def register_handler(file_formats, **kwargs): def wrap(cls): _register_handler(cls(**kwargs), file_formats) return cls return wrap
(file_formats, **kwargs)
Remove a file. Args: filepath (str, Path): Path to be removed. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the corresponding backend. Defaults to None. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If filepath does not exist, an FileNotFoundError will be raised. IsADirectoryError: If filepath is a directory, an IsADirectoryError will be raised. Examples: >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> remove(filepath)
def remove( filepath: Union[str, Path], backend_args: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: """Remove a file. Args: filepath (str, Path): Path to be removed. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the corresponding backend. Defaults to None. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If filepath does not exist, an FileNotFoundError will be raised. IsADirectoryError: If filepath is a directory, an IsADirectoryError will be raised. Examples: >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> remove(filepath) """ backend = get_file_backend( filepath, backend_args=backend_args, enable_singleton=True) backend.remove(filepath)
(filepath: Union[str, pathlib.Path], backend_args: Optional[dict] = None) -> NoneType
A decorator to check if some executable files are installed. Example: >>> @requires_executable('ffmpeg') >>> func(arg1, args): >>> print(1) 1
def requires_executable(prerequisites): """A decorator to check if some executable files are installed. Example: >>> @requires_executable('ffmpeg') >>> func(arg1, args): >>> print(1) 1 """ return check_prerequisites(prerequisites, checker=_check_executable)
A decorator to check if some python packages are installed. Example: >>> @requires_package('numpy') >>> func(arg1, args): >>> return numpy.zeros(1) array([0.]) >>> @requires_package(['numpy', 'non_package']) >>> func(arg1, args): >>> return numpy.zeros(1) ImportError
def requires_package(prerequisites): """A decorator to check if some python packages are installed. Example: >>> @requires_package('numpy') >>> func(arg1, args): >>> return numpy.zeros(1) array([0.]) >>> @requires_package(['numpy', 'non_package']) >>> func(arg1, args): >>> return numpy.zeros(1) ImportError """ return check_prerequisites(prerequisites, checker=_check_py_package)
Recursively delete a directory tree. Args: dir_path (str or Path): A directory to be removed. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the corresponding backend. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> dir_path = '/path/of/dir' >>> rmtree(dir_path)
def rmtree( dir_path: Union[str, Path], backend_args: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: """Recursively delete a directory tree. Args: dir_path (str or Path): A directory to be removed. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the corresponding backend. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> dir_path = '/path/of/dir' >>> rmtree(dir_path) """ backend = get_file_backend( dir_path, backend_args=backend_args, enable_singleton=True) backend.rmtree(dir_path)
(dir_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], backend_args: Optional[dict] = None) -> NoneType
Scan a directory to find the interested files. Args: dir_path (str | :obj:`Path`): Path of the directory. suffix (str | tuple(str), optional): File suffix that we are interested in. Defaults to None. recursive (bool, optional): If set to True, recursively scan the directory. Defaults to False. case_sensitive (bool, optional) : If set to False, ignore the case of suffix. Defaults to True. Returns: A generator for all the interested files with relative paths.
def scandir(dir_path, suffix=None, recursive=False, case_sensitive=True): """Scan a directory to find the interested files. Args: dir_path (str | :obj:`Path`): Path of the directory. suffix (str | tuple(str), optional): File suffix that we are interested in. Defaults to None. recursive (bool, optional): If set to True, recursively scan the directory. Defaults to False. case_sensitive (bool, optional) : If set to False, ignore the case of suffix. Defaults to True. Returns: A generator for all the interested files with relative paths. """ if isinstance(dir_path, (str, Path)): dir_path = str(dir_path) else: raise TypeError('"dir_path" must be a string or Path object') if (suffix is not None) and not isinstance(suffix, (str, tuple)): raise TypeError('"suffix" must be a string or tuple of strings') if suffix is not None and not case_sensitive: suffix = suffix.lower() if isinstance(suffix, str) else tuple( item.lower() for item in suffix) root = dir_path def _scandir(dir_path, suffix, recursive, case_sensitive): for entry in os.scandir(dir_path): if not'.') and entry.is_file(): rel_path = osp.relpath(entry.path, root) _rel_path = rel_path if case_sensitive else rel_path.lower() if suffix is None or _rel_path.endswith(suffix): yield rel_path elif recursive and os.path.isdir(entry.path): # scan recursively if entry.path is a directory yield from _scandir(entry.path, suffix, recursive, case_sensitive) return _scandir(dir_path, suffix, recursive, case_sensitive)
(dir_path, suffix=None, recursive=False, case_sensitive=True)
Slice a list into several sub lists by a list of given length. Args: in_list (list): The list to be sliced. lens(int or list): The expected length of each out list. Returns: list: A list of sliced list.
def slice_list(in_list, lens): """Slice a list into several sub lists by a list of given length. Args: in_list (list): The list to be sliced. lens(int or list): The expected length of each out list. Returns: list: A list of sliced list. """ if isinstance(lens, int): assert len(in_list) % lens == 0 lens = [lens] * int(len(in_list) / lens) if not isinstance(lens, list): raise TypeError('"indices" must be an integer or a list of integers') elif sum(lens) != len(in_list): raise ValueError('sum of lens and list length does not ' f'match: {sum(lens)} != {len(in_list)}') out_list = [] idx = 0 for i in range(len(lens)): out_list.append(in_list[idx:idx + lens[i]]) idx += lens[i] return out_list
(in_list, lens)
def symlink(src, dst, overwrite=True, **kwargs): if os.path.lexists(dst) and overwrite: os.remove(dst) os.symlink(src, dst, **kwargs)
(src, dst, overwrite=True, **kwargs)
def _ntuple(n): def parse(x): if isinstance(x, return x return tuple(repeat(x, n)) return parse
Track the progress of tasks iteration or enumeration with a progress bar. Tasks are yielded with a simple for-loop. Args: tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. Yields: list: The task results.
def track_iter_progress(tasks: Sequence, bar_width: int = 50, file=sys.stdout): """Track the progress of tasks iteration or enumeration with a progress bar. Tasks are yielded with a simple for-loop. Args: tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. Yields: list: The task results. """ if isinstance(tasks, tuple): assert len(tasks) == 2 assert isinstance(tasks[0], Iterable) assert isinstance(tasks[1], int) task_num = tasks[1] tasks = tasks[0] # type: ignore elif isinstance(tasks, Sequence): task_num = len(tasks) else: raise TypeError( '"tasks" must be a tuple object or a sequence object, but got ' f'{type(tasks)}') prog_bar = ProgressBar(task_num, bar_width, file=file) for task in tasks: yield task prog_bar.update() prog_bar.file.write('\n')
(tasks: Sequence, bar_width: int = 50, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)
Track the progress of parallel task execution with a progress bar. The built-in :mod:`multiprocessing` module is used for process pools and tasks are done with :func:`` or :func:`Pool.imap_unordered`. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. nproc (int): Process (worker) number. initializer (None or callable): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. initargs (None or tuple): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. chunksize (int): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. skip_first (bool): Whether to skip the first sample for each worker when estimating fps, since the initialization step may takes longer. keep_order (bool): If True, :func:`Pool.imap` is used, otherwise :func:`Pool.imap_unordered` is used. Returns: list: The task results.
def track_parallel_progress(func: Callable, tasks: Sequence, nproc: int, initializer: Callable = None, initargs: tuple = None, bar_width: int = 50, chunksize: int = 1, skip_first: bool = False, keep_order: bool = True, file=sys.stdout): """Track the progress of parallel task execution with a progress bar. The built-in :mod:`multiprocessing` module is used for process pools and tasks are done with :func:`` or :func:`Pool.imap_unordered`. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. nproc (int): Process (worker) number. initializer (None or callable): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. initargs (None or tuple): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. chunksize (int): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. skip_first (bool): Whether to skip the first sample for each worker when estimating fps, since the initialization step may takes longer. keep_order (bool): If True, :func:`Pool.imap` is used, otherwise :func:`Pool.imap_unordered` is used. Returns: list: The task results. """ if isinstance(tasks, tuple): assert len(tasks) == 2 assert isinstance(tasks[0], Iterable) assert isinstance(tasks[1], int) task_num = tasks[1] tasks = tasks[0] # type: ignore elif isinstance(tasks, Sequence): task_num = len(tasks) else: raise TypeError( '"tasks" must be a tuple object or a sequence object, but got ' f'{type(tasks)}') pool = init_pool(nproc, initializer, initargs) start = not skip_first task_num -= nproc * chunksize * int(skip_first) prog_bar = ProgressBar(task_num, bar_width, start, file=file) results = [] if keep_order: gen = pool.imap(func, tasks, chunksize) else: gen = pool.imap_unordered(func, tasks, chunksize) for result in gen: results.append(result) if skip_first: if len(results) < nproc * chunksize: continue elif len(results) == nproc * chunksize: prog_bar.start() continue prog_bar.update() prog_bar.file.write('\n') pool.close() pool.join() return results
(func: Callable, tasks: Sequence, nproc: int, initializer: Optional[Callable] = None, initargs: Optional[tuple] = None, bar_width: int = 50, chunksize: int = 1, skip_first: bool = False, keep_order: bool = True, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)
Track the progress of tasks execution with a progress bar. Tasks are done with a simple for-loop. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. Returns: list: The task results.
