Evolutionary Learning with Kernels: A Generic Solution for Large Margin Problems
In this paper we embed evolutionary computation into statistical learning theory. First, we outline the connection between large margin optimization and statistical learning and see why this paradigm is successful for many pattern recognition problems. We then embed evolutionary computation into the most prominent representative of this class of learning methods, namely into Support Vector Machines (SVM). In contrast to former applications of evolutionary algorithms to SVMs we do not only optimize the method or kernel parameters . We rather use both evolution strategies and particle swarm optimization in order to directly solve the posed constrained optimization problem. Transforming the problem into the Wolfe dual reduces the total runtime and allows the usage of kernel functions. Exploiting the knowledge about this optimization problem leads to a hybrid mutation which further decreases convergence time while classification accuracy is preserved. We will show that evolutionary SVMs are at least as accurate as their quadratic programming counterparts on six real-world benchmark data sets. The evolutionary SVM variants frequently outperform their quadratic programming competitors. Additionally, the proposed algorithm is more generic than existing traditional solutions since it will also work for non-positive semidefinite kernel functions and for several, possibly competing, performance criteria.
INTRODUCTION In this paper we will discuss how evolutionary algorithms can be used to solve large margin optimization problems. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. GECCO'06, July 812, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA. Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-186-4/06/0007 ... $ 5.00. We explore the intersection of three highly active research areas, namely machine learning, statistical learning theory, and evolutionary algorithms. While the connection between statistical learning and machine learning was analyzed before , embedding evolutionary algorithms into this connection will lead to a more generic algorithm which can deal with problems today's learning schemes cannot cope with. Supervised machine learning is often about classification problems. A set of data points is divided into several classes and the machine learning method should learn a decision function in order to decide into which class an unseen data point should be classified. The maximization of a margin between data points of different classes, i. e. the distance between a decision hyperplane and the nearest data points, interferes with the ideas of statistical learning theory. This allows the definition of an error bound for the generalization error. Furthermore, the usage of kernel functions allows the learning of non-linear decision functions. We focus on Support Vector Machines (SVM) as they are the most prominent representatives for large margin problems. Since SVMs guarantee an optimal solution for the given data set they are currently one of the mostly used learning methods. Furthermore, many other optimization problems can also be formulated as large margin problem [26]. The relevance of large margin methods can be measured by the number of submissions to the main machine learning conferences over the past years 1 . Usually, the optimization problem posed by SVMs is solved with quadratic programming. However, there are some drawbacks . First, for kernel functions which are not positive semidefinite no unique global optimum exists. In these cases quadratic programming is not able to find satisfying solutions at all. Moreover, most implementations do not even terminate [8]. There exist several useful non-positive kernels [15], among them the sigmoid kernel which simulates a neural network [3, 23]. A more generic optimization scheme should allow such non-positive kernels without the need for omitting the more efficient dual optimization problem [17]. Second, SVMs should be able to optimize several performance measures at the same time. Traditional SVMs try to maximize the prediction accuracy alone. However, depending on the application area other specific performance criteria should be optimized instead of or additionally to prediction accuracy. Although first attempts were made to incorporate multivariate performance measures into SVMs [13], the problem is not generally solved and no solution exist 1 More than 30% of all accepted papers for ICML 2005 dealt with SVMs and other large margin methods. 1553 for competing criteria. This problem as well as the general trade-off between training error and capacity could be easily solved by an (multi-objective) evolutionary optimization approach. Former applications of evolutionary algorithms to SVMs include the optimization of method and kernel parameters [6, 19], the selection of optimal feature subsets [7], and the creation of new kernel functions by means of genetic programming [10]. The latter is particularly interesting since it cannot be guaranteed that the resulting kernel functions are again positive semi-definite. Replacing the traditional optimization techniques by evolution strategies or particle swarm optimization can tackle both problems mentioned above. We will extract as much information as possible from the optimization problem at hand and develop and compare different search point operations . We will show that the proposed implementation leads to as good results as traditional SVMs on all real-world benchmark data sets. Additionally, the optimization is more generic since it also allows non-positive semi-definite kernel functions and the simultaneous optimization of different , maybe competing, criteria. 1.1 Outline In Section 2 we give a short introduction into the concept of structural risk minimization and the ideas of statistical learning theory. We will also discuss an upper bound for the generalization error. This allows us to formalize the optimization problem of large margin methods in Section 3. We will introduce SVMs for the classification of given data points in Section 3.1 and extend the separation problem to non-separable datasets (see Section 3.2) with non-linear hyperplanes (see Section 3.3). This leads to a constrained optimization problem for which we utilize evolution strategies and particle swarm optimization in Section 4. We discuss several enhancements and a new type of mutation before we evaluate the proposed methods on real-world benchmark datasets in Section 5. STRUCTURAL RISK MINIMIZATION In this section we discuss the idea of structural risk minimization . Machine learning methods following this paradigm have a solid theoretical foundation and it is possible to define bounds for prediction errors. Let X IR m be a real-valued vector of random variables. Let Y IR be another random variable. X and Y obey a fixed but unknown probability distribution P (X, Y ). Machine Learning tries to find a function f(x, ) which predict the value of Y for a given input x X. The function class f depends on a vector of parameters , e. g. if f is the class of all polynomials, might be the degree. We define a loss function L(Y, f(X, )) in order to penalize errors during prediction [9]. Every convex function with arity 2, positive range, and L(x, x) = 0 can be used as loss function [22]. This leads to a possible criterion for the selection of a function f, the expected risk: R() = Z L(y, f(x, ))dP (x, y). (1) Since the underlying distribution is not known we are not able to calculate the expected risk. However, instead of estimating the probability distribution in order to allow this calculation, we directly estimate the expected risk by using a set of known data points T = {(x 1 , y 1 ) , . . . , (x n , y n ) } X Y . T is usually called training data. Using this set of data points we can calculate the empirical risk : R emp () = 1 n n X i =1 L (y i , f (x i , )) . (2) If training data is sampled according to P (X, Y ), the empirical risk approximates the expected risk if the number of samples grows: lim n R emp () = R(). (3) It is, however, a well known problem that for a finite number of samples the minimization of R emp () alone does not lead to a good prediction model [27]. For each loss function L, each candidate , and each set of tuples T X Y with T T = exists another parameter vector so that L(y, f(x, )) = L(y, f(x, )) for all x T and L(y, f(x, )) > L(y, f(x, )) for all x T . Therefore, the minimization of R emp () alone does not guarantee the optimal selection of a parameter vector for other samples according to the distribution P (X, Y ). This problem is often referred to as overfitting. At this point we use one of the main ideas of statistical learning theory. Think of two different functions perfectly approximating a given set of training points. The first function is a linear function, i. e. a simple hyperplane in the considered space IR m . The second function also hits all training points but is strongly wriggling in between. Naturally, if we had to choose between these two approximation functions, we tend to select the more simple one, i. e. the linear hyperplane in this example. This derives from the observation that more simple functions behave better on unseen examples than very complicated functions. Since the mere minimization of the empirical risk according to the training data is not appropriate to find a good generalization, we incorporate the capacity 2 of the used function into the optimization problem (see Figure 1). This leads to the minimization of the structural risk R struct () = R emp () + (). (4) is a function which measures the capacity of the function class f depending on the parameter vector . Since the empirical risk is usually a monotonically decreasing function of , we use to manage the trade-off between training error and capacity. Methods minimizing this type of risk function are known as shrinkage estimators [11]. 2.1 Bound on the generalization performance For certain functions the structural risk is an upper bound for the empirical risk. The capacity of the function f for a given can for example be measured with help of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension (VC dimension) [27, 28]. The VC dimension is defined as the cardinality of the biggest set of tuples which can separated with help of f in all possible ways. For example, the VC dimension of linear hyperplanes in an m-dimensional space is m+1. Using the VC dimension as a measure for capacity leads to a probabilistic bound for the structural risk [27]. Let f be a function class with finite VC dimension h and f() the best solution for the 2 Although not the same, the capacity of a function resembles a measurement of the function complexity. In our example we measure the ability to "wriggle". More details in [27]. 1554 X Y Figure 1: The simultaneous minimization of empirical risk and model complexity gives a hint which function should be used in order to generalize the given data points. empirical risk minimization for T with |T | = n. Now choose some such that 0 1. Then for losses smaller than some number B, the following bound holds with probability 1 - : R() R emp () + B s h `log 2l h + 1 - log 4 l . (5) Surprisingly, this bound is independent of P (X, Y ). It only assumes that both the seen and the unseen data points are independently sampled according to some P (X, Y ). Please note that this bound also no longer contains a weighting factor or any other trade-off at all. The existence of a guaranteed error bound is the reason for the great success of structural risk minimization in a wide range of applications. LARGE MARGIN METHODS As discussed in the previous section we need to use a class of functions whose capacity can be controlled. In this section we will discuss a special form of structural risk minimization , namely large margin approaches. All large margin methods have one thing in common: they embed structural risk minimization by maximizing a margin between a linear function and the nearest data points. The most prominent large margin method for classification tasks is the Support Vector Machine (SVM). 3.1 Support Vector Machines We constrain the number of possible values of Y to 2, without loss of generality these values should be -1 and +1. In this case, finding a function f in order to decide which of both predictions is correct for an unseen data point is referred to as classification learning for the classes -1 and +1. We start with the simplest case: learning a linear function from perfectly separable data. As we shall see in Section 3.2 and 3.3, the general case - non-linear functions derived from non-separable data - leads to a very similar problem. If the data points are linearly separable, a linear hyperplane must exist in the input space IR m which separates both classes. This hyperplane is defined as H = {x| w, x + b = 0} , (6) H w Margin Origin -b |w| +1 -1 Figure 2: A simple binary classification problem for two classes -1 (empty bullets) and +1 (filled bullets). The separating hyperplane is defined by the vector w and the offset b. The distance between the nearest data point(s) and the hyperplane is called margin. where w is normal to the hyperplane, |b|/||w|| is the perpendicular distance of the hyperplane to the origin (offset or bias), and ||w|| is the Euclidean norm of w. The vector w and the offset b define the position and orientation of the hyperplane in the input space. These parameters correspond to the function parameters . After the optimal parameters w and b were found, the prediction of new data points can be calculated as f(x, w, b) = sgn ( w, x + b) , (7) which is one of the reasons why we constrained the classes to -1 and +1. Figure 2 shows some data points and a separating hyperplane . If all given data points are correctly classified by the hyperplane at hand the following must hold: i : y i ( w, x i + b) 0. (8) Of course, an infinite number of different hyperplanes exist which perfectly separate the given data points. However, one would intuitively choose the hyperplane which has the biggest amount of safety margin to both sides of the data points. Normalizing w and b in a way that the point(s) closest to the hyperplane satisfy | w, x i + b| = 1 we can transform equation 8 into i : y i ( w, x i + b) 1. (9) We can now define the margin as the perpendicular distance of the nearest point(s) to the hyperplane. Consider two points x 1 and x 2 on opposite sides of the margin. That is w, x 1 +b = +1 and w, x 2 +b = -1 and w, (x 1 -x 2 ) = 2. The margin is then given by 1/||w||. It can be shown, that the capacity of the class of separating hyperplanes decreases with increasing margin [21]. Maximizing the margin of a hyperplane therefore formalizes the structural risk minimization discussed in the previous section. Instead of maximizing 1/||w|| we could also minimize 1 2 ||w|| 2 which will result into more simple equations later. This leads to the optimization problem minimize 1 2 ||w|| 2 (10) subject to i : y i ( w, x i + b) 1. (11) 1555 Function 10 is the objective function and the constraints from equation 11 are called inequality constraints. They form a constrained optimization problem. We will use a Lagrangian formulation of the problem. This allows us to replace the inequality constraints by constraints on the Lagrange multipliers which are easier to handle. The second reason is that after the transformation of the optimization problem, the training data will only appear in dot products. This will allow us to generalize the optimization to the non-linear case (see Section 3.3). We will now introduce positive Lagrange multipliers i , i = 1, . . . , n, one for each of the inequality constraints. The Lagrangian has the form L P (w, b, ) = 12||w|| 2 n X i =1 i y i ( w, x i + b) . (12) Finding a minimum of this function requires that the derivatives L P (w,b,) w = w n P i =1 i y i x i (13) L P (w,b,) b = n P i =1 i y i (14) are zero, i. e. w = n P i =1 i y i x i (15) 0 = n P i =1 i y i . (16) The Wolfe dual, which has to be maximized, results from the Lagrangian by substituting 15 and 16 into 12, thus L D (w, b, ) = n X i =1 i - 12 n X i =1 n X j =1 y i y j i j x i , x j . (17) This leads to the dual optimization problem which must be solved in order to find a separating maximum margin hyperplane for given set of data points: maximize n P i =1 i 1 2 n P i =1 n P j =1 y i y j i j x i , x j (18) subject to i 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n (19) and n P i =1 i y i = 0. (20) From an optimal vector we can calculate the optimal normal vector w using equation 15. The optimal offset can be calculated with help of equation 11. Please note, that w is a linear combination of those data points x i with i = 0. These data points are called support vectors, hence the name support vector machine. Only support vectors determine the position and orientation of the separating hyperplane, other data points might as well be omitted during learning. In Figure 2 the support vectors are marked with circles. The number of support vectors is usually much smaller than the total number of data points. 3.2 Non-separable data We now consider the case that the given set of data points is not linearly separable. The optimization problem discussed in the previous section would not have a solution since in this case constraint 11 could not be fulfilled for all i. We relax this constraint by introducing positive slack variables i , i = 1, . . . , n. Constraint 11 becomes i : y i ( w, x i + b) 1 i . (21) In order to minimize the number of wrong classifications we introduce a correction term C P n i =1 i into the objective function. The optimization problems then becomes minimize 1 2 ||w|| 2 + C n P i =1 i (22) subject to i : y i ( w, x i + b) 1 i . (23) The factor C determines the weight of wrong predictions as part of the objective function. As in the previous section we create the dual form of the Lagrangian. The slacking variables i vanish and we get the optimization problem maximize n P i =1 i 1 2 n P i =1 n P j =1 y i y j i j x i , x j (24) subject to 0 i C for all i = 1, . . . , n (25) and n P i =1 i y i = 0. (26) It can easily be seen that the only difference to the separable case is the additional upper bound C for all i . 3.3 Non-linear learning with kernels The optimization problem described with equations 24, 25, and 26 will deliver a linear separating hyperplane for arbitrary datasets. The result is optimal in a sense that no other linear function is expected to provide a better classification function on unseen data according to P (X, Y ). However , if the data is not linearly separable at all the question arises how the described optimization problem can be gener-alized to non-linear decision functions. Please note that the data points only appear in the form of dot products x i , x j . A possible interpretation of this dot product is the similarity of these data points in the input space IR m . Now consider a mapping : IR m H into some other Euclidean space H (called feature space) which might be performed before the dot product is calculated. The optimization would depend on dot products in this new space H, i. e. on functions of the form (x i ) , (x j ) . A function k : IR m IR m IR with the characteristic k (x i , x j ) = (x i ) , (x j ) (27) is called kernel function or kernel. Figure 3 gives a rough idea how transforming the data points can help to solve non-linear problems with the optimization in a (higher dimensional ) space where the points can be linearly separated. A fascinating property of kernels is that for some mappings a kernel k exists which can be calculated without actually performing . Since often the dimension of H is greater than the dimension m of the input space and H sometimes is even infinite dimensional, the usage of such kernels is a very efficient way to introduce non-linear decision functions into large margin approaches. Prominent examples for such efficient non-linear kernels are polynomial kernels with degree d k (x i , x j ) = ( x i , x j + ) d , (28) radial basis function kernels (RBF kernels) k (x i , x j ) = e ||xi -xj||2 22 (29) 1556 H R m Figure 3: After the transformation of all data points into the feature space H the non-linear separation problem can be solved with a linear separation algorithm . In this case a transformation in the space of polynomials with degree 2 was chosen. for a > 0, and the sigmoid kernel k (x i , x j ) = tanh ( x i , x j - ) (30) which can be used to simulate a neural network. and are scaling and shifting parameters. Since the RBF kernel is easy interpretable and often yields good prediction performance , it is used in a wide range of applications. We will also use the RBF kernel for our experiments described in section 5 in order to demonstrate the learning ability of the proposed SVM. We replace the dot product in the objective function by kernel functions and achieve the final optimization problem for finding a non-linear separation for non-separable data points maximize n P i =1 i 1 2 n P i =1 n P j =1 y i y j i j k (x i , x j ) (31) subject to 0 i C for all i = 1, . . . , n (32) and n P i =1 i y i = 0. (33) It can be shown that if the kernel k, i. e. it's kernel matrix , is positive definite, the objective function is concave [2]. The optimization problem therefore has a global unique maximum. However, in some cases a specialized kernel function must be used to measure the similarity between data points which is not positive definite, sometimes not even positive semidefinite [21]. In these cases the usual quadratic programming approaches might not be able to find a global maximum in feasible time. EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION FOR LARGE MARGIN OPTIMIZATION Since traditional SVMs are not able to optimize for non-positive semidefinite kernel function, it is a very appealing idea to replace the usual quadratic programming approaches by an evolution strategies (ES) approach [1] or by particle swarm optimization (PSO) [14]. In this section we will describe both a straightforward application of these techniques and how we can exploit some information about our optimization problem and incorporate that information into our search operators. 4.1 Solving the dual problem and other sim-plifications The used optimization problem is the dual problem for non-linear separation of non-separable data developed in the last sections (equations 31, 32, and 33). Of course it would also be possible to directly optimize the original form of our optimization problem depicted in equations 22 and 23. That is, we could directly optimize the weight vectors and the offset. As mentioned before, there are two drawbacks: first, the costs of calculating the fitness function would be much higher for the original optimization problem since the fulfillment of all n constraints must be recalculated for each new hyperplane. It is a lot easier to check if all 0 i C apply. Second, it would not be possible to allow non-linear learning with efficient kernel functions in the original formulation of the problem. Furthermore, the kernel matrix K with K ij = k (x i , x j ) can be calculated beforehand and the training data is never used during optimization again. This further reduces the needed runtime for optimization since the kernel matrix calculation is done only once. This is a nice example for a case, where transforming the objective function beforehand is both more efficient and allows enhancements which would not have been possible before . Transformations of the fitness functions became a very interesting topic recently [25]. Another efficiency improvement can be achieved by formulating the problem with b = 0. All solution hyperplanes must then contain the origin and the constraint 33 will vanish . This is a mild restriction for high-dimensional spaces since the number of degrees of freedom is only decreased by one. However, during optimization we do not have to cope with this equality constraint which would take an additional runtime of O(n). 4.2 EvoSVM and PsoSVM We developed a support vector machine based on evolution strategies optimization (EvoSVM). We utilized three different types of mutation which will be described in this section. Furthermore, we developed another SVM based on particle swarm optimization (PsoSVM) which is also described . The first approach (EvoSVM-G, G for Gaussian mutation ) merely utilizes a standard ES optimization. Individuals are the real-valued vectors and mutation is performed by adding a Gaussian distributed random variable with standard deviation C/10. In addition, a variance adaptation is conducted during optimization (1/5 rule [18]). Crossover probability is high (0.9). We use tournament selection with a tournament size of 0.25 multiplied by the population size. The initial individuals are random vectors with 0 i C. The maximum number of generations is 1000 and the optimization is terminated if no improvement occurred during the last 5 generations. The population size is 10. The second version is called EvoSVM-S (S for switching mutation). Here we utilize the fact that only a small amount of input data points will become support vectors (sparsity ). On the other hand, one can often observe that non-zero alpha values are equal to the upper bound C and only a very small amount of support vectors exists with 0 < i < C. Therefore, we just use the well known mutation of genetic algorithms and switch between 0 and C with probability 1/n for each i . The other parameters are equal to those described for the EvoSVM-G. 1557 for i = 1 to n do { if (random(0, 1) < 1/n) do { if (alpha_i > 0) do { alpha_i = 0; } else do { alpha_i = random(0, C); } } } Figure 4: A simple hybrid mutation which should speed-up the search for sparser solutions. It contains elements from standard mutations from both genetic algorithms and evolution strategies. Using this switching mutation inspired by genetic algorithms only allow i = 0 or i = C. Instead of a complete switch between 0 and C or a smooth change of all values i like the Gaussian mutation does, we developed a hybrid mutation combining both elements. That means that we check for each i with probability 1/n if the value should be mutated at all. If the current value i is greater than 0, i is set to 0. If i is equal to 0, i is set to a random value with 0 i C. Figure 4 gives an overview over this hybrid mutation. The function random(a, b) returns an uniformly distributed random number between a and b. The other parameters are the same as described for the EvoSVM-G. We call this version EvoSVM-H (H for hybrid). As was mentioned before, the optimization problem usually is concave and the risk for local extrema is small. Therefore , we also applied a PSO technique. It should be inves-tigated if PSO, which is similar to the usual quadratic programming approaches for SVMs in a sense that the gradient information is exploited, is able to find a global optimum in shorter time. We call this last version PsoSVM and use a standard PSO with inertia weight 0.1, local best weight 1.0, and global best weight 1.0. The inertia weight is dynami-cally adapted during optimization [14]. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS In this section we try to evaluate the proposed evolutionary optimization SVMs. We compare our implementation to the quadratic programming approaches usually applied to large margin problems. The experiments demonstrate the competitiveness in terms of classification error minimization, runtime, and robustness. We apply the discussed EvoSVM variants as well as the PsoSVM on six real-world benchmark datasets. We selected these datasets from the UCI machine learning repository [16] and the StatLib dataset library [24], because they already define a binary classification task, consist of real-valued numbers only and do not contain missing values. Therefore, we did not need to perform additional prepro-cessing steps which might introduce some bias. The properties of all datasets are summarized in Table 1. The default error corresponds to the error a lazy default classifier would make by always predicting the major class. Classifiers must produce lower error rates in order to learn at all instead of just guessing. In order to compare the evolutionary SVMs described in this paper with standard implementations we also applied two other SVMs on all datasets. Both SVMs use a Dataset n m Source Default Liver 346 6 UCI 0.010 42.03 Ionosphere 351 34 UCI 1.000 35.90 Sonar 208 60 UCI 1.000 46.62 Lawsuit 264 4 StatLib 0.010 7.17 Lupus 87 3 StatLib 0.001 40.00 Crabs 200 7 StatLib 0.100 50.00 Table 1: The evaluation datasets. n is the number of data points, m is the dimension of the input space. The kernel parameter was optimized for the comparison SVM learner mySVM. The last column contains the default error, i. e. the error for always predicting the major class. slightly different optimization technique based on quadratic programming. The used implementations were mySVM [20] and LibSVM [4]. The latter is an adaptation of the widely used SV M light [12]. We use a RBF kernel for all SVMs and determine the best parameter value for with a grid search parameter optimization for mySVM. This ensures a fair comparison since the parameter is not optimized for one of the evolutionary SVMs. Possible parameters were 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10. The optimal value for each dataset is also given in Table 1. In order to determine the performance of all methods we perform a k-fold cross validation. That means that the dataset T is divided into k disjoint subsets T i . For each i {1, . . . , k} we use T \T i as training set and the remaining subset T i as test set. If F i is the number of wrong predictions on test set T i we calculate the average classification error E = 1 k k X i =1 F i |T i | (34) over all test sets in order to measure the classification performance . In our experiments we choose k = 20, i. e. for each evolutionary method the average and standard deviation of 20 runs is reported. All experiments were performed with the machine learning environment Yale [5]. Table 2 summarizes the results for different values of C. It can be seen that the EvoSVM variants frequently yield smaller classification errors than the quadratic programming counterparts (mySVM and LibSVM). For C = 1, a statistical significant better result was achieved by using LibSVM only for the Liver data set. For all other datasets the evolutionary optimization outperforms the quadratic programming approaches. The same applies for C = 0.1. For rather small values of C most learning schemes were not able to produce better predictions than the default classifier. For C = 0.01, however, PsoSVM at least provides a similar accuracy to LibSVM. The reason for higher errors of the quadratic programming approaches is probably a too aggressive termination criterion. Although this termination behavior further reduces runtime for mySVM and LibSVM, the classification error is often increased. It turns out that the standard ES approach EvoSVM-G using a mutation adding a Gaussian distributed random variable often outperforms the other SVMs. However, the 1558 C = 1 Liver Ionosphere Sonar Lawsuit Lupus Crabs Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T EvoSVM-G 34.718.60 68 10.815.71 80 14.034.52 26 2.051.87 52 25.2011.77 8 2.253.72 25 EvoSVM-S 35.376.39 4 8.493.80 9 17.456.64 6 2.401.91 10 30.9212.42 <1 4.054.63 2 EvoSVM-H 34.977.32 7 6.833.87 22 15.416.39 10 2.011.87 14 24.0313.68 1 3.954.31 7 PsoSVM 34.784.95 8 9.904.38 9 16.945.61 7 3.022.83 3 25.22 7.67 <1 3.403.70 2 mySVM 33.624.31 2 8.564.25 4 15.815.59 2 1.892.51 1 25.28 8.58 1 3.003.32 1 LibSVM 32.725.41 2 7.703.63 3 14.604.96 3 2.412.64 1 24.1412.33 1 3.004.58 1 F Test 3.20 (0.01) 9.78 (0.00) 6.19 (0.00) 1.51 (0.19) 11.94 (0.00) 2.25 (0.05) C = 0.1 Liver Ionosphere Sonar Lawsuit Lupus Crabs Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T EvoSVM-G 33.904.19 74 9.406.14 89 21.726.63 35 2.351.92 50 24.9010.51 7 7.204.36 27 EvoSVM-S 35.573.55 4 7.123.54 18 24.906.62 4 4.472.31 13 25.9812.56 <1 7.955.68 2 EvoSVM-H 34.764.70 5 6.554.61 23 24.406.09 11 4.163.14 19 26.5113.03 1 6.505.02 2 PsoSVM 36.815.04 3 13.967.56 10 24.186.11 3 3.032.83 3 29.8612.84 1 8.156.02 1 mySVM 42.031.46 2 35.901.35 2 46.621.62 2 7.172.55 1 41.256.92 1 6.504.50 1 LibSVM 33.0810.63 2 11.406.52 3 22.406.45 3 4.553.25 1 25.2916.95 1 21.0012.41 1 F Test 34.46 (0.00) 492.88 (0.00) 323.83 (0.00) 20.64 (0.00) 64.83 (0.00) 100.92 (0.00) C = 0.01 Liver Ionosphere Sonar Lawsuit Lupus Crabs Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T Error T EvoSVM-G 42.031.46 75 35.901.35 86 45.332.20 39 7.172.55 55 40.006.33 7 26.2012.66 27 EvoSVM-S 42.031.46 3 35.901.35 9 46.621.62 4 7.172.55 3 40.006.33 <1 8.584.35 1 EvoSVM-H 42.031.46 3 35.901.35 20 46.271.42 12 7.172.55 3 40.006.33 1 7.004.00 2 PsoSVM 41.398.59 3 35.901.35 4 27.906.28 3 7.172.55 2 31.9412.70 1 10.057.26 1 mySVM 42.031.46 2 35.901.35 2 46.621.62 2 7.172.55 1 40.006.33 1 6.504.50 1 LibSVM 42.031.46 2 35.901.35 3 28.4610.44 2 7.172.55 1 26.1116.44 1 50.000.00 1 F Test 0.52 (0.77) 0.00 (1.00) 442.46 (0.00) 0.00 (1.00) 78.27 (0.00) 1095.94 (0.00) Table 2: Classification error, standard deviation, and runtime of all SVMs on the evaluation datasets for parameters C = 1, C = 0.1, and C = 0.01. The runtime T is given in seconds. The last line for each table depicts the F test value and the probability that the results are not statistical significant. runtime for this approach is far to big to be feasible in practical situations. The mere GA based selection mutation switching between 0 and C converges much faster but is often less accurate. The remaining runtime differences between EvoSVM-S and the quadratic programming counterparts can surely be reduced by code optimization. The used SVM implementations are matured and have been optimized over the years whereas the implementations of the evolutionary approaches follow standard recipes without any code optimization. The hybrid version EvoSVM-H combines the best elements of both worlds. It converges nearly as fast as the EvoSVM-S and is often nearly as accurate as the EvoSVM-G . In some cases (Ionosphere, Lupus) it even outperforms all other SVMs. PsoSVM on the other hand does not provide the best performance in terms of classification error. Compared to the other evolutionary approaches, however, it converged much earlier than the other competitors. Please note that the standard deviations of the errors achieved with the evolutionary SVMs are similar to the standard deviations achieved with mySVM or LibSVM. We can therefore conclude that the evolutionary optimization is as robust as the quadratic programming approaches and differences mainly derives from different subsets for training and testing due to cross validation instead of the used random-ized heuristics. Therefore, evolutionary SVMs provide an interesting alternative to more traditional SVM implementations. Beside the similar results EvoSVM is also able to cope with non-positive definite kernel functions and multivariate optimization CONCLUSION In this paper we connected evolutionary computation with statistical learning theory. The idea of large margin methods was very successful in many applications from machine learning and data mining. We used the most prominent representative of this paradigm, namely Support Vector Machines , and employed evolution strategies and particle swarm optimization in order to solve the constrained optimization problem at hand. We developed a hybrid mutation which decreases convergence time while the classification accuracy is preserved. An interesting property of large margin methods is that the runtime for fitness evaluation is reduced by transforming the problem into the dual problem. In our case, the algorithm is both faster and provides space for other improvements like incorporating a kernel function for non-linear classification tasks. This is a nice example how a transformation into the dual optimization problem can be exploited by evolutionary algorithms. We have seen that evolutionary SVMs are at least as accurate as their quadratic programming counterparts. For practical values of C the evolutionary SVM variants frequently outperformed their competitors. We can conclude that evolutionary algorithms proved as reliable as other optimization schemes for this type of problems. In addition, beside the inherent advantages of evolutionary algorithms (e. g. parallelization, multi-objective optimization of train-1559 ing error and capacity) it is now also possible to employ non positive semidefinite kernel functions which would lead to unsolvable problems for other optimization techniques. In our future work we plan to make experiments with such non positive semidefinite kernel functions. This also applies for multi-objective optimization of both the margin and the training error. It turns out that the hybrid mutation delivers results nearly as accurate as the Gaussian mutation and has a similar convergence behavior compared to the switching mutation known from GAs. Future improvements could start with a switching mutation and can post-optimize with a Gaussian mutation after a first convergence. Values always remaining 0 or C during the first run could be omitted in the post-optimization step. It is possible that this mutation is even faster and more accurate then EvoSVM-H. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center "Reduction of Complexity for Multivariate Data Structures". REFERENCES [1] H.-G. Beyer and H.-P. Schwefel. Evolution strategies: A comprehensive introduction. Journal Natural Computing, 1(1):252, 2002. [2] C. Burges. A tutorial on support vector machines for pattern recognition. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2(2):121167, 1998. [3] G. Camps-Valls, J. 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Support vector machines;statistical learning theory;kernel methods;SVM;evolution strategies;large margin;particle swarms;machine learning;hybrid mutation;evolutionary computation;kernels
A Flexible and Extensible Object Middleware: CORBA and Beyond
This paper presents a CORBA-compliant middleware architecture that is more flexible and extensible compared to standard CORBA. The portable design of this architecture is easily integrated in any standard CORBA middleware; for this purpose, mainly the handling of object references (IORs) has to be changed. To encapsulate those changes, we introduce the concept of a generic reference manager with portable profile managers. Profile managers are pluggable and in extreme can be downloaded on demand. To illustrate the use of this approach, we present a profile manager implementation for fragmented objects and another one for bridging CORBA to the Jini world. The first profile manager supports truly distributed objects, which allow seamless integration of partitioning , scalability, fault tolerance, end-to-end quality of service, and many more implementation aspects into a distributed object without losing distribution and location transparency. The second profile manager illustrates how our architecture enables fully transparent access from CORBA applications to services on non-CORBA platforms
INTRODUCTION Middleware systems are heavily used for the implementation of complex distributed applications. Current developments like mobile environments and ubiquitous computing lead to new requirements that future middleware systems will have to meet. Examples for such requirements are the support for self-adaptation and self-optimisation as well as scalability, fault-tolerance, and end-to-end quality of service in the context of high dynamics. Heterogeneity in terms of various established middleware platforms calls for cross-platform interoperability. In addition, not all future requirements can be predicted today. A proper middleware design should be well-prepared for such future extensions. CORBA is a well-known standard providing an architecture for object -based middleware systems [5]. CORBA-based applications are built from distributed objects that can transparently interact with each other, even if they reside on different nodes in a distributed environment . CORBA objects can be implemented in different programming languages. Their interface has to be defined in a single, language-independent interface description language (IDL). Problem -specific extensions allow to add additional features to the underlying base architecture. This paper discusses existing approaches towards a more flexible middleware infrastructure and proposes a novel modularisation pattern that leads to a flexible and extensible object middleware. Our design separates the handling of remote references from the object request broker (ORB) core and introduces the concept of ORB-independent portable profile managers, which are managed by a generic reference manager. The profile managers encapsulate all tasks related to reference handling, i.e., reference creation, reference marshalling and unmarshalling, external representation of references as strings, and type casting of representatives of remote objects . The profile managers are independent from a specific ORB, and may even be loaded dynamically into the ORB. Only small modifications to existing CORBA implementations are necessary to support such a design. Our architecture enables the integration of a fragmented object model into CORBA middleware platforms, which allows transparent support of many implementation aspects of complex distributed systems, like partitioning, scalability, fault-tolerance, and end-to-end quality-of-service guarantees. It also provides a simple mechanism for the integration of cross-platform interoperability, e.g., the integration with services running on non-CORBA middleware platforms , like Jini or .NET remoting. Our design was named AspectIX and implemented as an extension to the open-source CORBA implementation JacORB, but is easily ported to other systems. This paper is organised as follows: The following section discusses the monolithic design of most current middleware systems in more detail. It addresses the extension features of CORBA and discusses Permission to make digial or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistributed to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SEM 2005, September 2005, Lisbon, Portugal Copyright 2005 ACM, 1-59593-204-4/05/09...$5.00. 69 2 their lack of flexibility. Section 3 explains our novel approach to middleware extensibility based on a generic reference manager with pluggable profile managers. In Section 4, two CORBA extensions and the corresponding profile managers are presented: One for integrating the powerful fragmented-object model into the system , and one for transparently accessing Jini services from CORBA applications. Section 5 evaluates the implementation effort and run-time overhead of our approach, and Section 6 presents some concluding remarks. MIDDLEWARE ARCHITECTURE AND EXTENSION POINTS CORBA uses a monolithic object model: CORBA objects have to reside on a specific node and are transparently accessed by client-side proxies called stubs. The stubs use an RPC-based communication protocol to contact the actual object, to pass parameters, and to receive results from object invocations. A CORBA-based middleware implementation is free to choose the actual protocol, but has to support the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) for interoperability . CORBA uses interoperable object references (IORs) to address remote objects. The IOR is a data structure composed of a set of profiles . According to the standard, each profile may specify contact information of the remote object for one specific interaction protocol ; for interoperability between ORBs of different vendors, an IIOP profile needs to be present. In addition to protocol profiles, the IOR may contain a set of tagged components. Each tagged component is a name-value pair with a unique tag registered with the OMG and arbitrary associated data; these components define protocol-independent information, like a unique object ID. In standard CORBA, IORs are created internally at the server ORB. A server application creates a servant instance and registers the servant with the ORB (or, to be more specific, with an object adapter of the ORB). Usually this IOR contains an automatically created IIOP profile that contains hostname, port, object adapter name, and object ID for accessing the object via IIOP. Additionally, it may contain other profiles representing alternative ways to access the object. An IOR can be passed to remote clients, either implicitly or explicitly . If a reference to a remote object is passed as a parameter or return value, the IOR data structure will be implicitly serialised and transferred. Upon deserialisation, the receiving client ORB automatically instantiates a local stub for accessing the remote object, initialised with the information available in the IOR. If multiple profiles exist in the IOR, the ORB may use a vendor-specific strategy to select a single profile that is understood by the ORB. The IIOP profile should be understood by all ORBs. Beside implicit transfer, an explicit transfer is possible. The server application may call a object_to_string method at the ORB, which serial-ises the IOR and transforms it to a string, an IOR-URL. This string can be transferred to a client; the client application may call the local ORB method string_to_object to create the stub for the remote object referenced by the IOR. 2.2 Status Quo of Extensible Middleware Many practical tasks--e.g., authorisation, security, load balancing, fault tolerance, or special communication protocols--require extensions to the basic CORBA model. For example, fault-tolerant replication requires that multiple communication addresses (i.e., of all replicas) are known to a client. Typically this means that these addresses have to be encoded into the remote reference; binding to and invoking methods at such a remote object require a more complex handling at the client side compared to the simple stub-service design. As a second example, a peer-to-peer-like interaction between users of a service might sometimes be desired. In this case, the client-server structure needs to be completely abandoned. A good example for the lack of extensibility of standard CORBA is the fault-tolerant CORBA standard (FT-CORBA) [5, Chapter 23]. It was not possible to define this standard in a way that all platform implementations are portable across different ORBs. Instead, each FT-CORBA-compliant middleware has its vendor-specific implementation inside of a single ORB. A system design such as we envision allows to implement a generic "FT-CORBA plugin" that makes any ORB, independent of its vendor, aware of fault-tolerance mechanisms. Existing concepts for interception, custom object adapters, and smart proxies provide some mechanisms for such extensions. In part, they are included in the CORBA standard; in part, they are only available in non-standardised middleware implementations. The portable interceptor specification supports interception within the official CORBA standard. The specification defines request interceptors and IOR interceptors as standardised way to extend the middleware functionality. Using request interceptors, several hooks may be inserted both at client and at server side to intercept remote method calls. These hooks allow to redirect the call (e.g., for load balancing), abort it with an exception (e.g., for access restriction), extract and modify context information embedded in the request, and perform monitoring tasks. A direct manipulation of the request is not permitted by the specification. Multiple request interceptors may be used simultaneously. Interceptors add additional overhead on each remote method invocation; furthermore, they do not allow to modify the remote invocations completely. IOR interceptors, on the other hand, are called when a POA needs to create an IOR for a service. This allows to insert additional data into the IOR (e.g., a tagged component for context information that is later used in a request interceptor). CORBA allows to define custom POA implementations. The POA is responsible for forwarding incoming invocation requests to a servant implementation. This extension point allows to integrate server-side mechanisms like access control, persistence, and life-cycle management. It has, however, no influence on the interaction of clients with a remote service. Beside the standardised IIOP protocol, any CORBA implementation may support custom invocation protocols. Additional IOR profiles may be used for this purpose. However, establishing such extensions is not standardised and every vendor may include his own proprietary variant, which limits the interoperability of this approach . Smart proxies are a concepts for extending ORB flexibility, which is not yet standardised by the OMG, but which is implemented by some ORB vendors, e.g., in the ACE ORB/Tao [11]. They allow to replace the default CORBA stub by a custom proxy that may implement some extended functionality. As such, they allow to implement parts of the object's functionality at the client side. Closely related to our research is the work on OpenORB at Lancaster University [1]. This middleware project uses reflection to define dynamic (re)configuration of componentised middleware services. The main difference to our design is that it completely restructures the middleware architecture, whereas our concept with a reference manager and pluggable profile managers is integrated in any existing CORBA implementation with only minimal modifications. It nevertheless provides equal flexibility forreconfigurations. Component technology could be used in the internal design of complex profile managers. 70 3 PolyORB [10] is a generic middleware system that aims at providing a uniform solution to build distributed applications. It supports several personalities both at the application-programming interface (API) level and the network-protocol level. The personalities are compliant to several existing standards. This way, it provides middleware -to-middleware interoperability. Implementations of personalities are specific to PolyORB, unlike our profile managers, which are intended to be portable between different ORB implementations . We do not address the issue of genericity at the API level DESIGNING A GENERIC REFERENCE MANAGER The fundamental extension point of an object middleware is the central handling of remote references. It is the task of any object middleware to provide mechanisms to create remote references, to pass them across host boundaries, and to use them for remote invocations . As explained above, merely providing extension points at the invocation level is insufficient for several complex tasks. The essential point of our work is to provide a very early extension point by completely separating the reference handling from the middleware core. The impact of such a design is not only that a single middleware implementation gets more flexible. It is also highly desirable to provide this extensibility in an vendor-independent way. That is, an extension module should be portable across different middleware implementations . Furthermore, these extensions should be dynamically pluggable and, in the extreme, be loaded on demand by the middleware ORB. Our design provides such a middleware architecture. It is currently designed as an extension to standard CORBA, and maintains interoperability with any legacy CORBA system. Our design represents, however, a generic design pattern that easily applies to any other object middleware. The only prerequisite made is that remote references are represented by a sufficiently extensible data structure. In CORBA, the Inter-operable Object Reference (IOR) provides such a data structure. Each profile of the IOR represents an alternative way to contact the object. Each profile type has its own data-type definition, described in CORBA IDL. Hence, at the IOR level, CORBA is open to arbitrary extensions. The IOR handling, however, is typically encapsulated in the internals of a CORBA-compliant ORB implementation. Currently, if a vendor uses the power of IORs for custom extensions , these will only be implemented internally in the respective ORB. The extension will not be portable. 3.1 Overview of our Design Our approach introduces a generic interface for plugging in portable extension modules for all tasks related to IOR profile handling. This makes it easy to support extended features like fault-tolerant replication , a fragmented object model, or transparent interaction with other middleware systems. This improves the flexibility of a CORBA middleware. We factored out the IOR handling of the ORB and put it into pluggable modules. This way, custom handlers for IOR profiles may be added to the ORB without modifying the ORB itself. Dynamically downloading and installing such handlers at run-time further contributes to the richness of this approach. Factoring out the basic remote-reference handling of the ORB core into a pluggable module affects five core functions of the middleware : first, the creation of new object references; second, the marshalling process, which converts object references into an external-ly meaningful representation (i.e., a serialised IOR); third, the unmarshalling process, which has to convert such representation into a local representation (e.g., a stub, a smart proxy, or a fragment); and fourth, the explicit binding operation, which turns some symbolic reference (e.g., a stringified IOR) into a local representation and vice versa. A fifth function is not as obvious as the others: The type of a remote object reference can be changed as long as the remote object supports the new type. In CORBA this is realised by a special narrow operation. As in some cases the narrow operation needs to create a new local representation for a remote object, this operation has to be considered too. An extension to CORBA will have to change all five functions for its specific needs. Thus, we collect those function in a module that we call a profile manager. A profile manager is usually responsible for a single type of IOR profile, but there may be reasons to allow profile managers to manage multiple profile types. Profile managers are pluggable modules. A part of the ORB called reference manager manages all available profile managers and allows for registration of new profile-manager modules. The basic design can be found as a UML class diagram in Fig. Figure . Sometimes an application needs to access the reference manager directly. By calling resolve_initial_references() , a generic operation for resolving references to system-dependent objects , it can retrieve a reference to the reference manager pseudo object from the ORB. At the reference manager, profile managers can be registered. As profile managers are responsible for a single or for multiple IOR profile types, the registration requires a parameter identifying those profile types. For identification a unique profile tag is used. Those tags are registered with the OMG to ensure their uniqueness. With the registration at the reference manager, it is exactly known which profile managers can handle what profile types. Several tasks of reference handling are invoked at the reference manager and forwarded to the appropriate profile manager. The architecture resembles the chain-of-responsibility pattern introduced by Gamma et al. [2]. 