''' Reference tzinfo implementations from the Python docs. Used for testing against as they are only correct for the years 1987 to 2006. Do not use these for real code. ''' from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime from pytz import utc, UTC, HOUR, ZERO # A class building tzinfo objects for fixed-offset time zones. # Note that FixedOffset(0, "UTC") is a different way to build a # UTC tzinfo object. class FixedOffset(tzinfo): """Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.""" def __init__(self, offset, name): self.__offset = timedelta(minutes = offset) self.__name = name def utcoffset(self, dt): return self.__offset def tzname(self, dt): return self.__name def dst(self, dt): return ZERO # A class capturing the platform's idea of local time. import time as _time STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -_time.timezone) if _time.daylight: DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -_time.altzone) else: DSTOFFSET = STDOFFSET DSTDIFF = DSTOFFSET - STDOFFSET class LocalTimezone(tzinfo): def utcoffset(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return DSTOFFSET else: return STDOFFSET def dst(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return DSTDIFF else: return ZERO def tzname(self, dt): return _time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)] def _isdst(self, dt): tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1) stamp = _time.mktime(tt) tt = _time.localtime(stamp) return tt.tm_isdst > 0 Local = LocalTimezone() # A complete implementation of current DST rules for major US time zones. def first_sunday_on_or_after(dt): days_to_go = 6 - dt.weekday() if days_to_go: dt += timedelta(days_to_go) return dt # In the US, DST starts at 2am (standard time) on the first Sunday in April. DSTSTART = datetime(1, 4, 1, 2) # and ends at 2am (DST time; 1am standard time) on the last Sunday of Oct. # which is the first Sunday on or after Oct 25. DSTEND = datetime(1, 10, 25, 1) class USTimeZone(tzinfo): def __init__(self, hours, reprname, stdname, dstname): self.stdoffset = timedelta(hours=hours) self.reprname = reprname self.stdname = stdname self.dstname = dstname def __repr__(self): return self.reprname def tzname(self, dt): if self.dst(dt): return self.dstname else: return self.stdname def utcoffset(self, dt): return self.stdoffset + self.dst(dt) def dst(self, dt): if dt is None or dt.tzinfo is None: # An exception may be sensible here, in one or both cases. # It depends on how you want to treat them. The default # fromutc() implementation (called by the default astimezone() # implementation) passes a datetime with dt.tzinfo is self. return ZERO assert dt.tzinfo is self # Find first Sunday in April & the last in October. start = first_sunday_on_or_after(DSTSTART.replace(year=dt.year)) end = first_sunday_on_or_after(DSTEND.replace(year=dt.year)) # Can't compare naive to aware objects, so strip the timezone from # dt first. if start <= dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < end: return HOUR else: return ZERO Eastern = USTimeZone(-5, "Eastern", "EST", "EDT") Central = USTimeZone(-6, "Central", "CST", "CDT") Mountain = USTimeZone(-7, "Mountain", "MST", "MDT") Pacific = USTimeZone(-8, "Pacific", "PST", "PDT")
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Editor’s note: This article is not to strike fear into the hearts of those pursuing and reporting the truth, even about pedophile rings. Rather it is simply to remind you to count the costs associated with speaking and presenting the truth for the purpose of justice being brought upon those who are acting lawlessly. With that in mind, Lydia Cacho Ribeiro is certainly a woman to be admired not only for honest, investigative reporting, but her courage as well. On July 23, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called for Mexican authorities to protect investigative reporter Lydia Cacho Ribeiro. Two days prior, unidentified thugs broke into the journalist’s home, killed her two dogs, stole a laptop, audio recorder, three cameras, memory cards, and ten hard drives “containing information about sexual abuse cases the reporter was investigating,” according to the CPJ and Cacho. The attackers also damaged personal belongings including photographs. This is my personal response to the new attack we recieved at home. Thank you for your solidarity. We must focus on facts and evidence regarding the extent of impunity and how it empowers the mafias. #WeWillNorSurrenderToSilence #JournalismIsAlive pic.twitter.com/aEJoKbITT1 — Lydia Cacho (@lydiacachosi) July 25, 2019 take our poll - story continues below Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd? Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd? Should the Government be Mandating Masks? * Yes No My State Is Not Allowing In Person Voting Email * Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Completing this poll grants you access to DC Clothesline updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. It’s remarkable Cacho is still alive. In 1999, she was beaten and raped in retaliation for her investigations. Despite this, she continued to report on sex rings and the trafficking and murder of Mexican girls. In 2005, she published Los Demonios de Edén (“The Demons of Eden ”), a book exposing a child sex trafficking ring involving politicians, government officials, and businessmen. Cacho was arrested and charged with defamation following the book’s publication. Trending: Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website 6,360 views CPJ reported at the time: The underlying defamation case is based on a complaint filed by Puebla-based clothes manufacturer José Camel Nacif Borge, the Mexican press said. In a book released in May titled, “The Demons of Eden,” Cacho described the activities of a child prostitution ring that she said operated with the complicity of local police and politicians. She alleged that Nacif had ties to an accused pedophile, which the businessman said damaged his reputation. Borge is one of the wealthiest men in Mexico. Known as “El Rey de la Mezclilla” (the Denim King), he amassed his wealth by manufacturing clothing for Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Chaps, Gap, Abercrombie & Fitch, and American EagleOutfitters. An investigation by the Game Commission of Nevada looked into Borge’s links to drug smuggling and gun-running. Threats against Cacho’s life were serious enough to warrant protection by the federal police. In 2006, a transcript of telephone conversations between Borge and Mario Marín, then governor of the state of Puebla, was published by the Mexico City daily La Jornada. Borge and Marín discussed having Cacho arrested and thrown in jail where she would be beaten and abused. In November 2009 the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled that Chaco’s arrest on defamation charges did not violate her rights as a journalist. The ruling was made despite the fact at least 30 public officials, including Marín, had conspired to harass her, according to The New York Times. Por más que lo intenten no dejaré de investigar. El miedo no colonizará mi espíritu. Soy periodista, soy feminista y defensora de #DerechosHumanos el poder conlleva responsabilidad social. A los que me amenazan les digo: #AquíNadieSeRinde #Justicia #NiñezPrimero pic.twitter.com/WW3J2P3xGd — Lydia Cacho (@lydiacachosi) July 22, 2019 The Demons of Eden exposed a pedophile ring in Cancún. In the book, Cacho accuses a businessman, Jean Succar Kuri, of luring poor, under-age girls to his home and coercing them into having sex with him and his friends. She also mentioned a businessman from Puebla, Kamel Nacif, and said he was paying for Mr. Succar Kuri’s defense. (Mr. Succar Kuri, who is awaiting trial on child pornography and child molestation charges, maintains his innocence.) Succar Kuri was convicted of child pornography and child sexual abuse and sentenced to 112 years in prison on August 31, 2011. The Epstein case exposed how the elite engages in pedophilia without serious consequence. Investigative journalists such as Conchita Sarnoff and Vicky Ward have yet to confront the sort of treatment suffered by Lydia Cacho and others for revealing details on the Epstein case, including the involvement of former president Bill Clinton. However, this may change if names other than celebrities and a former president and Israeli politician are made public. CBS46 reporter Ben Swann discovered what happens when you look too closely at the possibility the elite operate pedo sex rings. Although he made it clear “there is no proof here that there is a child sex ring being operated out of a D.C. pizza parlor,” he was suspended from the news network and his social media accounts and web page disappeared from the internet. You Might Like Courtesy of The Washington Standard Article posted with permission from Kurt Nimmo
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Tidy Junk? It has been mild enough recently for a late Spring tidy ,out here at Plannit Botallack. The workshops & storerooms have been filling up with work, & it,s time to inflict a semblance of order on the chaos. Here are some photos of some of my workspaces & storerooms. Mission control(with sea view) Botallack Botany Lab. Some other worlds Storeroom Entrance. Jumble? As well as a dozen plants from the Garden of Plastic Delights, There is work from two other recent exhibitions stored in here. Sometimes, overwhelmed by Junk, the most useful thing in my workshop, seems to be an empty work bench? But it never stays empty for long, for as I start clearing up, I find something Ive been looking for, for ages, or I discover some interesting new juxtaposition of previously unrelated objects, & I start making something new.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Video: In the Studio with Deanna Bowen For almost a decade, Toronto artist Deanna Bowen has been excavating her family’s genealogy—who they were and how generations of them have experienced anti-Blackness in 20th-century Canada. “It’s been a long, long journey of unpacking Blackness in Canada, the problem being that it’s such a complex, ultimately violent story that I’m talking about,” Bowen says. “So how do you frame it properly?” To understand how her family history positions her in Canada today, Bowen’s deep historical research ranges from community and institutional archives, first-person conversations and forgotten photographs to newspaper clippings and television recordings. She uses whatever medium can best tell the stories she uncovers: shot-for-shot remakes in video and performance, documentary photography, text-based reproductions, and a theatrical production for a fall 2017 solo exhibition at Mercer Union. In this studio-visit video, Bowen shares key works that have resulted from this intensive research, including aspects of Invisible Empires—a project that reproduced and re-presented white-supremacist artifacts in a gallery setting.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
--- abstract: 'We consider a common type of symmetry where we have a matrix of decision variables with interchangeable rows and columns. A simple and efficient method to deal with such row and column symmetry is to post symmetry breaking constraints like and . We provide a number of positive and negative results on posting such symmetry breaking constraints. On the positive side, we prove that we can compute in polynomial time a unique representative of an equivalence class in a matrix model with row and column symmetry if the number of rows (or of columns) is bounded and in a number of other special cases. On the negative side, we show that whilst and are often effective in practice, they can leave a large number of symmetric solutions in the worst case. In addition, we prove that propagating completely is NP-hard. Finally we consider how to break row, column and value symmetry, correcting a result in the literature about the safeness of combining different symmetry breaking constraints. We end with the first experimental study on how much symmetry is left by and on some benchmark problems.' author: - George Katsirelos - Nina Narodytska - Toby Walsh title: 'On The Complexity and Completeness of Static Constraints for Breaking Row and Column Symmetry[^1]' --- Introduction ============ One challenge in constraint programming is to develop effective search methods to deal with common modelling patterns. One such pattern is row and column symmetry [@ffhkmpwcp2002]: many problems can be modelled by a matrix of decision variables [@matrix] where the rows and columns of the matrix are fully or partially interchangeable. Such symmetry is a source of combinatorial complexity. It is therefore important to develop techniques to deal with this type of symmetry. We study here simple constraints that can be posted to break row and column symmetries, and analyse their effectiveness both theoretically and experimentally. We prove that we can compute in polynomial time the lexicographically smallest representative of an equivalence class in a matrix model with row and column symmetry if the number of rows (or of columns) is bounded and thus remove all symmetric solutions. We are therefore able for the first time to see how much symmetry is left by these commonly used symmetry breaking constraints. Formal background ================= A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) consists of a set of variables, each with a domain of values, and a set of constraints specifying allowed values for subsets of variables. When solving a CSP, we often use propagation algorithms to prune the search space by enforcing properties like domain consistency. A constraint is *domain consistent* (*DC*) iff when a variable in the scope of a constraint is assigned any value in its domain, there exist compatible values in the domains of all the other variables in the scope of the constraint. A CSP is domain consistent iff every constraint is domain consistent. An important feature of many CSPs is symmetry. Symmetries can act on variables or values (or both). A *variable symmetry* is a bijection $\sigma$ on the variable indices that preserves solutions. That is, if $\{X_i = a_i \ | \ i \in [1,n]\}$ is a solution then $\{X_{\sigma(i)} = a_i \ | \ i \in [1,n]\}$ is also. A *value symmetry* is a bijection $\theta$ on the values that preserves solutions. That is, if $\{X_i = a_i \ | \ i \in [1,n]\}$ is a solution then $\{X_{i} = \theta(a_i) \ | \ i \in [1,n]\}$ is also. A simple but effective method to deal with symmetry is to add *symmetry breaking constraints* which eliminate symmetric solutions. For example, Crawford [*et al.*]{} proposed the general lex-leader method that posts lexicographical ordering constraints to eliminate all but the lexicographically least solution in each symmetry class [@clgrkr96]. Many problems are naturally modelled by a matrix of decision variables with variable symmetry in which the rows and/or columns are interchangeable [@ffhkmpwcp2002]. We say that a CSP containing a matrix of decision variables has row symmetry iff given a solution, any permutation of the rows is also a solution. Similarly, it has column symmetry iff given a solution, any permutation of the columns is also a solution. The Equidistant Frequency Permutation Array (EFPA) problem is a challenging problem in coding theory. The goal is to find a set of $v$ code words, each of length $q\lambda$ such that each word contains $\lambda$ copies of the symbols 1 to $q$, and each pair of code words is Hamming distance $d$ apart. For example, for $v=4$, $\lambda=2$, $q=3$, $d=4$, one solution is: $$\label{epfa} \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \end{array}$$ This problem has applications in communication theory, and is related to other combinatorial problems like finding orthogonal Latin squares. Huczynska [*et al.*]{} [@hmmncp09] consider a model for this problem with a $v$ by $q\lambda$ array of variables with domains $1$ to $q$. This model has row and column symmetry since we can permute the rows and columns and still have a solution. Breaking row and column symmetry ================================ To break all row symmetry we can post lexicographical ordering constraints on the rows. Similarly, to break all column symmetry we can post lexicographical ordering constraints on the columns. When we have both row and column symmetry, we can post a ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ constraint that lexicographically orders both the rows and columns [@ffhkmpwcp2002]. This does not eliminate all symmetry since it may not break symmetries which permute both rows and columns. Nevertheless, it is often effective in practice. Consider again solution . If we order the rows of lexicographically, we get a solution with lexicographically ordered rows and columns: $$\label{epfa2} \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \end{array} \ \begin{array}{c} \mbox{\rm order} \\ \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \ \\ \mbox{\rm rows} \end{array} \ \ \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \end{array}$$ Similarly if we order the columns of lexicographically, we get a different solution in which both rows and columns are again ordered lexicographically: $$\label{epfa3} \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \end{array} \ \begin{array}{c} \mbox{\rm order} \\ \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \ \\ \mbox{\rm cols} \end{array} \ \ \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \end{array}$$ All three solutions are thus in the same row and column symmetry class. However, both and satisfy the constraint. Therefore can leave multiple solutions in each symmetry class. The lex-leader method breaks all symmetry by ensuring that any solution is the lexicographically smallest in its symmetry class [@clgrkr96]. This requires linearly ordering the matrix. Lexicographically ordering the rows and columns is consistent with a linearization that takes the matrix in row-wise order (i.e. appending rows in order). We therefore consider a complete symmetry breaking constraint  which ensures that the row-wise linearization of the matrix is lexicographically smaller than all its row or column permutations, or compositions of row and column permutations. Consider the symmetric solutions to . If we linearize these solutions row-wise, the first two are lexicographically larger than the third. Hence, the first two solutions are eliminated by the  constraint.  breaks all row and column symmetries. Unfortunately, posting such a constraint is problematic since it is NP-hard to check if a complete assignment satisfies   [@bhhwaaai2004; @complexity]. We now give our first major result. We prove that if we can bound the number of rows (or columns), then there is a polynomial time method to break all row and column symmetry. For example, in the EFPA problem, the number of columns might equal the fixed word size of our computer. \[tm:fpt\] For a $n$ by $m$ matrix, we can check if a complete assignment satisfies a  constraint in $O(n! nm \log m)$ time. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider the matrix model $X_{i,j}$. [[ We exploit the fact that with no row symmetry and just column symmetry, lexicographically ordering the columns gives the lex-leader assignment. ]{}]{} [[ Let $Y_{i,j}= X_{\sigma(i),j}$ be a row permutation of $X_{i,j}$. To obtain $Z_{i,j}$, the smallest column permutation of $Y_{i,j}$ we lexicographically sort the $m$ columns of $Y_{i,j}$ in $O(n m \log(m))$ time. Finally, we check that $[X_{1,1},\ldots,X_{1,m},\ldots,X_{n,1},\ldots,X_{n,m}] \leq_{\rm lex} [Z_{1,1},\ldots,Z_{1,m},\ldots,Z_{n,1},\ldots,Z_{n,m}]$, where $\leq_{\rm lex}$ is the lexicographic comparison of two vectors. This ensures that $X_{i,j}$ is lexicographically smaller than or equal to any column permutation of this row permutation. ]{}]{} If we do this for each of the $n!-1$ non-identity row permutations, then $X_{i,j}$ is lexicographically smaller than or equal to any row permutation. This means that we have the lex-leader assignment. This can be done in time $O(n! nm\log m)$, which for bounded $n$ is polynomial. This result easily generalizes to when rows and columns are partially interchangeable. In the experimental section, we show that this gives an effective method to break [*all*]{} row and column symmetry. Double Lex ========== When the number of both rows and columns is large, breaking [all]{} row and column symmetry is computationally challenging. In this situation, we can post a constraint [@ffhkmpwcp2002]. However, as we saw in the running example, this may not break all symmetry. In fact, it can leave $n!$ symmetric solutions in an $2n\times 2n$ matrix model. \[tm:expsol\] There exists a class of $2n$ by $2n$ 0/1 matrix models on which leaves $n!$ symmetric solutions, for all $n \geq 2$. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider a $2n$ by $2n$ matrix model with the constraints that the matrix contains $3n$ non-zero entries, and each row and column contains between one and two non-zero entries. This model has row and column symmetry since row and column permutations leave the constraints unchanged. There exists a class of symmetric solutions to the problem that satisfy a constraint of the form: $$\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I^R \\ I^R & P \end{array}$$ Where $0$ is a $n$ by $n$ matrix of zeroes, $I^R$ is the [[reflection]{}]{} of the identity matrix, and $P$ is any permutation matrix (a matrix with one non-zero entry on each row and column). For example, as there are exactly two possible permutation matrices of order 2, there are two symmetric 4 by 4 solutions with lexicographically ordered rows and columns: $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} & \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ & \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\end{aligned}$$ In general, there are $n!$ row and column symmetries of $P$. Hence, leaves $n!$ symmetric solutions. Having decided to break row and column symmetry with , how do we propagate it? One option is to decompose it into two ${\mbox{\sc LexChain}}$ constraints, one on the rows and the other on the columns. A ${\mbox{\sc LexChain}}$ constraint ensures that a sequence of vectors are lexicographically ordered. Enforcing domain consistency on each ${\mbox{\sc LexChain}}$ constraint takes polynomial time [@lexchain]. However, this decomposition hinders propagation. For example, in the matrix of decision variables with domains: $$\begin{array}{ccc} 0/1 & 0/1 & 1 \\ 0/1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{array}$$  constraints on the rows and columns ensure the second row is lexicographically larger than the first row and lexicographically smaller than the third, and the second column is lexicographically larger than the first column and lexicographically smaller than the third. Both such  constraints are DC. However, the corresponding ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ constraint is not since there is no solution in which the top left variable is set to 1. We might therefore consider a specialized propagator for the constraint. Unfortunately, whilst checking a constraint takes polynomial time, enforcing DC on this constraint is NP-hard. Thus, even when posting just to break row and column symmetry, there are computational limits on our ability to prune symmetric branches from the search tree. \[t:lex\_double\] Enforcing DC on the ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ constraint is NP-hard. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}(Outline) We reduce an instance of 1-in-3SAT on positive clauses to a partially instantiated instance of the constraint with 0/1 variables. The constructed ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ constraint has a solution iff the 1-in-3 SAT formula is satisfiable. Hence, it is NP-hard to enforce DC on the ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ constraint [@bhhwaaai2004], even with a bounded number of values. The full proof appears in [@dlexproof]. Special cases ============= We consider two special cases where we can check a constraint that breaks all row and column symmetry in polynomial time. In both cases, we show that we can do even better than check the constraint in polynomial time. We prove that in these cases we can enforce DC on a constraint that breaks all row and column symmetry in polynomial time. This provides a counterpoint to our result that enforcing DC on is NP-hard in general. All-different matrices ---------------------- An all-different matrix is a matrix model in which every value is different. It was shown in [@ffhkmpwcp2002] that when an all-different matrix has row and column symmetry, then ${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLexLeader}}$ is equivalent to ensuring that the top left entry is the smallest value, and the first row and column are ordered. Let  be such a symmetry breaking constraint. DC can be enforced on ${\mbox{\sc Order1stRowCol}}$ in polynomial time. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider the $n$ by $m$ matrix model $X_{i,j}$. We post $O(nm)$ constraints: $X_{1,1} < \ldots < X_{n,1}$, $X_{1,1} < \ldots < X_{1,m}$, $X_{1,1} < X_{1+i,1+j}$ for $1 \leq i < n$ and $1 \leq j < m$. The constraint graph of this decomposition is acyclic. Therefore enforcing DC on the decomposition achieves DC on ${\mbox{\sc Order1stRowCol}}$. Each constraint in the decomposition can be made DC in constant time (assuming we can change bounds in constant time). Hence, DC can be enforced on ${\mbox{\sc Order1stRowCol}}$ in $O(nm)$ time. Note that, when applied to an all-different matrix with row and column symmetry, the general method for breaking symmetry in all-different problems proposed in [@pijcai2005] will post binary inequalities logically equivalent to ${\mbox{\sc Order1stRowCol}}$. Matrix models of functions -------------------------- A matrix model of a function is one in which all entries are 0/1 and each row sum is 1. If a matrix model of a function has row and column symmetry then ${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLexLeader}}$ ensures the rows and columns are lexicographically ordered, the row sums are 1, and the sums of the columns are in decreasing order, as was shown in [@ilya01; @lex2001; @ffhkmpwcp2002]. We denote this symmetry breaking constraint as ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$. Enforcing DC on ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$ takes polynomial time, in contrast to partial row and column interchangeability in matrix models of functions, which is NP-hard [@wcp07]. DC can be enforced on ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$ in polynomial time. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}[[We will show that ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$ can be encoded with a set of ${\mbox{\sc Regular}}$ constraints. Consider the $n$ by $m$ matrix model $X_{i,j}$. For each row $i$ we introduce an extra variable $Y_i$ and a ${\mbox{\sc Regular}}$ constraint on $[X_{i,1}, \ldots,X_{i,m}, \#, Y_i]$ where $\#$ is a delimiter between $X_{i,m}$ and $Y_i$. Each ${\mbox{\sc Regular}}$ constraint ensures that exactly one position in the $i$th row is set to $1$ and the variable $Y_i$ stores this position. The automaton’s states are represented by the 3-tuple $\left\langle s, d, p \right\rangle$ where $s$ is the row sum, $d$ is the current position and $p$ records the position of the 1 on this row. This automaton has $4m$ states and a constant number of transitions from each state, so the total number of transitions is $O(m)$. The complexity of propagating this constraint is $O(m^2)$. ]{}]{} [[ We also post a ${\mbox{\sc Regular}}$ constraint over $Y_1,\ldots,Y_n$ to ensure that they form a decreasing sequence of numbers and the number of occurrences of each value is decreasing. The first condition ensures that rows and columns are lexicographically ordered and the second condition ensures that the sums of the columns are decreasing. The states of this automaton are 3-tuples $\left\langle v, s, r\right\rangle$ where $v$ is the last value, $s$ is the number of occurrences of this value, and $r$ is the number of occurrences of the previous value. This automaton has $O(n^2m)$ states, while the number of transition from each state is bounded. Therefore propagating this constraint requires time $O(n^3m)$. ]{}]{} This decomposition is logically equivalent to the ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$ constraint, therefore it is sound. Completeness follows from the fact that the decomposition has a Berge acyclic constraint graph. Therefore, enforcing DC on each ${\mbox{\sc Regular}}$ constraint enforces DC on ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLexColSum}\xspace}$ in $O(m^2n + n^3m)$ time. Value symmetry ============== Problems with row and column symmetry also often contain value symmetries. For example, the EFPA problem has row, column and value symmetry. We therefore turn to the problem of breaking row, column and value symmetry. Consider again the solution . If we interchange the values 1 and 2, we get a symmetric solution: $$\label{epfa4} \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 \end{array} \ \begin{array}{c} \ \ \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \mbox{\rm (1 2)} \end{array} \ \ \begin{array}{cccccc} 0 & 1 & 2 & 1 & 0 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 & 2 & 1 & 1 \end{array}$$ In fact, all values in this CSP are interchangeable. How do we break value symmetry in addition to breaking row and column symmetry? For example, Huczynska [*et al.*]{} write about their first model of the EFPA problem: > [*“To break [some]{} of the symmetry, we apply lexicographic ordering (lex-ordering) constraints to the rows and columns …These two constraint sets do not explicitly order the symbols. It would be possible to order the symbols by using value symmetry breaking constraints. However we leave this for [future]{} work.”*]{} (page 53 of [@hmmncp09]) We turn to this future work of breaking row, column and value symmetry. Double Lex ---------- We first note that the interaction of the problem and constraints can in some circumstances break all value symmetry. For instance, in our (and Huczynska [*et al.*]{}’s) model of the EFPA problem, *all* value symmetry is already eliminated. This appears to have been missed by [@hmmncp09]. Consider any solution of the EFPA problem which satisfies (e.g. or ). By ordering columns lexicographically, ensures that the first row is ordered. In addition, the problem constraints ensure $\lambda$ copies of the symbols 1 to $q$ to appear in the first row. Hence, the first row is forced to be: $$\overbrace{1\ldots 1}^{\lambda} \overbrace{2\ldots 2}^{\lambda} \ldots \overbrace{q\ldots q}^{\lambda}$$ All value symmetry is broken as we cannot permute the occurrences of any of the values. Puget’s method -------------- In general, value symmetries may remain after we have broken row and column symmetry. How can we eliminate these value symmetries? Puget has given a general method for breaking any number of value symmetries in polynomial time [@pcp05]. Given a surjection problem in which all values occur at least once,[^2] he introduces variables $Z_j$ to represent the index of the first occurrence of each value: $$\begin{aligned} X_i = j & \Rightarrow & Z_j \leq i \\ Z_j = i & \Rightarrow & X_i=j\end{aligned}$$ Value symmetry on the $X_i$ is transformed into variable symmetry on the $Z_j$. This variable symmetry is especially easy to break as the $Z_j$ take all different values. We simply need to post appropriate ordering constraints on the $Z_j$. Consider, for example, the inversion symmetry which maps $1$ onto $m$, $2$ onto $m-1$, etc. Puget’s method breaks this symmetry with the single ordering constraint: $Z_1 < Z_m$. Unfortunately Puget’s method for breaking value symmetry is not compatible in general with breaking row and column symmetry using . This corrects Theorem 6 and Corollary 7 in [@pcp05] which claim that, provided we use the same ordering of variables in each method, it is compatible to post lex-leader constraints to break variable symmetry and Puget’s constraints to break value symmetry. There is no ordering of variables in Puget’s method which is compatible with breaking row and column symmetry using the lex-leader method (or any method like based on it). There exist problems on which posting  and applying Puget’s method for breaking value symmetry remove all solutions in a symmetry class irrespective of the ordering on variables used by Puget’s method. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider a 3 by 3 matrix model with constraints that all values between 0 and 8 occur, and that the average of the non-zero values along every row and column are all different from each other. This problem has row and column symmetry since we can permute any pair of rows or columns without changing the average of the non-zero values. In addition, it has a value symmetry that maps $i$ onto $9-i$ for $i>0$. This maps an average of $a$ onto $9-a$. If the averages were all-different before they remain so after. Consider the following two solutions: $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 8 & 5 \\ 7 & 6 & 1 \end{array} & \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ & \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 1 & 5 \\ 7 & 6 & 8 \end{array} \end{aligned}$$ Both matrices satisfy  as the smallest entry occurs in the top left corner and both the first row and column are ordered. They are therefore both the lex leader members of their symmetry class. Puget’s method for breaking value symmetry will simply ensure that the first occurrence of 1 in some ordering of the matrix is before that of 8 in the same ordering. However, comparing the two solutions, it cannot be the case that the middle square is both before [*and*]{} after the bottom right square in the given ordering used by Puget’s method. Hence, whichever ordering of variables is used by Puget’s method, one of these solutions will be eliminated. All solutions in this symmetry class are thus eliminated. We can pinpoint the mistake in Puget’s proof which allows him to conclude incorrectly that his method for value symmetry can be safely combined with variable symmetry breaking methods like . Puget introduces a matrix of 0/1 variables $Y_{ij} \iff X_i = j$ and observes that variable symmetries $\sigma$ on variables $X_i$ correspond to row symmetries on the matrix $Y_{ij}$, while value symmetries $\theta$ of the variables $X_i$ correspond to column symmetries of the matrix. Using the lex-leader method on a column-wise linearisation of the matrix, he derives the value symmetry breaking constraints on the $Z$ variables. Finally, he claims that we can derive the variable symmetry breaking constraints on the $X$ variables with the same method (equation (13) of [@pcp05]). However, this requires a row-wise linearisation of the matrix. Unfortunately, combining symmetry breaking constraints based on row and column-wise linearisations can, as in our example, eliminate all solutions in a symmetry class. In fact, we can give an even stronger counter-example to Theorem 6 in [@pcp05] which shows that it is incompatible to post together variable and value symmetry breaking constraints [*irrespective*]{} of the orderings of variables used by [*both*]{} the variable and the value symmetry breaking method. There exist problems on which posting lex-leader constraints to break variable symmetries and applying Puget’s method to break value symmetries remove all solutions in a symmetry class irrespective of the orderings on variables used by both methods. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider variables $X_1$ to $X_4$ taking values 1 to 4, an all-different constraint over $X_1$ to $X_4$ and a constraint that the neighbouring differences are either all equal or are not an arithmetic sequence. These constraints permit solutions like $X_1,\ldots,X_4=1,2,3,4$ (neighbouring differences are all equal) and $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,1,4,3$ (neighbouring differences are not an arithmetic sequence). They rule out assignments like $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,2,4,1$ (neighbouring differences form the arithmetic sequence $1, 2, 3$). This problem has a variable symmetry $\sigma$ which reflects a solution, swapping $X_1$ with $X_4$, and $X_2$ with $X_3$, and a value symmetry $\theta$ that inverts a solution, swapping $1$ with $4$, and $2$ with $3$. Consider $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,4,1,3$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,1,4,2$. These two assignments form a symmetry class of solutions. Suppose we break variable symmetry with a lex-leader constraint on $X_1$ to $X_4$. This will permit the solution $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,4,1,3$ and eliminate the solution $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,1,4,2$. Suppose we break the value symmetry using Puget’s method on the same ordering of variables. This will ensure that $1$ first occurs before $4$. But this will eliminate the solution $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,4,1,3$. Hence, all solutions in this symmetry class are eliminated. In this case, both variable and value symmetry breaking use the same order on variables. However, we can show that all solutions in at least one symmetry class are eliminated whatever the orders used by both the variable and value symmetry breaking. The proof is by case analysis. In each case, we consider a set of symmetry classes of solutions, and show that the combination of the lex-leader constraints to break variable symmetries and Puget’s method to break value symmetries eliminates all solutions from one symmetry class. In the first case, suppose the variable and value symmetry breaking constraints eliminate $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,1,4,2$ and permit $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,4,1,3$. In the second case, suppose they eliminate $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,4,1,3$ and permit $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,1,4,2$. This case is symmetric to the first except we need to reverse the names of the variables throughout the proof. We therefore consider just the first case. In this case, the lex-leader constraint breaks the variable symmetry by putting either $X_1$ first in its ordering variables or $X_3$ first. Suppose $X_1$ goes first in the ordering used by the lex-leader constraint. Puget’s method ensures that the first occurrence of 1 is before that of 4. Puget’s method therefore uses an ordering on variables which puts $X_3$ before $X_2$. Consider now the symmetry class of solutions: $X_1,\ldots,X_4=2,1,4,3$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_4=3,4,1,2$. Puget’s method eliminates the first solution as 4 occurs before 1 in any ordering that put $X_3$ before $X_2$. And the lex-leader constraint eliminates the second solution as $X_1$ is larger than its symmetry $X_4$. Therefore all solutions in this symmetry class are eliminated. Suppose, on the other hand, $X_3$ goes first in the lex-leader constraint. Consider now the symmetry class of solutions: $X_1,\ldots,X_4=1,2,3,4$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_4=4,3,2,1$. The lex-leader constraint eliminates the first solution as $X_3$ is greater than its symmetry $X_2$. Suppose now that the second solution is not eliminated. Puget’s method ensures the first occurrence of 1 is before that of 4. Puget’s method therefore uses an ordering on variables which puts $X_4$ before $X_1$. Consider now the symmetry class of solutions: $X_1,\ldots,X_4=1,3,2,4$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_4=4,2,3,1$. Puget’s method eliminates the first solution as 4 occurs before 1 in any ordering that put $X_4$ before $X_1$. And the lex-leader constraint eliminates the second solution as $X_3$ is larger than its symmetry $X_2$. Therefore all solutions in this symmetry class are eliminated. Value precedence ---------------- We end with a special but common case where variable and value symmetry breaking do not conflict. When values partition into interchangeable sets, Puget’s method is equivalent to breaking symmetry by enforcing value precedence [@llcp2004; @wecai2006]. Given any two interchangeable values $i$ and $j$ with $i<j$, a value  constraint ensures that if $i$ occurs then the first occurrence of $i$ is before that of $j$. It is safe to break row and column symmetry with  and value symmetry with  when value precedence considers variables either in a row-wise or in a column-wise order. This is a simple consequence of Theorem 1 in [@llcp2004]. It follows that it is also safe to use  to break value symmetry when using constraints like derivable from the lex-leader method. Snake Lex ========= A promising alternative to for breaking row and column symmetries is [@snakelex]. This is also derived from the lex leader method, but now applied to a snake-wise unfolding of the matrix. To break column symmetry, ensures that the first column is lexicographically smaller than or equal to both the second and third columns, the reverse of the second column is lexicographically smaller than or equal to the reverse of both the third and fourth columns, and so on up till the penultimate column is compared to the final column. To break row symmetry, ensures that each neighbouring pair of rows, $X_{1,i},\ldots,X_{n,i}$ and $X_{1,i+1},\ldots,X_{n,i+1}$ satisfy the entwined lexicographical ordering: $$\begin{aligned} \langle X_{1,i}, X_{2,i+1}, X_{3,i}, X_{4,i+1}, \ldots \rangle & \leq_{\rm lex} \langle X_{1,i+1}, X_{2,i}, X_{3,i+1}, X_{4,i}, \ldots \rangle\end{aligned}$$ Like , is an incomplete symmetry breaking method. In fact, like , it may leave a large number of symmetric solutions. \[tm:snake-expsol\] There exists a class of $2n$ by $2n+1$ 0/1 matrix models on which leaves $O(4^n/\sqrt{n})$ symmetric solutions, for all $n \geq 2$. [[**Proof:  **]{}]{}Consider the following 4 by 4 matrix: $$\begin{aligned} & \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} & \end{aligned}$$ This is a permutation matrix as there is a single 1 on each row and column. It satisfies the constraints. In fact, we can add any 5th column which reading top to bottom is lexicographically larger than or equal to $0010$ and reading bottom to top is lexicographically larger than or equal to $0010$. We shall add a 4 bit column with 2 bits set. That is, reading top to bottom: $1100$, $1010$, $0110$ or $0011$. Note that all 4 of these 4 by 5 matrices are row and column symmetries of each other. For instance, consider the row and column symmetry $\sigma$ that reflects the matrix in the horizontal axis, and swaps the 1st column with the 2nd, and the 3rd with the 4th: $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ccccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} \\ \ \ \ \ \Leftrightarrow \ \ \ \ \\ \sigma \end{array} & \begin{array}{ccccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array}\end{aligned}$$ In general, we consider the $2n$ by $2n$ permutation matrix: $$\begin{aligned} & {\small \begin{array}{cccccccccc} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} } & \end{aligned}$$ This satisfies the constraints. We can add any $2n+1$th column which reading top to bottom is lexicographically larger than or equal to the $2n-1$th column and reading bottom to top is lexicographically larger than or equal to the $2n$th column. In fact, we can add any column with eactly $n$ of the $2n$ bits set. This gives us a set of $2n$ by $2n+1$ matrices that are row and column symmetries of each other. There are $(2n)!/(n!)^2$ bit vectors with exactly $n$ of $2n$ bits set. Hence, we have $(2n)!/(n!)^2$ matrices which satisfy that are in the same row and column symmetry class. Using Stirling’s formula, this grows as $O(4^n/\sqrt{n})$. Experimental results ==================== The proof of Theorem \[tm:fpt\] gives a polynomial method to break all row and column symmetry. This allows us to compare symmetry breaking methods for matrix models like and , not only with respect to each other but for the first time in absolute terms. Our aim is to evaluate: first, whether the worst-case scenarios identified in theorems \[tm:expsol\] and \[tm:snake-expsol\] are indicative of what can be expected in practice; second, how effective these methods are with respect to each other; third, in cases where they differ significantly, how much closer the best of them is to the optimal. To answer these questions, we experimented with different symmetry breaking constraints: ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$, the column-wise (${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$) or the row-wise (${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$) [@snakelex]. We use ${\mbox{\sc NoSB}}$ to denote no symmetry breaking constraints. For each problem instance we found the total number of solutions left by symmetry breaking constraints ($ \#s$) and computed how many of them were symmetric based on the method outlined in the proof of Theorem \[tm:fpt\]. The number of *non symmetric* solutions is equal to the number of symmetry classes ($\#ns$) if the search space is exhausted. In all instances at least one model exhausted the search space to compute the of symmetry classes, shown in the column ${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLex}}$. We use ‘$-$’ to indicate that the search is not completed within the time limit. As the  model typically could not exhaust the search space within the time limit, we use ‘$>$’ to indicate a lower bound on the number of solutions. Finally, we used a variable ordering heuristic that follows the corresponding lex-leader variable ordering in each set of symmetry breaking constraints (i.e. row-wise snake ordering with ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$). We ran experiments in Gecode 3.3.0 on an Intel XEON X5550, 2.66 GHz, 32 GB RAM with $18000$ sec timeout. *Unconstrained problems.