k th moments m k , k - 1. The traffic intensity is we assume that so that a proper steady state exists. This condition puts an obvious lower bound on the number of servers in each service group. The service-time SCV is c 2 1 . We propose using approximations for the M/G/s performance measures. We could instead use exact M/M/s (Erlang C) formulas involving exponential service-time distributions with the correct mean, but we advise not doing so because it is important to capture the service-time distribution beyond its mean via its SCV. (This is shown in our examples later.) On the other hand, we could use simulation or more involved numerical algorithms, as in de Smit (1983), Seelen (1986) and Bertsimas (1988), to more accurately calculate the exact performance mea- sures, but we contend that it is usually not necessary to do so, because the approximation accuracy tend to be adequate and the approximations are much more easy to use and under- stand. The adequacy of approximation accuracy depends in part on the intended application to determine the required number of servers. A small change in the number of servers (e.g., by one) typically produces a significant change in the waiting-time performance measures. This means that the approximation error has only a small impact on the decision. Moreover, the approximation accuracy is often much better than our knowledge of the underlying model parameters (arrival rates and service-time distributions). If, however, greater accuracy is deemed necessary, then one of the alternative exact numerical algorithms can be used in place of the approximations here. We now specify the proposed approximations. First recall that the exact conditional wait for M/M/s is E(W (M=M=s)jW (M=M=s) ? which is easy to see because an M/M/s system behaves like an M/M/1 system with service rate s=m 1 when all s servers are busy. As in Whitt (1993) and elsewhere, we approximate the conditional M/G/s wait by E(W (M=G=s)jW (M=G=s) ? Following Whitt (1993) and references cited there, we approximate the probability of delay in an M/G/s system by the probability of delay in an M/M/s system with the same traffic intensity ae, i.e., where with Algorithms are easily constructed to compute the exact M/M/s delay probability in (2.4). However, we also propose the more elementary heavy-traffic approximation from Halfin and Whitt (1981), where \Phi is the standard (mean 0, variance 1) normal cdf and As shown in Table 13 of Whitt (1993), approximation (2.6) is quite accurate except for the cases in which both s is large and ae is small (and the delay probability itself is small). An alternative simple approximation for the M/M/s delay probability is the Sakasegawa (1977) approximation (Combine (2.9) and (2.12) of Whitt (1993).) We do not attempt to evaluate these approximations here, because that has already been done. The approximation errors from using (2.6) and (2.8) instead of the exact formula are displayed for a range of cases in Tables 1 and 13 of Whitt (1993). When we combine (2.2) and (2.3), we obtain the classic Lee and Longton (1959) approximation formula for the mean, i.e., which we complete either with an exact calculation or approximation (2.6) or (2.8). We may know roughly what the probability of delay will be; e.g., we might have 0:25. Then we can obtain an explicit back-of-the-envelope approximation by substituting that approximation into (2.9). A simple heavy-traffic approximation is obtained by letting equivalently, EW - (W jW ? 0), which amounts to using (2.2). Then for fixed ae, there is a clear tradeoff between s (scale) on the one hand and combination of mean and variability of the service-time distribution) on the other hand. We can approximate the tail probability roughly by assuming that the conditional delay is exponential, i.e., Approximation (2.10) is exact for M/M/s, but not more generally. Approximation (2.10) is also consistent with known heavy-traffic limits. The accuracy of (2.10) is often adequate. Refinements can be based on the asymptotic behavior as t ! 1; e.g., see Abate, Choudhury and Whitt (1995). 3. Splitting by Service Times Suppose that we are given a single M/G input with arrival rate - and service-time cdf G. We can create m classes by classifying customers according to their service times, which we assume can be learned upon arrival. We use We say that an arrival belongs to class i if its service time falls in the interval 1. For class 1 the interval is [0; x 1 ]; for class m the interval is Since the service times are assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d), this classification scheme partitions the original Poisson arrival process into m independent Poisson arrival processes. Thus one M/G input has been decomposed into m independent M/G inputs (without yet specifying the numbers of servers). The arrival rate of class i is thus (regarding G(0) as and the associated service-time cdf is The k th moment of G i is x It is significant that the moments of the split cdf's can be computed in practice, as we now Example 3.1. (exponential distributions). Suppose that the cdf G is exponential with so that the density is If G i is G restricted to the interval The first two moments of G i are then and Example 3.2. (Pareto distributions). Suppose that the cdf G is Pareto with decay rate ff, i.e., so that the complementary cdf is and the density is A Pareto distribution is a good candidate model for relatively more variable (long-tailed) service-time distributions. The mean is infinite if ff - 1. If ff ? 1, then the mean is then the variance is infinite. If ff ? 2, then the SCV is If G i is G restricted to the interval We can apply formulas (3.12) and (3.13) to calculate the first two moments of G i . They are ff and ff As indicated after (2.9), we can do a heavy-traffic analysis to quickly see the benefits of service-time splitting. Suppose that we allocate servers proportional to the offered load, so that ae ae Then, by (2.2), and for EW in (3.15). Hence, EW This simple analysis shows that important role played by service-time variability, as approximately described by the SCVs s and c 2 si . Remark 3.1. When we split service times, we expect to have c 2 s , but that need not be the case. First, if G is uniform on [0; x], then G i is uniform on 1=3. Second, suppose that G assigns probabilities ffl=2, ffl=2 and 1 \Gamma ffl to 0, x 1 and x so that we can have c 2 s . 4. Aggregation Suppose that we are given m independent M/G inputs with arrival rates - i and service-time m. Then the m classes can be combined (aggregated) into a single M/G input with arrival rate the sum of the component arrival rates, i.e., and service-time cdf a mixture of the component cdf's, i.e., having moments It should be evident that if a single M/G input is split by service times as described in Section 3 and then recombined, we get the original M/G input characterized by - and G back again. 5. Initial Numbers of Servers In this section we indicate how to initially select the number of servers in any candidate M/G/s system. Our idea is to use an infinite-server approximation, as in Section 2.3 of Whitt (1992) or in Jennings, Mandelbaum, Massey and Whitt (1996). In the associated M/G/1 system with the same M/G input, the steady-state number of busy servers has a Poisson distribution with mean (and thus also variance) equal to the offered load (product of arrival rate and mean service time, say !. The Poisson distribution can then be approximated by a normal distribution. We thus let the number of servers be the least integer greater than or equal !, which is c standard deviations above the mean. A reasonable value of the constant is often and we will use it. Then the number of servers is A rough estimate (lower bound) for the probability of delay is then where N(a; b) denotes a normal random variables with mean a and variance b, and \Phi c is the complementary cdf of N(0; 1), i.e., \Phi c choice tends to keep the waiting time low with the servers well utilized. Of course, the number of standard deviations above the mean and/or the resulting number of servers can be further adjusted as needed. 6. A Class-Aggregation Numerical Example In this section we give a numerical example illustrating how to study the possible aggregation of classes into service groups. We let the classes have quite different service-time distributions to demonstrate that aggregation is not always good. In particular, we consider three classes of M/M input, each with common offered load 10. Classes 1, 2 and 3 have arrival-rate and mean-service-time pairs (- spectively. Each class separately arrives according to a Poisson process and has exponential service times. Thus each class separately yields an M/M/s queue when we specify the number of servers. We consider all possible aggregations of the classes, namely, the subsets f1; 2g, f1; 3g, f2; 3g and f1; 2; 3g as well as the classes separately. The arrival rates and offered loads of the subgroups are just the sums of the component arrival rates and offered loads. However, the aggregated subgroups differ qualitatively from the single classes because the service-time distributions are no longer exponential. Instead, the service-time distributions of the aggregated subgroups are mixtures of exponentials (hyperexponential distributions) with SCVs greater than 1. The penalty for aggregation is initially quantified by the service-time SCV. The service-time SCVs for classes f1; 2g, f1; 3g, f2; 3g and f1; 2; 3g are 5.05, 50.0, 5.05 and 26.4, respectively. Consistent with intuition, from these SCVs, we see that the two-class service group f1; 3g should not be as attractive as the other two-class service groups f1; 2g and f2; 3g. We use the scheme in Section 5 to specify the number of servers. In particular, in each case we let s be approximately is the offered lead. Thus, for each class separately we let for the two-class subgroups we let and for the entire three-class set we more servers are used with smaller groups, we also consider the three-class set with 39 servers, which is the sum of the separate numbers assigned to the separate classes. We display the performance measures calculated according to Section 2 in Table 1. From classes in server group ES 1:0 10:0 100:0 1:818 1:980 18:18 2:703 ae 0:7692 0:7692 0:7692 0:800 0:800 0:800 0:833 0:769 s 1:0 1:0 1:0 5:05 50:0 5:05 26:4 EW 0:108 1:08 10:8 0:28 2:53 2:75 1:54 0:51 \Gamma131 \Gamma13 \Gamma5 \Gamma5 \Gamma6 \Gamma12 Table 1: Performance measures for the three classes separately and all possible aggregated subsets in the example of Section 6. Table 1, we see that the mean wait is about 10% of the mean service time for each class separately. Also the probability that the wait exceeds one mean service time, P (W ? ES) is for each class separately. In contrast, these performance measures degrade substantially for the class with the shorter service times after aggregation. Consistent with intuition, the performance for service group f1; 3g is particularly bad. The full aggregate service group containing classes f1; 2; 3g performs better with 39 servers than 36, but in both cases the performance for class 1 is significantly worse than the performance for class 1 separately. The main point is that the approximations in Section 2 provide a convenient way to study possible aggregations. Given a specification of performance requirements, e.g., delay constraints it is possible to find the minimum number of servers satisfying all the constraints (exploiting the best aggregation scheme). For example, having the three classes separate is optimal. For the classes separately with 12 and 14 servers, P respectively. Hence, as indicated in Section 2, a unit change in the number of servers makes a big change in the performance measures. The total number of servers required for the aggregate system to have 0:20 is 46, seven more than with the three classes separate. This example also illustrates the importance of considering the service-time distribution beyond its mean. If we assume that the aggregate system were an M/M/s system, then the service-time SCV would be 1 instead of 26.4. Approximations (2.2), (2.3), (2.8) and (2.9) indicate that using M/M/s model instead would underestimate the correct mean approximately by a factor of 13.7. Using the M/M/s model for the aggregate system, we would deduce that we only needed 37 servers in order to have 0:015). We would also wrongly conclude that the aggregate system is better than the separate classes. 7. A Pareto-Splitting Numerical Example In this section we illustrate the service-time partitioning by considering a numerical example in which we split Pareto service times. We start with an M/G input consisting of a Poisson arrival process having arrival rate and a Pareto service-time distribution as in Example 3.2 with that it has mean 1 and SCV c 2 The offered load is 100, so that the total number of servers must be at least 101 in order to have a stable system. Using the initial sizing formula in Section 5, we would initially let This yields a probability of delay of P (W ? mean delay of E(W jW ? and a mean delay of However, the median of the chosen Pareto distribution is 0.43, so that 50% of the service times are less than 0.43. Indeed, the conditional mean service time restricted to the interval [0; 0:43] is 0:179. The conditional mean wait of 1.21 is about 6.8 times this mean; the actual mean wait 0.343 is about 2 times the mean service time. These mean waits might be judged too large for the customers with such short service requirements. Thus, assuming that we know customer service requirements upon arrival, we might attempt to make waiting times more proportional to service times by partitioning the customers according to their service-time requirements. Here we consider partitioning the customers into five subsets using the boundary points 1000. The first two boundary points were chosen to be the 50 th and 90 th percentiles of the service-time distribution, while the last two boundary points were chosen to be one and three orders of magnitude larger than the overall mean 1, respectively. In particular, from formula (3.11), we find that the probabilities that a service time falls into the interval (0; 0:43), (0:43; 2:2), (2:2; 10), (10; 1000) and (1000; 1) are 0.50, 0.40, 0.092, 0.0078 and 0:61 \Theta 10 \Gamma6 , respectively. For each subinterval, we calculate the conditional mean and second moment given that the service time falls in the subinterval using formulas (3.12) and (3.13), thus obtaining the subinterval mean and second moment. The subinterval SCV is then obtained in the usual way. We display these results in Table 2. Note that these subgroup service-time SCVs are indeed much smaller than the original overall Pareto SCV of c 2 Given the calculated characteristics for each subinterval, we can treat each subinterval as a separate independent M/G/s queue. The arrival rate is 100 times the subinterval probability. The offered load, say !, is the arrival rate times the mean service time. Using the initial-sizing formula in Section 5, we let the number of servers in each case be the least integer greater than !. We regard this value as an initial trial value that can be refined as needed. Finally, the traffic intensity ae is just the offered load divided by the number of servers, i.e., ae = !=s. We display all these results in Table 2. Next we describe the performance of each separate M/G/s queue using the formulas in Section 2. For simplicity, here we use (2.8) for the probability of delay. Since we have chosen s in each case to be about !, it should be no surprise that the delay probability is nearly the same for all groups except the last. In the last subinterval, the offered load is only 0:117, so only one server is assigned, and the normal approximation is clearly inappropriate. From Table 2, we see that the mean wait EW i for each class i is substantially less than the mean service time of that subclass. We also calculate the probability that the waiting time exceeds the mean service time of that class, using approximation (2.10). For all classes, consistently small. service-time intervals probability 0:5000 0:4004 0:0918 0:0078 0:00000061 subgroup mean 0:1787 0:9811 3:935 19:94 1910 arrival rate 49:99 40:04 9:18 0:78 0:000061 offered load 8:94 39:28 36:12 15:54 0:117 servers 12 46 42 20 1 ae i 0:745 0:853 0:864 0:778 0:117 Table 2: Service-time characteristics and M/G/s performance measures when the original Pareto service times are split into five subgroups. Now we consider what happens if we aggregate some of the subgroups. First, we consider combining the last two subgroups. We keep the total number of servers the same at 21. If we group the last two classes together, then the new service time has mean 20.09 and SCV 5.29. Note that, compared to the (10, 1000) class, the mean has gone up only slightly from 19.94, but the SCV has increased significantly from 1.25. (The SCV is even bigger than it was for the highest group.) The M/G/s performance measures for the new combined class are This combination might be judged acceptable, but the performance becomes degraded for the customers in the (10, 1000) subgroup. Finally, we consider aggregating all the subgroups. If we keep the same numbers of servers assigned to the subgroups, then we obtain 121 servers instead of 110. This should not be surprising, because the algorithm should produce fewer extra servers with one large group than with five subgroups. However, it still remains to examine the performance of the original system when :0094. The delay probability is clearly better than with the partition, as it must be using approximation (2.3), but the conditional mean wait is worse for the first three subgroups, and much worse for the first two. The overall mean EW is worse for the first two subgroups, and much more for the first one. The tail probabilities are much worse for the first two subgroups as well. Hence, even with all 121 servers, performance in the single aggregated system might be considered far inferior to performance in the separate groups for the first two groups. Finally, we can clearly see here that an M/M/s model fails to adequately describe the performance. By formulas (2.2), (2.3), (2.8) and (2.9), we see that the mean EW would be underestimated by a factor of 11 in the aggregate system, and overestimated somewhat for the first three service groups. Moreover, and we would incorrectly conclude that the aggregate system must be better. Remark 7.1. The Pareto service-time distribution in the example we have just considered has finite variance since 2. Similar results hold if the service-time distribution has infinite variance or even infinite mean. When the service-time distribution has finite mean but infinite variance (when 1 ! ff - 2), the service-time variance is finite for all subclasses but the last because of truncation. The service-time distribution for the last class then has finite mean and infinite second moment. In the example here with one server assigned to the last class, we then have 1. When the mean service-time is infinite for the last class (when ff - 1), the waiting times for that class diverge to +1. However, the other classes remain well behaved. Clearly, the splitting may well be deemed even more important in these cases. 8. Other Model Variants So far, we have considered service systems with unlimited waiting space. A very different situation occurs when there is no waiting space at all. The steady-state number of busy servers in an M/G/s/0 loss model has the insensitivity property; i.e., the steady-state distribution of the number of busy servers depends on the service-time distribution only through its mean. Thus, the steady-state distribution in the M/G/s/0model coincides with the (Erlang B) steady-state distribution in the M/M/s/0 model with an exponential service-time distribution having the same mean. Thus, the full aggregated system is always more efficient for loss systems, by Smith and Whitt (1981). Similarly, if there is extra waiting space, but delays are to be kept minimal, then it is natural to use the M/G/1 model as an approximation, which also has the insensitivity property. Hence, if our goal can be expressed in terms of the distribution of the number of busy servers in the M/G/1 model, then we should again prefer the aggregate system. Even for the M/G/s delay model, our approximation for the probability of experiencing any wait in (2.3) has the insensitivity property. Hence, if our performance criterion were expressed in terms of the probability of experiencing any wait, then we also should prefer the aggregate system. In contrast, separation can become important for the delays, because the service-time distribution beyond its mean (as described by the SCV) then matters, as we have seen. So far, we have considered a stationary model. However, in many circumstances it is more appropriate to consider a nonstationary model. For example, we could assume a nonhomogeneous Poisson arrival process, denoted by M t , for each customer class. It is important to note that the insensitivity in the M/G/s/0 and M/G/1 models is lost when the arrival process becomes M t ; see Davis, Massey and Whitt (1995). The added complexity caused by the nonstationarity makes it natural to consider the M t =G=1 model as an approximation. Since insensitivity no longer holds, full aggregation is not necessarily most efficient. Partitioning in this nonstationary setting can also be conveniently analyzed because the partitioning of non-homogeneous Poisson processes produces again nonhomogeneous Poisson processes. Hence, all subgroups behave as M t =G=s systems. For example, the server staffing and performance calculations for each subset can be performed by applying the approximation methods in Jennings, Mandelbaum, Massey and Whitt (1996). The formula for the mean number of busy servers at time t in (6) there shows that the service-time distribution beyond the mean plays a role, i.e., where -(t) is the arrival-rate function and S e is a random variable with the service-time equilibrium-excess distribution, i.e., ES also see Eick, Massey and Whitt (1993). The linear approximation in (8) of Eick et al. shows the first-order effect of the service-time SCV. So far, we have only considered Poisson arrival processes. We chose Poisson arrival processes because, with them, it is easier to make our main points, and because they are often reasonable in applications. However, we could also employ approximation methods to study the partitioning of more general (stationary) G/G inputs. In particular, we could use approximations for aggregating and splitting of arrival streams in the queueing network analyzer (QNA) in Whitt (1983) to first calculate an SCV for the arrival process of each server group and then calculate approximate performance measures. When we go to this more general setting, the arrival-process variability then also has an impact. With non-Poisson arrival processes, the partitioning problem nicely illustrates how a performance-analysis software tool such as QNA can be conveniently applied to study design problem. In that regard, this paper parallels our application of QNA to study the best order for queues in series in Whitt (1985b). It should be noted, however, that the QNA formulas for superposition (aggregation) and splitting assume independence. The independence seems reasonable for aggregation, but may fail to properly represent splitting. For aggregation, the assumed independence is among the arrival processes for the different classes to be superposed, which we have already assumed in the Poisson case. For splitting, we assume that the class identity obtained by splitting successive arrivals are determined by independent trials. Thus, if c 2 a is the original arrival-process SCV and p i is the probability that each arrival belongs to class i, then the resulting approximation for the class-i i from Section 4.4 of Whitt (1983) is which approaches the value 1 as exact for renewal processes and is consistent with limits to the Poisson for more general stationary point processes. However, in applications it is possible that burstiness (high variability) may be linked to the class attributes, so that a cluster of arrivals in the original process all may tend to be associated with a common class. That means the independence condition would be violated. Moreover, as a consequence, the actual SCV's associated with the split streams should be much larger than predicted by (8.4). In such a situation it may be better to rely on measurements, as discussed in Fendick and Whitt (1989). 9. Conclusions We have shown how to evaluate the costs and benefits of (1) partitioning an M/G/s system into independent subsystems by classifying customers according to their service times, assuming that they can be estimated upon arrival, and (2) combining independent M/G/s systems with different service-time distributions into larger aggregate M/G/s systems. When the service-time distributions are nearly the same in component systems, then greater efficiency usually can be obtained by combining the systems as indicated in Smith and Whitt (1981). On the other hand, if the service-time distributions are very different, then it may be better not to combine the systems. Previously established simple approximations for M/G/s performance measures make it possible to evaluate alternatives quantitatively very rapidly. Afterwards, the conclusions can be confirmed by more involved numerical algorithms, computer simulations or system measurements. --R "Exponential Approximations for Tail Probabilities, I: Waiting Times," "An Exact FCFS Waiting Time Analysis for a General Class of G/G/s Queueing Systems," "Sensitivity to the Service-Time Distribution in the Nonstationary Erlang Loss Model," "The Physics of the M t =G=1 Queue," "Heavy-Traffic Limits for Queues with Many Exponential Servers," "Server Staffing to Meet Time-Varying Demand," "Queueing Processes Associated with Airline Passengers Check- In," "On Pooling in Queueing Networks," "An Approximation Formula L "An Algorithm for Ph/Ph/c Queues," "A Numerical Solution for the Multi-Server Queue with Hyperexponential Service Times," "Resource Sharing for Efficiency in Traffic Systems," "The Queueing Network Analyzer," "Uniform Conditional Variability Ordering of Probability Distributions," "The Best Order for Queues in Series," "Understanding the Efficiency of Multi-Server Service Systems," "Approximations for the GI/G/m Queue," --TR --CTR Hui-Chih Hung , Marc E. Posner, Allocation of jobs and identical resources with two pooling centers, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, v.55 n.3, p.179-194, March 2007 Gans , Yong-Pin Zhou, Call-Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, v.9 n.1, p.33-50, January 2007
resource sharing;multiserver queues;service-system design;queues;Service Systems with Express Lines;service systems
A Multigrid Algorithm for the Mortar Finite Element Method.
The objective of this paper is to develop and analyze a multigrid algorithm for the system of equations arising from the mortar finite element discretization of second order elliptic boundary value problems. In order to establish the inf-sup condition for the saddle point formulation and to motivate the subsequent treatment of the discretizations, we first revisit briefly the theoretical concept of the mortar finite element method. Employing suitable mesh-dependent norms we verify the validity of the Ladyzhenskaya--Babuska--Brezzi (LBB) condition for the resulting mixed method and prove an L2 error estimate. This is the key for establishing a suitable approximation property for our multigrid convergence proof via a duality argument. In fact, we are able to verify optimal multigrid efficiency based on a smoother which is applied to the whole coupled system of equations. We conclude with several numerical tests of the proposed scheme which confirm the theoretical results and show the efficiency and the robustness of the method even in situations not covered by the theory.
Introduction The mortar method as a special domain decomposition methodology appears to be particularly attractive because different types of discretizations can be employed in different parts of the domain. It has been analyzed in a series of papers [5, 6, 20] mainly in connection with second order elliptic boundary value problems of the form @n where a(x) is a (sufficiently smooth) uniformly positive definite matrix in the bounded domain\Omega ae R d , \Gamma D is a subset of the boundary \Gamma Suppose that\Omega is decomposed into non-overlapping (\Omega\Gamma denote the usual Sobolev spaces endowed with the Sobolev norms k \Delta k s;\Omega , 0;D be the closure in H 1 of all C 1 -functions vanishing on \Gamma D . Although this is not our motivation, a common approach to facilitate parallel computations is to seek for a variational formulation of (1.1) with respect to the product space 1(\Omega endowed with the norm The space H 1 0;D is determined as a subspace of X ffi by appropriate linear con- straints. Corresponding discretizations lead to saddle point problems. The central objective of this paper is to develop a multigrid method for the efficient solution of such indefinite systems of equations. According to standard multigrid convergence theory the main tasks are to establish appropriate approximation properties in terms of direct estimates as well as to design suitable smoothing procedures which give rise to corresponding inverse estimates. The derivation of these multigrid ingredients is, of course, based on the stability of the discretizations which in turn hinges on a proper formulation of the continuous problem (1.1). In this regard the subspace of those functions for which the jumps across the interfaces of neighboring subdomains belong to the trace space H 1=2 a more suitable framework than the full space X ffi . Since H 1=2 00 is endowed with a strictly stronger norm than H 1=2 , the concealed extensions of trace functions to the domain require special care in the study of mortar elements. In fact, a complete verification of the inf-sup condition is usually circumvented. In order to establish the facts required for the above objectives in a coherent manner we briefly reformulate in Section 2 first an analytical basis of the mortar method. A concept with an explicit relation to the trace spaces H 1=2 00 has been given in the recent investigation [4] which also contains a proof of the inf-sup condition. Our present considerations, in particular a verification of the ellipticity in the discrete case leads us to adjust the norms and to use mesh-dependent norms as in [20]. Once a decision on the norms has been done, the analysis proceeds almost independently of the fact whether it is done in the framework of saddle point problems or of the theory of nonconforming elements. The results of Sections 2 and 3 will be used in Section 4 to estimate the convergence of the solutions of the discrete problems in the L 2 norm. This will serve as a crucial ingredient of the multigrid convergence analysis in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6 we present some numerical experiments, demonstrating h-independent convergence rates for domains with one and more cross-points, distorted grids, different mesh sizes at the interfaces and strongly varying diffusion constants. The extension to more robust smoothers, a comparison with other transforming iterations (cf. [19, 2]) and the application to noncontinuous cross-points and other mortar situations (cf. [18]) will be presented in a forthcoming paper. We will always denote by c a generic constant which does not depend on any of the parameters involved in respective estimates but may assume different values at each occurrence. 2 The Continuous Problem - A Characterization of H 1 For simplicity we will assume throughout the rest of the paper that the domain \Omega ae R d as well as the subdomains\Omega k in (1.2) are polygonal. and\Omega l share a common interface, we set - -\Omega l . The interior faces form the skeleton k;l will always be assumed to be the union of polygonal subsets of the boundaries of the\Omega k . Often such a decomposition is called geometrically conforming. 0;D is characterized as a subspace of X ffi , the space is encountered. Here H(div; \Omega\Gamma is the space of all vector fields in L 2 d whose (weak) divergence is in L denotes the outward normal and q \Delta p is the standard scalar product on R d . We recall from Proposition III.1.1 in [12] that and the domain decomposition concept discussed in [12] is based upon (2.2). Note that this characterization involves constraints with q 2 H 0;N (div; \Omega\Gamma which are global in the sense that their restrictions to any interface \Gamma kl does not necessarily define a bounded functional on the corresponding restriction of traces. By contrast the mortar method attempts to reexpress (2.2) in terms of the jumps [v] of across the interfaces \Gamma kl as where This, however, suggests that the individual terms (q are well-defined which requires restricting the jumps [v]. While this has been done on a discrete level in [5, 6], a rigorous analysis has to be based on a corresponding continuous formulation which requires suitable Sobolev spaces for the functions that live on the skeleton S. To this end, recall that for any (sufficiently regular) manifold \Gamma the Sobolev spaces H s (\Gamma) can be defined by their intrinsic norms (see e.g. [14], Section 1.1.3 or [16], Section 7.3 and [7] for a short summary tailored to the needs of finite element discretizations) or alternatively, when \Gamma is part of a boundary, as a trace space. In is not an integer, kvk @\Omega =v kwk is an equivalent norm for H s\Gamma1=2 (@\Omega\Gamma2 see e.g. [14], Theorem Here and in the sequel we will not distinguish between equivalent norms for the same space. is a smooth subset of \Gamma, H s consists of those elements trivial extension ~ v by zero to all of \Gamma belongs to H s (\Gamma), cf. [16], p. 66. In the present context the spaces H 1=2 are relevant, i.e., strictly contained continuously embedded subspace of H 1=2 (\Gamma 0 ), see e.g. [14], Corollary or [16], Theorem 11.4. By definition, kzk For later use we will also record the characterization of H 1=2 as an interpolation space between L 2 (\Gamma kl ) and H 1 while This can be realized, for instance, by the K-method [16], pp. 64-66, pp. 98-99. Now we return to the characterization of H 1 0;D(\Omega\Gamma3 Whereas the constraints in are non local, restricting the jumps [v] of elements in X ffi in a way that their restriction to \Gamma kl belongs to H 1=2 indeed they become local. For this concept the constraints are to be described through the product space where (H 1=2 denotes the dual of H 1=2 suggests considering the space [4] endowed with the norm The norms that will be introduced later for the treatment of the finite element discretization are better understood from this norm than from (1.4). Remark 2.1 X 00 is not a Hilbert space with respect to k \Delta k 1;ffi because H 1=2 not a closed subspace of H 1=2 (\Gamma kl ) with respect to the norm k \Delta k 1=2;\Gamma kl Proof: By the remarks in the previous section, there exists a sequence fw n g of C 1 functions with compact support in \Gamma kl such that kw n k 1=2;\Gamma kl 1. Since the w n admit uniformly bounded extensions to all of @\Omega k one can, in view of (2.5), construct a sequence of functions v n in X 00 for which kv n k 1;ffi is bounded while kv n kX tends to infinity. Thus, the injection Assuming that X 00 is closed in X ffi when equipped with the weaker norm, the closed graph theorem would lead to a contradiction. In fact, the boundedness of ' would imply the closedness of the graph and hence the boundedness of ' \Gamma1 . Remark 2.2 X 00 endowed with the norm k \Delta kX is a Hilbert space, and one has the continuous embeddings 0;D is the closure with respect to k \Delta k 1;\Omega of all patch-wise smooth globally continuous functions on\Omega which vanish on D, the first inclusion is clear. By the definition of X 00 we have for z 2 If fv n g is a Cauchy sequence in X 00 , it is also a Cauchy sequence in X ffi and converges to some v 2 X ffi . From (2.11) it follows that f[v n is a Cauchy sequence in converges to some g 2 H 1=2 00 (\Gamma kl ). By standard arguments we conclude that As a direct consequence we have We now turn the problem (1.1) into a weak form based on the above characterization of H 1 Z\Omega Setting Y we consider the variational problem: find (u; -) 2 X 00 \Theta M such that From (2.11) it follows that the operator defined by (Bv; -) for any - 2 M , is bounded. Moreover, the saddle point problem (2.14) satisfies the inf-sup condition. Indeed, since the dual of M is M sup Now pick w kl 2 H 1=2 its extension to S by zero as w 0 kl . By definition of H 1=2 we have w 0 Hence assigning each \Gamma kl ae S to exactly one (whose boundary contains \Gamma kl ), the local problems kl have unique solutions in H 1 defined by z kl is easily seen to belong to X 00 while, by construction Since kz kl k (see e.g. [12], p. 90) this confirms the claim on the inf-sup condition. Furthermore, we know from (2.12) that H 1 kvk 0;D , the bilinear form a(\Delta; \Delta) is V -elliptic. 3 The Discrete Problem We will now turn to a conforming finite element discretization of (2.14). Throughout the remainder of this paper we will restrict the discussion to the bivariate case 2. For each subdomain\Omega k we choose a family of (conforming) triangulations independently of the neighboring subdomains, i.e., the nodes in T k;h that belong to \Gamma kl need not match with the nodes of T l;h . The corresponding spaces of piecewise linear finite elements on T k;h are denoted by S h (T k;h ). We set Y i.e., the functions in X h are continuous at the cross-points of the polygonal subdo- mains\Omega k . We associate with each interface \Gamma kl the non-mortar-side which by the usual convention while\Omega l is the mortar-side. Let T kl;h be the space of all continuous piecewise linear functions on \Gamma kl on the partition induced by the triangulation T k;h on the non-mortar-side, under the additional constraint that the elements in T kl;h are constant on the two intervals containing the end points of \Gamma kl . Thus the dimension of T kl;h agrees with the dimension of ~ The space of discrete multipliers is defined as Y Furthermore we denote the kernel of the restriction operator as For simplicity of our notation, we assume that each \Gamma kl corresponds to one edge of the polygonal domain\Omega k . By including additional cross-points \Gamma kl can be divided into parts fl i , where the mortar side of each fl i can be k or l, cf. [6]. Since this extension does not change the analysis we will not further burden our notation with such distinctions. For convenience, we have labelled the finite element spaces by a global mesh size parameter h. On the other hand, since the mortar method aims at combining different possibly independent discretizations, we will admit different individual discretization parameters on the subdomains. Whenever this is to be stressed, we will denote by h k the mesh size on\Omega k . This is actually related to the choice of the mortar-side. In principle, one may choose the Lagrange multipliers on each part of the skeleton from either adjacent subdomain. It will turn out, however, that the side with the larger mesh size is the right choice if the corresponding adjacent mesh sizes differ very much. Nevertheless, in order to avoid a severe cluttering of indices and to keep the essence of the reasoning as transparent as possible, we will generally suppress an explicit distinction of local mesh sizes. Instead we will always tacitly assume the following convention. Hypothesis (M). If each \Gamma kl ae S is labelled such l is the mortar side, then this choice of the mortar side has been made such that ch k holds with c being a constant of moderate size. Thus the general convention will be that whenever h appears in a summand related to \Gamma kl it is to be understood as h k , the larger of the two adjacent mesh sizes, while otherwise h stands for the globally maximal mesh size. It will be seen that with this choice the stability of the discretization holds uniformly for arbitrarily varying mesh sizes. The main handicap of all attempts to analyze the mortar element method is the fact that we have 1;\Omega l recall Remark 2.1, c.f. also Lemma 3.5 below. Therefore, following [20], we will use mesh-dependent norms. Setting let \Gamma1=2;h := Whenever a distinction of local mesh sizes matters, the global h in (3.5)-(3.6) has to be replaced by h k in the summands for \Gamma kl , i.e. in agreement with Hypothesis (M) by the larger value of the mesh size of the neighboring subdomains. Obviously, we have in analogy to (2.11), also by definition In this framework we will prove that is a stable discretization of (2.14). In order to simplify the treatment of the trace spaces, let be a partition of the interval [- which represents an interface \Gamma kl . We always assume that such partitions are quasi-uniform since inverse estimates will be frequently used. Motivated by the setting (3.2) of ~ T kl;h and T kl;h we consider two subspaces of the space of continuous piecewise linear functions on [- h be the subspace of those functions that vanish at the endpoints - 0 and - p , and let T h be the subspace of those functions that are constant on the first and on the last interval. So S h and have the same dimension p \Gamma 1. For convenience, we suppress the explicit reference to the interval [- there is no risk of confusion. In particular, the standard inner product on will be denoted by (\Delta; \Delta) 0 , and the associated L 2 -norm by k \Delta k 0 . Lemma 3.1 The projectors defined by are uniformly bounded in L 2 , specifically kfk Proof: Since we are dealing with the 2-dimensional case, the proof is easy. For be defined by v h (- i and v h agree on [- Z Z On the other hand, one obtains for the first (and last) interval Z Z Z where D := (- Z Z Summing over all intervals and using Young's inequality yields which proves (3.11). Since the subsequent discussion involves also the special properties of the spaces 00 we briefly recall the following interpolation argument which, in principle, is standard, see e.g. Proposition 2.5 in [16]. Suppose that Y; X are Hilbert spaces that are continuously embedded in the Hilbert spaces Y; X , respectively, and that L is a bounded linear operator from X to Y and from X to Y with norms C and C, respectively. Then L is also a bounded linear operator from the interpolation space bounded by As a first application we state the following inverse estimate which is perhaps only worth mentioning since a somewhat stronger norm than the usual 1=2-norm appears on the left hand side. In fact, the standard inverse estimate in H 1 ensures that kv h and, by [14], (, p. 24, one has kv h k H 1= kv h k 1 one can take combined with (3.13) confirms (3.14). We are now in a position to formulate the main result of this section. Theorem 3.2 Assume that the triangulation in each subdomain\Omega k is uniform and that Hypothesis (M) is satisfied. The discretizations (3.8) based on the spaces X defined by (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, satisfy the LBB-condition, i.e., there exists some fi ? 0 such that sup holds uniformly in h. Proof: The first part of the proof follows the lines of [20], where the LBB-condition is proved for X h with a different norm. Given - 2 M h and \Gamma kl ae S, we define d kl on the boundary of the subdomain on the non-mortar-side by d kl := Here Q kl refers to the projector from the previous lemma when applied to L 2 (\Gamma kl ). Since the triangulation on\Omega k is assumed to be uniform, by Lemma 5.1 in [7], there is an extension G k;h (d kl Moreover, kd kl k . Now we set G k;h (d kl ) for x 2 From (3.12) in the proof of Lemma 3.1 we know that Z Z -d kl ds - 3k-k 0;\Gamma kl kd kl k On the other hand, the inverse inequality (3.14) yields ch \Gamma1=2 kd kl k 0;\Gamma kl ; (3.20) and it follows from (3.18) and (3.17) that kv kl k ch \Gamma1=2 kd kl k 0;\Gamma kl . we conclude, on account of (3.19) and (3.6), on one hand, that R -[v kl ]ds - c k-k \Gamma1=2;h;\Gamma kl and, on the other hand, also that R -[v kl ]ds - c k-k \Gamma1=2;h;\Gamma kl which in summary yields Z -[v kl ]ds - ck-k \Gamma1=2;h;\Gamma kl Now the assertion is obtained from (3.21) by summing over all \Gamma kl ae S. Note that v kl in the preceding proof is constructed with respect to the non- mortar-side. Therefore the larger mesh size enters into (3.20), and varying mesh sizes are no problem in the proof. We need two more approximation properties. Remark 3.3 Let I h denote the Lagrange interpolation operator onto X h . Then we have ch 3=2 kvk Proof: Let T be an element in\Omega m and fl be one of its edges. By the trace theorem, the mapping H continuous. By using the Bramble- Hilbert lemma and the standard scaling argument we obtain ch 3 jvj 2 By summing over all edges fl which lie on \Gamma kl , we obtain the assertion. Remark 3.4 Given - 2 H 1=2 , there is a - h 2 T h such that ch 1=2 k-k Proof: To verify (3.23) consider the Lagrange interpolant L h at the interior points to the intervals [- constants. Since constants are reproduced, by the same arguments as those used in the proof of the preceding remark one confirms that k- \Gamma L h -k 0 - chj-j 1 . Moreover, the L 2 projector while also kP h . Thus, since H applying (3.13) with It remains to prove the ellipticity of a on the kernel V h of the operator B. In our first approach we had a stabilizing term in the bilinear form to compensate (3.4). This is not necessary. Recently, C. Bernardi informed us about some techniques used now in [1]. When adapting it for obtaining a good alternative of (3.4), we observed the analogy to Lemma 2.2 in [20]. For the reader's convenience we present it with a short proof. Lemma 3.5 Assume that the triangulations in each subdomain\Omega k are shape regu- lar. Then 1;\Omega l kl;h be the L 2 -projector. If v h 2 V h , then by the matching condition R the jumps of H 1 -functions vanish in the sense of (2.12), we have P kl From this, Remark 3.4, and the trace theorem we conclude that )vj\Omega l ch 1=2 kvj\Omega l ch 1=2 (kvk 1;\Omega l Finally, we divide by h 1=2 , and the proof is complete. A direct consequence is obtained by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: We note that we need the ellipticity of a h merely on V h and not on the larger set for details cf. Lemma III.1.2 in [8]. First, the inequality has been often used in the analysis of mortar elements. It has been proven in [6] by a compactness argument as often found in proofs of non-standard inequalities of Poincar'e-Friedrichs type. Moreover, from (3.25) and (3.26) it follows that for so that, in view of the definition (3.5), the proof of the ellipticity is complete. Note again that the above reasoning remains valid under Hypothesis (M) concerning the choice of the mortar side if the local mesh sizes vary significantly. To keep the development as transparent as possible we have dispensed with striving for utmost generality. An extension of the majority of the results to finite element spaces with polynomials of higher degree is rather straightforward. Only a comment on the corresponding version of Lemma 3.1 is worth mentioning. The rest of this section is devoted to the adaptation of the lemma and may be skipped by the reader. Remark 3.6 Suppose that the family S h (T k;h ) in (3.8) consists of Lagrange finite elements of degree n. One has to consider analogous spaces S h and T h consisting of globally continuous piecewise polynomials of degree at most n with respect to the partition (3.9). While the elements of S h vanish at the endpoints, it is consistent with the usual setting, cf. [4], to require that the elements of T h have degree at most on the first and last interval in order to ensure matching dimensions. The essence of the proof for an analog to Lemma 3.1 is to show that sup (v for some constant C independent of h. So given any u h 2 S h we have to construct v h 2 T h such that (3.27) holds. As in the proof of Lemma 3.1 we can choose v h to coincide with u h on the subset [- so that it remains to analyse the first and last interval. By symmetry it suffices to consider the first interval which for convenience is taken to be [0; 1]. Setting h dx, or equivalently thatZv h where z n is the largest zero of the n-th degree Legendre polynomial. Since v h has degree the Gaussian quadrature formulae on [0; 1] are exact for the polynomials Here the x k := (1 are the zeros of the n-th degree Legendre polynomial with respect to the interval [0; 1] and the ae k 's are the weights. Since and the latter estimate is sharp because v h can be chosen to vanish at x Together with the inequality x 2 - x we This proves (3.27) with C := The remainder of the proof of Lemma 3.1 is now analogous when 3=8 is replaced by C. A crucial ingredient of the convergence analysis of the multigrid algorithm is an error estimate of the finite element solution. Although the existence of such an estimate was mentioned in [4], no proof was provided there. Therefore, we will give a proof here. Up to now we have considered the mortar element method as a mixed method, but one may interpret it as a non-conforming method with finite elements in We will establish the error estimates in the framework of non-conforming elements. On the other hand, we will do this by making use of the results for the mixed method from the preceding section. We note that by Lemma 3.5 the norms k \Delta k 1;h and k \Delta k 1;ffi are equivalent on V h . In this context it is natural to assume H 2 -regularity, i.e. Theorem 4.1 Suppose that the triangulations T h;k are shape regular and that the variational problem (1.1) is H 2 -regular. Then the finite element solution u satisfies where h in the maximum of the mesh sizes of the triangulations. Proof: By Strang's second lemma, see e.g. [8], p. 102 we have R a @u @n [v h ]ds Indeed, following [8], p. 104, integration by parts provides the following representation of the consistency error in (4.2) 0;@\Omega Z Z Z @\Omega g(x)v h (x)ds Z Z @n Z Z @\Omega g(x)v h (x)ds (a @u @n @n Note that it is clear from (4.3) that the Lagrange multiplier - in (2.14) coincides with a @u @n . Since v h 2 V h , orthogonality (3.3) allows us to subtract an arbitrary element h from the first factor so that (a @u @n ka @n From the trace theorem we know that ka @u @n . Now Remark 3.4 and Lemma 3.5 followed by the application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the sum provide the estimate jL u (v h )j - ch kuk and the quotient in (4.2) is bounded by ch kuk 2;\Omega . In order to establish a bound of the approximation error in (4.2), we start with the approximation of u on each 2(\Omega\Gamma0 we can take the interpolant in S h (T k;h ). In particular the cross-points may be chosen as nodal points and we obtain interpolants which are continuous at the endpoints of each . The well-known results for conforming P 1 -elements yield an estimate for the approximation in the (larger) space ch kuk By Remark 3.3 and the triangle inequality, we obtain for \Gamma kl ae S: ch 3=2 (kuk 2;\Omega l Hence, 2;\Omega with I h u 2 X h . We do not say that I h u is contained in V h . On the other hand, from the inf-sup condition in Theorem 3.2 above and Remark III.4.6 in [8] we conclude that the estimate in X h yields an upper bound for the approximation in the kernel V h , In particular, the general arguments above cover also the case with mesh-dependent norms. Combining (4.5) and (4.6) yields ch kuk and the bound of the second term in the desired estimate (4.1) has been established. To obtain the L 2 error estimate we move completely to the theory of nonconforming elements. Here (4.5) and (4.7) provide the ingredients for the duality argument in Lemma III.1.4 from [8] which yields (4.1) and completes the proof. The details are obvious from the treatment of the Crouzeix-Raviart element in [8], p.106. For completeness we mention that the error estimate in the energy norm can be improved if the individual mesh sizes of the subdomains are incorporated. On the other hand, the duality argument yields only a factor of if based on the regularity estimate kuk For an error estimate of the Lagrange multiplier the reader is referred to [20]. 5 Multigrid Convergence Analysis The saddle point problem (3.8) gives rise to a linear system of the form !/ where the dimension of the vectors coincides with the dimension of the finite element spaces X h and M h , respectively. For convenience, the same symbol is taken for the finite element functions and their vector representations, and the index h is suppressed whenever no confusion is possible. We will always assume that the finite element basis functions are normalized such that the Euclidean norm of the vectors k \Delta k ' 2 is equivalent to the L 2 -norm of the functions, i.e. When the equations (5.1) are to be solved by a multigrid algorithm, the design of the smoothing procedure is the crucial point. Motivated by [10] (see also [9]) our smoothing procedure will be based on the following concept. Suppose that C is a preconditioner for A which, in particular, is normalized so that and for which the linear system e is more easily solvable. In actual computations the vectors v; - are obtained by implementing where is the Schur complement of (5.4). In particular, we can divide the vector v into two blocks with the first block associated to the nodal values in the interior of the subdomains and the second block associated to the values on the skeleton. A non-diagonal preconditioner is chosen only for the first blockB @ -C A =B @ Here, the system splits into two parts, and the Schur complement matrix ff Thas a simple structure. The dimension corresponds to the number of nodal points from the non-mortar sides on the skeleton. Moreover, it consists of bands which are coupled only through the points next to the cross-points. As a consequence, all the other points can be eliminated with a very small fill-in. The block matrix C 1 may be chosen as the ILU-decomposition of the corresponding block of the given matrix A. In order to facilitate the analysis we assume that also C 1 is a multiple of the identity. Moreover we return to the original structure as in (5.1). Then the iteration that will serve as a smoother in our multigrid scheme has the form !/ where superscripts will always denote iteration indices. It is important to note that h always satisfies the constraint, i.e., see [10]. Moreover (5.9) shows that the next iterate is independent of the old Lagrange multiplier h . The coarse grid correction of the multigrid scheme can be performed in the standard manner since the finite element spaces X h ae X 00 and M h ae M are nested, see e.g. [10] or [15], p. 235. The smoothing property (5.12) below even shows that we can abandon the transfer step proposed in [10]. As usually, the analysis of the multigrid method will be based on two different norms. The fine topology will be measured by the norm and the coarse one by We recall that - Smoothing property: Assume that - smoothing steps of the relaxation (5.9) with C := ffI are performed, then ch \Gamma2 Approximation property: For the coarse grid correction u 2h one has ch Proof of the smoothing property: We note that (5.12) is stronger than the original version of the property in [10]. There we could estimate the jjj \Delta jjj 2 -norm only if the Lagrange multiplier - m h was replaced by a suitable one which could be determined by solving once more an equation with the matrix (5.7). R. Stevenson [17] observed that the extra step yields the same Lagrange multiplier as another smoothing step. So the following proof is based on Stevenson's idea. As usual, only purely algebraic properties are used. From (5.9) we have We may extract a recursion for the u component with the projector The matrix M := P ff A)P is symmetric. Since u 1 satisfies the constraint Since the recursion (5.14) is linear, we may assume without loss of generality that which implies multiply (5.14) by the matrix in order to eliminate the inverse matrix and consider the first component. Then we obtain with or ff From (5.16) it follows that for m - 3 ff ff Note the symmetry of the matrix on the right-hand side of (5.18). Since ff - (A), the matrix I \Gamma 1 ff A is a contraction for the ' 2 -norm. Moreover the spectrum of M is contained in [0,1], and we conclude by the usual spectral decomposition argument We have assumed ff - c h \Gamma2 and obtain now from (5.18) ch \Gamma2 The in the denominator may be replaced by m if we adapt the factor c. This proves (5.12) for m - 3. The cases can be treated by recalling (5.17) and Proof of the approximation property: The proof of the approximation property depends on the individual elliptic problem. Here it is convenient to consider the mortar elements as nonconforming elements, and we follow the treatment of the multigrid algorithm for the nonconforming P 1 -element in [11]. For a current approximation the residual is given by We recall from (5.2) that the Riesz-Fischer representation r 2 X h ae L 2(\Omega\Gamma of d defined by satisfies Let now z be the solution of the auxiliary variational problem Since the variational problem on the domain\Omega is assumed to be H 2 -regular, we have are the finite element approximations for the corresponding discretizations respectively. The latter is true since X 2h ae X h and thus (5.21) holds for . At this point the L 2 -estimate established in Theorem 4.1 comes into play. It is applied to the auxiliary problem (5.23) providing 0;\Omega ch 2 kzk ch 2 krk ch 2 kdk ' 2 ch which completes the proof of the approximation property. After having established a smoothing property and the associated approximation property it is clear from the standard multigrid theory that the W-cycles yield an h-independent convergence rate if sufficiently many smoothing steps are chosen, see e.g. [15], Chapter 7 or [8], pp. 222-228. In most practical realizations a better performance is observed for multigrid iterations with V-cycles and only a few smoothing steps. It is a common experience that multigrid methods converge in more general situations than those assumed in theoretical proofs. Furthermore, the bounds which are obtained for the convergence rate strongly depend on the constants appearing in (5.12) and (5.13). Therefore a realistic quantitative appraisal of the proposed scheme has to be based in addition on complementary numerical experiments. Below we will report on our numerical investigations for various typical situations of practical interest including also cases that are not covered by our theoretical considerations. 6 Numerical Experiments We present numerical examples implemented in the software toolbox UG [3] and its finite element library. The efficiency of the method will first be studied in detail for a model situation which is consistent with the assumptions of the convergence proof. In addition, we consider the robustness of the multigrid solver for mortar finite element problems which are not covered by our analysis. In all examples we use a multigrid method with a V-cycle and the simple smoother (5.9), where is the Jacobi smoother for the local problems in the subdomains\Omega k . We want to point out that all presented convergence rates are asymptotic rates. Although the Schur complement of the smoothing matrix (5.7) is small and could be assembled without loosing the optimal complexity of the algorithm, in our implementation the equation (5.5) is solved iteratively. Specifically, a few cg-steps, preconditioned with a symmetric Gau-Seidel relaxation for S in (5.7) are performed. The implementation of the Gau-Seidel procedure makes use of the graph structure of the matrices A and B. Thus, it has complexity O(dimM h ). Since the bilinear form b contains no differential operator, the condition number of S is bounded independently of the mesh size h, and a bounded number of steps for the inner iterations independent of the refinement level is sufficient. For the numerical experiments, we prescribe an error reduction factor 0:1 - ae - 0:5 for the approximate solution of (5.5). In the first test series, we investigate the multigrid convergence for the model problem \Gammadiv a grad in a quadrilateral domain\Omega := (0; 1) 2 which is split into four ;\Omega 11 . The diffusion coefficients are assumed to be constant in every subdomain and are denoted as a 00 Figure 1). We start with a test for the Laplace operator, i.e. a on a regular grid (cf. Table 1). We compare the asymptotic convergence rates of the linear multigrid method with V(1,1)-cycle for the mortar problem and the regular grid distorted grid different step sizes Figure 1: Grids with one cross-point simplified problem Au additional constraints. The latter corresponds to the decoupled boundary value problems where in every subdomain the equation is solved with Neumann boundary conditions for the inner boundary without requiring continuity. For the mortar problem, we use the smoother (5.9) with an inner reduction factor ae = 0:5 and ae = 0:1, for the simplified problem we use the Jacobi smoother diag(A). Our results on a regular grid show that the same rates are obtained with the mortar coupling, even for only one Schur complement iteration. The fifth column in the table refers to the configuration with a shows that the convergence is independent of the variation of the diffusion constants in the different subdomains for a regular grid. level elements different diff. const. without mortar elem. nb. of inner iter. 1 1-2 1-2 Table 1: Regular grid: asymptotic convergence rates for a linear multigrid iteration with a V(1,1)-cycle and resulting number of inner iterations Note that due to (5.10) the multigrid iterates are contained in V h and that the problem (3.8) is elliptic in V h . Thus, the multigrid iteration can be accelerated by embedding it into a cg-iteration, i.e., a cg-iteration preconditioned by a multigrid V-cycle is performed. There is another advantage. It is often difficult to find the optimal damping factor ff. In particular, when the discretization with the slightly distorted grid in Figure 1 is used, the Jacobi smoother diag(A) is not convergent without appropriate damping. Thus, the cg-method is used here for computing the correct damping factors automatically. However, since Equation (5.5) is solved only approximately in actual computations, the multigrid iterates are not exactly contained in V h . In other contexts the cg-method may be very sensitive with respect to this point, but in our tests it has turned out that 3 inner iteration steps are sufficient in all cases (cf. the entries in the last row of Tables 1-3). The case in which the step sizes depend strongly on the subdomain\Omega k was next investigated. We observe better convergence if the Lagrange parameter on each \Gamma kl is associated to the side of \Gamma kl with the coarser mesh. This is consistent with Hypothesis (M). Although convergence is observed for a V(1,1)-cycle in all cases, the asymptotic rate deteriorates for more than 100000 elements in the case of the distorted grids and large jumps of the mesh sizes. On the other hand, the V(2,2)- cycle turns out to be a robust preconditioner for the cg-iteration also in extreme cases. level elements regular grid distorted grid elements various step sizes nb. of inner iter. 1-3 1-3 1-2 Table 2: Irregular grids: asymptotic convergence rates for cg with V(2,2)-cycle In the next example we consider a typical mortar situation with several cross- points. In Figure 2 large bricks are separated by thin channels. Fixing the diffusion constant for the bricks to a we test the cases where the channels have higher or lower permeability (a We perform the cg-method with V(1,1)-cycle and two inner iterations. We obtain stable convergence rates if the mortar side is on the side with the smaller diffusion constant and large step size, resp.; otherwise the method may fail. The results in Figure 2 for the case a show clearly that the diffusion is faster in the small channels. level elements a number of inner iterations 1-2 1-2 1-2 Table 3: Convergence for the example with several cross-points for cg with V(1,1)- cycle Finally, we apply the multigrid method to an example for a rotating geometry with two circles which occurs for time dependent problems (cf. [18]). We use a cg- iteration with a damped Jacobi smoothing diag A. Subdomains with curved Figure 2: Example with several cross-points boundaries are not covered by our theory since the approximation of the curved boundaries induces an additional consistency error. Note that the exact Lagrange parameter is piecewise constant and discontinuous for a linear solution. Thus, linear functions cannot be represented by the mortar ansatz space. This results in worse convergence rates. Nevertheless, the method is stable when a cg-iteration is applied, preconditioned by a V(3,3)-cycle and 3 inner iterations for the Schur complement equation (cf. Table 4). On the other hand, without cg-acceleration a V(4,4)-cycle and a strong damping for the Jacobi smoother is required. level elements convergence rate 9 2097152 0.37 Table 4: Rotating geometry (parallel computation on 128 processors) In summary, we have demonstrated the robustness of the method with respect to the number of subdomains, different step sizes in the subdomains, and varying diffusion constants. Thus, this is a very efficient solver for mortar finite elements. The convergence rates are independent of the mesh size and the number of refinement levels. The results show clearly that the presented smoother with inexact solution of the corresponding Schur complement is very efficient and that no further improvement is expected from a more accurate solution of the Schur complement equation. In practice, for a nested multigrid cycle the accuracy of the approximation error is obtained within one or two V(1,1)-cycles. Of course, our tests concern the robustness with respect to different mortar situations, whereas the equations on the subdomains are simple. For more involved problems the smoother C has to be replaced, e.g. by a more robust ILU smoother. Nevertheless, smoothers which are decoupled from the mortar interfaces as in (5.8) are recommended in order to retain the low complexity. Our numerical experiments confirm that the quality of the solver depends strongly on the right choice of the mortar side. In extreme cases the method diverges if the Lagrange parameter is associated with the wrong side. Apparently a good rule of thumb is to choose the Lagrange parameter for that side for which the quotient a=h 2 attains the smaller value. --R A class of iterative methods for solving saddle point problems The mortar finite element method with Lagrange multipliers The mortar element method for three dimensional finite elements. "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications" Iterative methods for the solution of elliptic problems in regions partitionned in substructures A Cascade algorithm for the Stokes equation An efficient smoother for the Stokes problem. Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods Approximation by finite element functions using local regulariza Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains The coupling of mixed and conforming finite element discretizations On the convergence of multigrid methods with transforming smoothers. Hierarchical a posteriori error estimators for mortar finite element methods with Lagrange multipliers. --TR --CTR Micol Pennacchio, The Mortar Finite Element Method for the Cardiac Bidomain Model of Extracellular Potential, Journal of Scientific Computing, v.20 n.2, p.191-210, April 2004 V. John , P. Knobloch , G. Matthies , L. Tobiska, Non-nested multi-level solvers for finite element discretisations of mixed problems, Computing, v.68 n.4, p.313-341, September 2002 Analysis of mortar-type Q1rot/Q0 element and multigrid methods for the incompressible Stokes problem, Applied Numerical Mathematics, v.57 n.5-7, p.562-576, May, 2007 O. Steinbach, A natural domain decomposition method with non-matching grids, Applied Numerical Mathematics, v.54 n.3-4, p.362-377, August 2005 D. Braess , P. Deuflhard , K. Lipnikov, A subspace cascadic multigrid method for mortar elements, Computing, v.69 n.3, p.205-225, Nov. 2002
saddle point problems;domain decomposition;mortar method;trace spaces
A Theory of Single-Viewpoint Catadioptric Image Formation.
Conventional video cameras have limited fields of view which make them restrictive for certain applications in computational vision. A catadioptric sensor uses a combination of lenses and mirrors placed in a carefully arranged configuration to capture a much wider field of view. One important design goal for catadioptric sensors is choosing the shapes of the mirrors in a way that ensures that the complete catadioptric system has a single effective viewpoint. The reason a single viewpoint is so desirable is that it is a requirement for the generation of pure perspective images from the sensed images. In this paper, we derive the complete class of single-lens single-mirror catadioptric sensors that have a single viewpoint. We describe all of the solutions in detail, including the degenerate ones, with reference to many of the catadioptric systems that have been proposed in the literature. In addition, we derive a simple expression for the spatial resolution of a catadioptric sensor in terms of the resolution of the cameras used to construct it. Moreover, we include detailed analysis of the defocus blur caused by the use of a curved mirror in a catadioptric sensor.
Introduction Many applications in computational vision require that a large field of view is imaged. Examples include surveillance, teleconferencing, and model acquisition for virtual reality. A number of other applications, such as ego-motion estimation and tracking, would also benefit from enhanced fields of view. Unfortunately, conventional imaging systems are severely limited in their fields of view. Both researchers and practitioners have therefore had to resort to using either multiple or rotating cameras in order to image the entire scene. One effective way to enhance the field of view is to use mirrors in conjunction with lenses. See, for example, [Rees, 1970], [Charles et al., 1987], [Nayar, 1988], [Yagi and Kawato, 1990], [Hong, 1991], [Goshtasby and Gruver, 1993], [Yamazawa et al., 1993], [Bogner, 1995], [Nalwa, 1996], [Nayar, 1997a] , and [Chahl and Srinivassan, 1997]. We refer to the approach of using mirrors in combination with conventional imaging systems as catadioptric image formation. Dioptrics is the science of refracting elements (lenses) whereas catoptrics is the science of reflecting surfaces (mirrors) [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. The combination of refracting and reflecting elements is therefore referred to as catadioptrics. As noted in [Rees, 1970], [Yamazawa et al., 1995], [Nalwa, 1996], and [Nayar and Baker, 1997], it is highly desirable that a catadioptric system (or, in fact, any imaging system) have a single viewpoint (center of projection). The reason a single viewpoint is so desirable is that it permits the generation of geometrically correct perspective images from the images captured by the catadioptric cameras. This is possible because, under the single viewpoint constraint, every pixel in the sensed images measures the irradiance of the light passing through the viewpoint in one particular direction. Since we know the geometry of the catadioptric system, we can precompute this direction for each pixel. Therefore, we can map the irradiance value measured by each pixel onto a plane at any distance from the viewpoint to form a planar perspective image. These perspective images can subsequently be processed using the vast array of techniques developed in the field of computational vision that assume perspective projection. Moreover, if the image is to be presented to a human, as in [Peri and Nayar, 1997], it needs to be a perspective image so as not to appear distorted. Naturally, when the catadioptric imaging system is omnidirectional in its field of view, a single effective viewpoint permits the construction of geometrically correct panoramic images as well as perspective ones. In this paper, we take the view that having a single viewpoint is the primary design goal for the catadioptric sensor and restrict attention to catadioptric sensors with a single effective viewpoint [Baker and Nayar, 1998]. However, for many applications, such as robot navigation, having a single viewpoint may not be a strict requirement [Yagi et al., 1994]. In these cases, sensors that do not obey the single viewpoint requirement can also be used. Then, other design issues become more important, such as spatial resolution, sensor size, and the ease of mapping between the catadioptric images and the scene [Yamazawa et al., 1995]. Naturally, it is also possible to investigate these other design issues. For example, Chahl and Srinivassan recently studied the class of mirror shapes that yield a linear relationship between the angle of incidence onto the mirror surface and the angle of reflection into the camera [Chahl and Srinivassan, 1997]. We begin this paper in Section 2 by deriving the entire class of catadioptric systems with a single effective viewpoint, and which can be constructed using just a single conventional lens and a single mirror. As we will show, the 2-parameter family of mirrors that can be used is exactly the class of rotated (swept) conic sections. Within this class of solutions, several swept conics are degenerate solutions that cannot, in fact, be used to construct sensors with a single effective viewpoint. Many of these solutions have, however, been used to construct wide field of view sensors with non-constant viewpoints. For these mirror shapes, we derive the loci of the viewpoint. Some, but not all, of the non-degenerate solutions have been used in sensors proposed in the literature. In these cases, we mention all of the designs that we are aware of. A different, coordinate free, derivation of the fact that only swept conic sections yield a single effective viewpoint was recently suggested by Drucker and Locke [1996]. A very important property of a sensor that images a large field of view is its reso- lution. The resolution of a catadioptric sensor is not, in general, the same as that of any of the sensors used to construct it. In Section 3, we study why this is the case, and derive a simple expression for the relationship between the resolution of a conventional imaging system and the resolution of a derived single-viewpoint catadioptric sensor. We specialize this result to the mirror shapes derived in the previous section. This expression should be carefully considered when constructing a catadioptric imaging system in order to ensure that the final sensor has sufficient resolution. Another use of the relationship is to design conventional sensors with non-uniform resolution, which when used in an appropriate catadioptric system have a specified (e.g. uniform) resolution. Another optical property which is affected by the use of a catadioptric system is focusing. It is well known that a curved mirror increases image blur [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. In Section 4, we analyze this effect for catadioptric sensors. Two factors combine to cause additional blur in catadioptric systems: (1) the finite size of the lens aperture, and (2) the curvature of the mirror. We first analyze how the interaction of these two factors causes defocus blur and then present numerical results for three different mirror shapes: the hyperboloid, the ellipsoid, and the paraboloid. The results show that the focal setting of a catadioptric sensor using a curved mirror may be substantially different from that needed in a conventional sensor. Moreover, even for a scene of constant depth, significantly different focal settings may be needed for different points in the scene. This effect, known as field curvature, can be partially corrected using additional lenses [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. 2 The Fixed Viewpoint Constraint The fixed viewpoint constraint is the requirement that a catadioptric sensor only measure the intensity of light passing through a single point in 3-D space. The direction of the light passing through this point may vary, but that is all. In other words, the catadioptric sensor must sample the 5-D plenoptic function [Adelson and Bergen, 1991] [Gortler et al., 1996] at a single point in 3-D space. The fixed 3-D point at which a catadioptric sensor samples the plenoptic function is known as the effective viewpoint. Suppose we use a single conventional camera as the only sensing element and a single mirror as the only reflecting surface. If the camera is an ideal perspective camera and we ignore defocus blur, it can be modeled by the point through which the perspective projection is performed; i.e. the effective pinhole. Then, the fixed viewpoint constraint requires that each ray of light passing through the effective pinhole of the camera (that was reflected by the mirror) would have passed through the effective viewpoint if it had not been reflected by the mirror. We now derive this constraint algebraically. 2.1 Derivation of the Fixed Viewpoint Constraint Equation Without loss of generality we can assume that the effective viewpoint v of the catadioptric system lies at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. Suppose that the effective pinhole is located at the point p. Then, again without loss of generality, we can assume that the z-axis - z lies in the direction ~ vp. Moreover, since perspective projection is rotationally symmetric about any line through p, the mirror can be assumed to be a surface of revolution about the z-axis - z. Therefore, we work in the 2-D Cartesian frame (v; - r is a unit vector orthogonal to - z, and try to find the 2-dimensional profile of the mirror Finally, if the distance from v to p is denoted by the parameter c, we have Figure 1 for an illustration 1 of the coordinate frame. We begin the translation of the fixed viewpoint constraint into symbols by denoting the angle between an incoming ray from a world point and the r-axis by '. Suppose that this ray intersects the mirror at the point (z; r). Then, since we assume that it also passes through the origin we have the relationship: If we denote the angle between the reflected ray and the (negative) r-axis by ff, we also tan r (2) since the reflected ray must pass through the pinhole is the angle between the z-axis and the normal to the mirror at the point (r; z), we have: dz Our final geometric relationship is due to the fact that we can assume the mirror to be specular. This means that the angle of incidence must equal the angle of reflection. So, if fl is the angle between the reflected ray and the z-axis, we have Figure 1 for an illustration of this constraint.) Eliminating fl from these two expressions and rearranging gives: In Figure 1 we have drawn the image plane as though it were orthogonal to the z-axis - z indicating that the optical axis of the camera is (anti) parallel to - z. In fact, the effective viewpoint v and the axis of symmetry of the mirror profile z(r) need not necessarily lie on the optical axis. Since perspective projection is rotationally symmetric with respect to any ray that passes through the pinhole p, the camera could be rotated about p so that the optical axis is not parallel to the z-axis. Moreover, the image plane can be rotated independently so that it is no longer orthogonal to - z. In this second case, the image plane would be non-frontal. This does not pose any additional problem since the mapping from a non-frontal image plane to a frontal image plane is one-to-one. effective viewpoint, v=(0,0) - r effective pinhole, p=(0,c) c image plane z - world point image of world point normal a mirror point, (r,z) z Figure 1: The geometry used to derive the fixed viewpoint constraint equation. The viewpoint is located at the origin of a 2-D coordinate frame (v; - and the pinhole of the camera c) is located at a distance c from v along the z-axis - z. If a ray of light, which was about to pass through v, is reflected at the mirror point (r; z), the angle between the ray of light and - r is r . If the ray is then reflected and passes through the pinhole p, the angle it makes with - r is r , and the angle it makes with - z is Finally, if dr is the angle between the normal to the mirror at (r; z) and - z, then by the fact that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, we have the constraint that ff Then, taking the tangent of both sides and using the standard rules for expanding the tangent of a sum: we have: Substituting from Equations (1), (2), and (3) yields the fixed viewpoint constraint equation: \Gamma2 dz dr dz dr which when rearranged is seen to be a quadratic first-order ordinary differential equation: dz dr dr 2.2 General Solution of the Constraint Equation The first step in the solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation is to solve it as a quadratic to yield an expression for the surface slope: dz The next step is to substitute cwhich yields: dy Then, we substitute differentiated gives: 2y dy and so we have: dr Rearranging this equation yields:p dx r Integrating both sides with respect to r results in: where C is the constant of integration. Hence, constant. By back substituting, rearranging, and simplifying we arrive at the two equations which comprise the general solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation: In the first of these two equations, the constant parameter k is constrained by k - 2 (rather leads to complex solutions. 2.3 Specific Solutions of the Constraint Equation Together, Equations (16) and (17) define the complete class of mirrors that satisfy the fixed viewpoint constraint. A quick glance at the form of these equations reveals that the mirror profiles form a 2-parameter (c and family of conic sections. Hence, the shapes of the 3-D mirrors are all swept conic sections. As we shall see, however, although every conic section is theoretically a solution of one of the two equations, a number of the solutions are degenerate and cannot be used to construct real sensors with a single effective viewpoint. We will describe the solutions in detail in the following order: Planar Solutions: Equation (16) with Conical Solutions: Equation (16) with k - 2 and Spherical Solutions: Equation (17) with k ? 0 and Ellipsoidal Solutions: Equation (17) with k ? 0 and c ? 0. Hyperboloidal Solutions: Equation (16) with k ? 2 and c ? 0. For each solution, we demonstrate whether it is degenerate or not. Some of the non-degenerate solutions have actually been used in real sensors. For these solutions, we mention all of the existing designs that we are aware of which use that mirror shape. Several of the degenerate solutions have also been used to construct sensors with a wide field of view, but with no fixed viewpoint. In these cases we derive the loci of the viewpoint. There is one conic section that we have not mentioned: the parabola. Although the parabola is not a solution of either equation for finite values of c and k, it is a solution of Equation (16) in the limit that c ! 1, h, a constant. These limiting conditions correspond to orthographic projection. We briefly discuss the orthographic case and the corresponding paraboloid solution in Section 2.4. 2.3.1 Planar Mirrors In Solution (16), if we set we get the cross-section of a planar mirror: As shown in Figure 2, this plane is the one which bisects the line segment ~ vp joining the viewpoint and the pinhole. ceffective viewpoint, effective pinhole, p=(0,c) image plane z - world point image of world point c Figure 2: The plane 2 is a solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation. Conversely, it is possible to show that, given a fixed viewpoint and pinhole, the only planar solution is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the pinhole to the viewpoint. Hence, for a fixed pinhole, two different planar mirrors cannot share the same effective viewpoint. For each such plane the effective viewpoint is the reflection of the pinhole in the plane. This means that it is impossible to enhance the field of view using a single perspective camera and an arbitrary number of planar mirrors, while still respecting the fixed viewpoint constraint. If multiple cameras are used then solutions using multiple planar mirrors are possible [ Nalwa, 1996 ] . The converse of this result is that for a fixed viewpoint v and pinhole p, there is only one planar solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation. The unique solution is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the pinhole to the viewpoint: To prove this, it is sufficient to consider a fixed pinhole p, a planar mirror with unit normal - n, and a point q on the mirror. Then, the fact that the plane is a solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint implies that there is a single effective viewpoint q). To be more precise, the effective viewpoint is the reflection of the pinhole p in the mirror; i.e. the single effective viewpoint is: n: (20) Since the reflection of a single point in two different planes is always two different points, the perpendicular bisector is the unique planar solution. An immediate corollary of this result is that for a single fixed pinhole, no two different planar mirrors can share the same viewpoint. Unfortunately, a single planar mirror does not enhance the field of view, since, discounting occlusions, the same camera moved from p to v and reflected in the mirror would have exactly the same field of view. It follows that it is impossible to increase the field of view by packing an arbitrary number of planar mirrors (pointing in different directions) in front of a conventional imaging system, while still respecting the fixed viewpoint constraint. On the other hand, in applications such as stereo where multiple viewpoints are a necessary requirement, the multiple views of a scene can be captured by a single camera using multiple planar mirrors. See, for example, [Goshtasby and Gruver, 1993], [Inaba et al., 1993], and [Nene and Nayar, 1998]. This brings us to the panoramic camera proposed by Nalwa [1996]. To ensure a single viewpoint while using multiple planar mirrors, Nalwa [1996] arrived at a design that uses four separate imaging systems. Four planar mirrors are arranged in a square-based pyramid, and each of the four cameras is placed above one of the faces of the pyramid. The effective pinholes of the cameras are moved until the four effective viewpoints (i.e. the reflections of the pinholes in the mirrors) coincide. The result is a sensor that has a single effective viewpoint and a panoramic field of view of approximately 360 ffi \Theta 50 ffi . The panoramic image is of relatively high resolution since it is generated from the four images captured by the four cameras. This sensor is straightforward to implement, but requires four of each component: i.e. four cameras, four lenses, and four digitizers. (It is, of course, possible to use only one digitizer but at a reduced frame rate.) 2.3.2 Conical Mirrors In Solution (16), if we set we get a conical mirror with circular cross section: s Figure 3 for an illustration of this solution. The angle at the apex of the cone is 2- where: This might seem like a reasonable solution, but since the pinhole of the camera must be at the apex of the cone. This implies that the only rays of light entering the pinhole from the mirror are the ones which graze the cone and so do not originate from (finite extent) objects in the world (see Figure 3.) Hence, the cone with the pinhole at the vertex is a degenerate solution that cannot be used to construct a wide field of view sensor with a single viewpoint. In spite of this fact, the cone has been used in wide-angle imaging systems several times [Yagi and Kawato, 1990] [Yagi and Yachida, 1991] [Bogner, 1995]. In these imple- effective viewpoint, v=(0,0) effective pinhole, p=(0,0) image plane z - mirror world point imaged world point Figure 3: The conical mirror is a solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation. Since the pinhole is located at the apex of the cone, this is a degenerate solution that cannot be used to construct a wide field of view sensor with a single viewpoint. If the pinhole is moved away from the apex of the cone (along the axis of the cone), the viewpoint is no longer a single point but rather lies on a circular locus. If 2- is the angle at the apex of the cone, the radius of the circular locus of the viewpoint is e \Delta cos 2- , where e is the distance of the pinhole from the apex along the axis of the cone. If - ? the circular locus lies inside (below) the cone, if - ! 60 ffi the circular locus lies outside (above) the cone, and if the circular locus lies on the cone. mentations the pinhole is placed some distance from the apex of the cone. It is easy to show that in such cases the viewpoint is no longer a single point [Nalwa, 1996]. If the pinhole lies on the axis of the cone at a distance e from the apex of the cone, the locus of the effective viewpoint is a circle. The radius of the circle is easily seen to be: the circular locus lies inside (below) the cone, if - ! 60 ffi the circular locus lies outside (above) the cone, and if the circular locus lies on the cone. In some applications such as robot navigation, the single viewpoint constraint is not vital. Conical mirrors can be used to build practical sensors for such applications. See, for example, the designs in [Yagi et al., 1994] and [Bogner, 1995]. 2.3.3 Spherical Mirrors In Solution (17), if we set we get the spherical mirror: Like the cone, this is a degenerate solution which cannot be used to construct a wide field of view sensor with a single viewpoint. Since the viewpoint and pinhole coincide at the center of the sphere, the observer would see itself and nothing else, as is illustrated in Figure 4. The sphere has also been used to build wide field of view sensors several times [Hong, 1991] [Bogner, 1995] [Murphy, 1995]. In these implementations, the pinhole is placed outside the sphere and so there is no single effective viewpoint. The locus of the effective viewpoint can be computed in a straightforward manner using a symbolic mathematics package. Without loss of generality, suppose that the radius of the mirror is 1:0. The first step is to compute the direction of the ray of light which would be reflected at the mirror point pass through the pinhole. This computation is viewpoint, v pinhole, p Figure 4: The spherical mirror satisfies the fixed viewpoint constraint when the pinhole lies at the center of the sphere. (Since the viewpoint also lies at the center of the sphere.) Like the conical mirror, the sphere cannot actually be used to construct a wide field of view sensor with a single viewpoint because the observer can only see itself; rays of light emitted from the center of the sphere are reflected back at the surface of the sphere directly towards the center of the sphere. then repeated for the neighboring mirror point (r dz). Next, the intersection of these two rays is computed, and finally the limit dr ! 0 is taken while constraining dz by 1. The result of performing this derivation is that the locus of the effective viewpoint is:@ c as r varies from \Gamma to . The locus of the effective viewpoint is plotted for various values of c in Figure 5. As can be seen, for all values of c the locus lies within Figure 5: The locus of the effective viewpoint of a circular mirror of radius 1:0 (which is also shown) plotted for (d). For all values of c, the locus lies within the mirror and is of comparable size to the mirror. the mirror and is of comparable size to it. Like multiple planes, spheres have also been used to construct stereo rigs [Nayar, 1988] [Nene and Nayar, 1998] , but as described before, multiple viewpoints are a requirement for stereo. 2.3.4 Ellipsoidal Mirrors In Solution (17), when k ? 0 and c ? 0; we get the ellipsoidal mirror:a 2 e e where: a s s The ellipsoid is the first solution that can actually be used to enhance the field of view of a camera while retaining a single effective viewpoint. As shown in Figure 6, if the viewpoint and pinhole are at the foci of the ellipsoid and the mirror is taken to be the section of the ellipsoid that lies below the viewpoint (i.e. z ! 0), the effective field of view is the entire upper hemisphere z - 0. 2.3.5 Hyperboloidal Mirrors In Solution (16), when k ? 2 and c ? 0, we get the hyperboloidal mirror:a 2 where: a As seen in Figure 7, the hyperboloid also yields a realizable solution. The curvature of the mirror and the field of view both increase with k. In the other direction (in the limit the hyperboloid flattens out to the planar mirror of Section 2.3.1. p=(0,c) image plane z - world point image of world point c Figure The ellipsoidal mirror satisfies the fixed viewpoint constraint when the pinhole and viewpoint are located at the two foci of the ellipsoid. If the ellipsoid is terminated by the horizontal plane passing through the viewpoint z = 0, the field of view is the entire upper hemisphere z ? 0. It is also possible to cut the ellipsoid with other planes passing through v, but it appears there is little to be gained by doing so. effective pinhole, p=(0,c) image plane z - c world point image of world point Figure 7: The hyperboloidal mirror satisfies the fixed viewpoint constraint when the pinhole and the viewpoint are located at the two foci of the hyperboloid. This solution does produce the desired increase in field of view. The curvature of the mirror and hence the field of view increase with k. In the limit k ! 2, the hyperboloid flattens to the planar mirror of Section 2.3.1. Rees [1970] appears to have been first to use a hyperboloidal mirror with a perspective lens to achieve a large field of view camera system with a single viewpoint. Later, Yamazawa et al. [1993] [1995] also recognized that the hyperboloid is indeed a practical solution and implemented a sensor designed for autonomous navigation. 2.4 The Orthographic Case: Paraboloidal Mirrors Although the parabola is not a solution of the fixed viewpoint constraint equation for finite values of c and k, it is a solution of Equation (16) in the limit that c ! 1, c h, a constant. Under these limiting conditions, Equation (16) tends to: As shown in [Nayar, 1997b] and Figure 8, this limiting case corresponds to orthographic projection. Moreover, in that setting the paraboloid does yield a practical omnidirectional sensor with a number of advantageous properties [Nayar, 1997b]. One advantage of using an orthographic camera is that it can make the calibration of the catadioptric system far easier. Calibration is simpler because, so long as the direction of orthographic projection remains parallel to the axis of the paraboloid, any size of paraboloid is a solution. The paraboloid constant and physical size of the mirror therefore do not need to be determined during calibration. Moreover, the mirror can be translated arbitrarily and still remain a solution. Implementation of the sensor is therefore also much easier because the camera does not need to be positioned precisely. By the same token, the fact that the mirror may be translated arbitrarily can be used to set up simple configurations where the camera zooms in on part of the paraboloid mirror to achieve higher resolution (with a reduced field of view), but without the complication of having to compensate for the additional non-linear distortion caused by the rotation of the camera that would be needed to achieve the same effect in the perspective case. focus image plane z - world point image of world point direction of orthographic projection Figure 8: Under orthographic projection, the only solution is a paraboloid with the effective viewpoint at the focus of the paraboloid. One advantage of this solution is that the camera can be translated arbitrarily and remain a solution. This property can greatly simplify sensor calibration [ Nayar, 1997b ] . The assumption of orthographic projection is not as restrictive a solution as it may sound since there are simple ways to convert a standard lens and camera from perspective projection to orthographic projection. See, for example, [ Nayar, 1997b ] . 3 Resolution of a Catadioptric Sensor In this section, we assume that the conventional camera used in the catadioptric sensor has a frontal image plane located at a distance u from the pinhole, and that the optical axis of the camera is aligned with the axis of symmetry of the mirror. See Figure 9 for an illustration of this scenario. Then, the definition of resolution that we will use is the following. Consider an infinitesimal area dA on the image plane. If this infinitesimal pixel images an infinitesimal solid angle d- of the world, the resolution of the sensor as a function of the point on the image plane at the center of the infinitesimal area dA is: dA If / is the angle made between the optical axis and the line joining the pinhole to the center of the infinitesimal area dA (see Figure 9), the solid angle subtended by the infinitesimal area dA at the pinhole is: Therefore, the resolution of the conventional camera is: dA Then, the area of the mirror imaged by the infinitesimal area dA is: d! cos OE cos 2 dA where OE is the angle between the normal to the mirror at (r; z) and the line joining the pinhole to the mirror point (r; z). Since reflection at the mirror is specular, the solid angle of the world imaged by the catadioptric camera is: dA viewpoint, v=(0,0) f pinhole, p=(0,c) c image plane focal plane z - optical axis mirror area, dS normal pixel area, dA f solid angle, dw solid angle, du solid angle, dw y mirror point, (r,z) world point image of world point Figure 9: The geometry used to derive the spatial resolution of a catadioptric sensor. Assuming the conventional sensor has a frontal image plane which is located at a distance u from the pinhole and the optical axis is aligned with the z-axis - z, the spatial resolution of the conventional sensor is dA . Therefore the area of the mirror imaged by the infinitesimal image plane area dA is dA. So, the solid angle of the world imaged by the infinitesimal area dA on the image plane is Hence, the spatial resolution of the catadioptric sensor is dA d! since cos 2 Therefore, the resolution of the catadioptric camera is: dA dA But, since: we have: dA dA Hence, the resolution of the catadioptric camera is the resolution of the conventional camera used to construct it multiplied by a factor of: where (r; z) is the point on the mirror being imaged. The first thing to note from Equation (38) is that for the planar mirror the resolution of the catadioptric sensor is the same as that of the conventional sensor used to construct it. This is as expected by symmetry. Secondly, note that the factor in Equation (39) is the square of the distance from the point (r; z) to the effective viewpoint divided by the square of the distance to the pinhole the distance from the viewpoint to (r; z) and d p the distance of (r; z) from the pinhole. Then, the factor in Equation (39) is d 2 : For the ellipsoid, d . Therefore, for the ellipsoid the factor is: which increases as d p decreases and d v increases. For the hyperboloid, d some constant . Therefore, for the hyperboloid the factor is: which increases as d p increases and d v increases. So, for both ellipsoids and hyperboloids, the factor in Equation (39) increases with r. Hence, both hyperboloidal and ellipsoidal catadioptric sensors constructed with a uniform resolution conventional camera will have their highest resolution around the periphery, a useful property for certain applications such as teleconferencing. 3.1 The Orthographic Case The orthographic case is slightly simpler than the projective case and is illustrated in Figure 10. Again, we assume that the image plane is frontal; i.e. perpendicular to the direction of orthographic projection. Then, the resolution of the conventional orthographic camera is: dA where the constant M is the linear magnification of the camera. If the solid angle d! images the area dS of the mirror and OE is the angle between the mirror normal and the direction of orthographic projection, we have: Combining Equations (35), (42), and (43) yields: dA d- d! For the paraboloid , the multiplicative factor r 2 simplifies to: Hence, as for both the ellipsoid and the hyperboloid, the resolution of paraboloid based catadioptric sensors increases with r, the distance from the center of the mirror. viewpoint, v=(0,0) r image plane camera boundary z - direction of orthographic projection mirror area, dS normal f solid angle, du solid angle, dw mirror point, (r,z) world point pixel area, dA image of world point Figure 10: The geometry used to derive the spatial resolution of a catadioptric sensor in the orthographic case. Again, assuming that the image plane is frontal and the conventional orthographic camera has a linear magnification M , its spatial resolution is dA . The solid angle d! equals cos OE \Delta dS, where dS is the area of the mirror imaged and OE is the angle between the mirror normal and the direction of orthographic projection. Combining this information with Equation (35) yields the spatial resolution of the orthographic catadioptric sensor as dA d! . 4 Defocus Blur of a Catadioptric Sensor In addition to the normal causes present in conventional dioptric systems, such as diffraction and lens aberrations, two factors combine to cause defocus blur in catadioptric sensors. They are: (1) the finite size of the lens aperture, and (2) the curvature of the mirror. To analyze how these two factors cause defocus blur, we first consider a fixed point in the world and a fixed point in the lens aperture. We then find the point on the mirror which reflects a ray of light from the world point through that lens point. Next, we compute where on the image plane this mirror point is imaged. By considering the locus of imaged mirror points as the lens point varies, we can compute the area of the image plane onto which a fixed world point is imaged. In Section 4.1, we derive the constraints on the mirror point at which the light is reflected, and show how it can be projected onto the image plane. In Section 4.2, we extend the analysis to the orthographic case. Finally, in Section 4.3, we present numerical results for hyperboloid, ellipsoid, and paraboloid mirrors. 4.1 Analysis of Defocus Blur To analyze defocus blur, we need to work in 3-D. We use the 3-D cartesian frame (v; - where v is the location of the effective viewpoint, p is the location of the effective pinhole, - z is a unit vector in the direction ~ vp, the effective pinhole is located at a distance c from the effective viewpoint, and the vectors - x and - y are orthogonal unit vectors in the plane As in Section 3, we also assume that the conventional camera used in the catadioptric sensor has a frontal image plane located at a distance u from the pinhole and that the optical axis of the camera is aligned with the z-axis. In addition to the previous assumptions, we assume that the effective pinhole of the lens is located at the center of the lens, and that the lens has a circular aperture. See Figure 11 for an illustration of this configuration. viewpoint, v=(0,0,0) pinhole, p=(0,0,c) c image plane, z=c+u focal plane, z=c l=(d-cosl,d-sinl,c) mirror lens aperture z focused plane, z=c-v world point, w= (x,y,z) normal, n blur region plane, z=0 principal ray l Figure 11: The geometry used to analyze the defocus blur. We work in the 3-D cartesian frame (v; - x; - x and - y are orthogonal unit vectors in the plane z = 0. In addition to the assumptions of Section 3, we also assume that the effective pinhole is located at the center of the lens and that the lens has a circular aperture. If a ray of light from the world point kmk is reflected at the mirror point through the lens point sin -; c), there are three constraints on must lie on the mirror, (2) the angle of incidence must equal the angle of reflection, and (3) the normal n to the mirror at and the two vectors must be coplanar. Consider a point on the mirror and a point kmk in the world, where l ? kmk. Then, since the hyperboloid mirror satisfies the fixed viewpoint constraint, a ray of light from w which is reflected by the mirror at m passes directly through the center of the lens (i.e. the effective pinhole.) This ray of light is known as the principal ray [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. Next, suppose a ray of light from the world point w is reflected at the point on the mirror and then passes through the lens aperture point In general, this ray of light will not be imaged at the same point on the image plane as the principal ray. When this happens there is defocus blur. The locus of the intersection of the incoming rays through l and the image plane as l varies over the lens aperture is known as the blur region or region of confusion [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. For an ideal thin lens in isolation, the blur region is circular and so is often referred to as the blur circle [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. If we know the points m 1 and l, we can find the point on the image plane where the ray of light through these points is imaged. First, the line through m 1 in the direction ~ is extended to intersect the focused plane. By the thin lens law [Hecht and Zajac, 1974] the focused plane is: where f is the focal length of the lens and u is the distance from the focal plane to the image plane. Since all points on the focused plane are perfectly focused, the point of intersection on the focused plane can be mapped onto the image plane using perspective projection. Hence, the x and y coordinates of the intersection of the ray through l and the image plane are the x and y coordinates of: and the z coordinate is the z coordinate of the image plane c Given the lens point c) and the world point kmk there are three constraints on the point must lie on the mirror and so (for the hyperboloid) we have: Secondly, the incident ray (w reflected ray (m and the normal to the mirror at must lie in the same plane. The normal to the mirror at m 1 lies in the direction: for the hyperboloid. Hence, the second constraint is: Finally, the angle of incidence must equal the angle of reflection and so the third constraint on the point m 1 is: These three constraints on m 1 are all multivariate polynomials in x 1 , y 1 , and z 1 : Equation (48) and Equation (50) are both of order 2, and Equation (51) is of order 5. We were unable to find a closed form solution to these three equations (Equation (51) has 25 terms in general and so it is probable that none exists) but we did investigate numericals solution. Before we present the results, we briefly describe the orthographic case. 4.2 Defocus Blur in the Orthographic Case The orthographic case is slightly different, as is illustrated in Figure 12. One way to convert a thin lens to produce orthographic projection is to place an aperture at the focal point behind the lens [Nayar, 1997b] . Then, the only rays of light that reach the image plane are those that are (approximately) parallel to the optical axis. For the orthographic case, there viewpoint, v=(0,0,0) pinhole, p=(0,0,c) c image plane, z=c+u focal plane, z=c l=(d-cosl,d-sinl,c) mirror lens aperture focused plane, z=c-v normal, n blur region plane, z=0 principal ray world point, w= (x,y,z) l focus, f=(0,0,c+f) focal aperture Figure 12: The geometry used to analyze defocus blur in the orthographic case. One way to create orthographic projection is to add a (circular) aperture at the rear focal point (the one behind the lens) [ Nayar, 1997b ] . Then, the only rays of light that reach the image plane are those which are (approximately) parallel to the optical axis. The analysis of defocus blur is then essentially the same as in the perspective case except that we need to check whether each ray of light passes through this aperture when computing the blur region. is therefore only one difference to the analysis. When estimating the blur region, we need to check that the ray of light actually passes through the (circular) aperture at the rear focal point. This task is straightforward. The intersection of the ray of light with the rear focal plane is computed using linear interpolation of the lens point and the point where the mirror point is imaged on the image plane. It is then checked whether this point lies close enough to the optical axis. 4.3 Numerical Results In our numerical experiments we set the distance between the effective viewpoint and the pinhole to be meter, and the distance from the viewpoint to the world point w to be meters. For the hyperboloidal and ellipsoidal mirrors, we set the radius of the lens aperture to be 10 mm. For the paraboloidal mirror, the limiting aperture is the one at the focal point. We chose the size of this aperture so that it lets through exactly the same rays of light that the front 10 mm one would for a point 1 meter away on the optical axis. We assumed the focal length to be 10 cm and therefore set the aperture to be 1 mm. With these settings, the F-stop for the paraboloidal mirror is 2 \Theta 1=5. The results for the other two mirrors are independent of the focal length, and hence the F-stop. To allow the three mirror shapes to be compared on an equal basis, we used values for k and h that correspond to the same mirror radii. The radius of the mirror is taken to be the radius of the mirror cut off by the plane z = 0; i.e. the mirrors are all taken to image the entire upper hemisphere. Some values of k and h are plotted in Table 1 against the corresponding mirror radius, for Table 1: The mirror radius as a function of the mirror parameters (k and h) for Mirror Radius Hyperboloid (k) Ellipsoid (k) Paraboloid (h) 4.3.1 Area of the Blur Region In Figures 13-15, we plot the area of the blur region (on the ordinate) against the distance to the focused plane v (on the abscissa) for the hyperboloidal, ellipsoidal, and paraboloidal mirrors. In each figure, we plot separate curves for different world point directions. The angles are measures in degrees from the plane z = 0, and so the curve at 90 ffi corresponds to the (impossible) world point directly upwards in the direction of the z-axis. For the hyperboloid we set for the ellipsoid 0:11, and for the paraboloid 0:1. As can be seen in Table 1, these settings correspond to a mirror with radius 10 cm. Qualitatively similar results were obtained for the other radii. Section 4.3.3 contains related results for the other radii. The smaller the area of the blur region, the better focused the image will be. We see from the figures that the area never reaches exactly zero, and so an image formed using these catadioptric sensors can never be perfectly focused. However, the minimum area is very small, and in practice there is no problem focusing the image for a single world point. Moreover, it is possible to use additional corrective lenses to compensate for most of this effect [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. Note that the distance at which the image of the world point will be best focused (i.e. somewhere in the range 0.9-1.15 meters) is much less than the distance from the pinhole to the world point (approximately 1 meter from the pinhole to the mirror plus 5 meters from the mirror to the world point). The reason for this effect is that the mirror is curved. For the hyperboloidal and paraboloidal mirrors which are convex, the curvature tends to increase the divergence of rays coming from the world point. For these rays to be converged and the image focused, a larger distance to the image plane u is needed. A larger value of u corresponds to a smaller value of v, the distance to the focused plane. For the concave ellipsoidal mirror, the mirror converges the rays to the extent that a virtual image is formed between the mirror and the lens. The lens must be focused on this virtual image. 4.3.2 Shape of the Blur Region Next, we provide an explanation of the fact that the area of the blur region never exactly reaches zero. For a conventional lens, the blur region is a circle. In this case, as the focus setting is adjusted to focus the lens, all points on the blur circle move towards the center of the blur circle at a rate which is proportional to their distance from the center of the blur circle. Hence, the blur circle steadily shrinks until the blur region has area 0 and the lens is perfectly focused. If the focus setting is moved further in the same direction, the blur circle grows again as all the points on it move away from the center. For a catadioptric sensor using a curved mirror, the blur region is only approximately a circle for all three of the mirror shapes. Moreover, as the image is focused, the speed with which points move towards the center of this circle is dependent on their position in a much more complex way than for a single lens. The behavior is qualitatively the same for all of the mirrors and is illustrated in Figure 16. From Figure 16(a) to Figure 16(e), the for the hyperboloidal mirror with In this example, we have meter, the radius of the lens aperture 10 millimeters, and the distance from the viewpoint to the world point meters. We plot curves for 7 different world points, at 7 different angles from the plane The area of the blur region never becomes exactly zero and so the image can never be perfectly focused. However, the area does become very small and so focusing on a single point is not a problem in practice. Note that the distance at which the image will be best focused (around 1.0- 1.15 meters) is much less than the distance from the pinhole to the world point (approximately 1 meter from the pinhole to the mirror plus 5 meters from the mirror to the world point.) The reason is that the mirror is convex and so tends to increase the divergence of rays of light. for the ellipsoidal mirror with 0:11. The other settings are the same as for the hyperboloidal mirror in Figure 13. Again, the distance to the focused plane is less than the distance to the point in the world, however the reason is different. For the concave ellipsoidal mirror, a virtual image is formed between the mirror and the lens. The lens needs to focus on this virtual image. for the paraboloidal mirror with 0:1. The settings are the same as for the hyperboloidal mirror, except the size of the apertures. The limiting aperture is the one at the focal point. It is chosen so that it lets through exactly the same rays of light that the 10 mm one does for the hyperboloidal mirror for a point 1 meter away on the optical axis. The results are qualitatively very similar to the hyperboloidal mirror. -0.006 -0.0020.0020.006 (a) Hyperboloid 1082 mm (b) Hyperboloid 1083.25 mm (c) Ellipsoid 1003.75 mm (d) Ellipsoid 1004 mm Paraboloid 1068.63 mm (f) Paraboloid 1069 mm Figure 16: The variation in the shape of the blur region as the focus setting is varied. Note that all of the blur regions in this figure are relatively well focused. Also, note that the scale of the 6 figures are all different. blur region gets steadily smaller, and the image becomes more focused. In Figure 16(f), the focus is beginning to get worse again. In Figure 16(a) the blur region is roughly a circle, however as the focus gets better, the circle begins to overlap itself, as shown in Figure 16(b). The degree of overlap increases in Figures 16(c) and(d). (These 2 figures are for the ellipse and are shown to illustrate how similar the blur regions are for the 3 mirror shapes. The only difference is that the region has been reflected about a vertical axis since the ellipse is a concave mirror.) In Figure 16(e), the image is as well focused as possible and the blur region completely overlaps itself. In Figure 16(f), the overlapping has begun to unwind. Finally, in Figure 17, we illustrate how the blur regions vary with the angle of the point in the world, for a fixed focal setting. In this figure, which displays results for the hyperboloid with 0:11, the focal setting is chosen so that the point at 45 ffi is in focus. As can be seen, for points in the other directions the blur region can be quite large and so points in those directions are not focused. This effect, known as field curvature [Hecht and Zajac, 1974], is studied in more detail in the following section. 4.3.3 Focal Settings Finally, we investigated how the focus setting that minimizes the area of the blur region (see Figures changes with the angle ' which the world point w makes with the plane The results are presented in Figures 18-20. As before, we set assumed the radius of the lens aperture to be 10 millimeters (1 millimeter for the paraboloid), and fixed the world point to be l = 5 meters from the effective viewpoint. We see that the best focus setting varies considerably across the mirror for all of the mirror shapes. Moreover, the variation is roughly comparable for all three mirrors (of equal In practice, these results, often referred to as "field curvature" [Hecht and Zajac, 1974], mean that it can sometimes be difficult to focus the entire scene at the same time. -0.3 -0.2 - -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 (a) 1018.8 mm, -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 - -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 (a) 1018.8 mm, -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 - -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 (a) 1018.8 mm, Figure 17: An example of the variation in the blur region as a function of the angle of the point in the world. In this example for the hyperboloid with the point at 45 ffi is in focus, but the points in the other directions are not. Hyperboloid, k=6.10 Hyperboloid, k=11.0 Hyperboloid, k=21.0 Hyperboloid, k=51.0 Figure 18: The focus setting which minimizes the area of the blur region in Figure 13 plotted against the angle ' which the world point w makes with the plane z = 0. Four separate curves are plotted for different values of the parameter k. See Table 1 for the corresponding radii of the mirrors. We see that the best focus setting for w varies considerably across the mirror. In practice, these results mean that it can sometimes be difficult to focus the entire scene at the same time, unless additional compensating lenses are used to compensate for the field curvature [ Hecht and Zajac, 1974 ] . Also, note that this effect becomes less important as k increases and the mirror gets smaller. Ellipsoid, k=0.24 Ellipsoid, k=0.11 Ellipsoid, k=0.02 Figure 19: The focus setting which minimizes the area of the blur region in Figure 14 plotted against the angle ' which the world point w makes with the plane z = 0. Four separate curves are plotted for different values of the parameter k. See Table 1 for the corresponding radii of the mirrors. The field curvature for the ellipsoidal mirror is roughly comparable to that for the Paraboloid, k=0.20 Paraboloid, k=0.10 Paraboloid, k=0.05 Paraboloid, k=0.02 Figure 20: The focus setting which minimizes the area of the blur region in Figure 15 plotted against the angle ' which the world point w makes with the plane z = 0. Four separate curves are plotted for different values of the parameter h. See Table 1 for the corresponding radii of the mirrors. The field curvature for the paraboloidal mirror is roughly comparable to that for the Either the center of the mirror is well focused or the points around the periphery are focused, but not both. Fortunately, it is possible to introduce additional lenses which compensate for the field curvature [Hecht and Zajac, 1974]. (See the discussion at the end of this paper for more details.) Also note that as the mirrors become smaller in size (k increases for the hyperboloid, k decreases for ellipsoid, and h decreases for the paraboloid) the effect becomes significantly less pronounced. In this paper, we have studied three design criteria for catadioptric sensors: (1) the shape of the mirrors, (2) the resolution of the cameras, and (3) the focus settings of the cameras. In particular, we have derived the complete class of mirrors that can be used with a single camera to give a single viewpoint, found an expression for the resolution of a catadioptric sensor in terms of the resolution of the conventional camera(s) used to construct it, and presented detailed analysis of the defocus blur caused by the use of a curved mirror. There are a number of possible uses for the (largely theoretical) results presented in this paper. Throughout the paper we have touched on many of their uses by a sensor designer. The results are also of interest to a user of a catadioptric sensor. We now briefly mention a few of the possible uses, both for sensor designers and users: ffl For applications where a fixed viewpoint is not a requirement, we have derived the locus of the viewpoint for several mirror shapes. The shape and size of these loci may be useful for the user of such a sensor requiring the exact details of the geometry. For example, if the sensor is being used in an stereo rig, the epipolar geometry needs to be derived precisely. ffl The expression for the resolution of the sensor could be used by someone applying image processing techniques to the output of the sensor. For example, many image enhancement algorithms require knowledge of the solid angles of the world integrated over by each pixel in sensor. ffl Knowing the resolution function also allows a sensor designer to design a CCD with non-uniform resolution to get an imaging system with a known (for example uniform) resolution. ffl The defocus analysis could be important to the user of a catadioptric sensor who wishes to apply various image processing techniques, from deblurring to restoration and super-resolution. ffl Knowing the defocus function also allows a sensor designer to compensate for the field curvature introduced by the use of a curved mirror. One method consists of introducing optical elements behind the imaging lens. For instance, a plano-concave lens placed flush with the CCD permits a good deal of field curvature correction. (Light rays at the periphery of the image travel through a greater distance within the plano-concave lens). Another method is to use a thick meniscus lens right next to the imaging lens (away from the CCD). The same effect is achieved. In both cases, the exact materials and curvatures of the lens surfaces are optimized using numerical simulations. Optical design is almost always done this way as analytical methods are far too cumbersome. See [Born and Wolf, 1965] for more details. We have described a large number of mirror shapes in this paper, including cones, spheres, planes, hyperboloids, ellipsoids, and paraboloids. Practical catadioptric sensors have been constructed using most of these mirror shapes. See, for example, [Rees, 1970], [Charles et al., 1987] , [Nayar, 1988], [Yagi and Kawato, 1990], [Hong, 1991], [Goshtasby and Gruver, 1993], [Yamazawa et al., 1993], [Bogner, 1995], [Nalwa, 1996], and [Nayar, 1997a]. As described in [Chahl and Srinivassan, 1997], even more mirror shapes are possible if we relax the single-viewpoint constraint. Which then is the "best" mirror shape to use? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. If the application requires exact perspective projection, there are three alternatives: (1) the ellipsoid, (2) the hyperboloid, and (3) the paraboloid. The major limitation of the ellipsoid is that only a hemisphere can be imaged. As far as the choice between the paraboloid and the hyperboloid goes, using an orthographic imaging system does require extra effort on behalf of the optical designer, but may also make construction and calibration of the entire catadioptric system easier, as discussed in Section 2.4. If the application at hand does not require a single viewpoint, many other practical issues may become more important, such as the size of the sensor, its resolution variation across the field of view, and the ease of mapping between coordinate systems. In this paper we have restricted attention to single-viewpoint systems. The reader is referred to other papers proposing catadioptric sensors, such as [Yagi and Kawato, 1990] , [Yagi and Yachida, 1991], [Hong, 1991], [Bogner, 1995], [Murphy, 1995], and [Chahl and Srinivassan, 1997], for discussion of the practical merits of catadioptric systems with extended viewpoints. Acknowledgements The research described in this paper was conducted while the first author was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University in the City of New York. This work was supported in parts by the VSAM effort of DARPA's Image Understanding Program and a MURI grant under ONR contract No. N00014-97-1-0553. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments which have greatly improved the paper. --R The plenoptic function and elements of early vision. A theory of catadioptric image forma- tion Introduction to panoramic imaging. Principles of Optics. Reflective surfaces for panoramic imaging. 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panoramic imaging;defocus blur;sensor resolution;omnidirectional imaging;sensor design;image formation
Trust Region Algorithms and Timestep Selection.
Unconstrained optimization problems are closely related to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with gradient structure. In this work, we prove results that apply to both areas. We analyze the convergence properties of a trust region, or Levenberg--Marquardt, algorithm for optimization. The algorithm may also be regarded as a linearized implicit Euler method with adaptive timestep for gradient ODEs. From the optimization viewpoint, the algorithm is driven directly by the Levenberg--Marquardt parameter rather than the trust region radius. This approach is discussed, for example, in [R. Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd ed., John Wiley, New York, 1987], but no convergence theory is developed. We give a rigorous error analysis for the algorithm, establishing global convergence and an unusual, extremely rapid, type of superlinear convergence. The precise form of superlinear convergence is exhibited---the ratio of successive displacements from the limit point is bounded above and below by geometrically decreasing sequences. We also show how an inexpensive change to the algorithm leads to quadratic convergence. From the ODE viewpoint, this work contributes to the theory of gradient stability by presenting an algorithm that reproduces the correct global dynamics and gives very rapid local convergence to a stable steady state.
Introduction . This work involves ideas from two areas of numerical anal- ysis: optimization and the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (odes). We begin by pointing out a connection between the underlying mathematical problems. Given a smooth function f R, an algorithm for unconstrained optimization seeks to find a local minimizer ; that is, a point x ? such that f(x ? for all x in some neighborhood of x ? . The following standard result gives necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for x ? to be a local minimizer. Proofs may be found, for example, in [5, 6, 7]. Theorem 1.1. The conditions rf(x ? positive semi-definite are necessary for x ? to be a local minimizer, whilst the conditions rf(x ? positive definite are sufficient. On the other hand, given a smooth function F may consider the ode system Now suppose that F in (1.1) has the form F(x) j \Gammarf (x). By the Chain Rule, if solves (1.1) then d dt @f dt From (1.2) we see that along any solution of the ode the quantity f(x(t)) decreases in Euclidean norm as t increases. Moreover, it strictly decreases unless Hence, solving the ode up to a large value of t may be regarded as an attempt to compute a local minimum of f . The conditions given in Theorem 1.1 may now be interpreted as necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for x ? to be a linearly stable fixed point of the ode. If it is possible to write F(x) in the form \Gammarf (x) then the ode (1.1) is said to have a gradient structure; see, for example, [19]. Several authors have noted the Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XH, UK. Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK under grant GR/K80228. This manuscript appears as University of Strathclyde Mathematics Research Report 3 (1998). connection between optimization and gradient odes. Schropp [18] examined fixed timestep Runge-Kutta (rk) methods from a dynamical systems viewpoint, and found conditions under which the numerical solution of the gradient ode converges to a stationary point of f . Schropp also gave numerical evidence to suggest that there are certain problem classes for which the ode formulation is preferable to the optimization analogue. The book [11] shows that many problems expressible in optimization terms can also be written as odes, often with gradient structure. Chu has exploited this idea in order to obtain theoretical results and numerical methods for particular problems; see [3] for a review. In the optimization literature, the gradient ode connection has also been mentioned; see, for example, the discussion on unconstrained optimization in [17]. Related work [1, 2] has looked at the use of ode methods to solve systems of nonlinear algebraic equations. The study of numerical methods applied to odes in gradient form has lead to the concept of gradient stability [14, 20, 21]. The gradient structure arises in many application areas, and provides a very useful framework for analysis of ode algo- rithms. (In contrast with the classical linear and strictly contractive test problems, gradient systems allow multiple equilibria.) In [14, 20] positive results were proved about the ability of rk methods to preserve the gradient structure, and hence to capture the correct long term dynamics, for small, fixed timesteps. Most of these results require an extra assumption on F that imposes either a one-sided Lipschitz condition or a form of dissipativity. Adaptive rk methods, that is, methods that vary the timestep dynamically, were analyzed in [21]. Here the authors considered a very special class of rk formula pairs and showed that a traditional error control approach forces good behavior for sufficiently small values of the error tolerance, independently of the initial data. This would be regarded as a global convergence proof in the optimization litera- ture. These results require a one-sided Lipschitz condition on F. A similar result was proved in [12] for general ode methods that successfully control the local error- per-unit-step. In this case the error tolerance must be chosen in a way that depends on the initial data. The work presented here has two main contributions. ffl First, we note a close similarity between a trust region, or Levenberg- Marquadt, algorithm for optimization and an adaptive, linearized, implicit Euler method for gradient odes. We analyze the optimization algorithm and establish a new result about its convergence properties. This also adds to the theory of gradient stability for odes. Under a mild assumption on f we show that the method is globally convergent and enjoys a very rapid form of superlinear convergence. (The notion of the rate of convergence to equilibrium is widely studied in optimization, but appears not to have been considered in the gradient ode context. It is easily seen that any fixed timestep rk formula that approaches equilibrium will do so at a generically linear rate, in terms of the timestep number.) ffl Second, we use the ideas from the gradient analysis to construct a timestepping method for general odes that gives rapid superlinear local convergence to a stable fixed point. The presentation is organized as follows. In the next section we introduce New- ton's Method and some simple numerical ode methods. Section 3 is concerned with a specific trust region algorithm for unconstrained optimization. The algorithm, which is essentially the same as one found in [6], is defined in x3.1. A non-rigorous discussion of the convergence properties is given in x3.2, and the main convergence theorems are proved in x3.3. The algorithm may also be regarded as a timestepping process for a gradient ode algorithm and the analogous results are stated in x4. In x5 we develop a timestepping scheme for general odes that gives superlinear local convergence to stable fixed points. 2. Numerical Methods. Most numerical methods for finding a local minimizer of f begin with an initial guess x 0 and generate a sequence fx k g. Similarly, one-step methods for the ode (1.1) produce a sequence fx k g with x k - x(t k ). The time-levels ft k g are determined dynamically by means of the timestep \Deltat k := The Steepest Descent method for optimization has the form where ff k is a scalar that may arise, for example, from a line search. This is equivalent to the explicit Euler Method applied to the corresponding gradient ode with timestep \Deltat k j ff k . We note in passing that the poor performance of Steepest Descent in the presence of steep-sided narrow valleys is analogous to the poor performance of Euler's Method on stiff problems. Indeed, Figure 4j in [7] and Figure 1.2 in [10] illustrate essentially the same behavior, viewed from these two different perspectives Newton's Method for optimization is based on the local quadratic model Note that q k (ffi) is the quadratic approximation to f(x k + ffi) that arises from a Taylor series expansion about x k . If r 2 f(x k ) is positive definite then q k (ffi) has the unique minimizer We thus arrive at Newton's Method The following result concerning the local quadratic convergence of Newton's Method may be found, for example, in [5, 6, 7]. Theorem 2.1. Suppose that f 2 C 2 and that r 2 f satisfies a Lipschitz condition in a neighborhood of a local minimizer x ? . If x 0 is sufficiently close to x ? and positive definite, then Newton's method is well defined for all k and converges at second order. The Implicit Euler Method applied to (1.1) with F(x) j \Gammarf (x) using a timestep of \Deltat k produces the equation This is generally a nonlinear equation that must be solved for x k+1 . Applying one interation of Newton's Method (that is, Newton's Method for solving nonlinear equations) with initial guess x This method is sometimes referred to as the Linearized Implicit Euler Method; see, for example, [22]. Note that for large values of \Deltat k we have and the ode method looks like Newton's Method (2.3). On the other hand, for small \Deltat k we have which corresponds to a small step in the direction of steepest descent (2.1). Hence, at the extremes of large and small \Deltat k , the ode method behaves like well-known optimization methods. However, we can show much more: for any value of \Deltat k , the method (2.5) can be identified with a trust region process in optimization. This connection was pointed out by Goldfarb in the discussion on unconstrained optimization in [17]. The relevant optimization theory is developed in the next section. 3. A Trust Region Algorithm. 3.1. The Algorithm. We have seen that Newton's Method is based on the idea of minimizing the local quadratic model q k (ffi) in (2.2) on each step. Since the model is only valid locally, it makes sense to restrict the increment; that is, to seek an increment ffi that minimizes q k (ffi) subject to some constraint kffik - h k . Here h k is a parameter that reflects how much trust we are prepared to place in the model. Throughout this work we use k \Delta k to denote the Euclidean vector norm and the corresponding induced matrix norm. In this case a solution to the locally- constrained quadratic model problem can be characterized. The following Lemma is one half of [6, Theorem 5.2.1]; a weaker version was proved in [8]. For completeness, we give a proof here. Lemma 3.1. Given G 2 R m\Thetam and g 2 R m , if, for some - 0, \Gammag and G+ -I is positive semi-definite, then b ffi is a solution of min subject to kffik - k b ffik: Furthermore, if G+ -I is positive definite, then b ffi is the unique solution of (3.2). Proof. In the case where G + -I is positive semi-definite, it is straightforward to show that b ffi minimizes Hence, for all ffi we have b solves the problem (3.2). When G + -I is positive definite, the inequality is strict for ffi 6= b ffi, and hence the solution is unique. Note that Lemma 3.1 does not show how to compute an increment b ffi given a trust region constraint kffik - h k . Such an increment may be computed or approximated using an iterative technique; see, for example, [6, pages 103-107] or [5, pages 131-143]. However, as mentioned in [6], it is reasonable to regard - in (3.1) as a parameter that drives the algorithm-having chosen a value for - and checked that G+-I is positive definite, we may solve the linear system (3.1) and a posteriori obtain a trust region radius h k := k b ffik. It easily shown that if G + -I is positive definite then increasing - in (3.1) decreases k b ffik. These remarks motivate Algorithm 3.2 below. We use - min (M) to denote the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix M and let ffl ? 0 be a small constant. Given x 0 and - 0 ? 0 a general step of the trust region algorithm proceeds as follows. Algorithm 3.2. Compute Solve Compute Compute Compute using (3.3) else set r If r k - 0 set x else set x The algorithm involves the function Note that r k records the ratio of the reduction in f from x k to x and the reduction that is predicted by the local quadratic model. If r k is significantly less than 1 then the model has been over-optimistic. This information is used in (3.3) to update the trust region parameter -. In the case where the local quadratic model has performed poorly, we double the - parameter, which corresponds to reducing the trust region radius on the next step. If the performance is reasonable, we retain the same value for -. In the case of good performance we halve the value of -, thereby indirectly increasing the trust region radius. We emphasize that Algorithm 3.2 is a trust region algorithm in the sense that on each step ffi k solves the local restricted problem min subject to kffik - kffi k k: Also, we remark that the algorithm is essentially the same as that described in [6, pages 102-103]. The underlying idea of adding a multiple of the identity matrix to ensure positive definiteness was first applied to the case where f has sum-of-squares form, leading to the Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm. Goldfeld et al. [8] extended the approach to a general objective function, and gave some theoretical justification. Theorems 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of [6] provide a general convergence theory for a wide class of trust region methods. However, these results do not apply immediately to Algorithm 3.2, since the algorithm does not directly control the radius h k := kffi k k, but, rather, controls it indirectly via adaption of - k . In fact, we will see that the behavior established in Theorem 5.1.2 of [6], local quadratic convergence, does not hold for Algorithm 3.2. We are not aware of any existing convergence analysis that applies directly to Algorithm 3.2, except for general results of the form encapsulated in the Dennis-Mor'e Characterization Theorem for superlinear convergence [4, 5, 6] and the "strongly consistent approximation to the Hessian" theory given in [16]. These references are discussed further in the remarks that follow Theorem 3.4. 3.2. Motivation for the Convergence Analysis. The proofs in x3.3 and the appendix are rather technical, and hence, to help orient the reader, we give below a heuristic discussion of the key points. Theorem 3.3 establishes global convergence, and the proof uses arguments that are standard in the optimization literature. Essentially, global convergence follows from the fact that when the local quadratic model is inaccurate the algorithm chooses a direction that is close to that of steepest descent. Perhaps of more interest is the rate of local convergence. Suppose that x k positive definite, and suppose that for k - b k we have r k ? 3=4, and hence - It follows that, for some constant C 1 , Note also that G k and G \Gamma1 are bounded for large k. given a large k, let ffi Newt k denote the correction that would arise from Newton's method applied at x k , so that we have Newt Expanding (3.6), using (3.7), Newt Letting d k := x Hence, in (3.8) Newt Using (3.5) we find that Newt for some constant C 2 . Now, since x Newt k is the Newton step from x k , we have, from Theorem 2.1, Newt for some constant C 3 . The triangle inequality gives Newt Newt and inserting (3.9) and (3.10) we arrive at the key inequality for some constant C 4 . The first term on the right-hand side of (3.11) distinguishes the algorithm from Newton's Method, and dominates the rate of convergence. To proceed, it is convenient to consider a shifted sequence; let b e k := e k+N , for some fixed N to be determined. Then from (3.11), be k Choosing N so that 2 N ? C 4 , we have Now, neglecting the O(be 2 leads to If, in addition to ignoring the O(be 2 in (3.13) we also assume that equality holds, then we get equality in (3.14) and be 0 but be 0 We see from (3.15) that the error sequence is not quadratically convergent. However, (3.16) corresponds to a very rapid form of superlinear convergence. Although this analysis used several simplifying assumptions, the main conclusions can be made rigorous, as we show in the next subsection. The type of superlinear convergence that we establish is likely to be as good as quadratic convergence in practice. This matter is discussed further after the proof of Theorem 3.4. 3.3. Convergence Analysis of the Trust Region Algorithm. The following theorem shows that Algorithm 3.2 satisfies a global convergence result. The structure of the proof is similar to that of [6, Theorem 5.1.1]. Theorem 3.3. Suppose that Algorithm 3.2 produces an infinite sequence such that x k 2 B ae R m and g k 6= 0 for all k, where B is bounded and f 2 C 2 on B. Then there is an accumulation point x 1 that satisfies the necessary conditions for a local minimizer in Theorem 1.1. Proof. Any sequence in B must have a convergent subsequence. Hence, we have collects the indices in the convergent subsequence. It is convenient to distinguish between two cases: (i) sup Case (i): From the form of V (r; -) in (3.3), there must be an infinite subsequence whose indices form a set b 4 . Also, using the boundedness of G k and g k , we have and hence Suppose that the gradient limit there exists a descent direction s, normalized so that ksk = 1, such that since ffi k solves the local restricted subproblem (3.4) we have q k (kffi k ks) - ks T Also, a Taylor expansion of f(x We conclude from (3.18), (3.20) and (3.21) that r S , which contradicts r k ! 1. Hence, Now suppose that G 1 := G(x 1 ) is not positive semi-definite; so there is a direction v, with Pick S, and S with k - b k. Then, since solves the local restricted subproblem (3.4), we have and hence It follows from (3.18), (3.21) and (3.23) that r S , which contradicts 4 . Hence, G 1 is positive semi-definite. Case (ii): From the form of V (r; -) in (3.3), there must be an infinite subsequence whose indices form a set - If and hence where Gmax := sup x2B This gives Hence, removing the earlier indices from - S if necessary, we have, with h k := kffi k k, min we have \Deltaf S. From r k - 1 4 it follows that \Deltaq k ! 0. Let kffik - h and set - x Hence, is feasible on the subproblem that is solved by ffi k , and so Letting S , it follows from (3.25) that q k ( - ffi) - f also minimizes q 1 (ffi) on kffik - h, and since the constraint is inactive, the necessary conditions of Theorem 1.1 must be satisfied. Hence, g 1 6= 0 is contradicted. Now, with case (ii), we have as S . Suppose G 1 is not positive semi-definite. Then the arguments giving (3.22)-(3.23) may be applied, and we conclude that r in - S . It then follows from (3.3) that - k ! 0, and since - min must have G 1 positive semi-definite. This gives the required contradiction. Note that, as mentioned in [6], since the algorithm computes a non-increasing sequence f k , the bounded region B required in this theorem will exist if any level set is bounded. In Theorem 3.3 we assume that g k 6= 0 for all k. If g b the algorithm essentially terminates, giving x However, in this case we cannot conclude that r 2 f(x k ) is positive semi-definite for The next theorem quantifies the local convergence rate of Algorithm 3.2. The first part of the proof is based on that of [6, Theorem 5.1.2]. Theorem 3.4. If the accumulation point x 1 of Theorem 3.3 also satisfies the sufficient conditions for a local minimizer in Theorem 1.1, then for the main sequence 1. Further, the displacement error e k := for some constant C, and if e k ? 0 for all k, e for constants e C, but the ratio e k+1 =e 2 k is unbounded. Proof. First, we show that case (i) of (3.17) in the proof of Theorem 3.3 can be ruled out. Suppose that case (i) arises. Then r k !1 in b S. positive definite, the matrix G k is also positive definite for large k in b S . In this case the Newton correction, ffi Newt Newt \Gammag k , is well defined and gives a global minimum of the local quadratic model q k . Define ff by ffkffi Newt and note that since ffi k solves the local restricted subproblem (3.4), we have ff - 1. Then Newt Newt Newt Newt Newt Hence, using f Newt Newt where - min ? 0 is a lower bound for the smallest eigenvalue of G k for large k in b S . It follows that We may now conclude from (3.21) that r k ! 1 as S . Hence, case (i) cannot arise. For case (ii), we have as k !1 with k 2 - S . Further, since is a lower bound for the smallest eigenvalue of G k for large k in b S . It follows from (3.21) that as k !1 in - S we must have Having established that - k ! 0, we now know that the correction used in the algorithm looks like the Newton correction ffi Newt k , which satisfies G k ffi Newt \Gammag k . Let x Newt Newt k . Also, let d k := x k !1 in - S, and, by the triangle inequality, The quadratic convergence property of Newton's Method given in Theorem 2.1 implies that for x k is sufficiently close to x 1 for some constant A 1 . Expanding the other term in (3.31), we find Newt k ), we find that Using (3.32) and (3.33) in (3.31) gives, for large k 2 - e k+1 -- where A 2 is a constant. Repeating the arguments that generated the inequalities (3.29) and (3.30), we can show that there is a neighborhood N around x 1 such that if x then r k - 3=4, so that - =2. Hence, from (3.34), there is some - k 2 - S for which x- k 2 N and the main sequnce lies in N for k - k. So in the main sequence we have x large k. Hence, (3.34) may be extended to the bound where A 3 and A 4 are constants. Lemma A.1 now gives (3.26). To obtain a lower bound on e k+1 we use the triangle inequality in the form From (3.32) and (3.33) we have A 5 for constants A 5 ? 0 and A 6 . Lemma A.1 gives the required result. We now list a number of remarks about Theorem 3.4. 1. The theorem shows that Algorithm 3.2 does not achieve a quadratic local convergence rate. This is caused by the fact that - k does not approach zero quickly enough. We have which is reflected in the first term on the right-hand side of (3.35). A straightforward adaptation of the proof shows that by increasing the rate at which - k ! 0, it is possible to make the second term on the right-hand side of (3.35) significant, so that quadratic convergence is recovered. For example, this occurs if we alter the strategy for changing - k so that - (and - otherwise). However, as explained in item 4 below, we would not expect this change to improve performance in practice. Quadratic convergence is also discussed in item 5 below. 2. The power k 2 =3 appearing in (3.26) and (3.27) has been chosen partly on the basis of simplicity-it is clear from the proofs of Lemma A.1 and Theorem 3.4 that it can be replaced by ak 2 , for any a ! 1=2. (This will, of course, cause the constant C to change.) 3. It is also clear from the proof that the result is independent of the precise numerical values appearing in the algorithm. The values 1=4 and 3=4 in (3.3) can be replaced by any ff and fi, respectively, with the factor 2 in (3.3) can be replaced by any factor greater than unity. If the factor 1=2 in (3.3) is replaced by 1=K, for K ? 1, then the statement of the theorem remains true with powers of 2 replaced by powers of K. (The changes mentioned here will, of course, alter the constants C, e C and b C.) 4. Theorem 3.4 shows that e k+1 =e k ! 0, and hence the convergence rate is superlinear. However, the geometrically decreasing upper and lower bounds on e k+1 =e k in (3.28) give us much more information. Asymptotically, whilst Newton's Method gives twice as many bits of accuracy per step, the bound (3.28) corresponds to k more bits of accuracy on the kth step. In both cases, the asymptotic regime where e k is small enough to make the convergence rate observable, but not so small that rounding errors are significant, is likely to consist of only a small number of steps. 5. Several authors have found conditions that are sufficient, or necessary and sufficient, for superlinear convergence of algorithms for optimization or rootfinding. The most comprehensive result of this form is the Dennis-Mor'e Characterization Theorem [4], [5, Theorem 8.2.4] and [6, Theorem 6.2.3]. Also, section 11.2 of [16] analyzes a class of rootfinding algorithms that employ "consistent approximations to the Hessian", and this approach may be used to establish superlinear convergence of Algorithm 3.2. However, these references, which cover general classes of algorithms, do not derive sharp upper and lower bounds on the rate of superlinear convergence of the type given in Theorem 3.4. In the terminology of [16, x11.2], Algorithm 3.2 uses a strongly consistent approximation to the Hessian and superlinear convergence is implied by - k ! 0. It also follows from [16, Result 11.2.7] that quadratic convergence arises if we ensure that - k - Ckg k k and convergence at R-order at least (1 5)=2 occurs if - k - Ckx some constant C. 4. Timestepping on Gradient Systems. If we identify the trust region parameter - k with the inverse of the timestep \Deltat k , then the Linearized Implicit Euler Method (2.5) is identical to the updating formula in Algorithm 3.2. Hence, Algorithm 3.2 can be regarded as an adaptive Linearized Implicit Euler Method for gradient odes, and the convergence analysis of x3 applies. For completeness, we re-write Algorithm 3.2 as a timestepping algorithm. Given \Deltat 0 ? 0 and x 0 (= x init ), a general step of the algorithm for the gradient system (1.1) with F(x) j \Gammarf (x) proceeds as follows. Algorithm 4.1. Compute Solve Compute Compute Compute using (4.1) else set r If r k - 0 set x else set x The appropriate analogue of (3.3) is the function \Deltat; 1- r - 3; The following result is a re-statement of Theorems 3.3 and 3.4 in this context. Theorem 4.2. Suppose that Algorithm 4.1 for (1.1) with F(x) j \Gammarf (x) produces an infinite sequence such that x is bounded and f 2 C 2 on B. Then there is an accumulation point x 1 that satisfies the necessary conditions for a local minimizer in Theorem 1.1. If the accumulation point x 1 also satisfies the sufficient conditions for a local minimizer in Theorem 1.1, then for the main sequence 1. Further, the displacement error e k := for some constant C, and if e k ? 0 for all k, e for constants e C, but the ratio e k+1 =e 2 k is unbounded. In addition to the remarks at the end of x3, the following points should be noted. 1. Algorithm 4.1 requires a check on the positive definiteness of the symmetric . This is an unusual requirement for a timestepping algorithm; however, we point out that an inexpensive and numerically stable test can be performed in the course of a Cholesky factorization [13, page 225]. If the test - min is omitted from Algorithm 4.1 then the local convergence rate is unaffected, but the global convergence proof breaks down. 2. The rule for changing timestep is different in spirit to the usual local error control philosophy for odes [9, 10]. This is to be expected, since the aim of reaching equilibrium as quickly as possible is at odds with the aim of following a particular trajectory accurately in time. The timestep control policy in Algorithm 4.1 is based on a measurement of closeness to linearity of the ode, and this idea is generalized in the next section. We also note that local error control algorithms typically involve a user-supplied tolerance parameter, with the understanding that a smaller choice of tolerance produces a more accurate solution. Algorithm 4.1 on the other hand, involves fixed parameters. 3. In [12] it is shown that, under certain assumptions, the use of local error control on gradient odes forces the numerical solution close to equilibrium. (Typically the solution remains within O(-) of an equilibrium point, where - is the tolerance parameter.) This suggests that local error control may form an alternative to the positive definiteness test as a means of ensuring global convergence. Having driven the solution close to equilibrium with local error control, the closeness to linearity test could be used to give superlinear convergence. 5. Timestepping to a General, Stable Steady State. Motivated by x4, we now develop an algorithm that gives rapid local convergence to stable equilibrium for a general ode. We let F 0 denote the Jacobian of F, and define F k := F(x k ) and k is not symmetric in general. The ratio l k := indicates how close F is to behaving linearly in a region containing x k and x k+1 . Given \Deltat 0 ? 0 and x 0 (= x init ), a general step of the algorithm for (1.1) proceeds as follows. Algorithm 5.1. Compute Solve Compute using (5.1) \Deltat else arbitrary Since we are concerned only with local convergence properties, the action taken when does not affect the analysis. In the theorem below, B(fl; z) denotes the open ball of radius fl ? 0 about z flg. Theorem 5.2. Suppose that F(x ? in a neighborhood of x ? and F 0 strictly negative real parts. Then given any Algorithm 5.1 there is a fl ? 0 such that for any x 0 2 Further, the displacement error e k := for some constant C, and if e k ? 0 for all k, e for constants e C, but the ratio e k+1 =e 2 k is unbounded. Proof. There exists a b fl ? 0 such that F 0 (x) is nonsingular for x 2 Letting D 1 be an upper bound for kF Now, from (5.1), l k := and it follows from (5.5) that by reducing b fl if necessary we have jl and F k ), we have, for small e k , Now there exists a \Deltat ? ? 0 such that \Deltat By continuity, and by reducing b fl if necessary, we have \Deltat Hence, for large \Deltat we have a contraction in (5.6). We now show that for x 0 sufficiently close to x ? , \Deltat k increases beyond \Deltat ? while x k remains in B(bfl; x ? ). Let \Deltat-\Deltat \Deltat From (5.6), for x k 2 B(bfl; x ? ) we have Let b k be such that 2 b k \Deltat 0 - \Deltat ? . From (5.8) we may choose sufficiently small so that Then, from (5.6) and (5.7), since \Deltat k - \Deltat ? for k - b k, and hence e k ! 0 as k !1, and \Deltat \Deltat 0 for all k. We then have F \Deltat k F Since both F 0 k and F are bounded, (5.6) gives k and e k+1 - D 5 for constants completes the result. It is straightforward to show that any fixed timestep rk or linear multistep method can produce only a linear rate of convergence to equilibrium in general. From Theorem 5.2, we see that Algorithm 5.1 provides a systematic means of increasing the timestep in order to achieve a rapid form of superlinear convergence. This has many applications, particularly in the area of computational fluid dynam- ics, where it is common to solve a discretized steady partial differential equation by introducing an artificial time derivative and driving the solution to equilibrium; see, for example [22]. It is clear from the proof of Theorem 5.2 that for sufficiently large \Deltat 0 the algorithm permits local convergence to an unstable fixed point. This can be regarded as a consequence of the fact that the Implicit Euler Method is over-stable, in the sense that the absolute stability region contains the infinite strip fz in the right-half of the complex plane; see, for example, [15, page 229]. Another explanation is that Newton's Method for optimizing f is identical to Newton's Method for algebraic equations applied to see, for example, [5, page 100]. Hence, unless other measures are taken, there is no reason why stable fixed points should be preferred. In Algorithm 4.1 for gradient odes we check that - min which helps to force the numerical solution to a stable fixed point. It is likely that traditional ode error control would also direct the solution away from unstable fixed points, and hence the idea of combining optimization and ode ideas forms an attractive area for future work. Acknowledgements This work has benefited from my conversations with a number of optimizers and timesteppers; most notably Roger Fletcher and David Griffiths. Appendix A. Convergence Rate Lemma. Lemma A.1. Let k for all k: Then for some constant C: Further, if e k ? 0 for all k then and if, in addition, R k for all k; then e but the ratio e k+1 =e 2 k is unbounded. Proof. Choose We first prove a result under restricted circumstances, and then generalize to the full result. We assume that 3: Our induction hypothesis is Note that, from (A.7), this holds for 3. If (A.8) is true for using (A.1), using (A.6) and (A.7), Therefore, by induction, (A.8) is true for all k, if (A.7) holds. Now, consider the shifted sequence b e k := e k+N , for some fixed N . We have it is possible to choose N such that 3: From (A.9) and (A.10), the result (A.8) holds for this shifted sequence, so ; for all k: Translating this into a result for the original sequence, we find that, Relabelling C as C=2 N 2 +N and letting b Now N . Hence, Clearly, by increasing C, if necessary, the result will also hold for the finite sequence N . Hence, (A.2) is proved. The inequality (A.3) follows after dividing by e k in (A.1) and using (A.2). From (A.2), for sufficiently large k we have 2 k T e k - R=2, so that R=: C: Clearly, by reducing - C, if necessary, this result must hold for all k. Now, reduce - if necessary, so that 1. From (A.12), letting e e e Inequalities (A.12) and (A.13) give (A.5), as required. Finally, using (A.2) and (A.5) we find that e --R Fast local convergence with single and multistep methods for nonlinear equations. The solution of nonlinear systems of equations by A-stable integration tech- niques A list of matrix flows with applications. Practical Methods of Optimization. Practical Optimization. Maximisation by quadratic hill-climbing Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II Optimization and Dynamical Systems. Analysis of the dynamics of local error control via a piecewise continuous residual. Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms. Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Systems. Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables. Nonlinear Optimization Using dynamical systems methods to solve minimization problems. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Model problems in numerical stability theory for initial value problems. The essential stability of local error control for dynamical systems. Global asymptotic behaviour of iterative implicit schemes. --TR
steady state;global convergence;superlinear convergence;gradient system;levenberg-marquardt;unconstrained optimization;quadratic convergence
An efficient algorithm for finding a path subject to two additive constraints.
One of the key issues in providing end-to-end quality-of-service guarantees in packet networks is how to determine a feasible route that satisfies a set of constraints while simultaneously maintaining high utilization of network resources. In general, finding a path subject to multiple additive constraints (e.g., delay, delay-jitter) is an NP-complete problem that cannot be exactly solved in polynomial time. Accordingly, heuristics and approximation algorithms are often used to address to this problem. Previously proposed algorithms suffer from either excessive computational cost or low performance. In this paper, we provide an efficient approximation algorithm for finding a path subject to two additive constraints. The worst-case computational complexity of this algorithm is within a logarithmic number of calls to Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. Its average complexity is much lower than that, as demonstrated by simulation results. The performance of the proposed algorithm is justified via theoretical performance bounds. To achieve further performance improvement, several extensions to the basic algorithm are also provided at low extra computational cost. Extensive simulations are used to demonstrate the high performance of the proposed algorithm and to contrast it with other path selection algorithms.
Introduction Integrated network services (e.g., ATM, Intserv, Diffserv) are being designed to provide quality- of-service (QoS) guarantees for various applications such as audio, video, and data. Many of these applications have multiple QoS requirements in terms of bandwidth, delay, delay-jitter, loss, etc. One of the important problems in QoS-based service offerings is how to determine a route that satisfies multiple constraints (or QoS requirements) while simultaneously achieving high utilization of network resources. This problem is known as QoS (or constraint-based) routing, and is being extensively * This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ANI 9733143 and Grant CCR 9815229. investigated in the research community [4, 8, 13, 23, 25, 26, 28, 34]. The need for QoS routing can be justified for both reservation-based services (e.g., Intserv, ATM) as well as reservationless services (e.g., Diffserv). For example, in the ATM PNNI protocol [16], constraint-based routing is performed by source nodes to determine suitable paths for connection requests. In the case of Diffserv, the constraint-based routes can be requested, for example, by network administrators for traffic engineering purposes. Provisioning of such routes can also be used to guarantee a certain service level agreement (SLA) for aggregated flows [38]. In general, routing consists of two basic tasks: distributing the state information of the network and searching this information for a feasible path with respect to (w.r.t.) given constraints. In this paper, we focus on the second task, and assume that the true state of the network is available to every node (e.g., via link-state routing) and that nodes use this state information to determine an end-to-end feasible path (see [18] for QoS routing under inaccurate information). Each link in the network is associated with multiple QoS parameters. These parameters can be roughly classified into additive and non-additive [2, 35]. For additive parameters (e.g., delay), the cost of an end-to-end path is given, exactly or approximately, by the sum of the individual link parameters (or weights) along that path. In contrast, the cost of a path w.r.t. a non-additive parameter (such as bandwidth) is determined by the value of that parameter at the bottleneck link. Non-additive parameters can be easily dealt with as a preprocessing step by pruning all links that do not satisfy the requested QoS values [36]. Hence, in this paper we will mainly focus on additive parameters. The underlying problem of path selection subject to two constraints can be stated as follows. Constrained Path Selection (MCP): Consider a network that is represented by a directed graph is the set of nodes and E is the set of links. Each link associated with two nonnegative additive QoS values: w 1 (u; v) and w 2 (u; v). Given two constraints c 1 and c 2 , the problem is to find a path p from a source node s to a destination node t such that w 1 (p) - c 1 and w 2 (p) - c 2 , where w The MCP decision problem is known to be NP-complete [17, 24]. In other words, there is no efficient (polynomial-time) algorithm that can surely find a feasible path w.r.t. both constraints unless NP=P. A related yet slightly different problem is known as the restricted shortest path (RSP) prob- lem, in which the returned path is required to satisfy one constraint while being optimal w.r.t. another parameter. Any solution to the RSP problem can be also applied to the MCP problem. However, the RSP problem is also known to be NP-complete [1, 17]. Both the MCP and RSP problems can be solved via pseudo-polynomial-time algorithms in which the complexity depends on the actual values of the link weights (e.g., maximum link weight) in addition to the size of the network [24, 21]. However, these algorithms are computationally expensive if the values of the link weights and the size of network are large. To cope with the NP-completeness of these problems, researchers have resorted to several heuristics and approximation algorithms. One common approach to the RSP problem is to find the k-shortest paths w.r.t. a cost function defined based on the link weights and the given constraint, hoping that one of these paths is feasible and near-optimal [20, 32, 15, 19]. The value of k determines the performance and overhead of this is large, the algorithm has good performance but its computational cost is prohibitive. A similar approach to the k-shortest paths is to implicitly enumerate all feasible paths [3], but this approach is also computationally expensive. In [37] the author proposed the Constrained Bellman-Ford (CBF) algorithm, which performs a breadth-first-search by discovering paths of monotonically increasing delay while maintaining lowest-cost paths to each visited node. Although this algorithm exactly solves the RSP problem, its worst-case running time grows exponentially with the network size. The authors in [31] proposed a distributed heuristic solution for the RSP problem with message complexity of O(n 3 ), where n is the number of nodes. This complexity was improved in [39, 22]. In [21] the author presented two ffl-optimal approximation algorithms for RSP with complexities of O(log log B(m(n=ffl)+log log B)) and O(m(n 2 =ffl) log(n=ffl)), where B is an upper bound on the solution (e.g., the longest path), m is the number of links, and ffl is a quantity that reflects how far the solution is from the optimal one. Although the complexities of these algorithms are polynomial, they are still computationally expensive in large networks [29]. Accordingly, the author in [29] investigated the hierarchical structure of such networks and provided a new approximation algorithm with better scalability. Although both the RSP and MCP problems are NP-complete, the latter problem seems to be easier than the former in the context of devising approximate solutions. Accordingly, in [24] Jaffe considered the MCP problem and proposed an intuitive approximation algorithm to it based on minimizing a linear combination of the link weights. More specifically, this algorithm returns the best path w.r.t. l(e) def using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, where ff; fi The key issue here is to determine the appropriate ff and fi such that an optimal path w.r.t. l(e) is likely to satisfy the individual constraints. In [24] Jaffe determined two sets of values for ff and fi based on minimizing an objective function of the form g. For the RSP problem, the authors in [6] proposed a similar approximation algorithm to Jaffe's, which dynamically adjusts the values of ff and fi. However, the computational complexity of this algorithm grows exponentially with the size of the network. Chen and Nahrstedt proposed another heuristic algorithm that modifies the problem by scaling down the values of one link weights to bounded integers [7]. They showed that the modified problem can be solved by using Dijkstra's (or Bellman- Ford) shortest path algorithm and that the solution to the modified problem is also a solution to the original one. When Dijkstra's algorithm is used, the computational complexity of their algorithm is Bellman-Ford algorithm is used, the complexity is O(xnm), where x is an adjustable positive integer whose value determines the performance and overhead of the algorithm. To achieve a high probability of finding a feasible path, x needs to be as large as 10n, resulting in computational complexity of O(n 4 ). In [14] Neve and Mieghem used the k-shortest paths algorithm in [9] with a nonlinear cost function to solve the MCP problem. The resulting algorithm, called TAMCRA, has a complexity of O(kn log(kn) is the number of constraints. As mentioned above, the performance and overhead of this algorithm depend on k. If it is large, the algorithm gives good performance at the expense of excessive computational cost. Other works in the literature were aimed at addressing special yet important cases of the QoS routing problem. For example, some researchers focused on an important subset of QoS requirements (e.g., bandwidth and delay). Showing that the feasibility problem under this combination is not NP- complete, the authors in [36] presented a bandwidth-delay based routing algorithm that simply prunes all links that do not satisfy the bandwidth requirement and then finds the shortest path w.r.t. delay in the reduced graph. Several path selection algorithms based on different combinations of bandwidth, delay, and hop-count were discussed in [28, 27, 5] (e.g., widest-shortest path, shortest-widest path). In addition, new algorithms were proposed to find more than one feasible path w.r.t. bandwidth and delay (e.g., Maximally Disjoint Shortest and Widest Paths (MADSWIP)) [33]. Another approach to QoS routing is to exploit the dependencies between the QoS parameters and solve the path selection problem assuming specific scheduling schemes at network routers [27, 30]. Specifically, if Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) scheduling is being used and the constraints are bandwidth, queueing delay, jitter, and loss, then the problem can be reduced to standard shortest path problem by representing all the constraints in terms of bandwidth. Although queueing delay can be formulated as a function of bandwidth, this is not the case for the propagation delay, which is the dominant delay component in high-speed networks [10]. Contributions and Organization of the Paper Previously proposed algorithms for the MCP problem suffer from either excessive computational complexities or low performance in finding feasible paths. In this paper, we provide in Section 3 an efficient approximation algorithm (the basic algorithm) for the MCP problem under two additive con- straints. Our algorithm is based on the minimization of the same linear cost function ffw 1 (p)+fiw 2 (p) used in [24], where in our case we systematically search for the appropriate ff and fi. This formulation is similar to that used in the Lagrange relaxation technique. However, the Lagrange technique serves only as a platform, rather than a solution, by formulating constrained optimization problems as a linear composition of constraints. The solution to the Lagrange problem requires searching for the appropriate linear composition (Lagrange multipliers); the appropriate values of ff and fi in our case. Any combinatorial algorithm (heuristic) that has been or will be proposed for linear optimization problems is a careful refinement of the search for the appropriate multipliers in the Lagrangian problem. When formulated as a Lagrangian multipliers problem, the search would typically be based on computationally expensive methods, such as enumeration, linear programming, and subgradient optimization [1]. Instead, we provide a binary search strategy for finding the appropriate value of k in the composite function w (p) that is guaranteed to terminate within a logarithmic number of calls to Dijkstra's algorithm. This fast search is one of the main contributions in the paper. The algorithm always returns a path p. If p is not feasible, then it has the following properties: (a) w j (p) - c j , and (b) w i (p) is within a given factor from a feasible path f for which w i (f) is minimum, where (i; are either (1; 2) or (2; 1). Our basic algorithm performs a binary search in the range [1; B] by calling a hierarchical version of Dijkstra's algorithm, which is described in Section 2. Using an efficient implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm with complexity of log n) [1], the worst-case complexity of our basic algorithm is O(log B(m Its average complexity is observed to be much less than that. The space complexity is O(n). By proper interpretation of the bounds in (a) and (b), we also present two extensions to our basic algorithm in Section 4, which allow us to achieve further improvement in the routing performance at small extra computational cost. Simulation results, which are provided in Section 5, demonstrate the high performance of our algorithm and contrast it with other path selection algorithms. Conclusions and future work are presented in Section 6. Hierarchical Shortest Path Algorithm In this section, we describe a hierarchical version of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm that is used iteratively in our algorithm with a composite link weight l(e) def In addition to finding one of the shortest paths w.r.t. l(e), this hierarchical version determines the minimum w 1 () and w 2 () among all shortest paths. To carry out these tasks, some modifications are needed in the relaxation process of the standard Dijkstra's algorithm (lines 4-14 in Figure 1). The standard 8 else if 9 if min w 14 end if Figure 1: New relaxation procedure for the hierarchical version of Dijkstra's algorithm. Dijkstra's algorithm maintains two labels for each node [12]: d[u] to represent the estimated total cost of the shortest path from the source node s to node u w.r.t. the composed weight l(e), and -[u] to represent the predecessor of node u along the shortest path. The hierarchical version of Dijkstra's algorithm maintains additional labels: w 1 [u] and w 2 [u] to represent the cost of the shortest path w.r.t. the individual weights, and min w 1 [u] and min w 2 [u] to represent the minimum w 1 and w 2 weights among all shortest paths. 1 The standard relaxation process (lines 1-3 in Figure 1) tests whether the shortest path found so far from s to v can be improved by passing through node u. If so, d[v] and -[v] are updated [12]. Under this condition, we add the update of w 1 [v], w 2 [v], min w 1 [v], and min w 2 [v]. In addition, if the cost of the shortest path found so far from node s to node v is the same as that of the path passing through node u, then min w 1 [v] and min w 2 [v] are also updated if passing through node u would improve their values. 3 Basic Approximation Algorithm For MCP Our algorithm, shown in Figure 2, first executes the hierarchical version of Dijkstra's algorithm with link weights 1. If p is feasible, then the algorithm BasicApproximation(G(V; E); s; t; c /* Find a path p from s to t in the network E) */ /* such that w 1 Execute hierarchical Dijkstra's algorithm with link weights 4 return SUCCESS 7 return FAILURE return FAILURE /* one can use the extensions in Section 4 */ Execute Binary 14 else if min w 1 [t] - c 1 then Execute Binary BasicApproximation Figure 2: Approximation algorithm for finding a feasible path subject to two additive constraints. 1 Notice that w i [:] is a node label, whereas w i (:) indicates the weight of a link or the cost of a path. terminates. Otherwise, p is not feasible, and several other cases need to be considered. If both then it is guaranteed that there is no feasible path in the network, so the algorithm terminates. If both min w 1 [t] - c 1 and min w 2 [t] - c 2 , then there are at least two paths, say p 1 and p 2 , that have the same cost w.r.t. l() but that violate either c 1 or c 2 (if vice versa). In this case, changing the value of ff or fi does not help since the algorithm will always return an infeasible path. To improve performance in such a case, one can use the extensions presented in Section 4. On the other hand, if either but not both, then there might be a feasible path that can be found using different values of ff and fi. The challenge is to determine the appropriate values for ff and fi as fast as possible such that a feasible path can be identified. Finding the appropriate values for ff and fi can also be formulated as a Lagrangian multipliers problem. But in this case, finding the Lagrange multipliers would typically be done using computationally expensive methods (e.g., enumeration, linear programming, subgradient optimization technique) [1]. Instead, we carefully refine the search required by the Lagrangian problem and provide a binary search strategy for ff and fi that is guaranteed to terminate within a logarithmic number of calls to Dijkstra's algorithm. If either min w 1 [t] - c 1 or min w 2 [t] - c 2 , then the algorithm executes the binary search presented in Figure 3 with either 1). These two cases are called Phase 1 and Binary l p 6 Execute hierarchical Dijkstra's algorithm with link weights 8 return SUCCESS 9 end if as a result, k will be increased */ else as a result, k will be decreased */ 14 end if Binary Search Figure 3: Binary search for our approximation algorithm. Phase 2. In Phase 1, the algorithm executes the binary search using link weight In Phase 2, the algorithm executes the binary search using link weight k. If the returned shortest path w.r.t. l(e) is not feasible, the algorithm repeats the hierarchical Dijkstra's algorithm up to a logarithmic number of different values of k in the range [1; B], where is an upper bound on the cost of the longest path w.r.t. w j (). Lemma 1 in Section 3.2 shows that a binary search argument in the above range can be used to determine an appropriate value for k. Furthermore, we show (in Lemma 2) that if the binary search fails to return a feasible path, then it returns a path p such that w j (p) - c j and feasible path and (i; j) is either (1; 2) or (2; 1). This is a reasonble scenario for searching fast for a feasible path that satisfies one of the constraints and that tries to get closer to satisfying the other constraint. According to this bound, k needs to be maximized; the above binary search tries to achieve this goal. In addition to maximizing k, the algorithm may attempt to minimize the difference (w to make the approximation bound tighter. This is an extension to the basic algorithm that is presented in Section 4. In the rest of this section, we first illustrate how our algorithm works and contrast it with the one in [24]. Second, we present the binary search argument with the related lemma and its proof. Finally, we prove the performance bound associated with our basic approximation algorithm. 3.1 How the Algorithm Works Figure 4 describes how an approximation algorithm minimizes w 1 (p) +kw 2 (p) by scanning the path- cost space searching for a feasible path at a given value of k. The shaded area indicates the feasibility Figure 4: How the approximation algorithm searches the feasible region using different values for k. region. Black dots represent the costs of different paths from source node s to destination node t. Each line in the figure shows the equivalence class of equal-cost paths w.r.t. the composed weight. The approximation algorithm determines a line for the given value of k, and then moves this line outward from the origin in the direction of the arrow. Whenever this line hits a path (i.e., black dot in the figure), the algorithm returns this path which is the shortest w.r.t. the composed weight at the given k. The approximation algorithm in [24] makes a good guess for k (e.g., returns a path based on this k. However, if this path is infeasible the algorithm in [24] cannot proceed. As shown in Figure 4, the likelihood of finding a feasible path is much higher if one tries different values of k (e.g., example results in a feasible path). The advantage of our algorithm over the one in [24] is that ours searches systematically for a good value for k instead of fixing it in advance. If the returned path p is not feasible, then the algorithm decides to increase or decrease the value of k based on whether min w 2 (p) - c 2 or not. The systematic adjustment of k is illustrated in the examples in Figures 5 and 6 for two different phases. Figure 5 illustrates Phase 1 where the returned path with . The (a) (b) Figure 5: Searching for a feasible path in Phase 1. algorithm executes the binary search with returns a feasible path when as shown in Figure 5(b). Figure 6 illustrates Phase 2 where the returned path with but not c 2 . In this case, the algorithm executes the binary search with finally (a) (b) Figure Searching for a feasible path in Phase 2. returns a feasible path when 4. If the binary search fails, then the basic algorithm stops even though there might be a feasible path in the network. In Section 4, we illustrate such a case and provide possible remedies to it based on a scaling extension. 3.2 Binary Search Lemma 1 Suppose that each link e 2 E is assigned a weight is an integer, and the pair (i; j) is either (1; 2) or (2; 1), depending on the phase. During the execution of the binary search, if the algorithm cannot find a path p for which l(p) is minimum and w j (p) - c j , then such a path p cannot be found with larger values of k. Lemma 1 implies that using a binary search, the algorithm can determine an appropriate value for k. Although in the worst-case this search requires log(n executions of hierarchical Dijkstra's algorithm, we observed that its average complexity is significantly lower than that. Proof of Lemma 1: The binary search is applied to finding the largest k such that there exists a shortest path p w.r.t. . Assume that integer r. Let P be the set of all paths from s to t w.r.t. l(e) and let p be a path that the algorithm selects during the binary search. When since every edge e is assigned the weight f In order to prove the lemma, it suffices to show that if then the algorithm should never search for a path p 0 that satisfies the constraint c j by assigning weights By explicitly checking min w j [t] in line 10 of Figure 3, the algorithm guarantees that c j for all shortest paths q 2 P , where it suffices to show that if the algorithm assigns weights and fails to find a feasible path w.r.t. constraint c j , then no path p 0 for which X will satisfy both and when the value of k is increased to r + fl. In other words, it is useless to weight with the rule in order to search for a path p 0 whose minimum but satisfies the c j constraint. Since path p violates the c j constraint, in order for path p 0 to satisfy this constraint, we must Observe that (1) can be rewritten as From (3) and (2), we have X Based on (2) and (4), we know that the right-hand side and the left-hand side of (3) are positive. Thus, it can be implied that from which we conclude that This, in turn, implies that p 0 will not be selected by the algorithm. 3.3 Performance Bounds Lemma 2 If the binary search fails to return a feasible path w.r.t. both constraints, then it returns a path p that satisfies the constraint c j and whose w i () cost is upper bounded as follows: where f is a feasible path, k is the maximum value that the binary search determines at termination, and the pair (i; j) is either (1; 2) or (2; 1), depending on the phase. Note that the worst-case value for the bound in Lemma 2 is obtained when which case For the worst-case scenario (w i place, the feasible path f must lie on the upper right corner of the feasibility region, with all other paths having w is a rare scenario; most often, feasible paths are scattered throughout the feasibility region, allowing the algorithm to terminate with k ? 1, which in turn results in a tighter bound than c thermore, w j (p) is often greater than zero, further tightening the bound on the cost of the returned path. Proof of Lemma 2: Let f be any feasible path. Assume that the returned path p is infeasi- ble. Since it is the shortest path, we have In addition, w j (p) - c j . From (7), we can write a bound on w i (p) as follows: These approximation bounds provide some justification to the appropriateness of the basic algorithm. They can also be used to obtain heuristic solutions for the MCP problem, as described next. 4 Extensions of the Basic Algorithm 4.1 Finding a Path with the Closest Cost to a Constraint From Lemma 2, it is clear that one way to improve the performance of the basic algorithm is to minimize the difference w by obtaining a path p for which w j (p) is as close as possible to c j . This can be done via the following modification to the basic algorithm of Section 3. Without loss generality, we assume that 2. Note that this extension is to be used when the returned path from the basic algorithm is infeasible but min w For the given k, a DAG (directed acyclic graph) that contains all possible shortest paths w.r.t l(e) is constructed. In fact, this can be done during the execution of the hierarchical Dijkstra's algorithm at no extra cost. A path p from this DAG is selected in such a way that w 2 (p) is maximized but is still less than or equal to c 2 . Although a path p with the maximum or minimum w 2 () cost can be found in the DAG, it is not easy to find a path p for which w 2 (p) is as close as possible to c 2 in polynomial-time. However, very efficient heuristics can be developed based on the fact that we can compute the maximum and the minimum w 2 () from the source to every node and from every node to the destination. Let the following labels be maintained for each node u: M [u], m[u], f M [u], and e m[u]. Labels M [u] and m[u] indicate, respectively, the maximum and minimum w 2 () from the source node s to every node u. Labels f M [u] and e m[u] indicate, respectively, the maximum and minimum from every node u to the destination. Labels M [u], m[u], f M [u], and e m[u] are determined by using a simple forward and backward topological traversal algorithm [1]. Considering the pairwise sum of these labels as follows, we can assign the following non-additive weight oe(u; v) to every link (u; v) in the DAG, which indicates how close w 2 () of the paths passing through link (u; v): negative where min non negative is the minimum nonnegative value. Then, the closest path to c 2 can be found via a simple graph traversal algorithm as follows. Starting from the source node s, the algorithm selects the link (s; u) with the minimum oe. It then goes to node u and again selects the link (u; v) with the minimum oe. The algorithm keeps selecting links with minimum oe until it hits t. Although this extension does not guarantee finding a feasible path, the following lemma shows that it always returns a path, i.e., s and t are not disconnected by assigning 1 to some links. Lemma 3 When the above extension is used, it always returns a path, i.e., s and t are not disconnected by assigning 1 to some links. First, note that the basic algorithm always returns a path. If this path is not feasible but both min w 1 [t] - c 1 and min w 2 [t] - c 2 , then the above extension can be used. Since min w 2 [t] - c 2 , there is at least one path, p, with w 2 (p) - c 2 . Assume that p consists of l nodes (v t. Note that the extension first computes the labels M [u], m[u], f M [u], and e m[u] for each node u. Since w 2 (p) - c 2 , we have From which we conclude that Also, 1. Thus, we have oe(v every link (v along the path p. This ensures that there is at least one path from s to t, i.e., s and t are not disconnected. Of course, if no feasible path is found under the extension, the algorithm can trivially return the path p itself, ensuring the connectedness of s and t. Figure 7 depicts an example of how a DAG of shortest paths is constructed. The original network is shown in Figure 7(a). Suppose a path p is to be found from s to t such that w 1 (p) - c Consider the case when There are three shortest paths from s to t: p 1 =! s; with 9. For each of these paths, min w than the respective constraints, so we can apply this extension. The corresponding DAG that contains all shortest paths w.r.t. is shown in 4,2 5,6(a) s t2 4,5 (b) Figure 7: An example of a network and the DAG containing the three shortest paths from s to t. Figure 7(b). By traversing forward and backward on this DAG, we compute the labels M [u], m[u], M=6 s t2 (a) s t2 (b) Figure 8: Finding the closest path to c 2 . f M [u], and e m[u] (see Figure 8(a)). After calculating oe for each link as shown in Figure 8(b), the algorithm first selects link (s; 1), followed by link (1; 2), and finally link (2; t). Thus, the closest path 3 is found. Since this heuristic step tends to minimize the additive difference in the approximation bound presented in Lemmas 2, the returned path p is more likely to satisfy both c 1 and c 2 . 4.2 Scaling In some pathological cases, no linear combination of weights can result in returning a feasible path, despite the existence of such a path. An example of such a case is shown in Figure 9(a). Suppose that a path p is to be found from s to t such that w 1 (p) - c As shown in Figure 9(b), there are three paths from s to t: p 1 =! s; 2. Only p 2 is feasible. The approximation algorithm, say in Phase 1, returns a path based on the minimization of the composed weight To return the feasible path p 2 , the algorithm needs to find an appropriate value for k such that l(p 2 ) is less than both Hence, the value of k needs to be greater than 7=6 to satisfy (l(p 2 w2(p)2 9 p3 Figure 9: A scenario in which the basic algorithm fails to find a feasible path from s to t. also less than 8=7 to satisfy (l(p 2 2k). But this is impossible. In other words, the approximation algorithm cannot find the feasible path p 2 , irrespective of the value of k. This situation is illustrated in part (b) of the figure. To circumvent such pathological cases, we provide an extension to our basic algorithm based on the scaling in [7]. A new weight w 0 2 (e) is assigned to every link in the original graph as follows: where x is an adjustable positive integer in the range [1; c 2 ]. The problem reduces to finding a path in the scaled graph such that w 1 (p) - c 1 and w 0 x. It has been shown that a solution in the scaled graph is also a solution in the original one [7]. If we scale the network in Figure 9(a) by the scaled graph is shown in Figure 10(a). If the approximation algorithm uses the cost (b) p3 Figure 10: Scaling the network in Figure 9 by allows the algorithm to find a feasible path. function l 2 2 (p) in the scaled graph with return the feasible path p 2 (see Figure 10(b)), since l(p 2 Using the above scaling function, one may increase the number of shortest paths in the scaled graph. If we apply our basic approximation algorithm to the scaled graph, the algorithm will consider more shortest paths (in the scaled graph) in each iteration of the binary search. It is intuitively true that the algorithm will terminate with a better (i.e., larger) value of k. It is important to note that in contrast to the algorithm in [7], the value of x does not affect the complexity of our algorithm. Choosing x as small as possible may increase the number of shortest paths as desired. However, this also decreases the number of paths for which w 0 i.e., the algorithm may not return a feasible path. The tradeoff between the value of x and the associated performance improvement after scaling by x is shown in Figure 11. Here, we measure the performance of the path selection algorithm by the success ratio (SR), which shows how often the algorithm returns a feasible path [7]: number of routed connection requests otal number of connection requests where a routed connection request is one for which the algorithm returns a feasible path. Sucsess ratio x Sucsess ratio x Our algorithm with scaling by x Optimal algorithm Our algorithm with scaling by x Optimal algorithm Figure 11: Performance of the path selection algorithm for different values of the scaling factor x. When the basic algorithm fails to return a feasible path, we scale the graph using different values of x and run the algorithm again. The following lemma shows that a binary search argument can be used to determine an appropriate x in the range [1; c 2 ]. Since the basic algorithm is executed for each value of x, the overall computational complexity of the scaling extension is O(log c 2 log B(n log n Note, however, that this extension is used only after the basic step with no scaling fails. Lemma 4 If the algorithm cannot find a path p for which w 0 in the scaled graph by x, then such a path cannot be found in a graph that is scaled by x Proof of Lemma 4: Let the graph G be scaled by x = 2r for some integer r, and let P be the set of all possible paths in the scaled graph. If the algorithm fails to return a path p for which l w 2 (e)\Delta2r In order to prove the lemma, it suffices to show that if (9) is true, then the algorithm should never search for a path p 0 for which w 0 l w 2 (e)\Deltar r when the links of the graph are scaled down by we can rewrite from which we conclude X This, in turn, implies that no path will be selected by the algorithm, and the claim is true. 5 Simulation Results and Discussion In this section, we contrast the performance of our basic algorithm with Jaffe's second approximation algorithm [24], Chen's heuristic algorithm in [7], and the first ffl-optimal algorithm in [21]. In [24] Jaffe presents two approximation algorithms for the MCP problem based on the minimization of w in the first algorithm and in the second. Of the two approximations, the latter one provides better performance, and hence it will be used in our comparisons. As a point of reference, we also report the results of the exact (exponential-time) algorithm, which considers all possible paths in the graph to determine whether there is a feasible path or not. The performance has been measured for various network topologies. For brevity, we report the results for one of these topologies under both homogeneous and heterogeneous links. 5.1 Simulation Model and Performance Measures In our simulation model, a network is given as a directed graph. Link weights, the source and destination of a connection request, and the constraints c 1 and c 2 are all randomly generated. We use the success ratio (SR) to contrast the performance of various path selection algorithms. Another important performance aspect is the computational complexity. In here, we measure the complexity of path selection algorithms by the number of performed Dijkstra's iterations. While the algorithm in [24] requires only one iteration, the algorithm in [7] always requires x 2 iterations, where x is an adjustable positive integer. The number of iterations in our basic algorithm varies in the range log B], where B is the upper bound on the longest path according to one of the link weights. For our algorithm, the average number of Dijkstra's iterations (ANDI) per connection request is measured and compared with the deterministic number of Dijkstra's iterations in the other algorithms. It should be noted that our algorithm runs at its worst-case complexity only if it is deemed to fail, i.e., if the algorithm succeeds in finding a path, it will do so with much fewer Dijkstra's iterations than log B. This is confirmed in the simulation results. 5.2 Results Under Homogeneous Link Weights We consider the network topology in Figure 12, which has been modified from ANSNET [11] by inserting additional links. Link weights are randomly selected with w 1 (u; v) - uniform[0; 50] and 200]. The same network topology, link weights, and constraints were used in [7]. For different ranges of c 1 and c 2 , Table 1 shows the SR of various algorithms based on twenty0101010101010101001101010101010101010101010101001111010101010101 010101000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000011111111111110000000001111111110000001111000000000000111111111000000000000000000111111111111111111000000001111110000000011111111000000000000000111111111111111 28 29272221 Figure 12: An irregular network topology. runs; each run is based on 2000 randomly generated connection requests. For our algorithm, the Range of c 1 and c 2 Exact Our Alg. Jaffe's Chen's ffl-optimal Table 1: SR performance of several path selection algorithms (homogeneous case). ANDI for each range in Table 1 is given by 2.49, 2.63, 2.23, 1.61, and 1.21, respectively. The number of feasible paths, and thus the SR, increases as the constraints gets looser in the table. As this happens, the ANDI in our algorithm decreases. The overall average complexity per connection request is about two iterations of Dijkstra's algorithm. In terms of SR, our algorithm performs almost as good as the exact one. The results show that our algorithm provides significantly superior performance to Jaffe's approximation algorithm. To compare our algorithm with Chen's heuristic algorithm [7] and the ffl-optimal algorithm [21], we need to properly set the values of x and ffl. In theory, as x goes to infinity and as ffl goes to 0, the performances of the corresponding algorithms approach that of the exact one. However, since the complexities of these algorithms depend on x and ffl, large values for x and small values for ffl clearly make the corresponding algorithms impractical. To get as close as possible to achieving about the same average computational complexity of our algorithm, we set the performance of Chen's algorithm lags significantly behind ours. Even if we increase x to ten, making the computational requirement of Chen's algorithm many times that of our algorithm, its performance still lags behind ours. When the ffl-optimal algorithm has roughly the same average complexity as ours; but with ours having a 50% higher SR. The ffl-optimal algorithm uses a dynamic-programming approach that maintains a scaled cost array with size of (n=ffl) at each node and it can determine paths whose scaled cost is less than (n=ffl). When the values of constraints are increased, more longer paths becomes feasible, but the ffl-optimal algorithm cannot determine them unless ffl gets very small. For example, the performance of the ffl-optimal algorithm becomes close to that of ours if ffl is set to 1. But in this case, the complexity of the ffl-optimal algorithm is about ten times that of ours. (The complexity of the ffl- optimal algorithm is O(log log B(mn log log B)), compared to an average of about two iterations of Dijkstra's algorithm for our algorithm. The complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm is O(n log n +m). in the underlying network, we have 2(n log n m) - 10% of log log B(mn log log B).) In the above simulations, the two constraints are almost equally tight (i.e., E[w 1 have comparable values). We now examine the case when one constraint is much tighter than the other. We use the same network and parameter ranges as before, except for c 1 whose upper and lower limits are now set to 1=5 of their original values. The SRs of various algorithms are shown in Table 2. Since the first constraint is now tighter than before, the SR values for all algorithms, including the exact one, are smaller. Nonetheless, the same previously observed relative performance trends among different algorithms in Table 1 are also observed here. Note that by making one constraint much tighter than the other, the problem almost reduces to that of finding the shortest path w.r.t. the tighter constraint. By dynamically changing the value of k, our algorithm can adapt to the tightness of this constraint by giving it more weight (through k). The above discussion simply says that relative to the exact algorithm, the performance of our approximation algorithm does not change significantly by making one constraint tighter than the other provided that the links are homogeneous. However, this is not the case when the links are heterogeneous, as demonstrated in the next section. Range of c 1 and c 2 Exact Our Alg Jaffe's Chen's ffl-optimal Table 2: SR performance of several path selection algorithms when the first constraint is much tighter than the second (homogeneous case). 5.3 Performance Under Heterogeneous Links The heterogeneity of links in a network may severely impact the performance of a path selection algorithm. Hence, before drawing any general conclusions on the merits of our algorithm, we need to examine its performance in a network with heterogeneous links. For this purpose, we start with the same network topology in Figure 12. We then divide the network into three parts, as shown in Figure 13. The link weights w 1 and w 2 are determined as follows: if u is a node that belongs to0101010101010101001101010101010101010101010101001111010101010101 010101000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111100000000011111111100000011111100000000000011111111100000000000000000011111111111111111100000000111111110000000011111111000000000000000111111111111111 28 29272221 Figure 13: Network topology with heterogeneous link weights. the upper part of the network, then w 1 (u; v) - uniform[70; 85] and w 2 (u; v) - uniform[1; 5]; if it belongs to the middle part, then w 1 (u; v) - uniform[45; 55] and w 2 (u; v) - uniform[45; 55]; and if it belongs to the lower part, then w 1 (u; v) - uniform[1; 5] and w 2 (u; v) - uniform[70; 85]. The source node is randomly chosen from nodes 1 to 5. The destination node is randomly chosen from nodes 22 to 30. For different ranges of c 1 and c 2 , Table 3 shows the SR of various algorithms based on twenty runs; each run is based on 2000 randomly generated connection requests. For our algorithm, the ANDI Range of c 1 and c 2 Exact Ours Jaffe's Chen's Table 3: SR performance of several path selection algorithms (heterogeneous case). for the five ranges of c 1 and c 2 in Table 3 are given by 4.03, 4.59, 4.55, 4.52, and 2.75, respectively. It can be observed that in this case, as the constraints become looser, the difference between the SR of any of the tested algorithms and the SR of the exact algorithm increases significantly (see the fifth row in the table). One can attribute this performance degradation to the linearity of the cost functions used in these algorithms, which favors links with homogeneous characteristics. Our algorithm still provides better performance than Jaffe's approximation algorithm. To achieve about the same average computational complexity of our algorithm, we set x = 3 in Chen's algorithm and in the ffl-optimal algorithm. With these values, the SRs of these algorithms lag behind is observed to lag behind ours. 6 Conclusions and Future Work QoS-based routing subject to multiple additive constraints is an NP-complete problem that cannot be exactly solved in polynomial time. To address this problem, we presented an efficient approximation algorithm using a binary search strategy. Our algorithm is supported by performance bounds that reflect the effectiveness of the algorithm in finding a feasible path. We studied the performance of the algorithm via simulations under both homogeneous and heterogeneous link weights. Our results show that at the same level of computational complexity, the proposed algorithm outperforms existing ones in its performance. We also presented two extensions to our basic algorithm that can be used to further improve its performance at little extra computational cost. The first extension, which is motivated by the presented theoretical bounds, attempts to find the closest feasible path to a constraint. The other extension (i.e., scaling) improves the likelihood of finding a feasible path by perturbing the linearity of the search process (or equivalently, changing the relative locations of the paths in the parameter space). Our basic approximation algorithm runs a hierarchical version of Dijkstra's algorithm up to log B times, where B is an upper bound on the longest path w.r.t. one of link weights. Specifically, Phase 2. When scaling is used, the algorithm runs Dijkstra's algorithm up to log c 2 log B times. These worst-case complexities are rarely used in practice. In fact, simulation results indicate much lower average complexities. The space complexity of our algorithm is O(n). The path selection problem has been investigated in this paper assuming a flat network topology and complete knowledge of the network state. In practice, the true state of the network is not available to every source node at all times due to network dynamics, aggregation of state information (in hierarchical networks), and latencies in the dissemination of state information. Our future work will focus on investigating the MCP problem in the presence of inaccurate state information and evaluating the tradeoffs among accurate path selection, topology aggregation (for spatial scalability), and the frequency of advertisements (for temporal scalability). Another aspect that we plan to investigate is that of renegotiation. When our algorithm fails to return a feasible path, it always returns a path which is close to satisfying the given constraints. Hence, we plan to investigate how such a path can be advantageously used in the renegotiation process to achieve further performance improvements. --R Network Flows: Theory ATM internetworking. Shortest chain subject to side constraints. QoS routing mechanisms and OSPF extensions. Quality of service based routing: A performance perspective. An approximation algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems with two parameters. On finding multi-constrained paths An overview of quality-of-service routing for the next generation high-speed networks: Problems and solutions Strategic directions in networks and telecommunications. Internetworking with TCP/IP Introduction to Algorithms. A framework for QoS-based routing in the Internet A multiple quality of service routing algorithm for PNNI. Finding the k shortest paths. the ATM Forum. Computers and Intractability Search space reduction in QoS routing. A dual algorithm for the constrained shortest path problem. 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I Network flows Approximation schemes for the restricted shortest path problem Strategic directions in networks and telecommunications Quality of service based routing On the complexity of quality of service routing QoS routing in networks with inaccurate information Routing with end-to-end QoS guarantees in broadband networks Computers and Intractability A Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Path Routing Protocol and the Synthesis Method A Distributed Algorithm for Delay-Constrained Unicast Routing QoS based routing algorithm in integrated services packet networks On path selection for traffic with bandwidth guarantees An Approximation Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Two Parameters Search Space Reduction in QoS Routing --CTR Anthony Stentz, CD*: a real-time resolution optimal re-planner for globally constrained problems, Eighteenth national conference on Artificial intelligence, p.605-611, July 28-August 01, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Gang Cheng , Nirwan Ansari, Rate-distortion based link state update, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.50 n.17, p.3300-3314, 5 December 2006 Xin Yuan, Heuristic algorithms for multiconstrained quality-of-service routing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), v.10 n.2, April 2002 Zhenjiang Li , J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, A distributed approach for multi-constrained path selection and routing optimization, Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Quality of service in heterogeneous wired/wireless networks, August 07-09, 2006, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Zhenjiang Li , J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Finding multi-constrained feasible paths by using depth-first search, Wireless Networks, v.13 n.3, p.323-334, June 2007 Gargi Banerjee , Deepinder Sidhu, Comparative analysis of path computation techniques for MPLS traffic engineering, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.40 n.1, p.149-165, September 2002 Andrea Fumagalli , Marco Tacca, Differentiated reliability (DiR) in wavelength division multiplexing rings, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), v.14 n.1, p.159-168, February 2006 Wei Liu , Wenjing Lou , Yuguang Fang, An efficient quality of service routing algorithm for delay-sensitive applications, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.47 n.1, p.87-104, 14 January 2005 Zhenjiang Li , J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Loop-free constrained path computation for hop-by-hop QoS routing, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.51 n.11, p.3278-3293, August, 2007 Turgay Korkmaz , Marwan Krunz, Bandwidth-delay constrained path selection under inaccurate state information, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), v.11 n.3, p.384-398, June
scalable routing;multiple constrained path selection;QoS routing
Energy-driven integrated hardware-software optimizations using SimplePower.
With the emergence of a plethora of embedded and portable applications, energy dissipation has joined throughput, area, and accuracy/precision as a major design constraint. Thus, designers must be concerned with both optimizing and estimating the energy consumption of circuits, architectures, and software. Most of the research in energy optimization and/or estimation has focused on single components of the system and has not looked across the interacting spectrum of the hardware and software. The novelty of our new energy estimation framework, SimplePower, is that it evaluates the energy considering the system as a whole rather than just as a sum of parts, and that it concurrently supports both compiler and architectural experimentation. We present the design and use of the SimplePower framework that includes a transition-sensitive, cycle-accurate datapath energy model that interfaces with analytical and transition sensitive energy models for the memory and bus subsystems, respectively. We analyzed the energy consumption of ten codes from the multidimensional array domain, a domain that is important for embedded video and signal processing systems, after applying different compiler and architectural optimizations. Our experiments demonstrate that early estimates from the SimplePower energy estimation framework can help identify the system energy hotspots and enable architects and compiler designers to focus their efforts on these areas.
INTRODUCTION With more than 95% of current microprocessors going into embedded systems, the need for low power design has become vital. Even in environments not limited by battery life, power has become a major constraint due to concerns about circuit reliability and packaging costs. The increasing need for low power systems has motivated a large body of research on low power processors. Most of this research, however, focuses on reducing the energy 1 in isolated sub-systems (e.g. the processor core, the on-chip memory, etc.) rather than the system as a whole [7]. The focus of our re-search is to provide insight into the energy hotspots in the system and to evaluate the implications of applying a combination of architectural and software optimizations on the overall energy consumption. In order to perform this research, architectural-level power estimation tools that provide a fast evaluation of the energy impact of various optimizations early in the design cycle are essential [2]. However, only prototype research tools and methodologies exist to support such high-level estimation. In this paper, we present the design of an architectural-level energy estimation framework, SimplePower. To our knowl- edge, this is the first framework with a capability to evaluate the integrated impact of hardware and software optimizations on the overall system energy. In contrast to coarse grain current measurement-based techniques [26; 17], our new tool is cycle-accurate, and provides a fine-grained energy consumption estimate of the processor core (currently a five-stage pipelined instruction set architecture (ISA)) while also accounting for the energy consumed by the memory and bus subsystems. SimplePower also leverages from the SimpleScalar toolset [3] as it is executes the integer subset of SimpleScalar ISA. The memory subsystem is the dominant source of power dissipation in various video and signal processing embedded systems [6]. Existing low power work has focused on addressing this problem through the design of energy efficient memory architectures and power-aware software [12; 25; 23]. However, most of these efforts do not study the influence on the energy consumption of the other system components and even fewer consider the integrated impact of the hardware and software optimizations. It is important to evaluate the influence of optimizations on the overall system energy savings and the power distribution across different components of the system. Such a study can help identify the changes 1 The dynamic energy consumed by CMOS circuits is given by is the switching activity on the lines, C is the capacitive load and V is the supply voltage. We do not consider the impact of leakage power. in system energy hotspots and enable the architects and compiler designers to focus their efforts on addressing these areas. This study embarks on this ambitious goal, specifically trying to answer the following questions: ffl What is the energy consumed across the different parts of the system? Is it possible to evaluate this energy distribution in a fast and accurate fashion for different applications? ffl What is the effect of the state-of-the-art performance-oriented compiler optimizations on the overall system energy consumption and on each individual system compo- nent? Does the application of these optimizations cause a change in the energy hotspot of the system? ffl What is the impact of power and performance-oriented memory system modifications on the energy consumption? How do compiler optimizations influence the effectiveness of these modifications? ffl What is the impact of advances in process technology on the energy breakdown of the system? Can emerging new technologies (e.g., embedded DRAMs [22]) result in major paradigm shifts in the focus of architects and compiler writers To our knowledge, there has been no prior effort that has extensively studied all these issues in a unified framework for the entire system. This paper sets out to answer some of the above questions using codes drawn from the multi-dimensional array domain, a domain that is important for signal and video processing embedded systems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section presents the design of our energy estimation frame- work, SimplePower. Section 3 presents the distribution of energy across the different system components using a set of benchmark codes. The influence of performance-oriented compiler optimizations on system energy is examined in Section 4. Section 5 investigates the influence of energy-efficient cache architectures on system power. Section 6 studies the implications of emerging memory technologies on system en- ergy. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the contributions of this work and outlines directions for future research. 2. SIMPLEPOWER:ANENERGYESTIMA- TION FRAMEWORK Answering the questions posed in Section 1 requires tools that allow the architect and compiler writer to estimate the energy consumed by the system. The energy estimation framework that we have developed for this purpose, Sim- plePower, is depicted in Figure 1. For the purposes of this work, we are using a system consisting of the processor core, on-chip instruction and data caches, off-chip memory, and the interconnect buses between the core and the caches and between the caches and the off-chip memory. What we need in our framework are tools that allow us to estimate the energy consumed by each of the modules in the system. Analytical models for memory components have been used successfully by several researchers [13; 25] to study the power Code Energy Object file Energy I/O Pads Memory Bus Optimization Module Energy Energy Energy Statistics SimplePower SimplePower Executables SimpleScalar Assembly Main Memory Icache Dcache Cache/Bus Simulator Power Estimation Interface 5.0V 2.0u 0.8u Tables SimplePower SimpleScalar GCC SimpleScalar GLD GAS SimpleScalar Optimizations RT Level Low Level Compiler Optimizations Compiler High Level Optimizations Output Module Figure 1: SimplePower energy estimation frame- work. It consists of the compilation framework and the energy simulator that captures the energy consumed by a five-stage pipeline instruction set archi- tecture, the memory system and the buses. tradeoffs of different cache/memory configurations. These models attempt to capture analytically the energy consumed by the memory address decoder(s), the memory core, the read/write circuitry, sense amplifiers, and cache tag match logic. Some of these models can also accommodate low power cache and memory optimizations such as cache block buffering [13], cache subbanking [25; 13], bit-line segmentation [12], etc. These analytical models estimate the energy consumed per access, but do not accommodate the energy differences found in sequences of accesses. For example, since energy consumption is impacted by switching activ- ity, two sequential memory accesses may exhibit different address decoder energy consumption. However, simple analytical energy models for memories have proved to be quite reliable [13]. This is the approach used in SimplePower to estimate the energy consumed in the memories. The energy consumption of the buses depends on the switching activity on the bus lines and the interconnect capacitance of the bus lines (with off-chip buses having much larger capacitive loads than on-chip buses). When the switching activity is captured by the energy model, we refer to the technique as a transition-sensitive approach (in contrast to, for example, the analytical model used for the memory sub- system). The energy model used by SimplePower for system buses is transition-sensitive. A wide variety of techniques have been proposed to reduce system level interconnect energy ranging from circuit level optimization such as using low-swing or charge recovery buses, to architectural level optimizations such as using segmented buses, to algorithmic level optimizations such as using signal encoding (en- coding the data in such a way as to reduce the switching activity on the buses) [11]. As technology scales into the deep sub-micron, chip sizes grow, and multiprocessor chip architectures become the norm, system level interconnect structures will account for a larger and larger portion of the chip energy and delay. In this paper, we include the energy consumed in the buses in the memory system energy, unless specified otherwise. The final system module to be considered is the processor core. To support the architecture and compiler optimization research posed in Section 1, the energy estimation of the core must be transition-sensitive. At this point in the design process, in order to support "what-if" experimentation, the processor core is specified only at the architectural-level (RTL level). However, without the structural capacitance information that is part of a gate-level design description (obtained via time consuming logic synthesis) and the inter-connect capacitance information that is part of a physical-level design description (obtained via very time consuming VLSI design), it is difficult obtain the capacitance values needed to estimate energy consumption. SimplePower solves this dilemma by using predefined, transition-sensitive models for each functional unit to estimate the energy consumption of the datapath. This approach was first proposed by Mehta, Irwin and Owens [20]. These transition-sensitive models contain switch capacitances for a functional unit for each input transition obtained from VLSI layouts and extensive simulation. Once the functional unit models have been built, they can be reused for many different architectural configurations. SimplePower is, at this time, only capturing the energy consumed by the core's datapath. Developing transition-sensitive models for the control path would be extremely difficult. One way to model control path power would be analytically. In any case, for the SimplePower processor core, the energy consumed by the datapath is much larger than the energy consumed by the control logic due to the relatively simple control logic. The architecture simulated by SimplePower in this paper is the integer ISA of SimpleScalar, a five stage RISC pipeline. Functional unit energy models (for 2:0-; 0:8-, and 0:35- technology) have been developed for various units including flip-flops, adders, register files, multipliers, ALUs, barrel shifters, multiplex- ors, and decoders. SimplePower outputs the energy consumed from one execution cycle to the next. It mines the transition sensitive energy models provided for each functional unit and sums them to estimate the energy consumed by each instruction cycle. The size of these energy tables could, however, become very large as the number of inputs to the bit-dependent functional units increase (for units like registers, each bit positions switching activity is independent and thus one small table characterizing one flip-flop is sufficient). To solve the table size problem, we partition the functional units into smaller sub-modules. For example, a register file is partitioned into five major sub-modules: five 5:32 decoders, word-line drivers, write data drivers, read sense-amplifiers, and a 32 \Theta 32 cell array. Energy tables were constructed for each submodule. For example, a 1,024 entry table indexed by the pair of five current and five previous register select address bits was developed for the register file decoder com- ponent. This table is then shared by all the five decoders in the register file. Since the write data drivers, read sense amplifiers, word line dividers and all array cells are all bit- independent submodules, their energy tables are quite small. For the 32 \Theta 32 5-port register file, our power estimation approach took much less than 0.1 seconds for each input transition as opposed to the 556.42 seconds required for circuit level simulation using HSPICE. The machine running the HSPICE simulation and our simulator is a Sun Ultra-10 with 640 MBytes memory. Our transition-sensitive modeling approach has been validated to be accurate (average error rate of 8.98%) using actual current measurements of a commercial DSP architecture [9]. As mentioned earlier, SimplePower currently uses a combination of analytical and transition-sensitive energy models for the memory system. The overall energy of the the memory system is given by The energy consumed by the instruction cache (Icache), and by the data cache (Dcache), EDcache , is evaluated using an analytical model that has been validated to be accurate (within 2.4% error) for conventional cache systems [13; 24]. We extended this model to consider the energy consumed during writes as well and have also parameterized the cache models to capture different architectural optimiza- tions. EBuses includes the energy consumed in the address and data buses between the Icache/Dcache and the datap- ath. It is evaluated by monitoring the switching activity on each of the bus lines assuming a capacitive load of 0.5pF per line. The energy consumed by the I/O pads and the external buses to the main memory from the caches, EPads , is evaluated similarly for a capacitive load of 20pF per line. The main memory energy, EMM , is based on the model in [24] and assumes a per main memory access energy (refered as Em in the rest of the paper) of 4:95\Theta10 \Gamma9 J based on the data for the Cypress CY7C1326-133 SRAM chip. While the SimplePower framework models the influence of the clock on all components of the architecture (i.e., it assumes clock gating is implemented), it does not capture the energy consumed by the clock generation and clock distribution network. Existing clock energy estimation models [19; 8] require clock loading and physical dimensions of the design that can be obtained only after physical design and are difficult to estimate in the absence of structural infor- mation. However, we realize that this is an important additional component of the system energy consumption and we plan to address this in future research. 3. ENERGY DISTRIBUTION With the emergence of energy consumption as a critical constraint in system design, it is essential to identify the energy hotspots of the system early in the design cycle. There has been significant work on estimating and optimizing the system power [7]. However, many have focused on estimat- ing/optimizing only specific components of the system and most do not capture the integrated impact of circuit, architectural and software optimizations. Further, most existing high-level RTL energy estimation techniques provide a coarse grain of measurement resulting in 20-40% error relative to that of a transistor level estimator [2]. By contrast, SimplePower provides an integrated, cycle-accurate energy estimation mechanism that captures the energy consumed Program Source # of Arrays Input Size (KB) Instruction Count Dcache Miss Rates dtdtz (aps) Perfect Club 17 1,605 42,119,337 0.135 bmcm (wss) Perfect Club 11 126 89,539,244 0.105 psmoo (tfs) Perfect eflux (tfs) Perfect Club 5 297 12,856,306 0.114 amhmtm (wss) Perfect Table 1: Programs used in the experiments. Dcache miss rates are for 1K direct mapped caches with line sizes. Instruction count is dynamic instruction count.1030507090% Energy Consumed in Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Register File Pipeline Registers Arithmetic Units Energy Consumed in Pipeline Stages tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Fetch Decode Execute Memory WriteBack Figure 2: Energy distribution (%) of (a) the major energy consuming data path components and (b) the pipeline stages. The memory pipeline stage energy consumption does not include that of the ICache and DCache.2060100% Energy Consumed in Memory System Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Buses Icache Dcache I/O Pads Imemory Dmemory2060100% Energy Consumed in Memory System Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Buses Icache Dcache I/O Pads Imemory Dmemory Figure 3: Energy distribution (%) in memory system: (a) 1K 4way Dcache and (b) 8K 4way Dcache. Imemory and Dmemory are the energies consumed in accessing the main memory for instructions and data, respectively. Original (Unoptimized) Optimized Memory System Energy Datapath Memory System Energy Energy (mJ) Energy (mJ) 1-way 2-way 4-way 8-way (mJ) # ! 1-way 2-way 4-way 8-way tomcatv 3.9 4K 75.8 171.1 172.7 175.4 4.2 4K 52.3 34.6 34.9 35.4 btrix 30.2 4K 1,023.2 513.6 432.6 371.5 28.8 4K 1,093.0 718.8 641.1 593.2 mxm 34.3 4K 1,123.9 522.7 405.3 267.5 83.7 4K 342.0 173.7 159.5 174.6 8K 1,059.3 377.8 240.6 245.0 8K 300.5 192.6 196.4 199.6 vpenta 1.6 4K 109.6 112.9 113.6 113.8 1.9 4K 77.2 60.6 58.9 59.0 8K 78.4 80.9 82.7 87.4 8K 66.2 57.8 57.4 57.6 adi 4.3 4K 166.9 136.7 136.4 136.9 5.2 4K 90.5 77.3 83.1 77.0 1K 2,149.3 1,402.8 1,146.1 1,064.8 1K 1,927.4 823.1 516.2 431.6 dtdtz 27.5 4K 880.5 857.7 815.1 861.2 31.2 4K 428.1 180.2 180.1 136.8 bmcm 59.2 4K 1,007.6 654.2 536.1 385.9 90.0 4K 724.4 416.8 289.8 227.5 psmoo 11.6 4K 341.9 340.7 328.9 343.9 16.1 4K 125.7 102.4 88.2 89.6 341.3 267.5 267.7 269.2 8K 91.8 81.1 81.5 84.1 eflux 8.6 4K 383.0 364.9 368.6 379.6 10.1 4K 226.1 192.9 192.7 193.5 amhmtm 59.8 4K 623.7 271.1 259.9 265.1 66.5 4K 748.9 303.3 287.0 300.0 8K 578.3 308.4 301.9 309.8 8K 551.3 217.5 232.7 265.3 447.2 403.7 403.2 411.8 16K 368.2 290.5 287.6 297.6 Table 2: Energy consumption for various Dcache configurations. For all the cases, an 8K direct-mapped Icache, line sizes, writeback policy and a core based on 0:8-, 3:3V technology are used. in the different components of the system. In this section, we present the energy characteristics of ten benchmark codes written in the C language 2 (shown in Table 1) from the multidimensional array domain. An important characteristic of these codes is that they access large arrays using nested loops. The applications run on energy-constrained signal and video embedded processing systems exhibit similar characteristics. Since SimplePower currently works only with integer data types, floating point data accessed by these codes were converted to operate on integer data. In particular, memory access patterns (in terms of temporal and spatial locality) do not change. In order to limit the simulation times we scaled down the input sizes; however, all the benchmarks were run to completion. The experimental cache sizes (1K-16K) used in our study are relatively small as our focus is on resource-constrained embedded systems. The energy consumed by the system is divided into two parts: datapath energy and memory system energy. The ma- Original codes are in Fortran and were converted into C by paying particular attention to the original data access patterns. jor energy consuming components of the datapath are the register file, pipelined registers, the functional units (e.g. ALU, multiplier, divider), and datapath multiplexers. The memory system energy includes the energy consumed by the Icache and Dcache, the address and data buses, the address and data pads and the off-chip main memory. Table 2 provides the energy consumption (in mJ) of our benchmarks for the datapath and memory system for various Dcache con- figurations. For all the cases in this paper, an 8K direct mapped Icache, line sizes of 32 bytes (for both Dcache and Icache), writeback cache policy, and a core based on 0:8-, 3.3V technology were used. We also present only a single datapath energy value for the different configurations due to the efficient stall power reduction techniques (e.g., clock gating on the pipeline registers) employed in the datapath. With the aggressive clock gating assumed by SimplePower, the energy consumed during stall cycles was observed to be insignificant for our simulations. For example, tomcatv expends a maximum of 1% of the total datapath energy on stalls for all cache configurations studied. We observe that the datapath energy consumption ranges from 1.577mJ to 59.776mJ for the various codes determined by the dynamic instruction length and the switching ac- Energy Consumed in Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Register File Pipeline Registers Arithmetic Units Energy Consumed in Pipeline Stages tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Fetch Decode Execute Memory WriteBack Figure 4: Energy distribution (%) of (a) the major energy consuming data path components and (b) the pipeline stages after applying code transformations. The memory pipeline stage energy consumption does not include that of the ICache and DCache. tivity in the datapath. Compared to the memory system energy, the datapath energy is an order or two smaller in magnitude. This result corroborates the need for extensive research on optimizing the memory system power [25; 6; 13; 7]. Next, we zoom-in on the major energy consuming components of the datapath. It is observed from Figure 2(a) that the pipeline registers and register file form the energy hotspots in the datapath contributing 58-70% of the overall datapath energy. The extensive use of pipelining in DSP data paths to improve performance [1] and facilitate other circuit optimization such as voltage scaling will exacerbate the pipeline register energy consumption. Also, larger and multiple-port register files required to support multiple issue machines will increase the register file energy consumption further. The core energy distribution is also found to be relatively independent of the codes being analyzed. This is undoubtably impacted by only simulating integer data op- erations. The energy consumed by each stage of the pipeline is calculated by SimplePower and is shown in Figure 2(b). The decode stage energy does not include control logic energy consumption since it is not modeled by SimplePower. The pipeline register is the main contributer to the energy consumed in the memory stage, since ICache and DCache energy consumption is not included. The execution stage of the pipeline that contains the arithmetic units is the major energy consumer in the entire datapath, since the register file energy consumption is split between the decode and writeback stages. The memory system energy consumption generally reduces with decrease in capacity and conflict misses when the DCache size or associativity is increased (see Table 2). Yet, in thirty seven out of the fifty cases, when we move from a 4way to 8way DCache, the memory system energy consumption in- creases. A similar trend is observed in fifteen out of forty cases when we move from an 8K to 16K Dcache. Moving to a larger cache size or higher associtivities increases the energy consumption per access. However, for many cases, this per access cost is amortized by the energy reduction due to a fewer number of accesses to the main memory. Of course, if the numbers of misses/hits are equal, using a less sophisticated cache leads to lower energy consumption Figure 3(a) shows the energy distribution in the memory system components for a 1K 4way Dcache configuration where the main memory energy consumption dominates due to the large number of Dcache misses. For btrix and amhmtm, the data accesses per instruction are the smallest. In amhmtm, the majority of instruction accesses are satisfied from the Icache resulting in a more significant Icache energy consumption, whereas btrix exhibits a relatively poor instruction cache locality (the number of Icache misses is 100 times more than the next significant benchmark) resulting in increased energy consumption in main memory. When we increase the data cache size, the majority of data accesses are satified from the data cache. Hence, the overall contribution of the Icache and Dcache becomes more significant as observed from Figure 3(b). SimplePower provides a comprehensive framework for identifying the energy hotspots in the system and helps the hardware and software designers focus on addressing these bot- tlenecks. The rest of this paper evaluates software and architectural optimizations targeted at addressing the energy hotspot of the system, namely, the energy consumed in data accesses. 4. IMPACTOFCOMPILEROPTIMIZATIONS To evaluate the impact of compiler optimizations on the overall energy consumption, we used a high-level compilation framework based on loop (iteration space) and data (ar- ray layout) transformations. For this study, the framework proposed in [14] was enhanced with iteration space tiling, loop fusion, loop distribution, loop unrolling, and scalar re- placement. Thus, our compiler is able to apply a suitable combination of loop and data transformations for a given input code, with an optimization selection criteria similar to that presented in [14]. Our enhanced framework takes as input a code written in C and applies these optimizations (primarily) to improve temporal and spatial data locality. The tiling technique employed is similar to one explained in [27] and selects a suitable tile size for a given code, input size, and cache configuration. The loop unrolling algorithm carefully weighs the advantages of increasing register reuse and the disadvantages of larger loop nests in selecting an optimal degree of unrolling and is similar in spirit to the technique discussed in [5]. Energy Consumed in Memory System Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Buses Icache Dcache I/O Pads Imemory Dmemory2060100% Energy Consumed in Memory System Components tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Buses Icache Dcache I/O Pads Imemory Dmemory Figure 5: Energy distribution in memory system after applying code transformations: (a) 1K 4way Dcache and (b) 8K 4way Dcache. Imemory and Dmemory are the energies consumed in accessing the main memory for instructions and data, respectively. There have been numerous studies showing the effectiveness of these optimizations on performance (e.g., [21; 28]); their impact on energy consumption of different parts of a computing system, however, remains largely unstudied. This study is important because these optimizations are becoming popular in embedded systems, keeping pace with the increased use of high-level languages and compilation techniques on these systems [18]. Through a detailed analysis of the energy variations brought about by these techniques, architects can see which components are energy hotspots and develop suitable architectural solutions to account for the influence of these optimizations. Our expectation is that most compiler optimizations (in particular when they are targeted at improving data locality) will reduce the overall energy consumed in memory subsys- tem. This is a side effect of reducing the number of off-chip data accesses and satisfying the majority of the references from the cache. Their impact on the energy consumed in the datapath, on the other hand, is not as clear. As observed in Section 3, the energy consumed in the memory subsystem is much higher than that consumed in the datapath. While this might be true for unoptimized codes (due to the large number of off-chip accesses), it would be interesting to see whether this still holds after the locality-enhancing compiler optimizations. Table also shows the resulting datapath and memory system energy consumption as a result of applying our compiler transformations. The most interesting observation is that the optimizations increase the datapath power for all codes except btrix. This increase is due to more complex loop structures and array subscript expressions as a result of the optimizations. Since, in optimizing btrix, the compiler used only linear loop transformations (i.e., the transformations that contain only loop permutation, loop reversal, and loop skewing [28]), the datapath energy did not increase. Next, we observe that the reduction in the memory system energy makes the datapath power more significant. For ex- ample, after the optimizations, in the mxm benchmark, the datapath power constitutes 29% of the overall system energy for a 8K 8way cache configuration (as compared to 12.3% before the optimizations). In fact, the datapath power becomes larger than that consumed in the memory system if we do not consider the energy expended in instruction ac- cesses. This is significant as our optimizations were targeted only at improving the data cache performance. Thus, it is important for architects to continue to look at optimizing the datapath energy consumption rather than focus only on memory system optimizations. The compiler optimizations had little effect on the energy distribution on the datapath components and pipeline stages as shown in Figures 4(a) and (b). However, the energy distribution (shown in Figure 5) in the memory system shows distinct differences from the unoptimized (original) versions (see Figure 3). In the optimized case, the relative contribution of the main memory is significantly reduced due to more data cache hits. Hence, we observe that the contribution of the Icache and Dcache energy consumption becomes more significant for all optimized codes that we used. Thus, energy-efficient Icache and Dcache architectures become more important when executing the compiler optimized codes. The effectiveness of architectural and circuit techniques to design energy-efficient caches is discussed in Section 5. As mentioned earlier, normally, our compiler automatically selects a suitable set of optimizations for a given code and cache topology. Since, in doing so, it uses heuristics, there is no guarantee that it will arrive at an optimal solution. In addition to this automatic optimization selection, we have also implemented a directive-based optimization scheme which relies on user-provided directives and, depending on them, applies the necessary loop and data transformations. Next, we forced the compiler using these compiler directives to apply all eight combinations of three mainstream loop optimizations [28], namely, loop unrolling, tiling, and linear loop transformations to the mxm benchmark. The results presented in Figure 6 reveal that the best compiler transformation from the energy perspective varies based on the cache configuration. This observation presents a new challenge for the compiler writers of embedded systems, as the most aggressive optimizations (although they may lead to minimum execution times) do not necessarily result in the best code from the energy point of view. 1-way 2-way 4-way 8-way 1-way 2-way 4-way 8-way Memory Energy (Joules) original loop opt unrolled tiled loop opt+unrolled loop opt+tiled tiled+unrolled tiled+loop opt+unrolled Figure Energy distribution in the memory system (with different DCache configurations) as a result of different code transformations. original is the un-optimized program, loop opt denotes the code optimized using linear loop transformations, unrolled denotes the version where loop unrolling is used and tiled is the version when tiling is applied. 5. ENERGY EFFICIENT CACHE ARCHITECTURE The study of cache energy consumption is relatively new and the optimization techniques can be broadly classified as circuit and architectural. The main circuit optimizations include activating only a portion of the cells on the bit (DBL) and word lines, reducing the bit line swings using pulsed word lines (PWL) and isolated sense amplifiers (IBL), and charge recycling in the I/O buffer [12]. The application of these optimizations is independent of the code sequences themselves. Many architectural techniques have been proposed as optimizations for the memory system [25; 13; 16]. Many of these techniques introduce a new level of memory hierarchy between the cache and the processor dat- apath. For instance, the work by Kin et. al. [16] proposed accessing a small filter cache before accessing the first level cache. The idea is to reduce the energy consumption by avoiding access to a larger cache. While such a technique can have a negative impact on performance, it can result in significant energy savings. The block-buffering (BB) mechanism [13] uses a similar idea by accessing the last accessed, buffered cache line before accessing the cache. Unlike circuit optimizations, the effectiveness of these architectural techniques is influenced by the application characteristics and the compiler optimizations used. For instance, software techniques can be used to improve the locality in a cache line by grouping successively accessed data. Then, a cache buffering scheme can exploit this improved locality. Thus, increasing spatial locality within a cache line through software techniques can save more energy. A detailed study of such interactions between software optimizations and the effectiveness of energy-efficient cache architectures will be useful to both compiler writers and hardware designers. To capture the impact of circuit optimization in the energy estimation framework, we measured the influence of applying different combinations of circuit optimizations using four different layouts of a 0.5Kbits SRAM using HSPICE simu- lations. It was observed that the energy consumed can be reduced on an average by 29% and 52% as compared to an unoptimized SRAM when applying the (PWL+IBL) and (PWL+IBL+DBL) optimizations. We conservatively utilize the 29% reduction achieved by the (PWL+IBL) scheme to capture the efficiency of the circuit optimizations in our analytical model for memory system energy. We refer to the (PWL+IBL) scheme as IBL in the rest of this paper for convenience. First, we studied the interaction between the compiler optimizations and the effectiveness of the BB mechanism. In order to study this interaction, the Dcache was enhanced to include a buffer for the last accessed set of cache blocks (one block buffer for each way). A code that exhibits increased spatial and temporal locality can effectively exploit the buffer. We define the relative energy savings ratio of an optimized code (opt) over an unoptimized code (orig) for a given hardware optimization hopt as: Relative energy savings ratio are the energy consumed due to the execution of optimized and unoptimized code respectively without hopt, and E optcodehopt , E orighopt are the corresponding values with hopt. This measure enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of compiler optimizations in exploiting the hardware optimization technique. Figure 7 shows the relative energy savings ratio for BB. It can be observed that the block buffer mechanism was more effective in reducing energy for the optimized codes (except for eflux). This is due to the better spatial and temporal locality exhibited by the compiler optimized codes. This improved locality results in more hits in the block buffer. On an average, the optimized codes achieve 19% (18%) more energy savings relative to the original codes using a direct-mapped (4way) cache with BB. The reason that optimized eflux code does not take better advantage of BB than un-optimized code is that the accesses with temporal locality in the unoptimized code were better clustered, leading to increased data reuse in the block buffer. Next, we applied a combination of the IBL and BB and executed the optimized codes to find the combined effect of circuit, architectural and software optimizations on the overall memory system energy. It can be observed from Figure 8 that the Dcache energy consumption can be reduced by 58.8% (58.7%) for the direct-mapped (4way) cache configuration. Thus, architectural and circuit techniques working together can reduce the energy consumption of even highly optimized codes sig- nificantly. While the BB and IBL optimizations are very effective for reducing the energy consumed in the Dcache, it is important to investigate their impact on the overall memory energy reduction. It was found that the memory system energy reduces by 6.7% (11%) using the direct-mapped (4way) cache configuration (see Figure 9). We also investigated the influence of the BB+IBL optimization for the Dcache due to the reduction in the energy per main memory access (Em) as a result of emerging technologies such as the embedded DRAM (eDRAM) [22]. Figure 10 shows that the combined BB and IBL technique reduces memory system energy by 27.7% with new (future) tech- 7Relative Energy Savings of Optimized over Unoptimized Codes (a) btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm -0.3 -0.2 - Energy Savings of Optimized over Unoptimized Codes (b) btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm Figure 7: Relative energy savings ratio of Dcache for optimized code over unoptimized code using BB on (a) 1way Dcaches and (b) 4way Dcaches. nologies that have a potential to reduce the per access energy by an order of magnitude (We use a Em=4.95e-10J) as compared to the 16.3% reduction in current technology (Em=4.95e-9J). SimplePower can similarly be used to evaluate the influence of other new technologies and energy-efficient techniques such as BB on the energy consumed by the system as a whole and an individual component in particular Next, we evaluated the combination of a most recently used way-prediction cache and BB mechanism. The way-prediction caches have been used to address the longer cycle time in associative caches as compared to direct mapped caches [4]. While most prior effort has focussed on way-prediction caches for addressing the performance problem, the energy efficiency of these cache architectures was evaluated recently by Inoue et. al. [10]. In their work, an MRU (Most Recently Used) algorithm that predicts and probes only a single way first was used. If the prediction turns out to fail, all remaining ways are accessed at the same time in the next cycle. We refer to this technique as the MRU scheme and the caches that use them as MRU caches. It must be noted that MRU caches could increase the cache access cycle time [4; 15]. However, our work focus is on energy estimation and optimization rather than investigating energy-performance tradeoffs. Here, we study the effectiveness of combining two different architectural techniques to optimize system energy and also evaluate the impact of software optimizations enabled by the SimplePower optimizing compiler on the MRU prediction. We studied the energy savings that can be obtained using MRU caches for 4way associative cache configurations. It can be observed from Figure 11 that the optimized codes benefit more from the MRU scheme and can obtain 21% more savings than the original code on an average. The increased locality in the optimized codes increases the number of successful probes in the predicted way of the MRU cache. We also find that using the MRU scheme reduces Dcache energy by 70.2% on an average for optimized codes as compared to using a conventional 8K, 4way associative caches (see Figure 12(a)). The incremental addition of BB and IBL provided additional 10.5% and 5.5% energy reduction respectively. Figure 12(b) shows the energy savings in the entire memory system are 23%, 24.2% and 26.4% when MRU, BB and IBL are applied incrementally in that order. - Energy Savings of Optimized over Unoptimized Codes btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm Figure Relative energy savings ratio of Dcache for optimized code over unoptimized code using MRU for 4way Dcaches. From the study in this section, we find that the optimized codes are not only efficient in reducing the number of costly (in terms of energy) accesses to main memory but they are also more effective in exploiting the energy efficient architectural mechanisms such as MRU caches and BB. We also find that the incremental benefits of applying the BB scheme over a MRU cache is significantly smaller as compared to using these techniques individually. A designer can use similar early energy estimates provided by SimplePower to perform energy-cost-performance tradeoffs for new energy efficient techniques. 6. IMPLICATIONSOFENERGY-EFFICIENT Emerging new technologies combined with the energy-efficient circuit, architectural and compiler techniques for reducing memory system energy can potentially create a paradigm shift in the importance of energy optimizations from the memory system to the datapath and other units. Here, we consider the influence of changes in the energy consumed per main memory access, Em . Such changes are eminent due to new process technologies [22] and reduction in physical distance between the main memory and the datapath. Table 3 shows the memory system energy for different values of Em for four different cache organizations using two optimized codes. Note that is the value that we have used so far in this paper. The lowest Em value that we experiment with in this section (4:95 \Theta 10 \Gamma11 ) corresponds to Dcache Energy Consumption tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Base Dcache Energy Consumption tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Base Figure 8: Dcache energy consumption of optimized codes using (BB + IBL) for (a) 1way 8K Dcaches and (b) 4way 8K Dcaches. System Energy Consumption(J) tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Base Memory System Energy Consumption tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Base Figure 9: Memory system energy for optimized codes using (BB using (a) 1way 8K Dcaches and (b) 4way 8K Dcaches. Memory System tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Base Memory System tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Base Figure 10: Memory system energy for optimized codes using (BB using 4way 16K Dcaches with (a) Data Cache Energy Consumption tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (a) Base MRU Memory System Energy Consumption tomcatv btrix mxm vpenta adi dtdtz bmcm psmoo eflux amhmtm (b) Base MRU MRU+BB+IBL Figure 12: Energy consumption when a combination of MRU, BB and IBL techniques are applied to an 8K, 4way associative cache configuration (Base) in (a) Dcache (b) Memory System. the magnitude of energy per first-level on-chip cache access with current technology. Recall that the datapath energy consumption for the optimized mxm and psmoo codes were 83.7mJ and 16.1mJ, respectively (see Table 2). Considering the fact that large amounts of main memory storage capacity are coming closer to the CPU [22], we expect to see Em values lower than in the future. Such a change could make the energy consumed in the datapath larger than the energy consumed in memory. For example, with and a 1K, 4-way cache, the energy values of datapath becomes larger than that of the memory system for mxm. 7. CONCLUSIONS The need for energy efficient architectures has become more critical than ever with the proliferation of embedded devices. Also, the increasing complexity of the emerging systems on a chip paradigm makes it essential to make good energy-conscious decisions early in the design cycle to help define design parameters and eliminate incorrect design paths. This study has introduced a comprehensive framework that can provide such early energy estimates at the architectural level. The uniqueness of this framework is that it captures the integrated impact of both hardware and software optimizations and provides the ability to study the system as a whole and each individual component in isolation. This work has tried to answer some of the questions raised in Section 1 using this framework. The major findings of our research are the following: ffl A transition-sensitive, cycle-accurate, architectural-level approach can be used to provide a fast (as compared to circuit-level simulators) and relatively accurate estimate of the energy consumption of the datapath. For example, the register file energy estimates from our simulator are within 2% of circuit level simulation. ffl The energy hotspots in the datapath were identified to be the pipeline registers and the register file. They consume 58- 70% of the overall datapath energy for executing (original) unoptimized codes. However, the datapath energy is found to be an order or two magnitude less the memory system energy for these multidimensional array codes. ffl The main memory energy consumption accounts for almost all the system energy for small cache configurations when executing unoptimized codes. The application of high-level compiler optimizations significantly reduces the main memory energy causing the Dcache, Icache and datapath energy contributions to become more significant. For exam- ple, the contribution of datapath energy to overall system energy, with an 8K, 8way Dcache, increases from 12.3% to 29.5% when benchmark mxm is optimized. ffl The improved spatial and temporal locality of the optimized codes is useful in not only reducing the accesses to the main memory but also in exploiting energy-efficient cache architectures better than with unoptimized codes. Optimized codes saved 21% times more energy using the most recently used way-predicting cache scheme as compared to executing unoptimized codes. They also save 19% more energy when using block buffering. Emerging technologies coupled with a combination of energy-efficient circuit, architectural and compiler optimizations can shift the energy hotspot. We found that with an order of magnitude reduction in main memory energy access made possible with eDRAM technology, the datapath energy consumption becomes larger than the memory system energy when executing an optimized mxm code with a 4way Dcache. In this work, we observed that the compiler optimizations provided the most significant energy savings over the entire system. The SimplePower framework can also be used for evaluating the effect of high-level algorithmic, architec- tural, and compilation trade-offs on energy. Also, we observed that energy-efficient architectures can reduce the energy consumed by even highly optimized code significantly and, in fact, much better than with unoptimized codes. An understanding of the interaction of hardware and software optimizations on system energy gained from this work can help both architects and compiler writers to develop more energy-efficient systems. This paper has looked at only a small subset of issues with respect to studying the integrated impact of hardware-software optimizations on energy. There are a lot of issues that are ripe for future research. The interaction of algorithmic selec- mxm Confi- Memory Energy (mJ) guration 1K, 1way 41.3 81.9 132.6 538.2 1,045.2 5,101.1 10,171.2 50,731.1 1K, 4way 38.1 45.9 55.8 134.3 232.6 1,018.4 2,000.9 9,860.0 4K, 1way 80.8 91.3 104.5 210.1 342.0 1,397.9 2,717.6 13,275.3 4K, 4way 86.2 89.2 92.9 122.5 159.6 455.9 826.2 3,788.9 psmoo Confi- Memory Energy (mJ) guration 1K, 1way 13.1 35.0 62.5 282.2 556.8 2,753.4 5,499.3 27,466.1 1K, 4way 9.4 15.6 23.4 85.8 163.7 787.3 1,566.8 7,802.6 4K, 1way 17.3 21.7 27.2 70.9 125.8 563.9 1,111.7 5,493.6 4K, 4way 18.4 21.3 24.8 52.9 88.2 370.2 723.0 3,542.1 Table 3: Impact of different Em values on total memory system energy consumption for optimized mxm and psmoo. tion, low-level compiler optimizations and other low-power memory structures will be addressed in our future work. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers whose commments helped to improve this paper. This work was sponsored in part by grants from NSF (MIP-9705128), Sun Microsystems, and Intel. 9. --R High performance DSPs - what's hot and what's not? <Proceedings>In Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design</Proceedings> Emerging power management tools for processor design. The simplescalar tool set Predictive sequential associative cache. Custom memory management methodology - exploration of memory organization for embedded multimedia system design Low Power Digital CMOS Design. Clock power issues in system-on-chip designs Validation of an architectural level power analysis technique. Energy issues in multimedia systems. Trends in low-power ram circuit technologies Analytical energy dissipation models for low power caches. Improving locality using loop and data transformations in an integrated framework. Inexpensive implementations of self-associativity The filter cache A framework for estimating and minimizing energy dissipation of embedded hw/sw systems. Code Generation and Optimization for Embedded Digital Signal Processors. Power consumption estimation in cmos vlsi chips. Energy characterization based on clustering. Advanced Compiler Design Implementation. Software design for low power. Memory exploration for low power Cache designs for energy efficiency. Instruction level power analysis and optimization of software. Combining loop transformations considering caches and scheduling. High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing. --TR Inexpensive implementations of set-associativity Instruction level power analysis and optimization of software Energy characterization based on clustering Combining loop transformations considering caches and scheduling Analytical energy dissipation models for low-power caches Software design for low power The filter cache Unroll-and-jam using uniformly generated sets A framework for estimation and minimizing energy dissipation of embedded HW/SW systems Validation of an architectural level power analysis technique High performance DSPs - what''s hot and what''s not? 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compiler optimizations;energy optimization and estimation;hardware-software interaction;system energy;energy simulator;low-power architectures
Integral Equation Preconditioning for the Solution of Poisson''s Equation on Geometrically Complex Regions.
This paper is concerned with the implementation and investigation of integral equation based solvers as preconditioners for finite difference discretizations of Poisson equations in geometrically complex domains. The target discretizations are those associated with "cut-out" grids. We discuss such grids and also describe a software structure which enables their rapid construction. Computational results are presented.
Introduction . This paper deals with the creation of effective solvers for the solution of linear systems of equations arising from the discretization of Poisson's equation in multiply connected, geometrically complex, domains. The focus is on discretizations associated with "cut-out" grids (grids which result from excluding select points from a uniform grid). The solvers we describe are iterative procedures which use integral equation solutions (such as those described in [9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21]) as preconditioners. One may question the need for such an approach; "If one is going to the trouble to implement an integral equation solver, why bother with solving the discrete equations?". The need for such an approach arises in applications in which the solution of the linear system is of primary importance and obtaining the solution of the partial differential equation is a secondary matter. An application where this occurs (and the one which inspired this work) is the implementation of the discrete projection operator associated with the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations [12]. Our selection of the integral equation procedure as a preconditioner was motivated by its ability to generate solutions for multiply connected domains possessing complex geometry. With regard to the use of "cut-out" grids to discretize Poisson's equation we are re-visiting an old technique - the particular discretization procedure used is credited to Collatz (1933)[8]. For Poisson's equations, the concept behind the discretization procedure is not complicated; but the actual construction of discrete equations for general geometric configurations using this concept can be. As we will discuss, by combining computer drawing tools with an intermediate software layer which exploits polymorphism (a feature of object oriented languages) the construction of equations can be simplified greatly. Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90024. This research was supported in part by Office of Naval Research grant ONR-N00014-92-J-1890 and Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR-F49620-96-1-0327 y Advanced Development Group, Viewlogic Systems Inc., Camarillo, CA 93010 ( In the first section we briefly discuss the constituent components of the complete procedure - the discretization associated with a "cut-out" grid, the iterative method chosen to solve the discrete equations, and the integral equation based preconditioner. In the second section we present numerical results, and in the appendix we discuss details of the integral equation method. While our solution procedure is developed for discretizations based on "cut-out" grids, the results should be applicable to discretizations associated with other grids (e.g. triangulations or mapped grids). Additionally, there has been active research on discretization procedures for other equations using cut-out grids; e.g. equations for compressible and incompressible flow [2, 4, 5, 7, 18, 25, 26, 27]. The method we describe for constructing equations could be extended to those discretizations as well. 2. Preliminaries. 2.1. The Mathematical Problem. The target problem is the solution of Pois- son's equation on a multiply connected, geometrically complex domain. Let\Omega be a bounded domain in the plane with a C 2 boundary consisting of M inner contours @\Omega M , and one bounding contour @\Omega M+1 Fig. 1). Given dW dW dW Fig. 1. A bounded domain. boundary data g and forcing function f , we seek the solution to the following equation: 2\Omega (1) lim x!xo @\Omega In the unbounded case,\Omega is the unbounded domain that lies exterior to M contours Fig. 2), and we seek a solution to 2\Omega (2) lim x!xo @\Omega dW dW Fig. 2. An unbounded domain. 2.2. The Spatial Discretization. Approximate solutions to (1) or (2) are obtained as solutions of a linear system of equations arising from finite difference dis- cretizations. The discretization procedure we used was a "cut-out" grid approach [2, 4, 5, 7, 18, 25, 26, 27]. We selected this discretization procedure because the formulation of the linear system of equations requires little information about the geometry; one need only know if grid points are inside, outside, or on the boundary of the domain and (for points nearest the boundary) the distance of grid points to the boundary along a coordinate axis. Thus, a program can easily be created which automatically constructs a discretization based on information available from minimal geometric descriptions (e.g. descriptions output from a drawing or CAD package). To form our "cut-out" grid we consider a rectangular region R that contains the domain\Omega (for unbounded problems, R contains the portion of\Omega that we are interested in). We discretize R with a uniform Cartesian grid, and separate the grid points into three groups: regular, irregular, and boundary points. A regular point is a point whose distance along a coordinate axis to any portion of the domain boundary @\Omega is greater than one mesh width. An irregular point is one whose distance to a portion of the boundary is less than or equal to one mesh width but greater than zero, and boundary grid points lie on the boundary (see Fig. 3 ). Regular and irregular points are further identified as being interior or exterior to the domain. We compute an approximate Poisson solution by discretizing (1) or (2) using the regular and irregular interior grid points. These discrete equations are derived using centered differences and linear interpolation (described as "Procedure B" in [26], and based on ideas presented as far back as [8]): If we introduce the standard five point discrete Laplacian (here, h denotes the mesh width of the Cartesian grid) then at each regular interior point an equation is given by regular interior point. R Fig. 3. A "cut-out" grid: the regular points are marked by circles, irregular points by crosses, and boundary points by squares. At each irregular interior point an equation is obtained by enforcing an interpolation condition. Specifically, at an irregular point we specify that the solution value is a linear combination of boundary values and solution values at other nearby points. For example, for an irregular interior point x i;j with a regular interior point x i\Gamma1;j one mesh width to its left, and a point on the boundary x R at a distance d R to its right (see Fig. 4), a second order Lagrange interpolating polynomial (linear interpolation) can be used to specify an equation at x i;j : x d x R R dW Fig. 4. Linear interpolation at an irregular interior point. an irregular interior point. If this linear interpolation procedure is used, and if the boundary and forcing functions are sufficiently smooth, then the solution of the discrete equations yields values of second order accuracy [26]. This discretization procedure produces a linear system of equations where ~x consists of the solution values at all interior grid points, and ~ b involves both the inhomogeneous forcing terms and the boundary values. Due to the interpolation used, the matrix A is usually nonsymmetric. 2.3. Automated Construction of Discrete Equations. As previously remarked, one benefit of using discretizations based upon cut-out grids is that their construction requires a minimal amount of information from the geometry; thus one can create programs which take geometric information output from rather modest drawing tools and automatically construct the required discretizations. The process we employed going from geometric information to the discretization is described by the functional diagram in Fig. 5. Drawing tool Text description of geometry Create software object representation "cut-out" grid Grid parameters Fig. 5. Functional depiction of discretization process. Key to this process is the introduction of an extra software layer between the drawing tool and the program to create the discretization. In particular, we take a text representation of the drawing and map this to a software representation in which each of the entities that makes up the geometric description is represented as a distinct software object. The program which creates the discretization uses only the functional interface associated with these software objects. Hence, the discretization can be constructed independently from any particular drawing tool output. (To accommodate output from different drawing tools we are just required to construct code which maps the geometric information to the software objects which represent it.) The class description, using OMT notation [22], associated with the geometric software objects is presented in Fig. 6. (While these classes were implemented as C++ classes, other languages which support class construction could be used). As indicated in Fig. 6, there is a base class GeometricEntity which is used to define a standard interface for all geometric entities. From this base class we derive classes which implement the base class functionality for each particular type of geometric entity. The types created were those which enabled a one-to-one mapping from typical drawing tool output to software objects. Since a "drawing", as output from a drawing tool, is typically a collection of geometric entities; a class CombinedGeometricEntity was created to manage collections of their software counterparts. double double double double double getXcoordinate(double double getYcoordinate(double double getParametricCoordinate(double& s, double x, double getUnitNormal(double s, double& n_x, double& n_y) getUnitTangent(double s double& t_x, double& t_y) interiorExteriorTest(double x , double getSegmentIntersection(double& s, double x_a, double y_a, double x_b, double GeometricEntity CircleEntity PolygonEntity RectangleEntity EllipseEntity Fig. 6. Description of classes used to store and access geometric information. In the program which creates the discretization, only functionality associated with the base class GeometricEntity is used. Thus, this program doesn't require modification if the set of derived classes (i.e. classes implementing particular geometric entity types) is changed or added to. The program will function with any new or changed entity as long as that entity is derived from the base class and implements the base class functionality. This class structure also enables the discretization program to use procedures optimized for particular types of geometric entities. (For example, the in- terior/exterior test for a circle is much more efficient than that for a general polygon.) This occurs because polymorphism is supported; when a base class method is invoked for a derived class, the derived class' implementation is used. The success of the intermediate software layer depends upon the functionality associated with the base classes. Ideally, the required functionality should be obtainable with a small number of methods which are easy to implement. (The restriction on the number of methods is desirable because each method must be implemented for all derived classes.) As indicated from the class description, the functionality required to construct "cut-out" grid discretizations and integral equation pre-conditioners can be implemented with a very modest set of methods. It is this latter fact that makes the use of "cut-out" grids attractive; complicated procedures are not required to incorporate geometric information into the construction of a grid and discretizations associated with such a grid. 2.4. Solution Procedure. The discrete equations (4-5) are solved using preconditioned simple iteration. As discussed in the next section, with appropriate preconditioner implementation, more sophisticated iterative procedures are not required. If P is used to denote the preconditioner, and ~r n j ~ b \Gamma A~x n represents the residual error of the nth iterate, then preconditioned simple iteration can be written as follows: The general form of the preconditioner (or approximate inverse) is the solution procedure (and its variants) described in [9, 14, 15, 17, 16, 21], coupled with a relaxation step to improve its efficiency. The procedure (without the relaxation step) begins by using a Fast Poisson solver to obtain function values that approximately satisfy the Poisson equation at regular interior points. These values do not satisfy the discrete equations at irregular interior points nor do they satisfy the boundary condition; therefore, we correct them by adding function values obtained from the solution of an integral equation. One challenge is to determine the appropriate integral equation problem to supply this correction. This task presents a challenge because we are mixing two types of discretization procedures, finite difference and integral equation discretizations. Additionally, since we are using the solution procedure as a preconditioner we wish to achieve reasonable results without using a highly accurate (and thus more costly) integral equation solution. The solution component which is obtained with the Fast Poisson solver is constructed to satisfy f(x i;j ); x i;j is a regular interior point The correction to u FPS that satisfies the correct boundary conditions is a solution of Laplace's equation with boundary conditions g IE \Deltau IE @\Omega lim x!xo x2\Omega u IE @\Omega (Note: the correction for the unbounded case is similar, see [17] for details.) This problem can be solved and evaluated at the regular interior points by using the integral equation approach of Appendix A. The approximate solution to the discrete Poisson problem is formed by combining the Fast Poisson solver solution with the integral correction terms. ~ Standard truncation error analysis reveals that if x i;j is a regular interior point: while if x i;j is an irregular interior point (for convenience we assume that the irregular point is like the one shown in Fig. 4. Alternate cases will have analogous error terms): ~ The solution procedure leads to a truncation error that is formally second fore, we expect that it will make a good preconditioner. However, since the accuracy at the irregular points depends on the magnitude of ~ u xx (x) (or ~ there is a dependence on the smoothness of u FPS (x). The smoothness of u FPS (x) depends on the discrete forcing values used in (8), and these forcing terms may not be smooth because the specified terms f(x i;j ) will be the residual errors of the iterative method (which can be highly oscillatory) and because the zero extension used may result in forcing values that are discontinuous across the boundary. To remedy this, we incorporate a relaxation scheme as part of the preconditioning step. A common feature of relaxation schemes is that they result in approximate solutions with smooth errors, even after only a few iterations. Therefore, we apply our approximate Poisson solver to the smooth error equation resulting from the relaxation step, and then combine these terms to form the approximate solution. That is, we first apply a few iterations of a relaxation scheme (point Jacobi). an interior point if (x i;j a regular interior point ) if (x i;j an irregular interior point ) After the relaxation step, we compute the residual error: If x i;j is a regular interior point and if x i;j is an irregular interior point Next, the Fast Poisson solver is applied where the forcing consists of the residual error of the relaxation iterate with zero extension. e(x i;j ); x i;j an interior point Then, the integral equation approach is used to solve the correcting Laplace problem. \Deltau IE lim x!xo x2\Omega u IE @\Omega Finally, the three terms are combined to form the approximate solution. ~ ~ A truncation error analysis shows that at regular interior points: ~ ~ while at irregular interior points (after making use of (14)) ~ ~ hd R+ (v 3 The combined solution procedure (13-19) comprises the preconditioner for the iterative solver. We expect that due to the smoother forcing values used in (17), u FPS will have smaller second derivatives; therefore, ~ ~ should satisfy the discrete equations better than ~ u, hence the addition of smoothing to the solution procedure should result in a better preconditioner. 3. Computational Results. The iterative procedure described above has been implemented, and in this section we evaluate its effectiveness on two bounded domains. For all domains and discretizations considered, we apply forcing values f(x; 6y 2 and boundary values g(x; Example 1: We first consider the domain (with smooth, C 2 boundary) depicted in Fig. 7. For an 80x80 grid, we use simple iteration to solve the discrete equations within a relative residual error of 10 \Gamma10 . We apply the integral equation preconditioner both with and without the relaxation step, and vary the number of boundary points used to solve the integral equation. The resulting iteration counts are given in Table 1. We observe that the addition of the relaxation step increases the effectiveness of the preconditioner (as expected), and that the number of iterations needed to achieve our tolerance is quite low (5-7 iterations for kA~x\Gamma ~ bk Furthermore, we see that the number of boundary points used in the integral equation step can be significantly reduced while maintaining the effectiveness of the preconditioner. This illustrates that integral equation preconditioning can be efficient since relatively few points are needed to solve the integral equation. Fig. 7. A domain with a smooth boundary. Example 2: Our second example compares the effectiveness of the preconditioner for two different iterative solvers (simple iteration and FGMRES [23]) and for different grid refinements. Starting with the same smooth domain (Fig. 7), we formulate the discrete equations for four grid refinements. In each case we solve the discrete equations up to a tolerance of 10 \Gamma10 . Both iterative solvers are preconditioned using the integral equation procedure with relaxation, and the results are listed in Table 2. We see that with this preconditioner, simple iteration is just as effective a solver as FGMRES, and this allows us to solve the discrete equations using less memory and fewer computations. This example also demonstrates that the convergence of the preconditioned iterative methods is independent of the grid refinement. This is expected since the preconditioner is based on a solution procedure for the underlying equation. Example 3: In this example, we test our method on a domain with corners (Fig. 8 ). This geometry represents the cross section of three traces in an integrated circuit chip with deposited layers and undercutting. In this situation, the Poisson solver can be used to extract electrical parameters such as the capacitance and inductance matrices. We formulate the discrete equations for a 40x40 grid, and apply the integral equation preconditioner with and without relaxation. Since we no longer have a C 2 boundary, we do not meet the smoothness assumptions that our preconditioner requires. In fact, for this problem in which sharp corners are present, the effectiveness of the integral equation solver as a preconditioner deteriorates. One finds an increase in the required number of iterations, an increase which is not reduced by improving the accuracy of the integral equation solution component. This problem occurs because of the large discrepancy which exists between integral equation solutions and finite difference solutions Table Iteration count: different boundary points used to solve integral equation, 80x80 grid (smooth boundary), and stopping criterion kA~x\Gamma ~ bk # of Preconditioner Boundary pts add relaxation no relaxation per object Table Iteration count: 80 boundary points(per object) used to solve integral equation, different grids (smooth boundary), and stopping criterion kA~x\Gamma ~ bk Iterative Method Grid simple iteration FGMRES for domains with corners. (The integral equation technique more rapidly captures the singularities of the solution). To remedy this, we fitted a periodic cubic spline to the boundary and passed this smoother boundary to the integral equation component. The results are presented in Table 3. With these adjustments, we see essentially the same behavior (few iterations and boundary points required) as for the smooth domain, and we conclude that integral equation preconditioning can be effective for domains with corners as well. Fig. 8. The cross section of three traces on an IC chip with depositing and undercutting. Table Iteration count: different boundary points used to solve integral equation, 40x40 grid (boundary with several corners), and stopping criterion kA~x\Gamma ~ bk # of Preconditioner Boundary pts add relaxation no relaxation per object 4. Conclusion. In this paper we've shown that integral equation solvers can be used as effective preconditioners for equations arising from spatial discretizations of Poisson's equation. In fact, they are so effective as preconditioners that simple iteration can be used; more sophisticated iterative procedures like GMRES [24] are not required. However, the difference in discretization procedures leads to large residuals near the boundaries; and we found that the addition of a relaxation step is an effective mechanism for alleviating this problem. Additionally, the use of a relaxation step allows one to coarsen the discretization of the integral equation without significantly increasing the number of iterations. Another aspect of this paper is the use of a "cut-out" grid discretization. We've found that with the addition of an intermediate software layer which exploits polymor- phism, the task of constructing the equations can be greatly simplified. Our construction method works particularly well with "cut-out" grid discretizations because only modest functionality of the intermediate software layer is required. The key primitive functions being a test if a point is inside or outside a given domain and the determination of the intersection point of a segment with an object boundary. Both aspects of this paper have applications to other equations; in particular their use in the context of solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is discussed in [12]. While we have concentrated on two dimensional problems, in principle, the ideas apply to three dimensional problems as well. Acknowledgment . The authors would like to thank Dr. Anita Mayo for her generous assistance with the rapid integral equation evaluation techniques used in this paper. A. Integral equation details:. The first step in constructing the solution of (18) is the formulation of an appropriate integral equation, and for this we use the results of [9, 19]. Given one bounding contour and M inner contours (where M?0), a solution is sought in the following form (here j is the outward pointing normal, as shown in Fig. Z @\Omega OE(y) @ (2- log We add M constraints to specify the M log coefficients: Z Applying the boundary conditions leads to a uniquely solvable integral equation [19].2 R @\Omega OE(y) @ log R The equations for the unbounded case (Fig. 2) are similar, see [9, 19] for details. The integral equation is solved numerically using the Nystr-om method [11, 20] (in engineering terms, this amounts to a collocation approach where delta functions are used to represent the unknown charge density OE). We discretize this integral equation using the Trapezoidal rule (because of it's simplicity and spectral accuracy when used with closed smooth contours). If we sample n k boundary points on the kth contour then the discretized integral can be written as a simple sum. (Here h i represents the average arclength of the two boundary intervals that have x k as an endpoint.) Z OE(y) @ (2- log @ (2- log Next, we enforce the integral equation at each of the sampled boundary points and apply the quadrature rule. When the integration point coincides with the evaluation point the kernel has a well defined limit. (Here -(x is the curvature of the contour at x lim x!xo @ (2- log These approximations reduce the integral equation (and constraints) to a finite dimensional matrix equation which can be solved for the log coefficients and the charge densities at the sampled boundary points. D con L con OE ~ A where ~ represents the discrete contribution of the double layer potentials, L cntr the effects of the log terms, D con holds the discrete density constraints, L con has the constraints on the log terms (a zero matrix for the case of a bounded domain), and I is the identity matrix. The linear systems (27) associated with the integral equation correction are solved using Gaussian elimination. This direct matrix solver was employed for simplicity of development and because, for the test problems, the total time of the Gaussian elimination procedure was a small fraction of the total computing time. (Hence, increasing it's efficiency would have little impact). For problems with a large number of sub-domains the operation count of direct Gaussian elimination is highly unfavorable and procedures such as the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) [6, 9, 10, 21] should be used. A.1. Evaluation of integral representation:. After solving for the charge densities and log coefficients, the function given by (22) must be evaluated at the nodes of a Cartesian "cut-out" grid. The simplest approach is to apply a quadrature method to (22) and evaluate the resulting finite sum; however, this procedure is computationally expensive since this sum must be evaluated for each interior grid point. One way of accelerating the evaluation process is to apply the FMM, which can be used to evaluate our integral representation at a collection of points in an asymptotically optimal way. However, because of the large asymptotic constant involved, using the FMM can still be fairly expensive. Therefore we choose to use a method [3, 14, 15, 16] that relies on a standard fast Poisson solver to do the bulk of the computations. As reported in [17], this approach is (in practice) faster than using the FMM. The key idea in this method is to construct a discrete forcing function and discrete boundary conditions so that the solution of provides the desired function values at the nodes of the rectangular Cartesian grid. (In our procedure we take R to be the rectangular domain used in the construction of the Cartesian "cut-out" grid.) Efficiency is obtained through the use of a Fast Poisson solver (e.g. we used HWSCRT from FISHPAK [1]) and the use of computationally inexpensive procedures to construct the requisite discrete boundary and forcing functions. The boundary values, g d ij , are obtained by applying the trapezoid rule to (22). This is computationally acceptable because it is only done for those points that lie on @R. (Multipole expansions can be used to make this computation more efficient.) For the construction of the forcing terms, f d , one notes that the Laplacian of the function (22) is identically zero (both log sources and double layer potentials are harmonic) away from the boundary, so the discrete Laplacian at points away from the boundary will be approximately zero. In particular, at the regular points a standard truncation error analysis yields the following result: xxxx yyyy xxxx yyyy If the fourth derivatives of the function are bounded, zero is a second order approximation to the discrete Laplacian. The function (22) is the sum of a double layer potential and isolated log sources. Under rather mild assumptions concerning the contours and charge densities, double layer potentials have bounded fourth derivatives and so one is justified in approximating the contribution to the discrete Laplacian from that component by zero. Therefore, the double layer potential contributions to the discrete Laplacian only have to be calculated at the irregular grid points. The log terms do not have globally bounded fourth derivatives, and the calculation of their contribution requires separate treatment (which will be discussed below). As discussed in [14], at irregular points the task of creating an accurate discrete Laplacian of a double layer potential requires accounting for jumps in the solution values which occur across the boundary of the domain. If the east, west, south, north, and center stencil points are denoted by x e respectively, we decompose the discrete Laplacian into four components. If none of the stencil arms intersect the boundary, then the standard error series analysis produces (30). At an irregular point, x i;j , the discrete Laplacian stencil will intersect the boundary along one or more of its stencil arms, and thus the exact Laplacian will not be an accurate approximation to the discrete Laplacian. In order to improve the approximation, a careful Taylor series analysis (one which accounts for the jump in solution values across the interface) is constructed to determine how to compensate for errors introduced by these jumps. Specifically, when considering a stencil arm that intersects the boundary, we will refer to the two grid points that comprise the stencil arm as x c and x nbr (where x c still refers to the center point, while x nbr will represent any of the four remaining stencil points will denote the axis direction along x c and x nbr (i.e. x for horizontal stencil arms, or y for vertical arms), and x represents the boundary intersection point (see Fig. 9). We introduce the notation [ to represent the x dW x nbr x * c Fig. 9. Generic description of a stencil arm intersecting the boundary. (here jump across the boundary from the side containing x nbr to the side containing x c (i.e. With this notation, the contributions of the boundary intersection to the discrete Laplacian at x c can be given as follows (the derivation follows from the procedure presented in [14]): This formula can be applied to all four stencil arms (with or When we substitute (32) into (31), we obtain a first order approximation to the discrete Laplacian given in terms of the jump values of the solution and the jumps in its first and second partial derivatives. For a double layer potential, these jump terms can be accurately computed directly from the charge density and its derivatives. Following the analysis presented in [14], we collect the needed jump equations. If we assume that the boundary is parameterized by a parameter s, then the boundary intersection point can be written as x and the charge density at that point as OE j OE(x (s)). Furthermore, we introduce another to represent the jump across the boundary from a point just outside the domain to a point just inside the domain (i.e. [u IE j(s)), points out of the domain). In this notation, the parameterized jump terms are given by the following formulas: x OE y OE x - y OE xx ]: In order to relate the [ definition (from exterior to interior) to the [ (from the neighbor side to the center side), we check to see whether the center point is interior or exterior to the domain. By using (32-34), we can approximately compute the discrete forcing terms at the irregular points without having to do any solution evaluations at all. This increases the speed of this approach since only local information is used (we avoid summing over all boundary points), and furthermore, this approach does not lose accuracy for grid points near the boundary (as direct summation approaches tend to). In the computation of the discrete Laplacian of the function component associated with log terms, there are no boundary intersections to interfere with the Taylor series analysis, and no jump terms are needed. However, the derivatives of log sources are unbounded as you approach the source point, so zero is not an accurate approximation to the discrete Laplacian for points near the log source. The discrete Laplacian is therefore explicitly computed for points which are within a radius of d / h 1=4 about the log source, and set to be zero outside of this radius. (For a point outside this radius, zero is a first order approximation to the discrete Laplacian) Therefore, for both the log terms and the double layer potential, we can approximate the discrete Laplacian at all grid points by only doing some local calculations near the boundary and the log sources. Once the discrete forcing terms f d and the boundary values g d i;j are known, a standard fast Poisson solver will rapidly produce the solution values at all of the Cartesian grid points. This approach produces a second order approximation to u IE (x i;j ). --R A cartesian grid projection method for the incompressible Euler equations in complex geometries. A method of local corrections for computing the velocity field due to a distribution of vortex blobs. An algorithm for the simulation of 2-D unsteady inviscid flows around arbitrarily moving and deforming bodies of arbitrary geometry An adaptive Cartesian mesh algorithm for the Euler equations in arbitrary geometries. A fast adaptive multipole algorithm for particle simulations. Berkungen zur fehlerabsch-atzung f?r das differenzenverfahren bein partiellen differ- entialgleichungen Laplace's equation and the Dirichlet- Neumann map in multiply connected domains A fast algorithm for particle simulations. Linear Integral Equations. Incompressible navier-stokes flow about multiple moving bodies Personal communication. The fast solution of Poisson's and the biharmonic equations on irregular regions. Fast high order accurate solution of Laplace's equation on irregular regions. The rapid evaluation of Volume A fast Poisson solver for complex geometries. 3D applications of a Cartesian grid Euler method. Integral Equations. Rapid solution of integral equations of classical potential theory. A flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algorithm GMRES: A generalized minimal residual algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. A second-order projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in arbitrary domains A Survey of Numerical Mathematics An adaptively refined Cartesian mesh solver for the Euler equations. --TR
poisson;integral equation;multiply connected;iterative;preconditioning
On-the-Fly Model Checking Under Fairness that Exploits Symmetry.
An on-the-fly algorithm for model checking under fairness is presented. The algorithm utilizes symmetry in the program to reduce the state space, and employs novel techniques that make the on-the-fly model checking feasible. The algorithm uses state symmetry and eliminates parallel edges in the reachability graph. Experimental results demonstrating dramatic reductions in both the running time and memory usage are presented.
Introduction The state explosion problem is one of the major bottlenecks in temporal logic model checking. Many techniques have been proposed in the literature [6, 5, 9, 8, 13, 11, 12, 16, 17] for combating this problem. Among these, symmetry based techniques have been proposed in [5, 9, 13]. In these methods the state space of a program is collapsed by identifying states that are equivalent under symmetry and model checking is performed on the reduced graph. Although the initial methods of [5, 9] could only handle a limited set of liveness properties, a more generalized approach for checking liveness properties under various notions of fairness has been proposed in [10]. This method, however, does not facilitate early termination, it supplies an answer only after the construction of all the required data structures is complete. Many traditional model checking algorithms ([3, 11, 12, 17]) use on-the-fly techniques to avoid storing the complete state space in the main memory. However, none of these techniques employ symmetry. [13] uses on-the-fly techniques together with symmetry for model checking. There the focus is on reasoning about a simple but basic type of correctness, i.e., safety properties expressible in the temporal logic CTL by an assertion of the form AG:error. In this paper, we present an on-the-fly model checking algorithm that checks for correctness under weak fairness and that exploits symmetry. computation is said * A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification held in Haifa, Israel in June 1997. The work presented in this paper is partially supported by the NSF grants CCR-9623229 and CCR-9633536 to be weakly fair if every process is either infinitely often disabled or is executed infinitely often). This work is an extension of the work presented in [10]. Here we develop additional theory leading to novel techniques that make the on-the- fly model-checking feasible. We not only exploit the symmetry between different states, but also take advantage of the symmetric structure of each individual state; this allows us to further reduce the size of the explored state space. The other major improvement is gained by breaking the sequential line of the algorithm. The original algorithm constructed three data structures (the reduced state space, the product graph and the threaded graph - details are given below) one after the other and performed a test on the last one. We eliminated the construction of the third data structure by maintaining some new dynamic information; the algorithm constructs parts of the first structure only when it is needed in the construction of the second; finally we store only the nodes in the second structure. This on-the-fly construction technique and up-to-date dynamic information maintenance facilitates early termination if the program does not satisfy the correctness specification and allows us to construct only the minimal necessary portion of the state space when the program satisfies the correctness specification. The on-the-fly model checking algorithm has been implemented and experimental results indicate substantial improvement in performance compared to the original method. The algorithm, given in [10], works as follows. It assumes that the system consists of a set I of processes that communicate through shared variables. Each variable is associated with a subset of I , called the index set, that denotes the set of processes that share the variable. Clearly, the index set of a local variable consists of a single process only. A state of the system is a mapping that associates appropriate values to the variables. A permutation - over the set I of processes, extends naturally to a permutation over the set of variables and to the states of the system. A permutation - is an automorphism of the system if the reachability graph of the system is invariant under - (more specifically, if s ! t is an edge in the reachability graph then -(s) ! -(t) is also an edge and vice versa). Two states are equivalent if there is an automorphism of the system that maps one to the other. Factoring with this equivalence relation compresses the reachable state space. The original method consists of three phases. First it constructs the reduced state space. Then it computes the product of the reduced state space and the finite state automaton that represents the set of incorrect computations. It explores the product graph checking for existence of "fair" and "final" strongly connected components; these components correspond to fair incorrect computations. Checking if a strongly connected component is fair boils down to checking if it is fair with respect to each individual process. This is done by taking the product of the component and the index set I . The result is called the threaded graph resolution of the component. A path in the threaded graph corresponds to a computation of the system with special attention to one designated process. Fairness of a strongly connected component in the product graph is checked by verifying that each of the strongly connected components of its threaded graph are fair with respect to the designated process of that component. Our on-the-fly algorithm has two layers: the reduced state space and the product graph construction. The successors of a node in the reduced state space are constructed only when the product graph construction requests it. The product graph construction is engined by a modified algorithm for computing strongly connected components (scc) using depth first search (see [2]). During the depth first search, with each vertex on the stack it maintains a partition vector of the process set I . The partition vector associated to a product state u captures information about the threaded graph of the strongly connected component of u in the already explored part of the product graph. Intuitively, if processes i and j are in the same partition class then it indicates that the nodes (u; i) and (u; are in the same scc of the threaded graph. This reveals that the infinite run of the system corresponding to the strongly connected component of u in the already explored part of the product graph is either fair with respect to both processes i and j or it is not fair with respect to any of the mentioned processes. The partition vectors are updated whenever a new node or an edge to an already constructed node is explored. The correctness of the above algorithm is based on new theory that we develop as part of this paper; this thoery connects the partition vectors of the algorithm with the strongly connected components of the threaded graph. A permutation - 2 AutM on processes is a state symmetry of a state s, if (state symmetry was originally introduced in [9]). Suppose that - maps process i to j. In that case, transitions ignited by process i are in one-to-one correspondence with those caused by process j. Hence, we can save space and computation time by considering only those that belong to process i. This is one of the forms state symmetry is exploited in our algorithm. Another way is the initialization of the partition vector with the state symmetry partition. If - maps process i to j then the threads corresponding to process i and j are certainly in the same situation: they are either both fair or none is fair. Our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains notation and preliminaries. In Sect. 3 we develop the necessary theory and present the on-the-fly algorithm. We describe various modifications of the algorithm that take state symmetry into consideration. Section 4 presents experimental results showing the effectiveness of our algorithm and dramatic improvements in time as well as memory usage. Section 5 contains concluding remarks. 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Programs, Processes, Global State Graph Let I be a set of process indices. We consider a system running in parallel. Each process K i is a set of transitions. We assume that all variables of P are indexed by a subset of I indicating which processes share the variable. A system P , that meets the above description, is called an indexed transition system (or briefly program). A global state of an indexed transition system is an assignment of values to the variables. We assume that each variable can take only a finite number of values. This assumption ensures that the number of global states of the system is also finite. We define an indexed graph M on the set of global states that captures the behavior of the program. The indexed global state graph is is the set of global states, s 0 is the initial state, and R ' S \Theta I \Theta S is the transition relation, i.e., s i there is a transition in process i that is enabled in state s and its execution leads to state t. 2.2. Strongly Connected Subgraphs and Weak Fairness Infinite paths in M starting from the initial state denote computations of P . An infinite path p in M is weakly fair if for each process i, either i is disabled infinitely often in p or it is executed infinitely often in p. Unless otherwise stated, we only consider weak fairness throughout the paper. The implementation, however, is capable of handling strong fairness. (An infinite execution of the program is strongly fair if every process that is enabled infinitely often is executed infinitely often.) A strongly connected subgraph of a graph is a set of nodes such that there is a path between every pair of nodes passing only through the nodes of the subgraph. A strongly connected component (scc for short) is a maximal strongly connected subgraph. The set of states that appear infinitely often in an infinite computation of a finite state program P forms a strongly connected subgraph of M . Many properties of infinite computations, such as fairness, are in one-to-one correspondence with properties of the associated strongly connected components of M . Therefore, all of our efforts will be directed towards finding an scc of M with certain properties. We can formulate weak fairness as a condition on scc's. Definition 1. An scc C of M is weakly fair if every process is either disabled in some state of C or executed in C. (Process i is disabled in state s if all of its transitions are disabled in s; process i is executed in C if there are states s; t in C such that s i For a given program P , we are interested in checking the absence of fair and incorrect computations. Here we assume that incorrectness is specified by a Buchi automaton A; the set of computations accepted by A is exactly the set of incorrect computations. The problem of checking whether the program P has any incorrect weakly fair computation can be decided by looking at the product graph B 0 of M and A. If B 0 has an scc whose A projection contains a final automaton state and whose M projection is weakly fair then P has a weakly fair incorrect computation. Here it is sufficient if we construct the product of the reachable part of M and A. 2.3. Annotated Quotient Structure The previously suggested method, i.e., of analyzing the reachable part of M , can be very expensive since, for many systems, the reachable part of M is huge. For systems that exhibit a high degree of symmetry, the state space can be reduced by identifying states that are equivalent under symmetry and by constructing the quotient structure as given below. Denote the set of all permutations on I by Sym I , let - 2 Sym I . - induces an action on the set of variables and on the set of global states in the following way. For every variable v , its image under - is -(v course, may not be a variable of the program. We say that - respects the set of variables if the image of every variable is a variable of the program. Assume that - has that property. The image of a global state s under - is defined to be the global state -(s) that satisfies that the value of in s is the same as the value of -(v in -(s) for every variable v of the program. We say that - is an automorphism of the indexed global state graph M if - respects the exactly when -(s) -(i) R. The set of automorphisms of M is denoted by AutM . Certainly, AutM is a subgroup of Sym I . Given any subgroup G of AutM , we can define an equivalence relation on S. State s is equivalent to t if there is a - 2 G such that t. Using G, M can be compressed to a smaller structure called the annotated quotient structure (AQS) for M , as follows. ffl S is a set of representative states that contains exactly one state from each equivalence class of S=G, in particular, it contains s 0 itself from s 0 's class. ffl R is a set of triples s -;i \Gamma! t denoting edges between representative states annotated with permutations from G and with process indices. To define R formally, with each state t 2 S, we define t rep to be the unique representative state of the equivalence class of t; with each such t, we also associate a canonical permutation - t 2 G such that Rg. Remark. In many cases it is useful to allow multiple initial states to capture nondeterminism of the program. In [10] M is defined to have a set S 0 of initial states and it is required that for every automorphism - and s concept of multiple initial state can be simulated in our system by introducing a new, fully symmetric initial state s 0 and for every s 2 S 0 and i 2 I an edge s 0 2.4. Checking for Fairness and the Threaded Graph We briefly outline the approach taken in [10] for checking if a given concurrent program P exhibits a fair computation that is accepted by an automaton A. Assume that the automaton A refers to variables whose index set involve processes specifies a property of the executions of these processes only. These processes are called global tracked processes. If we traverse in the compressed M these global tracked processes are represented by different sets in each state of the path. Formally, the local tracked processes in a state t after passing through the path p are - is the product of the permutations found on the edges of p. For example, if the first edge of the path is s 0 \Gamma! t then, since t is only a representative of the real successor state, the global tracked processes are represented by the processes - t. After some steps in the path we may return to state t again but at that time we encounter a different set of local tracked processes. This property makes M not feasible for model checking purposes. M is too compact, we need a less compressed version of M where the set of local tracked processes in a given state t does not depend on the path that lead to t from the initial state. We need to unwind M partially; the threaded graph construction captures this unwinding. be any graph whose edges are labeled with permutations of a set I , and possibly with other marks. The k-threaded graph H k-thr corresponding to H is hV \Theta I k consists of edges of the form (s; \Gamma! k. Note that if H has labels on its edges (denoted by - in the previous line) other than the permutations of a I then H k-thr inherits them. The 1-threaded graph corresponding to H is denoted by H thr . The second component in a state (s; i) of H thr is called the designated process. The following simple example depicts these concepts. Here, and throughout the paper, id denotes the identity permutation, - ij the transposition that interchanges i and j. Graph H A Graph H thr (edge labels are not indicated) @ @ @ @I 6 @ @ @ @R \Gamma\Psi Figure 1. The threaded graph construction The original algorithm first constructs the annotated quotient structure M corresponding to P . In the second step, a product graph \Theta A is constructed. Each state of this product graph is of the form (s; is an edge of B 0 if (s; \Gamma! is an edge of M k-thr and the automaton A has a transition from state a to a 0 on the input consisting of the program state obtained by simultaneously replacing index c l by i l for each l 2 k. In the third step the product graph B 0 is checked for existence of fair strongly connected components (these are called subtly fair sccs in [10]). This checking is done by constructing the threaded graph resolution of every scc of B 0 . Every scc of the threaded graph is checked if it is fair with respect to the designated process. In Sect. 3 below we show that, using techniques based on new and deeper theoretical results, the above method can be considerably enhanced. OEAE "! #/ iii rii rrr OEAE oe id; 1id\Gamma \Gamma\Psi cri \Gamma\Psi crrid6 \Gamma\Psi Figure 2. The AQS M for the simplified Resource Controller StartingState A0; FinalState True oe STATE[1] != C OEAE ae- oe True Figure 3. The automata A 2.5. The Simplified Resource Controller Example To illuminate our general concepts we present the instructive example of the simplified Resource Controller. The program consists of a server and 3 client processes running in parallel. Each client is either in idle (i), request (r) or critical (c) state. The variable STATE[c] indicates the status of client c ( 3). Clients can freely move between idle and request state. The server may grant the resource to a client by moving it to critical state, provided that that client is in request state and no client is in critical state yet. For this simple example, M has 20 states (all combinations of values i, r and c except those that contain more than one c.) As a contrast, M has only 7 states. (as illustrated in Fig. 2.) The initial state is the one marked with iii in the lower left side of the figure. All three process are in idle (i) state. Any of them can move to request state (r), hence it has three successors in the state space: rii, iri and iir. All of these states are equivalent, we chose rii to be the representative of them. The three edges departing from iii correspond to the three enabled transitions. Edge iii -01 ;1 \Gamma! rii for example indicates that process 1 has an enabled transition and the execution of that transition leads to state - \Gamma1 Similarly, state rri represents 3 states: itself, rir and irr. Suppose that we want to check the (obviously false) property that Client 1 never gets to critical state. The negation of that property can be captured by the automaton given in Figure 3; this automaton states that Client 1 eventually gets to a critical state. The global tracked process is 1. The product graph B 0 has states. A depth first search on B 0 reveals that it has a strongly connected subgraph that is weakly fair and contains a final automaton state. 3. Utilizing State Symmetry The original algorithm, briefly described in subsection 2.4, constructed B together with the threaded graph B thr 0 . This method can be improved by applying the following three new ideas. In constructing M k-thr our goal was to define a less compressed version of M with the property that if we visit a state t multiple times by an infinite path then we encounter the same set of local tracked processes. In that sense, we can link the set of local tracked processes to that state. The k-threaded graph unwinding of M was not the optimal solution. We can define an equivalence relation on M \Theta I k that usually results in greater compression: M \Theta I k still has the desired property, and it is smaller than M k-thr in cases where the program exhibits some symmetry. (It is possible for two states (s; to be equivalent and be represented by a single state in M \Theta I k .) The second improvement is the application of an on-the-fly algorithm. Here we incrementally construct B and simultaneously explore it. By this exploration we analyze the threaded graphs without constructing them. If the partially explored B contains a required subgraph then the algorithm immediately exits saving further computation time. Because of the on-the-fly nature of the algorithm, we do not need to store the complete B. Specifically, no edges need to be stored. Finally, the third idea is to use the symmetry of a single global state. Using state symmetry we can reduce the number of edges by eliminating the redundant parallel ones. Such redundant parallel edges can be removed from M also. This results in further reduction in memory usage. For keeping the presentation simple, we assume that we are tracking only one process. Doing so, we do not loose generality. All the results, that are presented below, apply (with the obvious modifications) to the case with many tracked pro- cesses. In the actual implementation of the algorithm given below, we used the general case. 3.1. Compressing M \Theta I In Subsect. 2.3 we defined an equivalence relation on S. Now, we extend it to S \Theta I as follows. We say that are equivalent if there is a permutation - 2 G such that Obviously, this equivalence relation partitions the set S \Theta I into a set of equivalence classes. Let S aqsi be a set of representative states that contains exactly one state from each equivalence class. To ensure that S aqsi and S are closely related we adopt the convention that (s; i) 2 S aqsi implies s 2 S, that is, S aqsi ' S \Theta I . This containment may be strict as it is possible for two states of the form (s; i) and (s; j) to be equivalent. The annotated quotient structure of M with a tracked index (AQSI) is \Gamma! (t; (i)g. In a state (s; i), i is the local tracked process. Note that the indicated initial state s 0 is formaly not an element of the set of states S aqsi , no specific tracked process is assigned with it. This seemingly unnatural definition was adopted because we did not want to encorporate information on the automaton A into the definition of M \Theta I . \Theta I can be considerably smaller than M thr . In the best case, we may achieve a reduction in the number of nodes and number of edges by a factor of n and n 2 , respectively. (Here, n is the size of I.) In our simplified Resource Controller example M thr has 7 states. To calculate the size of S aqsi note first that in state iii all 3 processes are in the same local state, hence (iii, 0), (iii, 1) and (iii, 2) are equivalent in M \Theta I so only one of them needs to be included in S aqsi . Similarly, only one of (rrr, 0), (rrr, 1) and (rrr, 2) is in S aqsi . If s is any of rii, rri, crr or iic then two of (s; 0), (s; 1) and (s; 2) are equivalent, hence only two need to be stored in S aqsi . Finally, in the case of s = cri all processes are in different local state, therefore, all (s; 0), (s; 1) and (s; 2) should be in S aqsi . This counting shows that S aqsi contains only 13 representative states. Let B be the product of M \Theta I and A. Formally, 0 with the property that (s; i 0 0 ) is the representative of . Recall that i 0 is the process being tracked by the automaton A. R pr consists of edges (s; i; a) -;l \Gamma! (t; j; a 0 ) such that (s; i) and (t; are in S aqsi , (s; i) -;l \Gamma! (t; and the automaton A moves from state a to a 0 on the input gained from s after replacing all occurrences of index i with i 0 . Definition 2. Let C be an scc of B. An scc D of C thr is weakly fair if there is a state (u; k) in D such that process k is disabled in u or D has an edge of type Using slightly modified versions of arguments found in [10] we deduce that B contains all the information needed to decide if the program P satisfies the complement of the property given by A. This is stated in the following theorem which can be proved exactly on the same lines as theorem 3.3 and lemma 3.8 of [10] by using our new definition of B. Theorem 1 P satisfies the complement of the property defined by A if and only if there is no scc C of B such that C contains a final automaton state and every scc of C thr is weakly fair. 4. On-the-Fly Model Checking The main contribution of the present paper lies in showing that we can search for an scc of B without requiring the complete B to be previously constructed. B can be explored while we are constructing it in an on-the-fly manner. As it was mentioned earlier, B is constructed to be the product of M \Theta I and A. One of the first improvements is that we do not construct M \Theta I but only the smaller M . By the construction of B we implicitly create M \Theta I and store it as part B. This is based on the observation that, after a careful choice of representative states, M \Theta I is a threaded graph resolution of M . By the construction, each of the nodes of the threaded graph are checked for equivalence against all the nodes stored already (implicitely, as part of B). The new node is stored only if it is the first one in its equivalence class. This is done in command 6 of the algorithm presented below. In our implementation we can control the way M is constructed. In the default (and most efficient) case the successors of an M state together with the edges leading to them are created (stored) when they are first needed in the construction of B. If we want to avoid storing the edges of M we can use the second option that recreates them temporarily each time when a B state construction requires it. As a third possible option, the implementation allows us to construct M in advance. This can be usefull when the program is tested against multiple correctness properties. The second component, used by the construction of B, is the automaton A representing the correctness property. As A is small in size compared to other data structures involved, its construction in an on-the-fly manner is not motivated. After these general introductory lines, let us turn to presenting the actual al- gorithm. As explained earlier, our on-the-fly model-checking algorithm explores simultaneously as it constructs it. During this process, in order to analyze the threaded graph without explicitly constructing it, we maintain a partition of I with each B node on the stack. This partition indicates which processes are known to be in the same strongly connected component of the threaded graph. 4.1. Partitions First, we would like to adopt the following conventions concerning partitions. We identify equivalence relations and the corresponding partitions on a given set. In that sense, we say that a partition contains another partition if the equivalence relation corresponding to the first partition is a superset of the equivalence relation corresponding to the second partition. The join of two partitions is the smallest partition containing both. The following two lemmas prove some important properties of sccs in B. C be an scc in B. Then the following properties hold. ffl If are nodes in C and there is a path from (r; i) to (r thr then there is a path from (r 0 ; j) to (r; i) as well. ffl The sccs in C thr are disjoint, i.e., no two distinct sccs are connected by a path in C thr . Proof: The first part of the lemma is proved as follows. Assume that are nodes in C and there is a path from (r; i) to (r 0 ; in C thr . This means that there exists a path p from r to r 0 in C such that is the product of all the permutations on the path p. Since C is an scc, there exists a path p 0 from r 0 to r in C. Let - 0 be the product of the permutations on p 0 . There exists an n ? 0 such that (- is the identity permutation. Now, consider the path (p This path creates a cycle in C thr starting from (r; i) back to passing through (r obviously, this cycle contains a path from (r 0 ; to (r; i). The second part of the lemma follows trivially from the first part. a) be a state in B and C be the scc of B that contains r. We define the equivalence relation - r on I as follows: are in the same component of C thr . It is easy to see that a class of the partition - r identifies a unique component of thr , and every component of C thr is identified by a class of - r . Thus, we will use these partitions to represent the sccs of C thr . A class of - r is called weakly fair if the corresponding scc of C thr is weakly fair. Note that the tracked process l in r always forms a class of size 1. Suppose that if r and r 0 are nodes in the same scc in B. The partitions of - r and are not equal in most cases, but fortunately one can be obtained from the other by a permutation belonging to G. This problem motivates the use of a common referential base. A possible nominee for this is the initial state s pr of B. Assume that we have explored B in a depth first manner starting from the initial state, until all reachable states have been visited. Let T be the resulting depth first spanning tree. Now, for each state u 2 B, let - u denote the product of the permutations on the unique s pr ! u path in T . Now, for each state r in B, we define an equivalence relation - r on I as follows. r r are nodes in the same scc C of B then - Proof: To prove the lemma, it is enough if we show that, for every implies vice versa. We show this by proving that, for every i, r and (r are in the same scc in C thr . This will automatically imply the following: for every i and j, if i - r j, i.e., there is a path in C thr from r to r (j)), then there is also a path from (r r 0 (j)) and hence To show that r (i)) and (r are in the same scc in C thr , we take the following approach. Let u be the root of the scc C, i.e., u is the first node in C that was visited during the depth-first search that induced the forest F . Let T be the tree in F that contains u and r, and let the initial state s pr be the root of T . It can be shown that the unique path in T from s pr to r passes through u (see [7]). Hence, there exists a path in C thr from (u; - \Gamma1 (i)) to r (i)). Hence, by Lemma 1, we see that these two nodes are in the same scc in C thr . By a similar argument, we see that are in the same scc. This shows that r are in the same scc. Intuitively, indicates that the threads of (s pr ; i) and (s pr ; enter the same scc of the threaded graph after they passed r. To illustrate these concepts consider the subgraph of the simplified Resource Controller example depicted in Figure 4 below. The tree edges are denoted by boldface arrows. OEAE s pr OEAE OEAE OEAE \Gamma\Psi Figure 4. A strongly connected subgraph of the product graph B The nodes strongly connected subgraph. In u 1 we have is an immediate successor of both in the threaded graph. Hence, - u1 is 0 12 . Similarly, - u2 is 0 12 , but - u3 is 1 02 . Using that - Returning to the general argument, we show how to compute - r by exploring using depth first search. For each edge \Gamma! v in B, let - e denote the permutation - u . Note that if e is an edge of T then - e is the identity permutation. The permutation - e satisfies the following property. e is an edge in the scc C containing r, then - e Proof: Since T is a depth first search tree, it enters an scc of the graph in a unique vertex. According to Lemma 2, - in the same scc, therefore, we may assume that r is the root of the scc that contains e. Hence, there are paths p 1 and p 2 on T from r to both endpoints u; v of e. Let - be the products of all the permutations on the paths p 1 and p 2 respectively. It should be easy to see that r r Now, to demonstrate that i - r j, it is enough if we show that there is a path in C thr from r (j)) to r (i)). By substituting - u (i) for j and replacing - \Gamma1 r r (i). Let - 00 denote the permutation r Hence - \Gamma1 r r (i). Since r and v are in the same scc, there exists a path p 0 from v to now, the path cycle and there exists an n ? 0 such that (p 2 is also a cycle and the product of all the permutations on this cycle is the identity permutation. This big cycle can be written as 2 is the path it should be obvious that the product of all the permutations on p 0 . Finally, consider the cycle 2 in C. The product of all permutations on this cycle equals - 1 2 , which is - 00 . This cycle creates a path in C thr from r (i)) to r (i)). r r (i), it follows that there is a path in C thr from r (j)) to r (i)). Let ae be a permutation on I . We define the orbit relation of ae to be the reflexive, transitive closure of the binary relation Ig. Obviously, the orbit relation of ae is an equivalence relation; we define the orbit partition of ae to be the partition induced by the orbit relation of ae. Now Proposition 1 can be reformulated as: If e is an edge in the scc of r, then the orbit partition of - e is smaller than or equal to (i.e. a subset of) - r . The following stronger result characterizes - r . Theorem 2 - r is the join of all orbit partitions of - e , where e ranges over the edges of the strongly connected component of r, i.e. it is the smallest equivalence relation containing the orbit relation - e , for each edge e in the scc containing r. Proof: We need to show that i - r j implies that there are processes and edges e in the scc of r such that - ek (i k+1 and This would indicate that (i k ; i k+1 ) is in the orbit relation of - ek ; hence, (i; j) is in the smallest equivalence relation containing the orbit relations of all the edges in the scc. The relationship r r (j). Therefore, r (i)) and r (j)) are in the same scc of the threaded graph. Let r r (j)) be a path that connects them. Take i k to be - rk (l k ). Certainly, be the permutation labeling the edge e k (note that - 0 is different from - ek ). Now we have - ek (i k+1 (i (i k+1 ), we get - ek (i k+1 (l Substituting l (l (from the definition of the threaded graph), we get This completes the proof. In our illustrating example in Figure 4 we can compute - e for the 4 edges in the component g. e \Gamma! \Gamma! u 3 are tree edges so \Gamma! u 1 we find that - In a similar way, we compute for e \Gamma! u 2 that u2 . The orbit partition of - while that of - e4 is 1 02 . The join of these partitions is 1 02 that coincides with The next theorem follows immediately from Definition 2 and is a necessary and sufficient condition for checking if a class of - r is weakly fair. Let C be the scc of r in B. Theorem 3 A class K of the partition - r is weakly fair if and only if there is an (i) is disabled in u or it is executed (that is, there is an edge \Gamma! v in C). We have gathered together all the necessary tools to present the on-the-fly algorithm 4.2. The Algorithm Our algorithm is a modification of the strongly connected component computation using depth first search presented e.g. in [2]. For each vertex a) of the product graph B, we maintain the following information. ffl u:dfnum is a unique id (or depth first number) of the node, used for the strongly connected component computation.q ffl u:lowlink is the id of a reachable node lower than u itself. ffl u:onstack is a flag indicating that u is still on stack. ffl u:perm is the vector - u as defined in the previous subsection. ffl u:partition is an approximation of - u . ffl u:status is a vector of flags that indicate which partition classes are known to be weakly fair. ffl u:final is a flag that indicates if u is in an scc that contains a final automaton state. This information is propagated down on the depth first tree. The variables u:dfnum, u:lowlink and u:onstack are maintained as in the algorithm given in [2]. u:perm is set when u is created, while u:partition, u:status and u:final are updated every time an edge to a successor state of u is explored. On-tye-fly Model Checking M1. Set the depth-first-counter to zero. M2. Set (the initial state of B). Set u:perm to be the identity permutation. Conduct DF-Search(u). M3. Exit with a No answer. DF-Search(u) (Note that 1. Push u on to the stack, set u:onstack. Set u:dfnum and u:lowlink to the depth-first-counter. Increase the depth-first-counter. 2. Initialize u:partition to be the identity partition. 3. Initialize u:status with the information on disabled processes stored in the AQS state s. u:final if a is a final automaton state. 4. (Idle command. Later modification will use it.) 5. For each AQS edge \Gamma! t do 7. For each automaton transition a!a 0 that is enabled in s do 8. 9. If v is already constructed and v:onstack is set then do 10. Compute the join of u:partition and the orbit partition of - e and store it in u:partition. Update u:status using that process i was executed. Set u:lowlink to the minimum of u:lowlink and v:lowlink. 11. If v is not constructed yet then do 12. 13. Conduct DF-Search(v). 14. If v:onstack is still set then do 15. Compute the join of u:partition and v:partition and store it in u:partition. Combine v:status to u:status. Update u:status using that process i was executed. Set u:lowlink to the minimum of u:lowlink and v:lowlink. u:final if v:final is set. 16. If all the partition classes are weakly fair (use u:status) and u:final is set then exit with Yes answer. 17. If u:dfnum = u:lowlink then do 18. Pop all elements above u (inclusive) from the stack and mark the popped vertices off-stack. In command M2, we construct the initial state of B and invoke DF-search on this vertex. In DF-search, the algorithm may exit with a Yes answer if a fair and final scc is discovered. If none of the recursively called invocations of DF-search exit with a Yes answer, the algorithm outputs a No answer and exits in command M3. DF-search works as follows. Commands 1-3 initialize variables appropriately. The two "for" loops in commands 5 and 7 generate the successors of the B state u. In command 6, we invoke the routine FindEquiv to find the equivalent representative of (t; - \Gamma1 (l)) in S aqsi . The returned (l 0 ; ae) has the property that (t; - \Gamma1 (l)) and (t; l 0 ) are equivalent under the permutation ae and the later belongs to S aqsi . This equivalence test becomes very easy if we store the state symmetry partition of the underlying M state t. For definition and details consult Subsect. 4.4 below. (It is to be noted that we need this equivalence checking since we are constructing B to be the product of M \Theta I and the automaton A, and we are doing this using M and A. However, if we want to construct B to be M \Theta I \Theta A, as in [10], then we do not need this equivalence checking, and in this case we may have more states in the resulting B. For this, command 6 needs to be changed to set l 0 to - \Gamma1 (l) and to set ae to the identity permutation.) In command 9, we check if u ! v is a non-tree edge and u, v are in the same scc; this is accomplished by testing that v has already been constructed (i.e. visited) and v is still on stack. If the test is passed, the orbit partition of - e is joined with u:partition and the result is stored in u:partition. Commands 12 through 15 are executed if the edge is a tree edge, i.e., v is constructed (and hence visited) for the first time. In command 12, v:perm is set; in command 13, DF-search is invoked on v. If v and u are in the same scc (indicated by the condition in command 14) then the partitions are joined, u:status is updated and other updates are carried out. After processing the edge u ! v, in command 16, we check if the partially explored scc containing u is weakly fair and has a final state; if so the algorithm exits with a Yes answer indicating a fair computation accepted by the automaton A is found. In command 18, after detecting the scc, we pop all the states of the scc from the stack. Theorem 4 The algorithm described above outputs Yes if and only if the original program has a weakly fair computation that is accepted by A. Proof: The proof relies on the theory developed in Subsect. 4.1 and on the correctness of the strongly connected component algorithm of [2]. Suppose that the algorithm halts with a Yes answer. At termination the stack contains a strongly connected subgraph of the product graph. That subgraph is weakly fair with respect to all processes because u:partition's classes are all weakly fair and u:partition is an approximation of (it is smaller than) - u yielding that - u is weakly fair itself. This subgraph defines a fair run of the program that is accepted by the automaton. If the program terminates with a No answer then it explored the entire B graph and found that none of the strongly connected components are satisfactory (they either lack a final automaton state or are not fair with respect to one of the processes). Hence, the original program had no fair run that is accepted by the automaton. To analyze to complexity of the algorithm, we use the following notation. If K is a graph or an automaton, then jKj denotes the number of nodes and E(K) the number of edges or transitions. Execution of commands M1, M2 and M3 together takes O(jI time. Commands 1-4, 12-15, 17 and are executed once for each node. The number of B nodes is at most jM \Theta I j \Delta jAj and a single execution of the above listed commands takes O(jI time. Thus these commands contribute O(jM \Theta I j \Delta jAj \Delta jI j) to the over all complexity. Now consider the execution of the commands 8-11 and 16. Every time these commands are executed, the triple (e; l; a ! a 0 ) has a different value. Hence these commands are executed no more than E(M) times. Each execution of commands 8 and 16 takes O(jI time. We have implemented an algorithm for joining the two partitions mentioned in command 10; this algorithm uses graph data structures and has complexity O(jI j). Commands 9 and 11 require checking if the node v has already been constructed. In our implementation, with each M state s, we maintain a linked list of all B states whose first component is s; obviously, the length of this list is at most jI j \Delta jAj and searching this list takes O(jI j \Delta jAj). Thus, we see that execution of commands 8-11 and to the over all complexity. Finally consider command 6. Each time it is executed, the triple (e; l; a) has a different value. Hence, the number of times it is executed is bounded by E(M) \Delta jI j \Delta jAj. Thus command 6 contributes O(E(M ) to the over all complexity, where x denotes the complexity of a single execution of command 6. From the above analysis, we see that the over all complexity of the algorithm is Note that, in the most general case, checking for state symmetry in command 6 can have exponential complexity, and hence the value of x can be exponential. However, in our implementation we only checked for restricted forms of symmetries, namely for those symmetries that swap two processes, and we also used the state symmetry partitions generated during the construction of M (see next subsections). This implementation has complexity O(jI j). Hence, for this implementation, the over all complexity of the algorithm is O(E(M) \Delta jI It is to be noted that if we do not invoke the equivalence check in command 6, as explained earlier, then we will be constructing B as M \Theta I \Theta A, and exploring it. In this case the over all complexity will also be O(E(M 4.3. State Symmetry in B, Partition Initialization, Parallel Edges This subsection is devoted to showing that the equivalence relation - u (defined in Subsect. 4.1, computed in u:partition) can be computed more efficiently than presented in the basic algorithm. Improvements can be achieved by sophisticated initialization of - u and by considering only a portion of the edges in command 5. Let a) be a vertex of the product graph B. Processes i and j are called u-equivalent, denoted by i - u j, if there is a permutation ae 2 G such that and - u is called the local state symmetry partition at u. Intuitively, shows that processes i and j are interchangeable in state u. Let u -;l be an edge of B. Then u aeffi-;ae(l) \Gamma! v is also an edge yielding that (v; - \Gamma1 (i)) is a successor of both nodes (u; i) and (u; j) in the threaded graph B thr . From lemma 4, it follows that (u; i) and (u; are in the same scc of B thr . Hence, i - u j. This proves the next lemma. Lemma 3 The partition - u is smaller than - u for every state u of the product graph B. This fact allows an improvement to the algorithm. First we need to project - u to the common referential base. We define (j). Command 2 in DF-Search can be changed to Initialize u:partition to be - u . Now we describe how state symmetry can be used to remove parallel edges. Let \Gamma! v and e \Gamma! v be edges in B. We say that e and e 0 are parallel if there is a permutation ae 2 G such that Surely, being parallel is an equivalence relation on the edges. Let R r pr be a set of representative edges that contains at least one edge from each parallel class. When the partitions are initialized as presented in command 2 0 , the orbit partition of - e 0 does not give any new information after the orbit partition of - e has been considered. It is reflected in the next lemma. Lemma 4 If r is in an scc of B then - r is the smallest partition that contains - v (the initial value of v:partition) for every v in the scc of r as well as the orbit partition of - e for every edge e 2 R r pr . Proof: Let \Gamma! v be an edge of the scc of r whose representative is \Gamma! v in R r pr . Suppose - e We show that (i; j) is contained in the join of the orbit partition of - e 0 and - u . Using the definition of - e , we have is the identity permutation. Let (i). Now - e 0 The later implies ae (j). Hence - \Gamma1 (l) giving l - u j. Summing up, - e implies that there is an l such that (i; l) is in the orbit partition of e 0 while (l; j) is in - u . Therefore, the orbit partition of e is contained in the join of - u and the orbit partition of e 0 . This proves that the smallest partition that contains - v for every v in the scc of r as well as the orbit partition of - e for every edge e 2 R r pr actually contains the orbit partition of all edges in the scc of r. Using Theorem 2 we conclude that it contains - r as well. The other direction follows from Proposition 1 and Lemma 3. These ideas can be applied as follows. From each class of - u pick a representative process and call it the leader of that class. Put R r l is a leaderg. Since every edge is parallel to one that was caused by a leader pro- cess, this R r pr is a satisfactory set of representative edges. We introduce the new vector u:leader of flags. The next improvement in the algorithm is the introduction of command 4 and the modification of command 5. 4. Initialize u:leader. 5'. For each AQS edge \Gamma! v if u:leader[i] is set do 4.4. State Symmetry in M In this subsection, we show how state symmetry can also be used to reduce the number of edges of M that are generated and stored. Let - be a state symmetry of s, i.e., \Gamma! t is an edge of M , then s -ffi-(j) \Gamma! t is also an edge of M . This simple observation shows that we need not store both s -;j \Gamma! t and \Gamma! t provided that - can be efficiently computed for s. The above idea is employed by first introducing, for each AQS state s, an equivalence (called state equivalence) relation among process indices defined as follows. there is a - 2 G with Note that in Subsect. 4.3 we introduced local state symmetry partition for B states; the local state symmetry partition of a B state a) is denoted by - u . (Note that the subscript distinguishes the two notations.) We recall that i there is a - 2 G with j. Observe that i Therefore, the local state symmetry partition for a B state is usually smaller than the state equivalence relation of the underlying M state. This is caused by the fact that a state symmetry permutation of a B state fixes not only the underlying M state but the tracked processes as well. Nevertheless, having - s in hand, - u can be easily computed. Unfortunately, the problem of computing - s can be a difficult task since it is equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem. (With any given graph H , we can associate a program P and a state s of P in a straightforward way. P has as many processes as many nodes H has; for each pair of processes v; w, P has a variable a[v; w] indexed by v and w; a[v; w] takes value 1 if v ! w is an edge of H , otherwise it is 0. Now v exactly when H has an automorphism that maps node v to That later problem is equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem.) In many important special cases the symmetry detection can be performed efficiently. In general, however, only approximating solutions are available. Let s -;j \Gamma! t be an edge of M , \Gamma! t is an edge as well. This simple observation shows that we need not store both s -;j \Gamma! t and s -ffi-(j) provided that - can be efficiently computed for s. We are ready to present the last improvement to our algorithm. In the construction of M (not shown in the algorithm) we do the following modifications. When a new node s is created, we compute - s . A vector s:repr is defined such that, for every index j, it points to a representative of the s -class of j. By the construction of the edges of M , we store only those edges that are caused by a representative process. (So s -;j \Gamma! t is stored if In our original algorithm commands 5', 12 should be changed to 5'' and 12' below, respectively. 5 00 . For each stored AQS edge \Gamma! t and each process i with and u:leader[i] is set, compute some - 2 G with then do As it has been pointed out earlier, in general, computing - s is computationally hard. However, we have implemented a method where we only look for state sym- metries, i.e. permutations, which only interchange two process indices; computing all such symmetries and the corresponding equivalence relation - s can be done ef- ficiently. The same approach is employed in computing the state symmetries in B. Also note that in step 5" of the algorithm, it is enough if we find one permutation - satisfying the given property; we do not have to compute all such permutations. Since, for the case of state symmetry, we are restricting the class of permutations to be those that only interchange two process indices, step 5" can also be implemented efficiently. Concluding this section, we illustrate the concept of state symmetry and redundant edges by showing M of our simplified Resource Controller after deleting all redundant edges. OEAE iii- rii OEAE oe id; 1id\Gamma \Gamma\Psi \Gamma\Psi \Gamma\Psi Figure 5. The AQS M without redundant edges Consider Figure 5. The top row in each circle shows the local states of the three processes while the bottom row lists the representative processes. The compressed M has 16 edges while the original had 27. 5. Implementation We have developed a prototype of the on-the-fly model checker implementing the above presented algorithm. We have used efficient approximation techniques to check equivalence of two states when generating the AQS and also in the main algorithm where we had to check for equivalence of B states. For the case of complete symmetries, as in the Resource Controller and Readers/Writers examples, this approximation algorithm will indicate two states to be equivalent whenever they are equivalent. For other types of symmetry, these approximation methods may sometime indicate two states to be inequivalent although they are equivalent. In such cases, we may not get maximum possible reduction in the size of the state space; however, our algorithm will still correctly indicate if the concurrent system satisfies the correctness specification or not. We used the implemented system to check for the correctness of the Resource Controller example, the Readers Writers example, and the Ethernet Protocol with various number of users. We contrasted our new system with the old model checker that implements the results presented in [10] on the Resource Controller example. We checked many properties including the liveness property that every user process that requests a resource will eventually access the resource, and the mutual exclusion property. Dramatic improvement was detected in all performance measures as indicated in Table below. The product graphs constructed by the old and new model checker are referred to as B 0 and B respectively. Each statistic is given as a=b where a and b are the numbers corresponding to the old and new model checker respectively. Table 1. Statistics for checking a liveness property Eventually Access 10 50 100 AQS states 38 / 38 198 / 198 398 / 398 AQS transitions 235 / 107 6175 / 1567 24850 / 5642 Explored Total memory used (kbyte) 31 / 13 1219 / 216 6878 / 830 Total CPU time used (sec) 0 / 0 37 / 6 481 / 42 Table 2. Statistics for checking a safety property Mutual AQS states 38 / 38 198 / 198 398 / 398 AQS transitions 235 / 107 6175 / 1567 24850 / 5642 Explored Total memory used (kbyte) Total CPU time used (sec) 0 / 0 The liveness property we checked is not satisfied by the Resource Controller. Both model checkers found a fair incorrect computation. From the table, we see that the number of AQS states are the same, while the number of AQS transitions is much smaller in the new model checker due to the use of state symmetry. The number of product states explored in the on-the-fly system is much smaller since it terminated early. On the other hand the original model checker constructed the before checking for an incorrect fair computation. For the mutual exclusion property, both model checkers indicated that the Resource Controller satisfies that property. In this case, early termination does not come into effect. Furthermore, since we do not track any process (mutual exclusion is a global property), the number of states explored in B 0 and B are the same. However, the number of transitions is much smaller in M as well as in B due to the effect of state symmetry. The over all CPU time and the memory usage are substantially smaller for the new model checker. 6. Conclusions In this paper, we have presented an on-the-fly model checking system that exploits symmetry (between states as well as inside a state) and checks for correctness under fairness. Symmetry based reduction has been shown to be a powerful tool for reducing the size of the state space in a number of contexts. For example, such techniques have been employed in the Petri-net community [14, 15] to reduce the size of the state space explored. Such techniques have also been used in protocol verification [1, 16] and in hardware verification [13] and in temporal logic model checking [5, 9, 10]. There have been on-the-fly model checking techniques [3, 11, 12, 17] that employ traditional state enumeration methods. Some of them [11, 12, 17] also use other types of state reduction techniques. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first approach that performs on-the-fly model checking under fairness for the full range of temporal properties and that exploits symmetry. As part of future work, we plan to explore techniques to automatically detect symmetries and integrate these techniques with the model checker. Also, algorithms for checking equivalence of global states under other types of symmetry need to be further explored. --R "A Calculus for Protocol Specification and Validation" "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms" "Efficient On-the-Fly Modelchecking for CTL" "Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Programs Using Temporal Logic: A Practical Approach" "Exploiting Symmetry in Temporal Logic Model Check- ing" "Analyzing Concurrent Systems using the Concurrency Workbench, Functional Programming, Concurrency, Simulation, and Automated Reasoning" "Introduction to Algorithms" "Generation of Reduced Models for checking fragments of CTL" "Symmetry and Model Checking" "Utilizing Symmetry when Model Checking under Fairness Assumptions: An Automata-theoretic Approach" "Partial-Order Methods for the Verification of Concurrent Systems" "The State of SPIN" "Better Verification through Symmetry" "Colored Petri Nets: Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods, and Practical Use" "High-level Petri Nets: Theory and Application" "Testing Containment of omega-regular Languages" "Computer Aided Verification of Coordinated Processes: The Automata Theoretic Approach" --TR --CTR A. Prasad Sistla , Patrice Godefroid, Symmetry and reduced symmetry in model checking, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.26 n.4, p.702-734, July 2004 Sharon Barner , Orna Grumberg, Combining symmetry reduction and under-approximation for symbolic model checking, Formal Methods in System Design, v.27 n.1/2, p.29-66, September 2005 Alice Miller , Alastair Donaldson , Muffy Calder, Symmetry in temporal logic model checking, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), v.38 n.3, p.8-es, 2006
model checking;automata;symmetry reduction;state explosion;verification
Galerkin Projection Methods for Solving Multiple Linear Systems.
In this paper, we consider using conjugate gradient (CG) methods for solving multiple linear systems $A^{(i)} where the coefficient matrices $A^{(i)}$ and the right-hand sides $b^{(i)}$ are different in general.\ In particular, we focus on the seed projection method which generates a Krylov subspace from a set of direction vectors obtained by solving one of the systems, called the seed system, by the CG method and then projects the residuals of other systems onto the generated Krylov subspace to get the approximate solutions.\ The whole process is repeated until all the systems are solved.\ Most papers in the literature [T.\ F.\ Chan and W.\ L.\ Wan, {\it SIAM J.\ Sci.\ Comput.}, Peterson, and R.\ Mittra, {\it IEEE Trans.\ Antennas and Propagation}, 37 (1989), pp. 1490--1493] considered only the case where the coefficient matrices $A^{(i)}$ are the same but the right-hand sides are different.\ We extend and analyze the method to solve multiple linear systems with varying coefficient matrices and right-hand sides. A theoretical error bound is given for the approximation obtained from a projection process onto a Krylov subspace generated from solving a previous linear system. Finally, numerical results for multiple linear systems arising from image restorations and recursive least squares computations are reported to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.