3.2 Refactoring the Handling of References In the following, we describe the handling of the five core functions of reference handling in our architecture: Creating object references. In traditional CORBA, new object references are created by registering a servant at a POA of the server . The POA usually maintains a socket for accepting incoming invocation requests, e.g., in form of IIOP messages. The POA encodes the contact address of the socket into an IIOP profile and creates an appropriate IOR. The details of the POA implementation ProfileManager +insertProfile: void +profileToObject: CORBA::Object +objectToIor: IOR +iriToIor: IOR +iorToIri: string +narrow: CORBA::Object ReferenceManager +setObjID: void +getObjID: string +createNewIor: IOR +registerProfileManager: void +getProfileManager: ProfileManager +getProfileManagers: ProfileManager[] +iorToObject: CORBA::Object +objectToIor: IOR +objectToIri: string +iorToString: string +stringToIor: IOR +narrow: CORBA::Object ORB 1 n Figure 1: UML class diagram of the CORBA extension 71 4 varies from ORB to ORB. In general, the registration at the POA creates an IOR and an internal data structure containing all necessary information for invocation handling. To be as flexible as possible our extension completely separates the creation of the IOR from the handling in a POA. The creation of an IOR requires the invocation of createNewIor() at the reference manager. As standard CORBA is not able to clearly identify object references referring to the same object, we added some operations to the reference manager that allow for integrating a universally unique identifier (UUID) into the IOR. The UUID is stored as a tagged component and in principle can be used by any profile manager. For filling the IOR with profiles, an appropriate profile manager must be identified. Operations at the reference manager allow the retrieval of profile managers being able to handle a specific profile type. A profile manager has to provide an operation insertProfile () that adds a profile of a specific type into a given IOR. This operation has manager-dependent parameters so that each manager is able to create its specific profile. Instead of creating the IOR itself , the POA of our extended ORB has to create the IOR by asking the IIOP profile manger for adding the appropriate information (host, port, POA name and object ID) to a newly created IOR. As an object may be accessible by multiple profiles, an object adapter can ask multiple profile managers for inserting profiles into an IOR. Marshalling of object references . A CORBA object passed as a method parameter in a remote invocation needs to be serialised as an IOR. In classic CORBA, this is done ,,magically" by the ORB by accessing internal data structures. In the Java language mapping, for example, a CORBA object reference is represented as a stub that delegates to a sub-type of org.omg.CORBA.Delegate . Instances of this type store the IOR. In our architecture, we cannot assume any specific implementation of an object reference as each profile manager may need a different one. Thus, there is no generic way to retrieve the IOR to be serialised . Instead, the reference manager is asked to convert the object reference into an IOR that in the end can be serialised. Therefore, the reference manager provides an operation called objectToIor () . The reference manager, in turn, will ask all known profile managers to do the job. Profile managers will usually check whether the object reference is an implementation of their middleware extension. If so, the manager will know how to retrieve the IOR. If not, the profile manager will return a null reference, and the reference manager will turn to the next profile manager. Unmarshalling of object references. If a standard ORB receives a serialised IOR as a method parameter or return result, it implicitly converts it into a local representation and passes this representation (typically a stub) to the application. This creation of the stub needs to be factored out of the marshalling system of the ORB to handle arbitrary reference types. Our design delegates the object creation within unmarshalling to the reference manager by calling iorToObject() . The reference manager maintains an ordered list of profile types and corresponding profile managers. According to this list, each profile manager is asked to convert the IOR in a local representation by calling profileToObject () . This way the reference manager already analyses the contents of the IOR and only asks those managers that are likely to be able to convert the IOR into an object reference. A profile manager checks the profile and the tagged components, and tries to create a local representation of the object reference. For example , an IIOP profile manager will analyse the IIOP profile. A CORBA-compliant stub is created and initialised with the IOR. The stub is returned to the reference manager, which returns it to the application . If a profile manager is not able to convert the profile or not able to contact the object for arbitrary reasons, it will throw an exception. In this case the reference manager will follow its list and ask the next profile manager. If none of the managers can deal with the IOR, an exception is thrown to the caller. This is compatible with standard CORBA for the case that no profile is understood by the ORB. The order of profile types and managers defines the ORB-dependent strategy of referencing objects. As the first matching profile type and manager wins, generic managers (e.g., for IIOP) should be at the end of the list whereas more specific managers should be at the beginning. Explicit binding to remote references. A user application may explicitly call the ORB method string_to_object , passing some kind of stringified representation of the references. Usually, this may either be a string representation of the marshalled IOR, or a corbaloc or corbaname URI. This ORB operation can be split into two steps: First, the string is parsed and converted into an IOR object. As the stringified IOR can have an extension-specific IRI format--an IRI is the international-ised version of an URI--each profile manager is asked for conver-Figure 2: Sequence chart for ORB::object_to_string objectToIor objectToIor objectToIor object_to_string :ProfileManager2 :ProfileManager1 :ORB :ReferenceManager return IOR string return IOR string return IOR return null 72 5 sion by using iriToIor() . The generic IOR format will be handled by the reference manager itself. Second, this IOR object is converted into a local representation using the same process as used with unmarshalling. Calling object_to_string() is handled in a similar way. First, the reference passed as parameter is converted into an IOR object in the same way as for marshalling. Second, the IOR object is converted into a string. The IOR is encoded as a hex string representing an URI in the IOR schema. The complete interaction is shown as sequence chart in Fig. 2. As sometimes an application may want to convert an object reference into a more-readable IRI, our extension also provides an operation called objectToIri() . In a first step, the object reference is once again converted into an IOR. The second step, the conversion into an IRI, is done with the help of the profile managers by invoking iorToIri() . Those may provide profile-specific URL schemes that may not be compatible to standard CORBA. As the conversion of an IRI into an object reference can be handled in the profile manager this is not a problem. Narrow operation. The narrow operation is difficult to implement . In the Java language mapping the operation is located in a helper class of the appropriate type, expecting an object reference of arbitrary other type. The implementation in a standard ORB assumes an instance compatible to the basic stub class, which knows a delegate to handle the actual invocations. After successfully checking the type conformance, the helper class will create a new stub instance of the appropriate type and connect it to the same delegate . With any CORBA extension it cannot be assumed that object references conform to the basic stub class. In our extension the helper class invokes the operation narrow() at the reference manager. Beside the existing object reference a qualified type name of the new type is passed to the operation as a string. The reference manager once again will call every profile manager for the narrow operation. A profile manager can check whether the object reference belongs to its CORBA extension. If yes, the manager will take care of the narrow operation. If not, a null result is returned and the reference manager will turn to the next profile manager. As a profile manager has to create a type-specific instance, it can use the passed type name to create that instance. In languages that provide a reflection API (e.g., Java) this is not difficult to realise. In other languages a generic implementation in a profile manager may be impossible. Another drawback is that reflection is not very efficient . An alternative implementation is the placement of profile-specific code into the helper class (or in other classes and functions of other language mappings). Our own IDL compiler called IDLflex [8] can easily be adapted to generate slightly different helper classes. As a compromise helper classes may have profile-specific code for the most likely profiles, but if other profiles are used, the above mentioned control flow through reference and profile managers is used. Thus, most object references can be narrowed very fast and the ORB is still open to object-reference implementations of profile managers that may have even be downloaded on demand. EXTENSIONS TO CORBA BASED ON PROFILE MANAGERS This section illustrates two applications of our design. The first example presents the AspectIX profile manager, which integrates fragmented object into a CORBA middleware. The second examples provides a transparent gateway from CORBA to Jini. 4.1 AspectIX Profile Manager The AspectIX middleware supports a fragmented object model [4,7]. Unlike the traditional RPC-based client-server model, the fragmented object model does no longer distinguish between client stubs and the server object. From an abstract point of view, a fragmented object is an entity with unique identity, interface, behaviour , and state, as in classic object-oriented design. The implementation , however, is not bound to a certain location, but may be distributed arbitrarily over various fragments. Any client that wants to access the fragmented object needs a local fragment, which provides an interface identical to that of a traditional stub. This local fragment may be specific for this object and this client. Two objects with the same interface may lead to completely different local fragments . This internal structure gives a high degree of freedom on where state and functionality of the object is located and how the interaction between fragments is done. The internal distribution and interaction is not only transparent on the external interface, but may even change dynamically at run-time. Fragmented objects can easily simulate the traditional client-server structure by using the same fragment type at all client locations that works as a simple stub. Similarly, the fragmented object model allows a simple implementation of smart proxies by using the smart proxy as fragment type for all clients. Moreover, this object model allows arbitrary internal configurations that partition the object, migrate it dynamically, or replicate it for fault-tolerance reasons. Finally, the communication between fragments may be arbitrarily adjusted, e.g., to ensure quality -of-service properties or use available special-purpose communication mechanisms. All of these mechanisms are fully encapsulated in the fragmented objects and are not directly visible on the outer interface that all client application use. Supporting a fragmented object model is clearly an extension to the CORBA object model. With our architecture it is very easy to integrate the new model. Just a new profile manager has to be developed and plugged into our ORB. When a client binds to a fragmented object, a more complex task than simply loading a local stub is needed. In our system, the local fragment is internally composed of three components, as shown in Fig. 3: the View, the Fragment Interface (FIfc), and the Fragment Implementation (FImpl). The fragment implementation is the actual code that provides the fragment behaviour. The fragment interface is the interface that the client uses . Due to type casts, a client may have more than one interface instance for the same fragmented object. Interfaces are instantiated in CORBA narrow operations; all existing interfaces delegate invocations to the same implementation. The View is responsible for all management tasks; it stores the object ID and IOR, keeps track of all existing interfaces, and manages dynamical reconfigurations that exchange the local FImpl. The management needs to update all Fragment Client Fragment Interface View Fragment Implementation Figure 3: Internal structure of a fragment 73 6 references from FIfcs to the FImpl and has to coordinate method invocations at the object that run concurrently to reconfigurations. To integrate such a model into a profile-manager-aware CORBA system, it is necessary to create IORs with a special profile for fragmented objects (APX profile), and to instantiate the local fragment (View-FImpl-FIfc) when a client implicitly or explicitly binds to such an IOR. The IOR creation is highly application specific, thus it is not fully automatic as in traditional CORBA. Instead, the developer of the fragmented object may explicitly define, which information needs to be present in the object. The reference manager creates an empty IOR for a specified IDL type, and subsequently the APX profile manager can be used to add a APX profile to this IOR. This profile usually consists of information about the initial FImpl type that a client needs to load and contact information on how to communicate with other fragments of the fragmented object. The initial FImpl type may be specified as a simple Java class name in a Java-only environment, or as a DLS name (dynamic loading service, [3]) in a heterogeneous environment, to dynamically load the object-specific local fragment implementation. The contact information may, e.g., indicate a unique ID, which is used to retrieve contact addresses from a location service) or a multicast address for a fragmented object that uses network multicast for internal communication. When an ORB binds to an IOR with an APX profile, the corresponding profile manager first checks, if a fragment of the specific object already exists; if so, a reference to the existing local fragment is returned. Otherwise, a new default view is created and connected to a newly instantiated FImpl. Profile information specifies how this FImpl is loaded (direct Java class name for Java-only environments , a code factory reference, or a unique ID for lookup to the global dynamic loading service (DLS)). Finally, a default interface is built and returned to the client application. 4.2 Jini Profile Manager Jini is a Java-based open software architecture for network-centric solutions that are highly adaptive to change [9]. It extends the Java programming model with support for code mobility in the networks ; leasing techniques enables self-healing and self-configuration of the network. The Jini architecture defines a way for clients and servers to find each other on the network. Service providers supply clients with portable Java objects that implement the remote access to the service. This interaction can use any kind of technology such as Java RMI, SOAP, or CORBA. The goal of this CORBA extension is to seamlessly integrate Jini services into CORBA. Jini services should be accessible to CORBA clients like any other CORBA object. Jini services offer a Java interface . This interface can be converted into an IDL interface using the Java-to-IDL mapping from the OMG [6]. Our CORBA extension provides CORBA-compatible representatives, special proxy objects that appear as CORBA object references, but forward invocations to a Jini service. Such references to Jini services can be registered in a CORBA naming service and can be passed as parameters to any other CORBA object. CORBA clients do not have to know that those references refer to Jini services. The reference to a Jini service is represented as a CORBA IOR. The Jini profile manager offers operations to create a special Jini profile that refers to a Jini service. It provides operations to marshal references to such services by retrieving the original IOR from the spe-cialised proxy, to unmarshal IORs to a newly created proxy, and to type cast a proxy to another IDL type. The Jini profile stores a Jini service ID, and optionally a group name and the network address of a Jini lookup service. The profile manager uses automatic multicast-based discovery to find a set of lookup services where Jini services usually have to register their proxy objects. Those lookup services are asked for the proxy of the service identified by the unique service ID. If an address of a lookup service is given in the profile, the profile manager will only ask this service for a proxy. The retrieved proxy is encapsulated in a wrapper object that on the outside looks like a CORBA object reference. Inside, it maps parameters from their IDL types to the corresponding Java types and forwards the invocation to the original Jini proxy. Jini services may provide a lease for service usage. In the IOR, a method can be named that is supposed to retrieve a lease for the service. This lease will be locally managed by the profile manager and automatically extended if it is due to expire. This extension shows that it is possible to encapsulate access to other middleware platforms inside of profile managers. In case of the Jini profile manager our implementation is rather simple. So, return parameters referring to other Jini services are not (yet) converted to CORBA object references. We also did not yet implement Jini IOR profiles that encapsulate abstract queries: In this case not a specific service ID is stored in the profile, but query parameters for the lookup at the lookup services. This way, it will be possible to create IORs with abstract meaning, e.g., encapsulating a reference to the nearest colour printer service (assumed that such services are registered as Jini services at a lookup service). EVALUATION Two aspects need to be discussed to evaluate our design: First, the effort that is needed to integrate our concept into an existing ORB; second, the run-time overhead that this approach introduces. As we used JacORB as basis for our implementation, we compare our implementation with the standard JacORB middleware. 5.1 Implementation Cost The integration of a generic reference manager into JacORB version 2.2 affected two classes: org.jacorb.orb.ORB and org.jacorb.orb.CDROutputStream . In ORB , the methods object_to_string , string_to_object , and _getObject (which is used for demarshalling) need to be replaced. In addition, the reference manager is automatically loaded at ORB initialisation and made available as initial reference. In CDROutputStream , the method write_Object needs to be re-implemented to access the reference manager. These changes amount to less than 100 lines of code (LOC). The generic reference manager consists of about 500 LOC; the IIOP profile manager contains 150 LOC in addition to the IIOP implementation reused from JacORB. These figures show that our design easily integrates into an existing CORBA ORB. Moreover, the generic reference manager and profile managers may be implemented fully independent of ORB internals , making them portable across ORBs of different vendors-with the obvious restrictions to the same implementation programming language. 5.2 Run-time Measurements of our Implementation We performed two experiments to evaluate the run-time cost of our approach; all tests were done on Intel PC 2.66 GHz with Linux 2.4.27 operating system and Java 1.5.0, connected with a 100 MBit/ s LAN. In all cases, the generic reference manager in our ORB was connected with three profile managers (IIOP, APX, Jini) The first experiment examines the binding cost. For this purpose, a stringified IOR of a simple CORBA servant with one IIOP profile is generated. Then, this reference is repeatedly passed to the ORB 74 7 method string_to_object , which parses the IOR and loads a local client stub. Table 1 shows the average time per invocation of 100,000 iterations. The second test analyses the marshalling cost of remote references. An empty remote method with one reference parameter is invoked 100,000 times. These operation involve first a serialisation of the reference at client-side and afterwards a deserialisation and binding at the servant side; all operations are delegated to the reference manager in our ORB. Table 2 shows the results of this test. Both experiments show, that the increase in flexibility and extensibility is paid for with a slight decrease in performance. It is to be noted that our reference implementation has not yet been optimised for performance, so further improvement might be possible. CONCLUSION We have presented a novel, CORBA-compliant middleware architecture that is more flexible and extensible than standard CORBA. It defines a portable reference manager that uses dynamically load-able profile managers for different protocol profiles. The concept is more flexible than traditional approaches. Unlike smart proxies, it does not only modify the client-side behaviour, but allows to modify the complete system structure. In contrast to vendor -specific transport protocols, it provides a general extension to CORBA that allows to implement portable profile managers, which in the extreme may even be dynamically loaded as plug-in at run-time . Different from CORBA portable interceptors, it gives the service developer full control over the IOR creation process, has less overhead than interceptors, and allows arbitrary modification of client requests. The concept itself is not limit to CORBA. In fact, it defines a generic design pattern for any existing and future middleware platforms. Extracting all tasks related to the handling of remote references into an extensible module allows to create middleware platforms that are easily extended to meet even unanticipated future requirements. Modern developments like ubiquitous computing, increased scalability and reliability demands and so on make it likely that such extensions will be demanded. Our design principle allows to implement future systems with best efficiency and least implementation effort. We have presented in some detail two applications of our architecture . Besides traditional IIOP for compliance with CORBA, we have implemented a profile manager for fragmented objects and one for accessing Jini services transparently as CORBA objects. Currently, we are working on profile managers to handle fault-tolerant CORBA and a bridge to Java RMI. REFERENCES [1] G. Coulson, G. Blar, M. Clarke, N. Parlavantzas: The design of a configurable and reconfigurable middleware platform. Distributed Computing 15(2): 2002, pp 109-126 [2] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides: Design patterns. Elements of reusable object-oriented software. Addison-Wesley, 1995. [3] R. Kapitza, F. Hauck: DLS: a CORBA service for dynamic loading of code. Proc. of the OTM'03 Conferences; Springer, LNCS 2888, 2003 [4] M. Makpangou, Y. Gourhand, K.-P. Le Narzul, M. Shapiro: Fragmented objects for distributed abstractions. Readings in Distr. Computing Systems, IEEE Comp. Society Press, 1994, pp. 170-186 [5] Object Management Group: Common object request broker architecture: core specification, version 3.0.3; OMG specification formal/04-03-12, 2004 [6] Object Management Group: Java language mapping to OMG IDL, version 1.3; OMG specification formal/2003-09-04, 2003 [7] H. Reiser, F. Hauck, R. Kapitza, A. Schmied: Integrating fragmented objects into a CORBA environment. Proc. of the Net.ObjectDays, 2003 [8] H. Reiser, M. Steckermeier, F. Hauck: IDLflex: A flexible and generic compiler for CORBA IDL. Proc. of the Net.Object Days, Erfurt, 2001, pp 151-160 [9] Sun microsystems: Jini technology architectural overview. White paper, Jan 1999 [10] T. Vergnaud, J. Hugues, L. Pautet, F. Kordon: PolyORB: a schizophrenic middleware to build versatile reliable distributed applications. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Reliable Software Technologies Ada-Europe 2004 (RST'04),; Springer, LNCS 3063, 2004, pp 106-119 [11] N. Wang, K. Parameswaran, D. Schmidt: The design and performance of meta-programming mechanisms for object request broker middleware. Proc. of the 6th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Techology and Systems (COOTS'01), 2001 Table 1: Execution time of ORB::string_to_object invocations Standard JacORB 2.2.1 0.22 ms AspectIX ORB with reference manager 0.28 ms Overhead 0.06 ms (27%) Table 2: Complete remote invocation time with one reference parameter Standard JacORB 2.2.1 0.64 ms AspectIX ORB with reference manager 0.72 ms Overhead 0.08 ms (12.5%) 75
integration;Flexible and extensible object middleware;IIOP;Software architecture for middleware;CORBA;object oriented;Extensions;Extensibility;extensibility;Middleware architecture;Distiributed applications;Ubiquitous computing;Object references;Middleware;extensible and reconfigurable middleware;Interoperability;distributed objects;implementation;Fault tolerant CORBA;Reference manager;profile manager;middleware interoperability;middleware architecture;Profile manager;Remote object;encapsulation;Flexibility;IOR;Middleware platform;Middleware systems
Fan-out Measuring Human Control of Multiple Robots
A goal of human-robot interaction is to allow one user to operate multiple robots simultaneously. In such a scenario the robots provide leverage to the user's attention. The number of such robots that can be operated is called the fan-out of a human-robot team. Robots that have high neglect tolerance and lower interaction time will achieve higher fan-out. We define an equation that relates fan-out to a robot's activity time and its interaction time. We describe how to measure activity time and fan-out. We then use the fan-out equation to compute interaction effort. We can use this interaction effort as a measure of the effectiveness of a human-robot interaction design. We describe experiments that validate the fan-out equation and its use as a metric for improving human-robot interaction.
INTRODUCTION As computing becomes smaller, faster and cheaper the opportunity arises to embed computing in robots that perform a variety of "dull, dirty and dangerous" tasks that humans would rather not perform themselves. For the foreseeable future robots will not be fully autonomous, but will be directed by humans. This gives rise to the field of human-robot interaction (HRI). Human-robot interaction differs from traditional desktop GUI-based direct manipulation interfaces in two key ways. First, robots must operate in a physical world that is not completely under software control. The physical world imposes its own forces, timing and unexpected events that must be handled by HRI. Secondly, robots are expected to operate independently for extended periods of time. The ability for humans to provide commands that extend over time and can accommodate unexpected circumstances complicates the HRI significantly. This problem of developing interfaces that control autonomous behavior while adapting to the unexpected is an interesting new area of research. We are very interested in developing and validating metrics that guide our understanding of how humans interact with semiautonomous robots. We believe that such laws and metrics can focus future HRI development. What we are focused on are not detailed cognitive or ergonomic models but rather measures for comparing competing human-robot interfaces that have some validity. In this paper we look at a particular aspect of HRI, which is the ability for an individual to control multiple robots simultaneously. We refer to this as the fan-out of a human-robot team. We hypothesize that the following fan-out equation holds, IT AT FO = where FO=fan-out or the number of robots a human can control simultaneously, AT=activity time or the time that a robot is actively effective after receiving commands from a user, IT=interaction time or the time that it takes for a human to interact with a given robot. In this paper we develop the rationale for the fan-out equation and report several experiments validating this equation. We show that the equation does describe many phenomena surrounding HRI but that the relationships are more complex than this simple statement of fan-out implies. We also describe the experimental methodologies developed in trying to understand fan-out. We present them as tools for evaluating and measuring design progress in HRI systems. The robotic task domain that we have focused on is search and rescue where robots must cover an indoor, urban or terrain environment in search of victims, threats, problems, or targets. Although we have restricted our work to this domain, we are hopeful that our methods and metrics will extend to other HRI domains. PRIOR WORK Others have done work on human-robot interaction. Sheridan has outlined 5 levels of robot control by users Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. CHI 2004, April 2429, 2004, Vienna, Austria. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-702-8/04/0004...$5.00. CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 231 [14]. The levels range from teleoperation, where the user is directly engaged with the actuators of robot, through various levels of computer intervention between the user, the sensors and the actuators, to full autonomy with users merely setting very high-level goals. Fong and Thorpe [8, 9] demonstrated collaborative control where the human and the robot share the initiative, with the robot seeking guidance when needed. These with a variety of other approaches are characterized by their system architecture. Although human-robot interfaces are provided, there is little study of the nature of that interface nor on how to evaluate the quality of the interface. There have been a number of proposals for new modalities for controlling robots including haptics, gestures, PDAS [7]. Others have looked at the visualization and context memory problems that arise when driving robots. The Egosphere is one such solution [6]. There is also a great deal of work on using multiple robots on a task. There are fully autonomous swarming approaches such as Bruemmer, et al [3]. These have very little human intervention because the desired task is preprogrammed. Other autonomous robot teams have done janitorial tasks, box pushing and earth moving [12, 13]. All of these teams have used very little human intervention. Other multi-robot systems have robots operating in formations [2, 4, 16] or according to predefined deployment behaviors [15] These approaches allow users to direct the work of a number of robots simultaneously. Fong et. al. [10] point out the problems with dividing human attention among multiple robots and propose a collaborative control model for driving. In essence their proposals increase the neglect and activity time of the robots to achieve higher fan-out. Others have used a "select and command" model for controlling multiple robots [11]. However, none of these have been carefully evaluated as to the advantages or decrease in effort afforded by the various user interface designs. In most cases the control architecture is intertwined with the human-robot interface making it hard to distinguish which part of the solution is contributing to progress. In this paper we describe a model for isolating and measuring the human-robot interface for teams of robots. SAMPLE ROBOT WORLD To explain our fan-out ideas, we pose the example robot world shown in figure 1. In this world there are robots, targets and obstacles (trees & rocks). The task is for all targets to be touched by robots as soon as possible. This is an abstraction of a search task. We can assume a simple-minded robot that accepts a direction and a distance from its user and will move in that direction until it either travels the indicated distance or encounters an obstacle, in which case it stops. In figure 1 the robot has three legs to its journey each characterized by a different user command. However, the robot's guidance may not be perfect. It may drift to the left on the first leg, run into the trees and stop early. Its odometry may be faulty and it may overrun the end of leg one necessitating additional commands from the user to extricate it from the dead-end of rocks and trees. T 1 2 3 Figure 1 Simple Robot World This example illustrates two measures that are important to our model of fan-out. The first is neglect-time. That is the time the robot can run while being ignored by its user. Neglect time is a measure of a robot's autonomy. This is very similar to Crandall's neglect tolerance [5]. Unlike Crandall's work, we are interested in multiple robots rather than efficient interfaces to a single robot. The second measure is activity-time, which is the time the robot will make effective progress before it either gets a new command from the user, it stops making effective progress or it completes the command the operator gave it. Neglect time and activity time are not the same. For example, if the user does not trust the odometry, he may watch the robot to make certain it does not overshoot the end of leg 1. The robot is independently active, but is not being neglected. This difference has an important impact on multiplexing human attention among multiple robots. The relationship between activity time (AT) and neglect time (NT) is determined by the amount of overlap (O) between robot activity and interaction time (IT). Overlap is the percentage of the interaction time where the robot is also active. NT IT O AT + = * This relationship is illustrated by driving a car. The interaction time and the activity time of a car are almost completely overlapped (O=1.0). A car is almost always moving when the driver is steering it. In addition, the neglect time for a car is very small, therefore AT is not much larger than IT. Plugging this into the fan-out equation we see that a person cannot drive more than one car at once. In the case of a manufacturing robot, the robot is not at all active during setup (O=0.0) but the robot will run for days or months after a day of setup. Thus AT is many times larger than IT and the fan-out is quite high. The experimental models that we finally used are based on AT and IT. The relationship between O, NT and AT does not impact our comparisons of various human-robot interfaces. CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 232 In our simple robot world we can give the robot more intelligence. If it encounters an obstacle it can bounce off and continue trying to make progress towards its next check point. Thus the robot will operate longer without intervention (increased AT) and the user can trust it more (increased NT). Adding some local vision and planning, the robot might also detect the cul-de-sac of trees and rocks and not enter there without more explicit instructions. Again the robot can be trusted more and NT can increase. Increasing a robot's trusted intelligence can increase its neglect time and thus increase fan-out. RATIONALE FOR FAN-OUT The primary reason for our interest in fan-out is that it is a measure of how much leverage of human attention is being provided by a robot's automated capabilities. Autonomy is not an end unto itself. We may study it in that way, but in reality we want automation because it expands human capacity. Fan-out is a measure of the leverage of human attention. The ability for a human to control multiple robots depends upon how long that robot can be neglected. If a robot makes no progress while being neglected, the human will have no attention to devote to other robots. However, as will be shown, it is difficult to measure neglect time. Instead we measure activity time, which is an average amount of time that a robot functions between instructions from the user. If we divide the average activity time by the amount of time a user must interact with each robot, then we get the fan-out equation. IT AT FO = However, the relationships are not a simple as this analysis might indicate. We will discuss these interrelationships along with the experimental data. The key point, we believe, in understanding these complexities is that IT is not monolithic. Our current hypothesis is that there are at least 4 components to interaction time. They are: 1. Robot Monitoring and Selection reviewing the state of all robots and deciding which robot needs the user's attention next. 2. Context Switching when switching attention between robots the user must spend time reaquiring the goals and problems of the new robot. 3. Problem Solving having reaquired the situation the user must analyze the problem and plan a course of action for the robot. 4. Command Expression the user must manipulate input devices tell the robot what to do. Traditional direct-manipulation/desktop interfaces generally exhibit only components 3 and 4. The experiments that we have performed show the effects of some of these components in the ways that the data deviates from the predictions of the fan-out equation. Having broken down IT, it seems that IT should increase with FO. This is because the more robots there are to control, the greater the monitoring and robot selection time. Also the more diverse situations the robots find themselves in the greater the context-switching time. As we will see in the data smarter robots can offload some of the problem solving time from the user and thus reduce IT. MEASURING HRI Our hypothesis is that the fan-out equation provides a model for how humans interact with multiple robots. The challenge in validating the fan-out equation is that interaction time (consisting of planning, monitoring and solving) occurs mostly in the user's mind and is therefore difficult to measure directly. Measuring Neglect Time(NT) and Activity Time(AT) The properties of NT and AT are characteristics of a robot's ability to function in a world of given complexity. These times are functions of robot ability, task complexity and the user's understanding of the robot's ability. In measuring either NT or AT we must control for the complexity of the task being posed. If the task posed in figure 1 had half as many trees, or no rocks, the task itself would be simpler and the robot could be safely neglected for a longer time. In essence, the more challenges a robot must face, for which it does not have sufficient autonomy, the lower NT and AT will be. The nature of the challenges will also have an impact. Therefore any measurements of NT or AT must control for the nature of the tasks being posed. We term this task complexity. Our first approach to measuring NT ignored the role of the user in determining the robot's activity. We assumed that there was some measurement of NT in the context of a given task complexity. To measure NT we would randomly place a robot at some location in the world, give it a random goal and then measure the average time that the robot would operate before reaching the goal or failing to make progress. However, this approach failed to produce data that was consistent with the fan-out equation. After reviewing the videotapes of actual usage we found that this a priori measurement consistently overestimated NT. We identified three problems with this approach. The first is demonstrated on leg 1 of the robot route in figure 1. The robot could feasibly be neglected until it ran into the cul-de-sac of trees and rocks. However, users regularly saw such situations and redirected the robot early to avoid them. The second reason was that users frequently did not trust the robot to work out low-level problems. Users would regularly give the robots shorter-term goals that the user believed were possible. Thirdly, we did not have a good measure for how much a robot's activity overlapped the user's attention to the robot. CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 233 All of these failing led to NT predictions that were much larger than actual usage. A simpler and more accurate measure we found was activity time (AT). We measure the time from a user's command of a robot until that robot either stops making progress or another use command is issued to it. We average these times across all robots in an experiment. This measure of activity time fit better with the fan-out equation and was much easier to measure. This activity time measure is dependent on determining when a robot is making effective progress and when it is not. In our simple robot world, robots stop when they reach an obstacle. Thus a robot is active when it is moving. Because of the nature of our test user interface robots are always getting closer to the goal if they are moving. Therefore our simplistic measure of effective progress works in this case. For more intelligent robots this is more complicated. An intelligent robot must balance goal progress with obstacle or threat avoidance. This can lead to interesting feedback and deadlock problems, which cannot always be detected. These issues form the basis for many of the conundrums of Isasc Asimov's robopsychology[1]. In many situations, however, we can detect lack of progress and thus the end of an activity. Measuring FO Our next challenge is to measure fan-out (FO). This, of course, is the measure that we want to maximize because it is an estimate of the leverage provided by our human-robot teams. Our first approach to fan-out measurement was the fan-out plateau. For a given task, we must have a measure of task effectiveness. In our simple robot world, this might be the total time required to locate all N targets. In other scenarios it might be the total amount of terrain surveyed or the total number of purple hummingbirds sighted. Parker has identified a variety of task effectiveness metrics for use with robot teams[13]. The fan-out plateau is shown in figure 2. As we give a user more robots to work with, the task effectiveness should rise until it reaches a point where the user's attention is completely saturated. At this point adding more robots will not increase task effectiveness and may in some situations cause a decrease if superfluous robots still demand user attention. The attractiveness of the fan-out plateau measure is that it directly measures the benefits of more robots on actual task accomplishment. The disadvantage is that it is very expensive to measure. We might hypothesize that for a given HRI team, the fan-out plateau would be between 4 and 12 robots. We then must take 8 experimental runs to find the plateau (if our hypothesis was correct). Individual differences in both users and tasks require that we must take many runs at each of the 8 possibilities in order to develop a statistically significant estimate of the fan-out plateau. Since realistic tasks take 20 minutes to several hours to accomplish, this measurement approach rapidly consumes an unrealistic amount of time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of Robots Total Task E ffecti veness Fan-out Plateau Figure 2 Fan-out Plateau An alternative measure of FO comes from out ability to determine which robots are active and which are not. If we have knowledge of activity as needed by our AT measurement, then we can sample all of the robots at regular time intervals and compute the average number of active robots. What we do to measure FO is to give the user many more robots than we think is reasonable and then measure the average number of active robots across the task. This gives us a strong estimate of actual fan-out that is relatively easy to measure. Note that this is only an estimate of fan-out because the large number of robots introduces its own cognitive load. We believe, however, that ignoring unneeded robots will not impact the value of the metrics for comparisons among competing HRI solutions. Task saturation A key problem that we have discovered in measuring fan-out is the concept of task saturation. This is where the task does not warrant as many robots as the user could effectively control. A simple example is in figure 1. If we add another robot to the task, the effectiveness will not go up because one robot can reach the target just as fast as two or three. The problem is that the task does not justify more workers. We will see this effect in the experiments. Measuring IT To improve human-robot interaction (HRI) what we really want is a measure of the interaction time (IT). IT is the measure that will tell us if the user interface is getting better or just the robotic automation. Our problem, however, is that we do not have a way to directly measure IT. There are so many things that can happen in a user's mind that we cannot tap into. To measure the Fitt's law effects or keystroke effects will only measure the command expression component of the interface. Our experience is that in a multi-robot scenario, command expression is a minor part of the interaction time. Solving the fan-out equation for IT can give us a method for its measurement. FO AT IT = CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 234 However, this measure of IT is only valid if the fan-out equation is valid and the FO and AT measures are true measures. As has been shown in the preceding discussion we have good estimates for both AT and FO but it would be too strong of a claim to say that we had accurately measured either value. Our approach then is to replace IT with what we call interaction effort (IE). Interaction effort is a unitless value that is defined as: FO AT IE = This is obviously derived from the fan-out equation but it makes no claims of being an exact time. It is a measure of how much effort is required to interact as part of a human-robot team. Unlike interaction time, interaction effort does not give us an absolute scale for measuring interaction-time . The interaction effort measure does give us a way to compare the interactive efficiency of two HRI designs. A comparison tool is sufficient as a measure of progress in HRI design. Validating the fan-out equation Our model of IE depends upon the validity of the fan-out equation, which is difficult to prove without measuring IT or IE directly. Our approach to validating the fan-out equation is as follows. If we have 1) a set of robots that have varying abilities and thus varying neglect times, 2) all robots have identical user interfaces and 3) we use the various types of robots on similar tasks of the same task complexity, then if the fan-out equation is valid, the measure of IE should be constant across all such trials. This should be true because the user interface is constant and IE should be determined by the user interface. The experiments described in the remainder of this paper will show where this does and does not hold. ROBOT SIMULATIONS As a means of validating the fan-out equations we chose robot simulations rather than actual robots. We did this for several reasons. The first is that it is much easier to control the task conditions. When trying to validate the fan-out equation we need careful controls. These are hard to achieve with real robots in real situations. Secondly we are trying to discover laws that model how humans interact with multiple independent robot agents. The physical characteristics of those agents should not change the laws. Third we want to test robots with a variety of levels of intelligence. Changing a simulated robot's sensory and reasoning capacity is much simpler than building the corresponding robots. To perform the experiments that we did, we would have needed a fleet of 15 robots (5 each of 3 types), with identical interfaces. There is one way in which the real world differs sharply from our simulated world. In the real word, robots crash into obstacles, fall into holes, and run into each other. Safety is a real issue and lack of safety reduces the user's trust. As discussed earlier reduced trust leads to reduced activity times. In our simulations , robots never crash or fail therefore trust is higher than reality. However, we believe that this will be reflected in different activity times and should not affect the validity of the fan-out equation. The task For our fan-out experiments we chose a maze-searching task. We built a random maze generator that can automatically generate tasks of a given complexity. We defined task complexity as the dimensions of the maze, density of obstacles and number of targets. Using our random maze generator we were able to create a variety of tasks of a given complexity. After random placement of obstacles and targets the maze was automatically checked to make certain that all targets were reachable. Our measure of task effectiveness was the time required for all targets to be touched by a robot. All robots had the same user interface as shown in figure 3. The user controls are quite simple and the same for all experiments. Each robot has a goal represented by a small square that the user can drag around. The robot will attempt to reach the goal. The variation in robots is in how they deal with obstacles. For less intelligent robots the user can set a series of very short-term goals with no obstacles. For more intelligent robots more distant goals can be used with the robot working out the intervening obstacles. Figure 3 Dragging Robots A major variation of this user interface, that we used in most of our tests, obscures all regions of the maze that have not been visited by robots, as in figure 4. The idea is that until a robot reaches an area and broadcasts what it finds, the terrain is unknown. CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 235 Figure 4 Obscured World Three types of robots To test our fan-out theory of constant IE for a given user-interface we developed three types of simulated robots. The first type (simple) heads directly towards its current goal until it reaches the goal or runs into an obstacle. This is a relatively simple robot with little intelligence. The second type (bounce) bounces off obstacles and attempts to get closer to the goal even if there is no direct path. It never backs up and thus gets trapped in cul-de-sacs. The bouncing technique solves many simple obstacle avoidance problems but none that require any global knowledge. This robot stops whenever it cannot find a local movement that would get it closer to the goal than its current position. The third type of robot (plan) has a "sensor radius". It assumes that the robot can "see" all obstacles within the sensor radius. It then uses a shortest path algorithm to plan a way to reach the point on its sensor perimeter that was closest to the goal. This planning is performed after every movement. This robot stops whenever its current position was closer to the goal than any reachable point in its sensor perimeter. This robot can avoid local dead-ends, but not larger structures where the problems are larger than its sensor radius. We measured average neglect time for each of the types of robots using the random placement/task method. As robot intelligence increased, neglect time increased also. This gave us three types of simulated robots with identical tasks and user interfaces. VALIDATING THE FAN-OUT EQUATION To validate the fan-out equation we performed a number of experiments using our simulated robot world. Our experimental runs were of two types. In our initial runs individual university students were solicited and compensated to serve as test drivers. They were each given about 30 minutes of training and practice time with each type of robot and then given a series of mazes to solve using various types of robots. Task Saturation Task saturation showed up in the early tests. In our first tests we started all robots in the upper left hand corner of the world. Since this is a search task there is an expanding "frontier" of unsearched territory. This frontier limits the number of robots that can effectively work in an area. Fan-out was low because the problem space was too crowded to get many robots started and once lead robots were out of the way users tended to focus on the lead robots rather than bring in others from behind as the frontier expanded. Because none of our users worked for more than 2 hours on the robots, there was no time to teach or develop higher-level strategies such as how to marshal additional workers. We resolved the frontier problem by evenly distributing robots around the periphery of the world. This is less realistic for a search scenario, but eliminated the frontier problem. We originally posited two interface styles, one with the world entirely visible (light worlds) and the other with areas obscured when not yet visited by a robot (dark worlds). We thought of this as two UI variants. Instead it was two task variants. In the dark worlds the task is really to survey the world. Once surveyed, touching the targets is trivial. In the light worlds the problem was path planning to the targets. Since reaching known targets is a smaller problem than searching a world, task saturation occurred much earlier. Because of this all of our races were run with dark worlds (Figure 4). Figure 5 shows the relationship between fan-out and remaining targets. The dark thin line is the number of remaining targets not yet touched and the lighter jagged line is the average number of active robots. This graph is the average of 18 runs from 8 subjects using planning type robots. Other experiments showed similar graphs. In the very early part of the run it takes time to get many robots moving. Then as targets are located, the problem becomes smaller and the fan-out reduces along with it. The crossover occurs because in a dark world the fact that one or two targets remain is not helpful because any of the unsearched areas could contain those targets. Type 3 Robot -2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Tim e Avg. Targets Avg. Robots Figure 5 Task Saturation Test Data These individual tests gave us good feedback and helped us refine our ideas about fan-out and interaction time. However, unmotivated subjects distorted the results. We had a number of subjects who just spent the time and CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 236 collected their money without seriously trying to perform the tasks quickly. It was clear that attempting to supervise multiple robots is more mentally demanding than only one. In many cases fan-out was not high even though from viewing the videotapes, the subjects were easily capable of doing better. To resolve this issue we held a series of "robo-races" . Groups of 8 people were assembled in a room each with identical workstations and problem sets. Each trial was conducted as a race with monetary prizes to first, second and third place in each trial. The motivation of subjects was better and the fan-out results were much higher and more uniform. In our first race there were 8 participants all running 8 races using the dark worlds. The density of obstacles was 35% with 18 robots available and 10 targets to find. We ran 2 races with simple robots and 3 races each for the bounce and plan robots for a total of 64 trial runs. The measured fan-out and activity time along with the computed interaction time is shown in figure 6. Analysis of variance shows that there is no statistical difference in the interaction times across the three robot types. This supports our fan-out equation hypothesis. Robot Type Mean Fan-out Mean Activity Time Computed Interaction Effort Simple 1.46 4.36 3.06 Bounce 2.94 7.82 2.77 Plan 5.11 14.42 2.88 Figure 6 Test 1 - 18 robots, 10 targets, 35% obstacles To evaluate our hypothesis that activity time and thus fan-out is determined by task complexity we ran a second identical competition except that the obstacle density was 22%. The data is shown in figure 7. Activity time clearly increases with a reduction in task complexity along with fan-out, as we predicted. The interaction time computations are not statistically different as we hypothesized. Robot Type Mean Fan-out Mean Activity Time Computed Interaction Effort Simple 1.84 4.99 2.88 Bounce 3.36 11.36 3.38 Plan 9.09 24.18 2.69 Figure 7 Test 2 - 18 robots, 10 targets, 22% obstacles One of our goals in this work was to develop a measure of interaction effort that could serve as a measure of the effectiveness of a human-robot interface. To test this we ran a third competition of 8 subjects in 8 races. Test 3 was the same as test 1 except that we reduced the resolution of the display from 1600x1200 to 800x600. This meant that the mazes would not fit on the screen and more scrolling would be required. This is obviously an inferior interface to the one used in test 1. Figure 8 compares the fan-out and the interaction effort of tests 1 and 3. Mean Interaction Effort Robot Type no scroll scrolled diff Simple 3.06 4.48 46% Bounce 2.77 3.47 25% Plan 2.88 3.63 26% Figure 8 Compare scrolled and unscrolled interfaces Test 3 shows that inferior interfaces produce higher interaction effort, which is consistent with our desire to use interaction effort as a measure of the quality of a human-robot interface. However, figure 8 also shows a non-uniform interaction effort across robot types for the scrolling condition. This is not consistent with our fan-out equation hypothesis. Since all three robots had the same user interface they should exhibit similar interaction effort measures. Analysis of variance shows that the bounce and plan robots have identical interaction effort but that the simple robot is different from both of them. We explain the anomaly in the simple robots by the fact that interaction effort masks many different components as described earlier and fan-out partially determins those components. Figure 9 shows the fan-out measures for test 3. The fan-out for the simple robots is barely above 1 indicating that the user is heavily engaged with a single robot. We watched the user behavior and noticed that the interaction is dominated by expressing commands to the robot with very little planning. With the bounce and plan robots the fan-out is much higher and users spend more time planning for the robot and less time trying to input commands to them. Robot Type Mean Fan-out Simple 1.12 Bounce 2.47 Plan 3.97 Figure 9 Fan-out for Test 3 (scrolled world) It appears that when fan-out drops very low the nature of the human-robot interaction changes and the interaction effort changes also. To understand this effect better we ran a fourth competition where we varied the speed of the robots. Varying the speed of the robot will change its neglect time without changing either the robot's intelligence or the user interface. A slower robot will take longer to run into an obstacle and therefore can be neglected longer. We used the same worlds and interface as in test 1, but we varied speeds across each run with only two robot types. The results are shown in figure 10. CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 237 Robot Type Robot Speed Mean Fan-out Mean Activity Time Computed Interaction Effort Simple 3 2.54 7.21 3.05 Simple 6 1.21 3.51 3.09 Simple 9 0.89 3.26 3.67 Bounce 3 4.44 13.54 3.51 Bounce 6 3.11 9.60 3.10 Bounce 9 1.97 5.76 2.94 Bounce 12 1.82 4.42 2.51 Bounce 15 1.62 4.04 2.53 Figure 10 Test 4 - Varying Robot Speed For each class of robot, increasing the robot's speed decreases activity time and correspondingly reduces fan-out . Again with the fastest simple robots, the fan-out drops very low (the user cannot even keep one robot going all the time) and the interaction effort is quite different from the slower robots. This confirms the change in interaction when fan-out drops. This indicates that the fan-out equation does not completely capture all of the relationships between fan-out and interaction. This is also confirmed when we look at the interaction effort for the bounce robots. As speed increases, fan-out drops, as we would expect. However, interaction effort also drops steadily by a small amount. This would confirm the robot monitoring and context switching effort that we hypothesized. As fan-out is reduced, these two components of interaction effort should correspondingly reduce while other interactive costs remain constant. This would explain the trend in the data from test 4. CONCLUSIONS It is clear from the test that the fan-out equation does model many of the effects of human interaction with multiple robots. The experiments also indicate that interaction effort, as computed from activity time and fan-out can be used to compare the quality of different HRI designs. This gives us a mechanism for evaluating the user interface part of human-robot interaction. However, it is also clear that fan-out has more underlying complexity that the equation would indicate. This is particularly true with very low fan-out REFERENCES 1. 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CHI 2004 Paper 24-29 April Vienna, Austria Volume 6, Number 1 238
multiple robots;Human-robot interaction;interaction time;fan-out;interaction effort;human-robot interaction;neglect time;user interface;fan-out equation;activity time
Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression
We give experimental evidence for the benefits of order-preserving compression in sorting algorithms . While, in general, any algorithm might benefit from compressed data because of reduced paging requirements, we identified two natural candidates that would further benefit from order-preserving compression, namely string-oriented sorting algorithms and word-RAM algorithms for keys of bounded length. The word-RAM model has some of the fastest known sorting algorithms in practice. These algorithms are designed for keys of bounded length, usually 32 or 64 bits, which limits their direct applicability for strings. One possibility is to use an order-preserving compression scheme, so that a bounded-key-length algorithm can be applied. For the case of standard algorithms, we took what is considered to be the among the fastest nonword RAM string sorting algorithms, Fast MKQSort, and measured its performance on compressed data. The Fast MKQSort algorithm of Bentley and Sedgewick is optimized to handle text strings. Our experiments show that order-compression techniques results in savings of approximately 15% over the same algorithm on noncompressed data. For the word-RAM, we modified Andersson's sorting algorithm to handle variable-length keys. The resulting algorithm is faster than the standard Unix sort by a factor of 1.5X . Last, we used an order-preserving scheme that is within a constant additive term of the optimal HuTucker, but requires linear time rather than O(m log m), where m = | | is the size of the alphabet.