def track_progress(func: Callable, tasks: Sequence, bar_width: int = 50, file=sys.stdout, **kwargs): """Track the progress of tasks execution with a progress bar. Tasks are done with a simple for-loop. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Sequence): If tasks is a tuple, it must contain two elements, the first being the tasks to be completed and the other being the number of tasks. If it is not a tuple, it represents the tasks to be completed. bar_width (int): Width of progress bar. Returns: list: The task results. """ if isinstance(tasks, tuple): assert len(tasks) == 2 assert isinstance(tasks[0], Iterable) assert isinstance(tasks[1], int) task_num = tasks[1] tasks = tasks[0] # type: ignore elif isinstance(tasks, Sequence): task_num = len(tasks) else: raise TypeError( '"tasks" must be a tuple object or a sequence object, but got ' f'{type(tasks)}') prog_bar = ProgressBar(task_num, bar_width, file=file) results = [] for task in tasks: results.append(func(task, **kwargs)) prog_bar.update() prog_bar.file.write('\n') return results
(func: Callable, tasks: Sequence, bar_width: int = 50, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, **kwargs)
Track the progress of parallel task execution with a progress bar. The built-in :mod:`multiprocessing` module is used for process pools and tasks are done with :func:`` or :func:`Pool.imap_unordered`. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Iterable or Sized): A tuple of tasks. There are several cases for different format tasks: - When ``func`` accepts no arguments: tasks should be an empty tuple, and ``task_num`` must be specified. - When ``func`` accepts only one argument: tasks should be a tuple containing the argument. - When ``func`` accepts multiple arguments: tasks should be a tuple, with each element representing a set of arguments. If an element is a ``dict``, it will be parsed as a set of keyword-only arguments. Defaults to an empty tuple. task_num (int, optional): If ``tasks`` is an iterator which does not have length, the number of tasks can be provided by ``task_num``. Defaults to None. nproc (int): Process (worker) number, if nuproc is 1, use single process. Defaults to 1. chunksize (int): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. Defaults to 1. description (str): The description of progress bar. Defaults to "Process". color (str): The color of progress bar. Defaults to "blue". Examples: >>> import time >>> def func(x): ... time.sleep(1) ... return x**2 >>> track_progress_rich(func, range(10), nproc=2) Returns: list: The task results.
def track_progress_rich(func: Callable, tasks: Iterable = tuple(), task_num: int = None, nproc: int = 1, chunksize: int = 1, description: str = 'Processing', color: str = 'blue') -> list: """Track the progress of parallel task execution with a progress bar. The built-in :mod:`multiprocessing` module is used for process pools and tasks are done with :func:`` or :func:`Pool.imap_unordered`. Args: func (callable): The function to be applied to each task. tasks (Iterable or Sized): A tuple of tasks. There are several cases for different format tasks: - When ``func`` accepts no arguments: tasks should be an empty tuple, and ``task_num`` must be specified. - When ``func`` accepts only one argument: tasks should be a tuple containing the argument. - When ``func`` accepts multiple arguments: tasks should be a tuple, with each element representing a set of arguments. If an element is a ``dict``, it will be parsed as a set of keyword-only arguments. Defaults to an empty tuple. task_num (int, optional): If ``tasks`` is an iterator which does not have length, the number of tasks can be provided by ``task_num``. Defaults to None. nproc (int): Process (worker) number, if nuproc is 1, use single process. Defaults to 1. chunksize (int): Refer to :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` for details. Defaults to 1. description (str): The description of progress bar. Defaults to "Process". color (str): The color of progress bar. Defaults to "blue". Examples: >>> import time >>> def func(x): ... time.sleep(1) ... return x**2 >>> track_progress_rich(func, range(10), nproc=2) Returns: list: The task results. """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError('func must be a callable object') if not isinstance(tasks, Iterable): raise TypeError( f'tasks must be an iterable object, but got {type(tasks)}') if isinstance(tasks, Sized): if len(tasks) == 0: if task_num is None: raise ValueError('If tasks is an empty iterable, ' 'task_num must be set') else: tasks = tuple(tuple() for _ in range(task_num)) else: if task_num is not None and task_num != len(tasks): raise ValueError('task_num does not match the length of tasks') task_num = len(tasks) if nproc <= 0: raise ValueError('nproc must be a positive number') skip_times = nproc * chunksize if nproc > 1 else 0 prog_bar = Progress( TextColumn('{task.description}'), BarColumn(), _SkipFirstTimeRemainingColumn(skip_times=skip_times), MofNCompleteColumn(), TaskProgressColumn(show_speed=True), ) worker = _Worker(func) task_id = prog_bar.add_task( total=task_num, color=color, description=description) tasks = _tasks_with_index(tasks) # Use single process when nproc is 1, else use multiprocess. with prog_bar: if nproc == 1: results = [] for task in tasks: results.append(worker(task)[0]) prog_bar.update(task_id, advance=1, refresh=True) else: with Pool(nproc) as pool: results = [] unordered_results = [] gen = pool.imap_unordered(worker, tasks, chunksize) try: for result in gen: result, idx = result unordered_results.append((result, idx)) results.append(None) prog_bar.update(task_id, advance=1, refresh=True) except Exception as e: prog_bar.stop() raise e for result, idx in unordered_results: results[idx] = result return results
(func: Callable, tasks: Iterable = (), task_num: Optional[int] = None, nproc: int = 1, chunksize: int = 1, description: str = 'Processing', color: str = 'blue') -> list
Traverse the whole registry tree from any given node, and collect information of all registered modules in this registry tree. Args: registry (Registry): a registry node in the registry tree. verbose (bool): Whether to print log. Defaults to True Returns: list: Statistic results of all modules in each node of the registry tree.
def traverse_registry_tree(registry: Registry, verbose: bool = True) -> list: """Traverse the whole registry tree from any given node, and collect information of all registered modules in this registry tree. Args: registry (Registry): a registry node in the registry tree. verbose (bool): Whether to print log. Defaults to True Returns: list: Statistic results of all modules in each node of the registry tree. """ root_registry = registry.root modules_info = [] def _dfs_registry(_registry): if isinstance(_registry, Registry): num_modules = len(_registry.module_dict) scope = _registry.scope registry_info = dict(num_modules=num_modules, scope=scope) for name, registered_class in _registry.module_dict.items(): folder = '/'.join(registered_class.__module__.split('.')[:-1]) if folder in registry_info: registry_info[folder].append(name) else: registry_info[folder] = [name] if verbose: print_log( f"Find {num_modules} modules in {scope}'s " f"'{}' registry ", logger='current') modules_info.append(registry_info) else: return for _, child in _registry.children.items(): _dfs_registry(child) _dfs_registry(root_registry) return modules_info
(registry: mmengine.registry.registry.Registry, verbose: bool = True) -> list
Cast elements of an iterable object into a tuple of some type. A partial method of :func:`iter_cast`.
def tuple_cast(inputs, dst_type): """Cast elements of an iterable object into a tuple of some type. A partial method of :func:`iter_cast`. """ return iter_cast(inputs, dst_type, return_type=tuple)
(inputs, dst_type)
@hookimpl def extra_css_urls(database, table, columns, view_name, datasette): return [ "/-/static-plugins/datasette_query_history/datasette-query-history.css", ]
(database, table, columns, view_name, datasette)
@hookimpl def extra_js_urls(database, table, columns, view_name, datasette): return [ "/-/static-plugins/datasette_query_history/datasette-query-history.js", ]
(database, table, columns, view_name, datasette)
def _jupyter_labextension_paths(): return [{"src": "labextension", "dest": "@jupytercad/jupytercad-freecad"}]
def _jupyter_server_extension_points(): return [{"module": "jupytercad_freecad"}]
Registers the API handler to receive HTTP requests from the frontend extension. Parameters ---------- server_app: jupyterlab.labapp.LabApp JupyterLab application instance
def _load_jupyter_server_extension(server_app): """Registers the API handler to receive HTTP requests from the frontend extension. Parameters ---------- server_app: jupyterlab.labapp.LabApp JupyterLab application instance """ setup_handlers(server_app.web_app) name = "jupytercad_freecad""Registered {name} server extension")
def setup_handlers(web_app): host_pattern = ".*$" base_url = web_app.settings["base_url"] route_pattern = url_path_join(base_url, "jupytercad_freecad", "backend-check") handlers = [(route_pattern, BackendCheckHandler)] web_app.add_handlers(host_pattern, handlers)
class AdminAPI(ABC): @abstractmethod def create_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> None: """Create a new database. Raises an error if the database already exists. Args: database: The name of the database to create. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> Database: """Get a database. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The name of the database to get. tenant: The tenant of the database to get. """ pass @abstractmethod def create_tenant(self, name: str) -> None: """Create a new tenant. Raises an error if the tenant already exists. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to create. """ pass @abstractmethod def get_tenant(self, name: str) -> Tenant: """Get a tenant. Raises an error if the tenant does not exist. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to get. """ pass
Create a new database. Raises an error if the database already exists. Args: database: The name of the database to create.
