stringlengths 9
| Return
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| Function
stringlengths 25
GetName() | String | Returns the timeline name |
SetName(timelineName) | Bool | Sets the timeline name if timelineName (string) is unique. Returns True if successful |
GetStartFrame() | Int | Returns the frame number at the start of timeline |
GetEndFrame() | Int | Returns the frame number at the end of timeline |
SetStartTimecode(timecode) | Bool | Set the start timecode of the timeline to the string 'timecode'. Returns true when the change is successful, false otherwise |
GetStartTimecode() | String | Returns the start timecode for the timeline |
GetTrackCount(trackType) | Int | Returns the number of tracks for the given track type ('audio', 'video' or 'subtitle') |
GetItemListInTrack(trackType, index) | [TimelineItem...] | Returns a list of TimelineItem objects on that track (based on trackType and index). 1 <= index <= GetTrackCount(trackType) |
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration, customData) | Bool | Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information. 'customData' is optional and helps to attach user specific data to the marker |
GetMarkers() | {markers...} | Returns a dict (frameId -> {information}) of all markers and dicts with their information. Example: a value of {96.0: {'color': 'Green', 'duration': 1.0, 'note': '', 'name': 'Marker 1', 'customData': ''}, ...} indicates a single green marker at timeline offset 96 |
GetMarkerByCustomData(customData) | {marker...} | Returns marker {information} for the first matching marker with specified customData |
UpdateMarkerCustomData(frameId, customData) | Bool | Updates customData (string) for the marker at given frameId position. CustomData is not exposed via UI and is useful for scripting developer to attach any user specific data to markers |
GetMarkerCustomData(frameId) | String | Returns customData string for the marker at given frameId position |
DeleteMarkersByColor(color) | Bool | Deletes all timeline markers of the specified color. An 'All' argument is supported and deletes all timeline markers |
DeleteMarkerAtFrame(frameNum) | Bool | Deletes the timeline marker at the given frame number |
DeleteMarkerByCustomData(customData) | Bool | Delete first matching marker with specified customData |
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, item1, item2, ...) | Bool | Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int): 0 - 'No keyframes', 1 - 'Source Timecode aligned', 2 - 'Start Frames aligned' |
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, [items]) | Bool | Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int): 0 - 'No keyframes', 1 - 'Source Timecode aligned', 2 - 'Start Frames aligned' |
GetCurrentTimecode() | String | Returns a string timecode representation for the current playhead position, while on Cut, Edit, Color, Fairlight and Deliver pages |
SetCurrentTimecode(timecode) | Bool | Sets current playhead position from input timecode for Cut, Edit, Color, Fairlight and Deliver pages |
GetCurrentVideoItem() | TimelineItem | Returns the current video TimelineItem |
GetCurrentClipThumbnailImage() | {thumbnailData} | Returns a dict (keys 'width', 'height', 'format' and 'data') with data containing raw thumbnail image data (RGB 8-bit image data encoded in base64 format) for current media in the Color Page. An example of how to retrieve and interpret thumbnails is provided in in the Examples folder |
GetTrackName(trackType, trackIndex) | String | Returns the track name for track indicated by trackType ('audio', 'video' or 'subtitle') and index. 1 <= trackIndex <= GetTrackCount(trackType) |
SetTrackName(trackType, trackIndex, name) | Bool | Sets the track name (string) for track indicated by trackType ('audio', 'video' or 'subtitle') and index. 1 <= trackIndex <= GetTrackCount(trackType) |
DuplicateTimeline(timelineName) | timeline | Duplicates the timeline and returns the created timeline, with the (optional) timelineName, on success |
CreateCompoundClip([timelineItems], {clipInfo}) | timelineItem | Creates a compound clip of input timeline items with an optional clipInfo map: {'startTimecode' : '00:00:00:00', 'name' : 'Compound Clip 1'}. It returns the created timeline item |
CreateFusionClip([timelineItems]) | timelineItem | Creates a Fusion clip of input timeline items. It returns the created timeline item |
ImportIntoTimeline(filePath, {importOptions}) | Bool | Imports timeline items from an AAF file and optional importOptions dict into the timeline, with support for the keys: 'autoImportSourceClipsIntoMediaPool': Bool, specifies if source clips should be imported into media pool, True by default 'ignoreFileExtensionsWhenMatching': Bool, specifies if file extensions should be ignored when matching, False by default 'linkToSourceCameraFiles': Bool, specifies if link to source camera files should be enabled, False by default 'useSizingInfo': Bool, specifies if sizing information should be used, False by default 'importMultiChannelAudioTracksAsLinkedGroups': Bool, specifies if multi-channel audio tracks should be imported as linked groups, False by default 'insertAdditionalTracks': Bool, specifies if additional tracks should be inserted, True by default 'insertWithOffset': string, specifies insert with offset value in timecode format - defaults to '00:00:00:00', applicable if 'insertAdditionalTracks' is False 'sourceClipsPath': string, specifies a filesystem path to search for source clips if the media is inaccessible in their original path and if 'ignoreFileExtensionsWhenMatching' is True 'sourceClipsFolders': string, list of Media Pool folder objects to search for source clips if the media is not present in current folder |
Export(fileName, exportType, exportSubtype) | Bool | Exports timeline to 'fileName' as per input exportType & exportSubtype format. Refer to section 'Looking up timeline exports properties' for information on the parameters |
GetSetting(settingName) | String | Returns value of timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string). Check the section below for more information |
SetSetting(settingName, settingValue) | Bool | Sets timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string) to the value (settingValue : string). Check the section below for more information |
InsertGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline |
InsertFusionGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline |
InsertFusionCompositionIntoTimeline() | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion composition into the timeline |
InsertOFXGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts an OFX generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline |
InsertTitleIntoTimeline(titleName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline |
InsertFusionTitleIntoTimeline(titleName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline |
GrabStill() | galleryStill | Grabs still from the current video clip. Returns a GalleryStill object |
GrabAllStills(stillFrameSource) | [galleryStill] | Grabs stills from all the clips of the timeline at 'stillFrameSource' (1 - First frame, 2 - Middle frame). Returns the list of GalleryStill objects |
GetUniqueId() | String | Returns a unique ID for the timeline | exists but content is empty.
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