Introduction We want to solve, iteratively using Krylov subspace methods, the following linear systems: A (i) x where A (i) are real symmetric positive definite matrices of order n, and in general A (i) 6= A (j) and b (i) 6= b (j) for i 6= j. Unlike for direct methods, if the coefficient matrices and the right-hand sides are arbitrary, there is nearly no hope to solve them more efficiently than as s completely un-related systems. Fortunately, in many practical applications, the coefficient matrices and the right-hand sides are not arbitrary, and often there is information sharable among the coefficient matrices and the right-hand sides. Such a situation occurs, for instance, in recursive least squares computations [20], wave scattering problem [14, 4, 9], numerical methods for integral equations [14] and image restorations [13]. In this paper, our aim is to propose a methodology to solve these "related" multiple linear systems efficiently. In [24], Smith et al. proposed and considered using a seed method for solving linear systems of the same coefficient matrix but different right-hand sides, i.e., In the seed method, we select one seed system and solve it by the conjugate gradient method. Then we perform a Galerkin projection of the residuals onto the Krylov subspace generated by the seed system to obtain approximate solutions for the unsolved ones. The approximate solutions are then refined by the conjugate gradient method again. In [24], a very effective implementation of the Galerkin projection method was developed which uses direction vectors generated in the conjugate gradient process to perform the projection. In [6], Chan and Wan observed that the seed method has several nice properties. For instance, the conjugate gradient method when applied to the successive seed system converges faster than the usual CG process. Another observation is that if the right-hand sides are closely related, the method automatically exploits this fact and usually only takes a few restarts to solve all the systems. In [6], a theory was developed to explain these phenomena. We remark that the seed method can be viewed as a special implementation of the Galerkin projection method which had been considered and analyzed earlier for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, see for instance, Parlett [19], Saad [21], van der Vorst [26], Padrakakis et al. [18], Simoncini and Gallopoulos [22, 23]. A very different approach based on the Lanczos method with multiple starting vectors have been recently proposed by Freund and Malhotra [9]. In this paper, we extend the seed method to solve the multiple linear systems (1.1), with different coefficient matrices different right-hand sides (b (j) 6= b (k) ). We analyze the seed method and extend the theoretical results given in [6]. We will see that the theoretical error bounds for the approximation obtained from a projection process depends on the projection of the eigenvector components of the error onto a Krylov subspace generated from the previous seed system and how different the system is from the previous one. Unlike in [6], in the general case here where the coefficient matrices A (i) can be different, it is not possible to derive very precise error bounds since the A (i) 's have different eigenvectors in general. Fortunately, in many applications, even though the A (i) 's are indeed different, they may be related to each other in a structured way which allows a more precise error analysis. Such is the case in the two applications that we study in this paper, namely, image restorations and recursive least squares (RLS) computations. More precisely, for the image restoration application, the eigenvectors of the coefficient matrices are the same, while for the RLS computations, the co-efficient matrices differ by rank-1 or rank-2 matrices. Numerical examples on these applications are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the projection method. We will see from the numerical results that the eigenvector components of the right-hand sides are effectively reduced after the projection process and the number of iterations required for convergence decreases when we employ the projected solution as initial guess. Moreover, other examples involving more general coefficient matrices (for instance, that do not have the same eigenvectors or differ by a low rank matrix), are also given to test the performance of the projection method. We observe similar behaviour in the numerical results as in image restoration and RLS computations. These numerical results demonstrate that the projection method is effective. The paper is organized as follows. In x2, we first describe and analyze the seed projection algorithm for general multiple linear systems. In x3, we study multiple linear systems arising from image restoration and RLS applications. Numerical examples are given in x4 and concluding remarks are given in x5. 2 Derivation of the Algorithm Conjugate gradient methods can be seen as iterative solution methods to solve a linear system of equations by minimizing an associated quadratic functional. For simplicity, we let be the associated quadratic functional of the linear system A (i) x . The minimizer of f j is the solution of the linear system A (i) x . The idea of the projection method is that for each restart, a seed system A (k) x is selected from the unsolved ones which are then solved by the conjugate gradient method. An approximate solution - x (j) of the non-seed system A (j) x can be obtained by using search direction p k i generated from the ith iteration of the seed system. More precisely, given the ith iterate x j i of the non-seed system and the direction vector p k i , the approximate solution - x (j) is found by solving the following minimization problem: It is easy to check that the minimizer of (2.2) is attained at - (p k and r j After the seed system A (k) x is solved to the desired accuracy, a new seed system is selected and the whole procedure is repeated. In the following discussion, we call this method Projection Method I. We note from (2.3) that the matrix-vector multiplication A (j) p k j is required for each projection of the non-seed iteration. In general, the cost of the method will be expensive in the general case where the matrices A (j) and A (k) are different. However, in x3, we will consider two specific applications where the matrices A (k) and A (j) are structurally related. Therefore, the matrix-vector products A (j) p k j can be computed cheaply by using the matrix-vector product A j generated from the seed iteration. In order to reduce the extra cost in Projection Method I in the general case, we propose using the modified quadratic function ~ ~ to compute the approximate solution of the non-seed system. Note that we have used A (k) instead of A (j) in the above definition. In this case, we determine the next iterate of the non- seed system by solving the following minimization problem: min ff ~ The approximate solution - x (j) of the non-seed system A (j) x is given by where (p k and ~ r j Now the projection process does not require the matrix-vector product involving the coefficient matrix A (j) of the non-seed system. Therefore, the method does not increase the dominant cost (matrix-vector multiplies) of each conjugate gradient iteration. In fact, the extra cost is just one inner product, two vector additions, two scalar-vector multiplications and one division. We call this method Projection Method II. Of course, unless A (j) is close to A (k) in some sense, we do not expect this method to work well because ~ f j is then far from the current f j . To summarize the above methods, Table 1 lists the algorithms of Projection Methods I and II. We remark that Krylov subspace methods (for instance conjugate gradient), especially when combined with preconditioning, are known to be powerful methods for the solution of linear systems [10]. We can incorporate the preconditioning strategy into the projection method to speed up its convergence rate. The idea of our approach is to precondition the seed system A preconditioner C (k) for each restart. Meanwhile, an approximate solution of the non-seed system A (j) x also obtained from the space of direction vectors generated by the conjugate gradient iterations of preconditioned seed system. We can formulate the preconditioned projection method directly produces vectors that approximate the desired solutions of the non-seed systems. Table 2 lists the preconditioned versions of Projection Methods I and II. all the systems are solved Select the kth system as seed for iteration for unsolved systems if j=k then perform usual CG steps oe k;k x k;k r k;k else perform Galerkin projection x k;j r k;j A (j) p k;k end for end for end for all the systems are solved Select the kth system as seed for iteration for unsolved systems if j=k then perform usual CG steps oe k;k x k;k r k;k else perform Galerkin projection x k;j r k;j A end for end for end for Table 1: Projection Methods I (left) and II (right). The kth system is the seed for the restart. The first and the second superscripts is used to denote the kth restart and the jth system. The subscripts is used to denote the ith step of the CG method. all the systems are solved Select the kth system as seed for iteration for unsolved systems if j=k then perform usual CG steps oe k;k x k;k +oe k;k r k;k z k;k preconditioning else perform Galerkin projection x k;j r k;j end for end for end for all the systems are solved Select the kth system as seed for iteration for unsolved systems if j=k then perform usual CG steps oe k;k x k;k +oe k;k r k;k z k;k preconditioning else perform Galerkin projection x k;j r k;j end for end for end for Table 2: Preconditioned Projection Methods I (left) and II (right) We emphasize that in [6, 19, 21, 23, 24], the authors only considered using the projection method for solving linear systems with the same coefficient matrix but different right-hand sides. In this paper, we use Projection Methods I and II to solve linear systems with different coefficient matrices and right-hand sides . An important question regarding the approximation obtained from the above process is its accuracy. For Projection Method I, it is not easy to derive error bounds since the direction vectors generated for the seed system A (k) x are only A (k) - orthogonal but are not A (j) -orthogonal in general. In the following discussion, we only analyze Projection Method II. However, the numerical results in x4 shows that Projection method I is very efficient for some applications and is generally faster convergent than Projection Method II. 2.1 Analysis of Projection Method II For Projection Method II, we have the following Lemma in exact arithmetic. Assume that a seed system A (k) x has been selected. Using Projection Method II, the approximate solution of the non-seed system A (j) x (j) at the ith iteration is given by x k;j where x k;j ' is 'th iterate of the non-seed system, V k i is the Lanczos vectors generated by i steps of the Lanczos algorithm if the seed system A (k) x solved by the Lanczos algorithm, Proof: Let the columns of V k be the orthonormal vectors of the i-dimensional Krylov subspace generated by i steps of the Lanczos method. Then we have the following well-known three-term recurrence where e i is the ith column of the identity matrix and fi k i+1 is a scalar. From (2.4) (or see [24]), the approximate solution x k;j i of the non-seed system is computed in the subspace generated by the direction vectors fp k;k generated from the seed iteration. However, this subspace generated by the direction vectors is exactly the subspace spanned by the columns of V k Therefore, we have x k;j Moreover, it is easy to check from (2.4) and (2.5) that (p k;k It follows that the solution x k;j i can be obtained by the Galerkin projection onto the Krylov subspace K (k) generated by the seed system. Equivalently, x k;j i can be determined by solving the following problem: Noting that the solution is 0 ). the result follows. To analyze the error bound of Projection Method II, without loss of generality, consider only two symmetric positive definite n-by-n linear systems: A (1) x The eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors of A (i) are denoted by - (i) k and q (i) k respectively and 2. The theorem below gives error bounds for Projection Method II for solving multiple linear systems with different coefficient matrices and right-hand sides. Theorem 1 Suppose the first linear system A (1) x is solved to the desired accuracy in steps. Let x 1;2 0 be the solution of the second system A (2) x obtained from the projection onto Km generated by the first system, with zero vector as the initial guess of the second system (x 0;2 the eigen-decomposition of x 0 be expressed as Then the eigenvector components c k can be bounded by: where 6 (q (2) Here Vm is the orthonormal vectors of Km , P ? A (1) is the A (1) -orthogonal projection onto Km and m A (1) Vm is the matrix representation of the projection of A (1) onto Km . Proof: By (2.6), we get x 1;2 x Since Vm is the orthogonal vectors of Km and we have kVm It follows that 6 (q (2) 6 (q (2) Theorem 1 basically states that the size of the eigenvector component c k is bounded by E k and F . If the Krylov subspace Km generated by the seed system contains the eigenvectors q (2) well, then the projection process will kill off the eigenvector components of the initial error of the non-seed system, i.e., E k is very small. On the other hand, F depends essentially on how different the system A (2) x (2) is from the previous one A (1) x In particular, when is small, then F is also small. We remark that when A A (2) and b (1) 6= b (2) , the term F becomes zero, and as q (1) the 6 (q (1) Km )k. It is well-known that the Krylov subspace Km generated by the seed system contains the eigenvectors q (1) k well. In particular, Chan and Wan [6] have the following result about the estimate of the bound sin 6 (q (1) 6 \Gamma- (1) (- (1) is the Chebyshev polynomial of degree j. Then sin 6 (q (1) If we assume that the eigenvalues of A (1) are distinct, then Tm\Gammak (1+2- k ) grows exponentially as m increases and therefore the magnitude sin 6 (q (1) very small for sufficiently large m. It implies that the magnitude E k is very small when m is sufficiently large. Unfortunately, we cannot have this result in the general case since q (1) k , except in some special cases that will be discussed in the next section. 3 Applications of Galerkin Projection Methods In this section, we consider using the Galerkin projection method for solving multiple linear systems arising in two particular applications from image restorations and recursive least squares computations. In these applications, the coefficient matrices differ by a parameterized identity matrix or a low rank matrix. We note from Theorem 1 that the theoretical error bound of the projection method depends on E k and F . In general, it is not easy to refine the error bound E k and F . However, in these cases, the error bound E k and F can be further investigated. 3.1 Tikhonov Regularization in Image Restorations Image restoration refers to the removal or reduction of degradations (or blur) in an image using a priori knowledge about the degradation phenomena; see for instance [13]. When the quality of the images is degraded by blurring and noise, important information remains hidden and cannot be directly interpreted without numerical processing. In matrix-vector notation, the linear algebraic form of the image restoration problem for an n-by-n pixel image is given as follows: where b, x, and j are n 2 -vectors and A is an n 2 -by-n 2 matrix. Given the observed image b, the matrix A which represents the degradation, and possibly, the statistics of the noise vector j, the problem is to compute an approximation to the original signal x. Because of the ill-conditioning of A, naively solving will lead to extreme instability with respect to perturbations in b, see [13]. The method of regularization can be used to achieve stability for these problems [1, 3]. In the classical Tikhonov regularization [12], stability is attained by introducing a stabilizing operator D (called a regularization operator), which restricts the set of admissible solutions. Since this causes the regularized solution to be biased, a scalar -, called a regularization parameter, is introduced to control the degree of bias. More specifically, the regularized solution is computed as the solution to min b# A -D or min The term kDx(-)k 2 2 is added in order to regularize the solution. Choosing D as a kth order difference operator matrix forces the solution to have a small kth order derivative. When the rectangular matrix has full column rank, one can find the solution by solving the normal equations The regularization parameter - controls the degree of smoothness (i.e., degree of bias) of the solution, and is usually small. Choosing - is not a trivial problem. In some cases a priori information about the signal and the degree of perturbations in b can be used to choose - [1], or generalized cross-validation techniques may also be used, e.g., [3]. If no a priori information is known, then it may be necessary to solve (3.10) for several values of -. For example, in the L-curve method discussed in [7], choosing the parameter - requires solving the linear systems with different values of -. This gives rise to multiple linear systems which can be solved by our proposed projection methods. In some applications [13, 5], the regularization operator D can be chosen to be the identity matrix. Consider for simplicity two linear systems: 2: In this case, we can employ Projection Method I to solve these multiple linear systems as the matrix-vector product (- 2 I in the non-seed iteration can be computed cheaply by adding (- 1 I +A T A)p generated from the seed iteration and (- together. Moreover, we can further refine the error bound of Projection Method II in Theorem 1. Now assume that m steps of the conjugate gradient algorithm have been performed to solve the first system. We note in this case that the eigenvectors of the first and the second linear systems are the same, i.e., q (1) k . Therefore, we can bound sin 6 (q (1) using Lemma 2. We shall prove that if the Krylov subspace of the first linear system contains the extreme eigenvectors well, the bound for the convergence rate is effectively the classical conjugate gradient bound but with a reduced condition number. Theorem 2 Let x 1;2 0 be the solution of the second system obtained from the projection onto Km generated by the first system. The bound for the A (2) -norm of the error vector after i steps of the conjugate gradient process is given by A (2) - 4kx x 1;2 A (2) x 1;2 i is ith iterate of the CG process for A (2) x with the projection of x span fq (1) '+1 is the reduced condition number of A (2) and - (2) Proof: We first expand the eigen-components of x It is well-known [10] that there exists a polynomial - of degree at most i and constant term 1 such that x 1;2 x 1;2 By using properties of the conjugate gradient iteration given in [10], we have A A (2) A (2) A (2) x 1;2 Now the term kx A (2) can be bounded by the classical CG error estimate, x 1;2 A (2) - 4kx x 1;2 A (2) Noting that using Theorem 1 and Lemma 2, the result follows by substitution (2.7) into (3.12). We see that the perturbation term ffi contains two parts. One depends on the ratio - 2 =- 1 of the regularization parameters between two linear systems and the other depends on how well the Krylov subspace of the seed system contains the extreme eigenvectors. We remark that the regularization parameter - in practice is always greater than 0 in image restoration applications because of the ill-conditioning of A. In particular, - 1 6= 0. If the ratio - 2 =- 1 is near to 1, then the magnitude of this term will be near to zero. On the other hand, according to Lemma 2, the Galerkin projection will kill off the extreme eigenvector components and therefore the quantity in (3.11) will be also small for k close to 1. Hence the perturbation term ffi becomes very small and the CG method, when applied to solve the non-seed system, converges faster than the usual CG process. 3.2 Recursive Least Squares Computations in Signal Processing Recursive least squares (RLS) computations are used extensively in many signal processing and control applications; see Alexander [2]. The standard linear least squares problem can be posed as follows: Given a real p-by-n matrix X with full column rank n (so that X T X is symmetric positive definite) and a p-vector b, find the n-vector w that solves min w In RLS computations, it is required to recalculate w when observations (i.e., equations) are successively added to, or deleted from, the problem (3.13). For instance, in many applications information arrives continuously and must be incorporated into the solution w. This is called updating. It is sometimes important to delete old observations and have their effect removed from w. This is called downdating and is associated with a sliding data window. Alternatively, an exponential forgetting factor fi, with instance [2]), may be incorporated into the updating computations to exponentially decay the effect of the old data over time. The use of fi is associated with an exponentially-weighted data window. 3.2.1 Rank-1 Updating and Downdating Sliding Window RLS At the time step t, the data matrix and the desired response vector are given by d t\Gammap+1 respectively, where p is the length of sliding window (one always assumes that p - n). We solve the following least squares problem: min w(t) Now we assume that a row is added and a row is removed at the step t + 1. The right-hand-side desired response vector modified in a corresponding fashion. One now seeks to solve the modified least squares problem min w(t+1) for the updated least squares estimate vector w(t + 1) at the time step t + 1. We note that its normal equations are given by Therefore, the coefficient matrices at the time step t and t differ by a rank-2 matrix. 3.2.2 Exponentially-weighted RLS For the exponentially-weighted case, the data matrix X(t) and desired response vector d(t) at the time step t are defined [2] recursively by and where fi is the forgetting factor, and x T . The RLS algorithms recursively solve for the least squares estimator w(t) at time t, with t - n. The least squares estimator at the time t and t can be found by solving the corresponding least squares problems and their normal equations are given by and respectively. We remark that these two coefficient matrices differ by a rank-1 matrix plus a scaling. 3.2.3 Multiple Linear Systems in RLS computations We consider multiple linear systems in RLS computations, i.e., we solve the following least squares problem successively where s is an arbitrary block size of RLS computations. The implementation of recursive least squares estimators have been proposed and used [8]. Their algorithms updates the filter coefficients by minimizing the average least squares error over a set of data samples. For instance, the least squares estimates can be computed by modifying the Cholesky factor of the normal equations with O(n 2 ) operations per adaptive filter input [20]. For our approach, we employ the Galerkin projection method to solve the multiple linear systems arising from sliding window or exponentially-weighted RLS computations. For the sliding window RLS computation with rank-1 updating and downdating, by (3.15), the multiple linear systems are given by 1st system : X(t) T \Theta s s s s For the exponentially-weighted case, by (3.16), the multiple linear systems are given by 1st system : X(t) T \Theta s s According to (3.18), the consecutive coefficient matrices only differ by a rank-2 matrix in the sliding data window case. From (3.19), the consecutive coefficient matrices only differ by a rank-1 matrix and the scaled coefficient matrix in the exponentially-weighted case. In these RLS computations, Projection Method I can be used to solve these multiple linear systems as the matrix-vector product in the non-seed iteration can be computed inexpensively. For instance, the matrix-vector product for the new system can be computed by is generated from the seed iteration. The extra cost is some inner products. We remark that for the other linear systems in (3.18) and (3.19), we need more inner products because the coefficient matrices X(t) T X(t) and differ by a rank-s or rank-2s matrices. We analyze below the error bound given by Projection Method II for the case that the coefficient matrices differ by a rank-1 matrix, i.e., A where r has unit 2-norm and each component is greater than zero. For the exponentially- weighted case, we note that By using the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of A (1) , we obtain A with is a diagonal matrix containing eigenvalues - (1) i of A (1) and r. It has been shown in [11] that if - (1) k for all k, then the eigenvalues - (2) k of A (2) can be computed by solving the secular equation [(q (1) (- (1) 0: Moreover, the eigenvectors q (2) k of A (2) can be calculated by the formula: q (2) Theorem 3 Suppose the first linear system A (1) x is solved to the desired accuracy in m CG steps. Then the eigenvector components c k of the second system are bounded by jc 6 (q (1) and (q (1) (- (1) (q (1) where fq (1) i g is the orthonormal eigenvectors of A (1) and Km is the Krylov subspace generated for the first system. Proof: We just note from Theorem 1 that jc k j - j(P ? By using (3.20), Theorem 1 and Lemma 2, we can analyze the term j(P ? 6 (q (1) Since jfl i;k j and j sin 6 (q (1) are less than 1, we have small and large i 6 (q (1) remaining i From Lemma 2, for i close to 1 or n, 6 (q (1) sufficiently small when m is large. Moreover, we note that if ae ? 0, then see [10]. Therefore, if the values (q (1) are about the same magnitude for each eigenvector q (1) then the maximum value of jfl i;k j is attained at either may expect that the second term of the inequality (3.21) is small when k is close to 1 or n. By combining these facts, we can deduce that E k is also small when k is close to 1 or n. On the other hand, if the scalar ae is small (i.e., the 2-norm of rank-1 matrix is small), then F is also small. To illustrate the result, we apply Projection Method II to solve A (1) x b (1) and b (2) are random vectors with unit 2-norm. Figures 1 and 2 show that some of the extreme eigenvector components of b (2) are killed off by the projection especially when jaej is small. This property suggests that the projection method is useful to solve multiple linear systems arising from recursive lease squares computations. Numerical examples will be given in the next section to illustrate the efficiency of the method. In this section, we provide experimental results of using Projection Methods I and II to solve multiple linear systems (1.1). All the experiments are performed in MATLAB with machine . The stopping criterion is: kr k;j tol is the tolerance we used. The first and the second examples are Tikhonov regularization in image restoration and the recursive least squares estimation, exactly as discussed in x3. The coefficient matrices A (i) 's have the same eigenvectors in the Example 1. In Example 2, the coefficient matrices A (i) 's differ component number log of the component RHS before projection component number log of the component RHS after projection (a) (b) component number log of the component RHS before projection component number log of the component RHS after projection (c) (d) Figure 1: Size distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (2) , (b) b (2) after Galerkin projection when ae = 1. Size distribution of the components of (c) the original right hand side b (2) , (d) b (2) after Galerkin projection when component number log of the component RHS before projection component number log of the component RHS after projection (a) (b) component number log of the component RHS before projection component number log of the component RHS after projection (c) (d) Figure 2: Size distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (2) , (b) b (2) after Galerkin projection when ae = \Gamma1. Size distribution of the components of (c) the original right hand side b (2) , (d) b (2) after Galerkin projection when Linear Systems (1) (2) (3) (4) Total Starting with Projection Method I 36 37 43 Starting with Projection Method II 36 48 55 76 205 Starting with previous solution 36 54 66 87 243 Starting with random initial guess 38 Starting with Projection Method I 9 9 9 11 38 using preconditioner Starting with Projection Method II 9 9 11 using preconditioner Starting with previous solution 9 13 16 23 61 using preconditioner Table 3: (Example 1) Number of matrix-vector multiplies required for convergence of all the systems. Regularization parameter by a rank-1 or rank-2 matrices. We will see that the extremal eigenvector components of the right-hand sides are effectively reduced after the projection process. Moreover, the number of iterations required for convergence when we employ the projected solution as initial guess is less than that required in the usual CG process. Example We consider a 2-dimensional deconvolution problem arising in ground-based atmospheric imaging and try to remove the blurring in an image (see Figure 3(a)) resulting from the effects of atmospheric turbulence. The problem consists of a 256-by- 256 image of an ocean reconnaissance satellite observed by a simulated ground-based imaging system together with a 256-by-256 image of a guide star (Figure 3(b)) observed under similar circumstances. The data are provided by the Phillips Air Force Laboratory at Kirkland AFB, NM through Prof. Bob Plemmons at Wake Forest University. We restore the image using the identity matrix as the regularization operator suggested in [5] and therefore solve the linear systems (3.10) with different regularization parameters -. We also test the effectiveness of the preconditioned projection method. The preconditioner we employed here is the block-circulant- circulant-block matrix proposed in [5]. Table 3 shows the number of matrix-vector multiplies required for the convergence of all the systems. Using the projection method, we save on number of matrix-vector multiplies in the iterative process with or without preconditioning. From Table 3, we also see that the performance of Projection Method I is better than that of Projection Method II. For comparison, we present the restorations of the images when the regularization parameters are 0.072, 0.036, and 0.009 in Figure 3. We see that when the value of - is large, the restored image is very smooth, while the value of - is small, the noise is amplified in the restored image. By solving these multiple linear systems successively by projection method, we can select Figure 3(e) that presents the restored image better than the others. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3: (Example 1) Observed Image (a), guide star image (b), restored images using regularization parameter Linear Systems (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Total Starting with Projection Method I 45 31 28 25 24 153 Starting with Projection Method II 45 37 Starting with previous solution 45 43 44 42 40 214 (a) Linear Systems (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Total Starting with Projection Method I 68 51 45 36 Starting with Projection Method II 68 55 Starting with previous solution 68 61 59 56 54 308 (b) Table 4: (Example 2) Number of matrix-vector multiplies required for convergence of all the systems. (a) Exponentially-weighted RLS computations and (b) Sliding window RLS computation Example In this example, we test the performance of Projection Methods I and II in the block (sliding window and exponentially-weighted) RLS computations. We illustrate the convergence rate of the method by using the adaptive Finite Impulse Response system identification model, see [15]. The second order autoregressive process is a white noise process with variance being 1, is used to construct the data matrix X(t) in x3.2. The reference (unknown) system w(t) is an n-th order FIR filter. The Gaussian white noise measurement error with variance 0.025 is added into the desired response d(t) in x3.2. In the tests, the forgetting factor fi is 0.99 and the order n of filter is 100. In the case of the exponentially-weighted RLS computations, the consecutive systems differ by a rank-1 positive definite matrix, whereas in the case of the sliding window computations, the consecutive systems differ by the sum of a rank-1 positive definite matrix and a rank-1 negative definite matrix. Table 4 lists the number of matrix-vector multiplies required for the convergence of all the systems arising from exponentially-weighted and sliding window RLS computations. We observe that the performance of Projection Method I is better than that of Projection Method II. The projection method requires less matrix-vector multiplies than that using the previous solution as an initial guess. We note from Figures 4 and 5 that the eigenvector components of b (2) are effectively reduced after projection in both cases of exponentially-weighted and sliding window RLS computations. We see that the decreases of eigenvector components when using Projection Method I are indeed greater than those when using Projection Method II. In the next three examples, we consider more general coefficient matrices, i.e., the consecutive linear systems do not differ by the scaled identity matrix and rank-1 or rank-2 matrices. In these examples, the matrix-vector products for the non-seed iteration may not be computed cheaply, component number log of the component RHS before Projection component number log of the component RHS using Projection Method (a) (b) component number log of the component RHS using Projection Method II component number log of the component RHS using the previous solution as initial guess (c) (d) Figure 4: (Example 2) Exponentially-weighted RLS computations. Size distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (2) , (b) b (2) after using Projection Method I, (c) b (2) after using Projection Method II, (d) b (2) \Gamma A (2) x (1) (using the previous solution as an initial component number log of the component RHS before projection component number log of the component RHS using Projection Method (a) (b) component number log of the component RHS using Projection Method II component number log of the component RHS using the previous solution as initial guess (c) (d) Figure 5: (Example 2) Sliding window RLS computations. Size distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (2) , (b) b (2) using Projection Method I, (c) b (2) using Projection we therefore only apply Projection Method II to solve the multiple linear systems. However, the same phenomena as in Examples 1 and 2 is observed in these three examples as well. Example 3 In this example, we consider a discrete ill-posed problem, which is a discretization of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind a The particular integral equation that we shall use is a one dimensional model problem in image reconstruction [7] where an image is blurred by a known point-spread function. The desired solution f is given by while the kernel K is the point spread function of an infinitely long slit given by ae sin[-(sin s We use collocation with n (=64) equidistantly spaced points in [\Gamma-=2; -=2] to derive the matrix A and the exact solution x. Then we compute the exact right-hand sides perturb it by uncorrelated errors (white noise) normally distributed with zero mean and standard derivation 10 \Gamma4 . Here we choose a matrix D equal to the second derivative operator (D = Different regularization parameters - are used to compute the L-curve (see Figure and test the performance of the Projection Method II for solving multiple linear systems s: We emphasize that the consecutive systems do not differ by the scaled identity matrix. Table 5 shows the number of iterations required for convergence of all 10 systems using Projection Method II and using the previous solution as initial guess having the same residual norm. We see that the projection method requires 288 matrix-vector multiplies to solve all the systems, but the one using the previous solution as initial guess requires 365 matrix-vector multiplies. In particular, the tenth system can be solved without restarting the conjugate gradient process after the projection. Example 4 We consider the integral equation Z 2-f(t)dt corresponding to the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in the interior of an ellipse with semiaxis c - d ? 0. We solve the case where the unique solution and the right-hand side are given by Linear Systems (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Starting with Projection 79 38 33 25 27 26 23 21 15 1 288 Method II Starting with previous 79 44 37 34 solution Table 5: (Example 3) Number of matrix-vector multiplies required for convergence of all the systems with - 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2 least squares residual norm solution semi-norm Figure (Example 3) The Tikhonov L-curve with regularization parameters used in Table 4. # of matrix-vector multiply log of residual norm Figure 7: (Example 4) The convergence behaviour of all the systems (i) 2:3822 and d)=(c+d). The coefficient matrices A (k) and the right hand sides b are obtained by discretization of the integral equation (4.22). The size of all systems is 100. The values of c and d are arbitrary chosen from the intervals [2; 5] and [0; 1] respectively. We emphasize that in this example, the consecutive discretized systems do not differ by low rank or small norm matrices. The convergence behaviour of all the systems is shown in Figure 7. In the plot, each steepest declining line denotes the convergence of a seed and also for the non-seed in the last restart. Note that we plot the residual norm against the cost (the number of matrix-vector multiply) in place of the iteration number so that we may compare the efficiency of these methods. We remark that the shape of the plot obtained is similar to those numerical results given in [6] for the Galerkin projection method for solving linear systems with multiple right hand sides. If we use the solution of the second system as an initial guess for the third system, the number of iteration required is 13. However, the number of iteration required is just 8 for Projection Method II to have the same residual norm as that of the previous solution method; see Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the components of the corresponding right-hand side of the third system before the Galerkin projection, after the projection and using the previous solution as initial guess. The figure clearly reveals that the eigenvector components of b (3) are effectively reduced after the projection. Example 5 The matrices for the final set of experiments corresponding to the three-point centered discretization of the operator \Gamma d dx (a(x) du dx ) in [0; 1] where the function a(x) is given by and d are two parameters. The discretization is performed using a grid size of h = 1=65, yielding matrices of size 64 with different values of c and d. The right hand sides of these systems are generated randomly with its 2-norm being 1. We remark that the consecutive linear systems do not differ by low rank or small norm matrices in this # of CG iteration log of residual norm (a) (b) (c) Figure 8: (Example 4) The convergence behaviour of the third system, (a) with projected solution as initial guesses, (b) with previous solution vector as initial guess and (c) with random vector as initial guess. Linear Systems (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Starting with Projection 83 Method II Starting with previous solution Table (Example 5) Number of matrix-vector multiplies required for convergence of all the systems with c example. Table 6 shows the number of iterations required for convergence of all the systems using Projection Method II and using previous solution as initial guess having the same residual norm. We observe from the results that the one using the projected solution as the initial guess converges faster than that using the previous solution as initial guess. Figure 10 shows the components of the corresponding right-hand side of the seveth system before the Galerkin projection and after the projection. Again, it illustrates that the projection can reduce the eigenvector components effectively. e components RHS before projection (a) component number log of the component RHS after using Projection Method II component number log of the component RHS using the previous solution as initial guess (b) (c) Figure 9: (Example distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (3) , (b) b (3) after Galerkin projection, (c) b (3) \Gamma A (3) x (2) (using the previous solution as an initial RHS before projection (a) component number log of the component RHS after using Projection Method II component number log of the component RHS using the previous solution as initial guess (b) (c) Figure 10: (Example 5) Size distribution of the components of (a) the original right hand side b (7) , (b) b (7) after Galerkin projection and (c) b (using the previous solution as an Concluding Remarks In this paper, we developed Galerkin projection methods for solving multiple linear systems. Experimental results show that the method is an efficient method. We end with concluding remarks about the extensions of the Galerkin projection method. 1. A block generalization of the Galerkin projection method can be employed in many appli- cations. The method is to select more than one system as seed so that the Krylov subspace generated by the seed is larger and the initial guess obtained from the Galerkin projection onto this subspace is expected to be better. One drawback of the block method is that it may break down when singularity of the matrices occurs arising from the conjugate gradient process. For details about block Galerkin projection methods, we refer to Chan and Wan [6]. 2. The literature for nonsymmetric systems with multiple right-hand sides is vast. Two methods that have been proposed are block generalizations of solvers for nonsymmetric systems; the block biconjugate gradient algorithm [17, 16], block GMRES [25], block QMR [4, 9]. Recently, Simoncini and Gallopoulos [23] proposed a hybrid method by combining the Galerkin projection process and Rishardson acceleration technique to speed up the convergence rate of the conjugate gradient process. In the same spirit, we can modify the above Galerkin projection algorithms to solve nonsymmetric systems with multiple coefficient matrices and right-hand sides. --R regularization and super- resolution Springer Verlag A Block QMR Method for Computing Multiple Simultaneous Solutions to Complex Symmetric Systems Generalization of Strang's Preconditioner with Applications to Toeplitz Least Squares Problems Analysis of Projection Methods for Solving Linear Systems with Multiple Right-hand Sides Analysis of Discrete Ill-posed Problems by Means of the L-curve Block Implementation of Adaptive Digital Filters A Block-QMR Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides Matrix Computations Some Modified matrix Eigenvalue Problems The Theory of Tikhonov Regularization for Fredholm Equations of the First Kind Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing Fast RLS Adaptive Filtering by FFT-Based Conjugate Gradient Iterations Variable Block CG Algorithms for Solving Large Sparse Symmetric Positive Definite Linear Systems on Parallel Computers The block conjugate gradient algorithm and realted methods A New Implementation of the Lanczos Method in Linear Problems A New Look at the Lanczos Algorithm for Solving Symmetric Systems of Linear Equations On the Lanczos Method for Solving Symmetric Linear Systems with Several Right-Hand Sides A Memory-conserving Hybrid Method for Solving Linear Systems with Multiple Right-hand Sides An Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems with Multiple Right-hand Sides A Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for the Treatment of Multiple Incident Electromagnetic Fields Etude de quelques m'ethodes de r'esolution de probl'emes lin'eaires de grande taille sur multiprocesseur An Iteration Solution Method for Solving f(A) --TR
krylov space;conjugate gradient method;multiple linear systems;galerkin projection
A Fast Algorithm for Deblurring Models with Neumann Boundary Conditions.
Blur removal is an important problem in signal and image processing. The blurring matrices obtained by using the zero boundary condition (corresponding to assuming dark background outside the scene) are Toeplitz matrices for one-dimensional problems and block-Toeplitz--Toeplitz-block matrices for two-dimensional cases. They are computationally intensive to invert especially in the block case. If the periodic boundary condition is used, the matrices become (block) circulant and can be diagonalized by discrete Fourier transform matrices. In this paper, we consider the use of the Neumann boundary condition (corresponding to a reflection of the original scene at the boundary). The resulting matrices are (block) Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices. We show that for symmetric blurring functions, these blurring matrices can always be diagonalized by discrete cosine transform matrices. Thus the cost of inversion is significantly lower than that of using the zero or periodic boundary conditions. We also show that the use of the Neumann boundary condition provides an easy way of estimating the regularization parameter when the generalized cross-validation is used. When the blurring function is nonsymmetric, we show that the optimal cosine transform preconditioner of the blurring matrix is equal to the blurring matrix generated by the symmetric part of the blurring function. Numerical results are given to illustrate the efficiency of using the Neumann boundary condition.
Introduction A fundamental issue in signal and image processing is blur removal. The signal or image obtained from a point source under the blurring process is called the impulse response function or the point spread function. The observed signal or image g is just the convolution of this blurring function h with the "true" signal or image f . The deblurring problem is to recover f from the blurred function g given the blurring function h. This basic problem appears in many forms in signal and image processing [2, 5, 12, 14]. In practice, the observed signal or image g is of finite length (and width) and we use it to recover a finite section of f . Because of the convolution, g is not completely determined by f in the same domain where g is defined. More precisely, if a blurred signal g is defined on the interval [a; b] say, then it is not completely determined by the values of the true signal f on [a; b] only. It is also affected by the values of f close to the boundary of [a; b] because of the convolution. The size of the interval that affects g depends on the support of the blurring function h. Thus in solving f from a finite length g, we need some assumptions on the values of f outside the domain where g is defined. These assumptions are called the boundary conditions. The natural and classical approach is to use the zero (Dirichlet) boundary condition [2, pp.211-220]. It assumes that the values of f outside the domain of consideration are zero. This results in a blurring matrix which is a Toeplitz matrix in the 1-dimensional case and a block- Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block matrix in the 2-dimensional case, see [2, p.71]. However, these matrices are known to be computationally intensive to invert, especially in the 2-dimensional case, see [2, p.126]. Also ringing effects will appear at the boundary if the data are indeed not close to zero outside the domain. One way to alleviate the computational cost is to assume the periodic boundary condition, i.e., data outside the domain of consideration are exact copies of data inside [12, p.258]. The resulting blurring matrix is a circulant matrix in the 1-dimensional case and a block-circulant- circulant-block matrix in the 2-dimensional case. These matrices can be diagonalized by discrete Fourier matrices and hence their inverses can easily be found by using the Fast Fourier Transforms see [12, p.258]. However, ringing effects will also appear at the boundary unless f is close to periodic, and that is not common in practice. In the image processing literature, other methods have also been proposed to assign boundary values, see Lagendijk and Biemond [18, p.22] and the references therein. For instance, the boundary values may be fixed at a local image mean, or they can be obtained by a model-based extrapolation. In this paper, we consider the use of the Neumann (reflective) boundary condition for image restoration. It sets the data outside the domain of consideration as reflection of the data inside. The Neumann boundary condition has been studied in image restoration [21, 3, 18] and in image compression [25, 20]. In image restoration, the boundary condition restores a balance that is lost by ignoring the energy that spreads outside of the area of interest [21], and also minimizes the distortion at the borders caused by deconvolution algorithms [3]. This approach can also eliminate the artificial boundary discontinuities contributed to the energy compaction property that is exploited in transform image coding [20]. The use of the Neumann boundary condition results in a blurring matrix that is a Toeplitz- plus-Hankel matrix in the 1-dimensional case and a block Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrix with Toeplitz-plus-Hankel blocks in the 2-dimensional case. Although these matrices have more complicated structures, we show that they can always be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix provided that the blurring function h is symmetric. Thus their inverses can be obtained by using fast cosine transforms (FCTs). Because FCT requires only real multiplications and can be done at half of the cost of FFT, see [23, pp.59-60], inversion of these matrices is faster than that of those matrices obtained from either the zero or periodic boundary conditions. We also show that the use of the Neumann boundary condition provides an easy way of estimating the regularization parameter when using the generalized cross-validation. We remark that blurring functions are usually symmetric, see [14, p.269]. However, in the case where the blurring function is nonsymmetric, we show that the optimal cosine transform preconditioner [6] of the blurring matrix is generated by the symmetric part of the blurring function. Thus if the blurring function is close to symmetric, the optimal cosine transform preconditioner should be a good preconditioner. The outline of the paper is as follows. In x2, we introduce the three different boundary con- ditions. In x3, we show that symmetric blurring matrices obtained from the Neumann boundary condition can always be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix. In x4, we show that using the Neumann boundary condition, the generalized cross-validation estimate of the regularization parameter can be done in a straightforward way. In x5, we give the construction of the optimal cosine transform preconditioners for the matrices generated by nonsymmetric blurring functions. In x6, we illustrate by numerical examples from image restorations that our algorithm is efficient. Concluding remarks are given in x7. 2 The Deblurring Problem For simplicity, we begin with the 1-dimensional deblurring problem. Consider the original signal and the blurring function given by The blurred signal is the convolution of h and ~ f , i.e., the i-th entry g i of the blurred signal is given by The deblurring problem is to recover the vector given the blurring function h and a blurred signal of finite length. From (2), we f \Gammam+1 f \Gammam+2 Thus the blurred signal g is determined not by f only, but by (f . The linear system (3) is underdetermined. To overcome this, we make certain assumptions (called boundary conditions) on the unknown data f \Gammam+1 so as to reduce the number of unknowns. Before we discuss the boundary conditions, let us first rewrite (3) as where f \Gammam+1 f \Gammam+2 hm . h \Gammam 2.1 The Zero (Dirichlet) Boundary Condition The zero (or Dirichlet) boundary condition assumes that the signal outside the domain of the observed vector g is zero [2, pp.211-220], i.e., the zero vector. The matrix system in (4) becomes We see from (6) that the coefficient matrix T is a Toeplitz matrix. There are many iterative or direct Toeplitz solvers that can solve the Toeplitz system (8) with costs ranging from O(n log n) to O(n 2 ) operations, see for instance [19, 16, 1, 7]. In the 2- dimensional case, the resulting matrices will be block-Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block matrices. Inversion of these matrices is known to be very expensive, e.g. the fastest direct Toeplitz solver is of O(n 4 ) operations for an n 2 -by-n 2 block-Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block matrix, see [17]. 2.2 The Periodic Boundary Condition For practical applications, especially in the 2-dimensional case, where we need to solve the system efficiently, one usually resort to the periodic boundary condition. This amounts to setting in (3), see [12, p.258]. The matrix system in (4) becomes are n-by-n Toeplitz matrices obtained by augmenting (n \Gamma m) zero columns to T l and T r respectively. The most important advantage of using the periodic boundary condition is that B so obtained is a circulant matrix. Hence B can be diagonalized by the discrete Fourier matrix and (9) can be solved by using three fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) (one for finding the eigenvalues of the matrix B and two for solving the system, cf (15) below). Thus the total cost is of O(n log n) operations. In the 2-dimensional case, the blurring matrix is a block-circulant-circulant-block matrix and can be diagonalized by the 2-dimensional FFTs (which are tensor-products of 1-dimensional FFTs) in O(n 2 log n) operations. 2.3 The Neumann Boundary Condition For the Neumann boundary condition, we assume that the data outside f are reflection of the data inside f . More precisely, we set and in (3). Thus (4) becomes where J is the n-by-n reversal matrix. We remark that the coefficient matrix A in (10) is neither Toeplitz nor circulant. It is a Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrix. Although these matrices have more complicated structures, we will show in x3 that the matrix A can always be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix provided that the blurring function h is symmetric, i.e., h It follows that (10) can be solved by using three fast cosine transforms (FCTs) in O(n log n) operations, see (15) below. This approach is computationally attractive as FCT requires only real operations and is about twice as fast as the FFT, see [23, pp.59-60]. Thus solving a problem with the Neumann boundary condition is twice as fast as solving a problem with the periodic boundary condition. We will establish similar results in the 2-dimensional case, where the blurring matrices will be block Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices with Toeplitz-plus-Hankel blocks. 3 Diagonalization of the Neumann Blurring Matrices 3.1 One-Dimensional Problems We first review some definitions and properties of the discrete cosine transform matrix. Let C be the n-by-n discrete cosine transform matrix with entries r is the Kronecker delta, see [14, p.150]. We note that C is orthogonal, i.e., C t Also, for any n-vector v, the matrix-vector multiplications Cv and C t v can be computed in O(n log n) real operations by FCTs; see [23, pp.59-60]. Let C be the space containing all matrices that can be diagonalized by C, i.e. is an n-by-n real diagonal matrixg: (12) to both sides of we see that the eigenvalues [ ] i;i of Q are given by Hence, the eigenvalues of Q can be obtained by taking an FCT of the first column of Q. In particular, any matrix in C is uniquely determined by its first column. Next we give a characterization of the class of matrices C. Let us define the shift of any vector (v) to be the n-by-n symmetric Toeplitz matrix with v as the first column and H(x; y) to be the n-by-n Hankel matrix with x as the first column and y as the last column. Lemma 1 (Chan, Chan, and Wong [6], Kailath and Olshevsky [15], Martucci [22] and Sanchez et al. [24]) Let C be the class of matrices that can be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix C. Then It follows from Lemma 1 that matrices that can be diagonalized by C are some special Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices. Theorem 1 Let the blurring function h be symmetric, i.e., h Then the matrix A given in (10) can be written as where In particular, A can be diagonalized by C. Proof: By (10), . By (6), it is clear that T is equal to T (u). From the definitions of T l and T r in (5) and (7), it is also obvious that Hence By Theorem 1, the solution f of (10) is given by where is the diagonal matrix holding the eigenvalues of A. By (13), can be obtained in one FCT. Hence f can be obtained in three FCTs. We remark that from (14), it is straightforward to construct the Neumann blurring matrix A from the Dirichlet blurring matrix (6). All we need is to reflect the first column of T to get the Hankel matrix H(oe(u); J oe(u)) and add it to T . Clearly the storage requirements of both matrices A and T are the same - we only need to store the first column. 3.2 Two-Dimensional Problems The results of x3.1 can be extended in a natural way to 2-dimensional image restoration problems. In this case, one is concerned with solving a least squares problem similar to that in (3), except that the matrix is now a block matrix. For the zero boundary condition, the resulting blurring matrix is a block-Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block matrix of the form where each block T (j) is a Toeplitz matrix of the form given in (7). The first column and row of T in (16) are completely determined by the blurring function of the blurring process. With the Neumann boundary condition, the resulting matrix A is a block Toeplitz-plus- Hankel matrix with Toeplitz-plus-Hankel blocks. More precisely, A (m) . A (\Gammam) A (m\Gamma1) A (\Gammam+1) with each block A (j) being an n-by-n matrix of the form given in (10). We note that the A (j) in (17) and the T (j) in (16) are related by (14). Thus again it is straightforward to construct the blurring matrix A from the matrix T or from the blurring function directly. Obviously, storage requirements of A and T are the same. We next show that for a symmetric blurring function, the blurring matrix A in (17) can be diagonalized by the 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform matrix. Hence inversion of A can be done by using only three 2-dimensional FCTs. Theorem 2 If the blurring function h i;j is symmetric, i.e., for all i and j, then A can be diagonalized by the 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform matrix C\Omega C, where\Omega is the tensor product. Proof: We note that (C\Omega I)(I\Omega C). Since each block A (j) in (17) is of the form given by (14), by Theorem 1, A (j) can be diagonalized by C, i.e., It follows that (C\Omega C)A(C (C\Omega I)(I\Omega C)A(I\Omega C t )(C t\Omega I) (C\Omega I ) (C t\Omega I) where (m) . (m) Let P be the permutation matrix that satisfies i.e. the (i; j)th entry of the (k; ')th block in is permuted to the (k; ')th entry of the (i; j)th block. Then we have P t (I\Omega C) and ~ A (1) 0 ~ A (2) From (18), each matrix ~ A (j) has the same form as A in (14). In particular, for all j, C ~ ~ (j) , a diagonal matrix. Thus (C\Omega C)A(C (C\Omega I ) (C t\Omega I) ~ ~ (2) which is a permutation of a diagonal matrix and hence is still a diagonal matrix. 4 Estimation of Regularization Parameters Besides the issue of boundary conditions, it is well-known that blurring matrices are in general ill-conditioned and deblurring algorithms will be extremely sensitive to noise [12, p.282]. The ill-conditioning of the blurring matrices stems from the wide range of magnitudes of their eigen-values [10, p.31]. Therefore, excess amplification of the noise at small eigenvalues can occur. The method of regularization is used to achieve stability for deblurring problems. In the classical regularization [10, p.117], stability is attained by introducing a regularization operator which restricts the set of admissible solutions. More specifically, the regularized solution f (-) is computed as the solution to min The term kDf(-)k 2 2 is added in order to regularize the solution. The regularization parameter - controls the degree of regularity (i.e., the degree of bias) of the solution. One can find the solution f (-) in (19) by solving the normal equations Usually, kDfk 2 is chosen to be the L 2 norm kfk 2 or the H 1 norm kLfk 2 where L is the first order difference operator matrix, see [14, 8, 12]. Correspondingly, the matrix D t D in (20) is the identity matrix or the discrete Laplacian matrix with some boundary conditions. In the latter case, if the zero boundary condition is imposed, D t D is just the discrete Laplacian with the Dirichlet boundary condition. For the periodic boundary condition, D t D is circulant and can be diagonalized by the FFTs, see for instance [12, p.283]. For the Neumann boundary condition, D t D is the discrete Laplacian with the Neumann boundary condition, which can be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix, see for instance [4]. Thus if we use the Neumann boundary condition for both the blurring matrix A and the regularization operator D, then the matrix in (20) can be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix and hence its inversion can still be done in three FCTs for any fixed -, cf. (15). Another difficulty in regularization is the choice of -. Generalized cross-validation [11] is a technique that estimates - directly without requiring an estimate of the noise variance. It is based on the concept of prediction errors. For each - be the vector that minimizes the error measure: is the ith element of Af and [g] i is the ith element of g. If - is such that f k - is a good estimate of f , then [Af k should be a good approximation of [g] k on average. For a given -, the average squared error between the predicted value [Af k and the actual value [g] k is given byn The generalized cross-validation (GCV) is a weighted version of the above error: where m jj (-) is the (j; j)th entry of the so-called influence matrix In [11], Golub et al. have shown that v(-) can be written as The optimal regularization parameter is chosen to be the - that minimizes v(-). Since v(-) is a nonlinear function, the minimizer usually cannot be determined analytically. However, if the Neumann boundary condition is used for both A and D t D, we can rewrite v(-) as where ff i and fi i represent the eigenvalues of A and D t D respectively. We recall that ff i and can be obtained by taking the FCT of the first column of A and D t D respectively since the matrices can be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform matrix C. Thus the GCV estimate of - can be computed in a straightforward manner, see [13]. For the periodic boundary condition, the GCV estimate can also be computed by a similar procedure. However, if we use the zero boundary condition, determining the GCV estimate of - will require the inversion of a large matrix which is clearly an overwhelming task for any images of reasonable size. 5 Optimal Cosine Transform Preconditioners Because all matrices in C are symmetric (see (12)), discrete cosine transform matrices can only diagonalized blurring matrices from symmetric blurring functions. For nonsymmetric blurring functions, matrices in C may be used as preconditioners to speed up the convergence of iterative methods such as the conjugate gradient method. Given a matrix A, we define the optimal cosine transform preconditioners c(A) to be the minimizer of kQ \Gamma is the Frobenius norm. In [6, 16], c(A) are obtained by solving linear systems. Here we give a simple approach for finding c(A). Theorem 3 Let h be an arbitrary blurring function and A be the blurring matrix of h with the Neumann boundary condition imposed. Then the optimal cosine transform preconditioner c(A) of A can be found as follows: 1. In the one-dimensional case, c(A) is the blurring matrix corresponding to the symmetric blurring function s with the Neumann boundary condition imposed. 2. In the 2-dimensional case, c(A) is the blurring matrix corresponding to the symmetric blurring function given by s i;j j (h i;j +h i;\Gammaj +h \Gammai;j +h \Gammai;\Gammaj )=4 with the Neumann boundary condition imposed. Proof: We only give the proof for the one-dimensional case. The proof for the two-dimensional case is similar. We first note that if U and V are symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices respectively, then kU F . Hence, for any Since the second term in the right hand side above does not affect the diagonal matrix , the minimizer is given by the diagonal of It is easy to check that2 where and We claim that the diagonal entries [CH(v; \GammaJ v)]C t this is true, then the minimizer is given by and Theorem 3 then follows directly from Theorem 1. To prove our claim, we first note that by (11), r cos Also it is clear that T j JH(v; \GammaJ v) is a skew-symmetric Toeplitz matrix. Therefore In view of Theorem 3 and the results we have in x3, it is easy to find c(A) for blurring matrices generated by nonsymmetric blurring functions. We just take the symmetric part of the blurring functions and form the (block) Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices as given in (10) or (17). From Theorem 3, we also see that if the blurring function is close to symmetric, then c(A) will be a good approximation (hence a good preconditioner) to A, see the numerical results in x6. 6 Numerical Experiments In this section, we illustrate the efficiency of employing the Neumann boundary condition over the other two boundary conditions for image restoration problems. All our tests were done by Matlab. The data source is a photo from the 1964 Gatlinburg Conference on Numerical Algebra taken from Matlab. From (4), we see that to construct the right hand side vector g correctly, we need the vectors f l and f r , i.e., we need to know the image outside the given domain. Thus we Figure 1: The "Gatlinburg Conference" image.1020150.0050.0150.0250.0351020515250.010.020.03 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 2: (a) Gaussian blur; (b) out-of-focus blur; (c) noisy and blurred image by Gaussian blur and (d) by out-of-focus blur. start with the 480-by-640 image of the photo and cut out a 256-by-256 portion from the image. Figure 1 gives the 256-by-256 image of this picture. We consider restoring the "Gatlinburg Conference" image blurred by the following two blurring functions, see [14, p.269]: (i) a truncated Gaussian blur: ae ce (ii) an out-of-focus blur: ae c; if where h i;j is the jth entry of the first column of T (i) in (16) and c is the normalization constant such that We remark that the Gaussian blur is symmetric and separable whereas the out-of-focus blur is symmetric but not separable, see Figures 2(a) and 2(b). A Gaussian white noise n with signal-to-noise ratio of 50dB is then added to the blurred images. The noisy blurred images are shown in Figures 2(c) and 2(d). We note that after the blurring, the cigarette held by Prof. Householder (the rightmost person) is not clearly shown, cf. Figure 1. We remark that the regularization parameter based on the generalized cross-validation method (see x4) is not suitable when the zero boundary condition is imposed. The method will require the inversion of many large matrices. As a comparison of the cost among different boundary conditions, we chose the optimal regularization parameter - such that it minimizes the relative error of the reconstructed image f (-) which is defined as kf \Gamma f (-)k 2 =kfk 2 where f is the original image. The optimal - , accurate up to one significant digit, is obtained by trial and error. In Figures 3 and 4, we present the restored images for the three different boundary conditions, the optimal - and the relative errors. We used the L 2 norm as the regularization functional here. We see from the figures that by imposing the Neumann boundary condition, the relative error and the ringing effect are the smallest. Also the cigarette is better reconstructed by using the Neumann boundary condition than by those using the other two boundary conditions. rel. Figure 3: Restoring Gaussian blur with zero (left), periodic (middle) and Neumann (right) boundary conditions. rel. Figure 4: Restoring out-of-focus blur with zero (left), periodic (middle) and Neumann (right) boundary conditions. Next let us consider the cost. Recall that for each -, we only need three 2-dimensional FFTs and FCTs to compute the restored images for the periodic and the Neumann boundary conditions respectively. Thus the costs for both approaches are about O(n 2 log n) operations though the Neumann one is twice as fast because FCT requires only real multiplications [23, pp.59-60]. For the zero boundary condition, we have to solve a block-Toeplitz-Toeplitz-block system for each -. The fastest direct Toeplitz solver requires O(n 4 ) operations, see [17]. In our tests, the systems Blurring function 3 \Theta Gaussian 67 Out-of-focus 81 73 48 43 26 Blurring function 3 \Theta Gaussian 17 17 13 12 7 7 Out-of-focus 22 21 15 14 9 9 Table 1: The numbers of iterations required for using the zero boundary condition. are solved by the preconditioned conjugate gradient method with circulant preconditioners [7]. Table 1 shows the numbers of iterations required for the two blurring functions for different -. The stopping tolerance is 10 \Gamma6 . We note that the cost per iteration is about four 2-dimensional FFTs. Thus the cost is extremely expensive especially when - is small. In conclusion, we see that the cost of using the Neumann boundary condition is lower than that of using the other two boundary conditions. Finally we illustrate the effectiveness of the optimal cosine transform preconditioners for blurring functions that are close to symmetric. More general tests on the preconditioners are given in [6]. We consider a 2-dimensional deconvolution problem arising in the ground-based atmospheric imaging. Figure 5(a) gives the 256-by-256 blurred and noisy image of an ocean reconnaissance satellite observed by a ground-based imaging system and Figure 5(b) is a 256- by-256 image of a guide star observed under similar circumstances, see [8]. The discrete blurring function h is given by the pixel values of the guide star image. The blurring matrix A is obtained as in (17) by imposing the Neumann boundary condition. 50 100 150 200 2500.40.8 Figure 5: (a) Observed image, (b) the guide star image and (c) a cross-section of the blurring function. We note that the blurring function is not exactly symmetric in this case, see Figure 5(b). However, from the cross-sections of the blurring function (see for instance Figure 6(c)), we know that it is close to symmetric. Therefore, we used the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm with the optimal cosine transform preconditioner to remove the blurring, see x5. Again we use the L 2 norm as the regularization functional here. In Figure 6(a), we present the restored image with the optimal - . The original image is given in Figure 6(b) for comparison. Figure (a) Restored image (- (b) the true image. Table 2: The number of iterations for convergence. Using the optimal cosine transform preconditioner, the image is restored in 4 iterations for a stopping tolerance of 10 \Gamma6 . If no preconditioner is used, acceptable restoration is achieved after 134 iterations, see Table 2. We remark that the cost per iteration for using the optimal cosine transform preconditioner is almost the same as that with no preconditioner: they are about 1:178 \Theta 10 8 and 1:150 \Theta 10 8 floating point operations per iteration respectively. Thus we see that the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm with the optimal cosine transform preconditioner is an efficient and effective method for this problem. 7 Concluding Remarks In this paper, we have shown that discrete cosine transform matrices can diagonalize dense Toeplitz-plus-Hankel blurring matrices arising from using the Neumann (reflective) boundary condition. Numerical results suggest that the Neumann boundary condition provides an effective model for image restoration problems, both in terms of the computational cost and of minimizing the ringing effects near the boundary. It is interesting to note that discrete sine transform matrices can diagonalize Toeplitz matrices with at most 3 bands (such as the discrete Laplacian with zero boundary conditions) but not dense Toeplitz matrices in general, see [9] for instance. --R Superfast Solution of Real Positive Definite Toeplitz Systems IEEE Signal Processing Mag- azine Fast Computation of a Discretized Thin-plate Smoothing Spline for Image Data Based Preconditioners for Total Variation Deblurring Conjugate Gradient Methods for Toeplitz Systems Generalization of Strang's Preconditioner with Applications to Toeplitz Least Squares Problems Sine Transform Based Preconditioners for Symmetric Toeplitz Systems Regularization of Inverse Problems Generalized Cross-validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter New York a Matlab Package for Analysis and Solution of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems Fundamentals of Theory and Applications Fast Algorithms for Block Toeplitz Matrices with Toeplitz Entries Iterative Identification and Restoration of Images The Wiener RMS (Root Mean Square) Error Criterion in Filter Design and Prediction Reducing Boundary Distortion in Image Restoration Symmetric Convolution and the Discrete Sine and Cosine Transforms Diagonalization Properties of the Discrete Cosine Transforms The --TR --CTR Ben Appleton , Hugues Talbot, Recursive filtering of images with symmetric extension, Signal Processing, v.85 n.8, p.1546-1556, August 2005 Marco Donatelli , Claudio Estatico , Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Boundary conditions and multiple-image re-blurring: the LBT case, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.198 n.2, p.426-442, 15 January 2007 Michael K. Ng , Andy M. Yip, A Fast MAP Algorithm for High-Resolution Image Reconstruction with Multisensors, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, v.12 n.2, p.143-164, April 2001 Daniela Calvetti, Preconditioned iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems from a Bayesian inversion perspective, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.198 n.2, p.378-395, 15 January 2007 Jian-Feng Cai , Raymond H. Chan , Carmine Fiore, Minimization of a Detail-Preserving Regularization Functional for Impulse Noise Removal, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.29 n.1, p.79-91, September 2007 Michael K. Ng , Andy C. Yau, Super-Resolution Image Restoration from Blurred Low-Resolution Images, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.23 n.3, p.367-378, November 2005
toeplitz matrix;circulant matrix;boundary conditions;cosine transform;deblurring;hankel matrix
Ordering, Anisotropy, and Factored Sparse Approximate Inverses.
We consider ordering techniques to improve the performance of factored sparse approximate inverse preconditioners, concentrating on the AINV technique of M. Benzi and M. T\r{u}ma. Several practical existing unweighted orderings are considered along with a new algorithm, minimum inverse penalty (MIP), that we propose. We show how good orderings such as these can improve the speed of preconditioner computation dramatically and also demonstrate a fast and fairly reliable way of testing how good an ordering is in this respect. Our test results also show that these orderings generally improve convergence of Krylov subspace solvers but may have difficulties particularly for anisotropic problems. We then argue that weighted orderings, which take into account the numerical values in the matrix, will be necessary for such systems. After developing a simple heuristic for dealing with anisotropy we propose several practical algorithms to implement it. While these show promise, we conclude a better heuristic is required for robustness.
Introduction . Consider solving the system of linear equations: where A is a sparse nn matrix. Depending on the size of A and the nature of the computing environment an iterative method, with some form of preconditioning to speed convergence, is a popular choice. Approximate inverse preconditioners, whose application requires only (easily parallelized) matrix-vector multiplication, are of particular interest today. Several methods of constructing approximate inverses have been proposed (e.g., [2, 3, 9, 20, 22, 24]), falling into two categories: those that directly form an approximation to A -1 and those that form approximations to the inverses of the matrix's LU factors. This second category currently shows more promise than the first for three reasons. First, it is easy to ensure that the factored preconditioner is nonsingular, simply by making sure both factors have nonzero diagonals. Second, the factorization appears to allow more information per nonzero to be stored, improving convergence [4, 8]. Third, the setup costs for creating preconditioners can often be much less [4]. However, unlike A -1 itself, the inverse LU factors are critically dependent on the ordering of the rows and columns-indeed, they will not exist in general for some orderings. Even in the case of an SPD matrix, direct methods have shown how important ordering can be. Thus any factored approximate inverse scheme must handle # Received by the editors March 6, 1998; accepted for publication (in revised form) March 18, 1999; published electronically November 17, 1999. This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada, and Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO), funded by the Province of Ontario. Stanford University, SCCM program, Room 284, Gates Building 2B, Stanford, CA 94305 # Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, Canada ( 868 ROBERT BRIDSON AND WEI-PAI TANG ordering with thought. In particular, for an e#ective preconditioner an ordering that minimizes the size of the "dropped" entries is needed-decreasing the error between the approximate inverse factors and the true ones (see [14] for a discussion of this in the context of ILU). In this paper we focus our attention on the AINV algorithm [3], which, via implicit Gaussian elimination with small-element dropping, constructs a factored approximate where Z and W are unit upper triangular and D -1 is diagonal. However, the purely structural results presented in section 2 apply equally to other factored approximate inverse schemes. Whether the numerical results carry over is still to be determined. For example, conflicting evidence has been presented in [5] and [16] about the e#ect on FSAI [22], which perhaps will be resolved only when the issue of sparsity pattern selection for FSAI has been settled. Some preliminary work in studying the e#ect of ordering on the performance of AINV has shown promising results [3]. more recent work by the same authors is [5].) We carry this research forward in sections 2 and 3, realizing significant improvements in the speed of preconditioner computation and observing some beneficial e#ects on convergence but noting that structural information alone is not always enough. We then turn our attention to anisotropic problems. For the ILU class of preconditioners it has been determined that orderings which take the numerical values of the matrix into account are useful-even necessary (e.g., [10, 11, 12, 14]). Sections 4-6 try to answer the question of whether the same thing holds for factored approximate inverses. The appendix contains the details of our test results. 2. Unweighted orderings. Intuitively, the smaller the size of the dropped portion from the true inverse factors, the better the approximate inverse will be. We will for now assume that the magnitudes of the inverse factors' nonzeros are distributed roughly the same way under di#erent orderings. (Our experience shows this is a fairly good assumption for typical isotropic problems, but as we shall see later, this breaks down for anisotropic matrices in particular.) Then we can consider the simpler problem of reducing the number of dropped nonzeros, instead of their size. Of course, for sparsity we also want to retain as few nonzeros as possible; thus we really want to reduce the number of nonzeros in the exact inverse factors-a quantity we call inverse factor fill, or I F fill. Definition 2.1. Let A be a square matrix with a triangular factorization LU . The I F fill of A is defined to be the total number of nonzeros in the inverses of L and U, assuming no cancellation in the forming of those inverses. For simplicity we restrict our discussion to the SPD case, first examining I F fill and then considering several existing ordering algorithms that may be helpful. We finish the section by proposing a new ordering scheme, which we call MIP. The application to the unsymmetric case is straightforward. The following discussion makes use of some concepts from graph theory. The graph of an n n matrix A is a directed graph on n nodes labeled 1, . , n, with an arc i # j if and only if A ij #= 0. A directed path, or dipath, is an ordered set such that the arcs all exist-often this is written as u 1 # u k . See chapter 3 of [17], for example, for further explanation. From Gilbert [19] and Liu [23], we have the following graph theoretic characterization of the structure of the inverse Cholesky factor. ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 869 Theorem 2.2. Let A be an SPD matrix with Cholesky factor L. Then assuming no cancellation, the structure of -T corresponds to the transitive closure 1 of the graph of L T , that is, for i < j, we have Z ij #= 0 if and only if there is a dipath from i to j in the graph of L T . Furthermore, this is the same structure as given by the transitive closure of the elimination tree of A (the transitive reduction 2 of L T ). Notice that the last structure characterization simply means that for i > j, is an ancestor of i in the elimination tree. This allows us to significantly speed the computation of the preconditioner given a bushy elimination tree, as well as allowing for parallelism-for the calculation of column j in the factors, only the ancestor columns need be considered (a coarser-grain version of this parallelism via graph partitioning has been successfully implemented in [6] for exam- ple). Another product of this characterization is a simple way of computing the I F fill of an SPD matrix, obtained by summing the number of nonzeros in each column of the inverse factor and multiplying by two for the other (transposed) factor. Theorem 2.3. The I F fill of an SPD matrix is simply twice the sum of the depths of all nodes in its elimination tree. In particular, the number of nonzeros in column j of the true inverse factor Z is given by the number of nodes in the subtree of the elimination tree rooted at j. These results suggest orderings that avoid long dipaths in L T (i.e., paths in L T with monotonically increasing node indices), as these cause lots of I F fill, quadratic in their length. Alternatively, we are trying to get short and bushy elimination trees. Another useful characterization of I F fill using notions from [17, 18] allows us to do a cheap "inverse symbolic factorization"-determining the nonzero structure of the inverse factors-without using the elimination tree, which is essential for our minimum inverse penalty (MIP) ordering algorithm presented later. Theorem 2.4. Z ij #= 0 if and only if i is reachable from j strictly through nodes eliminated previous to i-or in terms of the quotient graph model, if i is contained in a supernode adjacent to j at the moment when j is eliminated. Based on the heuristic and results above, we now examine several existing orderings which might do well and propose a new scheme to directly implement the heuristic of reducing I F fill. Red-black. The simplest ordering we consider is (generalized) red-black, where a maximal independent set of ("red") nodes is ordered first and the remaining ("black") nodes are ordered next according to their original sequence. In that initial red block, there are no nontrivial dipaths and hence no o#-diagonal entries in Z. Minimum degree. Benzi and Tuma have observed that minimum degree is generally beneficial for AINV [3]. This is justified by noting that minimum degree typically substantially reduces the height of the elimination tree and hence should reduce I F fill. As an aside, notice that direct-method fill-reducing orderings do not necessarily reduce I F fill. For example, a good envelope ordering will likely give rise to a very tall, narrow elimination tree-typically just a path-and thus give full inverse factors. Again, it should be noted that this isn't necessarily a bad thing if the inverse factors still have very small entries, but without using numerical information from the matrix our experience is that envelope orderings do not manage this. This may seem at 1 The transitive closure of a directed graph G is a graph G # on the same vertices with an arc vertices u and v that were connected by a dipath u # v in G. 2 The transitive reduction of a directed graph G is a graph G # with the minimum number of arcs but still possessing the same transitive closure as G. variance with the result in [13] (elaborated in [5] for factored inverses) that for banded SPD matrices the rate of decay of the entries in the inverse has an upper bound that decreases as the bandwidth decreases. However, decay was measured there in terms of distance from the diagonal, which is really suitable only for small bandwidth orderings; the results presented in section 5 of [13], measuring decay in terms of the unweighted graph distance, should make theoretical progress possible. We will return to this issue in sections 4-6. Nested dissection (ND). On the other hand, by ordering vertex separators last ND avoids any long monotonic dipaths and hence a lot of I F fill. Alternatively, in trying to balance the elimination tree it reduces the sum of depths. Minimum inverse penalty (MIP). Above we noted that we can very cheaply compute the number of nonzeros in each column of Z within a symbolic factoriza- tion. This allows to propose a new ordering, MIP, an analogue to minimum degree. Minimum degree is built around a symbolic Cholesky factorization of the matrix, at each step selecting the node(s) of minimum penalty to eliminate. The penalty was originally taken to be the degree of the node in the partially eliminated graph; later algorithms have used other related quantities including the external degree and approximate upper bounds. In MIP we follow the same greedy strategy but we compute a penalty for node v based on Zdeg v , the number of nonzeros in the column of Z were v to be ordered next-the degree in the inverse Cholesky factor instead of the well as on Udeg v , the number of uneliminated neighbors of node v at the current stage of factorization (not counting supernodes). In our experiments we found the function Penalty to be fairly e#ective. Further research into a better penalty function is needed. Also, ideas from minimum degree such as multiple elimination, element absorption, etc. might be suitable here. 3. Testing unweighted orderings. We used the symmetric part of the matrix for all the orderings. Red-black was implemented with the straightforward greedy algorithm to select a maximal independent set. Our minimum degree algorithm was AMDBAR, a top-notch variant due to Amestoy, Davis, and Du# [1]. We wrote our own ND algorithm that constructs vertex separators from edge separators given by a multilevel bisection algorithm. This algorithm coarsens the graph with degree-1 node compression and heavy-edge matchings until there are less than 100 nodes, bisects the small graph spectrally according to the Fiedler vector [15], and uses a greedy boundary-layer sweep to smooth in projecting back to the original. See [21], for example, for more details on this point. The appendix provides further details about our testing. The tables contain data for both the unweighted orderings above and their weighted counterparts presented below-ignore the lower numbers for now. In brief, we selected several matrices from the Harwell-Boeing collection and tested them all with each ordering scheme. Table 4 gives the true I F fill for each matrix (or its symmetric part) and ordering. Tables 5-7 give the preconditioner performance. As the number of nonzeros allowed in the preconditioner can have a significant e#ect on results, we standardized all our test runs: in each box the left number is a report for when the preconditioner had as many nonzeros as the matrix and the right number for when the preconditioner had twice as many nonzeros. In terms of I F fill reduction, AMDBAR, ND, and MIP are always the best three by a considerable factor. ND wins 15 times, AMDBAR 5 times, and MIP 3 times, with one tie. Red-black beats the natural ordering but not dramatically. It is clear that ordering can help immensely for accelerating the computation of ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 871 Inverse fill Time to compute preconditioner Fig. 1. Correlation of I F fill and preconditioner computing time, normalized with respect to the given (original) ordering. Table Average decrease in number of iterations over the test set, in percentages of the iterations taken by the given ordering. Fill Red-black AMDBAR ND MIP the preconditioner. ND is the winner, followed by AMDBAR, MIP, and then red-black quite a bit behind. The preconditioner computing time is closely correlated to I F fill-see Figure 1. Thus calculating I F fill provides a fast and reasonably good test to indicate how e#cient an (unweighted) ordering is for preconditioner computation- perhaps not an important point if the iteration time dominates the setup time, but this may be useful for applications where the reverse is true. The e#ect of ordering on speed of solution is less obvious. The poor behavior of PORES2, 3 SHERMAN2, and WATSON5 indicate that AINV probably isn't appropriate (although if we had properly treated SHERMAN2 as a block matrix instead it might have gone better). Notice in particular that sometimes lowering the drop tolerance, increasing the size of the preconditioner and hopefully making it more accurate, actually degrades convergence for these indefinite problems. From the remaining matrices, we compared the average decrease in number of iterations over the given ordering-see Table 1. Particularly given its problems with SAYLR4, WAT- SON4, WATT1, and WATT2 red-black cannot be viewed as a good ordering. MIP is overall the best, although it had a problem with WATT1, whereas the close contender AMDBAR did fairly well on all but the di#cult three mentioned above. The good I F fill reducing orderings all made worthwhile improvements in convergence rates, but it is surprising that ND did the least considering its superior I F fill reduction. Clearly our intuition that having fewer nonzeros to drop makes a better preconditioner has merit, but it does not tell the entire story. 3 In [3] somewhat better convergence was achieved for PORES2, presumably due to implementation di#erences in the preconditioner or its application. 872 ROBERT BRIDSON AND WEI-PAI TANG 4. Anisotropy. In the preceding test results we find several exceptions to the general rule that AMDBAR, ND, and MIP perform similarly, even ignoring PORES2, SHERMAN2, and WATSON5. For example, there are considerable variations for each of ALE3D, BCSSTK14, NASA1824, ORSREG1, SAYLR4, and WATSON4. More importantly, these variations are not correlated with I F fill; some other factor is at work. Noticing that each of these matrices are quite anisotropic and recalling the problems anisotropy poses for ILU, we are led to investigate weighted orderings. We first develop a heuristic for handling anisotropic matrices. The goal in mind is to order using the di#ering strengths of connections to reduce the magnitude of the inverse factor entries. Then even if we end up with more I F fill (and hence drop more nonzeros), the magnitude of the discarded portion of the inverse factors may be smaller and give a more accurate preconditioner. Again, we only look at SPD A. Let A = LDL T be the modified Cholesky fac- torization, where L is unit lower triangular and D is diagonal. Then -T , and since is zero on and below the diagonal hence nilpotent, we have Then for The nonzero entries in this sum correspond to the monotonically increasing di- Our orderings should therefore avoid having many such dipaths which involve large entries of L, as each one could substantially increase the magnitude of Z's entries. Thus we want to move the large entries away from the diagonal, so they cannot appear in many monotonic dipaths. In other words, after a node has been ordered, we want to order so that its remaining neighbors with strong L-connections come as late as possible after it. For the purposes of our ordering heuristic, we want an easy approximation to L independent of the eventual ordering chosen-something that can capture the order of magnitude of entries in L but doesn't require us to decide the ordering ahead of time. Assuming A has an adequately dominant diagonal without too much variation, we can take the absolute value of the lower triangular part of A, symmetrically rescaled to have a unit diagonal. (This can be thought of as a scaled Gauss-Seidel approxima- tion.) Our general heuristic is then to delay strong connections in this approximating matrix M defined by An alternative justification of this heuristic, simply in the context of reducing the magnitude of entries in L, is presented in [10]. Now consider a simple demonstration problem to determine whether this heuristic could help. The matrix SINGLEANISO comes from a 5-point finite-di#erence discretization on a regular 31 31 grid of the following PDE: Here the edges of A (and M) corresponding to the y-direction are 1000 times heavier than those corresponding to the x-direction. We try comparing two I F fill reducing orderings. The first ordering ("strong-first") block-orders the grid columns with ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 873 Strong-first ordering Weak-first ordering Fig. 2. The two orderings of SINGLEANISO, depicted on the domain. Lighter shaded boxes indicate nodes ordered later. Table Performance of strong-first ordering versus weak-first ordering for SINGLEANISO. Ordering Time to compute preconditioner Number of iterations Time for iterations Strong-first Weak-first 0.38 25 0.25 nested dissection and then internally orders each block with nested dissection-this brings the strong connections close to the diagonal. The second ("weak-first") block- orders the grid rows instead, pushing the strong connections away from the diagonal, delaying them until the last. These are illustrated in Figure 2, where each square of the grid is shaded according to its place in the ordering. Both orderings produce a reasonable I F fill of 103,682, with isomorphic elimination trees. However, they give very di#erent performance at the first level of fill-see Table 2. In all respects the weak-first ordering is significantly better than the strong- first one. In Figure 3 we plot the decay of the entries in the inverse factors resulting from the two orderings and show parts of those factors. The much smaller entries from the weak-first ordering confirm our heuristic. 5. Weighted orderings. In our experience it appears that I F fill reduction typically helps to also reduce the magnitude of entries in the inverse factors but blind as it is to the numerical values in the matrix it can make mistakes such as allowing strong connections close to the diagonal. In creating algorithms for ordering general matrices, we thus have tried to simply modify the unweighted algorithms to consider the numerical values. Weighted nested dissection (WND). Consider the spectral bipartition al- gorithm. Finding the Fiedler vector, the eigenvector of the Laplacian of the graph with second smallest eigenvalue (see [15]), is equivalent to minimizing (over a space orthogonal to the constant vectors): Entries sorted by magnitude Magnitudes Comparing decay in factors Strong-first Weak-first Close-up of strong-first Close-up of weak-first Fig. 3. Comparison of the magnitude of entries in inverse factors for the di#erent orderings of SINGLEANISO. The close-up images of the actual factors are shaded according to the magnitude of the nonzeros-darker means bigger. (i,j) is an edge We then make the bipartition depending on which side of the median each entry lies. Notice that the closer together two entries are in value-i.e., the smaller is-the more likely those nodes will be ordered on the same side of the cut. We would like weakly connected nodes (where M ij is small) to be in the same part and the strong connections to be in the edge cut, so we try minimizing the following weighted quadratic sum: (i,j) is an edge where M is the scaled matrix mentioned above. This corresponds to finding the eigenvector with second smallest eigenvalue of the weighted Laplacian matrix for the graph defined by (i, is an edge if and only if M ij #= 0, weight(i, Thus we modify ND simply by changing the Laplacian used in the bipartition step to this weighted Laplacian. Fortunately, our multilevel approach with heavy- edge matchings typically will eliminate the largest o#-diagonal entries, as well as substantially decreasing the size of the eigenproblem, making it easy to solve, so our WND is very reasonable to compute. OutIn. Our other weighted orderings are based on an intuition from finite- di#erence matrices. We expect that the nodes most involved in long, heavy paths are those near the weighted center of the graph (those with minimum weighted eccen- tricity). The nodes least involved in paths are intuitively the ones on the weighted ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 875 periphery of the graph. Thus OutIn orders the periphery first and proceeds to an approximate weighted center ("from the outside to the inside"). To e#ciently find an approximate weighted center we use an iterative algorithm. Algorithm 1 (approximate weighted center). . Do - Calculate the M-weighted shortest paths and M-weighted distances to other nodes from v i (where the distance is the minimum sum of weights, given by M , along a connecting path). - Select a node e i of maximum distance from v i . Travel r of the way along a shortest path from v i to e i , saving the resulting node as v i+1 . . End loop when v as the approximate center. Then our OutIn ordering is the following. Algorithm 2 (OutIn). . Compute . Get an approximate weighted center c for M . . Calculate the distances and shortest paths from all other nodes in M to c. . Return the nodes in sorted order, with most distant first and c last. Despite our earlier remark that envelope orderings might not be useful, the weight information actually lets OutIn perform significantly better than the natural ordering by reducing the size of the nonzeros in the factors if not the number of them. However, why not combine OutIn with an I F fill reducing ordering to try to get the best of both worlds? We thus test OutIn as a preprocessing stage before applying red-black, minimum degree, or MIP. We note that the use of hash tables and other methods to accelerate the latter two means that it's not true that the precedence set by OutIn will always be followed in breaking ties for minimum penalty. As an aside, we also considered modifying minimum degree and MIP with tie-breaking directly based on the weight of a candidate node's connections to previously selected nodes. Weighted tie-breaking (with RCM) has proved useful before in the context of ILU [11]. However, for the significant extra cost incurred by this tie- breaking, this achieved little here-it appears that a more global view of weights is required when doing approximate inverses. Before proceeding to our large test set, we verify that these orderings are behaving as expected with another demonstration matrix. ANISO is a similar problem to SINGLEANISO but with four abutting regions of anisotropy with di#ering directions [12]-see Figure 4 for a diagram showing the directions in the domain. As shown in Table 3, the results for WND over ND and OutIn/MIP over MIP didn't change, but there was a significant improvement in the other orderings. 6. Testing weighted results. We repeated the tests for our weighted orderings, with results given in Tables 4-7. For unsymmetric matrices, we used |A| define M in WND and OutIn, avoiding the issue of directed edges as with unweighted orderings. In each box of the tables, the lower numbers correspond to the weighted orderings; we have grouped them with the corresponding unweighted orderings for comparison. 876 ROBERT BRIDSON AND WEI-PAI TANG Fig. 4. Schematic showing the domain of ANISO. The arrows indicate the direction of the strong connections. Table Performance of weighted orderings versus unweighted orderings for ANISO. Ordering I F fill Time to compute preconditioner Number of iterations Time for iterations Given 462 0.41 118 1.2 OutIn 266 0.31 77 0.76 Red-black 239 0.28 107 1.13 OutIn/RB 208 0.28 61 0.61 OutIn/AMD 69 0.15 48 0.5 WND 84 0.15 Only ND su#ered in preconditioner computing time-our spectral weighting appears to be too severe, creating too much I F fill. However, it is important to note that the increase in time is much less than that suggested by I F fill-indeed, although WND gave several times more I F fill for ADD32, MEMPLUS, SAYLR4, SHERMAN4, and WANG1, it actually allowed for slightly faster preconditioner computation. This verifies the merit of our heuristic. Both the natural ordering and red-black benefited substantially from OutIn in terms of preconditioner computation, and AMDBAR and MIP didn't seem to be a#ected very much-this could quite well be a result of the data structure algorithms which do not necessarily preserve the initial precedence set by OutIn. In terms of improving convergence, we didn't fix the problems with PORES2, SHERMAN2, and WATSON5. These matrices have very weak diagonals anyhow, so our heuristics probably don't apply. OutIn and OutIn/RB are a definite improvement on the natural ordering and red-black, apart from on BCSSTK14 and WATSON4. The e#ect of OutIn on AMDBAR and MIP is not clear; usually there's little e#ect, and on some matrices (e.g., ALE3D and SAYLR4) it has an opposite e#ect on the two. WND shows more promise, improving convergence over ND considerably for ALE3D, BCSSTK14, ORSIRR1, ORSREG1, and SAYLR4. Its much poorer I F fill reduction (generally by a factor of 4) gave it problems on a few matrices though. ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 877 7. Conclusions. It is clear that I F fill reduction is crucial to the speed of preconditioner computation, often making an order of magnitude di#erence. We also saw that the I F fill of a matrix can be computed very cheaply and gives a good indication of the preconditioner computation time, for unweighted orderings at least. Reducing I F fill typically also gives a more e#ective preconditioner, accelerating convergence-not only are the number of nonzeros in the true inverse factors de- creased, but the magnitude of the portion that is dropped by AINV is reduced too. However, although ND gave the best I F fill reduction, MIP gave the best acceleration so care must be taken. It would be interesting to determine why this is so. Probably several steps of ND followed by MIP or a minimum degree variant on the subgraphs will prove to be the most practical ordering. Anisotropy can have a significant e#ect on performance, both in terms of preconditioner computing time and solution time. Our WND algorithm shows the most promise for a high-performance algorithm that can exploit anisotropy, perhaps after some tuning of the weights in the Laplacian matrix used. Robustness is still an issue; we believe a more sophisticated weighting heuristic is necessary for further progress. Appendix . Testing data. Our test platform was a 180MHz Pentium Pro running Windows/NT. We used MATLAB 5.1, with the algorithm for AINV written as a MEX extension in C. Our AINV algorithm was a left-looking, column-by-column ver- sion, with o#-diagonal entries dropped when their magnitude is below a user-supplied tolerance and with the entries of D shifted to 10 -3 max |A| when their computed magnitude We also make crucial use of the elimination tree; in making a column conjugate with the previous columns, we only consider its descendants in the elimination tree (the only columns that could possibly contribute anything). This accelerates AINV considerably for low I F fill orderings-e.g., SHER- MAN3 with AMDBAR ordering and a drop tolerance of 0.1 is accelerated by a factor of four! An upcoming paper [7] will explore this more thoroughly. To compare the orderings we selected several matrices, mostly from the Harwell-Boeing collection. First we found the amount of true I F fill caused by each ordering, given in Table 4. We then determined drop-tolerances for AINV to produce preconditioners with approximately N and 2N nonzeros, where N is the number of nonzeros in the given matrix. For each matrix, ordering, and fill level we attempted to solve using BiCGStab (CG for SPD matrices), where b was chosen so that the correct x is the vector of all 1s. Tables 5, 6, and 7 give the CPU time taken for preconditioner computation, the iterations required to reduce the residual norm by a factor of 10 -9 , and the CPU time taken by the iterations. We halted after 1800 iterations; the daggers in Tables 6 and 7 indicate no convergence at that point. In each box of the tables, the upper line corresponds to the unweighted ordering and the lower line its weighted counterpart. In Tables 5, 6, and 7 the numbers on the left of the box correspond to the low-fill tests and those on the right to the high-fill tests. To highlight the winning ordering for each matrix, we have put the best numbers in underlined boldface. 878 ROBERT BRIDSON AND WEI-PAI TANG Table Comparison of I F fill caused by di#erent orderings. Nonzero counts are given in thousands of nonzeros. In each box the upper number corresponds to the unweighted ordering, and the lower number corresponds to its weighted counterpart. Given Red-black AMDBAR ND MIP Name n NNZ OutIn OutIn/* OutIn/* WND OutIn/* 1486 1506 419 1526 709 4468 4435 1615 113777 1736 28974 19841 6815 26054 12750 128 91 37 114 59 SHERMAN5 3312 21 1340 1122 414 334 465 432 430 54 833 52 ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 879 Table Comparison of CPU time for preconditioner computation. In each box the upper numbers correspond to the unweighted ordering, and the lower numbers correspond to its weighted counterpart. The numbers on the left refer to the low-fill test, and the numbers on the right refer to the high-fill test. Given Red-black AMDBAR ND MIP Name OutIn OutIn/* OutIn/* WND OutIn/* 1.7 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.5 2.5 3.2 1.3 1.5 ADD32 33.9 45.6 32.7 43.5 3.4 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.4 7.1 8.0 6.1 6.3 3.5 3.4 2.9 3.0 3.7 3.4 ALE3D 14.3 26.6 13.0 24.1 9.4 16.1 6.4 11.0 15.9 28.3 BCSSTK14 6.2 11.1 6.0 10.7 2.3 3.7 2.0 3.3 3.0 4.7 5.6 8.4 5.6 8.5 2.2 3.6 3.6 5.6 3.5 5.7 70.6 76.6 81.0 84.5 61.6 61.9 54.7 55.8 65.1 58.2 NASA1824 4.6 7.8 4.0 7.1 1.3 2.1 1.5 2.3 1.8 2.8 3.9 6.0 3.9 6.1 1.4 2.2 1.9 3.0 1.7 2.8 8.4 15.2 8.5 14.7 3.0 5.0 2.4 3.8 3.5 5.7 8.4 14.5 8.5 14.7 3.1 5.1 2.8 4.5 4.2 6.8 1.3 1.7 1.1 1.8 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.3 ORSREG1 7.6 10.7 4.7 6.4 2.8 3.9 2.7 3.8 3.3 4.6 6.4 8.8 5.3 7.1 2.9 3.6 4.6 6.4 4.4 6.1 PORES2 2.8 4.0 2.5 3.8 1.3 1.9 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.7 2.5 2.0 2.9 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.6 2.4 SAYLR4 8.5 12.1 5.9 7.1 2.8 3.8 2.3 2.8 4.1 5.0 4.6 6.1 4.1 4.8 2.9 3.5 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.9 SHERMAN2 5.8 11.1 5.4 9.9 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.2 5.3 5.2 8.9 5.0 8.8 3.2 5.5 4.0 6.8 3.0 5.1 SHERMAN5 12.1 21.2 9.5 16.4 4.1 6.6 3.6 5.7 4.1 6.3 7.6 11.7 7.3 11.6 4.3 6.7 4.8 7.3 4.1 6.3 SWANG1 18.7 29.4 18.2 28.0 4.2 5.8 3.2 4.4 6.4 9.2 18.2 29.8 14.8 23.3 4.1 4.2 3.4 4.6 5.9 8.5 WANG1 19.6 31.3 10.8 16.4 6.2 8.8 6.2 8.9 9.2 13.2 16.2 24.2 12.1 18.0 6.4 9.2 6.2 8.8 9.2 13.3 2.1 2.9 2.0 2.8 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.9 7.2 11.3 3.8 6.0 2.0 3.0 1.8 2.5 2.7 4.0 4.8 7.7 3.8 5.8 2.2 3.2 1.8 2.5 2.4 3.6 7.4 12.0 4.2 6.6 2.1 3.0 1.8 2.6 2.8 3.9 5.1 7.5 3.7 5.5 2.7 3.9 1.9 2.6 2.5 3. Table Comparison of iterations required to reduce residual norm by 10 -9 . In each box the upper numbers correspond to the unweighted ordering, and the lower numbers correspond to its weighted counterpart. The numbers on the left refer to the low-fill test, and the numbers on the right refer to the high-fill test. Given Red-black AMDBAR ND MIP Name OutIn OutIn/* OutIn/* WND OutIn/* 28 21 34 19 9 28 37 21 33 43 26 28 42 19 PORES3 87 28 90 23 81 31 36 21 37 26 36 23 36 22 35 23 36 22 28 19 28 21 28 19 43 28 6 28 4 ORDERING, ANISOTROPY, AND APPROXIMATE INVERSES 881 Table Comparison of time taken for iterations. In each box the upper numbers correspond to the unweighted ordering, and the lower numbers correspond to its weighted counterpart. The numbers on the left refer to the low-fill test, and the numbers on the right refer to the high-fill test. Given Red-black AMDBAR ND MIP Name OutIn OutIn/* OutIn/* WND OutIn/* ALE3D 18.4 11.5 10.2 9.3 5.5 8.6 10.0 8.7 4.9 5.0 4.9 5.8 3.6 5.4 4.2 4.2 5.0 6.9 6.1 7.7 9.3 9.0 9.2 8.9 8.6 7.5 13.0 15.4 7.9 7.1 13.4 16.0 13.2 17.0 8.3 7.7 10.3 10.5 7.7 7.5 14.7 11.4 10.4 6.8 22.0 5.7 15.0 4.3 11.1 4.5 NASA1824 71.4 73.5 68.2 73.5 63.3 52.1 53.2 50.4 65.3 52.0 NASA2146 10.3 10.2 11.6 12.8 7.8 6.3 7.9 5.6 7.2 6.9 11.6 7.4 10.9 7.4 9.2 6.7 9.4 6.0 7.9 6.1 ORSREG1 2.4 1.9 2.3 1.4 2.3 1.3 2.2 2.0 2.4 1.4 2.2 1.5 2.1 1.2 2.2 1.5 2.0 1.3 2.3 1.6 PORES3 1.1 0.5 1.2 0.4 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 4.3 4.6 4.0 3.8 4.8 5.0 4.0 4.4 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.7 4.1 3.8 SAYLR4 71.8 4.6 3.9 6.4 4.7 4.6 8.9 4.3 8.3 4.3 65.6 4.8 6.8 4.6 6.2 4.4 4.8 4.3 4.9 4.3 SHERMAN5 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.4 2.2 2.9 2.3 2.9 2.3 2.5 2.0 2.7 2.1 2.4 2.0 3.2 3.4 2.9 2.6 3.1 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0. --R An approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm A sparse approximate inverse preconditioner for the conjugate gradient method A sparse approximate inverse preconditioner for nonsymmetric linear systems Numerical experiments with two approximate inverse preconditioners Orderings for factorized sparse approximate inverse preconditioners Refined algorithms for a factored approximate inverse. Approximate inverse techniques for general sparse matrices Approximate inverse preconditioners via sparse-sparse iterations Spectral ordering techniques for incomplete LU preconditioners for CG methods Weighted graph based ordering techniques for preconditioned conjugate gradient methods Towards a cost-e#ective ILU preconditioner with high level fill Decay rates for inverses of band matrices An algebraic approach to connectivity of graphs Improving the performance of parallel factorized sparse approximate inverse precon- ditioners Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems The evolution of the minimum degree ordering algorithm Predicting structure in sparse matrix computations Parallel preconditioning with sparse approximate inverses A fast and high quality multilevel scheme for partitioning irregular graphs Factorized sparse approximate inverse preconditionings I. The role of elimination trees in sparse factorization Toward an e --TR --CTR E. Flrez , M. D. Garca , L. Gonzlez , G. Montero, The effect of orderings on sparse approximate inverse preconditioners for non-symmetric problems, Advances in Engineering Software, v.33 n.7-10, p.611-619, 29 November 2002 Michele Benzi, Preconditioning techniques for large linear systems: a survey, Journal of Computational Physics, v.182 n.2, p.418-477, November 2002
preconditioner;conjugate gradient-type methods;anisotropy;approximate inverse;ordering methods
A Parallel Algorithm for the Reduction to Tridiagonal Form for Eigendecomposition.
One-sided orthogonal transformations which orthogonalize columns of a matrix are related to methods for finding singular values. They have the advantages of lending themselves to parallel and vector implementations and simplifying access to the data by not requiring access to both rows and columns. They can be used to find eigenvalues when the matrix is given in factored form. Here, a finite sequence of transformations leading to a partial orthogonalization of the columns is described. This permits a tridiagonal matrix whose eigenvalues are the squared singular values to be derived. The implementation on the Fujitsu VPP series is discussed and some timing results are presented.
Introduction Symmetric eigenvalue problems appear in many applications ranging from computational chemistry to structural engineering. Algorithms for symmetric eigenvalue problems have been extensively discussed in the literature [11, 9] and implemented in various software packages (e.g. LAPACK [1]). With the broader introduction of parallel computers in scientific computing new parallel algorithms have been suggested [7, 2]. In the following another new parallel algorithm is suggested which is particularly well adapted to vector parallel computers and has low operation counts. Eigenvalue problems can only be solved by iterative algorithms in general as they are in an algebraic sense equivalent to finding the n zeros of a polynomial. There are, however, two main classes of methods to solve the symmetric eigenvalue problem. The first class only requires matrix vector products and does not inspect nor alter the matrix elements of the matrix. This class includes the Lanczos method [9] and Date: November 1995. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 65Y05,65F30. Key words and phrases. Parallel Computing, Reduction Algorithms, One-sided Reductions. Computer Sciences Laboratory, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia. ANU Supercomputer Facility, Australian National University. Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University. M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE has particular advantages for sparse matrices. However, in general, the Lanczos method has difficulties in finding all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. A second class of methods iteratively applies similarity transforms with A A to the matrix to get a sequence of orthogonally similar matrices which converge to a diagonal matrix. This second class of methods consists mainly of two subclasses. The first subclass uses Givens matrices for the similarity transforms and is Jacobi's method. It has been successfully implemented in parallel [2], [12]. A disadvantage of this method is its high operation count. A second subclass of methods first reduces the matrix with an orthogonal similarity transform to tridiagonal form and then uses special methods for symmetric tridiagonal matrices. Both parts of these algorithms pose major challenges to parallel implementation. For the second stage of tridiagonal eigenvalue problem solvers the most popular methods include divide and conquer [7] and multisectioning [9]. Here the reduction to tridiagonal form is discussed. Earlier algorithms use block matrix algorithms, see [6, 5, 3]. However, these methods have not achieved optimal performance. One problem is that similarity transforms require multiplications from both sides. It was seen [12] that the Jacobi method based on one-sided transformations allows better vectorization and requires less communication than the original Jacobi algorithms. Assuming that A is positive semi-definite the intermediate matrices B i can be defined as factors of the A i , that is, As will be seen in the following, the one-sided idea can also be used for the reduction algorithm. The algorithm will form part of the subroutine library for a distributed memory computer, the Fujitsu VPP 500. Often the application of subroutines from libraries allow the user little freedom in the choice of the distribution of the data to the local memories of the processors. The one-sided algorithms allow a large range of distributions and perform equally well on all of them. In the next section the one and two-sided reduction to tridiagonal form is de- scribed. Section 3 reinterprets the reduction as an orthogonalisation procedure similar to the Gram-Schmidt procedure. This reinterpretation is used to introduce the new one-sided reduction algorithm. In Section 4 the computation of eigenvectors is discussed and Section 5 contains timings and comparisons with other algorithms. REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 3 2. Reduction to tridiagonal form A class of methods to solve the eigenvalue problem for symmetric matrices A 2 R n\Thetan first reduces them to tridiagonal form and in a second step solves the eigenvalue problem for this tridiagonal matrix. The problem of finding the eigendecomposition of the tridiagonal matrix will not be discussed here but that of accumulating transformations to be used for finding the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix is The reduction to tridiagonal form produces a factorization where Q is orthogonal and T is symmetric and tridiagonal. If the offdiagonal elements of T are (nonzero) positive the factorization is uniquely determined by the first column of Q [9]. The proof of this fact leads directly to the Lanczos algo- rithm. While the Lanczos method has advantages especially for sparse matrices, methods based on sequences of simple orthogonal similarity transforms [9, p.118] are preferable for dense matrices. 2.1. Householder's reduction. A method attributed to Householder uses Householder transformations or reflections with In the following let ff ij denote the elements of A. That is, matrix H(w)AH(w) has zeros in rows 3 to n in the first column and in columns 3 to n in the first row. The computation of H(w), or equivalently of w; fl and fi 1 requires multiplications and n additions (up to O(1)). Using the matrix vector product v the application of H(w) is a rank two update as 4 M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE where This takes n 2 +n multiplications and additions for the computation of p, 2n+2 multiplications and additions for the computation of q and n 2 multiplications and 2n 2 additions for the rank two update. This gives a total of 2n 2 multiplications and 3n 2 In a second step, a v is found such that H(v)H(w)AH(w)H(v) has additional zeros in columns 4 to n in the second row and in rows 4 to n in the second column and the procedure is repeated until the remaining matrix is tridiagonal. The sizes of the remaining submatrices decrease and at step n \Gamma k a matrix of size k has to be processed requiring multiplications and 3k 2 additions. This gives a total of multiplications and additions. The tridiagonal matrix is not uniquely determined by the problem. For example, different starting vectors for the Lanczos procedure lead to different tridiagonal matrices. Also, different matrices can be obtained if different arithmetic precision is used [9, p.123/124]. However, despite this apparent lack of definition, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original problem can still be determined with an error proportional to machine precision. In summary, the sequential Householder tridiagonalization algorithm is as follows: For Calculate (fl; w) from A(k End For vector and parallel processors the Householder algorithm has some disad- vantages. Firstly, as the iterations progress, the length of the vectors used in the calculations decreases but for efficient use of a vector processor we prefer long vector lengths. Secondly, in a parallel environment, if the input matrix A is partitioned in a banded manner across a one-dimensional array of processors, the algorithm will REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 5 be severely load imbalanced. To avoid this various authors have suggested using cyclic [5] or torus-wrap mappings of the data [10, 3]. Also, for a parallel imple- mentation, the rank two update of A requires copies of both vectors w and q on all processors which leads to a heavy communication load. 2.2. One-sided reduction. A one-sided algorithm is developed to overcome the difficulties inherent in a parallel version of the sequential Householder algorithm. In addition, it is expected that the one-sided algorithm generates less fill-in for sparse matrices than the two-sided algorithms if the matrix is given in finite element form. Real symmetric matrices A are either given by or can be factored as so A can be represented in factored form by D and B. If Cholesky factorization is to be used then the spectrum of A might have to be shifted so that A \Gamma -I is positive definite. The parameter - can be chosen using the Gershgorin shift. If exact arithmetic is used for the reduction, the eigenvectors of A \Gamma -I are equal to the eigenvectors of A and the eigenvalues are shifted by -. However, the precision of the computations will be affected by the introduction of the shift. A Householder similarity transform of A is done by applying H(w) to B as For this, a rank one modification must be computed with flBw. The computation of p requires multiplications and additions, the rank one modification n 2 multiplications and n 2 additions giving together 2n 2 +n multiplications and 2n additions. In contrast to the two-sided algorithm, the number of additions is approximately the same as the number of multiplications in this algorithm. This is advantageous for architectures which can do addition and multiplication in parallel as it means better load balancing. The computation of w is more costly for this method than for the original Householder method. As the Householder vector w is computed from the first column a 1 of A, this column has to be reconstructed first from the factored representation by This requires n 2 +n multiplications and additions. Thus the computation of the Householder matrix H(v) requires (up to O(1) terms) multiplications and n 2 additions. 6 M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE Adding these terms up, one reduction step needs multiplications and additions and so the overall costs of this algorithm are multiplications and additions. The total number of operations has increased compared with the original algorithm. But the time used on a computer which does additions and multiplications in parallel and at the same speed is the same. If the matrix A is not already factorized, however, the time to do this would have to be taken into account as well. In summary, the sequential version of the one-sided algorithm is as follows. For Calculate (fl; w) from a k End 3. The one-sided algorithm as an orthogonalization procedure In order to develop the parallel version of the algorithm the one-sided reduction is interpreted as an orthogonalization procedure like the Gram-Schmidt process. Let b i denote the ith column of B, that is, Then the matrix A can be interpreted as the Gramian of the b i as follows, The one-sided tridiagonalization procedure constructs such that As T is the Gramian of the c i the tridiagonality is a condition on the orthogonality of certain c i as 2: (3.4) REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 7 In a first step the orthogonality of c established by setting and such that and Here ffi kj denotes the Kronecker delta. In a subsequent step, linear combinations of are formed such that c 4 are orthogonal to c 2 . As the c are orthogonal to c 1 the linear combinations are as well and so the subsequent steps do not destroy the earlier orthogonality relations. This is the basic observation used in the proof of this method. The algorithm for reduction to tridiagonal form is then as follows: c (1) for k := end for where the fl (k) ij are such that the new c (k) are orthogonal to c (k\Gamma1) . That is, and the matrix i;j=k;:::;n is orthogonal with That is, at each iteration k, find an orthogonal transformation of the c (k\Gamma1) i such that c (k) j is orthogonal to c (k\Gamma1) This is equivalent to making the offdiagonal elements ff j;k\Gamma1 and ff k\Gamma1;j of A zero for Proposition 3.1. Let c (k) j be computed by the previous algorithm and c (1) 8 M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE where c (n) tridiagonal and there is an orthogonal matrix Q such that Proof. The proof is based on the fact mentioned earlier that some orthogonality relations are invariant. It uses induction. The proof is very similar to the one given in the next section for the corresponding parallel algorithm. Remark. The original Householder algorithm can be formulated in a similar way treating B as an inner product. Coordinate transformations change the matrix until it is tridiagonal. 3.1. Parallel Algorithm. In the following the single program multiple data model (SPMD) will be used. The basic assumption is that all the processors are programmed in the same way although their actions might be slightly different. Thus an SPMD algorithm is described by the pseudocode denoting what one processor has to do. The data in the matrix B is distributed to the processors by columns in a cyclic fashion. This means that processor 1 contains columns contains and so on where p is the total number of processors. More formally, processor q contains b i for pg. In order to simplify notation let N ng where is the processor number. Furthermore mod denotes the mod function mapping positive and negative integers to c (1) broadcast c (1) 1 else receive c (1)for k := gather c (k) end for As before, the coefficients fl (h) ij and ~ ij are such that the modified columns are orthogonal to the last unmodified one. Thus ng " N q ; and REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 9 The coefficients also form orthogonal matrices so it follows that, and ~ The c (k) are overwritten with the ~ c (k) . Note that the last calculations of the c (k) are duplicated on all p processors which leaves c (k) k on all processors ready for the next step. The only communication required for each iteration is in the gathering of at most p vectors c (k) . Proposition 3.2. Let c (k) j be computed by the previous algorithm and c (1) where c (n) tridiagonal and there is an orthogonal matrix Q such that Proof. Let c (1) First show that, for 1. there is an orthogonal matrix Q (k) such that 2. the linear hull of c (k) n is orthogonal to the linear hull of the c (1) and 3. T Proposition 3.2 is a consequence of this, obtained by setting 1. The proof uses induction over k. The statement is easily seen to be true in the case of with I, the n dimensional identity matrix. In this case the orthogonality conditions are empty and the matrix T (1) is a two by two matrix and thus tridiagonal. The remainder of the proof consists of proving the induction step. Assume that the three properties are valid for m. Then it has to be shown that it is also valid for ?From the construction it follows that C for an orthogonal G (m) . Thus, with Q one retrieves the first property. In particular, the existence of G (m) follows from the existence of the constructed Householder matrices. Then the linear hull of c (m+1) n is a subspace of the linear hull of c (m) n and thus orthogonal to c (1) . Furthermore they have been constructed to be orthogonal to c (m) . From this the second property follows. M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE Finally, T which is tridiagonal and it remains to show that the the m+ 2nd column of T has zeros in the first m rows. But the first m elements of this column are just c (m+1) m. They are zero because of the second property. This proof can be used for both the sequential and the parallel algorithm. In practical implementations the orthogonalisation of the c (k) j is achieved by forming the products c (k\Gamma1) which correspond to individual elements in the up-dated version of the symmetric matrix A. Householder transformations are then used to zero the relevant off-diagonal elements. At the first stage in each iteration these transformations are carried out locally and after the gathering step the transformation on the (at most) p formed elements of A is replicated on all processors. Although Householder transformations are used here, it would also be possible to use Givens transformations. 3.2. analysis. When using the one-sided reduction to tridiagonal as one step in a complete eigensolver there are several possible components to the error. First there is the Cholesky factorization. However a result in Wilkinson [11] (equation 4.44.3) shows that the quantity extremely small. Thus the error incurred in working with the Cholesky factor B in the subsequent calculations is minimal. In the second step, the tridiagonal matrix C (n\Gamma2) is produced by successive reduction of orthogonal similarity transforms where C (k) is the transformed matrix calculated after the k'th stage. The error in the eigenvalues of C (n\Gamma2) is bounded by the numerical error in the transform [11]. After the k'th step this is given by Y where P i is the exact orthogonal matrix corresponding to the actual computed data at stage i. A bound on this difference follows from Wilkinson [11] (equation (3.45.3)). In fact, Y ij and t is the word length. So the error introduced by the reduction to tridiagonal is small. The final stage is the calculation of the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix. These are determined to an accuracy which is high relative to the largest element of the tridiagonal matrix. This applies for example to eigenvalues computed using REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 11 the Sturm procedure. But this result does not guarantee high relative accuracy in the determination of small eigenvalues so, if this is important, the Jacobi method becomes the method of choice [4]. 4. Calculating Eigenvectors In order to calculate the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix, the orthogonal matrix Q defining the reduction is accumulated. This is achieved by starting with the identity matrix (distributed cyclically over the processors), then updating it by multiplying it by the same Householder transformations used to update C. Forming Q explicitly is preferable to storing the details of the transformations and then applying them to the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix which is the usual procedure for sequential implementations. The reason for this is that the matrix of Q is distributed in a way which renders multiplication from the left inefficient. This is discussed more fully in the following. 4.1. Calculation of Eigenvectors for One-Processor Version. The n \Theta n symmetric matrix A is reduced to tridiagonal form by a sequence of Householder transformations represented by the orthogonal n \Theta n matrix Q and n\Lambdan is tridiagonal. For the one-sided algorithm, we have actually calculated The eigendecomposition of T is given by where is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues and V 2 R n\Lambdan is the matrix of eigenvectors. Combining the above two equations gives and so the eigenvectors of A are the columns of The matrix Q obtained during the rediagonalization procedure is represented by the Householder matrices H The eigenvector matrix V of the tridiagonal matrix T is represented by its matrix elements. So in order to get the matrix element representation of U form the product M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE This product can be done in two different ways. The first method multiplies V with the H k . Formally, define a sequence U such that U This method is often used, for example [8], where it is called backward transformation. A second method computes the element-wise representation of Q first by the recursion specifically computes the matrix-vector product QV where . This is called forward accumulation in [8]. The difference between these two methods is that the first one applies the Householder transforms H k from the left and the second applies them from the right. In addition the second method requires the computation of a product of two matrices in element form. For the sequential case when using the two-sided Householder re- duction, the first method is preferred as it avoids matrix multiplication. However, for the multi-processor version, multiplication from the left by the Householder transformation requires extra communication when the columns of the matrix of eigenvectors V are distributed over the processors. In fact, one purpose of the one-sided reduction is to avoid this communication in the reduction to tridiagonal form. There is certainly communication required for the matrix multiplication QV but this is of fewer large blocks of the matrix so will be less demanding. 4.2. Multi-processor Version. In the multi-processor case there is an added complication in that B is assumed to be cyclically distributed (although it is not explicitly laid out as such). So use ~ where P is the permutation that transforms B to cyclic layout. The matrix Q is a product of 2 \Theta (n \Gamma 2) matrices formed from the Householder transformations. Here, H (1) j refers to the transformations carried out locally at each step of the reduction and H (2) j refers to the transformation using one column of B from each processor REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 13 which is carried out redundantly on all processors. To find Q start with an identity matrix distributed cyclically across the processors to match the implicit layout of B. This matrix is then updated by transforming it with the same Householder transformations that are used to update B to obtain the tridiagonal matrix. The matrix of eigenvectors V of the tridiagonal matrix is obtained in block layout whilst the matrix Q is in cyclic layout. To find the eigenvectors of the original symmetric matrix this must be taken into account so instead of we need QPV . The cyclic ordering must then be reversed and finally the eigenvectors are given by Pre-multiplication by the permutation P involves a re-ordering of the coefficients of the eigenvectors which is carried out locally on the processor and does not involve any communication. 5. Timings The parallel one-sided reduction to tridiagonal has been implemented and tested on the Fujitsu VPP500. The VPP500 is a parallel supercomputer consisting of vector processors connected by a full crossbar network. The theoretical peak performance of each PE is 1.6 Gflops and the maximum size of memory for each processor is Gbyte. The VPP500 is scalable from 4 to 222 processing elements but access was available only to a 16 processor machine. Each processor can perform send and receive operations simultaneously through the crossbar network at a peak data transfer rate of 400 Mbytes/s each. The one-sided algorithm is particularly suited to the architecture of the VPP500 because the calculation of the elements of the updated matrix A from the current version of C are vectorisable with loops of length n, the size of the input matrix. In the conventional two-sided Householder reduction the vector length decreases at each iteration. Table shows some timings and speeds obtained on up to a 16 processor VPP500. The two times and speed given are, first, for the reduction without accumulating the transformations for later eigenvectors calculations and, second, for the reduction with accumulation. The speed is given in Gflops. The code was written in the parallel language VPP-Fortran which is basically FORTRAN77 with added compiler directives to achieve parallel constructs such as data layout, interprocessor communication and so on. ?From these performance figures it appears that the algorithm is scalable in so far as its performance is maintained as the size of the problem is increased along with the 14 M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE 1024 3.8 .846 5.3 1.018 2048 26 1.000 37 1.164 3072 28 3.135 43 3.371 Table 1. Timings and Speed for Matrices of Increasing Size number of processors. The one-sided reduction to tridiagonal of a matrix of size 2048 using 2 processors achieves nearly 70% of peak performance and approximately 60% for a matrix of size 4096 using 4 processors. A formal analysis of the communication required by the one-sided algorithm gives the communication volume proportional to is the number of processors. As the computational load is proportional to n 3 , isoefficiency is obtained when p(p \Gamma 1)n 2 =n 3 is constant, that is, The scalability of the algorithm is evident if speeds for matrices of size n on p processors are compared with those of matrices of size 4n using 2p processors. For example, compare the speeds for the doubling of Gflop rate. It is interesting to compare these performance figures with other published results for alternative parallel two-sided Householder reductions to tridiagonal. The comparisons can only be general as the algorithms and machine architectures are very different. The most straightforward comparison is time taken to reduce a matrix of fixed size measured on machines of similar peak Gflop rate. In practice, the first step of the Cholesky factorization adds an overhead of about one tenth of the time taken for the one-sided reduction to tridiagonal. All accessible published results refer to algorithms implemented on Intel machines. REDUCTION TO TRIDIAGONAL FORM 15 Dongarra and van de Geijn [5] give times for a parallel reduction to tridiagonal using panel wrapped storage on 128 nodes of a 520 node Intel Touchstone Delta. Equating peak Mflop rates suggests that this is comparable to a 6 processor VPP500. For a matrix of size 4000 their implementation on the Intel took twice as long as the one-sided reduction of the same size matrix on a 4 processor VPP500. The ScaLAPACK implementation of a parallel reduction to tridiagonal is given by Choi, Dongarra and Walker [3]. Extrapolating from their graphs of Gflop rates it can be seen that their times taken for various sized problems are two or three times that taken by the one-sided algorithm on the same size problems on a VPP500 of comparable peak performance. Smith, Hendrickson and Jessup [10] use a square torus-wrap mapping of matrix elements to processors and tested their code on an Intel machine corresponding to a 12 processor VPP500. Their two-sided algorithm can be inferred to have taken about the same time as a slightly larger problem on a 16 processor VPP500 using the one-sided algorithm. The Smith et al algorithm is more sophisticated than the other two-sided algorithms as it uses the torus-wrap mapping and Level 3 BLAS. 6. Conclusion A new algorithm for reduction of a symmetric matrix to tridiagonal as the first step in finding the eigendecomposition has been developed. Starting with the Cholesky factorization of the symmetric matrix, orthogonal transformations based on Householder reductions are applied to the factor matrix until the tridiagonal form is reached. This is referred to as a one-sided reduction and leads to the updating of the factor matrix at each iteration being rank one rather than rank two as in the conventional Householder reduction to tridiagonal. Transformations can also be accumulated to allow for calculation of eigenvectors. This algorithm is suited to parallel/vector architectures such as the Fujitsu VPP500 where it has been shown to perform well. In a complete calculation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix the extra time for the Cholesky factorization is observed to be about one tenth of that required for the reduction to tridiagonal so it is not a significant overhead. 7. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Prof. R. Brent for his helpful comments and Mr. Makato Nakanishi of Fujitsu Japan for help with access to the VPP500. M. HEGLAND , M. H. KAHN , M. R. OSBORNE --R The solution of singular-value and symmetric eigenvalue problems on multiprocessor arrays The design of a parallel Jacobi's method is more accurate than QR Reduction to condensed form for the eigenvalue problem on distributed memory architectures Block reduction of matrices to condensed forms for eigenvalue computations A fully parallel algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue problem Matrix Computations The symmetric eigenvalue problem A parallel algorithm for Householder tridiagonal- ization The algebraic eigenvalue problem A Parallel Ordering Algorithm for Efficient One-Sided Jacobi SVD Computations --TR
one-sided reductions;reduction algorithms;parallel computing
Spatial Color Indexing and Applications.
We define a new image feature called the color correlogram and use it for image indexing and comparison. This feature distills the spatial correlation of colors and when computed efficiently, turns out to be both effective and inexpensive for content-based image retrieval. The correlogram is robust in tolerating large changes in appearance and shape caused by changes in viewing position, camera zoom, etc. Experimental evidence shows that this new feature outperforms not only the traditional color histogram method but also the recently proposed histogram refinement methods for image indexing/retrieval. We also provide a technique to cut down the storage requirement of the correlogram so that it is the same as that of histograms, with only negligible performance penalty compared to the original correlogram.We also suggest the use of color correlogram as a generic indexing tool to tackle various problems arising from image retrieval and video browsing. We adapt the correlogram to handle the problems of image subregion querying, object localization, object tracking, and cut detection. Experimental results again suggest that the color correlogram is more effective than the histogram for these applications, with insignificant additional storage or processing cost.
Introduction In recent times, the availability of image and video resources on the World-Wide Web has increased tremendously. This has created a demand for effective and flexible techniques for automatic image retrieval and video browsing [4, 8, 9, 15, 30, 31, 33, 40]. Users need high-quality image retrieval (IR) systems in order to find useful images from the masses of digital image data available electroni- cally. In a typical IR system, a user poses a query by providing an existing image (or creating one by drawing), and the system retrieves other "similar" images from the image database. Content-based video browsing tools also provide users with similar capabilities - a user provides an interesting frame as a query, and the system retrieves other similar frames from a video sequence. Besides the basic image retrieval and video processing tasks, several related problems also need to be addressed. While most IR systems retrieve images based on overall image comparison, users are typically interested in finding objects [7, 9, 6]. In this case, the user specifies an "interesting" sub-region (usually an interesting object) of an image as a query. The system should then retrieve images containing this subregion (according to human perception) or object from a database. This task, called image subregion querying, is made challenging by the wide variety of effects (such as different viewing positions, camera noise and vari- ation, object occlusion, etc.) that cause the same object to have drastically different appearances in different images. The system should also be able to solve the localization problem (also called the recognition problem), i.e., it should find the location of the object in an image. The lack of an effective and efficient image segmentation process for large, heterogeneous image databases implies that objects have to be located in unsegmented images, making the localization problem more difficult. Similar demands arise in the context of content-based video browsing. A primary task in video processing is cut detection, which segments a video into different camera shots and helps to extract key frames for video parsing and querying. A flexible tool for browsing video databases should also provide users with the capability to pose object-level queries that have semantic content, such as "track this person in a sequence of video". To handle such queries, the system has to find which frames contain the specified object or person, and has to locate the object in those frames. The various tasks described above - image re- trieval, image subregion querying, object localization and cut detection - become especially challenging when the image database is gigantic. For example, the collection of images available on the Internet is huge and unorganized. The image data is arbitrary, unstructured, and unconstrained; and the processing has to be done in real-time for retrieval purposes. For these reasons, traditional (and often slow) computer vision techniques like object recognition and image segmentation may not be directly applicable to these tasks and new approaches to these problems are required. Consider first the basic problem of content-based image retrieval. This problem has been widely studied and several IR systems have been built [8, 30, 33, 4, 31]. Most of these IR systems adopt the following two-step approach to search image databases [42]: (i) (indexing) for each image in a database, a feature vector capturing certain essential properties of the image is computed and stored in a featurebase, and (ii) (searching) given a query image, its feature vector is com- puted, compared to the feature vectors in the fea- turebase, and images most similar to the query image are returned to the user. An overview of such systems can be found in [3]. For a retrieval system to be successful, the feature vector f(I) for an image I should have the following qualities: (i) should be large if and only if I and I 0 are not "similar", (ii) f(\Delta) should be fast to compute, and (iii) f(I) should be small in size. Color histograms are commonly used as feature vectors for images [43, 8, 30, 33]. It has been shown that the color histogram is a general and flexible tool that can be used for the various tasks outlined above. 1.1. Our Results In this paper, we propose a new color feature for image indexing/retrieval called the color correlogram and show that it can be effectively used in the various image and video processing tasks described above. The highlights of this feature are: (i) it includes the spatial correlation of pairs of colors, (ii) it describes the global distribution of local spatial correlations of colors, (iii) it is easy to compute, and (iv) the size of the feature is fairly small. Experimental evidence shows that this new feature (i) outperforms both the traditional histogram method and the very recently proposed histogram refinement method for image indexing/retrieval, and (ii) outperforms the histogram-based approaches for the other video browsing tasks listed above. Informally, a correlogram is a table indexed by color pairs, where the k-th entry for hi; ji specifies the probability of finding a pixel of color j at a distance k from a pixel of color i. Such an image feature turns out to be robust in tolerating large changes in appearance of the same scene caused by changes in viewing positions, changes in the background scene, partial occlusions, camera zoom that causes radical changes in shape, etc. (see Figure 4). We provide efficient algorithms to compute the correlogram. We also investigate a different distance metric to compare feature vectors. The L 1 distance met- ric, used commonly to compare vectors, considers the absolute component-wise differences between vectors. The relative distance metric we use calculates 3relative differences instead and in most cases performs better than the absolute metric (the improvement is significant especially for histogram-based methods). We investigate the applicability of correlograms to image retrieval as well as other tasks like image subregion querying, object localization, and cut detection. We propose the correlogram intersection method for the image subregion querying problem and show that this approach yields significantly better results than the histogram intersection method traditionally used in content-based image retrieval. The histogram-backprojection approach used for the localization problem in [43] has serious drawbacks. We discuss these disadvantages and introduce the idea of correlogram correc- tion. We show that it is possible to locate objects in images more accurately by using local color spatial information in addition to histogram backpro- jection. We then use correlograms to compare video frames and detect cuts by looking for adjacent frames that are very different. Once again, we show that using the correlogram as the feature vector yields superior results compared to using histograms. Our preliminary results thus indicate that the correlogram method is a more accurate and effective approach to these tasks compared to the color histogram method. What is more, the computational cost of the correlogram method is about the same as that of other simpler approaches, such as the histogram method. 1.2. Organization Section 2 gives a brief summary of related work. In Section 3, we define the color correlogram and show how to compute it efficiently. Section 4 deals with the content-based image retrieval problem and the use of the correlogram for this problem. Section 5 discusses the use of the correlogram for image subregion querying. Applications of the correlogram to video browsing problems are described in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes with some remarks and scope for further work. 2. Related Work Color histograms are commonly used as image feature vectors [43, 8, 30, 33] and have proved to be a useful and efficient general tool for various applications, such as content-based image retrieval [8, 30, 33], object indexing and localization [43, 27], and cut detection for video segmentation [1]. A color histogram describes the global color distribution in an image. It is easy to compute and is insensitive to small changes in viewing positions and partial occlusion. As a feature vector for image retrieval, it is susceptible to false posi- tives, however, since it does not include any spatial information. This problem is especially acute for large databases, where false positives are more likely to occur. Moreover, the histogram is not robust to large appearance changes. For instance, the pair of images shown in Figure 1 (photographs of the same scene taken from different viewpoints) are likely to have quite different histograms 1 . Color histograms are also used for image subregion querying and object localization [43]. These two problems are closely related to object recog- nition, which has been studied for a long time in computer vision [37]. Since conventional object recognition techniques cannot recognize general objects in general contexts (as in the natural imagery and real videos), some work has been done for finding objects from image databases [7, 9]. These techniques, however, are trained for some specific tasks, such as finding naked people, grouping trees, etc. Color histograms are also widely used in video processing. Though there are several sophisticated techniques for video cut detec- tion, Boreczky and Rowe [1] report that the simple color histogram yields consistently good results compared to five different techniques. We now briefly discuss some other related work in the areas of content-based image retrieval, image subregion querying, object localization, and cut detection. 2.1. Content-based Image Retrieval Several recently proposed schemes incorporate spatial information about colors to improve upon the histogram method [18, 40, 41, 35, 11, 32, 31]. One common approach is to divide images into Fig. 1. Two "similar" images with different histograms. subregions and impose positional constraints on the image comparison. Another approach is to augment the histogram with some spatial information Hsu et al. [18] select two representative colors signifying the "background" and the principal "object" in an image. The maximum entropy algorithm is then used to partition an image into rectangular regions. Only one selected color dominates a region. The similarity between two images is the degree of overlap between regions of the same color. The method is tested on a small image database. Unfortunately, this method uses coarse color segmentation and is susceptible to false positives Smith and Chang [40] also partition an image, but select all colors that are "sufficiently" present in a region. The colors for a region are represented by a binary color set that is computed using histogram back-projection [43]. The binary color sets and their location information constitute the feature. The absolute spatial position allows the system to deal with "region" queries. Stricker and Dimai [41] divide an image into five fixed overlapping regions and extract the first three color moments of each region to form a feature vector for the image. The storage requirements for this method are low. The use of overlapping regions makes the feature vectors relatively insensitive to small rotations or translations. Pass et al. [32, 31] partition histogram bins by the spatial coherence of pixels. A pixel is coherent if it is a part of some "sizable" similar-colored re- gion, and incoherent otherwise. A color coherence vector (CCV) represents this classification for each color in the image. CCVs are fast to compute and perform much better than histograms. A detailed comparisons of CCV with the other methods mentioned above is given in [32]. The notion of CCV was further extended in [31] where additional feature(s) are used to further refine the CCV-refined histogram. One such extension uses the center of the image (the center- most 75% of the pixels are defined as the "center") as the additional feature. The enhanced CCV is called CCV with successive refinement (CCV(s)) and performs better than CCV. Since the image partitioning approach depends on pixel position, it is unlikely to tolerate large image appearance changes. The same problem occurs in the histogram refinement method, which depends on local properties to further refine color buckets in histograms. The correlogram method, however, takes into account the local spatial correlation between colors as well as the global distribution of this spatial correlation and this makes the correlogram robust to large appearance changes (see Figure 4). Moreover, this information is not a local pixel property that histogram refinement approaches can capture. 2.2. Other Image/Video Problems The image subregion querying problem is closely related to the object recognition problem, which has been studied for a long time by the computer vision community [37]. Some of the early work in object recognition and detection was pioneered by Marr [26], who suggest that geometric cues such as edge, surface and depth information be identified before object recognition is attempted. Most of such object recognition systems compare the geometric features of the model with those of an image using various forms of search (some of which are computationally quite intensive [24, 13]). Such geometric information is hard to extract from an image, however, because geometric and photometric properties are relatively uncorrelated [34], and the central tasks involved in this approach - edge detection and region segmentation are difficult for unconstrained data in the context of image retrieval and video browsing. An alternative approach to model-based recognition is appearance matching. First, a database of object images under different view positions and lighting conditions is constructed. Then, principal component analysis is used to analyze only the photometric properties and ignore geometric properties [29, 23, 34]. This model-based method is effective only when the principal components capture the characteristics of the whole database. For instance, it yields good results on the Columbia object database in which all images have a uniform known background. If there is a large variation in the images in a database, how- ever, a small set of principal components is unlikely to do well on the image subregion querying task. In addition, the learning process requires homogeneous data and deals poorly with outliers. Therefore, this approach seems suitable only for domain-specific applications, but not for image subregion querying from a large heterogeneous image database such as the one used in [31, 21]. Since the color information (e.g. histogram) is very easy to extract from an image, it has been successfully used for object indexing, detection, and localization [43, 8, 30, 27, 39, 2, 44, 9]. We briefly review some of these approaches below. Swain and Ballard [43] propose histogram intersection for object identification and histogram backprojection for object localization. The technique is computationally easy, does not require image segmentation or even fore- ground/background separation, and is insensitive to small changes in viewing positions, partial oc- clusion, and object deformation. Histogram back-projection is a very efficient process for locating an object in an image. It has been shown that this algorithm is not only able to locate an object but also to track a moving object. The advantages and disadvantages inherent to histograms in general are discussed in detail in Section 5. One disadvantage of color histograms is that they are sensitive to illumination changes. Slater and Healey [39] propose an algorithm that computes invariants of local color distribution and uses these invariants for 3-D object recognition. Illumination correction and spatial structure comparison are then used to verify the potential matches. Matas et al. [27] propose the color adjacency graph (CAG) as a representation for multiple- colored objects. Each node of a CAG represents a single color component of the image. Edges of the CAG include information about adjacency of color components. CAGs improve over histograms by incorporating coarse color segmentation into histograms. The set of visible colors and their adjacency relationship remain stable under changes of viewpoint and non-rigid transformations. The recognition and localization problems are solved by subgraph matching. Their approach yields excellent results, but the computational cost of sub-graph matching is fairly high. Forsyth et al. [9] offer different object models in order to achieve object recognition under general contexts. Their focus is on classification rather than identification. The central process is based on grouping (i.e., segmentation) and learn- ing. They fuse different visual cues such as color and texture for segmentation; texture and geometric properties for trees; color, texture and specialized geometric properties for human bodies. Cut detection, as a first step to video segmentation and video querying, has been given much attention [1]. The simple histogram approach gives reasonably good results on this problem. His- tograms, however, are not robust to local changes in images. Dividing an image into several subregions may not overcome the problem [15] either. 3. The Correlogram A color correlogram (henceforth correlogram) expresses how the spatial correlation of color changes with distance. A color histogram (henceforth his- captures only the color distribution in an image and does not include any spatial correlation information. Thus, the correlogram is one kind of the spatial extension of the histogram. 2 3.1. Notation Let I be an n \Theta n image. (For simplicity of expo- sition, we assume that the image is square.) The colors in I are quantized into m colors c (In practice, m is deemed to be a constant and hence we drop it from our running time analysis.) For a pixel its color. Thus, the notation p 2 I c is synonymous with For convenience, we use the L1-norm to measure the distance between pix- els, i.e., for pixels define jg. We denote the set f1; ng by [n]. 3.2. Definitions The histogram h of I is defined for i 2 [m] by p2I For any pixel in the image, h c i (I)=n 2 gives the probability that the color of the pixel is c i . The histogram can be computed in O(n 2 ) time, which is linear in the image size. Let a distance d 2 [n] be fixed a priori. Then, the correlogram of I is defined for [d] as p22I Given any pixel of color c i in the image, fl (k) gives the probability that a pixel at distance k away from the given pixel is of color c j . Note that the size of the correlogram is O(m 2 d). The autocorrelogram of I captures spatial correlation between identical colors only and is defined by c;c This information is a subset of the correlogram and requires only O(md) space. While choosing d to define the correlogram, we need to address the following. A large d would result in expensive computation and large storage requirements. A small d might compromise the quality of the feature. We consider this issue in Section 4.1. Example 1. Consider the simple case when 8. Two sample images are shown in Figure 2. The autocorrelograms corresponding to these two images are shown in Figure 3. The change of autocorrelation of the foreground color (yellow) with distance is perceptibly different for these images. 3 3.3. Distance Metrics The L 1 and L 2 norms are commonly used distance metrics when comparing two feature vectors. In practice, the L 1 norm performs better than the L 2 norm because the former is more robust to outliers [38]. Hafner et al. [14] suggest using a more sophisticated quadratic form of distance metric, which tries to capture the perceptual similarity between any two colors. To avoid intensive computation of quadratic functions, they propose to use low-dimensional color features as filters before using the quadratic form for the distance metric. We will use the L 1 norm for comparing histograms and correlograms because it is simple and robust. The following formulae are used to compute the distance between images I and I From these equations, it is clear that the contributions of different colors to the dissimilarity are equally weighted. Intuitively, however, this contribution should be weighted to take into account some additional factors. Example 2. Consider two pairs of images Even though the absolute difference in the pixel count for color bucket i is 50 in both cases, clearly the difference is more significant for the second pair of images. Thus, the difference jh c i Equation (4) should be given more importance if small and vice versa. We could therefore consider replacing the expression Equation 4 by (the 1 in the denominator is added to prevent division by zero). This intuition has theoretical justification in [17] which suggests that it is sometimes better Fig. 2. Sample images: image 1, image 2. Fig. 3. Autocorrelograms for images in Figure 2. to use a "relative" measure of distance d - . For defined by It is straightforward to verify that (i) d - is a metric, (ii) for d- can be applied to feature vectors also. We have set 1. So the d 1 distance metric for histograms and correlograms is: 3.4. An Algorithm In this section, we look at an efficient algorithm to compute the correlogram. Our algorithm is amenable to easy parallelization. Thus, the computation of the correlogram could be enormously speeded up. First, to compute the correlogram, it suffices to compute the following count (similar to the cooccurrence matrix defined in [16] for texture analysis of gray images) because, The denominator is the total number of pixels at distance k from any pixel of color c i . (The factor 8k is due to the properties of L1 -norm.) The naive algorithm would be to consider each of color c i and for each k 2 [d], count all of color c j with Unfortunately, this takes O(n 2 d 2 ) time. To obviate this expensive computation, we define the quantities which count the number of pixels of a given color within a given distance from a fixed pixel in the positive horizontal/vertical directions. Our algorithm works by first computing - c j ;v and - c j ;h . We now give an algorithm with a running time of O(n 2 d) based on dynamic programming The following equation is easy to check with the initial condition p (k) is computed for all p 2 I and for each using Equation 14. The correctness of this algorithm is obvious. Since we do O(n 2 ) work for each k, the total time taken is O(n 2 d). In a similar manner, - c;v can also be computed efficiently. Now, modulo boundaries, we have This computation takes just O(n 2 ) time. The hidden constants in the overall running time of O(n 2 d) are very small and hence this algorithm is extremely efficient in practice for small d. 3.5. Some Extensions In this section, we will look at some extensions to color correlograms. The general theme behind the extensions are: (1) improve the storage efficiency of the correlogram while not compromising its image discrimination capability, and (2) use additional information (such as edge) to further refine the correlogram, boosting its image retrieval performance. These extensions can not only be used for the image retrieval problem, but also in other applications like cut-detection (see Section 6.2). 3.5.1. Banded Correlogram In Section 3.4, we saw that the correlogram (resp. autocorrelogram) takes m 2 d (resp. md) space. Though we will see that small values of d actually suffices, it will be more advantageous if the storage requirements were trimmed further. This leads to the definition of banded correlogram for a given b. (For simplic- ity, assume b divides d.) For In a similar manner, the banded autocorrelogram can also be defined. The space requirements for the banded correlogram (resp. banded that when measures the density of a color c j near the color c i , thus suggesting the local structure of colors.) The distance metrics defined in Equation 5 is easily extended to this case. Note that banded correlograms are seemingly more susceptible to false matches since which follows by triangle inequality. Although the banded correlograms have less detailed information as correlograms, our results show that the approximation of fl by fl has only negligible effect on the quality of the image retrieval problem and other applications. 3.5.2. Edge Correlogram The idea of exploiting spatial correlation between pairs of colors can also be extended to other image features such as edges. In the following, we augment the color correlogram with edge information. This new feature, called the edge correlogram, is likely to have increased discriminative power. is the edge information of image I, i.e., is on an edge and 0 otherwise. (Such information can be obtained using various edge-detection algorithms.) Now, the question is if this useful information can be combined with (auto)correlograms so as to improve the retrieval quality even further. We outline one scheme to do this. In this scheme, each of the m color bins is refined to get I 0 with 2m bins. I ae It is easy to see that the definition of both correlograms and autocorrelograms directly extend to this case. The storage requirements become 4m 2 d (resp. 2md) for correlograms (resp. autocorrelo- grams). Note however that the number of p such that usually very small. Since we mostly deal with autocorrelograms, the statistical importance of ff (k) c+ becomes insignificant, thus rendering the whole operation meaningless. A solution to this problem is to define edge autocorrelogram in which cross correlations between c + and are also included. The size of edge autocorrelogram is thus only 4md. We can further trim the storage by the banding technique in Section 3.5.1. 4. Image Retrieval using Correlograms The image retrieval problem is the following: let S be an image database and Q be the query image. Obtain a permutation of the images in S based on Q, i.e., assign rank(I) 2 [jSj] for each I 2 S, using some notion of similarity to Q. This problem is usually solved by sorting the images I 2 S according to jf(I) \Gamma f(Q)j, where f(\Delta) is a function computing feature vectors of images and j \Delta j f is some distance metric defined on feature vectors. Performance Measure Let fQ be the set of query images. For a query Q i , let I i be the unique correct answer. The following are two obvious performance measures: 1. r-measure of a method which sums up over all queries, the rank of the correct answer, i.e., use the average r- measure which is the r-measure divided by the number of queries q. 2. -measure of a method which is given by the sum (over all queries) of the precision at recall equal to 1. The average p 1 -measure is the p 1 -measure divided by q. Images ranked at the top contribute more to the Note that a method is good if it has a low r-measure and a high p 1 -measure. 3. Recall vs. Scope: Let Q be a query and let a be multiple "answers" to the query (Q is called a category query). Now, the recall r is defined for a scope s ? 0 as jfQ 0 Since it is very hard to identify all relevant images in a huge database like ours, using this measure is much simpler than using the traditional recall vs. precision. Note however that this measure still evaluates the effectiveness of the retrieval [18, 40]. Organization Section 4.1 lists some efficiency considerations we take into account while using correlograms for image retrieval. Section 4.2 describes our experimental setup and Section 4.3 provides the results of the experiments. 4.1. Efficiency Considerations As image databases grow in size, retrieval systems need to address efficiency issues in addition to the issue of retrieval effectiveness. We investigate several general methods to improve the efficiency of indexing and searching, without compromising effectiveness Parallelization The construction of a featurebase for an image database is readily parallelizable. We can divide the database into several parts, construct featurebases for these parts simultaneously on different processors, and finally combine them into a single featurebase for the entire database. Partial Correlograms In order to reduce space and time requirements, we choose a small value of d. This does not impair the quality of correlograms or autocorrelograms very much because in an image, local correlations between colors are more significant than global correlations. Some- times, it is also preferable to work with distance sets, where a distance set D is a subset of [d]. We can thus cut down storage requirements, while still using a large d. Note that our algorithm can be modified to handle the case when D ae [d]. Though in theory the size of a correlogram is d) (and the size of an autocorrelogram is O(md)), we observe that the feature vector is not always dense. This sparsity could be exploited to cut down storage and speed up computations. Filtering There is typically a tradeoff between the efficiency and effectiveness of search algo- rithms: more sophisticated methods which are computationally more expensive tend to yield better retrieval results. Good results can be obtained without sacrificing too much in terms of efficiency by adopting a two-pass approach [14]. In the first pass, we retrieve a set of N images in response to a query image by using an inexpensive (and possibly crude) search algorithm. Even though the ranking of these images could be unsatisfactory, we just need to guarantee that useful images are contained in this set. We can then use a more sophisticated matching technique to compare the query image to these N images only (instead of the entire database), and the best images are likely to be highly ranked in the resulting ranked list. It is important to choose an appropriate N in this approach 4 - the initially retrieved set should be good enough to contain the useful images and should be small enough so that the total retrieval time is reduced. 4.2. Experimental Setup The image database consists of 14,554 color JPEG images of size 232 \Theta 168. This includes 11,667 images used in Chabot [30], 1,440 images used in QBIC [8], and 1,005 images from Corel. It also includes a few groups of images in PhotoCD format and a number of MPEG video frames from the web [31]. Our heterogeneous image database is thus very realistic and helps us evaluate various methods. It consists of images of animals, hu- mans, landscapes, various objects like tanks, flags, etc. We consider the RGB colorspace with quantization into 64 colors. To improve performance, we first smooth the images by a small amount. We use the distance set computing the autocorrelograms. We use for the banded autocorrelogram. This results in a feature vector that is as small as the histogram. Our query set consists of 77 queries. Each of these queries was manually picked and checked to have a unique answer. Therefore they serve as ground truth for us to compare different methods in a fair manner. In addition, the queries are chosen to represent various situations like different views of the same scene, large changes in appear- ance, small lighting changes, spatial translations, etc. We also run 4 category queries, each with a Query movie scenes), and Query 4 moving car images). The correct answers to the unique answer queries are obtained by an exhaustive manual search of the whole image database. We use the L 1 norm for comparing feature vectors. The feature vectors we use are histograms coherent vectors with successive refinement (ccv(s))[31], autocorrelograms (auto), banded autocorrelograms (b-auto), edge autocorrelograms (e-auto), and banded edge auto- correlograms (be-auto). Examples of some queries and answers (and the rankings according to various methods) are shown in Figure 4. The query response time for autocorrelograms is under 2 sec on a Sparc-20 workstation (just by exhaustive linear search). 4.3. Results 4.3.1. Unique Answer Queries Observe that all the correlogram-related methods are on par in terms of performance and significantly better than histogram and CCV(s). On average, in the autocorrelogram-based method, the correct answer shows up second while for histograms and CCV-based methods, the correct answer shows up at about 80th and 40th places. The banded au- tocorrelograms perform only slightly worse than the original ones. With the same data size as the histograms, the banded autocorrelograms retrieve the correct answers more than 79 rank lower than histograms. Since the autocorrelograms achieve really good retrieval results, the edge correlograms do not generate too much improvement. Also note that the banded edge autocorrelo- grams have higher p 1 -measure than the edge au- tocorrelograms. This is because most of the ranks go higher while only a few go lower. Though the r- measure becomes worse, the p 1 -measure becomes better. It is remarkable that banded autocorrelogram has the same amount of information as the histogram, but seems lot more effective than the latter. hist: 496. ccv(s): 245. auto: 2. b-auto: 2. e-auto: 2. be-auto: 2. hist: 411. ccv(s): 56. auto: 1. b-auto: 1. e-auto: 1. be-auto: 1. hist: 367. ccv(s): 245. auto: 1. b-auto: 1. e-auto: 8. be-auto: 9. hist: 310. ccv(s): 160. auto: 5. b-auto: 5. e-auto: 1. be-auto: 1. (Fig. 4. Sample queries and answers with ranks for various methods. (Lower ranks are better.) (Continued on next page)) hist: 198. ccv(s): 6. auto: 12. b-auto: 13. e-auto: 5. be-auto: 4. hist: 119. ccv(s): 25. auto: 2. b-auto: 3. e-auto: 1. be-auto: 1. hist: 19. ccv(s): 74. auto: 1. b-auto: 1. e-auto: 1. be-auto: 1. hist: 78. ccv(s): 7. auto: 2. b-auto: 2. e-auto: 2. be-auto: 2. Fig. 5. continued Table 1. Comparison of various image retrieval methods. Method hist ccv(s) auto b-auto e-auto be-auto r-measure 6301 3272 172 196 144 157 avg. r-measure 81.8 42.5 2.2 2.5 1.9 2.0 p1-measure 21.25 31.60 58.06 55.77 60.26 60.88 avg. p1-measure 0.28 0.41 0.75 0.72 0.78 0.79 For 73 out of 77 queries, autocorrelograms perform as well as or better than histograms. In the cases where autocorrelograms perform better than color histograms, the average improvement in rank is 104 positions. In the four cases where color histograms perform better, the average improvement is just two positions. Autocor- relograms, however, still rank the correct answers within top six in these cases. Statistical Significance Analysis We adopt the approach used in [31] to analyze the statistical significance of the improvements. We formulate the null hypothesis H 0 which states that the autocorrelogram method is as likely to cause a negative change in rank as a non-negative one. Under the expected number of negative changes is with a standard deviation 4:39. The actual number of negative changes is 4, which is less than M \Gamma 7oe. We can reject H 0 at more than 99:9% standard significance level. For 67 out of 77 queries, autocorrelograms perform as well as or better than CCV(s). In the cases where autocorrelograms perform better than CCV(s), the average improvement in rank is 66 positions. In the ten cases where CCV(s) perform better, the average improvement is two positions. Autocorrelograms, however, still rank the correct answers within top 12 in these cases. Again, statistical analysis proves that autocorrelograms are better than CCV(s). From a usability point of view, we make the following observation. Given a query, the user is guaranteed to locate the correct answer by just checking the top two search results (on average) in the case of autocorrelogram. On the other hand, the user needs to check at least the top 80 search results (on average) to locate the correct answer in the case of histogram (or top 40 search results for the CCV(s)). In practice, this implies that the former is a more "usable" image retrieval scheme than the latter two. 4.3.2. Recall Comparison Table 2 shows the performance of three features on our four category queries. The L 1 distance metric is used. Once again, autocorrelograms perform the best. 4.3.3. Relative distance metric Table 3 compares the results obtained using d 1 and L 1 distance measures on different features (64 colors). Using d 1 distance measure is clearly superior. The improvement is specially noticeable for histograms and CCV(s) (for instance, for the owl images in Figure 6). A closer examination of the results shows, how- ever, that there are instances where the d 1 distance measure performs poorly compared to the distance measure on histograms and CCV(s). An example is shown in Figure 7. It seems that the failure of the d 1 measure is related to the large change of overall image brightness (otherwise, the two images are almost identi- cal). We need to examine such scenarios in greater detail. Autocorrelograms, however, are not affected by d 1 in this case. Nor does d 1 improve the performance of autocorrelogram much. In other words, autocorrelograms seem indifferent to the Table 2. Scope vs. recall results for category queries. (Larger numbers indicate better performance.) Recall Query 1 Query 2 Scope hist ccv(s) auto hist ccv(s) auto Recall Query 3 Query 4 Scope hist ccv(s) auto hist ccv(s) auto Table 3. Comparison of L1 and d1 Method hist ccv(s) auto hist ccv(s) auto distance measure d 1 distance measure r-measure 6301 3272 172 926 326 164 avg. r-measure p1-measure 21.25 31.60 58.03 47.94 52.09 59.92 avg. hist: 540. ccv(s): 165. auto:4. (L 1 ) hist: 5. ccv(s): 4. auto:4. (d 1 ) Fig. 6. A case where d 1 is much better than L 1 . hist: 1. ccv(s): 1. auto: 1. (L 1 ) hist: 213. ccv(s): 40. auto: 1. (d 1 ) Fig. 7. A case where d 1 is worse than L 1 . distance measure. This needs to be formally 4.3.4. Filtering Table 4 shows the results of applying a histogram filter before using the autocor- 5Fig. 8. The query image, the image ranked one, and the image ranked two. Fig. 9. The change of autocorrelation of yellow color with distance. relogram (we use 64-color histograms and auto- correlograms). As we see, the quality of retrieval even improves somewhat (because false positives are eliminated). As anticipated, the query response time is less since we consider the correlograms of only a small filtered subset of the featurebase. 4.3.5. Discussion The results show that the autocorrelogram tolerates large changes in appearance of the same scene caused by changes in viewing positions, changes in the background scene, partial occlusions, camera zoom that causes radical changes in shape, etc. Since we chose small values f1; 3; 5; 7g for the distance set D, the auto- Table 4. Performance of auto(L 1 ) with hist(d 1 ) filter. Method unfiltered filtered r-measure 172 166 correlogram distills the global distribution of local color spatial correlations. In the case of camera zoom (for example, the third pair of images on the left column of Figure 4), though there are big changes in object shapes, the local color spatial correlations as well as the global distribution of these correlation do not change that much. We illustrate this by looking at how the autocorrelation of yellow color changes with distance in the following three images (Figure 8). Notice that the size of yellow circular and rectangular objects in the query image and the image ranked one are dif- ferent. Despite this, the correlation of yellow with yellow for the local distance of the image ranked one is closer to that of the query image than the image ranked, say, two (Figure 9). 5. Image Subregion Querying Using Correlogram The image subregion querying problem is the fol- lowing: given as input a subregion query Q of an image I and an image set S, retrieve from S those images Q 0 in which the query Q appears according to human perception (denoted Q ' Q 0 ). The set of images might consist of a database of still images, or videos, or some combination of both. The problem is made even more difficult than image retrieval by a wide variety of effects that cause the same object to appear different (such as changing viewpoint, camera noise and occlusion). The image subregion querying problem arises in image retrieval and in video browsing. For example, a user might wish to find other pictures in which a given object appears, or other scenes in a video with a given appearance of a person. Performance Measure We use the following measures to evaluate the performance of various competing image subregion querying algorithms. If are the query images, and for the i-th query a i are the only images that "contain" Q i , (i.e., Q i "appears in" I (i) due to the presence of false matches the image subregion querying algorithm may return this set of "answers" with various ranks. 1. Average r-measure gives the mean rank of the answer-images averaged over all queries. It is given by either of the following expressions:q a i rank(I (i) a i rank(I (i) a i (20) The macroaveraged r-measure given by Equation 19 treats all queries with equal impor- tance, whereas the microaveraged r-measure defined by Equation 20 gives greater weightage to queries that have a larger number of answers. In both cases a lower value of the r-measure indicates better performance. 2. Average precision for a query Q i is given by a i are the answers for query Q i in the order that they were retrieved. This quantity gives the average of the precision values over all recall points (with 1:0 being perfect performance). 3. Recall/Precision vs. Scope: For a query Q i and a scope s ? 0, the recall r is defined as jfI (i) and the precision p is defined as jfI (i) These measures are simpler than the traditional average precision measure but still evaluate the effectiveness of the subregion query retrieval. For both measures, higher values indicate better performance. Organization Section 5.1 explains our approach to the problem. Section 5.2 describes the experimental setup and Section 5.3 presents the results. 5.1. Correlogram Intersection The image subregion querying problem is a harder problem than image retrieval based on whole image matching. To avoid exhaustive searching sub-regions in an image, one scheme is to define intersection of color histograms [43]. The scheme can be interpreted in the following manner. (This interpretation helps us to generalize the method to correlograms easily.) Given the histograms for a query Q and an image I, the intersection of these two histograms can be considered as the histogram of an abstract entity notated as the intersection Q " I, (which will not be defined but serves as a conceptual and notational convenience only). With the color count of the intersection defined as we can define the intersection of the histograms of Q and I as Note that this definition is not symmetric in Q and I. The distance is a measure of the presence of Q in I. When Q is a subset of all the color counts in Q are less than those in I, and the histogram intersection simply gives back the histogram for Q. In an analogous manner, we define the intersection correlogram as the correlogram of the intersection merely an abstract entity.) With the count we can define the intersection correlogram as follows Again we measure the presence of Q in I by the distance jQ\GammaQ"Ij fl;L 1 , say if were chosen. If Q ' I, then the latter "should have at least as many counts of correlating color pairs" as the former. Thus the counts \Gamma and H for are again those of Q, and the correlogram of becomes exactly the correlogram of Q, giving We see that the distance between Q and Q " I vanishes when Q is actually a subset of I; this affirms the fact that both correlograms and histograms are global features. Such a stable property is not satisfied by all features - for instance, spatial coherence [31] is not preserved under sub-set operations. Therefore, methods for subregion querying based on such unstable features are not likely to perform as good as the histogram or correlogram based methods. 5.2. Experiments The image database is the same as in Section 4.2. We use 64 color bins for histograms and autocor- relograms. The distance set for autocorrelograms is 7g. Our query set for this task consists of queries. Queries have 2 to 16 answer images with the average number of answers per query being nearly 5. The query set is constructed by selecting "interesting" portions of images from the image database. The answer images contain the object depicted in the query, but often with its appearance significantly changed due to changes in viewpoint, or different lighting, etc. Examples of some queries and answers (and the rankings according to the histogram and autocorrelogram intersection methods) are shown in Figure 10. 5.3. Results The histogram and autocorrelogram intersection methods for subregion querying are compared in Tables 5 and 6. For each of the evaluation measures proposed above, the autocorrelogram performs better. The average rank of the answer images improves by over positions when the autocorrelogram method is used, and the average precision figure improves by an impressive 56% (see Table 5). Table 6 shows the precision and recall values for the two methods at various scopes. Once again, autocorrelograms perform consistently better than histograms at all scopes. Doing a query-by-query analysis, we find that au- tocorrelograms do better in terms of the average r-measure on 23 out of the queries. Similarly, autocorrelograms yield better average precision on 26 out of queries. Thus, for a variety of performance metrics, autocorrelograms yield better results. This suggests that the autocorrelogram is a significantly superior method for subregion querying problem. 6. Other Applications of Correlograms 6.1. Localization Using Correlograms The location problem is the following: given a query image (also referred to as the target or model) Q and an image I such that Q ' I, find the "location" in I where Q is "present". It is hard to define the notion of location mathematically because the model is of some size. We use the location of the center of the model for convenience This problem arises in tasks such as real-time object tracking or video searching, where it is necessary to localize the position of an object in an image. Given an algorithm that solves the location problem, tracking an object Q in an image frame sequence ~ I = I I t is equivalent to finding the location of Q in each of the I i 's. Efficiency is also required in this task because huge amounts of data need to be processed. To avoid exhaustive searching in the whole image (template matching is of such kind), histogram backprojection was proposed to handle the location problem efficiently. In the following, we study the histogram backprojection algorithm first. Then we show how the correlogram can be used to improve the performance. The location problem can be viewed as a special case of the image retrieval problem in the following manner. Let Ij p denote the subimage in I of size Q located at position p. (The assumption about the size of the subimage is without loss of generality.) The set of all subimages Ij present in I constitutes the image database and Query auto: 1, hist: 1 auto: 6, hist: Query auto: 2, hist: 50 auto: 5, hist: 113 auto: 9, hist: 220 Query auto: 6, hist: 6 auto: 19, hist: 48 auto: 9, hist: 57 Query auto: 4, hist: 23 auto: 6, hist: Query auto: 1, hist: 1 auto: 3, hist: 38 auto: 28, hist: Query auto: 1, hist: 2 auto: 2, hist: 6 auto: 3, hist: 5 Fig. 10. Sample queries and answer sets with ranks for various methods. (Lower ranks are better.) Table 5. Performance of Histogram and Autocorrelogram Intersection methods - I. (Smaller r-measure and larger precision are better.) Method Avg. r-measure (macro) Avg. r-measure (micro) Avg. precision Hist 56.3 61.3 0.386 Auto 22.5 29.1 0.602 Table 6. Performance of Histogram and Autocorrelogram Intersection methods - II. (Larger values are better.) Hist 0.273 0.223 0.133 0.311 0.460 0.681 Auto 0.493 0.347 0.165 0.541 0.718 0.850 Q is the query image. The solution Ij p to this retrieval problem gives p, the location of Q in I. The above interpretation is a template matching process. One straightforward approach to the location problem is template matching. Template matching takes the query Q as a template and moves this template over all possible locations in the image I to find the best match. This method is likely to yield good results, but is computationally expensive. Attempts have been made to make template matching more efficient [36, 28, 2]. The histogram backprojection method is one such approach to this problem. This method has some serious drawbacks, however. In the following, we explain the problem with the histogram backprojection scheme. The basic idea behind histogram backprojection is (1) to compute a "goodness value" for each pixel in I (the goodness of each pixel is the likelihood that this pixel is in the target); and (2) obtain the subimage (and hence the location) whose pixels have the highest goodness values. Formally, the method can be described as fol- lows. The ratio histogram is defined for a color c as The goodness of a pixel p 2 I c is defined to be c;h (IjQ). The contribution of a subimage Ij p is given by Then, the location of the model is given by p2I The above method generally works well in prac- tice, and is insensitive to changes of image resolution or histogram resolution [43]. Note that backprojecting the ratio-histogram gives the same goodness value to all pixels of the same color. It emphasizes colors that appear frequently in the query but not too frequently in the image. This could result in overemphasizing certain colors in model image incorrect answer Fig. 11. False match of histogram-backprojection. Q. A color c is said to be dominant in Q, if c;h (IjQ) is maximum over all colors. If I has a subimage Ij p (which may be totally unrelated to Q) that has many pixels of color c, then this method tends to identify Q with Ij p , thus causing an error in some cases. Figure 11 shows a simple example illustrating this problem. Suppose Q has 6 black pixels and 4 white pixels, and image I has 100 black pixels and 100 white pixels. Then - The location of the model according to the back-projection method is in an entirely black patch, which is clearly wrong. Another problem with histogram backprojection is inherited from histograms which have no spatial information. Pixels of the same color have the same goodness value irrespective of their posi- tion. Thus, false matches occur easily when there are multiple similarly colored objects, as shown in the examples of red roses and zebras in Figure 12. Performance Measure Let an indicator variable loc(Q; I) be 1 if the location returned by a method is within reasonable tolerance of the actual location of Q in I. Then, given a series of queries corresponding images I the success ratio of the method is given by For tracking an object Q in a sequence of frames ~ , the success ratio is therefore Organization Section 6.1.1 introduces the correlogram correction for the location problem. Section 6.1.2 contains the experiments and results. 6.1.1. Correlogram Correction To alleviate the problems with histogram backprojection, we incorporate local spatial correlation information by using a correlogram correction factor in Equation 26. The idea is to integrate discriminating local characteristics while avoiding local color template matching [5]. We define a local correlogram contribution based on the autocorrelogram of the subimage Ij p so that the goodness of a pixel depends on its position in addition to its color. c (Q) is considered to be the average contribution of pixel of color c in Q (for each distance k). For each pixel p 2 I, the local autocorrelogram p is computed for each distance k 2 D (D should contain only small values so that ff (k) captures local information for each p) where fpg represents the pixel p along with its neighbors considered as an image. Now, the correlogram contribution of p is defined as In words, the contribution of p is the L 1 -distance between the local autocorrelogram at p and the part of the autocorrelogram for Q that corresponds to the color of p. Combining this contribution with Equation 26, the final goodness value of a subimage Ij p is given by It turns out that the correlogram contribution by itself is also sensitive and occasionally overemphasizes less dominant colors. Suppose c is a less dominant color (say, background color) that has a high autocorrelation. If I has a subimage Ij p (which may be totally irrelevant to Q) that has many pixels of color c with high autocorrelations, then correlogram backprojection has a tendency to identify Q with Ij p , thus potentially causing an error. Since the problems with histograms and correlograms are in some sense complementary to each other, the best results are obtained when the goodness of a pixel is given by a weighted linear combination of the histogram and correlogram backprojection contributions - adding the local correlogram contribution to histogram backprojection remedies the problem that histograms do not take into account any local information; the histogram contribution ensures that background colors are not overemphasized. We call this correlogram correction. This can also be understood by drawing an analogy between this approach and the Taylor expan- sion. The goodness value obtained from histogram backprojection is like the average constant value in the Taylor expansion; the local correlogram contribution is like the first order term in the approx- imation. Therefore, the best results are obtained when the goodness value of a pixel is a weighted linear combination of the histogram backprojection value and the correlogram contribution. 6.1.2. Experiments and Results We use the same database to perform the location experi- ments. A model image and an image that contains the model are chosen. For the location prob- lem, 66 query images and 52 images that contain these models are chosen and tested. Both the histogram backprojection and autocorrelogram correction are tried. the parameters. For the tracking problem, we choose three videos bus(133 frames), clapton (44 frames), sky- dive (85 frames). We use 0:8 for this problem. For the location problem, Table 7 shows the results for 66 queries, and Figure 12 shows some examples. For the tracking problem, Table 8 shows the result of histogram backprojection and correlogram correction for the three test videos. These results clearly show that correlogram correction alleviates many of the problems associated with simple histogram backprojection. Figure 13 shows sample outputs. 6.2. Cut Detection Using Correlograms The increasing amount of video data requires automated video analysis. The first step to the automated video content analysis is to segment a video into camera shots (also known as key frame extraction). A camera shot ~ I = I I t is an unbroken sequence of frames from one camera. If ~ J denotes the sequence of cuts, then a cut J j occurs when two consecutive frames hI are from different shots. Cut detection algorithms assume that consecutive frames in a same shot are somewhat more similar than frames in a different shot (other gradual transition, such as fade and dissolve, are not studied here because certain mathematical models can be used to treat these chromatic editing effects). Different cut detectors use different features to compare the similarity between two consecutive frames, such as pixel difference, statistical differences, histogram comparisons, edge dif- ferences, etc [1]. One way to detect cuts using a feature f is by ranking hI according to I) be the number of actual cuts in ~ I and rank(J i ) be the rank of the cut J i according to this ranking. Histograms are the most common used image features to detect cuts because they are efficient to Table 7. Results for location problem (66 queries). Method hist auto Success Ratio 0.78 0.96 Table 8. Results (success ratios) for the tracking problem. Method hist auto bus 0.93 0.99 clapton 0.44 0.78 skydive 0.96 0.96 Fig. 12. Location problem: histogram output, query image, and correlogram output. compute and insensitive to camera motions. His- tograms, however, are not robust to local changes in images that false positives easily occurs in this case (see Figure 14). Since correlograms have been shown to be robust to large appearance changes for image retrieval, we use correlograms for cut detection. Performance Measure Recall and precision are usually used to compare the performance of cut detection. However, it is difficult to measure the performance of different algorithms based on recall vs. precision curves [1]. Therefore we look at recall and precision values separately. In order to avoid using "optimal" threshold values, we use precision vs. scope to measure false positives and recall vs. scope to measure false negatives (misses). We choose scope values to be the exact cut number cuts( ~ I) and 2 cuts( ~ I). We also use the excessive rank value, which is defined by cuts( ~ I) and the average precision value which is defined cuts( ~ I) Note that a smaller excessive rank value and a larger average precision value indicate better result (perfect performance would have values 0 and 6.2.1. Experiments and Results We use 64 colors for histograms, and banded autocorrelograms which have the same size as histograms. We use 5 video clips from television, movies, and com- mercials. The clips are diverse enough to capture different kinds of common scenarios that occur in practice. The results are shown in Table 9 and Table 10. The results of our experiments show that banded autocorrelograms are more effective than histograms while the two have the same amount of information. It is certainly more efficient than dividing an image into 16 subimages [15]. Thus the autocorrelogram is a promising tool for cut detection. Fig. 13. Tracking problem: histogram output, query image, and correlogram output. Fig. 14. Cut detection: False cuts detected by histogram but not by correlogram. Table 9. Recall vs. Scope for cut detection. (Smaller values are better.) hist banded-auto I) ex. rank value Table 10. Precision vs. Scope for cut detection. (Larger values are better.) hist banded-auto Avg. Prec. Value cuts( ~ I) 2 cuts( ~ I) Avg. Prec. Value 7. Conclusions In this paper, we introduced the color correlogram - a new image feature - for solving several problems that arise in content-based image retrieval and video browsing. The novelty in this feature is the characterization of images in terms of the spatial correlation of colors instead of merely the colors per se. Experimental evidence suggests that this information discriminates between "different" images and identifies "similar" images very well. We show that correlograms can be computed, pro- cessed, and stored at almost no extra cost compared to competing methods, thereby justifying using this instead of many other features to get better image retrieval quality. The most important application of correlograms is to content-based image retrieval (CBIR) sys- tems. Viewed in this context, a correlogram is neither a region-based nor a histogram-based method. Unlike purely local properties, such as pixel position, and gradient direction, or purely global properties, such as color distribution, a correlogram takes into account the local color spatial correlation as well as the global distribution of this spatial correlation. While any scheme that is based on purely local properties is likely to be sensitive to large appearance changes, correlograms are more stable to tolerate these changes and while any scheme that is based on purely global properties is susceptible to false positive matches, correlograms seem to be scalable for CBIR. This is corroborated by our extensive experiments on large image collections, where we demonstrate that correlograms are very promising for CBIR. One issue that still needs to be resolved satisfactorily is the following: in general, illumination changes are very hard to handle in color-based CBIR systems [12, 45, 10, 39]. During our experi- ments, we encountered this problem occasionally. Though the correlogram method performs better on a relative scale, its absolute performance is not fully satisfactory. The question is, can correlo- grams, with some additional embellishments, be made to address this specific problem? On a related note, it also remains to be seen if correlograms, in conjunction with other fea- tures, can enhance retrieval performance. For in- stance, how will the correlogram perform if shape information is used additionally? This brings up the question of object-level retrieval using correlo- grams. More work needs to be done in this regard as to finding a better representation for objects. Further applications of color correlograms are image subregion querying and localization, which are indispensable features of any image management system. Our notions of correlogram intersection and correlogram correction seem to perform well in practice. There is room for improvement of course, and these need to be investigated in greater detail. We also apply correlograms to the problem of detecting cuts in video sequences. An interesting question that arises here is, can this operation be done in the compressed domain [48]? This would cut down the computation time drastically and make real-time processing feasible. Another major challenge in this context is: what distance metric for comparing images is close to the human perception of similarity? Does a measure need to be a metric [25]? We also plan to use supervised learning to improve the results of image retrieval and the subregion querying task (we have some initial results in [19]). In general, the algorithms we propose for various problems are not only very simple and inexpensive but are especially easy to incorporate into a CBIR system if the underlying indexing scheme is correlogram-based. It pays off more in general if there is a uniform feature vector that is universally applicable to providing various functionalities expected of a CBIR system (like histograms advocated in [43]). It is unreasonable to expect any CBIR system to be absolutely fool-proof; fur- thermore, it is needless to state that the correlogram is not the panacea. The goal, however, is to build relatively better CBIR systems. Based on various experiments, we feel that there is a compelling reason to use correlograms as one of the basic building blocks in such systems. Acknowledgements Jing Huang and Ramin Zabih were supported by the DARPA grant DAAL 01-97-K-0104. S Ravi Kumar was supported by the ONR Young award N00014-93-1-0590, the NSF grant DMI-91157199, and the career grant CCR- 9624552. Mandar Mitra was supported by the NSF grant IRI 96-24639. Wei-Jing Zhu was supported by the DOE grant DEFG02-89ER45405. Notes 1. In our database of 14,554 images, the right image is considered the 353-rd most similar with respect to the left image by color histogram. 2. The term "correlogram" is adapted from spatial data analysis: "correlograms are graphs (or tables) that show how spatial autocorrelation changes with distance." 3. Interestingly, histogram or CCV may not be able to distinguish between these two images. 4. Equivalently, we could select some threshold image score. --R "A comparison of video shot boundary detection techniques," "Using color templates for target identification and tracking," "Content-based image retrieval systems," "PicHunter: Bayesian relevance feed-back for image retrieval," "Finding waldo, or focus of attention using local color information," "Query analysis in a visual information retrieval context," "Finding naked people," "Query by image and video con- tent: The QBIC system," "Finding pictures of objects in large collections of images," "Color constant color in- dexing," "An image database system with content capturing and fast image indexing abilities," "Intelligent Image Databases: Towards Advanced Image Retrieval," "Localising overlapping parts by searching the interpretation tree," "Efficient color histogram indexing for quadratic form distance functions," "Digital video indexing in multimedia systems," "Statistical and structural approaches to texture," "Decision theoretic generalization of the PAC model for neural net and other learning appli- cations," "An integrated color-spatial approach to content-based image retrieval," "Combin- ing supervised learning with color correlograms for content-based image retrieval," "Spatial color indexing and applications," "Image indexing using color correlograms," "Comparing images using the Hausdorff distance," "Object recognition using subspace methods," "Object recognition using alignment," "Con- densing image databases when retrieval is based on non-metric distances," "Representation and recognition of the spatial organization of three-dimensional shapes," "On representation and matching of multi-colored objects," "Focused color intersection with efficient searching for object detection and image retrieval," "Visual learning and recognition of 3-D objects from appearance," "Chabot: Retrieval from a relational database of images," "Histogram refinement for content-based image retrieval," "Comparing images using color coherence vectors," "Photobook: Content-based manipulation of image databases," "Object indexing using an iconic sparse distributed memory," "Content-based image retrieval using color tuple histograms," "Using probabilistic domain knowledge to reduce the expected computational cost of template matching," "Machine perception of three-dimensional solids," "Robust regression and outlier detection," "Combining color and geometric information for the illumination invariant recognition of 3-D objects," "Tools and techniques for color image retrieval," "Color indexing with weak spatial constraints," "The capacity of color histogram indexing," "Color indexing," "Data and model-driven selection using color regions," "Indexing colored surfaces in images," "Spatial data analysis by example. 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image indexing;model-based object recognition;spatial correlation;image features;content-based image retrieval
Green''s Functions for Multiply Connected Domains via Conformal Mapping.
A method is described for the computation of the Green's function in the complex plane corresponding to a set of K symmetrically placed polygons along the real axis. An important special case is a set of K real intervals. The method is based on a Schwarz-Christoffel conformal map of the part of the upper half-plane exterior to the problem domain onto a semi-infinite strip whose end contains K-1 slits. From the Green's function one can obtain a great deal of information about polynomial approximations, with applications in digital filters and matrix iterations. By making the end of the strip jagged, the method can be generalized to weighted Green's functions and weighted approximations.
Introduction . Green's functions in the complex plane are basic tools for the analysis of real and complex polynomial approximations [10,21,24,30,32], which are of central importance in the fields of digital signal processing [16,17,19] and matrix iterations [5,6,11,20,28]. The aim of this article is to show that when the domain of approximation is a collection of real intervals, or more generally symmetric polygons along the real axis, the Green's function can be computed to high accuracy by Schwarz- Christoffel conformal mapping. The computation of Schwarz-Christoffel maps has become routine in recent years with the introduction of Driscoll's Matlab R Christoffel Toolbox [4], a descendant of the second author's Fortran package SCPACK [26]. The Green's function for a single interval can be obtained by a Joukowsky conformal map, and related polynomial approximation problems were solved by Chebyshev in the 1850s [3]. For two disjoint intervals, the Green's function can be expressed using elliptic functions, and approximation problems were investigated by Akhiezer in the 1930s [2]. For K ? 2 intervals, the Green's function can be derived from a more general Schwarz-Christoffel conformal map, and the formulas that result were stated in a landmark article by Widom in 1969 [32]. Polynomial approximations can be readily computed in this case by the Remes algorithm, which was adapted for digital filtering by Parks and McClellan [3,18]. By a second conformal map, these ideas for intervals can be transplanted to the more general problem of the Green's function for the region exterior to a string of symmetric domains along the real axis ([32], p. 230). The conformal maps in question can usually not be determined analytically, however, and even for the case of intervals on the real axis, the formula for the Green's function requires numerical integration. Here, for the case in which the domains are polygonal and thus can be reduced to *Received by the editors XXX x, 19xx; accepted by the editors XXX x, 19xx. This work was supported by NSF Grant DMS-9500975CS (US) and EPSRC Grant GR/M12414 (UK). y Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, UK (embree z Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, UK (LNT@ intervals by a Schwarz-Christoffel map, we carry out the computations to put these ideas into practice. This article originated from discussions with Steve Mitchell of Cornell University, who is writing a dissertation on applications of these ideas to the design of multirate filters [15], and we are grateful to him for many suggestions. The contributions of Jianhong Shen and Gilbert Strang at MIT were also a crucial help to us. Shen and Strang have studied the accuracy of lowpass digital filters [22,23], and their asymptotic formulas are directly connected to these Schwarz-Christoffel methods. In addition we thank Toby Driscoll for his advice and assistance. Our algorithm makes possible the computational realization of results in approximation theory going back to Faber, Szeg-o, Walsh, Widom, and Fuchs, among others. In particular, Walsh, Russell, and Fuchs obtained theorems concerning simultaneous approximation of distinct entire functions on disjoint sets in the complex plane [8,9,30], which we illustrate here in Section 6. Wolfgang Fuchs was for many years a leading figure at Cornell University until his unfortunate death in 1997. 2. Description of the algorithm. Let E be a compact subset of the complex plane consisting of K disjoint polygons P 1 numbered from left to right, with each polygon symmetric with respect to the real axis. Degenerate cases are permitted in which a portion of a polygon, or all of it, reduces to a line segment (but not to a point). The Green's function problem for E is defined as follows: Green's Function Problem. Find a real function g defined in the region of the complex plane exterior to E satisfying log jzj for z !1: (1c) In (1a), \Delta denotes the Laplacian operator, and thus g is harmonic throughout the complex plane exterior to the polygons P j . Standard results of potential theory ensure that there exists a unique function g satisfying these conditions [12,13,29,32]. The solution to (1) can be constructed by conformal mapping. What makes this possible is that the problem is symmetric with respect to the real axis, so it is enough to find g(z) for the part of the upper half-plane Imz - 0 exterior to E; the solution in the lower half-plane is then obtained by reflection (the Schwarz reflection principle). This half-planar region is bounded by the upper halves of the polygons P j and by the intervals along the real axis that separate the polygons, where the appropriate boundary condition for g, by symmetry, is the Neumann condition Restricting the map to the upper half-plane makes the domain simply-connected, suggesting the following conformal mapping problem. Conformal Mapping Problem. Find an analytic function f that maps the portion of the upper half-plane exterior to E (Fig. 1a) conformally onto a semi-infinite slit strip (Fig. 1c). Only the vertices f(S 1 -i, f(T K are prescribed. The remaining vertices, and hence the lengths and heights of the slits, are not specified. Once this mapping problem is solved, the function g defined by GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 3 z-plane (a) (b) a 1 a 2 (c) Figure 1. Determination of the Green's function g(z) by a composition of two conformal maps, (z)). (a) The problem domain is restricted to the part of the upper half-plane exterior to the polygons P j . (b) The first Schwarz-Christoffel takes this problem domain onto the upper half-plane itself. (c) The second Schwarz-Christoffel map f 2 takes the upper half-plane to a slit semi-infinite strip. The interval [s maps to a vertical boundary segment [oe Re The gaps along the real axis between the intervals [s to horizontal slits, and the semi-infinite intervals (\Gamma1; s 1 to semi-infinite horizontal lines with imaginary parts - and 0, respectively. Only the real parts of the left endpoints of the slits are prescribed; the imaginary parts and the right endpoints as well as their pre-images a j , are determined as part of the calculation. is the Green's function (1) for values of z in the upper half-plane. To see this we note that g satisfies (1a) because the real part of an analytic function is harmonic, it satisfies (1b) because of the form of the slit strip, and it satisfies (1c) because the half-strip has height -. The existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Conformal Mapping Problem can be derived from standard theory of conformal mapping [12] or as a consequence of the corresponding facts for the Green's Function Problem. w-plane Figure 2. Composition of a third conformal map, the complex exponential, transplants the slit strip to the exterior of a disk with radial spikes in the upper half-plane. Reflection in the real axis completes the map of the problem domain of Fig. 1a, yielding a function The function f(z) is a conformal map from one polygon to another, and as such, it can be represented by Schwarz-Christoffel formulas, an idea going back to Schwarz and independently Christoffel around 1869. Figure 1 shows how f can be constructed as the composition of two Schwarz-Christoffel maps. The first one maps the problem domain in the upper half-plane to the upper half-plane, with the upper half of the boundary of the polygon P j going to the interval [s This mapping problem is a standard one, for which a parameter problem must be solved to determine accessory parameters in the Schwarz-Christoffel formula; see [4,12,26]. By the second Schwarz- Christoffel map, the upper half-plane is then mapped to the slit strip. This is a Schwarz-Christoffel problem in the reverse, more trivial direction, with only a linear parameter problem to be solved to impose the condition that the upper and lower sides of each slit have equal length. Details can be found in [23] and [32]. A related linear Schwarz-Christoffel problem involving slits in the complex plane is implicit in [14]. By composing a third conformal map with the first two, we obtain a picture that is even more revealing than Fig. 1. Figure 2 depicts the image of the slit strip under the complex exponential: (z))). The vertical segments now map onto arcs of the upper half of the unit circle, the slits map onto radial spikes protruding from that circle, and the infinite horizontal lines map to the portion of the real axis exterior to the circle. The real axis is shown dashed, because we immediately reflect across it to get a complete picture. By the composition \Phi(z) of three conformal maps, we have transplanted the K-connected exterior of the region E of Fig. 1a to the simply-connected exterior of the spiked unit disk of Fig. 2. (These connectivities are defined with respect to the Riemann sphere or the extended complex plane C [ f1g.) The Green's function for E is given by the extraordinarily simple formula Have we really mapped a K-connected region conformally onto a simply-connected region? No, this is is not possible, and to resolve what looks like a contradiction we must think more carefully about reflections. Suppose in Fig. 1a we think of GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 5 the finite dashed intervals as branch cuts not to be crossed, and reflect only across the semi-infinite dashed intervals at the ends. Then the complement of E becomes simply-connected, and we have indeed constructed a conformal map onto the simply-connected region of Fig. 2. However, the Schwarz reflection principle permits reflection across arbitrary straight lines or circular arcs. There is no reason why one should exclude the finite intervals in Fig. 1a as candidates, which would correspond in the w-plane to reflection in the protruding spikes of Fig. 2. When such reflections are allowed, \Phi(z) becomes a multi-valued function whose values depend on paths in the complex plane-or equivalently, a single-valued conformal map of Riemann surfaces. Even under arbitrary reflections with arbitrary multi-valuedness, fortunately, equation (3) remains valid, since all reflections preserve the absolute value j\Phi(z)j and g(z) depends only on this absolute value. Therefore, for the purpose of calculating Green's functions, we escape the topological subtleties of the conformal mapping problem. The phenomenon of multivaluedness is a familiar one in complex analysis. An analysis of the multivalued function \Phi(z) is the basis of Widom's approximation theoretic results in [32], and earlier discussions of the same function can be found, for example, in [30] and [31]. 3. Computed example; electrostatic interpretation. Our first computed example is presented in detail to illustrate our methods. The region E of Fig. 3(a) has polygons, a red hexagon and a green square. (The hexagon is defined by coordinates \Gamma6:5, \Gamma5 \Sigma 1:5i, \Gamma5:75 \Sigma 2:25i, \Gamma8 and the square by coordinates 9:5, 8:75 \Sigma 0:75i, 8.) In Fig. 3(b), three subsets of the real axis have been introduced, blue and turquoise and magenta, to complete the boundary of the half-planar region. Plots (c) and (d) show the conformal images of this region as a slit strip and the exterior of the disk with a spike. The color coding is maintained to indicate which boundary segments map to which. All of these computations, like those in our later examples, have been carried out with the high accuracy that comes cheaply in Schwarz-Christoffel mapping [26]. Thus our figures can be regarded as exact for plotting purposes. For the sake of those who may wish to duplicate some of these computations, in the sections below we report occasional numbers, which are believed in each case to be correct to all digits listed. Green's functions have a physical interpretation in terms of two-dimensional electric charge distributions, that is, cross-sections of infinite parallel line charge distributions in three dimensions. In Fig. 3(d), the equilibrium distribution of one (negative) unit of charge along the unit circle is the uniform distribution, which generates the associated potential log jwj. By conformal transplantation under the map maps to a non-uniform distribution along the boundaries of the polygons P j in the z-plane. This nonuniform charge distribution on the polygons P j is precisely the minimal-energy, equilibrium charge distribution for these sets. It is the charge distribution that would be achieved if each polygon were an electrical conductor connected to the other polygons by wires in another dimension so as to put them all at the same voltage. Mathematically, the charge distribution is distinguished by the special property that it generates the potential g(z) with constant value on the boundaries of the polygons. 4. Asymptotic convergence factor, harmonic measure, and capacity. Every geometrical detail of Fig. 3 has a mathematical interpretation for the Green's function problem, which becomes a physical interpretation if we think in terms of equilibrium charge distributions. We now describe several items that are particularly important. 6 MARK EMBREE AND LLOYD N. TREFETHEN (a) Problem domain, showing the computed critical level curve c as well as one lower and one higher level curve. z-plane (b) To obtain these results, first the real axis is drawn in as an artificial boundary. Heavy lines mark the boundary of the new simply-connected problem domain. (c) The half-planar region is then transplanted by a composition of two Schwarz-Christoffel maps to a slit semi-infinite strip. The real interval between the polygons (turquoise) maps to a horizontal slit whose coordinates are determined as part of the solution. Vertical lines in the strip correspond to level curves of the Green's function of the original problem. (d) Finally, the exponential function maps the strip to the upper half of the exterior of the unit disk. The slit becomes a protruding turquoise spike. Here the Green's function is log jwj, with concentric circles as level curves. Reflection extends the circles to the lower half- plane, and following the maps in reverse produces the curves of (a). w-plane Figure 3. Color-coded computed illustration of our algorithm for an example with polygons. The blue, red, turquoise, green, and magenta boundary segments in the various domains correspond under conformal maps. Fainter lines distinguish function values obtained by reflection. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 7 Critical point, potential, and level curve. For sufficiently small ffl ? 0, the region of CnE where g(z) ! ffl consists of K disjoint open sets surrounding the polygons P j . At some value g c , two of these sets first coalesce at a point z c 2 R, which will be a saddle point of g(z), i.e., a point where the gradient of g(z) and also the complex derivative \Phi 0 (z) are zero [30]. We call z c the critical point, g c the critical potential, and c g the critical level curve. (We speak as if z c is a single point and just two sets coalesce there, which is the generic situation, but in special cases there may be more than one critical point and more than two coalescing regions, as in Fig. 7 below.) These critical quantities can be immediately obtained from the geometry of our conformal mapping problem. Let w c denote the endpoint of the shortest protruding spike as in Figs. 2 or 3(d). Then z is the index of the critical point a j as in Figure 1), g c = log(jw c j), and the critical level curve is the pre-image under \Phi of the circle j. For the example of Fig. 3, z 0:634942, and the critical level curve is plotted in Fig. 3(a). Asymptotic convergence factor. In applications to polynomial approximation, as described in Section 6, the absolute value of the end of the shortest spike is of particular interest. With the same notation as above, we define the asymptotic convergence factor associated with g(z) by For the example of Fig. 3, ae = 0:529966. Note that g c and ae depend on the shape of the domain E, but not on its scale. Doubling the sizes of the polygons and the distances between them, for example, does not change these quantities. They are also invariant with respect to translation of the set E in the complex plane. Harmonic measure. Another scale-independent quantity is the proportion - j of the total charge on each polygon P j , which is known as the harmonic measure of P j (with respect to the point This quantity is equal to - \Gamma1 times the distance between the appropriate two slits in the strip domain (or a slit and one of the semi-infinite boundary lines), or equivalently to - \Gamma1 times the angle between two spikes (or a spike and the real axis) in the w-plane. In the notation of Fig. 1, For the example of Fig. 3, the slit is at height Im oe 2 1:290334, and dividing by - shows that the proportion of charge on the green square is 0:410726. The density of charge at particular points along the boundary is equal to - a number that is easy to evaluate since the Schwarz-Christoffel formula expresses \Phi(z) in terms of integrals. (This density can be used to define the harmonic measure of arbitrary measurable subsets of the boundary of E, not just of the boundary of P j .) Capacity. The capacity C (= logarithmic capacity, also called the transfinite diameter) of a compact set E ae C is a standard notion in complex analysis and approximation theory [1,13]. This scale-dependent number can be defined informally as the average distance between charges, in the geometric-mean sense, for an equilibrium charge density distribution on the boundary of E. Familiar special cases are for a disk of radius R and for an interval of length L. For a general domain E, C is equal to the derivative dz=dw evaluated at (Normally one would have absolute values, but for our problem \Phi 0 (1) is real and positive.) One way to compute C is to note that \Phi(z) is the composition of f 1 (z) and exp(f 2 (z)), in the notation of Figs. 1 and 2, and f 0(1) is just the multiplicative constant of the first of our two Schwarz-Christoffel maps. Thus the crucial quantity to determine is the limit of z= exp(f 2 (z)) as z !1, whose logarithm is given by lim Z z f 0(i) di dz since f 2 (t K This is a convergent integral of Schwarz-Christoffel type that can be evaluated accurately by numerical methods related to those of SCPACK and the Toolbox. Alternatively, we have found that sufficient accuracy can be achieved without the explicit manipulation of integrals. Using the Schwarz-Christoffel maps, we calculate the quantities for a collection of values of z such as 15. The function C(z) is analytic at z = 1, and the capacity can be obtained in a standard manner by Richardson extrapolation. For the example of Fig. 3, The ideas of this section can be spelled out more fully in formulas, generally integrals or double integrals involving the charge density distribution; see [13,21,29]. We omit these details here. 5. Further examples. Figures 4-7 present computed examples with and 5 polygons. In each case, the critical level curve of g(z) has been plotted together with three level curves outside the critical one. In the case of Fig. 6, a fifth level curve has also been plotted that corresponds to the highest of the three saddle points of g(z) for that problem. If the small square on the right in that figure were not present, then by symmetry, there would be two saddle points between the long quadrilaterals at the same value of g(z). The square, however, breaks the symmetry, moving those saddle points to the slightly distinct levels shown). Figure 7 may puzzle the reader. Why does the critical level curve self-intersect at four points, indicating four saddles at exactly the same level, even though there is no left-right symmetry in the figure? The answer is that the coordinates of the squares in this example have been adjusted to make this happen. The widths of the squares are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with the left-hand edges of the first two located at This gave us a system of three nonlinear equations in three unknowns to solve for the locations of the remaining three left-hand edges that would achieve the uniform critical value. (This is an example of a generalized Schwarz-Christoffel parameter problem, in which geometric constraints from various domains are mixed [27].) The locations that satisfy the conditions are 10:948290, 20:326250, and 31:191359, the critical potential value is 0:0698122, and the capacity is 6. Applications to polynomial approximation. Many uses of Green's functions pertain to problems of polynomial approximation. The basis of this connection is an elementary fact: if log and thus the size of a polynomial p(z) is essentially the same as the value of the potential generated GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 9 Figure 4. Green's function for a region defined by two polygons. This computation is identical in structure to that of Fig. 3. Figure 5. Green's function for a region defined by three degenerate polygons with empty interior. As it is exteriors that are conformally mapped, the degeneracy has no effect on the mathematical problem or the method of solution. by "point charges" with potentials log located at its roots fz j g. In the limit as the number of roots and charges goes to 1, one obtains a continuous problem such as (1). Generally speaking, the properties of optimal degree-n polynomials for various approximation problems can typically be determined to leading order as n !1 from the Green's function in the sense that we get the exponential factors right but not the algebraic ones. Numerous results in this vein are set forth in the treatise of Walsh Figure 6. Green's function for a region defined by four polygons. The square on the side breaks the symmetry. Figure 7. Green's function for a region defined by five polygons. The spacing of the squares has been adjusted to make all the critical points lie at the same value g c . [30]. Perhaps the simplest approximation topic one might consider is the Chebyshev polynomials fTng associated with a compact set E ' C. For each n, defined as the monic polynomial of degree n that minimizes (z)j. The following result indicates one of the connections between Tn and the Green's function for E. Theorem 1. Let E ' C be a compact set with capacity C. Then a unique Chebyshev polynomial exists for each n - 0, and lim It follows from this theorem that the numerical methods of this paper enable us to determine the leading order behavior of Chebyshev polynomials for polygons symmetrically located on the real axis. For example, the nth Chebyshev polynomial of the five-square region of Fig. 7 has size approximately (10:292969) n . Other related matters, such as generalized Faber polynomials [32], can also be pursued. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 11 Theorem 1 is due to Szeg-o [25], who extended earlier work of Fekete; a proof can be found for example in [29]. For the case in which E is a smooth Jordan domain, Faber showed that in fact consists of two intervals, Akhiezer showed that kTnk=C n oscillates between two constants, and the starting point of the paper of Widom [32] is the generalization of this result to a broad class of sets E with multiple components. Instead of discussing Chebyshev polynomials further, we shall consider a different, related approximation problem investigated by Walsh, Russell, and Fuchs, among others [8,9,30,31]. Let h 1 K be entire functions, i.e., each h j is analytic throughout the complex plane, and to keep the formulations simple, assume that these functions are distinct. The following is a special case of the general complex Chebyshev approximation problem: Polynomial Approximation Problem. Given n, find a polynomial pn of degree n that minimizes the quantity Note that we are concerned here with simultaneous approximation of distinct functions on disjoint sets by a single polynomial. The approximations are measured only on the polygons nothing is required in the "don't care'' space in-between. For digital filtering, the polygons would typically be intervals corresponding to pass and stop bands, and for matrix iterations, they would be regions approximately enclosing various components of the spectrum or pseudospectra of the matrix. According to results of approximation theory going back to Chebyshev, there exists a polynomial pn that minimizes (7), and it is unique [2,3,30]. What is interesting is how much about pn can be inferred from the Green's function. We summarize two of the known facts about this problem as follows: Theorem 2. Let fpng and fEng be the optimal polynomials and corresponding errors for the Polynomial Approximation Problem, let g be the Green's function, and let the critical level curve and the asymptotic convergence factor ae be defined as in Section 4. Then (a) lim sup n!1 E 1=n (b) ("Overconvergence") pn (z) ! h j (z) as n !1, not only for z 2 P j , but for all z in the region enclosed by the component of the critical level curve enclosing P j , with uniform convergence on compact subsets. Conversely, pn (z) does not converge uniformly to h j (z) in any neighborhood of any point on the critical level curve. These results are due in important measure to Walsh, and are proved in his treatise [30]; see Theorems 4.5-4.7 and 4.11 and the discussions surrounding them. Some of this material was presented earlier in a 1934 paper by Walsh and Helen G. Russell [31], which attributes previous related work to Faber, Bernstein, M. Riesz, Fej'er, and Szeg-o. The formulations as we have stated them are not very sharp. The original results of Walsh are more quantitative, and they were sharpened further by Fuchs, especially for the case in which E is a collection of intervals [8,9]. Theorem 2 concerns the exact optimal polynomials for the Polynomial Approximation Problem, which are usually unknown and difficult to compute. Walsh showed that the same conclusions apply more generally, however, to any sequence of polynomials that is maximally convergent, which means, any sequence fpng whose errors fEng as defined by (7) satisfy condition (a) of Theorem 2. Now then, how can we construct maximally convergent sequences? Further results of Walsh establish that this can be done via interpolation in suitably distributed points: Theorem 3. Consider a sequence of sets of either lying in E or converging uniformly to E as n !1, and suppose that the potential they generate in the sense of Section 4 converges uniformly to the Green's function g(z) on all compact subsets disjoint from E. Let fpng be the sequence of polynomials of degrees generated by interpolation in these points of a function h(z) defined in C with in a neighborhood of each P j . This sequence of polynomials is maximally convergent for the Polynomial Approximation Problem. Theorem 4. The overconvergence result of Theorem 2(b) applies to any sequence fpng of maximally convergent polynomials for the Polynomial Approximation Problem. For proofs see Theorems 4.11 and 7.2 of [30] and the discussions nearby. Theorem 3 implies that once the Green's function g(z) is known, it can be used to construct maximally convergent polynomials by a variety of methods. The simplest approach is to take pn to be the polynomial defined by interpolation of h j in the pre-images along the boundary of P j of roots of unity in the w-plane: Alternatively, and perhaps slightly more effective in practice, we may adjust the points along the boundary of each polygon P j . Given n, we determine by (8) and (9) the number n j of interpolation points that will lie on the boundary of P j . If ' and ' are the lower and upper edge angles along the unit circle in the w-plane corresponding to P j (in the notation of Fig. 1, then we define the actual interpolation points along the boundary of P j by (8) and Both of the choices (9) and (10) lead to maximal convergence as in Theorem 3. Figure 8 illustrates the ideas of Theorems 2 and 3, especially the phenomenon of overconvergence. Here we continue with the same geometry as in Fig. 3 and construct near-best approximations pn (z) by interpolation of the constants \Gamma1 on the hexagon and +1 on the square in the points described by (8) and (9). These two constants represent distinct entire functions, so the polynomials fpn (z)g cannot converge glob- ally. They converge on regions much larger than the polygons themselves, however, as the figure vividly demonstrates: all the way out to the critical "figure-8" level curve, in keeping with Theorem 2. The colors correspond to just the real part of pn (z), but the imaginary part (not shown) looks similar, taking values close to zero inside the figure-8 and growing approximately exponentially outside. Our final example, motivated by the work of Mitchell, Shen and Strang on digital filters, takes a special case in which E consists of two real intervals. Consider the approximation problem defined by a "stop band" P 1 and a "pass band" P 2 That is, the problem is to find polynomials pn of degree n that minimize ae oe GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 13 [ The original image is of higher quality, and is attached at the end of the paper. ] Figure 8. Illustration of the overconvergence phenomenon of Theorem 2(b) and Theorem 4. On the same two-polygon region as in Fig. 3, a polynomial p(z) is sought that approximates the values \Gamma1 on the hexagon and +1 on the square. For this figure, p is taken as the degree-29 near-best approximation defined by interpolation in pre-images of roots of unity in the unit circle under the conformal map (eqs. (8) and (9)); a similar plot for the exactly optimal polynomial would not look much different. The figure shows Rep(z) by a blue-red color scale together with the polygons, the interpolation points, and the figure-8 shaped critical level curve of the Green's function. Not just on the polygons themselves, but throughout the two lobes of the figure-8, Rep(z) comes close to the constant values \Gamma1 and +1. Outside, it grows very fast. Our Schwarz-Christoffel computations (elementary, since the more difficult first map f 1 of Fig. 1 is the identity in this case) show that the asymptotic convergence factor 0:947963, the capacity is 0:499287, the critical point and level are z \Gamma0:350500 and g c = 0:053440, and the harmonic measures are - For Fig. 9 plots the near-best polynomial pn defined by interpolation in the points defined by (8) and (10). The polynomial has approximately equiripple form, suggesting that it is close to optimal. The horizontal dashed lines suggest the error in this approximation, but it is clear they do not exactly touch the maximal- error points of the curve. In fact, these dashed lines are drawn at distances \Sigmaae from the line to be approximated, where ae is the asymptotic convergence factor; the adjustment by p n is suggested by the theorems of Fuchs [8]. In other words, these lines mark a predicted error based on the Green's function, not the actual error of the polynomial approximation obtained from it. Figure shows the actual optimal polynomial for this approximation problem, with equiripple behavior. Something looks wrong here-the errors seem bigger than 14 MARK EMBREE AND LLOYD N. TREFETHEN Figure 9. The near-best polynomial p 19 (x) obtained from the Green's function by interpolation in the 20 points (8), (10) of 0 in the stop band [\Gamma1; \Gamma0:4] and 1 in the pass band [\Gamma0:3; 1]. The polynomial is not optimal, but it is close. Figure 10. Same as Fig. 9, but for the optimal polynomial p 19 computed by the Remes algorithm. At first glance, the approximation looks worse. In fact, it is better, since there are large errors in Fig. 9 at the inner edges of the stop and pass bands. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLY CONNECTED DOMAINS 15 -0.3506 proportion of interpolation points in the stop band position of critical point Figure 11. Comparison of Green's function predictions (solid curves) with exact equiripple approximations (dots) for the example (11). Details in the text. in Fig. 9, not smaller! In fact, Fig. 9 is not as good as it looks. At the right edge of the stop band and at the left edge of the pass band, for x - \Gamma0:4 and x - \Gamma0:3, there are large errors. The numerical results line up as follows: Optimal error En : 0:1176 n estimated from Green's function: 0:0831 in polynomial obtained from Green's function: 0:2030 In some engineering applications, of course, Fig. 9 might represent a better filter than Fig. 10 after all. Figure presents three comparisons between properties of the exactly optimal polynomials pn (x) for this problem (solid dots) and predictions based on the Green's function (curves). Plot (a) compares the error En with the prediction ae (the distances between the horizontal dashed lines in Figs. 9 and 10). Evidently these quantities differ by a factor of less than 2. Plot (b) compares the proportion of the interpolation points that lie in the stop band with the harmonic measure - 1 . The agreement is as good as one could hope for. Finally, plot (c) compares the point x in [\Gamma1; 1] at which the optimal polynomial satisfies vertical dashed line of Fig. 10) with the critical point z c (the vertical dashed line of Fig. 9). Evidently the Green's function makes a good prediction of this transition point for finite n and exactly the right prediction as n !1, as it must by Theorem 2(b). 7. Weighted Green's functions for weighted approximation. In signal processing applications, rather than a uniform approximation, one commonly wants an approximation corresponding to errors weighted by different constants W j in different In closing we note that the techniques we have described can be generalized to this case by considering a weighted Green's function in which (1b) is replaced by the condition which depends on n. The function g can now be determined by a conformal map onto a semi-infinite strip whose end is jagged, with the K segments lying at real parts \Gamman \Gamma1 log W j . Numerical experiments show that this method is effective, and very general theoretical developments along these lines are described in the treatise of Saff and Totik [21]. --R Topics in Geometric Function Theory Theory of Approximation Introduction to Approximation Theory Algorithm 756: A MATLAB toolbox for Schwarz-Christoffel mapping From potential theory to matrix iterations in six steps Polynomial Based Iteration Methods for Symmetric Linear Systems Topics in the Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable On the degree of Chebyshev approximation on sets with several components On Chebyshev approximation on several disjoint intervals Lectures on Complex Approximation Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Analytic Function Theory The small dispersion limit of the Korteweg-de Vries equation of Elect. Digital Filter Design Chebyshev approximation for nonrecursive digital filters with linear phase Theory and Applications of Digital Signal Processing Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields The asymptotics of optimal (equiripple) filters The potential theory of several intervals and its applications Cambridge U. Bermerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Herrn M. Numerical computation of the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation Analysis and design of polygonal resistors by conformal mapping Potential Theory in Modern Function Theory Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Domain On the convergence and overconvergence of sequences of polynomials of best simultaneous approximation to several functions analytic in distinct regions Extremal polynomials associated with a system of curves in the complex plane --TR --CTR Tobin A. Driscoll, Algorithm 843: Improvements to the Schwarz--Christoffel toolbox for MATLAB, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), v.31 n.2, p.239-251, June 2005
krylov subspace iteration;chebyshev polynomial;potential theory;conformal mapping;polynomial approximation;schwarz-christoffel formula;digital filter;green's function
Bounds on the Extreme Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices.
We derive upper and lower bounds on the smallest and largest eigenvalues, respectively, of real symmetric Toeplitz matrices. The bounds are first obtained for positive-definite matrices and then extended to the general real symmetric case. They are computed as the roots of rational and polynomial approximations to spectral, or secular, equations for the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the spectrum; this leads to separate bounds on the even and odd eigenvalues. We also present numerical results.
Introduction The study of eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices continues to be of interest, due to the occurrence of these matrices in a host of applications (see [4] for a good overview) including linear prediction, a well-known problem in digital signal processing. In this work we present improved bounds on the extreme eigenvalues of real symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz matrices and describe their extension to matrices that are not positive-definite. The computation of the smallest eigenvalue of such matrices was considered in, e.g., [8], [16] and [19], whereas bounds were studied in [10], [14] and [22]. Among the latter, the best bounds were obtained in [10]. Our approach is similar to the one used in [8], [10], [19] and in [23], where it serves as a basis for computing other eigenvalues as well. In this approach, the eigenvalues of the matrix are computed as the roots of a one-dimensional rational function. The extreme eigenvalues can then be bounded by computing bounds on the roots of the aforementioned equation, often called a spectral equation, or secular equation (see [12]). In [10] the bounds are obtained by using a Taylor series expansion for the secular equation. We propose to improve this in two ways, first of all by considering "better" secular equations (of a similar rational nature) and, secondly, by considering rational approximations to the secular function, rather than a Taylor series, which is an inappropriate On leave from Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel. approximation for a rational function. As an added advantage of our different equations, we obtain separate bounds on the even and odd eigenvalues. To put matters in perspective, we note that these "better" equations are hinted at in [10] without being explixitly stated and they also appear in [9] in an equivalent form that is less suitable for computation. No applications of these equations were considered in either paper. In [16], an equation such as one of ours is derived in a different way which does not take into account the spectral structure of the submatrices of the matrix, thereby obscuring key properties of the equation. It is used there to compute the smallest even eigenvalue and it too uses polynomial approximations. The idea of a rational approximation for secular equations is not new. In a different context, it was already used in, e.g., [5] and many other references, the most relevant to this work being [19]. However, apparently because of the somewhat complicated nature of their analysis, it seems that these rational approximations are rarely considered beyond the first order. We consider a different approach that enables us to consider higher order rational approximations, which we prove to be better than polynomial ones. To our knowl- edge, the equations for the even and odd spectra have not been combined with rational approximations to compute bounds and the resulting improvement is quite significant. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 contains definitions, a brief overview of the properties of Toeplitz matrices and basic results for a class of rational functions. In Section 2 we develop spectral equations and in Section 3 we consider the approximations which lead, in Section 4, to the bounds on the extreme eigenvalues. Finally, we present numerical results in Section 5. In Sections 2 and 3, we have included a summary of parts of [21], to improve readability and to make the paper as self-contained as possible. The identity matrix is denoted by I throughout this paper, without specifically indicating its dimension, which is assumed to be clear from the context. Preliminaries A symmetric matrix T 2 IR (n;n) is said to be Toeplitz if its elements for some vector Many early results about such matrices can be found in, e.g., [3], [6] and [9]. Toeplitz matrices are persymmetric, i.e., they are symmetric about their southwest- northeast diagonal. For such a matrix T , this is the same as requiring that JT T where J is a matrix with ones on its southwest-northeast diagonal and zeros everywhere else (the n \Theta n exchange matrix). It is easy to see that the inverse of a persymmetric matrix is also persymmetric. A matrix that is both symmetric and persymmetric is called doubly symmetric. A symmetric vector v is defined as a vector satisfying and an antisymmetric vector w as one that satisfies Jw = \Gammaw. If these vectors are eigenvectors, then their associated eigenvalues are called even and odd, respectively. It was shown in [6] that, given a real symmetric Toeplitz matrix T of order n, there exists an orthonormal basis for composed of n \Gamma bn=2c symmetric and bn=2c antisymmetric eigenvectors of T , where bffc denotes the integral part of ff. In the case of simple eigenvalues, this is easy to see from the fact that, if Therefore u and Ju must be proportional, and therefore u must be an eigenvector of J , which means that either \Gammau. Finally, we note that for ff 2 IR, the matrix \Gamma ffI) is symmetric and Toeplitz, whenever T is. We now state two lemma's, the proofs of which can be found in [20]. They concern the relation between a class of rational functions, which will be considered later, and their approximations. Lemma 2.1 Let g(-) be a strictly positive and twice continuously differentiable real func- tion, defined on some interval K ae IR. With fl a nonzero integer, consider the real function of -: a(b \Gamma -) fl , where the parameters a and b are such that it interpolates g up to first order at a point - 2 K with is positive (negative) for all - 2 K, then for all - such that a(b \Gamma -) fl - 0, the interpolant lies below (above) the function g(-). 2 Lemma 2.2 The function with m a positive and fl a nonzero integer and the ff j 's nonnegative, satisfies for all - such that 8j : 3 Spectral equations In this section we derive various spectral, or "secular", equations for the eigenvalues of a real symmetric Toeplitz matrix. Several of these results are not new, even though some were not explicitly stated elsewhere or appear in a form less suitable for computation. Let us consider the following partition of a symmetric Toeplitz matrix by the vector . Then the following well-known theorem (see, e.g., [8]) holds: Theorem 3.1 The eigenvalues of T that are not shared with those eigenvalues of Q, whose associated eigenspaces are not entirely contained in ftg ? , are given by the solutions of the We define the function OE(-) by Equation (1) is equivalent to are the p eigenvalues of Q for which the associated eigenspace U is not entirely contained in the subspace ftg ? , i.e., for which U ! i details). Denote the orthonormal vectors which form a basis for U by fu (i) is the dimension of U . Then the scalars c 2 are given by c 2 . The rational function in (1), or (3), has p simple poles, dividing the real axis into each of which it is monotonely increasing from \Gamma1 to +1. The solutions f- j g p+1 of equation (3) therefore satisfy i.e., the eigenvalues ! i strictly interlace the eigenvalues - j , which is known as Cauchy's interlacing theorem. These results are well-known and we refer to, e.g., [8], [10] and [23]. A positive-definite matrix T will therefore certainly have an eigenvalue in the interval An upper bound can then be found by approximating the function in (1) at in such a way that the approximation always lies below that function, and by subsequently computing the root of this approximation. This is the approach used in [10], where the approximations are the Taylor polynomials. However, such polynomials are inadequate for rational functions and we shall return to this matter after deriving additional spectral equations. It would appear that our previous partition of T is inappropriate, given the persym- metry of Toeplitz matrices. We therefore consider the following, more natural, partition for a matrix that is both symmetric and persymmetric: G is an (n \Gamma 2) \Theta (n \Gamma 2) symmetric Toeplitz matrix, generated by the vector This partition is also used in Theorem 4 of [10], but no use was made of this partition in the computation or bounding of eigenvalues in any of the aforementioned references. In what follows, we denote the even and odd eigenvalues of T by - e , and the even and odd eigenvalues of G by - i and - i , respectively. We then have the following theorem, which yields two equations: one for even and one for odd eigenvalues of T . Theorem 3.2 The even eigenvalues of T that are not shared with those even eigenvalues of G, whose associated eigenspaces are not entirely contained in f ~ t g ? , are the solutions of whereas the odd eigenvalues of T that are not shared with those odd eigenvalues of G, whose associated eigenspaces are not entirely contained in f ~ t g ? , are the solutions of Proof. The proof is based on finding the conditions under which has a nontrivial solution for x. These conditions take the form of a factorable equation, which then leads directly to equations (4) and (5). For more details, we refer to [21]. 2 To gain a better understanding of equations (4) and (5), let us assume for a moment that all eigenvalues of G are simple (the general case does not differ substantially) and denote an orthonormal basis of IR n\Gamma2 , composed of orthonormal eigenvalues of G, by are symmetric eigenvector - even eigenvalue pairs and (w eigenvalue pairs. With ~ means that r a s r a s Once more exploiting the orthonormality of the eigenvectors yields r a 2 Analogously we obtain s Equations (4) and (5) now become r a 2 s which shows that the rational functions in each of equations (4) and (5) are of the same form as the function in (1). It is also clear that T will certainly have an even eigenvalue on (0; - 1 ) and an odd one on (0; - 1 ). These equations were also hinted at in [10] without however deriving or stating them in an explicit way. The meaning of Theorem 3.2 is therefore that those even and odd eigenvalues of G, whose associated eigenspaces are not completely contained in f ~ t g ? , interlace, respectively, the even and odd eigenvalues of T that are not shared with those eigenvalues of G. This result was obtained in [9] in a different way, along with equivalent forms of equations (6) and (7). However, the use of determinants there makes them less suitable for applications. Finally, because of the orthonormality of the eigenvectors, equations (4) and (5) can be written in a more symmetric way, as shown in the following two equations, which at the same time define the functions OE e (-) and OE We note that equation (8) was also obtained in [16], where it was used to compute the smallest eigenvalue which was known in advance to be even. However, the derivation of the equation is quite different, concentrating exclusively on the smallest eigenvalue and disregarding the spectral structure of the submatrices of T , which obscures important properties of that equation. To evaluate the functions OE(-), OE e (-) and OE o (-) and their derivatives, as we will need to do later on, we need to compute expressions of the form s T S \Gammak s for a positive integer k, where S is the real symmetric Toeplitz matrix defined by (s In this work, we will use the Levinson-Durbin algorithm, abbreviated as LDA. The original references for this algorithm are [11] and [18], but an excellent overview of this and other Toeplitz-related algorithms can be found in [13]. Let us start with In this case we have to solve \Gammas, where the minus sign in the right-hand side is by convention. This system of linear equations is called the Yule-Walker (YW) system and the LDA solves this problem recursively in 2n 2 flops, where we define one flop as in [13], namely a multiplication/division or an addition/subtraction. Because of the persymmetry of S, once the Yule-Walker equations are solved, the solution to After solving the YW system, we have obtained can then be evaluated as kS 2 in O(n) flops. To compute higher order derivatives, we use a decomposition of S, supplied by the LDA itself in the process of solving the YW system. Denoting by w (') the solution to the '-th dimensional YW subsystem, obtained in the course of the LDA algorithm, this decomposition is given by U T is a diagonal matrix and U is the upper triangular n \Theta n matrix, whose '-th column is given by (Jw its diagonal elements are equal to one. This result is due to [7]. We calculate s T S \Gamma3 s as follows: s This computation costs flops. To evaluate s T S \Gamma4 s, we compute first S \Gamma2 s as once again, n 2 +O(n) flops, and then compute kS \Gamma2 sk 2 2 with an additional O(n) flops. Roughly speaking, we can say that, for each increase of k by one, we need to execute an additional n 2 flops. Of course, there are other algorithms such as the fast Toeplitz solvers (see, e.g., [1] and [2]), and these could be substituted for the LDA. However, this influences only the complexity of computing our bounds and not the bounds themselves, which are the focus of this work. Approximations As we mentioned before, our bounds will be obtained by the roots of approximations to the secular equations. In the case of the smallest eigenvalue, those approximations will be shown to be dominated by the spectral function, so that their root will provide an upper bound on the smallest eigenvalue. Bounds for the largest eigenvalue will be based on the bounds for the smallest eigenvalue of a different matrix. In the derivation of the bounds, we will assume that the matrices are positive-definite, even though a slight modification suffices to extend our results to general symmetric matrices. All this will be explained in Section 4. We shall now construct approximations to our spectral equations. These will be of two types: rational and polynomial, each of which will be of three kinds: first, second and third order. Throughout this section we will consider approximations, obtained by interpolation at function g of the form 2. Functions of this form occur in all the equations considered in this paper. We note that g has simple poles at the fi j 's and is a positive, monotonely increasing convex function (or on the interval Our results are applicable for interpolation at a point - different from zero, simply by translating the origin to that point. As mentioned before, we consider both rational and polynomial approximations of first, second and third order and we will denote them, respectively, ae 1 , ae 2 , ae 3 for the rational ones and - 1 , - 2 , - 3 for the polynomial ones. The polynomial approximations are nothing but the Taylor polynomials of degree 1,2 and 3. We now define these approximations, while cautioning that some of the parameters are defined "locally", i.e., the same letter may have different meanings in different contexts, when no confusion is possible. (1) First order rational. A function ae 1 (-) 4 ae 0 (0). The coefficients a and b are easily computed to be a (0). It is not difficult to see that b is a weighted average of the fi j 's. We therefore have that a ? 0 and and therefore that ae 1 is a positive, monotonely increasing convex function on (\Gamma1; fi 1 ). (2) Second order rational. A function ae 2 (-) ae 0 (0). The coefficients a, b and c are then given by a = (0)=g 002 (0) and (0). It is clear immediately that similarly to what we had before, From Lemma 2.2 with we have that a ? 0 as well. This same lemma also shows that the pole of ae 2 lies closer to fi 1 than the pole of ae 1 . The approximation ae 2 is therefore positive, monotonely increasing and convex on (\Gamma1; fi 1 ). (3) Third order rational. A function ae 3 (-) a=(b\Gamma-)+c=(d\Gamma-) such that ae 3 ae 0 (0). For convenience, let us set temporarily leave out the argument of g and its derivatives, i.e., g j g(0). To compute the coefficients of ae 3 , we then have to solve the following system of equations in a, c, v and w: From Cramer's rule, we have The first equation in (15) yields a equations in (15) then give By considering c instead of a, the analog of (15) yields Equations (16) and (17) give, after some algebra: This means that v and w are the solutions for x of the quadratic equation x Lemma 2.2 with vw ? 0, which in turn means that v; w ? 0. As a direct consequence from equations (16), (17), (18) and (19), we then have that either w ! g 0 =g and v ? g 000 =3g 00 , or vice versa. This is the same as saying that d ? g=g 0 and b ! 3g 00 =g 000 , or vice versa. In both cases, using these inequalities in the expressions for a and c show that a; c ? 0. All the above put together means that ae 3 is a positive, monotonely increasing convex function on the interval (\Gamma1; minfb; d; fi 1 g). The minimum is, in fact, fi 1 , but this will be shown in the next theorem. We note therefore, that the smallest pole of ae 3 lies between fi 1 and the pole of ae 2 . First-order polynomial. A function - 1 (-) 4 b- such that - 1 (0). The coefficients a and b are easily computed to be a = g(0) and 0 (0), which are all positive. The function - 1 is therefore a linear and increasing function everywhere. (5) Second-order polynomial. A function - 2 (-) 4 (0). The coefficients a, b and c are given by a and and they are all positive. The function - 2 is therefore an increasing and convex function for - 0. Third-order polynomial. A function - 3 (-) 4 (0). The coefficients a, b, c and d are 000 (0)=6 and they are all positive. The function - 3 is therefore an increasing and convex function for - 0. Theorem 4.1 The following inequalities hold on the interval (0; fi 1 Proof. We first remark that some inequalities will be proved on the larger interval us begin with inequalities (22). The function ae 1 (-) is a first order rational approximation to g(-) at It is then immediate from Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 with g(-). The linear approximation - 1 (-) to g(-) at is also the linear approximation to ae 1 (-) at that same point. Since ae 1 (-) is a convex function on must lie below it on the same interval. This concludes the proof for For we have that ae 2 (-) j a to second order. This is the same as saying that b=(c \Gamma -) 2 approximates g 0 (-) up to first order. Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 with yield that b=(c \Gamma -) 2 - g 0 (-), from which it then follows, with doe - Integrating, we obtain b=(c Adding and subtracting a in the left-hand side and using the function value interpolation condition concludes the proof for 2. We note that - 2 (-) interpolates both g(-) and ae 2 (-) at to second order. This means that 2c- (-) up to first order at 2 is convex on that interval. We then have that 2c- 2 (-) on that same interval and we can integrate back to obtain the desired inequality for - 2 (0; fi 1 ). For us first consider the difference Using equations (16)-(19), it is not hard to show that b and d cannot be equal to fi 1 or which we excluded. The function h(-) must therefore have m+1 roots. roots, so that both b and d must lie inside the interval (fi 1 the number of roots to balance out (so that b and d can "destroy" existing roots of g on that interval). This means that h cannot have other roots on the interval (0; fi 1 ) and must therefore have the same sign throughout that interval. Since h(-) ! +1 as 1 , we obtain that ae 3 (- g(-) on (0; fi 1 ). Turning now to - 3 (-), we have, similarly to the case to third order at which is equivalent to 2c 3 up to first order at ae 00 3 (-) is convex on that same interval, which means that on that interval 2c+6d- ae 00 3 (-). Integrating back twice, we obtain once again our inequality for - 2 (0; fi 1 ). Let us now consider inequalities (23), starting with the inequality between ae 1 and ae 2 . We first note that ae 1 approximates ae 2 up to first order. We also have \Gamma2ae a Taking into account that a and b are positive and that c ? easily see that the last term in the right-hand side of (25) is positive on (\Gamma1; fi 1 ), whereas the sum of the first two terms is positive because of Lemma 2.2 with then shows that ae 1 (- ae 2 (-) on (\Gamma1; fi 1 ). For the inequality between ae 2 and ae 3 , it suffices to note that ae 2 approximates ae 3 up to second order and that ae 3 is a function of the same form and with the same properties as g. An argument analogous the one used to prove that ae 2 (- g(-) then also yields that Inequalities (24) all follow by an analogous argument to the one used to prove the inequalities between - i (-) after observing that - 1 is the first-order approximation to - 2 , which itself is the second-order approximation to - 3 . 2 5 Bounds We now finally derive our bounds on the extreme eigenvalues and we start by considering the smallest eigenvalue. We first consider matrices that are positive-definite. Upper bounds are then obtained by computing the roots of the various approximations at to the secular equations OE(-), OE e (-) and OE o (-), which were defined in (2), (8) and (9). As we have shown before, all these equations are of the form where g(-) is of the form defined in (10) and ff 2 IR. Their approximations are obtained by replacing g(-) with the various approximations that were described in the previous section. We first define the following: where all quantities are as previously defined. Once again, all these functions are of the same form as the function g, defined in (10). The bounds obtained by replacing f(-) in OE(-) with ae 1 , ae 2 and ae 3 will be denoted r 1 , r 2 and r 3 , respectively. Those bounds obtained by replacing f(-) with - 1 , - 2 and - 3 will be denoted respectively. As an example, this means that r 1 is the root of the equation which is obtained by solving a quadratic equation. To compute r 3 and p 3 , a cubic equation needs to be solved, which can either be accomplished in closed form, or by an iterative method such as Newton's method (at negligable cost, compared to the computation of g(0)). This general bound-naming procedure is now applied to OE e (-) and OE the bounds on the smallest even eigenvalue are obtained by approximating f e (-) in OE e (-) and they will be denoted by r e 3 for the rational approximations and p e 2 and p efor the polynomial approximations. For the odd eigenvalues, approximating f yields the bounds r 3 and p 3 for the rational and polynomial approximations, respectively. If one uses the LDA for the computation of the spectral equations and their derivatives as was discussed in Section 3, then the computational cost for first, second and third order bounds is 2n 2 +O(n), 3n 2 +O(n) and 4n 2 +O(n) flops, respectively. One of the advantages of the rational approximations is that, contrary to polynomial approximations, they always generate bounds that are guaranteed not to exceed the largest pole of f , f e or f applies, as is obvious from their properties, regardless of how badly behaved the matrix is. In addition to providing separate bounds on the even and odd eigenvalues, the approximations to the functions OE e (-) and OE should be more accurate than those for the function OE(-) since now only roughly half of the terms appear in the function to be interpolated. There is also the additional benefit that both the smallest and the largest roots are now farther removed from the nearest singularity in the equation so that once again an improved approximation can be expected. All this is borne out by our numerical experiments. Better upper bounds can be obtained if a positive lower bound is known on the smallest eigenvalue. The only difference in that case is that the approximations are performed at that lower bound, rather than at As was mentioned before, all our results can be aplied in this case to the same spectral equations, but with the origin translated to the lower bound. Before presenting numerical comparisons in the next section, we will first establish a theoretical result. We denote the smallest even and odd eigenvalues of T by - e min and - min , respectively and its smallest eigenvalue by - min . We note that - min g. The theoretical comparisons between the various bounds are then given in the following theorem: Theorem 5.1 The upper bounds on the mallest eigenvalue of T satisfy: Proof. The proof follows immediately from the properties of the approximations that define the bounds, which were proved in Theorem 4.1. 2 This theorem shows that the bounds, obtained by rational approximations, are always superior to those obtained by polynomial approximations, which should not be surprising, as the functions they approximate are themselves rational. It also confirms the intuitive result that, as the order of the approximations increases, then so does the accuracy of the bounds. This also means that the bounds obtained in [10] (the best currently available), which are all based on polynomial approximations and correspond to our are inferior to those produced by rational approximations. Let us now consider lower bounds on the largest eigenvalue. The largest eigenvalue of T can be bounded from below, given an upper bound ffi on it. This can be accomplished by translating the origin in the spectral equations to ffi, replacing the resulting new variable by its opposite and multiplying the equation by \Gamma1, thus obtaining the exact same type of spectral equation for the matrix ffiI \Gamma T , which is always positive definite. Computing an upper bound on the smallest eigenvalue of this new matrix then leads to the desired bound on the largest eigenvalue, since - min possible value for ffi is the Frobenius norm of T , defined as (see [13]): ijA which for a Toeplitz matrix can be computed in O(n) flops. An exact analog of Theorem 5.1 holds for the maximal eigenvalues. To conclude this section we briefly consider the fact that the same procedure for obtaining bounds for real symmetric postive-definite matrices can be used for general real symmetric matrices as well, provided that a lower bound on the smallest eigenvalue is available. Any known lower bound can be used (see, e.g., [10] or [14]), or one could be obtained by a process where a trial value is iteratively lowered until it falls below the smallest eigenvalue. Calling such a trial value ffl, Sylvester's law of inertia can then be applied to the decomposition of (T \Gamma fflI ), which was used in Section 3, to determine its position relative to the smallest eigenvalue of T . Such a procedure is extensively described and used in, e.g., [8], [15] and [23], and we refer to these papers for further details. 6 Numerical results In this section we will test our methods on four classes of positive semi-definite matrices. For each class and for each of the dimensions we have run 200 experiments to examine the quality of the bounds on the smallest eigenvalue and 200 separate experiments doing the same for the maximal eigenvalue. The tables report the average values (with their standard deviations in parentheses) of the bound to eigenvalue ratio for the smallest eigenvalue and eigenvalue to bound ratio for the largest eigenvalue. The closer this ratio is to one, the better the bound. Each entry in the table has a left and right part, separated by a slash. The left part pertains to the use of OE e and OE o (i.e., the bound is obtained by taking the minimum of the bounds on the even and odd extreme eigenvalues), whereas the right part represents the use of OE. The figures represent the distribution of the ratios among the 200 experiments, with the total range of the ratios divided into five "bins". The frequency associated with those bins is then graphed versus their midpoints. We note that the x-axis is scaled differently for each figure to accomodate the entire range of ratios. The solid line represents the bounds obtained by using OE e and the dashed line represents the use of OE. The dimension is indicated by n. The polynomial approximation-based bounds are denoted by "Taylor", followed by the order of the approximation. Let us now list the four classes of matrices. (1) CVL matrices. These are matrices defined in [8] (whence their name) as where n is the dimension of T , - is such that T These matrices are positive semi-definite of rank two. We generated random matrices of this kind by taking the value of ' to be uniformly distributed on [0; 1]. (2) KMS matrices. These are the Kac-Murdock-Szeg-o matrices (see [17]), defined as is the dimension of the matrix. These matrices are positive definite and are characterized by the fact that their even and odd eigenvalues lie extremely close together. Random matrices of this kind were generated by taking the value of - to be uniformly distributed on [0; 1]. (3) UNF matrices. We define UNF matrices by first defining a random vector v of length whose components are uniformly distributed on [\Gamma10; 10]. We then modify that vector by adding to its first component 1.1 times the absolute value of the smallest eigenvalue of the Toeplitz matrix generated by v. Finally, the vector v is normalized by dividing it by its first component, provided that it is different from zero. The Toeplitz matrix generated by this normalized vector is then called an UNF matrix. From their construction, these matrices are positive semi-definite. matrices. We define NRM matrices exactly like UNF matrices, the only difference being that the random vector v now has its components normally distributed with mean and standard deviation equal to 0 and 10, respectively. As in the uniform case, these matrices are positive semi-definite. Theoretically, some of the matrices generated in the experiments might be singular, although we never encountered this situation in practice. A typical distribution of the spectra (even on top, odd at the bottom) for these four classes of matrices is shown in Figure 1. CVL KMS UNF NRM Figure 1: Typical distribution of the even and odd spectra for the four classes test matrices (n=200). The experiments clearly show that exploiting the even and odd spectra yields better bounds. The magnitude of the improvement diminishes the closer the even and odd eigenvalues are lying together, as is obviously true for the KMS matrices. The superiority of rational bounds is also clearly demonstrated, both in their smaller average ratios and smaller standard deviations. They may yield a ratio of up to three times smaller than polynomial ones and in many cases, lower-order rational bounds are better than higher-order polynomial ones. This is especially true for larger matrix dimensions. These results also confirm our previous remark that the bounds obtained in [10] are inferior to rational approximation-based bounds. Although we did not report results on bounds for the even and odd eigenvalues sep- arately, we did verify that they are virtually identical to those obtained for the smallest eigenvalue proper. All experiments were run in MATLAB on a Pentium II 233MHz machine. We conclude that computing separate, rational approximation-based, bounds on the even and odd spectra leads to a significant improvement over existing bounds. Figure 2: Distribution of bound/eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of CVL matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 1: Bound to eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of CVL matrices. Taylor1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.150 Taylor1.2 1.450 Taylor Figure 3: Distribution of eigenvalue/bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of CVL matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 2: Eigenvalue to bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of CVL matrices. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 250Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.650 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.750Taylor1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3520Rational1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.550Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 220n=200 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 250Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.620Rational1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.750Taylor1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3520Rational1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.550Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 220n=400 Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.620Rational1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.750Taylor1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3520Rational1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.550Taylor Figure 4: Distribution of bound/eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of KMS matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 3: Bound to eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of KMS matrices. Figure 5: Distribution of eigenvalue/bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of KMS matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 4: Eigenvalue to bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of KMS matrices. Figure Distribution of bound/eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of UNF matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 5: Bound to eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of UNF matrices. 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 350Taylor1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3550Rational1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 350 Taylor1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.850 2.3 2.4 2.550 Taylor1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.750 2.3 2.4 2.550 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3550 2.3 2.4 2.550 2.3 2.4 2.550 Taylor1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.750 2.3 2.4 2.550Taylor1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.450 2.3 2.4 2.550Taylor Figure 7: Distribution of eigenvalue/bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of UNF matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table Eigenvalue to bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of UNF matrices. Taylor1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.650Rational1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.850 Rational 1 Taylor Figure 8: Distribution of bound/eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of NRM matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 7: Bound to eigenvalue ratio for the minimal eigenvalue of NRM matrices. Rational1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.850Taylor1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.750Rational1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.650Taylor1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.3550Rational1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.650Taylor1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.6550 2.3 2.420Taylor1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.6520Rational1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.420Taylor1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.420Rational1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.320Taylor Figure 9: Distribution of eigenvalue/bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of NRM matrices with dimension n=100,200,400. Method Dimension 100 200 400 Table 8: Eigenvalue to bound ratio for the maximal eigenvalue of NRM matrices. --R The generalized Schur algorithm for the superfast solution of Toeplitz systems. Numerical experience with a superfast Toeplitz solver. Eigenvectors of certain matrices. Stability of methods for solving Toeplitz systems of equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric centrosymmetric matrices. The numerical stability of the Levinson-Durbin algortihm for Toeplitz systems of equations Computing the minimum eigenvalue of a symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix. Spectral properties of finite Toeplitz matrices. Bounds on the extreme eigenvalues of positive definite Toeplitz matrices. The fitting of time series model. Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems. Matrix Computations. Simple bounds on the extreme eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices. Toeplitz eigensystem solver. Symmetric solutions and eigenvalue problems of Toeplitz systems. On the eigenvalues of certain Hermitian forms. The Wiener RMS (root mean square) error criterion in filter design and prediction. The minimum eigenvalue of a symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz matrix and rational Hermitian interpolation A unifying convergence analysis of second-order methods for secular equations Spectral functions for real symmetric Toeplitz matrices. A note on the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices. Numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem for Hermitian Toeplitz matrices. --TR
toeplitz matrix;spectral equation;bounds;rational approximation;secular equation;eigenvalues
Analysis of Iterative Line Spline Collocation Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
In this paper we present the convergence analysis of iterative schemes for solving linear systems resulting from discretizing multidimensional linear second-order elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) defined in a hyperparallelepiped $\Omega$ and subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on some faces of $\Omega$ and Neumann on the others, using line cubic spline collocation (LCSC) methods. Specifically, we derive analytic expressions or obtain sharp bounds for the spectral radius of the corresponding Jacobi iteration matrix and from this we determine the convergence ranges and compute the optimal parameters for the extrapolated Jacobi and successive overrelaxation (SOR) methods. Experimental results are also presented.
Introduction . We consider the following second order linear elliptic PDE subject to Dirichlet and/or Neumann boundary conditions on of\Omega (2a) where Bu is u or @u is a rectangular domain in R k (the space of real variables) and ff i (! 0), fi i , fl(- 0), f and g are functions of k variables. If Line Cubic Spline Collocation (LCSC) methods are used to solve (1a),(2a), then the differential operator is discretized along lines in each direction independently and then the line discretization stencils are combined into one large linear system. In Section 2 we briefly describe such discretization procedures. We also present and discuss the resulting coefficient linear system of collocation equations. In [5], we were able to formulate and analyze iterative schemes for solving the LCSC linear systems in the case of Helmholtz problems, with Dirichlet boundary conditions and constant coefficients, that is in\Omega (1b) on @\Omega (2b) Work supported in part by NSF awards CCR 9202536 and CDA 9123502, AFOSR award F 49620-J-0069 and ARPA-ARO award DAAH04-94-6-0010. y Purdue University, Computer Science Department, West Lafayette, IN 47907 z Authors permanent address: University of Crete, Mathematics Department, 714 09 Heraklion, GREECE and IACM, FORTH, 711 10 Heraklion, GREECE. x u denotes @ 2 u=@x 2 . Unfortunately the convergence analysis presented in [5], as it stands, can not be applied in the case of the presence of Neumann boundary conditions on some of the faces of \Omega\Gamma In Section 3 we present a convergence analysis of block Jacobi, Extrapolated Jacobi (EJ) and Successive Overrelaxation (SOR) schemes for the iterative solution of the collocation equations that arise from discretizing elliptic problems (1b) subject to Neumann (N) boundary conditions on one or more (but not on all if of\Omega and Dirichlet (D) ones on the others. More specifically analytic expressions or sharp bounds for the spectral radius of the corresponding block Jacobi iteration matrix are derived and from these we determine the convergence ranges and compute the optimal parameters for the Extrapolated Jacobi and SOR methods. Furthermore, based on our analysis, certain conclusions of significant practical importance are drawn. Finally, in Section 4 we present the results of various numerical experiments designed for the verification of the theoretical behavior of the iterative LCSC solvers. The experiments show very good agreement with the theoretical predictions as regards the convergence of the iterative method used. Although the theoretical results presented here hold for the model problem (1b), (2b), our experimental results indicate that the behavior of the iterative LCSC solvers on the general problem (1a), (2a) is similar. 2. The Line Cubic Spline Collocation (LCSC) Method. In this section we briefly describe the LCSC discretization method and introduce some notation to be used later. We start by introducing one extra point beyond each end of the intervals [a i ,b i ]. Each of these enlarged intervals is then discretized uniformly with step size h i by ae oe The tensor product of these discretized lines, provides an extended uniform partition of \Omega\Gamma A collocation approximation u \Delta of u in the space S 3;\Delta of cubic splines in k dimensions is defined by requiring that it satisfies the equation (1) at all the mesh points of \Delta and the equation (2) on the boundary mesh points. In the sequel the interior mesh points are denoted by (- 1 nk ), for all n 2 In the line cubic spline collocation methods we consider in this paper the collocation approximation is made on each set L i of lines parallel to the x i axis. More specifically, this collocation approximation u i on each line in L i is represented as follows are the B-spline basis defined on \Delta i , that (3) is the sum of one dimensional splines in the x i variable whose coefficients U i are functions of the other thermore, this approximation is redundant in that there are k choices for representing one for each coordinate direction. 2.1. The Second Order Line Cubic Spline Collocation Method. From the assumed representation (3) of u i \Delta and the nature of the B-spline basis functions we conclude easily (see also [8] and [5]) that and at the mesh (collocation) points P i on each line of L i . These points are represented by the vectors nk indexes the L i lines. First, we observe that the collocation equations obtained from the boundary conditions and the differential equation at the end points of each line can be explicitly determined as follows Dirichlet (D) boundary conditions on P iU i Neumann (N) boundary conditions on P iU i Dirichlet (D) boundary conditions on P i Neumann (N) boundary conditions on P i where for simplicity we have assumed that all boundary conditions are homogeneous. The rest of the unknowns are determined by solving the so called interior collocation equations, that is, on those lines of L i not in @ The equations (11) away (2 - from the boundary are given by \Theta U i while for lines next to the boundary, they have similar form with appropriately modified right sides ([5]). The full matrix form of these equations is given in Section 3. After eliminating the predetermined (from equations (7)-(10)) boundary unknowns, each collocation approximation u i coefficients ' . This redundancy is handled by requiring that all these approximations agree on the mesh points, that is \Delta on the mesh \Delta It has been shown ([5], [6], [8]) that the above described method leads to a second order collocation approximation of u. 2.2. The Fourth Order Line Cubic Spline Collocation Method. To derive the fourth order LCSC method we use high order approximations of the derivatives D j defined as appropriate linear combinations of the spline interpolant and its derivatives at the mesh points [6]. Specifically, we approximate the second derivatives in the PDE operator by the difference scheme The collocation equations corresponding to the mesh points on a line L i away (2 - from the boundary are written at the point P i ' as \Theta U i The redundancy on the coefficients is handled in the same way as in the second order case, with the only basic difference being that the stencils now have 5, rather than 3 points along each coordinate direction. 3. Iterative Solution of the Interior Line Cubic Spline Collocation Equations. The LCSC equations can be written in the form where the coefficient matrices are defined by Y where I denotes a unit matrix of appropriate order and The matrix H i depends both on the discretization scheme applied and the nature (Dirichlet (D) or Neumann (N)) of the boundary conditions on the left and right end-points of the line direction with which the matrix H Specifically, ff;fi for the second order discretization and H ff;fi for the fourth order one. The matrices T i are given by where (\Gamma2; \Gamma2) in case of (D) conditions on both ends (\Gamma1; \Gamma2) in case of (N) conditions on the left and (D) ones on the right end (\Gamma2; \Gamma1) in case of (D) conditions on the left and (N) ones on the right end (\Gamma1; \Gamma1) in case of (N) conditions on both ends NOTE: Since in the analysis which will follow, the existence of A \Gamma1 1 is a necessary requirement, we assume, without loss of generality, that on at least one of the faces of\Omega perpendicular to the x 1 -direction (D) boundary conditions have been imposed so that the invertibility of A 1 is guaranteed even if Equation (16), coupled with the conditions (13) leads us to the order kK system of linear equations which, if we order according to the ordering of unknowns U 1 (n), is given \GammaB 3 D 3 where for we have that Y The matrices in (18) and (22), may be linear or quadratic functions of the matrix \Gamma2;\Gamma2 if all the boundary conditions are Dirichlet (D). With some Neumann (N) conditions present, this is no longer the case. Besides, in the case of the fourth order discretization scheme, the product T i ff;fi is not a symmetric matrix in the case where (ff; fi) 6= (\Gamma2; \Gamma2). So, the analysis presented in Section 3 of [5] does not always apply to the present case. We present a unified analysis for all cases based on the following three lemmas. Lemma 3.1. If A and B are Hermitian positive definite matrices of the same order then (i) AB (and BA) possesses a complete set of linearly independent eigenvectors. (ii) Further, let X 2 C n;n and oe(X) ae R, where oe(:) denotes the spectrum of a matrix. Let also -X , -X;m and -X;M denote any, the smallest and the largest eigenvalue of X, respectively. Then for the eigenvalues of the matrix AB there holds: Proof. Let A 1=2 and B 1=2 be the unique square roots of A and B (see Theorem 2.7, page 22 in [10]). The matrices AB and A 1=2 B A are similar, with (\Delta) H denoting the complex conjugate transpose of a given matrix. Obviously, the matrix (B 1=2 A 1=2 ) H (B 1=2 A 1=2 ) is Hermitian and positive definite. From the similarity property and the fact that A 1=2 BA 1=2 is Hermitian the validity of the assertion in (i) follows. Now, it is easily seen that which proves the two rightmost inequalities in (23). On the other hand, since exists and 1 --AB;m -B;m \Delta-A;m which proves that the three leftmost inequalities in (23) hold. 2 NOTE: The assertions of Lemma 3.1 hold even if one of A or B is nonnegative definite. The only difference is that the two leftmost inequalities in (23) become equalities, that is Indeed, the proof for the assertion in (i) is the same if B is singular, while if A is singular one uses the similarity of the matrices AB and . The proof for the rightmost inequalities in (23) is exactly the same as before. For the leftmost ones we simply observe that Lemma 3.2. Consider the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix T ff;fi of order m given by where (ff; Its eigenvalues - T ff;fi are given by the expressions (i) If (ff; (ii) If (ff; (iii) If (ff; Proof. The results (25i) and (25iii) are well-known in the literature but we give here a unified way of obtaining all three of them simultaneously. First, we note that it can be proved that all these matrices are negative definite, with the exception of T \Gamma1;\Gamma1 which is non-positive definite. We have ae(T ff;fi ) -k T ff;fi k1= 4 and since it can be checked that \Gamma4 62 oe(T ff;fi ) we conclude that oe(T ff;fi) ae (\Gamma4; 0]. To determine all the non-zero eigenvalues - of T ff;fi let denote the associated eigenvectors. From T ff;fi z = -z, one obtains z The set of the above equations can be written as z provided one sets The characteristic equation of (26) is and, since we are looking for - 6= 0; \Gamma4, the two zeros of the quadratic in (28) such that r 1 6= r 2 satisfy Consequently the solution to (26) is given by If we arbitrarily put z use the restriction on z 0 from (27i), the coefficients c 1 and c 2 can be determined. Next, using the restrictions on z m+1 from (27ii), and (29ii), one arrives at r 2m So, we consider the three cases of the lemma: m+1 and from (29ii) one obtains the m distinct expressions for -(6= 0; \Gamma4) given in (25i). cos and again from (29ii) we have the m distinct values for -(6= 0; \Gamma4) in (25ii). Working in the same way we obtain the expressions \Gamma4). If we incorporate the as well we have the expressions in (25iii). 2 Lemma 3.3. Let the n \Theta n matrices A possess complete sets of linearly independent eigenvectors y (i;j) , with corresponding eigenvalues - (j) k). Then the matrix A j A 1\Omega A :\Omega A k possesses the linearly independent eigenvectors y (j) j y (1;j1 )\Omega y (2;j2 corresponding eigenvalues - . Proof. First, using tensor product properties we can easily verify that Ay In order to prove the linear independence of the y (j) 's we construct the whose columns are the n k eigenvectors of A in the following order (1;1)\Omega y y (1;1)\Omega y (1;1)\Omega y y (1;2)\Omega y y (1;2)\Omega y (1;2)\Omega y (1;n)\Omega y \Theta y (i;1) y . From the assumed linear independence of y (i;j) , we conclude that Y \Gamma1 k exist. This implies the linear independence of the eigenvectors and concludes the proof of the lemma. 2 Having developed the background material required we are able to go on with the analysis of the three methods associated with the linear system (21): block Jacobi (J), block Extrapolated Jacobi (EJ), and block Successive Overrelaxation (SOR) where and \GammaL and \GammaM are the strictly lower and the strictly upper triangular parts of the matrix coefficient in (23). The block Jacobi iteration matrix J associated with the matrix coefficient in (21), can be described as Let H and G denote the matrices \Theta G T of dimensions K \Theta resectively. Consider then the matrix apparently, is a block diagonal matrix with diagonal blocks HG and GH of orders K and respectively. Therefore we have (see Theorem 1.12, page in [10]) that However, we have and each term in the above sum can be found by using (32), (17), (22) and simple tensor product properties to be For the second order LCSC, we introduce the matrices S j and find their value to be 6 I For the fourth order LCSC, we have similarly \Gamma2;\Gamma2 \Gamma2;\Gamma2 6 I Due to the presence of the unit matrix factors in the tensor product form (36), all possess a linearly independent set of K common eigenvectors if and only if each H possess complete sets of linearly independent eigenvectors. For the matrices in (38) this is obvious because T j real symmetric negative (or non-positive) definite, T 1 ff;fi is real symmetric negative definite and, in addition, oe(T j As one can readily see, each of the matrices S j in (39) is the product of the two real symmetric positive definite matrices 1 \Gamma2;\Gamma2 ) and (The second matrix factor might also be nonnegative definite.) Therefore Lemma 3.1 (or its Note) applies. For the matrix A \Gamma1 4 in (40) first observe that the first matrix term in the brackets is similar to12 (12I \Gamma2;\Gamma2 which, in turn, is of exactly the same form as the matrices S j in (39), except that the second matrix factor considered previously is now always positive definite. Con- sequently, in all possible cases of the LCSC matrices, all terms H j G j in (36) possess a linearly independent set of K common eigenvectors. By virtue of this result and in view of Lemma 3.3, it is implied from (36) that where -X is used to denote any eigenvalue of the matrix X. However, from the previous discussion it follows that - S i - 0, -HG - 0. So, from (34) it is implied that J 2 possesses non-positive eigenvalues and hence the block Jacobi matrix J has a purely imaginary spectrum. From the analysis so far it becomes clear that the eigenvalues of J 2 and therefore those of J can be given analytically in the following cases: (1) In all the cases of the second order LCSC we are dealing with when Dirichlet and/or Neumann boundary conditions are imposed on the faces of @ (2) In the fourth order one when only Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed on the faces of @ This is an immediate consequence of the fact that each matrix S j , (37)-(40) is a simple real rational matrix function of the matrix T j case (1) and of the matrix T j \Gamma2;\Gamma2 in case (2), respectively. Having in mind the various conclusions we have arrived at in the analysis so far, one can state the following theorem which gives analytic expressions for the eigenvalues of the block Jacobi matrix J in (32). Theorem 3.4. The eigenvalues - of the block Jacobi iteration matrix defined in (32) are as follows. We have For the second order collocation scheme the others are pure imaginary For the fourth order scheme, where (2a) is assumed to be subjected to Dirichlet boundary conditions only, the others are pure imaginary \Gamma2;\Gamma2 \Gamma2;\Gamma2 \Gamma1=2 In (42) and (43) - j are the eigenvalues of the matrix T j obtained by the application of Lemma 3.2. 2 NOTE: It should be pointed out that analytic expressions for the eigenvalues of J can not be derived, in terms of the matrices T j ff;fi involved, in the case of the fourth order LCSC where on at least one face of @\Omega has Neumann (N) boundary conditions imposed. This is due to the non-commutativity of the matrices T j \Gamma2;\Gamma2 and T j ff;fi for (ff; fi) 6= (\Gamma2; \Gamma2). However, one can trivially give analytic expressions in terms of the eigenvalues of the matrices (12I +T j also, by virtue of Lemma 3.1, lower and upper bounds can be given for the eigenvalues of H j in terms of the extreme eigenvalues of T j \Gamma2;\Gamma2 , and T j of Lemma 3.2. To derive the spectral radii of the Jacobi matrices of Theorem 3.4 and also upper bounds in the case of the previous Note, we introduce some notations first. Let, then, ff;fi denote an eigenvalue of the matrices T j as in Theorem 3.4. To simplify the notation we omit using another index on the generic - j ff;fi and we omit the index j from the pair of subscripts (ff; fi). Let also denote the smallest and the largest eigenvalues in - j Finally, define the functions \Gamma2;\Gamma2 )y j in terms of the eigenvalues - j ff;fi of the matrices T j k. Then we have: Theorem 3.5. (i) The spectral radii of the block Jacobi matrices corresponding to the collocation schemes considered in Theorem 3.4 are given by the following expressions: Second order. Fourth order. (ii) Moreover the expression (48) is also a strict upper bound for the square of the spectral radius of the Jacobi matrix in the case of the fourth order scheme corresponding to an elliptic problem (1b) where on at least one of the faces of @\Omega has Neumann (N) boundary conditions imposed. Proof: We notice that in (42) and (43) ff and Hence the functions y in (45) are nonnegative and independent of each other. So are the expressions z j := z j (- j z(-) in (46). To determine the spectral radius of the block Jacobi matrix of the second order collocation scheme we examine the extreme values of y k. By differentiation we have @- and, consequently, For the corresponding quantity of the fourth order scheme of Theorem 3.4, working in a similar way, we obtain @- which implies that It is obvious now using (42) - (46) and (49), (51), that the results (47) and (48) follow. This concludes the proof for part (i) of the theorem. For part (ii) we use the analysis preceding the statement of Theorem 3.4 and refer to the matrices in (39) and (40), especially for those indices (ff; fi) 6= (\Gamma2; \Gamma2), and also recall the Note immediately following Theorem 3.4. It follows from this and Lemma 3.1, its Note and Lemma 3.2, that the lower and upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the matrices in (39) and (40) depend directly on the extreme eigenvalues of the two \Gamma2;\Gamma2 ) and ff j These are readily seen to be12 (12 for the minimum and the maximum eigenvalues for the former matrix and y j for the latter one, where c j , s j and y j are the expressions in (44) and (45). From Lemma 3.1, its Note, and using the expressions (46), the bound for the spectral radius of the corresponding block Jacobi matrix is readily shown to be the expression in the right hand side of (48).2 REMARK: The analysis so far has been made on the assumption that the x 1 - direction is somehow predetermined. However, since there are k possible choices for the x 1 -direction in any particular case, the choice should be made in such a way as to give the smallest possible values in (47) and (48). Consider then the quantities min iB @ taken over all which they are well-defined and also the quantities min iB @ z z C A considered in the same way. The indices i in (51) and (52) for which the corresponding minima take place should be interchanged with the index 1 and therefore the x i - direction should be taken as the x 1 -direction. If, in either case (51) or (52), more than one index i gives the same minimum value then any such i will do. It should be noted that after having chosen the x 1 -direction this way, the expressions in (47) and (48) give then the smallest possible values for the spectral radius or for an upper bound on it, as was explained, for the particular problem at hand.2 From this point on, the analysis is almost identical with that in [5] and the interested reader is referred to it. For completeness, we simply mention some of the theoretical results obtained in [5], which are based on the corresponding theory developed in [10], [11] and in [1], [2], [3], [4], [9]. (i) The block Extrapolated Jacobi (EJ) method and the block SOR method corresponding to the block Jacobi method of this paper converge for values of their parameters varying in some open intervals whose left end is 0 and the right one is a function or ae(J). However, the optimum SOR is always superior to the optimum EJ and the corresponding optimal parameters for the SOR method are given by (ii) For the efficiency of both the serial and the parallel iterative solution of the linear system (21), a cyclic natural ordering of the unknowns U i , adopted according to which The equations in (16) are reordered according to the ordering of U 1 and each block of the auxiliary conditions is reordered according to the ordering of the unknowns U i . It is then proved that the new coefficient matrix A is obtained by a permutation similarity transformation of the matrix coefficient A in (21) having the same k \Theta k block structure and, therefore, the associated block Jacobi matrix J is similar to the previous one J . Consequently, the convergence results are identically the same so that all the formulas in connection with eigenvalues, spectral radii, etc. of the Jacobi, the Extrapolated Jacobi and the SOR method studied in this section remain unchanged when these reorderings are made. (iii) The new structure of the collocation coefficient matrix A, for the second and fourth order scheme in 2-dimensions, is given in [5]. 4. Numerical Experiments. In this section we summarize the results of some numerical experiments that verify the convergence properties of the iterative solution methods analyzed in Section 3. We mention that although we present numerical data for only the O(h 2 ), 3-dimensional case, these are very representive of problems with different dimensionality or with discretization schemes. For experimental data on the convergence properties of the LCSC method and the iterative solvers in the case of only Dirichlet boundary conditions the reader is referred to [5] and [6]. The parallel implementation details and the performance of the iterative LCSC schemes, for 2-dimensional problems, on several multiprocessing systems can be found in [7]. We have applied the LCSC discretization techniques with uniform (NGRID by NGRID by NGRID) meshes to approximate the known solution of the following set of PDEs. x z PDE 2: 4D 2 y z PDE 3: D 2 9 z Each is defined on the unit cube and subject to one of the following types of boundary conditions. 1: Dirichlet conditions on all faces of \Omega\Gamma 2: Neumann conditions on the faces of\Omega and Dirichlet ones on the rest. 3: Neumann conditions on the face of\Omega and Dirichlet on the rest. These PDEs and boundary conditions are combined to give 9 problems, our theory is applicable only to 6 of these (those excluding PDE 3). The right hand side f is selected so that the true solution is always The linear systems from the LCSC discretization were solved by the proposed SOR iteration method with the termination criterion being that jjU Table The required number of SOR iterations to solve the LCSC equations for PDE 2 and various boundary conditions. the interval (0; 10 \Gamma7 ). All experiments were performed, in double precision, on a workstation. In Figure 1 we present the theoretically estimated (using the material developed in Section 3 when applicable) and the experimentally determined (by systematic search), values of the optimumSOR relaxation parameter ! opt . Specifically, the points we plot are the experimentally observed optimal values of ! for various values of NGRID. The lines we plot show the relation (determined using (53) and Theorem (48) ) between opt and the discretization parameter NGRID. Since our theory can not be directly used to determine such relation in the case of PDE 3 we plot only the experimentally determined ! opt . Our first observation is that there is a good agreement between our theory and the experiments in the six cases where it applies. The theoretical values for ! opt are close to (though always larger than) the measured ones and exhibit the same dependence on the discretization and PDE problem parameters. Besides confirming our theory, these experiments also show that for PDEs where our analysis is not applicable the proposed SOR scheme still converges. Furthermore relaxing with ! opt determined by our theory leads us to comparable rates of convergence. Another interesting observation is that ! opt seems to go fast and asymptotically to a number in the interval [:03; :08]. It is therefore expected that the rate of convergence will not decrease rapidly as NGRID increases beyond 30. This is confirmed in Table 1 where we observe that increasing NGRID from 24 to 32 increases the number of iterations only by at most 30%. Table 1 presents the SOR iterations required to solve the discretized equations using the optimal value for the relaxation parameter ! and a 10 \Gamma7 stopping criterion for the problems defined by PDE 2 and various boundary conditions. We also note here that the measured discretization errors for all the experiments confirm the expected second order of convergence of the collocation discretization scheme. Specifically, the measured order in all cases is in the interval [1:8; 2:1]. --R Iterative methods with k-part splittings The optimal solution of the extrapolation problem of a first order scheme Iterative line cubic spline collocation methods for elliptic partial differential equations in several dimensions Spline collocation methods for elliptic partial differential equations Convergence of O(h 4 On complex successive overrelaxation Matrix Iterative Analysis Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems --TR
SOR iterative method;collocation methods;elliptic partial differential equations
A Class of Highly Scalable Optical Crossbar-Connected Interconnection Networks (SOCNs) for Parallel Computing Systems.
AbstractA class of highly scalable interconnect topologies called the Scalable Optical Crossbar-Connected Interconnection Networks (SOCNs) is proposed. This proposed class of networks combines the use of tunable Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL's), Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and a scalable, hierarchical network architecture to implement large-scale optical crossbar based networks. A free-space and optical waveguide-based crossbar interconnect utilizing tunable VCSEL arrays is proposed for interconnecting processor elements within a local cluster. A similar WDM optical crossbar using optical fibers is proposed for implementing intercluster crossbar links. The combination of the two technologies produces large-scale optical fan-out switches that could be used to implement relatively low cost, large scale, high bandwidth, low latency, fully connected crossbar clusters supporting up to hundreds of processors. An extension of the crossbar network architecture is also proposed that implements a hybrid network architecture that is much more scalable. This could be used to connect thousands of processors in a multiprocessor configuration while maintaining a low latency and high bandwidth. Such an architecture could be very suitable for constructing relatively inexpensive, highly scalable, high bandwidth, and fault-tolerant interconnects for large-scale, massively parallel computer systems. This paper presents a thorough analysis of two example topologies, including a comparison of the two topologies to other popular networks. In addition, an overview of a proposed optical implementation and power budget is presented, along with analysis of proposed media access control protocols and corresponding optical implementation.
as opposed to the L N2 log2Nlinks required for a standard binary hypercube. This multiplexing greatly reduces the link complexity of the entire network, reducing implementation costs proportionately. 4.2 Network Diameter The diameter of a network is defined as the minimum distance between the two most distant processors in the network. Since each processor in an OHC2N cluster can communicate directly with every processor in each directly connected cluster, the diameter of a OHC2N containing NH n 2d processors is: KH d log2 ; 9 which is dependent only on the degree of the hypercube (the diameter and the degree of a hypercube network are the same). 4.3 Bisection Width The bisection width of a network is defined as the minimum number of links in the network that must be broken to partition the network into two equal sized halves. The bisection width of a d-dimensional binary hypercube is 2d1; since that many links are connected between two d 1-dimensional hypercubes to form a d-dimensional hypercube. Since each link in an OHC2N contains n channels, the bisection width of the OHC2N is: which increases linearly with the number of processors. A major benefit of such a topology is that a very large number of processors can be connected with a relatively small diameter and relatively fewer intercluster connec- tions. For example, with n processors per cluster and fiber links per cluster, 1,024 processors can be connected with a high degree of connectivity and a high bandwidth. The diameter of such a network is 6, which implies a low network latency for such a large system, and only 192 bidirectional intercluster links are required. If a system containing the same number of processors is constructed using a pure binary hypercube topology, it would require a network diameter of 10, and 5,120 interprocessor links. WEBB AND LOURI: A CLASS OF HIGHLY SCALABLE OPTICAL CROSSBAR-CONNECTED INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS (SOCNS) FOR. 449 4.4 Average Message Distance cluster in the network 1. This would increase The average message distance for a network is defined as the size of the network by c: the average number of links that a message should traverse through the network. This is a slightly better measure of network latency than the diameter, because it aggregates and would not effect the cluster node degree of the distances over the entire network rather than just looking at network. This is very similar to the fixed-c case for the the maximum distance. The average message distance l can OC2N configuration, and the granularity of size scaling in be calculated as [27]: this case is also the number of clusters c. Again, this is the easiest method for scaling because it does not require the addition of any network hardware, and it more fully utilizes l iNi; 11 the inherently high bandwidth of the WDM optical links. The two topologies presented in this paper are by no where Ni represents the number of processors at a distance i means the only two topologies that could be utilized to from the reference processor, N is the total number of construct an SOCN class network. As an example, assume processors in the network, and K is the diameter of the that an SOCN network exists that is configured in a torus network. configuration, and the addition of some number of Since the OHC2N is a hybrid of a binary hypercube and processors is required. The total number of processors a crossbar network, the equation for the number of required in the final network may be the number supported processors at a given distance in an OHC2N can be derived by an OHC2N configuration. In this case, the network from the equation for a binary hypercube: could be reconfigured into an OHC2N configuration by simply changing the routing of the intercluster links and changing the routing algorithms. This reconfigurability makes it conceivable to reconfigure an SOCN class network and since each cluster in the OHC2N hypercube topology with a relatively arbitrary granularity of size scaling. contains n processors, the number of processors at a 4.6 Fault Tolerance and Congestion Avoidance distance i for an OHC2N can be calculated as: Since the OHC2N architecture combines the edges of a K hypercube network with the edges a crossbar network, the tolerance and congestion avoidance schemes of both architectures can be combined into an even more powerful with the addition of n 1 for i 1 to account for the congestion avoidance scheme. Hypercube routers typically processors within the local cluster. Substituting into (11) scan the bits of the destination address looking for a and computing the summation gives the equation for the difference between the bits of the destination address and average messages distance for the OHC2N: the routers address. When a difference is found, the KN message is routed along that dimension. If there are multiple bits that differ, the router may choose any of those dimensions along which to route the message. The number Substituting in the diameter of the OHC2N produces: of redundant links available from a source processor along an optimum path to the destination processor is equal to the Hamming distance between the addresses of the two respective processors. If one of the links are down, or if 4.5 Granularity of Size Scaling of the OHC2N one of the links is congested due to other traffic being routed through the connecting router, the message can be For an OHC2N hypercube connected crossbar network routed along one of the other dimensions. containing a fixed number of processors per cluster n,we In addition, the crossbar network connections between can increase the network size by increasing the size of the clusters greatly increases the routing choices of the routers. second level hypercube topology. Since the granularity of The message only must be transmitted using the wave- size scaling for an c-processor hypercube is c, it would length of the destination processor when it is transmitted require the addition of c clusters to increase the size of the over the last link in the transmission (the link that is directly OHC2N in the fixed-n case c2 2c1. Increasing the size of connected to the destination processor). A message can be the OHC2N in the fixed-n case would also require adding transmitted on any channel over any other link along the routing path. This means that each router along the path of another intercluster link to each cluster in the network, the message traversal not only has a choice of links based on increasing the intercluster node degree by one. In this case, the hypercube routing algorithm, but also a choice of n the granularity of size scaling is: different channels along each of those links. The router may d choose any of the n links that connect the local cluster to the remote cluster. This feature greatly increases the fault If we assume, instead, the fixed-c case, then we can increase tolerance of the network as well as the link load balancing the network size by adding another processor to each and congestion avoidance properties of the network. 450 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 11, NO. 5, MAY 2000 Comparison of Size, Degree, Diameter, and Number of Links of Several Popular Networks number of processors per cluster, number of clusters, number of processors per bus/ring/multichannel link, and total number of processors. As an example, if the Hamming distance between the cluster address of the current router and the destination processor cluster address is equal to b, the router will have a choice b n different channels with which to choose to route to. Even if all the links along all the routing dimensions for the given message are down or are congested, the message can still be routed around the failure/congestion via other links along nonoptimal paths, as long as the network has not been partitioned. In addition, if nonshortest path routing algorithms are used to further reduce network congestion, many more route choices are made available. 5COMPARISON TO OTHER POPULAR NETWORKS In this section, we present an analysis of the scalability of the SOCN architecture with respect to several scalability parameters. Bisection width is used as a measure of the bandwidth of the network, and diameter and average message distance are used as measures of the latency of the network. Common measures of the cost or complexity of an interconnection network are the node degree of the network and the number of interconnection links. The node degree and number of links in the network relates to the number of parts required to construct the network. Cost, though, is also determined by the technology, routing algorithms, and communication protocols used to construct the network. Traditionally, optical interconnects have been considered a more costly alternative to electrical interconnects, but recent advances in highly integrated, low power arrays of emitters (e.g., VCSELs and tunable VCSELs) and detectors, inexpensive polymer waveguides, and low cost microoptical components can reduce the cost and increase the scalability of high performance computer networks, and can make higher node degrees possible and also cost effective. Both the OC3N and OHC2N configurations are compared with several well-known network topologies that have been shown to be implementable in optics. These network topologies include: a traditional Crossbar network (CB), the Binary Hypercube (BHC) [27], the Cube Connected Cycles (CCC) [28], the Torus [29], the Spanning Bus Hypercube (SBH) [30], and the Spanning Multichannel Linked Hypercube (SMLH) [25]. Each of these networks will be compared with respect to degree, diameter, number of links, bisection bandwidth, and average message dis- tance. There are tradeoffs between the OC3N and OHC2N configuration, and other configurations of a SOCN class network might be considered for various applications, but it will be shown that the OC3N and OHC2N provide some distinct advantages for medium sized to very large-scale parallel computing architectures. Various topological characteristics of the compared networks are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The notation OC3Nn 16;c implies that the number of processors per cluster n is fixed and the number of clusters c is changed in order to vary the number of processors N. The notation OHC2Nn 16;d implies that the number of processors per cluster n is fixed, and the dimensionality of Comparison Bisection Bandwidth and Average Message Distance for Several Popular Networks WEBB AND LOURI: A CLASS OF HIGHLY SCALABLE OPTICAL CROSSBAR-CONNECTED INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS (SOCNS) FOR. 451 the hypercube d is varied. The number of processors is the only variable for a standard crossbar, so CBN implies a crossbar containing N processors. For the binary hypercube, the dimensionality of the hypercube d varies with the size of the network. The notation CCCd implies that the number of dimensions of the Cube Connected Cycles d varies. The notation Torusw; d 3 implies that the dimensionality d is fixed and the size of the rings n varies with the number of processors. The notation SBHw 3;d implies that the size of the buses in the SBH network w remains constant while the dimensionality d changes. The notation SMLHw 32;d denotes that the number of multichannel links w is kept constant and the dimensionality of the hypercube d is varied. 5.1 Network Degree Fig. 4 shows a comparison of the node degree of various networks with respect to system size (number of processing elements). It can be seen that for medium size networks containing 128 processors or less, the two examples OC3N networks provide a respectable cluster degree of 4 for a OC3Nn 16;c configuration, and 8 for a OC3Nn 32;c configuration. This implies that a fully connected crossbar network can be constructed for a system containing 128 processors with a node degree as low as 4. A traditional crossbar would, of course, require a node degree of 127 for the same size system. The node degrees of the OHC2Nn 16;d and OHC2Nn 32;d configurations are very respectable for much larger system sizes. For a system containing on the order of 10; 000 processor, both the OHC2Nn 16;d and the OHC2Nn 32;d configurations would require a node degree of around 7-8, which is comparable to most of the other networks, and much better than some. 5.2 Network Diameter Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the diameter of various networks with respect to the system size. The network diameter is a good measure of the maximum latency of the network because it is the length of the shortest path between the two most distant nodes in the network. Of course, the diameter of the OC3N network is the best because each node is directly connected to every other node, so the diameter of the OC3N network is identically 1. As expected, the diameter of the various OHC2N networks scale the same as the BHC network, with a fixed negative bias due to the number of channels in each crossbar. The SMLHw; d networks also scale the same as the BHC network, with a larger fixed bias. For a 10; 000 processor configuration, the various OHC2N networks are comparable or better than most of the comparison net- works, although the SMLHw; d networks are better because of their larger inherent fixed bias. 5.3 Number of Network Links The number of links (along with the degree of the network) is a good measure of the overall cost of implementing the network. Ultimately, each link must translate into some sort of wire(s), waveguide(s), optical fiber(s), or at least some set of optical components (lenses, gratings, etc. It should be noted that this is a comparison of the number of interprocessor/intercluster links in the network and a link could consist of multiple physical data paths. For example, an electrical interface would likely consist of multiple wires. The proposed optical implementation of a SOCN crossbar consists of an optical fiber pair (send and receive) per intercluster link. Fig. 6 shows a plot of the number of network links with respect to the number of processors in the system. The OC3N network compares very well for small to medium sized systems, although the number of links could become prohibitive when the number of processors gets very large. The OHC2N network configurations show a much better scalability in the number of links for very large-scale systems. For the case of around 10; 000 processors, the OHC2Nn 32;d network shows greater than an order of magnitude less links than any other network architecture. 5.4 Bisection Width The bisection width of a network is a good measure of the overall bandwidth of the network. The bisection width of a network should scale close to linearly with the number of processors for a scalable network. If the bisection width does not scale well, the interconnection network will become a bottleneck as the number of processors is increased. Fig. 7 shows a plot of the bisection width of various network architectures with respect to the number of processors in the system. Of course, the OC3N clearly provides the best bisection width because the number of interprocessor links in an OC3N increases as a factor of ON2with respect to the number of processors. the OHC2N configurations are very comparable to the best of the remaining networks, and are much better than some of the less scalable networks. 5.5 Average Message Distance The average message distance within a network is a good measure of the overall network latency. The average message distance can be a better measure of network latency than the diameter of the network because the average message distance is aggregated over the entire network and provides an average latency rather than the maximum latency. Fig. 8 shows a plot of the average message distance with respect to the number of processors in the system. Of course, the OC3N provides the best possible average message distance of 1 because each processor is connected to every other processor. The OHC2N network configurations displays a good average message distance for medium to very large-scale configurations, which is not as good as the average message distance of the SMLH networks, but is much better than the remaining networks. 6OPTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SOCN Tunable VCSELs provide a basis for designing compact all-optical crossbars for high speed multiprocessor intercon- nects. An overview of a compact all-optical crossbar can be seen in Fig. 9. A single tunable VCSEL and a single fixed- frequency optical receiver are integrated onto each processor in the network. This tight coupling between the optical 452 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 11, NO. 5, MAY 2000 Fig. 4. Comparison of network degree with respect to system size for various networks. Fig. 5. Comparison of network diameter with respect to system size for various networks. Fig. 6. Comparison of the total number of network interconnection links with respect to system size for various networks. WEBB AND LOURI: A CLASS OF HIGHLY SCALABLE OPTICAL CROSSBAR-CONNECTED INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS (SOCNS) FOR. 453 Fig. 7. Comparison of the bisection width with respect to system size for various networks. Fig. 8. Comparison of the average message distance within the network with respect to system size for various networks. transceivers and the processor electronics provides an all-optical path directly from processor to processor, taking full advantage of the bandwidth and latency advantages of optics in the network. The optical signal from each processor is directly coupled into polymer waveguides that route the signal around the PC board to a waveguide based optical combiner network. Polymer waveguides are used for this design because they provide a potentially low cost, all-optical signal path that can be constructed using relatively standard manufacturing techniques. It has been shown that polymer waveguides can be constructed with relatively small losses and greater than 30dB crosstalk isolation with waveguide dimensions on the order of 50m 50m and with a 60m pitch [31], implying that a relatively large-scale crossbar and optical combiner network could be constructed within an area of just a few square centimeters. The combined optical signal from the optical combiner is routed to a free-space optical demultiplexer/crossbar. Within the optical demultiplexer, passive free-space optics is utilized to direct the beam to the appropriate destination waveguide. As can be seen in the inset in Fig. 9, the beam emitted from the input optical waveguide shines on a concave, reflective diffraction grating that diffracts the beam through a diffraction angle that is dependent on the wavelength of the beam, and focuses the beam on the appropriate destination waveguide. The diffraction angle varies with the wavelength of the beam, so the wavelength of the beam will define which destination waveguide, and hence, which processor receives the transmitted signal. Each processor is assigned a particular wavelength that it will receive based on the location of its waveguide in the output waveguide array. For example, for processor 1 to transmit to processor 3, processor 1 would simply transmit on the wavelength assigned to processor 3 (e.g., 3). If each processor is transmitting on a different wavelength, each signal will be routed simultaneously to the appropriate destination processor. Ensuring that no two processors are transmitting on the same wavelength is a function of the 454 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 11, NO. 5, MAY 2000 Fig. 9. A proposed compact optical crossbar consisting of polymer waveguides directly coupled to processor mounted VCSELs, a polymer waveguide based optical combiner, and a compact free-space optical crossbar/demultiplexer. The proposed optical crossbar can be connected to remote processors using a single optical fiber or connected locally by eliminating the optical fiber. media access control (MAC) protocol (detailed in a later section). After routing through the free-space optical demultiplex- er, the separate optical signals are routed to the appropriate destination processor via additional integrated optical waveguides. As can be seen in Fig. 9, the combined optical signal between the optical combiner network and the demultiplexer can be coupled into a single optical fiber to route to a remote PC board to implement an intercluster optical crossbar, or a short length of polymer waveguide could replace the optical fiber to implement a local (intracluster) optical crossbar. A power budget and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) analysis have been conducted for the intracluster and intercluster optical crossbars [32], [33], [34]. The result of the power budget analysis is shown in Table 3. Assuming a necessary receiver power of 30dBm, a VCSEL power of 2dBm [35] and a required bit-error rate (BER) of 1015,itwas determined that with current research level technology, processors could be supported by such a network with processors very nearly possible. Details of the optical implementation of the SOCN crossbar interconnect and a thorough analysis of the optical implementation can be found in references [32], [33], [34], and [36]. 7MEDIA ACCESS IN THE SOCN An SOCN network contains a local intracluster WDM subnetwork and multiple intercluster WDM subnetworks at each processing node. Each of these intracluster and intercluster subnetworks has its own medium that is shared by all processors connected to the subnetwork. Each of these subnetworks are optically isolated, so the media access can be handled independently for each subnetwork. One advantage of an SOCN network is that each subnetwork connects processors in the same cluster to processors in a single remote cluster. The optical media are shared only among processors in the same cluster. This implies that media access control interaction is only required between processors on the same cluster. Processors on different clusters can transmit to the same remote processor at the same time, but they will be transmitting on different media. This could cause conflicts and contention at the receiving processor, but these conflicts are an issue of flow control, which is not in the scope of this paper. 7.1 SOCN MAC Overview In a SOCN network, the processors cannot directly sense the state of all communication channels that they have access to, so there must be some other method for processors to coordinate access to the shared media. One method of accomplishing this is to have a secondary broadcast control/reservation channel. This is particularly advantageousinaSOCNclasnetworkbecausethe coordination need only happen among processors local to the same cluster. This implies that the control channel can be local to the cluster, saving the cost of running more intercluster cabling, and ensuring that it can be constructed with the least latency possible. For control-channel based networks, the latency of the control channel is particularly critical because a channel must be reserved on the control channel before a message is transmitted on the data network, so the latency of the control channel adds directly to the data transfer latency when determining the overall network latency. Since there are multiple physical channels at each cluster (the local intracluster network and the various intercluster network connections), it is conceivable that each physical data channel could require a dedicated control channel. WEBB AND LOURI: A CLASS OF HIGHLY SCALABLE OPTICAL CROSSBAR-CONNECTED INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS (SOCNS) FOR. 455 (in dB) for Each Component of the Optical Crossbar Fortunately, each physical data channel on a given cluster is shared by the same set of processors, so it is possible to control access to all data channels on a cluster using a single control channel at each cluster. Each WDM channel on each physical channel is treated as a shared channel, and MAC arbitration is controlled globally over the same control channel. 7.2 A Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) MAC Protocol If we assume that a control channel is required, one possible implementation of a MAC protocol would be to allow processors to broadcast channel allocation requests on the control channel prior to transmitting on the data channel. In this case, some protocol would need to be devised to resolve conflicts on the control channel. One candidate might be the Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/ CD) protocol. Running CSMA/CD over the control channel to request access to the shared data channels is similar to standard CSMA/CD protocols, such as that used in Ethernet net- works, except that Ethernet is a broadcast network, where each node can see everything that is transmit, so the CSMA/CD used within ethernet is run over the data network and a separate control channel is not required. There are some advantages to using CSMA/CD as a media access control protocol. The primary advantage is that the minimum latency for accessing the control channel is zero. The primary disadvantage to using such a protocol for a SOCN based system is that it requires that state information be maintained at each node in the network. Each processing node must monitor the control channel and track which channels have been requested. When a channel is re- quested, each processor must remember the request so that it will know if the channel is busy when it wishes to transmit. There is also a question about when a data channel becomes available after being requested. A node could be required to relinquish the data channel when it is finished with it by transmitting a data channel available message on the control channel, but this would double the utilization of the control channel, increasing the chances of conflicts and increasing latency. The requirement that a large amount of state information be maintained at each node also increases that chances that a node could get out- of-sync, creating conflicts and errors in the data network. 7.2.1 A THORN-Based Media Access Control Protocol Another very promising control channel based media access control protocol was proposed for the HORN network [24]. This protocol, referred to as the Token Hierarchical Optical Ring Network protocol (THORN) is a token based protocol based on the Decoupled Multichannel Optical Network (DMON) protocol [37]. In the THORN protocol, tokens are passed on the control channel in a virtual token ring. As can be seen in Fig. 10, THORN tokens contain a bit field containing the active/inactive state of each of the data channels. There is also a bit field in the token that is used to request access to a channel that is currently busy. In addition, there is an optional payload field that can be used to transmit small, high priority data packets directly over the control channel. All state information is maintained in the token, so local state information is not be required at the processing nodes in the network, although processors may store the previous token state in the eventuality that a token might be lost by a processor going down or other network error. In this eventuality, the previous token state could be used to regenerate the token. This still requires that processors maintain a small amount of state information, but this state information would be constantly refreshed and would seldom be used, so the chances of the state becoming out-of-sync is minimal. As can be seen in Fig. 11, there is a single control channel for any number of data channels, and tokens are continuously passed on the control channel that hold the entire state of the data channels. If a processing node wishes to transmit on a particular data channel, it must wait for the token to be received over the control channel. It then checks Fig. 10. The layout of a THORN-based token request packet. Each token packet contains one bit per channel for busy status and one bit per channel for the channel requests. The token packet also contains an optional payload for small, low latency messages. 456 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 11, NO. 5, MAY 2000 Fig. 11. A timing diagram for control tokens and data transfers in a SOCN architecture using a form of the THORN protocol. A node may transmit on a data channel as soon as it acquires the appropriate token bit. Setting the request bit forces the relinquishing of the data channel. the the busy bit of the requested data channel to see if it is set. If the busy bit is not set, then the data channel is not currently active, and the processing node can immediately begin transmitting on the data channel. It must also broadcast the token, setting the busy bit in the data channel that it is transmitting on. If the busy bit is already set, it implies that some other transmitter is currently using the requested data channel. If this is the case, then the processing node must set the request bit of the desired data channel, which indicates to the processing node that is currently transmitting on the desired channel that another transmitter is requesting the channel. A disadvantage of a token-ring based media access control protocol is that the average latency for requesting channels will likely be higher that with a CSMA/CD protocol. If we assume a single control channel per cluster, with a cluster containing n processors and m physical data channels (one intracluster subnetwork and m 1 intercluster subnetworks), the control token would contain n m bits busy bits and n m request bits. For example, if a system contains n processors per cluster and m 8 WDM subnetwork links, the control token would require 128 busy bits and 128 request bits. If we assume a control channel bandwidth of 2Gbps, and if we ignore the possibility of a token payload, we can achieve a maximum token rotation time (TRT) of 128ns. This is assuming that a node starts retransmitting the token as soon at it starts receiving the token, eliminating any token holding latency. This would imply a minimum latency for requesting a channel of close to zero (assuming the token is just about to arrive at the requesting processing node) and up to a maximum of 128ns, which would give an average control channel imposed latency of approximately 64ns. If a lower latency is required, a CSMA/CD protocol could be implemented, or multiple control channels could be constructed that would reduce the latency proportionally. 7.3 Control Channel Optical Implementation Irrespective of the media access control protocol, a dedicated control channel is required that is broadcast to each processor sharing transmit access to each data channel. Since each physical data channel is shared among only processors within the same cluster, the control channel can be implemented local to the cluster. This will simplify the design and implementation of the control channel because it will not require routing extra optical fibers between clusters, and will not impose the optical loss penalties associated with routing the optical signals off the local cluster. An implementation of a broadcast optical control channel is depicted in Fig. 12. The optical signal from a dedicated VCSEL on each processor is routed through a polymer waveguide based star coupler that combines all the signals from all the processors in the cluster and broadcasts the combined signals back to each processor, creating essentially an optical bus. The primary limitation of a broadcast based optical network is the optical splitting losses encountered in the star coupler. Using a similar system as a basis for a power budget estimation [38] yields an estimated optical loss in the control network of approximately 8dB 3dB log2n (Table 4), which would support approximately 128 processor per cluster on the control channel if we assume a minimum required receiver power of 30dBm and a VCSEL power of 2dBm. Again, the optical implementation of the SOCN MAC network has been throughly analyzed, but due to page limitation the analysis could not be included in this article. Fig. 12. An optical implementation of a dedicated optical control bus using an integrated polymer waveguide-based optical star coupler. WEBB AND LOURI: A CLASS OF HIGHLY SCALABLE OPTICAL CROSSBAR-CONNECTED INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS (SOCNS) FOR. 457 (in dB) for Each Component of the Optical Crossbar This paper presents the design of a proposed optical [10] network that utilizes dense wavelength division multi- plexing for both intracluster and intercluster communication links. This novel architecture fully utilizes the benefits of wavelength division multiplexing to produce a highly scalable, high bandwidth network with a low overall latency that could be very cost effective to produce. A [13] design for the intracluster links, utilizing a simple grating multiplexer/demultiplexer to implement a local free space [14] crossbar switch was presented. A very cost effective implementation of the intercluster fiber optic links was [15] also presented that utilizes wavelength division multiplexing to greatly reduce the number of fibers required for interconnecting the clusters, with wavelength reuse being [16] utilized over multiple fibers to provide a very high degree of scalability. The fiber-based intercluster interconnects [17] presented could be configured to produce a fully connected crossbar network consisting of tens to hundreds of [18] processors. They could also be configured to produce a hybrid network of interconnected crossbars that could be [19] scalable to thousands of processors. Such a network architecture could provide the high bandwidth, low latency communications required to produce large distributed shared memory parallel processing systems. --R Interconnection Networks and Engineering Approach High Performance Computing: Challenges for Future The Stanford Dash Homogeneous Hierarchical Interconnection Structures Cray Research Inc. Hierarchical Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks with Area Interconnection Network of Hypercubes Parallel and Distributed Systems for Multicomputer Systems Scalable Photonic Architectures for High Performance Processor Newsletters of the Computer Architecture Technical Committee Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. Optical Information Processing. Optical Computer Architectures: The Application of Optical Concepts to Next Generation Computers. An Introduction to Photonic Switching Fabrics. and Multicomputers A Gradually Scalable Optical Interconnection Network for Massively Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems and Choices Versatile Network for Parallel Computation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS projects involved with parallel and distributed processing He is a current member of the IEEE. He has published numerous journal and conference articles on the above topics. Article of he was the recipient of the Advanced Telecommunications Organization of Japan Fellowship Scientifique (CNRS) of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship. with the Computer Research Institute at the University of Southern served as a member of the Technical Program Committee of several OSA/IEEE Conference on Massively Parallel Processors using Optical edu/department/ocppl. --TR --CTR Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Fast simulation of wavelength continuous WDM networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), v.12 n.4, p.759-765, August 2004 Roger Chamberlain , Mark Franklin , Praveen Krishnamurthy , Abhijit Mahajan, VLSI Photonic Ring Multicomputer Interconnect: Architecture and Signal Processing Performance, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, v.40 n.1, p.57-72, May 2005 David Er-el , Dror G. Feitelson, Communication Models for a Free-Space Optical Cross-Connect Switch, The Journal of Supercomputing, v.27 n.1, p.19-48, January 2004 Ahmed Louri , Avinash Karanth Kodi, An Optical Interconnection Network and a Modified Snooping Protocol for the Design of Large-Scale Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMPs), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.15 n.12, p.1093-1104, December 2004 Peter K. K. Loh , W. J. Hsu, Fault-tolerant routing for complete Josephus cubes, Parallel Computing, v.30 n.9-10, p.1151-1167, September/October 2004 Nevin Kirman , Meyrem Kirman , Rajeev K. Dokania , Jose F. Martinez , Alyssa B. Apsel , Matthew A. Watkins , David H. Albonesi, Leveraging Optical Technology in Future Bus-based Chip Multiprocessors, Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, p.492-503, December 09-13, 2006
multiprocessor interconnection;parallel architectures;scalability;wavelength division multiplexing;crossbars;optical interconnections;networks;hypercubes
On Hoare logic and Kleene algebra with tests.
We show that Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) subsumes propositional Hoare logic (PHL). Thus the specialized syntax and deductive apparatus of Hoare logic are inessential and can be replaced by simple equational reasoning. In addition, we show that all relationally valid inference rules are derivable in KAT and that deciding the relational validity of such rules is PSPACE-complete.
INTRODUCTION Hoare logic, introduced by C. A. R. Hoare in 1969 [Hoare 1969], was the first formal system for the specification and verification of well-structured programs. This pioneering work initiated the field of program correctness and inspired dozens of technical articles [Cook 1978; Clarke et al. 1983; Cousot 1990]. For this achievement among others, Hoare received the Turing Award in 1980. Hoare logic uses a specialized syntax involving partial correctness assertions The support of the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9708915 is gratefully acknowledged. This paper is a revised and expanded version of [Kozen 1999]. Address: Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-7501, USA. Email: Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept, ACM Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 USA, fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or (PCAs) of the form fbg p fcg and a deductive apparatus consisting of a system of specialized rules of inference. Under certain conditions, these rules are relatively complete [Cook 1978]; essentially, the propositional fragment of the logic can be used to reduce partial correctness assertions to static assertions about the underlying domain of computation. In this paper we show that this propositional fragment, which we call propositional Hoare logic (PHL), is subsumed by Kleene algebra with tests (KAT), an equational algebraic system introduced in [Kozen 1997]. The reduction transforms PCAs to ordinary equations and the specialized rules of inference to equational implications (universal Horn formulas). The transformed rules are all derivable in KAT by pure equational reasoning. More generally, we show that all Hoare-style inference rules of the form (1) that are valid over relational models are derivable in KAT; this is trivially false for PHL. We also show that deciding the relational validity of such rules is PSPACE - complete. A Kleene algebra with tests is defined simply as a Kleene algebra with an embedded Boolean subalgebra. Possible interpretations include the various standard relational and trace-based models used in program semantics, and KAT is complete for the equational theory of these models [Kozen and Smith 1996]. This work shows that the reasoning power represented by propositional Hoare logic is captured in a concise, purely equational system KAT that is complete over various natural classes of interpretations and whose exact complexity is known. Thus for all practical purposes KAT can be used in place of the Hoare rules in program correctness proofs. 1.1 Related Work Equational logic possesses a rich theory and is the subject of numerous papers and texts [Taylor 1979]. Its power and versatility in program specification and verification are widely recognized [O'Donnell 1985; Goguen and Malcolm 1996]. The equational nature of Hoare logic has been observed previously. Manes and Arbib [Manes and Arbib 1986] formulate Hoare logic in partially additive semirings and categories. The encoding of the PCA fbg p fcg as the equation observed there. They consider only relational models and the treatment of iteration is infinitary. Bloom and ' Esik [Bloom and ' Esik 1991] reduce Hoare logic to the equational logic of iteration theories. They do not restrict their attention to while programs but capture all flowchart schemes, requiring extra notation for insertion, tupling, and projection. Their development is done in the framework of category theory. Semantic models consist of morphisms in algebraic theories, a particular kind of category. Other related work can be found in [Bloom and ' Esik 1992; Main and Black 1990]. The encoding of the while programming constructs using the regular operators and tests originated with propositional dynamic logic (PDL) [Fischer and Ladner 1979]. Although strictly less expressive than PDL, KAT has a number of advantages: (i) it isolates the equational part of PDL, allowing program equivalence proofs to be expressed in their natural form; (ii) it conveniently overloads the operators +; \Delta; 0; 1, On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 3 allowing concise and elegant algebraic proofs; (iii) it is PSPACE-complete [Cohen et al. 1996], whereas PDL is EXPTIME-complete [Fischer and Ladner 1979]; (iv) interpretations are not restricted to relational models, but may be any algebraic structure satisfying the axioms; and (v) it admits various general and useful algebraic constructions such as the formation of algebras of matrices over a KAT, which among other things allows a natural encoding of automata. Halpern and Reif [Halpern and Reif 1983] prove PSPACE-completeness of strict deterministic PDL, but neither the upper nor the lower bound of our PSPACE - completeness result follows from theirs. Not only are PDL semantics restricted to relational models, but the arguments of [Halpern and Reif 1983] depend on an additional nonalgebraic restriction: the relations interpreting atomic programs must be single-valued. Without this restriction, even if only while programs are allowed, PDL is exponential time hard. In contrast, KAT imposes no such restrictions. In Section 2 we review the definitions of Hoare logic and Kleene algebra with tests. In Section 3 we reduce PHL to KAT and derive the Hoare rules as theorems of KAT. In Section 4 we strengthen this result to show that KAT is complete for relationally valid rules of the form (1). In Section 5 we prove that the problem of deciding the relational validity of such rules is PSPACE-complete. 2. PRELIMINARY DEFINITIONS 2.1 Hoare Logic Hoare logic is a system for reasoning inductively about well-structured programs. A comprehensive introduction can be found in [Cousot 1990]. A common choice of programming language in Hoare logic is the language of while programs. The first-order version of this language contains a simple assignment x := e, conditional test if b then p else q, sequential composition a looping construct while b do p. The basic assertion of Hoare logic is the partial correctness assertion (PCA) where b and c are formulas and p is a program. Intuitively, this statement asserts that whenever b holds before the execution of the program p, then if and when p halts, c is guaranteed to hold of the output state. It does not assert that p must halt. Semantically, programs p in Hoare logic and dynamic logic (DL) are usually interpreted as binary input/output relations p M on a domain of computation M, and assertions are interpreted as subsets of M [Cook 1978; Pratt 1978]. The definition of the relation p M is inductive on the structure of p; for example, (p the ordinary relational composition of the relations corresponding to p and q. The meaning of the PCA (2) is the same as the meaning of the DL formula b ! [p]c, where ! is ordinary propositional implication and the modal construct [p]c is interpreted in the model M as the set of states s such that for all (s; the output state t satisfies c. Hoare logic provides a system of specialized rules for deriving valid PCAs, one rule for each programming construct. The verification process is inductive on the structure of programs. The traditional Hoare inference rules are: Assignment rule. Composition rule. Conditional rule. fcg if b then p else q fdg While rule. fcg while b do p f:b - cg Weakening rule. Propositional Hoare logic (PHL) consists of atomic proposition and program sym- bols, the usual propositional connectives, while program constructs, and PCAs built from these. Atomic programs are interpreted as binary relations on a set M and atomic propositions are interpreted as subsets of M. The deduction system of PHL consists of the composition, conditional, while, and weakening rules (4)-(7) and propositional logic. The assignment rule (3) is omitted, since there is no first-order relational structure over which to interpret program variables; in practice, its role is played by PCAs over atomic programs that are postulated as assumptions. In PHL, we are concerned with the problem of determining the validity of rules of the form over relational interpretations. The premises fb i take the place of the assignment rule (3) and are an essential part of the formulation. 2.2 Kleene Algebra Kleene algebra (KA) is the algebra of regular expressions [Kleene 1956; Conway 1971]. The axiomatization used here is from [Kozen 1994]. A Kleene algebra is an algebraic structure (K; +; \Delta; ; 0; 1) that is an idempotent semiring under +; \Delta; 0; 1 satisfying where - refers to the natural partial order on K: On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 5 The operation + gives the supremum with respect to the natural order -. Instead of (11) and (12), we might take the equivalent axioms These axioms say essentially that behaves like the Kleene asterate operator of formal language theory or the reflexive transitive closure operator of relational algebra. Kleene algebra is a versatile system with many useful interpretations. Standard models include the family of regular sets over a finite alphabet; the family of binary relations on a set; and the family of n \Theta n matrices over another Kleene algebra. Other more unusual interpretations include the min,+ algebra used in shortest path algorithms and models consisting of convex polyhedra used in computational geometry [Iwano and Steiglitz 1990]. The following are some typical identities that hold in all Kleene algebras: (p q) p All the operators are monotone with respect to -. In other words, if p - q, then pr - qr, rp - rq, r. The completeness result of [Kozen 1994] says that all true identities between regular expressions interpreted as regular sets of strings are derivable from the axioms of Kleene algebra. In other words, the algebra of regular sets of strings over the finite alphabet \Sigma is the free Kleene algebra on generators \Sigma. The axioms are also complete for the equational theory of relational models. See [Kozen 1994] for a more thorough introduction. 2.3 Kleene Algebra with Tests Kleene algebras with tests (KAT) were introduced in [Kozen 1997] and their theory further developed in [Kozen and Smith 1996; Cohen et al. 1996]. A Kleene algebra with tests is just a Kleene algebra with an embedded Boolean subalgebra. That is, it is a two-sorted structure such that -(K; +; \Delta; ; 0; 1) is a Kleene algebra, is a Boolean algebra, and -B ' K. The Boolean complementation operator is defined only on B. Elements of B are called tests. The letters p; q; arbitrary elements of K and a; b; c denote tests. This deceptively simple definition actually carries a lot of information in a concise package. The operators +; \Delta; 0; 1 each play two roles: applied to arbitrary elements 6 \Delta D. Kozen of K, they refer to nondeterministic choice, composition, fail, and skip, respectively; and applied to tests, they take on the additional meaning of Boolean disjunction, conjunction, falsity, and truth, respectively. These two usages do not conflict-for example, sequential testing of b and c is the same as testing their conjunction-and their coexistence admits considerable economy of expression. The encoding of the while program constructs is as in PDL [Fischer and Ladner 1979]: if b then p else q while b do p For applications in program verification, the standard interpretation would be a Kleene algebra of binary relations on a set and the Boolean algebra of subsets of the identity relation. One could also consider trace models, in which the Kleene elements are sets of traces (sequences of states) and the Boolean elements are sets of states (traces of length 0). As with KA, one can form the algebra Mat(K; B; n) of n \Theta n matrices over a KAT (K; B); the Boolean elements of this structure are the diagonal matrices over B. There is also a language-theoretic model that plays the same role in KAT that the regular sets of strings over a finite alphabet play in KA, namely the family of regular sets of guarded strings over a finite alphabet \Sigma with guards from a set B. This is the free KAT on generators \Sigma; B; that is, the equational theory of this structure is exactly the set of all equational consequences of the KAT axioms. Moreover, KAT is complete for the equational theory of relational models [Kozen and Smith 1996]. 3. KAT AND HOARE LOGIC In this section we encode Hoare logic in KAT and derive the Hoare composition, conditional, while, and weakening rules as theorems of KAT. We will strengthen this result in Section 4 by showing that KAT can derive all relationally valid rules of the form (8). The PCA fbg p fcg is encoded in KAT by the equation Intuitively, this says that the program p with preguard b and postguard c has no halting execution. An equivalent formulation is which says intuitively that testing c after executing bp is always redundant. The equivalence of (22) and (23) can be argued easily in KAT. This equivalence was previously observed by Manes and Arbib [Manes and Arbib 1986]. Assuming (22), c) by the axiom a and Boolean algebra bpc by (22) and the axiom a On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 7 Conversely, assuming (23), by associativity and Boolean algebra by the axiom The equation (23) is equivalent to the inequality bp - bpc, since the reverse inequality is a theorem of KAT; it follows immediately from the axiom c - 1 of Boolean algebra and monotonicity of multiplication. Using (19)-(21) and (23), the Hoare rules (4)-(7) take the following form: Composition rule:. Conditional rule:. While rule:. Weakening rule:. These implications are to be interpreted as universal Horn formulas; that is, the variables are implicitly universally quantified. To establish the adequacy of the translation, we show that (24)-(27) encoding the Hoare rules (4)-(7) are theorems of KAT. Theorem 3.1. The universal Horn formulas (24)-(27) are theorems of KAT. Proof. First we derive (24). Assuming the premises we have bpcqd by (29) bpqd by (28). Thus the implication (24) holds. For (25), assume the premises Then by commutativity of tests bcqd by (30) and (31) by commutativity of tests bq)d by distributivity. For (26), by trivial simplifications it suffices to show Assume By (12) we need only show But by (32) and monotonicity - c(bp) c by (10). Finally, for (27), we can rewrite the rule as which follows immediately from the monotonicity of multiplication. 4. A COMPLETENESS THEOREM Theorem 3.1 says that for any proof rule of PHL, or more generally, for any rule of the form derivable in PHL, the corresponding equational implication (universal Horn formula is a theorem of KAT. In this section we strengthen this result to show (Corollary 4.2) that all universal Horn formulas of the form that are relationally valid (true in all relational models) are theorems of KAT; in other words, KAT is complete for universal Horn formulas of the form (34) over relational interpretations. This result subsumes Theorem 3.1, since the Hoare rules are relationally valid. Corollary 4.2 is trivially false for PHL; for example, the rule On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 9 is not derivable, since the Hoare rules only increase the length of programs. In [Kozen and Smith 1996], based on a technique of Cohen [Cohen 1994] for KA, we showed that a formula of KAT of the form (34) is valid over all models iff it is valid over *-continuous models; moreover, its validity over either class of models is equivalent to the validity of a pure equation. We strengthen this result by showing that this equivalence still holds when models are further restricted to relational models. The deductive completeness of KAT over relationally valid formulas of the form (34) follows as a corollary. Let T \Sigma;B denote the set of terms of the language of KAT over primitive propositions and primitive tests g. Let r . The formula (34) is equivalent to Consider the four conditions KAT ffl It does not matter whether (38) is preceded by KAT, KAT , or REL, since the equational theories of these classes coincide [Kozen and Smith 1996]. It was shown in [Kozen and Smith 1996] that the metastatements (35), (36), and (38) are equivalent. We wish to add (37) to this list. The algebra G \Sigma;B of regular sets of guarded strings over \Sigma; B and the standard were defined in [Kozen and Smith 1996]. We briefly review the definitions here. An atom of B is a term of the form c 1 is either b i or b i . An atom represents an atom of the free Boolean algebra generated by B. Atoms are denoted ff; guarded string over \Sigma; B is a term of the where each p i 2 \Sigma and each fi i is an atom. This includes the case are guarded strings. If xff; fiy are guarded strings and product is xffy. If ff 6= fi, then the product does not exist. We can form the Kleene algebra of all sets of guarded strings with operations A A n fatoms of Bg: This becomes a KAT by taking the Boolean algebra of tests to be the powerset of the set 1. The map G is defined to be the unique homomorphic map on T \Sigma;B extending are atoms of Bg; a 2 \Sigma denotes that b occurs positively in fi. The algebra G \Sigma;B is defined to be the image of T \Sigma;B under the map G. It was shown in [Kozen and Smith 1996] that G \Sigma;B is the free KAT on generators \Sigma; B in the sense that for any terms s; t 2 T \Sigma;B , Note that G(u) is the set of all guarded strings over \Sigma; B. Theorem 4.1. The metastatements (35)-(38) are equivalent. Proof. Since REL ' KAT ' KAT, the implications trivially. Also, it is clear that therefore as well. It thus remains to show that (37) ! (38). Writing equations as pairs of inequalities, it suffices to show To show (40), we construct a relational model R on states G(u) \Gamma G(uru). Note that if x; then we are done, since in that case G(p) ' G(u) ' G(uru) and the right-hand side of (40) follows immediately from (39). Similarly, if G(1) ' G(uru), then G(u) ' G(uuru) ' G(uru) and the same argument applies. We can therefore assume without loss of generality that both G(u) \Gamma G(uru) and are nonempty. The atomic symbols are interpreted in R as follows: The interpretations of compound expressions are defined inductively in the standard way for relational models. We now show that for any t 2 T \Sigma;B , by induction on the structure of t. For primitive programs a and tests b, For the constants 0 and 1, we have On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 11 For compound expressions, We now show (40). Suppose the left-hand side holds. By (41), By the left-hand side of (40), R(p) ' R(q). In particular, for any x 2 G(p)\GammaG(uru), G(uru). But this It follows from (39) that the right-hand side of (40) holds. Corollary 4.2. KAT is deductively complete for formulas of the form (34) over relational models. Proof. If the formula (34) is valid over relational models, then by Theorem 4.1, holds. Since KAT is complete for valid equations, But clearly therefore 5. COMPLEXITY As defined in Section 2.1, the decision problem for PHL is to determine whether a given rule of the form (8) is valid over all relational interpretations. Note that PSPACE-hardness does not follow immediately from the PSPACE-hardness of the equational theory, since the conclusion fbg p fcg is of a restricted form Indeed, E. Cohen has shown [Cohen 1999] that the complexity of valid equations of the form in KAT is NP-complete. Theorem 5.1. The decision problem for PHL is PSPACE-complete. Proof. The reduction of Sections 3 and 4 transforms the decision problem for PHL to the problem of the universal validity of Horn formulas of the form (34). As shown in Section 4, this can be reduced to testing the validity of a single equation without premises. The equational theory of KAT is decidable in PSPACE [Cohen et al. 1996], thus the decision problem for PHL is in PSPACE. We now show that the problem is PSPACE-hard. This holds even if the premises are restricted to refer only to atomic programs, and even if they are restricted to refer only to a single atomic program p. We give a direct encoding of the computation of a polynomial space-bounded one-tape deterministic Turing machine in an instance of the decision problem for PHL. Our approach is similar to [Halpern and Reif 1983], using the premises fb i to circumvent the determinacy assumption. E. Cohen [Cohen 1999] has given an alternative hardness proof using the universality problem for regular expressions. Consider the computation of a polynomially-space-bounded one-tape deterministic Turing machine M on some input x of length n. Let N be a polynomial bound on the amount of space used by M on input x. Let Q be the set of states of M , let \Gamma be its tape alphabet, let s be its start state, and let t be its unique halt state. We use polynomially many atomic propositional symbols with the following intuitive meanings: th tape cell currently contains symbol a," tape head is currently scanning the ith tape cell," "the machine is currently in state q," q 2 Q. Let p be an atomic program. Intuitively, p represents the action of one step of M . We will devise a set of assumptions OE that will say that faithfully models the action of M . The PCA / will say that if started in state s on input x, the program while the current state is not t do p fails. The PCA / will be a logical consequence of OE does not halt on input x. The start configuration of M on x consists of a left endmarker ' written on tape cell 0, the input an written on cells 1 through n, and the remainder of the tape filled with the blank symbol t out to the N th cell. The machine starts in state s scanning the left endmarker. This situation is captured by the propositional start 1-i-n On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests \Delta 13 We will need a formula to ensure that M is in at most one state, that it is scanning at most one tape cell, and that there is at most one symbol written on each tape cell: a6=b We include the PCA as one of the assumptions OE i to ensure that format is an invariant of p and therefore preserved throughout the simulation of M . Suppose the transition function of M says that when scanning a cell containing symbol a in state p, M prints the symbol b on that cell, moves right, and enters state q. We capture this constraint by the family of PCAs All these PCAs are included for each possible transition of the machine; there are only polynomially many in all. We must also ensure that the symbols on tape cells not currently being scanned do not change; this is accomplished by the family of PCAs These are the assumptions OE our instance of the decision problem. It is apparent that under any interpretation of p satisfying these PCAs, successive executions of p starting from any state satisfying start - format move only to states whose values for the atomic propositions S q , T i;a , and H i model valid configurations of M , and the values change in such a way as to model the computation of M . Thus there is a reachable state satisfying S t iff M halts on x. We take as our conclusion / the PCA fstart - formatg while :S t do p ffalseg; which says intuitively that when started in the start configuration, repeatedly executing will never cause M to enter state t. The PCA / is therefore a logical consequence of OE does not halt on x. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Krzysztof Apt, Steve Bloom, Ernie Cohen, Zolt'an ' Esik, Joe Halpern, Greg Morrisett, Moshe Vardi, and Thomas Yan for valuable comments on an earlier version of this paper [Kozen 1999]. --R Hypotheses in Kleene algebra. Available as ftp://ftp. Personal communication. The complexity of Kleene algebra with tests. Technical Report 96-1598 (July) Regular Algebra and Finite Machines. Soundness and completeness of an axiom system for program verification. Methods and logics for proving programs. Propositional dynamic logic of regular programs. Algebraic Semantics of Imperative Programs. Foundations of Computing. The propositional dynamic logic of deterministic An axiomatic basis for computer programming. A semiring on convex polygons and zero-sum cycle problems Representation of events in nerve nets and finite automata. Shannon and J. A completeness theorem for Kleene algebras and the algebra of regular events. Kleene algebra with tests. On Hoare logic and Kleene algebra with tests. Kleene algebra with tests: Completeness and decidability. Semantic models for total correctness and fairness. Algebraic Approaches to Program Semantics. Equational Logic as a Programming Language. A practical decision method for propositional dynamic logic. Theory of Comput. Equational logic. --TR Equational logic as a programming language Algebraic approaches to program semantics Semantic models for total correctness and fairness A semiring on convex polygons and zero-sum cycle problems Methods and logics for proving programs Floyd-Hoare logic in iteration theories A completeness theorem for Kleene algebras and the algebra of regular events Kleene algebra with tests Effective Axiomatizations of Hoare Logics An axiomatic basis for computer programming Algebraic Semantics of Imperative Programs Program Correctness and Matricial Iteration Theories Kleene Algebra with Tests A practical decision method for propositional dynamic logic (Preliminary Report) The Complexity of Kleene Algebra with Tests --CTR Cohen , Dexter Kozen, A note on the complexity of propositional Hoare logic, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), v.1 n.1, p.171-174, July 2000 Dexter Kozen, Some results in dynamic model theory, Science of Computer Programming, v.51 n.1-2, p.3-22, May 2004 Dexter Kozen , Jerzy Tiuryn, Substructural logic and partial correctness, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), v.4 n.3, p.355-378, July Bernhard Mller , Georg Struth, Algebras of modal operators and partial correctness, Theoretical Computer Science, v.351 n.2, p.221-239, 21 February 2006 J. von Wright, Towards a refinement algebra, Science of Computer Programming, v.51 n.1-2, p.23-45, May 2004 Jules Desharnais , Bernhard Mller , Georg Struth, Kleene algebra with domain, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), v.7 n.4, p.798-833, October 2006
kleene algebra;hoare logic;dynamic logic;specification;kleene algebra with tests
Locality of order-invariant first-order formulas.
A query is local if the decision of whether a tuple in a structure satisfies this query only depends on a small neighborhood of the tuple. We prove that all queries expressible by order-invariant first-order formulas are local.