@abstractmethod def create_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> None: """Create a new database. Raises an error if the database already exists. Args: database: The name of the database to create. """ pass
(self, name: str, tenant: str = 'default_tenant') -> NoneType
Create a new tenant. Raises an error if the tenant already exists. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to create.
@abstractmethod def create_tenant(self, name: str) -> None: """Create a new tenant. Raises an error if the tenant already exists. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to create. """ pass
(self, name: str) -> NoneType
Get a database. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The name of the database to get. tenant: The tenant of the database to get.
@abstractmethod def get_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> Database: """Get a database. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The name of the database to get. tenant: The tenant of the database to get. """ pass
(self, name: str, tenant: str = 'default_tenant') -> chromadb.types.Database
Get a tenant. Raises an error if the tenant does not exist. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to get.
@abstractmethod def get_tenant(self, name: str) -> Tenant: """Get a tenant. Raises an error if the tenant does not exist. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to get. """ pass
(self, name: str) -> chromadb.types.Tenant
Creates an admin client that can be used to create tenants and databases.
def AdminClient(settings: Settings = Settings()) -> AdminAPI: """ Creates an admin client that can be used to create tenants and databases. """ return AdminClientCreator(settings=settings)
(settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052)) -> chromadb.api.AdminAPI
class AdminClient(SharedSystemClient, AdminAPI): _server: ServerAPI def __init__(self, settings: Settings = Settings()) -> None: super().__init__(settings) self._server = self._system.instance(ServerAPI) @override def create_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> None: return self._server.create_database(name=name, tenant=tenant) @override def get_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> Database: return self._server.get_database(name=name, tenant=tenant) @override def create_tenant(self, name: str) -> None: return self._server.create_tenant(name=name) @override def get_tenant(self, name: str) -> Tenant: return self._server.get_tenant(name=name) @classmethod @override def from_system( cls, system: System, ) -> "AdminClient": SharedSystemClient._populate_data_from_system(system) instance = cls(settings=system.settings) return instance
(settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052)) -> None
def __init__(self, settings: Settings = Settings()) -> None: super().__init__(settings) self._server = self._system.instance(ServerAPI)
(self, settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052)) -> NoneType
@staticmethod def _get_identifier_from_settings(settings: Settings) -> str: identifier = "" api_impl = settings.chroma_api_impl if api_impl is None: raise ValueError("Chroma API implementation must be set in settings") elif api_impl == "chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI": if settings.is_persistent: identifier = settings.persist_directory else: identifier = ( "ephemeral" # TODO: support pathing and multiple ephemeral clients ) elif api_impl == "chromadb.api.fastapi.FastAPI": # FastAPI clients can all use unique system identifiers since their configurations can be independent, e.g. different auth tokens identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Chroma API implementation {api_impl}") return identifier
(settings: chromadb.config.Settings) -> str
@staticmethod def _populate_data_from_system(system: System) -> str: identifier = SharedSystemClient._get_identifier_from_settings(system.settings) SharedSystemClient._identifer_to_system[identifier] = system return identifier
(system: chromadb.config.System) -> str
@staticmethod def clear_system_cache() -> None: SharedSystemClient._identifer_to_system = {}
() -> NoneType
Create a new database. Raises an error if the database already exists. Args: database: The name of the database to create.
@override def create_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> None: return self._server.create_database(name=name, tenant=tenant)
(self, name: str, tenant: str = 'default_tenant') -> NoneType
Create a new tenant. Raises an error if the tenant already exists. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to create.
@override def create_tenant(self, name: str) -> None: return self._server.create_tenant(name=name)
(self, name: str) -> NoneType
Get a database. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The name of the database to get. tenant: The tenant of the database to get.
@override def get_database(self, name: str, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT) -> Database: return self._server.get_database(name=name, tenant=tenant)
(self, name: str, tenant: str = 'default_tenant') -> chromadb.types.Database
Get a tenant. Raises an error if the tenant does not exist. Args: tenant: The name of the tenant to get.
@override def get_tenant(self, name: str) -> Tenant: return self._server.get_tenant(name=name)
(self, name: str) -> chromadb.types.Tenant
Return a running chroma.API instance tenant: The tenant to use for this client. Defaults to the default tenant. database: The database to use for this client. Defaults to the default database.
def Client( settings: Settings = __settings, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE, ) -> ClientAPI: """ Return a running chroma.API instance tenant: The tenant to use for this client. Defaults to the default tenant. database: The database to use for this client. Defaults to the default database. """ # Make sure paramaters are the correct types -- users can pass anything. tenant = str(tenant) database = str(database) return ClientCreator(tenant=tenant, database=database, settings=settings)
(settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052), tenant: str = 'default_tenant', database: str = 'default_database') -> chromadb.api.ClientAPI
class ClientAPI(BaseAPI, ABC): tenant: str database: str @abstractmethod def set_tenant(self, tenant: str, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE) -> None: """Set the tenant and database for the client. Raises an error if the tenant or database does not exist. Args: tenant: The tenant to set. database: The database to set. """ pass @abstractmethod def set_database(self, database: str) -> None: """Set the database for the client. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The database to set. """ pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def clear_system_cache() -> None: """Clear the system cache so that new systems can be created for an existing path. This should only be used for testing purposes.""" pass
[Internal] Add embeddings to a collection specified by UUID. If (some) ids already exist, only the new embeddings will be added. Args: ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. collection_id: The UUID of the collection to add the embeddings to. embedding: The sequence of embeddings to add. metadata: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were added successfully.
@abstractmethod def _add( self, ids: IDs, collection_id: UUID, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: """[Internal] Add embeddings to a collection specified by UUID. If (some) ids already exist, only the new embeddings will be added. Args: ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. collection_id: The UUID of the collection to add the embeddings to. embedding: The sequence of embeddings to add. metadata: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were added successfully. """ pass
(self, ids: List[str], collection_id: uuid.UUID, embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
[Internal] Returns the number of entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to count the embeddings in. Returns: int: The number of embeddings in the collection
@abstractmethod def _count(self, collection_id: UUID) -> int: """[Internal] Returns the number of entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to count the embeddings in. Returns: int: The number of embeddings in the collection """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID) -> int
[Internal] Deletes entries from a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to delete the entries from. ids: The IDs of the entries to delete. Defaults to None. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. Returns: IDs: The list of IDs of the entries that were deleted.
@abstractmethod def _delete( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs], where: Optional[Where] = {}, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, ) -> IDs: """[Internal] Deletes entries from a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to delete the entries from. ids: The IDs of the entries to delete. Defaults to None. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. Returns: IDs: The list of IDs of the entries that were deleted. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: Optional[List[str]], where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = {}, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = {}) -> List[str]
[Internal] Returns entries from a collection specified by UUID. Args: ids: The IDs of the entries to get. Defaults to None. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. sort: The column to sort the entries by. Defaults to None. limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. page: The page number to return. Defaults to None. page_size: The number of entries to return per page. Defaults to None. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"]. Returns: GetResult: The entries in the collection that match the query.
@abstractmethod def _get( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs] = None, where: Optional[Where] = {}, sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"], ) -> GetResult: """[Internal] Returns entries from a collection specified by UUID. Args: ids: The IDs of the entries to get. Defaults to None. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. sort: The column to sort the entries by. Defaults to None. limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. page: The page number to return. Defaults to None. page_size: The number of entries to return per page. Defaults to None. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"]. Returns: GetResult: The entries in the collection that match the query. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = {}, sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = {}, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['embeddings', 'metadatas', 'documents']) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
[Internal] Modify a collection by UUID. Can update the name and/or metadata. Args: id: The internal UUID of the collection to modify. new_name: The new name of the collection. If None, the existing name will remain. Defaults to None. new_metadata: The new metadata to associate with the collection. Defaults to None.
def _modify( self, id: UUID, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, ) -> None: """[Internal] Modify a collection by UUID. Can update the name and/or metadata. Args: id: The internal UUID of the collection to modify. new_name: The new name of the collection. If None, the existing name will remain. Defaults to None. new_metadata: The new metadata to associate with the collection. Defaults to None. """ pass
(self, id: uuid.UUID, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> NoneType
[Internal] Returns the first n entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to peek into. n: The number of entries to peek. Defaults to 10. Returns: GetResult: The first n entries in the collection.
@abstractmethod def _peek(self, collection_id: UUID, n: int = 10) -> GetResult: """[Internal] Returns the first n entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to peek into. n: The number of entries to peek. Defaults to 10. Returns: GetResult: The first n entries in the collection. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, n: int = 10) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
[Internal] Performs a nearest neighbors query on a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to query. query_embeddings: The embeddings to use as the query. n_results: The number of results to return. Defaults to 10. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"]. Returns: QueryResult: The results of the query.
@abstractmethod def _query( self, collection_id: UUID, query_embeddings: Embeddings, n_results: int = 10, where: Where = {}, where_document: WhereDocument = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"], ) -> QueryResult: """[Internal] Performs a nearest neighbors query on a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to query. query_embeddings: The embeddings to use as the query. n_results: The number of results to return. Defaults to 10. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"]. Returns: QueryResult: The results of the query. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, query_embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], n_results: int = 10, where: Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]] = {}, where_document: Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]] = {}, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['embeddings', 'metadatas', 'documents', 'distances']) -> chromadb.api.types.QueryResult
[Internal] Update entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to update the embeddings in. ids: The IDs of the entries to update. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to update. Defaults to None. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were updated successfully.