* We first evaluated the effectiveness of symmetry breaking constraints in the absence of problem constraints. This gives the “pure” effect of these constraints at eliminating row and column symmetry. We considered a problem with a matrix $m_{r \times c}$, $r \leq c = [2,6]$, $D(m_{r,c}) = [0,d-1]$, $d=[2,\ldots,5]$ whose rows and columns are interchangeable. Table \[t:t2\] summarizes the results. The first part presents typical results for 0/1 matrices whilst the second part presents results for larger domains. The results support the exponential worst case in Theorems \[tm:expsol\] and \[tm:snake-expsol\], as the ratio of solutions found to symmetry classes increases from 1.25 (3,3,2) to over 6 (6,6,2), approximately doubling with each increase of the matrix size. As we increase the problem size, the number of symmetric solutions left by and  grows rapidly. Interestingly, ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$ achieves better pruning on 0/1 matrices, while ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ performs better with larger domains. $(r, c, d )$ [${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLex}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc NoSB}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$]{} -------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- -- \#ns \#s \#s / time \#s / time \#s / time $ (3,3,2) $ $36$ $ 512 $ $ 45 $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{44} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{44} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (4,4,2) $ $317$ $ 65536 $ $ 650 $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{577} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{577} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (5,5,2) $ $5624$ $ 3.36{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 24520 $ / $ \mathbf{0.05} $ $ \mathbf{18783} $ / $ 0.06 $ $ \mathbf{18783} $ / $ 0.06 $ $ (6,6,2) $ $251610$ $ > 9.4{\cdot} 10^9$ $2.62 \cdot 10^6$ / $ 22.2 $ $ \mathbf{1.71 \cdot 10^6}$ / $ 22.2 $ $ \mathbf{1.71 \cdot 10^6}$ / $\mathbf{18.1}$ $ (3,3,3) $ $738$ $ 19683 $ $ \mathbf{1169} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ 1232 $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ 1232 $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (3,3,4) $ $8240$ $ 2.62{\cdot} 10^5 $ $ \mathbf{14178} $ / $ 0.03 $ $ 15172 $ / $ \mathbf{0.02} $ $ 15172 $ / $ 0.05 $ $ (3,3,5) $ $57675$ $ 1.95{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ \mathbf{1.02{\cdot} 10^5} $ / $ 0.19 $ $ 1.09{\cdot} 10^5 $ / $ \mathbf{0.15} $ $ 1.09{\cdot} 10^5 $ / $ 0.21 $ $ (3,3,6) $ $289716$ $ 1.01{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ \mathbf{5.20{\cdot} 10^5} $ / $ \mathbf{2.32} $ $ 5.54{\cdot} 10^5 $ / $ 3.29 $ $ 5.54{\cdot} 10^5 $ / $ 2.83 $ : \[t:t4\] Covering Arrays. Number of solutions found by posting different sets of symmetry breaking constraints. $b$ is the number of vectors, $k$ is the length of a vector, $g$ is the size of the domains, $t$ is the covering strength. $(q, \lambda, d, v)$ [${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLex}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc NoSB}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$]{} ---------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ -- \#ns \#s \#s / time \#s / time \#s / time $ (3, 3,2,3) $ $6$ $ 1.81{\cdot} 10^5 $ $ \mathbf{6} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{6} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{6} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (4, 3,3,3) $ $8$ $ > 3.88{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ \mathbf{16} $ / $ \mathbf{0.01} $ $ \mathbf{16} $ / $ 0.01 $ $ \mathbf{16} $ / $ 0.16 $ $ (4, 4,2,3) $ $12$ $ > 5.87{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ 0.04 $ $ (3, 4,6,4) $ $1427$ $ > 5.57{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 11215 $ / $ 5.88 $ $ 10760 $ / $ \mathbf{5.36} $ $ \mathbf{8997} $ / $ 493.87 $ $ (4, 3,5,4) $ $8600$ $ > 2.03{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 61258 $ / $ 69.90 $ $ 58575 $ / $ \mathbf{51.62} $ $ \mathbf{54920} $ / $ 3474.09 $ $ (4, 4,5,4) $ $9696$ $ > 5.45{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 72251 $ / $ 173.72 $ $ 66952 $ / $ \mathbf{132.46} $ $ \mathbf{66168} $ / $ 14374.82 $ $ (5, 3,3,4) $ $5$ $ > 4.72{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ \mathbf{20} $ / $ 0.36 $ $ \mathbf{20} $ / $ \mathbf{0.25} $ $ \mathbf{20} $ / $ 31.61 $ $ (3, 3,4,5) $ $18$ $ > 2.47{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 71 $ / $ 0.17 $ $ 71 $ / $ \mathbf{0.13} $ $ \mathbf{63} $ / $ 30.08 $ $ (3, 4,6,5) $ $4978$ $ > 2.08{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 77535 $ / $ 167.50 $ $ \mathbf{71186} $ / $ \mathbf{137.88} $ $-$ $ (4, 3,4,5) $ $441$ $ > 6.55{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 2694 $ / $ 19.37 $ $ 2688 $ / $ \mathbf{12.80} $ $ \mathbf{2302} $ / $ 5960.43 $ $ (4, 4,2,5) $ $12$ $ > 6.94{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ 0.02 $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ \mathbf{0.01} $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ 1.60 $ $ (4, 4,4,5) $ $717$ $ > 6.27{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 4604 $ / $ 38.15 $ $ \mathbf{4397} $ / $ \mathbf{24.58} $ $-$ $ (4, 6,4,5) $ $819$ $ > 4.08{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 5048 $ / $ 69.83 $ $ \mathbf{4736} $ / $ \mathbf{44.83} $ $-$ $ (5, 3,4,5) $ $3067$ $ > 2.39{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 20831 $ / $ 403.97 $ $ \mathbf{20322} $ / $ \mathbf{216.93} $ $-$ $ (6, 3,4,5) $ $15192$ $ > 2.16{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ 1.11{\cdot} 10^5 $ / $ 4924.41 $ $ \mathbf{1.06{\cdot} 10^5} $ / $ \mathbf{2006.19} $ $-$ : \[t:t4\] Covering Arrays. Number of solutions found by posting different sets of symmetry breaking constraints. $b$ is the number of vectors, $k$ is the length of a vector, $g$ is the size of the domains, $t$ is the covering strength. $(v, k, \lambda )$ [${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLex}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc NoSB}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$]{} -------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- -- \#ns \#s \#s / time \#s / time \#s / time $ (5,2,7) $ $1$ $ > 0 $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ \mathbf{0.01} $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ 0.02 $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ 73.26 $ $ (5,3,6) $ $1$ $ > 1.51{\cdot} 10^9 $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{1} $ / $ 0.82 $ $ (6,3,4) $ $4$ $ > 1.29{\cdot} 10^9 $ $ \mathbf{21} $ / $ 0.01 $ $ 25 $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{21} $ / $ 12.62 $ $ (6,3,6) $ $6$ $ > 1.21{\cdot} 10^9 $ $ \mathbf{134} $ / $ \mathbf{0.04} $ $ 146 $ / $ 0.07 $ $ \mathbf{134} $ / $ 1685.58 $ $ (7,3,4) $ $35$ $ > 1.18{\cdot} 10^9 $ $ \mathbf{3209} $ / $ \mathbf{0.33} $ $ 9191 $ / $ 1.07 $ $ 5270 $ / $ 7241.92 $ $ (7,3,5) $ $109$ $ > 1.09{\cdot} 10^9 $ $ 33304 $ / $ \mathbf{4.15} $ $ 85242 $ / $ 11.90 $ $-$ : \[t:t4\] Covering Arrays. Number of solutions found by posting different sets of symmetry breaking constraints. $b$ is the number of vectors, $k$ is the length of a vector, $g$ is the size of the domains, $t$ is the covering strength. $(t, k, g, b )$ [${\mbox{\sc RowWiseLex}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc NoSB}}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$]{} [${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$]{} ----------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -- \#ns \#s \#s / time \#s / time \#s / time $ (2, 3,2,4) $ $2$ $ 48 $ $ \mathbf{2} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{2} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{2} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (2, 3,2,5) $ $8$ $ 1440 $ $ \mathbf{15} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{15} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{15} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (2, 3,3,9) $ $6$ $ 4.35{\cdot} 10^6 $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{12} $ / $ 1.95 $ $ (2, 3,3,10) $ $104$ $ > 5.08{\cdot} 10^8 $ $ \mathbf{368} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ 370 $ / $ 0.03 $ $ 372 $ / $ 7.06 $ $ (2, 3,3,11) $ $1499$ $ > 5.56{\cdot} 10^8 $ $ \mathbf{6824} $ / $ \mathbf{0.23} $ $ 6905 $ / $ 0.24 $ $ 6892 $ / $ 26.29 $ $ (2, 3,4,16) $ $150$ $ > 0 $ $ \mathbf{576} $ / $ 0.72 $ $ \mathbf{576} $ / $ \mathbf{0.70} $ $-$ $ (2, 3,4,17) $ $8236$ $ > 0 $ $ \mathbf{43368} $ / $ \mathbf{12.43} $ $ 43512 $ / $ 12.82 $ $-$ $ (2, 3,5,25) $ $27280$ $ > 0 $ $ \mathbf{1.61{\cdot} 10^5} $ / $ \mathbf{1166.94} $ $ \mathbf{1.61{\cdot} 10^5} $ / $ 1178.14 $ $-$ $ (2, 4,2,5) $ $5$ $ 1920 $ $ \mathbf{10} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{10} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ \mathbf{10} $ / $ \mathbf{0.00} $ $ (2, 4,2,7) $ $333$ $ 1.60{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 2285 $ / $ \mathbf{0.04} $ $ 2224 $ / $ 0.07 $ $ \mathbf{1850} $ / $ \mathbf{0.04} $ $ (2, 4,3,9) $ $5$ $ 2.61{\cdot} 10^7 $ $ 36 $ / $ 0.02 $ $ 36 $ / $ \mathbf{0.01} $ $ \mathbf{26} $ / $ 1102.30 $ : \[t:t4\] Covering Arrays. Number of solutions found by posting different sets of symmetry breaking constraints. $b$ is the number of vectors, $k$ is the length of a vector, $g$ is the size of the domains, $t$ is the covering strength. *Constrained problems.* Our second set of experiments was on three benchmark domains: Equidistant Frequency Permutation Array (EFPA), Balanced Incomplete Block Designs and Covering Array (CA) problems. We used the non-Boolean model of EFPA [@hmmncp09] (Table \[t:t1\]), the Boolean matrix model of BIBD [@ffhkmpwcp2002] (Table \[t:t3\]) and a simple model of CA [@Hnich06] (Table \[t:t4\]). We consider the satisfaction version of the CA problem with a given number of vectors $b$. In all problems instances the ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$, ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$ constraints show their effectiveness, leaving only a small fraction of symmetric solutions. Note that ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$ often leaves fewer symmetric solutions. However, it is significantly slower compared to ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ because it tends to prune later (thereby exploring larger search trees). For example, the number of failures for the $(5,3,3,4)$ EFPA problem is $21766$, $14072$ and $1129085$ for ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$, ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$ respectively. On EFPA problems, ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ is about twice as fast as ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ and leaves less solutions. On the CA problems ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ show similar results, while ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ performs better on BIBD problems in terms of the number of solution left. Overall, our results show that ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}$ prune most of the symmetric solutions. ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_C$ slightly outperforms ${\mbox{\sc DoubleLex}\xspace}$ and ${\mbox{\sc SnakeLex}}_R$ in terms of the number of solutions left, but it explores larger search trees and is about two orders of magnitude slower. However, there is little difference overall in the amount of symmetry eliminated by the three methods. Other related work ================== Lubiw proved that any matrix has a row and column permutation in which rows and columns are lexicographically ordered and gave a nearly linear time algorithm to compute such a matrix [@lubiw]. Shlyakhter and Flener [*et al.*]{} independently proposed eliminating row and column symmetry using [@ilya01; @lex2001; @ffhkmpwcp2002]. To break some of the remaining symmetry, Frisch, Jefferson and Miguel suggested ensuring that the first row is less than or equal to all permutations of all other rows [@fjmcp2003]. As an alternative to ordering both rows and columns lexicographically, Frisch [*et al.*]{} proposed ordering the rows lexicographically but the columns with a multiset ordering [@fhkmwijcai2003]. More recently, Grayland [*et al.*]{} have proposed , an alternative to based on linearizing the matrix in a snake-like way [@snakelex]. An alternative way to break the symmetry of interchangeable values is to convert it into a variable symmetry by channelling into a dual 0/1 viewpoint in which $Y_{ij}=1$ iff $X_i=j$, and using lexicographical ordering constraints on the columns of the 0/1 matrix [@ffhkmpwcp2002]. However, this hinders propagation [@wecai2006]. Finally, dynamic methods like SBDS have been proposed to remove symmetry from the search tree [@sbds]. Unfortunately, dynamic techniques tend not to work well with row and columns symmetries as the number of symmetries is usually too large. Conclusions =========== We have provided a number of positive and negative results on dealing with row and column symmetry. To eliminate some (but not all) symmetry we can post static constraints like and . On the positive side, we proposed the first polynomial time method to eliminate *all* row and column symmetry when the number of rows (or columns) is bounded. On the negative side, we argued that and can leave a large number of symmetric solutions. In addition, we proved that propagating completely is NP-hard. Finally, we showed that it is not always safe to combine Puget’s value symmetry breaking constraints with row and column symmetry breaking constraints, correcting a claim made in the literature. [10]{} =-0.2pt Flener, P., Frisch, A., Hnich, B., Kiziltan, Z., Miguel, I., Pearson, J., Walsh, T.: Breaking row and column symmetry in matrix models. In: 8th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP-2002), Springer (2002) Flener, P., Frisch, A., Hnich, B., Kiziltan, Z., Miguel, I., Walsh, T.: Matrix Modelling. Technical Report APES-36-2001, APES group (2001) Presented at Formul’01 (Workshop on Modelling and Problem Formulation), CP2001 post-conference workshop. Crawford, J., Ginsberg, M., Luks, G., Roy, A.: Symmetry breaking predicates for search problems. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (KR ’96). (1996) 148–159 Huczynska, S., McKay, P., Miguel, I., Nightingale, P.: Modelling equidistant frequency permutation arrays: An application of constraints to mathematics. In Gent, I., ed.: Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2009, 15th International Conference, CP 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, September 20-24, (2009) 50–64 Bessiere, C., Hebrard, E., Hnich, B., Walsh, T.: The complexity of global constraints. In: Proceedings of the 19th National Conference on AI, AAAI (2004) Bessiere, C., Hebrard, E., Hnich, B., Walsh, T.: The complexity of global constraints. Constraints, **12(2)** (2007) 239-259 Carlsson, M., Beldiceanu, N.: Arc-consistency for a chain of lexicographic ordering constraints. Technical report [T2002-18]{}, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (2002). Katsirelos, G., Narodytska, N., Walsh, T.: Breaking Generator Symmetry In: Proceedings of SymCon’09 - 9th International Workshop on Symmetry and Constraint Satisfaction Problems, colocated with CP2009. Puget, J.F.: Breaking symmetries in all different problems. In: Proceedings of 19th IJCAI, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2005) 272–277 Shlyakhter, I.: Generating effective symmetry-breaking predicates for search problems. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics **9** (2001) 19–35 Flener, P., Frisch, A., Hnich, B., Kiziltan, Z., Miguel, I., Pearson, J., Walsh, T.: Symmetry in matrix models. Technical Report APES-30-2001, APES group (2001) Presented at SymCon’01 (Symmetry in Constraints), CP2001 post-conference workshop. Walsh, T.: Breaking Value Symmetry. In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2007), Springer (2007) Puget, J.F.: Breaking all value symmetries in surjection problems. In van Beek, P., ed.: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2005), Springer (2005) Law, Y., Lee, J.: Global constraints for integer and set value precedence. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2004), Springer (2004) 362–376 Walsh, T.: Symmetry breaking using value precedence. In Brewka, G., Coradeschi, S., Perini, A., Traverso, P., eds.: ECAI 2006, IOS Press (2006) 168–172 Grayland, A., Miguel, I., Roney-Dougal, C.: Snake lex: An alternative to double lex. In Gent, I.P., ed.: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. Springer (2009) 391–399 Hnich, B., Prestwich, S., Selensky, E., Smith, B.: Constraint models for the covering test problem. Constraints **11** (2006) 199–219 Lubiw, A.: Doubly lexical orderings of matrices. SIAM J. on Computing **16** (1987) 854–879 Frisch, A., Jefferson, C., Miguel, I.: Constraints for breaking more row and column symmetries. In Rossi, F., ed.: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2003), Springer (2003) Frisch, A., Hnich, B., Kiziltan, Z., Miguel, I., Walsh, T.: Multiset ordering constraints. In: Proceedings of 18th IJCAI, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2003) Gent, I., Smith, B.: Symmetry breaking in constraint programming. In Horn, W., ed.: Proceedings of ECAI-2000, IOS Press (2000) 599–603 [^1]: Supported by ANR UNLOC project, ANR 08-BLAN-0289-01 and the Australian Government’s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the ARC. [^2]: Any problem can be turned into a surjection problem by the addition of suitable new variables.
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
15th Engineer Battalion (United States) The 15th Engineer Battalion is an Echelon above Brigade (EAB) battalion of the United States Army. It is currently a subordinate unit of 18th Military Police Brigade and is headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany. Soldiers of the 15th Engineer Battalion provide various supportive duties to other Army units, including construction, engineering, and mechanical work on other Army projects. Organization The 15th is composed of four companies. The Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC, Wolfpack) contains the command and staff sections, providing planning and coordination for unit missions. The Forward Support Company (FSC, Renegades) provides logistical and maintenance support to the battalion. The 500th Engineer Support Company (ESC, Titans) and the 902nd Engineer Construction Company (ECC, Gladiators) perform horizontal and limited vertical construction. History The 15th Construction Engineer Battalion has a proud and distinguished lineage. From its auspicious beginnings in the trenches and mud of World War I battlefields of France to the steaming hot jungles of Vietnam, the 15th Engineers maintained their "Drive On!" spirit. World Wars Constituted on 3 June 1916 as the Fifth Reserve Engineers (Regiment) at Oakmont, Pennsylvania. Company D became known as the "Pittsburgh Pioneers." On 8 August 1917, the Regiment was redesignated as the 15th Engineers (Regiment)(Railway). CPT later General Brehon B. Somervell assisted in organizing and recruiting the Regiment. During World War I, the Regiment received battle streamers for the St. Mihiel Battle of Saint-Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Deployed to France in July 1917, the 15th planned and constructed railroads, and helped build barracks, hospitals, and supply depots during the war. It was the first Engineer Regiment sent to abroad for World War I. The Regiment was demobilized at Sherman, Ohio on 15 May 1919. The 15th Engineers were reconstituted and placed on the inactive rolls on 25 August 1921, followed by assignment to the 9th Infantry Division on 24 March 1923. The unit was redesignated as the 15th Engineer Battalion in July 1940 and activated at Fort Bragg on 1 August. During World War II, the 15th Engineer Combat Battalion first saw action in North Africa in 1943, fighting with the 9th Infantry Division during the Algerian-French Morocco and Tunisian Campaigns. Next, the battalion participated in the invasion of Sicily, hitting the beach at Palermo in August 1943. With Sicily secured, the 9th Infantry Division sailed to England and prepared for the Normandy invasion. Landing at Utah Beach on 10 June 1944, the Battalion drove on to Cherbourg and later took part in the St. Lo breakthrough. Fighting its way across France earned the Battalion a battle streamer for its role in the Northern France Campaign. In September, the Battalion earned the Presidential Unit Citation for its actions on the Siegfried Line. In December 1944, the Battalion helped defeat Hitler's forces in the Battle of the Bulge to earn another battle streamer. In March 1945, B company earned the Presidential Unit Citation for its part in seizing the Ludendorf Bridge, crossing the Rhine, and extending the Remagen Bridgehead. After the Rhineland Campaign, the Division advanced eastward, fighting through the remnants of Hitler's army to earn a battle streamer for the Central European Campaign. The war's end brought about the 15th's inactivation in November 1946. Korea Although reactivated on 12 July 1948 at Fort Dix, the 15th remained stateside during the Korean War, serving first at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and later at Fort Carson, Colorado, from 1954, until inactivation in January 1962. Vietnam The Battalion was reactivated at Fort Riley, Kansas, on 1 February 1966 and later joined American fighting forces in the jungles of Vietnam. The Battalion twice earned the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm for its outstanding military service and also received a Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class, for numerous civic actions. Alpha and Charlie Companies were recognized for their effective support of the 1st Brigade, 9th Infantry Division in 1968: Alpha Company received the Presidential Unit Citation for its valiant actions in the Dinh-Tuong Province and Charlie Company earned the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry for its heroic support of highly effective search and destroy operation in the Long-An Province. The Battalion rotated to Hawaii in August 1969, where it inactivated. Post Vietnam The 15th Combat Engineer Battalion was reactivated at Fort Lewis, and stationed on North Fort, in June 1972. In 1983, Delta Company was reorganized as a General Support Heavy Engineer Company, and the Bridge Company became Echo Company. On 1 April 1984, Echo Company reorganized to form the 73rd Engineer Company(Assault Ribbon Bridge), I Corps, and attached them to the 15th Combat Engineer Battalion. In 1988 Alpha Company was called to support the fire fighting efforts in Yellowstone National Park Wy. After 3 days of training they were deployed in August 1988 at base camp Madison Junction until the fire was out in September 1988 by the snow. The unit soldiers were awarded, 2 months later, the Humanitarian Service Medal for their efforts. During July and August 1989 the 15th Engineer Battalion conducted firefighting operations in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest near Baker, Oregon as a part of OPERATION FIREBREAK. Participating soldiers were subsequently awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal. In January 1990, the Army ordered the 9th Infantry Division to inactivate. Charlie Company cased its guidon on 1 October 1990. Delta Company inactivated on 14 February 1991, when it reorganized to form the nucleus of the 102nd Engineer Company, 199th Infantry Brigade (Motorized). Soldiers and equipment from across the battalion were used to fill the new company. The 73rd Engineer Company(ARB), after its three-month combat tour in Operation Desert Storm, returned to I Corps control and was attached to 864th Engineer Battalion until its inactivation in 1994. The remaining companies and the battalion Headquarters inactivated on 1 August 1991. Global War on Terrorism The battalion was reactivated at Conn Barracks on 16 July 2008 as part of the 18th Engineer Brigade, V Corps and provides engineering support to US Army units in Europe. In July 2009, the battalion deployed task-organized elements to conduct construction missions in Bulgaria and Israel. Recent construction missions include a platoon-sized deployment to Romania and the 500th EN CO improving roads on multiple training areas in USAREUR. In late October 2010, the 15th EN BN (292nd EN DET/ OHARNG) conducted a first in decades. It deployed forward to a combat zone. The battalion executed extensive theater construction support missions in the Kuwait AOR and recon assets to the Kingdom of Jordan. As the Theater Reserve Engineer Force, the 15th was charged with providing engineering support across the entire CENTCOM AOR. This placed pressure on the battalion. As the "Drive On" spirit was displayed, Commanders and soldiers alike excelled at forward deploying elements into Afghanistan to provide combat commander construction support. The 15th redeployed to USAREUR in late October 2011 to resume its duties supporting USAREUR and NATO in the training of international forces. Honors Campaign Participation Credit World War I: St. Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne World War II: Algeria-French Morocco; Tunisia; Sicily; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe Vietnam: Counteroffensive, Phase II; Counteroffensive, Phase III; Tet Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase IV; Counteroffensive, Phase V; Counteroffensive, Phase VI; Tet 69/Counteroffensive; Summer-Fall 1969; Decorations Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for SIEGFRIED LINE Belgian Fourragere 1940 Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at the Meuse River Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action in the Ardennes Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM 1966–1968 Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM 1969 Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class for VIETNAM 1966–1969 902d Engineer Company Honors Campaign Participation Credit World War II: Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland Decorations Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered EUROPEAN THEATER See also Coats of arms of U.S. Engineer Battalions References External links Official website http://www.15thcombatengineers.org 15th Engineer Battalion WWII History 015
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
1. Field of the Invention The instant invention relates generally to cribs and playpens and more specifically it relates to an adjustable child stand. The adjustable child stand will hold a child, so that a primary care giver performing an activity such as in a kitchen, will have both hands free to tend to the activity, while the child can also participate in assisting with the activity. 2. Description of the Prior Art Numerous cribs and playpens have been provided in prior art. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 156,307 to Perkins; U.S. Pat. No. 181,743 to Thompson; U.S. Pat. No. 955,076 to Janes and U.S. Pat. No. 3,439,951 to Wright all are illustrative of such prior art. While these units may be suitable for the particular purpose to which they address, they would not be as suitable for the purposes of the present invention as heretofore described.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Before the crash that she blamed on speculators, Senator Elizabeth Warren made a bundle by flipping houses. Nearly two years after Veo Vessels died, her daughter, 70-year-old Mary Frances Hickman, decided to sell the home her mother had left to her. A sprawling brick house in Oklahoma City’s historic Highland Park neighborhood, it was built in 1924, just a year after Mary’s birth. Decades later, one of Vessels’ great-grandchildren fondly recalls the wood and tile floors, the fish pond, the butler’s quarters, and the multi-car garage where children played house. “It was really, really nice,” says Hickman’s granddaughter, Andrea Martin. That’s part of the reason she’s so surprised her grandmother sold the home in 1993 for a mere $30,000. Despite a debilitating stroke, Martin says Hickman remained sharp, and she had always been business-savvy. As an Avon saleswoman, she had at times ranked among the top ten in the country. “So I don’t know why,” Martin says. “Maybe she just wanted out from underneath it, but to sell it for such a low number — I don’t know. Maybe she got bad advice, maybe she was just tired.” The home’s new owner: Elizabeth Warren, today a Massachusetts senator who has built a political career on denouncing the sort of banking titans and financial sophisticates who make a buck off the little guy. Five months after purchasing Veo Vessels’ old home, Warren flipped the property, selling it for $115,000 more than she’d paid, according to Oklahoma County Property Assessor records. RELATED: Why Elizabeth Warren Is More Politician Than Populist Warren rose to political prominence in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis as a crusader against big banks and a dispenser of common-sense economic advice. She campaigned for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, intended to shield people from the predations of the mortgage and credit-card industries, among others. In her 2006 book All Your Worth, co-authored with her daughter, Amelia, Warren lists as a top myth the idea that “you can make big money buying houses and flipping them quickly.” She has made a career out of telling people how to behave in financially responsible ways, and out of creating laws that will make it illegal for them to do otherwise. Five months after purchasing Veo Vessels’ old home, Warren flipped the property, selling it for $115,000 more than she’d paid. But Warren bought and sold at least five properties for profit at a different time in her life, before the cratering economy and a political career made her a star. Her life story has been the subject of much interest, and her 2014 memoir, A Fighting Chance, chronicled her rise from humble beginnings in small-town Oklahoma and her struggle to make ends meet. It didn’t much mention, though, the early 1990s, years when her children were teenagers and she was once again happily married. These are years when she wasn’t yet the multimillionaire she is today, and, she has said, she was voting Republican. As a professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania, and later as a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, she was doing well for herself, building both her professional profile and her wealth. She owes at least part of her considerable financial success, it seems, to snapping up these properties in her native Oklahoma and turning them for a profit — though today that’s not a practice she endorses for the many people looking to emulate her success. The Boston Herald reported on these purchases during Warren’s Senate run in 2012, noting that she invested in “the often topsy-turvy real-estate market of the 1990s” and that her actions “don’t seem to square with her public statements about the latest real estate boom and bust.” (By our deadline, Warren’s office did not respond to our request for an interview with the senator or for a request for comment from the senator’s spokesperson about the home sales.) RELATED: ‘The Game Is Rigged,’ But Not the way Elizabeth Warren Thinks Hickman’s granddaughter Martin says of the home flip: “I don’t think it’s right, but I don’t really know much about it. . . . You flip houses to make a profit, so I can’t really fault [Warren] much. I think my grandmother made a mistake by selling it for so cheap. . . . She had worked hard all her life and was a self-made woman.” Don Vessels — a grandson of Veo Vessels, and the nephew of Mary Frances Hickman — said he had not known that Warren had purchased the family home, but “my reaction is that it’s kind of par for the course.” He added: “What’s said and what’s done in politics are two different things. Mary Hickman, being the executor of the estate, should have sold it for the highest price on the market, which I’m not sure she did. But the house was not in fantastic shape, I can tell you that. It was a very nice house when it was purchased, but my grandmother kind of let it fall into disrepair.” Records show Warren bought the house Hickman inherited from her mother, located at 200 N.W. 16th Street, in August 1993 and quickly obtained permits to do plumbing and electrical work, selling it five months later for a 383 percent gain. RELATED: Bankers’ Lobbyists Love Elizabeth Warren House flipping is commonly defined as the practice of buying and selling a home within six months, as the future senator did with the Hickman property. Warren held onto at least four other properties for longer periods, sometimes waiting a year before relinquishing ownership and, at other times, as long as seven years. Warren bought two homes after they’d fallen into foreclosure. And though she spent money fixing up the Hickman home before selling it, records suggest she sold others at a significant profit without making any meaningful upgrades. Warren bought two homes after they’d fallen into foreclosure. Records suggest she sold them at a significant profit without making any meaningful upgrades. In 1993, Warren bought a foreclosed property on N.W. 14th Street in Oklahoma City for $4,000. National Review attempted to contact the couple who had owned it. No phone number or email could be found on record for them, and they did not respond to a letter mailed to their last known address, in Colorado. No public records could be found elaborating on the events that led to the foreclosure of their home. In 2004, Warren transferred the home to her brother, John Herring, and his wife, who sold it for $30,000 in 2006, a 650 percent increase over what Warren initially paid for it. Neither Warren nor her brother filed any permits to make improvements. In June 1993, Warren bought another foreclosed property in Oklahoma City, this one on West Wilshire Boulevard, for $61,000 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Because properties purchased from HUD are sold as is, and because foreclosed homes can have damage ranging from simple poor upkeep to stripped copper, “the only reason you do that is for profit,” says Steve Stout, residential field supervisor at the Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office. On the national stage, Warren has been outspoken about the dangers of home foreclosure. In a 2002 book, The Fragile Middle Class, co-authored with Teresa Sullivan and Jay Lawrence Westerbrook, she wrote that foreclosures are “notorious for fetching low prices.” And as a professor at Harvard Law School, in the wake of the financial crisis, Warren served as a member of the congressional panel overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The panel produced, among other things, a report on the foreclosures taking place across the country. It began with a paean to the place of the home in American life: “Foreclosures are about the home,” it said, which is “the physical and emotional nexus of many households as well as the centerpiece of many Americans’ finances.” Foreclosures, it concluded, “can harm other homeowners both by encouraging additional foreclosures and by reducing home sale prices, while decreased property values hurt local businesses and reduce state and local tax revenues.” A year after buying the foreclosed property on West Wilshire Boulevard, Warren also bought the house next door for $72,000. Despite filing no building permits to renovate at either property, Warren pocketed $34,000 in profits when she sold the first house in December 1994, and she and her husband, Bruce Mann, made an additional $32,000 when they sold the one next door in 1998. That same year, Warren sold another home she and Mann owned for a sizeable profit. The couple had purchased the property, at 4721 Dove Tree Lane, in 1991, filing permits for mechanical and plumbing repairs, according to Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office records. “We’re talking about more than just painting or minor repairs,” says Stout, adding that it could add up to tens of thousands of dollars. “It’s serious work.” Still, the investment seems to have paid off: Warren and her husband paid only $50,000 for the house and sold it for $109,500, a 119 percent gain. The profits from these flipped homes adds up: Even excluding the property sold by her brother, Warren and her husband have made at least $240,500 flipping homes (before deducting the unknown sum they invested in remodeling). In her 2014 autobiography, Warren wrote of the events that precipitated the financial crisis that “everyone seemed to have a story about someone they knew who was getting rich by flipping houses.” She omitted a crucial one. Editor’s Note: This piece has been updated since its original posting.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Alpha-skeletal actin is associated with increased contractility in the mouse heart. BALB/c mice express abnormally high levels of alpha-skeletal actin in the heart, which may be related to a duplication in the promoter of the alpha-cardiac actin gene. To evaluate the effects of overexpression of the alpha-skeletal actin isoform on cardiac contractile function, we studied these mice using the isolated perfused work-performing murine heart model and measured actin isoform expression in the same hearts. We quantified myocardial contractility from the maximum rate of contraction (+dP/dt) and time to peak pressure and relaxation from -dP/dt and time to half relaxation of left intraventricular pressure. Dot blots of total RNA hybridized against oligonucleotide sequences specific for either alpha-skeletal or alpha-cardiac actin mRNA showed that increased levels of alpha-skeletal actin RNA correlated significantly with increased contractility of hearts from the BALB/c mice (r = .80, n = 15, P < .001). The present study demonstrates a significant functional correlation between alpha-actin isoform content and cardiac contractile function and also that alpha-skeletal actin may promote an increased contractile function in the heart compared with alpha-cardiac actin.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a method and apparatus for the manufacture of a continuous sheet of flat glass by supporting molten glass on a pool of molten metal and advancing it along the surface of the pool of molten metal while cooling it to form a continuous sheet of flat glass. More particularly, this invention relates to a method for selectively adjusting and maintaining the condition of the glass at different locations across its width to stabilize the path of movement of the glass as it advances along the surface of the pool of molten metal. 2. Description of the Prior Art Flat glass may be produced in many different ways. Several methods have been disclosed in the past which involve floating or supporting glass on the surface of a pool of molten metal as it is advanced along that surface and cooled to form a continuous sheet of flat glass. For example, molten glass may be delivered onto a pool of molten metal and formed into a continuous sheet or ribbon or glass according to the teachings of Heal, U.S. Pat. No. 710,357 or of Hitchcock, U.S. Pat. No. 789,911 or according to the methods disclosed in the patents of Pilkington, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,083,551 and 3,220,816 or according to the teachings of Edge and Kunkle found in U.S. Pat. No. 3,843,346. These patents describe processes in which molten glass delivery techniques vary, yet they share the common disclosure that a continuous sheet of flat glass may be formed by advancing a layer of glass along the surface of a pool of molten metal while cooling the glass until it assumes a final width and thickness as a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass. In the method of Heal, molten glass is delivered over a refractory bridge and then flows slightly downwardly onto the surface of a pool of molten metal confined between two side walls of a forming chamber. This layer of glass advances along the surface of the pool of molten metal between the side walls and remains in contact with them as it is advanced and cooled to form a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass. In the method of Hitchcock, molten glass is delivered through a slot in a refractory wall and flows horizontally onto the surface of a pool of molten metal in a forming chamber. The glass advances along the surface of the pool of molten metal as a layer of constant width and is cooled and advanced at a sufficient speed to form a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass of desired thickness. In the method described by Pilkington, molten glass is delivered through a long, narrow canal and over a refractory lip and then falls freely downwardly onto the surface of a pool of molten metal. It then spreads laterally, outwardly and rearwardly in an unhindered fashion. An advancing layer of glass is drawn along the surface of the pool of molten metal from this laterally, outwardly moving body of molten glass. This layer of glass is advanced as its width diminishes and as it is cooled to form a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass of desired thickness and width. In the method disclosed by Edge and Kunkle, molten glass in a pool of molten glass is conditioned to establish a region of forward flow near its surface, and this forwardly flowing glass is delivered over a threshold member substantially horizontally onto the surface of a pool of molten metal maintained at or near the elevation of the threshold over which the glass is delivered. This flowing molten glass is advanced along the surface of the pool of molten metal as it is initially cooled either having its marginal edges free of contact with side members or having them in contact with selected side members for a short distance. The glass is thereafter advanced along the surface of the pool of molten metal while being further cooled to form a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass. The present invention provides a method and apparatus for steering and stabilizing an advancing layer or ribbon of glass supported on molten metal in a forming chamber to avoid the persistent tendency of advancing glass to drift from side to side when the glass is delivered and formed in the manner disclosed by Pilkington. Meanwhile, the present method and apparatus provide for a further improvement in the flattening of the velocity for the flow of molten glass immediately following its delivery for forming. This assists in the making of glass having excellent optical quality extending throughout the width of the glass. In the practice of this invention a continuous sheet of flat glass is produced by a method including the following steps: A layer of molten glass is delivered onto the surface of a pool of molten metal maintained within a forming chamber. The molten metal is preferably tin, an alloy of tin or some other metal having a specific gravity greater than the glass and having a melting point lower than the glass to be formed while being substantially nonreactive to the glass at its melting temperature. The layer of molten glass is advanced along the surface of the pool of molten metal and is cooled during such advance to form a dimensionally stable, continuous sheet of glass. Forces are applied to the glass while it is advanced along the surface of the pool of molten metal. Forces are applied to the glass which are aligned substantially along its path to cause it to be advanced. These forces may be sufficient to cause the glass to be attenuated to a thickness less than an equilibrium thickness during its advance. These forces are characterized as longitudinal tractive forces and may be applied to the glass at any location along the length of the glass sheet. They are preferably applied to the glass at locations well along its path of advance, preferably beyond the supporting pool of molten metal, and are transferred to the hot or more fluid glass primarily due to the surface tension of the glass. Other forces may be applied to the glass in a manner such that they are aligned substantially across or transverse to the path of glass advance. These forces are characterized as transverse forces. The resultant forces caused by the application of the described forces in combination with the reactive surface tension and gravity forces acting on the glass cause the glass to be formed into a continuous, flat sheet of desired thickness. After the glass has been cooled sufficiently to become dimensionally stable (that is, if it has reached its final width and thickness) it is advanced farther along the surface of molten metal and then is lifted from the surface of the pool of molten metal and conveyed from the forming chamber. It may be lifted slightly and conveyed along a substantially horizontal path from the forming chamber, or it may be lifted and conveyed upwardly from the pool of molten metal in the manner described by Gerald E. Kunkle in his copending, commonly assigned patent application, Ser. No. 483,508, filed June 27, 1974, which is incorporated by reference herein. The glass is cooled sufficiently prior to lifting it from the surface of the pool of molten metal so that its width and thickness remain unchanged during lifting and conveyance from the forming chamber. As the glass is being formed during its advance along the surface of the pool of molten metal and as it is conveyed from the pool of molten metal, it is controllably cooled. The cooling is coordinated with the rate of glass advance to form a continuous sheet of glass of desired width and thickness. If the layer of glass is permitted initially to spread laterally outwardly in an unhindered manner, the cooling and rate of glass advance are advantageously coordinated to simultaneously attenuate the thickness and the width of the glass in the manner disclosed by Charnock in U.S. Pat. No. 3,352,657 and by Dickinson et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 3,695,859. Nevertheless, a preferred practice involves maintenance of the width of the glass equal to or less than the width of the initially delivered layer of glass for this in and of itself helps to stabilize the path of advance of the glass.