INTRODUCTION In recent years, the size of corporate data collections has grown rapidly. For example, in the mid-1980s, a large text collection was in the order of 500 MB. Today, large text collections are over a thousand times larger. At the same time, archival legacy data that used to sit in tape vaults is now held on-line in large data warehouses and regularly accessed. Data-storage companies, such as EMC, have emerged to serve this need for data storage, with market capitalizations that presently rival that of all but the largest PC manufacturers. Devising algorithms for these massive data collections requires novel techniques . Because of this, over the last 10 years there has been renewed interest in research on indexing techniques, string-matching algorithms, and very large database-management systems among others. Consider, for example, a corporate setting, such as a bank, with a large collection of archival data, say, a copy of every bank transaction ever made. Data is stored in a data-warehouse facility and periodically accessed, albeit perhaps somewhat unfrequently. Storing the data requires a representation that is succinct , amenable to arbitrary searches, and supports efficient random access. Aside from savings in storage, a no less important advantage of a succinct representation of archival data is a resulting improvement in performance of sorting and searching operations. This improvement is twofold: First, in general , almost any sorting and searching algorithm benefits from operating on smaller keys, as this leads to a reduced number of page faults as observed by Moura et al. [1997]. Second, benefits can be derived from using a word-RAM (unit-cost RAM) sorting algorithm, such as that of [Andersson 1994; Andersson and Nilsson 1998]. This algorithm sorts n w-bits keys on a unit-cost RAM with word size w in time O(n log n). As one can expect, in general, this algorithm cannot be applied to strings as the key length is substantially larger than the word size. However, if all or most of the keys can be compressed to below the word size, then this algorithm can be applied--with ensuing gains in performance . There are many well-known techniques for compressing data, however, most of them are not order preserving and do not support random access to the data as the decoding process is inherently sequential [Bell et al. 1990; Knuth 1997]. Hence, it is important that the compression technique be static as well as order preserving. This rules out many of the most powerful compression techniques, such as those based on the ZivLempel method [Ziv and Lempel 1978], which are more attuned to compression of long text passages in any event (we note, however, that it is possible to implement certain search operations on Lempel Ziv encoded text as shown by Farach and Thorup [1998], and K arkk ainen and Ukknonen [1996]). The need to preserve order also eliminates many dictionary techniques, such as Huffman codes [Knuth 1997; Antoshenkov 1997]. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression 3 Hence, we consider a special type of static code, namely, order-preserving compression schemes, which are similar to Huffman codes. More precisely, we are given an alphabet with an associated frequency p i for each symbol s i . The compression scheme E : {0, 1} maps each symbol into an element of a set of prefix-free strings over {0, 1} . The goal is to minimize the entropy s i p i |E(s i ) | with the added condition that if s i < s j then E(s i ) < E(s j ) in the lexicographic ordering of {0, 1} . This is in contrast to Huffman codes, which, in general, do not preserve the order of the initial alphabet. Such a scheme is known as order preserving. Optimal order-preserving compression schemes were introduced by Gilbert and Moore [1959] who gave an O(n 3 ) algorithm for computing the optimal code. This was later improved by Hu and Tucker, who gave a (n log n) algorithm, which is optimal [Hu 1973]. In this paper we use a linear time-encoding algorithm that approximates the optimal order-preserving compression scheme to within a constant additive term to produce a compressed form of the data. The savings are of significance when dealing with large alphabets, which arise in applications, such as DNA databases and compression, on words. We test the actual quality of the compression scheme on real string data and obtain that the compressed image produced by the linear algorithm is within 0.4, and 5.2% of the optimal, in the worst case. The experiments suggest that the compression ratio is, in practice, much better than what is predicted by theory. Then, using the compressed form, we test the performance of the sorting algorithm against the standard Unix sort in the Sun Solaris OS. Using data from a 1-GB world wide web crawl, we study first the feasability of compressing the keys to obtain 64-bit word-length keys. In this case we obtain that only 2% of the keys cannot be resolved within the first 64 significant bits. This small number of keys are flagged and resolved in a secondary stage. For this modified version of Andersson's, we report a factor of 1.5X improvement over the timings reported by Unix sort. As noted above, an important advantage of order-preserving compression schemes is that they support random access. As such we consider as a likely application scenario that the data is stored in compressed format. As an example , consider a database-management system (DBMS). Such systems often use sorting as an intermediate step in the process of computing a join statement. The DBMS would benefit from an order-preserving compression scheme, first, by allowing faster initial loading (copying) of the data into memory and, second, by executing a sorting algorithm tuned for compressed data, which reduces both processing time and the amount of paging required by the algorithm itself if the data does not fit in main memory. The contribution of each of these aspects is highlighted later in Tables V and VI. The paper is laid out as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the linear time algorithm for encoding and observe that its approximation term follows from a theorem of Bayer [1975]. In Section 3, we compare the compression ratio empirically for string data using the Calgary corpus. In Section 4, we compare the performance of sorting algorithms aided by order-preserving data compression. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. 4 A. L opez-Ortiz et al. ORDER-PRESERVING COMPRESSION We consider the problem of determining code-words (encoded forms) such that the compression ratio is as high as possible. Code-words may or may not have the prefix property. In the prefix property case, the problem reduces to finding an optimum alphabetic binary tree. 2.1 Problem Definition Formally, the problem of finding optimal alphabetic binary trees can be stated as follows: Given a sequence of n positive weights w 1 , w 2 , , w n , find a binary tree in which all weights appear in the leaves such that r The weights on the leaves occur in order when traversing the tree from left to right. Such a tree is called an alphabetic tree. r The sum 1 in w i l i is minimized, where l i is the depth (distance from root) of the ith leave from left. If so, this is an optimal alphabetic tree. If we drop the first condition, the problem becomes the well-known problem of building Huffman trees, which is known to have the same complexity as sorting. 2.2 Previous Work Mumey introduced the idea of finding optimal alphabetic binary tree in linear time for some special classes of inputs in Mumey [1992]. One example is a simple case solvable in O(n) time when the values of the weights in the initial sequence are all within a term of two. Mumey showed that the region-based method, described in Mumey [1992], exhibits linear time performance for a significant variety of inputs. Linear time solutions were discovered for the following special cases: when the input sequence of nodes is sorted sequence, bitonic sequence, weights exponentially separated, and weights within a constant factor [see Larmore and Przytycka 1998]. Moura et al. [1997] considered the benefits of constructing a suffix tree over compressed text using an order-preserving code. In their paper, they observe dramatic savings in the construction of a suffix tree over the compressed text. 2.3 A Simple Linear-Approximation Algorithm Here, we present an algorithm that creates a compression dictionary in linear time on the size of the alphabet and whose compression ratio compares very favorably to that of optimal algorithms which have (n log n) running time, where n is the number of symbols or tokens for the compression scheme. For the purposes of presentation, we refer to the symbols or tokens as characters in an alphabet . In practice these "characters" might well correspond to, for example, entire English words or commonly occurring three-or four-letter combinations. In this case, the "alphabet" can have tens of thousands of tokens, and, hence, the importance of linear-time algorithms for creating the compression scheme. The idea of the proposed algorithm is to divide the set of weights into two almost equal size subsets and solve the problem recursively for them. As we ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression 5 show in Section 2.4, this algorithm finds a compression scheme within an additive term of 2 bits of the average code length found by Huffman or HuTucker algorithms. 2.4 Algorithm Let w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n be the weights of the alphabet characters or word codes to be compressed in alphabetical order. The procedure Make(i, j ) described below, finds a tree in which tokens with weights w i , w i +1 , . . . , w j are in the leaves: Procedure Make(i, j ) 1. if (i == j ) return a tree with one node containing w i . 2. Find k such that (w i + w i +1 + + w k ) - (w k +1 + + w j ) is minimum. 3. Let T 1 = Make(i, k) and T 2 = Make(k + 1, j ) 4. Return tree T with left subtree T 1 and right subtree T 2 . In the next two subsections we study (a) the time complexity of the proposed algorithm and (b) bounds on the quality of the approximation obtained. 2.5 Time Complexity First observe that, aside from line 2, all other operations take constant time. Hence, so long as line 2 of the algorithm can be performed in logarithmic time, then the running time T (n) of the algorithm would be given by the recursion T (n) = T(k)+T(n-k)+ O(log k), and, thus, T(n) = O(n). Therefore, the critical part of the algorithm is line 2: how to divide the set of weights into two subsets of almost the same size in logarithmic time. Suppose that for every k, the value of a k = b i + w i + w i +1 + + w k is given for all k i, where b i is a given integer to be specified later. Notice that the a j 's form an increasing sequence as a i < a i +1 < < a j . Now the expression in line 2 of the algorithm can be rewritten as follows: |(w i + w i +1 + + w k ) - (w k +1 + + w j ) | = |a j - 2a k + b i | Thus, given the value of a k , for all k, one can easily find the index u for which |a j -2a u +b i | is minimum using a variation of a one-sided binary search, known as galloping. Define a k : = k i =1 w k and, hence, b i = a i -1 = i -1 =1 w and modify the algorithm as follows: Procedure Make(i, j , b) 1. If (i == j ) return a tree with one node containing w i . 2. Let k = Minimize(i, j , b, 1). 3. Let T 1 = Make(i, k, b) and T 2 = Make(k + 1, j , a k ) 4. Return tree T with left subtree T 1 and right subtree T 2 . where the Minimize procedure is a one-sided binary search for the element closest to zero in the sequence {a j - 2a k - 2b} k . More precisely: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. 6 A. L opez-Ortiz et al. Procedure Minimize(i, j , b, g ) 1. if ( j - i 1) return min{|a j - 2a i - 2p|, |a j + 2b|}. 2. let = i + g, u = j - g. 3. if (a j - 2a - 2b) > 0 and (a j - 2a u - 2b) < 0 then return Minimize(i, j ,b,2g). 4. if (a j - 2a - 2b) < 0 then return Minimize( - g/2, ,b,1). 5. if (a j - 2a u - 2b) > 0 then return Minimize(u,u + g/2,b,1). The total time taken by all calls to Minimize is given by the recursion T (n) = T (k) + T(n - k) + log k, if k n/2 and T(n) = T(k) + T(n - k) + log(n - k) otherwise, where n is the number of elements in the entire range and k is the position of the element found in the first call to Make. This recursion has solution T (n) 2n - log n - 1, as can easily be verified: T (n) = T(k) + T(n - k) + log k 2n - 1 - log(n - k) - 1 2n - 1 - log n when k n/2. The case k > n/2 is analogous. To compute total time, we have that, at initialization time, the algorithm calculates a k for all k and then makes a call to Make(1, n, 0). The total cost of line 2 is linear and, hence, the entire algorithm takes time O(n). 2.6 Approximation Bounds Recall that a binary tree T can be interpreted as representing a coding for symbols corresponding to its leaves by assigning 0/1 labels to left/right branches, respectively. Given a tree T and a set of weights associated to its leaves, we denote as E(T ), the expected number of bits needed to represent each of these symbols using codes represented by the tree. More precisely, if T has n leaves with weights w 1 , . . . , w n and depths l 1 , . . . , l n , then E(T ) = n i =1 w i l i W (T ) where W (T ) is defined as the total sum of the weights n i =1 w i . Note that W (T ) = 1 for the case of probability frequency distributions. T HEOREM 2.1. Let T be the tree generated by our algorithm, and let T OPT be the optimal static binary order-preserving code. Then E(T ) E(T OPT ) + 2 This fact can be proved directly by careful study of the partition mechanism , depending on how large the central weight w k is. However we observe that a much more elegant proof can be derived from a rarely cited work by Paul Bayer [1975]. Consider a set of keys k 1 , . . . , k n , with probabilities p 1 , . . . , p n for successful searches and q 0 , q 1 , . . . , q n for unsuccessful searches. Let H = n i =1 -p i lg p i + n i =0 -q i lg q i denote the entropy of the associated probability distribution. Observe that from Shannon's source-coding theorem [Shannon 1948], we know that H E(T) for any tree T. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression 7 Definition 2.2. A weight-balanced tree is an alphabetic binary search tree constructed recursively from the root by minimizing the difference between the weights of the left and right subtrees. That is, a weight-balanced tree minimizes |W (L) - W (R)| in a similar fashion to procedure Make above. T HEOREM 2.3 [B AYER 1975]. Let S OPT denote the optimal alphabetic binary search tree, with keys in internal nodes and unsuccessful searches in external nodes. Let S denote a weight-balanced tree on the same keys, then E(S) H + 2 E(S OPT ) + 2 With this theorem at hand, we can now proceed with the original proof of Theorem 2.1. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2.1. We are given a set of symbols s i and weights w i with 1 i n. Consider the weight-balanced alphabetical binary search tree on n - 1 keys with successful search probabilities p i = 0 and unsuccessful search probabilities q i = w i -1 . Observe that there is a one-to-one mapping between alphabetic search trees for this problem and order-preserving codes. Moreover, the cost of the corresponding trees coincide. It is not hard to see that the tree constructed by Make corresponds to the weight-balanced tree, and that the optimal alphabetical binary search tree S OPT and the optimum HuTucker code tree T OPT also correspond to each other. Hence from Bayer's theorem we have E(T ) H + 2 E(S OPT ) + 2 = E(T OPT ) + 2 as required. This shows that in theory the algorithm proposed is fast and has only a small performance penalty in terms of compression over both the optimal encoding method and the information theoretical lower bound given by the entropy. EXPERIMENTS ON COMPRESSION RATIO In this section we experimentally compare the performance of the algorithm in terms of compression against other static-compression codes. We compare three algorithms: Huffman, HuTucker, and our algorithm on a number of random frequency distributions. We compared alphabets of size n, for variable n. In the case of English, this corresponds to compression on words, rather than on single characters. Each character was given a random weight between 0 and 100, 000, which is later normalized. The worst-case behavior of our algorithm in comparison with HuTucker and Huffman algorithms is shown in Table I. For each sample, we calculated the expected number of bits required by each algorithm on that frequency distribution and reported the ratio least favorable among those reported. We also compared the performance of the proposed linear-time algorithm with Huffman and HuTucker compression using the Calgary corpus, a common benchmark in the field of data compression. This is shown in Table II. We report both the compression ratio of each of the solutions as well as the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. 8 A. L opez-Ortiz et al. Table I. Comparison of the Three Algorithms Alphabet size n Linear / Huffman HuTucker /Huffman Linear/HuTucker n = 26 (10000 tests) 1.1028 1.0857 1.0519 n = 256 (10000 tests) 1.0277 1.0198 1.0117 n = 1000 (3100 tests) 1.0171 1.0117 1.0065 n = 2000 (1600 tests) 1.0147 1.0100 1.0053 n = 3000 (608 tests) 1.0120 1.0089 1.0038 Table II. Comparison Using the Calgary Corpus File Size (in bits) Huff. (%) Lin. (%) H-T (%) Lin./Huff. Lin./H-T H-T/Huff. bib.txt 890088 65 68 67 1.0487 1.0140 1.0342 book1.txt 6150168 57 61 59 1.0727 1.0199 1.0518 book2.txt 4886848 60 63 62 1.0475 1.0159 1.0310 paper1.txt 425288 62 65 64 1.0378 1.0075 1.0301 paper2.txt 657592 57 60 60 1.0520 1.0098 1.0418 paper3.txt 372208 58 61 60 1.0421 1.0099 1.0318 paper4.txt 106288 59 63 61 1.0656 1.0321 1.0324 paper5.txt 95632 62 65 64 1.0518 1.0151 1.0361 paper6.txt 304840 63 66 64 1.0495 1.0198 1.0290 progc.txt 316888 65 68 66 1.0463 1.0315 1.0143 progl.txt 573168 59 63 61 1.0637 1.0324 1.0302 progp.txt 395032 61 64 63 1.0583 1.0133 1.0443 trans.txt 749560 69 72 70 1.0436 1.0243 1.0187 news.txt 3016872 65 67 67 1.0403 1.0103 1.0296 geo 819200 70 72 71 1.0173 1.0098 1.0074 obj1 172032 74 76 75 1.0220 1.0149 1.0070 obj2 1974512 78 80 80 1.0280 1.0103 1.0175 pic 4105728 20 21 21 1.0362 1.0116 1.0242 comparative performance of the linear-time solution with the other two well-known static methods. As we can see, the penalty on the compression factor of the linear-time algorithm over Huffman, which is not order-preserving, or HuTucker, which takes time O(n log n), is minimal. It is important to observe that for the data set tested, the difference between the optimal HuTucker and the linear compression code was, in all cases, below 0.2 bits, which is much less than the worst-case additive term of 2 predicted by Bayer's theorem. STRING SORTING USING A WORD-RAM ALGORITHM In this section, we compare the performance of sorting on the compressed text against the uncompressed form [as in Moura et al. 1997], including Bentley and Sedgewicks's FastSort [Bentley and Sedgewick 1997], as well as Andersson's word-RAM sort [Andersson 1994]. Traditionally, word-RAM algorithms operate on unbounded length keys, such as strings, by using radix/bucket-sort variants which iteratively examine the keys [Andersson and Nilsson 1994]. In contrast, our method uses order-preserving compression to first reduce the size of the keys, then sort by using fixed-key size word-RAM algorithms [Andersson et al. 1995], sorting keys into buckets. We observed experimentally that this suffices to sort the vast majority of the strings when sorting 100 MB files of ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression 9 Table III. Percentage of Buckets Multiply Occupied (Web Crawl) Size in % Words Sharing a Bucket File Tokens Uncompressed HuTucker Linear Alphanumeric 515277 16 2 2 Alpha only 373977 21 3 3 web-crawled text data. In this case, each of the buckets contained very few elements , in practice. We also tested the algorithms on the Calgary corpus, which is a standard benchmark in the field of text compression. We consider the use of a word-RAM sorting algorithm to create a dictionary of the words appearing in a given text. The standard word-RAM algorithms have as a requirement that the keys fit within the word size of the RAM machine being used. Modern computers have word sizes of 32 or 64 bits. In this particular example, we tested Andersson's 32 bit implementation [Andersson and Nilsson 1998] of the O(n log log n) algorithm by Andersson et al. [1995]. We also tested the performance of Bentley and Sedgewick's [1997] MKQSort running on compressed data using order-preserving compression. The algorithm is a straightforward implementation of the code in Bentley and Sedgewick [1997]. Observe that one can use a word-RAM algorithm on keys longer than w bits by initially sorting on the first w bits of the key and then identifying "buckets" where two or more strings are "tied," i.e., share the first w bits. The algorithm proceeds recursively on each of these buckets until there are no further ties. This method is particularly effective if the number of ties is not too large. To study this effect, we consider two word dictionaries and a text source. One is collected from a 1-GB crawl of the world wide web, the second from all the unique words appearing in the Calgary corpus; the last one is a more recent 3.3-GB crawl of the world wide web. This is motivated by an indexing application for which sorting a large number of words was required. In principle, the result is equally applicable to other settings, such as sorting of alphanumeric fields in a database. In the case of the web crawl we considered two alternative tokenization schemes. The first one tokenizes on alphanumeric characters while the second ignores numbers in favor of words only. Table III shows the number of buckets that have more than one element after the first pass in the uncompressed and the compressed form of the text. We report both the figure for the proposed linear algorithm and for the optimal HuTucker scheme. Observe the dramatic reduction in the number of buckets that require further processing in the compressed data. In fact the numbers of ties in the compressed case is sufficiently small that aborting the recursion after the first pass and using a simpler sorting algorithm on the buckets is a realistic alternative. In comparison, in the uncompressed case the recursion reaches depth three in the worst case before other types of sorting become a realistic possibility. In the case of the Calgary corpus, the number of buckets with ties in the uncompressed form of the text ranged from 3 to 8%. After compressing the text, the number of ties, in all cases, rounded to 0 .0%. The specific figures for a subset of the Calgary corpus are shown in Table IV. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. 10 A. L opez-Ortiz et al. Table IV. Percentage of Buckets Multiply Occupied on the Text Subset of the Calgary Corpus Percentage Words Tied File Uncompressed HuTucker Linear paper1 5 0 0 paper2 4 0 0 paper3 6 0 0 paper4 4 0 0 paper5 3 0 0 paper6 4 0 0 book1 3 0 0 book2 8 0 0 bib 7 0 0 Notice that in all cases the performance of the optimal HuTucker algorithm and the linear algorithm is comparable. We should also emphasize that while the tests in this paper used compression on alphanumeric characters only, the compression scheme can be applied to entire words [see, for example, Mumey 1992]. In this case, the size of the code dictionary can range in the thousands of symbols, which makes the savings of a linear-time algorithm particularly relevant. Last, we considered a series of ten web crawls from Google, each of approximately 100 MB in size (3.3 GB in total). In this case, we operate under the assumption that the data is stored in the suitable format to the corresponding algorithm. We posit that it is desirable to store data in compressed format, as this results also in storage savings while not sacrificing searchability because of the order-preserving nature of the compression. We tokenized and sorted each of these files to create a dictionary, a common preprocessing step for some indexing algorithms. The tokenization was performed on nonalphanumeric characters. For this test, we removed tokens larger than 32 bits from the tokenized file. In practice, these tokens would be sorted using a second pass, as explained earlier. We first studied the benefits of order-preserving compression alone by comparing the time taken to sort the uncompressed and compressed forms of the text. The tokens were sorted using the Unix sort routine, Unix qsort, Fast MKQSort, and Andersson's sort algorithm [Andersson and Nilsson 1998]. Table V shows a comparison of CPU times among the different sorting algorithms, while Table VI shows the comparison in performance including I/O time for copying the data into memory. Note that there are observed gains both in CPU time alone and in CPU plus I/O timings as a result of using the data-compressed form. We report timings in individual form for the first three crawls as well as the average sorting time across all 10 files together with the variance. On the data provided, Fast MKQSort is the best possible choice with the compressed variant, being 20% faster than the uncompressed form. These are substantial savings for such a highly optimized algorithm. While, in this case, we focused on key lengths below w bits, the savings from compression can be realized by most other sorting, searching, or indexing mechanisms , both by the reduction of the key length field and by the reduced demands in terms of space. To emphasize, there are two aspects of order-preserving ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 10, Article No. 1.4, 2006. Fast String Sorting Using Order-Preserving Compression 11 Table V. CPU Time (in Seconds) as Reported by the Unix Time Utility Algorithm Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Average Variance QSort 2.41 2.29 2.33 2.33 0.04 QSort on compressed 2.17 2.18 2.20 2.20 0.05 Andersson 0.80 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.01 Fast Sort 0.88 0.89 0.86 0.88 0.02 Fast Sort on compressed 0.73 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.02 Binary Search 1.27 1.29 1.26 1.28 0.02 Binary Search on compressed 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.02 Table VI. Total System Time as Reported by the Unix time Utility Algorithm Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Average Variance Unix Sort 5.53 5.40 5.30 5.41 0.07 Unix Sort compressed 5.43 5.43 5.53 5.42 0.06 QSort 2.78 2.64 2.68 2.69 0.05 QSort on compressed 2.45 2.47 2.48 2.48 0.05 Andersson 3.63 3.60 3.67 3.61 0.04 Fast Sort 1.24 1.25 1.22 1.24 0.02 Fast Sort on compressed 1.00 1.04 1.02 1.03 0.02 Binary Search 1.63 1.64 1.62 1.65 0.02 Binary Search on compressed 1.36 1.38 1.37 1.38 0.02 compression, which have a positive impact on performance. The first is that when comparing two keys byte-per-byte, we are now, in fact, comparing more than key at once, since compressed characters fit at a rate of more than 1 per byte. Second, the orginal data size is reduced. This leads to a decrease in the amount of paging to external memory, which is often the principal bottleneck for algorithms on large data collections. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we studied the benefits of order-preserving compression for sorting strings in the word-RAM model. First, we propose a simple linear-approximation algorithm for optimal order-preserving compression, which acts reasonably well in comparison with optimum algorithms, both in theory and in practice. The approximation is within a constant additive term of both the optimum scheme and the information theoretical ideal, i.e., the entropy of the probabilistic distribution associated to the character frequency. We then test the benefits of this algorithm using the sorting algorithm of Andersson for the word-RAM, as well as Bentley and Sedgewick's fast MKQSort. We present experimental data based on a 1-GB web crawl, showing that Fast MKQSort and Andersson are more efficient for compressed data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Ian Munro for helpful discussions on this topic, as well as anonymous referees of an earlier version of this paper for their helpful comments. 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Order-preserving compression;String sorting;random access;Order-preserving compression scheme;linear time algorithm;Sorting algorithms;word-RAM sorting algorithm;RAM;sorting;unit-cost;compression scheme;compression ratio;word-RAM;data collection;Keys of bounded length
FBRAM: A new Form of Memory Optimized for 3D Graphics
FBRAM, a new form of dynamic random access memory that greatly accelerates the rendering of Z-buffered primitives, is presented . Two key concepts make this acceleration possible. The first is to convert the read-modify-write Z-buffer compare and RGBα blend into a single write only operation. The second is to support two levels of rectangularly shaped pixel caches internal to the memory chip. The result is a 10 megabit part that, for 3D graphics, performs read-modify-write cycles ten times faster than conventional 60 ns VRAMs. A four-way interleaved 100 MHz FBRAM frame buffer can Z-buffer up to 400 million pixels per second. Working FBRAM prototypes have been fabricated.