Introduction One of the fundamental properties of first-order formulas is their locality, which means that the decision of whether in a fixed structure a formula holds at some point (or at a tuple of points) only depends on a small neighborhood of this point (tuple). This result, proved by Gaifman [5], gives a good intuition for the expressive power of first-order logic. In particular, it provides very convenient proofs that certain queries cannot be expressed by a first-order formula. For example, to decide whether there is a path between two vertices of a graph it clearly does not suffice to look at small neighborhoods of these vertices. Hence by locality, s-t-connectivity is not expressible in first-order logic. Re- cently, Libkin and others [3, 8-10] systematically started to explore locality as tool for proving inexpressibility results. The ultimate goal of this line of research would have been to separate complexity classes, in particular to separate TC 0 , that is, the class of languages that can be recognized by (uniform) families of bounded-depth circuits with majority gates, from LOGSPACE. However, a recent result of Hella [7], showing that even uniform AC 0 contains non-local queries, has destroyed these hopes. Nevertheless, locality remains an important tool for proving inexpressibility results for query languages. In database theory, one often faces a situation where the physical representation of the database, which we consider as a relational structure, induces an order on the structure, but this order is hidden to the user. The user may use the order in her queries, but the result of the query should not depend on the given order. In other words, the user may use the fact that some order is there, but since she does not know which one she cannot make her query depend on any particular order. It may seem that this does not help her, but actually there are first-order formulas that use the order to express order-invariant queries that cannot be expressed without the order. This is an unpublished result due to Gurevich [6]; for examples of such queries we refer the reader to [1, 2] and Example 6 (due to [4]). Formally, we say that a first-order formula '(-x) whose vocabulary contains the order symbol - is order-invariant on a class C of structures if for all structures A 2 C, tuples - a of elements of A, and linear orders - 1 , - 2 on A we have: '(-a) holds in if, and only if, '(-a) holds in It is an easy consequence of the interpolation theorem that if a formula is order-invariant on the class of all structures, it is equivalent to a first-order formula that does not use the ordering. This is no longer true when restricted to the class of all finite structures, or to a class consisting of a single infinite structure. Unfortunately, these are the cases showing up naturally in applications to computer science. We prove that for all classes C of structures the first-order formulas that are order- invariant on C can only define queries that are local on all structures in C. As for (pure) first-order logic, this property of being local gives us a good intuition about the expressive power of order-invariant first-order formulas and a simple method to prove inexpressibility results. The paper is organized as follows: After the preliminaries, we prove the locality of order-invariant first-order formulas with one free variable in Section 3. This is the crucial step towards our main result. In the following section we reduce the case of formulas with arbitrarily many variables to the one-variable case. We would like to thank Juha Nurmonen for pointing us to the problem and Clemens Lautemann for fruitful discussions about its solution. Preliminaries A vocabulary is a set - containing finitely many relation and constant symbols. A - structure A consists of a set A, called the universe of A, an interpretation R A ' A r for each r-ary relation symbol R 2 - , and an interpretation c A 2 A of each constant For example, a graph can be considered as an fEg-structure E is a binary relation symbol. An ordered structure is a structure whose vocabulary contains the distinguished binary relation symbol - which is interpreted as a linear order of the universe. denotes the set of integers. Occasionally, we need to consider strings as finite structures. For each l - 1, we let - l denote the vocabulary f-; and constant symbols min and max. We represent a string over an l-letter alphabet by the ordered - l -structure with universe [1; n], where P j is interpreted as g, for every j, and In our notation we do not distinguish between the string s and its representation as a finite structure s. For a given l ? 0 we refer to such strings as l-strings. If A is a structure and B ' A a subset that contains all constants of A, then the (induced) substructure of A with universe B is denoted by hBi A . Let oe ae - be vocabularies. The oe-reduct of a -structure A, denoted by Aj oe , is the oe-structure with universe A in which all symbols of oe are interpreted as in A. On the other hand, each -structure A such that Aj called a -expansion of B. For a oe-structure B, relations R the expansion of B of a suitable vocabulary - oe oe that contains in addition to the symbols in oe a new k i -ary relation symbol for each new constant symbols. a class of -structures. A k-ary query on C is a mapping ae that assigns a k-ary relation on A to each structure A 2 C such that for isomorphic - structures each isomorphism f between A and B is also an isomorphism between the expanded structures (A; ae(A)), (B; ae(B)). A Boolean (or 0-ary) query on C is just a subclass of C that is closed under isomorphism. 2.1 Types and games Equivalence in first-order logic can be characterized in terms of the following Ehren- Definition 1. Let r - 0 and A; A 0 structures of the same vocabulary. The r-round EF- game on A; A 0 is played by two players called the spoiler and the duplicator. In each of the r rounds of the game the spoiler either chooses an element v i of A or an element v 0 of A 0 . The duplicator answers by choosing an element v 0 i of A 0 or an element v i of A, respectively. The duplicator wins the game if the mapping that maps v i to v 0 and each constant c A to the corresponding constant c A 0 is a partial isomorphism, that is, an isomorphism between the substructure of A generated by its domain and the substructure of A 0 generated by its image. It is clear how to define the notion of a winning strategy for the duplicator in the game. The quantifier-depth of a first-order formula is the maximal number of nested quantifiers in the formula. The r-type of a structure A is the set of all first-order sentences of quantifier-depth at most r satisfied by A. It is a well-known fact that for each vocabulary - there is only a finite number of distinct r-types of -structures (simply because there are only finitely many inequivalent first-order formulas of vocabulary - and quantifier- depth at most r). We write A - r A 0 to denote that A and A 0 have the same r-type. Theorem 2. Let r - 0 and A; A 0 structures of the same vocabulary. Then A - r A 0 if, and only if, the duplicator has a winning strategy for the r-round EF-game on A; A 0 . The following two simple examples, both needed later, may serve as an exercise for the reader in proving non-expressibility results using the EF-game. Example 3. Let r - 1 and Using the r-round EF-game, it is not hard to see that the strings 1 have the same r-type. This implies, for example, that the class f1 n cannot be defined by a first-order sentence. Example 4. We may consider Boolean algebras as structures of vocabulary ft; u; :; 0; 1g. In particular, let P(n) denote the power-set algebra over [1; n]. It is not hard to prove that for each r - 1 there exists an n such that P(n) - r P(n+ 1). Thus the class eveng cannot be defined by a first-order sentence. In some applications, it is convenient to modify the EF-game as follows: Instead of choosing an element in a round of the game, the spoiler may also decide to skip the round. In this case, v i and v 0 remain undefined; we may also write v course undefined v i s are not considered in the decision whether the duplicator wins. It is obvious that the duplicator has a winning strategy for the r-round modified EF-game on A; A 0 if, and only if, she has a winning strategy for the original r-round EF-game on 2.2 Order invariant first-order logic Definition 5. Let - be a vocabulary that does not contain - and C a class of -struc- tures. A formula '(x vocabulary - [f-g is order-invariant on C if for all linear orders of A we have If ' is order invariant on the class fAg we also say that ' is order-invariant on A. To simplify our notation, if a - [ f-g-formula '(-x) is order-invariant on a class C of -structures and A 2 C, - a 2 A we write A j= inv '(-a) to denote that for some, hence for all orderings - on A we have (A; -) '(-a). Furthermore, we say that '(-x) defines the query A 7! f-a j A j= inv '(-a)g on C. 1 We can easily extend the definition to Boolean queries. Let us emphasize that, although order-invariant first-order logic sounds like a restriction of pure first-order logic, it is actually an extension: There are queries on the class of all finite structures that are definable by an order-invariant first-order formula, but not by a pure first-order formula [6]. The following example can be found in [4]. Example 6. There is an order-invariant first-order sentence ' of vocabulary that defines the query fP(n) j n eveng on the class of all finite Boolean algebras. By Example 4, this query is not definable in first-order logic. Similarly, if we let A be the disjoint union of all structures P(n), for n - 1, then the unary query "x belongs to a component with an even number of atoms" on fAg is definable by an order-invariant first-order formula, but not by a plain first-order formula. 2.3 Local formulas Let A be a -structure. The Gaifman graph of A is the graph with universe A where are adjacent if there is a relation symbol R 2 - and a tuple - c such that R A - c and both a and b occur in - c. The distance d A (a; b) between two elements is defined to be the length of the shortest path from a to b in the Gaifman graph of A; if no such path exists we let d A (a; 1. The ffi-ball around a 2 A is defined to be the set B A d A (a; b) - ffig, and the ffi-sphere is the set S A ffig. If A is clear from the context, we usually omit the superscript A . For sets B; C ' A we let d(B; (b). For tuples - a = a let 1 This is ambiguous because '(-x) also defines a query on the class of all - [ f-g-structures. But if we speak of a query defined by an order-invariant formula, we always refer to the query defined in the text. Definition 7. (1) A k-ary query ae on a class C is local if there exists a - 0 such that for all A 2 C and - we have The least such - is called the locality rank of ae. that is order-invariant on a class C is local, if the query it defines is local. The locality rank of '(-x) is the locality rank of this query. It should be emphasized that, in the definition of local order-invariant formulas, neither the isomorphisms nor the distance function refer to the linear order. Gaifman [5] has proved that first-order formulas can only define local queries. 3 Locality of invariant formulas with one free variable In this section we are going to show that if a first-order formula with one free variable is order-invariant on a class C of structures then it is also local on C. Before we formally state and prove this result, we need some preparation. Lemma 8. For all l; r 2 N there are m;n 2 N such that for all l-strings s of size at least n there are unary relations P and P 0 on s such Proof. Let l; r 2 N be fixed and t the number of r-types of vocabulary - l . We let choose n large enough such that whenever the edges of a complete graph with n vertices are colored with t colors, there is an induced subgraph of size of whose edges have the same color. be an l-string of length n 0 - n. For denote the l-substring s For we color the pair fi; jg (that is, the edge fi; jg of the complete graph on [1; n]) with the r-type of (the representation of) hi; ji. By the choice of n we find such that all structures hp have the same r-type. We let g. We claim that (s; P Intuitively, we prove this claim by carrying over a winning strategy for the duplicator on the strings our structures. Recall from Example 3 that such a strategy exists. Formally, we proceed as follows: We define a mapping f : [1; by Consider the r-round EF-game on (s; P As usual, let v i and v 0 i be the elements chosen in round i. It is not too difficult to prove, by induction on i, that the duplicator can play in such a way that for every i - r one of the following conditions holds: and the following two subconditions hold: (a) The duplicator has a winning strategy for the (r \Gamma i)-round modified EF-game on (u; f(v 1 (b) The duplicator has a winning strategy for the (r \Gamma i)-round modified EF- game on (hp f(v i is the identity on hp f(v i else and g 0 is the identity on hp f(v 0 Clearly, this implies the claim and thus the statement of the lemma. 2 Lemma 9. If a first-order formula '(x) is order-invariant on a class C of structures then it is local on C. Proof. Let '(x) be a first-order formula of quantifier-depth r that is order-invariant on a class C of -structures. Let l 0 be the number of different r-types of vocabulary - [ the Q i are new unary relation symbols and let l := l 0 2 . Let m and n be given by Lemma 8 above w.r.t. r and l. Let - := n(2 r - (b) via an isomorphism -. Our goal is to show that there are linear orders - 1 and - 2 on A such that b). From this we can conclude A In order to prove the existence of such linear orders, we first show that, w.l.o.g., we can assume the following. There is a set W ' fa; bg, and an automorphism ae on hB - (W )i such that To show this, we distinguish the following two cases. 2-. In this case we simply set W := fa; bg and define ae by Case 2: Assume first that d(a; - i (a)) ? 4-, for some i ? 0. Then we also have d(b; - i (a)) ? 2-. Furthermore, by the choice of -, B - (a) (b). We can conclude from the proof given below that A If, on the other hand, d(a; every i, we set Hence, we can assume (*). In the following we only make use of B - (a) opposed to B - (a) It is easy to see that every sphere S i (W ) is a disjoint union of orbits of ae, i.e. a disjoint union of sets of the form We fix, for every some linear order of the orbits of the sphere S i (W ). Next we fix a preorder OE on A with the following properties. - OE is a linear order on are in the same sphere S i (W ) but the orbit of c comes before the orbit of c in the order of the orbits that was chosen above, and - c and c 0 are not related with respect to OE, whenever c; c are in the same orbit. Both linear orders - 1 and - 2 will be refinements of OE. They will only differ inside some of the orbits. We can assume that no sphere S i (W ), with i -, is empty. Otherwise, B - (W ) would be a union of connected components of A, hence we could fix any linear order - on the orbits of B - (W ) and define - 1 by combining - with OE and - 2 by combining the image of - under ae with OE. For each orbit O, we fix a vertex v(O) and define a linear order - 0 on O by O is finite and by \Delta ae O is infinite. For every k, we denote by - k the image of - 0 under ae k . It is easy to see that (S i (W To catch the intuitive idea of the proof, the reader should picture the spheres S i (W ) (for as a sequence of concentric cycles, W itself being innermost. Outside these cycles is the rest of the structure A, fixed once and for all by the order OE. The automorphism ae is turning the cycles, say, clockwise. In particular, it turns the cycle W far enough to map a to b. Each cycle is ordered clockwise by - 0 . The ordering - k is the result of turning the cycle k-steps. (Unfortunately, all this is not exactly true, because usually the orbits do not form whole spheres. They may form small cycles or "infinite cycles". But essentially it is the right picture.) To define the orders - 1 and - 2 we proceed as follows. On W we let - 1 =- 0 and looks from a as - 2 looks from b, and this is how it should be. On the other hand, on the outermost cycle S - (W ) both orderings should be the same, because the outside structure is fixed. So we let - 1 =- 2 =- m on S - (W ) (for the fixed in the beginning of the proof). Now we determine two sequences already know that on . For all on S j (W ) but once we reach j 1 we turn it one step. That is, we let - 1 =- 1 on S j1 (W ). We stick with this, until we reach S j2 (W ), and there we turn again and let - 1 =- 2 . We go on like this, and after the last turn at S jm (W ) we have - 1 =- m , and that is what we wanted. Similarly, we define - 2 by starting with - 1 and taking turns at all spheres Again we end up with - 2 =- m on all spheres S k (W ) for But of course the turns can be detected, so how can we hide that we took one more turn in defining - 1 ? The idea is to consider the sequence of spheres as a long string, whose letters are the types of the spheres. The positions where a turn is taken can be considered as a unary predicate on this string. By Lemma 8, we can find unary predicates of sizes m and respectively, such that the expansions of our string by these predicates are indistinguishable. This is exactly what we need. Essentially, this is what we do. But of course there are nasty details 1. For every i with the substructure of A that is induced by the spheres S ih\Gammaj (W let, for every be the structure T i Let the linear order - j on T i be defined by combining the orders - j on the spheres of T i with OE. Finally let E j be the linear order on T i that is obtained by combining OE with for the spheres S q (W ) with q - ih, and with - j+1 for the spheres S q (W ) with q ? ih. For every For every i, we define the unary relations Q S ic+j (W ), i.e., a vertex v is in Q j , if its distance from the central sphere in T i is j. Now we define an l-string l be an enumeration of all pairs of r-types of - [ g-structures. We set s the pair (r-type of (T i By Lemma 8 and our choice of the parameters l; there exist unary relations and the duplicator has a winning strategy in the r-round game on (s; P ) and (s; P 0 ). Now we are ready to define the linear orders - 1 and - 2 on A. For every i, let - 1 is defined on T i as - u(i) , if i 62 P and as E u(i) , if is defined on T i as - u(i) , if Observe that, although T i and T i+1 are not disjoint, these definitions are consistent. It remains to show that the duplicator has a winning strategy in the r-round game on b). The winning strategy of the duplicator will be obtained by transferring the winning strategy on (s; P ) and (s; P 0 ), making use of the gap preserving technique that was invented in [11]. For every fi; fl, with we define a function f fi;fl from A to if x is in T i We are going to show that the duplicator can play in such a way that for every i the following conditions hold. (1) There exist fi; such that all vertices are in some T q (fi;fl) , in one of S that between successive super-spheres there is a gap of 2 r\Gammai spheres that do not contain any chosen vertices). (2) The duplicator has an (r \Gamma i)-round winning strategy in the modified game on (s; (3) For every fi;fl then the duplicator has a (r\Gammai)-round winning strategy in the modified game on the structures (T f fi;fl (v j ) (4) For every (5) For every We refer to elements elements to elements of B -\Gammafi (W as middle elements and to the others as outer elements. First, we show that we can conclude from these conditions that the duplicator has a winning strategy. Let v r be the elements that were chosen during the game. Let j; k - r. We have to show that (a) a if and only if v 0 (b) the mapping a 7! b, v i 7! v 0 r) is a partial isomorphism, (c) k . (a) follows immediately from (5). Remember the definition of the spheres in A. It implies that only elements of the same sphere or of succeeding spheres are related by a relation of A. Hence if v j and v k are not of the same group of elements (i.e., inner, middle or outer) then (b) follows immediately because (1) ensures by the properties of fi and fl and (3) - (5) ensure that v 0 k are in the same group as v j and v k , respectively. (c) follows for similar reasons. are both middle (outer, inner) elements then (b) and (c) follow immediately from (2) and (3) (respectively (4), (5)). It remains to show, by induction on i, that (1)-(4) hold, for every i - r. For are immediate and (2) holds by Lemma 8. Now be true for w.l.o.g., the spoiler have selected a vertex v i in (A; - 1 ). (The case where he chooses v 0 i is completely analogous, as conditions (1) to (5) are symmetric.) Let fi denote the values of fi and fl that are obtained from (1) for We distinguish the following cases. . In this case, we can choose immediately hold by induction. In this case, we also choose . There are 2 subcases. By induction, there is an element z of s such that the duplicator has a winning strategy in the (r \Gamma i) round game on (s; In as have the same r-type. As f fi;fl (v i only if z 2 P 0 , either the two substructures have linear orders of type - j and - j 0 for some j; j 0 or they have linear orders of type for some j; j 0 . In either case there exists an element v 0 in T z such that (3) holds. By the choice of z, (2) also follows. (1) holds as v i and v 0 are in the same Q p . (4) holds because for the outer structure nothing has changed. Finally, (5) still holds, as B fl (W ) is not affected, either. By (3) of the induction hypothesis the duplicator has a (r winning strategy in the modified game on the structures (T f fi;fl (v j ) hence there is a v 0 i such that she still has a (r \Gamma i)-round winning strategy in the modified game on the structures (T f fi;fl (v j ) and (T f fi;fl (v 0 This implies (3). (1), (2), (4) and immediately. lies in a former gap). There are 2 subcases. In this case, we choose In this case, we choose The existence of an appropriate v 0 i follows in both cases analogous to (ii), as condition (3) ensures the existence of a winning strategy also for a buffer zone of This case can be handle as the second subcase of (iii). . In this case, fi and fl are chosen in the same way as in the first subcase of (iii) and v 0 i is chosen as ae(v i ). Hence, (1) - hold. Simply choose v 0 immediately, In all cases fi Remark 10. For later reference, let us observe that the lemma implies the statement that the locality rank of '(x) on C is bounded by a function of the vocabulary and quantifier-depth of '(x). More precisely, for each vocabulary - and r - 0 there is a -; r) such that the following holds: If a first-order formula '(x) of vocabulary - and quantifier-depth at most r is order-invariant on a class C of -structures, then it is local on C with locality rank at most -. (To see that this follows from the Lemma, let C be the class of all structures A such that '(x) is order-invariant on A and remember that there are only finitely many first-order formulas of vocabulary - and quantifier-depth at most r.) 4 Locality of invariant formulas with arbitrarily many free variables Lemma 11. Let - be a vocabulary and r - 0; k - 1. Then there exists a -; such that the following holds: If '(x is a first-order formula of vocabulary - and quantifier-depth at most r that is order-invariant on a -structure A, then for all we have A Proof. We first give a sketch of the proof. The proof is by induction on k. For the lemma just restates the locality of order-invariant first-order formulas with one free variable, proved in Lemma 9. For k ? 1, we assume that we have k-tuples - a, - b in A such that all the a i ; a j and are far apart (as the hypothesis of the Lemma requires) and we have an isomorphism for a sufficiently large -. We prove that - a and - b cannot be distinguished by order-invariant formulas of vocabulary - and quantifier-depth at most r. We distinguish between three cases: The first is that some b i , say, b k , is far away from - a. Then we can treat a as constants and apply Lemma 9 to show that a k and b k cannot be distinguished in the expanded structure (A; a (Here we use the hypothesis d(a 1). Then we treat b k as a constant and apply the induction hypothesis to prove that the cannot be distinguished in the expanded structure (A; b k ). (This requires our hypothesis that The second case is similar, we assume that for some h - 1 the iterated partial isomorphism - h maps some a i far away from - a. Then we first show that - a and - h (-a) cannot be distinguished and then that - h (-a) and - b cannot be distinguished. The third case is that for all h - 1 the entire tuple - h (-a) is close to - a. Then some restriction of - is an automorphism of a substructure of A that maps - a to - b. We can modify this substructure in such a way that the tuples - a and - b can be encoded by single elements and then apply Lemma 9. Now we describe the proof in more detail. As noted before, we prove the lemma by induction on k. For it follows from Lemma 9, recalling Remark 10 to see that r) is a function of - and r. suppose that the statement of the lemma is proved for all Let - be a vocabulary and r - 0. Let - binary relation symbols and d not contained in - . Let - Let A be a -structure and - a = a 2- and d(b We shall prove that A Let - be an isomorphism between hB -a)i A and hB - b)i A . 1: There is an i - k such that for all j - k we have Without loss of generality we can assume that k has this property. Then in the Here we use the hypothesis that Note that the formula is order-invariant on the structure Since we can assume that - is greater than or equal induction hypothesis we have A Next, note that in the - [ fd 1 g-structure Here we use the hypothesis that A similar argument as above shows that A (4) and (5) imply (2). CASE 2: Case 1 does not hold, and there is a z 2 Z and an i - k such that for all We choose z with this property such that jzj is least possible For Again we assume, without loss of generality, that for all j - k we have This suffices to prove, as in Case 1, that A and a similar argument shows that A This again yields (2). CASE 3: For all z 2 Z and i - k there is a j - k such that d(- z (a i ); a Note that for all z 2 Z the domain of - contains B 2- z (a 1 the domain of - is B 6-a) and - z (a j is an automorphism of the substructure hBi A . binary relation symbols not contained in - . We expand A to a 1. Note that - remains an automorphism of hBi E . Thus : For all z 2 Z we have Furthermore, / is order-invariant on E. Hence by our choice of - and (6) we have and thus (2).Theorem 12. Every first-order formula that is order-invariant on a class C of structures is local on C. Proof. Again we first give a sketch of the proof. The proof is by induction on the number k of free variables of a formula. We have already proved that formulas with one free variable are local. be invariant on C, A 2 C, and - a, - b 2 A k such that hB -a)i A for a sufficiently large -. Either all the a i ; a j and b are far apart, then we can apply Lemma 11, or some of them are close together. In the latter case, we define a new structure where we encode pairs of elements of A that are close together by new elements. This does not spoil the distances too much, and we can encode our k-tuples by smaller tuples that still have isomorphic neighborhoods. On these we apply the induction hypothesis. More formally, we prove the following statement by induction on k: Let - be a vocabulary and r - 0; k - 1. Then there is a -; such that for all first-order formulas vocabulary - and quantifier depth at most r and all -structures A we have: If ' is order-invariant on A, then ' is local on A with locality-rank at most For this follows from Lemma 9 (cf. Remark 10). So suppose it is proved for all be a first-order formula of vocabulary - and quantifier- rank r that is order invariant on a -structure A. We choose -; according to the Lemma 11. Let R 1 binary relation symbols not contained in - and - g. We let - Let B be the - 0 -structure obtained from A by adding a new vertex 2-, an R 1 -edge from b(a 1 ; a 2 ) to a 1 , and an R 2 -edge from b(a 1 ; a 2 ) to a 2 . Note that for all a; b 2 A we have For Then for all a A Furthermore, / ij is order-invariant on B. Thus by our induction hypothesis, it is local on B with locality rank at most - 0 . k such that If d A (a i ; a we have A by Lemma 11. So without loss of generality we can assume that d(a 1 ; a 2 ) - 2-. Since 2-, by we also have d A (b Consider the structure B(A). By (7), for all a 2 A we have (a). Hence by (9) and the definition of B. Thus which implies A by (8). 2 5 Further research The obvious question following our result is: What else can be added to first-order logic such that it remains local. Hella [7] proved that invariant first-order formulas that do not only use an order, but also addition and multiplication, are not local. On the other hand, we conjecture that just adding order and addition does not destroy locality. However, the fact that invariant formulas with built-in addition and multiplication are not local is more relevant to complexity theory, since first-order logic with built-in addition and multiplication captures uniform AC 0 . One way to apply locality techniques to complexity theoretic questions in spite of Hella's non-locality result is to weaken the notion of locality. For example, it is conceivable that all invariant AC 0 or even -queries are local in the sense that if two points of a structure of size n have isomorphic neighborhoods of radius O(log n), then they are indistinguishable. This would still be sufficient to separate LOGSPACE from these classes. --R Foundations of Databases. Extended order-generic queries Local properties of query languages. Finite Model Theory. On local and non-local properties Private communication. Private communication. Notions of locality and their logical characterizations over finite models On forms of locality over finite models. On counting and local properties. Graph connectivity and monadic NP. --TR Logics with counting and local properties Foundations of Databases Local Properties of Query Languages Deciding First-Order Properties of Locally Tree-Decomposalbe Graphs On the Forms of Locality over Finite Models Logics with Aggregate Operators Logics with Counting, Auxiliary Relations, and Lower Bounds for Invariant Queries --CTR David Gross-Amblard, Query-preserving watermarking of relational databases and XML documents, Proceedings of the twenty-second ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, p.191-201, June 09-11, 2003, San Diego, California Leonid Libkin, Expressive power of SQL, Theoretical Computer Science, v.296 n.3, p.379-404, 14 March Leonid Libkin, Logics capturing local properties, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), v.2 n.1, p.135-153, Jan. 2001 Guozhu Dong , Leonid Libkin , Limsoon Wong, Incremental recomputation in local languages, Information and Computation, v.181 n.2, p.88-98, March 15, Nicole Schweikardt, On the expressive power of monadic least fixed point logic, Theoretical Computer Science, v.350 n.2, p.325-344, 7 February 2006 Lane A. Hemaspaandra, SIGACT news complexity theory column 49, ACM SIGACT News, v.36 n.4, December 2005
logics;first-order logic;ordered structures;locality
Statement-Level Communication-Free Partitioning Techniques for Parallelizing Compilers.
This paper addresses the problem of communication-free partition of iteration spaces and data spaces along hyperplanes. To finding more possible communication-free hyperplane partitions, we treat statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units. Instead of using the information about data dependence distance or direction vectors, our technique explicitly formulates array references as transformations from statement-iteration spaces to data spaces. Based on these transformations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for communication-free partition along hyperplanes to be feasible have been proposed. This approach can be applied to all programs with an imperfectly nested loop or sequences of imperfectly nested loops, whose array references are affine functions of outer loop indices or loop invariant variables. The proposed approach is more practical than existing methods in finding the data and computation distribution patterns that can cause the processor to execute fully-parallel on multicomputers without any interprocessor communication.
Introduction It has been widely accepted that local memory access is much faster than memory access involving interprocessor communication on distributed-memory multicomputers. If data and computation are not properly distributed across processors, it may cause heavy interprocessor communication. Although the problem of data distribution is of critical importance to the efficiency of the parallel program in distributed memory multicomputers; it is known to be a very difficult problem. Mace [14] has proved that finding optimal data storage patterns for parallel processing is NP-complete, even when limited to one- and two-dimensional arrays . In addition, Li and Chen [11, 12] have shown that the problem of finding the optimal data alignment is also NP-complete. Thus, in the previous work, a number of researchers have developed parallelizing compilers that need programmers to specify the data storage patterns. Based on the programmer-specified data partitioning, parallelizing compilers can automatically generate the parallel program with appropriate message passing constructs for multicomputers. Projects using this approach include the Fortran D compiler project [4, 5, 18], the SUPERB project [21], the Kali project [9, 10], and the DINO project [17]. For the same purpose, the Crystal project [11, 12] and the compiler [16] deal with functional languages and generate the parallel program with message passing construct. The parallel program generated by most of these systems is in SPMD (Single-Program Multiple Data) [8] model. Recently, automatic data partitioning is an attractive research topic in the field of parallelizing compilers. There are many researchers that develop systems to help programmers deal with the problem of data distribution by automatically determining the data distribution at compile time. The PARADIGM project [3] and the SUIF project [1, 19] are all based on the same purpose. These systems can automatically determine the appropriate data distribution patterns to minimize the communication overhead and generate the SPMD code with appropriate message passing constructs for distributed memory multicomputers. Since excessive interprocessor communication will offset the benefit of parallelization even if the program has a large amount of parallelism, consequently, parallelizing compilers must pay more attention on the distribution of computation and data across processors to reduce the communication overhead or to completely eliminate the interprocessor communication, if possible. Communication-free partitioning, therefore, becomes an interesting and worth studying issue for distributed-memory multicomputers. In recent years, much research has been focused on the area of partitioning iteration spaces and/or data space to reduce interprocessor communication and achieve high-performance computing. Ramanujam and Sadayappan [15] consider the problem of communication-free partitioning of data spaces along hyperplanes for distributed memory multicomputers. They present a matrix-based formulation of the problem for determining the existence of communication-free partitions of data arrays. Their approach proposes only the array decompositions and does not take the iteration space partitionings into consideration. In addition, they concentrate on fully parallel nested loops and focus on two-dimensional data arrays. Huang and Sadayappan [7] generalize the approach proposed in [15]. They consider the issue of communication-free hyperplane partitioning by explicitly modeling the iteration and data spaces and provide the conditions for the feasibility of communication-free hyperplane partitioning. However, they do not deal with imperfectly nested loops. Moreover, the approach is restricted to loop-level partitioning, i.e., all statements within a loop body must be scheduled together as an indivisible unit. Chen and Sheu [2] partition iteration space first according to the data dependence vectors obtained by analyzing all the reference patterns in a nested loop, and then group all data elements accessed by the same iteration partition. Two communication-free partitioning strategies, non-duplicate data and duplicate data strategies, are proposed in this paper. Nevertheless, they require the loop contain only uniformly generated references and the problem domain be restricted to a single perfectly nested loop. They also treat all statements within a loop body as an indivisible unit. Lim and Lam [13] use affine processor mappings for statements to assign the statement-iterations to processors and maximize the degree of parallelism available in the program. Their approach does not treat the loop body as an indivisible unit and can assign different statement-iterations to different processors. However, they consider only the statement-iteration space partitioning and do not address the issue of data space partitioning. Furthermore, their uniform affine processor mappings can cause a large number of idle processors if the affine mappings are non-unimodular transformations. In this paper, communication-free partitioning of statement-iteration spaces and data spaces along hyperplanes are considered. We explicitly formulate array references as transformations from statement-iteration spaces to data spaces. Based on these transformations, we then present the necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of communication-free hyperplane partitions. Currently, most of the existing partitioning schemes take an iteration instance as a basic schedulable unit that can be allocated to a processor. But, when the loop body contains multiple statements, it is very difficult to make the loop be communication-freely executed by allocating iteration instances among processors. That is, the chance of communication-free execution found by using these methods is limited. For having more flexible and possible in finding communication-free hyperplane partitions, we treat statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units. Our method does not consider only one of the iteration space and data space but both of them. As in [13], our method can be extended to handle more general loop models and can be applied to programs with imperfectly nested loops and affine array references. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce notation and terminology used throughout the paper. Section 3 describes the characteristics of statement-level communication-free hyperplane partitioning. The technique of statement-level communication-free hyperplane partitioning for a perfectly nested loop is presented in Section 4. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of communication-free hyperplane partitioning are also given. The extension to general case for sequences of imperfectly nested loops is described in Section 5. Finally, the conclusions are given in Section 6. Preliminaries This section explains the statement-iteration space and the data space. It also defines the statement- iteration hyperplane and the data hyperplane. 2.1 Statement-Iteration Space and Data Space Let Q, Z and Z + denote the set of rational numbers, the set of integers and the set of positive integer numbers, respectively. The symbol Z d represents the set of d-tuple of integers. Traditionally, the iteration space is composed of discrete points where each point represents the execution of all statements in one iteration of a loop [20]. Instead of viewing each iteration indivisible, an iteration can be divided into the statements that are enclosed in the iteration, i.e., each statement is a schedulable unit and has its own iteration space. We use another term, statement-iteration space, to denote the iteration space of a statement in a nested loop. The following example illustrates the notion of iteration spaces and statement-iteration spaces. Example 1: Consider the following nested loop L 1 . do do Fig. 1 illustrates the iteration space and statement-iteration spaces of loop L 1 for 5. In Fig. 1(a), a circle means an iteration and includes two rectangles with black and gray colors. The black rectangle indicates statement s 1 and the gray one indicates statement s 2 . In Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 1(c), each statement is an individual unit and the collection of statements forms two statement-iteration spaces. 2 The representation of statement-iteration spaces, data spaces and the relations among them is described as follows. Let S denote the set of statements in the targeted problem domain and D be the set of array variables that are referenced by S. Consider statement s 2 S, which is enclosed in a d-nested loop. The statement-iteration space of s, denoted by SIS(s), is a subspace of Z d and is defined as I i is the loop index variable, LB i and UB i are the lower and upper bounds of the loop index variable I i , respectively. The superscript t is a transpose operator. The column vector I is called a statement-iteration in statement-iteration space SIS(s), LB i - I i - UB i , for On the other hand, from the geometric point of view, an array variable also forms a space and each array element is a point in the space. For exactly describing an array variable, we use data space to represent an n-dimensional array v, which is denoted by DS(v), where v 2 D. An array element has a corresponding data index in the data space DS(v). We denote this data index by a column vector D The relations between statement-iteration spaces and data spaces can be built via array reference functions. An array reference function is a transformation from statement-iteration space into data Figure 1: Loop (L 1 )'s iteration space and its corresponding statement-iteration spaces, assuming 5. (a) IS(L 1 ), iteration space of loop (L 1 ). (b) SIS(s 1 ), statement-iteration space of statement statement-iteration space of statement s 2 . space. As most of the existing methods, we require the array references be affine functions of outer loop indices or loop invariant variables. Suppose statement s is enclosed in a d-nested loop and has an array reference pattern v[a 1;1 I 1 a a i;j are integer constants, for 1 - i - n and d, then the array reference function can be written as: where F s;v =6 4 a 1;1 \Delta \Delta \Delta a 1;d a a 1;0 a We term F s;v the array reference coefficient matrix and f s;v the array reference constant vector. If data index D v 2 DS(v) is referenced in statement-iteration I s 2 SIS(s), then Ref s;v Take the array reference pattern as an example. The array reference coefficient matrix and constant vector of A[i are F and f \Gamma4# , respectively. We define statement-iteration hyperplanes and data hyperplanes in the next subsection. 2.2 Statement-Iteration Hyperplane and Data Hyperplane A statement-iteration hyperplane on statement-iteration space SIS(s), denoted by \Psi(s), is a hyperspace [6] of SIS(s) and is defined as \Psi h are the coefficients of the statement-iteration hyperplane and c h 2 Q is the constant term of the hyperplane. The formula can be abbreviated as \Psi h is the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vector. Similarly, a data hyperplane on data space DS(v), denoted by \Phi(v), is a hyperspace of DS(v) and is defined as are the coefficients of the data hyperplane and c g 2 Q is the constant term of the hyperplane. In the same way, the formula also can be abbreviated as \Phi the data hyperplane coefficient vector. The hyperplanes that include at least one integer point are considered in this paper. Statement-iteration hyperplanes and data hyperplanes are used for characterizing communica- tion-free partitioning. We discuss some of these characteristics in the next section. 3 Characteristics of Communication-Free Hyperplane Partition- ing A program execution is communication-free if all operations on each of all processors access only data elements allocated to that processor. A trivial partition strategy allocates all statement- iterations and data elements to a single processor. The program execution of this trivial partitioning is communication-free. However, we are not interested in this single processor program execution because it does not exploit the potential of parallelization and it conflicts with the goal of parallel processing. Hence, in this paper, we consider only nontrivial partitioning, in specific, hyperplane partitioning. The formal definition of communication-free hyperplane partition is defined as below. Let partition group, G, be the set of hyperplanes that should be assigned to one processor. The definition of communica- tion-free hyperplane partition can be given as the following. 1 The hyperplane partitions of statement-iteration spaces and data spaces are said to be communication-free if and only if for any partition group above, the statement-iterations which access the same array element should be allocated to the same statement-iteration hyperplane. Therefore, it is important to decide statement-iterations that access the same array element. The following lemma states the necessary and sufficient condition that two statement-iterations will access the same array element. Lemma 1 For some statement s 2 S and its referenced array v 2 D, I s and I 0 s are two statement- iterations on SIS(s) and Ref s;v is the array reference function from SIS(s) into DS(v) as defined above. Then where Ker(S) denotes the null space of S [6]. Proof. ()): Suppose that Ref s;v Thus Conversely, suppose that (I 0 be a basis of Ker(F s;v ), then vectors belonged to Ker(F s;v ) can be represented as a linear combination of vectors in fff 1 g. Since (I 0 Thus Ref s;v We using the following example. Example 2: Consider the array reference A[i j]. The array reference coefficient ma- . The null space of F s;A is Ker(F s;A Zg. By Lemma 1, any two statement-iterations with the difference of r[1; \Gamma1] t will access the same array element, where Z. As Fig. 2 shows, the statement-iterations f(1; 3); (2; 2); (3; 1)g all access the same array element A[4; 4]. 2 We explain the significance of Lemma 1 and show how this lemma can help to find com- munication-free hyperplane partitions. Communication-free hyperplane partitioning requires those statement-iterations that access the same array element be allocated to the same statement-iteration hyperplane. According to Lemma 1, two statement-iterations access the same array element if and only if the difference of these two statement-iterations belongs to the kernel of F s;v . Hence, should be a subspace of the statement-iteration hyperplane. Since there may exist many different array references, partitioning a statement-iteration space must consider all array references appeared in the statement. Thus, the space spanned from Ker(F s;v ) for all array references appearing in the same statement should be a subspace of the statement-iteration hyperplane. The Figure 2: Those statement-iterations whose differences are in Ker(F s;v ) will access the same array element. dimension of a statement-iteration hyperplane is one less than the dimension of the statement- iteration space. If there exists a statement s such that the dimension of the spanning space of equal to the dimension of SIS(s), then the spanning space cannot be a subspace of a statement-iteration hyperplane. Therefore, there exists no nontrivial communication-free hyper-plane partitioning. From the above observation, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 1 If 9s 2 S such that dim(span([ v2D Ker(F s;v then there exists no nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning for S and D. 2 Example 3: Consider matrix multiplication. do do do s: In the above program, there are three array variables, A, B, and C, with three distinct array references involved in statement s. The three array reference coefficient matrices, F s;A , F s;B , and F s;C , are , and , respectively. Thus, Ker(F s;A which has the same dimensionality as the statement- iteration space. By Theorem 1, matrix multiplication has no nontrivial communication-free hyper-plane partitioning. 2 Theorem 1 can be useful for determining nested loops that have no nontrivial communica- tion-free hyperplane partitioning. Furthermore, when a nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning exists, Theorem 1 can also be useful for finding the hyperplane coefficient vectors. We state this result in the following corollary. Corollary 1 For any communication-free statement-iteration hyperplane \Psi h the following two conditions must hold: denotes the orthogonal complement space of S. Proof. By Lemma 1, two statement-iterations access the same data element using array reference F s;v if and only if the difference between these two statement-iterations belongs to the kernel of F s;v . Therefore, the kernel of F s;v should be contained in the statement-iteration hyperplane, (s). The fact should be true for all array references appeared in the same statement. Hence, (s). The first condition is obtained. is the normal vector of \Psi h (s). That is, \Delta t is orthogonal to By condition (1), it implies that \Delta t is orthogonal to the subspace span([ v2D Ker(F s;v )). Thus, belongs to the orthogonal complement of span([ v2D Ker(F s;v Corollary 1 gives the range of communication-free statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors. It can be used for the finding of communication-free statement-iteration hyperplane co-efficient vectors. On the other hand, the range of communication-free data hyperplane coefficient vectors is also given as follows. As mentioned before, the relations between statement-iteration spaces and data spaces can be established via array references. Moreover, the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors and data hyperplane coefficient vectors are related. The following lemma expresses the relation between these two hyperplane coefficient vectors. A similar result is given in [7]. Lemma 2 For any statement s 2 S and its referenced array v 2 D, Ref s;v is the array reference function from SIS(s) into DS(v). \Psi h are communication-free hyperplane partitions if and only if Proof. ()): Suppose that \Psi h are communication-free hyperplane partitionings. Let I 0 s and I 00 s be two distinct statement-iterations and belong to the same statement-iteration hyperplane, \Psi h (s). If D 0 v and D 00 are two data indices such that Ref s;v (I 0 v and Ref s;v (I 00 v , from the above assumptions, D 0 v and D 00 should belong to the same data hyperplane, \Phi g (v). Because I 0 s and I 00 s belong to the same statement-iteration hyperplane, \Psi h (s), then, \Delta \Delta I 0 and \Delta \Delta I 00 Therefore, s 1 Note that \Delta is a row vector. However, it is \Delta t , but not \Delta, that is orthogonal to \Psi h(s). On the other hand, since D 0 v and D 00 v belong to the same data hyperplane, \Phi g (v), that means \Theta \Delta D 0 and \Theta \Delta D 00 . Thus, \Theta \Delta D 0 Since I 0 s and I 00 s are any two statement-iterations on the statement-iteration hyperplane \Psi h (s), s ) is a vector on the statement-iteration hyperplane. Furthermore, both \Delta \Delta and (\Theta \Delta F s;v ) hence we can conclude that \Delta and \Theta \Delta F s;v are linearly dependent. It implies are hyperplane partitions for SIS(s) and DS(v) respectively and \Phi g (v) are communication-free partitioning. According to Definition 1, what we have to do is to prove (v). Let I s be any statement-iteration on statement-iteration hyperplane \Psi h (s). Then \Delta From the assumption that (ff\Theta Let c (v). We have shown that 8I s 2 \Psi h (s); Ref s;v \Phi g (v). It then follows that \Psi h (s) and \Phi g (v) are communication-free partitioning. 2 By Lemma 2, the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vector \Delta can be decided if the data hyperplane coefficient vector \Theta has been determined. If F s;v is invertible, the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors can be decided first, then the data hyperplane coefficient vectors can be derived by The range of communication-free data hyperplane coefficient vectors can be derived from this lemma. Corollary 1 shows the range of statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors. The next corollary provides the ranges of data hyperplane coefficient vectors. Corollary 2 For any communication-free data hyperplane \Phi g, the following condition must hold: denotes the complement set of S. Proof. This paper considers the nontrivial hyperplane partitioning, which requires \Delta be a nonzero vector. By Lemma 2, Therefore, \Theta \Delta F s;v is not equal to 0. It implies that \Theta t 62 Ker((F s;v ) t ). The condition should be true for all s; s 2 S. Hence, \Theta t 62 ([ s2S Ker((F s;v ) t )). It follows that \Theta t belongs to the complement of ([ s2S Ker((F s;v Consider the following loop. do do The nested loop is communication-free if and only if the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors for s 1 and s 2 and data hyperplane coefficient vectors for v 1 and v 2 are respectively, where f0g. We show that \Delta 1 and \Delta 2 satisfy the Corollary 1 as follows. The test of Corollary 2 for \Theta 1 and \Theta 2 is as below. =) \Theta t section describes the communication-free hyperplane partitioning technique. The necessary and sufficient conditions of communication-free hyperplane partitioning for a single perfectly nested loop will be presented. 4 Communication-Free Hyperplane Partitioning for a Perfectly Nested Loop Each data array has a corresponding data space. However, a nested loop with multiple statements may have multiple statement-iteration spaces. In this section, we will consider additional conditions of multiple statement-iteration spaces for communication-free hyperplane partitioning. These conditions are also used in determining statement-iteration hyperplanes and data hyperplanes. . The number of occurrences of array variable v j in statement s i is r i;j , where r i;j does not reference v j , r i;j is set to 0. The previous representation of array reference function can be modified slightly to describe the array reference of statement s i to variable in the k-th occurrence as Ref s i ;v j . The related representations will be changed accordingly, such as Ref s i ;v j In this section, a partition group that contains a statement-iteration hyperplane for each statement-iteration space and a data hyperplane for each data space is considered. Suppose that the data hyperplane in data space DS(v j ) is \Phi g (v j g, for all we have , \Theta j \Delta Let As a result, those statement-iterations that access the data lay on the data hyperplane \Phi g (v j g will be located on the statement-iteration hyperplane \Psi h (I s i )g. To simplify the presentation, we assume all variables v j appear in every statement s i . To satisfy that each statement-iteration space contains a unique statement-iteration hyperplane, the following two conditions should be met. (j for (j for Condition (i) can infer to the following two equivalent equations. Condition (ii) deduces the following two equations, and vice versa. Eq. (6) can be used to evaluate the data hyperplane constant terms while some constant term is fixed, say c . Furthermore, we obtain the following results. For some j, c g j should be the same for all i, 1 - i - m. Therefore, can be further inferred to obtain the following After describing the conditions for satisfying the communication-free hyperplane partitioning constraints, we can conclude the following theorem. Theorem 2 Let be the sets of statements and array variables, respectively. Ref s i ;v j k is the array reference function for statement s i accessing array variables v j at the k-th occurrence in s i , where g is the statement-iteration hyperplane in SIS(s i ), for (D v j g is the data hyperplane in DS(v j ), for (D v j are communication-free hyperplane partitions if and only if the following conditions hold. for some j; k, g. for some for some j; k, g. Theorem 2 can be used to determine whether a nested loop is communication-free. It can also be used as a procedure of finding a communication-free hyperplane partitioning systematically. Conditions (C1) to (C4) in Theorem 2 are used for finding the data hyperplane coefficient vectors. Condition (C5) can check whether the data hyperplane coefficient vectors found in preceding steps are within the legal range. Following the determination of the data hyperplane coefficient vectors, the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors can be obtained by using Condition (C6). Similarly, Condition (C7) can check whether the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors are within the legal range. The data hyperplane constant terms and statement-iteration hyperplane constant terms can be obtained by using Conditions (C8) and (C9), respectively. If one of the conditions is violated, the whole procedure will stop and verify that the nested loop has no communication-free hyperplane partitioning. On the other hand, combining Equations (3) and (5) together, a sufficient condition of commu- nication-free hyperplane partitioning can be derived as follows. r i;j r i;j To satisfy the constraint that \Theta is a non-zero row vector, the following condition should be true. r i;j r i;j Note that this condition is similar to the result in [7] for loop-level hyperplane partitioning. We conclude the following corollary. Corollary 3 Suppose are the sets of statements and array variables, respectively. F s i ;v j k are the array reference coefficient matrix and constant vector, respectively, where ng and k 2 g. If communication-free hyperplane partitioning exists then Eq. must hold. 2 Theorem 1 and Corollary 3 can be used to check the absence of communication-free hyperplane partitioning for a nested loop, because these conditions are sufficient but not necessary. Theorem 1 is the statement-iteration space dimension test and Corollary 3 is the data space dimension test. To determine the existence of a communication-free hyperplane partitioning, we need to check the conditions in Theorem 2. We show the following example to explain the finding of communication- free hyperplanes of statement-iteration spaces and data spaces. Example 5: Reconsider loop L1. The set of statements S is fs and the set of array variables D is fv B. The occurrences of array variables are r 2. From Section 2.1, the array reference coefficient matrices and constant vectors for statements s 1 and s 2 are listed below, respectively. \Gamma1# "1 \Gamma1# \Gamma2 2. By Theorem 1, it may exist a communication-free hyperplane partitioning for loop L 1 . Again, by Corollary 3, the loop is tested for the possible existence of a nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning. For array variable v 1 , the following inequality is satisfied: 2: Similarly, with respect to the array variable v 2 , the following inequality is obtained: 2: Although Eq. (9) holds for all array variables, it still can not ensure that the loop has a nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning. Using Theorem 2, we further check the existence of a nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning. In the mean time, the statement-iteration and data hyperplanes will be derived if they exist. Recall that the dimensions of data spaces DS(v 1 ) and DS(v 2 ) are two, \Theta 1 and \Theta 2 can be assumed to be [' respectively. The conditions listed in Theorem 2 will be checked to determine the hyperplane coefficient vectors and constants. By Condition (C1) in Theorem 2, the following equations are obtained. By the Condition (C2) in Theorem 2, By Condition (C3) in Theorem 2, By Condition (C4) in Theorem 2, Substituting [' respectively, the above equations form a homogeneous linear system. Solving this homogeneous linear system, we obtain the general solution f0g. Therefore, \Theta Next, we show \Theta 1 and \Theta 2 satisfy Condition (C5): =) \Theta t =) \Theta t Now the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors can be determined using Condition (C6) in Theorem 2. Note that the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors may be obtained using many different can be obtained using \Theta 1 1 . Conditions (C1) and (C2) in Theorem 2 ensure that all the equations lead to the same result. For the statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors, Condition (C7) is satisfied: Next, we determine the data hyperplane constant terms. Due to the hyperplanes are related to each other, once a hyperplane constant term is determined, the other constant terms will be determined accordingly. Assuming c g 1 is known, c g 2 , and c h 2 can be determined using Conditions (C8) and (C9) as below: Similarly, statement-iteration and data hyperplane constant terms can be evaluated using many different equations. However, Conditions (C3) and (C4) in Theorem 2 ensure that they all lead to the same values. It is clear that there exists at least one set of nonzero statement-iteration and data hyperplane coefficient vectors such that the conditions listed in Theorem 2 are all satisfied. By Theorem 2, this fact implies that the nested loop has a nontrivial communication-free hyperplane partitioning. The partition group is defined as the set of statement-iteration and data hyperplanes that are allocated to a processor. The partition group for this example follows. (D (D (D (D Given loop bounds 1, the constant term c g 1 corresponding to statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vector \Delta 1 and \Delta 2 are ranged from \Gamma5 to 3 and from 0 to respectively. The intersection part of these two ranges means that the two statement-iteration hyperplanes have to be coupled together onto a processor. For the rest, just one statement-iteration hyperplane, either \Delta 1 or \Delta 2 , is allocated to a processor. The constant terms c g 2 , and c h 2 are evaluated to the following values: The corresponding parallelized program is as follows. doall do do enddoall Fig. 3 illustrates the communication-free hyperplane partitionings for a particular partition 2. 2 The communication-free hyperplane partitioning technique for a perfectly nested loop has been discussed in this section. Our method treats statements within a loop body as separate schedulable units and considers both iteration and data spaces at the same time. Partitioning groups are determined using affine array reference functions directly, instead of using data dependence vectors. 5 Communication-Free Hyperplane Partitioning for Sequences of Imperfectly Nested Loops The conditions presented in Section 4 for communication-free hyperplane partitioning can be applicable to the general case for sequences of imperfectly nested loops. In a perfectly nested loop, all Figure 3: Communication-free statement-iteration hyperplanes and data hyperplanes for a partition group of loop (L 1 ), where 2. (a) Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 1 ). (b) Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 2 ). (c) Data hyperplane of DS(A). (d) Data hyperplane of DS(B). statements are enclosed in the same depth of the nested loop, i.e., the statement-iteration space of each statement has the same dimensionality. The statement-iteration spaces of two statements in imperfectly nested loops may have different dimension. Since each statement-iteration is a schedulable unit and the partitioning technique is independent to the dimensionality of statement-iteration spaces, Theorem 2 can be directly applied to sequences of imperfectly nested loops. The following example is to demonstrate the technique in applying to sequences of imperfectly nested loops. Example Consider the following sequences of nested loops L 2 . do do do do do do The set of statements S is fs g. The set of array variables is respectively. The values of r 11 , r 12 , r 13 , r r 43 all are 1. We use Theorem 1 and Corollary 3 to verify whether (L2) has no communication-free hyperplane partitioning. Since dim( which is smaller than dim(SIS(s i )), for Theorem 1 is helpless for ensuring that (L2) exists no communication-free hyperplane partitioning. Corollary 3 is useless here because all the values of are 1, for Further examinations are necessary, because Theorem 1 and Corollary 3 can not prove that (L2) has no communication-free hyperplane partitioning, From Theorem 2, if a communication-free hyperplane partitioning exists, the conditions listed in Theorem 2 should be satisfied; otherwise, (L2) exists no communication-free hyperplane partitioning. Due to the dimensions of the data spaces DS(v 1 tively, without loss of generality, the data hyperplane coefficient vectors can be respectively assumed to be \Theta In what follows, the requirements to satisfy the feasibility of communication-free hyperplane partitioning are examined one-by-one. There is no need to examine the Conditions (C1) and (C3) because all the values of r ij are 1. By Condition (C2), we obtain By Condition (C4), we obtain Solving the above linear system, the general solutions are (' 11 , ' 12 , ' 21 , ' 22 , ' 31 , ' 2t, \Gammat, t, t, f0g. Therefore, \Theta The verification of Condition (C5) is as follows: =) \Theta t =) \Theta t =) \Theta t All the data hyperplane coefficient vectors are within the legal range. The statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors can be determined by Condition (C6) as follows. The legality of these statement-iteration hyperplane coefficient vectors is then checked by Condition (C7) as follows: From the above observation, all the statement-iteration and data hyperplane coefficient vectors are legal. This fact reveals that the nested loops has communication-free hyperplane partitionings. Next, the data and statement-iteration hyperplanes constant terms are decided. First, let one data hyperplane constant term be fixed, say c . The rest of data hyperplane constant terms can be determined by Condition (C8). Similarly, the statement-iteration hyperplane constant terms can be determined by Condition (C9) after data hyperplane constant terms have been decided. The corresponding partition group is as follows. (D (D (D v 3 (D (D (D v 3 Fig. 4 illustrates the communication-free hyperplane partitionings for a partition group, where and c g 1 0. The corresponding parallelized program is as follows. doall do endif do do do do enddoall 6 Conclusions This paper presents the techniques for finding statement-level communication-free hyperplane partitioning for a perfectly nested loop and sequences of imperfectly nested loops. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of communication-free partitioning along hyperplane are proposed. The techniques can be applied to loops with affine array references and do not use any information of data dependence distances or direction vectors. Although our goal is to determine communication-free partitioning for loops, in reality, most loops are not communication-free. If a program is not communication-free, the technique can be Figure 4: Communication-free statement-iteration hyperplanes and data hyperplanes for a partition group of loop (L 2 ), where Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 1 ). (b) Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 2 ). (c) Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 3 ). (d) Statement-iteration hyperplane of SIS(s 4 ). (e) Data hyperplane of DS(A). (f) Data hyperplane of DS(B). (g) Data hyperplane of DS(C). used to identify subsets of statement-iteration and data spaces which are communication-free. For other statement-iterations, it is necessary to generate communication code. Two important tasks in our future work are to develop heuristics for searching a subset of statement-iterations which is communication-free and to generate efficient code when communication is inevitable. --R "Global optimizations for parallelism and locality on scalable parallel machines," "Communication-free data allocation techniques for parallelizing compilers on multicomputers," "Demonstration of automatic data partitioning techniques for parallelizing compilers on multicomputers," "Compiling Fortran D for MIMD distributed-memory machines," "Evaluating compiler optimizations for Fortran D," Englewood Cliffs "Communication-free hyperplane partitioning of nested loops," "Programming for parallelism," Compiling Programs for Nonshared Memory Machines. "Compiling global name-space parallel loops for distributed ex- ecution," "Index domain alignment: Minimizing cost of cross-referencing between distributed arrays," "The data alignment phase in compiling programs for distributed-memory machines," "Communication-free parallelization via affine transformations," Memory Storage Patterns in Parallel Processing. "Compile-time techniques for data distribution in distributed memory machines," "Process decomposition through locality of reference," "The dino parallel programming language," An Optimizing Fortran D Compiler for MIMD distributed-Memory Machines "A loop transformation theory and an algorithm to maximize parallelism," High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing. "SUPERB and Vienna Fortran," --TR --CTR Weng-Long Chang , Chih-Ping Chu , Jia-Hwa Wu, Communication-Free Alignment for Array References with Linear Subscripts in Three Loop Index Variables or Quadratic Subscripts, The Journal of Supercomputing, v.20 n.1, p.67-83, August 2001 Skewed Data Partition and Alignment Techniques for Compiling Programs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers, The Journal of Supercomputing, v.21 n.2, p.191-211, February 2002 Weng-Long Chang , Jih-Woei Huang , Chih-Ping Chu, Using Elementary Linear Algebra to Solve Data Alignment for Arrays with Linear or Quadratic References, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.15 n.1, p.28-39, January 2004
hyperplane partition;parallelizing compilers;communication-free;distributed-memory multicomputers;data communication
A Low Overhead Logging Scheme for Fast Recovery in Distributed Shared Memory Systems.
This paper presents an efficient, writer-based logging scheme for recoverable distributed shared memory systems, in which logging of a data item is performed by its writer process, instead of every process that accesses the item logging it. Since the writer process maintains the log of data items, volatile storage can be used for logging. Only the readers' access information needs to be logged into the stable storage of the writer process to tolerate multiple failures. Moreover, to reduce the frequency of stable logging, only the data items accessed by multiple processes are logged with their access information when the items are invalidated, and also semantic-based optimization in logging is considered. Compared with the earlier schemes in which stable logging was performed whenever a new data item was accessed or written by a process, the size of the log and the logging frequency can be significantly reduced in the proposed scheme.
Introduction Distributed shared memory(DSM) systems[15] transform an existing network of workstations to a powerful shared-memory parallel computer which could deliver superior price/performance ratio. However, with more workstations engaged in the system and longer execution time, the probability of failures in- creases, which could render the system useless. For the DSM system to be of any practical use, it is important for the system to be recoverable so that the processes do not have to restart from the beginning when there is a failure [25]. An approach to provide fault-tolerance to the DSM systems is to use the checkpointing and rollback-recovery. Checkpointing is an operation to save intermediate system states into the stable storage which is not affected by the system failures. With the periodic checkpointing, the system can recover to one of the saved states, called a checkpoint, when a failure occurs in the system. The activity to resume the computation from one of the previous checkpoints is called rollback. In DSM systems, the computational state of a process becomes dependent on the state of another process by reading a data item produced by that process. Because of such dependency relations, a process recovering from a failure has to force its dependent processes to roll back together, if it cannot reproduce the same sequence of data items. While the rollback is being propagated to the dependent processes, the processes may have to roll back recursively to reach a consistent recovery line, if the checkpoints for those processes are not taken carefully. Such recursive rollback is called the domino effect[17], and in the worst case, the consistent recovery line consists of a set of the initial points; i.e., the total loss of the computation in spite of the checkpointing efforts. One solution to cope with the domino effect is the coordinated checkpointing, in which each time when a process takes a checkpoint, it coordinates the related processes to take consistent checkpoints together [3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13]. Since each checkpointing coordination under this approach produces a consistent recovery line, the processes cannot be involved in the domino effect. One possible drawback of this approach is that the processes need to be blocked from their normal computation during the check-pointing coordination. The communication-induced checkpointing is another form of the coordinated checkpointing, in which a process takes a checkpoint whenever it notices a new dependency relation created from another process[9, 22, 24, 25]. This checkpointing coordination approach also ensures no domino-effect since there is a checkpoint for each communication point. However, the overhead caused by too frequent checkpointing may severely degrade the system performance. Another solution to the domino effect problem is to use the message logging in addition to the independent checkpointing [19]. If every data item accessed by a process is logged into the stable storage, the process can regenerate the same computation after a rollback by reprocessing the logged data items. As a result, the failure of one process does not affect other processes, which means that there is no rollback propagation and also no domino effect. The only possible drawback of this approach is the nonnegligible logging overhead. To reduce the logging overhead, the scheme proposed in [23] avoids the repeated logging of the same data item accessed repeatedly. For the correct recomputation, each data item is logged once when it is first accessed, and the count of repeated access is logged for the item, when the data item is invalidated. As a result, the amount of the log can be reduced compared to the scheme in [19]. The scheme proposed in [11] suggests that a data item should be logged when it is produced by a write operation. Hence, a data item accessed by multiple processes need not be logged at multiple sites and the amount of the log can be reduced. However, for a data item written but accessed by no other processes, the logging becomes useless. Moreover, for the correct recomputation, a process accessing a data item has to log the location where the item is logged and the access count of the item. As a result, there cannot be much reduction in the frequency of the logging compared to the scheme in [23]. To further reduce the logging overhead, the scheme proposed in [7] suggests the volatile logging. When a process produces a new data item by a write operation, the value is logged into the volatile storage of the writer process. When the written value is requested by other processes, the writer process logs the operation number of the requesting process. Hence, when the requesting process fails, the data value and the proper operation number can be retrieved from the writer process. Compared with the overhead of logging into the stable storage, volatile logging can cause much less overhead. However, when there are concurrent failures at the requesting process and the writer process, the system cannot be fully recovered. In this paper, we present a new logging scheme for a recoverable DSM system, which tolerates multiple failures. In the proposed scheme, two-level log structure is used in which both of the volatile and the stable storages are utilized for efficient logging. To speed up the logging and the recovery procedures, a data item and its readers' access information are logged into the volatile storage of the writer process. And, to tolerate multiple failures, only the log of access information for the data items are saved into the stable storage. For volatile logging, the limited space can be one possible problem and for stable logging, the access frequency of the stable storage can be the critical issue. To solve these problems, logging of a data item is performed only when the data becomes invalidated by a new write operation, and the writer process takes the whole responsibility for logging, instead that every process accessing the data concurrently logs it. Also, to eliminate unnecessary logging of data items, semantic-based optimization is considered for logging. As a result, the amount of the log and the frequency of stable storage accesses can substantially be reduced. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the DSM system model and the definition of the consistent recovery line is presented in Section 3. In Section 4 and Section 5, proposed logging and rollback recovery protocols are presented, respectively, and Section 6 proves the correctness of proposed protocols. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we have implemented the proposed logging scheme on top of CVM(Coherent Virtual Machine)[12]. The experimental results are discussed in Section 7, and Section 8 concludes the paper. 2 The System Model A DSM system considered in this paper consists of a number of nodes connected through a communication network. Each node consists of a processor, a volatile main memory and a non-volatile secondary storage. The processors in the system do not share any physical memory or global clock, and they communicate by message passing. However, the system provides a shared memory space and the unit of the shared data is a fixed-size page. The system can logically be viewed as a set of processes running on the nodes and communicating by accessing a shared data page. Each of the processes can be considered as a sequence of state transitions from the initial state to the final state. An event is an atomic action that causes a state transition within a process, and a sequence of events is called a computation. In a DSM system, the computation of a process can be characterized as a sequence of read/write operations to access the shared data pages. The computation performed by each process is assumed to be piece-wise deterministic; that is, the computational states generated by a process is fully determined by a sequence of data pages provided for a sequence of read operations. For the DSM model, we assume the read-replication model [21], in which the system maintains a single writable copy or multiple read-only copies for each data page. The memory consistency model we assume is the sequential consistency model, in which the version of a data page a process reads should Reader Page X Copy Of Request (2) (2) (2) Writer Ownership Owner Page X& Invalidate Copy-Set Of X Owner (a) Remote Read Operation (b) Remote Write Operation (2) (1) Read Read-Only Request (1) Write Figure 1: Remote Read/Write Procedures be the latest version that was written for that data page [14]. A number of different memory semantics for the DSM systems have been proposed including processor, weak, and release consistency [16], as well as causal coherence [1]. However, in this paper, we focus on the sequential consistency model, and the write-invalidation protocol [15] is assumed to implement the sequential consistency. Figure 1 depicts the read and the write procedures under the write-invalidation protocol. For each data page, there is one owner process which has the writable copy in its local memory. When a process reads a data page which is not in the local memory, it has to ask for the transfer of a read-only copy from the owner. A set of processes having the read-only copies of a data page is called a copy-set of the page. For a process to perform a write operation on a data page, it has to be the owner of the page and the copy-set of the page must be empty. Hence, the writer process first sends the write request to the owner process, if it is not the owner. The owner process then sends the invalidation message to the processes in the copy-set to make them invalidate the read-only copies of the page. After collecting the invalidation acknowledgements from the processes in the copy-set, the owner transfers the data page with the ownership to the new writer process. If the writer process is the owner but the copy-set is not empty, then it performs the invalidation procedure before overwriting the page. For each system component, we make the following failure assumptions: The processors are fail-stop [20]. When a processor fails, it simply stops and does not perform any malicious actions. The failures considered are transient and independent. When a node recovers from a failure and re-executes the com- putation, the same failure is not likely to occur again. Also, the failure of one node does not affect other nodes. We do not make any assumption on the number of simultaneous node failures. When a node fails, the register contents and the main memory contents are lost. However, the contents of the secondary storage are preserved and the secondary storage is used as a stable storage. The communication subsystem is reliable; that is, the message delivery can be handled in an error-free and virtually lossless manner by the underlying communication subsystem. However, no assumption is made on the message delivery order. 3 The Consistent Recovery Line A state of a process is naturally dependent on its previous states. In the DSM system, the dependency relation between the states of different processes can also be created by reading and writing the same data item. If a process p i reads a data item written by another process p j , then p i 's states after the read event become dependent on p j 's states before the write event. More formally, the dependency relation can be defined as follows: Let R ff i denote the ff-th read event happened at process p i and I ff i denote the state interval triggered by R ff i and ended right before R ff+1 i denotes the p i 's initial state. Let W ff i denote the set of write events happened in I ff the read (or the write) event on a data item x with the returning (or written) value u. Definition 1: An interval I ff i is said to be dependent on another interval I fi if one of the following conditions is satisfied, and such a dependency relation is denoted by I fi C2. R ff j and there is no other W and C3. There exists an interval I fl , such that, I fi and I fl Figure 2 shows an example of the computational dependency among the state intervals for a DSM system consisting of three processes . The horizontal arrow in Figure 2(a) represents the progress of the computation at each process and the arrow from one process to another represents the data page transfer between the processes. A data page X (or Y ) containing the data item x (or y) is denoted by X(x) (or Y (y)). Figure 2(b) depicts the dependency relation created in Figure 2(a) as a directed graph, in which each node represents a state interval and an edge (or a path) from a node n ff to another I jI jI kI kI (a) Computation Diagram (b) Dependency Graph Figure 2: An Example of Dependency Relations node n fi indicates a direct (or a transitive) dependency relation from a state interval n ff to another state interval n fi . Note that in Figure 2(a), there is no dependency relation from I 1 j to I 1 k according to the definition given before. However, in the DSM system, it is not easy to recognize which part of a data page has been accessed by a process. Hence, the computation in Figure 2(a) may not be differentiated from the one in which p k 's read operation is R(y 0 ). In such a case, there must be the dependency relation, I 1 k . The dotted arrow in Figure 2(b) denotes such possible dependency relation and the logging scheme must be carefully designed to take care of such possible dependency for the consistent recovery. The dependency relations between the state intervals may cause possible inconsistency problems when a process rolls back and performs the recomputation. Figure 3 shows two typical examples of inconsistent rollback recovery cases, discussed in message-passing based distributed computing systems[6]. First, suppose the process p i in Figure 3(a) should roll back to its latest checkpoint C i due to a failure but it cannot retrieve the same data item for R(y). Then, the result of W (x) may be different from the one computed before the failure and hence, the consistency between p i and p j becomes violated since computation after the event R(x) depends on the invalidated computation. Such a case is called an orphan message case. On the other hands, suppose the process p j in Figure 3(b) should roll back to its latest checkpoint C j due to a failure. For p j to regenerate the exactly same computation, it has to retrieve the same data item x from does not roll back to resend the data page X(x). Such a case is called a lost message case. However, in the DSM system, the lost message case itself does not cause any inconsistency problem. If Failure Failure (a) Orphan Message Case (b) Lost Message Case Figure 3: Possible Inconsistent Recovery Lines there has been no other write operation since W (x) of p i , then p j can retrieve the same contents of the page from the current owner, at any time. Even though there has been another write operation and the contents of the page has been changed, p j can still retrieve the data page X(x) (even with different contents) and the different recomputation of p j does not affect other processes unless p j has had any dependent processes before the failure. Hence, in the DSM system, the only rollback recovery case which causes an inconsistency problem is the orphan message case. Definition 2: A process is said to recover to a consistent recovery line, if and only if it is not involved in any orphan message case after the rollback recovery. 4 The Logging Protocol For efficient logging, three principles are adopted. One is the writer-based logging. Instead of multiple readers logging the same data page, one writer process takes the responsibility for logging of the page. Also, invalidation-triggered logging is used, in which logging of a data page is delayed until the page is invalidated. Finally, semantic-based logging optimization is considered. To avoid the unnecessary logging activities, the access pattern of the data by related processes is considered into the logging strategy. 4.1 Writer-Based, Invalidation-Triggered Logging For consistent regeneration of the computation, a process is required to log the sequence of data pages it has accessed. If the same contents of a data page have been accessed more than once, the process should log the page once and log its access duration, instead of logging the same page contents, repeatedly. The access duration is denoted by the first and the last computational points at which the page has been accessed. The logging of a data page can be performed either at the process which accessed it (the reader) or at the process which produced it (the writer). Since a data page produced by a writer is usually accessed by multiple readers, it is more efficient for one writer to log the page rather than multiple readers log the same page. Moreover, the writer can utilize the volatile storage for the logging of the data page, since the logged pages should be required for the reader's failure, not for the writer's own failure. Even if the writer loses the page log due to its own failure, it can regenerate the same contents of the page, under the consistent recovery assumption. To uniquely identify each version of data pages and its access duration, each process p i in the system maintains the following data structures in its local memory: assigned to process p i . variable that counts the number of read and write operations performed by process Using opnum i , a unique sequence number is assigned to each of read and write operations performed by p i . For each version of data page X produced by p i , a unique version identifier is assigned. ffl version x : A unique identifier assigned to each version of data page X . version where opnum i is the opnum value at the time when p i produced the current version of X . When produces a new version of X by a write operation, version x is assigned to the page. When the current version of X is invalidated, p i logs the current version of X with its version x into p i 's volatile log space, and it also has to log the access duration for the current readers of page X . To report the access duration of a page, each reader p j maintains the following data structure associated with page X , in its local memory. ffl duration jx : A record variable with four fields, which denote the access information of page X at p j . first : The value of opnum j at the time when page X is first accessed at p j . last : The value of opnum j at the time when page X is invalidated at p j . When the new version of page X is transferred from the current owner, p j creates duration jx and fills out the entries pid, version, and first. The entry last is completed when p j receives an invalidation message for X from the current owner, p i . Process p j then piggybacks the complete duration jx into its invalidation acknowledgement sent to p i . The owner p i , after collecting the duration kx from every reader logs the collected access information into its volatile log space. The owner p i may also have duration ix , if it has read the page X after writing on it. Another process which implicitly accesses the current version of X is the next owner. Since the next owner usually makes partial updates on the current version of the page, the current version has to be retrieved in case of the next owner's failure. Hence, when a process p k sends a write request to the current owner p i , it should attach its opnum k value, and on the receipt of the request, creates duration kx , in which first = last We here have to notice that the volatile logging of access information by the writer provides fast retrieval in case of a reader's failure. However, the information can totally be lost in case of the writer's failure since unlike the data page contents, the access information cannot be reconstructed after the failure. Hence, to cope with the concurrent failures which might occur at the writer and the readers, stable logging of the access information is required. When the writer p i makes the volatile log of access information, it should also save the same information into its stable log space, so that the readers' access information can be reconstructed after the writer fails. Figure 4 shows the way how the writer-based, invalidation-triggered logging protocol is executed incorporated with the sequential consistency protocol, for the system consisting of three processes . The symbol R ff (X) (or W ff (X)) in the figure denotes the read (or the write) operation to data page X with the opnum value ff, and INV (X) denotes the invalidation of page X . In the figure, it is assumed that the data page X is initially owned by process p j . As it is noticed from the figure, the proposed logging scheme requires a small amount of extra information piggybacked on the write request message and invalidation acknowledgements. And, the volatile and the stable logging is performed only by the writer process and only at the invalidation time. Figure 4 also shows the contents of volatile and stable log storages at process p j . Note that the stable log of p j includes only the access information, while the volatile log includes the contents of page X in addition to the access information. By delaying the page logging until the invalidation time, the readers' access information can be collected without any extra communication. Moreover, the logging of access duration for multiple readers can be performed with one stable storage access. Though the amount of access information is small, Read Request Read Request Request Write Invalidate Invalidate Invalidate Invalidate Ownership (1) (i, j:1, 1, 1) Read-Only Copy of Copy of Read-Only Figure 4: An Example of Writer-Based, Invalidation-Triggered Logging frequent accesses to the stable storage may severely degrade the system performance. Hence, it is very important to reduce the logging frequency with the invalidation-triggered logging. However, the invalidation-triggered logging may cause some data pages accessed by readers but not yet invalidated to have no log entries. For those pages, a reader process cannot retrieve the log entries, when it re-executes the computation due to a failure. Such a data page, however, can be safely re-fetched from the current owner even after the reader's failure, since a data page accessed by multiple readers cannot be invalidated unless every reader sends the invalidation acknowledgement back. That is, the data pages currently valid in the system are not necessary to be logged. The sequential consistency protocol incorporated with the writer-based, invalidation-triggered logging is formally presented in Figure 5 and Figure 6, in which the bold faced codes are the ones added for the logging protocol. 4.2 Semantic-Based Optimization Every invalidated data page and its access information, however, are not necessary to be logged, considering the semantics of the data page access. Some data pages accessed can be reproduced during the recovery and some access duration can implicitly be estimated from other logged access information. When p i reads a data page X: If Send Read-Request(X) to Owner(X); Wait for Page(X); If (Not-Exist(duration ix duration ix .pid=pid duration ix .version=version x ; duration ix .first=opnum i +1; duration ix .last=0; When receives Read-Request(X) from Send Page(X) to Figure 5: Writer-Based, Invalidation-Triggered Logging Protocol In the semantic-based logging strategy, some unnecessary logging points are detected based on the data page access pattern, and the logging at such points are avoided or delayed. This logging strategy can further reduce the frequency of the stable logging activity and also reduce the amount of data pages logged in the volatile storage. First of all, the data pages with no remote access need not to be logged. A data page with no remote access means that the page is read and invalidated locally, without creating any dependency relation. For example, in Figure 7, process p i first fetches the data page X from p j and creates a new version of X with an identifier (i:1). This version of the page is locally read for R 2 (X) and R 3 (X), and invalidated for W 4 (X). However, when the version (i:1) of X is invalidated due to the operation W 4 (X), p i need not log the contents of page X and the access duration (i,i:1,2,4). The reason is that during the recovery of p i , the version (i:1) of X can be regenerated by the operation W 1 (X) and the access duration (i,i:1,2,4) can be estimated as the duration between W 1 (X) and W 4 (X). The next version (i:4) of page X , however, need to be logged when it is invalidated due to the operation W 2 (X) of p j , since the operation W 2 (X) When p i writes on a data page X: If Send (Write-Request(X) and opnum i ) to Owner(X); Wait for Page(X); Else If (Copy-Set(X) 6= OE) f Send Invalidation(X) to Every p k 2 Copy-Set(X); Wait for Invalidation-ACK(X) from Every p k 2 Copy-Set(X); duration x =[ k2Copy\GammaSet(X) duration Save (version x , Page(X), duration x ) into Volatile-Log; Flush (version x , duration x ) into Stable-Log; Write Page(X); version x =pid i :opnum When receives (Write-Request(X) and opnum j ) from Send Invalidation(X) to Every p k 2 Copy-Set(X); Wait for Invalidation-ACK(X) from Every p k 2 Copy-Set(X); duration x =[ k2Copy\GammaSet(X) duration duration jx .pid=pid duration jx .version=version x ; duration jx .first=duration jx .last=opnum j +1; duration x =duration x [ duration jx ; Save (version x , Page(X), duration x ) into Volatile-Log; Flush (version x , duration x ) into Stable-Log; Send Page(X) and Ownership(X) to When duration ix .last=opnum Send (Invalidation-ACK(X) and duration ix ) to Owner(X); Figure Invalidation-Triggered Logging Protocol (Continued) Figure 7: An Example of Local Data Accesses of implicitly requires the remote access of the version (i:4). By eliminating the logging of local data pages, the amount of logged data pages in the volatile log space and also the access frequency to the stable log space can significantly be reduced. However, such elimination may cause some inconsistency problems as shown in Figure 8, if it is integrated with the invalidation-triggered logging. Suppose that process p i in the figure should roll back after its failure. For the consistent recovery, p i has to perform the recomputation up to W 4 (X). Otherwise, an orphan message case happens between p i and p j . However, p i performed its last logging operation before W 2 (X) and there is no log entry up to W 4 (X). If p i has no dependency with p j , then it does not matter whether p i rolls back to W 2 (X) or to W 4 (X). However, due to the dependency with p j , process p i has to perform the recomputation at least up to the point at which the dependency has been formed. To record the opnum value up to which a process has to recover, each process p i in the system maintains an n-integer array, called an operation counter vector(OCV ), where n is the number of processes in the system (OCV [n])). The i-th entry, V i [i], denotes the current opnum value of denotes the last opnum value of p j on which p i 's current computation is dependent. This notation is similar to the causal vector proposed in [18]. Hence, when a process p j transfers a data page to another process p i , it sends its current OCV j value with the page. The receiver updates its OCV i by taking the entry-wise maximum value of the received vector and its own vector, as follows: For example, in Figure 8, when p i sends the data page X and its version identifier (i;4) to p j , it sends its with the page and then p j updates its OCV j as (4; 2; 0). When p j sends the data page Y and its version identifier (j:3) to p k , OCV sent with the page, and OCV k is Failure Logging Figure 8: An Example of Operation Counter Vectors updated as OCV 1). As a result, each V i [j] in OCV i indicates the last operation of process p j on which process p i 's current computation is directly or transitively dependent. Hence, when p j performs a rollback recovery, it has to complete the recomputation at least up to the point V i [j] to yield consistent states between p i and p j . Another data access pattern to be considered for the logging optimization is a sequence of write operations performed on a data page, as shown in Figure 9. Processes l , in the figure, sequentially write on a data page X , however, the written data is read only by R 2 (X) of p l . This access pattern means that the only explicit dependency relation which occurred in the system is W l . Even though there is no explicit dependency between any of the write operations shown in the figure, the write precedence order between those operations is very important, since the order indicates the possible dependency relation explained in Section 3 and it also indicates which process should become the current owner of the page after the recovery. To reduce the frequency of stable logging without violating the write precedence order, we suggest the delayed stable logging of some precedence orders. In the delayed stable logging, the volatile logging of a data page and its access duration is performed as described before, however, the stable logging is not performed when a data page having no copy-set is invalidated. Instead, the information regarding the precedence order between the current owner of the page and its next owner is attached into the data page transferred to the next owner. Since the new owner maintains the unlogged precedence order information, the correct recomputation of its precedent can be performed as long as the new owner survives. Now, suppose that the new owner and its precedent fail concurrently. If the new owner fails without making any new dependent after the write, arbitrary recomputation may not cause any inconsistency problem between the new owner and its precedent. Pl Figure 9: An Example of Write Precedence Order However, if it fails making new dependents after the write, the correct recovery may not be possible. Hence, a process maintaining the unlogged precedence order information should perform the stable logging before it creates any dependent process. For example, in Figure 9, p i does not perform stable logging when it invalidates page X . Instead, maintains the precedence information, such as (i:1) ! (j:1), and performs stable logging when it transfers page X to p k . At this time, the precedence order between p j and p k , (j:1) ! (k:1), can also be stably logged together. Hence, the page X transferred from p j to p k need not carry the precedence relation between p j and p k . As a result, the computation shown in Figure 9 requires at most two stable logging activities, instead of four stable logging activities. 5 The Recovery Protocol For the consistent recovery, two log structures are used. The volatile log is mainly used for the recovering process to perform the consistent recomputation, and the stable log is used to reconstruct the volatile log to tolerate multiple failures. In addition to the data logging, independent checkpointing is periodically performed by each process to reduce the recomputation time. 5.1 Checkpointing and Garbage Collection To reduce the amount of recomputation in case of a failure, each process in the system periodically takes a checkpoint. A checkpoint of a process p i includes the intermediate state of the process, the current value of opnum i and OCV i , and the data pages which p i currently maintains. When a process takes a new checkpoint, it can safely discard its previous checkpoint. The checkpointing activities among the related processes need not be performed in a coordinated manner. A process, however, has to be careful in discarding the stable log contents saved before the new checkpoint, since any of those log entries may still be requested by other dependent processes. Hence, for each checkpoint, C ff , of a process p i , p i maintains a logging vector, say LV i;ff . The j th entry of the vector, denoted by LV i;ff [j], indicates the largest opnum j value in duration jx logged before the corresponding checkpoint. When a process p j takes a new checkpoint and the recomputation before that checkpoint is no longer required, it sends its current opnum j value to the other processes. Each process periodically compares the received opnum j value with the LV i;ff [j] value of each checkpoint C ff . When for every p j in the system, the received opnum j becomes larger than LV i;ff [j], process p i can safely discard the log information saved before the checkpoint, C ff . 5.2 Rollback-Recovery The recovery of a single failure case is first discussed. For a process p i to be recovered from a failure, a recovery process for i , is first created and it sets p i 's status as recovering. Process p 0 broadcasts the log collection message to all the other processes in the system. On the receipt of the log collection message, each process p j replies with the i-th entry of its OCV j , V j [i]. Also, for any data page X which is logged at p j and accessed by p i , the logged entry of duration ix and the contents of page are attached to the reply message. When p 0 collects the reply messages from all the processes in the system, it creates its recovery log by arranging the received duration ix in the order of duration ix .first and also arranging the received data pages in the corresponding order. Process p 0 then selects the maximum value among the collected V j [i] entries, where sets the value as p i 's recovery point. Since all the other processes in the system, except p i , are in the normal computational status, p 0 can collect the reply messages from all of them, and the selected recovery point of p i indicates the last computational state of p i on which any process in the system is dependent. Also, the constructed recovery log for p i includes every remote data page that p i has accessed before the failure. The recovery process then restores the computational state from the last checkpoint of p i and from the restored state, process begins the recomputation. The restored state includes the same set of active data pages which were residing in the main memory when the checkpoint was taken. The value of opnum i is also set as the same one of the checkpointing time. During the recomputation, process p i maintains a variable, Condition Action and Read(X) or Write Page(X) duration ix .last Read Request(X) to Owner(X) .last Invalidate(X) Read Request(X) to Owner(X) recovery log Table 1: Retrieval of Data Pages during the Recomputation called which is the value of duration ix .first for the first entry of the recovery log, and Next i indicates the time to fetch the next data page from the recovery log. The read and write operations for p i 's recomputation are performed as follows: For each read or first increments its opnum i value by one, and then compares opnum i with Next i . If they are matched, the first entry of the recovery log including the contents of the corresponding page and its duration ix is moved to the active data page space. Then, the operation is performed on the new page and any previous version of the page is now removed from the active data page space. The new version of the page is used for the read and write operations until opnum i reaches the value of duration ix .last. For some read and write operations, data pages created during the recomputation need to be used because of the logging optimization. Hence, if a new version of a data page X is created by a write operation and the corresponding log entry is not found in the recovery log, the page must be kept in the active data page space and the duration ix .last is set as the infinity. This version of page X can be used until the next write operation on X is performed or a new version of X is retrieved from the recovery log. Sometimes, when p i reads a data page X , it may face the situation that a valid version of X is not found in the active data page space and it is not yet the time to fetch the next log entry (opnum Next i ). This situation occurs for a data page which has been accessed by p i before its failure, but, has not been invalidated. Note that such a page has not been logged since the current version is still valid. In this case, the current version of page X must be re-fetched from the current owner. Hence, when p i reads a data page X , it has to request the page X from the current owner, if it does not have any version of X in the active data page space, or, the duration ix .last value for page X in the active data page space is less than opnum i . In both cases, opnum i must be less than Next i . Any previous version of page X has to be invalidated after receiving a new version. The retrieval and the invalidation activities of data pages during the recomputation are summarized in Table 1. The active data page space is abbreviated to ADPS in the table. During the recomputation, process p i also has to reconstruct the volatile log contents which were maintained before the failure, for the recovery of other dependent processes. The access information of volatile log can be retrieved from its stable log contents while p 0 i is waiting for the reply messages after sending out the log collection requests. However, the data pages which were saved in the volatile log must be created during the recomputation. Hence, for each write operation, p i logs the contents of the page with its version identifier if the corresponding access information entry is found in the volatile log. In any case, the write operation may cause the invalidation of the previous version of the page in the active data page space, however, it does not issue any invalidation messages to the other processes during the recomputation. When opnum i reaches the selected recovery point, p i changes its status from recovering to normal and resumes the normal computation. Now, we extend the protocol to handle the concurrent recoveries from the multiple failures. While a process p i (or p 0 performs the recovery procedure, another process p j in the system can be in the failed state or it can also be in the recovering status. If p j is in the failed state, it cannot reply back to the log collection message of p 0 i has to wait until p j wakes up. However, if p j is in the recovering status, it should not make p i wait for its reply since in such a case, both of p i and p j must end up with a deadlocked situation. Hence, any message sent out during the recovering status must carry the recovery mark to be differentiated from the normal ones, and such a recovery message must be taken care of without blocking, whether the message is for its own recovery or related to the recovery of another process. However, any normal message, such as the read/write request or the invalidation message, need not be delivered to a process in the recovering status, since the processing of such a message during the recovery may violate the correctness of the system. When in the recovering status receives a log collection message from another process p 0 reconstructs the access information part of p i 's volatile log from the stable log contents, if it has not done it, yet. It then replies with the duration jx entries logged at p i to p j . Even though the access information can be restored from the stable log contents, the data pages which were contained in the volatile log may have not yet been reproduced. Hence, for each duration jx sent to records the value of duration jx .version and the corresponding data page should be sent to p j later as p i creates the page during the recomputation. Process p j begins the recomputation as the access information is collected from every process in the system. As a result, for every data page logged before the failure, the corresponding log entry, duration ix , can be retrieved from the recovery log, however, the corresponding data page X may not exist in the recovery log when the process p i begins the recomputation. Note that in this case, the writer of the corresponding page may also be in the recovery procedure. Hence, p i has to wait until the writer process sends the page X during the recomputation or it may send the request for the page X using the duration ix .version. In the worst case, if two processes p i and p j concurrently execute the recomputation, the data pages must be re-transferred between two processes as they have been done before the failure. However, there cannot occur any deadlocked situation, since the data transfer exactly follows the scenario described by the access information in the recovery log and the scenario must follow the sequentially consistent memory model. Before the recovery process p i begins its normal computation, it has to reconstruct two more informa- tion: One is the current operation counter vector and the other is the data page directory. The operation counter vector can be reconstructed from the vector values received from other processes in the system. For each V i [j] value, p i can use the value V j [i] retrieved from process p j , and for V i [i] value, it can use its current opnum i value. The directory includes the ownership and the copy-set information for each data page it owns. The checkpoint of p i contains the ownership information of the data pages it has owned at the time of checkpointing. Hence, during the recomputation, p i can reconstruct its current ownership information as follows: When p i performs a write operation on a data page, it records the ownership of the page on the directory. When p i reads a new data page from the log, it invalidates the ownership of that page since the logging means the invalidation. However, the copy-set of the data pages the process owns can not be obtained. Since the copy-set information is for future invalidation of the page, the process can put all the processes into the copy-set. 6 The Correctness Now, we prove the correctness of the proposed logging and recovery protocols. Lemma 1: The recovery point selected under the proposed recovery protocol is consistent. Proof: We prove the lemma by a contradiction. Suppose that a process p i recovering from a failure selects an inconsistent recovery point, say R must have produced a data page X with version x =i:k, where k ? R i , and there must be another process p j alive in the system, which have read that page. This means that V j [i] of p j must be larger than or equal to k. Since R i is selected as the maximum value among the V k [i] values collected, R contradiction occurs. 2 Lemma 2: Under the proposed logging protocol, a log exists for every data access point prior to the selected recovery point. Proof: For any data access point, if the page used has been transferred from another process, either it was logged before it has been transferred (the remote write case) or it is logged when the page is invalidated (the remote read case). If a data page locally generated is used for a data access point, either a log is created for the page when the page is invalidated (the remote invalidation case) or the log contents can be calculated from the next write point (the local invalidation case). In any case, the page which has not been invalidated before the failure can be retrieved from the current owner. Therefore, for any data access point, the log of the data page can either be found in the recovery log or calculated from other log contents. 2 Theorem 1: A process recovers to a consistent recovery line under the proposed logging and recovery protocols. Proof: Under the proposed recovery protocol, a recovering process selects a consistent recovery point (Lemma 1), and the logging protocol ensures that for every data access point prior to the selected recovery point, a data log exists (Lemma 2). Therefore, the process recovers to a consistent recovery line. 2 7 The Performance Study To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, two sets of experiments have been performed. A simple trace-driven simulator has been built to examine the logging behavior of various parallel programs running on the DSM system, and then the logging protocols have been implemented on top of CVM system to measure the effects of logging under the actual system environments. Figure 10: Comparison of the Logging Amount (Synthetic Traces) 7.1 Simulation Results A trace-driven simulator has been built and the following logging protocols have been simulated: Shared-access tracking(SAT)[23] : Each process logs the data pages transferred for read and write operations, and also logs the access information of the pages. Each process logs the data pages produced by itself, and also, for the data pages accessed, it logs the access information of the pages. In both of the SAT and the RWL schemes, the data pages and the related information are first saved in the volatile storage and logged into the stable storage when the process creates new dependency by transferring a data page. Write-triggered logging(WTL) : This is what we propose in this paper. The simulation has been run with two different sets of traces: One is the traces synthetically generated using random numbers and the other is the execution traces of some parallel programs. First, for the simulation, a model with 10 processes is used and the workload is randomly generated by using three random numbers for the process number, the read/write ratio, and the page number. One simulation run consists of 100,000 workload records and the simulation was repeated with various Figure 11: Comparison of the Logging Frequency (Synthetic Traces) read/write ratios and locality values. The read/write ratio indicates the proportion of read operations to total operations. The read/write ratio 0.9 means that 90% of operations are reads and 10% are writes. The locality is the ratio of memory accesses which are satisfied locally. The locality 0.9 means that 90% of the data accesses are for the local pages. The simulation results with the synthetic traces are the ones which most well show the effects of logging for the various application program types. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the effects of the read/write ratio and the locality of the application program on the number of logged data pages and the frequency of stable logging, respectively. The number in the parenthesis of the legend indicates the locality. In SAT scheme, after each data page miss, the logging of the newly transferred page is required. Hence, as the write ratio increases, the large number of data pages become invalidated and the large number of page misses can occur. As a result, the number of logged pages and also the logging frequency are increased. However, as the locality increases, the higher portion of the page accesses can be satisfied locally, and hence the number of data pages to be logged and the logging frequency can be decreased. In the RWL scheme, the number of logged data pages is directly proportional to the write ratio and the number is not affected by the locality, since each write operation requires the logging. However, the Figure 12: Comparison of the Logging Amount (Parallel Program Traces) stable logging under this scheme is performed when the process creates a new dependent as in the SAT scheme, and hence, the logging frequency of the RWL scheme shows the performance which is similar to the one of the SAT scheme. Comparing the SAT scheme with the RWL scheme, the performance of the SAT scheme is better when both the write ratio and the locality are high, since in such environments, there has to be a lot of logging for the local writes in the RWL scheme. As for the WTL scheme, only the pages being updated are logged and the logging is performed only at the owners of the data pages. Compared with the SAT scheme in which every process in the copy-set performs the logging, the number of logged data pages is much smaller and the logging frequency is much lower in the WTL scheme. Also, in the WTL scheme, there is no logging for the data page with no remote access and some logging of the write-write precedence order can be delayed. Hence, the WTL scheme shows much smaller number of logged data pages and much lower logging frequency compared with the RWL scheme, in which the logging is performed for every write operation. Furthermore, the logging of data pages for the SAT scheme and the RWL scheme require the stable storage, while for the scheme, the volatile storage can be used for the logging. To further validate our claim, we have also used real multiprocessor traces for the simulation. The traces contain references produced by a 64-processor MP, running the following four programs: FFT, Figure 13: Comparison of the Logging Frequency (Parallel Program Traces) SPEECH, SIMPLE and WEATHER. Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the simulation results using the parallel program traces. In Figure 12, for the programs, FFT, SIMPLE and WEATHER, the SAT scheme shows the worst performance, because those programs may contain the large number of read operations and the locality of those reads must be low. However, for the program, SPEECH, the RWL scheme shows the worst performance, because the program contains a lot of local write operations. In all cases, the WTL scheme consistently shows the best performance for the amount of the log. Also, considering the logging frequency shown in Figure 13, for all programs, the WTL scheme shows the lowest frequency. From the simulation results, we can conclude that our new scheme(WTL) consistently reduces the number of data pages that have to be logged and also the frequency of the stable storage accesses, compared with the other schemes(SAT,RWL). The reduction is more than 50% in most of the cases and it is shown in both synthetic and parallel program traces. 7.2 Experimental Results To examine the performance of the proposed logging protocol under the actual system environments, the proposed logging protocol (WTL) and the protocol proposed in [23] (SAT) have been implemented on top of a DSM system. In order to implement the sequentially consistent DSM system, we use Application Logging Execution Logging Amount of Logged Number of Program Scheme Time (sec.) Overhead(%) Information (Bytes) Stable Logging Table 2: Experimental Results the CVM(Coherent Virtual Machine) package [12], which supports the sequential consistency memory model, as well as the lazy release consistency memory models. CVM is written using C++ and well modularized and it was pretty straightforward to add the logging scheme. The basic high level classes are CommManager class and Msg class which handle the network operation, MemoryManager class which handles the memory management, and Page class and DiffDesc class handling the page management. The protocol classes such as LMW, LSW and SEQ inherit the high level classes and support operations according to each protocol. We have modified the subclasses in SEQ to implement the logging protocols. We ran our experiments using four SPARCsystem-5 workstations connected through 10Mbps ethernet. For the experiments, four application programs, such as FFT, SOR, TSP, WATER, have been run. Table 2 summarizes the experimental results. The amount of logged information in Table 2 denotes the amount of data pages and access information which should be logged in the stable storage. For the SAT scheme, the data pages with the size of 4K bytes and the access information should be logged, whereas for the WTL scheme, only the access information is logged. Hence, the amount of information logged in the WTL scheme is only 0.01%-0.5% of the one logged in the SAT scheme. The number of stable logging in the table indicates the frequency of disk access for logging. The experimental results show that the logging frequency in the WTL scheme Figure 14: Comparison of the Logging Overhead is only 57%-66% of the one in the SAT scheme. In addition to the amount of logged information and the logging frequency, we have also measured the total execution times of the parallel programs under each logging scheme and without logging to compare the logging overhead. The logging overhead in Table 2 indicates the increases in the execution time under each protocol compared to the execution time under no logging environment, and the comparison of the logging overhead is also depicted in Figure 14. As shown in the table, the SAT scheme requires 20%-189% logging overhead, whereas the WTL scheme requires 5%-85% logging overhead. Comparing these two schemes, the WTL scheme achieves 55%-75% of reduction in the logging overhead compared to the SAT scheme. One reason of such reduction is the low logging frequency imposed by the WTL scheme, and the small amount of log information written under the WTL scheme can also be another reason. However, considering the fact that the increases in the amount of data pages written per each disk access do not cause much increases in the disk access time, the 75% reduction in the logging overhead may require another explanation. One possible explanation is the cascading delay due to the disk access time; that is, the stable logging delays the progress of not only the process which performs the logging, but also the one waiting for the data transfer from the process. Overall, the experimental results show that the WTL scheme reduces the amount of logged information and the logging frequency compared to the SAT scheme, and they also show that in the actual system environment, more reductions on the total execution time can be achieved. Conclusions In this paper, we have presented a new message logging scheme for the DSM systems. The message logging has been usually performed when a data page is transferred for a read operation so that the process does not have to affect other processes in case of the failure recovery. However, the logging to the stable storage always incurs some overhead. To reduce such overhead, the logging protocol proposed in this paper untilizes two-level log structure; the data pages and their access information are logged into the volatile storage of the writer process and only the access information is duplicated into the stable storage to tolerate multiple failures. The usage of two-level log structure can speed up the logging and also the recovery procedures with the higher reliability. The proposed logging protocol also utilizes two characteristics of the DSM system. One is that not all the data pages read and written have to be logged. A data page needs to be logged only when it is invalidated by the overwriting. The other is that the data page accessed by multiple processes need not be logged at every process site. By one responsible process logging the data page and the related information, the amount of the logging overhead can be substantially reduced. From the extensive experiments, we have compared the proposed scheme with other existing schemes and concluded that the proposed scheme always enforces much low logging overhead and the reduction in the logging overhead is more profound when the processes have more reads than writes. Since disk logging slows down the normal operation of the processes, we believe that parallel applications would greatly benefit from our new logging scheme. --R Implementing and programming causal distributed shared memory. Causal memory. The performance of consistent checkpointing in distributed shared memory systems. Network multicomputing using recoverable distributed shared memory. Distributed snapshot: Determining global states of distributed systems. Lightweight logging for lazy release consistent distributed shared memory. Coordinated checkpointing-rollback error recovery for distributed shared memory multicomputers Relaxing consistency in recoverable distributed shared memory. Reducing interprocessor dependence in recoverable shared memory. Implementation of recoverable distributed shared memory by logging writes. CVM: The Coherent Virtual Machine. A recoverable distributed shared memory integrating coherence and recoverability. How to make a multiprocessor computer that correctly executes multiprocess pro- grams Shared virtual memory on loosely coupled multiprocessors. Distributed shared memory: A survey of issues and algorithms. Reliability issues in computing system design. The causal ordering abstraction and a simple way to implement it. Algorithms implementing distributed shared memory. Fault tolerant distributed shared memory. Reduced overhead logging for rollback recovery in distributed shared memory. Fast recovery in distributed shared virtual memory systems. Recoverable distributed shared memory. --TR --CTR Taesoon Park , Inseon Lee , Heon Y. Yeom, An efficient causal logging scheme for recoverable distributed shared memory systems, Parallel Computing, v.28 n.11, p.1549-1572, November 2002
rollback-recovery;checkpointing;distributed shared memory system;fault tolerant system;message logging
Interval routing schemes allow broadcasting with linear message-complexity (extended abstract).
The purpose of compact routing is to provide a labeling of the nodes of a network, and a way to encode the routing tables so that routing can be performed efficiently (e.g., on shortest paths) while keeping the memory-space required to store the routing tables as small as possible. In this paper, we answer a long-standing conjecture by showing that compact routing can also help to perform distributed computations. In particular, we show that a network supporting a shortest path interval routing scheme allows to broadcast with an O(n) message-complexity, where n is the number of nodes of the network. As a consequence, we prove that O(n) messages suffice to solve leader-election for any graph labeled by a shortest path interval routing scheme, improving therefore the O(m previous known bound.
INTRODUCTION This paper addresses a problem originally formulated by D. Peleg, and that can be informally summarized as follows: \Does networks supporting shortest path compact routing schemes present specic ability in term of distributed com- putation? E.g., broadcasting, leader-election, etc." This pa- Part of this work has been done while the third author was visiting the Computer Science Department of University Paris-Sud at LRI, supported by the Australian-French ARC/CNRS cooperation #99N92/0523 y Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, B^at. 490, Univ. Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France. Additional support by the CNRS. z Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique, Univ. Bordeaux I, 33405 Talence cedex, France. Additional support by the Aquitaine Region project #98024002. x Department of Computing, Division of ICS, Macquarie Univ., Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia. per answers by the a-rmative, by showing that n-node networks supporting interval routing schemes [26, 27] (IRS for allow broadcasting with O(n) message-complexity. More formally, a network E) (in this paper, by network, we will always mean a connected undirected graph without loop and multiple edge) supports an IRS if the nodes of that network can be labeled from 1 to in such a way that the following is satised: given any node x 2 V of degree d, there is a set of d intervals one for each edge ed incident to x, such that (1) V n implies that there is a shortest path from x to y passing through the edge e i . So, IRS is a shortest path routing table having the property that the set of destination-addresses using a given link is a consecutive set of integers. IRS is a famous technique for the purpose of compact routing since a network of maximum degree and supporting an IRS has its routing table of size O( log n) bits, to be compared with the (n log ) bits of a routing table returning, for every destination, the output port corresponding to that destination. For more about IRS, we refer to [6, 10, 17, 19, 21, 22], and to [16] for a recent survey. For more about compact routing in general, we refer to [12, 13, 14, 18, 20, On the other hand, broadcasting is the information dissemination problem which consists, for an arbitrary node of a network, to send a same message to all the other nodes. The message-complexity of broadcasting lies between n) since, on one hand, the reception of the message by every node but the source requires at least messages, and, on the other hand, broadcasting can always be performed by ooding the network, that is, upon reception of the message, every node forwards that message through all its incident edges (apart the one on which it has received the message). Better upper and lower bounds can be derived as a function of the knowledge of the nodes of the network (e.g., see [1, 2, 4]), and of the maximal size of the message-headers (e.g., see [24]). In the following, the only knowledge of every node is its label in some IRS, and the intervals attached to its incident edges in the same IRS. The size of each message-header transmitted by our broadcasting protocol is dlog 2 ne bits. The relationship between IRS and broadcasting was previously investigated. For instances, van Leeuwen and Tan [27] proved that minimum spanning tree construction, and therefore broadcasting, and other related distributed problems such as leader-election can be solved by exchanging O(n) messages in a ring labeled by an IRS, and O(m+n) messages for arbitrary graphs labeled by an IRS. Recall that leader- election without any network knowledge requires (n log n) messages for a ring, and (m+n log n) messages for an arbitrary graph [15]. More generally, the question of how much a labeling can help in the solution of distributed problems was studied in [8, 9] in the framework of Sense of Direction It was shown in [5] that the message-complexity of the broadcast problem is n 1 in the restricted class of networks supporting all-shortest-path IRS (an IRS where all the shortest paths are represented) with additional restrictions on the intervals (strictness and linearity). Finally, de la Torre, Narayanan and Peleg [3] showed that the same result holds in IRS networks satisfying the so-called ssr-tree prop- erty. (Informally, this property states that, for any node x, the set of paths induced by the IRS originated at x, and ending at all the other nodes, is a tree.) In this paper, we improve these results by showing that a network supporting standard shortest path IRS supports a broadcast protocol of message-complexity (n). Our result has many consequences on other problems, such as leader-election or distributed spanning tree. For instance Korach et al. [23] have shown that the leader-election problem can be solved using (b(n)+n)(log b(n) is the message-complexity of broadcasting in an n-node networks. Therefore, n-node networks supporting shortest path IRS allow the leader-election problem to be solved with O(n log n) message-complexity (instead of O(m+n log n) for arbitrary networks). In fact, we prove that O(n) messages su-ce to solve leader-election for any graphs labeled by a shortest path IRS (see [11] for a proof), improving therefore the O(m+n) previous bound of van Leeuwen and Tan [27]. The paper is organized according to several hypotheses on the IRS. These hypotheses will be relaxed while going further and further in the paper. We can indeed distinguish two types of intervals: an interval [a; b a is said to be linear, whereas an interval [a; b] with b < a refers to the set bg, and is said to be cyclic. The class of networks supporting linear IRS (LIRS for short), that is such that all intervals of the IRS are lin- ear, is strictly included in the class of networks supporting an IRS which possibly includes cyclic intervals. We can also distinguish the case V I i for every node x, from the case in which x appears in the interval of one of its incident edges, for at least one node x. In the former case, the IRS is said to be strict. Hence we get four types of interval routing schemes: IRS, LIRS, strict IRS, and strict LIRS. The following section presents some preliminary re- sults. Section 3 is dedicated to networks supporting strict LIRS. Sections 4 and 5 then successively relax the strictness requirement and the linearity requirement, in order to present our main result given in Theorem 1. 2. PRELIMINARY RESULTS In this section, we will present a distributed broadcast protocol for a network supporting an IRS. This protocol is very simple though very e-cient since its message-complexity will be shown to be at most O(n). It is called the up/down protocol. The second part of the section presents tools for the analysis of this protocol. 2.1 The up/down broadcast protocol Let be the source of the broadcast, identied by its label in the IRS. The source initiates the broadcast by sending two copies of the message, one destinated to node 1, and the other destinated to node + 1. The latter copy is called the \up" copy whereas the former is called the \down" copy. (Obviously, if source sends only one copy.) There will be at most two copies of the message circulating in the network. Let us concentrate on the up copy destinated to +1. The message will eventually reach by the shortest path set by the IRS. It may possibly cross intermediate nodes, but these nodes will just forward the message to its destination stored in the message- header, without taking care of its content. Once the node receives the message, it reads its content, modies the header by replacing the node labeled 2. More generally, once a node labeled receives the message destinated to x, it reads its content, modies the header by replacing x by x and forwards it toward the node labeled x + 1. When the node labeled n receives the message, it reads its content, and removes it from the network. The same strategy is applied for the down copy, by replacing x until it reaches node labeled 1 which reads its content and removes it from the network. Again, at every given time, a copy of the message is destinated to only one specic node, called the target, and when a node dierent from that target receives the message, it does not take the opportunity to read its content, but just forwards the message to the target along the shortest path set by the IRS that leads to that target. Clearly, the message-complexity of the up/down protocol is equal to denotes the distance between the node labeled x and the node labeled y in G. Unfortunately, up to the knowledge of the authors, there is no good bounds on networks supporting IRS. Let us just point out that it is known [5] that for networks supporting all-shortest-path strict LIRS that is for networks such that the strict LIRS encodes all shortest paths. The class of networks supporting all-shortest-path strict LIRS is very restricted (see [16]), and, as we will see, only weaker results can be proved for (single shortest path) LIRS or IRS. Assume that the source is labeled 1, and let be the sequence of nodes visited by the message from its source w1 (labeled 1) to its nal destination w (labeled n). The same node may appear several times in W . However, a node x can only appear once as a target node, and thus the possible other occurrences of node x correspond to steps of the protocol in which x is traversed by a message destinated to a target node y 6= x. Let us complement the sequence W by two virtual nodes, These two nodes are not target nodes. More precisely, W can be as: is a maximal sequence of consecutive target nodes, and Y i , is the sequence of non target nodes between the last node of X i and the rst node of X i+1 . In particular, . The nodes of the Y i 's are called intermediate nodes. Notation. For every i, throughout the paper, we will always make use of the following the last node of X i , y the last node of Y i , and z the rst node of Y i . 2.2 Intermediate nodes sequences The next lemmas give some properties satised by the intermediate nodes in the Y i 's. These properties will be shown to be helpful to compute the message-complexity of the up/down protocol. Lemma 1. Let G be a network supporting a strict LIRS. x 1) be the shortest path from the node labeled x to the node labeled x to node labeled x 1) in a strict LIRS. Then u1 > u2 > > < vk 1 < x 1). Proof. Let I i be the interval of edge at We have x by denition of the path is the unique shortest from u i to u i+1 . On the other hand, by denition of the path because the LIRS is strict. Therefore, since the intervals are all linear, Similarly, one can show that Lemma 1 states that, in strict LIRS networks, once a target node x has received the message in the up (resp. down) protocol, no node of label smaller (resp. greater) or equal to x will be visited anymore. Corollary 1. In a network supporting a strict LIRS, ig. The next lemma analyzes the relationship between consecutive sequences of intermediate nodes. Its aim is to answer the following: given an intermediate node w i 2 W , where can we nd another intermediate node w j 2 W , j > i, whose label is smaller than the label of w i ? (Lemma 1 answers this question if w i is not the last node of an intermediate sequence Yr .) For any set of nodes S V , and any node u 2 V , we denote by d(u; S) the distance between u and S, that is below says that if w i is the last node of the sequence Yr 1 (i.e., d(w and if 'r > kr (i.e., jYr j > jXr j), then the (kr + 1)-th node of Yr is smaller than w i . In other words w 1). The look for such a w j when 'r kr is more complex. It depends mainly on the relative lengths of the Ys 's and Xs 's for s r. Lemma 2. Let G be a network supporting a strict LIRS, and let u be a node of G. Let r Assume that there exists s r such that ks every intermediate node w Proof. First note that implies that 's . Note also that implies that ks 2. Let us show by induction on i, that for every Note that Let I1 be the interval on the edge at xr , and, for i > 1, let I i be the interval on the edge . For every i 1, we have xr +1 2 I i , and I i . From Lemma 1, we also have u1 > > and u u ' r . Thus, since u i 2 I i , we get that u 2 I i for every Therefore, a shortest path from xr to u goes through . As a consequence 'r Assume now that d(u; y some i, r i < s 1, and let us show that d(u; y i+1) (- 1)+ For the same reasons as for the case we get that a shortest path from the last node x i+1 of X i+1 to u goes through all nodes of Y i+1 . We get that and thus d(u; y i+1) (- 1)+ the proof of Equation 2. A consequence of Equation 2 is that ks So now, let I1 be the interval on edge (xs ; v1 ) at xs , and, be the interval on edge (v and thus, d(u; xs) > 1, a contradiction. Thus u v i for some i 1, and therefore u > v by Lemma 1. This completes the proof of Lemma 2. Now, we know enough to start the analysis of the up/down protocol. 3. STRICT LINEAR INTERVAL ROUTING SCHEMES In this section, we show that the message-complexity of the up/down protocol is at most 3n on a network of order n supporting a strict LIRS. 3.1 Partition: a sequence-decomposition algorith Assume rst that the source is the node 1. We make use of the sequence W as displayed in Equation 1. Since the total number of target nodes is n, we have n. Therefore, the aim of the rest of the proof is to bound the total number of intermediate nodes. For that purpose, we will partition the intermediate nodes of W in three types of (pairwise disjoint) subsequences. The result of this partition is called the sequence-decomposition. More precisely, the sequence-decomposition will be composed of an active path, of dead-end paths, and of jumped paths. The active path is built starting a walk from w0 up to w+1 . Along the construction of the sequence-decomposition, some parts of the active path become dead-end paths. At the end of the decomposition, the two extremities of the active path are w0 and w+1 , and the total number of nodes kept in the active path will be at most O(n). Also, at the end of the construction, the sum of the lengths of the dead-end paths, and the sum of the lengths of the jumped paths will be both bounded by O(n). Therefore, the total number of intermediate nodes will be O(n), and jW O(n). A careful analysis of the constants will actually show that jW j 3n. The sequence-decomposition is performed by visiting all intermediate nodes of the sequence W from w0 to w+1 , constructing in this way the active path. One may \jump" over some intermediate nodes if the length of the jump can be bounded by the number of jumped targets. The result of a jump is a jumped path. One may also backtrack along the active path for a bounded number of nodes. The result of a backtrack is a dead-end path. The decomposition requires two parameters: the mark m, and the direction d. The role of the mark is to keep in mind the progression along the sequence W . In general, the mark indicates the current position, or, more precisely, the index i of the current set Y i . The mark is an important parameter because of the backtracks. When a backtrack occurs, the mark is set to remember the current maximum position ever reached. The direction indicates whether a backtrack recently occurred. In that case Initially, the active path is reduced to w0 , and there is neither a dead-end path nor a jumped path. The mark m is set to 0, and the direction is set to +1. The construction of the sequence-decomposition is precisely described in Algorithm 1. The explanations of the several steps of the construction are given below. In Case 1, the construction is currently visiting some Yr . While the last node of this sequence of intermediate nodes is not reached, the active path is updated by adding all the forthcoming nodes of the current sequence. Informally, from Lemma 1, the size of the active path will not increase too much since the labels of the nodes are in a strictly decreasing order. Case 2 happens in particular when the last node of the current sequence Yr is reached. The denition of s is motivated by Lemma 2. If s does not exist, the construction stops. If s does exist, then we make a jump in the sequence W as explained thereafter. (Note that, like in Lemma 2, In Case 2.1.1, we simply jump at the next intermediate node w whose label is smaller than the label of the current node. Case 2.1.2 can be seen as an extremal case Algorithm 1 One step of the construction of the sequence- decomposition for a strict LIRS The current active path is r be such that p t 2 Yr , and let Case 1: +1. Then the active path is updated to There is neither a new dead-end path nor a jumped path. The mark and the direction are not modied. Case 2: be the smallest index such that does not exist, then the active path is updated to there is no new dead-end path, all intermediate nodes between the last node of Ym and w +1 form a new jumped path, and the construction stops. If s exists, then let ks Assume that two cases are considered: Case 2.1: again two cases may occur. Case 2.1.1: There is an intermediate node w in Then pick the rst node w of that type. The active path is updated to intermediate nodes between the last node of Ym and w form a jumped path. Assume w 2 Y , then the mark m is set to . Case 2.1.2: For every intermediate node w in . Then the active path is updated to p0 ; all intermediate nodes between the last node of Ym and v forms a jumped path. The mark m is set to s. In both cases, there is no new dead-end path, and the direction d is set to +1. Case 2.2: . Then the direction d is set to 1. Let t 0 1g be the largest index such that p t forms a dead-end path. Assume > m+ 1, all intermediate nodes of [ 1 a jumped path. The mark m is updated to 1. of Case 2.1.1. We know from Lemma 2 that jumping at v is ne since the label of that node is smaller than the label of the current node p t . The mark is updated to contain the index of the sequence Y of intermediate nodes reached after the jump. Case 2.2 is a particular case because a backtrack occurs. This backtrack is motivated by the fact that one cannot nd an intermediate node with a label smaller that the label of p t . Informally, we backtrack along the active path reach a node p t 0 , t 0 < t, for which Lemma 2 can be applied. Note that t 0 is well dened since ng. Lemma 3. The construction of the sequence-decomposition given in Algorithm 1 produces a set of paths in which every intermediate node appears exactly once. The proof is based on the following claim. Claim 1. If Proof. This claim initially holds. Assume the claim holds before some step i, and consider the several cases of Algorithm 1. In Case 1, p t+1 will still be in Ym , and d will still be +1. In Case 2.1, the direction is set to +1 and by denition of the setting of the mark m in both Cases 2.1.1, and 2.1.2. Case 2.2 sets d to 1. So the claim holds after step i too. The proof of the lemma is then as follows: Proof. After every step i, let us dene m i as the resulting mark, and last node of Ym i otherwise. We claim that, at every step i, all intermediate nodes before appears exactly once in the sequence-decomposition. This claim initially holds. Assume it holds before step i. In Case 1, from Claim 1, q . The active path is upgraded by adding the next node of the sequence, thus the claim holds after step i. In Case 2.1, m i is set such that p t+1 2 Ym i , and thus q Every intermediate node between the last node of Ym that is q are put in a jumped path, so the claim holds after step i. In Case 2.2, some part of the active path becomes a dead-end path. By the setting of m i , all the intermediate nodes not yet assigned to any type of paths, that is all intermediate nodes in [ m i are put in a jumped path. Thus every intermediate node between q and q i are put in a jumped path. Therefore, after step i, all intermediate nodes before q i appears exactly once in the sequence-decomposition. We complete the proof of the lemma by noticing that, after every step, either the active path is increased, or a part of the active path is put in a dead-end path. By the setting of the mark, an intermediate-node put in a dead-end path or in a jumped path will not be considered anymore in the further steps. Therefore the construction of the sequence- decomposition of Algorithm 1 ends after a nite number of steps. 3.2 Message-complexity of the up/down pro- tocol From the sequence-decomposition algorithm, let us compute the message-complexity of the up/down protocol. Lemma 4. The number of intermediate nodes in the active path is at most n, excluding w0 and w+1 . More pre- cisely, the labels of the nodes of the active path, including w0 and w+1 , form a decreasing sequence in n Proof. To prove that lemma, let us go again through the several cases of a step of the decomposition. Let p t be the last node of the current active path. In Case 1, Lemma 1 insures that p t+1 < p t . In Case 2, if s does not exist, then the next node of the active path is which is smaller than every other nodes of the current active path. So, in the remaining of this proof, we assume that s does exist. Since Case 2.2 does not add new node to the active path, we focus on case 2.1. In Case 2.1.1, the new node added to the active path is, by denition, smaller than p t . In Case 2.1.2, v < p t by application of Lemma 2, which completes the proof of that lemma. Lemma 5. The number of nodes in the dead-end paths is at most n. Proof. A dead-end path is composed of a sequence of nodes that were formerly in the active path, and through which a backtrack occurred. Every backtrack is driven by a set of target nodes [ Similarly, let From Lemma 4, the number of nodes of the dead-end path corresponding to because the active path, traversed in the reverse direction, produced a sequence of nodes of increasing labels. Now, m is updated to 1 after the backtrack, and thus not be considered anymore for the counting of the number of nodes in the dead-end paths. X may be considered again in another dead-end path since m 0 can be equal to m. However, only the k i last nodes of X will be involved. As a consequence, the total number of nodes in dead-end paths is bounded by 2. Assume that two jumps J 0 and J successively occurred at x (that is J 0 occurred, and then later a backtrack led back to x, and J occurred). Let y and y 2 Y be the respective extremities of J 0 and J, and assume y be the setting of the mark and the distance when J Proof. By denition by the setting of m when backtracking through J 0 as On the other hand, by the same arguments as for Equation 2, d(y m 0 More generally, d(y which completes the proof of the claim. Lemma 6. The number of nodes in the jumped paths is at most n. Proof. As dead-end paths, the jumped paths are characterized by disjoint sets of target nodes of the form [ s Let us rst consider the jumped paths created by application of Case 2.1 of Algorithm 1. Assume that a jump J occurred between x 2 Yr , and y 2 Y , r < s. If < s, then the number of nodes of the jumped path is at most then assume that Thus, the number of nodes of the corresponding jumped path is at most (- 1)+ j. So, in any case, the number of nodes of the jumped path is at most (- setting corresponds to another jump J 0 occurred at x, say between x and y be respectively the value of the mark and of the distance when J 0 occurred. From Claim 2, we have On the other hand, the size of the jump at y 0 is It yields that the number of node for the two jumps is at most (- 0 1)+ can repeat for - 0 what we did for -, until we have considered all jumps that successively occurred at x. It yields that the total number of nodes of the set of jumped paths occurring at the same node x is at most contains the other extremity of the last jump occurred at x. The analysis is the same for the jumped paths created in Case 2.2 by proceeding as if the jump occurred between p t 0 and the last node of Y 1 (recall that p t 0 We conclude the proof by noticing that due to the setting of the mark m, no two jumps occur above the same set of target nodes, and therefore the total number of nodes is at most Combining Lemmas 4, 5, and 6 with Lemma 3 allows to conclude that the total number of intermediate nodes is at most 3n. We can actually improve this upper bound to 2n. Let x be the extremity of the active path when s cannot be dened, that is when nodes of the active path belong to [ % by application of Lemma 4. By application of the same lemma, the total number of nodes in the active path is at most j. Since the sets were not used to bound the total number of dead-end paths, we can conclude that the sum of the number of nodes in the active path plus the number of nodes in the dead-end paths is at most n. From all what precede, the total number of nodes in the sequence-decomposition, and therefore the total number of intermediate nodes, is at most 2n. Therefore, the total number of nodes in the sequence W is at most 3n, and hence the message-complexity of the up/down protocol is at most 3n. If the source node is not the node labeled 1, then let > 1 be the label of the source. From Lemma 1, the message complexity of the copy going upward is at most 3(n ) whereas the message-complexity of the copy going downward is at most 3. To summarize, we get: Property 1. The message-complexity of the up/down broadcast protocol is at most 3n in a network of order n supporting any strict LIRS. Note that K2;n 2 , the complete bipartite graph with one partition of size 2, and another partition of size n 2, supports a strict LIRS for which the up/down protocol uses messages. 4. LINEARINTERVALROUTINGSCHEMES The next lemma is a variant of Lemma 1 adapted to (non strict) LIRS networks. Lemma 7. Let G be a network supporting an LIRS. Let 1) be the shortest path from the node labeled x to the node labeled x+1 (resp. to node labeled x 1) in an LIRS. Then, for every i, k > i > 1, we have for every Proof. Let I i be the interval of edge at 1. By denition, we have x+1 2 I i , and u For I i (otherwise there would exist a shorter path from x to x More generally, if i 1, then I i for every j i 1. Therefore, since all the intervals are linear, u every 1. The result for the v i 's is obtained in a similar way. Corollary 2. In a network supporting an LIRS, ig. The dierence between Lemma 1 and Lemma 7 motivates the following adaptation of Lemma 2 for LIRS networks that are non necessarily strict. Lemma 8. Let G be a network supporting an LIRS, and let u be a node of G. Let r and assume that Assume that there exists s r such that r+1)+- for every s 0 , r s 0 < s. Let 2(s r)+-, and let . Assume that u > x for every for every intermediate node Proof. Note rst that, implies > ks 1, and implies 's 2. We proceed is a way similar to the proof of Lemma 2. We show that, for every r. The shortest path from zr to u set by the IRS goes through all nodes of Yr . Thus 'r 1 Therefore, Equation 3 holds for Assume Equation 3 holds for i, and let us show that it holds for 1. Again, the shortest path from z i+1 to u set by the IRS goes through all nodes of Y i+1 , and thus ' and hence d(y and Equation 3 holds for A consequence of Equation 3 is that ks Thus there is a node in v+1g such that v i u. Indeed, otherwise, the path set by the IRS from zs to u would go through thus would not be a shortest path. Let i be the smallest index in such that v i u. If i < +1, then v+2 < u from Lemma 7. and the result holds. In order to analyze the up/down protocol in networks supporting LIRS, we partition the sequence W in slightly different manner than in the previous section. The formal decomposition is given in Algorithm 2. The decomposition for LIRS actually looks very similar to the decomposition for strict LIRS. A fourth type of path is introduced: the auxiliary path. This path is motivated by the fact the active path will include one node every two, according to Lemma 7. Every node in between two nodes of the active path is dropped in the auxiliary path. Let us just mention some dierences appearing at every step of the sequence- decomposition. Case 1 is roughly the same as Case 1 in Algorithm 1, that is the decomposition uses the current intermediate sequence to construct the active path. The only modication is that one node every two is dropped in the auxiliary path, and that one may stop at u ' r 1 or u ' r . Therefore, Case 2 considers also the case if true, implies that u ' r is put in the auxiliary path. Case 2 also diers from Case 2 in Algorithm 1 by the denition of both s and . The new settings are adapted from the statement of Lemma 8. Otherwise, the general structure of the decomposition for LIRS is the same as Algorithm 1. We will show the following results. Firstly, the labels of the nodes of the active path form a non increasing sequence such that the number of times that p is at most %. Thus the number of intermediate nodes in the active path is at most n This result can be rened by showing that the number of nodes in dead-end paths or in the active path is at most direct consequence is that the number of nodes in the auxiliary path is at most n + % since the number of nodes in the auxiliary path does not exceed the number of nodes in the active path or in the dead-end path. The contribution of the jumped paths is a bit larger since the number of nodes in the jumped paths is at most n Therefore, Lemma 9. The number of intermediate nodes in the active path is at most n excluding w0 and w+1 . More precisely, the labels of the nodes of the active path form a non increasing sequence such that the number of times that p is at most %. Proof. From lemma 7, Case 1 insures that p In Case 2, if s does not exist, then p assume that s exists. There is no setting of the active path in Case 2.2. In case 2.1.1, a jump occurs and by denition. In case 2.1.2, a jump occurs too and p t+1 p t from Lemma 8. The number of jumps is at most %. Lemma 10. The number of nodes in dead-end paths or in the active path is at most n Proof. By similar arguments as in the proof of Lemma 5, and using the same notation, the number of nodes of a dead-end path corresponding to the sets is at most plus the number of jumps occurring in the portion p t 0 of W . It yields a total number of nodes in dead-end paths of at most Now, as we observed in the strict LIRS case, if x 2 [ % is the last node of the active path dierent from w+1 , then the total number of nodes in the active path is at most is the number of jumps of the nal active path. The sets were not used to enumerate the nodes in the dead-end paths, and the total number of jumps cannot exceed %. Therefore, the total number of nodes in the active path or in dead-end paths is at most n Lemma 11. The number of nodes in the auxiliary path is at most n Proof. This is a direct consequence of Lemma 10 since the number of nodes in the auxiliary path does not exceed the number of nodes in the active path or in the dead-end path. Indeed, at most one node is dropped in the auxiliary path for every node entering the active path. Some nodes formerly in the active path become member of a dead-end path. Lemma 12. The number of nodes in the jumped paths is at most n Proof. Let us rst consider a jump created by application of Case 2.1. Let J be a jump corresponding to the sets . Assume that J occurred between x 2 Yr and then the jump was over at most nodes, with Therefore, in any case, the number of jumped intermediate nodes is at most (- then this setting corresponds to another jump J 0 occurred at x, say between x and y be the value of the mark, and the value of the distance, respectively, when this jump occurred. We have by the setting of m when backtracking through J 0 as y Therefore, - d(x; y 0 ), and, by the same arguments as in the proof of Claim 2, The size of the jump J 0 is thus the size of the two jumps is at most then one can apply on - 0 the same arguments. We get that the number of nodes of the set of jumped paths occurring at the same node x 2 Yr is at most 1+ contains the extremity of the last jump occurred at x. The analysis is the same for the jumped paths created in Case 2.2 by proceeding as if the jump occurred between p t 0 and the last node of Y 1 (recall that p t 0 The worst case is reached when every jump is over a single whose cost in term of nodes is 1 for a total number of nodes at most Therefore, we get: Property 2. The message-complexity of the up/down broadcast protocol is at most 9n in a network of order n supporting any LIRS. 5. INTERVAL ROUTING SCHEMES As opposed to linear IRS, the labels of the nodes of an IRS play all the same role. Therefore, we slightly modify the up/down protocol to adapt it to IRS networks. If the source is labeled , 1 < < n, then there is only one copy of the message, going upward from to n, then from n to 1, and nally from 1 to 1, rather than two copies, one going downward from to 1, and the other going upward from to n. This protocol is denoted by up/1/up. So, as far as the up/1/up protocol is concerned, one can assume, w.l.g., that the source is labeled 1. Again, in order to analyze the up/1/up protocol, we make use of the sequence W dened in Equation 1. For every ng 7! ng by We have 1. By using the same techniques as Lemmas 1 and 7, the reader can check that: Lemma 13. Let G be a network supporting an IRS. Let 1) be the shortest path from the node labeled x to the node labeled to node labeled x 1) in this IRS. If the IRS is strict, then n). Otherwise, for every i, k > i > 1, we have and for every By using the same techniques as Lemmas 2 and 8, the reader can also check that: Lemma 14. Let G be a network supporting an IRS, and let u be any node of G. Let r and assume that If the IRS is strict, then assume that there exists s r such that 1 for every s 0 , r s 0 < s. Let ks -, and let and every x 2 X i , Lx i (u) > Lx i (x), and if, for every every intermediate node w Otherwise, assume that there exists s r such that If, for every every intermediate node w then minfLxs (v+1); Lxs (v+2)g Lxs (u). Therefore, the sequence-decomposition of Algorithm 1, and its adaptation to LIRS networks described in Section 4 can be applied by introducing the relabeling Lx 's every time that a comparison is performed between two labels. The resulting algorithms are given in Algorithms 3 and 4. The previous lemmas of this section show that there is no major dierence between the sequence-decomposition for LIRS networks and the sequence-decomposition for IRS net- works. In fact, the up/1/up protocol for IRS and strict IRS networks satisfy the same properties as the up/down protocol for LIRS and strict LIRS networks, respectively. The key of the proof is the following result: Lemma 15. Assume Then Lx (p i+1) < Lxr (p i ) in the sequence-decomposition for strict IRS networks, and Lx (p i+1) Lxr (p i ), where the maximum number of equality is at most %, in the sequence- decomposition for IRS networks. Proof. According to the statement of the lemma, we are considering Case 2.1 of the sequence decomposition. Hence precisely from the possible setting of the mark after several backtracks ending at us rst consider the strict IRS decomposition. We have us assume that Lxr Then, since from Lemma 13, 1), we get that p i is equal to a target node in [ contradiction with the hypothesis of Case 2.1. Therefore Lxr arguments allow to show that Lx (p i+1) Lxr (p i ) in the sequence-decomposition for IRS networks. Therefore, if f(i) denotes the index such that then the active path p0 ; resulting from the sequence-decomposition for strict IRS networks satises any pair (i; j), 1 i < j t. In IRS networks, there might be up to % equalities in the sequence. As a consequence: Theorem 1. The message-complexity of the up/1/up broadcast protocol is respectively at most 3n in a network of order n supporting any strict IRS, and at most 9n in a network of order n supporting any IRS. As a consequence, networks supporting a shortest path Interval Routing Scheme allows broadcasting with O(n) message-complexity. Corollary 3. In a network supporting any strict IRS, the average distance between two nodes labeled by two consecutive integers is at most 3+O(1=n). In a network supporting any IRS, the average distance between two nodes labeled by two consecutive integers is at most 9 +O(1=n). 6. --R Optimal broadcast with partial knowledge. A tradeo The impact of knowledge on broadcasting time in radio networks. Broadcast in linear messages in IRS representing all shortest paths. The complexity of interval routing on random graphs. Sense of direction: De On the impact of Sense of Direction on Message Complexity. Sense of direction in distributed computing. Interval routing schemes. Interval Routing Schemes allow Broadcasting with Linear Message-Complexity Searching among intervals and compact routing tables. Designing networks with compact routing tables. A distributed algorithm for minimal spanning tree. A survey on interval routing. Compact routing tables for graphs of bounded genus. The compactness of interval routing. Lower bounds for compact routing. On multi-label linear interval routing schemes A modular technique for the design of e-cient distributed leader nding algorithms A trade-o between space and e-ciency for routing tables Labelling and implicit routing in networks. Interval routing. --TR Interval routing A tradeoff between space and efficiency for routing tables A trade-off between space and efficiency for routing tables A modular technique for the design of efficient distributed leader finding algorithms A trade-off between information and communication in broadcast protocols Memory requirement for routing in distributed networks On the impact of sense of direction on message complexity Worst case bounds for shortest path interval routing Optimal Broadcast with Partial Knowledge The Compactness of Interval Routing A survey on interval routing A Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs Sense of Direction in Distributed Computing Compact Routing Tables for Graphs of Bounded Genus Lower Bounds for Compact Routing (Extended Abstract) On Multi-Label Linear Interval Routing Schemes (Extended Abstract) The Impact of Knowledge on Broadcasting Time in Radio Networks Searching among Intervals and Compact Routing Tables --CTR Cyril Gavoille, Routing in distributed networks: overview and open problems, ACM SIGACT News, v.32 n.1, March 2001
broadcasting;distributed computing;compact routing;interval routing
Token-Templates and Logic Programs for Intelligent Web Search.
We present a general framework for the information extraction from web pages based on a special wrapper language, called token-templates. By using token-templates in conjunction with logic programs we are able to reason about web page contents, search and collect facts and derive new facts from various web pages. We give a formal definition for the semantics of logic programs extended by token-templates and define a general answer-complete calculus for these extended programs. These methods and techniques are used to build intelligent mediators and web information systems.
Introduction In the last few years it became appearant that there is an increasing need for more intelligent World-Wide-Web information systems. The existing information systems are mainly document search engines, e.g. Alta Vista, Yahoo, Webcrawler, based on indexing techniques and therefore only provide the web user a list of document references and not a set of facts he is really searching for. These systems overwhelm the user with hundreds of web page candidates. The exhausting and highly inconvenient work to check these candidates and to extract relevant information manually is left to the user. The problem gets even worse if the user has to take comparisons between the contents of web pages or if he wants to follow some web links on one of the candidate web pages that seem to be very promising. Then he has to manage the candidate pages and has to keep track of the promising links he has observed. To build intelligent web information systems we assume the WWW and its web pages to be a large relational database, whose data and relations can be made available by the definition and application of special extraction descriptions (token-templates) to its web pages. A library of such descriptions may then offer various generic ways to retrieve facts from one or more web pages. One basic problem we are confronted with is to provide means to access and extract the information offered on arbitrary web pages, this task is well known as the process of information extraction (IE). The general task of IE is to locate specific pieces of text in a natural language document, in this context web pages. In the last few years many techniques have been developed to solve this problem [1, 6, 10, 11, 15, 21, 30], where wrappers and mediators fulfill the general process to retrieve and integrate information from heterogeneous data sources into one information system. We focus our work on a special class of wrappers, which extract information from web pages and map it into a relational representation. This is of fundamental interest because it offers a wide variety of possible integrations into various fields, like relational databases, spreadsheet applications or logic programs. We call this information extraction process fact-retrieval, due to logic programming the extracted information is represented by ground atoms. In this article we present a general framework for the fact retrieval based on our special wrapper language, called token-templates. Our general aim was to develop a description language for the IE from semi-structured documents, like web pages are. This language incorporates the concepts of feature structures [25], regular expressions, unifi- cation, recursion and code calls, to define templates for the extraction of facts from web pages. How does this contributes to logic programming? The key idea of using logic programs for intelligent web browsing is as follows: Normally the user is guided by his own domain specific knowledge when searching the web, manually extracting information and comparing the found facts. It is very obvious that these user processes involve inference mechanisms like reasoning about the contents of web pages, deducing relations between web pages and using domain specific background knowledge.Therefore he uses deduction, based on a set of rules, e.g. which pages to visit and how to extract facts. We use logic programs in conjunction with token-templates to reason about the contents of web pages, to search and collect relevant facts and to derive new facts from various web pages. The logic programming paradigm allows us to model a background knowledge to guide the web search and the application of the extraction templates. Furthermore the extracted facts in union with additional program clauses correspond to the concept of deductive databases and therefore provide the possibility to derive new facts from several web pages. In the context of wrappers and mediators [30], token-templates are used to construct special wrappers to retrieve facts from web pages. Logic programs offer a powerful basis to construct mediators, they normalize the retrieved information, reason about it and depending on the search task to fulfill, deduce facts or initialize new sub searching processes. By merging token-templates and logic programs we gain a mighty inference mechanism that allows us to search the web with deductive methods. We emphasize the well defined theoretical background for this integration, which is given by theory reasoning [2] [26] in logical calculi, whereas token-templates are interpreted as theories. This article is organized as follows: in Section 2 we describe the language of token- templates for the fact-retrieval from web pages. In Section 3 the integration of token- templates into logic programs and the underlying T T Calculus is explained. Section 4 describes how logic programming techniques can be used to enhance the fact-retrieval process with deductive techniques. A practical application of our developed methods, a LogicRobot to search private advertisements, is briefly presented in Section 5. Related approaches and conclusions are given in Section 6. 2. A Wrapper Language for Web Documents In this section we describe our information extraction language, the token-templates. We assume the reader to be familiar with the concepts of feature structures [25] and unification 2.1. The Fact Retrieval We split the process of fact-retrieval into several steps, whereas the first step is the preprocessing of the web page to be analyzed. We transform a web page as shown in Figure 1 into a list of tokens which we will explain in detail in section 2.2. In our existing system (Section 5) this is done by the lexical analyzer FLEX [17] (by the definition of a FLEX grammar to build tokens in extended term notation). We want to emphasize that we are not bound to a special lexical analyzer generator tool like FLEX, any arbitrary tool can be used as long as it meets the definition of a token. Figure 1. An advertisement web page This methods allows us to apply our techniques not only to HTML-documents, but also to any kind of semi-structured text documents. Because we can construct arbitrary tokens, our wrapper language is very flexible to be used in different contexts. After the source code transformation of the web document, the matching and extraction process takes place. Extraction templates built from tokens and special operators are applied to the tokenized documents. According to the successful matching of these extraction templates the relevant information is extracted by means of unification techniques and mapped into a relational representation. We will now explain the basic element of our web wrapper language, the token. 2.2. The Token A token describes a grouping of symbols in a document. For example the text Pentium 90 may be written as the list of tokens: [token(type=html,tag=b), token(type=word,txt='Pentium'), token(type=whitespace,val=blank), token(type=int,val=90), token(type=html end,tag=b)] We call a feature structure (simple and acyclic feature structure) a token, if and only if it has a feature named type and no feature value that consists of another feature. A feature value may consist of any constant or variable. We write variables in capital letters and constants quoted if they start with a capital letter. Furthermore, we choose a term notation for feature structures (token), that is different from that proposed by Carpenter in [4]. We do not code the features to a fixed00110011001100110000000000000000000000111111111111111111111100000000000000000000001111111111111111111111 token type tag a html Graph Notation Extended Term Notation token(href=X,type=html,tag=a) Figure 2. Token notations argument position, instead we extend the arguments of the annotated term, by the notation this offers us more flexibility in the handling of features. Figure 2 shows the graph notation of a token and our extended term notation of it. In the following we denote a token in extended term notation, simply token. 2.3. Token Matching In the following let us assume, that an arbitrary web page transformed into a token list is given. The key idea is now to recognize a token or a token sequence in this token list. Therefore we need techniques to match a token description with a token. For feature structures a special unification, the feature unification was defined in [23]. For our purposes we need a modified version of this unification, the token-unification. and tokens. Let A 1 and A 2 be the feature-value sets of the tokens T 1 and T 2 that is A and A Further let be the set of features T 1 and T 2 have in common. The terms T 0 are defined as follows: T 0 The tokens T 1 and T 2 are token-unifiable iff the following two conditions hold: 1 is unifiable with T 0 . The most general unifier (mgU) of T 1 and T 2 is the mgU of 2 wrt. the usual definition [16, 13] If (1) or (2) does not hold, we call T 1 and T 2 not token-unifiable, written T 1 6 tT 2 . We token-unifiable with T 2 and is the mgU of the unification from . The motivation for this directed unification 1 is to interpret the left token to be a pattern to match the right token. This allows us to set up feature constraints in a easy way, by simply adding a feature to the left token. On the other hand we can match a whole class of tokens, if we decrease the feature set of the left token to consist only of the type feature. Example: token(type=word, int=X) href='') with For ease of notation we introduce an alternative notation t k for a token of type k (the feature type has value k), that is given by k or k(f are the features and values of t k where n is the number of features of t k . We call this notation term-pattern and define a transformation V on term-patterns such that V transforms the term- pattern into the corresponding token. For example us the token This transformation exchanges the functor of the term-pattern, from type k to token and adds the argument to the arguments. Now we can define the basic match operation on a term-pattern and a token: be a term-pattern and T a token in extended term notation. The term-pattern t k matches the token T , t k < T , iff V(t k ) is token-unifiable with T . The term-match is defined as follows: Example: For the demonstration of the term-match operation, consider the three examples mentioned above and the following modification: word < token(type=word, txt='Pentium') with word(int=X) 6< token(type=word,txt='Pentium') html(href=Y) < token(type=html, tag=a, href='') with 6 BERND THOMAS 2.4. Token Pattern If we interpret a token to be a special representation of text pieces, the definition of term-matching allows us to recognize certain pieces of text and extract them by the process of unification. This means the found substitution contains our extracted information. But yet we are not able to match sequences of tokens in a tokenized web page. Therefore we define the syntax of token-pattern, which will build our language to define templates for the information extraction from web documents. The language of token-patterns is built on a similar concept as regular expressions are. The difference is, that the various iteration operators are defined on tokens. Beside these basic operators we define greedy and moderate operators. These two operator classes determine the enumeration order of matches. Greedy Operators are: ?; + and . Moderate Operators are: !; and #. For example a token-pattern like word, matches zero or arbitrary many tokens of type word, but the first match will try to match as many tokens of type word as possible (greedy). Whereas the pattern #word will try in its first attempt to match as less tokens as possible (moderate). This makes sense if a pattern is just a part of a larger conjunction of patterns. Another advantage is given by the use of unification, which in fact allows us with the later described concept of recursive token-templates to recognize context sensitive languages. In Figure 2.4 we give an informal definition 2 for the semantics of token-patterns. Assume that a tokenized document D is given. A match of a token-pattern p on D, p D, returns a set of triples (MS; RS; ), where MS is the matched token sequence, RS is the rest sequence of D and is the mgU of the token unifications applied during the matching process. We emphasize, that we compute all matches and do not stop after we have found one successful match, though this can be achieved by the use of the once operator. Example: Let us have a closer look at the source code of the advertisement web page (D) shown in Figure 4 and the corresponding token-pattern (p) given in 5. This token-pattern extracts the item name of the offered object (Item) and the description (Description) of the item. For this small example our set of matches consists of a set with two tuples, where we will leave out the matched sequence MS and the rest sequence RS, because we are only interested in the substitutions of each 2.5. Token-Templates A token-template defines a relation between a tokenized document, extraction variables and a token-pattern. Extraction variables are those variables used in a token-pattern, which are of interest due to their instantiation wrt. to the substitutions obtained from a successful match. pattern semantics then the matched sequence is the list containing exactly one element D(1) and RS is D without the first element. D(n) denotes the n-th element of the sequence D. ?p1 Matches the pattern p1 once or never; first the match of p1 then the empty match sequence is enumerated. !p1 Matches the pattern p1 once or never; first the empty match sequence then the match of p1 is enumerated. +p1 Matches the pattern p1 arbitrarily often but at least once; uses a decreasing enumeration order of the matches according to their length, starting with the longest possible match. p1 Matches pattern p1 arbitrarily often but at least once; uses an increasing enumeration order of the matches according to their length, starting with the shortest possible match. p1 Matches the pattern p1 arbitrarily often; uses a decreasing enumeration order of the matches according to their length, starting with the longest possible match. #p1 Matches the pattern p1 arbitrarily often; uses a increasing enumeration order of the matches according to their length, starting with the shortest possible match. tn) The not operator matches exactly one token t in D, if no t exists, such that t i < t holds. The token are excluded from the match. times(n; t) Matches exactly n tokens t. any Matches an arbitrary token. once(p1) The once operator 'cuts' the set of matched tokens by p1 down to the first match of p1 ; useful if we are interested only in the first match and not in all alternative matches defined by p1 . Unification of X and the matched sequence of p1 ; only successful if p1 is successful and if MS of p1 is unifiable with X . p1 and p2 Only if p1 and p2 both match successfully, this pattern succeeds. The matched sequence of p1 and p2 , is the concatenation of MS of p1 and MS of p2 . p1 or p2 p succeeds if one of the pattern p1 or p2 is successfully matched. The matched sequence of p is either the matched sequence of p1 or p2 . The and operator has higher priority than the or operator, (e.g. a and b or c (a and b) or c) Extended Token Patterns token-template t1 to tn (see Section 2.5.1) functions c1 to cn (see Section 2.5.1) Figure 3. Language of Token-Patterns <IMG SRC=img/bmp_priv.gif> Pentium 90 48 MB RAM, Soundblaster AWE 64, DM 650,-. Tel.: 06743/ 1582 Figure 4. HTML source code of an online advertisement #any and html(tag = img) and html(tag and Figure 5. Token-pattern for advertisement information extraction Extraction variables hold the extracted information obtained by the matching process of the token-pattern on the tokenized document. Definition 3 (Token-Template). Let p be a token-pattern, D an arbitrary tokenized document and in p. For applying the substitution to ~v. A token-template r is defined as follows: Template definitions are written as: template r(D; r is called the template name, ~v is the extraction tupel and v are called extraction variables. Example: Consider the case where we want to extract all links from a web page. Therefore we define the following token-template: template link(D; Link; Desc) := #any The first sub pattern #any will ignore all tokens as long as the next token is of type html and meets the required features tag = a and href . After the following subexpression matched and a substitution is found, Link and Desc hold the extracted information. Now further alternative matches are checked, for example the #any expression reads up more tokens until the rest expression of the template matches again. 2.5.1. Extending Token-Templates To be able to match more sophisticated syntactic structures, we extend the token-templates with the three major concepts of Template Alternatives, Code Calls and Recursion Template Alternatives: To gain more readability for template definitions we enhanced the use of the or operator. Instead of using the or operator in a token-pattern like in the template template t(D;~v) := alternatively define two templates: template template where the templates t 1 and t 2 have the same name. In fact this does not influence the calculation of the extraction tuples, because we can easily construct this set by the union of t 1 and t 2 . Code Calls: A very powerful extension of the token-pattern language is the integration of function/procedure calls within the matching process. We named this extension, code calls. A code call may be any arbitrary boolean calculation procedure that can be invoked with instantiated token-pattern variables or unbound variables that will be instantiated by the calculation procedure. The following example demonstrates the use of a code call to an database interface function db, that will check if the extracted Name can be found in the database. On success it will return true and instantiates Birth to the birthday of the person, otherwise the match fails. In this example we will leave out the token-pattern for the recognition of the other extraction variables and will simply name them p 1 to template person(D ; Name; Especially the use of logic programs as code to be called during the matching process, can guide the information extraction with additional deduced knowledge. For example, this can be achieved by a given background theory and facts extracted by preceeding sub-patterns. Template Calls & Recursive Templates: To recognize hierarchical syntactic structures in text documents (e.g. tables embedded in tables) it is obvious to use recursive techniques. Quite often the same sub-pattern has to be used in a template definition, therefore we extended the token-pattern by template calls. A template call may be interpreted as an inclusion of the token-pattern associated with the template to be called. For example the first example template matches a HTML table row existing of 3 columns, where the first two are text columns and the third contains price information. The terms set in squared brackets function as template calls. Repeated application of this pattern, caused by the sub pattern #any, gives us all table entries. The second template demonstrates a recursive template call, that matches correct groupings of parenthesises.For a more detailed description of the token-template language the reader is referred to [27]. template table row(D; Medium; Label; P rice) := ( #any and [text col(Medium); text col(Label); price col(P rice)] and html end(tag = tr)) template correct paren(D; (word or word and [correct paren( )] and word ) and paren close ) 3. Logic Programs and Token-Templates In this section we will explain how token-templates can be merged with logic programs (LP's). The basic idea of the integration of token-templates and LP's is to extend a logic program with a set of token-templates (extended LP's), that are interpreted as special program clauses. The resulting logic program can then answer queries about the contents of one or more web documents. Intuitively token-templates provide a set of facts to be used in logic programs. Extended LP's offer the possibility to derive new facts based on the extracted facts from the WWW. From the implementational point of view these token- template predicates may be logical programs or modules that implement the downloading of web pages and the token matching. From the theoretical point of view we consider these template sets to be axiomatizations of a theory, where the calculation of the theory (the are performed by a background reasoner. In the following we refer to normal logic programs when we talk about logic programs. In Section 3.1 we describe how token-templates are interpreted in the context of first order predicate logic. The extension of a calculus with template theories, which will lead to the Calculus, is defined in Section 3.2. Section 4.1 and 4.2 will give some small examples for the use of token-templates in logic programs. We assume the reader to be familiar with the fields of logic programming [16] and theory reasoning [2] [26]. 3.1. Template Theories In the context of first order predicate logic (PL1) we interpret a set of token-templates to be an axiomatization of a theory. A token-template theory T T is the set of all template ground atoms, that we obtain by applying all templates in T . For example, consider the template set ft(D; v; p)g. Assume p to be an arbitrary token-pattern and v an extraction tupel. A template theory for T is given by T ft(D;v;p)g := ft(D; v p)g. This interpretation of token-templates associates a set of ground unit clauses with a given set of token-templates. The formal definition is as follows: Definition 4 (T emplate Theory, T T Interpretation, TT Model). Let T be a set of token-templates: )g. A token-template theory T T for T is defined as follows: Let P be a normal logic program with signature , such that is also a signature for A Interpretation I is a TT Interpretation iff I A Herbrand T T Interpretation is a T T Interpretation, that is also a herbrand interpretation. A TT Interpretation I is a TT Model for P iff I Let X be a clause, wrt. X is a logic T T Consequence from P , P Example: Consider a token-template advertise with the token-pattern given in Figure 5 and the extraction variables Item and Description for the example web source code shown in Figure 1. The corresponding template theory for the template advertise is the set: 3.2. The TT Calculus So far we have shown when a formula is a logical consequence from a logic program and a template theory. This does not state how to calculate or check if a formula is a logical consequence from an extended logic program. Therefore we have to define a calculus for extended logic programs. But instead of defining a particular calculus we show that any sound and answer-complete calculus for normal logic programs can serve as calculus for extended logic programs. K be a sound and answer-complete calculus for normal logic programs and ' is the derivation defined by K. Let P be a normal logic program, T a set of token-templates and TT the template theory for T . A query 9 Q with calculated substitution is TT derivable from P , P ' TT Q, iff Q is derivable from P [ TT , calculus K, with TT Derivation is called TT Calculus. Theorem 1 (Soundness) Let K be a T T Calculus and ' TT the derivation relation defined by K. Let T be a set of token-templates, T T the template-theory for T and Q a query for a normal program P . Further let be a substitution calculated by ' TT . Then Theorem 2 (Completeness) Let K be T T Calculus and' TT the derivation relation defined by K. Let T be a set of token-templates, T T the template-theory for T and Q a query for a normal program P . Let be a correct answer for Q, a calculated answer and a substitution. Soundness and Completeness: Let K be a T T Calculus and ' TT the derivation relation defined by K. Let T be a set of templates , T T the template theory of T and Q a query on the normal program P . Let be a calculated substitution for Q such that: sound/completness of ' To prove: P [ TT logical consequence Consequence Example: In Figure 6 an example T T Derivation based on the SLD-Calculus [12] is shown. The calculation of the template theory is done by a theory box [2], this may be any arbitrary calculation procedure, that implements the techniques needed for token-templates. Furthermore this theory boxhas to decide if a template predicate, like institute('http://www.uni-',Z,P) can be satisfied by the calculated theory. Let us have a closer look at the logic program P given in Figure 6: b(uni,'') A given web page containing some information about a university. a(X,Z) b(X,Y), institute(Y,Z,P) An institution X has an department Z if there exists an web page Y describing X and we are able to extract department names Z from Y . With this given logic program and the template definition T we can find a SLD T T Derivation, assumed our template theory is not empty. What this example shows is: modeling knowledge about web pages by logic programs and combining this with token-templates allows us to query web pages. Fact-Retrieval Goal: Template P: T: Theory Applying the template gives Answer: template institute(Document,Z,P) := tokenpattern Figure 4. Deductive Techniques for Intelligent Web Search Logic programming and deduction in general offer a wide variety to guide the web search and fact-retrieval process with intelligent methods and inference processes. This section describes some of these techniques. 4.1. Deductive Web Databases Assume we know two web pages of shoe suppliers, whose product descriptions we want to use as facts in a deductive database. Additionally we are interested in some information about the producer of the product, his address and telephone number that can be retrieved from an additional web page. Therefore we define two token-templates, price list and address. To simplify notation we leave out the exact token-pattern definitions instead we The following small deductive database allows us to ask for articles and to derive new facts that provide us with information about the product and the producer. We achieve this by the two rules article and product, which extract the articles offered at the web pages and will derive new facts about the article and the producer. 14 BERND THOMAS template price list(Document ; Article; Price; template address(Document web page( 0 ABC Schuhe web page( 0 Schuhland article(Supplier web page(Supplier ; Document); price list(Document ; Article; Price; ProducerUrl ; Pattern) product(Supplier article(Supplier Example: Here are some example queries to demonstrate the use of the deductive web database: Select all products with article name "Doc Martens" that cost less than 100: rice < 100 Select all products offered at least by two suppliers: 4.2. Optimizing Web Retrieval The following example shows how a query optimization technique proposed by Levy [19] can be implemented and used in extended logic programs. To avoid the fetching of senseless web pages and starting a fact-retrieval process we know for certain to fail, Levy suggests the use of source descriptions. For the fact retrieval from the WWW this might offer a great speed up, because due to the network load the fetching of web documents is often very time intensive. In the context of extended logic programs, we can easily apply these methods, by the definition of rules, whose body literals define constraints on the head arguments expressing our knowledge about the content of the web pages. The following example illustrates these methods: rice > 20000; P rice < 40000; rice > 40000; P rice < template cars(WebPage; P rice; Country) Assuming we are interested in american cars that costs 50000 dollars, the query prod- will retrieve the according offers. Because of the additional constraints on the price and the country given in the body of the rule offer, the irrelevant web page with german car offers is left out. By simple methods, provided by the logic programming paradigm for free, we are able to guide the search and fact retrieval in the world wide web based on knowledge representation techniques [3] and we are able to speed up the search for relevant information. 4.3. Conceptual Reasoning Many information systems lack of the ability to use a conceptual background knowledge to include related topics of interest to their search. Consider the case that a user is interested in computer systems that cost less than 1000 DM. It is obvious that the system should know the common computer types and descriptions (e.g. IBM, Toshiba, Compaq, Pentium, Notebook, Laptop) and how they are conceptually related to each other. Such knowledge will assist a system in performing a successful search. One way to represent such knowledge is by concept description languages or in general by means of knowledge representation techniques. In the last few years it showed up that logic is a well suited analytic tool to represent and reason about represented knowledge. Many formalisms have been implemented using logic programming systems, for example PROLOG. For example a simple relation is a can be used to represent conceptual hierarchies to guide the search for information. Consider the following small knowledge base: is a(notebook; computer) is a(desktop; computer) is a(X; notebook) notebook(X) relevant(Q; Z) is a(Z; Q) relevant(Q; Z) is a(Y; Q); relevant(Y; Z) Assume our general query to search for computers less than 100 DM is split into a sub query like relevant(computers; X) to our small example knowledge base. The query computes a set of answers: This additional inferred query information can be used in two different ways: 1. The derived conceptual information is used to search for new web pages, e.g. by querying standard search engines with elements of as search keywords. On the returned candidate pages further extended logic programs can be applied to extract facts. 2. The information extraction process itself is enhanced with the derived information by reducing the constraints on special token features in the token-templates to be applied. Consider the case where only a single keyword Q is used with a token pattern to constrain the matching process e.g. word(txt=Q). We can reduce this constrainedness by constructing a more general (disjunctive) pattern by adding simple term-patterns, whereas their feature values consist of the deduced knowledge , e.g. word(txt=Q) or That means we include to the search all sub concepts (e.g. computer instances (e.g. 0 ThinkPad 0 ) of the query concept. 5. The LogicRobot This section will give a short overview of an application we implemented using the described methods and techniques. A brief explanation of a domain dependent search engine for an online advertisement newspaper is given. 5.1. The Problem Very often web pages are organized by a chain of links the user has to follow to finally reach the page he is interested in. Or the information the user wants to retrieve is split into many pages. In both cases the user has to visit many pages to finally reach the intended page or to collect data from them. To do this manually is a very exhausting and time consuming work and furthermore it is very difficult for the user to take comparisons between the information offered on the various web pages. Therefore an automatic tool to follow all links, to collect the data and to provide the possibility to compare the retrieved information is needed to free the user from this annoying work. We call web information systems based on logic programs and token-templates Logi- cRobots. Similar to physical robots they navigate autonoumasly through their environment, the web. According to their ability to analyze and reason on web page contents and the incorporation of knowledge bases they are able to percept their environment, namely what's on a web page. Due to the underlyinglogic program and the used AI techniques, e.g. knowledge representation, default reasoning etc., they act by collecting facts or follow up more promising links. The problem we focused on was to build a LogicRobot for a web vendor offering private advertisements. Some of the offered columns forces the user to follow about 80 to 100 links to see all advertisements, which is of course not very user-friendly. A more elegant way would be to offer a web form where the user can specify the column or columns to be searched either by entering a specific name or a keyword for a column name, a description of the item he is searching for, a price constraint like less, greater or equal to and finally a pattern of a telephone number to restrict the geographical area to be searched. Figure 7 depicts the three main templates used for extracting information about advertisements similar to those shown in Figure 4. The LogicRobot web interface for this special task is presented in Figure 8 and a sample result page is given in Figure 9. template price(Price) := once( # any and ? (word(value='VB') or word(value='FP')) and word(value='DM') and ( (int(value=P) and fcfloat(P,Price)g) or (float(value=P) and fprice template telefon(T) := # any and word(value='Tel') and ? punct(value='.') and ? punct(value=':') and and ? (punct or op) and +int))) template product description(Article,Desc) := # any and html(tag=img) and html(tag=b) and and Figure 7. Templates used for telefon number, price and advertised product extraction Figure 8. The LogicRobot web interface 5.2. Implementational Notes The LogicRobot for the search of advertisements is based on the logic programming library TXW3 [28] that implements the techniques presented in this paper using ECLIPSE-Prolog [8]. ECLIPSE supports modularized logic programming, so we modularized the architecture of the LogicRobot into two main modules, the first module containing all needed token-template definitions and the second the prolog program implementing the appropriate template calls, the evaluation of the price constraints and further control operations. This prolog module is executed by the CGI mechanism and communicates with the local http daemon via stdin/stdout ports. So there is no additional server programming or network software needed to setup a search engine based on extended logic programs. By only 5 template definitions and approx. 200 lines of prolog code we implemented this LogicRobot. The tests we carried out with our application are very promising. For example the query answering time, which contains fetching, tokenizing, extracting and comparing is beneath 2 minutes for 100 web pages of advertisements (Figure 1) . We think this is a very promising way for a domain specific search tool, that can be easily extended by AI methods, that offers a flexible and fast configurability by means of declarative definitions (e.g. using PROLOG) and most important this concept of LogicRobots can be applied to various information domains on the World Wide Web. 6. Related Work and Conclusion We presented the token-template language for the IE from semistructured documents, especially from web pages. We showed how our wrapper language can be merged with logic programs and gave a formal definition for the extension of an arbitrary answer complete first order logical calculus with template theories. In conjunction with the area of logic programming and deductive databases we can use these wrapper techniques to obtain inferences or new deductively derived facts based on information extracted from the WWW. Furthermore these methods can be used to build intelligent web information systems, like LogicRobots, that gain from the closely related areas like deductive databases, knowledge representation or logic programming based AI methods. We also showed how already developed query optimization techniques (Section 4.2), can easily be integrated into our approach. Our methods have been successfully integrated and used in the heterogeneous information system GLUE [20] to access web data and integrate it into analytical and reasoning processes among heterogeneous data sources (e.g. relational databases, spreadsheets, etc. In addition to our theoretical work we also implemented a logic programming library TXW3 that provides the language of token-templates and various other logic modules to program LogicRobots for the WWW. Several web information systems have been developed in the last few years. One class of applications called Softbots, which are domain specific automated search tools for the WWW, searching autonomously for relevant web pages and user requested informations, are similar to our concept of a LogicRobot. But such existing systems like Ahoy! [24] or Shopbot use either tailored extraction techniques (Ahoy!) that are very domain specific or their extraction techniques are based on highly restrictive assumptions about the syntactical structure of a web page (Shopbot). Both systems do not follow the concept of a general Figure 9. Query result page purpose extraction language like token-templates are. Token-templates are applicable to any kind of semistructured text documents, and hence not restricted to a specific domain. Systems like IM [18] or W3QS [14] also provide means to query web information sources. Though Levy et. al. also choose a relational data model to reason about data, and show several techniques for source descriptions or constructing query plans, they leave the problem of information extraction undiscussed in their work. We showed solutions for both the extraction of facts and reasoning by extended logic programs. The W3QS system uses a special web query language similar to the relational database query language SQL. W3QS uses enhanced standard SQL commands, e.g. by additional external unix program calls or HTML related commands. Though an additional construction kit for information extrac- tion processes is given, this seems to be focused only on the detection of hyper links and their descriptions. The concept of database views for web pages is also introduced, but no information about recursive views is provided, whereas extended logic programs offer these abilities. Heterogeneous information systems, like DISCO [29], GLUE [20], HERMES [22], Infomaster [9] or TSIMMIS [5] all use special mediator techniques to access web information sources among other data sources. These systems use their own mediator model (language) to interface with the special data source wrappers. The system HERMES for example is based on a declarative logical mediator language and therefore is similar to our approach using extended logic programs as mediators and token-templates as special wrapper lan- guage. The advantage of our presented approach is simply, that the above named systems except TSIMMIS and GLUE do not incorporate a general purpose wrapper language for text documents. Additionally work on the expressive power of the mediator languages and the used wrapper techniques of the other systems is of interest. Different from the template based extraction languages described in [11] and [6] or the underlying language used in the wrapper construction tool by Gruser et. al. [10], token- templates incorporate the mighty concepts of recursion and code calls. These concepts allow the recognition and extraction of arbitrary hierarchical syntactic structures and extends the matching process by additional control procedures invoked by code calls. Especially logic programs used as code calls can guide the extraction process with a manifold of AI methods in general. Notes 1. In the sense that the feature set of the left token must be a subset of the feature set of the right token. 2. see [27] for a detailed formal definition. --R Wrapper generation for semistructured internet sources. Theory Reasoning in Connection Calculi and the Linearizing Completion Approach. Principles of Knowledge Representation. Typed Feature Structures: an Extension of First-order Terms The TSIMMIS project: Integration of heterogeneous information sources. Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction A scalable comparison-shoppingagent for the world-wide web International Computers Limited and IC-Parc An Information Integration System. A wrapper generation toolkit to specify and construct wrappers for web accesible data. Extracting semistructured information from the web. Linear Resolution with Selection Function. A multidisciplinary survey. A query system for the world-wide web Wrapper Induction for Information Ex- traction Foundations of Logic Programming. Querying HeterogeneousInformation Sources Using Source Descriptions. A flexible meta-wrapper interface for autonomous distributed information sources HERMES: Reasoning and Mediator System An Introduction to Unification-Based Approaches to Grammar Dynamic reference sifting: A case study in the homepage domain. Records for Logic Programming. Automated Deduction by Theory Resolution. The txw3-module Scaling Heterogeneous Databases and the Design of Disco. Mediators in the architecture of future information systems. --TR --CTR Steffen Lange , Gunter Grieser , Klaus P. Jantke, Advanced elementary formal systems, Theoretical Computer Science, v.298 n.1, p.51-70, 4 April
logic robots;softbots;information extraction;template based wrappers;logic programming;mediators;deductive web databases;theory reasoning
Clock synchronization with faults and recoveries (extended abstract).
We present a convergence-function based clock synchronization algorithm, which is simple, efficient and fault-tolerant. The algorithm is tolerant of failures and allows recoveries, as long as less than a third of the processors are faulty 'at the same time'. Arbitrary (Byzantine) faults are tolerated, without requiring awareness of failure or recovery. In contrast, previous clock synchronization algorithms limited the total number of faults throughout the execution, which is not realistic, or assumed fault detection. The use of our algorithm ensures secure and reliable time services, a requirement of many distributed systems and algorithms. In particular, secure time is a fundamental assumption of proactive secure mechanisms, which are also designed to allow recovery from (arbitrary) faults. Therefore, our work is crucial to realize these mechanisms securely.
INTRODUCTION Accurate and synchronized clocks are extremely useful to coordinate activities between cooperating processors, and therefore essential to many distributed algorithms and sys- tems. Although computers usually contain some hardware-based clock, most of these are imprecise and have substantial drift, as highly precise clocks are expensive and cumbersome. Furthermore, even hardware-based clocks are prone to faults and/or malicious resetting. Hence, a clock synchronization algorithm is needed, that lets processors adjust their clocks to overcome the effects of drifts and failures. Such algorithm maintains in each processor a logical clock, based on the local physical clock and on messages exchanged with other processors. The algorithm must deal with communication delay uncertainties, clock imprecision and drift, as well as link and processor faults. In many systems, the main need for clock synchronization is to deal with faults rather than with drift, as drift rates are quite small (some works e.g. [11, 12] actually ignore drifts). It should be noted, however, that clock synchronization is an on-going task that never terminates, so it is not realistic to limit the total number of faults during the system's lifetime. The contribution of this work is the ability to tolerate unbounded number of faults during the execution, as long as 'not too many processors are faulty at once'. This is done by allowing processors which are no longer faulty to synchronize their clocks with those of the operational processors Out protocol withstands arbitrary (or Byzantine) faults, where affected processors may deviate from their specified algorithm in an arbitrary manner, potentially cooperating maliciously to disrupt the goal of the algorithm or system. It is obviously critical to tolerate such faults if the system is to be secure against attackers, i.e. for the design of secure systems. Indeed, many secure systems assume the use of synchronized clocks, and while usually the effect of drifts can be ignored, this assumption may become a weak spot exploited by an attacker who maliciously changes clocks. Therefore, solutions frequently try not to rely on synchronized clocks, e.g. use instead freshness in authentication protocols (e.g. Kerberos [22]). However, this is not always achievable as often synchronized clocks are essential for efficiency or functionality. In fact, some security tasks require securely synchronized clocks by their very definition, for example time-stamping [14] and e-commerce applications such as payments and bids with expiration dates. Therefore, secure time services are an integral part of secure systems such as DCE [25], and there is on-going work to standardize a secure version of the Internet's Network Time Protocol in the IETF [28]. (Note that existing 'secure time' protocols simply authenticate clock synchronization messages, and it is easy to see that they may not withstand a malicious attack, even if the authentication is secure.) The original motivation for this work came from the need to implement secure clock synchronization for a proactive security toolkit [1]: Proactive security allows arbitrary faults in any processor - as long as no more than f processors are faulty during any (fixed length) period. Namely, proactive security makes use of processors which were faulty and later recovered. It is important to notice that in some settings it may be possible for a malicious attacker to avoid detection, so a solution is needed that works even when there is no indication that a processor failed or recovered. To achieve that, algorithms for proactive security periodically perform some 'corrective/maintenance' action. For example, they may replace secret keys which may have been exposed to the attacker. Clearly, the security and reliability of such periodical protocols depend on securely synchronized clocks, to ensure that the maintenance protocols are indeed performed periodically. There is substantial amount of research on proactive security, including basic services such as agreement [24], secret sharing [23, 17], signatures e.g. [16] and pseudo-randomness [4, 5]; see survey in [3]. However, all of the results so far assumed that clocks are synchronized. Our work therefore provides a missing foundation to these and future proactive security works. 1.1 Relations to prior work There is a very large body of research on clock synchroniza- tion, much of it focusing on fault-tolerance. Below we focus on the most relevant works. A number of works focus on handling processor faults, but ignore drifts. Dolev and Welch [11, 12] analyzed clock synchronization under a hybrid faults model, with recovery from arbitrary initial state of all processors (self stabilization) as well as napping (stop) failures in any number of processors in [11] or Byzantine faults in up to third of the processors in [12]. Both works assume a synchronous model, and synchronize logical clocks - the goal is that all clocks will have the same number at each pulse. Our results are not directly comparable, since it is not clear if our algorithm is self stabilizing. (In our analysis we assume that the system is initialized correctly.) On the other hand, we allow Byzantine faults in third of the processors during any period, work in asynchronous setting, allow drift and synchronize to real time. The model of time-adaptive self stabilization as suggested by Kutten and Patt-Shamir [18] is closer to ours; there, the goal is to recover from arbitrary faults at f processors in time which is a function of f . We notice this is a weaker model than ours in the sense that it assumes periods of no faults. A time-adaptive, self-stabilizing clock synchronization protocol, under asynchronous model, was presented by Herman [15]. This protocol is not comparable to ours as it does not allow drifts and does not synchronize to real time. Among the works dealing with both processor faults and drifts, most assume that once a processor failed, it never re- covers, and that there is a bound f on the number of failed processors throughout the lifetime of the system. Many such works are based on local convergence functions. An early overview of this approach can be found in Schneider's report [26]. A very partial list of results along this line includes [13, 7, 8, 9, 21, 2, 20]. The Network Time Protocol, designed by Mills [21], allows recoveries, but without analysis and proof. Furthermore, while authenticated versions of [21] were pro- posed, so far these do not attempt recovery from malicious faults. Our algorithm uses a convergence function similar to that of Fetzer and Cristian [9] (which, in turn, is a refinement of that of Welch and Lynch [20]). However, it seems that one of the design goals of the solution in [9] is incompatible with processor recoveries. Specifically, [9] try to minimize the change made to the clocks in each synchronization oper- ation. Using such small correction may delay the recovery of a processor with a clock very far from the correct one (with [9] such recovery may never complete). This problem accounts for the difference between our convergence function and the one in [9]. In the choice between small maximum correction value, and fast recovery time, we chose the latter. Another aspect in which [9] is optimal, is the maximum logical drift (see Definition 3 in Section 2.3). In their so- lution, the logical drift equals the hardware drift, whereas in our solution there is an additive factor of O(2 \GammaK ), where K is the number of synchronization operations performed in every time period. (Roughly, we assume that less than a third of the processors are faulty in each time period, and require that several synchronization operations take place in each such period.) As our model approaches that of [9] (i.e., as the length of the time period approaches infinity), this added factor to the logical drift approaches zero. We conjecture that 'optimal' logical drift can not be achieved in the mobile faults model. Another difference between our algorithm and several traditional convergence function based clock synchronization algorithms, is that many such solutions proceed in rounds, where correct processes approximately agree on the time when a round starts. At the end of each round each processor reads all the clocks and adjusts its own clock accordingly. In contrast to this, our protocol (and also NTP [21]) do not proceed in rounds. We believe that implementing round synchronization across a large network such as the Internet could be difficult. A previous work to address faults and recoveries for clock synchronization is due to Dolev, Halpern, Simons and Strong [10]. In that work it is assumed that faults are detected. In practice, faults are often undetected - especially malicious faults, where the attacker makes every effort to avoid detection of attack. Handling undetected faults and recoveries is critical for (proactive) security, and is not trivial, as a recovering processor may have its clock set to a value 'just a bit' outside the permitted range. The solution in [10] rely on signatures rather than authenticated links, and therefore also limit the power of the attacker by assuming it cannot collect too many 'bad' signatures (assumption A4 in [10]). The algorithm of Dolev et al. [10] is based on broadcast, and require that all processors sign and forward messages from all other processors. This has several practical disadvantages compared to local convergence function based algorithms such as in the present paper. Some of these dis- advantages, which mostly result from its 'global' nature, are discussed by Fetzer and Cristian in [13]. Additional practical disadvantages of broadcast-based algorithms include sensitivity to transient delays, inability to take advantage of realistic knowledge regarding delays, and the overhead and delay resulting from depending on broadcasts reaching the network (e.g. the Internet). On the other hand, being a broadcast based algorithm , Dolev et al. [10] require only a majority of the processors to be correct (we need two thirds). Also [10] only requires that the subnet of non faulty processors be connected, rather than demanding a direct link between any two processors. (But implementing the broadcast used by [10] has substantial overhead and requires two-third of processors to be correct and connected.) 1.2 Informal Statement of the Requirements A clock synchronization algorithm which handles faults and recoveries should satisfy: Synchronization Guarantee that at all times, the clock values of the non-faulty processors are close to each other. 1 Accuracy Guarantee that the clock rates of non-faulty processors are close to that of the real-time clock. One reason for this requirement is that in practice, the set of processors is not an island and will sometimes need to communicate and coordinate with processors from the "outside world". Recovery Guarantee that once a processor is no longer faulty, this processor recovers the correct clock value and rejoins the "good processors" within a fixed amount of time. We present a formalization of this model and goals, and a simple algorithm which satisfies these requirements. We analyze our algorithm in a model where an attacker can temporarily corrupt processors, but not communication links. It may be possible to refine our analysis to show that the same algorithm can be used even if an attacker can corrupt both processors and links, as long as not too many of either are corrupted "at the same time". 2. FORMAL MODEL 2.1 Network and Clocks Our network model is a fully connected communication graph of n processors, where each processor has its own local clock. We denote the processor names by and assume that 1 Note that a trivial solution of setting all local clocks to a constant value achieves the synchronization goal. The accuracy requirement prevents this from happening. each processor knows its name and the names of all its neigh- bors. In addition to the processors, the network model also contains an adversary, who may occasionally corrupt processors in the network for a limited time. Throughout the discussion below we assume some bound ae on the clock drift between "good processors", and a bound - on the time that it takes to send a message between two good processors. We refer to ae as the drift bound and to - as the message delivery bound. We envision the network in an environment with real time. A convenient way of thinking about the real time is as just another clock, which also ticks more or less at the same rate as the processors' clocks. For the purpose of analysis, it is convenient to view the local clock of a processor p as consisting of two components. One is an unresettable hardware clock Hp , and the other is an adjustment variable adj p , which can be reset by the processor. The clock value of p at real time - , denoted Cp (-) is the sum of its hardware clock and adjustment factor at this time, Cp are the same notations as in [26]). 2 We stress that Hp and adj p are merely a mathematical convenience, and that the processors (and adversary) do not really have access to their values. Formally, the only operations that processor p can perform on Hp and adj p are reading the value Hp(-) and adding an arbitrary factor to adj p . Other than these changes, the value of Hp changes continuously with - (and the value of adj p remains fixed). (Clocks). The hardware clock of a processor p is a smooth, monotonically increasing function, denoted Hp(-). The adjustment factor of p is a discrete function (which only changes when p adds a value to the its adjustment variable). The local clock of p is defined as We assume an upper bound ae on the drift rate between processors' hardware clocks and the real time. Namely, for any -1 ! -2 , and for every processor p in the network, it holds that (2) We note that in practice, ae is usually fairly small (on the 2.2 Adversary Model As we said above, our network model comes with an adver- sary, who can occasionally break into a processor, resetting its local clock to an arbitrary value. After a while, the adversary may choose to leave that processor, and then we would like this processor to recover its clock value. We envision an adversary who can see (but not modify) all the communication in the network, and can also break into processors and leave them at wish. When breaking into a In general adj p does not have to be a discrete variable, and it could also depend on - . We don't use that generality in this paper, though. processor p, the adversary learns the current internal state of that processor. Furthermore, from this point and until it leaves p, the adversary may send messages for p, and may also modify the internal state of p, including its adjustment variable adj p . Once the adversary leaves a processor p, it has no more access to p's internal state. We say that p is faulty (or controlled by the adversary), if the adversary broke into and did not leave it yet. We assume reliable and authenticated communication between processors p and q that are not faulty. More pre- cisely, let - denote the message delivery bound. Then for any processors p and q not faulty during [-], if p sends a message to q at time - , then q receives exactly the same message from p during [-]. Furthermore, if a non-faulty processor q receives a message from processor p at time - , then either p has sent exactly this message to q during or else it was faulty at some time during this interval. 3 The power of the adversary in this model is measured by the number of processors that it can control within a time interval of a certain length. This limitation is reasonable because otherwise, even an adversary that can control only one processor at a time, can corrupt all the clocks in the system by moving fast enough from processor to processor. (Limited Adversary). Let ' ? 0 and ng be fixed. An adversary is f-limited (with respect to ') if during any time interval [- +'], it controls at most f processors. We refer to ' as the time period and to f as the number of faulty processors. Notice that Definition 2 implies in particular that an f - limited adversary who controls f processors and wants to break into another one, must leave one of its current processors at least ' time units before it can break into the new one. In the rest of the paper we assume that n - 3f + 1. 2.3 Clock Synchronization Protocols Intuitively, the purpose of a clock synchronization algorithm is to ensure that processors' local clocks remain close to each other and close to the real time, and that faulty processors become synchronized again quickly after the adversary leave them. It is clear, however, that no protocol can achieve instantaneous recovery, and we must allow processors some time to recover. Typically we want this recovery time to be no more than ', so by the time the adversary breaks into the new processors, the ones that it left are already recovered. Definition 3 (Clock Synchronization). Consider a clock synchronization protocol - that is executed in a net-work with drift rate ae and message delivery bound -, and in the presence of an f-limited adversary with respect to time period '. 3 This formulation of "good links" does not completely rule out replay of old messages. This does not pause a problem for our application, however. i. We say that - ensures synchronization with maximal deviation ffi, if at any time - and for any two processors not faulty during [- \Gamma '; - ], it holds that ii. We say that - ensures accuracy with maximal drift ~ ae and maximal discontinuity -, if whenever p is not faulty during an interval holds that and 3. ACLOCKSYNCHRONIZATIONPROTO- COL As in most (practical) clock synchronization protocols, the most basic operation in our protocol is the estimation by a processor of its peers' clocks. We therefore begin in Sub-section 3.1 by discussing the requirements from a clock estimation procedure and describing a simple (known) procedure for doing that. Then, in Subsection 3.2 we describe the clock synchronization protocol itself. In this description we abstract the clock estimation procedure, and view it a "black box" that provides only the properties that were discussed before. Finally, in Subsection 3.3 we elaborate on some aspects of our protocol, and compare it with similar synchronization protocols for other models. 3.1 Clock Estimation Our protocol's basic building block is a subroutine in which a processor p estimates the clock value of another processor q. The (natural) requirements from such a procedures are Accuracy. The value returned from this procedure should not be too far from the actual clock value of processor q. Bounded error. Along with the estimated clock value, also gets some upper bound on the error of that estimation. For technical reasons it is also more convenient to have this procedure return the distance between the local clocks of p and q, rather than the clock value of q itself. Hence we define a clock estimation procedure as a two-party protocol, such that when a processor p invokes this protocol, trying to estimate the clock value of another processor q, the protocol returns two values (dq ; aq ) (for distance and accuracy). These values should be interpreted as "since the procedure was in- voked, there was a point in which the difference Cq \Gamma Cp was about dq , up to an error of aq ". Formally, we have Definition 4. We say that a clock estimation routine has reading error - and timeout MaxWait, if whenever a processor p is non-faulty during time interval [- +MaxWait], and it calls this routine at time - to estimate the clock of q, then the routine returns at time - 0 -+MaxWait, with some values (d; a). Moreover, if q was also non-faulty during the interval [- 0 ], then the values (d; a) satisfy the following: ffl a -, and ffl There was a time - 00 2 [- 0 ] at which Cq (- 00 )\GammaC p (- 00 We now describe a simple clock estimation algorithm. The requestor p sends a message to q, who returns a reply to containing the time according on the clock of q (when sending the reply). If p does not receive a reply within is the message delivery bound), aborts the estimation and sets wise, if p sends its "ping" message to q at local time S, and receives an answer C at local time R, it sets R\GammaSIntuitively, p estimates that at its local time R+S, q's time was C. If the network is totally symmetric, that is the time for the message to arrive was identical on the way from p to q and on the way back from q to p, and p's clock progressed between S and R at constant rate, then the estimation would be totally accurate. In any case, if q returned an answer C, then at some time between p local time S and p local time R, q had the value C, so the estimation of the offset can't miss by more than R\GammaS . This simple procedure can be "optimized" in several ways. A common method, which is used in practice to decrease the error in estimating the peer's clock (at the expense of worse timeliness), is to repeatedly ping the other processor and choose the estimation given from the ping with the least round trip time. This is used, for example, in the NTP protocol [21]. Also to reduce network load it may be possible to piggyback clock querying messages on other messages, or to perform them in a different thread which will spread them across a time interval. Of course, if we implement the latter idea in the mobile adversary setting, a clock synchronization protocol should periodically check that this thread exists and restart it otherwise (to protect against the adversary killing that thread). We note that when implemented this way, we cannot guarantee the conditions of Definition 4 anymore, since the separate thread may return an old cached value which was measured before the call to the clock estimation procedure. (Hence, the analysis in this paper cannot be applied "right out of the box" to the case where the time estimation is done in a separate thread.) 3.2 The Protocol Sync is our clock synchronization protocol. It uses a clock estimation procedure such as the one described in Section 3.1, which we denote by estimateOffset, with the time-out bound denoted by MaxWait and maximal error -. Other parameters in this protocol are the (local) time SyncInt between two executions of the synchronization protocol, and a parameter WayOff , which is used by a processor to gauge the distance between its clock and the clocks of the other proces- sors. These parameters are (approximately) computed from the network model parameters ae; - and '. The constraints that these parameters should satisfy are: SyncInt - 2MaxWait - 4- is the maximum deviation we want to achieve (and we have These settings are further discussed in the analysis (Sec- tion 4.2) and in Section 3.3. The Sync protocol is described in Figure 1. The basic idea is that each processor p uses estimateOffset to get an estimate for the clocks of its peers. Then p eliminates the f smallest and f largest values, and use the remaining values to adjust its own clock. Roughly, p computes a "low value" C m which is the f 1'st smallest estimate, and a ``high value'' C M which is the f 1'st largest estimate. If p's own clock Cp is more than WayOff away from the interval [C knows that its clock is too far from the clocks of the "good processors", so it ignores its own clock and resets it to (C m C M )=2. Otherwise, p's clock is ``not too far'' from the other processors, so we would like to limit the change to it. In this case, instead of completely ignoring the old clock value, resets its clock to (min(C if p's clock was below C m or above C M , it will only move half-way towards these values.) The details of the Sync protocol are slightly different, though, specifically in the way that the "low value" and "high value" are chosen. Processor p first uses the error bounds to generate overestimates and underestimates for these clock values, and then computes the "low value" C m as the f +1'st smallest overestimate, and the "high value" the f largest underestimate. In the analysis we also assume that all the clock estimations are done in parallel, and that the time that it takes to make the local computations is negligible, so a run of Sync takes at most MaxWait time on the local clock. (This is not really crucial, but it saves the introduction of an extra parameter in the analysis.) 3.3 Discussion Our Sync protocol follows the general framework of "conver- gence function synchronization algorithms" (see [26]), where the next clock value of a processor p is computed from its estimates for the clock values of other processors, using a fixed, simple convergence function. 4 rounds. As mentioned in section 1.1, one notable differences between our protocol and other protocols that have been proposed in the literature is that many convergence function protocols (for example [8, 9]) proceed in rounds, where each processor keeps a different logical clock for each round. round is the time between two consecutive synchronization protocols.) In these protocols, if a processor is asked for a "round-i" clock when this processor is already in its i 1'st round, it would return the value of its clock "as if it didn't do the last synchronization protocol''. In contrast, in our Sync protocol a processor p always responds with its current clock value. This makes the analysis of the protocol a little more complicated, but it greatly simplifies the implementation, especially in the mobile adversary setting (since variables such as the current round 4 In the current algorithm and analysis, a processor needs to estimate the clocks of all other processors; we expect that this can be improved, so that a processor will only need to estimate the clocks of its local neighbors. Parameters: SyncInt // time between synchronizations WayOff // bound for clocks which are very far from the rest 1. Every SyncInt time units call sync() 3. function sync () f 4. For each q 2 ng do 5. 7. d 8. m / the f 1'st smallest dq 9. M / the f 1'st largest d q 11. then adj p / adj 12. else adj p / adj 13. g last round's clock, and the time to begin the next round have to be recovered from a break in). Known values. Another practical advantage of our protocol is that it does not require to know the values of parameters such as the message delivery bound - , the hardware drift ae, the maximum deviation ffi, which may be hard to measure in practice (in fact they may even change during the course of the execution). We only use these values in the analysis of the protocol. In practice, all the algorithm parameters which do depend on these value (like MaxWait, SyncInt and WayOff) may overestimate them by a multiplicative factor without much harm (i.e. without introducing such a factor to the maximum deviation, logical drift or recovery time actually achieved). When to perform Sync? In our protocol, a processor executes the Sync protocol every SyncInt time units of local time, and we do not make any assumptions about the relative times of Sync executions in different processors. A common way to implement this is to set up an alarm at the end of each execution, and to start the new execution when this alarm goes off. In the mobile adversary setting, one must make sure that this alarm is recovered after a break-in We note that our analysis does not depend on the processors executing a Sync exactly every SyncInt time units. Rather, all we need is that during a time interval of (1+ ae)(SyncInt+ MaxWait) real time, each processor completes at least one and at most two Sync's. 4. ANALYSIS Let T denote some value such that every non-faulty processor completes at least one and at most two full Sync's during any interval of length T . Specifically, setting appropriate for this purpose (where SyncInt is the time that is specified in the protocol, MaxWait is a bound on the execution time of a single Sync, and ae is the drift rate). 4.1 Main Theorem The following main theorem characterizes the performance achieved by our protocol: Theorem 5. Let T be as defined above, let K and assume that K - 5. Then i. The Sync protocol fulfills the synchronization requirement with maximum deviation ii. The Sync protocol fulfills the accuracy requirement with logical drift ~ and discontinuity We note that the theorem shows a tradeoff between the rate at which the Sync protocol is performed (as a function of ') and how optimal its performance is. That is, if we choose T to be small compared to ' (for instance is very small and so we get almost perfect accuracy (~ae - ae) and the significant term in the maximum deviation bound is 16-. 4.2 Clock Bias For the purpose of analysis, it will be more convenient to consider the bias of the clocks, rather than the clock values themselves. The bias of processor p at time - is the difference between its logical clock and the real time, and is denoted by Bp (- ). Namely, When the real-time - is implied in the context, we often omit it from the notation and write just Bp instead of Bp(- ). In the analysis below we view the protocol Sync as affecting the biases of processors, rather than their clock values. In particular, in an execution of Sync by processor p, we can view dq as an estimate for Bp \Gamma Bq rather than an estimate for and we can view the modification of adj p in the last step as a modification of Bp . We can therefore re-write Figure 2: Algorithm Sync for processor p: bias formulation Parameters: SyncInt // time between sunchronizations WayOff // Bound for clocks which are very far from the rest 1. Every SyncInt time units call sync() 3. function sync () f 4. For each q 2 ng do 5. (d 7. 8. B (m) 1'st smallest B q 9. B (M) 1'st largest B q 10. If 11. then Bp / 12. else Bp / 13. g the protocol in terms of biases rather than clock values, as in Figure 2. We note that by referencing Bp in the protocol, we mean Bp(-) where - is the real time where this reference takes place. We stress that the protocol cannot be implemented as it is described in Figure 2, since a processor p does not know its bias Bp . Rather, the above description is just an alternative view of the "real protocol" that is described in Figure 1. 4.3 Proof Overview of the Main Theorem Below we provide only an informal overview of the proof. A few more details (including a useful piece of syntax and statements of the technical lemmas) can be found in Appendix A. A complete proof will be included in the full version of the paper. For simplicity, in this overview we only look at the case with no drifts and no clock-reading errors, namely (Note that in this case, we always have so in Steps 6-7 of the protocol we get The analysis looks at consecutive time intervals I0 ; each of length T , and proceeds by induction over these inter- vals. For each interval I i we prove "in spirit" the following claims: i. The bias values of the "good processors" get closer together: If they were at distance ffi from each other at the beginning of I i , they will be at distance 7ffi=8 at the end of it. ii. The bias values of the "recovering processors" gets (much) closer to those of the good processors. If a recovering processor was at distance - from the "range of good processors" at the beginning of I i , it would be at distance at most -=2 from that range at the end of I i . It therefore follows that after a few such intervals, the bias of a "recovering processor" will be at most ffi away from those of the "good processors". To prove the above claims, our main technical lemma considers a given interval I i , and assumes that there is a set G of at least n \Gamma f processors, which are all non-faulty through-out I i , and all have bias values in some small range at the beginning of I i (w.l.o.g., this can be the range [\GammaD; D]). Then, we prove the following three properties: first show that the biases of the processors in G remain in the range [\GammaD; D] throughout the interval I i . This is so because in every execution of Sync, a processor gets biases in that range from all other processors in G. Since G contains more than 2f processors, then both B (m) are in that range, and so p's bias remains in that range also after it completes the Sync protocol. Also, if follows from the same argument that we always have so processor p never ignores its own current bias in Step 11 of the protocol. Next we consider processors whose initial bias values are low (say, below the median for G). executes at most two Sync's during the time interval I i , and in each Sync it takes the average of its own current bias and another bias below D, the bias of p remains bounded strictly below D. Specifically, one can show that the resulting bias values cannot be larger than (Z (where Z is the initial median value). Similarly, for the processors q 2 G with high initial bias values, the bias values remain bounded strictly above \GammaD, specifically at least (Z \Gamma 3D)4. Property 3 Last, we use the result of the previous steps to show that at the end of the interval, the bias of every processor in G is between (Z \Gamma 7D)=8 and (Z +7D)=8. (Hence, in the case of no errors or drifts, the size of the interval that includes all the processors in G shrunk from 2D to 7D=4.) To see this, recall that by the result of the previous step, whenever a processor p 2 G executes a Sync, it gets bias values which are bounded by (Z+3D)=4 from all the processors with low initial biases - and so its low estimate B (m) must also be smaller than (Z Similarly, it gets bias values which are bounded above 3D)=4 from all the processors with high initial biases - and so its high estimate B (M) p must be larger than the bias of p after its Sync protocol is computed as (min(B (m) Bp))=2, and since Bp is in the range [\GammaD; D] by the result of the first step, the result of this step follows. Moreover, a similar argument can be applied even to a processor outside G, whose initial bias is not in the range [\GammaD; D]. Specifically, we can show that if at the beginning of interval I i , a non-faulty processor p has high bias, say D+ - for some - ? 0, then at the end of the interval the bias of p is at most (Z +7D)=8 Hence, the distance between p and the "good range" shrinks from - to -=2. A formal analysis, including the effects of drifts and reading errors, will be included in the full version of the paper. 5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS Our results require that at most a third of the processors are faulty during each period. Previous clock synchronization protocols assuming authenticated channels (as we do) were able to require only a majority of non-faulty processors [19, 27]. It is interesting to close this gap. In [10] there is another weaker requirement: only that subnetwork containing non-faulty processors remain connected (but [10] also assumes signatures). It may be possible to prove a variant of this for our protocol, in particular it would be interesting to show that it is sufficient that the non-faulty processors form a sufficiently connected subgraph. If this holds, it will also justify limiting the clock synchronization links to a limited number of neighbors for each processor, which is one of the practical advantages of convergence based clock synchronization (It should be noted that (3f+1)-connectivity is not sufficient for our protocol. One can construct a graph on 6f +2 nodes which is (3f + 1)-connected, and yet our protocol does not work for it. This graph consists of two cliques of 3f+1 nodes, and in addition the i'th node of one clique is connected to the i'th node of the other. Now, this graph is clearly 3f connected, but our protocol cannot guarantee that the the clocks in one cliques do not drift apart from those in the other.) Additional work will be required to explore the practical potential of our protocol. In particular, practical protocols such as the Network Time Protocol [21] involve many mechanisms which may provide better results in typical cases, such as feedback to estimate and compensate for clock drift. Such improvements may be needed to our protocol (while making sure to retain security!), as well as other refinements in the protocol or analysis to provide better bounds and results in typical scenarios. The Synchronization and Accuracy requirements we defined only talk about the behavior of the protocol when the adversary is suitably limited. It may also be interesting to ask what happens with stronger adversaries. Specifically, what happens if the adversary was "too powerful" for a while, and now it is back to being f-limited. An alternative way of asking the same question is what happens when the adversary is limited, but the initial clock values of the processors are ar- bitrary. Along the lines of [11, 12], it is desirable to improve the protocol and/or analysis to also guarantee self stabiliza- tion, which means that the network eventually converges to a state where the non-faulty processors are synchronized. 6. --R The implicit rejection and average function for fault-tolerant physical clock synchronization Maintaining Security in the Presence of Transient Faults A proactive pseudo-random generator Maintaining authenticated communication in the presence of break-ins Probabilistic Clock Synchronization Probabilistic Internal Clock Synchronization An Optimal Internal Clock Synchronization Algorithm Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization Lower bounds for convergence function based clock synchronization Phase Clocks for Transient Fault Repair Proactive public key and signature systems Sharing, or: How to cope with perpetual leakage Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults A new fault-tolerant algorithm for clock synchronization the Network Time Protocol. Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks How to withstand mobile virus attacks A new solution to the byzantine generals problem Chapter 7: DCE Time Service: Synchronizing Network Time Understanding Protocols for Byzantine Clock Synchronization Technical Report TR87-859 --TR Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults A new solution for the byzantine generals problem Optimal clock synchronization A new fault-tolerant algorithm for clock synchronization How to withstand mobile virus attacks (extended abstract) Understanding DCE Wait-free clock synchronization Dynamic fault-tolerant clock synchronization Lower bounds for convergence function based clock synchronization Maintaining authenticated communication in the presence of break-ins Time-adaptive self stabilization Proactive public key and signature systems The proactive security toolkit and applications Maintaining Security in the Presence of Transient Faults Proactive Secret Sharing Or Understanding Protocols for Byzantine Clock Synchronization --CTR Michael Backes , Christian Cachin , Reto Strobl, Proactive secure message transmission in asynchronous networks, Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Principles of distributed computing, p.223-232, July 13-16, 2003, Boston, Massachusetts Kun Sun , Peng Ning , Cliff Wang, Fault-Tolerant Cluster-Wise Clock Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, v.2 n.3, p.177-189, July 2005 Hermann Kopetz , Astrit Ademaj , Alexander Hanzlik, Combination of clock-state and clock-rate correction in fault-tolerant distributed systems, Real-Time Systems, v.33 n.1-3, p.139-173, July 2006 Kun Sun , Peng Ning , Cliff Wang, TinySeRSync: secure and resilient time synchronization in wireless sensor networks, Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, October 30-November 03, 2006, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
clock synchronization;proactive systems;mobile adversary
A New Convergence Proof for Finite Volume Schemes Using the Kinetic Formulation of Conservation Laws.
We give a new convergence proof for finite volume schemes approximating scalar conservation laws. The main ingredients of the proof are the kinetic formulation of scalar conservation laws, a discrete entropy inequality, and the velocity averaging technique.
Introduction . We consider the Cauchy problem for nonlinear hyperbolic scalar conservation laws in several space dimensions. #t on the slab # := [0, T for compactly supported initial data (R d-1 ). We assume the flux function f in C 1,1 loc (R) and As is well known, solutions of nonlinear conservation laws may become discontinuous in finite time, so weak solutions must be considered, i.e., functions # L #) such that #t for all # D(#), where x). As usual, we require an entropy condition (cf. Lax [La'73]). For any entropy U # C 2 (R) we define the entropy flux ds. Then the entropy condition reads as follows: For all convex U and # D(# 0, #t A function # L #) such that (1.2) and (1.4) hold for all convex entropies U will be called a weak entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1). We are concerned with the convergence of approximations of u by finite volume schemes. This question has a history going back to the 1950s. Let us point out two modern developments: The first is Kuznetsov's [Kz'76] approximation theory, which was generalized by Vila [Vi'94] to first-order finite volume methods on unstructured # Received by the editors September 30, 1997; accepted for publication (in revised form) February 26, 1999; published electronically February 1, 2000. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 256 at Bonn University. Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik, Wegelerstrasse 10, 53115 Bonn, Germany (mwest@, CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 743 grids and by Cockburn, Coquel, and LeFloch [CCL'94] to higher-order schemes. Further generalizations can be found in Cockburn and Gremaud [CG'96] and Noelle [No'96]. The second approach is based on a uniqueness result for measure-valued solutions due to DiPerna [Di'85], which was first applied to the analysis of numerical schemes by Szepessy [Sz'89] and Coquel and LeFloch [CL'91, CL'93]. Cockburn, Coquel, and LeFloch [CCL'95] and Kroner and Rokyta [KR'94] applied this theory to first-order finite volume schemes, and Kroner, Noelle, and Rokyta [KNR'95] to higher-order schemes. Noelle [No'95] extended these results to irregular grids, where cells may become flat as h # 0, and to general E-fluxes, which include Godunov's flux. Both Kuznetsov's and DiPerna's approaches rely on Kruzkov's existence and uniqueness result [Kr'70]. In this paper, we give a convergence proof for finite volume schemes which does not rely on [Kr'70]. Instead, our approach is built upon the recent kinetic formulation for scalar conservation laws and the velocity averaging technique. As in all convergence proofs, a discrete entropy inequality plays a crucial role. The kinetic formulation was introduced by Lions, Perthame, and Tadmor [LPT'94]. They show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the entropy solutions of a scalar conservation law and solutions of a linear transport equation for which a certain nonlinear constraint holds true. More precisely, one considers functions depending on space-time and an additional v # R that solve the following equation: #R #t R for all # D(# R). Here m is a bounded nonnegative measure defined on #R and # 0 are the initial data. This equation is supplemented with an assumption on the structure of #. If the function # is defined by for all should have the form for some scalar function u defined on #. (An analogous statement should hold for the initial data.) Then we have the following equivalence (shown in [LPT'94]). Theorem 1.1. (i) Let u be a weak entropy solution of problem (1.1). Then there is a bounded nonnegative measure m such that solves the transport equation (1.5) for appropriate initial data. The measure m is supported in # [- . Furthermore, we have 744 MICHAEL WESTDICKENBERG AND SEBASTIAN NOELLE Conversely, let and a bounded nonnegative measure m be given, that solve the transport problem (1.5). Assume that # can be written as in (1.7) for some function u. Then u is a weak entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1). Note that by definition for su#ciently smooth #. The second important ingredient of our proof is a discrete entropy inequality (cf. Theorem 2.6 below). Here, we estimate the rate of entropy dissipation over each cell in terms of the local oscillation of the numerical flux function. We refer to [KNR'95] and [No'95]. It turns out that this result fits very neatly into the kinetic formulation stated above. Finally, our analysis relies on so-called velocity averaging lemmas first introduced by Golse, Lions, Perthame, and Sentis [GLPS'88] and further developed by DiPerna, Lions, and Meyer [DLM'91] and others. We refer to the survey article of Bouchut [Bo'98] for more references and recent results. The velocity averaging technique allows us to prove the strong compactness of a sequence of approximate solutions u h of problems (1.2)-(1.4). The principal idea is that the macroscopic quantity u has more regularity than # whose v-average it is. The following result is a variant of Theorem B in [LPT'94]. Theorem 1.2. Let 1 < p # 2 and 0 < # < 1. Choose some test function # D(R) and define # := spt . Assume there are sequences (# h ), (m h ), and uniformly bounded in L p (R d -# (R d )), respectively, such that #t (R d R). If the following nondegeneracy condition now holds: sup (#R d meas # then the sequence z h := # R belongs to a compact subset of L 1 loc (R d ). Remark 1.3. Here stands for the space of strongly measurable, integrable functions on # taking values in X, where X is some Banach space (cf. [DU'77]), M(R d ) is the space of bounded Radon measures, and B 1,1 -# (R d ) is a Besov space below). The assumptions on (# h ), (m h ), and are precisely adapted to the estimates which we will derive in section 3. Note that the nondegeneracy condition (1.10) (which we will assume throughout) restricts the class of admissible flux functions: f should be nonlinear. Theorem 1.2 is another instance of the fact that the nonlinearity of a problem can have a regularizing e#ect on the solutions. Think of the transport operator as a directional derivative along the vector (1, f # ). Then the partial regularity information contained in (1.9) is transformed into compactness of the moments of # h , that is, of z h , as long as a condition on the distribution of the directions (1, f # ) holds true. This is the heart of the matter. Condition (1.10) or some variant appears in many papers dealing with averaging lemmas (see [Ger'90, LPT'94, Li'95, Bo'98] and the references therein). In our context, CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 745 it can be seen as a generalization of an assumption formulated by Tartar [Tar'83] in his existence proof for scalar conservation laws in one spatial dimension. The outline of the paper is as follows. In the next section we define a class of finite volume schemes for the scalar conservation law (1.1) and state the main convergence theorem. This theorem is proved in section 3. In the last section we outline the proof of the velocity averaging result, Theorem 1.2. 2. A class of finite volume schemes. Let I be a countable index set and (T i ), a family of closed convex polygons T i # R d-1 . We assume that the T i cover the whole space, and that the intersection of two di#erent polygons consists of common faces and vertices only. Define the mesh parameter h as sup i diam T i . Let (S ij ) be the faces of be the corresponding outer unit normal vectors, and J i be their number. Then we have By definition, for every T i there is exactly one T k with T We denote that polygon by T ij . Next choose . Now the family of space-time prisms T n I gives an unstructured mesh on #. We write S n for faces normal to the time direction, while faces in spatial directions are called ij . Finally, we denote the polygon neighboring T n i at the face S n ij by T n ij . The finite volume approximation u h of the entropy solution u will be piecewise constant on the cells of an unstructured mesh with mesh parameter h. To keep the notation simpler, we omit the index h in what follows. We write u(x) =: u n almost all ij ). The update formula is given by for approximate fluxes g n ij to be defined in a moment. The numbers are taken as numerical initial data. It is well known that in this case the sequence of approximate initial data converges strongly in L 1 loc (R d-1 ) to The class of approximate fluxes, to which the convergence result given below applies, is the class of so-called E-fluxes as introduced by Osher [Os'84]. An E-flux is a family (g ij -# R such that (i) (consistency). For all v # R (ii) (conservativity). If (iii) (Osher's condition). For One example of an E-flux is Godunov's flux min another one is the Lax-Friedrichs flux. Every E-flux can be obtained from these two as a convex combination (cf. Tadmor [Tad'84]). We will restrict ourselves to Godunov's flux in all that follows. Godunov's flux can be rewritten is a family of piecewise continuous functions -# R such that R. Note that Lipschitz-continuous and monotone, i.e., nondecreasing in the first and nonincreasing in the second argument. In case of a first-order scheme, the approximate flux is now given by It is also possible to consider higher-order schemes, but we will not do this here. The approximate entropy flux corresponding to the entropy U is defined as for all v 1 , v 2 # R. Obviously, G ij is consistent and conservative, too. Moreover, we have the compatibility relation Here # k stands for the partial derivative with respect to the kth argument, 2. We use the notation Update formula (2.1) can be recast in a somewhat di#erent form. We assume that we are given numbers #x n 0 such that Then we define ij and # n Now we can write ij ij , with u n+1 We refer to [No'95] for the optimal choice of the numbers # n ij . Theorem 2.1. Let (u h ) be a sequence of approximate solutions of (1.1) built from the finite volume scheme described above. Assume that CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 747 (i) The sequence (u h ) is uniformly bounded for su#ciently small h and has uniformly compact support in #. (ii) There exists s # 1 such that for #t := inf n #t n lim (iii) There exists a constant # > 0 such that for #h/ #t and all i, j, n (iv) The nondegeneracy condition (1.10) holds. Then a subsequence of (u h ) converges strongly in L 1 loc (#) to a weak entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1). Remark 2.2. We first remark that convergence can be shown not only for Go- dunov's scheme but for the whole class of E-schemes. It is also possible to treat higher-order schemes (see [NW'97]). Higher-order means that on each cell a polynomial reconstruction of the solution is built using the values u n i at a given time level. In order to avoid oscillations near discontinuities, the reconstructions are stabilized using h-dependent limiters. Then the values of these reconstructions at fixed quadrature points on the cell faces are used in definition (2.4) of the approximate fluxes. This approach goes back to the monotone upstream-centered scheme for conservation laws (MUSCL) schemes of van Leer [VL'77]. It is shown in [CHS'90, KNR'95, Gei'93] that such schemes may indeed be higher-order accurate in space. Remark 2.3. Uniform boundedness (for spatially higher-order schemes) was shown in Cockburn, Hou, and Shu [CHS'90] and Geiben [Gei'93]. We will not reprove this here. Since we assume compactly supported initial data, u h will live on a bounded set for all schemes with a finite speed of propagation, e.g., for standard finite volume schemes with #t # Ch for some constant C not depending on h. Remark 2.4. Theorem 2.1 contains no explicit assumption on the regularity of the triangulation. Combining conditions (2.10) and (2.11) one obtains a mild restriction on the geometry of the cells, which allows them to become flat in the limit as h tends to zero. For a detailed analysis, see [No'95, No'96]. Remark 2.5. The convergence result stated in Theorem 2.1 is not new. A similar, somewhat more general theorem was shown in [No'95] using DiPerna's theory of measure-valued solution. Compare also [Sz'89, CL'91, CL'93, Vi'94, CCL'94, CCL'95, KR'94, KNR'95, No'96] for related results. What is new and presented here is the proof given below, using the kinetic formulation of conservation laws. Note that the nonlinearity of the flux, in the form of assumption (1.10), is required. In the proof of Theorem 2.1 the following discrete entropy inequality, which holds for Godunov's flux as well as for other E-schemes, plays a prominent role in the following theorem. Theorem 2.6. For all convex entropies U # C 2 (R) and all i, j, n Here # := min-M#v#M U # (v). This entropy inequality was derived in [No'95]. Analogous estimates can be found in [KR'94] for the Lax-Friedrichs and Engquist-Osher schemes and in [KNR'95, No'95] for (spatially) higher-order schemes. 748 MICHAEL WESTDICKENBERG AND SEBASTIAN NOELLE 3. Proof of Theorem 2.1 (convergence). The proof consists of two steps. First we construct an approximate distribution function # h from the numerical solution u h and apply the transport operator to it. We split the resulting term into three parts and give bounds for them in various norms. In the second step we use the velocity averaging result (1.2) to show strong compactness of the approximate solution u h and complete the proof. 3.1. Some estimates. Let us start with the definition of the distribution func- tion. To simplify the notation we omit the index h most of the time. Extending u by zero to R d we have for almost all From the Gauss-Green theorem we get #t where #(|0, u N Here dS n i is the (d-1)-dimensional Hausdor# measure restricted to S n dH d-1 (same for S n Note that in our notation the contribution from some cell face S n is counted twice: S n ij is the jth face of the cell T n but also the lth face of some neighboring cell T n . We compensated that by the factor one half in (3.3). Now we split R into three parts: #(|0, u N are defined in (2.8) and To prove the identity R only have to check that2 # i#I ij . CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 749 This follows easily from the properties of # and For fixed ij, let kl be the unique index pair defined by S n kl and i #= k. Then u kl , u n k , and 2 and definition (1.6)) we have Using almost everywhere (a.e.) for all we arrive at This proves our claim. Let us take a closer look at the three parts of R. We have R 0 because we extended u from # to R d . Note that the first summand in (3.4) contains the numerical initial data. The second term R 1 is a measure for the entropy production in the scalar conservation law. It corresponds to the right-hand side (RHS) of (1.5). Finally R 2 is the residual. It measures the numerical error. In the following, we will write # := [-M,M ]. Lemma 3.1. The R h are uniformly bounded in L 1 (#, M(R d )). Proof. Measurability follows from the tensor product structure of R h and the boundedness is immediate from our assumptions on u h , e.g., Lemma 3.2. R h 1 can be written as R h in D # (R d for some nonnegative uniformly bounded measure m h . Proof. We suppress the mesh index h. Clearly, to obtain (3.5) we may simply integrate R 1 in the kinetic variable. Using overbars to indicate primitives, as in -# we arrive at the representation ij . Note that R 1 vanishes outside the interval [-M,M ]. Therefore, m n+1 we have (using (1.8) and (2.3)-(2.4)) ds which vanishes again because of (2.9). Note that # J i 1. We conclude that m is compactly supported in R d [-M,M ]. Now let us fix i, n for a moment. We choose a test function U # C 2 (R) which is convex on [-M,M ] (a convex entropy) and apply its second derivative to m n . Integrating by parts and using compatibility relation (1.3) (and (1.8) again) we find (Remember that m n+1 i has compact support.) This quantity can be controlled using the discrete entropy inequality in Theorem 2.6. In fact, from representation (2.9) and Jensen's inequality we obtain So, if we choose a sequence of convex entropies U k with a.e., we find from the dominated convergence theorem (v) dv Since this holds for all i, n we conclude that m is a nonnegative measure as claimed. To show the boundedness of m, we use (3.6) with U(v) := 1v 2 to obtain But for all index pairs such that |S kl | G n kl because the approximate entropy flux is conservative. Hence CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 751 Furthermore, we have Therefore, the j-sum in (3.7) drops out if we sum over all cells. The remaining )-terms, however, appear twice with alternating signs and therefore cancel out, too, except for those with . Since the entropy U is nonnegative we finally arrive at (We used (2.2) and Jensen's inequality.) The lemma is proved. Definition 3.3. Let # 0 # D(R d ) be a nonnegative radially symmetric test function which equals 1 on the ball B(0, 1) and vanishes outside B(0, 2). Define for 2. Introduce the dyadic operators #}. Then the Besov space B p,q s (R d ) with s # R and 1 # p, q # contains all tempered distributions on R d such that the norm s (R d (R d ) (modified if more details, see Triebel [Tr'83]). Lemma 3.4. Let lim -# (R d Remark 3.5. Note that the Besov space B 1,1 -# (R d ) can be identified with the topological dual of the closure of D(R d ) in C # (R d ) (the space of Holder continuous Proof. Again we suppress the index h. First we show that for all i, j, n -# (R d We apply a test function # D(R d ) and obtain by definition of # n with # n+1 ij the averages of # over the cell faces S n+1 i and S n ij . Then (R d ) , where ij is the evaluation of # in the center of mass of S n ij . Next, we must control the L 1 -norm of # n ij . For an arbitrary U # C 1 (R) we have The first identity follows as above from the compatibility relation (1.3) and (1.8) (consult also (2.5) and (2.7)). For the second we used the consistency and Lipschitz- continuity of the approximate entropy flux G ij . To proceed we now replace the derivative of G ij by (2.6). Since Godunov's flux is nonincreasing in the second argument, the derivative of g ij has a sign and we can estimate # using the consistency of g ij and (2.4). Note that we do not assume convexity for U . Since the measurability of # n ij is obvious we learn that for all indices i, j, n Now the norm of R 2 can be bounded by -# (R d and further, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, by i is the characteristic function of the set of indices i, n for which u n i is nonva- nishing. Note that by assumption, the support of the numerical solution is uniformly bounded. These terms can be handled easily: First we have #t Moreover, from Theorem 2.6 with U(v) := 1v 2 we find CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 753 By definition, Therefore (cf. (2.9)) ij which is Jensen's inequality. We proceed as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 (cf. (3.7)) and arrive at -# (R d #t# (R d-1 ) . Note that 1/# explodes as h # 0. But #t# finally we obtain -# (R d #t Using assumption (2.10) we are finished. Remark 3.6. We stop here for a moment to summarize what we have shown so far. Since (# h ) is uniformly bounded in L # a subsequence converges weak* to some function #. Associated with there is a sequence (R h ) as defined above. Given # D(#) and U # D(R) we have #t R h , The first term on the RHS goes to For the second, we have shown in Lemma 3.2 that (m h ) is uniformly bounded and nonnegative in the sense of measures. Extracting another subsequence, if necessary, we have The third term finally goes to zero in distributional sense (even in a somewhat stronger topology) as shown in Lemma 3.4. Therefore the m) solves the transport equation (1.5). So far, the strategy of proof is similar to that of the first statement of Theorem 1.1 (see [LPT'94]), where it is shown that an entropy solution u leads to a nonnegative bounded measure m such that # defined by (1.7) satisfies the transport equation (1.5). What remains to be done is to prove that the nonlinear constraint (1.7) holds for the limit of the sequence (# h ). In this case, the limit defines a function u which, according to the second part of Theorem 1.1, is a weak entropy solution. For this we use the velocity averaging technique and show that (some subsequence of) strongly in L 1 loc . 3.2. End of proof. To apply Theorem 1.2, we choose a test function # which equals 1 on the interval [-M,M ]. Then we have z using (1.8) and (3.1). Define . Because of Lemmas 3.1 and 3.4, and since the space of measures is continuously embedded into -# (R d ) (cf. [Tr'83]), # h satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 1.2. Moreover, (R d #u h which is uniformly bounded, too. But then Theorem 1.2 shows that u h belongs to a compact subset of L 1 loc (R d ). Since |# - u h2 |, the approximate distribution function # h converges strongly in L 1 loc (R d R) (up to a subsequence). Hence, the nonlinear constraint (1.7) holds for the limit #. From Theorem 1.1 we conclude that u is a weak entropy solution. Remark 3.7. One classical approach to proving strong compactness for sequences of approximate solutions consists in establishing a uniform bound on the total variation and then making use of Helly's theorem. For the more modern approach relying on measure-valued solutions, as introduced by DiPerna, no such control is neces- sary. Once one has shown consistency with the entropy condition, the L 1 -contraction ensures compactness. The result presented in this paper lies somewhere in between these two cases. In fact, we do need some control over the residual, but this bound is comparatively easy to obtain, since we can choose a very weak topology. 4. Proof of Theorem 1.2 (velocity averaging). For the sake of completeness, we would like to give an outline of proof for Theorem 1.2. We will skip most details since the arguments are technically involved and can be found in other papers on velocity averaging. Let us fix some test function # D(R) and denote the RHS of (1.9) by R h . Then we can recover # h from R h (formally) by inverting the transport operator #) # for all v # R, #, (the Fourier transform is taken with respect to space-time only). But now we face the problem that the symbol -i(# #) becomes unbounded. We will need a splitting. Let # D(R) be a nonnegative even test function, vanishing outside the interval [-2, 2], with we define two operators: |#| #, v) (v) dv # for some parameter # (0, #), and |#| #, v) #) (v) dv # . Note that the inverse symbol #) -1 appears in (4.1), but because of the cut-o# function # it is e#ective only in the region #, CONVERGENCE OF FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES 755 i.e., outside a neighborhood around the singular set. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that B # has nice properties. Let # := spt #. Then we have the following lemma. Lemma 4.1. There exists a constant C not depending on # (0, #) such that (R d (R d #) for all # L p (R d 1. The function # is given by #) := sup #, # . Remark 4.2. We assumed that the nondegeneracy condition (1.10) holds. It is easy to show that in that case # 0 as # 0 [Ger'90]. As a consequence, the function A #) for suitable # becomes small in L p -norm if we let # go to zero. Definition 4.3. The generalized (fractional) Sobolev space H p s (R d ) is defined as the space of all tempered distributions such that the norm s (R d ) := #(Id - #) s/2 # L p (R d ) stays finite. For more details consult [Tr'83]. Lemma 4.4. Let 1 < p # 2, # (0, #). Then we have for all # L p (R d #) (R d (R d # C # L 1 (#,L p (R d )) . C # grows as # 0. The same estimate holds for the operator These two lemmas are shown as in [DLM'91] (compare (4.2) and (4.3) with the estimates (22) and (23) in that paper) with the modifications explained in the appendix of [LPT'94]. Note that the operators B # , B # are smoothing. We gain one derivative. We will now prove Theorem 1.2 from these two results. First we note that the dyadic operators S j (consult Definition 3.3) commute both with B # , B # and with (Id - #) 1/2 . It is then a simple application of Minkowski's inequality to rewrite (4.3) using Besov norms: s (R d s (R d for all 1 < p # 2, 1 # q #, and s # R. But the operator (Id - # x ) 1/2 defines an isomorphism (a lifting) between Besov spaces of di#erent regularity [Tr'83, 2.3.8]: s (R d 1+s (R d ) . So we conclude that B # maps s (R d 1+s (R d ). The same holds for # . Now for any # (0, #) we have the splitting z Denote by z #,h 0 the first term on the RHS of (4.6) and by z #,h 1 the terms in brackets. As already pointed out in Remark 4.2 z #,h 0 can be made arbitrarily small in L 1 loc (R d ) uniformly with respect to h by choosing # small enough. Moreover, we have z #,h 1 is strongly compact in L 1 loc (R d ) for all #. To see this, we choose a p > 1, p near 1 such that the number # than 1 (which is always possible since # < 1), and use the continuous embedding -# (R d -# (R d ) (cf. [Tr'83, 2.3.2 and 2.7.1]) to show that are uniformly bounded in -# (R d )). We conclude from (4.4) and (4.5) that z #,h 1 is uniformly bounded in some Besov space with strictly positive regularity and therefore relatively compact in L 1 loc (R d ). But then the same is true for the sequence (z h ). This proves our claim. --R "Equation Cinetiques," An error estimate for finite Volume Convergence of the finite Volume estimates for finite element methods for scalar conservation laws The Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws IV: The multidimensional case Convergence of finite di Convergence of finite di Measure valued solutions to conservation laws regularity of velocity averages Convergence of MUSCL-Type Upwind Finite Volume <Volume>Schemes</Volume> on Unstructured Triangular Grids Regularity of the moments of the solution of a transport equation Convergence of upwind finite Volume Convergence of higher order upwind finite Volume First order quasilinear equations with several independent variables Accuracy of some approximate methods for computing the weak solutions of a first-order quasi-linear equation Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the mathematical theory of shock waves Kinetic formulation of multidimensional scalar conservation laws and related equations Convergence of higher order finite Volume A note on entropy inequalities and error estimates for higher order accurate finite Volume A New Convergence Proof for Finite Volume the entropy condition Convergence of a shock capturing streamline di Numerical viscosity and the entropy condition for conservative di The compensated compactness method applied to systems of conservation laws Theory of Function Spaces Convergence and error estimates in finite Volume --TR
conservation laws;finite volume scheme;velocity averaging;kinetic formulation;convergence;entropy solutions;discrete entropy inequality
Multigrid for the Mortar Finite Element Method.
A multigrid technique for uniformly preconditioning linear systems arising from a mortar finite element discretization of second order elliptic boundary value problems is described and analyzed. These problems are posed on domains partitioned into subdomains, each of which is independently triangulated in a multilevel fashion. The multilevel mortar finite element spaces based on such triangulations (which need not align across subdomain interfaces) are in general not nested. Suitable grid transfer operators and smoothers are developed which lead to a variable V-cycle preconditioner resulting in a uniformly preconditioned algebraic system. Computational results illustrating the theory are also presented.
Introduction The mortar finite element method is a non-conforming domain decomposition technique tailored to handle problems posed on domains that are partitioned into independently triangulated subdomains. The meshes on different subdomains need not align across subdomain interfaces. The flexibility this technique offers by allowing sub-structures of a complicated domain to be meshed independently of each other is well recognized. In this paper we consider preconditioned iteration for the solution of the resulting algebraic system. Our preconditioner is a non-variational multigrid procedure. The mortar finite element discretization is a discontinuous Galerkin approxima- tion. The functions in the approximation subspaces have jumps across subdomain interfaces and are standard finite element functions when restricted to the sub- domains. The jumps across subdomain interfaces are constrained by conditions associated with one of the two neighboring meshes. Bernardi, Maday and Patera (see [2, 3]) proved the coercivity of the associated bilinear form on the mortar finite element space, thus implying existence and uniqueness of solutions to the discrete problem. They also showed that the mortar finite element method is as accurate as the usual finite element method. Recently, stability and convergence estimates for an hp version of the mortar finite element method were proved [16]. When each subdomain has a multilevel mesh, preconditioners for the linear system arising from the mortar discretization can be developed by multilevel tech- niques. A hierarchical preconditioner with conditioning which grows like the square 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 65F10, 65N55, 65N30. Key words and phrases. mortar, finite element method, multigrid, V-cycle, preconditioning, domain decomposition. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 9626567, the Environmental Protection Agency under grant R 825207 and the State of Texas under ARP/ATP grant 010366-168. c fl0000 American Mathematical Society of the number of levels is described in [8]. In this paper, we show that a variable V-cycle may be used to develop a preconditioned system whose condition number remains bounded independently of the number of levels. One of the difficulties in constructing a multigrid preconditioner for the mortar finite element method arises due to the fact that the multilevel mortar finite element spaces are, in general, not nested. Multigrid theory for nonnested spaces [5] may be employed to construct a variable V-cycle preconditioner, provided a suitable prolongation operator can be designed. We construct such a prolongation operator and prove that it satisfies the "regularity and approximation" property (Condition (C.2)) required for application of the multigrid theory. The next difficulty is in the design of a smoother. Our smoother is based on the point Jacobi method. Its analysis is nonstandard since the constraints at subdomain interface gives rise to mortar basis functions with non-local support. We prove that these basis functions decay exponentially away from their nodal vertex. This leads to a strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz inequality which is used to verify the smoothing hypothesis (Condition (C.1)). The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces most of the notation in the paper. Section 3 describes the multilevel mortar finite element spaces. In Section 4 the variable V-cycle multigrid algorithm is given and the main result (Theorem 4.1) is stated and proved. Section 5 provides proofs of some technical lemmas. Implementation issues are considered in Section 6 while the results of numerical experiments illustrating the theory are given in Section 7. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we provide some preliminaries and notation which will be used in the remainder of the paper. In addition, we describe the continuous problem and impose an assumption on the regularity of its solution. Let\Omega be an open subset of the plane. For non-negative integers s; the Sobolev space H s (see [7, 11]) is the set of functions in L with distributional derivatives up to order s also in L If s is a positive real number between non-negative integers s(\Omega\Gamma is the space obtained by interpolation (by the real method [13]) between H The Sobolev norm on H s(\Omega\Gamma is denoted by k\Deltak s;\Omega and the corresponding Sobolev seminorm is denoted by j\Deltaj and a segment fl contained in\Omega ; the trace of OE on fl is denoted by OEj We will often write kOEk r;fl and jOEj r;fl for the H r (fl) norm and seminorm respectively, of the trace OEj Assume that\Omega is connected and that its boundary, @ is polygonal. Let @\Omega be split into @\Omega D and @\Omega N such that [@\Omega D and @\Omega D is empty and assume that @\Omega D has nonzero measure. Denote by V the subspace of the Sobolev space H 1 (\Omega\Gamma consisting of functions in H whose trace on @\Omega D is zero. Denote by V 0 the dual of the normed linear space V : The dual norm k\Deltak \Gamma1;\Omega is defined by kuk 1;\Omega denotes the duality pairing. Note that L 2(\Omega\Gamma is contained in V 0 if we identify the functional ! v; OE ?= (v; OE), for all v 2 L 2(\Omega\Gamma6 Here (\Delta; \Delta) denotes the inner product in L s;\Omega is the norm on the space defined by interpolation between V 0 and L We seek an approximate solution to the problem where A(\Delta; \Delta) is bilinear form on V \Theta V defined by Z \Omega and F is a given continuous linear functional on H This problem has a unique solution. For the mortar finite element method, we restrict our attention to F of the form Z \Omega This is the variational form of the boundary value problem @U Although our results are stated for this model problem, extension to more general second order elliptic partial differential equations with more general boundary conditions are straightforward. We will need to assume some regularity for solutions of Problem (2.1). We formalize it here into Assumption (A.1). There exists a fi in the interval (1=2; 1] for which \Gamma1+fi;\Omega holds for solutions U to the problem (2.1). This is known to hold for wide class of domains [11, 12]. Note that we do not require full elliptic regularity 3. The Mortar Finite Element Method In this section, we first provide notation for sub-domains and triangulations. Next multilevel mortar finite element spaces are introduced and the mortar finite element problem is defined. Partition\Omega into non-overlapping polygonal K: The n@\Omega is broken into a set of disjoint open straight line segments k each of which is contained in @\Omega j for some i and j: The collection of these edges will be denoted by Z; i.e., Each\Omega i is triangulated to produce a quasi-uniform mesh T i 1 of size h 1 . The triangulations generally do not align at the subdomain interfaces. We assume that the endpoints of each interface segment in Z are vertices of T p and q are such that fl ae Denote the global mesh [ To set up the multigrid algorithm, we need a sequence of refinements of We refine the triangulation T 1 to produce T 2 by splitting each triangle of T 1 into four triangles by joining the mid-points of the edges of the triangle. The triangulation T 2 is then quasi-uniform of size h Repeating this process, we get a sequence of triangulations each quasi-uniform of size h We next define the mortar finite element spaces following [1, 2, 3, 16] (our notation is close to that in [16]). First, we define spaces e M k by e @\Omega D g and f is linear on each triangle of T k g: Throughout this paper we will use piecewise linear finite element spaces for convenience of notation. The results extend to higher order finite elements without difficulty [10]. For every straight line segment fl 2 Z; there is an i and j such that fl ' Assign one of i and j to be the mortar index, M(fl); and the other then is the non- mortar index, NM(fl): Let\Omega M(fl) denote the mortar domain of fl and\Omega NM(fl) be the non-mortar domain of fl: For every u 2 e and u NM fl to be the trace of uj\Omega M(fl) on fl and the trace of uj\Omega NM(fl) on fl respectively. We now define two discrete spaces S k (fl) and W k (fl) on an interface segment fl: Every fl 2 Z can be divided into sub-intervals in two ways: by the vertices of the mesh in the mortar domain of fl and by those of the non-mortar domain of fl: Consider fl as partitioned into sub-intervals by the vertices of the triangulation on non-mortar side. Let these vertices be denoted by x i Denote the sub-intervals [x are the sub-intervals that are at the ends of fl: The discrete space S k (fl) is defined as follows. v is linear on each ! k;i v is constant on ! k;1 and on ! k;N ; and v is continuous on fl: We also define the space W k (fl) by v is linear on each ! k;i v vanishes at end-points of fl; namely x 0 k;fl and x N and v is continuous on fl: The multilevel mortar finite element spaces are now defined by: ae on each fl 2 Z; R for all - 2 S k (fl): oe The "mortaring" is done by constraining the jump across interfaces by the integral equality above. We will call this constraint the weak continuity of functions in Note that though the spaces f f are nested, f the multilevel spaces fM k g are generally non-nested. We next state the error estimates for the mortar finite element method. The mortar finite element approximation of the solution U of Problem (2.1) (with F given by (2.2)) is the function U e Z \Omega (3. where e A(u; v) is the bilinear form on e V \Theta e defined by e Z It is shown in [2] that A(u; u) for all Here and in the remainder of this paper, we will use C to denote a generic constant independent of h k which can be different at different occurrences. It follows that (3.3) has a unique solution. It is also known (see [2]) that the mortar finite element approximation satisfies We now define a projection, \Pi which will be very useful in our analysis. For u 2 L 2 (fl), it can be shown [3] that there exists a unique Z Z u- ds for all - 2 S k (fl): We define \Pi k;fl u to be v. This projection is known to be stable in L 2 (fl) and H 1 i.e., under some weak assumptions on meshes (see [16]) which hold for the meshes defined above. The projector \Pi k;fl is clearly related to the weak continuity condition. Let fy j denote the nodes of T k and the operator M k be defined by (also see Figures It is easy to see that if e u is in f is an element of M k . We next define a basis for M k . Let f e be the nodal basis for f . There are more than one basis element associated with a node which appears in multiple subdomains. The basis for M k consists of functions of the form For every vertex y l k located in the open segment fl 2 Z and belonging to the non- mortar side mesh, the corresponding OE l k as defined above is zero. Every remaining vertex y l k leads to a nonzero OE l k since OE l k and e OE l k have the same nonzero value at y l Also, the values of OE l k and e OE l k at all nodes which are not nodes from non-mortar mesh lying in the interior of some fl 2 Z are the same. This implies that nonzero functions in fOE i k g are linearly independent. It is not difficult to check that these also form a basis for at y l k is one and all other OE i are zero, these functions, in fact, form a nodal basis. Denote by N k the total number of nonzero 6 JAYADEEP GOPALAKRISHNAN AND JOSEPH E. PASCIAK Nonmortar -0.4 -0.2 Figure 1. Two subdomains with meshes that do not align at interface.0.51.5-1 -0.4 Figure 2. A discontinuous e u; which is 1 on a mortar node and 0 on the remaining nodes. Mortar trace0.20.61 Figure 3. The thick line shows e the thin line shows -0.4 Figure 4. Plot shows e by extending \Pi k;fl e u M as described by (3.8). Illustrating the action of We now re-index f e in such a way that every nonzero OE i k is in fy i k g in this new ordering. Now that we have a nodal basis for M k ; we may speak of the corresponding vertices of T k as degrees of freedom for Consider an interface segment All vertices on fl are degrees of freedom except: (i) those on @\Omega D ; and (ii) those on fl and are from the nonmortar mesh. These are the vertices y i 4. Multigrid algorithm for the Mortar FEM We will apply multigrid theory for non-nested spaces [5] to construct a variable V-cycle preconditioner. Before giving the algorithm, we define a prolongation operator and smoother. Later in this section, we will prove that our algorithm gives a preconditioner which results in a preconditioned system with uniformly bounded condition number. First let us establish some notation: A k will denote the operator on M k ; generated by the form e A(\Delta; \Delta) i.e., A k is defined by A(u; v) for all u; The largest eigenvalue of A k is denoted by - k . For each basis element OE i k , we define to be the one dimensional subspace of M k spanned by OE i k . Then provides a direct sum decomposition of 4.1. Smoothing and Prolongation operators. We will use a smoother R k given by a scaled Jacobi method i.e., A where ff is a positive constant to be chosen later. Here, A k and are defined by and respectively. R k is symmetric in the (\Delta; \Delta) inner-product. It will be proved in Section 5 that There exists a positive number CR independent of k such that (R k u; u); for all In addition, I \Gamma R k A k is non-negative. We now define "prolongation operators" I Clearly, I k u needs to satisfy the weak continuity constraint (see Definition 3.2). We define I k u by: I k In the next section we show that I k satisfies: There exists a constant C fi independent of k such that for all u in Here P k is the e A-adjoint of I k ; i.e., e A(u; I k+1 OE) for all Condition (C.2) is verified using the regularity of the underlying partial differential equation. 4.2. The algorithm. Let m(k); positive integers depending on k and be defined by The variable V-cycle preconditioner B k for defined as follows: Algorithm 4.2: 1. For 2. For is defined recursively by: (a) Set x (b) (c) Set y I k q; where q is given by (d) Define y l for We make the usual assumption on m(k) (cf. [5]): (A.2): The number of smoothings m(k); increases as k decreases in such a way that holds Typically fi 1 is chosen so that the total work required for a multigrid cycle is no greater than the work required for application of the stiffness matrix on the finest level. This condition is satisfied, if for instance, The following theorem is the main result of this paper. Theorem 4.1. Assume that (A.1) and (A.2) hold. There exists an ff and M ? 0 independent of J such that A(u; u) for all m(J) fi=2 . The theorem shows that B J is a uniform preconditioner for the linear system arising from mortar finite element discretization using M J even if Increasing m(J) gives a somewhat better rate of convergence but increases the cost of applying It suffices to choose ff above so that ff ! 1=C 1 where C 1 is as in Lemma 4.4. We use the following lemmas to prove Theorem 4.1. Their proofs will be given in Section 5. First we state a lemma that is a consequence of regularity which will be used in the proof of Condition (C.2). Lemma 4.1. If (A.1) holds, then 0;\Omega e holds for all u in M The next three lemmas are useful in analyzing the smoothing operator. We begin with a lemma from the theory of additive preconditioners. MULTIGRID FOR THE MORTAR FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 9 Lemma 4.2. Let the space V be a sum of subspaces be a symmetric positive definite operator on V i and Q i be the L 2 projection holds for all u in V: Lemma 4.2 may be found stated in a different form in [14, Chapter 4] and we do not prove it here. The following two lemmas are used in the proof of Condition (C.1). Lemma 4.3. For R k defined by (4.1), there exists a constant independent of k such that (4.2) holds for all u in Lemma 4.4. For all u in M k , there is a number C 1 not depending on J such that e where k is the nodal basis decomposition. We now prove the theorem. Proof of Theorem 4.1: We apply the theorem for variable V-cycle in [4, Theorem 4.6]. This requires verification of Conditions (C.1) and (C.2). Because of Lemma 4.3, (C.1) follows if we show that I \Gamma R k A k is non-negative, i.e., for all This is equivalent to showing that for all (R Fix k be its nodal basis decomposition. Applying Lemma 4.2 gives (R ff ff e The non-negativity of I \Gamma R k A k follows provided that ff is taken to be less than or equal to 1=C 1 where C 1 is as in Lemma 4.4. Condition (C.2) is immediately seen to hold from Lemma 4.1. Indeed, e e Here we have used the fact that - k - Ch \Gamma2 This proves (C.2) and thus completes the proof of the theorem. 2 5. Proof of the lemmas As a first step in proving Lemma 4.1, we prove that the operators fI k g are bounded operators with bound independent of k. After proving Lemma 4.1, we state and prove two lemmas used in the proof of Lemmas 4.3 and 4.4. Lemma 5.1. There exists a constant C independent of k such that for all Proof: Fix . By definition, I k on every interior vertex of the mesh The above sum is taken over the vertices y i k of the\Omega NM(fl) mesh that lie on fl: Here and elsewhere - denotes equivalence with constants independent of h k and denotes the L 2 (fl) norm of the nonmortar trace of E k;fl u: By the L 2 stability of \Pi k;fl , Since u is in M denoting u M by e; we have where (\Delta; \Delta) fl denotes the L 2 (fl) inner-product. Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the right hand side, we have where the last inequality follows from the approximation properties of S Thus, Applying the triangle inequality, an inverse inequality, and a trace theorem yields That I k is bounded now follows by the triangle inequality, (5.1) and (5.5). 2 Proof of Lemma 4.1: The proof is broken into two parts. First, we prove that holds for all u in M k\Gamma1 . Next, we show that holds for all u in M k : Clearly the lemma follows using (5.7) to bound the first term on the right hand side of (5.6) and the fact that - k - Ch \Gamma2 k . Fix u in M k and set e be the solution of Now u is the mortar finite element approximation to w from M k and hence by (3.4), By the triangle inequality, To estimate the second term of (5.10), we start by writing P solves e The remainder v 2 satisfies e Here I denotes the identity operator. Then, by Lemma 5.1 and (3.4), For the last term in (5.12), we proceed as in the proof of Lemma 5.1 (see (5.1)) to get Setting we have as in (5.3), Let Q denote the L 2 projection into S Because of the approximation properties of S Trivially, we also have that Now since w is in H 1=2;@\Omega M(fl) 1=2;@\Omega NM(fl) Since restriction to boundary is a continuous operator this becomes Thus, where we have used (3.4) in the last step. This gives (recall (5.13)) 1+fi;\Omega which estimates the last term in (5.12). For the middle term in (5.12), we find from (5.11) that As in Lemma 5.1 (see (5.2) through (5.5)), we get that This proves that jjjv 2 jjj - Ch k kA k uk Combining the above estimates gives Using this in (5.10) and applying Assumption (A.1) proves (5.6). We next prove (5.7). Fix u in M k . Since k\Deltak \Gamma1+fi;\Omega is the norm on the space in the interpolation scale between V 0 and L \Gamma1;\Omega Thus it suffices to prove that Given / in V , we will construct / and Assuming such a / k exists, we have k/k k/k 1;\Omega k/k 1;\Omega Inequality (5.15) then follows from \Gamma1;\Omega - sup 0;\Omega k/k 1;\Omega e k/k 1;\Omega k/k 1;\Omega e To complete the proof, we need only construct / k satisfying (5.16) and (5.17). For M k be the L 2 projection of / into f k . This projection is local on\Omega i and satisfies (see [6]), and 0;\Omega To construct / k , we modify e so that the result is in M k , i,e., We will now show that / k defined above satisfies (5.16). We start with e Using (5.18) on the first term on right hand side and using (5.1) on the remaining, we get e Note that e by (5.2). Since / is in H its trace on fl is in L 2 (fl): Moreover, / M are equal. Hence, e where in the last step we have used a trace inequality. Using (5.18) and (5.19), we then have, e k/k Combining (5.21) and (5.20) gives (5.16). 14 JAYADEEP GOPALAKRISHNAN AND JOSEPH E. PASCIAK It now remains only to prove (5.17). By the triangle inequality, 0;\Omega 0;\Omega The first term on the right hand side is readily bounded as required by (5.19). For the second term, as in (5.1), 0;\Omega e Inequality (5.17) now follows immediately from (5.21). This completes the proof of Lemma 4.1. 2 We are left to prove the lemmas involving the smoother R k . A critical ingredient in this analysis involves the decay properties of the projector \Pi k;fl away from the support of the data. Specifically, we use the following lemma: Lemma 5.2. Let v 2 L 2 (fl) be supported on oe ' fl: Then there is a constant c such that for any set - ' fl disjoint from oe; \Gammac dist(-; oe) where dist(-; oe) is the distance between the sets - and oe: Remark 5.1 Estimates similar to those in the above lemma for the L 2 -orthogonal projection were given by Descloux [9]. Note that \Pi k;fl is not an L 2 -orthogonal projection. For completeness, we include a proof for our case which is a modification of one given in [18, Chapter 5]. Proof: Recall that a fl 2 Z is partitioned into sub-intervals ! k;i by the vertices of the mesh as the union of those sub-intervals which intersect the support of v: Following the presentation in [18], define r recursively, by letting r m be the union of those sub-intervals of fl that are not in [l!m r l and which are neighbors of the sub-intervals of this set (see Figure 5). Further, let We will now show that the L 2 norm of \Pi k;fl v on dm can be bounded by a constant times its L 2 norm on r m : For all - 2 S k (fl) with support of - disjoint from r 0 ; we have Let -m 2 S k (fl), for m - 1, be defined by ae holds with -m in place of -: Moreover, -m it vanishes on fl n Z dmn" ds Z dm "" ds Z rm -m \Pi k;fl v ds: Note that on each sub-interval of dm " "; -m is constant, and it takes the value of \Pi k;fl v at the interior endpoint. Also, on the sub-intervals of r m ; -m is either identically zero (if that sub-interval is part of r m " ") or takes the value of \Pi k;fl v on ff fi oe Figure 5. An interface segment one endpoint and zero on the other endpoint. From these observations, it is easy to conclude that Z dm "" -m \Pi k;fl v ds - C k\Pi k;fl vk 2 and Z rm ds - C k\Pi k;fl vk 2 Thus, Z dmn" ds Z dm "" -m \Pi k;fl v ds Z rm -m \Pi k;fl v ds - C k\Pi k;fl vk 2 Letting 0;dm ; the above inequality can be rewritten as q m - It immediately follows that 'm The lemma easily follows from (3.6) and the observation that the distance between - and oe is O(mh). 2 Proof of Lemma 4.3: Fix k be the nodal basis decomposition. By Lemma 4.2, (R ff l ff l Note that the L 2 norm of every basis function OE i k is O(h 2 Indeed, this is a standard estimate for those basis functions that coincide with a usual finite element nodal basis function on a subdomain. For the remaining basis functions, this follows from the exponential decay given by Lemma 5.2. Thus, (R ff On each subdomain\Omega j we have that k@ e Combining the above inequalities gives (R The above inequality is equivalent to (4.2) and thus completes the proof of the lemma.2 The proof of Lemma 4.4 requires a strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz inequality which we provide in the next lemma. First, we introduce some notation. Define the index sets e k and N fl k by e "\Omega NM(fl) g Also denote the set [fN fl Lemma 5.3. Let OE i k and OE j k be two basis functions of M k with and y j k be the corresponding vertices. Then, e e \Gammac jy i e where C and c are constants independent of k: Proof: First, consider the case when y i k and y j k are on a same open interface segment denote the set of triangles that have at least one vertex on fl and are contained denote the set of triangles that have at least one vertex on fl and are contained e The first sum obviously satisfies the required inequality, because this sum is zero whenever y i k and y j k are not vertices of the same triangle in Now consider a triangle - 2 Recall that fl was subdivided by the non- mortar mesh into sub-intervals ! k;i the union of two or more of these sub-intervals which have the vertices of - as an end-point (see Figure R k and OE j are zero at least on one vertex of -; Now, recall that OE i k and OE j are obtained from e k and e k respectively, as described by (3.9). Denote by s i and s j the supports of e respectively. Then by A A \Theta \Theta \Theta A A A A \Delta? \Omega M(fl) \Omega NM(fl) Shaded triangles form \Delta in Unshaded triangles form \Delta out Figure 6. Illustrating the notations in the proof of Lemma 5.3. Lemma 5.2, denotes the length of may easily be seen that Further, by quasi-uniformity, Split the sum over - 2 \Delta NM in (5.24) into a sum over triangles which have a vertex lying in between y i k and y j k on fl; and a sum over the remaining triangles in \Delta NM . We denote the former set of triangles as \Delta in NM and latter as \Delta out Note that the number of triangles in \Delta in NM is bounded by Cjy i We first consider triangles in \Delta in The observations of the previous paragraph yield in in A exp \Gammac jy i \Gammac jy i Now, for the sum over triangles in \Delta out observe that one of the distances, out \Gammac jy i \Theta out NM exp \Gammac The sum on the right hand side can be bounded by a summable geometric series. out \Gammac jy i Thus, (5.25), (5.26) and (5.24) give e \Gammac jy i This with the coercivity of e A(\Delta; \Delta) on M k \Theta M k proves the lemma when y i k and y j lie on the same fl: Note that all the above arguments go through when either y i k or k is an endpoint of fl: To conclude the proof, it now suffices to consider the case when y i k ) is zero unless there is a triangle - in T k which has one of its edges contained in fl 1 and another contained in In the latter case, defining s i and s j to be the supports of e respectively, and using similar arguments as before, it is easy to arrive at an analogue of (5.25). Specifically, if d ij is the distance from y i k to y j k when traversed along the broken line e from which the required inequality follows as d ij - jy i MULTIGRID FOR THE MORTAR FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 19 Proof of Lemma 4.4: Split u into a function u 0 that vanishes on the interface \Gamma and a function u \Gamma that is a linear combination of OE i By the triangle inequality, e On each triangle - in T k ; c i(- ;j) OE i(- ;j) k on -; are the vertices of -: Applying the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality gives e e All that remains is to estimate e We clearly have e e Applying Lemma 5.3 gives e \Gammac jy i e e Here M is the matrix with entries \Gammac jy i and denotes the cardinality of N \Gamma k and '\Delta' indicates the standard dot product in R jN \Gamma To conclude the proof, it suffices to show that kMk ' 2 is bounded by a constant independent of h k : Note that kMk ' 2 is equal to the spectral radius of M and consequently, can be bounded by any induced norm. So, For every fixed i; the sum on the right hand side can be enlarged to run over all vertices of the mesh T k ; and then one obtains exp \Gammac jy j ZZ Thus 6. Implementation This section will describe some details of implementing the mortar method and the preconditioner B J . Since we shall be using a preconditioned iteration, all that is necessary is the implementation of the action of the stiffness matrix and that of the preconditioner. Let A k denote the stiffness matrix for the mortar finite element method, i.e., be an element of M k . To apply A k to first expand v in the basis f e k g, apply the stiffness matrices for f M k and finally accumulate A(v; OE i . The application of the stiffness matrix corresponding to the space f k with nodal basis f e k g is standard. As we shall see, the first and last steps are closely related. The first step above involves computing the nodal representation of a function v with respect to the basis f e given the coefficients fp i g appearing in (6.1). Thus, we seek the vector e e e e Note that e Thus, we only need to determine the values of e for the remaining indices. These indices appear in some set e corresponding to one of the interface segments. We define the transfer matrix T k;fl by e e Then, for The last step of accumulating e is also implemented in terms of T k;fl . Given the results of the stiffness matrix evaluation on f i.e., the vector of values e k ), we need to compute e k for nodes which are not on any of the interface segments so we only need to compute e for nodes such that i 2 N fl k for some segment. This is given by e e The sum on fl above is over the segments with i 2 N fl k . For convenient notation, let us denote by T k , the matrix of the linear process that takes to fep g. Then, the matrix corresponding to f e k )g is the transpose T t We now discuss the implementation of the preconditioner Specifically, we need a procedure that will compute the coefficients of B k v (in the basis fOE i the values (v; OE i . The corresponding matrix will be denoted by The matrix that takes a vector f(w; OE i k )g to coefficients of R k w with respect to fOE i will be denoted by R k : Finally, let C k be the matrix associated with I k , i.e., I k OE i Assuming B k\Gamma1 has been defined, we define B k g for an g 2 R Nk by: 1. Compute x l for 2. Set y k q; where q is computed by 3. Compute y l for 4. This algorithm is straightforward to implement as a recursive procedure provided we have implementations of R To compute q k q k\Gamma1 , we first let e q We then apply the coarse to fine interpolation corresponding to the imbedding f k . This gives a vector which we denote by e q k . Then q k is given by the truncated vector To compute the action of the transpose, q we start by defining e to be the vector which extends q k by e q i . Next we apply the adjoint of the coarse to fine imbedding ( f to define the vector e q k\Gamma1 . Then Since our codes do not assemble matrices, we use the alternative smoother where k is the largest eigenvalue of A k . This avoids the computation of the diagonal entry e The corresponding matrix operator R k is just multiplication by \Gamma1 k . We now show that this operator is a good smoother by showing that it satisfies Condition (C.1). First, (4.2) holds for R k since by Lemma 4.3, (R k v; e 22 JAYADEEP GOPALAKRISHNAN AND JOSEPH E. PASCIAK Now let v be in M k and p be as in (6.1). Then, (R k A k v; A k e This shows that I \Gamma R k A k is non-negative and hence Condition (C.1) is satisfied. 7. Numerical Results In this section we give the results of model computations which illustrate that the condition numbers of the preconditioned system remain bounded as the number of levels increase. The code takes as input general triangulations generated independently on subdomains, recursively refines these triangulations by breaking each triangle into four similar ones, solves a mortar finite element problem and implements the mortar multigrid preconditioner. We apply the mortar finite element approximation to the problem where\Omega is the domain pictured in Figure 7 and f is chosen so that the solution of (7.1) is y(y domain\Omega is decomposed into sub-domains and the subdomains are triangulated to get a coarse level mesh as shown in Figure 7. The triangulations were done using the mesh generator TRIANGLE [17]. The smoother used was R k defined in the previous section and Estimates of extreme eigenvalues of the operator B J A J were given by those of the Level Minimum eigen- Maximum eigen- Condition Degrees of J value of B J A J value of B J A J number freedom Table 7.1. Conditioning of B J A J : Lanczos matrix (see [15]). Note that the eigenvalues of B J A J coincide with those of B J A J . As can be seen from Table 7.1, the condition numbers remain bounded independently of the number of levels as predicted by the theory. --R The mortar finite element method with lagrange multipliers. Domain decomposition by the mortar element method. A new nonconforming approach to domain decom- position: the mortar element method Multigrid Methods. The analysis of multigrid algorithms with nonnested spaces or noninherited quadratic forms. Some estimates for a weighted l 2 projection. The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods. A hierarchical preconditioner for the mortar finite element method. On finite element matrices. PhD thesis Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth domains. On the poisson equation with intersecting interfaces. Multilevel Finite Element Approximation. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. Uniform hp convergence results for the mortar finite element method. Engineering a 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangu- lator Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems. --TR
mortar;multigrid;finite element method;v-cycle;domain decomposition;preconditioning
A Theory-Based Representation for Object-Oriented Domain Models.
AbstractFormal software specification has long been touted as a way to increase the quality and reliability of software; however, it remains an intricate, manually intensive activity. An alternative to using formal specifications directly is to translate graphically based, semiformal specifications into formal specifications. However, before this translation can take place, a formal definition of basic object-oriented concepts must be found. This paper presents an algebraic model of object-orientation that defines how object-oriented concepts can be represented algebraically using an object-oriented algebraic specification language O-Slang. O-Slang combines basic algebraic specification constructs with category theory operations to capture internal object class structure, as well as relationships between classes.
INTRODUCTION As the field of software engineering continues to evolve toward a more traditional engineering dis- cipline, a concept that is emerging as important to this evolution is the use of formal specifications, the representation of software requirements by a formal language [1],[2]. Such a representation has many potential benefits, ranging from improvement of the quality of the specification itself to the automatic generation of executable code. While some impressive results have emerged from the utilization of formal specifications [3],[4], the development of formal specifications to represent a user's requirements is still a difficult task. This has restricted adoption of formal specifications by practitioners. On the other hand, an approach to requirements modeling that has been gaining acceptance is the use of object-oriented methods. Initially introduced as a programming paradigm, its application has been extended to the entire software lifecycle. This informal approach, consisting of graphical representations and natural language descriptions, has many variations, but Rum- baugh's Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is typical, and perhaps the most widely referenced [5]. In OMT, three models are combined to capture the essence of a software system. The object model captures the structural aspects of the system by defining objects, their attributes, and the relationships (associations) between them. The behavior of the system is captured by the other two models. The dynamic model captures the control flow as a classical state-transition model, or statechart, while the functional model represents the system calculations as hierarchical data flow diagrams and process descriptions. All three models are needed to capture the software system's requirements, although for a given system one or two of the models may be of lesser importance, or even omitted. While systems such as KIDS [3] and Specware [6] have been making progress in software synthesis, research in the acquisition of formal specifications has not been keeping pace. Formal specification of software remains an intricate, manually intensive activity. Problems associated with specification acquisition include a lack of expertise in mathematical and logical concepts among software developers, an inability to effectively communicate formal specifications with end users to validate requirements, and the tendency of formal notations to restrict solution creativity [7]. Fraser et. al., suggest an approach to overcoming these problems via parallel refinement of semi-formal and formal specifications. In a parallel refinement approach, designers develop specifications using both semi-formal and formal representations, successively refining both representations in parallel [7]. Fig. 1 shows our concept of a parallel refinement system for formal specification development. In this system, a domain engineer would use a graphically-based object-oriented interface to specify a domain model. This domain model would be automatically translated into formal Class Theories stored in a library. A user knowledgeable in the domain would then use the graphically-based object-oriented interface to refine the domain model into a problem specific formal Functional Specification. Finally, a software engineer would map the Functional Specification to an appropriate formal Architecture Theory, generating a specification capable of being transformed to code by a system such as Specware. Bailor Approved System Specifications Specification Structuring Domain Engineering Specification Generation Object-Oriented User Interface Specification Acquisition Mechanism Domain Knowledge Domain Theory Composition Subsystem Class Theories Theory Library (Abstract Types) Problem Requirements Architecture Theories Specification Generation/Refinement Subsystem Architecture Matching Subsystem Functional Specifications Design Decisions Non-Functional Functional Figure 1: Parallel Refinement Specification Acquisition Mechanism A critical element for the success of such a system is the definition of a formal representation that captures all important aspects of object-orientation, along with a formal represention of the syntax and semantics of the informal model and a mapping for ensuring the full equivalence of the informal and formal models. While formal representation of the informal model has been done in bits and pieces [8],[9],[10], a full, consistent, integrated formal object model does not exist. This paper describes a method for fully representing an object-oriented model using algebraic theories [11]. An algebraic language, O-Slang, is defined as an extension of Kestrel Institute's Slang [12]. O-Slang not only supports an algebraic representation of objects, but allows the use of category theory operations such as morphisms and colimits to combine primitive object specifications to form more complex aggregates, and to extend object specifications to capture multiple inheritance [13]. Using this formal representation along with formal transformations from the informal model, we have demonstrated the automatic generation of formal algebraic specifications from commercially available object oriented CASE tools. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related work and Section 3 presents basic algebraic and category theory concepts. Section 4 introduces the basic object model while Sections 5 through 7 describe inheritance, aggregation, and object communication in more detail. Finally, Section 8 discusses our contributions and plans for the future. Related Work There have been a number efforts designed to incorporate object-oriented concepts into formal specification languages. MooZ [14] and Object-Z [15] extend Z by adding object-oriented structures while maintaining its model-based semantics. Z++ [16] and OOZE [17] also extend Z but provide semantics based on algebra and category theory. Although these Z extensions provide enhanced structuring techniques, they do not provide improved specification acquisition meth- ods. FOOPS [18] is an algebraic, object-oriented specification language based on OBJ3 [19]. Both FOOPS and OBJ3 focus on prototyping, and provide little support for specification acqui- sition. Some research has been directed toward improving specification acquisition by translating object-oriented specifications into formal specifications [10]; however, these techniques are based on Z and lack a strong notion of refinement from specification to code. 3 Theory Fundamentals Theory-based algebraic specification is concerned with (1) modeling system behavior using algebras (a collection of values and operations on those values) and axioms that characterize algebra behavior, and (2) composition of larger specifications from smaller specifications. Composition of specifications is accomplished via specification building operations defined by category theory constructs [20]. A theory is the set of all assertions that can be logically proved from the axioms of a given specification. Thus, a specification defines a theory and is termed a theory presentation. In algebraic specifications, the structure of a specification is defined in terms of sorts, abstract collections of values, and operations over those sorts. This structure is called a signature. A signature describes the structure of a solution; however, a signature does not specify semantics. To specify semantics, the definition of a signature is extended with axioms defining the intended semantics of signature operations. A signature with associated axioms is called a specification. An example of a specification is shown in Figure 2. spec Array is sorts E, I, A operations apply axioms 8 E) (i Figure 2: Array specification A specification allows us to formally define the internal structure of object classes (attributes and operations); however, they do not provide the capability to reason about relationships between object classes. To create theory-based algebraic specifications that parallel object-oriented specifications, the ability to define and reason about relationships between theories, similar to those used in object-oriented approaches (inheritance, aggregation, etc.), must be available. Category theory is an abstract mathematical theory used to describe the external structure of various mathematical systems [21] and is used here to describe relationships between specifications. A category consists of a collection of C-objects and C-arrows between objects such that (1) there is a C-arrow from each object to itself, (2) C-arrows are composable, and (3) arrow composition is associative. An obvious example is the category Set where "C-objects" are sets and "C- arrows" are functions between sets. However, of greater interest in our research is the category Spec. Spec consists of specifications as the "C-objects" with specification morphisms as the "C- arrows". A specification morphism, oe, is a pair of functions that map sorts (oe S operations spec Finite-Map is sorts M, D, R operations apply axioms 8 Figure 3: Finite map specification (oe\Omega ) from one specification to compatible sorts and operations of a second specification such that the axioms of the first specification are theorems of the second specification. Intuitively, specification morphisms define how one specification is embedded in another. An example of a morphism from array to finite-map (Figure 3) is shown below. apply 7! applyg Specification morphisms comprise the basic tool for defining and refining specifications. Our toolset can be extended to allow the creation of new specifications from a set of existing spec- ifications. Often two specifications derived from a common ancestor specification need to be combined. The desired combination consists of the unique parts of two specifications and some "shared part" common to both specifications (the part defined in the shared ancestor specifica- tion). This combining operation is a colimit. Conceptually, the colimit is the "shared union" of a set of specifications based on the morphisms between the specifications. These morphisms define equivalence classes of sorts and operations. For example, if a morphism, oe, from specification A to specification B maps sort ff to sort fi, then ff and fi are in the same equivalence class and thus become a single sort in the colimit specification of A, B, and oe. The colimit operation creates a new specification, the colimit specification, and a specification morphism from each specification to the colimit specification. An example showing the relationship between a colimit and multiple inheritance is provided in Section 5. From these basic tools (morphisms and colimits), we can construct specifications in a number of ways [20]. We can (1) build a specification from a signature and a set of axioms, (2) form the union of a set of specifications via a colimit, (3) rename sorts or operations via a specification morphism, and (4) parameterize specifications. Many of these methods are useful in translating object-oriented specifications into theory-based specifications. Detailed semantics of object-oriented concepts using specifications and category theory constructs are presented next. 4 Object Classes The building block of object-orientation is the object class which defines the structure of an object and its response to external stimuli based its current state. Formally defined in Section 4.1 as a class type, a class is a template from which individual object instances can be created. Fig. 4 shows a specification of a banking account class in O-Slang. 4.1 Class Structure In our theory-based object model, we capture the structure of a class as a theory presentation, or algebraic specification, as follows. class type, C, is a signature, hS;\Omega i and a set of axioms, \Phi, over \Sigma (i.e., a theory presentation, or specification) where S denotes a set of sorts including the class sort \Omega denotes a set of functions over S \Phi denotes a set of axioms over \Sigma Sorts in S are used to describe collections of data values used in the specification. In O-Slang a distinguished sort, the class sort, is the set of all possible objects in the class. In an algebraic sense, this is really the set of all possible abstract value representations of objects in the class. Functions in\Omega are classified in O-Slang syntax as attributes, methods, state-attributes, states, class Acct is import Amnt, Date class sort Acct sorts Acct-State operations attributes state-attributes methods create-acct states events new-acct axioms state uniqueness and invariant axioms operation definitions method definitions event definitions 8 (a: Acct, x: Amnt) acct-state(a)=ok 8 (a: Acct, x: Amnt) acct-state(a)=overdrawn end-class Figure 4: Object Class events, and operations. Attributes are defined implicitly by visible functions which return specific data values. In Fig. 4, the functions date and bal are attributes. Methods are non-visible functions, invoked via visible events, that modify an object's attribute values. A method's domain includes an object, along with additional parameters, while the return value is always the modified object. In Fig. 4, the functions create-acct, credit and debit are methods. The semantics of functions, as well as invariants between class attribute values, are defined using first order predicate logic axioms. In general, axioms define methods by describing their effects on attribute values as in the following example. 4.2 Class Behavior States. In our model, a state is a partition of the cross-product of an object's attribute values. For example, a bank account might be partitioned into an ok and an overdrawn state based on a partitioning of its balance values. Formally, a class type has at least one state sort (multiple state sorts allow modeling concurrent state models and substate models), a set of states which are elements in a state sort (defined by nullary functions), a state attribute defined over each state sort as a function which returns the current state of an object, and a set of state invariants, axioms that describe constraints on class attributes that must hold true while in a given state. In our object model, we separate state attributes from normal attributes to capture the notion of an object's abstract state as might be defined in an statechart. The values of state attributes of define an object's abstract state while the values of normal attributes define an object's true state. In Fig. 4, the class state sort is Acct-State, the class state attribute is acct-state, the state constants are ok and overdrawn, and the state invariants are These axioms state that when the balance of an account is greater than or equal to zero, the account must be in the ok state; however, when the balance of the account becomes less than zero, the state must become overdrawn. While it is tempting to replace the implication operators with equivalence operators, doing so would unnecessarily restrict subclasses derived from this class as defined in Section 5. Additionally, the axiom ok 6= overdrawn ensures correct interpretation of the specification that states ok and overdrawn are distinct. Events. Events are visible functions that allow objects to communicate with each other and may directly modify state attributes. We present a more detailed discussion of the specificaiton of this communication between objects in Section 7. As a side effect, receipt of an event may cause the invocation of methods or the generation of events sent to other objects. Events are distinct from methods to separate control from execution. This separation keeps us from having to embed state-based control information within methods. Each class has a new event which triggers the create method and initializes the object's state attributes. In Fig. 4, the functions new-acct, deposit and withdrawal are events. The effect of these events on the class behavior, which can be represented by the statechart in Fig. 5, is defined by a set of axioms similar to the following axiom from Fig. 4. OK overdrawn deposit(a,x)/credit(a,x) new-acct(d) Figure 5: Account Statechart Class Operations. Operations are visible functions that are generally used to compute derived attributes and may not directly modify attribute values. In Fig. 4, the function acct-attr-equal is an operation. Similar to methods and events, the semantics of operations are defined using first order predicate logic axioms. Inheritance Class inheritance plays an important role in object-orientation; however, the correct use of inheritance is not uniformly agreed upon. In our work we have chosen to use a strict form of inheritance that allows a subclass object to be freely substituted for its superclass in any situa- tion. This subtype interpretation was selected to simplify reasoning about the class's properties and to keep it closely related to software synthesis concepts [6]. We believe the advantages of strict inheritance outweight its disadvantages in our research since most arguments favoring a less strict approach to inheritance - such as polymorphism and overloading - are much more germane to implementation than to specification. Thus, as a subtype, a subclass may only extend the features of its superclass. Liskov defines these desired effects as the "substitution property" [22]: If for each object of type S there is an object of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T the behavior of P is unchanged when is substituted for , then S is a subtype of T . The only way to ensure the substitution property holds in all cases is to ensure that the effects of all superclass operations performed on an object are equivalent in the subclass and the superclass. To achieve this, inheritance must provide a mapping from the sorts, operations, and attributes in the superclass to those in the subclass that preserve the semantics of the superclass. This is the basic definition of a specification morphism (extended for O-Slang to map class- sorts to class-sorts, attributes to attributes, methods to methods, etc.) and provides us a formal definition of inheritance [13]. Specification morphisms map the sorts and operations of one algebraic specification into the sorts and operations of a second specification such that the axioms in the first specification are theorems in the second specification [13]. Thus, in essence, a specification morphism defines an embedding of functionality from one specification into a second specification. class D is said to inherit from a class C, denoted there exists a specification morphism from C to D and the class sort of D is a sub-sort of the class sort of C (i.e., D cs provides a concise, mathematically precise definition of inheritance and ensures the preservation of the substitution property as stated in Theorem 1 [11]. Theorem 1 Given a specification morphism, oe : C ! D, between two internally consistent classes C and D such that D cs , the substitution property holds between C and D. Since we assume user defined specifications are initially consistent, we can ensure consistency in a subclass as long as the user does not introduce new axioms in the subclass that redefine how a method defined in the superclass affects an attribute also defined in the superclass. An example of single inheritance using a subclass of the ACCT class is shown in Fig. 6. The import statement includes all the sorts, functions, and axioms declared in the ACCT class directly into the new class while the class sort declaration SAcct ! Acct states that SAcct is a sub-sort of Acct, and as such, all functions and axioms that apply to an Acct object apply to a SAcct object as well. A statechart for SACCT is shown in Fig. 7. The import operation defines a specification morphism between ACCT and SACCT while the sub-sort declaration completes the requirements of Definition 2 for inheritance. Therefore, SACCT is a valid subclass of ACCT and the substitution property holds. 5.1 Multiple Inheritance Multiple inheritance requires a slight modification to the notion of inheritance as stated in Definition 2. The set of superclasses must first be combined via a category theory colimit operation and then used to "inherit from". Based on specification morphisms, the colimit operation composes a set of existing specifications to create a new colimit specification [21]. This new colimit specification contains all the sorts and functions of the original set of specifications without duplicating the "shared" sorts and functions from a common "ancestor" specification. Conceptually, the colimit of a set of specifications is the "shared union" of those specifications. Therefore, the colimit operation creates a new specification, the colimit specification, and a morphism from each specification to the colimit specification. Definition 3 Multiple Inheritance - A class D multiply inherits from a set of classes fC 1 . g if there exists a specification morphism from the colimit of fC 1 . C n g to D such that the class sort of D is a sub-sort of each of the class sorts of fC 1 . C n g. This definition states that all sorts and operations from each superclass map to sorts and operations in the subclass such that the defining axioms are logical consequences of the axioms class SAcct is import Acct, Rate class operations attributes rate methods create-sacct events new-sacct compute-interest : SAcct, Date ! SAcct axioms 8 (d: Date, r: Rate, a, a1: SAcct) operation definitions method definition 8 (s: SAcct, a: Amnt) 8 (s: SAcct, a: Amnt) event definitions end-class Figure Savings Class OK overdrawn deposit(a,x)/credit(a,x) rate-change(a,d,r) rate-change(a,d,r) compute-interest(a,d) /int(a,d) Figure 7: Savings Account Statechart of the subclass. This implies that all operations defined in a superclasses are applicable in the subclass as well. This definition ensures that the subclass D inherits, in the sense of Definition 2, from each superclass in fC 1 . C n g as shown in Theorem 2 below [11]. Theorem 2 Given a specification morphism from the colimit of fC 1 . C n g to D such that the class sort of D is a sub-sort of each of the class sorts of fC 1 . C n g, the substitution property holds between D and each of its superclasses fC 1 . C n g. It is important to note that Definition 3 only ensures valid inheritance when the axioms defining each operation in the superclass specifications fC 1 . C n are complete. Failure to completely define operations can result in an inconsistent colimit specifications [11]. We can use multiple inheritance to combine the features of a savings account with those of a checking account, CACCT, as defined in Fig. 8. To compute the resulting class, the colimit of the classes ACCT, SACCT, CACCT, and morphisms from ACCT to SACCT and CACCT is computed as shown in Fig. 9, where an arrow labeled with an "i" represents an import morphism and a "c" represents a morphism formed by the colimit operation. A simple extension of the colimit specification with the class sort definition Comb-Acct ! SAcct; CAcct yields the desired class where Comb-Acct is a subclass of both SAcct and CAcct, as denoted by the ! operator in the class sort definition. Fig. 10 shows the "long" version of the combined specification signature with all the attributes, methods, and events inherited by the Comb-Acct class (axioms are omitted for brevity). class CAcct is import Acct class sort CAcct ! Acct operations attributes check-cost methods create-cacct set-check-cost : CAcct, Amnt ! CAcct events new-cacct change-check-cost : CAcct, Amnt ! CAcct axioms 8 (a: CAcct, x: Amnt) axioms omitted end-class Figure 8: Checking Class SAcct CAcct Acct Comb-Acct c c c Figure 9: Colimit of Accounts class Comb-Acct is import SAcct, CAcct class sorts Acct-State operations attributes rate check-cost state-attributes methods create-acct Comb-Acct create-sacct Comb-Acct create-cacct Comb-Acct create-comb-acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct set-check-cost Comb-Acct Comb-Acct states events new-acct Comb-Acct new-sacct Comb-Acct new-cacct Comb-Acct new-comb-acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct Comb-Acct compute-interest Comb-Acct change-check-cost Comb-Acct Comb-Acct axioms 8 (a: CAcct, x: Amnt) axioms omitted Figure 10: Combined Account Signature 6 Aggregation Aggregation is a relationship between two classes where one class, the aggregate, represents an entire assembly and the other class, the component, is "part-of" the assembly. Not only do aggregate classes allow the modeling of systems from components, but they also provide a convenient context in which to define constraints and associations between components. Aggregate class behavior is defined by that of its components and the constraints between them. Thus aggregates impose an architecture on the domain model and specifications derived from it. Components of an aggregate class are modeled similarly to attributes of a class through the concept of Object-Valued attributes. An object-valued attribute is a class attribute whose sort type is a set of objects - the class-sort of another class. Formally, they are specification functions that take an object and return an external object or set of objects. The effects of methods on object-valued attributes are similar to those for normal attributes. However, instead of directly specifying a new value for an object-valued attribute, an event is sent to the object stored in the object-valued attribute. We can formally define an aggregate using the colimit operation and object-valued attributes. class C is an aggregate of a set of component classes, fD 1 ::D n g, if there exists a specification morphism from the colimit of fD 1 ::D n g to C such that C has at least one corresponding object-valued attribute for each class sort in fD 1 ::D n g. An aggregate class combines a number of classes via the colimit operation to specify a system or subsystem. The colimit operation also unifies sorts and functions defined in separate classes and associations to ensure that the associations actually relate two (or more) specific classes. To capture a domain model within a single structure, we can create a domain-level aggregate. To create this aggregate, the colimit of all classes and associations within the domain is taken. 6.1 Aggregate Structure An aggregate consists of a number of classes and provides a convenient means to define additional constructs and relationships. These constructs include class sets, individual components, and associations. 6.1.1 Class Set A class type definition specifies a template for creating new instances. In order to manage a set of objects in a class, a class set is created for each class defined. class set is a class whose class sort is a set of objects from a previously defined object class, C. A class set includes a "class event" definition for each event in C such that the reception of a class event by a class set object sends the corresponding event in C to each object of type C contained in the class set object. If the class C is a subclass of then the class set of C is a subclass of the class sets of D 1 :::D n . The class set creates a class type whose class sort is a set of objects and defines some basic functions on that set. For example, in Fig. 11 ACCT-CLASS imports the ACCT class specifica- class Acct-Class is contained-class ACCT class sort Acct-Class events axioms end-class Figure 11: O-Slang Class Set Specification tion and adds additional "class" events. These class events mirror the "object" events defined in the class type and distribute the event invocation to each object in the class set. The resulting specification is effectively a set of Acct objects. Using the category theory colimit operation, a class type specification can be combined with a basic SET specification to automatically derive the class set specification. 6.1.2 Specification of Components Components may have either a fixed, variable, or recursive structure. All three structures use object-valued attributes to reference other objects and define the aggregate. The difference between them lies in the types of objects that are referenced and the functions and axioms defined over object-valued attributes. In a fixed configuration, once an aggregate references a particular object, that reference may not be changed. The ability of an aggregate object to change the object references of its object-valued attributes is determined by whether a method exists, other than the initialization method, to modify the object-valued attribute. If no methods modify any object-valued attributes then the aggregate is fixed. If methods do modify the object- valued attributes, then the aggregate is variable. A recursive structure is also easily represented using object-valued attributes. In this case, an object-valued attribute is defined in the class type that references its own class sort. 6.1.3 Associations Associations model the relationships between an aggregate's components. We define a link as a single connection between object instances and an association as a group of such links. A link defines what object classes may be connected along with any attributes or functions defined over the link. Link attributes and link functions are those that do not belong to any one of the objects involved, but exist only when there is a link between objects. Formally, associations are represented generically as a specification that defines a set of individual links. A link defines a specification that uses object-valued attributes to reference individual objects from two or more classes. Links may also define link attributes or functions in a manner identical to object classes. Basically, a link is a class whose class-set is an association while an association is a set of links. Associations with more than two classes are handled in a similar manner by simply adding additional object-valued attributes. Definition 6 Link A link is an object class type with two or more object-valued attributes. Definition 7 Association An association is the class set of a link specification. Multiplicity is defined as the number of links of an association in which any given object may participate. For a binary association, an image operation is defined for each class in the associ- ation. The image operation returns a set of objects with which a particular object is associated and is used to define multiplicity constraints as shown in Fig. 12. For binary associations, we allow five categories of association multiplicities: exactly one, many, optional, one or more, or numerically specified. True ternary or higher level associations are relatively rare; however, they exactly one 7! many 7! optional 7! one or more 7! numerically specified 7! numerically specified 7! Figure 12: Association Multiplicity Axioms can be modeled using an association class. In a ternary association, the image operation returns a set of object tuples associated with a given object. Since the output is a set of tuples, the same multiplicity axioms shown in Fig. 12 apply. 6.1.4 Banking Example An example of a link specification between a class of customers CUST (not illustrated) and the ACCT class to associate customers with their accounts is shown in Fig. 13. The CA-Link link specification can relate objects from the two classes without embedding internal references into the classes themselves. Although the names of the object-valued attributes and sorts correspond to the CUSTOMER and ACCT classes, the link specification does not formally tie the classes together. This relationship is actually formalized in the aggregate specification. The association between the ACCT class and the CUSTOMER class is shown in Fig. 14. The CUST-ACCT class defines a set of CA-Link objects while its axioms define the multiplicity relationships between accounts and customers, in this case exactly one customer per account while each customer may have one or more accounts. The CUSTOMER, ACCT, and CUST-ACCT classes are then combined to form an aggregate BANK. The sorts from CUST and CUST-ACCT and the sorts from ACCT and CUST-ACCT are unified via specification morphisms that define their equivalence as shown in Fig. 15. The actual specification of the aggregation colimit BANK-AGGREGATE is not shown, but is further refined into the aggregate specification for BANK seen in Fig. 16. The SET specification is used to unify sorts while the INTEGER specification ensures only a single copy of integers is included. Three copies of the SET specification are included since each class requires a unique set. Once the BANK-AGGREGATE specification is computed, the CUST-ACCT association actually associates the CUSTOMER class to the ACCT class. New functions and axioms can link CA-Link is class sort CA-Link sorts Customer, Account operations attributes customer account methods events axioms operation definition create method definition 8 (c: Customer, a: Account) new event definition 8 (c: Customer, a: Account) ca-link-attr-equal(new-ca-link(c,a), create-ca-link(c,a)) end-link Figure 13: Customer Account Link association Cust-Acct is link-class CA-Link class sort Cust-Acct sorts Accounts, Customers methods image : Cust-Acct, Customer ! Accounts Customers events new-cust-acct Cust-Acct axioms % multiplicity axioms new event definition . definition of image operations . end-association Figure 14: Cust-Acct Association Acct-Class Cust-Class Cust-Acct Bank-Aggregate c c Integer c Bank Figure 15: Aggregation Composition class Bank is import class sort Bank attributes Cust-Acct methods aggregate methods defined here update-accts update-cust-acct Cust-Acct events start-account axioms definition of aggregate methods in terms of components here invariants % definition of operations 8 (b: Bank, a: Address, an: Acct-No, c: Customer) % definition of methods 8 (b, b1: Bank, an: Acct-No, c: Customer) add-account(b, c, date built in % definition of events attr-equal(new-bank(), create-bank()); 8 (b:Bank, an:Acct-No, c:Customer) attr-equal(start-account(b,c,an),add-account(b,c,an)); 8 (b: Bank, an: Acct-No, c: Customer, am: Amount) 8 (b: Bank, an: Acct-No, c: Customer, am: Amount) end-class Figure Aggregate Specification be added to an extension of colimit specification, the BANK class type specification, shown in Fig. 16, to describe aggregate-level interfaces and aggregate behavior based on component events and methods. 6.2 Aggregate Behavior Once an aggregate is created via a colimit operation, further specification is required to make the aggregate behave in an integrated manner. First, new aggregate level functions are defined to enable the aggregate to respond to external events. Then, constraints between aggregate components are specified to ensure that the aggregate does not behave in an unsuitable or unexpected manner. Finally, local event communication paths are defined. The definition of new functions and constraints is discussed in this section while communication between objects is discussed in Section 7. 6.2.1 Specification of Functionality In an aggregate, components work together to provide the desired functionality. Functional decomposition, often depicted using data flow diagrams (DFDs), is used to break aggregate-level methods into lower-level processes. Processes defined in the functional model are mapped to events and attributes defined in the aggregate components through aggregate-level axioms. An example is shown by the data flow diagram in Fig. 17 for the aggregate method add-account, used to implement aggregate event start-account. The make-deposit and make-withdrawal events map directly to component events and do not require further functional decomposition. The add-account process adds an account for an established customer and is defined in terms of operations defined directly in the bank specification (Figure 16) or included into the bank specification via the bank aggregate specification from the customer-account link specification Figure and the account specification (Figure 4). The following axiom defines add-account in terms of these subprocesses and data flows as depicted in the data flow diagram. add-account customer new- ca-link new- account acct customer acct update- cust-acct Cust-Acct-Assoc cust-acct update- accts acct cust-acct Figure 17: Bank Aggregate Functional Decomposition assume date is built in The add-account method has two parameters, the bank object, b, plus an existing customer object as shown in the data flow diagram, and returns the modified bank object, b1. The add-account method is defined by its subprocesses. First, a new account acct is created by invoking the new-acct process. This is passed to the update-accts process which stores the new account in the account class, and to the new-ca-link process, along with the customer, which returns a cust-acct link. Finally, the new cust-acct link is passed to the update-cust-acct process which stores it in the cust-acct association. The new-acct and new-ca-link processes are the events defined in the Acct class and the CA-Link association respectively and are already available via the aggregate. The update-accts and update-cust-acct processes could already exist as part of the account class and cust-acct association, but as shown here are defined in the aggregate specification. 6.2.2 Specification of Constraints Between Components In an aggregate, component behavior must often be constrained if the aggregate is to act in an integrated fashion. Generally, these constraints are expressed by axioms defined over component attributes. Because the aggregate is the colimit of its components, the aggregate may access components directly and define axioms relating various component attributes. Engine Wheel TransmissionDrives AutomobileRPMs Conversion-Factor RPMs Connected Figure Automobile Aggregate Functional Decomposition A simplified automobile object diagram is shown in Fig. 18. The object diagram contains one engine with an RPMs attribute, one transmission with a Conversion-Factor attribute, and four wheels, each with an RPMs attribute. Two relationships exist between these objects, Drives, that relates the transmission to exactly two wheels, and Connected, that relates two wheels (probably by an axle). Obviously, there are a number of constraints implicit in the object diagram that must be made explicit in the aggregate. First, the RPMs of the engine, Conversion-Factor of the transmission, and RPMs of the wheels are all related. Also, the wheels driven by the transmission must be "connected," and all "connected" wheels should have the same RPMs. The axiom defines the relationship between the RPMs of the wheels driven by the transmission, the transmission conversion-factor and the engine RPMs. In this case, wheel-obj is an object valued attribute of a drives link that points to the two wheels connected to the transmission. The axiom ensures that the two wheels connected by a connected link have the same RPMs values (here wheel1 and wheel2 are the object valued attributes of the link). The final constraint, that the two wheels driven by the transmission be connected, is specified implicitly in the specification of the create-automobile method. After the transmission and wheel objects (w1, w2, w3, and w4) are created in lines 1 through 5, drives and connected links are created and defined to ensure the appropriate constraints are met in lines 6 through 9. Finally in line 10, the engine is created and inserted into the automobile aggregate. Because wheels w1 and w2 are associated with the transmission via the drives association in the line 6, they are also associated together via the connected association in line 8. Thus, the constraint is satisfied whenever an automobile aggregate object is created. 7 Object Communication At this point our theory-based object model is sufficient for describing classes, their relationships, and their composition into aggregate classes; however, how objects communicate has not yet been addressed. For example, suppose the banking system described earlier has an ARCHIVE object which logs each transaction as it occurs. Obviously, the ARCHIVE object must be told when a transaction takes place. In our model, each object is aware of only a certain set of events that it generates or receives. From an object's perspective, these events are generated and broadcast to the entire system and received from the system. In this scheme, each event is defined in a separate event theory as shown in Fig. 19. An event theory consists of a class sort, parameter sorts, and an event signature that are mapped via morphisms to sorts and events in the generating and receiving classes. If an event is being sent to a single object then the event theory class sort is mapped to the class sort of that event Archive-Withdrawal is class sort Archive sorts Acct, Amnt events Archive end-class Figure 19: Event Theory object class. However, if the event theory class sort is mapped to the class sort of a class set then communication may occur with a set of objects of that class. The other sorts in an event theory class are the sorts of event parameters. The final part of an event theory, the event signature, is mapped to a compatible event signature in the receiving class. The colimit of the classes, the event theory, and the morphisms unify the event and sorts such that invocation of the event in the generating class corresponds an invocation of the actual event in the receiving class. To incorporate an event into the original ACCT class, the ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL event theory specification is imported into the ACCT class and an object-valued attribute, archive-obj, is added to reference the archival object. The axioms defining the effect of the withdrawal event are modified to reflect the communication with the ARCHIVE object as shown below. Basically, the axioms state that when a withdrawal event is received, the value of the archive-obj is modified by the archive-withdrawal event defined in the event theory specification. Thus the ACCT object knows it communicates with some other object or objects; however, it does not know who they are. With whom an object communicates (or, for that matter, if the object communicates at all) is determined at the aggregate-level where the actual connections between communicating components are made. The modified BANK aggregate diagram that includes the ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL event theory and an ARCHIVE-CLASS specification is shown in Fig. 20. The colimit operation includes morphisms from ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL to ACCT-CLASS and ARCHIVE-CLASS that unify the sorts and event signature in ACCT-CLASS with the sorts and event signature of ARCHIVE-CLASS. This unification creates the communication path between account objects and archive objects. Acct-Class Cust-Class Cust-Acct Bank Archive-Withdrawal Archive-Class c c Figure 20: Bank Aggregate with Archive Communicating with objects from multiple classes requires the addition of another level of specification which "broadcasts" the communication event to all interested object classes. The class sort of a broadcast theory is called a broadcast sort and represents the object with which the sending object communicates. The broadcast theory then defines an object-valued attribute for each receiving class. Fig. 21 shows an example of the ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL-MULT event theory modified to communicate with two classes. In this case, the ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL theory is used to unify the ARCHIVE-WITHDRAWAL-MULT with the ACCOUNT class as well as the other two classes. A simplified version of the colimit diagram specification is shown in Fig. 22. Multiple receiver classes add a layer of specification; however, multiple sending classes are handled very simply. The only additional construct required is a morphism from each sending class to the event theory mapping the appropriate object-valued attribute in the sending class to the class sort of the event theory and the event signature in the sending class to the event signature in the event theory. event Archive-Withdrawal-Mult is class sort Archive sorts Amnt, Acct, X, Y attribute events Archive axioms 8 (a: Archive, ac: Acct, am: Amnt) end-class Figure 21: Broadcast Theory Acct-Class Cust-Class Cust-Acct Bank Archive-Class Printer-Class Archive-Withdrawal-Mult c c c c c Archive- Archive- Archive- c c c c Figure 22: Aggregate Using a Broadcast Theory 7.1 Communication Between Aggregate and Components Communication between components is handled at the aggregate level as described above. How- ever, when the communication is between the aggregate and one of its components, the unification of object-valued attributes and class sorts via event theories does not work since the class sort of the aggregate is not created until after the colimit is computed. The solution requires the use of a sort axiom that equivalences two sorts as shown below: Using the bank example discussed above, assume the archive-withdrawal event is also received by the Bank aggregate. The archive-withdrawal event theory is included in the Account class type and, by the colimit operation, the Bank aggregate. To enable the Bank aggregate to receive the archive-withdrawal event, a sort-axiom is used in the Bank specification to equivalence the Bank sort of the aggregate with the Archive sort from the event theory as shown below. Archive Use of the sort axiom unifies the Bank sort and the Archive sort and thus the signatures of the archive-withdrawal events defined in the event theory and the Bank aggregate become equivalent. Communication from the aggregate to the components, or subcomponents, is much simpler. Since the aggregate includes all the sorts, functions, and axioms of all of its components and subcomponents via the colimit operations, the aggregate can directly reference those components by the object-valued attributes declared either in itself or its components. Because an aggregate is aware of its configuration, determining the correct object-valued attribute to use is not a problem. 8 Discussion of Results and Future Efforts 8.1 Object Model Our research establishes a formal mathematical representation for the object-oriented paradigm within a category theory setting. In our theory-based object model, classes are defined as theory presentations or specifications and the basic object-oriented concepts of inheritance, aggregation, association, and inter-object communication are formally defined using category theory opera- tions. While some work formalizing aspects of object-orientation exists [23],[8],[18],[24], [25], ours is the first to formalize all the important aspects of object-orientation in a cohesive, computationally tractable framework. In fact, our formalization of inheritance, aggregation, and association, provides techniques for ensuring the consistency of object-oriented specifications based on the composition process itself. The completeness of our integrated model allows the capture of any object-oriented model as a formal specification. Furthermore, the algebraic language O-Slang allows for straight-forward translation into existing algebraic languages such as Slang or Larch for further transformation into executable code. Thus this model provides a bridge from existing informal CASE tools to existing formal specification languages, tying the ease of use of the former to the technical advantages of the latter. 8.2 Application of Object Model To show the applicability of the theory-based object model, we developed a proof of concept parallel-refinement specification acquisition system. This system used a commercially available, OMT-based, object-oriented CASE tool to capture the informal specification. This included graphical representation of the object, dynamic, and functional models along with textual input in the form of method definitions and class-level constraints (neither of these have a graphical format defined in OMT and are generally easier to define directly using first-order axioms). The output from the user-interface was then parsed and translated into O-Slang based on the theory-based object model. The translation from graphically-based input to O-Slang was completely automated. Two complete object-oriented domain models were developed using this system: a school records database and a fuel pumping station. These domains were chosen to demonstrate the wide diversity of domains, stressing both functional and dynamic aspects, supported by this model. In total, over 37 classes, including 76 methods and operations, 89 attributes, 5 aggregates, events, and 7 associations were specified. These domain models were sufficiently large and diverse to demonstrate the application of the theory-based model to support realistic problem domains. 8.3 Future Plans The definition of theory-based models that can be mapped 1:1 to an informal representation provides the necessary framework for a parallel refinement system for specification development as shown in Fig. 1. Our theory-based object model allows for the development of a domain model as a library of class theories. This O-Slang representation can next be transformed into a Slang specification in a straightforward manner to allow the full use of the Specware development system. The Specware system has already demonstrated the ability to generate executable code from algebraic specifications. Thus the technology now exists to transform informal object-oriented models to correct executable code. While the class theories can be translated into code, the desired approach is to treat them as a full domain model. From this, a specific specification can be developed for input to design processing. Thus the next step is the development of the specification generation/refinement subsystem in Fig. 1, an "elicitor-harvester" that will elicit requirements from a user by reasoning over the domain model and harvesting components of the domain model to build the desired specification. The ability to map between an informal model and the theory-based object model will allow the user to interface with the system using a familiar informal representation, while the formal model can support the reasoning needed to guide the user as well as assuring that the harvested specification remains consistent with the constraints of the domain model. Acknowledgments This work has been supported by grants from Rome Laboratory, the National Security Agency, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. --R "Report on a Knowledge-Based Software Assistant," "Software Engineering in the Twenty-First Century," "KIDS - A Semi-automatic Program Development System," "Transformational Approach to Transportation Scheduling," "Diagrams for Software Synthesis," "Strategies for Incorporating Formal Speci- fications," "A Formal Semantics for Object Model Diagrams," "Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems," "Teaching formal extensions of informal-based object-oriented analysis methodologies," Formal Transformations from Graphically-Based Object-Oriented Representations to Theory-Based Specification Kestrel Institute "Some Fundamental Algebraic Tools for the Semantics of Computation Part I: Comma Categories, Colimits, Signatures and Theories," "Specifying a Concept-recognition System in Z++," "Object-Z: An Object-Oriented Extension to Z," "A Comparative Description of Object-Oriented Specification Languages," "Specification in OOZE with Examples," "Unifying Functional, Object-Oriented and Relational Programming with Logical Semantics," "Introducing OBJ3," "Algebraic Specification: Syntax, Semantics, Structure," "Category Theory Definitions and Examples," "Data Abstraction and Hierarchy," "Practical Consequences of Formal Defintions of Inheritance," "An Algebraic Theory of Object-Oriented Systems," "Modelling Multiple Inheritance with Colimits," --TR --CTR Ana Mara Funes , Chris George, Formalizing UML class diagrams, UML and the unified process, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA,
software engineering;domain models;transformation systems;formal methods
Interactive control for physically-based animation.
We propose the use of interactive, user-in-the-loop techniques for controlling physically-based animated characters. With a suitably designed interface, the continuous and discrete input actions afforded by a standard mouse and keyboard allow for the creation of a broad range of motions. We apply our techniques to interactively control planar dynamic simulations of a bounding cat, a gymnastic desk lamp, and a human character capable of walking, running, climbing, and various gymnastic behaviors. The interactive control techniques allows a performer's intuition and knowledge about motion planning to be readily exploited. Video games are the current target application of this work.