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Q: Как вывести данные нужной даты? Привет всем. Подскажите, как вывести записи с указанным промежутком времени? Сейчас вообще ничего не работает. В БД время записи записывается 2015-06-14 <form action='index.php' method='POST' id='myform'> <header>Найти запись с <input type='date' name='from' value=''/> по <input type='date' name='to' value='' /> <button class='btn mini green-stripe' name='show' value=''>Готово</button> </header> </form> if (isset($_POST['show'])){ $from = $_POST['from']; $to = $_POST['to']; $from1 = date('Y-d-m', strtotime($from)); $to1 = date('Y-d-m', strtotime($to)); $query = ("SELECT * FROM Configuration WHERE `Date` BETWEEN '".$from1."' and '".$to1."' "); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); } + Как сделать так, чтобы, если во втором поле не была выбрана дата, то искать записи с даты, которая выбрана в 1 поле иначе сообщить об ошибке? A: Поле Date в БД имеет формат строка? Если да, то срочно изменяйте на DATE, либо INT и записывайте туде Timestamp, иначе вырастет много проблем. Как сделать так, чтобы, если во втором поле не была выбрана дата, то искать записи с даты, которая выбрана в 1 поле иначе сообщить об ошибке? if ($to) { SQL-запрос с BETWEEN } else { SQL-запрос WHERE `Date` > from } UPDATE Поле Date все-таки имеет формат Date, поэтому нужно всего лишь: "SELECT * FROM Configuration WHERE `Date` BETWEEN CAST('".$from1."' AS DATE) and CAST('".$to1."' AS DATE) "
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Praise the Box! Join our community to ask questions! If you are looking for your favorite manga, here is list of all the series that we previously scanlated that are now officialy available:
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name: cardano-sl-utxo version: 3.2.0 synopsis: Abstract definitions of UTxO based accounting -- description: homepage: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/#readme license: Apache-2.0 license-files: LICENSE NOTICE author: IOHK Engineering Team maintainer: operations@iohk.io copyright: 2017-2018 IOHK category: Testing build-type: Simple extra-source-files: ChangeLog.md cabal-version: >=1.10 library exposed-modules: UTxO.DSL UTxO.Bootstrap UTxO.Context UTxO.Crypto UTxO.Generator UTxO.IntTrans UTxO.Translate UTxO.Util UTxO.Verify Data.Validated -- other-modules: build-depends: base >=4.10 && <4.12 , QuickCheck , cardano-sl , cardano-sl-binary , cardano-sl-chain , cardano-sl-chain-test , cardano-sl-client , cardano-sl-core , cardano-sl-core-test , cardano-sl-crypto , cardano-sl-db , cardano-sl-util , constraints , containers , cryptonite , data-default >= 0.7 , formatting , lens , mtl , reflection >= 2.1 , safecopy , serokell-util , universum , unordered-containers , vector hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DeriveGeneric FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs InstanceSigs LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TypeFamilies
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The primary process used to generate electricity is the combustion of a fossil fuel to heat air. This high temperature air, or thermal energy, is then used to heat a liquid power generation medium (typically water) in a boiler to create a gas (steam) that is expanded across a steam turbine that drives an electrical generator. The measure of the thermal energy is the British Thermal Unit (BTU). Other sources of energy used to heat air and/or water to generate electricity in this manner include: heat from nuclear reactions; heat from the exhaust of gas turbines; heat from the combustion of refuse or other combustible materials in incinerators; and others. Steam turbine systems used to generate power are generally closed loop systems in which pressurized water is vaporized in a boiler or heat exchanger; expanded in the steam turbine where the pressure levels are reduced as power is generated; condensed back to water in a condenser or cooler; and pumped back to pressure and returned to the boiler to repeat the cycle. In the process of making steam in this closed loop system, there are two major sources of wasted energy. The first is the waste heat exiting the boiler in the form of high temperature flue gas (typically heated air) due to the inherent design and thermodynamic characteristics of the water to steam conversion process that prevents using all the useful thermal energy (heat) in the flue gas. The second is the latent heat of vaporization or the amount of energy required to convert water to steam that is dissipated to the atmosphere during the process of condensing the steam back to water. In the first instance of wasted heat, the boiler heat source must provide thermal energy (in the form of high temperature flue gas) not only to deliver 1000 BTU/LB to convert water to steam but also sufficient thermal energy to superheat the steam to high enough energy levels to provide sufficient excess energy to drive a steam turbine to generate power. The thermodynamic requirements of the steam cycle limit the temperature differential available to produce superheated steam to the difference between the original heat source temperature and approximately 400 to 500° F. This results in wasted heated flue gas exiting the boiler at temperatures of about 400 to 500° F. Although a portion of the energy in the flue gas exhaust may be recaptured by, for example, using it to heat the power plant, using it to pre-heat the boiler water, or by other known means, the amount of useful energy recovered is limited. In the second instance of wasted heat, the energy in the form of heat required to change the state of a liquid to a gas is controlled by the thermodynamic characteristics of the liquid. The pressure and associated temperature at which a fluid begins to become a vapor is defined as the vapor pressure of the fluid. For a given liquid there is a specific range of pressures and temperatures at which the liquid becomes a vapor. The BTUs required to change a liquid to a gas at the vapor pressure is defined as the “heat of vaporization”. The heat of vaporization for water is approximately 1000 BTU/LB. At the vapor pressure at which water turns to steam, the amount of energy resident in the vapor is only that amount required to maintain a vaporous state and is defined as the “latent heat of vaporization”. At the vapor pressure point, if the vapor is cooled in a condenser or the pressure is reduced through an expansion process, the vapor will change states back to a liquid by discharging the latent heat of vaporization, or 1000 BTU/LB to the environment as an increase in thermal energy or temperature of the cooling medium. As such, little, if any, useful energy can be extracted from a vapor that only contains the latent heat of vaporization because such vapor will immediately condense upon expansion in a turbine, causing dramatic inefficiencies and possibly damaging the turbine. The physical phenomenon of the heat of vaporization causes waste heat in conventional power generation cycles because this amount of heat must be imparted into the liquid water before it changes into a useful gaseous state but this heat can not be extracted as useful energy. Upon cooling the medium back to a liquid so that it can be pumped to the desired pressure, this latent heat is discharged without being recaptured in the form of useful energy. Thus, the thermal energy discharged to the atmosphere through the cooling medium that returns the water to the liquid state is waste heat. Converting heat to useful power and developing power in a more efficient manner from the combustion of fossil fuels are of paramount importance as fuel costs rise and energy sources are depleted. In addition, the negative effects on the environment caused by pollution generated from the combustion of fossil fuels dictates that power plants be designed to reduce the pollutants generated per unit of energy produced. These factors create a need to improve power plant efficiency and recover energy from waste heat generated by power plants, waste heat from various manufacturing processes, and thermal energy from renewable energy sources. Various methods and processes are used to improve the efficiency of power systems that convert fossil fuels to usable energy. These efficiency-enhancing systems include gas turbine combined cycle plants, cogeneration plants and waste heat recovery systems. Cogeneration and combined cycle systems generate useful energy from the waste heat of gas turbine exhausts or other fossil fuel heat sources, including low grade heating value fuel sources, by using the heat of combustion to generate steam. In systems that use water as the primary power generation medium, the temperature of the heat source (typically flue gas heated by combusting fossil fuels) must be high enough to vaporize the water to create steam in a heat exchanger (boiler). The resulting steam is expanded in a steam turbine to produce power. Steam boilers are generally limited to recovering the thermal energy associated with the differential temperature between the initial temperature of the heat source and about 500° F. or higher because this is the temperature required to achieve efficient thermal energy transfer to water to produce steam. Further, the available heat for transferring energy to the steam is limited by the temperature differential restrictions imposed by the vapor pressure versus temperature characteristics of steam, and using a heat source with a temperature close to about 500° F. can lead to inefficient and minimal steam production. In a typical steam power generation system, the low temperature (˜500° F.) exhaust of the heat source exiting the boiler can be used to pre-heat the boiler feed water using a separate heat exchanger. However, only a limited amount of the heat in the discharge air is recoverable, and this heat is generally restricted to the temperature differential between the ˜500° F. discharge temperature of the heat source exhaust and about 300° F. or above due to the vapor pressure and temperature characteristics of water. Using the exhaust heat to pre-heat the boiler feed water in this manner increases the overall efficiency of the system, and may provide about a 10% increase in efficiency in some cases. Some cogeneration and combined cycle systems also envision incorporating an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system in combination with the steam turbine system to capture additional power output from the low temperature exhaust stream of the heat source as it exits the boiler. Methods are known in the prior art that utilize an ORC cycle to generate useful power. Typical methods are disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,570,579 and 5,664,414, which are incorporated herein by reference. These prior art systems use a conventional ORC medium such as normal pentane, iso-pentane, toluene, fluorinated hydrocarbons and other refrigerants. These conventional ORC media have pressure and temperature limitations and can not sustain high temperatures due to their respective auto ignition temperatures and vapor pressure versus temperature characteristics. For example, prior art ORC systems that utilize refrigerants or toluene are restricted to operation with heated water since the ORC medium can not absorb energy at elevated temperatures. Other prior art ORC methods require an ORC medium with a vapor pressure near atmospheric pressure to be efficient. Other prior art systems are restricted to a specific power output range while others require spraying a fluid ORC medium into the heat exchanger for efficient operation. These limitations reduce their effectiveness and efficiency thereby restricting the circumstances under which they can be employed, and limiting the useful energy output that may be obtained from them. In addition, although the majority of energy is generated using closed loop systems (i.e., systems in which the power generation medium, such as water/steam is constantly recirculated) such as those described above, other methods of generating power have been created to take advantage of open loop power sources that require constant replenishment of the power generation medium. For example, where the pressure of light hydrocarbon supplies in petrochemical plants or on gas pipelines must be reduced before being sent to consumers, it is known to generate useful power by expanding the high pressure gas in an expansion turbine that operates an electrical generator, pump or compressor, rather then reducing the gas pressure in a valve where no energy is recovered. Examples of this type of technology are provided in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,711,093 and 4,677,827, which are incorporated herein by reference. These systems are open loop systems that require constant replenishment of the power generation medium, and depend on the pressure level of the process design.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Guest post by James Padgett Many of you are aware that the concept of continental drift, proposed by Alfred Wegener, was widely ridiculed by his contemporaries. This reaction was in spite of the very clear visual evidence that the continents could be fit together like a giant puzzle. I think this is where we are in climate science today. There is an obvious answer that many experts cannot see even though a young child would understand when presented with the evidence. Our current crop of experts cannot see simple solutions. Their science is esoteric and alchemical. It is so complex, so easy to misunderstand, that, like the ancient Greek mystery religions, there is a public dogma and then there are the internal mysteries only the initiated are given access to. And then there are the heretics who challenge their declared truths. That isn’t to say that many climatologists aren’t smart. On the contrary, they can be very smart, but that doesn’t preclude them from being very wrong on both collective and individual levels. One of the most brilliant men alive in the last century, John von Neumann, believed that by the 1960’s our knowledge of atmospheric fluid dynamics would be so great, and our computer simulations so precise, that we’d be able to control the weather by making small changes to the system. It is true that the climate models used today do a very good job with fluid dynamics, but despite that understanding we can neither predict nor control the weather (and the climate) to the degree he imagined. An incredible genius, he made a mistake. He didn’t understand the fundamental chaos that made his vision impossible. In regard to the climate, I hope my simple vision is closer to reality than the excuse-filled spaghetti hypothesis that currently brandishes the self-given title of “settled science.” My proposal, that climate is primarily driven by solar and oceanic influences, is probably believed by more than a few skeptics, but hopefully I can make a compelling case for it that both small children and climate scientists can understand. To that end I’ll take a quick look at the temperature record from 1900 until the present. I will explain the case for the oceanic/solar model and articulate the excuses given by the anthropogenic camp for the decades that inconveniently do not line up with the hypothesis of carbon dioxide being the primary driver of climate change. 1900-1944: This period is largely warming. What could possibly be the cause of that? The sun seems to be the obvious answer. It is so obvious in fact that even most mainstream climatologists admit its influence in these years. Some also say there is an anthropogenic effect in there, somewhere, and they could be right, but it certainly isn’t obvious. And while the Atlantic is in its cool phase over the earlier part of this period, the largest ocean, the Pacific, is warm,especially in the last couple decades, but when it turns into its cool phase…. 1945-1976: We get 30 years of cooling in the surface station record. According to proponents of the anthropogenic model, the unprecedented increase in carbon dioxide following World War II was not only masked, but overpowered by sulfate emissions. That is an interesting excuse, but this cooling period exactly matches the cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). So much so that when it goes into its warm phase in… 1977-1998: We get 20 more years of warming: which is kicked up a notch towards the end as the Atlantic goes into its warm phase: That leaves us with the final period from… 1999-Present: After the super El Nino of 1998 temperatures have largely flat-lined and perhaps even dropped slightly. Both the Atlantic and Pacific are in their warm phases and the sun remains at the “high” levels following the recovery from the Little Ice Age, but the Pacific seems to be wobbling cooler and cooler as it shifts back into its cool phase. True we are the “warmest decade on record,” but we are also the only decade on record with both oceans in their warm phases in a time of relatively high solar activity. The only comparable time would be during and around the 1930’s and early 1940’s, around the time of the Dust Bowl, and the sun wasn’t as active back then – and that’s assuming the records are an accurate reflection of global temperatures back then. So how do climate scientists explain this lack of warming for over a decade? Ah, well they blame the sulfates again – a classic excuse, while others say that the heat has teleported deep into the oceans. I say teleported because there is no record of the journey of that missing heat into those unmeasured depths from the well-measured depths it would normally have had to travel through in order to get to that abyss. Of course, others say this time period is simply not statistically significant, but the only period of heating we can’t directly trace to the sun, the time from 1977-1998, a mere twenty year period, is certainly statistically significant in some minds. To that I only have one question for them: Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Cheers, James Padgett Share this: Print Email Twitter Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Like this: Like Loading...
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With the first official photos of Brie Larson's Captain Marvel recently revealed and word coming that a trailer is about to hit , let's take a look at everything we know about Carol Danvers' much-anticipated movie and how she will fit into the MCU. Loading Early Development Loading The Cast Captain Marvel: Every Character Confirmed 12 IMAGES The Setting Loading The Comic Book Inspirations Future Captain Marvel Appearances Marvel Cinematic Universe: Every Upcoming Movie and TV Show 22 IMAGES Distress Call Loading As that symbol showed up at the end of Avengers: Infinity War in the after credit scene, attention began turning to Marvel Studios' 2019 lineup. Next year will kick off with Captain Marvel, a movie that marks the debut of Brie Larson as Air Force pilot-turned cosmic superhero Carol Danvers and has a release date of March 6, 2019.Marvel has been pretty tight-lipped about the project so far, but that's starting to change... so here's everything we know so far about the cast, story and how Captain Marvel fits into the larger MCU!We know that development has been underway on a Captain Marvel movie since at least 2013, with Marvel Studios recognizing the growing need to add a female-driven superhero film to the MCU. At the time, Carol Danvers was named as one of several potential candidates alongside Black Widow and Agent Carter (who later starred in an ABC TV series). The Captain Marvel movie was officially announced in October 2014, as Marvel boss Kevin Feige revealed the studio's Phase 3 lineup of films.Captain Marvel was originally scheduled for release on July 6, 2018, a date that eventually went to Ant-Man and the Wasp. The film was pushed back first to November 2, 2018 and then to March 8, 2019.Feige revealed at SDCC 2016 that Marvel Studios had narrowed down its list of potential directors , which included Niki Caro, Lesli Linka Glatter and Lorene Scafaria. However, the official announcement didn't arrive for nearly a year, as Mississippi Grind's Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck were revealed as directors in April 2017. Guardians of the Galaxy co-screenwriter Nicole Perlman and Inside Out co-screenwriter Meg LeFauveere were on scripting duties.Marvel hired Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Tomb Raider) to pen a new draft of the screenplay in August 2017. She described it as " more of an action-comedy ."Brie Larson will star as Carol Danvers, an Air Force pilot who gains superhuman powers and becomes a warrior fighting alongside the alien Kree in outer space.Larson will be joined by Jude Law, who is rumored to be playing Mar-Vell (an alien warrior and Carol's mentor), Gemma Chan as the Kree Minn-Erva and Ben Mendelsohn as the leader of the villainous Skrull aliens, Talos. (As a shapeshifter, he also lives a double life as a human S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the film.) Lashana Lynch plays Carol's close friend and fellow Air Force pilot Maria Rambeau. She has a daughter named Monica, and her call sign “Photon” is a reference to the comic-book character Monica Rambeau, who was known as Photon as well as... Captain Marvel for a time on the printed page.The film will also feature several returning characters from past MCU films. Samuel L. Jackson will return as Nick Fury, although since the film is set in the 1990s, this younger Fury (Jackson will be de-aged via CG) is just a "desk jockey" at S.H.I.E.L.D. He doesn't even have his eye patch yet! Clark Gregg's Phil Coulson and Cobie Smulders' Maria Hill are also returning, as are Lee Pace's Ronan the Accuser and Djimon Hounsou's Korath.Other actors whose roles have yet to be revealed include Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte and Mckenna Grace.If you're wondering how Captain Marvel can feature characters like Ronan and Korath when they already died in 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy, that's because the movie is set in the past. Most if not all of Captain Marvel will take place in the '90s, a time when these Kree villains are still alive.Look for the film to take advantage of the retro setting by paying tribute to classic '90s action movies. "We hadn’t necessarily done anything like that before either, so there are definitely homages to our favorite ‘90s action films within Captain Marvel," Feige told Entertainment Weekly . Feige also revealed that Captain Marvel is actually the first superhero Fury encountered during his long tenure at S.H.I.E.L.D.It remains to be seen how the film will explain Carol's absence in current MCU films. Given her ties to the Kree Empire, it's likely that she's spent a great deal of time away from Earth since the '90s.Captain Marvel will start with Carol already in space and in possession of her powers, reports EW , as part of the elite military team Starforce on the Kree planet Hala. Jude Law's character is the leader of the group, while other members include Gemma Chan's Minn-Erva and, interestingly enough, Korath (Djimon Hounsou, whose character was a bad guy in Guardians of the Galaxy). Ronan is, according to the report, "an outcast with extremist views, but here, he’s still a high-ranking member of Kree society." Feige revealed at SDCC 2017 that the comic book storyline "The Kree-Skrull War" is a major influence on the film. As such, the film will also mark the debut of the Skrull Empire, a long-time cosmic rival to the Kree."Captain Marvel will be our 21st film in the cinematic universe, and we've never seen the Skrulls. How come?" Kevin Feige told IGN. Answering his own question, he continued, "We thought it would be fun. There's an entire section of our comics that deal with the Kree/Skrull war, and we haven't tapped into that at all, and we thought that would be an amazing, huge part of the mythology to belong to Captain Marvel."For more on the premise of The Kree-Skrull War and how it might influence the movie, check out our breakdown of that classic comic book storyline Naturally, Captain Marvel isn't the only place fans can expect to see Carol Danvers in the years ahead. The character is widely believed to be joining the Avengers in The Avengers 4, due out a couple months after the release of Captain Marvel in 2019. No doubt she'll continue to play a recurring role in the MCU as Phase 4 gets underway.As it turns out, though, Marvel originally considered debuting Captain Marvel much sooner. Feige told Badass Digest that the character was included in an early draft of Avengers: Age of Ultron, where she would have appeared as part of Captain America's revamped Avengers team. "[Captain Marvel] was in a draft," he said. "But to me, it would have done that character a disservice, to meet her fully formed, in a costume and part of the Avengers already when 99% of the audience would go, ‘Who is that?’ It’s just not the way we’ve done it before."Of course, those who stayed through the end credits of Avengers: Infinity War saw the tease for Captain Marvel, as a disappearing Nick Fury seemed to send a distress call... somewhere. The last thing we see after Fury enters oblivion is the Captain Marvel logo on his little beeper device. Yep, she's coming! Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter , or Kicksplode on MyIGN
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Rosette Anday Piroska Anday (Budapest, 12 December 1903 - Vienna, 22 December 1977 ) known as Rosette Anday, was a leading Hungarian mezzo-soprano. Life On the 23 September 1921, Bizet's opera Carmen was performed at the Vienna State Opera and a hitherto unknown 18-year-old woman sang the most difficult arias of the opera. Franz Schalk, the then director of the Vienna State Opera, had heard the young singer a few months earlier in Budapest, where she studied singing at the local conservatory and took violin lessons with the composer Jenő Hubay. Schalk employed her immediately, without offering her a customary guest engagement and within a short time Rosette Anday became one of the leading mezzo-sopranos of the Vienna State Opera. One of her teachers was the alto and mezzo soprano Mme. Charles Cahier who had sung Carmen at the Vienna Court Opera between 1907 and 1911. Funded by Schalk and Richard Strauss, she gave her first song recital in the Grand Musikverein in Vienna in the same season . After her debut, she sang first as Cherubino in Mozart's opera Le nozze di Figaro, then as Dorabella in the opera Così fan tutte (in this role she also appeared in one of the first opera performances of the Salzburg Festival). Since her voice became increasingly voluminous in a very short time, she took more and more roles in French and Italian opera in her repertoire and sang in Verdi's opera Aida, the figure of Waltraute in Wagner's opera Götterdämmerung and the role of Brangäne in Tristan and Isolde. Five years after her debut at the Vienna State Opera, she sang the dream role of every mezzo soprano: The role of Dalila in Camille Saint-Saëns opera Samson et Dalila . Afterwards she toured through all major opera houses in Europe, as well as through North and South America. Here she celebrated her greatest success in the role of Klytämnestra in the ostrich -Oper Elektra, but the Vienna State Opera was always closely connected. In 1938, after the annexation of Austria, Rosette Anday was banned from performing because of her Jewish background, she lived in a "privileged mixed marriage", but had to hide from the deportations. Shortly after the end of the war she started her new career at the Theater an der Wien . Rosette Anday was one of the youngest chamber singer in history and one of the most dedicated opera singers ever. She won many prizes around the globe. From the Vienna State Opera her membership was transferred honorary. Extremely popular in Viennese society, she lived in her villa in Pressbaum ( St. Pölten-Land district ) in Rosette Anday Street until the end of her life. She died ten days after her 74th birthday and found her final resting place in a grave of honor () at the Vienna Central Cemetery (group 32 C, number 48). Honors 1955: Golden medal for services to the Republic of Austria In 1980, the Andayweg was named after her in Vienna Penzing (14th district) . Literature Anday, Rosette. In: Großes Sängerlexikon, 2000, S. 493ff. References External links Entry to Rosette Anday in the Austria-Forum  (in the AEIOU- Österreich-Lexikon ) Category:1903 births Category:1977 deaths
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs was one of the first dishes we’ve made in the pressure cooker. And boy! We were blown away by how the meat was so tender and flavorful after a short prep and cooking time. But what is the best pressure cooking time for baby back ribs? We had some fun with a couple of pressure cooking experiments. We were overwhelmed by the positive responses for our How to Make the Most Tender, Flavorful Pot Roast in Pressure Cooker Experiment. So, time for another little test with one of our favorite Baby Back Ribs in Pressure Cooker. Time for some ribs baby! SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE RECIPES + TIPS Tried & True Recipes Delivered To Your Inbox Weekly. 100% Free! SUBSCRIBE! Please check your inbox (sometimes Junk Box) and confirm your subscription! Then, add our email address to your contact list to ensure you will receive our recipes, tips, and giveaways! Materials & Methods for Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs Test Pressure Cooker: Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker Altitude: close to sea level Meat: Rack of Baby Back Ribs Meat Thickness: the thickest part of the meat is roughly 1/2 inch thick Meat Weight: 1.5 – 1.8 lbs Pressure: High Pressure (10.15~11.6 psi) Cooking Time: 16 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes Release Method: Full Natural Release Cooking Method for the Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs: Remove the membrane from the back of the baby back ribs Dry rub the baby back ribs Pressure cook at High Pressure Full Natural Release Cover the baby back ribs with aluminum foil and set aside Reduce the BBQ sauce Apply BBQ sauce Finish in the oven Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs Testing Results Since baby back ribs is a tender cut, the resulting meat juice, meat flavors, and the sauce were all quite similar among the 3 cooking times. The meat were moist and flavorful. The main difference stands in the meat texture. Test 1: 16 Minutes Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs Meat Texture: The meat was tender with a bit of chew. We were able to pick up the baby back ribs with tongs without worrying the bones falling off. Test 2: 25 Minutes Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs Meat Texture: The meat was very tender. We had to pick up the baby back ribs very carefully with tongs or else the bones will fall off. Test 3: 30 Minutes Pressure Cooker Baby Back Ribs Meat Texture: The meat was literally fall off the bone tender. We couldn’t pick up the baby back ribs with tongs without the bones falling off. Side Note: When should we cook baby back ribs directly in the liquid in the pressure cooker? Some of the baby back ribs’ meat flavor will transfer to the liquid when cooking it in the pressure cooker. It only makes sense to place the ribs in the cooking liquid if you are making the sauce in the pressure cooker at the same time. Because all the flavor that has gone into the sauce will be brushed back onto it. When should we cook baby back ribs on a trivet in the pressure cooker? However, if you’re discarding the cooking liquid in the pressure cooker afterwards or you’re using an already made/store-bought BBQ sauce, you should place the ribs on a trivet when cooking in the pressure cooker to preserve the flavors.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Getting ClassCast Exception on API 19 but working fine on API 21 I have implemented a material design navigation drawer and a custom toolbar. It works perfectly fine on Lollipop device. But when run on Android 4.4.4, it crashes with error mentioned below : java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.AbsListView$LayoutParams I have not changed any layout of navigation drawer. Code sample to set up drawer : mNavigationDrawerFragment = (NavigationDrawerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentById(R.id.fragment_drawer); // Set up the drawer. mNavigationDrawerFragment.setup(R.id.fragment_drawer, (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer), mToolbar); LogCat : java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.AbsListView$LayoutParams at android.widget.ListView.setupChild(ListView.java:1826) at android.widget.ListView.makeAndAddView(ListView.java:1793) at android.widget.ListView.fillDown(ListView.java:691) at android.widget.ListView.fillFromTop(ListView.java:752) at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren(ListView.java:1630) at android.widget.AbsListView.onLayout(AbsListView.java:2087) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1671) at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1525) at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1434) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:453) at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:388) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.onLayout(DrawerLayout.java:907) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.RelativeLayout.onLayout(RelativeLayout.java:1055) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:453) at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:388) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1671) at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1525) at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1434) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:453) at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:388) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1671) at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1525) at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1434) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:453) at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:388) at android.view.View.layout(View.java:14857) at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:4643) at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout(ViewRootImpl.java:2013) at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:1770) at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1019) at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:5725) at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:761) at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:574) at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:544) at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:747) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5086) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:785) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:601) Any help is appreciated. A: Android has made major changes in AppCompat v21. So, please refer to this link: http://android-developers.blogspot.in/2015/04/android-support-library-221.html
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Hiding a Datatables column on page load then using a checkbox to show or hide it Sorry if this is a dumb question but here's what i need to do. When the page loads, I have a DT column that needs to be hidden. I have a checkbox on the page will either show or hide the column depending on whether the checkbox is checked. Is there a way to do this with a combination of jquery and the datatables methods? I tried something where I hide the column on page load with jquery but when you toggle the checkbox and reload the page, it doesn't work right (probably due to the table and how it's getting redrawn). Code below. if (!userAccountsDTO) { userAccountsDTO = $adminUserAccountsTable.DataTable({ destroy:true, data:normalizedData, columns:userAccountsMap, autoWidth:false, paging:false, dom:'lftip', 2 = user name, 0 = invisible child indicator sort orderFixed: { post: [[2,'desc'],[0, 'desc']] }, order:[4,'asc'], language:{ search:'', searchPlaceholder:ax.L(5008), emptyTable: ax.L(905), zeroRecords: ax.L(905), info: tableFilters.info, infoFiltered: tableFilters.infoFiltered, infoEmpty: tableFilters.info }, rowCallback:function(row, data, index) { var $row = $(row); var uname = data.username.replace(/[@._#]/gi,'-'); var id = data.id; $row.data('username',uname); $row.data('id',id); if (!data.enabled) { $row.addClass('row-disabled'); } if (data.current_profile.id != data.default_profile.id) { $row.addClass('childrow un-'+id); } else { $row.addClass('parentrow un-'+id); } } }); ax.Utils.setupTableFiltering($adminUserAccountsTable, userAccountsDTO, MAX_RESULTS, { visibleOnly: true }); var $profileColumnHidden = $adminUserAccountsTable.find('.admin-user-accounts-profile-column').hide(); } else { userAccountsDTO.clear(); userAccountsDTO.search(''); userAccountsDTO.rows.add(normalizedData); userAccountsDTO.draw(); } //Checkbox $adminUserAccountsShowHideProfiles.change(function(e) { var $profileChildRows = $adminUserAccountsTable.find('tr.childrow'); var $profileColumn = $adminUserAccountsTable.find('.admin-user-accounts-profile-column'); if ( $(this).is(':checked') ) { $profileChildRows.show(); $profileColumn.show(); } else { $profileChildRows.hide(); $profileColumn.hide(); } }); A: create a css class for hiding particular column. table.hide_col tr > td:nth-child(1){ display:none } table.hide_col tr > th:nth-child(1){ display:none } add/remove class on checkbox click event $('table').addClass('hide_col') $('#chkShow').on('click', function(){ $('table').toggleClass('hide_col') }); http://jsfiddle.net/ercanpeker/0kpmjd1u/
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Sharepoint search query fields missing in my 2010 sharepoint version The below query i used to search the content of the MOSS 2007 site and SP 2010 site. I get the ContentType value in MOSS site.But if i use the same query with ContentType, It will give the malformed error. SELECT Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path, contentclass,FROM Scope() WHERE FREETEXT(DefaultProperties, '1') ORDER BY "Rank" DESC What the exactly the problem?. IS I need to add the ContentType column name in search service application(metadata propertie). or it need to do any configuration. Also i am using sharepoint search tool there itself for 2010 it's not showing the ContentType Column. A: Try using following query SELECT Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path, contentclass,FROM portal..scope() WHERE FREETEXT(DefaultProperties, '1') ORDER BY "Rank" DESC I had faced same issue while I consumed Search.asmx and searching for MOSS 2007 site and SP2010. I was getting proper data for MOSS 2007 using only scope() but for SP 2010 I need to put portal..scope(). Also have a look at here
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Islamic republic An Islamic republic is a sovereign state that is officially ruled by Islamic laws and is contrasted to Islamic monarchy. As a name or title, four states are Islamic republics, including Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania and Pakistan. Pakistan first adopted the title under the constitution of 1956; Mauritania adopted it on 28 November 1958; Iran adopted it after the 1979 Iranian Revolution that overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty; and Afghanistan adopted it in 2004 after the fall of the Taliban government. Despite having similar names, the countries differ greatly in their governments and laws. As a term, it has come to mean several different things, some contradictory to others. To some Muslim religious leaders in the Middle East and Africa who advocate it, an Islamic republic is a state under a particular Islamic form of government. They see it as a compromise between a purely Islamic caliphate and a secular, nationalist republic. In their conception of the Islamic republic, the penal code of the state is required to be compatible with some or all laws of Sharia and the state may not be a monarchy as many Middle Eastern states are presently. Iran officially uses it as a title in all governance names referring to the country (e.g. the Islamic Republic of Iran Army or the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) as opposed to its equivalents in Afghanistan which are called the Afghan National Army and the Radio Television Afghanistan. Unlike the others, Iran also uses the IRI acronym of the Islamic Republic of Iran as part of official acronyms. List of Islamic republics Current Afghanistan Afghanistan is an Islamic republic consisting of three branches, the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The nation is led by the president Ashraf Ghani, with Abdul Rashid Dostum and Sarwar Danish as the vice presidents. Abdullah Abdullah serves as the chief executive officer. The National Assembly is the legislature, a bicameral body having two chambers, the House of the People and the House of Elders. The Supreme Court is led by Chief Justice Said Yusuf Halem, the former Deputy Minister of Justice for Legal Affairs. Iraq Iraq, a country neighbouring Iran, is a federal Islamic republic. According to the constitution, it consists of a republican, representative, parliamentary and democratic system of government. Some Shiite leaders had proposed changing the country's official name to the Islamic Republic of Iraq, a move opposed by Iraq's secularists. Iran Two months after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the new government held the Iranian Islamic Republic referendum on 10 and 11 Farvardin (30 and 31 March) to change the Pahlavi dynasty into an Islamic republic. On 12 Farvardin (1 April), it was announced that 98.2% of the Iranian voters wanted to establish the Islamic republic. Before the referendum, some political groups suggested various names for the ideology of the Iranian revolution such as the Republic (without Islam) or the Democratic Republic. Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, asked people to vote for the name Islamic Republic, not a word more and not a word less. According to the constitution, the Islamic Republic of Iran is a system based on the following beliefs: Commentary According to a commentary on the constitution, just as the establishment of Islamic republic system is based on the beliefs of people, namely governing of right, justice and Quran. However, its continuation lasted with the same principles and there is an important role for the beliefs of Iranian people. Furthermore, those beliefs are of complete and determinate roles in all affairs. They are considered as guidelines for governors and statesmen. There is an important role for beliefs such as the principle of unity of God and believing in it. In spite of that, there are other principles are to the submission in front of Allah and His order. Therefore, legislation is limited to Allah and laws so far as correspond to divine legislation are valid. Belief in divine revelation and prophecy are essential to Islamic worldview and there are two kinds of justice. The first kind is legislative (Tashri'i) and the other kind is creative (Takivini). Creative justice is based on justice and equality. Legislative justice is respected to making divine law in Islamic society. Besides, the basis of Shia school is in terms of imamate or leadership. According to the principle of imamate in Shia, it is indispensable to obey of the prophet of Allah and of those possessed of authority. Shia clergy believes that the conception of the term "those possessed of authority" denoted on innocent Shia imams. When the Imam is absent, the valy faghih is in charge of leadership of society. In other words, religious leaders undertake the responsibility of the imamate. There is more emphasizing on the dignity (karamat) and the high value of humans which is along with freedom and responsibility. The principle of dignity is a necessary condition of the Islamic republic in terms of existence, but there are many meanings for the term dignity. Sometimes it refers to generosity, nobleness and honor, but Islam considers it two sorts of dignity for human beings, namely essential or innate dignity and acquired dignity. According to innate dignity, human being possessed of the right of living among other creatures. The principle is also mentioned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. On the basis of acquired dignity, the human is able to pass the degrees of perfection with the aid of actuality of his potentialities and talents. Opinions For the first time, Ruhollah Khomeini referred to the terms of Islamic republic for the Iranian people. He believes that the Iranian people want an Islamic state which is a republic. Responding to a journalist's question on the ambiguity of the term Islamic republic, Khomeini stated that the term republic has the same sense as other uses and Islamic republic has considered both Islamic ideology and the choice of people. Mauritania The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a country in the Maghreb region of western North Africa. Pakistan Pakistan was the first country to adopt the adjective Islamic to modify its republican status under its otherwise secular constitution in 1956. Despite this definition, the country did not have a state religion until 1973, when a new constitution, more democratic and less secular, was adopted. Pakistan only uses the Islamic name on its passports, visas and coins. Although Islamic Republic is specifically mentioned in the constitution of 1973, all government documents are prepared under the name of the Government of Pakistan. The Constitution of Pakistan, Part IX, Article 227 states: "All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah,in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions". Former Chechen Republic of Ichkeria The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria used an Islamic republic government system from 1996 to 2000. Comoros Between 1978 and 2000, the Comoros was the Federal and Islamic Republic of the Comoros. East Turkestan The Turkic Uyghur- and Kirghiz-controlled Turkish Islamic Republic of East Turkestan was declared in 1933 as an independent Islamic republic by Sabit Damulla Abdulbaki and Muhammad Amin Bughra. However, the Chinese Muslim 36th Division of the National Revolutionary Army defeated their armies and destroyed the republic during the Battles of Kashgar, Yangi Hissar and Yarkand. The Chinese Muslim Generals Ma Fuyuan and Ma Zhancang declared the destruction of the rebel forces and the return of the area to the control of the Republic of China in 1934, followed by the executions of the Turkic Muslim Emirs Abdullah Bughra and Nur Ahmad Jan Bughra. The Chinese Muslim General Ma Zhongying then entered the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar and lectured the Turkic Muslims on being loyal to the Nationalist Government. Gambia In December 2015, the then-president Yahya Jammeh declared The Gambia to be an Islamic republic. Jammeh said that the move was designed to distance the West African state from its colonial past, that no dress code would be imposed and that citizens of other faiths would be allowed to practice freely. However, he later ordered all female government employees to wear headscarves before rescinding the decision shortly after. The announcement of an Islamic republic has been criticized as unconstitutional by at least one opposition group. After the removal of Jammeh in 2017, his successor Adama Barrow said the Gambia would no longer be an Islamic republic. See also Application of sharia by country Christian republic Halachic state Islamic state Islamism Islamic religious police Political aspects of Islam References External links Islam and Politics from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives Constitution of Iran as an unofficial English translation hosted at University of Bern, Switzerland (with good summaries) Category:1956 introductions Category:Political terminology in Pakistan Republic