INTRODUCTION One of the traditional bottlenecks of 3D graphics hardware has been the rate at which pixels can be rendered into a frame buffer. Modern interactive 3D graphics applications require rendering platforms that can support 30 Hz animation of richly detailed 3D scenes. But existing memory technologies cannot deliver the desired rendering performance at desktop price points. The performance of hidden surface elimination algorithms has been limited by the pixel fill rate of 2D projections of 3D primitives. While a number of exotic architectures have been proposed to improve rendering speed beyond that achievable with conventional DRAM or VRAM, to date all commercially available workstation 3D accelerators have been based on these types of memory chips. This paper describes a new form of specialized memory, Frame Buffer RAM (FBRAM). FBRAM increases the speed of Z-buffer operations by an order of magnitude, and at a lower system cost than conventional VRAM. This speedup is achieved through two architectural changes: moving the Z compare and RGB blend operations inside the memory chip, and using two levels of appropri-ately shaped and interleaved on-chip pixel caches. PREVIOUS WORK After the Z-buffer algorithm was invented [3], the first Z-buffered hardware systems were built in the 1970's from conventional DRAM memory chips. Over time, the density of DRAMs increased exponentially, but without corresponding increases in I/O bandwidth . Eventually, video output bandwidth requirements alone exceeded the total DRAM I/O bandwidth. Introduced in the early 1980's, VRAM [18][20] solved the video output bandwidth problem by adding a separate video port to a DRAM. This allowed graphics frame buffers to continue to benefit from improving bit densities, but did nothing directly to speed rendering operations. More recently, rendering architectures have bumped up against a new memory chip bandwidth limitation: faster rendering engines have surpassed VRAM's input bandwidth. As a result, recent generations of VRAM have been forced to increase the width of their I/O busses just to keep up. For the last five years, the pixel fill (i.e. write) rates of minimum chip count VRAM frame buffers have increased by less than 30%. Performance gains have mainly been achieved in commercially available systems by brute force. Contemporary mid-range systems have employed 10-way and 20-way interleaved VRAM designs [1][14]. Recent high-end architectures have abandoned VRAM altogether in favor of massively interleaved DRAM: as much as 120-way interleaved DRAM frame buffers [2]. But such approaches do not scale to cost effective machines. More radical approaches to the problem of pixel fill have been ex-plored by a number of researchers. The most notable of these is the pixel-planes architecture [9][16], others include [7][8][11][4]. [12] and [10] contain a good summary of these architectures. What these architectures have in common is the avoidance of making the rendering of every pixel an explicit event on external pins. In the limit, only the geometry to be rendered need enter the chip(s), and the final pixels for video output exit. These research architectures excel at extremely fast Z-buffered fill of large areas. They achieve this at the expense of high cost, out-of-order rendering semantics, and various overflow exception cases. Many of these architectures ([16][11][4]) require screen space pre-sorting of primitives before rendering commences. As a consequence, intermediate geometry must be sorted and stored in large batches. FBRAM: A new Form of Memory Optimized for 3D Graphics Michael F Deering, Stephen A Schlapp, Michael G Lavelle Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation Unfortunately, the benefits from the fast filling of large polygons are rapidly diminishing with today's very finely tessellated objects. That is, the triangles are getting smaller [6]. The number of pixels filled per scene is not going up anywhere near as quickly as the total number of polygons. As 3D hardware rendering systems are finally approaching motion fusion rates (real time), additional improvements in polygon rates are employed to add more fine detail, rather than further increases in frame rates or depth complexity. Z-BUFFERING AND OTHER PIXEL PROCESSING OPERATIONS Fundamental to the Z-buffer hidden surface removal algorithm are the steps of reading the Z-buffer's old Z value for the current pixel being rendered, numerically comparing this value with the new one just generated, and then, as an outcome of this compare operation, either leaving the old Z (and RGB) frame buffer pixel values alone, or replacing the old Z (and RGB) value with the new. With conventional memory chips, the Z data must traverse the data pins twice: once to read out the old Z value, and then a second time to write the new Z value if it wins the comparison. Additional time must be allowed for the data pins to electrically "turn around" between reading and writing. Thus the read-modify-write Z-buffer transaction implemented using a straightforward read-turn-write-turn operation is four times longer than a pure write transaction. Batching of reads and writes (n reads, turn, n writes, turn) would reduce the read-modify -write cost to twice that of a pure write transaction for very large n, but finely tessellated objects have very small values of n, and still suffer a 3-4 penalty. This is the first problem solved by FBRAM. Starting with a data width of 32 bits per memory chip, FBRAM now makes it possible for the Z comparison to be performed entirely inside the memory chip. Only if the internal 32 bit numeric comparison succeeds does the new Z value actually replace the old value. Thus the fundamental read-modify-write operation is converted to a pure write operation at the data pins. Because more than 32-bits are needed to represent a double buffered RGBZ pixel, some way of transmitting the results of the Z comparison across multiple chips is required. The Z comparison result is communicated on a single external output signal pin of the FBRAM containing the Z planes, instructing FBRAM chips containing other planes of the frame buffer whether or not to write a new value. The Z-buffer operation is the most important of the general class of read-modify-write operations used in rendering. Other important conditional writes which must be communicated between FBRAMs include window ID compare [1] and stenciling. Compositing functions, rendering of transparent objects, and antialiased lines require a blending operation, which adds a specified fraction of the pixel RGB value just generated to a fraction of the pixel RGB value already in the frame buffer. FBRAM provides four 8-bit 100 MHz multiplier-adders to convert the read-modify-write blending operation into a pure write at the pins. These internal blend operations can proceed in parallel with the Z and window ID compare operations, supported by two 32-bit comparators. One of the comparators supports magnitude tests ( >, , <, , =, ), the other supports match tests ( =, ). Also, traditional boolean bit-operations (for RasterOp) are supported inside the FBRAM. This collection of processing units is referred to as the pixel ALU. Converting read-modify-write operations into pure write operations at the data pins permits FBRAM to accept data at a 100 MHz rate. To match this rate, the pixel ALU design is heavily pipelined, and can process pixels at the rate of 100 million pixels per second. Thus in a typical four-way interleaved frame buffer design the maximum theoretical Z-buffered pixel fill rate of an FBRAM based system is 400 mega pixels per second. By contrast, comparable frame buffers constructed with VRAM achieve peak rates of 33-66 mega pixels per second [5][14]. Now that pixels are arriving and being processed on-chip at 100 MHz, we next consider the details of storing data. DRAM FUNDAMENTALS Dynamic memory chips achieve their impressive densities (and lower costs) by employing only a single transistor per bit of storage. These storage cells are organized into pages; typically there are several thousand cells per page. Typical DRAM arrays have hundreds or thousands of pages. Per bit sense amplifiers are provided which can access an entire page of the array within 120 ns. These sense amplifiers retain the last data accessed; thus they function as a several thousand bit page buffer. The limited number of external I/O pins can perform either a read or a write on a small subset of the page buffer at a higher rate, typically every 40 ns. FBRAM starts with these standard DRAM components, and adds a multiported high speed SRAM and pixel ALU. All of this is organized within a caching hierarchy, optimized for graphics access patterns , to address the bandwidth mismatch between the high speed pins and the slow DRAM cells. PIXEL CACHING The cache system design goal for FBRAM is to match the 100 MHz read-modify-write rate of the pixel ALU with the 8 MHz rate of the DRAM cells. Figure 1 illustrates this cache design challenge. Caches have long been used with general purpose processors; even a small cache can be very effective [17]. But caches have been much less used with graphics rendering systems. The data reference patterns of general purpose processors exhibit both temporal and spatial locality of reference. Temporal locality is exhibited when multiple references are made to the same data within a short period of time. Spatial locality is exhibited when multiple references within a small address range are made within a short period of time. Caches also reduce the overall load on the memory bus by grouping several memory accesses into a single, more efficient block access. Graphics hardware rendering does not exhibit much temporal locality , but does exhibit spatial locality with a vengeance. Raster rendering algorithms for polygons and vectors are a rich source of spatial locality. Although the bandwidth available inside a dynamic memory chip is orders of magnitude greater than that available at the pins, this in-Dynamic Memory ALU ? 32-bits @ 100MHz 2 32-bits @ 100MHz 10,240-bits @ 8MHz Figure 1. Bandwidth mismatch between pixel ALU and DRAM. FBRAM ternal bandwidth is out of reach for architectures in which the pixel cache is external to the memory chips. Others have recognized the potential of applying caching to Z-buffered rendering [13], but they were constrained to building their caches off chip. Such architectures can at best approach the rendering rate constrained by the memory pin bandwidth. As a result, these caching systems offer little or no performance gain over SIMD or MIMD interleaved pixel rendering. With FBRAM, by contrast, the pixel caches are internal to the individual memory chips. Indeed, as will be seen, two levels of internal caches are employed to manage the data flow. The miss rates are minimized by using rectangular shaped caches. The miss costs are reduced by using wide and fast internal busses, augmented by an aggressive predictive pre-fetch algorithm. Each successive stage from the pins to the DRAM cells has slower bus rates, but FBRAM compensates for this with wider busses. Because the bus width increases faster than the bus rate decreases, their product (bus bandwidth) increases, making caching a practical solution. FBRAM INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE Modern semiconductor production facilities are optimized for a certain silicon die area and fabrication process for a given generation of technology. FBRAM consists of 10 megabits of DRAM, a video buffer, a small cache, and a graphics processor, all implemented in standard DRAM process technology. The result is a die size similar to a 16 megabit DRAM. A 10 megabit FBRAM is 320 102432 in size; four FBRAMs exactly form a standard 1280 102432 frame buffer. Figure 2 is an internal block diagram of a single FBRAM [15]. The DRAM storage is broken up into four banks, referred to as banks A,B,C, and D. Each bank contains 256 pages of 320 words (32 bits per word). Each bank is accessed through a sense amplifier page buffer capable of holding an entire 320 word page (10,240 bits). Banks can be accessed at a read-modify-write cycle time of 120 ns. Video output pixels can be copied from the page buffer to one of two ping-pong video buffers, and shifted out to the display. FBRAM has a fast triple-ported SRAM register file. This register file is organized as eight blocks of eight 32-bit words. Capable of cycling at 100 MHz, two of the ports (one read, one write) of the register file allow 10 ns throughput for pipelined 32-bit read-modi-DRAM Bank B Video Buffer Video Buffer DRAM Bank A DRAM Bank C DRAM Bank D SRAM 2Kb ALU 256 640 640 640 640 16 32 Video Data Global Bus 32 32 Render Data Page Buffer Page Buffer Page Buffer Page Buffer 2.5Mb 10Kb 10Kb 10Kb 10Kb 2.5Mb 2.5Mb 2.5Mb FBRAM Figure 2. Internal block diagram of a single FBRAM. fy-write ALU operations: Z-buffer compare, RGB blend, or boolean -operations. The third port allows parallel transfer of an entire block (8 words) to or from a page buffer at a 20 ns cycle time via a 256-bit "Global Bus". FBRAM has two independent sets of control and address lines: one for the two ALU ports of the SRAM register file; the other for operations involving a DRAM bank. This allows DRAM operations to proceed in parallel with SRAM operations. The cache control logic was intentionally left off-chip, to permit maximum flexibility and also to keep multiple chips in lock step. FBRAM AS CACHE Internally, the SRAM register file is a level one pixel cache (L1$), containing eight blocks. Each block is a 2 wide by 4 high rectangle of (32-bit) pixels. The cache set associativity is determined external to the FBRAM, permitting fully associative mapping. The L1$ uses a write back policy; multiple data writes to each L1$ block are ac-cumulated for later transfer to the L2$. Taken together, the four sense amplifier page buffers constitute a level two pixel cache (L2$). The L2$ is direct mapped; each page buffer is mapped to one of the pages of its corresponding DRAM bank. Each L2$ entry contains one page of 320 32-bit words shaped as a 20 wide by 16 high rectangle of pixels. The L2$ uses a write through policy; data written into a L2$ entry goes immediately into its DRAM bank as well. The Global Bus connects the L1$ to the L2$. A 2 4 pixel block can be transferred between the L1$ and L2$ in 20 ns. Four parallel "sense amplifier buses" connect the four L2$ entries to the four DRAM banks. A new 20 16 pixel DRAM page can be read into a given L2$ entry from its DRAM bank as often as every 120 ns. Reads to different L2$ entries can be launched every 40 ns. FOUR WAY INTERLEAVED FBRAM FRAME BUFFER The previous sections described a single FBRAM chip. But to fully appreciate FBRAM's organization, it is best viewed in one of its natural environments: a four way horizontally interleaved three chip deep 1280 102496-bit double buffered RGB Z frame buffer. Figure 3 shows the chip organization of such a frame buffer, with two support blocks (render controller and video output). Figure 4 is a logical block diagram considering all 12 chips as one system. The rgb A rgb B Z rgb A rgb B Z rgb A rgb B Z rgb A rgb B Z Rendering Controller Video Output Figure 3. A four-way interleaved frame buffer system composed of 12 FBRAMs (1280 1024, double buffered 32-bit RGB plus 32-bit Z). discussions of the operations of FBRAM to follow are all based on considering all 12 memory chips as one memory system. Horizontally interleaving four FBRAMs quadruples the number of data pins; now four RGBZ pixels can be Z-buffered, blended, and written simultaneously. This interleaving also quadruples the size of the caches and busses in the horizontal dimension. Thus the L1$ can now be thought of as eight cache blocks, each 8 pixels wide by 4 pixels high. Taken together, the individual Global Buses in the 12 chips can transfer an 8 4 pixel block between the L1$ and L2$. The four L2$ entries are now 80 pixels wide by 16 pixels high (see Figure 4). All three levels of this memory hierarchy operate concurrently. When the addressed pixels are present in the L1$, the four way interleaved FBRAMs can process 4 pixels every 10 ns. On occasion, the L1$ will not contain the desired pixels (an "L1$ miss"), incurring a 40 ns penalty ("L1$ miss cost"): 20 ns to fetch the missing block from the L2$ for rendering, 20 ns to write the block back to the L2$ upon completion. Even less often, the L2$ will not contain the block of pixels needed by the L1$ (an "L2$ miss"), incurring a 40-120 ns penalty ("L2$ miss cost") depending upon the scheduling status of the DRAM bank. This example four way interleaved frame buffer will be assumed for the remainder of this paper. RECTANGULAR CACHES REDUCE MISS RATE The organization so far shows pixels moving between fast, narrow data paths to slow, wide ones. As can be seen in Figure 4, there is sufficient bandwidth between all stages to, in theory, keep up with the incoming rendered pixels, so long as the right blocks and pages are flowing. We endeavor to achieve this through aggressive prefetching of rectangular pixel regions. Level 2 Cache DRAM Bank Level 1 Cache ALU(4) read-modify-write 4 1 pixels@10 ns = 800 Mpixels/second read or write 8 4 pixels@20 ns = 1600 Mpixels/second write-modify-read 80 16 pixels@120 ns = 10600 Mpixels/second per bank; Can overlap banks @40 ns = 32 Gpixels/second Global Bus Figure 4. A logical representation of a four-way horizontally interleaved frame buffer composed of 12 FBRAMs. write (or read) 4 1 pixels@10 ns = 400 Mpixels/second 8 wide 4 high 8 block 80 wide 16 high 1 page per bank Locality of reference in graphics rendering systems tends to be to neighboring pixels in 2D. Because of this, graphics architects have long desired fast access to square regions [19]. Unfortunately, the standard VRAM page and video shift register dimensions result in efficient access only to long narrow horizontal regions. FBRAM solves this problem by making both caches as square as possible. Because the L1$ blocks are 8 4 pixels, thin line rendering algorithms tend to pass through four to eight pixels per L1$ block, resulting in a L1$ miss every fourth to eighth pixel (a "miss rate" of 1/4 to 1/8). Parallel area rendering algorithms can aim to utilize all 32 pixels in a block, approaching a miss rate of 1/32. Similarly, because the L2$ blocks are 80 16 pixels, L2$ miss rates are on the order of 1/16 to 1/80 for thin lines, and asymptotically approach 1/1280 for large areas. These simplistic miss rate approximations ignore fragmentation effects : lines may end part way through a block or page, polygon edges usually cover only a fraction of a block or page. In addition, fragmentation reduces the effective pin bandwidth, as not all four horizontally interleaved pixels ("quads") can be used every cycle. FBRAM's block and page dimensions were selected to minimize the effects of fragmentation. Table 1 displays the average number of L1$ blocks (B), and L2$ pages (P) touched when rendering various sizes of thin lines and right isosceles triangles (averaged over all orientations and positions), for a range of alternative cache aspect ratios. The white columns indicate FBRAM's dimensions. Note that smaller primitives consume more blocks and pages per rendered pixel, due to fragmentation effects. Although the table implies that a page size of 40 32 is better than 8016, practical limitations of video output overhead (ignored in this table, and to be discussed in section 13), dictated choosing 80 16. OPERATING THE FRAME BUFFER For non-cached rendering architectures, theoretical maximum performance rates can be derived from statistics similar to Table 1. This is pessimistic for cached architectures such as FBRAM. Because of spatial locality, later primitives (neighboring triangles of a strip) will often "re-touch" a block or page before it is evicted from the cache, requiring fewer block and page transfers. Additional simulations were performed to obtain the quad, page, and block transfer rates. The left half of Table 2 shows the results for FBRAM's chosen dimensions. Equation 1 can be used to determine the upper bound on the number of primitives rendered per second using FBRAM. The performance Average Pages/Prim Average Blocks/Prim 320 4 160 8 80 16 40 32 32 1 16 2 8 4 10 Pix Vec 2.61 1.84 1.48 1.36 7.57 4.58 3.38 20 Pix Vec 4.21 2.68 1.97 1.71 14.1 8.15 5.76 50 Pix Vec 9.02 5.20 3.42 2.78 33.8 18.9 12.9 100 Pix Vec 17.1 9.42 5.85 4.57 66.6 36.8 24.9 25 Pix Tri 2.96 2.02 1.60 1.46 9.75 6.12 4.68 50 Pix Tri 3.80 2.45 1.89 1.67 13.8 8.72 6.67 100 Pix Tri 4.97 3.05 2.24 1.94 20.0 12.8 9.89 1000 Pix Tri 14.2 8.05 5.41 4.49 82.5 59.6 50.5 Table 1 Average number of Pages or Blocks touched per primitive is set by the slowest of the three data paths (quads at the pins and ALU, blocks on the global bus, pages to DRAM): (1) where the denominators Q, B, and P are obtained from the left half of Table 2, and the numerators R Q , R B , R P are the bus rates for quads, blocks and pages. Referring again to Figure 4, R Q is 100 million quads/sec through the ALU (4 pixels/quad), R B is 25 million blocks/sec (40 ns per block, one 20 ns prefetch read plus one 20 ns writeback) and R P is 8.3 million pages/sec (120 ns per page). The right half of Table 2 gives the three terms of Equation 1. The white columns indicate the performance limit (the minimum of the three for each case). Equation 1 assumes that whenever the L1$ is about to miss, the rendering controller has already brought the proper block in from the L2$ into the L1$. Similarly, whenever the L2$ is about to miss, the rendering controller has already brought the proper page in from the DRAM bank into the L2$. To achieve such clairvoyance, the controller must know which pages and blocks to prefetch or write back. The FBRAM philosophy assumes that the rendering controller queues up the pixel operations external to the FBRAMs, and snoops this write queue to predict which pages and blocks will be needed soon. These needed pages and blocks are prefetched using the DRAM operation pins, while the SRAM operation pins are used to render pixels into the L1$ at the same time. Cycle accurate simulation of such architectures have shown this technique to be quite effective. Although pages can only be fetched to one L2$ entry every 120 ns, it is possible to fetch pages to different L2$ entries every 40 ns. To reduce the prefetching latency, banks A, B, C and D are interleaved in display space horizontally and vertically, as shown in Figure 5, ensuring that no two pages from the same bank are adjacent horizontally , vertically, or diagonally. This enables pre-fetching any neighboring page while rendering into the current page. As an example, while pixels of vector b in Figure 5 are being rendered into page 0 of bank A, the pre-fetch of page 0 of bank C can be in progress. Usually the pre-fetch from C can be started early enough to avoid idle cycles between the last pixel in page 0 of bank A and the first pixel in page 0 of bank C. The key idea is that even for vertical vectors, such as vector d, we can pre-fetch pages of pixels ahead of the rendering as fast as the rendering can cross a page. Even though vector c rapidly crosses three pages, they can still be fetched at a 40ns rate because they are Average Misses/Prim Million Prim/sec Q uad B lock P age Q uad Perf B lock Perf P age Perf 10 Pix Vec 8.75 2.35 0.478 11.4 10.6 17.4 20 Pix Vec 16.4 4.71 0.955 6.10 5.31 8.72 50 Pix Vec 38.9 11.8 2.40 2.57 2.12 3.47 100 Pix Vec 76.7 23.4 4.83 1.30 1.07 1.72 25 Pix Tri 11.6 1.70 0.308 8.62 14.7 27.0 50 Pix Tri 20.2 3.04 0.422 4.95 8.22 19.7 100 Pix Tri 36.1 6.54 0.605 2.77 3.82 13.8 1000 Pix Tri 286. 46.7 4.37 0.350 0.535 1.91 Table 2 FBRAM Performance Limits primitives/sec min R Q Q ------- R B B ------- R P P , , ( ) = from three different banks. Appendix A gives a detailed cycle by cycle example of rendering a 10 pixel vector. When vectors are chained (vector e), the last pixel of one segment and the first pixel of the next segment will almost always be in the same bank and page. Even when segments are isolated, the probability is 75% that the last pixel of one segment and first pixel of next segment will be in different banks, thus enabling overlapping of DRAM bank fetches to L2$. PIXEL RECTANGLE FILL OPERATINGS As fast as the FBRAM pixel write rate is, it is still valuable to provide optimizations for the special case of large rectangle fill. These specifically include clearing to a constant value or to a repeating pattern. Fast clearing of the RGBZ planes is required to achieve high frame rates during double buffered animation. FBRAM provides two levels of acceleration for rectangle filling of constant data. Both are obtained by bypassing the bandwidth bottlenecks shown in Figure 4. In the first method, once an 8 4 L1$ block has been initialized to a constant color or pattern, the entire block can be copied repeatedly to different blocks within the L2$ at global bus transfer rates. This feature taps the full bandwidth of the global bus, bypassing the pin/ ALU bandwidth bottleneck. Thus regions can be filled at a 4 higher rate (1.6 billion pixels per second, for a four-way interleaved frame buffer). The second method bypasses both the pin/ALU and the Global Bus bottlenecks, effectively writing 1,280 pixels in one DRAM page cycle . First, the method described in the previous paragraph is used to initialize all four pages of the L2$, then these page buffers are rapidly copied to their DRAM banks at a rate of 40 ns per page. Thus for large areas, clearing to a constant color or screen aligned pattern can proceed at a peak rate of 32 billion pixels per second (0.25 ter-abytes/sec ), assuming a four-way interleaved design. WINDOW SYSTEM SUPPORT The most important feature of FBRAM for window system support is simply its high bandwidth; however two window system specific optimizations are also included. Full read-modify-write cycles require two Global Bus transactions: a prefetching read from the L2$, and copyback write to the L2$. Most window system operations do not require read-modify-write cycles when rendering text and simple 2D graphics. For such write-0 16 32 48 64 0 80 A:0 x y 160 80 96 C:0 A:8 C:8 B:0 D:0 B:8 D:8 a b c d e f g A:16 C:16 A:24 C:24 B:16 D:16 B:24 D:24 112 h A:1 C:1 A:9 C:9 A:17 C:17 A:25 C:25 Figure 5. The upper left corner of the frame buffer, showing pages 0-255, and example primitives a-h. vertically and horizontally interleaved banks A-D, only operations, the number of Global Bus transactions can be cut in half, improving performance. This is accomplished by skipping the pre-fetching read of a new block from the L2$ to L1$. Vertical scrolling is another frequent window system operation accelerated by FBRAM. This operation is accelerated by performing the copy internal to the FBRAM. This results in a pixel scroll rate of up to 400 million pixels per second. VIDEO OUTPUT VRAM solved the display refresh bandwidth problem by adding a second port, but at significant cost in die area. FBRAM also provides a second port for video (see Figure 2), but at a smaller area penalty. Like VRAM, FBRAM has a pair of ping-pong video buffers, but unlike VRAM, they are much smaller in size: 80 pixels each for a four-way interleaved FBRAM frame buffer vs. 1,280 pixels each for a five-way interleaved VRAM frame buffer. These smaller buffers save silicon and enable a rectangular mapping of pages to the display, but at the price of more frequent video buffer loads. The FBRAM video buffers are loaded directly from the DRAM bank page buffers (L2$, 80 16 pixels), selecting one of the 16 scan lines in the page buffer. The cost of loading a video buffer in both FBRAM and VRAM is typically 120-200 ns. To estimate an upper bound for FBRAM video refresh overhead for a 1280 1024 76Hz non-interlaced video display, assume that all rendering operations cease during the 200 ns video buffer load interval . During each frame, a grand total of 3.28 ms (200 ns 12801024 pixels / 80 pixels) of video buffer loads are needed for video refresh. Thus 76 Hz video refresh overhead could theoretically take away as much as 25% of rendering performance. The actual video overhead is only 5-10% for several reasons. First, the pixel ALU can still access its side of the L1$ during video refresh , because video transfers access the L2$. Second, although one of the four banks is affected by video refresh, global bus transfers to the other three banks can still take place. Finally, it is usually possible to schedule video transfers so that they do not conflict with rendering, reducing the buffer load cost from 200 to 120 ns. For high frame rate displays, the raster pattern of FBRAM video output refresh automatically accomplishes DRAM cell refresh, imposing no additional DRAM refresh tax. FBRAM PERFORMANCE The model developed in section 10 gave theoretical upper bounds on the performance of a four-way interleaved FBRAM system. But to quantify the performance obtainable by any real system built with FBRAM, a number of other factors must be considered. First, a 10% derating of the section 10 model should be applied to account for the additional overhead due to video and content refresh described in section 13. The sophistication of the cache prediction and scheduling algorithm implemented will also affect performance. Equation 1 assumed that the cache controller achieves complete overlap between the three data paths; this is not always possible. More detailed simulations show that aggressive controllers can achieve 75% (before video tax) of the performance results in table 2. Taking all of these effects into account, simulations of buildable four-way interleaved FBRAM systems show sustained rates of 3.3 million 50 pixel Z-buffered triangles per second, and 7 million 10 pixel non-antialiased Z-buffered vectors per second. FBRAM systems with higher external interleave factor can sustain performances in the tens of millions of small triangles per second range. All of our simulations assume that the rest of the graphics system can keep up with the FBRAM, delivering four RGB Z pixels every 10 ns. While this is a formidable challenge, pixel interpolation and vertex floating point processing ASICs are on a rapidly improving performance curve, and should be able to sustain the desired rates. FBRAM performance can be appreciated by comparing it with the pixel fill rate of the next generation Pixel Planes rasterizing chips [16], although FBRAM does not directly perform the triangle ras-terization function. The pixel fill rate for a single FBRAM chip is only a factor of four less than the peak (256 pixel rectangle) fill rate of a single Pixel Planes chip, but has 400 times more storage capacity . Next let us contrast the read-modify-write performance of FBRAM to a 60 ns VRAM. Assuming no batching, VRAM page mode requires in excess of 125 ns to do what FBRAM does in 10 ns; a 12.5 speed difference. Batching VRAM reads and writes to minimize bus-turns, as described in section 3, does not help as much as one might think. Typical VRAM configurations have very few scan lines per page, which causes fragmentation of primitives, limiting batch sizes. Table 1 shows that for a 320 4 page shape, a 50 pixel triangle touches 3.8 pages, averaging 13 pixels per page. For a five way interleaved frame buffer, an average of only 2.6 pixels can be batched per chip. OTHER DRAM FFSHOOTS A veritable alphabet soup of new forms of DRAM are at various stages of development by several manufactures: CDRAM, DRAM, FBRAM, RAMBUS, SDRAM, SGRAM, SVRAM, VRAM, and WRAM. For 3D graphics, FBRAM is distinguished as the only technology to directly support Z-buffering, alpha blending, and ROPs. Only FBRAM converts read-modify-write operations into pure write operations; this alone accounts for a 3-4 performance advantage at similar clock rates. Other than CDRAM, only FBRAM has two levels of cache, and efficient support of rectangular cache blocks. It is beyond the scope of this paper to derive precise comparative 3D rendering performance for all these RAMs, but FBRAM appears to be several times faster than any of these alternatives. FUTURES The demand for faster polygon rendering rates shows no sign of abating for some time to come. However, as was observed at the end of section 2, the number of pixels filled per scene is not going up anywhere near as rapidly. Future increases in pixel resolution, frame rate, and/or depth complexity are likely to be modest. Future predictions of where technology is going are at best approximations , and their use should be limited to understanding trends. With these caveats in mind, Figure 6 explores trends in polygon rendering rate demand vs. memory technologies over the next several years. The figure shows the projected pixel fill rate (including fragmentation effects) demanded as the polygon rate increases over time (from the data in [6]). It also displays the expected delivered pixel fill rates of minimum chip count frame buffers implemented using FBRAM and VRAM technologies (extrapolating from Equation 1 and from the systems described in [14][5]). The demand curve is above that achievable inexpensively with conventional VRAM or DRAM, but well within the range of a minimum chip count FBRAM system. The trend curve for FBRAM has a steeper slope because, unlike VRAM, FBRAM effectively decouples pixel rendering rates from the inherently slower DRAM single transistor access rates. This will allow future versions of FBRAM to follow the more rapidly increasing SRAM performance trends. FBRAM still benefits from the inherently lower cost per bit of DRAM technology. The "excess" pixel fill rate shown for FBRAM in Figure 6 combined with FBRAM's high bit density will permit cost-effective, one pass, full scene antialiasing using super-sampled frame buffers. CONCLUSIONS In the past, the bandwidth demands of video output led to the creation of VRAM to overcome DRAM's limitations. In recent years, the demands of faster and faster rendering have exceeded VRAM's bandwidth. This led to the creation of FBRAM, a new form of random access memory optimized for Z-buffer based 3D graphics rendering and window system support. A ten fold increase in Z-buffered rendering performance for minimum chip count systems is achieved over conventional VRAM and DRAM. Given statistics on the pixel fill requirements of the next two generations of 3D graphics accelerators, FBRAM may remove the pixel fill bottleneck from 3D accelerator architectures for the rest of this century. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FBRAM is a joint development between SMCC and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of the entire Mitsubishi team, and in particular K. Inoue, H. Nakamura, K. Ishihara, Charles Hart, Julie Lin, and Mark Perry. On the Sun side, the authors would like to thank Mary Whitton, Scott Nelson, Dave Kehlet, and Ralph Nichols, as well as all the other engineers who reviewed drafts of this paper. REFERENCES 1. Akeley, Kurt and T. Jermoluk. High-Performance Polygon Rendering, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '88 (Atlanta, GA, Aug 1-5, 1988). In Computer Graphics 22, 4 (July 1988), 239-246. 2. Akeley, Kurt. 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PixelFlow: High-Speed Rendering Using Image Composition. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '92 (Chicago, IL, July 26-31, 1992). In Computer Graphics 26, 2 (July 1992), 231-240. 17. Patterson, David, and J. Hennessy. Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1990. 18. Pinkham, R., M. Novak, and K. Guttag. Video RAM Excels at Fast Graphics. In Electronic Design 31,17, Aug. 18, 1983, 161-182. 19. Sproull, Robert, I. Sutherland, and S. Gupta. The 8 by 8 Display. In ACM Transactions on Graphics 2, 1 (Jan 1983), 35-56. 20. Whitton, Mary. Memory Design for Raster Graphics Displays . In IEEE CG&A 4,3 (March 1984), 48-65, 1984. APPENDIX A: Rendering a 10 pixel Vector This appendix demonstrates the detailed steps involved in scheduling FBRAM rendering, using the 10 pixel long, one pixel wide vertical Z-buffered vector shown in Figure 7. This figure shows the memory hierarchy elements touched by the vector at three levels of detail: the coarsest (left most) shows banks (A..D) and pages (0..255), the intermediate detail (middle) shows blocks in the L2$, and the finest (right most) shows pixel quads. The example vertical vector starts at x=1, y=10, and ends at y=19. Table 3 gives the bank, page, L2$ block, and quad for each pixel in the vector. Note the spatial locality of pixels. Table 4 below shows the schedule of commands and data issued to the FBRAM, and the resulting internal activities. Note that independent controls are available, and permit parallel L1$ and L2$ activities . The following abbreviations are used in Table 4: L1$[n]: Block n of the L1$. L2$[n]: Block n of the L2$. ACP: Access page (DRAM to L2$ transfer). A:17 C:17 A:25 C:25 A:33 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 4 5 A:0 Figure 7. A 10 pixel vector near the upper 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 C:0 B:0 D:0 A:8 C:8 B:8 D:8 A:16 C:16 B:16 D:16 A:24 C:24 B:24 D:24 A:32B:32 A:1 C:1 A:9 C:9 Bank:Page Block Quad 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 80 160 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 left corner of the screen, at 3 levels of detail. RDB: Read block (L2$ L1$ transfer). MWB: Masked write block (L1$ L2$ transfer). PRE: Precharge bank (free L2$ entry). read x: Read pixel x from L1$ to ALU. write x: Write pixel x from ALU to L1$. We follow the first pixel at (1, 10) through the cache hierarchy. The pixel's page (page 0 of bank A) is transferred to the L2$ entry A in cycles 1 to 4 (notice that the next 5 pixels are transferred too). The pixel's block is then transferred from L2$ entry A to L1$[0] in cycles 5 and 6 (the next pixel is transferred too). The pixel is read from the L1$[0] to the pipelined ALU in cycle 7. The old and new pixels are merged (Z-buffered, blended) during cycles 8 to 11. The resulting pixel is written back to the L1$[0] in cycle 12. The pixel's block is transferred from the L1$[0] back to the L2$ entry A (and DRAM page 0 of bank A) in cycles 14 and 15. The second pixel at (1,11) hits in both L1$ and L2$, and can follow one cycle behind the first pixel, arriving back in the L1$ in cycle 13. The pixel at (1,12) misses in the L1$, but hits in the L2$, requiring an RDB from L2$ entry A to L1$[1]. The pixel at (1,16) misses in both caches, requiring a L2$ access of bank C, and followed by a transfer from L2$ entry C to L1$[2]. All the other pixels hit in both caches, and are scheduled like the second pixel. X Y Bank Page L2$ Block Quad L2$ L1$ 1 10 A 0 2 4 miss miss 1 11 6 hit hit 1 12 3 0 hit miss 1 13 2 hit hit 1 14 4 hit hit 1 15 6 hit hit 1 16 C 0 0 0 miss miss 1 17 2 hit hit 1 18 4 hit hit 1 19 6 hit hit Table 3 Bank, Page, L2$ Block, and Quad for each pixel in the vector Table 4. Schedule of operations for rendering a 10 pixel vector Merge data with Quad 4 of L1$[0] Merge data with Quad 6 of L1$[0] Merge data with Quad 0 of L1$[1] Merge data with Quad 2 of L1$[1] Merge data with Quad 4 of L1$[1] Merge data with Quad 6 of L1$[1] Merge data with Quad 0 of L1$[2] Merge data with Quad 2 of L1$[2] Merge data with Quad 4 of L1$[2] Merge data with Quad 6 of L1$[2] Access Page 0 of Bank A Access Page 0 of Bank C L2$[2] of Bank A L1$[0] L2$[0] of Bank C L1$[2] L2$[3] of Bank A L1$[1] L2$[2] of Bank A L1$[0] L2$[3] of Bank A L1$[1] L2$[0] of Bank C L1$[2] Precharge Bank A 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ACP ACP PRE RDB RDB RDB MWB MWB MWB RDB RDB RDB MWB MWB MWB read 0 read 2 read 4 read 6 read 4 read 6 read 0 read 2 read 4 read 6 write 4 write 6 write 4 write 6 write 4 write 6 write 0 write 2 write 0 write 2 L1$ Command and Data L2$ Command L2$ Activities L1$ Activities A C B D 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 Internal Activities Commands and Data to FBRAM
FBRAM;Video output bandwidth;Dynamic random access memory;RGBa blend;dynamic memory;DRAM;Rendering rate;Z buffer;rendering;graphics;caching;memory;Dynamic memory chips;Pixel processing;3D graphics hardware;Acceleration;3D graphics;Z-buffer;Optimisation;Z-compare;pixel caching;VRAM;FBRam;Z-buffering;parallel graphics algorithms;Video buffers;pixel processing;Pixel Cache;Frame buffer;SRAM;Caches
Focused Named Entity Recognition Using Machine Learning
In this paper we study the problem of finding most topical named entities among all entities in a document, which we refer to as focused named entity recognition. We show that these focused named entities are useful for many natural language processing applications, such as document summarization , search result ranking, and entity detection and tracking. We propose a statistical model for focused named entity recognition by converting it into a classification problem . We then study the impact of various linguistic features and compare a number of classification algorithms. From experiments on an annotated Chinese news corpus, we demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve near human-level accuracy.
INTRODUCTION With the rapid growth of online electronic documents, many technologies have been developed to deal with the enormous amount of information, such as automatic summarization , topic detection and tracking, and information retrieval. Among these technologies, a key component is to Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIGIR'04, July 2529, 2004, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-881-4/04/0007 ... $ 5.00. identify the main topics of a document, where topics can be represented by words, sentences, concepts, and named entities . A number of techniques for this purpose have been proposed in the literature, including methods based on position [3], cue phrases [3], word frequency, lexical chains[1] and discourse segmentation [13]. Although word frequency is the easiest way to representing the topics of a document, it was reported in [12] that position methods produce better results than word counting based methods. Important sentence extraction is the most popular method studied in the literature. A recent trend in topic sentence extraction is to employ machine learning methods. For example , trainable classifiers have been used in [8, 21, 5, 11] to select sentences based on features such as cue phrase, location, sentence length, word frequency and title, etc. All of the above methods share the same goal of extracting important sentences from documents. However, for topic representation, sentence-level document summaries may still contain redundant information. For this reason, other representations have also been suggested. For example, in [17], the authors used structural features of technical papers to identify important concepts rather than sentences. The authors of [9] presented an efficient algorithm to choose topic terms for hierarchical summarization according to a proba-bilistic language model. Another hybrid system, presented in [7], generated summarizations with the help of named entity foci of an article. These named entities include people, organizations, and places, and untyped names. In this paper, we study the problem of finding important named entities from news articles, which we call focused named entity recognition. A news article often reports an event that can be effectively summarized by the five W (who, what, when, where, and why) approach. Many of the five W's can be associated with appropriate named entities in the article. Our definition of focused named entities is mainly concerned with Who and What. Therefore it is almost self-evident that the concept of focused named entity is important for document understanding and automatic information extraction. In fact, a number of recent studies have already suggested that named entities are useful for text summarization [15, 4, 7, 16]. Moreover, we shall illustrate that focused named entities can be used in other text processing tasks as well. For example, we can rank search results by giving more weights to focused named entities. We define focused named entities as named entities that are most relevant to the main topic of a news article. Our 281 task is to automatically select these focused named entities from the set of all entities in a document. Since focused named entity recognition is a newly proposed machine learning task, we need to determine whether it is well-posed. That is, whether there exists a sufficient level of agreement on focused named entities among human reviewers. A detailed study on this matter will be reported in the section 5.2. The conclusion of our study is that there is indeed a sufficient level of agreement. Encouraged by this study, we further investigated the machine learning approach to this problem, which is the focus of the paper. We discuss various issues encountered in the process of building a machine learning based system, and show that our method can achieve near human performance. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the problem of focused named entity recognition and illustrate its applications. Section 3 describes a general machine learning approach to this problem. In Section 4, we present features used in our system. Section 5 presents a study of human-level agreement on focused named entities, and various experiments which illustrate the importance of different features. Some final conclusions will be given in section 6. THE PROBLEM Figure 1 is an example document. 1 This article reports that Boeing Company would work with its new Research and Technology Center to develop a new style of electric airplane. On the upper half of the page, we list all named entities appearing in the article and mark the focused entities . Among the twelve named entities, "Boeing Company" and its "Research and Technology Center" are most relevant to the main topic. Here we call "Boeing Company" and "Research and Technology Center" the focuses. Clearly, focused named entities are important for representing the main topic of the content. In the following, we show that the concept of focused named entity is useful for many natural language processing applications, such as summarization, search ranking and topic detection and tracking. 2.1 Using Focused Named Entity for Summarization We consider the task of automatic summarization of the sample document in Figure 1. A traditional method is to select sentences with highest weights, where sentence weights are calculated by averaging term frequencies of words it contains . The resulting summarization is given in Figure 2. Using focused named entities, we consider two methods to refine the above summarization. The first method is to increase the weight of the focused named entity "Boeing" in the sentences, leading to the summary in Figure 3. The other method simply picks sentences containing the focused named entity "Boeing" as in Figure 4. From this example, we can see that summarization using focused named entities gives more indicative description of an article. 2.2 Using Focused Named Entity for Ranking Search Results Suppose we want to find news about World Cup football match from a collection of news articles. First we search 1 The original article can be accessed at 011127a.html. Figure 1: Sample document with focused named entities marked Boeing To Explore Electric Airplane Fuel cells and electric motors will not replace jet engines on commercial transports, but they could one day replace gas turbine auxiliary power units. Unlike a battery, which needs to be recharged, fuel cells keep working as long as the fuel lasts. "Fuel cells show the promise of one day providing efficient, essentially pollution-free electrical power for commercial airplane primary electrical power needs," Daggett said. Figure 2: Summary using term frequency weighting Boeing To Explore Electric Airplane Boeing Commercial Airplanes will develop and test an electrically powered demonstrator airplane as part of a study to evaluate environmentally friendly fuel cell technology for future Boeing products. Fuel cells and electric motors will not replace jet engines on commercial transports, but they could one day replace gas turbine auxiliary power units. "By adapting this technology for aviation, Boeing intends to demonstrate its leadership in the pursuit of delivering environmentally preferred products ." Figure 3: Summary weighted by focused named entities 282 Boeing To Explore Electric Airplane Boeing Commercial Airplanes will develop and test an electrically powered demonstrator airplane as part of a study to evaluate environmentally friendly fuel cell technology for future Boeing products. The airplane manufacturer is working with Boe-ing's new Research and Technology Center in Madrid, Spain, to modify a small, single-engine airplane by replacing its engine with fuel cells and an electric motor that will turn a conventional propeller. Boeing Madrid will design and integrate the experimental airplane's control system. "By adapting this technology for aviation, Boeing intends to demonstrate its leadership in the pursuit of delivering environmentally preferred products ." Figure 4: Summary using sentences containing focused named entities for documents containing the key phrase "World Cup". The ranking function, which determines which document is more relevant to the query, is very important to the search quality. Since our query is a single phrase, the ranked search results , displayed in Table 1, are based on the term frequency of the phrase "World Cup". It is clear that without deeper text understanding, term frequency is a quite reasonable measure of relevancy. However, although some articles may contain more "World Cup" than others, they may actually focus less on the World Cup event which we are interested . Therefore a better indication of document relevancy is whether a document focuses on the entity we are interested in. A simple method is to re-order the search results first by whether the query entity is focused or not, and then by its term-frequency. It is quite clear that this method gives higher quality ranking. In this example, we use Chinese corpus for demonstration, so the original searching results are in Chinese, which we have translated into English for reading convenience. 2.3 Other Uses of Focused Named Entity We believe that focused named entities are also helpful in text clustering and categorization tasks such as topic detection and tracking. This is because if focused named entities are automatically recognized, then the event for each document can be described more precisely. Since focused named entities characterize what an article talks about, it is natural to organize articles based on them. Therefore by giving more weights to focused named entities, we believe that we can potentially obtain better quality clustering and more accurate topic detection and tracking. Our study of the focused named entity recognition problem is motivated by its potential applications as illustrated above. Experiments in section 5.2 indicate that there is a sufficient agreement on focused named entities among human reviewers. Therefore our goal is to build a system that can automatically detect focused named entities among all named entities in a document. We shall mention that although this paper only studies named entities, the basic idea can be extended to tasks such as finding important words, noun-phrases in a document. LEARNING BASED FOCUSED NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION Focused named entity recognition can be regarded as a binary classification problem. Consider the set of all named entities in a document extracted by a named entity recognition system. Each entity in this set can be labeled yes if it is a focused entity, or no if it is not. We formally define a two-class categorization problem as one to determine a label y {-1, 1} associated with a vector x of input variables. However, in order to build a successful focused named entity extractor, a number of issues have to be studied. First, named entities that refer to the same person or organization need to be grouped together; secondly what features are useful; and thirdly, how well different learning algorithms perform on this task. These issues will be carefully studied. 3.1 Coreference Resolution Coreference is a common phenomenon in natural language. It means that an entity can be referred to in different ways and in different locations of the text. Therefore for focused named entity recognition, it is useful to apply a coreference resolution algorithm to merge entities with the same referents in a given document. There are different kinds of coreference according to the basic coreference types, such as pronominal coreference, proper name coreference, apposition , predicate nominal, etc. Here in our system, we only consider proper name coreference, which is to identify all variations of a named entity in the text. Although it is possible to use machine learning methods for coreference resolution (see [20] as an example), we shall use a simpler scheme, which works reasonably well. Our coreference resolution method can be described as follows. 1. Partitioning: The set of named entities is divided into sub-sets according to named entity types, because coreference only occurs among entities with the same types. 2. Pair-wise comparison: Within each sub-set, pair-wise comparison is performed to detect whether each entity-pair is an instance of coreference. In this study, we use a simple algorithm which is based on string-matching only. Since we work with Chinese data, we split each entity into single Chinese characters. We study two different schemes here: using either exact string matching or partial string matching to decide coreference. In the case of exact string matching, two entities are considered to be a coreference pair only when they are identical. In the case of partial string matching, if characters in the shorter entity form a (non-consecutive) sub-string of the longer entity, then the two entities are considered to be a coreference pair. 3. Clustering: Merge all coreference pairs created in the second step into the same coreference chains. This step can also be done differently. For example, by using a sequential clustering method. Although the coreference resolution algorithm described above is not perfect, it is not crucial since the results will 283 Table 1: Search result of "World Cup" focus/not tf title focus 20 Uncover the Mystery of World Cup Draws focus 11 Brazil and Germany Qualified, Iran Kicked out focus 9 Preparing for World Cup, China Football Federation and Milutinovic Snatch the Time focus 6 Sun Wen Understands the Pressure Milutinovic and China Team Faced focus 5 Korea Leaves More Tickets to China Fans focus 4 Paraguay Qualified, but Head Coach Dismissed no 4 LiXiang: Special Relationships between Milutinovic and I no 3 Three Stars on Golden Eagle Festival focus 3 Adidas Fevernova, the Official 2002 FIFA World Cup Ball, Appears Before the Public in Beijing no 2 China's World Top 10 Start to Vote focus 2 Qualified vs. Kicked out: McCarthy Stays on, Blazevic Demits focus 2 China Attends Group Match in Korea, But not in the Same Group With Korea no 2 Don't Scare Peoples with Entering WTO no 1 Kelon Tops China's Home Appliance Industry in CCTV Ads Bidding no 1 Lou Lan: Great Secrets Behind focus 1 Australia Beats Uruguay by One Goal no 1 Chang Hong's "King of Precision Display": Good Friends of Football Fans be passed to a machine learning algorithm in a later stage, which can offset the mistakes made in the coreference stage. Our experiment shows that by using coreference resolution, the overall system performance can be improved appreciably . 3.2 Classification Methods In this paper, we compare three methods: a decision tree based rule induction system, a naive Bayes classifier, and a regularized linear classification method based on robust risk minimization. 3.2.1 Decision Tree In text-mining application, model interpretability is an important characteristic to be considered in addition to the accuracy achieved and the computational cost. The requirement of interpretability can be satisfied by using a rule-based system, such as rules obtained from a decision tree. Rule-based systems are particularly appealing since a person can examine the rules and modify them. It is also much easier to understand what a system does by examining its rules. We shall thus include a decision tree based classifier in this study. In a typical decision tree training algorithm, there are usually two stages. The first stage is tree growing where a tree is built by greedily splitting each tree node based on a certain figure of merit. However after the first stage, the tree can overfit the training data, therefore a second stage involving tree pruning is invoked. In this stage, one removes overfitted branches of the tree so that the remaining portion has better predictive power. In our decision tree package, the splitting criteria during tree growth is similar to that of the standard C4.5 program [18], and the tree pruning is done using a Bayesian model combination approach. See [6] for detailed description. 3.2.2 Naive Bayes Another very popular binary classification method is naive Bayes. In spite of its simplicity, it often achieves reasonable performance in practical applications. It can be regarded as a linear classification method, where we seek a weight vector w and a threshold such that w T x < if its label y = -1 and w T x if its label y = 1. A score of value w T x can be assigned to each data point as a surrogate for the likelihood of x to be in class. In this work, we adopt the multinomial model described in [14]. Let {(x 1 , y 1 ), . . . , (x n , y n ) } be the set of training data. The linear weight w is given by w = w 1 - w -1 , and = 1 -1 . Denote by x i,j the j-th component of the data vector x i , then the j-th component w c j of w c (c = 1) is given by w c j = log + i:y i =c x i,j d + d j=1 i:y i =c x i,j , and c (c = 1) is given by c = - log |{i:y i =c}| n . The parameter > 0 in the above formulation is a smoothing (regularization) parameter. [14] fixed to be 1, which corresponds to the Laplacian smoothing. 3.2.3 Robust Risk Minimization Method Similar to naive Bayes, this method is also a linear prediction method. Given a linear model p(x) = w T x + b, we consider the following prediction rule: predict y = 1 if p(x) 0, and predict y = -1 otherwise. The classification error (we shall ignore the point p(x) = 0, which is assumed to occur rarely) is I(p(x), y) = 1 if p(x)y 0, 0 if p(x)y > 0. A very natural way to compute a linear classifier is by finding a weight ( ^ w, ^ b) that minimizes the average classification error in the training set: ( ^ w, ^ b) = arg min w,b 1 n n i=1 I(w T x i + b, y i ). Unfortunately this problem is typically NP-hard computa-tionally . It is thus desirable to replace the classification error loss I(p, y) with another formulation that is computation-ally more desirable. Large margin methods such as SVM employ modified loss functions that are convex. Many loss functions work well for related classification problems such as text-categorization [24, 10]. The specific loss function 284 consider here is h(p, y) = -2py py < -1 1 2 (py - 1) 2 py [-1, 1] 0 py > 1. That is, our linear weights are computed by minimizing the following average loss on the training data: ( ^ w, ^ b) = arg min w 1 n n i=1 h(w T x i + b, y i ). This method, which we refer to as RRM (robust risk minimization ), has been applied to linguistic processing [23] and text categorization [2] with good results. Detailed algorithm was introduced in [22]. FEATURES We assume that named entities are extracted by a named entity recognition system. Many named entity recognition techniques have been reported in the literal, most of them use machine learning approach. An overview of these methods can be found in [19]. In our system, for the purpose of simplicity, we use human annotated named entities in the experiments. In the learning phase, each named entity is considered as an independent learning instance. Features must reflect properties of an individual named entity, such as its type and frequency, and various global statistical measures either at the document scale or at the corpus scale. This section describes features we have considered in our system, our motivations, and how their values are encoded. 4.1 Entity Type Four entity types are defined: person, organization, place, and proper nouns. The type of a named entity is a very useful feature. For example, person and organization are more likely to be the focus than a place. Each entity type corresponds to a binary feature-component in the feature vector, taking a value of either one or zero. For example, a person type is encoded as [1 0 0 0], and an organization type is encoded as [0 1 0 0]. 4.2 In Title or Not Whether a named entity appears in the title or not is an important indicator of whether it is a focused entity. This is because title is a concise summary of what an article is about. The value of this feature is binary (0 or 1). 4.3 Entity Frequency This feature is the number of times that the named entity occurs in the document. Generally speaking, the more frequent it occurs, the more important it is. The value of this feature is just the frequency of the named entity. 4.4 Entity Distribution This feature is somewhat complicated. The motivation is that if a named entity occurs in many different parts of a document, then it is more likely to be an important entity. Therefore we use the entropy of the probability distribution that measures how evenly an entity is distributed in a document . Consider a document which is divided into m sections. Suppose that each named entity's probability distribution is given by {p 1 , ..., p i , ..., p m }, where p i = occurrence in ith section total occurrence in the doc . The entropy of the named entity distribution is computed by entropy = m i=1 p i log p i . In our experiments, we select m = 10. This feature contributes a real valued feature-component to the feature vector. 4.5 Entity Neighbor The context in which a certain named entity appears is quite useful. In this study, we only consider a simple feature which counts its left and right neighboring entity types. If several named entities of the same type are listed side by side, then it is likely that the purpose is for enumeration, and the listed named entities are not important. Each neighboring side has five possible types -- four named entity types plus a normal-word (not a named entity) type. For example, consider a person mentioned three times in the document. Among the three mentions, the left neighbors are two person names and one common word, and the right neighbors are one place name and two common words. Then the entity neighbor feature components are [2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2]. 4.6 First Sentence Occurrence This feature is inspired by the position method [3, 12] in sentence extraction. Its value is the occurrences of the entity appearing in the beginning sentence of a paragraph. 4.7 Document Has Entity in Title or Not This feature indicates whether any entity exists in the title of the document, and thus takes binary value of 0 or 1. 4.8 Total Entity Count This feature is the total number of entities in the document , which takes integer value. The feature reflects the relative importance of an entity in the entity set. 4.9 Document Frequency in the Corpus This is a corpus level feature. If a named entity has a low frequency in the document collection, but relatively high frequency in the current document, then it is likely to be a focused entity. When this feature is used, the term frequency feature in section 4.3 will be computed using (tf /docsize) log(N/df ), where df is the number of documents that a named entity occurs in. EXPERIMENTS In this section, we study the following issues: corpus annotation , human-level agreement on focused named entities, performance of machine learning methods compared with a baseline, influence of different features, and the impact of coreference module to the overall performance. 5.1 Corpus Annotation We select fifteen days of Beijing Youth Daily news in November 2001 as our testing corpus, which contains 1,325 articles. The text, downloaded from, is in Chinese. The articles belong to a variety of categories, including politics, economy, laws, education, science, entertainments , and sports. Since different people may have different opinions on the focused named entities, a common set of rules should be agreed upon before the whole corpus is to be annotated. We use the following method to come up with a general guideline for annotating focused named entities. 285 First, the named entities in each document were annotated by human. Then, we selected twenty documents from the corpus and invited twelve people to mark focused named entities. Nine of the twelve people are experts in natural language processing, so their opinions are very valuable to define focused named entities. Based on the survey result, entities marked by more than half of the survey participants were defined as focused named entities. We obtained fifty focused named entities for the twenty articles. By studying the focused named entities in those articles, we were able to design specifications for focused named entity annotation. The whole corpus was then marked according to the specifications . 5.2 Human Agreement Statistics In our survey, fifty entities were identified as focused entities from the total number of 341 entities in the 20 documents . Table 2 shows, among the 50 focused entities, 5 entities are agreed as focus by all 12 persons, and 7 entities are agreed by 11 persons, etc. Table 2: Human agreement statistics num of focused named entities 5 7 5 8 7 10 8 num of person agreeing 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Let N k denotes the number of person with agreement on focused named entity k, then the human agreement level Agree k on the k-th focused named entity is Agree k = N k 12 . The average agreement on the 50 focused named entities is Average Agree = 50 k=1 Agree k 50 = 72.17%, with variance 2.65%. We also computed the precision and the recall for the survey participants with respect to the fifty focused named entities. Table 3 shows that the best human annotator achieves an F 1 measure of 81.32%. Some of the participants marked either too many or too few named entities, and thus had much lower performance numbers. This problem was fixed when the whole corpus was annotated using specifications induced from this small-scale experiment. Table 3: Human annotation performance user id precision recall F 1 1 90.24 74.00 81.32 2 86.05 74.00 79.57 3 83.33 70.00 76.09 4 84.21 64.00 72.73 5 96.55 56.00 70.89 6 90.63 58.00 70.73 7 71.74 66.00 68.75 8 73.81 62.00 67.39 9 57.14 80.00 66.67 10 48.19 80.00 60.15 11 38.60 88.00 53.66 12 33.33 94.00 49.21 5.3 Corpus Named Entity Statistics We consider two data sets in our experiments: one is the whole corpus of 1,325 articles, and the other is a subset of 726 articles with named entities in their titles. Table 4 shows there are totally 3,001 focused entities among 18,371 entities in the whole corpus, which means that 16.34 percent of the entities are marked as focused. On average, there are 2.26 focused named entities for each article, which is consistent with the small-scale survey result. Table 4: Corpus statistics on named entities set docnum entities focuses focus percent focus/doc 1 1,325 18,371 3,001 16.34% 2.26 2 726 10,697 1,669 15.60% 2.30 5.4 Baseline Results Since named entities in title or with high frequency are more likely to be the focal entities, we consider three baseline methods. The first method marks entities in titles to be the foci; the second method marks most frequent entities in each article to be the focal entities; the third method is a combination of the above two, which selects those entities either in title or occurring most frequently. We use partial string matching for coreference resolution in the three baseline experiments. Named entities occurring in the title are more likely to be the focus of the document, but they only represent a small portion of all focal entities. Baseline experiment 1 shows the precision of this method is quite high but the recall is very low. Baseline experiment 2 implies that most of the top 1 named entities are focused entities, but again the recall is very low. However, if more named entities are selected, the precision is decreased significantly, so that the F 1 measure does not improve. The top-3 performance is the worst, with an F 1 measure of only 50.47%. Note that several named entities may have the same occurrence frequency in one document , which introduces uncertainty into the method. By combining named entities from the title and with high frequency, we obtain better results than either of the two basic baseline methods. The best performance is achieved by combining the in-title and top 1 named entities, which achieves F 1 measures of 66.68% for data set 1, and 70.51% for data set 2. 5.5 Machine Learning Results Since in our implementation, decision tree and naive Bayes methods only take integer features, we encode the floating features to integer values using a simple equal interval binning method. If a feature x is observed to have values bounded by x min and x max , then the bin width is computed by = x max -x min k and the bin boundaries are at x min + i where i = 1, ..., k - 1. The method is applied to each continuous feature independently and k is set to 10. Although more sophisticated discretization methods exist, the equal interval binning method performs quite well in practice. Machine learning results are obtained from five-fold cross-validation . Coreference resolution is done with partial string-matching . The test results are reported in Table 6. This experiment shows that good performance can be achieved by using machine learning techniques. The RRM performance on both data sets are significantly better than the base line results, and comparable to that of the best human annotator we observed from our small-scale experiment in Section 5.2. 286 Table 5: Baseline results Corpus Method Focuses focus/doc Precision Recall F 1 726docs title 992 1.36 83.47 49.61 62.23 1,325docs top1 1,580 1.19 88.54 46.62 61.08 top2 4,194 3.17 54.48 76.14 63.52 top3 7,658 5.78 35.13 89.64 50.47 726docs title+top1 1,247 1.72 82.44 61.59 70.51 title+top2 2,338 3.22 56.93 79.75 66.43 title+top3 4,165 5.74 36.06 89.99 51.49 1,325docs title+top1 2,011 1.52 83.09 55.68 66.68 title+top2 4,388 3.31 53.78 78.64 63.88 title+top3 7,738 5.84 34.94 90.10 50.36 Table 6: Machine learning results Dataset RRM Decision Tree Naive Bayes P R F 1 P R F 1 P R F 1 726 docs 88.51 80.54 84.27 87.29 78.02 82.37 69.32 90.28 78.37 1,325 docs 84.70 78.23 81.32 83.83 74.61 78.89 69.14 89.08 77.82 5.6 Influence of Features The goal of this section is to study the impact of different features with different algorithms. Results are reported in Table 7. Feature id corresponds to the feature subsection number in section 4. Experiment A uses frequency-based features only. It is quite similar to the bag-of-word document model for text categorization, with the entity-frequency and in-title information . By adding more sophisticated document-level features , the performance can be significantly improved. For the RRM method, F 1 finally reaches 81.32%. It is interesting to observe that the corpus-level feature (experiment F versus G) has different impacts on the three algorithms. It is a good feature for naive Bayes, but not for the RRM and decision tree. Whether corpus-level features can appreciably enhance the classification performance requires more careful investigation. The experiments also indicate that the three learning algorithms do not perform equally well. RRM appears to have the best overall performance. The naive Bayes method requires all features to be independent, which is a quite unreal-istic assumption in practice. The main problem for decision tree is that it easily fragments the data, so that the probability estimate at the leaf-nodes become unreliable. This is also the reason why voted decision trees (using procedures like boosting or bagging) perform better. The decision tree can find rules readable by a human. For example, one such rule reads as: if a named entities appears at least twice, its left and right neighbors are normal words, its discrete distribution entropy is greater than 2, and the entity appears in the title, then the probability of it being a focused entity is 0.87. 5.7 Coreference Resolution In order to understand the impact of coreference resolution on the performance of focused named entity recognition, we did the same set of experiments as in section 5.5, but with exact string matching only for coreference resolution in the feature extraction process. Table 8 reports the five-fold cross validation results. On average the performance is decreased by about 3 to 5 percent. This means coreference resolution plays an important role in the task. The reason is that it maps variations of a named entity into a single group, so that features such as occurrence frequency and entity distribution can be estimated more reliably. We believe that with more sophisticated analysis such as pronominal coreference resolution, the classification performance can be further improved CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we studied the problem of focused named entity recognition. We gave examples to illustrate that focused named entities are useful for many natural language processing applications. The task can be converted into a binary classification problem. We focused on designing linguistic features, and compared the performance of three machine learning algorithms. Our results show that the machine learning approach can achieve near human-level accuracy . Because our system is trainable and features we use are language independent, it is easy for us to build a similar classification model for other languages. Our method can also be generalized to related tasks such as finding important words and noun-phrases in a document. In the future, we will integrate focused named entity recognition into real applications, such as information retrieval, automatic summarization, and topic detection and tracking, so that we can further study and evaluate its influences to these systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Honglei Guo for providing the original corpus with named entity annotation. Jianmin Jiang helped us to set up named entity annotation server, which made it much easier to view and annotate the corpus. We thank Zhaoming Qiu, Shixia Liu, Zhili Guo for their valuable comments on the experiments. We are also grateful to our colleagues who spent their time to participate in the focused named entity survey. REFERENCES [1] R. Barzilay and M. Elhadad. Using lexical chains for text summarization. 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named entities;Information retrieval;naive Bayes;topic identification;classification model;sentence extraction;Summarization;entity recognition;Natural language processing applications;ranking;information retrieval;Linguistic features;automatic summarization;Classification methods;robust risk minimization;decision tree;electronic documents;machine learning;Focused named entity recognition;Statistical model;Features;Machine learning approach;text summarization;Main topics;natural language processing
Formally Deriving an STG Machine
Starting from P. Sestoft semantics for lazy evaluation, we define a new semantics in which normal forms consist of variables pointing to lambdas or constructions. This is in accordance with the more recent changes in the Spineless Tagless G-machine (STG) machine, where constructions only appear in closures (lambdas only appeared in closures already in previous versions). We prove the equivalence between the new semantics and Sestoft's. Then, a sequence of STG machines are derived, formally proving the correctness of each derivation. The last machine consists of a few imperative instructions and its distance to a conventional language is minimal. The paper also discusses the differences between the final machine and the actual STG machine implemented in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.