Introduction Interactive simulation has a long history in computer graphics, most notably in flight simulators and driving simulators. More recently, it has become possible to simulate the motion of articulated human models at rates approaching real-time. This creates new opportunities for experimenting with simulated character motions and be- haviors, much as flight simulators have facilitated an unencumbered exploration of flying behaviors. Unfortunately, while the controls of an airplane or an automobile are well known, the same cannot be said of controlling human or animal motions where the interface between our intentions and muscle actions is unobservable, complex, and ill-defined. Thus, in order to create a tool which allows us to interactively experiment with the dynamics of human and animal motions, we are faced with the task of designing an appropriate interface for animators. Such an interface needs to be sufficiently expressive to allow the creation of a large variety of motions while still being tractable to learn. Performance animation and puppetry techniques demonstrate how well performers can manage the simultaneous control of a large number of degrees of freedom. However, they are fundamentally kinematic techniques; if considerations of physics are to be added, this is typically done as a post-process. As a result, they do not lend themselves well to giving a performer a sense of embodiment for animated figures whose dynamics may differ significantly from that of the performer. In contrast, the physics of our simulated characters constrains the evolution of their motions in significant ways. We propose techniques for building appropriate interfaces for interactively-controlled physically-based animated characters. A variety of characters, motions, and interfaces are used to demonstrate the utility of this type of technique. Figure 1 shows an example interface for a simple articulated figure which serves as a starting point for our work and is illustrative of how a simple interface can provide effective motion control. Figure 1: Interactive control for Luxo, the hopping lamp. This planar model of an animated desk lamp has a total of 5 degrees of freedom (DOF) and 2 actuated joints, capable of exerting joint torques. The motion is governed by the Newtonian laws of physics, the internal joint torques, the external ground forces, and gravity. The joint torques are computed using a proportional-derivative (PD) controller, namely . The motions of the two joints are controlled by linearly mapping the mouse position, (mx ; my ), to the two desired joint angles, d . Using this interface, coordinated motions of the two joints correspond to tracing particular time-dependent curves with the mouse. A rapid mouse motion produces a correspondingly rapid joint mo- tion. With this interface one can quickly learn how to perform a variety of interactively controlled jumps, shuffles, flips, and kips, as well as locomotion across variable terrain. With sufficient prac- tice, the mouse actions become gestures rather than carefully-traced trajectories. The interface thus exploits both an animator's motor learning skills and their ability to reason about motion planning. Figure 2 shows an example of a gymnastic tumbling motion created using the interface. This particular motion was created using several motion checkpoints. As will be detailed later, these facilitate correcting mistakes in executing particularly unstable or sensitive motions, allowing the simultion to be rolled back to previous points in time. Figure 3 shows a user-controlled motion over variable terrain and then a slide over a ski jump, in this case performed without Figure 2: Example of an interactively controlled back head-springs and back-flip for Luxo. Figure 3: Example of an interactively controlled animation, consisting of hops across variable terrain and a carefully timed push off the ski jump. the use of any checkpoints. The sliding on the ski hill is modelled by reducing the ground friction coefficient associated with the sim- ulation, while the jump is a combined result of momentum coming off the lip of the jump and a user-controlled jump action. This initial example necessarily provokes questions about scala- bility, given that for more complex characters such as a horse or a cat, one cannot hope to independently control as many input DOF as there are controllable DOF in the model. One possible solution is to carefully design appropriate one-to-many mappings from input DOF to output DOF. These mappings can take advantage of frequently occuring synergetic joint motions as well as known symmetry and phase relationships. We shall also explore the use of discrete keystrokes to complement and/or replace continuous input DOF such as that provided by the mouse. These enrich the input space in two significant ways. First, keys can each be assigned their own action semantics, thereby allowing immediate access to a large selection of actions. This action repertoire can easily be further expanded if actions are selected based upon both the current choice of keystroke and the motion context of the keystroke. Second, each keystroke also defines when to perform an action as well as the selection of what action. The timing of keystrokes plays an important role in many of our prototype interfaces. In its simplest form, our approach can be thought of as sitting squarely between existing virtual puppetry systems and physically-based animation. It brings physics to virtual puppetry, while bringing interactive interfaces to physically-based animation. The system allows for rapid, free-form exploration of the dynamic capabilities of a given physical character design. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews previous related work. Section 3 describes the motion primitives used in our prototype system. Section 4 illustrates a variety of results. Finally, section 5 provides conclusions and future work. Previous Work Building kinematic or dynamic motion models capable of reproducing the complex and graceful movements of humans and animals has long been recognized as a challenging problem. The book Making Them Move[3] provides a good interdisciplinary primer on some of the issues involved. Using physical simulation techniques to animate human figures was proposed as early as 1985[2]. Since then, many efforts have focussed on methods of computing appropriate control functions for the simulated actuators which will result in a desired motion being produced. Among the more popular methods have been iterative optimization techniques [8, 13, 19, 23, 29, 30], methods based on following kinematically- specified reference trajectories [15, 16], suitably-designed state machines [9], machine learning techniques[14], and hybrids[5, 12]. A number of efforts have examined the interactive control of dynamically-simulated articulated figures[10, 11] or procedurally- driven articulated figures[6]. The mode of user interaction used in these systems typically involves three steps: (1) setting or changing specific parameters (2) running the simulation, and (3) observing the result. This type of observe and edit tools is well suited to producing highly specific motions. However, the interaction is less immediate than we desire, and it does not lend a performer a sense of embodiment in a character. Motion capture and virtual puppetry both allow for user-in-the- loop kinematic control over motions[17, 21, 24], and have proven effective for specific applications demanding real-time animation. The use of 2d user gestures to specify object motion[4] is in an interesting early example of interactive computer mediated anima- tion. Physical animatronic puppets are another interesting prece- dent, but they cannot typically move in an uncontrained and dynamic fashion in their environment. The system described in [7] is a novel application of using a haptic feedback device for animation control using a mapping which interactively interpolates between a set of existing animations. Our work aims to expand the scope of interactive real-time interfaces by using physically-based simu- lations, as well as exploring interfaces which allow various degrees of motion abstraction. Such interfaces could then perhaps also be applied to the control of animatronic systems. The work of Troy[25, 26, 27] proposes the use of manual manipulation of several input devices to perform low-level control of the movement of bipedal characters. The work documents experiments with a variety of input devices and input mappings as having been performed, although detailed methods and results are unfortunately not provided for the manual control method. Nevertheless, this work is among the first we know of that points out the potential of user-in-the-loop control methods for controlling unstable, dynamic motions such as walking. Computer and video games offer a wide variety of interfaces based both on continuous-input devices (mice, joysticks, etc.) and button-presses and/or keystrokes. However, the current generation of games do not typically use physically-based character anima- tion, nor do they allow much in the way of fine-grained motion control. Exceptions to the rule include fighting games such as Die by the Sword[20] and Tekken[18]. The former allows mouse and keyboard control of a physically-based model, limited to the motion of the sword arm. The latter, while kinematic in nature, affords relatively low-level control over character motions. Telerobotics systems[22] are a further suitable example of interactive control of dynamical systems, although the robots involved are typically anchored or highly stable, and are in general used in constrained settings not representative of many animation scenarios. 3 Motion Primitives The motion primitives used to animate a character can be characterized along various dimensions, including their purpose and their implementation. In this section we provide a classification based largely on the various interface methods employed in our example scenarios. The joints of our simulated articulated figures are all controlled by the use of PD controllers. Motion primitives thus control mo- time structure state/environment instant interval sequence of intervals joint limb coordination robust to initial state robust to future state non-robust Figure 4: Three dimensions of control abstraction. tions by varying the desired joint angles used by the PD controllers, as well as the associated stiffness and damping parameters. PD controllers provide a simple, low-level control mechanism which allows the direct specification of desired joint angles. Coping with more complex characters and motions necessitates some form of abstraction. Figure 4 shows three dimensions along which such motion abstraction can take place. The interfaces explored in this paper primarily explore abstractions in time and structure by using stored control sequences and coordinated joint motions, respectively. The remaining axis of abstraction indicates the desirability of motion primitives which perform correctly irrespective of variations in the initial state or variations in the environment. This third axis of abstraction is particularly challenging to address in an automated fashion and thus our examples rely on the user-in-the- loop to perform this kind of abstraction. 3.1 Continuous Control Actions The most obvious way to control a set of desired joint angles is using an input device having an equivalent number of degrees of free- dom. The mouse-based interface for the hopping lamp (Figure 1) is an illustration of this. It is interesting to note for this particular example that although cursor coordinates are linearly mapped to desired joint angles, a nonlinearity is introduced by the acceleration features present in most mouse-drivers. This does not seem to adversely impact the continuous control. In general, continuous control actions are any mappings which make use of continuously varying control parameters, and are thus not limited to direct mappings of input DOF to output DOF. The availability of high DOF input devices such as data-gloves and 6 DOF tracking devices means that the continuous control of input DOF can potentially scale to control upwards of 20 degrees of freedom. However, it is perhaps unreasonable to assume that a performer can learn to simultaneously manipulate such a large number of DOF independently, given that precedents for interfaces in classical puppetry and virtual puppetry are typically not this ambitious. 3.2 Discrete Control Actions Discrete actions, as implemented by keystrokes in our interfaces, allow for an arbitrary range of action semantics. Action games have long made extensive use of keystrokes for motion specification, although not at the level of detail that our interfaces strive to provide. The following list describes the various action semantics used in prototype interfaces, either alone or in various combinations. Some of the actions in this list refer directly to control actions, while others serve as meta-actions in that they modify parameters related to the simulation and the interface itself. set joint position (absolute) Sets desired position of joint or a set of joints to a prespecified value(s). If all joints are set simultaneously in order to achieve a desired pose for the figure, this becomes a form of interactive dynamic keyframing. adjust joint position (relative) Changes the desired position of a joint or set of joints, computed relative to current desired joint positions. release Causes a hand or foot to grasp or release a nearby point (e.g., ladder rung) or to release a grasped point. select IK target Selects the target point for a hand or foot to reach toward using a fixed-time duration IK trajectory, modelled with a Hermite curve. The IK solution is recomputed at every time step. initiate pose sequence Initiate a prespecified sequence of full or partial desired poses. select next control state Allows transitions between the states of a finite-state machine; useful for modelling many cyclical or otherwise well-structured motions, leaving the timing of the transitions to the performer. rewind, reset state Restarts the simulation from a previous state checkpoint. set joint stiffness and damping Sets the stiffness and damping parameters of the PD joint controllers to desired values. select control mode Chooses a particular mapping for a continuous input device, such as which joints the mouse controls. set simulation rate Speeds up or slows down the current rate of simulation; helps avoid a motion happening 'too fast' or 'too slow' to properly interact with it. set state checkpoint Stores the system state (optionally during re- play/review of a motion) so that simulation may be reset to the same state later if desired. modify physical parameters Effects changes to simulation parameters such as gravity and friction. toggle randomized motion Begins or halts the injection of small randomized movements, which are useful for introducing motion variation. Our default model for arbitration among multiple actions which come into conflict is to allow the most recent action to pre-empt any ongoing actions. Ongoing actions such as IK-based trajectories or pose sequences are respectively preempted only by new IK-based trajectories or pose sequences. 3.3 State Machines Given the cyclic or strongly structured nature of many motions, state machine models are useful in helping to simplify the complexities of interactive control. For example, they allow separate actions such as 'take left step' and `take right step' to be merged into a single action 'take next step', where a state machine provides the necessary context to disambiguate the action. As with many other animations systems, state machines serve as the means to provide apriori knowledge about the sequencing of actions for particular classes of motion. 4 Implementation and Results Our prototype system is based on a number of planar articulated figures. The planar dynamics for these figures can easily be computed at rates suitable for interaction (many in real-time) on most current PCs and offer the additional advantage of having all aspects of their motion visible in a single view, thereby providing unobstructed visual feedback for the performer. Our tests have been conducted primarily on a 450 Mhz Mac and a 366 Mhz PII PC. While hard-coded interfaces were used with the original prototyping system behind many of our results, our more recent system uses Tcl as a scripting language for specifying the details of any given interface. This facilitates rapid iteration on the design of any given interface, even potentially allowing changes during the course of a simulation. 4.1 Luxo Revisited Using the continuous-mode mouse-based interface shown in Figure 1, the desklamp is capable of executing a large variety of hops, back-flips, a kip manoevre, head-stands, and motion across variable terrain. This particular interface has been tested on a large number of users, most of whom are capable of performing a number of the simpler movements within 10-15 minutes, given some instruction on using the interface. Increasing the stiffness of the joints or scaling up the mapping used for translating mouse position into desired joint angles results in the ability to perform more powerful, dynamic movements, although this also makes the character seem rather too strong during other motions. We have additionally experimented with a keystroke-based interface using 14 keys, each key invoking a short sequence of pre-specified desired poses of fixed duration. The various key actions result in a variety of hops and somersaults if executed from the appropriate initial conditions. The repertoire of action sequences and associated keystrokes are given in the Appendix. The animator or performer must choose when to execute keystrokes and by doing so selects the initial conditions. The initiation of a new action overrides any ongoing action. The keystroke-based interface was created after gaining some experience with the continuous-mode interface. It provides an increased level of abstraction for creating motions and is easier to learn, while at the same time trading away some of the flexibility offered by the continuous-mode interface. Lastly, user-executed continuous motions can be recorded and then bound to a keystroke. 4.2 Animating a Cat Experiments with a planar bounding cat and a planar trotting cat are a useful test of scalability for our interactive interface techniques. Figure 5 illustrates the planar cat as well as sets of desired angles assumed by the legs for particular keystrokes. In one control mode, the front and back legs each have 6 keys assigned to them, each of which drives the respective leg to one of the 6 positions illustrated in the figure. The keys chosen for each pose are assigned a spatial layout on the keyboard which reflects the layouts of the desired poses shown in the figure. An additional pose is provided which allows each leg to exert a larger pushing force than is otherwise available with the standard set of 6 poses. This can be achieved by temporarily increasing the stiffness of the associated leg joints, or by using a set of hyperextended joint angles as the desired joint positions. We use the latter implementation. This seventh overextended pose is invoked by holding the control key down when hitting the key associated with the backwards extended leg pose. The animation sequence shown in Figure 6 was accomplished using 12 checkpoints. A checkpoint lets the performer restart the rear leg fore leg 'q' 'w' 'e' 'a' 's' 'd' 'u' 'i' 'o' 'j' 'k' 'l' Figure 5: Parameterization of limb movements for cat. simulation from a given point in time, allowing the piecewise interactive construction of sequences that would be too long or too error-prone to perform successfully in one uninterrupted attemp- t. Checkpoints can be created at fixed time intervals or at will by the performer using a keystroke. Some of the sequences between checkpoints required only 2 or 3 trials, while particularly difficult aspects of the motion required 10-20 trials, such as jumping the large gap and immediately climbing a set of steps (second-last row of Figure 6). The cat weighs 5 kg and is approximately 50 cm long, as measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Its small size leads to a short stride time and requires the simulation to be slowed down considerably from real-time in order to allow sufficient reaction time to properly control its motions. The cat motions shown in Figure 6 were controlled using a slowdown factor of up to 40, which allows for 10-15 seconds to control each bound. It is important to note that there is a 'sweet spot' in choosing the speed at which to interact with a character. Important features of the dynamics become unintuitive and uncontrollable if the interaction rate is either too slow or too fast. When the simulation rate is too fast, the user is unable to react quickly enough to correct errors before the motion becomes unsavable. When the motion is too slow, the user tends to lose a sense of the necessary rhythm and timing required to perform the motion successfully and lacks sufficient immediate feedback on the effects of the applied control actions. For basic bounding, a slowdown factor around 10, giving a bound time of 2-3 seconds is sufficient. For more complex motions such as leaping over obstacles, a factor of up to 40+ is required. Figure 7 shows a trotting motion for a planar 4-legged cat mod- el. The trotting was interactively controlled using only the mouse. The x; y mouse coordinates are used to linearly interpolate between predefined poses corresponding to the six leg poses shown in Figure 5. The poses are laid out in a virtual 2 3 grid and bilinear interpolation is applied between the nearest 4 poses according to the mouse position. The simplest control method assumes a fixed phase relationship among the 4-legs, allowing the mouse to simultaneously effect coordinated control of all legs. A more complex method uses the same mapping to control one leg at a time. This latter method met with less success, although was not pursued at length. The cat model is comprised of articulated links, which makes it somewhat slow to simulate, given that we currently do not employ O(n) forward dynamics methods. 4.3 Bipedal Locomotion We have experimented with a number of bipedal systems which are capable of more human-like movements and behaviors such as walking and running. For these models, we make extensive use Figure Cat bounding on variable terrain using piecewise interactive key-based control. The frames shown are manually selected for visual clarity and thus do not represent equal samples in time. The arrows indicate when the various checkpoints were used, denoting the position of the shoulders at the time of the checkpoint. Figure 7: Cat trot using continuous mouse control. The animation reads from top-to-bottom, left-to-right. The first seven frames represent a complete motion cycle. The frames are equally spaced in time. of a hybrid control technique which mixes continuous and discrete input actions in addition to purely discrete methods similar to those used with the cat and Luxo models. We have also experimented with a wide variety of other bipedal motions in addition to walking and running, including a number of motions such as a long jump attempt and a fall-recovery sequence that are readily explored using interactive control techniques. Figure 8 shows the interface for an interactive walking control experiment. The mouse is used to control the desired angles for the hip and knee joints of the swing leg. A keypress is used to control when the exchange of stance and swing legs occurs and therefore changes the leg currently under mouse control. The stance leg assumes a straight position throughout the motion. The bipedal figure has human-like mass and dimensions, although it does not have a separate ankle joint. In our current implementation, joint limits are not enforced, although such constraints can easily be added to the simulation as desired. An example of the resulting motion is shown in Figure 9. With some practice, a walk cycle can be sustained indefinitely. With significant practice, the walk can be controlled in real-time, although a simulation speed of 2-3 times slower than real-time provides a left leg right leg Figure 8: Interface for interactive control of bipdal walking. sweet-spot for consistent interactive control. It is also possible to choose a particular (good) location for the mouse, thus fixing the desired joint angles for the swing leg, and achieve a marching gait by specifying only the the time to exchange swing and stance legs by pressing a key. This marching motion is quite robust and is able to traverse rugged terrain with reasonable reliability. Yet another mode of operation can be achieved by automatically triggering the swing-stance exchange when the forward lean of the torso exceeds a fixed threshold with respect to the vertical. With this automatic mechanism in place, it is then possible to transition from a marching walk to a run and back again by slowly moving only the mouse through an appropriate trajectory. Figure 9: Bipedal walking motion Figure shows the results of a biped performing a long-jump after such an automatic run. This particular biped dates from earlier experiments and is smaller in size and mass than the more anthropomorphic biped used for the walking experiments. This motion makes use of the same interface as for the bipedal walking motion, shown in in Figure 8. A slowdown factor of up to 80 was necessary because of the small size of the character, as well as the precision required to achieve a final landing position having the legs extended and the correct body pitch. Approximately 20 trials are required to achieve a recognizable long jump, each beginning from a motion checkpoint one step before the final leap. However, we anticipate that the interface can be also be improved upon significantly by using a more reasonable default behavior for the uncontrolled leg. Figure 10: A long jump attempt. 4.4 Bipedal Gymnastics Several other experiments were carried out using the bipedal figures with continuous-mode mouse control and one or more keys to select the mapping of the continuous input onto the model's desired joint angles. The basic types of motion investigated include a variety of climbing modes both with the bipedal model "facing" the view plane and in profile in the view plane, and swinging modes both with arms together and separated. Nearly every mapping for these control modes uses the mouse y coordinate to simultaneously drive the motion of all limb joints (hips, knees, shoulders and elbows) in a coordinated fashion and the mouse x coordinate to drive the bending of the waist joint to alter the direction of the motion. The control modes differ from each other primarily in the particular symmetries shared between the joints. Figure 11 illustrates two forms of symmetry used for climbing "gaits" similar in pattern to those of a quadruped trotting and bounding. The mapping of the mouse x coordinate onto the waist joint is also shown. The control modes can produce interactive climbing when coupled with a state machine that grasps and releases the appropriate hands and feet each time a key is pressed (assuming that the hands and feet are touching a graspable surface). Swinging modes perform in a similar manner but use the mouse x or y coordinate to swing the arms either back-and-forth at the shoulder or in unison and can make use of either graspable surfaces or ropes that the user can extend and retract from each hand on demand. When used on the ground without grasping, these same modes of interaction can produce a range of gymnastic motions including handstands and different types of flips and summersaults, in addition to a continuously controlled running motion. Among the various interesting motions that are possible is a backflip done by running off a wall, a gymnastic kip from a supine position to a standing position and a series of giant swings as might be performed on a high bar. While not illustrated here, these motions are demonstrated in the video segments and CD-ROM animations associated with this paper. Figure 11: Control modes useful for climbing and gymnastics. Left-to-right, top-to-bottom: "bound" pattern climbing; "trot" pattern climbing; directional control. 4.5 Using IK Primitives Figures 12 and 13 illustrate interactively-controlled movements on a set of irregularly-spaced monkeybars and a ladder, respectively. These are movements which require more precise interactions of the hands and feet with the environment than most of the other motions discussed to date. To deal with this, we introduce motion primitives which use inverse kinematics (IK) to establish desired joint angles. In general, IK provides a rich, abstract motion primitive that can appropriately hide the control complexity inherent in many semantically-simple goal-directed actions that an interactive character might want to perform. This reduces the associated learning curve the user faces in trying to discover how to perform the ac- tion(s) from first principles while still taking good advantage of the user's intuition about the motion. Figure 12: Traversing a set of irregularly-spaced monkeybars. The interface for monkey-bar traversal consists of keystrokes and a state machine. IK-based trajectories for the hands and feet are invoked on keystrokes. The hand-over-hand motion across the mon- keybars is controlled by keys which specify one of three actions for the next release-and-regrasp motion. The actions causes the hand to release its grasp on the bar and move towards the previous bar, the current bar, or the following bar. These actions can also be invoked even when the associated hand is not currently grasping a bar, which allows the figure to recover when a grasp manoevre fails due to bad timing. The interface does not currently safeguard against the premature execution of a regrasp motion with one hand while the other has not yet grasped a bar. The character will thus fall in such situations. A grasp on a new bar is enacted if the hand passes close to the target bar during the reaching action, where 'close' is defined to be a fixed tolerance of 4 cm in our example. Controlling the motion thus involves carefully choosing the time in a swing at which a new reach-and-grasp action should be initiated, as well as when to pull up with the current support arm. More information about the particulars of the interface is given in the Appendix. The ladder climbing example is made up of a number of keys which serve to position the body using the hands and feet which are in contact with the ladder, as well as a key to initiate the next limb movement as determined by the state machine. The details of the interface are given in the appendix, as well as the specific sequence used to create Figure 13. Note, however, that the keystroke sequence by itself is insufficient to precisely recreate the given motion, as the timing of each keystroke is also important in all the motions discussed. Figure 13: Climbing a ladder. Finally, Figure 14 illustrates a standing up motion, followed by a few steps, a forward fall, crouching, standing up, and, lastly, a backwards fall. A set of serves as the interface for this scenario, as documented in the appendix. Figure 14: Fall recovery example. 5 Conclusions and Future Work We have presented prototype interfaces for the interactive control of physically-based character animation. The techniques illustrate the feasibility of adding physics to virtual puppetry, or, alternatively, adding interactive interfaces to physically-based animation. They allow human intuition about motions to be exploited in the interactive creation of novel motions. The results illustrate that dynamic motions of non-trivial articulated figure models can be reasonably controlled with user-in-the- loop techniques. Our experiments to date have focussed on first achieving a large action repertoire for planar figures, with the goal of using this experience as a suitable stepping stone towards 3D motion control. While it is not clear that the interaction techniques will scale to the type of nuanced 3D motion control need for foreground character animation in production animation, the interfaces could be readily applied to a new generation of physically-based interactive video games. The interfaces provide a compelling user experience - in fact, we found the interactive control experiments to be quite addictive. One of the drawbacks of using interactive control is the effort required in both designing an appropriate interface and then learning to effectively use the interface. These two nested levels of experimentation necessitate a degree of expertise and patience. We are optimistic that tractable interfaces can be designed to control sylis- tic variations of complex motions and that animators or game players can learn these interfaces with appropriate training and practice. Our work has many directions which require further investiga- tion. We are still far from being able to reproduce nuanced dynamic motions for 3D human or animal characters[1, 28]. The large variety of high-DOF input devices currently available offers a possible avenue of exploration. Haptic devices may also play a useful role in constructing effective interfaces[7]. Nuanced performance may potentially require years of training, as it does for other arts (key-frame animation, dancing, music) and sports. We can perhaps expect that the instruments and interfaces required for composing motion to undergo continual evolution and improvement. A large community of users would offer the potential for a rapidly evolving set of interfaces for particular motions or characters. Many dynamic motions would benefit from additional sensory feedback, such as an animated update of the location of the center of mass[25]. Going in the opposite direction, one could use an interactive environment like ours to conduct experiments as to the minimal subset of sensory variables required to successfully control a given motion. Questions regarding the transfer of skills between interfaces and between character designs are also important to address if broad adoption of interactive control techniques is to be feasible. The derivation of high-level abstractions of motion control is of interest in biomechanics, animation, and robotics. The training data and insight gained from having a user-in-the-loop can potentially help in the design of autonomous controllers or high-level motion abstractions. A variety of hybrid manual/automatic control methods are also likely to be useful in animation scenarios. Beyond its application to animation, we believe the system also has potential uses in exploring deeper issues involved in controlling motions for biomechanics, robotics, or animation. What constitutes a suitable motor primitive or 'motor program'? How can these primitives be sequenced or overlaid in order to synthesize more complex motions? In what situations is a particular motion primitive useful? Our experimental system can serve as a tool towards exploring these questions by allowing interactive control over the execution and sequencing of user-designed motion-control primitives. Acknowledements: We would like to thank all of the following for their help: the anonymous reviewers for their comments; the Imager lab at UBC for hosting the second author during much of the work on this paper; and David Mould for suggestions and assistance investigating the automatic bipedal marching and running motions. This work was supported by grants from NSERC and CITO. A Appendix Details of keystrokes interface for Luxo: small hop l medium hop large hop high backward hop small backward hop y back somersault s sitting to upright (slow) d standing to sitting / LB to sitting f LB to standing (small height) / standing to sitting e LB to standing (medium height) / standing to LB w standing to sitting / sitting to LB / LB to standing q big jump from base to LB / fwd somersault from LB a LB to standing with small jump single action that performs either A or B depending on initial state lying on back Interface and keystrokes for monkeybar example: a grasp rung previous to CR s grasp CR d grasp rung following CR f grasp rung two rungs following CR q release with both hands, relax arms e pull up using support arm R reset to initial state toggle defn of support/grasp arm closest rung Interface and keystrokes for ladder climbing example: q release both hands, fall from ladder f grasp two rungs higher with next grasp arm h shift body up b lower body down pull body in with arms push body out with arms push body out with legs pull body in with legs R reset to initial state Interface and keystrokes for the fall recovery example: ST, prepare for forwards fall prepare for backwards fall t HK, step back with left arm y HK, step back with right arm q HK, shift body back w HK, bend elbows, prepare for push up W HK, straighten elbows, push up 1 CR, straighten hips, knees, ankles pose towards being upright 3 CR, assume final upright pose c ST, step backwards with left leg v ST, step forwards with left leg b ST, step backwards with right leg forwards with right leg lean back at hips R reset to initial state checkpoint current state L restart at checkpoint state standing on hands and knees crouched --R Emotion from mo- tion The dynamics of articulated rigid bodies for purposes of animation. Making Them Move. Interactive computer-mediated animation Interactive animation of personalized human locomotion. Using Haptic Vector Fields for Animation Motion Control. Further experience with controller-based automatic motion synthesis for articulated figures Animating human athletics. Interactive control of biomechanical animation. Techniques for interactive manipulation of articulated bodies using dynamic analysis. Interactive design of computer-animated legged animal motion Automated learning of muscle-actuated locomotion through control abstraction Animating human locomotion with inverse dynamics. Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games. Spacetime constraints revisited. Die by the sword. Dynamic digital hosts. Evolving virtual creatures. Computer puppetry. Dynamic Balance and Walking Control of Biped Mechanisms. Interactive simulation and control of planar biped walking devices. Fourier principles for emotion-based human figure animation Virtual wind-up toys for animation --TR Interactive design of 3D computer-animated legged animal motion Goal-directed, dynamic animation of human walking Techniques for interactive manipulation of articulated bodies using dynamic analysis Telerobotics, automation, and human supervisory control Sensor-actuator networks Spacetime constraints revisited Evolving virtual creatures Automated learning of muscle-actuated locomotion through control abstraction Animating human athletics Fourier principles for emotion-based human figure animation Further experience with controller-based automatic motion synthesis for articulated figures Emotion from motion NeuroAnimator Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games Computer Puppetry User-Controlled Physics-Based Animation for Articulated Figures Using Haptic Vector Fields for Animation Motion Control --CTR Ari Shapiro , Petros Faloutsos, Interactive and reactive dynamic control, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches, July 31-August S. 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Karen Liu , Zoran Popovi, Synthesis of complex dynamic character motion from simple animations, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.21 n.3, July 2002 C. Karen Liu , Aaron Hertzmann , Zoran Popovi, Learning physics-based motion style with nonlinear inverse optimization, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.24 n.3, July 2005 Pankaj K. Agarwal , Leonidas J. Guibas , Herbert Edelsbrunner , Jeff Erickson , Michael Isard , Sariel Har-Peled , John Hershberger , Christian Jensen , Lydia Kavraki , Patrice Koehl , Ming Lin , Dinesh Manocha , Dimitris Metaxas , Brian Mirtich , David Mount , S. Muthukrishnan , Dinesh Pai , Elisha Sacks , Jack Snoeyink , Subhash Suri , Ouri Wolefson, Algorithmic issues in modeling motion, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), v.34 n.4, p.550-572, December 2002
user interfaces;physically based animation
Sequential Regularization Methods for Simulating Mechanical Systems with Many Closed Loops.
The numerical simulation problem of large multibody systems has often been treated in two separate stages: (i) the forward dynamics problem for computing system accelerations from given force functions and constraints and (ii) the numerical integration problem for advancing the state in time. For the forward dynamics problem, algorithms have been given with optimal, linear complexity in the number of bodies, in case the system topology does not contain many closed loops.But the interaction between these two stages can be important. Using explicit time integration schemes, we propose a sequential regularization method (SRM) that has a linear complexity in the number of bodies per time step, even in the presence of many closed loops. The method also handles certain types of constraint singularity.
Introduction There has been a growing interest in the development of more efficient algorithms for multibody dynamics simulations. The increase in size and complexity of spacecraft and robotic systems is one motivation for this development; another is physically-based modeling in computer graphics. The numerical simulation process has been Institute of Applied Mathematics and Department of Computer Science, University of British ( The work of this author was partially supported under NSERC Canada Grant OGP0004306. y Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z2. New address: Program in Scientific Computing and Computational Math, Stanford University, Durand 262, Stanford, CA 94305-4040, USA ( typically treated as two separate stages. The first stage consists of the forward dynamics problem for computing system accelerations, given the various constraints, torque and force functions. For tree-structured multibody systems, algorithms have been proposed with optimal O(n) complexity, where n is the total number of rigid bodies in the system (see e.g. [10, 13, 18, 6, 21]). They have also been extended to cope with systems with a small number of closed loops compared with the total number n of links [10, 18]. For a system with m closed loops (m ! n), a typical complexity of O(n obtained using a cut-loop technique. But it appears to be hard to find an O(n) algorithm for chains with a large number (e.g. closed loops. The second stage of the simulation algorithm design addresses the numerical integration problem for advancing the state in time, obtaining generalized body positions and velocities from the computed accelerations. Explicit or implicit time discretization schemes can generally be used. While these two stages are usually treated separately, there are situations in which the specific treatment of one affects the other, so a global, unified view is beneficial (e.g. [6, 1]). In this paper we use such a global view of the simulation process and devise a method which requires O(n) operations per time step even in the presence of many closed loops. Specifically, we propose using a sequential regularization method (SRM) [4, 5] for this purpose, combined with an explicit time integration scheme. The method produces iterates which get arbitrarily close to the solution of the discretized differential system, and it also handles certain types of constraint singularity. The mathematical modeling of constrained multibody systems yields differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) of index 2 or 3 [9, 11]. For tree-structured systems (i.e. no closed loops), one can formulate the model in terms of a minimal set of relative solution coordinates, obtaining a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), see e.g. [14, 10]. Some existing commercial software packages (e.g. SD/FAST 1 ) utilize this approach. Forward dynamics algorithms of complexity O(n) can be interpreted then as imbedding the ODE in a DAE, at a given time, and eliminating some of the unknowns locally in the larger but sparser system [6]. In this work, however, we consider the equations of motion in descriptor form (see, e.g., [9, 14]). These are formulations in non-minimal (redundant) sets of coordinates which yield an often simpler, albeit larger, DAE, even in the tree-structured case. This DAE is typically treated by differentiating the constraints to the acceleration level and using one of the well-known stabilization techniques (see, e.g. [2, 3]). An O(n) forward dynamics algorithm for this formulation is recalled in x2, following [18]. A system with closed loops may now be considered as being composed of a tree-structured system plus a set of loop-closing constraints. The latter are treated using an SRM technique. The method is described in x3, where we prove that the number of operations needed per time step when using an explicit time discretization scheme 1 SD/FAST is a trademark of Symbolic Dynamics, Inc., 561 Bush Street, Mountain View, CA USA. remains O(n), for any m - n. The method also handles certain types of constraint singularities. Finally, in x4 we demonstrate our algorithm on two closed-loop chain examples. Algorithms with optimal computational complexity for tree-structured problems 2.1 General multibody systems Consider an idealized multibody system consisting of rigid bodies and point masses with a kinematic tree-structure. We use redundant, world coordinates p for the positions of the system, i.e. for describing the position and orientation of each individual body. The set of feasible positions, which correspond to physically possible geometric configurations, is given by holonomic constraints, Differentiations of the constraints with respect to time yield corresponding constraints for the velocities - and the accelerations - Here G(p) is the constraint Jacobian matrix g 0 (p). The Euler-Lagrange equations are In combination with the constraint equations at the acceleration level (2.3) the Euler-Lagrange equations form a DAE of index 1 for the differential variables p, v (= - and the algebraic variables -: The constraints on the position level (2.1) and on the velocity level define an invariant manifold for (2.5). It is well-known that simply simulating (2.5) numerically may cause severe drift off the constraints manifold, manifesting a mild instability in this formulation. This Figure 2.1: An example of tree-structured chains phenomenon can be prevented by using stabilization techniques (e.g. invariant stabi- lization, Baumgarte's stabilization and projection methods [2, 3, 7]) or regularization techniques (e.g. penalty and sequential regularization methods [17, 19, 12, 15, 16, 4, 5, 20]) during the numerical integration. In this paper, we assume that such a stabilization technique has already been applied and is included in (2.5), and we concentrate on aspects of solving this system. 2.2 Algorithms for tree-structured problems Consider the case of a multibody system with a kinematic tree structure. As in [18], consider a graph whose nodes correspond to the joints and whose edges represent the bodies in the system (see, e.g. Figure 2.1). When there are no closed loops, the graph consists of trees. In each tree one joint is singled out as the root. Every other joint then has a unique father in the tree, which is its neighboring body on the path to the root. We introduce a node "0" as the father of the roots (if there is a fixed joint, we usually number it as "0"). This gives one tree, and we label its nodes as follows: joints are numbered from 1 to n such that the label of a joint is always greater than that of its father. Bodies (links) are numbered such that a body connecting a father joint and a son joint has the number of the son. For example, in Figure 2.1, joint is the father of joint 7, and these two joints are connected by body 7. For this kind of tree-structured systems, the mass matrix M is symmetric positive definite and block-diagnal with blocks which are symmetric positive definite. The constraint equations in (2.3) of a body connecting two joints k father of k are of the form (see [18]): where is assumed to have full row rank for each k. Then, as analyzed by many articles (see, e.g. [10, 13, 18, 21]), a recursive algorithm can be derived to obtain an O(n) algorithm to invert the left-hand matrix in (2.5b). To explain the algorithm, we start at a terminal joint i.e. one which has no Setting - , we can obtain Next, consider the equations for a joint j which has terminal sons k: k=sons of j father of j. For each son, (2.9) holds. Substitution into (2.10) yields: where k=sons of j k=sons of j The system (2.11) has the same form as (2.8), so a recursive algorithm results: Algorithm step 1: Climb down the tree (towards the root) recursively, repeatedly forming f j by (2.12). step 2: Starting from the root of the tree, solve each local system (2.11) for u j (with climbing up the tree recursively. Note that in Step 1, we replace the original problem by n local problems (2.11). This algorithm has O(n) complexity because all operations are local for one body and we only climb down and up the tree once. The work for different subtrees can be done in parallel as well. The result of the forward dynamics algorithm just described is an expression for v in terms of and p. This is an ODE system that must be integrated in time. Note that the dimension of each of u; v and p in 3D is 6n. This is contrasted with the treatment using minimal coordinates, where u; v or p may have dimension as small as n. However, the saving in the latter formulation is chiefly in the time advancement, and in a faster forward dynamics algorithms for small n, but not in the O(n) forward dynamics algorithm (see [6]). 3 Algorithms for systems with many closed loops We consider now multibody systems with loops. The problem can be seen as a tree-structured system plus some extra loop-closing constraints in the form of where x k and x j represent the generalized positions of joints k and j, respectively, and are components of p, and m represents the number of loops. We can write (3.1) as where D is an m\Thetan constant matrix which has a full row rank. In the closed-loop case, we need to invert a matrix - instead of the matrix in (2.5b), where - (D 0). Block Gaussian elimination gives where the Schur complement - D T can be obtained using the O(n) algorithm described in the last section. Using usual techniques for inverting - , an O(n+ results which is satisfactory when m is small (cf. [18]). For problems with a large number of loops, it appears difficult to extend this O(n) algorithm (cf. [10]). In particular, no O(m) algorithm for inverting the Schur complement is available. Also, we have found no discussion in the literature about the performance of the method when the constraint Jacobian matrix is rank deficient. This situation often happens in closed-loop chains, for example the slider-crank problem [4, 5] and the first example in x4. The sequential regularization method proposed in [4, 5] provides a possibility to address these two challenges. 3.1 The algorithm We now write down the Euler-Lagrange equations for a multibody system with loops as (constraints corresponding to a tree structure) ; (3.3c) where the number of rows of D may be large. We assume that G and D have full rank. This assumption is generally true for chain problems (see examples in x4). We already have an O(n) algorithm for the tree-structured problem, i.e. for the system (3.3a), (3.3b) (without D T -) and (3.3c). So, to develop an O(n) algorithm for the tree-structured part of the problem we keep the structure of (3.3a), (3.3b) and (3.3c). For the loop-closing constraints, one possibility is a penalty method: and is the penalty parameter. However, it is well known that we have to use implicit integration schemes for a system like (3.4) since ffl has to be very small and then (3.4) is a stiff system. Therefore we have to invert a matrix like for a discretization stepsize h D T D is not block diagonal any more, the previous algorithm will be difficult to apply. In [4, 5] we proposed a new, sequential regularization method (SRM), which is a modification of the usual penalty method and allows us to use explicit schemes to solve the regularized problem. Hence, SRM combined with explicit time discretization makes it possible to obtain an O(n) algorithm for problems with many loops. Applying the SRM to problem (3.3) to treat the loop-closing constraints, we obtain a new algorithm: given - 0 (t), for such that and If we apply a stabilization method (e.g. Baumgarte's stabilization [7], or the first stage of the invariant stabilization [2, 3], or projection methods [2]) first for the constraints (3.3c), then the following system must be considered, and (3.6c) becomes: An even simpler algorithm was suggested in [5] for general multibody systems without singularities. For (3.3), it has the form: and This form has O(n) computational complexity and it is simpler than the form (3.6) since we only need to invert the block diagonal matrix M . However, for problems with singularities (or ill-conditioning) which often appear in closed-loop chains, the form (3.10) is not recommended, as we indicated already in [5]. In x4, a numerical example shows that its performance is worse than that of the form (3.6). Also, it is indicated in [5] that for the form (3.10) the best choice of ffl is generally ch (for the reason of stability of the explicit difference schemes), where h is the step size of the chosen difference scheme and c is a constant dependent on the eigenvalues of the matrix G G . Hence, the best choice of ffl for this form changes in time because G is in general dependent on the time t. We will see an example in x4 where ffl has to be chosen to be quite large (hence more SRM iterations are needed) to make the explicit discretization stable for the whole time interval that we compute on. Therefore we still recommend the form (3.6) since it performs better as shown in x4 and since the best choice of ffl for this form depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrix DM (which is constant if M is a constant matrix, as is the case for many chain problems, including the examples in x4). That is, the best choice of ffl is often independent of t for the form (3.6). In comparison with the usual stabilization methods, an additional advantage of the from (3.6) is that we never invert a singular matrix even if is singular, since G has full rank as we assumed. To summarize, our algorithm consists of applying an explicit time discretization scheme and the O(n) forward dynamics algorithm for the underlying tree-structured system to solve for where Next we discuss the convergence of the SRM and prove that the iteration number of the method is independent of the body count n. Hence, per time step our method is an O(n) algorithm even for chains with many closed loops. 3.2 Convergence of the stabilization-SRM form Now we want to analyze the convergence of the iterative procedure (3.12). The method of analysis is based on that in [5]. The differences here are that we only apply the SRM to part of the constraints (i.e. the loop-closing constraints (3.1)) and that the problem we consider may have a large number of unknowns (linear in n). As indicated in [4, 5], the system (3.12) is clearly singularly perturbed for ffl - 1. Starting from an arbitrary - 0 (t) we may therefore expect an initial layer. For simplicity of the convergence analysis we assume (as we did in [4, 5]) Assumption 3.1 For initial value problems it is possible to obtain the exact - j (0); in advance [4, 5]. For a general semi-explicit DAE, under this assumption there are no initial layers for the solutions of (3.12) up to the lth derivatives. Now let us make assumptions on the boundedness of the solution. For an n-body chain, it is reasonable to assume that the solution and its derivatives are bounded linearly in n. In other cases the solution may be bounded independently of n. We make corresponding assumptions on p s , v s and - s since our regularization is a nearby problem to the original system and there will be no initial layers involved in the solution under the condition (3.13) (letting l - 0). Assumption 3.2 The solutions p s , v s and - s of (3.12) satisfy where - may depend on n. From (3.12b) and (3.12c) we can solve for - s in terms of i.e. we can write We further assume that the Jacobian matrix of with respect to p s , v s and - s satisfies If - s also satisfies (3.14) then (3.14) and (3.16) imply that represents the maximum norm and K is a generic positive constant independent of n. In Remark 3.1 below we give convergence bounds for the case where we only assume We have noted that the mass matrix M is positive definite and block-diagonal and that the closing-loop constraint matrix D is block-sparse. From the examples in x4, we can see that the Jacobian matrix G for the constraints (2.1) is block-sparse too. We thus assume: Assumption 3.3 The matrices M , D and G and their finite multiplications (i.e. the number of multiplications is independent of n) are all block-sparse. More precisely, if we multiply such a matrix and a vector with norm O(n k ), then the product norm is still O(n k ), where k is any positive number. In fact the closing-loop constraints matrix D is not only block-sparse but also block- row-orthogonal. More concretely, there is at most one nonzero element in each column (see, e.g. (4.6) in x4). Combining this with the properties of M we thus obtain that DM positive definite and block-diagonal. Hence the eigenvalues of the matrix DM are the union of the eigenvalues of diagonal blocks of the matrix. Thus all these eigenvalues are positive and independent of n since the size and elements of diagonal blocks of DM are independent of n. We write these as a lemma: Lemma 3.1 If the mass matrix M and the closing-loop constraint matrix D have the above properties then the eigenvalues of the matrix DM \Gamma1 D T are all positive and independent of n. We finally assume the following perturbation bound (cf. the perturbation index [11] and corresponding discussion in [5]). Assumption 3.4 Let - . Then there exists a constant K independent of n such that: where z is the solution of (3.8) and - z satisfies the perturbed (3.8): Here, although inverting needs O(n) operations (see the algorithm in x2), these operations will not involve the perturbations '(t) and ffi(t). So we believe the bound K in (3.18) to be independent of n. Now we can consider the convergence of the stabilization-SRM form (3.12). We choose - 0 such that - 0 and - - 0 are of O(-). Let u . Then we have drift equations: or with the initial conditions u s Applying (3.21) for using the Assumptions and Lemma 3.1 we obtain u (3.21a) further yields Comparing (3.19) with the stabilization-SRM form, we need to bound and their derivatives appearing in (3.18). We already have that From (3.21a) we obtain - Using the condition - 0 DM can be obtained from (3.12b) and (3.12d). So, from (3.21b), - Differentiating (3.21b) we have where we use - O(-) obtained from (3.12d) and w obtained from (3.17). Hence - Differentiating (3.21a) we next have This implies We thus use (3.18) and obtain the desired conclusion for Subtracting (3.12a), (3.12b) from (3.8a), (3.8b), respectively, and using (3.22) and (3.16) we have Also, by differentiating (3.12d), we conclude that - 1 is of O(-). For first have as for the and hence also The estimate (3.23) also holds for 2. This yields that the right hand side of (3.21b) is O(-ffl 2 ), so Now we want to get a better estimate for - Differentiating (3.21b) we have and - obtained as for the We want to show that - O(-ffl). For this purpose we must estimate - Using the condition - -(0), and the fact that are also exact at 0, we can obtain Hence - Differentiating (3.24) again we now obtain precisely as when estimating - Here we need to use - which can be obtained from a differentiation of (3.12), applications of (3.14), (3.16) and (3.17) as well as the estimates for - obtained above. Noting we thus have Our previous estimates allow the conclusion that hence we can conclude that - Repeating this procedure, we can finally obtain: Theorem 3.1 Let all the assumptions described at the beginning of this section hold. Then, for the solution of the stabilization-SRM form (3.12) with - 0 and - by O(-), we have the following error estimates: is the solution of the multibody problem (3.3). Remark 3.1 If the bounds in (3.14) are only assumed for p s , v s and - s , then we may generally obtain - and the j-th derivatives would be O(- j+1 ). This finally yields the following error estimates: This result is obviously weaker than (3.27), corresponding to weaker boundedness assumptions 3.3 Computational complexity of the stabilization-SRM form Consider our algorithm for (3.12). At each regularization iteration we can use the O(n) algorithm described in x2. So, to consider the computational complexity of our algorithm we need only study the number of iterations s required. It is simple to show that s is independent of n. Given the worst error estimate (3.28), we must choose ffl small enough so that Then each SRM iteration reduces the error, viz. the difference between the solution of (3.12) and the solution of (3.3), by at least a factor ff, and so a fixed number of iterations s, independent of n, is needed to reduce this error below any given tolerance. Note, though, that - may grow with n, depending on the problem being simulated. Hence the range of choices for ffl (ffl - ff=-) is restricted depending on n. Since the time discretization scheme is explicit, the step size h must be restricted by absolute stability requirements to satisfy for an appropriate constant fl of moderate size. The number of time steps required may therefore depend on n, too (cf. [21]) 2 . Still, the number of iterations s required to obtain a given accuracy obviously remains independent of n, hence operation count per time step remains O(n). For the worst error estimate (3.28) suppose that where fi is a given positive constant, simplicity. Now let us apply an r-th order explicit difference scheme to the stabilization-SRM form. At the s-th iteration, the worst combined error for our algorithm is O(- s ffl s (see Remark 3.1). Trying to roughly equate the two sources of error, we set hence Using (3.29) we then obtain a rough upper bound for the number of iterations s: A requirement such as likely to arise also from accuracy, not only stability considerations. Remark 3.2 For the error estimate (3.27) the condition (3.29) can be weakened significantly to read where s 0 is an arbitrary integer independent of n. In this case, (3.30) is replaced by 4 Numerical experiments We now present a couple of examples to demonstrate the algorithm that was proposed and analyzed in previous sections. At first, we build up the system for a special kind of n-body chains (see Figure 2.1) which include our two examples. We use the method described in [21]. Consider a chain consisting of n bodies. Each body is modeled as a line segment of length l j and mass m j , with uniform mass distribution. We choose Cartesian coordinates of the joints, x j , and the vectors connecting the joints along the links, in order to describe the position p of the chain: n. For 3-D chains, p j has six components and for 2-D chains four components. The labeling of the chain joints has been shown in Figure 2.1 and explained in x2. Hence the holonomic constraints include length conditions and connection conditions father of j. Therefore Due to the uniform mass distribution, the center of mass of each body coincides with its geometric center, x and the moment of inertia about the center of mass is . The total kinetic energy is given by I 3 I where I Figure 4.1: A square chain and its labeling and we let the joint "0" is fixed. The potential energy due to gravity is given by ge T Here e v is the unit vector along the vertical axis. For the 2-D case e for the 3-D case e . Note that e T is the height of the center of mass of body j above zero level, and - is the gravity constant. This gives the force vector f =B @ Hence, we know the mass matrix M , the force term f and the constraints g and can write down the system (2.5) for this kind of tree-structured chain problems. For chains with loops, we only need to impose some additional geometric constraints onto their corresponding tree-structured formulation (see the discussion at the beginning of x3). Next we consider two specific examples. Example 4.1 Consider a 2D square chain with unit length and mass for each link (i.e. 1). The labeling of a corresponding tree structure is shown in Figure 4.1. Under this labeling, Hence we can write down the Jacobian matrix G(p) for the tree-structure constraints g(p). For example, when I \GammaI and Here I is a 2 \Theta 2 unit matrix. The extra loop-closing constraints d(p) are: where m is equal to the number of squares. We thus can form its Jacobian matrix D. For example, when The Jacobian matrix (G(p) T ; D T ) T of all constraints has rank deficiency when all four links of a square are on a line. We let the chain fall freely from the position shown in Figure 4.1 where the joint "0" is fixed. As we have mentioned before, for each SRM iteration our algorithm (3.12) solves a tree-structured problem using the O(n) algorithm of x2. Here, we only demonstrate that the number of SRM iterations is independent of n. This means that the computational complexity of our algorithm is O(n) per time step. We choose step size regularization parameter apply an explicit second-order Runge-Kutta method to the regularized problem at each iteration. We do the computations for because to clearly see a relation between the number of iterations and n we want to avoid the singularity which happens around and after whose error situation is very complicated. We count the number of SRM iterations until the errors in the constraints do not exhibit obvious improvement. Table 4.1 lists iteration counts and constraint errors for various n. # of iterations # of iterations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Table 4.1: Relation between the number of iterations and n for the square chain Theoretically we expect that two SRM iterations be sufficient since the difference scheme is of second order and O(h). From the table we see that at the second and the third successive iterations the maximum drifts are almost the same, especially when n - 1=h. Additional experiments with the need of only two iterations for the algorithm (3.12) to achieve the second order discrete accuracy. Next we compare the performance of the algorithms (3.12) (AlgI) and (3.10) (Al- gII). We set computational results show that the first singularity occurs after We use the simple forward Euler scheme and take for both algorithms. We can still take for the algorithm (3.12). But for the algorithm (3.10) we cannot take :5h. The algorithm is unstable immediately after the first time step when we take :005. The algorithm blows up around when we take It becomes stable when we take This agrees with our expectation about the algorithm in x3.1. That is, for the sake of stability of the difference scheme the smallest ffl we can choose depends on t and it is often larger than that needed for the algorithm (3.12). Hence, more iterations are needed for the simpler algorithm (3.10). algorithm # of iterations ffl t=.4 t=.5 t=.6 t=1.0 AlgI 1 .005 7.763e-3 1.289e-2 1.744e-2 2.959e-2 AlgI 2 .05 7.763e-3 1.289e-2 1.744e-2 3.107e-2 AlgII 2 .05 1.008e-1 1.640e-1 2.270e-1 4.794e-1 AlgII 4 .05 5.869e-2 8.514e-2 1.129e-1 1.155e-1 Table 4.2: Maximum drifts of two algorithms We list in Table 4.2 the maximum drifts produced by these two algorithms at various times. From the table we see that the overall performance of AlgI is better than that of AlgII. Also it seems that for this example the error improvement of AlgII by iteration is much slower. The motion of this square chain with to 2:2 is described in Figure 4.2. Example 4.2 In this example we consider the motion of a square net (veil) started by a breeze. The corresponding tree structure of the net and its labeling are shown in Figure 4.3, where are fixed joints. Under this labeling, we can determine the father of any given joint and then the Jacobian matrix G(p) for the constraints The extra loop-closing constraints are: ae x For this square net the number of bodies l. Again we set the step size and the regularization parameter 0:5h, and apply the O(n) algorithm at each time step of the second-order Runge-Kutta method for the regularized problem at each SRM iteration (3.12). After a breeze we assume that the net moves to the right with the largest angle -to the verticle axis. We consider the motion of a net whose initial position is located at where it has the angle -with respect to the vertical line. We list the number of iterations for various n at in Table 4.3. From the table we do not see drift error improvement after the second iteration. only two iterations are again needed for the algorithm (3.12), independent of n. The motion of this square chain with described in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.2: Motion of the square chain. Time increases in increments \Deltat = :2 from left to right, top to bottom. 2l 4l 2l +3 2l +4 2(l +l)-3 2(l +l)-2 2(l +l) 2l +l l =(w-1)l l =(w-2)l Figure 4.3: Tree structure and its labeling of the square net # of iterations # of iterations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Table 4.3: Relation between the number of iterations and n for the square net --R Recent Advances in the Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems Stabilization of invariants of discretized differential systems Stabilization of DAEs and invariant manifolds Sequential regularization methods for higher index DAEs with constraint singularities: Linear index-2 case Sequential regularization methods for nonlinear higher index DAEs formulation stiffness in robot simulation Stabilization of constraints and integrals of motion in dynamical systems Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations Robot Dynamics Algorithms Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II Regularization of differential Unified formulaion of dynamics for serial rigid multibody systems On a penalty function method for the simulation of mechanical systems subject to constraints Stabilization of computational procedures for constrained dynamical systems Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations with ill-conditioned constraints Fast recursive SQP methods for large-scale optimal control problems --TR
robot simulation;stabilization;regularization;constraint singularities;differential-algebraic equations;multibody systems;higher index
The Procrustes Problem for Orthogonal Stiefel Matrices.
In this paper we consider the Procrustes problem on the manifold of orthogonal Stiefel matrices. Given matrices ${\cal A}\in {\Bbb R}^{m\times k},$ ${\cal B}\in {\Bbb R}^{m\times p},$ $m\ge p \ge k,$ we seek the minimum of $\|{\cal A}-{\cal B}Q\|^2$ for all matrices $Q\in {\Bbb R}^{p\times k},$ $Q^TQ=I_{k\times k}$. We introduce a class of relaxation methods for generating sequences of approximations to a minimizer and offer a geometric interpretation of these methods. Results of numerical experiments illustrating the convergence of the methods are given.
Introduction We begin by defining the set OSt(p; k) of orthogonal Stiefel matrices: which is a compact submanifold of dimension of the manifold O(p) of all p \Theta p orthogonal matrices which has dimension 1 (trace A T 2 denote the standard Frobenius norm in R m\Thetak . The Procrustes problem for orthogonal Stiefel matrices is to minimize for all Q 2 OSt(p; k). Problem (1.2) can be simplified by performing the singular value decomposition of the matrix B 2 R m\Thetap . Let where ~ Due to the fact that the last rows of are zeros we will simplify (1.3) by introducing new notations. We denote assuming from now on that all oe A 2 R p\Thetak to be a matrix composed of the first p rows of ~ A. Consequently the Procrustes minimization on the set of orthogonal Stiefel matrices is : For given A 2 R p\Thetak and diagonal \Sigma 2 R p\Thetap minimize for all Q 2 OSt(p; k). A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI The original formulations of the Procrustes problem can be found in [1], [2]. We may write (1.4) explicitly as The Procrustes problem has been solved analytically in the orthogonal case when see [8]. In this case Q 2 O(p) and we have Provided that the singular value decomposition of \SigmaA is the minimizer in (1.6) is then The functional P[A; \Sigma] in (1.5) is a sum of two functionals in Q : the bilinear functional trace(Q T \Sigma 2 Q) and the linear functional \Gamma2trace(Q T \SigmaA). It is well known how to minimize each of the functionals separately. The minimum value of the bilinear functional is equal to the sum of squares of the k smallest diagonal entries of \Sigma. This result is due to Ky Fan, [9]. The linear functional is minimized when trace(Q T \SigmaA) is maximized. The maximum of this trace is given by the sum of the singular values of the matrix \Sigma T A. This upper bound on the trace functional has been established by J.Von Neumann in [13], see also [8]. Separate minimization of the quadratic and the linear part are well understood since we know both the analytical solutions and robust numerical methods. The analytical solution of the orthogonal Procrustes problem for Stiefel matrices is not known to the best of our knowledge and constitutes a major challenge. It will be useful to interpret the minimization (1.4) geometrically. To do that we define an eccentric Stiefel manifold OSt[\Sigma](p; The eccentric Stiefel manifold OSt[\Sigma](p; k) is an image of the orthogonal Stiefel manifold OSt(p; under the linear mapping Q \Gamma! \SigmaQ. The image of a sphere kg of radius k in R p\Thetak under this mapping is an ellipsoid in R p\Thetak of which OSt[\Sigma](p; k) is a subset. The eccentric Stiefel manifold is a compact set contained in a larger ball in R p\Thetak centered at 0 and of radius We note that OSt[\Sigma](p; 1) is a standard ellipsoid in R and OSt[I](p; Therefore if min then a point \SigmaQ is the projection of A onto the eccentric Stiefel manifold OSt[\Sigma](p; k). Due to the compactness of the manifold a projection \SigmaQ exists. The big difficulty which we face in the task of computing the minimizer Q is the fact that the manifold OSt[\Sigma](p; k) is not a convex set. PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 3 2. Notations Elementary plane rotation by an angle OE is represented by sin OE cos OE Elementary plane reflection about the line with slope tan OE is ' cos OE sin OE sin For we introduce the following submatrices of consists of the m-th row of Q consists of the m and n-th rows of Q consists of the rows complementary to Q [m;n] consists of the entries on the intersections of the m-th and n-th rows and columns of Q: A plane rotation by an angle OE in the (k; l)-plane in R p is represented by a matrix G k;l (OE) such that G k;l (OE) [k;l] A plane reflection R k;l (OE) in the (k; l)-plane is defined similarily by means of R(OE). J k;l (p) is the set of all plane rotations and reflections in the (k; l)-plane. J (p) is the set of plane rotations and reflections in all planes. Clearly J k;l (p) ae J (p) ae O(p) 3. Relaxation methods for the Procrustes problem The Stiefel manifold OSt(p; k) is the admissible set for the minimizer of the functional P in (1.4). This manifold however is not a vector space which poses severe restrictions on how the succesive approximations can be obtained from the previous ones. Additive corrections are not admissible, but the Stiefel manifold is closed with respect to left multiplication by an orthogonal matrix R 2 O(p). Thus RQ, where Q 2 OSt(p; k), is an admissible approximation. Consequently, we restrict our considerations to a class of minimization methods which construct the approximations - Q to the minimizer Q by the rule where Q and - respectively the current and the next approximations to the minimizer. In what follows we will consider only relaxation minimization methods which seek for the minimizer of the functional P, according to (3.1) with and M is the dimension of the manifold OSt(p; k). Each R i 2 O(p), depends on a single parameter whose value results from a scalar minimization problem. We will refer to the left multiplication by R in (3.1) as to a sweep. Our relaxation method consists of repeated applications of sweeps which produce a minimizing sequence for the problem (1.4). 4 A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI We will choose matrices R i to be orthogonally similar to a plane rotation or reflection. Different choices of similarities will lead to different relaxation methods. We set and define may depend on the current approximation to the . It is the choice of P i that fully determines the relaxation method (3.1),(3.3),(3.4). The selection of the parameter ff in (3.4) will result from the scalar minimization ff The matrix R i can be viewed as a plane rotation or reflection in a plane spanned by a pair of columns of the matrix P i . The indices (r; s) of this pair of columns are selected according to an ordering N of a set of pairs D. The ordering is an bijection, where D oe This inclusion guarantees that D contains at least M distinct pairs necessary to construct an arbitrary Q 2 OSt(p; k) as a product of matrices R i . It is clear that relaxation methods satisfying (3.5) will always produce a nonincreasing sequence of the values P[A; \Sigma](Q i ). If I p\Thetap in (3.4), then R and the sweep (3.1) has the following particularly simple form The relaxation method defined by (3.6) will be refered to as a left-sided relaxation method or LSRM. If i is the orthogonal complement of Q i , then and hence I k\Thetak Thus by induction the sweep (3.1) has the form I k\Thetak The relaxation method defined by (3.7) will be refered to as a right-sided relaxation method or RSRM. A specific type of a right-sided relaxation method was investigated by H. Park in [11]. The method in [11] is based on the concepts discussed earlier by Ten Berge and Knol [2] where the Procrustes problem for orthogonal Stiefel matrices, called there unbalanced problem, is solved by means of iteratively solving a sequence of orthogonal Procrustes problems, called balanced problems. The relaxation approach new left-sided relaxation method which is the topic of our paper. PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 5 Another interesting aspect of this approach is a clear geometric interpretation of the relaxation step. For the study of other minimization methods on submanifolds of spaces of matrices see [10] and [12] . 4. Planar Procrustes problem We will now present the left-sided relaxation method. Without loss of generality let us assume that the planes (r; s) in which transformations operate are chosen in the row cyclic order, in the way analogous to that used in the cyclic Jacobi method for the SVD computation, see [5]. In this case N : D is given by N Q in (3.6) has the following form r Y where J r;s 2 J r;s (p). Let Q (r;s) be the current approximation in the sweep. The next approximation to the minimizer is Q . The selection of the parameter ff results from the scalar minimization Our main goal now is to show how to find ff in (4.2). Consider the functional J \Gamma! (4.2), where for simplicity of notation we omitted all indices. Without loss of generality we assume that N diag where G(ff) is a plane rotation (the case of reflection is similar and can be treated in a completely analogous way). The minimization in (4.2) is precisely the minimization of ' a 11 a 12 \Delta \Delta \Delta a 1k a 21 a 22 \Delta \Delta \Delta a 2k G(ff) Let UQ \GammaV T Q be the SVD decomposition of Q [1;2] such that . Note that the last columns of the matrix B in (4.4) are always approximated by zero columns, and thus the minimization of f(ff) is equivalent to minimization restricted to the first two columns, that is '' c \Gammas 6 A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI is the angle of the plane rotation ( or reflection ) UQ . We may write (4.5) explicitly as We now denote By completing the squares we may represent F (OE) in the following form: sin OE for . Thus the minimization of the functional (4.9) is equivalent to the following problem, For given C 2 R 2\Theta1 and diagonal Z 2 R 2\Theta2 minimize for all q 2 OSt(2; 1), The minimization problem of the type (4.10) will be called a planar Procrustes problem. Such problem has to be solved on each step of our relaxation method and is geometrically equivalent to projecting C onto an ellipse. In the next section we consider two different iterative methods for finding the projection. 5. Projection on an ellipse The geometrical formulation of the planar Procrustes problem (4.10) is very simple. Given a point C and an ellipse ae oe in R 2 we want to find a point which is a projection of C onto E . This can be achieved in a variety of ways. We describe the classical projection of a point onto an ellipse due to Appolonius leading to a scalar fourth order algebraic equation and a method of iterated reflections based on the reflection property of the ellipse. PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 7 5.1. The hyperbola of Appolonius. Recall the construction of a normal to an ellipse from a point, see [14], due to Appolonius. With the given ellipse E in (5.1) and with the point C we associate the hyperbola H in the following way. The equation of the normal to the ellipse at z z Clearly CS is the normal to E iff the point Equivalently CS is the normal to E iff the point S satisfies z for . (5.3) is a quadratic, in x 1 and x 2 , equation of the hyperbola H which can be written as is the center of H with coordinates F Figure 1. Hyperbola of Appolonius The hyperbola H has asymptotes parallel to the axes of the ellipse and passes through the origin and the point C. H degenerates to a line when the point C is on one of the axes of the ellipse. This nongeneric, trivial case will not be analyzed here. H can also be characterized as a locus of the centers of the conics in the pencil generated by the ellipse and an arbitrary circle centered at C . To find the coordinates of the projection point S we have to intersect the hyperbola of Appolonius with the ellipse that is to solve a system of two quadratic equations (5.1) and (5.4). Using (5.4) to eliminate x 2 from (5.1) we obtain a fourth 8 A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI order polynomial equation in x 1 For any specific numerical values of the coefficients this equation can be easily solved symbolically. A simpler, purely numerical alternative is to solve the system using Newton's method. Another alternative is to reduce the system to a scalar equation. Assume that is in the first quadrant and that S be the projection of setting sin OE) in (5.3) and next substituting leads to the equation t, where It is easy to see that and since then the function g(t) is convex and has one positive root. It can also be seen that for we have g(t method starting from the initial approximation will generate a decreasing, convergent sequence of approximations to the root of 5.2. Iterated reflections. Assume, as before, that C is in the first quadrant and that Fig.2. Every other case reduces to this one through reflections. Let PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 9 F R Figure 2. Iterated reflections The reflection property of E says that (for C both inside and outside E) S is characterized by : Let , as on Figure 2, be given by sin where for C outside tan OE cos (In the case C inside E , the coordinates of the points L and R can be computed similarly). Analogously as in the bisection method, we compute (an intermediate point between L and R) from L and R by setting OE (where h \Delta; \Delta i denotes the inner product), then OE R - OE - OE M and we set L so that OE hold we set L We thus construct a sequence fLng ae E such that lim n!1 5.3. Some remarks on the general and planar Procrustes problems. The planar Procrustes problem has several features which the general problem (1.4) of projection onto the eccentric Stiefel manifold does not posses. ffl E has the reflection properties and Appolonius normal. The reflection properties of the ellipse do not extend to the eccentric Stiefel manifold and in particular not even to ellipsoids in R p . The construction of an Appolonius normal to the ellipse based on the orthogonality of the ellipse and an A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI associated hyperbola which results in a scalar equation (5.6) is also particular to the planar problem. As a result in the case p ? k ? 1 our relaxation step, which amounts to solving a planar Procrustes problem, cannot be directly generalized to a higher dimensional problem. ffl A point not belonging to E has either a unique projection onto E or a finite number of projections. Hence if conv(E) then there exits a unique projection S of C onto E characterized by for all F 2 conv(E). A point C inside the ellipse E has a non-unique projection C is on the major axis between points B and \GammaB. Various locations of C and its projection(s) S are shown on Fig. 3. along with the upper part of the evolute of the ellipse which is the locus of the centers of curvature of E . The number of normals 2,3 or 4 that can be drawn from C depends on the position of C relative to the evolute. F Figure 3. Points in the first quadrant and their projections on the ellipse. The non-uniqueness of S for C on the segment [\GammaB; B] is reflected in non- differentiability of the function shown on Fig. 4. In general solutions to the Procrustes problem may form a submanifold of the Stiefel manifold. Finally we observe that E cuts the plane into two components. However if PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 11 then C is on a sphere of radius 2 in R 3\Theta2 containing the Stiefel manifold OSt[I](3; 2) but the point kC for any k 2 Rcannot be connected to 0 with a segment intersecting OSt(3; 2). Figure 4. Graph of Both observations concerning the analytical problem are reflected in the computations and have computational implications. 6. Geometric Interpretation of Left and Right Relaxation Methods Since the notion of the standard ellipsoid OSt[\Sigma](p; 1) in R p is very intuitive we will now interpret the minimization problem (1.11) treating matrices in R p\Thetak as k-tuples of vecors in R p . Let be a given k-tuple of vectors in R p . be the current approximation to the minimizer. Clearly the points \Sigmaq i all belong to the ellipsoid OSt[\Sigma](p; 1). Thus the minimization of P[A; \Sigma](Q) can be interpreted as finding points \Sigmaq i on the ellipsoid, where q are orthonormal vectors, that best match, as measured by P[A; \Sigma](Q), the given vectors a i in R p . The relaxation method described in Section 3 can be interpreted as follows. Pick an orthonormal basis in R p . In the next sweep rotate the current set of vectors q i as a frame, in planes spanned by all pairs of the vectors from the current basis. In the left-sided relaxation method the basis is the cannonical basis and is the same for all sweeps. All relaxation steps are exactly the same, and all amount to solving a planar Procrustes problem. In the right-sided relaxation method the basis consists of two subsets and changes from sweep to sweep. The first subset of the basis consists of the columns of the current approximation Q and the second subset consists of the columns of the orthogonal complement Q ? of Q. Working only with the columns of Q is equivalent to the so-called balanced Procrustes problem studied by Park in [11] which can be solved by means of an A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI SVD computation. The relaxation step in [11] for the balanced problem consists of computing the SVD of the 2 \Theta 2 matrix (\Sigmaq r In our relaxation setting, the relaxation step in the right-sided relaxation method requires solving the scalar minimization problem (3.5), min which leads to a linear equation in tangent of ff and is equivalent to the 2 \Theta 2 SVD computation in [11]. Each of these 2 \Theta 2 steps is a rotation of vectors \Sigmaq r and \Sigmaq s in the plane spanned by q r and q s so the rotated vectors on the ellipsoid best approximate the two given vectors a r and a s . However, as the columns of Q do not span the whole space R p , it might happen that k g, and hence it might not be possible to generate a sequence of approximations that will converge to Q . In order to overcome this problem the matrix Q is extended by its orthogonal complement subproblems in [11] involving vectors from both subsets are referred to in [11] as unbalanced subproblems. These scalar minimizations have the following min c s That is, the unbalanced subproblem is to find a vector on the ellipsoid in the plane spanned by q r and q s closest to the given vector a r . As the intersection of this plane and the ellipsoid is an ellipse, the unbalanced subproblem can be expressed as a planar Procrustes problem (4.10) and any of the algorithms discussed in Section 5 can be used to solve this unbalanced problem. Other choices of bases may be possible but the choices leading to the left and the right sided-relaxation methods seem to be the most natural. 7. Numerical experiments In this section we present numerical experiments illustrating the behavior of the left and the right relaxation methods discussed in Section 3. We will start by summarizing the left and the right relaxation methods given below in pseudocodes. Given A 2 R p\Thetak , construct of sequences of Stiefel matrices approximating the minimizer of (1.4). Algorithm LSRM: 1. Initialization: set Maxstep, 2. Iterate sweeps: while (r threshold and n ! Maxstep solve planar Procrustes problem PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 13Algorithm RSRM: 1. Initialization: set Maxstep, 2. Iterate sweeps: while (r threshold and n ! Maxstep solve min ff solve planar Procrustes problem measure the cost of the two methods by the number of sweeps performed by each of the two methods. A sweep in the LSRM method consists of p(p+1)=2 planar Procrustes problems. Each planar Procrustes problem requires computation of the SVD of a 2 \Theta k matrix. This can be achieved by first computing the QR decomposition followed by a 2 \Theta 2 SVD problem. After the SVD is calculated, a projection on an ellipse has to be determined. The cost of a sweep is approximately O(kp 2 ) floating point operations. A sweep in the RSRM method consists of k(k computations of p \Theta 2 SVD problems. In adition, there are k(p \Gamma Procrustes problems, each requiring computation of the SVD of a p \Theta 2 matrix followed by computation of a projection on an ellipse. Thus the cost of a sweep is again approximately O(kp 2 ) floating point operations. Surely, the precise cost of a sweep will depend on the number of iterations needed for obtaining satisfactory projections on the resulting ellipses. For each projection, this will depend on the location of the point being projected as well as the shape of the ellipse. Computation of the projection will be most costly when the ellipse is flat. As can be seen, sweeps in the two methods may have different costs. However, the number of sweeps performend by each of the methods will give some bases for comparing the convergence behavior of the two methods. We begin by illustrating the behavior of the LSRM method for finding Q in the Procrustes problem with The initial approximation is I 4\Theta2 . Some intermediate values of Q are listed in Table 1. 14 A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI Table 1. Matrices Q in a minimizing sequence generated by LSRM. We will now present comperative numerical results for the LSRM and RSMR methods. Recall that the functional P is a sum of a linear and a bilinear term. We will consider classes of examples when the functional can be approximated by its linear or the bilinear term. In the first class of examples the linear term dominates the bilinear term or in other words when jjAjj ?? jj\Sigmajj. We deal here with a perturbed linear functional. The minimum of the functional P can be approximated by the sum of singular values of \Sigma T A. The second class of examples consists of cases when the quadratic term dominates the linear term, that is when jjAjj !! jj\Sigmajj. We deal here with a perturbed bilinear functional. Then the minimum value of the functional P can be approximated by the sum of the k smallest singular values of \Sigma. The third class of exampless consists of cases when the functional is quadratic, that is when A - \SigmaQ for some Q 2 OSt(p; k). The minimum of the functional is then close to zero. PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 15 In each class of examples we pick two different matrices \Sigma: one corresponding to the ellipsoid being almost a sphere, that is when \Sigma - I, the other corresponding to the ellipsoid being very flat in one or more planes, that is when oe 1 is large. The algorithms were written in MATLAB 4.2 and run on an HP9000 workstation with the machine relative precision As the initial approximation we took I p\Thetak for the LSRM, and I p\Thetap for the RSRM. The planar Procrustes solver used was based on the hyperbola of Appolonius (the iterated reflections solver was giving numerically equivalent results). Some representative results are shown in Tables 2-6. RSRM LSRM 6 Table 2. 2. RSRM LSRM 6 Table 3. Table 2 illustrates the behavior of the two methods when the ellipsoid is almost a sphere and when there exists Q such that A. That is the bilinear and the linear terms are of comparable size. The experiments suggest that the LSRM requires less sweeps to obtain a satisfactory approximation to the minimizer. Table 3 illustrates the behavior of the two methods when the length of the half of the ellipsoid's axes is approximately 1.0 and the other half is approximately 0.01. A. W. BOJANCZYK AND A. LUTOBORSKI In addition, there exists Q such that A. In this case the convergance of the RSRM is particularly slow. We observed that, at least initially, the RSRM fails to locate the minimizer in OSt(4; 2) being unable to establish the proper signs of the entries of the matrix Q . The LSRM on the other hand approximates the minimizer correctly. RSRM LSRM 6 Table 4. 2. RSRM LSRM 28 -1.43e-02 3.16e+01 0.00e+00 Table 5. 2. Table 4 illustrates the behavior of the two methods when the ellipsoid is almost a sphere but now A is chosen so That is the bilinear term dominates the linear term. In this case the minimum of the functional can be estimated by the minimum value of the bilinear term. In Table 4 esterror denotes the difference between the minimum value of the bilinear term and the computed value of the functional, and Qk where Q and - Q are the last and penultimate approximations to the minimizer. The experiments suggest that the LSRM requires less sweeps to obtain a satisfactory approximation to the minimizer. PROCRUSTES PROBLEM FOR STIEFEL MATRICES 17 Table 5 illustrates the behavior of the two methods when the ellipsoid is almost a sphere but now A is chosen so That is the linear term dominates the quadratic terms. In this case the minimum of the functional can be estimated by the minimum value of the linear term. In Table 5 esterror denotes the difference between the minimum value of the linear term and the computed value of the functional. The experiments suggest that the RSRM requires less sweeps to obtain a satisfactory approximation to the minimizer. 8. Remarks on Constrained Linear Least Squares Problems The quadratically constrained linear least squares problem min arises in many applications [6], [7], [3]. By changing variables this problem can be transformed into a special Procrustes problem. The Procrustes problem is min Procrustes problem is equivalent to projecting the point a onto the ellipsoid OSt[\Sigma](p; 1). 1. It is clear that the vector has the direction of the normal vector to the ellipsoid at the point \Sigmaq. Thus if \Sigmaq is the projection of a on the ellipsoid then the vector a \Gamma \Sigmaq is parallel to the vector n. Thus there exists a scalar fi so can obtain an equation for fi The parameter fi can be computed by solving this equation. Then the components of q are given by The equation (8.4) is the so-called secular equation which characterizes the critical points of the Lagrangian see [8]. Thus the multiplier fi in (8.3) is the Lagrange multiplier - in (8.5). --R Algorithms for the regularization of ill-conditioned least squares problems On the stationary values of a second-degree polynomial on the unit sphere The cyclic Jacobi method for computing the principal values of a complex matrix Least Squares with a Quadratic Constraint Quadratically constrained least squares and quadratic problems Matrix Computations Johns Hopkins On a theorem of Weyl concerning eigenvalues of linear transformations On the convergence of the Euler-Jacobi method A parallel algorithm for the unbalanced orthogonal Procrustes problem Optimization techniques on Riemannian manifolds Some matrix inequalities and metrization of the matrix space Enzyklopadie der Elementar Mathematik B. --TR
stiefel manifolds;projections on ellipsoids;relaxation methods;procrustes problem
Inexact Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method with Inner-Outer Iteration.
An important variation of preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms is inexact preconditioner implemented with inner-outer iterations [G. H. Golub and M. L. Overton, Numerical Analysis, Lecture Notes in Math. 912, Springer, Berlin, New York, 1982], where the preconditioner is solved by an inner iteration to a prescribed precision. In this paper, we formulate an inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for a symmetric positive definite system and analyze its convergence property. We establish a linear convergence result using a local relation of residual norms. We also analyze the algorithm using a global equation and show that the algorithm may have the superlinear convergence property when the inner iteration is solved to high accuracy. The analysis is in agreement with observed numerical behavior of the algorithm. In particular, it suggests a heuristic choice of the stopping threshold for the inner iteration. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of this choice and to compare the convergence bound.
Introduction Iterative methods for solving linear systems are usually combined with a preconditioner that can be easily solved. For some practical problems, however, a natural and efficient choice of preconditioner may be one that can not be solved easily by a direct method and thus may require an iterative method (called inner iteration) itself to solve the preconditioned equations. There also exist cases where the matrix operator contains inverses of some other matrices, an explicit form of which is not available. Then the matrix-vector products can only be obtained approximately through an inner iteration. The linear systems arising from the saddle point problems [3] is one such example. For these types of problems, the original iterative method will be called the outer iteration and the iterative method used for solving the preconditioner or forming the matrix-vector products is called the inner iteration. A critical question in the use of the inner-outer iterations is to what precision the preconditioner should be solved, i.e., what stopping threshold should be used in the inner iteration. Clearly, a very high precision will render the outer iteration close to the exact case and a very low one on the other hand could make the outer iteration irrelevant. An optimal one will be to allow the stopping Address Computing and Computational Mathematics Program, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA E-mail : Research supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-9403899. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2. E-mail: Research supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. threshold as large as possible in order to reduce the cost of inner iteration, while maintaining the convergence characteristic of the outer iteration. In other words, we wish to combine the inner and outer iterations so that the total number of operations is minimized. An answer to the above question requires understanding of how the accuracy in the inner iteration affects the convergence of the outer iteration. This has been studied by Golub and Overton [5, 6] for the Chebyshev iteration and the Richardson iteration, by Munthe-Kaas [8] for preconditioned steepest descent algorithms, by Elman and Golub [3] for the Uzawa algorithm for the saddle point problems, and by Giladi, Golub and Keller [4] for the Chebyshev iteration with a varying threshold. Golub and Overton also observed the interesting phenomenon for the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm (as the outer iteration) that the convergence of CG could be maintained for very large stopping threshold in the inner iteration; yet the convergence rate may be extremely sensitive to the change of the threshold at certain point. Given that the known convergence properties of CG depends strongly on a global minimization property, the phenomenon found in [5, 6] seems very surprising and makes the inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient an attractive option for implementing preconditioners. However, there has been no theoretical analysis to explain these interesting phenomena, and its extreme sensitivity to the threshold makes it hard to implement it in practice. The present paper is an effort in this direction. We shall formulate and analyze an inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient method for a symmetric positive definite system. By establishing a local relation between consecutive residual norms, we prove a linear convergence property with a bound on the rate and illustrate that the convergence rate is relatively insensitive to the change of threshold up to certain point. In par- ticular, the result is used to arrive at a heuristic choice of the stopping threshold. We also show, using a global relation as in [9], that the algorithm may have the superlinear convergence property when the global orthogonality is nearly preserved, which usually occurs with smaller thresholds and shorter iterations. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we present the inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, and some of its properties together with two numerical examples illustrating its numerical behaviour. We then give in section 3 a local analysis, showing the linear convergence property, and in section 4, a global analysis, showing the superlinear convergence property. Finally, we give some numerical examples in section 5 to illustrate our results. We shall use the standard notation in numerical analysis. The M-norm k \Delta k M and the M - inner product are defined by kvk respectively. cond(A) denotes the spectral condition number of a matrix A. A + denotes the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of A. 2 PCG with inner-outer Iterations We consider the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) algorithm for solving with a preconditioner M , where both A and M are symmetric positive definite. Then at each step of PCG iteration, a search direction p n is found by first solving the preconditioned system Mz . If a direct method is not available for solving M , an iterative method, possibly (though not necessarily) CG itself, can be used to solve it. In this case, we find z n by the inner iteration such that with the stopping criterion is the stopping threshhold in the inner iteration. Here we have used the M \Gamma1 -norm for the theoretical convenience. In practical computations, one can replace (RES) by the following criterion in terms of the 2-norm Because z n is only used to define the search direction p n in PCG, only its direction has any significance. Therefore, we also propose the following direction based stopping criterion i.e., the acute angle between Mz n and r n in the M \Gamma1 -inner product (or the acute angle between z n and M \Gamma1 r n in the M-inner product) is at most '. Remark 1: It can be easily proved (using a triangular relation in the M \Gamma1 -inner product) that if (RES) is satisfied, then i.e., (ANG) is satisfied with sin However, the converse implication is not necessarily true. Therefore the criterion (ANG) is less restrictive than (RES). Namely, (ANG) may be satisfied before (RES) does in the inner itera- tion. However, our numerical tests suggest that there is usually little difference between the two. Our introduction of (ANG) and the use of M \Gamma1 -inner product are primarily for the theoretical convenience. Remark 2: If the inner iteration is carried out by CG, the residual e n is orthogonal to Mz n in the M \Gamma1 -inner product. Then again by a triangular relation, we have s So in this case, (RES) and (ANG) are equivalent. It can also be proved that the CG iteration minimizes the residual as well as the angle in (ANG) over the Krylov subspace concerned. Now, we formulate the inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm (IPCG) as follows. Inexact Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm (IPCG): For z T equivalently ff end for Clearly, if j or the above algorithm is the usual PCG. With j (or ') ? 0, we allow the preconditioner Mz to be solved only approximately. Remark 3. As is well-known, there are several different formulations for ff n and fi n in the algo- rithm, which are all equivalent in the exact PCG. For the inexact case, this may no longer be true. Our particular formulation here implies that some local orthogonality properties are maintained even with inexact z n , as given in the next lemma. Our numerical tests also show that it indeed leads to a more stable algorithm. For example, if fi n is computed by the old form z T the algorithm may not converge for larger j. Lemma 1 The sequences generated by Algorithm IPCG satisfies the following local orthogonality Proof First z T Then Thus z T z T Now supposing p T and Thus the lemma follows from p T by an induction argument. By eliminating p n in the recurrence, IPCG can be written with two consecutive steps as a second order recurrence a unified form that includes Chebyshev and second order Richardson iterations (cf [2]). From the local orthogonality, we obtain the following local minimization property. Proposition 1 and Proof By the orthogonality, kr A \Gamma1 . It is easy to check that z T n r n 6= 0 for either (RES) or (ANG). So ff n 6= 0 and thus we have the strict inequality. For the second inequality, we just need to show r n+1 ? A \Gamma1 Az n and r This follows from r T Recall that the steepest descent method constructs r sd Ar n from r n such that kr sd . A bound on kr sd can be obtained from the Kantrovich inequality. An inexact preconditioned version of the steepest descent method [8] is to construct r sd n Az n such that kr sd A z Then the second inequality of the above proposition shows that kr n+1 k A (by choosing 2.1 A Numerical Example To motivate our discussion in the next two sections, we now present two numerical examples to illustrate the typical convergence behaviour of IPCG. We simulate IPCG by artificially perturbing applying PCG with I and z is a pseudo random vector with entries uniformly distributed in (\Gamma0:5; 0:5), and j is a perturbation parameter. The following are the convergence curves for two diagonal matrices (10000 \Theta 10000) and 1000] (1000 \Theta 1000) with a random constant term. We first note that the A \Gamma1 -norm of the residuals decreases monotonically (cf Prop. 2.1) and convergence occurs for quite large j. We further observe from the second example that for smaller the superlinear convergence property of exact CG is recovered. In fact, they follow the unperturbed case very closely. When j is larger, the convergence tends to be linear, with a rate depending on j. Interestingly, the convergence rate is insensitive to the change of magnitude of j until a certain point (0:1 in the first and 0:4 in the second), around which it becomes extremely sensitive to a relatively small change of j. Our explanation and analysis to the above observation will be given in two categories, although there is no clear boundary between the two. For smaller j, some global properties (e.g. the orthogonality among r n ) is expected to be preserved, which leads to a global near minimization property and thus the superlinear convergence. For larger j, the global minimization property will be lost. However, we will show that some local relation from r n to r n+1 is not destroyed, which turns out to preserve a linear convergence property. We consider each of these two categories separately in the next two sections. 3 Linear Convergence of IPCG In this section we present a local relation between consecutive residual norms, which lead to a linear convergence bound for IPCG. Our basic idea is to relate the reduction factor of IPCG Figure 1: Convergence curves for various perturbations j (solid (bottom): number of iterations A-inverse-norm of residuals number of iterations A-inverse-norm of residuals to the reduction factor of the steepest descent method (along the inexact preconditioned gradient direction z n , see (3) of section 2) r=rn \GammatAz n From Proposition 2.1, we have oe n - Theorem 1 Let oe n and fl n be defined as in (4) and (5) for IPCG. Then for (a) oe with z (b) r T r T \Gammag n \Gammag where g k is defined by and Proof From r T r T Substituting ff Apn in, we obtain r T Thus r T using z Noting that from (2), we have ff \Gamma2 z T z T oe n r n , and we have used Ap substituting the above and (5) into (8), we obtain part (a). For part (b), let . From (a), oe oe first step of IPCG amounts to one step of the steepest descend method), by the definition. Now (b) follows from r T and oe In the exact case, j by the orthogonality and the above equations are simplified. In the inexact case, using the local orthogonality (Lemma 2.1), j n can be bounded. We shall consider the stopping criterion (ANG) only in this section. Since (RES) implies (ANG) with sin results here apply to the (RES) case as well by simply replacing sin ' by j. First we need the following lemma that is geometrically clear. (An acute angle ' 2 [0; -=2] between two vectors u; v in an inner product ! \Delta; \Delta ? is defined by cos resp.) be the acute angle between u and u then the acute angle between u 1 and v 1 is at least -=2 Proof We can assume that u; u are all unit vectors. Then we write vector orthogonal to u ( v resp. Let where we note that u is orthogonal to v and v orthogonal to u. is the norm associated with - a cos ' 1 sin - a cos ' 1 sin where we note that the second last expression is an increasing function of a 2 [0; 1] for and therefore is bounded by its value at a = 1. Lemma 3 If z n satisfies (ANG) with ' -=4, then z T z Proof First (Mz By applying the above Lemma with the inner product defined by M \Gamma1 to the pairs Mz which satisfy (ANG), we obtain i.e. jz T On the other hand, jz T Furthermore, it is easy to check that, for any vector v A where - min and - max denotes respectively the minimal and the maximal eigenvalues. Thus, which completes the proof of the lemma. We now present a bound for fl n that has been derived by Munthe-Kaas [8]. We shall use one of the variations of the bounds in [8, Theorem 5] and we repeat some arguments of [8] below. First the following lemma is a generalization of [1, Corollary 4] Lemma 4 [8, Lemma 2] Suppose p and q 2 R n are such that kpk kqk (p (q where W is a symmetric positive definite matrix and - kpk kqk So applying the above Lemma to p; q and W , we obtain r T (p (q 1\Gammasin ' . Then we have r T We now present a linear convergence bound for IPCG. Theorem 2 If converges and for even n, where s Proof We consider two consecutive oe n of IPCG. By apply. So from Theorem 1 we have oe where fl is as defined in Lemma 5. Then \Gammag n+1 and . So So, oe n oe n+1 - (oeK) 4 . Therefore, for even n, the bound follows from kr n+1 k A shows that IPCG converges. Finally, by expanding oeK in terms of using In terms of the stopping criterion (RES), the same result holds with sin ' replaced by j (see Remark 1). Therefore, if converge with a rate depending on oe (the standard PCG convergence rate). In particular, the bound indicates that the IPCG convergence rate is relatively insensitive to the magnitude of j for smaller j but increases sharply at certain point (see the rate curves in Fig. 2). However, the bound on the convergence rate here tends to be pessimistic and it does not recover the classical bound for the case it does seem to reflect the trend of how the rate changes as j changes. To compare the bound with the actual numerical results, we consider an example similar to the one in section 2. Namely, we consider a diagonal matrix whose eigenvalues are linearly distributed on [1; -], and apply PCG with the same kind of random perturbation. We carry out IPCG and compute the actual convergence rate by (kr ranging from 10 \Gamma6 to 1. In Figure 2 the graphs of the bound and the actual computed rate are plotted (for the case and 100). By comparing the actual convergence rate and its bound, we observe that the bound, as a worst case bound, follows the trend of the actual convergence rate curve quite closely. The bound reaches 1 at In particular, j 0 seems to be a good estimate of the point at which the actual rate starts to increase significantly (i.e., the slope is greater than 1). Note that when the slope is less than 1, any increase Figure 2: Actual Convergence Rate and its Bound verses j actual rate bound threshold eta=sin(theta) convergence rate actual rate bound 00.750.850.95stopping threshold eta=sin(theta) convergence rate in the rate may be compensated by a comparable or more increase in j. We therefore advocate a value around j 0 as a heuristic choice of the stopping threshold for inner iterations. Our numerical examples in Section 5 confirm that this is indeed a reasonable strategy in balancing the numbers of inner and outer iterations. 4 Superlinear Convergence of IPCG The bound in the previous section demonstrates linear convergence of IPCG. We observed in section 2 that for smaller j, IPCG may actually enjoy the superlinear convergence property of exact CG. Here we explain this phenomenon by the method of [9], i.e. by considering a global equation that is approximately satisfied by IPCG. We remark that a global property is necessary in examining superlinear convergence. Let From r respectively, we obtain the following matrix equations for IPCG r where and U n =B Combining the equations in (11), we obtain the following equation AM r Note that - U n is a tridiagonal matrix such that e T Therefore, the inexact case satisfies an equation similar to the exact case with the error term AM We rewrite (13) in a scaled form as in [9, Eq. (8)]. Let D Then from (13) r n+1 where By the stopping criteria, Now applying the same argument in the proof of [9, Theorem 3.5] to (14), we obtain the following theorem. (The details are omitted here). Theorem 3 Assume r are linearly independent and let V T (i.e. the matrix consisting of the first n rows of - where r T To interpret the above result, we note that kr T R n k=kr n+1 k A \Gamma1 is a measure of M orthogonality among the residual vectors. If then the residuals of PCG are orthogonal with respect to M \Gamma1 and hence K but is not too large, the loss of orthogonality among the residuals may be gradual and it will take modest length of run before n are of magnitude j. Therefore, in this regime, kr n+1 k A . Note that ffl decreases superlinearly because of annihilation of the extreme spectrum (see [10]). See [9] for some artificially perturbed numerical examples. In summary, if the global M \Gamma1 -orthogonality among the residual vectors are nearly maintained to certain step, the residual of IPCG is very close to that of exact PCG up to that point and thus may display the superlinear convergence property. 5 Numerical Examples In this section, we present numerical examples of inner-outer iterations, testing various choices of the stopping threshold as compared with - of (10), where A). For this purpose, we shall consider - for d ranging 0:01 to 5 as well as We consider with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition Using uniform five-point finite difference with the step size N+1 , we obtain n \Theta n (with A is the discretization of \Gammar(a(x; y)r) and is a (N \Theta N) block tridiagonal matrix. We consider solving this equation using the block Jacobi preconditioner M (i.e. M is the block diagonal part of A) or using the discrete Laplacian L (i.e. L is the discretization of \Gamma\Delta) as the preconditioner. For the purpose of testing inner-outer iterations, an iterative method (i.e. SOR, CG or preconditioned CG) is used for the preconditioners. We denote them by CG-SOR, CG-CG and CG-PCG respectively. We compare the number of outer (n outer ) and total inner (n inner ) iterations required to reduce the A \Gamma1 -norm of the residual by 10 \Gamma8 . will be used in our tests. In the first test, a(x; and the discrete Laplacian preconditioner L is used. SOR (with the optimal parameter [11]), CG and PCG with the modified incomplete Cholesky factorization are used in the inner iteration to solve r. The results are listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3. used. Table 1: Iteration Counts for CG-SOR with discrete Laplacian preconditioner L In the first rows of the tables, we also list the results for 1, in which case one step of inner iteration is carried out for each outer iteration. In this way, it is closely related to those cases with very close to 1. Interestingly, however, this extreme case is usually equivalent to applying CG directly to the original matrix A or with a preconditioner. For example, if the inner iteration is CG itself, one step of inner CG produces inner solution z n in the same direction of r n and thus the outer iteration is exactly CG applied to A (see Appendix for a detailed discussion for other inner solvers). This is why that convergence still occurs in these extreme cases and our analysis, which are based on Mz only, would not include this case. However, if z n is chosen only to satisfy 1.0 136 136 1.0 232 232 1.0 478 478 Table 2: Iteration Counts for CG-CG with discrete Laplacian preconditioner L Table 3: Iteration Counts for CG-PCG with discrete Laplacian preconditioner L but not in the particular way here, the convergence is not expected. The relatively small iteration counts are due to the fact that the original system is not too ill-conditioned. In comparing the performance of different j with respect to the outer iteration counts, it appears that lies right around the point at which the outer iteration count starts to increase significantly. This confirms our convergence analysis for the outer iteration. For the total inner iteration counts, the performance for larger j seems to be irregular among different inner solvers, and this can be attributed to the different convergence characteristic at the extreme case different inner solvers (see Appendix). In particular, we observe that for larger j, CG-CG (or CG-PCG) performs better than CG-SOR. This phenomenon was also observed in [3]. Overall, j 0 seems to be a reasonable choice in balancing the numbers of inner and outer iterations. In the above example, - and thus j 0 remains nearly constant for different N . In the second test, we use the block Jacobi preconditioner M and a(x; y. Then and 100 respectively. Both SOR and CG are used in the inner iteration. The results are listed in Tables 4 and 5 in an Appendix. Similar behaviour was observed. 6 Conclusion We have formulated and analyzed an inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient method. The method is proved to be convergent for fairly large thresholds in the inner iterations. A linear convergence bound, though pessimistic, is obtained, which leads to a heuristic choice of the stopping threshold in the inner iteration. Numerical tests demonstrate the efficiency of the choice. It still remains an unsolved problem to choose an optimal j that minimizes the total amount of work (see [4]), although j 0 here provides a first approximation. Solving such a problem demands a sharper bound in the outer iteration and analysis of the near extreme threshold cases. It is not clear whether a better bound could be obtained from the approach of the present paper. It seems there are more properties of IPCG awaiting for discovery. For example, better bounds for the steepest descent reduction factor fl n may exist for IPCG, which in turn would lead to improvement to the results here. --R Some inequalities involving the euclidean condition of a matrix A Generalized Conjugate Gradient Method for the Numerical Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Inexact and preconditioned Uzawa algorithms for saddle point problems Inner and outer iterations for the Chebyshev algorithm Stanford SCCM Technical Report 95-12 Convergence of a two-stage Richardson iterative procedure for solving systems of linear equations The convergence of inexact Chebyshev and Richardson iterative methods for solving linear systems. Matrix Computations The convergence rate of inexact preconditioned steepest descent algorithm for solving linear systems Analysis of the Finite Precision Bi-Conjugate Gradient algorithm for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems The rate of convergence of conjugate gradients Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems Academic Press --TR --CTR Carsten Burstedde , Angela Kunoth, Fast iterative solution of elliptic control problems in wavelet discretization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.196 n.1, p.299-319, 1 November 2006 Angela Kunoth, Fast Iterative Solution of Saddle Point Problems in Optimal Control Based on Wavelets, Computational Optimization and Applications, v.22 n.2, p.225-259, July 2002 Michele Benzi, Preconditioning techniques for large linear systems: a survey, Journal of Computational Physics, v.182 n.2, p.418-477, November 2002
conjugate gradient method;inexact preconditioner;inner-outer iterations
Distributed Schur Complement Techniques for General Sparse Linear Systems.
This paper presents a few preconditioning techniques for solving general sparse linear systems on distributed memory environments. These techniques utilize the Schur complement system for deriving the preconditioning matrix in a number of ways. Two of these preconditioners consist of an approximate solution process for the global system, which exploits approximate LU factorizations for diagonal blocks of the Schur complement. Another preconditioner uses a sparse approximate-inverse technique to obtain certain local approximations of the Schur complement. Comparisons are reported for systems of varying difficulty.
Introduction The successful solution of many "Grand-Challenge" problems in scientific computing depends largely on the availability of adequate large sparse linear system solvers. In this context, iterative solution techniques are becoming a mandatory replacement to direct solvers due to their more moderate computational and storage demands. A typical "Grand-Challenge" application requires the use of powerful parallel computing platforms as well as parallel solution algorithms to run on these platforms. In distributed-memory environments, iterative methods are relatively easy to implement compared with direct solvers, and so they are often preferred in spite of their unpredictable performance for certain types of problems. However, users of iterative methods do face a number of issues that do not arise in direct solution methods. In particular, it is not easy to predict how fast a linear system can be solved to a certain accuracy and whether it can be solved at all by certain types of iterative solvers. This depends on the algebraic properties of the matrix, such as the condition number and the clustering of the spectrum. With a good preconditioner, the total number of steps required for convergence can be reduced dramatically, at the cost of a slight increase in the number of operations per step, resulting This work was supported in part by ARPA under grant number NIST 60NANB2D1272, in part by NSF under grant CCR-9618827, and in part by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute. y Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, 200 Union Street S.E., Min- neapolis, MN 55455, z Department of Computer Science, 320 Heller Hall, 10 University Drive, Duluth, Minnesota 55812-2496. in much more efficient algorithms in general. In distributed environments, an additional benefit of preconditioning is that it reduces the parallel overhead, and therefore it decreases the total parallel execution time. The parallel overhead is the time spent by a parallel algorithm in performing communication tasks or in idling due to synchronization requirements. The algorithm will be efficient if the construction and the application of the preconditioning operation both have a small parallel overhead. A parallel preconditioner may be developed in two distinct ways: extracting parallelism from efficient sequential techniques or designing a preconditioner from the start specifically for parallel platforms. Each of these two approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. In the first approach, the preconditioners yield the same good convergence properties as those of a sequential method but often have a low degree of parallelism, leading to inefficient parallel implementations. In contrast, the second approach usually yields preconditioners that enjoy a higher degree of parallelism, but that may have inferior convergence properties. This paper addresses mainly the issue of developing preconditioners for distributed sparse linear systems by regarding these systems as distributed objects. This viewpoint is common in the framework of parallel iterative solution techniques [15, 14, 18, 20, 10, 1, 2, 8] and borrows ideas from domain decomposition methods that are prevalent in the PDE literature. The key issue is to develop preconditioners for the global linear system by exploiting its distributed data structure. Recently, a number of methods have been developed which exploit the Schur complement system related to interface variables, see for example, [12, 2, 8]. In particular, several distributed preconditioners included in the ParPre package [8] employ variants of Schur complement techniques. One difference between our work and [2] is that our approach does not construct a matrix to approximate the global Schur complement. Instead, the preconditioners constructed are entirely local. However, they also have a global nature in that they do attempt to solve the global Schur complement system approximately by an iterative technique. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a background regarding distributed representations of sparse linear systems. Section 3 starts with a general description of the class of domain decomposition methods known as Schur complement techniques. This section also presents several distributed preconditioners that are defined via various approximations to the Schur complement. The numerical experiment section (Section 4) contains a comparison of these preconditioners for solving various distributed linear systems. Finally, a few concluding remarks are made in Section 5. Distributed sparse linear systems Consider a linear system of the form where A is a large sparse nonsymmetric real matrix of size n. Often, to solve such a system on a distributed memory computer, a graph partitioner is first invoked to partition the adjacency graph of A. Based on the resulting partitioning, the data is distributed to processors such that pairs of equations-unknowns are assigned to the same processor. Thus, each processor holds a set of equations (rows of the linear system) and vector components associated with these rows. A good distributed data structure is crucial for the development of effective sparse iterative solvers. It is important, for example, to have a convenient representation of the local equations as well as the dependencies between the local and external vector components. A preprocessing phase is thus required to determine these dependencies and any other information needed during the iteration phase. The approach described here follows that used in the PSPARSLIB package, see [20, 22, 14] for additional details. Figure 1 shows a "physical domain" viewpoint of a sparse linear system. This representation borrows from the domain decomposition literature - so the term "subdomain" is often used instead of the more proper term "subgraph". Each point (node) belonging to a subdomain is actually a pair representing an equation and an associated unknown. It is common to distinguish between three types of unknowns: (1) Interior unknowns that are coupled only with local equations; (2) Local interface unknowns that are coupled with both non-local (external) and local equations; and (3) External interface unknowns that belong to other subdomains and are coupled with local equations. The matrix in Figure 2 can be viewed as a reordered version of the equations associated with a local numbering of the equation-unknown pairs. Note that local equations do not necessarily correspond to contiguous equations in the original system. points External interface points Internal points Figure 1: A local view of a distributed sparse matrix. In Figure 2, the rows of the matrix assigned to a certain processor have been split into two parts: the local matrix A i , which acts on the local vector components, and the rectangular interface matrix X i , which acts on the external vector components. Accordingly, the local equations can be written as follows: represents the vector of local unknowns, y i;ext are the external interface variables, and b i is the local part of the right-hand side vector. Similarly, a (global) matrix-vector product Ax can be performed in three steps. First, multiply the local vector components x i by A i , then receive the external interface vector components y i;ext from other processors, and finally multiply the received data by X i and add the result to that already obtained with A i . Figure 2: A partitioned sparse matrix. An important feature of the data structure used is the separation of the interface points from the interior points. In each processor, local points are ordered such that the interface points are listed last after the interior points. Such ordering of the local data presents several advantages, including more efficient interprocessor communication, and reduced local indirect addressing during matrix-vector multiplication. With this local ordering, each local vector of unknowns x i is split into two parts: the sub-vector of internal vector components followed by the subvector y i of local interface vector components. The right-hand side b i is conformally split into the subvectors f i and g i , i.e., When block partitioned according to this splitting, the local matrix A i residing in processor i has the form: so the local equations (2) can be written as follows: '' Here, N i is the set of indices for subdomains that are neighbors to the subdomain i. The term a part of the product X i y i;ext which reflects the contribution to the local equation from the neighboring subdomain j. The sum of these contributions is the result of multiplying X i by the external interface unknowns: It is clear that the result of this multiplication affects only the local interface unknowns, which is indicated by zero in the top part of the second term of the left-hand side of (4). The preprocessing phase should construct the data-structure for representing the matrices A i , and X i . It should also form any additional data structures required to prepare for the intensive communication that takes place during the iteration phase. In particular, each processor needs to know (1) the processors with which it must communicate, (2) the list of interface points, and (3) a break-up of this list into sublists that must be communicated among neighboring processors. For further details see [20, 22, 14]. 3 Derivation of Schur complement techniques Schur complement techniques refer to methods which iterate on the interface unknowns only, implicitly using internal unknowns as intermediate variables. A few strategies for deriving Schur complement techniques will now be described. First, the Schur complement system is derived. 3.1 Schur complement system Consider equation (2) and its block form (4). Schur complement systems are derived by eliminating the variable u i from the system (4). Extracting from the first equation u yields, upon substitution in the second equation, is the "local" Schur complement The equations (5) for all subdomains i constitute a system of equations involving only the interface unknown vectors y i . This reduced system has a natural block structure related to the interface points in each subdomain:B The diagonal blocks in this system, the matrices S i , are dense in general. The off-diagonal blocks which are identical with those involved in the global system (4), are sparse. The system (7) can be written as is the vector of all the interface variables and g the right-hand side vector. Throughout the paper, we will abuse the notation slightly for the transpose operation, by defining rather than the actual transpose of the matrix with column vectors y p. The matrix S is the "global" Schur complement matrix, which will be exploited in Section 3.3. 3.2 Schur complement iterations One of the simplest ideas that comes to mind for solving the Schur complement system (7) is to use a block relaxation method associated with the blocking of the system. Once the Schur complement system is solved the interface variables are available and the other variables are obtained by solving local systems. As is known, with a consistent choice of the initial guess, a block-Jacobi (or SOR) iteration with the reduced system is equivalent to a block-Jacobi iteration (resp. SOR) on the global system (see, e.g., [11], [19]). The k-th step of a block-Jacobi iteration on the global system takes the following local form: \GammaS Here, an asterisk denotes a nonzero block whose actual expression is unimportant. A worthwhile observation is that the iterates with interface unknowns y satisfy an independent relation or equivalently which is nothing but a Jacobi iteration on the Schur complement system (7). From a global viewpoint, a primary iteration for the global unknowns is As was explained above, the vectors of interface unknowns y associated with the primary iteration satisfy an iteration (called Schur complement iteration) The matrix G is not known explicitly, but it is easy to advance the above iteration by one step from an arbitrary (starting) vector v, meaning that it is easy to compute Gv+h for any v. This viewpoint was taken in [13, 12]. The sequence y (k) can be accelerated with a Krylov subspace algorithm, such as GMRES [21]. One way to look at this acceleration procedure is to consider the solution of the system The right-hand side h can be obtained from one step of the iteration (12) computed for the initial vector 0, i.e., Given the initial guess y (0) the initial residual s can be obtained from Matrix-vector products with I \Gamma G can be obtained from one step of the primary iteration. To compute G)y, proceed are as follows: 1. Perform one step of the primary iteration y 2. Set w := y 3. Compute The presented global viewpoint shows that a Schur complement technique can be derived for any primary fixed-point iteration on the global unknowns. Among the possible choices of the primary iteration there are Jacobi and SOR iterations as well as iterations derived (somewhat artificially) from ILU preconditioning techniques. The main disadvantage of solving the Schur complement system is that the solve for the system (needed to operate with the matrix S i ) should be accurate. We can compute the dense matrix S i explicitly or solve system (5) by using a computation of the matrix-vector product S i y, which can be carried out with three sparse matrix-vector multiplies and one accurate linear system solve. As is known (see [23]), because of the large computational expense of these accurate solves, the resulting decrease in iteration counts is not sufficient to make the Schur complement iteration competitive. Numerical experiments will confirm this. 3.3 Induced Preconditioners A key idea in domain decomposition methods is to develop preconditioners for the global system (1) by exploiting methods that approximately solve the reduced system (7). These tech- niques, termed "induced preconditioners" (see, e.g., [19]), can be best explained by considering a reordered version of the global system (1) in which all the internal vector components are labeled first followed by all the interface vector components y. Such re-ordering leads to a block systemB which also can be rewritten as ' B F '' u y Note that the B block acts on the interior unknowns. Eliminating these unknowns from the system leads to the Schur complement system (7). Induced preconditioners for the global system are obtained by exploiting a block LU factorization for A. Consider the factorization I where S is the global Schur complement This Schur complement matrix is identical to the coefficient matrix of system (7) (see, e.g., [19]). The global system (15) can be preconditioned by an approximate LU factorization constructed such that and I with M S being some approximation to S. Two techniques of this type are discussed in the rest of this section. The first one exploits the relation between an LU factorization and the Schur complement matrix, and the second uses approximate-inverse techniques to obtain approximations to the local Schur complements. The preconditioners presented next are based on the global system of equations for the Schur unknowns (system (5) or the equivalent form (7)) and on the global block LU factorization (16), or rather its approximated version (17). 3.4 Approximate Schur LU preconditioner The idea outlined in the previous subsection is that, if an approximation ~ S to the Schur complement S is available, then an approximate solve with the whole matrix A, for all the global unknowns can be obtained which will require (approximate or exact) solves with ~ S and B. It is also possible to think locally in order to act globally. Consider (4) and (5). As is readily seen from (4), once approximations to all the components of the interface unknowns y i are available, corresponding approximations to the internal components u i can be immediately obtained from solving with the matrix B i in each processor. In practice, it is often simpler to solve a slightly larger system obtained from (2) or because of the availability of the specific local data structure. Now return to the problem of finding approximate solutions to the Schur unknowns. For convenience, (5) is rewritten as a preconditioned system with the diagonal blocks: Note that this is simply a block-Jacobi preconditioned Schur complement system. System (19) may be solved by a GMRES-like accelerator, requiring a solve with S i at each step. There are at least three options for carrying out this solve with 1. Compute each S i exactly in the form of an LU factorization. As will be seen shortly, this representation can be obtained directly from an LU factorization of A i . 2. Use an approximate LU factorization for S i , which is obtained from an approximate LU factorization for A i . 3. Obtain an approximation to S i using approximate-inverse techniques (see the next sub- section) and then factor it using an ILU technique. The methods in options (1) and (2) are based on the following observation (see [19]). Let A i have the form (3) and be factored as A and U Then, a rather useful result is that L S i is equal to the Schur complement S i associated with the partitioning (3). This result can be easily established by "transferring" the matrices UB i and U S i from the U-matrix to the L-matrix in the factorization: I I from which the result S follows by comparison with (16). When an approximate factorization to A i is available, an approximate LU factorization to S i can be obtained canonically by extracting the related parts from the L i and U i matrices. In other words, an ILU factorization for the Schur complement is the trace of the global ILU factorization on the unknowns associated with the Schur complement. For a local Schur complement, the ILU factorization obtained in this manner leads to an approximation ~ S i of the local Schur complement S i . Instead of the exact Schur complement system (5), or equivalently (19), the following approximate (local) Schur complement system derived from (19) can be considered on each processor i: The global system related to equations (20) can be solved by a Krylov subspace method, e.g., GMRES. The matrix-vector operation associated with this solve involves a certain matrix M S (cf. equation (17)). The global preconditioner (17) can then be defined from M S . Given a local ILU factorization with which the factorization is associated, the following algorithm applies in each processor the global approximate Schur LU preconditioner to a block vector (f to obtain the solution . The algorithm uses m iterations of GMRES without restarting to solve the local part of the Schur complement system (20). Then, the interior vector components are calculated using equation (18) (Lines 21-25). In the description of Algorithm 3.1, P represents the projector that maps the whole block vector into the subvector vector g i associated with the interface variables. Algorithm 3.1 Approximate Schur-LU solution step with GMRES 1. Given: local right-hand side 2. Define an (m Hm and set - 3. Arnoldi process: 4. y i := 0 5. r := (L i U 7. For do 8. Exchange interface vector components y i 9. t := (L S i 11. For 12. h l;j := (w; v l ) 13. w 14. EndDo 15. h j+1;j := kwk 2 and v j+1 := w=h j+1;j 16. EndDo 17. 18. Form the approximate solution for interface variables: 19. Compute 21. Find other local unknowns: 22. Exchange interface vector components y i 24. rhs := rhs \Gamma 25. A few explanations are in order. Lines 4-6 compute the initial residual for the GMRES iteration with initial guess of zero and normalize this residual to obtain the initial vector of the Arnoldi basis. According to the expression for the inverse of A i in (8), we have A which is identical to the expression in Line 5 with A i replaced by its approximation L i U i . Comparing the bottom part of the right-hand side of the above expression with that on the right-hand side of (20), it is seen that the vector P r obtained in Line 6 of the algorithm is indeed an approximation to the local right-hand side of the Schur complement system. Lines 8- correspond to the matrix-vector product with the preconditioned Schur complement matrix, i.e., with the computation of the left-hand side of (20). 3.5 Schur complements via approximate inverses Equation (17) describes in general terms an approximate block LU factorization for the global system (15). A particular factorization stems from approximating the Schur complement matrix using one of several approximate-inverse techniques described next. Given an arbitrary matrix A, approximate-inverse preconditioners consist of finding an approximation Q to its inverse, by solving approximately the optimization problem [3]: min Q2S in which S is a certain set of n \Theta n sparse matrices. This minimization problem can be decoupled into n minimization problems of the form are the jth columns of the identity matrix and a matrix Q 2 S, respectively. Note that each of the n columns can be computed independently. Different strategies for selecting a nonzero structure of the approximate-inverse are proposed in [4] and [9]. In [9] the initial sparsity pattern is taken to be diagonal with further fill-in allowed depending on the improvement in the minimization. The work [4] suggests controlling the sparsity of the approximate inverse by dropping certain nonzero entries in the solution or search directions of a suitable iterative method (e.g., GMRES). This iterative method solves the system Am In this paper, the approximate-inverse technique proposed in [4] and [5] is used. Consider the local matrix A i blocked as and its block LU factorization similar to the one given by (16). The sparse approximate-inverse technique can be applied to approximate B with a certain matrix Y i (as it is done in [5]). The resulting matrix Y i is sparse and therefore is a sparse approximation to S i . A further approximation can be constructed using an ILU factorization for the matrix M S i As in the previous subsection, an approximation M S to the global Schur complement S can be obtained by approximately solving the reduced system (7), i.e., by solving its approximated version ~ the right-hand side of which can be also computed approximately. System (22) requires an approximation ~ S i to the local Schur complement S . The matrix M S i defined from the approximate-inverse technique outlined above can be used for ~ Now that an approximation to the Schur complement matrix is available, an induced global preconditioner M to the matrix A can be defined from considering the global system (14), also written as (15). The Schur variables correspond to the bottom part of the linear system. The global preconditioner M is given by the block factorization (17) in which M S is the approximation to S obtained by iteratively solving system (22). Thus, the block forward-backward solves with the factors (17) will amount to the following three-step procedure. 1. Solve 2. Solve (iteratively) the system (22) to obtain 3. Compute Fy. This three-step procedure translates into the following algorithm executed by Processor i. Algorithm 3.2 Approximate-inverse Schur complement solution step with GMRES 1. Given: local right-hand side 2. Solve B i u approximately 3. Calculate the local right-hand side ~ 4. Use GMRES to solve the distributed system M S i 5. Compute an approximation to t 6. Compute t. Note that the steps in Lines 2, 5 and 6 do not require any communication among processors, since matrix-vector operations in these steps are performed with the local vector components only. In contrast, the solution of the global Schur system invoked in Line 4, involves global matrix-vector multiplications with the "interface exchange matrix" consisting of all the interface matrices X i . The approximate solution of can be carried out by several steps of GMRES or by the forward-backward solves with incomplete L and U factors of B i (assuming that a factorization is available). Then an approximation ~ g i (Line 3) to the local right-hand side of system (22) is calculated. In Line 5, there are several choices for approximating It is possible to solve the linear system using GMRES as in Line 2. An alternative is to exploit the matrix Y i that approximates B in construction of M S i (equation (21)). 4 Numerical experiments In the experiments, we compared the performance of the described preconditioners and the distributed Additive Schwarz preconditioning (see, e.g., [19]) on 2-D elliptic PDE problems and on several problems with the matrices from the Harwell-Boeing and Davis collections [7]. A flexible variant of restarted GMRES (FGMRES) [16] has been used to solve the original system since this accelerator permits a change in the preconditioning operation at each step. This is useful when, for example, an iterative process is used to precondition the input system. Thus, it is possible to use ILUT-preconditioned GMRES with lfil fill-in elements. Recall that ILUT [17] is a form of incomplete LU factorization with a dual threshold strategy for dropping fill-in elements. For convenience, the following abbreviations will denote preconditioners and solution techniques used in the numerical experiments: Distributed approximate block LU factorization: M S i are approximated using the matrix Y i , constructed using the approximate-inverse technique described in [4]; SAPINVS Distributed approximate block LU factorization: M S i is approximated using the approximate-inverse technique in [4], but B \Gamma1 applied using one matrix-vector multiplication followed by a solve with SLU Distributed global system preconditioning defined via an approximate solve with M S , in which S i - L S i BJ Approximate Additive Schwarz, where ILUT-preconditioned GMRES(k) is used to precondition each submatrix assigned to a processor; SI "pure" Schur complement iteration as described in Section 3.2. 4.1 Elliptic problems Consider the elliptic partial differential equation @x a @ @x @y @ @y @x @y on rectangular regions with Dirichlet boundary conditions. If there are n x points in the x direction and n y points in the y direction, then the mesh is mapped to a virtual p x \Theta p y grid of processors, such that a subrectangle of n x =p x points in the x direction and n y =p y points in the y direction belongs to a processor. In fact, each of the subproblems associated with these subrectangles are generated in parallel. Figure 3 shows a domain decomposition of a mesh and its mapping onto a virtual processor grid. A comparison of timing results and iteration numbers for a global 360 \Theta 360 mesh mapped to (virtual) square processor grids of increasing size is given in Figure 4. (In Figure 4, we omit the solution time for the BJ preconditioning, which is 95.43 seconds). The residual norm reduction by 10 \Gamma6 was achieved by flexible GMRES(10). In preconditioning, ILUT with lf and the dropping tolerance 10 \Gamma4 was used as a choice of an incomplete LU factorization. Five iterations Figure 3: Domain decomposition and assignment of a 12 \Theta 9 mesh to a 3 \Theta 3 virtual processor grid. of GMRES with the relative tolerance 10 \Gamma2 were used in the application of BJ and SLU. For SAPINV, forward-backward solves with were performed in Line 2 of Algorithm 3.2. Since the problem (mesh) size is fixed, with increase in number of processors the subproblems become smaller and the overall time decreases. Both preconditioners based on Schur complement techniques are less expensive than the Additive Schwarz preconditioning. This is especially noticeable for small numbers of processors. Keeping subproblem sizes fixed while increasing the number of processors increases the over-all size of the problem making it harder to solve and thus increasing the solution time. In ideal situations of perfectly scalable algorithms, the execution time should remain constant. Timing results for fixed local subproblem sizes of 15 \Theta 15, 30 \Theta 30, 50 \Theta 50, and 70 \Theta 70 are presented in Figure 5. (Premature termination of the curves for SI indicates nonconvergence in 300 iterations). The growth in the solution time as the number of processors increases is rather pronounced for the "pure" Schur complement iteration and Additive Schwarz, whereas it is rather moderate for the Schur complement-based preconditioners. 4.2 General problems Table describes three test problems from the Harwell-Boeing and Davis collections. The column Pattern specifies whether a given problem has a structurally symmetric matrix. In all three test problems, the matrix rows followed by the columns were scaled by 2-norm. Also, in the partitioning of a problem one level of overlapping with data exchanging was used following [13]. Tables show iteration numbers required by FGMRES(20) with SAPINV, SAPINVS, SLU, Processors seconds Solid line: BJ Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU 100100200300400Processors Iterations Iterations Solid line: BJ Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU Figure 4: Times and iteration counts for solving a 360 \Theta 360 discretized Laplacean problem with 3 different preconditioners using flexible GMRES(10). Name n n z Pattern Discipline calculation raefsky1 3242 22316 Unsymm Incompressible flow in pressure driven pipe sherman3 5005 20033 Symm Oil reservoir modeling Table 1: Description of test problems and BJ till convergence on different numbers of processors. An asterisk indicates nonconvergence. In the preconditioning phase, approximate solves in each processor were carried out by GMRES to reduce the residual norm by 10 \Gamma3 but no more than for five steps were allowed. As a choice of ILU factorization, ILUT with lfil fill-in elements (shown in the column lfil) was used in the experiments here. lfil corresponds also to the number of elements in a matrix column created by the approximate-inverse technique. In general, it is hard to compare the methods since the number of fill-in elements in each of the resulting preconditioners is different. In other words, for SAPINV and SAPINVS, lfil specifies the number of nonzeros in the blocks of preconditioning; for SLU, lfil is the total number of nonzeros in the preconditioning, therefore, the number of nonzeros in a given approximation S is not known exactly. For a given problem, iteration counts for the SAPINV and SAPINVS suggest a clear trend of achieving convergence in fewer iterations with increasing number of processors, which means that a high degree of parallelism of these preconditioners does not impede convergence, and may even enhance it significantly (cf. rows 1-4 of Table 2). The main explanation for this is the fact that the approximations to the local and global Schur complement matrices from seconds in each PE Solid line: BJ Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU Dash-circle line: SI Processors seconds in each PE Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU Dash-circle line: SI Solid line: BJ 10051525Processors seconds 50 x 50 Mesh in each PE Solid line: BJ Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU Dash-circle line: SI 10010305070Processors seconds in each PE Solid line: BJ Dash-dot line: SAPINV Dash-star line: SLU Dash-circle line: SI Figure 5: Solution times for a Laplacean problem with various local subproblem sizes using different preconditioners (BJ, SAPINV, SLU) and the Schur complement iteration (SI). Name Precon lfil 4 8 Table 2: Number of FGMRES(20) iterations for the RAEFSKY1 problem. Name Precon lfil 28 43 Table 3: Number of FGMRES(20) iterations for the AF23560 problem. Name Precon lfil Table 4: Number of FGMRES(20) iterations for the SHERMAN3 problem. which the global preconditioner M is derived actually improve as the processor numbers become larger since these matrices become smaller. Furthermore, SAPINV, SAPINVS, and SLU do not suffer from the information loss as happens with BJ (since BJ disregards the local matrix entries corresponding to the external interface vector components). Note that the effectiveness of BJ degrades with increasing number of processors (cf. Subsection 4.1). Comparison of SAPINV and SAPINVS (for RAEFSKY1 and SHERMAN3) confirms the conclusions of [5] that using Y i to approximate B Algorithm 3.2) is more efficient than applying B directly, which is also computationally expensive. For general distributed matrices, this is especially true, since iterative solves with B i may be very inaccurate. In the experiments, sparse approximations of Y i appear to be quite accurate (usually reducing the Frobenius norm to 10 \Gamma2 ), which could be attributed to the small dimensions of the matrices used in approximations. This reduction in the Frobenius norm was attained in 10 iterations of the MR method. Smaller numbers of iterations were also tested. Their effect on the overall solution process amounted to on average one extra iteration of FGMRES(20) for the problems considered here. Conclusions In this paper, several preconditioning techniques for distributed linear systems are derived from approximate solutions with the related Schur complement system. The preconditioners are built upon the already available distributed data structure for the original matrix, and an approximation to the global Schur complement is never formed explicitly. Thus, no communication overheard is incurred to construct a preconditioner, making the preprocessing phase simple and highly parallel. The preconditioning operations utilize the communication structure precomputed for the original matrix. The preconditioning to the global matrix A is defined in terms of a block LU factorization which involves a solve with the global Schur complement system at each preconditioning step. This system is in turn solved approximately with a few steps of GMRES exploiting approximations to the local Schur complement for preconditioning. Two different techniques, incomplete LU factorization and approximate-inverse, are used to approximate these local Schur complements. Distributed preconditioners constructed and applied in this manner allow much flexibility in specifying approximations to the local Schur complements and local system solves and in defining the global induced Block-LU preconditioner to the original matrix. With an increasing number of processors, a Krylov subspace method, such as FGMRES [16], preconditioned by the proposed techniques exhibits a very moderate growth in the execution time for scaled problem sizes. Experiments show that the proposed distributed preconditioners based on Schur complement techniques are superior to the commonly used Additive Schwarz preconditioning. In addition, this advantage comes at no additional cost in code-complexity or memory usage, since the same data structures as those for additive Schwarz preconditioners can be used. Acknowledgments Computing resources for this work were provided by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute and the Virginia Tech Computing Center. --R PETSc 2.0 users manual. A parallel algebraic non-overlapping domain decomposition method for flow problems Iterative solution of large sparse linear systems arising in certain multidimensional approximation problems. Approximate inverse preconditioners for general sparse matrices. 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GMRES: a generalized minimal residual algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. Design of an iterative solution module for a parallel sparse matrix library (P SPARSLIB). Domain decomposition: Parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial differential equations. --TR --CTR A. Basermann , U. Jaekel , M. Nordhausen , K. Hachiya, Parallel iterative solvers for sparse linear systems in circuit simulation, Future Generation Computer Systems, v.21 n.8, p.1275-1284, October 2005 Chi Shen , Jun Zhang, A fully parallel block independent set algorithm for distributed sparse matrices, Parallel Computing, v.29 n.11-12, p.1685-1699, November/December M. Sosonkina , Y. Saad , X. Cai, Using the parallel algebraic recursive multilevel solver in modern physical applications, Future Generation Computer Systems, v.20 n.3, p.489-500, April 2004 Chi Shen , Jun Zhang, Parallel two level block ILU Preconditioning techniques for solving large sparse linear systems, Parallel Computing, v.28 n.10, p.1451-1475, October 2002 Chi Shen , Jun Zhang , Kai Wang, Distributed block independent set algorithms and parallel multilevel ILU preconditioners, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v.65 n.3, p.331-346, March 2005
domain decomposition;parallel preconditioning;distributed sparse linear systems;schur complement techniques
A Machine Learning Approach to POS Tagging.
We have applied the inductive learning of statistical decision trees and relaxation labeling to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) task of morphosyntactic disambiguation (Part Of Speech Tagging). The learning process is supervised and obtains a language model oriented to resolve POS ambiguities, consisting of a set of statistical decision trees expressing distribution of tags and words in some relevant contexts. The acquired decision trees have been directly used in a tagger that is both relatively simple and fast, and which has been tested and evaluated on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus with competitive accuracy. However, better results can be obtained by translating the trees into rules to feed a flexible relaxation labeling based tagger. In this direction we describe a tagger which is able to use information of any kind (n-grams, automatically acquired constraints, linguistically motivated manually written constraints, etc.), and in particular to incorporate the machine-learned decision trees. Simultaneously, we address the problem of tagging when only limited training material is available, which is crucial in any process of constructing, from scratch, an annotated corpus. We show that high levels of accuracy can be achieved with our system in this situation, and report some results obtained when using it to develop a 5.5 million words Spanish corpus from scratch.
Introduction Part of Speech (pos) Tagging is a very basic and well known Natural Language Processing (nlp) problem which consists of assigning to each word of a text the proper morphosyntactic tag in its context of appearance. It is very useful for a number of nlp applications: as a preprocessing step to syntactic parsing, in information extraction and retrieval (e.g. document classification in internet searchers), text to speech systems, corpus linguistics, etc. The base of pos tagging is that many words being ambiguous regarding their pos, in most cases they can be completely disambiguated by taking into account an adequate context. For instance, in the sample sentence presented in table 1, the word shot is disambiguated as a past participle because it is preceded by the auxiliary was. Although in this case the word is disambiguated simply by looking at the preceding tag, it must be taken into account that the preceding word could be ambiguous, or that the necessary context could be much more complicated than merely the preceding word. Furthermore, there are even cases in which the ambiguity is non-resolvable using only morphosyntactic features of the context, and require semantic and/or pragmatic knowledge. Table 1. A sentence and its pos ambiguity -appearing tags, from the Penn Treebank corpus, are described in appendix A-. The DT first JJ time NN he PRP was VBD shot VBN in IN the DT hand NN as IN he PRP chased VBD the DT robbers NNS outside RB . first time shot in hand as chased outside JJ NN NN IN NN IN JJ IN VBN RP VBN NN 1.1. Existing Approaches to POS Tagging Starting with the pioneer tagger Taggit (Greene & Rubin 1971), used for an initial tagging of the Brown Corpus (bc), a lot of effort has been devoted to improving the quality of the tagging process in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Existing taggers can be classified into three main groups according to the kind of knowledge they use: linguistic, statistic and machine-learning family. Of course some taggers are difficult to classify into these classes and hybrid approaches must be considered. Within the linguistic approach most systems codify the knowledge involved as a set of rules (or constraints) written by linguists. The linguistic models range from a few hundreds to several thousand rules, and they usually require years of labor. The work of the Tosca group (Oostdijk 1991) and more recently the development of Constraint Grammars in the Helsinki University (Karlsson et al. 1995) can be considered the most important in this direction. A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 3 The most extended approach nowadays is the statistical family (obviously due to the limited amount of human effort involved). Basically it consists of building a statistical model of the language and using this model to disambiguate a word sequence. The language model is coded as a set of co-occurrence frequencies for different kinds of linguistic phenomena. This statistical acquisition is usually found in the form of n-gram collection, that is, the probability of a certain sequence of length n is estimated from its occurrences in the training corpus. In the case of pos tagging, usual models consist of tag bi-grams and tri-grams (possible sequences of two or three consecutive tags, respectively). Once the n-gram probabilities have been estimated, new examples can be tagged by selecting the tag sequence with highest probability. This is roughly the technique followed by the widespread Hidden Markov Model taggers. Although the form of the model and the way of determining the sequence to be modeled can also be tackled in several ways, most systems reduce the model to unigrams, bi-grams or tri-grams. The seminal work in this direction is the Claws system (Garside et al. 1987), which used bi-gram information and was the probabilistic version of Taggit. It was later improved in (DeRose 1988) by using dynamic programming. The tagger by (Church 1988) used a trigram model. Other taggers try to reduce the amount of training data needed to estimate the model, and use the Baum-Welch re-estimation algorithm (Baum 1972) to iteratively refine an initial model obtained from a small hand-tagged corpus. This is the case of the Xerox tagger (Cutting et al. 1992) and its successors. Those interested in the subject can find an excellent overview in (Merialdo 1994). Other works that can be placed in the statistical family are those of (Schmid 1994a) which performs energy-function optimization using neural nets. Comparisons between linguistic and statistic taggers can be found in (Chanod & Tapanainen 1995, Other tasks are also approached through statistical methods. The speech recognition field is very productive in this issue -actually, n-gram modelling was used in speech recognition before being used in pos tagging-. Recent works in this field try to not to limit the model to a fixed order n-gram by combining different order n-grams, morphological information, long-distance n-grams, or triggering pairs (Rosenfeld 1994, Ristad & Thomas 1996, Saul & Pereira 1997). These are approaches that we may see incorporated to pos tagging tasks in the short term. Although the statistic approach involves some kind of learning, supervised or un- supervised, of the parameters of the model from a training corpus, we place in the machine-learning family only those systems that include more sophisticated information than a n-gram model. Brill's tagger (Brill 1992, Brill 1995) automatically learns a set of transformation rules which best repair the errors committed by a most-frequent-tag tagger, (Samuelsson et al. 1996) acquire Constraint Grammar rules from tagged corpora, (Daelemans et al. 1996) apply instance-based learning, and finally, the work that we present here -based on (M'arquez & Rodr'iguez 1997, uses decision trees induced from tagged corpora, and combines the learned knowledge in a hybrid approach consisting of applying ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ relaxation techniques over a set of constraints involving statistical, linguistic and machine-learned information (Padr'o 1996, Padr'o 1998). The accuracy reported by most statistic taggers surpasses 96-97% while linguistic Constraint Grammars surpass 99% allowing a residual ambiguity of 1.026 tags per word. These accuracy values are usually computed on a test corpus which has not been used in the training phase. Some corpora commonly used as test benches are the Brown Corpus, the Wall Street Journal (wsj) corpus and the British National Corpus (bnc). 1.2. Motivation and Goals Taking the above accuracy figures into account one may think that pos tagging is a solved and closed problem this accuracy being perfectly acceptable for most systems. So why waste time in designing yet another tagger? What does an increase of 0.3% in accuracy really mean? There are several reasons for thinking that there is still work to do in the field of automatic pos tagging. When processing huge running texts, and considering an average length per sentence of 25-30 words, if we admit an error rate of 3-4% then it follows that, on average, each sentence contains one error. Since pos tagging is a very basic task in most nlp understanding systems, starting with an error in each sentence could be a severe drawback, especially considering that the propagation of these errors could grow more than linearly. Other nlp tasks that are very sensitive to pos disambiguation errors can be found in the domain of Word Sense Disambiguation (Wilks & Stevenson 1997) and Information Retrieval (Krovetz 1997). Another issue refers to the need of adapting and tuning taggers that have acquired (or learned) their parameters from a specific corpus onto another one -which may contain texts from other domains- trying to minimize the cost of transportation. The accuracy of taggers is usually measured against a test corpora of the same characteristics as the corpus used for training. Nevertheless, no serious attempts have been made to evaluate the accuracy of taggers corpora with different charac- teristics, or even domain-specific. Finally, some specific problems must be addressed when applying taggers to languages other than English. In addition to the problems derived from the richer morphology of some particular languages, there is a more general problem consisting of the lack of large manually annotated corpora for training. Although a bootstrapping approach can be carried out -using a low-accurate tagger for producing annotated text that could be used then for retraining the tagger and learning a more accurate model- the usefulness of this approach highly relies on the quality of the retraining material. So, if we want to guarantee low noisy retraining corpora, we have to provide methods able to achieve high accuracy, both on known and unknown words, using a small high-quality training corpus. In this direction, we are involved in a project for tagging Spanish and Catalan corpora (over 5M words) with limited linguistic resources, that is, departing from A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 5 a manually tagged core of a size around 70,000 words. For the sake of comparability we have included experiments performed over a reference corpus of English. However, we also report the results obtained applying the presented techniques to annotate the LexEsp Spanish corpus, proving that a very good accuracy can be achieved at a fairly low human cost. The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we describe the application domain, the language model learning algorithm and the model evaluation. In sections 3 and 4 we describe the language model application through two taggers: A decision tree based tagger and a relaxation labelling based tagger, respectively. Comparative results between them in the special case of using a small training corpus and the joint use of both taggers to annotate a Spanish corpus are reported in section 5. Finally, the main conclusions and an overview of the future work can be found in section 6. 2. Language Model Acquisition To enable a computer system to process natural language, it is required that language is modeled in some way, that is, that the phenomena occurring in language are characterized and captured, in such a way that they can be used to predict or recognize future uses of language: (Rosenfeld 1994) defines language modeling as the attempt to characterize, capture and exploit regularities in natural language, and states that the need for language modeling arises from the great deal of variability and uncertainty present in natural language. As described in section 1, language models can be hand-written, statistically derived, or machine-learned. In this paper we present the use of a machine-learned model combined with statistically acquired models. A testimonial use of hand-written models is also included. 2.1. Description of the Training Corpus and the Word Form Lexicon We have used a portion of 1; 170; 000 words of the wsj, tagged according to the Penn Treebank tag set, to train and test the system. Its most relevant features are the following. The tag set contains 45 different tags 1 . About 36:5% of the words in the corpus are ambiguous, with an ambiguity ratio of 2:44 tags/word over the ambiguous words, 1:52 overall. The corpus contains 243 different ambiguity classes, but they are not all equally important. In fact, only the 40 most frequent ambiguity classes cover 83.95% of the occurrences in the corpus, while the 194 most frequent cover almost all of them (?99.50%). The training corpus has also been used to create a word form lexicon -of 49,206 entries- with the associated lexical probabilities for each word. These probabilities are estimated simply by counting the number of times each word appears in the corpus with each different tag. This simple information provides a heuristic for ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ a very naive disambiguation algorithm which consists of choosing for each word its most probable tag according to the lexical probability. Note that such a tagger does not use any contextual information, but only the frequencies of isolated words. Figure 1 shows the performance of this most-frequent-tag tagger (mft) on the wsj domain for different sizes of the training corpus. The reported figures refer to ambiguous words and they can be taken as a lower bound for any tagger. More particularly, it is clear that for a training corpus bigger than 400,000 words, the accuracy obtained is around 81-83%. However it is not reasonable to think that it could be significantly raised simply by adding more training corpus in order to estimate the lexical probabilities more effectively.657585 % of Training %accuracy MFT Tagger Figure 1. Performance of the "most frequent tag" heuristic related to the training set size Due to errors in corpus annotation, the resulting lexicon has a certain amount of noise. In order to partially reduce this noise, the lexicon has been filtered by manually checking the entries for the most frequent 200 words in the corpus -note that the 200 most frequent words in the corpus represent over half of it-. For instance the original lexicon entry (numbers indicate frequencies in the training corpus) for the very common word the was: the since it appears in the corpus with the six different tags: CD (cardinal), DT (de- (proper noun) and VBP (verb-personal form). It is obvious that the only correct reading for the is determiner. 2.2. Learnig Algorithm From a set of possible tags, choosing the proper syntactic tag for a word in a particular context can be stated as a problem of classification. In this case, classes are identified with tags. Decision trees, recently used in several nlp tasks, such as speech recognition (Bahl 1989), POS tagging (Schmid 1994b, M'arquez & Rodr'iguez 1995, Daelemans et al. 1996), parsing (McCarthy & Lehnert 1995, Magerman 1996), A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 7 sense disambiguation (Mooney 1996) and information extraction (Cardie 1994), are suitable for performing this task. 2.2.1. Ambiguity Classes and Statistical Decision Trees It is possible to group all the words appearing in the corpus according to the set of their possible tags (i.e. adjective-noun, adjective-noun-verb, adverb-preposition, etc. We will call these sets ambiguity classes. It is obvious that there is an inclusion relation between these classes (i.e. all the words that can be adjective, noun and verb, can be, in particular, adjective and noun), so the whole set of ambiguity classes is viewed as a taxonomy with a dag structure. Figure 2 represents part of this taxonomy together with the inclusion relation, extracted from the wsj. 2_ambiguity 4_ambiguity JJ-NN-RB-VB JJ-NN-RB-RP-VB IN-JJ-NN-RB JJ-NN-RB JJ-NN-NP-RB JJ-NN-RB-UH Figure 2. A part of the ambiguity-class taxonomy for the wsj corpus In this way we split the general pos tagging problem into one classification problem for each ambiguity class. We identify some remarkable features of our domain, comparing with common classification domains in Machine Learning field. Firstly, there is a very large number of training examples: up to 60,000 examples for a single tree. Secondly, there is quite a significant noise in both the training and test data: wsj corpus contains about 2-3% of mistagged words. The main consequence of the above characteristics, together with the fact that simple context conditions cannot explain all ambiguities (Voutilainen 1994), is that it is not possible to obtain trees to completely classify the training examples. In- stead, we aspire to obtain more adjusted probability distributions of the words over their possible tags, conditioned to the particular contexts of appearance. So we will use Statistical decision trees, instead of common decision trees, for representing this information. The algorithm we used to construct the statistical decision trees is a non-incremental supervised learning-from-examples algorithm of the tdidt (Top Down Induction of Decision Trees) family. It constructs the trees in a top-down way, guided by the distributional information of the examples (Quinlan 1993). ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ 2.2.2. Training Set and Attributes For each ambiguity class a set of examples is built by selecting from the training corpus all the occurrences of the words belonging to this ambiguity class. The set of attributes that describe each example refer to the part-of-speech tags of the neighbour words and to the orthography characteristics of the word to be disambiguated. All of them are discrete attributes. For the common ambiguity classes the set of attributes consists of a window covering 3 tags to the left and 2 tags to the right -this size as well as the final set of attributes has been determined on an empirical basis- and the word-form. Table 2 shows real examples from the training set for the words that can be preposition and adverb (IN-RB ambiguity class). Table 2. Training examples of the preposition-adverb ambiguity class tag \Gamma3 tag \Gamma2 tag \Gamma1 !word,tag? tag +1 tag +2 RB VBD IN !"after",IN? DT NNS JJ NN NNS !"below",RB? VBP DT A new set of orthographic features is incorporated in order to deal with a particular ambiguity class, namely unknown words, that will be introduced in following sections. See table 3 for a description of the whole set of attributes. Table 3. List of considered attributes Attribute Values Number of values tag \Gamma3 any tag in the Penn Treebank 45 tag tag tag tag word form any word of the ambiguity class !847 first character any printable ASCII character !190 last character " " other capital has Attributes with many values (i.e. the word-form and pre/suffix attributes used when dealing with unknown words) are treated by dynamically adjusting the number of values to the N most frequent, and joining the rest in a new otherwise value. The maximum number of values is fixed at 45 (the number of different tags) in order to have more homogeneous attributes. A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 9 2.2.3. Attribute Selection Function After testing several attribute selection functions -including Quinlan's Gain Ratio (Quinlan 1986), Gini Diversity Index by (Breiman et al. 1984), Relief-f (Kononenko 1994), - 2 Test, and Symmetrical Tau 1991)-, with no significant differences between them, we used an attribute selection function proposed by (L'opez de M'antaras 1991), belonging to the information-theory-based family, which showed a slightly higher stability than the others and which is proved not to be biased towards attributes with many values and capable of generating smaller trees, with no loss of accuracy, compared with those of Quinlan's Gain Ratio (L'opez de M'antaras et al. 1996). Roughly speaking, it defines a distance measurement between partitions and selects for branching the attribute that generates the closest partition to the correct partition, namely the one that perfectly classifies the training data. Let X be a set of examples, C the set of classes and P C (X) the partition of X according to the values of C. The selected attribute will be the one that generates the closest partition of X to P C (X). For that we need to define a distance measurement between partitions. Let PA (X) be the partition of X induced by the values of attribute A. The average information of such partition is defined as follows: where p(X; a) is the probability for an element of X belonging to the set a which is the subset of X whose examples have a certain value for the attribute A, and it is estimated by the ratio jX" aj jXj . This average information measurement reflects the randomness of distribution for the elements of X between the classes of the partition induced by A. If we now consider the intersection between two different partitions induced by attributes A and B we obtain: Conditioned information of PB (X) given PA (X) is: I(PB (X)jPA p(X;a) It is easy to show that the measurement is a distance. Normalizing, we obtain with values in [0;1]. So, finally, the selected attribute will be that one that minimizes the normalized distance: dN (P C (X); PA (X)). ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ 2.2.4. Branching Strategy When dealing with discrete attributes, usual tdidt algorithms consider a branch for each value of the selected attribute. However there are other possibilities. For instance, some systems perform a previous recasting of the attributes in order to have binary-valued attributes (Magerman 1996). The motivation could be efficiency (dealing only with binary trees has certain advan- tages), and avoiding excessive data fragmentation (when there is a large number of values). Although this transformation of attributes is always possible, the resulting attributes lose their intuition and direct interpretation, and explode in number. We have chosen a mixed approach which consists of splitting for all values, and subsequently joining the resulting subsets into groups for which we have insufficient statistical evidence for there being different distributions. This statistical evidence is tested with a - 2 test at a 95% confidence level, with a previous smoothing of data in order to avoid zero probabilities. 2.2.5. Pruning the Tree In order to decrease the effect of over-fitting, we have implemented a post pruning technique. In a first step the tree is completely expanded and afterwards is pruned following a minimal cost-complexity criterion (Breiman et al. 1984), using a comparatively small fresh part of the training set. The alternative, of smoothing the conditional probability distributions of the leaves using fresh corpus (Magerman 1996), has been left out because we also wanted to reduce the size of the trees. Experimental tests have shown that in our domain, the pruning process reduces tree sizes up to 50% and improves their accuracy by 2-5%. 2.2.6. An Example Finally, we present a real example of a decision tree branch learned for the class IN-RB which has a clear linguistic interpretation. word form IN 1st right tag IN IN 2nd right tag IN "as" "As" others IN others others Figure 3. Example of a decision tree branch We can observe in figure 3 that each node in the path from the root to the leaf contains a question on a concrete attribute and a probability distribution. In the root it is the prior probability distribution of the class. In the other nodes it represents the probability distribution conditioned to the answers to the questions preceding the node. For example the second node says that the word as is more commonly a preposition than an adverb, but the leaf says that the word as is A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 11 almost certainly an adverb when it occurs immediately before another adverb and a preposition (this is the case of as much as, as well as, as soon as, etc. 3. TreeTagger: A Tree-Based Tagger Using the model described in the previous section, we have implemented a reductionistic tagger in the sense of Constraint Grammars (Karlsson et al. 1995). In a initial step a word-form frequency dictionary constructed from the training corpus provides each input word with all possible tags with their associated lexical probability. After that, an iterative process reduces the ambiguity (discarding low probable tags) at each step until a certain stopping criterion is satisfied. The whole process is represented in figure 4. See also table 4 for the real process of disambiguation of a part of the sentence presented in table 1. Raw Text Classify Update Filter Tagging Algorithm Tree Base Tagged Text Tokenizer Frequency lexicon Language Model Figure 4. Architecture of TreeTagger More particularly, at each step and for each ambiguous word the work to be done in parallel is: 1. Classify the word using the corresponding decision tree. The ambiguity of the context (either left or right) during classification may generate multiple answers for the questions of the nodes. In this case, all the paths are followed and the result is taken as a weighted average of the results of all possible paths. 2. Use the resulting probability distribution to update the probability distribution of the word (the updating of the probabilities is done by simply multiplying previous probabilities per new probabilities coming from the tree). 3. Discard the tags with almost zero probability, that is, those with probabilities lower than a certain discard boundary parameter. After the stopping criterion is satisfied, some words could still remain ambigu- ous. Then there are two possibilities: 1) Choose the most probable tag for each still-ambiguous word to completely disambiguate the text. 2) Accept the residual ambiguity (for successive treatment). Note that a unique iteration forcing the complete disambiguation is equivalent to use the trees directly as classifiers, and results in a very efficient tagger, while ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ Table 4. Example of disambiguation . as he chased the robbers outside . it.1 IN:0.96 PRP:1 VBD:0.97 DT:1 NNS:1 IN:0.01 .:1 it.2 IN:1 PRP:1 VBD:1 DT:1 NNS:1 RB:1 .:1 stop performing several steps progressively reduces the efficiency, but takes advantage of the statistical nature of the trees to get more accurate results. Another important point is to determine an appropriate stopping criterion -since the procedure is heuristics, the convergence is not guaranteed, however this is not the case in our experiments-. First experiments seem to indicate that the performance increases up to a unique maximum and then softly decreases as the number of iterations increases. This phenomenon is studied in (Padr'o 1998) and the noise in the training and test sets is suggested to be the major cause. For the sake of sim- plicity, in the experiments reported in following sections, the number of iterations was experimentally fixed to three. Although it might seem an arbitrary decision, broad-ranging experiments performed seem to indicate that this value results in a good average tagging performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. 3.1. Using TreeTagger We divided the wsj corpus in two parts: words were used as a train- ing/pruning set, and 50; 000 words as a fresh test set. We used a lexicon -described in section 2.1- derived from training corpus, containing all possible tags for each word, as well as their lexical probabilities. For the words in the test corpus not appearing in the training set, we stored all the tags that these words have in the test corpus, but no lexical probability (i.e. assigning uniform distribution). This approach corresponds to the assumption of having a morphological analyzer that provides all possible tags for unknown words. In following experiments we will treat unknown words in a less informed way. From the 243 ambiguity classes the acquisition algorithm learned a base of 194 trees (covering 99.5% of the ambiguous words) and requiring about 500 Kb of storage. The learning algorithm (in a Common Lisp implementation) took about cpu-hours running on a Sun SparcStation-10 with 64Mb of primary memory. The first four columns of table 5 contain information about the trees learned for the ten most representative ambiguity classes. They present figures about the number of examples used for learning each tree, their number of nodes and the estimation of their error rate when tested on a sample of new examples. This last figure could A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 13 be taken as a rough estimation of the error of the trees when used in TreeTagger, though it is not exactly true, since here learning examples are fully disambiguated in their context, while during tagging both contexts -left and right- can be ambiguous. Table 5. Tree information and number and percentages of error for the most difficult ambiguity classes Amb. class #exs #nodes %error tt-errors(%) mft-errors(%) JJ-VBD-VBN 11,346 761 18.75% 95 (16.70%) 180 (31.64%) JJ-NN 16,922 680 16.30% 122 (14.01%) 144 (16.54%) NNS-VBZ 15,233 688 4.37% 44 (6.19%) 81 (11.40%) JJ-RB 8,650 854 11.20% 48 (10.84%) 73 (16.49%) Total 179,601 5,871 787 1,806 The tagging algorithm, running on a Sun UltraSparc2, processed the test set at a speed of ?300 words/sec. The results obtained can be seen at a different levels of granularity. ffl The performance of some of the learned trees is shown in last two columns of table 5. The corresponding ambiguity classes concentrate the 62.5% of the errors committed by a most-frequent-tag tagger (mft column). tt column shows the number and percentage of errors committed by our tagger. On the one hand we can observe a remarkable reduction in the number of errors (56:4%). On the other hand it is useful to identify some problematic cases. For instance, JJ-NN seems to be the most difficult ambiguity class, since the associated tree obtains only a slight error reduction from the mft baseline tagger (15.3%) -this is not surprising since semantic knowledge is necessary to fully disambiguate between noun and adjective-. Results for the DT-IN-RB-WDT ambiguity reflect an over-estimation of the generalization performance of the tree -predicted error rate (6.07%) is much lower than the real (12.08%)-. This may be indicating a problem of over pruning. ffl Global results are the following: when forcing a complete disambiguation the resulting accuracy was 97:29%, while accepting residual ambiguity the accuracy rate increased up to 98:22%, with an ambiguity ratio of 1.08 tags/word over the ambiguous words and 1.026 tags/word overall. In other words, 2.75% of the words remained ambiguous (over 96% of them retaining only 2 tags). In (M'arquez & Rodr'iguez 1997) it is shown that these results are as good (and better in some cases) as the results of a number of the non-linguistically motivated state-of-the-art taggers. ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ In addition, we present in figure 5 the performance achieved by our tagger with increasing sizes of the training corpus. Results in accuracy are computed over all words. The same figure includes mft results, which can be seen as a lower bound.9092949698 %accuracy TreeTagger MFT Tagger Figure 5. Performance of the tagger related to the training set size Following the intuition, we see that performance grows as the training set size grows. The maximum is at 97.29%, as previously indicated. One way to easily evaluate the quality of the class-probability estimates given by a classifier is to calculate a rejection curve. That is to plot a curve showing the percentage of correctly classified test cases whose confidence level exceeds a given value. In the case of statistical decision trees this confidence level can be straightforwardly computed from the class probabilities given by leaves of the trees. In our case we calculate the confidence level as the difference in probability between the two most probable cases (if this difference is large, then the chosen class is clearly much better than the others; if the difference is small, then the chosen class is nearly tied with another class). A rejection curve that increases smoothly, indicates that the confidence level produced by the classifier can be transformed into an accurate probability measurement. The rejection curve for our classifier, included in figure 6, increases fairly smoothly, giving the idea that that the acquired statistical decision trees provide good confidence estimates. This is in close connection with the aforementioned positive results of the tagger when disambiguation in the low-confidence cases is not required. 3.2. Unknown words Unknown words are those words not present in the lexicon (i.e. in our case, the words not present in the training corpus). In the previous experiments we have not considered the possibility of unknown words. Instead we have assumed a morphological analyzer providing the set of possible tags with a uniform probability dis- tribution. However, this is not the most realistic scenario. Firstly, a morphological analyzer is not always present (due to the morphological simplicity of the treated A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS rejection accuracy Figure 6. Rejection curve for the trees acquired with full training set language, the existence of some efficiency requirements, or simply the lack of re- sources). Secondly, if it is available, it very probably has a certain error rate that makes it necessary to considered the noise it introduces. So it seems clear that we have to deal with unknown words in order to obtain more realistic figures about the real performance of our tagger. There are several approaches to dealing with unknown words. On the one hand, one can assume that unknown words may potentially take any tag, excluding those tags corresponding to closed categories (preposition, determiner, etc.), and try to disambiguate between them. On the other hand, other approaches include a pre-process that tries to guess the set of candidate tags for each unknown word to feed the tagger with this information. See (Padr'o 1998) for a detailed explanation of the methods. In our case, we consider unknown words as words belonging to the ambiguity class containing all possible tags corresponding to open categories (i.e. noun, proper noun, verb, adjective, adverb, cardinal, etc. The number of candidate tags come to 20, so we state a classification problem with 20 different classes. We have estimated the proportion of each of these tags appearing naturally in the wsj as unknown words and we have collected the examples from the training corpus according to these proportions. The most frequent tag, NNP (proper noun), represents almost 30% of the sample. This fact establishes a lower bound for accuracy of 30% in this domain (i.e. the performance that a most-frequent-tag tagger would obtain). We have used very simple information about the orthography and the context of unknown words in order to improve these results. In particular, from an initial set of 17 potential attributes, we have empirically decided the most relevant, which turned out to be the following: 1) In reference to word form: the first letter, the last three letters, and other four binary-valued attributes accounting for capitalization, whether the word is a multi-word or not, and for the existence of some numeric characters in the word. 2) In reference to context: only the preceding and the following pos tags. This set of attributes is fully described in table 3. ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ Table 6 shows the generalization performance of the trees learned from training sets of increasing sizes up to 50,000 words. In order to compare these figures with a close approach we have implemented Igtree system (Daelemans et al. 1996) and we have tested its performance exactly under the same conditions as ours. Igtree system is a memory-based pos tagger which stores in memory the whole set of training examples and then predicts the part of speech tags for new words in particular contexts by extrapolation from the most similar cases held in memory (k-nearest neighbour retrieval algorithm). The main connection point to the work presented here is that huge example bases are indexed using a tree-based formalism, and that the retrieval algorithm is performed by using the generated trees as classi- fiers. Additionally, these trees are constructed on the base of a previous weighting of attributes (contextual and orthographic attributes used for disambiguating are very similar to ours) using Quinlan's Information Ratio (Quinlan 1986). Note that the final pruning step applied by Igtree to increase the compression factor even more has also been implemented in our version. The results of Igtree are also included in table 6. Figures 7 and 8 contain the plots corresponding to the same results. Table 6. Generalization performance of the trees for unknown words TreeTagger Igtree #exs. accuracy(#nodes) accuracy(#nodes) 2,000 77.53% (224) 70.36% (627) 5,000 80.90% (520) 76.33% (1438) 10,000 83.30% (1112) 79.18% (2664) 20,000 85.82% (1644) 82.30% (4783) 30,000 87.32% (2476) 85.11% (6477) 50,000 88.12% (4056) 87.14% (9554) Observe that our system produces better quality trees than those of Igtree -we measure this quality in terms of generalization performance (how well these trees fit new examples) and size (number of nodes)-. On the one hand, we see in figure 7 that our generalization performance is better. On the other hand, figure 8 seems to indicate that the growing factor in the number of nodes is linear in both cases, but clearly lower in ours. Important aspects contributing to the lower size are the merging of attribute values and the post pruning process applied in our algorithm. Experimental results showed that the tree size is reduced by up to 50% on average without loss in accuracy (M'arquez 1998). The better performance is probably due to the fact that Igtrees are not actually decision trees (in the sense of trees acquired by a supervised algorithm of top-down induction, that use a certain attribute selection function to decide at each step which is the attribute that best contributes to discriminate between the current set of examples), but only a tree-based compression of a base of examples inside A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING %accuracy TreeTagger IGTree Figure 7. Accuracy vs. training set size for unknown words a kind of weighted nearest-neighbour retrieval algorithm. The representation and the weighting of attributes allows us to think of Igtrees as the decision trees that would be obtained by applying the usual top-down induction algorithm with a very naive attribute selection function consisting of making a previous unique ranking of attributes using Quinlan's Information Ratio over all examples and later selecting the attributes according to this ordering. Again, experimental results show that it is better to reconsider the selection of attributes at each step than to decide on an a priori fixed order (M'arquez 1998).2006001000 #nodes TreeTagger IGTree Figure 8. Number of nodes of the trees for unknown words Of course, these conclusions have to be taken in the domain of small training sets -the same plot in figure 8 suggests that the difference between the two methods decreases as the training set size increases-. Using bigger corpora for training ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ might improve performance significantly. For instance, (Daelemans et al. 1996) report an accuracy rate of 90.6% on unknown words when training with the whole wsj (2 million words). So our results can be considered better than theirs in the sense that our system needs less resources for achieving the same performance. Note that the same result holds when using the whole training set: Daelemans et al. report a tagging accuracy of 96.4%, training with a 2Mwords training set, while our results, slightly over 97%, were achieved using only 1.2Mwords 2 . 4. Relax: A Relaxation Labelling Based Tagger Up to now we have described a decision-tree acquisition algorithm used to automatically obtain a language model for pos tagging, and a classification algorithm which uses the obtained model to disambiguate fresh texts. Once the language model has been acquired, it would be useful that it could be used by different systems and extended with new knowledge. In this section we will describe a flexible tagger based on relaxation labelling methods, which enables the use of models coming from different sources, as well as their combination and cooperation. Algorithm Bigrams Trigrams Manually constraints Tagged Corpus Labelling constraints Tree-based Relaxation Raw Corpus Lexicon Language Model Tagging Algorithm Figure 9. Architecture of Relax tagger The tagger we present has the architecture described in figure 9: A unique algorithm uses a language model consisting of constraints obtained from different knowledge sources. Relaxation is a generic name for a family of iterative algorithms which perform function optimization, based on local information. They are closely related to neural nets (Torras 1989) and gradient step (Larrosa & Meseguer 1995b). Although relaxation operations had long been used in engineering fields to solve systems of equations (Southwell 1940), they did not achieve their breakthrough success until relaxation labelling -their extension to the symbolic domain- was applied by (Waltz 1975, Rosenfeld et al. 1976) to constraint propagation field, especially in low-level vision problems. Relaxation labelling is a technique that can be used to solve consistent labelling problems (clps) -see (Larrosa & Meseguer 1995a)-. A consistent labelling probA lem consists of, given a set of variables, assigning to each variable a value compatible with the values of the other ones, satisfying -to the maximum possible extent- a set of compatibility constraints. In the Artificial Intelligence field, relaxation has been mainly used in computer vision -since it is where it was first used- to address problems such as corner and edge recognition or line and image smoothing (Richards et al. 1981, Lloyd 1983). Nevertheless, many traditional AI problems can be stated as a labelling prob- lem: the traveling salesman problem, n-queens, or any other combinatorial problem (Aarts & Korst 1987). The utility of the algorithm to perform nlp tasks was pointed out in the work by (Pelillo & Refice 1994, Pelillo & Maffione 1994), where pos tagging was used as a toy problem to test some methods to improve the computation of constraint compatibility coefficients for relaxation processes. Nevertheless, the first application to a real nlp problems, on unrestricted text is the work presented in (Padr'o 1996, Voutilainen & Padr'o 1997, M`arquez & Padr'o 1997, Padr'o 1998). From our point of view, the most remarkable feature of the algorithm is that, since it deals with context constraints, the model it uses can be improved by writing into the constraint formalism any available knowledge. The constraints used may come from different sources: statistical acquisition, machine-learned models or hand coding. An additional advantage is that the tagging algorithm is independent of the complexity of the model. 4.1. The Algorithm Although in this section the relaxation algorithm is described from a general point of view, its application to pos tagging is straightforwardly performed, considering each word as a variable and each of its possible pos tags as a label. be a set of variables (words). g be the set of possible labels (pos tags) for variable v i (where m i is the number of different labels that are possible for v i ). Let C be a set of constraints between the labels of the variables. Each constraint is a compatibility value for a combination of pairs variable-label. binary constraint (e.g. bi-gram) ternary constraint (e.g. tri-gram) The first constraint states that the combination of variable v 1 having label A, and variable v 3 having label B, has a compatibility value of 0:53. Similarly, the second constraint states the compatibility value for the three pairs variable-value it contains. Constraints can be of any order, so we can define the compatibility value for combinations of any number of variables. The aim of the algorithm is to find a weighted labelling such that global consistency is maximized. A weighted labelling is a weight assignment for each possible label of each variable: ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ is a vector containing a weight for each possible label of v i , that is: p Since relaxation is an iterative process, the weights vary in time. We will note the weight for label j of variable i at time step n as p i j (n), or simply p i j when the time step is not relevant. Maximizing global consistency is defined as maximizing for each variable v i , (1 - the average support for that variable, which is defined as the weighted sum of the support received by each of its possible labels, that is: ij is the support received by that pair from the context. The support for a pair variable-label how compatible is the assignation of label j to variable i with the labels of neighbouring variables, according to the constraint set. Although several support functions may be used, we chose the following one, which defines the support as the sum of the influence of every constraint on a label. Inf(r) are defined as follows: R ij is the set of constraints on label j for variable i, i.e. the constraints formed by any combination of variable-label pairs that includes the pair (v k1 kd (m), is the product of the current weights for the labels appearing in the constraint except (v (representing how applicable the constraint is in the current context) multiplied by C r which is the constraint compatibility value (stating how compatible the pair is with the context). Although the C r compatibility values for each constraint may be computed in different ways, performed experiments (Padr'o 1996, Padr'o 1998) point out that the best results in our case are obtained when computing compatibilities as the mutual information between the tag and the context (Cover & Thomas 1991). Mutual information measures how informative is an event with respect to another, and is computed as If A and B are independent events, the conditional probability of A given B will be equal to the marginal probability of A and the measurement will be zero. If the conditional probability is larger, it means than the two events tend to appear together more often than they would by chance, and the measurement yields a positive number. Inversely, if the conditional occurrence is scarcer than chance, the measurement is negative. Although Mutual information is a simple and useful way to assign compatibility values to our constraints, a promising possibility still to be explored is assigning them by Maximum Entropy Estimation (Rosenfeld 1994, The pseudo-code for the relaxation algorithm can be found in table 7. It consists of the following steps: A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 21 1. Start in a random labelling P 0 . In our case, we select a better-informed starting point, which are the lexical probabilities for each word tag. 2. For each variable, compute the support that each label receives from the current weights from other variable labels (i.e. see how compatible is the current weighting with the current weightings of the other variables, given the set of constraints). 3. Update the weight of each variable label according to the support obtained by each of them (that is, increase weight for labels with high support -greater than zero-, and decrease weight for those with low support -less than zero-). The chosen updating function in our case was: 4. iterate the process until a convergence criterion is met. The usual criterion is to wait for no significant changes. The support computing and weight changing must be performed in parallel, to avoid that changing a weight for a label would affect the support computation of the others. We could summarize this algorithm by saying that at each time-step, a variable changes its label weights depending on how compatible is that label with the labels of the other variables at that time-step. If the constraints are consistent, this process converges to a state where each variable has weight 1 for one of its labels and weight 0 for all the others. The performed global consistency maximization is a vector optimization. It does not maximize -as one might think- the sum of the supports of all variables, but it finds a weighted labelling such that any other choice would not increase the support for any variable, given -of course- that such a labelling exists. If such a labelling does not exist, the algorithm will end in a local maximum. Note that this global consistency idea makes the algorithm robust: The problem of having mutually incompatible constraints (there is no combination of label assignations which satisfies all the constraints) is solved because relaxation does not necessarily find an exclusive combination of labels -i.e. a unique label for each variable-, but a weight for each possible label such that constraints are satisfied to the maximum possible degree. This is especially useful in our case, since constraints will be automatically acquired, and different knowledge sources will be combined, so constraints might not be fully consistent. The advantages of the algorithm are: ffl Its highly local character (each variable can compute its new label weights given only the state at previous time-step). This makes the algorithm highly parallelizable (we could have a processor to compute the new label weights for 22 LLU' iS M ' ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ 1. 2. repeat 3. for each variable v i 4. for each t j possible label for v i Inf(r) 6. end for 7. for each t j possible label for v i 8. 9. end for 10. end for 11. until no more changes Table 7. Pseudo code of the relaxation labelling algorithm. each variable, or even a processor to compute the weight for each label of each variable). Its expressiveness, since we state the problem in terms of constraints between variable labels. In our case, this enables us to use binary (bigram) or ternary (trigram) constraints, as well as more sophisticated constraints (decision tree branches or hand-written constraints). Its flexibility, we do not have to check absolute consistency of constraints. Its robustness, since it can give an answer to problems without an exact solution (incompatible constraints, insufficient data, . ) ffl Its ability to find local-optima solutions to np problems in a non-exponential time (only if we have an upper bound for the number of iterations, i.e. convergence is fast or the algorithm is stopped after a fixed number of iterations). The drawbacks of the algorithm are: Its cost. N being the number of variables, v the average number of possible labels per variable, c the average number of constraints per label, and I the average number of iterations until convergence, the average cost is N \Theta v \Theta c \Theta I, that is, it depends linearly on N , but for a problem with many labels and constraints, or if convergence is not quickly achieved, the multiplying terms might be much bigger than N . In our application to pos tagging, the bottleneck A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 23 is the number of constraints -which may be several thousand-. The average number of tags per ambiguous word is about 2.5, and an average sentence contains about 10 ambiguous words. ffl Since it acts as an approximation of gradient step algorithms, it has their typical convergence problems: Found optima are local, and convergence is not guaran- teed, since the chosen step might be too large for the function to optimize. ffl In general relaxation labelling applications, constraints would be written manu- ally, since they are the modeling of the problem. This is good for easy-to-model domains or reduced constraint-set problems, but in the case of pos tagging, constraints are too many and too complicated to be easily written by hand. ffl The difficulty of stating by hand what the compatibility value is for each con- straint. If we deal with combinatorial problems with an exact solution (e.g. traveling salesman), the constraints will be either fully compatible (e.g. stating that it is possible to go to any city from any other), fully incompatible (e.g. stating that it is not possible to be twice in the same city), or will have a value straightforwardly derived from the distance between cities. But if we try to model more sophisticated or less exact problems (such as pos tagging), we will have to establish a way of assigning graded compatibility values to constraints. As mentioned above, we will be using Mutual Information. ffl The difficulty of choosing the most suitable support and updating functions for each particular problem. 4.2. Using Machine-Learned Constraints In order to feed the Relax tagger with the language model acquired by the decision-tree learning algorithm, the group of the 44 most representative trees (covering 83.95% of the examples) were translated into a set of weighted context constraints. Relax was fed not only with that constraints, but also with bi/tri- gram information. The Constraint Grammars formalism (Karlsson et al. 1995) was used to code the tree branches. CG is a widespread formalism used to write context constraints. Since it is able to represent any kind of context pattern, we will use it to represent all our constraints, n-gram patterns, hand-written constraints, or decision-tree branches. Since the CG formalism is intended for linguistic uses, the statistical contribution has no place in it: Constraints can state only full compatibility (constraints that select a particular reading) or full incompatibility (constraints that remove a particular reading). Thus, we slightly extended the formalism to enable the use of real-valued compatibilities, in such a way that constraints are not assigned a REMOVE/SELECT command, but a real number indicating the constraint compatibility value, which -as described in section 4.1- was computed as the mutual information between the focus tag and the context. ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ The translation of bi/tri-grams to context constraints is straightforward. A left prediction bigram and its right prediction counterpart would be: The training corpus contains 1404 different bigrams. Since they are used both for left and right prediction, they are converted in 2808 binary constraints. A trigram may be used in three possible ways (i.e. the abc trigram pattern generates the constraints: c, given it is preceded by ab; a, given it is followed by bc; and b, given it is preceded by a and followed by c): 2:16 (VB) 1:54 (NN) 1:82 (DT) The 17387 trigram patterns in the training corpus produce 52161 ternary constraints The usual way of expressing trees as a set of rules was used to construct the context constraints. For instance, the tree branch represented in figure 3 was translated into the two following constraints: \Gamma5:81 (IN) 2:366 (RB) (0 "as" "As") (0 "as" "As") which express the compatibility (either positive or negative) of the tag in the first line with the given context (i.e. the focus word is "as", the first word to the right has tag RB and the second has tag IN). The decision trees acquired for the 44 most frequent ambiguity classes result in a set of 8473 constraints. The main advantage of Relax is its ability to deal with constraints of any kind. This enables us to combine statistical n-grams (written in the form of constraints) with the learned decision tree models, and even with linguistically motivated hand-written constraints, such as the following, which states a high compatibility value for a VBN (participle) tag when preceded by an auxiliary verb, provided that there is no other participle, adjective nor any phrase change in between. Since the cost of the algorithm depends linearly on the number of constraints, the use of the trigram constraints (either alone or combined with the others) makes the disambiguation about six times slower than when using bc, and about 20 times slower than when using only b. A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 25 The obtained results for the different knowledge combination are shown in table 8. The results produced by two baseline taggers -mft: most-frequent-tag tag- ger, hmm: bi-gram Hidden Markov Model tagger by (Elworthy 1993)- are also reported. b stands for bi-grams, t for trigrams, and c for the constraints acquired by the decision tree learning algorithm. Results using a sample of 20 linguistically-motivated constraints (h) can be found in table 9. Those results show that the addition of the automatically acquired context constraints led to an improvement in the accuracy of the tagger, overcoming the bi/tri- gram models and properly cooperating with them. See (M'arquez & Padr'o 1997) for more details on the experiments and comparisons with other current taggers. Table 8. Results of baseline tagger and of the Relax tagger using every combination of constraint kinds ambiguous 85:31% 91:75% 91:35% 91:82% 91:92% 91:96% 92:72% 92:82% 92:55% overall 94:66% 97:00% 96:86% 97:03% 97:06% 97:08% 97:36% 97:39% 97:29% Table 9. Results of our tagger using every combination of constraint kinds plus hand written constraints h bh th bth ch bch tch btch ambiguous 86:41% 91:88% 92:04% 92:32% 91:97% 92:76% 92:98% 92:71% overall 95:06% 97:05% 97:11% 97:21% 97:08% 97:37% 97:45% 97:35% Figure shows the 95% confidence intervals for the results in table 8. The main conclusions that can be drawn from those data are described below. ffl Relax is slightly worse than the HMM tagger when using the same information (bi-grams). This may be due to a higher sensitivity to noise in the training corpus. ffl There are two significantly distinct groups: Those using only statistical infor- mation, and those using statistical information plus the decision trees model. The n-gram models and the learned model belong to the first group, and any combination of a statistical model with the acquired constraint belongs to the second group. ffl Although the hand-written constraints improve the accuracy of any model, the size of the linguistic constraint set is too small to make this improvement statistically significant. ffl The combination of the two kinds of model produces significantly better results than any separate use. This indicates that each model contains information which was not included in the other, and that relaxation labelling combines them properly. 26 LLU' iS M ' ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZHMMBTBTCBCTCBTCTCH 96.50 97.00 97.50 97.00 97.50 Figure 10. 95% confidence intervals for the Relax tagger results 5. Using Small Training Sets In this section we will discuss the results obtained when using the two taggers described above to apply the language models learned from small training corpus. The motivation for this analysis is the need for determining the behavior of our taggers when used with language models coming from scarce training data, in order to best exploit them for the development of Spanish and Catalan tagged corpora starting from scratch. 5.1. Testing Performance on WSJ In particular we used 50,000 words of the wsj corpus to automatically derive a set of decision trees and collect bi-gram statistics. Tri-gram statistics were not considered since the size of the training corpus was not large enough to reasonably estimate the big number of parameters for the model -note that a 45-tag tag set produces a trigram model of over 90,000 parameters, which obviously cannot be estimated from a set of 50,000 occurrences-. Using this training set the learning algorithm was able to reliably acquire over trees representing the most frequent ambiguity classes -note that the training data was insufficient for learning sensible trees for about 150 ambiguity classes-. Following the formalism described in the previous section, we translated these trees into a set of about 4,000 constraints to feed the relaxation labelling algorithm. The results in table 10 are computed as the average of ten experiments using randomly chosen training sets of 50,000 words each. b stands for the bi-gram A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 27 Table 10. Comparative results using different models acquired from small training corpus mft TreeTagger Relax(c) Relax(b) Relax(bc) ambiguous 75.35% 87.29% 86.29% 87.50% 88.56% overall 91.64% 95.69% 95.35% 95.76% 96.12%Tree-based (C)Relax (C)Relax (B)Relax (BC) Figure 11. 95% confidence intervals for both tagger results model and c for the learned decision tree (either in the form of trees or translated to constraints). The corresponding confidence intervals can be found in figure 11. The presented figures point out the following conclusions: ffl We think this result is quite accurate. In order to corroborate this statement we can compare our accuracy of 96.12% with the 96.0% reported by (Daelemans et al. 1996) for the Igtree Tagger trained with a double size corpus (100 Kw). ffl TreeTagger yields a higher performance than the Relax tagger when both use only the c model. This is caused by the fact that, due to the scarceness of the data, a significant amount of test cases do not match any complete tree branch, and thus TreeTagger uses some intermediate node probabilities. Since only complete branches are translated to constrains -partial branches were not used to avoid excessive growth in the number of constraints-, the tagger does not use intermediate node information and produces lower results. A more exhaustive translation of tree information into constraints is an issue that should be studied in the short run. ffl The Relax tagger using the b model produces better results than any of the taggers when using the c model alone. The cause of this is related with the aforementioned problem of estimating a big number of parameters with a small sample. Since the model consists of six features, the number of parameters to 28 LLU' iS M ' ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ be learned is still larger than in the case of tri-grams, thus the estimation is not as complete as it could be. ffl The Relax tagger using the bc model produces better results (statistically significant at a 95% confidence level) than any other combination. This suggests that, although the tree model is not complete enough on its own, it contains different information than the bi-gram model. Moreover this information is proved to be very useful when combined with the b model by Relax. 5.2. Tagging the LexEsp Spanish Corpus The LexEsp Project is a multi-disciplinary effort headed by the Psychology Department at the University of Oviedo. It aims to create a large database of language usage in order to enable and encourage research activities in a wide range of fields, from linguistics to medicine, through psychology and artificial intelligence, among others. One of the main issues of this database of linguistic resources is the LexEsp corpus, which contains 5.5 Mw of written material, including general news, sports news, literature, scientific articles, etc. The corpus has been morphologically analyzed with the maco+ system, a fast, broad-coverage analyzer (Carmona et al. 1998). The tagset contains 62 tags. The percentage of ambiguous words is 39.26% and the average ambiguity ratio is 2.63 tags/word for the ambiguous words (1.64 overall). From this material, 95 Kw were hand-disambiguated to get an initial training set of 70 Kw and a test set of 25 Kw. To automatically disambiguate the rest of the corpus, we applied a bootstrapping method taking advantage of the use of both taggers. The procedure applied starts by using the small hand-tagged portion of the corpus as an initial training set. After that, both taggers are used to disambiguate further fresh material. The tagger agreement cases of this material are used to enlarge the language model, incorporating it to the training set and retraining both taggers. This procedure could be iterated to obtain progressively better language models. The point here is that the cases in which both taggers coincide present a higher accuracy, and thus can be used as new retraining set with a lower error rate than that obtained using a single tagger. For instance, using a single tagger trained with the hand-disambiguated training set, we can tag 200,000 fresh words and use them to retrain the tagger. In our case, the best tagger would tag this new set with 97.4% accuracy. Merging this result with the previous hand-disambiguated set, we would obtain a 270Kw corpus with an error rate of 1.9%. On the other hand, given that both taggers agree in 97.5% of the cases in the same 200Kw set, and that 98.4% of those cases are correctly tagged, we get a new corpus of 195Kw with an error rate of 1.6%. If we add the manually tagged 70Kw we get a 265Kw corpus with an 1.2% error rate, which is significantly lower than 1.9%. The main results obtained with this approach are summarized below: Starting with the manually tagged training corpus, the best tagger combination achieved an accuracy of 93.1% on ambiguous words and 97.4% overall. After one bootstrapping A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 29 iteration, using the coincidence cases in a fresh set of 800 Kw, the accuracy was increased up to 94.2% for ambiguous words and 97.8% overall. It is important to note that this improvement is statistically significant and that it has been achieved in a completely automatic re-estimation process. In our domain, further iterations did not result in new significant improvements. For a more detailed description we refer the reader to (M'arquez et al. 1998), where experiments using different sizes for the retraining corpus are reported, as well as different combination techniques, such as weighted interpolation and/or previous hand checking of the tagger disagreement cases. From the aforementioned results we emphasize the following conclusions: ffl A 70 Kw manually-disambiguated training set provides enough evidence to allow our taggers to get fairly good results. In absolute terms, results obtained with the LexEsp Spanish corpus are better than those obtained for wsj English corpus. One of the reasons contributing to this fact may be the less noisy training corpus. However it should be investigated if the part of speech ambiguity cases for Spanish are simpler on average. ffl The combination of two (or more) taggers seems to be useful to: - Obtain larger training corpora with a reduced error rate, which enable the learning procedures to build more accurate taggers. - Building a tagger which proposes a single tag when both taggers coincide and two tags when they disagree. Depending on user needs, it might be worthwhile to accept a higher remaining ambiguity in favour of a higher recall. With the models acquired from the best training corpus, we get a tagger with a recall of 98.3% and a remaining ambiguity of 1.009 tags/word, that is, 99.1% of the words are fully disambiguated and the remaining 0.9% keep only two tags. 6. Conclusions In this work we have presented and evaluated a machine-learning based algorithm for obtaining statistical language models oriented to pos tagging. We have directly applied the acquired models in a simple and fast tree-based tagger obtaining fairly good results. We also have combined the models with n-gram statistics in a flexible relaxation-labelling based tagger. Reported figures show that both models properly collaborate in order to improve the results. Both model learning and testing have been performed on the wsj corpus of English Comparison between the results obtained using large training corpora (see section 4.2) with those obtained with fairly small training sets (see section 5) points out that the best policy in both cases is the combination of the learned tree-based model with the best n-gram model. When using large training corpora, the reported accuracy (97.36%) is, if not better, at least as good as that of a number of current non-linguistic based taggers ARQUEZ, LLU' iS PADR ' O AND HORACIO RODR' iGUEZ -see (M'arquez & Padr'o 1997) for further details-. When using small training corpora, a promising 96.12% was obtained for English. Deeper application of the techniques, together with the collaboration of both taggers in a voting approach was used to develop from scratch a 5.5Mw annotated corpus (LexEsp) with an estimated accuracy of 97.8%. This result confirms the validity of the the proposed method and shows that a very high accuracy is possible for Spanish tagging with a relatively low manual effort. More details about this issue can be found in (M'arquez et al. 1998). However, further work is still to be done in several directions. Referring to the language model learning algorithm, we are interested in testing more informed attribute selection functions, considering more complex questions in the nodes and finding a good smoothing procedure for dealing with very small ambiguity classes. See (M'arquez & Rodr'iguez 1997) for a first approach. In reference to the information that this algorithm uses, we would like to explore the inclusion of more morphological and semantic information, as well as more complex context features, such as non-limited distance or barrier rules in the style of (Samuelsson et al. 1996). We are also specially interested in extending the experiments involving combinations of more than two taggers in a double direction: first, to obtain less noisy corpora for the retraining steps in bootstrapping processes; and second, to construct ensembles of classifiers to increase global tagging accuracy. We plan to apply these techniques to develop taggers and annotated corpora for the Catalan language in the near future. We conclude by saying that we have carried out first attempts (Padr'o 1998) in using the same techniques to tackle another classification problem in the nlp area, namely Word Sense Disambiguation (wsd). We believe, as other authors do, that we can take advantage of treating both problems jointly. Acknowledgments This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Research Department (CI- CYT's ITEM project TIC96-1243-C03-02), by the EU Commission (EuroWordNet and by the Catalan Research Department (CIRIT's quality research group 1995SGR 00566). A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO POS TAGGING 31 Appendix A We list below a description of the Penn Treebank tag set, used for tagging the wsj corpus. For a complete description of the corpus see (Marcus et al. 1993). CC Coordinating conjunction CD Cardinal number DT Determiner EX Existential there FW Foreign word IN Preposition JJ Adjective JJR Adjective, comparative JJS Adjective, superlative LS List item marker MD Modal NN Noun, singular NNP Proper noun, singular NNS Noun, plural NNPS Proper noun, plural POS Possessive ending PRP Personal pronoun Possessive pronoun RB Adverb RBR Adverb, comparative RBS Adverb, superlative RP Particle TO to UH Interjection VB Verb, base form VBD Verb, past tense VBN Verb, past participle VBP Verb, non-3rd ps. sing. present VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present WDT wh-determiner WP wh-pronoun WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun WRB wh-adverb . End of sentence , Comma " Straight double quote ' Left open single quote " Left open double quote ' Right close single quote " Right close double quote Notes 1. The size of tag sets differ greatly from one domain to another. Depending on the contents, complexity and level of annotation they move from 30-40 to several hundred different tags. Of course, these differences have important effects in the performance rates reported by different systems and imply difficulties when comparing them. See (Krenn & Samuelsson 1996) for a more detailed discussion on this issue. 2. Nevertheless, recent studies on tagger evaluation and comparison (Padr'o and M'arquez 1998) show that the noise in test corpora -as is the case of wsj- may significantly distort the evaluation and comparison of tagger accuracies, and may invalidate even an improvement such as the one reported here when the test conditions of both taggers are not exactly the same. --R Boltzmann machines and their applications. An inequality and associated maximization technique in statistical estimation for probabilistic functions of a Markov process. Classification and Regression Trees. Unsupervised Learning of Disambiguation Rules for Part-of-speech Tagging Domain Specific Knowledge Acquisition for Conceptual Sentence Analysis. PhD Thesis and Turmo J. Tagging French - comparing a statistical and a constraint-based method A Stochastic Parts Program and Noun Phrase Parser for Unrestricted Text. Elements of Information Theory. A Practical Part-of-Speech Tagger Grammatical Category Disambiguation by Statistical Optimization. MTB: A Memory-Based Part-of-Speech Tagger Generator The Computational Analysis of English. Automatic Grammatical Tagging of English. Constraint Grammar. Estimating Attributes: Analysis and Extensions of RELIEF. The Linguist's Guide to Statistics. Constraint Satisfaction as Global Optimization. An Optimization-based Heuristic for Maximal Constraint Satisfaction An optimization approach to relaxation labelling algorithms. Learning Grammatical Structure Using Statistical Decision-Trees Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank. Towards Learning a Constraint Grammar from Annotated Corpora Using Decision Trees. A Flexible POS Tagger Using an Automatically Acquired Language Model. Some Experiments on the Automatic Acquisition of a Language Model for POS Tagging Using Decision Trees. Using Decision Trees for Coreference Resolution. Tagging English Text with a Probabilistic Model. Comparative Experiments on Disambiguating Word Senses: An Illustration of the Role of Bias in Machine Learning. Corpus Linguistic and the automatic analysis of English. A Hybrid Environment for Syntax-Semantic Tagging Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform'atics On the Evaluation and Comparison of Taggers: the Effect of Noise in Testing Corpora. Learning Compatibility Coefficients for Relaxation Labeling Processes. Using Simulated Annealing to Train Relaxation Labelling Processes. Induction of Decision Trees. A Simple Introduction to Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Processing. On the accuracy of pixel relaxation labelling. Models. Maximum Entropy Modeling for Natural Language. Scene labelling by relaxation operations. Adaptive Statistical Language Modeling: A Maximum Entropy Approach. PhD Thesis. Inducing Constraint Grammars. Comparing a Linguistic and a Stochastic Tagger. Aggregate and mixed-order Markov models for statistical language processing Probabilistic Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Decision Trees Relaxation Methods in Engineering Science. Relaxation and Neural Learning: Points of Convergence and Divergence. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 6 Three Studies of Grammar-Based Surface Parsing on Unrestricted English Text Developing a Hybrid NP Parser. Understanding line drawings of scenes with shadows: Psychology of Computer Vision. Combining Independent Knowledge Sources for Word Sense Disambiguation. A Statistical-Heuristic Feature Selection Criterion for Decision Tree Induction Contributing Authors Llu'is M'arquez --TR --CTR Wenjie Li , Kam-Fai Wong , Guihong Cao , Chunfa Yuan, Applying machine learning to Chinese temporal relation resolution, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, p.582-es, July 21-26, 2004, Barcelona, Spain Ferran Pla , Antonio Molina, Improving part-of-speech tagging using lexicalized HMMs, Natural Language Engineering, v.10 n.2, p.167-189, June 2004
decision trees induction;part of speech tagging;constraint satisfaction;corpus-based and statistical language modeling;relaxation labeling
Automated generation of agent behaviour from formal models of interaction.
We illustrate how a formal model of interaction can be employed to generate documentation on how to use an application, in the form of an Animated Agent. The formal model is XDM, an extension of Coloured Petri Nets that enables representing user-adapted interfaces, simulating their behaviour and making pre-empirical usability evaluations. XDM-Agent is a personality-rich animated character that uses this formal model to illustrate the role of interface objects and to explain how tasks may be performed; its behaviour is programmed by a schema-based planning followed by a surface generation, in which verbal and non-verbal acts are combined appropriately, the agent's 'personality' may be adapted to the user characteristics.
INTRODUCTION The increasing complexity of user interfaces requires specific methods and tools to design and describe them; an emerging solution is to employ formal methods for a precise and unambiguous specification of interaction. Graphical methods are preferred since they are more easily perceived by users without a particular experience [6, 14, 28]. However, formal methods require a considerable effort in building the model; this is, probably, the main reason why even those of them that proved to be valid in HCI research find difficulties in being applied in interface engineering. There are, currently, two directions in which research tries to overcome this problem issue. The first one aims at developing tools that simplify the modelling process by integrating formal methods with artificial intelligence techniques: the model is augmented with a knowledge base that represents HCI design guidelines, to generate semiautomatically the interface prototype: see, for instance, the MECANO [22] and MOBI-D [29] projects. The second direction of research is focused on proving that efforts spent in building a formal model can be partially got back if that model is employed to ease some of the designer's tasks, such as early prototyping, automated generation of interface objects and help messages and pre-empirical interface. Examples of projects that follow this trend are TADEUS [13] and TLIM [29]. A third perspective sees using knowledge in the formal model for generating software documentation. Documentation may refer to several aspects of software and may be addressed to several types of users. It may be aimed at reconstructing "logic, structure and goals that were used in writing a program in order to understand what the program does and how it does it", as in MediaDoc [12]; in this case, software engineers are the main users of the documentation produced. Alternatively, it may be aimed at describing how a given application can be used. In this case, the addressees of documentation are the end users of the application, whose need for information varies according to the tasks they perform and to their frequency of use and experience with of the application. The idea of producing a User Manual as a byproduct of interface design and implementation becomes more practicable if a formal model of interaction is employed as a knowledge base to the two purposes. The most popular formal models and tools that had originally been proposed to guide interface design and implementation have been employed to automatically produce help messages: for instance, Petri Nets [25] and HUMANOID Hyper Help [22]; in these systems, help messages are presented as texts or hypertexts, in a separate window. To complete the software documentation, animations have been proposed as well (for example, in UIDE), that combine audio, video and demonstrations to help the user to learn how to perform a task [32]. Other projects focused on the idea of generating, from a knowledge base, the main components of an instruction manual [34, 24]: for instance, DRAFTER and ISOLDE's aim is to generate multilingual manuals from a unique knowledge base [27, 31, 17]. Some of these Projects start from an analysis of the manuals of some well-known software products, to examine the types of information they include and the linguistic structure of each of them [15]. By adopting the metaphor of 'emulating the ideal of having an expert on hand to answer questions', I-Doc (an Intelligent Documentation production system) analyses the interactions occurring during expert consultations, to categorize the users' requests and to identify the strategies they employ for finding the answer to their question issues [18]. This study confirms that the questions users request are a function not only of their tasks, but also of their levels of experience: more system-oriented questions are asked by novices while experts tend to ask goal-oriented, more complex questions. With the recent spread of research on animated characters, the idea of emulating, in a User Manual, the interaction with an expert, has a natural concretisation in implementing such a manual in the form of an Animated Agent. The most notable examples of Pedagogical Agents are Steve, Adele, Herman the Bug, Cosmo and PPP-Persona, all aimed at some form of intelligent assistance, be it presentation, navigation on the Web, tutoring or alike [19, 2, 21, 30, 4]. Some of these Agents combine explanation capabilities with the ability to provide a demonstration of the product, on request. In previous papers, we proposed a formalism named XDM (Context-Sensitive Dialogue Modeling), in which Coloured Petri Nets are extended to specify user-adapted interaction modeling; we then described a tool for building XDM models and simulating the interface behavior, and we enhanced this tool with ability to perform pre-empirical evaluations of the interface correctness and usability [8]. We subsequently investigated how these models could be used as a knowledge source for generating on-line user manuals in the form of hypermedia or of an 'Animated Pedagogical Agent' that we called 'XDM-Agent': in this paper, we present the first results of this ongoing Project. In the following sections, after justifying why we selected an Animated Agent as a presentation tool, we describe the XDM- Agent's main components; we then discuss limits and interests of this approach and conclude with some comparison with related works. 2. THE ANIMATED AGENT APPROACH As a first step of our research on software documentation, we studied how XDM-Models could be employed to generate various types of hypertextual help, such as: 'which task may I perform?', 'how may I perform this task? 'why is that interaction object inactive?', and others; we employed schema and ATN- based natural language generation techniques to produce the answers. Shifting from hypertextual helps to an Agent-based manual entails several advantages and raises several methodological problems. The main opportunity offered by Animated Agents is to see the software documentation as the result of a 'conversation with some expert in the field'. In messages delivered by Animated Agents, verbal and non-verbal expressions are combined appropriately to communicate information: this enables the documentation designer to select the media that is most convenient to vehicle every piece of information. As several media (speech, body gesture, face expression and text) may be presented at the same time, information may be distributed among the media and some aspects of the message may be reinforced by employing different media to express the same thing, to make sure that the user remembers and understands it. A typical example is deixis: when helps are provided in textual form, indicating unambiguously the interface object to which a particular explanation refers is not easy; an animated agent that can overlap to the application window may solve this problem by moving towards the object, pointing at it, looking at it and referring to it by speech and/or text. A second, main advantage, is in the possibility of demonstrating the system behavior (after a 'How-to' question) by mimicking the actions the user should do to perform the task and by showing the effects these actions will produce on the interface: here, again, gestures may reinforce natural language expressions. A third advantage is in the possibility of making visible, in the Agent's attitude, the particular phase of dialog: by expressing 'give turn', 'take turn', 'listening', 'agreeing', 'doubt' and other meta-conversational goals, the Agent may give the users the impression that they are never left alone in their interaction with the documentation system, that this system really listens to them, that it shows whether their question was or wasn't clear,. and so on. However, shifting from a hypermedia to an agent-based user manual corresponds to a change of the interaction metaphor that implies revising the generation method employed. In hypermedia, the main problems where to decide 'which information to introduce in every hypermedia node', 'which links to further explanations to introduce', 'which media combination to employ to vehicle a specific message', in every context and for every user. In agent-based presentations, the 'social relationship metaphor' employed requires reconsidering the same problems in different terms; it has, then, to be established 'which is the appropriate agent's behaviour' (again, in every context and for every user), 'how can the agent engage the users in a believable conversation' by providing, at every interaction turn, the 'really needed' level of help to each of them, 'how should interruptions be handled and user actions and behaviours be interpreted' so as to create the impression of interacting online with a tool that shares some of the characteristics of a human helper. These problems are common to all Animated Agents: in our project, we have examined how they may be solved in the particular case of software documentation. 3. XDM-AGENT XDM-Agent is a personality-rich animated character that uses several knowledge sources to explain to the user how to use the application. The behaviour of this agent is programmed by a schema-based planning (the agent's `Mind'), followed by a surface generation (its 'Body'), in which verbal and nonverbal acts are combined appropriately. The agent's personality, that is the way its Mind is programmed and its Body appears to the user, is adapted to the user characteristics. XDM-Agent exploits three knowledge sources: (i) a formal description of the application interface, (ii) a description of the strategies that may be employed in generating the explanation and (iii) a description of mental models of the two agents participating in the interaction (the User and XDM-Agent). Let us describe in more detail these sources, and how they are used for generating the agent behaviour. 3.1 The Interface Description Formalism XDM is a formalism that extends Coloured Petri Nets (CPN: [35]) to describe user-adapted interfaces. A XDM model includes the following components: - a description by abstraction levels of how tasks may be decomposed into complex and/or elementary subtasks (with Petri Nets), with the relations among them; - a description of the way elementary tasks may be performed, with a logical and physical projection of CPN's transitions; this description consists in a set of tables that specify the task associated with every transition, the action the user should make to perform it and the interaction object concerned; - a description of the display status before and after every task is performed, with a 'logical and physical projection' of CPN's places; this consists in a set of tables that specify information associated with every place and display layout in every phase of interaction. To model user-adaptation, conditions are attached to transitions and to places, to describe when and how a task may be performed and how information displayed varies in every category of users. This allows the designer to restrict access to particular tasks to particular categories of users and to vary the way in which tasks may be performed and the display appears. A detailed description of this formalism may be found in [8], where we show how we used it in different projects to design and simulate a system interface and to make semiautomatic evaluations of consistency and complexity. In the generation of the Animated User Manual, we employ a simplified version of XDM, in which Petri Nets (PNs) are replaced with UANs (User Action Notations: [25]). Like PNs, UANs describe tasks at different levels of abstraction: a UAN element represents a task; temporal relations among tasks are specified in terms of a few 'basic constructs': sequence (A- B), iteration (A)*, choice | B), order independence concurrency interleavability These constructs may be combined to describe the decomposition of a task T as a string in the alphabet that includes UAN elements and relation operators. For example: indicates that subtasks B and C are in alternative, that A has to be performed before them, that the combination of tasks A, B and C may be iterated several times and that, finally, the task T must be concluded by the subtask D. Notice that subtasks A, B, C and D may be either elementary or complex; at the next abstraction level, every complex task will be described by a new UAN. A UAN then provides a linearised, string-based description of the task relationships that are represented graphically in a Petri Net. Elements of UANs correspond to PNs' transitions; their logical and physical projections describe how tasks may be performed; conditions attached to UANs' elements enable defining access rights. Figure 1 shows a representation of the knowledge base that describes a generic application's interface, as an Entity-Relationship diagram. UANs' elements, Tasks (either complex or elementary), Interface Objects (again, complex or elementary) and Events are the main entities. Elementary interface objects in a window may be grouped into complex objects (a toolbar, a subwindow etc). A Task is associated with a (complex or elementary) Interface Object; a UAN describes how a complex task may be decomposed into subtasks and the relations among them; an elementary task may be performed by a specific Event on a specific elementary Interface Object; an elementary Interface Object may open a new window that enables performing a new complex task. Adaptivity is represented, in the E-R diagram, through a set of user-related conditions attached to the entities or to the relations (we omit these conditions from Figure 1 and from the example that follows, for simplicity reasons). A condition on a task defines access rights to that task; a condition on an object defines the user category to which that object is displayed; a condition on the task-object-event relation defines how that task may be performed, for that category of users, .and so on. Figure 1. E-R representation of the application-KB. Let us reconsider the previous example of UAN. Let Ti be a UAN element and UAN(Ti) the string that describes how Ti may be decomposed into subtasks, in the UAN language. Let Task(Ti), Obj(Ti) and Ev(Task(Ti), Obj(Ti)) be, respectively, the task associated with Ti, the interface object and the event that enable the user to perform this task. The application-KB will include, in this example, the following items: UANs' elements: T, A, B, C, D Complex Tasks:Task(T): database management functions Task (A): input identification data Elementary Tasks: Task (B): delete record, Task (C): update record, Task (D): exit from the task Interface Objects: Obj (T): W1, Obj (A): W2, Obj (B): B1. Obj Events: Ev(Task(D), Obj (D)): double-click This model denotes that database management functions (that can be performed in window W1) need first to input identification data (with window W2), followed by deleting or updating a record (buttons B1 and B2); this combination of tasks may be repeated several times. One may, finally, exit from this task by double-clicking on button B3. 3.2 XDM-Agent's behaviour strategies XDM-Agent illustrates the graphical interface of a given application starting from its main window or from the window that is displayed when the user requests the agent's help. The generation of an explanation is the result of a three-step process: a planning phase that establish the presentation content; a plan revision phase that produces a less redundant plan; a realisation phase, that translates the plan into a presentation. The hierarchical planning algorithm establishes how the agent will describe the main elements related to the window by reading its description in the application-KB: a given communicative goal, fired from the user request, is recursively decomposed into subgoals until 'primitive goals' are reached, that do not admit further decomposition. This process generates a tree structure whose leaves represent macro-behaviours that can be directly executed by the agent. At the planning level, adaptation is made by introducing personality-related conditions in the constraint field of plan operators, so that the same communicative goal may produce different decompositions in the different contexts in which the agent will operate. The presentation plan includes, most of the times, redundancies due to the fact that objects in the interface may be of the same type and tasks associated with them can be activated with the same interaction technique; an aggregation algorithm synthesizes common elements to produce a less repetitive presentation. Once the revised presentation plan for a window is ready, this is given as input to a realisation algorithm, that transforms it in a sequence of 'macro-behaviors' (a combination of verbal and nonverbal communicative acts that enables achieving a primitive goal in the plan). The list of macro-behaviors that XDM-Agent agent is able to perform is application-independent but domain-dependent; it is the same for any application to be documented but is tailored to the documentation task: a. perform meta-conversational acts: introduce itself, leave, take turn, give turn, make questions, wait for an answer; b. introduce-a-window by explaining its role and its components; c. describe-an-object by showing it and mentioning its type and caption (icon, toolbar or other); d. explain-a-task by mentioning its name; e. enable-performing-an-elementary-task by describing the associated event; f. demonstrate-a-task by showing an example of how the task may be performed; g. describe-a-task-decomposition by illustrating the relationships among its subtasks. A macro-behaviour is obtained by combining verbal and non-verbal acts as follows: verbal acts are produced with natural language generation functions, that fill context-dependent templates with values from the application-KB; the produced texts are subsequently transformed into 'speech' or `write a text in a balloon'; nonverbal acts are 'micro behaviours' that are produced from MS-Agent's animations, with the aid of a set of auxiliary functions. The list of micro behaviours that are employed in our animated user manual is shown in Figure 2. a. Greetings Introduction , Leave b. Meta-Conversational-Gestures Take_Turn, Give_Turn, Questioning, Listening c. Locomotive-Gestures Move_To_Object (Oi), Move_To_Location (x, y) d. Deictic-Gestures Point_At_Location (x,y), Point_At_Object (Oi) e. Relation-Evoking Evoke_Sequence, Evoke_Iteration, Evoke_Order_Independence, . f. Event-Mimicking Mimic_Click,Mimic_Double_Click, Mimic_Keyboard_Entry,. g. Looking Look_At_User, Look_At_Location (x,y), Look_At_Object (Oi), Look_At_Area ((xi, yi), (xj, yj)) h. Approaching-the-user Figure 2. Library of XDM-Agent's `micro behaviours' This list includes: (i) object-referring gestures: the agent may move towards an interface object or location, point at it and look at it; (ii) iconic gestures: the agent may evoke the relationship among subtasks, that is a sequence, a iteration, a choice, an order independence, a concurrency and so on; it can mimic, as well, the actions the user should do to perform some tasks: click, double click, keyboard entry,.and so on; (iv) user-directed gestures: the agent may look at the user, get closer to him or her by increasing its dimension, show a questioning or listening attitude, manifest its intention to give or take the turn, open and close the conversation with the user by introducing itself or saying goodbye. The way these micro behaviors are implemented depends on the animations included in the employed software: in particular, a limited overlapping of gestures can be made in MS- Agent 1 , which only enables generating speech and text at the same time. We therefore overlap verbal acts to nonverbal ones so that the Agent can simultaneously move, speech and write something on a balloon, while we sequence nonverbal acts so as to produce 'natural' behaviors. We employ nonverbal acts to reinforce the message vehicled by verbal acts. So, the agent's speech corresponds to a self-standing explanation, that might be translated into a written manual; text balloons mention only the 'key' words in the speech, on which users should focus their attention; gestures support the communication tasks that could not be effectively achieved with speech (for instance, deixis), reinforce concepts that users should not forget (for instance, task relations), support the description of the way actions should be done (for instance, by mimicking events) and, finally, give the users a constant idea of 'where they are, in the interactive explanation process (for instance, by taking a 'listening' or 'questioning' expression). Finally, like for all embodied characters, speech and gestures are employed, in general, to make interaction with the agent more 'pleasant' and to give users the illusion of 'interacting with a companion' rather than 'manipulating a tool'. 3.3 The Mental Models The two agents involved in interaction are the User and XDM- Agent. While the user modeling component is very simple (we classify the users according to their experience with the application), XDM-Agent's model is more interesting, since its behaviour is driven by some personality traits that we describe in terms of its 'helping attitude'. Let's see this in more detail. A typical software manual includes three sections [15]: (i) a tutorial, with exercises for new users, (ii) a series of step by step instructions for the major tasks to be accomplished and (iii) a ready-reference summary of commands. To follow the 'minimal manual' principle (``the smaller the manual, the better'': J M Carroll, cited [1]), the Agent should start from one of these components, provide the "really needed minimal" and give more details only on the user's request. The component from which to 1 MS-Agent is a downloadable software component that displays an animated character on top of an application window and enables it to talk and recognise the user speech. A character may be programmed by a language that includes a list of 'animations' (body and face gestures): these animations are the building blocks of XDM-Agent. start and the information to provide initially may be fixed and general or may be varied according to the user and to the context. In the second case, as we mentioned in the Introduction, the user goals, his/her level of experience and his/her preference concerning the interaction style may drive selection of the Agent's ``explanation attitude''. Embodiment of the Agent may be a resource to make this attitude explicit to the user, by varying the Agent's appearance, gesture, sentence wording and so on. XDM-Agent is able to apply two different approaches to interface description; in the task-oriented approach, it systematically instructs the user on the tasks the window enables performing, how they may be performed and in which sequence and provides, if required, a demonstration of how a complex task may be performed. In command-oriented descriptions, it lists the objects included in the window in the order in which they are arranged in the display and provides a minimal description of the task they allow to perform; other details are given only on the User request. Therefore, in the first approach the Agent takes the initiative and provides a detailed explanation, while in the second one the initiative is 'mixed' (partly of the Agent, partly of the User), explanations are, initially, less detailed and a dialog with the User is established, to decide how to go on in the explanation. If the metaphor of 'social interaction' is applied to the User-Agent relationship, the two approaches to explanation can be seen as the manifestation of two different 'help personalities' in the Agent [9]: (i) a overhelper, that tends to interpret the implicit delegation received by the user in broad terms and explains anything he presumes the user desires to know, and (ii) a literal helper, that provides a minimal description of the concepts the user explicitly asks to know. These help attitudes may be seen as particular values of the dominant/submissive dimension of interpersonal behaviour 2 , which is considered to be the most important factor affecting human-computer interaction [23]. Although some authors proved that dominance may be operationalised by only manipulating the phrasing of the texts shown in the interface and the interaction order (again, [23]; but also [10]), others claim that the user appreciation of the interface personality may be enhanced by varying, as well, the Agent's 'external appearance': body posture, arm, head and hands gestures, moving [16, 3, 5]. By drawing on the cited experiences, we decided to embody the overhelping, dominant attitude in a more 'extroverted' agent that employs a direct and confident phrasing and gestures and moves much. We embody, on the contrary, the literal helper, submissive attitude in a more 'introverted' agent, that employs lighter linguistic expressions and moves and gestures less. To enhance matching of the Agent's appearance with its underlying personality, we select Genie to represent the more extroverted, dominant personality and Robby to represent the submissive one]: this is due in part to the way the two characters are designed and animated, in the MS-Agent tool, and in part to the expectation they raise in the 2 According to [23], dominance is marked, in general, by a behavior that is "self-confident, leading, self-assertive, strong and take-charge"; submissiveness is marked, on the contrary, by a behavior that is "self-doubting, weak, passive, following and obedient". user: Genie is seen as more 'empathetic', someone who takes charge of the Users and anticipates their needs, while Robby is seen as more 'formal', someone who is there only to respond to orders. Figure 3 summarises the main differences between the two characters. Robby Genie Object-oriented presentation Task-oriented presentation submissive Dominant introverted Extroverted is rather 'passive'; says the minimum and waits for the user's orders is very 'active':takes the initiative and provides detailed explanations employs 'light' linguistic expressions, with indirect and uncertain phrasing (suggestions) employs 'strong' linguistic expressions, with direct and confident phrasing (commands) gestures the minimum: minimum locomotion, limited movements of arms and body, avoids getting close to the user gestures are more 'expansive': more locomotion, wider movements, gets closer to the user speaks slow speaks high Figure 3. Personality traits of Robby and Genie, with differences in behaviour. How do we combine the Agent's personality with the User's characteristics? Some authors claim that task-based explanations would be more suited to novice users and object-oriented explanations more suited to experts. For instance, empirical analysis of a corpus of documents, in TAILOR, showed that complex devices are described in an object-oriented way in adult encyclop-dias, while descriptions in junior encyclop-dias tend to be organized in a process-oriented, functional way [26]. On the other side, a 'dominant', `extroverted' personality is probably more suited to a novice, while a 'submissive' and `formal' one will be more easily accepted by an expert user. This led us to select Robby for experts and Genie for novices. 4. IMPLEMENTATION We implemented XDM-Agent in Java and Visual Basic, under Windows95. Adaptation of the generated documentation to the agent's personality is made at both the planning and the realisation phase. At the planning level, adaptation is made by introducing personality-related conditions in the planning schemas in order to generate a task-oriented or an object-oriented plan. At the surface realisation level, a unique Behaviour Library is employed in the two cases, with different ways of realising every behaviour. In the task-oriented plan, a window is introduced by mentioning the complex task that this window enables performing; the way this complex task is decomposed into less complex subtasks is then described, by examining (in the application-KB) the UAN associated with this window. For each element of the UAN, the task and the associated object are illustrated; if the task is 'elementary', the event enabling to perform it is mentioned; if it is is complex, the user is informed that a demonstration of how to perform it may be provided, if requested. Task relations (again, from the UAN) are then illustrated. Description goes on by selecting the next window to describe, as one of those that can be opened from the present window. In the object-oriented plan, interface objects are described by exploring their hierarchy in a top-down way; for each elementary object, the associated task is mentioned. The turn is then given to the user, who may indicate whether and how to proceed in the explanation. Planning is totally separated from realisation: we employ, to denote this feature, the metaphor of 'separating XDM-Agent's Mind from its Body'; we might associate, in principle, Robby's appearance and behaviour to a task-oriented plan (that is, Robby's Body to Genie's Mind) and the inverse. This separation of the agent's body from its mind gives us the opportunity to implement the two components on the server-side and on the client-side respectively, and to select the agent's appearance that is preferable in any given circumstance. An example of the difference in the behaviour of the two agent's personalities is shown in Figure 4, a and b. Macro- Behaviour Speech Balloon Gesture window (task-oriented) In this window, you can perform the main database management functions: LookAtUser Describe-object - to select a database management function, use the commands in this Select database managem. functions MoveToObject LookAtUser idem - to input identification data, use the textfields in this subwindow; Input on data idem complex-task There are two database management functions may select: Describe-object Enable-to- perform-a-task - to update an existing record, click on the 'Update' button; Update MoveToObject PointAtObject LookAtObject LookAtUser MimicClick idem - to delete a record, click on the 'Delete' button; Delete idem Figure task-oriented description, by Genie Macro- Behaviour Speech Balloon Gesture window (object-oriented) I'm ready to illustrate you the objects in this window: LookAtUser complex-object - a toolbar, with 5 buttons: Describe-object the first one enables you to update an existing record Update PointAtObject LookAtObject idem the second one enables you to deletea record Delete idem Figure 4b: object-oriented description, by Robby 5. INTERESTS AND LIMITS The first positive result of this research is that we could verify that the formal model we employed to design and evaluate the interface (XDM) enables us, as well, to generate the basic components of an Animated Instruction Manual. Planning the structure of the presentation directly from this formal model contributes to insure that "the manual reflects accurately the system's program and that it can be viewed as a set of pre-planned instructions"[1]. An Animated User Manual such as the one we generate is probably suited to the needs of 'novice' users; we are not sure, on the contrary, that the more complex questions an expert makes can be handled efficiently with our application- KB. We plan to check these problems in an evaluation study, from which we expect some hints on how to refine our system. In this study, we plan to assess which is the best matching between the two XDM-Agent's personalities and the users characteristics, including their experience and their personality: in fact, the evidence on whether complementarity or similarity-attraction holds between the system and the user personalities is rather controversial [16], and we suspect that the decision depends on the particular personality traits considered. The present prototype has several limits: some of them are due to the generation method we employ, others to the tool: - The main limit in our generation systems is that we do not handle interruptions: user can make questions to the system only when the agent gives them the turn; - the second limit originates from available animations. In MS- Agent characters, the repertoire of gestures is rather limited, especially considering face and gaze expressions. In addition, the difficulty of overlapping animations does not allow us to translate into face or body gestures the higher parts of the discourse plan; XDM-Agent thus lacks of those gestures that aid in integrating adjacent discourse spans into higher order groupings [20], for instance by expressing rhetorical relations among high-level portions of the plan. To overcome these limits, we should build our own character, with the mentioned animations. We have, still, to assess whether Animated Agents really contribute to make software documentation more usable, in which conditions and for which user categories. This consideration applies to the majority of research projects on Animated Agents, which has been driven, so far, by an optimistic attitude rather than a careful assessment of the validity of results obtained. 5. RELATED WORK Our research lies in the crossroad of several areas: formal models of HCI, user adaptation and believable agents. There are, we believe, some new ideas in the way these areas are integrated into XDM-Agent: we showed, in previous papers, that a unique formal model of HCI can be employed to unify several steps of the interface design and implementation process: after analysis of user requirements has been completed, these requirements can be transferred into a UI specification model that can be subsequently employed to implement the interface, to simulate its behavior in several contexts and to make pre-empirical usability evaluations. In this paper, we show that the same model can be employed, as well, to produce an online user manual. Any change in the UI design must be transfered into a change in the formal model and automatically produces a new version of the interface, of the simulation of its behavior, of usability measures and of the documentation produced. Adaptation to the user and to the context is represented through parameters in the model and reflects into a user-adapted documentation. In particular, adaptation to the user needs about documentation is performed through the metaphor of 'changing the personality of the character who guides the user in examining the application'. That computer interfaces have a personality was already proved by Nass and colleagues, in their famous studies in which they applied to computers theories and methods originally developed in the psychological literature for human beings (see, [23]). Taylor and colleagues' experiment demonstrates that a number of personality traits (in the 'Five-Factor' model) can be effectively portrayed using either voice alone or in combination with appropriately designed animated characters" [33]. Results of the studies by these groups oriented us in the definition of the verbal style and the nonverbal behaviors that characterise XDM- Agent's personalities (see, [16]); Walker and colleagues research on factors affecting the linguistic style guided us in the diversification of the speech attitudes [36]. We examined, in the past, the personality traits that might be relevant in HCI by formalising the cooperation levels and types and the way they may combine [7, 9]: Robby and Genie are programmed according to some of these traits; other traits (such as a critical helper, a supplier and so on) might be attributed to different characters, with different behaviors. The long-term goal of our research is to envisage a human-computer interface in which the users can settle, either implicitly or explicitly, the 'helping attitude' they need in every application: XDM-Agent is a first step towards this direction. 6. --R Social impacts of computing: Codes of professional ethics. Mamdani and Fehin Lifelike computer characters: the Persona project ar Microsoft. Emotion and personality in a conversational character. ADV Charts: a visual formalism for interactive systems. Personality traits and social attitudes in multiagent cooperation. Formal description and evaluation of user-adapted interfaces How can personality factors contribute to make agents more 'believable'? Modelling and Generation of Graphical User Interfaces in the TADEUS approach Generation of knowledge-acquisition tools from domain ontologies Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems. Two sources of control over the generation of software instructions. Personality in conversational characters: building better digital interaction partners using knowledge about human personality preferences and perceptions. Isolde: http://www. Agents. http://www. Some relationships between body motion and speech. Deictic believability: coordinated gesture Automatic generation of help from interface design models. Can computer personalities be human personalities? Applying the Act-Function-Phase Model to Aviation Documentation Validating interactive system design through the verification of formal task and system models. The use of explicit User Models in a generation system for tailoring answers to the user's level of expertise. DRAFTER: an interactive support tool for writing multilingual instructions. Developing Adaptable Hypermedia. Towards a General Computational Framework for Model-Based Interface Development Systems Computer support for authoring multilingual software documentation. Automatic generation of textual Providing animated characters with designated personality profiles. From Logic to manuals. Extending Petri Nets for specifying man-machine interaction Improvising linguistic style: social and affective bases for agent personality. --TR
user manuals generation;formal models of interaction;animated agents
A novel method for the evaluation of Boolean query effectiveness across a wide operational range.
Traditional methods for the system-oriented evaluation of Boolean IR system suffer from validity and reliability problems. Laboratory-based research neglects the searcher and studies suboptimal queries. Research on operational systems fails to make a distinction between searcher performance and system performance. This approach is neither capable of measuring performance at standard points of operation (e.g. across R0.0-R1.0). A new laboratory-based evaluation method for Boolean IR systems is proposed. It is based on a controlled formulation of inclusive query plans, on an automatic conversion of query plans into elementary queries, and on combining elementary queries into optimal queries at standard points of operation. Major results of a large case experiment are reported. The validity, reliability, and efficiency of the method are considered in the light of empirical and analytical test data.
Figure 1. An example of a high recall Oriented query used by Harter [10] to illustrate the facet based query planning approach. (information retrieval OR online systems OR AND trial(1w)error expert systems OR artificial intelligence OR behavior?/DE,ID,TI fundamental validity problem. Queries exploit the Boolean IR model in a suboptimal way. 1.2 Harter's Idea: the Most Rational Path Harter [10] introduced an idea for an evaluation method based on the notion of elementary queries (EQ).1 Harter used a single search topic to illustrate how the method could be applied. He designed a high recall oriented query plan (see Fig 1). Harter applied the building block search strategy which quite commonly used by professional searchers [6, 9, 12, 16]. The major steps of the building blocks strategy are 1) Identify major facets and their logical relationships with one another. query terms that represent each facet: words, phrases, etc. Combine the query terms of a facet by disjunction (OR operation). Combine the facets by conjunction or negation (AND or ANDNOT operation) [9]. The notion of facet is important in query planning. It is a concept that is identified from, and defines one exclusive aspect of a search topic. In step 2, a typical goal is to discover all plausible query terms appropriate in representing the selected facet. Next, Harter retrieved all documents matching the conjunction of facets A and B represented by the disjunction of all selected query terms, and assessed the relevance of resulting 371 documents. In addition, all conjunctions of two query terms (called elementary queries) from the query plan representing facets A and B in Fig. 1 were composed and executed. A sample from the 24 elementary queries and the summary of their retrieval results are presented in Table 1. Harter [10] demonstrated the procedure of constructing optimal queries (called the most rational path). An estimate for maximum precision across the whole relative recall range was determined by applying a simple incremental algorithm: 1. To create the initial optimal query, choose the EQ that achieves the highest precision. Actually Harter talked about elementary postings sets. This is very confusing since it applies set-based terminology to address queries as logical statements. Elementary queries # of Docs # of Rel Docs cision Recall s22 information retrieval AND tactic? information retrieval AND heuristic? information retrieval AND trial(1w)error behavior?/DE,ID,TI cognitive/de Table 1. Retrieval results for the 24 elementary queries in the case search by Harter (1990). Precision 0,00 s3 or s18 or s18 or s24 Recall Most rational path Elementary queries Figure 2. Recall and precision of the 24 elementary queries and the most rational path in the case search presented by Harter [10]. 2. Create in turn the disjunction of each of the remaining EQs with the current optimal query. Select the disjunction with the EQ that maximizes precision. The disjunction of the current optimal query and the selected EQ creates a new optimal query. 3. Repeat step 2 until all elementary queries have been exhausted. Precision and recall values for the 24 elementary queries and the respective curve for the optimal queries are presented in Fig 2. Harter never reported full-scale evaluation results based on the idea of the most rational path except this single example. He did neither develop operational guidelines for a fluent use of the method in practice. 1.3 Research Goals The main goal of the study was to create an evaluation method for measuring performance of Boolean queries across a wide operational range by elaborating the ideas introduced by Harter [10]. The method is presented and argued using the framework suggested by Newell M={domain, procedure, justification} [19]: 1. The domain of the method specifies the appropriate application area for the method. 2. The procedure of the method consists of the ordered set of operations required in the proper use of the method. Especially, two major operations unique to the procedure need to be elaborated: a) Query formulation. How the set of elementary queries is composed from a search topic? b) Query optimization. What algorithm should be used for combining the elementary queries to find the optimal query for different operational levels? 3. The justification of the method. The appropriateness, validity, reliability and efficiency of the method within the specified domain must be justified. The structure of this paper is the following: First, some basic concepts and the procedure of the method are introduced. Second, a case experiment is briefly reported to illustrate the domain and the use of the proposed method in a concrete experimental setting. Third, the other justification issues of the method: validity, reliability and efficiency are discussed. Several empirical tests were carried out to assess the potential validity and reliability problems in applying the method. 2. OUTLINE FOR THE METHOD The aim of this section is to introduce a sound theoretical framework for the procedure of the method and to formulate operational guidelines for exercising it. 2.1 Query Structures and Query Tuning Spaces models address the issue of comparing a query as a representation of a request for information with representations of texts. The Boolean IR model supports rich query structures, a binary representation of texts, and an exact match technique for comparing queries and text representations [2]. A Boolean query consists of query terms and operators. Query terms are usually words, phrases, or other character strings typical of natural language texts. The Boolean query structures are based on three logic connectives conjunction (), disjunction (), negation ( ), and on the use of parentheses. A query expresses the combination of terms that retrieved documents have to contain. If we want to generate all possible Boolean queries for a particular request, we have to identify all query terms that might be useful, and to generate all logically reasonable query structures. Facet, as defined in section 1.2, is a very useful notion in representing relationships between Boolean query structures and the search topic. Terms within a facet are naturally combined by disjunctions. Facets themselves present the exclusive aspects of desired documents, and are naturally combined by Boolean conjunction or negation. [9]. Expert searchers tend to formulate query plans applying the notion of facet [9, 16]. Resulting query plans are usually in a standard form, the conjunctive normal form (CNF) (for a formal definition, see [1]). The structure of a Boolean query can be easily characterized in CNF queries: Query exhaustivity (Exh) is the number of facets that are exploited. Query extent (QE) characterizes the broadness of a query, and can be measured, e.g. as the average number of query terms per facet. For instance, in the query plan designed by Harter Exh=2 and QE=5.5 (see Fig. 1). The changes made in query exhaustivity and extent to achieve appropriate retrieval goals are called here query tuning. The range within which query exhaustivity and query extent can change sets the boundaries for query tuning. The set of all elementary queries and their feasible combinations composed at all available exhaustivity and extent levels form the query tuning space. In the example by Harter (Fig 1), seven different disjunctions of query terms can be generated from facet A (=23-1) and 255 from (=28-1). The total number of possible EQ combinations is then 7 x 255 =1,785 at Exh= 2. In addition, 7 and 255 EQ combinations can be formed at Exh=1 from facets A and B, respectively. Thus, the total number of EQ combinations creating the query tuning space across exhaustivity levels 1 and 2 for the sample query plan is 2,047. 1.2 The Procedure of the Method The procedure of the proposed method consists of eight operations at three stages: STAGE I. INCLUSIVE QUERY PLANNING 1. Design inclusive query plans. Experienced searchers formulate inclusive query plans for each given search topic. It yields a comprehensive representation of the query tuning space available for a search topic. 2. Execute extensive queries. The goal of extensive queries is to gain reliable recall base estimates. 3. Determine the order of facets. The facet order of inclusive query plans is determined by ranking the facets according to their measured recall power, i.e. their capability to retrieve relevant documents. STAGE II. QUERY OPTIMISATION 4. Generate the set of elementary queries (EQ). Inclusive query plans in the conjunctive normal form (CNF) at different exhaustivity levels are transformed into the disjunctive normal form (DNF) where the elementary conjunctions create the set of elementary queries. All elementary queries are executed to find the set of relevant and non-relevant documents associated with each EQ. 5. Select standard points of operation (SPO). Both fixed recall levels R0.1,,R1.0 and fixed document cut-off values, e.g. DCV2, DCV5,,DCV500 may be used as SPOs. 6. Optimization of queries. An optimisation algorithm is used to compose the combinations of EQs performing optimally at each selected SPO. STAGE III. EVALUATION OF RESULTS 7. Measure precision at each SPO. Precision can be used as a performance measure. Precision is averaged over all search topics at each SPO. 8. Analyse the characteristics of optimal queries. The optimal queries are analysed to explain the changes in the performance of an IR system. The above steps describe the ordered set of operations constituting the procedure of the proposed method. Inclusive query planning (steps 1-3) and the search for the optimal set of elementary queries (steps 4-6), are in the focus of this study. 1.3 Inclusive Query Planning The techniques of query planning are routinely taught to novice searchers [9, 16]. A common feature in different query planning techniques is that they emphasize the analysis and identification of searchable facets, and the representation of each facet as an exhaustive disjunction of query terms. The goal of inclusive query planning is similar, but the thoroughness of identification task is stressed even more. In inclusive query planning, the goal is to identify 1. all searchable facets of a search topic, and 2. all plausible query terms for each facet. A major doubt in using human experts to design queries is probably associated with the reliability of experimental designs. For instance, the average inter-searcher overlap in selection of query terms (measured character-by-character) is usually around per cent [25]. Fortunately, the situation is not so bad when are considered. For instance, in a study by Iivonen [12], the average concept-consistency rose up to 88 per cent, and experienced searchers were even more consistent. This indicates that expert searchers are able to identify the facets of a topic consistently although the overlap of queries at string level may be low. The identification of all plausible query terms for each identified facet is another task requiring searching expertise. Basically, the comprehensiveness of facet representations is mostly a question of how much effort are used to identify potential query terms. The query designer is freed from the needs to make compromised query term selections typical of practical search situations. The optimization operation will automatically reject ill-behaving query terms. The process can be improved by appropriate tools (dictionaries, thesauri, browsing tools for database indexes, etc. The final step is to decide the order of facets in the query plan. In the case of a laboratory test collection, full relevance data (or at least its justified estimate) is available. The facets of an inclusive query plan can be ranked in the descending order of recall. The disjunction of all query terms identified for a facet is used to measure recall values. 1.4 Search for the Optimal Set of EQs The size of the query tuning space increases exponentially as a function of the number of EQs. We are obviously facing the risk of combinatorial explosion since we do not know the upper limit of query exhaustivity and, especially, query extent in inclusive query plans. Solving the optimization problem by blind search algorithms could lead to unmanageably long running times. The search for the optimal set of EQs is a NP-hard problem. Harter [10] introduced a simple heuristic algorithm but he did not define it formally. Query optimization resembles a traditional integer programming case called the Knapsack Problem. The problem is to fill a container with a set of items so that the value of the cargo is maximized, and the weight limit for the cargo is not exceeded [4]. The special case where each item is selected once only (like EQs), is called the 0-1 Knapsack Problem. Efficient approximation algorithms have been developed to find a feasible lower bound for the optimum [17]. The problem of finding the optimal query from the query tuning space can be formally defined by applying the definitions of the Knapsack Problem as follows: Select a set of EQs so as to subject to nixi DCVj 1,if eqi isselected 0,otherwise and The above definition of the optimization problem is in its maximization version. The number of relevant documents is maximized while the total number of retrieved documents is restricted by the given DCVj. In the minimization version of the problem, the goal is to minimize the total number of documents while requiring that the number of relevant documents exceeds some minimum value (a fixed recall level). Unfortunately, standard algorithms designed for physical objects would not work properly with EQs. Different EQs tend to overlap and retrieve at least some joint documents. This means that, in a disjunction of elementary queries, the profit ri and the weight ni of the elementary query eqi have dynamically changing effective values that depend on the EQs selected earlier. The effect of overlap in a combination of several query sets is hard to predict. A simple heuristic procedure for an incremental construction of the optimal queries was designed applying the notion of efficiency list [17]. The maximization version of the algorithm contains seven steps: Remove all elementary queries eqi a) retrieving more documents than the upper limit for the number of documents (i.e. ni > residual document cut-off value DCV', starting from b) retrieving no relevant documents (ri=0). 2. Stop, if no elementary queries eqi are available. 3. Calculate the efficiency list using precision values ri/ni for remaining m elementary queries and sort elementary queries in order of descending efficiency. In the case of equal values, use the number of relevant documents (ri) retrieved as the second sorting criterion. 4. Move eq1 at the top of the efficiency list to the optimal query. 5. Remove all documents retrieved by eq1 from the result sets of remaining elementary queries eq2, ., eqm. 6. Calculate the new value for free space DCV'. 7. Continue from step one. The basic algorithm favors narrowly formulated EQs retrieving a few relevant documents with high precision at the expense of broader queries retrieving many relevant documents with medium precision. The problem can be reduced by running the optimization in an alternative mode differing only in step four of the first iteration round: eqi retrieving the largest set of relevant documents is selected from the efficiency list instead of eq1. The alternative mode is called the largest first optimization and the basic mode the precision first optimization. 3. A CASE EXPERIMENT The goal of the case experiment was to elucidate the potential uses of the proposed method, to clarify the types of research questions that can be effectively solved by the method, and to explicate the operational pragmatics of the method. 3.1 Research Questions The case experiment focused on the mechanism of falling effectiveness of Boolean queries in free-text searching of large- full-text databases. The work was inspired by the debate concerning the results of the STAIRS study [3, 22]. The goal was to draw a more detailed picture of system performance and optimal query structures in search situations typical of large databases. Assuming an ideally performing searcher, the main question was: What is the difference in maximum performance of Boolean queries between a small database and two types of large databases? The large & dense database contained a larger volume of documents than the small database but the density of relevant documents (generality) was the same. In the large & sparse database, both the volume of documents was higher and the density of relevant documents was lower than in the small database. Twelve hypotheses were formulated concerning effectiveness, exhaustivity and proportional query extent of queries in large databases. For details, see [26]. 3.2 Data and Methods 3.2.1 Optimization Algorithm The optimization algorithm described in Section 2.5 was programmed in C for Unix. Both a maximization version exploiting a standard set of document cut-off values (DCV2, DCV5,, DCV500) and a minimization version exploiting fixed recall levels (R0.1R1.0) were implemented. At each SPO, the iteration round (called optimization lap) was executed ten times starting each round by selecting a different top EQ from the efficiency list: five laps in the largest first mode, and five in the precision first mode. The alternative results at a particular SPO achieved by the algorithm in different optimization laps were sorted to find the most optimal queries for further analysis. 3.2.2 Test Collection The Finnish Full-Text Test Collection developed at the University of Tampere was used in the case experiment [14]. The test database contains about 54,000 newspaper articles from three Finnish newspapers. A set of 35 search topics are available including verbal topic descriptions and relevance assessments. The test database is implemented for the TRIP retrieval systems2. The test database played the role of the large & dense database. Other databases, the small database and the large & sparse database, were created through sampling from EQ result sets. The large & sparse database was created by deleting about % of the relevant documents, and the small database by deleting about 80 % of all documents of the EQ result sets. Thus, the EQ result sets for the small database contained the same relevant documents as those for the large & sparse database. Query optimization was done separately on these three EQ data sets. Inclusive Query Plans The initial versions of inclusive query plans were designed by an experienced search analyst working for three months on the project. Query planning was an interactive process based on thorough test queries and on the use of vocabulary sources. Later parallel experiments (probabilistic queries) revealed that the initial query plans failed to retrieve some relevant documents. These documents were analyzed, and some new query terms were added to represent the facets comprehensively. The final inclusive query plans were capable to retrieve 1270 (99,3 %) out of the 1278 known relevant documents at exhaustivity level one. In total, inclusive query plans contained 134 facets. The average exhaustivity of query plans was 3.8 ranging from 2 to 5. The total number of query terms identified was 2,330 (67 per query plan and per facet). The number of terms ranged from 23 to per query plan, and from 1 to 74 per facet. The wide variation in the number of query terms per facet characterizes the difference between specific concepts (e.g. named persons or organizations) and general concepts (e.g., domains or processes). Data Collection and Analysis Precision, query exhaustivity and query extent data were collected for the optimal queries at SPOs. The sensitivity of results to changes in search topic characteristics like the size of a recall base, the number of facets identified, etc. were analyzed. Also the searchable expressions referring to query plan facets were identified in all relevant documents of a sample of test topics to find explanations for the observed performance differences. Statistical tests were applied to all major results. 3.3 Sample Results Figures 3-5 summarize the comparisons between the small, large & dense, and large & sparse databases: average precision, exhaustivity and proportional extent of optimal queries at recall levels R0.1-R1.0.3 The case experiment could reveal interesting performance characteristics of Boolean queries in large databases. The average precision across R0.1-R1.0 was about 13 % lower in the 2 TRIP by TietoEnator, Inc. 3 Proportional query extent (PQE) was measured only for high recall and high precision searching because of research economical reasons. PQE is the share of query terms actually used of the available terms in inclusive query plans (average over facets). Precision 0,00 Recall Figure 3. Average precision at fixed recall levels in optimal queries for small, large&dense and large&sparse databases. Small db L&d db L&s db 4,0 Exhaustivity Small db L&d db L&s db Recall Figure 4. Exhaustivity of high recall queries optimised for small, large&dense and large&sparse databases. Proportional query extent 0,6 0,4 0,3 Small db L&d db L&s db Recall Figure 5. Proportional query extent (PQE) of optimal queries in the small, large&dense, and large&sparse databases. large & dense database (database size effect), and about 40 % lower in the large & sparse database (database size + density effect) than in the small database (see Fig 3). The average exhaustivity of optimal queries was higher in the large databases than in the small one, but the level of precision could not be maintained. Proportional query extent was highest in the large dense database suggesting that more query terms are needed per facet when a larger number of documents have to be retrieved. topics The number of Large recall base Small recall base Query exhaustivity Figure 6. The number of search topics where full recall can be achieved as a function of query exhaustivity in the small and large recall bases (18 topics in total). A very interesting deviation was identified in the precision and exhaustivity curves at the highest recall levels. In the large & dense database, the precision and exhaustivity of optimal queries fell dramatically between R0.9 and R1.0. The results of the facet analysis of all relevant documents in a sample of test topics clarified the role of the recall base size in falling effectiveness at R1.0. The more documents need to be retrieved to achieve full recall, the more there occur relevant documents where some query plan facets are expressed implicitly. The results are presented in Fig 6. For Exh=1 full recall was possible in all but one test topic for both recall bases. At higher exhaustivity levels, the number of test topics where full recall is possible fell much faster in the large recall base. Above results are just examples from the case study findings to illustrate the potential uses of the proposed method. High precision searching was also studied by applying DCVs as standard points of operation. It turned out, for instance, that the database size alone does not induce efficiency problems at low DCVs. On the contrary, highest precision was achieved in the large & dense database. It was also shown that earlier results indicating the superiority of proximity operators over the AND operator in high precision searching are invalid. Queries optimized separately for both operators show similar average performance. For details, see [26]. 4. JUSTIFICATION OF THE METHOD Evaluation methods should themselves be evaluated in regard to appropriateness, validity, reliability, and efficiency [24, 29]. The appropriateness of a method was verified in the case study by showing that new results could be gained. Validity, reliability, and efficiency are more complex issues to evaluate. The main concerns were directed at the unique operations: inclusive query planning and query optimization. 4.1 Facet Selection Test Three subjects having good knowledge of text retrieval and indexing were asked to make a facet identification test using a sample of 14 test topics. The results showed that the exhaustivity of inclusive query plans used in the case experiment were not biased downwards (enough exhaustivity tuning space). The test also verified earlier results that the consistency in the selection of query facets is high between search experts. 4.2 Facet Representation Test The facet analysis of all relevant documents in the sample of search topics showed that the original query designer had missed or neglected about one third of the available expressions in the relevant documents. However, the effect of missed query terms was regarded as marginal since their occurrences in documents mostly overlapped with other expressions already covered by the query plan. The effect was shown to be much smaller than the effect of implicit expressions. In the interactive query optimization test (see next section), precision was observed to drop less than 4 %. 4.3 Interactive Query Optimization Test The idea of the interactive query optimization test was to replace the automatic optimization operation by an expert searcher, and compare the achieved performance levels as well as query structures. A special WWW-based tool, the IR Game [27], designed for rapid analysis of query results was used in this test. When interfaced to a laboratory test collection, the tool offers immediate performance feedback at the level of individual queries in the form of recall-precision curves, and a visualization of actual query results. The searcher is able to study, in a convenient and effortless way, the effects of query changes. An experienced searcher was recruited to run the interactive query optimization test. A group of three control searchers were used to test the overall capability of the test searcher. The test searcher was working for a period of 1.5 months trying to find optimal queries for the sample of test topics for which the full data of facet analysis was available. In practice, the test searcher did not face any time constraints. The results showed that the algorithm was performing better than or equally with the test searcher in 98 % out of the 198 test cases. This can be regarded as an advantageous result for a first version of a heuristic algorithm. 4.4 Efficiency of the Method The investment in inclusive query planning was justified to be reasonable in the context of a test collection. It was also shown that the growth of running time of the optimization algorithm can be characterized by O(n log n), and that it is manageable for all EQ sets of finite size. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION The main goal of this study was to design, demonstrate and evaluate a new evaluation method for measuring the performance of Boolean queries across a wide operational range. Three unique characteristics of the method help to comprehend its potential: 1. Performance can be measured at any selected point across the whole operational range, and different standard points of operation (SPO) may be applied. 2. Queries under consideration estimate optimal performance at each SPO, and query structures are free to change within the defined query tuning space in search of the optimum. 3. The expertise of professional searchers could be brought into a system-oriented evaluation framework in a controlled way. The domain of the method can be characterized by illustrating the kinds of research variables that can be appropriately studied by applying the method. Query precision, exhaustivity and extent are used as dependent variables, and the standard points of operation as the control variable. Independent variables may relate to: 1. documents (e.g. type, length, degree of relevance) 2. databases (e.g. size, density) 3. database indexes (e.g. type of indexing, linguistic normalization of words) 4. search topics (e.g. complexity, broadness, type) 5. matching operations (e.g. different operators). The proposed method offers clear advantages over traditional evaluation methods. It helps to acquire new information about the phenomena observed and challenge present findings because it is more accurate (averaging at defined SPOs). The method is also economical in experiments where a complex query tuning space is studied. The query tuning space contains all potential candidates for optimal queries, but data are collected only on those queries that turn out to be optimal at a particular SPO. The proposed method yielded two major innovations: inclusive query planning, and query optimization. The former innovation is more universal since it can be used both in Boolean as well as in best match experiments, see [14]. The query optimization operation in the proposed form is restricted to the Boolean IR model since it presumes that the query results are distinct sets. The inclusive query planning idea is easier to exploit since its outcome, the representation of the available query tuning space, can also be exploited in experiments on best-match IR systems. Traditional test collections were provided with complete relevance data. Inclusive query plans are a similar data set that can be used in measuring ultimate performance limits of different matching algorithms. Inclusive query plans help also in categorizing test topics according to their properties, e.g. complex vs. simple (exhaustivity tuning dimension), and broad vs. narrow (extent tuning dimension). This opens a way to create experimental settings that are more sensitive to situational factors, the issue that has been raised in the Boolean/best-match comparisons [11, 20]. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to my supervisor Kalervo Jrvelin, and to the FIRE group: Heikki Keskustalo, Jaana Keklinen, and others. 7. --R Logic and Boolean algebra. Retrieval Techniques. An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness for a full-text document retrieval system The Cranfield tests on index language devices. Searcher's Selection of Search Keys. Boolean The First Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-1) Online Information retrieval. Search Term Combinations and Retrieval Overlap: A Proposed Methodology and Case Study. An Evaluation of Interactive Boolean and Natural Language Searching with Online Medical Textbook. Consistency in the selection of search An Introduction to Algorithmic and Cognitive Approaches for Information Retrieval. Information Retrieval Systems: Information Retrieval Today. Knapsack Problems. The Medline Full-Text Project Heuristic programming: Ill-structured problems Freestyle vs. Boolean: A comparison of partial and exact match retrieval systems. A new comparison between conventional indexing (MEDLARS) and automatic text processing (SMART). --TR An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness for a full-text document-retrieval system Another look at automatic text-retrieval systems Retrieval techniques Knapsack problems: algorithms and computer implementations The pragmatics of information retrieval experimentation, revisited Natural language vs. Boolean query evaluation Consistency in the selection of search concepts and search terms An evaluation of interactive Boolean and natural language searching with an online medical textbook Evaluation of evaluation in information retrieval A deductive data model for query expansion Freestyle vs. Boolean Boolean search Information Retrieval Experiment Information Retrieval Today Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval Online Information Retrieval --CTR Eero Sormunen, Extensions to the STAIRS StudyEmpirical Evidence for the Hypothesised Ineffectiveness of Boolean Queries in Large Full-Text Databases, Information Retrieval, v.4 n.3-4, p.257-273, September-December 2001 Caroline M. Eastman , Bernard J. Jansen, Coverage, relevance, and ranking: The impact of query operators on Web search engine results, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), v.21 n.4, p.383-411, October
structured queries;test collections;evaluation general;testing methodology
Making Nondeterminism Unambiguous.
We show that in the context of nonuniform complexity, nondeterministic logarithmic space bounded computation can be made unambiguous. An analogous result holds for the class of problems reducible to context-free languages. In terms of complexity classes, this can be stated as NL/poly
Introduction In this paper, we combine two very useful algorithmic techniques (the inductive counting technique of [Imm88, Sze88] and the isolation lemma of [MVV87]) to give a simple proof that two fundamental concepts in complexity theory coincide in the context of nonuniform computation. Unambiguous computation has been the focus of much attention over the past three decades. Unambiguous context-free languages form one of the most important subclasses of the class of context-free languages. The complexity class UP was first defined and studied by Valiant [Val76]; a necessary precondition for the existence of one-way functions is for P to be properly contained in UP Supported in part by the DFG Project La 618/3-1 KOMET. y Supported in part by NSF grant CCR-9509603. This work was performed while this author was a visiting scholar at the Wilhelm-Schickard Institut f?r Informatik, Universit?t T-ubingen, supported by DFG grant TU 7/117-1 [GS88]. Although UP is one of the most intensely-studied subclasses of NP, it is neither known nor widely-believed that UP contains any sets that are hard for NP under any interesting notion of reducibility. (Although Valiant and Vazirani showed that "Unique.Satisfiability" is hard for NP under probabilistic reductions [VV86], the language Unique.Satisfiability is not in UP unless Nondeterministic and unambiguous space-bounded computation have also been the focus of much work in computer science. Nondeterministic logspace (NL) captures the complexity of many natural computational problems. The proof that NL is closed under complementation [Imm88, Sze88] answered the long-standing open question of whether the complement of every context-sensitive language is context-sensitive. It remains an open question if every context-sensitive language has an unambiguous grammar. The unambiguous version of NL, denoted UL, was first explicitly defined and studied in [BJLR92, AJ93]. A language A is in UL if and only if there is a nondeterministic logspace machine accepting A such that, for every x, M has at most one accepting computation on input x. Motivated in part by the question of whether a space-bounded analog of the result of [VV86] could be proved, Wigderson [Wig94, GW96] proved the inclusion NL/poly ' \PhiL/poly. This is a weaker statement than NL ' \PhiL, which is still not known to hold. \PhiL is the class of languages A for which there is a nondeterministic logspace bounded machine M such that x 2 A if and only M has an odd number of accepting computation paths on input x. Given any complexity class C, C/poly is the class of languages A for which there exists a sequence of "advice strings" fff(n) j n 2 Ng and a language B 2 C such that if and only if (x; ff(jxj)) 2 B. Classes of the form C provide a simple link between (nonuniform) circuit complexity classes, and machine-based complexity classes (such as P, NP, NL, \PhiL, etc.) that have natural characterizations in terms of uniform circuit families. (It is worth emphasizing that, in showing the equality UL/poly = NL/poly, we must show that for every B in NL/poly, there is a nondeterministic logspace machine M that never has more than one accepting path on any input, and there is an advice sequence ff(n) such that M (x; ff(jxj)) accepts if and only This is stronger than merely saying that there is an advice sequence ff(n) and a nondeterministic logspace machine such that M (x; ff(jxj)) never has more than one accepting path, and it accepts if and only if x 2 B.) In the proof of the main result of [Wig94, GW96], Wigderson observed that a simple modification of his construction produces graphs in which the shortest distance between every pair of nodes is achieved by a unique path. We will refer to such graphs in the following as min-unique graphs. Wigderson wrote: "We see no application of this observation." The proof of our main result is just such an application. The s-t connectivity problem takes as input a directed graph with two distinguished vertices s and t, and determines if there is a path in the graph from s to t. It is well-known that this is a complete problem for NL [Jon75]. The following lemma is implicit in [Wig94, GW96], but for completeness we make it explicit here. Lemma 2.1 There is a logspace-computable function f and a sequence of "ad- vice strings" fff(n) j n 2 Ng (where jff(n)j is bounded by a polynomial in n) with the following properties: ffl For any graph G on n vertices, f(G; ffl For each i, the graph G i has an s-t path if and only if G has an s-t path. ffl If G has an s-t path then there is some i such that G i is a min-unique graph. Proof: We first observe that a standard application of the isolation lemma technique of [MVV87] shows that, if each edge in G is assigned a weight in the range [1; 4n 4 ] uniformly and independently at random, then with probability at least 3 4 , for any two vertices x and y such that there is a path from x to y, there is only one path having minimum weight. (Sketch: The probability that there is more than one minimum weight path from x to y is bounded by the sum, over all edges e, of the probability of the event Bad(e; x; y) ::= "e occurs on one minimum-weight path from x to y and not in another". Given any weight assignment w 0 to the edges in G other than e, there is at most one value z with the property that, if the weight of e is set to be z, then occurs. Thus the probability that there are two minimum-weight paths between two vertices is bounded by x;y;e x;y;e Our advice string ff will consist of a sequence of n 2 weight functions, where each weight function assigns a weight in the range [1; 4n 4 ] to each edge. (There are strings possible for each n.) Our logspace- computable function f takes as input a graph G and a sequence of n 2 weight functions, and produces as output a sequence of graphs hG graph G i is the result of replacing each edge in G by a path of length j from x to y, where j is the weight given to e by the i-th weight function in the advice string. Note that, if the i-th weight function satisfies the property that there is at most one minimum weight path between any two vertices, then G i is a min-unique graph. (It suffices to observe that, for any two vertices x and y of G i , there are vertices x 0 and y 0 such that are vertices of the original graph G, and they lie on every path between x and y, ffl there is only one path from x to x 0 , and only one path from y 0 to y, and ffl the minimum weight path from x to y is unique.) Let us call an advice string "bad for G" if none of the graphs G i in the sequence f(G) is a min-unique graph. For each G, the probability that a randomly-chosen advice string ff is bad is bounded by (probability that G i is not min-unique) n 2 . Thus the total number of advice strings that are bad for some G is at most 2 n 2 A(n). Thus there is some advice string ff(n) that is not bad. Theorem 2.2 NL'UL/poly Proof: It suffices to present a UL/poly algorithm for the s-t connectivity problem. We show that there is a nondeterministic logspace machine M that takes as input a sequence of digraphs hG and processes each G i in sequence, with the following properties: ffl If G i is not min-unique, M has a unique path that determines this fact and goes on to process G other paths are rejecting. ffl If G i is a min-unique graph with an s-t path, then M has a unique accepting path. ffl If G i is a min-unique graph with no s-t path, then M has no accepting path. Combining this routine with the construction of Lemma 2.1 yields the desired UL/poly algorithm. Our algorithm is an enhancement of the inductive counting technique of [Imm88] and [Sze88]. We call this the double counting technique since in each stage we count not only the number of vertices having distance at most k from the start vertex, but also the sum of the lengths of the shortest path to each such vertex. In the following description of the algorithm, we denote these numbers by c k and \Sigma k , respectively. Let us use the notation d(v) to denote the length of the shortest path in a graph G from the start vertex to v. (If no such path exists, then Thus, using this notation, \Sigma fxjd(x)-kg d(x). A useful observation is that if the subgraph of G having distance at most k from the start vertex is min-unique (and if the correct values of c k and \Sigma k are provided), then an unambiguous logspace machine can, on input (G; k; c k ; \Sigma k ; v), compute the Boolean predicate "d(v) - k". This is achieved with the routine shown in Figure 1. To see that this routine truly is unambiguous if the preconditions are met, note the following: precisely, our routine will check if, for every vertex x, there is at most one minimal- length path from the start vertex to x. This is sufficient for our purposes. A straightforward modification of our routine would provide an unambiguous logspace routine that will determine if the entire graph G i is a min-unique graph. Input (G; k; c k ; \Sigma k ; v) count := 0; sum := 0; := false; for each x 2 V do Guess nondeterministically if d(x) - k. if the guess is d(x) - k then begin Guess a path of length l - k from s to x (If this fails, then halt and reject). count := count +1; sum := sum +l; endfor then return the Boolean value of else halt and reject end.procedure Figure 1: An unambiguous routine to determine if d(v) - k. ffl If the routine ever guesses incorrectly for some vertex x that d(x) ? k, then the variable count will never reach c k and the routine will reject. Thus the only paths that run to completion guess correctly exactly the set fx j d(x) - kg. ffl If the routine ever guesses incorrectly the length l of the shortest path to x, then if d(x) ? l no path of length l will be found, and if d(x) ! l then the variable sum will be incremented by a value greater than d(x). In the latter case, at the end of the routine, sum will be greater than \Sigma k , and the routine will reject. Clearly, the subgraph having distance at most 0 from the start vertex is min-unique, and c part of the construction involves computing c k and \Sigma k from c k\Gamma1 and \Sigma k\Gamma1 , at the same time checking that the subgraph having distance at most k from the start vertex is min-unique. It is easy to see that c k is equal to c k\Gamma1 plus the number of vertices having Note that only if it is not the case that d(v) - there is some edge (x; v) such that d(x) - k \Gamma 1. The graph fails to be a min-unique graph if and only if there exist some v and x as above, as well as some other and there is an edge v). The code shown in Figure 2 formalizes these considerations. Searching for an s-t path in graph G is now expressed by the routine shown in Figure 3. Given the sequence hG the routine processes each G i in turn. If G i is not min-unique (or more precisely, if the subgraph of G i that is reachable from the start vertex is not a min-unique graph), then one unique computation path of the routine returns the value BAD.GRAPH and goes on to process G Input (G; k; c Output also the flag BAD.GRAPH for each vertex v do for each x such that (x; v) is an edge do begin for x 0 6= x do if is an edge and d(x 0 then BAD.GRAPH := true: endfor endfor endfor At this point, the values of c k and \Sigma k are correct. Figure 2: Computing c k and \Sigma k . Input (G) repeat compute c k and \Sigma k from (c until c false then there is an s-t path in G if and only if d(t) - k. Figure 3: Finding an s-t path in a min-unique graph. all other computation paths halt and reject. Otherwise, if G i is min-unique, the routine has a unique accepting path if G i has an s-t path, and if this is not the case the routine halts with no accepting computation paths. Corollary 2.3 NL/poly = UL/poly LogCFL is the class of problems logspace-reducible to a context-free language. Two important and useful characterizations of this class are summarized in the following proposition. (SAC 1 and AuxPDA(log n; n O(1) ) are defined in the following paragraphs.) Proposition 3.1 An Auxiliary Pushdown Automaton (AuxPDA) is a nondeterministic Turing machine with a read-only input tape, a space-bounded worktape, and a pushdown store that is not subject to the space-bound. The class of languages accepted by Auxiliary Pushdown Automata in space s(n) and time t(n) is denoted by AuxPDA(s(n); t(n)). If an AuxPDA satisfies the property that, on every input x, there is at most one accepting computation, then the AuxPDA is said to be unambiguous. This gives rise to the class UAuxPDA(s(n); t(n)). SAC 1 is the class of languages accepted by logspace-uniform semi-unbounded circuits of depth O(log n); a circuit family is semi-unbounded if the AND gates have fan-in 2 and the OR gates have unbounded fan-in. Not long after NL was shown to be closed under complementation [Imm88, Sze88], LogCFL was also shown to be closed under complementation in a proof that also used the inductive counting technique ([BCD 89]). A similar history followed a few years later: not long after it was shown that NL is contained in \PhiL/poly [Wig94, GW96], the isolation lemma was again used to show that LogCFL is contained in \PhiSAC 1 /poly [G'al95, GW96]. (As is noted in [GW96], this was independently shown by H. Venkateswaran.) In this section, we show that the same techniques that were used in Section 2 can be used to prove an analogous result about LogCFL. (In fact, it would also be possible to derive the result of Section 2 from a modification of the proof of this section. Since some readers may be more interested in NL than LogCFL, we have chosen to present a direct proof of NL/poly = UL/poly.) The first step is to state the analog to Lemma 2.1. Before we can do that, we need some definitions. A weighted circuit is a semiunbounded circuit together with a weighting function that assigns a nonnegative integer weight to each wire connecting any two gates in the circuit. Let C be a weighted circuit, and let g be a gate of C. A certificate for (in C) is a list of gates, corresponding to a depth-first search of the subcircuit of C rooted at g. The weight of a certificate is the sum of the weights of the edges traversed in the depth-first search. This informal definition is made precise by the following inductive definition. (It should be noted that this definition differs in some unimportant ways from the definition given in [G'al95, GW96].) ffl If g is a constant 1 gate or an input gate evaluating to 1 on input x, then the only certificate for g is the string g. This certificate has weight 0. ffl If g is an AND gate of C with inputs h 1 and h 2 (where h 1 lexicographically precedes h 2 ), then any string of the form gyz is a certificate for g, where y is any certificate for h 1 , and z is any certificate for h 2 . If w i is the weight of the edge connecting h i to g, then the weight of the certificate yz is plus the sum of the weights of certificates y and z. ffl If g is an OR gate of C, then any string of the form gy is a certificate for g, where y is any certificate for a gate h that is an input to g in C. If w is the weight of the edge connecting h to g, then the weight of the certificate gy is w plus the weight of certificate y. Note that if C has logarithmic depth d, then any certificate has length bounded by a polynomial in n and has weight bounded by 2 d times the maximum weight of any edge. Every gate that evaluates to 1 on input x has a certificate, and no gate that evaluates to 0 has a certificate. We will say that a weighted circuit C is min-unique on input x if, for every gate g that evaluates to 1 on input x, the minimal-weight certificate for is unique. Lemma 3.2 For any language A in LogCFL, there is a sequence of advice strings ff(n) (having length polynomial in n) with the following properties: ffl Each ff(n) is a list of weighted circuits of logarithmic depth hC ffl For each input x and for each i, x 2 A if and only if C i ffl For each input x, if x 2 A, then there is some i such that C i is min-unique on input x. Lemma 3.2 is in some sense implicit in [G'al95, GW96]. We include a proof for completeness. Proof: Let A be in LogCFL, and let C be the semiunbounded circuit of size recognizing A on inputs of length n. As in [G'al95, GW96], a modified application of the isolation lemma technique of [MVV87] shows that, for each input x, if each wire in C is assigned a weight in the range [1; 4n 3k ] uniformly and independently at random, then with probability at least 3 is min-unique on input x. (Sketch: The probability that there is more than one minimumweight certificate for by the sum, over all wires e, of the probability of the event Bad(e; g) ::= "e occurs in one minimum-weight certificate for not in another". Given any weight assignment w 0 to the edges in C other than e, there is at most one value z with the property that, if the weight of e is set to be z, then Bad(e; g) occurs. Thus the probability that there are two minimum-weight certificates for any gate in C is bounded by g;e g;e g;e Now consider sequences fi consisting of n weight functions hw wn i, where each weight function assigns a weight in the range [1; 4n 3k ] to each edge of C. (There are such sequences possible for each n.) There must exist a string fi such that, for each input x of length n, there is some i - n such that the weighted circuit C i that results by applying weight function w i to C is min-unique on input x. (Sketch of proof: Let us call a sequence fi "bad for x" if none of the circuits C i in the sequence is min-unique on input x. For each x, the probability that a randomly-chosen fi is bad is bounded by (probability that C i is not min-unique) n - . Thus the total number of sequences that are bad for some x is at most 2 n (2 \Gamma2n 2 B(n). Thus there is some sequence fi that is not bad.) The desired advice sequence formed by taking a good sequence wn i and letting C i be the result of applying weight function w i to C. Theorem 3.3 LogCFL ' UAuxPDA(log n; n O(1) )/poly. Proof: Let A be a language in LogCFL. Let x be a string of length n, and let be the advice sequence guaranteed by Lemma 3.2. We show that there is an unambiguous auxiliary pushdown automaton M that runs in polynomial time and uses logarithmic space on its worktape that, given a sequence of circuits as input, processes each circuit in turn, and has the following properties: ffl If C i is not min-unique on input x, then M has a unique path that determines this fact and goes on to process C other paths are rejecting. ffl If C i is min-unique on input x and evaluates to 1 on input x, then M has a unique accepting path. ffl If C i is min-unique on input x but evaluates to zero on input x, then M has no accepting path. Our construction is similar in many respects to that of Section 2. Given a circuit C, let c k denote the number of gates g that have a certificate for of weight at most k, and let \Sigma k be the sum, over all gates g having a certificate for of weight at most k, of the minimum-weight certificate of g. (Let W (g) denote the weight of the minimum-weight certificate of a certificate exists, and let this value be 1 otherwise.) A useful observation is that if all gates of C having certificates of weight at most k have unique minimal-weight certificates (and if the correct values of c k and \Sigma k are provided), then an unambiguous AuxPDA can, on input compute the Boolean value of the predicate "W k". This is achieved with the routine shown in Figure 4. Input (C; count := 0; sum := 0; a := 1; for each gate h do Guess nondeterministically if W (h) - k. if the guess is W (h) - k then begin Guess a certificate of size l - k for h (If this fails, then halt and reject). count := count +1; sum := sum +l; then a := l; endfor then return a else halt and reject end.procedure Figure 4: An unambiguous routine to calculate W (g) if W (g) - k and return To see that this routine truly is unambiguous if the preconditions are met, note the following: ffl If the routine ever guesses incorrectly for some gate h that W (h) ? k, then the variable count will never reach c k and the routine will reject. Thus the only paths that run to completion guess correctly exactly the set fh j W (h) - kg. ffl For each gate h such that W (h) - k, there is exactly one minimal-weight certificate that can be found. An UAuxPDA will find this certificate using its pushdown to execute a depth-first search (using nondeterminism at the gates, and using its O(log n) workspace to compute the weight of the certificate), and only one path will find the the minimal-weight certificate. If, for some gate h, a certificate of weight greater than W (h) is guessed, then the variable sum will not be equal to \Sigma k at the end of the routine, and the path will halt and reject. Clearly, all gates at the input level have unique minimal-weight certificates (and the only gates g with W are at the input level). Thus we can set each input bit and its negation are provided, along with the constant 1), and \Sigma part of the construction involves computing c k and \Sigma k from (c at the same time checking that no gate has two minimal-weight certificates of weight k. Consider each gate g in turn. If g is an AND gate with inputs h 1 and h 2 and weights w 1 and w 2 connecting g to these inputs, then W (g) - k if and only if (W is an OR gate, then it suffices to check, for each gate h that is connected to g by an edge of weight w, if (W or ((W (g) one such gate is found, then if two such gates are found, then the circuit is not min-unique on input x. If no violations of this sort are found for any k, then C is min-unique on input x. The code shown in Figure 5 formalizes these considerations. Input (C; x; k; c Output also the flag BAD.CIRCUIT for each gate g do begin if g is an AND gate with inputs h connected to g with edges weighted w if g is an OR gate then for each h connected to g by an edge weighted w do begin for h 0 6= h connected to g by an edge of weight w 0 do then BAD.CIRCUIT := true: endfor endfor endfor At this point, if false, the values of c k and \Sigma k are correct. Figure 5: Computing c k and \Sigma k . Evaluating a given circuit C i is now expressed by the routine shown in Figure 6. Given the sequence hC the routine processes each C i in turn. If C i is not is min-unique on input x, then one unique computation path of the routine returns the value BAD.CIRCUIT and goes on to process C computation paths halt and reject. Otherwise, the routine has a unique accepting path if C i and if this is not the case the routine halts with no accepting computation paths. Corollary 3.4 LogCFL/poly = UAuxPDA(log n; n O(1) )/poly. Input compute true, then exit the for loop. endfor if the output gate g evaluates to 1, then it has a unique minimal-weight certificate of some weight l. Accept if and only if W (g) Figure Evaluating a circuit. 4 Discussion and Open Problems Rytter [Ryt87] (see also [RR92]) showed that any unambiguous context-free language can be recognized in logarithmic time by CREW-PRAM. In contrast, no such CREW algorithm is known for any problem complete for NL, even in the nonuniform setting. The problem is that, although NL is the class of languages reducible to linear context-free languages, and although the class of languages accepted by deterministic AuxPDAs in logarithmic space and polynomial time coincides with the class of languages logspace-reducible to deterministic context-free languages, and LogCFL coincides with AuxPDA(log n; n O(1) ), it is not known that UAuxPDA(log n; n O(1) ) or UL is reducible to unambiguous context-free languages. The work of Niedermeier and Rossmanith does an excellent job of explaining the subtleties and difficulties here [NR95]. CREW algorithms are closely associated with a version of unambiguity called strong unambiguity. In terms of Turing-machine based computation, strong unambiguity means that, not only is there at most one path from the start vertex to the accepting configuration, but in fact there is at most one path between any two configurations of the machine. Strongly unambiguous algorithms have more efficient algorithms than are known for general NL or UL problems. It is shown in [AL96] that problems in Strongly unambiguous logspace have deterministic algorithms using less than log 2 n space. The reader is encouraged to note that, in a min-unique graph, the shortest path between any two vertices is unique. This bears a superficial resemblance to the property of strong unambiguity. We see no application of this observation. It is natural to ask if the randomized aspect of the construction can be eliminated using some sort of derandomization technique to obtain the equality A corollary of our work is that UL/poly is closed under complement. It remains an open question if UL is closed under complement, although some of the unambiguous logspace classes that can be defined using strong unambiguity are known to be closed under complement [BJLR92]. It is disappointing that the techniques used in this paper do not seem to provide any new information about complexity classes such as NSPACE(n) and It is straightforward to show that NSPACE(s(n)) is contained in USPACE(s(n))=2 O(s(n)) , but this is interesting only for sublinear s(n). There is a natural class of functions associated with NL, denoted FNL [AJ93]. This can be defined in several equivalent ways, such as ffl The class of functions computable by NC 1 circuits with oracle gates for problems in NL. ffl The class of functions f such that f(x; the i-th bit of f(x) is bg is in NL. ffl The class of functions computable by logspace-bounded machines with oracles for NL. Another important class of problems related to NL is the class #L, which counts the number of accepting paths of a NL machine. #L characterizes the complexity of computing the determinant [Vin91]. (See also [Tod, Dam, MV97, Val92, AO96].) It was observed in [AJ93] that if then FNL is contained in #L. Thus a corollary of the result in this paper is that FNL/poly ' #L/poly. Many questions about #L remain unanswered. Two interesting complexity classes related to #L are PL (probabilistic logspace) and C=L (which characterizes the complexity of singular matrices, as well as questions about computing the rank). It is known that some natural hierarchies defined using these complexity classes collapse: In contrast, the corresponding #L hierarchy (equal to the class of problems AC 0 reducible to computing the determinant) AC 0 is not known to collapse to any fixed level. Does the equality UL/poly = NL/poly provide any help in analyzing this hierarchy in the nonuniform setting? Acknowledgment We thank Klaus-J-orn Lange for helpful comments, and for drawing our attention to min-unique graphs, and for arranging for the second author to spend some of his sabbatical time in T-ubingen. We also thank V. Vinay and Lance Fortnow for insightful comments. --R The complexity of matrix rank and feasible systems of linear equations. Relationships among PL Two applications of inductive counting for complementation problems. Circuits over PP and PL. Unambiguity and fewness for logarithmic space. Complexity measures for public-key cryptosystems Boolean vs. arithmetic complexity classes: randomized reductions. Nondeterministic space is closed under complement. Space bounded reducibility among combinatorial prob- lems A combinatorial algorithm for the deter- minant Matching is as easy as matrix inversion. Unambiguous auxiliary push-down automata and semi-unbounded fan-in circuits The PL hierarchy collapses. Observations on log n time parallel recognition of unambiguous context-free languages Parallel time O(logn) recognition of unambiguous context-free languages On the tape complexity of deterministic context-free languages The method of forced enumeration for nondeterministic automata. Counting problems computationally equivalent to the de- terminant The relative complexity of checking and evaluating. Why is Boolean complexity theory difficult? Counting auxiliary pushdown automata and semi- unbounded arithmetic circuits NP is as easy as detecting unique solu- tions NL/poly --TR --CTR Martin Sauerhoff, Approximation of boolean functions by combinatorial rectangles, Theoretical Computer Science, v.301 n.1-3, p.45-78, 14 May Allender , Meena Mahajan, The complexity of planarity testing, Information and Computation, v.189 n.1, p.117-134, 25 February 2004 Allender, NL-printable sets and nondeterministic Kolmogorov complexity, Theoretical Computer Science, v.355 n.2, p.127-138, 11 April 2006
ULOG;NLOG;nondeterministic space;unambiguous computation;LogCFL
A Combinatorial Consistency Lemma with Application to Proving the PCP Theorem.
The current proof of the probabilistically checkable proofs (PCP) theorem (i.e., ${\cal NP}={\cal PCP}(\log,O(1))$) is very complicated. One source of difficulty is the technically involved analysis of low-degree tests. Here, we refer to the difficulty of obtaining strong results regarding low-degree tests; namely, results of the type obtained and used by Arora and Safra [J. ACM, 45 (1998), pp. 70--122] and Arora et al. [J. ACM, 45 (1998), pp. 501--555].In this paper, we eliminate the need to obtain such strong results on low-degree tests when proving the PCP theorem. Although we do not remove the need for low-degree tests altogether, using our results it is now possible to prove the PCP theorem using a simpler analysis of low-degree tests (which yields weaker bounds). In other words, we replace the strong algebraic analysis of low-degree tests presented by Arora and Safra and Arora et al. by a combinatorial lemma (which does not refer to low-degree tests or polynomials).
Introduction The characterization of NP in terms of Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCP systems) [AS, ALMSS], hereafter referred to as the PCP Characterization Theorem, is one of the more fundamental achievements of complexity theory. Loosely speaking, this theorem states that membership in any NP-language can be verified probabilistically by a polynomial-time machine which inspects a constant number of bits (in random locations) in a "redundant" NP-witness. Unfortunately, the current proof of the PCP Characterization Theorem is very complicated and, consequently, it has not been assimilated into complexity theory. Clearly, changing this state of affairs is highly desirable. There are two things which make the current proof (of the PCP Characterization Theorem) difficult. One source of difficulty is the complicated conceptual structure of the proof (most notably the acclaimed 'proof composition' paradigm). Yet, with time, this part seems easier to understand and explain than when it was first introduced. Furthermore, the Proof Composition Paradigm turned out to be very useful and played a central role in subsequent works in this area (cf., [BGLR, BS, BGS, H96]). The other source of difficulty is the technically involved analysis of low-degree tests. Here we refer to the difficulty of obtaining strong results regarding low-degree tests; namely, results of the type obtained and used in [AS] and [ALMSS]. In this paper, we eliminate the latter difficulty. Although we do not get rid of low-degree tests altogether, using our results it is now possible to prove the PCP Characterization Theorem using only the weaker and simpler analysis of low-degree tests presented in [GLRSW, RS92, RS96]. In other words, we replace the complicated algebraic analysis of low-degree tests presented in [AS, ALMSS] by a combinatorial lemma (which does not refer to low-degree tests or even to polynomials). We believe that this combinatorial lemma is very intuitive and find its proof much simpler than the algebraic analysis of [AS, ALMSS]. (However, simplicity may be a matter of taste.) Loosely speaking, our combinatorial lemma provides a way of generating sequences of pairwise independent random points so that any assignment of values to the sequences must induce consistent values on the individual elements. This is obtained by a "consistency test" which samples a constant number of sequences. We stress that the length of the sequences as well as the domain from which the elements are chosen are parameters, which may grow while the number of samples remains fixed. 1.1 Two Combinatorial Consistency Lemmas The following problem arises frequently when trying to design PCP systems, and in particular when proving the PCP Characterization Theorem. For some sets S and V , one has a procedure, which given (bounded) oracle access to any function f : S 7! V , tests if f has some desired property. Furthermore, in case f is sufficiently bad (i.e., far from any function having the property), the test detects this with "noticeable" probability. For example, the function f may be the proof-oracle in a basic PCP system which we want to utilize (as an ingredient in the composition of PCP systems). The problem is that we want to increase the detection probability (equivalently, reduce the error probability) without increasing the number of queries, although we are willing to allow more informative queries. For example, we are willing to allow queries in which one supplies a sequence of elements in S and expects to obtain the corresponding sequence of values of f on these elements. The problem is that the sequences of values obtained may not be consistent with any We can now phrase a simple problem of testing consistency. One is given access to a function and is asked whether there exists a function f : S 7! V so that for most sequences Loosely speaking, we prove that querying F on a constant number of related random sequences suffices for testing a relaxion of the above. That is, Lemma 1.1 (combinatorial consistency - simple case): For every ffi ? 0, there exists a constant poly(1=ffi) and a probabilistic oracle machine, T , which on input ('; jSj) runs for poly(' \Delta log jSj)- time and makes at most c queries to an oracle F : S ' 7!V ' , such that ffl If there exist a function f : S 7! V such that F accepts when given access to oracle F . ffl If T accepts with probability at least 1 access to oracle F , then there exist a such that the sequences F agree on at least ' positions, for at least a fraction of all possible Specifically, the test examines the value of the function F on random pairs of sequences ((r ' of the i's, and checks that the corresponding values (on these r i 's and s i 's) are indeed equal. For details see Section 4. Unfortunately, this relatively simple consistency lemma does not suffice for the PCP appli- cations. The reason being that, in that application, error reduction (see above) is done via randomness-efficient procedures such as pairwise-independent sequences (since we cannot afford to utilize ' \Delta log 2 jSj random bits as above). Consequently, the function F is not defined on the entire set S ' but rather on a very sparse subset, denoted S. Thus, one is given access to a function and is asked whether there exists a function f : S 7! V so that for most sequences the sequences F agree on most (continious) subsequences of length '. The main result of this paper is Lemma 1.2 (combinatorial consistency - sparse case): For every two of integers s; ' ? 1, there exists a set S s;' ae [s] ' , where [s] so that the following holds: 1. For every ffi ? 0, there exists a constant c = poly(1=ffi) and a probabilistic oracle machine, T , which on input ('; s) runs for poly(' \Delta log s)-time and makes at most c queries to an oracle , such that ffl If there exist a function f : [s] 7! V such that F accepts when given access to oracle F . ffl If T accepts with probability at least 1 access to oracle F , then there exist a such that for at least a fraction of all possible the sequences F agree on at least a fraction of the subsequences of length '. 2. The individual elements in a uniformly selected sequence in S s;' are uniformly distributed in [s] and are pairwise independent. Furthermore, the set S s;' has cardinality poly(s) and can be constructed in time poly(s; '). Specifically, the test examines the value of the function F on related random pairs of sequences These sequences are viewed as ' \Theta ' matrices, and, loosely speaking, they are chosen to be random extensions of the same random row (or column). For details see Section 2. In particular, the presentation in Section 2 axiomatizes properties of the set of sequences, S s;' , for which the above tester works. Thus, we provide a "parallel repetition theorem" which holds for random but non-independent instances (rather than for independent random instances as in other such results). However, our "parallel repetition theorem" applies only to the case where a single query is asked in the basic system (rather than a pair of related queries as in other results). Due to this limitation, we could not apply our "parallel repetition theorem" directly to the error-reduction of generic proof systems. Instead, as explained below, we applied our "parallel repetition theorem" to derive a relatively strong low-degree test from a weaker low-degree test. We believe that the combinatorial consistency lemma of Section 2 may play a role in subsequent developments in the area. 1.2 Application to the PCP Characterization Theorem The currently known proof of the PCP Characterization Theorem [ALMSS] composes proof systems in which the verifier makes a constant number of multi-valued queries. Such verifiers are constructed by "parallelization" of simpler verifiers, and thus the problem of "consistency" arises. This problem is solved by use of low-degree multi-variant polynomials, which in turn requires "high-quality" low-degree testers. Specifically, given a function f : GF(p) n 7! GF(p), where p is prime, one needs to test if f is close to some low-degree polynomial (in n variables over the finite field GF(p)). It is required that any function f which disagrees with every d-degree polynomial on at least (say) 1% of the inputs be rejected with (say) probability 99%. The test is allowed to use auxiliary proof oracles (in addition to f) but it may only make a constant number of queries and the answers must have length bounded by poly(n; d; log p). Using a technical lemma due to Arora and Safra [AS], Arora et. al. [ALMSS] proved such a result. 1 The full proof is quite complex and is algebraic in nature. A weaker result due to Gemmel et. al. [GLRSW] (see [RS96]) asserts the existence of a d-degree test which, using d+2 queries, rejects such bad functions with probability at Their proof is much simpler. Combining the result of Gemmel et. al. [GLRSW, RS96] with our combinatorial consistency lemma (i.e., Lemma 1.2), we obtain an alternative proof of the following result Lemma 1.3 (low-degree tester): For every ffi ? 0, there exists a constant c and a probabilistic oracle machine, T , which on input n; p; d runs for poly(n; d; log p)-time and makes at most c queries to both f and to an auxiliary oracle F , such that ffl If f is a degree-d polynomial, then there exist a function F so that T always accepts. ffl If T accepts with probability at least 1 access to the oracles f and F , then f agrees with some degree-d polynomial on at least a 1 fraction of the domain. 2 We stress that in contrast to [ALMSS] our proof of the above lemma is mainly combinatorial. Our only reference to algebra is in relying on the result of Gemmel et. al. [GLRSW, RS96] (which is An improved analysis was later obtained by Friedl and Sudan [FS]. Actually, [ALMSS] only prove agreement on an (arbitrary large) constant fraction of the domain. weaker and has a simpler proof than that of [ALMSS]). Our tester works by performing many (pair- wise independent) instances of the [GLRSW] test in parallel, and by guaranteeing the consistency of the answers obtained in these tests via our combinatorial consistency test (i.e., of Lemma 1.2). In contrast, prior to our work, the only way to guarantee the consistency of these answers resulted in the need to perform a low-degree test of the type asserted in Lemma 1.3 (and using [ALMSS], which was the only alternative known, this meant losing the advantage of utilizing a low-degree tests with a simpler algebraic analysis). 1.3 Related work We refrain from an attempt to provide an account of the developments which have culminated in the PCP Characterization Theorem. Works which should certainly be mentioned include [GMR, BGKW, FRS, LFKN, S90, BFL, BFLS, FGLSS, AS, ALMSS] as well as [BF, BLR, LS, RS92]. For detailed accounts see surveys by Babai [B94] and Goldreich [G96]. Hastad's recent work [H96] contains a combinatorial consistency lemma which is related to our Lemma 1.1 (i.e., the "simple case" lemma). However, Hastad's lemma refers to the case where the test accepts with very low probability and so its conclusion is weaker (though harder to establish). Raz and Safra [RaSa] claim to have been inspired by our Lemma 1.2 (i.e., the "sparse case" lemma). Organization The (basic) "sparse case" consistency lemma is presented in Section 2. The application to the PCP Characterization Theorem is presented in Section 3. Section 4 contains a proof of Lemma 1.1 (which refers to sequences of totally independent random points). Remark: This write-up reports work completed in the Spring of 1994, and announced at the Weizmann Workshop on Randomness and Computation (January 1995). 2 The Consistency Lemma (for the sparse case) In this section we present our main result; that is, a combinatorial consistency lemma which refers to sequences of bounded independence. Specifically, we considered k 2 -long sequences viewed as k-by-k matrices. To emphasize the combinatorial nature of our lemma and its proof, we adopt an abstract presentation in which the properties required from the set of matrices are explicitly stated (as axioms). We comment that the set of all k-by-k matrices over S satisfies these axioms. A more important case is given in Construction 2.3: It is based on a standard construction of pairwise-independent sequences (i.e., the matrix is a pairwise-independent sequence of rows, where each row is a pairwise-independent sequence of elements). General Notation. For a positive integer k, let [k] kg. For a finite set A, the notation a 2R A means that a is uniformly selected in A. In case A is a multiset, each element is selected with probability proportional to its multiplicity. 2.1 The Setting Let S be some finite set, and let k be an integer. Both S and k are parameters, yet they will be implicit in all subsequent notations. Rows and Columns. Let R be a multi-set of sequences of length k over S so that every e 2 S appears in some sequence of R. For sake of simplicity, think of R as being a set (i.e., each sequence appears with multiplicity 1). Similarly, let C be another set of sequences (of length k over S). We neither assume We consider matrices having rows in R and columns in C (thus, we call the members of R row-sequences, and those in C column-sequences). We denote by M a multi-set of k-by-k matrices with rows in R and columns in C. Namely, Axiom 1 For every th row of m is an element of R and the i th column of m is an element of C. For every i 2 [k] and - r 2 R, we denote by M i (-r) the set of matrices (in M) having - r as the i th row. Similarly, for j 2 [k] and - c 2 C, we denote by M j (-c) the set of matrices (in M) having - c as the j th column. For every - we denote by M j -c) the set of matrices having - r as the i th row and - c as the j th column (i.e., Shifts. We assume that R is "closed" under the shift operator. Namely, Axiom 2 For every - there exists a unique - We denote this right-shifted sequence by oe(-r). Similarly, we assume that there exists a unique - 1. We denote this left-shifted sequence by oe \Gamma1 (-r). Furthermore 3 , we assume that shifting each of the rows of a to the same direction, yields a matrix m 0 that is also in M. We stress that we do not assume that C is "closed" under shifts (in an analogous manner). For every (positive) integer i, the notations oe i (-r) and oe \Gammai (-r) are defined in the natural way. Distribution. We now turn to axioms concerning the distribution of rows and columns in a uniformly chosen matrix. We assume that the rows (and columns) of a uniformly chosen matrix are uniformly distributed in R (and C, respectively). 4 In addition, we assume that the rows (but not necessarily the columns) are also pairwise independent. Specifically, Axiom 3 Let m be uniformly selected in M. Then, 1. For every i 2 [k], the i th column of m is uniformly distributed in C. 2. For every i 2 [k], the i th row of m is uniformly distributed in R. 3. Furthermore, for every j 6= i and - r 2 R, conditioned that the i th row of m equals - r, the j th row of m is uniformly distributed over R. Finally, we assume that the columns in a uniformly chosen matrix containing a specific row-sequence are distributed identically to uniformly selected columns with the corresponding entry. A formal statement is indeed in place. Axiom 4 For every th column in a matrix that is uniformly selected among those having - r as its i th row (i.e., m 2R M i (-r)), is uniformly distributed among the column-sequences that have r j as their i th element. 3 The extra axiom is not really necessary; see remark following the definition of the consistency test. 4 This, in fact, implies Axiom 1. Clearly, if the j th element of - differs from the i th element of - by the above axiom, M j -c) is not empty. Further- more, the above axiom implies that (in case r denotes the set of column-sequences having e as their i th element. (The second equality is obtained by Axiom 4.) 2.2 The Test \Gamma be a function assigning matrices in M (which may be a proper subset of all possible k-by-k matrices over S) values which are k-by-k matrices over some set of values V (i.e., The function \Gamma is supposed to be "consistent" (i.e., assign each element, e, of S the same value, independently of the matrix in which e appears). The purpose of the following test is to check that this property holds in some approximate sense. Construction 2.1 (Consistency Test): 1. column test: Select a column-sequence - c uniformly in C, and Select two random extensions of this column, namely test if the i th column of \Gamma(m 1 ) equals the j th column of \Gamma(m 2 ). 2. row test (analogous to the column test): Select a row-sequence - r uniformly in R, and [k]. Select two random extensions of this row, namely test if the i th row of \Gamma(m 1 ) equals the j th row of \Gamma(m 2 ). 3. shift test: Select a matrix m uniformly in M and an integer t 2 [k \Gamma 1]. Let m 0 be the matrix obtained from m by shifting each row by t; namely, the i th row of m 0 is oe t (-r), where - r denotes the i th row of m. We test if the first columns of \Gamma(m) match the last columns of \Gamma(m The test accepts if all three (sub-)tests succeed. Remark: Actually, it suffices to use a seemingly weaker test in which the row-test and shift-test are combined into the following generalized row-test: Select a row-sequence - r uniformly in R, integers 1g. Select a random extension of this row and its shift, namely test if the t)-long suffix of the i th row of \Gamma(m 1 ) equals the prefix of the j th row of \Gamma(m 2 ). Our main result asserts that Construction 2.1 is a "good consistency test": Not only that almost all entries in almost all matrices are assigned in a consistent manner (which would have been obvious), but all entries in almost all rows of almost all matrices are assigned in a consistent manner. Lemma 2.2 Suppose M satisfies Axioms 1-4. Then, for every constant ffi ? 0, there exist a the consistency test with probability at least there exists a function - : S 7! V so that, with probability at least 1 \Gamma ffi, the value assigned by \Gamma to a uniformly chosen matrix matches the values assigned by - to the elements of a uniformly chosen row in this matrix. Namely, [k]. The constant ffl does not depend on k and S. Furthermore, it is polynomially related to ffi . As a corollary, we get Part (1) of Lemma 1.2. Part (2) follows from Proposition 2.4 (below). 2.3 Proof of Lemma 2.2 As a motivation towards the proof of Lemma 2.2, consider the following mental experiment. Let be an arbitrary matrix and e be its (i; th entry. First, uniformly select a random matrix, denoted containing the i th row of m. Next, uniformly select a random matrix, denoted m 2 , containing the j th column of m 1 . The claim is that m 2 is uniformly distributed among the matrices containing the element e. Thus, if \Gamma passes items (1) and (2) in the consistency test then it must assign consistent values to almost all elements in almost all matrices. Yet, this falls short of even proving that there exists an assignment which matches all values assigned to the elements of some row in some matrix. Indeed, consider a function \Gamma which assigns 0 to all elements in the first fflk columns of each matrix and 1's to all other elements. Clearly, \Gamma passes the row-test with probability 1 and the column-test with probability greater than there is no - so that for a random matrix the values assigned by \Gamma to some row match - . It is easy to see that the shift-test takes care of this special counter-example. Furthermore, it may be telling to see what is wrong with some naive arguments. A main issue these arguments tend to ignore is that for an "adversarial" choice of \Gamma and a candidate choice of - : S 7! V , we have no handle on the (column) location of the elements in a random matrix on which - disagrees with \Gamma. The shift-test plays a central role in getting around this problem; see subsection 2.3.2 and Claim 2.2.14 (below). Recommendation: The reader may want to skip the proofs of all claims in first reading. We believe that all the claims are quite believable, and that their proofs (though slightly tedious in some cases) are quite straightforward. In contrast, we believe that the ideas underlying the proof of the lemma are to be found in its high level structure; namely, the definitions and the claims made. Notation: The following notation will be used extensively throughout the proof. For a k-by-k matrix, m, we denote by row i (m) the i th row of m and by col j (m) the j th column of m. Restating the conditions of the lemma, we have (from the hypothesis that \Gamma passes the column test) are uniformly selected in the corresponding sets (i.e., - c2C, (-c)). Similarly, from the hypothesis that \Gamma passes the row test, we have It will be convenient to extend the shift notation to matrices in the obvious manner; namely, oe t (m) is defined as the matrix m 0 satisfying row From the hypothesis that \Gamma passes the shift-test, we obtain Finally, denoting by entry i;j (m) the (i; th entry in the matrix m, we restate the conclusion of the lemma as follows Prob i;m (9j so that entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) 6= -(entry i;j 2.3.1 Stable Rows and Columns - Part 1 For each - r 2 R and - we denote by p - r (-ff) the probability that \Gamma assigns to the row-sequence r the value-sequence - namely, implies that for almost all row-sequences there is a "typical" sequence of values; see Claim 2.2.3 (below). Definition 2.2.1 (consensus): The consensus of a row-sequence - denoted con(-r), is defined as the value - ff for which p - r (-ff) is maximum. Namely, ff is the (lexicographically first) value-sequence for which p - fi)g. Definition 2.2.2 (stable sequences): Let ffl 2 ffl. We say that the row-sequence - r is stable if Otherwise, we say that - r is unstable. Clearly, almost all row-sequences are stable. That is, 2.2.3 All but at most an ffl 2 fraction of the row-sequence are stable. proof: For each fixed - r we have ff where (-r). Taking the expectation over - r 2R R, and using Eq. (2), we get r (p max r (-ff)g. Using Markov Inequality, we get and the claim follows. 2 By definition, almost all matrices containing a particular stable row-sequence assign this row- sequence the same sequence of values (i.e., its consensus value). We say that such matrices are conforming for this row-sequence. Definition 2.2.4 (conforming called i-conforming (or conforming for row-position i) if \Gamma assigns the i th row of m its consensus value; namely, if row Otherwise, the matrix is called i-non-conforming (or non-conforming for row-position i). 2.2.5 The probability that for a uniformly chosen i 2 [k] and m 2 M, the matrix m is i-non-conforming is at most ffl 3 . Furthermore, the bound holds also if we require that the i th row of m is stable. proof: The stronger bound (on probability) equals the sum of the probabilities of the following two events. The first event is that the i th row of the matrix is unstable; whereas the second event is that the i th row of the matrix is stable and yet the matrix is i-non-conforming. To bound the probability of the first event (by ffl 2 ), we fix any i 2 [k] and combine Axiom 3 with Claim 2.2.3. To bound the probability of the second event, we fix any stable - r and use the definition of a stable row. 2 Remark: Clearly, an analogous treatment can be applied to column-sequences. In the sequel, we freely refer to the above notions and to the above claims also when discussing column-sequences. 2.3.2 Stable Rows - Part 2 (Shifts) Now we consider the relation between the consensus of row-sequences and the consensus of their shifts. By a short shift of the row-sequence - r, we mean any row-sequence - obtained with 1)g. Our aim is to show that the consensus (as well as stability) is usually preserved under short shifts. Definition 2.2.6 (very-stable row): Let ffl We say that a row-sequence - r is very stable if it is stable, and for all but an ffl 4 fraction of d 2 1)g, the row-sequence - is also stable. Clearly, 2.2.7 All but at most an ffl 4 fraction of the row-sequence are very-stable. proof: By a simple counting argument. 2 Definition 2.2.8 (super-stable row): Let ffl We say that a row-sequence r is super-stable if it is very-stable, and, for every j 2 [k], the following holds for all but an ffl 6 fraction of the t 2 [k], the row-sequence - s stable and con is the j th element of con(-r). Note that the t th element of oe t\Gammaj (-r) is r . Thus, a row-sequence is super-stable if the consensus value of each of its elements is preserved under almost all (short) shifts. 2.2.9 All but at most an ffl 6 fraction of the row-sequence are super-stable. proof: We start by proving that almost all row-sequences and almost all their shifts have approximately matching statistics, where the statistics vector of - r 2 R is defined as the k-long sequence (of - r (\Delta), so that p j r (v) is the probability that \Gamma assigns the value v to the j th element of the row - r. Namely, (-r). By the definition of consensus, we know that for every stable row-sequence - r 2 R, we have its shift are stable and have approximately matching statistics (i.e., the corresponding statistics sub-vectors are close) then their consensus must match (i.e., the corresponding subsequences of the consensus are equal). subclaim For all but an ffl 5 fraction of the row-sequences - r, all but an ffl 5 fraction of the shifts proof of subclaim: Let pref row i;j (m) denote the j-long prefix of row i (m) and suff row i;j (m) its j-long suffix. By the shift-test (see Eq. (3) and Prob m;i;d (pref row i;k\Gammad (\Gamma(m)) =suff row i;k\Gammad (\Gamma(m 0 Using Axiom 3 (Part 2) and an averaging argument, we get that all but a ffl 5 fraction of the - r 2 R, and all but a ffl 5 fraction of d 2 [k \Gamma 1], Prob i;m (pref row i;k\Gammad (\Gamma(m)) =suff row i;k\Gammad (\Gamma(m 0 We fix such a pair - r and d, thus fixing also A matrix-pairs (m; m 0 ) for which the equality holds contributes equally to the (appropriate long portion of the) the statistic vectors of the row-sequences - r and - s. The contribution of matrix- pairs for which equality does not hold, to the difference (v)j, is at most 2 per each relevant j. The subclaim follows. 3 As a corollary we get Let us call a row-sequence, - r, infective if for every j 2 [k] all but an 2ffl 5 fraction of the t 2 [k] satisfy all but a 2ffl 5 fraction of the row-sequences are infective. proof of subclaim: The proof is obvious but yet confusing. We say that r is fine1 if for all but an ffl 5 fraction of the d 2 [k] and for every d, we have oe d (-r) r is fine1 then for every j there are at most ffl 5 k positions t 2 fj+1; :::; kg so that oe t\Gammaj (-r) (v)j ? 2ffl 5 . Similarly, - r is fine2 if for all but an ffl 5 fraction of the d 2 [k] and for every j ? d we have oe \Gammad (-r) (v)j - 2ffl 5 , and whenever - r is fine2 then for every j there are at most ffl 5 k positions so that oe \Gammaj+t (-r) (v)j ? 2ffl 5 . Thus, if a row-sequence - r is both fine1 and fine2 then for every j 2 [k] all but a 2ffl 1 fraction of the positions t 2 [k] satisfy oe t\Gammaj (-r) (v)j - 2ffl 5 . By subclaim, we get that all but an ffl 5 fraction of the row- sequences are fine1. A similar statement holds for fine2 (since the shift-test can be rewritten as selecting setting Combining all these trivialities, the Clearly, a row-sequence - r that is both very-stable and infective satisfies, for every j 2 [k] and all but at most ffl 4 of the t 2 [k], both and in particular for It follows that p t must hold. Thus, such an - r is super-stable. Combining the lower bounds given by Claim 2.2.7 and subclaim, the current claim follows (actually, we get a better bound; i.e., ffl 4 Summary . Before proceeding let us summarize our state of knowledge. The key definitions regarding row-sequences are of stable, very-stable and super-stable row-sequences (i.e., Defs 2.2.2, 2.2.6, and 2.2.8, respectively). Recall that a stable row-sequence is assigned the same value in almost all matrices in which it appear. Furthermore, most prefixes (resp., suffices) of a super-stable row-sequence are assigned the same values in almost all matrices containing these portions (as part of some row). Regarding matrices, we defined a matrix to be i-conforming if it assigns its i th row the corresponding consensus value (i.e., it conforms with the consensus of that row-sequence); cf., Definitions 2.2.4 and 2.2.1. We have seen that almost all row-sequences are super-stable and that almost all matrices are conforming for most of their rows. Actually, we will use the latter fact with respect to columns; that is, almost all matrices are conforming for most columns (cf., Claim 2.2.5 and the remark following it). 2.3.3 Deriving the Conclusion of the Lemma We are now ready to derive the conclusion of the Lemma. Loosely speaking, we claim that the function - , defined so that -(e) is the value most frequently assigned (by \Gamma) to e, satisfies Eq. (4). Actually, we use a slightly different definition for the function - . Definition 2.2.10 (the function - For a column-sequence - c, we denote by con i (-c) the values that con(-c) assigns to the i th element in - c. We denote by C i (e) the set of column-sequences having e as the i th component. Let q e (v) denote the probability that the consensus of a uniformly chosen column-sequence, containing e, assigns to e the value v. Namely, so that -(e) with ties broken arbitrarily. Assume, on the contrary to our claim, that Eq. (4) does not hold (for this - ). Namely, for a uniformly chosen the following holds with probability greater that ffi 9j so that entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) 6= -(entry i;j (m)) (5) The notion of a annoying row-sequence, defined below, plays a central role in our argument. Using the above (contradiction) hypothesis, we first show that many row-sequences are annoying. Next, we show that lower bounds on the number of annoying row-sequences translate to lower bounds on the probability that a uniformly chosen matrix is non-conforming for a uniformly chosen column position. This yields a contradiction to Claim 2.2.5. Definition 2.2.11 (row-annoying is said to be annoying for the row-sequence - r if the j th element in con(-r) differs from -(r j ). A row-sequence - r is said to be annoying if - r contains an element that is annoying for it. Using Claim 2.2.9, we get 2.2.12 Suppose that Eq. (4) does not hold (for -). Then, at least a fraction of the row-sequences are both super-stable and annoying. proof: Axiom 3 (part 2) is extensively used throughout this proof (with no explicit reference). Combining Eq. (5) and Claim 2.2.9, with probability at least uniformly chosen satisfies the following 1. there exists a j so that -(entry i;j (m)) is different from entry i;j (\Gamma(m)); 2. row i (m) is super-stable; 3. matrix m is i-conforming; i.e., entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) equals con j (row i (m)), for every j 2 [k]. Combining conditions (1) and (3), we get that e = entry i;j (m) is annoying for the i th row of m. The current claim follows. 2 A key observation is that each stable row-sequence which is annoying yields many matrices which are non-conforming for the "annoying column position" (i.e., for the column position containing the element which annoys this row-sequence). Namely, 2.2.13 Suppose that a row-sequence - stable and that r j is annoying for - r. Then, at least a fraction of the matrices, containing the row-sequence - r, are non-conforming for column-position j. We stress that the row-sequence - r in the above claim is not necessarily very-stable (let alone super- stable). proof: Let us denote by v the value assigned to r j by the consensus of - r (i.e., v r it follows that v is different from -(r j ). Consider the probability space defined by uniformly selecting r is stable it follows that in almost all of these matrices the value assigned to r j by the matrix equals v. Namely, (-r). By Axiom 4, the j th column of m is uniformly distributed in thus we may replace - c 2R C i (r j ) by the j th column of m 2R M i (-r). Now, using the definition of the function - and the accompanying notations, we get (-r). The inequality holds since v 6= -(r j ) and by - 's definition Combining Eq. (6) and (7), we get and the claim follows. 2 Another key observation is that super-stable row-sequences which are annoying have the property of "infecting" almost all their shifts with their annoying positions, and thus spreading the "annoyance" over all column positions. Namely, 2.2.14 Suppose that a row-sequence - r is both super-stable and annoying. In particular, suppose that the j th element of - annoying for - r. Then, for all but at most an ffl 6 fraction of the t 2 [k], the the row-sequence - stable and its t th element (which is indeed r j ) is annoying for - s. proof: Since - r is super-stable, we know that for all but an ffl 6 fraction of the t's, con j and - s is stable (as well), where - is annoying for - r, we have Combining Claims 2.2.12 and 2.2.14, we derive, for almost all positions t 2 [k], a lower bound for the number of stable row-sequences that are annoyed by their t th element. 2.2.15 Suppose that Eq. (4) does not hold (for -). Then, there exists a set T ' [k] so that and for every t 2 T there is a set of at least ffi 1 stable row-sequences so that the t th position is annoying for each of these sequences. proof: Combining Claims 2.2.12 and 2.2.14, we get that there is a set of super-stable row- sequences A ' R so that A contains at least a ffi 1 fraction of R, and for every - r 2 A there exist a j - r 2 [k] so that for all but a ffl 6 of the t 2 [k], the row-sequence - is stable and the t th position is annoying for it (i.e., for - s). By a counting argument it follows that there is a set T so that jT j - and for every t 2 T at least half of the - r's in A satisfy the above (i.e., is stable and the t th position is annoying for - s). Fixing such a t 2 T , we consider the set, denoted A t , containing these - r's; namely, for every - the row-sequence - s r (-r) is stable and the t th position is annoying for it (i.e., for - s). Thus, we have established a mapping from A t to a set of stable row-sequences which are annoyed by their t th position; specifically, - r is mapped to oe t\Gammaj - r (-r). Each row-sequence in the range of this mapping has at most k preimages (corresponding to the k possible shifts which maintain its t th element). Recalling that A t contains at least ffi 1\Delta jRj sequences, we conclude that the mapping's range must contain at least ffi 1 sequences, and the claim follows. 2 Combining Claims 2.2.15 and 2.2.13, we get a lower bound on the number of matrices which are non-conforming for the j th column, 8j 2 T (where T is as in Claim 2.2.15). Namely, be as guaranteed by Claim 2.2.15 and suppose that j 2 T . Then, at least a 1fraction of the matrices are non-conforming for column-position j. proof: By Claim 2.2.15, there are at least ffi 1 stable row-sequences that are annoyed by th position. Out of these row-sequences, we consider a subset, denoted A, containing exactly row-sequences. By Claim 2.2.13, for each - r 2 A, at least a fraction of the matrices containing the row-sequence - r are non-conforming for column-position j. We claim that almost all of these matrices do not contain another row-sequence in A (here we use the fact that A isn't too large); this will allow us to add-up the matrices guaranteed by each - r 2 A without worrying about multiple counting. Namely, subclaim For every - r 2 R proof of subclaim: By Axiom 3 (part 3), we get that for every i 0 6= i the i 0 -th row of m 2R M i (-r) is uniformly distributed in R. Thus, for every i 0 (-r). The subclaim follows. 3 Using the subclaim, we conclude that for each - r 2 A, at least a fraction of the matrices containing the row-sequence - r are non-conforming for column-position j and do not contain any other row-sequence in A. The desired lower bound now follows. Namely, let B denote the set of matrices which are non-conforming for column-position j, let B denote the set of matrices in B i (-r) which do not contain any row in A except for the i th row; then The claim follows. 2 The combination of Claims 2.2.15 and 2.2.16, yields that a uniformly chosen matrix is non-conforming for a uniformly chosen column position with probability at least (1 1. For a suitable choice of constants (e.g., yields contradiction to Claim 2.2.5. Thus, Eq. (4) must hold for - as defined in Def. 2.2.10, and the lemma follows. 2.4 A Construction that Satisfies the Axioms Clearly, the set of all k-by-k matrices over S satisfies Axioms 1-4. A more interesting and useful set of matrices is defined as follows. Construction 2.3 (basic construction): We associate the set S with a finite field and suppose Furthermore, [k] is associated with k elements of the field so that 1 is the multiplicative unit and i 2 [k] is the sum of i such units. Let M be the set of matrices defined by four field elements as follows. The matrix associated with the quadruple (x; has the (i; th entry Remark: The column-sequences correspond to the standard pairwise-independent sequences fr Similarly, the row-sequences are expressed as fr Proposition 2.4 The Basic Construction satisfies Axioms 1-4. proof: Axioms 1 is obvious from the above remark. The right-shift of the sequence fr+js is To prove that Axiom 3 holds, we rewrite the i th row as fs are pairwise independent and uniformly distributed in S \Theta S which corresponds to the set of row-sequences. It remains to prove that Axiom 4 holds. We start by proving the following. Fact 2.4.1: Consider any i; j 2 [k] and two sequences - that r proof of fact: By the construction, there exists a unique pair (a; b) 2 S \Theta S so that a every (existence is obvious and uniqueness follows by considering any two equations; e.g., Similarly, there exist a unique pair (ff; fi) so that ff every We get a system of four linear equations in x; x This system has rank 3 and thus jSj solutions, each defining a matrix in M j Using Fact 2.4.1, Axiom 4 follows since jS \Theta Sj and so does the proposition. 3 A Stronger Consistency Test and the PCP Application To prove Lemma 1.3, we need a slightly stronger consistency test than the one analyzed in Lemma 2.2. This new test is given access to three related oracles, each supplying assignments to certain classes of sequences over S, and is supposed to establish the consistency of these oracles with one function - : S 7! V . Specifically, one oracle assigns values to k 2 -long sequences viewed as two-dimensional arrays (as before). The other two oracles assign values to k 3 -long sequences viewed as 3-dimensional arrays, whose slices (along a specific coordinate) correspond to the 2-dimensional arrays of the first oracle. Using Lemma 2.2 (and the auxiliary oracles) we will present a test which verifies that the first oracle is consistent in an even stronger sense than established in Lemma 2.2. Namely, not only that all entries in almost all rows of almost all 2-dimensional arrays are assigned in a consistent manner, but all entries in almost all 2-dimensional arrays are assigned in a consistent manner. 3.1 The Setting Let S, k, R, C and M be as in the previous section. We now consider a family, M c , of k-by-k matrices with entries is C. The family M c will satisfy Axioms 1-4 of the previous section. In addition, its induced multi-set of row-sequences, denoted R, will correspond to the multi-set M; namely, each row of a matrix in M c will form a matrix in M (i.e., the sequence of elements of C corresponding to a row in a M c -matrix will correspond to a M-matrix). Put formally, Axiom 5 For every and every i 2 [k], there exists so that for every j 2 [k], the (i; th entry of m equals the j th column of m (i.e., entry i;j equivalently, row m). Furthermore, this matrix m is unique. Analogously, we consider also a family, M r , of k-by-k matrices the entries of which are elements in R so that the rows 5 of each correspond to matrices in M. 3.2 The Test As before, \Gamma is a function assigning (k-by-k) matrices in M values which are k-by-k matrices over some set of values V (i.e., ) be (the supossedly corresponding) function assigning k-by-k matrices over C (resp., R) values which are k-by-k matrices over V Construction 3.1 (Extended Consistency Test): 1. consistency for sequences: Apply the consistency test of Construction 2.1 to \Gamma c . Same for \Gamma r 2. correspondence test: Uniformly select a matrix and a row i 2 [k], and compare the i th row in \Gamma c (m) to \Gamma(m), where is the matrix formed by the C-elements in the i th row of m. Same for \Gamma r The test accepts if both (sub-)tests succeed. Lemma 3.2 Suppose M;M c satisfy Axioms 1-5. Then, for every constant fl ? 0, there exist a constant ffl so that if a function (together with some functions \Gamma c passes the extended consistency test with probability at least 1 there exists a function - : S 7! V so that, with probability at least 1 \Gamma fl, the value assigned by \Gamma to a uniformly chosen matrix matches the values assigned by - to each of the elements of m. Namely, Probm M. The constant ffl does not depend on k and S. Furthermore, it is polynomially related to fl. The proof of the lemma starts by applying Lemma 2.2 to derive assignments to C (resp., R) which are consistent with \Gamma c on almost all rows of almost all k 3 -dimensional arrays (ie., M c and M r , respectively). It proceeds by applying a degenerate argument of the kind applied in the proof of Lemma 2.2. Again, the reader may want to skip the proofs of all claims in first reading. 3.3 Proof of Lemma 3.2 We start by considering item (1) in the Extended Consistency Test. By Lemma 2.2, there exists a function - c so that the value assigned by \Gamma c ), to a uniformly chosen row in a uniformly chosen matrix M c matches with high probability the values assigned by - c ) to each of the C-elements (resp., R-elements) appearing in this 5 Alternatively, one can consider a family, M r , of k-by-k matrices the entries of which are elements in R so that the columns of each correspond to matrices in M. However, this would require to modify the basic consistency test (of Construction 2.1), for these matrices, so that it shifts columns instead of rows. row. Here "with high probability" means with probability at least 1 \Gamma ffi, where ffi ? 0 is a constant, related to ffl as specified by Lemma 2.2. Namely, (entry i;j 3.3.1 Perfect Matrices and Typical Sequences Eq. Our next step is to relate - c to \Gamma. This is done easily by referring to item (2) in the Extended Consistency Test. Specifically, it follows that the value assigned by \Gamma, to a uniformly chosen matrix m 2 M, matches, with high probability, the values assigned by - c ) to each of the columns (resp., rows) of m. That is Definition 3.2.1 (perfect matrices): A matrix m 2 M is called perfect (for columns) if for every th column of \Gamma(m) equals the value assigned by - c to the j th column of m (i.e., called perfect (for rows) if row i (row i (m)), for every i 2 [k]. (perfect (c) All but a ffi 1 fraction of the matrices in M are perfect for columns. (r) All but a ffi 1 fraction of the matrices in M are perfect for rows. proof: By the Correspondence (sub)Test, with probability at least 1 \Gamma ffl, a uniformly chosen row in a uniformly chosen is "given" the same values by \Gamma c and by \Gamma (i.e., row i (\Gamma c for On the other hand, by Eq. (8), with probability at least 1 \Gamma ffi, a uniformly chosen row in a uniformly chosen is "given" the same values by \Gamma c and by (i.e., entry i;j (\Gamma c (entry i;j (m)), for i 2R [k] and all j 2 [k]). Thus, with probability at least 1 uniformly chosen row in a uniformly chosen is "given" the same values by \Gamma and by - c (i.e., (entry i;j (m)), for i 2R [k] and all j 2 [k]). Using regarding M c ) and the "furthermore" part of Axiom 5, we get part (c) of the claim (i.e., col j similar argument holds for part (r). 2 A perfect (for columns) matrix "forces" all its columns to satisfy some property \Pi (specifically, the value assigned by - c to its column-sequences must match the value \Gamma of the matrix). Recall that we have just shown that almost all matrices are perfect and thus force all their columns to satisfy some property \Pi. Using a counting argument, one can show that all but at most a 1 fraction of the column-sequences must satisfy \Pi in almost all matrices in which they appear. Namely, Definition 3.2.3 (typical sequences): Let We say that the column-sequence - c (resp., row-sequence - r) is typical if (-c). Otherwise, we say that - c is non-typical. 3.2.4 All but at most an fraction of the column-sequence (resp., row-sequences) are typical. We will only use the bound for the fraction of typical row-sequences. proof: We mimic part of the counting argument of Claim 2.2.16. Let N be a set of non-typical row-sequences, containing exactly sequences. Fix any - r 2 N and consider the set of matrices containing - r. By Axiom 3 (part 3 - regarding M), at most a ffi 2fraction of these matrices contain some other row in N . On the other hand, by definition (of non-typical row-sequence), at least a fraction of the matrices containing - r, have \Gamma disagree with - r (-r) on - r, and thus are non-perfect (for rows). It follows that at least a ffi 2fraction of the matrices containing - r are non-perfect (for rows) and contain no other row in N . Combining the bounds obtained for all - r 2 N , we get that at least a 2fraction of the matrices are not perfect (for rows). This contradicts Claim 3.2.2(r), and so the current claim follows (for row-sequences and similarly for column-sequences). 2 3.3.2 Deriving the Conclusion of the Lemma We are now ready to derive the conclusion of the Lemma. Loosely speaking, we claim that the function - , defined so that -(e) is the value most frequently assigned by - c to e, satisfies the claim of the lemma. Definition 3.2.5 (the function - (-c) i denote the value assigned by - c to the i th element of denotes the set of column-sequences having e as the i th component). We consider - so that -(e) ties broken arbitrarily. The proof that - satisfies the claim of Lemma 3.2 is a simplified version of the proof of Lemma 2.2. 6 We assume, on the contrary to our claim, that, for a uniformly chosen Probm so that entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) 6= -(entry i;j (m)) As in the proof of Lemma 2.2, we define a notion of an annoying row-sequence. Using the above (contradiction) hypothesis, we first show that many row-sequences are annoying. Next, we show that lower bounds on the number of annoying row-sequences translate to lower bounds on the probability that a uniformly chosen matrix is non-perfect (for columns). This yields a contradiction to Claim 3.2.2(c). Definition 3.2.6 (a new definition of annoying rows): A row-sequence - is said to be annoying if there exists a j 2 [k] so that the j th element in - r (-r) differs from -(r j ). Using Claim 3.2.2(r), we get 3.2.7 Suppose that Eq. (9) hold and let . Then, at least a k fraction of the row-sequences are annoying. 6 The reader may wonder how it is possible that a simpler proof yields a stronger result; as the claim concerning the current - is stronger. The answer is that the current - is defined based on a more restricted function over C and there are also stronger restrictions on \Gamma. Both restrictions are due to facts that we have inferred using Lemma 2.2 proof: Combining Eq. (9) and Claim 3.2.2(r), we get that with probability at least a uniformly chosen matrix is perfect for rows and contains some entry, denoted (i; j), for which the \Gamma value is different from the - value (i.e., entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) 6= -(entry i;j (m))). Since the -value of all rows of m matches the \Gamma value, it follows that the i th row of m is annoying. Thus, at least a fl 1 fraction of the matrices contain an annoying row-sequence. Using Axiom 3 (part 2 - regarding M), we conclude that the fraction of annoying row-sequences must be as claimed. 2 A key observation is that each row-sequence that is both typical and annoying yields many matrices which are non-perfect for columns. Namely, Suppose that a row-sequence - r is both typical and annoying. Then, at least a fraction of the matrices, containing the row-sequence - r, are non-perfect for columns. is annoying, there exists a j 2 [k] so that the the j th component of (-r) (which is the value assigned to r j ) is different from -(r j ). Let us denote by v the value - r assigns to r j . Note that v 6= -(r j ). Consider the probability space defined by uniformly selecting r is typical it follows that in almost all of these matrices the value assigned to r j by the \Gamma equals v; namely, By Axiom 4 (regarding M), the j th column of m is uniformly distributed in C i (r j ). Now, using the definition of the function - and the accompanying notations, we get The inequality holds since v 6= -(r j ) and by - 's definition q r j Combining Eq. (10) and (11), we get Prob i;m (entry i;j (\Gamma(m)) 6=- c and the claim follows. 2 Combining Claims 3.2.7, 3.2.4 and 3.2.8, we get a lower bound on the number of matrices which are non-perfect for columns. Namely, Suppose that Eq. (9) hold and let 2. Then, at least a fl 2fraction of the matrices are non-perfect for columns. proof: By Claims 3.2.7 and 3.2.4, at least a fraction of the row-sequences are both annoying and typical. Let us consider a set of exactly \Delta jRj such row-sequences, denoted A. Mimicking again the counting argument part of Claim 2.2.16, we bound, for each - r 2 A, the fraction of non-perfect (for columns) matrices which contain - r but no other row-sequence in A. Using an adequate setting of ffi 2 and fl 2 , this fraction is at least 1. Summing the bounds achieved for all - r 2 A, the claim follows. 2 Using a suitable choice of fl (as a function of ffl), Claim 3.2.9 contradicts Claim 3.2.2(c), and so Eq. (9) can not hold. The lemma follows. 3.4 Application to Low-Degree Testing Again, the set of all k-by-k-by-k arrays over S satisfies Axioms 1-5. A more useful set of 3- dimensional arrays is defined as follows. Construction 3.3 (main construction): Let M be as in the Basic Construction (i.e., Construction 2.3). We let M c be the set of matrices defined by applying the Basic Construction to the element-set Specifically, a matrix in M c is defined by the quadruple (x; where each of the four elements is a pair over S, so that the (i; th entry in the matrix equals are viewed as two-dimensional vectors over the finite field S and are scalars in S. The (i; th entry is a pair over S which represents a pairwise independent sequence (which equals an element in Clearly, 3.4 Construction 3.3 satisfies Assuptions 1-5. Combining all the above with the low-degree test of [GLRSW, RS96] using the results claimed there 7 , we get a low-degree test which is sufficiently efficient to be used in the proof of the PCP- Characterization of NP. Construction 3.5 (Low Degree Test): Let f : F n 7! F , where F is a field of prime cardinality, and d be an integer so that jF j ? 4(d and M r be as in Construction 3.3, with be auxiliary tables (which should contain the corresponding f-values). The low degree test consists of 1. Applying the Extended Consistency Test 7! 2. Selecting uniformly a matrix m 2 M and testing that the Polynomial Interpolation Condition (cf., [GLRSW]) holds for each row; namely, we test that for all 3. Select uniformly a matrix in M and test matching of random entry to f . Namely, select uniformly check if entry i;j The test accepts if and only if all the above three sub-tests accept. Proposition 3.6 Let f : F n 7! F , where F is a field, and let ' j. Then, the Low Degree Test of Construction 3.5 requires O(') randomness and query length, poly(') answer length and satisfies: completeness: If f is a degree-d polynomial, then there exist and so that the test always accepts. 7 Rather than using much stronger results obtained via a more complicated analysis, as in [ALMSS], which rely on the Lemma of [AS]. soundness: For every there exists an ffl ? 0 so that for every f which is at distance at least ffi from any degree-d polynomial and for every and , the test rejects with probability at least ffl. Furthermore, the constant ffl is a polynomial in ffi which does not depend on n; d and F . As a corollary, we get Lemma 1.3. proof: As usual, the completeness clause is easy to establish. We thus turn to the soundness requirement. By Claim 3.4, we may apply Lemma 3.2 to the first sub-test and infer that either the first sub-test fails with some constant probability (say ffl 1 ) or there exists a function - : F n 7! F so that with very high constant probability (say entry i;j holds for all On the other hand, by [GLRSW] (see also [S95, Thm 3.3] and [RS96, Thm 5]), either or - is very close (specifically at distance at most 1=(d polynomial. A key observation is that the Main Construction (i.e., Construction 3.3) has the property that rows in are distributed identically to the distribution in Eq. (13). Thus, for every j 2 [k] either or - is at distance at most ffi 2 some degree-d polynomial. However, we claim that in case Eq. (14) holds, the second sub-test will reject with constant probability. The claim is proven by first considering copies of the GLRSW Test (i.e., the test in Eq. (14)). Using Chebishev's Inequality and the hypothesis by which each copy rejects with probability at least 1=2(d we conclude that the probability that none of these copies rejects is bounded above by 2(d+2) 2 1. Thus, the second sub-test must reject with probability at least ffl 2 accounts for the substitution of the - values by the entries in \Gamma(\Delta). We conclude that - must be -close to a degree-d polynomial or else the test rejects with too high probability (i.e., Finally, we claim that if f disagrees with - on of the inputs then the third sub-test rejects with probability at least ffl 3 the distance from f to - is bounded by the sum of the distances of f to the matrix and of - to the matrix). The proposition follows using some arithmetics: Specifically, we set Lemma 3.2), and verify that 4 Proof of Lemma 1.1 There should be an easier and direct way of proving Lemma 1.1. However, having proven Lemma 2.2, we can apply it 8 to derive a short proof of Lemma 1.1. To this end we view '-multisets over S 8 This is indeed an over-kill. For example, we can avoid all complications regarding shifts (in the proof of Lemma 2.2). as k-by-k matrices, where '. Recall that the resulting set of matrices satisfies Axioms 1-4. Thus, by Lemma 2.2, in case the test accepts with probability at least 1 \Gamma ffl, there exists a function such that is the set of all k-multisets over S and E l (A) is the set of all l-multisets extending A. We can think of this probability space as first selecting B 2R S k 2 and next selecting a k-subset A in B. Thus, where denotes the set of all k-multisets contained in B. This implies as otherwise Eq. (15) is violated. (The probability that a random k-subset hits a subset of densityk is at least 1.) The lemma follows. A previous version of this paper [GS96] has stated a stronger version of Lemma 1.1, where the sequences F are claimed to be identical (rather than different on at most k locations), for a fraction of all possible Unfortunately, the proof given there was not correct - a mistake in the concluding lines of the proof of Claim 4.2.9 was found by Madhu Sudan. Still we conjecture that the stronger version holds as well, and that it can be established by a test which examines two random 1)-extensions of a random k-subset. Acknowledgment We are grateful to Madhu Sudan for pointing out an error in an earlier version, and for other helpful comments. --R Proof Verification and Intractability of Approximation Problems. Probabilistic Checkable Proofs: A New Characterization of NP. Transparent Proofs and Limits to Approximation. Checking Computations in Polylogarithmic Time. Hiding Instances in Multioracle Queries. Free Bits Efficient Probabilistically Checkable Proofs and Applications to Approximation. Improved Non-Approximability Results Approximating Clique is almost NP-complete On the Power of Multi-Prover Interactive Pro- tocols Some Improvement to Total Degree Tests. A Taxonomy of Proof Systems. Proofs that Yield Nothing but their Validity or All Languages in NP Have Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems A Combinatorial Consistency Lemma with application to proving the PCP Theorem. The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof Systems. Clique is Hard to Approximate within n 1 Fully Parallelized Multi Prover Protocols for NEXP-time Algebraic Methods for Interactive Proof Systems. Testing Polynomial Functions Efficiently and over Rational Domains. Robust Characterization of Polynomials with Application to Program Testing. Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Approximation Problems. --TR --CTR Eli Ben-Sasson , Oded Goldreich , Prahladh Harsha , Madhu Sudan , Salil Vadhan, Robust pcps of proximity, shorter pcps and applications to coding, Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, June 13-16, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA Eli Ben-Sasson , Madhu Sudan, Robust locally testable codes and products of codes, Random Structures & Algorithms, v.28 n.4, p.387-402, July 2006
parallelization of probabilistic proof systems;probabilistically checkable proofs PCP;low-degree tests
Reducibility and Completeness in Private Computations.