@abstractmethod def _update( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Optional[Embeddings] = None, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: """[Internal] Update entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to update the embeddings in. ids: The IDs of the entries to update. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to update. Defaults to None. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were updated successfully. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: List[str], embeddings: Optional[List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]]] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
[Internal] Add or update entries in the a collection specified by UUID. If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it will be added. Args: collection_id: The collection to add the embeddings to ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to add metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None.
@abstractmethod def _upsert( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: """[Internal] Add or update entries in the a collection specified by UUID. If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it will be added. Args: collection_id: The collection to add the embeddings to ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to add metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. """ pass
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: List[str], embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
Clear the system cache so that new systems can be created for an existing path. This should only be used for testing purposes.
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def clear_system_cache() -> None: """Clear the system cache so that new systems can be created for an existing path. This should only be used for testing purposes.""" pass
() -> NoneType
Count the number of collections. Returns: int: The number of collections. Examples: ```python client.count_collections() # 1 ```
@abstractmethod def count_collections(self) -> int: """Count the number of collections. Returns: int: The number of collections. Examples: ```python client.count_collections() # 1 ``` """ pass
(self) -> int
Create a new collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to create. metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. get_or_create: If True, return the existing collection if it exists. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The newly created collection. Raises: ValueError: If the collection already exists and get_or_create is False. ValueError: If the collection name is invalid. Examples: ```python client.create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) client.create_collection("my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) ```
@abstractmethod def create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, get_or_create: bool = False, ) -> Collection: """Create a new collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to create. metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. get_or_create: If True, return the existing collection if it exists. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The newly created collection. Raises: ValueError: If the collection already exists and get_or_create is False. ValueError: If the collection name is invalid. Examples: ```python client.create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) client.create_collection("my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) ``` """ pass
(self, name: str, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd509816bf0>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None, get_or_create: bool = False) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Delete a collection with the given name. Args: name: The name of the collection to delete. Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist. Examples: ```python client.delete_collection("my_collection") ```
@abstractmethod def delete_collection( self, name: str, ) -> None: """Delete a collection with the given name. Args: name: The name of the collection to delete. Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist. Examples: ```python client.delete_collection("my_collection") ``` """ pass
(self, name: str) -> NoneType
Get a collection with the given name. Args: id: The UUID of the collection to get. Id and Name are simultaneously used for lookup if provided. name: The name of the collection to get embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The collection Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist Examples: ```python client.get_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ```
@abstractmethod def get_collection( self, name: str, id: Optional[UUID] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: """Get a collection with the given name. Args: id: The UUID of the collection to get. Id and Name are simultaneously used for lookup if provided. name: The name of the collection to get embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The collection Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist Examples: ```python client.get_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ``` """ pass
(self, name: str, id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508c09e10>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Get or create a collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to get or create metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. If the collection alredy exists, the metadata will be updated if provided and not None. If the collection does not exist, the new collection will be created with the provided metadata. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: The collection Examples: ```python client.get_or_create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ```
@abstractmethod def get_or_create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: """Get or create a collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to get or create metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. If the collection alredy exists, the metadata will be updated if provided and not None. If the collection does not exist, the new collection will be created with the provided metadata. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: The collection Examples: ```python client.get_or_create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ``` """ pass
(self, name: str, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508c095a0>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Get the settings used to initialize. Returns: Settings: The settings used to initialize.
@abstractmethod def get_settings(self) -> Settings: """Get the settings used to initialize. Returns: Settings: The settings used to initialize. """ pass
(self) -> chromadb.config.Settings
Get the version of Chroma. Returns: str: The version of Chroma
@abstractmethod def get_version(self) -> str: """Get the version of Chroma. Returns: str: The version of Chroma """ pass
(self) -> str
Get the current time in nanoseconds since epoch. Used to check if the server is alive. Returns: int: The current time in nanoseconds since epoch
@abstractmethod def heartbeat(self) -> int: """Get the current time in nanoseconds since epoch. Used to check if the server is alive. Returns: int: The current time in nanoseconds since epoch """ pass
(self) -> int
List all collections. Args: limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. Returns: Sequence[Collection]: A list of collections Examples: ```python client.list_collections() # [collection(name="my_collection", metadata={})] ```
@abstractmethod def list_collections( self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Sequence[Collection]: """List all collections. Args: limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. Returns: Sequence[Collection]: A list of collections Examples: ```python client.list_collections() # [collection(name="my_collection", metadata={})] ``` """ pass
(self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection]
Resets the database. This will delete all collections and entries. Returns: bool: True if the database was reset successfully.
@abstractmethod def reset(self) -> bool: """Resets the database. This will delete all collections and entries. Returns: bool: True if the database was reset successfully. """ pass
(self) -> bool
Set the database for the client. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The database to set.
@abstractmethod def set_database(self, database: str) -> None: """Set the database for the client. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The database to set. """ pass
(self, database: str) -> NoneType
Set the tenant and database for the client. Raises an error if the tenant or database does not exist. Args: tenant: The tenant to set. database: The database to set.
@abstractmethod def set_tenant(self, tenant: str, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE) -> None: """Set the tenant and database for the client. Raises an error if the tenant or database does not exist. Args: tenant: The tenant to set. database: The database to set. """ pass
(self, tenant: str, database: str = 'default_database') -> NoneType
A client for Chroma. This is the main entrypoint for interacting with Chroma. A client internally stores its tenant and database and proxies calls to a Server API instance of Chroma. It treats the Server API and corresponding System as a singleton, so multiple clients connecting to the same resource will share the same API instance. Client implementations should be implement their own API-caching strategies.
class Client(SharedSystemClient, ClientAPI): """A client for Chroma. This is the main entrypoint for interacting with Chroma. A client internally stores its tenant and database and proxies calls to a Server API instance of Chroma. It treats the Server API and corresponding System as a singleton, so multiple clients connecting to the same resource will share the same API instance. Client implementations should be implement their own API-caching strategies. """ tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE _server: ServerAPI # An internal admin client for verifying that databases and tenants exist _admin_client: AdminAPI # region Initialization def __init__( self, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE, settings: Settings = Settings(), ) -> None: super().__init__(settings=settings) self.tenant = tenant self.database = database # Create an admin client for verifying that databases and tenants exist self._admin_client = AdminClient.from_system(self._system) self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=tenant, database=database) # Get the root system component we want to interact with self._server = self._system.instance(ServerAPI) # Submit event for a client start telemetry_client = self._system.instance(ProductTelemetryClient) telemetry_client.capture(ClientStartEvent()) @classmethod @override def from_system( cls, system: System, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE, ) -> "Client": SharedSystemClient._populate_data_from_system(system) instance = cls(tenant=tenant, database=database, settings=system.settings) return instance # endregion # region BaseAPI Methods # Note - we could do this in less verbose ways, but they break type checking @override def heartbeat(self) -> int: return self._server.heartbeat() @override def list_collections( self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Collection]: return self._server.list_collections( limit, offset, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database ) @override def count_collections(self) -> int: return self._server.count_collections( tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database ) @override def create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, get_or_create: bool = False, ) -> Collection: return self._server.create_collection( name=name, metadata=metadata, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, get_or_create=get_or_create, ) @override def get_collection( self, name: str, id: Optional[UUID] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: return self._server.get_collection( id=id, name=name, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, ) @override def get_or_create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: return self._server.get_or_create_collection( name=name, metadata=metadata, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, ) @override def _modify( self, id: UUID, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, ) -> None: return self._server._modify( id=id, new_name=new_name, new_metadata=new_metadata, ) @override def delete_collection( self, name: str, ) -> None: return self._server.delete_collection( name=name, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, ) # # ITEM METHODS # @override def _add( self, ids: IDs, collection_id: UUID, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._add( ids=ids, collection_id=collection_id, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, ) @override def _update( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Optional[Embeddings] = None, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._update( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, ) @override def _upsert( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._upsert( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, ) @override def _count(self, collection_id: UUID) -> int: return self._server._count( collection_id=collection_id, ) @override def _peek(self, collection_id: UUID, n: int = 10) -> GetResult: return self._server._peek( collection_id=collection_id, n=n, ) @override def _get( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs] = None, where: Optional[Where] = {}, sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"], ) -> GetResult: return self._server._get( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, where=where, sort=sort, limit=limit, offset=offset, page=page, page_size=page_size, where_document=where_document, include=include, ) def _delete( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs], where: Optional[Where] = {}, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, ) -> IDs: return self._server._delete( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, where=where, where_document=where_document, ) @override def _query( self, collection_id: UUID, query_embeddings: Embeddings, n_results: int = 10, where: Where = {}, where_document: WhereDocument = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"], ) -> QueryResult: return self._server._query( collection_id=collection_id, query_embeddings=query_embeddings, n_results=n_results, where=where, where_document=where_document, include=include, ) @override def reset(self) -> bool: return self._server.reset() @override def get_version(self) -> str: return self._server.get_version() @override def get_settings(self) -> Settings: return self._server.get_settings() @property @override def max_batch_size(self) -> int: return self._server.max_batch_size # endregion # region ClientAPI Methods @override def set_tenant(self, tenant: str, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE) -> None: self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=tenant, database=database) self.tenant = tenant self.database = database @override def set_database(self, database: str) -> None: self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=self.tenant, database=database) self.database = database def _validate_tenant_database(self, tenant: str, database: str) -> None: try: self._admin_client.get_tenant(name=tenant) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError( "Could not connect to a Chroma server. Are you sure it is running?" ) # Propagate ChromaErrors except ChromaError as e: raise e except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Could not connect to tenant {tenant}. Are you sure it exists?" ) try: self._admin_client.get_database(name=database, tenant=tenant) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError( "Could not connect to a Chroma server. Are you sure it is running?" ) except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Could not connect to database {database} for tenant {tenant}. Are you sure it exists?" ) # endregion