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Embryo cell wall properties in relation to development and desiccation in the recalcitrant-seeded Encephalartos natalensis (Zamiaceae) Dyer and Verdoorn. Plant cell walls are dynamic entities that may change with development, differ between plant species and tissue type and play an important role in responses to various stresses. In this regard, the present investigation employed immunocytochemistry to determine wall composition and possible changes during development of immature and mature embryos of the recalcitrant-seeded cycad Encephalartos natalensis. Fluorescent and gold markers, together with cryo-scanning and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were also used to analyse potential changes in the cell walls of mature embryos upon desiccation. Immature cell walls were characterised by low- and high methyl-esterified epitopes of pectin, rhamnogalacturonan-associated arabinan, and the hemicellulose xyloglucan. Arabinogalactan protein recognised by the LM2 antibody, along with rhamnogalacturonan-associated galactan and the hemicellulose xylan, were not positively localised using immunological probes, suggesting that the cell walls of the embryo of E. natalensis do not possess these epitopes. Interestingly, mature embryos appeared to be identical to immature ones with respect to the cell wall components investigated, implying that these may not change during the protracted post-shedding embryogenesis of this species. Drying appeared to induce some degree of cell wall folding in mature embryos, although this was limited by the abundant amyloplasts, which filled the cytomatrical space. Folding, however, was correlated with relatively high levels of wall plasticisers typified by arabinose polymers. From the results of this study, it is proposed that the embryo cell walls of E. natalensis are constitutively prepared for the flexibility required during cell growth and expansion, which may also facilitate the moderate cell wall folding observed in mature embryos upon drying. This, together with the abundant occurrence of amyloplasts in the cytomatrix, may provide sufficient mechanical stabilisation if water is lost, even though the seeds of this species are highly desiccation-sensitive.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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name = Products; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( 7AFFD8ED1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.h */, 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */, 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */, 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */, 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */, 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */, 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */, 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */, 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */, ); path = Runner; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */, ); name = "Supporting Files"; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; /* End PBXGroup section */ /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { isa = PBXNativeTarget; buildConfigurationList = 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */; buildPhases = ( 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */, 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */, 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */, 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */, 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */, 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */, ); buildRules = ( ); dependencies = ( ); name = Runner; productName = Runner; productReference = 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner.app */; productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; }; /* End PBXNativeTarget section */ /* Begin PBXProject section */ 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */ = { isa = PBXProject; attributes = { LastUpgradeCheck = 1020; ORGANIZATIONNAME = ""; TargetAttributes = { 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D = { CreatedOnToolsVersion = 7.3.1; }; }; }; buildConfigurationList = 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */; compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3"; developmentRegion = en; hasScannedForEncodings = 0; knownRegions = ( en, Base, ); mainGroup = 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D; productRefGroup = 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */; projectDirPath = ""; projectRoot = ""; targets = ( 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, ); }; /* End PBXProject section */ /* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */ = { isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */, 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */, 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */, 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; /* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = { isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( ); inputPaths = ( ); name = "Thin Binary"; outputPaths = ( ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; shellPath = /bin/sh; shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" embed_and_thin"; }; 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = { isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( ); inputPaths = ( ); name = "Run Script"; outputPaths = ( ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; shellPath = /bin/sh; shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" build"; }; /* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */ = { isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( 978B8F6F1D3862AE00F588F7 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */, 97C146F31CF9000F007C117D /* main.m in Sources */, 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; /* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */ 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */ = { isa = PBXVariantGroup; children = ( 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, ); name = Main.storyboard; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */ = { isa = PBXVariantGroup; children = ( 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, ); name = LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; /* End PBXVariantGroup section */ /* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; SDKROOT = iphoneos; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; }; name = Profile; }; 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; buildSettings = { ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = {{iosIdentifier}}; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; }; name = Profile; }; 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf; ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; ENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES; GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO; GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ( "DEBUG=1", "$(inherited)", ); GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; SDKROOT = iphoneos; TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; }; name = Debug; }; 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; SDKROOT = iphoneos; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; }; name = Release; }; 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; baseConfigurationReference = 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */; buildSettings = { ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = {{iosIdentifier}}; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; }; name = Debug; }; 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; buildSettings = { ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter", ); PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = {{iosIdentifier}}; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; }; name = Release; }; /* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ /* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */ = { isa = XCConfigurationList; buildConfigurations = ( 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, ); defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; defaultConfigurationName = Release; }; 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */ = { isa = XCConfigurationList; buildConfigurations = ( 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, ); defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; defaultConfigurationName = Release; }; /* End XCConfigurationList section */ }; rootObject = 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */; }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Compilations Others About Olivia Ruiz She's noted French singer Didier Blanc's daughter, but Olivia Ruiz really made a name for herself with a stint on the inaugural Star Academy television show (France's version of American Idol) in 2001. That led to a record deal, and her debut, J'aime pas l'Amour, was nominated for a Victoires de la Musique award. Despite her numerous legs up in the music world, Ruiz has always proved to follow her own muse, choosing to travel a sly, strange musical route rather than aim for the top of the pop charts. She asked a handful of her favorite musicians to pen songs for her first album; it worked so well that more signed on for the follow-up -- and Ruiz began trying her hand at composing as well. Her childish voice contrasts with the knowing, orchestral and at times carnival-esque nature of her songs. Sarah Bardeen Similar Artists Olivia Ruiz She's noted French singer Didier Blanc's daughter, but Olivia Ruiz really made a name for herself with a stint on the inaugural Star Academy television show (France's version of American Idol) in 2001. That led to a record deal, and her debut, J'aime pas l'Amour, was nominated for a Victoires de la Musique award. Despite her numerous legs up in the music world, Ruiz has always proved to follow her own muse, choosing to travel a sly, strange musical route rather than aim for the top of the pop charts. She asked a handful of her favorite musicians to pen songs for her first album; it worked so well that more signed on for the follow-up -- and Ruiz began trying her hand at composing as well. Her childish voice contrasts with the knowing, orchestral and at times carnival-esque nature of her songs. About Olivia Ruiz She's noted French singer Didier Blanc's daughter, but Olivia Ruiz really made a name for herself with a stint on the inaugural Star Academy television show (France's version of American Idol) in 2001. That led to a record deal, and her debut, J'aime pas l'Amour, was nominated for a Victoires de la Musique award. Despite her numerous legs up in the music world, Ruiz has always proved to follow her own muse, choosing to travel a sly, strange musical route rather than aim for the top of the pop charts. She asked a handful of her favorite musicians to pen songs for her first album; it worked so well that more signed on for the follow-up -- and Ruiz began trying her hand at composing as well. Her childish voice contrasts with the knowing, orchestral and at times carnival-esque nature of her songs. Others About Olivia Ruiz She's noted French singer Didier Blanc's daughter, but Olivia Ruiz really made a name for herself with a stint on the inaugural Star Academy television show (France's version of American Idol) in 2001. That led to a record deal, and her debut, J'aime pas l'Amour, was nominated for a Victoires de la Musique award. Despite her numerous legs up in the music world, Ruiz has always proved to follow her own muse, choosing to travel a sly, strange musical route rather than aim for the top of the pop charts. She asked a handful of her favorite musicians to pen songs for her first album; it worked so well that more signed on for the follow-up -- and Ruiz began trying her hand at composing as well. Her childish voice contrasts with the knowing, orchestral and at times carnival-esque nature of her songs. Sarah Bardeen
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: iOS Game Center submit float instead of int64_t I am trying to submit a float of two decimal length to my Game Center leaderboard, however the only format allowed to submit with is int64_t. I am using the default Apple report score method: - (void)reportScore:(int64_t)score forCategory:(NSString *)category { GKScore *scoreReporter = [[GKScore alloc] initWithCategory:category]; scoreReporter.value = score; [scoreReporter reportScoreWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSError *error) { [self callDelegateOnMainThread: @selector(scoreReported:) withArg: NULL error: error]; }]; } I am trying to use this method to provide the score to the report score method: - (IBAction)increaseScore { self.currentScore = self.currentScore + 1; currentScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%lld", self.currentScore]; NSLog(@"%lld", self.currentScore); } Please help, I have been googling like crazy and cannot find the answer to this. A: GameCenter only accepts int64_t The only difference between values that appear like floats or decimal values and those that appear as integers is the position of the decimal mark, while in fact all of them are int64_t. If your internal representation is a double and you configured game center to show 3 digits after the decimal mark you have to convert it to an integer by multiplying with 10^3 and casting to integer. int64_t gameCenterScore = (int64_t)(doubleValue * 1000.0f) A: You can only submit 64 bit integers as scores to a leaderboard. From the documentation: To Game Center, a score is just a 64-bit integer value reported by your application. You are free to decide what a score means, and how your application calculates it. When you are ready to add the leaderboard to your application, you configure leaderboards on iTunes Connect to tell Game Center how a score should be formatted and displayed to the player. Further, you provide localized strings so that the scores can be displayed correctly in different languages. A key advantage of configuring leaderboards in iTunes Connect is that the Game Center application can show your game’s scores without you having to write any code. That doc page should tell you about formatting your score. It sounds like in order to display float-like scores you will have to tinker with the format settings in iTunes Connect. Update Try this for increaseScore: - (IBAction) increaseScore { self.currentScore = self.currentScore + 5; float score = (float)self.currentScore / 100.0f; currentScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", score]; NSLog(@"%lld", self.currentScore); }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘Rsenal’ I am trying to use this source from github. devtools::source_url('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brooksandrew/Rsenal/master/R/bin.R') I could use this and work with it till few hours back. but now it gives me the following error Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘Rsenal’ The code is still there in the provided url. I did re run the following two commands but still not working. install.packages("devtools") library("devtools") What should I do to fix this issue? A: I believe your issue is arising because you are sourcing functions that live inside a package, that is meant to be distributed as a package. Instead of using devtools::source_url(), try this: devtools::install_github('brooksandrew/Rsenal') library("Rsenal") Once the package is properly installed, all of the primary functions (such as binCat()) should be available for use. I believe you ran into this error because some functions within the package probably depend on others that are not found within the two files you manually sourced. So when those lines are executed, R looks for the Rsenal package file and does not find them. Further troubleshooting would require a reproducible example.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Integrating social science and design inquiry through interdisciplinary design charrettes: an approach to participatory community problem solving. Interdisciplinary collaborations that aim to facilitate meaningful community outcomes require both the right mix of disciplinary knowledge and effective community participation, which together can deepen collective knowledge and the capacity to take action. This article explores three interdisciplinary design charrettes, intensive participatory workshops that addressed specific community problems and provided a context for integrating design and social science inquiry with local community knowledge. Evaluation data from the charrettes shed light on how students from the design and social science disciplines experienced the charrettes, and on their interactions with community members. Key advantages to this interdisciplinary, community-based collaboration included expanded knowledge derived from the use of multiple modes of inquiry, particularly the resulting visualization tools that helped community members understand local issues and envision novel solutions. Key drawbacks included difficulties in balancing the two disciplines, the tendency for social scientists to feel out of place on designers' turf, and the increased disciplinary and interpersonal conflicts arising from a more diverse pool of participants.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
2002–03 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team The 2002–03 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team represented Georgetown University in the 2002–2003 NCAA Division I basketball season. The Hoyas were coached by Craig Esherick and played their home games at the MCI Center in Washington, DC. The Hoyas were members of the West Division of the Big East Conference. They finished the season 19-15, 6-10 in Big East play. They advanced to the quarterfinals of the 2003 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament before losing to Syracuse. After declining to participate in the National Invitation Tournament (NIT) the previous season, they accepted an invitation to play in the 2003 NIT after failing to receive an NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament bid. Making Georgetown's fourth NIT appearance in six years, they became the second Georgetown mens basketball team in history to reach the NIT final and the first to do since the 1992-93 season, losing it to Big East rival St. John's. Season recap With forward Harvey Thomas having transferred to Daytona Beach Community College over the offseason after his freshman year, the Hoyas began the season with only senior center Wesley Wilson and junior power forward Mike Sweetney returning from the previous season's frontcourt. Wilson opted to leave the team at midseason – although he remained in school and graduated on time in May 2003 – and as a result Sweetney, a team co-captain, carried the scoring load for the team during the year, responsible for a third of its offense. Starting all 34 games, he scored in double figures in all of them and had double-figure rebound performances 16 times, and he led the team in scoring 25 times and in rebounding in 29 games. His best performances were 38 points and 15 rebounds against Notre Dame, 32 points and 13 rebounds at Syracuse, 28 points and eight rebounds against Pittsburgh, and 31 points and 19 rebounds in a game at the MCI Center against Syracuse. He led the team in scoring in 13 of its final 15 games and in every one of its last seven games. For the season, he shot 54.7 percent from the field and 73.8 percent from the free-throw line. His average of 25.1 points per game was the second-highest in school history, behind only Allen Iverson, and his 776 points were the third highest in a single season in Georgetown history. Junior forward Gerald Riley started all 34 games, as he would all 125 games of his collegiate career. Opposing defenses focused on stopping Sweetney, giving Riley more scoring opportunities than he had had during his first two seasons. He took advantage of those opportunities, scoring in double figures 26 times, shooting 42.2 percent overall from the field, 42.7 percent in two-pointers, and 41.5 percent from three-point range. In free throws, he shot 84.3 percent, including a perfect 43-for-43 from the line in 14 games combined, and he missed only a combined seven free throws in 16 Big East games. Freshman forward Brandon Bowman joined the team this season and started all 34 games, averaging 24 minutes, 7.6 points, and 4.5 rebounds per game. He shot 95-for-248 (38.3%) from the field, but only 10-for-55 (18.2%) from three-point range and only 3-for-19 (15.8%) in three-pointers during Big East games. His scoring improved as the season wore on, however, and he finished fourth in scoring on the team. Freshman guard Ashanti Cook, a high-school teammate of Bowmans, was another newcomer to the team. He was averaging 8.2 points per game and showing great promise when he suffered an ankle injury in the game against top-ranked Duke on January 8, 2003. The injury cost him a month of play, and when he returned to action it hobbled him for another month, and he scored a total of only 20 points over the final nine weeks of the regular season. Also debuting with the varsity team was sophomore forward Darrel Owens, who had sat out his freshman year in 2001-02. He saw limited time during the season, although he played in 32 of the 34 games and started one of them. His 11-point, four-rebound game at Duke was his best effort. The team opened the season 7-0, but went 7-13 the rest of the way to finish the regular season with a 14-13 overall record, 6-10 in the Big East, and a fifth-place finish in the conferences West Division. In the 2003 Big East Tournament, the Hoyas defeated Villanova in the first round. In the quarterfinals, they lost to Syracuse despite an 18-point game by Bowman. The teams Big East Tournament result left it with a 15-14 overall record, and it missed the NCAA Tournament for the fifth time in six years. Instead, it received an invitation to the 2003 National Invitation Tournament (NIT), its fifth NIT invitation and fourth NIT appearance in the previous six years. Cook finally began to return to form, scoring a season-high 16 points at Tennessee in the first round of the NIT, and Bowman shot 10-for-18 (55.6%) from the field in two NIT games. The Hoyas defeated Tennessee, then won at Providence and at North Carolina to advance to the semifinals at Madison Square Garden in New York City, their deepest run in a postseason tournament since they advanced to the East Region final in the 1996 NCAA Tournament. In the semifinals they defeated Minnesota – the team that had beaten them in the final game of the 1993 NIT – and advanced to the second NIT final in school history and first since 1993. As in 1993, they lost the final, succumbing to Big East rival St. John's, although the NCAA later vacated the 2003 NIT title when it was discovered that St. John's had used an ineligible player. At the end of the season, Georgetown extended head coach Craig Esherick′s contract through 2009. However, he was destined to last only one more season with the team. In June 2003, Mike Sweetney opted to forgo his senior year of college eligibility and enter the NBA Draft, the third player – after Allen Iverson in 1996 and Victor Page in 1997 – to break with the John Thompson, Jr.-Craig Esherick era′s tradition of basketball players staying a full four years and graduating. This was the last of three seasons in which Georgetown played as a member of the Big Easts West Division. For the following season, the Big East scrapped its divisions and returned to a unified structure. Roster Source Rankings The team was not ranked in the Top 25 in either the AP Poll or the Coaches' Poll at any time, but was among other teams receiving votes in both polls during some weeks. 2002–03 Schedule and results Source All times are Eastern |- !colspan=9 style="background:#002147; color:#8D817B;"| Preseason |- !colspan=9 style="background:#002147; color:#8D817B;"| Regular season |- !colspan=9 style="background:#002147; color:#8D817B;"| Big East Tournament |- !colspan=9 style="background:#002147; color:#8D817B;"| National Invitation Tournament Notes References Category:Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball seasons Georgetown Hoyas Georgetown Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Periodic reminder: right now all our Northwest flags are homemade, mostly by Comrade Steve, although there are a few others who have made their own. Steve may be contacted at edelweiss88_14@yahoo.com As far as I can recall, a standard-sized 3 X 5 Tricolor runs $50.00 plus shipping. Please don’t stiff Steve; I take altogether too many free flags from him as his “Party dues.” -HAC
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Clustering of metabolic comorbidity in schizophrenia: a genetic contribution? People with schizophrenia are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than the general population. Although an increased risk of diabetes has been attributed to environmental determinants such as diet, lifestyle and antipsychotic drugs, the association between these two disorders was noticed well before the advent of current lifestyles and pharmacological interventions, raising the possibility of a shared genetic basis. Schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes are common diseases with a complex mode of inheritance which includes both genetic factors and environmental determinants. As susceptibility genes for both type 2 diabetes and schizophrenia are beginning to be identified there is increasing interest in the possibility of shared susceptibility loci between the two conditions. This article reviews the genetic basis to schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes and discusses the potential for shared loci between both conditions.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Does She Know? Farrah Abraham's New Boyfriend Accused Of 'Verbal Abuse' & 'Violent Rages' –– Read The Restraining Order Does She Know? Farrah Abraham's New Boyfriend Accused Of 'Verbal Abuse' & 'Violent Rages' –– Read The Restraining Order Does She Know? Farrah Abraham's New Boyfriend Accused Of 'Verbal Abuse' & 'Violent Rages' –– Read The Restraining Order Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham seems so blissfully in love with her new boyfriend, real estate agent Simondeep “Simon” Saran, that the couple even plays happy family with her 5-year-old daughter Sophia. But RadarOnline.com can reveal that the 23-year-old’s Fresno, California-based lover has a sordid past with accusations of “violent outbursts” and “verbal abuse” in a romantic relationship. Saran’s ex-girlfriend and former coworker, San Diego native Josie Leisz, filed a temporary restraining order against the 26-year-old in August 2011, eight months after she says the relationship ended. In California court documents obtained exclusively be Radar, Leisz claimed Saran emotionally abused her during their relationship, hurling insults including “f***ing b*tch” and “stupid wh*re,” and exhibited “jealous and controlling” behavior. READ THE SHOCKING COURT DOCUMENTS “Simondeep would…take my phone and send messages to guys who texted me,” she said. “In these messages he would tell them to leave me alone and that I don’t like them, pretending to be me. Simondeep also did the same thing with my email account and facebook account.” After she ended the relationship, Leisz says an enraged, verbally abusive Saran refused to move out of her home, leaving her no choice but to move out herself. Two months later, Leisz claimed Saran “burst into a violent rage” when he ran into her at San Diego’s Ivy Hotel and Nightclub. “Simondeep came over to my table and very violently flipped the table over,” she recalled. “Simon then began screaming things at me and my friends and scaring us. Simon was yelling things to my friends like ‘I f***ed that b*tch every night’…The club manager had to kick him out of the club for the night.” She also alleged that his work behavior created a hostile environment. “We work together in real estate and he intentionally calls me to create an argument about work related things,” she wrote. “His abuse has left me unable to work without disruption.” The final straw came when Leisz accused Saran of breaking into her home on the morning of August 6, 2011 and threatening a male houseguest. “I’m gonna beat your ass f****t!” she claimed he screamed at the male friend. Leisz said she filed a police report. “I am filing a restraining order so that I can resume my life and feel safe when I go out with friends at night and when I go to work,” she said. A judge granted Leisz the temporary order of protection, and Saran was ordered to stay at least 100 yards away from his ex’s home, vehicle, workplace and school. The drama continued when Leisz filed another restraining order in January 2012, accusing Saran of obsessively texting and calling her, hacking into her email, swiping $4,000 form her PayPal account, and even stealing her truck. Saran denied his ex’s accusations. “I have not abused or threatened her and I am not a danger to her,” he insisted in court papers. “I have never caused, attempted to cause or threatened to cause her bodily harm.” In February 2012, he was granted his own restraining order against Leisz. He claimed his ex-girlfriend broke into his home the month prior and stole $1,700 cash, his checkbook, pictures and other personal items. “On May 7, 2011 she accessed my email account and sent obscene and sexually crude messages to a female friend of mine,” he wrote. “On January 15, 2011 she screamed at me, grabbed a pen and stabbed me several times in my chest area, ripped my shirt off, pulled my hair while calling me a ‘stupid Middle Eastern’ and ‘piece of sh*t.'” Leisz later filed a lawsuit against Saran and Empire West Reality, claiming unfair business practices, intentional infliction of emotional distress and defamation. Not to be outdone, Saran and his colleagues denied the charges, and responded with a lawsuit of their own. Should Farrah head for the hills? Sound off in the comments.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
FRESNO, California — Aaron McGlothin works as a corrections officer at the federal prison in Mendota, California. He’s had a decades-long, stable career in corrections. But with no paycheck in sight due to the government shutdown, the 43-year-old has started driving for Uber to help make ends meet. “It can be a little embarrassing,” he told VICE News while driving around Fresno in the rain on Saturday, looking for rides. “The embarrassing thing is, it's like, well — you have a job, you know? And then when people see this they're going to realize that, well heck, yeah you got a job, but you're not getting paid.” It’s a slow day, and after two hours of Ubering, McGlothin makes less than $10 — but at this point, anything’s worth it. “I live paycheck to paycheck,” he said. “I've got to have food on my table. I've got to have gas in my tank to get to and from work because I'm not getting paid. I've got to have heat, gotta have my lights on. I've got to have my electricity on.” McGlothin is one of 40,000 Federal Bureau of Prisons staffers nationwide, most of whom were deemed “essential” and therefore required to work without pay until the shutdown ends. Bureau staffers say they’re already dealing with low morale after years of cutbacks in their prisons, meaning more inmates with fewer guards and gear they worry is inadequate to protect them. And now they’re working without knowing when they’ll get paid. “Everybody's scared. They don't know what the hell's going on because this is different than 2013. We all went through the 2013 shutdown, and it was 16 days,” McGlothin said. “There was a different sense in Washington. They wanted to reopen. There's not that sense right now.” This shutdown started Dec. 22, and both sides seem pretty dug-in. The uncertainty means that some employees are having to forego child support payments, leave healthcare bills unpaid, and choose between putting food on the table or enough gas in their tanks to go to work. And John Kostelnik, a local union president at the federal prison complex in Victorville, California, says he’s worried about the mental toll the stress may take on his workers. “You walk behind these prison walls and deal with the worst of the worst. See some things you never want to see in your entire life,” he said.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
se -2 = -f, 4*x - 5*f = x - 19. Let b be (2000/x)/(d/495). Round b to the nearest 10000. -60000 Let a = 197.6 - 25.6. Let d = a + -178.55. What is d rounded to one dp? -6.6 Let j = -7 - -13. Let c = 4.5 - j. Let b = 2.4 - c. Round b to zero dps. 4 Let p(h) = h**3 - 6*h**2 - h + 1169. Let b be p(0). Round b to the nearest one hundred. 1200 Let b = -12.5 + 11. Let f = -1033929.8 + 1033928.2999993. Let v = f - b. Round v to six dps. -0.000001 Let h = 739.9 + -744.857. Round h to 1 decimal place. -5 Let j = 1.0026 + -0.892. What is j rounded to two decimal places? 0.11 Let q = -165.6274 - -182.15. Let c = 5.521 - q. Let p = c + 11. What is p rounded to four dps? -0.0016 Let s = -871 - -1809. Suppose -z + 1162 = -s. Round z to the nearest 1000. 2000 Let s = 1 - -0.9. Let a = s - 6.9. Let l = a - -5.0001. Round l to four decimal places. 0.0001 Let a be 3*(2 - (-24)/(-9)). Let q be a*(-3)/2 + 49297. Round q to the nearest ten thousand. 50000 Let l = 56.2 + -44. Let b = 12.1902 - l. Round b to 3 dps. -0.01 Suppose 0 = -2*p + 4*p - 84. Suppose -4*c - p = 3*c. Let w be c*(-4)/(-6) - -6400004. Round w to the nearest 1000000. 6000000 Suppose 4 = 10*o - 16. Suppose -23399975 = -o*n - 5*s - 0*s, -3*n - 2*s = -35099990. What is n rounded to the nearest 1000000? 12000000 Let a(m) = 5310*m**3 + m**2 + 4*m + 3. Let t be a(-1). Round t to the nearest one hundred. -5300 Let f = -253 + 252.99999791. Round f to six dps. -0.000002 Let b = -2780.0000005139 + 2780. What is b rounded to 7 dps? -0.0000005 Let i = 0.2 + 13.8. Let k = i + -39. Let v = 24.999924 + k. Round v to five decimal places. -0.00008 Let z = 16 + -19.9. Let l = 0.317 - -2.703. Let p = l + z. Round p to 1 decimal place. -0.9 Let i = -19.14 + 0.14. Let k = i - -125. Let d = k - 105.866. Round d to 2 dps. 0.13 Let k(c) = -5*c. Suppose -5*p - 64 = 2*d, 4*d - 2*d + 28 = -2*p. Let t = p - -18. Let b be k(t). What is b rounded to the nearest 10? -30 Let t = -28 - -36. Let z = 7 + t. Let m = 14.87 - z. What is m rounded to one decimal place? -0.1 Let g = -122452 - 1288848. What is g rounded to the nearest ten thousand? -1410000 Let d be (-12)/22 - (-150426)/(-99). What is d rounded to the nearest one hundred? -1500 Let o = 16.74 + -17. Let z = 15.8 + -16.02. Let q = o + z. Round q to 1 decimal place. -0.5 Let g = -320 + -83. Let w = g - -403.00171. Round w to 4 decimal places. 0.0017 Suppose 46*o + 142237869 + 155014131 = 0. What is o rounded to the nearest 1000000? -6000000 Let v = -550 - -549.99999929. Round v to seven dps. -0.0000007 Let s = -75 + 72.85. Let z = 2.1913669721 - 0.0413683621. Let o = s + z. What is o rounded to seven dps? -0.0000014 Let g = -2 + -2. Let h be (-30)/(-20) + (-8318)/g. Suppose 4*n - h = 1279. What is n rounded to the nearest 100? 800 Let m = -3946059273898 - -3946052612587.000124. Let b = -6661248 - m. Let f = -63 + b. What is f rounded to five decimal places? -0.00012 Let k = 1175.1404727655 - 6.1404785355. Let m = -1169 + k. Round m to 7 decimal places. -0.0000058 Let s = 48 - 48.081. Let h = s + 0.035. Let r = -0.04600222 - h. Round r to 7 decimal places. -0.0000022 Let r = 1153442 + -771442. Round r to the nearest 100000. 400000 Let s = -0.9 + -5.3. Let p = -4.1 - s. Round p to the nearest integer. 2 Let d be 60/(-50) + (-3846499958)/35. Round d to the nearest one million. -110000000 Let x = -8928 + 8927.5517. Round x to 2 decimal places. -0.45 Let r = 0.446 + -4.056. Let c = r - -0.41. Let j = 3.85 + c. What is j rounded to one dp? 0.7 Let f = -38526.945401 + -228677.054569. Let w = -267192 - f. Let z = 12 - w. What is z rounded to four decimal places? 0 Let w = -6.54 - -7.534. Round w to 1 dp. 1 Let f = 9.99 - 10.497. Let v = -8.3 - -8.83. Let o = v + f. What is o rounded to 2 decimal places? 0.02 Let m = -26 - -26.01. Let k = m + -63.01. Let x = k + 63.094. Round x to two decimal places. 0.09 Let x = -25 - -28. Suppose x*z - 246184 = -12184. What is z rounded to the nearest ten thousand? 80000 Let k = -0.061 + 1.391. Let m = 1.330236 - k. What is m rounded to 5 dps? 0.00024 Let h = 4212 + -4212.04017. What is h rounded to three dps? -0.04 Let d = -0.09 + 0.09. Let u = 0.0400062 - 0.04. Let n = d + u. Round n to six dps. 0.000006 Let x = -623.5 - -829. What is x rounded to the nearest ten? 210 Suppose -4*o = f + 20 + 87, 139 = -5*o - 3*f. What is o rounded to the nearest 100? 0 Let u = -21 + -12. Let i = 38.4 + u. Let c = i + -7.5. Round c to 1 decimal place. -2.1 Let y = 0.833 + -1.1218. What is y rounded to two dps? -0.29 Let d = -478 - -461.08. What is d rounded to the nearest integer? -17 Let p = 287183805 - 287183922.999801. Let k = p + 118. Round k to five decimal places. 0.0002 Let j = 1809.1 - 1779. What is j rounded to the nearest 10? 30 Let n = 661933 + -386207. Let p = n + -275710.99962. Let s = p + -15. Round s to 4 dps. 0.0004 Let t = -714 + 470. Let w = t - -235.0048. Let c = w + 9. What is c rounded to three dps? 0.005 Let j = 6079 - 6690.8. What is j rounded to the nearest 100? -600 Let v = -684 + 691.62. Let m = -0.38 - v. Let q = -8.0028 - m. What is q rounded to three decimal places? -0.003 Let i = -3231 - -2219. Round i to the nearest one hundred. -1000 Suppose w - 3*c = 330721, 0 = -3*w + w + 2*c + 661450. Let l = -94727 + w. What is l rounded to the nearest ten thousand? 240000 Let a(g) = 347*g**3 - 16*g + 119. Let p be a(11). Round p to the nearest 10000. 460000 Let a = 17.5 + -28. Let u = 212.5 - a. Let s = u + -223.00103. What is s rounded to 4 decimal places? -0.001 Let u = -30.19 + 30.18995463. What is u rounded to 5 decimal places? -0.00005 Let u = 164 + -164.000332. Round u to 4 dps. -0.0003 Let g = 943.481 - 903.46. Let t = g + -40. Let v = t + -0.02099852. What is v rounded to seven dps? 0.0000015 Let i = -1.202 - -1.202927. What is i rounded to four dps? 0.0009 Let t = 520254 + -60979. Let r = t + -17275. Round r to the nearest 10000. 440000 Let l(p) = 1285*p**3 + 4*p**2 + 2*p + 3. Let c be l(-1). Round c to the nearest 100. -1300 Suppose -3*w - 6*x = -8*x + 5582994, 2*x - 1860994 = w. Round w to the nearest 100000. -1900000 Let a = 39824918.36796055 - 39824915. Let n = a + -2.97796. Let s = 0.39 - n. Round s to 7 dps. -0.0000006 Let v = -54 - -27. Let r = 30.6 + v. What is r rounded to the nearest integer? 4 Let w be (-2 - (-6)/4)*-8. Suppose -15799984 = 2*h + w*b, 6155999 = -2*h + 2*b - 9644009. What is h rounded to the nearest 1000000? -8000000 Let q = -921.31 + 936. Let d = -2.39 + q. Round d to the nearest ten. 10 Let i = -73.301595 - -73.3. Round i to four dps. -0.0016 Let v be (348307 + 0)/(4 - 5). Let i = v + 664307. Round i to the nearest 100000. 300000 Suppose 5*s + 0*s + h + 145996 = 0, 4*h = -s - 29184. Round s to the nearest one thousand. -29000 Let h = 69114 - 123814. Round h to the nearest ten thousand. -50000 Let v = 4 + -4.24. Let l = v - 1.06. Round l to zero dps. -1 Let m = -53.06279 + 53.14. Round m to 3 dps. 0.077 Let o = 2.6785 + -0.2794. Let l = -110.4 - -112.8. Let j = o - l. What is j rounded to three decimal places? -0.001 Suppose 3*z + 3490 = 2*w, 0 = 5*z + 3*w + 4543 + 1280. What is z rounded to the nearest one hundred? -1200 Let k = -25026.13 + 24920. Round k to the nearest integer. -106 Let i be -109897 + (-2 - (7 - 6)). Round i to the nearest 1000. -110000 Let j be ((-1)/(-4 - -1))/((-2)/(-24)). Let d be ((-725)/5 - j) + -1. Round d to the nearest 10. -150 Let v(i) be the first derivative of i**4/2 + 2*i**3 + i**2 + 6*i + 1. Suppose -27*l + 11 = 200. Let q be v(l). What is q rounded to the nearest one thousand? 0 Let m be -16*6/((-288)/117060). Round m to the nearest one thousand. 39000 Let q = 11.93 + -1.9. Let g = 11.5 - q. Round g to one dp. 1.5 Let s = -3.3 + -49.7. Let h = 121 + s. Let o = h + -68.0156. Round o to three decimal places. -0.016 Let w = -3818 - -5861. What is w rounded to the nearest 100? 2000 Let l be -2*(-3)/(-12) + 2108/(-8). Let r = 436 - l. Round r to the nearest 1000. 1000 Let f = 2.323 - 0.023. Let w = f + -2.45. Let g = w + -0.59. What is g rounded to one decimal place? -0.7 Suppose 280*k - 300*k - 1761600000 = 0. Round k to the nearest 1000000. -88000000 Let w = -11739 - -19759. Round w to the nearest 100. 8000 Let c = -8.1 - -8.1214. What is c rounded to 2 decimal places? 0.