INTRODUCTION The Spineless Tagless G-machine (STG) [6] is at the heart of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) [7] which is perhaps the Haskell compiler generating the most efficient code. For a description of Haskell language see [8]. Part of the secret for that is the set of analysis and transformations carried out at the intermediate representation level. Another part of the explanation is the efficient design and implementation of the STG machine. A high level description of the STG can be found in [6]. If the reader is interested in a more detailed view, then the only available information is the Haskell code of GHC (about 80.000 lines, 12.000 of which are devoted to the implementation of the STG machine) and the C code of its different runtime systems (more than 40.000 lines)[1]. In this paper we provide a step-by-step derivation of the STG machine, starting from a description higher-level than that of [6] and arriving at a description lower-level than that. Our starting point is a commonly accepted operational semantics for lazy evaluation provided by Peter Sestoft in [10] as an improvement of John Launchbury's well-known definition in [4]. Then, we present the following refinements: 1. A new operational semantics, which we call semantics S3 --acknowledging that semantics 1 and 2 were defined by Mountjoy in a previous attempt [5]--, where normal forms may appear only in bindings. 2. A first machine, called STG-1, derived from S3 in which explicit replacement of pointers for variables is done in expressions. 3. A second machine STG-2 introducing environments in closures, case alternatives, and in the control expression . 4. A third machine, called ISTG (I stands for imperative) with a very small set of elementary instructions, each one very easy to be implemented in a conventional language such as C. 5. A translation from the language of STG-2 to the language of ISTG in which the data structures of STG-2 are represented (or implemented) by the ISTG data structures. 102 e x -- variable | x.e -- lambda abstraction | e x -- application | letrec x i = e i in e -- recursive let | C x i -- constructor application | case e of C i x ij e i -- case expression Figure 1: Launchbury's normalized -calculus At each refinement, a formal proof of the soundness and completeness of the lower level with respect to the upper one is carried out 1 . In the end, the final implementation is shown correct with respect to Sestoft's operational semantics . The main contribution of the work is showing that an efficient machine such as STG can be presented, understood, and formally reasoned about at different levels of abstraction . Also, there are some differences between the machine we arrive at and the actual STG machine implemented in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. We argue that some design decisions in the actual STG machine are not properly justified . The plan of the paper is as follows: after this introduction , in Section 2, a new language called FUN is introduced and the semantics S3 for this language is defined. Two theorems relating Launchbury's original language and semantics to the new ones are presented. Section 3 defines the two machines STG-1 and STG-2. Some propositions show the consistency between both machines and the correctness and completeness of STG-1 with respect to S3, eventhough the latter creates more closures in the heap and produces different (but equivalent) normal forms. Section 4 defines machine ISTG and Section 5 defines the translation from STG-2 expressions to ISTG instructions. Two invariants are proved which show the correctness of the translation. Section 6 discusses the differences between our translation and the actual implementation done by GHC. Finally, Section 7 concludes. A NEW SEMANTICS FOR LAZY EVAL-UATION We begin by reviewing the language and semantics given by Sestoft as an improvement to Launchbury's semantics. Both share the language given in Figure 1 where A i denotes a vector A 1 , . . . , A n of subscripted entities. It is a normalized -calculus, extended with recursive let, constructor applications and case expressions. Sestoft's normalization process forces constructor applications to be saturated and all applications to only have variables as arguments. Weak head normal forms are either lambda abstractions or constructions . Throughout this section, w will denote (weak head) normal forms. Sestoft's semantic rules are given in Figure 2. There, a judgement : e A : w denotes that expression e, with its free variables bound in heap , reduces to normal form w and produces the final heap . When fresh pointers are created, freshness is understood w.r.t. (dom ) A, where A contains the addresses of the closures under evaluation 1 The details of the proofs can be found in a technical report at one of the author's page : x.e A : x.e Lam : C p i A : C p i Cons : e A : x.e : e [p/x] A : w : e p A : w App : e A{p} : w [p e] : p A [p w] : w Var [p i ^ e i ] : ^ e A : w : letrec x i = e i in e A : w where p i fresh Letrec : e A : C k p j : e k [p j /x kj ] A : w : case e of C i x ij e i A : w Case Figure 2: Sestoft's natural semantics (see rule Var). The notation ^ e in rule Letrec means the replacement of the variables x i by the fresh pointers p i . This is the only rule where new closures are created and added to the heap. We use the term pointers to refer to dynam-ically created free variables, bounded to expressions in the heap, and the term variables to refer to (lambda-bound, let-bound or case-bound) program variables. We consistently use p, p i , . . . to denote free variables and x, y, . . . to denote program variables. J. Mountjoy's [5] had the idea of changing Launchbury-Sestoft's language and semantics in order to get closer to the STG language, and then to derive the STG machine from the new semantics. He developed two different semantics: In the first one, which we call semantics S1, the main change was that normal forms were either constructions (as they were in Sestoft's semantics) or variables pointing to closures containing -abstractions, instead of just -abstractions. The reason for this was to forbid a -abstraction in the control expression as it happens in the STG machine. Another change was to force applications to have the form x x 1 , i.e. consisting of a variable in the functional part. This is also what the STG language requires. These changes forced Mountjoy to modify the source language and to define a normalization from Launchbury's language to the new one. Mountjoy proved that the normalization did not change the normal forms arrived at by both semantics. The second semantics, which we call semantics S2, forced applications to be done at once to n arguments instead of doing it one by one. Correspondingly, -abstractions were allowed to have several arguments. This is exactly what the STG machine requires. Semantics S2 was informally derived and contained some mistakes. In particular, (cf. [5, pag. 171]) rule App M makes a -abstraction to appear in the control expression, in contradiction with the desire of having -abstractions only in the heap. Completing and correcting Mountjoy's work we have defined a new semantics S3 in which the main changes in the source language w.r.t. Mountjoy's are the following: 1. We force constructor applications to appear only in bindings, i.e. in heap closures. Correspondingly, normal forms are variables pointing to either -abstractions or constructions. We will use the term lambda forms to refer to -abstractions or constructions alike. The motivation for this decision is to generate more efficient code as it will be seen in Section 5.1. 103 e e x in -- n > 0, application | x -- variable | letrec x i = lf i in e -- recursive let | case e of alt i -- case expression alt C x j e -- case alternative lf x in .e -- n > 0, lambda abstraction | C x in -- constructor application | e -- expression Figure 3: Language FUN 2. We relax applications to have the form e x in , where e is an arbitrary expression (excluding, of course, lambda forms). The initial motivation for this was not to introduce unjustified restrictions. In the conclusions we discuss that the generated code is also more efficient than the one produced by restricting applications to be of the form x x in . Additionally, our starting point is Sestoft's semantics instead of Launchbury's. The main difference is that Sestoft substitutes fresh pointers for program variables in rule Letrec while Launchbury substitutes fresh variables for all bound variables in rule Var instead. The syntax of the language, called FUN, is shown in Figure 3. Notice that applications are done to n arguments at once, being e x in an abbreviation of (. . . (e x 1 ) . . .) x n , and that consequently -abstractions may have several arguments . Its operational semantics, called S3 is given in Figure 4. For simplicity, we have eliminated the set A of pending updates appearing in Sestoft's semantics. This set is not strictly needed provided that the fresh name generator for pointers does not repeat previously generated names and provided that pointer's names are always distinguish-able from program variables. In rule Case S3 , expression e k is the righthand side expression of the alternative alt k . The notation [p e] highlights the fact that (p e) , and [p e] means the disjoint union of and (p e). Please notice that this notation may not coincide with other notations in which and [p e] denote different heaps. Finally notice that, besides rule Letrec S3 , also rule App S3 creates closures in the heap. Language FUN is at least as expressive as Launchbury's -calculus. The following normalization function transforms any Launchbury's expression into a semantically equivalent FUN expression. Definition 1. We define the normalization function N : Launch FUN: N x def = x N (e x) def = (N e) x N ( x.e) def = letrec y = N ( x.e) in y , y fresh N (C x i ) def = letrec y = C x i in y , y fresh N (letrec x i = e in in e) def = letrec x i = N e i n in N e N (case e of C i y ij e i ) def = case N e of C i y ij N e i N , N : Launch FUN: N (C x in ) def = C x in N e def = N e , e = C x in N ( x.e) def = x.N e N e def = N e , e = x.e The following proposition prove that the normalization functions are well defined. Proposition 1. 1. Let e Launch then N e FUN 2. Let e lf then N e lf 3. Let e = x.e and e = C x i then, N e = N e 4. (N e)[p i /x i ] = N (e[p i /x i ]) 5. (N e)[p i /x i ] = N (e[p i /x i ]) Proof. 1. By structural induction on e. 2. Trivial. 3. Trivial. 4. By definition of N and of substitutions. 5. By definition of N and of substitutions. To see that both semantics reduce an expression to equivalent normal forms, first we prove that the normalization does not change the meaning of an expression within Sestoft's semantics. Then, we prove that both semantics reduce any FUN expression to equivalent normal forms, provided that such normal forms exist. 2.1 Soundness and completeness The following two propositions prove that the normalization does not change the meaning of an expression. We use the following notation: denotes a one-to-one renaming of pointers, and means that . This is needed to express the equivalence between the heaps of both semantics up to some renaming . As S3 generates more closures than Sestoft's, it is not possible to guarantee that the fresh pointers are exactly the same in the two heaps. Proposition 2. (Sestoft Sestoft ) For all e Launch we have: { } : e : w { } : N e : w . w = N ( w) N Proof. By induction on the number of reductions of Launchbury expressions. Proposition 3. (Sestoft Sestoft) For all e FUN we have: { } : e : w e Launch. N e = e { } : e : w . N ( w ) = w N 104 [p x in .e] : p : p Lam S3 [p C p i ] : p : p Cons S3 : e [p x in .y im .e ] : p : e p in [q y im .e [p i /x i n ]] : q m, n > 0, q fresh App S3 : e [p x im .e ] : p : e [p i /x i m ] p m+1 . . . p n [q w] : q : e p in : q n m App S3 : e [q w] : q [p e] : p [p w] : q Var S3 [p i ^ lf i ] : ^ e [p w] : p : letrec x i = lf i in e : p p i fresh Letrec S3 : e [p C k p j ] : p : e k [p j /y kj ] [q w] : q : case e of C i y ij e i : q Case S3 Figure 4: Semantics S3 Proof. By induction on the number of reductions of Launchbury expressions. Now we prove the equivalence between the two semantics . We consider only FUN expressions because it has been proved that the normalization does not change the meaning of an expression. Proposition 4. (Sestoft S3, completeness of S3) For all e FUN we have: { } : e : w { } : e [p w ] : p . w = w Proof. By induction on the number of reductions of FUN expressions. Proposition 5. (S3 Sestoft, soundness of S3) For all e FUN we have: { } : e [p w] : p { } : e : w . w = w Proof. By induction on the number of reductions of FUN expressions. Once adapted the source language to the STG language, we are ready to derive an STG-like machine from semantics S3. A VERY SIMPLE STG MACHINE Following a similar approach to Sestoft MARK-1 machine [10], we first introduce a very simple STG machine, which we will call STG-1, in which explicit variable substitutions are done. A configuration in this machine is a triple (, e, S) where represents the heap, e is the control expression and S is the stack. The heap binds pointers to lambda forms which, in turn, may reference other pointers. The stack stores three kinds of objects: arguments p i of pending applications , case alternatives alts of pending pattern matchings, and marks #p of pending updates. In Figure 5, the transitions of the machine are shown. They look very close to the lazy semantics S3 presented in Section 2. For instance, the single rule for letrec in Figure 5 is a literal transcription of the Letrec S3 rule of Figure 4. The semantic rules for case and applications are split each one into two rules in the machine. The semantic rule for variable is also split into two in order to take care of updating the closure. So, in principle, an execution of the STG-1 machine could be regarded as the linearization of the semantic derivation tree by introducing an auxiliary stack. But sometimes appearances are misleading. The theorem below shows that in fact STG-1 builds less closures in the heap than the semantics and it may arrive to different (but semantically equivalent) normal forms. In order to prove the soundness and completeness of STG-1, we first enrich the semantics with a stack parameter S in the rules. The new rules for S (only those which modify S) are shown in Figure 6. It is trivial to show that the rules are equivalent to the ones in Figure 4 as the stack is just an observation of the derivations. It may not influence them. The following theorem establishes the correspondence between the (enriched) semantics and the machine. Proposition 6. Given , e and S, then : e S [p w] : p iff (, e, S) ( , p , S ), where 1. 2. if [p C p in ] then S = S , p = p and [p C p in ] 3. if [p x in .e ] then there exists m 0 s.t. [p y im .x in .e ] and S = q im : S and e = e [q i /y i m ] 105 Heap Control Stack rule letrec {x i = lf i } in e S letrec ( 1 ) = [p i lf i [p j /x j ]] e[p i /x i ] S case e of alts S case1 = e alts : S [p C k p i ] p C j y ji e j : S case2 = e k [p i /y ki ] S e p in S app1 = e p in : S [p x in .e] p p in : S app2 = e[p i /x i n ] S [p e ] p S var1 = e #p : S [p x ik .y im .e] p p ik : #q : S var2 = [q p p ik ] p p ik : S [p C k p i ] p #q : S var3 = [q C k p i ] p S ( 1 ) p i are distinct and fresh w.r.t. , letrec {x i = lf i } in e, and S Figure 5: The STG-1 Machine Proof. By induction on the number of reductions of FUN expressions. The proposition shows that the semantic rule App S3 of Figure 4 is not literally transcribed in the machine. The machine does not create intermediate lambdas in the heap unless an update is needed. Rule app2 in Figure 5 applies a lambda always to all its arguments provided that they are in the stack. For this reason, a lambda with more parameters than that of the semantics may be arrived at as normal form of a functional expression. Also for this reason, an update mark may be interspersed with arguments in the stack when a lambda is reached (see rule var2 in Figure 5). A final implication is that the machine may stop with m pending arguments in the stack and a variable in the control expression pointing to a lambda with n > m parameters. The semantics always ends a derivation with a variable as normal form and an empty stack. Again, following Sestoft and his MARK-2 machine, once we have proved the soundness and completeness of STG-1, we introduce STG-2 having environments instead of explicit variable substitutions. Also, we add trimmers to this machine so that environments kept in closures and in case alternatives only reference the free variables of the expression instead of all variables in scope. A configuration of STG-2 is a quadruple (, e, E, S) where E is the environment of e, the alternatives are pairs (alts, E), and a closure is a pair (lf , E). Now expressions and lambda forms keep their original variables and the associated environment maps them to pointers in the heap. The notation E | t means the trimming of environment E to the trimmer t. A trimmer is just a collection of variable names. The resulting machine is shown in Figure 7. Proposition 7. Given a closed expression e 0 . ({ }, e 0 , [ ]) STG-1 - (, q, p in ) where either: [q C q im ] n = 0 or [q x im .e] m > n 0 if and only if ({ }, e 0 , { }, [ ]) STG-2 - (, x, E[x q], p in )) and either: [q (C x im , {x i q im })] n = 0 or [q (x im .e , E )] m > n 0 e = E e . Proof. By induction on the number of reductions. AN IMPERATIVE STG MACHINE In this Section we `invent' an imperative STG machine, called ISTG, by defining a set of machine instructions and an operational semantics for them in terms of the state transition that each instruction produces. In fact, this machine tries to provide an intermediate level of reasoning between the STG-2 machine and the final C implementation. In the actual GHC implementation, `below' the operational description of [6] we find only a translation to C. By looking at the compiler and at the runtime system listings, one can grasp some details, but many others are lost. We think that the gap to be bridged is too high. Moreover, it is not possible to reason about the correctness of the implementation when so many details are introduced at once. The ISTG architecture has been inspired by the actual implementation of the STG machine done by GHC, and the ISTG instructions have been derived from the STG-2 machine by analyzing the elementary steps involved in every machine transition. An ISTG machine configuration consists of a 5-tuple (is, S, node, , cs), where is is a machine instruction sequence ended with the instruction ENTER or RETURNCON, S is the stack, node is a heap pointer pointing to the closure under execution (the one to which is belongs to), is the heap and cs is a code store where the instruction sequences resulting from compiling the program expressions are kept. We will use the following notation: a for pointers to closures in , as and ws for lists of such pointers, and p for 106 : e p in :S [p x in .y im .e ] : p : e p in S [q y im .e [p i /x i n ]] : q m, n > 0, q fresh App S3 : e p in :S [p x im .e ] : p : e [p i /x i m ] p m+1 . . . p n S [q w] : q : e p in S : q n m App S3 : e #p:S [q w] : q [p e] : p S [p w] : q Var S3 : e alts:S [p C k p j ] : p : e k [p j /y kj ] S [q w] : q : case e of alts S : q Case S3 Figure 6: The enriched semantics pointers to code fragments in cs. By cs[p is] we denote that the code store cs maps pointer p to the instruction sequence is and, by cs[p is i n ], that cs maps p to a vectored set of instruction sequences is 1 , . . . , is n , each one corresponding to an alternative of a case expression with n constructors C 1 , . . . , C n . Also, S ! i will denote the i-th element of the stack S counting from the top and starting at 0. Likewise, node ! i will denote the i-th free variable of the closure pointed to by node in , this time starting at 1. Stack S may store pointers a to closures in , pointers p to code sequences and code alternatives in cs, and update marks #a indicating that closure pointed to by a must be updated. A closure is a pair (p, ws) where p is a pointer to an instruction sequence is in cs, and ws is the closure environment, having a heap pointer for every free variable in the expression whose translation is is. These representation decisions are very near to the GHC implementation. In its runtime system all these elements (stack, heap, node register and code) are present [9]. Our closures are also a small simplification of theirs. In Figure 8, the ISTG machine instructions and its operational semantics are shown. The machine instructions BUILDENV, PUSHALTS and UPDTMARK roughly correspond to the three possible pushing actions of machine STG-2. The SLIDE instruction has no clear correspondence in the STG-2. As we will see in Section 5, it will be used to change the current environment when a new closure is entered. Instructions ALLOC and BUILDCLS will implement heap closure creation in the letrec rule of STG-2. Both BUILDENV and BUILDCLS make use of a list of pairs, each pair indicating whether the source variable is located in the stack or in the current closure. Of course, it is not intended this test to be done at runtime. An efficient translation of these `machine' instructions to an imperative language will generate the appropriate copy statement for each pair. Instructions ENTER and RETURNCON are typical of the actual STG machine as described in [6]. It is interesting to note that it has been possible to describe our previous STG machines without any reference to them. In our view, they belong to ISTG, i.e. to a lower level of abstraction. Finally , instruction ARGCHECK, which implements updates with lambda normal forms, is here at the same level of abstraction as RETURNCON, which implements updates with constructions normal forms. Predefined code is stored in cs for updating with a partial application and for blackholing a closure under evaluation. The corresponding code pointers are respectively called p n+1 pap and p bh in Figure 8. The associated code is the following: p bh = [ ] p n+1 pap = [BUILDENV [(NODE , 1), . . . , (NODE , n + 1) ], ENTER ] The code of a blackhole just blocks the machine as there is no instruction to execute. There is predefined code for partial applications with different values for n. The code just copies the closure into the stack and jumps to the first pointer that is assumed to be pointing to a -abstraction closure. The translation to C of the 9 instructions of the ISTG should appear straightforward for the reader. For instance, BUILDCLS and BUILDENV can be implemented by a sequence of assignments, copying values to/from the stack an the heap; PUSHALTS, UPDTMARK and ENTER do straightforward stack manipulation; SLIDE is more involved but can be easily translated to a sequence of loops moving information within the stack to collapse a number of stack fragments. The more complex ones are RETURNCON and ARGCHECK. Both contains a loop which updates the heap with normal forms (respectively, constructions and partial applications) as long as they encounter update marks in the stack. Finally, the installation of a new instruction sequence in the control made by ENTER and RETURNCON are implemented by a simple jump. FORMAL TRANSLATION FROM STG-2 TO ISTG In this Section, we provide first the translation schemes for the FUN expressions and lambda forms and then prove that this translation correctly implements the STG-2 machine on top of the ISTG machine. Before embarking into the details, we give some hints to intuitively understand the translation: The ISTG stack will represent not only the STG-2 stack, but also (part of) the current environment E and all the environments associated to pending case alternatives. So, care must be taken to distinguish between environments and other objects in the stack. The rest of the current environment E is kept in the current closure. The translation knows where each free 107 Heap Control Environment Stack rule letrec {x i = lf i | t i } in e E S letrec ( 1 ) [p i (lf i , E | t i )] e E S case e of alts | t E S case1 e E (alts, E | t ) : S [p (C k x i , {x i p i })] x E{x p} (alts, E ) : S case2 ( 2 ) e k E {y ki p i } S e x in E{x i p in } S app1 e E p in : S [p (x in .e, E )] x E{x p} p in : S app2 e E {x i p in } S [p (e, E )] x E{x p} S var1 e E #p : S [p (x ik .y in .e, E )] x E{x p} p ik : #q : S var2 ( 3 ) [q (x x ik , E ]) x E p ik : S [p (C k x i , E )] x E{x p} #q : S var3 [q (C k x i , E )] x E S ( 1 ) p i are distinct and fresh w.r.t. , letrec {x i = lf i } in e, and S. E = E {x i p i } ( 2 ) Expression e k corresponds to alternative C k y ki e k in alts ( 3 ) E = {x p, x i p ik } Figure 7: The STG-2 machine variable is located by maintaining two compile-time environments and . The first one corresponds to the environment kept in the stack, while the second one corresponds to the free variables accessed through the node pointer. The stack can be considered as divided into big blocks separated by code pointers p pointing to case alternatives . Each big block topped with such a pointer corresponds to the environment of the associated alternatives . In turn, each big block can be considered as divided into small blocks, each one topped with a set of arguments of pending applications. The compile-time environment is likewise divided into big and small blocks, so reflecting the stack structure. When a variable is reached in the current instruction sequence, an ENTER instruction is executed. This will finish the current sequence and start a new one. The upper big block of the stack must be deleted (corresponding to changing the current environment) but arguments of pending applications must be kept. This stack restructuring is accomplished by a SLIDE operation with an appropriate argument. Definition 2. A stack environment is a list [( k , m k , n k ), . . . , ( 1 , m 1 , n 1 )] of blocks. It describes the variables in the stack starting from the top. In a block (, m, n), is an environment mapping exactly m- | n | program variables to disjoint numbers in the range 1..m- | n |. The empty environment, denoted is the list [({}, 0, 0)]. A block (, m, n) corresponds to a small block in the above explanation. Blocks with n = -1, are topped with a code pointer pointing to alternatives. So, they provide a separation between big blocks. The upper big block consists of all the small blocks up to (and excluding) the first small block with n = -1. Blocks with n > 0 have m - n free variables and are topped with n arguments of pending applications. The upper block is the only one with n = 0 meaning that it is not still closed and that it can be extended. Definition 3. A closure environment with n variables is a mapping from these variables to disjoint numbers in the range 1..n. Definition 4. The offset of a variable x in from the top of the stack, denoted x, is given by x def = ( k i=l m i ) l x, being x dom l If the initial closed expression to be translated has different names for bound variables, then the compile time environments and will never have duplicate names. It will be proved below that every free variable of an expression being compiled will necessarily be either in or in , and never in both. This allows us to introduce the notation (, ) x to mean (, ) x def = (STACK , x) if x dom (NODE , x) if x dom The stack environment may suffer a number of operations: closing the current small block with a set of arguments, enlarging the current small block with new bindings, and closing the current big block with a pointer to case alternatives. These are formally defined as follows. Definition 5. The following operations with stack environments are defined: 1. ((, m, 0) : ) + n def = ({}, 0, 0) : (, m + n, n) : 108 Instructions Stack Node Heap Code control [ENTER] a : S node [a (p, ws)] cs[p is] = is S a cs [RETURNCON C m k ] p : S node cs[p is i n ] = is k S node cs [RETURNCON C m k ] #a : S node [a (p bh , as), node (p, ws)] cs = [RETURNCON C m k ] S node [a (p, ws)] cs ARGCHECK m : is a im : S node cs = is a im : S node cs ARGCHECK m : is a in : #a : S node [a (p bh , ws)] cs n < m = ARGCHECK m : is a in : S node [a (p n+1 pap , node : a in )] cs heap ALLOC m : is S node cs ( 1 ) = is a m : S node cs BUILDCLS i p z in : is S node cs ( 2 ) = is S node [S!i (p, a in )] cs stack BUILDENV z in : is S node cs ( 2 ) = is a in : S node cs PUSHALTS p : is S node cs = is p : S node cs UPDTMARK : is S node [node (p, ws)] cs = is #node : S node [node (p bh , ws)] cs SLIDE (n k , m k ) l : is a kj n k : b kj m k l : S node cs = is a kj n k l : S node cs ( 1 ) a m is a pointer to a new closure with space for m free variables, and is the resulting heap after the allocation ( 2 ) a i = S!i if z i = (STACK , i) node !i if z i = (NODE , i) Figure 8: The ISTG machine 2. ((, m, 0) : )+({x i j i n }, n) def = ({x i m + j i n }, m+n, 0) : 3. ((, m, 0) : ) + + def = ({}, 0, 0) : (, m + 1, -1) : 5.1 Translation schemes Functions trE and trA respectively translate a FUN expression and a case alternative to a sequence of ISTG machine instructions; function trAs translates a set of alternatives to a pointer to a vectored set of machine instruction sequences in the code store; and function trB translates a lambda form to a pointer to a machine instruction sequence in the code store. The translation schemes are shown in Figure 9. The notation . . . & cs[p . . .] means that the corresponding translation scheme has a side effect which consists of creating a code sequence in the code store cs and pointing it by the code pointer p. Proposition 8. (static invariant) Given a closed expression e 0 with different bound variables and an initial call trE e 0 {}, in all internal calls of the form trE e : 1. The stack environment has the form = (, m, 0) : . Moreover, there is no other block ( , m , n) in with n = 0. Consequently, all environment operations in the above translation are well defined. 2. All free variables of e are defined either in or in . Moreover, dom dom = . 3. The last instruction generated for e is ENTER. Consequently , the main instruction sequence and all sequences corresponding to case alternatives and to non-constructor closures, end in an ENTER. Proof. (1) and (2) are proved by induction on the tree structure of calls to trE ; (3) is proved by structural induction on FUN expressions. In order to prove the correctness of the translation, we only need to consider ISTG machine configurations of the form (is, S I , node, I , cs) in which is is generated by a call to trE for some expression e and environments , . We call these stable configurations. We enrich then these configurations with three additional components: the environments 109 trE (e x in ) = [BUILDENV (, ) x i n ] ++ trE e ( + n) trE (case e of alts | x in ) = [BUILDENV zs, PUSHALTS p] ++ trE e + + ( - xs) where p = trAs alts = + ({xs j m - j + 1 m }, m) xs = [x | x x in x dom ] zs = [(node, x) | x xs] m = | xs | trE (letrec x i = lf i | y ij mi n in e) = [ALLOC m n , . . . , ALLOC m 1 ] ++ [BUILDCLS (i - 1) p i zs i n ] ++ trE e where = + ({x i n - i + 1 n }, n) p i = trB (lf i | y ij mi ), i {1..n} zs i = ( , ) y ij m i , i {1..n} trE x = [BUILDENV [(, ) x], SLIDE ((1, 0) : ms), ENTER] where ms = map (\( , m, n) (n, m - n)) (takeWhile nn ) nn ( , m, -1) = False nn = True trAs (alt i n ) = p & cs[p trA alt i n ] trA (C x in e) = trE e {x i i n } trB (C n k x in | x in ) = p & cs[p [RETURNCON C n k ]] trB (x il .e | y j n ) = p & cs[p [ARGCHECK l] ++ trE e ] where = [({x i l - i + 1 l }, l, 0)] = {y j j n } trB (e | y j n ) = p & cs[p [UPDTMARK ] ++ trE e ] where = {y j j n } Figure 9: Translation schemes from STG-2 to ISTG and used to generate is, and an environment stack S env containing a sequence of stack environments. The environments in S env are in one to one correspondence with case pointers stored in S I . Initially S env is empty. Each time an instruction PUSHALTS is executed (see trE definition for case), the environment the corresponding alternatives are compiled with, is pushed onto stack S env . Each time a RETURNCON pops a case pointer, stack S env is also pop-ed. So, enriched ISTG configurations have the form (is, , , S I , S env , node, I , cs). Definition 6. A STG-2 environment E is equivalent to an ISTG environment defined by , , S I , I and node, denoted E (, S I , , I , node) if dom E dom dom and x dom E E x = S I ! ( x) if x dom E x = node I ! ( x) if x dom Definition 7. A STG-2 stack S is equivalent to a triple (, S I , S env ) of an ISTG enriched configuration, denoted S (, S I , S env ), if 1. Whenever = (, m, 0) : , then S I = a im : S I and S ( , S I , S env ) 2. Whenever = (, m, n) : , n > 0, then S = a in : S , S I = a in : b j m-n : S I and S ( , S I , S env ) 3. Whenever = (, m, -1) : , then S = (alts, E) : S , S I = p alts : S I , S env = alts : S env , p alts = trAs alts alts , E ( alts , S I , , , ) and S ( alts , S I , S env ) 4. Whenever S = #a : S and S I = #a : S I , then S (, S I , S env ) 5. Additionally, [ ] ({}, [ ], [ ]) 110 Definition 8. A STG-2 heap is equivalent to an ISTG pair ( I , cs), denoted ( I , cs), if for all p we have [p (lf | x in , E)] if and only if I [p (q, ws)], cs[q is], is = trB (lf | x in ) and ws = E x i n . Definition 9. A STG-2 configuration is equivalent to an ISTG enriched stable configuration, denoted (, e, E, S) (is, , , S I , S env , node, I , cs) if 1. ( I , cs) 2. is = trE e 3. E (, S I , , I , node) 4. S (, S I , S env ) Proposition 9. (dynamic invariant) Given a closed expression e 0 with different bound variables and initial STG-2 and ISTG configurations, respectively ({}, e 0 , {}, [ ]) and (trE e 0 {}, , {}, [ ], [ ], , {}, cs), where cs is the code store generated by the whole translation of e 0 , then both machines evolve through equivalent configurations. Proof. By induction on the number of transitions of both machines. Only transitions between ISTG stable configurations are considered. Corollary 10. The translation given in Section 5.1 is correct. DIFFERENCES WITH THE ACTUAL STG MACHINE There are some differences between the machine translation presented in Section 5 and the actual code generated by GHC. Some are just omissions, other are non-substantial differences and some other are deeper ones. In the first group it is the treatment of basic values, very elaborated in GHC (see for example [3]) and completely ig-nored here. We have preferred to concentrate our study in the functional kernel of the machine but, of course, a formal reasoning about this aspect is a clear continuation of our work. In the second group it is the optimization of update implementation . In GHC, updates can be done either by indirection or by closure creation, depending on whether there is enough space or not in the old closure to do update in place. This implies to keep closure size information somewhere . GHC keeps it in the so called info table, a static part shared by all closures created from the same bind. This table forces an additional indirection to access the closure code. Our model has simplified these aspects. We understand also that stack restructuring, as the one performed by our SLIDE instruction, is not implemented in this way by GHC. Apparently, stubbing of non used stack positions is done instead. An efficiency study could show which implementation is better. The cost of our SLIDE instruction is in O(n), being n the number of arguments to be preserved in the stack when the current environment is discarded. Perhaps the deeper difference between our derived machine and the actual STG is our insistence in that FUN applications should have the form e x in instead of x x in as it is the case in the STG language. This decision is not justified in the GHC papers and perhaps could have a noticeable negative impact in performance. In a lazy language, the functional part of an application should be eagerly evaluated, but GHC does it lazily. This implies constructing a number of closures that will be immediately entered (and perhaps updated afterwards), with a corresponding additional cost both in space and time. Our translation avoids creating and entering these closures. If the counter-argument were having the possibility of sharing functional expressions, this is always available in FUN since a variable is a particular case of an expression. What we claim is that the normalization process in the Core-to-STG translation should not introduce unneeded sharing. CONCLUSIONS We have presented a stepwise derivation of a (well known) abstract machine starting from Sestoft's operational semantics , going through several intermediate machines and arriving at an imperative machine very close to a conventional imperative language. This strategy of adding a small amount of detail in each step has allowed us both to provide insight on fundamental decisions underlying the STG design and, perhaps more importantly, to be able to show the correctness of each refinement with respect to the previous one and, consequently, the correctness of the whole derivation. To our knowledge, this is the first time that formal translation schemes and a formal proof of correctness of the STG to C translation has been done. Our previous work [2] followed a different path: it showed the soundness and completeness of a STG-like machine called STG-1S (laying somewhere between machines STG-2 and ISTG of this paper) with respect to Sestoft's semantics. The technique used was also different: a bisimulation between the STG-1S machine and Sestoft's MARK-2 machine was proved. We got the inspiration for the strategy followed here from Mountjoy [5] and in Section 2 we have explained the differences between his and our work. The previous machines of all these works, including STG-1 and STG-2 of this paper, are very abstract in the sense that they deal directly with functional expressions. The new machine ISTG introduced here is a really low level machine dealing with raw imperative instructions and pointers. Two contributions of this paper have been to bridge this big gap by means of the translations schemes and the proof of correctness of this translation. Our experience is that formal reasoning about even well known products always reveals new details, give new insight, makes good decisions more solid and provides trust in the behavior of our programs. REFERENCES [1] A. at URL: [2] A. Encina and R. Pe~ na. Proving the Correctness of the STG Machine. In Implementation of Functional Languages, IFL'01. Selected Papers. LNCS 2312, pages 88104. Springer-Verlag, 2002. [3] S. P. Jones and J. Launchbury. Unboxed values as first class citizens in a non-strict functional language. Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture FPCA'91, LNCS 523, September 1991. [4] J. Launchbury. A Natural Semantics for Lazy Evaluation. In Proc. Conference on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL'93. ACM, 1993. [5] J. Mountjoy. The Spineless Tagless G-machine, Naturally. In Third International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP'98, Baltimore. ACM Press, 1998. 111 [6] S. L. Peyton Jones. Implementing Lazy Functional Languages on Stock Hardware: the Spineless Tagless G-machine, Version 2.5. Journal of Functional Programming, 2(2):127202, April 1992. [7] S. L. Peyton Jones, C. V. Hall, K. Hammond, W. D. Partain, and P. L. Wadler. The Glasgow Haskell Compiler: A Technical Overview. In Joint Framework for Inf. Technology, Keele, pages 249257, 1993. [8] S. L. Peyton Jones and J. Hughes, editors. Report on the Programming Language Haskell 98. URL, February 1999. [9] S. L. Peyton Jones, S. Marlow, and A. Reid. The STG Runtime System (revised)., 1999. [10] P. Sestoft. Deriving a Lazy Abstract Machine. Journal of Functional Programming, 7(3):231264, May 1997. 112
Lazy evaluation;operational semantics;Functional programming;STG machine;compiler verification;Closures;Translation scheme;Abstract machine;Stepwise derivation;Operational semantics;abstract machines;Haskell compiler
Building Bridges for Web Query Classification
Web query classification (QC) aims to classify Web users' queries, which are often short and ambiguous, into a set of target categories. QC has many applications including page ranking in Web search, targeted advertisement in response to queries, and personalization. In this paper, we present a novel approach for QC that outperforms the winning solution of the ACM KDDCUP 2005 competition, whose objective is to classify 800,000 real user queries. In our approach, we first build a bridging classifier on an intermediate taxonomy in an offline mode. This classifier is then used in an online mode to map user queries to the target categories via the above intermediate taxonomy. A major innovation is that by leveraging the similarity distribution over the intermediate taxonomy, we do not need to retrain a new classifier for each new set of target categories, and therefore the bridging classifier needs to be trained only once. In addition, we introduce category selection as a new method for narrowing down the scope of the intermediate taxonomy based on which we classify the queries. Category selection can improve both efficiency and effectiveness of the online classification. By combining our algorithm with the winning solution of KDDCUP 2005, we made an improvement by 9.7% and 3.8% in terms of precision and F1 respectively compared with the best results of KDDCUP 2005.