We define the notions of reducibility and completeness in (two-party and multiparty) private computations. Let g be an n-argument function. We say that a function f is reducible to a function g if n honest-but-curious players can compute the function f n-privately, given a black box for g (for which they secretly give inputs and get the result of operating g on these inputs). We say that g is complete (for private computations) if every function f is reducible to g.In this paper, we characterize the complete boolean functions: we show that a boolean function g is complete if and only if g itself cannot be computed n-privately (when there is no black box available). Namely, for n-argument boolean functions, the notions of completeness and n-privacy are complementary. This characterization provides a huge collection of complete functions any nonprivate boolean function!) compared to very few examples that were given (implicitly) in previous work. On the other hand, for nonboolean functions, we show that these two notions are not complementary.
Introduction We consider (two party and multi-party) private computations. Quite informally, given an arbitrary n- argument function f , a t-private protocol should allow n players, each possessing an individual secret input, to satisfy simultaneously the following two constraints: (1) (Correctness): all players learn the value of f and (2) (Privacy): no set of at most t (faulty) players learns more about the initial inputs of other players than is implicitly revealed by f 's output. This problem, also known as secure computation, have been examined in the literature with two substantially different types of faulty players - malicious (i.e. Byzantine) players and honest-but-curious players. Below we discuss some known results with respect to each of these two types of players. Secure computation for malicious players. Malicious players may deviate from the prescribed protocol in an arbitrary manner, in order to violate the correctness and privacy constraints. The first This paper is based on (but not completely covers) two conference papers; a 1991 paper by Kilian [K-91] and a 1994 paper by Kushilevitz, Micali, and Ostrovsky [KMO-94]. y NEC Research Institute, New Jersey. E-mail: . z Department of Computer Science, Technion. Research supported by the E. and J. Bishop Research Fund and by the Fund for the Promotion of Research at the Technion. Part of this research was done while the author was at Aiken Computation Lab., Harvard University, Supported by research contracts ONR-N0001491-J-1981 and NSF-CCR-90-07677. E-mail: . x Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT. Supported by NSF Grant CCR-9121466. - Bell Communication Research, MCC-1C365B 445 South Street Morristown, New Jersey 07960-6438. E-mail: honest-but-curious players malicious players computational model [Yao-82, GMW-87] (assuming trapdoor permutations t - private-channels model Figure 1: The number of faulty players, t, tolerable in each of the basic secure computation models (with general protocols for secure computation were given in [Yao-82, Yao-86] for the two-party case, and by [GMW-87] for the multi-party case. Other solutions were given in, e.g., [GHY-87, GV-87, BGW-88, CCD-88, BB-89, RB-89, CKOR-97] based on various assumptions (either intractability assumptions or physical assumptions such as the existence of private (untappable) communication channels between each pair of players). These solutions give t-privacy for ndepending on the assumption made. (See Figure 1 for a summary of the main results.) Secure computation for honest-but-curious players. Honest-but-curious players must always follow the protocol precisely but are allowed to "gossip" afterwards. Namely, some of the players may put together the information in their possession at the end of the execution in order to infer additional information about the original individual inputs. It should be realized that in this honest-but-curious model enforcing the correctness constraint is easy, but enforcing the privacy constraint is hard. The honest-but- curious scenario is not only interesting on its own (e.g., for modeling security against outside listeners or against passive adversary that wants to remain undetected); its importance also stems from "compiler- type" theorems, such as the one proved by [GMW-87] 1 (with further extensions in many subsequent papers, for example, [BGW-88, CCD-88, RB-89]). This type of theorems provide algorithms for transforming any t-private protocol with respect to honest-but-curious players into a t 0 -private protocol with respect to malicious players (t 0 - t). Surprisingly, much of the research efforts were devoted to the more complicated case of malicious players, while the case of honest players is far from being well understood. In this paper we examine the latter setting. Information theoretic privacy. 2 The information theoretic model was first examined by [BGW-88, CCD-88]. In particular, they prove that every function is dn=2e-private (in the setting of honest-but- curious players; see Figure 1). The information theoretic model was then the subject of considerable work (e.g., [CKu-89, BB-89, CGK-90, CGK-92, CFGN-96, KOR-96, HM-97, BW-98]). Particularly, [CKu-89] characterized the boolean functions for which n-private protocols exist: an n-argument boolean function f is n-private if and only if it can be represented as where each f i is boolean. Namely, f is n-private if and only if it is the exclusive-or of n local functions. An immediate corollary of this is that most boolean functions are not n-private (even with respect to honest-but-curious players). Our contribution. We formally define the notion of reducibility among multi-party protocol problems. We say that f is reducible to g, if there is a protocol that allows the n players to compute the value of f 1 The reader is referred to [G-98] for a fully detailed treatment of the [Yao-82, GMW-87] results. 2 in oppose to computational-privacy n-privately, in the information theoretic sense, just by repeatedly using a black-box (or a trusted party) for computing g. That is, in any round of the protocol, the players secretly supply arguments to the black-box and then the black-box publicly announces the result of operating g on these arguments. We stress that the only means of communication among the players is by interacting with the black-box (i.e., evaluating g). For example, it is clear that every function is reducible to itself (all players secretly give their private inputs to the black-box and it announces the result). Naturally, we can also define the notion of completeness. A function g is complete if every function f is reducible to g. The importance of this notion relies on the following observation: If g is complete, and g can be computed t-privately in some "reasonable" setting 3 (such as the settings of [GMW-87, BGW-88] etc.), then any function f can be computed t-privately in the same setting. Moreover, from our construction a stronger result follows: if in addition the implementation of g is efficient then so is the implementation of f (see below). The above observation holds since our definition of reduction requires the highest level of privacy (n), the strongest notion of privacy (information theoretic), a simple use of g (black box), and it avoids making any (physical or computational) assumptions. Hence the straightforward simulation, in which each invocation of the black-box for g is replaced by an invocation of a "t-private" protocol for g, works in any "reasonable" setting (i.e. any setting which is not too weak to prevent simulation) and yields a "t-private" protocol for f . Previously, there was no easy way to translate protocols from one model (such as the models of [Yao-82, GMW-87, BGW-88, CCD-88, RB-89, FKN-94]) to other models. It can be seen that if g is complete then g itself cannot be n-private. The inverse is the less obvious part: since the definition of completeness requires that the same function g will be used for computing all functions f , and since the definition of reductions seems very restrictive, it may be somewhat surprising that complete functions exist at all. Some examples of complete functions implicitly appear in the literature (without discussing the notions of reducibility and completeness). First such results were shown in [Yao-82, GMW-87, K-88]. In this work we prove the existence of complete functions for n-private computations. Moreover, while previous research concentrated on finding a single complete function, our main theorem characterizes all the boolean functions which are complete: Main Theorem: For all n - 2, an n-argument boolean function g is complete if and only if g is not n-private. Our result thus shows a very strong dichotomy: every boolean function g is either "simple enough" so that it can be computed n-privately (in the information theoretic model), or it is "sufficiently expressive" so that a black-box for it enables computing any function (not only boolean) n-privately (i.e., g is complete). We stress that there is no restriction on g, beside being non-n-private boolean function, and that no relation between the function g and the function f that we wish to compute is assumed. Note that using the characterization of [CKu-89] it is easy to determine whether a given boolean function g is complete. That is, a boolean function g is complete if and only if it cannot be represented as each g i is boolean. Some features of our result. To prove the completeness of a function g as above, we present an appropriate construction with the following additional properties: ffl We consider the most interesting scenario, where both the reduced function, f , and the function g are n-argument functions (where n is the number of players). This enables us to organize the reduction in rounds, where in each round each player submits a value of a single argument to g (and the value of 3 A setting consists of defining the type of communication, type of privacy, assumptions made etc. each argument is supplied by exactly one player). 4 Thus, no player is "excluded" at any round from the evaluation of g. Our results however remain true even if the number of arguments of g is different from the number of arguments of f . ffl Our construction evaluates the n-argument function g only on a constant number of n-tuples (hence, a partial implementation of g may be sufficient). ffl When we talk about privacy, we put no computational restrictions on the power of the players; hence we get information-theoretic privacy. However, when we talk about protocols, we measure their efficiency in terms of the computational complexity of f (i.e., the size of a circuit that computes f ); and in terms of a parameter k (our protocol allows error probability of 2 \Gamma\Omega\Gamma The protocol we introduce is efficient (polynomial) in all these measures. 5 We stress, though, that the n-tuples with which we use the function g are chosen non-uniformly (namely, they are encoded in the protocol) for the particular choices of g and n (the size of the network). These n-tuples do not depend though neither on the size of the inputs to the protocol nor on the function f . Our main theorem gives a full characterization of the boolean functions g which are complete (those that are not n-private). When non-boolean functions are considered, it turns out that the above simple characterization is no longer true. That is, we show that there are (non-boolean) functions which are not n-private, yet are not complete. Overview of the proof. Our proof goes along the following lines: 1. We define the notion of embedded-OR for two-argument functions and appropriately generalize this notion to the case of n-argument functions. We then show that if an n-argument function is not private then it contains an embedded-OR. For the case immediately from the characterization of [CKu-89]; the case n ? 2 requires some additional technical work. 2. We show how an embedded-OR can be used to implement an Oblivious Transfer (OT) channel/primitive. 6 (It should be emphasized that an OT channel in a multi-party setting has the additional requirement that listeners do not get any information; we prove however that this property is already implied by the basic properties of two-party OT). Finally, it follows from the work of [GHY-87, GV-87, K-88, BG-89, GL-90] that n-private computation of any function f can be implemented given OT channels. All together, our main theorem follows. Organization of the paper. In Section 2 we specify our model and provide some necessary definitions. In Section 3 we prove our main lemma that shows the existence of an embedded-OR in every non n- private, boolean function; In Section 4 we use the main lemma (i.e., the existence of an embedded-OR) to implement OT channels between players; In Section 5 we use the construction of OT channels to prove our main theorem. Finally, Section 6 contains a discussion of the results and some open problems. For completeness, we include in the appendix a known protocol for private computations using OT channels (including its formal proof). Which player submits which argument is a permutation specified by the reduction. Evaluating g on any assignment is assumed to take a unit time. All other operations (communication, computation steps, etc.) are measured in the regular way. 6 Oblivious transfer is a protocol for two players: a sender that holds two bit b0 and b1 and a receiver that holds a selection bit s. At the end of the protocol the receiver gets the bit bs but has no information about the value of the other bit, while the sender has no information about s. Model and Definitions Let f be an n-argument function defined over a finite domain D. Consider a collection of n - 2 synchronous, computationally unbounded players that communicate using a black-box for g, as described below. At the beginning of an execution, each player P i has an input x i 2 D. In addition, each player can flip unbiased and independent random coins. We denote by r i the string of random bits flipped by P i (sometimes we refer to the string r i as the random input of P i ). The players wish to compute the value of a function f(x 1 To this end, they use a prescribed protocol F . In the i-th round of the protocol, every processor P j secretly sends a message m i j to the black-box g. 7 The protocol F specifies which argument to the black-box is provided by which player. The black-box then publicly announces the result of evaluating the function g on the input messages. Formally, with each round i the protocol associates a permutation - i . The value computed by the black-box at round i, denoted s i , is s Each message m i sent by P j to the black-box in the i-th round, is determined by its input and the output of the black-box in previous rounds We say that the protocol F computes the function f if the last value (or the last sequence of values in the case of non-boolean f) announced by the black-box equals the value of is a (confidence) parameter and the probability is over the choice of r Let F be an n-party protocol, as described above. The communication S(~x; ~r) is the concatenation of all messages announced by the black-box, while executing F on inputs x inputs We often consider the communication S while fixing ~x and some of the r i 's; in this case, the communication should be thought of as a random-variable where each of the r i 's that were not fixed is chosen according to the corresponding probability distribution. For example, if T is a set of players then variable describing the communication when each player P i holds input x i , each player in T holds random input r i , and the random inputs for all players in T are chosen randomly. The definition of privacy considers the distribution of such random variables. F be an n-party protocol which computes a function f , and let T ' ng be a set of players (coalition). We say that coalition T does not learn any additional information from the execution of F if the following holds: For every two input vectors ~x and ~y that agree on their T entries (i.e. every choice of random inputs for the coalition's parties, fr i g i2T , and for every communication S Informally, this definition implies that for all inputs which "look the same" from the coalition's point of view (and for which, in particular, f has the same value), the communication also "look the same" (it is identically distributed). Therefore, by executing F , the coalition T cannot infer any information on the inputs of T , other than what follows from the inputs of T and the value of the function. computing f , using a black-box g, is t-private if any coalition T of at most players does not learn any additional information from the execution of the protocol. A function f is t-private (with respect to the black-box g) if there exists a t-private protocol that uses the black-box g and computes f . be an n-argument function. We say that the black-box g (alternatively, the function g) is complete if every function f is n-private with respect to the black-box g. 7 Notice that we do not assume private point-to-point communication among players. On the other hand, we do allow private communication between players and the black-box for computing g. Oblivious Transfer is a protocol for two players S, the sender , and R, the receiver. It was first defined by Rabin [R-81] and since then was studied in many works (e.g., [W-83, FMR-85, K-88, IL-89, OVY-91]). The variant of OT protocol that we use here, which is often referred to as originally defined in [EGL-85]. It was shown equivalent to other notions of OT (see, for example [R-81, EGL-85, BCR-86, B-86, C-87, K-88, CK-88]). The formalization of OT that we give is in terms of the probability distribution of the communication transcripts between the two players: Definition 4 Oblivious Transfer (OT): Let k be a (confidence) parameter. The sender S initially has two bits b 0 and b 1 and the receiver R has a selection bit c. After the protocol completion the following holds: Correctness: Receiver R gets the value of b c with probability greater than 1\Gamma2 \Gamma\Omega\Gamma where the probability is taken over the coin-tosses of S and R. More formally, let r S , r R 2 f0; 1g poly(k) be the random tapes of S and R respectively, and denote the communication string by comm(fb (Again, when one (or both) of r S ; r R is unspecified then comm becomes a random variable.) Then, for all k and for all c; b the following holds: Pr r S ;r R (R(c; (R(c; r R ; comm) denotes the output of receiver R when it has a selection bit c, random input r R and the communication in the protocol is comm.) Sender's Privacy: Receiver R does not get any information about b 1\Gammac . (In other words, R has the "same view" in the case where b and in the case where b 1). Formally, for all k, for all c; b c 2 f0; 1g, for all r R and for all communication comm: Pr r S Receiver's Privacy: Sender S does not get any information about c. (In other words, S has the "same view" in the case where and in the case where c = 1). Formally, for all k, for all b for all r S and for all communication comm: Pr r R REMARK: We emphasize that both S and R are honest (but curious) and assumed to follow the protocol. When OT is defined with respect to cheating players, it is usually allowed that with probability information will leak. This however is not needed for honest players. 3 A New Characterization of n-private Boolean Functions In this section we prove our main lemma which establishes a new combinatorial characterization of the family of n-private boolean functions. First, we define what it means for a two-argument boolean function to have an "embedded-OR" and use [CKu-89] to claim that any two-argument boolean function which is not 1-private contains an embedded-OR. We then generalize the definition and the claim to multi-argument functions in the appropriate way. Definition 5 We say that a two-argument function h contains an embedded-OR if there exist inputs and an output value oe such that h(x 1 Definition 6 We say that an n-argument (n - contains an embedded-OR if there exist jg, such that the two-argument function contains an embedded-OR. The following facts are proven in [CKu-89] (or follow trivially from it): 1. An n-argument boolean function is dn=2e-private if and only if it can be written as f(x 2. A two-argument boolean function f is not 1-private if and only if it contains an embedded-OR. 3. If an n-argument boolean function is dn=2e-private then it is n-private. 4. An n-argument boolean function f is dn=2e-private if and only if in every partition of the indices ng into two sets S, each of size at most dn=2e, the two-argument boolean function f S defined by is 1-private. Our main lemma extends Fact 2 above to the case of multi-argument functions. boolean, n-argument function. The function g is not dn=2e-private if and only if it contains an embedded-OR. Proof: Clearly, if g contains an embedded-OR then there is a partition of the indices, as in Fact 4, such that the corresponding two-argument function g S contains an embedded-OR (e.g., if are the indices guaranteed by Definition 6 then include the index i in S, the index j in - S, and partition the other indices arbitrarily into two halves between S and - S). Hence, g S is not 1-private and so, by Fact 4, g is not dn=2e-private. For the other direction, since g is not dn=2e-private then, again by Fact 4, there is a partition S of the indices ng such that g S is not 1-private. For simplicity of notations, we assume that n is even and that n=2g. By Fact 2, the two-argument function g S contains an embedded-OR. Hence, by Definition 5, there exist inputs u; v; w; z and a value oe 2 f0; 1g which form the following structure: where u 6= v and w 6= z. To complete the proof, we will show below that it is possible to choose these four inputs so that u i 6= v i for exactly one coordinate i and w j 6= z j for exactly one coordinate j (this will show that g satisfies the condition of Definition 6). To this end, we will first show how based on the inputs above we can find u 0 and v 0 which are different in exactly one coordinate. Then, based on the new u and a similar argument, we can find w which are different in exactly one coordinate. All this process is done in a way that maintains the OR-like structure, and therefore, by using the above values of i; j, fixing all the other arguments in S to u 0 k and all the other arguments in - S to w 0 k , we get that g itself contains an embedded-OR. ng be the set of indices on which u and v disagree (i.e., indices k such that u k 6= v k ). Define the following sets of vectors: Tm is the set of all vectors that can be obtained from the vector u by replacing the value u k in exactly m coordinates from L (in which v k 6= u k ) by the value v k . In particular, fvg. In addition, we define the following two sets of vectors: and where w and z are the specific vectors we choose above. In particular, we have We now claim that there must exist Namely, the vector u 0 is in X 1 , the vector v 0 is in differ in exactly one coordinate. Suppose, towards a contradiction, that this is not true (i.e., no such We will show that this implies that Tm ' X 1 , for all contradicting the fact that v which is in T jLj belongs to X 2 . The proof is by induction. It is true for contains only u which is in X 1 . Suppose the induction hypothesis holds for m. That is, Tm ' X 1 . For each vector x in Tm+1 , there is a vector in Tm which differs from x in exactly one coordinate. Since we assumed that as above do not exist, this immediately implies that x is also in X 1 hence Tm+1 ' X 1 , as needed. Therefore, we reached a contradiction which implies the existence of u That is, we found that differ in a single index i (i.e., u 0 and such that u still form an OR-like structure: oe A similar argument shows the existence of w that differ in a single index j and such that the vectors form an OR-like structure: oe This shows that g contains an embedded-OR (with indices required by Definition 6). 2 Constructing Embedded Oblivious Transfer The first, very simple, observation is that given a black-box for a function g that contains an embedded- OR, we can actually compute the OR of two bits. That is, suppose that the n players wish to compute is a bit held by player P k and b ' is a bit held by player P ' . Let the indices and inputs as guaranteed by Definitions 5 and 6. Then, player P k will provide the black box with the i-th argument which is x b k (i.e., if b then the argument provided by P k is x 0 and if b then the argument is x 1 ) and player P ' will provide the black box with the j-th argument which is x b ' The other players will provide the fixed values a in an arbitrary order. The black-box will answer with the value which is oe if OR(b different than oe if OR(b Hence, we showed how to compute Our main goal in this section is to show how, based on a black-box that can compute OR we can implement an Oblivious Transfer (OT) protocol. We start with the two-party case proceed to the general case which builds upon the two-party case. 4.1 The Two-Party Case In this section we show how to implement a two-party OT protocol. We start by implementing a variant of OT, called random OT (or ROT for short), which is different than the standard OT (i.e., In a ROT protocol the sender S has a bit s to be sent. At the end of the protocol, the receiver R gets a bit s 0 such that with probability 1=2 the bit s 0 equals s and with probability 1=2 the bit s 0 is random. The receiver knows which of the two cases happened and the sender has no idea which is the case. We start with a formal definition of the ROT primitive: Definition 7 Random Oblivious Transfer (ROT): Let k be a (confidence) parameter. The sender S initially has a single input bit s (and the receiver has no input). After the protocol completion the following holds: Correctness: With probability greater than outputs a pair of bits is referred to as the indicator (otherwise R outputs fail). (As usual, the probability is taken over the coin-tosses of S and R, i.e., r S , r R 2 f0; 1g poly(k) .) Moreover, if the output of R satisfies (i.e., Pr r S ;r R Sender's Privacy: The probability that R outputs a pair exactly 1=2. That is, Pr r S ;r R Receiver's Privacy: Sender S does not get any information about I. (In other words, S has the "same view" in the case where I = 0 and in the case where I = 1). Formally, for all k, for all s 2 f0; 1g, for all r S and for all communication comm: Pr r R (comm(s; r Transformations of ROT protocols to are well-known [C-87]. 8 Our ROT protocol is implemented as follows: 8 Assume that the sender, S, has two bits b0 ; b1 and the receiver, R, has a selection bit c. The players S and R repeat the following for at most times: at each time S tries to send to R a pair of random bits (s1 ; s2) using two invocations of ROT. If in both trials the receiver gets the actual bit or in both trials he gets a random bit then they try for another time. If the receiver got exactly one of s1 and s2 he sends the sender a permutation of the indices - (i.e., either (1; 2) or (2; 1)) such that s -(c) is known to him. The sender replies with b1 \Phi s . The receiver can now retrieve the bit bc and knows nothing about the other bit. The sender, by observing - learns nothing about c (since he does not know from the invocation of the ROT protocols in which invocation the receiver got the actual bit and in which he got a random bit). Thus, we get a protocol based on the ROT protocol. a. The sender, S, and the receiver, R, repeat the following until c (and at most S chooses a pair (a 1 ; a 2 ) out of the two pairs f(1; 0); (0; 1)g, each with probability 1=2. R chooses a pair (b out of the three pairs f(1; 0); (0; 1); (1; 1)g, each with probability 1=3. S and R compute (using the black-box) c b. If c to R. The receiver R outputs outputs in addition, R outputs s c. If in all m times no choices (a 1 ; a 2 ) and (b are such that c the protocol halts and R outputs fail. To analyze the protocol we observe the following properties of it: 1. If (b This happens in two of the six choices of (a 1 ; a 2 ) and (b In each of the other four choices we get c Therefore, the probability of failure in exponentially small. 2. Conditioned on the case c out of the four remaining cases) and (b 3. In case that (b 1 In this case R outputs I = 1, as needed. In case that (b 1 1), each of the two choices of (a 1 ; a 2 ) is equally likely and therefore a 1 and hence also w and s 0 are random (i.e., each has the value 0 with probability 1=2 and the value 1 with probability 1=2). In this case R outputs I = 0, as needed. 4. As argued in 3, if the protocol does not fail then R knows the "correct" value of I (since he knows the values of b The sender, on the other hand, based on (a 1 ; a 2 ) cannot know which of the two equally-probable events, (b happened and therefore he sees the same view whether we are in the case I = 1 or in the case I = 0. Properties 1 and 3 above imply the correctness of the ROT protocol while properties 2 and 4 imply the sender's privacy and receiver's privacy (respectively). Hence, combining the above construction (including the transformation of the ROT protocol to a Lemma 2 An OT-channel between two players is realizable given a black-box g, for any non-2-private function g. 4.2 The Multi-Party Case (n ? We have shown in our main lemma (Lemma 1) that any non n-private function g contains an embedded- OR. Thus, as explained above, we can use the black-box for g to compute the OR of two bits held by two players P k and P ' (where the other players assist by specifying the fixed arguments given by our main lemma). Then, based on the ability to compute OR, we showed in Section 4.1 above how any two players can implement an OT channel between them in a way that satisfies the properties of OT (in particular, the privacy of the sender and the receiver with respect to each other). However, there is a subtle difficulty in implementing a private OT-channel in a multi-player system which we must address: beside the usual properties of an OT channel (as specified by Definition 4), we should guarantee that the information transmitted between the two owners of the channel will not be revealed to potential listeners (i.e., the other players). If the OT channel is implemented "physically" then clearly no information is revealed to the listeners. However, since we implement OT using a black-box to some function g, which publicly announces each of its outcomes, we must also prove that this reveals no information to the listeners. That is, the communication comm should be distributed in the same way, for all values of b The following lemma shows that the security of the OT protocol with respect to listeners is, in fact, already guaranteed by the basic properties of the OT protocol; namely, the security of the protocol with respect to both the receiver and the sender. Lemma 3 Consider any (two-player) OT protocol. For every possible communication comm, the probability Pr r S ;r R is the same for all values b 0 and b 1 for the sender and c for the receiver. (In other words, a listener sees the same probability distribution of communications no matter what are the inputs held by the sender and the receiver in the OT protocol.) Proof: Consider the following 8 probabilities corresponding to all possible values of b 1. Pr r S ;r R 2. Pr r S ;r R 3. Pr r S ;r R 4. Pr r S ;r R 5. Pr r S ;r R 7. Pr r S ;r R 8. Pr r S ;r R The receiver's privacy property implies that the terms (1) and (2) are equal, (3) and (4) are equal, (5) and are equal, and (7) and (8) are equal. The sender's privacy property implies that the terms (1) and (3) are equal, (5) and (7) are equal, (2) and (6) are equal, and (4) and (8) are equal. All together, we get that all 8 probabilities are equal, as desired. 2 5 A Completeness Theorem for Multi-Party Boolean Black-Box Reduction In this section we state the main theorem and provide its proof. It is based on a protocol that can tolerate honest-but-curious players, assuming the existence of an OT-channel between each pair of players. Such protocols appear in [GHY-87, GV-87, K-88, BG-89, GL-90] (these works deal also with malicious players). That is, by these works we get the following lemma (for self-containment, both a protocol and its proof of security appear in the appendix): Lemma 4 Given OT channels between each pair of players, any n-argument function f can be computed n-privately (in time polynomial in the size of a boolean circuit for f ). We are now ready to state our main theorem: Theorem 1 (MAIN:) Let n - 2 and let g be an n-argument boolean function. The function g is complete if and only if it is not n-private. Proof: First, we show that any complete g cannot be n-private. Towards the contradiction let us assume that there exists such a function g which is n-private and complete. This implies that all functions are n-private (as instead of using the black-box g the players can evaluate g by using the n-private protocol for g). This however contradicts the results of [BGW-88, CKu-89] that show the existence of functions which are not n-private. Next (and this is where the bulk of the work is) we show how to compute any function n-privately, given a black-box for any g which is not n-private. Recall that there exists a protocol that can tolerate honest-but-curious players, assuming the existence of OT-channels (Lemma 4). Also, we have shown how a black-box, computing any non-private function, can be used to simulate OT channels (Lemma 2 and 3). Combining all together we get the result. 2 The theorem implies that "most" boolean functions are complete. That is, any boolean function which is not of the XOR-form of [CKu-89] is complete. 6 Conclusions and Further Extensions 6.1 Non-boolean Functions We have shown that any non-n-private boolean function g is complete. Namely, a black-box for such a function g can be used for computing any function f n-privately. Finally, let us briefly turn our attention to non-boolean functions. First, we emphasize that if a function g contains an embedded-OR then it is still complete even if it is non-boolean (all the arguments go through as they are; in particular note that Definitions 5 and 6 of embedded-OR apply for the non-boolean case as well). For the non-boolean case, we can state the following proposition: Proposition 2 For every n - 2 there exists a (non-boolean) n-argument function g which is not n-private, yet such that g is not complete. Proof: The proof for 2-argument g is as follows: there are non-private two-argument functions which do not contain an embedded OR. Examples of such functions were shown in [Ku-89] (see Figure 2). We now show that with no embedded-OR one cannot compute the OR function. Assume, towards a contradiction, that there is some two-argument function f which does not have an embedded-OR, yet it could be used to compute the OR function. Since f can be used to compute the OR function, we can use it to implement OT (Lemma 2). Hence, there exists an implementation of OT based on some f which does not have an embedded-OR. However, [K-91] has shown that for two-argument functions, only the ones that contain an embedded-OR, can be used to implement OT, deriving a contradiction. For n-argument functions, notice that if we define a function g (on n arguments) to depend only on its first two arguments, we are back to the 2-argument case, as the resulting function is not n-private. 2 To conclude, we have shown that for boolean case, the notions of completeness and privacy are exactly complementary , while for the non-boolean case they are not . Figure 2: A non-private function which does not contain an embedded-OR 6.2 Additional Remarks In this section, we briefly discuss some possible extensions and easy generalizations of our results. The first issue that we address is the need for the protocol to specify the permutation - i that is used in each round i (for mapping the players to the arguments for the black-box g). Note that in our construction, we use the black-box only for computing the OR function on two arguments. For this, we need to map some two players P k and P ' , holding these two arguments, to the special coordinates i; j, guaranteed by the definition of embedded-OR. Therefore, without loss of generality, the sequence of permutations can be made oblivious (i.e., independent of the function f computed) at a price of O(n 2 ) multiplicative factor to the rounds (and time). Moreover, at a price of O(n 4 ) the sequence of permutations can even be made independent of the non-n-private function g. Finally, note that if g is a symmetric function (which is often the "interesting" case), then there is no need to permute the inputs to g. Next, we recall the assumption that the number of arguments of g is the same as the number of arguments of f (i.e., n). Again, it follows from our constructions that this is not essential to any of our results: all that is needed is the ability for the two players that wish to compute the OR function in a certain step, to do so by providing the two distinguished arguments and all the other (fixed) arguments can be provided by arbitrary players (e.g., all of them by P 1 ). In our definitions we require perfect privacy. That is, we require that the two distributions in Definition 1 are identical. One can relax this definition of privacy to require only statistical indistinguishability of distributions or only computational indistinguishability of distributions. For these definitions we refer the reader to the papers mentioned in the introduction. Note that if f can be computed "privately", under any of these notions, using a black-box for g and if g can be computed t-privately, under any of these notions, then also the function f can be computed t-privately, under the appropriate notion of privacy (i.e., the weaker among the two). Finally, we note that the negative result of [CKu-89] allows a probability of error; hence, even a weaker notion of reduction that allows for errors in computing f does not change the family of complete functions. This impossibility result (i.e., first direction of the main theorem) still holds even if we allow the players to communicate not only using the black-box but also using other types of communication such as point- to-point communication channels. 6.3 Open Questions The above results can be easily extended to show that any boolean g which is complete can also be used for a private computation of any multi-output function f (i.e., a function whose output is an n-tuple (y where y i is the output that should be given to P i ). This is so, because Lemma 4 still holds. On the other hand, it is an interesting question to characterize the multi-output functions g that are complete (even in the boolean case where each output of g is in f0; 1g). It is not clear how to extend the model and the results to the case of malicious players in its full generality. Notice, however, that under the appropriate definition of the model, if we are given as a black-box the two-argument OR function we can still implement private channels (see [KMO-94] for details), and hence by [BGW-88, CCD-88] can implement any f , n=3-privately with respect to malicious players. Suppose that we relax the notion of privacy to computational-privacy (as in [Yao-82, GMW-87]). In such a case, any computationally n-private implementation of an (information-theoretically) non-n- private (equivalently, complete) boolean function g implies the existence of a one-way function. This is so, since we have shown that such an implementation of g implies an implementation of OT, which in turn implies the existence of a one-way function by [IL-89]. However, the best known implementation of such protocols, for a function g as above, requires trapdoor one-way permutations [GMW-87]. It is an important question whether there exists an implementation based on a one-way function (or permutation) for functions without trap-door. This question has only some partial answers. In particular, when one of the players has super-polynomial power, this is possible [OVY-91]. However, if we focus on polynomial-time players and protocols, then the result of our paper together with the work of [IR-89] implies that for all complete functions, if we use only black-box reductions, this is as difficult as separating P from NP . Thus, using black-box reductions, complete functions seem to be hard to implement (with computational privacy) without a trapdoor property. Notice, however, that for non-boolean functions we have shown that there are functions which are not n-private and not complete. It is not known even if these functions can be implemented without using trapdoor, although the results of [IR-89] do not apply to this case. Acknowledgments We wish to thank Oded Goldreich for helpful discussions and very useful com- ments. We thank Mihir Bellare for pointing out to us in 1991 that the works of Chor, Kushilevitz and Kilian are complementary and thus imply a special case of our general result. Finally, we thank Amos Beimel for helpful comments. --R Completeness Theorems for Non-Cryptographic Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computation Applications of Oblivious Transfer Minimum Disclosure Proofs of Knowledge Information Theoretic Reductions among Disclosure Problems Multiparty Computation with Faulty Majority Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols Private Computations Over the Integers On the Structure of the Privacy Hierarchy Equivalence between Two Flavors of Oblivious Transfer A Randomized Protocol for Signing Contracts A minimal model for secure computation Cryptographic Computation: Secure Fault-Tolerant Protocols and the Public-Key Model Secure Multi-Party Computation How to Play any Mental Game How to Solve any Protocol Problem - An efficiency Improvement Fair Computation of General Functions in Presence of Immoral Majority The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof- Systems Complete Characterization of Adversaries Tolerable in Secure Multi-Party Computation On the Limitations of certain One-Way Permutations Basing Cryptography on Oblivious Transfer Completeness Theorem for Two-party Secure Computation Privacy and Communication Complexity Characterizing Linear Size Circuits in Terms of Privacy Amortizing Randomness in Private Multiparty Computations Reducibility and Completeness In Multi-Party Private Computations A Randomness-Rounds Tradeoff in Private Computation Fair Games Against an All-Powerful Adversary Verifiable Secret Sharing and Multiparty Protocols with Honest Ma- jority How to Exchange Secrets by Oblivious Transfer Protocols for Secure Computations --TR --CTR Danny Harnik , Moni Naor , Omer Reingold , Alon Rosen, Completeness in two-party secure computation: a computational view, Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, June 13-16, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA
reducibility;oblivious-transfer;completeness;private computation
Application-Controlled Paging for a Shared Cache.
We propose a provably efficient application-controlled global strategy for organizing a cache of size k shared among P application processes. Each application has access to information about its own future page requests, and by using that local information along with randomization in the context of a global caching algorithm, we are able to break through the conventional $H_k \sim \ln k$ lower bound on the competitive ratio for the caching problem. If the P application processes always make good cache replacement decisions, our online application-controlled caching algorithm attains a competitive ratio of $2H_{P-1}+2 \sim 2 \ln P$. Typically, P is much smaller than k, perhaps by several orders of magnitude. Our competitive ratio improves upon the 2P+2 competitive ratio achieved by the deterministic application-controlled strategy of Cao, Felten, and Li. We show that no online application-controlled algorithm can have a competitive ratio better than min{HP-1,Hk}, even if each application process has perfect knowledge of its individual page request sequence. Our results are with respect to a worst-case interleaving of the individual page request sequences of the P application processes.We introduce a notion of fairness in the more realistic situation when application processes do not always make good cache replacement decisions. We show that our algorithm ensures that no application process needs to evict one of its cached pages to service some page fault caused by a mistake of some other application. Our algorithm not only is fair but remains efficient; the global paging performance can be bounded in terms of the number of mistakes that application processes make.
Introduction Caching is a useful technique for obtaining high performance in these days where the latency of disk access is relatively high. Today's computers typically have several application processes running concurrently on them, by means of time sharing and multiple processors. Some processes have special knowledge of their future access patterns. Cao et al [CFL94a, CFL94b] exploit this special knowledge to develop effective file caching strategies. An application providing specific information about its future needs is equivalent to the application having its own caching strategy for managing its own pages in cache. We consider the multi-application caching problem, formally defined in Section 3, in which P concurrently executing application processes share a common cache of size k. In Section 4 we propose an online application-controlled caching scheme in which decisions need to be taken at two levels: when a page needs to be evicted from cache, the global strategy chooses a victim process, but the process itself decides which of its pages will be evicted from cache. Each application process may use any available information about its future page requests when deciding which of its pages to evict. However, we assume no global information about the interleaving of the individual page request sequences; all our bounds are with respect to a worst-case interleaving of the individual request sequences Competitive ratios smaller than the H k lower bound for classical caching [FKL are possible for multi-application caching, because each application may employ future information about its individual page request sequence. 1 The application-controlled algorithm proposed by Cao, Felten, and Li [CFL94a] achieves a competitive ratio of which we prove in the Appendix. We show in Sections 5-7 that our new online application-controlled caching algorithm improves the competitive ratio to which is optimal up to a factor of 2 in the realistic scenario when k. (If we use the algorithm of [FKL + 91] for the case P - k, the resulting bound is optimal up to a factor of 2 for all P .) Our results are significant since P is often much smaller than k, perhaps by several orders of magnitude. In the scenario where application processes occasionally make bad page replacement decisions (or "mistakes"), we show in Section 8 that our online algorithm incurs very few page faults globally as a function of the number of mistakes. Our algorithm is also fair, in the sense that the mistakes made by one processor in its page replacement decisions do not worsen the page fault rate of other processors. Classical Caching and Competitive Analysis The well-known classical caching (or paging) problem deals with a two-level memory hierarchy consisting of a fast cache of size k and slow memory of arbitrary size. A Here Hn represents the nth harmonic number sequence of requests to pages is to be satisfied in their order of occurrence. In order to satisfy a page request, the page must be in fast memory. When a requested page is not in fast memory, a page fault occurs, and some page must be evicted from fast memory to slow memory in order to make room for the new page to be put into fast memory. The caching (or paging) problem is to decide which page must be evicted from the cache. The cost to be minimized is the number of page faults incurred over the course of servicing the page requests. Belady [Bel66] gives a simple optimum offline algorithm for the caching problem; the page chosen for eviction is the one in cache whose next request is furthest in the future. In order to quantify the performance of an online algorithm, Sleator and Tarjan [ST85] introduce the notion of competitiveness, which in the context of caching can be defined as follows: For a caching algorithm A, let FA (oe) be the number of page faults generated by A while processing page request sequence oe. If A is a randomized algorithm, we let FA (oe) be the expected number of page faults generated by A on processing oe, where the expectation is with respect to the random choices made by the algorithm. An online algorithm A is called c-competitive if for every page request sequence oe, we have FA (oe) - c \Delta FOPT (oe) fixed constant. The constant c is called the competitive ratio of A. Under this measure, an online algorithm's performance needs to be relatively good on worst-case page request sequences in order for the algorithm to be considered good. Sleator and Tarjan [ST85] show a lower bound of k on the competitive ratio of deterministic caching algorithm. Fiat et al [FKL prove a lower bound of H k if randomized algorithms are allowed. They also give a simple and elegant randomized algorithm for the problem that achieves a competitive ratio of 2H k . Sleator and McGeoch [MS91] give a rather involved randomized algorithm that attains the theoretically optimal competitive ratio of H k . 3 Multi-application Caching Problem In this paper we take up the theoretical issue of how best to use application pro- cesses' knowledge about their individual future page requests so as to optimize caching performance. For analysis purposes we use an online framework similar to that of As mentioned before, the caching algorithms in [FKL use absolutely no information about future page requests. Intuitively, knowledge about future page requests can be exploited to decide which page to evict from the cache at the time of a page fault. In practice an application often has advance knowledge of its individual future page requests. Cao, Felten and Li [CFL94a, CFL94b] introduced strategies that try to combine the advance knowledge of the processors in order to make intelligent page replacement decisions. In the multi-application caching problem we consider a cache capable of storing k pages that is shared by P different application processes, which we denote Each page in cache and memory belongs to ONLINE ALGORITHM FOR MULTI-APPLICATION CACHING 3 exactly one process. The individual request sequences of the processes may be interleaved in an arbitrary (worst-case) manner. Worst-case measure is often criticized when used for evaluating caching algorithms for individual application request sequences [BIRS91, KPR92], but we feel that the worst-case measure is appropriate for considering a global paging strategy for a cache shared by concurrent application processes that have knowledge of their individual page request sequences. The locality of reference within each application's individual request sequence is accounted for in our model by each application process's knowledge of its own future requests. The worst-case nature of our model is that it assumes nothing about the order and durations of time for which application processes are active. In this model our worst-case measure of competitive performance amounts to considering a worst-case interleaving of individual sequences. The approach of Cao et al [CFL94a] is to have the kernel deterministically choose the process owning the least recently used page at the time of a page fault and ask that process to evict a page of its choice (which may be different from the least recently used page). In Appendix A we show under the assumption that processes always make good page replacement decisions that Cao et al's algorithm has a competitive 2. The algorithm we present in the next section and analyze thereafter improves the competitive ratio to 2H P Online Algorithm for Multi-application Caching Our algorithm is an online application-controlled caching strategy for an operating system kernel to manage a shared cache in an efficient and fair manner. We show in the subsequent sections that the competitive ratio of our algorithm is 2H and that it is optimal to within a factor of about 2 among all online algorithms. (If we can use the algorithm of [FKL On a page fault, we first choose a victim process and then ask it to evict a suitable page. Our algorithm can detect mistakes made by application processes, which enables us to reprimand such application processes by having them pay for their mistakes. In our scheme, we mark pages as well as processes in a systematic way while processing the requests that constitute a phase. 1 The global sequence of page requests is partitioned into a consecutive sequence of phases; each phase is a sequence of page requests. At the beginning of each phase, all pages and processes are unmarked. A page gets marked during a phase when it is requested. A process is marked when all of its pages in cache are marked. A new phase begins when a page is requested that is not in cache and all the pages in cache are marked. A page accessed during a phase is called clean with respect to that phase if it was not in the online algorithm's cache at the beginning of a phase. A request to a clean page is called a clean page request. Each phase always begins with a clean page request. ONLINE ALGORITHM FOR MULTI-APPLICATION CACHING 4 Our marking scheme is similar to the one in [FKL + 91] for the classical caching problem. However, unlike the algorithm in [FKL + 91], the algorithm we develop is a non-marking algorithm, in the sense that our algorithm may evict marked pages. In addition, our notion of phase in Definintion 1 is different from the notion of phase in [FKL + 91], which can be looked upon as a special case of our more general notion. We put the differences into perspective in Section 4.1. Our algorithm works as follows when a page p belonging to process P r is requested: 1. If p is in cache: (a) If p is not marked, we mark it. (b) If process P r has no unmarked pages in cache, we mark P r . 2. If p is not in cache: (a) If process P r is unmarked and page p is not a clean page with respect to the ongoing phase (i.e, P r has made a mistake earlier in the phase by evicting p) then: i. We ask process P r to make a page replacement decision and evict one of its pages from cache in order to bring page p into cache. We mark page p and also mark process P r if it now has no unmarked pages in cache. (b) Else (process P r is marked or page p is a clean page, or both): i. If all pages in cache are marked, we remove marks from all pages and processes, and we start a new phase, beginning with the current request for p. ii. Let S denote the set of unmarked processes having pages in the cache. We randomly choose a process P e from S, each process being chosen with a uniform probability 1=jSj. iii. We ask process P e to make a page replacement decision and evict one of its pages from cache in order to bring page p into cache. We mark page p and also mark process P e if it now has no unmarked page in cache. Note that in Steps 2(a)i and 2(b)iii our algorithm seeks paging decisions from application processes that are unmarked. Consider an unmarked process P i that has been asked to evict a page in a phase, and consider P i 's pages in cache at that time. Let u i denote the farthest unmarked page of process P i ; that is, u i is the unmarked page of process P i whose next request occurs furthest in the future among all of P i 's unmarked cached pages. Note that process P i may have marked pages in cache whose next requests occur after the request for u i . 2 The good set of an unmarked process P i at the current point in the phase is the set consisting of its farthest unmarked page u i in cache and every marked page of P i in cache whose next request occurs after the next request for page u i . A page replacement decision made by an unmarked process P i in either Step 2(a)i or Step 2(b)iii that evicts a page from its good set is regarded as a good decision with respect to the ongoing phase. Any page from the good set of P i is a good page for eviction purposes at the time of the decision. Any decision made by an unmarked process P i that is not a good decision is regarded as a mistake by process P i . If a process P i makes a mistake by evicting a certain page from cache, we can detect the mistake made by P i if and when the same page is requested again by P i in the same phase while P i is still unmarked. In Sections 6 and 7 we specifically assume that application processes are always able to make good decisions about page replacement. In Section 8 we consider fairness properties of our algorithm in the more realistic scenario where processes can make mistakes. 4.1 Relation to Previous Work on Classical Caching Our marking scheme approach is inspired by a similar approach for the classical caching problem in [FKL + 91]. However, the phases defined by our algorithm are significantly different in nature from those in [FKL + 91]. Our phase ends when there are k distinct marked pages in cache; more than k distinct pages may be requested in the phase. The phases depend on the random choices made by the algorithm and are probabilistic in nature. On the other hand, a phase defined in [FKL exactly k distinct pages have been accessed, so that given the input request sequence, the phases can be determined independently of the caching algorithm being used. The definition in [FKL + 91] is suited to facilitate the analysis of online caching algorithms that never evict marked pages, called marking algorithms. In the case of marking algorithms, since marked pages are never evicted, as soon as k distinct pages are requested, there are k distinct marked pages in cache. This means that the phases determined by our definition for the special case of marking algorithms are exactly the same as the phases determined by the definition in [FKL + 91]. Note that our algorithm is in general not a marking algorithm since it may evict marked pages. While marking algorithms always evict unmarked pages, our algorithm always calls on unmarked processes to evict pages; the actual pages evicted may be marked. 5 Lower Bounds for OPT and Competitive Ratio In this section we prove that the competitive ratio of any online caching algorithm can be no better than minfH g. Let us denote by OPT the optimal offline algorithm for caching that works as follows: When a page fault occurs, OPT evicts the page whose next request is furthest in the future request sequence among all pages in cache. As in [FKL + 91], we will compare the number of page faults generated by our online algorithm during a phase with the number of page faults generated by OPT during that phase. We express the number of page fronts as a function of the number of clean page requests during the phase. Here we state and prove a lower bound on the (amortized) number of page faults generated by OPT in a single phase. The proof is a simple generalization of an analogous proof in [FKL + 91], which deals only with the deterministic phases of marking algorithms. Lemma 1 Consider any phase oe i of our online algorithm in which ' i clean pages are requested. Then OPT incurs an amortized cost of at least ' i =2 on the requests made in that phase. 2 be the number of clean pages in OPT 's cache at the beginning of phase is the number of pages requested in oe i that are in OPT 's cache but not in our algorithm's cache at the beginning of oe i . Let d i+1 represent the same quantity for the next phase oe i+1 . Let d dm of the d i+1 clean pages in OPT 's cache at the beginning of oe i+1 are marked during oe i and d u of them are not marked during oe i . Note that d Of the ' i clean pages requested during oe i , only d i are in OPT 's cache, so OPT generates at least ' during oe i . On the other hand, while processing the requests in oe i , OPT cannot use d u of the cache locations, since at the beginning of oe i+1 there are d u pages in OPT 's cache that are not marked during oe i . (These d u pages would have to be in OPT 's cache before oe i even began.) There are k marked pages in our algorithm's cache at the end of oe i , and there are dm other pages marked during oe i that are out of our algorithm's cache. So the number of distinct pages requested during oe i is at least dm k. Hence, OPT serves at least dm corresponding to oe i without using d u of the cache locations. This means that OPT generates at least (k during oe i . Therefore, the number of faults OPT generates on oe i is at least Let us consider the first j phases. In the jth phase of the sequence, OPT has at least ' faults. In the first phase, OPT generates k faults and k. Thus the sum of OPT 's faults over all phases is at least where we use the fact that d 2 - Thus by definition, the amortized number of faults OPT generates over any phase oe i is at least ' i =2. By "amortized" in Lemma 1 we mean for each j - 1 that the number of page faults made by OPT while serving the first j phases is at least is the number of clean page requests in the ith phase. Next we will construct a lower bound for the competitive ratio of any randomized online algorithm even when application processes have perfect knowledge of their individual request sequences. The proof is a straightforward adaptation of the proof of the H k lower bound for classical caching [FKL + 91]. However, in the situation at hand, the adversary has more restrictions on the request sequence that he can use to prove the lower bound, thereby resulting in a lowering of the lower bound. Theorem 1 The competitive ratio of any randomized algorithm for the multi-application caching problem is at least minfH P even if application processes have perfect knowledge of their individual request sequences. lower bound on the classical caching problem from [FKL is directly applicable by considering the case where each process accesses only one page each. This gives a lower bound of H k on competitive ratio. In the case when P - k, we construct a multi-application caching problem based on the nemesis sequence used in [FKL + 91] for classical caching. In [FKL + 91] a lower bound of H k 0 is proved for the special case of a cache of size k 0 and a total of k pages, which we denote c 1 , c 2 , . ,c k 0 +1 . All but one of the pages can fit in cache at the same time. Our corresponding multi-application caching problem consists of so that there is one process corresponding to each page of the classical caching lower bound instance for a k 0 - sized cache . Process . The total number pages among all the processes is k is the cache size; that is, all but one of the pages among all the processes can fit in memory simultaneously. In the instance of the multi-application caching problem we construct, the request sequence for each process P i consists of repetitions of the double round-robin sequence (1) of length 2r i . We refer to the double round-robin sequence (1) as a touch of process P i . When the adversary generates requests corresponding to a touch of process P i , we say that it "touches process P i ." Given an arbitrary adversarial sequence for the classical caching problem described above, we construct an adversarial sequence for the multi-application caching problem by replacing each request for page c i in the former problem by a touch of process in the latter problem. We can transform an algorithm for this instance of multi-application caching into one for the classical caching problem by the following correspondence: If the multi-application algorithm evicts a page from process P j while servicing the touch of process P i , the classical caching algorithm evicts page c j in order to service the request to page c i . In Lemma 2 below, we show that there is an optimum online algorithm for the above instance of multi-application caching that never evicts a page belonging to process P i while servicing a fault on a request for a page from process P i . Thus the transformation is valid, in that page c i is always resident in cache after the page request to c i is serviced. This reduction immediately implies that the competitive ratio for this instance of multi-application caching must be at least H k 0 Lemma 2 For the above instance of multi-application caching, any online algorithm A can be converted into an online algorithm A 0 that is at least as good in an amortized sense and that has the property that all the pages for process P i are in cache immediately after a touch of P i is processed. Intuitively, the double round-robin sequences force an optimal online algorithm to service the touch of a process by evicting a page belonging to another pro- cess. We construct online algorithm A 0 from A in an online manner. Suppose that both A and A 0 fault during a touch of process P i . If algorithm A evicts a page of P j , for some j 6= i, then A 0 does the same. If algorithm A evicts a page of P i during the first round-robin while servicing a touch of P i , then there will be a page fault during the second round-robin. If A then evicts a page of another process during the second round-robin, then A 0 evicts that page during the first round-robin and incurs no fault during the second round-robin. The first page fault of A was wasted; the other page could have been evicted instead during the first round-robin. If instead A evicts another page of P i during the second round-robin, then A 0 evicts an arbitrary page of another process during the first round-robin, and A 0 incurs no page fault during the second round-robin. Thus, if A evicts a page of P i , it incurs at least one more page fault than does A 0 . If A faults during a touch of P i , but A 0 doesn't, there is no paging decision for A 0 to make. If A does not fault during a touch of P i , but A 0 does fault, then A 0 evicts the page that is not in A's cache. The page fault for A 0 is charged to the extra page fault that A incurred earlier when A 0 evicted one of P i 's pages. Thus the number of page faults that A 0 incurs is no more than the number of page faults that A incurs. By construction, all pages of process P i are in algorithm A 0 's cache immediately after a touch of process P i . The double round-robin sequences in the above reduction can be replaced by single round-robin sequences by redoing the explicit lower bound argument of [FKL 6 Holes In this section, we introduce the notion of holes, which plays a key role in the analysis of our online caching algorithm. In Section 6.2, we mention some crucial properties of holes of our algorithm under the assumption that applications always make good page replacement decisions. These properties are also useful in bounding the page faults that can occur in a phase when applications make mistakes in their page replacement decisions. Definition 3 The eviction of a cached page at the time of a page fault on a clean page request is said to create a hole at the evicted page. Intuitively, a hole is the lack of space for some page, so that that page's place in cache contains a hole and not the page. If page p 1 is evicted for servicing the clean page request, page p 1 is said to be associated with the hole. If page p 1 is subsequently requested and another page p 2 is evicted to service the request, the hole is said to move to p 2 , and now p 2 is said to be associated with the hole. And so on, until the end of the phase. We say that hole h moves to process P i to mean that the hole h moves to some page p belonging to process P i . 6.1 General observations about holes All requests to clean pages during a phase are page faults and create holes. The number of holes created during a particular phase equals the number of clean pages requested during that phase. Apart from clean page requests, requests to holes also cause page faults to occur. By a request to a hole we mean a request for the page associated with that hole. As we proceed down the request sequence during a phase, the page associated with a particular hole varies with time. Consider a hole h that is created at a page p 1 that is evicted to serve a request for clean page p c . When a request is made for page p 1 , some page p 2 is evicted, and h moves to p 2 . Similarly when page p 2 is requested, h moves to some p 3 , and so on. Let the temporal sequence of pages all associated with hole h in a particular phase such that page p 1 is evicted when clean page p c is requested, page evicted when p i\Gamma1 is requested and the request for p m falls in the next phase. Then the number of faults incurred in the particular phase being considered due to requests to h is m \Gamma 1. 6.2 Useful properties of holes In this section we make the following observations about holes under the assumption that application processes make only good decisions. Lemma 3 Let u i be the farthest unmarked page in cache of process P i at some point in a phase. Then process P i is a marked process by the time the request for page u i is served. This follows from the definition of farthest unmarked page and the nature of the marking scheme employed in our algorithm. Lemma 4 Suppose that there is a request for page p i , which is associated with hole h. Suppose that process P i owns page p i . Then process P i is already marked at the time of the present request for page p i . associated with hole h because process P i evicted page p i when asked to make a page replacement decision, in order to serve either a clean request or a page fault at the previous page associated with h. In either case, page p i was a good page at the time process P i made the particular paging decision. Since process P i was unmarked at the time the decision was made, p i was either the farthest unmarked page of process P i then or some marked page of process P i whose next request is after the request for P i 's farthest unmarked page. By Lemma 3, process P i is a marked process at the time of the request for page p i . Lemma 5 Suppose that page p i is associated with hole h. Let P i denote the process owning page p i . Suppose page p i is requested at some time during the phase. Then hole h does not move to process P i subsequently during the current phase. Proof : The hole h belongs to process P i . By Lemma 4 when a request is made to h, marked and will remain marked until the end of the phase. Since only unmarked processes are chosen to to evict pages, a request for h thereafter cannot result in eviction of any page belonging to P i , so a hole can never move to a process more than once. Let there be R unmarked processes at the time of a request to a hole h. For any unmarked process denote the farthest unmarked page of process P j at the time of the request to hole h. Without loss of generality, let us relabel the processes so that is the temporal order of the first subsequent appearance of the pages u j in the global page request sequence. Lemma 6 In the situation described in (2) above, suppose during the page request for hole h that the hole moves to a good page p i of unmarked process P i to serve the current request for h. Then h can never move to any of the processes during the current phase. Proof : The first subsequent request for the good page p i that P i evicts, by definition, must be the same as or must be after the first subsequent request for the farthest unmarked page u i . So process P i will be marked by the next time hole h is requested, by Lemma 4. On the other hand, the first subsequent requests of the respective farthest unmarked pages u 1 , . , u appear before that of page u i . Thus, by Lemma 3, the are already marked before the next time hole h (page gets requested and will remain marked for the remainder of the phase. Hence, by the fact that only unmarked processes get chosen, hole h can never move to any of the 7 Competitive Analysis of our Online Algorithm Our main result is Theorem 2, which states that our online algorithm for the multi-application caching problem is roughly 2 ln P-competitive, assuming application processes always make good decisions (e.g., if each process knows its own future page requests). By the lower bound of Theorem 1, it follows that our algorithm is optimal in terms of competitive ratio up to a factor of 2. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF OUR ONLINE ALGORITHM 11 Theorem 2 The competitive ratio of our online algorithm in Section 4 for the multi-application caching problem, assuming that good evictions are always made, is at most 2. Our competitive ratio is within a factor of about 2 of the best possible competitive ratio for this problem. The rest of this section is devoted to proving Theorem 2. To count the number of faults generated by our algorithm in a phase, we make use of the properties of holes from the previous section. If ' requests are made to clean pages during a phase, there are ' holes that move about during the phase. We can count the number of faults generated by our algorithm during the phase as where N i is the number of times hole h i is requested during the phase. Assuming good decisions are always made, we will now prove for each phase and for any hole h i that the expected value of N i is bounded by H P \Gamma1 . Consider the first request to a hole h during the phase. Let R h be the number of unmarked processes at that point of time. Let CR h be the random variable associated with the number of page faults due to requests to hole h during the phase. Lemma 7 The expected number E(CR h of page faults due to requests to hole h is at most HR h We prove this by induction over R h . We have E(C Suppose for . Using the same terminology and notation as in Lemma 6, let the farthest unmarked pages of the R h unmarked processes at the time of the request for h appear in the temporal order in the global request sequence. We renumber the R h unmarked processes for convenience so that page u i is the farthest unmarked page of unmarked process P i . When the hole h is requested, our algorithm randomly chooses one of the R h unmarked processes, say, process P i , and asks process P i to evict a suitable page. Under our assumption, the hole h moves to some good page p i of process P i . From Lemmas 5 and 6, if our algorithm chooses unmarked process P i so that its good page p i is evicted, then at most R h \Gamma i processes remain unmarked the next time h is requested. Since each of the R h unmarked processes is chosen with a probability of 1=R h , we have E(CR h R h E(CR h \Gammai ) R h APPLICATION-CONTROLLED CACHING WITH FAIRNESS 12 The last equality follows easily by induction and algebraic manipulations. Now let us complete the proof of Theorem 2. By Lemma 4 the maximum possible number of unmarked processes at the time a hole h is first requested is implies that the average number of times any hole can be requested during a phase is bounded by H P \Gamma1 . By (3), the total number of page faults during the phase is at most '(1 We have already shown in Lemma 1 that the OPT algorithm incurs an amortized cost of at least '=2 for the requests made in the phase. Therefore, the competitive ratio of our algorithm is bounded by '(1 +H P 2. Applying the lower bound of Theorem 1 completes the proof. Application-Controlled Caching with Fairness In this section we analyze our algorithm's performance in the realistic scenario where application processes can make mistakes, as defined in Definition 2. We bound the number of page faults it incurs in a phase in terms of page faults caused by mistakes made by application processes during that phase. The main idea here is that if an application process P i commits a mistake by evicting a certain page p and then during the same phase requests page p while process P i is still unmarked, our algorithm makes process pay for the mistake in Step 2(a)i. On the other hand, if page p's eviction from process P i was a mistake, but process marked when page p is later requested in the same phase, say, at time t, then process P i 's mistake is ``not worth detecting'' for the following reason: Since evicting page p was a mistake, it must mean that at the time t 1 of p's eviction, there existed a set U of one or more unmarked pages of process P i in cache whose subsequent requests appear after the next request for page p. Process P i is marked at the time of the next request for p, implying that all pages in U were evicted by P i at some times t 2 , t 3 , . t jU j+1 after the mistake of evicting p. If instead at time t 1 , t 2 , . t jU j+1 process P i makes the specific good paging decisions of evicting the farthest unmarked pages, the same set fpg [ U of pages will be out cache at time t. In our notion of fairness we choose to ignore all such mistakes and consider them "not worth detecting." Definition 4 During an ongoing phase, any page fault corresponding to a request for a page p of an unmarked process P i is called an unfair fault if the request for page p is not a clean page request. All faults during the phase that are not unfair are called faults. The unfair faults are precisely those page faults which are caused by mistakes considered "worth detecting." We state the following two lemmas that follow trivially from the definitions of mistakes, good decisions, unfair faults, and fair faults. APPLICATION-CONTROLLED CACHING WITH FAIRNESS 13 Lemma 8 During a phase, all page requests that get processed in Step 2(a)i of our algorithm are precisely the unfair faults of that phase. That is, unfair faults correspond to mistakes that get caught in Step 2(a)i of our algorithm. Lemma 9 All fair faults are precisely those requests that get processed in Step 2(b)iii. We now consider the behavior of holes in the current mistake-prone scenario. The number of holes in a phase equals the number of clean pages requested in the phase. Lemma 11 Consider a hole h associated with a page p of a process P i . If a request for h is an unfair fault, process P i is still unmarked and the hole h moves to some other page belonging to process P i . If a request for hole h is a fair fault, then process P i is already marked and the hole h can never move to process P i subsequently during the phase. If the request for hole h is an unfair fault, then by definition process P i is unmarked and by Lemma 8, h moves to some other page p 0 of process P i . If the request for h is a fair fault, then by definition and the fact that the request for h is not a clean page request, process P i is marked. Since our algorithm never chooses a marked process for eviction, it follows that h can never visit process P i subsequently during the phase. During a phase, a hole h is created in some process, say P 1 , by some clean page request. It then moves around zero or more times within process P 1 on account of mistakes, until a request for hole h is a fair fault, upon which it moves to some other process P 2 , never to come back to process P 1 during the phase. It behaves similarly in process P 2 , and so on up to the end of the phase. Let T h denote the total number of faults attributed to requests to hole h during a phase, of which F h faults are fair faults and U h faults are unfair faults. We have By Lemma 11 and the same proof techniques as those in the proofs of Lemma 7 and Theorem 2, we can prove the following key lemma: Lemma 12 The expected number E(F h ) of page requests to hole h during a phase that result in fair faults is at most H P \Gamma1 . By Lemma 10, our algorithm incurs at most '+ page faults in a phase with clean page requests. The expected value of this quantity is at most '(H P , by Lemma 12. The expression is the number of unfair faults, that is, the number of mistakes considered "worth detecting." Our algorithm is very efficient in that the number of unfair faults is an additive term. For any phase OE with ' clean requests, we denote as M OE . 9 CONCLUSIONS 14 Theorem 3 The number of faults in a phase OE with ' clean page requests and M OE unfair faults is bounded by '(1 . At the time of each of the M OE unfair faults, the application process that makes the mistake that causes the fault must evict a page from its own cache. No application process is ever asked to evict a page to service an unfair fault caused by some other application process. 9 Conclusions Cache management strategies are of prime importance for high performance comput- ing. We consider the case where there are P independent processes running on the same computer system and sharing a common cache of size k. Applications often have advance knowledge of their page request sequences. In this paper we have address the issue of exploiting this advance knowledge to devise intelligent strategies to manage the shared cache, in a theoretical setting. We have presented a simple and elegant application-controlled caching algorithm for the multi-application caching problem that achieves a competitive ratio of 2H 2. Our result is a significant improvement over the competitive ratios of 2P multi-application caching and \Theta(H k ) for classical caching, since the cache size k is often orders of magnitude greater than P . We have proven that no online algorithm for this problem can have a competitive ratio smaller than minfH even if application processes have perfect knowledge of individual request sequences. We conjecture that an upper bound of H P \Gamma1 can be proven, up to second order terms, perhaps using techniques from [MS91], although the resulting algorithm is not likely to be practical. Using our notion of mistakes we are able to consider a more realistic setting when application processes make bad paging decisions and show that our algorithm is a fair and efficient algorithm in such a situation. No application needs to pay for some other application process's mistake, and we can bound the global caching performance of our algorithm in terms of the number of mistakes. Our notions of good page replacement decisions, mistakes, and fairness in this context are new. One related area of possible future work is to consider alternative models to our model of worst-case interleaving. Another interesting area would be consider caching in a situation where some applications have good knowledge of future page requests while other applications have no knowledge of future requests. We could also consider pages shared among application processes. --R A study of replacement algorithms for virtual storage com- puters Competitive pag- A THE CAO Implementation and performance of application-contolled file caching On competitive algorithms for paging problems. Markov paging. A strongly competitive randomized paging algorithm. Amortized efficiency of list update and paging rules. --TR --CTR Guy E. Blelloch , Phillip B. Gibbons, Effectively sharing a cache among threads, Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures, June 27-30, 2004, Barcelona, Spain
Minimizing Expected Loss of Hedging in Incomplete and Constrained Markets.
We study the problem of minimizing the expected discounted loss $$ E\left[e^{-\int_0^Tr(u)du}( C- X^{x,\pi}(T))^+\right] $$ when hedging a liability C at time t=T, using an admissible portfolio strategy $\pi(\cdot)$ and starting with initial wealth x. The existence of an optimal solution is established in the context of continuous-time Ito process incomplete market models, by studying an appropriate dual problem. It is shown that the optimal strategy is of the form of a knock-out option with payoff C, where the "domain of the knock-out" depends on the value of the optimal dual variable. We also discuss a dynamic measure for the risk associated with the liability C, defined as the supremum over different scenarios of the minimal expected loss of hedging C.
Introduction In a complete financial market which is free of arbitrage opportunities, any sufficiently integrable random payoff (contingent claim) C, whose value has to be delivered and is known at time can be hedged perfectly: starting with a large enough initial capital x, an agent can find a trading strategy - that will allow his wealth X x;- (\Delta) to hedge the liability C without risk at time that is while maintaining "solvency" throughout [0; T ]. (For an overview of standard results in complete and some incomplete markets in continuous-time, Ito processes models, see, for example, Cvitani'c 1997). This is either no longer possible or too expensive to accomplish in a market which is incomplete due to various "market frictions", such as: insufficient number of assets available for investment, transaction costs, portfolio constraints, problems with liquidity, presence of a "large investor", and so on. In this paper we concentrate on the case in which incompleteness arises due to some assets not being available for investment, and the more general case of portfolio constraints. Popular approaches to the problem of hedging a claim C in such contexts have been to either maximize the expected utility of the difference \GammaD := X x;- (T minimize the risk of D. In particular, one of the most studied approaches is to minimize E[D 2 ], so-called quadratic hedging of F-ollmer-Schweizer- (for recent results and references see Pham, Rheinlaender and Schweizer 1996, for example). An obvious disadvantage of this approach is that one is penalized for high profits, and not just high losses. On the other hand, Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath have shown in a static hedging setting that the only measure of risk that satisfies certain natural "coherence" properties is of the type E[ - (or a supremum of these over a set of probability measures), where - is the discounted value of the positive part of D. Motivated by this work, Cvitani'c and Karatzas (1998) solve the problem of minimizing in a context of a complete continuous-time Ito process model for the financial market. We solve in this paper the same problem in a more difficult context of incomplete or constrained markets. Recently, Pham (1998) has solved the problem of minimizing E[(D discrete-time models, and under cone constraints. Moreover, independenly from Pham and the present paper, F-ollmer and Leukert (1998b) analyze the problem of minimizing loss function l and in general incomplete semimartingale models, emphasizing the Neyman-Pearson lemma approach, as opposed to the duality ap- proach. The former approach was used by the same authors in F-ollmer and Leukert (1998a) to solve the problem of maximizing the probability of perfect hedge P [D - 0]. Some early work on problems like these is presented in Dembo (1997), in a one-period setting. A very general study of the the duality approach and its use in the utility meximization context can be found in Kramkov and Schachermayer (1997). Suppose now that, in addition to the genuine risk that the liability C represents, the agent also faces some uncertainty regarding the model for the financial market itself. Following Cvitani'c and Karatzas (1998), we capture such uncertainty by allowing a family P of possible "real world probability measures", instead of just one measure. Thus, the "max-min" quantity represents the maximal risk that the agent can encounter, when faced with the "worst possible scenario" P 2 P: In the special case of incomplete markets and under the condition that all equivalent martingale measures are included in the set of possible real-world measures P, we show that sup In other words, the corresponding fictitious "stochastic game" between the market and the agent has a value. The trading strategy attaining this value is shown to be the one that corresponds to borrowing just enough money from the bank at time as to be able to have at least the amount C at time We describe the market model in Section 2, and introduce the optimization problem in Section 3. As is by now standard in financial mathematics, we define a dual problem, whose optimal solution determines the optimal terminal wealth X x;- (T ). It turns out that this terminal wealth is of the "knock-out" option type - namely, it is either equal to C or to 0 or to a certain (random) value depending on whether the optimal dual variable is less than, larger than, or equal to one, respectively. What makes the dual problem more difficult than in the usual utility optimization problems (as in Cvitani'c and Karatzas 1992) is that the objective function fails to be everywhere differentiable, and the optimal dual variable (related to the Radon-Nikodym derivative of an "optimal change of measure") can be zero with positive probability. Nevertheless, we are able to solve the problem using nonsmooth optimization techniques for infinite dimensional problems, which can be found in Aubin and Ekeland (1984). We discuss in Section 4 the stochastic game associated with (1.2) and (1.3). 2 The Market Model We recall here the standard, Ito processes model for a financial market M. It consists of one bank account and d stocks. Price processes S 0 (\Delta) and S 1 of these instruments are modeled by the equations d Here is a standard d\Gammadimensional Brownian motion on a complete probability endowed with a filtration augmentation of F W (t) := oe(W the filtration generated by the Brownian motion W (\Delta). The coefficients r(\Delta) (interest rate), (vector of stock return rates) and 1-i;j-d (matrix of stock-volatilities) of the model M, are all assumed to be progressively measurable with respect to F. Furthermore, the matrix oe(\Delta) is assumed to be invertible, and all processes r(\Delta), b(\Delta), oe(\Delta), oe \Gamma1 (\Delta) are assumed to be bounded, uniformly in (t; !) 2 [0; T The "risk premium" process bounded and F\Gammaprogressively measurable. Therefore, the process ds is a P \Gammamartingale, and is a probability measure equivalent to P on F(T ). Under this risk-neutral equivalent martingale measure P 0 , the discounted stock prices S 1 (\Delta) become martingales, and the process becomes Brownian motion, by the Girsanov theorem. Consider now an agent who starts out with initial capital x and can decide, at each time proportion - i (t) of his (nonnegative) wealth to invest in each of the stocks d. However, the portfolio process (- 1 has to take values in a given closed convex set K ae R d of constraints, for a.e. t 2 [0; T ], almost surely. We will also assume that K contains the origin. For example, if the agent cannot hold neither short nor long positions in the last stocks we get a typical example of an incomplete market, in the sense that not all square-integrable payoffs can be exactly replicated. (One of the best known examples of incomplete markets, the case of stochastic volatility, is included in this framework). Another typical example is the case of an agent who has limits on how much he can borrow from the bank, or how much he can go short or long in a particular stock. chosen, the agent invests the amount in the bank account, at time t, where we have denoted X(\Delta) j X x;- (\Delta) his wealth process. Moreover, for reasons of mathematical convenience, we allow the agent to spend money outside of the market, and -(\Delta) - 0 denotes the corresponding cumulative consumption process. The resulting wealth process satisfies the equation d d d Denoting R tr(u)du X(t); (2.6) the discounted version of a process X(\Delta), we get the equivalent equation It follows that - X(\Delta) is a nonnegative local P 0 \Gammasupermartingale, hence also a P 0 \Gammasupermartingale, by Fatou's lemma. Therefore, if - 0 is defined to be the first time it hits zero, we have so that the portfolio values -(t) are irrelevant after that happens. Accordingly, we can and do set More formally, we have Definition 2.1 (i) A portfolio process F\Gammaprogressively measurable and satisfies as well as almost surely. A consumption process -(\Delta) is a nonnegative, nondecreasing, progressively measurable process with RCLL paths, with (ii) For a given portfolio and consumption processes -(\Delta), -(\Delta), the process X(\Delta) j defined by (2.7) is called the wealth process corresponding to strategy (-) and initial capital x. (iii) A portfolio-consumption process pair (-(\Delta); -(\Delta)) is called admissible for the initial capital x, and we write (-) 2 A(x), if holds almost surely. We refer to the lower bound of (2.9) as a margin requirement. The no-arbitrage price of a contingent claim C in a complete market is unique, and is obtained by multiplying ("discounting") the claim by H taking expectation. Since the market here is incomplete, there are more relevant stochastic discount factors other than along the lines of Cvitani'c and Karatzas (1993), hereafter [CK93], and Karatzas and Kou (1996), hereafter [KK96], as follows: Introduce the support function of the set \GammaK , as well as its barrier cone ~ For the rest of the paper we assume the following mild conditions. Assumption 2.1 The closed convex set K ae R d contains the origin; in other words, the agent is allowed not to invest in stocks at all. In particular, ffi(\Delta) - 0 on ~ K. Moreover, the set K is such that ffi(\Delta) is continuous on the barrier cone ~ K of (2.11). Denote by D the set of all bounded progressively measurable process -(\Delta) taking values in ~ a.e. on\Omega \Theta [0; T ]. In analogy with (2.2)-(2.5), introduce ds a P - \GammaBrownian motion. Also denote Note that From this and (2.7) we get, by Ito's rule, for all - 2 D. Therefore, H - (\Delta) - X(\Delta) is a P \Gammalocal supermartingale (note that ffi(- 0 - 0 K), and from (2.9) thus also a P \Gammasupermartingale, by Fatou's lemma. Consequently, 3 The minimization problem and its dual Suppose now that, at time the agent has to deliver a payoff given by a contingent claim C, a random variable in L Introduce a (possibly infinite) process ess sup almost surely, the discounted version of the process C(\Delta) We have denoted the discounted value of the F(T )\Gamma measurable random variable C. We impose the following assumption, throughout the rest of the paper (see Remark 3.3 for a discussion on the relevance of this assumption). Assumption 3.1 We assume The following theorem is taken from the literature on constrained financial markets (see, for example, [CK93], [KK96], or Cvitani'c (1997)). Theorem 3.1 (Cvitani'c and Karatzas 1993). Let C - 0 be a given contingent claim. Under Assumption 3.1, the process C(\Delta) of (3.3) is finite, and it is equal to the minimal admissible wealth process hedging the claim C. More precisely, there exists a pair (- C such that and, if for some x - 0 and some pair (-) 2 A(x) we have then Consequently, if x - C(0) there exists then an admissible pair (-) 2 A(x) such that Achieving a "hedge without risk" is not possible for x ! C(0). Motivated by results of Artzner et al. (1996) (and similarly as in a complete market setting of Cvitani'c and Karatzas 1998) we choose the following risk function to be minimized: In other words, we are minimizing the expected discounted net loss, over all admissible trading strategies. above, we can find a wealth process that hedges C. Moreover, the margin requirement (2.9) implies that x - 0, so we assume from now on that Note that we can (and do) assume X x;- (T our optimization problem (3.8), since the agent can always consume down to the value of C, in case he has more than C at time T . In particular, if 0, we can (and do) assume X x;- (T; means that the set not relevant for the problem (3.8), which motivates us to define a new probability measure (see also Remark 3.3 (ii)). Denote by E C the associated expectation operator. The problem (3.8) has then an equivalent formulation We approach the problem (3.11) by recalling familiar tools of convex duality: starting with the convex loss function its Legendre-Fenchel transform ~ (where z The minimum in (3.12) is attained by any number I(z; b) of the Consequently, denoting we conclude from (3.12) that for any initial capital x 2 (0; C(0)) and any (-) 2 A(x), Thus, multiplying by E[ - C], taking expectations and in conjunction with (2.20), we obtain This is a type of a duality relationship that has proved to be very useful in constrained portfolio optimization studied in Cvitani'c and Karatzas (1993). The difference here is that we have to extend it to the random variables in the set It is clear that H is a convex set. It is also closed in L in L 1 exists a (relabeled) subsequence fH n g n2N converging to H C]E C [HY x;- x, for all By Theorem 3.1 we have Consequently, we have Y C(0);- C ;- where we extend a random variable H to the probability on 0g. Similarly, since 0 2 K, taking - in the definition (3.17) of H, we see that Moreover, since E[ - D, and by (2.20), we get Remark 3.1 The idea of introducing the set H is similar to and inspired by the approach of Kramkov and Schachermayer (1998), who work with the set of all nonnegative processes G(\Delta) such that G(\Delta) - X(\Delta) is a P \Gammasupermartingale for all admissible wealth processes X(\Delta). Next, arguing as above (when deducing (3.16)), we obtain ~ where we have denoted ~ It is easily seen that \Gamma ~ R is a convex, lower-semicontinuous and proper functional, in the terminology of convex analysis; see, for example, Aubin and Ekeland (1984), henceforth [AE84]. Remark 3.2 It is straightforward to see that the inequality of (3.21) holds as equality for some (- z - 0, - only if we have and for some F(T )\Gammameasurable random variable - B that satisfies 0 - a.s. We also set If (3.23) and (3.24) are satisfied, then (- -) is optimal for the problem (3.11), under the "change of variables" (3.14), since the lower bound of (3.21) is attained. Moreover, - is optimal for the auxiliary dual problem ~ ~ If we let the conditions (3.23) and (3.24) become and H=1g for some F(T )\Gammameasurable random variable - B that satisfies 0 - is the terminal wealth of the strategy (-) which is optimal for the problem (3.8).In light of the preceding remark, our approach will be the following: we will try to find a solution - H to the auxiliary dual problem (3.25), a number - z ? 0, a random variable - as above, and a pair (-) 2 A(x) such that (3.23) and (3.24) (or, equivalently, (3.27) and are satisfied. Theorem 3.2 For any given z ? 0, there exists an optimal solution - for the auxiliary dual problem (3.25). Proof: Let H n 2 H be a sequence that attains the supremum in (3.25), so that ~ Note that, by (3.18), H is a bounded set in L so that by Koml'os theorem (see Schwartz 1986, for example) there exists a random variable - a (relabeled) subsequence fH i g i2N such that Fatou's lemma then implies - by the Dominated Convergence Theorem and concavity of ~ J(\Delta; z) we get ~ ~ J(n ~ Thus, - Lemma 3.1 The function ~ V (z) is continuous on [0; 1). Proof: Let H 2 H and assume first z 1 ; z 2 ? 0. We have ~ Taking the supremum over H 2 H we get ~ do the same while interchanging the roles of z 1 and z 2 , we have shown continuity on (0; 1). To prove continuity at z note that, by duality and (3.19), we have ~ for all z 1 ? 0; y ? 0. Choosing first y large enough and then z 1 small enough, we can make the two terms on the right-hand side arbitrarily close to zero, uniformly in H 2 H.Proposition 3.1 For every that attains the supremum sup z-0 [ ~ Proof: Denote Note that first show that lim sup so that the supremum of ff(z) over [0; 1) cannot be attained at z = 1. Suppose, on the contrary, that there exists a sequence z n !1 such that lim n ff(z n the optimal dual variable of Theorem 3.2 corresponding to z = z n . We have then z n by Dominated Convergence Theorem, a contradiction. Consequently, being continuous by Lemma 3.1, function ff(z) either attains its supremum at some - z ? 0, or else ff(z) - Suppose that the latter is true. We have then ~ z z for all z ? 0 and H 2 H. In particular, we can use the Dominated Convergence Theorem while letting z ! 0 to get for all H 2 HD . Taking the supremum over H 2 HD we obtain x - C(0), a contradiction again.Denote - z the optimal dual variable for problem (3.25), corresponding to z of Proposition 3.1. We want to show that there exists an F(T )\Gammameasurable random variable such that the optimal wealth for the primal problem is given by CI(-z - B), where I(z; b) is given in (3.13). In order to do that, we recall some notions and results from convex analysis, as presented, for example, in [AE84]. First, introduce the space with the norm and its subset It is easily seen that G is convex, by the convexity of H. It is also closed in L. Indeed, if we are given subsequences z n - 0 and H n 2 H such that (z n H in L, then also have, from (3.18), so that zH n ! Z in L and we are done. If z ? 0, we get H n ! Z=z in L closed in and we are done again. The closedness of G has been confirmed. We now define a functional ~ ~ It is easy to check that ~ U is convex, lower-semicontinuous and proper on L. Moreover, since we have ~ from Proposition 3.1, and in the notation of Theorem 3.2, it follows that the pair - G := optimal for the dual problem ~ Let L := L R be the dual space to L and let N(-z - z) be the normal cone to the set G at the point (-z - z), given by by Proposition 4.1.4 in [AE84]. Let @ ~ z) denote the subdifferential of ~ U at (-z - z), which, by Proposition 4.3.3 in [AE84], is given by @ ~ Then, by Corollary 4.6.3 in [AE84], since (-z - z) is optimal for the problem (3.35), we obtain Proposition 3.2 The pair (-z - G is a solution to In other words, there exists a pair ( - which belongs to the normal cone N(-z - and such that \Gamma( - belongs to the subdifferential @ ~ z). From (3.36) and (3.37), this is equivalent to and It is clear from (3.40) (by letting z ! \Sigma1 while keeping Z fixed) that necessarily On the other hand, if we let - z = z in (3.39), we get Moreover, letting H in (3.39), and recalling - we obtain H]: Similarly, we get the reverse inequality by letting - H in (3.39) (recall that - z ? 0 by Proposition 3.1), to obtain finally This last equality will correspond to (3.23) with - if we can show the following result and recall (3.14). Proposition 3.3 There exists an admissible pair (- and such that (3.27) is satisfied. (Here we set - Proof: This follows immediately from (3.41) and (3.42), which can be written as Y H] (with 0g). Indeed, Theorem 3.1 tells us that the right-hand side is no smaller than the minimal amount of initial capital needed to hedge C - there exists a that does the hedge.In order to "close the loop", it only remains to show (3.24). Proposition 3.4 Let \Gamma (Y; y) 2 @ ~ Y is of the form for some F(T )\Gammameasurable random variable B that satisfies a.s. Proof: We have already seen that y = \Gammax. Define a random variable A by From (3.40) with - be such that Then, by (3.45). This implies A - 0 on f-z - for otherwise we could make Z arbitrarily small (respectively, large) on f-z - (respectively, on f-z - to get a contradiction in (3.46). Suppose now that P C [A ! 0; - z - There exists then beacuse of (3.47). For a given " ? 0, let on f-z - in (3.46). This gives The left-hand side is greater than H!1g contradiction to (3.48). Thus, we have shown Going back to (3.46), this implies for all Z 2 L If we set now we get from (3.50) and (3.47) Using (3.49) and (3.51) in (3.45), we obtain Suppose now that P C [A ? z - There exists then (for a given " ? 0), (3.52) implies The left-hand side is greater than ffi +P C [-z - so that from (3.53) we conclude contradiction. Therefore, Together with (3.44), (3.47), (3.49) and (3.51), this completes the proof.We now state the main result of the paper. Theorem 3.3 For any initial wealth x with there exists an optimal pair for the problem (3.8) of minimizing the expected loss of hedging the claim C. It can be taken as that strategy for which the terminal wealth X x;- (T ) is given by (3.28), i.e., H=1g Here (-z; - H) is an optimal solution for the dual problem (3.35), and - B can be taken as the random variable B in Proposition 3.4, with (Y; y) replaced by some ( - z)g, which exists by Proposition 3.2. Proof: It follows from Remark 3.2. Indeed, it was observed in that remark that a pair is optimal for the problem (3.8) if it satisfies (3.27) and (3.55) for some F(T )\Gammameasurable random variable - z - 0, - The existence of such a pair (- established in Proposition 3.3 in conjunction with Proposition 3.4, with - B, - z and - H as in the statement of the theorem. 2 The following simple example is mathematically interesting from several points of view. It shows that the optimal dual variable - H can be equal to zero with positive probabil- ity, unlike the case of classical utility maximization under constraints (as in Cvitani'c and Karatzas 1992). Moreover, - z - H can be equal to one with positive probability, so that the use of nonsmooth optimization techniques and subdifferentials for the dual problem is really necessary. It also shows why it can be mathematically convenient to allow nonzero consump- tion. Finally, it confirms that condition (3.5) is not always necessary for the dual approach to work. Example 3.1 Suppose r(\Delta) j 0 for simplicity, and let C - 0 be any contingent claim such that P [C - x] ? 0. We consider the trivial primal problem for which so that there is only one possible admissible portfolio strategy -(\Delta) j 0 (in other words, the agent can invest only in the riskless asset). We do not assume condition (3.5), which, for these constraints, is equivalent to C being bounded. It is clear that the value V (x) of the primal problem is duality implies for all z - 0, H 2 H (see (3.21)). Here we can take H to be the set of all nonnegative random variables such that E[H] - 1. Let - z := P [C - x] ? 0 and - z - . It is then easily checked that - and that the pair ( - z) attains equality in (3.56), so that the optimal for the dual problem (3.35). One possible choice for the optimal terminal wealth is According to (3.55), this corresponds to - while -(T Remark 3.3 (i) Assumption 3.1 is satisfied, for example, if C is bounded. We need it in order to get existence for the dual problem (3.35), due to our use of Koml'os theorem. Example 3.1 shows that this assumption is not always necessary: in this example the dual problem has a solution and there is no gap between the primal and the dual problem, even when (3.5) is not satisfied. (ii) If we, in fact, assumed that C is bounded, the switch to the equivalent formulation (3.11) from (3.8) would not be necessary. (The reason for this is, the dual spaces of are then the same, up to the equivalence class determined by the set Remark 3.4 Numerical approximations. Suppose that we have a Markovian model in which r(t; S(t)), b(t; S(t)) and oe(t; S(t)) are deterministic and "nice" functions of time and current stock prices, and so is the claim could then imagine doing the following three-step approximation procedure to solve first the dual and then the primal problem: First, in order to have differentiability rather than having to deal with subdifferen- tials, one could replace the loss function with the function R p for some p ? 1, as in Pham (1998). Second, in order to be able to use standard dynamic programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equations (HJB PDEs), one could replace the auxiliary dual problem (3.25) by the approximating problem ~ ~ for some large n 0 , where D n consists of those elements of D which are bounded by n, almost surely, and where ~ J p corresponds to the dual problem associated with the loss function R p (y). After the approximate optimal dual variable - corresponding z (the one maximizing ~ are found, one has to hedge, under portfolio constraints given by set K, the claim where I p (\Delta) corresponds to the function I(\Delta; b) of (3:13) in the case of the loss function being R p (\Delta). If we are in a Black-Scholes model with r, b and oe constant, the (constrained) strategy for hedging X n 0 (T ) can be found quite easily, using the results of Broadie, Cvitani'c and Soner (1998). Otherwise, one again has to use approximating HJB PDEs to calculate the values of the aproximate discounted wealth process - defined analogously to (3.2), with C replaced by X n0 (T ) and D replaced by Dm , for some large m (see section 8 of [CK93]). We plan to investigate properties of above described numerical approximations elsewhere. 4 Dynamic measures of risk Suppose now that we are not quite sure whether our subjective probability measure P is equal to the real world measure. We would like to measure the risk of hedging the claim C under constraints given by set K, and under uncertainty about the real world measure. According to Artzner et al. (1996), and Cvitani'c and Karatzas (1998), it makes sense to consider the following quantities as the lower and upper bounds for the measure of such a risk, where we denote by P a set of possible real world measures: the maximal risk that can be incurred, over all possible real world measures, dominated by its "min-max" counterpart sup the upper-value of a fictitious stochastic game between an agent (who tries to choose (-) 2 A(x) so as to minimize his risk) and "the market" (whose "goal" is to choose the real world measure that is least favorable for the agent). Here, E Q is expectation under measure Q. A question is whether the "upper-value" (4.2) and the "lower-value" (4.1) of this game coincide and, if they do, to compute this common value. We shall answer this question only in a very specific setting as follows. Let P be the "reference" probability measure, as in the previous sections. We first change the margin requirement (2.9) to a more flexible requirement where k is a constant such that 1 ? k - we look at the special case of the constraints given by In other words, we only consider the case of a market which is incomplete due to the insufficient number of assets available for investment. In this case ~ and fbounded progress. meas. processes We define the set P of possible real world probability measures as follows. Let E be a set of progressively measurable and bounded processes -(\Delta) and such that We set in the notation of (2.14) (note that the reference measure P is not necessarily in P). In other words, our set of all possible real world probability measures includes all the "equivalent martingale measures" for our market, corresponding to bounded "kernels" -(\Delta). This way, under a possible real world probability measure P - 2 P, the model M of (2.1) becomes d in the notation of (2.15). The resulting modified model M - is similar to that of (2.1); now the role of the driving Brownian motion (under P - ), but the stock return rates are different for different "model measures" P - . The following theorem shows that, if the uncertainty about the real world probability measure is large enough (in the sense that all equivalent martingale measures corresponding to bounded kernels are possible candidates for the real world measure), then the optimal thing to do in order to minimize the expected risk of hedging a claim C in the market, is the following: borrow exactly as much money from the bank as is needed to hedge C. Theorem 4.1 Under the above assumptions we have In other words, the stochastic game defined by (4.1) and (4.2) has a value that is equal to the expected loss of the strategy which borrows C(0) \Gamma x from the bank, and then invests according to the least expensive strategy for hedging the claim C. Proof: Let (- ; - ) be the strategy from the statement of the theorem, namely the one for which we have in the notation of (3.2). Such a strategy exists by Theorem 3.1. It is clear that (4.3) is then satisfied, so that (- for all Q 2 P, it also follows that On the other hand, we have here K, so that H - Ito's rule gives, in analogy to (2.7) and in the notation of (2.15), R tr(u)du d- (t) for all - 2 D, since - 0 (\Delta)- (\Delta) j 0. Therefore, - X (\Delta) is a P - \Gammalocal supermartingale bounded from below, thus also a P - \Gammasupermartingale, by Fatou's lemma. Consequently, is the expectation under P - measure. Since P - 2 P for all - 2 D, (4.11) and Jensen's inequality imply is a consequence of (4.9) and (4.12). 2 Acknowledgements I wish to thank Ioannis Karatzas for suggesting the use of Koml'os theorem and for providing me with the reference Schwartz (1986), as well for thorough readings and helpful comments on the paper. --R A characterization of measures of risk. Applied Nonlinear Analysis. Optimal portfolio replication. On the Pricing of Contingent Claims under Constraints. Annals of Applied Probability The asymptotic elasticity of utility functions and optimal investment in incomplete markets. Dynamic L p New proofs of a theorem of Koml'os. --TR
hedging;incomplete markets;portfolio constraints;expected loss;dynamic measures of risk
On the Minimizing Property of a Second Order Dissipative System in Hilbert Spaces.
We study the asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions of a second order evolution equation with linear damping and convex potential. The differential system is defined in a real Hilbert space. It is proved that if the potential is bounded from below, then the solution trajectories are minimizing for it and converge weakly towards a minimizer of $\Phi$ if one exists; this convergence is strong when $\Phi$ is even or when the optimal set has a nonempty interior. We introduce a second order proximal-like iterative algorithm for the minimization of a convex function. It is defined by an implicit discretization of the continuous evolution problem and is valid for any closed proper convex function. We find conditions on some parameters of the algorithm in order to have a convergence result similar to the continuous case.
Introduction . Consider the following dierential system dened in a real Hilbert space H where is dierentiable. It is customary to call this equation non-linear oscillator with damping. Here, the damping or friction has a linear dependence on the velocity. This is a particular case of the so called dissipative systems. In fact, given u solution of is direct to check that Thus, the energy of the system is dissipated as t increases. Although (1:1) appears in various contexts with dierent physical interpretations, the motivation for this work comes from the dynamical approach to optimization problems. Roughly speaking, any iterative algorithm generating a sequence fx k g k2IN may be considered as a discrete dynamical system. If it is possible to nd a continuous version for the discrete procedure, one expects that the properties of the corresponding continuous dynamical system are close to those of the discrete one. This occurs, for instance, for the now classical Proximal method for convex minimization: given solve the iterative scheme is a closed proper convex function and @f denotes the usual subdierential in convex analysis. Prox is an implicit discretization for the Steepest Descent method, which consists in solving the following dierential inclusion Under suitable conditions, both the trajectory dened by (SD) and the sequence fx k g generated by (P rox) converge towards a particular minimizer of Research partially supported by FONDECYT 1961131 and FONDECYT 1990884. y Departamento de Ingeniera Matematica, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 170/3 Correo 3, Santiago, Chile. Email: Fax: (56)(2)6883821. f (see [5, 6, 7] for (SD) and [18] for (P rox), see also [12] for a survey on these and new results). The dynamical approach to iterative methods in optimization has many advantages. It provides a deep insight on the expected behavior of the method, and sometimes the techniques used in the continuous case can be adapted to obtain results for the discrete algorithm. On the other hand, a continuous dynamical system satisfying nice properties may suggest new iterative methods. This viewpoint has motivated an increasing attention in recent years, see for instance [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14]. In [3], Attouch et al. deal with non convex functions that have a priori many local minima. The idea is to exploit the dynamics dened by (1:1) to explore critical points of (i.e. solutions of coercive (bounded level sets) and of class C 1 with gradient locally Lipschitz, then it is possible to prove that for any u solution of (1:1) we have 1. The convergence of the trajectory 1g is a more delicate problem. When is coercive, an obvious su-cient condition for the convergence of the trajectory is that the critical points, also known as equilibrium points, are isolated. Certainly, this is not necessary. In dimension one additional conditions, the solution always converges towards an equilibrium (see for instance [10]). The proof relies on topological arguments that are not generalizable to higher dimensions. Indeed, this is no longer true even in dimension two: it is possible to construct a coercive C 1 function dened on IR 2 whose gradient is locally Lipschitz and for which at least one solution of (1:1) does not converge as t ! 1 (see [3]). Thus, a natural question is to nd general conditions under which the trajectory converge in the degenerate case, that is when the set of equilibrium points of contains a non-trivial connected component. A positive result in this direction has been recently given by Haraux and Jendoubi in [11], where convergence to an equilibrium is established when is analytic. However, this assumption is very restrictive from the optimization point of view. Motivated by the previous considerations, in this work we focus our attention on the asymptotic behavior as t !1 of the solutions of (1:1) when is assumed to be convex. The paper is organized as follows. In x2 we prove that if is convex and bounded from below then the trajectory minimizing for . If the inmum of on H is attained then u(t) converges weakly towards a minimizer of . The convergence is strong when is even or when the optimal set has a nonempty interior. In x2.2 we give a localization result for the limit point, analogous to the corresponding result for the steepest descent method [13]. In x2.4 we generalize the convergence result to cover the equation is a bounded self-adjoint linear operator, which we assume to be elliptic: there is > 0 such that for any x 2 H , h x; xi We refer to this equation as non-linear oscillator with anisotropic damping. This equation appears to be useful to diminish oscillations or even eliminate them, and also to accelerate the convergence of the trajectory. In x2.3 we give an heuristic motivation of the above mentioned facts, which is based on an analysis of a quadratic function. Still under the convexity condition on , x3 deals with the discretization of (1:1). Here, we consider the implicit scheme where h > 0. Since is convex, the latter is equivalent to the following variational problem SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 3 where z procedure does not require to be dier- entiable and allows us to introduce the following more general iterative-variational algorithm k closed proper convex function and @ f is the -approximate subdierential in convex analysis. We call (1:2) Proximal with impulsion method. We nd conditions on the parameters k ; k and k in order to have a convergence result similar to the continuous case. Finally, in the Appendix we illustrate with an example the behavior of the trajectories dened by (1:1), and we also state some of the questions opened by this work. Let us mention that the rst to consider equation (1:1) for nite dimensional optimization problems was B. T. Polyack in [16]. He studied a two-step discrete algorithm called \heavy-ball with friction" method, which may be interpreted as an explicit discretization of (1.1). Both approaches are complementary: the analysis and the type of results in the implicit and explicit cases are dierent. 2. Dissipative dierential system. Throughout the paper, H is a real Hilbert space, h; i denotes the associated inner product and j j stands for the corresponding norm. We are interested in the behavior at innity of solution of the following abstract evolution equation where are given. Note that if we assume that the gradient r is locally Lipschitz then the existence and uniqueness of a local solution for standard results of dierential equations theory. In that case, to prove that u is innite extendible to the right, it su-ces to show that its derivative u 0 is bounded. Set , the function E is non-increasing. If we suppose that is bounded from below then u 0 is bounded. 2.1. Asymptotic convergence. In the sequel, we suppose the existence of a global solution of for the inmum value of on H ; thus, mean that is bounded from below. We denote by Argmin the set fx g. On the nonlinearity we shall assume Theorem 2.1. Suppose that (h ) holds. If u 2 C 2 ([0; 1[; H) is a solution of lim Furthermore, if Argmin 6= ; then there exists b such that u(t) * b weakly in H as t !1. 4 F. ALVAREZ Proof. We begin by noticing that u 0 is bounded (see the above argument). In order to prove the minimizing property (2:1), it su-ces to prove that lim sup for any x 2 H . Fix x 2 H and dene the auxiliary function '(t) := 1 u is solution of it follows that which together with the convexity inequality (u) We do not have information on the behavior of (u(t)) but we know that E(t) is non-increasing. Thus, we rewrite (2:2) as Given t > 0, for all 2 [0; t] we have After multiplication by e and integration we obtain We write this equation with t replaced by , use the fact that E(t) decreases and integrate once more to obtain where h(t) := 3Z tZ e Since E(t) (u(t)), (2:3) gives2 Dividing this inequality by 1( letting t !1 we get lim sup It su-ces to show that h(t) remains bounded as t !1. By Fubini's theorem e SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 5 Note that from the equality and in particular Then h(t) 3Z tju 0 ()j 2 d 3Z 1ju 0 ()j 2 d < 1 as was to be proved. On the other hand, since E() is non-increasing and bounded from below by inf , it converges as t ! 1. If lim E(t) > inf , then lim because of (2:1). This contradicts the fact that u 0 2 L 2 . Therefore, lim as t !1. The task is now to establish the weak convergence of u(t) when Argmin 6= ;. For this purpose, we shall apply the Opial lemma [15], whose interest is that it allows one to prove convergence without knowing the limit point. We state it as follows. Lemma [Opial]. Let H be a Hilbert space , H be a trajectory and denote by W the set of its weak limit points If there exists ; 6= S H such that then W 6= ;. Moreover, if W S then u(t) converges weakly towards b u 2 S as In order to apply the above result, we must nd an adequate set S. Suppose that there exists b H such that u(t k ) * b u for a suitable sequence t k !1. The function is weak lower-semicontinuous, because is convex and continuous, hence (bu) lim inf and therefore b u 2 Argmin . According with the Opial lemma, we are reduced to prove that exists: For this, x z 2 Argmin and dene '(t) := 1 provides a su-cient condition on [' 0 , the positive part of the derivative, in order to ensure convergence for '. Lemma 2.2. Let 2 C 1 ([0; 1[; IR) be bounded from below. If [ then (t) converges as t !1. 6 F. ALVAREZ Proof. Set w(t) := (t) Since w(t) is bounded from below and w 0 (t) 0, then w(t) converges as t !1, and consequently (t) converges as t !1. On account of this result, it su-ces to prove that [' 0 belongs to L 1 (0; 1). Of course, to obtain information on ' 0 we shall use the fact that u(t) is solution of Due to the optimality of z, it follows from (2:2) that Lemma 2.3. If the dierential inequality with Proof. We can certainly assume that g 0, for if not, we replace g by jgj. Multiplying (2:6) by e t and integrating we get Z te Thus Z te and Fubini's theorem gives Z 1Z te Recalling that ju 0 the proof of the theorem is completed by applying lemma 2.3 to equation (2:5). We say that r is strongly monotone if there exists > 0 such that for any A weaker condition is the strong monotonicity over bounded sets, that is to say, for all K > 0 there exists K > 0 such that for any x; y 2 B[0; K] we have If the latter property holds, then we have strong convergence for u(t) when the inmum of is attained. The argument is standard: let b u be the (unique) minimum point for and set K := maxfsup t0 ju(t)j; jbujg, then from (2:7) we deduce Since we have proven that lim b u strongly in H . Note that we do not need to apply the Opial lemma. SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 7 The latter is the case of a non-degenerate minimum point. When admits multiple minima, it is not possible to obtain strong convergence without additional assumptions on or the space H . For instance, we have the following Theorem 2.4. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 2.1, if either (i) Argmin 6= ; and is even or then u strongly in H as t !1; Proof. The proof is adapted from the corresponding results for the steepest descent method; see [7] for the analogous of (i) and [6] for (ii). quently decreasing and is even, we deduce that for all t 2 [0; t 0 ]: By the convexity of we conclude hence Thus The standard integration procedure yields Therefore, for all t 2 [0; where 8 F. ALVAREZ On the other hand, in the proof of Theorem 2.1 we have shown that h(t) is convergent as t ! 1. We also proved that for all z 2 Argmin the lim ju(t) zj exists. Since is convex and even, we have 0 2 Argmin whenever the inmum is realized. In that case, ju(t)j is convergent as t ! 1 and we infer from (2.9) that is a Cauchy net. Hence u(t) converges strongly as t ! 1 and, by Theorem 2.1, the limit belongs to Argmin . There exists > 0 such that for every z 2 H with In particular, if jz z 0 j then Consequently, for every x 2 H and z with jz z 0 j . Hence, for every x 2 H . Applying this inequality to x = u(t) we deduce that We thus obtain Integrating this inequality yields But we have already proved that the lim '(t) exists and lim As a conclusion, u We deduce that the lim u(t) exists, which nishes the proof because u 2.2. Localization of the limit point. In the proof of Theorem 2.1 we have used the dierential inequality (2:2), which in some sense measures the evolution of the system. A simpler but analogous inequality appears in the asymptotic analysis for the steepest descent inclusion (SD). This was used by B. Lemaire in [13] to locate the limit point of the trajectories of (SD). Following this approach, in this section we give a localization result of the limit point of the solutions of (E ). For simplicity of notation, set S := Argmin and we denote by proj the projection operator onto the closed convex set S. Proposition 2.5. Let u be solution of be such that Consequently where is the distance between u 0 and the set S. SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 9 (ii) if S is an a-ne subspace of H then If moreover is a quadratic form then strongly in H as t !1: Proof. Let x 2 S and set '(t) := 1 . The inequality (2:2) and the optimality of x give Hence Z tZ e Due to the weak lower semi-continuity of the norm and Fubini's theorem, we can let t !1 to obtain2 jbu xj 2 1 On the other hand, from the energy equation2 ju it follows Z 1ju 0 ()j 2 d 1 Replacing the last estimate in (2.11), it easy to show that (2.10) holds. For (i), it su-ces to take For (ii), let e := b u proj S which belongs to S. An easy computation shows that which together with (2.10) yields Letting r !1 we get the result. Finally, suppose that positive and self-adjoint bounded linear operator. Then the null space of A. Let z 2 S; for all t 0 we have that strongly ( is even) as t !1, we can deduce that for all z 2 S, which completes the proof. 2.3. Linear system: heuristic comparison. Before proceeding further it is interesting for the optimization viewpoint to compare the behavior of the trajectories dened by with the steepest descent equation and with the continuous Newton's method For simplicity, in this section we restrict ourselves to the associated linearized systems in a nite dimensional space. We shall consider and assume that 2 IR). Related to (SD) we have the linearized system around some x 0 2 IR N , which is dened by We assume that the Hessian matrix r 2 positive denite. An explicit computation shows that In fact, the solutions of (LSD) are of the form solves the homogeneous equation 0: Take a matrix P such that where i > 0, and set P We obtain the system 0 solutions are i Generally speaking, if there is a i << 1, we will have a relative slow convergence towards the solution; on the other hand, when dealing with large 0 the numerical integration by an approximate method will present stability problems. Thus we see that the numerical performance of (SD) is strongly determined by the local geometry of the function . We turn now to the linearized version of (N ), given by The solutions are of the form which are much better than the previous ones. The major properties are : 1) the straight-line geometry of the tra- jectories; 2) the rate of convergence is independent of the quadratic function to be minimized. Certainly, this is just a local approximation of the original function and the global behavior of the trajectory may be complicated. Nevertheless, this outstanding normalization property of Newton's system makes it eective in practice, due to the fact that the associated trajectories are easy to follow by a discretization method. Of course, an important disadvantage of (N) is the computation of the inverse of the Hessian matrix, which may be involved for a numerical algorithm. Finally, we consider z SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 11 For this equation we have solves the homogeneous problem It is a simple matter to show that )t with i :]0; 1[!]0; 1[ continuous and C i a constant independent of . In fact, i ( is non-increasing on ]2 p then the corresponding does not present oscillations. Thus the choice greatest rate that can be obtained. But we can get any value in the interval ]0; p for instance, when i > 1 we obtain 1. The last choice has the advantage that the associated trajectory is not oscillatory, which is interesting by numerical reasons. Note that we should take a dierent parameter according to the corresponding eigenvalue i . See the Appendix for an illustration of this simple analysis. Therefore, the presence of the damping parameter gives us a control on the behavior of the solutions of (E and, in particular, on some qualitative properties of the associated trajectories. For a general we must take on account: a) a careful selection of the damping parameter should depend on the local geometry of the function , leading to a nonautonomous damping; b) this selection could give a different value of for some particular directions, leading to an anisotropic damping. No attempt has been made here to develop a theory in order to guide these choices. 2.4. Linear and anisotropic damping. In the preceding section we have seen that it may be of interest to consider an anisotropic damping. With the aim of contributing to this issue, in this section we establish the asymptotic convergence for the solutions of the following system H is a bounded self-adjoint linear operator, which we assume to be elliptic > 0 such that for any x 2 H; h x; xi Theorem 2.6. Suppose (h ) and (h ) hold. If u 2 C 2 ([0; 1[; H) is a solution of lim Furthermore, if Argmin 6= ; then there exists b such that u(t) * b weakly in H as t !1. Proof. We only need to adapt the proof of Theorem 2:1. First, note that the properties of existence, uniqueness and innite extendibility to the right of the solution follow by similar arguments. Likewise, the energy E(t) := 1 and we can deduce that u Next, dene the operator x, with such a way that As in the proof of Theorem 2:1, equation (2:13) gives Z te (2. with the only dierence being the term An integration by parts yields Z te Z te Setting f(t) := Z te Thus, we can rewrite (2:14) as We leave it to the reader to verify that the minimizing property (2:12) can now be established as in Theorem 2:1. Analogously for the proof of u When Argmin 6= ;, we x z 2 Argmin and consider the corresponding functions ' and as above (with x replaced by z). Using the optimality of z, it follows Z te with f associated with as above. Integrating this inequality we conclude that '(t) stays bounded as t ! 1, but we cannot deduce its convergence. Then, we rewrite (2:15) in the form Z te Z te and we conclude that [' 0 (t) We note that Z te where and Z te In virtue of Lemma 2.2, if we show that (t) is bounded from below then (t) converges as t ! 1. Since 0 there exists a constant M > 0 independent of t such that j 0 (t)j M ju 0 (t)j '(t) for any t > 0. We conclude that SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 13 1. From this fact it follows easily that (t) ! 0 as t ! 1. Therefore, converges as t !1, hence (t) converges as well. The proof is completed by applying the Opial lemma to the trajectory 1g, where the Hilbert space H is endowed with the inner product hh; ii dened by hhx; yii := 1 h x; yi and its associated norm. Remark 1. In Theorems 2.1 - 2.6 we do not require any coerciveness assumption on . When Argmin 6= ;, the dissipativeness in the dynamics su-ces for the convergence of the solutions. If the inmum value is not realized the trajectory may be unbounded as in the one dimensional equation whose solutions are so that u(t) ! 1 and u In any case, our results assert that the dynamical system dened by (E (or more generally by (E )) is dissipative in the sense that every trajectory evolves towards a minimum of the energy. Certainly, there is a strong connection with the concept of point dissipativeness or ultimately boundedness in the theory of dynamical systems, where the Lyapunov function associated with the semigroup is usually supposed to be coercive (c.f. [9, gradient systems]). Remark 2. To ensure local existence and uniqueness of a classical solution for the dierential equation, it su-ces to require a local Lipschitz property on r. Actually, in some situations this hypothesis is not necessary and the existence may be established by other arguments. For instance, that is the case of the Hille-Yosida theorem for evolution equations governed by monotone operators and the theory of linear and non-linear semigroups for partial dierential equations. Note that such a Lipschitz condition on the gradient is not used in the asymptotic analysis of the trajectories. Therefore, the previous asymptotic results remain valid for other classes of innite-dimensional dissipative systems, provided the existence of a global solution. It is not our purpose to develop this point here for the continuous system because it exceeds the scope of this paper. However, in the next section we consider an implicit discretization of the continuous system. As we will see, the existence of the discrete trajectory is ensured by variational arguments. This allow us to apply the discrete scheme to nonsmooth convex functions and to adapt the asymptotic analysis to this case. 3. Discrete approximation method. Once we have established the existence of a solution of an initial value problem, we are interested in its numerical values. We must accept that most dierential equations cannot be solved explicitly; we are thus lead to work with approximate methods. An important class of these methods is based on the approximation of the exact solution over a discrete set ft n g: associated with each point t n we compute a value un , which approximates u(t n ) the exact solution at Generally speaking, these procedures have the disadvantage that a large number of calculations has to be done in order to keep the discretization error e n := un u(t n ) su-ciently small. In addition to this, the estimates for the errors strongly depends on the length of the discretization range for the t variable. It turns out that these methods are not well adapted to the approximation of the exact solution on an unbounded domain. Nevertheless, there is an important point to note here. If our objective is the asymptotic behavior of the solutions as t goes to 1, then the accurate approximation of the whole trajectory becomes immaterial. We present a discrete method whose feature is that no attempt is made to approximate the exact solution over a set of 14 F. ALVAREZ points, but the discrete values are sought only to preserve the asymptotic behavior of the solutions. 3.1. Implicit iterative scheme. Dealing with the discretization of a rst order dierential equation y it is classical to consider the implicit iterative scheme y where h > 0 is a parameter called step size. In the case of equation (E or more precisely its rst order equivalent system, (3:1) corresponds to recursively solve Since is convex, (3:2) is equivalent to the following variational problem where z This motivates the introduction of the more general iterative procedure where z are positive. Note that when the standard Prox iteration. If > 0, the starting point for the next iteration is computed as a development in terms of the velocity of the already generated sequence. Therefore, this iterative scheme denes a second order dynamics, while Prox is actually of rst order nature. We have been working under the assumption that is dierentiable. However, for the above iterative variational method this regularity is no longer necessary. Thus, in the sequel f denotes a closed proper convex function (see [17]), which eventually realizes the value 1, and we consider where z In terms of the stationary condition, (3:3) is equivalent to where @f is the standard convex subdierential [17]. 3.2. Convergence for the variational algorithm. By numerical reasons, it is natural to consider the following approximate iterative scheme k where k in non-negative, k is positive and @ f is the -subdierential. Note that a sequence fu k g H satisfying (3:4) always exists. Indeed, given u SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 15 take u k+1 as the unique solution of the strongly convex problem as above. Theorem 3.1. Assume that f is closed proper convex and bounded from below. Let fu k g H be a sequence generated by (3:4), where is bounded from below by a positive constant. (ii) the sequence f is non-increasing and Then lim and in particular lim When Argmin f 6= ;, assume in addition that (iii) there exists 2]0; 1[ such that 0 k , and f k g is bounded from above if there is at least one k > 0. Then, there exists b u 2 Argmin f such that u k * b u weakly as k !1. Proof. The proof consists in adapting the analysis done for the dierential equation We begin by dening the discrete energy by and we study the successive dierence E By denition of @ k f , (3:4) yields As we can write we have and consequently Noting that and because 0 k 1, we deduce that and As 0 k 1 and k is bounded from below by a positive constant, we have lim Writing we conclude that (3:5) holds. Suppose now that Argmin f 6= ;. We apply the Opial lemma to prove the weak convergence of fu k g. On account of (3:5), it is su-cient to show that for any z 2 Argmin f , the sequence of positive numbers fju k zjg is convergent. Fix z 2 Argmin f ; since u k+1 satises (3:4), we have and by the optimality of z . It is direct to check that for any k 2 IN that and therefore Using (iii) and (3:6) it follows that the above inequality implies Thus which yieldsX SECOND-ORDER DISSIPATIVE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZATION 17 is bounded from below. As fw k g is non-increasing we have that it converges. Hence, f' k g converges, which completes the proof of the theorem. For simplicity, we have considered in this section the isotropic damping system. However, a similar analysis can be done for the anisotropic damping associated with an elliptic self-adjoint linear operator . The variational problem associated with the implicit discretization is where z For a function f closed proper and convex, the latter motivates the scheme H is a linear positive denite operator and S linear and positive semi-denite. If we assume both R and I S are elliptic, it is possible to obtain a convergence result like the previous one. It su-ces to adapt the main arguments. Since the basic ideas are contained in the proof of Theorems 2.6 and 3.1, we do not go further in this matter. 4. Some open problems. In the case of multiple optimal solutions, our convergence results does not provide additional information on the point attained in the limit. A possible approach to overcome this disadvantage may be to couple the dissipative system with approximation techniques as regularization, interior-barrier or globally dened penalizations and viscosity methods. In the continuous case, this alternative has been considered with success for the steepest descent equation in [2] and for Newton's method in [1], giving a characterization for the limit point under suitable assumptions on the approximate scheme. On account of these results, one may conjecture that this can be done for the equations considered in the present work. On the other hand, we have seen that the behavior of the trajectories depends on a relation between the damping and the local geometry of the function we wish to minimize. This remark leads us to the obvious problem of the choice of the damping parameter, in order to have a better control on the trajectory. This is also a problem in the discrete algorithm. Usually we have an incomplete knowledge of the objective function, which makes the question more di-cult. We think that a rst step in this direction may be the study of more general damped equations, with non-linear and/or non-autonomous damping. Acknowledgments . I wish to express my gratitude to the Laboratoire d'Analyse Convexe de l'Universite Montpellier II for the hospitality and support, and specially to Professor Hedy Attouch. I gratefully acknowledge nancial support through a French Foreign Scholarship grant from the French Ministry of Education and a Chilean National Scholarship grant from the CONICYT of Chile. I wish to thank the helpful comments of a referee concerning theorems 2.2 and 3.1. --R A dynamical approach to convex minimization coupling approximation with the steepest descent method A dynamical method for the global exploration of stationary points of a real-valued mapping: the heavy ball method The nonlinear geometry of linear programming (parts I and II) Monotonicity methods in Hilbert spaces and some applications to nonlinear partial di Asymptotic convergence of nonlinear contraction semi-groups in Hilbert spaces Asymptotic convergence of the steepest descent method for the exponential penalty in linear programming Convergence of solutions of second-order gradient-like systems with analytic nonlinearities About the convergence of the proximal method An asymptotical variational principle associated with the steepest descent method for a convex function The projective SUMT method for convex programming Weak convergence of the sequence of successive approximations for nonexpansive mappings Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iterative methods --TR --CTR A. Moudafi , M. Oliny, Convergence of a splitting inertial proximal method for monotone operators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.155 n.2, p.447-454, 15 June
convexity;linear damping;implicit discretization;asymptotic behavior;iterative-variational algorithm;weak convergence;dissipative system
Analysis of a local-area wireless network.
To understand better how users take advantage of wireless networks, we examine a twelve-week trace of a building-wide local-area wireless network. We analyze the network for overall user behavior (when and how intensively people use the network and how much they move around), overall network traffic and load characteristics (observed throughput and symmetry of incoming and outgoing traffic), and traffic characteristics from a user point of view (observed mix of applications and number of hosts connected to by users). Amongst other results, we find that users are divided into distinct location-based sub-communities, each with its own movement, activity, and usage characteristics. Most users exploit the network for web-surfing, session-oriented activities and chat-oriented activities. The high number of chat-oriented activities shows that many users take advantage of the mobile network for synchronous communication with others. In addition to these user-specific results, we find that peak throughput is usually caused by a single user and application. Also, while incoming traffic dominates outgoing traffic overall, the opposite tends to be true during periods of peak throughput, implying that significant asymmetry in network capacity could be undesirable for our users. While these results are only valid for this local-area wireless network and user community, we believe that similar environments may exhibit similar behavior and trends. We hope that our observations will contribute to a growing understanding of mobile user behavior.
INTRODUCTION More companies and schools are installing wireless networks to support a growing population of mobile laptop and PDA users. Part of the motivation for these installations is to reduce the costs of running cable. Another important motivation is to meet the demands of users who wish to stay connected to the network, communicating with others and accessing on-line information no matter where they are. In this paper, we analyze a 12-week trace of a local-area wireless network installed throughout the Gates Computer Science Building of Stanford University. Our goal is to answer questions such as how much users take advantage of mobility, how often we observe peak throughput rates, what causes the peaks, and what application mix is used. This study is similar in nature to a previous study [14], however the scale of this network is much smaller, and its characteristics in terms of delay and bandwidth are much more favorable. We thus find that not all questions asked previously make sense in this context; for instance, we do not analyze user mobility for frequently-used paths through the network. In contrast to the previous study, however, we explore information about network data traffic and can ask questions about application mixes, symmetry of outgoing and incoming traffic, and traffic throughput. Amongst other results, we find that users fall into distinct location-based sub-communities, each with its own behavior regarding movement and periods of activity. We find that almost all users run some version of Windows at least some of the time and exploit the network for web-surfing activities. Besides other house-keeping activities (such as dns, icmp, and setting the time), many people also use their laptops for session-oriented activities (such as ssh and telnet) and chat-oriented activities (such as talk, icq, irc, and zephyr). The high number of chat-oriented activities shows that some users take advantage of the mobile network for synchronous communication with others. In addition to these user-specific results, we find that peak throughput is caused 80% of the time by a single user and application. Also, while incoming traffic dominates outgoing traffic overall (34 billion bytes compared to 12 billion bytes), the opposite tends to be true during periods of peak throughput, implying that significant asymmetry in network capacity could be undesirable for our users. We hope that the results we present here will help researchers and developers determine how users take advantage of a local-area wireless network, helping to focus efforts on topics that will achieve the most improvement in user experience. While these results are only necessarily valid for this particular local-area wireless network and user community, we believe that similar environments may exhibit similar behavior and trends. In this paper, we first present background information about the data we collected and then present the results of our analysis. We divide the analysis into three sections: overall user behavior, overall network traffic characteristics, and user traffic characteristics. We also comment on the network data Table 1: Brief summary of the wireless network and community in the Gates Computer Science Building. Total number of access points 12 Number of floors in building 6 Approximate area covered by an access point 75ft x 150ft Number of wireless users 74 Figure 1: The public subnet and its connectivity to the rest of the departmental and university networks and the Internet. An AP is an access point for wireless connectivity. visualization tools we used, describe related work, and list some possible directions for future work. 2. BACKGROUND In this section we describe the network analyzed and our tracing methodology. In the Gates Computer Science Building at Stanford University, administrators have made a "public" subnet available for any user affiliated with the university [1]. Users desiring network access via this subnet must authenticate themselves to use their dynamically assigned IP address [5] to access the rest of the departmental and university networks and the Internet. This subnet, as shown in Figure 1 and described in Table 1, is accessible both from a wireless network and from Ethernet ports in public places in the building, such as conference rooms, lounges, the library, and labs. The wireless network is a WaveLAN network with WavePoint II access points acting as bridges between the wireless and wired networks [15]. The access points each have two slots for wireless network interfaces; both slots are filled, one with older 2 Mbps cards to support the few users who have not updated their hardware yet, and the other with cards. To help explain the results we present in the next sections, we briefly describe our building and its user community. The building is L-shaped (the longer edge is called the a-wing, and the shorter the b-wing). It has four main floors with offices and labs, a basement with classrooms and labs, and a fifth floor with a lounge and a few offices. Each of the main floors has two access points, one for each wing. Additionally, the first floor has an access point for a large conference room; the library, which spans both the second and third floors, also has an access point. The basement has two access points, one near the classrooms and one for the Interactive Room, a special research project in the department [7]. The smaller fifth floor only has one access point. The wireless user community consists of 74 users who can be roughly divided into four groups: . first year PhD students, who were each given a laptop with a WaveLAN card upon arrival (which corresponds to the beginning of the trace). Their offices are primarily in the wing. . 22 graphics students and staff, the majority of whom received laptops with WaveLAN cards a week into the tracing period. Their offices are primarily in the 3b wing. . Three robots, used by the robotics lab for research. The robots do not have to authenticate themselves to reach the outside network. While the robots are somewhat mobile, they stay in the 1a wing. Although these WaveLAN cards are intended to be used by the robots, students in the robotics lab also use the network cards for session connections and web- surfing. . 14 other users (students, staff, and faculty) scattered throughout the building. In addition to these 74 users, there were also four users who authenticated themselves but only connected to wired ports on the public subnet rather than the wireless network. We do not consider these users in the rest of this analysis of the wireless network. We obtained permission to collect these traces from the Department Chair and informed all network users that this tracing was taking place. We additionally informed users we would record packet header information only (not the contents) and that we would anonymize the data. Knowledge of the tracing may have perturbed user behavior, but we have no way of quantifying the effect. Because all of the wireless users are on a single subnet (which promotes roaming without the need for Mobile IP or other such support), we gathered traces on the router shown in Figure 1 that connects the public subnet to the rest of the departmental wired network. The router is a 90 MHz Pentium running RedHat Linux with two 10 Mbps network interfaces. One interface connects to the public subnet, and the other connects to the departmental network. To gather all of the information we wanted, we collected three separate types of traces during a 12-week period encompassing the 1999 Fall quarter (from Monday, September 20 through Sunday, December 12). The first trace we gathered is a tcpdump trace of the link-level and network-level headers of all packets that went through the router [9]. We use this information in conjunction with the other two traces. The second trace is an SNMP trace [4]. Approximately every two minutes, the router queries, via Ethernet, all twelve access points for the MAC addresses of the hosts currently using that access point as a bridge to the wired network. Once we know which access point a MAC address uses for network access, we know the approximate location (floor and wing) of the device with that MAC address. We pair these MAC addresses with the link- 12am 4am 8am 12pm 4pm 8pm Hour of the Day3915Average Number of Users Stationary Mobile Figure 2: The average number of active users of the mobile network each hour of the day. Each hour has two bars, the left one for weekends and the right one for weekdays. The darkness of the bar indicates whether the users are stationary or mobile (active at two or more access points) during that hour. For example, the highlighted bars show that at 2pm, on average 16.2 users use the network on weekdays (2 of which, on average, visit at least 2 locations over the course of that hour), and on average, 6.6 users use the network on weekends (0.5 of which, on average, visit at least 2 locations over the course of that hour). Day in the Trace515253545 Total Number of Users Stationary Mobile Figure 3: The total number of users of the mobile network per day. The 0 th day is Monday, the 1 st day is Tuesday, etc. The darkness of the bar indicates whether the users are stationary or mobile during that day. level addresses saved in the packet headers to determine the approximate locations of the hosts in the tcpdump trace. The overhead from the SNMP tracing is low: 530 packets or 50 KBytes is the average overhead from querying all twelve access points every two minutes. The overhead for querying an individual access point is 3.2 KBytes if no MAC addresses are using that access point; otherwise, the base overhead is 14.5 KBytes for one user at an access point, plus 1 KByte for every additional user. The last trace is the authentication log, which keeps track of which users request authentication to use the network. Each request has both the user's login name as well as the MAC address from which the user makes the request. We pair these MAC addresses with the link-level addresses saved in the tcpdump trace to determine which user sends out each packet. We use the common timestamp and MAC address information to combine these three traces into a single trace with a total of 78,739,933 packets attributable to the 74 wireless users. An additional 37,893,656 packets are attributable to the SNMP queries and 1,551,167 packets are attributable to the four wired users. The number of packets attributable to the SNMP queries might seem high, but each access point is queried every two minutes even if no laptops are actively generating traffic. Thus, for every packet sent over the course of this twelve- week period we record: . a timestamp, . the user's identity, . the user's location (current access point), . the application, if the port is recognized, otherwise, the source and destination ports, . the remote host the user connects to, . and the size of the packet. Note that because we do not record any signal strength information, and since our access points generally cover a whole wing of a floor, we cannot necessarily detect movement within a wing but only movement between access points. 3. OVERALL USER BEHAVIOR In this section we consider the network-related behavior of users, focusing on their activity and mobility. Specifically, we ask the following questions: 1. When and how often do people use the network? 2. How many users are active at a time? 3. How much do users move? The answers to these questions help researchers understand whether and how users actually take advantage of a mobile environment. Also, by understanding user behavior, network planners can better plan and extend network infrastructure. In general we find that most users do not move much within the building, but a few users are highly mobile, moving up to seven times within an hour. We also find that users fall into location-based sub-communities, each with its own movement and activity characteristics. For example, the sub-community in the 2b wing tends to move around a fair amount and use the network sporadically, whereas the 4b wing sub-community steadily uses the network but does not move around very much. 3.1 Active Users We first look at average user activity by time of day. We consider a user to be active during a day in the trace if he sends or receives a packet sometime during that day. We see from Figure 2 that on weekdays more people use the network in the afternoon than at any other time (on average there are 12 to 16 users in the mid-afternoon, with a maximum of 34 users between 2 and 4 in the afternoon). We also see from the steady number of users throughout the night and weekend that four to five users, on Number of Active Days2610 Number of Users Figure 4: Number of active days for mobile users over the course of the entire trace. Number of Access Points Visited5152535Total Number of Users Figure 5: Number of users visiting some number of access points over the course of the entire trace. basement iroom 104 1a 1b 2a 2b library 3a 3b 4a 4b 5 Access Point Location39Maximum Number of Users Figure Maximum number of users each access point handles within a five-minute period. iroom = Interactive Room. basement iroom 104 1a 1b 2a 2b library 3a 3b 4a 4b 5 Access Point Location39Maximum Number of Handoffs Figure 7: Maximum number of handoffs each access point handles within a 5-minute or 15-minute period. iroom = the Interactive Room in the basement. average, leave their laptops turned on in their offices rather than take them home. Figure 3 is a graph analogous to Figure 2, presenting the number of active users per day in the trace rather than per hour of the day. We observe a weekly pattern with more active users during the week than on weekends. We also note some trends across the course of the trace: the network supports the most users at the beginning of the trace (up to 43 on the first Friday of the trace), when many users first received their laptops, with a lull in the middle of the quarter corresponding to midterms and comprehensive exams, followed by an upswing corresponding to final project due dates, before a drop during finals week and an exodus for winter vacations. We also believe that the number of users falls off as new Ph.D. students received their permanent office assignments elsewhere in the building. It seems that many users still prefer stationary desktop machines over laptops when both are available to them. Figure presents overall activity from a user point of view: the total number of days users are active during the traced period. While some users rarely connect their laptops to the network (17 users do so on 5 days or fewer), others connect their laptops frequently (14 users are active at least 37 days during the traced period). 3.2 User Mobility We next explore user mobility. Turning back to Figure 2, we see information about average user mobility by time of day. Most users are stationary, meaning they do not move from one access point to another. Only a few users (1.3 on average) move between access points during any given hour. However, some users are highly mobile with a maximum of seven location changes for a user within an hour. We can now look at Figure 3 to see how many users are mobile on a daily basis rather than an hourly basis. Figure 8: Overview of the throughput trends over the entire trace, both in bytes (maximum of 5.6 Mbps) and packets (maximum of 1,376 packets per second), as well as the number of access points (AP's, maximum of 9 simultaneous AP's), applications (maximum of 56 simultaneous applications), and users (maximum of 17 simultaneous users) responsible for generating the traffic. Table 2: Brief description of the activity at each access point throughout the course of the trace. Access Point Description basement occasional spikes corresponding to meetings iroom big peak in weeks 8, 9 (project deadline) 104 occasional spikes corresponding to meetings 1a heavy usage weeks 1-3, occasional afterwards 1b occasional usage corresponding to network testing 2a occasional usage, small peak towards end 2b closely follows overall pattern in Figure 2 library meetings in weeks 1-3, slight peak weeks 6-7 3a lower usage, follows overall pattern in Figure 2 3b follows overall pattern in Figure 2 4a 1-2 users regularly 4b 1-3 users constantly 5 1-2 users in late afternoons, Monday-Friday The number of mobile users is high towards the beginning of the trace, with up to 13 mobile users during a day, and decreases towards the end of the trace, to only one to two mobile users during a day. As in Figure 2, however, we see that most users are stationary on any given day with only a few (3.2 on average) moving around. Looking at total mobility across the trace in Figure 5, we see that while 37 users are stationary throughout the entire period, a few users exploit the mobile characteristic of the network: 13 users visit at least five distinct access points during the course of the trace and one user visits all twelve access points. 3.3 User Sub-communities We now turn to location-based user behavior by associating user activity and mobility with access points. Figure 6 shows that the access points in the 2b and 3b wings handle the most users (up to 12 or 10 users, respectively, within a five-minute period), which is not surprising given the large number of mobile users with offices in those two wings. Figure 7 shows how many handoffs access points have to handle. Contrasting Figure 6 with Figure 7, we see that the number of users is not necessarily correlated with movement. The users on the 3b wing rarely move, while the users on the 2b wing move around more often. The few users in the 1b wing move even more frequently. Table summarizes user activity by access point location. The basement and the conference room in 104 are primarily used only when meetings occur, while the 5th floor lounge is used when people take a break in the late afternoon. The 4th floor users are steady users who rarely move, the 3rd floor users connect to the network more sporadically, and the 2nd floor users are also sporadic but more mobile. These results reveal that while each access point covers approximately the same amount of space, the load on each access point depends on the behavior of the community it serves. 3.4 Access Point Handoffs One side effect of user mobility is the need for access points to perform handoffs. We thus take a closer look at how many handoffs access points handle. A handoff is defined as a user appearing at one access point and then moving to a different access point within a given period of time. Looking at Figure 7, we see that handoffs are not a major burden on access points: an access point handles at most five handoffs within a five-minute period, or ten within a 15-minute period. Note that 95% of all user location changes occur within 15 minutes. 4. OVERALL NETWORK TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS In this section we consider overall characteristics of the network, such as throughput, peak throughput, and incoming and outgoing traffic symmetry. Specifically, we ask the following questions: 1. What is the throughput through the router? Through the access points? 2. What is the peak throughput? 3. How often is peak throughput reached? 4. What causes the peaks? Several users or only one or two? Multiple applications or only a few? 5. How symmetric is the traffic? (How similar is incoming traffic to outgoing traffic?) 6. How much traffic is attributable to small versus large packets? The answers to these questions help determine how wireless hardware and software should be optimized to handle the amounts of traffic wireless networks generate. Such optimizations may Table 3: Maximum throughput attained through the router, the public Ethernet ports, and each access point. Location Max Packets Max Bits % of Peaks > 3 Mbps router 1,376 pps 5.6 Mbps 100.00% ethernet 1,096 pps 5.1 Mbps 5.80% basement 530 pps 3.2 Mbps 0.10% iroom 446 pps 3.6 Mbps 3.30% 1a 521 pps 3.4 Mbps 0.60% 1b 455 pps 3.6 Mbps 2.00% 104 429 pps 3.4 Mbps 0.70% 2a 783 pps 3.1 Mbps 0.01% 2b 824 pps 4.5 Mbps 8.90% library 745 pps 4.5 Mbps 2.40% 3a 737 pps 3.6 Mbps 6.30% 3b 883 pps 4.6 Mbps 69.70% 4a 804 pps 1.7 Mbps 0.00% 4b 675 pps 3.9 Mbps 0.07% 5 703 pps 3.4 Mbps 0.10% include using asymmetric links or optimizing for a few large packets versus many smaller packets. While we believe that latency is critical to users, the latency of the WaveLAN network is equivalent to wired ethernet, and we thus choose not to analyze our trace for this metric. The latency users see on our network is attributable almost entirely to the outside network, especially the Internet [12]. In general, we find that router throughput reaches peaks of 5.6Mbps and that peak throughput is caused 80% of the time by a single user and application, usually a large file transfer. On average, the incoming traffic is heavier than outgoing traffic, but the periods of peak throughput are actually skewed more towards outgoing bytes. From this result, we conclude that significant asymmetry in network capacity would not be desirable for our users. We also find that in our network's application mix, low per-packet processing overhead to handle many small packets is just as important as high overall attainable byte throughput. 4.1 Network Throughput Figure 8 gives an overview of throughput over the traced period, as well as how many access points, users, and applications are responsible for generating the traffic. Throughput through the router is typically around one to three Mbps. Usually, the throughput as a whole increases as the number of users increases. The throughput through the router reaches peaks of 5.6 Mbps. Table 3 shows the maximum throughput attained through the router and each access point. In no case is the peak throughput maintained for more than three seconds, indicating that the network is not overwhelmed, but rather that traffic is heavy enough to hit the peak rate on occasion. For the majority of peaks, the maximum throughput is achieved by a single user and application, rather than distributed across several users, as we might expect since the access points with the largest peaks are also the access points with the most users. Specifically, of the 1,492 peaks of magnitude 3.6 Mbps or greater, 80% of those peaks have 94% of their traffic generated by a single user and application, and 97% of the their traffic generated by a single user. The application responsible for 53% of those peaks is ftp, with web traffic responsible for 15%, and the remainder caused by applications such as X, session traffic (e.g., ssh and telnet), and mail downloads (e.g., eudora, imap, and pop). From this data, we also observe that evidence of user subcommunities with different behaviors carries over to traffic throughput characteristics. While the wings with the most users (2b and 3b) also have the highest peak throughput, the users on the 3b wing attain that throughput more often (69% of peaks of magnitude greater than 3 Mbps are attributable to the 3b wing), indicating that although these users may not be very mobile, their traffic causes more load on the network. 4.2 Network Symmetry Another network characteristic we investigate is the symmetry of incoming and outgoing traffic. We might expect that because the most common application is web-surfing (see Section 5) that incoming packets and bytes would overwhelm outgoing packets and bytes. Instead, we find that while the total incoming traffic (34 billion bytes and 62 million packets) is larger than the total outgoing traffic (12 billion bytes and 56 million packets), the peaks are actually skewed more towards outgoing traffic. Of the peaks of magnitude greater than 3.6 Mbps, 60% are dominated by outgoing rather than incoming traffic. From this data, we conclude that significantly asymmetric capacity in wireless networks would be undesirable to users in environments similar to ours. 4.3 Packet versus Byte Throughput The last overall network characteristic we explore is how packet throughput differs from byte throughput. Figure 9 presents a closer look into the distribution of packet sizes in the network, showing that over 70% of packets are smaller than 200 bytes. However, this same number of packets represents only about 30% of all bytes transmitted. We thus conclude that low per-packet processing overhead is just as important to users in this environment as high overall attainable throughput. Note that fragmented packets are not reassembled for this graph. However, of the 78,738,933 total packets, only 206,895 (0.26%) are fragments and should therefore not impact the distribution much. We further look at the packet size distribution across several commonly used applications, shown in Figure 10, to determine how these applications can be categorized in terms of packet size. We see that http and database applications should be optimized to handle large incoming and small outgoing packets. In contrast, session, chat, mail, and X applications should be optimized to handle many small outgoing and incoming packets. While the optimizations for mail, an application for asynchronous personal communication, may be independent of latency, the optimizations for session, chat, and X applications must not only optimize for the many small packets but also minimize delay to facilitate user interactivity. 5. USER TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS In this section we consider traffic characteristics from a user perspective. The specific questions we ask in this section are: Packet Size (bytes) Cumulative Percentage of Packets, Bytes Packets Bytes Figure 9: Cumulative histogram showing the percentage of packets that are a certain number of bytes long and the percentage of bytes transferred by packets of that length. web session ftp mail db chat news license xaudio X finger filesys dns icmp netbios bootp kerberos house other unknown Application100300500700900110013001500Median Packet Size All Incoming Outgoing Figure 10: Median incoming and outgoing packet sizes for some commonly used applications. Session applications include ssh and telnet; mail includes pop, imap, and Eudora; filesys includes nfs and afs; chat includes talk, icq, zephyr, and irc; house includes housekeeping applications such as ntp. Table 4: The most common applications by user, incoming packets and bytes, and outgoing packets and bytes (all in millions). The first group of applications contains basic services, the second group contains client applications, and the last group contains other (the aggregation of all other recognized applications) and unknown (the aggregation of the unrecognized packets). Session applications include ssh and telnet; mail includes pop, imap, and Eudora; filesys includes nfs and afs; chat includes talk, icq, zephyr, and icq; house includes housekeeping applications such as ntp. App Class Users Inc. Pkts Num. Inc. Bytes Out. Pkts Out. Bytes dns 74 0.2 netbios 71 7.3 6200 7.2 1200 bootp 56 0.007 2.3 0.007 2.2 house 73 0.046 10.8 0.054 6.8 web 73 14.4 15700 11 1100 session mail db 44 0.005 6.4 0.002 0.2 chat 38 0.03 14.7 0.03 2.2 news 21 0.24 266 0.15 9.6 license finger filesys other unknown 68 6 3500 3.7 1000 1. Which applications are most common? 2. How much does application mix vary by user? 3. How many hosts do users connect to? 4. How long are users active? Answering these questions helps determine which applications and application domains to optimize for mobile usage. Knowing the traffic mix and how it varies by time can also help researchers model user traffic better, which is important when simulation is used to evaluate mobile protocols. Finally, knowing which and how many remote hosts users connect to also helps when modeling network connectivity. We find that the most popular applications are web-browsing and session applications such as ssh and telnet. These two classes of applications are frequently run together, so some optimization of their interaction might be useful. About half our users frequently execute chat-oriented applications (such as talk, icq, irc, and zephyr), showing that some users exploit the mobile network for synchronous communication with others. We also find that user application mixes can be classified into several patterns, such as the terminal pattern, wherein people primarily use their laptops to keep sessions to external machines open, or Table 5: Description of the eleven application mixes and number of users per application mix. The only applications considered are web, session, X, mail, ftp, and chat. The starred entries are shown in more detail in Figure 11. Name Num Users Description upload in the morning, download for lunch or before going home. Mostly web and ftp, some session and mail traffic. Usually weekday only, occasional weekend traffic. web- big web-surfer visiting lots of sites, session to one or two sites, plus a bit of the other applications. rare 10 one or two single peaks, always web, sometimes session. dabbler* 9 fairly evenly distributed among the applications, three users active on weekdays only, six users active on both weekdays and weekends. talkies 8 fairly normal hours, weekday and weekend, mostly web and session, but significant chat traffic too. terminal 7 weekday only, mostly session traffic, some web, occasional ftp. mail- client 6 three users active weekdays only, three users active weekdays and weekends, leave their laptops overnight as mail- clients, plus some web surfing and other applications during the day. late- night 5 lots of chat, web, and ftp late at night. More "normal" traffic (session, web) during the day. X-term 3 lots of X, session, and web traffic. A little traffic from the other applications. day-user 3 web and mail during the day, a little session, ftp, and X traffic. lots of ftp with some session and web traffic, a little bit of the other applications. home - Hour of the Day Application Bytes) r r r r r r web session mail talk Weekday Weekend websurfer - Hour of the Day Application Bytes) r r r r r r web session mail talk dabbler - Hour of the Day Application Bytes) r r r r r r web session mail talk Figure 11: Three application mixes (home, web-surfer, and dabbler). Each graph shows the percentage of bytes sent at that time of day per application, for both weekdays and weekends. Each application is split into two graphs, one for traffic to "repeat" hosts (r), and one for traffic to "throwaway" hosts (t). A repeat host is one the user connects to on at least two different days. The darkness of the bar indicates how many different hosts the user connects to. The darker the bar, the more hosts. the web-surfing pattern, wherein most network traffic is web traffic to many different hosts. 5.1 Application Popularity and Mixes Table 4 lists the most common classes of applications by number of users and total number of packets and bytes. Unsurprisingly, basic service applications such as dns, icmp, and house-keeping applications such as ntp are used by everyone. The high amount of netbios traffic indicates that almost all the users run some version of Windows on their laptops. This reflects our system administrators' choice to install Windows as the default system on laptops. Of the end-user applications, http, session applications, and file transfer applications are the most popular (with 73, 63 and 62 users, respectively). There are several interesting points of comparison in this data. First, 62 people use some file transfer protocol compared to 16 people who use some remote filesystem such as NFS [13] or AFS [8]. This disparity indicates that many users find it necessary to transfer files to and from their laptops, but only a few users are either willing or find it necessary to use a distributed filesystem, perhaps due to the lack of support in distributed filesystem servers for dynamically assigned addresses. Also interesting is the number of people who use their laptops as a mere terminal compared to the number of people who run applications directly on their laptops. Specifically, only 20 users run X. In comparison, 47 users run some direct mail client (pop, imap, eudora, smtp, etc.); 21 connect to some license server (Matlab, Mentor Graphics, etc.), presumably to run the application directly on their laptops; 21 connect directly to a news server; and 38 users run some sort of chat software (talk, icq, zephyr, irc, etc. These numbers reveal a tendency to use laptops as stand-alone machines with connectivity, rather than mere terminals. However, most users do still use session applications such as ssh or telnet, showing that users still need to connect to some other machines. Finally, over half of the users execute chat software, indicating that some users treat their laptops in part as personal synchronous communication devices. In addition to overall application usage, we also look at eleven characteristic user application mixes, shown in Table 5. The main characteristics we consider in this categorization are the percentage of traffic in a given period of time that can be attributed to each application, at what time each application dominates the user's traffic, and the number of hosts to which a user connects. We only use a coarse-grained time characterization: weekday versus weekend and during the day versus late at night. We also confine the categorization to six common applications: web-surfing, session applications, X, mail applications, file transfer, and chat applications. Figure provides more detail for three of the application mixes. The first mix is the home mix, wherein the user is active in the morning uploading information or work from the laptop, at lunch downloading information or work, and in the evening downloading materials before heading home. These users typically connect to only one or two sites which are frequently repeated. The next mix is the web-surfer mix, wherein users contact many different web sites (up to 3,029 distinct web sites for one user). Many of these sites (up to 1,982 for one user) are visited more than once by the same user. The last application mix we focus on is the dabbler mix, in which users run all of the application types at least once. We derive several conclusions from this application mix characterization. First, while at some point every possible combination of applications is run together, the applications most commonly run together are web and session applications. Second, while http and ssh are the most popular applications across all users, different users do run different mixes of applications, and they do so at different times of the day. There is no single application mix that fits all mobile users. Finally, not only do the mixes vary by application and time, but also by the number of hosts to which users connect. Some users connect to as few as six hosts, while others connect to as many as 3,054 distinct hosts. (The router connects to a total of 15,878 distinct hosts over the course of the entire trace; 13,178, or 83%, of those hosts are accessed via the web.) 5.2 Web Proxies Given these access patterns, we can ask whether a web proxy for caching web pages might be an effective technique in our environment. For a rough evaluation, we looked for web sites visited multiple times, either on different days or by different users. Of the 13,178 hosts connected to via the web, 3,894 (30%) are visited multiple times by more than one user, 5,318 (40%) are visited on more than one day during the trace, and 5,359 (41%) are visited either by more than one user or on more than one day. These results indicate that web proxies would be at least a partially effective technique in an environment such as ours. 5.3 Network Sessions and Lease Times The final question we ask is how long people use the network at a sitting. Since the wireless network is part of the "public" subnet, users must authenticate themselves when they want to access any host outside the subnet. The current policy is to require users to authenticate themselves every 12 hours [1]. Twelve hours was believed to be a good balance between security concerns and user convenience. Of the 1,243 leases handed out over the course of the trace, 23% (272 leases) are renewed within one second of the previous lease's expiration, 27% (310 leases) are renewed within 15 minutes of expiration, 30% (339 leases) are renewed within one hour of expiration, and 33% (379 leases) are renewed within three hours of the previous lease's expiration. Of the 69 users who authenticate themselves, 48 users authenticate themselves again within an hour of a previous lease expiration at least once during the traced period. Given the high percentage of users who re-authenticate themselves very quickly, we conclude that 12 hours is not very convenient for our users and that 24 hours might be a better balance between security and ease of use. 6. VISUALIZATION TOOLS During the course of this analysis, we use Rivet [3] to create interactive visualizations quickly for exploring the data. A screen shot from one such visualization is shown in Figure 8. Visualizing this large amount of data (78,739,933 packets) is especially useful for gaining an overall understanding of the data and for exploring the dataset, leveraging the human perceptual system to spot unexpected trends. While traditional analysis tools (such as perl scripts, gnuplot, and Excel) are useful, they require the user to formulate questions a priori. By using an interactive visualization to explore the data, we are able to spot unexpected trends, such as the division of users into sub-communities and the lease times being too short. 7. RELATED WORK Other studies of local-area networks exist, but they tend to have a less user-oriented focus. For example, researchers at CMU examined their large WaveLAN installation [6]. This study focuses on characterizing how the WaveLAN radio itself behaves, in terms of the error model and signal characteristics given various physical obstacles, rather than on analyzing user behavior in the network. Other researchers also studied the campus-wide WaveLAN installation at CMU [2]. However, this study focuses on installing and managing a wireless network rather than on user behavior. Another related effort is joint work from Berkeley and CMU [11]. The researchers outline a method for mobile system measurement and evaluation, based on trace modulation rather than network simulation. This work differs from our own in several ways. First, the parameters they concentrate on deal with latency, bandwidth, and signal strength rather than with when users are active and which applications they run. Second, their emphasis is on using these traces to analyze new mobile systems, rather than on understanding the current system. In this paper, our goal is to understand how people use an existing mobile system. We previously studied a metropolitan-area network [14], but focused more on user movement than on user traffic in that analysis. Also, that network had very different characteristics, including number of users, geographical size, network delay and bandwidth, than the network analyzed in this paper. Also at Stanford University, our research group performed an earlier study of a combined wireless and wired network [10]. However, this study was limited in that only eight users participated and the trace only lasted eight days. 8. FUTURE WORK The greatest weakness in our work is its possible specificity: our results only necessarily apply to our network and user community. While we believe many of our observations would hold true in other similar environments, we have not verified this. We would thus like to study other local-area networks, including a much larger building-wide or even campus-wide WaveLAN network to explore whether our conclusions are affected by scale. With a larger network, it might also make sense to look for geographical patterns of user mobility as people go to classes, offices, lunch, and so forth. We also wonder whether our results are specific to an academic environment and would like to perform a similar study in a corporate or commercial setting. Only through the collection of several different studies can we detect important trends that hold for many wireless environments. 9. CONCLUSION Although these results are specific to this WaveLAN wireless network and this university user community, we hope our analysis is a start on understanding how people exploit a mobile network. We find that the community we analyze can be broken down into subcommunities, each with its own unique behavior regarding how much users move, when users are active (daily, weekly, and over the course of the trace), and how much traffic the users generate. We also find that although web-surfing and session applications such as ssh and telnet are the most popular applications overall, different users do use different sets of applications at different times and connect to different numbers of hosts. In addition to this user behavior, we also find that asymmetric links would likely be unacceptable in this type of wireless network, and that optimizing packet processing is just as important as optimizing overall throughput. The trace data we have collected is publicly available on our web site: 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research has been supported by a gift from NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc. (NTT DoCoMo). Additionally, Diane Tang is supported by a National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship. 11. --R Experience Building a High Speed Rivet: A Flexible Environment for Computer Systems Visualization. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). 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local-area wireless networks;network analysis
Reducing virtual call overheads in a Java VM just-in-time compiler.
Java, an object-oriented language, uses virtual methods to support the extension and reuse of classes. Unfortunately, virtual method calls affect performance and thus require an efficient implementation, especially when just-in-time (JIT) compilation is done. Inline caches and type feedback are solutions used by compilers for dynamically-typed object-oriented languages such as SELF [1, 2, 3], where virtual call overheads are much more critical to performance than in Java. With an inline cache, a virtual call that would otherwise have been translated into an indirect jump with two loads is translated into a simpler direct jump with a single compare. With type feedback combined with adaptive compilation, virtual methods can be inlined using checking code which verifies if the target method is equal to the inlined one.This paper evaluates the performance impact of these techniques in an actual Java virtual machine, which is our new open source Java VM JIT compiler called LaTTe [4]. We also discuss the engineering issues in implementing these techniques.Our experimental results with the SPECjvm98 benchhmarks indicate that while monomoprhic inline caches and polymorphic inline caches achieve a speedup as much as a geometric mean of 3% and 9% respectively, type feedback cannot improve further over polymorphic inline caches and even degrades the performance for some programs.
Introduction Java is a recently created object-oriented programming language [5]. As an object-oriented programming language, it supports virtual methods, which allow different code to be executed for objects of dierent types with the same call. Virtual method calls in Java incur a performance penalty because the target of these calls can only be determined at run-time based on the actual type of objects, requiring run-time type resolution. For exam- ple, extra code needs to be generated by a just-in-time (JIT) compiler such that in many Java JIT compilers like Kae [6], CACAO [7], and LaTTe [8], a virtual method call is translated into a sequence of loads followed by an indirect jump rather than a direct jump as for other static method calls. In dynamically-typed object-oriented languages such as SELF, however, virtual calls cannot be implemented by using simple sequences of loads followed by an indirect jump like in Java [1]. Furthermore, virtual calls are much more frequent than in Java. So, two aggressive techniques have been employed to reduce virtual call overheads: inline caches and type feedback. With these techniques, a virtual method call can be translated into a simpler sequence of compare then direct jump or can even be inlined with type checking code. Although both techniques are certainly applicable to Java, little is known about their performance impact. Since virtual method calls are less frequent and less costly in Java while both techniques involve additional translation overhead, it is important to evaluate these technques separately since the results from SELF may not apply. This paper evaluates both techniques in an actual Java JIT compiler. The compiler is included in our open source Java virtual machine called Although the implementation of both techniques in was straightforward, there were a few trade- os and optimization opportunities which we want to discuss in this paper. We also provide detailed analysis of their performance impact on Java programs in the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Chapter y reviews method calls in Java and summarizes the virtual method call mechanism used by the JVM. Chapter 3 describes how we implemented inline caches and type feedback in LaTTe. Chapter 4 shows experimental results. Related work is described in section 5 and the summary follows in section 6. Background 2.1 Method invocation in Java The Java programming language provides two types of methods: instance methods and class methods [9]. A class method is invoked based on the class it is declared in via invokestatic. Because it is bound statically, the JIT compiler knows which method will be invoked at compile time. An instance method, on the other hand, is always invoked with respect to an object, which is sometimes called a receiver, via invokevirtual. Because the actual type of the object is known only at run-time (i.e., bound dynamically), the JIT compiler cannot generally determine its target at compile time. There are some instance methods that can be bound statically, though. Examples are nal methods, private meth- ods, all methods in nal classes, and instance methods called through the invokespecial bytecode (e.g., instance methods for special handling of superclass, pri- vate, and instance initialization [9]). Generally, a method invocation incurs overheads such as creating a new activation record, passing ar- guments, and so on. In the case of dynamic binding, there is the additional overhead of nding the target method (which is called the method dispatching over- head). 2.2 LaTTe JIT Compiler and Virtual Method Table LaTTe is a virtual machine which is able to execute Java bytecode. It includes a novel JIT compiler targeted to RISC machines (specically the Ul- traSPARC). The JIT compiler generates code with good quality through a clever mapping of Java stack operands to registers with negligible overhead [8]. It also performs some traditional optimizations such as common subexpression elimination or loop invariant code motion. Additionally, the runtime components of LaTTe, including thread synchronization [10], exception handling [11], and garbage collection [12], have been optimized. As a result, the performance of LaTTe is competitive to that of Sun's HotSpot [13] and Sun's JDK 1.2 production release [14]. maintains a virtual method table (VMT) for each loaded class. The table contains the start address of each method dened in the class or inherited from the superclass. Due to the use of single inheritance in Java, if the start address of a method is placed at oset n in the virtual method table of a class, it can also be placed at oset n in the virtual method tables of all subclasses of the class. Consequently, the oset n is a translation-time constant. Since each object includes a pointer to the method table of its corresponding class, a virtual method invocation can be translated into an indirect function call after two loads: load the virtual table, indexing into the table to obtain the start ad- dress, and then the indirect call. For statically-bound method calls, LaTTe generates a direct jump at the call site, or inlines the target method unless the bytecode size is huge (where the invocation overhead would be negligible) or the inlining depth is large (to prevent recursive calls from being inlined innitely). 3 Inline Caches and Type Feedback In this section, we review the techniques of inline caches and type feedback and describe our implemen- tations. We use the example class hierarchy in Figure 1 throughout this section. Both classes B and C are sub-classes of A and have an additional eld as well as the one inherited from class A. Class B inherits the method GetField1() from class A, and class C overrides it. All assembly code in this section are in SPARC assembly. class A { int field1; int GetField1() { return field1; } class B extends A { int field2; int GetField2() { return field2; } class C extends A { int field3; int GetField1() { return 0; } int GetField3() { return field3; } Figure 1. Example class hierachy 3.1 Inline Caches 3.1.1 Monomorphic Inline Caches When a JIT compiler translates obj.GetField1() in Figure 2(a), it cannot know which version of GetField1() will actually be called because obj can be an object of class C as well as class A or B. Even if class C does not exist, the JIT compiler cannot be sure whether if A's GetField1() should be called because class C can be dynamically loaded later. With a VMT this call is translated into a sequence of load-load-indirect jump, as shown in Figure 2(b), where #index means the oset in the VMT (# denotes a translation-time constant). void dummy() { // o0 contains object A obj; ld [%o0], %g1 . // indexing the VMT ld [%g1+#index], %g1 (a) (b) Figure 2. Example virtual call in Java and corresponding VMT sequences The inline cache is a totally dierent method dispatching mechanism which \inlines" the address of the last dispatched method at a call site. Figure 3(a) shows the translated code using a monomorphic inline cache (MIC), where the call site just jumps to a system lookup routine called method dispatcher via a stub. This stub code sets the register %g1 to #index, and thus method dispatcher can determine the called method. It is called an empty inline cache because there is no history for the target method yet. When the call is executed for the rst time, method dispatcher nds the target method based on the type of the receiver, translates it if it has not been translated yet, and updates the call site to point to the translated method, which is prepended by the type checking code 1 . Figure 3(b) shows the state of the inline cache when the rst encountered receiver is an object of class A. Now, our inline cache includes history for one method invocation to the target method. Detailed type checking code is shown in gure 4. call trampoline_code mov %o7, %g2 mov #indix, %g1 trampoline code translated method method_dispatcher call dispatcher translated method fail_handler type-checking code bne fail_handler cmp %g2, #A.VMT ld [%o0], %g2 (a) empty inline cache (b) monomorphic inline cache call A.GetField1 Figure 3. Monomorphic inline caches Until a receiver with a dierent type is encoun- tered, the state of the inline cache does not change. If such a receiver is encountered, fail handler operates just like method dispatcher: nd the target method, translate it if it has not been translated yet, and update the call site. 3.1.2 Polymorphic Inline Caches A polymorphic inline cache (PIC) diers from a MIC in dealing with the failure of type checking. Instead of updating the call site repeatedly, it creates a PIC stub code, and makes the call site point to this stub code. The PIC stub code is composed of a sequence of com- pare, branch, and direct jump instructions where all previously encountered receiver types and corresponding method addresses are inlined. Figure 5(a) shows the status of a call site and the corresponding PIC stub code when the call site encounters objects of class A and class C. The detailed PIC stub code is as shown in Figure 6. it is possible that a method has multiple type checking codes due to inheritance, a type checking code can be separated from the corresponding method body. /* A.VMT(VMT pointer of class A) is a translation-time constant. */ sethi %hi(#A.VMT), %g3 // load 32bit constant value or %g3, %lo(#A.VMT), %g3 // cmp %g2, %g3 // compare two VMT pointers bne FAIL_HANDLER // branch to fail_handler code // if two VMTs are equal mov %o7, %g2 // delay slot instruction checking code can be located in front of method body, this code is not required */ JUMP_TO_TARGET: call address of A.GetField1 mov %g2, %o7 // to prevent from returning back here /* In our implementation FAIL_HANDLER is located in front of above code */ FAIL_HANDLER: /* index of the called method in VMT is translation-time constant */ call fail_handler // call fail_handler mov #index, %g1 // delay slot instructoin // index value is passed to fixup function // via g1 register Figure 4. Detailed type checking code translated method call PIC-stub PIC stub code ld [%o0], %g1 ld [%g1+#index],%g1 nop (a) polymorphic inline cache translated method call VMT code VMT code (b) handling megamorphic sites Figure 5. Polymorphic inline caches It is not practical for the PIC stub code to grow without limit. If the number of entries in a PIC stub code exceeds a pre-determined value, the corresponding call site is called a megamorphic site, and we use VMT- style code instead. Since this code only depends on the index value in the VMT, it can be shared among many call sites. Figure 5(b) explains how megamorphic sites are handled. Although MICs are used in SELF for megamorphic sites, this is only because the VMT-style mechanism cannot be used in SELF, and we think that VMT-style code is more appropriate for megamorphic sites than MICs since the latter may cause frequent updates of the call site, with frequent I-cache ushes as a result. There are several variations of PICs. If space is tight, the PIC stub can be shared among identical call sites 2 . This type of PIC is called a shared PIC, while the former type is called a non-shared PIC when the distinction is required. The PIC stub code can contain counting code for each type test hit and can be reordered based on the frequency of them to reduce the number of type tests needed to nd the target. If the reordering is performed only once, and then a PIC stub which had been re-ordered but without counting code is used, it is called a counting PIC. It is also possible that the reordering is performed periodically and PIC stubs always have 2 If the possible sets of target methods are the same, we call these call sites identical. mov %o7, %g1 // save return address in g1 register /* A.VMT(VMT pointer of class A) is a translation-time constant. */ sethi %hi(#A.VMT), %g3 // load 32bit constant value or %g3, %lo(#A.VMT), %g3 cmp %g2, %g3 // compare two VMT pointers bne next1 // nop // delay slot instruction call address of A.GetField1 // jump to A.GetField1 if two VMTs are equal mov %g1, %o7 // set correct return address /* C.VMT(VMT pointer of class C) is a translation-time constant. */ next1: or %g3, %lo(#C.VMT), %g3 cmp %g2, %g3 bne next2 nop call address of C.GetField1 mov %g1, %o7 next2: call fixupFailedCheckFromPIC // call fixup function nop Figure 6. Detailed PIC stub code counting code, and this type of PIC is called a periodic PIC. 3.1.3 VMT vs. Inline Caches Inline caches are favored over VMTs for two reasons. First, the VMT mechanism requires an indirect jump, which is not easily scheduled by modern superscalar microprocessors 3 [15, 16]. Whereas inline caches can be faster in modern microprocessors which do branch prediction. Second, VMTs do not provide any information about call sites. With inline caches, we can get information about the receivers which has been encoun- tered, though MICs can only give the last one. This information can be used for other optimizations, such as method inlining. 3.2 Type Feedback Although inline caches can reduce the method dispatch overhead at virtual call sites, the call overhead 3 The cost of an indirect jump is higher in the UltraSparc due to the lack of a BTB (Branch Target Buer). itself still remains. In order to reduce the call overhead, we need to inline the method. The idea of type feedback [3] is to extract type information of virtual calls from previous runs and feed it back to the compiler for optimization. With type feed- back, a virtual call can be inlined with guards which veries if the target method is equal to the inlined method (we call this conditional inlining). 3.2.1 Framework of Type Feedback In our implementation, type feedback is based on PICs, since it can provide more accurate information for call sites than MICs or VMTs. Type feedback also requires an adaptive compilation framework, and has been implemented on an adaptive version of LaTTe, which selects methods to aggressively optimize based on method run counts. When a method is called for the rst time, it is translated with register allocation and traditional optimizations 4 while virtual method calls 4 We optimize even during the initial translation to isolate the performance impact of inlining for a fair comparison with the other congurations in our experiments; See section 4.1 within it are handled by PICs. If the number of times this method is called exceeds a certain threshold, it is retranslated with conditional inlining also being done. 3.2.2 Conditional Inlining The compiler decides whether a call site is inlined or not based on the status of inline caches. For example, if the call site in gure 3(b) remains as a monomorphic site, at retranslation time it will be inlined with type checking code as follows: if (obj.VMT == #A.VMT) else If the call site points to a PIC stub code, but there is only one target method in the stub code, then we can do conditional inlining, except this time the comparison is based on addresses, not on receiver types. For example, if our PIC stub code in Figure 5(a) were composed of type checks for class A and class B (not class A and class C), the addresses of both GetField1s will be identical. So, we can inline the method, but the type check should be replaced by an address check, which includes access to the VMT (two loads), as follows: if (obj.VTM[#index of method GetField1] == #address of A.GetField1) // load-load else If the frequency information of each type or method is available by using a counting PIC, we can improve on the all-or-nothing strategy. Even though there are multiple receivers or multiple target methods, we can inline the call site with a type test or an address test if one case is dominant among the other cases in the PIC stub. Currently, the criteria value to decide whether a case is dominant or not is 80%: If the count of type test hits in a PIC stub exceeds 80% of the total count of PIC stub, it is inlined with type checking code. 3.2.3 Static Type Prediction For those call sites located at untaken execution paths during initial runs, we do not have any information on the most probable receiver type (but these can be collected even after retranslation). However, if the class of the object on which a virtual call is made has no sub-class at translation time, we can easily predict that the receiver type would be the class at runtime. Althouth Java allows dynamic class loading, we found that this prediction is quite accurate for most programs. For the following case, for example, we can inline the call site even if there is no information in the inline cache during retranslation. if () { 3.2.4 Inlining Heuristic: single vs. multiple In previous section, we inlined only a method for a virtual call site. It can be possible that a call site has more than two target methods, and neither of them are not dominant. In such a case, we might lose inlining opportunities by restricting the number of inlineable methods for a call site. However, we found that this is not the case for Java programs which we use for testing. In the programs, most (95%) virtual call sites call just a single callee, and enabling to inline multiple methods for a call site does not increase the number of inlined virtual calls signicantly. 4 Experimental results In this section, we evaluate the performance impact of inline caches and type feedback. 4.1 Experimental Environment Our benchmarks are composed of the SPECjvm98 benchmark suite 5 [17], and table 1 shows the list of programs and a short description for each. Benchmark Description Bytes compress Compress Utility 24326 jess Expert Shell System 45392 213 javac Java Compiler 92000 222 mpegaudio MP3 Decompressor 38930 228 jack Parser Generator 51380 Table 1. Java Benchmark Description and Translated Bytecode Size Table 2 lists the congurations used in our experi- ments. LaTTe-VMT, LaTTe-MIC, and LaTTe-PIC are all the same except in how they handle virtual calls: by using VMTs, MICs and PICs respectively. LaTTe-TF inlines virtual calls using type feedback on an adaptive version of LaTTe, where initial translation is identical to LaTTe-PIC, as described in Section 3.2. Variations in PICs are denoted with each variation surrounded 5 200 check is excluded since it is for correctness testing only. by brackets. For example, a shared PIC is denoted by PIC[S], a counting PIC by PIC[C], and a periodic PIC by PIC[P]. The default version of a PIC is denoted by PIC[] when the distinction is needed. System Description Virtual calls are handled by VMT. Virtual calls are handled by MIC. Virtual calls are handled by PIC. Virtual calls are inlined using type feedback at the retranslation time. Table 2. Systems used for benchmarking Our test machine is a Sun Ultra5 270MHz with 256 MB of memory running Solaris 2.6, tested in single-user mode. We ran each benchmark 5 times and took the minimum running time 6 , which includes both the JIT compilation overhead and the garbage collection time. 4.2 Characteristics of Virtual Calls Table 3 shows the characteristics of virtual calls. In the table, V-Call means the total count of virtual calls, M-Call means the total count of monomorphic calls, and S-target means the total count of virtual calls where target method is just one at runtime. About 85% of virtual calls are monomophic calls, and about 90% of virtual calls have only one target method. Some programs like 213 javac, 227 mtrt, and 228 jack have many call sites where the target method is one, even though there are multiple receiver tyeps, and thus we can expect that address check inlining may be eec- tive on these programs. We can also expect that compress will not be much aected by how virtual calls are implemented, since the number of virtual calls is extremely small. 4.3 Analysis of Monomorphic Inline Caches Table 4 shows the characteristics of MICs. In the table, V-Call means the total count of virtual calls, P-Call means the total count of calls which are called at polymorphic call sites, and Miss means the total count of type check misses. There is no trend in the miss ratios. While some programs such as 209 db and 228 jack have very low miss ratios compared to V- Call, type check misses are very common in 202 jess and 213 javac. Since a type check miss requires invalidating part of the I-cache, the miss ratio can greatly 6 For the SPECjvm98 benchmarks, our total elapsed running time is not comparable with a SPECjvm98 metric. aect the overall performance. So we can expect that the performance of 202 jess and 213 javac may be worse with monomorphic inline caches. 4.4 Analysis of Polymorphic Inline Caches Tables 5, 6, 7, and 8 shows the average number of type checks in a PIC stub for each conguration of PICs. Each column of the tables is divided by the maximum number of possible entries in a PIC stub and the threshold value which determines when reordering takes place. This value is applied to both PIC[C] and PIC[P], although the reordering takes place just once in the former while it takes place periodically in the latter. If the threshold value is zero, it means no counting. At rst glance, we nd that the numbers of average type checkings are very small, even though monomorphic sites are not included in the numbers. If the average number is calculated for every inline cache, including monomorphic sites, the number will be even more closer to 1. However, only if counting is enabled are the numbers are less than 2 in every case. From table 5 and 6, it is clear that counting PICs are eective in reducing the number of type checks in a PIC stub, except for 228 jack. Although the numbers are generally reduced as the threshold value is increased, they are unchanged or even increased for some programs and seem to saturate at certain values. simply increasing the threshold does not guarantee improvements. 228 jack has very dierent characteristics from other programs, and these come from a single polymorphic site 7 which accounts for about a half of the total polymorphic calls, and exhibit very strange behavior: after the call site is switched to a polymorphic inline cache from a monomorphic inline cache, the newly encountered type is received repetitively for about a thousand times, and thereafter the former type is used repetitively for over 1 million times. So the default PIC scheme without counting is better than that with counting in this case. We can also see the eect of inaccuracies caused by sharing PIC stubs from table 5 and 6. Although it seems natural that a non-shared version would be more accurate than a shared version, the dierence is not apparent in non-counting versions. For other congu- rations, the numbers in table 5 are better than those in table 6, except for 213 javac, where some PIC stubs are changed into VMT-style code because sharing increases the number of entries. However, the dierence is lower than 0.3 for most cases. 7 A call site in \indexOf" method in java.util.Vector class which calls \equals" method. Benchmark V-Call M-Call S-target M-Call/V-Call S-target/V-Call compress 12.9 11.6 11.8 0.897 0.912 jess 34,306 27,718 28,435 0.808 0.829 222 mpegaudio 10,025 8,781 8,841 0.876 0.882 228 jack 17,247 14,094 16,959 0.817 0.983 GEOMEAN 0.854 0.904 Table 3. Characteristics of virtual calls Benchmark V-Call(1000) P-Call(1000) Miss(1000) Miss/V-Call Miss/P-Call compress 12.9 1.3 0.58 0.045 0.433 jess 34,306 6,587 3201 0.093 0.486 222 mpegaudio 10,025 1,244 54 0.005 0.044 Table 4. Characteristics of monomorphic inline caches Tables 7 and 8 are shown for comparison with tables 5 and 6. Although a periodically reordered PIC is hard to use in real implementations because it always incurs counting overhead which involves load-add-store sequences, it can be seen as a somewhat ideal cong- uration in terms of the number of type checks. The dierence between the periodic version and the non-periodic version is lower than 0.2 in most programs, and thus the quality of counting PICs are quite acceptable Table 9 shows the space overhead of PICs for both non-shared and shared versions. In the table, N means the number of PIC stubs, and max means the possible maximum number of entries in each PIC stub. The overhead seems to be small in most programs except for 213 javac, where the shared version can greatly reduce the overhead. Since the sharing of PIC stubs does not degrade the performance severely for most programs, shared PICs can be useful when space is tight. 4.5 Analysis of Type Feedback Tables 10, 11, and 12 show the eect of type feed-back in terms of the number of inlined virtual calls. As a base system, four dierent PIC variations (PIC[S], PIC[SC], PIC[], and PIC[C]) are used. The main purpose of PICs is providing prole information. So a larger number of maximum entries in PIC (10) is used, and the threshold for counting PICs is set to 1000 in order not to aect the accuracy too much 8 Generally, the number of inlined virtual calls is reduced as the retranslation threshold is increased. Although more accurate prole information is available with a high retranslation threshold than with a low re- translation threshold, the opportunities missed by delaying retranslation seems to be high. In addition, the number of inlined calls for many programs is constant regardless of the type of PICs. There can be two rea- sons: One possibility is that the method is too big to be inlined. In this case, inlining such a method is related to the inlining heuristic and is beyond the scope of this paper. The other possiblility is that a single method is not dominant for a call site. However, this is not the case for SPECjvm98 benchmarks, and it will be shown in following section. For some programs like 213 javac and 227 mtrt, which are aected by the type of PICs used, the counting version is preferable to the non-counting version. A call site which has multiple receiver types and thus can be inlined only with an address check, can be inlined with a type check if counting information is available and only one receiver type is dominant. And a call site which involves more than two target methods and thus cannot be inlined in our implementation, can be inlined if one method is dominant. While 213 javac is in uenced by both eects, i.e., the amount of type check inlining and address check inlining are increased, 8 Since a PIC is reused for a call site where method inlining is not done, the value should not be too large. Benchmark PIC compress 1.540 1.480 1.498 1.526 1.540 1.540 1.480 1.498 1.526 1.540 jess 1.517 1.488 1.507 1.486 1.486 1.517 1.488 1.507 1.486 1.486 222 mpegaudio 2.120 1.359 1.267 1.266 1.269 2.120 1.359 1.267 1.266 1.269 228 jack 1.209 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.209 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800 Table 5. Average number of type checks with non-shared counting PICs (LaTTe-PIC[C]) Benchmark PIC compress 1.790 1.693 1.711 1.728 1.769 1.790 1.693 1.711 1.728 1.769 jess 1.579 1.570 1.578 1.576 1.576 1.579 1.570 1.578 1.576 1.577 222 mpegaudio 2.161 1.358 1.267 1.267 1.269 2.161 1.358 1.267 1.267 1.269 228 jack 1.051 1.980 1.980 1.981 1.981 1.398 1.895 1.895 1.895 1.895 Table 6. Average number of type checks with shared counting PICs (LaTTe-PIC[SC]) the former eect is dominant in 227 mtrt, where the increase in the amount of type checking inlining is almost the same as that of decrease in address checking inlining. 4.6 Analysis of Inlining Heuristic Table 13, 14, and 15 show the total number of inlined virtuals call under dierent inlining heuristics: inlining single method for a call site and inlining all the possible methods for a call site. The numbers in the column of Single method inlining are the sum of type check inlining and address check inlining in the tables of previous section. The numbers in the column of All method inlining are obtained by inlining all the methods which have been encountered during initial run and can be inlined by our inlining rule (size and depth) 9 . As we have expected from the fact that about 90% of virtual call sites have only one target method, there is little improvements in terms of the number of inlined virtual calls, even though all possible methods are permitted to be inlined. Only 213 javac has op- portunites to be improved by inlining multiple methods for a call site. So, we can think that inlining only a method for a call site is su-cient for most programs. If many call sites still remain as not inlined, this is due to other factors like method size or inlining depth. 9 Counting version is excluded since there is no dierence from non-counting version when all the possible methods are inlined. And shared version is also excluded since it causes code explosion in 213 javac. 4.7 Performance Impact of Inline Caches and Type Feedback Table shows the total running time (tot) of each program for 4 congurations of LaTTe. Translation overhead (tr) is also included in the total running time. Since there is little dierence in running time between the dierent congurations of PIC and TF, only one instance each from both are listed here. The exact congurations are like this: 1. PIC non-shared counting PICs, maximum number of entries = 5, reordering threshold = 100 2. TF based on non-shared counting PICs, maximum number of entries = 10, reordering threshold = 1000, retranslation threshold On the whole, MICs improve the performance of LaTTe by a geometric mean of 3.0%, PICs by 9.0%, and type feedback by 7.4%, compared with LaTTe- VMT. As pointed out in the previous section, MICs exhibit poor performance in 202 jess and 213 javac, which have high ratio of type check misses. PICs, as we have expected, solved the problem experienced by MICs which is exposed in the above programs, without severe degradation in other programs, and improves the performance of almost all programs compared with VMTs. However, type feedback seems to be eective only for 227 mtrt, where the number of inlined virtual calls are much larger than other programs. The number of Benchmark PIC compress 1.480 1.498 1.526 1.540 1.480 1.498 1.526 1.540 jess 1.366 1.366 1.367 1.367 1.366 1.367 1.367 1.367 222 mpegaudio 1.264 1.265 1.267 1.270 1.264 1.265 1.267 1.270 228 jack 1.019 1.019 1.019 1.020 1.019 1.019 1.019 1.020 Table 7. Average number of type checks with non-shared periodic PICs (LaTTe-PIC[P]) Benchmark PIC compress 1.693 1.711 1.728 1.769 1.693 1.711 1.728 1.769 jess 1.429 1.429 222 mpegaudio 1.265 1.266 1.267 1.269 1.265 1.266 1.267 1.269 228 jack 1.030 1.030 1.030 1.031 1.114 1.114 1.114 1.114 Table 8. Average number of type checks with shared periodic PICs (LaTTe-PIC[SP]) inlined virtual calls in other programs seems to be low to compensate for both the retranslation overhead (in- crease in translation time) and inlining overhead (in- crease in code size, register pressure, and so on). Since the performance of type feedback depends on the in-lining heuristic as well as the retranslation framework, both have to be carefully implemented to measure the eect of type feedback correctly. Our implementation could be improved in both of these points. However, the result from 227 mtrt gives us some expectation about the eect of type feedback. In 227 mtrt, some getter methods such as GetX, GetY, and GetZ are very frequent, and the performance of the benchmark is greatly improved by inlining such meth- ods. So the more common a coding style using accessor methods are, the more eective type feedback could be. 5 Related work Our work is based on polymorphic inline caches and type feedback. Polymorphic inline caches were studied by Urs Holzle et al. [2] in the SELF compiler and achieved a median speedup of 11% over monomorphic inline caches. Type feedback was proposed by Urs Holzle and David Ungar [3]. They implemented type feedback in the SELF compiler using PICs and improved performance by a factor of 1.7 compared with non-feedback compiler. Since virtual calls are more frequent in SELF, and also since the default dispatching overhead is much larger than that of the VMTs which can be used in Java, they achieved larger speedup than ours. Furthermore, their measurements compare execution time while excluding translation time overhead. The most relevant study was done by David Detlefs and Ole Agesen [18]. They also targetted Java, used conditional inlining, and proposed a method test which is identical to an address test. However, they mainly concentrated on inlining rather than on inline caches, and they did not use prole information to inline virtual calls. Gerald Aigner and Urs Holzle [19] implemented op- timizaing source-to-source C++ compiler. They used static prole information to inline virtual calls, and improves the performance by a median of 18% and reduces the number of virtual function calls by a median factor of ve. Karel Driesen et al. [16] extensively studied various dynamic dispatching mechanisms on several modern architectures. They mainly compared inline cache mechanisms and table-based mechanisms which employ indirect branches, and showed that the latter does not perform well on current hardware. They also expected that table-based approaches may not perform well on future hardware. Olver Zendra et al. [20] have implemented polymorphism in the SmallEiel compiler. They also eliminated use of VMTs by using a static variation of PICs and inlined monomorphic call sites. However, they relied on static type inference and did not use runtime feedback. Benchmark non-shared shared compress 6 536 536 5 512 512 jess 24 2,368 2,648 14 1,708 1,988 222 mpegaudio 25 3,008 3,008 228 jack 19 1,856 1,856 12 1,380 1,380 Table 9. Size of PIC stub code Benchmark Type-check inlining ( 1000) Address-check inlining ( 1000) jess 12,036 12,036 12,036 12,036 Table 10. Inlined calls by type feedback: retranslation threshold Based on the experiences of C++ programs, Brad Caler and Dirk Grunwald [21] proposed using \if con- version", which is similiar to type feedback except that it uses static prole information. 6 Conclusion and Future work We have implemented inline caches and type feed-back in the LaTTe JIT compiler and evaluated these techniques. Although some programs suer from frequent cache misses, MICs achieve a speedup of 3% by geometric mean over VMTs. Polymorphic inline caches solve the problem experienced by MICs without incurring overheads elsewhere and achieve a speedup of 9% by geometric mean over VMTs using counting PICs. We have also tested several variations of PICs and shown the characteristics of PICs in Java programs. Counting PICs reduce the average number of type checks in a PIC stub compared with a non-counting version, and achieve an average number of type checks close to that of a periodic version, within 0.2 for most programs. If memory is a matter of concern, then shared PICs can save space with only a reasonable degradation in performance. The eect of type feedback is not fully shown in this study. The overall performance is even worse than that of counting PICs. Although it is true that some programs have little opportunity to improve in terms of virtual calls, the result is partly because we cannot apply optimizations selectively only when it is bene- cial. However, the performance of 227 mtrt, which does many virtual calls to small methods, is greatly improved by type feedback, and gives us insight about the performance impact of type feedback. If a coding style which uses more abstraction and makes more calls becomes dominant in Java programs, type feedback will be more eective. The study of type feedback also exposed other prob- lems: adaptive compilation and method inlining. To avoid degradation due to type feedback, it is very important to estimate the costs incurred by retranslation and inlining, and to apply conditional inlining only to hot-spots. --R LaTTe: A fast and e-cient Java VM just-in-time com- piler The Java Language Speci Kemal Ebcio The Java Virtual Machine Speci Kemal Ebcio Kemal Ebcio Kemal Ebcio Java Hotspot performance engine. http://www. Inlining of virtual methods. Gerald Aigner and Urs H Reducing indirect function call overhead in C --TR
Java JIT compilation;type feedback;adaptive compilation;virtual method call;inline cache
Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems.
Caches impose a major problem for predicting execution times of real-time systems since the cache behavior depends on the history of previous memory references. Too pessimistic assumptions on cache hits can obtain worst-case execution time estimates that are prohibitive for real-time systems. This paper presents a novel approach for deriving a highly accurate analytical cache hit function for C-programs at compile-time based on the assumption that no external cache interference (e.g. process dispatching or DMA activity) occurs. First, a symbolic tracefile of an instrumented C-program is generated based on symbolic evaluation, which is a static technique to determine the dynamic behavior of programs. All memory references of a program are described by symbolic expressions and recurrences and stored in chronological order in the symbolic tracefile. Second, a cache hit function for several cache architectures is computed based on a cache evaluation technique. Our approach goes beyond previous work by precisely modelling program control flow and program unknowns, modelling large classes of cache architectures, and providing very accurate cache hit predictions. Examples for the SPARC architecture are used to illustrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our symbolic cache prediction.
Introduction Due to high-level integration and superscalar architectural designs the computational capability of microprocessors has increased significantly in the last few years. Unfortunately the gap between processor cycle time and memory latency increases. In order to fully exploit the potential of processors, the memory hierarchy must be efficiently utilized. To guide scheduling for real-time systems, information about execution times is required at compile-time. Modelling caches presents a major obstacle towards predicting execution times for modern computer architectures. Worst-case assumptions - e.g. every memory access results in a cache miss 1 - can cause very poor execution time estimates. c Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz The focus of this paper is on accurate cache behavior analysis. Note that modelling caches is only one performance aspect that must be considered in order to determine execution times. There are many other performance characteristics (Blieberger, 1994; Blieberger and Lieger, 1996; Blieberger, 1997; Fahringer, 1996; Park, 1993; Healy et al., 1995) to be analyzed which however are beyond the scope of this paper. In this paper we introduce a novel approach for deriving a highly accurate analytical function of the precise number of cache hits 2 implied by a program. Our approach is based on symbolic evaluation (cf. e.g. Fahringer and Scholz, 1997) which at compile-time collects runtime properties (control and data flow information) of a given pro- gram. The number of cache hits is described by symbolic expressions and recurrences defined over the program's input data so as to maintain the relationship between the cache cost function and the input data. Figure 1 depicts an overview of our framework described in this paper. The C-program is compiled which results in an instrumented C- program. The source-code level instrumentation inserts code at those points, where main memory data is referenced (read or written). Then, the instrumented source-code is symbolically evaluated and a symbolic tracefile is created. All memory references of a program are described by symbolic expressions and recurrences which are stored in a symbolic tracefile. Based on the cache parameters, which describe the cache architecture, an analytical cache hit function is computed by symbolically evaluating the symbolic tracefile. Note that our model strictly separates machine specific cache parameters from the program model which substantially alleviates portability of our approach to other cache architectures and programming languages. Performing a worst-case cache analysis according to our approach can be divided into the following steps: 1. Build the symbolic tracefile based on the instrumented program sources by using symbolic evaluation. 2. Compute an analytical cache hit function by symbolically evaluating the symbolic tracefile. 3. Find a closed form expression for the cache hit function. 4. Determine a lower bound of the cache hit function in order to derive the worst-case caching behavior of the program. Steps 1 and 2 are treated in this paper. These steps guarantee a precise description of the cache hits and misses. Step 3 requires to solve recurrence relations. We have implemented a recurrence solver which is described in (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 3 C-Compiler Instrumentation Executable C-Files Instrumented C-File Symbolic Evaluation Symbolic Tracefile Parameters Cache Cache-Hit Function Symbolic Cache Evaluation Figure 1. Overview of predicting cache performance Fahringer and Scholz, 1999). The current implementation of our recurrence solver handles recurrences of the following kind: linear recurrence variables (incremented inside a loop by a symbolic expression defined over constants and invariants), polynomial recurrence variables (incremented by a linear symbolic expression defined over constants, invariants and recurrence variables) and geometric recurrence variables (incremented by a term which contains a recurrence variable multiplied by an invariant). Our algorithm (Fahringer, 1998b) for computing lower and upper bounds of symbolic expressions based on a set of constraints is used to detect whether a recurrence variable monotonically increases or decreases. Even if no closed form can be found for a recurrence variable, monotonicity information may be useful, for instance, to determine whether a pair of references can ever touch the same address. The 4 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz current implementation of our symbolic evaluation framework models assignments, GOTO, IF, simple I/O and array statements, loops and procedures. The result of Step 3 is a conservative approximation of the number of exact cache hits and misses, i.e., the computed upper and lower bounds are used to find a lower bound for the cache hit function. The output form of Step 3 (suitably normalized) is a case-structure that possibly comprises several cache hit functions. The conditions attached to the different cases correspond to the original program structure and are affected by the cache architecture. In Step 4 we only have to determine the minimum of the cache hit functions of the case-structure mentioned above. Note that it is not necessary to determine the worst-case input data because the program structure implies the worst-case cache behavior. Steps 3 and 4 are described in detail in (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999; Fahringer, 1998b). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss our architecture model for caches. In Section 3 we describe symbolic evaluation and outline a new model for analyzing arrays. Section 4 contains the theoretical foundations of symbolic tracefiles and illustrates a practical example. In Section 5 symbolic cache evaluation techniques are presented for direct mapped and set associative caches. In Section 6 we provide experimental results. Although our approach will be explained and experimentally examined based on the C-programming language, it can be similarly applied to most other procedural languages including Ada and Fortran. In Section 7 we compare our approach with existing work. Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 8. 2. Caches The rate at which the processor can execute instructions is limited by the memory cycle time. This limitation has in fact been a significant problem because of the persistent mismatch between processor and main memory speeds. Caches - which are relatively small high-speed memories - have been introduced in order to hold the contents of most recently used data of main memory and to exploit the phenomenon of locality of reference (see (Hennessy and Patterson, 1990)). The advantage of a cache is to improve the average access time for data located in main memory. The concept is illustrated in Figure 2. The cache contains a small portion of main memory. A cache hit occurs, when the CPU requests a memory reference that is found in the cache. In this case the reference (memory word) is transmitted Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 5 CPU CACHE MEMORY Transfer Block Transfer Word Figure 2. CPU, Cache and Main Memory to the CPU. Otherwise, a cache miss occurs which causes a block of memory (a fixed number of words) to be transferred from the main memory to the cache. Consequently, the reference is transmitted from the cache to the CPU. Commonly the CPU is stalled on a cache miss. Clearly, memory references that cause a cache miss are significantly more costly than if the reference is already in the cache. In the past, various cache organizations (Hennessy and Patterson, were introduced. Figure 3(a) depicts a general cache organization. A cache consists of ns slots. Each slot can hold n cache lines and one cache line contains a block of memory consisting of cls contiguous bytes and a tag that holds the first address bits of the memory block. Figure 3(b) shows how an address is divided into three fields to find data in the cache: the block offset field used to select the desired data from the block, the index field to select the slot and the tag field used for comparison. Note that not all bits of the index are used if n ? 1. A cache can be characterized by three major parameters. First, the capacity of a cache determines the number of bytes of main memory it may contain. Second, the line size cls gives the number of contiguous bytes that are transferred from memory on a cache miss. Third, the associativity determines the number of cache lines in a slot. If a block of memory can reside in exactly one location, the cache is called direct mapped and a cache set can only contain one cache line. If a block can reside in any cache location, the cache is called fully associative and there is only one slot. If a block can reside in exactly n locations and n is the size of a cache set, the cache is called n-way set associative. In case of fully associative or set associative caches, a memory block has to be selected for replacement when the cache set of the memory block is full and the processor requests further data. This is done according to a replacement strategy (Smith, 1982). Common strategies are LRU (Least Recently Used), LFU (Least Frequently Used), and random. Furthermore, there are two common cache policies with respect to write accesses of the CPU. First, the write through caches write data to memory and cache. Therefore, both memory and cache are in line. Second, write back caches only update the cache line where the data 6 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Block Offset Tag Block (a) Cache Organization Figure 3. Cache Organization item is stored. For write back caches the cache line is marked with a dirty bit. When a different memory block replaces the modified cache line, the cache updates the memory. A write access of the CPU to an address that does not reside in the cache is called a write miss. There are two common cache organizations with respect to write misses. First, the write-allocate policy loads the referenced memory block into the cache. This policy is generally used for write back caches. Second, the no-write-allocate policy updates the cache line only if the address is in cache. This policy is often used for write through cache and has the advantages that memory always contains up-to-date information and the elapsed time needed for a write access is constant. Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 7 Caches can be further classified. A cache that holds only instructions is called instruction cache. A cache that holds only data is called data cache. A cache that can hold instructions and data is called a mixed or unified cache. Cache design has been extensively studied. Good surveys can be found in (Alt et al., 1996; Mueller, 1997; Ottosson and Sjoedin, 1997; Li et al., 1996; Li et al., 1995; Healy et al., 1995; Arnold et al., 1994; Nilsen and Rygg, 1995; Liu and Lee, 1994; Hennessy and Patterson, 1990). 3. Symbolic Evaluation Symbolic evaluation 3 (Cheatham et al., 1979; Ploedereder, 1980; Fah- ringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999) z is a constructive description of the semantics of a program. Moreover, symbolic evaluation is not merely an arbitrary alternative semantic description of a program. As in the relationship between arithmetic and algebra the specific (arithmetic) computations dictated by the program operators are generalized and "delayed" using the appropriate formulas. The dynamic behavior is precisely represented. Symbolic evaluation satisfies a commutativity property. Symbolic Evaluation \Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma! (z[[p]]; i) parameters to i into result Conventional Execution \Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma! z[[p]]i If a program p is conventionally executed with the standard semantics over a given input i, the result of the symbolically evaluated program instantiated by i is the same. Clearly, symbolic evaluation can be seen as a compiler, that translates a program into a different language. Here, we use as a target language symbolic expressions and recurrences to model the semantics of a program. The semantic domain of our symbolic evaluation is a novel representation called program context (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999). Every statement is associated with a program context c that describes the variable values, assumptions regarding and constraints between variable values and a path condition. The path condition holds for a given input if the statement is executed. Formally, a context c is defined by a triple [s; t; p] where s is a state, t a state condition and p a path condition. \Gamma The state s is described by a set of variable/value pairs fv is a program variable and e i a symbolic 8 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz expression describing the value of v i for 1 - i - n. For all program variables v i there exists exactly one pair \Gamma The state condition contains constraints on variable values such as those implied by loops, variable declarations and user assertions. Path condition is a predicate, which is true if and only if the program statement is reached. Note that all components of a context - including state information are described as symbolic expressions and recurrences. An unconditional sequence of statements ' j (1 - j - r) is symbolically evaluated by [s The initial context [s represents the context that holds before ' 1 and [s r the context that holds after ' r . If ' i in the sequence does not contain any side effects (implying a change of a variable Furthermore, a context c = [s; t; p] is a logical assertion c is a predicate over the set of program variables and the program input which are free variables. If for all input values c i\Gamma1 holds before executing the statement ' i then c i is the strongest post condition (Dijkstra, 1976) and the program variables are in a state satisfying c i after executing ' i . For further technical details we refer the reader to (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999; Blieberger and Burgstal- ler, 1998; Blieberger et al., 1999). In the following we discuss a novel approach to evaluate arrays. 3.1. Arrays Let a be a one-dimensional array with n (n - 1) array elements. Consider the simple array assignment a[i]=v. The element with index i is substituted by the value of v. Intuitively, we may think of an array assignment being an array operation that is defined for an array. The operation is applied to the array and changes its internal state. The arguments of such an array operation are a value and an index of the new assigned array element. A sequence of array assignments implies a chain of operations. Formally, an array is represented as an element of an array algebra A . The array algebra A is inductively defined as follows. 1. If n is a symbolic expression then ? n 2 A . 2. If a 2 A and ff; fi are symbolic expressions then a \Phi (ff; fi) 2 A . 3. Nothing else is in A . Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 9 int a[100],x; Figure 4. C-program fragment In the state of a context, an array variable is associated with an element of the array algebra A . Undefined array states are denoted by is the size of the array and determines the number of array elements. An array assignment is modelled by a \Phi-function. The semantics of the \Phi-function is given by a \Phi (ff; represents the elements of array a and fi denotes the index of the element with a new value ff. For the following general array assignment is the context before and [s the context after statement ' i . The symbolic value of variable a before evaluating the statement ' i is denoted by a. Furthermore, an element a in A with at least one \Phi-function is a \Phi-chain. Every \Phi-chain can be written as The length of a chain jaj is the number of \Phi-functions in chain a. The C-program fragment in Figure 4 illustrates the evaluation of several array assignments. The context of statement ' j is represented by c At the beginning of the program fragment the value of variable x is a symbolic expression denoted by x. Array a is undefined J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz (? 100 ). For all array assignment statements the state and path conditions are set to true because the code fragment implies no branches. Most program statements imply a change of only a single variable's value. In order to avoid large lists of variable values in state descriptions only those variables whose value changes after evaluation of the associated statement are explicitly specified. For this reason we introduce a function ffi, which specifies a state s i whose variable binding is equal to that of state s j except for variable v assigned a new value e i . Therefore, in the previous example, state s 1 is the same as state s 0 except for the symbolic value of array a. After the last statement array a is symbolically described by a = 1). The left-most \Phi-function relates to the first assignment of the example program - the right-most one to the last statement. Note that the last two statements overwrite the values of the first two statements. Therefore, a simplified representation of a is given by Although the equivalence of two symbolic expressions is undecidable Haghighat and Polychronopoulos, 1996), a wide class of equivalence relations can be solved in practice. The set of conditions among the used variables in the context significantly improves the evaluation of equivalence relation. A partial simplification operator ' is introduced to simplify \Phi-chains. Operator ' is defined as follows. The partial simplification operator ' seeks for two equal expressions in a \Phi-chain. If a pair exists, the result of ' will be the initial \Phi- chain without the \Phi-function, which refers to the fi expression with the smaller index i. If no pair exists, the operator returns the initial \Phi-chain; the chain could not be simplified. Semantically, the right-most expression relates to the latest assignment and overwrites the value of the previous assignment with the same symbolic index. The partial simplification operator ' reduces only one redundant \Phi-function. In the previous example ' must be applied twice in order Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 11 to simplify the \Phi-chain. Moreover, each \Phi-function in the chain is a potentially redundant one. Therefore, the chain is potentially simplified in less than jaj applications of '. A partially complete simplification is an iterative application of the partial simplification operator and it is written as ' (a). If ' (a) is applied to a, further applying of ' will not simplify a anymore: '(' In order to access elements of an array we need to model a symbolic access function. Operator ae in a symbolic expressions e (described by a \Phi-chain) reads an element with index i of an array a. If index i can be found in the \Phi-chain, ae yields the corresponding symbolic expression otherwise ae is the undefined value ?. In the latter case it is not possible to determine whether the array element with index i was written. Let a be an element of A and l=1 (ff l ; fi l ). The operator ae is defined as ae where i is the symbolic index of the array element to be found. In general determining whether the symbolic index i matches with a \Phi- function is undecidable. In practice a wide class of symbolic relations can be solved by our techniques for comparing symbolic expressions 1998a). If our symbolic evaluation framework cannot prove that the result of ae is fi l or ? then ae is not resolvable and remains unchanged in symbolic expression e. We present four examples in Figure 5, which are based on the value of a at the end of the program fragment in Figure 4. For every example we insert one of the following statements at the end of the code fragment shown in Figure 4. For (1) x=a[x]; (2) x=a[x+1]; (3) x=a[x-1]; and (4) x=a[y]; where y is a new variable with the symbolic value of y. The figure shows the symbolic value of x after the inserted statement. Note that in the first equation the element with index x is uniquely determined. The second equation is resolved as well. In the third example the index x \Gamma 1 does not exist in the \Phi-chain. Therefore, the access returns the undefined symbol ?. In the last equation we do not have enough information to determine a unique value for array element with index i. Here, we distinguish between several cases to cover all possibilities. J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz 1. 2. 3. 4. Figure 5. Examples of ae 3.2. Array operations inside of loops Modelling loops implies a problem with recurrence variables 4 . We will use functions to model recurrences as follows: i(k is the value of a scalar variable i at the end of iteration k + 1. Our symbolic evaluation framework detects recurrence variables, determines the recurrence system and finally tries to find closed forms for recurrence variables at the loop exit by solving the recurrence sys- tem. The recurrence system is given by the boundary conditions (initial values for recurrence variables in the loop preheader), the recurrence relations (implied by the assignments to the recurrence variables in the loop body) and the recurrence condition (loop or exit condition). We have implemented a recurrence solver (Scheibl et al., 1996) written on top of Mathematica. The recurrence solver tries to determine closed forms for recurrence variables based on their recurrence system which is directly obtained from the program context. The implementation of our recurrence solver is largely based on methods described in (Gerlek et al., 1995; Lueker, 1980) and improved by our own techniques (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999). Similar to scalar variables the array manipulation inside of loops are described by recurrences. A recurrence system over A consists of a boundary condition and a recurrence relation (ff l (k); fi l (k)) where ff l (k) and fi l (k) are symbolic expressions and k is the recurrence index with k - 0. Clearly, every instance of the recurrence is an element of A . Without changing the semantics of an array recurrence, ' can be applied to simplify the recurrence relation. Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 13 Operator ae needs to be extended for array recurrences, such that arrays written inside of loops can be accessed, e.g. ae(a(z); i). The symbolic expression z is the number of loop iterations determined by the loop exit condition and i is the index of the accessed element. Furthermore, the recurrence index k is bounded to 0 - k - z. To determine a possible \Phi-function, where the accessed element is written, a potential index set l (i) of the l-th \Phi-function is computed. l (i) contains all possible fi l (k), z equal to the index i. If an index set has more than one element, the array element i is written in different loop iterations by the l-th \Phi-function. Only the last iteration that writes array element i is of interest. Consequently, we choose the element with the greatest index. The supremum x l (i) of an index set l (i) is the greatest index such that Finally, we define operator ae as follows. ae (a(z); ae The maximum of the supremum indices x l (i) determines the symbolic value ff l (x l (i)). If no supremum index exists, ae returns the access to the value before the loop. The example code of the program in Figure 6 shows how to symbolically evaluate an array access. The recurrence of i(k) is resolved in state s 3 of ' 3 . Due to the missing information about a the recurrence of array a is not resolvable but our symbolic evaluation still models the dynamic behavior of the example code. 4. Symbolic Tracefile Tracing is the method of generating a sequence of instruction and data references encountered during program execution. The trace data is commonly stored in a tracefile and analyzed at a later point in time. For tracing, instrumentation is needed to insert code at those points in a program, where memory addresses are referenced. The tracefile is created as a side-effect of execution. Tracing requires a careful analysis of the program to ensure that the instrumentation correctly reflects the data or code references of a program. Moreover, the instrumentation 14 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz int char a[100],s=0; Figure 6. C-program fragment can be done at the source-code level or machine code level. For our framework we need a source-code level instrumentation. In the past a variety of different cache profilers were introduced, e. g. MTOOL (Gold- berg and Hennessy, 1991), PFC-Sim (Callahan et al., 1990), CPROF (Lebeck and Wood, 1994). The novelty of our approach is to compute the trace data symbolically at compile-time without executing the program. A symbolic tracefile is a constructive description for all possible memory references in chronological order. It is represented as symbolic expressions and recurrences. In the following we discuss the instrumentation of the program in Figure 6. The SPARC assembler code is listed in Figure 7. The first part of the code is a loop preparation phase. In this portion of code the contents of variable n is loaded into a work register. Additionally, the address of a is built up in register %g2. Inside the loop, the storage location of n is not referenced anymore and there are four read accesses s, a[i], a[i], a[i+1] and two write accesses s, a[i]. Furthermore, the variable i is held in a register. Based on this information we can instrument the example program. In Figure 8 the instrumented program is shown where function r ref(r,nb) denotes a read reference of address r with the length of nb bytes. For a write reference the function w ref() is used. Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 15 ld [%o3+%lo(n)],%g5; read &n mov 0,%o1 add %g5,-1,%g5 cmp %o1,%g5 bge .LL3 or %g2,%lo(a),%g2 add %g2,1,%o4 ldub [%o2+%lo(s)],%g2; read &s ldub [%o0],%g3; read &a[i] add %g2,%g3,%g2 stb %g2,[%o2+%lo(s)]; write &s ldub [%o0],%g2; read &a[i] ldub [%o1+%o4],%g3; read &a[i+1] add %g2,%g3,%g2 stb %g2,[%o0]; write &[i] cmp %o1,%g5 bl .LL5 add %o0,1,%o0 retl Figure 7. SPARC code of example in Figure 6 A symbolic tracefile is created by using a chain algebra. The references are stored as a chain. A symbolic trace file t 2 T is inductively defined as follows. 1. 2. If t 2 T and r and nb are symbolic expressions then t \Phi oe(r; nb) 2 T. 3. If t 2 T and r and nb are symbolic expressions then t \Phi -(r; nb) 2 T. 4. Nothing else is in T. Semantically, function oe is a write reference to the memory with symbolic address r whereby the number of referenced bytes is denoted by nb. We have similar semantics for read references -, where r is the address and nb is the number of referenced bytes. For instance, a 32-bit bus between the cache and CPU can only transfer a word references with 4 bytes. Therefore, a double data item J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz (comprises 8 bytes) -(r; 8) must be loaded in two consecutive steps by 4). For a word reference we do not need the number of referenced bytes anymore because it is constant. In the example above it is legal to rewrite -(r; 8) as -(r)\Phi-(r+4). This notation is extensively used in the examples of Section 5. For loops we need recurrences where - l (k) is a read or write reference (-(r l (k); nb) or -(r l (k); nb)). Symbolic evaluation is used to automatically generate the symbolic tracefile of a C-program. Instead of symbolically evaluating instrumentation calls we associate w ref and r ref with specific semantics. A pseudo variable t 2 T is added to the program. A read reference r ref(r,nb) is translated to t \Phi -(r; nb), where t is the state of the pseudo variable t before evaluating the instrumentation. The same is done for write references except that - is replaced by oe. Let us consider the example in Figure 8. Before entering the loop, t needs to log reference r ref(&n,4). Therefore, t is equal to ?\Phi-(&n; where &n denotes the address of variable n. Inside the loop a recurrence is used to describe t symbolically. The boundary condition t(0) is equal to ? \Phi -(&n; 4) and reflects the state before the loop. The recurrence relation is given by Note that an alternative notation of &a[k] is a a is the start address of array a. Finally, the last value of k in the recurrence t(k) is which is determined by the loop condition. For the symbolic tracefile only small portions of the final program context are needed. Therefore, we extract the necessary parts from the final context to describe the symbolic tracefile. Here, the state condition and symbolic value t are of relevance. For example in Figure 8 the symbolic tracefile is given by Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 17 int char a[100],s=0; Figure 8. C-program fragment with symbolic tracefile The length of the symbolic tracefile corresponds to the number of read/write references. If either the number of reads or the number of writes are of interest we selectively count elements (- and oe). For instance the number of read references is jtj the number of write references is jtj 1), and the overall number of memory references is given by 5. Symbolic Evaluation of Caches A symbolic tracefile of a program describes all memory references (is- sued by the CPU) in chronological order. Based on the symbolic trace- J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz file we can derive an analytical function over the input, which computes the number of hits. The symbolic tracefile contains all information to obtain the hit function. Moreover, the symbolic cache analysis is decoupled from the original program. Thus, our approach can be used to tailor the cache organization due to the needs of a given application. In the following we introduce two formalisms to compute a hit function for direct mapped and set associative data caches. To symbolically simulate the cache hardware, hit sets are introduced. Hit sets symbolically describe which addresses are held in the cache and keep track of the number of hits. 5.1. Direct Mapped Caches Direct mapped caches are the easiest cache organization to analyze. For each item of data there is exactly one location in a direct mapped cache where it can be placed 5 and the cache contains ns cache lines. The size of a cache line, cls , determines the amount of data that is moved between main memory and the cache. In the following we introduce the cache evaluation of direct mapped caches with write through and no-write-allocate policy. Compare Section 2. A new cache evaluation operator fi is defined to derive a hit set for a given tracefile t, where a hit set is a h). The first component of H is a symbolic cache, which is element of A - the second component represents the number of cache hits and is a Symbolic cache C of a hit set H has ns elements and each element corresponds to a cache line of the cache. More formally, the algebraic operation C \Phi(r; fi) loads the memory block with start address r into the cache whereby fi is the index of the cache line. Note that when the CPU issues address r, the start address r of the corresponding memory block must be selected to describe the reference. Moreover, a cache placement function - maps a reference to an index of cache C such that the load operation of reference r is written as C \Phi (r; -(r)). In the following we assume that function - is a modulo operation (ns cls). 5.1.1. Definition of the cache evaluation operator ns ; 0) denotes the initial hit set, the final hit set, and t the tracefile. The final hit set H f is the analytical description of the number of cache hits and the final state of the cache. In the following we describe the operator fi inductively. First, for an empty tracefile ? the hit set is Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 19 Second, if a write reference is the first reference in the tracefile, it does not change the hit set at all and is to be removed. (2) where - l is either a read reference -(r l ) or write reference oe(r l ). Third, for read references a new hit set must be computed and C; otherwise Increment d is 1 if reference r is in the cache. Otherwise, d is zero and the reference r must be loaded. For loading data item with address r into the cache, C' is assigned the new symbolic value C \Phi (r; -(r)). In order to symbolically describe the conditional behavior of caches (data item is in the cache or not), we introduce a fl-function (see (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997)). where semantically equivalent to (c-x c is a conditional expression and :c the negation of c. Moreover, x i are symbolic expressions. Based on the definition of fl (6) we can aggregate formulas given in (3),(4), and (5). Depending on condition ae(C; either the number of cache hits h 0 is incremented by one or the symbolic cache is assigned a new symbolic value C J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Similar to tracefiles, hit sets are written as a pair. The first component of the pair symbolically describes the hit set. The second component contains constraints on variable values such as conditionals and recurrences stemming from loops. Furthermore, for recursively-defined tracefiles we need to generalize hit sets to hit set recurrences. Let t(k l (k) be the tracefile recurrence relation and H the initial hit set, the hit set recurrence is expressed by 5.1.2. Example For the sake of demonstration, we study our example of Figure 6 with a cache size of 4 cache lines and each cache line comprises one byte. The cache placement function -(r) is r mod 4. It maps the memory addresses to slots of the cache. Moreover, all references are already transformed to word references and references &n, &s, and &a[0] are aligned to the first cache line. Note that in our example a word reference can only transfer one byte from the CPU to the cache and vice versa. The initial hit set is H 0). Based on the symbolic tracefile given in (1) the hit set recurrence is to be derived. First of all we apply operator fi to the hit set recurrence according to (8). The final hit set is given by H the highest index k of the recurrence and is determined by the loop condition. In the following we evaluate the boundary condition of the hit set recurrence. We successively apply the evaluation rule (7) of operator fi to the initial hit set (? 4 ; 0). Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 21 Note that condition ae(C; of rule (7) is false for all read references in the boundary condition. After evaluating the boundary condition there is still no cache hit and the cache is fully loaded with the contents of variable n. In the next step we analyze the loop iteration. We continue to apply operator fi to the recurrence relation. where C k and h k denote symbolic cache and number of hits in the kth iteration of the hit set recurrence. The global variable s is mapped to the first cache line. If the first slot of the cache contains the address of s then a cache hit occurs and the number of hits is incremented, otherwise the new element is loaded and the number of hits remains the same. We further apply operator fi and obtain In the next step we eliminate the write reference oe(&s) according to rule (2) and further apply operator fi to -(&a[k]). 22 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Here, we can simplify the fl-function. The contents of symbolic cache k at k mod 4 is k because the reference &a[k] is loaded from the step before the previous one. Note that the write reference oe(&s) does not destroy the reference &a[k]. In the last step the references -(&a[k and oe(&a[k]) are evaluated. We continue with The third fl-function can be reduced since element k+1 has never been written before because condition ae(C 00 The hit set recurrence is still conditional. Further investigations are necessary to derive a closed form for the number of hits. We know that the number of cache lines is four. We consider all four modulo classes of index k which for the given example results in an unconditional recurrence. 0: The condition ae(C k ; &s of the first fl-function is false since ae(C k ; 0) can be rewritten as k, if k ? 1 or ? otherwise. The condition of second fl-function ae(C 0 is false as well because the cache line has been loaded with the reference &s before. For the case k mod the hit set recurrence is reduced to an unconditional recurrence. In the first fl-function the condition ae(C k ; can never be true because in the previous step of the recurrence the Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 23 cache line 1 has been loaded with the contents of &a[k \Gamma 1]. Fur- thermore, the element &a[k] has been fetched in the previous step and, therefore, the condition of the second fl-function evaluates to true and the hit set recurrence can be written as 3: For both cases the conditions of the fl-functions are true. The load reference &s does not interfere with &a[k] and &a[k 1]. The recurrence is given by Now, we can extract the number of hits from hit sets (9), (10), (11). The modulo classes can be rewritten such that k is replaced by 4i and the modulo class. The boundary conditions stem from the number of hits of H(0). The recurrence is linear and after resolving it, we obtain The index z of the final hit set H determined by z = 1). The analytical cache hit function h z , given by (12), can be approximated by 9 In the example above the conditional recurrence collapsed to an unconditional one. In general, we can obtain closed forms only for specific - although very important - classes of conditional recurrences. If recurrences cannot be resolved, we employ approximation techniques as described in (Fahringer, 1998a). J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz1n-1 Figure 9. An n-way Set Associative Cache 5.2. Set Associative and Fully Associative Caches In this section we investigate n-way set associative write through data caches with write-allocate policy and least recently used replacement (LRU) strategy. The organization of set-associative is more complex than direct mapped data caches due to placing a memory block to n possible locations in a slot (compare Section 2). Similar to direct mapped caches we define a cache evaluation operator fi to derive a hit set for a given tracefile t. For set associative caches a hit set is a tuple cache, h the number of hits, and - max is a symbolic counter that is incremented for every read or write reference. Note that the symbolic counter is needed to keep track of the least recently used reference of a slot. Figure 9 illustrates the symbolic representation of C for set associative caches. C is an array of ns slots. Each slot, denoted as S(') ns \Gamma 1, can hold n cache lines. Array C and slots S(') are elements of array algebra A . More formally, algebraic operation S \Phi ((r; -); fi) loads the memory block with start address r into set S whereby fi is the index (0 - fi ! n) and - the current symbolic value of - max . Reading value r from S is denoted by ae r (S; fi) while reading the time stamp is written ae - (S; fi). A whole set is loaded into cache C via C \Phi (S; '). Note that when the CPU issues address r, the start address r of the corresponding memory block must be selected to describe the reference. Similar to direct mapped caches, a cache placement function - maps a memory reference to slot S such that the load operation of reference r is written as C \Phi (ae(C; -(r)) \Phi ((r; -(r))) where -(r) is a function determining Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 25 the index of slot S according to the LRU strategy and is defined by there exists a ' such that ae(S; Note that the first case determines if there is a spare location in slot S. If so, the first spare location is determined by -. The second case computes the least recently used cache line of slot S. 5.2.1. Definition of the cache evaluation operator ns ; 0; 0) denotes the initial hit set, the final hit set, and t the tracefile. The final hit set H f is the analytical description of the number of cache hits and the final state of the cache. In the following we describe the operator fi inductively. First, for an empty tracefile ? the hit set is Second, if a read or write operation -(r) is the first memory reference in the tracefile, a new hit set is deduced as follows d. The symbolic counter - max is incremented by one. Furthermore, the slot of reference r is determined by and increment d is given by 0; otherwise. If there exists an element in slot S, which is equal to r, a cache hit occurs and increment reference r must be updated with a new time stamp. where Function -(r) looks up the index, where reference r is stored in slot -(r) can be described by a recurrence. If d = 0, a cache miss occurs and the reference is loaded into the cache 26 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz where We can aggregate formulas (13) - (18) with fl-functions. Depending on condition new element is updated with a new time stamp or loaded into the cache. Note that fl functions are nested in formula (19). A nested fl is recursively expanded (compare (6)) such that the expanded boolean expression is added to the corresponding true or false term of the higher-level fl-function. Furthermore, for recursively-described tracefiles we need to generalize hit sets to hit set recurrences (compare (8)). 5.2.2. Example We symbolically evaluate the example of Figure 6 with a 2-way set associative cache and two slots and a cache line size of one byte. For this cache organization a word reference can transfer one byte from the CPU to the cache and vice versa. Thus, the cache size is the same as in Section 5.1, only the cache organization has changed. The cache placement function -(r) is r mod 2. We assume that the references of the symbolic tracefile are already transformed to word references and references &n, &s, and &a[0] are aligned to the first slot. The initial hit set is H 0). Based on the tracefile given in (1) the hit set recurrence is to be derived. Similar to example in Section 5.1 we apply operator fi to the hit set recurrence according to (8). For all read references in the boundary no cache hit occurred. The cache is loaded with the contents of variable n and the number of cache Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 27 hits is zero. In the next step we evaluate the recurrence relation. We continue to apply operator fi according to rule (19). where C k , h k , and - k denote symbolic cache, number of hits and time stamp counter of the kth iteration of the hit set recurrence. In order to keep the description of hit set recurrences as small as possible we rewrite the outer fl-function of (20) as P . We further apply operator fi and obtain In the next step we evaluate write reference oe(&s) and get 28 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Here, we can simplify the fl-function because variable s has been read within the current iteration of the loop without being overwritten in the cache, the condition of the outer fl-function evaluates to true. Hence, we obtain Similar to the previous step we can reduce both fl-functions. Read reference &a[k produces a cache miss. Thus, the next step can be simplified too. Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 29 In the last step the fi operator is applied to write reference &s. It is a cache hit and we can eliminate the fl functions. Arguments similar to those in Section 5.1 show that the conditions of the outer fl-function in P 0 and P 00 are true for k - 1 and false for Therefore, we can derive an unconditional recurrence relation for the number of cache hits (k - 1). 3: A closed form solution is given by 2: The index z of the final hit set H determined by z = 1). Thus, the analytical cache hit function is which shows that for our example the set associative cache performs better than the direct mapped cache of the same size. 6. Experimental Results In order to assess the effectiveness of our cache hit prediction we have chosen a set of C-programs as a benchmark. We have adopted the evaluation framework introduced in (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Fahringer and Scholz, 1999) for the programming language C and the cache evaluation. The instrumentation was done by hand although an existing tool such as CPROF (Lebeck and Wood, 1994) could have instrumented the benchmark suite. Our symbolic evaluation framework computed the symbolic tracefiles and symbolically evaluated data caches. In order to compare predictions against real values we J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz int n; char a[100]; void sum() int Figure 10. Benchmark Program have measured the cache hits for a given cache and problem size. For measuring the empirical data we used the ACS cache simulator(Hunt, 1997). The programs of the benchmark suite were amended by the instrumentation routines of a provided library bin2pdt. The generated tracefiles were stored as PDATS (Johnson and Ha, 1994) files and later read by the ACS cache simulator. The first program of the benchmark suite is example program in Figure 10. In contrast to Section 5 we have analyzed a direct mapped data cache with a cache line size greater than one byte. Furthermore, the first byte of array a is aligned to the first byte of an arbitrary cache line and the cache has more than one cache line. Our framework computes a cache hit function, where the number of cache hits is determined by cls \Upsilon and cls is the cache line size of 4, 8 and bytes. Intuitively, we get 2(n \Gamma 1) potential cache hits. For every new cache line a miss is implied. Therefore, we have to subtract the number of touched cache lines cls \Upsilon from the number of read references. Table Ia describes problem sizes n (n - first column), number of read (R-Ref. - second column) and write (W-Ref. - third column) ref- erences, and sum of read and write references (T-Ref. - fourth column). Tables measured with predicted cache hits for various data cache configurations (capacity/cache line size). For instance, D-Cache 256/4 corresponds to a cache with 256 bytes and a cache line size of 4 bytes. Every table comprises four columns. M-Miss tabulates the measured cache misses, M-Hits the measured cache hits, and P-Hits the predicted cache hits. In accordance with our accurate symbolic cache analysis we observe that the predicted hits are identical with the associated measurements for all cache configurations considered. The same benchmark program was taken to derive the analytical cache hit function for set associative data caches. Note that the result is the same as for direct mapped caches. Even the empirical study with two way data caches of the same capacity delivered the same measurements given in Tables Ib - Id. Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 31 Table ProblemSize R-Ref. W-Ref. T-Ref. 28 1000 1999 999 2998 10000 19999 9999 29998 Table Ib. D-Cache256/4 M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit 100 26 173 173 1000 251 1748 1748 10000 2501 17498 17498 Table Ic. D-Cache16K/8 M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit 1000 126 1873 1873 10000 1251 18748 18748 Table M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Table IIa. Experiment of mcnt Problem Size n\Thetam R-Ref. W-Ref. T-Ref. Table IIb. D-Cache 64K/16 n\Thetam M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit 100\Theta100 5000 5000 5000 100\Theta200 100000 100000 100000 The second program mcnt of the benchmark suite counts the number of negative elements of an n \Theta m-matrix. The counter is held in a register and does not interfere with the memory references of the matrix. Again, we analyzed the program with three different direct mapped cache configurations 256/4, 16K/8 and 64K/16. For the data cache sizes 256/4 and 16K/8 the cache hit function is zero. This is due float f[N][N], u[N][N], new[N][N]; void jacobi-relaxation() int i,j; Figure 11. Jacobi Relaxation Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 33 Table IIIa. Experiment of Jacobi Relaxation Problem Size n\Thetan R-Ref. W-Ref. T-Ref. 90\Theta90 48020 9604 288120 Table IIIb. D-Cache 256/4 n\Thetan M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit Table IIIc. D-Cache 512/4 n\Thetan M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit 50\Theta50 7102 4418 4418 90\Theta90 47672 348 348 Table IIId. D-Cache 1K/4 n\Thetan M-Miss M-Hit P-Hit 50\Theta50 7102 4418 4418 90\Theta90 34 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz to the usage of double elements of the matrix. Only for the 64K/16 configuration the program can benefit from a data cache and the cache hits are given by \Sigma n\Deltam\Upsilon . In Tables IIa and IIb the analytical function is compared to the measured results. Similar to the first benchmark the cache hit function remains the same for set associative data caches with the same capacity and the measurements are identical to Table IIb. The third program jacobi relaxation in Figure 11 calculates the Jacobi relaxation of an n \Theta n float matrix. In a doubly nested loop the value of the resulting matrix new is computed. Both loop variables are held in registers. Therefore, for direct mapped data caches interference can only occur between the read references of arrays f and u. We investigated the Jacobi relaxation code with a cache configuration of 256/4, 512/4 and 1K/4. The number of cache hits is given by ns ns ns ns ns - n - ns according to Section 4 where ns is the number of cache lines. We compared the measured cache hits with the values of the cache hit function. The results of our experiments are shown in Tables IIIa - IIId. The fourth program gauss jordan in Figure 12 is a linear equation solver. Note that this program contains an if-statement inside the loop. Variables i, ip, j, and k are held in registers. For direct mapped data caches interference can only occur between the read references of array a. We have analyzed the Gauss Jordan algorithm with a cache configuration of 256/4. We could classify three different ranges of n where the behavior of the hit function varies. C(n) must be described for each n in the range. Furthermore, P (n) is a function containing 64 cases. Note that the number 64 stems from the number of cache lines. For sake of demonstration we only enlist some Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 35 float a[N,N]; void gauss-jordan(void) int i,ip,j,k; if (i != j)- (a[j,i] * a[i,k]) * a[i,i]; Figure 12. Gauss Jordan cases. In Tables IVa and IVb we compare the measured results with function values of the hit function. The ability to determine accurate number of cache hits depends on the complexity of the input programs. The quality of our techniques to resolve recurrences, analyse complex array subscript expressions, loop bounds, branching conditions, interprocedural effects, and pointer operations impacts the accuracy of our cache hit function. For instance, if closed forms cannot be computed for recurrences, then we introduce approximations such as symbolic upper and lower bounds (Fahringer, 1998a). We have provided a detailed analysis of codes that can be handled by our symbolic evaluation in (Fahringer and Scholz, 1999). 36 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Table IVa. Experiment of Gauss Jordan Problem Size n\Thetan R-Ref. W-Ref. T-Ref. 200\Theta200 15999600 3999900 19999500 2000\Theta2000 15999996000 3999999000 19999995000 Table IVb. D-Cache 256/4 D-Cache 256/4 n\Thetan M-Hit P-Hit 200\Theta200 7060901 7060901 2000\Theta2000 5825464317 5825464317 7. Related Work Traditionally, the analysis of cache behavior for worst-case execution time estimates in real-time systems (Park, 1993; Puschner and Koza, 1989; Chapman et al., 1996) was far too complex. Recent research (Ar- nold et al., 1994) has proposed methods to estimate tighter bounds for WCET in systems with caches. Most of the work has been successfully applied to instruction caches (Liu and Lee, 1994) and pipelined architectures (Healy et al., 1995). Lim et al. (1994) extend the original timing schemas, introduced by Puschner and Koza (1989), to handle pipelined architectures and cached architectures. Nearly all of these methods rely on frequency annotations of statements. If the programmer provides wrong annotations, the quality of the prediction can be doubtful. Our approach does not need user (programmer) interaction since it derives all necessary information from the program's code 6 and it does not restrict program structure such as (Ghosh et al., 1997). A major component of the framework described in (Arnold et al., 1994) is a static cache simulator (Mueller, 1997) realized as a data flow analysis framework. In (Alt et al., 1996) an alternate formalization which relies on the technique of abstract interpretation is presented. Both of these approaches are based on data-flow analysis but do not Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 37 properly model control flow. Among others, they cannot deal with dead paths and zero-trip loops all of which are carefully considered by our evaluation framework (Fahringer and Scholz, 1997; Blieberger, 1997). Implicit path enumeration (IPET) (Li et al., 1995; Li et al., 1996) allows to express semantic dependencies as constraints on the control flow graph by using integer linear programming models, where frequency annotations are still required. Additionally, the problem of IPET is that it only counts the number of hits and misses and cannot keep track of the history of cache behavior. Only little work has been done to introduce history variables (Ottosson and Sjoedin, 1997). While IPET can model if-statements correctly (provided the programmer supplies correct frequency annotations), it lacks adequate handling of loops. Our tracefiles exactly describe the data and control flow behavior of programs which among others enables precise modeling of loops. In (Theiling and Ferdinand, 1998) IPET was enriched with information of the abstract interpretation described in (Alt et al., 1996). A graph coloring approach is used in (Rawat, 1993) to estimate the number of cache misses for real-time programs. The approach only supports data caches with random replacement strategy 7 . It employs standard data-flow analysis and requires compiler support for placing variables in memory according to the results of the presented algorithm. Alleviating assumptions about loops and cache performance improving transformations such as loop unrolling make their analysis less precise than our approach. It is assumed that every memory reference that is accessed inside of a loop at a specific loop iteration causes a cache miss. Their analysis does not consider that a reference might have been transmitted to the cache due to a cache miss in a previous loop iteration. Much research has been done to predict cache behavior in order to support performance oriented program development. Most of these approaches are based on estimating cache misses for loop nests. Ferrante et al. (1991) compute an upper bound for the number of cache lines accessed in a sequential program which allows them to guide various code optimizations. They determine upper bounds of cache misses for array references in innermost loops, the inner two loops, and so on. The number of cache misses of the innermost loop that causes the cache to overflow is multiplied by the product of the number of iterations of the overflow loop and all its containing loops. Their approximation technique may entail polynomial evaluations and suffers by a limited control flow modeling (unknown loop bounds, branches, etc. Lam et al. (1991) developed another cache cost function based on the number of loops carrying cache reuse which can either be temporal 38 J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz (relating to the same data element) or spatial (relating to data elements in the same cache line). They employ a reuse vector space in combination with localized iteration space. Cross interference (elements from different arrays displace each other from the cache) and self interferences (interference between elements of the same array) are modeled. Loop bounds are not considered even if they are known constants. Temam et al. (1994) examine the source code of numerical codes for cache misses induced by loop nests. Fahringer (1996; 1997) implemented an analytical model that estimates the cache behavior for sequential and data parallel Fortran programs based on a classification of array references, control flow modeling (loop bounds, branches, etc. are modeled by profiling), and an analytical cache cost function. Our approach goes beyond existing work by correctly modeling control flow of a program even in the presence of program unknowns and branches such as if-statements inside of loops. We cover larger classes of programming languages and cache architectures, in particular data caches, instruction caches and unified caches including direct mapped caches, set associative, and fully associative caches. We can handle most important cache replacement and write policies. Our approach accurately computes cache hits, whereas most other methods are restricted to approximations. Closed form expressions and conservative approximations can be found according to the steps described in Section 1. Symbolic evaluation can also be used for WCET analysis without caching (Blieberger, 1997), thereby solving the dead paths problem of program path analysis (Park, 1993; Altenbernd, 1996). In addi- tion, it can be used for performing "standard" compiler optimizations, thus being an optimal framework for integrating optimizing compilers and WCET analysis (compare Engblom et al. (1998) for a different approach). 8. Conclusion and Future Work In this paper we have described a novel approach for estimating cache hits as implied by programs written in most procedural languages (in- cluding C, Ada, and Fortran). We generate a symbolic tracefile for the input program based on symbolic evaluation which is a static technique to determine the dynamic behavior of programs. Symbolic expressions and recurrences are used to describe all memory references in a program which are then stored chronologically in the symbolic tracefile. A cache Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems 39 hit function for several cache architectures is computed based on a cache evaluation technique. In the following we describe the contributions of our While most other research targets upper bounds for cache misses, we focus on deriving the accurate number of cache hits. We can automatically determine an analytical cache hit function at compile-time without user interaction. Symbolic evaluation enables us to represent the cache hits as a function over program unknowns (e.g. input data). Our approach allows a comparison of various cache organizations for a given program with respect to cache performance. We can easily port our techniques across different architectures by strictly separating machine specific parameters (e.g. cache line sizes, replacement strategies, etc.) from machine-independent parameters (e.g. loop bounds, array index expressions, etc. A novel approach has been introduced to model arrays as part of symbolic evaluation which maintains the history of previous array references. We have shown experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The predicted cache behavior for our example codes perfectly match with the measured data. Although we have applied our techniques to direct mapped data caches with write through and no write-allocate policy and set associative data caches with write through and write-allocate policy, it is possible to generalize our approach for other cache organizations as well. Moreover, our approach is also applicable for instruction and unified caches. In addition our work can be extended to analyze virtual memory architectures. A combined analysis of caching and pipelining via symbolic evaluation will be conducted in the near future (compare Healy et al. (1999) for a different approach). The quality of our cache hit function depends on the complexity (e.g. recurrences, interprocedural effects, pointers, etc.) of the input programs. If, for instance, we cannot find closed forms for recurrences, then we employ approximations such as upper bounds. We are currently extending our symbolic evaluation techniques to handle larger classes of input programs. Additionally, we are building a source-code level instrumentation system for the SPARC processor architecture. We investigate the applicability of our techniques for multi-level data and instruction caches. Finally, we are in the process to conduct more experiments with larger codes. J. Blieberger, T. Fahringer, B. Scholz Notes 1 A cache miss occurs if referenced data is not in cache and needs to be loaded from main memory. 2 A cache hit occurs if referenced data is in cache. 3 Symbolic evaluation is not to be confused with symbolic execution (see e.g. (King, 1976)). 4 All variables which are written inside a loop - including the loop variable - are called recurrence variables. 5 A slot consists of one cache line. See Section 2. 6 Clearly our approach cannot bypass undecidability. 7 Random replacement seems very questionable for real-time applications because of its indeterministic behavior. --R Analyzing and Visualizing Performance of Memory Hierachies A discipline of programming. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach His research interests include areas of analysis of algorithms and data structures He studied Computer Science at the TU Vienna and received his doctoral degree in Readers may contact Johann Blieberger at the Department of Computer-Aided Automation Thomas Fahringer Thomas Fahringer received a Masters degree in Readers may contact Fahringer at the Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems Bernhard Scholz Bernhard Scholz is going to enrol a position as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Dept. Readers may contact Scholz at the Dept. Figure 13. Technical University Vienna --TR --CTR Berhard Scholz , Johann Blieberger , Thomas Fahringer, Symbolic pointer analysis for detecting memory leaks, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.34 n.11, p.104-113, Nov. 1999 Thomas Fahringer , Bernhard Scholz, A Unified Symbolic Evaluation Framework for Parallelizing Compilers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.11 n.11, p.1105-1125, November 2000 Johann Blieberger, Data-Flow Frameworks for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, Real-Time Systems, v.22 n.3, p.183-227, May 2002 B. B. Fraguela , R. Doallo , J. Tourio , E. L. Zapata, A compiler tool to predict memory hierarchy performance of scientific codes, Parallel Computing, v.30 n.2, p.225-248, February 2004
worst-case execution time;symbolic evaluation;cache hit prediction;static analysis
Analytical comparison of local and end-to-end error recovery in reactive routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks.
In this paper we investigate the effect of local error recovery vs. end-to-end error recovery in reactive protocols. For this purpose, we analyze and compare the performance of two protocols: the Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR[2]), which does end-to-end error recovery when a route fails and the Witness Aided Routing protocol (WAR[1]), which uses local correction mechanisms to recover from route failures. We show that the performance of DSR degrades extremely fast as the route length increases (that is, DSR is not scalable), while WAR maintains both low latency and low resource consumption regardless of the route length.
Introduction Routing protocols for ad hoc networks can be classified in two general categories: reactive and proactive, depending on their reaction to changes in the network topology. Proactive proto- cols, such as distance-vector protocols (DSDV[4]), are highly sensitive to topology changes. They require mobile hosts to periodically exchange information in order to maintain an accurate image of the network. While convergence is faster in such protocols, the cost in wireless bandwidth required to maintain routing information can be prohibitive. Moreover, mobile hosts are engaged in route construction and maintenance even when they do not need to communicate, which means that a percentage of the collected routing information may never be used. Therefore, many researchers have proposed to use reactive protocols (like WAR[1], DSR[2], SSA[6], AODV[3] etc.), which only trigger route construction or update based on the mobility and needs of mobile hosts. There have been several simulation studies which have attempted to characterize various performance aspects of existing routing protocols. Boppana et al. [9] compared reactive- style protocols with proactive protocols by looking at their performance under different network loads. They found that re-active protocols do not perform as well as proactive ones under heavy network loads. On the other hand, simulation studies conducted by Borch et. al. [10] on four different protocols (DSR [2], AODV [3], DSDV [4] and TORA [5]) indicate that reactive routing protocols may outperform the proactive routing protocols. Their work focused on packet delivery ratio, routing overhead and path optimality. In particular, they suggested that DSR tends to be superior under most scenarios experimented with. However, it is unclear from their results how DSR scales as the network size (route length) increases. Along with simulation experiments, a few attempts have been made to evaluate the performance of routing protocols using mathematical modeling. Jacquet and Laouiti [11] did a preliminary analytical comparison between reactive and proactive protocols, using a random graph model. Although this model limits the network size to indoor or short range outdoor net- works, it provides useful insights in the performance of reactive protocols, particularly about the impact of route non-optimality and/or symmetry. In this paper we focus on the performance of reactive proto- cols. More precisely, we analyze and compare the error recovery techniques used by existing reactive protocols. Unlike protocols from the proactive family, reactive protocols are more likely to experience route errors because of their more conservative approach in collecting topology information. In general, such errors may have several causes. First, radio links are inherently sensitive to noise and transmission power fluctuations. This, as well as problems like the hidden terminal, can cause temporary or permanent disruption in service at the wireless link level, in one direction or in both. Second, host mobility can further increase link instability, reducing the probability that a packet is successfully transmitted over a link. The effect of link instability is magnified as route length increases, which makes the way routing protocols cope with route errors a critical issue. There are two general ways to deal with route errors: local and end-to-end error recovery. We present an analytical comparison between the performance of reactive protocols which use local error recovery and reactive protocols which use end-to- error recovery. The goal is to determine which error recovery mechanism is suitable at a given mobility rate in the mobile ad hoc network and to quantify its performance in terms of average packet latency and cost of packet delivery (in terms of bandwidth consumed) as a function of parameters such as route length, size of the network, mobility rate and packet arrival rate. In particular, we analyze the performance of WAR (which employs local error recovery) and DSR (which uses end-to-end error recovery) and compare them using two metrics: the probability that a packet is delivered to its destination in one attempt and the traffic generated (data plus control packets) to successfully route a packet (T routing ). Our analysis shows that, unless some local error recovery technique is employed to deal with failures along the route to destination, the performance of reactive protocols is not scalable with the size of the network (in terms of route length). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a qualitative comparison between end-to-end and local error re- covery. This section also provides a brief description of the recovery techniques used in DSR and WAR. In Section 3 we develop the analytical tools needed to characterize the performance of WAR and DSR. Numerical results are discussed in Section 4 and conclusions based on these results are outlined in Section 5. Recovery When a packet encounters a link error, the routing protocol has three choices: 1. report the error to the sender of the packet immediately (negative acknowledgment) 2. do nothing (the sender will timeout waiting for a positive 3. invoke some localized correction mechanism to attempt to bypass the link in error A protocol which implements one of the first two options uses end-to-end error recovery, whereas a protocol which implements the third option uses local error recovery. Among the existing reactive protocols (WAR, DSR, AODV, TORA, ABR, SSR), only WAR, ABR and TORA 1 include a local error recovery mechanism. The others use either negative acknowledgments or timeouts to detect errors and recover them by having the original host resend the packet. Our attention will focus on two related protocols: WAR, which uses local error recovery and DSR, which uses end-to-end error recovery. The next section gives a brief description of the two protocols and emphasizes differences and similarities between them. recovery technique is based on link reversal and therefore it is not applicable in networks with unidirectional links 2.1 WAR vs. DSR WAR and DSR are members of the same family of protocols (reactive) and they use source routing to forward packets from one host to another. While their route construction mechanism is generally the same, WAR implements a different route selection and maintenance scheme. Both protocols allow mobile hosts to operate in promiscuous receive mode, but with different goals: in DSR, packet snooping is done for route maintenance purposes, while WAR uses snooping to help the routing process. However, two essential aspects distinguish WAR and DSR and have a major impact on their performance: routing in the presence of unidirectional links and error handling. 2.1.1 Routing in the presence of unidirectional links Although DSR is claimed ([2] and [10]) to be able to handle unidirectional links, its ability is limited to only computing routes which avoid such links. That is, DSR routing will fail if such links appear for short periods of time after the routes are computed. Transient events in the network are very likely to cause certain links to temporarily appear as non-operational (in one direction or in both), in which case DSR will fail to route packets and will instead spend time and network resources to re-discover what might be only temporarily out of order routes. On the other hand, WAR uses witness hosts [1] to overcome such transient problems, which greatly reduces the overall packet delivery time and the network traffic generated by (ex- pensive!) route discovery messages. Witness hosts of a given host X are essentially routers which act on X's behalf when they detect that a packet sent out by X did not appear to reach its target. An illustration of how witnesses participate in the routing process is shown in Fig.1. Both W1 and W2 hear X's transmission to Y, which makes them potential active witnesses of X with respect to the packet P (X!Y ) sent to Y. At this point, they will wait to see if Y attempts to deliver the packet to Z, which would mean that Y received it from X. If that is the case, their role with respect to the packet P (X!Y ) reduces to sending an acknowledgment to X (to avoid an error in case X could not hear Y's transmission to Z). If neither W 1 nor W 2 hear Y's transmission to Z, they conclude that the packet P (X!Y ) failed to reach Y. In this case, they will both attempt to deliver the packet directly to Z, although, indirectly, they target Y as well. Since W1 and W2 do not necessarily have a way to communicate with each other and avoid contention, they will ask Z for arbitration before sending the packet. If Z rejects their request, it means that it has already received the packet from Y and their role reduces to sending the acknowledgment to X. Otherwise, the one selected by Z will deliver the packet and then inform X about it. 2.1.2 handling When a route problem is detected and no alternative route is immediately available, DSR sends a negative acknowledgment to Y Z Figure 1. and W 2 help transmitting the packet from X to Y or Z the original sender of the packet. This method has two draw- backs. First, when link errors occur far away from the sender and close to the destination, the fact that the packet succeeded in traversing a long path is not exploited. This increases the overall packet delivery time and the network resources used by the routing protocol. Second, negative acknowledgments tend to add to the network overhead precisely when the network is overloaded (i.e. in case of congestion). WAR uses a localized error recovery mechanism to correct the problem without involving the original sender in this process. The operation of the recovery mechanism is illustrated in Fig. 2. Initially, host X looks up an alternate route to the destination in its own route cache. If one is available, X uses it to forward the packet. Otherwise, it broadcasts a copy of the original mes- sage, with the tag changed to Rrecovery , to its neighbors. After sending out the recovery message, X will drop the original message, and its role in the routing process ends. No acknowledgment is necessary for recovered messages. As soon as one of the hosts in the remaining route (indicated in the message header) is reached, the message tag is changed back into and it continues its travel as a normal data packet.W Y Z Figure 2. If witnesses W 1 and W 2 can't contact Y or Z, host X initiates the route recovery protocol The number of steps a message can travel as a route recovery message (with a Rrecovery tag) is indicated in the constraint field attached to the original data packet by the sender (the Recovery Depth value). When the Recovery Depth counter becomes zero (being decremented by each host which receives the Rrecovery message), the message is no longer propagated and the recovery fails (on that branch of the network). This way, WAR also provides a framework for setting message pri- orities. A greater Recovery Depth will cause the recovery protocol to be more insistent, increasing the chances of success, whereas a low Recovery Depth will cause the packet to be dropped if no fast recovery is possible. 3 Analysis of Reactive Protocols This section focuses on the development of analytical tools which will be used to study the behavior of WAR.We first introduce basic notions related to the network (parameters, assump- tions, etc.), then we examine a few general results related to the class of reactive protocols, and finally we analyze the performance of WAR and compare it with the performance of DSR. 3.1 Preliminaries Let X and Y be two arbitrary hosts in the network. If X and Y are within transmission range of each other (that is, Y may hear packets sent by X and X may hear packets sent by Y), then we say that there is a link between X and Y, and we denote it by (X,Y). Further, if the link (X,Y) has existed during the interval of time if at time t host X needs to transmit a packet to Y, the link can be in one of the following states: ffl broken: if Y is no longer in the transmission range of X. ffl non-operational: if X and Y are still within range but cannot hear each other (due to noise, etc. ffl unidirectional: if one and only one of the following conditions is a) Y can hear X (the link is direct operational), or b) X can hear Y (the link is reverse operational). ffl bidirectional: if Y can hear X and X can hear Y. failure: A link (X,Y) fails when host Y does not receive (directly from X or from a witness host) a packet sent to it by X. Note that by this definition, a direct operational link cannot fail. Route failure: A route fX1 ; fails if a packet sent by X 1 to X k does not reach X k (that is, the packet needs to be resent by X 1 ). 3.2 Assumptions In order to simplify the analysis, we make the following assumptions about the network and about the routing protocol(s) discussed: i. The average route length between any two hosts is a known value EL . Determination of EL is a research topic in itself and it is out of the scope of this paper. Name Description - packet arrival rate (communication frequency) location change arrival rate (move frequency) n number of mobile hosts in the network A total area of the network (in square meters) r transmission range of a mobile host (in meters) U probability that a (non-broken) link is non-operational in at least one direction EL expected route length between any two hosts Table 1. System parameters ii. The time between calls (packets) between hosts is exponentially distributed, with mean 1=-. iii. The time between location changes for each host is also exponentially distributed, with mean 1=-. Note that - can be 0, in which case the network is static. iv. The probability that a link is not bidirectional is a known parameter, p U . A non-bidirectional link is equally likely to be non-operational in either direction. v. The locations of mobile hosts are uniformly distributed within the network area. vi. All mobile hosts have the same transmission range, r. vii. Mobile hosts store only one route to a given destination (that is, although a protocol may allow multiple routes to a given destination to be cached at a mobile host, a second route will not be available in case the primary route fails). Table 1 displays the parameters which are assumed to be known about the system. Also, we will be using the notation N for the random variable representing the number of neighbors for a mobile host and EN for the expected value of N . 3.3 General Results This section provides the necessary tools for the analysis of WAR, without getting into protocol dependent details. Lemma 1 The probability that a particular mobile host Y is in the vicinity of a host X is: ae A oe Proof: The coverage zone of X has an area of -r 2 , while the total number of places where Y can be is A, which proves the result. Theorem 2 The average number of neighbors for a mobile host, E[N ], is Proof: Using p0 from Lemma 1, it follows that the probability of any k neighbors being in the transmission range of X is Thus, the expected value of N (defined in Section 3.2) is E[N the theorem. In what follows, we will use Theorem 3 The probability that a link is broken when a packet needs to be transmitted is: Proof: By definition, a link (S; R) is broken when host R is no longer in the transmission range of S. In other words, a broken link is detected when a transmission from S happens after R moved out of the transmission range of S. Let T and M be random variables which describe the waiting time until a transmission occurs and the waiting time until a move occurs, re- spectively. We assumed (in Section 3.2) that T and M have exponential distributions with parameters - (the transmission frequency) and - (the location change frequency), respectively. Thus, the probability that a move occurs before a transmission in the interval [t; t + ffit] is given by: Z t+ffit Hence, the unconditional probability that a transmission from S to R occurs after R moved out of the transmission range of S is which leads to: Remark 1 Note that p B is not the probability that a link is broken at all times, but the probability that the link is not available when a packet needs to be transmitted. Also, the probability p U is only defined when the link is not broken. Thus, the probability that a link is bidirectional when a packet needs to be transmitted is not Lemma 4 The probability that a non-broken link is operational in one direction is Proof: Let p dir (p rev ) be the probability that a link (X; Y ) is direct (reverse) operational. We have: (from the assumptions in Section 3.2), we get that: Corollary 4.1 The probability that a non-broken link is non-operational in both directions is 2 Proof: This probability is given by 3.3.1 Cost analysis Lemma 5 If p L is the probability that a packet is successfully transmitted over a link, then the average number of links successfully passed by a packet along a route before an error occurs is: Proof: The number of links passed to encounter an error (in- cluding the link in error) is a geometric r.v. Q, with distribution expected value Hence, the average number of links successfully passed before an error occurs is: For WAR, p L is given by Theorem 9. Lemma 6 If p S is the probability that a packet is successfully routed to its final destination, then the average number of routing failures for a given packet is Proof: Let Z be a r.v. which describes the number of routing attempts needed to successfully deliver a packet to its final des- tination. Z has a geometric distribution given by P and the expected value that the average number of routing failures before a success is: For WAR, p S is given by Theorem 11. Theorem 7 If C LS is the cost of a successful link transmission and C LF the cost of handling an error at link level, then the average cost of routing a packet to its final destination in a re-active protocol is: Proof: In computing the overall cost of routing a packet from source to destination, we have to account for possible routing errors. Thus, the cost of routing a packet is the sum between the cost generated by (possible) failures and the cost of the final (error free) attempt: where z is the expected number of failures (Lemma 6). The cost of a route failure, C RF is determined by the cost of partially routing the packet up to the link in error and the cost of informing the sender about the error (error handling): where q is the number of links successfully passed (Lemma 5). Finally, the cost of error free routing, C RS is determined by the route length EL and the cost of successful link transmission, Thus, we have: and using Lemma 6 and Lemma 5 the result is straightforward. are protocol dependent val- ues. We will discuss each of these values for WAR in Section 3.4 and for DSR in Section 4. On the other hand, C LS and C LF are generic values; they may represent different quantities, depending on the purpose of the analysis (i.e. time, amount of traffic, etc.) 3.4 Analysis of WAR Considering that packets may be dropped, delayed and/or re-sent several times before they are successfully delivered to the destination, we are interested in an estimate of the following quantities for WAR: 1. the probability p S that a packet is routed successfully in one attempt (without being resent), and 2. the total amount of traffic T routing generated to successfully route a packet from source to destination. We will first determine the following probabilities, which will help in the derivation of our target results: probability that at least a witness host can bypass a problematic link probability that link transmission succeeds R probability that a link failure is recovered from probability that a packet arrives at its final destination without being resent (route success) Lemma 8 The probability that at least one of the EN neighbors of X can deliver a packet on behalf of X is given by: \Theta Proof: Let Y be the direct receiver of the packet sent by X and let W be a witness of X. In order for W to be able to pass the packet to Y, the links (X,W) and (W,Y) must not be broken and must be bidirectional. That is, the probability that W can pass the packet to Y and then inform X is Let H be a discrete r.v. representing the number of witness hosts which are able to help the packet from X to Y. H has a binomial distribution, given by: which means that the probability that at least one witness can help a packet from X to reach Y is: Theorem 9 The probability that a link transmission succeeds in WAR is: Proof: A direct transmission from host X to host Y succeeds in WAR if Y receives the packet either from X or from a witness of X and then X is informed about the success. That is, the transmission succeeds if: 1. the link is not broken and it is bidirectional, or 2. the link is not broken, it is unidirectional and a witness delivers the packet, or 3. the link is broken but a witness delivers the packet. Theorem is the recovery depth for a given packet, then the probability that a route a recovery succeeds in WAR is: C A Proof: Let X be the host which detects the route problem and let k be the number of hops the packet still needs to travel. At the first step of the recovery, X sends the recovery packet to all its neighbors. The probability that none of the remaining k hosts on the route is in the neighborhood of X is p F 0 At step two, the probability that none of remaining hosts along the route is among those queried is EN neighbors of host X attempt forward the recovery request). Similarly, at step i we have p F . Therefore, the probability that the recovery does not succeed at all is: from which we get Let P be a r.v. representing the position along the route where the error occurs. Since all links are equally likely to present problems, P has a uniform distribution with mean EL =2. Thus, we can substitute in the above equation, which completes the proof. Theorem 11 If the average route length in the network is EL , the probability that a packet is successfully routed by WAR to its final destination in one attempt is: Proof: A packet arrives at its destination in one attempt if it successfully passes all the links along the route without being resent by the original host. That is, it either passes each link without error, or, if an error occurs, the recovery mechanism corrects it. Therefore, we have: 3.4.1 Traffic generated to successfully route a data packet generated to successfully route a data packet \Psi, we understand the total amount of data and control packets sent over the wireless medium from the moment \Psi is sent by the source host until the moment it is received by the destination host. We first analyze the traffic needed to deliver a packet over a link. Table 2 summarizes the notations used to distinguish between various types of traffic. Name Description T DATA the size of a data packet. T ACK the size of an explicit ACK packet. T RTS the size of an RTS (request to send) packet. T CTS the size of a CTS (clear to send) packet. Table 2. Traffic associated with data and control packets The traffic generated to deliver a data packet over the direct link between host X and host Y is: where Twitness is the traffic generated by the witness hosts to assist the delivery of a data packet from X to Y. Using Eq.8, we derive: with T no help and T help explained below. If the data packet sent by X arrives at Y without any help from the witness hosts (with probability U , from Eq.8), then (the worst case) traffic generated by witnesses is given by: since all witnesses which are aware of the success will attempt to send an ACK to X. If the packet needs help from the witness hosts (with probability U , from Eq.8) to reach Y (or the next host along the route, say Z), then the traffic generated if the k th witness succeeds is: Hence, the traffic generated by witnesses to help a packet is: where is the probability that witness i succeeds in delivering the packet on behalf of X. The value of p W i can be approximated by p W =EN (see Eq.7), which leads to: 3.4.2 Traffic generated to recover from a link error The traffic generated to recover from a link error depends on the depth of the recovery (which is controlled by the Recovery Depth field within the message). The recovery process is a local broadcast, for up to Recovery Depth steps. Thus: Even though in most cases Recovery Depth should be 2 or 3, we can assume that an upper bound on the number of steps needed to reach every host in the network is dn=EN e (n is defined in Table 1). Hence, an upper bound on Trecovery is: Trecovery - T Performance Comparison WAR vs. DSR We are interested in two values: the probability that a packet is routed without errors (that is, first attempt succeeds) and the traffic required to successfully deliver a packet (considering that multiple attempts may be necessary). 4.1 Probability of error-free routing As shown in Theorem 9, the probability of link success for WAR is p for DSR, this probability is Further, the probability that a packet is successfully routed to its destination without being resent in WAR is p (Eq. 12). For DSR, this probability equals: Figure 3 shows a comparison between the performance of WAR and DSR in terms of the probability that a packet arrives at its final destination from the first attempt. DSR's performance degrades as the route length increases and the probability of successful delivery from the first attempt drops to almost zero for route lengths greater than 5. On the other hand, for recovery depths greater than 1, WAR exhibits a different behavior: it improves its performance as the route length in- creases. The probability that WAR delivers a packet from the first attempt approaches 1 for routes longer than 5 as long as the recovery depth is 3. This suggests that WAR gains significant performance even with a very small extra-cost (i.e. a very large, expensive recovery depth does not seem to be necessary). 4.2 Traffic generated to successfully route a data packet Using eq. 6 and the values computed in equations 14, 21, 8 and 12 , we have that the traffic generated by WAR to successfully route a packet is: link Trecovery For DSR, we have: with p L;DSR and p S;DSR from eq. 22 and eq. 23 respectively. Although WAR generates more traffic at link level in order to pass a data packet between neighboring hosts, the overall traffic generated to successfully route the packet to its final destination is several orders of magnitude smaller than the one generated by DSR. Figure 4 shows a comparison between WAR and DSR for route lengths between 1 and 10. While still close to the traffic generated by WAR for small routes (one to five hops), DSR's traffic grows extremely fast as we increase the route length, because the probability of encountering problems is higher for longer routes, and DSR does nothing to reduce it. It is clear from Fig. 4 that WAR maintains low traffic (and implicitly bandwidth consumption) for all route lengths as long as the recovery depth is greater than 1. Probability of success from the first attempt in WAR1020 1350.250.75Route length Recovery depth Probability of success Probability of success from the first attempt in WAR 1350.250.75Route length Recovery depth Probability of success Probability of success from the first attempt in DSR 1350.250.75Route length Recovery depth Probability of success Figure 3. Probability of packet delivery success. Conclusions Our analysis, exemplified on WAR and DSR, shows that unless some local error recovery technique is employed, reactive protocols might not be suitable for large ad hoc networks. We have experimented with various network sizes and parameters, and the results exhibited similar trends regardless of how we varied these parameters. As network size (and implicitly route length) increases, the performance of protocols that use end-to- recovery (like DSR in our study) degrades rapidly, and the amount of network resources consumed per packet routed increases equally fast. On the other hand, although local recovery requires more network resources at link level, the overall performance and resource consumption is only slightly affected by the increase in the route length. The results we obtained analytically indicate that WAR, which uses local error correction at two levels (first by involving witness hosts in the routing process and secondly by implementing an error recovery scheme to cope with cases when witnesses cannot help) provides a scalable routing solution for wireless ad hoc networks. --R A Witness-Aided Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks. Highly dynamic destination-sequenced distance-vector routing (DSDV) for mobile comput- ers A highly adaptive distributed routing algorithm for mobile wireless networks. Signal stability based adaptive routing (SSA) for ad-hoc mobile networks The Cambridge Ad-Hoc Mobile Routing Protocol A review of current routing protocols for ad hoc mobile wireless networks. An analysis of routing techniques for mobile ad hoc networks. A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols --TR Highly dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector routing (DSDV) for mobile computers A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols Wireless ATM and Ad-Hoc Networks A Witness-Aided Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing A Highly Adaptive Distributed Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Networks --CTR Giovanni Resta , Paolo Santi, An analysis of the node spatial distribution of the random waypoint mobility model for ad hoc networks, Proceedings of the second ACM international workshop on Principles of mobile computing, October 30-31, 2002, Toulouse, France Douglas M. Blough , Giovanni Resta , Paolo Santi, A statistical analysis of the long-run node spatial distribution in mobile ad hoc networks, Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Modeling analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, September 28-28, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Douglas M. Blough , Giovanni Resta , Paolo Santi, A statistical analysis of the long-run node spatial distribution in mobile ad hoc networks, Wireless Networks, v.10 n.5, p.543-554, September 2004 Christian Bettstetter , Giovanni Resta , Paolo Santi, The Node Distribution of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, v.2 n.3, p.257-269, March
mobile ad hoc network;performance analysis;routing protocol
On the Perturbation Theory for Unitary Eigenvalue Problems.
Some aspects of the perturbation theory for eigenvalues of unitary matrices are considered. Making use of the close relation between unitary and Hermitian eigenvalue problems a Courant--Fischer-type theorem for unitary matrices is derived and an inclusion theorem analogous to the Kahan theorem for Hermitian matrices is presented. Implications for the special case of unitary Hessenberg matrices are discussed.
Introduction . New numerical methods to compute eigenvalues of unitary matrices have been developed during the last ten years. Unitary QR-type methods [19, 9], a divide-and-conquer method [20, 21], a bisection method [10], and some special methods for the real orthogonal eigenvalue problem [1, 2] have been presented. Interest in this task arose from problems in signal processing [11, 29, 33], in Gaussian quadrature on the unit circle [18], and in trigonometric approximations [31, 16] which can be stated as eigenvalue problems for unitary matrices, often in Hessenberg form. As those numerical methods exploit the rich mathematical structure of unitary ma- trices, which is closely analogous to the structure of Hermitian matrices, the methods are efficient and deliver very good approximations to the desired eigenvalues. There exist, however, only a few perturbation results for the unitary eigenvalue problem, which can be used to derive error bounds for the computed eigenvalue ap- proximations. A thorough and complete treatment of the perturbation aspects associated with the numerical methods for unitary eigenvalue problems is still missing. The following perturbation results have been obtained so far. If U and e U are unitary matrices with spectra respectively, we can arrange the eigenvalues in diagonal matrices and e , respectively, and consider as a measure for the distance of the spectra d (oe(U); oe( e U where the minimum is taken over all permutation matrices P and the norm is either the spectral or the Frobenius norm. By the Hoffman-Wielandt theorem (see, e.g.,[34]) we get dF (oe(U); oe( e U U Bhatia and Davis [5] proved the corresponding result for the spectral norm U Schmidt, Vogel & Partner Consult, Gesellschaft fur Organisation und Managementberatung mbH, Gadderbaumerstr. 19, 33602 Bielefeld y Universitat Bremen, Fachbereich 3 - Mathematik und Informatik, 28334 Bremen, Germany, email: z Universitat Bremen, Fachbereich 3 - Mathematik und Informatik, 28334 Bremen, Germany, email: Elsner and He consider a relative error in [15]. They use the measure e d (oe(U); oe( e U where again They prove that e d (oe(U); oe( e U U)jj is the Cayley transformation of U (assuming here that To each eigenvalue of U , where \Gamma1 62 oe(U ), we can associate an angle ' by defining with \Gamma=2 ' ! =2. It is the angle formed by the line from -1 through and the real axis (see also Section 2). With respect to their angles the eigenvalues of U and e U have a natural ordering on the unit circle. Elsner and He give sine- and tangent- interpretations of the above inequality in terms of these angles. Furthermore they show that with respect to a certain cutting point i on the unit circle the eigenvalues of U and e U have a natural ordering f j (i)g and f e j (i)g on the unit circle such that An interlacing theorem for unitary matrices is also presented in [15], showing that the eigenvalues of suitably modified principal submatrices of a unitary matrix interlace those of the complete matrix on the unit circle (see Section 2). In this paper we consider further aspects of the perturbation problem for the eigenvalues of a unitary matrix U . In Section 2 we show how the angles i are related to the eigenvalues of the Cayley transform of U . With the aid of this relation we can give a min-max-characterization for the angles of U 's eigenvalues in analogy to the Courant-Fischer theorem for Hermitian matrices. We also show that tangents of these angles can be characterized by usual Rayleigh quotients corresponding to the generalized eigenvalue problem Furthermore we prove a Kahan-like inclusion theorem showing that the eigenvalues of a certain modified leading principal submatrix of U determine arcs on the unit circle such that each arc contains an eigenvalue of U . In applications unitary matrices are often of Hessenberg form. In Section 3 we recall that a unitary unreduced Hessenberg matrix H has a unique parameterization reflection parameters H completely. We show the implications of the results in Section 2 for the special case of unitary Hessenberg matrices. In particular it will be seen that the modified kth leading principal submatrix in this special case is just H(fl We discuss the dependence of the eigenvalues on this last reflection parameter i. Finally Section 4 will give numerical examples which elucidate the statements proved in Section 3. 2. Perturbation Results for unitary Matrices. Unitary matrices have a rich mathematical structure that is closely analogous to that of Hermitian matrices. In this section we first discuss the intimate relationship between unitary and Hermitian matrices which indicates that one can hope to find unitary analogues for the good numerical methods and for the theoretical results that exist for the symmetric/Hermitian eigenvalue problem. We will adapt some eigenvalue bounds for Hermitian matrices to the unitary case. Let ae be a complex unimodular number. The Cayley transformation with respect to ae maps the unitary matrices whose spectrum does not include ae, onto the Hermitian matrices. The Cayley transformation with respect to ae for a unitary matrix U 2 C n\Thetan is defined as where ae is not an eigenvalue of U and \Gamma1. I n denotes the n \Theta n identity matrix. A simple calculation shows that C(U) is Hermitian. The mapping is one-to-one and the inverse Cayley transformation with respect to ae for a Hermitian matrix X is given by The symmetric/Hermitian eigenproblem has been extensively studied, see, e.g. [28, 17, 24, 26]. Due to this relation between Hermitian and unitary matrices, one can hope to get similar results for unitary matrices. With the aid of the Cayley transformation we can order the eigenvalues con- veniently. Let be the eigenvalues of U numbered starting at ae moving counterclockwise along the unit circle. Let 1 be the eigenvalues of For simplicity assume that ae = \Gamma1. Then Cnf0g the argument of z, arg(z) 2 (\Gamma; ] is defined by arctan( Im(z) arctan( Im(z) The Cayley transformation of k is the tangent of the angle ' is formed by the real axis and the straight line through k and \Gamma1: l k Hence it is reasonable to define This also gives a complete ordering of the points on the unit circle with respect to the cutting point \Gamma1. Note that the complete ordering excludes the cutting point \Gamma1. For a different cutting point the orders of the eigenvalues are only changed cyclically. are complex unimodular numbers such that denote the open arc from the point i 1 to the point i 2 on the unit circle (moving counterclockwise). The Courant-Fischer theorem (see, e.g., [17, Theorem 8.1.2]) characterizes the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices by Rayleigh quotients. A similar characterization can be given for the eigenvalues of unitary matrices. Let U 2 C n\Thetan be a unitary matrix with eigenvalues . Assume that \Gamma1 is not an eigenvalue of U and number the eigenvalues starting at \Gamma1 moving counterclockwise along the unit circle. vn be an orthonormal basis in C n\Thetan of eigenvectors of U . Let z 2 C n with 1. Then we can expand z as From Because of we see that the Rayleigh quotient z H Uz lies in the convex polygon which is spanned by the eigenvalues of U . l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 z H Uz Theorem 2.1. With the notation given above we obtain for min denotes the set of all k-dimensional subspaces of C n . In particular, Proof. Let be an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of U . Let V 2 Vn\Gammak+1 . Then z be a vector in this intersection, jjzjj Then Hence, the Rayleigh quotient z H Uz lies in the convex polygon spanned by the eigen-values Therefore and min Now consider the subspace of dimension which is spanned by v vector z; jjzjj this subspace can be written as Hence, the Rayleigh quotient z H Uz lies in the convex polygon spanned by the eigen-values Therefore and min The second equation can be shown analogously. Corollary 2.2. With the notation given above we define for z 2 C n with Then and for min Proof. A simple calculation yields (2.2). The rest of the corollary follows from Theorem 2.1 and the monotonicity of the function tan in (\Gamma The corollary shows that the angles ' k can be characterized by usual Rayleigh quotients. R(z) can be interpreted as the Rayleigh quotient corresponding to the generalized eigenvalue problem Since U is unitary, -(I n +U H )(I n \Gamma U) is Hermitian and (I n +U H )(I n +U) is Hermitian and positive definite. (2.3) is equivalent to the eigenvalue problem for the Cayley transformation of U . Remark 2.3. For ease of notation the above theorem and corollary are formulated for the case that ae = \Gamma1 is not an eigenvalue of U . This restriction is not necessary, one can proof the corresponding statements for any cutting point ae 2 C; not an eigenvalue of U . In [15], the Cauchy interlacing theorem for Hermitian matrices is generalized to the unitary case. The Cauchy interlace theorem shows that the eigenvalues of the k \Theta k leading principal submatrix of a Hermitian matrix X interlace the eigenvalues of X . Adapting this theorem to the unitary case, one has to deal with the problem that leading principal submatrices of unitary matrices are in general not unitary and that their eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle. In [15] it is shown that certain modified leading principal submatrices of a unitary matrix U have the property that their eigenvalues interlace with those of U . Theorem 2.4. [15, Theorem 5.2 and 5.3] Let U 11 U 12 U be an n \Theta n unitary matrix, U 11 the k \Theta k leading principal submatrix of U , and ae is not an eigenvalue of U . Then U k is unitary. Let be the eigenvalues of U and be those of U k ordered with respect to ae. Then U k is called the modified kth leading principal submatrix of U . Furthermore, analogues of the Hoffman-Wielandt theorem and a Weyl-type theorem are derived in [15]. With the help of Theorem 2.4 one can specify for each eigenvalue of a modified leading principal submatrix U k an arc on the unit circle which contains that eigenvalue. These bounds are fairly rough, especially if k is much smaller than n. This result is of theoretical nature, because in practice we are more interested in the question, whether the arc contains an eigenvalue of U or not. The same problem arises in the Hermitian case. Lehmann and Kahan derived inclusion theorems which consider this problem (see, e.g., [28] and the references therein). A special case of their results is Theorem 2.5. [28, Theorem on page 196] Let X 2 C n\Thetan be a Hermitian matrix. Partition X as Let i be the eigenvalues of X then each interval [ contains an eigenvalue of X, where The following theorem states the analogous result for unitary matrices. Theorem 2.6. Let U 2 C n\Thetan be a unitary matrix and let U be partitioned as in (2.4). Let ae 2 C; be not an eigenvalue of U . Define a unitary matrix U k as in (2.5) with eigenvalues . The eigenvalues are numbered starting at ae moving counterclockwise along the unit circle. If rank(U 21 then each arc on the unit circle, contains at least one eigenvalue of U , where Proof. Since ae is not an eigenvalue of U , it is not an eigenvalue of U 22 : Assume ae is an eigenvalue of U 22 . Then there is a normalized eigenvector x 2 C n\Gammak such that U 22 U x U 22 x aex As and U is unitary, U 12 x has to be zero. But this would imply that ae is an eigenvalue of U in contradiction to our general assumption. Hence ae is not an eigenvalue of U 22 . U k is defined as can be interpreted as the Schur complement of U 22 \Gamma aeI n\Gammak in U \Gamma aeI n . We can make use of this fact to construct (U \Gamma aeI using the following result of Duncan [13] (see Corollary 2.4 in [27]) Let A 2 C n\Thetan be partioned as Let A and H be nonsingular, then is the Schur complement of H in A, T is nonsingular and \GammaH We obtain In particular, (U is the k \Theta k leading principal submatrix of (U \Gamma aeI Now we consider the Cayley transformation with respect to ae of U This yields We partition X as we did U : is the k \Theta k leading principal submatrix of X . From (2.6) it follows that Therefore, X k is the Cayley transformation of U k . Further we obtain from (2.6): If rank(U 21 as the other two matrices in the product have full rank. Now we can use Theorem 2.5 to obtain that each interval formed by two eigen-values of X k contains at least one eigenvalue of X . We have seen in (2.1) that the eigenvalues of X and X k can be obtained from those of U and U k via the Cayley trans- formation. As the Cayley transformation is monotone, this yields: each arc on the unit circle, contains at least one eigenvalue of U . For the two outer arcs (ae; 1 ae) the statement follows directly from Theorem 2.4. The last result we mention in this section clarifies the question of how the eigen-values of a unitary matrix change if the matrix is modified by a unitary differing from I only by rank one. For the Hermitian case, the answer is given, e.g., in [17, chapter 12.5.3]. For the unitary case we obtain Theorem 2.7. Let U; S 2 C n\Thetan be unitary matrices and S such that Then the eigenvalues of U and US interlace on the unit circle. Proof. See [4, section 6]. 3. Unitary upper Hessenberg Matrices. It is well known that any (unitary) n \Theta n matrix can be transformed to an upper Hessenberg matrix H by a unitary similarity transformation Q. If the first column of Q is fixed and H is an unreduced upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements (that is h i+1;i ? 0), then the transformation is unique. Any n \Theta n unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with nonnegative subdiagonal elements can be uniquely parameterized by parameters. This compact form is used in [1, 3, 9, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 32] to develop fast algorithms for solving the unitary eigenvalue problem. Let with e with The product oe is a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements. Conversely, n\Thetan is a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements, then it follows from elementary numerical linear algebra that one can determine matrices Gn such that e I . Since H as a unitary matrix has a unique inverse, this has to be e 1 . Thus H has a unique factorization of the form Gn (fl n The Schur parameters ffl k g n k=1 and the complementary Schur parameters foe k g n can be computed from the elements of H by a stable O(n 2 ) algorithm [19]. In statistics the Schur parameters are referred to as partial correlation coefficients and in signal processing as reflection coefficients [2, 11, 12, 25, 29, 30, 33]. If oe we have the direct sum decomposition Hence, in general oe 1 oe 2 :::oe assumed if the factorization (3.1) is used to solve a unitary eigenvalue problem. Such a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix is called unreduced. If is an eigenvalue of an unreduced Hessenberg matrix, then its geometric multiplicity is one [17, Theorem 7.4.4]. Since unitary matrices are diagonalizable, no eigenvalue of an unreduced unitary upper Hessenberg matrix is defective, that is, the eigenvalues of an unreduced unitary upper Hessenberg matrix are distinct. We will adapt the general theorems given in the last section to the more specific case of unitary upper Hessenberg matrices. Let H 2 C n\Thetan be a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements, as where H 11 is the k \Theta k leading principal submatrix. From Theorem 2.4 we obtain that the modified kth leading principal submatrix of H , H is unitary (if ae 2 C; not an eigenvalue of H). As H k is a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix, we can factor H Taking a closer look at H k reveals that H k differs from H 11 only in the last column. Hence the modification of H 11 to H k is equivalent to a modification of the reflection coefficient The following theorem by Bunse-Gerstner and He characterizes the correct choice of the parameter Theorem 3.1. Let n\Thetan be a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements. For as in (3.2). Let ae 2 C; not be an eigenvalue of H. Define parameters i l (ae); (3. Then be the eigenvalues of H k (fl respectively, where the eigenvalues are numbered starting at ae moving counterclockwise along the unit circle. Then for each the eigenvalue i lies on the arc Proof. The interlace property follows directly from Theorem 2.4. For the rest of the proof see [10]. Using Theorem 2.6 and 3.1 we obtain Theorem 3.2. Let n\Thetan be a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements. Let ae 2 C; not be an eigenvalue of H. For ng let H is defined as in (3.3). Let be the eigenvalues of H k . Then for each arc on the unit circle contains at least one eigenvalue of H, where ae. Moreover,we obtain Theorem 3.3. Let n\Thetan be a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements. Then for any i 2 C; there exists a cutting point ae 2 C; such that the eigenvalues of H H have the interlace properties with respect to ae on the unit circle given by Theorem 3.1 and 3.2. Proof. We will show that ae 7! i k (ae) is an automorphism on the unit circle, this proves the theorem. Note that for unitary upper Hessenberg matrices with positive subdiagonal elements we have jfl Obviously ae 7! i is bijective on the unit circle. The same is true for the mapping 2: Hence ae 7! i k (ae) is a one-to-one mapping of the unit circle onto itself. The statement of the above theorem can be summarized as follows: Any leading principal submatrix of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive lower subdiagonal elements can be modified to be unitary by replacing the last reflection coefficient with a parameter on the unit circle. No matter how this parameter is chosen, there is always a cutting point ae on the unit circle such that the eigenvalues of the modified leading principal submatrix and those of the entire matrix satisfy the interlace properties given by Theorem 3.1 and 3.2. Disregarding the cutting point ae and the two arcs formed with it, Theorem 3.3 implies the following corollary. Corollary 3.4. Let n\Thetan be a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements. For ng. Then every arc on the unit circle formed by two eigenvalues of H k contains an eigenvalue of H. In particular the above theorems show that the eigenvalues of two consecutive modified leading principal submatrices H k and H k+1 of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix with positive subdiagonal elements interlace on the unit circle. More specifi- cally, consider the modified leading principal submatrices H and H n. The eigenvalues of H k and H k+1 interlace with respect to the cutting point ae on the unit circle where ae is given by The remaining question is: how strongly do the eigenvalues of H k (fl depend of the choice of i? We present some results on this dependence on the last reflection parameter. Theorem 3.5. Let H a upper Hessenberg matrices with positive subdiagonal elements, ji a 1. The eigenvalues of H a and H b interlace on the unit circle. 2. (H a where the eigenvalue variation (U; B) is defined by i2f1;:::;ng permutation of the i 's being the eigenvalues of U and the i 's those of B. 3. Let a n and b n be the eigenvalues of H a and H b . Let be the Schur decomposition of H a , S i;j=1 . Then for min a ji a Proof. 1. We have S is unitary and rank(In \Gamma 1. According to Theorem 2.7, the eigenvalues of H a and H b interlace on the unit circle. 2. As the matrices H a and H b differ only in the last column we have Gn (i a Since H a and H b are unitary, the statement 2: follows from the following theorem of Bhatia/Davis [5]: For all constant multiplies of two unitary matrices Q and V we have (For a completely different proof and extension of the result to multiples of unitaries see [6]. When U and B are Hermitian, the above inequality is a classical result of Weyl). 3. H b is unitary and therefore unitarily diagonalizable. The first inequality follows directly from the following easy to prove result [8, Satz 1.8.14]: Let A 2 C n\Thetan be diagonalizable, and Then min i2f1;:::;ng Furthermore we obtain Gn (i a Hence, eigenvalues of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix, whose eigenvectors have a small last component, are not sensitive to changes in the last reflection parameter. 4. Numerical Examples. Numerical experiments are presented to elucidate the statements of Section 3. The eigenvalues of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix H are compared with the eigenvalues of modified kth leading principal submatrices H k for different dimensions k. The essential statements of Section 3 can be observed clearly: ffl Between two eigenvalues of H k on the unit circle there lies an eigenvalue of (Corollary 3.4). ffl The eigenvalues of unitary upper Hessenberg matrices, whose corresponding eigenvectors have a small last component, are not sensitive against changes of the last reflection coefficient. (Theorem 3.5). All computations were done using MATLAB 1 on a SUN SparcStation 10. A unitary upper Hessenberg matrix constructed from 20 randomly chosen reflection coefficients C. The eigenvalues j of H lie randomly on the unit circle. The eigenvalue j of the modified kth leading principal submatrices H were computed for different dimensions For the first example was chosen. The eigenvalues of H and H k are plotted for in the following typical figure. The eigenvalues of H are marked by 'o', the eigenvalues of H k by '*'. 1 MATLAB is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. For the second example a random complex number chosen. The following figure displays the same information as before. Corollary 3.4 states that every arc on the unit circle formed by two eigenvalues of contains an eigenvalue of H . This can be seen in the above figures. Comparing the results of the two examples presented, one observes that independent of the choice of i k the same eigenvalues of H are approximated. In Theorem 3.5 it was proven that if the last component of an eigenvector of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix is small, then the corresponding eigenvalue is not sensitive against changes in the last reflection coefficient. Individual bounds for the minimal distance of each eigenvalue a of H to the eigenvalues b are given min j2f1;:::;ng a is the 'th component of the eigenvector for the ith eigenvalue of H a . This means that if there is an eigenvalue a of H a such that the last component of the corresponding eigenvector is small, then any unitary upper Hessenberg matrix of the form H b will have an eigenvalue b j that is close to a The following table reports the minimal distance between each eigenvalue fl k i of and the eigenvalues rand (where randomly chosen as above) as well as the error bounds for 10. The absolute difference between i a and i b was ji a min j2f1;:::;ng 6 2.4628e-03 7.1265e-02 9 8.4488e-03 6.0709e-01 Comparing the actual minimal distance with the error bound one observes that the approximations are much better than the error bound predicts. The same results can be observed for larger unitary upper Hessenberg matrices H . Moreover, one can observe that the eigenvalues of the modified leading principal submatrices H 0 k interlace on the unit circle with respect to a cutting point ae. 5. Concluding Remarks. In this paper, we have proved that the angles ' k associated with the eigenvalues j of a unitary matrix U can be characterized by Rayleigh quotients. An inclusion theorem for the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices given by Kahan was adapted to the unitary case. We discussed the special case of unitary Hessenberg matrices, which is important for certain applications. We proved that every arc on the unit circle formed by two eigenvalues of a modified kth leading principal submatrix of a unitary upper Hessenberg matrix contains an eigenvalue of the complete matrix. Results on the dependence of the eigenvalues of unitary upper Hessenberg matrices on the last reflection coefficient are given. Parts of this paper (Section 2 and most of Section first appeared in [7]. Bohn- horst analyses the connection between a unitary matrix U and its Cayley transformation more closely with the help of structure ranks. Acknowledgments . All three authors owe a special thanks to Ludwig Elsner for stimulating discussions and many helpful suggestions. --R On the Eigenproblem for Orthogonal Matrices An Implementation of a Divide and Conquer Algorithm for the Unitary Eigenproblem On the spectral decomposition of Hermitian matrices modified by low rank perturbations with applications A. bound for the Beitrage zur numerischen Behandlung des unitaren Eigenwertproblems Schur Parameter Pencils for the Solution of the Unitary Eigenproblem On a Sturm sequence of polynomials for unitary Hessenberg matrices Computing Pisarenko Frequency Estimates Speech modelling and the trigonometric moment problem Some devices for the solution of large sets of simultaneous linear equations (with an appendix on the reciprocation of partioned matrices) Global convergence of the QR algorithm for unitary matrices with some results for normal matrices Perturbation and Interlace Theorems for the Unitary Eigenvalue Prob- lem Matrix Computation Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrices A Divide and Conquer Algorithm for the Unitary Eigenproblem Convergence of the Shifted QR Algorithm for Unitary Hessenberg Matrices Matrix Analysis A Tutorial Review A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities Schur complements and statistics The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem The Retrieval of Harmonics from a Covariance Function Fast Approximation of Dominant Harmonics by Solving an Orthogonal Eigenvalue Problem Discrete Least Squares Approximation by Trigonometric Polynomials Bestimmung der Eigenwerte orthogonaler Matrizen Duality theory of composite sinusoidal modelling and linear prediction The algebraic eigenvalue problem --TR
unitary eigenvalue problem;perturbation theory
Speed is as powerful as clairvoyance.
We introduce resource augmentation as a method for analyzing online scheduling problems. In resource augmentation analysis the on-line scheduler is given more resources, say faster processors or more processors, than the adversary. We apply this analysis to two well-known on-line scheduling problems, the classic uniprocessor CPU scheduling problem 1 |ri, pmtn|&Sgr; Fi, and the best-effort firm real-time scheduling problem 1|ri, pmtn| &Sgr; wi( 1- Ui). It is known that there are no constant competitive nonclairvoyant on-line algorithms for these problems. We show that there are simple on-line scheduling algorithms for these problems that are constant competitive if the online scheduler is equipped with a slightly faster processor than the adversary. Thus, a moderate increase in processor speed effectively gives the on-line scheduler the power of clairvoyance. Furthermore, the on-line scheduler can be constant competitive on all inputs that are not closely correlated with processor speed. We also show that the performance of an on-line scheduler is best-effort real time scheduling can be significantly improved if the system is designed in such a way that the laxity of every job is proportional to its length.