(tenant: str = 'default_tenant', database: str = 'default_database', settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052)) -> None
def __init__( self, tenant: str = DEFAULT_TENANT, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE, settings: Settings = Settings(), ) -> None: super().__init__(settings=settings) self.tenant = tenant self.database = database # Create an admin client for verifying that databases and tenants exist self._admin_client = AdminClient.from_system(self._system) self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=tenant, database=database) # Get the root system component we want to interact with self._server = self._system.instance(ServerAPI) # Submit event for a client start telemetry_client = self._system.instance(ProductTelemetryClient) telemetry_client.capture(ClientStartEvent())
(self, tenant: str = 'default_tenant', database: str = 'default_database', settings: chromadb.config.Settings = Settings(environment='', chroma_api_impl='chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI', chroma_server_nofile=None, chroma_server_thread_pool_size=40, tenant_id='default', topic_namespace='default', chroma_server_host=None, chroma_server_headers=None, chroma_server_http_port=None, chroma_server_ssl_enabled=False, chroma_server_ssl_verify=None, chroma_server_api_default_path='/api/v1', chroma_server_cors_allow_origins=[], is_persistent=False, persist_directory='./chroma', chroma_memory_limit_bytes=0, chroma_segment_cache_policy=None, allow_reset=False, chroma_auth_token_transport_header=None, chroma_client_auth_provider=None, chroma_client_auth_credentials=None, chroma_server_auth_ignore_paths={'/api/v1': ['GET'], '/api/v1/heartbeat': ['GET'], '/api/v1/version': ['GET']}, chroma_overwrite_singleton_tenant_database_access_from_auth=False, chroma_server_authn_provider=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials=None, chroma_server_authn_credentials_file=None, chroma_server_authz_provider=None, chroma_server_authz_config=None, chroma_server_authz_config_file=None, chroma_product_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', chroma_telemetry_impl='chromadb.telemetry.product.posthog.Posthog', anonymized_telemetry=True, chroma_otel_collection_endpoint='', chroma_otel_service_name='chromadb', chroma_otel_collection_headers={}, chroma_otel_granularity=None, migrations='apply', migrations_hash_algorithm='md5', chroma_segment_directory_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.RendezvousHashSegmentDirectory', chroma_memberlist_provider_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.distributed.segment_directory.CustomResourceMemberlistProvider', worker_memberlist_name='query-service-memberlist', chroma_server_grpc_port=None, chroma_sysdb_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_producer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_consumer_impl='chromadb.db.impl.sqlite.SqliteDB', chroma_segment_manager_impl='chromadb.segment.impl.manager.local.LocalSegmentManager', chroma_quota_provider_impl=None, chroma_rate_limiting_provider_impl=None, chroma_db_impl=None, chroma_collection_assignment_policy_impl='chromadb.ingest.impl.simple_policy.SimpleAssignmentPolicy', chroma_coordinator_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_host='localhost', chroma_logservice_port=50052)) -> NoneType
[Internal] Add embeddings to a collection specified by UUID. If (some) ids already exist, only the new embeddings will be added. Args: ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. collection_id: The UUID of the collection to add the embeddings to. embedding: The sequence of embeddings to add. metadata: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were added successfully.
@override def _add( self, ids: IDs, collection_id: UUID, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._add( ids=ids, collection_id=collection_id, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, )
(self, ids: List[str], collection_id: uuid.UUID, embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
[Internal] Returns the number of entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to count the embeddings in. Returns: int: The number of embeddings in the collection
@override def _count(self, collection_id: UUID) -> int: return self._server._count( collection_id=collection_id, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID) -> int
def _delete( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs], where: Optional[Where] = {}, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, ) -> IDs: return self._server._delete( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, where=where, where_document=where_document, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: Optional[List[str]], where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = {}, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = {}) -> List[str]
[Internal] Returns entries from a collection specified by UUID. Args: ids: The IDs of the entries to get. Defaults to None. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. sort: The column to sort the entries by. Defaults to None. limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. page: The page number to return. Defaults to None. page_size: The number of entries to return per page. Defaults to None. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"]. Returns: GetResult: The entries in the collection that match the query.
@override def _get( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: Optional[IDs] = None, where: Optional[Where] = {}, sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents"], ) -> GetResult: return self._server._get( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, where=where, sort=sort, limit=limit, offset=offset, page=page, page_size=page_size, where_document=where_document, include=include, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = {}, sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = {}, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['embeddings', 'metadatas', 'documents']) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
[Internal] Modify a collection by UUID. Can update the name and/or metadata. Args: id: The internal UUID of the collection to modify. new_name: The new name of the collection. If None, the existing name will remain. Defaults to None. new_metadata: The new metadata to associate with the collection. Defaults to None.
@override def _modify( self, id: UUID, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, ) -> None: return self._server._modify( id=id, new_name=new_name, new_metadata=new_metadata, )
(self, id: uuid.UUID, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> NoneType
[Internal] Returns the first n entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to peek into. n: The number of entries to peek. Defaults to 10. Returns: GetResult: The first n entries in the collection.
@override def _peek(self, collection_id: UUID, n: int = 10) -> GetResult: return self._server._peek( collection_id=collection_id, n=n, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, n: int = 10) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
[Internal] Performs a nearest neighbors query on a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to query. query_embeddings: The embeddings to use as the query. n_results: The number of results to return. Defaults to 10. where: Conditional filtering on metadata. Defaults to {}. where_document: Conditional filtering on documents. Defaults to {}. include: The fields to include in the response. Defaults to ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"]. Returns: QueryResult: The results of the query.
@override def _query( self, collection_id: UUID, query_embeddings: Embeddings, n_results: int = 10, where: Where = {}, where_document: WhereDocument = {}, include: Include = ["embeddings", "metadatas", "documents", "distances"], ) -> QueryResult: return self._server._query( collection_id=collection_id, query_embeddings=query_embeddings, n_results=n_results, where=where, where_document=where_document, include=include, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, query_embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], n_results: int = 10, where: Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]] = {}, where_document: Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]] = {}, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['embeddings', 'metadatas', 'documents', 'distances']) -> chromadb.api.types.QueryResult
[Internal] Update entries in a collection specified by UUID. Args: collection_id: The UUID of the collection to update the embeddings in. ids: The IDs of the entries to update. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to update. Defaults to None. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None. Returns: True if the embeddings were updated successfully.
@override def _update( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Optional[Embeddings] = None, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._update( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: List[str], embeddings: Optional[List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]]] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
[Internal] Add or update entries in the a collection specified by UUID. If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it will be added. Args: collection_id: The collection to add the embeddings to ids: The ids to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. embeddings: The sequence of embeddings to add metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Defaults to None. uris: URIs of data sources for each embedding. Defaults to None.
@override def _upsert( self, collection_id: UUID, ids: IDs, embeddings: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[Metadatas] = None, documents: Optional[Documents] = None, uris: Optional[URIs] = None, ) -> bool: return self._server._upsert( collection_id=collection_id, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, )
(self, collection_id: uuid.UUID, ids: List[str], embeddings: List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], metadatas: Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]] = None, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, uris: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool
def _validate_tenant_database(self, tenant: str, database: str) -> None: try: self._admin_client.get_tenant(name=tenant) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError( "Could not connect to a Chroma server. Are you sure it is running?" ) # Propagate ChromaErrors except ChromaError as e: raise e except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Could not connect to tenant {tenant}. Are you sure it exists?" ) try: self._admin_client.get_database(name=database, tenant=tenant) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError( "Could not connect to a Chroma server. Are you sure it is running?" ) except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Could not connect to database {database} for tenant {tenant}. Are you sure it exists?" )
(self, tenant: str, database: str) -> NoneType
Count the number of collections. Returns: int: The number of collections. Examples: ```python client.count_collections() # 1 ```
@override def count_collections(self) -> int: return self._server.count_collections( tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database )
(self) -> int
Create a new collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to create. metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. get_or_create: If True, return the existing collection if it exists. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The newly created collection. Raises: ValueError: If the collection already exists and get_or_create is False. ValueError: If the collection name is invalid. Examples: ```python client.create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) client.create_collection("my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={"foo": "bar"}) ```
@override def create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, get_or_create: bool = False, ) -> Collection: return self._server.create_collection( name=name, metadata=metadata, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, get_or_create=get_or_create, )
(self, name: str, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508aebee0>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None, get_or_create: bool = False) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Delete a collection with the given name. Args: name: The name of the collection to delete. Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist. Examples: ```python client.delete_collection("my_collection") ```
@override def delete_collection( self, name: str, ) -> None: return self._server.delete_collection( name=name, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, )
(self, name: str) -> NoneType
Get a collection with the given name. Args: id: The UUID of the collection to get. Id and Name are simultaneously used for lookup if provided. name: The name of the collection to get embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents. Uses the default embedding function if not provided. data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: Collection: The collection Raises: ValueError: If the collection does not exist Examples: ```python client.get_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ```
@override def get_collection( self, name: str, id: Optional[UUID] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: return self._server.get_collection( id=id, name=name, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, )
(self, name: str, id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd509048d30>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Get or create a collection with the given name and metadata. Args: name: The name of the collection to get or create metadata: Optional metadata to associate with the collection. If the collection alredy exists, the metadata will be updated if provided and not None. If the collection does not exist, the new collection will be created with the provided metadata. embedding_function: Optional function to use to embed documents data_loader: Optional function to use to load records (documents, images, etc.) Returns: The collection Examples: ```python client.get_or_create_collection("my_collection") # collection(name="my_collection", metadata={}) ```
@override def get_or_create_collection( self, name: str, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, ) -> Collection: return self._server.get_or_create_collection( name=name, metadata=metadata, embedding_function=embedding_function, data_loader=data_loader, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database, )
(self, name: str, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508ae9840>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None) -> chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection
Get the settings used to initialize. Returns: Settings: The settings used to initialize.