INTRODUCTION With exponentially increasing information becoming available on the Internet, Web search has become an indispensable tool for Web users to gain desired information. Typi-cally , Web users submit a short Web query consisting of a few words to search engines. Because these queries are short and ambiguous, how to interpret the queries in terms of a set of target categories has become a major research issue. In this paper, we call the problem of generating a ranked list of target categories from user queries the query classification problem, or QC for short. The importance of QC is underscored by many services provided by Web search. A direct application is to provide better search result pages for users with interests of different categories. For example, the users issuing a Web query "apple" might expect to see Web pages related to the fruit apple, or they may prefer to see products or news related to the computer company. Online advertisement services can rely on the QC results to promote different products more accurately. Search result pages can be grouped according to the categories predicted by a QC algorithm. However, the computation of QC is non-trivial, since the queries are usually short in length, ambiguous and noisy (e.g., wrong spelling). Direct matching between queries and target categories often produces no result. In addition, the target categories can often change, depending on the new Web contents as the Web evolves, and as the intended services change as well. KDDCUP 2005 ( ) highlighted the interests in QC, where 800,000 real Web queries are to be classified into 67 target categories. Each query can belong to more than one target category. For this task, there is no training data provided. As an example of a QC task, given the query "apple", it should be classified into "Computers \Hardware; Living\Food&Cooking". The winning solution in the KDDCUP 2005 competition, which won on all three evaluation metrics (precision, F1 and creativity), relied on an innovative method to map queries to target categories. By this method, an input query is first mapped to an intermediate category, and then a second mapping is applied to map the query from the intermediate category to the target category. However, we note that this method suffers from two potential problems. First, the classifier for the second mapping function needs to be trained whenever the target category structure changes. Since in real applications, the target categories can change depending on the needs of the service providers, as well as the distribution of the Web contents, this solution is not flexible 131 enough. What would be better is to train the classifiers once and then use them in future QC tasks, even when the target categories are different. Second, the winners used the Open Directory Project (ODP) taxonomy as the intermediate taxonomy . Since the ODP contains more than 590,000 different categories, it is costly to handle all mapping functions. It is better to select a portion of the most relevant parts of the intermediate categories. In this paper, we introduce a novel QC algorithm that solves the above two problems. In particular, we first build a bridging classifier on an intermediate taxonomy in an offline mode. This classifier is then used in online mode to map users' queries to the target categories via the above intermediate taxonomy. Therefore, we do not have to build the classifier each time the target categories change. In addition, we propose a category-selection method to select the categories in the intermediate taxonomy so that the effectiveness and efficiency of the online classification can be improved. The KDDCUP 2005 winning solution included two kinds of base classifiers and two ensemble classifiers of them. By comparing our new method with any base classifier in the winner's solution for the KDDCUP 2005 competition, we found that our new method can improve the performance by more than 10.4% and 7.1% in terms of precision and F1 respectively, while our method does not require the extra resource such as WordNet [8]. The proposed method can even achieve a similar performance to the winner's ensemble classifiers that achieved the best performance in the KDDCUP 2005 competition. Furthermore, by combining the our method with the base classifiers in the winner's solution, we can improve the classification results by 9.7% in terms of precision and 3.8% in terms of F1 as compared to the winner's results. This rest of the paper is organized as follows. We define the query classification problem in Section 2. Section 3 presents the methods of enriching queries and target categories . In Section 4, we briefly introduce the previous methods and put forward a new method. In Section 5, we compare the approaches empirically on the tasks of KDDCUP 2005 competition. We list some related works in Section 6. Section 7 gives the conclusion of the paper and some possible future research issues. PROBLEM DEFINITION The query classification problem is not as well-formed as other classification problems such as text classification. The difficulties include short and ambiguous queries and the lack of training data. In this section, inspired by KDDCUP 2005, we give a stringent definition of the QC problem. Query Classification: * The aim of query classification is to classify a user query Q i into a ranked list of n categories C i1 , C i2 , . . ., C in , among a set of N categories {C 1 , C 2 , . . ., C N }. Among the output, C i1 is ranked higher than C i2 , and C i2 is higher than C i3 , and so on. * The queries are collected from real search engines submitted by Web users. The meaning and intension of the queries are subjective. * The target categories are a tree with each node representing a category. The semantic meaning of each category is defined by the labels along the path from the root to the corresponding node. In addition, the training data must be found online because , in general, labeled training data for query classification are very difficult to obtain. Figure 1 illustrates the target taxonomy of the KDDCUP 2005 competition. Because there are no data provided to define the content and the semantics of a category, as in conventional classification problems, a new solution needs be found. As mentioned above, an added difficulty is that the target taxonomy may change frequently. The queries in this problem are from the MSN search engine ( Several examples of the queries are shown in Table 1. Since a query usually contains very few words, the sparseness of queries becomes a serious problem as compared to other text classification problems. Table 1: Examples of queries. 1967 shelby mustang actress hildegarde a & r management" property management Maryland netconfig.exe S o ftw are Other Tools & Hardware Living Sports Computers Hardware Figure 1: An Example of the Target Taxonomy. QUERY AND CATEGORY ENRICHMENT In this section, we discuss the approaches for enriching queries and categories, which are critical for the query classification task. 3.1 Enrichment through Search Engines Since queries and categories usually contain only a few words in the QC problem, we need to expand them to obtain richer representations. One straightforward method is to submit them to search engines to get the related pages (for categories, we can take their labels as the queries and submit them to search engines, such as "Computers \Hardware" in Figure 1). The returned Web pages from search engines provide the context of the queries and the target categories, which can help determine the meanings/semantics of the queries and categories. Given the search results for a query or category, we need to decide what features should be extracted from the pages to construct the representation. Three kinds of features are considered in this paper: the title of a page, the snippet generated by the search engines, and the full plain text of a page. The snippet is in fact a short query-based summary of a Web page in which the query words occur frequently. The full plain text is all the text in a page with the html tags removed. Since the title of a page is usually very short (5.2 words on average for our data set), we combine it with 132 other kinds of features together. These features are studied in our experiments. Besides the above textual features, we can also obtain the category information of a Web page through the directory information from search engines. For example, Google's "Di-rectory Search" can provide the labels of the returned Web pages. Such labels will be leveraged to classify a query, as stated in Section 4.1. 3.2 Word Matching Between Categories The query classification problem can be converted to a traditional text classification problem by finding some training data online for each category in the target taxonomy. Our method of collecting the training data is by finding documents in certain intermediate taxonomies that are found online. To do so, we need to construct mapping functions between the intermediate categories and the target categories . Given a certain category in an intermediate taxonomy , we say that it is directly mapped to a target category if and only if the following condition is satisfied: one or more terms in each node along the path in the target category appear along the path corresponding to the matched intermediate category. For example, the intermediate category "Computers \Hardware \Storage" is directly mapped to the target category "Computers \Hardware" since the words "Computers" and "Hardware" both appear along the path Computers Hardware Storage as shown in Figure 2. We call this matching method direct matching. After constructing the above mapping functions by exact word matching, we may still miss a large number of mappings. To obtain a more complete mapping function, we expand the words in the labels of the target taxonomy through a thesaurus such as the WordNet [8]. For example, the keyword "Hardware" is extended to "Hardware & Devices & Equipments". Then an intermediate category such as "Computers \Devices" can now be mapped to "Computers \Hardware". This matching method is called extended matching in this paper. Computers Storage Hardware (2) Target Taxonomy (1) Intermediate Taxonomy Computers Hardware Figure 2: Illustration of the matching between taxonomies CLASSIFICATION APPROACHES In this section, we first describe the state-of-the-art query classification methods. Then we describe our new bridging classifier to address the disadvantages of the existing methods . 4.1 Classification by Exact Matching As described in Section 3.1, a query can be expanded through search engines which results in a list of related Web pages together with their categories from an intermediate taxonomy. A straightforward approach to QC is to leverage the categories by exact matching. We denote the categories in the intermediate taxonomy and the target taxonomy as C I and C T respectively. For each category in C I , we can detect whether it is mapped to any category in C T according to the matching approaches given in Section 3.2. After that, the most frequent target categories to which the returned intermediate categories have been successfully mapped are regarded as the classification result. That is: c = arg max C T j n i=1 I(C I (i) is mapped to C T j ) (1) In Equation (1), I( ) is the indicator function whose value is 1 when its parameter is true and 0 otherwise. C I (i) is the category in the intermediate taxonomy for the i th page returned by the search engine. n result pages are used for query classification and the parameter n is studied in our experiments. It is not hard to imagine that the exact matching approach tends to produce classification results with high precision but low recall. It produces high precision because this approach relies on the Web pages which are associated with the manually annotated category information. It produces low recall because many search result pages have no intermediate categories. Moreover, the exact matching approach cannot find all the mappings from the existing intermediate taxonomy to the target taxonomy which also results in low recall. 4.2 Classification by SVM To alleviate the low-recall problem of the exact matching method, some statistical classifiers can be used for QC. In the KDDCUP 2005 winning solution, Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used as a base classifier. Query classification with SVM consists of the following steps: 1) construct the training data for the target categories based on mapping functions between categories, as discussed in Section 3.2. If an intermediate category C I is mapped to a target category C T , then the Web pages in C I are mapped into C T ; 2) train SVM classifiers for the target categories; 3) for each Web query to be classified, use search engines to get its enriched features as discussed in Section 3.1 and classify the query using the SVM classifiers. The advantage of this QC method is that it can improve the recall of the classification result. For example, assume two intermediate categories, C I 1 and C I 2 , are semantically related with a target category C T 1 . C I 1 can be matched with C T 1 through word matching but C I 2 cannot. For a query to be classified, if a search engine only returns pages of C I 2 , this query cannot be classified into the target category if the exact matching classification method is used. However, if the query is classified by a statistical classifier, it can also be assigned the target category C T 1 , as the classifier is trained using pages of C I 1 , which may also contain terms of C I 2 because the two intermediate categories are similar in topic. Although statistical classifiers can help increase the recall of the exact matching approach, they still need the exact matching for collecting the training data. What is more, if the target taxonomy changes, we need to collect the training data by exact matching and train statistical classifiers again. In the following sections, we develop a new method to solve the abov e problems. 133 4.3 Our New Method: Classifiers by Bridges 4.3.1 Taxonomy-Bridging Algorithm We now describe our new QC approach called taxonomy-bridging classifier, or bridging classifier in short, by which we connect the target taxonomy and queries by taking an intermediate taxonomy as a bridge. The idea is illustrated in Figure 3, where two vertical lines separate the space into three parts. The square in the left part denotes the queries to be classified; the tree in the right part represents the target taxonomy; the tree in the middle part is an existing intermediate taxonomy. The thickness of the dotted lines reflects the similarly relationship between two nodes. For example, we can see that the relationship between C T i and C I j is much stronger than that between C T i and C I k . Given a category C T i in the target taxonomy and a query to be classified q k , we can judge the similarity between them by the distributions of their relationship to the categories in the intermediate taxonomy. By defining the relationship and similarity under the probabilistic framework, the above idea can be explained by Equation (2). T i C k q I j C I k C T C I C Q Figure 3: Illustration of the Bridging Classifier. p(C T i |q) = C I j p(C T i , C I j |q) = C I j p(C T i |C I j , q)p(C I j |q) C I j p(C T i |C I j )p(C I j |q) = C I j p(C T i |C I j ) p(q|C I j )p(C I j ) p(q) C I j p(C T i |C I j )p(q |C I j )p(C I j ) (2) In Equation (2), p(C T i |q) denotes the conditional probability of C T i given q. Similarly, p(C T i |C I j ) and p(q |C I j ) denotes the probability of C T i and q given C I j respectively. p(C I j ) is the prior probability of C I j which can be estimated from the Web pages in C I . If C T i is represented by a set of words (w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n ) where each word w k appears n k times, p(C T i |C I j ) can be calculated through Equation (3) p(C T i |C I j ) = n k=1 p(w k |C I j ) n k (3) where p(w k |C I j ) stands for the probability that the word w k occurs in class C I j , which can be estimated by the principle of maximal likelihood. p(q |C I j ) can be calculated in the same way as p(C T i |C I j ). A query q can be classified according to Equation (4): c = arg max C T i p(C T i |q) (4) To make our bridging classifier easier to understand, we can explain it in another way by rewriting Equation (2) as Equation (5), p(C T i |q) = C I j p(C T i , C I j |q) = C I j p(C T i |C I j , q)p(C I j |q) C I j p(C T i |C I j )p(C I j |q) = C I j p(C I j |C T i )p(C T i ) p(C I j ) p(C I j |q) = p(C T i ) C I j p(C I j |C T i )p(C I j |q) p(C I j ) (5) Let us consider the numerator on the right side of the Equation (5). Given a query q and C T i , p(C I j |C T i ) and p(C I j |q) are fixed and C I j p(C I j |C T i ) = 1, C I j p(C I j |q) = 1. p(C I j |C T i ) and p(C I j |q) represent the probability that C T i and q belong to C I j . It is easy to prove that p(C T i |q) tends to be larger when q and C T i tends to belong to the same category in the intermediate taxonomy. The denominator p(C I j ) reflects the size of category C I j which acts as a weighting factor . It guarantees that the higher the probability that q and C T i belong to the smaller sized category (where size refers to the number of nodes underneath the category in the tree) in the intermediate taxonomy, the higher the probability that q belongs to C I i . Such an observation agrees with our intuition, since a larger category tends to contain more sub-topics while a smaller category contains fewer sub-topics. Thus we can say with higher confidence that q and C I i are related to the same sub-topic when they belong to the same smaller category. 4.3.2 Category Selection The intermediate taxonomy may contain enormous categories and some of them are irrelevant to the query classification task corresponding with the predefined target taxonomy . Therefore, to reduce the computation complexity, we should perform "Category Selection" in a similar sense of "Feature Selection" in text classification [15]. Two approaches are employed in this paper to evaluate the goodness of a category in the intermediate taxonomy. After sorting the categories according to the scores calculated by the following two approaches, category selection can be fulfilled by selecting the top n categories. Total Probability (TP): this method gives a score to each category in the intermediate taxonomy according to its probability of generating the categories in the target taxonomy, as shown in Equation (6). Score(C I j ) = C T i P (C T i |C I j ) (6) Mutual Information (MI): MI is a criterion commonly used in statistical language modeling of word associations and other related applications [15]. Given a word t and a 134 category c, the mutual information between t and c is defined as: M I(t, c) = log P (t c) P (t) P (c) (7) By considering the two-way contingency table for t and c, where A is the number of times t and c co-occur, B is the number of times that t occurs without c, C is number of times c occurs without t and N is the total number of documents , then the mutual information between t and c can be estimated using: M I(t, c) log A N (A + C) (A + B) (8) Since the name of a category in the target taxonomy usually contains more than one term, we define the "mutual infor-mation" between a category in the intermediate taxonomy C I j and a category in the target taxonomy C T i as: M I(C T i , C I j ) = 1 |C T i | tC T i M I(t, C I j ) (9) where |C T i | is the number of terms in the name of C T i . To measure the goodness of C I j in a global category selection , we combine the category-specific scores of C I j by: M I avg (C I j ) = C T j M I(C T i , C I j ) (10) 4.3.3 Discussions As we can see, in the bridging classifier, we do not need to train a classifier function between an intermediate taxonomy and the target taxonomy. We only need to build the classifiers on the intermediate taxonomy once and it can be applied to any target taxonomy. The framework can be extended in two directions. One is to include some training data for each target category. With the training data, we do not have to treat the labels of the target categories as queries and retrieve related Web pages through search engines to represent the categories. We can extract features from the training data directly. The second extension is to use other sophisticated models such as the n-gram model [9] or SVM [10] for computing p(C T i |C I j ) and p(q |C I j ). EXPERIMENTS In this section, we first introduce the data set and the evaluation metrics. Then we present the experiment results and give some discussions. 5.1 Data Set and Evaluation Metrics 5.1.1 Data sets In this paper, we use the data sets from the KDDCUP 2005 competition which is available on the Web 1 . One of the data sets contains 111 sample queries together with the category information. These samples are used to exemplify the format of the queries by the organizer. However, since the category information of these queries is truthful, they can serve as the validation data. Another data set contains 800 queries with category information labeled by three human labelers. In fact, the organizers provided 800,000 queries in 1 total which are selected from the MSN search logs for testing the submitted solutions. Since manually labeling all the 800,000 queries is too expensive and time consuming, the organizers randomly selected 800 queries for evaluation. We denote the three human query-labelers (and sometimes the dataset labeled by them if no confusion is caused) as L1, L2 and L3, respectively. Each query has at most five labels in ranked order. Table 2 shows the average precision and F1 score values of each labeler when evaluated against the other two labelers. The average values among the three labelers are around 0.50 which indicates that the query classification problem is not an easy task even for human labelers. In this paper, all the experiments use only the 800 queries, except in the ensemble classifiers, where we use the 111 sample queries to tune the weight of each single classifier. Table 2: The Average Scores of Each Labeler When Evaluated Against the Other Two Labelers L1 L2 L3 Average F1 0.538 0.477 0.512 0.509 Pre 0.501 0.613 0.463 0.526 The existing intermediate taxonomy used in the paper is from Open Directory Project (ODP, We crawled 1,546,441 Web pages from ODP which spanned over 172,565 categories. The categories have a hierarchical structure as shown in Figure 2(1). We can consider the hierarchy at different levels. Table 3 shows the number of categories on different levels. The first row counts all the categories while the second row counts only the categories containing more than 10 Web pages. Table 4 summarizes the statistics of Web page numbers in the categories with more than 10 documents on different levels. As we can see, when we move down to the lower levels along the hierarchy, more categories appear while each category contains fewer Web pages. In order to remove noise, we consider the categories with more than 10 pages in this paper. Table 3: Number of Categories on Different Levels Top 2 Top 3 Top 4 Top 5 Top All #doc > 0 435 5,300 24,315 56,228 172,565 #doc > 10 399 4,011 13,541 23,989 39,250 Table 4: Statistics of the Numbers of Documents in the Categories on Different Levels Top 2 Top 3 Top 4 Top 5 Top All Largest 211,192 153,382 84,455 25,053 920 Smallest 11 11 11 11 11 Mean 4,044.0 400.8 115.6 61.6 29.1 5.1.2 Evaluation Measurements In KDDCUP 2005, precision, performance and creativity are the three measures to evaluate the submitted solutions. "creativity" refers to the novelty of the solutions judged by experts. The other two measures are defined according to the standard measures to evaluate the performance of classification , that is, precision, recall and F1-measure [12]. Pre-135 cision (P) is the proportion of actual positive class members returned by the system among all predicted positive class members returned by the system. Recall (R) is the proportion of predicted positive members among all actual positive class members in the data. F1 is the harmonic mean of precision and recall as shown below: F 1 = 2 P R/(P + R) (11) "performance" adopted by KDDCUP 2005 is in fact F1. Therefore, we denote it by F1 instead of "performance" for simplicity. As 3 labelers were asked to label the queries, the results reported are averaged over the values evaluated on each of them. 5.2 Results and Analysis 5.2.1 Performance of Exact matching and SVM In this section, we study the performance of the two methods which tightly depend on word matching: exact matching and SVM, as well as the effect of query and category expansion. Table 5 shows the results of the category expansion through intermediate taxonomy by word matching, that is the results of collecting training data for the target taxonomy. Each element in the table represents the number of documents collected for the target categories. The first row contains the results by direct matching while the second row contains the results after expanding the category names through extended matching. We can see that after extending the names of the target categories, the number of documents collected for the target categories increases. We expect that the expansion with the help of WordNet should provide more documents to reflect the semantics of the target categories which is verified by Table 6. Table 5: Number of Pages Collected for Training under Different Category Expansion Methods Min Max Median Mean Direct Matching 4 126,397 2,389 14,646 Extended Matching 22 227,690 6,815 21,295 Table 6 presents the result comparisons of the exact matching method and SVM. We enrich the query by retrieving the relevant pages through Google ( The top n returned pages are used to represent the query where n varies from 20 to 80, with the step size of 20. Two approaches are used to extract features from the returned pages. One is to extract the snippet of the returned pages and the other is to extract all the text in the Web pages except the HTML tags. The Web pages' titles will be added to both of these two kinds of features. The column "0" means that we use only the terms in the query without enrichment. In our experiments, we expand the target categories through the ODP taxonomy; that is, we collect the training data for the target categories from ODP. When constructing the mapping relationship as shown in Section 3.2, if we use direct matching, we denote SVM and the exact matching method with "SVM-D" and "Extact-D" respectively. Otherwise,if we use the extended matching method, we denote SVM and the exact matching method with "SVM-E" and "Extact-E" respectively. The exact matching method needs the category list of the retrieved Web pages for each query. The Table 6: Performance of Exact Matching and SVM (1)Measured by F1 n 0 20 40 60 80 Exact-D Null 0.251 0.249 0.247 0.246 Exact-E Null 0.385 0.396 0.386 0.384 SVM-D snippet 0.205 0.288 0.292 0.291 0.289 full text 0.254 0.276 0.267 0.273 SVM-E snippet 0.256 0.378 0.383 0.379 0.379 full text 0.316 0.340 0.327 0.336 (2) Measured by Precision n 0 20 40 60 80 Exact-D Null 0.300 0.279 0.272 0.268 Exact-E Null 0.403 0.405 0.389 0.383 SVM-D snippet 0.178 0.248 0.248 0.244 0.246 full text 0.227 0.234 0.242 0.240 SVM-E snippet 0.212 0.335 0.321 0.312 0.311 full text 0.288 0.309 0.305 0.296 category information is obtained through Google's "Direc-tory Search" service ( From Table 6 we can see that "Exact-E" is much better than "Exact-D", and "SVM-E" is much better than "SVM-D" . This indicates that the extended matching with the help of WordNet can achieve a more proper representation of the target category. We can also observe that "Exact-E" performs better than "SVM-E". Another observation is that the "snippet" representation outperforms "full text" consistently. The reason is that the "snippet" provides a more concise context of the query than the "full text" which tends to introduce noise. We can also see that most of the classifiers achieve the highest performance when the queries are represented by the top 40 search result pages. Therefore, in the later experiments, we use snippets of the top 40 pages to represent queries. 5.2.2 Performance of the Bridging Classifier As we can see in the above experiments, the thesaurus WordNet plays an important role in both the exact matching method and SVM since it can help expand the words in the labels of the target categories, which can further improve the mapping functions. However, the effect of a thesaurus may be limited due to the following reasons: 1) there may be no thesaurus in some fields; 2) it is hard to determine the precise expansion of the words even with a high-quality thesaurus , especially with the rapidly changing usage of words on the Web. Therefore, we put forward the bridging classifier which only relies on the intermediate taxonomies. In order to expand a target category, we can treat its name as a query and submit it to search engines. We use the snippet of the top n returned pages to represent a category since we learned from the query expansion that snippet performs better than "full text". The parameter n varies from 20 to 100. Table 7 shows the results when "top all" categories in the ODP taxonomy are used for bridging the queries and the target taxonomy. The effect of different levels of the intermediate taxonomy will be studied later. From Table 7, we can 136 see that the bridging classifier achieves the best performance when n equals 60. The best F1 and precision achieved by the bridging classifier is higher than those achieved either by the exact matching method or SVM. The relative improvement is more than 10.4% and 7.1% in terms of precision and F1 respectively. The main reason for the improvement is that the bridging classifier can make thorough use of the finer grained intermediate taxonomy in a probabilistic way. While the previous methods including the exact matching method and SVM exploit the intermediate taxonomy in a hard way when constructing the mapping function as shown in Section 3.2. Table 7: Performances of the Bridging Classifier with Different Representations of Target Categories n 20 40 60 80 100 F1 0.414 0.420 0.424 0.421 0.416 Precision 0.437 0.443 0.447 0.444 0.439 Table 8: Performances of the Bridging Classifier with Different Granularity Top 2 Top 3 Top 4 Top 5 Top All F1 0.267 0.285 0.312 0.352 0.424 Precision 0.270 0.291 0.339 0.368 0.447 Table 8 shows the performance of the bridging classifier when we change the granularity of the categories in the intermediate taxonomy. To change the granularity of the categories , we use the categories on the top L level by varying L. It is clear that the categories have larger granularity when L is smaller. From Table 8, we can see that the performance of the bridging classifier improves steadily by reducing the granularity of categories. The reason is that categories with large granularity may be a mixture of several target categories which prohibit distinguishing the target categories. 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 4000 11000 18000 25000 32000 39250 MI-F1 MI-Pre TP-F1 TP-Pre Figure 4: Effect of category selection. However, reducing the granularity of categories in the intermediate taxonomy will certainly increase the number of the intermediate categories which will thus increase the computation cost. One way to solve this problem is to do category selection. Figure 4 shows the performance of the bridging classifier when we select the categories from all the ODP taxonomy through the two category selection approaches proposed in Section 4.3.2. We can see that when the category number is around 18,000, the performance of the bridging classifier is comparable to, if not better than, the previous approaches, including the exact matching method and SVM. MI works better than TP in that MI can not only measure the relevance between the categories in the target taxonomy and those in the intermediate taxonomy, but also favors the categories which are more powerful to distinguish the categories in the target taxonomy. However, TP only cares about the merit of relevance. 5.2.3 Ensemble of Classifiers The winner of the KDDCUP 2005 competition found that the best result was achieved by combining the exact matching method and SVM. In the winning solution, besides the exact matching method on Google's directory search, two other exact matching methods are developed using LookS-mart ( and a search engine based on Lemur ( and their crawled Web pages from ODP [11]. Two classifier-combination strategies are used, with one aiming at higher precision (denoted by EV, where 111 samples are used as the validation data to tune the weight of each base classifier) and the other aiming at higher F1 (denoted by EN in which the validation data set is ignored). EV assigns a weight to a classifier proportional to the classifier's precision while EN gives equal weights to all classifiers. We follow the same strategy to combine our new method with the winner's methods, which is denoted as "Exact-E"+"SVM-E"+Bridging as shown in Table 9. The numbers in the parentheses are the relative improvement . Note that the bridging classifier alone achieves similar F1 measurement as the KDDCU 2005 winning solution ("Exact-E"+"SVM-E" with the EV combination strategy ) but improves the precision by 5.4%. From Table 9 we can also find that the combination of the bridging classifier and the KDDCUP 2005 winning solution can improve the performance by 9.7% and 3.8% in terms of precision and F1, respectively, when compared with the winning solution. This indicates that the bridging classifier works in a different way as the exact matching method and SVM, and they are complimentary to each other. Table 9: Performances of Ensemble Classifiers "Exact-E" "Exact-E" + "SVM-E" + "SVM-E" +Bridging EV F1 0.426 0.429(+0.007) Precision 0.424 0.465(+0.097) EN F1 0.444 0.461(+0.038) Precision 0.414 0.430(+0.039) RELATED WORK Though not much work has been done on topical query classification, some work has been conducted on other kinds of query classification problems. Gravano et al. classified the Web queries by geographical locality [3] while Kang et al. proposed to classify queries according to their functional types [4]. Beitzel et al. studied the same problem in [2] as we pur-sued in this paper, with the goal to classify the queries according to their topic(s). They used two primary data sets 137 containing the queries from the AOL web search service. These queries were manually classified into a set of 18 categories . The main difference between our problem and that of [2] is that we did not have training data as given input. In fact, it is a very difficult and time consuming task to provide enough training examples, especially when the target taxonomy is complicated. Another potential problem related to the training data, as pointed out in [2], is caused by the ongoing changes in the query stream, which makes it hard to systematically cover the space of queries. In this paper, we just rely on the structure and category names of the target taxonomy without training data, which is consistent with the task of KDDCUP 2005. KDDCUP 2005 provides a test bed for the Web query classification problem. There are a total of 37 solutions from 32 teams attending the competition. As summarized by the organizers [6], most solutions expanded the queries through search engines or WordNet and expanded the category by mapping between some pre-defined/existing taxonomy to the target taxonomy. Some solutions require human intervention in the mapping process [5, 13]. Besides classifying the queries into target taxonomy, we can also cluster the queries to discover some hidden taxonomies through unsupervised methods. Both Beeferman [1] and Wen [14] used search engines' clickthrough data to cluster the queries. The former makes no use of the actual content of the queries and URLs, but only how they co-occur within the clickthrough data, while the latter exploits the usage of the content. Although the work in [1] and [14] proved the effectiveness of the clickthrough data for query clustering, we did not utilize them in our solution due to the following two reasons: 1) the clickthorugh data can be quite noisy and is search engine dependent; 2) it is difficult to obtain the clickthrough data due to privacy and legal issues. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper presented a novel solution for classifying Web queries into a set of target categories, where the queries are very short and there are no training data. In our solution, an intermediate taxonomy is used to train classifiers bridging the queries and target categories so that there is no need to collect the training data. Experiments on the KDDCUP 2005 data set show that the bridging classifier approach is promising. By combining the bridging classifier with the winning solution of KDDCUP 2005, we made a further improvement by 9.7% and 3.8% in terms of precision and F1 respectively compared with the best results of KDDCUP 2005. In the future, we plan to extend the bridging classifier idea to other types of query processing tasks, including query clustering. We will also conduct research on how to leverage a group of intermediate taxonomies for query classification ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dou Shen and Qiang Yang are supported by a grant from NEC (NECLC05/06.EG01). We thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments. REFERENCES [1] D. Beeferman and A. Berger. Agglomerative clustering of a search engine query log. In KDD '00: Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, pages 407416, 2000. [2] S. M. Beitzel, E. C. Jensen, O. Frieder, D. Grossman, D. D. Lewis, A. Chowdhury, and A. Kolcz. 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Bridging classifier;Category Selection;Ensemble classifier;Bridging Classifier;Target categories;Similarity distribution;Mapping functions;Search engine;Matching approaches;Intermediate categories;Taxonomy;Query enrichment;KDDCUP 2005;Query classification;Category selection;Web Query Classification
Geographically Focused Collaborative Crawling
A collaborative crawler is a group of crawling nodes, in which each crawling node is responsible for a specific portion of the web. We study the problem of collecting geographically -aware pages using collaborative crawling strategies. We first propose several collaborative crawling strategies for the geographically focused crawling, whose goal is to collect web pages about specified geographic locations, by considering features like URL address of page, content of page, extended anchor text of link, and others. Later, we propose various evaluation criteria to qualify the performance of such crawling strategies. Finally, we experimentally study our crawling strategies by crawling the real web data showing that some of our crawling strategies greatly outperform the simple URL-hash based partition collaborative crawling, in which the crawling assignments are determined according to the hash-value computation over URLs. More precisely, features like URL address of page and extended anchor text of link are shown to yield the best overall performance for the geographically focused crawling.