Introduction We consider several well known nonclairvoyant scheduling problems, including the problem of minimizing the average response time [13, 15], and best-effort firm real-time scheduling [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 18]. (We postpone formally defining these problems until the next section.) In nonclairvoyant scheduling some relevant information, e.g. when jobs will arrive in the future, is not available to the scheduling algorithm A. The standard way to measure the adverse effect of this lack of knowledge is the competitive ratio: I Opt(I) where A(I) denotes the cost of the schedule produced by the online algorithm A on input I, and Opt(I) denotes the cost of the optimal schedule. The competi- Supported in part by NSF under grant CCR-9202158., y Supported in part by NSF under grant CCR-9209283. tive ratio for a problem is then min A I Opt(I) where the min is over all online algorithms. The standard way to interpret the competitive ratio is as the payoff to a game played between an online algorithm and an all-powerful malevolent adversary that specifies the input I. One of the primary goals of any analysis is to identify what works well in practice. Competitive analysis has been criticized because it often yields ratios that are unrealistically high for "normal" inputs and as a result it can fail to identify the class of online algorithms that work well. The scheduling problems that we consider are good examples of this phenomenon in that their competitive ratios are unbounded, while there are simple nonclairvoyant algorithms that perform reasonably well in practice. We explain this phenomenon by adopting what we call the weak adversary model, which assumes that the speed of the processor used by the nonclairvoyant scheduler is (1 the speed of the processor used by the clairvoyant ad- versary, where ffl ? 0. We define the ffl-weak competitive ratio of a problem to be: min A I where the subscripts denote the speed of the processor used by the corresponding algorithm. The original motivation for the standard competitive ratio was to use the divergence of the online al- gorithm's output from optimal as a measure of the adverse effect of nonclairvoyance. Not only does the ffl-weak competitive ratio give us another measure, but also suggests a practical way to combat the adverse effect of nonclairvoyance. If a problem has a small ffl- competitive ratio for some moderate ffl then this means that a moderate increase in processor speed will effectively buy the power of clairvoyance. Therefore, the weak adversary model gives the system designer a practical way, increasing the speed of the processor, to improve the performance of the system. On "normal" inputs, one would intuitively expect that the offline performance of the system would not degrade drastically if the speed of the processor is increased slightly. If an algorithm has a bounded ffl- competitive ratio then it has a bounded competitive ratio for all inputs I where Opt 1 (I)=Opt1+ffl (I) is bounded. Thus an algorithm with a bounded ffl-weak competitive ratio has a bounded competitive ratio for all inputs that fall under this formulation of "normal". We give algorithms for these scheduling problems that have ffl-weak competitive ratios that are solely a function of ffl, and not the input I. Furthermore, as ffl increases the ffl-weak competitive ratios quickly approach one. Previous and Current Results Our generic scheduling problem consists of a collection Jng of independent jobs to be run on a single processor. (While these results extend to the multiprocessor setting, we restrict our attention to a single processor for simplicity. ) Each job J i has a release time r i and a length x i . J i can not be run before time r i . The time required to complete J i is x i divided by the speed of the processor. We assume that the online/nonclairvoyant scheduler is not aware of J i . We consider only preemptive scheduling, that is, a job can always be restarted from the point of last execution. We assume that such context switches require no time. The problem of minimizing the average response time of the jobs is a well known and widely studied problem in operating system scheduling (see for example [7, 14]). We assume that the nonclairvoyant scheduler does not learn x i at time r i , and more gen- erally, can not deduce x i until it has run J i to com- pletion. The completion time c i of a job J i is the time at which J i has been allocated enough time to finish execution. Similarly, the response time is w and the idle time for a speed s processor is w For the problem of minimizing the average response the deterministic competitive ratio is \Omega\Gamma n 1=3 ), and the randomized competitive ratio is n) [15]. It can easily be shown that any algorithm that doesn't unnecessarily idle the processors has a competitive ratio of O(n). Surprisingly, this is the best known upper bound on the competitive ra- tio, even allowing randomization. The competitive ratio for the commonly used Round Robin algorithm is In section 3, we first consider the queue size as a function of time. Define QA (t; s) as the set of jobs that have been released before time t, but have not been finished by algorithm A by time t assuming that A is using a speed s processor. We show that for every non- clairvoyant scheduling algorithm A there is an input I and a time t such that jQA (t; 1)j=jQ Opt (t; set cardinality. We then give an on-line algorithm Balance, B for short, that guarantees that at all times that jQB (t; 1 ffl jQOpt (t; 1)j. This implies that Balance has an ffl-weak competitive ratio of 1 ffl for the problem of minimizing the average response time. In contrast, we show that the ffl-weak competitive ratio of Round Robin is \Omega\Gamma n 1\Gammaffl ), 1. We then assume that the nonclairvoy- ant scheduler is equipped with a unit speed processor and an ffl speed processor, instead of a (1+ffl) speed pro- cessor. (Here we are assuming ffl ! 1.) In this case we give a nonclairvoyant scheduling algorithm Balance2 with average response time at most 1+ 1 ffl times the average response time of the adversary. This means that a nonclairvoyant scheduler with a supercomputer and an old 386 PC can be constant competitive against a clairvoyant scheduler with only a supercomputer. Fi- nally, we demonstrate that Balance is fair every job it sees by proving that the maximum idle time of Balance is quite comparable to that of offline. In best-effort firm real-time scheduling each job J i now has a deadline d i , and a benefit b i , in addition to a release time and an execution time. It is also useful to define the value density of a job J i to be and the laxity of J i for a speed s processor to be d which is the maximum amount J i can be delayed if it is to be completed. Since real-time systems are embedded systems, the scheduler is generally aware in advance of the jobs that it may re- ceive. Thus, the standard assumption is that at time r i the scheduler learns of x i , d i , and b i . If J i is finished by time d i then the algorithm receives a benefit of b i , otherwise no benefit is gained from this job. The goal of the scheduler is to maximize the total benefit of the jobs that it completes. Since this is a maximization problem, the competitive ratio definitions in the introduction have to be modified by inverting the ratios. So for example, the competitive ratio for this problem is then min A I Opt(I) The deterministic competitive ratio for this problem is \Theta(\Phi) [3, 4, 11, 18], and the randomized competitive ratio is \Theta(min(log \Phi; log \Delta)) [8, 12], where the importance ratio \Phi is the ratio of the maximum value density of a job to the minimum value density of a job, and \Delta is the ratio of the length of the longest job to the length of the shortest job. The competitive ratio is unbounded even in the special case that each In section 4, we first assume that both the nonclair- voyant scheduler and the adversary have unit speed processors, and that the laxity of each job J i is at least fflx i . An upper bound on the standard competitive ratio, under this laxity assumption, will also upper bound the ffl-weak competitive ratio since any job J i that doesn't have laxity at least fflx i for a (1 speed processor can't be finished by a unit speed pro- cessor. This formulation also has the added advantage of showing the effect of laxity. Under these laxity as- sumptions, we give an algorithm Slacker that has a competitive ratio that is only a function of ffl, and approaches three as ffl increases. These results show that if a real-time system is designed so that every job has laxity that is a reasonable fraction of the execution time of that job, then the resulting competitive ratio is reasonably small. The effect of laxity on the competitive ratio in the special case of in [1, 6]. We then show that the ffl-weak competitive ratio for Slacker approaches one as ffl increases. The weak adversary model, comparing an online algorithm against a less powerful but more knowledgeable adversary, has been considered before in query-response problems such as the k-server problem and its special cases (e.g. [17, 19]), and online weighted matching [9]. In each case the adversary is handicapped by having fewer servers. One can argue that the weak competitive ratio is essentially what is called the comparative ratio in [10]. However, the results in [10] are really of a different flavor in that they are primarily concerned with the effect of partial clairvoy- ance. Other methods have been suggested to address the limitations of competitive analysis. These methods include restricting the input distribution to satisfy some special properties (e.g. [10, 16]), and comparing the cost of a solution produced by an online algorithm on input I to the worst-case optimal cost of any input of the same size as I [5]. 3 Average Response Time The following well known lemma explains why we first consider the queue size. Lemma 3.1 For any scheduling algorithm A with a speed s processor, the total response time is Lemma 3.2 For every nonclairvoyant scheduling algorithm A there is an input I and a time t such that Proof jobs arrive at time t 0 . One job arrives at time t 1. The adversary sets the jobs lengths so that online hasn't finished any jobs by time t . One can show that if the adversary always runs the shorter job, then it will always have at most two active jobs. The key point to note is that at time t i , the sum S of the remaining unfinished lengths of the two jobs that the adversary has in its queue satisfies We now give an online algorithm Balance that guarantees that its queue size is not too much more than optimal under the weak adversary scenario. Algorithm Balance : For any job J i and time t we define to be the amount of time that Balance has executed J i before time t. At all times t, Balance splits the processing time equally among all jobs J i that have minimum Our analysis of Balance is based on the following lemma. Lemma 3.3 Let B be the algorithm Balance. At any point t in time, jQB (t; 1 ffl jQOpt (t; 1)j. The proof of this lemma follows from the ensuing chain of reasoning. Let UB be the set of jobs unfinished by Balance, and UA be the set of jobs unfinished by the adversary at time t mentioned in Lemma 3.3. Intuitively, the adversary can use time that Balance spent on jobs in UA to finish jobs in UB \GammaU A . We need to show that the weak adversary assumption means that in order to borrow enough time to finish jobs in UB \Gamma UA it must be the case that UA is reasonably large. We say that a job J i can immediately borrow from another job J j , denoted by Balance ran J j at some time t 0 satisfying then at time t 0 the adversary could have been executing Balance was executing J j . The borrow relation, denoted J i is the transitive closure of the immediately borrow relation. We define g. Intuitively, if the adversary transfers some time from a J j 2 UA to a J then Lemma 3.4 Let J i be a job that Balance saw but did not complete by time t. For any job J Proof Suppose there is a job J that . If there are many such jobs J j , then select the one that can be reached from J i by a shortest path P in the directed unweighted graph induced by the relation immediately borrow. Let J k be the job in P immediately before J j . So J k /- J j . By the definition of P , x be the last time that J j was run before time t. Then notice that it must be the case c k ? x or J k would not be J j 's predecessor in P . Hence, By the definition of Balance, if J k /- J j , then k . Hence, we deduce We reach a contradiction since pg. Since the adversary completes jobs in UB \GammaU A , the total time spent by Balance on jobs in UA must be at least We partition the time that Balance spent on jobs in such that the cumulative time in the ith class is at least ffl . Note that T i could be a collection of time intervals. We call a partition good if there is no job X 2 UA such that some portion of time spent by Balance on X is included in T i and kXk t ?kJ i k t . Lemma 3.5 There always exists a good partition. Proof be the earliest release time of a job in B(X). Let UB \Gamma where the indexing is such that j. By the definition of the relation immediately borrow, it must be the case that any job executed by Balance during the time interval [t(J i ); t] must be a member of B(J i ). Also, observe that for each i in the range 1 must run and finish jobs in B(J i during the interval [t(J i ); t]. Therefore, for each 1 - i - p, it must be the case that the cumulative amount of time spent by Balance to jobs in B(J must be at least Observe that if consequently by induction on i, time spent on jobs in UA by Balance can be distributed to jobs in UB \Gamma UA such that for each job J gets ffl units of time from jobs in B(J i )"U A . The result follows since, by lemma 3.4, kXk t -kJ i k t for any The proof of the lemma 3.5 intuitively suggests that, if the adversary is going to finish a job needs to raise ffl k J i k t units of times from jobs J 3.4 we know that This suggests that we analyze the following problem to get lower bound on number of jobs in UB . The Politician Problem: There are n politicians trying to raise money from m contributors. The ith politician must raise fflS i dollars, and the j contributor has C j dollars to contribute. The election rule says that the jth contributor can contribute to the ith politician only if C j - S i . A politician can raise money from many contributors and a contributor can give money to several politicians. Lemma 3.6 If there is a solution for the above Politicians Problem then ffln - m. Proof be the contribution from the the j contributor to the i politician. Since is the fraction of fflS i that the ith politician got from the j contributor, and since every politician is successful, it is the case that, Now by the election rule, Here is the fraction of C j that the j contributor gave to the ith politician. Proof Applying the lemma 3.5 we know that for each job J must find ffl units of times from jobs J By lemma 3.4 . Now applying lemma 3.6 to this case, we get jUA j The following theorem then follows by lemma 3.1. Theorem 3.1 The ffl-weak competitive ratio of Balance with respect to average response time is at most ffl . We now show that the commonly used algorithm Round Robin [7, 14] does not have a constant ffl-weak competitive ratio for small ffl. Round Robin splits the processing time evenly among all unfinished jobs. Lemma 3.7 For the problem of minimizing the average response time, the ffl-weak competitive ratio of Round Robin is Proof We divide time into stages. Let the ith stage, start at time t i . We let t ffl. There are two jobs of length (1+ ffl) released at time t 0 , and one job is released at each time t i , length s(i) that is exactly the same length as Round Robin has left on each of the previous jobs. To guarantee that the adversary can finish the job released at time t i by time t We then get the recurrence Expanding this we get The total response time for the adversary is then \Theta( which is \Theta(1). The total response time for Round Robin is then \Theta( The following theorem shows that Balance does not overly delay any job to improve the performance of average response time. Theorem 3.2 The ffl-weak competitive ratio of Balance with respect to maximum idle time is 1 ffl . Proof t be the time at which Balance completed a job J i for which the idle time is maxi- mum. By shortening other unfinished jobs, let us assume that Balance completed all jobs by time t. Let be the idle time experienced by using Balance. By lemma 3.4, the amount of time spent by Balance on any job during (r is at most . Due to the difference in speed, it must be the case that the adversary finished a job J j at time (1 ffl)t. If Balance did not run J j during d. On the other hand if Balance ran J j during (r Therefore, t is at most t \Gamma d. Notice that J j must have arrived on or before t\Gamma . Therefore, the idle time incurred by the adversary for J j must be at least We now assume that the nonclairvoyant scheduler equipped with a unit speed processor and an ffl speed processor can be almost as competitive as if it was equipped with a (1 speed processor. Here we are assuming ffl ! 1. We further assume for simplicity that 1=ffl is an integer. Algorithm Balance2 : Run the job J i that has been run the least on the unit speed processor. Run the job, other than J i , that has been run the least on the ffl speed processor. The analysis of Balance2 follows the same line as the analysis of Balance. We modify the definition of immediately borrow in the following way. A job J i can immediately borrow time from another job J j if at running J j while either, Balance2 was not running running J i on a processor that is slower than the processor that J j was being run on. We define UA , UB , borrow, and B(J i ) as before. We define to be the initial length of J i that has been executed before time t by Balance2. Lemma 3.8 Let J i be a job that Balance saw but did not complete by time t. For any job J The Modified Politicians Problem: There are n politicians and m original contributors. Let S 1 - must refund at least fflS i+1 dollars to the contributors. The jth contributor requires C j dollars in refunds. The election rule says that the ith politician can refund money to the jth contributor only if C j - S i . Lemma 3.9 If there is a solution for this modified politicians problem then m - ffl(n \Gamma 1). Proof Assume without loss of generality that Assume that S i 1 refunds to C j1 and refunds to C j2 , with such a situation a swap. By transitivity we can have refund to C j2 and S i 2 refund to C j1 . It is easy to see that we can assume without loss of generality that there is a solution to the modified politician problem without any swaps. Let us multiply the refund of each politician by a factor of 1=ffl. Simultaneously, we also increase the pool of potential contributors by a factor of 1=ffl by replacing each original contributor by 1=ffl identical contributors. By repeating the previous assignment 1=ffl times, the politicians can still be successful in refunding the money. We prove by induction that for any i, 1 there are at least i contributors among the m=ffl contributors that get refunds from politicians 1 through i, and those i contributors will not get refunds from other politicians. Assume gets all of its refunds from the first politician by the no swapping assumption. Otherwise, if then C 1 cannot accept refunds from politicians Now assuming that the hypothesis holds for show that the hypothesis also holds for i. By the induction hypothesis, contributors 1 through get a refund from the ith politician. Let C ff(i) be the highest contributor that got a refund from the ith politician. If C ff(i) ? S i+1 , then C ff(i) cannot get a refund from politicians On the other hand, if C ff(i) - S i+1 then the i contributor gets all of its refund from the i politician by the no swapping assumption Lemma 3.10 Let B be the algorithm Balance2. At any point t in time, jQB (t; 1+ ffl jQOpt (t; 1)j. Proof Once again we are going to reduce to the modified politicians problem, where the members of UA are the contributors, and the members of UB \Gamma UA are the politicians. Let UB \Gamma j. So the jobs are ordered by increasing order of release times. Since at least two jobs are unfinished during the time interval (r it must be the case that Balance2 was running both processors throughout this period. assume that Balance2 was running two jobs J a and J b at a time t 0 between time r ff(i) and t. Then we claim J a g. If neither J a or J b is J ff(i\Gamma1) then both are in B(J ff(i\Gamma1) ) by definition. Otherwise if say J are all being executed in round robin fashion, and the claim once again follows. Notice that Assume that the length of each job J ff(i) is exactly . This is the best case for the adver- sary. Then Balance2 and the adversary executed the same length of each job in (UB \Gamma UA Hence, the extra ffl(t \Gamma r ff(2) ) work (the refunds) done by Balance2 must go to jobs in UA . Consider how this might be distributed. For each must be the case that the extra work must during the period (r must be distributed to jobs in We think of J ff(i\Gamma1) as giving this refund to jobs in B(J ff(i\Gamma1) . The election rule is satisfied by lemma 3.8. We now apply the modified politicians lemma, and the rest of the argument is as before. Theorem 3.3 The average response time for Bal- ance2, with a unit speed processor and an ffl ! 1 speed processor, is at most 1 ffl times the average response time of an adversary given only a unit speed processor. Proof This theorem follows by applying lemma 3.10 and noting that the adversary must be running some jobs for a duration of ffl' even after Balance completed all jobs at time '. 4 Real-time Scheduling Before describing the algorithm Slacker we need to introduce some definitions and notation. Recall that we first assume that both the nonclairvoyant scheduler and the clairvoyant adversary have unit speed processors, and that the laxity of each job J i is at least fflx i . For notational convenience, let A job J i is viable at time t for a scheduling algorithm A if A can finish J i before d i , that is, if A has run J i for at least x units of time. Define the slack of a job J i at time t by s i t. A job is fresh at time t if s Otherwise, we say the job is stale at time t. Let c ? constant that we define later. Define the density class of a job J i to be blog c v i c. Assuming that we normalize so that the smallest value density is one, the density classes then range from 0 to blog c \Phic. If X is a set of jobs then let kXk= denote the total benefit of jobs in X. Let Opt be the set of jobs finished by the adversary. Algorithm Slacker: At time r i Slacker switches to J i if and only if J i is in a higher density class than the job J j that Slacker is currently running. If this happens, J j is saved as the representative job for density class blog c v j c. If Slacker finishes a job J i at time t, then let ff be the largest integer such that there is currently a fresh job in density class ff or a viable representative job in class ff. If there is a viable representative job J i in density class ff then Slacker resumes execution of J i . Otherwise, Slacker starts executing an arbitrary fresh job in density class ff. Let S be the set of jobs completed by Slacker, and R the set of jobs run by Slacker. S may be a proper subset of R since Slacker may not finish every job that it started. Lemma 4.1 Let J i be an arbitrary representative job in density class ff that Slacker did not com- plete. Then for a period of at least d units of time between r i and d i Slacker was running a job in density class ff Lemma 4.2 Assuming the density of each job is an integral power of c, Proof We imagine that each job J i 2 R has an account associated with it. The account for a job initially starts with b i points. All other accounts start with zero points. We redistribute points from accounts of jobs in S to accounts of jobs in R \Gamma S. The argument is by reverse induction on the density classes. First note that Slacker finishes every job in density class blog c \Phic that it begins. Assume we now are considering jobs in density class ff. Let J i be a job that was the representative job for density class ff between time t 1 and t 2 . If Slacker ran a job J j in density class fi ? ff for t units of time between are transferred from J j 's account to J i 's account. By lemma 4.1, J i borrowed for a total time of at least ffi x i , and hence borrowed at least c ff x i points. Thus the account for now contains at least b i points. We now need to examine how much the account of a job J i in density class ff can be depleted by jobs in lower density classes. The representative jobs in density class ff take at most c fi x i =ffi points from the account of J i . Hence, the number of points remaining in the account for J i is at least Lemma 4.3 Assuming the density of each job is an integral power of c, kOptk- 1+3ffi Proof Assume that if the adversary ran a job with density c ff for t units of time, we credit the adversary with points regardless of whether it finished the job or not. Define a job to be dense if it has density c ff or greater. We then show that the total amount of time the adversary spent running dense jobs is at most times the time that Slacker was running dense jobs. We divide time up in the following way. Let oe 0 be the first point of time where Slacker starts running a dense job. Let - i , i - 0, be the first point of time after oe i where Slacker is not running a dense job. Let oe i , i - 1, be the first point in time after after - i\Gamma1 that Slacker begins running a dense job. Note that no dense job can arrive between any - i and oe i+1 . Consider the longest dense job J j that arrived between a oe i and a - i , and that Slacker did not run. Then J i had to have been stale at time - i . Hence, . This means that the time that the adversary is running dense jobs that Slacker didn't run is at most 1+2ffi times the time that Slacker was running dense jobs. We must add one to this ratio for the jobs that both the adversary and Slacker ran. The lemma then follows by reverse induction on ff. Theorem 4.1 Under the assumption that every job J i has laxity at least fflx the competitive ratio of Slacker is at most Proof applying lemma 4.2 and lemma 4.3, and by removing the condition that the density of a job is an integral power of c. One can verify that by letting , we get a bounded competitive ratio for all ffi ? 0, and that the competitive ratio goes to three as ffi increases. If we go back to assuming that Slacker has a (1 speed processor, we can show that the ffl-weak competitive ratio approaches one by modifying lemma 4.3 as follows. The proof is very similar to the proof of lemma 4.3. Lemma 4.4 Assuming the density of each job is an integral power of c, and that Slacker has a (1 speed processor, 5 Conclusion We believe that the weak adversary model will be useful in identifying online algorithms that work well in practice for other types of problems. It is important that the weakening of the adversary should be done in such a way that the corresponding strengthening of online algorithm can be achieved in practice. It is worth mentioning that for the problems considered in this paper, increasing the speed of the online processor is not the only way to weaken the adver- sary. For example, in the case of real-time scheduling, it suffices to design the real-time system in such a way that the laxity condition is satisfied. Finally, we would like to mention that the weak adversary model has been used recently to show that the natural greedy algorithm, which works reasonably well in practice, is almost optimal for online weighted matching [9]. Traditional competitive analysis shows a bound of \Theta(2 m ) whereas the weak adversary analysis yields a bound of \Theta(log m) where m is the size of the graph. 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resource augmentation;multi-level feedback scheduling;scheduling
Balanced sequences and optimal routing.
The objective pursued in this paper is two-fold. The first part addresses the following combinatorial problem: is it possible to construct an infinite sequence over n letters where each letter is distributed as evenly as possible and appears with a given rate? The second objective of the paper is to use this construction in the framework of optimal routing in queuing networks. We show under rather general assumptions that the optimal deterministic routing in stochastic event graphs is such a sequence.
Introduction It is a rather general problem to consider a system with multiple resources and tasks. Tasks can be performed by any resource and arrive in the system sequentially. The problem is to construct a routing of the tasks to the resources to minimize a given cost function. Such models are common in multiprocessor systems and communication networks, where the cost function may be the combined load in the resources. Here, we show that under rather general assumptions, the optimal routing sequence in terms of expected average workload in each resource is given by a balanced sequence, that is a sequence in which the option to route towards a given resource, is taken in an evenly distributed fashion. INRIA, BP 93, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France. E-mail: alt- URL: y INRIA/CNRS/INRIA, BP 93, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France. E-mail: z Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Leiden University, P.O.Box 9512, 2300RA Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: The research of Arie Hordijk was done while he was on sabbatical leave at INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis; it has been partially supported by the Minist#re Fran#ais de l'#ducation Nationale et de l'Enseignement Sup#rieur et de la Recherche. This motivates the -rst part of the paper which is essentially based on word combinatorics and uses its speci-c vocabulary. This part relies heavily on results in [9, 17]. The problem of balanced sequences and exactly covering sequences has been studied using combinatorial as well as arithmetic techniques [20, 23, 18, 7, 16]. However, in these studies, the analysis of balanced sequences was done per se and did not present any motivations or applications. In particular, the use of these constructions in discrete event dynamic systems may not have been discovered before the seminal work of Hajek, [10] in 1985. This work solves the one dimensional case problem, further generalized in [1]. The goal of the present paper is to extend the same type of results to a multidimensional case, which is surprisingly more diOEcult and of dioeerent nature as the one dimensional case. This is done in the second part of this paper, where we will show an application of balanced sequences for routing problems. This part uses results from convex analysis, mainly from [10, 2, 1]. The main results that are used here are of two dioeerent kinds. First, we use the fact that the workload as well as the waiting time of customers entering a (max,+) linear system are multimodular functions, under fairly general assumption ( stationarity of the arrival process and of the service times)([1]). Then, we use general theorems from [2] that prove that multimodular functions are minimized by regular sequences. The superposition of several such sequences being a balanced sequence, this is the basis of the main result of this paper. It is interesting to exhibit this link between balanced sequences and scheduling prob- lems, such as routing among several systems. More precisely, the paper is structured as follows. In the second section, we introduce a formal de-nition of balanced sequence and we present an overview on their properties. The section 3 makes the link between the notion of balanced sequences and the optimal scheduling in networks and is also devoted to prove the optimality of balanced sequences for routing customers is a multiple queue system. Section 4 presents special cases for which the optimal rates can be computed. Balanced sequences In this section, we will present the notion of balanced sequences, which is closely related to the notion of Sturmian sequences [14] as well as exactly covering sequences. This presentation is not exhaustive and many other related articles can be consulted for further investigation on this topic [22, 11, 3, 5, 20, 7]. Although the section is self-contained and presents several result which are of interest by their own, we mostly focus the rate problem (see Problem 2), which will be used in the application section (# 3). 2.1 Preliminaries Let A be a -nite alphabet and A Z the set of sequences de-ned on A. If u 2 A Z , then a word W of u is a -nite subsequence of consecutive letters in u: . The integer k is the length of W and will be denoted jW j. If a 2 A, jW j a is the number of a's in the word W . De-nition 2.1. The sequence u 2 A Z is balanced if for any two words W and W 0 in u of same length, and any a 2 A, If a 2 A, we also de-ne the indicator in u of the letter a as the function ffi a otherwise. The support in u of the letter a is the set S a For any real number x, bxc will denote the largest integer smaller or equal to x and dxe will denote that smallest integer larger or equal to x. Lemma 2.2. If a sequence u 2 A Z is balanced, then for any a 2 A, there exists a real number lim p a is called the rate of ffi a (u). Proof. Let us de-ne s The rest of the proof is classical by sub-additivity arguments. The proof for fffi a (u) n g n60 is similar. The fact that both limits coincide is obvious. Note that the sum of the rates for all letters in a sequence u is one. a2A Now, we can present the main result which founds the theory of balanced sequences. Theorem 2.3 (Morse and Hedlund). Suppose a sequence d 2 f0; 1g Z is balanced with asymptotic rate letter 1. The support S 1 of d satis-es one of the following cases. (a) (irrational case) p is irrational and that exists OE 2 R such that (b) (periodic case) p 2 Q and there exists OE 2 Q such that (c) (skew case) Z such that or Sequences for which the support is of the form S are called bracket sequences. This theorem shows the relation that exists between balanced sequences and bracket sequences. The irrational case is the easiest case and can be characterized (see Theorem 2.17). The two rational cases are more diOEcult to study. Our main objective for studying balanced sequences is their application in routing control (see sections 3 and 4). In our analysis, only the right tail of a sequence, that is fu i g i?i 0 for some i 0 in N maters. Also, a sequence u and a shifted version, u 0 will have the same asymptotic performance (see equation (7)). Hence, we consider such two sequences as being equivalent. Note that this allows us to consider that the skew case and the rational case are equivalent. De-nition 2.4. A sequence d 2 f0; 1g Z is (ultimately) regular if there exists two real numbers ' and p (and an integer k) such that for all (n ? Note that d is equivalent to S Theorem 2.5. Let u 2 A Z . (i)- If ffi a (u) is regular for all a 2 A, then u is balanced. (ii)- If u is balanced, then ffi a (u) is ultimately regular for all a 2 A. Proof. (i) is straightforward. (ii) is a direct consequence of Theorem 2.3, since in all three cases, the sequence ffi a (u) is ultimately regular. An elementary proof of (ii) which does not use Theorem 2.3 can be found in [21]. In [13], the sequence u is said to have the reduction property if ffi u (a) is regular for all a 2 A. Corollary 2.5 shows that u has the reduction property (ultimately) if and only if it is balanced. 2.2 Constant gap sequences Constant gap sequences are strongly balanced sequences, in the following sense. De-nition 2.6. A sequence G is constant gap if for any letter a, ffi a (G) is periodic, with a period of the form 0 Note that this explains the fact that G is said to have constant gaps for the letter a, since each a is separated from the next a in G by a constant number of letters. Proposition 2.7. Constant gap sequences are balanced. Proof. For each letter a, ffi a (G) is of the form (0 Therefore, ffi a (G) is regular with Using the characterization of balanced sequences given in Theorem 2.5, this shows that G is balanced. Proposition 2.8. Constant gap sequences are periodic. Proof. For each letter a, ffi a (G) is periodic with period p a . The period of G is lcm(p a ; a 2 A). In the next lemma, we give a characterization of constant gap sequences that stresses the fact that constant gap is some kind of strong balance. Proposition 2.9. G is constant gap if and only if, for any two -nite words, W and W 0 included in G with jjW for each letter a, jjW j a \Gamma jW 0 j a j 6 1. Proof. Let a be a letter in the alphabet. First, assume that G is constant gap. If jW j a \Gamma jW 0 j a ? 2, then, necessarily, jW 2. Conversely, let a be any two words in G with no a in the subwords U and U 0 . If jU j ? jU 2. This is a contradiction. Therefore jU G is constant gap. Since a constant gap sequence is balanced, each letter appears with a given rate in the sequence. note however that since a constant gap sequence is necessarily periodic, the rate of each letter is rational. As we will do in section 2.4 for the case of balanced sequences, we now address the following question: Problem 1: Given a set (p possible to construct a constant gap sequence on N letters with rates (p We will not solve this problem for a general N . We will only give some properties of the set (p which will be useful in the following. A non-eoeective characterization of such (p in [23], under the name exact covering sequences. De-nition 2.10. The set of couples f(' called an exact covering sequence if for every nonnegative integer n, there exists one and only one 1 6 i 6 N such that As a general remark, note that (p are rational numbers of the form p with d the smallest period of G. Therefore, we have, for each i, k i divides d. By de-nition of the rates, we also have p a = 1=q a for all letters. We have the following result. Proposition 2.11. The rates (p are constant gap if there exists N numbers called such that the couples f(' an exact covering sequence. Proof. This property is a simple rewriting of the fact that each letter a i in a constant gap sequence appears every f' i Ng. Now, suppose that f(' is an exact covering sequence. Then in the series the coeOEcient of x n in this series is equal to Therefore, we have Using this characterization we have the following interesting property. Lemma 2.12 ([18]). Assume f(' is an exact covering sequence and that appears at least twice in the set q Proof. The proof given here is similar to the discussion in [23] on exact covering sequences. e 2i-=r for some integer r ? 1. By de-nition, w is a primitive r-th root of one. We . The set is exactly the set g. Equation (1) speci-ed for can be written This implies that the set cannot be reduced to a single point since w is not zero. To give some concrete examples, we consider the cases where N is small. First, note that in the case where the k i are not all equal, (assume k 1 is the largest of all), we have where l 1 is the gap between two letters a 1 . This implies, 2: (2) Proposition 2.13. There exists a constant gap sequence G with rates only Proof. Let a be a letter in G with gap l. Since the alphabet contains only two letters, 1. This means Proposition 2.14. There exists a constant gap sequence G with rates (p only if the following holds: (p or (1=2; 1=4; 1=4) (up to a permu- tation). Proof. Assume that (p 1 Using Equation (2), l Therefore, the sequence obtained from G when removing all the letters a 1 is constant gap. Applying Lemma 2.13 shows that . The only solution is 1=4. The associated constant gap sequence is (a 1 a 2 a 1 a 3 Proposition 2.15. There exists a constant gap sequence G with rates (p only if fp belongs to the set (up to a permutation), Proof. We give a sketch of an elementary proof of this fact. If the rates are all equal, then note that Equation 2 implies that if the rates are not all equal 2. We consider any letter a assume that the number of a 1 's in between two a i 's is not constant and takes values m and then we have on the other hand. This is impossible since l 1 6 2. Therefore, the number of a 1 's in between two a i 's is constant. This is true for all i. The sequence formed by removing all a 1 's is still constant gap. It has rates of the form (1=3; 1=3; 1=3) or (1=2; 1=4; 1=4). From this point a case analysis shows that the original sequence has rates (1=2; 1=4; 1=8; 1=8); (1=2; 1=6; 1=6; 1=6)or(1=3; 1=3; 1=6; 1=6)g by inserting the letter a 1 in a constant gap sequence over the letters a 2 ; a 3 ; a 4 . These few examples of constant gap sequences illustrate the fact that the rates in these sequences have very strong constraints. 2.3 Characterization of balanced sequences Several studies have been recently done on balanced (or bracket) sequences [13, 20, 21, 16, 15]. In [9], a characterization involving constant gap sequences is given. Proposition 2.16 (Graham). Let U be a balanced sequence on the alphabet f0; 1g. Construct a new sequence S by replacing in U , the subsequence of zeros by a constant gap sequence G on an alphabet A 1 , and the subsequence of ones by a constant gap sequence H on a disjoint alphabet A 2 . Then S is balanced on the alphabet A 1 [ A 2 . Proof. We give a proof similar to Hubert's proof ([11]). Let a be a letter in A 1 (the proof is similar for a letter in A 2 . Let W and W 0 be two words of S of the same length. Then, the corresponding words X and X 0 in U verify jjW since U is balanced. If we keep only the 0's in X and X 0 , then the corresponding Z and Z 0 words in G satisfy G is constant gap, and using Lemma 2.9, jjZj a \Gamma jZ 0 j a j 6 1. We end the proof noting that the construction of Z and Z 0 implies jZj a = jW j a and Conversely, we have the following theorem. Theorem 2.17 (Graham). Let u 2 A Z be balanced and non periodic. Then there exists a partition of A into two sets A 1 and A 2 such that the sequence v de-ned by: is regular. Furthermore, the sequences z 1 and z 2 constructed from u by keeping only the letters from A 1 and A 2 respectively have constant gaps. The proof of this theorem was given by Graham [9] for bracket sequences. An independent later proof can be found in [11] for balanced sequences. The relation between balanced and bracket sequences given in Theorem 2.5 makes both proofs more or less equivalent. 2.4 Rates in balanced sequences also note that a balanced sequence has several asymptotic properties, such as the following lemma. Let us formulate precisely the problem which we will study in this section. Problem 2: Given a set (p possible to construct a balanced sequence on N letters with rates (p We will see in the following that this construction is not possible for all the values of the rates (p makes the construction possible, such a tuple is said to be balanceable. A similar problem has been addressed in [9, 15, 7], Where relations between the rates in balanced sequences are studied. 2.5 The case This case is well known and balanced sequences with two letters have been extensively studied (see for example [6, 14]). The following result is known even if it is often given under dioeerent forms. Theorem 2.18. For all 1, the set of rates Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of the -rst part of Theorem 2.5. We construct a sequence S as the support of the function is a balanced sequence because the interval ]k; k +m] contains exactly S. This shows the value of e can dioeer by at most one when k varies so S is a balanced sequence. If S 0 is the complementary set of S, then it should be clear that S 0 has asymptotic rate contains Note that the proof of Theorem 2.18 also gives a construction of a balanced sequence with the given rates. 2.6 The case The case essentially dioeerent from the case 2. In the case possible rates are balanceable while when there is essentially only one set of rates which is balanceable. This result, when formulated under this form, was partly proved and conjectured in [13] and proved in [20]. In earlier papers by Morikawa, [16], a similar result is proved for bracket sequences. If Theorem 2.5 is used, then the result of Morikawa can be used directly to prove the following theorem. Therefore, we attribute this result to Morikawa, even if the result was stated dioeerently. Theorem 2.19 (Morikawa). A set of rates (p only if, or two rates are equal. Proof. The proof of Morikawa is very technical since it does not use the balanced property for bracket sequences. If the balanced property is used, then the proof becomes very easy. We give a proof slightly simpler than the proof in [20]. First, assume that let S be a balanced sequence with two letters fa; bg constructed with the rates (p 1 In S, replace alternatively the iais by the letters a 1 ; a 2 , we get a sequence S 0 on alphabet us show that S 0 is balanced. Since S is balanced, the number of iajs in an interval of length m is k or k +1, for some k. Now, for S 0 , the number of ia 1 js (resp. ia 2 js) in such an interval is either is odd and k=2 or is even. This proves that S 0 is balanced. Now, assume that (p 1 are three dioeerent numbers. We assume that We will try to construct a sequence W with these respective rates on the alphabet fa; b; cg. step 1: the sequence iacaj must appear in W . There exists a pair of consecutive iaj with no ibj in between since This means that the sequences iaaj or iacaj appear. If iaaj appears, then a icj is necessarily surrounded by two iajs. step 2: the sequence ibaabj must appear in W . There exist a pair of consecutive ibj with no icj in between. This sequence is of the form "ba n bj. Now, n 6 1 is not possible because of the presence of iacaj and b-regularity. implies the existence of ia by a-regularity which is incompatible with iba n bj because of b-regularity. Therefore 2. Note that this also implies the existence of iaaj and of iabaabaj. step 3: the sequence iabacabaj appears in W . the sequence W must contain a icj. This icj is necessarily surrounded by two iajs since iaaj exists by a-regularity. This group is necessarily surrounded by two ibjs since ibaabj exists, and consequently, necessarily surrounded by two iajs, since iabaabaj exists. We get the sequence iabacabaj. Last step: letter around this word can be a icj because ibaabj exists. None can be a ibj since iacaj exists. Therefore, they have to be two iajs. Then note that the following two letters cannot be a icj (because of the existence of iabaabaj), nor an iaj (because of the existence of ibacj) so it is a ibj, then followed necessarily by an iaj (because iaaj exists). At this point, we have the sequence i?abaabacabaaba?j. Both ?s are necessarily icjs. To end the proof, note that a icj necessarily has the word iabaabaj on its right and the same word on its left. Finally note that the word iabaabaj is necessarily surrounded by two icjs. Therefore the sequence W is periodic of the form (abacaba) ! . 2.7 The case The case very similar to the case rates. However when two rates are equal, this case is more complicated. Theorem 2.20. A rate tuple (p distinct rates is balanceable if and only if (p Proof. Again, it seems Morikawa has proved a similar result for bracket sequences. How- ever, using the balanced property, the proof becomes much simpler. We suppose that we show that there is only one balanced sequence with frequencies those frequencies are (8=15; 4=15; 2=15; 1=15). As a preliminary remark, note that if there exists at least one word that does not contain any a j . This fact will be used several times in the following arguments. The proof involves dioeerent steps. Step 1: W contains the words iacaj or iadaj or iacdaj or iadcaj. There exists two consecutive iajs with no ibj in between because Therefore, either iaaj or iacaj or iadaj or iacdaj or iadcaj exist. If iaaj exists, then, a icj is surrounded by two iajs. Step 2: W contains the word ibaabj First, we show that if a word iba n bj exists, then 2. Indeed, the fact that iadaj or iacaj or iacdaj or iadcaj exist makes ibbj and ibabj impossible. On the other hand, if the existence of ia necessary by a-regularity and is incompatible with the existence of iba n bj because of b-regularity. Now, if no word of the form iba n bj exists, then there exist two consecutive ibjs with one idj and no icj in between. This word (s 1 ) is of the form: ia i ba j da k ba l j. Note that the numbers l may be equal to zero but b-regularity. There also exist two consecutive icjs with no idj in between. This word (s 2 ), is of the cj. Note that are integers that can dioeer by at most one, the length of s 1 , js j. This is impossible by c-regularity. step 3: the word iabacabaabacabaj exists in W . There exists two consecutive icjs with no idj in between. From step 3 in the proof of Lemma 2.19, we know that a icj is necessarily surrounded by the word iabaj. Moreover, from step 4 in the proof of Lemma 2.19, we have: iabacabaabaUcabaj, where U is a word that contains no idj and no icj. U cannot start with an iaj (because of ibacabj) cannot start with a ibj (because of iacaj) cannot start with a icj and cannot start with a idj by construction. Therefore U has to be empty. Step 4: W is uniquely de-ned and is periodic of period iabacabadabacabaj. Somewhere, W contains a idj. From this point on, we can extend the word uniquely as: iabacabadabacabaj around this idj, and the word iabacabaabacabaj has to be surrounded by two idjs. This ends the proof. To complete the picture, it is not diOEcult to see that, Proposition 2.21. if the tuple (p is made of less than two distinct numbers, then it is balanceable. Proof. First, if the rates are all equal, they are obviously balanceable. If three of them are we can construct a balanced sequence with rates (3p 1 and we construct a balanced sequence with rates (p using Proposition 2.16 (where we take G the constant gap sequence (a 1 a 2 a 3 two pairs of rates are equal, say then we construct a balanced sequence with rates apply Proposition 2.16. If the tuple (p is made of exactly three distinct numbers, then this is a more complex case which is not studied here. 2.8 The general case In this section, we are interested in the case of arbitrary N . First, note that Proposition 2.21 easily generalizes to any dimension. Proposition 2.22. If the tuple (p is made of less than two distinct num- bers, then it is balanceable. Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 2.21. Proposition 2.23. If (p balanceable. Proof. The proof is very similar to that of Proposition 2.16. If W is a balanced sequence with letters consider the sequence W 0 constructed starting from W and replacing each ia 1 j by an element of (b 1 j, ib in a cyclic way. Note that W 0 has the following set of rates, (p 1 =k; Next, we show that W 0 is balanced. Since W is balanced, for an arbitrary integer m, the number of ia 1 js in an interval of length m is n or n + 1, for some n. Now, for W 0 , the number of ib i js in such an interval is either b(n \Gamma 1)=kc or b(n + 1)=kc. This proves that W 0 is balanced. For the general case and distinct rates , it is natural to give the following conjecture (due to Fraenkel for bracket sequences): Conjecture 2.24. A set of distinct rates fp is balanceable if and only if We have not been able to prove this fact. Morikawa has also given some insight in this problem. It is not clear whether it has been completely proven. Here, we only have partial results given in the following lemmas. Lemma 2.25. The rates are balance- able, for all N 2 N . This lemma is the iifj direction of the conjecture. Proof. We construct a balanced sequence WN in the following inductive way. First note that WN has rates we show that WN is balanced by induc- tion. In the sequence WN , any letter (say letter appears 2 N \Gammaj times in one period and is of the form of 2 N \Gammaj \Gamma 1 intervals of the same length (2 j ) and one of length By construction of WN+1 , this properties still hold and therefore, WN+1 is balanced. Lemma 2.26. Let W be balanced with rates In particular, this means that Proof. If W is not periodic, Theorem 2.17 says that W is composed of two constant gap sequences. At least one of these sequences has at least two letters, and therefore two letters have rates which are equal by Lemma 2.12. Therefore, the rates in W of these two letters are also equal. Lemma 2.27. Let W be balanced with rates with the following property: for any 1 6 i 6 N , there exists two consecutive letters ia i j with no a j in between, with This lemma is a partial ionly ifj result for the conjecture. Proof. The proof holds by induction. Let V k denote the period of the balanced sequence with rates (2 2.25. We recall that according to the construction in the proof of lemma 2.25, We will prove by induction that W is periodic with period VN . We -rst prove by induction on k that W contains the word V that each letter in W , ia j Now, for the -rst step of the induction note that according to the property on W , W contains the word ia 1 a 1 j which is the same as iV 1 V 1 j. Therefore any other letter is surrounded by two ia 1 js. This also implies the existence of ia 1 a 2 a 1 a 1 a 2 a 1 j by using a similar argument as step 2 in the proof of Theorem 2.20, which ends the case For the general case, by the induction assumption, a k is surrounded by V k\Gamma2 , and we have the word iV k\Gamma2 a k V k\Gamma2 j. The existence of iV k\Gamma2 a proves that this word is surrounded with two ia js. Therefore, two consecutive a k form the word where U does not contain any letter ia j j, j ? k. If U contains ia then U is iV k\Gamma2 a j. This is impossible because of the existence of ia U contains any other letter ia i j, then U is reduced to this letter, and by construction of the presence of ia contradicts the existence of ia Therefore, U is empty and we have the second part of the proof. Now, we -nish the proof by noticing that the letter aN is surrounded by VN \Gamma1 and by noting that VN \Gamma1 is necessarily surrounded by ia N j. Lemma 2.28. Assume that W is balanced. Assume that p a ? 0:5. Then the projection W 0 of W over the alphabet A \Gamma fag is also balanced. Proof. Choose two words 2 of length n in W 0 . Let V 1 and V 2 be any two words in W whose projections over the alphabet A \Gamma fag are V 0 furthermore, that the -rst and last letters in V 1 and V 2 are not a. Let denote the number of appearances of the letter a in V 1 and V 2 , resp. then the dioeerence in the number of occurrences of any letter b in V 0and in V 0 2 is at most 1, since W is most regular, and since the number of b's in V 1 (resp. is the same as its number in V 0 Step 2: Assume that l ? k + 1. 2 be the word obtained from V 2 by truncating the -rst and last letter. Then and the number of a's in - 1 be the word obtained from V 1 by adding to it the next letters that appears after V 1 in the sequence W . Then j - and the number of a's in - 1 is not larger than 2. This is a contradiction with the fact that W is balanced. Step 3: It remains to check l 1. Add to V 1 the next letter that occurs in W to its right, to form the new word V 1 . If it is not a then we have two successive letters that are not a, which contradicts the fact that a has an asymptotic frequency of at least 1/2. If it is a, then V 1 and V 2 have the same number of a's. We can now apply the same argument as in step 1 and conclude that the number number of occurrences of any letter b in V 0 1 and in V 0 2 is at most 1. Combining the above steps, we conclude that W 0 is balanced. 2.9 Extensions of the original problem So far we have only analyzed the case where all the rates add up to one. The dioeerent results tend to prove that very few rates are balanced. Now let us look at a generalization when all the rates do not add up to one. Assume that S is a sequence on the alphabet \Lambdag. We only require that S is balanced for the letters a but not for the special letter . On a more practical point of view, the question can be viewed as whether this allows more possibilities for rates to be balanced when ilossesj are allowed (represented by the letter ). Then again, in general, the rates are not balanced, even if the total sum is very small as illustrated by the following lemma. Lemma 2.29. For an arbitrary " ? 0, there exists two real numbers p 1 and p 2 such that no sequence S on the alphabet fa; b; \Lambdag with asymptotic rate p 1 for letter a and p 2 for letter b which is balanced for a and b. Proof. Choose two irrational numbers p 1 and p 2 with are not linearly dependent on Z. Now assume that there exists a sequence S on fa; b; \Lambdag with asymptotic rate p 1 for letter a and p 2 for letter b which is balanced for a and b. By Theorem 2.5, then there exists two real numbers x; y such that ffi a otherwise. In the cube [0; , the set of points (x; dense (see for example, Weyl's ergodic theorem [19]) and therefore hits the rectangle [(1\Gammap This is not possible. More on this kind of problems can be found in [21]. To end this short overview on balanced sequences, we must mention on the positive side that iusualj rates, such as (1=k; 1=k; are often balanceable. In Appendix 4.3, some examples of balanced sequences and their rates are given. 3 Routing of customers in multiple queues The notion of balanced sequences gives birth to an large set of elegant properties in word combinatorics. However, they are rarely used in other domains. The balanced sequences in dimension used for discrete line drawing [14] and also for scheduling optimization in [10, 8]. However, the case dioeerently than for higher dimension (as illustrated by theorem 2.18) and does not really grasp all the complexity of the model. Here, we present an application of balanced sequences in arbitrary dimensions to scheduling optimization. We consider a system where a sequence of tasks have to be executed by several processing units. The tasks arrive sequentially and each task can be processed by any server. The routing control consists in assigning to each task a server on which it will be processed. The routing is optimal it it minimizes some cost function that measures the performance of the system. These kinds of models have used to study load balancing within several processors in parallel processing problems as well as for eOEcient network utilization in telecommunication systems. 3.1 Presentation of the model In this section we consider a more precise queueing model of the system that we described. Customers enter a multiple queue system composed of K nodes. Each node is made of several queues which form an event graph. Event graphs are a subset of Petri nets with no more than one input transition and one output transition per place. More details on the dynamics of event graphs can be found in [4]. In particular, their dynamical behavior is linear in the so-called (max,+) algebra ([4]). Many queueing networks can be represented as event graphs, as long as there is no inside choice for the route followed by the customers. (see [1] for a more complete discussion on this issue). The routing of customers to the dioeerent nodes is controled by a sequence of vectors g, with a n is in f0; 1g K and a i means that the n-th customer is routed to queue i. Note that a is a feasible admission sequence as long as for all n, The link between a feasible routing policy and an in-nite sequence on a -nite alphabet comes from choosing the alphabet A composed by the letters Using this alphabet on K letters, a feasible routing policy can be viewed as an in-nite sequence on A. Figure 1 shows an illustration of the system we are considering. We denote by T n the epoch when the n-th customer enters the system. We assume that The inter-arrival time sequence is fffi g. Finally, oe i;j will denote the service time of the n-th customer entering the j-th queue in node i. The sequences fffi k g and foe i;j will be considered as random processes. We also make stochastic assumption on these sequences. The inter-arrival time of the customers and the service times form stationary processes, and we assume that the inter-arrival times are independent of the service times. 3.2 Optimal admission sequence In each node i we pick an arbitrary server s i (which may be the last server in the node for example). The performance criteria for node i will be the traveling time to server s i node 2 node 1 node K Figure 1: Illustration of the routing of customers in a K node system of a virtual customer that would enter node i at time T n . Under the routing policy a, this quantity only depends on the values of the n -rst routing choices. From the routing sequence a, we can isolate the routing decision for node i: if a i then the customer is admitted in node i and if a i then the customer is rejected (for node i). We denote the traveling time at time T n by W i We will be more particularly interested in the expected value of the traveling time with respect to the service times in all the servers contained in node i and with respect to the inter-arrival times: W i convex increasing function. If we focus on a single node i, the function W i n ) has been studied in [1]. Its most remarkable property is the fact that this function is multimodular. See [10, 2] for a precise de-nition and several properties of multimodular functions. Here, we merely point out that multimodularity is closely to convexity (see [2]). Proposition 3.1 ([1]). Under the foregoing assumptions, the function W i satis-es the following properties. increasing in a i Proof. These properties are shown in [1]. Using these properties, one can derive as in [2], a lower bound B i (ff; p) (which is increasing in ff and p and continuous) for any routing a i , for the following discounted cost.X k . Also, for a given p, we de-ne the regular sequence with rate p and arbitrary phase ', a (see the de-nition 2.4). One can show as in [2] that a p (') satis-es lim m!1m Here, however, we are interested in the performance of all nodes together. Therefore, we choose as a cost function, the undiscounted average on n of some linear combination of the expected traveling time in all nodes. Let h be any increasing linear We consider the undiscounted average cost of a feasible routing sequence a, From this point on, we mimic the general method developed in [2] for our case. We use the following notation. Our objective is to minimize g(a). Theorem 3.2. The following lower bound holds for all policies: Proof. Due to Littlewood's and Jensen's inequalities as well as Equation 5, we have lim ff ff ff where a ff We note that 1. Hence, one may choose a sequence ff such that the following limits exist: lim a and 1. From the continuity of B i (ff; and ff we get from (8) Note that there exists some p that achieves the in-mum since h(B 1 (p 1 ); :::; BK (p K )) is continuous in Consider the routing policy a p (') given for each i by a i;p There are some p 's for which the condition of feasibility of the policy a p (') is satis-ed, that is, there exists some that the regular policy a p (') is feasible. Using the correspondence between a routing policy and a sequence on the alphabet A, these p 's correspond precisely to balanceable rates. Theorem 3.3. Assume that p is balanceable. Then a p (') is optimal for the average cost, i.e. it minimizes g(a) over all feasible policies. Proof. The proof follows directly from Theorem 3.2 and Equation (6). 4 Study of some special cases The problem which remains to be addressed is to -nd in which cases, the rate vector p is balanceable. We will present several simple examples for which we can make sure that the optimal rate p is balanceable. 4.1 The case If the optimal rate vector is of the form p Theorem 2.18 says that p is always balanceable and therefore, the optimal routing sequence is given by an associated balanced sequence. Note that this approach does not give any direct way to compute the value of p , however, it gives the structure of the optimal policy. Figure 2: Routing in homogeneous queues. 4.2 The homogeneous case Now let K be arbitrary and each node is made of a single server, all servers being identical. This model is displayed in Figure 2. Also assume that the function h is symmetrical in all coordinates (for example, just the sum of all waiting times) By symmetry and convexity in (p of the function K (p K )), which is balanceable. The associated balanced sequence is the round robin routing scheme. Applying Theorem 3.3 yields the following result which is new (to the best of the author's knowledge). Theorem 4.1. The round robin routing to K identical ./G/1 queues, minimizes the total average expected workload of all the queues over all admission sequences with no information on the state of the system. In [12], the round robin routing is proved to be optimal in separable-convex increasing order for K identical ./GI/1 queues. Their method uses an intricate coupling argument, whereas our proof is a simple corollary of the general theory on multimodular functions. To illustrate the advantage of our approach, we further generalize the result to a system composed of K identical (max,+) linear systems with a single entry. In this case, the symmetry argument used in the case of simple queues still holds. Then again, the round robin routing policy minimizes the traveling time in each system. This case includes models such as routing among several identical systems composed of queues in tandem, for example (see Figure 3). 4.3 Two sets of identical servers As a consequence of the two previous cases, we can consider a system composed of K 1 identical queues of type 1 and K 2 queues of type 2. Again, assume that h is symmetrical in the K 1 nodes of type 1 and symmetrical in the K \Gamma 2 nodes of type 2. Then, by symmetry arguments, the optimal rate vector p is of the form Figure 3: Routing in queues in tandem This rate vector is balanceable indeed. This implies that for the weighted total average expected workload, the optimal routing is of balanced type, if nodes of the same type have the same weight. Many other examples of this kind can be derived from these examples through similar constructions. Appendix Here is a collection of balanceable rates. We also give a corresponding balanced sequence. ffl (1=7; 2=7; 4=7) is balanceable and ffl (1=11; 2=11; 4=11; 4=11) is balanceable and ffl (1=11; 2=11; 2=11; 6=11) is balanceable and ffl (1=11; 1=11; 3=11; 6=11) is balanceable and ffl (1=14; 1=14; 4=14; 8=14) is balanceable and ffl For all real number are balanceable, with a corresponding balanced sequence constructed from a regular sequence with rate p where all 1 are replaced in turn by the sequence (abac) ! and each 0 by the letter d. ffl for all N , balanceable. The associated balanced sequence is constructed recursively as in Lemma 2.25. balanced sequence is: balanced sequence with those rates is constructed in the following way: Choose a balanced sequence S on letters, (A; B) with rate ( fi). In S replace all the A (resp. B) by a 1 ; a in a round robin fashion to get a balanced sequence with the required rates. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Alain Jean-Marie who pointed out the reference [23] and gave them a -rst proof of Lemma 2.12. --R Admission control in stochastic event graphs. Multimodularity, convexity and optimization properties. Complexity of sequences de-ned by billiards in the cube Complexity of trajectories in rectangular billiards. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Optimal allocation sequences of two processes sharing a resource. Covering the positive integers by disjoint sets of the form f Extremal splittings of point processes. Optimal load balancing on distrinuted homogeneous unreliable processors. Markov Desicion Chains With Partial Information. Mots, chapter Trac Disjoint sequences generated by the bracket function i-vi On eventually covering families generated by the bracket function i-v Symbolic dynamics II- Sturmian trajectories Roots of unity and covering sets. Introduction to Ergodic Theory. On complementary triples of sturmian sequences. On disjoint pairs of sturmian bisequences. Combinatoire des motifs d'une suite sturmienne bidimensionnelle. Academic Press --TR Generating functionology Optimization of static traffic allocation policies Combinatorial properties of sequences defined by the billiard in paved triangles On the pathwise optimal Bernoulli routing policy for homogeneous parallel servers Combinatorics of patterns of a bidimensional Sturmian sequence. Minimizing service and operation costs of periodic scheduling Optimal Allocation Sequences of Two Processes Sharing a Resource Optimal Load Balancing on Distributed Homogeneous Unreliable Processors --CTR N. Brauner , Y. Crama, The maximum deviation just-in-time scheduling problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v.134 n.1-3, p.25-50, 05 January 2004 Berth , Robert Tijdeman, Balance properties of multi-dimensional words, Theoretical Computer Science, v.273 n.1-2, p.197-224, February 2002 Berth , Robert Tijdeman, Lattices and multi-dimensional words, Theoretical Computer Science, v.319 n.1-3, p.177-202, June 10, 2004 Bruno Gaujal , Emmanuel Hyon , Alain Jean-Marie, Optimal Routing in Two Parallel Queues with Exponential Service Times, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, v.16 n.1, p.71-107, January 2006 Shinya Sano , Naoto Miyoshi , Ryohei Kataoka, m-Balanced words: a generalization of balanced words, Theoretical Computer Science, v.314 n.1, p.97-120, 25 February 2004 Arie Hordijk , Dinard Van Der Laan, NOTE ON THE CONVEXITY OF THE STATIONARY WAITING TIME AS A FUNCTION OF THE DENSITY, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, v.17 n.4, p.503-508, October Arie Hordijk, COMPARISON OF QUEUES WITH DIFFERENT DISCRETE-TIME ARRIVAL PROCESSES, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, v.15 n.1, p.1-14, January 2001 Eitan Altman , Bruno Gaujal , Arie Hordijk, Optimal Open-Loop Control of Vacations, Polling and Service Assignment, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, v.36 n.4, p.303-325, December 2000 Boris Adamczewski, Balances for fixed points of primitive substitutions, Theoretical Computer Science, v.307 n.1, p.47-75, 26 September Raphael Rom , Moshe Sidi , Hwee Pink Tan, Design and analysis of a class-aware recursive loop scheduler for class-based scheduling, Performance Evaluation, v.63 n.9, p.839-863, October 2006
optimal control;stochastic event graphs;multimodularity;balanced sequences
New Methods for Estimating the Distance to Uncontrollability.
Controllability is a fundamental concept in control theory. Given a linear control system, we present new algorithms for estimating its distance to uncontrollability, i.e., the norm of the normwise smallest perturbation that makes the given system uncontrollable. Many algorithms have been previously proposed to estimate this distance. Our new algorithms are the first that correctly estimate this distance at a cost polynomial in a dimension of the given system. We report results from some numerical experiments that demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of these new algorithms.
Introduction One of the most fundamental concepts in control theory is that of controllability. A matrix pair n\Thetan \Theta C n\Thetam is controllable (see Kailath [20, pages 85-90]) if the state function in the linear control system can be directed from any given state to a desired state in finite time by an input could signal fundamental trouble with the control model or the underlying physical system itself (Byers [11]). A large number of algebraic and dynamic characterizations of controllability have been given (Laub [21], for example). But each and every one of these has difficulties when implemented in finite precision (Patel, Laub, and Van Dooren [27, page 15]). For instance, it is well known that (A; B) is controllable if and only if where C is the set of complex numbers. However, it is not clear how to numerically verify whether a system is controllable through (1.2). More critically, equation (1.2) does not provide any means to detect systems that are "nearly" uncontrollable, systems that could be equally troublesome. From these considerations, it became apparent (see Laub [21] and Paige [26]) that a more meaningful Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555. This research was supported in part by NSF Career Award CCR-9702866 and by Applied Mathematical Sciences Subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC03-76SF00098. measure is the distance to uncontrollability, the norm distance of the pair (A; B) from the set of all uncontrollable pairs: It was later shown by Eising [15, 16] that where oe n (G) denotes the n-th singular value of G 2 C n\Theta(n+m) . Demmel [12] relates ae(A; B) to the sensitivity of the pole-assignment problem. Many algorithms have been designed to compute ae(A; B). However, the function to be minimized in (1.4) is not convex and may have as many as n or more local minima. It is not clear just how many local minima there are for any given problem (Byers [11]). Methods that search for a local minimum tend to be efficient but have no guarantee of finding ae(A; B) with any accu- racy, since ae(A; B) is the global minimum (Boley [4, 6], Boley and Golub [5], Boley and Lu [7], Byers [11], Elsner and He [17], Miminis [24], and Wicks and DeCarlo [31]); and methods that search for the global minimum (Byers [11], Gao and Neumann [18], and He [19]) sometimes do have this guarantee, but require computing time that is inverse proportional to ae 2 (A; B), prohibitively expensive for nearly uncontrollable systems, the kind of systems for which computing ae(A; B) is important. While the backward stable algorithms of Beelen and Van Dooren [2, 3, 30] and Demmel and K-agstr-om [13, 14] are efficient and very useful for detecting uncontrollability, they often fail to detect near-uncontrollability. In this paper, we propose new methods to correctly estimate ae(A; B) to within a factor of 2. They are based on the following bisection method: Algorithm 1.1 Bisection Method. while endwhile The bisection idea was used to compute the distance of a stable matrix to the unstable matrices (Byers [10]). It was then used to compute the L1 norm of a transfer matrix (Boyd, Balakrishnan and Kabamba [9]); a quadratically convergent version of this later method was developed by Boyd and Balakrishnan [8]. There were past attempts to use Algorithm 1.1 to estimate ae(A; B) as well [11, 18]; but they have resulted in potentially prohibitively expensive algorithms. The critical difference between our new approach and earlier attempts lies in how to numerically verify whether ffi - ae(A; B). Our new approach is based on a novel verifying scheme (see Section 3.2). Paralleling the development of Boyd and Balakrishnan [8], we have also developed a generally quadratically convergent version of Algorithm 1.1. With very little modification, our new methods can be used to detect the uncontrollable modes for any given tolerance. The knowledge of such modes is essential if one wishes to remove them from the system. Complexity-wise, these new algorithms differ from previous algorithms in that they are the first algorithms that correctly estimate the distance at a cost polynomial in the matrix size. In fact, they require O(n 6 ) floating pointing operations. The main cost of these new algorithms is the computation of some eigenvalues of certain sparse generalized eigenvalue problems of size O(n 2 ). In x2 we review methods of Byers and Gao and Neumann to minimize the function in (1.4) when - is restricted to a straight line on the complex plane. In x3 we present our new methods to minimize the function in (1.4) over the entire complex plane. In x4 we present some numerical results. And In x5 we draw conclusions and discuss open questions. Minimization Methods over a Straight Line ih where - is a real variable. To motivate our new methods to minimize the function in (1.4) over the entire complex plane, in this section we present Algorithm 2.1 below to estimate the global minimum of g(-) to within a factor of 2 for a given complex number - 0 and a real angle '. This algorithm is a variation of the bisection schemes of [11, 18], which can actually compute the global minimum. Let - be a global minimizer. Algorithm 2.1 Bisection Method over a Straight Line while endwhile We will also discuss a quadratically convergent version of Algorithm 2.1 in x2.2. 2.1 The Bisection Method over a Straight Line Let g(- What is missing in Algorithm 2.1 is a scheme to numerically verify whether We discuss such a scheme below. Different versions of it were developed in Byers [11] and Gao and Neumann [18], and were based on earlier work of Byers [10]. We assume that ffi - g(- ). Since g(-) is a continuous function with lim it follows that there exist at least two solutions 1 to the equation By the definition of singular values, this implies that there exist non-zero vectors x y and z such that I B x y A \Gamma I x y has a double root at - . These equations can be rewritten asB B @ I B A \Gamma I \Gammaffi I 0 z x To simplify (2.2), we QR-factorize \Gammaffi I !/ and define / z y These relations and equation (2.2) imply that R z must be non-singular. It follows that z Hence equation (2.2) is reduced to@ A \Gamma I \Gammaffi I A \Gamma x which can be further rewritten as \Gammaffi I A !/ x e i' I 0 !/ x Since Q 12 is part of the Q factor in the QR factorization (2.3), it follows that 22 which imply Hence Q 12 is non-singular and the pencil in (2.4) is regular. It is now easy to show that condition only if the matrix pencil in (2.4) has a real eigenvalue - . To verify whether ffi - g(- ) in Algorithm 2.1, we compute the eigenvalues of the pencil in (2.4). If this pencil has real eigenvalues, then guarantees that 2ffi - g(- ) from the previous bisection step, the value of ffi after Algorithm 2.1 exits from the while loop must satisfy We note that equation (2.2) was not reduced in [11], making it more time consuming to verify whether It was reduced to a regular eigenvalue problem by solving for y in [18], but the reduction appears to be less numerically reliable than our reduction to (2.4). 2.2 A Quadratically Convergent Variation Boyd and Balakrishnan [8] note that in the context of computing the L1 -norm of a transfer matrix, the function to be minimized is in general approximately quadratic near the maximum, and they used this fact to design a quadratically convergent variation of a bisection method for computing the L1 -norm. Their idea applies equally well in minimizing (2.1). If enough and if - 1 and - 2 are two roots of closest to - , then arguments similar to those of [8] show that (- 1 is in general a much better approximation to - . We summarize this algorithm below. Algorithm 2.2 Quadratically Convergent Variation of Algorithm 2.1 while Choose two real eigenvalues - 1 and - 2 of the pencil (2.4). ae /2 . endwhile With arguments similar to those of [8], it is easy to show that if - 1 and - 2 are chosen correctly, then This estimate holds even if g(-) is not approximately quadratic near - . We caution that strictly speaking Algorithm 2.2 is not even asymptotically quadratically convergent, since it terminates as soon as it has found a ffi that satisfies (2.5). Nevertheless, relation (2.6) does indicate rapid convergence of Algorithm 2.2 when g(- ) is tiny. 3 Minimization Methods over the Complex Plane Now we discuss methods to minimize the function in (1.4) over the entire complex plane. Let One such method is Algorithm 1.1 discussed in x1. As in Algorithm 2.1, we need to develop a scheme to verify whether ffi ? ae(A; B) in order to complete Algorithm 1.1. To do so, we first prove a fundamental theorem in x3.1; we then provide such a scheme in x3.2; and finally we develop a generally quadratically convergent version of Algorithm 1.1 in x3.3. 3.1 A Fundamental Theorem Our scheme to verify whether ffi ? ae(A; B) is based on Theorem 3.1 below. Theorem 3.1 Assume that ffi ? ae(A; B). Then there are at least two pairs of real numbers ff and fi such that denotes a singular value of G. Proof: From standard perturbation theory we have Hence f(ff; fi) goes to infinity if jff does. It is well-known that f(ff; fi) is a continuous function of ff and fi. Consequently the fact that ffi ? ae(A; B) immediately implies that there exists a pair of From the definition of singular values, ff and fi satisfy if and only if they satisfy the algebraic equation det It follows from f(ff 1 that this algebraic equation has at least one solution; and it follows from (3.3) that all its solutions are finite. Consequently, these solutions form a finite number of closed (continuous) algebraic curves on the ff-fi plane. Now we claim that the point (ff ; fi ) must be in the interior of one of these closed curves. In fact, if this is not the case, then there exists a continuous curve - 1 (- 2 (-)) on the ff-fi plane that does not intersect with any of these algebraic curves but "connects" (ff ; fi ) and infinity: In other words, It follows from the continuity argument that there exists a - 1 such that f (- 1 (- 1 this contradicts the assumption that the curve -) does not intersect with any of the algebraic curves. Consequently, the point (ff ; fi ) must be in the interior of one of these closed curves. Among all closed curves that have (ff ; fi ) in their interior, let G denote the one that covers the smallest area. It follows from the same continuity argument that there exist two points on G with In other words, This fact has been shown in Byers [11] and Gao and Neumann [18]. For simplicity, we assume that P 1 and P 2 are chosen so that j 1 and j 2 are the smallest positive numbers. Since the point (ff ; fi ) is in the interior of G and also lies strictly inside the line segment between that any point that lies strictly inside this line segment is in the interior of curve G. Combining (3.4) with relation (3.3), we get Now we shift all the points on G horizontally by the same amount \Gammaj to get a closed curve is a point on G.g Since P 2 is a point on G, b a point on b G. Assume that Then relation (3.5) implies that b is a point that lies strictly inside the line segment between P 1 and P 2 . Hence b is in the interior of curve G. Let P be the leftmost point on G. Then is the leftmost point on b G. we have that b P 3 is in the exterior of G. In other words, we have found a point b that is on b G and in the interior of G, and another point b P 3 on b G that is in the exterior of G. Since G and b G are continuous closed curves, we conclude that these two curves intersect. intersecting point. It follows that both (ff 4 must be points on G. Hence ff 4 and fi 4 are a solution to (3.2). Therefore equations (3.2) have at least one solution. In the following argument we assume that (ff 4 ; fi 4 ) is the only intersecting point of G and b G. Let G 1 denote the set of points on b G that are either on G or in the interior of G and let G 1 denote the corresponding set of points on G. If b G 1 is not a closed curve itself, then b must be an open curve with one end point on G and the other in the interior of G. It follows that b must have positive arclength. Hence the portion of G without G 1 is a closed curve. But this contradicts the way G is constructed. This contradiction implies that b must be closed curves themselves. Let b denote the set of points on b G that are either on G or in the exterior of G and let G 2 denote the corresponding set of points on G. A similar argument shows that G 2 must be a closed curve as well. By construction, b do not share any common region with positive area. Hence (ff ; fi ) can only be in the interior of one of these closed curves, this implies that G is not a closed curve that has (ff ; fi ) in its interior and covers the smallest area, a contradiction to the way G was constructed. This contradiction is the result of the assumption that G and b G intersect only once. Hence G and b G must intersect at least twice, so equations (3.2) must have at least two real solutions. By a continuity argument, equations (3.2) have two, possibly identical, real solutions, even if 3.2 A New Verifying Scheme In the following we consider how to numerically verify whether equations (3.2) have a real solution. By the definition of singular values, equations (3.2) imply that there exist non-zero vectors x y x y , and b z such that x y x y x x y These equations can be rewritten asB @ A \Gamma ffI \Gammaffi I 0 z x z x and 0 z x z x In the QR factorization (2.3), define z y and b z These relations and equations (3.6) and (3.7) imply that R z non-singular, it follows that z Hence equations (3.6) and (3.7) are reduced to \Gammaffi I !/ x I 0 !/ x and / \Gammaffi I !/ x I 0 !/ x As shown in x2.1, Q 12 is always non-singular for Hence the matrix on the right hand sides of both (3.8) and (3.9) is non-singular. In order for the two pencils defined in (3.8) and (3.9) to share a common pure imaginary eigenvalue fii, the following matrix equation for X 2 R 2n\Theta2n \Gammaffi I I 0 I 0 \Gammaffi I must have a non-zero solution. Partition , this matrix equation becomes 12\Omega I 0 vec (X 22 ) vec (X 21 )C C C A ; 12\Omega )\Omega I 0 I\Omega \Omega I 12\Omega 12\Omega I \Gammaffi In these equations,\Omega is the Kronecker product and vec(G) is a vector formed by stacking the column vectors of G. To reduce (3.11) to a standard generalized eigenvalue problem, let (R be the RQ factorization of H, ; and define Then the first equation in (3.11) reduces to setting the second equation in (3.11) becomes where \GammaQ 12\Omega I 0I\Omega Q 12 Equation (3.13) is now a 2n 2 -by-2n 2 generalized eigenvalue problem. Hence we have reduced the problem of finding a non-zero solution to (3.10) to the generalized eigenvalue problem (3.13). To summarize, we have shown that in order for (3.2) to have at least one real solution (ff; fi), both matrix pencils in (3.8) and (3.9) must share a common pure imaginary eigenvalue fii. This requires that the matrix equation (3.10) must have a non-zero solution, which, in turn, is equivalent to requiring that the generalized eigenvalue problem (3.13) have a real eigenvalue ff. In order to verify whether ffi ? ae(A; B) in any bisection step of Algorithm 1.1, we set in (3.2) and check whether the generalized eigenvalue problem (3.13) has any real eigenvalues ff. If it does, we then check for each real ff whether the two matrix pencils in (3.8) and (3.9) share a common pure imaginary eigenvalue fii. If they do for at least one ff, then we have found a pair of ff and fi such that On the other hand, if (3.13) does not have a real eigenvalue, or if the matrix pencils in (3.8) and (3.9) do not share a common pure imaginary eigenvalue for any real eigenvalue of (3.13), then we conclude by Theorem 3.1 that On the other hand, Algorithm 1.1 guarantees that 2ffi - ae(A; B) from the previous bisection step. Thus the value of ffi after Algorithm 1.1 exits from the while loop must satisfy ae(A; B) 3.3 A Generally Quadratically Convergent Variation Algorithm 1.1 converges linearly. Following Boyd and Balakrishnan [8] (see x2.2), we develop a generally quadratically convergent version of Algorithm 1.1 in this section. In the following development, we assume that f(ff; fi) is analytic in both ff and fi in a small neighborhood of (ff ; fi ) so that f(ff; fi) permits the following expansions @ @ff where fl, -, and - are the relevent second-order partial derivatives at (ff ; fi ). We further assume that the matrix \Gamma j is positive definite. These expansions with a positive definite \Gamma imply that (ff ; fi ) is at least a local minimum. Now assume that ff and fi are such that f(ff It follows from (3.15) that @ @ff Expanding the partial derivative at (ff ; fi ) to get where we have used the fact that @ @ff be the two solutions to (3.2) that are near (ff ; fi ) (see Theorem 3.1). It follows that ff i and fi i satisfy both (3.17) and (3.16) 2. Now let i 1;i and i 2;i denote the error terms in (3.17) and (3.16) for (ff Consequently, It follows from the first equation that Plugging this into the second equation and simplifying: where O (j On the other hand, since \Gamma is assumed to be positive definite, equation (3.16) implies that O(-). Furthermore, the choice of Algorithm 1.1 ensures that The result can be rewritten as 3 +O(-) and (fi Combining these equations, Plugging this relation into (3.18) and combining the equations for 2 and fi new It follows that and that f (ff new ; fi new We note that this relation is very similar to (2.6). Now we modify Algorithm 1.1 to getThese relations hold as long as flj 2 =4 -. It is likely that under certain conditions, Theorem 3.1 holds for much larger values of j as well. Algorithm 3.1 Quadratically Convergent Variation of Algorithm 2.1 while Choose two real solutions (ff ae /2 . endwhile In our implementation, we computed f among adjacent pairs of real solutions and chose the pair with smallest f value. We note that in both Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1, we can compute a better initial guess ffi by using Algorithm 2.2 with some values of - 0 and ', such as Algorithm 3.1 was derived under the assumptions at the beginning of x3.3, which need not hold for all linear control systems of the form (1.1). Hence estimate (3.19) may not hold for some linear control systems. However, it is clear that Algorithm 3.1 converges at least linearly to arrive at an estimate ffi that satisfies (3.14). Similar to Algorithm 2.2, Algorithm 3.1 is not strictly speaking quadratically convergent since it terminates as soon as it has found a ffi that satisfies (3.14). Nevertheless, Algorithm 3.1 does converge much more rapidly than Algorithm 1.1 when ae(A; B) is tiny. We discuss this point further in x4. 3.4 Further Considerations Sometimes it may be more important to find the uncontrollable modes of (1.1) for a given tolerance ". In this case, we solve equations (3.2) with ". If there are no solutions to (3.2), then the system (1.1) is controllable; otherwise, each solution to (3.2) corresponds to an uncontrollable mode. Conversely, it is easy to see from the proof of Theorem 3.1 that any uncontrollable mode will result in at least two solutions to (3.2). Hence the set of all solutions to (3.2) provide approximations to the uncontrollable modes of (3.2). The formulas for ff new and fi new provide more accurate approximations to these modes. If ae(A; B) is very small, then small during the execution of Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1. In fact, for small enough j, the two different points ff + fii and ff look identical. Hence the solutions to (3.2) are potentially ill-conditioned. See x4 for more details. Like many other algorithms in engineering computations, such as those for semi-definite programming [1, 25, 29], both Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1 are expensive for large problems, since both the reduction to and the solution of the pencil (3.13) require O(n 6 ) floating point operations. However, the eigenvalue problem (3.11) is highly sparse as a 4n 2 \Theta 4n 2 problem. It is likely that sparse matrix computation technologies, such as the implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration [22, 23, 28], can be used to compute the real eigenvalues of (3.13) quickly. The effectiveness of this approach is currently under thorough investigation. 4 Numerical Experiments We have done some elementary numerical experiments with Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1. In this section we report some of the results obtained from these experiments. The experiments were done in matlab in double precision. Matrices in Examples 2 through 5 were taken from Gao and Neumann [18]. These are systems with small ae(A; B). Global optimization methods (Byers [11], Gao and Neumann [18], and He [19]) could require prohibitively expensive computation time to correctly estimate ae(A; B) in these cases. On the other hand, both Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1 worked well on them, with Algorithm 3.1 converging much faster than Algorithm 1.1 as expected. Example 1. In this example we took A 2 R 5\Theta5 and B 2 R 5 to be random matrices. This is a matrix pair with fairly large ae(A; B). Both Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1 took 2 iterations to terminate. This example illustrates that for linear systems (1.1) that are far away from the set of uncontrollable systems, both Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1 take very few iterations. Example 2. In this example we took This pair is uncontrollable since the smallest singular value of [A \Gamma (1 \Sigma 2i) I B] is zero. Algorithms 1.1 and 3.1 took 42 and 5 iterations, respectively, to find ae(A; Example 3. In this example we took \Gamma0:32616458 \Gamma0:09430266 0:05207847 \Gamma:08481401 0:05829280 0:01158922 \Gamma:39787419 \Gamma:14901699 \Gamma:01394125 \Gamma:10626942 0:05623810 \Gamma:03153954 \Gamma:50160557 \Gamma:05748511 \Gamma:00552321 iterations to return returned six distinct solutions to (3.2): (ff; and On the other hand, Algorithm 3.1 took 4 iterations to return returned one distinct solution (ff; Example 4. In this example we took \Gamma:22907968 0:08886286 \Gamma:18085425 \Gamma:03469234 \Gamma:32819211 \Gamma:02507663 :30736050 \Gamma:24819024 :21852948 \Gamma:06260819 iterations to return returned four distinct solutions On the other hand, Algorithm 3.1 took 3 iterations to return returned two distinct solutions (ff; Example 5. In this example we took \Gamma:27422658 \Gamma:21968089 \Gamma:21065336 \Gamma:22134064 0:19235875 \Gamma:07210867 :18848014 \Gamma:29068998 :28936270 0:10007703 \Gamma:03547166 :17931676 :14590007 :00556579 :38838791 \Gamma:07780546 \Gamma:29477373 :01366200 :32749991 \Gamma:0131683C C C C C A iterations to return returned 14 distinct solutions to (3.2). On the other hand, Algorithm 3.1 took 2 iterations to return for returned one distinct solution (ff; Example 6. In this example we took the matrix pair (A; B) from Example 2, and set where Q is a random orthogonal matrix. This new matrix pair is still uncontrollable. But Algorithm 1.1 took 28 iterations to return iterations to return This example illustrates that both algorithms can have numerical difficulties in correctly estimating ae(A; B) if it is very tiny. 5 Conclusions and Extensions In this paper, we have presented the first algorithms that require a cost polynomial in the matrix size to correctly estimate the controllability distance ae(A; B) for a given linear control system. And we have demonstrated their effectiveness and reliability through some numerical experiments. The biggest open question is how to further reduce the cost. At the core of these algorithms is the computation of all real eigenvalues of a sparse 4n 2 \Theta 4n 2 eigenvalue problem. Currently, we find these eigenvalues by treating the eigenvalue problem as a dense one, resulting in algorithms that are too expensive for large problems. In the future, we plan to exploit the possibility of finding these real eigenvalues via sparse matrix computation technologies, such as the implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration [22, 23, 28], to significantly reduce the computation cost; Another open question is to better understand the effects of finite precision arithmetic on the estimated distance ae(A; B). As we observed in x4, if ae(A; B) is very tiny, then the distance estimated by the new algorithms in finite precision could be much larger than the exact distance. Finally, the perturbation [\DeltaA; \DeltaB] in (1.3) can be complex even if both A and B are real. It is known (Byers [11]) that the norm-wise smallest real perturbation can be much larger than ae(A; B). Whether our new algorithms shed new light on the computation of the norm-wise smallest real perturbation remains to be seen. --R An improved algorithm for the computation of Kronecker's canonical form of a singular pencil. A class of staircase algorithms for generalized state space systems. Computing the controllability/observability decomposition of a linear time-invariant dynamic system: a numerical approach The Lanczos-Arnoldi algorithm and controllability Computing rank-deficiency of rectangular matrix pencils Measuring how far a controllable system is from uncontrollable one. A regularity result for the singular values of a transfer matrix and a quadratically convergent algorithm for computing its L1 A bisection method for computing the H1 norm of a transfer matrix and related problems. A bisection method for measuring the distance of a stable matrix to the unstable matrices. Detecting nearly uncontrollable pairs. On condition numbers and the distance to the nearest ill-posed problem The distance between a system and the set of uncontrollable systems. Between controllable and uncontrollable. An algorithm for computing the distance to uncontrollability. A global minimum search algorithm for estimating the distance to uncontrollability. Estimating the distance to uncontrollability: A fast method and a slow one. Linear Systems. Survey of computational methods in control theory. Analysis and Implementation of an Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration. Deflation techniques for an implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration. Numerical algorithms for controllability and eigenvalue location Properties of numerical algorithms related to computing controllability. Numerical Linear Algebra Techniques For Systems and Control. Implicit application of polynomial filters in a k-step Arnoldi method The computation of Kronecker's canonical form of a singular pencil. Computing the distance to an uncontrollable system. --TR
QR factorization;controllability;complexity;numerical stability
On the propagation of long-range dependence in the Internet.
This paper analyzes how TCP congestion control can propagate self-similarity between distant areas of the Internet. This property of TCP is due to its congestion control algorithm, which adapts to self-similar fluctuations on several timescales. The mechanisms and limitations of this propagation are investigated, and it is demonstrated that if a TCP connection shares a bottleneck link with a self-similar background traffic flow, it propagates the correlation structure of the background traffic flow above a characteristic timescale. The cut-off timescale depends on the end-to-end path properties, e.g., round-trip time and average window size. It is also demonstrated that even short TCP connections can propagate long-range correlations effectively. Our analysis reveals that if congestion periods in a connection's hops are long-range dependent, then the end-user perceived end-to-end traffic is also long-range dependent and it is characterized by the largest Hurst exponent. Furthermore, it is shown that self-similarity of one TCP stream can be passed on to other TCP streams that it is multiplexed with. These mechanisms complement the widespread scaling phenomena reported in a number of recent papers. Our arguments are supported with a combination of analytic techniques, simulations and statistical analyses of real Internet traffic measurements.
INTRODUCTION Statistical self-similarity and long-range dependence are important topics of recent research studies. Both phenomena are related to certain scale-independent statistical proper- ties. Statistical self-similarity can be detected when trafc rate uctuates on several timescales and its distribution scales with the level of aggregation. Long-range dependence means that the correlation decays slower than in traditional tra-c models (e.g., Markovian), i.e., it decays hyperboli- cally. A number of authors have argued that self-similarity in data networks can be induced by higher layer protocols [4] [5] [19] [21] [23] [24]. In this paper we do not discuss the roots of self-similarity, instead, we demonstrate how the induced self-similarity is propagated and spread in the net-work by lower layer adaptive protocols, in particular, by TCP, which represents the dominant transport protocol of the Internet. The phenomenon of self-similarity was observed in data networks in [11] [12], followed by several experimental papers showing fractal characteristics in other types of networks and tra-c, e.g., in video tra-c [2] [9] or in ATM networks [15]. A comprehensive bibliographical guide is presented in [25]. These observations have seriously questioned the validity of previous short memory models when applied to net-work performance analysis [19]. The impact of self-similar models on queuing performance has been investigated in a number of papers [3] [6] [16]. Considerable eort has been made to explore the causes of this phenomenon. In [4] the authors argue that self-similarity is induced by the heavy-tailed distribution of le sizes found in Web tra-c. In [24] Ethernet LAN tra-c was modeled as a superposition of independent On/O processes with On and O periods having heavy-tailed distributions. An important related theoretical result [21] proves that the superposition of a large number of such independent alternating On/O processes converges to Fractional Gaussian Noise. To prove the validity of this model in TCP/IP networks, several papers have investigated the connection between application level le sizes, user think-times, and the On/O model. As there are several layers between the application and the link layer, it is of primary importance to investigate how protocols convert and transfer heavy-tails through the protocol stack down to lower layers. The eect of TCP and UDP transport protocols are investigated in [7] [17] [18] and it is found that TCP preserves long-range dependence (LRD) from application to link-layer. Based on this result, the authors of [7] and [8] argue that transport mechanisms aect strongly the short timescale behavior of tra-c, but they have no impact in large timescales. In this paper we demonstrate that this statement is valid only for the local behavior of TCP when only the tra-c of a single link is investigated. In contrast, in the network case a surprisingly complex mechanism is present. TCP uses an end-to-end congestion control algorithm to continuously adapt its rate to actual network conditions. If network conditions are governed by large timescale uc- tuations, then TCP will \sense" this and react accordingly. This paper shows that TCP adapts to tra-c rate uctua- tions on several timescales e-ciently. Moreover, we demonstrate that TCP can be modeled as a linear system above a characteristic timescale of a few round-trip times, which implies that the correlation structure of a background tra-c stream is taken over faithfully by an adaptive TCP ow. In particular, it is shown that TCP can inherit self-similarity from a self-similar background tra-c stream. Since TCP has an end-to-end control, while adapting to these uctuations, it propagates self-similarity encountered on its path all along from the source to the destination host. We also demonstrate that if a TCP stream is multiplexed with another one, it can pass on self-similar scaling to the other TCP stream, depending on network conditions. In our model the network is regarded as a mesh of end-to-end adaptive streams. Intertwined TCP streams can spread self-similarity throughout the network contributing to global scaling. By analyzing the eects from a network point of view we argue that, on one hand, TCP plays an important role in balancing and propagating global scaling. On the other hand, it keeps local scaling intact where it is already strong. This way we complement results reported in [7]. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the basic mechanisms behind these phenomena. To clarify our terminology, we brie y summarize the definition of a few basic concepts. be a weakly stationary process representing the amount of data transmitted in consecutive short time periods. Let aggregated process. X is called exactly self-similar with self-similarity parameter H if Xk d k and the equality is in the sense of nite-dimensional distributions. In the case of second-order self-similarity, X and m 1 H X (m) have the same variance and autocorrelation. Second-order self-similarity manifests itself in several equivalent ways, one of them is that the spectral density of the process decays as 1 2H at the origin as f ! 0. Throughout the paper we use the term \self-similarity" to refer to scaling of second-order properties over some specic timescales or asymptotically in large timescales, which is equivalent to long-range dependence if H > 0:5 [14] [22]. We note that certain statements of the paper are also valid in the sense of exact statistical self-similarity. The ns-2 simulator 1 was used for the network simulations. Several variants of TCP were investigated (Tahoe, Reno, however, we found that the conclusions are invariant to the TCP version. The paper is organized as follows. A TCP measurement is analyzed showing self-similar scaling for the tra-c of a single long TCP connection, and a possible explanation is presented based on a few simple assumptions in Section 2. Section 3 investigates how TCP adapts to uctuations on dierent timescales, and it is shown that TCP in a bottleneck buer can be modeled as a linear system above a characteristic timescale of a few round-trip times. In Section 4 we investigate how an aggregate of TCP sessions with durations of heavy-tailed and light-tailed distributions propagates self-similarity of a background tra-c stream. Finally, in Section 5, we present results about the spreading of self-similarity in the network case when TCP has to pass multiple hops and compete for resources with other TCP streams. 2. ADAPTIVITYOFTCP:APOSSIBLECAUSE OF WIDESPREAD SELF-SIMILARITY We carried out the following experiment. A large le was downloaded (a tra-c trace le from the Internet Tra-c Archive) from an FTP server ( to a client host hops away in Hungary (, passing several backbone providers and even a trans-Atlantic link. At the client side there was no other tra-c present. The client was directly connected to an ISP by a 128 kbps leased line. All packets were captured at the client side with the utility 2 . The amount of bytes received was 50 Mbyte and it was logged with a resolution of 50 ms during the le transfer for 6900 s. The average throughput, which takes into account the retransmissions and the TCP/IP overhead, was about 58 kbps, i.e., some congestion were experienced in the network. The average round-trip delay between the server and the client was 208 ms. From the packet trace we concluded that the version of the TCP was Reno. Tests were performed for the presence of self-similarity. Here we present three tests, the rst and second ones are based on the scaling of the absolute moments (also called absolute mean and variance-time plots [20]), and the third one is a wavelet-based analysis [1], see Figure 1. The result of the tests suggests asymptotic self-similarity with Hurst parameter around 0:75. During the experiment, there was only one connection active on the link, so explanations based on the superposition of heavy-tailed On/O processes or chaotic behavior [23] are not applicable. However, the investigated TCP connection traversed several backbone links where, due to the large tra-c aggregations, self-similarity could arise either because of heavy-tails or chaotic competition. Presumably, whatever the reason for self-similarity was, the TCP connection ns (version 2) http://www-mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU/ns 2 Tcpdump is available at log10(m)4.55.5 log10(Absval) log10(m)9.011.0log10(Var) Octave Logscale Diagram Figure 1: Scaling analysis of the tra-c generated by a le transfer logged at the client side. a) Absolute mean method H 0:76. b) Variance-time plot H 0:77. c) Wavelet analysis H 0:74 [0.738, 0.749]. Bottleneck buffer Host A LRD traffic Host B bottleneck Network before bottleneck Network after Router R LRD LRD Figure 2: Network model adapted to the background tra-c stream at the bottleneck link, and the eect of the adaptation was that self-similarity was propagated to the measurement point. Next a simple analytic model is introduced supporting this argument. All relevant components of the simplied network model are depicted in Figure 2. A single greedy TCP connection sends data between host A and host B. The path of the connection consists of three parts: a network cloud before and after router R and a bottleneck buer in router R, where the connection has to share service capacity and buer space with a self-similar background tra-c ow. Self-similarity of the background tra-c can be induced, for example, by large aggregations of innite variance On/O streams as suggested in [4]. In the analytic model it is assumed that TCP can adapt ideally to a background tra-c stream in a bottleneck buer. Under \ideal adaptivity" we mean that the TCP connection is able to consume all remaining capacity unused by the background tra-c stream. It is also assumed that the TCP connection does not have any eect on the background tra-c. The generality of this assumption covers several practical cases, for example, if the background ow is a large aggregate consisting of a large number of con- nections. The limits of these assumptions are analyzed later in the paper. Denote the background tra-c rate by B(t), 0 B(t) C, where C is the service rate of the bottleneck buer in bit per seconds. If TCP congestion control is \ideal" and its eect on the background tra-c is neglected, then the TCP connection will utilize all unused service in the bottleneck. The rate of the \ideal" TCP ow is denoted by A(t): The resulting process is simply a shifted and inverted version of B(t), which implies that the correlation structure of processes A(t) and B(t) are the same. In other words, TCP \inherits" the statistical properties of the background pro- cess. In particular, let us model the background tra-c rate as Fractional Gaussian Noise aNH (t) (1) where m is the average rate in bit per seconds [bps], a is the variance, and NH (t) is a normalized FGN process with Hurst parameter H. Note that FGN is a discrete time process, so the rate at time t is approximated by the amount of bytes sent during su-ciently small constant duration time periods. Based on the arguments above, the adapting TCP will also be an FGN with the same statistical self-similarity exponent H. As TCP congestion control works end-to-end, the same tra-c rate can be measured along the path before and after router R as well. This implies that TCP propagates self-similarity or LRD to parts of the network where otherwise it would not be present. The result above is based on a simple scenario using a few as- sumptions, such as ideal TCP adaptivity, single bottleneck, and assuming that the TCP ow does not modify the background tra-c characteristics. However, if the implications of this simple scenario are valid in real TCP/IP networks, the consequences for tra-c engineering are far reaching. Regarding this, we are going to address the following important questions: 1. What are the limitations of TCP adaptation, i.e., how \ideal" is TCP congestion control when propagating self-similarity or other statistical properties? 2. A single long-living connection was used in the simple network model and in the measurement. Can self-similarity be propagated by short duration TCP connections 3. The background LRD tra-c ow used was non-adaptive. Is self-similarity still propagated if the background traf- ow is an aggregate of adaptive 4. We considered a single bottleneck on the TCP path. On the other hand, in most cases TCP connections traverse multiple routers and buers multiplexing with multiple self-similar inputs. What are the characteristics of the end-to-end TCP ow in this case? 5. Is self-similarity propagated between adaptive connec- tions, i.e., can self-similarity be inherited from one TCP to another one that has no direct contact with the source of self-similarity? 3. TCP AS A LINEAR SYSTEM In the previous section it was assumed that TCP congestion control is \ideal", which, as a matter of course, cannot be the case in real networks. The consequence of self-similarity is that uctuations are not limited to a certain timescale. When analyzing how \real" TCPs propagate self-similarity, the adaptation of TCP to uctuations on several timescales should be investigated. In this section it is shown that TCP in a bottleneck buer can be modeled as a linear system, i.e., takes over the correlation structure of the background tra-c through a linear function. TCP is an adaptive mechanism, which tries to utilize all free resources on its path. Adaptation is performed as a complex control loop called the congestion control algorithm. Of course, full adaptation is not possible, as the network does not provide prompt and explicit information about the amount of free resources. TCP itself must test the path continuously by increasing its sending rate gradually until congestion is detected, signaled by a packet loss, and then it adjusts its internal state variables accordingly. Using this al- gorithm, TCP congestion control is able to roughly estimate the optimal load in a few round trip times. Since congestion control was introduced in the Internet [10], it has proved its e-ciency in keeping network-wide congestion under control in a wide range of tra-c scenarios. background stream Measurement point Figure 3: Simulation model for the test of TCP adaptivity to a self-similar background tra-c stream. The two buers are identical: service rates propagation delays buer sizes In this section we analyze the adaptivity of TCP, and conclude that a simple network conguration, which consists of a single bottleneck buer shared by a \generator" ow and a \response" TCP ow, can be well modeled as a linear system above a characteristic timescale. The cut-o timescale depends on the path properties of the connection. The linear system transforms certain statistical properties, e.g., au- tocovariance, between the \generator" stream and the \re- sponse" tra-c stream through a transform function, which is characteristic of the network conguration. 3.1 Measuring the Adaptivity of TCP on Several Timescales In the rst analysis a single, long, greedy TCP stream is mixed with random background tra-c streams. See Figure 3 for the conguration. The background streams are constructed in a way, such that they uctuate on a limited, narrow timescale. To limit the timescale under investiga- tion, the background tra-c approximates a constant amplitude sine wave of a given frequency f : Abackground (f; a sin(2ft +)+m where is a uniformly distributed random variable between [0; 2]. The process Abackground (f; t) is a stationary ergodic stochastic process with correlation The power spectrum of this process consists of a single frequency component at f . In the simulation the background process had to be approximated by a packet stream (packet size of 1000 bytes), with the result that the spectrum is not an impulse but a narrow spike, see Figure 4. If TCP is able to adapt to the uctuations of the background tra-c ow, the same frequency f should appear as a signicant spike in the power spectrum of the TCP tra-c rate process as well. The ratio of the amplitudes of this frequency component in the spectra is a measure of the success of TCP adaptation on this timescale. Denote the measure of adaptivity at frequency f by D(f) where Sbackground (f) is the spectral density of the background tra-c rate process at frequency f and Stcp(f) is the spectral density of the adapting TCP rate process at the same frequency. Figure 4 depicts an experiment with a background signal of 0:01[1=s]. The top part of the gure shows the spectrum of the background tra-c approximating a sine wave of frequency f . The bottom part is the measured spectrum of the TCP response. The spectrum of the response has a sig- 0Spectral density density Figure 4: Frequency response to a sine wave of TCP response). In this conguration the measure of adaptivity is D(0:01) 1. frequency [1/s]0.20.61measure of adaptivity Tahoe Reno New Reno Reno w delayed Ack Figure 5: Measure of adaptivity D(f) as a function of the frequency for several TCP variants. nicant spike at f , but it also contains a few smaller spikes at higher frequencies caused by the congestion control. Conducting the experiment for a wide range of frequencies f , it is possible to plot the adaptivity curve of TCP. Figure 5 shows the result for several versions of TCP. Note that the shape of the function only slightly depends on the TCP ver- sion. It can be seen that TCP adapts well to frequencies below f0 0:15[1=s], but it cannot adapt e-ciently to uc- tuations on higher frequencies in this conguration. At f0 a resonance eect can be observed, at this frequency TCP is more aggressive, and gains even higher throughput than what is left unused by the non-adaptive background ow. This frequency is equal to the dominant frequency of the TCP congestion window process when there is no background tra-c present (idle frequency), see Figure 6. In [13] a macroscopic model for TCP connections was published. It is derived that if every p th packet is lost for a TCP connection, then the congestion window process traverses a periodic saw- frequency [1/s] Spectral density Figure Spectrum of TCP congestion window process when no background tra-c is present. tooth and the length of the period is RTT is the round-trip time of the path in seconds and W is the maximum window size in packets. In our case we can approximate is the buer size in packets, C is the service rate in packets per second, and d is the total round-trip propagation delay in seconds. The maximum window size is Cd, which is the maximum number of packets in the pipe (buer and link). This gives an estimate of 0:15[1/s]. The result agrees with the measured resonance frequency f0 , and conrms our argument that the resonance eect observed in the measure of adaptivity function D(f) is due to the TCP window cycles (see Figure 4b). The characteristic timescale of the TCP window cycles ranges in relatively wide ranges in real networks, and the relation of T RTT W=2 can be used for an approximation. For example, if the round-trip time, which in the previous simulation was approximately 0.33 s, is rather in the range of a few tens of milliseconds, the cut-o timescale drops below Even below this timescale TCP adapts to uctuations, though the eectiveness is limited, as shown by the transmission curve; f0 approximately separates tra-c dynamics to \local" and \global" scales, above f0 it is the background process which shapes the spectrum, below f0 the spectrum is a result of TCP control dynamics and external stochastic processes has less impact on it. In the next section we analyze the case when the background tra-c stream is more complex and contains uctuations on several timescales. 3.2 Tests for Linearity In real networks background tra-c is not limited to a single timescale. In the following we analyze the case when several frequencies are present and test whether TCP is able to adapt to uctuations on these timescales or not. The motivation is to prove that TCP can adapt to uctuations on 1e+062e+06 spectral density spectral density background Figure 7: TCP frequency response to the superposition of 10 random phase sine waves. top) background tra-c, bottom) TCP response. several timescales independently of each other, more pre- cisely, we want to show that TCP control forms a linear system in this conguration. By linear system we mean that if the background tra-c rate is given by B(t), and the adapting TCP tra-c rate A(t) is expressed using a function , then where is a linear function of B, i.e., (a1B1 In case of ideal adaptivity, takes the simple form of and the TCP rate is obtained simply as 2. If the background tra-c is a superposition of streams then the rate of TCP is given by This construction provides us with a simple test on linearity: we investigate the response to the superposition of several streams and investigate the spectrum of the response. Figure 7 shows the spectral density of the background and the TCP response when the background is a composition of 10 random phase sine waves equidistantly spaced in a logarithmic scale (the nonzero widths of the spikes are due to the fact that the background mix only approximates sine waves with varying packet spacing). It can be observed that was able to adapt to all frequency components in the mix below To test whether TCP really adapts to uctuations indepen- dently, a wide range of tra-c mixes were simulated consisting of two frequencies f1 and f2 . A large number of simulations were performed, covering a whole plane with the two frequencies, in the range of [0:05; 500][1=s]. Then, the adaptivity measure for one of the frequencies (D(f1 calculated. If the system is linear, the measure of adaptivity function at frequency f1 should be independent of the measure of adaptivity Figure 8: Measure of TCP adaptivity D(f1 ) when the background process is composed of two frequencies f1 and f2 . other frequency f2 . The results of the simulations support our conclusions, see Figure 8. 3.3 Response to White Noise In the previous analysis the background processes were limited to superpositions of sine wave processes. In real networks background tra-c streams cannot be modeled by just a few frequency components, it is more appropriate to model background tra-c streams as \noises". Two types of special noises are most relevant in tra-c mod- eling: the White Noise (WN) process and the Fractional Gaussian Noise (FGN) process. The White Noise process is the appropriate signal for analyzing the frequency response of a system and the Fractional Gaussian Noise process frequently appears as the limit process of tra-c aggregations [21]. If TCP is a linear system, then it should transform the correlation of any complex stochastic process, e.g., WN or FGN through the same transform function. In this section the response of TCP to a WN process is analyzed. WN is a special noise as it has constant spectral density. If TCP is linear, then it should respond with the characteristic curve obtained previously. The result is depicted in Figure 9. The similarity of the curve to our previous test-signal based test supports the linearity argument. In addition, the constant at range, which starts at a characteristic timescale and spans several timescales upwards, provides us with information about the timescale limitation of TCP adaptivity. Note that this mechanism behaves like a low-pass lter. 4. TCP ADAPTATION TO SELF-SIMILAR BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Once we have investigated the linearity of TCP and have shown that the transform function is at below a characteristic frequency, it is quite obvious to expect that TCP, while adapting to signals of complex frequency content, reproduces the same spectral density as the original signal above a timescale, which depends on the path properties (round-trip time, size of the pipe, etc. density Figure 9: a) TCP's frequency response to white noise, spectral density (dots) and its smoothed version (line). b) Measure of adaptivity D(f), see also Figure If, for example, TCP traverses a link where the tra-c shows self-similarity, it will adapt to it with a spectral response equal to the spectrum of the self-similar tra-c (asymptoti- cally). As TCP is end-to-end control, this property is \prop- agated" all along the TCP connection path. A visual test can be seen in Figure 10, where tra-c rates of a self-similar stream and an adapting TCP are depicted. The gure shows that on larger timescales the trace mirrors the FGN trace. Figure 11 shows the power spectrum of the TCP and FGN traces of Figure 10 at an aggregation level of 10ms. As suggested in the previous section, TCP shows the same spectrum as FGN at timescales above 1-10s, i.e., TCP tra-c shows asymptotically second-order self-similarity with the same scaling parameter 4.1 Can Adaptive SRDTraffic Propagate Self-Similarity So far we have analyzed cases when long greedy TCP sessions were mixed with background tra-c. It has been shown that the distribution of le sizes in Web tra-c is heavy-tailed [5]. This increases the probability of the occurrence of such long TCP connections. Nevertheless, it is investigated whether short duration TCPs (durations with light-tailed distributions) have the same adaptivity property to LRD tra-c or not. A positive answer increases the generality of our argument. Based on previous work [21] we would expect that if On and O durations are light-tailed, the aggregate tra-c is short-range dependent (SRD). This section demonstrates that TCP streams have LRD properties in spite of the short-range dependent result suggested by the On/O model. During the simulation we established k parallel sessions. Within each session TCP connections were generated independently and the durations of TCP connections were exponentially distributed (with mean TOn) followed by exponentially distributed silent periods (TOff ). The simulation was started from the equilibrium state of the process. (See time [s]500015000bytes per 100ms trace 100 120 140 160 180 200500015000bytes per 100ms FGN trace 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 time [s]5e+05bytes per 1s trace 2000 2500 3000 3500 40005e+05bytes per 1s FGN trace Figure 10: Traces of FGN adapting ows at two aggregation levels. a) 100ms aggregation aggregation Figure 12.) Let's denote the number of active TCPs at time t by N(t), 0 N(t) k. With this construction N(t) is a stationary Markov process and it is short-range dependent. See the self-similarity tests for N(t) in Figure 13 (H 0:5). On the other hand, if these sessions are mixed with LRD background tra-c, the aggregate TCP tra-c, i.e., the amount of bytes transmitted by all TCPs, is LRD (Figure 13). The reason is that the superposition of short duration TCPs can e-ciently adapt to a background LRD process just like one long duration TCP connection. A real network measurement also supports our argument. Short les (90 kbyte) were downloaded using the wget utility from to (round- time RTT 180 ms, average download rate r 160 kbps, SACK TCP) 3 . Whenever the download ended, a new down-load was initiated for the same le. The experiment lasted for an hour, and the le was downloaded about 800 times. The tra-c was captured with tcpdump at the client host. The Variance-Time plot shows that the tra-c rate dynamics was self-similar, inspite of the short le-sizes, see Figure 14. As a new download does not use any memory from 3 Note that the access speed at the side was increased to 256 kbps during this measurement. log10(f) [1/s]2.06.0log10(S(f)) log10(f) [1/s]2.06.0log10(S(f)) Figure 11: a) Power spectrum of background tra-c spectrum of TCP tra-c adapting to the FGN, estimated a previous TCP connection, long-range correlations can be explained only by the long-memory dynamics of the net- work. In case of smaller les, TCP's capability to adapt to changing network conditions decreases. Although 90 kbyte is larger than the current average le size in the Internet, it has to be emphasized that a subset of connections is enough to propagate self-similarity. Furthermore, if HTTP 1.1 replaces HTTP 1.0, persistent TCP connections will be able to adapt better to tra-c uctuations, eventually improving the propagation eect; similarly, if a TCP implementation preserves some state from a previous connection, the propagation eect is improved. 4.2 Discussion on SRD TCP Streams For simplicity, rst assume that there is only one session with On/O TCP connections multiplexed with LRD tra-c. In this case N(t) takes the values 0 or 1 for exponentially distributed durations. Assuming ideal adaptivity, when the session is active (a TCP is active) it can grab all capacity left unused by the background LRD tra-c. Then the tra-c rate during the active periods of the On/O session can be expressed by (bit rate) left by the self-similar background tra-c, F (t) is an FGN process, see Section 2. During inactive periods Thus the tra-c rate of the TCP controlled On/O background stream On/Off TCP streams Router 1 (C1,B1,d1) Figure 12: Simulation model of SRD driven TCP tra-c multiplexed with self-similar background trafc 5ms, sessions with exponentially distributed On and O periods with means log10 (m)3.05.0 log10 log10 (m) log10 Figure 13: a) Absolute mean test for the On/O process N(t) (H 0:5) and the aggregate TCP tra-c (H 0:73). b) Variance-time plots, H 0:5 and H 0:72, respectively. session for all t can be written in explicit form as Assuming that the sessions are independent of the background process (N(t) and F (t) are independent), the auto-covariance of A(t): F (5) Figure 14: Variance-time plot of tra-c generated by short le transfers from to, logging resolution 100 ms, H 0:7. The left hand side of the product is The same holds for F (t), and so the covariance can be written as F Finally, F If F (t) is LRD, its autocovariance decays asymptotically as F () F as !1, where 0 F < 1. On the other hand, if N(t) is SRD, its autocovariance decays asymptotically faster than N where N 1. Consequently, the covariance of A(t) decays asymptotically at the lower rate, in this case at the rate of the background LRD process since F < If the On/O process is LRD as well, e.g., the On and/or O times are heavy-tailed, then asymptotically the larger Hurst exponent is measured on the path. In practice, the border of the scaling region depends on the actual shape of the covariances and the means mA and mF . If there are more than one On/O streams sharing the bottleneck buer with a self-similar background tra-c stream, takes higher values than 1 as well. However, for the adaptivity of the aggregate it is su-cient to have at least one active connection as it was shown in Section 4.1. The aggregate tra-c of multiple On/O streams adapting to a background stream may be approximated by where (:) is the Heaviside-function, and 0 otherwise). [N(t)] itself is also an On/O process. Router 1 Router N Figure 15: A TCP connection traversing multiple hops with independent background LRD (H i ) inputs If the On/O processes are independent and they are exponentially distributed, then N(t) forms a Markov process ([N(t)] is the indicator process for the empty state of this Markov chain) and it is SRD. The conclusion of this section is that if the end-to-end service uses TCP connections, then the tra-c generated by the service is also adaptive, and in this case the adaptivity of the end-to-end service is su-cient to \propagate" LRD to other parts of the network. Moreover, if N(t) is LRD, then the larger Hurst exponent max(HN ; HF ) is propagated. 5. SPREADING OF SELF-SIMILARITY IN Previously we analyzed the case when a TCP connection shares a single bottleneck buer with LRD background traf- c, and it was only this bottleneck that aected the rate of TCP. In this section the network case is discussed. Two aspects are analyzed. The rst one deals with the case when the path of an adaptive connection passes through several buers with self-similar inputs. These buers are candidates to become bottlenecks occasionally during the lifetime of the connection. The second one investigates whether self-similarity can spread from one adaptive connection to the other causing widespread self-similarity in a network area. The presented results are intended to highlight the basic mechanisms, so the investigated scenarios are simplied for the ease of discussion. 5.1 Discussion of the Multiple Link Case A wide area TCP connection usually spans 10-15 routers along its path, out of which there are usually several back-bone routers with high level of aggregated tra-c, see Figure 15. A TCP connection has to adapt to the whole path. The capacity of the end-to-end path, at time t, depends on which buer is the bottleneck at this time. Because of tra-c uctuations, the location of the bottleneck moves randomly from one router to the other. Assuming ideal end-to-end adaptivity, the rate of the adaptive TCP connection is equal to the free capacity of the bottleneck link at time t: where N is the number of links and F i (t) denotes the free capacity of the i th link on the path. For simplicity, assume that the crossing background LRD streams on the links are independent and the link at time t is either empty: F i F3 FGN H=0.6 Figure Variance-Time plots of F i FGN processes of respectively (identical mean rates and variance), and the end-to-end process (t). The end-to-end path is characterized by H 0:8 asymptotically. simplication the rate of the adaptive connection can be written as Y In the previous section it was shown that the product of independent LRD processes is also LRD and it is asymptotically characterized by the largest exponent: Thus, in the multiple link case it is the largest Hurst exponent among the background LRD streams on the links that characterizes the TCP connection. For a numerical example using more complex processes, four FGN background samples were generated with equal mean rates, but with dierent Hurst exponents, to model F i (t), Figure 16. The end-to-end process A(t), which is the minimum of the FGN processes, is asymptotically second-order self-similar, and it has the same Hurst exponent as the largest Hurst exponent among the F i (t) pro- cesses, i.e., the result is the same as in the simple full/empty case. Another possible interpretation of (13) is that we consider the F i (t) not as rate processes, but as indicator processes of congestion. From the end user perspective it is important to analyze whether the network is able to support the expected service level requirements, for example, whether the le transfer rate degrades below an acceptable level or not. Let F i (t) be the indicator process of link i indicating whether the link is congested and it cannot support the expected service rate for the connection or is not congested 1). Thus, if the background congestion indicator processes are LRD, then it is the largest Hurst exponent that characterizes the end-to-end service characteristics of the investigated TCP connection. indirect stream FGN stream direct stream Figure 17: Network model for the investigation of self-similarity spreading. 5.2 Spreading of Self-Similarity among Adaptive Connections in Multiple Steps So far, in all analyzed cases, adaptive tra-c was in direct contact with self-similar background tra-c. In this section it is investigated whether self-similarity caused by adaptation can be passed on to adaptive tra-c streams that have no direct contact with the source of self-similarity. A few simple conditions are given as well. Assuming that our argument is valid, self-similarity can spread out from a localized area, consequently, strong self-similarity is balanced throughout a wider area of the network. A simple network scenario is used for the investigation. An adaptive tra-c stream (direct stream) shares a link with self-similar FGN tra-c. The direct stream is mixed with another adaptive stream on a second link, which itself has no direct connection with the FGN tra-c (indirect stream), see Figure 17. The data rate of the direct stream is thus aected by two other streams, and also the two adaptive streams have an eect on one another. We are going to investigate the statistical properties of both the direct and the indirect streams. Assume ideal adaptivity and max-min fairness among the adaptive streams. Also assume that the service rates of both links are equal (C). If the background stream was inactive, the bottleneck would be the rst buer and the adaptive streams would share simply half the service rate, both sending at a rate of C=2. A dir In the presence of the FGN stream owing through the second buer, the rates can still remain C=2, unless it is the second buer which becomes the bottleneck, i.e., when the capacity left unused by the FGN stream is C AFGN (t) < C=2. In this case the direct stream can use at most A dir = C AFGN (t), so the indirect stream can grab all remaining service capacity in the rst buer A In short: A dir A indir Calculation of the autocovariance of A dir and A indir is dicult because of the min and max operators. We consider two simple, extreme cases. In the rst case, the rate of the background LRD stream is always greater than C=2, simplifying the expressions to A dir AFGN (t), i.e., spreading of self-similarity is ideal. In the second extreme case the rate of background process is always smaller than C=2, leading to A dir i.e., self-similarity disappears from both adaptive streams. These results has been veried by simulations as well. log10(d)13 log10(R/S) log10(d)13 log10(R/S) Figure a) R/S plot of heavy-tailed stream 0:82. b) R/S plot of indirect stream The investigated scenario demonstrates the simplest mechanism of how adaptive connections may have eect on each other. We simulated a more complex scenario, where the synthetic FGN stream is replaced by an aggregate stream of randomly generated short TCP le transfers. The distribution of the le sizes is heavy-tailed. The direct and indirect TCP streams are also replaced by aggregates, but the le sizes within these aggregates are light-tailed. The streams consist of nheavy tailed sessions.The le size distributions are Pareto distributions with the following parameters: the average le size is 40 kbyte for all streams, the average waiting time between les is 20 sec. The shape parameters are aheavy tailed = 1:1 and a both the le size and the waiting time distributions. With these parameters only one stream has heavy-tails (aheavy tailed < 2). The results of the simulation experiment are depicted in Figure 18. As suggested in [4] the tra-c stream consisting of heavy-tailed le downloads is LRD (H 0:82). Further- more, the indirect tra-c stream, although it was created using light-tailed distributions is LRD as well (H 0:71). The cause is that long-range dependent uctuations are propagated via the indirect stream. Performing the previous experiment using dierent param- eters, we have found that depending on the tra-c mix, the spreading between indirect and direct streams can be strong but it can be weak as well. In certain cases, spreading to an indirect stream does not happen at all, just like in the simple analytic example assuming ideal TCP ows and max-min fairness. The exact requirements for spreading are subjects for further study. 6. CONCLUSIONS It was demonstrated how a TCP connection, when mixed with self-similar tra-c in a bottleneck buer, takes on its statistical second order self-similarity, propagating scaling phenomena to other parts of the network. It is suggested that the adaptation of TCP to a background tra-c stream can be modeled by a linear system and the validity of our approach is analyzed. It was shown that TCP inherits self-similarity when it is mixed with self-similar background trafc in a bottleneck buer through the transform function of the linear system. This property was demonstrated for both short and long duration TCP connections. We also investigated TCP behavior in a networking environment. It was found that if congestion periods are long-range dependent in several hops on a connection's path, the largest Hurst exponent characterizes the end-to-end connection. It was also demonstrated that TCP ows, in certain scenarios, can pass on self-similarity to each other in multiple hops. The presented mechanisms are basic \building blocks" in a future wide-area tra-c model, and in real-life it is always their combined eect that we can observe. The presented network measurements are intended to highlight the basic mechanisms in simplied network scenarios, when it can be assured that only the network conditions and TCP's response to network conditions are the cause of the investigated phe- nomena. As thousands of parallel TCP connections continuously intertwine the Internet, the mechanisms described in this paper can provide us with a deeper insight why significant and strong self-similarity is a general and widespread phenomenon in current data networks. 7. --R Wavelet analysis of long-range-dependent tra-c Heavy tra-c analysis of a storage model with long range dependent on/o sources Experimental queuing analysis with long-range dependent packet tra-c Dynamics of IP tra-c: A study of the role of variability and the impact of control Data networks as cascades: Investigating the multifractal nature of Internet WAN tra-c Congestion avoidance and control. On the self-similar nature of Ethernet tra-c On the self-similar nature of Ethernet tra-c (extended version) The macroscopic behavior of the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm. A storage model with self-similar input On the relationship between On the e area tra-c: The failure of Poisson modeling Estimators for long-range dependence: an empirical study Proof of a fundamental result in self-similar tra-c modeling On self-similar tra-c in ATM queues: De nitions The chaotic nature of TCP congestion control. A bibliographical guide to self-similar tra-c and performance modeling for modern high-speed networks --TR Congestion avoidance and control On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic (extended version) Analysis, modeling and generation of self-similar VBR video traffic area traffic Experimental queueing analysis with long-range dependent packet traffic through high-variability On self-similar traffic in ATM queues Proof of a fundamental result in self-similar traffic modeling The macroscopic behavior of the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm Self-similarity in World Wide Web traffic Data networks as cascades Heavy-tailed probability distributions in the World Wide Web Dynamics of IP traffic On the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similar network traffic --CTR W. Feng , P. Tinnakornsrisuphap, The failure of TCP in high-performance computational grids, Proceedings of the 2000 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (CDROM), p.37-es, November 04-10, 2000, Dallas, Texas, United States H. Sivakumar , S. Bailey , R. L. Grossman, PSockets: the case for application-level network striping for data intensive applications using high speed wide area networks, Proceedings of the 2000 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (CDROM), p.37-es, November 04-10, 2000, Dallas, Texas, United States Daniel R. Figueiredo , Benyuan Liu , Vishal Misra , Don Towsley, On the autocorrelation structure of TCP traffic, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.40 n.3, p.339-361, 22 October 2002 Guanghui He , Yuan Gao , Jennifer C. Hou , Kihong Park, A case for exploiting self-similarity of network traffic in TCP congestion control, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, v.45 n.6, p.743-766, 21 August 2004 Dan Rubenstein , Jim Kurose , Don Towsley, Detecting shared congestion of flows via end-to-end measurement, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), v.10 n.3, p.381-395, June 2002 Thomas Karagiannis , Michalis Faloutsos , Mart Molle, A user-friendly self-similarity analysis tool, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, v.33 n.3, July Vincenzo Liberatore, Circular arrangements and cyclic broadcast scheduling, Journal of Algorithms, v.51 n.2, p.185-215, May 2004
TCP congestion control;long-range dependence;TCP adaptivity;self-similarity
Staircase Failures Explained by Orthogonal Versal Forms.
Treating matrices as points in n2-dimensional space, we apply geometry to study and explain algorithms for the numerical determination of the Jordan structure of a matrix. Traditional notions such as sensitivity of subspaces are replaced with angles between tangent spaces of manifolds in n2-dimensional space. We show that the subspace sensitivity is associated with a small angle between complementary subspaces of a tangent space on a manifold in n2-dimensional space. We further show that staircase algorithm failure is related to a small angle between what we call staircase invariant space and this tangent space. The matrix notions in n2-dimensional space are generalized to pencils in 2mn-dimensional space. We apply our theory to special examples studied by Boley, Demmel, and Kgstrm.
Introduction . The problem of accurately computing Jordan and Kronecker canonical structures of matrices and pencils has captured the attention of many specialists in numerical linear algebra. Standard algorithms for this process are denoted "staircase algorithms" because of the shape of the resulting matrices [22, Page 370], but understanding of how and why they fail is incomplete. In this paper, we study the geometry of matrices in n 2 dimensional space and pencils in 2mn dimensional space to explain these failures. This follows a geometrical program to complement and perhaps replace traditional numerical concepts associated with matrix subspaces that are usually viewed in n dimensional space. This paper targets expert readers who are already familiar with the staircase algorithm. We refer readers to [22, Page 370] and [10] for excellent background material and we list other literature in Section 1.1 for the reader wishing a comprehensive understanding of the algorithm. On the mathematical side, it is also helpful if the reader has some knowledge of Arnold's theory of versal forms, though a dedicated reader should be able to read this paper without such knowledge, perhaps skipping Section 3.2. The most important contributions of this paper may be summarized: ffl A geometrical explanation of staircase algorithm failures Department of Mathematics Room 2-380, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307,,, supported by NSF grants 9501278-DMS and 9404326-CCR. y Department of Mathematics Room 2-333, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307,, supported by NSF grants 9501278-DMS. ffl Identification of three significant subspaces that decompose matrix or pencil space: T b ,R, S. The most important of these spaces is S, which we choose to call the "staircase invariant space". ffl The idea that the staircase algorithm computes an Arnold normal form that is numerically more appropriate than Arnold's ``matrices depending on parameters''. ffl A first order perturbation theory for the staircase algorithm ffl Illustration of the theory using an example by Boley [3] The paper is organized as follows: In Section 1.1 we briefly review the literature on staircase algorithms. In Section 1.2 we introduce concepts that we call pure, greedy and directed staircase to emphasize subtle distinctions on how the algorithm might be used. Section 1.3 contains some important messages that result from the theory to follow. Section 2 presents two similar looking matrices with very different staircase behavior. Section 3 studies the relevant n 2 dimensional geometry of matrix space while Section 4 applies this theory to the staircase algorithm. The main result may be found in Theorem 6. Sections 5, 6 and 7 mimic Sections 2, 3 and 4 for matrix pencils. Section 8 applies the theory towards special cases introduced by Boley [3] and Demmel and B. Kagstrom [12]. 1.1. Jordan/Kronecker Algorithm History. The first staircase algorithm was given by Kubla- novskaya for Jordan structure in 1966 [31], where a normalized QR factorization is used for rank determination and nullspace separation. Ruhe [34] first introduced the use of the SVD into the algorithm in 1970. The SVD idea is further developed by Golub and Wilkinson [23, Section 10]. Kagstrom and Ruhe [27, 28] wrote the first library quality software for the complete JNF reduction, with the capability of returning after different steps in the reduction. Recently, Chatitin-Chatelin and Frayss'e [6] developed a non-staircase "qualitative" approach. The staircase algorithm for the Kronecker structure of pencils is given by Van Dooren [13, 14, 15] and Kagstrom and Ruhe [29]. Kublanovskaya [32] fully analyzed the AB algorithm, however, earlier work on the AB algorithm goes back to the 1970s. Kagstrom [25, 26] gave a RGDSVD/RGQZD algorithm and this provided a base for later work on software. Error bounds for this algorithm are given by Demmel and Kagstrom [8, 9]. Beelen and Van Dooren [2] gave an improved algorithm which requires O(m 2 n) operations for m \Theta n pencils. Boley [3] studied the sensitivity of the algebraic structure. Error bounds are given by Demmel and Kagstrom [10, 11]. Staircase algorithms are used both theoretically and practically. Elmroth and Kagstrom [19] use the staircase algorithm to test the set of 2-by-3 pencils hence to analyze the algorithm, Demmel and Edelman [7] use the algorithm to calculate the dimension of matrices and pencils with a given form. Dooren [14, 20, 30, 5], Emami-Naeini [20], Kautsky and Nichols [30], Boley [5], Wicks and DeCarlo [35] consider systems and control applications. Software for control theory is provided by Demmel and Kagstrom [12]. A number of papers use geometry to understand Jordan and Kronecker structure problems. Fair- grieve [21] regularizes by taking the most degenerate matrix in a neighborhood, Edelman, Elmroth and Kagstrom [17, 18] study versality and stratifications, and Boley [4] concentrates on stratifications. 1.2. The Staircase Algorithms. Staircase algorithms for the Jordan and Kronecker form work by making sequences of rank decisions in combination with eigenvalue computations. We wish to emphasize a few variations on how the algorithm might be used by coining the terms pure staircase, greedy staircase, and directed staircase. Pseudocode for the Jordan versions appear near the end of this subsection. In combination with these three choices, one can choose an option of zeroing or not. These choices are explained below. The three variations for purposes of discussion are considered in exact arithmetic. The pure version is the pure mathematician's algorithm: it gives precisely the Jordan structure of a given matrix. The greedy version (also useful for a pure mathematician!) attempts to find the most "interesting" Jordan structure near the given matrix. The directed staircase attempts to find a nearby matrix with a preconceived Jordan structure. Roughly speaking, the difference between pure, greedy, and directed is whether the Jordan structure is determined by the matrix, a user controlled neighborhood of the matrix, or directly by the user respectively. In the pure staircase algorithm, rank decisions are made using the singular value decomposition. An explicit distinction is made between zero singular values and nonzero singular values. This determines the exact Jordan form of the input matrix. The greedy staircase algorithm attempts to find the most interesting Jordan structure nearby the given matrix. Here the word "interesting" (or degenerate) is used in the sense of precious gems, the rarer, the more interesting. Algorithmically, as many singular values as possible are thresholded to zero with a user defined threshold. The more singular values that are set to 0, the rarer in the sense of codimension (see [7, 17, 18]). The directed staircase algorithm allows the user to decide in advance what Jordan structure is desired. The Jordan structure dictates which singular values are set to 0. Directed staircase is used in a few special circumstances. For example, it is used when separating the zero Jordan structure from the right singular structure (used in GUPTRI [10, 11]). Moreover, Elmroth and Kagstrom imposed structures by the staircase algorithm in their investigation of the set of 2 \Theta 3 pencils [19]. Recently, Lippert and Edelman [33] use directed staircase to compute an initial guess for a Newton minimization approach to computing the nearest matrix with a given form in the Frobenius norm. In the greedy and directed modes if we explicitly zero the singular values, we end up computing a new matrix in staircase form that has the same Jordan structure as a matrix near the original one. If we do not explicitly zero the singular values, we end up computing a matrix that is orthogonally similar to the original one (in the absence of roundoff errors), that is nearly in staircase form. For example, in GUPTRI [11], the choice of whether to zero the singular values is made by the user with an input parameter named zero which may be true or false. To summarize the many choices associated with a staircase algorithm, there are really five distinct algorithms worth considering: the pure algorithm stands on its own, otherwise the two choices of combinatorial structure (greedy and directed) may be paired with the choice to zero or not. Thereby we have the five algorithms: 1. pure staircase 2. greedy staircase with zeroing 3. greedy staircase without zeroing 4. directed staircase with zeroing 5. directed staircase without zeroing Notice that in the pure staircase, we do not specify zeroing or not, since both will give the same result vacuously. Of course algorithms run in finite precision. One further detail is that there is some freedom in the singular value calculations which lead to an ambiguity in the staircase form: in the case of unequal singular values, an order must be specified, and when singular values are equal, there is a choice of basis to be made. We will not specify any order for the SVD, except that all singular values considered to be zero appear first. In the ith loop iteration, we use w i to denote the number of singular values that are considered to be 0. For the directed algorithm, w i are input, otherwise, w i are computed. In pseudocode, we have the following staircase algorithms for computing the Jordan form corresponding to eigenvalue . INPUT: specify pure, greedy, or direct mode specify zeroing or not zeroing OUTPUT: matrix A that may or may not be in staircase form while A tmp not full rank Use the SVD to compute an n tmp by n tmp unitary matrix V whose leading w i columns span the nullspace or an approximation Choice I: Pure: Use the SVD algorithm to compute w i and the exact nullspace Choice II: Greedy: Use the SVD algorithm and threshold the small singular values with a user specified tolerance, thereby defining w i . The corresponding singular vectors become the first w i vectors of V . Choice III: Directed: Use the SVD algorithm, the w i are defined from the input Jordan structure. The w i singular vectors are the first w i columns of V . Let A tmp be the lower right n corner of A endwhile If zeroing, return A in the form I + a block strictly upper triangular matrix. While the staircase algorithm often works very well, it has been known to fail. We can say that the greedy algorithm fails if it does not detect a matrix with the least generic form [7] possible within a given tolerance. We say that the directed algorithm fails if the staircase form it produces is very far (orders of magnitude, in terms of the usual Frobenious norm of matrix space) from the staircase form of the nearest matrix with the intended structure. In this paper, we mainly concentrate on the greedy staircase algorithm and its failure, but the theory is applicable to both approaches. We emphasize that we are intentionally vague about how "far" is "far" as this may be application dependent, but we will consider several orders of magnitude to constitute the notion of "far". 1.3. Geometry of Staircase and Arnold forms. Our geometrical approach is inspired by Arnold's theory of versality [1]. For readers already familiar with Arnold's theory, we point out that we have a new normal form that enjoys the same properties as Arnold's original form, but is more useful numerically. For numerical analysts, we point out that these ideas are important for understanding the staircase algorithm. Perhaps it is safe to say that numerical analysts have had an "Arnold Normal Form" for years, but we did not recognize as such - the computer was doing it for us automatically. The power of the normal form that we introduce in Section 3 is that it provides a first order rounding theory of the staircase algorithm. We will show that instead of decomposing the perturbation space into the normal space and a tangent space at a matrix A, the algorithm chooses a so called staircase invariant space to take the place of the normal space. When some directions in the staircase invariant space are very close to the tangent space, the algorithm can fail. From the theory, we decompose the matrix space into three subspaces that we call T b , R and S, the precise definitions of the three spaces are given in Definitions 1 and 3. Here, T b and R are two subspaces of the tangent space, and S is a certain complimentary space of the tangent space in the matrix space. For the impatient reader, we point out that angles between these spaces are related to the behavior of the staircase algorithm; note that R is always orthogonal to S. (We use ! \Delta; \Delta ? to represent the angle between two spaces.) angles components A Staircase fails ! no weak stair no large large =2 small small stair no large small =2 small large small =2 large large Here, by a weak stair [16], we mean the near rank deficiency of any superdiagonal block of the strictly block upper triangular matrix A. 2. A Staircase Algorithm Failure to Motivate the Theory. Consider the two matrices where ffi =1.5e-9 is approximately on the order of the square root of the double precision machine roughly 2.2e-16. Both of these matrices clearly have the Jordan structure J 3 (0), but the staircase algorithm on A 1 and A 2 can behave very differently. To test this, we used the GUPTRI [11] algorithm. GUPTRI 1 requires an input matrix A and two tolerance parameters EPSU and GAP. We ran GUPTRI on ~ 2.2e-14 is roughly 100 times the double precision machine ffl. The singular values of each of the two matrices ~ A 1 and ~ A 2 are oe 8.8816e-15. We set GAP to be always 1, and let we vary the value of a (The tolerance is effectively a). Our observations are tabulated below. a computed Jordan Structure for ~ A 1 computed Jordan Structure for ~ a Here, we use J k () to represent a k \Theta k Jordan block with eigenvalue . In the table, typically ff 6= fi 6= 0. Setting a small (smaller than here, which is the smaller singular value in the second stage), the software returns two nonzero singular values in the first and second stages of the algorithm and one nonzero singular value in the third stage. Setting EPSU \Theta GAP large (larger than oe 2 here), we zero two singular values in the first stage and one in the second stage giving the structure J 2 (0) \Phi J 1 (0) for both ~ A 1 and ~ (There is a matrix within O(10 \Gamma9 ) of A 1 and A 2 of the form (0)). The most interesting case is in between. For appropriate EPSU \Theta GAP a (between fl and oe 2 here), we zero one singular value in each of the three stages, getting a J 3 (0) which is O(10 \Gamma14 ) away for A 2 , while we can only get a J 3 (0) which is O(10 \Gamma6 ) away for A 1 . In other words, the staircase algorithm fails for A 1 but not for A 2 . As pictured in Figure 2.1, the A 1 example indicates that a matrix 1 GUPTRI [10, 11] is a "greedy" algorithm with a sophisticated thresholding procedure based on two input parameters EPSU and GAP 1. We threshold oe (Defining oe n+1 j 0). The first argument of the maximum oe k ensures a large gap between thresholded and non-thresholded singular values. The second argument ensures that oe k\Gamma1 is small. Readers who look at the GUPTRI software should note that singular values are ordered from smallest to largest, contrary to modern convention. of the correct Jordan structure may be within the specified tolerance, but the staircase algorithm may fail to find it. Consider the situation when A 1 and A 2 are transformed using a random orthogonal matrix Q. As a second experiment, we pick \Gamma:39878 :20047 \Gamma:89487 \Gamma:84538 \Gamma:45853 :27400 and take ~ This will impose a perturbation of order ffl. We ran GUPTRI on these two matrices; the following is the result: a computed Jordan Structure for ~ A 1 computed Jordan Structure for ~ a In the table, other values are the same as in the previous table. In this case, GUPTRI is still able to detect a J 3 structure for ~ although the one it finds is O(10 \Gamma6 ) away. But it fails to find any J 3 structure at all for ~ A 1 . The comparison of A 1 and A 2 in the two experiments indicates that the explanation is more subtle than the notion of a weak stair (a superdiagonal block that is almost column rank deficient) [16]. In this paper we present a geometrical theory that clearly predicts the difference between A 1 and A 2 . The theory is based on how close certain directions that we will denote staircase invariant directions are to the tangent space of the manifold of matrices similar to the matrix with specified canonical form. It turns out that for A 1 , these directions are nearly in the tangent space, but not for A 2 . This is the crucial difference! The tangent directions and the staircase invariant directions combine to form a "versal deformation" in the sense of Arnold [1], but one with more useful properties for our purposes. 3. Staircase Invariant Space and Versal Deformations. 3.1. The Staircase Invariant Space and Related Subspaces. We consider block matrices as in Figure 3.1. Dividing a matrix A into blocks of row and column sizes we obtain a general block matrix. A block matrix is conforming to A if it is also partitioned into blocks of JA Fig. 2.1. The staircase algorithm fails to find A1 at distance 2.2e-14 from ~ but does find a J3 (0) or a J2 (0) \Phi J1 (0) if given a much larger tolerance. (The latter is ffi away from ~ .) in the same manner as A. If a general block matrix has non-zero entries only in the upper triangular blocks excluding the diagonal blocks, we call it a block strictly upper triangular matrix. If a general block matrix has non-zero entries only in the lower triangular blocks including the diagonal blocks, we call it a block lower triangular matrix. A matrix A is in staircase form if we can divide A into blocks of sizes A is a strictly block upper triangular matrix and every superdiagonal block has full column rank. If a general block matrix only has nonzero entries on its diagonal blocks, and each diagonal block is an orthogonal matrix, we call it a block diagonal orthogonal matrix. We call the matrix e B a block orthogonal matrix (conforming to a block anti-symmetric matrix (conforming to (i.e. B is anti-symmetric with zero diagonal blocks. Here, we abuse the word "conforming" since e B does not have a block structure.) Definition 1. Suppose A is a matrix in staircase form. We call S a staircase invariant matrix of A if S T is block lower triangular. We call the space of matrices consisting of all such S the staircase invariant space of A, and denote it by S. We remark that the columns of S will not be independent except possibly when can be the zero matrix as an extreme case. However the generic sparsity structure of S may be determined by general block matrix block strictly upper triangular matrix block lower triangular matrix00000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000011111111111111000000011111111111111 matrix in staircase block diagonal orthogonal matrix block orthogonal matrix arbitrary block0000000000000000000011111111111111111111 full column rank block00000000000000111111111111111111111 orthogonal block special block zero block Fig. 3.1. A schematic of the block matrices defined in the text. the sizes of the blocks. For example, let A have the staircase form \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \ThetaC C C C C C C C A is a staircase invariant matrix of A if every column of S is a left eigenvector of A. Here, the ffi notation indicates 0 entries in the block lower triangular part of S that are a consequence of the requirement that every column be a left eigenvector. This may be formulated as a general rule: if we find more than one block of size n i \Theta n i then only those blocks on the lowest block row appear in the sparsity structure of S. For example, the ffi do not appear because they are above another block of size 2. As a special case, if A is strictly upper triangular, then S is 0 above the bottom row as is shown below. Readers familiar with Arnold's normal form will notice that if A is a given single Jordan block in normal form, then S contains the versal directions. \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \ThetaC C C C C A Definition 2. Suppose A is a matrix. We call O(A) is a non-singular matrixg the orbit of a matrix A. We call T any matrixg the tangent space of O(A) at A. Theorem 1. Let A be an n \Theta n matrix in staircase form, then the staircase invariant space S of A and the tangent space T form an oblique decomposition of n \Theta n matrix space, i.e. R Proof: Assume that A i;j , the (i; j) block of A, is n i \Theta n j for and of course A There are n 2 1 degrees of freedom in the first block column of S because there are n 1 columns and each column may be chosen from the n 1 dimensional space of left eigenvectors of A. Indeed there are n 2 degrees of freedom in the ith block, because each of the n i columns may be chosen from the n i dimensional space of left eigenvectors of the matrix obtained from A by deleting the first rows and columns. The total number of degrees of freedom is i , which combined with dim(T gives the dimension of the whole space n 2 . If S 2 S is also in T then S has the form AX \Gamma XA for some matrix X. Our first step will be to show that X must have block upper triangular form after which we will conclude that AX \Gamma XA is strictly block upper triangular. Since S is block lower triangular, it will then follow that if it is also in must be 0. Let i be the first block column of X which does not have block upper triangular structure. Clearly the ith block column of XA is 0 below the diagonal block, so that the ith block column of contains vectors in the column space of A. However every column of S is a left eigenvector of A from the definition (notice that we do not require these column vectors of S to be independent, the one Jordan block case is a good example.), and therefore orthogonal to the column space of A. Thus the ith block column of S is 0, and from the full column rank conditions on the superdiagonal blocks of A, we conclude that X is 0 below the block diagonal. Definition 3. Suppose A is a matrix. We call O is a block anti-symmetric matrix conforming to Ag the block orthogonal-orbit of a matrix A. We call is a block anti-symmetric matrix conforming to Ag the block tangent space of the block orthogonal orbit O b (A) at A. We call R j f block strictly upper triangular matrix conforming to Ag the strictly upper block space of A. Note that because of the complementary structure of the two matrices R and S, we can see that S is always orthogonal to R. Theorem 2. Let A be an n \Theta n matrix in staircase form, then the tangent space T of the orbit O(A) can be split into the block tangent space T b of the orbit O b (A) and the strictly upper block space Proof: We know that the tangent space T of the orbit at A has dimension . If we decompose into a block upper triangular matrix and a block anti-symmetric matrix, we can decompose every strictly upper triangular matrix and a matrix in T b . Since R, each of T b and R has dimension 1=2(n must both be exactly of dimension 1=2(n Thus we know that they actually form a decomposition of T , and the strictly upper block space R can also be represented as R j conforming to Ag: Corollary 1. R n 2 Figure 3.2. In Definition 3, we really do not need the whole set merely need a small neighborhood around Readers may well wish to skip ahead to Section 4, but for those interested in mathematical technicalities we review a few simple concepts. Suppose that we have partitioned An orthogonal decomposition of n-dimensional space into k mutually orthogonal subspaces of dimensions is a point on the flag manifold. (When this is the Grassmann manifold). Equivalently, a point on the flag manifold is specified by a filtration, i.e., a nested sequence of subspaces V i of dimension The corresponding decomposition can be written as This may be expressed concretely. If from a unitary matrix U , we only define V i for A R Fig. 3.2. A diagram of the orbits and related spaces. The similarity orbit at A is indicated by a surface O(A), the block orthogonal orbit is indicated by a curve O b (A) on the surface, the tangent space of O b (A), T b is indicated by a line, R which lies on O(A) is pictured as a line too, and the staircase invariant space S is represented by a line pointing away from the plane. the span of the first n 1 a point on the flag manifold. Of course many unitary matrices U will correspond to the same flag manifold point. In an open neighborhood of fe B g, near the point e the map between fe B g and an open subset of the flag manifold is a one to one homeomorphism. The former set is referred to as a local cross section [24, Lemma 4.1, page 123] in Lie algebra. No two unitary matrices in a local cross section would have the same sequence of subspaces 3.2. Staircase as a Versal Deformation. Next, we are going to build up the theory of our versal form. Following Arnold [1], a deformation of a matrix A, is a matrix A() with entries that are power series in the complex variables i , where convergent in a neighborhood of with A. A good introduction to versal deformations may be found in [1, Section 2.4] or [17]. The key property of a versal deformation is that it has enough parameters so that no matter how the matrix is perturbed, it may be made equivalent by analytic transformations to the versal deformation with some choice of parameters. The advantage of this concept for a numerical analyst is that we might make a rounding error in any direction and yet still think of this as a perturbation to a standard canonical form. Let ae M be a smooth submanifold of a manifold M . We consider a smooth mapping A : !M of another manifold into M , and let be a point in such that A() 2 N . The mapping A is called transversal to N at if the tangent space to M at A() is the direct sum Here, TM A() is the tangent space of M at A(), TN A() is the tangent space of N at A(), T is the tangent space of at and A is the mapping from T to TM A() induced by A (It is the Jacobian). Theorem 3. Suppose A is in staircase form. Fix S i 2 dim(S). It follows that is a versal deformation of every particular A() for small enough. A() is miniversal at is a basis of S. Proof: Theorem 1 tells us the mapping A() is transversal to the orbit at A. From the equivalence of transversality and versality [1], we know that A() is a versal deformation of A. Since the dimension of the staircase invariant space S is the codimension of the orbit, A() given by Equation (3.1) is a miniversal deformation if the S i are a basis for S (i.e. dim(S)). More is true, A() is a versal deformation of every matrix in a neighborhood of A, in other words, the space S is transversal to the orbit of every A(). Take a set of matrices X i s.t. the X i A \Gamma AX i form a basis of the tangent space T of the orbit at A. We know T \Phi , here \Phi implies T " so there is a fixed minimum angle ' between T and S. For small enough , we can guarantee that the X i are still linearly independent of each other and they span a subspace of the tangent space at A() that is at least, say, '=2 away from S. This means that the tangent space at A() is transversal to S. Arnold's theory concentrates on general similarity transformations. As we have seen above, the staircase invariant directions are a perfect versal deformation. This idea can be refined to consider similarity transformations that are block orthogonal. Everything is the same as above, except that we add the block strictly upper triangular matrices R to compensate for the restriction to block orthogonal matrices. We now spell this out in detail: Definition 4. If the matrix C() is block orthogonal for every , then we refer to the deformation as a block orthogonal deformation. We say that two deformations A() and B() are block orthogonally-equivalent if there exists a block orthogonal deformation C() of the identity matrix such that We say that a deformation A() is block orthogonally-versal if any other deformation B() is block orthogonally-equivalent to the deformation A(OE()). Here, OE is a mapping analytic at 0 with Theorem 4. A deformation A() of A is block orthogonally-versal iff the mapping A() is transversal to the block orthogonal-orbit of A at Proof: The proof follows Arnold [1, Sections 2.3 and 2.4] except that we use the block orthogonal version of the relevant notions, and we remember that the tangents to the block orthogonal group are the commutators of A with the block anti-symmetric matrices. Since we know that T can be decomposed into T b \Phi R, we get: Theorem 5. Suppose a matrix A is in staircase form. Fix S i 2 and k dim(S). Fix R It follows that is a block orthogonally-versal deformation of every particular A() for small enough. A() is block orthogonally-miniversal at A if fS i g, fR j g are bases of S and R. It is not hard to see that the theory we set up for matrices with all eigenvalues 0 can be generalized to a matrix A with different eigenvalues. The staircase form is a block upper triangular matrix, each of its diagonal blocks of the form staircase form defined at the beginning of this chapter, and superdiagonal blocks arbitrary matrices. Its staircase invariant space is spanned by the block diagonal matrices, each diagonal block being in the staircase invariant space of the corresponding diagonal block A i . R space is spanned by the block strictly upper triangular matrices s.t. every diagonal block is in the R space of the corresponding A i . T b is defined exactly the same as in the one eigenvalue case. All our theorems are still valid. When we give the definitions or apply the theorems, we do not really use the values of the eigenvalues, all that is important is how many different eigenvalues A has. In other words, we are working with bundle instead of orbit. These forms are normal forms that have the same property as the Arnold's normal form: they are continuous under perturbation. The reason that we introduce block orthogonal notation is that the staircase algorithm is a realization to first order of the block orthogonally-versal deformation, as we will see in the next section. 4. Application to Matrix Staircase Forms. We are ready to understand the staircase algorithm described in Section 1.2. We concentrate on matrices with all eigenvalues 0, since otherwise, the staircase algorithm will separate other structures and continue recursively. We use the notation stair(A) to denote the output A of the staircase algorithm as described in Section 1.2. Now suppose that we have a matrix A which is in staircase form. To zeroth order, any instance of the staircase algorithm replaces A with " diagonal orthogonal. Of course this does not change the staircase structure of A; the Q 0 represents the arbitrary rotations within the subspaces, and can depend on how the software is written, and the subtlety of roundoff errors when many singular values are 0. Next, suppose that we perturb A by fflE. According to Corollary 1, we can decompose the perturbation matrix uniquely as Theorem 6 states that in addition to some block diagonal matrix Q 0 , the staircase algorithm will apply a block orthogonal similarity transformation to kill the perturbation in Theorem 6. Suppose that A is a matrix in staircase form and E is any perturbation matrix. The staircase algorithm (without zeroing) on A + fflE will produce an orthogonal matrix Q (depending on ffl) and the output matrix A has the same staircase structure as A, " S is a staircase invariant matrix of " A and " R is a block strictly upper triangular matrix. If singular values are zeroed out, then the algorithm further kills " S and outputs " R+ o(ffl). Proof: After the first stage of the staircase algorithm, the first block column is orthogonal to the other columns, and this property is preserved through the completion of the algorithm. Generally, after the ith iteration, the ith block column below (including) the diagonal block is orthogonal to all other columns to its right, and this property is preserved all through. So when the algorithm terminates, we will have a matrix whose columns below (including) the diagonal block are orthogonal to all the columns to the right, in other words, it is a matrix in staircase form plus a staircase invariant matrix. We can always write the similarity transformation matrix as a block diagonal orthogonal matrix and X is a block anti-symmetric matrix that does not depend on ffl because of the local cross section property that we mentioned at the beginning of Section 3. Notice that is not a constant matrix decided by A, it depends on fflE to its first order, we should have written instead of Q 0 . However, we do not expand Q 0 since as long as it is a block diagonal orthogonal transformation, it does not change the staircase structure of the matrix. Hence, we get R and " T b are respectively Q T . It is easy to check that T b is still in the space of " A. X is a block anti-symmetric matrix satisfying " AX. We know that X is uniquely determined because the dimensions of " b and the block anti-symmetric matrix space are the same. The reason that " AX hence the last equality in (4.1) holds is because the algorithm forces the output form as described in the first paragraph of this proof: " R is in staircase form and ffl " S is a staircase invariant matrix. Since (S \Phi R) " T b is the zero matrix, the T b term must vanish. To understand more clearly what this observation tells us, let us check some simple situations. If the matrix A is only perturbed in the direction S or R, then the similarity transformation will be simply a block diagonal orthogonal matrix Q 0 . If we ignore this transformation which does not change any structure, we can think of the output to be unchanged from the input, this is the reason we call S the staircase invariant space. The reason we did not include R into the staircase invariant space is that fflR is still within O b (A). If the matrix A is only perturbed along the block tangent direction T b , then the staircase algorithm will kill the perturbation and do a block diagonal orthogonal similarity transformation. Although the staircase algorithm decides this Q 0 step by step all through the algorithm (due to SVD rank decisions), we can actually think of the Q 0 as decided at the first step. We can even ignore this Q 0 because the only reason it comes up is that the svd we use follows a specific way to sort singular values when they are different, and to choose the basis of the singular vector space when the same singular values appear. We know that every matrix A can be reduced to a staircase form under an orthogonal transformation, in other words, we can always think of any general matrix M as P T AP , where A is in staircase form. Thus in general, the staircase algorithm always introduces an orthogonal transformation and returns a matrix in staircase form and a first order perturbation in its staircase invariant direction, i.e. stair(M It is now obvious that if a staircase form matrix A has its S and T almost normal to each other, then the staircase algorithm will behave very well. On the other hand, if S is very close to T then it will fail. To emphasize this, we write it as a conclusion. Conclusion 1. The angle between the staircase invariant space S and the tangent space T decides the behavior of the staircase algorithm. The smaller the angle, the worse the algorithm behaves. In the one Jordan block case, we have an if-and-only-if condition for S to be near T . Theorem 7. Let A be an n \Theta n matrix in staircase form and suppose that all of its block sizes are 1 \Theta 1, then S(A) is close to T (A) iff the following two conditions hold: (1)(row condition) there exists a non-zero row in A s.t. every entry on this row is o(1); (2)(chain condition) there exists a chain of length with the chain value O(1), where k is the lowest row satisfying (1). Here, we call A i 1 ;i 2 a chain of length t and the product A i 1 ;i 2 is the chain value. Proof Notice that S being close to T is equivalent to S being almost perpendicular to N , the normal space of A. In this case, N is spanned by fI; A T ; A consists of matrices with nonzero entries only in the last row. Considering the angle between any two matrices from the two spaces, it is straightforward to show that S is almost perpendicular to N is equivalent to (1) there exists a k s.t. the (n; entry of each of the matrices I; A (2) if the entry is o(1), then it must have some other O(1) entry in the same matrix. Assume k is the largest choice if there are different k's. By a combinatorial argument, we can show that these two conditions are equivalent to the row and chain conditions respectively in our theorem. Remark 1. Note that there exists an O(1) entry in a matrix is equivalent to say that there exists a singular value of the matrix of O(1). So, the chain condition is the same as saying that the singular values of A n\Gammak are not all O(ffl) or smaller. Generally, we do not have an if-and-only-if condition for S to be close to T , we only have a necessary condition, that is, only if at least one of the superdiagonal blocks of the original unperturbed matrix has a singular value almost 0, i.e. it has a weak stair, will S be close to T . Actually, it is not hard to show that the angle between T b and R is at most in the same order as the smallest singular value of the weak stair. So, when the perturbation matrix E is decomposed into R are typically very large, but whether S is large or not depends on whether S is close to T or not. Notice that equation (4.1) is valid for sufficiently small ffl. What range of ffl is "sufficiently small"? Clearly, ffl has to be smaller than the smallest singular value ffi of the weak stairs. Moreover, the algorithm requires the perturbation along T and S to be both smaller than ffi. Assume the angle between T and S is ', then generally, when ' is large, we would expect an ffl smaller than ffi to be sufficiently small. However, when ' is close to 0, for a random perturbation, we would expect an ffl in the order of ffi=' to be sufficiently small. Here, again, we can see that the angle between S and T decides the range of effective ffl. For small ', when ffl is not sufficiently small, we observed some discontinuity in the 0th order term in Equation (4.1) caused by the ordering of singular values during certain stages of the algorithm. Thus, instead of the identity matrix, we get a permutation matrix in the 0th order term. The theory explains why the staircase algorithm behaves so differently on the two matrices A 1 and A 2 in Section 2. Using Theorem 7, we can see that A 1 is a staircase failure 2 is not 1). By a direct calculation, we find that the tangent space and the staircase invariant space of A 1 is very close this is not the situation for A 2 3). When transforming to get ~ A 1 and ~ A 2 with Q, which is an approximate orthogonal matrix up to the order of square root of machine precision ffl m , another error in the order of it is comparable with ffi in our experiment, so the staircase algorithm actually runs on a shifted version That is why we see R as large as an O(10 \Gamma6 ) added to J 3 in the second table for ~ A 2 . We might as well call A 2 a staircase failure in this situation, but A 1 suffers a much worse failure under the same situation, in that the staircase algorithm fails to detect a J 3 structure at all. This is because the tangent space and the staircase invariant space are so close that the S and T component are very large hence Equation (4.1) does not apply any more. 5. A Staircase Algorithm Failure to Motivate the Theory for Pencils. The pencil analog to the staircase failure in Section 2 is 1.5e-8. This is a pencil with the structure L 1 \Phi J 2 (0). After we add a random perturbation of size 1e-14 to this pencil, GUPTRI fails to return back the original pencil no matter which EPSU we choose. Instead, it returns back a more generic L 2 \Phi J 1 (0) pencil O(ffl) away. On the other hand, for another pencil with the same L 1 \Phi J 2 (0) structure: GUPTRI returns an L 1 \Phi J 2 (0) pencil O(ffl) away. At this point, readers may correctly expect that the reason behind this is again the angle between two certain spaces as in the matrix case. 6. Matrix Pencils. Parallel to the matrix case, we can set up a similar theory for the pencil case. For simplicity, we concentrate on the case when a pencil only has L-blocks and J(0)-blocks. Pencils containing L T -blocks and non-zero (including 1) eigenvalue blocks can always be reduced to the previous case by transposing and exchanging the two matrices of the pencil and/or shifting. 6.1. The Staircase Invariant Space and Related Subspaces for Pencils. A pencil (A; B) is in staircase form if we can divide both A and B into block rows of sizes r columns of sizes s strictly block upper triangular with every superdiagonal block having full column rank and B is block upper triangular with every diagonal block having full row rank and the rows orthogonal to each other. Here we allow s k+1 to be zero. A pencil is called conforming to (A; B) if it has the same block structure as (A; B). A square matrix is called row (column) conforming to if it has diagonal block sizes the same as the row (column) sizes of (A; B). Definition 5. Suppose (A; B) is a pencil in staircase form and B d is the block diagonal part of B. We call (SA ; SB ) a staircase invariant pencil of (A; B) if S T has complimentary structure to (A; B). We call the space consisting of all such (SA ; SB ) the staircase invariant space of (A; B), and denote it by S. For example, let (A; B) have the staircase form \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta then \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta \Theta ffi ffi is a staircase invariant pencil of (A; B) if every column of SA is in the left null space of A and every row of SB is in the right null space of B. Notice that the sparsity structure of SA and SB is at most complimentary to that of A and B respectively, but SA and SB are often less sparse, because of the requirement on the nullspace. To be precise, if we find more than one diagonal block with the same size, then among the blocks of this size, only the blocks on the lowest block row appear in the sparsity structure of SA . If any of the diagonal blocks of B is a square block, then SB has all zero entries throughout the corresponding block column. As special cases, if A is a strictly upper triangular square matrix and B is an upper triangular square matrix with diagonal entries nonzero, then SA only has nonzero entries in the bottom row and SB is simply a zero matrix. If A is a strictly upper triangular n \Theta (n + 1) matrix and B is an upper triangular with diagonal entries nonzero, then (SA ; SB ) is the zero pencil. Definition 6. Suppose (A; B) is a pencil. We call O(A; B) are non-singular square matrices g the orbit of a pencil (A; B). We call T are any square matrices g the tangent space of O(A; B) at (A; B). Theorem 8. Let (A; B) be an m \Theta n pencil in staircase form, then the staircase invariant space S of B) and the tangent space T form an oblique decomposition of m \Theta n pencil space, i.e. R Proof: The proof of the theorem is similar to that of Theorem 1; first we prove the dimension of S(A; B) is the same as the codimension of T (A; B), then we prove induction. The readers may try to fill out the details. Definition 7. Suppose (A; B) is a pencil. We call O b (A; B) j fP is a block anti-symmetric matrix row conforming to (A; B); is a block anti-symmetric matrix column conforming to (A; B) the block orthogonal-orbit of a pencil (A; B). We call T b j X is a block anti-symmetric matrix row conforming to (A; B), Y is a block anti-symmetric matrix column conforming to (A; B)g the block tangent space of the block orthogonal-orbit O b (A; B) at (A; B). We call R j U is a block upper triangular matrix row conforming to (A; B), V is a block upper triangular matrix column conforming to (A; B)g the block upper pencil space of (A; B). Theorem 9. Let (A; B) be an m \Theta n pencil in staircase form, then the tangent space T of the orbit O(A; B) can be split into the block tangent space T b of the orbit O b (A; B) and the block upper pencil space R, i.e. Proof: This can be proved by a very similar argument concerning the dimensions as for matrix, in which the dimension of R is 2 the dimension of T b is the codimension of the orbit O(A; B) (or T ) is Corollary 2. R 6.2. Staircase as a Versal Deformation for pencils. The theory of versal forms for pencils [17] is similar to the one for matrices. A deformation of a pencil (A; B) is a pencil (A; B)() with entries power series in the real variables i . We say that two deformations (A; B)() and (C; D)() are equivalent if there exist two deformations P () and Q() of identity matrices such that (A; Theorem 10. Suppose (A; B) is in staircase form. Fix S i 2 dim(S). It follows that is a versal deformation of every particular (A; B)() for small enough. (A; B)() is miniversal at is a basis of S. Definition 8. We say two deformations (A; B)() and (C; D)() are block orthogonally- equivalent if there exist two block orthogonal deformations P () and Q() of the identity matrix such that are exponentials of matrices which are conforming to (A; B) in row and column respectively. We say that a deformation (A; B)() is block orthogonally-versal if any other deformation (C; D)() is block orthogonally-equivalent to the deformation (A; B)(OE()). Here, OE is a mapping holomorphic at 0 with Theorem 11. A deformation (A; B)() of (A; B) is block orthogonally-versal iff the mapping (A; B)() is transversal to the block orthogonal-orbit of (A; B) at This is the corresponding result to Theorem 4. Since we know that T can be decomposed into T b \Phi R, we get: Theorem 12. Suppose a pencil (A; B) is in staircase form. Fix S i 2 S and k dim(S). Fix R It follows that is a block orthogonally-versal deformation of every particular (A; B)() for small enough. (A; B)() is block orthogonally-miniversal at (A; B) if fS i g, fR j g are bases of S and R. Notice that as in the matrix case, we can also extend our definitions and theorems to the general form containing L T -blocks and non-zero eigenvalue blocks, and again, we will not specify what eigenvalues they are and hence get into the bundle case. We only want to point out one particular example here. If (A; B) is in the staircase form of will be a strictly upper triangular matrix with nonzero entries on the super diagonal and B will be a triangular matrix with nonzero entries on the diagonal except the (n will be the zero matrix and SB will be a matrix with the only nonzero entry on its (n 7. Application to Pencil Staircase Forms. We concentrate on L \Phi J(0) structures only, since otherwise, the staircase algorithm will separate all other structures and continue similarly after a shift and/or transpose on that part only. As in the matrix case, the staircase algorithm basically decomposes the perturbation pencil into three spaces T b , R, and S and kills the perturbation in T b . Theorem 13. Suppose that (A; B) is a pencil in staircase form and E is any perturbation pencil. The staircase algorithm (without zeroing) on (A; B)+ fflE will produce two orthogonal matrices P and Q (depending on ffl) and the output pencil stair((A; B)+ R)+o(ffl), B) has the sane staircase structure as S is a staircase invariant pencil of ( " B) and R is in the block upper pencil space R. If singular values are zeroed out, then the algorithm further kills S and output We use a formula to explain the statement more clearly: Similarly, we can see that when a pencil has its T and S almost normal to each other, the staircase algorithm will behave well. On the other hand, if S is very close to T , then it will behave badly. This is exactly the situation in the two pencil examples in Section 5. Although the two pencils are both ill conditioned, a direct calculation shows that the first pencil has its staircase invariant space very close to the tangent space (the angle ! while the second one does not (the angle The if-and-only-if condition for S to be close to T is more difficult than in the matrix case. One necessary condition is that one super diagonal block of A is almost of not full column rank or one diagonal block of B is almost not full row rank. This is usually referred to as weak coupling. 8. Examples: The geometry of the Boley pencil and others. Boley [3, Example 2, Page 639] presents an example of a 7 \Theta 8 pencil (A; B) that is controllable (has generic Kronecker structure) yet it is known that an uncontrollable system (non-generic Kronecker structure) is nearby at a distance 6e-4. What makes the example interesting is that the staircase algorithm fails to find this nearby uncontrollable system while other methods succeed. Our theory provides a geometrical understanding of why this famous example leads to staircase failure: the staircase invariant space is very close to the tangent space. The pencil that we refer to is (A; B(ffl)), where and (The dots refer to zeros, and in the original Boley example the staircase algorithm predicts a distance of 1, and is therefore off by nearly four orders of magnitude. To understand the failure, our theory works best for smaller values of ffl, but it is still clear that even for there will continue to be difficulties. It is useful to express the pencil (A; B(ffl)) as is zero except for a "one" in the (7,7) entry of its B part. P 0 is in the bundle of pencils whose Kronecker form is L 6 +J 1 (\Delta) and the perturbation E is exactly in the unique staircase invariant direction (hence the notation "S") as we pointed out at the end of Section 6. The relevant quantity is then the angle between the staircase invariant space and the pencil space. An easy calculation reveals that the angle is very small: ' radians. In order to get a feeling for what range of ffl first order theory applies, we calculated the exact distance d(ffl) j d(P (ffl); bundle) using the nonlinear eigenvalue template software [33]. To first order, Figure 8.1 plots the distances first for ffl 2 [0; 2] and then a closeup for size of perturbation the distance to the orbit size of perturbation the distance to the orbit Fig. 8.1. The picture to explain the change of the distance of the pencils P0 + fflE to the bundle of L6 changes. The second subplot is part of the first one at the points near Our observation based on this data suggests that first order theory is good to two decimal places for one place for ffl 10 \Gamma2 . To understand the geometry of staircase algorithmic failure, one decimal place or even merely an order of magnitude is quite sufficient. In summary, we see clearly that the staircase invariant direction is at a small angle to the tangent space, and therefore the staircase algorithm will have difficulty finding the nearest pencil on the bundle or predicting the distance. This difficulty is quantified by the angle ' S . Since the Boley example is for we computed the distance well past 1. The breakdown of first order theory is attributed to the curving of the bundle towards S. A three dimensional schematic is portrayed in Figure 8.2. Fig. 8.2. The staircase algorithm on the Boley example. The surface represents the orbit O(P0 ). Its tangent space at the pencil P0 , T (P0 ), is represented by the plane on the bottom. P1 lies on the staircase invariant space S inside the "bowl". The hyperplane of uncontrollable pencils is represented by the plane cutting through the surface along the curve C. It intersects T (P0 ) along L. The angle between L and S is ' c . The angle between S and T (P0 ), ' S , is represented by the angle "HP0P1 . The relevant picture for control theory is a planar intersection of the above picture. In control theory, we set the special requirement that the "A" matrix has the form [0 I]. Pencils on the intersection of this hyperplane and the bundle are termed "uncontrollable." We analytically calculated the angle ' c between S and the tangent space for the "uncontrollable We found that ' 0:0040. Using the nonlinear eigenvalue template software [33], we numerically computed the true distance from fflE to the "uncontrollable surfaces" and calculated the ratio of this distance to ffl, we found that for ffl ! 8e \Gamma 4, the ratio agrees with ' very well. We did a similar analysis on the three pencils C 1 , C 2 C 3 given by J. Demmel and B. Kagstrom [12]. We found that the sin values of the angles between S and T are respectively 2.4325e-02, 3.4198e-02 and 8.8139e-03, and the sin values between T b and R are respectively 1.7957e-02 7.3751e-03 and 3.3320e-06. This explains why we saw the staircase algorithm behave progressively worse on them. Especially, it explains why when a perturbation about 10 \Gamma3 is added to these pencils, C 3 behaves dramatically worse then C 1 and C 2 . The component in S is almost of the same order as the entries of the original pencil. So we conclude that the reason the staircase algorithm does not work well on this example is because actually a staircase failure, in that its tangent space is very close to its staircase invariant space and also the perturbation is so large that even if we know the angle in advance we can not estimate the distance well. Acknowledgement . The authors thank Bo Kagstrom and Erik Elmroth for their helpful discussion and their conlab software for easy interactive numerical testing. The staircase invariant directions were originally discovered for single Jordan blocks with Erik Elmroth while he was visiting MIT during the fall of 1996. --R On matrices depending on parameters. An improved algorithm for the computation of Kronecker's canonical form of a singular pencil. Estimating the sensitivity of the algebraic structure of pencils with simple eigenvalue estimates. The algebraic structure of pencils and block Toeplitz matrices. Placing zeroes and the Kronecker canonical form. Lectures on Finite Precision Computations. The dimension of matrices (matrix pencils) with given Jordan (Kronecker) canonical forms. Stably computing the Kronecker structure and reducing subspace of singular pencils A Computing stable eigendecompositions of matrix pencils. The generalized Schur decomposition of an arbitrary pencil A The generalized Schur decomposition of an arbitrary pencil A Accurate solutions of ill-posed problems in control theory The computation of Kronecker's canonical form of a singular pencil. The generalized eigenstructure problem in linear system theory. Reducing subspaces: definitions Oral communication. A geometric approach to perturbation theory of matrices and matrix pencils: Part 1: versal deformations. A geometric approach to perturbation theory of matrices and matrix pencils: Part 2: stratification-enhanced staircase algorithm The set of 2-by-3 matrix pencils - Kronecker structures and their transitions under perturbations Computation of zeros of linear multivariable systems. The application of singularity theory to the computation of Jordan Canonical Form. Matrix Computations. Differential Geometry The generalized singular value decomposition and the general A ALGORITHM 560: JNF An algorithm for numerical computation of the Jordan normal form of a complex matrix. Matrix Pencils Robust pole assignment in linear state feedback. On a method of solving the complete eigenvalue problem of a degenerate matrix. Nonlinear eigenvalue problems. An algorithm for numerical determination of the structure of a general matrix. Computing the distance to an uncontrollable system. --TR --CTR Naren Ramakrishnan , Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Sampling Strategies for Mining in Data-Scarce Domains, Computing in Science and Engineering, v.4 n.4, p.31-43, July 2002
kronecker structure;jordan structure;SVD;staircase algorithm;versal deformation
Structure in Approximation Classes.
The study of the approximability properties of NP-hard optimization problems has recently made great advances mainly due to the results obtained in the field of proof checking. The last important breakthrough proves the APX-completeness of several important optimization problems and thus reconciles "two distinct views of approximation classes: syntactic and computational" [S. Khanna et al., in Proc. 35th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1994, pp. 819--830]. In this paper we obtain new results on the structure of several computationally-defined approximation classes. In particular, after defining a new approximation preserving reducibility to be used for as many approximation classes as possible, we give the first examples of natural NPO-complete problems and the first examples of natural APX-intermediate problems. Moreover, we state new connections between the approximability properties and the query complexity of NPO problems.
Introduction In his pioneering paper on the approximation of combinatorial optimization problems [20], David Johnson formally introduced the notion of approximable problem, proposed approximation algorithms for several problems, and suggested a possible classification of optimization problems on grounds of their approximability properties. Since then it was clear that, even though the decision versions of most NP-hard optimization problems are many-one polynomial-time reducible to each other, they do not share the same approximability properties. The main reason of this fact is that many-one reductions not always preserve the objective function and, even if this happens, they rarely preserve the quality of the solutions. It is then clear that a stronger kind of reducibility has to be used. Indeed, an approximation preserving reduction not only has to map instances of a problem A to instances of a problem B, but it also has to be An extended abstract of this paper has been presented at the 1st Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. able to come back from "good" solutions for B to "good" solutions for A. Surprisingly, the first definition of this kind of reducibility [33] was given as long as 13 years after Johnson's paper and, after that, at least seven different approximation preserving reducibilities appeared in the literature (see Fig. 1). These reducibilities are identical with respect to the overall scheme but differ essentially in the way they preserve approximability: they range from the Strict reducibility in which the error cannot increase to the PTAS-reducibility in which there are basically no restrictions (see also Chapter 3 of [23]). PTAS-reducibility [14] P-reducibility [33]L-reducibility [36] E-reducibility [26] Strict reducibility [33] \Phi \Phi \Phi \Phi* \Phi \Phi \Phi \Phi* HYH HY Continuous reducibility [39] A-reducibility [33] Figure 1. The taxonomy of approximation preserving reducibilities By means of these reducibilities, several notions of completeness in approximation classes have been introduced and, basically, two different approaches were followed. On the one hand, the attention was focused on computationally defined classes of problems, such as NPO (i.e., the class of optimization problems whose underlying decision problem is in NP) and APX (i.e., the class of constant-factor approximable NPO problems): along this line of research, however, almost all completeness results dealt either with artificial optimization problems or with problems for which lower bounds on the quality of the approximation were easily obtainable [12, 33]. On the other hand, researchers focused on the logical definability of optimization problems and introduced several syntactically defined classes for which natural completeness results were obtained [27, 34, 36]: unfortunately, the approximability properties of the problems in these latter classes were not related to standard complexity-theoretic conjectures. A first step towards the reconciling of these two approaches consisted of proving lower bounds (modulo P 6= NP or some other likely condition) on the approximability of complete problems for syntactically defined classes [1, 31]. More recently, another step has been performed since the closure of syntactically defined classes with respect to an approximation preserving reducibility has been proved to be equal to the more familiar computationally defined classes [26]. In spite of this important achievement, beyond APX we are still forced to distinguish between maximization and minimization problems as long as we are interested in completeness proofs. Indeed, a result of [27] states that it is not possible to rewrite every NP maximization problem as an NP minimization problem unless NP=co-NP. A natural question is thus whether this duality extends to approximation preserving reductions. Finally, even though the existence of "intermediate" artificial problems, that is, problems for which lower bounds on their approximation are not obtainable by completeness results was proved in [12], a natural question arises: do natural intermediate problems exist? Observe that this question is also open in the field of decision problems: for example, it is known that the graph isomorphism problem cannot be NP-complete unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses [38], but no result has ever been obtained giving evidence that the problem does not belong to P. The first goal of this paper is to define an approximation preserving reducibility that can be used for as many approximation classes as possible and such that all reductions that have appeared in the literature still hold. In spite of the fact that the L-reducibility has been the most widely used so far, we will give strong evidence that it cannot be used to obtain completeness results in "computationally defined" classes such as APX, log-APX (that is, the class of problems approximable within a logarithmic factor), and poly-APX (that is, the class of problems approximable within a polynomial factor). Indeed, on the one hand in [14] it has been shown that the L-reducibility is too strict and does not allow to reduce some problems which are known to be easy to approximate to problems which are known to be hard to approximate. On the other hand in this paper we show that it is too weak and is not approximation preserving (unless co-NP). The weakness of the L-reducibility is, essentially, shared by all reducibilities of Fig. 1 but the Strict reducibility and the E-reducibility, while the strictness of the L-reducibility is shared by all of them (unless P NP ' P NP[O(logn)] ) but the PTAS-reducibility. The reducibility we propose is a combination of the E-reducibility and of the PTAS-reducibility and, as far as we know, it is the strictest reducibility that allows to obtain all approximation completeness results that have appeared in the literature, such as, for example, the APX-completeness of Maximum Satisfiability [14, 26] and the poly-APX-completeness of Maximum Clique [26]. The second group of results refers to the existence of natural complete problems for NPO. Indeed, both [33] and [12] provide examples of natural complete problems for the class of minimization and maximization NP problems, respectively. In Sect. 3 we will show the existence of both maximization and minimization NPO-complete natural problems. In particular, we prove that Maximum Programming and Minimum Programming are NPO-complete. This result shows that making use of a natural approximation preserving reducibility is enough powerful to encompass the "duality" problem raised in [27] (indeed, in [26] it was shown that this duality does not arise in APX, log-APX, poly-APX, and other subclasses of NPO). Moreover, the same result can also be obtained when restricting ourselves to the class NPO PB (i.e., the class of polynomially bounded NPO problems). In particular, we prove that Maximum Programming and Minimum PB Programming are NPO PB-complete. The third group of results refers to the existence of natural APX-intermediate problems. In Sect. 4, we will prove that Minimum Bin Packing (and other natural NPO problems) cannot be APX-complete unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. Since it is well-known [32] that this problem belongs to APX and that it does not belong to PTAS (that is, the class of NPO problems with polynomial-time approximation schemes) unless P=NP, our result yields the first example of a natural APX-intermediate problem (under a natural complexity-theoretic conjecture). Roughly speaking, the proof of our result is structured into two main steps. In the first step, we show that if Minimum Bin Packing were APX-complete then the problem of answering any set of k non-adaptive queries to an NP-complete problem could be reduced to the problem of approximating an instance of Minimum Bin Packing within a ratio depending on k. In the second step, we show that the problem of approximating an instance of Minimum Bin Packing within a given performance ratio can be solved in polynomial-time by means of a constant number of non-adaptive queries to an NP-complete problem. These two steps will imply the collapse of the query hierarchy which in turn implies the collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy. As a side effect of our proof, we will show that if a problem is APX-complete, then it does not admit an asymptotic approximation scheme. The previous results are consequences of new connections between the approximability properties and the query complexity of NP-hard optimization problems. In several recent papers the notion of query complexity (that is, the number of queries to an NP oracle needed to solve a given problem) has been shown to be a very useful tool for understanding the complexity of approximation problems. In [7, 9] upper and lower bounds have been proved on the number of queries needed to approximate certain optimization problems (such as Maximum Satisfiability and Maximum Clique): these results deal with the complexity of approximating the value of the optimum solution and not with the complexity of computing approximate solu- tions. In this paper, instead, the complexity of "constructive" approximation will be addressed by considering the languages that can be recognized by polynomial-time machines which have a function oracle that solves the approximation problem. In particular, after proving the existence of natural APX-intermediate problems, in Sect. 4.1 we will be able to solve an open question of [7] proving that finding the vertices of the largest clique is more difficult than merely finding the vertices of a 2-approximate clique unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. The results of [7, 9] show that the query complexity is a good measure to study approximability properties of optimization problems. The last group of our results show that completeness in approximation classes implies lower bounds on the query complexity. Indeed, in Sect. 5 we show that the two approaches are basically equivalent by giving sufficient and necessary conditions for approximation completeness in terms of query-complexity hardness and combinatorial properties. The importance of these results is twofold: they give new insights into the structure of complete problems for approximation classes and they reconcile the approach based on standard computation models with the approach based on the computation model for approximation proposed in [8]. As a final observation, our results can be seen as extensions of a result of [26] in which general sufficient (but not necessary) conditions for APX-completeness are proved. 1.1. Preliminaries We assume the reader to be familiar with the basic concepts of computational complexity theory. For the definitions of most of the complexity classes used in the paper we refer the reader to one of the books on the subject (see, for example, [2, 5, 16, 35]). We now give some standard definitions in the field of optimization and approximation theory. Definition 1. An NP optimization problem A is a fourtuple (I; sol; m; type) such that 1. I is the set of the instances of A and it is recognizable in polynomial time. 2. Given an instance x of I, sol(x) denotes the set of feasible solutions of x. These solutions are short, that is, a polynomial p exists such that, for any y 2 sol(x), jyj - p(jxj). Moreover, for any x and for any y with jyj - p(jxj), it is decidable in polynomial time whether y 2 sol(x). 3. Given an instance x and a feasible solution y of x, m(x; y) denotes the positive integer measure of y (often also called the value of y). The function m is computable in polynomial time and is also called the objective function. 4. type 2 fmax; ming. The goal of an NP optimization problem with respect to an instance x is to find an optimum solution, that is, a feasible solution y such that m(x; sol(x)g. In the following opt will denote the function mapping an instance x to the measure of an optimum solution. The class NPO is the set of all NP optimization problems. Max NPO is the set of maximization NPO problems and Min NPO is the set of minimization NPO problems. An NPO problem is said to be polynomially bounded if a polynomial q exists such that, for any instance x and for any solution y of x, m(x; y) - q(jxj). The class NPO PB is the set of all polynomially bounded NPO problems. Max PB is the set of all maximization problems in NPO PB and Min PB is the set of all minimization problems in NPO PB. Definition 2. Let A be an NPO problem. Given an instance x and a feasible solution y of x, we define the performance ratio of y with respect to x as ae m(x; y) oe and the relative error of y with respect to x as The performance ratio (respectively, relative error) is always a number greater than or equal to 1 (respectively, 0) and is as close to 1 (respectively, 0) as the value of the feasible solution is close to the optimum value. It is easy to see that, for any instance x and for any feasible solution y of x, Definition 3. Let A be an NPO problem and let T be an algorithm that, for any instance x of A such that sol(x) 6= ;, returns a feasible solution T (x) in polynomial time. Given an arbitrary function r : N ! [1; 1), we say that T is an r(n)-approximate algorithm for A if the performance ratio of the feasible solution T (x) with respect to x verifies the following inequality: Definition 4. Given a class of functions F , an NPO problem A belongs to the class F-APX if an r(n)-approximate algorithm T for A exists, for some function r 2 F . In particular, APX, log-APX, poly-APX, and exp-APX will denote the classes F-APX with F equal to the set O(1), to the set O(log n), to the set O(n O(1) ), and to the set O(2 n O(1) respectively. One could object that there is no difference between NPO and exp-APX since the polynomial bound on the computation time of the objective function implies that any NPO problem is h2 n k -approximable for some h and k. This is not true, since NPO problems exist for which it is even hard to find a feasible solution. We will see examples of such problems in Sect. 3 (e.g. Maximum Weighted Satisfiability). Definition 5. An NPO problem A belongs to the class PTAS if an algorithm T exists such that, for any fixed rational r ? 1, T (\Delta; r) is an r-approximate algorithm for A. Clearly, the following inclusions hold: It is also easy to see that these inclusions are strict if and only if P 6= NP. 1.2. A list of NPO problems We here define the NP optimization problems that will be used in the paper. For a much larger list of NPO problems we refer to [11]. Maximum Clique Instance: Graph E). Solution: A clique in G, i.e. a subset V 0 ' V such that every two vertices in V 0 are joined by an edge in E. Measure: Cardinality of the clique, i.e., jV 0 j. Maximum Weighted Satisfiability and Minimum Weighted Satisfiability Instance: Set of variables X, boolean quantifier-free first-order formula OE over the variables in X, and a weight function Solution: Truth assignment that satisfies OE. Measure: The sum of the weights of the true variables. Maximum Programming and Minimum PB Programming Instance: Integer m \Theta n-matrix A, integer m-vector b, binary n-vector c. Solution: A binary n-vector x such that Ax - b. Measure: Maximum Satisfiability Instance: Set of variables X and Boolean CNF formula OE over the variables in X. Solution: Truth assignment to the variables in X. Measure: The number of satisfied clauses. Minimum Bin Packing Instance: Finite set U of items, and a size s(u) 2 Q " (0; 1] for each u 2 U . Solution: A partition of U into disjoint sets U Um such that the sum of the sizes of the items in each U i is at most 1. Measure: The number of used bins, i.e., the number m of disjoint sets. Minimum Ordered Bin Packing Instance: Finite set U of items, a size s(u) 2 Q " (0; 1] for each u 2 U , and a partial order - on U . Solution: A partition of U into disjoint sets U Um such that the sum of the sizes of the items in each U i is at most 1 and if u 2 U i and u Measure: The number of used bins, i.e., the number m of disjoint sets. Minimum Degree Spanning Tree Instance: Graph E). Solution: A spanning tree for G. Measure: The maximum degree of the spanning tree. Minimum Edge Coloring Instance: Graph E). Solution: A coloring of E, i.e., a partition of E into disjoint sets no two edges in E i share a common endpoint in G. Measure: Cardinality of the coloring, i.e., the number k of disjoint sets. 2. A new approximation preserving reducibility The goal of this section is to define a new approximation preserving reducibility that can be used for as many approximation classes as possible and such that all reductions that have appeared in the literature still hold. We will justify the definition of this new reducibility by emphasizing the disadvantages of previously known ones. In the following, we will assume that, for any reducibility, an instance x such that sol(x) 6= ; is mapped into an instance x 0 such that 2.1. The L-reducibility The first reducibility we shall consider is the L-reducibility (for linear reducibility) [36] which is often most practical to use in order to show that a problem is at least as hard to approximate as another. Definition 6. Let A and B be two NPO problems. A is said to be L-reducible to B, in symbols A - L B, if two functions f and g and two positive constants ff and fi exist such that: 1. For any x 2 I A , f(x) 2 I B is computable in polynomial time. 2. For any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f(x)), g(x; y) 2 sol A (x) is computable in polynomial time. 3. For any x 2 I A , opt B (f(x)) - ffopt A (x). 4. For any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f(x)), jopt A The fourtuple (f; g; ff; fi) is said to be an L-reduction from A to B. Clearly, the L-reducibility preserves membership in PTAS. Indeed, if (f; g; ff; fi) is an L- reduction from A to B then, for any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f(x)), we have that so that if B 2 PTAS then A 2 PTAS [36]. The above inequality also implies that if A is a minimization problem and an r-approximate algorithm for B exists, then a (1 approximate algorithm for A exists. In other words, L-reductions from minimization problems to optimization problems preserve membership in APX. The next result gives a strong evidence that, in general, this is not true whenever the starting problem is a maximization one. Theorem 1. The following statements are equivalent: 1. Two problems A 2 Max NPO and B 2 Min NPO exist such that A 62 APX, B 2 APX, and A - L B. 2. Two Max NPO problems A and B exist such that A 62 APX, B 2 APX, and A - L B. 3. A polynomial-time recognizable set of satisfiable Boolean formulas exists for which no polynomial-time algorithm can compute a satisfying assignment for each of them. Proof. (1) ) (2). In this case, it suffices to L-reduce B to a maximization problem C in APX [26]. Assume that for any polynomial-time recognizable set of satisfiable Boolean formulas there is a polynomial-time algorithm computing a satisfying assignment for each formula in the set. Suppose that (f; g; ff; fi) is an L-reduction from a maximization problem A to a maximization problem B and that B is r-approximable for some r ? 1. Let x be an instance of A and let y be a solution of f(x) such that opt B (f(x))=mB (f(x); y) - r. For the sake of convenience, let opt we have that m x - opt A . We now show that opt A =m x non-constructive approximation of opt A . Let . There are two cases. 1. opt B - flopt A . By the definition of the L-reducibility, opt A \Gamma mA - fi(opt we have that opt A Hence, opt A r where the last equality is due to the definition of fl. 2. opt B ? flopt A . It holds that opt A Let us now consider the following non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithm. begin finput: x 2 I A g compute m x by using the r-approximate algorithm for B and the L-reduction from A to B; guess y 2 sol A (x); if mA (x; y) - m x then accept else reject; By applying Cook's reduction [10] to the above algorithm, it easily follows that, for any I A , a satisfiable Boolean formula OE x can be constructed in polynomial time in the length of x so that any satisfying assignment for OE x encodes a solution of x whose measure is at least Moreover, the set fOE x is recognizable in polynomial time. By assumption, it is then possible to compute in polynomial time a satisfying assignment for OE x and thus an approximate solution for x. Assume that a polynomial-time recognizable set S of satisfiable Boolean formulas exists for which no polynomial-time algorithm can compute a satisfying assignment for each of them. Consider the following two NPO problems fy : y is a truth assignment to the variables of xg, jxj if y is a satisfying assignment for x, and jxj if y is a satisfying assignment for x, 2jxj otherwise. Clearly, problem B is in APX, while if A is in APX then there is a polynomial-time algorithm that computes a satisfying assignment for each formula in S, contradicting the assumption. Moreover, it is easy to see that A L-reduces to B via f j -x:x, g j -x-y:y, Observe that in [30] it is shown that the third statement of the above theorem holds if and only if the fl-reducibility is different from the many-one reducibility. Moreover, in [19] it is shown that the latter hypothesis is somewhat intermediate between P and P 6= NP. In other words, there is strong evidence that, even though the L-reducibility is suitable for proving completeness results within classes contained in APX (such as Max SNP [36]), this reducibility cannot be used to define the notion of completeness for classes beyond APX. Moreover, it cannot be blindly used to obtain positive results, that is, to prove the existence of approximation algorithms via reductions. Finally, it is possible to L-reduce the maximization problem B defined in the last part of the proof of the previous theorem to Maximum 3-Satisfiability: this implies that the closure of Max SNP with respect to the L-reducibility is not included in APX, contrary to what is commonly believed (e.g. see [35], page 314). 2.2. The E-reducibility The drawbacks of the L-reducibility are mainly due to the fact that the relation between the performance ratios is set by two separate linear constraints on both the optimum values and the absolute errors. The E-reducibility (for error reducibility) [26], instead, imposes a linear relation directly between the performance ratios. Definition 7. Let A and B be two NPO problems. A is said to be E-reducible to B, in symbols A -E B, if two functions f and g and a positive constant ff exist such that: 1. For any x 2 I A , f(x) 2 I B is computable in polynomial time. 2. For any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f(x)), g(x; y) 2 sol A (x) is computable in polynomial time. 3. For any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f(x)), The triple (f; g; ff) is said to be an E-reduction from A to B. Observe that, for any function r, an E-reduction maps r(n)-approximate solutions into solutions where h is a constant depending only on the reduction. Hence, the E-reducibility not only preserves membership in PTAS but also membership in exp- APX, poly-APX, log-APX, and APX. As a consequence of this observation and of the results of the previous section, we have that NPO problems should exist which are L-reducible to each other but not E-reducible. However, the following result shows that within the class APX the E-reducibility is just a generalization of the L-reducibility. Proposition 1. For any two NPO problems A and B, if A - L B and A 2 APX, then A -E B. Proof. Let T be an r-approximate algorithm for A with r constant and let (f be an L-reduction from A to B. Then, for any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f L (x)), EA (x; g L (x; ff L fi LEB (f L (x); y). If A is a minimization problem then, for any x 2 I A and for any y 2 and thus (f is an E-reduction from A to B. Otherwise (that is, A is a maximization problem) we distinguish the following two cases. 1. EB (f L (x); y) - 1 : in this case we have that 2. EB (f L : in this case we have that RB (f L (x); so that where the first inequality is due to the fact that T is an r-approximation algorithm for A. We can thus define a triple (f 1. For any x 2 I A , f 2. For any x 2 I A and for any y 2 sol B (f E (x)), 3. 1)g. From the above discussion it follows that (f is an E-reduction from A to B. ut Clearly, the converse of the above result does not hold since no problem in NPO \Gamma NPO PB can be L-reduced to a problem in NPO PB while any problem in PO can be E-reduced to any NPO problem. Moreover, in [26] it is shown that Maximum 3-Satisfiability is (NPO PB " APX)-complete with respect to the E-reducibility. This result is not obtainable by means of the L-reducibility: indeed, it is easy to prove that Minimum Bin Packing is not L-reducible to Maximum 3-Satisfiability unless (see, for example, [6]). The E-reducibility is still somewhat too strict. Indeed, in [14] it has been shown that natural PTAS problems exist, such as Maximum Knapsack, which are not E-reducible to polynomially bounded APX problems, such as Maximum 3-Satisfiability (unless a logarithmic number of queries to an NP oracle is as powerful as a polynomial number of queries). 2.3. The AP-reducibility The above mentioned drawback of the E-reducibility is mainly due to the fact that an E- reduction preserves optimum values (see [14]). Indeed, the linear relation between the performance ratios seems to be too restrictive. According to the definition of approximation preserving reducibilities given in [12], we could overcome this problem by expressing this relation by means of an implication. However, this is not sufficient: intuitively, since the function g does not know which approximation is required, it must still map optimum solutions into optimum solutions. The final step thus consists of letting the functions f and g depend on the performance ratio 1 . This implies that different constraints have to be put on the computation time of f and g: on the one hand, we still want to preserve membership in PTAS, on the other we want the reduction to be efficient even when poor performance ratios are required. These constraints are formally imposed in the following definition of approximation preserving reducibility (which is a restriction of the PTAS-reducibility introduced in [14]). Definition 8. Let A and B be two NPO problems. A is said to be AP-reducible to B, in symbols A -AP B, if two functions f and g and a positive constant ff exist such that: 1. For any x 2 I A and for any r ? 1, f(x; r) 2 I B is computable in time t f (jxj; r). 2. For any x 2 I A , for any r ? 1, and for any y 2 sol B (f(x; r)), g(x; computable in time t g (jxj; jyj; r). 3. For any fixed r, both t f (\Delta; r) and t g (\Delta; \Delta; r) are bounded by a polynomial. 4. For any fixed n, both t f (n; \Delta) and t g (n; n; \Delta) are non-increasing functions. 5. For any x 2 I A , for any r ? 1, and for any y 2 sol B (f(x; r)), The triple (f; g; ff) is said to be an AP-reduction from A to B. According to the above definition, functions like 2 1=(r\Gamma1) n h or n 1=(r\Gamma1) are admissible bounds on the computation time of f and g, while this is not true for functions like n r or 2 n . We also let the function f depend on the performance ratio because this feature will turn out to be useful in order to prove interesting characterizations of complete problems for approximation classes. Observe that, clearly, the AP-reducibility is a generalization of the E-reducibility. Moreover, it is easy to see that, contrary to the E-reducibility, any PTAS problem is AP-reducible to any NPO problem. As far as we know, this reducibility is the strictest one appearing in the literature that allows to obtain natural APX-completeness results (for instance, the APX-completeness of Maximum Satisfiability [14, 26]). 3. NPO-complete problems We will in this section prove that there are natural problems that are complete for the classes NPO and NPO PB. Previously, completeness results have been obtained just for Max NPO, Min NPO, Max PB, and Min PB [12, 33, 4, 24]. One example of such a result is the following theorem. Theorem 2. Minimum Weighted Satisfiability is Min NPO-complete and Maximum Weighted Satisfiability is Max NPO-complete, even if only a subset fv of the variables has nonzero weight w(v i any truth assignment satisfying the instance gives the value true to at least one v i . We will construct AP-reductions from maximization problems to minimization problems and vice versa. Using these reductions we will show that a problem that is Max NPO-complete or Min NPO-complete in fact is complete for the whole of NPO, and that a problem that is Max PB-complete or Min PB-complete is complete for the whole of NPO PB. Theorem 3. Minimum Weighted Satisfiability and Maximum Weighted Satisfiability are NPO-complete. Proof. In order to establish the NPO-completeness of Minimum Weighted Satisfiability we just have to show that there is an AP-reduction from a Max NPO-complete problem to Minimum Weighted Satisfiability. As the Max NPO-complete problem we will use the restricted version of Maximum Weighted Satisfiability from Theorem 2. Let x be an instance of Maximum Weighted Satisfiability, i.e. a formula OE over variables some variables with weight zero. We will first give a simple reduction that preserves the approximability within the factor 2, and then adjust it to obtain an AP-reduction. Let f(x) be the formula OE - ff is the conjunctive normal form of are new variables with weights w(z i where all other variables (even the v-variables) have zero weight. If y is a satisfying assignment of f(x), let g(x; y) be the restriction of the assignment to the variables that occur in OE. This assignment clearly satisfies OE. Note that exactly one of the z-variables is true in any satisfying assignment of f(x). Indeed, if all z-variables were false, then all v-variables would be false and OE would not be satisfied. On the other hand, if both z i and z j were true would be both true and false which is a contradiction. Hence, In particular this holds for the optimum solution. Thus the performance ratio for Maximum Weighted Satisfiability is which means that the reduction preserves the approximability within 2. Let us now extend the construction in order to obtain R(x; g(x; for every nonnegative integer k. The reduction described above corresponds to For any i 2 and for any (b have a variable z i;b 1 ;:::;b k(i) . Let i2f1;:::;sg (b1 ;:::;b k(i) )2f0;1g k(i) where ff i;b 1 ;:::;b k(i) is the conjuctive normal form of z as above. Finally, define (by choosing K greater than 2 k we can disregard the effect of the ceiling operation in the following computations). As in the previous reduction exactly one of the z-variables is true in any satisfying assignment of f k (x). If, in a solution y of f k (x), z i;b 1 ;:::;b ) and we know that On the other hand, if s In both cases, we thus get and therefore R(x; g(x; Given any r ? 1, if we choose k such that 1). This is obviously an AP-reduction with 2. A very similar proof can be used to show that Maximum Weighted Satisfiability is NPO-complete. ut Corollary 1. Any Min NPO-complete problem is NPO-complete and any Max NPO-complete problem is NPO-complete. As an application of the above corollary, we have that the Minimum Programming problem is NPO-complete. We can also show that there are natural complete problems for the class of polynomially bounded NPO problems. Theorem 4. Maximum PB Programming and Minimum PB Programming are NPO PB-complete. Proof. Maximum Programming is known to be Max PB-complete [4] and Minimum Programming is known to be Min PB-complete [24]. Thus we just have to show that there are AP-reductions from Minimum PB Programming to Maximum PB Programming and from Maximum PB Programming to Minimum PB Programming. Both reductions use exactly the same construction. Given a satisfying variable assignment, we define the one-variables to be the variables occurring in the objective function that have the value one. The objective value is the number of one-variables plus 1. The objective value of a solution is encoded by introducing an order of the one-variables. The order is encoded by a squared number of Fig. 2. The idea is to invert the objective values, so that a solution without one-variables corresponds to an objective value of n of the constructed problem, and, in general, a solution with p one-variables corresponds to an objective value of size of solution one 1 in each row? only zeros in upper part Figure 2. The idea of the reduction from Minimum/Maximum PB Programming to Maxi- mum/Minimum Programming. The variable x j only if v i is the jth one-variable in the solution. There is at most one 1 in each column and in each row. The reductions are constructed as follows. Given an instance of Minimum PB Programming or Maximum PB i.e. an objective function 1+ some inequalities over variables and the following inequalities: most one 1 in each column) (1) most one 1 in each row) (2) (only zeros in upper part) (3) Besides these inequalities we include all inequalities from the original problem, but we substitute each variable v i with the sum . The variables in U (that do not occur in the objective are left intact. The objective function is defined as In order to express the objective function with only binary coefficients we have to introduce n new variables y 1)c. The objective function then is One can now verify that a solution of the original problem instance with s one-variables (i.e. with an objective value of s will exactly correspond to a solution of the constructed problem instance with objective value vice versa. Suppose that the optimum solution to the original problem instance has M one-variables, then the performance ratio (s correspond to the performance ratio for the constructed problem, where m n is the relative error due to the floor operation. By choosing n large enough the relative error can be made arbitrarily small. Thus it is easy to see that the reduction is an AP-reduction. ut Corollary 2. Any Min PB-complete problem is NPO PB-complete and any Max PB-complete problem is NPO PB-complete. 4. Query complexity and APX-intermediate problems The existence of APX-intermediate problems (that is, problems in APX which are not APX- complete) has already been shown in [12] where an artificial such problem is obtained by diagonalization techniques similar to those developed to prove the existence of NP-intermediate problems [29]. In this section, we prove that "natural" APX-intermediate problems exist: for instance, we will show that Minimum Bin Packing is APX-intermediate. In order to prove this result, we will establish new connections between the approximability properties and the query complexity of NP-hard optimization problems. To this aim, let us first recall the following definition. Definition 9. A language L belongs to the class P NP[f(n)] if it is decidable by a polynomial-time oracle Turing machine which asks at most f(n) queries to an NP-complete oracle, where n is the input size. The class QH is equal to the union Similarly, we can define the class of functions FP NP[f(n)] [28]. The following result has been proved in [21, 22]. Theorem 5. If a constant k exists such that then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. The query-complexity of the "non-constructive" approximation of several NP-hard optimization problems has been studied by using hardness results with respect to classes of functions FP NP[\Delta] [7, 9]. However, this approach cannot be applied to analyze the complexity of "constructing" approximate solutions. To overcome this limitation, we use a novel approach that basically consists of considering how helpful is an approximation algorithm for a given optimization problem to solve decision problems. Definition 10. Given an NPO problem A and a rational r - 1, A r is a multi-valued partial function that, given an instance x of A, returns the set of feasible solutions y of x such that Definition 11. Given an NPO problem A and a rational r - 1, a language L belongs to P A r if two polynomial-time computable functions f and g exist such that, for any x, f(x) is an instance of A with sol(f(x)) 6= ;, and, for any y 2 A r (f(x)), g(x; only if x 2 L. The class AQH(A) is equal to the union The following result states that an approximation problem does not help more than a constant number of queries to an NP-complete problem. It is worth observing that, in general, an approximate solution, even though not very helpful, requires more than a logarithmic number of queries to be computed [8]. Proposition 2. For any problem A in APX, AQH(A) ' QH. Proof. Assume that A is a maximization problem (the proof for minimization problems is similar). Let T be an r-approximate algorithm for A, for some r ? 1, and let L 2 P A ae for some ae ? 1. Two polynomial-time computable functions f and g then exist witnessing this latter fact. For any x, let rm. We can then partition the interval [m; rm] into blog ae rc and start looking for the subinterval containing the optimum value (a similar technique has been used in [7, 9]). This can clearly be done using blog ae rc queries to an NP-complete oracle. One more query is sufficient to know whether a feasible solution y exists whose value lies in that interval and such that g(x; y) = 1. Since y is ae-approximate, it follows that L can be decided using blog ae rc queries, that is, L 2 QH. ut Recall that an NPO problem admits an asymptotic polynomial-time approximation scheme if an algorithm T exists such that, for any x and for any r ? 1, R(x; T (x; with k constant and the time complexity of T (x; r) is polynomial with respect to jxj. The class of problems that admit an asymptotic polynomial-time approximation scheme is usually denoted by PTAS 1 . The following result shows that, for this class, the previous fact can be strengthened. Proposition 3. Let A 2 PTAS 1 . Then a constant h exists such that Proof. Let A be a minimization problem in PTAS 1 (the proof for maximization problem is very similar). By definition, a constant k and an algorithm T exist such that, for any instance x and for any rational r ? 1, We will now prove that a constant h exists such that, for any r ? 1, a function l r 2 FP NP[h\Gamma1] exists such that, for any instance x of the problem A, Intuitively, functions l r form a non-constructive approximation scheme that is computable by a constant number of queries to an NP-complete oracle. Given an instance x, we can check whether by means of a single query to an NP oracle, so that we can restrict ourselves to instances such that sol(x) 6= ; (and thus opt(x) - 1). Note that, for these instances, T (\Delta; 2) is a 2)-approximate algorithm for A. Let us fix an r ? 1, and We have to distinguish two cases. 1. a - 2k(k + 2)=": in this case, opt(x) - 2k=", that is, opt(x)"=2 - k. Then that is, y is an r-approximate solution for x, and we can set l r (in this case l r has been computed by only one query). 2. a 2)=": in this case, opt(x) Clearly, dlog k(k queries to NP are sufficient to find the optimum value opt(x) by means of a binary search technique: in this case l r been computed by queries. Let now L be a language in AQH(A), then L 2 P A r for some r ? 1. Let f and g be the functions witnessing that L 2 P A r . Observe that, for any x, x 2 L if and only if a solution y for f(x) exists such that m(f(x); y) - l r (f(x)) and g(f(x); 1: that is, given l r (f(x)), deciding whether x 2 L is an NP problem. Since l r (f(x)) is computable by means of at most queries to NP, we have that 2. ut The next proposition, instead, states that any language L in the query hierarchy can be decided using just one query to A r where A is APX-complete and r depends on the level of the query hierarchy L belongs to. In order to prove this proposition, we need the following technical result 2 . 2 Recall that the NP-complete problem Partition is defined as follows: given a set U of items and a size does there exists a subset U 0 ' U such that Lemma 1. For any APX-complete problem A and for any k, two polynomial-time computable functions f and g and a constant r exist such that, for any k-tuple of instances of Partition, is an instance of A and if y is a solution of x whose performance ratio is smaller than r then g(x; only if x i is a yes-instance. Proof. Let x be an instance of Partition for loss of generality, we can assume that the U i s are pairwise disjoint and that, for any i, 2. Let s; -) be an instance of Minimum Ordered Bin Packing defined as follows (a similar construction has been used in [37]). 1. where the v i s are new items. 2. For any u 2 U i , 3. For any i ! j - k, for any u 2 U i , and for any u Any solution of w must be formed by a sequence of packings of U such that, for any i, the bins used for U i are separated by the bins used for U i+1 by means of one bin which is completely filled by v i . In particular, the packings of the U i s in any optimum solution must use either two or three bins: two bins are used if and only if x i is a yes-instance. The optimum measure thus is at most 4k \Gamma 1 so that any (1 + 1=(4k))-approximate solution is an optimum solution. Since Minimum Ordered Bin Packing belongs to APX [41] and A is APX-complete, then an AP-reduction (f exists from Minimum Ordered Bin Packing to A. We can then define 1+1=(4ffk). For any r-approximate solution y of x, the fourth property of the AP-reducibility implies that is a (1 1=(4k))-approximate solution of w and thus an optimum solution of w. From z, we can easily derive the right answers to the k queries x We are now able to prove the following result. Proposition 4. For any APX-complete problem A, QH ' AQH(A). Proof. Let some h. It is well known (see, for instance, [3]) that L can be reduced to the problem of answering non-adaptive queries to NP. More formally, two polynomial-time computable functions t 1 and t 2 exist such that, for any x, are k instances of the Partition problem, and for any (b 1g. Moreover, if, for any j, b only if x j is a yes-instance, then t 2 only if x 2 L. Let now f , g and r be the two functions and the constant of Lemma 1 applied to problem A and constant k. For any x, x is an instance of A such that if y is an r-approximate solution for only if x 2 L. Thus, L 2 P A r . ut By combining Propositions 2 and 4, we thus have the following theorem that characterizes the approximation query hierarchy of the hardest problems in APX. Theorem 6. For any APX-complete problem A, Finally, we have the following result that states the existence of natural intermediate problems in APX. Theorem 7. If the polynomial-time hierarchy does not collapse, then Minimum Bin Packing, Minimum Degree Spanning Tree, and Minimum Edge Coloring are APX-intermediate. Proof. From Proposition 3 and from the fact that Minimum Bin Packing is in PTAS 1 [25], it follows that AQH(Minimum Bin Packing) ' P NP[h] for a given h. If Minimum Bin Packing is APX-complete, then from Proposition 4 it follows that QH ' P NP[h] . From Theorem 5 we thus have the collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy. The proofs for Minimum Degree Spanning Tree and Minimum Edge Coloring are identical and use the results of [18, 15]. ut Observe that the previous result does not seem to be obtainable by using the hypothesis shown by the following theorem. Theorem 8. If Packing is APX-complete. Proof. Assume present an AP reduction from Maximum Satisfiability to Minimum Bin Packing. Since Turing machine M exists that, given in input an instance OE of Maximum Satisfiability, has an accepting computation and all accepting computations halt with an optimum solution for OE written on the tape. Indeed, M guesses an integer k, an assigment - such that m(OE; a proof of the fact that opt(OE) - k. From the proof of Cook's theorem it follows that, given OE, we can find in polynomial time a formula OE 0 such that OE 0 is satisfiable and that given any satisfying assignment for OE 0 we can find in polynomial time an optimum solution for OE. By combining this construction with the NP-completeness proof of the Minimum Bin Packing problem, we obtain two polynomial-time computable functions t 1 and t 2 such that, for any instance OE of Maximum Satisfiability, t 1 is an instance of Minimum Bin Packing such that optimum solution y of x OE , t 2 is an optimum solution of OE. Observe that, by construction, an r-approximate solution for x OE is indeed an optimum solution provided that r ! 3=2. Let T be a 4/3-approximate algorithm for Maximum Satisfiability [42, 17]. The reduction from Maximum Satisfiability to Minimum Bin Packing is defined as follows: f(OE; It is immediate to verify that the above is an AP-reduction with Finally, note that the above result can be extended to any APX problem which is NP-hard to approximate within a given performance ratio. 4.1. A remark on Maximum Clique The following lemma is the analogoue of Proposition 2 within NPO PB and can be proved similarly by binary search techniques. Lemma 2. For any NPO PB problem A and for any r ? 1, P A r ' P NP[log logn+O(1)] . From this lemma, from the fact that P NP[logn] is contained in P MC 1 where MC stands for Maximum Clique [28], and from the fact that if a constant k exists such that then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses [40], it follows the next result that solves an open question posed in [7]. Informally, this result states that it is not possible to reduce the problem of finding a maximum clique to the problem of finding a 2-approximate clique (unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses). Theorem 9. If P MC then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. 5. Query complexity and completeness in approximation classes In this final section, we shall give a full characterization of problems complete for poly-APX and for APX, respectively, in terms of hardness of the corresponding approximation problems with respect to classes of partial multi-valued functions and in terms of suitably defined combinatorial properties. The classes of functions we will refer to have been introduced in [8] as follows. Definition 12. FNP NP[q(n)] is the class of partial multi-valued functions computable by non-deterministic polynomial-time Turing machines which ask at most q(n) queries to an NP oracle in the entire computation tree. 3 In order to talk about hardness with respect to these classes we will use the following reducibility which is an extension of both metric reducibility [28] and one-query reducibility [13] and has been introduced in [8]. Definition 13. Let F and G be two partial multi-valued functions. We say that F many-one reduces to G (in symbols, F-mvG) if two polynomial-time algorithms t 1 and t 2 exist such that, for any x in the domain of F , t 1 (x) is in the domain of G and, for any y 2 G(t 1 (x)), The combinatorial property used to characterize poly-APX-complete problems is the well-known self-improvability (see, for instance, [34]). Definition 14. A problem A is self-improvable if two algorithms t 1 and t 2 exist such that, for any instance x of A and for any two rationals r is an instance of A and, for any y 0 2 A r 2 (x). Moreover, for any fixed r 1 and r 2 , the running time of t 1 and t 2 is polynomial. We are now ready to state the first result of this section. Theorem 10. A poly-APX problem A is poly-APX-complete if and only if it is self-improvable and A r 0 is FNP NP[log log n+O(1)] -hard for some r 0 ? 1. Proof. Let A be a poly-APX-complete problem. Since Maximum Clique is self-improvable [16] and poly-APX-complete [26] and since the equivalence with respect to the AP-reducibility preserves the self-improvability property (see [34]), we have that A is self-improvable. It is then sufficient to prove that A 2 is hard for FNP NP[log logn+O(1)] . From the poly-APX-completeness of A we have that Maximum Clique -AP A: let ff be the constant of this reduction. From Theorem 12 of [8] we have that any function F in FNP NP[log log n+O(1)] many-one reduces to Maximum Clique 1+ff . From the definition of AP- reducibility, we also have that Maximum Clique 1+ff -mvA 2 so that F many-one reduces to A 2 . Conversely, let A be a poly-APX self-improvable problem such that, for some r 0 , A r 0 is FNP NP[loglogn+O(1)] -hard. We will show that, for any problem B in poly-APX, B is AP-reducible to A. To this aim, we introduce the following partial multi-valued function multisat: given in input a sequence (OE instances of the satisfiability problem with and such that, for any i, if OE i+1 is satisfiable then OE i is satisfiable, a possible output is a satisfying truth-assignment for OE i where i the proof of Theorem 12 of [8] it follows that this function is FNP NP[loglogn+O(1)] -complete. 3 We say that a multi-valued partial function F is computable by a nondeterministic Turing machine N if, for any x in the domain of F , an halting computation path of N(x) exists and any halting computation path of outputs a value of F (x). By making use of techniques similar to those of the proof of Proposition 2, it is easy to see that, since B is in poly-APX, two algorithms t B 2 exist such that, for any fixed r ? 1, many-one reduction from B r to multisat. Moreover, since A r0 is FNP NP[log log n+O(1)] -hard, then a many-one reduction (t M exists from multisat to A r 0 Finally, let t A 2 be the functions witnessing the self-improvability of A. The AP-reduction from B to A can then be derived as follows: \Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma! x 00 \Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma\Gamma! x 000 y It is easy to see that if y 000 is an r-approximate solution for the instance x 000 of A, then y is an r-approximate solution of the instance x of B. That is, B is AP-reducible to A with The above theorem cannot be proved without the dependency of both f and g on r in the definition of AP-reducibility. Indeed, it is possible to prove that if only g has this property then, unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses, a self-improvable problem A exists such that A 2 is FNP NP[loglogn+O(1)] -hard and A is not poly-APX-complete. In order to characterize APX-complete problems, we have to define a different combinatorial property. Intuitively, this property states that it is possible to merge several instances into one instance in an approximation preserving fashion. Definition 15. An NPO problem A is linearly additive if a constant fi and two algorithms exist such that, for any rational r ? 1 and for any sequence x of instances of A, x r) is an instance of A and, for any y 0 2 A 1+(r\Gamma1)fi=k each y i is an r-approximate solution of x i . Moreover, the running time of t 1 and t 2 is polynomial for every fixed r. Theorem 11. An APX problem A is APX-complete if and only if it is linearly additive and a constant r 0 exists such that A r0 is FNP NP[1] -hard. Proof. Let A be an r A -approximable APX-complete problem. From the proof of Proposition 4 a constant r 0 exists such that A r 0 is hard for FNP NP[1] . In order to prove the linear additivity, fix any r ? 1 and let x be instances of A. Without loss of generality, we can assume r ! r A (otherwise the k instances can be r-approximated by using the r A -approximate algorithm). For any the problem of finding an r-approximate solution y i for x i is reducible to the problem of constructively solving a set of dlog r r A e instances of Partition. Observe that dlog r r A e - c=(r \Gamma 1) for a certain constant c depending on r A . Moreover, we claim that a constant fl exists such that constructively solving kc=(r \Gamma 1) instances of Partition is reducible to 1)=kc)-approximating a single instance of A (indeed, this can be shown along the lines of the proof of Proposition 4). That is, A is linearly additive with Conversely, let A be a linearly additive APX problem such that A r0 is FNP NP[1] -hard for some r 0 and let B be an r B -approximable problem. Given an instance x of B, for any r ? 1 we can reduce the problem of finding an r-approximate solution for x to the problem of constructively solving c=(r \Gamma 1) instances of Partition, for a proper constant c not depending on r. Each of these questions is reducible to A r 0 , since any NP problem can be constructively solved by an FNP NP[1] function. From linear additivity, it follows that r 0 -approximating c=(r\Gamma1) instances of A is reducible to (1 1)=c)-approximating a single instance of A. This is an AP-reduction from B to A with Note that linear additivity plays for APX more or less the same role of self-improvability for poly-APX. These two properties are, in a certain sense, one the opposite of the other: while the usefulness of APX-complete approximation problems to solve decision problems depends on the performance ratio and does not depend on the size of the instance, the usefulness of poly-APX- complete approximation problems depends on the size of the instance and does not depend on the performance ratio. Indeed, it is possible to prove that no APX-complete problem can be self-improvable (unless and that no poly-APX-complete problem can be linearly additive (unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses). It is now an interesting question to find a characterizing combinatorial property of log-APX- complete problems. Indeed, we have not been able to establish this characterization: at present, we can only state that it cannot be based on the self-improvability property as shown by the following result. Theorem 12. No log-APX-complete problem can be self-improvable unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. Proof. Let us consider the optimization problem Max Number of Satisfiable Formulas (in short, MNSF) defined as follows. Instance: Set of m boolean formulas OE in 3CNF, such that OE 1 is a tautology and is the size of the input instance. Solution: Truth assignment - to the variables of OE Measure: The number of satisfied formulas, i.e., jfi : OE i is satisfied by -gj. Clearly, MNSF is in log-APX, since the measure of any assignment - is at least 1, and the optimum value is always smaller than log n, where n is the size of the input. We will show that, for any r ! 2, MNSF r is hard for FNP NP[log loglog n\Gamma1] . Given log log n queries to an NP-complete language (of size polynomial in n) x we can construct an instance of MNSF where OE 1 is a tautology and, for i - 1, the formulas OE are satisfiable if and only if at least i instances among are yes-instances (these formulas can be easily constructed using the standard proof of Cook's theorem). Note that adding dummy clauses to some formulas, we can achieve the bound m - log jOE j. Moreover, from an r-approximate solution for \Phi we can decide how many instances in x log logn are yes-instances, and we can also recover solutions for such instances. That is, any function in FNP NP[loglog logn\Gamma1] is many-one reducible to MNSF r . Let A be a self-improvable log-APX-complete problem. Then, for any function F 2 FNP NP[log log logn\Gamma1] , F-mvMNSF 1:5 -mvA 1+ff=2 -mvA 2 16 where ff is the constant in the AP- reduction from MNSF to A and where the last reduction is due to the self-improvability of A. Thus, for any x, computing F (x) is reducible to finding a 2 16 -approximate solution for an instance x 0 with jx 0 j - jxj c for a certain constant c. Since A 2 log-APX, it is possible to find in polynomial time a (k log jx 0 j)-approximate solution y for x 0 where k is a constant. From y, by means of binary search techniques, we can find a 2 16 -approximate solution for x 0 using adaptive queries to NP where the last inequality surely holds for sufficiently large jxj. Thus, FNP NP[log loglog n\Gamma1] ' FNP NP[loglog logn\Gamma2] which implies the collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy [40]. ut As a consequence of the above theorem and of the results of [26], we conjecture that the minimum set cover problem is not self-improvable. --R "Proof verification and hardness of approximation problems" Structural complexity I. "Bounded queries to SAT and the Boolean hierarchy" "On the complexity of approximating the independent set problem" Introduction to the theory of complexity. "On the query complexity of clique size and maximum satisfiability" "A machine model for NP-approximation problems and the revenge of the Boolean hierarchy" "On bounded queries and approximation" "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" "A compendium of NP optimization problems" "Completeness in approximation classes" "Relative Complexity of Evaluating the Optimum Cost and Constructing the Optimum for Maximization Problems" "On approximation scheme preserving reducibility and its applications" "Approximating the minimum degree spanning tree to within one from the optimal degree" Computers and intractability: a guide to the theory of NP-completeness "New 3/4-approximation algorithms for the maximum satisfiability problem" "The NP-completeness of edge-coloring" "Decision trees and downward closures" "Approximation algorithms for combinatorial problems" "The polynomial time hierarchy collapses if the Boolean hierarchy collapses" "ERRATUM: The Polynomial Time Hierarchy Collapses if the Boolean Hierarchy Collapses" On the approximability of NP-complete optimization problems "Polynomially bounded minimization problems that are hard to approximate" "An efficient approximation scheme for the one-dimensional bin packing problem" "On syntactic versus computational views of approximability" "Approximation properties of NP minimization classes" "The complexity of optimization problems" "On the structure of polynomial-time reducibility" "On fl-reducibility versus polynomial time many-one reducibility" "On the hardness of approximating minimization problems" "Lecture notes on approximation algorithms" "On approximation preserving reductions: Complete problems and robust measures" "Quantifiers and approximation" Computational complexity. "Optimization, approximation, and complexity classes" "Bounds for assembly line balancing heuristics" "Graph isomorphism is in the low hierarchy" "Continuous reductions among combinatorial optimization problems" "Bounded query computations" "Assembly line balancing as generalized bin packing" "On the approximation of maximum satisfiability" --TR --CTR Taneli Mielikinen , Esko Ukkonen, The complexity of maximum matroid-greedoid intersection and weighted greedoid maximization, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v.154 n.4, p.684-691, 15 March 2006 Tapio Elomaa , Matti Kriinen, The Difficulty of Reduced Error Pruning of Leveled Branching Programs, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, v.41 n.1, p.111-124, May 2004 Andreas Bley, On the complexity of vertex-disjoint length-restricted path problems, Computational Complexity, v.12 n.3-4, p.131-149, September 2004 Bruno Escoffier , Vangelis Th. Paschos, Completeness in approximation classes beyond APX, Theoretical Computer Science, v.359 n.1, p.369-377, 14 August 2006
approximation algorithms;complexity classes;reducibilities
A computational study of routing algorithms for realistic transportation networks.
We carry out an experimental analysis of a number of shortest-path (routing) algorithms investigated in the context of the TRANSIMS (TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System) project. The main focus of the paper is to study how various heuristic as well as exact solutions and associated data structures affect the computational performance of the software developed for realistic transportation networks. For this purpose we have used a road network representing, with high degree of resolution, the Dallas Fort-Worth urban area.We discuss and experimentally analyze various one-to-one shortest-path algorithms. These include classical exact algorithms studied in the literature as well as heuristic solutions that are designed to take into account the geometric structure of the input instances.Computational results are provided to compare empirically the efficiency of various algorithms. Our studies indicate that a modified Dijkstra's algorithm is computationally fast and an excellent candidate for use in various transportation planning applications as well as ITS related technologies.
Introduction TRANSIMS is a multi-year project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and is funded by the Department of Transportation and by the Environmental Protection Agency. The main purpose of TRANSIMS is to develop new methods for studying transportation planning questions. A prototypical question considered in this context would be to study the economic and social impact of building a new freeway in a large metropolitan area. We refer the reader to [TR+95a] and the web-site to obtain extensive details about the TRANSIMS project. The main goal of the paper is to describe the computational experiences in engineering various path finding algorithms in the context of TRANSIMS. Most of the algorithms discussed here are not new; they have been discussed in the Operations Research and Computer Science community. Although extensive research has been done on theoretical and experimental evaluation of shortest path algorithms, most of the empirical research has focused on randomly generated networks and special classes of networks such as grids. In contrast, not much work has been done to study the computational behavior of shortest path and related routing algorithms on realistic traffic networks. The realistic networks differ from random networks as well as from homogeneous (structured networks) in the following significant ways: (i) Realistic networks typically have a very low average degree. In fact in our case the average degree of the network was around 2.6. Similar numbers have been reported in [ZN98]. In contrast random networks used in [Pa84] have in some cases average degree of up to 10. (ii) Realistic networks are not very uniform. In fact, one typically sees one or two large clusters (downtown and neighboring areas) and then small clusters spread out throughout the entire area of interest. (iii) For most empirical studies with random networks, the edge weights are chosen independently and uniformly at random from a given interval. In contrast, realistic networks typically have short links. With the above reasons and specific application in mind, the main focus of this paper is to carry out experimental analysis of a number of shortest path algorithms on real transportation network and subject to practical constraints imposed by the overall system. See also Section 6, the point "Peculiarities of the network and its Effect" for some intuition what features of the network we consider crucial for our observations. The rest of the report is organized as follows. Section 2 contains problem statement and related discussion. In Section 3, we discuss the various algorithms evaluated in this paper. Section 4 summarizes the results obtained. Section 5 describes our experimental setup. Section 6 describes the experimental results obtained. Section 7 contains a detailed discussion of our re- sults. Finally, in Section 8 we give concluding remarks and directions for future research. We have also included an Appendix (Section 8.1) that describes the relevant algorithms for finding shortest paths in detail. Problem specification and justification The problems discussed above can be formally described as follows: let G(V; E) be a (un)directed graph. Each edge e 2 E has one attribute w(e) denoting the weight (or cost) of the edge e. Here, we assume that the weights are non-negative floating point numbers. Definition 2.1 One-to-One Shortest Given a directed weighted, graph G, a source destination pair (s; d) find a shortest (with respect to w) path p in G from s to d. Note that our experiments are carried out for shortest path between a pair of nodes, as against finding shortest path trees. Much of the literature on experimental analysis uses the second measure to gauge the efficiency. Our choice to consider the running time of the one-to- one shortest path computation is motivated by the following observations: 1. In our setting we need to compute shortest paths for roughly a million travelers. In highly detailed networks, most of these travelers have different starting points (for example, in Portland we have 1.5 million travelers and 200 000 possible starting locations). Thus, for any given starting location, we could re-use the tree computation only for about ten other travelers. 2. We wanted our algorithms to be extensible to take into account additional features/constraints imposed by the system. For example, each traveler typically has a different starting time for his/her trip. Since we use our algorithms for time dependent networks (networks in which edge weights vary with time), the shortest path tree will be different for each traveler. As a second example we need to find paths for travelers with individual mode choices in a multi-modal network. Formally, we are given a directed labeled, weighted, graph G representing a transportation network with the labels on edges representing the various modal attributes (e.g. a label t might represent a rail line). There the goal is to find shortest (simple) paths subject to certain labeling constraints on the set of feasible paths. In general, the criteria for path selection varies so much from traveler to traveler that the additional overhead for the "re-use" of information is unlikely to pay off. 3. The TRANSIMS framework allows us to use paths that are not necessarily optimal. This motivates investigation of very fast heuristic algorithms that obtain only near optimal paths (e.g. the modified A algorithm discussed here). For most of these heuristics, the idea is to bias a more focused search towards the destination - thus naturally motivating the study of one-one shortest path algorithms. 4. Finally, the networks we anticipate to deal with contain more than 80 000 nodes and around 120 000 edges. For such networks storing all shortest path trees amounts to huge memory overheads. 3 Choice of algorithms Important objectives used to evaluate the performance of the algorithms include (i) time taken for computation on real networks, (ii) quality of solution obtained, (iii) ease of implementation and (iv) extensibility of the algorithm for solving other variants of the shortest path problem. A number of interesting engineering questions were encountered in the process. We experimentally evaluated a number of variants of Dijkstra's algorithm. The basic algorithm was chosen due to the recommendations made in Cherkassky, Goldberg and Radzik [CGR96] and Zhan and Noon [ZN98]. The algorithms studied were: Dijkstra's algorithm with Binary Heaps [CGR96], A algorithm proposed in AI literature and analyzed by Sedgewick and Vitter [SV86], a modification of the A algorithm that we will describe below, and alluded to in [SV86]. A bidirectional version of Dijkstra's algorithm described in [Ma, LR89] and analyzed by [LR89] was also considered. We briefly recall the A algorithm and the modification proposed. Details of these algorithms can be found in the Appendix. When the underlying network is (near) Euclidean it is possible to improve the average case performance of Dijkstra's algorithm by exploiting the inherent geometric information that is ignored by the classical path finding algorithms. The basic idea behind improving the performance of Dijkstra's algorithm is from [SV86, HNR68] and can be described as follows. In order to build a shortest path from s to t, we use the original distance estimate for the fringe vertex such as x, i.e. from s to x (as before) plus the Euclidean distance from x to t. Thus we use global information about the graph to guide our search for shortest path from s to t. The resulting algorithm runs much faster than Dijkstra's algorithm on typical graphs for the following intuitive reasons: (i) The shortest path tree grows in the direction of t and (ii) The search of the shortest path can be terminated as soon as t is added to the shortest path tree. We note that the above algorithms, only require that the Euclidean distance between any two nodes is a valid lower bound on the actual shortest distance between these nodes. This is typically the case for road networks; the link distance between two nodes in a road network typically accounts for curves, bridges, etc. and is at least the Euclidean distance between the two nodes. Moreover in the context of TRANSIMS, we need to find fastest paths, i.e. the cost function used to calculate shortest paths is the time taken to traverse the link. Such calculations need an upper bound on the maximum allowable speed. To adequately account for all these inaccuracies, we determine an appropriate lower bound factor between Euclidean distance and assumed delay on a link in a preprocessing step. We can now modify this algorithm by giving an appropriate weight to the distance from x to t. By choosing an appropriate multiplicative factor, we can increase the contribution of the second component in calculating the label of a vertex. From a intuitive standpoint this corresponds to giving the destination a high potential, in effect biasing the search towards the destination. This modification will in general not yield shortest paths, nevertheless our experimental results suggest that the errors produced can be kept reasonably small. 4 Summary of Results We are now ready to summarize the main results and conclusions of this paper. As already stated the main focus of the paper is the engineering and tuning of well known shortest path algorithms in a practical setting. Another goal of this paper to provide reasons for and against certain implementations from a practical standpoint. We believe that our conclusions along with the earlier results in [ZN98, CGR96] provide practitioners a useful basis to select appropriate algorithms/implementations in the context of transportation networks. The general re- sults/conclusions of this paper are summarized below. 1. We conclude that the simple Binary heap implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm is a good choice for finding optimal routes in real road transportation networks. Specifically, we found that certain types of data structure fine tuning did not significantly improve the performance of our implementation. 2. Our results suggest that heuristic solutions using the underlying geometric structure of the graphs are attractive candidates for future research. Our experimental results motivated the formulation and implementation of an extremely fast heuristic extension of the basic A algorithm. The parameterized time/quality trade-off the algorithm achieves in our setting appears to be quite promising. 3. Our study suggests that bidirectional variation of Dijkstra's algorithm is not suitable for transportation planning. Our conclusions are based on two factors: (i) the algorithm is not extensible to more general path problems and (ii) the running time does not outperform the other exact algorithms considered. 5 Experimental Setup and Methodology In this section we describe the computational results of our implementations. In order to anchor research in realistic problems, TRANSIMS uses example cases called Case studies (See [CS97] for complete details). This allows us to test the effectiveness of our algorithms on real life data. The case study just concluded focused on Dallas Fort-Worth (DFW) Metropolitan area and was done in conjunction with Municipal Planning Organization (MPO) (known as North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)). We generated trips for the whole DFW area for a hour period. The input for each traveler has the following format: (starting time, starting location, ending location). 4 There are 10.3 million trips over 24 hours. The number of nodes 4 This is roughly correct, the reality is more complicated, [NB97, CS97]. and links in the Dallas network is roughly 9863, 14750 respectively. The average degree of a node in the network was 2.6. We route all these trips through the so-called focused network. It has all freeway links, most major arterials, etc. Inside this network, there is an area where all streets, including local streets, are contained in the data base. This is the study area. We initially routed all trips between 5am and 10am, but only the trips which went through the study area were retained, resulting in approx. 300 000 trips. These 300 000 trips were re-planned over and over again in iteration with the micro-simulation(s). For more details, see, e.g., [NB97, CS97]. A 3% random sample of these trips were used for our computational experiments. Preparing the network. The data received from DFW metro had a number of inadequacies from the point of view of performing the experimental analysis. These had to be corrected before carrying out the analysis. We mention a few important ones here. First, the network was found to have a number of disconnected components (small islands). We did not consider (o; d) pairs in different components. Second, a more serious problem from an algorithmic standpoint was the fact that for a number of links, the length was less than the actual Euclidean distance between the the two end points. In most cases, this was due to an artificial convention used by the DFW transportation planners (so-called centroid connectors always have length 10 m, whatever the Euclidean distance), but in some cases it pointed to data errors. In any case, this discrepancy disallows effective implementation of A type algorithms. For this reason we introduce the notion of the "normalized" network: For all links with length less than the Euclidean distance, we set the reported length to be equal to the Euclidean distance. Note here, that we take the Euclidean distance only as a lower bound on shortest path in the network. Recall that if we want to compute fastest path (in terms of time taken) instead of shortest, we also have to make assumptions regarding the maximum allowable speed in the network to determine a conservative lower bound on the minimal travel time between points in the network. Preliminary experimental analysis was carried out for the following network modifications that could be helpful in improving the efficiency of our algorithms. These include: (i) Removing nodes with degrees less than 3: (Includes collapsing paths and also leaf nodes) (ii) Modifying nodes of degree 3: (Replace it by a triangle) Hardware and Software Support. The experiments were performed on a Sun UltraSparc CPU with 250 MHz, running under Solaris 2.5. 2 gigabyte main memory were shared with 13 other CPUs; our own memory usage was always 150 MB or less. In general, we used the SUN Workshop CC compiler with optimization flag -fast. (We also performed an experiment on the influence of different optimization options without seeing significant differences.) The advantage of the multiprocessor machine was reproducibility of the results. This was due to the fact that the operating system does not typically need to interrupt a live process; requests by other processes were assigned to other CPUs. Experimental Method 10,000 arbitrary plans were picked from the case study. We used the timing mechanism provided by the operating system with granularity .01 seconds (1 tick). Experiments were performed only if the system load did not exceed the number of available processors, i.e. processors were not shared. As long as this condition was not violated during the experiment, the running times were fairly consistent, usually within relative errors of 3%. We used (a subset) of the following values measurable for a single or a specific number of computations to conclude the reported results (average) running time excluding i/o number of fringe/expanded nodes pictures of fringe/expanded nodes maximum heap size number of links and length of the path Software Design We used the object oriented features as well as the templating mechanism of C++ to easily combine different implementations. We also used preprocessor directives and macros. As we do not want to introduce any unnecessary run time overhead, we avoid for example the concept of virtual inheritance. The software system has classes that encapsulate the following elements of the computation: network (extensibility and different levels of detail lead to a small, linear hierarchy) plans: (o; d) pairs and complete paths with time stamps priority queue (heap) labeling of the graph and using the priority queue storing the shortest path tree Dijkstra's algorithm As expected, this approach leads to an apparent overhead of function calls. Nevertheless, the compiler optimization detects most such overheads. Specifically, an earlier non templated implementation achieved roughly the same performance as the corresponding instance of the templated version. The results were consistent with similar observations when working on mini-examples. The above explanation was also confirmed by the outcome of our experiments: We observed, that reducing the instruction count does not reduce the observed running time as might be expected. Assuming we would have a major overhead from high level constructs, we would expect to see a strong influence of the number of instructions executed on the running time observed. 6 Experimental Results Design Issues about Data Structures We begin with the design decisions regarding the data structures used. A number of alternative data structures were considered to investigate if they results in substantial improvement in the running time of the algorithm. The alternatives tested included the following. (i) Arrays versus Heaps , (ii) Deferred Update, (iii) Hash Tables for Storing Graphs, (iv) Smart Label Reset (v) Heap variations, and (vi) struct of arrays vs. array of structs. Appendix contains a more detailed discussion of these issues. We found, that indeed good programming practice, using common sense to avoid unnecessary computation and textbook knowledge on reasonable data structures are useful to get good running times. For the alternatives mentioned above, we did not find substantial improvement in the running time. More precisely, the differences we found were bigger than the unavoidable noise on a multi-user computing environment. Nevertheless, they were all below 10% relative difference. A brief discussion of various data structures tried can be found in the Appendix. Analysis of results. The plain Dijkstra, using static delays calculated from reported free flow speeds, produced roughly 100 plans per second. Figure 1 illustrates the improvement obtained by the A modification. The numbers shown in the corner of the network snapshots tell an average (of 100 repetitions to destroy cache effects between subsequent runs) running time for this particular O-D-pair, in system ticks. It also gives the number of expanded and fringe nodes. Note that we have used different scales in order to clearly depict the set of expanded nodes. Overall we found that A on the normalized network (having removed network anomalies as explained above) is faster than basic Dijkstra's algorithm by roughly a factor of 2. Modified A (Overdo Heuristic) Next consider the modified A algorithm - the heuristic is parameterized by the multiplicative factor used to weigh the Euclidean distance to the destination against the distance from the source in the already computed tree. We call this the overdo parameter. This approach, can be seen as changing the conservative lower bound used for in the A algorithm into an "expected" or "approximated" lower bound. Experimental evidence suggests that even large overdo factors usually yield reasonable paths. Note that this nice behavior might fail as soon as the link delays are not at all directly related to the link length (Euclidean distance between the endpoints), as might be expected in a network with link lengths proportional to travel times in a partially congested city. As a result it is natural to discuss the time/quality trade-off of the heuristic as a function of the overdo parameter. Figure 2 summarizes the performance. In the figure the X-axis represents the overdo factor, being varied from 0 to 100 in steps of 1. The Y-axis is used for multiple attributes which we explain below. First, the Y axis is used to represent the average running time per plan. For this attribute, we use the log scale with the unit denoting 10 milliseconds. As depicted by the solid line, the average time taken without any overdo at all is 12.9 milliseconds per plan. This represents the base measurement (without taking the geometric information into account, but including time taken for computing of Euclidean distances). Next, for overdo value of 10 and 99 the running times are respectively 2.53 and .308 milliseconds. On the other hand, the quality of the solution produced by the heuristic worsens as the overdo factor is increased. We used two quantities to measure the error - (i) the maximum relative error incurred over 10000 plans and (ii) the ticks 2.40, #exp 6179, #fr 233 ticks 0.64, #exp 1446, #fr 316 Figure 1: Figure illustrating the number of expanded nodes while running (i) Dijkstra (ii) A algorithms. The figures clearly show the A heuristic is much more efficient in terms of the nodes it visits. In both the graphs, the path is outlined as a dark line. The fringe nodes and the expanded nodes are marked as dark spots. The underlying network is shown in light grey. The source node is marked with a big circle, the destination with a small one. Notice the different scales of the figures. 9 time Figure 2: Figure illustrating the trade-off between the running time and quality of paths as a function of the overdo-paramameter. The X axis represents the overdo factor from 0 to 100. The Y axis is used to represent three quantities plotted on a log scale - (i) running time, (ii) Maximum relative error and (iii) fraction of plans with relative error greater than a threshold value. The threshold values chosen are 0%, time Figure 3: Figure illustrating the trade-off between the running time and quality of paths as a function of the overdo-parameter on the normalized network. The meaning of the axis and depicted things is the same as in the previous figure. fraction of plans with errors more than a given threshold error. Both types of errors are shown on the Y axis. The maximum relative error (plot marked with *) ranges from 0 for overdo factor 0 to 16% for overdo value 99. For the other error measure, we plot one curve for each threshold error of 0%, 10%. The following conclusions can be drawn from our results. 1. The running times improve significantly as the overdo factor is increased. Specifically the improvements are a factor 5 for overdo parameter 10 and almost a factor 40 for overdo parameter 99. 2. In contrast, the quality of solution worsens much more slowly. Specifically, the maximum error is no worse than 16% for the maximum overdo factor. Moreover, although the number of erroneous plans is quite high (almost all plans are erroneous for overdo factor of 99), most of them have small relative errors. To illustrate this, note that only around 15% of them have relative error of 5% or more. 3. The experiments and the graphs suggest an "optimal" value of overdo factor for which the running time is significantly improved while the solution quality is not too bad. These experiments are a step in trying to find an empirical time/performance trade-off as a function of the overdo parameter. 4. As seen in Figure 3 the overall quality of the results shows a similar tradeoff if we switch to the normalized network. The only difference is that the errors are reduced for a given value of the overdo parameter. 5. As depicted in Figure 4, the number of plans worse than a certain relative error decreases (roughly) exponentially with this relative error. This characteristic does not depend on the overdo factor. 6. We also found that the near-optimal paths produced were visually acceptable and represented a feasible alternative route guiding mechanism. This method finds alternative paths that are quite different than ones found by the k-shortest path algorithms and seem more natural. Intuitively, the k-shortest path algorithms, find paths very similar to the overall shortest path, except for a few local changes. 7. The counterintuitive local maximum for overdo value 3.2 in Figure 3 can be explained by the example depicted in Figure 5. the optimal length is 21, for overdo parameter 2 we get a solution of length 22 Here node B gets inserted with a value of 24 opposed to values 29 and 25 of A and C. As these values for A and B are bigger than the resulting path using B, this path stays final. for overdo parameter 4 we get again a solution of length 21. This stems from the fact that now C gets inserted into the heap with the value 33 where as B with a value of overdo factor 3.0 overdo factor 2.0 overdo factor 1.5 overdo factor 1.2 overdo factor 1.1 Figure 4: The distribution of wrong plans for different overdo-parameters in the normalized network for Dallas Ft-Worth. In X direction we change the "notion of a bad plan" in terms of relative error, in Y direction we show the fraction of plans that is classified to be "bad" with the current notion of "wrong". It is easy to see that such examples can be scaled and embedded into larger graphs. Since the maximum error stems from one particular shortest path question, it is not too surprising to encounter such a situation. Peculiarities of the network and its Effect In the context of TRANSIMS, where we needed to find one-to-one shortest paths, we observed possibly interesting influence of the underlying network and its geometric structure on the performance of the algorithms. We expect similar characteristics to be visible in other road networks as well, possibly modified by the existence of rivers or other similar obstacles. Note that the network is almost Euclidean and (near) homogenous to justify the following intuition: Dijkstra's algorithm explores the nodes of a network in a circular fashion. During the run we see roughly a disc of expanded nodes and a small ring of fringe nodes (nodes in the heap) around them. For planar and near panar graphs it has been observed that the heap size is O( n) with high probability. This provides one possible explanation of why the maximum heap sizes in our experiments was close to 500. In particular, even if the area of the circular (in number of nodes) reaches the size of the network (10 000), the ring of fringe nodes is roughly proportional to the circumference of the circular region (and thus roughly proportional to We believe that this homogenous and almost Euclidean structure is also the reason for our observations about the modified A algorithm. The above discussion provides at least an intuitive explanation of why special algorithms such as A might perform better on Euclidean and close to Euclidean networks. A Figure 5: Example network having a local maximum for the computed path length for increasing overdo parameter; the edges are marked with (Euclidean distance, reported length). Effect of Memory access times In our experiments we observed, that changes in the implementation of the priority queue have minimal influence on the overall running time. In contrast, the instruction count profiling (done with a program called "quantify") pinpoints the priority queue to be the main contributer to the overall number of instructions. Combining these two facts, we conclude that the running time we observe is heavily dependent on the time it takes to access the graph representation that do do not fit the cache. Thus the processor spends a significant amount of time waiting. We expect further improvement of the running time by concentrating on the memory ac- cesses, for example by making the graph representation more compact, or optimize accesses by choosing memory location of a node according to the topology of the graph. In general the conclusions of our paper motivate the need for design and analysis of algorithms that take the memory access latency into account. 7 Discussion of Results First, we note that the running times for the plain Dijkstra are reasonable as well as sufficient in the context of the TRANSIMS project. Quantitatively, this means the following: TRANSIMS is run in iterations between the micro-simulation, and the planner modules, of which the shortest path finding routine is one part. We have recently begun research for the next case study project for TRANSIMS. This case study is going to be done in Portland, Oregon and was chosen to demonstrate the validate our ideas for multi-modal time dependent networks with public transportation following a scheduled movement. Our initial study suggests that we now take sec/trip as opposed to .01 sec/trip in the Dallas Ft-Worth case [Ko98]. All these extensions are important from the standpoint of finding algorithms for realistic transportation routing problems. We comment on this in some detail below. Multi-modal networks are an integral part of most MPO's. Finding optimal (or near-optimal) routes in this environment therefore constitutes a real problem. In the past, solutions for routing in such networks was handled ticks 0.10, #exp 140, #fr 190 Figure Figure illustrating two instances of Dijkstra's algorithms with a very high overdo parameter start at origin and destination respectively. One of them really creates the shown path, the beginning of the other path is visible as a "cloud" of expanded nodes in an ad hoc fashion. The basic idea (discussed in detail in [BJM98]) here is to use regular expressions to specify modal constraints. In [BJM98, JBM98], we have proposed models and polynomial time algorithms to solve this and related problems. Next consider another important extension - namely to time dependent networks. We assume that the edge lengths are modeled by monotonic non-decreasing, piecewise linear functions. These are called the link traversal functions. For a function f associated with a link denotes the time of arrival at b when starting at time x at a. By using an appropriate extension of the basic Dijkstra's algorithm, one can calculate optimal paths in such networks. Our preliminary results on these topics in the context of TRANSIMS can be found in [Ko98, JBM98]. The Portland network we are intending to use has about 120 000 links and about 80 000 nodes. Simulating hours of traffic on this network will take about 24 hours computing time on our 14 CPU ma- chine. There will be about 1.5 million trips on this network. Routing all these trips should take 9 days on a single CPU and thus less than 1 day on our 14 CPU machine. Since re-routing typically concerns only 10% of the population, we would need less than 3 hours of computing time for the re-routing part of one iteration, still significantly less than the micro-simulation needs. Our results and the constraints placed by the functionality requirement of the overall system imply that bidirectional version of Dijkstra's algorithm is not a viable alternative. Two reasons for this are: (i) The algorithm can not be extended in a direct way to path problems in a multi-modal and time dependent networks, and (ii) the running times of A is better than the bidirectional variant; the modified A is much more faster. Conclusions The computational results presented in the previous sections demonstrate that Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths is a viable candidate for compute route plans in a route planning stage of a TRANSIMS like system. Thus such an algorithm should be considered even for ITS type projects in which we need to find routes by an on-board vehicle navigation systems. The design of TRANSIMS lead us to consider one-to-one shortest path algorithms, as opposed to algorithms that construct the complete shortest-path tree from a given starting (or destination) point. As is well known, the worst-case complexity of one-to-one shortest path algorithms is the same as of one-to-all shortest path algorithms. Yet, in terms of our practical problem, this is not applicable. First, a one-to-one algorithm can stop as soon as the destination is reached, saving computer time especially when trips are short (which often is the case in our setting). Second, since our networks are roughly Euclidean, one can use this fact for heuristics that reduce computation time even more. The A with an appropriate overdo parameter apperas to be an attractive candidate in this regard. Making the algorithms time-dependent in all cases slowed down the computation by a factor of at most two. Since we are using a one-to-one approach, adding extensions that for example include personal preferences (e.g. mode choice) are straightforward; preliminary tests let us expect slow-downs by a factor of 30 to 50. This significant slowdown was caused by a number of factors including the following: (i) The network size increased by a factor of 4 and was caused by addition and splitting of nodes and/or edges and adding public transportation. This was done to account for activity locations, parking locations, adding virtual links joining these locations, etc. (ii) The time dependency functions used to represent transit schedules and varying speed of street traffic, implied increased memory and computational requirement. Initial estimates are that the memory requirement increases by a factor of 10 and the computational time increases by factor of 5. Moreover, different type of delay functions were used for inducing a qualitatively different exploration of the network by the algorithm. This seems to prohibit keeping a small number of representative time dependency functions. (iii) The algorithm for handling modal constraints works by making multiple copies of the original network. The algorithm is discussed in [JBM98] and preliminary computational results are discussed in [Ko98]. This increased the memory requirement by a factor of 5 and computation time by an additional factor of 5. Extrapolations of the results for the Portland case study show that, even with this slowdown the route planning part of TRANSIMS still uses significantly less computing time than the micro-simulation. Finally, we note that under certain circumstances the one-to-one approach chosen in this paper may also be useful for ITS applications. This would be the case when customers would require customized route suggestions, so that re-using a shortest path tree from another calculation may no longer be possible. Acknowledgments Research supported by the Department of Energy under Contract W-7405- ENG-36. We thank the members of the TRANSIMS team in particular, Doug Anson, Chris Barrett, Richard Beckman, Roger Frye, Terence Kelly, Marcus Rickert, Myron Stein and Patrice Simon for providing the software infrastructure, pointers to related literature and numerous discussions on topics related to the subject. The second author wishes to thank Myron Stein for long discussion on related topics and for his earlier work that motivated this paper. We also thank Joseph Cheriyan, S.S. Ravi, Prabhakar Ragde, R. Ravi and Aravind Srinivasan for constructive comments and pointers to related literature. Finally, we thank the referees for helpful comments and suggestions. --R The Design and Analysis of Computer Algo- rithms Formal Language Constrained Path Problems to be presented at the Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithmic Theory An Operational Description of TRANSIMS Shortest Path algorithms: Theory and Experimental Evaluation Computational Study of am Improved Shortest Path Algorithm "Route Finding in Street Maps by Computers and People," "A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths," Highway Research Board Experimental Analysis of Routing Algorithms in in Time Dependent and Labeled Networks "A Bidirectional Shortest Path Algorithm with Good Average Case Behavior," "Approximation schemes for the restricted shortest path problem," "A Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Running time O( p V log V )," Shortest Path Algorithms: A Computational Study with C Programming Language Using Microsimulation Feedback for trip Adaptation for Realistic Traffic in Dallas Experiences with Iterated Traffic Microsimulations in Dallas Implementation and Efficiency of Moore Algorithm for the Shortest Root Problem Shortest Path Algorithms: Complexity "Bidirectional Searching," "Shortest Paths in Euclidean Graphs," "Finding Realistic Detour by AI Search Techniques," Shortest Path Algorithms: An Evaluation using Real Road Networks Transportation Science --TR Shortest paths in Euclidean graphs Shortest path algorithms: a computational study with the C programming language Network flows Approximation schemes for the restricted shortest path problem Shortest paths algorithms The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Formal Language Constrained Path Problems Shortest Path Algorithms --CTR Michael Balmer , Nurhan Cetin , Kai Nagel , Bryan Raney, Towards Truly Agent-Based Traffic and Mobility Simulations, Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, p.60-67, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York L. Fu , D. Sun , L. R. Rilett, Heuristic shortest path algorithms for transportation applications: state of the art, Computers and Operations Research, v.33 n.11, p.3324-3343, November 2006
shortest-paths algorithms;transportation planning;design and analysis of algorithms;network design;experimental analysis
Automatic sampling with the ratio-of-uniforms method.
Applying the ratio-of-uniforms method for generating random variates results in very efficient, fast, and easy-to-implement algorithms. However parameters for every particular type of density must be precalculated analytically. In this article we show, that the ratio-of-uniforms method is also useful for the design of a black-box algorithm suitable for a large class of distributions, including all with log-concave densities. Using polygonal envelopes and squeezes results in an algorithm that is extremely fast. In opposition to any other ratio-of-uniforms algorithm the expected number of uniform random numbers is less than two. Furthermore, we show that this method is in some sense equivalent to transformed density rejection.
Introduction There exists a large literature on generation methods for standard continuous distributions; see, for example, Devroye (1986). These algorithms are often especially designed for a particular distribution and tailored to the features of each density. However in many situations the application of standard distributions is not adequate for a Monte-Carlo simulation. Besides sheer brute force inversion (that is, tabulate the distribution function at many points), several universal methods for large classes of distributions has been developed to avoid the design of special algorithms for these cases. Some of these methods are either very slow (e.g. Devroye (1984)) or need a slow set-up step and large tables (e.g. Ahrens and Kohrt (1981), Marsaglia and Tsang (1984), and Devroye (1986, chap. VII)). Recently two more efficient methods have been proposed. The transformed density rejection by Gilks and Wild (1992) and H-ormann (1995) is an accep- tance/rejection technique that uses the concavity of the transformed density to generate a hat function automatically. The user only needs to provide the probability density function and perhaps the (approximate) location of the mode. A table method by Ahrens (1995) also is an acceptance/rejection method, but uses a piecewise constant hat such that the area below each piece is the same. A region of immediate acceptance makes the algorithm fast when a large number of constant pieces is used. The tail region of the distribution is treated separately. The ratio-of-uniforms method introduced by Kinderman and Monahan (1977) is another flexible method that can be adjusted to a large variety of distributions. It has become a popular transformation method to generate non-uniform random variates, since it results in exact, efficient, fast and easy to implement algorithms. Typically these algorithms have only a few lines of code (e.g. Barabesi (1993) gives a survey and examples of FORTRAN codes for several standard distributions). It is based on the following theorem. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 65C10 random number generation, Sec- ondary: 65U05 Numerical methods in probability and statistics; 11K45 Pseudo-random numbers, Monte Carlo methods. Key words and phrases. non-uniform random variates, ratio-of-uniforms, universal method, adaptive method, patchwork rejection, continuous distributions, log-concave distributions, concave distributions, transformed density rejection. Theorem 1 (Kinderman and Monahan 1977). Let X be a random variable with density function R g(x)dx, where g(x) is a positive integrable function with support necessarily finite. If (V; U) is uniformly distributed in For sampling random points uniformly distributed in A g rejection from a convenient enveloping region R g is used. The basic form of the ratio-of-uniforms method is given by algorithm rou. Algorithm rou Require: density f(x); enveloping region R 1: repeat 2: Generate random point (V; U) uniformly distributed in R. 3: X / V=U . 4: until U 2 - f(X). 5: return X . Usually the input in rou is prepared by the designer of the algorithm for each particular distribution. To reduce the number of evaluations of the density function in step 4, squeezes are used. It is obvious that the performance of this simple algorithm depends on the rejection constant, i.e. on the ration jRj=jAj, where jRj denotes the area of region R. Kinderman and Monahan (1977) and others use rejection from the minimal bounding rectangle, i.e. the smallest possible rectangle g. This basic algorithm has been improved in several fitting enclosing region decreases the rejection constant. Possible choices are parallelograms (e.g. Cheng and Feast (1979)) or quadratic bounding curves (e.g. Leva (1992)). Often it is convenient to decompose A into a countable set of non-overlapping subregions ("composite ratio-of-uniforms method", Robertson and Walls (1980) give a simple example). Dagpunar (1988, p. 65) considers the possibility of an enclosing polygon. In this paper we develop a new algorithm that uses polygonal envelopes and squeezes. Random variates inside the squeeze are generated by mere inversion and therefore in opposite to any other ratio-of-uniforms method less than two uniform random numbers are required. For a large class of distributions, including all log-concave distributions, it is possible to construct envelope and squeeze automatically. Moreover we show that the new algorithm is in some sense equivalent to transformed density rejection. The new method has several advantages: ffl Envelopes and squeezes are constructed automatically. Only the probability density function is necessary. Only random numbers are necessary, where % ? 0 can be made arbitrarily small. ffl For small % the method is close to inversion and thus the resulting random variates can be used for variance reduction techniques. Moreover the structure of the resulting random variates is similar to the that of the underlying random uniform random number generator. Hence the non-uniform random variates inherit its quality properties. 1 Moreover the method has been extended: Wakefield, Gelfand, and Smith (1991) replaces the function by a more general strictly increasing differentiable function q(u). Stadlober (1989, 1990) gives a modification for discrete distributions. Jones and Lunn (1996) embeds this method into a "general random variate generation framework". Wakefield et al. (1991) and Stef-anescu and V-aduva (1987) apply this method to the generation of multivariate distributions. ffl It avoids some possible defects in the quality of the resulting pseudo-random variates that have been reported for the ratio-of-uniforms method (see H-ormann 1994a; H-ormann 1994b). ffl It is the first ratio-of-uniforms method and the first implementation of transformed density rejection that requires less than two random numbers. In section 2 we give an outline of this new approach and in section 4 we discuss the problem of getting a proper envelope for the region R. Section 5 describes the algorithm in detail. Section 3 shows that this algorithm is applicable for all T - concave densities, with T x. Remarks on the quality of random numbers generated with the new algorithm are given in section 6. 2. The method Enveloping polygons. We are given a distribution with probability density function R g(x)dx with convex set A g . Notice that g must be continuous and bounded since otherwise A g were not convex. To simplify the development of our method we first assume unbounded support for g. (This restriction will be dropped later.) For such a distribution it is easy to make an enveloping polygon: Select a couple of points c i , the boundary of A and use the tangents at these points as edges of the enclosing polygon P e (see figure 1). We denote the vertices of P e by m i . These are simply the intersection points of the tangents. Obviously our choice of the construction points of the tangents has to result in a bounded polygon P e . The procedure even works if the tangents are not unique for a point (v; u), i.e. if g(x) is not differentiable in Furthermore it is very simple to construct squeezes: Take the inside of the polygon P s with vertices c i . construction points tangent Figure 1. Polygonal envelope and squeeze for convex set A g . Sampling from the enveloping polygon. Notice that the origin (0; 0) is always contained in the polygon P e . Moreover every straight line through the origin corresponds to an thus its intersection with A is always connected. Therefore we use c for the first construction point and the v-axis as its tangent. To sample uniformly from the enclosing polygon we triangulate P e and making segments S i , illustrates the situation. Segment S i has the vertices c 0 , c for the last segment. Each segment is divided into the triangle S s inside the squeeze (dark Sn Figure 2. Triangulation of enveloping polygon shaded) and a triangle S outside (light shaded). Notice that the segments S 0 and Sn have only three vertices and no triangles S s 0 and S s n . To generate a random point uniformly distributed in P e , we first have to sample from the discrete distribution with probability vector proportional to (jS 0 j; jS 1 j; to select a segment and further a triangle S i or S s i . This can be done by Algorithm get segment Require: list of segments 1: Generate R - U(0; 1). 2: Find the smallest k, such that i-k 3: if P 4: return triangle S s k . 5: else return triangle S k . For step 2 indexed search (or guide tables) is an appropriate method (Chen and Asau (1974), see also Devroye (1986, xIII.2.4)). Uniformly distributed points in a triangle (v can be generated by the following simple algorithm (Devroye 1986, p. 570): Algorithm triangle Require: triangle (v 1: Generate R 1 2: if R 1 3: return (1 For sampling from S s this algorithm can be much improved. Every point in such a triangle can immediately be accepted without evaluating the probability density function and thus we are only interested in the ratio of the components. Since the i has vertex c we arrive at (R (R where c i;j is the j-th component of vertex c i , and R again is a (0; 1)- uniform random variate by the ration-of-uniforms theorem, since 0 - R 2 (Kinderman and Monahan 1977). Notice that we save one uniform random number in the domain P s by this method. Furthermore we can reuse the random number R from routine get segment by R risk. We find i-k i-k Sampling from P s can then be seen as inversion from the cumulated distribution function defined by the boundary of the squeeze polygon. Thus for a ratio jP s j=jP e j close to 1 we have almost inversion for generating random variates. The inversion method has two advantages and is thus favored by the simulation community (see Bratley, Fox, and Schrage (1983)): (1) The structure of the generator is simple and can easily be investigated (see section 6). (2) These random variates can be used for variance reduction techniques. Expected number of uniform random numbers. Let j. Then we need (1 for generating one ratio v=u. Since we have to reject this ratio if (v; u) 62 A and we find for the expected number of uniform random numbers per generated non-uniform Notice that by a proper choice of the construction points, % can be made arbitrarily small. Bounded domain for g. If x than the situation is nearly the same. We have to distinguish between two cases: exists for the limit point x i . We then use x i as construction point and the respective triangular segment S 0 or Sn is not necessary. (2) Otherwise we can restrict the triangular segment S 0 or Sn , i.e. we use the tangent line instead of the v-axis. Notice that we then have different tangent lines at c 0 for S 0 and Sn . Adding a construction point. To add a new point for a given ratio we need (c on the "outer boundary" of A and the tangent line of A at this point. These are given by positive root of u and the total differential of tangent: a where a 3. Ratio-of-uniforms and transformed density rejection Transformed density rejection. One of the most efficient universal methods is transformed density rejection, introduced in Devroye (1986) and under a different name in Gilks and Wild (1992), and generalized in H-ormann (1995). This accep- tance/rejection technique uses the concavity of the transformed density to generate a hat function and squeezes automatically by means of tangents and secants. The user only needs to provide the density function and perhaps the (approximate) location of the mode. It can be utilized for any density f where a strictly increasing, differentiable transformation T exists, such that T (f(x)) is concave (see H-ormann (1995) for details). Such a density is called log-concave densities are an example with T log(x). Figure 3 illustrates the situation for the standard normal distribution and the transformation T log(x). The left hand side shows the transformed density with three tangents. The right hand side shows the density function with the resulting hat. Squeezes are drawn as dashed lines. Evans and Swartz (1998) has shown that this technique is even suitable for arbitrary densities provided that the inflection points of the transformed density are known. 6 JOSEF LEYDOLD Figure 3. Construction of a hat function for the normal density utilizing transformed density rejection. Densities with convex region A. Stadlober (1989) and Dieter (1989) have clarified the relationship of the ratio-of-uniforms method to the ordinary accep- tance/rejection method. But there is also a deeper connection to the transformed density rejection, that gives us a useful characterization for densities with convex region A g . We first provide a proof of theorem 1. Proof of theorem 1. Consider the transformation R \Theta (0; 1) Since the Jacobian of this transformation is 2, the joint density probability function of X and Y is given by w(x; otherwise. Thus X has marginal density w 1 R g(x) Consequently R g(x)dx and w 1 probability density function f(x). Transformation (5) maps A g one-to-one onto B i.e. the set of points between the graph of g(x) and the x-axis. Moreover the "outer boundary" of A g , f(v; u) : mapped onto the graph of g(x). Theorem 2. A g is convex if and only if g(x) is T -concave with transformation x. Proof. Since x is strictly monotonically increasing, the transformation one-to-one onto C i.e. the region below the transformed density. Hence by T R \Theta (0; 1) maps A g one-to-one onto C g . Notice that g is T -concave if and only if C g is con- vex. Thus it remains to show that A g is convex if and only if C g is convex, and consequently that straight lines remain straight lines under transformation (6). Let a x+b y = d be a straight line in C g . Then a i.e. a straight line in A g . Analogously we find for a straight line a the line a x . Remark 3. By theorem 2 the new universal ratio-of-uniforms method is in some sense equivalent to transformed density rejection. It is a different method to generate points uniformly distributed in the region below the hat function. But in opposite to the new method transformed density rejection always needs more than two uniform random numbers. A similar approach for the transform density re- jection, i.e. decomposing the hat function into the squeeze (region of immediate acceptance) and the region between squeeze and hat, does not work well. Sampling from the second part is very awkward and prone to numerical errors (H-ormann 1999). Since every log-concave density is T -concave with T x (H-ormann 1995), our algorithm can be applied to a large class of distributions. Examples are given in table 1. The given conditions on the parameters imply T -concavity on the support of the densities. However the densities are T -concave for a wider range of their parameters on a subset of their support. E.g. the density of the gamma distribution with -concave for all a ? 0 and x - Distribution Density Support T -concave for Normal e \Gammax 2 =2 R Log-normal 1=x exp(\Gamma pExponential - e \Gamma- x [0; Beta x Weibull x Perks 1=(e x Gen. inv. Gaussian x Pearson VI x Planck x a =(e Burr x Snedecor's F x Table 1. T -concave densities (normalization constants omitted) 4. Construction points The performance of the new algorithm depends on a small ratio of and thus on the choice of the constructions points for the tangents of the enveloping polygon. There are three possible solutions: (1) simply choose equidistributed points, (2) use an adaptive method, or (3) use optimal points. It is obvious that setup time is increasing and marginal generation time is decreasing from (1) to (3) for a given number of construction points. Equidistributed points. The simplest method is to choose points x equidistributed angles: If the density function has bounded domain, (7) has to be modified to where tan(' l ) and tan(' r ) are the left and right boundary of the domain (see also section 2). Numerical simulations with several density functions have shown that this is an acceptable good choice for construction points for several distributions where the ratio of length and width of the minimal bounding rectangle is not too far from one. Adaptive rejection sampling. Gilks and Wild (1992) introduces the ingenious concept of adaptive rejection sampling for the problem of finding appropriate construction points for the tangents for the transformed density rejection method. Adopted to our situation it works in the following way: Start with (at least) two points on both sides of the mode and sample points from the enveloping polygon P e . Add a new construction point at stopping criterion is fulfilled, e.g. the maximal number of construction points or the aimed ratio jP s j=jP e j is reached. To ensure that the starting polygon P e is bounded, a construction point at (or at least close to) the mode should be used as a third starting point. Sampling a point in the domain P e n P s is much more expensive than sampling from the squeeze region. Firstly the generation of a random point requires more random numbers and multiplications; secondly we have to evaluate the density and check the acceptance condition. Thus we have to minimize the ratio which is done perfectly well by adaptive rejection sample, since by this method the region A is automatically approximated by envelope and squeeze polygon. The probability for adding a new point in a segment S i depends on the ratio jS i.e. from the probability to fall into S . Hence the adaptive algorithm tends to insert a new construction point where it is "more necessary". Obviously the ratio %n is a random variable that converges to 0 almost surely when the number construction points n tends to infinity. A simple consideration (Leydold and H-ormann 1998). Figure 4 shows the result of a simulation for the standard normal distribution with (non optimal) starting points at samples). %n is plotted against the number n of construction points. The range of %n is given by the light shaded area, 90%- and 50%-percentiles are given by dark shaded areas, median by the solid line. 1:0 Figure 4. Convergence of the ratio for the standard normal distribution with starting points at (50 000 samples) We have run simulations with other distributions and starting values and have made the observation that convergence is even faster for other (non-normal) dis- tributions. However analytical investigations are interesting. Upper bounds for expected value of %n are an open problem. Optimal construction points. By theorem 2 the area between hat and squeeze of the transformed density rejection method is mapped one-to-one and onto the AUTOMATIC SAMPLING WITH THE RATIO-OF-UNIFORMS METHOD 9 Thus we can use methods for computing optimal construction points for transformed density rejection for finding optimal envelopes for the new algorithm. If only three construction points are used, see H-ormann (1995). If more points are required, Derflinger and H-ormann (1998) describe a very efficient method. However some modification are necessary. Improvements over adaptive rejection sampling are rather small and can be seen in figure 4 (The lower boundary of the range gives a good estimate for the optimal choice of construction points. 5. The Algorithm Algorithm arou consists of three main parts: (1) Construct the starting enveloping polygon P e and squeeze polygon P s in routine arou start. Here we have to take care about a possibly bounded domain and the two cases described in section 2. The starting points must be provided (e.g. by using equidistributed points as describes in section 4). (2) Sample from the given distribution in routine arou sample. (3) Add a new construction point with routine arou add whenever we fall into We store the envelope into a list of segments (object 1). When using this algorithm we first have to initialize the generator by calling arou start. Then sampling can be done by calling arou sample. object 1 segment parameter variable definition / remark left construction point c i right construction point c i+1 pointer, stored in next segment tangent at left point a tangent at right point a i+1 pointer, stored in next segment intersection point m i area inside/outside squeeze A in , A out accumulated area A cum fast inversion Algorithm arou start Require: density f(x), derivative f 0 (x); domain 2: a 0 / (cos(arctan(x tangent line for So 3: a k+1 / (cos(arctan(x k tangent line for S k 4: for 5: if f(x 7: a i;v / \Gammaf 0 8: add S i to list of segments. cannot be used as construction point 9: for all segments S i do 10: insert c i+1 and a i+1 . = already stored in next segment in list 12: compute A in i and A cum 13: check if polygon P e is bounded. 14: return list of segments. Algorithm arou sample Require: density f(x), list of segments S i . 1: loop 2: generate R - U(0; 1). 3: find smallest i such that A cum use guide table 4: R / A cum 5: if R - A in return 7: 9: generate R 2 - U(0; 1). 10: if R 1 14: if number of segments ! maximum then 15: call arou add with X , S i . 17: return X . Algorithm arou add Require: density f(x), derivative f 0 (x); new construction point xn ; segment S r . 1: if f(xn cannot add this point 2: return 3: c n;2 / 4: a n;v / \Gammaf 0 5: insert Sn into list of segments. = Take care about c i+1 and a remove old segment S r from list. 7: compute mn . 8: compute A in and A out 9: for all segments S i do 10: compute A cum 11: return new list of segments. To implement this algorithm, a linked list of segments is necessary. Whenever A cum are (re-)calculated, a guide table has to be made. Using linear search might be a good method for finding S i when only a few random variates are sampled. Special care is necessary when m i is computed in arou start and arou add. There are three possible cases for numerical problems when solving the corresponding linear equation: (1) The vertices c i and c i+1 are very close and (consequently) jS i j is very small. Here we simply reject c i+1 as new construction point. are very close to c very small. (3) The boundary of A between c i and c i+1 is almost a straight line and A out is (almost) 0. In this case we set m A possible way to define "very small" is to compare such numbers with the smallest positive " with (M in the used programming language. M denotes the magnitude of the maximum of the density function. (In ANSI C for defined by the macro DBL EPSILON.) It is important to check whether m i is on the outer side of the secant through c i and c i+1 . This condition is violated in arou start when the polygon P e is unbounded. It may be violated in arou start and arou add when A is not convex. A C implementation. A test version of algorithm arou is coded in C and available by anonymous ftp (Leydold 1999) or by email request from the author. 6. A note on the quality of random numbers The new algorithm is a composition method, similar to the acceptance-complement method (see Devroye (1986, x II.5)). We have s (x) is the distribution defined by the squeeze region and g By theorem 1 the algorithm is exact, i.e. the generated random variates have the required distribution. However defects in underlying uniform random number generators may result in poor quality of the non-uniform random variate. Moreover the transformation into the non-uniform random variate itself may cause further deficiencies. Although there is only little literature on this topic, the ratio-of-uniforms method in combination with any linear congruental generator (LCG) was reported to have defects (H-ormann 1994a; H-ormann 1994b). Due to the lattice structure of random pairs generated by an LCG there is always a hole without a point with probability of order 1= is the modulus of the LCG. Random variates generated by the inversion inherit the structure of the underlying uniform random numbers and consequently their quality. We consider this as a great advantage of this method, since generators whose structural properties are well understood and precisely described may look less random, but those that are more complicated and less understood are not necessarily better. They may hide strong correlations or other important defects. should avoid generators without convincing theoretical support. This statement by L'Ecuyer (1998) on building uniform random number generator is also valid for non-uniform distribu- tions. Other methods may have some hidden inferences, which make a prediction of the quality of the resulting non-uniform random numbers impossible (Leydold, Leeb, and H-ormann 1999). Notice that a random variate with density g s (x) is generated by inversion. Thus as ratio % tends to 0, most of the random variates are generated by inversion by the new algorithm. As an immediate consequence for small % the new generator avoids the defects of the basic ratio-of-uniforms method. Figure 5 shows scatter plots of all overlapping tuples using the "baby" generator (a) shows the underlying generator. (b)-(f) show the tuples (\Phi(u 0 different number of construction points using the equidistribution method (\Phi denotes the cumulated distribution function of the standard normal distribution). We have made an empirical investigation using M-Tupel tests (Good 1953; Marsaglia 1985) in the setup of Leydold, Leeb, and H-ormann (1999) with the standard normal distribution and various numbers of construction points. We have used a linear congruential generator fish by Fishman and Moore (1986), an explicit inversive congruential generator (Eichenauer-Herrmann 1993), and a twisted GFSR generator (tt800 by Matsumoto and Kurita (1994)); at last the infamous randu (again an LCG) as an example of a generator with bad lattice structure (see Park and Miller (1988)). These tests have demonstrated that for small ratio %, the quality of the normal generators are strongly correlated with the quality of the underlying uniform random number generator. Especially, using randu results in normal generator of bad quality. Notice however that this correlation does not exist, if % is not close to 0. Indeed, using only 2 or 4 construction points results in a normal generator which might be better (e.g. fish in our tests) or worse (e.g. randu) than the underlying generator. (a) uniform (b) (c) r Figure 5. Scatter plots of "baby" generator mod 1024 (a) and of normal variates using algorithm arou with 2, 4, 6, 29 and 75 equidistributed construction points (b-f). 7. Possible Variants Non-convex region. The algorithm can be modified to work with non-convex region A f . Adapting the idea of Evans and Swartz (1998) we have to partition A f into segments using the inflection points of the transformed density with transformation x. In each segment of A f where T (f(x)) is not concave, we have to use secants for the boundary of the enveloping polygon P e and tangents for the squeeze P s . Notice that the squeeze region in such a segment is a quadrangle and has to be triangulated. Multivariate distributions. Wakefield, Gelfand, and Smith (1991) and Stef-anescu and V-aduva (1987) have generalized the ratio-of-uniforms method to multivariate distributions. Both use rejection from an enclosing multidimensional rectangle. However the acceptance probability decreases very fast for higher dimension. For multivariate normal distribution in four dimension it is below 1%. Using polyhedral envelopes similar to Leydold and H-ormann (1998) or Leydold (1998) is possible and increases the acceptance probability. However this requires some additional re-search Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank Hannes Leeb for helpful discussions on the quality of random number generators. --R Computer methods for efficient sampling from largely arbitrary statistical distributions. Random variate generation by using the ratio-of-uniforms method A Guide to Simulation. On generating random variates from an empirical distribution. Some simple gamma variate generators. Principles of Random Variate Generation. The optimal selection of hat functions for rejection algorithms. A simple algorithm for generating random variates with a log-concave density Mathematical aspects of various methods for sampling from classical distributions. Statistical independence of a new class of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Random variable generation using concavity properties of transformed densities. see erratum Adaptive rejection sampling for Gibbs sampling. Applied Statistics The serial test for sampling numbers and other tests for randomness. A rejection technique for sampling from T-concave distri- butions private communication. Transformations and random variate gen- eration: Generalised ratio-of-uniforms methods Computer generation of random variables using the ratio of uniform deviates. Random number generation. A fast normal random number generator. A rejection technique for sampling from log-concave multi-variate distributions AROU user manual. A sweep-plane algorithm for generating random tuples in simple polytopes Higher dimensional properties of non-uniform pseudo-random variates A current view of random number generators. Twisted GFSR generators II. Random number generators: good ones are hard to find. Random number generation for the normal and gamma distributions using the ratio of uniforms method. The ratio of uniforms approach for generating discrete random variates. On computer generation of random vectors by transformations of uniformly distributed vectors. Efficient generation of random variates via the ratio-of-uniforms method University of Economics and Business Administration --TR An exhaustive analysis of multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus 2<supscrpt>31</>-1 A guide to simulation (2nd ed.) On computer generation of random vectors by transformation of uniformly distributed vectors Random number generators: good ones are hard to find Mathematical aspects of various methods for sampling from classical distributions The ratio of uniforms approach for generating discrete random variates A fast normal random number generator A note on the quality of random variates generated by the ratio of uniforms method Twisted GFSR generators II A rejection technique for sampling from <italic>T</italic>-concave distributions A rejection technique for sampling from log-concave multivariate distributions A sweep-plane algorithm for generating random tuples in simple polytopes Computer Generation of Random Variables Using the Ratio of Uniform Deviates --CTR Leydold , Gerhard Derflinger , Gnter Tirler , Wolfgang Hrmann, An automatic code generator for nonuniform random variate generation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v.62 n.3-6, p.405-412, 3 March John T. Kent , Patrick D. L. Constable , Fikret Er, Simulation for the complex Bingham distribution, Statistics and Computing, v.14 n.1, p.53-57, January 2004 Josef Leydold, Short universal generators via generalized ratio-of-uniforms method, Mathematics of Computation, v.72 n.243, p.1453-1471, July Josef Leydold, A simple universal generator for continuous and discrete univariate T-concave distributions, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), v.27 n.1, p.66-82, March 2001 Wolfgang Hrmann , Josef Leydold, Continuous random variate generation by fast numerical inversion, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), v.13 n.4, p.347-362, October W. Hrmann , J. Leydold, Random-number and random-variate generation: automatic random variate generation for simulation input, Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, December 10-13, 2000, Orlando, Florida Dong-U Lee , Wayne Luk , John D. Villasenor , Peter Y. K. Cheung, A Gaussian Noise Generator for Hardware-Based Simulations, IEEE Transactions on Computers, v.53 n.12, p.1523-1534, December 2004
t-concave;rejection method;ratio of uniforms;universal method;nonuniform;adaptive method;random-number generation;log-concave
Power optimization of technology-dependent circuits based on symbolic computation of logic implications.
This paper presents a novel approach to the problem of optimizing combinational circuits for low power. The method is inspired by the fact that power analysis performed on a technology mapped network gives more realistic estimates than it would at the technology-independent level. After each node's switching activity in the circuit is determined, high-power nodes are eliminated through redundancy addition and removal. To do so, the nodes are sorted according to their switching activity, they are considered one at a time, and learning is used to identify direct and indirect logic implications inside the network. These logic implications are exploited to add gates and connections to the circuit; this may help in eliminating high-power dissipating nodes, thus reducing the total switching activity and power dissipation of the entire circuit. The process is iterative; each iteration starts with a different target node. The end result is a circuit with a decreased switching power. Besides the general optimization algorithm, we propose a new BDD-based method for computing satisfiability and observability implications in a logic network; futhermore, we present heuristic techniques to add and remove redundancy at the technology-dependent level, that is, restructure the logic in selected places without destroying the topology of the mapped circuit. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique. On average, power is reduced by 34%, and up to a 64% reduction of power is possible, with a negligible increase in the circuit delay.
INTRODUCTION Excessive power dissipation in electronic circuits reduces reliability and battery life. The severity of the problem increases with the level of transistor integra- tion. Therefore, much work has been done on power optimization techniques at all stages of the design process. During high-level design, power dissipation can be reduced through algorithmic transformations [Chandrakasan et al. 1995], architectural choices [Chandrakasan and Brodersen 1995], and proper selection of the high-level synthesis tools [Macii et al. 1997]. At the logic level-the focus of this paper-the main objective of low-power synthesis algorithms is the reduction of the switching activity of the logic, weighted by the capacitive load. Logic optimization may occur at both the technology-independent and the technology-dependent stages of the synthesis flow. At the technology-independent stage, combinational circuits are optimized by two-level minimization [Bahar and Somenzi 1995; Iman and Pedram 1995b], don't care based minimization [Shen et al. 1992; Iman and Pedram 1994], logic extraction [Roy and Prasad 1992; Iman and Pedram 1995a], and selective collapsing [Shen et al. 1992]. At the technology-dependent stage, technology decomposition [Tsui et al. 1993] and technology mapping [Tsui et al. 1993; Tiwari et al. 1993; Lin and de Man 1993] methods have been proposed. Finally, after an implementation of the circuit is available, power can still be reduced by applying technology re-mapping [Vuillod et al. 1997] and gate resizing [Bahar et al. 1994; Coudert et al. 1996]. It is difficult to measure the power dissipation of technology-independent circuits with a dependable level of accuracy. Therefore, we propose a method that can be applied to technology mapped circuits, and that is based on the idea of reducing the total switching activity of the network through redundancy addition and removal. Previous work on this subject includes the methods proposed in [Cheng and Entrena 1993; Entrena and Cheng 1993; Chang and Marek-Sadowska 1994], in which a set of mandatory assignments is generated for a given target wire. A set of candidate connections is then identified. Each candidate connection, when added to the circuit, causes the target fault to become untestable and therefore the faulty connection to become redundant. However, since the additional connection may change the circuit's behavior, a redundancy check is needed to verify that the new connection itself is redundant before it may be added to the circuit. Another ATPG-based approach was proposed in [Rohfleish et al. 1996]. That technique uses an analysis tool introduced in [Rohfleish et al. 1995] to identify permissible transformations on the network that may reduce power dissipation. The method for finding permissible transformations is simulation-based; implications are classified into C1-, C2-, and C3-clauses and bit-parallel fault simulation is performed to eliminate most of the clauses that are invalid. The remaining potentially valid clauses are combined to create different clause combinations, each of which is checked for validity using ATPG. As more complex clauses are included, the number of combinations to consider can increase dramatically. Other work in the area of redundancy addition and removal uses recursive learning to guide in the process. For instance, the work proposed in [Kunz and Menon 1994] introduces an ATPG-based method for identifying indirect implications, which may indicate useful transformations of a circuit. Once an implication is identified, Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 3 it may be used to add a redundant connection, which is guaranteed not to change the behavior of the circuit. An additional redundancy elimination step is required to identify what other redundant connections, if any, have been created by adding this new connection. In our method, we start from a circuit that is already implemented in gates from a technology library, and we perform power analysis on it, so as to identify its high and low-power dissipating nodes. We use a sophisticated learning mechanism (related to those of [Trevillyan et al. 1986; Kunz and Pradhan 1992; Kunz 1993; Jain et al. 1995]) to find satisfiability and observability implications in the circuit in the neighborhood of the target nodes. Such implications are used to identify network transformations that add and remove connections in the circuit (as done in [Kunz and Menon 1994]), with the objective of eliminating the high-power nodes or connections from them. The method is innovative in two main aspects; first, it uses a powerful learning procedure based on symbolic calculations rather than ATPG-based methods. This approach allows the identification of very general forms of logic implications; second, it operates at the technology-dependent level; this allows more accurate power estimates to drive the overall re-synthesis process. Experimental results, obtained on a sample of the Mcnc'91 benchmarks [Yang 1991], show the viability and the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The rest of this manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 gives definitions for subsequent usage. In Section 3 we propose a symbolic procedure to compute logic implications using learning. Section 4 describes the power optimization procedure based on redundancy addition and removal. Section 5 is dedicated to experimental results, and finally, Section 6 gives conclusions and directions for future work. 2. BACKGROUND In this section we provide definitions of terms and introduce concepts to be used in the rest of the paper. We first define characteristic functions and relations; next, we discuss the concept of untestable faults and show how these faults may be eliminated through redundancy removal. Finally, we show how logic implications may be used to create new untestable faults in a circuit that may be subsequently removed to create an overall better optimized circuit. 2.1 Characteristic Functions and Relations Given a set of points S in the Boolean space, is possible to define a function called the characteristic function of S, that evaluates to 1 exactly for the points of B n that belong to S. Formally: This definition can be extended to arbitrary finite sets, provided that the objects in the set are properly encoded with binary symbols. Since characteristic functions are Boolean functions, they can be represented and manipulated very efficiently through binary decision diagrams (BDDs) [Bryant 1986]. As a consequence, it is usually possible to handle much larger sets if the BDDs of their characteristic functions are used instead of an explicit enumeration of all the elements in the sets. In this paper, we restrict our attention to relations, that is, to sets which are subsets of some Cartesian product. Let S and Q be two sets, and let R ' S \Theta Q be a binary relation (i.e., the elements of R are pairs of elements from S and Q). Using different sets of variables, the elements of S and Q, we can represent this relation through its characteristic As an example, consider sets greeng and GREY; RED; ORANGEg, and relation lower case(q)g. Let us encode the elements of S using variables Similarly, the elements of Q are encoded using variables as: of relation R is then: R That is, RED)g. Obviously, the definition of binary relation given above can be easily extended to the case of n-ary relations, that is, relations which are subsets of Cartesian products of order n. 2.2 Circuits and Faults A combinational circuit, C, is an acyclic network of combinational logic gates. If the output of a gate, g i , is connected to an input of a gate, g j , then g i is a fanin of j and gate g j is a fanout of gate g i . A combinational circuit may have a failure due to a wire being shorted to the power source or ground. Such a failure may be observed as a stuck-at fault. That is, under the failure, the circuit behaves as if the wire were permanently stuck-at-1 or stuck-at-0. We assume that single stuck-at faults are used to model failures in a circuit. Let C be a combinational circuit, and let C f be the same circuit in which fault f is present. Fault f is untestable if and only if the output behaviors of C and C f are identical for any input vector applied to both C and C f . 2.3 Redundancy Addition and Removal Any automatic test pattern generation program may be used to detect untestable faults (e.g., [Sentovich et al. 1992]). The computed information may be used to simplify the network by propagating the constant values (zero or one), due to untestable stuck-at connections, throughout the circuit. Redundancy removal is one of the most successful approaches to logic optimization (e.g., [Cho et al. 1993]). However, its effectiveness greatly depends on the number of redundancies: For circuits that are 100% testable, redundancy removal does not help. For this reason, techniques based on redundancy addition and removal have been proposed. The concept of redundancy addition and removal is best explained through an example. In Figure 1(a) all stuck-at faults are testable. Therefore, no simplification Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 5 through redundancy removal is possible on the network as is. If gate G10 is transformed into a 2-input NOR gate and the additional input is connected from the inverted output of gate G6 (see shaded logic in Figure 1(b)), then the behavior of the circuit at its primary outputs will remain unaltered; however, three previously testable faults (shown with X's in Figure 1(b)) now become untestable. Through redundancy removal, gate simplification, inverter chain collapsing, and DeMorgan transformations, the circuit can be simplified as shown in Figure 1(e). a c e G6 G4 G8 G9 G10 d x y a c d e G6 G4 G8 G9 G10 x y a c e G6 d x y G6 a c e G6 G4 d x y (a) (b) (c) (d) a c d e x y Fig. 1. Example of Redundancy Addition and Removal. Adding redundant gates and connections to a circuit may increase area, delay, and power consumption by an amount that may not be recoverable by the subsequent step of redundancy removal. Furthermore, not all redundancies in a network are necessarily due to sub-optimal design; automatic synthesis and technology mapping tools sometimes resort to redundant gates insertion to increase the speed of a digital design [Keutzer et al. 1991]. As a consequence, redundancy addition and removal are delicate operations that should be performed within the constraints of the objective function being minimized. 6 \Delta R. I. Bahar, E. T. Lampe, and E. Macii 2.4 Logic Implications In general, there may be a large variety of choices available in selecting the new connections (and logic gates) that may be added to the original circuit so as to introduce redundancies. Kunz and Menon have proposed an effective solution for selecting these connections through a method derived from recursive learning [Kunz and Menon 1994]. Recursive learning is the process of determining all value assignments necessary for detection of a single stuck-at fault in a combinational circuit. This process is equivalent to finding direct and indirect implications in the circuit, that is, finding all the value assignments necessary for a given signal to take on a specific value (satisfiability implications) or to make a given signal observable (observability implications). 2.4.1 Direct Implications. If a value assignment can be determined by simple propagation of other signal values through a circuit, then this is known as a direct satisfiability implication. For example, consider the circuit in Figure 2, where the signal assignment been made. This assignment directly implies the value assignments as these are the only assignments for G7 and G8 that will justify the output of gate G9 to a value of 1. a c d e G6 G4 G8 G9 G10 x y Fig. 2. Example Circuit with Satisfiability Implications. Similarly, if a value assignment such that a given node is observable can be determined by simple propagation of other signal values through a circuit, then this is known as a direct observability implication. For example, consider the circuit in Figure 3. For G2 to be observable, are the only assignments for G1 and G6 that will make gate G2 observable. That is, the observability of G2 directly implies a c e d G3 G4 G6 y Fig. 3. Example Circuit with Observability Implications. Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 7 2.4.2 Indirect Implications. It has been shown in [Kunz and Menon 1994] that only resorting to direct implications to perform redundancy addition and removal may not provide enough options to achieve significant improvements on the circuit being optimized. It is thus of interested to look at another type of implications, namely indirect implications. To illustrate the concept of indirect implication, consider again the circuit of Figure 2, and suppose that the signal assignment has been made. We may optionally assign either to justify this assignment; however, neither assignment is essential. We therefore conclude that there are no essential direct implications we can make from this assignment. However, upon closer in- spection, we can determine that the value assignment indirectly implies the value assignment 1. If we temporarily assign are both essential to satisfy G7 = 1. Likewise, by temporarily assigning we find that are essential assignments. In either case, is an essential assignment; we can conclude that an essential assignment for, and is indirectly implied by, The indirect implication shown in the previous example falls in the category of satisfiability implications. As an example of an indirect observability implication, consider again the circuit in Figure 3. For G3 to be observable, must be true (and vice versa). Therefore, the observability of G3 indirectly implies Satisfiability implications have a bi-directional property, which does not apply to observability implications. For example, for the circuit shown in Figure 2 it can be shown that the satisfiability implication can be reversed and complemented so that is a general property of satisfiability implications. However, this property does not hold for observability implications. Referring to the previous example of Figure 3, although the observability of G2 (that is, both the observability of G1 does imply does not imply This is because it cannot be assumed that G1 and G2 are always observable under the same conditions. This lack of bi-directionality makes adding redundant logic to the circuit more constrained when observability rather than satisfiability implications are used. For this reason, implications of the two types must be handled separately when applying optimizations based on redundancy addition and removal. In [Kunz and Menon 1994], Kunz and Menon have observed that the presence of indirect implications is a good indication of sub-optimality of a circuit. This is especially true for satisfiability implications. We have taken inspiration from this approach to implement the power optimization algorithm we propose in this paper. However, certain implications should not be eliminated from consideration simply because they were found through direct propagation of logic values. In fact, most observability implications are found "directly", since they are determined primarily through forward propagation of implications. In the next section we discuss how direct, as well as indirect implications can be computed symbolically using BDD-based data structures. Then, in Section 4, we outline the overall optimization procedure. 8 \Delta R. I. Bahar, E. T. Lampe, and E. Macii 3. COMPUTING IMPLICATIONS SYMBOLICALLY In this section, we introduce our symbolic procedure to compute logic implications through recursive learning. In what follows, a literal is either a variable or its complement; a cube is a product of literals. We start with a set of relations T a universe of n Boolean variables. Each T j can be thought of as a characteristic function y for the gate j describing its functional behavior. For example, if j is a NAND gate with inputs y i and j is a NOR gate, then T If the Boolean variables are assigned in such a way that T j evaluates to 0, then the variable assignments violate the required behavior of the gate and are invalid. In this way, an entire network may be described within this set fT j g. may also be used to express the observability relation for a gate. For instance, consider gate G4 in Figure 2. For the signal at the output of gate G4 to be observable at either primary output x or y, and T sat ce +G4(ce) 0 . Now, if we are given an initial assignment (i.e., assertion A(y)), we may compute its implications by applying A(y) to the set fT j g: Y Furthermore, we may wish to extract only the necessary, or essential, literals from the implication I(y): For example, if the assertion applied to the characteristic function 3 ), the resulting implication becomes I = y 3 (y 1 +y 2 ). However, in order to satisfy the characteristic function given this assertion, only strictly necessary). Therefore, the implication y stored separately in c(y). In this way, given an initial assertion A(y), c(y) is a list of essential gate assignments over the entire network. Implemented using BDDs, c(y) is represented as a single cube. As it will be shown later, essential literals require simple redundant logic to be added to the network, and therefore it may be beneficial to store them separately. 3.1 Direct Satisfiability Implications Given a set of characteristic functions, T g, and an initial assertion, A, we compute all direct satisfiability implications using the procedure impSatDirect shown in Figure 4. Recall that a direct implication is one that can be found by propagating the immediate effects of the logic assertion forward and backward through the specified set of relations T , without case analysis. The essential implications are returned separately in the cube imp. In our implementation, T Sat , A, and imp are all represented as BDDs. The direct implications are computed as follows. First, we initialize the list of implications to be the cube-free, or essential, part of A. Next, we consider all possible direct implications, one at a time, on the gates from the set Q (line 2). Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 9 procedure impSatDirect(A,T Sat 1. 2. k is fanout of some x 3. while (Q 6= 4. select and remove one(Q); 5. T Sat Sat 6. if (T Sat 7. 8. if (t j one) continue; 9. is a fanout of some x return(imp,T Sat ); Fig. 4. Procedure impSatDirect. The set Q contains all fanouts of variables in the support of the cube imp, plus all the variables in imp itself. The first step of the while loop selects one gate from Q, and removes it from the set. Inside the loop (lines 4 to 10), procedure Essential is called, according to Equation 4, to discover any new essential implication. We exit the loop and return (line k reduces to zero, implying that the assertion A is logically inconsistent with one of the relations in the set of sub-relations fT Sat g. The literal function t (line 7) represents newly discovered essential implications. On each pass through the while loop, these new implications are added to the global implications cube imp (line 9), thereby accumulating all the implications of the original assertion A. As these implication variables are found, they are also appended to the set Q (line 10) in order to evaluate their effect on the rest of the network. In addition to the cube imp, the procedure impSatDirect also returns T Sat , which has now become a reduced set of relations comprised of the cofactor of each original relation with respect to the essential implications imp (that is, T Sat j imp ). Notice that T Sat j imp is itself a set of implications, albeit non-essential ones. These more general implications may also be useful for optimizing a network, though they are not as straight-forward to apply to the network. This will be discussed in more detail later in the paper. 3.2 Direct Observability Implications If observability implications are also to be used in the evaluation of direct im- plications, procedure impSatDirect may be expanded such that relation T obs j is evaluated along with T Sat whenever signal j is on the observability frontier. The procedure is now renamed impDirect and shown in Figure 5. Lines 1 to 10 are almost identical to those of procedure impSatDirect. The observability implications are computed beginning on line 12. If the gate k is on the frontier, we find new implications in the same way as in impSatDirect, only this time using the observability characteristic functions, T Obs . What makes the procedure impDirect(A,T Sat ,T Obs 1. 2. 3. fkjxk is on frontier and has same fanout as x j 2 impg; 4. while (Q 6= 5. select and remove one(Q); Sat 7. if (T Sat 8. 9. if (t j one) continue; 11. is a fanout of some x fkjxk is on frontier and has same fanout as x /* Begin Observability Calculations. */ 12. if (k is on frontier) f 13. T Obs 14. if (T Obs 15. 17. else f 19. 21. if (T Obs /* Frontier is pushed forward */ 22. foreach (s 2 is observable from s) f 26. if 27. return(imp,T Sat ,T Obs ); Fig. 5. Procedure impDirect. Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 11 code more complicated is in updating the frontier. If the reduced observability relation T Obs k evaluates to 1, then the fault is observable through at least one fanout of k and the frontier should be pushed forward to include these fanout gates (line 24). Furthermore, if all the fanouts of gate k have been implied, then k is removed from the frontier (line 27). Finally, if the frontier ever becomes 0 (i.e., empty), then the assertion is not observable, and never will be. This case is checked in line 16. 3.3 Indirect (Recursively Learned) Implications Using the symbolic direct implications procedure from the previous section, we can find indirect, or recursively learned, implications by setting temporary orthogonal constraints on the initial assertion, finding implications based on these constraints, and extracting the common implication as the full set of implications. We define orthogonal constraints as a set of functions ff Although we may use any orthogonal set of functions, to simplify the recursive implication procedure, we use the orthogonal constraints f(y) and f 0 (y). Say that we extract a function f(y) from the network, and add it to the original assertion A(y) such that: We apply each assertion A 1 (y) and A 0 (y) separately to the network using Equation 3 to get two different sets of implications, I 1 (y) and I 0 (y), respectively. For each variable y j we combine these implications such that: Y to obtain the new set of implications (both direct and indirect). That is, we retain only the implications that are common to both I 1 (y) and I 0 (y). In addition, we may choose to save the essential implications separately by applying Equation 4 to the new set of implications. Notice that we may recursively apply new orthogonal constraints to the set of transition relations to potentially find even more implications. This is handled easily within the BDD environment, as shown in the pseudo-code of Figure 6. The procedure indirectImps takes, as inputs, the assertion A and the relation sets T Sat and T Obs . In addition, it takes an input, level, representing the recursion level of the recursive call, initially set to 0. When level exceeds a specified limit maxlevel, the search for further implications is abandoned. Procedure indirectImps returns a cube, impCube, representing the set of all variables (direct and indirect) that are implied to constant values. It should be noted that an indirect implication discovered by propagating implications backwards is often found to be a direct implication by propagating implications forward. For example, the indirect satisfiability implication found in Figure 2, can be found as a direct implication 1). This procedure indirectImps(A,T Sat ,T Obs ,level) f 1. (directImps,T Sat ,T Obs 2. if (8i;(T Sat 3. if (level maxlevel) return(directImps); 4. y 5. 7. 8. Fig. 6. Procedure indirectImps. is the same implication by the law of contrapositum. As previously mentioned, we make the distinction between indirect and direct implications only because it is often a good way of sorting out the more promising implications. Indeed, we may not want to eliminate an implication simply because it is not "indirectly obtained". If implications are found only by backward propagation, this may be a reasonable filter to use. However, if we are interested in observability-based implications as well, these can only be found in the forward direction, so using such a filter may not be a good solution. This point is discussed further in Section 5. Using BDDs to compute and store indirect implications may seem inefficient compared to doing a simple analysis of the topology of a circuit. This may in fact be true if all we are interested in are single-variable implications derived from satisfiability assignments for single-literal assertions (for example, (y b) for a; b 2 f0; 1g.) However, by computing the implications symbolically, we are better suited for finding more general implications. That is, our procedure can store, manipulate, and compute general (i.e., more complex) expressions with similar complexity than if expressions were restricted to simple cubes (in fact, by separating the essential implications from the non-essential ones, we have available both). 4. POWER OPTIMIZATION PROCEDURE We now describe our implication-based optimization procedure for reducing power dissipation. The procedure consists of four main steps, described in detail in the following Sections 4.1 to 4.4. 4.1 Selecting an Assertion Function and Finding Its Implications Computing all the indirect implications of a large network, as shown in Section 3, can be computationally expensive. Therefore, it is important to prune the search for implications by limiting the recursion level and carefully selecting the assertion function A(y) upon which the implications are found. To reduce the cost even farther, in [Bahar et al. 1996] we have proposed to extract a sub-network and find the implications only within the confines of this sub-network. Note that, although the implications can be found only within the boundaries of the sub-network, all implications must hold in the context of the entire network. Indirect implications are often present specifically in circuits containing recon- Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 13 vergent fanout. Reconvergent fanout is the presence of two or more distinct paths with a common input gate (or fanout stem), leading to a common output gate, and with no other gate in common. The gate where the paths reconnect is called the reconvergence gate. An example of a sub-network with reconvergent fanout is shown in Figure 7. Two distinct paths from inputs c and d reconverge at gate G9. The experiments in [Bahar et al. 1996] suggested that, in order to invest the time finding implications only where it is most useful, the search for indirect implications should be limited to sub-networks containing reconvergent fanout, where the reconvergence gate itself is used as the initial assertion A(y). In this way, implications may be found through (predominantly) backward propagation of signal values toward the primary inputs. a c d e G6 G4 G8 G9 G10 x y Reconvergence gate Fig. 7. A Network of Gates with an Extracted Sub-Network (Shown in Grey). While the above approach may work well if one is concerned only with satisfiability implications, it may be too limiting if observability implications are also to be exploited. Furthermore, as mentioned in Section 3.3, distinguishing between indirect and direct implications becomes a less useful filter in sorting out the more promising implications, since many of the observability ones are found through direct forward propagation of signal values. Instead of asserting the reconvergent gate, our new strategy selects a gate with relatively low power dissipation (due to either low switching activity, low capacitive load, or both). Once a suitable implication is found, the low-power assertion gate is included in the added redundant logic. Using a low-power assertion gate has a minimal impact on potentially increasing its own power dissipation (switching activity and capacitive load are already low). In addition, using this signal as an input to other gates may have a dampening effect on the switching activity of other gates. For example, if an AND gate has a high switching activity, then connecting a signal which tends toward a 0 value most of the time (and switches infrequently) may prevent the output of the AND gate from switching as frequently. Moreover, these additions may allow the removal of other high-power connections or gates. Therefore, although the assertion gate's power is increased, the net result is an overall decrease in power consumption. Once an assertion gate is selected, its output value is alternately set to both 0 and 1, and the implication procedure finds any relation which exists given one of the assertions. Since the assertion gate may exist anywhere within the network (or 14 \Delta R. I. Bahar, E. T. Lampe, and E. Macii sub-network), values will be propagated both "backward" and "forward" through the logic. 4.2 Finding the Right Addition Once we have found the implications for the given assertions on the selected gate, we can use this information to add gates and/or connections to the circuit while retaining the behavior of the original one at the primary outputs. We use a method similar to data flow analysis [Trevillyan et al. 1986] to determine what these modifications are for a given assertion its implication where the implication gate y is in the transitive fanin of the assertion gate x. Consider first the case where This implication can also be expressed as x 0 Given the function F the implication can be expressed as the don't care condition, F (x) DC , for F (x). That is, x We may transform F to ~ F by adding this don't care term to the output of F without changing the behavior at the primary outputs of the circuit: ~ In other words, the original circuit is modified by ORing the don't care term (i.e., the implicant gate y) with the output of gate x. Similarly: ~ For the case instead of using the don't care expression we use the analogous expression x transform F to ~ F as: ~ In other words, the circuit is modified by ANDing the implicant gate y with the output of gate x. As an example of how this method is applied, refer back to the circuit in Figures 1(a) and (b). We show the additional connection added due to the implication 1). According to the implication, we can modify the function at the output of gate G9 without changing the behavior of the circuit by inserting the in the circuit. Notice that this OR gate added to the network is "absorbed" by the inverter G11 which now becomes a 2-input gate. Note that it is essential that the assertion gate not be in the transitive fanin of the implication, since replacing the function F (x) with ~ F (x) would create a cyclic network. 4.3 Finding and Removing the Redundancies Once the redundant circuitry is added, we use the automatic test pattern generation procedure implemented in SIS [Sentovich et al. 1992] to find the new redundancies created in the network. Whether implications are found using the entire network or only within the boundaries of a sub-network, finding and removing redundancies should be done on the entire network. We generate a list of possibly redundant connections. Since the newly added gates are themselves redundant, we need to make sure that they are not included in the list. The result of redundancy removal is order dependent; removing a redundant Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 15 connection from a network may create new redundancies, and/or make existing ones no longer redundant. Since our primary objective is reducing power dissipation, we sort the redundant connections in order of decreasing power dissipation and remove them starting from the top of the list. After ATPG, the identified redundant faults can be removed with the ultimate goal of eliminating fanout connections from the targeted high power dissipating node. Redundancy removal procedures such as the one implemented in SIS cannot be used for this purpose for two main reasons. First, optimization occurs through restructuring of the Boolean network. As a consequence, even if redundancy removal operates on a technology mapped design, the end result of the optimization is a technology independent description that requires re-mapping onto the target gate library. This may lead to significant changes in the structure of the original network. This is undesirable in the context of low-power re-synthesis, since the network transformations made during re-synthesis are based on the original circuit implementation. Second, redundancy removal usually targets area minimization, and this may obviously affect circuit performance. We have implemented our own redundancy removal algorithm, which resembles the Sweep procedure implemented in SIS, but operates on the gates of a circuit rather than on the nodes of a Boolean network. In addition, it performs a limited number of transformations. Namely, the procedure (a) simplifies gates whose inputs are constant, and (b) collapses inverter chains only when the original circuit structure and performance are preserved. Gate Simplification:. Three simplifications are applicable to a given gate, G, when one of its inputs is constant: (1) If the constant value is a controlling value for G, then G is replaced by a connection to either V dd or Ground, depending on the function of the gate. (2) If the constant value is a non-controlling value for G, and G has more than two inputs, then G is replaced by a gate, ~ G, taken from the library and implementing the same logic function as G but with one less input. (3) If the constant value is a non-controlling value for G, and G is a two-input gate, then G is replaced by an inverter or buffer. Usually, cell libraries contain several gates implementing the same function, but differing by their sizes and, therefore, by their delays, loads, and driving capabilities. We select, as replacement gate ~ G, the gate that has approximately the same driving strength as the original gate G. Inverter Chain Collapsing:. Inverter chains are commonly encountered in cir- cuits, especially in the cases where speed is critical. Collapsing inverters belonging to these "speed-up" chains, though advantageous from the point of view of area and, possibly, power, may have a detrimental effect on the performance of the cir- cuit. On the other hand, the simplification of gates due to redundancy removal may produce inverter chains that may be easily eliminated without slowing down the network. We eliminate inverter chains only in the cases where the transformation does not increase the critical delay of the original circuit. For each inverter, ~ G, obtained through simplification of a more complex gate, we first check if ~ G belongs to a chain which can be eliminated. If certain constraints are satisfied, both the G and the companion inverter in the chain (i.e., the inverter feeding ~ G or the inverter fed by ~ are removed. In particular, in order to safely remove the inverter chain: (1) The first inverter cannot have multiple fanouts. (2) The load at the output of the inverter chain must not be greater than the load currently seen on the gate preceding the inverter chain. The first restriction may be unnecessarily conservative; however, removing it implies that sometimes extra inverters need to be inserted on some of the fanout branches of the first inverter, thereby possibly introducing area, power, and delay degradation. 4.4 Choosing the Best Network Adding redundant gates and connections to a circuit may increase area, delay, and power consumption by an amount that may not be recoverable by the subsequent step of redundancy removal. Given an assertion, a network is created for each literal in the implication cube that we elected to save while running the implication procedure. (We may choose to eliminate an implication from the list of possible candidates because it will create a cyclic network or may add connections to an already high-dissipating node.) This new network is obtained by adding the appropriate redundant logic according to the chosen implication (Section 4.2) and finding and removing the newly created redundancies (Section 4.3). Power and delay estimations are then run on each new network. The best network is selected from them, and used to replace the existing network. The criteria we have used to carry out the network selection are based on a combination of delay and power consumption and are discussed in detail in Section 5. 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section we present the results obtained by applying our optimization procedure to some combinational circuits from the Mcnc'91 benchmark suite. Experiments were run within the SIS environment on a SUN UltraSparc 170 workstation with 300 MB of memory. The circuits are initially optimized using the SIS script script.rugged and mapped for either area (using map) or for delay (using map -n 1 -AFG). The library used to map the circuits contains NAND, NOR, and inverter gates, each of which allows up to 4 inputs and 5 drive options. In general, gates with larger drive strength have larger cell area, however these two values do not increase at the same rate. After mapping, the method of [Bahar et al. 1994] is used to resize gates with smaller gates where no circuit delay penalty is incurred. This ensures that any gain made during the experiment is the result of our optimization procedure and not of an improperly sized gate. The statistics for these circuits are reported in Table 1. In particular, the number of gates, the area (in m 2 ), the delay (in nsec), and the power consumption (in W ) are shown. Power dissipation is estimated using the simulation method of [Ghosh et al. 1992]. For each set of experiments our optimization procedure was iteratively applied to the circuits to find implications to be used for redundancy addition and removal. After this step, gates in the circuit are again resized without increasing the critical delay. Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 17 Table 1. Circuit Statistics Before Optimization. Circuit Initial Statistics (Mapping for Area) Initial Statistics (Mapping for Speed) Gates Area Delay Power Gates Area Delay Power 9sym 159 236176 17.79 629 276 404840 10.95 1743 clip 104 146624 17.43 427 167 249632 12.29 1205 inc misex1 50 66352 13.79 192 76 111244 9.94 525 alu4 169 234784 19.93 628 247 344056 14.06 1391 cordic 67 90944 11.64 280 85 123192 9.53 474 cps 897 1286208 40.09 1932 1272 1694412 13.68 2772 5.1 Setting Delay and Power Constraints The first set of experiments were run to determine how to choose a new network among a choice of several. That is, how to choose the best implication to apply to the network. As it was done in [Bahar et al. 1996], network choices may be based solely on which one has the lowest power dissipation with the constraint that the delay of the new network has not increased by more than a fixed percentage (usually 5%). A more robust approach may use a combination of delay and power to select the best network, or may temporarily allow power to increase so that more powerful implications may be subsequently applied, thus having a greater impact on reducing power dissipation. These experiments are discussed in the following sections. 5.1.1 Power Threshold. One optimization already mentioned in Section 4.4 is the addition of a power threshold. The basis of a power threshold is the observation that if the difference in power of two networks is small, better results are obtained by choosing the network with the smaller delay. Then, as a fall back, if the delays of the two networks are equal, the difference in power (no matter how small) is used to make the determination. This heuristic takes advantage of the fact that the final network will be resized based on the delay of the original network. A large improvement in the delay gives the resizing algorithm the ability to make significant additional power gains in the layout of the transistors. It also allows transformations which may not have been accepted previously because they increased the delay too much. A set of experiments was done to determine the value of an optimal threshold value. Tests were done with values of 1.0 to 2.75W at intervals of 0.25W on all tested circuits for an area mapping. A run was also done at a threshold of 0, which is a run based on power alone. Figure 8 shows an optimal threshold value of 2W . This result is reasonable because, as discussed earlier in the paper, the final power is affected by two variables, power and delay. Also, allowing the power to increase slightly may create new implications that lead to even greater decreases in power dissipation. Total Power vs. Threshold6730677068100.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 Threshold Total Power Fig. 8. Power Dissipation for Given Threshold Value. 5.1.2 Delay Tolerance. Another parameter that can be varied is the delay tol- erance, which is defined as the allowable percent increase in the delay of the final circuit from the original circuit. The interesting observation is that raising the delay tolerance does not always result in a slower final network. This is because there are often many transformation choices made before the final network is obtained. Transformations that increase the delay are often offset by other transformations that decrease it. Yet, the increase in the delay tolerance increases the number of networks to choose from. In other words, like the power threshold, increasing the delay tolerance increases the probability that a power saving implication will be found. There are several observations which can be made from the data. First, increasing the delay tolerance does, on average, have the effect of increasing the delay. How- ever, depending on the circuit, allowing more flexibility with delay per iteration can allow one to obtain a final circuit that is both lower in power and faster than the original circuit. Second, greater success was found when testing delay-mapped circuits compared to the area-mapped circuits. This is reasonable, since the delay mapped circuits are by definition designed to achieve a minimum delay. From this extreme, a small sacrifice in delay produces a relatively large power savings over area mapped circuits. The results of the experiments are shown in Figures 9 and 10. It can be seen that for an increase in delay tolerance, the average delay does go up. Also, after a certain delay tolerance level, it can be seen that further decreases in power are small to insignificant (on the graphs a delay tolerance of 200 can be interpreted as infinite.) Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 19 Delay Tolerance Effects630065006700690071007300 Delay Tolerance Power and Normalized Delay Total Power Normalized Delay Fig. 9. Power/Delay Tradeoff Curves for Varying Delay Tolerance (Circuits Mapped for Area). Total Power vs. Delay Tolerance105001150012500135001450015500100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Delay Tolerance Total Power Normalized Delay Total Power Normalized Delay Fig. 10. Power/Delay Tradeoff Curves for Varying Delay Tolerance (Circuits Mapped for Speed). Table 2. Statistics After Redundancy Addition and Removal (Circuits Mapped for Area). Gates Area Delay Power Imps Obs \DeltaP \DeltaD \DeltaA 9sym 178 241744 18.34 483 98 48 0.77 1.03 1.02 clip 88 117392 15.48 274 43 14 0.64 0.89 0.80 inc 97 127136 22.06 259 67 24 0.73 0.92 1.08 alu4 126 163792 19.38 354 74 28 0.56 0.97 0.70 cordic Average 0.72 0.96 0.93 Table 3. Statistics After Resizing Gates from Table 2. Changes in power, delay, and area are given relative to those shown in Table 1, columns 2-5. Area Delay Power \DeltaP \DeltaD \DeltaA 9sym 241744 18.06 470 0.75 1.02 1.02 clip 117392 15.44 255 0.60 0.89 0.80 inc 127136 22.32 236 0.66 0.93 1.08 rd53 40832 10.93 111 0.74 1.04 0.93 cordic 79344 12.12 197 0.70 1.04 0.87 Average 0.68 0.96 0.93 5.2 Individual Experiments From the results obtained in the first set of experiments, we now show the individual power, delay, and area characteristics for each circuit after redundancy addition and removal and resizing is complete. For all these experiments, the recursion level for finding implications was limited to 1 (i.e., maxlevel = 1 in Figure 6). Implications were applied using a power threshold of 2W and a delay tolerance of 5% above the original circuit delay. As before, after redundancy addition and removal, gates in the circuit are resized without increasing the critical delay. That is, the critical delay of the final circuits was never greater than 5% above that reported in Table 1. Tables give the final statistics for the circuits. In Tables 2 and 4 we report the results after applying the redundancy addition and removal (Table 2 starts with Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 21 Table 4. Statistics After Redundancy Addition and Removal (Circuits Mapped for Speed). Gates Area Delay Power Imps Obs \DeltaP \DeltaD \DeltaA clip 134 195692 12.50 828 71 24 0.69 1.02 0.78 inc 115 158224 16.09 450 71 misex1 68 94656 10.38 370 43 19 0.70 1.04 0.85 cordic Average 0.73 1.03 0.83 Table 5. Statistics After Resizing Gates from Table 4. Changes in power, delay, and area are given relative to those shown in Table 1, columns 6-9. Area Delay Power \DeltaP \DeltaD \DeltaA 9sym 354844 11.48 1351 0.78 1.05 0.88 clip 170752 12.21 496 0.41 0.99 0.68 inc 146160 16.37 295 0.46 1.00 0.82 misex1 92336 10.27 331 0.63 1.03 0.83 alu4 228288 13.99 690 0.50 1.00 0.66 cordic 109040 9.89 420 0.89 1.04 0.89 Average 0.64 1.02 0.80 circuits mapped for area and Table 4 starts with circuits mapped for speed). The number of accepted implications is shown in the column labeled Imps. Of these, the shows how many of them are observability implications. The relative changes in power, delay, and area are shown in the columns labeled \DeltaP , \DeltaD, and (e.g., a 0.75 in the \DeltaP column indicates a 25% reduction in power compared to that given in Table 1). The results after the final step of gate resizing are shown in Tables 3 and 5 respectively. Changes in power, delay, and area are given relative to those shown in Table 1. Notice that for circuits shown in Tables 2 and 3, the change in area remains the same before and after gate resizing. Since these circuits are originally mapped for area optimization, most of the gates were already at or near minimum size. 22 \Delta R. I. Bahar, E. T. Lampe, and E. Macii Therefore, even after resizing, no additional saving in area is possible, However, a slight improvement in power and delay is still possible with resizing since, in our library, cell area for some gates are the same for different drive strengths. The effectiveness of our method is shown by the presented results. For example, in the case of mapping for area, a 49% power reduction was obtained for circuit rd84. On the other hand, in the case of circuits mapped for speed, a 64% power savings was obtained for benchmark bw; on average a power savings of 34% was obtained for area and speed mapped circuits combined. It is interesting to point out the relationship between power reduction and circuit delay and area. While the circuits averaged a 36% reduction in power, delay increased by only 2% for speed mapped circuits and decreased by 4% for area mapped circuits. However, for a few examples, delay decreased significantly. For instance, in Table 3, circuit bw mapped for area showed a 31% decrease in power along with a 22% decrease in delay. These results help emphasizing that low power does not need always to come at the expense of reduced performance. In addition, it is not always the case that smaller devices must be used to obtain lower-power dissipation. For example, for circuit C432 in Table 3, area increased by 1%, but power dissipation decreased by 37%. This result emphasizes the need to consider switching activity when optimizing for power. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK To be successful, power optimization needs to be driven by power analysis. By performing power analysis directly on a technology-mapped circuit, we can selectively target the search for implications to areas (i.e., assertion functions) that indicate promise in reducing power dissipation. Starting from an appropriate assertion gate, low-power minimization is achieved through network transformations, which are based on implications obtained using symbolic, BDD-based computation. Our method has been shown to obtain up to a 64% decrease in power dissipation and an average of 34% power reduction for all circuits. Although all circuits presented in the results were of small to moderate size, this method can be expanded to larger circuits as well. With larger sized circuits, however, execution time may increase significantly. The execution bottleneck is not the BDD-based algorithm to find the implications, but rather the ATPG algorithm within SIS used to identify redundant connections. Other redundancy identification and removal techniques, such as those presented in [Iyer and Abramovici 1994] may be used to alleviate this bottleneck. As future work, we would like to take advantage of the more general implications mentioned in our symbolic algorithm. This enhancement should allow us to reduce power dissipation further. In addition, we are working on identifying more powerful transformations (other than simple inverter chain collapsing) which may be applied to the circuit in order to further reduce area and power at no delay cost. These transformations may include application of DeMorgan's Law or expanding the types of gates included in our library. For instance, it may be advantageous to collapse, say, a NAND and an inverter into an AND, or, NAND/inverter clusters into complex gates. Finally, we are working on refining our method of selecting an assertion gate and finding a suitable sub-network over which to search for implications. Power Optimization Based on Symbolic Computation of Logic Implications \Delta 23 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Fabio Somenzi and Gary Hachtel for their many helpful comments and suggestions made on the first draft. --R Symbolic computation of logic implications for technology-dependent low-power synthesis In IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (August A symbolic method to reduce power consumption of circuits containing false paths. Boolean techniques for low-power driven re-synthesis In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (November Minimizing power consumption in digital cmos circuits. Optimizing power using transformations. Perturb and simplify: Multi-level boolean network optimizer Redundancy identification/removal and test generation for sequential circuits using implicit state enumeration. New algorithms for gate sizing: A comparative study. Sequential logic optimization by redundancy addition and removal. Estimation of average switching activity in combinational and sequential circuits. Logic extraction and factorization for low power. Advanced verification techniques based on learning. Is redundancy necessary to reduce Hannibal: An efficient tool for logic verification based on recursive learning. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (November In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (November Recursive learning: An attractive alternative to the decision tree for test generation in digital circuits. Reducing power dissipation after technology mapping by structural transformations. Logic clause analysis for delay opti- mization Syclop: Synthesis of CMOS logic for low power ap- plications Sequential circuits design using synthesis and optimization. On average power dissipation and random pattern testability of cmos combinational logic networks. Technology mapping for low power. Global flow analysis in automatic logic design. Technology decomposition and mapping targeting low power dissipation. Logic synthesis and optimization benchmarks user guide version 3.0. --TR Graph-based algorithms for Boolean function manipulation Is redundancy necessary to reduce delay Estimation of average switching activity in combinational and sequential circuits Technology decomposition and mapping targeting low power dissipation Technology mapping for lower power Perturb and simplify Multi-level logic optimization by implication analysis A symbolic method to reduce power consumption of circuits containing false paths Multi-level network optimization for low power Logic extraction and factorization for low power Advanced verification techniques based on learning Logic clause analysis for delay optimization Boolean techniques for low power driven re-synthesis Two-level logic minimization for low power New algorithms for gate sizing Reducing power dissipation after technology mapping by structural transformations Symbolic computation of logic implications for technology-dependent low-power synthesis Sequential logic optimization by redundancy addition and removal Re-mapping for low power under tight timing constraints High-level power modeling, estimation, and optimization On average power dissipation and random pattern testability of CMOS combinational logic networks Sequential Circuit Design Using Synthesis and Optimization Recursive Learning --CTR Luca Benini , Giovanni De Micheli, Logic synthesis for low power, Logic Synthesis and Verification, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 2001 L. E. M. Brackenbury , W. Shao, Lowering power in an experimental RISC processor, Microprocessors & Microsystems, v.31 n.5, p.360-368, August, 2007
automation;logic design;design synthesis
Efficient optimal design space characterization methodologies.