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
If the managerial economist brings certainty to the managerial decision by estimating his special knowledge, the ability of managing and uncertainty with technical information. then he will be very successful in his work. Following are the Role And Importance Of Managerial Economics: 1. Useful in Business Organization In any institution or firm. How should any production be done, and for whom should be produced? The answer to all these questions remains only with the managerial economy. Because he plays the most important role in these tasks. So we can say that managerial economics plays a very big role and significance in the important decisions of the business. So this is a very good Role And Importance Of Managerial Economics In Choosing Right Decisions of any business. 2. Helpful in Chalking Out Business Policies The art is only in business economics to maximize the profit of any institution and minimize cost. And whatever policies are made from this. It is very useful for any business or firm so that every firm and business can get the maximum benefit. Then we can say that there is a huge contribution of managerial economics to profit maximization and determining policies. It also helps in doing it. 3. Help in Business Planning Business economics is very useful in planning a complete prospect among the successful operation and production of any business or firm. Which acts as a balance bridge between the production tools and operating systems and where to go. So, this is the biggest and important role of business economics in any business or firm. 4. Helpful in Cost Control Managerial economics decides the business is going towards profit or loss. managerial economics decides which way is good for the business. And it is only possible when managerial economics plays a very big and important role in cost control decisions. Thus, the Role And Importance Of Managerial Economics In Choosing Right Decisions is very powerful. 5. Useful in Coordination of Business Activities Managerial economics is useful in coordinating the various activities of a business. 6. Useful In Demand for Casting Managerial economics provides useful tools for economics managers in demand forecasts and is useful in demanding production planning. The managerial economy deals with future losses easily. So that any business can be protected against future losses. 7. Helpful in Profit Planning and Control Managerial economics helps managers to decide on the planning and control of the benefits. Managerial Economics is synchronized between the planning and control of any institution or firm and hence its importance increases. Thus, It plays a huge role in business decisions. So its Role And Importance Of Managerial Economics In taking Right Decisions. Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature, Scope (Notes) 8. Helpful for Business Prediction It is not known to anyone about what is going on in the business. therefore, business economics tells us that the business can see what is troubling in the future. So Then the managerial economics gives its solutions. So that they can be avoided and the benefits can be increased. 9. Helpful in Price Determination Managerial Economics provides the necessary guidance in managing the pricing of its business. This proves this in order to raise the required data in pricing and get the maximum benefit. So, That is the major role of managerial economics in the business decision critical. Without this, no business can progress. Find More: 10. Helpful in Solutions of Business Taxation Problems Managerial Economics provides useful guidance in solving problems caused by various types of tax done in business. And contracting of business helps reduce problems. To maximize profit at low cost and minimize business costs. 11. Useful in Understanding the Mechanism of Economic System Managerial Economics/Business economics is useful in understanding the complex cause of the entire economy. From which business decisions get help. The entire economy is very complex but business economics solves it with ease. it is helpful to understand that in this way. So we can say that business economics has a very important role and role in business decisions. Elon Musk’s Top 12 Tips for Every Entrepreneur & Student (@elonmusk). 12. Helpful in Analysis of Effects of Government Policies Business economics/Managerial Economics helps in analyzing the effect of the various policies of the Government in the operation of the business sector. Reducing their bad influence and giving benefit to the good effect. When the government changes the day-to-day policy which has a bad effect on different types of businessmen. But Managerial Economics exploits this easily and benefits the business. 13. Attempt to Put Out the Friendly Business Managerial Economics guides managers to adjust to suit the external conditions of the business. It may be the type of external environment. such as government policies or business cycles, and many other conditions which affect the business. and give security business economics. 14. Supporting the Manufacture and Use of Models Managerial Economics creates an economic model for managers to inspire their use in business. In order to maximize production and maximum profit, at least cost can be paved. Thus, Business economics only tells how to manage everything in a way that everything should be corrected in order to maximize profits. Business economics has a very important role and role in doing all this work in business decisions. 15. Useful in Showing the Path of Economic Well-Being Managerial Economics inspires managers to operate the business in such a way that the path of maximum economic welfare is paved. 16. Gives the Right Direction Inside the business, managerial economics has a very big role because it handles that business. He shows the right path to every member of the business, and also gives the right direction of what his duty and job. 17. Maintains of Costs It is the job of managerial economics to say how much to spend in business and how to spend those expenses so that it can get more profit at lower costs and increase business growth. 18. Distribute Profit Inside any business, managerial economics tells us how to distribute the profits and invest in where to make the business more profitable in the coming time and more growth in the business field. 19. Measurement of the Efficiency of the Firm Managerial Economics provides useful tools for managers in measuring the efficiency of the business firm. Managerial Economics plays big salient features and significance of managerial economics In choosing the right decisions in helping business in many ways. It shows the firm’s successful operation 1. demand forecasting, 2. Business planning and profit maximization and economic well-being.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Chronic cigarette smoking is very common in alcohol use disorders (AUD). Nevertheless, the effects of chronic smoking on in-vivo measures of brain injury in alcohol-dependent individuals have not been studied. Thus, it is unknown if the full extent of brain atrophy, cell membrane and microstructural injury, derangement of neurometabolism, low cerebral blood flow, and neurocognitive dysfunction described in alcohol dependence are solely attributable to chronic alcohol use, or if chronic smoking influences these measures. Preliminary results from our ongoing magnetic resonance (MR) and cognitive studies indicate that chronic smoking appears to exacerbate alcohol-induced abnormalities in brain morphology, neurochemistry, and blood flow, and may adversely affect recovery of surrogate markers of neuronal and cell membrane/myelin integrity as well as aspects of neurocognition during short-term abstinence from alcohol. The main goal of this competing continuation is therefore to test in treated alcohol dependent individuals (i) if chronic smoking compounds alcohol-induced neurobiological brain injury, (ii) if chronic smoking effects are functionally significant, and (iii) if chronic smoking influences recovery of alcohol-induced neurobiological and neurocognitive dysfunction during abstinence from alcohol. We will continue to apply an integrative approach of combining information from different MR modalities and neurocognitive testing in the same individual longitudinally to assess the neurobiological and functional consequences of chronic smoking in treated alcohol-dependent individuals. Specifically, we will continue our longitudinal 1.5 Tesla MR studies to quantitate regional brain structure, brain metabolites (reflecting neuronal and myelin viability), and regional cerebral blood flow as well as repeat comprehensive neurocognitive testing. In addition, new MR studies at high magnetic field (4T) will improve the quality of cerebral blood flow and diffusion data, and will measure cortical levels of glutamate and Y-aminobutyric acid, amino acids critically involved in the initiation and maintenance of substance dependence. Relationships of MR-derived and neurocognitive measures will determine the functional relevance of neurobiological measures and their changes over time and test the effects of chronic smoking on functional neurocircuitry in alcoholism. This application is responsive to PA-05-074 in that the proposed research will improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying alcohol- and smoking induced brain injury and its potential reversibility with abstinence from alcohol. Chronic smoking may have hitherto unrecognized but significant contributions to these neurobiological processes and their cognitive and clinical consequences. The knowledge to be gained from this translational research can be used directly for public education, in new approaches to pharmacologic and behavioral interventions for AUD, and in monitoring treatment outcome.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
'They're just wrong': A financial expert fires back at people who say you should rent a home instead of buy For many, buying a home marks the realization of the American dream. But experts are split on whether it's really a worthwhile investment anymore. According to author and blogger James Altucher, it's financial suicide. He argues that purchasing a home is actually a bad investment because it ties up the majority of your money in one place, and the market is rarely favorable to sell — not to mention the slew of expenses for maintenance and repairs. Altucher's not the only one rallying against home ownership. Grant Cardone, bestselling author, speaker, and motivator, has called buying a home "a scam." Cardone previously told Business Insider that the best investment you can make is in your freedom, and owning a house destroys that freedom by eliminating your choices and tying you to one place. Bestselling author David Bach, who is releasing an updated version of his hit book "The Automatic Millionaire" this December, calls such views 'ridiculous' and argues that homeownership is a timeless principle of building wealth that, while boring, still works. "The pundits that say homeownership doesn't work: They're just wrong," Bach told Business Insider during a Facebook LIVE. "Homeowners in this country are worth 38 times what a renter is. If you want to guarantee yourself financial insecurity, rent for the rest of your life." Bach argues that choosing to buy instead of rent sets you up for a secure — and fruitful — financial future because paying off your mortgage eliminates your monthly housing expense while enabling you to continue growing your wealth in other ways. "You have to live somewhere for the rest of your life. You're either paying a landlord who's going to build wealth, or you're paying yourself," he explains. Bach gives the example of a couple who bought an average-sized home, worth around $250,000, to raise their kids in. They worked to pay down their mortgage early and owned it outright in 18 years. Instead of moving up into a bigger home once the mortgage was paid off, they moved into another similarly sized house and paid that off while renting out their original place. By 55, the couple was earning a steady rental income and living debt-free in a home they owned. While this situation won't work out for every family, Bach's point still stands: Owning a home can help create avenues to build wealth, whether it's from profiting off a rental property or saving the money that would otherwise be put toward rent. "Ultimate financial security comes from buying the home that you live in, paying it down, and getting it debt-free," he says. Watch more from Business Insider's Facebook LIVE interview with David Bach:
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Friday, December 9, 2016 A BUYING GUIDE - SUCCEED IN FINDING THE BEST KITCHEN FAUCETS By: Gigi Frost I have been involved in extensive Do-It-Yourself projects for my home. One of our largest projects was the kitchen. Of course, like everyone else, the cabinets needed to pop. My husband and I chose a silvery white paint for the surrounding cabinets and saved the drawers and cabinets under the island for an off-black, cracked pepper color. It turned out to be stunning. We had originally considered removing all the granite counters and opting for marble, but the new paint job made the counters look a little darker (which is what we were trying to go for). As our renovations progressed, I realized something quite important. It never occurred to me to study kitchen faucets. I always figured that I could go to Home Depot and choose the one that look nice.Boy, was that a mistake. The initial faucet I chose was done rather haphazardly and I chose an elongated, beautifully looped monstrosity. Once we installed it, the faucet sprayed water everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Unless we were planning on using it as a trickle system, there was no way that the faucet was meant for an ordinary sink. Even though I had found it in the "household kitchen faucet" section, it was incredibly ignorant to proceed blindly into purchasing something so crucial. That's when it occurred to me, had I done the proper research to begin with, we would not have had to waste so much time and energy figuring out the obvious.I recently published a buying guide for kitchen faucets on Amazon.com. I researched products carefully and went through, step-by-step, every single consideration a buyer must make before purchasing a kitchen sink. I also added reviews and studies of the differences and similarities in the faucets. This gives a bare-bones look at how every person should approach faucet buying, before going out to make purchases that could potentially cause an enormous issues later down the line. 1 comment: Only aspire to mention ones content can be as incredible. This clarity with your post is superb and that i may think you’re a guru for this issue. High-quality along with your concur permit me to to seize your current give to keep modified by using approaching blog post. Thanks a lot hundreds of along with you should go on the pleasurable get the job done.Bathroom Sink Faucets About Me I love to read. I am very much an advocate for all those who cannot help themselves. Children and the elderly are at the top of my list. It is our responsibility as a society to help each other and do what is right... Not what is easy. I love my family and I stick to my core beliefs. I respect that everyone comes from a different way of life and I welcome the wide assortment of opinions and thoughts that make up a person's character. Welcome to my corner of the world.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Close to Closure It may not look like it from the outside, but Bowie Memorial Hospital is struggling. Many portions of the hospital, including the assisted living facility, have been sold in recent years. The latest issues with the building were caused by recent heavy rains. "We have an 25 year old roof that needs replacing. And we don't have the funds to replace the roof, Bowie Memorial Hospital CEO Lynn Heller said. On top of that, 20 percent of the rooms in Bowie Memorial are flooded out and can't be used, a big inconvenience to the 1100 people the hospital serves each month. If the hospital closes, officials say, the negative impact would be much more far reaching than just with the patients. 150 employees would lose their jobs, with up to five hundred Bowie employees facing the ax over 18 months. Also, without the hospital, it is unclear if the city would keep it's ambulance service. Bowie may additionally end up having to switch to a volunteer fire department. "People are talking to other communities that have lost their hospitals, and they've been saying, 'don't do it!'" Heller said. According to Heller, If doors close at Bowie Memorial for the final time, it will cause a domino effect. "As far as Bowie residents go, the value of their homes is going to go down, there insurance on their homes is probably going to go up." The proposed property tax to save the hospital, 18.5 cents per $100 value, has sparked fierce debate, with some opponents referring to it as a bailout. But, one resident who was visiting her grandmother today posed an important question. "If your son is at a football game and your son gets knocked unconscious, do you want to wait 30 minutes for the ambulance to come form Decatur, or do you want to wait 5 minutes to come from across town?" It's a question officials are looking to answer come the November election. They will submit a petition to create a hospital district to the county judge by next Monday. For now, Heller says making the hospital a medical taxing district is the hospital's last chance. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File). FILE - In this March 15, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump talks with reporters during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Trump is questioning the impartiality of Robert Mueller's investig... The president has long been frustrated by the lengthy and intensifying probe and insists his 2016 presidential campaign did not collude with Russia to influence the election in his favor. The president has long been frustrated by the lengthy and intensifying probe and insists his 2016 presidential campaign did not collude with Russia to influence the election in his favor. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File). FILE - This Monday, June 19, 2017, file photo shows a user signing in to Facebook on an iPad, in North Andover, Mass. Facebook has a problem it just can’t kick: People keep exploiting it in ways that could sway election... News reports that Facebook let the Trump-affiliated data mining firm Cambridge Analytica abscond with data from tens of millions of users mark the third time in roughly a year the company appears to have been outfoxed in this way. News reports that Facebook let the Trump-affiliated data mining firm Cambridge Analytica abscond with data from tens of millions of users mark the third time in roughly a year the company appears to have been outfoxed in this way.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Product Description Capture the epitome of elegance with this Floral Print Maxi Dress. You are guaranteed to turn heads at your next event or social function. Made with soft and silky jersey fabric with the right amount of stretch, this gorgeous mint floral patterned maxi dress will sweep their attention. Looking to complete the outfit? Pair this dress with some gladiator sandals that are so on-trend this season. The contrast of the gorgeous mint and fun vermillion and navy floral print gives this maxi dress the perfect finishing touch. Buy yours today, and capture the attention of all who see you. You were meant to look this good: it’s time you treated yourself.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a power supply for positive and negative output voltages, which is enabled to generate a predetermined negative output voltage together with a positive output voltage converted from a power supply voltage by using a switching power circuit that employs a coil. 2. Description of the Related Art In a related-art, a switching power supply employing a coil as a DC-DC converter for generating a voltage differing from a power supply voltage has been used. In a case where the switching power supply is of, for example, the step-up type, a high voltage is obtained from a DC input voltage by turning on and off electric current, which is fed to a coil, through the use of a switch. Then, the high voltage is rectified and smoothed. Thus, a raised output voltage is obtained (see M. Suzuki, “Teihon Zoku Toransistor Kairo No Sekkei”, CQ Publishing Co., Ltd., Jul. 1, 1997, p. 250–p. 253). To generate a voltage (a negative output voltage) of a polarity differing from a power supply voltage, a negative output voltage is generated from a power supply voltage by using a negative output voltage charge pump circuit. In a case where the voltage is changed to a constant voltage, it is necessary to obtain a predetermined negative output voltage from the generated negative output voltage by using a series regulator or the like (see JP-A-2000-91503). In recent years, the number of electronic devices (for instance, CCD cameras), which individually require a predetermined positive output voltage power supply and another predetermined negative output voltage power supply, has been increased. However, a related switching power supply circuit, which employs a coil and is generally used as a DC-DC converter, can get only a positive output voltage. When not only a positive output voltage but a predetermined negative output voltage is needed, a negative output voltage obtained by the combination of the related negative output voltage charge pump circuit and the series regulator has been additionally provided. In the case that a positive output voltage power supply circuit and a negative output voltage power supply circuit are separately provided, the number of components increases, and a required space increases. Also, the related art has a problem that the cost increases.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: Animated ImageIcon as Button I have an imageIcon as Button, now i would to animate it when you rollover. I tried to use a animated gif (without loop) on setRolloverIcon(Icon). But when i hover again on the button the gif is not playing again. When i use a looped gif then it plays it from a random frame. I tried using paintComponent to draw a Shape or an image as Button, which works fine, but even when i use setPreferredSize() or setSize() or setMaximumSize() the Button uses its default size, as you can see in the picture (middle button). Im using GroupLayout, might this be the problem? A: Seems to work just fine for me... I used the following icons...(png and gif)... import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; public class AnimatedButton { public static void main(String[] args) { new AnimatedButton(); } public AnimatedButton() { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } catch (InstantiationException ex) { } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) { } JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.add(new TestPane()); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); } public class TestPane extends JPanel { private ImageIcon animatedGif; public TestPane() { setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); JButton btn = new JButton(new ImageIcon("WildPony.png")); btn.setRolloverEnabled(true); animatedGif = new ImageIcon("ajax-loader.gif"); btn.setRolloverIcon(animatedGif); add(btn); btn.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { animatedGif.getImage().flush(); } }); } } } I just realised that you are using a non-looping gif. This means you are going to nee to try and "reset" to start it playing again. Try using something like icon.getImage().flush();, where icon is your ImageIcon. You're going to have to attach a MouseListener to the button to detect the mouseEnter event and reset the ImageIcon...
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Physico-chemical properties and biological effects of diesel and biomass particles. Diesel combustion and solid biomass burning are the major sources of ultrafine particles (UFP) in urbanized areas. Cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, including lung cancer, are possible outcomes of combustion particles exposure, but differences in particles properties seem to influence their biological effects. Here the physico-chemical properties and biological effects of diesel and biomass particles, produced under controlled laboratory conditions, have been characterized. Diesel UFP were sampled from a Euro 4 light duty vehicle without DPF fuelled by commercial diesel and run over a chassis dyno. Biomass UFP were collected from a modern automatic 25 kW boiler propelled by prime quality spruce pellet. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of both diesel and biomass samples showed aggregates of soot particles, but in biomass samples ash particles were also present. Chemical characterization showed that metals and PAHs total content was higher in diesel samples compared to biomass ones. Human bronchial epithelial (HBEC3) cells were exposed to particles for up to 2 weeks. Changes in the expression of genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism were observed after exposure to both UFP already after 24 h. However, only diesel particles modulated the expression of genes involved in inflammation, oxidative stress and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), increased the release of inflammatory mediators and caused phenotypical alterations, mostly after two weeks of exposure. These results show that diesel UFP affected cellular processes involved in lung and cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Biomass particles exerted low biological activity compared to diesel UFP. This evidence emphasizes that the study of different emission sources contribution to ambient PM toxicity may have a fundamental role in the development of more effective strategies for air quality improvement.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
//// compiled primitives for tables COMPILE_FN(table, compiledfn_table, "()", return mkref(new_table()); ) COMPILE_FN(table_set, compiledfn_table_set, "($table $key $val)", cell* table = lookup("$table"); cell* key = lookup("$key"); cell* val = lookup("$val"); if (is_table(table)) put(table, key, val); else RAISE << "can't set in a non-table: " << table << '\n'; return mkref(val); ) COMPILE_FN(table_get, compiledfn_table_get, "($table $key)", cell* table = lookup("$table"); cell* key = lookup("$key"); return mkref(get(table, key)); ) COMPILE_FN(table_to_list, compiledfn_table_to_list, "($table)", cell_map table = to_table(lookup("$table"))->value; cell* result = new_cell(); cell* curr = result; for (cell_map::iterator p = table.begin(); p != table.end(); ++p) { if (!p->second) continue; add_cons(curr, new_cons(p->first, new_cons(p->second))); curr=cdr(curr); } return drop_ptr(result); ) COMPILE_FN(table_length, compiledfn_table_length, "($table)", cell_map table = to_table(lookup("$table"))->value; return mkref(new_num((long)table.size())); )
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
If you want a look at what it's like to be a woman working in the video game industry, then take a look at the #1ReasonWhy hashtag that's been trending on Twitter this week. Hundreds of female game developers, designers, publicists, journalists and other professionals are in the midst of detailing the sexism they've experienced in the workplace, encountered while playing video games and found in the gaming community at large. After Luke Crane, Games Project Specialist at Kickstarter, tweeted the question "Why are there so few lady game creators?" the #1ReasonWhy hashtag became the launching point for not only answering that question, but for outlining exactly why women don't feel comfortable or welcome in the video game industry in the year 2012. And this is the ugly truth as laid out by those who do work in the industry: "#1reasonwhy because when I tell people I'm a designer, I without fail get 'Really? You don't look like you play games. Guys must love you,' " tweeted game designer Alexis De Girolami. "#1reasonwhy b/c when my desk was nr the door, most clients thought I was the receptionist. This didn't happen to male dev after desk swap," writes developer Helen Smailes. "Because I got blank stares when I asked why a female soldier in a game I worked on looked like a porn star," tweeted designer Caryn Vainio. Stephanie Harvey, a game designer at Ubisoft and professional "Counter Strike" player, tweeted "Here is what I get everyday," as she shared a link to a collection of screenshots she's captured revealing the insults (most of them unprintable) leveled at her when she's gaming. Meanwhile, Tara J. Brannigan, community marketing manager for PopCap Games, tweeted that she has "been groped by strangers at least once at nearly every major (game) conference." And she's not alone. Wrote Filamena Young, "Because conventions, where designers are celebrated, are unsafe places for me. Really. I've been groped." And that's just the beginning. The hashtag has spawned an outpouring of tweets about unequal pay (which Lindsay Morgan Lockhart, "Halo 4's" narrative designer, calls "staggering") uncomfortable working environments and an industry where women gamers are little more than an afterthought. As a lifelong gamer and a game journalist for more than a decade, I can say that I have learned to expect that vicious, sexist comments will be hurled my way should I dare write about the preposterous outfits female game characters are put in. I've learned that using a female avatar or female-sounding gamertag in an online game means dealing with unwelcome and unwanted advances. And I've grown used to trolls who question whether I really play hardcore games or who deride me for writing about casual "women's" games. (Apparently I'm not capable of the former and am not a "real gamer" if I enjoy the latter). Clearly, this is not about one reason why ... this is about hundreds, even thousands of reasons why. Of course, the Twitter uprising hasn't been without its detractors and trolls — these are the men who basically prove the point that the #1reasonwhy hashtag is so elegantly making. "I look at #1ReasonWhy and I laugh at all the feminists who think they matter. If you were good in your field, you wouldn't be misrepresented," tweeted Dillon Paradis. But as upsetting and maddening as it is combing through these experiences and the backlash, one thing is clear: This outpouring is just the latest sign that women (and men) are fed up with the game business as usual and have no intention of quietly putting up with the sexism any longer. Not only has the website Fat, Ugly or Slutty been outing the online gaming ugliness with humorous flair, but at the Penny Arcade Expo this summer, the video game convention saw a half dozen panel discussions addressing and looking for solutions to the harassment and sexism that not only women gamers, but gay and transgender gamers, face. Check out this video from the "Harassment and Bullying in Online Games: Technical Solutions" panel for a fascinating look at the problem and some of the proposed solutions. Meanwhile, women game industry pros are seizing this moment, harnessing the #1reasonwhy fervor and turning the ugliness they've revealed into a catalyst for change. "Tomb Raider" and "Mirror's Edge" writer Rhianna Pratchett, started the hashtag #1reasontobe, highlighting reasons women should work in the game industry. "#1reasontobe Because I get to explore my creativity in a rapidly evolving medium, full of unique, exciting challenges," she tweeted. And even more importantly, women game professionals are using the movement to start a mentoring program. "Speak up if you're willing to be a mentor to women looking to get into the industry!" tweeted Ann Lemay, a writer for BioWare, promoting the new #1reasonmentors hashtag. And many women and men in the industry — from game companies big and small — have responded to the call for mentors, offering their time and advice to women who dare and dream to join this troubled industry. (You can find a list of the mentoring resources compiled here.) Artist and animator Emily Compton, perhaps summed it up best, "If #1reasonwhy made us mad about our industry today, #1reasonmentors makes us hopeful and glad. Onward and upward." Winda Benedetti writesabout video games for NBC News. You can follow her tweets about games and other things on Twitter here @WindaBenedetti and you canfollow her on Google+. Meanwhile, be sure to check out the IN-GAME FACEBOOK PAGE to discuss the day's gaming news and reviews.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
# The Lambda Trilogy > Note, deployment instructions are at the bottom of this readme. The three states of AWS Lambda are something that has been discussed by many serverless heroes since their invention. This is probably the most controversial subject in all of serverless so I am not going to tell you which of the three is the best because like everything you need to adapt the right implementation to fit your context! Some examples from [Paul Swail](https://twitter.com/paulswail), [Yan Cui](https://twitter.com/theburningmonk), [Jeremy Daly](https://twitter.com/jeremy_daly) and others: - [Jeremy Daly & Paul Swail Serverless Chats #41](https://www.serverlesschats.com/41) - [Jeremy Daly Off By None](https://www.jeremydaly.com/newsletter-issue-63/) - [Yan Cui Presentation (slide 41 on)](https://www.slideshare.net/theburningmonk/beware-the-potholes-on-the-road-to-serverless-224107000) - [Yan Cui re:Invent 2019](https://d1.awsstatic.com/events/reinvent/2019/REPEAT_1_How_to_refactor_a_monolith_to_serverless_in_8_steps_API310-R1.pdf) - [Yan Cui Hackernoon - monolithic or single purpose functions?](https://hackernoon.com/aws-lambda-should-you-have-few-monolithic-functions-or-many-single-purposed-functions-8c3872d4338f) - [Yan Cui monoliths vs cold starts](https://theburningmonk.com/2018/02/aws-lambda-monolithic-functions-wont-help-you-with-cold-starts/) - [J D Hollis medium.com](https://medium.com/statics-and-dynamics/should-i-use-a-single-monolithic-lambda-function-or-multiple-lambda-functions-with-api-gateway-d99b0230f1e7) - [Ryanne Dolan medium.com](https://medium.com/@ryannedolan/aws-lambda-and-the-monolith-a0eb2d1516ef) The three states are: ![arch](img/the-single-purpose-function.png) ### Description This is the purest of all the serverless patterns. Each lambda does one unique function and the code is in its own file. ### Pros - Maximum code reusability - Forces you to write more testable code - Introduces lowest cognitive burden for developers making changes to that individual function - Easier to optimize your lambda execution times and by extension costs ### Cons - Only works for fully event driven architectures - Seeing the bigger picture, congnitive burden increases as system wide changes are talked about - Maintenance as it grows (how do you make sure 7000 lambdas have no code vulnerabilities?) ![arch](img/the-fat-lambda.png) ### Description This is a compromise option where we can still have individual lambdas but we group the actual code together in one (or more) files. You would decide what goes into a file based on low coupling, high cohesion arguments like in traditional development. ### Pros - Related logic is grouped together making your code easier to see the bigger picture - Code can easily be shared between lambda functions without needing things like layers - Security footprint reduced as updating one file can update many lambda functions ### Cons - How big is too big? Every extra byte of code added slows your lambda cold start times. - Increased blast radius of changes. Now one line of code being changed could bring down a section of your infrastructure instead of one lambda. ![arch](img/the-lambda-lith.png) ### Description This is using the lambda runtime container like a docker container. You use a web framework like Flask or Express and put them inside the lambda, then have your api gateway pass all requests through to the lambda and have that framework process the request. ### Pros - You can have an identical local development experience to deployed since you are using no AWS specific features - The code could be moved to Fargate later if it got too big for lambda with minimal changes (or another cloud) - Developers already know these frameworks ### Cons - Is this really what Lambda excels at? The larger project sizes will increase cold start times and there will be restrictions on incoming/outgoing payload sizes - Higher exposure to cold starts as the lambda will spend longer processing events - Lower levels of code reuse as probably still building the traditional ball of mud - Adapters required to make existing frameworks work with lambda. These are in various states of maturity and are another potential vulnerability in your app. ## Deconstructing The Lambda Trilogy If you want a walkthrough of the theory, the code and finally a demo of the deployed implementation check out: [![Alt text](https://img.youtube.com/vi/tHD3i06Z6gU/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHD3i06Z6gU) ## What's In This CDK Pattern? I have bundled fully TypeScript and fully Python versions (including the lambdas) for all 3 lambda states inside this pattern because most of the logic takes place outside the AWS CDK infrastructure code. The logic that I have used to demonstrate these patterns is a partially functional calculator. This calculator can only perform three functions (It was on sale): - Add - Subtract - Multiply When you deploy this project you should have 3 API Gateways in your deployment logs, one for each of the states. You can hit the same URLs on all 3 to see the same responses. You pass in two query params for the numbers you want to use in the operation (firstNum and secondNum). If you don't provide a valid a default of 0 is used. ``` Addition - https://{api gateway url}/add?firstNum=3&secondNum=4 Subtraction - https://{api gateway url}/subtract?firstNum=4&secondNum=3 Multiply - https://{api gateway url}/multiply?firstNum=3&secondNum=4 ``` ## There's A Lot Of Code Here, What Should I Actually Look At? There are 3 distinct CDK stacks in this project which are all instantiated in the [bin file](bin/the-lambda-trilogy.ts). When CDK deploys this application you should see 3 different cloudformation stacks in the AWS Console and if you update the code in one but not the other 2 you should see CDK only deploy the one you changed. This is a pretty cool, advanced feature of AWS CDK. ![bin file](img/bin.png) ### TheSinglePurposeFunctionStack You can see inside our [stack definition](lib/the-single-purpose-function-stack.ts) that this project has 3 endpoints defined on the api gateway and 3 [lambdas](lambdas/single-purpose-function) defined. ![api gateway](img/spf_apigw.png) If you look carefully inside each lambda you will notice that they only perform a single operation (add, subtract or multiply) but you will also see a [duplicated function](lambdas/single-purpose-function/add.ts#L16) sendRes that formats the response from the Lambda for API Gateway. ![lambda](img/spf_add_lambda.png) You could use layers or create a package that you install via npm for these kinds of things but in the purest representation of this pattern for the purpose of autonomy you see small levels of code duplication. This is a positive when you want to move a different direction with one function and a negative if you need to update them all. ### TheFatLambdaStack The big difference between this implementation and the one above is that all 3 functions (add, subtract and multiply) are inside the same [TS file](lambdas/fat-lambda/fat-lambda.ts). This means that we can still define 3 lambdas inside our cdk logic but we point to a different method in the same file all 3 times: ![lambda definition](img/fl_cdk.png) You should also notice that the [sendRes method](lambdas/fat-lambda/fat-lambda.ts#L49) is no longer duplicated with this pattern as all 3 lambdas can just call the same one. ### TheLambdalithStack OK, this state is very different from the other two. The cdk for this is bare bones, just one lambda function and a proxy api gateway: ![lambdalith cdk](img/lambdalith_cdk2.png) All of the action takes place inside [the lambda-lith](lambdas/the-lambda-lith) itself. #### [package.json](lambdas/the-lambda-lith/package.json) Now that we are building an application using express.js inside our lambda we need to pull it in as a dependency. We also need to pull in aws-serverless-express to make express compatible with lambda and api gateway. You will be responsible for keeping these versions up to date unlike using API Gateway for the routing. I did include a start command for starting up the express server locally to show the advantage of this pattern ![package json](img/lambdalith_package.png) #### Routing Inside the [lambdalith lambda](lambdas/the-lambda-lith/lambdalith.ts) we use express for routing to logic in this file rather than using API Gateway in the previous states: ![express routing](img/lambdalith_routes.png) #### Local vs Deployed We also need to define logic for how to start up the server locally vs in a lambda container since locally we don't need the aws-serverless-express adapter ![lambdalith startup](img/lambdalith_startup.png) ## Useful commands * `npm run build` compile typescript to js * `npm run watch` watch for changes and compile * `npm run test` perform the jest unit tests * `npm run deploy` deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region * `cdk diff` compare deployed stack with current state * `cdk synth` emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Long-term neurologic hand complications after radial artery harvesting using conventional cold and harmonic scalpel techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of neurologic hand complications after radial artery harvesting and to compare the harmonic scalpel versus conventional cold scalpel technique. From 1995 to 2000, 786 radial arteries were harvested from 782 patients for coronary artery bypass grafting. From 1995 to 1997, the conventional cold scalpel technique was used (422 patients), and from 1998 to 2000, the harmonic scalpel was used (360 patients). Mean follow-up was 4.2 +/- 2.1 years and was 90% complete. Symptoms included thumb weakness or numbness, tingling, or pain in the hand. The incidence of neurologic hand complications was similar with both techniques (11.2% +/- 3.5% cold, 11.0% +/- 3.6% harmonic, p > 0.95), and in 19% (13 of 67 with symptoms) there was complete resolution within 1 year. Symptoms persisted long-term in 9.0% +/- 3.2% cold scalpel and 9.0% +/- 3.3% harmonic scalpel patients (p > 0.81), but were considered a "constant and significant source of discomfort" in only 0.6% +/- 0.9% cold scalpel and 1.4% +/- 1.3% harmonic scalpel patients (p > 0.41). The incidence of adverse neurologic outcomes causing significant long-term discomfort in the hand was low using either the cold scalpel or harmonic scalpel technique. However, a significant number of patients had neurologic hand symptoms in both groups, and this should be included when discussing operative risks with the patient.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Management of shoulder instability in the skeletally immature patient. Several studies have focused on management of shoulder instability in the adolescent and young adult population. However, a paucity of literature exists regarding shoulder dislocation in the skeletally immature population. The presence of an open physis makes the dislocated pediatric shoulder a challenging clinical problem. In general, management includes prompt reduction and sling immobilization. In athletic patients aged ≥14 years with a Bankart lesion, early surgical intervention may be warranted because of the higher risk of recurrent instability. However, the literature on younger skeletally immature patients is less clear in terms of risk of further instability and the necessity of surgical intervention. In the skeletally immature population, a relatively low rate of recurrent instability after primary dislocation has been reported in the recent literature. Surgical intervention should be considered for patients with recurrent instability.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Since various kinds of steel contain chemical elements selected in accordance with the use of the steel, refratory parts used for casting the steel, such as a nozzle, can be improved in such a manner that they have a higher chemical stability with respect to the various elements. A sintered body with a chemical stability which is improved over that of a conventional sintered body must also be so flexible that it can absorb in itself any radial expansion force occurring in the sintered body due to the intense heat applied thereto when it is used, to prevent the sintered body from breaking. In addition, it is necessary that such a sintered body has a sufficient heat-insulating capacity to prevent the molten steel or non-metallic inclusions therein from being deposited on the surface thereof. Providing a nozzle for steel casting with this chemical stability is very important in improving its corrosion resistance. Improving the chemical stability of a nozzle with a texture which can withstand the high frictional force generated by the molten steel of a high specific gravity, causes the toughness thereof to decrease, so a nozzle with an improved chemical stability is not suitable for practical use. The chemical stability of a nozzle, which prevents melting losses which could be caused by molten steel, includes the capacity of preventing the deposition of molten steel onto the superficial layer of the nozzle to increase the thickness thereof and thereby block the nozzle. In any case,the nozzle must have a chemical stability that prevents the occurrence of reactions between the nozzle and the components of the molten steel, inasmuch as these reactions would result in degeneration of the nozzle. U.S. Pat. No. 4,069,060 is directed to an improvement in conventional Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 -SiC refractory material. The improved refractory material is obtained by adding pulverised Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 to Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 SiC, which is known as refractory clay, and mixing them together, molding the mixture thus obtained, drying the resultant molded product, and finally calcining the dried product in an atmosphere of CO and CO.sub.2. The final product contains 2-35% by weight of corundum and SiC. U.S. Pat. No. 4,104,075 concerns Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 -SiC refractory material containing TiN (titanium nitride). This refractory material necessarily has a high thermal resistance and a high corrosion resistance, which are properties peculiar to TiN. These properties of TiN are identical with the characteristic properties of SiC. However, SiC oxidizes readily, and the properties thereof are easily lost. Therefore TiN is utilized as a component to compensate for the loss of the properties of SiC. U.S. Pat. No. 4,210,264 concerns a nozzle of a refractory material for continuous casting, which has a second layer of a refractory material containing 70-90% by weight ZrO.sub.2 formed on the outer surface of a refractory nozzle body, to increase the life of the nozzle.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
**Correction to**: *Leukemia*; doi:[10.1038/leu.2012.119](/doifinder/10.1038/leu.2012.119); advance online publication, 3 May 2012 Since the publication of this article, the authors have noticed an error in Figure 4a, specifically that the structures of the methyl-pomalidomide enantiomers were missing a carbonyl group. The error has now been rectified, and the correct article (with the correct figure 4) appears in this issue. The html and online pdf versions have also been rectified, and now carry the correct paper. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
This is the latest post in my ongoing series on Right wing failures. Our civilization is suffering from a failure of coordination. We are no longer able to organize mass movement with an achievable purpose, and nowhere is that more evident than in the still birth of Right wing movements. This is because every attempt at a movement compromises it’s purpose for a lower common denominator that will attract more adherents. Note that this isn’t the lowest common denominator – that would be McDonalds. “Do you like hamburgers? Of course you do, now eat your Happy Meal and shut up.” The denominators we choose have to be complex enough to contain some sort of syntactical value beyond bestial urges, but they’re far short of the sort of ontological statements which are necessary for civilizational drive. Gamergate: “We don’t like the SJW infiltration, and their Walking Simulators are terrible games.” The Alt Right: “We hate Democrat freaks, Hail Trump.” The Pro-Life Movement: “Murdering young children in the womb is wrong.” Reaganomics: “All these taxes are crushing the economy.” Like a misguided attempt at Seasteading, these slogans can unite the various ideological rafts which are being buffeted by the cultural seas, but as soon as the slogan has served its purpose, the nascent movement drifts apart. With no central authority defining the tenets and purposes of the seasteaders – only charismatic leaders who appeal to this or that subgroup within them – internal divisions come back to the fore, and each group goes off on their own. Gamergate’s been covered before: the most obnoxious SJWs were abandoned by the big publishers, while simultaneously concessions were made to the movement at large. Charismatic mouthpieces of either side walked away with full bank accounts, while the soldiers who made up the movements were left without a goal, a purpose, or a victory. Thesis, meet Antithesis: the new Synthesis serves no-one but those who were already in charge. The Alt Right created a coalition of traditionalist Christians, Neo Satanists, and Transsexuals: with Trump’s victory, their dissolution was inevitable. Reagonomics brought about the promised tax cuts, while behind the scenes regulation increased (isn’t it interesting how all of Karl Marx’s specific goals – universal pensions, social safety nets, government-administered unions – have all come to pass?). And as for the Pro Life Movement, their exclusive focus on one aspect of the problem (baby murder) without addressing its route causes (the social conditions which result in so many unwanted pregnancies) relegates it to irrelevancy. The problem with trying to choose a denominator that’s only two or three steps above the lowest common denominator, is that the latter becomes corrosive to the former. Gamergate might war against the SJWs over video games, but both sides can agree on eating at McDonalds. Even the Vegans can climb aboard that train, now that they’ve replaced the deep frier’s beef tallow with rancid vegetable oil. Every group can be accommodated by the ‘free’ market, especially when market research has concluded that one size does, in fact, fit all. The lowest common denominator which our civilization is founded upon is Freedom: freedom to do what you want, to believe what you want, to behave as you want. Brett Stevens sums it up nicely when he writes: Take a walk down a modern Western street. The obese blue-haired feminists have nothing in common with the Muslim Arabs they walk alongside, but in the grand tradition of human stupidity, they try to find “common ground” and alight on a few lowest common denominator ideas, like that everyone wants a paycheck and not to be punished for their own mistakes, and so they agree to be Leftists together. This is not progress, but decline. An average middle class white family finds themselves surrounded by Chinese, Mexicans, Italians, Russians, Jews, Falun Gong, Juggalos, Black Panthers, Flat Earthers, Pentacostals and Scientologists. They have nothing in common with these groups, but are sure to tell people how they knew their own marriage was right because “we have so much in common.” … We keep slapping band-aids on the problem. Anti-drug laws, workplace regulations, locks on cockpit doors, chemical signatures in gunpowder. But we will be defeated by the fact that when you have a country of people who have nothing in common and no purpose, the only remaining task is to destroy each other in outrage at how meaningless, tedious and humiliating modern life has become. So long as you respect the ‘rights’ of others, you’re free to do your own thing. Drink this soft drink instead of that soft drink. Support this sportsball team over that one. You have an endless array of meaningless choices you can embrace, subcultures you can join, identities you can adopt, so long as you don’t claim that your lifestyle is fundamentally superior to any others. Hot Topic and The Gap coexist in the same space; why can’t you? This is why Trump denounced both the Alt Right and the Alt Left in the same speech. The problem with both movements is that they make claims of exclusivity. The former wants to shut down Black churches, the latter wants to shut down White churches. And as problematic as churches are to our idea of atomized freedom, shutting them down would be a statement of purpose. Islam circumvents this with their practice of Taqiya; lying to unbelievers. When ISIS attacks the West – on the rare occasion when they’re not operating with explicit approval by the CIA – this only bolsters their position; it affords them an opportunity to practice a tenet of their faith. “How dare you blame Islam?” says the Moderate Muslim, fully aware that ISIS is following their scripture to a T. “By trying to blame terrorism on our Religion of Peace you are showing your true nature as a colonial aggressor!” We allow this mendacity – we outright embrace it – not just because our civilization is fat and lazy, willing to do anything to avoid a struggle, but also because mendacity is at the core of our being. Colonialism is bad, not merely because it’s something White people did, but because it implies that one thing – civilization – is better than another – savagery. “I don’t care what people do behind closed doors.” Not even when Stephen Paddock is building up an arsenal? “Live and let live, it doesn’t affect you.” Even when homosexual bathhouses are creating a breeding ground for the next epidemic? The problem with purchasing an identity at the shopping mall, or defining yourself by what beer you drink, is that it’s all a lie. It’s a narcissistic shell you present to the world – your own personal taqiya – “I’m such and such a person, I drive an F-350 with a Harley Davidson logo on it!” – but none of your behaviour backs that up. You want to be recognized and respected as some sort of badass (or a charitable person, or a connoisseur of the arts, or… or… or…) but you work as an accountant and you haven’t been in a fist fight since… ever. Pretend to respect other people’s identities, and they’ll respect yours in return. This is the freedom and tolerance which we hold as sacrosanct. But the moment you start to walk the talk – the moment you actually contribute something concrete and useful to the world – you become a threat to other people’s narcissistic shells. Our civilization doesn’t promote virtue and greatness; it demands conformity, and people who stay within the lines. So long as you don’t make any waves, you can pretend to be whatever you want. Right wing movements are no different. It’s all about claiming membership within the movement – waving the flag of Kekistan, and wearing a Black Sun patch on your vest, without ever asking where it came from. Stay within the lines, and proclaim the shibboleths which are demanded of you (“Do you believe in the Fourteen Words???”), but make absolutely certain that you only achieve symbolic victories – anything concrete will force us to ask the existential questions that we’re all trying desperately to avoid. Nihilists! ..Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos. ~Walter Sobchak, The Big Lebowski Say what you will about the tenets of Islam, at least it’s a gravitational core. We love their lies because we’re liars ourselves, but underneath their lies is a purpose and a cause. Beneath our own patina yawns the abyss, and so we cling to our false beliefs with desperation, trying to forestall the void of eternity with solipsistic hedonism. The lowest common denominator consumes all others, and reduces us to nothing. Individual cancer cells waiting to explode. Only through acknowledging and pursuing the absolute, and the virtues which lead us there, can we overcome the inevitability of the endless Prisoner’s Dilemma we find ourselves in. Either we find this, and remember who we are, or we continue rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. There’s an iceberg coming. Will we acknowledge it, and choose life, however difficult and painful it might be? Or will we slip silently into that eternal night? ͼ-Ѻ-ͽ