@override def get_settings(self) -> Settings: return self._server.get_settings()
(self) -> chromadb.config.Settings
Get the version of Chroma. Returns: str: The version of Chroma
@override def get_version(self) -> str: return self._server.get_version()
(self) -> str
Get the current time in nanoseconds since epoch. Used to check if the server is alive. Returns: int: The current time in nanoseconds since epoch
@override def heartbeat(self) -> int: return self._server.heartbeat()
(self) -> int
List all collections. Args: limit: The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to None. offset: The number of entries to skip before returning. Defaults to None. Returns: Sequence[Collection]: A list of collections Examples: ```python client.list_collections() # [collection(name="my_collection", metadata={})] ```
@override def list_collections( self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Collection]: return self._server.list_collections( limit, offset, tenant=self.tenant, database=self.database )
(self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[chromadb.api.models.Collection.Collection]
Resets the database. This will delete all collections and entries. Returns: bool: True if the database was reset successfully.
@override def reset(self) -> bool: return self._server.reset()
(self) -> bool
Set the database for the client. Raises an error if the database does not exist. Args: database: The database to set.
@override def set_database(self, database: str) -> None: self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=self.tenant, database=database) self.database = database
(self, database: str) -> NoneType
Set the tenant and database for the client. Raises an error if the tenant or database does not exist. Args: tenant: The tenant to set. database: The database to set.
@override def set_tenant(self, tenant: str, database: str = DEFAULT_DATABASE) -> None: self._validate_tenant_database(tenant=tenant, database=database) self.tenant = tenant self.database = database
(self, tenant: str, database: str = 'default_database') -> NoneType
Creates a client to connect to a tennant and database on the Chroma cloud. Args: tenant: The tenant to use for this client. database: The database to use for this client. api_key: The api key to use for this client.
def CloudClient( tenant: str, database: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, settings: Optional[Settings] = None, *, # Following arguments are keyword-only, intended for testing only. cloud_host: str = "", cloud_port: int = 8000, enable_ssl: bool = True, ) -> ClientAPI: """ Creates a client to connect to a tennant and database on the Chroma cloud. Args: tenant: The tenant to use for this client. database: The database to use for this client. api_key: The api key to use for this client. """ # If no API key is provided, try to load it from the environment variable if api_key is None: import os api_key = os.environ.get("CHROMA_API_KEY") # If the API key is still not provided, prompt the user if api_key is None: print( "\033[93mDon't have an API key?\033[0m Get one at" ) api_key = input("Please enter your Chroma API key: ") if settings is None: settings = Settings() # Make sure paramaters are the correct types -- users can pass anything. tenant = str(tenant) database = str(database) api_key = str(api_key) cloud_host = str(cloud_host) cloud_port = int(cloud_port) enable_ssl = bool(enable_ssl) settings.chroma_api_impl = "chromadb.api.fastapi.FastAPI" settings.chroma_server_host = cloud_host settings.chroma_server_http_port = cloud_port # Always use SSL for cloud settings.chroma_server_ssl_enabled = enable_ssl settings.chroma_client_auth_provider = "chromadb.auth.token_authn.TokenAuthClientProvider" settings.chroma_client_auth_credentials = api_key settings.chroma_auth_token_transport_header = ( ) return ClientCreator(tenant=tenant, database=database, settings=settings)
(tenant: str, database: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, settings: Optional[chromadb.config.Settings] = None, *, cloud_host: str = '', cloud_port: int = 8000, enable_ssl: bool = True) -> chromadb.api.ClientAPI
class Collection(BaseModel): name: str id: UUID metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None tenant: Optional[str] = None database: Optional[str] = None _client: "ServerAPI" = PrivateAttr() _embedding_function: Optional[EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable]] = PrivateAttr() _data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = PrivateAttr() def __init__( self, client: "ServerAPI", name: str, id: UUID, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, ): super().__init__( name=name, metadata=metadata, id=id, tenant=tenant, database=database ) self._client = client # Check to make sure the embedding function has the right signature, as defined by the EmbeddingFunction protocol if embedding_function is not None: validate_embedding_function(embedding_function) self._embedding_function = embedding_function self._data_loader = data_loader def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Collection(name={})" def count(self) -> int: """The total number of embeddings added to the database Returns: int: The total number of embeddings added to the database """ return self._client._count( def add( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Add embeddings to the data store. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings you wish to add embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. uris: The uris of the images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either embeddings or documents ValueError: If the length of ids, embeddings, metadatas, or documents don't match ValueError: If you don't provide an embedding function and don't provide embeddings ValueError: If you provide both embeddings and documents ValueError: If you provide an id that already exists """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris ) # We need to compute the embeddings if they're not provided if embeddings is None: # At this point, we know that one of documents or images are provided from the validation above if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) elif images is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) else: if uris is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either embeddings, documents, images, or uris." ) if self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) embeddings = self._embed(self._data_loader(uris)) self._client._add(ids,, embeddings, metadatas, documents, uris) def get( self, ids: Optional[OneOrMany[ID]] = None, where: Optional[Where] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, include: Include = ["metadatas", "documents"], ) -> GetResult: """Get embeddings and their associate data from the data store. If no ids or where filter is provided returns all embeddings up to limit starting at offset. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to get. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. limit: The number of documents to return. Optional. offset: The offset to start returning results from. Useful for paging results with limit. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents"]`. Optional. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results. """ valid_where = validate_where(where) if where else None valid_where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else None ) valid_ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) if ids else None valid_include = validate_include(include, allow_distances=False) if "data" in include and self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) # We need to include uris in the result from the API to load datas if "data" in include and "uris" not in include: valid_include.append("uris") get_results = self._client._get(, valid_ids, valid_where, None, limit, offset, where_document=valid_where_document, include=valid_include, ) if ( "data" in include and self._data_loader is not None and get_results["uris"] is not None ): get_results["data"] = self._data_loader(get_results["uris"]) # Remove URIs from the result if they weren't requested if "uris" not in include: get_results["uris"] = None return get_results def peek(self, limit: int = 10) -> GetResult: """Get the first few results in the database up to limit Args: limit: The number of results to return. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results. """ return self._client._peek(, limit) def query( self, query_embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, query_texts: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, query_images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, query_uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, n_results: int = 10, where: Optional[Where] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, include: Include = ["metadatas", "documents", "distances"], ) -> QueryResult: """Get the n_results nearest neighbor embeddings for provided query_embeddings or query_texts. Args: query_embeddings: The embeddings to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_texts: The document texts to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_images: The images to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. n_results: The number of neighbors to return for each query_embedding or query_texts. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`, `"distances"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents", "distances"]`. Optional. Returns: QueryResult: A QueryResult object containing the results. Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either query_embeddings, query_texts, or query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_texts ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_texts and query_images """ # Users must provide only one of query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris if not ( (query_embeddings is not None) ^ (query_texts is not None) ^ (query_images is not None) ^ (query_uris is not None) ): raise ValueError( "You must provide one of query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris." ) valid_where = validate_where(where) if where else {} valid_where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else {} ) valid_query_embeddings = ( validate_embeddings( self._normalize_embeddings( maybe_cast_one_to_many_embedding(query_embeddings) ) ) if query_embeddings is not None else None ) valid_query_texts = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_document(query_texts) if query_texts is not None else None ) valid_query_images = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_image(query_images) if query_images is not None else None ) valid_query_uris = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_uri(query_uris) if query_uris is not None else None ) valid_include = validate_include(include, allow_distances=True) valid_n_results = validate_n_results(n_results) # If query_embeddings are not provided, we need to compute them from the inputs if valid_query_embeddings is None: if query_texts is not None: valid_query_embeddings = self._embed(input=valid_query_texts) elif query_images is not None: valid_query_embeddings = self._embed(input=valid_query_images) else: if valid_query_uris is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris." ) if self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) valid_query_embeddings = self._embed( self._data_loader(valid_query_uris) ) if "data" in include and "uris" not in include: valid_include.append("uris") query_results = self._client._query(, query_embeddings=valid_query_embeddings, n_results=valid_n_results, where=valid_where, where_document=valid_where_document, include=include, ) if ( "data" in include and self._data_loader is not None and query_results["uris"] is not None ): query_results["data"] = [ self._data_loader(uris) for uris in query_results["uris"] ] # Remove URIs from the result if they weren't requested if "uris" not in include: query_results["uris"] = None return query_results def modify( self, name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None ) -> None: """Modify the collection name or metadata Args: name: The updated name for the collection. Optional. metadata: The updated metadata for the collection. Optional. Returns: None """ if metadata is not None: validate_metadata(metadata) if "hnsw:space" in metadata: raise ValueError( "Changing the distance function of a collection once it is created is not supported currently.") self._client._modify(, new_name=name, new_metadata=metadata) if name: = name if metadata: self.metadata = metadata def update( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to update. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, require_embeddings_or_data=False, ) if embeddings is None: if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) elif images is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) self._client._update(, ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, uris) def upsert( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids, or create them if they don't exist. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris ) if embeddings is None: if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) else: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) self._client._upsert(, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, ) def delete( self, ids: Optional[IDs] = None, where: Optional[Where] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, ) -> None: """Delete the embeddings based on ids and/or a where filter Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to delete where: A Where type dict used to filter the delection by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter the deletion by the document content. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either ids, where, or where_document """ ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) if ids else None where = validate_where(where) if where else None where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else None ) self._client._delete(, ids, where, where_document) def _validate_embedding_set( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ], metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]], documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]], images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, require_embeddings_or_data: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[ IDs, Optional[Embeddings], Optional[Metadatas], Optional[Documents], Optional[Images], Optional[URIs], ]: valid_ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) valid_embeddings = ( validate_embeddings( self._normalize_embeddings(maybe_cast_one_to_many_embedding(embeddings)) ) if embeddings is not None else None ) valid_metadatas = ( validate_metadatas(maybe_cast_one_to_many_metadata(metadatas)) if metadatas is not None else None ) valid_documents = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_document(documents) if documents is not None else None ) valid_images = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_image(images) if images is not None else None ) valid_uris = maybe_cast_one_to_many_uri(uris) if uris is not None else None # Check that one of embeddings or ducuments or images is provided if require_embeddings_or_data: if ( valid_embeddings is None and valid_documents is None and valid_images is None and valid_uris is None ): raise ValueError( "You must provide embeddings, documents, images, or uris." ) # Only one of documents or images can be provided if valid_documents is not None and valid_images is not None: raise ValueError("You can only provide documents or images, not both.") # Check that, if they're provided, the lengths of the arrays match the length of ids if valid_embeddings is not None and len(valid_embeddings) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of embeddings {len(valid_embeddings)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_metadatas is not None and len(valid_metadatas) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of metadatas {len(valid_metadatas)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_documents is not None and len(valid_documents) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of documents {len(valid_documents)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_images is not None and len(valid_images) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of images {len(valid_images)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_uris is not None and len(valid_uris) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of uris {len(valid_uris)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) return ( valid_ids, valid_embeddings, valid_metadatas, valid_documents, valid_images, valid_uris, ) @staticmethod def _normalize_embeddings( embeddings: Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ) -> Embeddings: if isinstance(embeddings, np.ndarray): return embeddings.tolist() return embeddings def _embed(self, input: Any) -> Embeddings: if self._embedding_function is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide an embedding function to compute embeddings." "" ) return self._embedding_function(input=input)
(client: 'ServerAPI', name: str, id: uuid.UUID, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508aead70>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None
def __init__( self, client: "ServerAPI", name: str, id: UUID, embedding_function: Optional[ EmbeddingFunction[Embeddable] ] = ef.DefaultEmbeddingFunction(), # type: ignore data_loader: Optional[DataLoader[Loadable]] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None, ): super().__init__( name=name, metadata=metadata, id=id, tenant=tenant, database=database ) self._client = client # Check to make sure the embedding function has the right signature, as defined by the EmbeddingFunction protocol if embedding_function is not None: validate_embedding_function(embedding_function) self._embedding_function = embedding_function self._data_loader = data_loader
(self, client: 'ServerAPI', name: str, id: uuid.UUID, embedding_function: Optional[chromadb.api.types.EmbeddingFunction[Union[List[str], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = <chromadb.utils.embedding_functions.ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2 object at 0x7fd508aead70>, data_loader: Optional[chromadb.api.types.DataLoader[List[Optional[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]]]] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)
def _embed(self, input: Any) -> Embeddings: if self._embedding_function is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide an embedding function to compute embeddings." "" ) return self._embedding_function(input=input)
(self, input: Any) -> List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]]
@staticmethod def _normalize_embeddings( embeddings: Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ) -> Embeddings: if isinstance(embeddings, np.ndarray): return embeddings.tolist() return embeddings
(embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray]]) -> List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]]
def _validate_embedding_set( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ], metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]], documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]], images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, require_embeddings_or_data: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[ IDs, Optional[Embeddings], Optional[Metadatas], Optional[Documents], Optional[Images], Optional[URIs], ]: valid_ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) valid_embeddings = ( validate_embeddings( self._normalize_embeddings(maybe_cast_one_to_many_embedding(embeddings)) ) if embeddings is not None else None ) valid_metadatas = ( validate_metadatas(maybe_cast_one_to_many_metadata(metadatas)) if metadatas is not None else None ) valid_documents = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_document(documents) if documents is not None else None ) valid_images = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_image(images) if images is not None else None ) valid_uris = maybe_cast_one_to_many_uri(uris) if uris is not None else None # Check that one of embeddings or ducuments or images is provided if require_embeddings_or_data: if ( valid_embeddings is None and valid_documents is None and valid_images is None and valid_uris is None ): raise ValueError( "You must provide embeddings, documents, images, or uris." ) # Only one of documents or images can be provided if valid_documents is not None and valid_images is not None: raise ValueError("You can only provide documents or images, not both.") # Check that, if they're provided, the lengths of the arrays match the length of ids if valid_embeddings is not None and len(valid_embeddings) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of embeddings {len(valid_embeddings)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_metadatas is not None and len(valid_metadatas) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of metadatas {len(valid_metadatas)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_documents is not None and len(valid_documents) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of documents {len(valid_documents)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_images is not None and len(valid_images) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of images {len(valid_images)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) if valid_uris is not None and len(valid_uris) != len(valid_ids): raise ValueError( f"Number of uris {len(valid_uris)} must match number of ids {len(valid_ids)}" ) return ( valid_ids, valid_embeddings, valid_metadatas, valid_documents, valid_images, valid_uris, )
(self, ids: Union[str, List[str]], embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray], NoneType], metadatas: Union[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]], List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]], NoneType], documents: Union[str, List[str], NoneType], images: Union[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]], NoneType] = None, uris: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, require_embeddings_or_data: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]]], Optional[List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]]], Optional[List[str]]]
Add embeddings to the data store. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings you wish to add embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. uris: The uris of the images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either embeddings or documents ValueError: If the length of ids, embeddings, metadatas, or documents don't match ValueError: If you don't provide an embedding function and don't provide embeddings ValueError: If you provide both embeddings and documents ValueError: If you provide an id that already exists
def add( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Add embeddings to the data store. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings you wish to add embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. uris: The uris of the images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either embeddings or documents ValueError: If the length of ids, embeddings, metadatas, or documents don't match ValueError: If you don't provide an embedding function and don't provide embeddings ValueError: If you provide both embeddings and documents ValueError: If you provide an id that already exists """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris ) # We need to compute the embeddings if they're not provided if embeddings is None: # At this point, we know that one of documents or images are provided from the validation above if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) elif images is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) else: if uris is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either embeddings, documents, images, or uris." ) if self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) embeddings = self._embed(self._data_loader(uris)) self._client._add(ids,, embeddings, metadatas, documents, uris)
(self, ids: Union[str, List[str]], embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray], NoneType] = None, metadatas: Union[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]], List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]], NoneType] = None, documents: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, images: Union[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]], NoneType] = None, uris: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> NoneType
The total number of embeddings added to the database Returns: int: The total number of embeddings added to the database
def count(self) -> int: """The total number of embeddings added to the database Returns: int: The total number of embeddings added to the database """ return self._client._count(
(self) -> int
Delete the embeddings based on ids and/or a where filter Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to delete where: A Where type dict used to filter the delection by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter the deletion by the document content. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either ids, where, or where_document
def delete( self, ids: Optional[IDs] = None, where: Optional[Where] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, ) -> None: """Delete the embeddings based on ids and/or a where filter Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to delete where: A Where type dict used to filter the delection by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter the deletion by the document content. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either ids, where, or where_document """ ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) if ids else None where = validate_where(where) if where else None where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else None ) self._client._delete(, ids, where, where_document)
(self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = None, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = None) -> NoneType
Get embeddings and their associate data from the data store. If no ids or where filter is provided returns all embeddings up to limit starting at offset. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to get. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. limit: The number of documents to return. Optional. offset: The offset to start returning results from. Useful for paging results with limit. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents"]`. Optional. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results.