One of the primary advantages of a high-level synthesis system is its ability to explore the design space. This paper presents several methodologies for design space exploration that compute all optimal tradeoff points for the combined problem of scheduling, clock-length determination, and module selection. We discuss how each methodology takes advantage of the structure within the design space itself as well as the structure of, and interactions among, each of the three subproblems. (CAD)
INTRODUCTION For many years, one of the most compelling reasons for developing high-level synthesis systems [Gajski et al. 1994] [De Micheli 1994] has been the desire to quickly explore a wide range of designs for the same behavioral description. Given a set of designs, two metrics are commonly used to evaluate their quality: area (ideally total area, but often only functional unit area), and time (the schedule length, or latency). Finding the optimal tradeoff curve between these two metrics is called design space exploration. Design space exploration is generally considered too difficult to solve optimally in a reasonable amount of time, so the problem is usually limited to computing either lower bounds [Timmer et al. 1993] or estimates [Chen and Jeng 1991] on the optimal tradeoff curve for some set of time or resource constraints. Moreover, the design space is usually determined by solving only the scheduling and functional unit allocation subproblems. The design space exploration methodology described here goes beyond traditional design space exploration in several ways. First, all optimal tradeoff points are computed so that the design space is completely characterized. Second, these optimal tradeoff points represent optimal solutions to the time-constrained scheduling (TCS) and resource-constrained scheduling (RCS) problems, rather than lower bounds or estimates. Third, the tradeoff points are computed in a manner that supports more realistic module libraries by incorporating clock length determination and module selection into the methodology. Finally, these tradeoff points are This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MIP-9423953. addresses: Stephen A. Blythe, Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180; Robert A. Walker, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 A. Blythe and R. A. Walker A min A Area * Latency Fig. 1. Example design space showing Pareto points. The shaded regions show the two distinct clusters of Pareto points that many tradeoff curves exhibit. computed in an efficient manner through careful pruning of the search space during the design cycle. The resulting methodology can also be extended to include additional subproblems. 1.1 The Design Space The process of exploring the design space can be viewed as solving either the time-constrained scheduling (TCS) problem (minimizing the functional unit area) for a range of time constraints, or the resource-constrained scheduling (RCS) problem (minimizing the latency) for a range of resource constraints. Although there is a tradeoff between latency and area, the tradeoff curve is not smooth due to the finite combinations of the library modules available [McFarland 1987]. Consider the design space shown in Figure 1 - this curve can be described by the set of points f(T ; f(T ))g, where f(T ) is the minimum area required for a given time constraint T (i.e., the optimal solution to that TCS problem). To ensure that this curve is completely characterized, one could exhaustively solve the TCS problem optimally for every time constraint T from T min (the critical path length) to Tmax (the time constraint corresponding to the module selection / allocation with the minimum area). However, this brute-force approach is not very efficient. Fortunately, the number of points needed to fully characterize the optimal trade-off curve is much smaller. The curve can be completely characterized by the set f(T ; f(T ))g of optimal tradeoff points (shown by black dots in Figure 1) - those points for which there is no design with a smaller latency and the same area, and no design with a smaller area and the same latency. Such points are called Pareto points [De Micheli 1994] [Brayton and Spence 1984], and can be formally defined as follows: Therefore, the design space exploration problem can be solved more efficiently by Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 3 finding only the Pareto points in the design space. Furthermore, many optimal tradeoff curves contain two distinct clusters of such Pareto points, as shown by the shaded regions in Figure 1: one where the latency is small and the area is large, and another where the area is small and the latency is large. This paper explores several approaches to find all the Pareto points in an efficient manner. First, Section 2 describes a basic methodology that explores the latency axis to find the Pareto points in the design space through repeatedly applying a TCS methodology. Section 3 discusses how to extend this problem to incorporate the clock length determination problem, and Section 4 discusses the incorporation of module selection. In Section 5, a related approach based on solving the RCS problem repeatedly while taking advantage of the structure of the module selection problem is discussed, and a comparison is made with the TCS based method. Section 6 examines the advantages and disadvantages of combining the two approaches in a manner similar to Timmer's bounding methodology [Timmer et al. 1993]. Sections 7 and 8 describes techniques for pivoting between the TCS and RCS-based methodologies to take advantage of the Pareto point clusters described above. In Section 9, results for a fairly complex module library are presented, and why this pivoting method works well for such a library is discussed. Lastly, Section 10 gives a summary of this work and suggests some future directions that it may take. 2. LATENCY-AXIS EXPLORATION To find all of the Pareto points, either the TCS problem could be solved repeatedly for various time constraints, or the RCS problem could be solved repeatedly for various resource constraints. Our methodology repeatedly solves the TCS problem 2 , which leads to two subproblems: (1) determining which time constraints to explore, and (2) determining how to efficiently explore the design space at each time constraint. Ideally, we want to avoid exhaustively searching all time constraints in the feasible range [T min ; Tmax ]. If the module set and clock length are specified a priori, then the TCS problem need only be solved for those time constraints that are a multiple of the clock length, since any other time constraint could be replaced by the smaller of the two time constraints that it would lie between without any increase in area. As a simple example, consider the design space exploration problem for the DIFFEQ example [Paulin and Knight 1989], using library A from Table 1 (the "trivial" library 1 found in [Timmer et al. 1993]) and a clock length of 100. The minimum time constraint is 600 (the length of the critical path), the maximum time constraint is 1300 (the latency required for a feasible schedule with 1 mult and alu1), so the only time constraints that must be explored are those in the set f600; 700; 800; 900; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300g. Given that set of time constraints, our Voyager design space exploration system [Chaudhuri et al. 1997] efficiently characterizes the design space as follows. The main loop (see Figure 2) scans the time constraints in the direction of in- 2 Note that, although we are solving only the TCS problem, this methodology is not limited to solving only that problem, and could be extended to include register allocation, interconnect allocation, control unit design, etc. A. Blythe and R. A. Walker Design Space Exploration: areacur / MAXINT compute Tmin and Tmax compute all candidate time constraints T i in [Tmin for each T i from Tmin to Tmax not a feasible schedule else compute the lower bound lb on f(T i ) if (lb ?= areacur) not a Pareto point /* nP-lb */ else compute the upper bound ub on f(T i ) else compute the LP-relaxed lower bound rlb on f(T i ) if (rlb ?= areacur) not a Pareto point /* nP-rlb */ else if else calculate IP solution areacur else not a Pareto point/* nP-ILP */ Fig. 2. Voyager's main design space exploration loop creasing latency. At each time constraint, an ASAP schedule is first calculated to determine if a feasible schedule exists for that time constraint and clock length. If so, then it uses a heuristic to compute a lower bound on the functional unit area; if this area is the same as or larger 3 than the previous area, then that solution is not a Pareto point. This is the case for time constraints 900, 1000, 1100, and 1200 in Figure 3. However, if the lower bound is smaller than the previous area, then it is a potential 3 In the problem as specified so far, the area will never be larger. However, it may be larger when the clock length determination and module selection problems are incorporated into the methodology as described in Sections 3 and 4. Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 5 MODULE AREA DELAY (ns) OPERATIONS mult 1440 200 f*g alu1 160 100 f+; \Gamma; !g Table 1. Library A - Timmer's ``trivial'' library 11500250035004500500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Area Latency Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Optimal Solutions Lower Bounds Fig. 3. Results from DIFFEQ using library A Pareto point. The methodology then computes an upper bound on the area, and compares it to the lower bound. If the two are equal, then the point is an optimal solution, and a Pareto point (e.g., time constraint 800 in Figure 3); if not, then the results are still inconclusive (e.g., time constraint 700). It then uses a tighter (but more computationally-intensive) FU lower-bounding method based on LP- relaxation, and tries this procedure again (in this example, determining that time constraint 700 corresponds to a Pareto point). If this method also fails, then it solves a carefully-developed ILP formulation [Chaudhuri et al. 1994] to determine the optimal solution, using the bounds determined earlier to reduce the search space for that solution. Thus our base methodology quickly determines whether or not each time constraint corresponds to a Pareto point by carefully pruning the search space. It first computes a small set of time constraints to explore. Increasingly tighter heuristics are then used to try to determine if each time constraint corresponds to a Pareto point. Only if those heuristics fail is a more computationally-intensive ILP formulation used. Unfortunately, assuming the module set and clock length are specified a priori is unrealistic with complex module libraries. Accordingly, Section 3 describes how this base methodology can be extended to include clock length determination and Section 4 describes the incorporation of module selection. 3. ADDING CLOCK DETERMINATION As described earlier, our base methodology explores a set of time constraints, determining whether or not the solution to each TCS problem is a Pareto point. The problem was simplified by assuming the clock length was known a priori, whereas A. Blythe and R. A. Walker recent work has shown that not only is determining the system clock length a difficult problem [Chen and Jeng 1991; Chaiyakul et al. 1992; Narayan and Gajski 1992; Corazao et al. 1993; Jha et al. 1995; Chaudhuri et al. 1997]), but the choice of the clock length has a significant impact on the resulting design. Therefore, the problem of clock length determination must be folded into the design space exploration problem. 3.1 Prior Work As described in [Chaudhuri et al. 1997], the clock determination problem is usually ignored in favor of ad hoc decisions or estimates. For example, several early synthesis systems used the delay of the slowest functional unit as the estimated clock length, a choice which favored the use of chaining and disallowed multi-cycling. A heuristic method for finding the clock length was given in [Narayan and Gajski 1992], but the result may not be optimal. To guarantee that the optimal clock length is chosen, 4 the scheduling problem could be solved repeatedly for every possible clock length - a very computationally-intensive task. Fortunately, such an exhaustive search is not necessary, as the set of candidate clock lengths to be scheduled can be reduced. In [Corazao et al. 1993], one method for reducing that set is given. A tighter method was introduced in [Chen and Jeng 1991], and later proven correct in [Jha et al. 1995] and [Chaudhuri et al. 1997] - this method computes a small set of candidate clock lengths (one of which must be the optimal clock length) by taking the ceiling of the integral divisors of each of the functional unit delays. 3.2 Pruning the Candidate Clock Lengths Even these integral-divisor methods can lead to a set of candidate clock lengths so large that it becomes too time-consuming to solve the TCS problem for each clock length at each time constraint. Fortunately, the set of candidate clock lengths can be reduced even further, as described below. Definition 1. For a given clock length c, the slack s k of a module of type k with execution delay d k is given by c Theorem 1. Given a clock length c, if there exists a clock length c such that (c) for all module types k in the current module selection, then c can be replaced by c without lengthening the schedule. (c) for all modules k, the same quality will hold for operations in a schedule using these modules. Thus all operations in the schedule using c could be scheduled at least as soon, if not sooner, in a schedule using c because all operations will be capable of executing faster (or equally as fast) in the schedule using c . Thus, changing the clock length to c can only improve the schedule. 2 4 Actually, this is only the data path component of the system clock length; the final clock length includes controller and interconnect delays as well. Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 7 MODULE AREA DELAY (ns) OPERATIONS alu1 100 48 f+; \Gamma; !g Table 2. Library B - Narayan's library Clock Length slack(*) slack(+) replaced by 28 5 8 24/55 Table 3. Slack values found in library B To demonstrate the use of this theorem, consider library B, shown in Table 2 (the VDP100 library from [Narayan and Gajski 1992], augmented with areas similar to those of library A). Assuming a technology limit of 17ns on the shortest clock length, integral divisor methods give the set of candidate clock lengths, with the corresponding slack values shown in Table 3. Consider the clock length of 33ns, found as d163=5e = 33. When a multiplier is scheduled using this clock length, there will be a slack of 2ns. There are several clock lengths whose slack for the multiplier is smaller, but the slack corresponding to the alu1 is always larger. However, a clock length of 55ns has the same slack as the multiplier, and less slack for the alu1. Therefore, Theorem 1 says that any schedule that uses a clock length of 33ns can be shortened by using a clock length of 55ns (without increasing the number of functional units). When Theorem 1 is applied to the full set of candidate clock lengths, the set is reduced to CK 24g. Note that when two sets of slack values are equivalent, the shorter clock length is dropped since it would tend to result in a larger controller. 3.3 Exploring the Candidate Clock Lengths Once the pruned set CK 0 of candidate clock lengths has been computed, the integral multiples of each of those clock lengths give the time constraints to explore. Then, for each such time constraint and candidate clock length, the methodology outlined in Figure 2 can be applied. The efficiency of the search at each time clocks time constr. design points nP-lb nP-rlb nP-ILP P-lb P -rlb P-ILP Table 4. Statistics from solving DIFFEQ using library B A. Blythe and R. A. Walker250350450550650400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Area Latency Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Optimal Solutions Lower Bounds Fig. 4. Results from DIFFEQ using library B Design Space Exploration w/ Clock Determination: areacur / MAXINT compute pruned set CK 0 of candidate clock lengths compute Tmin and Tmax for each c j in CK 0 compute all candidate time constraints T i in [Tmin for each T i from Tmin to Tmax using each c j in CK 0 inducing T i determine if (T i ; f(T i )) is a Pareto point (see Figure 2) Fig. 5. Voyager's design space exploration loop with clock determination constraint can be improved by observing that each time constraint was derived as an integral multiple of one or more clock lengths, so only those inducing clock lengths need be explored at that time constraint. The resulting methodology is outlined in Figure 5. Using library B and the DIFFEQ example, this methodology generates the design space shown in Figure 4. From the pruned set CK of candidate clock lengths, were generated, and 50 time constraint / clock length pairs were explored (note that there was only a single time constraint with more than one candidate clock length). Two corresponded to infeasible schedules, while the other 48 had to be examined to determine if they were Pareto points. As Table 4 shows (the headings of the last six columns correspond to labels in Figure 2), the vast majority of the solutions were determined to be either Pareto or non-Pareto points using the bounding heuristics - only two were solved using the tighter LP-relaxation lower bounding method and no solutions required an ILP Note also that in several cases (time constraints in the range 420-600), the Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 9 MODULE AREA DELAY (ns) OPERATIONS mult 1440 200 f*g alu1 160 100 f+; \Gamma; !g add1 150 100 f+g alu2 90 200 f+; \Gamma; !g sub2 85 200 f-g add1 85 200 f+g Table 5. Library C - Timmer's library 2 lower bound differed from the optimal solution, so methods based solely on lower-bounding would incorrectly characterize the design space. Finally, Figure 4 also demonstrates the importance of systematically examining all relevant clock lengths in the design space. At a time constraint of 652, the inducing clock length of 163ns leads to a solution with an area of 500, whereas the previous time constraint had a lower area of 400. Although the point (652, 500) is optimal with respect to its time constraint and a fixed clock length of 163 ns, it is not a Pareto point, and is thus rejected by the line labeled /* nP-lb */ in Figure 2. 4. ADDING MODULE SELECTION While adding clock length determination to the base methodology is an important step toward supporting more complex libraries, the methodology must also be extended to cover libraries that offer a number of possible module sets. Again, we would prefer to avoid an exhaustive search of all possible module sets, yet we must ensure that we do not miss any combination of a time constraint, clock length, and module set that corresponds to a Pareto point. 4.1 Prior Work Over the years, a variety of methods have been employed to determine the appropriate module set. One method, described in [Jain et al. 1988], generates a number of module sets, and then selects the best one. Another method, presented in [Tim- mer et al. 1993], computes an initial module set through a MILP formulation, and determines its validity by scheduling; if no viable schedule is found, then the set (and its allocation) are updated, and the scheduling process is repeated. 5 As with some of the previous work on clock length determination, using such techniques to determine a single module set before (and independently of) scheduling cannot guarantee a globally optimal solution. Instead of trying to find a single module set, the method found in [Chen and Jeng 1991] exhaustively explores all possible module sets. Since this method also exhaustively explores all integral divisor based clock lengths, its computational complexity is too large for optimal scheduling, so only estimates are computed. 4.2 Exploring Different Module Sets Fortunately, such an exhaustive search is not necessary. Many of the possible module sets can be eliminated since they are incapable of implementing all the 5 This method also incorporates the type mapping problem into the MILP formulation - something our methodology does not yet handle. See Section 9. A. Blythe and R. A. Walker1500250035004500600 800 1000 1200 1400 Area Latency Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Optimal Solutions Lower Bounds Fig. 6. Results from DIFFEQ using library C MODULE AREA DELAY (ns) OPERATIONS mul add 50 50 f+g sub Table 6. Library D - an artificial complex library operation types found in the data flow graph. For example, in the case of the DIFFEQ, the module set must be capable of performing the operations f+; \Gamma; ; !g; any module sets that do not can be eliminated. Moreover, the number of module sets that must be explored at each time constraint can be reduced (as was the number of candidate clock lengths) by observing that each time constraint was derived as an integral multiple of a clock length derived from one or more specific modules. Therefore, only those module sets that contain at least one of those modules must be explored at that time constraint. Using library C, shown in Table 5 (library 2 from [Timmer et al. 1993]), and the DIFFEQ example, the methodology described above generates the design space shown in Figure 6. There are 32 possible module sets, but only 1 pruned candidate clock length (100ns) and 9 time constraints, resulting in 288 TCS problems to solve. resulted in infeasible schedules (i.e., no solution was possible), and as before, the vast majority of the solutions were determined to be either Pareto or non-Pareto points using the bounding heuristics. library clocks time constr. design points nP-lb nP-rlb nP-ILP P-lb P-rlb P-ILP Table 7. Statistics from solving DIFFEQ using libraries C and D Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 11100200300400200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Area Latency Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Optimal Solutions Lower Bounds Fig. 7. Results from DIFFEQ using library D As another example, consider library D, shown in Table 6 (an artificial library slightly less complex than library C, but with more realistic module delays). Using that library, and the DIFFEQ example, the methodology described above generates the design space shown in Figure 7. Here there were 16 possible module sets, 9 integral-divisor candidate clock lengths, and 131 time constraints - almost 19,000 combinations. Even after pruning the candidate clock lengths, there were 6 pruned candidate clock lengths, and 93 time constraints - almost 9,000 combinations. However, the methodology had to solve only 1522 TCS problems (an average of 1.35 clock lengths and 11.27 module selections at each time constraint). 183 of those were infeasible, and again, the vast majority of the solutions were determined to be either Pareto or non-Pareto points using the bounding heuristics. Moreover, this entire procedure took only 1.5 hours of wall-clock time. Without such a careful pruning of the search space, this problem could not have been solved optimally in a reasonable amount of time. Furthermore, with these 4 module delays, there are many resulting designs that lie above the optimal tradeoff curve. Although these designs are optimal solutions for a particular clock length and module set, they are not Pareto points, so it is very important that the methodology correctly explores the design space. For example, [Timmer et al. 1993] presents a method that begins at time constraint Tmax and alternately performs time and area lower-bounding to find a stair-step tradeoff curve. Even if that methodology is enhanced to alternate between optimally solving the resource-constrained and time-constrained scheduling problems, it would only find the Pareto-based tradeoff curve in the absence of the combined module selection and clock length determination problem. If this combined problem was included, the enhanced methodology would fail to find the Pareto-based curve if one of the points found by time-constrained scheduling is a suboptimal point that lies above the optimal Pareto-based curve. Such a point (which would have a non-minimal area) would then be used by resource-constrained scheduling to find the minimal latency with this (non-minimal) area, thus compounding the problem and giving an erroneous design curve that actually lies above the optimal area curve based on A. Blythe and R. A. Walker Module Area Delay Operations mul add 50 50 f+g sub Table 8. An artificial complex library the Pareto points. 5. AREA-AXIS EXPLORATION Viewing the previous approach as a latency-axis exploration methodology, an alternative approach is based on the area axis: the Pareto points can be found by determining a set of area constraints to explore, and then optimally solving the RCS problem at each area constraint. Again, it is necessary to reduce the number of constraints to explore, as searching the entire integral range along the area axis would be prohibitively expensive. Given such a reduced set of area constraints, the algorithm outlined in Figure 2 can be modified to explore the area axis instead - starting with the point that has the smallest possible area (and the largest latency) and continuing until it reaches the point with the largest possible area (and minimal latency), solving the RCS problem to minimize the schedule latency at each area constraint. The various solutions can then be determined to be either Pareto or non-Pareto points using heuristics and exact techniques together in a manner similar to that described in Section 2. In much the same way that any one time constraint can be induced by more than one clock length, each area constraint can correspond to more than one module set / resource allocation. Enumerating all possible allocations whose resulting area is within Amax for each module set gives an initial set of candidate area / resource constraints that could be used in the area-axis methodology. The size of this initial set can then be reduced by noting that it may contain overly loose resource constraints - for example, a resource constraint of 3 adders would be too loose for a behavioral description with only one addition operation. In general, we can reduce the set of candidate resource constraints by upper bounding the number of independent paths in the DFG that could require resources of type T and could possibly be executed in parallel. The resulting upper bound would then be the maximal number of type T resources needed in any allocation for any schedule using any clock length. Although greatly dependent on the module library and DFG in use, applying even such simple heuristics can reduce the number of area constraints to explore by 80% - 85%. Given this basic area-axis methodology, the clock length determination and module selection problems can be incorporated much as they were in the basic latency- axis methodology. However, in the area-axis methodology, it is easier to solve module selection than clock length determination at each area constraint, as the candidate module selections have the more pronounced effect. Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 13 Latency Axis Area Axis Timmer Based DIFF 14:07 2:36 5:13 94 72 AR 48:08 8:50 12:40 198 Table 9. Results from axis-based and neighborhood-based Timmer-like exploration using the library from Table 8 5.1 Latency-Axis vs. Area-Axis Exploration Due to effect that the inducing clock lengths have on the other problems, it is easier to solve the clock length determination problem than it is to solve the module selection problem at each time constraint in the latency-axis methodology. This is reflected by the fact that there are often more candidate module selections than candidate clock lengths at each time constraint. The opposite is true of the area-axis methods - each area constraint is derived from a module selection and allocation, without concern for the clock length determination problem. This frequently results in a single module selection with many clock length candidates at each point considered along the area axis. Results for both the latency-axis and area-axis methodologies are given in the middle two columns of Table 9, which show results for three different benchmarks (DIFFEQ, AR-lattice, and Elliptic Wave Filter). In each cell of the table, the execution time 6 is given (as minutes:seconds), along with the total number of points explored (i.e., the number of TCS or RCS problems solved). Note that neither approach is universally better than the other. Most of the time, it was faster to use area-axis exploration, but for the EWF example, several of the RCS problems were quite time-consuming to solve optimally. However, expressing those problems as TCS problems tended to be significantly faster, resulting in faster latency-axis exploration. Furthermore, the simplicity of the module library used tends to lend itself to giving fewer area constraints, which is a significant factor in the speed of either method. Thus it is unclear how to determine, a priori, which axis to choose for exploration. 6. A TIMMER-LIKE EXPLORATION While both of the axis-based methods described in Section 5 explore the design space in a reasonably effective manner, neither is universally effective. Furthermore, each method still has a fairly large number of TCS/RCS problems to solve. To increase the efficiency further, one approach would be to combine the two methods, using a search methodology similar to the one employed in [Timmer et al. 1993]. As described in that paper, Timmer's methodology solves only the lower bounding problem, but it could easily be adapted to solve the scheduling problem in- stead. When adapted in this manner, Timmer's methodology essentially alternates between solving TCS and RCS problems, as shown in Figure 8. First, given a clock length and a minimal area (resource) constraint, the RCS problem would be solved, 6 The executions times are based on a Sun SPARC-20 running the Solaris Operating System. A. Blythe and R. A. Walker Timmer Curve TCS RCS TCS Timmer Pareto Candidates True Optimal Curve True Pareto Points RCS A Fig. 8. The pitfall of Timmer's method when considering clock length and module set determi- nation minimizing the latency for that resource constraint. The resulting latency would then be used as a time constraint and the corresponding TCS problem solved, minimizing the number of resources. Then another RCS problem would be solved using that minimized number of resources, etc. Since every RCS problem solved by this methodology finds a Pareto point, the number of TCS/RCS problems to be solved is reduced considerably over the axis-based methods. As presented, this Timmer-like methodology does not consider the clock length determination problem, but as has been shown in [Chaudhuri et al. 1995] [Chen and Jeng 1991], the clock length has a significant impact on resulting designs. In fact, failure to incorporate clock length determination can result in overlooking Pareto points in the complete optimal design space. Because Timmer's methodology assumes a single clock length, the resulting Pareto points are optimal relative only to that one clock length and may not fully characterize the design space since time constraints induced by other clock lengths frequently result in smaller areas (TCS solutions). This situation is depicted in Figure 8, where Pareto points C and D were not found with Timmer's methodology, since they correspond to different clock lengths than the one being used, and Pareto point A (also corresponding to a different clock length) was missed in favor of the false Pareto point B. However, the clock length determination problem can be incorporated into Tim- mer's method by considering a neighborhood of time constraints around each Timmer Pareto candidate as follows. For each candidate clock length, the induced time constraint closest to, without exceeding, that Pareto point's time constraint is found. Then, instead of solving a single TCS problem at a single time con- straint, the minimum area resulting from solving the TCS problem at each of these new time constraints is found, and used as the area constraint for the next RCS problem. Unfortunately, the information from previous schedules can no longer be used to prune the search space as described in Section 2, which puts this method at distinct disadvantage over the axis-based methods. This effect can be seen in the last column of Table 9, where the execution times for our neighborhood-based Timmer-like methodology can exceed those of the axis-based methodologies, even though there is a decrease in the number of design points explored. Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 15 Design Space Exploration using Simple Pivoting: input percentage of time constraints to explore, perc generate candidate time constraints in range [Tmin locate T such that j[Tmin ; T explore using the latency axis methodology using A corresponding to the point (T ; A ) generate candidate area constraints in range [Amin ; A explore [Amin ; A ] using the area axis methodology Fig. 9. Voyager's Simple Pivoting Methodology explored 100 50 14:07 3:58 2:24 2:01 1:38 1:49 2:46 94 52 42 45 44 44 72 AR 48:08 11:04 7:45 5:57 4:41 9:24 8:50 Table 10. Results from simple pivoting 7. PIVOTING BETWEEN LATENCY-AXIS AND AREA-AXIS EXPLORATION Another approach to combining latency-axis and area-axis exploration is to consider the structure of the tradeoff curve. As shown in Figure 1, a large number of the Pareto points are clustered into two regions: one where the latency is small and the area is large, and another where the area is small and the latency is large. This phenomenon is also illustrated in Figure 10. Here, the latency-axis methodology (exploring the latency axis in the direction of increasing latency) would find many Pareto points fairly quickly, but would then waste a considerable amount of time exploring time constraints that do not correspond to Pareto points until the high-latency cluster of Pareto points is reached. Using the area-axis methodology (exploring the area axis in the direction of increasing area) has a similar shortcoming. However, this shortcoming can be overcome by pivoting between the two axis- based methods - using the latency-axis methodology to explore the high-area / low-latency cluster, and using the area-axis methodology to explore the high-latency / low-area cluster. This process is outlined in Figure 9. When exploring the latency axis in the direction of decreasing latency, the most obvious method of pivoting is to simply switch from latency-axis exploration to area-axis exploration after exploring a certain percentage (perc) of the latency axis. Note that after making this switch, the area-axis methodology must still explore the area axis in the direction of increasing area (so that information from previous schedules can be used to prune the search space as described in Section 2), but now it can stop when it reaches the last Pareto point found by the latency-axis methodology. The results of performing this pivoting process for various percentages of the A. Blythe and R. A. Walker100200300400500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Area Latency AR Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve EWF Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Fig. 10. The EWF and AR optimal Pareto-base curves when using the library from Table 8 latency axis are presented in Table 10. Note that the 0% column corresponds to an immediate pivot to area-axis exploration, and the 100% column corresponds to using solely latency-axis exploration. Not surprisingly, for the tradeoff curves depicted in Figure 10, the percentages that result in the fastest execution times are fairly low (10%-20%), since most of the low-latency cluster of Pareto points are within the first 20% of the latency axis. Unfortunately, however, there is no consistent percentage that will always correspond to the best pivot point for every tradeoff curve, regardless of whether the execution time 7 or the number of points being explored is the quantity being minimized. Thus, a better method for deciding where to pivot must be found. 8. DYNAMIC PIVOTING Since the best pivot point cannot be determined a priori, it must be determined dynamically during the exploration process. Since the tradeoff curve often exhibits two clusters of Pareto points as described earlier, one approach would be to determine when a cluster is being left, and pivot while exploring the next few points that are not members of either cluster. When exploring the latency axis, this pivot would occur when the curve begins to "flatten out" into a roughly horizontal line. One simple method of implementing this dynamic pivot is outlined in Figure 11, in which a window W of constant size (W size ) is kept. This window contains the last n design points explored, many of which were pruned as non-Pareto points. If the area of the first element in the window significantly larger than the area corresponding to the current time constraint (An ) at any point during latency-axis exploration, the current point is selected as the pivot point. In other words, if a Pareto point has not been found recently, the curve is flattening out and the pivot from latency-axis exploration to area-axis exploration is made. 7 Once again, the EWF example contains several points that are computationally more expensive when solved as RCS problems - thus the dramatic execution time increase between 20% and 10% despite the decrease in points explored. Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 17 Design Space Exploration using Dynamic Window Pivoting: input tolerance percentage tol of time constraints in window generate initial window explore window W using latency axis methodology using A1 and An from the points while remove T1 from W append next T i to W calculate An using TCS method generate final window Wa as the area constraints [Amin ; An explore Wa using area axis methodology Fig. 11. Voyager's Dynamic Pivoting Methodology time constraints in window DIFF 2:36 1:48 2:23 4:40 5:20 14:07 72 44 AR 8:50 10:08 6:20 7:34 8:21 48:08 Table 11. Results from dynamic window-based pivoting The results of applying this dynamic window-based pivoting are given in Table 11. To determine when a "significant" change in area was reached, the size of the current window was compared to the change in area over that window. If the percentage change in area was smaller than the size of the window as a percentage of the total number of time constraints, we pivoted to using the area axis; otherwise we continued using the latency axis. Unfortunately, there was no consistent window size that yielded the best result for every case. In general, a window size of 10%-15% of the time constraints generally seemed to give good results. Looking at Table 11, the first example shown (DIFFEQ) is small enough that 5% of the time constraints is statistically insignificant, leading to results that are dominated by the area-axis exploration. However, the EWF results give a strong argument for using dynamic pivoting - here a bad a priori choice of using only latency-axis exploration or area-axis exploration (as shown in Table 10) could lead to a significantly larger execution time than 15% dynamic pivoting. 9. FURTHER RESULTS In all of our results so far, we have used the library presented in Table 8. That library has a number of different delays, which complicates any design space exploration methodology that considers clock length determination. However, it has only two alternatives for each operation type, leading to a fairly small number of A. Blythe and R. A. Walker Module Area Delay Operations mul1 500 200 f*g mul3 800 100 f*g sub1 100 160 f-,!g sub2 200 110 f-,!g add1 90 150 f+g add3 380 50 f+g Table 12. A module selection intensive library Latency Area Timmer Pivot (15%) 44:22 4:37 32:58 6:15 AR 369:32 213:17 313:27 192:17 Table 13. Results when using a library with many module selections1000200030004000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Area Latency AR Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve EWF Optimal (Pareto-Based) Curve Fig. 12. The EWF and AR optimal Pareto-base curves when using the library from Table 12 Efficient Optimal Design Space Characterization Methodologies ffl 19 module selection candidates. Now consider Table 12, which is the opposite: it has fewer unique functional unit delays, and several of those delays are multiples of each other. Both of these factors result in fewer resulting candidate clock lengths (for example, several functional units have 50 as a candidate clock length). However, this library has a much larger number of module selection candidates. Results using this library are presented in Table 13. Compared to results using the previous library when the latency-axis methodology is used, there is significantly more time being spent exploring the latency axis, since the module selection problem is now much more difficult and latency-axis exploration gets most of its time savings due to the structure of the clock length determination problem. How- ever, for area-axis exploration the results are now generally faster, reflecting the savings due to considering the structure of the module selection problem. Again, as with the first library, EWF gives several RCS problems that are time consuming to solve optimally (while the corresponding TCS problems are not as time consum- ing), thus dramatically increasing overall run time for the area axis. Note that in all cases the number of area constraints to solve is much higher - thus the savings in execution time must result from the fact that there is more structure to each constraint along the area axis for this library. As with the prior library, Timmer-like exploration (even our neighborhood-based Timmer-like exploration) once again fails to produce faster run times for this li- brary, although in this case the primary contributing factor is not only clock length determination but the number of possible module selection candidates at each of the generated time constraints. For AR and EWF, the pivoting method once again gave the best execution times 8 , but this time it also explored fewer points than the Timmer-like method! Finally, note that the resulting design spaces for these two benchmarks are also much more complex for this library, as can be seen in Figure 12. The added complexity of these plots is directly attributable to the complexity of the module selection problem - many more area constraints exist, leading to more Pareto points being derived from the corresponding resource constraints. 10. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK This paper has examined the process of design space exploration, reducing that process to one of characterizing the optimal latency-area tradeoff curve by finding all the Pareto points on that curve. For the combined problem of scheduling, clock length determination, and module selection, we have presented several exploration methodologies: dedicated latency-axis or area-axis exploration, a Timmer-like exploration method, and two methods (one static, one dynamic) for pivoting between the two axis-based methods. Each of these methodologies takes advantage of the structure found along both the latency and are axes by carefully pruning a large number of sub-optimal solutions at each level of the design cycle, making it possible to use optimal scheduling techniques rather than bounds or estimates. Furthermore, 8 The DIFFEQ benchmark once again gives skewed results as its size does not allow a statistically significant number of Pareto points to be incorporated within the 15% design window, thus not allowing the pivoting method to take full advantage of the structure in the resulting design space. S. A. Blythe and R. A. Walker we discussed how the tradeoff curve is dominated by two clusters of Pareto points, and how that structure, along with the structure of the combined problem, can be used to more efficiently find the Pareto points. Tests using various benchmarks and different module libraries have shown the importance of considering the clock length determination and module selection problem in conjunction with the scheduling problem. When these subproblems are not considered in conjunction like this (often such subproblems are resolved prior to and independently of scheduling), we have shown that results do not accurately reflect the optimal tradeoff curve. In many cases, methods that do not consider this combined problem entirely miss globally optimal points. Although the methodologies presented solve the design space exploration problem optimally, they could also be used to generate a preliminary characterization by replacing the optimal scheduler with a heuristic scheduler or lower bound estimate. 9 The reductions in the number of constraints to explore would be similar to that found in the optimal case, but the amount if execution time would be lower at the expense of optimality. At present, although these methodologies allow us to handle more realistic module libraries than most previous methodologies since they consider clock length determination and module selection, they do not consider the type mapping prob- lem. That is, they assume that all operations of a given type are mapped to a single functional unit type (found by module selection). To more more fully take advantage of module libraries, and thus to more completely characterize the optimal tradeoff curve, the methodologies (in particular the scheduling portions) must be enhanced to handle the complete type-mapping problem. When finding optimal solutions to this type mapping problem, it will crucial to find tight heuristic bounding techniques for the type mapping problem so that the axis-based methods can maintain their efficiency through pruning methods. Furthermore, a more realistic model of the resulting design must be developed so that the methodology also incorporates registers, interconnect issues, controller effects, etc. --R Towards a Practical Methodology for Completely Characterizing the Optimal Design Space. Sensitivity and Optimization. Timing Models for High Level Synthesis. An Exact Methodology for Scheduling in a 3D Design Space. A Solution Methodology for 9 Note that the bounding methodology described here would more fully characterize the design space than the one described in Analyzing and Exploiting the Structure of the Constraints in the ILP Approach to the Scheduling Problem. Optimal Module Set and Clock Cycle Selection for DSP Synthesis. Instruction Set Mapping for Performance Optimization Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits. Specification and Design of Embedded Systems. Module Selection for Pipeline Synthesis. Reclocking for High Level Synthesis. Reevaluating the Design Space for Register Transfer Hardware Synthesis. System Clock Estimation based on Clock Slack Min- imization Force Directed Scheduling for the Behavioral Synthesis of ASICs. Fast System-Level Area-Delay Curve Prediction --TR System clock estimation based on clock slack minimization Timing models for high-level synthesis Specification and design of embedded systems Analyzing and exploiting the structure of the constraints in the ILP approach to the scheduling problem A comprehensive estimation technique for high-level synthesis Reclocking for high-level synthesis Computing lower bounds on functional units before scheduling Instruction set mapping for performance optimization Module selection for pipelined synthesis Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits Toward a Practical Methodology for Completely Characterizing the Optimal Design Space --CTR Zoran Salcic , George Coghill , Bruce Maunder, A genetic algorithm high-level optimizer for complex datapath and data-flow digital systems, Applied Soft Computing, v.7 n.3, p.979-994, June, 2007 Hyunuk Jung , Kangnyoung Lee , Soonhoi Ha, Efficient hardware controller synthesis for synchronous dataflow graph in system level design, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, v.10 n.4, p.423-428, August 2002 Yannick Le Moullec , Jean-Philippe Diguet , Thierry Gourdeaux , Jean-Luc Philippe, Design-Trotter: System-level dynamic estimation task a first step towards platform architecture selection, Journal of Embedded Computing, v.1 n.4, p.565-586, December 2005 Matthias Gries, Methods for evaluating and covering the design space during early design development, Integration, the VLSI Journal, v.38 n.2, p.131-183, December 2004
module selection;design space exploration;bounding;efficient searching;clock-length determination;scheduling;high-level synthesis
Optimizing computations for effective block-processing.
Block-processing can decrease the time and power required to perform any given computation by simultaneously processing multiple samples of input data. The effectiveness of block-processing can be severely limited, however, if the delays in the dataflow graph of the computation are placed suboptimally. In this paper we investigate the application of retiming for improving the effectiveness of block-processing in computations. In particular, we consider the k-delay problem: Given a computation dataflow graph and a positive integer k, we wish to compute a retimed computation graph in which the original delays have been relocated so that k data samples can be processed simultaneously and fully regularly. We give an exact integer linear programming formulation for the k-delay problem. We also describe an algorithm that solves the k-delay problem fast in practice by relying on a set of necessary conditions to prune the search space. Experimental results with synthetic and random benchmarks demonstrate the performance improvements achievable by block-processing and the efficiency of our algorithm.
Introduction In many application domains, computations are defined on semi-infinite or very long streams of data. The rate of the incoming data is dictated by the nature of the application and often cannot be satisfied by a straightforward implementation of the specification. Although the speed of hardware components has been increasing steadily, the throughput requirements of new applications have been increasing at an even faster pace. Recent studies show that while computational requirements per sample of state-of-the-art communication have been A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 33rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, June 1996. (a) (b) Figure 1: Improving the effectiveness of block-processing by retiming. The block-processing factor of the original computation dataflow graph in Part (a) is 1. The block-processing factor of the retimed graph in Part (b) is 3. doubling every year, the processing power of hardware is doubling only every three years [5]. Furthermore, new applications requirements such as low power dissipation impose additional design constraints which often further add to the gap between the speed of hardware primitives and the rate of incoming data. In order to meet the increasing computational demands of today's communication ap- plications, it is required to compute simultaneously on multiple samples of the incoming data stream. This approach, known as block-processing or vectorization, is widely used to satisfy throughput requirements through the use of parallelism and pipelining. Block- processing enhances both regularity and locality in computations, thus greatly facilitating their efficient implementation on many hardware platforms [6, 9]. Enhanced regularity reduces the effort in software switching and address calculation, and improved locality improves the effectiveness of code-size reduction methods [13]. Moreover, block-processing enables the efficient utilization of pipelines and efficient implementations of vector-based algorithms such as FFT-based filtering and error-correction codes [2]. In general, block- processing is beneficial in all cases where the net cost of processing n samples individually is higher than the net cost of processing n samples simultaneously. Typical cost measures include processing time, memory requirements, and energy dissipation per sample. There are several ways to increase the block-processing factor of a computation, that is, the number of data samples that can be processed simultaneously. For example, one can unfold the basic iteration of a computation and schedule computational blocks from different iterations to execute successively. However, this technique may not uniformly increase the block-processing factor for all computational blocks. Another transformation that can be used for increasing the block-processing factor is retiming. Contrary to other architectural transformation techniques that have targeted high-level synthesis [8, 17], retiming has been used traditionally for clock period minimization [7, 10, 12] and for logic synthesis [14, 15]. Figure 1 illustrates the use of retiming for improving block-processing. The computation dataflow graph (CDFG) in this figure has three computation blocks A, B, and C, and three delays. An input stream is coming into block A, and an output stream is generated by A. Assuming that the computation is implemented by a uniprocessor system, the expression above each block gives the initiation time x and the computation time y per block input. The initiation time includes context-switching overhead for fetching data and instructions from the background memory and the cost for reconfiguring pipelines. A single iteration of the computation in Figure 1(a) completes in (7+5)+(7+6)+(6+3)=34 cycles by executing the blocks in the order A . For three iterations, the computational blocks can be executed in the order A . In this case, a new input is consumed every 34 cycles, and the entire computation needs 3 \Theta cycles. On the other hand, the functionally equivalent CDFG in Figure 1(b) is obtained by retiming the original CDFG and can complete all three iterations in a single "block iteration" that requires only (7 cycles. By grouping all three delays on one edge, the computations of the three iterations can be executed in the order A 1 thus amortizing the initiation time of each block over three inputs. Recently, retiming has been studied in the context of optimum vectorization for a class of DSP programs [16, 18]. Specifically, a technique for linear vectorization of DSP programs using retiming has been presented in [18]. This technique involves the redistribution of delays in the CDFG representation of a DSP program in a way that maximizes the concentration of delays on the edges. However, fully regular vectorization cannot be achieved using the linear vectorization approach in that paper. Moreover, the retiming problem for computing linear vectorizations is formulated as a non-linear program which can be computationally very expensive to solve. In this paper, we consider the problem of retiming computation dataflow graphs to achieve any given block-processing factor k. We call this the k-delay problem. We first present an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation of the k-delay problem. We then formulate a set of necessary conditions which we use to develop an efficient branch-and- bound algorithm for the k-delay problem. Given a CDFG and a positive integer k, our algorithm computes a retimed CDFG that achieves a block-processing factor of k or determines that such a retiming does not exist. An important feature of our approach is that all blocks in the retimed CDFG achieve the same block-processing factor k and the same execution order across iterations. As a result, our retimed CDFGs can operate faster and are less expensive to implement than generic block-processed CDFGs. We provide extensive experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of our optimization and the efficiency of our algorithms. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the representation of computations as dataflow graphs and give background material on block- processing and retiming. We also give a precise mathematical formulation of the k-delay problem. In Section 3, we present an integer linear programming formulation of the k-delay problem. In Section 4, we describe a set of effective necessary conditions. Using these necessary conditions, we develop a branch-and-bound algorithm in Section 5 for solving the k-delay problem which is efficient in practice. We present our experimental results in Section 6 and conclude with directions for future work in Section 7. Preliminaries In this section, we first describe the dataflow graph representation of computations. We subsequently provide some background on block-processing and give the conditions that must be satisfied for effective block-processing. We also provide background material on retiming and give a mathematical formulation of the k-delay problem. 2.1 Graph representation The CDFG of a computation structure is an edge-weighted directed graph The nodes v 2 V model the computation blocks (subroutines, arithmetic or boolean oper- ators), and the directed edges e 2 E model the interconnection (data and control depen- dencies) between the computation blocks. Each edge e 2 E is associated with a weight w(e) that denotes the number of delays or registers associated with that interconnection. Figure 3(a) gives the graph representation of a sample CDFG. A delay (state) in behavioral synthesis corresponds to an iteration boundary in software compilation and a register in gate-level description. All results in this paper can be translated from one domain to the other two in a straightforward manner. Translation of results from behavioral to logic synthesis involves only semantic interpretation. 2.2 Block-Processing Block-processing strives to maximize the throughput of a computation by simultaneously processing multiple samples of the incoming data. The maximum number of samples that can be processed simultaneously or immediately after each other by a block v is called the block-processing factor k v of that block. A block-processing is linear if all blocks have the A (a) (b) A Figure 2: Types of linear block-processing. (a) Regular and linear block-processing with a factor 2. (b) Irregular but linear block-processing with a factor 2. same block-processing factor k. Given a linear block-processing with factor k, the k \Delta jV j computational block evaluations that generate k iterations of the computation constitute a block iteration. A linear block-processing with factor k is regular if the k data samples processed simultaneously by every computational block are accessed during the same block iteration. The retimed CDFG in Figure 2(a), for example, can be block-processed linearly and regularly with a block-processing factor of 2. The computation blocks for this CDFG execute in the order A 1 two input samples are consumed in each block-iteration. Regular block-processing leads to more efficient implementations of CDFGs, because it reduces the costs of address calculation and software switching. As the CDFG in Figure 2(a) illustrates, the indices 1 and 2 computed for block A can be used for block B as well in the first block-iteration. A linear block-processing need not be regular, as is illustrated for the CDFG in Figure 2(b) which can be block-processed with a block-processing factor of 2. The computation blocks for this CDFG execute in the order \Delta. The block-processing is irregular, however, because the computation blocks process different samples in a given block iteration. In the first block iteration, for example, block B processes samples 1 and 2 while block A processes samples 2 and 3. The following lemma gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving linear and regular block-processing. be a CDFG. We can achieve a linear and regular block- processing of G with factor k if and only if for every edge e 2 E, we have Proof. ()) If Relation (1) is not satisfied for some CDFG that can be block-processed linearly and regularly with a factor k, then there exists an edge u e v such that 1 - can process at most w(e) samples per iteration. Since w(e) ! k, the remaining k \Gamma w(e) samples must be accessed from the previous block iteration, which contradicts regularity. 2.3 Retiming A retiming of a CDFG is an integer valued vertex-labeling r This integer value denotes the assignment of a lag to each vertex which transforms G into r i, where for each edge u e defined by the equation The retimed CDFG G r is well-formed if and only if for all edges Several important properties of the retiming transformation stem directly from Relation (2). One such property that we use repeatedly in the proofs of this paper is that for any given vertex pair u; v in V , a retiming r changes the original delay count of every path from u to v by the same amount. To verify this property, we express the post-retiming delay count w r (p) along any such path p as the sum of the delay counts of its constituent edges: since the sum in Equation (4) telescopes. Thus, the change in the delay count of any path depends only on the endpoints of the path. A corollary that follows immediately from Equation (4) for is that retiming does not change the delay count around the directed cycles of a CDFG. Based on this property, it is straightforward to show that for any given edge e 2 E, the maximum number of delays that any retiming can place on e cannot exceed where W (v; 2.4 The k-delay problem According to Lemma 1, a linear and regular block-processing with factor k can be achieved only for CDFGs that have exactly 0 or at least k delays on each edge. If a given CDFG does not satisfy the condition in Relation (1), we can redistribute its delays by retiming so that all nodes achieve the desired block-processing factor k. We call the problem of computing such a retiming the k-delay problem: Problem KDP (The k-delay problem) Given a CDFG and a positive integer k, compute a retiming function r Z such that for every edge u e in E, we have or determine that no such retiming exists. Problem KDP cannot be expressed directly in a linear programming form because of the disjunction (or requirement) in Relation (6). In this section we rely on the notion of the "companion graph" that was described in [10] to express Problem KDP as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). The companion graph G of a CDFG G is constructed by segmenting every edge u e into two edges v, where x uv is a dummy vertex. Thus, we have and for each edge u e Figure 3 illustrates the construction of the companion graph. The following lemma gives the necessary and sufficient conditions that hold for any retiming that solves Problem KDP. be a CDFG, and let G its companion graph. Then there exists a retiming function r that solves Problem KDP on G if and only if there exists a retiming function r Z such that for every edge u e i we have and for every edge u e in E, we have F (a) (b) F Figure 3: Constructing a companion graph. (a) Original CDFG Companion graph generated by segmenting every edge in E into two edges and introducing a dummy vertex such that the first edge has a delay count of at most 1. Edge in G has been segmented to generate edges C w=1 ! XCD and XCD w=2 ! D in G 0 . Proof. Inequality (7) ensures that the retimed circuit is well-formed. Inequalities (8) and ensure that the delay counts in G 0 r 0 satisfy the definition of a companion graph. Inequality ensures that for every edge u e x uv has one delay after retiming, then edge x uv v has at least k \Gamma 1 delays. Thus, if edge u e in E has any delays, then it has at least k delays after retiming. By construction, a solution r for Problem KDP on G can be derived from r 0 by simply setting The following theorem expresses Problem KDP as a set of O(E) integer linear programming constraints. Theorem 3 Let computation flow graph and let G be its companion graph. Then there exists a retiming function r solves Problem KDP if and only if there exists a retiming function r Z such that for every edge and for every edge u e in E, we have Proof. Follows directly from the linearity of Relation (2) and the form of the inequalities in Lemma 2. Necessary conditions The main challenge in solving Problem KDP is to determine which edges should have delays and which should not. In the ILP formulation of Problem KDP, we determine these edges explicitly, and the resulting constraints in the formulation do not appear to have any special structure. We thus need to resort to general integer linear programming solvers to compute a solution, which can be computationally expensive for large CDFGs. In this section, we give a set of necessary conditions which determine implicitly which edges should or should not have delays. In the next section, we develop a branch-and-bound technique based on these necessary conditions, which is considerably more efficient in practice than the ILP formulation. In the following four subsections, we derive necessary conditions for the feasibility of Problem KDP on any given CDFG. We first derive conditions to ensure that all cycles have enough delays around them. We then identify paths which must necessarily contain delays and paths which must necessarily be free of delays. Based on these paths, we derive necessary conditions for the feasibility of Problem KDP. We finally describe the construction of a constraints graph which captures explicitly the necessary conditions for the feasibility of Problem KDP. 4.1 Delays around cycles Retiming leaves the delay count around cycles unchanged and, therefore, for any given CDFG G and a block-processing factor k, Problem KDP is feasible only if the delay count around all cycles in G is greater than k. The following lemma gives a mathematical characterization of this result for the feasibility of Problem KDP. be a CDFG. Problem KDP is feasible on G only if for every vertex Proof. By contradiction. Let Problem KDP be feasible on G, and let there exist a vertex pair u; v for which Inequality (15) does not hold. Since W (u; v) the minimum delay count for any simple cycle through u and v, there exists a directed cycle c in G that has a delay count less than k. Since retiming does not change the delay count around cycles, we conclude that c has an edge with delay count between 1 and every retiming, which contradicts our assumption that Problem KDP is feasible. For every vertex pair u; v 2 V , W (u; v) can be computed efficiently by an all-pairs shortest-paths computation in O(V steps. We thus assume for the remainder of this paper that any given CDFG G already satisfies Inequality (15). 4.2 Paths with delays Using the property that retiming changes the delay count of paths between a given vertex pair by the same amount, we determine vertex pairs between which all paths must necessarily contain delays in any solution to Problem KDP. The following lemma gives a necessary condition for such vertex pairs. be a CDFG, and let r Z be a solution to Problem KDP on G. Then for every vertex pair u; v 2 V such that there exists a path u p in G with Proof. By contradiction. Suppose that r solves Problem KDP and that W r (u; v) - for some vertex pair u; v 2 V which satisfies the condition in the lemma. We will show that there exists an edge e 2 E for which Relation (6) does not hold. then the path u q with minimum delay W r (u; v) has a nonzero delay count that does not exceed k \Gamma 1. Thus, some edge on this path violates Relation (6). then for the path u q in the statement of the lemma, we have Furthermore, we have (c) (b) (a) Figure 4: Illustration of explicit and implicit delay-essential (DE) vertex pairs. The CDFG in Part (a) has been transformed by Algorithm AddEdges to generate the CDFG in Part (b) and then finally the CDFG in Part (c). The bold edges in Part (b) are between explicit DE pairs. The weights on these edges indicate the excess delay associated with the corresponding vertex pairs. The bold edges in Part (c) denote both explicit and implicit DE pairs. For example, the pair B; D is implicitly DE and becomes apparent only after the DE vertex pairs B; C and C; D are made explicit. Thus, p has a nonzero delay count that does not exceed k \Gamma 1, and consequently, some edge on p violates Relation (6). The following lemma casts the necessary conditions of Lemma 5 as a retiming problem on an appropriately constructed constraints graph. be a given CDFG and let G be the constraints graph that is generated from G as follows: For every vertex pair u; v 2 V such that there exists a path u p in G with delay count w(p) and W (u; v) ! w(p) ! k, add a new edge Problem KDP on G, then for every edge u e Proof. From Relation (2) and the definition of well-formedness, we have that Inequality (17) holds for every edge e 2 E. It remains to show that Inequality (17) holds for the edges in the set E \Gamma E. Consider a vertex pair u; v 2 V that is connected by an edge e For the purpose of contradiction, suppose that Problem KDP is feasible and that r(v) \Gamma r(u) the construction of G , we have Since r solves Problem KDP, Lemma 5 implies that W r (u; v) - k, which contradicts Inequality (19). We call a vertex pair u; v 2 V delay-essential (DE) if the shortest path u q every retimed CDFG that satisfies Relation (6) must contain delays. For example, every vertex for which there exists a path u p v such that W (u; delay-essential, since it satisfies the condition in Lemma 5. It can be shown that it suffices to compare the delay count of the two shortest paths between a vertex pair to check for the existence of a path u p v such that W (u; Algorithm AddEdges-1 in Figure 5 transforms the given graph G into G . This algorithm determines delay-essential vertex pairs by checking if the delay counts of the shortest and the strictly-second shortest path between every vertex pair differ by less than k. For every delay-essential vertex pair u; v, an edge u e introduced to ensure that W r (u; v) - k. It is important to note that in order to determine whether a given vertex pair is delay- essential, one needs to compare the delay counts of the shortest path and the strictly-second shortest simple path (that is, a path whose weight is strictly greater than the shortest-path weight). Although the problem of computing the strictly-second shortest simple path between a given vertex pair is NP-complete, the corresponding problem without the simple path requirement can be solved in polynomial time [11]. For graphs that satisfy Inequality in Lemma 4, it is straightforward to show that if the strictly-second shortest path is non-simple, then its delay count exceeds that of the shortest path by at least k. Conversely, if the delay counts of the shortest and the strictly-second shortest paths differ by less than k, then the strictly-second shortest path is guaranteed to be simple. The following lemma shows that Algorithm AddEdges-1 runs in polynomial time. AddEdges-1(G; 1 for every vertex pair u; do m[u][v] / FALSE 4 Run an all-pairs strictly-second-shortest paths algorithm on G. 5 for every vertex pair u; v 2 V with u p1 being the two shortest paths between u; v 6 do if 7 then m[u][v] / TRUE 8 Introduce u e return G Figure 5: Algorithm AddEdges-1 transforms Lemma 7 In O(V 2 E) steps, Algorithm AddEdges-1 transforms a given CDFG hV; E;wi into G . Proof. Steps 1-2 take O(V 2 ) time. Since the all-pairs second-shortest paths can be computed in O(V E+V E) time [11], Step 4 takes O(V 2 E) time. Steps 5-10 take O(V 2 ) time to complete. Thus, Algorithm AddEdges-1 terminates in O(V 2 E) steps. Lemma 5 captures only explicit delay requirements and not implicit or hidden require- ments. Let us assume, for example, that we wish to solve Problem KDP for the CDFG in Figure 4(a) with 2. Since the shortest and the second-shortest paths between vertices B and D have 1 and 4 delays, respectively, the condition in Lemma 5 does not apply, and the does not appear to be delay-essential. We can verify, however, that the shortest path between B and D must necessarily contain delays in any solution of Problem KDP, since it is impossible to retime the given CDFG and zero out the delay count of B ! D. Since the vertex pairs B; C and C; D must satisfy the condition in Lemma 5, they need at least 2 delays on their shortest paths D. Thus, no delay along the path can be moved outside B ; D. Since retiming changes the delay along paths between the same vertex pair in an identical manner, the delay on edge cannot be moved out of B ; D. In order to expose implicit delay requirements, we construct a new graph G all delay-essential vertex pairs are explicit. Algorithm AddEdges-2 in Figure 6 transforms the graph G (generated from a given CDFG G by Algorithm AddEdges-1) into G T and determines implicit delay-essential vertex pairs. Delay-essential vertex pairs are determined by comparing, for every vertex pair, the delay counts of the shortest path in 3 repeat 4 for every delay-essential vertex pair u; v 2 Q 5 do m[u][v] / TRUE 6 Introduce edge u e 8 for every delay-free vertex pair u; 9 do m[v][u] / TRUE Run an all-pairs shortest paths algorithm on G T to compute W T (u; v) for every vertex pair u; do if 20 then delete edge u e ! v from G T 22 Q 23 for every pair u; do if 26 elseif w then delete edge v e ! u from G T 28 m[v][u] / FALSE Figure Algorithm AddEdges-2 transforms G steps. In the new graph G T , all delay-essential and all delay-free vertex pairs of G are explicit. the transformed graph of the current iteration and the shortest path in the original graph. If for a vertex pair u; v the delay counts of these two paths differ, then an edge u e weight is introduced to ensure that W r (u; v) - k. (It can be shown that is is sufficient to place the additional edge only if the delay counts for the two shortest paths differ by less than k. If their difference exceeds k, then the condition W r (u; v) - k is implicitly taken care of.) Intuitively, W (u; the excess delay of the pair u; and gives an upper bound on the number of delays that can be "contributed" by that pair to the rest of the graph. As new edges are introduced, new vertex pairs can become delay- essential, as shown in Figure 4. For example, the pair B; D becomes delay-essential only after the delay requirements of the pairs B; C and C; D become explicit. The following lemma proves that the constraints introduced for the delay-essential vertex pairs in each iteration of Algorithm AddEdges-2 are necessary for Problem KDP. be a CDFG, and let G be the transformed graph generated by the repeat loop of Algorithm AddEdges-2 after i iterations. Let G be the graph generated after iterations by augmenting E i as follows: For every vertex pair u; v), an edge u e is introduced in E i . Let r Z be a solution for Problem KDP on G. If for every edge u e then for every edge u e Proof. Let u e . In this case, we have w Inequality (20) follows immediately from Inequality (19). Let u e By construction, we have W (u; v) ? W i (u; v). Therefore r Adding up the left and right-hand side parts of Inequality (19) along the edges of the shortest path from u to v in G i , we obtain W i r (u; v) - 0. Inequality (22) implies that W r (u; v) ? 0, and since r is a solution to Problem KDP, we infer that (Otherwise some edge along the shortest path in G r would contain fewer than k delays.) Therefore, for the edge u e Thus, r satisfies Inequality (20). 4.3 Paths without delays In contrast to delay-essential paths, we have paths which must contain no delays in any solution. We call a vertex pair u; v 2 V delay-free (DF) if the shortest path u q in every retimed CDFG that satisfies Relation (6) must contain no delays. For example, if G T is the constraints graph constructed from G, then any vertex pair u; v with is delay-free, since retiming does not change the delay count around cycles and cannot result in W r (u; v) - k. As a result, for every such vertex pair, the condition W r (u; must hold, otherwise Relation (6) will be violated for some edge along the shortest path u p During the construction of graph G T by Algorithm AddEdges-2, delay-free vertex pairs are determined by checking for every vertex pair u; v whether If so, an edge v e is introduced to ensure that W r (u; This process is repeated until every delay-free vertex pair is made explicit by these additional edges. For example, in Figure 7(a), the pair A; B is delay-essential, and we introduce a bold edge This new edge introduces the cycle which has fewer than k delays, and thus the vertex pair B; A must be delay-free. To enforce this constraint, the weight on the bold edge A ! B is changed to \GammaW (B; The following lemma proves that each iteration of Algorithm AddEdges-2 introduces constraints that are necessary for Problem KDP to be feasible. Lemma 9 Let be a given CDFG, and let G be the transformed graph generated by the repeat loop of Algorithm AddEdges after i iterations. Let G be the graph generated after iterations by augmenting E i as follows: For every vertex pair u; k, an edge v e C(a) (b) Figure 7: Delay-free path for a given CDFG with 2. The cycle formed by in (a) has less than k delays. Therefore B; A must be delay-free and the weight on the bold edge is changed to \GammaW (B; in (b) to achieve this. is introduced in E i . Let r Z be a solution for Problem KDP on G. If for every edge u e then for every edge u e Proof. If u e Inequality (23) follows immediately from Inequality (22). Now, consider an edge v e . For the vertex pair u; v 2 V , we have by the construction of E i+1 . Adding up the parts of Inequality (22) along the edges of the shortest path from v to u in E i , we obtain W i r (v; u) - 0. Therefore r (v; u) Since r solves Problem KDP, the last inequality implies that W r (u; then some edge along the shortest path from u to v in E contains fewer than k delays.) Thus, for the edge v e and r satisfies Inequality (20). 4.4 Constraints graph generation The necessary conditions in Lemmas 5, 8, and 9 are encoded by the edges and edge-weights of the constraints graph G generated by Algorithm AddEdges-2. For each DE vertex pair u; v 2 G, this algorithm introduces an edge u e k. Moreover, for each DF vertex pair u; introduces an edge v e weight w T v). The following lemma summarizes the necessary conditions for the feasibility of Problem KDP on a given CDFG G in terms of the transformed graph G T . be a CDFG, and let G be the transformed graph generated by Algorithm AddEdges-2. Let r Z be a solution for Problem KDP on G. Then for every edge u e Proof. Follows directly from Lemmas 8 and 9. The following lemma gives the running time of Algorithm AddEdges-2. Lemma 11 In O(V 3 E+V 4 lg V ) steps, Algorithm AddEdges-2 transforms a given CDFG into G T or determines that such a transformation is not possible. Proof. The repeat loop in Step 3 can execute O(V 2 ) times in the worst case when in each iteration only one additional edge between a DE or a DF vertex pair gets added or modified to the graph. (It can be shown that the delay count of an additional edge gets modified at most once). All for loops in Algorithm AddEdges-2 execute in O(V 2 ) steps since we have at most O(V 2 ) vertex pairs. Step 15 takes O(V using Johnson's algorithm for computing the all-pairs shortest paths [4]. Thus the body of the repeat loop completes in O(V 5 A practical branch-and-bound algorithm In this section, we describe an efficient branch-and-bound scheme for solving Problem KDP. Our scheme relies on the necessary conditions derived in Section 4 to effectively prune the search space while computing a solution. (G; 1 for every vertex do r[u] / 0 6 then return r 7 else return INFEASIBLE Figure 8: Algorithm SolveKDP for solving Problem KDP. Figure 8 describes our Algorithm SolveKDP for Problem KDP. After generating the constraints graph G T , our algorithm initializes r and searches for a solution using the procedure Branch-and-Bound that is described in Figure 9. The recursive procedure Branch-and-Bound computes a retiming r that satisfies the constraints in G T . If there exists a violating edge e in the retimed graph G r (that is, an edge with a delay count between 1 and k \Gamma 1), Algorithm Branch-and-Bound adds constraints in G T that force e to have at least k delays. It subsequently computes a retiming that satisfies the augmented constraints set. This step is repeated until a solution is found or until we obtain a set of necessary conditions that cannot be satisfied by any retiming, in which case Algorithm Branch-and-Bound backtracks. In each backtracking step, the state of the constraints graph is restored, and a new constraint is added that forces the violating edge e to take a delay count of zero. For a given CDFG G, the optimal block-processing factor kmax is the largest number of samples which can be processed successively by all the computation blocks of G. This number equals the maximum number of delays that can be placed on any edge and is bounded from above by F . Thus, kmax can be determined by a binary search over the integers in the range [1; F ]. The feasibility of each value is checked using Algorithm SolveKDP. 6 Experimental Results We have developed three programs for computing the optimal block-processing factor kmax . In all three programs kmax is determined by a binary search. In this section, we present results from the application of our programs on real and synthetic DSP computations. The purpose of our experiments was to determine by how much block-processing speeds up computations, to compare the efficiency of our different implementations, and to evaluate the effectiveness of our necessary conditions. The first program (ILP) solves the integer linear programming formulation of Problem Branch-and-Bound that satisfies Inequality (24) exists 3 then return FAIL with 6 do Save G T and r 8 Introduce edge u e 12 then return SUCCESS else Restore G T and r 19 then return SUCCESS else Restore G T and r 22 return FAIL return SUCCESS Figure 9: Algorithm Branch-and-Bound which is called by Algorithm SolveKDP for solving Problem KDP. KDP that we described in Section 3. It first generates the ILP constraints and then solves the integer program separately using lp solve, a public-domain mixed-integer linear programming solver [1]. Our second program (NC-ILP) first checks the necessary conditions given in Section 4 to screen out infeasible problems. The problems that satisfy the necessary conditions are then solved by an ILP formulation which is fed to lp solve. Our third program (BB) is an implementation of Algorithm SolveKDP given in Section 5. This branch-and-bound scheme relies on the necessary conditions from Section 4 to effectively prune the search space. In order to explore the computational speedup possible with block-processing, we applied our k-delay optimization to the computation dataflow graphs of four real DSP programs. Our test suite comprised an adaptive voice echo canceler, an adaptive video coder, and two examples from [18]. The size of the CDFGs of these DSP programs ranged from 10 to 25 nodes. The results of our speedup experiments are given in the table of Figure 10. These data have been obtained for uniprocessor implementations. For each CDFG, the improvement is Design # cycles with kmax # cycles with Improvement (%) original CDFG optimized CDFG Echo Canceler 1215 3 840 31 Figure 10: Experimental results for uniprocessor implementations. given by the fraction # cycles with optimized CDFG # cycles with original CDFG : After k-delay retiming, the reduction S achieved in execution time is given by the fraction where O is the sum of the context-switching overheads of all nodes, and C is the sum of all computation times. In our experiments, initiation and computation times were obtained using measurements on typical DSP general purpose processors, such as TMS32020 and Motorola 56000. In order to evaluate the efficiency of our implementations, we experimented with large synthetic graphs in addition to the real DSP programs. The synthetic graphs in our test suite were generated using the sprand function of the random graph generator described in [3]. All the graphs generated using sprand were connected and had integer edge weights chosen uniformly in the range [0, 5]. Given the number of vertices and edges desired, sprand generates graphs by randomly placing edges between vertices and by randomly assigning weights from the specified range. The size of these computation dataflow graphs was between 10 to 300 vertices and 20 to 750 edges. The results from the application of our three programs on our synthetic test suite are summarized in Figure 11. Our experiments were conducted on a SPARC10 with 64MB of main memory. The CPU times for the three programs are for computing kmax . Our results show that ILP is very inefficient and its running time becomes impractical for graphs with more than vertices and 70 edges. ILP searches the entire solution space before detecting infeasible solutions. During the binary search, solutions to feasible problems are computed relatively fast, but not as fast as in the other two programs. Furthermore, the detection of infeasible problems is extremely time-consuming. NC-ILP is more efficient than ILP, primarily due to the quick screening of infeasible problems based on the necessary conditions from Section 4. However, NC-ILP cannot name ILP NC-ILP BB Figure 11: Comparison of running times (in CPU seconds) taken by ILP, NC-ILP, and BB to compute kmax for random graphs. Entries marked with "-" indicate running times exceeding 30,000 cpu seconds. handle efficiently any CDFG that has more than 50 nodes. BB is the most efficient of our three programs and is orders of magnitude faster than ILP or NC-ILP. Moreover, it can handle graphs that are at least one order of magnitude larger than the graphs handled by ILP or NC-ILP. We thus conclude that our necessary conditions are very effective in pruning the search space. 7 Conclusion and future work Block-processing speeds up the execution of computations by amortizing context switching overheads over several data samples. In this paper, we investigated the problem of improving the block-processing factor of DSP programs using the retiming transformation. We formulated the problem of computing a retiming that achieves a given block-processing factor k as an integer linear program. We then presented a set of necessary conditions for this problem that can be computed in polynomial time. Based on these conditions, we designed a branch-and-bound scheme for computing regular and linear block-processings. In our experiments with real and synthetic computation graphs, our branch-and-bound scheme was orders of magnitude more efficient than the general integer linear programming approaches. Thus, our necessary conditions proved to be particularly powerful in pruning the search tree of our branch-and-bound scheme. An important question that remains open is whether our necessary conditions are also sufficient. So far, we have not been able to prove sufficiency. On the other hand, we have not discovered a situation in which our necessary conditions are feasible yet the k-delay problem is infeasible. We nevertheless conjecture that our necessary conditions are not sufficient. An interesting direction for further investigation is the reduction of critical path length in conjunction with the maximization of the block-processing factor. Our preliminary work in the area shows that it is possible to express critical path requirements in the form of constraint edges in the transformed graph G T . Future work in this area could explore the applicability of our techniques for compiling code on Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architectures. The main challenge with VLIW machines is to issue as many instructions as possible in the same clock cycle. By viewing the instructions in a given program as delay elements in a computation graph, one could model the compilation problem for VLIW architectures as a block-processing problem on a CDFG. --R lp solve: A mixed-integer linear programming solver Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing. Shortest paths algorithms: theory and experimental evaluation. Introduction to Algorithms. Software's chronic crisis. Optimizing two-phase Relative scheduling under timing constraints: Algorithms for high-level synthesis of digital circuits VLSI Array Processors. DelaY: An efficient tool for retiming with realistic delay modeling. Computing strictly-second shortest paths Retiming synchronous circuitry. Storage assignment to decrease code size. Retiming and resynthesis: Optimizing sequential networks with combinational techniques. Synchronous logic synthesis: Algorithms for cycle-time minimization Optimum vectorization of scalable synchronous dataflow graphs. Behavioral transformations for algorithmic level IC design. Retiming of DSP programs for optimum vec- torization --TR VLSI array processors Introduction to algorithms Storage assignment to decrease code size The practical application of retiming to the design of high-performance systems Computing strictly-second shortest paths Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing --CTR Dong-Ik Ko , Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Modeling of Block-Based DSP Systems, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, v.40 n.3, p.289-299, July 2005 Ming-Yung Ko , Chung-Ching Shen , Shuvra S. Bhattachryya, Memory-constrained block processing for DSP software optimization, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, v.50 n.2, p.163-177, February 2008 Ming-Yung Ko , Praveen K. Murthy , Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Beyond single-appearance schedules: Efficient DSP software synthesis using nested procedure calls, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), v.6 n.2, p.14-es, May 2007
retiming;combinatorial optimization;computation dataflow graphs;embedded systems;integer linear programming;scheduling;high-level synthesis;vectorization
Fast and flexible word searching on compressed text.
We present a fast compression technique for natural language texts. The novelties are that (1) decompression of arbitrary portions of the text can be done very efficiently, (2) exact search for words and phrases can be done on the compressed text directly, using any known sequential pattern-matching algorithm, and (3) word-based approximate and extended search can also be done efficiently without any decoding. The compression scheme uses a semistatic word-based model and a Huffman code where the coding alphabet is byte-oriented rather than bit-oriented. We compress typical English texts to about 30% of their original size, against 40% and 35% for Compress and Gzip, respectively. Compression time is close to that of Compress and approximately half of the time of Gzip, and decompression time is lower than that of Gzip and one third of that of Compress. We present three algorithms to search the compressed text. They allow a large number of variations over the basic word and phrase search capability, such as sets of characters, arbitrary regular expressions, and approximate matching. Separators and stopwords can be discarded at search time without significantly increasing the cost. When searching for simple words, the experiments show that running our algorithms on a compressed text is twice as fast as running the best existing software on the uncompressed version of the same text. When searching complex or approximate patterns, our algorithms are up to 8 times faster than the search on uncompressed text. We also discuss the impact of our technique in inverted files pointing to logical blocks and argue for the possibility of keeping the text compressed all the time, decompressing only for displaying purposes.
INTRODUCTION In this paper we present an efficient compression technique for natural language texts that allows fast and flexible searching of words and phrases. To search for simple words and phrases, the patterns are compressed and the search proceeds without any decoding of the compressed text. Searching words and phrases that match complex expressions and/or allowing errors can be done on the compressed text at almost the same cost of simple searches. The reduced size of the compressed text makes the overall searching time much smaller than on plain uncompressed text. The compression and decompression speeds and the amount of compression achieved are very good when compared to well known algorithms in the literature [Ziv and Lempel 1977; Ziv and Lempel 1978]. The compression scheme presented in this paper is a variant of the word-based Huffman code [Bentley et al. 1986; Moffat 1989; Witten et al. 1999]. The Huffman codeword assigned to each text word is a sequence of whole bytes and the Huffman tree has degree either 128 (which we call "tagged Huffman code") or 256 (which we call "plain Huffman code"), instead of 2. In tagged Huffman coding each byte uses 7 bits for the Huffman code and 1 bit to signal the beginning of a codeword. As we show later, using bytes instead of bits does not significantly degrade the amount of compression. In practice, byte processing is much faster than bit processing because bit shifts and masking operations are not necessary at compression, decompression and search times. The decompression can start at any point in the compressed file. In particular, the compression scheme allows fast decompression of fragments that contain the search results, which is an important feature in information retrieval systems. Notice that our compression scheme is designed for large natural language texts containing at least 1 megabyte to achieve an attractive amount of compression. Also, the search algorithms are word oriented as the pattern is a sequence of elements to be matched to a sequence of text words. Each pattern element can be a simple word or a complex expression, and the search can be exact or allowing errors in the match. In this context, we present three search algorithms. The first algorithm, based on tagged Huffman coding, compresses the pattern and then searches for the compressed pattern directly in the compressed text. The search can start from any point in the compressed text because all the bytes that start a codeword are marked with their highest bit set in 1. Any conventional pattern matching algorithm can be used for exact searching and a multi-pattern matching algorithm is used for searching allowing errors, as explained later on. The second algorithm searches on a plain Huffman code and is based on a word-oriented Shift-Or algorithm [Baeza-Yates and Gonnet 1992]. In this case the com- Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 3 pression obtained is better than with tagged Huffman code because the search algorithm does not need any special marks on the compressed text. The third algorithm is a combination of the previous ones, where the pattern is compressed and directly searched in the text as in the first algorithm based on tagged Huffman coding. However, it works on plain Huffman code, where there is no signal of codeword beginnings, and therefore the second algorithm is used to check a surrounding area in order to verify the validity of the matches found. The three algorithms allow a large number of variations over the basic word and phrase searching capability, which we group under the generic name of extended patterns. As a result, classes of characters including character ranges and com- plements, wild cards, and arbitrary regular expressions can be efficiently searched exactly or allowing errors in the occurrences. Separators and very common words (stopwords) can be discarded without significantly increasing the search cost. The algorithms also allow "approximate phrase matching". They are able to search in the compressed text for approximate occurrences of a phrase pattern allowing insertions, deletions or replacements of words. Approximate phrase matching can capture different writing styles and therefore improve the quality of the answers to the query. Our algorithms are able to perform this type of search at the same cost of the other cases, which is extremely difficult on uncompressed search. Our technique is not only useful to speed up sequential search. It can also be used to improve indexed schemes that combine inverted files and sequential search, like Glimpse [Manber and Wu 1993]. In fact, the techniques that we present here can nicely be integrated to the inverted file technology to obtain lower space-overhead indexes. Moreover, we argue in favor of keeping the text compressed all the time, so the text compression cannot be considered an extra effort anymore. The algorithms presented in this paper are being used in a software package called Cgrep. Cgrep is an exact and approximate compressed matching tool for large text collections. The software is available from, as a prototype. Preliminary partial versions of this article appeared in [Moura et al. 1998a; Moura et al. 1998b]. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the basic concepts and present the related work found in the literature. In Section 3 we present our compression and decompression method, followed by analytical and experimental results. In Section 4 we show how to perform exact and extended searching on tagged Huffman compressed texts. In Section 5 we show how to perform exact and extended searching on plain Huffman compressed texts. In Section 6 we present experimental results about the search performance. Finally, in Section 7 we present conclusions and suggestions for future work. 2. BASICS AND RELATED WORK Text compression is about exploiting redundancies in the text to represent it in less space [Bell et al. 1990]. In this paper we denote the uncompressed file as T and its length in bytes as u. The compressed file is denoted as Z and its length in bytes as n. Compression ratio is used in this paper to denote the size of the compressed file as a percentage of the uncompressed file (i.e. 100 \Theta n=u). From the many existing compression techniques known in the literature we emphasize only the two that are relevant for this paper. A first technique of interest de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates is the Ziv-Lempel family of compression algorithms, where repeated substrings of arbitrary length are identified in the text and the repetitions are replaced by pointers to their previous occurrences. In these methods it is possible that achieving u) and even in the best cases. A second technique is what we call "zero-order substitution" methods. The text is split into symbols and each symbol is represented by a unique codeword. Compression is achieved by assigning shorter codewords to more frequent symbols. The best known technique of this kind is the minimum redundancy code, also called Huffman code [Huffman 1952]. In Huffman coding, the codeword for each symbol is a sequence of bits so that no codeword is a prefix of another codeword and the total length of the compressed file is minimized. In zero-order substitution methods we have even though the constant can be smaller than 1. Moreover, there are \Theta(u) symbols in a text of u characters (bytes) and \Theta(n) codewords in a compressed text of n bytes. In this work, for example, we use O(u) to denote the number of words in T . The compressed matching problem was first defined in the work of Amir and Benson [Amir and Benson 1992] as the task of performing string matching in a compressed text without decompressing it. Given a text T , a corresponding compressed string Z, and an (uncompressed) pattern P of length m, the compressed matching problem consists in finding all occurrences of P in T , using only P and Z. A naive algorithm, which first decompresses the string Z and then performs standard string matching, takes time O(u+m). An optimal algorithm takes worst-case m). In [Amir et al. 1996], a new criterion, called extra space, for evaluating compressed matching algorithms, was introduced. According to the extra space criterion, algorithms should use at most O(n) extra space, optimally O(m) in addition to the n-length compressed file. The first compressed pattern matching algorithms dealt with Ziv-Lempel compressed text. In [Farach and Thorup 1995] was presented a compressed matching algorithm for the LZ1 classic compression scheme [Ziv and Lempel 1976] that runs in O(n log 2 (u=n)+m) time. In [Amir et al. 1996], a compressed matching algorithm for the LZ78 compression scheme was presented, which finds the first occurrence in O(n space, or in O(n log m+m) time and in O(n +m) space. An extension of [Amir et al. 1996] to multipattern searching was presented in [Kida et al. 1998], together with the first experimental results in this area. New practical results appeared in [Navarro and Raffinot 1999], which presented a general scheme to search on Ziv-Lempel compressed texts (simple and extended patterns) and implemented it for the particular cases of LZ77, LZ78 and a new variant proposed which was competitive and convenient for search purposes. A similar result, restricted to the LZW format, was independently found and presented in [Kida et al. 1999]. Finally, [Kida et al. 1999] generalized the existing algorithms and nicely unified the concepts in a general framework. All the empirical results obtained roughly coincide in a general figure: searching on a Ziv-Lempel compressed text can take half the time of decompressing that text and then searching it. However, the compressed search is twice as slow as just searching the uncompressed version of the text. That is, the search algorithms are useful if the text has to be kept compressed anyway, but they do not give an extra reason to compress. The compression ratios are about 30% to 40% in practice when Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 5 a text is compressed using Ziv-Lempel. A second paradigm is zero-order substitution methods. As explained, this model, and therefore the theoretical definition of compressed pattern matching makes little sense because it is based in distinguishing O(u) from O(n) time. The goals here, as well as the existing approaches, are more practical: search directly the compressed text faster than the uncompressed text, taking advantage of its smaller size. A first text compression scheme that allowed direct searching on compressed text was proposed by Manber [Manber 1997]. This approach packs pairs of frequent characters in a single byte, leading to a compression ratio of approximately 70% for typical text files. A particularly successful trend inside zero-order substitution methods has been Huffman coding where the text words are considered the symbols that compose the text. The semi-static version of the model is used, that is, the frequencies of the text symbols is learned in a first pass over the text and the text is coded in a second pass. The table of codewords assigned to each symbol is stored together with the compressed file. This model is better suited to typical information retrieval scenarios on large text databases, mainly because the data structures can be shared (the vocabulary of the text is almost the same as the symbol table of the compressor), local decompression is efficient, and better compression and faster search algorithms are obtained (it is possible to search faster on the compressed than on the uncompressed text). The need for two passes over the text is normally already present when indexing text in information retrieval applications, and the overhead of storing the text vocabulary is negligible for large texts. On the other hand, the approach is limited to word-based searching on large natural language texts, unlike the Ziv-Lempel approach. To this paradigm belongs [Turpin and Moffat 1997], a work developed independently of our work. The paper presents an algorithm to search on texts compressed by a word-based Huffman method, allowing only exact searching for one-word pat- terns. The idea is to search for the compressed pattern codeword in the compressed text. Our work is based on a similar idea, but uses bytes instead of bits for the coding alphabet. The use of bytes presents a small loss in the compression ratio and the gains in decompression and search efficiency are large. We also extend the search capabilities to phrases, classes of characters, wild cards, regular expressions, exactly or allowing errors (also called "approximate string matching"). The approximate string matching problem is to find all substrings in a text database that are at a given "distance" k or less from a pattern P . The distance between two strings is the minimum number of insertions, deletions or substitutions of single characters in the strings that are needed to make them equal. The case in which corresponds to the classical exact matching problem. Approximate string matching is a particularly interesting case of extended pattern searching. The technique is useful to recover from typing, spelling and optical character recognition errors. The problem of searching a pattern in a compressed text allowing errors is an open problem in [Amir et al. 1996]. We partially solve this problem, since we allow approximate word searching. That is, we can find text words that match a pattern word with at most k errors. Note the limitations of this 6 \Delta E. S. de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates statement: if a single error inserts a space in the middle of "flower", the result is a sequence of two words, "flo" and "wer", none of which can be retrieved by the pattern "flowers" allowing one error. A similar problem appears if a space deletion converts "many flowers" into a single word. The best known software to search uncompressed text with or without errors is Agrep [Wu and Manber 1992]. We show that our compressed pattern matching algorithms compare favorably against Agrep, being up to 8 times faster depending on the type of search pattern. Of course Agrep is not limited to word searching and does not need to compress the file prior to searching. However, this last argument can in fact be used in the other direction: we argue that thanks to our search algorithms and to new techniques to update the compressed text, the text files can be kept compressed all the time and be decompressed only for displaying purposes. This leads to an economy of space and improved overall efficiency. For all the experimental results of this paper we used natural language texts from the trec collection [Harman 1995]. We have chosen the following texts: ap - Newswire (1989), doe - Short abstracts from DOE publications, fr - Federal Register (1989), wsj - Wall Street Journal (1987, 1988, 1989) and ziff - articles from Computer Selected disks (Ziff-Davis Publishing). Table 1 presents some statistics about the five text files. We considered a word as a contiguous maximal string of characters in the set fA: : :Z, a: : :z, 0: : :9g. All tests were run on a SUN SparcStation 4 with 96 megabytes of RAM running Solaris 2.5.1. Files Text Vocabulary Vocab./Text Size (bytes) #Words Size (bytes) #Words Size #Words ap 237,766,005 38,977,670 1,564,050 209,272 0.65% 0.53% doe 181,871,525 28,505,125 1,949,140 235,133 1.07% 0.82% wsj 262,757,554 42,710,250 1,549,131 208,005 0.59% 0.48% ziff 242,660,178 39,675,248 1,826,349 255,107 0.75% 0.64% Table 1. Some statistics of the text files used from the trec collection. 3. THE COMPRESSION SCHEME General compression methods are typically adaptive as they allow the compression to be carried out in one pass and there is no need to keep separately the parameters to be used at decompression time. However, for natural language texts used in a full-text retrieval context, adaptive modeling is not the most effective compression technique. Following [Moffat 1989; Witten et al. 1999], we chose to use word-based semi-static modeling and Huffman coding [Huffman 1952]. In a semi-static model the encoder makes a first pass over the text to obtain the frequency of each different text word and performs the actual compression in a second pass. There is one strong reason for using this combination of modeling and coding. The data structures associated with them include the list of words that compose the vocabulary of the text, which we use to derive our compressed matching algorithm. Other important Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 7 rose00000 each a is for for each rose, a rose is a rose Original Text: Compressed Text: Fig. 1. A canonical tree and a compression example using binary Huffman coding for spaceless words. reasons in text retrieval applications are that decompression is faster on semi-static models, and that the compressed text can be accessed randomly without having to decompress the whole text as in adaptive methods. Furthermore, previous experiments have shown that word-based methods give good compression ratios for natural language texts [Bentley et al. 1986; Moffat 1989; Horspool and Cormack 1992]. Since the text is not only composed of words but also of separators, a model must also be chosen for them. In [Moffat 1989; Bell et al. 1993] two different alphabets are used: one for words and one for separators. Since a strict alternating property holds, there is no confusion about which alphabet to use once it is known that the text starts with word or separator. We use a variant of this method to deal with words and separators that we call spaceless words. If a word is followed by a space, we just encode the word. If not, we encode the word and then the separator. At decoding time, we decode a word and assume that a space follows, except if the next symbol corresponds to a separator. In this case the alternating property does not hold and a single coding alphabet is used. This idea was firstly presented in [Moura et al. 1997], where it is shown that the spaceless word model achieves slightly better compression ratios. Figure 1 presents an example of compression using Huffman coding for spaceless words method. The set of symbols in this case is f"a", "each", "is", "for", "rose", ",t"g, whose frequencies are 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, respectively. The number of Huffman trees for a given probability distribution is quite large. The preferred choice for most applications is the canonical tree, defined by Schwartz and Kallick [Schwartz and Kallick 1964]. The Huffman tree of Figure 1 is a canonical tree. It allows more efficiency at decoding time with less memory requirement. Many properties of the canonical codes are mentioned in [Hirschberg and Lelewer 1990; Zobel and Moffat 1995; Witten et al. 1999]. 3.1 Byte-Oriented Huffman Code The original method proposed by Huffman [Huffman 1952] is mostly used as a binary code. That is, each symbol of the input stream is coded as a sequence of bits. In this work the Huffman codeword assigned to each text word is a sequence of whole bytes and the Huffman tree has degree either 128 (in this case the eighth de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates bit is used as a special mark to aid the search) or 256, instead of 2. In all cases from now on, except otherwise stated, we consider that -the words and separators of the text are the symbols, -the separators are codified using the spaceless word model, -canonical trees are used, -and the symbol table, which is the vocabulary of the different text words and separators, is kept compressed using the classical binary Huffman coding on characters We now define the different types of Huffman codes used in this work, all of which adhere to the above points. Binary Huffman Code A sequence of bits is assigned to each word or separator. Byte Huffman Code A sequence of bytes is assigned to each word or separator. This encompasses the two coding schemes that follow. Plain Huffman Code A byte Huffman coding where all the bits of the bytes are used. That is, the Huffman tree has degree 256. Tagged Huffman Code A byte Huffman coding where only the 7 lower order bits of each byte are used. That is, the Huffman tree has degree 128. The highest bit of each byte is used as follows: the first byte of each codeword has the highest bit in 1, while the other bytes have their highest bit in 0. This is useful for direct searching on the compressed text, as explained later. All the techniques for efficient encoding and decoding mentioned in [Zobel and Moffat 1995] can easily be extended to our case. As we show later in the experimental results section no significant degradation of the compression ratio is experienced by using bytes instead of bits. On the other hand, decompression of byte Huffman code is faster than decompression of binary Huffman code. In practice, byte processing is much faster than bit processing because bit shifts and masking operations are not necessary at decoding time or at searching time. 3.2 Compression Ratio In this section we consider the compression ratios achieved with this scheme. A first concern is that Huffman coding needs to store, together with the compressed file, a table with all the text symbols. As we use word compression, this table is precisely the vocabulary of the text, that is, the set of all different text words. This table can in principle be very large and ruin the overall compression ratio. However, this is not the case on large texts. Heaps' Law [Heaps 1978], an empirical law widely accepted in information retrieval, establishes that a natural language text of O(u) words has a vocabulary of size Typically, fi is between 0.4 and 0.6 [Ara'ujo et al. 1997; Moura et al. 1997], and therefore v is close to O( u). Hence, for large texts the overhead of storing the vocabulary is minimal. On the other hand, storing the vocabulary represents an important overhead when the text is small. This is why we chose to compress the vocabulary (that is, the symbol table) using classical binary Huffman on characters. As shown in Figure 2, this fact makes our compressor better than Gzip for files of at least 1 megabyte instead Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text Compression File Size(megabytes) Plain Huffman (uncompressed vocabulary) Plain Huffman(compressed vocabulary) Compress Gzip Fig. 2. Compression ratios for the wsj file compressed by Gzip, Compress, and plain Huffman with and without compressing the vocabulary. of . The need to decompress the vocabulary at search time poses a minimal processing overhead which can even be completely compensated by the reduced I/O. A second concern is whether the compression ratio can or cannot worsen as the text grows. Since in our model the number of symbols v grows (albeit sublinearly) as the text grows, it could be possible that the average length to code a symbol grows too. The key to prove that this does not happen is to show that the distribution of words in the text is biased enough for the entropy 2 to be O(1), and then to show that Huffman codes put only a constant overhead over this entropy. This final step will be done for d-ary Huffman codes, which includes our 7-bit (tagged) and 8-bit cases. We use the Zipf's Law [Zipf 1949] as our model of the frequency of the words appearing in natural language texts. This law, widely accepted in information retrieval, states that if we order the v words of a natural language text in decreasing order of probability, then the probability of the first word is i ' times the probability of the i-th word, for every i. This means that the probability of the i-th word is 1=j ' . The constant ' depends on the text. Zipf's Law comes in two flavors. A simplified form assumes that In this case, v). Although this simplified form is popular because it is simpler to handle mathematically, it does not follow well the real distribution of natural language texts. There is strong evidence that most real texts have in fact a more biased vocabulary. We performed in [Ara'ujo et al. 1997] a thorough set of experiments on the trec collection, finding out that the ' values are roughly between 1.5 and 2.0 depending on the text, which gives experimental evidence in favor of the "generalized Zipf's Law'' (i.e. ' ? 1). Under this assumption, 1 The reason why both Ziv-Lempel compressors do not improve for larger texts is in part because they search for repetitions only in a relatively short window of the text already seen. Hence, they are prevented from exploiting most of the already processed part of the text. We estimate the zero-order word-based binary entropy of a text as \Gamma i is the relative frequency of the i-th vocabulary word. For simplicity we call this measure just "entropy" in this paper. de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates We have tested the distribution of the separators as well, finding that they also follow reasonably well a Zipf's distribution. Moreover, their distribution is even more biased than that of words, being ' closer to 1.9. We therefore assume that only words, since an analogous proof will hold for separators. On the other hand, more refined versions of Zipf's Law exist, such as the Mandelbrot distribution [Gonnet and Baeza-Yates 1991]. This law tries to improve the fit of Zipf's Law for the most frequent values. However, it is mathematically harder to handle and it does not alter the asymptotic results that follow. We analyze the entropy E(d) of such distribution for a vocabulary of v words when d digits are used in the coding alphabet, as follows: log dp i log d Bounding the summation with an integral, we have that which allows us to conclude that E(d) = O(1), as log d H is also O(1). If we used the simple Zipf's Law instead, the result would be that E(d) = O(log v), i.e., the average codeword length would grow as the text grows. The fact that this does not happen for 1 gigabyte of text is an independent experimental confirmation of the validity of the generalized Zipf's Law against its simple version. We consider the overhead of Huffman coding over the entropy. Huffman coding is not optimal because of its inability to represent fractional parts of bits. That is, if a symbol has probability p i , it should use exactly log 2 (1=p i ) bits to represent the symbol, which is not possible if p i is not a power of 1=2. This effect gets worse if instead of bits we use numbers in base d. We give now an upper bound on the compression inefficiency involved. In the worst case, Huffman will encode each symbol with probability p i using dlog d digits. This is a worst case because some symbols are encoded using blog d digits. Therefore, in the worst case the average length of a codeword in the compressed text is which shows that, regardless of the probability distribution, we cannot spend more than one extra digit per codeword due to rounding overheads. For instance, if we use bytes we spend at most one more byte per word. This proves that the compression ratio will not degrade as the text grows, even when the number of different words and separators increases. Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 11 Table 2 shows the entropy and compression ratios achieved for binary Huffman, plain Huffman, tagged Huffman, Gnu Gzip and Unix Compress for the files of the trec collection. As can be seen, the compression ratio degrades only slightly by using bytes instead of bits and, in that case, we are still below Gzip. The exception is the fr collection, which includes a large part of non-natural language such as chemical formulas. The compression ratio of the tagged Huffman code is approximately 3 points (i.e. 3% of u) over that of plain Huffman, which comes from the extra space allocated for the tag bit in each byte. Method Files ap wsj doe ziff fr Entropy 26.20 26.00 24.60 27.50 25.30 Binary Huffman 27.41 27.13 26.25 28.93 26.88 Plain Huffman 31.16 30.60 30.19 32.90 30.14 Tagged Huffman 34.12 33.70 32.74 36.08 33.53 Gzip 38.56 37.53 34.94 34.12 27.75 Compress 43.80 42.94 41.08 41.56 38.54 Table 2. Compression ratios achieved by different compression schemes, where "entropy" refers to optimal coding. The space used to store the vocabulary is included in the Huffman compression ratios. 3.3 Compression and Decompression Performance Finally, we consider in this section the time taken to compress and decompress the text. To compress the text, a first pass is performed in order to collect the vocabulary and its frequencies. By storing it in a trie data structure, O(u) total worst case time can be achieved. Since a trie requires non practical amounts of memory, we use a hash table to perform this step in our implementation. The average time to collect the vocabulary using a hash table is O(u). The vocabulary is then sorted by the word frequencies at O(v log v) cost, which in our case is O(u fi log After the sorting, we generate a canonical Huffman code of the vocabulary words. The advantage of using canonical trees is that they are space economic. A canonical tree can be represented by using only two small tables with size O(log v). Further, previous work has shown that decoding using canonical codes reduces decompression times [Hirschberg and Lelewer 1990; Zobel and Moffat 1995; Turpin and Moffat 1997]. The canonical code construction can be done at O(v) cost, without using any extra space by using the algorithm described in [Moffat and Katajainen 1995]. Finally, the file is compressed by generating the codeword of each text word, which is again O(u). Decompression starts by reading the vocabulary into memory at O(v) cost, as well as the canonical Huffman tree at O(log v) cost. Then each word in the compressed text is decoded and its output written on disk, for a total time of O(u). Table 3 shows the compression and decompression times achieved for binary Huffman, plain Huffman, tagged Huffman, Compress and Gzip for files of the trec collection. In compression, we are 2-3 times faster than Gzip and only 17% slower de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates than Compress (which achieves much worse compression ratios). In decompression, there is a significant improvement when using bytes instead of bits. This is because no bit shifts nor masking are necessary. Using bytes, we are more than 20% faster than Gzip and three times faster than Compress. Method Compression Decompression ap wsj doe ziff fr ap wsj doe ziff fr Binary Huff. 490 526 360 518 440 170 185 121 174 151 Plain Huff. 487 520 356 515 435 106 117 81 112 96 Tagged Huff. 491 534 364 527 446 112 121 85 116 99 Compress 422 456 308 417 375 367 407 273 373 331 Gzip 1333 1526 970 1339 1048 147 161 105 139 111 Table 3. Compression and decompression times (in elapsed seconds for the whole collections) achieved by different compression schemes. The main disadvantage of word-based Huffman methods are the space requirements to both compress and decompress the text. At compression time they need the vocabulary and a look up table with the codewords that is used to speed up the compression. The Huffman tree is constructed without any extra space by using an in-place algorithm [Moffat and Katajainen 1995; Milidiu et al. 1998]. At time we need to store the vocabulary in main memory. Therefore the space complexities of our methods are O(u fi ). The methods used by Gzip and Compress have constant space complexity and the amount of memory used can be configured. So, our methods are more memory-demanding than Compress and Gzip, which constitutes a drawback for some applications. For example, our methods need 4.7 megabytes of memory to compress and 3.7 megabytes of memory to decompress the wsj file, while Gzip and Compress need only about 1 megabyte to either compress or decompress this same file. However, for the text searching systems we are interested in, the advantages of our methods (i.e. allowing efficient exact and approximate searching on the compressed text and fast decompression of fragments) are more important than the space requirements. 4. SEARCHING ON TAGGED HUFFMAN COMPRESSED TEXT Our first searching scheme works on tagged Huffman compressed texts. We recall that the tagged Huffman compression uses one bit of each byte in the compressed text to mark the beginning of each codeword. General Huffman codes are prefix free codes, which means that no codeword is a prefix of another codeword. This feature is sufficient to decode the compressed text, but it is not sufficient to allow direct searching for compressed words, due to the possibility of false matches. To see this problem, consider the word "ghost" in the example presented in Figure 3. Although the word is not present on the compressed text, its codeword is. The false matches are avoided if in the compressed text no codeword prefix is a suffix of another codeword. We add this feature to the tagged Huffman coding scheme by setting to 1 the highest bit of the first byte of each codeword (this bit is Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 13 .real word. word ghost Compressed Text Original Text Code ghost ? real Word Fig. 3. An example where the codeword of a word is present in the compressed text but the word is not present in the original text. Codewords are shown in decimal notation. the "tag"). Since a compressed pattern can now only match its first byte against the first byte of a codeword in the text, we know that any possible match is correctly aligned. This permits the use of any conventional text searching algorithm directly on the compressed text, provided we search for whole words. In general we are able to search phrase patterns. A phrase pattern is a sequence of elements, where each element is either a simple word or an extended pattern. Extended patterns, which are to be matched against a single text word, include the ability to have any set of characters at each position, unbounded number of wild cards, arbitrary regular expressions, approximate searching, and combinations. The Appendix gives a detailed description of the patterns supported by our system. The search for a pattern on a compressed text is made in two phases. In the first phase we compress the pattern using the same structures used to compress the text. In the second phase we search for the compressed pattern. In an exact pattern search, the first phase generates a unique pattern that can be searched with any conventional searching algorithm. In an approximate or extended pattern search, the first phase generates all the possibilities of compressed codewords that match with the original pattern in the vocabulary of the compressed text. In this last case we use a multi-pattern algorithm to search the text. We now explain this method in more detail and show how to extend it for phrases. 4.1 Preprocessing Phase Compressing the pattern when we are performing an exact search is similar to the coding phase of the Huffman compression. We search for each element of the pattern in the Huffman vocabulary and generate the compressed codeword for it. If there is an element in the pattern that is not in the vocabulary then there are no occurrences of the pattern in the text. If we are doing approximate or extended search then we need to generate compressed codewords for all symbols in the Huffman vocabulary that match with the element in the pattern. For each element in the pattern we make a list of the compressed codewords of the vocabulary symbols that match with it. This is done by sequentially traversing the vocabulary and collecting all the words that match the pattern. This technique has been already used in block addressing indices on uncompressed texts [Manber and Wu 1993; Ara'ujo et al. 1997; Baeza-Yates and Navarro 1997]. Since the vocabulary is very small compared to the text size, the sequential search time on the vocabulary is negligible, and there is no other additional cost to allow complex queries. This is very difficult to achieve with online plain text searching, since we take advantage of the knowledge of the vocabulary stored as part of the Huffman tree. 14 \Delta E. S. de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates Depending on the pattern complexity we use two different algorithms to search the vocabulary. For phrase patterns allowing k errors (k 0) that contain sets of characters at any position we use the algorithm presented in [Baeza-Yates and Navarro 1999]. If v is the size of the vocabulary and w is the length of a word W the algorithm runs in O(v + w) time to search W . For more complicated patterns allowing errors (k 0) that contain unions, wild cards or regular expressions we use the algorithm presented in [Wu and Manber 1992], which runs in O(kv time to search W . A simple word is searched in O(w) time using, e.g., a hash table. 4.2 Searching Phase For exact search, after obtaining the compressed codeword (a sequence of bytes) we can choose any known algorithm to process the search. In the experimental results presented in this paper we used the Sunday [Sunday 1990] algorithm, from the Boyer-Moore family, which has good practical performance. In the case of approximate or extended searching we convert the problem to the exact multipattern searching problem. We just obtain a set of codewords that match the pattern and use a multipattern search algorithm proposed by Baeza-Yates and Navarro [Baeza- Yates and Navarro 1999]. This algorithm is an extension of the Sunday algorithm, and works well when the number of patterns to search is not very large. In case of a large number of patterns to search, the best option would be Aho-Corasick [Aho and Corasick 1975], which allows to search in O(n) time independently of the number of patterns. If we assume that the compressed codeword of a pattern of length m is c, then Boyer-Moore type algorithms inspect about n=c bytes of the compressed text in the best case. This best case is very close to the average case because the alphabet is large (of size 128 or 256) and uniformly distributed, as compared to the small pattern length c (typically 3 or 4). On the other hand, the best case in uncompressed text searching is to inspect u=m characters. Since the compression ratio n=u should roughly hold for the pattern on average, we have that n=u c=m and therefore the number of inspected bytes in compressed and uncompressed text is roughly the same. There are, however, three reasons that make compressed search faster. First, the number of bytes read from disk is n, which is smaller than u. Second, in compressed search the best case is very close to the average case, while this is not true when searching uncompressed text. Third, the argument that says that c=m is close to n=u assumes that the search pattern is taken randomly from the text, while in practice a model of selecting it randomly from the vocabulary matches reality much better. This model yields a larger c value on average, which improves the search time on compressed text. Searching a phrase pattern is more complicated. A simple case arises when the phrase is a sequence of simple words that is to be found as is (even with the same separators). In this case we can concatenate the codewords of all the words and separators of the phrase and search for the resulting (single) pattern. If, on the other hand, we want to disregard the exact separators between phrase elements or they are not simple words, we apply a different technique. In the general case, the original pattern is represented by the sequence of lists has the compressed codewords that match the i-th element of the original Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 15 pattern. To start the search in the compressed text we choose one of these lists and use the algorithm for one-word patterns to find the occurrences in the text. When an occurrence of one element of the first list searched is found, we use the other lists to verify if there is an occurrence of the entire pattern at this text position. The choice of the first list searched is fundamental for the performance of the algorithm. We heuristically choose the element i of the phrase that maximizes the minimal length of the codewords in L i . This choice comes directly from the cost to search a list of patterns. Longer codewords have less probability of occurrence in the text, which translates into less verifications for occurrences of elements of the other lists. Moreover, most text searching algorithms work faster on longer patterns. This type of heuristic is also of common use in inverted files when solving conjunctive queries [Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999; Witten et al. 1999]. A particularly bad case for this filter arises when searching a long phrase formed by very common words, such as "to be or not to be". The problem gets worse if errors are allowed in the matches or we search for even less stringent patterns. A general and uniform cost solution to all these types of searches is depicted in the next section. 5. SEARCHING ON PLAIN HUFFMAN COMPRESSED TEXT A disadvantage of our first searching scheme described before is the loss in compression due to the extra bit used to allow direct searching. A second disadvantage is that the filter may not be effective for some types of queries. We show now how to search in the plain Huffman compressed text, a code that has no special marks and gives a better compression ratio than the tagged Huffman scheme. We also show that much more flexible searching can be carried out in an elegant and uniform way. We present two distinct searching algorithms. The first one, called plain filterless, is an automaton-based algorithm that elegantly handles all possible complex cases that may arise, albeit slower than the previous scheme. The second, called plain filter, is a combination of both algorithms, trying to do direct pattern matching on plain Huffman compressed text and using the automaton-based algorithm as a verification engine for false matches. 5.1 The Automaton-Based Algorithm As in the previous scheme, we make heavy use of the vocabulary of the text, which is available as part of the Huffman coding data. The Huffman tree can be regarded as a trie where the leaves are the words of the vocabulary and the path from the root to a leaf spells out its compressed codeword, as shown in the left part of Figure 4 for the word "rose". We first explain how to solve exact words and phrases and then extend the idea for extended and approximate searching. The pattern preprocessing consists on searching it in the vocabulary as before and marking the corresponding entry. In general, however, the patterns are phrases. To preprocess phrase patterns we simply perform this procedure for each word of the pattern. For each word of the vocabulary we set up a bit mask that indicates which elements of the pattern does the word match. Figure 4 shows the marks for the phrase pattern "rose is", where 01 indicates that the word "is" matches the second element in the pattern and 10 de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates47 131 Huffman tree Vocabulary is rose 10Marks Nondeterministic Searching Automaton Fig. 4. The searching scheme for the pattern "rose is". In this example the word "rose" has a three-byte codeword 47 131 8. In the nondeterministic finite automaton, '?' stands for 0 and 1. indicates that the word "rose" matches the first element in the pattern (all the other words have 00 since they match nowhere). If any word of the pattern is not found in the vocabulary we immediately know that the pattern is not in the text. Next, we scan the compressed text, byte by byte, and at the same time traverse the Huffman tree downwards, as if we were decompressing the text 3 . A new symbol occurs whenever we reach a leaf of the Huffman tree. At each word symbol obtained we send the corresponding bit mask to a nondeterministic automaton, as illustrated in Figure 4. This automaton allows moving from state i to state i +1 whenever the i-th word of the pattern is recognized. Notice that this automaton depends only on the number of words in the phrase query. After reaching a leaf we return to the root of the tree and proceed in the compressed text. The automaton is simulated with the Shift-Or algorithm [Baeza-Yates and Gonnet 1992]. We perform one transition in the automaton for each text word. The Shift- Or algorithm simulates efficiently the nondeterministic automaton using only two operations per transition. In a 32-bit architecture it can search a phrase of up to elements using a single computer word as the bit mask. For longer phrases we use as many computer words as needed. For complex patterns the preprocessing phase corresponds to a sequential search in the vocabulary to mark all the words that match the pattern. To search the symbols in the vocabulary we use the same algorithms described in Section 4.1. The corresponding mask bits of each matched word in the vocabulary are set to indicate its position in the pattern. Figure 5 illustrates this phase for the pattern "ro# rose is" with allowing 1 error per word, where "ro#" means any word starting with "ro"). For instance, the word "rose" in the vocabulary matches the pattern at positions 1 and 2. The compressed text scanning phase does not change. The cost of the preprocessing phase is as in Section 4.1. The only difference is that we mark bit masks instead of collecting matching words. The search phase takes O(n) time. Finally, we show how to deal with separators and stopwords. Most online search- 3 However, this is much faster than decompression because we do not generate the uncompressed text. Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 1747 131 Huffman tree Vocabulary rose110100row road is in Marks Nondeterministic Searching Automaton Fig. 5. General searching scheme for the phrase "ro# rose is" allowing 1 error. In the nondeterministic finite automaton, '?' stands for 0 and 1. ing algorithms cannot efficiently deal with the problem of matching a phrase disregarding the separators among words (e.g. two spaces between words instead of one). The same happens with the stopwords, which usually can be disregarded when searching indexed text but are difficult to disregard in online searching. In our compression scheme we know which elements of the vocabulary correspond in fact to separators, and the user can define (at compression or even at search time) which correspond to stopwords. We can therefore have marked the leaves of the Huffman tree corresponding to separators and stopwords, so that the searching algorithm can ignore them by not producing a symbol when arriving at such leaves. Therefore, we disregard separators and stopwords from the sequence and from the search pattern at negligible cost. Of course they cannot be just removed from the sequence at compression time if we want to be able to recover the original text. 5.2 A Filtering Algorithm We show in this section how the search on the plain Huffman compressed text is improved upon the automaton-based algorithm described in the previous section. The central idea is to search the compressed pattern directly in the text, as was done with the tagged Huffman code scheme presented in Section 4. Every time a match is found in the compressed text we must verify whether this match indeed corresponds to a word. This is mandatory due to the possibility of false matches, as illustrated in Figure 3 of Section 4. The verification process consists of applying the automaton-based algorithm to the region where the possible match was found. To avoid processing the text from the very beginning to make this verification we divide the text in small blocks of the same size at compression time. The codewords are aligned to the beginning of blocks, so that no codeword crosses a block boundary. Therefore, we only need to run the basic algorithm from the beginning of the block that contains the match. The block size must be small enough so that the slower basic algorithm is used only on small areas, and large enough so that the extra space lost at block boundaries is not significant. We ran a number of experiments on the wsj file, arriving to 256-byte blocks as a good time-space tradeoff. The extension of the algorithm for complex queries and phrases follows the same idea: search as in Section 4 and then use the automaton-based algorithm to check de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates no errors errors Fig. 6. A nondeterministic automaton for approximate phrase searching (4 words, 2 errors) in the compressed text. Dashed transitions flow without consuming any text input. The other vertical and diagonal (unlabeled) transitions accept any bit mask. The ' ?' stands for 0 and 1. the matches. In this case, however, we use multipattern searching, and the performance may be degraded not only for the same reasons as in Section 4, but also because of the possibility of verifying too many text blocks. If the number of matching words in the vocabulary is too large, the efficiency of the filter may be degraded, and the use of the scheme with no filter might be preferable. 5.3 Even More Flexible Pattern Matching The Shift-Or algorithm can do much more than just searching for a simple sequence of elements. For instance, it has been enhanced to search for regular expressions, to allow errors in the matches and other flexible patterns [Wu and Manber 1992; Baeza-Yates and Navarro 1999]. This powerful type of search is the basis of the software Agrep [Wu and Manber 1992]. A new handful of choices appear when we use these abilities in our word-based compressed text scenario. Consider the automaton of Figure 6. It can search in the compressed text for a phrase of four words allowing up to two insertions, deletions or replacements of words. Apart from the well known horizontal transitions that match words, there are vertical transitions that insert new words in the pattern, diagonal transitions that replace words, and dashed diagonal transitions that delete words from the pattern. This automaton can be efficiently simulated using extensions of the Shift-Or algorithm to search in the compressed text for approximate occurrences of the phrase. For instance, the search of "identifying potentially relevant matches" could find the occurrence of "identifying a number of relevant matches" in the text with one replacement error, assuming that the stop words "a" and "of" are disregarded as explained before. Moreover, if we allow three errors at the character level as well we could find the occurrence of "who identified a number of relevant matches" in the text, since for the algorithm there is an occurrence of "identifying" in "identified". Other efficiently implementable setups can be insensitive to the order of the words in the phrase. The same phrase query could be Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 19 found in "matches considered potentially relevant were identified" with one deletion error for "considered". Finally, proximity searching is of interest in IR and can be efficiently solved. The goal is to give a phrase and find its words relatively close to each other in the text. This would permit to find out the occurrence of "identifying and tagging potentially relevant matches" in the text. Approximate searching has traditionally operated at the character level, where it aims at recovering the correct syntax from typing or spelling mistakes, errors coming from optical character recognition software, misspelling of foreign names, and so on. Approximate searching at the word level, on the other hand, aims at recovering the correct semantics from concepts that are written with a different wording. This is quite usual in most languages and is a common factor that prevents finding the relevant documents. This kind of search is very difficult for a sequential algorithm. Some indexed schemes permit proximity searching by operating on the list of exact word positions, but this is all. In the scheme described above, this is simple to program, elegant and extremely efficient (more than on characters). This is an exclusive feature of this compression method that opens new possibilities aimed at recovering the intended semantics, rather than the syntax, of the query. Such capability may improve the retrieval effectiveness of IR systems. 6. SEARCHING PERFORMANCE The performance evaluation of the three algorithms presented in previous sections was obtained by considering 40 randomly chosen patterns containing 1 word, 40 containing 2 words, and 40 containing 3 words. The same patterns were used by the three search algorithms. All experiments were run on the wsj text file and the results were obtained with a 99% confidence interval. The size of the uncompressed wsj is 262.8 megabytes, while its compressed versions are 80.4 megabytes with the plain Huffman method and 88.6 megabytes with tagged Huffman. Table 4 presents exact searching times using Agrep [Wu and Manber 1992], tagged (direct search on tagged Huffman), plain filterless (the basic algorithm on plain Huffman), and plain filter (the filter on plain Huffman, with Sunday filtering for blocks of 256 bytes). It can be seen from this table that our three algorithms are almost insensitive to the number of errors allowed in the pattern while Agrep is not. The plain filterless algorithm is really insensitive because it maps all the queries to the same automaton that does not depend on k. The filters start taking about 2=3 of the filterless version, and become closer to it as k grows. The experiments also shows that both tagged and plain filter are faster than Agrep, almost twice as fast for exact searching and nearly 8 times faster for approximate searching. For all times presented, there is a constant I/O time factor of approximately 8 seconds for our algorithms to read the wsj compressed file and approximately 20 seconds for Agrep to read the wsj uncompressed file. These times are already included on all tables. The following test was for more complex patterns. This time we experimented with specific patterns instead of selecting a number of them at random. The reason is that there is no established model for what is a "random" complex pattern. Instead, we focused on showing the effect of different pattern features, as follows: de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates Algorithm Agrep 23.8 \Sigma 0.38 117.9 \Sigma 0.14 146.1 \Sigma 0.13 174.6 \Sigma 0.16 tagged 14.1 \Sigma 0.18 15.0 \Sigma 0.33 17.0 \Sigma 0.71 22.7 \Sigma 2.23 plain filterless 22.1 \Sigma 0.09 23.1 \Sigma 0.14 24.7 \Sigma 0.21 25.0 \Sigma 0.49 plain filter 15.1 \Sigma 0.30 16.2 \Sigma 0.52 19.4 \Sigma 1.21 23.4 \Sigma 1.79 Table 4. Searching times (in elapsed seconds) for the wsj text file using different search techniques and different number of errors k. Simple random patterns were searched. (1) prob# (where # means any character considered zero or more times, one possible answer being "problematic"): an example of pattern that matches with lot of words on the vocabulary; (2) local television stations, a phrase pattern composed of common words; (3) hydraulic forging, a phrase pattern composed of uncommon words; (4) Bra[sz]il# and Ecua#, a phrase pattern composed of a complex expression. Table 4 presents exact searching times for the patterns presented above. Algorithm Agrep 74.3 117.7 146.0 23.0 117.6 145.1 tagged 18.4 20.6 21.1 16.5 19.0 26.0 plain filterless 22.8 23.5 23.6 21.1 23.3 25.5 plain filter 21.4 21.4 22.1 15.2 17.1 22.3 Algorithm Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Agrep 21.9 117.1 145.1 74.3 117.6 145.8 tagged 14.5 15.0 16.0 18.2 18.3 18.7 plain filterless 21.7 21.5 21.6 24.2 24.2 24.6 plain filter 15.0 15.7 16.5 17.6 17.6 18.0 Table 5. Searching times (in elapsed seconds) for the wsj text file using different search techniques and different number of errors k. Note that, in any case, the results on complex patterns do not differ much from those for simple patterns. Agrep, on the other hand, takes much more time on complex patterns such as pattern (1) and pattern (4). 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In this paper we investigated a fast compression and decompression scheme for natural language texts and also presented algorithms which allow efficient search for exact and extended word and phrase patterns. We showed that we achieve about 30% compression ratio, against 40% and 35% for Compress and Gzip, respectively. Fast and Flexible Word Searching on Compressed Text \Delta 21 For typical texts, compression times are close to the times of Compress and approximately half the times of Gzip, and decompression times are lower than those of Gzip and one third of those of Compress. Search times are better on the compressed text than on the original text (about twice as fast). Moreover, a lot of flexibility is provided in the search patterns. Complex patterns are searched much faster than on uncompressed text (8 times faster is typical) by making heavy use of the vocabulary information kept by the compressor. The algorithms presented in this paper have been implemented in a software system called Cgrep, which is publicly available. An example of the power of Cgrep is the search of a pattern containing 3 words and allowing 1 error, in a compressed file of approximately 80.4 megabytes (corresponding to the wsj file of 262.8 megabytes). Cgrep runs at 5.4 megabytes per second, which is equivalent to searching the original text at 17.5 megabytes per second. As Agrep searches the original text at 2.25 megabytes per second, Cgrep is 7.8 times faster than Agrep. These results are so good that they encourage keeping the text compressed all the time. That is, all the textual documents of a user or a database can be kept permanently compressed as a single text collection. Searching of interesting documents can be done without decompressing the collection, and fast decompression of relevant files for presentation purposes can be done efficiently. To complete this picture and convert it into a viable alternative, a mechanism to update a compressed text collection must be provided, so documents can be added, removed and altered efficiently. Some techniques have been studied in [Moura 1999], where it is shown that efficient updating of compressed text is possible and viable. Finally, we remark that sequential searching is not a viable solution when the text collections are very large, in which case indexed schemes have to be considered. Our technique is not only useful to speed up sequential search. In fact, it can be used with any indexed scheme. Retrieved text is usually scanned to find the byte position of indexed terms and our algorithms will be of value for this task [Witten et al. 1999]. In particular, it can also be used to improve indexed schemes that combine inverted files and sequential search, like Glimpse [Manber and Wu 1993]. Glimpse divides the text space into logical blocks and builds an inverted file where each list of word occurrences points to the corresponding blocks. Searching is done by first searching in the vocabulary of the inverted file and then sequentially searching in all the selected blocks. By using blocks, indices of only 2%-4% of space overhead can significantly speed up the search. We have combined our compression scheme with block addressing inverted files, obtaining much better results than those that work on uncompressed text [Navarro et al. 2000]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge the many fruitful discussions with Marcio D. Ara'ujo, who helped particularly with the algorithms for approximate searching in the text vocabulary. We also thank the many comments of the referees that helped us to improve this work. 22 \Delta E. S. de Moura and G. Navarro and N. Ziviani and R. Baeza-Yates A. COMPLEX PATTERNS We present the types of phrase patterns supported by our system. For each word of a pattern it allows to have not only single letters in the pattern, but any set of letters or digits (called just "characters" here) at each position, exactly or allowing errors, as follows: -range of characters (e.g. t[a-z]xt, where [a-z] means any letter between a and -arbitrary sets of characters (e.g. t[aei]xt meaning the words taxt, text and -complements (e.g. t[ab]xt, where ab means any single character except a or b; t[a-d]xt, where a-d means any single character except a, b, c or d); -arbitrary characters (e.g. t\Deltaxt means any character as the second character of the word); -case insensitive patterns (e.g. Text and text are considered as the same words). In addition to single strings of arbitrary size and classes of characters described above the system supports patterns combining exact matching of some of their parts and approximate matching of other parts, unbounded number of wild cards, arbitrary regular expressions, and combinations, exactly or allowing errors, as follows -unions (e.g. t(e-ai)xt means the words text and taixt; t(e-ai)*xt means the words beginning with t followed by e or ai zero or more times followed by xt). In this case the word is seen as a regular expression; -arbitrary number of repetitions (e.g. t(ab)*xt means that ab will be considered zero or more times). In this case the word is seen as a regular expression; -arbitrary number of characters in the middle of the pattern (e.g. t#xt, where # means any character considered zero or more times). In this case the word is not considered as a regular expression for efficiency. Note that # is equivalent to \Delta (e.g. t#xt and t\Delta*xt obtain the same matchings but the latter is considered as a regular expression); -combining exact matching of some of their parts and approximate matching of other parts (!te?xt, with exact occurrence of te followed by any occurrence of xt with 1 error); -matching with nonuniform costs (e.g. the cost of insertions can be defined to be twice the cost of deletions). We emphasize that the system performs whole-word matching only. That is, the pattern is a sequence of words or complex expressions that are to be matched against whole text words. It is not possible to write a single regular expression that returns a phrase. Also, the extension described in Section 5.3 is not yet implemented. --R Efficient string matching: an aid to bibliographic search. Communications of the ACM Second IEEE Data Compression Conference (March Let sleeping files lie: pattern matching in z-compressed files Large text searching allowing errors. A new approach to text searching. Block addressing indices for approximate text retrieval. Faster approximate string matching. Modern Information Retrieval. Data compression in full-text retrieval systems A locally adaptive data compression scheme. String matching in lempel-ziv compressed strings Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures. Overview of the third text retrieval conference. Information Retrieval - Computational and Theoretical Aspects Efficient decoding of prefix codes. Constructing word-based text compression algorithms A method for the construction of minimum-redundancy codes A unifying framework for compressed pattern matching. Multiple pattern matching in lzw compressed text. A text compression scheme that allows fast searching directly in the compressed file. Glimpse: a tool to search through entire file systems. Technical Report 93-34 (October) Aplicac~oes de Compress~ao de Dados a Sistemas de Recuperac~ao de Informac~ao. Indexing compressed text. 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natural language text compression;word-based Huffman coding;compressed pattern matching;word searching
Ontological Approach for Information Discovery in Internet Databases.
The Internet has solved the age-old problem of network connectivity and thus enabling the potential access to, and data sharing among large numbers of databases. However, enabling users to discover useful information requires an adequate metadata infrastructure that must scale with the diversity and dynamism of both users' interests and Internet accessible databases. In this paper, we present a model that partitions the information space into a distributed, highly specialized domain ontologies. We also introduce inter-ontology relationships to cater for user-based interests across ontologies defined over Internet databases. We also describe an architecture that implements these two fundamental constructs over Internet databases. The aim of the proposed model and architecture is to eventually facilitate data discovery and sharing for Internet databases.
Introduction The emergence of the Internet [?] and the World Wide Web (WWW) [?] have been among the most important developments in the computer industry. Particularly, the Web has brought a wave of new users and service providers to the Internet. It is now the most popular distributed information repository. This globalization has also spurred the development of tools and aids to navigate and share information in corporate intranets that previously were only accessible on-line at prohibitive costs. Organizations all over the world rely on a wide variety of databases to conduct their everyday business. Databases are usually designed from scratch if none is found to meet their requirements. This has led to a proliferation of databases obeying different sets of requirements modeling the same situations. In many in- stances, and because of a lack of any organized conglomeration of databases, users create their own pieces of information that may exist in current databases. Though it may be known where a certain piece of information is stored, locating it may be prohibitive in terms of cost and effort. There was also a renewed interest in * This work was done when the first and third authors were at Queensland University of Technology sharing information across heterogeneous platforms because of the readily available and relatively cheap network connectivity. Although one may potentially access all participating databases, in reality this is an almost intractable task due to various fundamental problems [?, ?]. The challenge is to give a user the sense that he or she is accessing a single database that contains almost everything he or she needs. To allow effective and efficient data sharing on the Web, there is a need for an infrastructure that can support flexible tools for information space organization, communication facilities, information discovery, content description, and assembly of data from heterogeneous sources (conversion of data, reconciliation of incompatible syntax and semantics, integration of distributed information, etc). Old techniques for manipulating these sources are not appropriate and efficient. Users must be provided with tools for the logical scalable exploration of such systems in a three step process involving: (i) Location of appropriate information sources; (ii) Searching of these sources for relevant information items; (iii) Understanding of the structure, terminology and patterns of use of these information items for data integration, and ultimately, querying. An approach for achieving interoperation in the context of large and dynamic environments was to use a common global ontology shared by users and information sources [?]. This ontology can capture the structure and semantics of the information space. This can be achieved, for example, using the Entity-Relationship or Frame-based models [?]. In general, in existing work, the global ontology acts as a global conceptual schema that is used to formulate queries as if the user has to deal with one single database schema. It is however difficult to create and maintain such common global ontology because of the autonomy and heterogeneity aspects of the underlying repositories. In the case of a large numbers of autonomous databases, a meaningful organization and segmentation of databases, based on simple ontologies that describe coherent slices of the information space, need to be introduced. These would filter interactions, accelerate information search, and allow for the sharing of data in a tractable manner. In order to address problems of information discovery and data sharing for Internet databases, the WebFINDIT prototype has been developed [?] [?]. We base our design on previous work on the FINDIT project [?, ?], an information brokering system that addresses issues of interoperability in very large multidatabases. The fundamental premise is that in a dynamic environment such as the Web, users would have to be incrementally made aware of what is available in terms of both information and information repositories. In our approach, ontologies of information repositories are established through a simple domain ontology. This meta-information represents the domain of interest of the underlying information repositories. For example, collection of databases that store information about the same topic are grouped together. Individual databases join and leave the formed ontologies at their own discretion. Ontology formation and maintenance, as well as exploration of the relationship structure, occurs via a special-purpose language called WebTassili. The WebFINDIT prototype provides a scalable and portable architecture using the latest in distributed object and Web technologies, including CORBA as a distributed computing platform, Java, and connectivity gateways to access native information sources. CORBA provides support for communication between software components of a distributed environment, dynamic location and integration of information sources while maintaining their autonomy. Java allows our system to be deployed dynamically over the Web and provides users with sophisticated, system-independent, and interactive interface. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Related work is discussed in Section 2. In Section 3, we present the WebFINDIT's approach for information space organization and modeling. In Sections 4 and 5 respectively, we overview the metadata and language support for WebFINDIT. Details of the implementation are given in Section 6 along with a scenario describing the use of WebFINDIT in a healthcare application. We provide some concluding remarks in Section 7. 2. Background We describe here some projects that make use of ontologies or domain models for data sharing in the context of heterogeneous information sources. Multidatabases (e.g., UniSQL [?] and Pegasus [?]) have traditionally investigated static approaches to sharing data among small numbers of component databases. This has involved finding solutions to data heterogeneity and facets of autonomy. These solutions usually rely on centralized database administrators to document database semantics or to develop translators that hide differences in query languages and database structures. However, in the context of intranets and Internet environments, users should have a way to locate information in large spaces of information. Also, users have a need to be educated about the information of in- terest. Any static solution to such a problem is bound to fail as the information space in environments like the Internet has a staggeringly rapid evolution [?]. In multidatabase systems, the emphasis has been more on conflict resolution among different schemas and data models in small networks of heterogeneous databases. Multiple ontologies and scalability issues are usually not explicitly addressed. In most information retrieval systems, the emphasis is usually on how to build indexing schemes to efficiently access information given some hints about the resource [?]. A similar approach to information retrieval systems is taken in Internet information gathering systems (e.g., GlOSS [?]), WWW search tools [?] (e.g., Lycos and MetaCrawler), and database-like languages for the WWW (e.g., W3QL [?] and WebSQL [?]). In general, in this area the emphasis is on the improvement of indexing techniques. Issues like the information space organization, terminological problems, and semantic support for users requests are not addressed. In addition, text search techniques are inadequate in the context of structured data (e.g., no support for complex queries that involve operations like join). The Carnot project [?] addresses the integration of distributed and heterogeneous information sources (e.g., database systems, expert systems, business work- flows, etc). It uses a knowledge base, called Cyc, to store information about the global schema. The InfoSleuth project [?] is the successor of Carnot and presents an approach for information retrieval and processing in a dynamic Web-based environ- 4ment. It integrates agent technology, domain ontologies, and information brokering to handle the interoperation of data and services over information networks. Different types of agents are proposed to represent users, information sources and the system itself. These agents communicate with each other by using the Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML). Users specify queries over specified ontologies via an applet-based user interface. Although this system provides an architecture that deals with scalable information networks, it does not provide facilities for user education and information space organization. InfoSleuth supports the use of several domain ontologies, however, inter-ontology relationships are not considered. Also, this system overburdens the network resources by transmitting all requests to a central server that provides an overall knowledge of system ontologies. Information Manifold (IM) [?] is a system that provides uniform access to collections of heterogeneous information sources on the Web. This system was the first that used a mechanism to describe declaratively the contents and query capabilities of information sources. Sources descriptions are used to efficiently prune the set of information sources for a given query and to generate executable query plans. The main components of IM are the domain model, the plan generator, and the execution engine. The domain model is the knowledge base that describes the browsable information space including the vocabulary of a domain, the contents of information sources and the capability of querying. The plan generator is used to compute an executable query plan based on the descriptions of information sources. The domain model constitutes the global ontology shared by users and information sources. Such ontologies are difficult to create and maintain due to the variety and characteristics of the underlying Web repositories. The DIOM system architecture [?] achieves interoperability in heterogeneous information systems by matching the consumer's query profile and the information producer's source profiles. Both are described in terms of the DIOM interface definition language (DIOM IDL). The consumer's query profile captures the querying interests of the consumer and the preferred query result representation. The producer's source profiles describe the content and query capabilities of individual information sources. A wrapper controls and facilitates external access to the wrapped source by using local metadata. The focus on DIOM is more on pruning irrelevant sources when resolving a query. A similar approach to Information Manifold is used to describe information sources. The use of multiple ontologies is not considered. OBSERVER [?] [?] is a multi-purpose architecture for information brokering. One of the major issues addressed is the vocabulary differences across the components systems. OBSERVER features the use of pre-existing domain specific ontologies (ontology server) to describe the terms used for the construction of domain specific metadata. Relationships across terms in different ontologies are supported. In addition, OBSERVER performs brokering at the metadata and vocabulary levels. OBSERVER does not provide a straightforward approach for information brokering in defining mappings from the ontologies to the underlying information sources. It should be noted that OBSERVER does not provide facilities to help or train users during query processing. The SIMS project aims to achieve the integration of multiple information sources (databases or knowledge bases) [?]. The integration is based on the Loom knowledge representation language. The architecture is similar to the tightly coupled federated databases. SIMS transforms information sources of any data model into SIMS domain model which is a declarative knowledge base. Thus, SIMS domain model is equivalent to the common data model in the federated databases. The main contribution of SIMS is on query processing over one single ontology [?]. Issues related to the use of multiple ontologies and their relationships are not considered. The COntext INterchange (COIN) project [?] aims at providing intelligent semantic integration among heterogeneous sources such as relational databases, Web documents and receivers. The proposed approach is based on the unambiguous description of the assumptions made at each component (how information should be interpreted). The assumptions pertaining to a source or receiver form its context. COIN architecture is context mediator based. The context mediator is responsible for the detection of semantic conflicts between the contexts of the information sources and receivers and the conversion needed to resolve them. A user query is reformulated into subqueries that can be forwarded to appropriate information sources for execution. The results obtained from the component systems are combined and converted to the context of the receiver that initiated the query. COIN uses shared ontologies (conceptualization of the underlying domains) as the basis for context comparisons and interoperation. The issues of information discovery and information space organization are not considered. There are major differences between WebFINDIT and systems described above. WebFINDIT aims to provide a single interface to access all Web-accessible databases. This interface is based on an architecture that organizes the information space into simple distributed ontologies and provides relationships among them. Users are incrementally educated about the available information space in order to allow them to query the underlying databases. One of the greatest strengths of our approach is extensibility. Compared to the approaches that use ontologies for information brokering, the addition of new information is simpler in WebFINDIT. While the mappings between sources and domain models require great efforts in these ap- proaches, our underlying distributed ontology design principles make it easier to construct and manage ontologies. In WebFINDIT, an information source can be associated with many classes in different clusters via instantiation relationships as we use object oriented stratification of clusters. More importantly, we provide a seamless Internet-based implementation of the WebFINDIT infrastructure. 3. Information Space Organization and Modeling The WebFINDIT approach is mainly motivated by the fact that in a highly dynamic and constantly growing network of databases accessible through the Web, there is a need for a meaningful organization and segmentation of the information space. We adopt an ontology-based organization of the diverse databases to filter interactions, accelerate information searches, and allow for the sharing of data in a tractable manner. Key criteria that have guided our approach are: scalability, design simplicity, and easy to use structuring mechanisms based on object-orientation. The information space is organized through distributed domain ontologies. Information sources join and leave a given ontology based on their domain of interest which represent some portion of the information space. For example, information sources that share the topic Medical Research are linked to the same ontology. This topic-based ontology provides the terminology for formulating queries involving a specific area of interest. Such organization aims to reduce the overhead of locating and querying information in large networks of databases. As an information source may contain information related to more than one domain of interest, it may be linked to more than one ontology at the same time. The different ontology formed on the above principle are not isolated entities but they can be related to each other by inter-ontology relationships. These relationships are created based on the users' needs. They allow a user query to be resolved by information sources in remote ontologies when it cannot be resolved locally. We do not intend to achieve an automatic "reconciliation" between heterogeneous ontologies. In our system, users are incrementally educated about the available information space by browsing the local ontology and by following the inter-ontology relationships. In this way, they have sufficient information to query actual data. 3.1. Domain Models Each ontology is specialized to a single common area of interest. It provides domain specific information and terms for interacting within the ontology and its underlying databases. That is providing an abstraction of a specific domain. This abstraction is intended to be used by users and other ontologies as a description of the specific domain. Ontologies dynamically clump databases together based on common areas of interest into a single atomic unit. This generates a conceptual space which has a specific content and a scope. The formation, dissolution and modification of an ontology is a semi-automatic process. Privileged users (e.g., the database admin- are provided with tools to maintain the different ontologies mainly on a negotiation basis. Instead of considering a simple membership of information sources to an ontology, intra-ontology relationships between these sources are considered. This allows a more flexible and precise querying within an ontology. These relationships form a hierarchy of classes (an information type based classification hierarchy) inside an ontology. In that respect, users can refine their queries by browsing the different classes of an ontology. 3.2. Inter-ontology Relationships When a user submits a query to the local ontology, it might be not resolvable locally. In this case, the system try to find remote ontologies that can eventually resolve the query. In order to allow such query "migration", inter-ontology relationships are dynamically established between two ontologies based on users' needs. Inter-ontology relationships can be viewed as a simplified way to share information with low overhead. The amount of sharing in an inter-ontology relationship will typically involve a minimum amount of information exchange. Although the above relationships involve basically only ontologies, they are extended to databases as well. This allows more flexibility in the organization and querying of the information space. Inter-ontology relationships are of three types (see Figure ??). The first type involves a relationship between two ontologies to exchange information. The second type involves a relationship between two databases. The third type involves a relationship between an ontology and a database. An inter-ontology relationship between two ontologies involves providing a general description of the information that is to be shared. Likewise, an inter-ontology relationship between two databases also involves providing a general description of information that databases would like to share. The third alternative is a relationship between an ontology and a database. In this case, the database (or the ontology) provides a general description of the information it is willing to share with the ontology (or database). The difference between these three alternatives lies in the way queries are resolved. In the first and third alternative (when the information provider is an ontology), the providing ontology takes over to further resolve the query. In the second case, however, the user is responsible for contacting the providing database in order to gain knowledge about the information. Our dynamic distributed ontologies make information accessing more tractable by limiting the number of databases which must interact. Databases join and leave ontologies and inter-ontology relationships based upon local requirements and constraints. At any given point in time a single database may partake in several ontologies and inter-ontology relationships. We believe that a complete reconciliation between all the information sources accessible through the Web is not a tractable problem. In our approach, there is no automatic translation between different ontologies. The users are incrementally educated about the available information space. They discover and become familiar with the information sources that are effectively relevant. They can submit precise queries which guarantee that only relevant answers are returned. On the other hand, information sources join simply our distributed ontologies by providing some local information and choosing one or more ontologies that meet their interests. In addition, this join does not involve major modifications in the overall system - we only need to made some changes at the metadata level related to the involved ontologies. This allows our system to scale easily and to be queried in a simple and flexible way. 3.3. Information Sources Modeling When a database decides to join WebFINDIT, it has to define which areas are of interest for it. Links are then established to ontologies implementing these concepts if any, otherwise a negotiation may be engaged with other databases to form new ontologies. The database administrator must provide an object-oriented view of the CentreLink ATO Prince Charles Ambulance ATO_to_Medicare QUT Qld Cancer Fund RMIT RBH MBF Medibank RBH Workers Union Research Ontology State Govt. Funding Medical Workers Union Ontology CentreLink_to_Medical Medicare SGF_to_Medicare WorkersUnion_to_Medical Medical Ontology Medical Insurance Ontology Superannuation Ontology SGF_to_Medical Medical_to_MedicalInsurance Ambulance_to_Medical Super_to_Medical ATO_to_Medical Figure 1. Distributed Ontologies in the Medical World. underlying database. This view contains the terms of interest available from that database. These terms provide the interface that can be used to communicate with the database. More specifically, this view consists of one or several types (called access interface of a database) containing the exported operations (attributes and functions) and a textual description of these operations. The membership of a database to an ontology is materialized by the fact that the database is an instance of one or many classes in the same or different ontologies. We should also note that other useful information are provided by the database administrator (see Section ??). To illustrate how a database is modeled in WebTassili and how it is related to the domain model, consider the Queensland Cancer Fund database which is member of the ontology Research (see Figure ??). Let us assume that this database is an instance of a class in the ontology Research. It represents, for example, an mSQL database that contains the following relations: CancerClassify(Cancer Id, Scientific Name, Common Name, Infection Area, Cause Known, Hereditary, ResearchGroup(Group Id, Cancer Id, Start Date, Supervisor Id) Staff(Staff Id, Title, Name, Location, Phone, Research Field) GroupOwnership(Ownership Id, Group Id, Staff Id, Date Commenced, Date Completed) Funding(Funding Id, Group Id, Provider Name, Amount, Conditions) If the database administrator decides to make public some information related to some of the above relations, they have to be advertised by specifying the information type to be published as follows: Type Funding f attribute string CancerClassify.CommonName; function real Amount(string CancerClassify.CommonName); Type Results f attribute string Staff.Name; attribute int GroupOwnership.DateCommenced; function string Description(string Staff.Name, int Date GroupOwnership.Datecommenced); Note that the textual explanations of the attributes and operations are left out of the description for clarity. Each attribute denotes a relation field and each function denotes an access routine to the database. The implementation of these features is transparent to the user. For instance, the function Description() denotes the access routine that returns the description of all results obtained by a staff member after a given date. This routine is written in mSQL's C interface. In the case of an object-oriented database, an attribute denotes a class attribute and a function denotes either a class method or an access routine. Using WebFINDIT, users can locate the database, then investigate its exported interface and fetch useful attributes and functions to access the database. 3.4. Documentations In addition to the information types that represent the domains of interest of the database, WebFINDIT documents the database in a way that users can understand its contents and behavior. This provides a richer and understandable description of the database. The documentation mainly consists of a set of demonstrations about what an information type is and what it offers. This demonstration may be textual or graphical depending on the information being exported. Even if two databases contain the same information, the information may exhibit different behaviors depending on the selected database. This is to be expected as a product may display different properties depending on who the exporter is. One of the major problems that research solutions to heterogeneity have not adequately addressed is the problem of understanding the structure and behavior of different types of information as represented in various databases. Research in this area has largely been concerned with the static aspects of schema integration. The idea has been to present users with one uniform view or schema, built on top of several other schemas [?, ?]. Database administrators are responsible for understanding the different schemas and then translating them into a schema understood by local users. It is important to note that this process is a reasonable solution only if there is a small number of schemas that are fairly similar. In fact, there is a problem of understanding information even if the data model is the same across all participating databases. The problem is not acute when the number of databases is small, as it would be reasonable to assume that enough interaction between designers would solve the problem of understanding information. This could not work in an environment like Internet databases. 4. Metadata Support - Co-databases Co-databases are introduced as a means for implementing our distributed ontology concept and as an aid to inter-site data sharing. These are metadata repositories that surrounds each local DBMS, and which know a system's capability and functionality. Formation of information space relationships (i.e, ontologies and inter-ontology relationships) and maintenance as well as exploration of these relationships occur via a special-purpose language called WebTassili. An overview of the WebTassili language is presented in Section ??. Locating a set of databases that fits user queries requires detailed information about the content of each database in the system. To avoid the problem of centralized administration of information, meta-information repositories are distributed over information networks. In our approach, each participating database has a co- database attached to it. A co-database (meta-information repository) is an object-oriented database that stores information about its associated database, ontologies and inter-ontology relationships of this database. A set of databases exporting a certain type of information is represented by a class in the co-database schema. This also means that an ontology is represented by a class or a hierarchy of classes (i.e., information type based on a classification hierarchy). A typical co-database schema contains subschemas that represent ontologies and inter-ontology relationships that deal with specific types of information (see Figure ??). The first sub-schema consists of a tree of classes where each class represents a set of databases that can answer queries about a specialized type of information. This subschema represents ontologies. The class Ontologies Root forms the root of the ontologies tree. Every subclass of the class Ontologies represent the root of an ontology tree. Every node in that tree represents a specific information type. An ontology is hierarchically organized in the form of a tree, so that an information 1type has a number of subordinate information types and at most one superior information type. This organization allows an ontology to be structured according to a specialization relationship. For instance, the class Research could have two Cancer Research and Child Research. The classes joined in the ontology tree support each other in answering queries directed to them. If a user query conforms better with the information type of a given subclass, then the query will be forwarded to this subclass. If no classes are found in the ontology tree while handling a user query, then either the user simplifies the query or the query is forwarded to other ontologies (or databases) via inter-ontology relationships. The splitting of an ontology into smaller units increase the efficiency when searching information types. Database-Database Class Co-database Root Class Ontologies Root Class Ontology n Root Class Ontology 1 Root Class Ontology-Ontology Class Ontology-Database Class Ontologies Relationships Root Class Database Relationships Root Class Inter-Ontology Root Class Figure 2. The outline of a typical co-database schema The co-database also contains another type of subschema. This subschema consists on the one hand, of a subschema of inter-ontology relationships that involve the ontology the database is member of; and on the other hand of a subschema of inter-ontology relationships that involve the database itself. Each of these subschemas consists in turn of two subclasses that respectively describe inter-ontology relationships with databases and inter-ontology relationships with other ontologies. In particular, every class in an ontology tree contains a description about the participating databases and a description about the type of information they con- tain. Description of the databases will include information about the data model, operating system, query language, etc. Description of the information type will include its general structure and behavior. We should also mention that the documentation (demo) associated with each information instance is stored in actual databases. This is done for two reasons: (1) Database autonomy is maintained and, (2) documentations can be modified with little or no overhead on the associated co-databases. The class Ontology Root contains the generic attributes that are inherited by all classes in the ontology tree. A subset of the attributes of the class Ontology Root is: Class Ontology Root f attribute string Information-type; attribute set(string) Synonyms; attribute string DBMS; attribute string Operating-system; attribute string Query-language; attribute set(string) Sub-information-types; attribute set(Inter-ontology Root) Inter-ontology Relationships; attribute set(Ontology Root) Members; The attribute Information-type represents the name of the information- type (e.g., "Research" for all instances of the class Research). The attribute Synonyms describes the set of alternative descriptions of each information- type. Users can use these descriptions to the effect of obtaining databases that provide information about the associated information type. The attribute Sub-information-types describes specialization relationship. The other attributes are self-explained. Every sub-class of the class Ontology Root has some specific attributes that describe the domain model of the related set of underlying databases. These attributes do not necessarily correspond directly to the objects described in any particular database. For example, a subset of the attributes of the class Research (Project and Grant are two types defined elsewhere) is: Class Research Isa Ontology Rootf attribute string Subject; attribute set(Project) Projects; attribute set(Grant) Fundings; In the Figure ??, the class Inter-Ontology Root contains the generic attributes that are relevant to all types of inter-ontology relationships. These relationships can be used to answer queries when the local ontology cannot answer them. An inter-ontology relationship can be seen as an intersection (or overlap) relationship between the related entities. Synonyms and generalization/specialization can be seen as intra-ontology relationships compared to the inter-ontology relationships. A subset of attributes of the class Inter-Ontology Root is: Class Inter-Ontology Root f attribute set(string) Description; attribute string Point-of-entry; attribute string Source; attribute string Target; The attribute Description contains the information type that can be provided using the inter-ontology relationship. Assume that the user queries the ontology Medical about Medical Insurance. The use of the synonyms and generaliza- tion/specialization relationships fails to answer the user query. However, the ontology Medical has an inter-ontology relationship with the ontology Insurance where the value of the attribute Description is f"Health Insurance", "Medical Insurance"g. It is clear that this inter-ontology relationship provides the answer to the user query. The attribute Point-of-entry represents the name of the co- database that must be contacted to answer the query. The attribute Source and Target are self-explained. So far, we presented the metadata model used to describe the ontologies and their relationships. In what follows we will present how a particular database is described and linked to its ontologies. For example, the co-database attached to the Royal Brisbane Hospital contains information about all related ontologies and inter-ontology relationships. As the Royal Brisbane Hospital is member of two ontologies Research and Medical, it stores information about these two ontologies. This co-database contains also information about other ontologies and databases that have a relationship with these two ontologies and the database itself. The co-database stores information about the inter-ontology relationships State Government Funding and Medical Insurance. It stores also access information of the Royal Brisbane Hospital database, which includes the exported interface and the Internet address. The interface of a database consists of a set of types containing the exported operations and a textual description of these types. The database will be advertised through the co-database by specifying the information type, the documentation (a file containing multimedia data or a program that plays a product demonstration), and the access information which includes its location, the wrapper (a program allowing access to data in the database), and the set of exported types. Information Source Royal Brisbane Hospital f Information Type "Research and Medical" Documentation "" Location "" Wrapper "" Interface ResearchProjects, PatientHistory The URL "" contains the documentation about Royal Brisbane Hospital database. It contains any type of presentation accessible through the Web (e.g., a Java applet that plays a video clip). WebTassiliOracle is the wrapper needed to access data in the Oracle database using a WebTassili query. The exported interface contains two types that will be advertised as explained in the previous section for the Queensland Cancer Fund database. The interface of a database can be used to query data stored in this database. This is possible only after locating this database as a relevant information source. As pointed out before each sub-class of the class Ontology Root has a set of attributes that describe the domain model of the underlying databases. In fact, these attributes can also be used to query data stored in the underlying databases. How- ever, these attributes do not correspond directly to attributes in database interfaces. For this reason, we define the relationships between information source types and ontology domain model attributes. We call these relationships mappings. More specifically, there exists one mapping for each type in the interface of a database. The mappings are used to translate an ontology query into a set of queries to the relevant databases. Note that an attribute (or a function) in the type of a database may be related to different attributes (or functions) in different ontologies. For example, the attribute of the type PatientHistory may be related to two domain attributes, one (a1) in the ontology Medical and another (a2) in the ontology Research. This can be described as follows: Mapping PatientHistory f attribute string Patient.Name Is ! Research.a1, Information sharing is achieved through co-databases communicating with each other. As mentioned above, a database may belong to more than one ontology. In this case, its co-database will contain information about all ontologies it belongs to. Two databases can belong to the same ontology and still have different co- databases. This is true because these databases might belong to different ontologies and be involved with different inter-ontology relationships. This is one reason it is desirable that each database has one co-database attached to it instead of having one single co-database for each ontology. Database autonomy and high information availability are other reasons why it is not desirable to physically centralize the co-database. 5. Language Support - WebTassili SQL and extensions thereof works best when the database schemas are known to the user. In that respect, it is not concerned with discovering metadata. Querying with SQL is done in one single step to get the data. In contrast, access to Internet databases will happen in two steps and iteratively. In addition, the nature of the ontology architecture calls for a special handling of ontology and inter-ontology relationships management. To our knowledge, no language has been developed to support the access and management of ontologies in the context of Internet databases. In what follows, we introduce the main features of the WebTassili language. We focus on the novel aspects designed specifically for user education and information source location in distributed ontologies. The language was first introduced in [?]. Subsection ?? demonstrates how WebTassili is used to educate users about the available information. Subsection ?? shows the power of WebTassili in providing interaction and communication between ontologies. WebTassili has been designed to address issues related to the use, design and evolution of WebFINDIT. The world of users is partitioned into privileged users and general users. Queries are resolved through an interactive process. Privileged users, such as administrators, can issue both data definition and data manipulation operations. The formation of ontologies and inter-ontology relationships, as well as co-database schema evolution, is achieved through the WebTassili data definition operations. An ontology is bootstrapped after formal negotiation between privileged users takes place. The ontology/inter-ontology schema is stored and maintained in individual co-databases. As co-databases contains replicated data, schema updates are then propagated to the appropriate co-databases using a pre-defined set of protocols. This data is then accessed by the component information repository to provide users with information regarding the structure of the system and the nature of information sources. General users may issue read-only queries. The distributed updating and querying of co-databases is achieved via an interface process which allows interactions with remote sites. WebTassili consists of both data definition and manipulation constructs. As for data definition features, it is used to define the different schemas and their intrinsic relationships. It provides constructs to define classes of information types and their corresponding relationships. In conventional object-oriented databases, the behavior of a class is the same for all its instances. WebTassili also provides mechanisms for defining constraints and firing triggers for evolution purposes. This feature is used to evolve schemas as well as propagate changes to related schemas. Data definition queries are only accessible to a selected number of users (administrators). The formation of a schema is achieved through a negotiation process. In that re- spect, WebTassili provides features for administrators to form and evolve schemas. More specifically, WebTassili provides the following data definition operations: ffl Define classes and objects (structure and behavior). ffl Define operations for schema evolution. ffl Define operations for negotiation for schema creation and instantiation. WebTassili is also used to manipulate the schema states. Users use WebTassili to query the structure and behavior of meta-information types. Users also use this query language to query information about participating databases. The manipulation in WebTassili is on both meta data and actual data. More specifically, WebTassili provides the following manipulation operations: ffl Search for an information type. ffl Search for an information type while providing its structure. ffl Search for an information type while providing its structure and/or information about the host databases. ffl Query remote databases 5.1. User Education and Information Discovery We consider an example from the distributed ontologies that represent the medical information domain represented in Figure ??. Assume that physicists in the Royal Brisbane Hospital are interested in gathering some information about the cancer disease in Queensland (Research, treatment, costs, insurance, etc.) For that pur- pose, they will use WebFINDIT in order to gather needed information. They will go through an interactive process using the WebTassili language. Suppose now that one of the physicists at Royal Brisbane Hospital queries WebFINDIT for medical research related to cancer disease. For this purpose, he or she can starts his or her investigation by submitting the following WebTassili query: Find Ontologies With Information Medical Research; In order to resolve this query, WebFINDIT starts from the ontologies the Royal Brisbane Hospital is member of and checks if they hold the information. The system found that one of the local ontologies, the Research ontology, deals with this type of information. Refinement (if needed) is performed until the specific information type is found. As the user is interested in more specific information i.e., medical research on cancer, he or she submit a refinement query (find more specific information type) as follows: Display SubClasses of Class Medical Research; The ontology or class Medical Research shows that it contains the subclasses: Cancer Research, Child Research and AIDS Research. The user can then decide to query one of the displayed classes or continue the refinement process. As the user is interested in the first subclass, she or he issues the following query to display instances of this subclass: Display Instance of Class Cancer Research; The user is then faced with two many instances of the subclass Cancer Research contained in many databases. Assume that she or he decides to query the Prince Charles Hospital database which is a instance of that subclass. Before that, the user can become more knowledgeable about this database using a WebTassili construct that displays the documentation of this information. WebTassili provides a construct for displaying the documentation of this information. An example of this query is: Display Document of Instance Prince Charles Hospital Of Class Cancer Research; Assuming the user finds a database that contains the requested information, attributes and functions are provided to directly access the database for an instance of this information type. WebTassili provides users with primitives to manipulate data drawn from diverse information sources. Users use local functions to directly access the providing databases to get the actual data. In our example, if the user is interested in querying the database Queensland Cancer Fund from the class Cancer Research of the ontology Research, he or she uses the following WebTassili query to display the interface exported by the database: Display Access Information of Instance Queensland Cancer Fund Of Class Cancer Research; At this point, the user is completely aware of this database. She or he knows the location of this database and how to access it to get actual data and some other useful information. The database Queensland Cancer Fund is located at "" and exports several types. Below is as an example of an exported type: Type Funding f attribute string CancerClassify.CommonName; function real Amount(string CancerClassify.CommonName); The function Amount() returns the total budget of a given research project. For instance, if we are interested in the budget of the research project Lung Cancer, we use the function Amount("Lung Cancer"). This function is translated to the following SQL query (the native query language of the underlying database): Select c.Amount From CancerClassify a, ResearchGroup b, Funding c Where and and In the above scenario, the user was involved in a browsing session to discover the databases of interest inside the ontology Research. If this ontology contains a large number of databases, then browsing the description (documentation or access information) of the underlying databases may be unrealistic. In such a case, the user may be interested to query the data stored in these databases using the domain attributes of the ontology. For example, to the effect of obtaining the name of projects related to Cancer, the user can type the following WebTassili query: Select Ontologies Research r Where r.Subject = "Cancer" This query is expressed using the domain model of the ontology Research. The system uses the mappings (as defined in Section ??) to translate this query into a set of queries to the relevant databases that are members of the ontology. Assume now that another physicist is interested in querying the system about private medical insurance. The following query is submitted to the system. Find Ontologies With Information Medical Insurance; As usually, WebFINDIT first checks the ontologies the Royal Brisbane Hospital is member of. The two local ontologies Research and Medical fail to answer the query. WebFINDIT finds that there is an inter-ontology relationship with another ontology Insurance that appears to deal with the requested information type. A point of entry is provided for this ontology. In this way, an inter-ontology relationship contains the resources that are available to an ontology to answer requests when they cannot be handled locally. To establish a connection with a remote ontology, a user uses the following WebTassili query: Connect To Ontology Insurance; The user is now able to investigate this ontology looking for more relevant infor- mation. After some refinements, a database is selected and queried as in the first part of the example. 5.2. Ontologies Interaction and Negotiation Ontologies and inter-ontology relationships provide the means for dynamically synchronizing information source interactions in a decentralized manner. By joining an ontology, databases implicitly agree to work together. Information sources retain control, and join or leave ontologies/inter-ontology relationships based upon local considerations. The forming, joining, and leaving of ontologies and inter-ontology relationships is controlled by privileged users (database administrators). In some instances, users may ask about information that is not in the local domain of interest. If these requests are small, a mapping between a set of information meta types to an ontology via an inter-ontology relationships is enough to resolve the query. If the number of requests remains high the database administrator may, for efficiency reasons, investigate the formation of an ontology with the "popular" remote databases or join a pre-existing ontology. Alternatively, the database administrator may initiate a negotiation with other database members to establish an inter-ontology relationship with an existing ontology or database. Assume that the Medibank database of the ontology Medical Insurance wants to establish an inter-ontology relationship with the ontology Medical. To initiate a negotiation with this ontology, the following WebTassili query is used: Inquire at Ontology Medical; To send the requested information (i.e., remote structural information) to the servicing Medical, the representative (administrator site) database uses the following query: Send to Medibank Object Medical.template; The negotiation process ends (establishment of an inter-ontology relationship or not) whenever the involved entities decide so. Other primitives exist to remove methods and objects when an information source relinquishes access to local in- formation. There are also more basic primitives which are used to establish an ontology and propagate and validate changes. Each operation must be validated by all participating administrators. The instantiation operation is an exception. In this case the information resource described by an object is the one that decides what the object state should be. If there is disagreement in the validation process, the administrator who instigated the operation will choose the course of action to be taken. A joining information source must provide some information about the data it would like to share, as well as information about itself. If the new information repository is accepted as a member, the administrator of the ontology will then decide how the ontology schema is to be changed. During this informal exchange, many parameters need to be set. For instance, a threshold for the minimum and maximum number of ontology members is negotiated and set. Likewise, a threshold on the minimum and maximum number of inter-ontology relationships with information sources and ontologies is also set. Initially, an administrator is selected to create the root class of the ontology schema. Once this is done, the root of the schema is sent to every participating information repository for validation. Based on feedback from the group, the creator will decide whether to change the object or not. This process will continue until there is a consensus. Changes are only made at a single site until consensus is achieved - at which time the change is made persistent and propagated to the appropriate databases. If existing classes/methods are to be updated, responsibility lies with the information repository that "owns" it. An ontology is dismantled by deleting the corresponding subschema in every participating co-database schema. In addition, all objects that belong to the classes of that ontology are also deleted. The update of co-databases resulting from inter-ontology relationship changes is practically the same as defined for ontologies. The only difference being that changes in ontologies obey a stricter set of rules. 6. Implementation of WebFINDIT This section presents the overall architecture which supports the WebFINDIT framework. This architecture adopts a client-server approach to provide services for interconnecting a large number of distributed, autonomous and heterogeneous databases. It is based on CORBA and Java technologies. CORBA provides a robust object infrastructure for implementing distributed applications including multidatabase systems [?]. These applications are constructed seamlessly from their components (e.g., legacy systems or new developed systems) that are hosted on different locations on the network and developed using different programming languages and operating systems [?]. Interoperability across multi-vendor CORBA ORBs is provided by using IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol). The use of IIOP allows objects distributed over the Internet and connected to different ORBs to communicate. Java allows user interfaces to be deployed dynamically over the Web. Java applets can be downloaded onto the user machine and used to communicate with WebFINDIT components (e.g., CORBA objects). In addition, JDBC can be used to access SQL relational databases from Java applications. Java and CORBA offer complementary functionalities to develop and deploy distributed applications. It should be noted that there are other types of middleware technologies besides Java/CORBA [?] [?]. Other technologies such as HTTP/CGI approach and ActiveX/DCOM [?] [?] are also used for developing intranet- and Internet-based applications. It is recognized that the HTTP/CGI approach may be adequate when there is no need for sophisticated remote server capabilities and no data sharing among databases is required. Otherwise, Java/CORBA approach offers several advantages over HTTP/CGI [?]. We note also that the CORBA's IIOP and HTTP can run on the same network as both of them uses the Internet as the backbone. Also, the interoperability between CORBA and ActiveX/DCOM is already a reality with the beta-version of Orbix COMet Desktop [?]. Thus, the access to Internet databases interfaced using the CGI/HTML or ActiveX/DCOM will be possible at a minimal cost. 6.1. System Architecture The WebFINDIT components are grouped in four layers that interact among themselves to query a large number of heterogeneous and distributed databases using a Web-based interface (see Figure ??). The basic components of WebFINDIT are the query layer, the communication layer, the metadata layer, and the data layer. The query layer: provides users' access to WebFINDIT services. It has two com- ponents: The browser and the query processor. The browser is the user's interface to WebFINDIT. It uses the metadata stored in the co-databases to educate users about the available information space, locate the information source servers, send query to remote databases and display their results. The browser is implemented using Java applets. The query processor receives queries from the browser, coordinates their execution and returns their results to the browser. The query processor Query Layer Communication Layer Metadata Data Layer Layer Browser Query Processor CORBA IIOP IIOP Co-database Servers Database Servers Information Source Interfaces Figure 3. WebFINDIT Layers interacts with the communication layer (next layer) which dispatches WebTassili queries to the co-databases (metadata layer) and databases (data layer). The query processor is written in Java. The communication layer: manages the interaction between WebFINDIT components. It mediates requests between the query processor and co- database/database servers. The communication layer locates the set of servers that can perform the tasks. This component is implemented using a network of IIOP compliant CORBA ORBs, namely, VisiBroker for Java, OrbixWeb, and Or- bix. By using CORBA, it is possible to encapsulate services (i.e., co-database and database servers) as sets of distributed objects and associated operations. These objects provide interfaces to access servers. The query processor communicates with CORBA ORBs either directly when the ORB is a client/server Java ORB (e.g., VisiBroker) or via another Java ORB (e.g., using OrbixWeb to communicate with Orbix). The metadata layer: consists of a set of co-database servers that store meta-data about the associated databases (i.e, information type, location, ontologies, inter-ontology relationships, and so on). Co-databases are designed to respond to queries regarding available information space and locating sources of an information type. All co-databases are implemented in ObjectStore (C++ interface). WebTassili primitives are implemented using methods of ObjectStore schema of the co-database. The data layer: has two components: databases and Information Source Interfaces (ISIs). The current version of WebFINDIT supports relational (mSQL, Oracle, Sybase, DB2) and object oriented (ObjectStore) databases. An information source interface provides access to a specific database server. The current implementation of WebTassili provides : (1) translation of WebTassili queries to the native local language (e.g., SQL), (2) translation of results from the format of the native system to the format of WebTassili. 6.2. Hardware and Software Environment The current implementation of our system is based on Solaris (v2.6), JDK (v1.1.5) which includes JDBC (v2.0) (used to access the relational databases), three CORBA products that are IIOP compliant, namely Orbix (v2), OrbixWeb (v3), and VisiBroker (v3.2) for Java (see Figure ??). These ORBs connect 26 databases (databases and their co-databases). Each database is encapsulated in a CORBA server object (a proxy). These databases are implemented using four different DBMSs (rela- tional and object-oriented systems): Oracle, mSQL, DB2, and ObjectStore. The user interface is implemented as Java applets that communicate with CORBA ob- jects. ObjectStore databases are connected to Orbix. Relational databases (stored in Oracle, mSQL, and DB2) are connected to a Java-interfaced CORBA. Oracle databases are connected to VisiBroker, whereas mSQL and DB2 are connected to OrbixWeb. CORBA server objects use: ffl JDBC to communicate with relational databases. In this case, the CORBA objects are implemented in Java (OrbixWeb or VisiBroker for Java server ob- jects). ffl C++ method invocation to communicate with C++ interfaced object-oriented databases from C++ CORBA servers (both Orbix and ObjectStore support 6.3. Using a Healthcare Application In order to illustrate the viability of this architecture and show how to query global information system using WebFINDIT, we have used a Health-care application. Healthcare applications provide a very relevant context where tools such as WebFINDIT can be used. The application supports Database DBMS Co-database DBMS connection to Orbix ORB not shown. Java Browser Query Processor User interface Level IIOP Orbix OrbixWeb VisiBroker State Govt. Funding Brisbane Royal Medibank CentreLink RMIT Qld Cancer Fund ATO Charles Prince Ambulance ORBs CORBA object with granularity of a database Source Level mSQL mSQL ObjectStore ObjectStore ObjectStore JDBC JDBC C++ method invocation Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle DB2 Java OrbixWeb Medicare mSQL DB2 Ontos RBH Workers Union QUT MBF Figure 4. Detailed Implementation. queries about healthcare related services and enables a large number of heterogeneous and autonomous healthcare providers to communicate with each other. In this application, 13 databases are used: State Government Funding, RBH - Royal Brisbane Hospital, Centre Link, Medibank, MBF, RMIT Medical Research, Queensland Cancer Fund, Australian Taxation Office, Medicare, QUT Research, Ambulance, AMP, and Prince Charles Hospital (see Figure ??). Typically, a user of this application starts by submitting a query about specific area in the healthcare domain. Assume that the user submits the WebTassili query "Display Ontologies With Information Medical Research". The system finds that both ontologies Medical and Research provide information about Medical and Research. Assume that the user wishes to display all members of the Research ontology. This can be done by clicking on the Research ontology. The user can view the result in the lower half of the left hand side window of the Figure ??. Figure 5. Display Document on RBH Co-Database To know more on a particular database, the user can click on the corresponding icon. For example, when the user clicks on the Royal Brisbane Hospital database, the available formats of documentation is displayed (e.g., text, HTML) in the right hand side window of the Figure ??. If the user decides to read the documentation using HTML, he/she clicks on the HTML button. Figure ?? displays the content of the HTML file containing the documentation of Royal Brisbane Hospital database. After locating and understanding the content of the Royal Brisbane Hospital database, the user decides to query some actual data in this database. Querying actual data can alternatively be done with embedded queries using native query languages of the underlying databases. The user now wants to know about the Medical Students who are doing internships in the hospital (Medical Students is a type exported by the database Royal Brisbane Hospital). As the underlying database support SQL, the user can use the SQL statement "select * from medical students" to get the required information. Once the definition of the Figure 6. RBH HTML document displayed query is accomplished, the query is submitted for execution by clicking on the Fetch button. Figure ?? shows the result of the query. Note that querying actual data can be done with WebTassili queries. In this case, the query is decomposed (if necessary) and mapped to queries in the underlying databases. Figure 7. Query Result on RBH Database 7. Conclusion We presented an extensible, dynamic and distributed ontological architecture to support information discovery in Internet databases. The fundamental constructs ontologies, inter-ontology relationships, and co-databases provide a flexible infrastructure for both users and Internet databases to discover and share information in a seamless fashion. A working prototype has been developed. This prototype was implemented using popular standards in distributed object computing (CORBA) and the Web (Java). Several commercial and research databases have been been used in our testbed. We are currently in the process of assessing the performance of the prototype. Acknowledgments The third author would like to acknowledge the support of the Australian Research Council (ARC) through a Large ARC Grant number 95-7-191650010. --R Retrieving and Integrating Data from Multiple Information Sources. Query Processing in the SIMS Information Medi- ator Using Bridging Boundaries: CORBA in perspective. A comparative analysis of methodologies for database schema integration. Helaland Data sharing on the web. An Overview of Mutlidatabase Systems: Past and Present The world-wide-web Large multidatabases: Beyond federation and global schema integra- tion Large multidatabases: Issues and directions. Using Java and CORBA for Implementing Internet Databases. Using Java Applets and CORBA for Multi-User Distributed Ap- plications Information retrieval on the world wide web. Agents on the web. Classifying schematic and data heterogeneity in multi-base systems A query system for the world wide web. Querying heterogeneous information sources using source descriptions. Data model and query evaluation in global information systems. Dynamic Query Processing in DIOM. OBSERVER: An Approach for Query Processing in Global Information Systems based on Interoperation across Pre-existing On- tologies Domain Specific Ontologies for Semantic Information Brokering on the Global Information Infrastructure. Querying the world wide web. Relationship merging in schema integration. Client/Server Programming with JAVA and CORBA. Dynamic Query Optimization in Multidatabases. Notable computer networks. Data structures for efficient broker implementation. Using Carnot For Enterprise Information Integration. --TR --CTR Chara Skouteli , George Samaras , Evaggelia Pitoura, Concept-based discovery of mobile services, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile data management, May 09-13, 2005, Ayia Napa, Cyprus Ahmad Kayed , Robert M. Colomb, Using BWW model to evaluate building ontologies in CGs formalism, Information Systems, v.30 n.5, p.379-398, July 2005 Mourad Ouzzani , Athman Bouguettaya, Query Processing and Optimization on the Web, Distributed and Parallel Databases, v.15 n.3, p.187-218, May 2004
internet databases;distributed ontologies;information discovery
UML-Based integration testing.
Increasing numbers of software developers are using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and associated visual modeling tools as a basis for the design and implementation of their distributed, component-based applications. At the same time, it is necessary to test these components, especially during unit and integration testing.At Siemens Corporate Research, we have addressed the issue of testing components by integrating test generation and test execution technology with commercial UML modeling tools such as Rational Rose; the goal being a design-based testing environment. In order to generate test cases automatically, developers first define the dynamic behavior of their components via UML Statecharts, specify the interactions amongst them and finally annotate them with test requirements. Test cases are then derived from these annotated Statecharts using our test generation engine and executed with the help of our test execution tool. The latter tool was developed specifically for interfacing to components based on COM/DCOM and CORBA middleware.In this paper, we present our approach to modeling components and their interactions, describe how test cases are derived from these component models and then executed to verify their conformant behavior. We outline the implementation strategy of our TnT environment and use it to evaluate our approach by means of a simple example.
Figure 1: Alternating Bit Protocol Example The example in Figure 1 represents an alternating bit communication protocol2 in which there are four separate components Timer, Transmitter, ComCh (Communication Channel) and Receiver and several internal as well as external interfaces and stimuli. The protocol is a unidirectional, reliable communication protocol. A user invokes a Transmitter component to send data messages over a communication channel and to a Receiver component, which then passes it on to another user. The communication channel can lose data messages as well as acknowledgements. The reliable data connection is implemented by observing possible timeout conditions, repeatedly sending messages, if necessary, and ensuring the correct order of the messages. 2.1 UML Statecharts The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modeling language that is used to specify, visualize, construct and document the artifacts of a software system. In this paper, we focus on the dynamic views of UML, in particular, Statechart Diagrams. A Statechart can be used to describe the dynamic behavior of a component or should we say object over time by modeling its lifecycle. The key elements described in a Statechart are states, transitions, events, and actions. States and transitions define all possible states and changes of state an object can achieve during its lifetime. State changes occur as reactions to events received from the object's interfaces. Actions correspond to internal or external method calls.The nomenclature in this paper refers to UML, Revision 1.3. 2 The name Alternating Bit Protocol stems from the message sequence numbering technique used to recognize missing or redundant messages and to keep up the correct order. Figure 2 illustrates the Statechart for the Transmitter object shown in Figure 1. It comprises six states with a start and an end state. The transitions are labeled with call event descriptions corresponding to external stimuli being received from the tuser interface and internal stimuli being sent to the Timer component via the timing interface and received from the ComCh component via the txport interface. These internal/external interfaces and components are shown in Figure 1. Moreover, the nomenclature used for labeling the transitions is described in the next section and relates to the way in which component interactions are modeled. _tuser?msg _txport?ack ^timing! cancel:_tuser!ack ^_txport!data0:_timing!start _timing?timeout ^_txport!data1:_timing!start _txport?ack ^_timing!cancel:_tuser!ack _tuser?msg Figure 2: Statechart Diagram for the Transmitter Object 2.2 Communicating Statecharts In the following section, we describe how a developer would need to model the communication between multiple Statecharts, when using a commercial UML-based modeling tool. At present, UML does not provide an adequate mechanism for describing the communication between two components, so we adopted concepts from CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) [6] to enhance its existing notation. 2.2.1 Communication Semantics In our approach, we wanted to select communication semantics that most closely relate to the way in which COM/DCOM and CORBA components interact in current systems. While such components allow both synchronous and asynchronous communications, we focus on a synchronous mechanism for the purposes of this paper. In addition, there are two types of synchronous communication mechanisms. The first, the shared (or global) event model, may broadcast a single event to multiple components, all of which are waiting to receive and act upon it in unison. The second model, a point-to-point, blocking communication mechanism, can send a single event to just one other component and it is only these two components that are then synchronized. The originator of the event halts its execution (blocks) until the receiver obtains the event. It is this point-to-point model that we adopted, because it most closely resembles the communication semantics of COM/DCOM and CORBA. 2.2.2 Transition Labeling In order to show explicit component connections and to associate operations on the interfaces with events within the respective Statecharts, we defined a transition labeling convention based on the notation used in CSP for communication operations3. A unique name must be assigned by the developer to the connection between two communicating Statecharts4. This name is used as a prefix for trigger (incoming) and send (outgoing) events. A transition label in a Statechart would be defined as follows: _timing?timeout ^_txport!data0 This transition label can be interpreted as receiving a trigger event timeout from connection timing followed by a send event data0 being sent to connection txport. Trigger (also known as receive) events are identified by a separating question mark, whereas send events are identified by a leading caret (an existing UML notation) and a separating exclamation mark. In Figure 3 below, two dark arrows indicate how the timing interface between the two components is used by the send and receive events. Connections are considered bi-directional, although it is possible to use different connection names for each direction, if the direction needs to be emphasized. Transitions can contain multiple send and receive events. Multiple receive events within a transition label can be specified by separating them with a plus sign. Multiple send events with different event names can be specified by separating them by a colon. 2.2.3 Example Figure 3 shows two communicating Statecharts for the Transmitter and Timer components. The labels on the transitions in each Statechart refer to events occurring via the internal timing interface, the interface txport with the ComCh component and two external interfaces, timer and tuser. Figure 3: Communicating Transmitter and Timer Components The Transmitter component starts execution in state Idle0 and waits for user input. If a message arrives from connection tuser, the state changes to PrepareSend0. Now, the message is sent to the communication channel. At the same time, the Timer component receives a start event. The component is now in the 3 In CSP, operations are written as channel1!event1 which means that event1 is sent via channel1. A machine input operation is written as channel2?event1 where channel2 receives an event1. 4 This is currently a limitation of our tool implementation. state MessageSent0 and waits until either the Timer component sends a timeout event or the ComCh component sends a message acknowledgement ack. In case of a timeout, the message is sent again and the timer is also started again. If an ack is received, an event is sent to the Timer component to cancel the timer and the user gets an acknowledgement for successful delivery of the message. Now, the same steps may be repeated, but with a different message sequence number, which is expressed by the event data1 instead of data0. In addition to modeling the respective Statecharts and defining the interactions between them, developers can specify test requirements, that is, directives for test generation, which influence the size and complexity of the resulting test suite. However, this aspect is not shown in this example. 3. Establishing a Global Behavioral Model In the following section, we describe the steps taken in constructing a global behavioral model, which is internal to our tool, from multiple Statecharts that have been defined by a developer using a commercial UML-based modeling tool. In this global behavioral model, the significant properties, that is, behavior, of the individual state machines are preserved. 3.1 Definition of Subsystems A prime concern with respect to the construction of such a global model is scalability. Apart from utilizing efficient algorithms to compute such a global model, we defined a mechanism whereby developers can group components into subsystems and thus help to reduce the size of a given model. The benefit of such a subsystem definition is that it also reflects a commonly used integration testing strategy described in Section 4. Our approach allows developers to specify a subsystem of components to be tested and the interfaces to be tested. If no subsystem definition has been specified by a developer, then all modeled components and interfaces are considered as part of the global model. 3.2 Composing Statecharts 3.2.1 Finite State Machines We consider Statecharts as Mealy finite state machines; they react upon input in form of receive events and produce output in form of send events. Such state machines define a directed graph with nodes (representing the states) and edges (representing the transitions). They have one initial state and possibly several final states. The state transitions are described by a function: communicating finite state machine used for component specification is defined as A = (S, M, T, ?, s0, F), where S is a set of states, unique to the state machine are states marked as intermediate states T is an alphabet of valid transition annotations, consisting of transition type, connection name and event name. Transition is a function describing the transitions between states s0 ? S is the initial state F ? S is a set of final states Initial and final states are regular states. The initial state gives a starting point for a behavior description. Final states express possible end points for the execution of a component. The transition annotations T contain a transition type as well as a connection name and an event name. Transition types can be INTernal, SEND, RECEIVE and COMMunication. Transitions of type SEND and RECEIVE are external events sent to or received from an external interface to the component's state machine. SEND and RECEIVE transitions define the external behavior of a component and are relevant for the external behavior that can be observed. An INTernal transition is equivalent to a ?-transition (empty transition) of a finite state machine [7]. It is not triggered by any external event and has no observable behavior. It represents arbitrary internal action. COMMunication transitions are special types of internal transitions representing interaction between two state machines. Such behavior is not externally observable. When composing state machines, matching pairs of SEND and RECEIVE transitions with equal connection and event names are merged to form COMMunication transitions. For example, the transitions highlighted by dark arrows in Figure 3 would be such candidates. The definition of a state machine allows transitions that contain single actions. Every action expressed by a transition annotation is interpreted as an atomic action. Component interaction can occur after each action. If several actions are grouped together without the possibility of interruption, the states between the transitions can be marked as intermediate states. Intermediate states (M ? S) are introduced to logically group substructures of states and transitions. The semantics of intermediate states provide a behavioral description mechanism similar to microsteps. Atomic actions are separated into multiple consecutive steps, the microsteps, which are always executed in one run. These microsteps are the outgoing transitions of intermediate states. This technique is used in our approach as part of the process of converting the UML Statecharts into an internal representation. The result is a set of normalized state machines. Idle _tuser?msg ^_timing PrepareSend!cancel ^_timing!start GotAck _timing?timeout _txport!data0 _txport?ack MessageSent Figure 4: Normalized Transmitter Component Figure 4 shows such a state machine for a simplified version of the Transmitter object. Two additional, intermediate states TimerOn and GotAck have been inserted to separate the multiple events _txport!data0:^_timing_start and txport?ack^timing!cancel between the PrepareSend, MessageSent and Idle states shown in Figure 2. 3.2.2 Composed State Machines A composed state machine can be considered as the product of multiple state machines. It is itself a state machine with the dynamic behavior of its constituents. As such, it would react and generate output as a result of being stimulated by events specified for the respective state machines. Based on the above definition of a finite state machine, the structure of a composed state machine can be defined as follows: ?2, s02, sf2) be two state machines and S1 ? . The composed state machine C = A#B has the following formal definition: connections between A and B} matching events from T1 and T2} ?' is generated from ?1 and ?2 with the state machine composition schema For example, a global state for A#B is defined as a two-tuple (s1, s2), where s1 is a state of A and s2 is a state of B. These two states are referred to as part states. Initial state and final states of A#B are element and subset of this product. The possible transition annotations are composed from the union of T1 and T2 and new COMMunication transitions that result from the matching transitions. Excluded are the transitions that describe possible matches. Either COMMunication transitions are created from them or they are omitted, because no communication is possible. 3.2.3 Composition Method A basic approach for composing two state machines is to generate the product state machine by applying generative multiplication rules for states and transitions. This leads to a large overhead, because many unreachable states are produced that have to be removed in later steps. The resulting product uses more resources than necessary as well as more computation time for generation and minimization. Instead, our approach incorporates an incremental composition and reduction algorithm that uses reachability computations. A global behavioral model is created stepwise. Beginning with the global initial state, all reachable states and all transitions in between are computed. Every state of the composed state machine is evaluated only once. Due to the reachability algorithm, the intermediate data structures are at no time larger than the result of one composition step. States and transitions within the composed state machines that are redundant in terms of external observation are removed. By applying the reduction algorithm using heuristic rules, it is possible to detect redundancies and to reduce the size of a composed state machine before the next composition step. Defined subsystems are processed independently sequentially. For each subsystem, the composition algorithm is applied. The inputs for the composition algorithm are data structures representing the normalized communicating state machines of the specified components within the current subsystem. The connection structure between these components is part of these data structures. The order of the composition steps determines the size and complexity of the result for the next step and therefore the effectiveness of the whole algorithm. The worst case for intermediate composition products is a composition of two components with no interaction. The maximum possible number of states and transitions created in this case resembles the product of two state machines. It is therefore important to select the most suitable component for the next composition step. The minimal requirement for the selected component is to have a common interface with the other component. This means that at least one connection exists to the existing previously calculated composed state machine. A better strategy with respect to minimizing the size of intermediate results is to select the state machine with the highest relative number of communication relationships or interaction points. A suitable selection norm is the ratio of possible communication transitions to all transitions in a state machine. The component with the highest ratio exposes the most extensive interface to the existing state machine and should be selected. Table Computing Successor States and Transitions This incremental composition and reduction method also specifies a composition schema. For every combination of outgoing transitions of the part states, a decision table (shown in Table 1) is used to compute the new transitions for the composed state machine. If a new transition leads to a global state that is not part of the existing structure of the composed state machine, it is added to an unmarked list. The transition is added to the global model. Exceptions exist, when part states are marked as intermediate. Every reachable global state is processed and every possible new global transition is inserted into the composed state machine. The algorithm terminates when no unmarked states remain. This means that every reachable global state was inserted into the model and later processed. The schema we used was based on a composition schema developed by Sabnani et al. [16]. We enhanced it to include extensions for connections, communication transitions, and intermediate states. We are assuming throughout this composition process that the individual as well as composed state machines have deterministic behavior. We also ensure that the execution order of all component actions is sequential. This is important as we then wish to use the global model to create test cases that are dependent on a certain flow of events and actions; we want to generate linear and sequential test cases for a given subsystem. 3.2.4 Complexity Analysis As we are composing the product of two state machines, the worst case complexity would be O(n2) assuming n is the number of states in a state machine. However, our approach often does much better than this due to the application of the heuristic reduction rules that can help to minimize the overall size of the global model during composition and maintain its observational equivalence [11]. Typically, the reduction algorithm being used has linear complexity with respect to the number of states [16]. For example, it was reported that the algorithm was applied to a complex communication protocol (ISDN Q.931), where it was shown that instead of generating over 60,000 intermediate states during composition, the reduction algorithm kept the size of the model to approximately 1,000 intermediate states. Similar results were reported during use of the algorithm with other systems. The algorithm typically resulted in a reduction in the number of intermediate states by one to two orders of magnitude. 3.2.5 Example Taking the normalized state machine of the Transmitter component in Figure 4 and the Timer component in Figure 3, the composition algorithm needs to perform only one iteration to generate the global behavioral model in Figure 5. A global initial state Idle_Stopped is created using the initial states of the two state machines. This state is added to the list of unmarked states. The composition schema is now applied for every state within this list to generate new global states and transitions until the list is empty. The reachability algorithm creates a global state machine comprising six states and seven transitions. Three COMMunication transitions are generated, which are identified by a hash mark in the transition label showing the communication connection and event. The example shows the application of the decision table. In the first global state, Idle_Stopped, part state Idle has an outgoing receive transition to PrepareSend using an external connection. Part state Stopped has also an outgoing receive transition to Running with a connection to the other component. According to the Decision Rule #4 of the table, the transition with the external connection is inserted into the composed state machine and the other transition is ignored. The new global receive transition leads to the global state PrepareSend_Stop. For the next step, both part states include transitions, which use internal connections. They communicate via the same connection timing and the same event - these are matching transitions. According to Decision Rule #1 of the table, a communication transition is included in the composed state machine that leads to the global state TimerOn_Running. These rules are applied repeatedly until all global states are covered. _tuser?msg ^_timing#cancel _timing#start TimerOn_Running ^_timing#timeout MessageSent_Running _txport?ack _timer?extTimeout GotAck_Running MessageSent_Timeout Figure 5: Global Behavioral Model for the TransmitterTimer Subsystem 4. Test Generation and Execution In the preceding sections, we discussed our approach to modeling individual or collections of components using UML Statecharts, and establishing a global behavioral model of the composed Statecharts. In this section, we show how this model can be used as the basis for automatic test generation and execution during unit and integration testing. 4.1 Unit and Integration Testing After designing and coding each software component, developers perform unit testing to ensure that each component correctly implements its design and is ready to be integrated into a system of components. This type of testing is performed in isolation from other components and relies heavily on the design and implementation of test drivers and test stubs. New test drivers and stubs have to be developed to validate each of the components in the system. After unit testing is concluded, the individual components are collated, integrated into the system, and validated again using yet another set of test drivers. At each level of testing, a new set of custom test drivers is required to stimulate the components. While each component may have behaved correctly during unit testing, it may not do so when interacting with other components. Therefore, the objective of integration testing is to ensure that all components interact and interface correctly with each other, that is, have no interface mismatches. This is commonly referred to as bottom-up integration testing. Our approach aims at minimizing the testing costs, time and effort associated with initially developing customized test drivers, test stubs, and test cases as well as repeatedly adapting and rerunning them for regression testing purposes at each level of integration. 4.2 Test Generation Before proceeding with a description of the test generation and execution steps, we would like to emphasize the following: Our approach generates a set of conformance tests. These test cases ensure the compliance of the design specification with the resulting implementation. ? It is assumed that the implementation behaves in a deterministic and externally controllable way. Otherwise, the generated test cases may produce incorrect results. 4.2.1 Category-Partition Method For test generation, we use the Test Development Environment (TDE), a product developed at Siemens Corporate Research [1]. TDE processes a test design written in the Test Specification Language (TSL). This language is based on the category-partition method, which identifies behavioral equivalence classes within the structure of a system under test. A category or partition is defined by specifying all possible data choices that it can represent. Such choices can be either data values or references to other categories or partitions, or a combination of both. The data values may be string literals representing fragments of test scripts, code, or case definitions, which later can form the contents of a test case. A TSL test design is now created from the global behavioral model by mapping its states and transitions to TSL categories or partitions, and choices. States are the equivalence classes and are therefore represented by partitions. Each transition from the state is represented as a choice of the category/partition. Only partitions are used for equivalence class definitions, because paths through the state machine are not limited to certain outgoing transitions for a state; this would be the case when using a category. Each transition defines a choice for the current state, combining a test data string (the send and receive event annotations) and a reference to the next state. A final state defines a choice with an empty test data string. 4.2.2 Generation Procedure A recursive, directed graph is built by TDE that has a root category/partition and contains all the different paths of choices to plain data choices. This graph may contain cycles depending on the choice definitions and is equivalent to the graph of the global state machine. A test frame, that is, test case is one instance of the initial data category or partition, that is, one possible path from the root to a leaf of the (potentially infinite) reachability tree for the graph. An instantiation of a category or partition is a random selection of a choice from the possible set of choices defined for that category/partition. In the case of a category, the same choice is selected for every instantiation of a test frame. This restricts the branching possibilities of the graph. With a partition, however, a new choice is selected at random with every new instantiation. This allows full branching within the graph and significantly influences test data generation. The contents of a test case consist of all data values associated with the edges along a path in the graph. 4.2.3 Coverage Requirements The TSL language provides two types of coverage requirements: Generative requirements control which test cases are instantiated. If no generative test requirements are defined, no test frames are created. For example, coverage statements can be defined for categories, partitions and choices. Constraining requirements cause TDE to omit certain generated test cases. For example, there are maximum coverage definitions, rule-based constraints for category/partition instantiation combinations, instantiation preconditions and instantiation depth limitations. Such test requirements can be defined globally within a TSL test design or attached to individual categories, partitions or choices. TDE creates test cases in order to satisfy all specified coverage requirements. Input sequences for the subsystem are equivalent to paths within the global behavioral model that represents the subsystem, starting with the initial states. Receive transitions with events from external connections stimulate the subsystem. Send transitions with events to external connections define the resulting output that can be observed by the test execution tool. All communication is performed through events. For unit test purposes, the default coverage criterion is that all transitions within a Statechart must be traversed at least once. For integration testing, only those transitions that involve component interactions are exercised. If a subsystem of components is defined as part of the modeling process, coverage requirements are formulated to ensure that those interfaces, that is, transitions are tested. 4.2.4 Example Figure 6 presents the test case that is derived from the global behavioral model shown in Figure 5. This one test case is sufficient to exercise the interfaces, txport, tuser and timer defined for the components. Each line of this generic test case format represents either an input event or an expected output event. We chose a test case format where the stimulating events and expected responses use the strings SEND and RECEIVE respectively, followed by the connection and event names. Currently, the events have no parameters, but that will be remedied in future work. Figure Test Case for TransmitterTimer Subsystem The Sequence Diagrams for the execution of this test case are shown in Figure 7. Note that the external connection timer has a possible event extTimeout. This event allows a timeout to be triggered without having a real hardware timer available. Receive User msg start data0 msg ackack data0 ackcancel (a) Successful Transmission Receive User msg start data0 msg ack ack extTimeout data0 timeout data0 cancelack (b) Timed Out Transmission Figure 7: Sequence Diagrams for the Example 4.3 Test Execution In this section, we show how the generated test cases can be mapped to the COM/CORBA programming model. We describe how an executable test driver (including stubs) is generated out of such test cases. As seen earlier, a test case consists of a sequence of SEND and RECEIVE events such as the following: The intent of the SEND event is to stimulate the object under test. To do so, the connection _tuser is mapped to an object reference, which is stored in a variable _tuser defined in the test case5. The event msg is mapped to a method call on the object referenced by _tuser. The RECEIVE event represents a response from the object under test, which is received by an appropriate sink object. To do so, the connection _txport is mapped to an object reference that is stored in a variable _txport. The event data0 is mapped to a callback, such that the object under test fires the event by calling back to a sink object identified by the variable _txport. The sink object thus acts as a stub for an object that would implement the txport interface on the next higher layer of software. 5 In the current implementation of TnT, the initialization code that instantiates the Transmitter object and stores the object reference in the variable _tuser has to be written manually. Typically, reactive software components expose an interface that allows interested parties to subscribe for event notification6. Layer X+1 Test Driver :Sink 1. msg() txport _txport Layer X tuser _tuser 2. data0() :Transmitter Figure 8: Interaction with the Object under Test The interactions between the test execution environment and the Transmitter object are shown in Figure 8. The TestDriver calls the method msg() on the Transmitter object referenced through the variable _tuser. The Transmitter object notifies the sink object via its outgoing _txport interface. Test case execution involving RECEIVE events not only requires a comparison of the out-parameters and return values with expected values, but also the evaluation of event patterns. These event patterns specify which events are expected in response to particular stimuli, and when they are expected to respond by. To accomplish this, the sink objects associated with the test cases need to be monitored to see if the required sink methods are invoked. 5. Implementation of TnT The TnT environment was developed at Siemens Corporate Research in order to realize the work described above. This design-based testing environment consists of two tools, our existing test generation tool, TDE with extensions for UML (TDE/UML) and TECS, the test execution tool. Thus, the name - TnT. Our new environment interfaces directly to the UML modeling tools, Rose2000 and Rose Real-Time 6.0, by Rational Software. Figure 9 shows how test case generation can be initiated from within Rational Rose. In this section, we briefly describe our implementation strategy. 5.1 TDE/UML Figure depicts the class diagram for TDE/UML. TDE/UML accesses both Rose applications through Microsoft COM interfaces. In fact, our application implements a COM server, that is, a COM component waiting for events. We implemented TDE/UML in Java using Microsoft's Visual J++ as it can generate Java classes for a given COM interface. Each class and interface of the Rose object model can thus be represented as a Java class; data types are converted and are consistent. The Rose applications export administrative objects as well as model objects, which represent the underlying Rose repository. Rose also provides an extensibility interface (REI) to integrate external tools known as Add-Ins. A new tool, such as TDE/UML can be installed within the Rose application as an Add-In and invoked via the Rose Tool menu. Upon invocation, the current Rose object model is imported including the necessaryIn the current implementation of TnT, the initialization code for instantiating a sink object and registering it with the Transmitter component has to be written manually. Statecharts, processed using the techniques described in previous sections, and the files needed for test generation and test execution generated. Figure 9: Generating Tests from within Rational Rose Figure 10: Class Diagram for TDE/UML 5.2 TECS The Test Environment for Distributed Component-Based Software (TECS) specifically addresses test execution. While the test generation method described in Section 4.2 can only support components communicating synchronously, TECS already supports both synchronous and asynchronous communication7. The test environment is specifically designed for testing COM or CORBA components during unit and integration testing. The current version of TECS supports the testing of COM components. It can be used as part of the TnT environment or as a standalone tool, and includes the following features:With asynchronous communication, a component under test can send response events to a sink object at any time and from any thread. Test Harness Library ? this is a C++ framework that provides the basic infrastructure for creating the executable test drivers. ? Test Case Compiler ? it is used to generate test cases in C++ from a test case definition such as the one illustrated in Figure 6. The generated test cases closely co-operate with the Test Harness Library. A regular C++ compiler is then used to create an executable test driver out of the generated code and the Test Harness Library. The generated test drivers are COM components themselves, exposing the interfaces defined through the TECS environment. used to generate C++ sink classes out of an IDL interface definition file. The generated sink classes also closely co-operate with the Test Harness Library. Test provides the user a means of running test cases interactively through a graphical user interface or in batch mode. The information generated during test execution is written into an XML-based tracefile. The Test Control Center provides different views of this data such as a trace view, an error list, and an execution summary. Further views can easily be defined by writing additional XSL style sheets. 6. Evaluating the Example In this section, we describe an evaluation of our approach using the alternating bit protocol example. As discussed in Section 2, the example comprises of four components, each with its own Statechart and connected using the interfaces depicted in Figure 1. We are currently applying this approach to a set of products within different Siemens business units, but results from our experimentation are not yet available. We are aiming to examine issues such as the fault detection capabilities of our approach. 6.1.1 Component Statistics Table 2 shows the number of states and transitions for the four Statecharts before and after they were imported into TDE/UML and converted into a normalized global model by the composition steps described in Section 3.2. We realize that the size of these components is moderate, but we use them to highlight a number of issues. For the example, the normalized state machine for each component is never more than twice the size of its associated UML Statechart. Table Component Statistics 6.1.2 Defining an Integration Test An important decision for the developer is the choice of an appropriate integration test strategy. Assuming that a bottom-up integration test strategy is to be used, a developer may wish to integrate the Transmitter and Timer components first followed by the Receiver and Comch components. Afterwards, the two subsystems would be grouped together to form the complete system. In this case, only the interface between the two subsystems, txport, would need to be tested. Below, we show the subsystem definitions for the chosen integration test strategy. subsystem TransmitterTimer { components: Transmitter, subsystem ComchReceiver { components: Comch, Receiver; } subsystem ABProtocol { components: Transmitter, Timer, Comch, interface: txport; } 6.1.3 Applying the Composition and Reduction Step The time taken for the import of these four Statecharts as well as the execution time for the composition algorithm was negligible. Table 3 shows the number of states/transitions created during the composition step as well as the values for when the reduction step is not applied. Typically, the reduction algorithm is applied after each composition step. The values in italic show combinations of components with no common interface. The numbers for these combinations are very high as would be expected. Such combinations are generally not used as intermediate steps. The values in bold indicate the number of states/transitions used for the above integration test strategy. The values show how the number of states/transitions can be substantially reduced as in the case of all four components being evaluated together as a complete system. Table 3: Size of Intermediate Results For this example, when composing a model without the intermediate reduction steps and instead reducing it after the last composition step, the same number of states and transitions are reached. The difference, however, lies in the size of the intermediate results and the associated higher execution times. While in this case, the benefit of applying the reduction algorithm were negligible due to the size of the example, theoretically it could lead to a significant difference in execution time. 6.1.4 Generating and Executing the Test Cases The time taken to generate the test cases for all three subsystems in this example took less than five seconds. TDE/UML generated a total of 7 test cases for all three subsystems ? one test case for the subsystem TransmitterTimer, three test cases for subsystem ComchReceiver and three test cases for ABProtocol. In contrast, an integration approach in which all four components were tested at once with the corresponding interfaces resulted in a total of 4 tests. In this case, the incremental integration test strategy resulted in more test cases being generated than the big-bang approach, but smaller integration steps usually result in a more stable system and a higher percentage of detected errors. An examination of the generated test cases shows that they are not free of redundancy or multiple coverage of communication transitions, but they come relatively close to the optimum. 7. Related Work Over the years, there have been numerous papers dedicated to the subject of test data generation [1,3,8,13,17,19,21]. Moreover, a number of tools have been developed for use within academia and the commercial market. These approaches and tools have been based on different functional testing concepts and different input languages, both graphical and textual in nature. However, few received any widespread acceptance from the software development community at large. There are a number of reasons for this. First, many of these methods and tools required a steep learning curve and a mathematical background. Second, the modeling of larger systems beyond single components could not be supported, both theoretically and practically. Third, the design notation, which would be used as a basis for the test design, was often used only in a particular application domain, for example, SDL is used predominantly in the telecommunications and embedded systems domain. However, with the widespread acceptance and use of UML throughout the software development community as well as the availability of suitable tools, this situation may be about to change. Apart from our approach, we know of only one other effort in this area. Offutt et al. [12] present an approach similar to ours in that they generate test cases from UML Statecharts. However, their approach has a different focus in that they examine different coverage requirements and are only able to generate tests for a single component. Furthermore, they do not automate the test execution step in order for developers to automatically generate and execute their tests. In addition, they do not specifically address the problems and issues associated with modeling distributed, component-based systems. 8. Conclusion and Future Work In this paper, we described an approach that aims at minimizing the testing costs, time and effort associated with developing customized test drivers and test cases for validating distributed, component-based systems. To this end, we describe and realize our test generation and test execution technology and integrate it with a UML-based visual modeling tool. We show how this approach supports both the unit and integration testing phases of the component development lifecycle and can be applied to both COM- and CORBA-based systems. We briefly outline our implementation strategy and evaluate the approach using the given example. In the following paragraphs, we focus on some of the issues resulting from this work. Software systems, especially embedded ones, use asynchronous communication mechanisms with message queuing or shared (global) messages instead of the synchronous communication mechanism adopted by our approach. Asynchronous communication is more complex to model, because it requires the modeling of these queued messages and events. Furthermore, communication buffers must be included, when modeling and composing. Dependent on the implementation, the size of the event queue can be limited or not. If not, mechanisms have to be implemented to detect the overflow of queues. When generating test cases for asynchronously communicating systems, the complexity may quickly lead to scalability problems that would need to be examined and addressed in future work. Methods for asynchronously communicating systems are presented in [5,9, 20]. Component interaction is modeled by our approach using an event (message) exchange containing no parameters and values. Future work will result in the modeling of 'parameterized' communication. To achieve this, the model specification must be enhanced with annotations about possible data values and types as well as test requirements for these values. TDE allows test case generation using data variations with samples out of a possible range of parameter values. Pre- and post-conditions can constrain valid data values. These constraints can be checked during test execution, which extends the error detecting possibilities. UML allows users to model Statecharts with hierarchical state machines and concurrent states. While the global behavioral model presented in this paper can model components with nested states and hierarchical state machines, the internal data conditions of these state machines (meaning the global state machine variables) influencing the transition behavior are not supported. Concurrent states are also not supported as yet. In future work, we hope to support the developer with an optimal integration test strategy. By examining the type and extent of the interactions between components, our environment could provide suggestions to the developer as to the order in which components need to be integrated. This could include analyses of the intermediate composition steps as well as an initial graphical depiction of the systems and its interfaces. Such an approach could significantly influence the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the test design. When modeling real-time systems, timing aspects and constraints become essential. In future work, we hope to analyze real-time modeling and testing requirements. For instance, test cases could be annotated with real-time constraints. Assertions or post-conditions within the model could also contain such information which could be checked during test execution. 9. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Tom Murphy, the Head of the Software Engineering Department at Siemens Corporate Research as well as Professor Manfred Broy and Heiko L?tzbeyer at the Technical University, Munich. 10. --R Automatic Generation of Test Scripts from Formal Test Specifications Reinhold Testing Refinements by Refining Tests Distributed Component Systems: The New Computing Model One test case generation from asynchronously communicating state machines Prentice Hall Introduction to Automata Theory The Automatic Generation of Test Data Kang S. Enterprise Java Beans Specification Communication and Concurrency Generating Test Cases from UML Specifications. T: The Automatic Test Case Data Generator The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual Lapone Aleta M. Trace Analysis Component Software. A Case Study in Statistical Testing of Reuseable Concurrent Objects Sahay P. --TR Communicating sequential processes Software testing techniques (2nd ed.) 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Mahesh , Rajesh Subramanyan, Test ready UML statechart models, Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Scenarios and state machines: models, algorithms, and tools, May 27-27, 2006, Shanghai, China G. Friedman , A. Hartman , K. Nagin , T. Shiran, Projected state machine coverage for software testing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.27 n.4, July 2002 Philip Samuel , Rajib Mall , Pratyush Kanth, Automatic test case generation from UML communication diagrams, Information and Software Technology, v.49 n.2, p.158-171, February, 2007
UML statecharts;COM/DCOM;test generation;CORBA;distributed components;test execution;functional testing
Which pointer analysis should I use?.
During the past two decades many different pointer analysis algorithms have been published. Although some descriptions include measurements of the effectiveness of the algorithm, qualitative comparisons among algorithms are difficult because of varying infrastructure, benchmarks, and performance metrics. Without such comparisons it is not only difficult for an implementor to determine which pointer analysis is appropriate for their application, but also for a researcher to know which algorithms should be used as a basis for future advances.This paper describes an empirical comparison of the effectiveness of five pointer analysis algorithms on C programs. The algorithms vary in their use of control flow information (flow-sensitivity) and alias data structure, resulting in worst-case complexity from linear to polynomial. The effectiveness of the analyses is quantified in terms of compile-time precision and efficiency. In addition to measuring the direct effects of pointer analysis, precision is also reported by determining how the information computed by the five pointer analyses affects typical client analyses of pointer information: Mod/Ref analysis, live variable analysis and dead assignment identification, reaching definitions analysis, dependence analysis, and conditional constant propagation and unreachable code identification. Efficiency is reported by measuring analysis time and memory consumption of the pointer analyses and their clients.
INTRODUCTION Programs written in languages with pointers can be troublesome to analyze because the memory location accessed through a pointer is not known by inspecting the statement. To effectively analyze such languages, knowledge of pointer behavior is required. Without such knowledge, conserva- This copy is posted by permission of ACM and may not be redis- tributed. The official citation of this work is Hind, M., and Pioli, A. 2000. Which Pointer Analysis Should I Use? ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis August 22-25, 2000. Copyright 2000 ACM 1-58113-266-2/00/008.$5.00 tive assumptions about memory locations accessed through a pointer must be made. These assumptions can adversely affect the precision and efficiency of any analysis that requires this information, such as a program understanding system, an optimizing compiler, or a testing tool. A pointer analysis is a compile-time analysis that attempts to determine the possible values of a pointer. As such an analysis is, in general, undecidable [16, 28], many approximation algorithms have been developed that provide a trade-off between the efficiency of the analysis and the precision of the computed solution. The worst-case time complexities of these analyses range from linear to exponential. Because such worst-case complexities are often not a true indication of analysis time, many researchers provide empirical results of their algorithms. However, comparisons among results from different researchers can be difficult because of differing program representations, benchmark suites, and preci- sion/efficiency metrics. In this work, we describe a comprehensive study of five widely used pointer analysis algorithms that holds these factors constant, thereby focusing more on the efficacy of the algorithms and less on the manner in which the results were obtained. The main contributions of this paper are the following: ffl empirical results that measure the precision and efficiency of five pointer alias analysis algorithms with varying degrees of flow-sensitivity and alias data struc- tures: Address-taken, Steensgaard [34], Andersen [1], Burke et al. [4, 12], Choi et al. [5, 12]; ffl empirical data on how the pointer analyses solutions affect the precision and efficiency of the following client analyses: Mod/Ref, live variable analysis and dead assignment identification, reaching definition analysis, dependence analysis, and interprocedural conditional constant propagation and unreachable code identification The results show (1) Steensgaard's analysis is significantly more precise than the Address-taken analysis in terms of direct precision and client precision, (2) Andersen's and Burke et al.'s analyses provide the same level of precision and a modest increase in precision over Steensgaard's analysis, (3) the flow-sensitive analysis of Choi et al. offers only a minimal increase in precision over the analyses of Andersen and Burke et al. using a direct metric and little or no precision improvement in client analyses, and (4) increasing the precision of pointer information reduces the client analyses' in- put, resulting in significant improvement in their efficiency. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section describes background for this work and describes how it differs from similar studies. Section 3 provides an overview of the five pointer algorithms. Section 4 summarizes the client analyses. Section 5 describes the empirical study and discusses the results. Section 6 describes related work and Section 7 summarizes the conclusions. 2. BACKGROUND A pointer alias analysis attempts to determine when two pointer expressions refer to the same storage location. For example, if p and q both point to the same storage location, we say \Lambdap and \Lambdaq are aliases, written as h\Lambdap; \Lambdaq i. A points-to analysis attempts to determine what storage location a pointer can point to. This information can then be used to determine the aliases in the program. This works uses the compact representation [5, 12] of alias information, which shares the property of the points-to representation [8], in that it captures the "edge" characteristic of alias relations. 1 For example, if variable a points to b, and b points to c, the compact representation records only the following alias set: cig, from which it can be inferred that h a; ci and h a; \Lambdabi are also aliases. The cost and time when such information is inferred can affect the precision and efficiency of the analysis [22, 12, 20]. Interprocedural data-flow analysis can be classified as flow-sensitive or flow-insensitive, depending on whether control-flow information of a procedure is used during the analysis [23]. By not considering control flow information, and therefore computing a conservative summary, a flow-insensitive analysis can be more efficient, but less precise than a flow-sensitive analysis. In addition to flow-sensitivity, there are several other factors that affect cost/precision trade-offs including Context-sensitivity: Is calling context considered when analyzing a function? Heap modeling: Are objects named by allocation site or is a more sophisticated shape analysis performed? Struct modeling: Are components distinguished or collapsed into one object? Alias representation: Is an explicit alias representation or a points-to/compact representation used? This work holds these factors constant, choosing the most popular and efficient alternatives in each case, so that the results only vary the usage of flow-sensitivity. In particular, all analyses are context-insensitive, name heap objects based on their allocation site, collapse aggregate components, and use the compact/points-to representation. This work differs from previous studies [33, 35, 7, 21] in the following ways: 1 The minor difference between the compact and points-to representations [12] is not relevant to this work. ffl The breadth of pointer algorithms studied; in the only two studies [35, 21] that also include a flow-sensitive analysis, the analysis they study [18] also benefits from being context sensitive and uses a different alias representation (an explicit one) than the (points-to) flow-insensitive analyses it is compared with. ffl The number of client analyses reported; this work is the first to report how reaching definitions, flow de- pendences, and interprocedural constant propagation are affected by the quality of pointer analysis. ffl The reporting of memory usage, which is an important aspect in evaluating the scalability of interprocedural data-flow analyses. 3. POINTER ANALYSES The algorithms we consider, listed in order of increasing precision, are Address-taken: a flow-insensitive algorithm often used in production compilers that records all variables whose addresses have been assigned to another variable. This set includes all heap objects and actual parameters whose addresses are stored in the corresponding for- mal. This analysis is efficient because it is linear in the size of the program and uses a single solution set, but can be very imprecise. Steensgaard [34]: a flow-insensitive algorithm that computes one solution set for the entire program and employs a fast union-find [36] data structure to represent all alias relations. This results in an almost linear time algorithm that makes one pass over the program. Similar algorithms are discussed in [42, 24, 2]. Andersen [1]: an iterative implementation of Andersen's context-insensitive flow-insensitive algorithm, which was originally described using constraint-solving [1]. Although it also uses one solution set for the entire pro- gram, it can be more precise than Steensgaard's algorithm because it does not perform the merging required by the union-find data structure. However, it does require a fixed-point computation over all pointer- related statements that do not produce constant alias relations. Burke et al. [4, 12]: a flow-insensitive algorithm that also iterates over all pointer-related statements in the pro- gram. It differs from Andersen's analysis in that it computes an alias solution for each procedure, requiring iteration within each function in addition to iteration over the functions. A worklist is used in the latter case to improve efficiency. Distinguishing alias sets for each function allows precision-improving enhancements such as using precomputed kill information [4, et al.'s analysis can be more precise than Andersen's analysis because it can filter alias information based on scoping, i.e., formals and locals from provably nonactive functions are not considered. It This particular enhancement never improved precision over the Burke et al.'s analysis studied in this paper [13]. Thus, the enhanced version of Burke et al.'s analysis that uses precomputed kill information is not included in this study. void main() f S5: void f() f void g(T fp) f S9: if (.) Figure 1: Example program may be less efficient because it computes a solution set for each function, rather than one for the whole program. Choi et al. [5, 12]: a flow-sensitive algorithm that computes a solution set for every program point. It associates alias sets with each CFG node in the program and uses worklists for efficiency [13]. All analyses incorporate (optimistic) function pointer analysis during the alias analysis by resolving indirect call sites as the analysis proceeds [8, 4]. In theory, each subsequent analysis is more precise (and costly) than its predecessors. This paper will help quantify not only these characteristics, but also how client analyses are affected by the precision of the pointer analyses. Consider the program in Figure 1, where main calls f and g, and f also calls g. The Address-taken analysis computes only one set of objects that it assumes all pointers may point to: fheapS1 , heapS4 , heapS6 , heapS8 , local, p, qg, all of which will appear to be referenced at S5. Steensgaard's analysis unions two objects that are pointed-to by the same pointer into one object. This leads to the unioning of the points-to sets of these formerly distinct ob- jects. This unioning removes the necessity of iteration from the algorithm. In the example, the formal parameter of g, may point to either p or q, resulting in p and q being unioned into one object. Thus, it appears that they both can point to the heap objects that either can point to: heapS1 , local. At the dereference of S5, these four objects are reported aliased to \Lambdap. Andersen's analysis also keeps one set of aliases that can hold anywhere in the program, but it does not merge objects that have a common pointer point to them. This leads to local being reported as aliased to \Lambdap. Burke et al.'s analysis associates one set with every function, which conservatively represents what may hold at any CFG node in the function, without considering control flow within the function. This distinction allows the removal of objects that are no longer active, such as local in functions main and f. This leads to heapS1 and heapS4 being aliased to \Lambdap at S5. Choi et al.'s analysis associates an alias set before (Inn) and after (Outn ) every CFG node, n. For example, OutS1 because \Lambdap and heapS1 refer to the same storage after S1. Choi et al.'s analysis will compute fh\Lambdap; heapS4ig, which is the precise solution for this simple example. This example illustrates the theoretical precision/efficiency levels of the five analyses we study, from Address-taken (least precise) to Choi et al.'s (most precise). The Address- taken analysis is our most efficient analysis because it is linear and uses only one set. Steensgaard's analysis also uses one set and is almost linear. The other three analyses require iteration, but differ in the amount of information stored from one alias set per program (Andersen), one set per function (Burke et al.), and two per CFG Node (Choi et al. 3 The analyses have been implemented in the NPIC system, an experimental program analysis system written in C++. The system uses multiple and virtual inheritance to provide an extensible framework for data-flow analyses [14, 26]. A prototype version of the IBM VisualAge C++ compiler [15] is used as the front end. The analyzed program is represented as a program call (multi-) graph (PCG), in which a node corresponds to a function, and a directed edge represents a call to the target function. 4 Each function body is represented by a control flow graph (CFG), where each node roughly corresponds to a statement. This graph is used to build a simplified sparse evaluation graph (SEG) [6], which is used by Choi et al.'s analysis in a manner similar to Wilson [39]. As no CFG is available for library functions, a call to a library function is modeled based on the function's semantics with respect to pointer analysis. This hand-coded modeling provides the benefits of context-sensitive analysis of such calls. Library calls that cannot affect the value of a pointer are treated as the identity transfer function for pointer analysis. The implementation also assumes that pointer values will only exist in pointer variables, and that pointer arithmetic does not result in the pointer outside of an array. All string literals are modeled as one object. The implementation handles setjmp/longjmp in a manner similar to Wilson [39]; all calls to setjmp are recorded and used to determine the possible effects of a call to longjmp. To model the values passed as argc and argv to the main function, a dummy main function was added, which called the benchmark's main function, simulating the effects of 3 We have found that performing Choi et al.'s analysis using a SEG (sparse evaluation graph [6]) instead of a CFG reduces the number of alias sets by an average of over 73% and reduces analysis time by an average of 280% [13]. Indirect calls can result in several potential target functions argc and argv. This function also initialized the iob array, used for standard I/O. The added function is similar to the one added by Ruf [29, 30] and Landi et al. [19, 17]. Explicit and implicit initializations of global variables are automatically modeled as assignment statements in the dummy main function. Array initializations are expanded into an assignment for each array component. 4. CLIENT ANALYSES This section summarizes the client analyses used in this study. 4.1 Mod/Ref Analysis Mod/Ref analysis [20] determines what objects may be mod- ified/referenced at each CFG node. This information is subsequently used by other analyses, such as reaching definitions and live variable analysis. This information is computed by first visiting each CFG node and computing what objects are modified or referenced by the node. Pointer dereferences generate a query of the alias information to determine the objects modified. These results (Mod and Ref sets) are summarized for each function and used at call sites to the function. A call site's Mod/Ref set does not include a local of a function that cannot be on the activation stack because its lifetime is not active. The actual parameters at each call site are assumed to be referenced because their value is assigned to the corresponding formal parameter (pass-by-value semantics). The Mod/Ref analysis makes the simplifying assumption that libraries do not modify or reference locations indirectly through a pointer parameter. Fixed-point iteration is employed when the program has PCG cycles. 4.2 Live Variable Analysis Live variable analysis [25] determines what objects may be referenced after a program point without an intervening killing definition. This information is useful for register allo- cation, detecting uninitialized variables, and finding dead assignments. The implementation, a backward analysis, directly uses the Mod/Ref information. It associates two sets of live variables with each CFG node representing what is live before and after execution of the node. Sharing of such sets is performed when a CFG node has only one successor, or when the node acts as an identify function, i.e., it has an empty Mod and Ref set. All named objects in the Ref set of a CFG node become live before that node. A named object is killed at a CFG node if it is definitely assigned (i.e., it is the only element in the Mod set of a noncall node) and represents one runtime object, i.e., it is not an aggregate, a heap object, or a local/formal of a recursive function. The implementation processes each function once, employing a priority-based worklist of CFG nodes for each function. It is optimistic; no named objects are considered live initially, except at the exit node where all nonlocals that are modified in the function are considered to be live. 4.3 Reaching Definitions Analysis Reaching definitions analysis [25] determines what definitions of named objects may reach (in an execution sense) a program point. This information is useful in computing data dependences among statements, an important step for program slicing [37] and code motion. The implementation, a forward analysis, uses Mod/Ref information and associates two sets of reaching definitions with each CFG node. Set sharing is performed as in live variable analysis. All named objects in the Mod set of a CFG node result in new definitions being generated at that node. Definitions are killed as in live variable analysis. Each function is processed once, using a priority-based worklist of CFG nodes for each function. The analysis is optimistic; no definitions are initially considered reaching any point, except for dummy definitions created at the entry node of a function for each parameter or nonlocal that is referenced in the function. 4.4 Interprocedural Constant Propagation The constant propagation client [26] is an optimistic interprocedural algorithm inspired by Wegman and Zadeck's Conditional Constant algorithm [38]. The algorithm tracks values of variables interprocedurally throughout the program and uses this information to simultaneously evaluate conditional branches where possible, thereby determining if a conditional branch will always evaluate to one value. In addition to potentially removing unexecutable code, this analysis can simplify computations and provide useful information for cloning algorithms. Because this analysis was designed to be combined with Choi et al.'s pointer analysis [26, 27], it uses pointer information directly, rather than using the Mod/Ref sets as was done in reaching definitions and live variable analysis. In this work, the constant propagation analysis is simply run after the pointer analysis is completed. Like Choi et al.'s analysis, the constant propagation algorithm uses nested iteration and a SEG. 5 The algorithm extends the traditional lattice of ?, ?, and constant to include Positive, Negative, and NonZero. This can help when analyzing C programs that treat nonzero values as true. 5. RESULTS This study was performed on a 333MHz IBM RS/6000 PowerPC 604e with 512MB RAM and 817MB paging space, running AIX 4.3. The analyses were compiled with IBM's xlC compiler using the "-O3" option. For each benchmark the following are reported for all pointer analyses and clients: precision, analysis time, and the maximum memory usage. Table describes characteristics of the benchmark suite, which contains 23 C programs provided by other researchers [19, 8, 29, 31] and the SPEC benchmark suites. 6 LOC is computed using wc on the source and header files. The column marked "Fcts", the number of user-defined func- tions, includes the dummy main function, created to simu- 5 However, the SEG benefits are not as dramatic; most CFG nodes are "interesting" to constant propagation, and thus, the efficiency is typically worse than Choi et al.'s analysis. 6 The large number of CFG nodes for 129.compress results from the explicit creation of assignment statements for implicit array initialization. Some programs had to be syntactically modified to satisfy C++'s stricter type-checking semantics. A few program names are different than those reported in [29]. Namely, ks was referred to as part, and ft as span [30]. Also, the SPEC CINT92 program 052.alvinn was named backprop in Todd Austin's benchmark suite [3]. Table 1: Static Characteristics of Benchmark Suite. Ptr-Asg CFG Nodes Name Source LOC Nodes Fcts Pct allroots Landi 227 159 7 1.3% 01.qbsort McCat 325 170 8 24.1% 06.matx McCat 350 245 7 13.5% 15.trie McCat 358 167 13 23.4% 04.bisect McCat 463 175 9 9.7% fixoutput PROLANGS 477 299 6 4.4% 17.bintr McCat 496 193 17 8.8% anagram Austin 650 346 ks Austin 782 526 14 27.4% 05.eks McCat 1,202 677 08.main McCat 1,206 793 41 20.9% 09.vor McCat 1,406 857 52 28.6% loader Landi 1,539 691 129.compress SPEC95 1,934 17,012 25 0.2% football Landi 2,354 2,854 58 1.8% compiler Landi 2,360 1,767 40 5.1% assembler Landi 3,446 1,845 52 16.6% simulator Landi 4,639 2,929 111 6.3% flex PROLANGS 7,659 7,107 88 5.2% late command-line argument passing. The column marked "Ptr-Asg Nodes Pct" reports the percentage of CFG nodes that are considered pointer-assignment nodes, i.e., the number of assignment nodes where the left side variable involved in the pointer expression is declared to be a pointer. 5.1 Pointer Analysis Precision The most direct way to measure the precision of a pointer analysis is to record the number of objects aliased to a pointer expression appearing in the program. Using this metric, Andersen's and Burke et al.'s analyses provide the same level of precision for all benchmarks, suggesting that alias relations involving formals or locals from provably non-active functions do not occur in this benchmark suite. Because all client analyses use the alias solution computed by these analysis as their input, there is, likewise, no precision difference in these clients. For this reason, we group these two analysis together in the precision data. The efficiency results of Section 5.6 distinguish these analyses. A pointer expression with multiple dereferences, such as \Lambdap, is counted as multiple dereference expressions, one for each dereference. The intermediate dereferences (\Lambdap and are counted as reads. The last dereference ( \Lambdap) is counted as a read or write depending on the context of the expression. Statements such as (\Lambdap)++ and \Lambdap += increment are treated as both a read and a write of \Lambdap. A pointer is considered to be dereferenced if the variable is declared as a pointer or an array formal parameter, and one or more of the " ", "-?", or "[ ]" operators are used with that variable. Formal parameter arrays are included because their corresponding actual parameter(s) could be a pointer. We do not count the use of the "[ ]" operator on arrays that are not formal parameters because the resulting "pointer" (the array name) is constant, and therefore, counting it may skew results. The left half of Table 2 reports the average size of the Mod and Ref sets for expressions containing a pointer dereference for each benchmark and the average of all benchmarks. 7 This table, and the rest in this paper, use "-" to signify a value that is the same as in the previous column. For example, the Ptr-Mod for allroots is the same for Choi et al.'s analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses. The results show 1. a substantial difference between the Address-taken analysis and Steensgaard's analysis: (i) an average of 30.26 vs. 4.03 and an improvement in all benchmarks that assigned through a pointer for Ptr-Mod, and (ii) an average of 30.70 vs. 4.87 and an improvement in all benchmarks for Ptr-Ref; 2. a measurable difference between Steensgaard's analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses: (i) an average of 4.03 vs. 2.06 and an improvement in 15 of the 22 benchmarks that assign through a pointer for Ptr-Mod, (ii) and an average 4.87 vs. 2.35 and an improvement in 13 of the 23 benchmarks for Ptr-Ref; 3. little difference between Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses and Choi et al.'s analysis: (i) an average of 2.06 vs. 2.02 and an improvement in 5 of the 22 benchmarks that assign through a pointer for Ptr-Mod, and (ii) 2.35 vs. 2.29 and an improvement in 5 of the 23 benchmarks for Ptr-Ref. In summary, varying degrees of increased precision can be gained by using a more precise analysis. However, as more precise algorithms are used, the improvement diminishes. 5.2 Mod/Ref Precision The right half of Table 2 reports the average Mod/Ref set size for all CFG nodes. This captures how the pointer analysis affects Mod/Ref analysis, which serves as input to many other analyses. The results show 1. a substantial difference between the Address-taken analysis and Steensgaard's analysis: (i) an average of 2.50 vs. 1.04 and an improvement in 22 of 23 benchmarks for Mod, and (ii) 4.48 vs. 1.75 and an improvement in all 23 benchmarks for Ref; 2. a measurable difference between Steensgaard's analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses: (i) an average of 1.04 vs.87 and an improvement in 13 of 23 benchmarks for Mod, and (ii) 1.75 vs. 1.54 and an improvement in 11 of 23 benchmarks for Ref; 3. little difference between Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses and Choi et al.'s analysis: (i) an average of .871 vs.867 and an improvement in 3 of 23 benchmarks for both Mod; and (ii) an average of 1.540 vs. 1.536 and an improvement in 4 of 23 benchmarks for Ref. 7 The modeling of potentially many runtime objects with one representative object may seem more precise when compared to a model that uses more names [29, 20]. For example, if the heap was modeled as one object, all heap-directed pointers would be "resolved" to one object in Table 2. Table 2: Mod and Ref at pointer dereferences and all CFG nodes. No assignments through a pointer occur in compiler. et al. Ptr Mod Ptr Ref Mod Ref Name AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch allroots 3 2.00 1.00 - 3 2.00 1.38 - .88 .85 .83 - 1.77 1.58 1.52 - 04.bisect 14 1.15 - 14 1.00 - 2.57 .58 - 3.92 1.57 - anagram ks 17 1.90 1.86 1.62 17 1.79 - 1.74 1.70 .56 .55 .53 3.76 1.35 - 1.34 05.eks 09.vor 19 1.85 1.35 1.32 19 1.92 1.68 1.60 2.04 .63 .62 - 7.91 1.40 1.34 - loader 129.compress 13 1.40 1.07 - 13 2.26 1.11 - 1.68 .80 .78 - 1.66 1.29 1.28 - football compiler assembler 87 1.24 2.21 - 87 15.14 2.11 - 1.21 1.88 .87 - 15.07 4.09 1.47 - simulator 87 3.16 2.05 - 87 3.95 1.86 - 6.82 .62 .57 - 8.21 1.21 1.06 - flex 56 5.37 1.78 - 56 5.09 2.03 2.01 5.97 1.60 1.18 - 1.55 3.89 3.44 3.43 Average 30.26 4.03 2.06 2.02 30.70 4.87 2.35 2.29 2.50 1.04 0.871 0.867 4.48 1.75 1.540 1.536 Once again varying degrees of increased precision can be gained by using a more precise analysis. However, the improvements are not as dramatic as in the previous metric, resulting in minimal precision gain from the flow-sensitive analysis. 5.3 Live Variable Analysis and Dead Assignment The first set of four columns in Table 3 reports precision results for live variable analysis. For each benchmark we list the average number of live variables at each CFG node and the average of these averages. Live variable information is used to find assignments to variables that are never used, i.e., a dead assignments. The second set of four columns gives the number of CFG nodes that are dead assignments. The results show 1. a substantial difference between the Address-taken analysis and Steensgaard's analysis for live variables - on average 34.24 vs. 20.13 and an improvement in all benchmarks - but no difference for finding dead assignments 2. a significant difference between Steensgaard's analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses for live variables - an average of 20.13 vs. 18.36 and an improvement in 13 of 23 benchmarks - but less of a difference for finding dead assignments: an average of 1.91 vs. 1.96 and an improvement in only 1 of 23 benchmarks. 3. a small difference between Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses and Choi et al.'s analysis for live variables - an average of 18.36 vs. 18.30 and an improvement in 3 of benchmarks - but no difference for finding dead assignments. In summary, more precise pointer analyses improved the precision of live variable analysis, but Choi et al.'s analysis provided only minimal improvement. In contrast, dead assignments identification was hardly affected by using different pointer analyses. 5.4 Reaching Definitions andFlowDependences The third set of four columns in Table 3 reports precision results for reaching definitions analysis. For each benchmark we list the average number of definitions that reach a CFG node. The last set of four columns reports the average number of unique flow dependences between two CFG nodes per function. This metric captures reaching definitions that are used at a CFG node, but counts dependences between the same two nodes only once. Thus, if a set of variables are potentially defined at one node and potentially used at another node, only one dependence is counted because only one such dependence is needed to prohibit code motion of the two nodes or to be part of a slice. The results show 1. a significant difference between the Address-taken analysis and Steensgaard's analysis: (i) an average of 36.39 vs. 22.04 and an improvement in all 23 benchmarks for reaching definitions, and (ii) an average of 52.51 vs. 44.24 and an improvement in 21 of 23 benchmarks for flow dependences; 2. a measurable difference between Steensgaard's analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses: (i) an aver- Table 3: Live variables, dead assignments, reaching definitions, and flow dependences. Avg live variables at a Node Total dead assignments Avg reaching defs at a node Avg flow deps per function Name AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch allroots 04.bisect fixoutput anagram ks 05.eks 08.main 09.vor 20.33 6.96 6.85 - 2 - 23.68 7.35 7.26 - 34.92 26.52 26.20 - loader 50.16 21.76 129.compress compiler 43.73 43.70 - assembler 82.24 37.36 20.75 simulator Average 34.24 20.13 18.36 age of 22.04 vs. 20.21 and an improvement in 12 of 23 benchmarks for reaching definitions, and (ii) an average of 44.24 vs. 43.84 and an improvement in 9 of 23 benchmarks for flow dependences; 3. a negligible difference between Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses and Choi et al.'s analysis for reaching definitions - an average of 20.21 vs. 20.16 and an improvement in 5 of 23 benchmarks - but no difference in flow dependences for any benchmark. In summary, each successively more precise analysis results in an improvement of precision of reaching definitions, but this improvement is diminished when flow dependences are computed. In particular, there is no gain in flow dependences precision using Choi et al.'s analysis over Ander- sen/Burke et al.'s analyses and only minor improvements in using Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses over Steensgaard's analysis. Constant Propagation and Unexecutable Code Detection The constant propagation precision results are shown in Table 4. After the benchmark name the first four columns give the number of complete expressions found to be constant. This metric does not count subexpressions such as "b" in =b+c;". The next four columns report the number of unexecutable nodes found by the analysis. The results show 1. a significant difference between the Address-taken analysis and Steensgaard's analysis: (i) an average of 7.8 vs. 10.6 constants found, but an improvement in only 3 of 22 benchmarks, and (ii) an average of 3.2 vs. 25.3 unexecutable nodes detected, but an improvement in only 2 of 22 benchmarks; Table 4: Constants and unexecutable CFG nodes found. gaard's, ``A/B''= Andersen/Burke et al., Choi et al. 099.go is not included because it exhausts the 200MB heap size. Constants Unexecutable Nodes Name AT St A/B Ch AT St A/B Ch allroots 04.bisect ks 05.eks 08.main 36 - loader 129.compress 34 - 5 - compiler assembler simulator flex Average 7.8 10.6 10.7 - 3.2 25.3 25.4 - 2. a negligible difference between Steensgaard's analysis and Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses: (i) an average of 10.6 vs. 10.7 constants found, an improvement in only 1 of 22 benchmarks, and (ii) an average of 25.3 vs. 25.4 unexecutable nodes detected, an improvement in only 1 of 22 benchmarks; 3. no difference between Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses and Choi et al.'s analysis in terms of constants found and unexecutable nodes detected. In summary, constant propagation and unexecutable code detection does not seem to benefit much from increasing precision beyond Steensgaard's analysis. 5.6 Efficiency The efficiency of an algorithm can vary greatly depending on the implementation [13] and therefore, care must be taken when drawing conclusions regarding efficiency. For example, F-ahndrich et al. [9] have demonstrated that the efficiency of a constraint solving implementation of Andersen's algorithm can be improved by orders of magnitude, without a loss of precision, using partial online cycle detection and inductive form. Table 5 presents the analysis time in seconds of five individual runs for each benchmark. The runs differ only in the pointer analysis used. The times are given for the pointer analysis, the total time for all client analyses, and the sum of these two values. The time reported does not include the time to build the PCG and CFGs, but does include any analysis-specific preprocessing, such as the building of the SEG from the CFG in Choi et al.'s analysis. The last line gives the average for each column expressed as a ratio of the Address-taken analysis for each category: pointer analysis, clients, and total. For example, the average pointer analysis time of Andersen's analysis is 29.60 times that of the average pointer analysis time of the Address-taken analysis, but the average of the client analyses using this information is .84 times the average of the same client analyses using the alias information from the Address-taken analysis. The results show 1. the Address-taken and Steensgaard's analyses are very fast; in all benchmarks these analyses completed in less than a second; 2. the flow-insensitive analyses of Andersen and Burke et al. are significantly slower (approximately than the Address-taken and Steensgaard's analyses; 3. the flow-sensitive analysis of Choi et al.'s is on average times slower than the Address-taken analysis and about 2.5 times slower than the Andersen/Burke et al.'s analyses; 4. the client analyses improved in efficiency as the pointer information was made more precise because the input size to these client analysis is smaller. On average this reduction outweighed the initial costs of the pointer analysis for Steensgaard, Andersen, and Burke et al.'s analyses compared to the Address-taken analysis, and brought the total time of the flow-sensitive analysis of Choi et al.'s to within 9% of the total time of the Address-taken analysis. Table 6 reports the high-water mark of memory usage during the various analyses as reported by the "ps v" command under AIX 4.3. As before, the amounts are given for the pointer analysis, the total memory for all client analyses, and the sum of these two values. The last line gives the average for each column expressed as a ratio of the Address- taken analysis for each category: pointer analysis, clients, and total. The results show 1. the memory consumption of the Address-taken and Steensgaard's analyses are similar; 2. the memory consumption of the flow-sensitive analysis of Choi et al. can be over 6 times larger than any of the other pointer analysis (flex), and on average uses 12 times more memory than the Address-taken analysis; 3. once again, the memory usage of the client analyses improves as the precision of pointer information increases; on average the clients using the information produced by Choi et al.'s analysis used the least amount of memory, which was enough to overcome the twelve-fold increase in pointer analysis memory consumption over the Address-taken analysis. 6. RELATED WORK Because of space constraints we limit this section to other comparative studies of pointer analyses. A more thorough treatment of related work can be found in [12, 20, 39]. Ruf [29] presents an empirical study of two algorithms: a flow-sensitive algorithm similar to Choi et al. and a context-sensitive version of the same algorithm. The context-sensitive algorithm did not improve precision at pointer dereferences, but Ruf cautioned that this may be a characteristic of the benchmark suite. Shapiro and Horwitz [32] present an empirical comparison of four flow-insensitive algorithms: Address-taken, Steens- gaard, Andersen, and a fourth algorithm [33] that can be parameterized between Steensgaard's and Andersen's analysis. The authors measure the precision of these analyses using procedure-level Mod, live and truly live variables analyses, and an interprocedural slicing algorithm. Their results suggest that a more precise analysis will improve the precision and efficiency of its clients, but leave as an open question whether a flow-sensitive analysis will follow this pattern. Landi et al. [20, 35] report precision results for the computation of the interprocedural Mod problem using the flow-sensitive context-sensitive analysis of Landi and Ryder [18]. They compare this analysis with an analysis [42] that is similar to Steensgaard's analysis. They found that the more precise analysis provided improved precision, but exhausted memory on some programs that the less precise analysis was able to process. Emami et al. [8] report precision results for a flow-sensitive context-sensitive algorithm. Ghiya and Hendren [11] empir- Table 5: Analysis Time in Seconds Pointer Analysis Clients Total Name AT ST An Bu Ch AT ST An Bu Ch AT ST An Bu Ch allroots 04.bisect ks 05.eks loader 129.compress compiler assembler simulator flex Ratio to AT 1.00 0.90 29.60 32.92 79.49 1.00 0.81 0.84 0.71 0.69 1.00 0.82 0.98 0.87 1.09 Table Memory Usage in MBs Pointer Analysis Clients Total Name AT ST An Bu Ch AT ST An Bu Ch AT ST An Bu Ch allroots 04.bisect 1.01 0.61 2.25 0.00 0.50 0.89 0.91 0.55 0.66 0.60 1.90 1.52 2.80 0.66 1.10 fixoutput anagram 0.50 0.28 1.62 0.04 0.25 1.15 1.10 0.91 0.96 1.37 1.65 1.38 2.53 1.00 1.62 ks 0.26 0.31 2.39 0.42 1.63 2.79 2.38 2.36 2.31 2.86 3.05 2.69 4.75 2.73 4.49 05.eks 0.00 0.10 2.04 0.18 0.75 2.13 1.86 1.69 1.72 1.66 2.13 1.96 3.73 1.90 2.41 08.main 0.19 0.00 3.39 0.76 2.72 2.66 1.89 1.47 1.43 1.42 2.85 1.89 4.86 2.19 4.14 loader 129.compress compiler 0.61 1.22 4.20 1.05 2.19 14.60 15.03 14.11 13.80 13.72 15.21 16.25 18.31 14.85 15.91 assembler simulator Ratio to AT 1.00 1.15 8.52 3.15 12.19 1.00 0.81 0.77 0.71 0.70 1.00 0.82 0.89 0.74 0.87 ically demonstrate how a version of points-to [8] and connection analyses [10] can improve traditional transformations, array dependence testing, and program understanding. Wilson and Lam [40, 39] present a context-sensitive algorithm that avoids redundant analyses of functions for similar calling contexts. The algorithm distinguishes structure components and handles pointer arithmetic. Wilson [39] compares various levels of context-sensitivity and describes how dependence analysis uses the computed information to parallelize loops in two SPEC benchmarks. Diwan et al. [7] examine the effectiveness of three type-based flow-insensitive analyses for a type-safe language (Modula- 3). The first two algorithms rely on type declarations. The third considers assignments in a manner similar to Steens- gaard's analysis, but retains declared type information. They evaluate the effect of these algorithms on redundant load elimination using statical, dynamic, and upper bound met- rics. They conclude that for type-safe languages such as Modula-3 or Java, a fast and simple type-based analysis may be sufficient. In an earlier paper [13], we describe an empirical comparison of four context-insensitive pointer algorithms: three described in this paper (Choi et al., Burke et al., Address- taken) and a flow-insensitive algorithm that uses precomputed kill information [4, 12]. No alias analysis clients are studied. The paper also quantifies analysis-time speed-up of various implementation techniques for Choi et al.'s analysis. Yong et al. [41] present a tunable pointer-analysis framework for handling structures in the presence of casting. They provide experimental results from four instances of the frame-work using a flow- and context-insensitive algorithm, which appears to be similar to Andersen's algorithm. Their results show that for this pointer algorithm distinguishing struct components can improve precision where pointers are dereferenced (the metric used in Section 5.1). They do not address how this affects the precision of client analyses or if similar results hold for other pointer analyses. Liang and Harrold [21] describe a context-sensitive flow-insensitive algorithm and empirically compare it to three other algorithms: Steensgaard, Andersen, and Landi and Ryder [18], using Ptr-Mod (Section 5.1), summary edges in a system dependence graph, and average slice size as precision metrics. They demonstrate performance and precision mostly between Andersen's and Steensgaard's algorithms. None of the implementations handles function pointers or setjmp/longjmp. 7. CONCLUSIONS This paper describes an empirical study of the precision and efficiency of five pointer analyses and typical clients of the alias information they compute. The major conclusions are ffl Steensgaard's analysis is significantly more precise than the Address-taken analysis without an appreciable increase in compilation time or memory usage, and therefore should always be preferred over the Address-taken analysis. ffl The flow-insensitive analysis of Andersen and Burke et al. provide the same level of precision. Both analyses offer a modest increase in precision over Steensgaard's analysis. Although this improvement requires additional pointer analysis time, it is typically offset by decreasing the input size (the alias information) and analysis time of subsequent analyses. There is not a clear distinction in analysis time or memory usage between the implementations of these analyses. ffl The use of flow-sensitive pointer analysis (as described in this paper) does not seem justified because it offers only a minimum increase in precision over the analyses of Andersen and Burke et al. using a direct metric (such as ptr-mod/ref) and little or no precision improvement in client analyses. ffl The time and space efficiency of the client analyses improved as the pointer analysis precision increased because the increase in precision reduced the input to these client analysis. 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Vivek Sarkar for his support of this work and NPIC group members who have assisted with the implemen- tation. We also thank Todd Austin, Bill Landi, and Laurie Hendren for making their benchmarks available. We thank Frank Tip, Laureen Treacy, and the anonymous referees for comments on an earlier draft of this work. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9633010, by IBM Research, and by SUNY at New Paltz Research and Creative Project Awards. 9. --R Program Analysis and Specialization for the C Programming Language. Effective whole-program analysis in the pressence of pointers Efficient flow-sensitive interprocedural computation of pointer-induced aliases and side effects Automatic construction of sparse data flow evaluation graphs. Partial online cycle elimination in inclusion constraint graphs. Connection analysis: A practical interprocedural heap analysis for C. Putting pointer analysis to work. Interprocedural pointer alias analysis. Assessing the effects of flow-sensitivity on pointer alias analyses Traveling through Dakota: Experiences with an object-oriented program analysis system The architecture of Montana: An open and extensible programming environment with an incremental C Undecidability of static analysis. Personal communication A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing. Interprocedural modification side effect analysis with pointer aliasing. A schema for interprocedural modification side-effect analysis with pointer aliasing Efficient points-to analysis for whole-program analysis Defining flow sensitivity in data flow problems. Static Analysis for a Software Transformation Tool. Advanced Compiler Design and Imlementation. Conditional pointer aliasing and constant propagation. Combining interprocedural pointer analysis and conditional constant propagation. The undecidability of aliasing. Personal communication The effects of the precision of pointer analysis. Fast and accurate flow-insensitive point-to analysis Comparing flow and context sensitivity on the modifications-side-effects problem Data structures and network flow algorithms. A survey of program slicing techniques. Constant propagation with conditional branches. Efficient Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for C Programs Efficient context-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs Pointer analysis for programs with structures and casting. Program decomposition for pointer aliasing: A step toward practical analyses. --TR Data structures and network algorithms Automatic construction of sparse data flow evaluation graphs Constant propagation with conditional branches A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural aliasing Interprocedural modification side effect analysis with pointer aliasing Efficient flow-sensitive interprocedural computation of pointer-induced aliases and side effects Undecidability of static analysis Pointer-induced aliasing Context-sensitive interprocedural points-to analysis in the presence of function pointers The undecidability of aliasing Efficient context-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs Context-insensitive alias analysis reconsidered Points-to analysis in almost linear time Program decomposition for pointer aliasing Connection analysis Fast and accurate flow-insensitive points-to analysis Putting pointer analysis to work Comparing flow and context sensitivity on the modification-side-effects problem Partial online cycle elimination in inclusion constraint graphs Type-based alias analysis Advanced compiler design and implementation Static analysis for a software transformation tool Effective whole-program analysis in the presence of pointers The architecture of Montana Pointer analysis for programs with structures and casting Efficient points-to analysis for whole-program analysis Interprocedural pointer alias analysis Flow-Insensitive Interprocedural Alias Analysis in the Presence of Pointers The Effects of the Presision of Pointer Analysis Assessing the Effects of Flow-Sensitivity on Pointer Alias Analyses Traveling Through Dakota Efficient, context-sensitive pointer analysis for c programs --CTR Mana Taghdiri , Robert Seater , Daniel Jackson, Lightweight extraction of syntactic specifications, Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, November 05-11, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA Andreas Zeller, Isolating cause-effect chains from computer programs, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.27 n.6, November 2002 Ran Shaham , Elliot K. Kolodner , Mooly Sagiv, Heap profiling for space-efficient Java, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.36 n.5, p.104-113, May 2001 Andreas Zeller, Isolating cause-effect chains from computer programs, Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Foundations of software engineering, November 18-22, 2002, Charleston, South Carolina, USA Jens Krinke, Effects of context on program slicing, Journal of Systems and Software, v.79 n.9, p.1249-1260, September 2006 Ondrej Lhotk, Comparing call graphs, Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, p.37-42, June 13-14, 2007, San Diego, California, USA Markus Mock , Manuvir Das , Craig Chambers , Susan J. Eggers, Dynamic points-to sets: a comparison with static analyses and potential applications in program understanding and optimization, Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, p.66-72, June 2001, Snowbird, Utah, United States Jamieson M. Cobleigh , Lori A. Clarke , Leon J. Osterweil, The right algorithm at the right time: comparing data flow analysis algorithms for finite state verification, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, p.37-46, May 12-19, 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Haifeng He , John Trimble , Somu Perianayagam , Saumya Debray , Gregory Andrews, Code Compaction of an Operating System Kernel, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, p.283-298, March 11-14, 2007 Esther Salam , Mateo Valero, Dynamic memory interval test vs. interprocedural pointer analysis in multimedia applications, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), v.2 n.2, p.199-219, June 2005 Donglin Liang , Maikel Pennings , Mary Jean Harrold, Extending and evaluating flow-insenstitive and context-insensitive points-to analyses for Java, Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, p.73-79, June 2001, Snowbird, Utah, United States David J. Pearce , Paul H. J. Kelly , Chris Hankin, Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C, Proceedings of the ACM-SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering, June 07-08, 2004, Washington DC, USA Donglin Liang , Mary Jean Harrold, Equivalence analysis and its application in improving the efficiency of program slicing, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.11 n.3, p.347-383, July 2002 Thomas Eisenbarth , Rainer Koschke , Gunther Vogel, Static object trace extraction for programs with pointers, Journal of Systems and Software, v.77 n.3, p.263-284, September 2005 Ana Milanova , Atanas Rountev , Barbara G. Ryder, Parameterized object sensitivity for points-to and side-effect analyses for Java, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.27 n.4, July 2002 Brian Hackett , Alex Aiken, How is aliasing used in systems software?, Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, November 05-11, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA Bolei Guo , Matthew J. Bridges , Spyridon Triantafyllis , Guilherme Ottoni , Easwaran Raman , David I. August, Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer Analysis, Proceedings of the international symposium on Code generation and optimization, p.291-302, March 20-23, 2005 Jeff Da Silva , J. Gregory Steffan, A probabilistic pointer analysis for speculative optimizations, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.41 n.11, November 2006 Gregor Snelting , Frank Tip, Understanding class hierarchies using concept analysis, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.22 n.3, p.540-582, May 2000 Charles N. Fischer, Interactive, scalable, declarative program analysis: from prototype to implementation, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN international symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming, July 14-16, 2007, Wroclaw, Poland Ana Milanova , Atanas Rountev , Barbara G. Ryder, Parameterized object sensitivity for points-to analysis for Java, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.14 n.1, p.1-41, January 2005 Jianwen Zhu , Silvian Calman, Symbolic pointer analysis revisited, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.39 n.6, May 2004 Markus Mock , Darren C. Atkinson , Craig Chambers , Susan J. 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Kelly , Chris Hankin, Online Cycle Detection and Difference Propagation: Applications to Pointer Analysis, Software Quality Control, v.12 n.4, p.311-337, December 2004 Baowen Xu , Ju Qian , Xiaofang Zhang , Zhongqiang Wu , Lin Chen, A brief survey of program slicing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.30 n.2, March 2005
interprocedural pointer analysis;data flow analysis
Simplifying failure-inducing input.
Given some test case, a program fails. Which part of the test case is responsible for the particular failure? We show how our delta debugging algorithm generalizes and simplifies some failing input to a minimal test case that produces the failure.In a case study, the Mozilla web browser crashed after 95 user actions. Our prototype implementation automatically simplified the input to 3 relevant user actions. Likewise, it simplified 896~lines of HTML to the single line that caused the failure. The case study required 139 automated test runs, or 35 minutes on a 500 MHz PC.
INTRODUCTION Often people who encounter a bug spend a lot of time investigating which changes to the input file will make the bug go away and which changes will not affect it. - Richard Stallman, Using and Porting GNU CC The Mozilla engineers faced imminent doom. In July 1999, more than 370 open bug reports were stored in the bug data base, ready to be simplified. "Simplifying" meant: turning these bug reports into minimal test cases, where every part of the input would be significant in reproducing the failure. Overwhelmed with work, the engineers sent out the Mozilla BugAThon call for volunteers that would help them process bug reports: For 5 bug reports simpli- fied, a volunteer would be rewarded with an invitation to the launch would earn him a T-shirt signed by the grateful engineers [9]. Decomposing specific bug reports into simple test cases does not only trouble the engineers of Mozilla, Netscape's open source web browser project [8]. The problem arises from generally conflicting issues: A bug report must be as specific as possible, such that the engineer can recreate the context in which the program failed. On the other hand, a test case must be as simple as possible, because a minimal test case implies a most general context. Thus, a minimal test case not only allows for short problem descriptions and valuable problem insights, but it also subsumes several current and future bug reports. The striking thing about test case simplification is that no one so far has thought to automate this task. Several textbooks and guides about debugging are available that tell how to use binary search in order to isolate the problem-based on the assumption that the test is carried out manually, too. With an automated test, however, we can also automate test case simplification. This is what we describe in this paper. Our delta debugging algorithm ddmin is fed with a test case, which it simplifies by successive testing. ddmin stops when a minimal test case is reached, where removing any single input entity would cause the failure to disappear. In general, ddmin requires a time of O(n 2 ) given an input of n en- tities. A well-structured input leads to better performance: in the best case, where a single input entity causes the failure, ddmin requires logarithmic time to find the entity. ddmin can be tailored with language-specific knowledge. We begin with a discussion of the problem and the basic ddmin algorithm. Using a number of real-life failures, we show how the ddmin algorithm detects failure-inducing input and how this test case is isolated and simplified. We close with discussions of related and future work. 2. CONFIGURATIONS AND TESTS Ian Hickson stayed up until 5:40 a.m. and simplified bugs the first night of the BugAThon. Mozilla BugAThon call Let us begin with some basic definitions. First of all, what does a "minimal" test case mean? For every program, there is some smallest possible input that induces a well-defined behavior which does not qualify as a failure. Typically, this is the empty input, or something very close. Here are some examples: . A C compiler accepts an empty translation unit (= an empty C file) as smallest possible input. . When given an empty input, a WWW browser is supposed to produce a defined error message. . When given an empty input file, the L A T E X typesetting system is supposed to produce an error message. It should be noted that the smallest possible input is not necessarily the smallest valid input; even an invalid input is possible as long as the program does not fail. Let us now view a failure-inducing input C as the result of applying a number of changes # 1 , # 2 , . , # n to the minimal possible input. This way, we have a gradual transition from the minimal possible input (= no changes applied) to C (= all changes applied). We deliberately do not give a formal definition of a change here. In general, a # i can stand for any change in the circumstances that influences the execution of the program. In our previous work, for instance, we had modeled # i as changes to the program code [15]. In this paper, we search for failure-inducing circumstances in the program input; hence, a change is any operation that is applied on the input. The only important thing is that applying all changes results in the failure-inducing set C . In the case studies presented in this paper, we have always chosen changes as a lexical decomposition of the failure-inducing input. That is, each # i stands for a lexical entity that can be present (the change is applied) or not (the change is not applied). As an ex- ample, consider a minimal possible input which is empty, and a failure-inducing input consisting of n lines of text. Each change # i would add the i -th line to the empty input, such that applying all changes results in the full set of lines. Modeling changes as lexical decomposition is the easiest approach, but the model can easily extend to other notions of changes. Still treating changes as given entities, let us now formally define tests and test cases. We can describe any test case between the minimal possible input and C as a configuration of changes: (Test case) Let be a set of changes # i . A change set c # C is called a test case. 1 A test case is constructed by applying changes to the minimal possible input: possible input) An empty test case is called the minimal possible input. We do not impose any constraints on how changes may be com- bined; in particular, we do not assume that changes are ordered. In the worst case, there are 2 n possible test cases for n changes. To determine whether a test case induces a failure, we assume a testing function. According to the POSIX 1003.3 standard for testing frameworks [5], we distinguish three outcomes: 1 The definitions in this section are adapted from our previous work [15]. See Section 8 for a discussion. . The test succeeds (PASS, written here as . The test has produced the failure it was intended to capture here as . The test produced indeterminate results (UNRESOLVED, written here as ). 2 Definition 3 (Test) The function test # {8, 4, } determines for a test case c # C whether some given failure occurs (8) or not (4) or whether the test is unresolved ( ). In practice, test would construct the test case by applying the given changes to the minimal possible input, feed the test case to a program and return the outcome. Let us now model our initial scenario. We have some minimal possible input that works fine and some test case that fails: Axiom 4 (Failing test case) The following holds: . . ("failing test case"). Our goal is now to simplify the failing test case C-that is, to minimize it. A test case c being "minimal" means that no subset of c causes the test to fail. Formally: Definition 5 (Minimal test case) A test case c # C is minimal if holds. This is what we want: minimizing a test case C such that all parts are significant in producing the failure-nothing can be removed without making the failure disappear. 3. MINIMALITY OF TEST CASES A simplified test case means the simplest possible web page that still reproduces the bug. If you remove any more characters from the file of the simplified test case, you no longer see the bug. Mozilla BugAThon call How can one actually determine a minimal test case? Here comes bad news. Let there be some test case c consisting of |c| changes (characters, lines, functions inserted) to the minimal input. Relying on test alone to determine minimality requires testing all 2 |c| - 1 true subsets of c, which obviously has exponential complexity. 3 What we can determine, however, is an approximation-for in- stance, a test case where every part on its own is still significant in producing the failure, but we do not check whether removing several parts at once might make the test case even smaller. For- mally, we define this property as 1-minimality, where n-minimality is defined as: lists UNTESTED and UNSUPPORTED outcomes, which are of no relevance here. 3 To be precise, Axiom 4 tells us the result of test(#), such that only subsets need to be tested, but this does not help much. Minimizing Debugging Algorithm The minimizing delta debugging algorithm ddmin(c) is ("reduce to subset") ("reduce to complement") c otherwise ("done"). c such that # c are pairwise disjoint, #c i (|c i | # |c|/n), as well as The recursion invariant (and thus precondition) for ddmin 2 is Figure 1: Minimizing delta debugging algorithm Definition 6 (n-minimal test case) A test case c # C is n-minimal if holds. A failing test case c composed of |c| lines would thus be 1-minimal if removing any single line would cause the failure to disappear; likewise, it would be 3-minimal if removing any combination of three or less lines would make it work again. If c is |c|-minimal, then c is minimal in the sense of Definition 5. Definition 6 gives a first idea of what we should be aiming at. How- ever, given, say, a 100,000 line test case, we cannot simply remove each individual line in order to minimize it. Thus, we need an effective algorithm to reduce our test case efficiently. 4. A MINIMIZING ALGORITHM Proceed by binary search. Throw away half the input and see if the output is still wrong; if not, go back to the previous state and discard the other half of the input. Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming What do humans do in order to minimize test cases? They use binary search. If c contains only one change, then c is minimal by definition. Otherwise, we partition c into two subsets c 1 and c 2 with similar size and test each of them. This gives us three possible outcomes: Reduce to c 1 . The test of c 1 fails-c 1 is a smaller test case. Reduce to c 2 . The test of c 2 fails-c 2 is a smaller test case. Ignorance. Both tests pass, or are unresolved-neither c 1 nor c 2 qualify as possible simplifications. In the first two cases, we can simply continue the search in the failing subset, as illustrated in Table 1. Each line of the diagram shows a configuration. A number i stands for an included change # i ; a dot stands for an excluded change. Change 7 is the minimal failing test case-and it is isolated in just a few steps. Given sufficient knowledge about the nature of our input, we can certainly partition any test case into two subsets such that at least one of them fails the test. But what if this knowledge is insufficient, or not present at all? Let us begin with the worst case: after splitting up c into subsets, all tests pass or are unresolved-ignorance is complete. All we know is that c as a whole is failing. How do we increase our chances of getting a failing subset? . By testing larger subsets of C , we increase the chances that the test fails-the difference from C is smaller. On the other hand, a smaller difference means a slower progression-the test case is not halved, but reduced by a smaller amount. . By testing smaller subsets of C , we get a faster progression in case the test fails. On the other hand, the chances that the test fails are smaller. These specific methods can be combined by partitioning c into a larger number of subsets and testing each (small) c i as well as its (large) complement c i -until each subset contains only one change, which gives us the best chance to get a failing test case. The disad- vantage, of course, is that more subsets means more testing. This is what can happen. Let n be the number of subsets c 1 , . , c n . Testing each c i and its complement possible outcomes (Figure 1): Reduce to subset. If testing any c i fails, then c i is a smaller test case. Continue reducing c i with subsets. Configuration test . 7 . Table 1: Quick minimization of test cases Configuration test Testing c 1 , c 2 Increase granularity Testing c 1 , . , c 4 Testing complements Reduce to test carried out in an earlier step Testing complements Reduce to Increase granularity Testing c 1 , . , c 4 c 1 . 2 . 7 8 Testing complements Reduce to 22 c 1 1 . # Testing c 1 , . , c 3 Testing complements 26 Table 2: Minimizing a test case with increasing granularity This reduction rule results in a classical "divide and conquer" approach. If one can identify a smaller part of the test case that is failure-inducing on its own, then this rule helps in narrowing down the test case efficiently. Reduce to complement. If testing any c i is a smaller test case. Continue reducing Why do we continue with n - 1 and not two subsets here? Because splitting subsets means that the subsets of c i are identical to the subsets c i of c-in other words, every subset of c eventually gets tested. If we continued with two subsets from, say, would have to work our way down with . , but only with would the next subset of c be tested. Increase granularity. Otherwise (that is, no test failed), try again with 2n subsets. (Should 2n > |c| hold, try again with |c| subsets instead, each containing one change.) This results in at most twice as many tests, but increases chances for failure. The process is repeated until granularity can no longer be increased (that is, the next n would be larger than |c|). In this case, we have already tried removing every single change individually without further failures: the resulting change set is minimal. As an example, consider Table 2, where the minimal test case consists of the changes 1, 7, and 8. Any test case that includes only a subset of these changes results in an unresolved test outcome; a test case that includes none of these changes passes the test. We begin with partitioning the total set of changes in two halves- but none of them passes the test. We continue with granularity increased to 4 subsets (Step 3-6). When testing the complements, the set removing changes 3 and 4. We continue with splitting c 2 in three subsets. The next three tests (Steps 9-11) have already been carried out and need not be repeated (marked with # ). When testing can be eliminated. We increase granularity to 4 subsets and test each (Steps 16-19), before the last complement eliminates change 2. Only changes 1, 7, and 8 remain; Steps 25-27 show that none of these changes can be eliminated. To minimize this test case, a total of 19 different tests was required. We close with some formal properties of ddmin. First, ddmin eventually returns a 1-minimal test case: Proposition 7 (ddmin minimizes) For any c # C , ddmin(c) is 1- minimal in the sense of definition 6. PROOF. According to the ddmin definition (Figure 1), ddmin(c) returns c only if n # |c| and test( all subsets of c # c with |c| - |c # are in { c n } and test( the condition of definition 6 applies and c is 1-minimal. In the worst case, ddmin takes 3|c| Proposition 8 (ddmin complexity, worst case) The number of tests carried out by ddmin(c) is 3|c| in the worst case. PROOF. The worst case can be divided in two phases: First, every test is inconsistent until testing only the last complement results in a failure until holds. . In the first phase, every test is inconsistent. This results in a re-invocation of ddmin 2 with a doubled number of subsets, 1. The number of tests to be carried out is . In the second phase, the worst case is testing the last complement c n fails, and ddmin 2 is re-invoked with ddmin 2 ( 1). This results in |c| - 1 calls of ddmin, with two tests per call, or 2(|c| - The overall number of tests is thus 4|c|+|c| 2 In practice, however, it is unlikely that an n-character input requires tests. The "divide and conquer" rule of ddmin takes care of quickly narrowing down failure-inducing parts of the input: Proposition 9 (ddmin complexity, best case) If there is only one failure-inducing change # i # c, and all test cases that include # i cause a failure as well, then the number of tests t is limited by PROOF. Under the given conditions, # i must always be in either c 1 or c 2 , whose test will fail. Thus, the overall complexity is that of a binary search. Whether this "best case" efficiency applies depends on our ability to break down the input into smaller chunks that result in determined (or better: failing) test outcomes. Consequently, the more knowledge about the structure of the input we have, the better we can identify possibly failure-inducing subsets, and the better is the overall performance of ddmin. The surprising thing, however, is that even with no knowledge about the input structure at all, the ddmin algorithm has sufficient per- formance-at least in the case studies we have examined. This is illustrated in the following three sections. 5. CASE STUDY: GCC GETS A FATAL SIGNAL None of us has time to study a large program to figure out how it would work if compiled correctly, much less which line of it was compiled wrong. - Richard Stallman, Using and Porting GNU CC Let us now turn to some real-life input. The C program in Figure not only demonstrates some particular nasty aspects of the language, it also causes the GNU C compiler (GCC) to crash-at least, when using version 2.95.2 on Intel-Linux with optimization enabled. Before crashing, GCC grabs all available memory for its stack, such that other processes may run out of resources and die. 4 The latter can be prevented by limiting the stack memory available to GCC, but the effect remains: 4 The authors deny any liability for damage caused by repeating this experiment. #define SIZE 20 double mult(double z[], int n) { int i , for { return z[n]; void copy(double to[], double from[], int count) { int switch (count % do { case 0: case 7: case case 5: case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1: } while (-n > 0); return mult(to, 2); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double x[SIZE], y[SIZE]; double while (px < x return copy(y, x , SIZE); Figure 2: The bug.c program that crashes GNU CC gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11 The GCC error message (and the resulting core dump) help GCC maintainers only; as ordinary users, we must now narrow down the failure-inducing input in bug.c-and minimize bug.c in order to file in a bug report. In the case of GCC, the minimal test input is the empty input. For the sake of simplicity, we modeled a change as the insertion of a single character. This means that . each change c i becomes the i -th character of bug.c . C becomes the entire failure-inducing input bug.c . partitioning C means partitioning the input into parts. was made to exploit syntactic or semantic knowledge about C programs; consequently, we expected a large number input size tests executed tcmin log bug.c Figure 3: Minimizing GCC input bug.c of test cases to be invalid C programs. To minimize bug.c, we implemented the ddmin algorithm of Figure 1 into our WYNOT prototype 5 . The test procedure would create the appropriate subset of bug.c, feed it to GCC, return 8 iff GCC had crashed, and 4 otherwise. The results of this WYNOT run are shown in Figure 3. After the first two tests, WYNOT has already reduced the input size from 755 characters to 377 and 188 characters, respectively-the test case now only contains the mult function. Reducing mult, how- ever, takes time: only after 731 more tests (and 34 seconds) 6 do we get a test case that can not be minimized any further. Only 77 characters are left: t(double z[],int n){int i , 0);}return z[n];} This test case is 1-minimal-no single character can be removed without removing the failure. Even every single superfluous white-space has been removed, and the function name has shrunk from mult to a single t . (At least, we now know that neither whitespace nor function name were failure-inducing!) Figure 4 shows an excerpt from the bug.c test log. (The character indicates an omitted character with regard to the minimized in- put.) We see how the ddmin algorithm tries to remove every single change (= character) in order to minimize the input even further- but every test results in a syntactically invalid program. t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j t(double z[],int n){int i, j Figure 4: Excerpt from the bug.c test log As GCC users, we can now file this in as a minimal bug report. But where in GCC does the failure actually occur? We already know "Worked Yesterday, NOt Today" 6 All times were measured on a Linux PC with a 500 MHz Pentium III processor. The time given is the CPU user time of our WYNOT prototype as measured by the UNIX kernel; it includes all spawned child processes (such as the GCC run in this example).100 1 options tests executed tcmin log GCC Options Figure 5: Minimizing GCC options that the failure is associated with optimization. Could it be possible to influence optimization in a way that the failure disappears? The GCC documentation lists 31 options that can be used to influence optimization on Linux, shown in Table 3. It turns out that applying all of these options causes the failure to disappear: -fno-defer-pop .-fstrict-aliasing bug.c This means that some option(s) in the list prevent the failure. We can use test case minimization in order to find the preventing op- tion(s). This time, each c i stands for a GCC option from Table 3. Since we want to find an option that prevents the failure, the test outcome is inverted: test returns 4 if GCC crashes and 8 if GCC works fine. This WYNOT run is a straight-forward "divide and conquer" search, shown in Figure 5. After 7 tests (and less than a second), the single option -ffast-math is found which prevents the failure: Unfortunately, the -ffast-math option is a bad candidate for working around the failure, because it may alter the semantics of the program. We remove -ffast-math from the list of options and make another WYNOT run. Again after 7 tests, it turns out the option -fforce-addr also prevents the failure: -ffloat-store -fno-default-inline -fno-defer-pop -fforce-mem -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-inline -finline-functions -fkeep-inline-functions -fkeep-static-consts -fno-function-cse -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fthread-jumps -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -fgcse -fexpensive-optimizations -fschedule-insns -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcaller-saves -funroll-loops -funroll-all-loops -fmove-all-movables -freduce-all-givs -fno-peephole -fstrict-aliasing Table 3: GCC optimization options input size tests executed tcmin log flex t16 Figure Minimizing FLEX fuzz input Are there any other options that prevent the failure? Running GCC with the remaining 29 options shows that the failure is still there; so it seems we have identified all failure-preventing options. And this is what we can send to the GCC maintainers: 1. The minimal test case 2. "The failure occurs only with optimization." 3. "-ffast-math and -fforce-addr prevent the failure." Still, we cannot identify a place in the GCC code that causes the problem. On the other hand, we have identified as many failure circumstances as we can. In practice, program maintainers can easily enhance their automated regression test suites such that the failure circumstances are automatically simplified for any failing test case. 6. CASE STUDY: MINIMIZING FUZZ If you understand the context in which a problem occurs, you're more likely to solve the problem completely rather than only one aspect of it. Steve McConnell, Code Complete In a classical experiment [6, 7], Bart Miller and his team examined the robustness of UNIX utilities and services by sending them fuzz input-a large number of random characters. The studies showed that, in the worst case, 40% of the basic programs crashed or went into infinite loops when being fed with fuzz input. We wanted to know how well the ddmin algorithm performs in minimizing the fuzz input sequences. We examined a subset of the UNIX utilities listed in Miller's paper: NROFF (format documents for display), TROFF (format documents for typesetter), FLEX (fast lexical analyzer generator), CRTPLOT (graphics filter for various plotters), UL (underlining filter), and UNITS (convert quantities). We set up 16 different fuzz inputs, differing in size (10 3 to 10 6 characters) and content (whether all characters or only printable characters were included, and whether NUL characters were included or not). As shown in Table 4, Miller's results still apply-at least on Sun's Solaris 2.6 operating system: out of test runs, the utilities crashed 42 times (43%).1010001000000 5 input size tests executed tcmin log crtplot test t16 Figure 7: Minimizing CRTPLOT fuzz input We applied our WYNOT tool in all 42 cases to minimize the failure- inducing fuzz input. Table 5 shows the resulting input sizes; Table 6 lists the number of tests required. 7 Depending on the crash cause, the programs could be partitioned into two groups: . The first group of programs shows obvious buffer overrun problems. - FLEX, the most robust utility, crashes on sequences of 2,121 or more non-newline and non-NUL characters UL crashes on sequences of 516 or more printable non- newline characters (t 5 -t 8 , t 13 -t UNITS crashes on sequences of 77 or more 8-bit characters Figure 6 shows the first 500 tests of the WYNOT run for FLEX and t 16 . After 494 tests, the remaining size of 2,122 characters is already close to the final size; however, it takes more than 10,000 further tests to eliminate one more character. . The second group of programs appears vulnerable to random commands. - NROFF and TROFF crash # on malformed commands like "\\DJ%0F" 8 # on 8-bit input such as "\302\n" (TROFF, CRTPLOT crashes on the one-letter inputs "t" The WYNOT run for CRTPLOT and t 16 is shown in Figure 7. It takes 24 tests to minimize the fuzz input of 10 6 characters to the single failure-inducing character. Again, all test runs can be (and have been) entirely automated. This allows for massive automated stochastic testing, where programs are fed with fuzz input in order to reveal defects. As soon as a failure is detected, input minimization can generalize the large fuzz input to a minimal bug report. Table 6 also includes repeated tests which have been carried out in earlier steps. On the average, the number of actual (non-repeated) tests is 30% smaller. 8 All input is shown in C string notation. test passed (4), 8 Table 4: Test outcomes of UNIX utilities subjected to fuzz input Name Character range all printable all printable NUL characters yes yes no no Table 5: Size of minimized failure-inducing fuzz input 7. CASE STUDY: MOZILLA CANNOT PRINT When you've cut away as much HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as you can, and cutting away any more causes the bug to disappear, you're done. Mozilla BugAThon call As a last case study, we wanted simplify a real-world Mozilla test case and thus contribute to the Mozilla BugAThon. A search in Bugzilla, the Mozilla bug database, shows us bug #24735, reported by Ok the following operations cause mozilla to crash consistently on my machine # Go to Select search for bug # Print to file setting the bottom and right margins to .50 use the file /var/tmp/ Once it's done printing do the exact same thing again on the same file (/var/tmp/ # This causes the browser to crash with a segfault In this case, the Mozilla input consists of two items: The sequence of input events-that is, the succession of mouse motions, pressed keys, and clicked buttons-and the HTML code of the erroneous WWW page. We used the XLAB capture/replay tool [13] to run Mozilla while capturing all user actions and logging them to a file. We could easily reproduce the error, creating an XLAB log with 711 recorded X events. Our WYNOT tool would now use XLAB to replay the log and feed Mozilla with the recorded user actions, thus automating Mozilla execution. In a first run, we wanted to know whether all actions in the bug report were actually necessary. We thus subjected the log to test case minimization, in order to find a failure-inducing minimum of user actions. Out of the 711 X events, only 95 were related to user actions-that is, moving the mouse pointer, pressing or releasing the mouse button, and pressing or releasing a key on the keyboard. These 95 user actions were subjected to minimization. The results of this run are shown in Figure 9. After 82 test runs (or out of 95 user actions are left: 1. Press the P key while the Alt modifier key is held. (Invoke the Print dialog.) 2. Press mouse button 1 on the Print button without a modifier. (Arm the Print button.) 3. Release mouse button 1. (Start printing.) User actions removed include moving the mouse pointer, selecting the Print to file option, altering the default file name, setting the print margins to .50, and releasing the P key before clicking on Print-all this is irrelevant in producing the failure. 9 Since the user actions can hardly be further generalized, we turn our attention to another input source-the failure-inducing HTML code. The original Search for bug page has a length of 39094 characters or 896 lines. In order to minimize the HTML code, we chose a hierarchical In a first run, we wanted to minimize the number of lines (that is, each c i was identified with a line); in a later run, we wanted to minimize the failure-inducing line(s) according to single characters. 9 It is relevant, though, that the mouse button be pressed before it is released. Table Number of required test runs101000 number of lines tests executed tcmin log query.html Figure 8: Minimizing Mozilla HTML input The results of the lines run are shown in Figure 8. After 57 test runs, the ddmin algorithm minimizes the original 896 lines to a 1- line input: This is the HTML input which causes Mozilla to crash when being printed. As in the GCC example of Section 5, the actual failure- inducing input is very small. Further minimization 10 reveals that the attributes of the SELECT tag are not relevant for reproducing the failure, either, such that the single input already suffices for reproducing the failure. Overall, we obtain the following self-contained minimized bug report: # Create a HTML page containing " " # Load the page and print it using Alt+P and Print. # The browser crashes with a segmentation fault. As long as the bug reports can be reproduced, this minimization procedure can easily be repeated automatically with the 5595 other bugs listed in the Bugzilla database 11 . All one needs is a HTML input, a sequence of user actions, an observable failure-and a little time to let the computer simplify the failure-inducing input. This minimization was done by hand. We apologize. 11 as of 14 Feb 2000, number of X-events tests executed tcmin log MN events removed Figure 9: Minimizing Mozilla user actions 8. RELATED WORK When you have two competing theories which make exactly the same predictions, the one that is simpler is the better. As stated in the introduction, we are unaware of any other technique that would automatically simplify test cases to determine failure- inducing input. One important exception is the simplification of test cases which have been artificially produced. In [11], Don Slutz describes how to stress-test databases with generated SQL state- ments. After a failure has been produced, the test cases had to be simplified-after all, a failing 1,000-line SQL statement would not be taken seriously by the database vendor, but a 3-line statement would. This simplification was realized simply by undoing the earlier production steps and testing whether the failure still occurred, In general, delta debugging determines circumstances that are relevant for producing a failure (in our case, parts of the program in- put.) In the field of automated debugging, such failure-inducing circumstances have almost exclusively been understood as failure- inducing statements during a program execution. The most significant method to determine statements relevant for a failure is program slicing-either the static form obtained by program analysis [14, 12] or the dynamic form applied to a specific run of the program [1, 3]. The strength of analysis is that several potential failure causes can be eliminated due to lack of data or control dependency. This does not suffice, though, to check whether the remaining potential causes are relevant or not for producing a given failure. Only by experiment (that is, testing) can we prove that some circumstance is relevant-by showing that there is some alteration of the circumstance that makes the failure disappear. When it comes to concrete failures, program analysis and testing are complementary: analysis disproves causality, and testing proves it. It would be nice to see how far systematic testing and program analysis could work together and whether delta debugging could be used to determine failure-inducing statements as well. Just as determining which parts of the input were relevant in producing the failure, debugging could determine the failure-relevant statements in the program. Critical slicing [2] is a related approach which is test-based like delta debugging; additional data flow analysis is used to eliminate circumstantial positives. The ddmin algorithm presented in this paper is an alternative to the original delta debugging algorithm dd + presented in [15]. Like takes a set of changes and minimizes it according to a given test; in [15], these changes affected the program code and were obtained by comparing two program versions. The main differences between ddmin and dd are: . dd + determines the minimal difference between a failing and a non-failing configuration, while ddmin minimizes the difference between a failing and an empty configuration. . dd + is not well-suited for failures induced by a large combination of changes. In particular, dd + does not guarantee a 1-minimal subset, which is why it is not suited for minimizing test cases. . dd assumes monotony: that is, whenever then holds for every subset of c as well. This assumption, which was found to be useful for changes to program code, gave dd + a better performance when most tests produced determinate results. We recommend ddmin as a general replacement for dd + . To exploit monotony in ddmin, one can make test(c) return 4 whenever a superset of c has already passed the test. 9. FUTURE WORK If you get all the way up to the group-signed T-Shirt, you can qualify for a stuffed animal as well by doing 12 more. Mozilla BugAThon call Our future work will concentrate on the following topics: Domain-specific simplification methods. Knowledge about the input structure can very much enhance the performance of the ddmin algorithm. For instance, valid program inputs are frequently described by grammars; it would be nice to rely on such grammars in order to exclude syntactically invalid input right from the start. Also, with a formal input descrip- tion, one could replace input by smaller alternate input rather than simply cutting it away. In the GCC example, one could try to replace arithmetic expressions by constants, or program blocks by no-ops; HTML input could be reduced according to HTML structure rules. Optimization. In general, the abstract description of the ddmin algorithm leaves a lot of flexibility in the actual implementation and thus provides "hooks" for several domain-specific optimizations: . The implementation can choose how to partition c into subsets c i . This is the place where knowledge about the structure of the input comes in handy. . The implementation can choose which subset to test first. Some subsets may be more likely to cause a failure than others. . The implementation can choose whether and how to handle multiple independent failure-inducing inputs- that is, the case where there are several subsets c i with Options include - to continue with the first failing subset, - to continue with the smallest failing one, or - to simplify each individual failing subset. Our implementation currently goes for the first failing subset only and thus reports only one subset. The reason is economy: it is wiser to fix the first failure before checking for further similar failures. Program analysis. So far, we have treated all tested programs as black boxes, not referring to source code at all. However, there are several program analysis methods available that can help in relating input to a specific failure, or that can simply tell us which parts of the input are related (and can thus be changed in one run) and which others not. A simple dynamic slice of the failing test case can tell us which input actually influenced the program and which input never did. The combination of input-centered and execution-centered debugging methods remains to be explored. Maximizing passing test cases. Right now, ddmin makes no distinction between passing and unresolved tests. There are several settings, however, where such a distinction may be use- ful, and where we could minimize the difference between a passing and a failing test-not only by minimizing the failure- inducing input, but also by maximizing the passing input. We expect that such a two-folded approach pinpoints the failure faster and more precisely. Other failure-inducing circumstances. Changing the input of the program is only one means to influence its execution. As stated in Section 2, a # i can stand for any change in the circumstances that influences the execution of the program. We will thus research whether delta debugging is applicable to further failure-inducing circumstances such as executed statements, control predicates or thread schedules. 10. CONCLUSION Debugging is still, as it was a matter of trial and error. Henry Lieberman, The Debugging Scandal We have shown how the ddmin algorithm simplifies failure-inducing input, based on an automated testing procedure. The method can be (and has been) applied in a number of settings, finding failure- inducing parts in the program invocation (GCC options), in the program input (GCC, Fuzz, and Mozilla input), or in the sequence of user interactions (Mozilla user actions). We recommend that automated test case simplification be an integrated part of automated testing. Each time a test fails, delta de-bugging could be used to simplify the circumstances of the fail- ure. Given sufficient testing resources and a reasonable choice of changes # i that influence the program execution, the ddmin algorithm presented in this paper provides a simplification that is straight-forward and easy to implement. In practice, testing and debugging typically come in pairs. How- ever, in debugging research, testing has played a very minor role. This is surprising, because re-testing a program under changed circumstances is a common debugging approach. Delta debugging does nothing but to automate this process. Eventually, we expect that several debugging tasks can in fact be stated as search and minimization problems, based on automated testing-and thus be solved automatically. More details on the case studies listed in this paper can be found in [4]. Further information on delta debugging, including the full WYNOT implementation, is available at . Acknowledgements . Mirko Streckenbach provided helpful insights on UNIX internals. Tom Truscott pointed us to the GCC error. Holger Cleve, Jens Krinke and Gregor Snelting provided valuable comments on earlier revisions of this paper. Special thanks go to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. 11. --R Dynamic program slicing. Critical slicing for software fault localization. Minimierung fehlerverursachender Eingaben. An empirical study of the reliability of UNIX utilities. Fuzz revisted: A re-examination of the reliability of UNIX utilities and services Mozilla web site. Mozilla web site: The Gecko BugAThon. Massive stochastic testing of SQL. A survey of program slicing techniques. Programmers use slices when debugging. --TR Dynamic program slicing An empirical study of the reliability of UNIX utilities Critical slicing for software fault localization Foundations of software engineering Yesterday, my program worked. Today, it does not. Why? An efficient relevant slicing method for debugging Programmers use slices when debugging Massive Stochastic Testing of SQL --CTR Simon Carter , Malcolm Graham , Paul Strooper , Zhiguo Yuan, Mutation analysis to verify feature matrices for isolating errors in simulation models, Proceedings of the twenty-sixth Australasian conference on Computer science: research and practice in information technology, p.29-34, February 01, 2003, Adelaide, Australia Zhang , Neelam Gupta , Rajiv Gupta, Locating faults through automated predicate switching, Proceeding of the 28th international conference on Software engineering, May 20-28, 2006, Shanghai, China Zhang , Haifeng He , Neelam Gupta , Rajiv Gupta, Experimental evaluation of using dynamic slices for fault location, Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on Automated analysis-driven debugging, p.33-42, September 19-21, 2005, Monterey, California, USA Andy Podgurski , David Leon , Patrick Francis , Wes Masri , Melinda Minch , Jiayang Sun , Bin Wang, Automated support for classifying software failure reports, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 03-10, 2003, Portland, Oregon Kai-hui Chang , V. Bertacco , I. L. Markov, Simulation-based bug trace minimization with BMC-based refinement, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/ACM International conference on Computer-aided design, p.1045-1051, November 06-10, 2005, San Jose, CA Zhang , Neelam Gupta , Rajiv Gupta, A study of effectiveness of dynamic slicing in locating real faults, Empirical Software Engineering, v.12 n.2, p.143-160, April 2007 Zhang , Neelam Gupta , Rajiv Gupta, Pruning dynamic slices with confidence, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.41 n.6, June 2006 Gregg Rothermel , Sebastian Elbaum , Alexey Malishevsky , Praveen Kallakuri , Brian Davia, The impact of test suite granularity on the cost-effectiveness of regression testing, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 19-25, 2002, Orlando, Florida Zhang , Neelam Gupta , Rajiv Gupta, Locating faulty code by multiple points slicing, SoftwarePractice & Experience, v.37 n.9, p.935-961, July 2007 Testing malware detectors, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, v.29 n.4, July 2004 Mark Last , Menahem Friedman , Abraham Kandel, The data mining approach to automated software testing, Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, August 24-27, 2003, Washington, D.C. Sebastian Elbaum , Hui Nee Chin , Matthew B. Dwyer , Jonathan Dokulil, Carving differential unit test cases from system test cases, Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, November 05-11, 2006, Portland, Oregon, USA Gregg Rothermel , Sebastian Elbaum , Alexey G. Malishevsky , Praveen Kallakuri , Xuemei Qiu, On test suite composition and cost-effective regression testing, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), v.13 n.3, p.277-331, July 2004
automated debugging;combinatorial testing
Improving the precision of INCA by preventing spurious cycles.
The Inequality Necessary Condition Analyzer (INCA) is a finite-state verification tool that has been able to check properties of some very large concurrent systems. INCA checks a property of a concurrent system by generating a system of inequalities that must have integer solutions if the property can be violated. There may, however, be integer solutions to the inequalities that do not correspond to an execution violating the property. INCA thus accepts the possibility of an inconclusive result in exchange for greater tractability. We describe here a method for eliminating one of the two main sources of these inconclusive results.