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Dr Megan Ellis (NSW DPI) about to commence a grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) necropsy to collect data on the biology of the species photographed at the Port Stephens Fisheries Institute, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific Ocean.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The present disclosure relates generally to the field of wireless communications technologies. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to coordination of communications of different types of devices on a wireless network.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
The $100 million Breakthrough Listen search for alien civilizations will use the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to track 'Oumuamua, the first-ever interstellar object found passing through the solar system. Alien-hunting scientists are lending a (telescopic) ear to 'Oumuamua, a mysterious object recently spotted speeding through the solar system. 'Oumuamua, first detected in October with the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii, is the first likely visitor from interstellar space to ever be spotted in Earth's solar system. The object reached a peak speed of 196,000 mph (87.3 km/s). During its closest approach to Earth, also in October, the reddish, potentially cigar-shaped object passed by about 85 times the distance from Earth to the moon. It's up to a quarter-mile long (400 meters). The global SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) program Breakthrough Listen, funded by Yuri Milner, a Silicon Valley technology investor, announced today (Dec. 11) it will turn the 100-meter (330 feet) Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to listen for potential alien signals from the object. ['Oumuamua: Our 1st Interstellar Visitor Explained in Photos] Scientists have been intrigued by the reddish, elongated object because of its long and thin shape, which is unlike the asteroids and comets researchers have seen that are native to the solar system. "Researchers working on long-distance space transportation have previously suggested that a cigar or needle shape [like 'Oumuamua exhibits] is the most likely architecture for an interstellar spacecraft, since this would minimize friction and damage from interstellar gas and dust," Breakthrough Listen representatives said in the statement. "While a natural origin is more likely, there is currently no consensus on what that origin might have been, and Breakthrough Listen is well positioned to explore the possibility that 'Oumuamua could be an artifact." The telescope will begin observing the object tomorrow (Dec. 13) at 3 p.m. EST (2000 GMT) across four radio bands, from 1 to 12 GHz, and will observe over a total of 10 hours for its first phase, broken up into four segments based on the object's rotation. At the object's current distance from Earth, it would take less than a minute for the telescope to detect a transmission with the power of a cellphone's, Breakthrough Listen representatives said. Even without a signal, the telescope's radio inspection could reveal additional information about water or ice on the object, or a coma of gas surrounding it, neither of which have yet been spotted, they added. "'Oumuamua's presence within our solar system affords Breakthrough Listen an opportunity to reach unprecedented sensitivities to possible artificial transmitters and demonstrate our ability to track nearby, fast-moving objects," Andrew Siemion, director of Berkeley SETI Research Center, said in the statement. "Whether this object turns out to be artificial or natural, it's a great target for Listen." Email Sarah Lewin at slewin@space.com or follow her @SarahExplains. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on Space.com.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Steve: I had a memo from Rick in response to our trip report last week regarding the meetings we held in Helsinki and Brussels. He again has raised the issue whether or not we are expending too much effort on the energy services liberalization and has no doubt that we are. I did call him as requested on Tuesday morning Houston time after Ken Lay's presentation (it was excellent and has been getting good press) and suggested that you, Rick and I get together for an update. Rick wants to have another group conference call but I would prefer that we not have any such call because several of the participants have no day to day understanding of what has been accomplished and what can be accomplished. A lot has happened in the last several weeks and the WTO Committee on Specific Committments meets again next week. USTR believes that it is likely to be important for the Energy Services Coalition to conduct a work shop for WTO delegations in Geneva during October. USTR and others are pushing for a launch of actual negotiations late this year or in the first quarter of 2001. Our goal continues to be to make certain that energy services is one of the sectors negotiated. That is not yet decided but the October and possibly Novemeber meetings of the Committee on Specific Committments is thought to be ready to recommend a launch. Ken and our people in Japan believe that we should follow up the invitation of Mr. Kushakawa and brief Japan energy officials on our energy services campaign. Carla Hills is prepared to go to Japan late this month. Bob Fisher, Steve Burns and I would also go. We have been talking with Nick O'Day to coordinate with our people in the region to advantage their goals and from the correspondence I just forwarded to you, I see our people in Japan supporting whatever we can do using Carla Hills as the principal messenger on energy services at the WTO. While in Paris, Ken Lay met with Rachel Thomson and me to get updated on the energy services campaign. I have asked Rachel to put togeher a package on helping us within the WTO and in educating certain strategic delegations that have persuasive powers withing their regional blocks. She has made that proposal. Ken believes that several ESC companies such as GE and Halliburton should be able to put up funds to handle that part of the cost and is willing to call Messrs Welch and Chaney directly if we go forward. Based on what I have heard over the last few months I believe we now need a paper supporting energy services from a distinguised expert from a developing nation essentially supporting the Rachel Thomson material. What I am suggesting is that if the company continues to feel that pursuing an energy services liberalization at the WTO is positive and accelerates our own efforts to get nations to agree to liberalize sooner rather than wait for a two or three year WTO process then I think that the items mentioned in this memo should be approved and go forward. If the company disagrees then after this July meeting of the WTO Committee on Specific Committements and after the meeting in Japan near the end of July should be the time for us to plan the "exit" strategy. Whether or not Halliburton or GE would pick up the campaign is unknown to me. I do plan to get together with the ESC Executive Committee early next week to tell them in detail about the new proposal by Rachel Thomson. I would like your authority to move forward on the several items I have suggested including funding for a developing nation paper, the trip to Japan later this month and at least an initial funding (estimated at about $30,000 for APCO (Rachel's employer) to get the ball rolling on a longer range strategy through October). I would prefer to have any conference call postphoned until you, Rick and I meet and have a thorough discussion. I do believe that Ken Lay supports this effort and feel that if I am correct then Rick needs to understand that he is sending a conflicting message. If I am wrong then I need to know it and the discussion of an exit strategy needs to be discussed in detail. Please review and advise. Joe
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
Q: Unable to load AWS credentials from any provider in the chain - error - when trying to load model from S3 I have an MLLib model saved in a folder on S3, say bucket-name/test-model. Now, I have a spark cluster (let's say on a single machine for now). I am running the following commands to load the model: pyspark --packages com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk:1.7.4,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.3 Then, sc.setSystemProperty("com.amazonaws.services.s3.enableV4", "true") hadoopConf = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration() hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.awsAccessKeyId", AWS_ACCESS_KEY) hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.awsSecretAccessKey", AWS_SECRET_KEY) hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com") hadoopConf.set("com.amazonaws.services.s3a.enableV4", "true") hadoopConf.set("fs.s3a.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem") from pyspark.ml.classification import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestClassificationModel m1 = RandomForestClassificationModel.load('s3a://test-bucket/test-model') and I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/util.py", line 362, in load return cls.read().load(path) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/util.py", line 300, in load java_obj = self._jread.load(path) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/python/lib/py4j-0.10.7-src.zip/py4j/java_gateway.py", line 1257, in __call__ File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/sql/utils.py", line 63, in deco return f(*a, **kw) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/python/lib/py4j-0.10.7-src.zip/py4j/protocol.py", line 328, in get_return_value py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o35.load. : com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to load AWS credentials from any provider in the chain at com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain.getCredentials(AWSCredentialsProviderChain.java:117) at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.invoke(AmazonS3Client.java:3521) at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.headBucket(AmazonS3Client.java:1031) at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.doesBucketExist(AmazonS3Client.java:994) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem.initialize(S3AFileSystem.java:297) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.createFileSystem(FileSystem.java:2669) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.access$200(FileSystem.java:94) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.getInternal(FileSystem.java:2703) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.get(FileSystem.java:2685) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(FileSystem.java:373) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.getFileSystem(Path.java:295) at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.singleThreadedListStatus(FileInputFormat.java:258) at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.listStatus(FileInputFormat.java:229) at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.getSplits(FileInputFormat.java:315) at org.apache.spark.rdd.HadoopRDD.getPartitions(HadoopRDD.scala:204) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$partitions$2.apply(RDD.scala:253) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$partitions$2.apply(RDD.scala:251) at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:121) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.partitions(RDD.scala:251) at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.getPartitions(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:49) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$partitions$2.apply(RDD.scala:253) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$partitions$2.apply(RDD.scala:251) at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:121) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.partitions(RDD.scala:251) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$take$1.apply(RDD.scala:1343) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:151) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:112) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.withScope(RDD.scala:363) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.take(RDD.scala:1337) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$first$1.apply(RDD.scala:1378) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:151) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:112) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.withScope(RDD.scala:363) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.first(RDD.scala:1377) at org.apache.spark.ml.util.DefaultParamsReader$.loadMetadata(ReadWrite.scala:615) at org.apache.spark.ml.tree.EnsembleModelReadWrite$.loadImpl(treeModels.scala:427) at org.apache.spark.ml.classification.RandomForestClassificationModel$RandomForestClassificationModelReader.load(RandomForestClassifier.scala:316) at org.apache.spark.ml.classification.RandomForestClassificationModel$RandomForestClassificationModelReader.load(RandomForestClassifier.scala:306) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at py4j.reflection.MethodInvoker.invoke(MethodInvoker.java:244) at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.invoke(ReflectionEngine.java:357) at py4j.Gateway.invoke(Gateway.java:282) at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(AbstractCommand.java:132) at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(CallCommand.java:79) at py4j.GatewayConnection.run(GatewayConnection.java:238) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) Honestly, these lines of code are taken from the web and I have no idea about storing and loading MLLib models on to S3. Any help here will be appreciated and also the next step for me is to do the same on a cluster of machines. So any heads up will also be appreciated. A: You are using the wrong property names for the s3a connector. see https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current3/hadoop-aws/tools/hadoop-aws/#Authentication_properties
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Ah, the old air-quotes defense. According to Spicer's new argument, Trump didn't necessarily mean wiretapping when he said “wire tapping” — and reporters should know this because he put the phrase in quotation marks. By “wire tapping,” Trump could have been referring to any one among “a whole host of surveillance types.” Obviously. AD AD This is quite a remarkable standard Spicer is trying to set for his boss. None of the “several reports” Spicer referenced actually claim that Trump or his aides were wiretapped, despite claims to the contrary. Fox News Channel's Steve Doocy said on the air Monday morning that “there's no doubt about the fact that at least Michael Flynn was wiretapped,” and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said on CNN a short time later that “we know that General Flynn was wiretapped.” Wrong. The Washington Post reported last month that pre-inauguration phone calls between Flynn, who resigned as national security adviser, and Russia's ambassador to the United States were intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies because the ambassador was wiretapped. That's a key distinction that the president's aides and media boosters seem determined to obscure. If Trump has evidence that Flynn or anyone else on his team was bugged, he has not produced it, and news reports do not support his charge against Obama. But Spicer contended in the briefing room that Trump is nevertheless right by an incredibly loose definition of “wire tapping” that includes a wide range of investigatory tactics.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Add nanoseconds from Win32 epoch to Go time I'm trying to process some WMI counters using Go (as part of learning Go) and am trying to figure out how to generate the necessary time object. The base is the Win32 epoch (1601-01-01) and a sample timestamp is 13224382394716547600ns (or rather, 132243823947165476 100ns units). Here's what I've tried: test 1 (add nanoseconds) win_epoch := time.Date(1601,1,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) current_ts_1 := win_epoch.Add(13224382394716547600*time.Nanosecond) test 2 (add days) win_epoch := time.Date(1601,1,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) current_ts_2 := win_epoch.AddDate(0,0,(132243823947165476/10000000 / 3600 / 24)) current_ts_1 in test 1 fails with an overflow error. current_ts_2 in test 2 only gives me resolution at the date level. Ideally I'd be able to get the millisecond resolution on this. Does there exist a way to not overflow the Duration being passed to .Add() and still get this resolution? A: This conversion requires dealing with some huge numbers. Your example time 13,224,382,394,716,547,600 is too big to fit into an int64 (max 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) but does fit into a unit64. You cannot use time.Duration when dealing with this because that is a int64 nanosecond count; as the docs say "The representation limits the largest representable duration to approximately 290 years". This is why your first attempt fails. However there is another way of creating a time that will work better here func Unix(sec int64, nsec int64) Time. This takes data in the unix format and this is the time since January 1, 1970 UTC (or 11644473600000000000 represented as ns since the windows epoch). Using this information it's possible to perform the conversion: func main() { const unixTimeBaseAsWin = 11644473600000000000 // The unix base time (January 1, 1970 UTC) as ns since Win32 epoch (1601-01-01) const nsToSecFactor = 1000000000 timeToConvert := uint64(13224382394716547600) unixsec := int64(timeToConvert - unixTimeBaseAsWin ) / nsToSecFactor unixns := int64(timeToConvert % nsToSecFactor) time := time.Unix(unixsec, unixns) fmt.Println(time.Local()) } Note: I have checked this with a few figures but would suggest further testing before you rely upon it.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2015, Nicolas P. Rougier. All Rights Reserved. # Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt eqs = [] eqs.append((r"$W^{3\beta}_{\delta_1 \rho_1 \sigma_2} = U^{3\beta}_{\delta_1 \rho_1} + \frac{1}{8 \pi 2} \int^{\alpha_2}_{\alpha_2} d \alpha^\prime_2 \left[\frac{ U^{2\beta}_{\delta_1 \rho_1} - \alpha^\prime_2U^{1\beta}_{\rho_1 \sigma_2} }{U^{0\beta}_{\rho_1 \sigma_2}}\right]$")) eqs.append((r"$\frac{d\rho}{d t} + \rho \vec{v}\cdot\nabla\vec{v} = -\nabla p + \mu\nabla^2 \vec{v} + \rho \vec{g}$")) eqs.append((r"$\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}dx=\sqrt{\pi}$")) eqs.append((r"$E = mc^2 = \sqrt{{m_0}^2c^4 + p^2c^2}$")) eqs.append((r"$F_G = G\frac{m_1m_2}{r^2}$")) plt.axes([0.025,0.025,0.95,0.95]) for i in range(24): index = np.random.randint(0,len(eqs)) eq = eqs[index] size = np.random.uniform(12,32) x,y = np.random.uniform(0,1,2) alpha = np.random.uniform(0.25,.75) plt.text(x, y, eq, ha='center', va='center', color="#11557c", alpha=alpha, transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=size, clip_on=True) plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) # savefig('../figures/text_ex.png',dpi=48) plt.show()
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Coinprism, the blockchain technology company that developed the Open Assets standard “colored coins” that is now used by the likes of NASDAQ and Overstock has released Openchain, an open-source distributed ledger targeting financial institutions. Openchain, unlike bitcoin is based on a central, distributed ledger that will allow any enterprise user, company, or institution to use their own version of the chain. This functionality helps with lowering costs, reducing transaction times and Openchain users can also use the chain to interconnect with each other. Instead of transactions being validated by anonymous users, as in the case of bitcoin, Openchain offers the required features for an institution to gain full control on transaction validation while maintaining transparency with the ledger. A press release from Openchain read: Openchain features a powerful hierarchical account system, hybrid between a file system and a double-entry accounting system. This lets the administrator of an Openchain instance define their business rules (such as AML/KYC) by setting various permissions on accounts, with different levels of granularity. Openchain takes from bitcoin’s functionality and features by giving the means for the Openchain ledger to be “fully transparent and auditable,” thereby lowering auditing costs as a transparent and verifiable ledger. Additionally, the open-source distributed ledger also builds upon bitcoin’s features such as security and the irreversibility while ensuring low transaction costs. Taking Away the Blocks and Faster than the Bitcoin BlockChain In recognizing the limitations of bitcoin’s networks within environments where millions of regulated transactions are conducted on a daily basis, Openchain negates the need for miners by chaining transactions directly. Bitcoin movements are limited to 7 transactions per second with confirmation times taking anywhere from minutes to several hours. In contrast, Openchain facilitates instant confirmations of transactions. The ledger uses a “simplified and trust-based consensus mechanism,” allowing it to process transactions at a much higher rate than Bitcoin with instant validation for transactions in real-time. A two-way peg is also possible between Openchain and the bitcoin blockchain or other Openchain ledgers, turning it into a federated, efficient, and instant sidechain. “While proof of work is central to building a fully autonomous, decentralized currency such as Bitcoin, it actually becomes a burden when you start tokenizing assets”, said Flavien Charlon, founder and CEO of Coinprism, “with Openchain, we have taken all the key characteristics of a Blockchain like immutability, auditability, and programmability, but removed the legacy of proof of work. This allowed us to build an extremely efficient and scalable platform with no compromise”. The open-source ledger is available on GitHub and Coinprism is offering developers and users a test wallet at wallet.openchain.org. Charlon also adds that several enterprises and financial institutions are testing Openchain internally. Images from Coinprism.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Though a few factors ganged up to threaten the traditional opener of the Oregon Dungeness crab fishery, the fleet of more than 400 vessels went on to put in a banner year. “Everything that could possibly line up against us did,” said Hugh Link, executive director with the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission. Domoic acid, that toxic villain of recent seasons past, was present in some areas. But those areas weren’t likely to see pots splashed anyway, as the crab were “light,” meaning their shells hadn’t filled with enough meat to make them favorable in the market. But that’s not all. “On Jan. 15, we still hadn’t settled on a price, the weather was bad, and the crab were light,” said Tim Novotny, communications manager for the commission. Novotny notes that the prices settled on Jan. 22, and the fleet left to set gear under a rule that allows crabbers to set their gear three days before the official opener. The season technically opened on Jan. 25, and fishermen began pulling their gear. A new rule that went into effect earlier this year allows managers to issue an evisceration order when domoic acid levels exceed 30 parts per million in Dungeness crab. The order allows fishermen to continue fishing in the same area, but documents that all landed crab hits the cookers to kill the toxin. This year’s season saw the order put into place but only for about a week, said Novotny. The problem of light crab plagued some processors, even late in the season. “The recoveries were low,” says Scott Adams, of Hallmark Fisheries, in Charleston, Ore., adding that the percentage of actual meat to the total weight of the sections was down by about 10 percent. Adams notes that processors from Canada reported similar conditions and that product he bought out of Alaska came in light. Despite the hurdles, the 2018 season will go down as a record breaker. Novotny, who’s keeping tabs as final numbers roll in, said in September that revenues for the Oregon fleet neared $75 million. “The ex-vessel value was just outstanding,” he said. Ex-vessel averages of $3.20 per pound helped drive that value. “It was the biggest year ever, money-wise,” echoed Adams.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Do patients with late-stage Parkinson's disease still respond to levodopa? Late-stage Parkinson' disease (PD) is dominated by loss of autonomy due to motor and non-motor symptoms which can be marginally corrected by medications adjustments. However, controversy exists on the mechanisms underlying the apparent decrease of benefit from levodopa. To study the response to levodopa in late-stage PD (LSPD). 20 LSPD patients (Schwab and England ADL Scale <50 or Hoehn Yahr Stage >3 in MED ON) and 22 PD patients treated with subthalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) underwent an acute levodopa challenge test. MDS-UPDRS-III and the modified Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale were evaluated in off and after administration of a supra-maximal levodopa dose. LSPD patients had a median age of 78.8 (IQR: 73.5-82) and median disease duration of 14 years (IQR: 10-19.75). DBS patients had a median age of 66 (IQR: 61-72) and median disease duration of 18 years (IQR: 15-22). LSPD and DBS patients' MDS-UPDRS-III score improved 11.3% and 37% after levodopa, respectively. Rest tremor showed the largest improvement, while axial signs did not improve in LSPD. However, the magnitude of levodopa response significantly correlated with dyskinesias severity in LSPD patients. One third of LSPD and 9% of DBS patients reported moderate drowsiness. LSPD patients show a slight response to a supra-maximal levodopa dose, which is greater if dyskinesia are present, but it is frequently associated with adverse effects. A decrease in levodopa response is a potential marker of disease progression in LSPD.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Govabin Govabin (, also Romanized as Govābīn and Gavābīn; also known as Gavāpen and Kovābīn) is a village in Rudhaleh Rural District, Rig District, Ganaveh County, Bushehr Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 344, in 70 families. References Category:Populated places in Ganaveh County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
SIAM, a Novel NMR Experiment for the Determination of Homonuclear Coupling Constants. The simultaneous acquisition of in-phase and antiphase multiplets with high sensitivity and minimum overlap (see section of 2D spectra on the right) is possible in a novel NMR experiment. Based on this method, homonuclear coupling constants such as the 3 J(HN ,Hα ) couplings in peptides and proteins can be determined quantitatively without isotope labeling.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A method for attaching fluorescent receptor groups at specific sites in large RNA molecules will be developed. The sensitivity of the labels to the solvent environment and to energy transfer from nucleic acid bases, proteins, and metal ions will be used as a way of investigating RNA secondary and tertiary structure. A small, functionally interesting region of the E. coli 16S ribosomal RNA (the S8/S15 binding region) will be isolated as a well-defined fragment and used to test the fluorescence labeling method. The fluorescent labels and other physical chemical methods will be used to confirm the predicted secondary structure of the region (seven potential helices) and to determine sites for tight Mg ion binding which associate with tertiary structure. The binding of two ribosomal proteins known to recognize this region, S8 and S15, will be examined in detail to determine what RNA recognition features are used by each and whether the proteins influence the structure of the RNA fragment.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
584 N.E.2d 270 (1991) 222 Ill. App.3d 585 165 Ill.Dec. 91 In re PATRICIA S., Theresa F. and Harold Mitchell F., Anthony E., and Andrea L., Minors, Appellants (The People of the State of Illinois, Petitioner-Appellee, Barbara L., Danny E., and Jimmy S., Respondents). No. 1-90-2098. Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, Second Division. November 26, 1991. *271 Office of the Cook County Public Guardian, Chicago (Patrick T. Murphy, Michael G. Dsida, and Kathleen G. Kennedy, of counsel), for appellants. Jack O'Malley, State's Attorney, County of Cook, Chicago (Renee Goldfarb and Susan S. Wigoda, of counsel), for petitioner-appellee. Justice DiVITO delivered the opinion of the court: The State's Attorney, on behalf of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), filed petitions for adjudication of wardship in the interest of the minors involved in this case on the basis of alleged neglect by their mother. Prior to ruling at two temporary custody proceedings, the circuit court declined to conduct a hearing to determine whether DCFS had made reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need to remove the children from their home (Ill.Rev.Stat.1989, ch. 37, par. 802-10(2)), stating its belief that such reasonable efforts findings need not be made before minors are taken from their parents' custody. The court then entered orders granting DCFS custody of the children without any indication that DCFS had made reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need to remove the minors from their home. The public guardian, who had been appointed attorney and guardian ad litem for the minors, agreed that it was in the best interest of the minors to remove them from their home but objected to the lack of a reasonable efforts hearing.[1] At the disposition hearing after a finding of neglect, the court found that DCFS had made reasonable efforts to reunite the family. The minors do not dispute the disposition order. Instead, they challenge the circuit court's refusal, at the temporary custody hearings, to determine whether DCFS had made reasonable efforts to keep the family intact. They assert that by not doing so, the court acted contrary to their best interests and violated state and federal law. They ask that the temporary custody orders be reversed and that the matter be remanded so that the court may make the required determinations. In January 1989, DCFS caused to be filed petitions for adjudication of wardship of Theresa and Harold Mitchell F. (then 7 and 6 years old, respectively); Anthony E. (11 years old); and Patricia S. (10 years old). Each petition alleged parental neglect in not providing the care necessary for the minor's well-being and in having an environment injurious to the minor's welfare. At an ex parte hearing, the public guardian was appointed attorney and guardian ad litem for each child, and the court awarded DCFS temporary custody of each child. At a temporary custody hearing approximately five weeks later, the court vacated the earlier custody orders and entered an order of protection that provided for the mother's cooperation with DCFS, including drug counselling. None of these orders is appealed here. Five months later, in July 1989, DCFS caused to be filed petitions for supplementary relief. These petitions alleged that the mother continued to use illegal drugs, consorted with other drug users, and had left one of the children with someone who forced the child to inhale paint thinner fumes, for which the child had to be taken to the hospital. The State asked that the court vacate the order of protection and that DCFS again be granted temporary custody. In addition, DCFS had caused to be filed a petition for adjudication of wardship in the interest of the mother's newborn child, Andrea L. *272 At the hearing on these petitions, the public guardian agreed to DCFS custody but stated that he could not stipulate that DCFS had made reasonable efforts to keep the family together. He then suggested that the matter be set down for separate hearing. The court, however, replied, "I don't have to concern myself with reasonable efforts right now." Prior to its order awarding custody to DCFS, the court painstakingly questioned the mother to ascertain if she understood that the children would be taken temporarily from her. It did not query her, or anyone else, about DCFS efforts to prevent removal of the children even though the DCFS investigator and follow-up worker were present. The court then stated "[b]y agreement, finding of probable cause [to believe that Andrea was neglected], urgent and immediate necessity [that a temporary custodian be appointed for Andrea's protection]. Temporary custody without prejudice to [DCFS] with right to place." The court added "as to the other minors, by agreement, vacate the [February] protective order. By agreement, finding of urgent and immediate necessity, temporary custody without prejudice to [DCFS] with right to place." The written orders give no indication as to what efforts, if any, DCFS had made to prevent or eliminate the need to remove the minors from their home. At the next temporary custody hearing approximately one month later, the mother and Anthony E.'s father agreed to let the temporary custody order stand with prejudice. The public guardian also agreed to let the earlier order stand, but he qualified his agreement by stating, "I will not be in agreement of reasonable efforts in this case," a sentiment also voiced by the Public Defender, who represented the mother. When the court replied, "I don't necessarily have to [make a reasonable efforts finding] until I have heard some evidence," the State's Attorney stated that the only required findings at that juncture were probable cause, urgent and immediate necessity, and services. The court then let stand with prejudice its July orders giving DCFS temporary custody of the children. The public guardian again voiced his objection to the court's decision to order temporary custody with DCFS without a reasonable efforts determination. At an adjudication hearing in February 1990, the court found the children to be neglected minors. At the disposition hearing the following June, three witnesses testified: a staff member from Harold and Theresa F.'s placement; a DCFS staff member; and the mother. At no time during examination or argument did counsel for either the mother or the minors challenge the adequacy of DCFS' efforts to prevent or eliminate the need to separate the minors from their mother. In closing argument, the public guardian acknowledged that the children's best interest would be served by making DCFS their guardian. The court then granted custody of each child to DCFS, expressly finding orally and in writing that "services [aimed at family preservation and family reunification were] incomplete" and "reasonable efforts were made to prevent or eliminate the need for removal [of the minors from the home]." I. We first must address the State's contention that the circuit court's later disposition orders moot any appeal of the temporary custody orders and that the minors waived their right to appeal when they agreed that DCFS custody was in their best interest. A. Mootness Even if we assume that the question raised here is moot, this court nevertheless may entertain this appeal because the mootness bar is not absolute. A court may consider moot issues if they concern "a question of great public interest" or if they are "capable of repetition, yet evading review." (In re A Minor (1989), 127 Ill.2d 247, 257-58, 130 Ill.Dec. 225, 229, 537 N.E.2d 292, 296.) Both exceptions apply here. When deciding if a matter falls within the public interest exception, courts consider "(1) the public nature of the question, (2) the desirability of an authoritative determination for the purpose of guiding *273 public officers, and (3) the likelihood that the question will generally recur." (A Minor, 127 Ill.2d at 257, 130 Ill.Dec. at 229, 537 N.E.2d at 296.) Under the fourteenth amendment, parents have a "fundamental liberty interest in the care, custody, and management of their child[ren,]" with which the government may not interfere unduly. (Santosky v. Kramer (1982), 455 U.S. 745, 753-54, 102 S.Ct. 1388, 1394-95, 71 L.Ed.2d 599, 606.) The children have the concomitant right to remain with their parents. The issue this appeal presents is whether the circuit court, in declining to make the reasonable efforts determination before ordering removal of the children from their home, deprived the minors of their right to remain with their mother without complying with statutory due process safeguards. A matter of greater public concern is difficult to imagine. In re B.S. (1979), 73 Ill.App.3d 507, 509, 29 Ill. Dec. 505, 506, 392 N.E.2d 62, 63 (appellate court will consider moot issue from delinquency proceeding if it implicates due process issues but will dismiss for mere procedural error). In addition, if the circuit court and the State's Attorney are mistaken in their belief that a court may order removal of children from their homes without hearing evidence on and making detailed determinations as to DCFS efforts to keep the family together, this court's ruling would help guide these public officials as to the prerequisites for a transfer of custody from a parent. Lastly, the question raised here likely will recur: it arose twice for these minors, and the circuit court continues to have jurisdiction over the minors, who can ask for modification of the disposition order. Thus, the question here falls squarely within the public interest exception to the mootness bar. Events that are "capable of repetition yet evading review" also present justiciable questions despite mootness. To qualify under this exception, the minors must demonstrate that "(1) the challenged action is in its duration too short to be fully litigated prior to its cessation and (2) there is a reasonable expectation that the same complaining party would be subjected to the same action again." (A Minor, 127 Ill.2d at 258, 130 Ill.Dec. at 229, 537 N.E.2d at 296.) Here, just as in A Minor, the State's assertion that the temporary custody orders are mooted by the neglect and disposition rulings "impliedly concedes" that the duration of the challenged orders precludes full litigation. (A Minor, 127 Ill.2d at 258, 130 Ill.Dec. at 229, 537 N.E.2d at 296.) Too, the trial court's refusal, on two separate occasions, to make the determination with regard to these minors demonstrates actual repetition, not merely "a reasonable expectation" thereof. We conclude that both criteria of the mootness exception are satisfied. Thus, this court may consider the merits of the appeal. B. Waiver We must also determine whether the minors have waived the right to appeal the temporary custody orders by agreeing at each hearing that DCFS custody was in their best interest. Such agreement, if voluntary, warrants dismissal unless the error was fundamental and on the face of the record. 2 I.L.P. Appeal and Error § 76, at 176, § 211 at 258-59 (1953). We cannot view the public guardian's agreement to DCFS custody as voluntary. The public guardian, like the court, is required above all to act in the children's best interest. If, at the time of the hearings, that interest was served best by removing the children from their home, then the public guardian cannot be viewed as having voluntarily accepted the benefits of the custody and disposition orders. To ask the public guardian to contest the transfer of custody, which he believed to be in the minors' best interest, and thereby permit the children to remain at risk is to place him between Scylla and Charybdis. We decline to require the public guardian to make that choice. Moreover, the error appears on the face of the record and is, as explained below, fundamental. Thus, even if the public guardian's acceptance of the orders' benefits were voluntary, dismissal is not warranted. (2 I.L.P. Appeal and Error § 211 at 258-59.) Accordingly, we *274 find no waiver here. We note that, in any event, the State did not move for dismissal and, at oral argument, conceded that this court may reach the merits. 2 I.L.P. Appeal and Error § 589 at 532. II. The minors contend that the circuit court's refusal, at the temporary custody hearings, to require evidence of reasonable efforts to keep them with their mother was in dereliction of its obligation under section 2-10 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 (the Act). (Ill.Rev.Stat.1989, ch. 37, par. 802-10(2).) They argue that the Act imposes an affirmative duty on the court to elicit this information and that the court was obliged to do so despite the minors' agreement at each hearing that it was in their best interest to remove them from their mother's custody. They maintain that the court's abdication of its statutory duty flouts the expressed policy of the Act that removal should be ordered "only when [a child's] welfare or safety or protection of the public cannot be adequately safeguarded without removal * * *." (Ill.Rev.Stat.1989, ch. 37, par. 801-2.) Although there is no Illinois case law on this issue, the minors cite three out-of-state cases that construe similarly-worded statutes along the lines they urge here: In the Interest of A.L.W. (Mo. Ct.App.1989), 773 S.W.2d 129; In the Interest of M.H. (Iowa Ct.App.1989), 444 N.W.2d 110; and In re Burns (Del.1986), 519 A.2d 638. The State responds that if omission of a reasonable efforts determination were error, it was harmless error because, in the State's view, no one was prejudiced at the temporary custody hearings in light of the minors' agreement to the orders, and the reasonable efforts finding at the disposition hearing corrected the error. The State distinguishes the three cases cited by the minors in that no reasonable efforts finding was made at any time in two of the cases and the third case concerned federal law and its relation to termination of parental rights, not state law on temporary custody. We find the State's argument unpersuasive. The Act gives the court broad powers "fully to gather information bearing upon the current condition and future welfare of persons subject to th[e] Act." (Ill. Rev.Stat.1989, ch. 37, par. 801-2(2).) For temporary custody hearings, section 2-10 of the Act describes with particularity the specific questions that must be asked, the order in which to ask them, and who is responsible for supplying the information: "If the court finds that there is probable cause to believe that the minor is * * * neglected[, witnesses] shall be examined before the court. * * * The Court shall require documentation by representatives of [DCFS] as to the reasonable efforts that were made to prevent or eliminate the necessity of removal of the minor from his or her home, and shall consider the testimony of any person as to those reasonable efforts. If the court finds that it is a matter of immediate and urgent necessity [that the minor be removed] and further finds that reasonable efforts have been made or good cause has been shown why reasonable efforts cannot prevent or eliminate the necessity of removal of the minor from his or her home, the court may [order removal.] * * * In making its [reasonable efforts determinations], the court shall state in writing its findings concerning the nature of the services that were offered or the efforts that were made to prevent removal of the child and the apparent reasons that such services or efforts could not prevent the need for removal." (Emphasis added.) Ill.Rev. Stat.1989, ch. 37, par. 802-10(2). The wording of this statute is unequivocal: in a temporary custody hearing, a court must make three determinations before ordering removal of a child from parental custody: (1) whether probable cause exists to believe that the minor is neglected; (2) if so, whether removal is a matter of immediate and urgent necessity for the child's welfare; and (3) if so, whether DCFS has made reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate removal of the child, or whether there is a good reason for not doing so. Under the statute, unlike its *275 customary role in civil or criminal proceedings, the court cannot sit passively and await the parties' presentation of evidence. Instead, the Act requires that it must act affirmatively, and perhaps at times aggressively, to ferret out information before it can decide that a child's interest is better served by removal from the family. Here, the trial court was correct in stating that it had to hear evidence prior to making a reasonable efforts determination and that this determination was necessary only if it first made probable cause and urgent-and-immediate-necessity findings. The court went astray, however, in believing that it could enter an order granting DCFS custody without first making a reasonable efforts determination. Having neglected to gather this information, the court erred under the plain language of the Act by abdicating its duty (1) to require that DCFS present evidence either of its efforts to keep the family intact or of good cause for the absence of such efforts, (2) to examine family members, DCFS staff, and others for other relevant testimony, and (3) to make detailed findings as to the existence and adequacy of DCFS efforts. This error, moreover, was not harmless, contrary to the State's assertions here. The State's analysis ignores the fact that the error appears on the face of the record and constitutes a deprivation of the minors' constitutional right to due process. The question before the circuit court at each temporary custody hearing is whether DCFS has made reasonable efforts to keep the family together as of the time of that hearing. The purpose of each determination is not merely to provide evidence of the need to transfer custody, but to determine if unification can be achieved with DCFS help in the form of additional or different services at the time of the hearing. Hence, the reasonable efforts determination at the disposition hearing cannot cure the effect of the absence of a determination at the earlier hearings for the simple reason that the disposition hearing resolves a different question. The State's claim that no prejudice resulted is similarly without foundation for, as the minors note, by not hearing evidence as to what efforts, if any, DCFS was making to keep the family together at the time of each hearing, the court could not ascertain whether an order to DCFS to alter, augment, or begin such efforts would obviate the need to separate the children from their mother, or, if removal was necessary, whether changes in DCFS services and strategy could result in a prompt reunion. For example, had the court ordered DCFS in July to provide help in finding better housing or different drug counselling services, the children might have been able to return to their mother. Hence, the court's error prejudiced both the minors and the mother while simultaneously thwarting the intent of the Act to unify families. Such error cannot be deemed harmless. We recognize that the juvenile court caseload is staggering. We also understand the circuit court's conduct here in light of the parties' consensus that the challenged orders were in the best interest of the children. Nevertheless, the size of the court's docket and the agreement of the agencies cannot justify ignoring a clear statutory requirement. Despite our conclusions, we do not remand because we agree with the State that a ruling now on whether, at the time of the temporary custody hearings, DCFS was making reasonable efforts to keep the minors with their mother would be pointless. No one here challenges the determination that was made at the disposition hearing or the disposition ruling itself. As noted above, reasonable efforts determinations are time specific: they address the adequacy of DCFS efforts only as of the time of the ruling. A finding now concerning reasonable efforts at the temporary custody stage would have no effect on the minors. Accordingly, having emphasized the necessity of the court making timely reasonable efforts findings in future cases, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court. JUDGMENT AFFIRMED. HARTMAN and McCORMICK, JJ., concur. NOTES [1] The minors petitioned for leave to appeal the temporary custody orders, raising the issue addressed here, as allowed by Illinois Supreme Court Rule 306(a)(1)(v). This court denied the petition in an order dated January 30, 1990. (In re Patricia S. et al., No. 1-89-2243.)
