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200 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa Tom sehat?" | Ani Tom sehat? | bhinneka_korpus |
201 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mungkin akan turun hujan." | Mungkin yak hujan. | bhinneka_korpus |
202 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu palsu." | Ngen palsu. | bhinneka_korpus |
203 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bercanda." | Begael. | bhinneka_korpus |
204 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mari kita melakukannya!" | Yok adep ngawe! | bhinneka_korpus |
205 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mari kita lakukan!" | Yok adep muat ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
206 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mari berpesta." | Yok bepesta. | bhinneka_korpus |
207 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Lihatlah ke arah Tom." | Tinget lah ka arah Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
208 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kepalkan tangan Anda." | Ngagem bareng ko. | bhinneka_korpus |
209 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Terima kasih banyak." | Terima kasih banyak. | bhinneka_korpus |
210 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Makasih banyak." | Makasih banyak. | bhinneka_korpus |
211 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Oke, kamu menang." | Ok, ko manang. | bhinneka_korpus |
212 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Baiklah, kamu menang." | Baitlah, ko manang. | bhinneka_korpus |
213 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Oke, aku setuju." | Ok, ken setuju. | bhinneka_korpus |
214 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tolong berhenti!" | Tolong singaah! | bhinneka_korpus |
215 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ucapkan selamat tinggal." | Ngucap selamat tinggel. | bhinneka_korpus |
216 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ia tersipu malu." | Ye'e tersipu malu. | bhinneka_korpus |
217 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Diam di situ!" | Diam ka ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
218 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Begitulah hidup." | Jengen lah idup. | bhinneka_korpus |
219 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini Tom." | Hak Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
220 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini besar." | Hak ayu'k. | bhinneka_korpus |
221 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom berkedip." | Tom usah madai bete. | bhinneka_korpus |
222 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom pingsan." | Tom pisen. | bhinneka_korpus |
223 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom adalah seorang yang kasar." | Tom na neng kasar. | bhinneka_korpus |
224 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom itu suka berpangku tangan." | Tom ngen suka be pigeng bareng. | bhinneka_korpus |
225 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Nyalakan CNN." | Piyan CNN. | bhinneka_korpus |
226 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kita bisa bertemu." | Adep panai beremu. | bhinneka_korpus |
227 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami membantu Tom." | Kadi butuh Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
228 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami mengenalnya." | Kadi kenal ka ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
229 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kita akan bertarung." | Adep akan betinju. | bhinneka_korpus |
230 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sayang sekali!" | Sayang lah ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
231 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu apa?" | Hak ani? | bhinneka_korpus |
232 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Siapa yang menggambar itu?" | Asi neng gambar ngen? | bhinneka_korpus |
233 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu punya siapa?" | Hak wa'k asi? | bhinneka_korpus |
234 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kamu kurus." | Ko kurus. | bhinneka_korpus |
235 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apakah kamu yakin?" | Ani kah ko yakin? | bhinneka_korpus |
236 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan tanya aku." | Usah sikan ka ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
237 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan pergi dulu." | Usah bo dulu. | bhinneka_korpus |
238 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Jangan mempermainkanku!" | Usah mempermainkan ken! | bhinneka_korpus |
239 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Selamat pagi." | Selamat elem. | bhinneka_korpus |
240 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sudahkah Tom pergi?" | Dah kah Tom ampus? | bhinneka_korpus |
241 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mengerikan sekali!" | Ingen mada ken bot! | bhinneka_korpus |
242 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku terluka." | Ken terluka. | bhinneka_korpus |
243 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak bisa berselancar." | Ken ayap berselancar. | bhinneka_korpus |
244 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya tidak peduli." | Ken aye peduli. | bhinneka_korpus |
245 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya tidak tahu." | Ken ayap. | bhinneka_korpus |
246 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku merasa capek." | Ken nyem lateh. | bhinneka_korpus |
247 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku harus belajar." | Ken harus belajei. | bhinneka_korpus |
248 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku perlu uang." | Ken perlu duit. | bhinneka_korpus |
249 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya ingin pergi." | Ken aus ya ampus. | bhinneka_korpus |