INTRODUCTION Finite-state verication tools deduce properties of nite- state models of computer systems. They can be used to check such properties as freedom from deadlock, mutually exclusive use of a resource, and eventual response to a re- quest. If the model represents all the executions of a system (perhaps by making use of some abstraction), a nite-state verication tool can take into account all the executions of Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9708184. The views, ndings, and conclusions presented here are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the ocial policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the National Science Foundation, or the U.S. Government. the system. Moreover, nite-state verication tools can be applied at any stage of system development at which an appropriate model can be constructed. Such tools thus represent an important complement to testing, especially for concurrent systems where nondeterministic behavior can lead to very dierent executions arising from the same input data. The main obstacle to nite-state verication of concurrent systems is the state explosion problem: the number of states a concurrent system can reach is, in general, exponential in the number of concurrent processes in the system. This problem confronts the analyst immediately|even for small systems, the number of reachable states can be large enough so that a straightforward approach that examines each state is completely infeasible|and complexity results tell us that there is no way to avoid it completely. Every method for nite-state verication of concurrent systems must pay some price, in accuracy or range of application, for practicality. The Inequality Necessary Conditions Analyser (INCA) is a nite-state verication tool that has been used to check properties of some systems with very large state spaces. The INCA approach is to formulate a set of necessary conditions for the existence of an execution of the program that violates the property. If the conditions are inconsistent, no execution can violate the property. If the conditions are consistent, the analysis is inconclusive; since the conditions are necessary but not su-cient, it may still be the case that no execution of the program can violate the property. INCA thus accepts the possibility of an inconclusive result in exchange for greater tractability. There are two main sources of inconclusive results. In this paper, we show how one of these, caused by cycles in nite state automata representing the components of the concurrent system, can be eliminated at what seems to be only moderate cost. In the next section, we describe the INCA approach. Section 3 explains our technique for improving INCA's preci- sion, and the fourth section presents some preliminary data on its application. The nal section summarizes the paper and discusses other issues related to the precision of INCA. 2. INCA A complete discussion of the INCA approach, along with a careful analysis of its expressive power, is contained in [8]. In this paper, we will use a small (and quite contrived) example to sketch the basic INCA approach and show how certain cycles in the automata corresponding to the components of a concurrent system can lead to imprecision in the INCA analysis. We refer readers who want more detail to [8]. 2.1 Basic Approach The basic INCA approach is to regard a concurrent system as a collection of communicating nite state automata Transitions between states in these FSAs correspond to events in an execution of the system. INCA treats each FSA as a network with ow, and regards each occurrence of a transition from state s to state t, corresponding to an event e, as a unit of ow from node s to node t. The sequence of transitions in a particular FSA corresponding to events in a segment of an execution of the system thus represents a ow from one state of the FSA to another. To check a property of a concurrent system using INCA, an analyst species the ways that an execution might violate the property in terms of a sequence of segments of an exe- cution. Suppose that an analyst wants to show that event b can never be preceded by event a in any execution of the system. A violation of this property is an execution in which a occurs and then b occurs. In INCA this could be specied as a single segment running from the start of the execution until the occurrence of a b, with the requirement that an a occur somewhere in the segment. (It could also be specied as a sequence of two segments, the rst running from the start of the execution until an occurrence of an a, and the second starting immediately after the rst and ending with a b. The former specication is generally more e-cient, but the latter may provide additional precision in some cases. See Section 2.2.) INCA provides a query language allowing the analyst to specify various aspects of the segments (called \intervals" in the INCA query language) of execution. By generating the equations describing ow within each FSA (requiring that the ow into a node equal the ow out) according to the specied sequence of segments of a system execution, and adding equations and inequalities relating certain transitions in dierent FSAs according to the semantics of communication in the system, INCA produces a system of equations and inequalities. Any execution that satises the analyst's specication (and therefore violates the property being checked) corresponds to an integer solution of this system of equations and inequalities. INCA then uses standard integer linear programming (ILP) methods to determine whether there is an integer solution. If no integer solution exists, no execution can violate the property, and the property holds for all executions of the concurrent sys- tem. If there is an integer solution, however, we do not know that the property can be violated. The system of equations and inequalities represents only necessary conditions for the existence of an execution violating the property, and it is possible for a solution to exist that does not correspond to a real execution. To see more concretely how this works, consider the Ada program shown in Figure 1. This program describes three concurrent processes (tasks). Task t1 begins by rendezvous- ing with task t2 at the entry c. It then enters a loop. At the select statement, t1 nondeterministically chooses to rendezvous with t2 at entry a or with t3 at entry b, if both are ready to communicate at the appropriate entries. If t1 ac- package simple is task t1 is task t2 is entry a; end t2; entry b; entry c; task t3 is package body simple is task body t1 is task body t2 is begin begin accept c; t1.c; loop loop select t1.a; accept a; end loop; loop end t2; select accept a; or accept c; exit; task body t3 is or end t3; accept b; loop accept a; Figure 1: A small example cepts a communication from t2 at entry a, it then enters a loop in which it accepts rendezvous at entry a until it accepts one at entry c. If t1 instead accepts a communication from t3 at entry b, it then tries forever to repeatedly rendezvous with t2 at entry a. Figure 2 shows the FSAs constructed by INCA for this pro- gram. The states and transitions are numbered for reference. Each transition in this example represents the occurrence of a rendezvous between two tasks; in the gure, each transition is labeled with the entry at which the corresponding rendezvous takes place. Suppose that we wish to check that an occurrence of a rendezvous at entry b cannot be preceded by a rendezvous at entry a. As described earlier, we may specify the violation as a segment of an execution running from the start of execution until the occurrence of a rendezvous at b and containing a rendezvous at a. The ow equations for each task will then describe the possible ows from the initial state of the task to one of the states in which that task could be at the end of the segment. Since the segment ends with a rendezvous at the entry b, represented by the transition numbered 2 in the FSA corresponding to task t1 and the transition numbered 9 in the FSA corresponding to task t3, we know that the FSA t1 must be in state 3 and the FSA t3 must be in state 8 at the end of the segment. Our ow equations for t1 therefore describe ow starting in state 1 and ending in state 3, while the ow equations for t3 describe ow starting in state 7 and ending in state 8. For t2, the fact that a rendezvous at a occurs in the segment implies that that FSA must be in state 6 at the end of the segment, so the ow equations for t2 describe ow from state 5 to state 6. To produce these ow equations, let x i be a variable measur- a c a a a Figure 2: FSAs for example ing the ow along the transition numbered i. At each state, we generate an equation setting the ow in equal to the ow out. We must, however, take into account the implicit ow of 1 into the initial state of each FSA and the implicit ow of 1 out of the end state of the ow. Thus, for example, the equation for state 1 is since the ow in is 1 because state 1 is the initial state and the only ow out is on transition 1. Similarly, the equation for state 8 is since the only ow in is on transition 9 and there is implicit ow out of 1 since the ow in this FSA ends in state 8. To complete the system of equations and inequalities, we must add equations to re ect the fact that the two tasks participating in a rendezvous must agree on the number of times it occurs. For instance, we need the equation saying that the number of occurrences of the rendezvous at entry a in the FSA for t1 is the same as in the FSA for t2. We also need an inequality to express the requirement that there is at least one occurrence of a rendezvous at a. We use to state this. The full system of equations and inequalities used to check the property that a rendezvous at entry b cannot be preceded by a rendezvous at entry a is shown in Figure 3. (The description here is actually somewhat over- simplied; INCA performs several optimizations to reduce the size of the system of inequalities and the real system of inequalities produced by INCA would be smaller. For ex- ample, INCA would observe that there cannot be ow along transition 3 in a violating execution (because the segment of execution must end with transition 2), and would eliminate the variable x3 from the system. It would also do a form of constant propagation to eliminate other variables and equations.) Essentially all research on nite-state verication tools can Flow Equations: State Equation Communication Equations: Entry Equation a x3 Requirement Inequality: a occurs x8 1 Figure 3: System of equations and inequalities for example be viewed as aimed at ameliorating the state explosion problem for some interesting systems and properties. The approach taken by INCA avoids enumerating the reachable states of the system and is inherently compositional, in the sense that that the equations and inequalities are generated from the automata corresponding to the individual processes, rather than from a single automaton representing the full concurrent system. The size of the system of equations and inequalities is essentially linear in the number of processes in the system (assuming the size of each process is bounded). Furthermore, the use of properly chosen cost functions in solving the problems can guide the search for a solution. ILP is itself an NP-hard problem in general, and the standard techniques for solving ILP problems (branch-and-bound methods) are potentially exponen- tial. In practice, however, the ILP problems generated from concurrent systems have large totally unimodular subproblems and seem particularly easy to solve. Experience suggests that the time to solve these problems grows approximately quadratically with the size of the system of inequalities (and thus with the number of processes in the system). Comparisons of this approach with other nite-state verica- tion methods [2, 3, 4, 5] show that the performance of each method varies considerably with the system and property being veried, but that INCA frequently performs as well as, or better than, such tools as SPIN and SMV. The INCA approach has also been extended to check timing properties of real-time systems [1, 6] and to prove trace equivalence of certain classes of systems [7]. 2.2 Sources of Imprecision The systems of equations and inequalities generated by INCA represent necessary conditions for there to be a violation of the property being veried. As noted earlier, however, they only represent necessary, not su-cient, conditions. A solution of the system of equations and inequalities may not correspond to an actual execution. There are two main reasons for this. The rst has to do with the order in which events occur. Strictly speaking, the equations and inequalities generated by INCA refer only to the total number of occurrences of the various events in each segment of the execution, and do not directly impose restrictions on the order in which those events occur within the segment. In fact, the ow equations for a single FSA typically imply fairly strong conditions on order, but the communication equations relating the occurrence of events in dierent FSAs do not impose strong restrictions on the order of occurrence of events from dierent processes. To see why, consider a system comprising two processes. The rst process begins by trying to communicate with the second process on channel A and then, after completing that communication, tries to communicate with the second process on channel B. The second process tries to complete the communications in the reverse order. This system will obviously deadlock, but the equations generated by INCA would say only that the number of communications on each channel in the rst process is equal to the number in the second process, allowing a solution in which each communication occurs. (This is a slight over-simplication. INCA would actually detect the deadlock in this case, but not in more complicated examples with several processes.) The only mechanism INCA provides for directly constraining the order of events in dierent processes is the use of additional segments of the execution. While this is often enough to eliminate solutions that do not correspond to real executions of the system, it is expensive and restricts the range of application of INCA. We will return to this point in the nal section of this paper. The second source of imprecision is the existence of cycles in the FSAs. Consider the ow equation for state 3 that is shown in Figure 3. Transition 3 is a self-loop at state 3, and ow along that transition counts both as ow into state 3 and out of state 3. The equation x2 does not constrain the variable x3 at all; we can simply cancel the x3 terms. Similarly, the variables x5 and x8 are not constrained by the ow equations in which they appear. These variables are constrained only by the communication equation that three of these variables are otherwise unconstrained, this equation does not restrict the solution set. In fact, although the system of Figure 1 has no execution in which a prex ending with a rendezvous at entry b contains a rendezvous at entry a, there is a solution to the system of equations and inequalities shown in Figure 3 with x1 , x2 , x5 , x7 , x8 , and x9 all equal to 1, and x3 , x4 , and x6 all equal to 0. In this solution, the requirement that the number of rendezvous at a be at least 1 is met by setting the unconstrained variables x5 and x8 to 1. Figure 4 shows the FSAs with the transitions having ow indicated by bold arcs. The ow in the FSA for t1 has two connected components, one from the initial state to state 3, as expected, and one made up of ow in the cycle at state 4, not connected to the ow from state 1 to state 3. It is obvious that the ow in each FSA corresponding to an actual execution must be connected, so this is a spurious solution, one that does not correspond to a real execution. This example illustrates the problem but is not of much independent interest. The same problem, however, occurs a c a a a Figure 4: Solution with disconnected cycle with some frequency in the analysis of more interesting sys- tems. For instance, in our recent analysis of the Chiron user interface development system [2], we encountered solutions with disconnected cycles in trying to verify 2 of the 10 properties we checked. In those cases, we were able to re-formulate the properties by specifying additional segments, verifying other properties that allowed us to eliminate some solutions, or choosing other events to represent the high-level requirement. These modications, however, represent a considerable expense in increased analyst eort and veri- cation time. In the next section, we describe a technique for eliminating these solutions with more than one component of ow in an FSA. 3. ELIMINATING SPURIOUS CYCLES 3.1 A Straightforward Approach A related problem is well known in the optimization liter- ature. When formulating the Traveling Salesman Problem as an integer programming problem, it is essential to ensure that the solution represents a single tour visiting all the cities, rather than a collection of disconnected subtours each visiting a proper subset of the cities. A standard approach for eliminating solutions with disconnected subtours is to add inequalities that prevent the solution from visiting cities in a subset U unless the solution includes an arc from a city not in U to one in U . Thus, if the variable x i;j is 1 if the solution represents a tour in which the salesman goes directly from city i to city j, and 0 otherwise, the standard formulation of the Traveling Salesman problem would include, for each j, the inequality to enforce the requirement that each city is entered and left exactly once. To eliminate the possibility of a subtour in the subset U we would add the inequality x i;j 1, (2) which requires that the salesman travel from a city outside U to a city in U . (Of course, we need an inequality like (2) for every subset U of size at least 2 and at most N 2, where N is the number of cities.) In our case, to prevent a solution in which there is ow in a disconnected cycle C, we can add an inequality requiring that, when there is ow in C, there must be ow entering C from outside. This is a little more complicated than the situation for the Traveling Salesman Problem. In that case, we know by (1) that the solution must enter each city exactly once. In our case, we do not want to require ow into one of the states making up C unless there is ow along one of the transitions in C. For instance, we only want to require ow on transition 4 in our example when there is ow on transition 5. To do this in general, we would need a quadratic inequality such as x4x5 x5 . (3) Integer quadratic programming is, however, much harder than integer linear programming and we would like to avoid introducing quadratic inequalities. The standard technique is to impose an upper bound B on all the variables (i.e., to assume that no transition occurs more than B times), and to replace the quadratic inequality (3) with the linear inequality The integer solutions of (3) having x4 ; x5 B are exactly the same as those of (4). (We note that imposing an upper bound on all the variables would mean that INCA's analysis is no longer strictly conservative. If the system of inequalities has no solutions with the x i all less than or equal to B, we only know that no execution on which each transition occurs at most B times can violate the property. Since B can be taken to be quite large, such as 10; 000 or 100; 000, this restriction is unlikely to be a serious one in practice.) The problem with these approaches is that they may require too many extra inequalities. The number of subtours that have to be eliminated in the Traveling Salesman Problem is essentially the number of subsets of the set of cities and is clearly exponential in the number of cities. Similarly, the number of cycles in an FSA can be essentially equal to the number of subsets of its set of states. We have constructed a small concurrent Ada program with only 90 lines of code in which the FSA for one task has only 42 states but has 1,160,290,624 distinct subsets of states each forming at least one cycle. An integer programming problem with that many inequalities is infeasible. A better method is required. 3.2 A More Practical Method In this section, we describe a method for preventing spurious cycles that requires, for each FSA and segment of execution, new variables and S new inequalities, where S is the number of states in the FSA and T is the number of transitions. The basic idea is essentially as follows. Suppose we have a solution to the system of equations and inequalities originally generated by INCA. For each FSA and each segment of execution, we attempt to construct a subgraph with the same vertices as the FSA but whose edges are a subset of those that have positive ow in the solution. We require that (i) if there is ow into a vertex v in the solution, some edge terminating in v must occur in the subgraph, and (ii) each vertex v of the subgraph can be assigned a \depth" dv in such a way that the depth of a given node is greater than that of any of its predecessors in the subgraph. If the original solution has no disconnected cycles, we can choose for our subgraph a spanning tree for the edges with ow and take the depth of a vertex to be the distance from the root of the tree to the vertex. If the solution has a disconnected cycle C, however, we cannot construct such a subgraph. To see why, suppose we could construct the subgraph, and let v be a vertex in C for which dv du for all u 2 C. Since there is ow into v in the solution, v must have some predecessor u in the subgraph. Since the cycle C is disconnected from the ow starting at the initial state of the FSA, the state u must also lie in C. But if u is a predecessor of v in the subgraph, we have dv > du , contradicting the minimality of dv on C. Of course, we do not want to consider the possible solutions to the system of equations and inequalities generated by INCA one at a time, attempting to construct the sub-graph separately for each solution. Instead, we add new variables and inequalities, leading to an augmented system of equations and inequalities whose integer solutions correspond exactly to the integer solutions of the original system for which the appropriate subgraph can be constructed. We describe the procedure for generating this augmented system for the case of a single FSA F and a single segment of execution. For each variable x i in the original system corresponding to a transition in F , we introduce a new variable This variable will be 1 if the corresponding edge is in the subgraph, and 0 otherwise. For each state v in F , we introduce a new variable dv with bounds where N is some integer which is at least the maximum length of any non-self-intersecting path through the FSA. For instance, N can be taken to be the number of states in F . The variable dv will be the depth of v. We then generate inequalities involving these new variables. Each variable s i corresponds to a transition from some state u of F to a state v. We generate the inequalities The rst inequality says that s i must be 0 if x i is 0, so that the corresponding edge can be in the subgraph only if the solution has positive ow along that edge. The second inequality requires that dv be greater than du if the edge from u to v is in the subgraph. If the edge is not in the subgraph (i.e., if s i is 0), the inequality reads dv du N , and the bounds on dv and du make that vacuous. Finally, let In(v) denote the number of transitions into the state v. For each state v of F , other than the initial state, we generate the inequality where the sums are taken over all transitions into the state and B is an upper bound on all the variables. (As noted earlier, B can be taken to be quite large.) If all the x j are 0, this inequality is satised vacuously, but if any x j is positive, the inequality forces some s j to be positive. This means that, in a solution with ow into state v, some edge terminating in v belongs to the subgraph. The argument sketched at the beginning of this section proves the following theorem, showing that this method eliminates only solutions with disconnected cycles. Theorem 1. Let P be the system of equations and inequalities generated by INCA to check a particular property of a given concurrent system. Let P 0 be the augmented system constructed from P as described above. A solution of assigns values to all the variables in P as well as additional variables; we thus obtain an assignment of values to the variables in P from a solution to P 0 by projection. The set of integer solutions of P with all variables taking values at most B and no disconnected cycles is exactly equal to the set of projections of integer solutions of P 0 with all variables taking values at most B. In general, a query can specify more than one execution segment, so the situation is a bit more complicated. In the general case, INCA constructs a owgraph as follows. First, it creates one copy of each FSA for each segment specied in the query. Each copy can then be optimized independently, removing unnecessary states or transitions, based on the restrictions imposed in the query for that segment. As seen in the example in Section 2.1, INCA can determine from the query the states in which each FSA could be at the end of each segment. It then adds a \connect" edge from each of the possible end states for segment i to the corresponding state in segment i + 1. These edges connect the ow representing events in one segment of an execution to ow in the next segment. Finally, an initial node is added with connect edges to certain states in the rst segment of each task, and a nal node is added with incoming connect edges from the possible end states in the nal segment of each task. This owgraph is the actual structure which INCA uses to generate the ILP system. The algorithm described in this section can actually be applied to any subset of vertices in the owgraph, rather than to the whole owgraph, thereby eliminating only those spurious solutions in which there is a disconnected cycle contained in that subset. For given a subset W of vertices of the owgraph, one can form a new graph V as follows. Create a vertex in V for each vertex in W , and also add an initial and a nal vertex to V . For each edge joining two vertices in W , create a corresponding edge in V . For each edge originating outside W and terminating in W , create a corresponding edge in V from the initial vertex to the corresponding vertex. For each edge originating in W and terminating outside of W , create a corresponding edge in V from the corresponding vertex to the nal vertex. Each edge in V has associated to it an ILP variable, which is the variable associated to the corresponding edge in the original owgraph. So we can apply the algorithm to V , generating new variables and inequalities which are added to those INCA originally produced from the owgraph, and the same arguments given above go through. Restricting the algorithm in this way has many practical ap- plications. Suppose, for example, that a solution contains a single disconnected cycle. It is clear that that cycle must lie within a single segment of a single task in the owgraph. That is because there are no edges from a state in one segment to a state in a preceding segment, and there are no edges from states of one task to another. Now, to apply the cycle-elimination algorithm to the entire owgraph might be very expensive, both in terms of the time and memory to generate the new variables and constraints, and the time and memory needed by the ILP tool to solve the new system. In this case, it makes sense to apply the algorithm only to the problematic segment of the problematic task. Typically, the segments behave quite independently, and the existence of spurious cycles in one segment is not related to the existence of spurious cycles in other segments. One might be tempted to be as conservative as possible and apply the cycle-elimination algorithm to only those vertices involved in the oending cycle. This is usually fruitless, as, more often than not, another spurious solution will be found by expanding the cycle to include other vertices. However, no matter how much the cycle expands, it still must lie entirely in the single segment of the single task, and therefore the best strategy might be to apply the algorithm to the entire problematic segment in that task as soon as one spurious cycle appears there. 4. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS The current version of INCA consists of about 12,000 lines of Common Lisp. INCA writes out a le describing the system of equations and inequalities in a standard format (the MPS format), and we then use a commercial package called CPLEX to read this le and solve the system. (We also use a separate program to translate Ada programs into the native input language of INCA). The optimizations INCA uses to reduce the number of variables and inequalities make the introduction of new variables and inequalities somewhat complicated, and integrating our method into INCA will involve a substantial programming eort. For our initial exploration of the eect of applying our method, we have therefore chosen to proceed by modifying the MPS le produced by INCA. We have written a Java program that reads this le, and a le describing the owgraph, and produces a new MPS le representing the augmented system of equations and inequalities. We can then compare the performance of CPLEX on the original system and the augmented system. At this stage, however, we cannot measure how long it would take INCA to generate the augmented system of equations and inequalities. For these experiments, we used INCA version 3.4, Harlequin Lispworks 4.1.0, and CPLEX version 6.5.1 on a Sun Enterprise 3500 with two processors and 2 GB of memory, running Solaris 2.6. The upper bound B representing the maximum number of times an edge may be traversed in a violating execution was taken to be 10; 000. We used the default options on CPLEX, except for the following changes: mip strategy nodeselect was set to 2, mip strategy branch was set to 1, and mip limits solutions was set to 1. (The rst two affect choices made in the branch-and-bound algorithm and the third stops the search as soon as an integer solution is found.) For each ILP problem, we ran CPLEX ve times and took the average time. The times reported here were collected using the time command, and include both user and system time. 4.1 A Scalable Version of the Example from Section 2 For the rst experiment, we created a scalable version of the simple example described in Section 2.1. Given an integer we modied the Ada program in Figure 1 to have n copies of task t2 and to have alternatives in the outer select statement. Each of the new copies of task t2 calls the same entries in t1. (In detail, we replaced task t2 with n copies of itself, calling these tc1,. ,tcn. In the body of t1, we replaced the rst accept c line with n copies of itself and replaced the body of text beginning with the rst accept a and ending with the last or with n copies of itself.) As before, we wish to verify that a rendezvous at entry a can never precede a rendezvous at entry b. INCA constructs an FSA for t1 in which there are 2n+4 nodes and 4n 2 +3 edges. (The picture is slightly dierent from what one might expect because we have added a start vertex and an end vertex, and INCA performs some trimming of the FSA.) There are distinct subsets of the vertex set for t1 which cycles. For each n, INCA nds a spurious solution involving a disconnected cycle in t1. Applying the algorithm in Section 3.2 to the portion of the owgraph coming from the FSA for task t1, however, yields an ILP problem that CPLEX reports has no integer solutions, thus verifying that an a can never precede a b. For n 3, the number of variables in the INCA-generated ILP system is 4n 2 +2n, and the number of constraints (equa- tions and inequalities) is 5n+ 1. The number of variables in the new system is and the number of constraints is The time that it takes CPLEX to nd a spurious solution to the original system and the time it takes to determine the inconsistency of the augmented system are shown in Figure 5. These times are very modest, all under 10 seconds, and are in fact dwarfed by the time it takes INCA to generate its internal representations of the problem and the original ILP system. was about 30 minutes.) It seems, however, that for large n, the substantial increase in the number of constraints in the augmented system, due to the large number of edges in the FSA for t1, does begin to have a signicant impact on the time to solve the ILP problem.13579 time Conclusive result with cycle elimination Spurious solution without cycle elimination Figure 5: CPLEX times for scaled simple example 4.2 Spurious Cycles in Chiron The second experiment involves the Chiron user interface system [9]. A Chiron client comprises some abstract data types to be depicted, artists that maintain mappings between these ADTs and the visual objects appearing on the screen, and runtime components that provide coordination. In particular, certain events indicating changes in the state of the ADTs are dened, and an ADT Wrapper task noties a Dispatcher task whenever an event occurs. The Dispatcher maintains an array for each event that records which artists are interested in being notied of that event. (Artists register and unregister for an event to indicate their current interest in being notied.) After receiving the event from the ADT Wrapper, the Dispatcher then loops through the artists in the appropriate array and calls an entry in each artist to notify it of the event. The Chiron architecture is highly concurrent and even a toy Chiron interface represents about 1000 lines of Ada code. In [2], we compared the performance of several nite-state verication tools (FLAVERS, INCA, SMV, and SPIN) in checking a number of properties of a Chiron interface with two artists and n dierent kinds of events, for n ranging from 2 to 70. One of the properties we wish to verify about this system, called Property 4 in [2], is that the Dispatcher noties the artists of the right event. For example, if the Dispatcher receives event e1 from the ADT Wrapper, we wish to show that it does not notify any artist of event e2 until it has notied the appropriate artists of e1. To formulate this property as an INCA query takes 2 segments. We were in fact able to verify this property using INCA, but only in systems where the number of kinds of events, n, is at most 5. (FLAVERS and SPIN were able to verify this property up to at least To scale the problem further with INCA, we needed to decompose the Dispatcher task into a subsystem. This entails creating a new task Dispatch ei, for maintains the array for event ei. The Dispatcher task itself is left as an interface which just passes register, unregister, and notication requests on to the appropriate Dispatch ei in a way such that no additional concurrency is introduced. (If the internal communications of the Dispatcher subsystem are hidden, the new system is observationally equivalent to the original one.) This decomposed system has the advantage that as n increases, the size of each Dispatch ei FSA remains constant, although the number of these tasks increases. While in general this decomposition greatly improves the performance of INCA, for this property INCA yields an inconclusive result. The problem is a disconnected cycle in the task Dispatch e1 in the second segment. To get around this problem, we reformulated the property using dierent events to represent the high-level property. This depended on the prior verication of other properties relating the events used in the original and new formulations and was cumbersome and time-consuming. (Once the property was reformulated, however, the performance of INCA on this decomposed system was considerably better than that of the other tools. By 30, the INCA time was already roughly an order of magnitude better than the times for the other tools and INCA could verify the property for much larger values of n. The dierences in performance of the tools on this property, for the two versions of the Chiron system, are typical of what we observed on other properties. The implications of this are discussed in [2].) Using the cycle elimination algorithm described here, we were able to verify the original property directly, for 2 70. In this case there are 23 nodes and 63 edges in the problematic task/segment for all n. Hence for each n our algorithm adds 86 variables and 148 constraints to the ILP system. For n 3, the number of variables in the original system is where (n) is 58, 118, or 84, according as n is congruent modulo 3 to 0, 1, or 2, respectively. (This re ects the way we chose to have artists register for events as we scaled up the number of events.) The number of constraints in the augmented system is where similarly the value of (n) is 195, 281, or 235. In this case, eliminating spurious cycles adds a constant number of variables and constraints as n increases. The CPLEX times for each n, for the original system for which CPLEX found a spurious solution and the result of the analysis was inconclusive, and for the augmented system for which the property was conclusively veried, are given in Figure 6. Again, the times are all under 5 seconds and represent a very small portion of the total analysis time. (For 70, this was about 2.5 minutes.) The spike at the CPLEX time for the augmented system seems to be due to the occurrence of certain numerical problems for this particular system. 4.3 The Cost of Unnecessarily Preventing Spurious Cycles We also tried adding the cycle elimination variables and constraints to a system which already yielded a conclusive re- sult. This might yield insight into the marginal cost of having INCA add cycle elimination by default for any problem. For this experiment, we used another property from [2]. In135 time events Conclusive result with cycle elimination Spurious solution without cycle elimination Figure times for Chiron Property 4 this case, we used Property 1b, which says that an artist never unregisters for an event unless it is already registered for that event. As in [2], we restricted ourselves to checking this for a single artist and event. The resulting property requires 2 segments for its formulation as an INCA query. Using the decomposed dispatcher version of the client code, INCA veried this property without any need for cycle elim- ination, for n 70. The number of variables in the INCA- generated ILP system (for n where (n) is 77, 146, or 107 according as n is congruent modulo 3 to 0, 1, or 2, respectively. The number of constraints is where similarly (n) is 69, 96, or 81. We then applied the cycle-elimination algorithm to all of the (recall that there is a separate Dispatch ei for each of the n event types) and both segments. (In the experiment discussed in the previous section, we only applied the algorithm to one FSA and one segment.) This entailed adding new variables to the system, where (n) is 552, 833, or 682, and adding new constraints, where (n) is 897, 1391, or 1123. The times required by CPLEX to nd the conclusive result in each case are graphed in Figure 7. Although the ILP systems in the augmented case are quite large (18,087 variables and 22,563 constraints for the larger n, it still appears that CPLEX can determine the inconsistency of the system in a very short time (less than 4 seconds). If this example is typical, the real cost in introducing cycle elimination in INCA might lie in generating the new ILP system, not in solving it. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK time events Conclusive result with cycle elimination Conclusive result without cycle elimination Figure 7: CPLEX times for Chiron Property 1b Some nite-state verication tools always provide a conclusive result on any problem they can analyze. A tool that walks a graph of the reachable states of a concurrent system will never report that the system might deadlock when in fact the system is deadlock-free (assuming, of course, that the graph correctly represents the reachable state space of the system). But such a tool must be able to store the full set of reachable states, and is unable to report any results for a system whose reachable state space exceeds the storage available. Other tools, such as INCA, deliberately overestimate the collection of possible executions of the system, and thus accept the possibility of inconclusive results (or spurious reports of the possible faults), in order to increase the range of systems to which they can be applied. For INCA, there are two main sources of imprecision in the representation of executions of the system. The rst of these is the fact that semantic restrictions on the order of occurrence of events in dierent concurrent processes are generally not represented in the equations and inequalities used by INCA. The second source of imprecision is the fact that the equations and inequalities allow solutions in which the ow in the FSA representing a concurrent process may have cycles not connected to the initial state. In this paper, we have shown how imprecision caused by this second source may be eliminated. Specic cases of inconclusive results can often be addressed by careful reformulation of the property being checked, although this may require the verication of additional properties to justify the reformulation. This process can require very substantial amounts of eort on the part of the human analysts, as well as considerable costs to carry out the necessary verications. We have also sometimes addressed inconclusive results by manually inserting special inequalities to prevent disconnected ow on a small number of specic cycles. The problem with generalizing this approach is that the number of cycles may well be exponential in the size of the concurrent system, and each of the cycles requires a separate inequality. Even if it were feasible to automate the generation of these inequalities, the resulting ILP problems would be far too large to solve. The numbers of new variables and inequalities introduced by the method presented in this paper are linear in the number of states and transitions in the FSAs representing the processes of the concurrent system being analyzed. We have reported here the results of some preliminary experiments aimed at assessing the cost, in increased time to solve the systems of equations and inequalities, of applying our method. These experiments suggest that the cost is relatively small, especially when the eort of the human analysts is taken into account. We plan to carry out additional experiments of the same type, and to integrate our technique into the INCA toolset so that we can also evaluate the time needed to generate the additional variables and inequalities. We are also investigating approaches to eliminating some of the imprecision caused by not representing restrictions on the order of events in dierent processes. Fully representing the restrictions imposed by the semantics of the programming language or design notation may not be practical and might limit the applicability of INCA in the same way that having to store the full set of reachable states limits the applicability of tools based on exploring the graph of reachable states. We are therefore exploring methods that allow the analyst to control the degree to which restrictions on order are represented. For example, one approach that we are considering is to formulate some of the ow and communication equations in such a way that they hold at every stage of an execution, not just the end. These reformulated ow and communication equations therefore enforce some of the restrictions on the order of events in dierent processes. They also determine a region in n-dimensional Euclidean space, where n is the number of variables in the system of equations and inequalities. We then look for a point satisfying the full system of equations and inequalities that can be reached by taking certain integer-sized steps through this region. Successfully reducing this kind of imprecision will be important in applying the INCA approach to many systems where interprocess communication is only through access to shared data. 6. --R Automated derivation of time bounds in uniprocessor concurrent systems. An empirical comparison of static concurrency analysis techniques. An empirical evaluation of three methods for deadlock analysis of Ada tasking Evaluating deadlock detection methods for concurrent software. A practical method for bounding the time between events in concurrent real-time systems Towards scalable compositional analysis. Using integer programming to verify general safety and liveness properties. --TR A practical technique for bounding the time between events in concurrent real-time systems An empirical evaluation of three methods for deadlock analysis of Ada tasking programs Automated Derivation of Time Bounds in Uniprocessor Concurrent Systems Towards scalable compositional analysis Using integer programming to verify general safety and liveness properties Evaluating Deadlock Detection Methods for Concurrent Software Comparing Finite-State Verification Techniques for Concurrent Software
INCA;integer programming;finite-state verification;cycles
A thread-aware debugger with an open interface.
While threads have become an accepted and standardized model for expressing concurrency and exploiting parallelism for the shared-memory model, debugging threads is still poorly supported. This paper identifies challenges in debugging threads and offers solutions to them. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, an open interface for debugging as an extension to thread implementations is proposed. Second, extensions for thread-aware debugging are identified and implemented within the Gnu Debugger to provide additional features beyond the scope of existing debuggers. Third, an active debugging framework is proposed that includes a language-independent protocol to communicate between debugger and application via relational queries ensuring that the enhancements of the debugger are independent of actual thread implementations. Partial or complete implementations of the interface for debugging can be added to thread implementations to work in unison with the enhanced debugger without any modifications to the debugger itself. Sample implementations of the interface for debugging have shown its adequacy for user-level threads, kernel threads and mixed thread implementations while providing extended debugging functionality at improved efficiency and portability at the same time.
INTRODUCTION Threads have become an accepted abstraction of concurrency using the shared-memory programming paradigm and provide the means to exploit parallelism in a shared-memory multi-processor environment. Today, many thread implementations adhere to the POSIX Threads (Pthreads) standard [21], which denes a common application interface (API) to exhibit the functionality of threads. The Pthreads standard describes the semantics in terms of the observable behavior for this API but excludes constraints on implementation choices. Hence, Pthreads implementations range from user-level libraries [14, 17] via mixed-mode threads [16, 20, 8] to kernel-level implementations [2, 22, 1, 11]. Software development of threaded programs should be facilitated by adhering to the Pthreads API at the level of program design and implementation. The testing and de-bugging stage, however, lacks support for threaded appli- cations. The motivation for special testing and debugging tools is given by a number of properties that distinguish multi-threaded programs from single-threaded ones: 1. The control ow of threads may interleave or even execute in parallel. 2. Threads may suspend and resume execution voluntar- ily, due to preemption or as a result of events (signals). 3. Synchronization between threads denes a partial order of program execution. The debugging process, which takes at least 50% of the development eort together with testing, is aected for threaded programs in several ways [7]. The following issues illuminate common problems. Conventional breakpoint debugging does not suce to capture a single ow of control for a program. The programmer is accustomed to follow the control ow of one thread. When two consecutive breakpoints within a thread are hit, other threads may have been executing between these breakpoints. Furthermore, a break-point in a subroutine called by dierent threads may be hit in sequence for dierent threads at a time. The state of threads and synchronization objects is not visible during debugging due to a lack of debugger in- formation. However, state information would be vital to allow inferences about the execution stage of the program and its progress relative to the partial order of synchronization. Thread scheduling cannot be controlled by the debug- ger. It may, however, be desirable to forcibly suspend or resume the execution of selected threads to identify problems in the application by reducing interference between or ensuring reaction to other threads, respectively Thus, a thread-aware debugger should provide the following features that address these issues to facilitate the debugging of threads: Thread-specic breakpoints stop the application only when a certain thread reaches the breakpoint. Status inquiries about threads and synchronization objects show the progress of execution and the current state of the objects. Scheduling control provides the means to forcibly suspend and resume threads. Scheduling breakpoints halt the application upon a context switch and serve as a means to track the interleaving of execution between threads. The work described in this paper also aims at providing a exible platform for both the debugger and a variety of thread implementations to support thread-aware debugging. Instead of customizing the debugger for each thread imple- mentation, a common framework for controlling threads is provided, which communicates with the threads of the ap- plication. The thread implementation, on the other hand, provides a standard interface for debugging to serve requests by the debugger. This approach has several advantages: Portability is ensured through an open interface for de-bugging threads on one side and functional extensions to the debugger on the other side. The former requires that thread implementations support this interface by providing at least part of the functionality but does not assume any particular API for thread implemen- tations, e.g., POSIX compliance is optional. The latter is independent of the actual thread implementation and remains unchanged, regardless of the extend of the support by the open interface or the source language of the application. Extensibility is guaranteed by the communication interface between the debugger and the threaded applica- tion. This interface only denes a query language but not the actual messages themselves to allow the addition of new functionality and new messages in the future without changes in the communication interface on either side. Flexibility is provided for partial support instead of the full functionality of the interface for debugging threads. The debugger remains functional but provides less information and less control over threads when only a part of the interface for debugging threads exists. This allows partial implementations of the debug interface where certain information is not available or not accessible, e.g., when kernel threads prohibit ac- cess/control of threads. Optional invocation allows the application to run without the thread debugging support while the same executable may be used for debugging when needed. The thread debug support can be dynamically loaded as an add-on library only upon activation of the debugger. The technical issues of these features are presented in detail in the description of the design and implementation of the thread-aware debugger and the interface for debugging threads. This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the design. Section 3 describes the open interface for debugging threads whose implementation will depend on the thread implementation. Section 4 introduces the thread debug interface common to all implementations. Section 5 presents the communication structure between debugger and application. Section 6 summarizes the extensions to the debugger. Section 7 describes the implemen- tation. Section 8 lists the extended commands for thread-aware debugging. Section 9 discusses related work. Finally, presents the conclusions. 2. DESIGN OVERVIEW The components of the framework for thread-aware debugging comprise two executable components and two inter- faces. The executable components are the application on one side and the debugger on the other side. Since the application is assumed to be multi-threaded, it also utilizes a thread implementation. The debugger includes enhancements for thread-aware debugging and for communication with the application. The interfaces consist of a thread debug interface (TDI) and the thread extensions for debugging (TED). The TDI includes a query language interpreter and provides the communication interface between debugger and application. The TED comprises the open interface for debugging threads as a thin layer over the actual thread implementation. The separation of TDI and TED was a design choice aiming at separating generic parts of the framework, such as the TDI, from non-generic parts that depend on the actual thread implementation, such as the TED. Without the distinction between these interfaces, the TDI of a thread-aware debugger would need to be modied each time when support for a new thread implementation is added. Figure 1(a) depicts this case where the TDI includes interface components In for each thread implementation. These interface components would be required to extract internal information from the thread implementation and transform them into a normalized representation. Even if the threads API was restricted to POSIX threads, as depicted here, the components of data structures (e.g. pthread t) would dier from one implementation to the next requiring the interface components as a mediator. This, in turn, forces a rebuild of I 2 I n TDI Coding Decoding Pthreads- Implementation I n Pthreads- Implementation I 1 Pthreads- Implementation I 2 POSIX Threads API Threads- Implementation Threads- Implementation Threads- Implementation I 1 I 2 I nTED-Impl. 2 TED-Impl. n TED-Impl. TDI (generic) Debugger TED TED-Access Debugger (a) Non-Generic Design (b) Generic Design Figure 1: Design Options for Encapsulation the TDI each time support for a new thread implementation is added. Figure 1(b) shows better encapsulation chosen for the im- plementation. The TDI uses a generic interface to the TED component. The TED provides access to the internals of a thread implementation, i.e., the TED has an implementation-dependent part. Since the TED only provides a thin layer, it reduces the amount of implementation-dependent code considerable compared to Figure 1(a) where the TDI is implementation dependent (and the TED is miss- ing). The TED also provides opportunities to integrate non-standard thread implementations since the abstraction from the thread API occurs early while the non-generic approach requires adherence to a certain thread interface on the TDI level. The encapsulation by TDI and TED also provides the means of active debugging. In active debugging, the application is enhanced by special routines that may provide and collect information about the state or perform manipulations on the executing of an application. This approach facilitates and speeds up the debugging process. Passive debugging only probes the application. Instead of extensions for debugging on the application side, the debugger is enhanced to contain knowledge about the thread implementation. Table 1 compares active to passive debugging. Generally, debuggers extract information from an application using a procedural approach through probing data, even if data may later be processed within the debugger under a dierent paradigm. Active debugging allows preprocessing on the application side to communicate data following an arbitrary paradigm, e.g., using a declarative paradigm, as given in this paper. The encapsulation by TDI and TED hides implementation details of the threads to enhance portability, as discussed before. In addition, the TDI maintains a database of the application's state. Queries to the database are performed in a uniform and extensible query language. Furthermore, requests for the state of distinct objects from the debugger can be clustered and are optimized to remove redundan- cies. As a result, such a declarative query interface performs better than a procedural interface where each information request would require a separate action by the debugger. Post-mortem debugging, i.e., debugging core les of a prematurely terminated execution of the application, provides support for debugging threads in the passive case. Active debugging does not work with post-mortem debugging since the program is no longer executable. Hence, the TED functionality cannot be utilized. 3. THREAD EXTENSION FOR DEBUGGING The objective of the TED layer is to provide uniform access to implementation-dependent thread structures. Basic primitives to manipulate sets within the TDI realize a uniform method to access information. This information can either be extracted directly from the thread implementation (if the API supports direct access) or has to be extracted by extension of the thread implementation for debugging. For example, a thread within an application has a state similar to a process: it may be running, ready, blocked or termi- nated. 1 The Threads API, however, may not provide access to the internal state of a thread. A non-standard function 1 The implementation actually distinguishes the cause of blocking. A thread may be blocked on a mutex, a condition variable, a timer object, due to suspension or for an unspecied reason (other). Issue Active Debugging Passive Debugging details of thread implementation not known to de- bugger must be known by debugger change/add new thread impl. no changes of debugger debugger must be enhanced extract info from application declarative approac procedural approac query overhead lower, no redun- dancies higher, redundant requests post-mortem thread debugging not possible possible Table 1: Active vs. Passive Debugging to access the state of a thread is added in such a case to provide the required access. The state is then translated to a standard encoding dened by TED uniform for all thread implementations. The TED provides access functions for attributes with a common signature to simplify and unify access to any internal data structure. Functions for reading Sr and writing Sw with domains dom(TDA of the domain of objects DO and addresses DA allow arbitrary values to be associated with objects for later inquiries. 2 The objects are active or passive entities of the threads imple- mentation, such as threads, mutex objects and condition variables. Objects of a common entity can be accessed using set operations that are either mapped onto the threads API or onto functions that serve as debugging extensions of the API and access internal structures. For example, the set of all threads within an application may not be accessible through the threads API but there commonly exists an internal data structure with access functions, which can be utilized by TED. Mutex objects, on the other hand, are typically not linked to each other so that the set of mutex objects has to be maintained on the TED level. For this purpose, call-outs of the thread implementation to the TED layer upon object creation provide the means to register these objects in a common set within TED. These call-outs are part of the modications to the thread implementation to ensure debugging support. TED also supports relations between objects that are created or revoked when certain events occur. Upon occurrence of such an event, a call-back from the thread implementation updates a relation. Let DT ; DM ; DCV be the domains of threads, mutexes and condition variables, respectively. Then, the following relations may hold (see Figure 2): 1. OwnedByfThreadID:DT , MutexID:DM g 2. BlockedOn fThreadID:DT , MutexID:DM g 3. WaitFor fThreadID:DT , CondVarID:DCV g 4. SignaledByfCondVarID:DCV , MutexID:DM g Relations 1 to 3 have a cardinality of 1 : N , i.e., a thread may own multiple mutexes, multiple threads may be blocked on the same mutex or may wait for the same condition vari- able. Relation 4 has a cardinality of only one mutex may be associated with a condition variable that threads are blocked on at a time. Other cardinalities can be supported as well. E.g., MIT Threads has a M : N model that allows threads to be blocked on the same condition variable even if they used dierent mutexes before suspending. Notice that M : N cardinalities would require 2 In the implementation, TDO is substituted by TDA since objects can be uniquely identied by their addresses. This simplies the mapping even further. Address of selfn 1 BlockedOn SignaledBy WaitFor OwnedBy Address of self Priority State User Function Thread Condtion Variable Address of self Mutex Figure 2: Booch Class Diagram of Object Classes object classes since only scalar attributes are currently support by the TED domain extensions to the TED would be required. The open interface for debugging threads encompasses access functions for sets to iterate over its members and access functions for attributes of a member. Table 2 depicts the iterators and attribute functions and their operational de- scription. Each interface function is registered with the TDI, which uses it to build a database of the application's state as explained in the next section. The domain of values returned by the iterators and functions is DA and N[fNULLg, respectively 3 . If a thread implementation supports only a subset of this functionality, it simply does not register the function. Invalid requests return NULL. Persistent objects are discussed in the next section. 4. THREAD DEBUG INTERFACE (TDI) The objective of the TDI component is an abstraction from the thread implementation on one side and the debugger on the other side. The TDI keeps a database of the ap- plication's state. This approach supports the paradigm of active debugging. The database maintained by the TDI is only updated when the application changes its state wrt. multi-threading objects. The TED may register a set of operations that will inform the TDI of updates during the application's execution. Notice that this approach is unique to active debugging since passive debugging does not allow application-side execution of auxiliary operations. The TDI exports the following functions for the registration purpose: int RegisterObject (RelT Rel, ObjRefT ObjRef); int DeregisterObject (RelT Rel, ObjRefT ObjRef); int IsRegistered (RelT Rel, ObjRefT ObjRef); The signature of these operations includes the relation and an object of the same type (thread, mutex or condition variable). If the thread application supports the registra- 3 with the following exceptions: id and rstate have a domain of Z [ fNULLg, state has a domain of fundef=0, running, ready, blocked m, blocked c, blocked t, blocked s, blocked o, exiting g where the dierent blocking states refer to the cause of blocking: mutex, condition variable, timer, suspension (forced) and other. Iterator Description GetFirstThread, GetNextThread get thread from set GetFirstMutex, GetNextMutex get mutex from set GetFirstCond, GetNextCond get condition variable from set Attribute Description for threads: id process-persistent thread-ID addr address of the thread structure prio priority state execution state rstate implementation-dependent state entry address of thread's function address of function's argument newpc next program counter sp stack pointer mbo blocked on this mutex cvwf blocked on this condition variable pid ID of process executing the thread for mutexes: id process-persistent ID addr address of mutex structure owner mutex owner (thread ID) for condition variables: id process-persistent ID addr address of cond var structure cmutex associated mutex Table 2: Open Interface for Debugging Threads (It- erators and Attributes) tion process, it will invoke the corresponding functions, e.g., when locking, unlocking and destroying a mutex. The TED functionality described in the open interface for debugging threads is also registered with the TDI. This allows the TDI to generically invoke TED operations to resolve database queries. The registration occurs via the following interface: int SetIterFunc (RelT Rel,ObjRefT (*GetFirst)(), int SetAttrFunc (RelT Rel, AttrT Attr, AttrDomainT (*GetFunc) (ObjRefT Obj), AttrDomainT (*SetFunc) (ObjRefT Obj, The exchange between TED and TDI about the range of debugging support is further generalized by letting the TDI inform the TED upon activation that a number of functions are expected to be registered. This registration request of the TDI includes the list of attribute functions, iterators and registration procedures for all objects. The TED may then register a subset or all of these functions, depending on the range of support. This initial exchange only assumes a known layout of the data types to be registered and serves the portability of the involved software components. The TDI handles the communication with the debugger in such a way that the debugger receives a consistent view of the multi-threaded objects in the application, which is discussed in section 7. This abstraction provides the means to support persistent identiers, as seen in Table 2. A persistent identier is a unique identier assigned to an object for its life time. This provision circumvents problems rooted within thread implementations that recycle object identi- ers. E.g., the Pthreads API only denes a common interface including the signature of operations and their types. A thread object has a certain type but the meaning of the value is transparent, i.e., a value may refer to a thread object A as long as it exists. Once A terminates, the value may be recycled to refer to thread B. In a passive debugging ap- proach, threads A and B cannot be distinguished explicitly, it would be the user's responsibility to detect A's termination and infer that another thread with the same identier truly refers to B. By active debugging, the TDI receives notice of the creation and termination of a thread through the registration procedure. This allows the TDI to assign its own values to identify objects and use these values to communicate with the debugger. The user is only exposed to the debugger, which provides the persistent identiers and allows a distinction between threads A and B for active de-bugging The actual queries for the database are issued in a uniform and extensible query language. Queries are dened according to a specication of a relational algebra. Each query is preceded by a mode that either refers to a TED query or a user-dened extension with its own operational framework. Queries can be selections and projections limiting the set of objects in question and dening the requested attributes, respectively. Each query includes a set of selections of a relation with values or projections of a relation with assignments. The queries are resolved by a list of values corresponding to the projections in the query or by an error message. The results are a set of answers reduced to ensure that no duplicates are contained within the set. Furthermore, requests for the state of distinct objects can be clustered in one query and are optimized to remove redundancies. As a result, this declarative query interface performs better than a procedural interface where each request would require a separate function call by the debugger. An example is given in Section 7. 5. COMMUNICATION STRUCTURE Breakpoint debugging is generally supported by a service of the operating system. This service, e.g., the system call ptrace under UNIX, provides access to the trace of a process as depicted in Figure 3. The debugging process can peek or poke one word of the application process at a time. It may also continue in the execution of the application. The performance of the debugger is often constrained by the granularity of its data accesses, which will be quantied in Section 7. When the approach of active debugging is utilized, large amounts of data may be exchanged between the debugger and the application rendering the ptrace approach less ef- cient. The responses of the TDI for a query issued by the debugger may contain large amounts of data depending on the number of active multi-threaded objects in the applica- tion. Although queries are often much shorter, a symmetric approach was chosen. The queries issued by the debugger as well as the responses from the TDI are transmitted using inter-process communication (IPC). call IPC-Channel (buffered) Debugger Target Process call call subsequent handler calls IPC.write(<TED-Request>) Request Phase Response Phase return (Result #1) call return call return call return call return (Result #n) return call return return Handling Request Process Target Replicated exit IPC.write(<TED-Request>) (Result #1) (Result #2) (Result #n) Response Phase Request Phase call return call return call return return call return call return call return call return call call return Target Process IPC Channel Debugger (buffered) (a) mutual exclusive execution (b) parallel execution Figure 4: Communication between Debugger and Application Another problem is posed by the fact that the application process is stopped while the debugger is active (and vice versa). The debugger can only make progress when its queries are handled by the TDI, which is part of the applica- tion. This problem is solved by letting the debugger issue a call to a handler function within the application. A ptrace call for continuation activates the server side of the TDI, which receives the request, resolves the query and initiates the response. The response may contain a large amount of data that cannot be transfered in one buer since the buer length is generally constrained by the IPC mechanism. The debugger could issue repeated ptrace calls to receive one packet at a time but this would result in a large number of context switches of the debugger and the application process as a side eect of using ptrace (see Figure 4(a)). Instead, the application process forks a child upon long responses read/write Data call return call return call return Time blocked stopped active Application Operating System Debugger trap, signal continue wait return call Figure 3: Breakpoint Debugging with Ptrace (see Figure 4(b)). The child receives the responsibility to ll the IPC buers before terminating while the debugger can receive the IPC packets in parallel. 4 6. DEBUGGER EXTENSIONS The debugger was extended in two respects. First, the IPC interface to the TDI was added. Second, new user commands to control the debugging process were included and their resolution was handed o to the TDI. The IPC extensions are bundled in one module, the TDI client, and can be bound with the debugger during the build process. The TDI client handles the client side of the IPC communica- tion. The debugger may invoke send and receive functions of the TDI client to send a query and receive the response, in both cases as a string. After sending a query the application is continued (ptrace call) within the TDI-Server, the main function on the application side of the TDI. The TDI server evaluates the query, hands it o to the parser of the query language, which may update the state of the database using the TED interface. Once the response has been formatted, it is returned using IPC and the debugger can act upon the result. The second extension of the debugger denes a number of new user commands and their actions. This additional functionality is detailed in Section 8. 7. IMPLEMENTATION The implementation comprises changes to the debugger and the threads implementation. The Gnu debugger GDB 4.18 was chosen for this purpose since the sources are available, it is widely used and actively maintained [19]. The chosen thread implementations range from kernel threads (Linux- Threads) [11] over mixed threads (Solaris) [16] to user-level threads (FSU and MIT Pthreads) [14, 17]. One of the challenges of active debugging is posed by the interaction between the activation of debugging operations 4 Even on a uniprocessor, the child process and the debugger may run concurrently and do not require context switches for each packet anymore. within the application and the regular execution of the application itself. The TDI server may be a separate thread for kernel threads while the server may simply be invoked in the context of the active thread for user-level threads. But this approach may result in scheduling actions due to 1. a skew of the consumed execution time of the TDI, 2. event notication or 3. calls to library functions that use synchronization. When round-robin scheduling is active, additional execution time consumed by the TDI server may cause a context switch of the current thread. If the switch occurs before the TDI server nishes, the results obtained for debugging may be inconsistent. One part of the results may originate before the context switch and another part after the switch subject to a modied thread state since application threads had been active meanwhile. This problem will not only occur upon timer expiration but may also be caused by other signals. Context switches may also be caused by synchronization, in particular when the TDI server calls a library function whose entry is protected by a mutex. The mutex may already be locked by a thread in the application resulting in a context switch from the TDI server to the application thread. Even worse, a deadlock may occur if the application thread is the same thread that executes the TDI server. First, the problem of calling library functions that contain synchronization was addressed by providing TDI-specic replacements for heap allocation and string manipulation. Other functions used by the TDI server do not contain potentially blocking library calls. Second, the problem of signal handling during TDI activation shall be discussed. One solution would be to mask signals in the application for a limited time. But masking could only be accomplished by the application itself, which causes a race: A signal may arrive while the TDI tries to mask signals so that the TDI would loose control and other threads may be scheduled. The race can be avoided if the debugger forced the masking of signals for the application but most operating systems only provide such an interface for the current process and not for another process. Instead of an operating system interface, the thread implementation was enhanced to provide a ag that, when set, collects signals for later handling as depicted in Figure 5. The debugger uses the ptrace call to set the ag in the application (1). Incoming signals are collected but their handling is postponed during TDI activation. Once the TDI activities are complete, the debugger reads the collected signals (2), clears the ag and collected signals and sends each signal to the application (3). 5 The implementation of the TDI server contains a communication subsystem, a query parser and a query evaluator. 5 An alternative to re-issuing the signals would be to add them to the pending signals of the thread implementation and force a check on pending signals when resuming the ap- plication, which would have the advantage that signal contexts were preserved. Future work may include such a provision The communication structure was implemented via shared memory IPC between processes. The performance was evaluated by comparing the IPC variant using a page size of 8kB with a ptrace implementation using a both under Linux 2.0.36 on a 150MHz Pentium with FSU Pthreads. Figure 6 shows that the response time for ptrace is ve times higher than the performance for IPC. The results underline the advantages of the IPC approach for the TDI communication. The query parser was generated from lexical and syntactical specications by the generators Flex and Bison, respectively. The parser reports errors for illegal queries or transforms legal ones into a tuple representation, which is then fed to the query evaluator. The evaluator may optimize the query, invoke TED functions to resolve the query and compile a response. Examples for a query may be as follows: thread:id,entry,state:state thread:id,prio=10,state: (prio+10<20) && cvwf ! =0x10 (2) Query (1) requests the identier, state and function of all threads that are running or not blocked on a mutex. Query (2) requests the same information (except for the function) for threads whose priority plus 10 is less than 20 and who are not blocked on a condition variable (second conjunct). pthread_debug_TDI_ignored_signals Scheduling1Timer Feedback pthread_debug_TDI_sig_ignore off on Record Debugger POSIX Threads kill(pid, SIGALRM) ptrace(POKE.) ptrace(PEEK.) Figure 5: Signal Handling during Active Debugging2.57.512.517.50 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 response time instantiated threads TDI Figure Response Times: IPC vs. Ptrace Query (2) also sets the priority of the selected thread to 10. A response to the debugger may be as follows: The debugger interprets each of the three tuples as (iden- tier, function address, state) and translates addresses and states into symbolic names for its output. The TDI server is combined with the application by dynamically linking the application with the TDI server relocatable library. This has the advantage that an application compiled for testing and debugging only has to be linked with the dynamic linker library using -ldl. The TDI will not be invoked or even linked when the application is executed outside the debugger. Once the debugger is invoked, it checks if the threads of the application contain a symbol to indicate debugging support for threads. If the the ag is found, it will be set by the debugger and results in dynamic binding and invocation of the TDI server library during the initialization phase. The debugger then sends a pthread TDI register message to the TDI server. The TDI presents the TED with the set of functions it expects, and the TED responds with the registration of attribute and iteration functions. Afterwards, the TDI may resolve queries by referencing thread objects through TED functions. Thread-specic breakpoint debugging also requires changes to the debugger. In GDB, the routine proceed calling normal stop, wait for inferior and resume control the trap handling for breakpoints. A command to resume execution activates the application. The debugger then waits for the inferior process (application) to hit a trap instruction. When the trap is hit, the debugger resumes control and cleans up its traces from the application's code in normal stop. Thread-specic breakpoints modify this sequence by checking upon resumption of the debugger after wait if the break-point reached corresponded to the requested thread. If the thread identiers match, normal stop is called. Otherwise, the breakpoint is reset similar to the cleanup performed in normal stop and resume is called again. The cleanup is depicted in Figure 7. When the application traps, the inserted trap instruction has to be replaced by the original instruction A of the application to ensure the correct semantics. Now, B has been replaced by a trap to transfer control to the debugger for resuming execution (2). Then, the trap is replaced by B while A is replaced by a trap to make sure that the application halts at the same breakpoint again the next time around. The execution in step (2) may, however, cause a scheduling action if a signal was received. This is prevented by disabling signals during step (2) using the facilities discussed before. Finally, the thread identier of the active thread has to be determined at a breakpoint. For user-level threads, it suces to search for the single running thread using a TDI query. For kernel threads, multiple threads may be running (on a multi-processor) but the system call wait returns information about the process that caused a trap. For mixed threads, the low-level scheduling entity has to be identied and it has to be ensured that parallel execution of a trap by dierent threads of one application results in serial notication of the debugger (on the operating system level). For example, Solaris maps POSIX threads onto light-weight processes (LWPs) whose status information would have to be checked upon encountering a trap. This requires that the LWP and its state for a POSIX thread is deter- mined, for example, through the /proc le system. Single step commands, such as ptstep, ptnext (see next section), use a similar technique to only count steps executed by the current thread. Attaching and detaching threads also has a similar eect but includes thread-specic breakpoints for the program counter of the target thread. A breakpoint on the next context switch is realized by setting conditional breakpoints at the program counter of all threads except for the one that has trapped. Once such a breakpoint is hit, all other conditional breakpoints set before have to be deleted. Forcing a change in the scheduling pattern results in a TDI query that sets thread attributes and invokes a TED function to aect the scheduler of the thread implementation. A forced suspension also requires that the debugger signal the application. This ensures that the scheduler is invoked to dispatch the next thread eligible to run. This can also be achieved by adding a scheduler signal to the set of collected signals during signal masking, as discussed before. 8. THREAD-AWARE DEBUGGING This sections describes commands that have been added or modied to make GDB thread aware and provide extended debugging support for multi-threaded applications. Notice that GDB already provides limited debugging support for selected thread implementations. The new commands for debugging threads have been chosen to coexist with the existing functionality. For example, info threads may already list the threads for Solaris, Mach and LinuxThreads. The new command info pthreads lists threads for any application supporting the TDI/TED facilities and includes extensive information about the state of each thread, the object it may be blocked on, priorities etc. Both commands are available at the same time. pc pc Inst. B Inst. C pc Code Segment Inst. C Code Segment Inst. A3 Breakpoint a[n] hit Resume trap Resume Execution Ready to Code Segment Inst. C Inst. B trap Code Segment Inst. A Inst. C trap trap Reset Reset Figure 7: Resetting a Breakpoint info pthreads lists the set of threads that have not terminated yet including the attributes for threads depicted in Table 2. info pmutex lists the set of initialized mutexes with the attributes of Table 2. info pcond lists the set of initialized condition variables with the attributes of Table 2. break pthread <Thread ID> sets a thread-specic breakpoint for <Thread ID>at <loca- tion> ptattach <Thread ID> stops <Thread ID>the next time it is scheduled at the rst possible location and transfers control to the debugger. Once issued, all subsequent breakpoint commands (break, next, step) are thread-specic. This means that these breakpoints only apply to the attached thread while other active threads will not stop at these breakpoints. ptdetach reverses a ptattach and makes breakpoints applicable to all threads again. ptstack <Thread ID> prints the call stack of <Thread ID>. continue -cs continues the execution until a break-point is hit or a context switch occurs, which ever comes rst. In the latter case, the identier of the new thread is printed. ptnext/ptnexti/ptstep/ptstepi [n] issues n next or step instructions for the current thread and ignores other instructions executed by concurrently running threads. These facilities go beyond traditional debugging support for threads in the following sense. The cause of blocking of threads and the blocking object can be identied. This may allow the user to identify deadlocks when circular dependencies between synchronization objects and threads are de- picted. 6 It provides the user with the call stack of threads, i.e., the user can follow the progress of concurrent execu- tions. Thread-specic breakpoint debugging simplies the user's task of tracing the execution of selected threads. Interactions with other threads can be detected by notication upon context switches. Finally, scheduling actions forced by the user allow selected activation and suspension to disable or force thread interactions, test their impacts and possibly track down problems between these interactions. We also assessed the overhead of the active debugging support through TDI and TED. On the application side, overhead may be incurred by the TED. Two Splash-2 benchmarks [24] were measured (processes emulated by FSU Pthreads) on a Pentium II 350 MHz under Linux 2.2.14, as depicted in Figure 6. Fft performed calculations for 2 20 data 6 It may seem that automatic deadlock detection could be easily incorporated. This is true in the sense that the state of threads may not change in the absence of signals. The signal semantics of Pthreads does not provide such a stable state since signals may interrupt a synchronization request and then skip out of the synchronization call from the signal handler. For this reason, automatic deadlock detection has not been implemented. barnes Table 3: Performance Overhead of Active Debug- ging points. The numbers for Fft exclude initialization. Barnes used the standard parameters (except for 5 leaves), and the numbers reported represent the computation time, only. During the experiments, the number of processes (threads) was varied between 2 and 128 but this had no eect on the measurements. The overhead represents the portion of the second measurements that were due to active debugging. This overhead depends on the characteristics of the appli- cation, e.g., t uses less synchronization than barnes, which explains the lower overhead of the former. On the debugger side, the overhead of the TDI and of queries are not noticeable to the user, i.e., the response time of TDI queries equals that of any other debugger interaction. However, if a large database is gradually built (thousands of threads, mutexes, etc.) then the response time of queries may be aected since all entries may be probed. We did not experience this problem in practice. Hence, relational queries seem suitable for active debugging. 9. RELATED WORK McDowell and Helmbold present an overview of the problems and solutions for debugging concurrent programs [13]. Ceswell and Black [5] describe a debugger for Mach threads with thread-specic breakpoints and forced scheduling ac- tions. The approach is limited to kernel threads, uses a non-standard ptrace interface and is not as portable as the approach described in this paper. Ponamgi et al. [15] continue their work with this debugger by adding event handling to detect deadlocks, livelocks and multiple entry to critical sections. Similar support could be added to our work at the level of the TDI but is subject to the constraints described before, i.e., certain thread standards may not allow deadlock detection due to signal handling. SmartGDB uses the non-generic design of Figure 1(a) where for each thread implementation the debugger has to be modied. Changes in a thread implementation may, in turn, require changes in the debugger. GDB 4.18 [19] requires even more modications than SmartGDB for each thread implementation. SmartGDB and GDB 4.18 support only a subset of our functionality for debugging threads and still use the slow ptrace call for communication. Solaris utilizes the /proc le system to eciently access internal structures of the application, which is an alternative to the communication used by TDI in terms of eciency but provides neither portability for systems without /proc le system nor does it allow a generic encapsulation as seen in Figure 1(b) with its localization of implementation-dependent extensions. Solaris also provides a library for debugging threads with similar functionality as the TED interface but lacks the exibility of the TDI, which makes our approach portable. Wismuller et al. [23] describe a tool set for debugging parallel programs consisting of a debugger (Partop) and a monitoring tool. Partop supports thread-aware debugging and uses the event-action paradigm that executes a certain action when an event oc- curs, e.g., when a thread is created. A generalization of the event-action paradigm is provided by path expressions and path actions in the context of debugging [3]. In this work, path expressions were proposed at the user level, which few debuggers support today. Our work does, on one hand, uses similar concepts under the paradigm of active debugging. On the other hand, these concepts are utilized for internal purposes rather than at the user level, i.e., as a means of communication between debugger components in a portable fashion. The high performance debugging forum (HPDF) specied a command interface for parallel debuggers [9] including thread-aware debugging. Our work does not specify a user interface but rather an interface to a thread library that may be utilized by a debugger. We also implement the thread-aware functionality of the HPDF interface and even go beyond these requirements, e.g., by supplying additional functionality to display synchronization data or execute up to the next breakpoint. Cownie and Gropp [6] propose a debugger interface to display messages within MPI implementations and demonstrate this work in TotalView. Independent from our work, they also conclude that dynamic linking of shared libraries represents the most exible way to provide debugging facilities for multiple runtime libraries. Panorama [12] is a parallel debugger for MIMD architectures that relies on text-based debuggers to collect information and visualize it in a predened or a user-dened representa- tion. Panorama's portability is given by its reliance on text-based debuggers at a lower level. Our work diers in that we provide such a text-based debugger extension that may be used by a visualization debugger like Panorama. Kessler [10] introduced fast breakpoints, which can be regarded as a variant on active debugging. Conditional breakpoints are realized by replacing the trap with a call to a debugging- specic handler in the application that checks the condition of the breakpoint and only traps if it evaluates to true, thereby improving performance. We use active debugging to resolve relational queries. KDB [4] supports two-level debugging of user and kernel threads with a unique design. Each kernel thread is controlled separately by a local debugger using the ptrace interface and the /proc le system. A main debugger interacts with the user and steers all local debuggers. Our work diers in that we require a TED interface for each thread level. Snodgrass [18] utilizes relational queries for monitoring by extending databases to keep histories of traces and providing a temporal operator to query these histories. Our relational queries involve on-line debuggers accessing computing states without histories rather than monitoring data. Overall, none of these tools use active debugging or relational queries for debugging threads nor do they support as much functionality as the work presented in this paper combined with portability at the same time. 10. CONCLUSION This paper proposes an open interface for debugging as an extension to thread implementations. In addition, extensions for thread-aware debugging are identied and implemented within the Gnu Debugger to provide additional features beyond the scope of existing debuggers. The work is based on the paradigm of active debugging that includes a language-independent protocol to communicate between debugger and application via relational queries to ensure that the enhancements of the debugger are independent of actual thread implementations. Partial or complete implementations of the interface for debugging can be added to thread implementations to work in unison with the enhanced debugger without any modications to the debugger itself. Sample implementations of the interface for debugging have shown its adequacy for user-level threads, kernel threads and mixed thread implementations while providing extended de-bugging functionality at improved eciency and portability at the same time. Availability The modied debugger GDB-TDI (sources and bi- naries) and its documentation are available at under the Gnu Public License. 11. --R Generalized path expressions: A high level debugging mechanism. KDB: A multi-threaded debugger for multi-threaded applications Implementing a Mach debugger for multithreaded applications. A standard interface for debugger access to message queue information in MPI. Testing large Beyond multiprocessing Command interface for parallel debuggers. Fast breakpoints. The linuxthreads library. Retargetability and extensibility in a parallel debugger. Debugging concurrent programs. A library implementation of POSIX threads under UNIX. Debugging multithreaded programs with MPD. SunOS multi-thread architecture Mit pthreads. A relational approach to monitoring complex systems. GDB manual (the GNU source-level debugger) Implementing lightweight threads. Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments of the IEEE. MACH threads and the UNIX kernel: The battle for control. The SPLASH-2 programs: Characteriation and methodological considerations --TR A relational approach to monitoring complex systems Debugging concurrent programs Fast breakpoints: design and implementation The SPLASH-2 programs Retargetability and extensibility in a parallel debugger Interactive debugging and performance analysis of massively parallel applications KDB Debugging Multithreaded Programs with MPD A Standard Interface for Debugger Access to Message Queue Information in MPI Generalized path expressions --CTR Jaydeep Marathe , Frank Mueller , Tushar Mohan , Bronis R. de Supinski , Sally A. McKee , Andy Yoo, METRIC: tracking down inefficiencies in the memory hierarchy via binary rewriting, Proceedings of the international symposium on Code generation and optimization: feedback-directed and runtime optimization, March 23-26, 2003, San Francisco, California
concurrency;open interface;debugging;active debugging;threads
Upper and Lower Bounds on the Learning Curve for Gaussian Processes.
In this paper we introduce and illustrate non-trivial upper and lower bounds on the learning curves for one-dimensional Guassian Processes. The analysis is carried out emphasising the effects induced on the bounds by the smoothness of the random process described by the Modified Bessel and the Squared Exponential covariance functions. We present an explanation of the early, linearly-decreasing behavior of the learning curves and the bounds as well as a study of the asymptotic behavior of the curves. The effects of the noise level and the lengthscale on the tightness of the bounds are also discussed.
Introduction A fundamental problem for systems learning from examples is to estimate the amount of training samples needed to guarantee satisfactory generalisation capabilities on new data. This is of theoretical interest but also of vital practical importance; for example, algorithms which learn from data should not be used in safety-critical systems until a reasonable understanding of their generalisation capabilities has been obtained. In recent years several authors have carried out analysis on this issue and the results presented depend on the theoretical formalisation of the learning problem. Approaches to the analysis of generalisation include those based on asymptotic expansions around optimal parameter values (e.g. AIC (Akaike, 1974), NIC (Murata et al., 1994)); the Probably Approximately Correct convergence approaches (e.g. Vapnik, 1995); and Bayesian methods. The PAC and uniform convergence methods are concerned with frequentist- style confidence intervals derived from randomness introduced with respect to the distribution of inputs and noise on the target function. A central concern in these results is to identify the flexibility of the hypothesis class F to which approximating functions belong, for example, through the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of F . Note that these bounds are independent of the input and noise densities, assuming only that the training and test samples are drawn from the same distribution. The problem of understanding the generalisation capability of systems can also be addressed in a Bayesian framework, where the fundamental assumption concerns the kinds of function our system is required to model. In other words, from a Bayesian perspective we need to put priors over target functions. In this context learning curves and their bounds can be analysed by an average over the probability distribution of the functions. In this paper we use Gaussian priors over functions which have the advantage of being more general than simple linear regression priors, but they are more analytically tractable than priors over functions obtained from neural networks. Neal (1996) has shown that for fixed hyperparameters, a large class of neural network models will converge to Gaussian process priors over functions in the limit of an infinite number of hidden units. The hyperparameters of the Bayesian neural network define the parameters of the corresponding Gaussian Process (GP). Williams (1997) calculated the covariance functions of GPs corresponding to neural networks with certain weight priors and transfer functions. The investigation of GP predictors is motivated by the results of Rasmussen (1996), who compared the performances obtained by GPs to those obtained by Bayesian neural networks on a range of tasks. He concluded that GPs were at least as good as neural networks. Although the present study deals with regression problems, GPs have also been applied to classification problems (e.g. Barber and Williams, 1997). In this paper we are mainly concerned with the analysis of upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of GPs. A plot of the expected generalisation error against the number of training samples n is known as a learning curve. There are many results available concerning leaning curves under different theoretical scenarios. However, many of these are concerned with the asymptotic behaviour of these curves, which is not usually of great practical importance as it is unlikely that we will have enough data to reach the asymptotic regime. Our main goal is to explain some of the early behaviour of learning curves for Gaussian processes. The structure of the paper is as follows. GPs for regression problems are introduced in Section 2. As will be shown, the whole theory of GPs is based on the choice of the prior covariance function C p (x; x 0 in Section 3 we present the covariance functions we have been using in this study. In Section 4 the learning curve of a GP is introduced. We present some properties of the learning curve of GPs as well as some problems may arise in evaluating it. Upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of a GP in a non-asymptotic regime are presented in Section 5. These bounds have been derived from two different approaches: one makes use of main properties of the generalisation error, whereas the other is derived from an eigenfunction decomposition of the covariance function. The asymptotic behaviour of the upper bounds is also discussed. A set of experiments have been run in order to assess the upper and lower bounds of the learning curve. In Section 6 we present the results obtained and investigate the link between tightness of the bounds and the smoothness of the stochastic process modelled by a GP. A summary of the results and some open questions are presented in the last Section. Gaussian Processes A collection of random variables fY (x) jx 2 Xg indexed by a set X defines a stochastic process. In general the domain X might be R d for some dimension d although it could be even more general. A joint distribution characterising the statistics of the random variables gives a complete description of the stochastic process. A GP is a stochastic process whose joint distribution is Gaussian; it is fully defined by giving a Gaussian prior distribution for every finite subset of variables. In the following we concentrate to the regression problem assuming that the value of the target function t (x) is generated from an underlying function y (x) corrupted by Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance oe 2 . Given a collection of n training data D (where each t i is the observed output value at the input point x i ), we would like to determine the posterior probability distribution p (yjx; D n ). In order to set up a statistical model of the stochastic process, the set of n random variables modelling the function values at respectively, is introduced. Similarly t is the collection of target values denote the set of training inputs We also denote with ~ y the vector whose components are y and the test value y at the point x. The distribution p (~ yjx; D n ) can be inferred using Bayes' theorem. In order to do so, we need to specify a prior over functions as well as evaluate the likelihood of the model and the evidence for the data. A choice for a prior distribution of the stochastic vector ~ y is a Gaussian prior distribution: \Gamma2 ~ y This is a prior as it describes the distribution of the true underlying values without any reference to the target values t. The covariance matrix \Sigma can be partitioned as The element (K is the covariance between the i-th and the j-th training points, i.e. (K y y . The components of the vector k (x) are the covariances of the test point with all the training data is the covariance of the test point with itself. A GP is fully specified by its mean E [y covariance function Below we set - this is a valid assumption provided that any known offset or trend in the data has been removed. We can also deal with - (x) 6= 0, but this introduces some extra notational complexity. A discussion about the possible choices of the covariance function C p (x; x 0 ) is given in Section 3. For the moment we note that the covariance function is assumed to depend upon the input variables (x; x 0 ). Thus the correlation between function values depends upon the spatial position of the input vectors; usually this will be chosen so that the closer the input vectors, the higher the correlation of the function values. The likelihood relates the underlying values of the function to the target data. Assuming a Gaussian noise corrupting the data, we can write the likelihood as I. The likelihood refers to the stochastic variables representing the data; so t; y 2 R n and\Omega is an n \Theta n matrix. Given the prior distribution over the values of the function p Bayes' rule specifies the distribution p (~ yjx; D n ) in terms of the likelihood of the model p (tjy) and the evidence of the data p (D n ) as Given such assumptions, it is a standard result (e.g. Whittle, 1963) to derive the analytic form of the predictive distribution marginalising over y. The predictive distribution turns out to be y (x) - N where the mean and the variance of the Gaussian function are The most probable value - y (x) is regarded as the prediction of the GP on the test point x; K is the covariance matrix of the targets t: I. The estimate of the variance oe 2 (x) of the posterior distribution is considered as the error bar of - y (x). In the following, we always omit the subscript - y in , taking it as understood. Since the estimate 1 is a linear combination of the training targets, GPs are regarded as linear smoother (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990). 3 Covariance functions The choice of the covariance function is a crucial one. The properties of two GPs, which differ only in the choice of the covariance function, can be remarkably diverse. This is due to the r-ole of the covariance function which has to incorporate in the statistical model the prior belief about the underlying function. In other words the covariance function is the analytical expression of the prior knowledge about the function being modelled. A misspecified covariance function affects the model inference as it has influence on the evaluation of Equations 1 and 2. Formally every function which produces a symmetric, positive semi-definite covariance matrix K for any set of the input space X can be chosen as covariance function. From an applicative point of view we are interested only in functions which contain information about the structure of the underlying process being modelled. The choice of the covariance function is linked to the a priori knowledge about the smoothness of the function y (x) through the connection between the differentiability of the covariance function and the mean-square differentiability of the process. The relation between smoothness of a process and its covariance function is given by the following theorem (see e.g. Adler, exists and is finite at (x; x), then the stochastic process y (x) is mean square differentiable in the i-th Cartesian direction at x. This theorem is relevant as it links the differentiability properties of the covariance function with the smoothness of the random process and justifies the choice of a covariance function depending upon the prior belief about the degree of smoothness of y (x). In this work we are mainly concerned with stationary covariance func- tions. A stationary covariance function is translation invariant (i.e. C p (x; x depends only upon the distance between two data points. In the following, the covariance functions we have been using are presented. In order to simplify the notation, we consider the case The stationary covariance function squared exponential (SE) is defined as where - is the lengthscale of the process. The parameter - defines the characteristic length of the process, estimating the distance in the input space in which the function y (x) is expected to vary significantly. A large value of - indicates that the function is almost constant over the input space, whereas a small value of the lengthscale designates a function which varies rapidly. The graph of this covariance function is shown by the continuous line in Figure 1. As the SE function has infinitely many derivatives it gives rise to smooth random processes (y (x) posses mean-square differentiability up to order 1). It is possible to tune the differentiability of a process, introducing the modified Bessel covariance function of order k (MB k ). It is defined as a i exp where K - (\Delta) is the modified Bessel function of order - (see e.g. Equation 8:468 in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, 1993), with Below we set the constant - such that C p 1. The factors a k are constants depending on the order - of the Bessel function. Mat'ern (1980) shows that the functions MB k define a proper covariance. Stein (1989) also noted that the process with covariance function MB k is differentiable. In this study we deal with modified Bessel covariance function of orders We note that MB 1 corresponds to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck covariance function which describes a process which is not mean square differentiable. If k !1, the MB k behaves like the SE covariance function; this can be easily shown by considering the power spectra of MB k and SE which are and S se (!) / - exp Since lim the MB k behaves like SE for large k, provided that - is rescaled accordingly. Modified Bessel covariance functions are also interesting because they describe Markov processes of order k. Ihara (1991) defines Y (x) to be a strict sense Markov process of order k if it is differentiable at every x 2 R and if P (Y states that a Gaussian process is a 1 Note that the definition of a Markov process in discrete and continuous time is rather different. In discrete time, a Markov process of order k depends only on the previous k times, but in continuous time the dependence is on the derivatives at the last time. However, function values at previous times clearly allow approximate computation of Markov process of order k in the strict sense if and only if it is an autoregressive model of order k (AR(k)) with a power spectrum (in the Fourier domain) of the form Y As the power spectrum of MB k has the same form of the power spectrum of an AR(k) model, the stochastic process whose covariance function is MB k is a strict sense k-ple Markov process. This characteristic of the MB k covariance functions is important as it ultimately affects the evaluation of the generalisation error (as we shall see in Section 6). Figure 2 shows the graphs of four (discretised) random functions generated using the MB k covariance functions (with and the SE func- tion. We note how the smoothness of the random function specified is dependent of the choice of the covariance function. In particular, the roughest function is generated by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck covariance function (Figure whereas the smoothest one is produced by the SE (Figure 2(d)). An intermediate level of regularity characterises the functions of Figures 2(b) and 2(c), corresponding to MB 2 and MB 3 respectively. Note that the number of zero-level upcrossings in [0; 1] (denoted N u ) is only weakly dependent on the order of the process. For MB 2 and MB 3 E[N u derivatives (e.g. via finite differences) and thus one would expect that in the continuous-time situation the previous k process values will contain most of the information needed for prediction at the next time. Note that for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process Y depends only on the previous observation Y (t). and ( respectively (see Papoulis (1991) eqn 16-7 for details). For the SE process E[N u As the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is non-differentiable, the formula given for E[N u ] cannot be applied in this case. Learning curve for Gaussian processes A learning curve of a model is a function which relates the generalisation error to the amount of training data; it is independent of the test points as well as the locations of the training data and depends only upon the amount of data in the training set. The learning curve for a GP is evaluated from the estimation of the generalisation error averaged over the distribution of the training and test data. For regression problems, a measure of the generalisation capabilities of a GP is the squared difference E g between the target value on a test point x and the prediction made by using Equation 1: The Bayesian generalisation error at a point x is defined as the expectation of Dn (x; t) over the actual distribution of the stochastic process t: . Under the assumption that the data set is actually generated from a GP, it is possible to read Equation 2 as the Bayesian generalisation error at x given training data D n . To see this, let us consider the (n 1)-dimensional distribution of the target values at x 1 x. This is a zero-mean multivariate Gaussian. The prediction at the test point x is - I. Hence the expected generalisation error at x is given by \Theta \Theta \Theta tt T where we have used \Theta tt T K. Equation 5 is identical to oe 2 (x) as given in Equation 2 with the addition of the noise variance oe 2 (since we are dealing with noisy data). The variance of can also be calculated (Vivarelli, 1998). The covariance matrix pertinent for these calculations is the true prior; if a GP predictor with a different (incorrect) covariance function is used, the expression for the generalisation error becomes c where the indices c and i denote the correct and incorrect covariance functions respectively. It can be shown (Vivarelli, 1998) that this is always larger than Equation 5. Another property of the generalisation error can be derived from the following observation: adding more data points never increases the size of the error bars on prediction (oe 2 n (x)). This can be proved using standard results on the conditioning of a multivariate Gaussian (see Vivarelli, 1998). It can also be understood by the information theoretic argument that conditioning on additional variables never increases the entropy of a random variable. Considering t (x) to be the random variable, we observe that its distribution is Gaussian, with variance independent of t (although the mean does depend on t). The entropy of a Gaussian is2 log . As log is monotonic, the assertion is proved. This argument is an extension of that in (Qazaz et al., 1997), where the inequality was derived for generalized linear regression. Dn (x), a similar inequality applies also to the Bayesian generalisation errors and hence This remark will be applied in Section 5 for evaluating upper bounds on the learning curve. Equation 5 calculates the generalisation error at a point x. Averaging Dn (x) over the density distribution of the test points p (x), the expected generalisation error E Dn is For particular choices of p (x) and C p (x) the computation of this expression can be reduced to a n \Theta n matrix computation as E x \Theta \Theta k (x) k T (x) . We also note that Equation 7 is independent of the test point x but still depends upon the choice of the training data D n . In order to obtain a proper learning curve for GP, E g Dn needs to be averaged 2 over the possible choices of the training data D n . However, it is very difficult to obtain the analytical form of E g for a GP as a function of n. Because of the presence of the k T Equation 5, the matrix K and vector k (x) depend on the location of the training points: the calculations of the averages with respect to the data points seems very hard. This motivates looking for upper and lower bounds on the learning curve for GP. 5 Bounds on the learning curve For the noiseless case, a lower bound on the generalisation error after n observations is due to Michelli and Wahba (1981). Let be the ordered eigenvalues of the covariance function on some domain of the input space X . They showed that E g (n) - a bound on the learning curve for the noisy case; since the bound uses observations consisting of projections of the random function onto the first eigenfunctions, it is not expected that it will be tight for observations which consist of function evaluations. Other results that we are aware of pertain to asymptotic properties of (n). Ritter (1996) has shown that for an optimal sampling of the input space, the asymptotics of the generalisation error is O Hansen (1993) showed that for linear regression models it is possible to average over the distribution of the training sets. a random process which obeys to the Sacks-Ylvisaker 3 conditions of order s (see Ritter et al., 1995 for more details on Sacks-Ylvisaker conditions). In general, the Sacks-Ylvisaker order of the MB k covariance function is 1. For example an MB 1 process has hence the generalisation error shows a n \Gamma1=2 asymptotic decay. In the case that X ae R, the asymptotically optimal design of the input space is the uniform grid. Silverman (1985) proved a similar result for random designs. Haussler and Opper (1997) have developed general (asymptotic) bounds for the expected log-likelihood of a test point after seeing n training points. In the following we introduce upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of a GP in a non-asymptotic regime. An upper bound is particularly useful in practice as it provides an (over)estimate of the number of examples needed to give a certain level of performance. A lower bound is similarly important because it contributes to fix the limit which can not be outperformed by the model. The bounds presented are derived from two different approaches. The first approach makes use of the particular form assumed by the generalisation error at x (E g (x)). As the error bar generated by one data point is greater than that generated by n data points, the former can be considered as an upper bound of the latter. Since this observation holds for the variance due to each one the data points, the envelope of the surfaces generated by Loosely speaking, a stochastic process possessing s mean-square derivatives but not is said to satisfy the Sacks-Ylvisaker conditions of order s. the variances due to each data point is also an upper bound of oe 2 n (x). In particular as oe 2 Dn (x) (cf. Equation 5), the envelope is an upper bound of the generalisation error of the GP. Following this argument, we can assert that an upper bound on E g Dn (x) is the one generated by every GP trained with a subset of D n . The larger the subset of D n the tighter the bound. The two upper bounds we present differ in the number of training points considered in the evaluation of the covariance: the derivation of the one-point upper bound E u 1 (n) and the two-point upper bound E u 2 (n) are presented in Section 5.1 and Section 5.2 respectively. Section 5.3 reports the asymptotic expansion of E u 1 (n) in terms of - and oe 2 - . The second approach is based on the expansion of the stochastic process in terms of the eigenfunctions of the covariance function. Within this framework, Opper proposed bounds on the training and generalisation error (Opper and Vivarelli, 1999) in terms of the eigenvalues of C p (x; x 0 ); the lower bound E l (n) obtained is presented in Section 5.4. In order to have tractable analytical expressions, all the bounds have been derived by introducing three assumptions: i The input space X is restricted to the interval [0; 1]; ii The probability density distribution of the input points is uniform: iii The prior covariance function C p (x; x 0 ) is stationary. 5.1 The one-point upper bound E u For the derivation of the one-point upper bound, let us consider the error bar generated by one data point x i . Since C Equation 2 becomes For x far away from the training point x i , oe 2 the confidence on the prediction for a test point lying far apart from the data point x i is quite low as the error bar is large. The closer x to x i , the smaller the error bar on y (x). When Irrespective of the value of C p (0), r varies from 0 to 1. As normally C p (0) AE oe 2 and thus oe 2 - . So far we have not used any hypothesis concerning the dimension of the variable x, thus this observation holds regardless the dimension of the input space. The effect of just one data point helps in introducing the first upper bound. The interval [0; 1] is split up in n subintervals \Theta a (where a =2 and b centred around the i-th data point x i , with a Let us consider the i-th training point and the error bar oe 2 by x i . When x 2 \Theta a 1 this relation is illustrated in Figure 3, where the envelope of the surfaces of the errors due to each datapoint (denoted by E g (x)) is an upper bound of the overall generalisation error. Since we are dealing with positive functions, an upper bound of the expected generalisation error on the interval \Theta a can be written as a i a i where p (x) is the distribution of the test points. Summing up the contributions coming from each training datapoint in both sides of Equation 8 and setting a i a i The interval where the contribution of the variance due to x i contributes to Equation 8 is also shown in Figure 3. Under the assumption of the stationarity of the covariance function, integrals such as those in the right hand side of Equation 9 depend only upon differences of adjacent training points (i.e. x The right hand side of Equation 9 can be rewritten as a i a i dx I I where I Equation 11 can be derived changing the variables in the two integrals of Equation Equation 11 is an upper bound on E g and still depends upon the choice of the training data D n through the interval of integration. We note that the arguments of the integrals I (\Delta) in Equation 11 are the differences between adjacent training points. Denoting those differences with , we can model their probability density distribution by using the theory of order statistics (David, 1970). Given an uniform distribution of n training data over the interval [0; 1], the density distribution of the differences between adjacent points is p . Since this is true for all the differences ! i we can omit the superscript i and thus the expectation of the integrals in Equation 11 over p (!) is I I I (! n ) . Both the integrals can be calculated following a similar procedure. Let us consider where the second line has been obtained integrating by parts. The last line follows from the fact that [I (!) We are now able to write an upper bound on the learning curve as The calculations of the integrals in the above expression are straightforward though they involve the evaluation of hyper-geometric functions (because of the As the evaluation of such functions is computationally intensive, we found preferable to evaluate Equation 14 numerically. 5.2 The two-points upper bound E u(n) The second bound we introduce is the natural extension of the previous idea, using two data points rather than one. By construction, we expect that it will be tighter than the one introduced in Section 5.1. Let us consider two adjacent data points x i and x i+1 of the interval [0; 1], with By the same argument presented in the previous section, the following inequality holds: 2 (x) is the variance on the prediction - y (x) generated by the data points x i and x i+1 . Similarly to Equation 9, summing up the contributions of both sides of Equation 15 we get an upper bound on the generalisation error: where we have defined After some calculations (see Appendix A) we obtain where I 1 (!). The calculation of the integrals with respect to ! in E u 2 (n) is complicated by the determinant \Delta (!) in the denominator and by the distribution n so we preferred to evaluate them numerically as we did for E u 5.3 Asymptotics of the upper bounds From Equation 14, an expansion of E u 1 (n) in terms of - and oe 2 - in the limit of a large amount of training data can be obtained. The expansion depends upon the covariance function we are dealing with. Expanding the covariance function around 0, the asymptotic form of E u 1 (n) for MB 1 is n- whereas for the functions MB 2 , MB 3 and SE it is The asymptotic value of E u depends neither on the lengthscale of the process nor on the order of the covariance function MB k for k - 1 but is a function of the ratio r: lim As we pointed out in Section 5.1, this is the minimum generalisation error achievable by a GP when it is trained with just one datapoint. The n !1 scenario corresponds to the situation in which every test point is close to a datapoints. As mentioned at the beginning of this Section, the asymptotics of the learning curve for the MB k and SE covariance functions are O \Delta and O respectively. Although the expansions of decay asymptotically faster than the learning curves, they reach an asymptotic plateau oe 2 - . We also note that the asymptotic values get closer to the true noise level when r - 1, i.e. for the unrealistic case oe 2 The smoothness of the process enters into the asymptotics through a factor O This factor affects the rate of approach to the asymptotic value oe 2 of E u 1 (n). We notice that larger lengthscales and noise levels increase the rate of decay of E u 1 (n) to the asymptotic plateau. The asymptotic form of E u 2 (n) for the MB 1 , MB 2 , MB 3 and SE covariance functions is (Vivarelli, 1998) a where the value of a depends upon the choice of the covariance function and (0). Similarly to the expansion of E u 1 (n), the decay rate of 2 (n) is faster than the asymptotic decay of the actual learning curves but it reaches an asymptotic plateau of lim It is straightforward to verify that the asymptotic plateau of E u 2 (n) is lower than the one of E u 1 (n) and that it corresponds to the error bar estimated by a GP with two observations located at the test point. 5.4 The lower bound E l (n) Opper (Opper and Vivarelli, 1999) proposed a bound on the learning curve and on the training error based on the decomposition of the stochastic process y (x) in terms of the eigenfunctions of the covariance C p (x; x 0 ). Denoting with ' k set of functions satisfying the integral equation Z the Bayesian generalisation error E (where y (x) is the true underlying stochastic function and - y (x) is the GP predic- tion) can be written in terms of the eigenvalues of C p (x; x 0 ). In particular, after an average over the distribution of the input data, E g (D n ) can be written as E g (D n , where is the infinite dimension diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues and V is a matrix depending on the training data, i.e. V By using Jensen's inequality, it is possible to show that a lower bound of the learning curve and an upper bound of the training error is (Opper and In this paper we mean to compare this lower bound to the actual learning curve of a GP. As our bounds are on t rather than y, we must add oe 2 - to the expression obtained in Equation 23 giving an actual lower bound of 6 Results As we pointed out in Section 4, the analytic calculation of the learning curve of a GP is infeasible. Since the generalisation error is a complicated function of the training data (which are inside the elements of k (x) and K \Gamma1 ), it is problematic to perform an integration over the distribution of the training points. For comparing the learning curve of the GP with the bounds we found, we need to evaluate the expectation of the integral in Equation 25 over the distribution of the data: E EDn \Theta Dn . An estimate of E g (n) can be obtained using a Monte Carlo approximation of the expectation. We used 50 generations of training data, sampling uniformly the input space [0; 1]. For each generation, the expected generalisation error for a GP has been evaluated using up to 1000 datapoints. Using the 50 generations of training data, we can obtain an estimate of the learning curve E g (n) and its 95% confidence interval. Since this study is focused on the behaviour of bounds on learning curve on GP, we assume the true values of the parameters of the GP are known. So we chose the value of the constant - for the covariance functions Equation 4) such that C p allowed the lengthscale - and the noise level oe 2 - to assume several values To begin with, we study how the smoothness of a process affects the behaviour of the learning curve. The empirical learning curves of Figure 4 have been obtained for processes whose covariance functions are MB 1 , 0:1. We can notice that all the learning curves exhibit an initial linear decrease. This can be explained considering that without any training data, the generalisation error is the maximum allowable by the model (C - ). The introduction of a training point x 1 creates a hole on the error surface: the volume of the hole is proportional to the value of the lengthscale and depends on the covariance function. The addition of a new data point x 2 will have the effect of generating a new hole in the surface. With such a few data points it is likely that the two data lie down far apart one from the other, giving rise to two distinct holes. Thus the effect that a small dataset exerts to pull down the error surface is proportional to the amount of training points and explains the initial linear trend. Concerning the asymptotic behaviour of the learning curves, we have verified that they agree with the theoretical analysis carried out by Ritter (1996). In particular, a log-log plot of the learning curves with a MB k covariance function shows an asymptotic behaviour as O . A similar remark applies to the SE covariance function, with an asymptotic decay rate of O (Opper, 1997). We have also noted that the smoother the process described by the covariance function the smaller the the amount of training data needed to reach the asymptotic regime. The behaviour of the learning curves is affected also by the value of the lengthscale of the process and by the noise level and this is illustrated in Figure 7. The learning curves shown in Figure 5(a) have been obtained for the MB 1 covariance function setting the noise level oe 2 0:1 and varying the values of the parameters Intuitively, Figure 5(a) suggests that decreasing the lengthscale stretches the early behaviour of the learning curve and the approach to the asymptotic plateau lasts longer; this is due to the effect induced by different values of the lengthscale which stretch or compress the input space. We have verified that rescaling the amount of data n by the ratio of the two lengthscales, the two curves of Figure 5(a) lay on top of each other. The variation of the noise level shifts the learning curves from the prior value C p (0) by an offset equal to the noise level itself (cf. Equation 5); in order to see any significant effect of the noise on the learning curve, Figure 5(b) shows a log-log graph of E obtained for a stochastic process with MB 3 covariance function, setting . We can notice two main effects. The noise variance affects the actual values of the generalisation error since the learning curve obtained with high noise level is always above the one obtained with a low noise level. A second effect concerns the amount of data necessary to reach the asymptotic regime. The learning curve characterised by an high noise level needs fewer datapoints to attain to the asymptotic regime. Stochastic processes with different covariance functions and different values of lengthscales and noise variance behave in a similar way. In the following we discuss the results in two main subsections: results about the bounds E u 2 (n) are presented in Section 6.1, whereas the lower bound of Section 5.4 is shown in Section 6.2. As the results we obtained for these experiments show common characteristics, we show the bounds of the learning curve obtained by setting 6.1 The upper bounds E u(n) and E u(n) Each graph in Figure 6 shows the empirical learning curve with its confidence interval and the two upper bounds E u (n). The curves are shown for the MB 1 , MB 2 , MB 3 and the SE covariance functions. For a limited amount of training data it is possible to notice that the upper error bar associated to EDn [E g (n)] lies above the actual upper bounds. This effect is due to the variability of the generalisation error for small data sets and suggests that the bounds are quite tight for small n. The effect disappears for large n, when the estimate of the generalisation error is less sensitive to the composition of the training set. As expected, the two-point upper bound E u 2 (n) is tighter than the one-point upper bound E u We note that the tightness of the upper bound depends upon the covariance function, being tighter for rougher processes (such as MB 1 ) and getting worse for smoother processes. This can be explained by recalling that covariance functions such as the MB k correspond to Markov processes of order k (cf. Section 3). Although the Markov process is actually hidden by the presence of the noise, E g (n) is still more dependent on training data lying close to the test point x than on more distant points. Since the bounds E u calculated by using only local information (namely the closest datapoint to the test point, or the closest datapoints to the left and right, respectively), it is natural that the more the variance at x depends on local data points, the tighter the bounds become. For instance, let us consider MB 1 , the covariance function of a first order Markov process. For the noise-free process, knowledge of data-points lying beyond the the left and right neighbours of x does not reduce the generalisation error at x 4 . Although in the noisy case more distant data-points 4 This is because the process values at the training points and test point form a Markov chain, and knowledge of the process values to the left and right of the test point "blocks" reduce the generalisation error (because of the term oe 2 - in the covariance matrix K), it is likely that local information is still the most important. The bounds on the learning curves computed for MB 2 and MB 3 confirm this remark, as they are looser than for MB 1 . For the SE covariance function, this effect still holds and is actually enlarged. In Section 5.3 we have shown that the asymptotic behaviour of the bound depends on the covariance function, being O O plots of the upper bounds confirm the analysis carried out in Section 5.3, where we showed that E u approach asymptotic plateaux. In particular, E u tends to oe 2 O tends to The quality of the bounds for processes characterised by different length- scales and different noise levels are comparable to the ones described so far: the tightness of E u still depend on the smoothness of the process. As explained at the beginning of this section, a variation of the lengthscale has the same effect of a rescaling in the number of training data. This can be observed explicitly in the asymptotic analysis of Equations and 19, where the decay rate depends on the factor n-. For a fixed covariance function, we note that the bounds are tighter for lower noise variance; this is due to the fact that the lower the noise level the better the hidden Markov process manifests itself. For smaller noise levels the influence of more remote observations. the learning curve becomes closer to the bounds because the generalisation error relies on the local behaviour of the processes around the test data; on the contrary, a larger noise level hides the underlying Markov Process thus loosening the bounds. 6.2 The bound E l (n) We have also run experiments computing the lower bound we obtained from Equation 24 for processes generated by the covariance priors MB 1 , MB 2 , MB 3 and SE . Equation 24 shows that the evaluation of E l (n) involves the computation of an infinite sum of terms; we truncated the series considering only those terms which add a significant contribution to the sums, i.e. j k =oe 2 " is the machine precision. Since each contribution in the series is positive, the quantity computed is still a lower bound of the learning curve. Figure 7 shows the results of the experiment in which we set 0:1. The graphs of the lower bound lies below the empirical learning curve, being tighter for large amount of data; in particular for the smoothest processes with large amount of data, the 95% confidence intervals lay below the actual lower bound. For the lower bound tends to the noise level oe 2 - . As with the empirical learning curve, log-log plots of E l y (n) show an asymptotic decay to zero as O(n \Gamma(2k\Gamma1)=2k ) and O \Delta for the MB k and the SE covariance functions, respectively. The graphs of Figure 7 show also that the tightness of the bound depends on the smoothness of the stochastic process; in particular smooth processes are characterised by a tight lower bound on the learning curve E g (n). This can be explained by observing that E l (n) is a lower bound on the learning curve and an upper bound of the training error. The values of smooth functions do not have large variation between training points and thus the model can infer better on test data; this reduces the generalisation error pulling it closer to the training error. Since the two errors sandwich the bound of Equation 24, E l (n) becomes tight for smooth processes. We can also notice that the tightness of the lower bound depends on the noise level, becoming tight for high the noise level and loose for small noise level. This is consistent with a general characteristic of E l (n) which is monotonically decreasing function of the noise variance (Opper and Vivarelli, 1999). In this paper we have presented non-asymptotic upper and lower bounds for the learning curve of GPs. The theoretical analysis has been carried out for one-dimensional GPs characterised by several covariance functions and has been supported by numerical simulations. Starting from the observation that increasing the amount of training data never worsens the Bayesian generalisation error, an upper bound on the learning curve can be estimated as the generalisation error of a GP trained with a reduced dataset. This means that for a given training set the envelope of the generalisation errors generated by one and two datapoints is an upper bound of the actual learning curve of the GP. Since the expectation of the generalisation error over the distribution of the training data is not analytically tractable, we introduced the two upper bounds E u 1 (n) and 2 (n) which are amenable to average over the distribution of the test and training points. In this study we have evaluated the expected value of the future directions of research should also deal with the evaluation of the variances. In order to highlight the behaviour of the bounds with respect to the smoothness of the stochastic process, we investigated the bounds for the modified Bessel covariance function of order k (describing stochastic processes differentiable) and the squared exponential function (describing processes mean square-differentiable up to the order 1). The experimental results have shown that the learning curves and their bounds are characterised by an early, linearly decreasing behaviour; this is due to the effect exerted by each datapoint in pulling down the surface of the prior generalisation error. We also noticed that the tightness of the bounds depends on the smoothness of the stochastic processes. This is due to the facts that the bounds rely on subsets of the training data (i.e. one or two datapoints) and the modified Bessel covariance functions describe Markov processes of order k; although in our simulations the Markovian processes were hidden by noise, the learning curves depend mainly on local information and our bounds become tighter for rougher processes. We also investigated the behaviour of the curves with respect to the variation of the correlation lengthscale of the process and the variance of the noise corrupting the stochastic process. We noticed that the lengthscale stretches the behaviour of the curves effectively rescaling the number of training data. As the noise level has the effect of hiding the underlying Markov process, the upper bounds become tighter for smaller noise variance. The expansion of the bounds in the limit of large amount of data highlights an asymptotic behaviour depending upon the covariance function; approaches the asymptotic plateau as O (for the MB 1 covariance and as O for smoother processes; the rate of decay to the plateau of E u 2 (n) is O . Numerical simulations supported our analysis. One limitation of our analysis is the dimension of the input space; the bounds have been made analytically tractable by using order statistics results after splitting up the one dimensional input space of the GP. In higher dimensional spaces the partition of the input space can be replaced by a Voronoi tessellation that depends on the data D n but averaging over this distribution appears to be difficult. One can suggest an approximate evaluation of the upper bounds by an integration over a ball whose radius depends upon the number of examples and the volume of the input space in which the bound holds. In any case we expect that the effect due to larger input dimension is to loosen the upper bounds. We note that recent work by (Sol- lich, 1999) has derived some good approximations to the learning curve, and that his methods apply in more than one dimension 5 . We also ran some experiments by using the lower bound proposed by Opper, based on the knowledge of the eigenvalues of the covariance function of the process. Since the bound E l (n) is also an upper bound on the training error, we observed that the bound is tighter for smooth processes, when the learning curve becomes closer to the training error. Also the noise can vary the tightness of E l (n); a low noise level loosens the lower bound. Unlike the upper bounds, the lower bound can be applied also in multivariate problems, as it is easily extended to high dimension input space; however it has been verified (Opper and Vivarelli, 1999) that the bound becomes less tight in input space of higher dimension. Appendix A: The two-points upper bound E u In this Appendix we derive Equation 17 starting from Equation 16. We start by calculating oe 2 (x). As the covariance matrix generated by two data points is a 2 \Theta 2 matrix, it is straightforward to evaluate oe 2 Considering the two training data x i and x i+1 , the covariance matrix of the 5 The reference to Sollich (1999) was added when the manuscript was revised in April 1999. GP is From the evaluation of the determinant of K as As the covariance vector for the test point x is k the variance assumes the form Changing variables in the covariances C p (as turns out that the upper bound generated by oe 2 2 (x) in the interval \Theta (when i 6= 0; n), is I 1 where I 1 (-) d- and I 2 It is noticeable that, similarly to Equation 11, also the integrals I 1 (\Delta), I 2 (\Delta) and the determinant \Delta depend upon the length of the interval of integration We evaluate the contributions to the upper bound over the intervals \Theta 0; x 1 and [x n ; 1] by integrating the variance oe 2 generated by x 1 and x n over \Theta 0; x 1 and [x n ; 1] respectively. Hence the right hand side of Equation 16 can be rewritten as I 1 I where I (\Delta) is defined in Equation 12. Equation 26 is still dependent on the distribution of the training data because it is a function of the distances between adjacent training points . Similarly to Equation 11, we obtain an upper bound independent of the training data by integrating Equation 13 over the distribution of the differences \GammaC Acknowledgments This research forms part of the "Validation and Verification of Neural Net-work Systems" project funded jointly by EPSRC (GR/K 51792) and British Aerospace. We thank Dr. Manfred Opper, and Dr. Andy Wright of BAe for helpful discussions. We also thank the anonymous referees for their comments which have helped improve this paper. F. V. was supported by a studentship from British Aerospace. --R The Geometry of Random Fields. A new look at statistical model identification. Gaussian processes for Bayesian classification via hybrid Monte Carlo. Order Statistics. Table of Integrals Stochastic linear learning: Exact test and training error averages. Generalized Additive Models. Mutual information Information Theory. Design problems for optimal surface interpolation. Network information criterion-determining the number of hidden units for artificial neural network models Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Statistics 118. Regression with gaussian processes: average case per- formance General bounds on Bayes errors for regression with Gaussian Processes. An Upper Bound on the Bayesian Error Bars for Generalized Linear Regression. Evaluation of Gaussian Processes and Other Methods for Non-linear Regression Almost optimal differentiation using noisy data. Multivariate integration and approximation for random fields satisfying Sacks- Ylvisaker conditions Some aspects of the spline smoothing approach to non-parametric regression curve filtering Learning Curves for Gaussian Processes. A theory of the learnable. The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory. Studies on generalisation in Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks. Prediction and regulation by linear least square methods. Computing with infinite networks. Figures 6(a) Figure 7: Figures 7(a) --TR --CTR Peter Sollich , Anason Halees, Learning curves for Gaussian process regression: approximations and bounds, Neural Computation, v.14 n.6, p.1393-1428, June 2002
gaussian processes;bounds;generalisation error;bayesian inference
Rapid Evaluation of Nonreflecting Boundary Kernels for Time-Domain Wave Propagation.
We present a systematic approach to the computation of exact nonreflecting boundary conditions for the wave equation. In both two and three dimensions, the critical step in our analysis involves convolution with the inverse Laplace transform of the logarithmic derivative of a Hankel function. The main technical result in this paper is that the logarithmic derivative of the Hankel function $H_\nu^{(1)}(z)$ of real order $\nu$ can be approximated in the upper half $z$-plane with relative error $\varepsilon$ by a rational function of degree $d \sim O (\log|\nu|\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon}+ \log^2 |\nu| + | \nu |^{-1} \log^2\frac{1}{\varepsilon} )$ as $|\nu|\rightarrow\infty$, $\varepsilon\rightarrow 0$, with slightly more complicated bounds for $\nu=0$. If N is the number of points used in the discretization of a cylindrical (circular) boundary in two dimensions, then, assuming that $\varepsilon < 1/N$, $O(N \log N\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ work is required at each time step. This is comparable to the work required for the Fourier transform on the boundary. In three dimensions, the cost is proportional to $N^2 \log^2 N + N^2 \log N\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon}$ for a spherical boundary with N2 points, the first term coming from the calculation of a spherical harmonic transform at each time step. In short, nonreflecting boundary conditions can be imposed to any desired accuracy, at a cost dominated by the interior grid work, which scales like N3 in two dimensions and N2 in three dimensions.
argument, z, satisfying Im(z) 0. The number of poles is bounded by O log || log 1 +log2 ||+||1 log2 1 . A similar representation for derived which is valid for Im(z) >0 requiring O log 1 log 1 +log 1 log log 1 +log 1 log log 1 poles. In section 2, we introduce nonreflecting boundary kernels. In section 3 we collect background material in a form convenient for the subsequent development. Section 4 contains the analytical and approximate treatment of the logarithmic derivative, while a procedure for computing these representations is presented in Section 5. The results of our numerical computations are contained in section 6, and we present our conclusions in section 7. 2. Nonreflecting boundary kernels. Let us first consider the wave equation in a two-dimensional annular domain 0 <<1. The general solution can be expressed as where Kn and In are modified Bessel functions (see, for example, [17, section 9.6]), the coecients an and bn are arbitrary functions analytic in the right half-plane, L denotes the Laplace transform denotes the inverse Laplace transform ds. Likewise, for the wave equation in a three-dimensional domain r0 <r<r1, the general solution can be expressed as rs/c rs/c If we imagine that is to be used as a nonreflecting boundary, then we can assume there are no sources in the exterior region and the coecients (or bnm(s)) are zero. Let us now denote by un(, t) the function satisfying Then un (, s)=an(s) Kn (s/c) s Kn (s/c) c Kn(s/c) so that c Kn(s/c) where denotes Laplace convolution convolution kernel in (2.9) is a generalized function. Its singular part is easily removed, however, by subtracting the first two terms of the asymptotic expansion c Kn(s/c) c 2 From the assumption un(, t)=0fort 0 and standard properties of the Laplace transform we obtain the boundary condition where which we impose at Remark. The solution to the wave equation in physical space is recovered on the nonreflecting boundary from un by Fourier transformation: assuming N points are used in the discretization. The analogous boundary condition in three dimensions is expressed in terms of the functions unm(r, t) satisfying rs/c After some algebraic manipulation, assuming unm(r, t)=0fort 0, we have where (rs/c)which we impose at Note that the boundary conditions (2.12) and (2.16) are exact but nonlocal, since they rely on a Fourier (or spherical harmonic) transformation in space and are history dependent. The form of the history is simple, however, and expressed, for each separate mode, in terms of a convolution kernel which is the inverse Laplace transform of a function defined in terms of the logarithmic derivative of a modified Bessel function d K (z) log K(z)= . dz K(z) Remark. In three dimensions, the required logarithmic derivative of Kn+ 1 (z)isa ratio of polynomials, so that one can recast the boundary condition in terms of a dierential operator of order n. The resulting expression would be equivalent to those derived by Sofronov [7] and Grote and Keller [8]. The remainder of this paper is devoted to the approximation of the logarithmic derivatives (2.18) as a ratio of polynomials of degree O(log ), from which the convolution kernels n and n can be expressed as a sum of decaying exponentials. This representation allows for the recursive evaluation of the integral operators in (2.12) and (2.16), using only O(log n) work per time step (see [18]). We note that, by Par- sevals equality, the L2 error resulting from convolution with an approximate kernel is sharply bounded by the L error in the approximation to the kernels transform. Precisely, approximating the kernel B(t) by the kernel A(t)wefind A u B where we assume that A, B, and u are all regular for Re(s) > 0. For finite times we may let s have a positive real part, : We therefore concentrate our theoretical developments on L approximations. For ease of computation, however, we compute our rational representations by least squares methods. These do generally lead to small relative errors in the maximum norm, as will be shown. Since Hankel functions are more commonly used in the special function literature, we will write the logarithmic derivatives as d d (1) i/2 H(1) zei/2 log K(z)= log H dz dz H(1) zei/2 We are, then, interested in approximating logarithmic derivative of the Hankel function on and above the real axis. 3. Mathematical preliminaries. In this section we collect several well-known facts concerning the Bessel equation, the logarithmic derivative of the Hankel func- tion, and pole expansions, in a form that will be useful in the subsequent analytical development. 3.1. Bessels equation. Bessels dierential equation dz2 z dz z2 (1) (2) for R, has linearly independent solutions H and H , known as Hankels functions. These can be expressed by the formulae J(z) eiJ(z) J(z) eiJ(z) where the Bessel function of the first kind is defined by z (z2/4)k The expressions in (3.2) are replaced by their limiting values for integer values of . (1) (2) (See, for example, [17, section 9.1].) For general , the functions H and H have a branch point at and it is customary to place the corresponding branch cut on the negative real axis and impose the restriction <arg z . We shall find it more convenient, however, to place the branch cut on the negative imaginary axis, with the restriction Hankels functions have especially simple asymptotic properties. In particular (see, for example, [19, section 7.4.1]), z zk z zk 2z z as z , with (42 12)(42 32) (42 (2k 1)2) and the branch of the square root is determined by Finally we note the symmetry We also make use of the modified Bessel functions K(z) and I(z). These are linearly independent solutions of the equation obtained from (3.1) by the transformation z iz. Their Wronskian satisfies Moreover we have for positive r [20] Asymptotic expansions of K(r) and I(r) for r small and large are also known [17, sections 9.6 and 9.7]. For real r and 0wehave r log ,=0, Here =0.5772 . is the Euler constant. Finally, we note the uniform expansions of Bessel functions for given in [17]. For Hankel function and derivative we have as , where we restrict z to |arg(z)|/2 and define 3 z Here, Ai(t) denotes the Airy function [17, section 10.4]. Note that Large approximations of the modified Bessel functions for real arguments, r, are given by where r 3.2. Hankel function logarithmic derivative. We denote the logarithmic (1) derivative of H by G, (1) (3.21) G(z)= log H(1)(z)= . dz H(1)(z) The following lemma states a few fundamental facts about G that we will use below. Lemma 3.1. The function G(z), for R, satisfies the formulae z is the complex conjugate of z. Asymptotic approximations to G are where is the Euler constant, zk 2z z zk (1) Fig. 3.1. Curve z() defined by (3.18) near which the scaled zeros of H lie (see Lemma 3.2). (1) The branch cut of H is chosen (3.4) on the negative imaginary axis. where Ak() is defined in (3.7), and where is defined in (3.18). Furthermore, the function u defined by satisfies the recurrence Proof. Equations (3.22) and (3.23) and asymptotic expansion (3.24) follow im- (1) mediately from the definitions (3.2) through (3.4) of J and H . The asymptotic expansion (3.25) follows from (3.5) and (3.6), while (3.26) is a consequence of (3.16) and (3.17). The recurrence (3.28) from standard Bessel recurrences [17, section 9.1.27]. (1) The zeros of H (z) are well characterized [17, 20]; they lie in the lower half z-plane near the curve shown in Figure 3.1, obtained by transformation [21] of Bessels equation. In terms of the asymptotic approximation (3.16), this curve corresponds to negative, real arguments of the Airy function. (1) Lemma 3.2. The zeros h,1,h,2,. of H (z) in the sector /2 arg z 0 are given by the asymptotic expansion uniformly in n, where n is defined by the equation z() is obtained from inverting (3.18), and an is the nth negative zero of Airy function Ai. The zeros in the sector arg z 3/2 are given by h,1, h,2,.In particular, where 3.3. Pole expansions. A set of poles in a finite region defines a function that is smooth away from the region, with the smoothness increasing as the distance in- creases. This fact leads to the following approximation related to the fast multipole method [22, 23]. Lemma 3.3. Suppose that q1,.,qn are complex numbers and z1,.,zn are complex numbers with |zj|1 for j =1,.,n. The function z zj can be approximated for Re(z)=a>1 by the m pole expansion z j is a root of unity and j is defined by The error of the approximation is bounded by where z zj Proof. We use the geometric series summation z v zk+1 zm z v to obtain zm z zj z j All m terms of the first summation vanish, due to the combination of (3.34) and the equality mk0. For the error term we obtain Re |z| (a 1)2 1+a2 (a 1)2 |z| 1 zj/z (a 1)2 z zj (a 1)2 and Moreover, repeating the computations of (3.39), we find (a 1)2 Now the combination of (3.38) through (3.41) and the triangle inequality gives (3.35). Inequality (3.35) remains valid if we assume instead that |zj|b and Re(z)= ab>b, for arbitrary b R, b>0; this fact leads to the next two results whose proofs mimic that of Lemma 3.3 and are omitted. Lemma 3.4. Suppose n, p are positive integers, q1,.,qn are complex numbers, and z1,.,zn are complex numbers contained in disks D1,.,Dp of radii r1,.,rp, centered at c1,.,cp, respectively. The function z zj can be approximated for z satisfying Re(z ci) ari >ri for i =1,.,pby the mp pole expansion ri j), where ij is defined by ri with jiDj. The error of the approximation is bounded by (am 1)(a 1)2 1148 BRADLEY ALPERT, LESLIE GREENGARD, AND THOMAS HAGSTROM where z zj Lemma 3.5. Suppose that the discrete poles of Lemma 3.4 are replaced with a density q defined on a curve C with C specifically C z which is finite for z outside Up, and that gm is defined by (3.43) with ij defined by ri with Then the bound (3.45) holds as before. Lemma 3.3 enables us to approximate, with exponential convergence, a function defined as a sum of poles. The fundamental assumption is that the region of interest be separated from the pole locations. The notion of separation is eectively relaxed by covering the pole locations with disks of varying size in an adaptive manner. In Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5, we use this approach to derive our principal analytical result. 4. Rational approximation of the logarithmic derivative. The Hankel functions logarithmic derivative G(z) defined in (3.21) approaches a constant as z and is regular for finite z C, except at z = 0, which is a branch point, and at (1) the zeros of H (z), all of which are simple. We can therefore develop a representation for G analogous to that of the Mittag-Leer theorem; the only addition is due to the branch cut on the negative imaginary axis. It will be convenient to work with u(z), defined in (3.27), for which approximations to be introduced have simple error bounds. Theorem 4.1. The function u(z)=zG(z), where G is defined for R by (3.21) with the branch cut defined by (3.4), is given by the formula for z C not in {0,h,1,h,2,.,h,N } and not on the negative imaginary axis. (1) Here h,1,h,2,.,h,N denote the zeros of H (z), which number N. Proof. The case of the spherical Hankel function, where is simple and we consider it first. Here u(z) is a ratio of polynomials in iz with real coecients, which is clear from the observation that u1/2(z)=iz1/2 in combination with the recurrence (3.28). Hence z h,n where p is a polynomial and ,n is the residue of u at h,n, zh,n (1) Cm (2) Cm Re(z) Fig. 4.1. Integration contour Cm, with inner circle radius 1/m and outer radius m +1. by lHopitals rule. We see from (3.25) .Noting that u(iy) R for y R, and combining (4.2), (4.3), and (4.5), we obtain (4.1). We now consider the case Z, for which the origin is a branch point. For m =1, 2,., we define Cm to be the simple closed curve, shown in Figure 4.1, (1) which proceeds counterclockwise along the circle Cm of radius centered at the origin from arg z = /2to3/2, to the vertical segment (2) to the circle Cm of radius 1/m centered at the origin from arg z =3/2to/2, to the vertical segment z = rei/2, back to the first circle. Since none of the zeros of (1) H lies on the imaginary axis, Cm encloses them all if m is suciently large. For (1) such m, and z C inside Cm with H the residue theorem gives (1) (2) We now consider the separate pieces of the contour Cm. For the circles Cm and Cm , we use the asymptotic expansion (4.4) about infinity and (3.24) about the origin to obtain Fig. 4.2. Plot of Re u(rei/2) , containing the zero crossing, and Im u(rei/2) , for Now exploiting the symmetry u(re3i/2)=u(rei/2) from (3.23) for the vertical segments, we obtain which, when combined with (4.6), yields (4.1) and the theorem. The primary aim of this paper is to reduce the summation and integral of (4.1) to a similar summation involving dramatically fewer terms. To do so, we restrict z to the upper half-plane and settle for an approximation. Such a representation is (1) possible, for the poles of u (zeros of H ) lie entirely in the lower half-plane and do not cluster near the real axis. We first examine the behavior of u on the negative imaginary axis. The qualitative behavior of u on the branch cut is illustrated by the case of shown in Figure 4.2. The plot changes little with changing , except for the sign of Im u(z) and the sharpness of its extremum. Lemma 4.2. For R, Z, the function u(rei/2) is infinitely dierentiable on r (0, ) and has imaginary part satisfying the following formulae: cos() r2||,=0, where is defined in (3.20). (1) Proof. Infinite dierentiability of u(z) follows from the observation that H (z) on the negative imaginary axis. To derive (4.9) we recall (3.11) to obtain then apply (3.10). The remaining formulas follow from the asymptotic forms of K(r) and I(r) for small and large r, and the uniform large expansions given in (3.12) through (3.15) and (3.19). Here we use the symmetry u. Note that (4.10) is valid for r/||0. The approximation (4.12) is nonuniform for 2k 1/2 and Lemma 4.3. Given 0 > 0 there exist constants c0 and c1 such that for all R, Z, and all z satisfying Im(z) 0, the function satisfies the bounds Moreover, there exists >0 such that for all R, ||0, and with 0 < <1/2, f(z) admits an approximation g(z) that is a sum of d 1+||1 log(1/) log(1/) poles, with Proof. We assume and begin by changing variables, so that From the nonvanishing of z and its asymptotic behavior in w, it is clear that (4.15) holds for ||(0,1) and any fixed 1 >0. Using (4.12) for || large but bounded away from 2k 1/2 for integral k, an application of Watsons lemma to (4.14) focuses on the unique positive zero, w,of defined in (3.20). As the derivative of this function is positive, we conclude cos() where is a function of w, so that (4.15) clearly holds. However, as 2k 1/2, the denominator on the right-hand side of (4.12) may nearly vanish at w and the expansion loses its uniformity. Setting cos()= in these cases, we see that the denominator has a minimum which is bounded below by O(2). Hence in an O(||1) neighborhood of the minimum which includes w,wehave which by the change of variables is seen to satisfy the upper bound in uniformly in . As the rest of the integral is small, the upper bound holds. We now move on to the approximation. For a positive integer m and a positive number w0, we define intervals and where f0,f1, and f2 are defined by the formulae We will now choose w0 and m so that f0 and f2 can be ignored and then use Lemma 3.5 to approximate f1. Using (4.10) and (4.12) and taking w0 suciently small we have, for some constant c2 independent of , (4.22) |f0(z)| w2||1dw w0 . Hence, a choice of suces to guarantee |f0(z)| |f(z)|in the closed upper half-plane. Now using (4.11) and (4.12) and assuming m su- ciently large we have, for some constant c3 independent of , From (4.23), choosing for appropriate m0 and m1 independent of and leads to |f(z)|.Finally, we apply Lemma 3.5 to the approximation of f1. The error involves the function but we note that Using p poles for each j we produce a p m-pole approximation g(z) with an error estimate, again for Im(z) 0, given by(4.28) |f1(z) g(z)| |f1(z)|. A choice of enforces combining (4.24), (4.27), (4.30), and the triangle inequality, we obtain (4.16) with the number of poles, satisfying the stated bound. The case treatment. First, the direct application of the preceding arguments leads to a significantly larger upper bound on the number of poles. Second, we note that so that relative error bounds near z =0 require a vanishing absolute error. Finally, the lack of regularity of u0(z)atz =0 precludes uniform rational approximation, as discussed in [10]. Therefore, we relax the condition Im(z) 0toIm(z) >0. By (2.20) this will lead to good approximate convolutions for times T 1. Lemma 4.4. There exists >0 such that for all , 0 <<1/2 and , 0 << 1/2, the function f(z)=u0(z)iz +1/2 admits an approximation g(z) that is a sum of d log(1/) log log(1/) log(1/) poles, with Proof. Note that since u0(z) has no poles, f(z) is given by (4.14) and satisfies (4.15). Define intervals Now where f1 and f2 are defined by the formulae We will now choose m so that f2 can be ignored and then use Lemma 3.5 to approximate f1. Using (4.11) and assuming m suciently large we have, for some constant c, Hence, choosing log log(1/) for appropriate m0 independent of and leads to Finally, we apply Lemma 3.5 to the approximation of f1. Using p poles for each j we produce a p m-pole approximation g(z) with an error estimate for Im(z) given A choice of enforces (4.39), and the triangle inequality, (4.31) is achieved with the number of poles, satisfying the stated bound. We now consider the contribution of the poles. Lemma 4.5. There exist constants C0, C1, >0 such that for all , R with 2 || and 0 <<1/2 the function z h,n (1) where h,1,.,h,N are the roots of H , satisfies the inequalities and admits an approximation g(z) that is a sum of d log ||log(1/) poles, with Proof. The curve C defined in Lemma 3.2, near which h,1/||,.,h,N /|| lie, is contained in disks separated from the real axis. If we denote the disk of radius r centered at c by D(r, c), then the disks for example, contain C\{+1, 1}. From (3.31), the root h,1 closest to the real axis satisfies hence it is contained in a disk of (4.43) with n log2 24/331/2(a1)1||2/3 , and all of the roots are contained in O(log ||)of the disks. Now applying Lemma 3.4 we obtain (4.42) with |h| replaced by To obtain the upper bound in (4.41) for both h and H we note first that it is trivial except for |z/|1. A detailed analysis of the roots as described by Lemma 3.2 shows that Hence, for |z/|1, z h,j The lower bound in (4.41) is again obvious except for |z/|1. Then, however, we note that Since, from (3.26), by (4.15) the right-hand side is dominated by iz and The combination of Theorem 4.1 and Lemmas 4.3 and 4.5 suces to prove our principal analytical result. Theorem 4.6. Given 0 > 0 there exists >0 such that for all R, ||0, and 0 <<1/2 there exists d with and complex numbers 1,.,d and 1,.,d, depending on and , such that the function approximates u(z) with the bound provided that Im(z) 0. Furthermore Proof. We first note the lower bound c|| (4.52) u(z) iz +1/2 . For >0 the function is nonvanishing and has the correct asymptotic behavior, so we need only consider the case of || large. The result then follows from (3.26). This proves (4.51) and (4.50) with u replaced by u iz +1/2 on the right-hand side. From (3.26) we have so that the final result follows from the scaling ||1/3. The number of poles in (4.48) required to approximate u(z) to a tolerance depends on both and . The asymptotic dependence on is proportional to ||1 log2(1/). We will see in the numerical examples, however, that this term is important only for small ||; otherwise the dominant term is the first, for an asymptotic dependence of O log ||log(1/) . As we generally have ||1 in practice, the term log2 || is of less importance. Similarly, Lemma 4.4 leads to the following theorem for =0. Theorem 4.7. There exists >0 such that for all , 0 <<1/2 and , 0 <<1/2 there exists d log(1/) log(1/) log log(1/) and complex numbers 1,.,d and 1,.,d, depending on and , such that the function approximates u0(z) with the bound provided that Im(z) . Furthermore Proof. Again we already have (4.55) with u0(z)iz +1/2 on the right-hand side. By (3.24) we find log(1/)u0(z). The theorem follows from the scaling log1(1/). As we must take we see that the number of poles required may grow like log(1/) log T log T log log T. However, this is only for the mode in the two-dimensionsal case. In short, the T dependence is insignificant in practice. 5. Computation of the rational representations. Analytical error bound estimates developed in the previous sections are based on maximum norm errors as in (2.19) and (2.20). In numerical computation it is often convenient, however, to obtain least squares solutions. Our method of computing a rational function U, that satisfies (4.50) is to enforce (4.51). An alternative approach would be to use rational Chebyshev approximation as developed by Trefethen and Gutknecht [24, 25, 26]. In the numerical computations, we work with and its sum-of-poles approximation U,(z)=U,(z) iz +1/2. In particular, we have the nonlinear least squares problem for P,Q polynomials with deg(P) Problem (5.2) is not only nonlinear, but also very poorly conditioned when P,Q are represented in terms of their monomial coecients. We apply two tactics for coping with these diculties: linearization and orthogonalization. We linearize the problem by starting with a good estimate of Q and updating P,Q iteratively. In particular, we solve the linear least squares problem where the integral is replaced by a quadrature. The initial values P(0), Q(0) are obtained by exploiting the asymptotic expansion (3.25) and the recurrence (3.28). We find that two to three iterations of (5.3) generally suce. The quadrature for (5.3) is derived by first changing variables, where 1,.,m and w1 .,wm denote appropriate quadrature nodes and weights. The transformed integrand is periodic on the interval [/2,/2], so the trapezoidal rule (or midpoint rule) is an obvious candidate. The integrand is infinitely continously dierentiable, except at its regularity is of order 2||.For|| > 8 (say), the trapezoidal rule delivers at least 16th-order convergence and is very eective. For small ||, however, a quadrature that adjusts for the complicated singularity at needed. Here we can successively subdivide the interval near the singularity, applying high-order quadratures on each subinterval (see, for example, [27]). The quadrature discretization of (5.3) cannot be solved as a least squares problem by standard techniques, due to its extremely poor conditioning. We avoid forming the corresponding matrix; rather we solve the least squares problem by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. The 2d are orthogonalized under the real inner product Ref(x)g(x) to obtain the orthogonal functions u(x),n=1, where Now Table Number d of poles to represent the Laplace transform of nonreflecting boundary kernels n and n, for various values of . =106 52- 86 11 52- 86 11 729-1024 15- 19- 22 26 17 ndnd46- 54 21 119- 145 26 178- 216 28 266- 324 487- 595 33 596- 728 34 19- 26- 37- 44 20 45- 53 21 119- 144 26 177- 216 28 265- 324 486- 594 33 595- 727 34 891-1024 36 =108 21- 28 11 59- 84 14 419- 638 19 20- 28 11 58- 419- 637 19 972-1024 21 ndnd ndnd so P(i+1) and Q(i+1) are computed from the recurrence coecients cnj by splitting into even- and odd-numbered parts. For some applications, including nonreflecting boundary kernels, it is convenient to represent P/Q as a sum of poles, P(z) d n Q(z) z n We compute 1,.,d (zeros of Q) by Newton iteration with zero suppression (see, Table Laplace transform of cylinder kernel n defined in (2.13), approximated as a sum of d poles, for n =1,.,4 and =106. nd Pole Coecient Re Im Pole Location Re Im 0.426478E 02 for example, [28]) by the formula where 1,.,n1 are the previously computed zeros of Q. Then 1,.,d are computed by the formula P(n)/Q(n). The derivative Q(z) is obtained by dierentiating the recurrence (5.7). 6. Numerical results. We have implemented the algorithm described in section 5 to compute the representations of n and n through their Laplace transforms. Recall that for the cylinder kernels, n, we have while for the sphere kernels, n, we have presents the sizes of the representations for =106, 108, and 1015 in (4.51). For the cylinder kernels, which are aected by the branch cut, the number of poles for small n is higher than for the sphere kernels. This dis- crepancy, however, rapidly vanishes as n increases and the asymptotic performance ensues. The log(1/) dependence of the number of poles for For =108 we have also computed the maximum norm relative errors which appear in (2.19) by sampling on a fine mesh. For the cylinder kernel with n =0, we expect an O(1) error in a small interval about the origin due to (4.10). However, errors of less than are achieved for |s| > 5 107. This implies a similar accuracy in the approximation of the convolution for times of order 106. For all other cases the maximum norm relative errors are of order . Finally, Table 2 presents poles and coecients for the cylinder kernels for 1,.,4 and =106 to allow comparison by a reader interested in repeating our cal- culations. Note that the pole locations are written in terms of Extensive tables will be made available on the Web at Remark. Our approximate representation of the nonreflecting boundary kernel could be used to reduce the cost of the method introduced by Grote and Keller [8]. The dierential operators of degree n obtained in their derivation need only be replaced by the corresponding dierential operators of degree log n for any specified accuracy. It is interesting to note that in the two-dimensional case, where the approach of [8] does not apply, the analysis described above can be used to derive an integrodierential formulation in the same spirit. 7. Summary . In this paper we have introduced new representations for the logarithmic derivative of a Hankel function of real order, that scale in size as the logarithm of the order. An algorithm to compute the representations was presented and our numerical results demonstrate that the new representations are modest in size for orders and accuracies likely to be of practical interest. The present motivation for this work is the numerical modeling of nonreflect- ing boundaries for the wave equation, discussed briefly here and in more detail in [18]. Maxwells equations are also susceptible to similar treatment as outlined in [29]. The new representations enable the application of the exact nonreflecting boundary conditions, which are global in space and time, to be computationally eective. 8. Appendix Stability of exact and approximate conditions. In this ap- pendix, we consider the stability of our approach to the design of nonreflecting boundary conditions. Given that we are approximating the exact conditions uniformly, it is natural to expect that our approximations possess similar stability characteristics. This is, indeed, the case. Oddly enough, however, the exact boundary conditions themselves do not satisfy the uniform Kreiss-Lopatinski conditions which are necessary and sucient for strong well-posedness in the usual sense [30]. This may seem paradoxical since the unbounded domain problem itself is strongly well-posed. The diculty is that the exact reduction of an unbounded domain problem to a bounded domain problem gives rise to forcings (inhomogeneous boundary terms) which live in a restricted subspace. The Kreiss-Lopatinski conditions, on the other hand, require bounds for arbitrary forcings. In that setting, our best estimates result in the loss of 1/3 of a derivative in terms of Sobolev norms. In practice we doubt that this fact is of any significance, and have certainly encountered no stability problems in our long time numerical simulations. To fill in some of the details, consider a spherical domain of radius one, within which the homogeneous wave equation with homogeneous initial data is satisfied. At the boundary we have unm skn r for the exact condition and is uniformly small when we use our approx- imations. Here gnm is the spherical harmonic transform of an arbitrary forcing g. Following Sakamoto, we seek to estimate where while 0, denotes the usual L2 norm. On the boundary, , we will make use of fractional Sobolev norms, most easily defined in terms of the spherical harmonic coecients: Strong well-posedness would follow from showing that g(,t)20,dt.Instead, we can show that dt. 1/3,To prove this, let .Bounded solutions within the sphere are given by Precisely, setting we find where (1) We now estimate norms of the solution. First note that the products in the definition (1) (1) of n, J(z)H (z), zJ(z)H (z), are uniformly bounded for Im(z) 0. (See the limits z 0, z , and .) Therefore, as mentioned above, the error term, so long as its small, has no eect on the estimates we derive, and we simply ignore it. That is, we set n =1. We concentrate on the boundary terms in H, as they are both the most straight-forward to compute and the most ill behaved. In transform space we have (Here and throughout, c will denote a positive constant independent of all variables.) We first note that as the only singularities of Bessel functions occur at zero and infinity, we need only consider the limits z 0, z , and . The first two are straightforward: For large we use the uniform asymptotic expansions of Bessel functions due to Olver which yield z From Parsevals relation, we conclude that g(,t)1/3,dt. The estimation of the spatial integrals is more involved, as for r<1 the solution has two transition zones, z and rz , and there are a number of cases to consider. However, the estimates follow along the same lines and lead to the same result. It is interesting to note that the loss-of-derivative phenomenon is suppressed when one looks at the error due to the approximation of the boundary condition. In that case the transform of the exact solution near the boundary is (1) hn (rz) (1) hn (z) so that the error, e, satisfies the problem above with gnm given by (1) zhn (z) (1) hn (z) Now the best estimate of n takes the form which, in combination with (8.6), would lead to an estimate of the 1-norms of the error in terms of the 4/3-norms of the solution. However, using again the large asymptotics, a direct calculation shows Thus n is smaller than its maximum by O(1/3) in the transition region where O(1/3). Hence we find for the error In other words, the 1-norms of the error are controlled by the 1-norms of the solution. We have, of course, ignored discretization error, which could conceivably cause diculties in association with the lack of strong well-posedness. To rule them out would require a more detailed analysis. In practice we have encountered no diculties, even for very long time simulations. We should also note that strong well-posedness could be artificially recovered by perturbing the approximate conditions for large n. allowing high accuracy to be maintained for smooth solutions. Finally, we note that a similar analysis can be carried out in two dimensions. --R On the accurate long-time solution of the wave equation in exterior domains: Asymptotic expansions and corrected boundary conditions On high-order radiation boundary conditions Artificial boundary conditions of absolute transparency for two- and three-dimensional external time-dependent scattering problems Fast discrete polynomial transforms with applications to data analysis for distance transitive graphs A fast transform for spherical harmonics Modulus and phase of the reduced logarithmic derivative of the Hankel function Handbook of Mathematical Functions Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for the Time-Dependent Wave Equation Asymptotics and Special Functions The asymptotic expansion of bessel functions of large order The asymptotic solution of linear di THOMAS HAGSTROM A fast algorithm for particle simulations An implemenation of the fast multipole method without multipoles Rational Chebyshev approximation on the unit disk Real and complex Chebyshev approximation on the unit disk and interval Rational Carath On the Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Integral and Dierential Equa- tions Introduction to Numerical Analysis Accurate boundary treatments for Maxwell Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems --TR --CTR Laurence Halpern , Olivier Lafitte, Dirichlet to Neumann map for domains with corners and approximate boundary conditions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.204 n.2, p.505-514, July, 2007 Marcus J. 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high-order convergence;wave equation;approximation;radiation boundary condition;nonreflecting boundary condition;absorbing boundary condition;maxwell's equations;bessel function
Convergence Rates for Relaxation Schemes Approximating Conservation Laws.
In this paper, we prove a global error estimate for a relaxation scheme approximating scalar conservation laws. To this end, we decompose the error into a relaxation error and a discretization error. Including an initial error $\omega(\ep)$ we obtain the rate of convergence of $\sqrt{\ep}$ in L1 for the relaxation step. The estimate here is independent of the type of nonlinearity. In the discretization step a convergence rate of $\sqrt{\Del x} $ in L1 is obtained. These rates are independent of the choice of initial error $\omega(\ep)$. Thereby, we obtain the order 1/2 for the total error.
Introduction be the unique global entropy solution in the sense of Kru-zkov [11] to the Cauchy problem for the conservation law with initial data (IR). The solution u satisfies Kru-zkov's entropy conditions IAN, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t Magdeburg, PSF 4120, D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany. Supported by an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t Magdeburg. Email: y IAN, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t Magdeburg, PSF 4120, D-39016 Magdeburg, Ger- many. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Wa 633 4/2, 7/1. Email: We are considering here a relaxation scheme, proposed by Jin and Xin [10] to compute the entropy solution of (1.1) using a small relaxation rate ffl. Our main purpose is to study the convergence rate of the relaxation scheme to the conservation laws as both the relaxation rate ffl and the mesh length \Deltax tend to zero. The relaxation model takes the form The variables u ffl and v ffl are the unknowns, ffl ? 0 is referred to as the relaxation rate and a is a positive constant. The system (1.4) was introduced by Jin and Xin [10] as a new way of regularizing hyperbolic systems of the same kind as the scalar equation (1.1). It is also the basis for the construction of relaxation schemes. In fact, for small ffl, using the Chapman-Enskog expansion [4], one may deduce from (1.4) the following convection-diffusion equation x see [10], which gives a viscosity solution to the conservation law (1.1) if the well known subcharacteristic condition (cf. Liu [16]) holds: a Natalini [20] proved that the solutions to (1.4) converge strongly to the unique entropy solution of (1.1) as ffl ! 0. Thus the system (1.4) provides a natural way to regularize the scalar equation (1.1). This is in analogy to the regularization of the Euler equations by the Boltzmann equation, see Cercignani [5]. Consider the grid sizes \Deltax, \Deltat in space and time as well as for n 2 IN, j 2 ZZ a numerical approximate solution (u n n\Deltat). The relaxation scheme associated with the relaxation system (1.4) is given as \Deltax is the mesh ratio, a- and " . We refer to Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1] for a class of fractional-step relaxation schemes for the relaxation system (1.4). The first order scheme proposed there can be easily rewritten in the form of (1.6) with where the homogeneous (linear) part is treated by some monotone scheme and then the source term can be solved exactly due to its particular structure. Throught this paper we assume the usual CFL condition Convergence theory for this kind of relaxation schemes can be found in Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1], Wang and Warnecke [31] and Yong [32]. Based on proper total variation bounds on the approximate solutions, independent of ffl, convergence of a subsequence of to the unique week solution of (1.1) was established by standard compactness arguments. Currently, there are only very few computational results for relaxation schemes available in the literature, see e.g. Jin and Xin [10], who introduced these schemes, as well as Aregba- Driollet and Natalini [2]. Therefore, it is very hard to tell how useful they may be for practical computations in the future. The main advantages of these schemes are that they neither require the use of Riemann solvers nor the computation of nonlinear flux Jacobians. This seems to become an important advantage when considering fluids with non-standard equations of state, e.g. in multiphase mixtures. Note also that an extension of our results to second order schemes seems easily feasible since we are only making use of the TVD property which can be achieved using flux limiters, see Jin and Xin [10]. The relaxation approximation to conservation laws is in spirit close to the description of the hydrodynamic equations by the detailed microscopic evolution of gases in kinetic theory. The rigorous theory of kinetic approximation for solutions with shocks is well developed when the limit equation is scalar. For works using the continuous velocity kinetic approxi- mation, see Giga and Miyakawa [9], Lions, Perthame and Tadmor [17] and Perthame and Tadmor [19], for discrete velocity approximation of entropy solutions to multidimensional scalar conservation laws see Natalini [21], also Katsoulakis and Tzavaras [13]. Based on a discrete kinetic approximation for multidimensional systems of conservation laws [21], the authors in [2] constructed a class of relaxation schemes approximating the scalar conservation laws. It was pointed out by Natalini [21] that the relaxation system (1.4) can be rewritten into the two velocities "kinetic" formulation by just setting defining the Riemann invariants a a and the Maxwellians a a The relaxation model (1.4) becomes @ t R ffl 2: (1.8) The relaxation rate plays the role of the mean free path in kinetic theories. Indeed the system (1.8) provides more insight into the properties of the relaxation system. In our investigation of the convergence rates we will use this formulation for the relaxation model as well as for the corresponding relaxation scheme. The main goal of this paper is to improve on the previous convergence results, see Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1], Wang and Warnecke [31] and Yong [32] for the relaxation scheme (1.6) by looking at the accuracy of the relaxation scheme for solving the conservation law (1.1). We do this here by studying the error of approximation between the exact solution u and the numerical solution u ffl measured in the L 1 norm. The parameters ffl and \Deltax determine the scale of approximation and converge to zero as the scales become finer. We shall call the order of this error in these parameters the convergence rate of the numerical solution generated by the relaxation scheme. To make this point precise, we choose the initial data for (1.4) as continuous and we allow for an initial error K(x)!(ffl) instead of v ffl we want to see the contribution of this initial error to the global error. We mention that it is possible to consider perturbed data in the u-component, then in the final result an initial error ku ffl would persist in time and may prevent the convergence of u ffl to the entropy solution, as shown in Theorem 3.4. However, the initial error in the v-component persists only for a short time of order ffl, thereby it does not prevent the convergence of u ffl . We initialize the relaxation scheme (1.6) by cell averaging the initial data (u ffl in the usual way Z Here and elsewhere R without the integral limit denotes the integral on the whole of IR, and - j (x) denotes the indicator function - j (x) := 1 fjx\Gammaj \Deltaxj-\Deltax=2g . Let us now introduce some notations. The L 1 -norm is denoted by k denotes the total variation, defined on a subset\Omega ' IR by dx: The BV-norm is defined as For grid functions the total variation is defined by denotes the discrete l 1 -norm Taking initial data (1.9), we summarize our main convergence rate result by stating Theorem 1.1. Take any T ? 0 and let for a suitable N 2 IN and time step \Deltat the relation \Deltat be satisfied. Further let u be the entropy solution of (1.1)-(1.2) with initial data u 0 in L 1 constant representation on IR \Theta [0; T ] of the approximate solution (u n generated by the relaxation scheme with initial data satisfying (H 1 ) and (1.9). Then for fixed \Deltax satisfying the CFL condition (1.7) there exists a constant C T , independent of \Deltax; \Deltat and ffl, such that \Deltax Theorem 1.1 suggests that the accumulation of error comes from two sources: the relaxation error and the discretization error. The theorem will be a consequence of Theorem 2.2, giving a rate of convergence to the unique entropy solution of (1.1) in the relaxation step of the solutions to the relaxed system (1.4), as well as Theorem 2.3, giving a discretization error bound for the relaxation scheme (1.6) as an approximation to the relaxation system (1.4). It may be helpful, at the outset, to explain the structure of the proof. Consider that the relaxation scheme was designed through two steps: the relaxation step and the discretization step. Our basic idea is to investigate the error bound of the two steps separately and then the total convergence rate by combining the relaxation error and discretization error. The basic assumptions and the error bounds of the two steps will be given in detail in Section 2. We split the error e ffl relaxation error e ffl with ffl, and a discretization error e \Delta with \Deltax, i.e., we have the decomposition with In order to get the desired approximate entropy inequality, we work with the reformulated system (1.8), in place of the original system (1.4). We would like to mention that an analogous result for a class of relaxation systems was already obtained by Kurganov and Tadmor [12] by using the Lip 0 -framework initiated by Nessyahu and Tadmor [22]. But their argument uses the convexity of the flux function. For the case of a possibly nonconvex flux function f , our work uses Kuznetzov-type error estimates, see [15] and [3]. Recently, Teng [29] proved the first order convergence rate for piecewise smooth solutions with finitely many discontinuities with the assumption of convex fluxes f(u). Based on Teng's result, Tadmor and Tang [28] provided the optimal pointwise convergence rate for the relaxation approximation to convex scalar conservation laws with piecewise solutions. They use an innovative idea that they introduced in their paper [27] which enables them to convert a global L 1 error estimate into a local error estimate. In the discretization step the same error bound was obtained by Schroll, Tveito and Winther [25] for a model that arises in chromatography, their argument is in the spirit of Kuznetsov [15] and Lucier [18]. The results in [25] rely on the assumption that the initial data are close to an equilibrium state of order ffl, i.e. Our result shows that the uniform estimate does not depend on !(ffl), which is more natural since in the discretization step ffl is kept a constant. Taking discretization step, we immediately recover the optimal convergence rate of order 1=2 for monotone schemes, see Tang and Teng [26], Sabac [23]. We thank a referee for pointing out the possibility of an extension of the present arguments to multi-speeds kinetic schemes introduced in [2], even in the multidimensional case [21]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we state the assumptions on the system and recall properties of the solutions to (1.4) and the scheme (1.5)-(1.6). The main results on the relaxation error and discretization error are given. Their proofs are presented in Section 3 and Section 4, respectively. The authors thank a referee for bringing the paper [14] to their attention. In that paper, a discrete version of the theorem by Bouchut and Perthame [3], see Theorem 3.3 in Section 3, is established and convergence rates for some relaxation schemes based on the relaxation approximation proposed in [13] were considered. Preliminaries and Main Theorems In this section we review some assumptions and the analytic results concerning the relaxation model and relaxation schemes. After further preparing the initial data, we state our main theorems. Let us first recall some results obtained by Natalini [20] concerning the analytical properties of the problem (1.4) with the specific initial data (u ffl 0 ), which will be of use in our error analysis. Let us make the following assumptions: the flux function f is a C 1 function with data satisfy there exist constants not depending on ffl such that sup ffl?0 ffl?0 and for the flux function f as well as K given in (H 1 ) x6=y us define, for any ae ? 0, the notations F (ae) := sup and Theorem 2.1. (Natalini [20]) Assume a then the system (1.4) admits a unique, global solution loc isfying for all ffl ? 0 and for almost every (x; t) 2 IR\Theta]0; 1[. We refer to Natalini [20] for detailed discussions on the existence, uniqueness and convergence of solutions to the relaxation model (1.4). Equipped with assumptions in (H 1 )-(H 3 ), it has been proved that, as solution sequence to (1.4) converges strongly to the unique entropy solution of (1.1)-(1.2), see Natalini [20]. We will study the convergence rate in Section 3, our main result on the limit ffl # 0 is summarized in the following theorem. Theorem 2.2. Consider the system (1.4), subject to L 1 data satisfying (H 1 )-(H 3 ). Then the global solution converges to (u; f(u)) as ffl # 0 and the following error estimates hold, Thus, (2.5) reflects two sources of error: the initial contribution of size !(ffl) and the relaxation error of order ffl. It should be mentioned that, however, the effect of initial contribution persists only for a short time of order ffl, beyond this time the nonequilibrium solution approaches a state close to equilibrium at an exponential rate. Note that the proof of estimate (2.5) is included in the proof of Lemma 3.2 below. The proof of (2.4) will follow from Theorem 3.4. Now we turn to the formulation of the relaxation schemes. In order to approximate the solutions of the initial value problem (1.4), we first discretize the initial data (u ffl To make this more precise, we denote a family of approximate solutions given as piecewise constant functions, dropping the superscript ffl for notational convenience, by represents the number of time steps performed. For the initial conditions we take the orthogonal projection of the initial data (u ffl the space of piecewise constant functions on the given grid \Deltax Z \Deltax Z Thus it follows from (H 1 that the discrete initial data satisfy (a) (b) (c) The grid parameters \Deltax and \Deltat are assumed to satisfy \Deltat \Deltax Const. We note that, since assumed constant, \Deltax ! 0 implies \Deltat ! 0 as well. It is well known that the projection error is of order \Deltax. More precisely, we have As was shown by Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1] as well as Wang and Warnecke [31], for a large enough constant a a uniform bound for the numerical approximations given by the scheme (1.6) can be found. Precisely, there exists a positive constant M(ae 0 ) such that if a then the numerical solution satisfies ae a oe where B(ae 0 ) is a constant depending only on ae 0 . Starting with the discrete initial data satisfying (2.9)-(2.11), by using the Riemann invariants, the TVD bound of the approximate solutions of (1.6) was proved previously by Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1], Wang and Warnecke [31] and Yong [32]. By Helly's compactness theorem, the piecewise constant approximate solution (u converges strongly to the unique limit solution (u; v)(x; t n ) as we refine the grid taking \Deltax # 0. This, together with equi-continuity in time and the Lax-Wendroff theorem, yields a weak solution of the relaxation system (1.4). We note that the initial bounds (2.9)-(2.11) still hold for the piecewise constant numerical data (u 0 which We refer to [1], [31] and [32] for the convergence of approximate solutions (u the unique weak solution of (1.4). Our goal here is to improve the previous convergence theory by establishing the following L 1 -error bound of the relaxation scheme. This theorem will be proved in Section 4. Theorem 2.3. Let be the weak solution of (1.4) with initial data (u ffl be a piecewise constant representation of the data (u N generated by (1.6) starting with (u 0 fixed there is a finite constant C T independent of \Deltax, \Deltat and ffl such that \Deltax: Remark 1. Our uniform error bound is independent of the relaxation parameter ffl and initial error !(ffl). This is more general than the result obtained by [25] assuming the initial error !(ffl) to be ffl. 2 As remarked earlier, the error is split into a relaxation error e ffl and a discretization error e \Delta , combining the two errors we arrive at the desired total error for the scheme (1.6) as stated in Theorem 1.1. 3 Relaxation Error In this section we establish Kuznetzov-type error estimates for the approximation of the entropy solution of the scalar conservation law by solutions of the relaxation system For the above purpose we have to show that u ffl satisfies an approximate entropy con- dition. Let us begin with rewriting (3.2) in terms of the Riemann invariants (R ffl Maxwellians defined in the introduction and recall some basic facts that will be used in our analysis. It is easy to see that a Then the system is rewritten as (1.8), i.e., @ t R ffl \Theta where the functions M i (u) have the following propertiesX We note that the L 1 estimate obtained by Natalini [20] implies that ae a oe Further, we set I ae 0 g: The M i (u) are monotone (non-decreasing) functions of because due to the subcharacteristic condition d du a 0: Thus we have for any u ffl and ~ in I ae 0X Starting with the initial distribution a a the model evolves according to the system (1.8), which is well-posed. In fact, we rewrite (1.8) in the form @ t R ffl 2: (3.8) From (3.8) one obtains the L 1 -contraction property using a Gronwall inequality, see [21], which isX As shown in [20], the above nice property for general data of bounded variation yields the following Lemma 3.1. For any ae 0 ? 0 and ffl ? 0, if a then the global solution (R ffl loc of the problem (1.8), (3.7) for any satisfies the entropy-type inequality - 0; in D Proof. See Natalini [21, Proposition 3.8]. Before establishing the desired convergence rate in Theorem 2.2, we first need a Lemma giving a bound on the distance of (R ffl 2 ) from equilibrium. This bound is actually equivalent to the estimate (2.5). The following lemma is a generalization of Natalini [20, Proposition 4.7]. Lemma 3.2. Suppose that the assumptions (H 1 be a solution of with initial data (u ffl holds that Proof. In view of the relations between (R ffl which serves as a measure of the distance from equilibrium. Let - then the function - ffl satisfies x for data Then multiplying by sgn(- ffl )e t ffl and integrating over IR \Theta [0; t] one gets Z Z Z tZ e \Gamma(t\Gammas) x jdxds: Note that by (3.10) we have for sufficiently regular initial data For example one could use C 1 data in combination with an approximation theorem in BV (IR), see the Theorem 1.17 in Giusti [8]. Combining the above facts, for general data of bounded variation, gives Together with (H 3 ) and (3.12), this estimate implies the result as asserted. Equipped with Lemmas 3.1-3.2, now we turn to the proof of our main result. Our further analysis uses a result by Bouchut and Perthame [3, Theorem 2.1]. We first state in a less general form their central result. Theorem 3.3. (Bouchut and Perthame) Let u; v 2 L 1 loc loc (IR)) be right continuous with values in L 1 loc (IR). Assume that u satisfies the entropy condition (1.3) and v satisfies, for all k 2 IR, are locally finite Radon measures such that for some nonnegative k-independent Radon measures ff J and ff H 2 L 1 loc ([0; 1[; L 1 loc (IR)), satisfy in the sense of measures Then for any T ? 0; x and the balls we have Z Z where C is a uniform constant and sup Z ff J (x; t)dx; Z TZ Based on this general result we will prove Theorem 3.4. Under the assumptions of Lemma 3.2. Let - u be the entropy solution of (1.1) with initial data - u 0 (x). Then, for any fixed T ? 0 and all t - T , ffl: Here, C is a positive constant depending on the flux function f and the L 1 -norm of the data Proof. Since M i (u) is monotone for we have by (3.6) where The term J ffl is bounded from above by due to the inverse triangle inequality. Let ff J =X then we have jJ ffl j - ff J and by Lemma 3.2 loc ([0; 1[; L 1 loc (IR)) with kff J Setting we similarly get using (3.4) Due to the monotonicity property of M i , we have Using this fact and the inverse triangle inequality one obtains Therefore, we also have loc ([0; 1); L 1 loc Combining the previous expressions (3.15) and (3.17) yields \Theta However by Lemma 3.1 the Riemann invariants (R ffl the entropy-type inequalities consequently one obtains \Theta The functions J are bounded by the L 1 -functions ff J , ff H respectively as required in (3.14). Since the solutions are bounded and the flux function f is assumed to be Lipschitz, we may apply Lemma 3.3. Letting ae !1, Lemma 3.3 gives Z Z TZ a Z to minimize the right hand side of (3.19), then we have by choosing a suitably large constant C T , including k-u 0 k BV , that r sup Note that the estimate in Lemma 3.2 yields If !(ffl) - ffl, the above in combination with (3.20) yields Theorem 3.4. Next we treat the case !(ffl) ? ffl. To obtain the desired estimate we again apply Lemma 3.3 on the interval [-; T ] with - ? 0 to be determined, thus we have as above r sup Using the fact that both u ffl and - u lie in a bounded subset in Lip(IR and Tzavaras [13] and Smoller [24], we have It follows from the estimate in Lemma 3.2 that Taking applying (3.22) and (3.23) into (3.21) one gets choosing easily recover the order 1=2 estimate from (3.24) and ffl: This completes the proof. 4 Discretization Error The purpose of this section is to derive the error estimate given in Theorem 2.3. Let us define the computational cells as I We will prove that the error bound for the relaxation scheme (1.6) approximating the relaxation system (1.4) is of order \Deltax in L 1 , without requiring that the initial data be close to equilibrium. To this end, let us rewrite the relaxation scheme as a splitting or fractional step method in terms of the Riemann invariants (R ffl Dropping the superscript ffl and noting that ffl , the scheme takes the form R n+1 for the source terms while the intermediate states (R n+1=2 2;j are generated by the following consistent monotone scheme in conservative form for the convections, namely the upwind scheme, R n+1=2 R n+1=2 The discrete values (R n computed from (4.1) are considered as approximations of i in the whole cell I j at time t n\Deltat, which can also be obtained through (u n generated by (1.6). The discrete variables are related to each other by a a and a a Conversely can also be expressed as For the initial conditions R 0 i;j we take the orthogonal projection of the initial data R ffl onto the space of piecewise constant functions on the given grid. It is given by the averages \Deltax Z for each integer j. In the previous studies concerning relaxation schemes, some important properties for the numerical scheme were obtained through investigating the reformulated scheme using the Riemann invariants. These properties include: the L 1 boundedness, the TVD property and the L 1 continuity in time. Here we also rewrite the relaxation scheme in terms of the Riemann invariants because they provide more insight into the convergence behavior of the scheme. The above properties for our scheme are summarized as follows and will be used in the later error analysis. Lemma 4.1. Suppose that the initial conditions (u ffl are bounded and of bounded vari- ation, both uniformly with respect to ffl. Further, assume that the initial data also satisfy i.e. as a consequence then there exists a constant C 0 , independent of ffl and \Deltat such that for ffl and K ae 0 as defined by (3.5) (a) (R n ; for all (j; n) 2 ZZ \Theta IN; (b) (R n (c) kM i a \Deltat (d) Proof. The proof of (a) can be found in Wang and Warnecke [31]. The proof of (b) and (d) is straightforward, see Aregba-Driollet and Natalini [1] and Yong [32]. Since here we choose initial data satisfying (H 1 ) instead of v 0 (c) as follows. It follows from (4.3) and (4.4) that Z n Summation of the scheme and noting that u n i;j , we obtain Again let us consider (4.1) for R n+1 Adding \GammaM 1 (u n+1 j ) on both sides gives \GammaZ n+1 by which we obtain Using the first equation of scheme (4.2) and the definition of Z n Z n+1=2 Then by the Mean Value Theorem there exists a value ~ between u n+1=2 and u n such that for 0 - due to the monotonicity property of M 1 (u). Substituting (4.9) into (4.8), then using the relation (4.5) and the scheme (4.2) gives Z n+1=2 By summation over j and multiplying by \Deltax one obtains from (4.7) and using (b) a-\DeltaxX (R n a\Deltat: (4.10) From (4.10) it is easy to verify by iteration and the geometric sum that a \Deltat \Gamman ]: This completes the proof of Lemma 4.1. In the error analysis, we have to consider the finite difference solution as a function defined in the whole upper-half plane, and t - 0, not only at the mesh points. There are very simple ways of constructing a step function corresponding the grid function. For the analysis we want to construct a different kind of approximate function that automatically satisfies a convenient form of an entropy inequality. For this purpose we use the well known interpretation of the upwind scheme (4.2) as the Godunov scheme. To accomplish this, we construct a family of functions iteratively. Using piecewise constant data for the averages R i this construction is actually equivalent to taking a characteristic scheme since we have linear transport equations, see Childs and Morton [6], followed by an implicit step like (4.1) for the source term. This is like a splitting method using the Godunov operator splitting. We follow the approach used by Schroll et al. [25]. For notational clarity, we will use the variables (y; -) instead of (x; t) in the context below. The iteration is initialized by Z defined as the characteristic function for the interval I j . (i) We use the notation t \Sigma n to denote limits from above or below. In the interval (t R i is the solution of the linear equation with initial data R i (ii) At t n+1 we project back onto the mesh by taking cell averages 2: (4.12) (iii) The initial data for the next iteration are defined by the implicit formula treating the source term (4.13)From the definition of M i (u) it follows by (4.5) using (4.13) that Thus the R i n+1 ) can actually be obtained in the explicit form Assuming R i we conclude from the integral form of (4.11) on the rectangle I j \Theta [t Thus our step functions R respresenting the grid functions possess the following property, due to - 2: (4.16) The discrete estimates in Lemma 4.1 and the relations (4.16) yield the following properties of R i . Lemma 4.2. For all t, - (a) (R 1 (b) (c) (d) \Deltat). Proof. The relations (4.16) imply directly that (c)-(d) hold. For the proof of (e), one has to use the time-L 1 Lipschitz continuity of R i , we refer to [25] for a similar analysis and omit the details. The solution to the linear transport equations is unique. We do not need an entropy inequality in order to impose uniqueness. Still, we may use a discrete version of the entropy inequalities in order to study the convergence rate of R i to R i as \Deltax # 0. is a weak solution (also an entropy solution due to its uniqueness) of the system (4.11) in (t n ; t n+1 ), the Kru-zkov-type entropy formulation is valid. This means that for all values (q and all nonnegative C 1 -function OE with compact support in On the other hand, from the step (iii) above we observe that for any (q 1 (R \Theta M i sgn Inserting (4.18) into (4.17), summing over n from using R i the following entropy inequality for the discrete solution \Theta M i Inspired by the papers [30] and [25] of Tveito and others, we use the following Kru-zkov- type inequality for our problem since the exact solution R i (x; t) is the unique weak solution of (1.8), \Theta M i (u(x; for any constants (q and all As in Kru-zkov [11] any weak solution to (1.8) satisfies (4.20). Equipped with the above variational inequalities, we return to estimate the error bound of jjR Proof of Theorem 2.3. Our proof in this section is inspired by the one given by Schroll et al. [25]. They show an L 1 -error bound for a model arising in chromatography. Their argument is in the spirit of the work by Kru-zkov[11], Kuznetsov[15] and Lucier[18]. To obtain the desired error bound we need to combine the inequality (4.19) with (4.20). To this end we define a mollifier function where j is any nonnegative smooth function with support in [\Gamma1; 1], even, i.e. and unit mass. This mollifier therefore satisfies Z Z Z We proceed by selecting the constants (q 1 and the test functions OE; /. First taking q and integrating in x and t, we obtain using R i Z TZ Z TZ 2 dyd-dxdt Z \Theta \Deltat Z TZ N sgn In the inequality (4.20) we set q over sum n from 1 to N dxdtdyd- sgn \Delta\Theta Adding this inequality to (4.21) and suitably grouping the terms we obtain an inequality that we write in the short hand form The individual expressions are Z TZ N \Theta dyd-dxdt; Z TZ N Z expressions we have the following bounds and postpone their proof for the moment. Lemma 4.3. For any T ? 0, there exists a positive constant C, independent of step sizes, relaxation time ffl, and ffi such that Equipped with these above estimates we continue the proof of the Theorem 2.3. Using 4.3 we find for a suitably large constant C ? 0X Using an obvious bound for the initial error like (2.11), we haveX (R i (\Delta; 0))\Deltax - C \Deltax (4.24) Inserting this into (4.23) and picking \Deltat to minimize the right hand side of the relation (4.23), we haveX Using the CFL condition \Deltat - \Deltax= p a we haveX \Deltax: (4.25) Returning to the original variables (u; v) and noting the fact that we have R N we obtain \Deltax: This completes the proof of Theorem 2.3. 2 Finally, we return the proof of Lemma 4.3 in order to conclude this paper. Proof of Lemma 4.3. The proof of (i)-(iii) and (v) can be done by an analogous analysis as in the proof for the chromatography model given by Schroll et al.[25]. We next estimate the term E 3 (ffi). Let us analogously as above use the notations can be rewritten as Z TZ N Z TZ N The first term in E 3 (ffi) is nonpositive due to the relations (3.3) and (3.6)X uj \GammaX Therefore Z TN Due to Lemma 3.2 the sum ffl ]. The integral of this sum over [0; T ] is clearly bounded by C ffl. Noting that Z t\Gamma- we find the estimates \Deltat \Deltat which completes the proof. 2 Remark 2. The above proof uses the exponential rate ffl without resorting to the restriction on the initial error. To see this, note that fromX we can easily deduce the boundffl Z Here, we do not use any specific choice of !(ffl). We mention that the authors in [25] obtained the same error bound in the discretization step by assuming that --R Convergence of relaxation schemes for conservation laws Discrete kinetic schemes for multidimensional conservation laws The Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform Gases The Boltzmann equation and its applications Characteristic Galerkin methods for scalar conservation laws in one dimension Hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff relaxation terms and entropy Minimal surfaces and functions of bounded variation A kinetic construction of global solutions of first order quasi-linear equations The relaxation schemes for systems of conservation laws in arbitrary space dimensions Stiff systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. Contractive relaxation systems and scalar mul- tidimentional conservation laws Accuracy of some approximate methods for computing the weak solutions of a first order quasilinear equation Hyperbolic conservation laws with relaxation A kinetic formulation of multidimensional scalar conservation laws and related equations bounds for the methods of Glimm A kinetic equation with kinetic entropy functions for scalar conservation laws Convergence to equilibrium for the relaxation approximations of conservation laws A discrete kinetic approximation of entropy solutions to multidimensional scalar conservation laws The convergence rate of approximate solutions for nonlinear scalar conservation laws The optimal convergence rate of monotone finite difference methods for hyperbolic conservation laws New York The sharpness of Kuznetsov's O( p convergence rate for scalar conservation laws with piecewise smooth solutions Pointwise error estimates for relaxation approximations to conservation laws On the rate of convergence to equilibrium for a ssystem of conservation laws with a relaxation term Convergence of relaxing schemes for conservations laws Numerical analysis of relaxation schemes for scalar conservation laws --TR --CTR H. Joachim Schroll, High Resolution Relaxed Upwind Schemes in Gas Dynamics, Journal of Scientific Computing, v.17 n.1-4, p.599-607, December 2002 Tao Tang , Jinghua Wang, Convergence of MUSCL Relaxing Schemes to the Relaxed Schemes for Conservation Laws with Stiff Source Terms, Journal of Scientific Computing, v.15 n.2, p.173-195, June 2000 A. Chalabi , Y. Qiu, Relaxation Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Stiff Source Terms: Application to Reacting Euler Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, v.15 n.4, p.395-416, December 2000 Mapundi Kondwani Banda, Variants of relaxed schemes and two-dimensional gas dynamics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.175 n.1, p.41-62, 1 March 2005
convergence rate;relaxation model;relaxation scheme
Improved spill code generation for software pipelined loops.
Software pipelining is a loop scheduling technique that extracts parallelism out of loops by overlapping the execution of several consecutive iterations. Due to the overlapping of iterations, schedules impose high register requirements during their execution. A schedule is valid if it requires at most the number of registers available in the target architecture. If not, its register requirements have to be reduced either by decreasing the iteration overlapping or by spilling registers to memory. In this paper we describe a set of heuristics to increase the quality of register-constrained modulo schedules. The heuristics decide between the two previous alternatives and define criteria for effectively selecting spilling candidates. The heuristics proposed for reducing the register pressure can be applied to any software pipelining technique. The proposals are evaluated using a register-conscious software pipeliner on a workbench composed of a large set of loops from the Perfect Club benchmark and a set of processor configurations. Proposals in this paper are compared against a previous proposal already described in the literature. For one of these processor configurations and the set of loops that do not fit in the available registers (32), a speed-up of 1.68 and a reduction of the memory traffic by a factor of 0.57 are achieved with an affordable increase in compilation time. For all the loops, this represents a speed-up of 1.38 and a reduction of the memory traffic by a factor of 0.7.
Introduction Software pipelining [9] is an instruction scheduling technique that exploits instruction level parallelism (ILP ) out of a loop by overlapping operations from various successive loop iterations. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature [2] for the generation of software pipelined schedules. Some of them mainly focuses on achieving high throughput [1, 11, 16, 22, 23, 25]. The main drawback of these aggressive scheduling techniques is their high register requirements [19, 21]. Using more registers than available requires some actions which reduce the register pressure but may also degrade the performance (either due to the additional cycles in the schedule or due to additional memory traffic). For this reason, other proposals have also focused their attention in the minimization of the register requirements [12, 15, 20, 27]. Register allocation consists on finding the final assignment of registers to loop variables (variants and invariants) and temporaries. It has been extensively studied in the framework of acyclic schedules [3, 5, 6, 7] based on the original graph coloring proposal [8]. However, software pipelining imposes some constraints that inhibit the use of these techniques for register allocation. Although there have been proposals to handle them [13, 14, 24], none of them deals with the addition of spill code (and its scheduling) that is needed to reduce the register pressure in software pipelined loops. Any software pipeliner fails if it generates a schedule that requires more registers than those available in the target machine. In this case, some additional actions have to be performed in order to alleviate the high register demand [24]. One of the options is to reschedule the loop with a reduced execution rate (i.e. with less iteration overlapping); this reduces the number of overlapped operations and variables. Unfortunately, the register reduction may be at the expense of a reduction in performance. Another option is to spill some variables to memory, so that they do not occupy registers for a certain number of clock cycles. This requires the insertion of store and load instructions that free the use of these registers. The evaluation performed in [18] shows that reducing the execution rate tends to generate worse schedules than spilling variables; however, the authors show that in a few cases the opposite situation may happen. Several aspects contribute to the quality of the spill code generated by the compiler. The first one is deciding if the spill code applies to all the uses of a variable or just to a subset. The second aspect relates to the selection of spilling candidates, which implies deciding the number of variables (or uses) selected for spilling and the priority function used to select among them. Both decisions need accurate estimates of the benefits that the selection of a spilling candidate will produce in terms of register pressure reduction. In order to motivate this work, Table 1 shows, for two different spill algorithms, the average execution rate (cycles between the initiation of two consecutive iterations) and average memory traffic (number of memory accesses per iteration) for all the loops in our workbench (Section 2.4) whose schedule does not fit in 32 registers and for one of the processor configurations used along this paper. The table also includes the ideal case (i.e. when infinite registers are available and no spill is needed). Notice that the gap between the two implementations (one commercial, as described in [26] and the other experimental [18]) and the ideal case is large. These results motivated the proposal of new heuristics to improve the whole register pressure reduction process; the last column in the same table shows the results after applying the heuristics proposed in this paper, which represent more than 40% reduction in the execution rate and memory traffic with respect to previous proposals. In this paper we use a register-conscious pipeliner, named HRMS [20], to schedule the loops. Once the loops are scheduled, register allocation is performed using the wands- only strategy with end-fit and adjacency ordering [24]. Then, the register requirements are decreased if required. The paper contributes with a set of heuristics to: 1) decide between the two different possibilities aforementioned (adding spill code or directly decrease the execution rate); and 2) do a better selection of spilling candidates (both in terms of assigning priorities to them and selecting the appropriate number). The paper also contributes with an analysis of the results when spill of variables or uses is performed. The different proposals are compared against the ideal case (which is an upper bound for performance) and against the Metric Ideal [18] [26] This paper avg. execution rate 12.01 28.32 29.43 20.66 avg. memory traffic 15.38 50.88 52.13 35.71 Table 1: Motivating example for improving the spill process. proposals presented in [18]. The workbench is composed of all the loops from the Perfect [4] that are suitable for software pipelining. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 makes a brief overview of modulo scheduling, register allocation and spill code for modulo scheduling. Section 3 focuses on the different steps and proposals for spilling variables to memory. Then, Section 4 presents different alternatives to select the spilling candidates in a more effective way, and analyze the trade-off between reducing the execution rate or adding spill code. In Section 5 the different alternatives and heuristics are evaluated in terms of dynamic performance, taking into account the relative importance of each loop in the total execution time of the benchmark set. Finally, Section 6 states our conclusions. 2 Basic concepts 2.1 Modulo scheduling In a software pipelined loop, the schedule of an iteration is divided into stages so that the execution of consecutive iterations, that are in distinct stages, are overlapped. The number of stages in one iteration is termed Stage Count (SC). The number of cycles between the initiation of successive iterations in a software pipelined loop determines its execution rate and is termed the Initiation Interval (II). The execution of a loop can be divided into three phases: a ramp up phase that fills the software pipeline, a steady state phase where the maximum overlap of iterations is achieved, and a ramp down phase that drains the software pipeline. During the steady state phase, the same pattern of operations is executed in each stage. This is achieved by iterating on a piece of code, named the kernel, that corresponds to one stage of the steady state phase. The II is bounded by recurrence circuits in the dependence graph of the loop (RecMII) or by resource constraints of the target architecture (ResMII). The lower bound on the II is termed the Minimum Initiation Interval ResMII)). The reader is referred to [11, 25] for an extensive dissertation on how to calculate RecMII and ResMII. In order to perform software pipelining, the Hypernode Reduction Modulo Scheduling (HRMS) heuristic [20] is used. HRMS is a software pipeliner that achieves the MII for a large percentage of the workbench considered in this paper (97.4 % of loops). In addition, it generates schedules with very low register requirements. A register-sensitive software pipelining technique has been used in order to not overestimate the necessity of spill code. The scheduling is performed in two steps: a first step that computes the priority of operations to be scheduled and a second step that performs the actual placement of operations in the modulo reservation Table. 2.2 Register allocation Once a loop is scheduled, the allocation of values to registers is performed. Values used in a loop correspond either to loop-variant or loop-invariant variables. Invariants are repeatedly used but never defined during the execution of the loop. Each invariant has only one value for all iterations of the loop, and therefore requires a single register during the execution of the loop (regardless of the scheduling and the machine configuration). For loop variants, a new value is generated in each iteration of the loop and, therefore, there is a different lifetime (LT) [15]. Because of the nature of software pipelining, the LT of values defined in an iteration can overlap with the LT of values defined in subsequent iterations. The LT of loop variants can be measured in different ways depending on the execution model of the machine. We assume that a variable is alive from the beginning of the producer operation until the start of the last consumer operation. By overlapping the LT in different iterations, a pattern of length II cycles, that is indefinitely repeated, is obtained. This pattern indicates the number of values that are live at any given cycle. The maximum number of simultaneously live values (MaxLive) is an accurate approximation of the number of registers required for the schedule [24]. Variants may have LT values greater than II ; this poses an additional difficulty since new values are generated before previous ones are used. One approach to fix this problem is to provide some form of register renaming so that successive definitions of the same value use distinct registers. Renaming can be performed at compile time using modulo variable expansion (MVE) [17] (i.e. unroll the kernel and rename the multiple definitions of each variable that exist in the unrolled kernel). Rotating register files provide a hardware solution to solve the same problem without replicating code [10] (i.e. the renaming of the different instantiations of a loop-variant is done at execution time). In our study and implementation, we assume the existence of a rotating register file and use the wands-only strategy using end-fit with adjacency ordering [24]. This strategy usually achieves a register allocation that uses MaxLive registers and almost never requires more than MaxLive registers. However, the heuristics proposed in this paper are applicable regardless of the hardware model and the register allocation strategy used. 2.3 Decreasing the register requirements The register allocation techniques for software pipelined loops [24] assume an infinite number of registers. From now on we name Used Registers (UR) the number of registers required to execute a given schedule and Available Registers (AR) the number of registers available in the target architecture. If UR is greater than AR, then the obtained schedule is not valid for the target processor. In this case, the register pressure must be decreased so that the loop can be executed (e.g. we must obtain a schedule so that UR - AR). Different alternatives to decrease the register requirements have been outlined in [24]: 1) to reschedule the loop with a larger II; 2) to spill some variables to memory; or 3) to split the loop into several smaller loops. To the best of our knowledge, loop splitting has not yet been evaluated for the purpose of decreasing the register pressure. The other two alternatives have been evaluated and compared in [18] and are used by production compilers (e.g. the Cydra5 compiler increases the II [11], and the MIPS compiler, as described in [26], adds spill code). Next we summarize the main conclusions from the comparison: ffl Rescheduling the loop with a bigger II usually leads to schedules with less iteration overlapping, and therefore with less register requirements. Unfortunately, the UR decrease is directly at the expense of a reduction in performance (less parallelism is exploited). In addition, for some loops is not possible to find a valid schedule with UR - AR by simply increasing the II. ffl Spilling variables to memory makes available their associated registers for other values. This spill requires the use of several load and store operations and may saturate the memory units, turning the loop into a memory-bounded loop; in this case, the addition of spill code leads to an increase of the II and to a degradation of the final performance. Increasing the II produces, in general, worse schedules than adding spill code. However, for some loops the first option is better. This suggests that a hybrid method that in some cases adds spill code and in others increases the II can produce better results. For instance, [27] spills as many uses as possible without increasing the II (i.e. it tries to saturate the memory buses). If the schedule obtained does not fit in AR, then the II is increased. Although this heuristic always ends up with a valid schedule, it does not care about minimizing the memory traffic (in fact it may increase memory traffic for loops that do not require spill). In this paper we present a heuristic to allow the bypassing of the step to add spill code in some cases and simply increase the II. The paper also proposes several new heuristics for adding spill code. These heuristics allow for a better tuning of the final schedule so that the performance degradation is reduced as well as the memory traffic overhead. 2.4 Experimental framework The different proposals of the paper are evaluated on a set of architectures PiMjLk defined as follows: i is the number of functional units used to perform each kind of computations (adders, multipliers and div/sqr units); j is the number of load/store units; and k is the latency of the adders and the multipliers. In all configurations, the latency of load and store accesses is two and one cycles, respectively. Divisions take 17 cycles and square roots take cycles. All functional units are fully pipelined, except for the div/sqr functional units. In particular, four different configurations are used: P2M2L4, P2M2L6, P4M2L4 and P4M4L4, with registers each. In order to evaluate the heuristics proposed, a total of 1258 loops that represent about 80% of the total execution time of the Perfect Club [4] (measured on a HP-PA 7100) have been scheduled. First of all we evaluate the effectiveness of our proposals (Section 4); for this evaluation we use only those loops for which UR ? AR. The number of loops that fulfills this condition, for the different processor configurations aforementioned, is shown in Table 2. Notice that when 64 registers are available, the number of loops that do not fit in the AR is very small (and therefore subject to the variance of the heuristics themselves). As a consequence, the main conclusions of our experimental evaluation will be drawn for the configurations with however, results for 64 registers will be used to confirm the trend. Then we evaluate the real impact on performance taking into account all the loops in the workbench (Section 5). AR P2M2L4 P2M2L6 P4M2L4 P4M4L4 Table 2: Number of loops that require more registers than available for a set of processor configurations PiMjLk. The metrics used to evaluate the performance are the following: ffl \SigmaII , which measures the sum of the individual II for all the loops considered. ffl \Sigmatrf , which measures the sum of the individual number of memory operations used in the scheduling. ffl SchedTime, which measures the time to schedule the loops. Adding spill code The initial algorithm that we use for generating register constrained modulo schedules is the iterative algorithm shown in Figure 1. After scheduling and register allocation, if a loop requires more registers than those available, a set of spilling candidates is obtained and ordered. The algorithm then decides how many candidates are finally selected for spilling and introduces the necessary memory accesses in the original dependence graph. The loop is rescheduled again because modulo schedules tend to be very compact -the goal is to saturate the most used resource- and it is very difficult to find empty slots to allocate the new memory operations in the modulo reservation table. The process is repeated until a schedule requiring no more registers than available is found. To the best of our knowledge, all previous spilling approaches are based on a similar iterative algorithm [18, 26, 27]. In the following subsections we describe in more detail each one of these aspects and present the solutions proposed by previous researchers. 3.1 Variables and uses The lifetime of a variable spans from its definition to its last use. The lifetime of a variable can be divided in several sections (uses) whose lifetime spans from the previous use to Priority Regs. Allocation Add Spill Select Candidates Sort Candidates Generation of Spill Code Scheduling Rgs. Reqrm. Scheduling Figure 1: Flow diagram for the original spill algorithm. the current one. For example, Figure 2.a shows a producer operation followed by four independent consumer operations. In this case, the lifetime of the variable ranges from the beginning of Prod to the beginning of Cons4; four different uses can be defined (U1 . U4), as shown in the right part of the same figure. The disadvantage of spill of variables is that, if one variable has several successors, the number of associated spill memory operations is suddenly increased; this may produce an increase of the II and thus reduce performance. In addition, some of the loads added might not actually contribute to a decrease of the register requirements. Spill of uses allow a more fine-grain control of the spill process. Both alternatives have been used in previous proposals: spill of variables is used in [18, 26] and spill of uses in [27]. In this paper we evaluate the performance of the two alternatives and their combination with the heuristics proposed in Section 4. 3.2 Sorting spilling candidates Some criteria are needed to decide the most suitable spilling candidates (i.e. those decreasing the most the register requirements with the smallest cost). This is achieved by assigning a priority to each spilling candidate; this priority is usually computed according to the LT of the candidate [18] or to some ratio between its LT and the memory traffic introduced when spilled [18, 26, 27]. As expected, the second heuristic always produces better results. In this paper we propose a new criterion that takes into account the criticality of the cycles spanned by the lifetime of each spilling candidate. 3.3 Quantity selection After giving priorities to each spilling candidate, the algorithm decides how many candidates are actually spilled to memory. The objective is to decrease the register requirements so that UR - AR with the minimum number of spill operations. This requires an estimation of the benefits that each candidate will produce in the final schedule. However, the new memory operations may saturate the memory units and lead to an increase of the II; this increase in the II reduces by itself the register pressure and may lead to a situation where an unnecessary number of candidates have been selected. This selection process can be done in different ways. For instance, [18] proposes to spill one candidate at a time and reschedule again. This heuristic avoids overspilling at the expense of an unacceptable scheduling time. To avoid it, [26] performs several tries by spilling a power-of-two number of candidates; the process finishes when a new schedule that fits in AR is found. To reduce the number of reschedulings in a more effective way, [18] selects as much candidates as necessary to directly reduce the UR to AR; in order to avoid overspilling, each time a candidate is selected, its lifetime is subtracted from the current UR to compute an estimated number of registers needed after spilling. Another alternative, which is used in [27] to generate schedules with minimum register requirements, consists on selecting as much candidates as necessary to saturate the memory units with the current II. This paper proposes a new heuristic that tries to better foresee the overestimation that is produced by some of the previous heuristics. 3.4 Adding memory accesses Once the set of candidates has been selected, the dependence graph is modified, in order to introduce the necessary load/store instructions, and rescheduled. In order to guarantee that the spill effectively decreases UR, the spilled operations have to be scheduled as close as possible to their producers/consumers. This is accomplished by scheduling each spill operation and its associated producer/consumer as a single complex operation [18]. For the spill of variables, a store operation has to be inserted after the producer and a load operation inserted before each consumer. Figure 2.b shows the modification of the dependence graph when spilling the variable in Figure 2.a. For the spill of uses, a store lat. FU Cons.1 Cons.2 Cons.3 Cons.4 Store Prod. Cons.1 Cons.2 Cons.3 Cons.4 Store Prod. Prod. a) b) c) Cons.1 Cons.2 Cons.3 U3 Cons.4 Figure 2: a) Original graph. b) Graph after spilling a variable. c) Graph after spilling a single use of the same variable. operation has to be added after the producer and a single load operation added before the consumer that ends the corresponding use. Figure 2.c shows the modification of the graph when use U3 is selected (the one that has the largest lifetime and therefore releases more registers). 4 New heuristics for spill code In this section we describe the issues and gauges that are used to control the generation of valid schedules and spill code. The first control decides the priority of candidates to be selected for spill. The idea behind the proposal is to give priority to those ones that contribute to a reduction of the register pressure in the most effective way. The second control decides how many candidates should be spilled before rescheduling the loop. Finally the third control decides when it is worth to apply a direct increase of the II with no additional spill. In this analysis, we also consider spilling candidates to be either variables or uses. 4.1 Spill of variables and spill of uses The algorithms described in Section 3 decide the candidates to spill based on their lifetime or some ratio between their lifetime and the memory traffic that their spill would generate. Configuration P4M2L4 Registers Use 1932 4454 250 875 UseCC UseQF 1626 3791 229 787 UseTF 1408 3139 132 593 UseCCQFTF 1232 2895 126 606 Table 3: Improving performance metrics by applying different heuristics. Some of them make a difference when considering either spill of variables or uses of variables. For instance, Table 3 shows the \SigmaII and \Sigmatrf for two register file sizes (32 and 64 registers) and processor configuration P4M2L4, when either spill of variables (row labeled Var) or spill of uses (row labeled Use) is applied (using the LT=trf criterion to order spilling candidates). The table reports figures relative to the ideal case, i.e. the \SigmaII and \Sigmatrf for the ideal case has been subtracted from the values for the specific configuration. Notice that in general, doing spill of uses achieves schedules with lower II and memory traffic. From these initial results, the reader may conclude that doing spill of uses is more effective than doing spill of variables. However, we will see along the paper that our proposals improve the metrics and tend to reduce the gap between these two alternatives. In addition, their behavior also depends on the architecture being evaluated, as will be shown in Section 5. 4.2 Critical cycle First of all we propose a new criterion to select candidates for spill. Sometimes the selection based on LT=trf may select candidates that do not effectively reduce the register pressure. The rationale behind is that their spill reduces the number of simultaneous live candidates but not in the scheduling cycle where this number is maximum (thus deciding the number of registers needed). The Critical Cycle (CC) is defined as the scheduling cycle for which the number of used registers UR is maximum. The new selection criterion gives more priority to those candidates that cross the CC. This criterion for candidates selection may improve the efficiency of the spill process, as shown in Table 3 for the processor configuration selected. Rows labeled VarCC and UseCC show the two performance metrics for our workload. 4.3 Number of variables to spill The computation of the number of candidates may not be accurate because the new spill code might increase the II of the schedule (as a result of the saturation of the memory unit); this increase of the II could reduce the overall register pressure and therefore it would not be necessary to use as much spill as initially expected. The proposal in this section tries to foresee this overestimation. The algorithm assumes that the register file has more available registers (AR 0 actually has. It adds to the actual number of available registers a number proportional to the gap between the UR and AR, as follows: AR 0 being QF the Quantity Factor. Notice that corresponds to the spill of one candidate at a time and to the spill of all the necessary candidates to reduce the UR to AR. QF is a parameter whose optimal value depends on the architecture and the characteristics of the loop itself. In this paper we conduct an experimental evaluation of this parameter in order to determine a range of useful values and to analyze its effects on performance and on the scheduling time SchedTime. Figure 3 plots the behavior for \SigmaII , \Sigmatrf and SchedTime for QF values in the range between 1 and 0. The lowest values of QF leads to worst results in terms of II and trf but with the low SchedTime. Large values for QF lead to better performance at the expense of an increase in compilation time. In particular, for values of QF larger than 0.6, the increase in SchedTime does not compensate the increase in perfor- mance. In general medium values of QF generate good schedules with a negligible increase in compilation time. Table 3 (rows labeled VarQF and UseQF ) shows the results for 0.5. Notice that QF (Quantity Factor)18002200Sum(II) a.1 QF (Quantity Factor)40005000 b.1 Use QF (Quantity Factor)5001500 SchedTime QF (Quantity Factor)250Sum(II) a.2 QF (Quantity Factor)8001000 b.2 QF (Quantity Factor)100300500 SchedTime c.2 Figure 3: Behavior of: a) \SigmaII , b) \Sigmatrf and c) total SchedTime for values of QF between 0 and 1 (32 registers (.1) and 64 registers (.2)). this value does not increase too much the compilation time and reduces considerably both the II and trf. 4.4 Traffic control The previous techniques try to improve the performance of the spill process by increasing the effectiveness of the selection of candidates. There are situations in which it is better to increase II instead of applying spill. For example, when AR - UR and adding spill code would lead to a saturation of the memory unit; in this case, the II and memory traffic would be increased (in order to fit the new memory operations). However, if we only increase the II (without adding spill), the memory traffic will not increase and we might also reduce UR. Figure 4 shows the algorithm proposed with a control point that decides when it is better to increase II or to insert spill code. In order to foresee the previous situation, the algorithm performs an estimation of the memory traffic (number of loads and stores) that would be introduced if spill is done (NewTrf). If the maximum traffic MaxTrf that can be supported with the current value of II is not enough to absorb NewTrf, then the algorithm directly increases the II (without inserting spill) and the process is repeated again. In particular, the new II value might produce less spill code or it may not be required at all. Priority Regs. Allocation Add Spill Select Candidates Sort Candidates Trf. can be absorbed II ++ Generation of Spill Code Scheduling Rgs. Reqrm. Scheduling Figure 4: Flow diagram for the proposed algorithm that combines spill code and traffic control. The maximum traffic the architecture can support is multiplied by TF (Traffic Factor) to control the saturation of the memory unit (the condition that accepts the addition of spill code is NewTrf - MaxTrf TF). This is done because there is a trade-off between applying the spilling mechanism and increasing the II. When the TF parameter is included we obtain a better trade-off between both mechanisms. Moreover, if we take we are always increasing II , and if we take TF !1 then we are always inserting spill. The TF can take any positive value. But after some experimentation, we have observed that the best results are obtained when TF ranges between 0.7 and 1.4. Figure 5 plots the behavior of \SigmaII , \Sigmatrf and SchedTime for values of TF within this range. In general, it can be observed that the best value of II is obtained with a TF value close to 0.95, but if we want to reduce the traffic we have to use smaller values for TF. Notice that the time to obtain the schedules has a small variation. Table 3 (rows labeled VarTF and UseTF ) shows the performance in terms of \SigmaII and \Sigmatrf when the TF is set to 0.95. Notice that for registers, spill of variables performs better than spill of uses. Both parameters, QF and TF, tend to reduce the spill code but may interfere in a positive way. Figure 6 plots the combined effect of both parameters. Notice that a tuning of these parameters might lead to better values of \SigmaII . Another observation is that if the TF is not used, then higher values of QF are needed (which results in higher scheduling times). In particular, for 32 registers the best results are obtained when QF is set to zero while for 64 registers the best results are obtained when QF is set between 0.3 and 0.5. In order to summarize all the previous effects, rows labeled VarCCQFTF and UseCC- QFTF in Table 3 show the performance when CC, QF and TF are used (QF and TF are set to the value that produce the best performance results). When spill of variables is used, the \SigmaII is reduced by 47% and 52% and that the \Sigmatrf is reduced by 42% and 35% (with respect to the initial Var for 32 and 64 registers, respectively). Similarly, when spill of uses is applied, \SigmaII is reduced by 36% and 50% and that \Sigmatrf is reduced by 35% and 30% (with * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)160020002400 a.1 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)300040005000 b.1 Use * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)50150SchedTime * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)200300 a.2 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)600800Sum(trf) b.2 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)2060 SchedTime c.2 Figure 5: Behavior of: a) \SigmaII , b) \Sigmatrf and c) SchedTime when TF ranges between 0.7 and 1.4 (32 registers (.1) and 64 registers (.2)). The first point (*) corresponds to TF !1. * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)160020002400 a.1 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)35004500Sum(trf) b.1 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)100300 SchedTime * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)200300 a.2 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)600800Sum(trf) b.2 * 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 TF (Traffic Factor)2060 SchedTime c.2 Figure Behavior of: a) \SigmaII , b) \Sigmatrf and c) SchedTime for several values of QF when TF ranges between 0.7 and 1.4 (32 registers (.1) and 64 registers (.2)). The first point (*) is given with respect to the initial Use for 32 and 64 registers, respectively). This increase in performance is at the expenses of an affordable increase in scheduling time: for 32 registers, the scheduler requires 1.8 times the original time; for 64 registers, the increase is negligible. Performance Evaluation The effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms has been evaluated using static information: II and trf . This evaluation has demonstrated that the new heuristics are very effective in obtaining better schedules. However, a static evaluation does not show how useful they are in terms of execution time and dynamic memory traffic. The execution time is estimated as II (N being N the total number of iterations and E the number of times the loop is executed. The dynamic memory traffic is estimated as M (N being M the number of memory operations in the kernel code of the software pipelined loop. The results, obtained for the P4M2L4 configuration, are shown in Figure 7. The bar graphs at the upper part (a.) show the execution time degradation relative to the ideal case (i.e. assuming an infinite number of registers). The closer the results are to 1, the better is the performance. Notice that 1 is the upper bound for performance. The lower part of the same figure (b.) shows the memory traffic Mem relative to the ideal case Ideal Mem. Again, the closer the traffic to 1 the better the schedules. However in this case 1 is a lower bound for memory traffic. The plots at the left side (.1) correspond to all loops in the benchmark set while the plots at the right side (.2) refer only to the loops that require spill code. For a configuration with registers, Figure 7.a.1 shows an speed-up of 1.38 with respect to the original proposal when spill of variables is used, and 1.27 when spill of uses is applied. For the same configuration, Figure 7.b.1 shows a reduction of memory by a factor close to 0.7 in both cases. For 64 registers, the speed-up reported is less important (close to 1.06) and the memory traffic is reduced by a factor close to 0.9. Figures 7.a.2 and 7.b.2 show the performance for the subset of loops that require spill. For a configuration with registers, performance for these loops increases by a factor of 1.70 when spill of variables is applied and 1.52 when spill of uses is applied. For 64 registers, performance increases by a factor close to 1.26 in both cases. Notice that the memory traffic registers 64 registers0.20.61.0 Cycles a.1 Use Use+CC Use+CC+QF Use+CC+QF+TF registers 64 registers13 Mem b.1 registers 64 registers0.20.61.0 a.2 registers 64 registers2610 Men/Ideal_Mem b.2 Figure 7: Dynamic results for different spill heuristics. Configuration P4M2L4, QF=0.3 and TF=0.95. is extraordinarily decreased. When 32 registers are available, the memory traffic is reduced by factors of 0.57 and 0.62 with respect to the original proposals with spill of variables and uses, respectively. When 64 registers are available, memory traffic is reduced by factors of 0.72 and 0.77. For this architecture notice that spill of uses performs better than spill of variables for any combination of heuristics and for both 32 and 64 registers. When the critical cycle is considered, spill of uses improves better than spill of variables. However, when the quantity factor and the traffic factor are used, performance tends to level between spill of variables and spill of uses (spill of uses still performs slightly better). The results that are obtained for the other processor configurations are shown in Figure 8. First of all, notice that for all configurations the heuristics proposed in this paper perform better. However there are some aspects that need further discussion. For example, in some cases (e.g. configuration P2M2L4), spill of uses performs worse than spill of variables; other configurations (e.g P4M4L4) perform better when spill of uses is applied and 64 registers are available while spill of variables performs better with registers. Also, contrary to what happens for all other configurations, P2M2L4 with 64 registers and with spill of uses has a big performance degradation when the critical cycle is considered. Finally, the parameters QF and TF have been set to different values for each config- uration. These parameters give flexibility to the algorithm, and allow it to adapt to the registers 64 registers0.20.61.0 Cycles a.1 registers 64 registers2610 Mem b.1 registers 64 registers0.20.61.0 Cycles a.2 Use Use+CC Use+CC+QF Use+CC+QF+TF registers 64 registers2610 Mem b.2 registers 64 registers0.20.61.0 a.3 registers 64 registers2610 Mem b.3 Figure 8: Dynamic results for different spill heuristics. Configurations: (.1) P2M2L4, (.2) P2M2L6 and (.3) P4M4L4. configuration. However, these parameters should be tuned for each configuration in order to obtain good results. For instance we used with registers and spill of uses, while the same architecture with spill of variables obtains the best performance with We have performed extensive evaluations to empirically obtain a useful range for these values so that reasonably good results are obtained. In particular QF should range from 0.0 to 0.3 and TF should range from 0.9 to 1.0. In addition these values can be tuned for specific applications or even for specific loops if final performance is much more important than compilation time like in embedded applications 6 Conclusions In this paper we have presented a set of heuristics that improve the efficiency of the process that reduces the register pressure of software pipelined loops. The paper proposes some new criteria to decide between two different alternatives that contribute to this reduction: decrease the execution rate of the loop (increase its II) or temporarily store registers into memory (through spill code). For the second alternative, the paper also contributes with new criteria to select the spilling candidates (both how many and which ones). The proposals have been evaluated using a register-conscious software pipeliner; however they are orthogonal to it and could be applied to any algorithm. The experimental evaluation has been done over a large collection of loops from the Perfect Club benchmark. The impact of the different heuristics is evaluated in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. In terms of effectiveness, the heuristics proposed reduce in most of the cases the execution rate and memory traffic with respect to the original proposals. In terms of efficiency, these reduction contributes to a real increase in performance. In particular, the dynamic performance for the loops that do not fill in the available registers increases by a factor that ranges between 1.25 and 1.68. The memory traffic is also reduced by a factor that ranges between of 0.77 and 0.57. This reduction in the execution time and memory traffic is achieved at the expenses of a reasonable increase in the compilation time. In the worst case, the scheduler requires 1.8 times the original time. For the whole workbench, the dynamic performance increases by a factor that ranges between 1.07 and 1.38 while the memory traffic is reduced by a factor that ranges between 0.9 and 0.7. The scheduler manages to compile all these loops in less than one minute (for a configuration with 64 registers) and less than 3.5 minutes (for a configuration with Although the heuristics proposed contribute to better register-constrained schedules, some additional work is needed to tune several parameters (like the traffic and quantity factors) and to analyze their real effect for different architectural configurations. We have also shown that, depending on the configuration, spilling candidates are either variables or uses. This suggests that a more dynamic process, in which the scheduler decides on-the-fly the specific values for some of these parameters and takes into account both variables and uses, may lead to better schedules. --R A realistic resource-constrained software pipelining algorithm Software pipelining. Spill code minimization techniques for optimizing compilers. The Perfect Club benchmarks: Effective performance evaluation of supercomputers. Coloring heuristics for register allocation. Improvements to graph coloring register allocation. Register allocation via hierarchical graph coloring. Register allocation and spilling via graph coloring. An approach to scientific array processing: The architectural design of the AP120B/FPS-164 family Overlapped loop support in the Cydra 5. Compiling for the Cydra 5. Stage scheduling: A technique to reduce the register requirements of a modulo schedule. The meeting a new model for loop cyclic register allocation. Register allocation using cyclic interval graphs: A new approach to an old problem. Circular scheduling: A new technique to perform software pipelining. A Systolic Array Optimizing Compiler. Heuristics for register-constrained software pipelining Quantitative evaluation of register pressure on software pipelined loops. Hypernode reduction modulo scheduling. Register requirements of pipelined pro- cessors Software pipelining in PA-RISC compilers Some scheduling techniques and an easily schedulable horizontal architecture for high performance scientific computing. Register allocation for software pipelined loops. Iterative modulo scheduling: An algorithm for software pipelining loops. Software pipelining showdown: Optimal vs. heuristic methods in a production compiler. Software pipelining with register allocation and spilling. --TR Overlapped loop support in the Cydra 5 Spill code minimization techniques for optimizing compliers Coloring heuristics for register allocation Register allocation via hierarchical graph coloring Circular scheduling Register allocation for software pipelined loops Register requirements of pipelined processors Lifetime-sensitive modulo scheduling Compiling for the Cydra 5 Improvements to graph coloring register allocation Iterative modulo scheduling Software pipelining with register allocation and spilling Software pipelining Stage scheduling Hypernode reduction modulo scheduling Software pipelining showdown Heuristics for register-constrained software pipelining Quantitative Evaluation of Register Pressure on Software Pipelined Loops A Systolic Array Optimizing Compiler Conversion of control dependence to data dependence Some scheduling techniques and an easily schedulable horizontal architecture for high performance scientific computing Register allocation MYAMPERSANDamp; spilling via graph coloring --CTR Javier Zalamea , Josep Llosa , Eduard Ayguad , Mateo Valero, Software and hardware techniques to optimize register file utilization in VLIW architectures, International Journal of Parallel Programming, v.32 n.6, p.447-474, December 2004 Alex Alet , Josep M. Codina , Antonio Gonzlez , David Kaeli, Demystifying on-the-fly spill code, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.40 n.6, June 2005 Xiaotong Zhuang , Santosh Pande, Differential register allocation, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.40 n.6, June 2005 Xiaotong Zhuang , Santosh Pande, Allocating architected registers through differential encoding, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.29 n.2, p.9-es, April 2007 Javier Zalamea , Josep Llosa , Eduard Ayguad , Mateo Valero, Two-level hierarchical register file organization for VLIW processors, Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture, p.137-146, December 2000, Monterey, California, United States Josep M. Codina , Josep Llosa , Antonio Gonzlez, A comparative study of modulo scheduling techniques, Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Supercomputing, June 22-26, 2002, New York, New York, USA Javier Zalamea , Josep Llosa , Eduard Ayguad , Mateo Valero, Modulo scheduling with integrated register spilling for clustered VLIW architectures, Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture, December 01-05, 2001, Austin, Texas Bruno Dufour , Karel Driesen , Laurie Hendren , Clark Verbrugge, Dynamic metrics for java, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.38 n.11, November Javier Zalamea , Josep Llosa , Eduard Ayguad , Mateo Valero, Register Constrained Modulo Scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.15 n.5, p.417-430, May 2004
software pipelining;spill code;instruction-level parallelism;register allocation
A generational on-the-fly garbage collector for Java.
An on-the-fly garbage collector does not stop the program threads to perform the collection. Instead, the collector executes in a separate thread (or process) in parallel to the program. On-the-fly collectors are useful for multi-threaded applications running on multiprocessor servers, where it is important to fully utilize all processors and provide even response time, especially for systems for which stopping the threads is a costly operation. In this work, we report on the incorporation of generations into an on-the-fly garbage collector. The incorporation is non-trivial since an on-the-fly collector avoids explicit synchronization with the program threads. To the best of our knowledge, such an incorporation has not been tried before. We have implemented the collector for a prototype Java Virtual Machine on AIX, and measured its performance on a 4-way multiprocessor. As for other generational collectors, an on-the-fly generational collector has the potential for reducing the overall running time and working set of an application by concentrating collection efforts on the young objects. However, in contrast to other generational collectors, on-the-fly collectors do not move the objects; thus, there is no segregation between the old and the young objects. Furthermore, on-the-fly collectors do not stop the threads, so there is no extra benefit for the short pauses obtained by generational collection. Nevertheless, comparing our on-the-fly collector with and without generations, it turns out that the generational collector performs better for most applications. The best reduction in overall running time for the benchmarks we measured was 25%. However, there were some benchmarks for which it had no effect and one for which the overall running time increased by 4%.
Introduction Garbage collectors free the space held by unreachable (dead) objects so that this space can be reused in future allocations. On multiprocessor platforms, it is not desirable to stop the program and perform the collection in a single thread on one processor, as this leads both to long pause times and poor processor utilization. Several ways to deal with this problem exist, the two most obvious ways are: 1. Concurrent collectors: Running the collector concurrently with the mutators. The collector runs in one thread on one processor while the program threads keep running concurrently on the other processors. The program threads may be stopped for a short time to initiate and/or nish the collection. 2. Parallel collectors: Stopping all program threads completely, and then running the collector in parallel in several collector threads. This way, all processors can be utilized by the collector threads. IBM Haifa Research Lab. E-mail: y IBM Haifa Research Lab. E-mail: z Computer Science Dept., Technion - Israel Institue of Technology. This work was done while the author was at the IBM Haifa Research Lab. E-mail: In this paper we discuss a concurrent collector; in particular, an on-the- y collector that does not stop the program threads at all. The study of on-the- y garbage collectors was initiated by Steele and Dijkstra, et al. [27, 28, 8] and continued in a series of papers [9, 14, 3, 4, 20, 21] culminating in the Doligez-Leroy-Gonthier (DLG) collector [11, 10]. The advantage of an on-the- y collector over a parallel collector and other types of concurrent collectors [1, 13, 24], is that it avoids the operation of stopping all the program threads. Such an operation can be costly. Usually, program threads cannot be stopped at any point; thus, there is a non-negligible wait until the last (of many) threads reaches a safe point where it may stop. The drawback of on-the- y collectors is that they require a write barrier and some handshakes between the collector and mutator threads during the collection. Also, they typically employ ne-grained synchronization, thus, leading to error-prone algorithms. Generational garbage collection was introduced by Lieberman and Hewitt [23], and the rst published implementation was by Ungar [29]. Generational garbage collectors rely on the assumption that many objects die young. The heap is partitioned into two parts: the young generation and the old generation. New objects are allocated in the young generation, which is collected frequently. Young objects that survive several collections are \promoted" to the older generation. If the generational assumption (i.e., that most objects die young) is indeed correct, we get several advantages: 1. Pauses for the collection of the young generation are short. 2. Collections are more e-cient since they concentrate on the young part of the heap where we expect to nd a high percentage of garbage. 3. The working set size is smaller both for the program, because it repeatedly reuses the young area, and the collector, because it traces over a smaller portion of the heap. 1.1 This work In this paper we present a design for incorporating generations into an on-the- y garbage collector. Two issues immediately arise. First, shortening the pause times is not relevant for an on-the- y collector since it does not stop the program threads. Second, traditional generational collectors partition the heap into the generations in a physical sense. Namely, to promote an object from the young generation to the old generation, the object is moved from the young part of the heap to the old part of the heap. On-the- garbage collectors do not move objects; the cost of moving objects while running concurrently with the program threads is too high. Thus, we have to do without it. Demers, et al. [6] presented a generational collector that does not move objects. Their motivation was to adapt generations for conservative garbage collection. Here, we build on their work to design a generational collector for the DLG on-the- y garbage collector [11, 10]. We have implemented this generational collector for our JDK 1.1.6 prototype on AIX, and compared its performance with our implementation of the DLG on-the- y collector. Our results show that the generational y collector performs well for most applications, but not for all. For the benchmarks we ran on a multiprocessor, the best reduction in overall program runtime was 25%. However, there was one benchmark for which generational collection increased the overall running time by 4%. Several properties of the application dictate whether generational collection may be benecial for overall performance. First, the generational hypothesis must hold, i.e., that many objects indeed die young. Second, it is important that the application does not modify too many pointers in the old generation. Otherwise, the cost of handling inter-generational pointers is too high. And last, the lifetime distribution of the objects should not fool the partitioning into generations. If most tenured objects in the old generation are actually dead, no matter what the promotion policy is, then we will not get increased e-ciency during partial collections. If collecting the old generation frees the same fraction of the objects as collecting the young generation, then we may as well collect the whole heap since we do not care about pause times. Furthermore, the overhead paid for maintaining inter-generational pointers will cause an increase in the overall running time of the application. We used benchmarks from the SPECjvm benchmarks [25] plus two other benchmarks as described in Section 8.2. Benchmarks for which overall application performance improves with generational collection are Anagram (25% improvement), 213 javac (15% improvement) and 227 mtrt (10% improvement). The improvement for Multithreaded RayTracer ranges between 1%-16%, depending on the number of application threads running concurrently. The application that does not do well is 202 jess, for which there is a 4% increase in the overall running time. The two reasons for this deterioration are that lots of objects in the old generation have to be scanned for inter-generational pointers and that most of the objects that get tenured die (become unreachable) in the following full collection. 1.2 Card marking Hosking, Moss and Stefanovic [16] provide a study of write barriers for generational collection. Among other parameters, they investigate the in uence of the card size in a card marking barrier on the overall e-ciency. For most of the applications they measured, the best sizes for the cards were 256 or 512 bytes, and the worst sizes were the extremes, 16 or 4096 bytes. Note that the advantage of small cards is that the indication of where pointers have been modied is more exact, and the collector does not need to scan a big area to nd the inter-generational pointers that it needs on the card. However, small cards require more space for the dirty marks, which reduces locality. In the process of choosing the parameters for our collector, we have run similar measurements with various card sizes. As it turns out, the behavior of an on-the- y generational collector is dierent. The best choice for the card sizes is at one of the extremes, depending on the benchmark. We chose to set the card size to the minimum possible. This was the best for most benchmarks and not far from best for the rest. We suspect that the primary reason that our results dier from those of Hosking, et al. [16] is that our collector does not move objects. We provide the details in Section 8.5.3. 1.3 Techniques used and organization We start with the state of the art DLG on-the- y collector [11, 10], which we brie y review in Section 2. We then construct our generational collector similar to the work of Demers, et al. [6], presenting it in Section 3. We augment DLG to work better with generations, both by utilizing an additional \color" in Section 4 and also by using a color-toggle trick to reduce synchronization in Section 5. A similar trick was previously used in [21, 17, 7, 22, 19]. Our rst promotion policy is trivial: promote after an object survives a single collection. We also study options to promote objects after several collections in Section 6 below. In Section 7 we provide the code of the collector and lower level details appropriate for an implementer. In Section 8 we report the experimental results we measured and justify our choice of parameters. We conclude in Section 9. 2 The collector We build on the DLG collector [11, 10]. This is an on-the- y collector that does not stop the program to do the collection. There are two important properties of this collector that make it e-cient. First, it employs ne-grained atomicity. Namely, each instruction can be carried out without extra synchronization. Second, it does not require a write-barrier on operations using a stack or registers. The write barrier is required only on modications of references inside objects in the heap. The original papers also suggest using thread local heaps, but the design assumes an abundant use of immutable objects as in ML. We did not use thread local heaps. We start with a short overview of the DLG collector. For a more thorough description and a correctness proof the reader is referred to the original papers [11, 10]. The collector is a mark and sweep collector that employs the standard three color marking method. All objects are white at the beginning of the trace, the root objects are then marked gray, and the trace then continues by choosing one gray object, marking it black, and marking all its white sons gray. This process continues until there are no more gray objects in the heap. The meaning of the colors is: a black object is an object that has been traced, and whose immediate descendants have been traced as well. A gray object is an object that has been traced, but whose sons have not yet been checked. A white object is an object that has not yet been traced. Objects that remain white at the end of the trace are not reachable by the program and are reclaimed by the sweep procedure. Shaded (gray or black) objects are recolored white by sweep. A fourth color, blue, is used to identify To deal with the fact that the collector is on-the- y, i.e., it traces the graph of live objects while objects are being modied by the program, some adjustments to the standard mark and sweep algorithm are required. The collector starts the collection with three handshakes with the mutator threads. On a handshake, the collector changes its status, and each mutator thread cooperates (i.e., indicates that it has seen the change) independently. After responding to the rst handshake, the write barrier becomes active and the mutators begin graying objects during pointer updates. The second handshake is required for correctness; the behavior of the mutators does not change as a result. While responding to the third handshake, each mutator marks its roots gray, i.e., the objects referenced from its stack The mutators check whether they need to respond to handshakes regularly during their normal operation. They never respond to a handshake in the middle of an update or the creation of an object. The collector considers a handshake complete after all mutators have responded. After completing the three handshakes, the collector completes the trace of the heap and then sweeps it. The mutators gray objects when modifying an object slot containing a pointer until the collector completes its trace of the live objects. The amount of graying depends on the part of the collection cycle. Suppose a reference to an object A is modied to point to another object B. Between the rst and the third handshake, the mutator marks both A and B gray. After the third handshake and until the end of the sweep, the mutator marks only A as gray. The mutators also cooperate with the collector when creating an object. During the trace, objects are created black, whereas they are created white if the collector is idle. During sweep, objects are created black if the sweep pointer has not seen them yet (so that they will not be reclaimed). If the sweep pointer has passed them, they are created white so as to be ready for the next collection. If the sweep pointer is directly on the creation spot, the object is created gray. Some extra care must be taken here for possible races between the create and the sweep. However, a simple method of color-toggle allows avoiding all these considerations. We discuss it in Section 5 below. Generational collection without moving objects We describe an approach to generational collection that does not relocate objects. We call a collection of the young generation a partial collection and a collection of the entire heap a full collection. Our design is similar to the Demers, et al. [6] design for a stop-the-world conservative collector. How- ever, we incorporate features necessary to support on-the- y collection: clearing the card marks without stopping the threads, an additional color for objects created during a collection and a color toggle to avoid synchronization between object allocation and sweep. Instead of partitioning the heap physically and keeping the young generation in a separate place, we partition the heap logically. For each object, we keep an indication of whether it is old or young. This may be a one bit indication or several bits giving more information about its age. The simplest version is the one that promotes objects after surviving one collection. We begin by describing this simpler algorithm. We discuss an aging mechanism in Section 6 below. Demers [6] notes that if an object becomes old after surviving one collection, then the black color may be used to indicate that an object is old. Clearly, before the sweep, all objects that survived the last collection are black. If we do not turn these objects white during the sweep, then we can interpret black objects as being in the old generation. During the time between one collection and the next, all objects are created white and therefore considered young. At the next partial collection (i.e., collection of the young generation) everything falls quite nicely into place. During the trace, we do not want to trace the old generation, and indeed, we do not trace black objects. During the sweep, we do not want to reclaim old objects, and indeed, we do not reclaim black objects. All live objects become black, thus, also becoming old for the next collection. Before a full collection (a collection of the old and young generation), we turn the color of all objects white. Other than that, full collections are similar to partial collections. 3.1 Inter-generational pointers It remains to discuss inter-generational pointers, pointers in old objects that point to young objects. Since we do not want to trace the old generation during the collection of the young generation, we must assume that the old objects are alive and treat the inter-generational pointers as roots. How do we maintain a list of inter-generational pointers? Similarly to other generational collectors, we may choose between card marking [26] and remembered sets [23, 29]. (See [18] for an overview on generational collection and the two methods for maintaining inter-generational pointers.) In our implementation, we only used card marking. The reason is that in Java we expect many pointer updates, and the cost of an update must be minimal. Also, we did not have an extra bit available in the object headers required for an e-cient implementation of remembered sets. In a card marking scheme, the heap is partitioned into cards. Initially, the cards are marked \not dirty". A program thread (mutator) marks a card dirty whenever it modies a card slot containing a pointer. The collector scans the objects on the dirty cards for pointers into the young generation; it may turn card mark if it does not nd any such pointers on the card. Card marking maintains the invariant that inter-generational pointers may exist only on dirty cards. The size of the cards determines a tradeo between space and time usage. Bigger cards imply less space required to keep all dirty marks, but more time required by the collector to scan each dirty card to nd the inter-generational pointers. We tried all powers of 2 between 16 and 4096 and found that the two extremes provided the best performance (see Section 8.5.3). 3.2 The collector A partial collection begins by marking gray all young objects referenced by inter-generational pointers; in particular, the collector marks gray all white objects referenced by pointers on dirty cards. At the same time, all card marks are cleared. Clearing the marks is okay since all surviving objects are promoted to the old generation at the completion of the collection, so that all existing inter-generational pointers become intra-generational pointers. For a more advanced aging mechanism (as in Section 6) we would have to check to determine whether a card mark could be cleared. After handling inter-generational pointers, all mutators are \told" to mark their roots using the handshake mechanism. This is followed by trace, which remains unchanged from the non-generational collector, and then sweep. Sweep is modied so that it does not change the color of black objects back to white. A full collection begins by clearing card marks, without tracing from the dirty cards. The collector also recolors all black objects to white, allowing any unreachable object to be reclaimed in a full collection. After that, the mutators are \told" to mark their roots and the collector continues with trace and sweep as above. 3.3 Triggering We use a simple triggering mechanism to trigger a partial collection. A parameter representing the size of the young generation is determined for each run, and a partial collection is triggered after allocating objects with accumulating size exceeding the predetermined size 1 . To trigger a full collection, we use the standard method of starting the concurrent collection when the heap is \almost" full. our heap manager, we cannot trigger exactly at this time. Thus, the predetermined bound serves as a lower bound to the trigger time. 4 Dealing with premature promotion When promoting all objects that survive a collection, there are infant objects created just before the start of the collection, which are immediately made old. These objects may die young, but they have already been promoted to the old generation, and we will not collect them until the next full collection. In an on-the- collection, objects are also created during the collection cycle; thus, compounding this promotion problem. We have added a simple mechanism to avoid promoting objects created during the collection to the old generation. A more advanced mechanism that keeps an age for each object is described in Section 6 below. This is done by introducing a new color for objects created during a collection cycle. Instead of creating objects white or black depending on the stage of the collection as in the DLG algorithm, we create objects yellow during the collection. Yellow objects are not traced by the collector, and the sweep turns yellow objects back to white (without reclaiming them). Thus, the collector does not promote them to the old generation. One subtle point, which we discuss in the more technical section (see Section 7 below), forces an exception to the rule. In particular, between the rst and the third handshakes of the collector, the mutators also mark yellow objects gray. 5 Using a color-toggle Recall that during the collection, mutators allocate all objects yellow. Trace changes the color of all reachable white objects to black. In the design described so far, sweep reclaims white objects and colors them blue (the color of non-allocated chunks), and changes the color of yellow objects to white. Thus, at the end of the sweep, there are no remaining white objects. Instead of recoloring the yellow objects, sweep can employ a color toggle mechanism similar to previous work [21, 17, 7, 2, 22, 19]. The color toggle mechanism exchanges the meaning of white and yellow, without actually changing the color indicators associated with the objects. Thus, live objects remain either black or yellow, and mutators go on coloring new objects yellow, so that yellow plays the role of white from the previous collection cycle. When a new collection begins, the mutators begin coloring new objects white, so that white begins playing the role of the yellow color from the previous cycle. To implement the color toggle, we use two color names: the allocation color and the clear color. Initially, the allocation color is white, and the clear color is yellow. At all times, objects are allocated using the allocation color. At the beginning of the collection cycle, the values of the allocation color and the clear color are exchanged. In the rst cycle this means that the allocation color becomes yellow and the clear color becomes white. During the trace, all reachable objects that have clear color are turned gray. Objects that have the allocation color are not traced and their color does not change. During the sweep, all objects with clear color are reclaimed. Using this toggle we do not need to turn yellow objects into white during the sweep, but more important, we avoid the race between the create and the sweep. We do not need to know where the sweep pointer is in order to determine the color of a new object. A newly allocated object is always assigned the current allocation color. Remark 5.1 Our discussion here is adequate for the generational collector, but one may easily modify the original collector to run with the same improvement by toggling the black and the white colors. In the comparison between a collector with and without generations, we feel that it is not fair to let only the generational collector enjoy this improvement. Therefore, we have also added this modication to the collector that does not use generations. Thus, the comparison we make has to do with generations only. 6 An aging mechanism In the algorithm described so far, the age indication is combined with the colors and we promote all objects that survive one collection. This promotion policy is extremely primitive, and the question is whether a parameterized promotion policy may help. To do that, we keep an age for each object, i.e., the number of collections that it has survived. This age is initialized to 0 at creation and is incremented at sweep time. We also x a predetermined parameter determining the threshold for promotion to the old generation. After an object reaches the threshold, the sweep procedure stops incrementing its age. We chose to x a predetermined threshold, but dynamic policies could easily be implemented. Using the aging mechanism, old objects continue to be colored black. However, the trace colors reachable objects black, whether they are young or old. Thus, a modication to sweep is required: sweep recolors reachable objects, which are young (age less than the threshold), to the allocation color, and continues to leave old objects black, and reclaim objects with the clear color. The pseudo-code for the sweep procedure appears in Figure 5. Several changes to the card marking mechanism are also required to support aging. Simple clearing of the card marks at the beginning of each collection no longer works, since inter-generational pointers in the current collection cycle may remain inter-generational pointers in the next cycle. Furthermore, we must also ensure that inter-generational pointers are recorded correctly during the collection cycle. A race may occur between setting and resetting the card marks. We elaborate on the race in the more technical section, see Section 7 below. At the beginning of a partial collection, the collector scans the card table and colors gray all young objects referenced by pointers on dirty cards. If no young object is referenced from a given card, then the collector clears the card's mark. Then the collector toggles the allocation and clear colors and continues with the handshakes, trace and sweep. For a full collection, the collector does not trace inter-generational pointers. Instead, it recolors all black objects with the allocation color. Then it toggles the allocation and clear colors and continues with the handshakes, trace and sweep. In the initialization done before a full collection (see InitFullCollection in Figure we do not clear the dirty bits. The reason is that they indicate dirty cards with inter-generational pointers that may still be relevant in the following partial collections. An implementation question is where to keep the age. One option is with the object, and the other is in a separate table. We chose to keep it in a separate table. We did not have room in the objects headers. More importantly, note that sweep (for both partial and full collections) goes through the ages of all objects to increase them. Thus, for reasons of locality, it is better to go through a separate table, then to touch all the objects in the heap. We keep a byte per age (although two or three bits are usually enough). We could locate the age in the same byte with the card mark or with the color. However, that would require synchronization while writing the byte, e.g., via a compare and swap instruction. Empirical checks show that such synchronization is too costly for a typical Java application. Note that such a synchronized instruction would be required for a good fraction of all pointer modications. 7 Some technical details In this section we provide pseudo-code and some additional technical details. This paper is written so that the reader may skip this section and still get a broad view of the collector. Our purpose in presenting the code is to show how the generational mechanism ts into the DLG collector. Thus, our presentation of the code concentrates on the details related to generations. We do not present details of the mechanism for keeping track of the objects remaining to be traced, nor do we present details of a thread-local allocation mechanism necessary to avoid synchronization between threads during object allocation. See the DLG papers [11, 10] for the details of these mechanisms. One other dierence with DLG is that we separate the handshake into two parts, postHandshake and waitHandshake, instead of using a second collector thread. Figure 1 shows the mutator routines, which are in uenced by the collector: the write barrier (update routine), object allocation (create routine), and the cooperate routine, which the mutator must call regularly (e.g., backward branches and invocations). In the code the notation heap[x; i] denotes slot i of the object at address x. Figure 2 shows the overall collection cycle and in Figure 3 we present routines called by the collector . We refer to the code below. We assume that the reader is familiar with the DLG collector [11, 10], and we use the following terminology taken from their paper. The period between the rst handshake and the second is denoted sync1, the period between the second handshake to the third is denoted sync2, and the rest of the time, i.e., after the third handshake and up until the beginning of the next collection cycle is denoted async. Each mutator has its own perception of these periods, depending on the times that it has cooperated with the handshake. The most delicate issue for the generational collector is the proper handling of the card mark: how to set and reset it, properly avoiding races and maintaining correctness. We partition the discussion to the simple algorithm and to the aging algorithm. We assume a table with a designated byte for each card holding the card mark. The byte does not have any other use. 7.1 The simple algorithm First, we consider the handling of the card marks for the simplest algorithm, without the yellow color or the color toggle, in particular the algorithm of Section 3. Using this algorithm, the collector marks all live objects black and promotes them. Thus, an inter-generational pointer can be created only after trace is complete. Thus, card marks can be cleared at the beginning of the cycle without fear of losing a mark due to a race condition with a mutator. Now we add the yellow color (Section 4). The collector does not trace objects, which are created yellow during the cycle. Thus, it must keep a record of any pointer referencing a yellow object from any other object. (Actually, we are only interested in pointers from black objects, but we do not perform this ltering in our collector.) To solve the problem of keeping correct card marks for parents of yellow objects, it is enough to make sure that the order of operations at the beginning of a collection cycle is as follows: scan the card table and clear the dirty marks and only after that start creating yellow objects. Notice that ClearCards (code in Figure 3) precedes SwitchAllocationClearColors (code in Figure 3) in the collection cycle (code in Figure 2). Next we add the color toggle (Section 5). There is a window of time between the check of an object A for inter-generational pointers during the scan of the card table and the color toggle. If after the collector checks A, a mutator creates a new inter-generational pointer in A referencing a yellow object B, the collector will miss this pointer during the current collection. Furthermore, after the color toggle, the object B becomes white (i.e., having the clear color) and it might be collected in the current (partial) collection. To solve this, we make an exception to the treatment of yellow objects by the DLG write barrier and treat them the same as white objects during sync1 and sync2 (between the rst and third handshakes). This means that in this (usually short) period of time, whenever the DLG write barrier would shade a white object gray, it will also shade a yellow object gray. See MarkGray in Figure 1. An additional point that needs to be veried is that the tracing always terminates. Without the yellow color modication, all (live) objects turn from white to gray and from gray to black. Since the number of live objects is nite, all of them turn black in the end, and the tracing always terminates. This is still the case here. A yellow object either stays yellow till the end of the trace, or it may turn gray and later black. After performing these necessary modications, we note that there is no need for card marking during sync1 and sync2. Thus, we get a small gain in e-ciency: card marking is required only during the async stage. Notice that MarkCard is called only during async in the write barrier code in Figure 1. To summarize, card marking occurs only during async. The clearing and checking of the card marks by the collector is done after the rst handshake, and before the second handshake. After clearing the card marks, the collector toggles the (clear and allocation) colors; thus, mutators create new objects with the \yellow" color. Yellow objects may be shaded gray by the write barrier in sync1 and sync2. 7.2 The aging algorithm: Next, we discuss the aging algorithm. Here, the collector must keep careful track of inter-generational pointers during all collector stages. We have two concerns. First, the choice of which card marks to clear If (statusm 6=async) then MarkGray(heap[x,i]) MarkGray(y) else if (Collector is tracing) then MarkGray(heap[x,i]) MarkCard(x) else MarkCard(x) Create: Pick x 2 free. allocationColor Return x Cooperate: If (statusm 6= statusc) then For each x 2 roots: MarkGray(x) statusm statusc If statusm 6= async) then gray Figure 1: The mutator routines clear: If (full collection) InitFullCollection Handshake(sync1) mark: postHandshake(sync2) SwitchAllocationClearColors waitHandshake postHandshake(async) mark global roots waitHandshake trace : While there is a gray object: Pick a gray object x MarkBlack(x) For each object x in the heap: blue Figure 2: The collection cycle For each card c: If (dirty(c)) then For each object x on c If gray SwitchAllocationClearColors: temp clearColor clearColor allocationColor allocationColor temp InitFullCollection: For each object x in the heap: If then allocationColor For each card c: If (color(x) 6= black) then For each pointer i 2 x do: MarkGray(i) black Handshake: waitHandshake statusc s waitHandshake: For each m 2 mutators wait for Figure 3: The collector routines must be done with care. Not all are reset. Second, at the same time that collector clears a card mark, a mutator may set it. In this case, we must make sure that the card mark remains set if there is a pointer in an object associated with this card to a young object. To solve the rst problem, the mutators set the card mark throughout the collection, also during sync1 and sync2 (see Figure 4). In order to clear the card mark, the collector checks rst that no pointer to a young object exists on the card, and then clears the mark. However, there could still be a race between the clearing by the collector and the setting by the mutator. In particular, the following interleaving of mutator and collector actions is problematic (say the dirty mark in question is associated with card A): 1. The collector thread scans card A, nds out that there is no inter-generational pointer and determines that the card's mark can be cleared. 2. Before the collector actually clears the mark, the program thread writes an inter-generational pointer into A and sets the card mark. 3. The collector clears the card mark since its check from Step (1) allows this. The outcome of this course of events is that an inter-generational pointer is now located on an unmarked card. In the next (partial) collection, the referenced object may be skipped by the trace and reclaimed although it is live. To solve this race we let the collector and mutator act as follows. The collector acts in three steps instead of the naive two steps. In Step 1, the collector resets the card mark. In Step 2, it checks whether the card mark can be cleared, i.e., whether there are no young objects referenced from A. Finally, in Step 3, if the answer of Step 2 is \no", the collector sets the card mark back on. (This idea is encoded in the ClearCards routine in Figure 6.) The update of the mutator involves two steps. In Step 1 it performs the actual update, and in Step 2 it sets the card mark. The order of steps is important in both cases. (This can be seen in the Update routine in Figure 4.) We claim that the race is no longer destructive. Suppose a mutator is updating a slot on card A, storing an inter-generational pointer. We assume that before the update the object did not contain other inter-generational pointers; thus, it is crucial to get the new update noticed with respect to recording an inter-generational pointer. At the same time, the collector is checking whether the dirty bit of A can be erased and erases it if necessary. We assume that all processors see the stores of a particular processor in the same order. There are two possible cases: Case 1: The mutator sets the card mark before the collector clears it. Since the mutator sets the mark after doing the actual update, the mutator must have performed the update before the collector cleared the card mark. Since the collector checks for inter-generational pointers after clearing the card mark, we get that the update was performed before the collector checked for inter-generational pointers. Thus, the collector's check will nd the inter-generational pointer and the collector will set the card mark. Case 2: The mutator sets the card mark after the collector clears it. In this case, the card mark will remain set as required. In summary, if a new inter-generational pointer is created, then the card mark will be properly set and this pointer will be noticed during subsequent collections. 8 Experimental results Our goal is to compare the on-the- y collector with and without generations, and to compare the eects of choices for the parameters governing the generational version, e.g., size of cards, size of young generation, use of aging, etc. We implemented both the original on-the- y collector 2 and the generational on-the- 2 For a fair comparison, we also introduced a black-white color toggle in the original on-the- y collector If (statusm 6=async) then MarkGray(heap[x,i]) MarkGray(y) else if (Collector is tracing) then MarkGray(heap[x,i]) MarkCard(x) If gray Figure 4: Aging version: modied mutator routines clear: If (full collection) InitFullCollection Handshake(sync1) mark: postHandshake(sync2) SwitchAllocationClearColors waitHandshake postHandshake(async) mark global roots waitHandshake trace : While there is a gray object: Pick a gray object x MarkBlack(x) For each object x in the heap: blue allocationColor Figure 5: Aging version: The collection cycle For each card c: If (dirty(c)) then For each object x on c If For each pointer i 2 x do: MarkGray(i) MarkCard(c) InitFullCollection: For each object x in the heap: If then allocationColor Figure Aging version: modied collector routines collector in a prototype AIX JDK 1.1.6 JVM. Measurements were done on a 4-way 332MHz IBM PowerPC 604e , with 512 MB main memory, running AIX 4.2.1. Additional measurements on a uniprocessor were run on a PowerPC with 192 MB main memory, running AIX 4.2. All runs were executed on a dedicated machine. Thus, although elapsed times are measured, the variance between repeated runs is small. All runs were done with initial heap size of 1 MB and maximum heap size of MB. The calculation of the trigger for a full collection was the same with and without generations. We veried that the working set for all runs t in main memory, so that there were no eects due to paging. 8.1 Measuring elapsed time for an on-the- y collector A delicate point with an on-the- y collector is how to measure its performance. If we run a single-threaded application on a multiprocessor, then the garbage collector runs on a separate processor from the application. If we measure the elapsed time for the application, we do not know how much time the collector has consumed on the second processor. In a real world, the server handles many processes and the second processor does not come for free. In order to get a reasonable measure of how much CPU time the application plus the garbage collector actually consume, we ran four simultaneous copies of the application on our 4-way multiprocessor. This ensured that all the processors would be busy all the time, and the more e-cient garbage collector would win. Each parallel run was repeated 8 times, and the average elapsed time was computed. In addition, we measured the improvement of generational collection on a uniprocessor. This is not a typical environment for an on-the- y collector, but it was interesting to check whether generations help in this case as well (and they usually do). 8.2 The benchmarks Most of our benchmarks are taken from the SPECjvm benchmarks [25]. Descriptions of the benchmarks can be found on the Spec web site [25]. We ran all the SPECjvm benchmarks from the command line and not through the harness. For all tests we used the \-s100" parameter. We also used two additional benchmarks. The rst is an IBM internal benchmark called Anagram [15]. This program implements an anagram generator using a simple, recursive routine to generate all permutations No. of threads Impro- vement 1.3% 2.6% 10.6% 16.0% 11.7% Figure 7: Percentage improvement (elapsed time) for multithreaded Ray Tracer on a 4-way multiprocessor Benchmark Multiprocessor Uniprocessor Improvement Improvement Anagram 25.0 % 32.7% Figure 8: Percentage improvement for Anagram of the characters in the input string. If all resulting words in a permuted string are found in the dictionary, the permuted string is displayed. This program is collection-intensive, creating and freeing many strings. The second is a code modication of the 227 mtrt [5] from the SPECjvm benchmarks [25] in order to make it more interesting on a multiprocessor machine. The program 227 mtrt is a variant of a Ray tracer, where two threads each render the scene in an input le, which is 340 KB in size [5]. 227 mtrt runs on matrices of 200200 and uses 2 concurrent threads. We modied it to run on a bigger matrix of dimensions 300300 and we also parametrized the number of rendering threads. We call this modication multithreaded Ray Tracer. The modied code is available on request for SPECjvm licensees. 8.3 The choice of parameters For each application, a dierent choice of the parameters governing the generational collection seems to yield best performance. On the average, the best choice of parameters turns out to be object marking (i.e., card marking with 16 bytes per card) without the advanced aging mechanism and the best size of the young generation turns out to be 4 megabytes (we also tried 1, 2 and 8 megabytes for the young generation). In the next section (Section 8.4), we present results for this set of parameters. In Section 8.5 below, we justify our choice by comparing the performance of the algorithm with aging and for various settings of the other parameters. 8.4 The results In Figure 7 we present the percentage improvement for the multithreaded Ray Tracer benchmark, described in Section 8.2 above. The number of application threads varies from 2 to 10. Generations perform very well for it. Next, in Figure 8, we present the improvement generational collection yields for the Anagram bench- mark. Here, generational collection is also very benecial. In Figure 9 we examine the applications of the SPECjvm benchmark. As one may see, for most applications generations do well. We omit the results for the benchmarks 200 check and 222 mpegaudio, since they do not perform many garbage collections and their performance is indierent to the collection method. The performance of the benchmarks either gains a boost from generational collection or remains virtually unchanged, except for two benchmarks, 202 jess and 228 jack, which suer a performance decrease. To account for the dierences between the applications, we measured several runtime properties of these applications. As expected, an application performs well with generational collection if many objects die young and if pointers in the old generation do not get frequently modied. The decrease in performance for 202 jess and 228 jack originates from several reasons, some of them are shown in our measurements: First, the lifetime of objects was not typical to generations - they die soon after being promoted, unless one makes a huge young generation. Second, for 202 jess 36.2% of the objects that are scanned during partial collection are scanned because they are dirty objects in the old generation. This is a high cost for Benchmark Multiprocessor Uniprocessor Improvement Improvement compress 0.0% 2.0% jess -3.7% -2.5% 228 jack -2.12% -7.7% Figure 9: Percentage improvement for SPECjvm benchmarks Benchmark Percent time No. partial GC No. full GC Percent time GC No. of GC GC active active w/o generations w/o generations compress 1.7% 5 15 1.2% 17 jess 13.3% 70 2 14.8% 51 228 jack 7.7% Anagram 62.8% 152 8 78.9% 56 Figure 10: Use of garbage collection in application. manipulating inter-generational pointers. However, note that the success or failure of generational collector is in uenced also by factors that we did not measure. For example, the increased locality of the heap, caused by frequent collections is hard to measure. We now present measured properties from the runtime. In the remainder of this section, we present measurements of the applications properties. These measures were taken on the multiprocessor in running a single copy of the application. We start in Figure 10 with the amount of time spent on garbage collection. These numbers indicate how much a change in the garbage collection mechanism may aect the overall running time of the application. For example, the program that spends the most time garbage collecting during the run is Anagram, whereas programs that spend a small part of their time in garbage collection are 201 compress and 209 db. We also include the number of collection cycles executed in each of the applications. Next, in Figures 11 and 12 we measure the \generational behavior" of the benchmarks involved. In particular, we measure how many objects are scanned during the collection, how many of them are scanned due to inter-generational pointers and what percentage of the objects are freed. For partial collection, we report what percent of the objects of the young generation that are collected. For the full collection, we report what percentage of the allocated objects in the whole heap that are reclaimed (allocated objects are counted as the sum of the objects freed and the objects that survive the collection). For example, in the benchmark 201 compress, objects do not tend to die young. However, for most of the other applications almost all objects die young. Next, we consider the maintenance of inter-generational pointers. We see, for example, that for 202 jess 36.2% of the objects scanned during partial collection are dirty objects in the old generation. This high cost for manipulating inter-generational pointers is one of the reasons for the deterioration in performance. Finally, we look at how many objects are reclaimed in partial and in full collections. For the applications 228 jack and 202 jess, objects that got tenured in the old generation did not survive long. We can see that almost all objects were collected during the full collections. This non- generational behavior is another reason why generations did not perform well for 202 jess and 228 jack. If non-generational collections can free a similar percentage of objects as partial collections, then we do not gain e-ciency with the partial collections, whereas we do pay the overhead cost for maintaining inter-generational Avg. No. of old Avg. No. of Avg. No. of Avg. No. of objects scanned objects scanned objects scanned objects scanned for inter-gen partial full in collection pointers collections collections w/o generations compress 3 168 4789 4778 jess 1373 3797 25411 25446 228 jack 151 4890 14972 11241 Figure Generational characterization of the applications - Part 1. percentage of percentage of percentage of percentage of bytes freed objects freed objects freed objects freed in partial in partial in full in collections collections collections collections w/o generations compress 19.29% 40.43% 2.6% 2.3% 209 db 97.66% 99.77% 22.2% 43.1% jess 98.02% 97.88% 87.2% 86.3% 213 javac 71.25% 68.67% 44.7% 26.8% 228 jack 91.63% 96.58% 90.8% 94.7% Anagram 86.22% 93.43% 14.2% 13.2% Figure 12: Generational characterization of the applications - Part 2. pointers. Next, in Figure 13 and Figure 14, we look at the cost and performance of partial and full collections for the various benchmarks. The cost is the time required to run the collection, and the performance is the number of objects collected (or their accumulated size). Note that for a mark and sweep algorithm, the cost of sweep is similar for the partial and the full collections. It is only the tracing times that get shorter. Thus, the partial collections take less time but not drastically less. Figure shows the number and types of collection cycles for the benchmarks. For all benchmarks the number of full collections when using the generational collector is less than the number of full collections when using the non-generational collector. Finally, we examine the number of pages touched by the collector during the various collections, see Figure 15. We measure the pages touched during trace and sweep, including all the tables the collector uses (such as the card table.) Naturally, the number of pages touched during the partial collections are smaller than the number of pages touched during full collections. The smallest ratio is for the Anagram benchmark, where the number of pages touched during partial collections is about 20% of the number touched during full collections. The largest ratio is for the 213 javac benchmark. There, the number of pages touched in partial collections is about 70% of the number of pages touched during full collections. These positive results match similar measurements in Demers, et al. [6]. 8.5 Tuning parameters In this section we explain the choice of parameters. We compare the various card sizes, the method of aging versus the simple promotion method, and we evaluate various sizes for the young generation. For the aging Avg. time Avg. time Avg. time active partial active full active GC (ms) GC (ms) GC (ms) w/o generations compress 17 35 31 jess 61 116 87 228 jack Anagram 52 429 346 Figure 13: Ellapsed time of collection cycles Avg. No. of Avg. No. of Avg. No. of Avg. space Avg. space Avg. space objects freed objects freed objects freed freed in freed in freed in in partial in full in collection partial full in collection collection collection w/o generations collection collection w/o generations compress 112 112 111 1057472 6922551 67953331 jess 106185 166720 160458 3934524 6759448 5982237 228 jack 133671 186370 202109 3677861 6905298 5841292 Anagram 12251 30088 41370 3515684 13279332 12590566 Figure 14: Average gain from collections Pages touched by w/o partial full generations compress 76 124 109 jess 1304 2227 2048 228 jack 1199 2052 1767 Anagram 1082 4938 5054 Figure 15: Average no. of pages touched by a GC Number of threads Block marking with 1m young generation -3.9 -8.8 5.0 9.0 8.2 Block marking with 2m young generation 0.8 -7.1 6.0 9.8 8.7 Block marking with 4m young generation 1.1 -2.5 6.6 9.8 7.4 Block marking with 8m young generation -0.9 4.7 7.7 10.9 8.8 Object marking with 1m young generation -4.7 -2.6 4.3 14.0 13.0 Object marking with 2m young generation 1.4 -4.4 5.9 11.3 8.6 Object marking with 4m young generation 1.3 2.6 10.6 16.0 11.7 Object marking with 8m young generation 1.9 8.0 13.2 18.8 15.4 Figure Tuning the size of the young generation: percentage of improvement of generations for multi-threaded Ray Tracer. Block marking Object marking Benchmark 1m 2m 4m 8m 1m 2m 4m 8m compress -0.41 0.19 -0.05 0.46 -0.04 0.11 0.02 0.29 jess -22.44 -12.97 -5.05 -1.55 -13.77 -8.72 -3.7 -5.66 228 jack -12.14 -6.27 -2.83 -14.84 -6.85 -3.45 -2.12 -2.23 Anagram 14.43 30.03 37.17 38.73 -8.67 12.06 24.67 26.42 Figure 17: Tuning the size of the young generation: percentage of improvement of generations for the SPECjvm benchmarks method, we compare performance for various tenuring thresholds. The results are summarized in several tables, as described below. 8.5.1 Size of the young generation We begin by evaluating various sizes of the young generation. We compare the sizes 1, 2, 4, and 8 megabytes as possible alternatives for the size of the young generation. We present measurements for the two extreme cases of card sizes: block marking, where the card size is 4096 bytes, and object marking, where the card size is bytes. We will see in Subsection 8.5.3 below that these card sizes are the best for most applications. The results for multi-threaded Ray Tracer can be found in Figure 16 and for the SPECjvm benchmarks [25] in Figure 17. The results do not point a single best size for all benchmarks, but on the average, the best performance is obtained for a size of 4 megabytes for the young generation. In the sequel we x the young generation to 4 megabyte, except when evaluating the aging mechanism. 8.5.2 The aging mechanism The results for aging are disappointing. as can be seen from the results in Figure 18 and Figure 19. We vary the size of the young generation (1, 2, 4, and 8 megabytes) and the age threshold for promotion to the old generation (4, 6, 8, and 10). Recall that an object is allocated with age 1, and its age gets increased for each collection it survives. We chose the card size to be the smallest possible, which is justied by the analysis of card sizes in Section 8.5.3 below. Note that if we use the simple promotion mechanism, each object gets old at the age of 2. Thus, it is possible to compare the overhead of the aging method itself by comparing the simple promotion mechanism with aging having the old age being 2. It turns out that our aging method does have a big overhead. See Figure 20. It shows the percentage of improvement (actually deterioration) when using aging with 2 ages Age 4 is old Age 6 is old Benchmark 1m 2m 4m 8m 1m 2m 4m 8m jess -17.7 -15.8 -10.1 -7.8 -12.6 -13.7 -10.3 -9.2 209 db -2.4 -0.7 -1.4 -0.4 -3.1 -1.3 -1.1 -0.1 228 jack -11.4 -6.7 -1.8 -1.5 -12.6 -6.4 -2.5 -0.9 Anagram -10.8 1.9 20.0 29.6 -11.2 0.8 18.3 26.7 Figure 18: Percentage of improvement for the aging mechanism over a non-generational collector for the SPECjvm benchmarks (part 1) Object Mark With Aging Age 8 is old Age 10 is old Benchmark 1m 2m 4m 8m 1m 2m 4m 8m compress jess -14.6 -17.3 -5.1 -3.8 -17.6 -9.4 -4.9 -3.6 213 javac -27.0 -13.1 3.6 17.4 -33.5 -16.2 3.2 15.5 228 jack -11.6 -3.5 -2.0 -0.4 -14.4 -4.2 -2.6 -1.2 Anagram -11.8 -0.4 16.1 23.9 -11.7 -1.6 14.9 23.4 Figure 19: Percentage of improvement for the aging mechanism over a non-generational collector for the SPECjvm benchmarks (part 2) Benchmark 1m 2m 4m 8m 201 compress 0.09 -0.18 -0.97 -0.16 jess -3.21 -3.43 -3.54 -1.24 228 jack -3.01 -2.88 -1.48 0.40 Anagram -2.11 -9.10 -3.63 3.34 Figure 20: The percentage of improvement (or the cost) of the aging mechanism with 2 ages over the simple promotion method. instead of the standard method. (As before, we use object marking, i.e., the smallest card size.) It may be possible to improve the performance of the aging algorithm by changing the algorithm or data structures. This is something that we have not attempted in this work. Perhaps a simple modication, such as locating the value of the age inside the object instead of keeping a table with the ages, may help by improving the locality of reference. In light of the results, we have chosen not to use aging. 8.5.3 Choosing the size of the cards Finally, we ran some measurements to nd out what the best card size is. We varied the size from 16 to 4096, including all powers of 2. The best card size depends on the behavior of the application. Note that since we do not move objects in the heap, the objects of the young and old generations are not segregated. There is an interesting phenomena about the scanning of the cards. If the dirty objects are concentrated in the heap in a specic location (and it can be big or small), than smaller cards do not shorten the scan. For example, if the rst 1/4 of the heap contains dirty objects, then if we take cards whose size is a quarter of the heap or cards whose size is 16 bytes, then we'll have the same objects to actually scan on dirty cards. However, if the dirty objects are spread randomly in the heap than rening the card sizes is useful. The ner the cards are, the less objects we scan. Thus, the nature of the application determines how useful small cards are. But there are more considerations. For example, smaller cards imply a bigger card table. The card table is accessed on each pointer modication and may in uence the locality of reference. A big table that is accessed frequently in a random manner decreases locality. Here, it seems that the consideration is the opposite of the previous one. If the heap access of the application is randomly distributed, then a big table is bad, so bigger cards are required. If the heap accesses are concentrated, then the access of the card table will be concentrated even for a big table, so smaller cards are ne. The big question of which consideration is dominant is the frequency of accesses. Note that a card gets dirty even if touched only once, and that is the only relevant issue for the consideration of the previous paragraph. However, for locality of reference it matters how frequently the cards are touched. The frequency may determine which of these considerations wins and what card size is the best for the application. The actual results are given in the following tables. In table 21 we specify the improvement of generational collection versus non-generational collection for all benchmarks and the various card sizes. We used a young generation of 4 megabytes and object marking. To get some impression of what in uences the results we also present Table 22 the percentage of cards that were dirty in the collection, and in Table 23 the area that got scanned due to dirty cards. In most cases, the size of the card did not make a signicant impact on the running time. The biggest impact can be seen with the benchmarks Anagram, 213 javac, and 202 jess. The impact of card sizes on these benchmark was not the same. For Anagram the bigger card size, the better. For 213 javac the smaller the better, and for 202 jess the two extremes (16 and 4096 bytes) are best. We chose to use the smallest card size (denoted object marking) for the rest of the tests. Object Mark with 4m young generation Benchmark byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte compress 0.11 0.16 0.10 -0.41 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.46 0.62 jess -4.25 -4.02 -6.64 -9.17 -7.24 -7.17 -6.96 -7.01 -6.65 228 jack -7.43 -6.24 -7.01 -6.12 -6.79 -7.16 -6.78 -6.72 -6.50 Anagram 23.61 18.92 24.04 28.59 31.35 33.09 33.41 34.48 35.24 Figure 21: Percentage of improvement for SPECjvm benchmarks for the various card sizes Object Mark with 4m young generation Benchmark byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte jess 15.81 30.70 42.85 50.16 53.43 56.65 59.46 59.08 61.18 228 jack 17.66 28.71 32.51 34.47 35.19 38.41 40.01 40.53 44.11 Anagram 1.14 0.78 2.07 1.22 1.22 1.25 1.22 1.23 1.31 Figure 22: Tuning the parameters:Card size - percentage of dirty cards from allocated cards Looking at Tables 22 and 23, we see that there are almost no dirty cards scanned for Anagram, which is one of the properties of Anagaram that make generational collection appropriate for it. Note that for Anagram, it is best to have a large card size. This is probably due to the smaller card table, since it does not in uence the actual scanning, which is negligible. For 209 db the size of the card has practically no in uence on the size of the area scanned for collection. This is probably due to concentration of the dirty objects as discussed above. Object Mark with 4m young generation Benchmark byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte jess 1237 2421 3426 3888 4191 4387 4499 4626 4780 228 jack 1309 2059 2319 2450 2562 2717 2821 2983 3226 Anagram 107 175 170 168 167 170 165 167 178 Figure 23: Tuning the parameters:Card size - Area scanned for dirty cards 9 Conclusion We have presented a design for incorporating generations into an on-the- y garbage collector for Java. To the best of our knowledge such a combination has not been tried before. Our ndings imply that generations are benecial in spite of the two \obstacles": the fact that the generations are not segregated in space since objects are not moved by the collector, and the fact that obtaining shorter pauses for the collection are not relevant for an on-the- y collector. It turns out that for most benchmarks the overall running time was reduced by up to 25%, but there was one benchmark for which generational collection increased the overall running time on our multiprocessor by 4%. The best performing variant of generational collection out of the variants we checked, was the one with the simplest promotion policy (promoting an object to the old generation after surviving one collection), a quite big young generation (4 megabytes), and a small size of cards for the card marking algorithm (16 bytes per card). In most collections, less pages are touched by the generational collector. Thus, one should especially consider using generations for an on-the- y collector when the applications run in limited physical memory. Acknowledgments We thank Hans Bohm for helpful remarks. We thank Alain Azagury, Katherine Barabash, Bill Berg, John Endicott, Michael Factor, Arv Fisher, Naama Kraus, Yossi Levanoni, Ethan Lewis, Eliot Salant, Dafna Sheinwald, Ron Sivan, Sagi Snir, and Igor Yanover for helpful discussions. --R List processing in real-time on a serial computer The Treadmill Algorithms for on-the- y garbage collection Combining generational and conservative garbage collection: Framework and implementations. Experience with Concurrent Garbage Collector for Mudula-2+ unobtrusive garbage collection for multiprocessor systems. A concurrent generational garbage collector for a multi-threaded implementation of ML An exercise in proving parallel programs correct. An Anagram Generator. Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Manage- ment Using a Color Toggle to Reduce Synchronization in the DLG Collector. Garbage collection with multiple processes: an exercise in parallelism. Very Concurrent Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection without Fine-Grain Synchronization A Real Time Garbage Collector Based on the Lifetimes of Objects. Garbage collection in a large LISP system. A lifetime-based garbage collector for Lisp systems on general-purpose computers Multiprocessing compactifying garbage collection. Multiprocessing compactifying garbage collection. Generation Scavenging: A Non-disruptive High Performance Storage Reclamation Algorithm --TR Algorithms for on-the-fly garbage collection Combining generational and conservative garbage collection: framework and implementations The treadmill A comparative performance evaluation of write barrier implementation A concurrent, generational garbage collector for a multithreaded implementation of ML unobtrusive garbage collection for multiprocessor systems Garbage collection Very concurrent mark-MYAMPERSANDamp;-sweep garbage collection without fine-grain synchronization A real-time garbage collector based on the lifetimes of objects List processing in real time on a serial computer On-the-fly garbage collection An exercise in proving parallel programs correct Multiprocessing compactifying garbage collection On-the-Fly Garbage Collection On-the-fly garbage collection Garbage collection in a large LISP system Garbage collection and task deletion in distributed applicative processing systems Generation Scavenging A Lifetime-based Garbage Collector for LISP Systems on General- Purpose Computers --CTR Perry Cheng , Guy E. Blelloch, A parallel, real-time garbage collector, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.36 n.5, p.125-136, May 2001 Hezi Azatchi , Yossi Levanoni , Harel Paz , Erez Petrank, An on-the-fly mark and sweep garbage collector based on sliding views, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.38 n.11, November David F. Bacon , Perry Cheng , David Grove , Martin T. Vechev, Syncopation: generational real-time garbage collection in the metronome, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.40 n.7, July 2005 David Detlefs , Ross Knippel , William D. Clinger , Matthias Jacob, Concurrent Remembered Set Refinement in Generational Garbage Collection, Proceedings of the 2nd Java Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium, p.13-26, August 01-02, 2002 Katherine Barabash , Yoav Ossia , Erez Petrank, Mostly concurrent garbage collection revisited, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.38 n.11, November Yoav Ossia , Ori Ben-Yitzhak , Irit Goft , Elliot K. Kolodner , Victor Leikehman , Avi Owshanko, A parallel, incremental and concurrent GC for servers, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.37 n.5, May 2002 Hang Pham, Controlling garbage collection and heap growth to reduce the execution time of Java applications, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.28 n.5, p.908-941, September 2006 Karen Zee , Martin Rinard, Write barrier removal by static analysis, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.37 n.11, November 2002 Katherine Barabash , Niv Buchbinder , Tamar Domani , Elliot K. Kolodner , Yoav Ossia , Shlomit S. Pinter , Janice Shepherd , Ron Sivan , Victor Umansky, Mostly accurate stack scanning, Proceedings of the JavaTM Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium on JavaTM Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium, p.19-19, April 23-24, 2001, Monterey, California David F. Bacon , Clement R. Attanasio , Han B. Lee , V. T. Rajan , Stephen Smith, Java without the coffee breaks: a nonintrusive multiprocessor garbage collector, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.36 n.5, p.92-103, May 2001 Katherine Barabash , Ori Ben-Yitzhak , Irit Goft , Elliot K. Kolodner , Victor Leikehman , Yoav Ossia , Avi Owshanko , Erez Petrank, A parallel, incremental, mostly concurrent garbage collector for servers, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), v.27 n.6, p.1097-1146, November 2005 Martin T. Vechev , Eran Yahav , David F. Bacon, Correctness-preserving derivation of concurrent garbage collection algorithms, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.41 n.6, June 2006 Antony L. Hosking, Portable, mostly-concurrent, mostly-copying garbage collection for multi-processors, Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Memory management, June 10-11, 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
memory management;programming languages;garbage collection;generational garbage collection
Stochastic Grammatical Inference of Text Database Structure.
For a document collection in which structural elements are identified with markup, it is often necessary to construct a grammar retrospectively that constrains element nesting and ordering. This has been addressed by others as an application of grammatical inference. We describe an approach based on stochastic grammatical inference which scales more naturally to large data sets and produces models with richer semantics. We adopt an algorithm that produces stochastic finite automata and describe modifications that enable better interactive control of results. Our experimental evaluation uses four document collections with varying structure.
Introduction 1.1. Text Structure For electronically stored text, there are well known advantages to identifying structural elements (e.g., chapters, titles, paragraphs, footnotes) with descriptive markup [4, 5, 12]. Most commonly, markup is in the form of labeled tags interleaved with the text as in the following example: !reference?The Art of War: Chapter 3 paragraph 18!/reference? If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. !/sentence? If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. !/sentence? If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. !/sentence? Documents marked up in this way can be updated and interpreted much more robustly than if the structural elements are identified with codes specific to a particular system or typesetting style. The markup can also be used to support operations such as searches that require words or phrases to occur within particular elements. Further advantages can be gained by using a formal grammar to specify how and where elements can be used. The above example, for instance, conforms to the following grammar represented as a regular expression: quotation ! reference sentence This specifies that a quotation must contain a reference followed by one or more sentences. Any other use of the elements, e.g. nesting a sentence in a reference or preceding a reference by a sentence, is disallowed. Thus the main benefit of having a grammar is that new or modified documents can be automatically verified for compliance with the specification. Other benefits include support for queries with structural conditions, and optimization of physical database layout. Another important purpose of a grammar is to provide users with a general understanding of the text's organization. Overall, a grammar for a text database serves much the same purpose as a schema for a traditional database: it gives an overall description of how the data is organized [18]. The most widely used standard for text element markup and grammar specification is SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) [24], and more recently, XML [7]. HTML represents a specific application of SGML, i.e., it uses a single grammar and set of elements (although the grammar is not very restrictive). 1.2. Automated Document Recognition Unfortunately, many electronic documents exist with elements and grammar only implicitly defined, typically through layout or typesetting conventions. For exam- ple, on the World Wide Web, data is laid out according to conventions that must be inferred to use it as easily as if it were organized in a database [41]. There is therefore a pressing need to convert the structural information in such documents to a more explicit form in order to gain the full benefits of their online availability. Completely manual conversion would be too time consuming for any collection larger than a few kilobytes. Therefore, automated or interactive methods are needed for two distinct sub-problems: element recognition and grammar generation. If the document is represented by procedural or presentational markup, the first sub-problem is to recognize and mark up individual structural elements based on layout or typesetting clues. To do this, it is necessary to know or infer the original conventions used to map element types to their layout. We do not address this task here, but there are several existing approaches, based on interactive systems [14, 26], on learning systems [32], and on manual trial and error construction of finite state transducers [11, 25]. The second sub-problem is to extract implicit structural rules from a collection of documents and model them with a grammar. This requires that a plausible model of the original intentions of the authors be reconstructed by extrapolating from available examples in some appropriate way. This can be considered an application of grammatical inference - the general problem that deals with constructing grammars consistent with training data [42]. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 3 Note that the two problems may depend on each other. Element recognition often requires that ambiguities be resolved by considering how elements are used in context. However, recognition usually considers these usage rules in isolation, and identifies only the ones that are really needed to recognize an element. A grammar can be considered a single representation of all usage rules, including the ones that are not relevant to recognition (which may be the majority). Thus, even if certain components of the grammar need to be determined manually in the recognition phase, grammar inference is still useful for automatically combining these components and filling in the ones that were not needed for recognition. The grammar inference problem is especially applicable to XML, an increasingly important variant of SGML in which rich tagging is allowed without requiring a DTD (grammar). In this case, there is no recognition subproblem and grammar generation comprises the entire recognition problem. The benefits of attaching a grammar to documents can be seen from the recent experience with the database system Lore [31]. Lore manages semistructured data, where relationships among elements are unconstrained. In place of schemas, "DataGuides" are automatically generated to capture in a concise form the relationships that occur [17]. These are then used for traditional schema roles such as query optimization and aiding in query formulation. Interestingly, the DataGuide for a tree-structured database is analogous to a context free grammar. 1.3. The Data We describe our approach to this problem using the computerized version of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) [39]. This is a large document with complex structure [34], containing over sixty types of elements that are heavily nested in over two million element instances. Figure 1 lists some of the most common elements as they appear in a typical entry. See the guide by Berg [6] for a complete explanation of the structural elements used in the OED. The OED has been converted from its original printed form, through an intermediate keyed form with typesetting information, to a computerized form with explicitly tagged structural elements [25]. The text is broken up into over two hundred ninety thousand top level elements (dictionary entries). The grammar inference problem can be considered as one of finding a complete grammar to describe these top level entries, or it can be broken into many subproblems of finding grammars for lower level elements such as quotation paragraphs or etymologies. As a choice of data, the OED is a good representative of the general problem of inferring grammars for text structure. It is at least as complex as any text in two ways: the amount of structure information is extremely high, and the usage of structural elements is quite variable. The large amount of structure information is evidenced by the number of different types of tags, and also by the high density of tagging as compared to most text [35]. There are over sixty types of tags and the density of tagging is such that, HEADWORD GROUP !HG? Headword Lemma !HL? Lookup Form !LF?.!/LF? Stressed Form !SF?.!/SF? Murray Form !MF?.!/MF? End of Headword Lemma !/HL? Murray Pronunciation !MPR?.!/MPR? IPA Pronunciation !IPR?.!/IPR? Part of Speech !PS?.!/PS? Homonym Number !HO?.!/HO? END OF HEADWORD GROUP !/HG? VARIANT FORM LIST !VL? Variant Date !VD?.!/VD? Variant Form !VF?.!/VF? END OF VARIANT FORM LIST !/VL? Sense Number !#? Definition !DEF?.!/DEF? Quotation Paragraph !QP? Earliest Quote !EQ?!Q? Date !D?.!/D? Author !A?.!/A? Work !W?.!/W? End of Earliest Quote !/Q?!/EQ? Latest Quote !LQ?!Q?.!/Q?!/LQ? (Obsolete Entries Only) End of Quotation Paragraph !/QP? Sub-Entry (Preceded by"Hence") !SE? Bold Lemma (+similar tags !BL?.!/BL? to those following Headword End of Sub-Entry !/SE? END OF SENSE(S) !/S0?!/S1?.!/S8? END OF ENTRY !/E? Figure 1. Common elements from the OED with their corresponding tags in the order they appear in a typical dictionary entry. (This is reproduced from Berg [5] and represents a human-generated high level description of the data.) Indentation denotes containment. Therefore, the headword group, variant form list, etymology, and senses are top level elements of an entry; their children are indented one step further; etc. Note that more than one sense element can occur at the top level. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 5 even with all element names abbreviated to three or fewer characters, the amount of tagging is comparable to the amount of text. In most text, restrictions on element usage tend to vary between one extreme where any element can occur anywhere (e.g. italics in HTML), to the other where elements always occur in exactly the same way (e.g. a newspaper article which always contains a title, followed by a byline, followed by a body). Neither of these extremes is interesting for grammar inference. Element usage in the OED, however, is constrained, yet quite variable. This is mainly a consequence of the circumstances of its original publication. The compilation spanned 44 years, and filled over 15,000 pages. There were seven different chief editors over the lifetime of the project, most of which was completed before 1933 - well before the possibility of computer support. The structure of the OED is remarkably consistent, but variable enough to be appropriate for the problem: it can test the method but is regular enough to make description by a grammar appropriate. 1.4. Text Structure and Grammatical Inference We now demonstrate the use of marked up text from the OED as training data for a grammatical inference process. Consider the structure of the two short OED entries shown in Figure 2. These can be represented by the derivation trees, shown in Figure 3, where the nodes are labeled with their corresponding tag names. A corresponding grammar representation is shown in Figure 4. Each production has a left hand side corresponding to a non-leaf node, and a right hand side formed from its immediate children. The number of times a production occurs in the data is indicated by a preceding frequency. A non-terminal and all of its strings (right hand sides of its productions) can now be considered a training set for a single sub- problem. Note that if we generalize each such production to a regular expression then we have an overall grammar that is context free [28]. This is the standard choice for modeling text structure. Three existing grammatical inference approaches for text operate by specifying rules that are used to rewrite and combine strings in the training set [10, 14, 38]. The following rule, for example, generalizes a grammar by expanding the language that it accepts: greater than or equal to a given value Applied to the first entry in Figure 2 with for example. Other rules have no effect on the language, but simplify a grammar by combining productions: Applied to the two HG productions in Figure 2, for example, the first rule gives !MF?salama&sd.ndrous !/MF?!/HL?!b?,!/b? !PS?a.!/PS?!/HG? !LB?rare!/LB?!su?-1!/su?. !ET?f. !L? L.!/L? !CF? !XL?-ous!/XL?!/XR?.!/ET? !S4?!S6?!DEF?Living as it were in fire; fiery, hot, passionate. !/DEF?!QP?!Q?!D?1711!/D? !A?G. Cary!/A? !W?Phys. Phyl.!/W? 29 !T?My Salamandrous &Ae.tnous burning Humours.!/T?!/Q?!/QP?!/S6? !W?Expos. Dom. Epist. &amp. Gosp.!/W? Wks. (1629) 76 !T?If a Salamandry spirit should traduce that godly labour, as the silenced Ministers haue wronged our Communion Booke. !MF?u&sd.nderstrife !/MF?!/HL?!b?.!/b? !/HG?!LB?poet.!/LB? !/XR?!/ET? !S4?!S6?!DEF?Strife carried on upon the earth. !/DEF?!QP?!EQ?!Q?!D?C. 1611!/D? !A?Chapman!/A? !W?Iliad!/W? xx. 138 !T?We soon shall.send them to heaven, to settle their abode With equals, flying under&dubh.strifes.!/T? Figure 2. Two marked up dictionary entries. Work by Ahonen, Mannila and Nikunen [1, 2, 3] uses a more classical grammatical inference approach of generating a language belonging to a characterizable subclass of the regular languages. Specifically, they use languages, an extension that they propose to k-contextual languages. In contrast to previous approaches to grammar construction for text structure, we use the frequency information from the training set to generate a stochastic gram- mar. The non-stochastic approaches mentioned above are inappropriate for larger document collections with complex structure. This is because there is no way to effectively deal with the inevitable errors and pathological exceptions in such cases without considering frequency information. Stochastic grammars are also better suited for understanding and exploration since they express additional semantics and provide a natural way of distinguishing the more significant components of the grammar. The thesis by Ahonen [1] does partially address such concerns. For example, when applying her method to a Finnish dictionary of similar complexity to the OED, she first removed all but the most frequent cases from the training set. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 7 daVinci V1.4.2 QP A PS MF QP A XR XR CF su PS MF daVinci V2.0.3 T A QP HO XR MF Figure 3. The two parse trees. She also proposes some ad-hoc methods for separating the final result into high and low frequency components (after having generated the result with a method that does not consider frequency information). We assert that it is better to use an inference method that considers frequency information from the beginning. The stochastic grammatical inference algorithm that we have chosen to adopt for this application was proposed by Carrasco and Oncina [9]. Our modifications are motivated by shortcomings in the ability to tune the algorithm and by our wish to use it interactively for exploration rather than as a black box to produce a single, final result. Note that understanding techniques are Figure 4. The de-facto grammar with production frequencies. needed to support effective interaction. The primary technique used for examples in this paper is visualizing automata as bubble diagrams. All bubble diagrams were generated by the graph visualization program daVinci which performs node placement and edge crossover minimization [15]. The remainder of the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the underlying algorithm, Section 3 explains our modifications, Section 4 evaluates the method on real and synthetic data, and Section 5 concludes. 2. Algorithm Here we provide an overview of the algorithm by Carrasco and Oncina [9] in enough detail to explain our modifications. A longer technical report includes more detailed descriptions of both the modified and unmodified algorithms [43]. Of the many possible stochastic grammatical inference algorithms, the particular one used here was chosen for several reasons. First of all, it is similar to the method of Ahonen et al. in that it uses a finite automaton state merging paradigm. Since that work represents the most in-depth examination of grammar inference for text structure to date, it is reasonable to use a similar approach. In fact, many of their results that go beyond just the application of the algorithm (such as rewriting the automaton into a gram- GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 9 mar consisting of productions) can be adapted to the outputs of our algorithm. The second reason for choosing this algorithm was that the basic generalization operation of merging states is guided by a justifiable statistical test rather than an arbitrary heuristic. The Bayesian model merging approach of Stolcke and Omohundro [40] or a probability estimation approach based on the forward-backward algorithm [23, 30] were other candidates satisfying this characteristic, but the final choice was judged the simplest and most elegant. 2.1. ALERGIA The algorithm ALERGIA by Carrasco and Oncina [9] is itself an adaptation of a non-stochastic method by Oncina and Garc'ia [33]. The algorithm produces stochastic finite automata (SFAs). These grammar constructs can be informally explained as finite automata that have probabilities associated with their transitions. The probability assigned to a string is, therefore, the product of the probabilities of all transitions followed in accepting it. Note that every state also has an associated termination probability, and that this is included in the product. Any state with a non-zero termination probability can be considered a final state. See the book by Fu [16] for a more formal and complete description of SFAs and their properties. The inference paradigm used by ALERGIA is a common one: first build a de-facto model that accepts exactly the language of the training set; then generalize. Generalization for finite automata is done by merging states. This is similar to the state merging operation used in the algorithm for minimizing a non-stochastic finite automaton [21]. The difference is that merges that change the accepted language are allowed. Consider, as an example, the productions for ET from the training data of Figure 4. These can be represented by the prefix tree in Figure 5. The primitive operation of merging two states replaces them with a single state, labeled by convention with the smaller of the two state identifiers. All incoming and outgoing transitions are combined and the frequencies associated with any transitions they have in common are added, as are the incoming and termination frequencies. Figure 6 demonstrates the effect of merging states 2 and 4, then 2 and 5. Note that if two states have outgoing transitions with the same symbol but different destinations, these two destinations are also merged to avoid indeterminism. Thus, merging two non-leaf states can recursively require merging of a long string of their descendants. An algorithm based on this paradigm must define two things: how to test whether two given states should be merged, and the order in which pairs of states are tested. In ALERGIA, two states are merged if they satisfy the following equivalence criterion: for every symbol in the alphabet, the associated transition probabilities from the states are equal; the termination probabilities for the states are equal; and, the destination states of the two transitions for each symbol are equivalent according to a recursive application of the same criterion. Figure 5. A de-facto SFA (prefix tree) for the ET element. States are labeled ID[N,T] where ID is the state identifier, N is the incoming frequency, and T is the termination frequency. Transitions are labeled S[F], where S is the symbol, and F is the transition frequency. Final states with non-zero termination frequencies are marked with double rings. Figure 6. Figure 4 with states 2,4 and 5 merged. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 11 Whether two transitions' probabilities are equal is decided with a statistical test of the observed frequencies. Let the null hypothesis H o be that they are equal and the alternative H a be that they differ. Let be the number of strings that arrive at the states and f 1 be the number of strings that follow the transitions in question (or terminate). Then, using the Hoeffding bound [19] on binomial distributions, the p-value is less than a chosen significance level ff if the test statistic is greater than the expression In this case, reject the null hypothesis and assume the two probabilities are different, otherwise assume they are the same. This test ensures that the chosen ff represents a bound on the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis (i.e. incorrectly leaving two equivalent nodes separate). Thus, reducing ff makes merges more likely and results in smaller models. The order in which pairs of nodes are compared is defined as follows: nodes are numbered in a breadth-first order with all nodes at a given depth ordered lexically based on the string prefixes used to reach the node. Figure 5 is an example. Pairs of nodes (q are tested by varying j from 1 to the number of nodes, and i from 0 to 1. For the non-stochastic version of the algorithm, this ordering is necessary to prove identification in the limit [33]. Its significance in the stochastic version is unclear. Note that the worst case time complexity of the algorithm is O(n 3 ). This occurs for an input where no merges take place, thus requiring that all n(n \Gamma 1)=2 pairs of nodes be compared, and furthermore, where the average recursive comparison continues to O(n) depth. In practise, the expected running time is likely to be much less than this. Carrasco and Oncina report that, experimentally, the time increases linearly with the number of strings in the training set, as artificially generated by a fixed size model. We have observed a quadratic increase with the size of model. However, since this size is normally chosen, through parameter adjustment, to be small enough for understanding, running time has not been a problem in our experience. 3. Modifications In this section we present our modifications to the algorithm, using the PQP (pseudo-quotation paragraph) element from the OED as an example. Of the 145,289 instances of that element in the entire dictionary, there are 90 unique arrangements for subelements; thus there are 90 unique strings that appear as right sides of productions in the defacto grammar. Those are shown in Figure 7 along with their occurrence frequencies. The 4 elements that occur in a PQP are the (earliest quotation), Q (quotation), SQ (subsidiary quotation), and LQ (latest quotation). The usage of the elements (which is known from the dictionary but can also be deduced from the examples) is as follows: SQ can occur any number of times and in any position; Q can occur any number of times; EQ can occur at most once and must occur before the first Q; LQ can occur at most once and must occur after the last Q. This data is very simple and intended only to illustrate the modified learning algorithm. We give more complex examples in Section 4.2. 3.1. Separation of Low Frequency Components The original algorithm assumes that every node has a frequency high enough to be statistically compared. This is not typically valid. Nodes with too low a frequency always default to the null hypothesis of equivalence, resulting in inappropriate merges. The characteristic result is that many low frequency nodes merge with either the root or another low index node (since the comparisons are made in order of index). This gives a structure with many inappropriate transitions pointing back to these low index nodes. Figure 8 shows an example result for the PQP data where transitions occur from several parts of the model to nodes 0 and 1. Note that this form of inappropriate merging is not a problem that can be remedied just by tuning the single parameter ff. As is usual in hypothesis tests, ff is a bound on the probability of a false reject of the null hypothesis (i.e. failing to merge two nodes that are in fact equivalent). The complementary bound fi on the probability of a false accept is unconstrained by the test of ALERGIA, and can be arbitrarily high for very low frequencies. The problem can be seen as closely related to the small disjuncts problem discussed by Holte et al. [20] for rule based classification algorithms: essentially, rules covering only a few cases of the training data perform relatively badly since they have inadequate statistical support. Holte et al. give three general approaches for improving the situation: 1) use exact significance tests in the learning algorithm, test both significance and error rate of every disjunct in evaluating a result, and whenever possible, use errors of omission instead of default classifications. Note that since our training set includes positive examples only, the second point does not apply. The first point, however corresponds to one of our modifications, and the third agrees with our own conclusions. Experiments with several different treatments for low frequency nodes led us to the conclusion that no single approach would always produce an appropriate result (certainly not the original action of the algorithm - automatically merging on the first comparison). This is understandable given that the frequencies in question are statistically insignificant. Therefore, we chose to first incorporate a significance test into the algorithm to separate out the low frequency nodes automatically, and then later decide on alternative treatments for these nodes (discussed in Section 3.4). The following test is the standard one for checking equivalence of two binomial proportions while considering significance (see [13], for example). Assume as before GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 13 21: 3: Q,Q,SQ,Q 524: EQ 4: Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q 5: EQ,LQ 3: Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q 294: EQ,Q 2: Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: EQ,Q,LQ 58: Q,SQ 30: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,LQ 9: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q 15: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q 8: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 3: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 5: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 3: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 3: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: EQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: Q,SQ,SQ 2: EQ,SQ 22: SQ 28: LQ 2: SQ,EQ 20: Q,LQ 5: SQ,EQ,Q,Q 3: SQ,EQ,Q,Q,Q 5: Q,Q,Q,LQ 174: SQ,Q,Q 6335: Q,Q,Q,Q 177: SQ,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,Q,Q,Q,LQ 102: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q 579: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 9: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 293: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 8: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 124: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 93: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 4: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: SQ,Q,Q,SQ 2: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 2: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,SQ 1: Q,Q,Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 4: Q,Q,Q,SQ 2: Q,Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q 1: Q,Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 1: Q,Q,Q,SQ,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q 17: Q,Q,SQ Figure 7. The PQP example strings. daVinci V1.4.2 30[886,45.5] Q[54.5] 7[142,58.5] 6[78455,56.3] Figure 8. A result from the unmodified algorithm with transitions characteristic of inappropriate low frequency merges. Note that termination and transition frequencies f i are shown converted to percentages representing f i =n i in this and subsequent figures to simplify comparisons. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 15 that true probabilities and that f 1 =n 1 , f 2 =n 2 serve as the estimates. Sample sizes are required to satisfy the following relationship with ff and fi (which bound the probabilities of a false reject or a false accept of the null ae 2ffl where z x denotes the t value at which the cumulative probability of a standard normal distribution is equal to 1 \Gamma x; and, The value ffl is an additional parameter required to bound fi (representing the minimum true difference between p1 and p2). The null hypothesis is rejected iff We incorporate this test into the algorithm in the following way. Associate a boolean flag with each node, initially false; and, set the flag to true the first time a node is involved in a comparison with another node that satisfies the required relationship between ff, fi, and sample sizes. Nodes that still have false flags when the algorithm terminates are classified as low frequency components. An example result with the PQP data is shown in Figure 9. Low frequency nodes in the graph are depicted as rectangles. 3.2. Control over the Level of Generalization An important interactive operation is control over the level of generalization (how much the finite language represented by the training set is expanded). One possible approach is to vary ff and fi. Reducing ff increases generalization: it restricts the possibility of incorrectly leaving nodes separate, and therefore makes merges more likely. Increasing fi also increases generalization: it increases the allowable possibility of incorrectly merging nodes. Note that these two are not completely equivalent since ff and fi are bounds on the probabilities of their respective errors. Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to control generalization in this way since ff and fi directly determine which components of the data are treated as too low frequency to be significant (i.e. the parts that will be merged by default using the original algorithm, or classified as low frequency according to the test in Section 3.1). Therefore, unless we are in a position to arbitrarily vary the amount of available data according to our choice of parameters, another modification is needed. The goal is to allow independent control over the division into low and high frequency components, and over the level of generalization. This is done by changing 99[3,33.3] 95[4,25.0] 87[6,33.3] 30[374,47.3] Q[90.3] Q[64.3] Q[87.5] 19[2,100.0] 98[2,50.0] 94[2,0.0] 90[2,0.0] 82[3,33.3] Q[58.3] 50[16,25.0] 28[42,31.0] Figure 9. The PQP inference result with GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 17 the hypothesis for the statistical test. Rather than testing whether two observed proportions can plausibly be equal, test whether they can plausibly differ by less than some parameter fl: The modified test is as follows: let - 1 be f 1 =n 1 , and - 2 be f 2 =n 2 . Then, if Reject H A larger value of fl results in a null hypothesis that is easier to satisfy, therefore producing more merges and an increase in generalization. As an example, consider the 3 results in Figures 10, 11, and 12 with constant ff and fi values, but varying fl values (and low frequency components clipped out for the moment). Higher fl values result in fewer nodes, larger languages, and less precise probability predictions. 3.3. Choosing Algorithm Parameters The modified algorithm has the following parameters: ffl fl is the maximum difference in true proportions for which the algorithm should merge two states. ffl ff is the probability bound on the chance of making a type I error (incorrectly concluding that the two proportions differ by more than fl) ffl fi is the probability bound on the chance of making a type II error (incor- rectly concluding that the two proportions differ by less than fl) when the true difference in the proportions is at least fl being the fourth parameter) We next describe the effects of changing these parameters and also explain that useful interaction does not necessarily require separate control over all four. Choosing fl controls the amount of generalization. Setting it to 0 results in very few states being merged; setting it to 1 always results in an output with a single state (effectively a 0-context average of the frequency of occurrence of every symbol). Changes to ff and fi also affect the level of generalization. Their main effect of interest, however, is that they define the cutoff between high and low frequency components. Increasing either one decreases the number of nodes classified as low frequency. For simplified interaction, it is possible to always have both equal and daVinci V2.0.3 Q[90.3] 9[62963, GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 19 daVinci V2.0.3 Q[90.3] daVinci V2.0.3 Figure 12. The PQP inference result with adjust them together as a single parameter. This does not seriously reduce the useful level of control over the algorithm's behavior. The ffl parameter determines the difference to which the fi probability applies. This must be specified somewhere but is not an especially useful value over which to have control. It should therefore be fixed, or tied in some way to the size of the input and the value of fl (we choose to fix it). it can be seen that control is only really needed over two major aspects of the inference process. Choosing a combined value for ff and fi sets the cutoff point between the significant data and the low frequency components. Choosing fl controls the amount of generalization. As an example of parameter adjustment, consider the inference result from Figure 9. Examination reveals two possible changes. The first is based on the observation that nodes 1 and 3 are very similar: they both accept an LQ or SQ or any number of Q's, and their transition and termination probabilities all differ by less than ten percent. Unless these slight differences are deemed significant enough to represent in the model, it is better to merge the two nodes. This can be done by increasing fl to 0.1, thus allowing nodes to test equal if their true probabilities differ by up to ten percent. The second adjustment affects nodes 4, 12 and 21. These express the fact that strings starting with an SQ are much more likely to end with more than two Q's. This rule only applies, however, to about five hundred of the over one hundred GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 21 Q[90.3] 30[374,47.3] 87[6,33.3] 95[4,25.0] 99[3,33.3] Q[87.5] Q[64.3] 7[142,58.5] 19[2,100.0] 28[42,31.0] 50[16,25.0] Q[58.3] 82[3,33.3] 90[2,0.0] 94[2,0.0] 98[2,50.0] Figure 13. The PQP inference result with forty five thousand PQPs in the dictionary. If we choose to simplify the model at the expense of a small amount of inaccuracy for these cases, we can reduce ff and fi to reclassify these nodes as low frequency. Bisection search of values of ff and fi between 0 and 0.025 reveals that this is accomplished with The result after application of the two adjustments described above is shown in Figure 13. 3.4. What to do with the Low Frequency Components There are three possible ways of treating low frequency components: assume the most specific possible model by leaving the components separate (this is the same as leaving fi fixed and allowing ff to grow arbitrarily high); merge all the low frequency components into a single garbage state (an approach adopted in [36]); or, merge low frequency nodes into other parts of the automaton. Many methods can be invented for the last approach. We have observed that, in general, a single method does not produce appropriate results for all components of a given model. We therefore propose a tentative merging strategy. First an ordered list of heuristics is defined. Then all low frequency components are merged into positions in the model determined by the first heuristic in the list. If the user identifies a problem with a particular resulting tentative transition then the subtree can be re-merged into a position determined by the next heuristic in the list. Heuristics can be designed based on various grammatical inference or learning approaches. Note that the problem of choosing a place to merge a low frequency component differs from the general problem of stochastic grammatical inference in two ways: 1) the rest of the high frequency model is available as a source of information, and 2) the frequency information has been classified as insignificant. The second point implies that, if we choose to consider frequency information, we may have to use special techniques to compensate. These could include a Laplace approximation of the probability or a Bayesian approach using a prior probability. Evidence measures developed for recent work in DFA (rather than SFA) learning might also be applicable [29]. We mention two heuristics that do not use frequency information but that we have found to work well. Both guarantee that the model is still able to parse all strings in the training set. The first is to merge every low frequency node with its immediate parent. The result is that any terminals occurring in a low frequency subtree are allowed to occur any number of times and in any order starting at the nearest high-frequency ancestor. The second heuristic is to locate a position in the high frequency model from which an entire low-frequency subtree can be parsed. This subtree can then be merged into the rest of the model by replacing it with a single transition to the identified position. If more than one possible position exists, these can be stepped through before proceeding to the next heuristic in the list. As an example of the application of the second heuristic reconsider Figure 13. Merging every low frequency tree in that graph into the first (lowest index) node that can parse it gives the result in Figure 14. Tentative transitions in that diagram GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 23 daVinci V1.4.2 Figure 14. Figure 13 with low frequency components merged into other parts of the graph. are marked with dashed lines. The tentative transition from node 1 to 0 on input of SQ creates a cycle that allows more than one EQ to occur. This violates proper usage of that element as outlined in Section 3. Re-pointing the transition to node 1, an alternate destination that parses the low frequency subtree, gives an acceptable result for the PQP element. 4. Evaluation In this section we compare the modified algorithm (henceforth referred to as mod- ALERGIA) with ALERGIA. First, using data drawn from four different texts, we compare performance with automatic searches. Then we use two specific examples to illustrate some other points of comparison. 4.1. Batch Experiments We use the following four texts for the automatic search experiments: ffl OED - the Oxford English Dictionary [39]. This is over 500 Mb and exhibits complex, sometimes irregular, structure. pharmaceutical database which is an electronic version of a publication that describes all drugs available in Canada [27]. This is exhibits a mix of simple and complex structure. ffl OALD - the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary [22]. This is 17 Mb and exhibits complex structure that is more regular than the OED having been designed from the beginning for computerization. ffl HOWTO - the SGML versions of HOWTO documents for the Linux operating system. This is 10 Mb and exhibits relatively simple structure. Terminal structural elements and non-terminals with very little sub-structure are not worth performing inference on. As an arbitrary cutoff, we discard those that give de-facto automatons with fewer than 10 states. This leaves 24 elements in OED, 24 in CPS, 23 in OALD, and 14 in HOWTO for a total of 85 data sets. The procedure for each data set is as follows: 1. Randomly split the strings into equal size training, validation, and test sets. 2. Let x be the size (number of states) of the de-facto automaton for the training set. Generate a collection of models of various sizes using two methods: (A) Test x parameter values using ALERGIA. (This is enough to find most of the possible models.) Test using mod-ALERGIA with (which behaves the same as ALERGIA). Test the remaining x=2 parameter varying ff; fi and fl. Merge low frequency components with their immediate parents. 3. Assess goodness of a model using metric values calculated against the validation set (see below). For each unique model size (number of states), keep the best model generated by each method. 4. Recalculate the metrics for the selected models against the test set and compare the results of the two methods. Two different metrics are used. The first is cross entropy (also called Kullback-Liebler divergence) which quantifies the probabilistic fit of one model to another. This measure has previously been used to evaluate stochastic grammatical inference methods [37]. Given two probabilistic language models, M 1 and M 2 , the cross entropy is defined as: where PM1 (x) is the probability in the set and PM2 (x) is the probability assigned by the model. We estimate this with L first equal to the validation set and later the test set. Some strings in the validation and test sets are not recognized by the model. We find the total probability of these and call it the error. (It corresponds to the probability of rejecting a valid string if the SFA is stripped of its probabilities and GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 25 model size both A B 54.3 Figure 15. Average percentage of each size interval covered. For example, 54.3 percent of interval [2,16] means an average of models in that interval. The "both" column gives models generated by both methods. The "A" and "B" columns give models generated just by the ALERGIA and mod-ALERGIA searches. used as a DFA.) We use this as the second metric. Also, rather than using an infinite log value in these cases to give an infinite cross entropy, we use the largest log value observed in the data set. This gives a finite metric in which a missing string adds a penalty equal to the worst present string. Values of ff; fi, and fl are chosen by repeatedly scanning the unit interval with successively smaller increments until the chosen number of points have been tested. So, for example, the first pass starts at 0.5 and increments by 1.0 thus testing only one point; the second starts at 0.25 and increments by 0.5 testing two; and so on. Values for fl are used directly, while ff and fi values are squared first to allow probability differences that are more evenly spaced (recall the equivalence test used for unmodified ALERGIA.) Since different ranges of model sizes are useful for different purposes, we break results up into the following size intervals: [2,16], [17,32], [33,64], and [65,128] (size 1 is excluded because all size 1 models for a given element are the same). We also try to ensure that each search method tests an approximately equal number of points in each interval. This is done by recording the parameter intervals corresponding to the model size intervals and avoiding parameters in an interval once enough points have been tested. On a SUN supersparc, the runs averaged 11 minutes per element over the 85 elements. A total of 2872 models of different sizes were generated. Of these, 2263 were found by both searches, 27 were found only by the ALERGIA search, and were found only by the mod-ALERGIA search. Figure 15 shows the average percentage of each size interval covered. In general, the fact that mod-ALERGIA finds a significant number of models that ALERGIA does not makes it more useful when searching for a model of a particular size (we give an example in the next section). Figure compares cross entropy and error for the 2263 model sizes found by both methods across the 85 data sets. Improvements diminish for larger models. This is because larger models keep more high frequency nodes from the de-facto automaton. These high frequency nodes tend to be statistically significant and model size cross entropy error Figure 16. Average percent improvements of mod-ALERGIA over ALERGIA in cross entropy and error for models in different size intervals. The bracketed numbers are p-values for a one sided t test that the difference is greater than 0. avg. node freq. cross entropy error 12-20 4.1 (5e-15) 4.8 (4e-17) Figure 17. Average percent improvement of mod-ALERGIA over ALERGIA in cross entropy and error for models generated from de-facto automata with various average node frequencies. Intervals were chosen to break the data into four equal size sets. The bracketed numbers are p-values for a one sided t test that the difference is greater than 0. are therefore treated essentially the same by both algorithms leaving fewer low frequency components to treat differently. Put another way, there are fewer different ways for mod-ALERGIA to generate a model with many states, and thus less differentiation from ALERGIA for such a model. In addition to target model size, the size and variability of the training set affects the relative performance of the two algorithms. We quantify this amount by calculating the average node frequency in the de-facto automaton (which is the same as the sum of all string lengths in the training set divided by the number of states in the de-facto automaton). Sorting the 2263 data points according to this value and breaking them into four equal size sets gives the results in Figure 17. As expected, the modified algorithm does better when less frequency information is available. these experiments demonstrate that mod-ALERGIA can be used to produce more models in any given size range; and, even with a completely automatic procedure and simple default treatment of low frequency components, it can be used to find probabilistically better models. The advantage of mod-ALERGIA is greatest for small models and low frequency training sets. GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 27 daVinci V1.4.2 Figure 18. An inference result for the Entry element from the OED. 4.2. Particular Examples This section gives two examples that demonstrate some other advantages of the stochastic inference approach in general, and of the modified algorithm in particular. For the first example we use the Entry element from the OED and create an overgeneralized model to compare with the prototypical entry presented in Figure 1. ALERGIA does not produce any models for this element in the size range of 2 to nodes. (Even using a bisection search that narrows the search interval all the way down to adjacent numbers in a double precision floating point representation.) In contrast, the mod-ALERGIA search described in the previous section generates a model for every size in this interval. After inspection of a few of these smaller models, we found the seven node graph shown in Figure 18 as most similar to the prototypical entry. This model highlights several interesting characteristics. One Level Model Rest of High0011000000111111000000000111111111 Figure 19. The first three nodes of the Monograph element from the CPS data. All clipped components indicated with scissors are low frequency components. of the paths (HG VL ET S4*) does correspond to the prototypical entry, but note some of the semantics that are not present in the non-stochastic description: ffl The variant form list (VL) is optional and is actually omitted more often than not. ffl The etymology (ET) can also be omitted, skipping directly to the senses. Most often this does not happen. ffl An element not mentioned in Figure 1, the status (ST), frequently precedes the headword group (HG) and its presence significantly increases the chance that the ET and VL will be bypassed. If they are not bypassed, however, a label (LB) element is normally inserted between them and the HG. ffl Any number of LBs can also occur in an entry without an ST. Usually, however, not many occur (the loop probability is only 0.262). Properties such as these can be extremely useful when it comes to exploring and understanding the data, even if they are disregarded for more standard grammar applications such as validating a document instance. Furthermore, the stochastic properties of the grammar can be used to exercise editorial control when new entries are introduced into the dictionary: patterns that rarely occur can first trigger a message to the operator to double-check for correctness; if asserted to be what was GRAMMAR INFERENCE FOR TEXT 29 intended they can be entered, yet flagged for subsequent review and approval by higher-level editorial authorities. In our second example we use the Monograph element from the CPS data to again comment on the advantage of separating low frequency components (we have already done this for the PQP example). Figure 19 shows the first three high frequency nodes of a model for this data. Outgoing low frequency components are shown clipped. To get a final detailed model, we need to expand and examine the subtrees of these low frequency components one at a time. For each subtree we have the option of interactively stepping through positions where it can merge (for instance the immediate parent, and all other nodes from which it can be parsed), deciding to change the inference parameters to reclassify part of it as high frequency, or deciding that it represents an error in the data. This type of interactive correction is not possible with unmodified ALERGIA. 5. Conclusions and Future Work This study was concerned with the application of grammatical inference to text structure, a subject that has been addressed before [1, 2, 3, 10, 14, 38]. Grammar generation can be an important tool for maintaining a document database system. It is useful for creating grammars for standard text database purposes, but also allows a more flexible view. Rather than having a fixed grammar that describes all possible forms of the data, the grammar is fluid and evolves. Not only does the grammar change as new data is added, but many different forms of the grammar can be generated at any time, an over-generalized high-level view or a description for a subset of the data, for example. Thus we can generate grammars as much to summarize and understand the organization of the text as to serve in traditional capacities like a schema. Our approach adds two things to previous approaches: extension to stochastic grammatical inference, and an algorithm with greater freedom for interactive tun- ing. The advantages of changing to stochastic inference are as follows: ffl Stochastic inference is more effective since it uses frequency information as part of the inference process. This is true for any learning method. ffl Stochastic models have richer semantics and are therefore easier to interpret and interactively adjust. This was demonstrated with the Entry example in Section 4.2. Note that stochastic models can easily be converted to non-stochastic ones by dropping the probability information. Therefore, we are free to use the algorithm just as a more effective method for learning non-stochastic models. ffl A stochastic inference framework allows parameterization that can be used to produce different models for a single data set. This flexibility can be used to search for a single best model, or to explore several models at different generalization levels. Existing non-stochastic approaches to this problem all work as black boxes producing a single, un-tunable result. The additional tunability of the modified algorithm was shown to be useful in two ways: an experimental evaluation using four different texts, and two examples using specific elements from those texts. Possibilities exist for further improvement of the algorithm. For example, the state merging paradigm for learning finite automata has seen some development since ALERGIA was first published. In particular, a control strategy that compares and merges nodes in a non-fixed order has been developed [29]. This gives more freedom to merge nodes in order of the evidence supporting the merges. Incorporating it into our algorithm would be straightforward, especially in view of the fact that it is trivial to convert the result of a statistical test to an evidence measure. Another improvement would be to develop evidence measures to assist the user in choosing merge destinations for low frequency components. Possible starting points were mentioned in Section 3.4. Much future work exists integrating the method into a system to support traditional applications. For example, the semi-structured database system Lore [31] does generate schemas for use in query planning and optimization but performs no generalization, effectively stopping at the prefix tree. The schemas are therefore not necessarily compact or understandable. In addition to traditional applications, the stochastic part of the grammar also suggests many novel applications. For example, a system could be constructed to assist authors in the creation of documents by flagging excessively rare structures in the process of their creation, or listing possible next elements of partially complete entries in order of their probability. Stochastic grammars could also be used as structural classifiers by characterizing the authoring styles of two or more people who use the same tag set. Acknowledgments Financial assistance from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through a postgraduate scholarship, the Information Technology Re-search Center (now, Communications and Information Technology Ontario), and the University of Waterloo is gratefully acknowledged. --R Generating Grammars for Structured Documents Using Grammatical Inference Methods. Forming grammars for structured docu- ments: An application of grammatical inference Generating grammars for SGML tagged texts lacking DTD. Structured Documents. The research potential of the electronic OED2 database at the University of Waterloo: a guide for scholars. A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary: The essential companion and user's guide. Extensible markup language (xml) 1.0. Learning stochastic regular grammars by means of a state merging method. Grammar generation and query processing for text databases Finite state transduction tools. Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing. daVinci 1.4 User Manual Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Applications. Enabling query formulation and optimization in semistructured databases. Mind your grammar: a new approach to modelling text. Probability inequalities for sums of bounded random variables. Concept learning and the problem of small disjuncts. Introduction to Automata Theory Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Fourth Edition). Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition. Structuring the text of the Oxford English Dictionary through finite state transduction. A structured document database system. Krogh, editor. Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties Regular right part grammars and their parsers. Results of the Abbadingo one DFA learning competition and a new evidence driven state merging algorithm. The estimation of stochastic context-free grammars using the inside-outside algorithm A database management system for semistructured data. Wrapper induction for semistructured Inferring regular languages in polynomial updated time. Oxford University Press. Visualizing text. On the learnability and usage of acyclic probabilistic automata. Statistical inductive learning of regular formal languages. creating DTDs via the GB-engine and Fred The Oxford English Dictionary Inducing probabilistic grammars by Bayesian model merging. Grammatical inference: An introductory survey. Application of a stochastic grammatical inference method to text struc- ture --TR Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing On the learnability and usage of acyclic probabilistic finite automata Lore Regular right part grammars and their parsers Introduction To Automata Theory, Languages, And Computation Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition Grammatical Inference Learning Stochastic Regular Grammars by Means of a State Merging Method Forming Grammars for Structured Documents Inducing Probabilistic Grammars by Bayesian Model Merging DataGuides Mind Your Grammar Statistical Inductive Learning of Regular Formal Languages --CTR Robert H. Warren , Frank Wm. Tompa, Multi-column substring matching for database schema translation, Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases, September 12-15, 2006, Seoul, Korea Minos Garofalakis , Aristides Gionis , Rajeev Rastogi , S. Seshadri , Kyuseok Shim, XTRACT: Learning Document Type Descriptors from XML Document Collections, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, v.7 n.1, p.23-56, January Enrique Vidal , Franck Thollard , Colin de la Higuera , Francisco Casacuberta , Rafael C. Carrasco, Probabilistic Finite-State Machines-Part I, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v.27 n.7, p.1013-1025, July 2005 Enrique Vidal , Frank Thollard , Colin de la Higuera , Francisco Casacuberta , Rafael C. Carrasco, Probabilistic Finite-State Machines-Part II, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v.27 n.7, p.1026-1039, July 2005
text database structure;stochastic grammatical inference