INTRODUCTION While most of the current search engines are effective for pure keyword-oriented searches, these search engines are not fully effective for geographic-oriented keyword searches. For instance, queries like "restaurants in New York, NY" or "good plumbers near 100 milam street, Houston, TX" or "romantic hotels in Las Vegas, NV" are not properly man-aged by traditional web search engines. Therefore, in recent This work was done while the author was visiting Genieknows .com Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom use, and personal use by others. WWW 2006, May 2326, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland. ACM 1-59593-323-9/06/0005. years, there has been surge of interest within the search industry on the search localization (e.g., Google Local 1 , Yahoo Local 2 ). The main aim of such search localization is to allow the user to perform the search according his/her keyword input as well as the geographic location of his/her interest. Due to the current size of the Web and its dynamical nature , building a large scale search engine is challenging and it is still active area of research. For instance, the design of efficient crawling strategies and policies have been exten-sively studied in recent years (see [9] for the overview of the field). While it is possible to build geographically sensitive search engines using the full web data collected through a standard web crawling, it would rather be more attractive to build such search engines over a more focused web data collection which are only relevant to the targeted geographic locations. Focusing on the collection of web pages which are relevant to the targeted geographic location would leverage the overall processing time and efforts for building such search engines. For instance, if we want to build a search engine targeting those users in New York, NY, then we can build it using the web collection, only relevant to the city of New York, NY. Therefore, given intended geographic regions for crawling, we refer the task of collecting web pages, relevant to the intended geographic regions as geographically focused crawling. The idea of focusing on a particular portion of the web for crawling is not novel. For instance, the design of efficient topic-oriented or domain-oriented crawling strategies has been previously studied [8, 23, 24]. However, there has been little previous work on incorporating the geographical dimension of web pages to the crawling. In this paper, we study various aspects of crawling when the geographical dimension is considered. While the basic idea behind the standard crawling is straightforward , the collaborative crawling or parallel crawling is often used due to the performance and scalability issues that might arise during the real crawling of the web [12, 19]. In a collaborative or parallel crawler, the multiple crawling nodes are run in parallel on a multiprocessor or in a distributed manner to maximize the download speed and to further improve the overall performance especially for the scalability of crawling. Therefore, we study the geographically focused crawling under the collaborative setting, in which the targeted geographic regions are divided and then assigned to each participating crawling node. More precisely, 1 2 287 in a geographically focused collaborative crawler, there will be a set of geographically focused crawling nodes in which each node is only responsible for collecting those web pages, relevant to its assigned geographic regions. Furthermore, there will be additional set of general crawling nodes which aim to support other geographically focused crawling nodes through the general crawling (download of pages which are not geographically-aware). The main contributions of our paper are follows: 1. We propose several geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies whose goal is to collect web pages about the specified geographic regions. 2. We propose several evaluation criteria for measuring the performance of a geographically focused crawling strategy. 3. We empirically study our proposed crawling strategies by crawling the real web. More specifically, we collect web pages pertinent to the top 100 US cities for each crawling strategy. 4. We empirically study geographic locality. That is, pages which are geographically related are more likely to be linked compared to those which are not. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some of the previous works related to our geographically focused collaborative crawling. In Section 3, we describe the problem of geographically focused collaborative crawling and then we propose several crawling policies to deal with this type of crawling. In Section 4, we present evaluation models to measure the performance of a geographically focused collaborative crawling strategy. In Section 5, we present results of our experiments with the real web data. Finally, in Section 6, we present final remarks about our work. RELATED WORKS A focused crawler is designed to only collect web pages on a specified topic while transversing the web. The basic idea of a focused crawler is to optimize the priority of the unvisited URLs on the crawler frontier so that pages concerning a particular topic are retrieved earlier. Bra et al. [4] propose a focused web crawling method in the context of a client-based real-time search engine. Its crawling strategy is based on the intuition that relevant pages on the topic likely contain links to other pages on the same topic. Thus, the crawler follows more links from relevant pages which are estimated by a binary classifier that uses keyword and regular expression matchings. In spite of its reasonably acceptable performance, it has an important drawback as a relevant page on the topic might be hardly reachable when this page is not pointed by pages relevant to the topic. Cho et al. [11] propose several strategies for prioritiz-ing unvisited URLs based on the pages downloaded so far. In contrast to other focused crawlers in which a supervised topic classifier is used to control the way that crawler handles the priority of pages to be be downloaded, their strategies are based on considering some simple properties such as linkage or keyword information to define the priority of pages to be downloaded. They conclude that determining the priority of pages to be downloaded based on their PageRank value yield the best overall crawling performance. Chakrabarti et al. [8] propose another type of focused crawler architecture which is composed of three components, namely classifier, distiller and crawler. The classifier makes the decision on the page relevancy to determine its future link expansion. The distiller identifies those hub pages, as defined in [20], pointing to many topic related pages to determine the priority of pages to be visited. Finally, the crawling module fetches pages using the list of pages provided by the distiller. In the subsequent work, Chakrabarti et al. [7] suggest that only a fraction of URLs extracted from a page are worth following. They claim that a crawler can avoid irrelevant links if the relevancy of links can be determined by the local text surrounding it. They propose alternative focused crawler architecture where documents are modeled as tag trees using DOM (Document Object Model). In their crawler, two classifiers are used, namely the "baseline" and the "apprentice". The baseline classifier refers to the module that navigates through the web to obtain the enriching training data for the apprentice classifier. The apprentice classifier, on the other hand, is trained over the data collected through the baseline classifier and eventually guides the overall crawling by determining the relevancy of links using the contextual information around them. Diligenti et al. [14] use the context graph to improve the baseline best-first focused crawling method. In their approach, there is a classifier which is trained through the features extracted from the paths that lead to the relevant pages. They claim that there is some chance that some off-topic pages might potentially lead to highly relevant pages. Therefore, in order to mediate the hardness of identifying apparently off-topic pages, they propose the usage of context graph to guide the crawling. More precisely, first a context graph for seed pages is built using links to the pages returned from a search engine. Next, the context graph is used to train a set of classifiers to assign documents to different categories using their estimated distance, based on the number of links, to relevant pages on different categories . Their experimental results reveal that the context graph based focused crawler has a better performance and achieves higher relevancy compared to an ordinary best-first crawler. Cho et al. [10] attempt to map and explore a full design space for parallel and distributed crawlers. Their work addresses issues of communication bandwidth, page quality and the division of work between local crawlers. Later, Chung et al. [12] study parallel or distributed crawling in the context of topic-oriented crawling. Basically, in their topic-oriented collaborative crawler, each crawling node is responsible for a particular set of topics and the page is assigned to the crawling node which is responsible for the topic which the page is relevant to. To determine the topic of page, a simple Naive-Bayes classifier is employed. Recently, Exposto et al. [17] study distributed crawling by means of the geographical partition of the web considering the multi-level partitioning of the reduced IP web link graph. Note that our IP-based collaborative crawling strategy is similar to their approach in spirit as we consider the IP-addresses related to the given web pages to distribute them among participating crawling nodes. Gravano and his collaborators study the geographically-aware search problem in various works [15, 18, 5]. Particularly , in [15], how to compute the geographical scope of web resources is discussed. In their work, linkage and seman-288 tic information are used to assess the geographical scope of web resources. Their basic idea is as follows. If a reasonable number of links pertinent to one particular geographic location point to a web resource and these links are smoothly distributed across the location, then this location is treated as one of the geographic scopes of the corresponding web resource. Similarly, if a reasonable number of location references is found within a web resource, and the location references are smoothly distributed across the location, then this location is treated as one of the geographical scopes of the web resource. They also propose how to solve aliasing and ambiguity. Recently, Markowetz et al. [22] propose the design and the initial implementation of a geographic search engine prototype for Germany. Their prototype extracts various geographic features from the crawled web dataset consisting of pages whose domain name contains "de". A geographic footprint, a set of relevant locations for page, is assigned to each page. Subsequently, the resulting footprint is integrated into the query processor of the search engine. CRAWLING Even though, in theory, the targeted geographic locations of a geographically focused crawling can be any valid geographic location, in our paper, a geographic location refers to a city-state pair for the sake of simplicity. Therefore, given a list of city-state pairs, the goal of our geographically focused crawling is to collect web pages which are "relevant" to the targeted city-state pairs. Thus, after splitting and distributing the targeted city-state pairs to the participating crawling nodes, each participating crawling node would be responsible for the crawling of web pages relevant to its assigned city-state pairs. Example 1. Given {(New York, NY), (Houston, TX)} as the targeted city-state pairs and 3 crawling nodes {Cn 1 , Cn 2 , Cn 3 }, one possible design of geographically focused collaborative crawler is to assign (New York, NY) to Cn 1 and (Houston, TX) to Cn 2 . Particularly, for our experiments, we perform the geographically focused crawling of pages targeting the top 100 US cities, which will be explained later in Section 5. We use some general notations to denote the targeted city-state pairs and crawling nodes as follows. Let T C = {(c 1 , s 1 ), . . . , (c n , s n )} denote the set of targeted city-state pairs for our crawling where each (c i , s i ) is a city-state pair. When it is clear in the context, we will simply denote (c i , s i ) as c i . Let CR = {Cn 1 , . . . , Cn m } denote the set of participating crawling nodes for our crawling. The main challenges that have to be dealt by a geographically focused collaborative crawler are the following: How to split and then distribute T C = {c 1 , . . . , c n } among the participating CR = {Cn 1 , . . . , Cn m } Given a retrieved page p, based on what criteria we assign the extracted URLs from p to the participating crawling nodes. l number of URLs extracted q extracted p q transferred All URLs a) All l URLs extracted from q are transferred to another crawling node (the worst scenario for policy A ) l number of URLs extracted l number of URLs extracted l number of URLs extracted q extracted p q q q ............. m number of crawling nodes b) Page q is transferred to the m number of crawling nodes, but all URLs extracted from each q of the crawling nodes are not transferred to other crawling nodes (the best scenario for policy B) Figure 1: Exchange of the extracted URLs 3.2 Assignment of the extracted URLs When a crawling node extracts the URLs from a given page, it has to decide whether to keep the URLs for itself or transfer them to other participating crawling nodes for further fetching of the URLs. Once the URL is assigned to a particular crawling node, it may be added to the node's pending queue. Given a retrieved page p, let pr(c i |p) be the probability that page p is about the city-state pair c i . Suppose that the targeted city-state pairs are given and they are distributed over the participating crawling nodes. There are mainly two possible policies for the exchange of URLs between crawling nodes. Policy A: Given the retrieved page p, let c i be the most probable city-state pair about p, i.e. arg max c i T C pr(c i |p). We assign each extracted URL from page p to the crawling node Cn j responsible on c i Policy B: Given the retrieved page p, let {c p 1 , . . . , c p k } T C be the set of city-state pairs whose P r(c p i |p) = 0. We assign each extracted URL from page p to EACH crawling node Cn j responsible on c p i T C, Lemma 2. Let b be the bandwidth cost and let c be the inter-communication cost between crawling nodes. If b > c, then the Policy A is more cost effective than the Policy B. Proof: Given an extracted URL q from page p, let m be the number of crawling nodes used by the Policy B (crawling nodes which are assigned to download q). Since the cost for the policy A and B is equal when m = 1, we suppose m 2. Let l be the total number of URLs extracted from q. Let C(A) and C(B) be the sum of total inter-communication cost plus the bandwidth cost for the Policy A and Policy B respectively. One can easily verify that the cost of download for q and all URLs extracted from q is given as C(A) b+l(c+b) as shown in Figure 1a) and C(B) mb+lmb. 289 as shown in Figure 1b). Therefore, it follows that C(A) C(B) since m 2 and b > c. The assignment of extracted URLs for each retrieved page of all crawling collaboration strategies that we consider next will be based on the Policy A. 3.3 Hash Based Collaboration We consider the hash based collaboration, which is the approach taken by most of collaborative crawlers, for the sake of comparison of this basic approach to our geographically focused collaboration strategies. The goal of hash based collaboration is to implementing a distributed crawler partition over the web by computing hash functions over URLs. When a crawling node extracts a URL from the retrieved page, a hash function is then computed over the URL. The URL is assigned to the participating crawling node responsible for the corresponding hash value of the URL. Since we are using a uniform hash function for our experiments, we will have a considerable data exchange between crawling nodes since the uniform hash function will map most of URLs extracted from the retrieved page to remote crawling nodes. 3.4 Geographically Focused Collaborations We first divide up CR, the set of participating crawling nodes, into geographically sensitive nodes and general nodes. Even though, any combination of geographically sensitive and general crawling nodes is allowed, the architecture of our crawler consists of five geographically sensitive and one general crawling node for our experiments. A geographically sensitive crawling node will be responsible for the download of pages pertinent to a subset targeted city-state pairs while a general crawling node will be responsible for the download of pages which are not geographically-aware supporting other geographically sensitive nodes. Each collaboration policy considers a particular set of features for the assessment of the geographical scope of page (whether a page is pertinent to a particular city-state pair or not). From the result of this assessment, each extracted URL from the page will be assigned to the crawling node that is responsible for the download of pages pertinent to the corresponding city-state pair. 3.4.1 URL Based The intuition behind the URL based collaboration is that pages containing a targeted city-state pair in their URL address might potentially guide the crawler toward other pages about the city-state pair. More specifically, for each extracted URL from the retrieved page p, we verify whether the city-state pair c i is found somewhere in the URL address of the extracted URL. If the city-state pair c i is found, then we assign the corresponding URL to the crawling node which is responsible for the download of pages about c i . 3.4.2 Extended Anchor Text Based Given link text l, an extended anchor text of l is defined as the set of prefix and suffix tokens of l of certain size. It is known that extended anchor text provides valuable information to characterize the nature of the page which is pointed by link text. Therefore, for the extended anchor text based collaboration, our assumption is that pages associated with the extended anchor text, in which a targeted city-state pair c i is found, will lead the crawler toward those pages about c i . More precisely, given retrieved page p, and the extended anchor text l found somewhere in p, we verify whether the city-state pair c i T C is found as part of the extended anchor text l. When multiple findings of city-state occurs, then we choose the city-state pair that is the closest to the link text. Finally, we assign the URL associated with l to the crawling node that is responsible for the download of pages about c i . 3.4.3 Full Content Based In [15], the location reference is used to assess the geographical scope of page. Therefore, for the full content based collaboration, we perform a content analysis of the retrieved page to guide the crawler for the future link expansion . Let pr((c i , s i )|p) be the probability that page p is about city-state pair (c i , s i ). Given T C and page p, we compute pr((c i , s i )|p) for (c i , s i ) T C as follows: pr((c i , s i )|p) = #((c i , s i ), p) + (1 - ) pr(s i |c i ) #(c i , p) (1) where #((c i , s i ), p) denotes the number of times that the city-state pair (c i , s i ) is found as part of the content of p, #(c i , p) denotes the number of times (independent of #((c i , s i ), p)) that the city reference c i is found as part of the content of p, and denotes the weighting factor. For our experiments, = 0.7 was used. The probability pr(s i |c i ) is calculated under two simplified assumptions: (1) pr(s i |c i ) is dependent on the real population size of (c i , s i ) (e.g., Population of Kansas City, Kansas is 500,000). We obtain the population size for each city 3 . (2) pr(s i |c i ) is dependent on the number of times that the state reference is found (independent of #((c i , s i ), p)) as part of the content of p. In other words, our assumption for pr(s j |c i ) can be written as pr(s i |c i ) S(s i |c i ) + (1 - ) ~ S(s i |p) (2) where S(s i |c i ) is the normalized form of the population size of (c i , s i ), ~ S(s i |p) is the normalized form of the number of appearances of the state reference s i , independent of #((c i , s i ), p)), within the content of p, and denotes the weighting factor. For our experiments, = 0.5 was used. Therefore, pr((c i , s i )|p) is computed as pr((c i , s i )|p) = #((c i , s i ), p) + (1 - ) (S(s i |c i ) + (1 - ) ~ S(s i |p)) #(c i , p) (3) Finally, given a retrieve page p, we assign all extracted URLs from p to the crawling node which is responsible for pages relevant to arg max (c i ,s i )T C P r((c i , s i )|p). 3.4.4 Classification Based Chung et al. [12] show that the classification based collaboration yields a good performance for the topic-oriented collaborative crawling. Our classification based collaboration for the geographically crawling is motivated by their work. In this type of collaboration, the classes for the classifier are the partitions of targeted city-state pairs. We train our classifier to determine pr(c i |p), the probability that the retrieved page p is pertinent to the city-state pair c i . Among various possible classification methods, we chose the Naive-Bayes classifier [25] due to its simplicity. To obtain training 3 290 data, pages from the Open Directory Project (ODP) 4 were used. For each targeted city-state pair, we download all pages under the corresponding city-state category which, in turn, is the child category for the "REGIONAL" category in the ODP. The number of pages downloaded for each city-state pair varied from 500 to 2000. We also download a set of randomly chosen pages which are not part of any city-state category in the ODP. We download 2000 pages for this purpose . Then, we train our Naive-Bayes classifier using these training data. Our classifier determines whether a page p is pertinent to either of the targeted city-state pairs or it is not relevant to any city-state pair at all. Given the retrieved page p, we assign all extracted URLs from p to the crawling node which is responsible for the download of pages which are pertinent to arg max c i T C pr(c i |p). 3.4.5 IP-Address Based The IP-address of the web service indicates the geographic location at which the web service is hosted. The IP-address based collaboration explores this information to control the behavior of the crawler for further downloads. Given a retrieved page p, we first determine the IP-address of the web service from which the crawler downloaded p. With this IP-address , we use the IP-address mapping tool to obtain the corresponding city-state pair of the given IP, and then we assign all extracted URLs of page p to the crawling node which is responsible on the computed city-state pair. For the IP-address mapping tool, freely available IP address mapping tool, 5 is employed. 3.5 Normalization and Disambiguation of City Names As indicated in [2, 15], problems of aliasing and ambiguity arise when one wants to map the possible city-state reference candidate to an unambiguous city-state pair. In this section, we describe how we handle these issues out. Aliasing: Many times different names or abbreviations are used for the same city name. For example, Los Angeles can be also referred as LA or L.A. Similar to [15], we used the web database of the United States Postal Service (USPS) 6 to deal with aliasing. The service returns a list of variations of the corresponding city name given the zip code. Thus, we first obtained the list of representative zip codes for each city in the list using the US Zip Code Database product , purchased from ZIPWISE 7 , and then we obtain the list of possible names and abbreviations for each city from the USPS. Ambiguity: When we deal with city names, we have to deal with the ambiguity of the city name reference. First, we can not guarantee whether the possible city name reference actually refers to the city name. For instance, New York might refer to New York as city name or New York as part of the brand name "New York Fries" or New York as state name. Second, a city name can refer to cities in different states. For example, four states, New York, Georgia, Oregon and 4 5 6 7 California, have a city called Albany. For both cases, unless we fully analyze the context in which the reference was made, the city name reference might be inherently ambiguous. Note that for the full content based collaboration, the issue of ambiguity is already handled through the term pr(s i |c i ) of the Eq. 2. For the extended anchor text based and the URL based collaborations, we always treat the possible city name reference as the city that has the largest population size. For instance, Glendale found in either the URL address of page or the extended anchor text of page would be treated as the city name reference for Glendale , AZ. 8 . EVALUATION MODELS To assess the performance of each crawling collaboration strategy, it is imperative to determine how much geographically -aware pages were downloaded for each strategy and whether the downloaded pages are actually pertinent to the targeted geographic locations. Note that while some previous works [2, 15, 18, 5] attempt to define precisely what a geographically-aware page is, determining whether a page is geographically-aware or not remains as an open problem [2, 18]. For our particular application, we define the notion of geographical awareness of page through geographic entities [21]. We refer the address description of a physical organization or a person as geographic entity. Since the targeted geographical city-state pairs for our experiments are the top 100 US cities, a geographic entity in the context of our experiments are further simplified as an address information, following the standard US address format, for any of the top 100 US cities. In other words, a geographic entity in our context is a sequence of Street Number, Street Name, City Name and State Name, found as part of the content of page. Next, we present various evaluation measures for our crawling strategies based on geographic entities. Ad-ditionally , we present traditional measures to quantify the performance of any collaborative crawling. Note that our evaluation measures are later used in our experiments. Geo-coverage: When a page contain at least one geographic entity (i.e. address information), then the page is clearly a geographically aware page. Therefore , we define the geo-coverage of retrieved pages as the number of retrieved pages with at least one geographic entity, pertinent to the targeted geographical locations (e.g., the top US 100 cities) over the total number of retrieved pages. Geo-focus: Each crawling node of the geographically focused collaborative crawler is responsible for a subset of the targeted geographic locations. For instance, suppose we have two geographically sensitive crawling nodes Cn 1 , and Cn 2 , and the targeted city-state pairs as {(New York, NY),(Los Angeles, CA)}. Suppose Cn 1 is responsible for crawling pages pertinent to (New York, NY) while Cn 2 is responsible for crawling 8 Note that this simple approach does minimally hurt the overall crawling. For instance, in many cases, even the incorrect assessment of the state name reference New York instead of the correct city name reference New York, would result into the assignment of all extracted URLs to the correct crawling node. 291 3 1 2 4 5 7 8 6 Page without geo-entity Page with geo-entity Root Page Figure 2: An example of geo-centrality measure pages pertinent to (Los Angeles, CA). Therefore, if the Cn 1 has downloaded a page about Los Angeles, CA, then this would be clearly a failure of the collaborative crawling approach. To formalize this notion, we define the geo-focus of a crawling node, as the number of retrieved pages that contain at least one geographic entity of the assigned city-state pairs of the crawling node. Geo-centrality: One of the most frequently and fundamental measures used for the analysis of network structures is the centrality measure which address the question of how central a node is respect to other nodes in the network. The most commonly used ones are the degree centrality, eigenvector centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality [3]. Motivated by the closeness centrality and the betweenness centrality , Lee et al. [21] define novel centrality measures to assess how a node is central with respect to those geographically-aware nodes (pages with geographic entities ). A geodesic path is the shortest path, in terms of the number of edges transversed, between a specified pair of nodes. Geo-centrality measures are based on the geodesic paths from an arbitrary node to a geographically aware node. Given two arbitrary nodes, p i , p j , let GD(p i , p j ) be the geodesic path based distance between p i and p j (the length of the geodesic path). Let w GD (p i ,p j ) = 1/m GD (p i ,p j ) for some m and we define (p i , p j ) as (p i , p j ) = w GD (p i ,p j ) if p j is geographically aware node 0 otherwise For any node p i , let k (p i ) = {p j |GD(p i , p j ) < k} be the set nodes of whose geodesic distance from p i is less than k. Given p i , let GCt k (p i ) be defined as GCt k (p i ) = p j k (p i ) (p i , p j ) Intuitively the geo-centrality measure computes how many links have to be followed by a user which starts his navigation from page p i to reach geographically-aware pages. Moreover, w GD (p i ,p j ) is used to penalize each following of link by the user. Example 3. Let consider the graph structure of Figure 2. Suppose that the weights are given as w 0 = 1, w 1 = 0.1, w 2 = 0.01, i.e. each time a user navigates a link, we penalize it with 0.1. Given the root node 1 containing at least one geo-entity, we have 2 (node 1)= {1, . . . , 8}. Therefore, we have w GD (node 1,node 1) = 1, w GD (node 1,node 2) = 0.1, w GD (node 1,node 3) = 0.1, w GD (node 1,node 4) = 0.1, w GD (node 1,node 5) = 0.01, w GD (node 1,node 6) = 0.01, w GD (node 1,node 7) = 0.01, w GD (node 1,node 8) = 0.01. Finally, GCt k (node 1) = 1.34. Overlap: The Overlap measure is first introduced in [10]. In the collaborative crawling, it is possible that different crawling nodes download the same page multiple times. Multiple downloads of the same page are clearly undesirable. Therefore, the overlap of retrieved pages is defined as N -I N where N denotes the total number of downloaded pages by the overall crawler and I denotes the number of unique downloaded pages by the overall crawler. Note that the hash based collaboration approach does not have any overlap. Diversity: In a crawling, it is possible that the crawling is biased toward a certain domain name. For instance , a crawler might find a crawler trap which is an infinite loop within the web that dynamically produces new pages trapping the crawler within this loop [6]. To formalize this notion, we define the diversity as S N where S denotes the number of unique domain names of downloaded pages by the overall crawler and N denotes the total number of downloaded pages by the overall crawler. Communication overhead: In a collaborative crawling , the participating crawling nodes need to exchange URLs to coordinate the overall crawling work. To quantify how much communication is required for this exchange, the communication overhead is defined in terms of the exchanged URLs per downloaded page [10]. CASE STUDY In this section, we present the results of experiments that we conducted to study various aspects of the proposed geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies. 5.1 Experiment Description We built an geographically focused collaborative crawler that consists of one general crawling node, Cn 0 and five geographically sensitive crawling nodes, {Cn 1 , . . . , Cn 5 }, as described in Section 3.4. The targeted city-state pairs were the top 100 US cities by the population size, whose list was obtained from the 9 . We partition the targeted city-state pairs according to their time zone to assign these to the geographically sensitive crawling nodes as shown in Table 1. In other words, we have the following architecture design as illustrated in Figure 3. Cn 0 is general crawler targeting pages which are not geographically-aware. Cn 1 targets the Eastern time zone with 33 cities. Cn 2 targets the Pacific time zone with 22 cities. Cn 3 targets the Mountain time zone with 10 cities. 9 292 Time Zone State Name Cities Central AL Birmingham,Montgomery, Mobile Alaska AK Anchorage Mountain AR Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale Pacific CA Los Angeles , San Diego , San Jose San Francisco, Long Beach, Fresno Oakland, Santa Ana, Anaheim Bakersfield, Stockton, Fremont Glendale,Riverside , Modesto Sacramento, Huntington Beach Mountain CO Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora Eastern DC Washington Eastern FL Hialeah Eastern GA Atlanta, Augusta-Richmond County Hawaii HI Honolulu Mountain ID Boise Central IL Chicago Central IN Indianapolis,Fort Wayne Central IA Des Moines Central KA Wichita Eastern KE Lexington-Fayette, Louisville Central LO New Orleans, Baton Rouge Shreveport Eastern MD Baltimore Eastern MA Boston Eastern MI Detroit, Grand Rapids Central MN Minneapolis, St. Paul Central MO Kansas City , St. Louis Central NE Omaha , Lincoln Pacific NV Las Vegas Eastern NJ Newark , Jersey City Mountain NM Albuquerque Eastern NY New York, Buffalo,Rochester,Yonkers Eastern NC Charlotte, Raleigh,Greensboro Durham , Winston-Salem Eastern OH Columbus , Cleveland Cincinnati , Toledo , Akron Central OK Oklahoma City, Tulsa Pacific OR Portland Eastern PA Philadelphia,Pittsburgh Central TX Houston,Dallas,San Antonio,Austin El Paso,Fort Worth Arlington, Corpus Christi Plano , Garland ,Lubbock , Irving Eastern VI Virginia Beach , Norfolk Chesapeake, Richmond , Arlington Pacific WA Seattle , Spokane , Tacoma Central WI Milwaukee , Madison Table 1: Top 100 US cities and their time zone WEB Cn5: Hawaii & Alaska Cn0: General Cn1: Eastern (33 cities) Cn2: Pacific (22 cities) Cn4: Central (33 cities) Cn3: Mountain (10 cities) Figure 3: Architecture of our crawler Cn 4 targets the Central time zone with 33 cities. Finally, Cn 5 targets the Hawaii-Aleutian and Alaska time zones with two cities. We developed our collaborative crawler by extending the open source crawler, larbin 10 written in C++. Each crawling node was to dig each domain name up to the five levels of depth. The crawling nodes were deployed over 2 servers, each of them with 3.2 GHz dual P4 processors, 1 GB of RAM, and 600 GB of disk space. We ran our crawler for the period of approximately 2 weeks to download approximately 12.8 million pages for each crawling strategy as shown in Table 2. For each crawling process, the usable bandwidth was limited to 3.2 mbps, so the total maximum bandwidth used by our crawler was 19.2 mbps. For each crawling, we used the category "Top: Regional: North America: United States" of the ODP as the seed page of crawling. The IP mapping tool used in our experiments did not return the 10 Type of collaboration Download size Hash Based 12.872 m URL Based 12.872 m Extended Anchor Text Based 12.820 m Simple Content Analysis Based 12.878 m Classification Based 12.874 m IP Address Based 12.874 m Table 2: Number of downloaded pages corresponding city-state pairs for Alaska and Hawaii, so we ignored Alaska and Hawaii for our IP-address based collaborative crawling. 5.2 Discussion 5.2.1 Quality Issue As the first step toward the performance evaluation of our crawling strategies, we built an extractor for the extraction of geographic entities (addresses) from downloaded pages. Our extractor, being a gazetteer based, extracted those geographic entities using a dictionary of all possible city name references for the top 100 US cities augmented by a list of all possible street abbreviations (e.g., street, avenue, av., blvd) and other pattern matching heuristics. Each extracted geographic entity candidate was further matched against the database of possible street names for each city that we built from the 2004 TIGER/Line files 11 . Our extractor was shown to yield 96% of accuracy out of 500 randomly chosen geographic entities. We first analyze the geo-coverage of each crawling strategy as shown in Table 3. The top performers for the geo-coverage are the URL based and extended anchor text based collaborative strategies whose portion of pages downloaded with geographic entities was 7.25% and 7.88%, respectively, strongly suggesting that URL address of page and extended anchor text of link are important features to be considered for the discovery of geographically-aware pages. The next best performer with respect to geo-coverage was the full content based collaborative strategy achieving geo-coverage of 4.89%. Finally, the worst performers in the group of geographically focused collaborative policies were the classification based and the IP-address based strategies. The poor performance of the IP-address based collaborative policy shows that the actual physical location of web service is not necessarily associated with the geographical scopes of pages served by web service. The extremely poor performance of the classification based crawler is surprising since this kind of collaboration strategy shows to achieve good performance for the topic-oriented crawling [12]. Finally, the worst performance is observed with the URL-hash based collaborative policy as expected whose portion of pages with geographical entities out of all retrieved pages was less than 1%. In conclusion, the usage of even simple but intuitively sounding geographically focused collaborative policies can improve the performance of standard collaborative crawling by a factor of 3 to 8 for the task of collecting geographically-aware pages. To check whether each geographically sensitive crawling node is actually downloading pages corresponding to their assigned city-state pairs, we used the geo-focus as shown in 11 tgr2004se.html 293 Type of collaboration Cn0 Cn1 Cn2 Cn3 Cn4 Cn5 Average Average (without Cn0) URL-Hash Based 1.15% 0.80% 0.77% 0.75% 0.82% 0.86% 0.86% 0.86% URL Based 3.04% 7.39% 9.89% 9.37% 7.30% 13.10% 7.25% 8.63% Extended Anchor Text Based 5.29% 6.73% 9.78% 9.99% 6.01% 12.24% 7.88% 8.58% Full Content Based 1.11% 3.92% 5.79% 6.87% 3.24% 8.51% 4.89% 5.71% Classification Based 0.49% 1.23% 1.20% 1.27% 1.22% 1.10% 1.09% 1.21% IP-Address Based 0.81% 2.02% 1.43% 2.59% 2.74% 0.00% 1.71% 2.20% Table 3: Geo-coverage of crawling strategies Type of collaboration Cn1 Cn2 Cn3 Cn4 Cn5 Average URL based 91.7% 89.0% 82.8% 94.3% 97.6% 91.1% Extended anchor 82.0% 90.5% 79.6% 76.8% 92.3% 84.2% text based Full content based 75.2% 77.4% 75.1% 63.5% 84.9% 75.2% Classification based 43.5% 32.6% 5.5% 25.8% 2.9% 22.1% IP-Address based 59.6% 63.6% 55.6% 80.0% 0.0% 51.8% Table 4: Geo-focus of crawling strategies Type of collaboration Cn0 Cn1 Cn2 Cn3 Cn4 Cn5 Average URL-hash based 0.45 0.47 0.46 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.35 URL based 0.39 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.24 0.07 0.18 Extended anchor 0.39 0.31 0.22 0.13 0.32 0.05 0.16 text based Full content based 0.49 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.39 0.14 0.19 Classification based 0.52 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.26 IP-Address based 0.46 0.25 0.31 0.19 0.32 0.00 0.27 Table 5: Number of unique geographic entities over the total number of geographic entities Table 4. Once again, the URL-based and the extended anchor text based strategies show to perform well with respect to this particular measure achieving in average above 85% of geo-focus. Once again, their relatively high performance strongly suggest that the city name reference within a URL address of page or an extended anchor text is a good feature to be considered for the determination of geographical scope of page. The geo-focus value of 75.2% for the content based collaborative strategy also suggests that the locality phenomena which occurs with the topic of page also occurs within the geographical dimension as well. It is reported, [13], that pages tend to reference (point to) other pages on the same general topic. The relatively high geo-focus value for the content based collaborative strategy indicates that pages on the similar geographical scope tend to reference each other. The IP-address based policy achieves 51.7% of geo-focus while the classification based policy only achieves 22.7% of geo-focus. The extremely poor geo-focus of the classification based policy seems to be due to the failure of the classifier for the determination of the correct geographical scope of page. In the geographically focused crawling, it is possible that pages are biased toward a certain geographic locations. For instance, when we download pages on Las Vegas, NV, it is possible that we have downloaded a large number of pages which are focused on a few number of casino hotels in Las Vegas, NV which are highly referenced to each other. In this case, quality of the downloaded pages would not be that good since most of pages would contain a large number of very similar geographic entities. To formalize the notion, we depict the ratio between the number of unique geographic entities and the total number of geographic entities from the retrieved pages as shown in Table 5. This ratio verifies whether each crawling policy is covering sufficient number of pages whose geographical scope is different. It is interesting Type of collaboration Geo-centrality Hash based 0.0222 URL based 0.1754 Extended anchor text based 0.1519 Full content based 0.0994 Classification based 0.0273 IP-address based 0.0380 Table 6: Geo-centrality of crawling strategies Type of collaboration Overlap Hash Based None URL Based None Extended Anchor Text Based 0.08461 Full Content Based 0.173239 Classification Based 0.34599 IP-address based None Table 7: Overlap of crawling strategies to note that those geographically focused collaborative policies , which show to have good performance relative to the previous measures, such as the URL based, the extended anchor text based and the full content based strategies tend to discover pages with less diverse geographical scope. On the other hand, the less performed crawling strategies such as the IP-based, the classification based, the URL-hash based strategies are shown to collect pages with more diverse geographical scope. We finally study each crawling strategy in terms of the geo-centrality measure as shown in Table 6. One may observe from Table 6 that the geo-centrality value provides an accurate view on the quality of the downloaded geo graphically-aware pages for each crawling strategy since the geo-centrality value for each crawling strategy follows what we have obtained with respect to geo-coverage and geo-precision. URL based and extended anchor text based strategies show to have the best geo-centrality values with 0.1754 and 0.1519 respectively, followed by the full content based strategy with 0.0994, followed by the IP based strategy with 0.0380, and finally the hash based strategy and the classification based strategy show to have similarly low geo-centrality values. 5.2.2 Performance Issue In Table 7, we first show the overlap measure which reflects the number of duplicated pages out of the downloaded pages. Note that the hash based policy does not have any duplicated page since its page assignment is completely independent of other page assignment. For the same reason, the overlap for the URL based and the IP based strategies are none. The overlap of the extended anchor text 294 Type of collaboration Diversity Hash Based 0.0814 URL Based 0.0405 Extended Anchor Text Based 0.0674 Full Content Based 0.0688 Classification Based 0.0564 IP-address based 0.3887 Table 8: Diversity of crawling strategies based is 0.08461 indicating that the extended anchor text of page computes the geographically scope of the corresponding URL in an almost unique manner. In other words, there is low probability that two completely different city name references are found within a URL address. Therefore , this would be another reason why the extended anchor text would be a good feature to be used for the partition of the web within the geographical context. The overlap of the full content based and the classification based strategies are relatively high with 0.173239 and 0.34599 respectively. In Table 8, we present the diversity of the downloaded pages. The diversity values of geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies suggest that most of the geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies tend to favor those pages which are found grouped under the same domain names because of their crawling method. Especially, the relatively low diversity value of the URL based strongly emphasizes this tendency. Certainly, this matches with the intuition since a page like "" will eventually lead toward the download of its child page "" which shares the same domain. In Table 9, we present the communication-overhead of each crawling strategy. Cho and Garcia-Molina [10] report that the communication overhead of the Hash-Based with two processors is well above five. The communication-overhead of the Hash-based policy that we have follows with what they have obtained. The communication overhead of geographically focused collaborative policies is relatively high due to the intensive exchange of URLs between crawling nodes. In Table 10, we summarize the relative merits of the proposed geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies . In the Table, "Good" means that the strategy is expected to perform relatively well for the measure, "Not Bad" means that the strategy is expected to perform relatively acceptable for that particular measure, and "Bad" means that it may perform worse compared to most of other collaboration strategies. 5.3 Geographic Locality Many of the potential benefits of topic-oriented collaborative crawling derive from the assumption of topic locality, that pages tend to reference pages on the same topic [12, 13]. For instance, a classifier is used to determine whether the child page is in the same topic as the parent page and then guide the overall crawling [12]. Similarly, for geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies we make the assumption of geographic locality, that pages tend to reference pages on the same geographic location. Therefore, the performance of a geographically focused collaborative crawling strategy is highly dependent on its way of exploiting the geographic locality. That is whether the correspond-Type of collaboration Communication overhead URL-hash based 13.89 URL based 25.72 Extended anchor text based 61.87 Full content text based 46.69 Classification based 58.38 IP-Address based 0.15 Table 9: Communication-overhead ing strategy is based on the adequate features to determine the geographical similarity of two pages which are possibly linked. We empirically study in what extent the idea of geographic locality holds. Recall that given the list of city-state pairs G = {~ c 1 , . . . , ~ c k } and a geographically focused crawling collaboration strategy (e.g., URL based collaboration), pr(~ c i |p j ) is the probability that page is p j is pertinent to city-state pair c i according to that particular strategy. Let gs(p, q), geographic similarity between pages p, q, be gs(p, q) = 1 if (arg max ~ c i G P r(~ c i |p) = arg max ~ c j G P r(~ c j |q)) 0 otherwise In other words, our geographical similarity determines whether two pages are pertinent to the same city-state pair. Given , the set of retrieved page for the considered crawling strategy, let () and ~ () be () = |{(p i , p j ) |p i , p j linked and gs(p, q) = 1}| |{(p i , p j ) |p i , p j linked}| ~ () = |{(p i , p j ) |p i , p j not linked and gs(p, q) = 1}| |{(p i , p j ) |p i , p j not linked}| Note that () corresponds to the probability that a pair of linked pages, chosen uniformly at random, is pertinent to the same city-state pair under the considered collaboration strategy while ~ () corresponds to the probability that a pair of unlinked pages, chosen uniformly at random, is pertinent to the same city-state pair under the considered collaboration strategy. Therefore, if the geographic locality occurs then we would expect to have high () value compared to that of ~ (). We selected the URL based, the classification based, and the full content based collaboration strategies, and calculated both () and ~ () for each collaboration strategy. In Table 11, we show the results of our computation . One may observe from Table 11 that those pages that share the same city-state pair in their URL address have the high likelihood of being linked. Those pages that share the same city-state pair in their content have some likelihood of being linked. Finally, those pages which are classified as sharing the same city-state pair are less likely to be linked. We may conclude the following: The geographical similarity of two web pages affects the likelihood of being referenced. In other words, geographic locality, that pages tend to reference pages on the same geographic location, clearly occurs on the web. A geographically focused collaboration crawling strategy which properly explores the adequate features for determining the likelihood of two pages being in the same geographical scope would expect to perform well for the geographically focused crawling. 295 Type of collaboration Geo-coverage Geo-Focus Geo-Connectivity Overlap Diversity Communication URL-Hash Based Bad Bad Bad Good Good Good URL Based Good Good Good Good Bad Bad Extended Anchor Good Good Good Good Not Bad Bad Text Based Full Content Based Not Bad Not Bad Not Bad Not Bad Not Bad Bad Classification Based Bad Bad Bad Bad Not Bad Bad IP-Address Bad Bad Bad Good Bad Good Table 10: Comparison of geographically focused collaborative crawling strategies Type of collaboration () ~ () URL based 0.41559 0.02582 classification based 0.044495 0.008923 full content based 0.26325 0.01157 Table 11: Geographic Locality CONCLUSION In this paper, we studied the problem of geographically focused collaborative crawling by proposing several collaborative crawling strategies for this particular type of crawling. We also proposed various evaluation criteria to measure the relative merits of each crawling strategy while empirically studying the proposed crawling strategies with the download of real web data. We conclude that the URL based and the extended anchor text based crawling strategies have the best overall performance. Finally, we empirically showed geographic locality, that pages tend to reference pages on the same geographical scope. For the future research, it would be interesting to incorporate more sophisticated features (e.g., based on DOM structures) to the proposed crawling strategies. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank for allowing us to access to its hardware, storage, and bandwidth resources for our experimental studies. REFERENCES [1] C. C. Aggarwal, F. Al-Garawi, and P. S. Yu. Intelligent crawling on the world wide web with arbitrary predicates. In WWW, pages 96105, 2001. [2] E. Amitay, N. Har'El, R. Sivan, and A. Soffer. Web-a-where: geotagging web content. 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geographical nodes;crawling strategies;Collaborative crawler;Evaluation criteria;URL based;Geographic Locality;Normalization and Disambiguation of City Names;Search engine;Geographically focused crawling;Scalability;Geographic locality;Collaborative crawling;Anchor text;collaborative crawling;Problems of aliasing and ambiguity;Search localization;IP address based;Focused crawler;Geo-focus;geographic entities;Full Content based;Extracted URL;pattern matching;Crawling strategies;Geo-coverage;Hash based collaboration;geographically focused crawling;Quality issue
GraalBench: A 3D Graphics Benchmark Suite for Mobile Phones
In this paper we consider implementations of embedded 3D graphics and provide evidence indicating that 3D benchmarks employed for desktop computers are not suitable for mobile environments. Consequently, we present GraalBench, a set of 3D graphics workloads representative for contemporary and emerging mobile devices . In addition, we present detailed simulation results for a typical rasterization pipeline. The results show that the proposed benchmarks use only a part of the resources offered by current 3D graphics libraries. For instance, while each benchmark uses the texturing unit for more than 70% of the generated fragments, the alpha unit is employed for less than 13% of the fragments. The Fog unit was used for 84% of the fragments by one benchmark, but the other benchmarks did not use it at all. Our experiments on the proposed suite suggest that the texturing, depth and blending units should be implemented in hardware, while, for instance, the dithering unit may be omitted from a hardware implementation. Finally, we discuss the architectural implications of the obtained results for hardware implementations.
