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Welcome to the "NOTSOFAR-1: Distant Meeting Transcription with a Single Device" Challenge.

This repo contains the baseline system code for the NOTSOFAR-1 Challenge.

πŸ“Š Baseline Results on NOTSOFAR dev-set-1

Values are presented in tcpWER / tcORC-WER (session count) format.
As mentioned in the official website, systems are ranked based on the speaker-attributed tcpWER , while the speaker-agnostic tcORC-WER serves as a supplementary metric for analysis.
We include analysis based on a selection of hashtags from our metadata, providing insights into how different conditions affect system performance.

Single-Channel Multi-Channel
All Sessions 46.8 / 38.5 (177) 32.4 / 26.7 (106)
#NaturalMeeting 47.6 / 40.2 (30) 32.3 / 26.2 (18)
#DebateOverlaps 54.9 / 44.7 (39) 38.0 / 31.4 (24)
#TurnsNoOverlap 32.4 / 29.7 (10) 21.2 / 18.8 (6)
#TransientNoise=high 51.0 / 43.7 (10) 33.6 / 29.1 (5)
#TalkNearWhiteboard 55.4 / 43.9 (40) 39.9 / 31.2 (22)

Project Setup

The following steps will guide you through setting up the project on your machine.

Windows Users

This project is compatible with Linux environments. Windows users can refer to Docker or Devcontainer sections.
Alternatively, install WSL2 by following the WSL2 Installation Guide, then install Ubuntu 20.04 from the Microsoft Store.

Cloning the Repository

Clone the NOTSOFAR1-Challenge repository from GitHub. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install git
cd path/to/your/projects/directory
git clone

Setting up the environment


Step 1: Install Conda

Conda is a package manager that is used to install Python and other dependencies.
To install Miniconda, which is a minimal version of Conda, run the following commands:

script="Miniconda3-latest-Linux-$(uname -m).sh"
wget --tries=3 "${script}"
bash "${script}" -b -p "${miniconda_dir}"
export PATH="${miniconda_dir}/bin:$PATH"

*** You may change the miniconda_dir variable to install Miniconda in a different directory.

Step 2: Create a Conda Environment

Conda Environments are used to isolate Python dependencies.
To set it up, run the following commands:

source "/path/to/conda/dir/etc/profile.d/"
conda create --name notsofar python=3.10 -y
conda activate notsofar 
cd /path/to/NOTSOFAR1-Challenge
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel Cython fasttext-wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install ffmpeg -c conda-forge -y


Step 1: Install Python 3.10

Python 3.10 is required to run the project. To install it, run the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10

Step 2: Set Up the Python Virtual Environment

Python virtual environments are used to isolate Python dependencies.
To set it up, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv
python3.10 -m venv /path/to/virtualenvs/NOTSOFAR
source /path/to/virtualenvs/NOTSOFAR/bin/activate

Step 3: Install Python Dependencies

Navigate to the cloned repository and install the required Python dependencies:

cd /path/to/NOTSOFAR1-Challenge
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel Cython fasttext-wheel
sudo apt-get install python3.10-dev ffmpeg build-essential
pip install -r requirements.txt


Refer to the Dockerfile in the project's root for dependencies setup. To use Docker, ensure you have Docker installed on your system and configured to use Linux containers.


With the provided devcontainer.json you can run and work on the project in a devctonainer using, for example, the Dev Containers VSCode Extension.

Running evaluation - the inference pipeline

The following command will download the entire dev-set of the recorded meeting dataset and run the inference pipeline according to selected configuration. The default is configured to --config-name dev_set_1_mc_debug for quick debugging, running on a single session with the Whisper 'tiny' model.

cd /path/to/NOTSOFAR1-Challenge

To run on all multi-channel or single-channel dev-set sessions, use the following commands respectively:

python --config-name full_dev_set_mc
python --config-name full_dev_set_sc

The first time runs, it will automatically download these required models and datasets from blob storage:

  1. The development set of the meeting dataset (dev-set) will be stored in the artifacts/meeting_data directory.
  2. The CSS models required to run the inference pipeline will be stored in the artifacts/css_models directory.

Outputs will be written to the artifacts/outputs directory.

The session_query argument found in the yaml config file (e.g. configs/inference/inference_v1.yaml) offers more control over filtering meetings. Note that to submit results on the dev-set, you must evaluate on the full set (full_dev_set_mc or full_dev_set_sc) and no filtering must be performed.

Integrating your own models

The inference pipeline is modular, designed for easy research and extension. Begin by exploring the following components:

  • Continuous Speech Separation (CSS): See css_inference in . We provide a model pre-trained on NOTSOFAR's simulated training dataset, as well as inference and training code. For more information, refer to the CSS section.
  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): See asr_inference in The baseline implementation relies on Whisper.
  • Speaker Diarization: See diarization_inference in The baseline implementation relies on the NeMo toolkit.

Training datasets

For training and fine-tuning your models, NOTSOFAR offers the simulated training set and the training portion of the recorded meeting dataset. Refer to the download_simulated_subset and download_meeting_subset functions in utils/, or the NOTSOFAR-1 Datasets section.