250 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku orang." | Ken orang. | bhinneka_korpus |
251 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku sangat lapar." | Ken sangat berek. | bhinneka_korpus |
252 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak dungu." | Ken aye dungu. | bhinneka_korpus |
253 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak berada di sini." | Ken aja ka ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
254 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku tidak yakin." | Ken aye yakin. | bhinneka_korpus |
255 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya sangat menyesal." | Ken sangat menyesel. | bhinneka_korpus |
256 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Saya yang terbaik." | Ken neng terbait. | bhinneka_korpus |
257 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Aku kelelahan." | Ken lateh. | bhinneka_korpus |
258 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa ini benar?" | Ani hak benei? | bhinneka_korpus |
259 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini kucing saya." | Hak kucing ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
260 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu bohong." | Ngen dabol. | bhinneka_korpus |
261 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tadi itu jelas." | Ngen tadi jelas. | bhinneka_korpus |
262 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini kapalku." | Hak kapal ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
263 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini bukan lelucon." | Hak uken nyah begael. | bhinneka_korpus |
264 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu jelas." | Ngen jelas. | bhinneka_korpus |
265 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sedang turun hujan." | Ari gik hujan. | bhinneka_korpus |
266 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Teruslah mengemudi." | Terus keh nyuper. | bhinneka_korpus |
267 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Teruslah membaca." | Terus keh maca. | bhinneka_korpus |
268 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Sudah hentikan." | Dah usah gik. | bhinneka_korpus |
269 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mari kita mencobanya." | Yok adep coba ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
270 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kakiku sakit." | Kaja ken anam. | bhinneka_korpus |
271 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tidak ada satupun yang peduli." | Aja inye pun neng peduli. | bhinneka_korpus |
272 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bukalah kotak itu." | Muke lah kotak ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
273 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Buka kotak itu." | Muke kotak ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
274 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Buka kotaknya." | Muke kotak ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
275 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Bebaskan Tom." | Kate ie mayan Tom. | bhinneka_korpus |
276 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Dia delapan tahun." | Ye'e lapan sawa. | bhinneka_korpus |
277 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Perlihatkan itu padaku." | Coba tinget laba ngen ka ken. | bhinneka_korpus |
278 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Hentikan mobilnya." | Di mada singah dulu oto ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
279 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Mimpi indah!" | Pemek Bait! | bhinneka_korpus |
280 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Itu bagus!" | Ngen Bait! | bhinneka_korpus |
281 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tepat sekali!" | Pass ngen! | bhinneka_korpus |
282 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini gampang." | Hak mee. | bhinneka_korpus |
283 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom memperbaiki itu." | Tom mait laba ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
284 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom membenciku." | Tom benci ka ken | bhinneka_korpus |
285 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom memaksa." | Tom maksa. | bhinneka_korpus |
286 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom tidak tenang." | Tom aye tenang. | bhinneka_korpus |
287 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom membutuhkannya." | Tom membutuh ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
288 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom melihat mereka." | Tom ninget bala ye'e. | bhinneka_korpus |
289 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom berbicara dengan gagap." | Tom Ngomong ngan gagap. | bhinneka_korpus |
290 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom itu ramah." | Tom ngen bait. | bhinneka_korpus |
291 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Tom itu keras." | Tom ngen keras. | bhinneka_korpus |
292 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Cobalah berenang!" | Coba ko berenang! | bhinneka_korpus |
293 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Lihat saja nanti!" | Tinget keh jak! | bhinneka_korpus |
294 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami mohon maaf." | Kadi mohon maad. | bhinneka_korpus |
295 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kita berhasil!" | Adep berhasel! | bhinneka_korpus |
296 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami akan memperbaikinya." | Kadi akan bait ngen. | bhinneka_korpus |
297 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Kami sedang mencoba." | Kadi sideng mencoba. | bhinneka_korpus |
298 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Ini apa?" | Hak ani? | bhinneka_korpus |
299 | What is the translation of this Indonesian source text into the land dayak language family dialect? "Apa itu UFO?" | Ani ngen UFO? | bhinneka_korpus |
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