INTRODUCTION In recent years, mobile computing devices have been used for a broader spectrum of applications than mobile telephony or personal digital assistance. Several companies expect that 3D graphics applications will become an important workload of wireless devices. For example, according to [10], the number of users of interactive 3D graphics applications (in particular games) is expected to increase drastically in the future: it is predicted that the global wireless games market will grow to 4 billion dollars in 2006. Because current wireless devices do not have sufficient computational power to support 3D graphics in real time and because present accelerators consume too much power, several companies and universities have started to develop a low-power 3D graphics accelerator. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no publicly available benchmark suite that can be used to guide the architectural exploration of such devices. This paper presents GraalBench, a 3D graphics benchmark suite suitable for 3D graphics on low-power, mobile systems, in particular mobile phones. These benchmarks were collected to facilitate our studies on low-power 3D graphics accelerators in the Graal (GRAphics AcceLerator) project [5]. It includes several games as well as virtual reality applications such as 3D museum guides. Applications were selected on the basis of several criteria. For example , CAD/CAM applications, such as contained in the Viewperf package [18], were excluded because it is unlikely that they will be offered on mobile devices. Other characteristics we considered are resolution and polygon count. A second goal of this paper is to provide a detailed quantitative workload characterization of the collected benchmarks. For each rasterization unit, we determine if it is used by the benchmark, and collect several statistics such as the number of fragments that bypass the unit, fragments that are processed by the unit and pass the test, and fragments that are processed but fail the test. Such statistics can be used to guide the development of mobile 3D graphics 1 architectures. For example, a unit that is rarely used might not be supported by a low-power accelerator or it might be implemented using less resources. Furthermore, if many fragments are discarded before the final tests, the pixel pipeline of the last stages might be narrower than the width of earlier stages. This paper is organized as follows. Previous work on 3D graphics benchmarking is described in Section 2. In this section we also give reasons why current 3D graphics benchmarks are not appropriate for mobile environments. Section 3 first explains how the benchmarks were obtained, describes our tracing environment, the simulator we used to collect the statistics and, after that, describes the components of the proposed benchmark suite and presents some general characteristics of the workloads. Section 4 provides a workload characterization of the benchmarks and discusses architectural implications. Conclusions and directions for future work are given in Section 5. RELATED WORK To the best of our knowledge, 3D graphics benchmarks specifi-cally targeted at low-power architectures have not been proposed. Furthermore, existing benchmarks cannot be considered to be suited for embedded 3D graphics architectures. For example, consider SPEC's Viewperf [18], a well-known benchmark suite used to evaluate 3D graphics accelerator cards employed in desktop computers. These benchmarks are unsuitable for low-power graphics because of the following: The Viewperf benchmarks are designed for high-resolution output devices, but the displays of current wireless systems have a limited resolution. Specifically, by default the Viewperf package is running at resolutions above SVGA ( 800 600 pixels), while common display resolutions for mobile phones are QCIF ( 176 144) and QVGA (320 240). The Viewperf benchmarks use a large number of polygons in order to obtain high picture quality (most benchmarks have more than 20,000 triangles per frame [11]). Translated to a mobile platform, most rendered polygons will be smaller than one pixel so their contribution to the generated images will be small or even invisible. Specifically, the polygon count of the Viewperf benchmarks DRV, DX, ProCDRS, and MedMCAD is too high for mobile devices. Some benchmarks of Viewperf are CAD/CAM applications and use wire-frame rendering modes. It is unlikely that such applications will be offered on mobile platforms. Except Viewperf, there are no publicly-available, portable 3D graphics benchmark suites. Although there are several benchmarking suites [3, 4] based on the DirectX API, they are not suitable for our study since DirectX implementations are available only on Windows systems. There have been several studies related to 3D graphics workload characterization (e.g., [11, 6]). Most related to our investigation is the study of Mitra and Chiueh [11], since they also considered dynamic , polygonal 3D graphics workloads. Dynamic means that the workloads consist of several consecutive image frames rather than individual images, which allows to study techniques that exploit the coherence between consecutive frames. Polygonal means that the basic primitives are polygons, which are supported by all existing 3D chips. The main differences between that study and our workload characterization are that Mitra and Chiueh considered high-end applications (Viewperf, among others) and measured different statistics. Recently, a number of mobile 3D graphics accelerators [1, 16] have been presented. In both works particular benchmarks were employed to evaluate the accelerators. However, little information is provided about the benchmarks and they have not been made publicly available. Another reason for the limited availability of mobile 3D graphics benchmarks is that until recently there was no generally accepted API for 3D graphics on mobile phones. Recently, due to high interest in embedded 3D graphics, APIs suitable for mobile 3D graphics such as OpenGL ES [8], Java mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR-184) [7], and Mobile GL [20] have appeared. Currently, however, there are no 3D benchmarks written using these APIs. So, we have used OpenGL applications. Furthermore, our benchmarks use only a part of the OpenGL functionality which is also supported by OpenGL ES. THE GraalBench BENCHMARK SET In this section we describe the environment we used to create the benchmarks, the components of our benchmark set and also some general characteristics of the workloads. 3.1 Tracing Environment Due to their interactive nature, 3D games are generally not repeatable . In order to obtain a set of repeatable workloads, we traced existing applications logging all OpenGL calls. Our tracing environment consists of two components: a tracer and a trace player. Our tracer is based on GLtrace from Hawksoft [15]. It intercepts and logs OpenGL calls made by a running application, and then calls the OpenGL function invoked by the application. No source code is required provided the application links dynamically with the OpenGL library, meaning that the executable only holds links to the required functions which are bounded to the corresponding functions at run-time. Statically linked applications, in which case the required libraries are encapsulated in the executable image, cannot be traced using this mechanism when the source code is not available. We improved GLtrace in two ways. First, GLtrace does not log completely reproducible OpenGL calls (for example, textures are not logged). We modified the GLtrace library so that all OpenGL calls are completely reproducible. Second, the trace produced by GLtrace is a text trace, which is rather slow. We improved its performance by adding a binary logging mode that significantly reduces the tracing overhead. In addition, we developed a trace player that plays the obtained traces. It can play recorded frames as fast as the OpenGL implementation allows. It does not skip any frame so the workload generated is always the same. The workload statistics were collected using our own OpenGL simulator based on Mesa [14], which is a public-domain implementation of OpenGL. 3.2 The Benchmarks The proposed benchmark suite consists of the following components : Q3L and Q3H Quake III [9] or Q3, for short, is a popular interactive 3D game belonging to the shooter games category. A screenshot of this game is depicted in Figure 1(a). Even though it can be considered outdated for contemporary PC-class graphics accelerators, it is an appropriate and demanding application for low-power devices. Q3 has a flexible design and permits many settings to be changed such as image size and depth, texture quality, geometry detail, types of texture filtering, etc. We used two profiles for this workload in 2 (a) Q3 (b) Tux (c) AW (d) ANL (e) GRA (f) DIN Figure 1: Screenshots of the GraalBench workloads order to determine the implications of different image sizes and object complexity. The first profile, which will be re-ferred to as Q3H, uses a relatively high image resolution and objects detail. The second profile, Q3L, employs a low resolution and objects detail. Q3 makes extensive use of blending operations in order to implement multiple texture passes. Tux Racer (Tux) [19] This is a freely available game that runs on Linux. The goal of this game is to drive a penguin down a mountain terrain as quickly as possible, while collecting herring. The image quality is higher than that of Q3. Tux makes extensive use of automatic texture coordinate generation functions. A screenshot can be seen in Figure 1(b). AWadvs-04 (AW) [18] This test is part of the Viewperf 6.1.2 package . In this test a fully textured human model is viewed from different angles and distances. As remarked before, the other test in the Viewperf package are not suitable for low-power accelerators, because they represent high-end applications or are from an application domain not likely to be offered on mobile platforms. A screenshot of AW is depicted in Figure 1(c). ANL, GRA, and DIN These three VRML scenes were chosen based on their diversity and complexity. ANL is a virtual model of Austrian National Library and consists of 10292 polygons, GRA is a model of Graz University of Technology, Austria and consists of 8859 polygons, and Dino (DIN) is a model of a dinosaur consisting of 4300 polygons. In order to obtain a workload similar to one that might be generated by a typical user, we created "fly-by" scenes. Initially, we used VR-Web [13] to navigate through the scenes, but we found that the VRMLView [12] navigator produces less texture traffic because it uses the glBindTexture mechanism. Screenshots of ANL, GRA, and DIN are depicted in Figure 1(d), (e), and (f), respectively. GraalBench is the result of extensive searching on the World Wide Web. The applications were selected on the basis of several criteria. First, since the display resolution of contemporary mobile phones is at most 320 240, we excluded applications with substantially higher resolution. Specifically, we used a maximum resolution of 640 480. Second, the applications should be relevant for a mobile phone, i.e., it should be likely that it will be offered on a mobile phone. CAD/CAM applications were excluded for this reason. Third, the level of details of the applications should not be too high, because otherwise, most rendered polygons will be smaller than one pixel on the display of a mobile phone. Fourth, and finally, the benchmarks should have different characteristics. For example, several links to 3D games have recently been provided on Mesa's website ( ). However, these games such as Doom, Heretic, and Quake II belong to the same category as Quake III and Tux Racer, and therefore do not represent benchmarks with substantially different characteristics. We, therefore, decided not to include them. Applications using the latest technologies (Vertex and Pixel Sha-ders ) available on desktop 3D graphics accelerators were also not included since these technologies are not supported by the embedded 3D graphics APIs mentioned in Section 2. We expect that more 3D graphics applications for low-power mobile devices will appear when accelerators for these platforms will be introduced. 3 3.3 General Characteristics Table 1 present some general statistics of the workloads. The characteristics and statistics presented in this table are: Image resolution Currently, low-power accelerator should be able to handle scenes with a typical resolution of 320240 pixels. Since in the near future the typical resolution is expected to increase we decided to use a resolution of 640 480. The Q3L benchmark uses a lower resolution ( 320240) in order to study the impact of changing the resolution. Frames The total number of frames in each test. Avg. triangles The average number of triangles sent to the rasterizer per frame. Avg. processed triangles The average number of triangles per frame that remained after backface culling, i.e., the triangles that remained after eliminating the triangles that are invisible because they are facing backwards from the observer's viewpoint . Avg. area The average number, per frame, of fragments/pixels after scan conversion. Texture size The total size of all textures per workload. This quantity gives an indication of the amount of texture memory required . Maximum triangles The maximum number of triangles that were sent for one frame. Because most 3D graphics accelerators implement only rasterization, this statistic is an approximation of the bandwidth required for geometry information, since triangles need to be transferred from the CPU to the accelerator via a system bus. We assume that triangles are represented individually. Sharing vertices between adjacent triangles allows to reduce the bus bandwidth required. This quantity also determines the throughput required in order to achieve real-time frame rates. We remark that the maximum number rather than the average number of triangles per frame determines the required bandwidth and throughput. Maximum processed triangles per frame The maximum number of triangles that remained after backface culling over all frames. Maximum area per frame The maximum number of fragments after scan conversion, over all frames. Several observations can be drawn from Table 1. First, it can be observed from the columns labeled "Received triangles" that the scenes generated by Tux and Dino have a relatively low complexity , that Q3, ANL, and Graz consist of medium complexity scenes, and that AW produces the most complex scenes by far. Second, backface culling is effective in eliminating invisible triangles. It eliminates approximately 30% of all triangles in the Q3 benchmarks , 24% in Graz, and more than half (55%) of all triangles in AW. Backface culling is not enabled in the ANL and Dino workloads . If we consider the largest number of triangles remaining after backface culling (14236 for ANL) and assume that each triangle is represented individually and requires 28 bytes (xyz coordinates , 4 bytes each, rgb for color and alpha for transparency, 1 byte each, and uvw texture coordinates, 4 bytes each) for each of its vertices , the required bus bandwidth is approximately 1.2MB/frame or 35.9MB/s to render 30 frames per second. Finally, we remark that the largest amount of texture memory is required by the Q3 and Tux benchmarks, and that the other benchmarks require a relatively small amount of texture memory. Table 2: Stress variation and stress strength on various stages of the 3D graphics pipeline Bench. T&L Rasterization Var. Str. Var. Str. Q3L med med med med Q3H med med med high Tux var low low med AW low high high low ANL high med med med GRA high med med low DIN low med med low WORKLOAD CHARACTERIZATION This section provides the detailed analysis of results we obtained by running the proposed benchmark set. For each unit of a typical rasterization pipeline we present the relevant characteristics followed by the architectural implications. 4.1 Detailed Workload Statistics One important aspect for 3D graphics benchmarking is to determine possible bottlenecks in a 3D graphics environment since the 3D graphics environment has a pipeline structure and different parts of the pipeline can be implemented on separate computing resources such as general purpose processors or graphics accelerators . Balancing the load on the resources is an important decision. Bottlenecks in the transform & lighting (T&L) part of the pipeline can be generated by applications that have a large number of primitives , i.e. substantial geometry computation load, where each primitive has a small size, i.e. reduced impact on the rasterization part of the pipeline, while bottlenecks in the rasterization part are usu-ally generated by fill intensive applications that are using a small number of primitives where each primitive covers a substantial part of the scene. An easy way to determine if an application is for instance rasterization intensive is to remove the rasterization part from the graphics pipeline and determine the speed up. The components of the GraalBench were also chosen to stress various parts of the pipeline. For instance the AW and DIN components generate an almost constant number of primitives while the generated area varies substantially across frames, thus in these scenarios the T&L part of the pipeline has a virtually constant load while the rasterization part has a variable load. This behavior, depicted in Figure 4 (c,d,g,h), can emphasize the role of the rasterization part of the pipeline. The number of triangles received gives an indication of the triangles that have to be transformed and lit, while the number of triangles processed gives an indication of the triangles that were sent to the rasterization stage after clipping and culling. Other components, e.g. Tux, generate a variable number of triangles while the generated area is almost constant, thus they can be used to profile bottlenecks in the T&L part of the graphics pipeline. Another important aspect beside the variation of the workload for a certain pipeline stage is also the stress strength of the various workload. For convenience, in Table 2 is also presented a rough view of the stress variation and stress strength along the 3D graphics pipeline. The stress variation represents how much varies a workload from one frame to another, while the stress strength represents the load generated by each workload. On the proposed benchmarks we determined that, for a software implementation, the most computationally intensive part of 4 Table 1: General statistics of the benchmarks Bench. Resolution Frames Textures (MB) Received Triangles Avg. Max. Processed Triangles Avg. Max. Area Avg. Max. Q3L 320 240 1,379 12.84 4.5k 9.7k 3.25k 6.8k 422k 1,327k Q3H 640 480 1,379 12.84 4.6k 9.8k 3.36k 6.97k 1,678k 5,284k Tux 640 480 1,363 11.71 3k 4.8k 1.8k 2.97k 760k 1,224k AW 640 480 603 3.25 23k 25.7k 10.55k 13.94k 63k 307k ANL 640 480 600 1.8 4.45k 14.2k 4.45k 14.2k 776k 1,242k GRA 640 480 599 2.1 4.9k 10.8k 3.6k 6.9k 245k 325k DIN 640 480 600 1.7 4.15k 4.3k 4.15k 4.3k 153k 259k Blending Depth Test Alpha Test Scissor Test Stencil Test Pixel Ownership Dithering LogicOp Texture Unit Color Stencil Texturing Color Sum Edge Walk Span Interpolation Triangle Setup Texture Memory Memory Primitives sent fom the Transform & Lighting Stage Depth Fog Clear Figure 2: Graphics pipeline for rasterization. the graphics pipeline is the rasterization part. This is the reason why only the rasterizer stage was additionally studied. The units for which we further gathered results are depicted in Figure 2 and described in the following: Triangle Setup, EdgeWalk, and Span Interpolation. These units convert primitives to fragments. We used the same algorithm as employed in the Mesa library rasterizer. We remark that the number of processed triangles in Table 3 is smaller than the number of processed triangles in Table 1 because some triangles were small and discarded using supplementary tests, such as a small triangle filter. The average number of processed triangles is the lowest for Tux, medium for Q3 and VRML components, and substantially higher for AW considering that the number of triangles for the AW and VRML components were generated in approximatively half as many frames as the number of frames in Q3 and Tux. The numbers of generated spans and fragments also give an indication of the processing power required at the EdgeWalk and Span Interpolation units. The AW benchmark generates on average only 4 spans per triangle and approximately 2 fragments per span. These results show that the benchmark that could create a pipeline bottleneck in these units is the AW benchmark since it has small triangles (small impact on the rest of the pipeline) and it has the largest number of triangles (that are processed at the Triangle Setup). Clear Unit. The clear unit is used to fill the Depth buffer and/or the Color buffer with a default value. As can be seen in Table 4, the Q3 benchmark uses only depth buffer clearing, except for one initial color buffer clear. Q3 exploits the observation that all pixels from a scene are going to be filled at least once so there is no need to clear the color buffer. The other benchmarks have an equal number of depth and color buffer clears. Although the clear function is called a relatively small number of times, the number of cleared pixels can be as high as 20% of the pixels generated by the rasterizer . This implies that this unit should be optimized for long write burst to the graphics memory. Texture Unit. When enabled, this unit combines the color of the incoming fragment with a texture sample color. Depending on the texturing filter chosen, the texture color is obtained by a direct look-up in a texture map or by a linear interpolation between several colors (up to 8 colors in the case of trilinear interpolation). The results obtained for the texture unit are depicted in Figure 3. The Q3 and VV benchmarks used the texture unit for all fragments, while the Tux and AW benchmarks used texturing for 75% and 90% of the fragments respectively. This unit is the most computationally intensive unit of a rasterizer and can easily become a pipeline bottleneck, thus it should be highly optimized for speed. Beside requiring high computational power, this unit also requires a large number of accesses to the texture memory . However, due to high spatial locality, even by adding a small texture cache, the traffic from the off-chip texture memory to the texture unit can be substantially reduced[2]. Fog Unit. The Fog unit is to used modify the fragment color in order to simulate atmospheric effects such as haze, mist, or smoke. Only the Tux benchmark uses the fog unit and it was enabled for 84% of the fragments. From the three types of fog (linear, exponential , and squared exponential) only linear was used. The results suggest that for these low-end applications the fog unit is seldomly used and that it might be implemented using slower components or that this unit can be implemented off the critical path. 5 Table 3: Triangle Setup, Edge Walk, and Span Interpolation units statistics Q3L Q3H Tux AW ANL GRA DIN Triangles processed 4,147k 4,430k 2,425k 5,537k 2,528k 1,992k 2,487k Generated spans 58,837k 117,253k 27,928k 20,288k 66,806k 14,419k 23,901k Generated fragments (frags.) 581,887k 2,306,487k 1,037,222k 38,044k 466,344k 146,604k 91,824k Table 4: Clear unit statistics Q3L Q3H Tux AW ANL GRA DIN Clear depth calls 5,470 5,470 1,363 603 601 600 602 Clear color calls 1 1 1,363 604 601 600 602 Clear depth pixels 105,821k 423,284k 418,714k 185,242k 184,320k 184,013k 189,934k Clear color pixels 76,800 307,200 418,714k 185,549k 184,320k 184,013k 189,934k Scissor Unit. This unit is used to discard fragments that are outside of a specified rectangular area. Only Q3 employed scissoring . All incoming fragments were processed and passed the test, so even in this case the test is redundant since no fragments were rejected. Normally, the scissor unit is used to restrict the drawing process to a certain rectangular region of the image space. In Q3 this unit, besides being always enabled for the whole size of the image space (to clip primitives outside it), in some cases it is also used to clear the depth component of a specific region of the image so that certain objects (interface objects) will always be in front of other objects (normal scene). Even though it might be used intensively by some applications, this unit performs simple computations , such as comparisons, and performs no memory accesses so it does not require substantial computational power. Alpha Unit. This unit discards fragments based on their alpha color component. This unit was used only in Q3 and Tux. Furthermore , Q3 used the alpha unit only for a very small number of fragments (0.03%). The only comparison function used was "Greater or Equal". However, this is not a significant property since the other comparison functions (modes) do not require a substantial amount of extra hardware to be implemented. The number of passed fragments could not be determined since the texturing unit of our graphics simulator is not yet complete, and the alpha test depends on the alpha component that can be modified by the texture processing unit. However, this unit is used significantly only for the Tux benchmark so this is the only benchmark that could have produced different results. Furthermore, the propagated error for the results we obtained can be at most 7.8% since 92.2% of the fragments generated by Tux bypassed this unit. We, therefore, assumed that all fragments passed the alpha test. This corresponds to the worst case. Since this unit is seldomly used, it could be implemented using a more conservative strategy toward allocated resources. Depth Unit. This unit discards a fragment based on a comparison between its depth value and the depth value stored in the depth buffer in the fragment's corresponding position. This unit was used intensively by all benchmarks as can be seen in Table 4.1. While the Tux, Aw, and VRML benchmarks write almost all fragments that passed the depth test to the depth buffer, the Q3 benchmark writes to the depth buffer only 36% of the fragments that passed the test. This is expected since Q3 uses multiple steps to apply textures to primitives and so it does not need to write to the depth buffer at each step. This unit should definitely be implemented in an aggressive manner with respect to throughput (processing power) and latency, since for instance the depth buffer read/write operations used at this unit are quite expensive. Blending Unit. This unit combines the color of the incoming fragment with the color stored at the corresponding position in the framebuffer. As depicted in Figure 3, this unit is used only by the Q3 and Tux benchmarks. The AW and VRML benchmarks do not use this unit since they use only single textured primitives and all blending operations are performed at the texturing stage. Q3, on the other hand, uses a variety of blending modes, while Tux employs only a very common blending mode (source = incoming pixel alpha and dest= 1 - incoming pixel alpha). An explanation why Tux manages to use only this mode is that Tux uses the alpha test instead of multiple blending modes. Alpha tests are supposed to be less computationally intensive than blending operations since there is only one comparison per fragment, while the blending unit performs up to 8 multiplications and 4 additions per fragment. Based on its usage and computational power required, the implementation of this unit should be tuned toward performance. Unused Units. The LogicOp, Stencil and Color Sum units are not used by any benchmark. The dithering unit is used only by the AW benchmark (for all fragments that passed the blending stage). Since these units are expected to be hardly used their implementation could be tuned toward low-power efficiency. 4.2 Architectural Implications Based on Unit Usage In this section the usage of each unit for the selected benchmarks is presented. The statistics are gathered separately for each benchmark . Figure 3 breaks down the number of fragments received by each unit into fragments that bypassed the unit, fragments that were processed by the unit and passed the test, and fragments that failed the test. All values are normalized to the number of fragments generated by the Span Interpolation unit. From Figure 3 it can be seen that the Q3 benchmark is quite scalable and the results obtained for the low resolution profile (Q3L) are similar with the results obtained for the high resolution profile (Q3H). The Q3 benchmark can be characterized as an application that uses textures for most of its primitives. The Tux component is also using textures for more than 70% of its primitives, and it also uses the fog unit. The AW component does not use the scissor test 6 Table 5: Depth unit statistics Q3L Q3H Tux AW ANL GRA DIN Incoming frags. 581,887k 2,306,487k 1,037,222k 38,044k 466,344k 146,604k 91,824k Processed frags. 578,345k 2,292,357k 512,618k 38,044k 466,344k 146,604k 91,824k Passed frags. 461,045k 1,822,735k 473,738k 35,037k 281,684k 137,109k 73,268k Frags. written to the depth buffer 166,624k 666,633k 462,520k 35,037k 281,684k 137,109k 73,268k DIN Q 3L A NL G ra A w Tux Q 3H 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Texture Fog Scissor Alpha Depth Blending Dithering % F r agments Passed Failed Bypassed Figure 3: Rasterization pipeline units usage as the others are doing and also it has no pixels rejected at the depth test. Another difference from the previous components is that AW is also using the dithering mechanism in order to improve the image quality on displays with a low color depth. Some architectural implications based on the units usage are: Some of the units such as Color sum, LogicOp and Stencil were not used, so they might not be implemented in hardware. Some units such as Fog and Alpha were less used and they can be also be implemented outside the critical path. The Depth and Blending units should be hard-wired units and tuned toward performance. The texture unit should be definitely focused upon for a high performance implementation since, due to the processing power required, it can easily become a bottleneck for the graphics pipeline. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Although high-end 3D graphics benchmarks have been available for some time, there are no benchmark suites dedicated to embedded 3D graphics accelerators. In this paper we have described a set of relevant applications for embedded 3D graphics accelerators performance evaluation. Also one of the objectives of this paper was to determine what features of 3D graphics implementations are used in relevant 3D graphics applications. We have also identified a number of units from the 3D graphics pipeline which are intensively used such as the texture and the depth units, while for instance, stencil, fog, and dithering units being rarely used. The OpenGL applications that were used to create the benchmarks and the GLtrace tracer are accessible via the first author's website ( ). The benchmarks (i.e. the traces) cannot be made public currently, because they are of no use without the trace player and the trace player is confidential at the moment. However, the Quake III (demo version) and the AWadvs-04 components do not require the use of the trace player in order to generate repeatable workloads. We hope to be able to make the benchmark suite publicly available in the future. As future work, we intend to extend the number of components for this benchmark suite, and we also intend to extend the statistics to include results from embedded graphics architectures that are using a tile-based rendering mechanism. REFERENCES [1] T. Akenine-Moller and J. Strom, "Graphics for the Masses: A Hardware Rasterization Architecture for Mobile Phones", ACM Trans. on Graph.,vol 22, nr 3, 2003, pp. 801-808. [2] I. Antochi, B.H.H. Juurlink, A. G. M. Cilio, and P. Liuha. "Trading Efficiency for Energy in a Texture Cache Architecture", Proc. Euromicro Conf. on Massively-Parallel Computing Systems (MPCS'02), 2002, Ischia, Italy, pp. 189-196. [3] Futuremark Corporation, "3DMark01SE", Available at [4] Futuremark Corporation, "3DMark03", Available at [5] D. Crisu, S.D. Cotofana, S. Vassiliadis, and P. Liuha, "GRAAL -- A Development Framework for Embedded Graphics Accelerators", Proc. 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ACM Symp. on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1990. 7 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Frame Triangles Received Processed (a) Q3L Triangles 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Frame Are a (b) Q3L Area 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Frame Triangles Received Processed (c) Tux Triangles 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Frame Are a (d) Tux Area 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Frame Triangles Received Processed (e) DIN Triangles 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Frame Are a (f) DIN Area 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Frame Triangles Received Processed (g) AW Triangles 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Frame Area (h) AW Area 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Frame Triangles Received Processed (i) GRA Triangles 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Frame Are a (j) GRA Area 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Frame Triangles Received Processed (k) ANL Triangles 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Frame Are a (l) ANL Area Figure 4: Triangle and area statistics for the GraalBench components 8 [7] JSR-184 Expert Group, "Mobile 3D Graphics API for Java TM 2 Micro Edition", Available at aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr184/index.html [8] The Khronos Group, "OpenGL ES Overview", Available at [9] Id Software Inc., "Quake III", Available at [10] ARM Ltd., "ARM 3D Graphics Solutions", Available at [11] T. 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[17] SourceForge, "spyGLass: an OpenGL Call Tracer and Debugging Tool", Available at [18] SPEC, "SPECviewperf 6.1.2", Available at [19] Sunspire Studios, "Tux Racer", Available at [20] Portable 3D Research Group at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, "MobileGL - The Standard for Embedded 3D Graphics", Available at http://ssl.kaist. mgl defnition.htm [21] Stanford University, "GLSim & GLTrace", Available at http: // [22] Yonsei University, 3D Graphics Accelerator Group, 9
mechanism;workload characterization;API;Mobile devices;embedded 3D graphics;accelerators;3D graphics benchmarking;real-time;bottlenecks;rasterization;Graalbench;architecture;embedded systems;workload;benchmark;3D graphics;pipeline;Mobile environments;3D graphics applications;mobile phones;triangles;openGL;unit;GraalBench;performance;measurement;statistics;OpenGL;transform and lighting;embedded 3D graphics architectures;3D graphics benchmarks
Handoff Trigger Table for Integrated 3G/WLAN Networks
Vertical handoff is a switching process between heterogeneous wireless networks in a hybrid 3G/WLAN network. Vertical handoffs fromWLAN to 3G network often fail due to the abrupt degrade of the WLAN signal strength in the transition areas. In this paper, a Handoff Trigger Table is introduced to improve the performance of vertical handoff. Based on this table, a proactive handoff scheme is proposed. Simulation results show that with the proposed scheme, the vertical handoff decisions will be more efficient so that dropping probability can be decreased dramatically.
INTRODUCTION With the emergence of different wireless technologies, which are developed for different purposes, the integration of these wireless networks has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. Among them, the integration of 3G cellular networks and wireless local access networks (WLAN) has become a very active area in the development toward the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. IWCMC'06, July 36, 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-306-9/06/0007 ... $ 5.00. next generation wireless networks. WLAN access technology can offer high-speed data connections in a small coverage with relatively low cost. On the other hand, cellular networks can offer connectivity over several square kilometers but with relatively low data rate. Taking advantages of both networks will bring great benefits to both service providers and users. One of the desired features of such a heterogeneous wireless network is to support seamless global roaming or vertical handoff. Traditionally, handoff is performed within the same wireless system, which is called horizontal handoff. In contrast, a vertical handoff takes place between different wireless networks [2]. In an integrated 3G/WLAN network , there are two directions in vertical handoff, one is from WLANs to 3G networks and the other is from3G Networks to WLANs. In the first direction, the objective for handoff is to maintain the connectivity, i.e., switching to the cellular network before the WLAN link breaks while trying to stay in the WLAN as long as possible because of its relatively high bandwidth and low cost. Since a WLAN has smaller coverage and is usually covered by a 3G network, when the mobile terminal (MT) steps out of the WLAN area, the decay of the signal fromthe WLAN should be accurately detected. A timely decision of handoff should be made properly, and the MT should switch the connection to the appropriate 3G network successfully. In the second direction, the objective of handoff is usually to improve QoS and acquire higher bandwidth with lower cost. In this paper, we will focus on the first direction, which is the handoff fromthe WLAN to the 3G network. For a WLAN, signal power is limited, which causes the signal strength to be quite easily influenced by physical obstruction and blocks. For example, if the MT passes some blocks or moves into the elevator, there will be an abrupt drop in its received WLAN signal strength. In this case, the MT may not have enough time to finish the WLAN-to -3G-Network vertical handoff procedure before the link to WLAN breaks. Therefore, how to effectively detect the signal decay to trigger the handoff becomes a very important issue. In this paper, we propose to maintain a Handoff Trigger Table (HTT) at the Access Point (AP) to record some location information on transition areas in which vertical 575 handoffs occur. With the information of the HTT, a proactive handoff scheme is proposed to enable the MTs to start the vertical handoff procedure early enough to finish the vertical handoff procedure, thus the handoff call dropping probability can be decreased dramatically. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some related work is discussed. In Section 3, we propose a Handoff Trigger Table to assist making handoff decisions. The handoff schem e based on this table is also presented. Section 4 gives simulation results to demonstrate the better performance of the proposed scheme in comparison with the traditional one. Section 5 concludes the paper. RELATED WORK In traditional handoff schemes, the received signal strength (RSS) has been used as an indicator for making handoff decisions . Some of the traditional approaches are as follows: [5] RSS: handoff takes place if the RSS of a candidate point of attachment is larger than the RSS of the current point of attachm ent (RSS new > RSS current ); RSS plus threshold: handoff is made if the RSS of a candidate point of attachment is larger than that of the current point of attachment and the latter is less than a certain pre-defined threshold T (RSS new > RSS current and RSS current < T ); RSS plus hysteresis: a handoff takes place if the RSS of the candidate point of attachment is larger than the RSS of the current one with a pre-defined hysteresis margin H (RSS new > RSS current + H); Algorithm plus dwell timer: sometimes a dwell timer can be added to the above algorithms. This timer is started when one of the above conditions happens, and the handoff takes place if the condition is met for the entire dwell timer interval. For the vertical handoff process, it may not be very reliable to make handoff decisions based only on the RSS of the point of attachment (e.g., AP of the WLAN) and the candidate point of attachment (e.g., base station of the 3G network) because of the asymmetric nature of the handoff problem [6]. As mentioned before, the handoff from WLAN to 3G network is expected to be efficient and effective. Some methods have been proposed to achieve this goal. One of them is the Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)-based decay detection [1]. This approach tries to estimate the signal decay, and will trigger the handoff after the signal is confirmed to be decreased to a certain threshold. However, this approach has high calculation complexity with the need of frequent sampling, and suffers from estimation errors. In [2], handoff triggering nodes are used to notify the mobile terminal to start the handoff. These special nodes are data stations installed in WLAN/cellular transition regions where vertical handoffs occur. When an MT moves close to it, the handoff triggering node will send a handoff trigger command to trigger the link layer handoff. Using handoff trigger node can be good at triggering the handoffs, but if they are needed in many places within a WLAN, it will be costly to set up many trigger nodes. In addition, if there are new blocks appearing in the WLAN, it is hard to determine where the additional trigger nodes should be installed. Therefore, this approach is not very flexible. The Fuzzy logic based handoff algorithm [3][4] is proposed to assist making handoff decisions. This algorithmdecreases handoff delay and the number of unnecessary handoffs by changing the RSS average window according to the MT speed. It is worth mentioning that some fuzzy logic based algorithms are complex and may not be easy to be implemented in practical systems. HANDOFF TRIGGER TABLE FOR 3G/ WLAN NETWORKS Recently, WLAN has been expected to provide user location information [6]-[10], which is helpful for making vertical handoffs. We propose to use a Handoff Trigger Table (HTT) to store such location information at the AP and utilize it to trigger the WLAN-to-3G vertical handoff explicitly. Based on this table, a proactive handoff scheme is proposed to assist MTs to handoff in the right places at the right time. With this scheme, handoff decisions can be more efficient and handoffs are more likely to succeed compared with the traditional schemes which trigger the handoff mainly based on the received signal strength at the MTs. 3.1 Handoff Trigger Table A typical integrated 3G/WLAN network is shown in Fig. 1. The HTT is normally implemented at the APs of WLAN and used to record the user location information which will be helpful to make handoff decisions as explained later. An example of the HTT is given in Table 1. Table 1: An example of HandoffTrigger Table X 1 + D > x > X 1 - D Y 1 + D > y > Y 1 - D X 2 + D > x > X 2 - D Y 2 + D > y > Y 2 - D X n + D > x > X n - D Y n + D > y > Y n - D In the HTT, the information of the locations where an MT needs to handoff is given. We defined Black Holes (BH) the small areas in which the received signal strength at an MT decreases abruptly and the link to the AP breaks in a very short time. In such BHs, if the MT does not switch the connection to the 3G network, it will not be able to keep the connectivity to its correspondence node. Each BH is proposed to be covered by a slightly larger area, namely, proactive area. When MTs move into a proactive area, the AP will send a message to notify the MT to start proactive handoff (detailed in Section 3.2), regardless of the current received signal strength at the MT. In Table 1, (X i , Y i , i = 1, 2, , n) are the location coordinates of the center of the BHs, and D is the distance between the center of the black hole and proactive area edges. (X n + D > x > X n -D, Y n + D > y > Y n - D) is an example of possible ways to describe the proactive area. Note that other types of proactive areas such as circles can also be adopted. Fig. 1 illustrates the above two concepts, wherein A, B and C are three BHs within the WLAN, and A', B', C' are the corresponding proactive areas. The HTT will be initialized when the AP is installed in the WLAN, then it will be dynamically updated. In the initial stage, MTs will handoff in a traditional way, i.e., handoff 576 Figure 1: An example of WLAN with Black Holes when the received signal strength decreases to a threshold. In addition, the MT sends out a handoff notification to the AP, and the AP will record the coordinates of this handoff location into the HTT. Usually BH is not a dot, but a small area. Therefore, for each BH, the HTT will store many coordinates of points where vertical handoffs occur, then the AP will try to merge these coordinates to form a corresponding proactive area and put it into the HTT. After the initialization stage, the HTT will only contain the description of proactive areas instead of individual coordinates of BHs. Meanwhile, the AP will often check the HTT to decide whether any MT enters the proactive areas. When a new BH appears, the AP will be able to record its proactive area into the HTT after some vertical handoffs take place near this BH, similar to the initial stage. When a BH disappears due to some reasons (e.g., restructure in the WLAN), there will be no vertical handoffs occur in the corresponding proactive area. As a result, the AP will remove the entry of this proactive area fromthe HTT after some predefined time, which can be decided by the system administrator. With the above methods, the HTT is maintained dynamically and can adaptive to the change of the environment. 3.2 Proactive Handoff Scheme Based on the Handoff Trigger Table, we propose a proactive handoff scheme to achieve better handoff performance. In the traditional scheme, the handoff decision mechanism is that a handoff will be triggered when the current RSS is lower than a threshold (THm) or RSS from the candidate network is higher than a threshold (THw). The procedure is illustrated in Fig. 2. In the proposed scheme, we divide the handoff into two stages, a proactive handoff stage and a handoff stage. In the proactive handoff stage, when an MT moves into a proactive area, the AP will send it a proactive handoff message. Following that the MT will send out a binding update message to the AP and start this network layer handoff. The procedure is given in Fig. 3. When an MT enters the WLAN, the RSSs in sampling intervals will be measured and their averages are computed. At the same time, the AP will check if the MT is in any proactive area. If yes, it will send a control message Pre-Handoff -CMD to the MT. After receiving this message, the MT will start to send the cellular network a message to request a connection. When the signal decreases to a certain threshold R t , the link-layer handoff starts, and the MT will Handoff execution RSS<Rt No Yes Start handoff Averaging Measurements Figure 2: Traditional handoffscheme for Hybrid Networks Measurements Averaging Handoff Trigger Table Handoff execution RSS<Rt Pre-handoff Yes No Figure 3: Proactive handoffscheme for Hybrid Networks switch the connection to the cellular network. When the received signal strength decreases to R t , but the MT still does not receive the Pre-Handoff-CMD, it will send a message to informthe AP to add this location coordinate into the HTT. The threshold R t is a design parameter that can be set by the administrator to best enable vertical handoff procedure under the WLAN-specific physical situation. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION In this section, we compare the performance of the proposed vertical handoff scheme with HTT and the traditional handoff scheme by simulation. Consider the simplified network model for 3G/WLAN networks shown in Fig. 1. We assume that the 3G network covers the WLAN area. The RSS of the WLAN signal at an MH is assumed as a function of the distance d between the MH and the AP[11]: RSS(d) = P T L 10n log(d) + f(, ) dBm , where P T is the transmitted power, L is a constant signal power loss, n is the path loss exponent, and f(, ) represents shadow fading modeled as zero mean Gaussian random variable with mean and standard deviation . In the WLAN, there are a number of BHs, in which the RSS will decrease to almost zero immediately and the MT will have to handoff to the 3G networks. 577 The popular Random Waypoint mobility model [12] is used to simulate the mobility of the MTs in the WLAN. At the beginning, the MTs' positions in the WLAN are uniformly distributed. Each MT will move at a random speed V , which is uniformly distributed in [V min, V max], and in a randomdirection. After randomtime T m, the MT will stop and stay for randomtime T s, with both T m and T s uniformly distributed in [0, 2s]. The MT will continue the movement as described above. Any MT that moves out of the WLAN will be eliminated, and a new MT will be gener-ated in the WLAN with a randomly chosen location. Some other parameters used in the simulations are given in Table 2. Table 2: Parameters for the numerical examples Parameter Value PT 100mW R t -85dbm n 3.3 7dB Handoff time 2s Velocity range 0 2 m /sec Number of BHs 3 WLAN area 100m 100m We define the transition time as the time from when an MT starts handoff to the moment it moves into a BH, and handoff time as the time from when an MT sends out the binding update message to the moment it receives the first package fromthe Base Station. The drop of a call only happens when the transition time is less than the handoff time. In Figs. 4, 5 and 6, we present the dropping probability of the proposed scheme and the traditional handoff scheme based on different proactive distance, D, and two values of user mobility rate, V , respectively. Fig. 4 illustrates the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 User Mobility rate Drop Probablity Traditional Method D=0.4 HTT Method D=0.5 HTT Method Figure 4: Effect of user mobility effect of user mobility on the connection dropping probability . In this figure, the dropping probabilities for proactive distance D = 0.4 and D = 0.5, are given. In these results , handoff time is 2s. From the figure, we can see that the handoff probability has been reduced with the explicit handoff trigger in the proposed scheme, because mobile terminals can have more time to execute the handoff. When the proactive distance increases, the dropping probability decreases. This is due to the fact that when the proactive distance is larger, the time for the MT to execute the handoff will be longer. We can also see that when the MTs move faster, dropping probability will increase as well, because shorter time is made available for the MT to execute the vertical handoff given the same D. Compared with the HTT scheme, the traditional scheme is more sensitive to the user mobility rate, and the dropping probability increases rapidly as the mobility increases. 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Distance of prehandoff D r oppi ng P r obabl i t y V=0.5 Traditional Method V=0.5 HTT Method V=1 Traditional Method V=1 HTT Method Figure 5: Effect of proactive distance Fig. 5 shows that as the proactive distance increases, the dropping probability of HTT scheme decreases very fast and it is quite sensitive to the distance increasing. When the user mobility rate increases, the dropping probability will also increase, which conforms with the results in Fig. 4. Fig. 6 shows the impact of the handoff time (in practical value range) on the dropping probability. With a given transition time, if the handoff time increases, the dropping probability will be higher, as expected. Fig. 7 shows that the impact of the distance between AP and BH on the dropping probability. The signal strength decays with the distance to the AP in WLANs. In the proposed scheme, MTs start network layer handoff in advance according to the parameter D and regardless of the RSS, so the performance of the proposed scheme is independent from the distance d between the BH and the AP. However, for a given RSS threshold, the performance of traditional handoff scheme relies heavily on d, and it has better performance for the BHs which are far fromthe AP. This is because the signal strength is relatively high near the AP, and MT will normally find that its RSS is above the threshold. As the MT enters the BH, the signal strength degrades so abruptly that the MT does not have enough time to do handoff, which leads to high dropping probability. In contrast, the RSS of an MT moving around a BH that is far from the AP will be relatively low and may be close to the threshold, hence a handoff decision may be easily triggered before the MT enters the BH. In this case, the MT gets longer time to conduct the handoff procedure so a relatively lower dropping probability can be achieved. 578 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Handoff time(s) D r oppi ng P r o bab l i t y Traditional Method HTT Method Figure 6: Effect of Vertical handoff time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Distance between AP and BH Dr oppi ng P r obabl i t y Traditional Method D=0.4 HTT Method D=0.5 HTT Method Figure 7: Effect of distance between AP and BH FromFig. 7, we can also see that for the proposed scheme, the proactive distance D should be set properly. Similar requirement applies to the setting of the threshold in the traditional scheme. If D or the threshold is set to be high, there will be many unnecessary handoffs although the dropping probability will decrease. On the other hand, if D or the threshold is too low, the dropping probability will increase . However, the dependence on d of the traditional handoff scheme cannot be eliminated by simply adjusting the threshold, which makes the selection of a proper threshold in the traditional scheme even more difficult. We further study the performance of the two schemes in the WLAN with different number of BHs. The locations of the BHs are set to be uniformly distributed within the WLAN. FromFig. 8, it can be seen that for both schemes the dropping probability is not sensitive to the number of BHs when their locations are uniformly distributed. The case for BHs with non-uniformdistribution is left as future work. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 Number of BHs Dropping Probablity Traditional Method D=0.4 HTT Method Figure 8: Effect of number of BHs CONCLUSIONS In this paper, vertical handoffs fromWLAN to 3G cellular network has been investigated. To support making proper handoff decisions, a Handoff Trigger Table (HTT) has been proposed to be implemented at the AP of WLAN to record the location information of BHs. Based on this table, a proactive handoff scheme has been proposed. Simulation results have been given to show that with the information in the HTT, the vertical handoff decisions can be made more efficiently and dropping probability can be decreased signif-icantly . Possible future work include making the proactive distance D a variable for different environments and further investigating the unnecessary handoff events in different prehandoff schemes. The HTT scheme can also be used in sys-temdiscovery to assist reducing MH power consumption. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been supported jointly by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under Strategic Grant No. 257682 and Research in Motion (RIM). REFERENCES [1] Q. Zhang, C. Guo, Z. Guo and W. Zhu, "Efficient mobility management for vertical handoff between WWAN and WLAN", IEEE Communications Magazine Vol. 41, Issue 11, Nov. 2003, pp. 102108. [2] W.-T. Chen; J.-C. Liu; H.-K. Huang, "An adaptive scheme for vertical handoff in wireless overlay networks", Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2004, 7-9 July 2004, pp. 541548. [3] P. Khadivi, T.D. Todd and D. Zhao, "Handoff trigger nodes for hybrid IEEE 802.11 WLAN/cellular networks", Proc. QSHINE 2004, pp. 164170. [4] A. Majlesi and B.H. Khalaj, "An adaptive fuzzy logic based handoff algorithmfor interworking between WLANs and mobile networks", Proc. 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WLAN;integrated networks;vertical handoff;cellular network;3G;Wireless communications;Handoff trigger table;wireles networks