Running CSS (continuous speech separation) training

1. Local training on a data sample for development and debugging

The following command will run CSS training on the 10-second simulated training data sample in sample_data/css_train_set.

cd /path/to/NOTSOFAR1-Challenge

2. Training on the full simulated training dataset

Step 1: Download the simulated training dataset

You can use the download_simulated_subset function in utils/ to download the training dataset from blob storage. You have the option to download either the complete dataset, comprising almost 1000 hours, or a smaller, 200-hour subset.


ver='v1.5'  # this should point to the lateset and greatest version of the dataset.

# Option 1: Download the training and validation sets of the entire 1000-hour dataset. 
train_set_path = download_simulated_subset(
    version=ver, volume='1000hrs', subset_name='train', destination_dir=os.path.join(my_dir, 'train'))

val_set_path = download_simulated_subset(
    version=ver, volume='1000hrs', subset_name='val', destination_dir=os.path.join(my_dir, 'val'))

# Option 2: Download the training and validation sets of the smaller 200-hour dataset.
train_set_path = download_simulated_subset(
    version=ver, volume='200hrs', subset_name='train', destination_dir=os.path.join(my_dir, 'train'))

val_set_path = download_simulated_subset(
    version=ver, volume='200hrs', subset_name='val', destination_dir=os.path.join(my_dir, 'val'))

Step 2: Run CSS training

Once you have downloaded the training dataset, you can run CSS training on it using the run_training_css function in css/training/ The main function in provides an entry point with conf, data_root_in, and data_root_out arguments that you can use to configure the run.

It is important to note that the setup and provisioning of a compute cloud environment for running this training process is the responsibility of the user. Our code is designed to support PyTorch's Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) framework. This means you can leverage multiple GPUs across several nodes efficiently.

Step 3: Customizing the CSS model

To add a new CSS model, you need to do the following:

  1. Have your model implement the same interface as our baseline CSS model class ConformerCssWrapper which is located in css/training/ Note that in addition to the forward method, it must also implement the separate, stft, and istft methods. The latter three methods will be used in the inference pipeline and to calculate the loss when training.
  2. Create a configuration dataclass for your model. Add it as a member of the TrainCfg dataclass in css/training/
  3. Add your model to the get_model function in css/training/

NOTSOFAR-1 Datasets - Download Instructions

This section is for those specifically interested in downloading the NOTSOFAR datasets.
The NOTSOFAR-1 Challenge provides two datasets: a recorded meeting dataset and a simulated training dataset.
The datasets are stored in Azure Blob Storage, to download them, you will need to setup AzCopy.

You can use either the python utilities in utils/ or the AzCopy command to download the datasets as described below.

Meeting Dataset for Benchmarking and Training

The NOTSOFAR-1 Recorded Meeting Dataset is a collection of 315 meetings, each averaging 6 minutes, recorded across 30 conference rooms with 4-8 attendees, featuring a total of 35 unique speakers. This dataset captures a broad spectrum of real-world acoustic conditions and conversational dynamics.


To download the dataset, you can call the python function download_meeting_subset within utils/

Alternatively, using AzCopy CLI, set these arguments and run the following command:

  • subset_name: name of split to download (dev_set / eval_set / train_set).
  • version: version to download (240103g / etc.). Use the latest version.
  • datasets_path - path to the directory where you want to download the benchmarking dataset (destination directory must exist).

Train, dev, and eval sets for the NOTSOFAR challenge are released in stages. See release timeline on the NOTSOFAR page. See doc in download_meeting_subset function in utils/ for latest available versions.

azcopy copy<subset_name>/<version>/MTG <datasets_path>/benchmark --recursive


azcopy copy . --recursive

Simulated Training Dataset

The NOTSOFAR-1 Training Dataset is a 1000-hour simulated training dataset, synthesized with enhanced authenticity for real-world generalization, incorporating 15,000 real acoustic transfer functions.


To download the dataset, you can call the python function download_simulated_subset within utils/ Alternatively, using AzCopy CLI, set these arguments and run the following command:

  • version: version of the train data to download (v1.1 / v1.2 / v1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 / etc.). See doc in download_simulated_subset function in utils/ for latest available versions.
  • volume - volume of the train data to download (200hrs / 1000hrs)
  • subset_name: train data type to download (train / val)
  • datasets_path - path to the directory where you want to download the simulated dataset (destination directory must exist).
azcopy copy<version>/<volume>/<subset_name> <datasets_path>/benchmark --recursive 


azcopy copy . --recursive

Data License

This public data is currently licensed for use exclusively in the NOTSOFAR challenge event. We appreciate your understanding that it is not yet available for academic or commercial use. However, we are actively working towards expanding its availability for these purposes. We anticipate a forthcoming announcement that will enable broader and more impactful use of this data. Stay tuned for updates. Thank you for your interest and patience.

🀝 Contribute

Please refer to our contributing guide for more information on how to contribute!