def get( self, ids: Optional[OneOrMany[ID]] = None, where: Optional[Where] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, include: Include = ["metadatas", "documents"], ) -> GetResult: """Get embeddings and their associate data from the data store. If no ids or where filter is provided returns all embeddings up to limit starting at offset. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to get. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. limit: The number of documents to return. Optional. offset: The offset to start returning results from. Useful for paging results with limit. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents"]`. Optional. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results. """ valid_where = validate_where(where) if where else None valid_where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else None ) valid_ids = validate_ids(maybe_cast_one_to_many_ids(ids)) if ids else None valid_include = validate_include(include, allow_distances=False) if "data" in include and self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) # We need to include uris in the result from the API to load datas if "data" in include and "uris" not in include: valid_include.append("uris") get_results = self._client._get(, valid_ids, valid_where, None, limit, offset, where_document=valid_where_document, include=valid_include, ) if ( "data" in include and self._data_loader is not None and get_results["uris"] is not None ): get_results["data"] = self._data_loader(get_results["uris"]) # Remove URIs from the result if they weren't requested if "uris" not in include: get_results["uris"] = None return get_results
(self, ids: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = None, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['metadatas', 'documents']) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
Modify the collection name or metadata Args: name: The updated name for the collection. Optional. metadata: The updated metadata for the collection. Optional. Returns: None
def modify( self, name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[CollectionMetadata] = None ) -> None: """Modify the collection name or metadata Args: name: The updated name for the collection. Optional. metadata: The updated metadata for the collection. Optional. Returns: None """ if metadata is not None: validate_metadata(metadata) if "hnsw:space" in metadata: raise ValueError( "Changing the distance function of a collection once it is created is not supported currently.") self._client._modify(, new_name=name, new_metadata=metadata) if name: = name if metadata: self.metadata = metadata
(self, name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> NoneType
Get the first few results in the database up to limit Args: limit: The number of results to return. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results.
def peek(self, limit: int = 10) -> GetResult: """Get the first few results in the database up to limit Args: limit: The number of results to return. Returns: GetResult: A GetResult object containing the results. """ return self._client._peek(, limit)
(self, limit: int = 10) -> chromadb.api.types.GetResult
Get the n_results nearest neighbor embeddings for provided query_embeddings or query_texts. Args: query_embeddings: The embeddings to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_texts: The document texts to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_images: The images to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. n_results: The number of neighbors to return for each query_embedding or query_texts. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`, `"distances"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents", "distances"]`. Optional. Returns: QueryResult: A QueryResult object containing the results. Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either query_embeddings, query_texts, or query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_texts ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_texts and query_images
def query( self, query_embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, query_texts: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, query_images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, query_uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, n_results: int = 10, where: Optional[Where] = None, where_document: Optional[WhereDocument] = None, include: Include = ["metadatas", "documents", "distances"], ) -> QueryResult: """Get the n_results nearest neighbor embeddings for provided query_embeddings or query_texts. Args: query_embeddings: The embeddings to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_texts: The document texts to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. query_images: The images to get the closes neighbors of. Optional. n_results: The number of neighbors to return for each query_embedding or query_texts. Optional. where: A Where type dict used to filter results by. E.g. `{"$and": ["color" : "red", "price": {"$gte": 4.20}]}`. Optional. where_document: A WhereDocument type dict used to filter by the documents. E.g. `{$contains: {"text": "hello"}}`. Optional. include: A list of what to include in the results. Can contain `"embeddings"`, `"metadatas"`, `"documents"`, `"distances"`. Ids are always included. Defaults to `["metadatas", "documents", "distances"]`. Optional. Returns: QueryResult: A QueryResult object containing the results. Raises: ValueError: If you don't provide either query_embeddings, query_texts, or query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_texts ValueError: If you provide both query_embeddings and query_images ValueError: If you provide both query_texts and query_images """ # Users must provide only one of query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris if not ( (query_embeddings is not None) ^ (query_texts is not None) ^ (query_images is not None) ^ (query_uris is not None) ): raise ValueError( "You must provide one of query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris." ) valid_where = validate_where(where) if where else {} valid_where_document = ( validate_where_document(where_document) if where_document else {} ) valid_query_embeddings = ( validate_embeddings( self._normalize_embeddings( maybe_cast_one_to_many_embedding(query_embeddings) ) ) if query_embeddings is not None else None ) valid_query_texts = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_document(query_texts) if query_texts is not None else None ) valid_query_images = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_image(query_images) if query_images is not None else None ) valid_query_uris = ( maybe_cast_one_to_many_uri(query_uris) if query_uris is not None else None ) valid_include = validate_include(include, allow_distances=True) valid_n_results = validate_n_results(n_results) # If query_embeddings are not provided, we need to compute them from the inputs if valid_query_embeddings is None: if query_texts is not None: valid_query_embeddings = self._embed(input=valid_query_texts) elif query_images is not None: valid_query_embeddings = self._embed(input=valid_query_images) else: if valid_query_uris is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either query_embeddings, query_texts, query_images, or query_uris." ) if self._data_loader is None: raise ValueError( "You must set a data loader on the collection if loading from URIs." ) valid_query_embeddings = self._embed( self._data_loader(valid_query_uris) ) if "data" in include and "uris" not in include: valid_include.append("uris") query_results = self._client._query(, query_embeddings=valid_query_embeddings, n_results=valid_n_results, where=valid_where, where_document=valid_where_document, include=include, ) if ( "data" in include and self._data_loader is not None and query_results["uris"] is not None ): query_results["data"] = [ self._data_loader(uris) for uris in query_results["uris"] ] # Remove URIs from the result if they weren't requested if "uris" not in include: query_results["uris"] = None return query_results
(self, query_embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray], NoneType] = None, query_texts: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, query_images: Union[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]], NoneType] = None, query_uris: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, n_results: int = 10, where: Optional[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[Dict[Union[str, Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool, Dict[Union[Literal['$gt'], Literal['$gte'], Literal['$lt'], Literal['$lte'], Literal['$ne'], Literal['$eq'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, int, float, bool]], Dict[Union[Literal['$in'], Literal['$nin']], List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]], List[ForwardRef('Where')]]]]]]] = None, where_document: Optional[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[Dict[Union[Literal['$contains'], Literal['$not_contains'], Literal['$and'], Literal['$or']], Union[str, List[ForwardRef('WhereDocument')]]]]]]] = None, include: List[Union[Literal['documents'], Literal['embeddings'], Literal['metadatas'], Literal['distances'], Literal['uris'], Literal['data']]] = ['metadatas', 'documents', 'distances']) -> chromadb.api.types.QueryResult
Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to update. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None
def update( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to update. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents or images using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. images: The images to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, require_embeddings_or_data=False, ) if embeddings is None: if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) elif images is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) self._client._update(, ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, uris)
(self, ids: Union[str, List[str]], embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray], NoneType] = None, metadatas: Union[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]], List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]], NoneType] = None, documents: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, images: Union[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]], NoneType] = None, uris: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> NoneType
Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids, or create them if they don't exist. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None
def upsert( self, ids: OneOrMany[ID], embeddings: Optional[ Union[ OneOrMany[Embedding], OneOrMany[np.ndarray], ] ] = None, metadatas: Optional[OneOrMany[Metadata]] = None, documents: Optional[OneOrMany[Document]] = None, images: Optional[OneOrMany[Image]] = None, uris: Optional[OneOrMany[URI]] = None, ) -> None: """Update the embeddings, metadatas or documents for provided ids, or create them if they don't exist. Args: ids: The ids of the embeddings to update embeddings: The embeddings to add. If None, embeddings will be computed based on the documents using the embedding_function set for the Collection. Optional. metadatas: The metadata to associate with the embeddings. When querying, you can filter on this metadata. Optional. documents: The documents to associate with the embeddings. Optional. Returns: None """ ( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris, ) = self._validate_embedding_set( ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents, images, uris ) if embeddings is None: if documents is not None: embeddings = self._embed(input=documents) else: embeddings = self._embed(input=images) self._client._upsert(, ids=ids, embeddings=embeddings, metadatas=metadatas, documents=documents, uris=uris, )
(self, ids: Union[str, List[str]], embeddings: Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int], List[Union[Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]], numpy.ndarray, List[numpy.ndarray], NoneType] = None, metadatas: Union[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]], List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]]], NoneType] = None, documents: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None, images: Union[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]], List[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]]], NoneType] = None, uris: Union[str, List[str], NoneType] = None) -> NoneType
class EmbeddingFunction(Protocol[D]): def __call__(self, input: D) -> Embeddings: ... def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: super().__init_subclass__() # Raise an exception if __call__ is not defined since it is expected to be defined call = getattr(cls, "__call__") def __call__(self: EmbeddingFunction[D], input: D) -> Embeddings: result = call(self, input) return validate_embeddings(maybe_cast_one_to_many_embedding(result)) setattr(cls, "__call__", __call__) def embed_with_retries(self, input: D, **retry_kwargs: Dict) -> Embeddings: return retry(**retry_kwargs)(self.__call__)(input)
(*args, **kwargs)