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Q: Add cluster to an existing table in oracle Is it possible to add cluster to an existing table? For example... I have a table: CREATE TABLE table_name( t_id number PRIMARY KEY, t_name varchar2(50)); Cluster: CREATE CLUSTER my_cluster (c_id NUMBER) SIZE 100; Is there a command like: ALTER TABLE t_name ADD CLUSTER my_cluster(t_id); or something like that? Because I want table to look something like this: CREATE TABLE table_name( t_id number PRIMARY KEY, t_name varchar2(50)) CLUSTER my_cluster(t_id); And dropping all connected tables isn't really what I want to do. Thanks A: You really need to understand what a cluster really is. From the docs: "Clusters are groups of one or more tables physically stored together because they share common columns and are often used together. Because related rows are physically stored together, disk access time improves." (emphasis mine) The point being, the tables in a cluster are co-located. This is a physical arrangement. So, for the database to cluster existing tables we must drop and re-create them. It is possible to minimise the downtime by building the clustered table under a different name. You will need to keep the data in synch with the live table until you are ready to swap. You will need to restrict access to the database while you do this, to prevent data loss. Then you rename the old table, rename the clustered table with the proper name, run the necessary grants and recompile invalid procedures, synonyms, etc.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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EDMONTON OILERS BLOGShttp://www.edmontonoilers.com/rssEDMONTON OILERS BLOGSNHL Enterprises, L.P. (c) 2015 NHL. All Rights Reserveden-usTue, 31 Mar 2015 13:48:16 EDTBLOG: Oilers on ice in Denver for morning skatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38432The Oilers are on the ice for morning skate in Denver and it doesn't appear like they will have any significant lineup changes at first glance. Forward lines look the same as last game against Dallas: Pouliot - RNH - Eberle Purcell - Roy - Yakupov Hall - Lander - Miller Gazdic - Klinkhammer - FraserMarc CiampaMon, 30 Mar 2015 13:43:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practiceroadrnh1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3843238432BLOG: Saturday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38375Five players are absent at Oilers practice. No Boyd Gordon (back), Matt Hendricks (back) Andrew Ference (concussion), Mark Fayne (shoulder) or Nikita Nikitin on the ice at Rexall Place.Chris WescottSat, 28 Mar 2015 16:22:00 EDThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/64practicehome2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3837538375BLOG: Injury updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38381Nikita Nikitin was a new absentee for Oilers practice on Saturday. He took a shot off the foot last night in a 4-0 win over Dallas. “He’s day to day. He’s making the trip with us, we’ll see how he is tomorrow and we’ll make decision then,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “He took a shot off the foot, it’s a bone bruise so we’ll have to see how it reacts. Today was a day he really didn’t need to go out there and skate. So we’ll see how he is tomorrow and make that decision then.” Andrew Ference (concussion) and Mark Fayne (shoulder) were also absent from practice and will not travel on the upcoming road trip. Three other injured Oilers players will travel. “We’re going to take (Matt) Hendricks and (Boyd) Gordon and (Tyler) Pitlick as well so (Head Athletic Therapist T.D. Forss) can monitor them as we go,” Nelson said. “I’m not sure if they’re going to be available for the game in Colorado. We’ll take it day by day. One of the guys should be able to come back for the games in California so we’ll see what happens.”Chris WescottSat, 28 Mar 2015 16:21:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/10/20141031_niktinpractice.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3838138381BLOG: Klinkhammer’s night at centrehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38380He was thrown into the fire, with Boyd Gordon out of the lineup with a back injury. Rob Klinkhammer slid over from the wing to centre last night against the Dallas Stars. “It was tough,” said Klinkhammer. “It’s a lot different from what I’m used to, obviously. I’ve got to be a little more patient low and in the middle. You can’t run around as much. It’s tough to get hits like that where I’m just used to going up and down my wall, crashing and banging. I don’t think I’m going to be a regular centreman in the NHL, but it’s nice to fill in while those guys are out.” Anytime you switch positions it can be a tough transition. “He was good. He’s a great player,” Klinkhammer’s linemate Matt Fraser said. “It’s obviously hard changing positions but he did a great job. It kind of falls on me and (Luke Gazdic) to help him out on faceoffs and stuff like that. But he was good. He was talking lots on the ice and that’s all you can ask for.” Klinkhammer played just 6:46, all even strength. He finished the night with a takeaway, a blocked shot and was 0-for-5 in the faceoff dot. “He was good. I think he’ll tell you himself he struggled in the circle a little bit, but he was good,” Gazdic said. “He got adjusted pretty quickly. He said he had a history there a little bit. We were just trying to give as much help as we could and I thought we were good in our own end and got a couple chances offensively too.” Klinkhammer took a few faceoffs at morning skate, but had a tough time matching up against established centres in the game. “It was tough. It was a lot harder than I thought,” Klinkhammer said. “They had some good guys over there so they won them pretty clean on me.” He added, “Those guys have been doing it their whole lives and they definitely have a leg up on me. It was a tough go, but that’s the way it happens.” Gordon will travel with the team and could play sometime on this upcoming road trip.Chris WescottSat, 28 Mar 2015 15:57:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150328_klink.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3838038380BLOG: Miller makes Oilers historyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38365Andrew Miller made Oilers franchise history with his first NHL goal on Friday night. Miller became the first player in Oilers history to score his first career goal with a penalty shot. “It was a great shot and we’re very happy for him,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “He’s had some pretty good opportunities and he just hasn’t found the back of the net. It was nice to see him score that one. Any time you score your first NHL goal it’s an unbelievable feeling and I’m sure he’s enjoying it right now.” Miller went bar-down with a sweet shot, at 16:40 of the third period. “Usually I get a little nervous, but I was able to kind of calm down, take some breaths, do my move and luckily it went in,” said Miller. The last player to score their first NHL goal with a penalty shot was Jay McClement with the St. Louis Blues in 2005. Prior to Miller, there had been only five players in NHL history to do so. When Miller scored, the fans exploded into cheers and increased the already palpable energy of the building. “The energy was great, the fans were unbelievable in that,” Oilers goaltender Richard Bachman said. “I was trying not to get too jacked, I was just trying to stay even-keeled but it was hard not to when he did that. Especially for his first goal, it’s a pretty fun way to do it and fun building to do it in, to get that kind of ovation afterwards.”Chris WescottSat, 28 Mar 2015 01:11:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150327_millerscore.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3836538365BLOG: Oilers agree to terms with Betkerhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38330The Oilers have agreed to terms with defenceman Ben Betker on a three-year entry level contract. Betker, 20, was taken in the sixth round (158th overall) of the 2013 NHL Draft. He has played 64 games this season with the Everett Silvertips of the WHL, scoring six goals and adding 25 assists and 63 penalty minutes. His points (31), assists (25) and plus/minus (+19) this season were all career highs. Offensively, Betker had his strongest month in January. He finished the month with three goals and 12 assists in 14 games. He was +12 in that stretch. Betker has size, standing at 6-foot-6 and weighing in at 220 pounds. Betker and the Silvertips play the Spokane Chiefs in the first round of the WHL playoffs.Chris WescottThu, 26 Mar 2015 17:35:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/01/Betker_4.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3833038330BLOG: Young players step uphttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38311When Martin Marincin scored his first NHL goal, assisted by Andrew Miller and Anton Lander, Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson probably had flashbacks to Oklahoma City and his days as head coach there. Nelson coached all three of those players in OKC last season and the start of this one. If he didn’t have flashbacks then, he definitely did when Marincin, Lander and Oscar Klefbom were on the ice attempting to kill off a Colorado 5-on-3 power play. With Andrew Ference and Boyd Gordon already sitting out tonight’s game, Mark Fayne and Matt Hendricks both went down to injury. The situation made it so the younger players on the roster had to step up, and they did so by helping the Oilers win 4-3. “We had a young group,” Nelson said. “They played hard for each other. I had to shake my head there on that 5-on-3 because I had Anton, Klefbom and Marincin (out there) and that’s who we had on the 5-on-3 down in OK City at the start of this year. The young guys played well. Miller recorded his first two NHL assists tonight, helping his linemates (Lander and Taylor Hall) turn in a good night. “Andrew Miller had a great game,” Nelson said. “I thought he was moving his feet. He had a couple assists. Anton, that whole line played outstanding: Hall, Anton and Millsy. We had a lot of good efforts from our younger players and that’s great to see. I think it’s going to give them confidence moving forward.” Nelson’s familiarity with the multiple players on the roster who have played under him in the AHL seems to lead to confidence between player and coach. “I think it’s a big advantage because, from working with them in OKC, you develop confidence in the players because you’ve had them for a number of years,” said Nelson. “So I think it’s a lot easier for me as a coach to say, ‘Ok, I can use this guy in this situation,’ because I’ve seen them handle it before. I had no problems putting Andrew Miller (out there) in the last minute and 40 seconds. He deserved it as well, he earned it. It was a good game from our young guys. I thought they really took charge. When Colorado kept coming and they had some good opportunities, it was good to have (Ben Scrivens) step up. But our young guys played well.” There was no word on the status of the Oilers injured veterans, immediately following the game.Chris WescottThu, 26 Mar 2015 00:15:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150325_edmcol3.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3831138311BLOG: Tuesday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38234The Oilers are on the ice for practice at Rexall Place. Boyd Gordon (back) and Andrew Ference (upper body) are not on the ice after suffering injuries last night against Winnipeg. Line combinations: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hall-Lander-Miller Gazdic/Fraser-Hendricks-Klinkhammer Defensive Pairings: Schultz-Klefbom Nikitin-Fayne Aulie-MarincinChris WescottTue, 24 Mar 2015 19:01:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644pouliotpracticd1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3823438234BLOG: Ference and Gordon absenthttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38266After leaving the Winnipeg game on Monday with injuries, Boyd Gordon and Andrew Ference were not on the ice Tuesday for practice. Gordon tweaked his back and Ference has an undisclosed upper body injury. There weren’t any further updates on Tuesday, except that the two players will continue to be evaluated. “Gordo is the same thing I said (Monday) night where his back seized up and he took today off,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “We’ll see how he is tomorrow. Obviously, at this time of year, we’ve been playing a lot of games and guys need time off and time to rest. As for Andrew Ference, it’s an upper body injury and he’s going through further testing and we’ll find out more tomorrow.” Ference is doubtful for tomorrow against Colorado. The Oilers do have two more forward options now. Luke Gazdic (illness) and Matt Fraser (concussion) have both been cleared to play. The Oilers will make lineup decisions tomorrow ahead of their game against the Avalanche. Gazdic and Fraser rotated on the fourth-line wing with Matt Hendricks at centre and Rob Klinkhammer on the other wing at practice with Gordon absent.Chris WescottTue, 24 Mar 2015 18:59:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/644crosby.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3826638266BLOG: OKC adds Oilers prospect Houck, three othershttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38244The Oklahoma City Barons, who have been decimated by injury and call-ups in recent days, made some moves to try and turn the tide. They added Oilers prospect Jackson Houck, who had played the season with the WHL's Vancouver Giants on an Amateur tryout agreement. Houck was drafted by Edmonton in the fourth round in 2013. The Barons also added three players from the ECHL's Brampton Beast on pro tryout agreements: David Ling, Brett Lyon and Jason Pitton. Ling, 40, had nine goals and 38 points in 37 games with Brampton. He had a career-high 88 points with St. John's in the AHL in 2004-05 and has played 93 career NHL games. He plays right wing. Pitton, 28, previously played in the Oilers organization from 2009-2011 including stints in Stockton and Springfield. He had 22 goals and 40 points in 60 games with Brampton. He plays left wing. Lyon, 24, is also a left winger. He had 17 points in 56 games with Brampton and Allen in the ECHL. He also had a whopping 288 penalty minutes. He has previous AHL experience with Abbotsford and Utica and played four seasons in the WHL.Marc CiampaTue, 24 Mar 2015 14:41:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/11/20141119_Houck1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3824438244BLOG: Hamilton on waivershttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38177The Oilers have placed Ryan Hamilton on waivers for the purpose of assignment. From the team's official press release: The Edmonton Oilers announced today they have placed winger Ryan Hamilton on waivers for the purpose of assignment. Hamilton, 29, appeared in 16 games for the Oilers registering two points (1G, 1A), including his first career National Hockey League goal on February 10th against the New York Islanders. The 6-2’, 219-pound forward has registered 29 points (15G, 14A) and six penalty minutes in 32 games with the Barons this season.Marc CiampaSun, 22 Mar 2015 12:42:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/644ryanhamilton.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3817738177BLOG: Nurse named MVPhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38159Oilers prospect Darnell Nurse was named the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds Most Valuable Player at the organization's annual awards banquet on Friday night. "It means a lot," said Nurse, according to sootoday.com. "Looking at our team, there are a lot of guys that could have got it. It's a nice thing to be recognized for. I've been here for a while so I've been through both the ups and downs. It's a great organization and I wouldn't change a thing that's occurred over the last four years." Nurse, 20, has 31 points (9-22-31) in 34 games. He missed a month with a knee injury. Sault Ste. Marie is the top team in the OHL Western Conference, with 106 points in the standings and a record of 52-12-0-2.Chris WescottSat, 21 Mar 2015 17:16:00 EDThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150228_nurse1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3815938159BLOG: Friday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38117The Oilers have taken the ice for practice at Rexall Place. Taylor Hall is no longer wearing non-contact yellow. He is in light blue with the line of Miller-Lander-Hamilton. Matt Fraser is in yellow, after suffering a concussion on Monday. Tyler Pitlick joins him in yellow. Line combinations: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hall & Miller-Lander-Hamilton Gazdic & Hendricks-Gordon-Klinkhammer Fraser left the ice early after a couple of drills. Oscar Klefbom is not practicing. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said it is just a maintenance day.Chris WescottFri, 20 Mar 2015 16:28:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644pouliotpracticd1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3811738117BLOG: Eberle’s hot streakhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38143Jordan Eberle leads the Oilers in scoring this season with 56 points (19-37-56). The second half of the season has been kind to Eberle, who has 13-23-36 in his last 35 games. He is currently on a six-game point streak. He Has 4-8-12 in that span. Eberle’s linemate, Benoit Pouliot, is on a four-game point streak of his own (3-2-5). He talked about Eberle’s production after practice today at Rexall. “He’s just been bearing on the chances he’s getting,” Pouliot said. “He’s been making the passes he’s needed to make and it shows that he’s doing the job and he’s doing what he’s supposed to do and it’s fun to watch, fun to play with. I get the chance to play with him everyday and it’s great. I can’t complain about anything about his game. He’s probably one of, if not the, best players on our team. He’s just doing the simple things, doing his game. He’s a pretty shifty guy out there and when he gets the chance to be loose he’ll find you or shoot the puck.”Chris WescottFri, 20 Mar 2015 15:54:00 EDThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/465725740_fullSize(2).jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3814338143BLOG: How Hall changes the lineuphttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38122If Taylor Hall is able to return to the lineup, the Oilers are still undecided on where he will play. He skated today on the third line with Anton Lander as his centre. Wherever he plays, Hall adds a lot to the Oilers lineup. “He’s definitely a big part of our team,” Ryan Nugent-Hopkins said. “He’s a driving force out there for sure. He makes defencemen think twice about a lot of things. When he’s driving the puck wide he’s creating a lot of space for everybody else on the ice. If we get him back it’s going to be great for us and we look forward to getting him back into the lineup as soon as possible.” Hall has missed 23 of the last 24 games with an ankle injury, and yet he still holds the third spot in Oilers scoring with 11 goals and 19 assists for 30 points. “It’s huge for us. You bring a guy like Taylor Hall in the lineup and it’s always a positive,” Benoit Pouliot said of Hall closing in on a return. “He was pretty fast out there today. You could see him and he didn’t really seem to be hurting too much so he’s been out quite a while now. It’s obviously tough to come back, in the first few games, to get back into it. He looks pretty good so hopefully he gets back in there and helps us out.” The Oilers will meet tomorrow morning to decide if Hall is ready to return to game action, as the Oilers host the Flyers.Chris WescottFri, 20 Mar 2015 15:53:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/12/20141230_ph5644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3812238122BLOG: Hall updatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38121Taylor Hall skated today in light blue colours today at practice, as opposed to his recent yellow non-contact jersey. Logic dictates that he is getting closer to his return to game action, coming off his ankle injury. “In the case of Taylor, we’re going to see how he is tomorrow morning and we’ll make a decision collectively as a staff and with Taylor to see what we’re going to do moving forward,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. He took line rushes with Anton Lander and Ryan Hamilton, with Andrew Miller rotating on the wing. The Oilers are being cautious and not rushing Hall back until he is ready. “He has been out for a while,” Nelson said. “It’s one thing to skate in practice and it’s another thing to play a game where you are working the corners and that. Right now, we haven’t made a concrete decision of where he will play. He was playing with Anton today. That’s something we’ll discuss as a group. First and foremost, we have to make sure he’s 100% healthy.” Hall has missed 23 of the last 24 games and says whenever he comes back, it may take a few shifts to get up to speed. “It’s really tough to get 100% without playing games,” Hall said. “You can bag yourself as much as you want in practice. It just seems like you get in the game and you just can’t relax as easy and you don’t have those breaks like you do in practice. No matter if I practice for two weeks more, I think if I came back in a game I’d still be tired the first couple shifts.”Chris WescottFri, 20 Mar 2015 15:50:00 EDThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150317_prac.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3812138121BLOG: LaLeggia named Hobey Baker Top 10 Finalisthttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38109Senior University of Denver defenceman Joey LaLeggia was named a Top Ten Finalist for the 2015 Hobey Baker Award today. The award is presented annually to the top men’s college hockey player in the United States. LaLeggia, 22, was drafted in the fifth round (123rd overall) of the 2012 NHL Draft. In 34 games this season, LaLeggia has 13 goals and 25 assists for 38 points. He leads all NCHC defencemen in goals, assists, points, game-winning goals (3), power play goals (5) and shots on goal (129). He ranks third overall in the NCAA in scoring for a defenceman. LaLeggia has been named the NCHC Defenceman of the Week five times this season, and was named the NCHC Player of the Month for both January and February. LaLeggia is from Burnaby, B.C. and played for the Penticton Vees in the BCHL for three years before leaving for school at the University of Denver. The Hobey Baker Hat Trick (top three) will be announced April 2, and the winner will be named on April 10, during the NCAA Frozen Four. LaLeggia and the Pioneers play the University of Miami at Ohio in the Semifinal of the NCHC Tournament this Friday. He has yet to sign his entry level contract.Chris WescottThu, 19 Mar 2015 17:43:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/06/20140611_Laleggia.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3810938109BLOG: Kadri suspended four gameshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38065The NHL has suspended Leafs forward Nazem Kadri four games for his hit to the head of Oilers winger Matt Fraser.Marc CiampaWed, 18 Mar 2015 13:42:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/nhl/images/upload/2015/03/KADRI_031315_672.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3806538065BLOG: Tuesday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38002The Oilers have hit the ice for practice at Rexall Place. Taylor Hall and Tyler Pitlick are both on the ice in non-contact yellow. The rest of the lineup stays the same, except for the absence of Luke Gazdic (illness) and Matt Fraser, who suffered a head injury last night against Toronto. Line combinations based on jersey colour: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hamilton-Lander Hendricks-Gordon-KlinkhammerChris WescottTue, 17 Mar 2015 15:21:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644pouliotpracticd1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3800238002BLOG: Fraser updatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38046Last night, Oilers forward Matt Fraser was helped off the ice after a hit to the head by Leafs Nazem Kadri. “You obviously don’t want to see that,” said Ryan Hamilton, Fraser’s linemate. “You always want to stick up (for) and protect your teammates. I didn’t really get a good view of it. I just saw kind of the aftermath so I just kind of got in there in the scrum. It was kind of a little hectic there. We didn’t know exactly what happened right away, then we saw the replay. Obviously, he took a pretty good one on the chin. I don’t know if it was incidental or not but he still made good contact on the chin. Obviously, it’s not fun watching one of your teammates get hit like that.” There was no update after the game, but Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson provided one today after practice. “He was concussed,” Nelson said. “We are going to follow protocol and we’ll reevaluate him again tomorrow, but I can say that he’s doing well.” Nelson had a chance to watch the play and says it’s an unfortunate part of hockey. “It was a play where (Fraser) was reaching, he was down a bit and we’ve seen those hits before where a player comes in and finishes his check,” Nelson said. “Sometimes, when the opposing player is bending over and trying to reach for the puck, those things happen. It’s the game of hockey. It happens.” The Oilers may look to recall a player from Oklahoma City. The Barons play tonight at home against Milwaukee.Chris WescottTue, 17 Mar 2015 15:17:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20140103_Fraser4.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3804638046BLOG: Tayor Hall injury updatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38014Prior to practice on Sunday, Taylor Hall skated on his own and then helped warm up the goaltenders. Coach Nelson said that he will skate with the team for the first time on Monday at morning skate prior to the game against the Leafs. “He’s going to skate with us tomorrow. We’ll see how he feels,” said Nelson. The coach was also asked if, when Hall returns, he'll assume his usual spot on the right side half boards on the power play, considering how well the team has played with the man advantage since Hall's been injured (28.1%, #1 in the NHL). Nelson said he didn't want to jump to any conclusions for a decision that will be made down the road. “A lot of things can happen over the next few games with personnel, guys get injured and what-not. I like where Nuge is right now and we’ll try to make it fit, if everybody is healthy, with Taylor on one of the two units.”Marc CiampaSun, 15 Mar 2015 16:16:00 EDThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3801438014BLOG: Oilers enjoying a powerful power playhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38013Since Todd Nelson took over behind the Oilers bench as interim head coach, the team's power play has been outstanding. The team had a 12.0% overall power play success rating (and 4.7% on the road) with only 13 total goals scored (2 on the road). “I think at the start of the year we were getting a lot of chances and we just couldn’t score. You start holding on to the puck too long and that really hurt us. Now lately, we go out there with a lot of confidence, feeling like we’re going to score. Putting a lot of pucks on the net, working hard and winning battles,” said Ryan Nugent-Hopkins on the team's much-improved play with the man advantage. Since Nelson, the team's power play has been running along at a 25.0% clip with 23 goals on 92 opportunities. The best power play in the entire NHL -- the Detroit Red Wings -- are at 25.3%. On the road, that power play has been 29.5%. “I think the personnel, the units that we have, they’re working well together," said Nelson. "Our challenge from our staff is to outwork their penalty kill. I think Craig Ramsay’s done a great job of preparing them but the message is to keep it simple, get pucks going to the net, get traffic and try to outwork their penalty kill.” The power play has gotten even better since the all-star break. In that six-week stretch, the Oilers have the best power play in the entire NHL by a significant margin at 28.1%. On the road, it's even better at 34.2%. It's all the more amazing when it's considered that they have accomplished this all without Taylor Hall, the team's usual leading power-play point-getter who was injured coming out of the break.Marc CiampaSun, 15 Mar 2015 16:09:00 EDThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150308_oilcar1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3801338013BLOG: Sunday line combinations at practicehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=38005The Oilers are on the ice for practice at Rexall Place after returning late Friday night from their five-game road trip through the Northeastern U.S. Tyler Pitlick is on the ice wearing a non-contact yellow jersey. The forward lines are: Pouliot - Nugent-Hopkins - Eberle Purcell - Roy - Yakupov Hendricks - Lander - Fraser Gazdic/Hamilton - Gordon - Klinkhammer There are seven defencemen on the ice: Nikitin, Ference, Klefbom, Marincin, Schultz, Aulie and Fayne.Marc CiampaSun, 15 Mar 2015 12:44:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644klinkhammerpractie1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3800538005BLOG: Wednesday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37884The Oilers are on the ice at Cosol Energy Center in Pittsburgh for practice. Lines: Gazdic-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hamilton-Lander-Fraser Hendricks-Gordon-Klinkhammer Pouliot had maintenance day. Defence: Klefbom-Schultz Marincin-Fayne Ference-Nikitin (Aulie)Chris WescottWed, 11 Mar 2015 18:12:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644gazidcpractice1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3788437884BLOG: Pittsburgh memorieshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37867Todd Nelson was a Paul Coffey fan, watching him play for the Oilers and Penguins from his hometown of Prince Albert, SK. “I enjoyed the way he played the game,” Nelson said. “Let’s face it, when he picked up the puck and got his feet moving, he was pretty to watch. He was the player I always wanted to be.” Nelson was drafted by Pittsburgh in the fourth round of the 1989 NHL Draft. He’d get his first call up with the Penguins on November 23, 1991, filling in for an ill Ulf Samuelsson. And guess who was there to greet him when he walked through the door. “As soon as I walked in, Paul Coffey came over to me and welcomed me to the team. Second guy was Mario (Lemieux).” The Oilers interim coach only played one game for the Penguins in his career, but it was a good time to be a part of the organization. Being greeted by Coffey upon his arrival was just one of the moments from his stint with Pittsburgh Nelson will never forget. “It was a time they were winning Stanley Cups and I was a young guy just trying to cut my teeth in pro hockey,” Nelson said. “It was quite a time for me because we had so many great players in the organization. Walking into that dressing room, you were somewhat starstruck because you had quite a few hall of famers there. It was a good two-year run for them and I was fortunate to play one game for them.”Chris WescottWed, 11 Mar 2015 18:04:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150221_nelly4.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3786737867Oilers assign Oesterlehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37815The Edmonton Oilers announced today they have assigned defenceman Jordan Oesterle to the American Hockey League's Oklahoma City Barons. Oesterle, 22, appeared in six games for the Oilers and he posted his first career National Hockey League point (assist) on March 3rd against the Los Angeles Kings. The 6-0’, 182-pound defenceman has registered 21 points (6G, 15A), six penalty minutes and a plus five rating in 49 games with the Barons this seasonEdmonton Oilers Press ReleaseTue, 10 Mar 2015 13:30:00 EDThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150228_oesterle.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3781537815BLOG: Oilers expect a bounce back game from Klefbomhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37759Although he is having a promising season, 21-year-old Oscar Klefbom has had some downs to go with the ups. The last two games are a perfect example of a young defencemen experiencing the peaks and valleys of development. Against Chicago, Klefbom was excellent. The blueliner played 26:23 against one of the best teams in the league, recording seven shots on goal, two hits and three blocked shots. The game against Carolina was a different story as Klefbom saw his minutes cut to 20:09 and he finished -3 with a couple giveaways and no shots on net. The Oilers expect a bounce-back game from the young defender. “We expect that with a young guy like Oscar,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “You’re going to have nights like Chicago and then last night was a little bit of a tough one, but we expect him to bounce back strong tonight. That’s the way it’s going to be, especially for young defencemen. I think it’s a hard position to establish yourself in the National Hockey League and there are always going to be ups and downs. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, you do have those tough nights. But just knowing the past experience of Oscar, he does bounce back.”Chris WescottMon, 09 Mar 2015 14:15:00 EDThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/gallery/2015/03/496700_1425574902847.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3775937759BLOG: Saturday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37751The Oilers have taken the ice in Raleigh for their practice ahead of tomorrow's game against the Carolina Hurricanes. Lines: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Lander-Yakupov Hamilton-Hendricks-Fraser Gazdic-Gordon-Klinkhammer Derek Roy is not on the ice. He is just out for a maintenance day. Defensive Pairings: Klefbom-Schultz Marincin-Fayne Ference-Oesterle Aulie-Nikitin (shoulder)Chris WescottSat, 07 Mar 2015 15:46:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150307_prac.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3775137751BLOG: Wednesday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37645The Oilers have taken the ice for practice at Rexall Place. Matt Hendricks and Nikita Nikitin are absent. Anton Lander and Tyler Pitlick are in non-contact yellow jerseys. Lines: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Gazdic-Gordon-Klinkhammer Hamilton-(Lander & Pitlick rotating)-Fraser Defensive Pairings: Klefbom-Schultz Marincin-Fayne Ference-Oesterle AulieChris WescottWed, 04 Mar 2015 16:29:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644gazidcpractice1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3764537645BLOG: Finding consistencyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37653he Oilers beat New Jersey and then followed up a great effort against the Islanders with a 4-3 overtime win in Montreal. That was followed by a 7-2 loss in Ottawa. They bounced back with a 4-3 shootout loss to Winnipeg and then a shootout win over Boston, again followed by disappointment with a 4-0 loss to Minnesota. That shutout was followed by a nice effort against Anaheim and a win against the very same Minnesota Wild. A 2-1 loss to St. Louis followed, not short on effort. Then came the disappointment last night in the form of a 5-2 loss to Los Angeles. Two or three solid showings, followed by a letdown game. The Oilers are striving to weed out the latter. “We’ve got to figure out why we play two or three good games in a row and then, not only are we playing bad but we’re almost embarrassing ourselves,” Luke Gazdic said. “The 4-0 loss to (Minnesota) was brutal, last night was brutal against LA. St. Louis, we lost but I thought we played a good quality game. It wasn’t the result we wanted, but we’ve got to find a way to bring a good, consistent effort every night. We can’t be playing two, three, four good games in a row and then come out and just stink up the joint. We’ve got to find a way to be a little more consistent in our starts and our efforts.” Gazdic, along with several Oilers players showed anger and disappointment after last night’s result. “We were frustrated,” Jordan Eberle said. “It wasn’t our best night, not even close. I think we’re trying to find a level of consistency where we’re playing our game every night. When you have a step back like that, it pisses you off. We addressed it today, we talked about it and went over the video. It was ugly. We strived to have a really good practice and we did.” The search for consistency continued today at Rexall Place, where the Oilers pushed the pace of practice. “I liked today,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “We had a very good video session. We went over the things that we want to develop more consistency with and then we had an excellent day on the ice. If we can apply that work ethic on the ice we had today in practice to a game then we’ll be a much tougher team to play against. I think the guys are getting the concept, I think they’re understanding how we have to play consistently. We mentioned it last night that we have three decent efforts and then you have a game like last night where it wasn’t a very good game at all… Our goal is to play consistent the rest of the season.” Nelson wasn’t the only one pleased with the response of the team today, following last night’s loss. “It started today in practice for sure,” Nelson said. “We had a little video session before it and Todd was talking about things we have to work on, but the thing he focused on was we can’t think about next game with Chicago, it’s got to start in practice. We had an up tempo, good paced practice. It was tough, but we did well at it. We pushed through it and the next goal is to get ready for a good Blackhawks team.” The Oilers begin a five-game road trip in Chicago on Friday.Chris WescottWed, 04 Mar 2015 16:27:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150303_ph1-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3765337653BLOG: Lander closing in on returnhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37652Oilers centre Anton Lander has been nursing a shoulder injury, but could return to the lineup soon. He skated today, participated in all of the drills and took line rushes, despite wearing a non-contact yellow jersey. “It feels pretty good,” Lander said. “It’s nice to be out there and skating again. We will see. It was a good practice today, it feels fine shooting the puck so I’m exciting to see when I can play on this road trip.” Lander and injured defenceman Nikita Nikitin will both be on the upcoming road trip, with Lander being closer to return. “Anton skated today, looked really good,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “He’s coming on the trip with us. We’re hopeful he’ll get in some action. We’re not sure when on the trip, but that’s why he’s making it. Same thing with Nikitin. (Lander is) coming on the trip as well so we’re hopeful that he can get into some games.” Matt Hendricks had a maintenance day and did not practice.Chris WescottWed, 04 Mar 2015 16:26:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150129_lander644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3765237652BLOG: Generating more offencehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37651For five straight games, the Oilers offence hasn’t been able to generate more than two goals. That comes after averaging 3.2 per game in their previous five. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson says the key to igniting the offence comes from just generating more zone time, and that takes execution. “I think our offence has to start from our own end, so we have to play less there,” Nelson said. “We have to do a better job of winning loose puck battles, breaking out the puck efficiently and then managing the puck into the offensive zone. If we’re able to do that more consistent, we’ll be able to have more offensive zone play and we should be able to create more opportunities. It’s a full-ice game so we have to manage the puck correctly and have better execution. I think those chances will come once we get the puck in the offensive zone.”Chris WescottWed, 04 Mar 2015 16:25:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150227_potws-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3765137651BLOG: The genesis of the Petry dealhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37606With Jeff Petry’s status as a pending unrestricted free agent and the looming trade deadline, the Oilers began making inquiries with other clubs weeks ago, while keeping dialogue open for a contract. In the end, the eve of the deadline came and Petry was destined to be moved. Oilers General Manager Craig MacTavish broke down the trade that eventually sent Petry to Montreal, in exchange for a second and a conditional fifth-round pick in the 2015 NHL Draft. “As well as Jeff played all year, we can’t lose sight of the big picture here, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we’re the 29th team in the league and we have to handle our assets appropriately,” MacTavish said. MacTavish said the Oilers, “talked to a lot of teams over the last number of weeks.” When the Carolina Hurricanes sent defenceman Andrej Sekera to Los Angeles — in exchange for Roland McKeown and a conditional first-round pick — on February 25, the landscape changed. “I was optimistic one day and a little more pessimistic the next day, then it looked like the price was climbing when Sekera went to LA,” MacTavish said. But soon MacTavish realized that maybe Petry wasn’t the top priority for the bidding clubs. “I felt that Jeff was of interest to a lot of teams but he wasn’t necessarily most teams’ primary interest,” the general manager said. Originally, the plan was to come away with a prospect in the return package for Petry. Unfortunately, the Oilers couldn’t get the right deal done, although at one point there were talks with a team other than Montreal. “I said all along my emphasis on this deal was a prospect, and there wasn’t that level of interest back,” MacTavish said. “If I was making the deal with media I might have gotten more, but unfortunately I wasn’t. The market really is what the market is and there’s nobody that’s lazy enough not to make the calls and try to gauge what that market is. Then going into the last day, there’s a considerable risk. There’s a downside risk, as well as an upside risk. We were chasing a deal that made a little bit more sense to me into the later hours last night and it didn’t materialize. So I was circling back to Montreal who really throughout this showed the greatest level of interest and then that was going a little sideways and then later on in the evening we were able to come to an agreement. But I really wasn’t comfortable going into today with a chance that we’ve got the last guy standing and there’s no chairs at the table anymore so there was some downside risk to prolonging this.” The Oilers didn’t prolong things, announcing the deal with Montreal around 7:00 a.m. MST this morning. It’s a deal that now has them with six picks in the first three rounds of the draft. MacTavish says they’ll be in a position to draft some exciting players in a, “extremely” deep draft, as well as make moves to fill some of their, “obvious holes going forward.”Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 20:50:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150302_mact.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3760637606BLOG: How Nelson will be evaluatedhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37611As the season continues to move towards its close and the trade deadline has passed, the Oilers continue to evaluate their roster, along with the important position of head coach. Todd Nelson wears the interim tag right now, in an audition to have that label removed at the end of the year. General Manager Craig MacTavish was asked how Nelson would be evaluated down the stretch and it comes down to a level of consistency in play and compete, as well as they continue to respond to adversity. “I think just level of competitiveness,” MacTavish. “I’ve said enough about how I think we’re competing. I think the coach has to be on the dial. One thing for me that’s important is when the team has a poor game, a poor showing or a poor effort, that he’s able to grab them quickly and get their performance level to a much higher level. So there’s some response there and that’s optimistic. We’re not going to make any decisions coaches or the coaching or the head coach until the season is over. I’ve been clear about that from the outset, but we’re all seeing the types of things that we’re going to need to see on a continuing basis to get into a longer term agreement with Todd.”Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 20:44:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20140221_nelly2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3761137611BLOG: Who the Oilers might auditionhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37612The Oilers might be in the business of hosting auditions at the end of the season for a few prospects, currently down in Oklahoma City playing in the American Hockey League. General Manager Craig MacTavish listed a few of the players he’d like to see against NHL competition this season. “The guys I’d like to give a chance to, we hope we can,” MacTavish said. “We hope we get an opportunity to see Brandon Davidson again. He played very well the last time he was up here in San Jose, so he’s got lots of promise. I’d like to see Andrew Miller come up here and see what he can do, he’s been a good player down there. Curtis Hamilton, I’d like to give an opportunity to. Bogdan Yakimov and all those guys. The goalie, Laurent Brossoit, has played very well and we’d like to see him come up and hopefully give him a game pretty soon. As disappointing as it is to be selling it this time of year, I’m looking forward to the end of the year where I couldn’t say that last year.” Davidson has played 41 games for the Barons, scoring three goals and five assists. Miller has blown away his goal production from a year ago, scoring 21 and adding 26 assists in 51 AHL games this season. Yakimov has played better in recent months and has nine goals and 12 assists in 50 games for OKC. Brossoit is carrying the load with Richard Bachman up in Edmonton. Brossoit has a record of 18-11-2 in OKC, with a .920 save percentage and 2.46 GAA.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 20:44:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/10/20141013_yak.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3761237612BLOG: MacTavish on Yakupov’s futurehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37610At the end of this season, Nail Yakupov’s three year entry level contract will be up and he’ll be a restricted free agent. Oilers General Manager Craig MacTavish spoke about the young winger following the NHL’s trade deadline and the relationship between the club and player moving into the future. “I see it to continue to evolve the way that it has,” MacTavish said. “We all see the promise now that we had when we drafted him. I had zero interest in trading Nail Yakupov. I think we’ve gone this far, we’ve got to see the end now. It has been some ups and downs, some sideways play and some head-scratching stuff and he’s on top of his game now. He shows all the assets that we saw when we drafted him: the speed, the physical power, the shot, he’s making good plays with the puck and who knows what unlatches all that for him, but he’s really figured it out. He’s playing with confidence, he’s a hardworking guy and we’ve got to see how it finishes. I’ve have no question that Yak is going to continue to develop and he’s got a reference point of what he needs to do now because he’s hit a new level. I’m as curious as anybody to see where that level goes because I think it’s sky high.” Yakupov has eight points in his last nine games.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 20:43:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150227_potws-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3761037610BLOG: MacTavish talks young defencehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37609Oilers General Manager Craig MacTavish spoke to the media after the trade deadline had passed, and one of the topics he touched on was the organization’s young defensive prospects. After trading Jeff Petry to the Montreal Canadiens, the Oilers will get a look at a couple of young blueliners the remainder of the season. But MacTavish is also excited about the future of the blueline in coming years. “We’ll see what Jordan Oesterle has coming forward (this season), we’ll see what Brandon Davidson has coming forward. They’re both young players that have some optimism there that they can develop,” MacTavish said. “We’ve got Darnell Nurse coming forward. Who knows what we’ll get in the draft? We could help ourselves not only at centre but on defence, depending on how this team finishes and where the bingo balls fall.” Oscar Klefbom is another young defenceman that MacTavish singled out at the press conference. The GM is thoroughly impressed with the 21-year-old Klefbom, who is 41 games into the season with the Oilers. MacTavish is hopeful that adding another player like Klefbom to the Oilers will help make the team more competitive a a whole. “We’ve seen the benefit of Oscar coming in and playing those minutes,” MacTavish said. “He just gives you 20 minutes of flawless hockey, and he’s had a great effect on Justin. We bring in one more player who has that effect on our group and a couple other key pieces and all the sudden we’re not only competing with Boston and St. Louis and the better teams in the league, but we’re winning those games.”Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 20:42:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150206_Klefbom4.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3760937609BLOG: Trade Deadline Day updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37583The Oilers are on the ice for Monday's practice at Rexall Place. The line combinations are as follows: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Fraser-Hendricks-Hamilton Gazdic-Gordon-Klinkhammer Nikitin, Pitlick and Lander are on the ice in non-contact yellow. Keith Aulie, who cleared waivers, is on the ice.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 17:39:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644klinkhammerpractie1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3758337583BLOG: Players reflect on Petryhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37604A couple of Oilers players reflected after practice on Monday on Jeff Petry, who was traded to Montreal this morning, and how he handled the approaching deadline. “Petey was good for us this year,” Boyd Gordon said. “He started to play very well. We’re losing one of our best defencemen. That’s just kind of the way it is with him going to unrestricted free agency in the summer. These things happen.” Oilers Captain Andrew Ference was impressed at how Petry handled the questions from the media and the uncertainty of the deadline as a pending free agent. “He handled it, I think, very professionally, very well. He never let it be a distraction,” Ference said to the media. “I’m sure you guys have dealt with him enough to know he’s a pretty great guy. I think for him a lot of that stuff was out of his control. He was playing the game and playing as well as he can and obviously playing at a level that made him very attractive to some teams who want to make a push here in the playoffs. It’s going to work great for him.” Ryan Nugent-Hopkins knew Petry longer than Ference or Gordon, so not having him in the locker room or on the ice for practice was different. “For me, it’s definitely pretty strange,” Nugent-Hopkins said. “He’s been here since I’ve been here and we were together my first year. It’s definitely tough to see a guy like that go but it was obviously expected. We prepared for it over the last couple of weeks and I think he’s going to have a good shot there and it’s obviously a great city to go to. We wish him all the best.”Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 16:35:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150113_Petry.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3760437604BLOG: Injury updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37602Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson spoke to the media after practice on Monday and gave updates on a couple of injured players. Two have a positive prognosis. “(Nikita) Nikitin and (Anton) Lander, we’re hopeful that maybe sometime late in this trip coming up or right after the trip. That’s what we’re hopeful for. They’re both skating well, they’re both doing limited contact right now and that’s what we’re hopeful for.” For Iiro Pakarinen however, who injured his knee against St. Louis on Saturday, the prognosis is not so positive. With Pakarinen out for an undetermined amount of time, the Oilers may discuss calling up a forward from Oklahoma City. “I talked to Craig (MacTavish) before practice and he said, ‘Let’s touch base after the deadline is finished and we’ll go from there.’ Pakarinen is going for an MRI today and we’ll find out more with that, but we don’t expect him back anytime soon,” Nelson said.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 16:33:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150111_ph1-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3760237602BLOG: Moving forward without Petryhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37603Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson spoke after practice on Monday, hours after the team traded Jeff Petry to Montreal for a second and conditional fifth-round pick in 2015. In response to a question of how the Oilers will move on without Petry on the blueline, Nelson said it’s opportunity for some players to step up. “We have seven healthy defencemen right now so we have options,” Nelson said. “Obviously, losing a guy like Petey that ate a lot of minutes and was playing some really good hockey for us, that’s a whole that we have to fill. It will give guys opportunities to step up for the rest of the year.” Both Jordan Oesterle and Brandon Davidson are expected to see more time with the big club, along with Mark Fayne eating up more minutes for the Oilers.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 16:33:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150224_Petry2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3760337603BLOG: Oilers transfer four to OKChttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37596The Oilers have returned Jordan Oesterle, Martin Marincin, Richard Bachman and Ryan Hamilton on loan to the Oklahoma City Barons of the American Hockey League. The transfer makes them eligible to participate in the AHL playoffs.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 15:14:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-marincin2-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3759637596BLOG: An update on the Oilers selections in 2015 drafthttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37581Here is an update on where the Oilers stand in the 2015 NHL Draft after the Jeff Petry trade. The Oilers have two first-round picks in the 2015 draft. They have their own pick and the one acquired from the Pittsburgh Penguins, in exchange for David Perron. The Oilers also have two picks in the second round. They have their own second and the one acquired in the Petry trade this morning. In the third, the Oilers own Ottawa’s pick from the Ales Hemsky trade last season. They also own the St. Louis Blues third-round selection from the original Perron trade in 2013. Their own was sent to Anaheim in the Viktor Fasth trade last season. They do not own a fourth-round pick, having sent that to St. Louis in the original Perron trade. Following the Petry trade, the Oilers have the Montreal Canadiens fifth-round pick in 2015, although it is conditional. They also have their own selection in that round. The Oilers have their own picks in the sixth and seventh round. BY THE NUMBERS ROUND 1 - 2 picks ROUND 2 - 2 picks ROUND 3 - 2 picks ROUND 4 - 0 picks ROUND 5 - 2 picks (1 is conditional) ROUND 6 - 1 pick ROUND 7 - 1 pickChris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 12:24:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/06/644396table.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3758137581BLOG: Oilers trade Petry for pair of pickshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37541The Oilers executed a trade early Monday morning, on deadline day, to move one of their pending free agents. The Oilers acquired a second-round pick, as well as a conditional fifth-round pick in 2015 from the Montreal Canadiens, in exchange for defenceman Jeff Petry. Petry, 27, has played in 295 NHL games, all for the Oilers, since being drafted in the second round of the 206 NHL Draft. He has 17 goals and 57 assists in his career. Montreal is currently the top team in the Eastern Conference with 87 points in the standings. Stay tuned for more trade deadline coverage on edmontonoilers.com.Chris WescottMon, 02 Mar 2015 09:04:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2013/04/20130425_petry644-2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3754137541BLOG: Oilers place Aulie on waivershttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37536The Oilers have placed defenceman Keith Aulie on waivers. The 25-year-old defenceman has played 18 games this season for the Oilers, going -1 with 53 penalty minutes.Chris WescottSun, 01 Mar 2015 12:21:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/11/20141117_aulie3.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3753637536BLOG: How close is Oesterle?http://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37531Jordan Oesterle played just his second NHL game on Saturday night but in the small sample size the defenceman has earned praise. The 22-year-old played 16:43 in his return to NHL action. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson was asked how close Oesterle is to becoming a full-time NHL player. “He’s pretty close,” Nelson said. “He can definitely skate well up here and he moves the puck fine. Once again tonight, he kind of falls in the same category as (Martin Marincin) where they have to mature and get stronger. But I think Jordan is knocking on the door.” Oesterle, a free agent signing, played three years at Western Michigan University under former NHL bench boss Andy Murray.Chris WescottSun, 01 Mar 2015 02:12:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/03/20150228_oesterle.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3753137531BLOG: Hitchcock sees different Oilershttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37529St. Louis Blues Head Coach Ken Hitchcock expected a competitive battle against the Oilers tonight. This morning after the Blues skate, Hitchcock said he sees a different Edmonton team. After the Blues skated away with a 2-1 victory at Rexall Place, Hitchcock was not surprised by the game they got from the Oilers, who have improved their play over recent weeks despite injuries to the lineup. “You get no inside ice now,” Hitchcock said. “You get no inside ice. They don’t chase tired. You get them in their zone and you keep possession, but they don’t chase. They leave you on the outside and it’s hard to get second and third chances. The chances we got were original chances, but if you look at the game I don’t think we had three second chances. It’s because they step on you. They keep you to the outside, they don’t overcommit and they don’t get caught with chasing contact so you might have possession but you’re not really accomplishing very much.”Chris WescottSun, 01 Mar 2015 01:29:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/6444edm.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3752937529BLOG: Friday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37469The Oilers have taken the ice for practice at Clareview Recreation Centre. The lines by jersey colour are as follows: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hamilton-Hendricks-Pakarinen (Gazdic & Fraser)-Gordon-Klinkhammer Pitlick and Nikitin are in non-contact yellow Ben Scrivens is showing off a new mask.Chris WescottFri, 27 Feb 2015 16:34:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644pouliotpracticd1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3746937469BLOG: Oilers focus down the stretchhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37493There are 20 games remaining in the 2014-15 NHL season. Without playoffs on the radar, the Oilers look to other goals to close out the year. “I think we can play the role of spoiler moving forward,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said. “If teams are on the bubble, we’re not going to be in the playoffs so maybe we can go out there and spoil some teams’ chances. I think that’s the way we have to approach it. I think we have to come every day in practices and games to work hard to get better and the guys understand that.” But overall, the goal is the same it has been every day, and that’s to continue to improve individually as players while coming together as a team. Those were Nelson’s goals coming in as an interim coach and he hopes they see them out. “Just like we’ve always talked about, trying to get better every day as individuals but also as a team,” Nelson said. “Today I liked what I saw on the ice. The guys were applying the things that we’re teaching and now that has to translate to the game. Based on today, from what I saw, it looks like we’re getting better little by little every day and that has to continue. I think as a staff we have to keep on stressing that let’s come to the rink, let’s improve, let’s try to make ourselves better so we become better hockey players and a better hockey team.”Chris WescottFri, 27 Feb 2015 16:33:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/462687192_crop1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3749337493BLOG: Yakupov looks readyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37492Nail Yakupov took to the ice at Clareview Recreation Centre today and once again participated in all of the drills. It looks as though the Oilers winger will be ready to return to game action tomorrow night against St. Louis, after nursing a groin injury. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson all but confirmed it. “It looks like it,” Nelson said. “He skated good today, worked hard and it looks like he’s back to normal.” As for who Yakupov would replace in the lineup, Nelson says he hasn’t discussed that with General Manager Craig MacTavish yet. “Craig and I haven’t had discussions with that. We’ll discuss it later on today,” Nelson said.Chris WescottFri, 27 Feb 2015 16:30:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150227_potws-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3749237492BLOG: How Nelson develops playershttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37491Martin Marincin was a topic of discussion following yesterday’s practice as he has started to move forward in his development after a slow start to the season, which included assignment to Oklahoma City out of training camp. The book on Marincin is that he can make solid defensive plays and be a reliable blueliner, but needs to work on his battle in the corners and in front of the net. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said yesterday that he showed signs of that in the Oilers last game against Minnesota, even helping his team close out the waning seconds of that one-goal victory. Marincin has seen growth in this area as well, saying his battle is getting better. “Yes, it’s great,” Marincin said. “I feel stronger, like I said before the season so for me it is about going to the net and being stronger in front of the net and play simple.” For players like Marincin, who need to make adjustments to their game along their development path, Nelson thinks communication is key. After spending time in OKC working with young prospects, that’s the process Nelson says he uses to help young players like Marincin adjust to the pros and become better players. “Besides the work on the ice that we try to get better at, I think we have to have communication and it has to be a two-way street,” Nelson said. “They have to let me know what they need help with. I can identify some things but there are other things they may want to work on so it’s just constant communication with the player and just trying to help them in certain areas. It’s not only the on-ice play, but maybe it’s the off-ice stuff as well, like getting adjusted to North America if you’re a European player. Things like that. I think it’s constant communication.”Chris WescottFri, 27 Feb 2015 16:28:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-marincin2-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3749137491BLOG: Thursday practice updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37418The Oilers have taken the ice at Rexall Place for practice. They haven't run lines, but Nail Yakupov (groin), Tyler Pitlick (lacerated spleen) and Nikita Nikitin (shoulder) are all practicing. Pitlick and Nikitin are both wearing non-contact yellow.Chris WescottThu, 26 Feb 2015 16:12:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/09/644scrimmage3.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3741837418BLOG: Update on Yakupovhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37444Nail Yakupov sat out the game in Minnesota with a groin injury, but was back on the ice today at Rexall Place. The Oilers winger competed in all the drills and participated in the extra conditioning at the end of practice. “I felt pretty good,” Yakupov said. “I pushed as hard as I can. I went out a little earlier to see how my leg was going. I think everything was fine and then I got lucky with that skate at the end. Should be feeling pretty good. We’ll see tomorrow, but I hope I’ll be back in the lineup soon.” Yakupov says he didn’t enjoy watching his team compete without him in Minnesota and hopes he’s ready soon. “That wasn’t a great feeling at all,” Yakupov said. “I don’t like to watch the game from upstairs, but I still was kind of nervous. I wanted my team to get two points and they did, so it was a good feeling.” He may be back sooner than later, possibly even on Saturday against St. Louis. “It looks pretty good, based on what I saw today. He practiced well and we’ll see how it reacts tomorrow,” Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson said.Chris WescottThu, 26 Feb 2015 14:52:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150219_yak1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3744437444BLOG: Marincin’s battle is uphttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37445The Oilers had a 23-year-old defenceman on the ice in the waning seconds of their 2-1 win over Minnesota on Tuesday night. Martin Marincin helped the Oilers run out the clock and preserve the one-goal victory. Having Marincin on the ice in a crucial moment signifies trust in his game and development in the player. Oilers Interim Coach Todd Nelson says the biggest thing Marincin has improved on lately is his assertiveness when it comes to puck battles in the hard areas. He showed that against Minnesota. “I think, his battle. That’s one thing we’ve always tried to work on with him,” Nelson said. “Last game in the last minute or 40 seconds or whatever he really competed hard and we saw that trend throughout the game. He has a good, long stick and that’s fine, but when it comes to a battle in front of the net and in corners we liked what we saw and that’s why he was out there.”Chris WescottThu, 26 Feb 2015 14:52:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150218_ph3-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3744537445BLOG: Bakersfield to remain as Condorshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37412The Bakersfield Condors announced this evening that their name will remain the Condors when they move into the American Hockey League next season.Marc CiampaWed, 25 Feb 2015 23:02:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/05/20140523_Baks.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3741237412BLOG: Joey Moss to be inducted into Alberta Sports Hall of Famehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37430Oilers longtime locker room assistant Joey Moss will be inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame in the achievement category. The ceremony will take place at the Sheraton Hotel in Red Deer, AB on Friday, May 29. Moss, born with Down syndrome, first joined the Oilers in 1984 when he was brought into the organization by Wayne Gretzky. For years, Moss has served as an inspiration to the citizens of Edmonton and is somewhat of a celebrity. His likeness appears on a mural on 99th street in Edmonton. He has won numerous awards for personal achievement, including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee and the NHL Alumni Association’s Seventh Man Award.Chris WescottWed, 25 Feb 2015 16:30:00 ESThttp://cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2013/09/20130924_JoeyMoss.jpeghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3743037430BLOG: Bob Brown headed to Kamloops Hall of Famehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37411Oilers amateur scout Bob Brown was announced on Wednesday as an inductee to the Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame. From the official press release: Former Kamloops Blazers general manager Bob Brown heads up the Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame’s class of 2015 in the hall’s 25th anniversary year. Brown oversaw the hockey operations of the most celebrated modern era franchise in major junior hockey history. Brown had the task of pulling it all together, working with a community based board of directors, and a strong network of hockey minds from scouts, to coaches, and players and, away from the ice -- billets, fans, community leaders and sponsors. The result of his leadership and, commitment to excellence produced a dynasty decade of hockey, unparalleled in the city, and, the country by a major junior teams. 1985-1995 is the stuff legends are made of and, Brown is a legend going into the Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame. The Blazers will long be known for equalling the record of three Memorial Cup titles in four years (92, 94, 95) but during Brown’s 10 years, the Blazers won 10 WHL western conference titles appearing in 10 WHL finals winning five league titles, appearing in five Memorial Cup tournaments and winning the three. The Blazers lost six of their first seven games in the first three tournament appearances in ‘86, ‘90 and, ‘92 but after losing its opener in 92, the club reeled off 12 straight wins in the three championship seasons to hold the current M-C record winning streak. Its 13 & 6 tournament record along with its 108 &54 playoff run and, the 484-202-33 regular season record during the dynasty decade resulted in 605 wins, an average of slightly more than 60 per season. The numbers are staggering but just as staggering is the number of players and, coaches who forged pro careers. Most people will remember the names of Hitchcock, Renney and, Hay who were coaches mentored by Brown and, countless great players including current and, future hockey hall of famers, but there have been an untold number who have gone on to become great citizens in their communities, in leadership capacities. Brown’s legacy to Kamloops is immeasurable. His induction will take place April 11th at the 25th Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame Banquet, 6pm in the Grand Hall Ballroom at the TRU Student’s Activity Centre. Sam Lenarduzzi of BC soccer fame will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $45 apiece and will be available at the I-S-C Box office.Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:54:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3741137411Video and audio from Monday's practicehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37329Marc CiampaMon, 23 Feb 2015 14:35:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3732937329BLOG: Petry, Pitlick, Nikitin, Lander & Yak injury updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37331Nikita Nikitin and Tyler Pitlick both skated with the team Monday at Rexall Place for the first time since suffering their respective injuries. Both are getting closer to returning. “They skated with us today. There was no contact but it was good to see them on the ice practicing with us. They’re still both a ways away but it’s one of those things where we’ll take it day-by-day with both guys and see how they feel and how they respond after skating with us,” Oilers interim head coach Todd Nelson stated, adding with Pitlick's injury being a lacerated spleen they need to be more cautious. “It’s a process with him. It’s good to see him on the ice skating and we’ll see if it’s mending properly then we’ll go from there,” Nelson continued. “He just needs to try and stay in the best shape possible. He had limited activity right after the injury. But he looked good out there today and it looks like he’s been doing stuff in the gym to maintain his physical fitness.” Pitlick added that he has been feeling much better and was glad to finally get on the ice with his teammates. “Everything’s been feeling good. I haven’t been in any pain in awhile so that part’s going good. I’ve been getting on the ice. Today’s my first practice with the team. I’ve got to wait for my next scan, wait for word that everything is healed up and then start taking my next contact.” Pitlick is hopeful to join the team for their upcoming five-game road trip in early March. “We’re trying to push it up to March 3. So hopefully I can get that scan, go on the road with the guys, do some practices and then by the time we get back from the road maybe get in a game,” Pitlick remarked, adding he's been experiencing some cabin fever wanting to get back out there. “There’s not much you can do for a month. I pretty much sat on the couch and watched TV for a month straight and then started walking on the treadmill a little bit, just easing into it. It’s been boring. I haven’t had much to do. It’s not like a knee where you’re on the table, doing some exercises or getting work done. There’s not much you can do except rest.” Pitlick said that at first, he didn't feel anything after a collision with Lance Bouma lacerated his spleen. “I knew it was a big collision right away because I felt the impact,” he said. “It really didn’t hurt that bad initially. I just kind of felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. I kept skating and had a few more shifts. I felt all right. I just felt like I had something in my stomach. I finished the game and afterwards I went in the training room and got ice for my shoulder. Wasn’t really thinking about my stomach but just kind of asked about it. They checked it out and there was some tenderness there so they wanted to make sure everything was all right before I got on the plane. “It’s a good thing they did because as soon as we got in the cab and headed to the hospital, the pain escalated. It’s a good thing they caught it and I wasn’t on the plane when that happened.” PETRY ALMOST READY Jeff Petry skated again with the team and said he felt like he could be ready to go tomorrow when the Oilers meet the Minnesota Wild. “I’m hoping to be in the lineup against Minny. It was just a shot to the ribs, nothing was broken. Just bruised. It’s pretty sore to rotate but every day’s gotten a lot better and I didn’t have any issues today.” Coach Nelson did add that the team did not have any further updates on Anton Lander's shoulder injury. YAKUPOV UPDATE Nail Yakupov got hurt last game but played the entire contest. Today, he started practice but left early. Coach Nelson said that him leaving practice was precautionary and he will travel with the team to Minnesota. “Last game he tweaked something. He got through the game but we just shut him down (today) for precautionary reasons. He’s making the trip and we’ll see how he is tomorrow.”Marc CiampaMon, 23 Feb 2015 14:04:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/11/20141130_pit.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3733137331BLOG: Oilers practicing on Monday at Rexall Placehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37325The Oilers are on the ice for practice at Rexall Place this morning, prior to departure for Minnesota for a one-game road trip. Tyler Pitlick and Nikita Nikitin are both on the ice (in yellow non-contact jerseys), skating with the team for the first time since suffering their respective injuries. Line combinations up front are: Pouliot-RNH-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hamilton-Hendricks-Pakarinen Fraser/Gazdic-Gordon-KilnkhammerMarc CiampaMon, 23 Feb 2015 12:08:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644klinkhammerpractie1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3732537325BLOG: Good reviews for Oesterle debuthttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3731322-year-old defenceman Jordan Oesterle made his NHL debut tonight against the Anaheim Ducks. The significance of the moment hit him when he lined up for a faceoff early in the game. “It was on a faceoff,” Oesterle said. “I looked over and there was Corey Perry just standing next to me and I was just like, ‘wow.’” Oesterle played 16:34 for the game, paired with Andrew Ference. “I was really nervous at the beginning but I took a short shift at the beginning and got the nerves out of there. But Ference really helped me by communicating a lot to me and made my game pretty easy,” Oesterle said. Oesterle may have been nervous, but he made an impression on Interim Coach Todd Nelson, who also coached the blueliner in Oklahoma City. “He was excellent,” Nelson said. “I thought for a guy coming in for his first hockey game in the National Hockey League he was really good. He moved his feet, he made some really good decisions with the puck, he handled himself fine in the corners. I think for a first game for a young defenceman, that was a nice game for him.” He’s been touted for his high-end skating abilities and puck-moving prowess, but even Ference was surprised at how much the rookie wanted the puck. “Really, really good,” Ference said of his defensive partner’s debut. “He had great composure, fantastic skating ability, he was so calm. I still remember my first game when I didn’t want to touch the puck and he’s handling it and skating up the ice real well, making great plays. Very impressive.”Chris WescottSat, 21 Feb 2015 22:34:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/306172-edmana1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3731337313BLOG: Oilers tinker with lineuphttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37305The Oilers will ice a different lineup tonight against the Ducks than they did last night in a 4-0 loss to the Wild. Keith Aulie will be taken out of the lineup with Jordan Oesterle making his NHL debut. “I think anytime a player plays their first game, it’s an exciting time,” Nelson said. “We’re facing a very good hockey team and it’s going to be a great challenge for him. But he’s a guy who can skate very well, he moves the puck well and I’m very excited to watch him play tonight.” Luke Gazdic replaces Matt Fraser on the wing. The line combinations are expected as follows: Pouliot-Nugent-Hopkins-Eberle Purcell-Roy-Yakupov Hamilton-Hendricks-Pakarinen Gazdic-Gordon-Klinkhammer Ben Scrivens will start in net for the Oilers. The defensive pairings are expected to be: Klefbom-Schultz Marincin-Fayne Ference-OesterleChris WescottSat, 21 Feb 2015 17:24:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-oesterle-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3730537305BLOG: Klinkhammer signing shores up fourth linehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37254The Oilers announced a one-year contract extension for Rob Klinkhammer on Friday morning. The 28-year-old winger and Lethbridge, Alberta native has meshed well on a line with Boyd Gordon and Matt Hendricks. Since being acquired from the Pittsburgh Penguins in a trade on January 2, Klinkhammer has been more than satisfied with his time in Edmonton. “It’s gone really well here,” Klinkhammer said. “I really enjoy the guys, I like the staff, top to bottom everyone has been great. I like my role here, I think I’ve got good chemistry with my linemates. I like the responsibility that we have so I love it. I signed a one-year extension with them and I’m really happy with the steps the team is taking. I want to be a part of this rebuild and help the team go in the right direction.” General Manager Craig MacTavish gave his assessment of Klinkhammer on Friday, saying that he gives the Oilers a solid fourth line moving into next season. “I just think that he came in and played a role that we needed,” MacTavish said. “He meshed well with Matt Hendricks and Boyd Gordon, which gives us a real good fourth line going into next year. He closed gaps very quickly, he finished every check. So the focus will be on Rob to continue to play the game that way and add some impetuous to our forechecking ability, and he did that. So we wanted to bring him back and put him back in that role and give him that opportunity next year.” Klinkhammer combines surprising speed with his 6-foot-3, 214-pound frame to provide physicality and aggression on the forecheck. In 157 NHL games, Klinkhammer has 41 points (20-21-41).Chris WescottFri, 20 Feb 2015 14:59:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150105_Klink1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3725437254BLOG: Update on Jeff Petry talkshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37252Jeff Petry is maybe the Oilers most high-profile pending free agent. The 27-year-old defenceman has shown steady growth over the last six weeks or so, and with the trade deadline approaching the Oilers have a decision to make. Oilers General Manager Craig MacTavish said today that they’re in conversations with Petry’s camp on a new contract. “I’ll just say this about Jeff, we really challenged him on a one-year contract and he’s clearly met that challenge. His game is at a level I think right now that it hasn’t been at before and I give Jeff a lot of credit for that,” MacTavish said. “As for a contract or what the course of action is going forward, I’ve had many conversations over the last four weeks with Wade Arnott, Jeff’s representative, as you might imagine and they’ve all been constructive conversations but I’m just going to leave it at that and we’ll see what happens going forward.” Petry also acknowledge the two sides are talking, but gave no further update on progress. “They’ve had some communication and talks have started and that’s all I can really say at the moment,” Petry said. “Edmonton has been great to me. Both sides are going to communicate here for the next little bit and see if we can’t find something that works best for both sides.” Petry was taken in the second round, 46th overall, of the 2006 NHL Draft. He has 294 NHL games under his belt with 17 goals and 74 points. He will not play tonight against the Minnesota Wild as he nurses a rib ailment.Chris WescottFri, 20 Feb 2015 14:40:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644edm-nyi.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3725237252BLOG: Oilers “unlikely” to trade Roy, hopeful for dealhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37251The Oilers acquired Derek Roy in a trade with Nashville on December 29. Since that day, Roy has 12 points (5-7-12) in 23 games for Edmonton, and has made even more of an impact off the stat sheet when it comes to his experience, leadership and positive effect on Nail Yakupov. The pending 31-year-old unrestricted free agent’s status with the Oilers in the future is unclear, but General Manager Craig MacTavish says they’ll begin conversations with his representation. “I think with Derek, we’re in the process of reaching out to him to see what his feeling is in terms of getting into a relationship with us going forward,” MacTavish said after morning skate at Rexall Place. “I think that’s something where there will be some things that will impact that relationship going forward. I think as good of a job as Derek has done and as much as he’s fit in well here, that will be something that will be done at the end of the year.” When it comes to the looming trade deadline on March 2, MacTavish indicated it was unlikely the Oilers would look to move Roy for just any compensation. They value his chemistry with Yakupov and how he’s helped with the young winger’s development, as well as what he brings to the locker room. “In my mind, we wouldn’t trade Derek for a superficial asset,” MacTavish said. “I think it’s very unlikely that he’ll be moved because of the fact that we have considerable interest in him longer term and he has meshed well with Yak and his development and that’s very important to us and the hockey club going forward.”Chris WescottFri, 20 Feb 2015 14:26:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150219_roy1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3725137251BLOG: Oilers sign Klinkhammer and Hamiltonhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37264The Oilers announced that they have signed wingers Rob Klinkhammer and Ryan Hamilton to one-year contract extensions.Marc CiampaFri, 20 Feb 2015 12:04:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644klinkhammer1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3726437264BLOG: Oesterle recalled; Lander placed on IRhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37263The Oilers announced on Friday morning that defenceman Jordan Oesterle has been recalled from the AHL's Oklahoma City Barons and centre Anton Lander has been placed on injured reserve. This is Oesterle's first NHL tour of duty. He has played 49 games this season in his rookie AHL campaign and has six goals and 15 assists for 21 points along with a +5 rating and six penalty minutes. He is second in scoring among Barons defencemen this season.Marc CiampaFri, 20 Feb 2015 11:05:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-oesterle-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3726337263BLOG: Yakupov develops ESP before Marincin’s goalhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37195Martin Marincin wouldn’t be the first choice in the shootout. In fact, Marincin was the Oilers 24th shooter against the Bruins. But when the defenceman tucked the puck under Tuukka Rask for the game-winning tally, there was at least one person in Rexall Place not the least bit surprised. “I got a feeling,” Nail Yakupov said. “I was 100% sure that Marty would score a goal. I didn’t know why, but it was fun.” There are some that think Marincin lost the puck when he reached the crease, but if not it was a slick fake out that fooled Rask. “No, that was really my move,” Marincin joked after the game. “I just tried to make some move and have good luck and it’s in.”Chris WescottThu, 19 Feb 2015 02:46:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150218_ph3-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3719537195BLOG: Injury update on Lander and Petryhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37196The Oilers had to battle the Bruins down two skaters in the third period. Anton Lander left the game with a shoulder injury, while Jeff Petry left with a rib ailment. Interim Coach Todd Nelson gave a brief update after the game, though with no new information, as the pair will be checked out by the medical staff tomorrow. “Shoulder injury,” Nelson said of Lander. “We’ll reevaluate him tomorrow. Petry, we all saw he got the shot off the rib area, so once again, we’ll see how they are tomorrow and we’ll have a more definite outlook to see when they’re going to be back or they’re skating.”Chris WescottThu, 19 Feb 2015 02:46:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150129_lander644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3719637196BLOG: Scrivens activated off IR; Fasth on IRhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37206The Edmonton Oilers announced today they have activated goaltender Ben Scrivens off injured reserve and have placed goaltender Viktor Fasth on the injured reserve list.Edmonton Oilers Press ReleaseWed, 18 Feb 2015 11:25:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3720637206BLOG: Draisaitl named WHL Player of the Weekhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37125Oilers prospect Leon Draisaitl has been named the WHL's Player of the Week. From the WHL's official press release: ROCKETS’ DRAISAITL NAMED DENNY’S WHL PLAYER OF THE WEEK CALGARY, AB -The Western Hockey League announced today that Kelowna Rockets forward Leon Draisaitl is the Denny’s WHL Player of the Week for the week ending February 15th, 2015. Draisaitl collected nine points (2g-7a), while posting a plus-four rating in four games over the past week to help lead the Rockets to a 3-1-0-0 record over that span. On Monday, February 9th, Draisaitl tallied two assists to lead the Rockets to a 5-2 win over the Prince George Cougars. On Friday, February 13th, Draisaitl collected three assists against the Victoria Royals in a 7-3 victory while also earning first star honours. Draisaitl concluded the week with a four point performance (2g-2a) against the Moose Jaw Warriors on February 14th in which he scored the game-winning goal and added another in a 6-0 shutout victory. A 19-year-old Cologne, Germany native, Draisaitl has gathered 27 points (9g-18a) along with a plus-nine rating in 17 games this season. The 6’1”, 210 lb forward is in his third WHL campaign and first with Kelowna. Draisaitl has amassed 190 points (68g-122a) in 145 career WHL regular season contests and was selected third overall by the Edmonton Oilers in the 2014 NHL Draft.Marc CiampaMon, 16 Feb 2015 17:24:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644draisaitl3.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3712537125Video and audio from Sundayhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37089Sun, 15 Feb 2015 16:41:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3708937089BLOG: Scrivens injury updatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37090Ben Scrivens spoke to Oilers TV's Tom Gazzola after practice on Sunday to talk about his recovery from a hamstring injury. “It’s progressing well. I’m feeling good in practice. It’s getting a little better every day,” Scrivens began. “I’m doing what the doctors and trainers are telling me to do and doing everything I can to get back as quickly as possible.” Scrivens said that the play came about from a fluke incident where he was trying to scramble back to the net in New Jersey to prevent a goal. “I went to play the puck behind the net, it wasn’t a great puck play, I kind of gave it away. Tried to get it to Schultzie and turned it over and a guy try to come and stuff it really quickly. I came out and spread and jammed the post so I was in a full spread and torqued it a little extra. “You kind of feel something but obviously I was good enough to keep going. It tightened up that night and I talked to the trainers and started to get treatment done the next morning.” Coach Nelson added that he expects to see Scrivens back on the team's upcoming three-game homestand which starts Wednesday against Boston.Marc CiampaSun, 15 Feb 2015 16:39:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/12/20141211_scrivensmask644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3709037090BLOG: Injury updates & Klinkhammer's statushttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37091There was a myriad of injury updates following Sunday's practice. Tom Gazzola spoke with Benoit Pouliot, who played his first game on Saturday after missing five with a foot injury. “I felt good. The foot felt good. It wasn’t really the game I was hoping for but I’ll talk personally. I think I felt okay. In the third I felt a little bit better. The first two periods were slow but after that I gained speed,” said Pouliot. Boyd Gordon and Matt Hendricks both didn't skate on Sunday. For Gordon, interim head coach Todd Nelson termed it a maintenance day. For Hendricks, the hope was a day of complete rest would show some more recovery. “He tried it yesterday (at pre-game warm-up in Ottawa). We thought a day of rest today would be better off. We’ll try it again tomorrow morning,” said Nelson, adding that losing a player like Hendricks hurts the team. “Let’s face it. He’s an emotional guy, he’s a glue guy in the room and he’s a leader. The thing is, any time you lose a guy like that out of your lineup, you’re going to miss him.” Nelson added that Ben Scrivens, who was retroactively placed on IR on Saturday, will not play tomorrow due to his hamstring injury but is a potential for the team's upcoming three-game homestand. “He’s not going to be available for tomorrow. We’re just trying to get him ready for our homestand at home.” Another absence at skate was Rob Klinkhammer. He will likely not play on Monday, but for a different reason. When he landed in Winnipeg, he got news that his wife was in labour. He immediately jumped in a car and drove overnight to Lethbridge. He is still awaiting word on the new addition to his family.Marc CiampaSun, 15 Feb 2015 16:38:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150206_klinkhammer644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3709137091BLOG: Oilers looking to bounce backhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37092One day after a disappointing 7-2 loss to the Ottawa Senators, the Oilers were back on the ice in Winnipeg and looking to bounce back. “We had a really good meeting before practice. We had a spirited practice out there and the guys competed hard. That’s the great thing about the game of hockey. We got to wake up this morning, get back in the saddle and try to rectify things,” said Oilers interim head coach Todd Nelson. Nelson added that the way the team played was odd to him considering they had made some great strides throughout the week with three excellent games, particularly against two tough Eastern Conference teams in New York Islanders and Montreal Canadiens. “I wish I could figure it out. I’m sure every coach would like to figure it out because it’s pretty odd, right? Especially when we were trending in the right direction and then we come out with that performance,” Nelson continued. “There were so many things. All 20 guys were culprits. Just our thought process with our system work, making plays, our execution was off. It was one of those games. I think the most important thing now is us moving forward and trying to get back to where we were in Montreal and Long Island.” Benoit Pouliot added that he felt the team could give a lot more than they showed on Saturday. “You don’t want those games to happen too often. Yesterday afternoon was pretty embarrassing. Just the way that we played. We didn’t really try that hard. Intensity was low and they scored seven goals. It showed. We can’t play like this or we’ll be like this every night.” Jordan Eberle did add that despite the loss, the team has been showing positive signs. “We’re definitely playing better as a team, with the exception of last game. Before that, we were really starting to hum,” Eberle began. “When we play bad, we lose. It’s plain and simple but now when we play good and play the right way, we’re winning. That just shows the signs of a good team. We just have to bring that consistent level every night and play the way we know we can.” Eberle expects a battle on Monday night against a Winnipeg team coming off the high of a shootout win in Detroit. “Moving forward to Winnipeg, they’re a good team. They play a lot like Ottawa. They’re big, they’re strong and they’re fast. We know they’re going to come around in our face so we have to play a lot better than we did.”Marc CiampaSun, 15 Feb 2015 16:27:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/EDMOTT_DL1_021415.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3709237092BLOG: Oilers are on the ice in Winnipeghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37088The Oilers are on the ice for practice in Winnipeg this afternoon. Boyd Gordon, Matt Hendricks and Rob Klinkhammer are not skating. Forward Lines: Purcell - Nugent-Hopkins - Eberle Hamilton - Roy - Yakupov Pouliot - Lander - Pakarinen Gazdic - Fraser UPDATE: Klinkhammer is in Lethbridge with his wife awaiting the arrival of his child.Marc CiampaSun, 15 Feb 2015 13:11:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/01/306ference.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3708837088BLOG: Pouliot activated; Scrivens to IRhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37058Oilers have activated forward Benoit Pouliot from the injured reserve list; Place goaltender Ben Scrivens on IR.Marc CiampaSat, 14 Feb 2015 13:58:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644poluiot1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3705837058BLOG: Hendricks, Pouliot taking warm-up in Ottawahttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37056The Oilers are on the ice for warm-up in Ottawa prior to this afternoon's game. Benoit Pouliot and Matt Hendricks are both out there for the visitors. Luke Gazdic is also on the ice while Matt Fraser is not. Line combinations coming.Marc CiampaSat, 14 Feb 2015 13:36:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3705637056BLOG: Hall on his injury & team performancehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37028Taylor Hall attended the World’s Longest Hockey Game in Sherwood Park, an event to raise money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. He signed autographs, took a tour of the facilities and chatted with the players, volunteers and fans. He spoke with Oilers TV about his time there, but also touched on his own health. Hall is out six weeks with a bone injury in his lower leg. He provided the following update. “Not much to say right now, I’m still in a walking boot and I’m still in a slow process right now,” Hall said. “Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks here I can get the boot off, get it moving and get it strong so I can come back as soon as I can.” Hall, in Edmonton, has been watching his team play the past few games and has seen a win in New Jersey, a great effort against the Islanders and a resilient win in Montreal. “The guys are playing so hard, it’s fun to watch,” Hall said. “I’ve said this before, you want to see your team do well when you’re out and it’s almost harder because you want to be a part of that winning atmosphere. The way that they’re working and the way they’re working is great. That’s something they need to continue and hopefully, when I can get back in the lineup, we can continue that.”Chris WescottFri, 13 Feb 2015 21:56:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/12/20141230_ph5644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3702837028BLOG: Hendricks and Pouliot injury updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37019Benoit Pouliot skated with the team for the third straight time as he appeared to be getting closer to a return to the lineup. Coach Nelson said a final decision will be made on Saturday morning to determine if he's ready to play the Senators at 2:00 p.m. local time (12:00 p.m. MST). “When you add a guy like Benny it’s always going to help your team. Tomorrow morning we’ll have another discussion to see where we’re at. There’s a lot of questions up in the air with the lineup tomorrow so we’ll have the rest of the day to think about it and see how guys are. We’ll make decisions tomorrow.” Matt Hendricks did not practice today. He blocked a handful of shots against the Canadiens and at least one of them hurt a little more than usual. “Matty took a puck off the ankle and today was a day where he wasn’t able to go out and practice. If anybody knows Matt, he wants to go out there and play. Tomorrow morning we’ll re-evaluate him and we’ll see if he’s good to go for tomorrow.”Marc CiampaFri, 13 Feb 2015 15:30:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644poluiot1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3701937019BLOG: Oilers riding high of Thursday's winhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37018After an emotional win on Thursday in Montreal, the Oilers had a very spirited practice at the Canadian Tire Centre in Kanata, near Ottawa. The team was still coming off the high of one of their best victories of the season. “I’m going to enjoy this the rest of the day and tomorrow morning when I wake up we’ll get geared up for Ottawa," said Oilers interim head coach Todd Nelson following practice. "It was a big win for our hockey team. We played well. We stuck with our game plan and today’s a good day for the guys to enjoy themselves.” The practice was brief and to the point, lasting about 30 minutes. “We worked hard. It was short but we can enjoy this. It was a big win for us.” Coach Nelson talked about the importance of the victory, helping to reinforce the message after the team played so well on Tuesday against the Islanders but came away with zero points. “Bouncing back after the Islanders game was huge for us. We played well but didn’t get rewarded. Last night we did. It was a good sign for us. The guys feel good about it. “We have to keep on pushing forward. Last night was one game. It was a big game for us character-wise but we have to keep building on that and moving forward.”Marc CiampaFri, 13 Feb 2015 15:27:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/20150212_oilhabswinner644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3701837018BLOG: Oilers at practice in Ottawahttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=37009The Oilers are on the ice for practice at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa ahead of Saturday afternoon's game against the Senators. Benoit Pouliot is on the ice once again, as is Ben Scrivens. Matt Hendricks is not skating. The team did not run lines.Marc CiampaFri, 13 Feb 2015 13:19:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practiceroad6.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3700937009BLOG: Rimmer announces cancer diagnosis, has surgeryhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36956Bakersfield Condors goaltender Ty Rimmer, 22, has not played a game since January 16, while dealing with health issues. On Wednesday night, Rimmer broke the news on twitter that he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, and underwent surgery to remove the tumour. “Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The tumor was surgically removed and I am on my way to a full recovery!,” Rimmer said via his twitter account. “The more awareness we can raise about this, the better! So I would like to encourage all young men to get themselves checked out. This disease can manifest very quickly, and may advance rapidly. So please don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you notice anything.” Rimmer, an Edmonton native, is signed to an AHL deal with the Oilers. In the last two seasons, Rimmer has seen action with the Oklahoma City Barons (3 games, 2.65 GAA and .930 save percentage), the Quad City Mallards (39 games, 2.84 GAA and .906 save percentage) and the Bakersfield Condors (25 games, 3.20 GAA and .889 save percentage). “Thank you to my family, friends, doctors and the entire Edmonton Oilers organization for being so supportive during this time!,” he said on twitter. Oilers prospect Brandon Davidson was also diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2012. He has since made a full recovery and is currently playing with the Barons, after making his NHL debut on December 10, 2014 in Anaheim.Chris WescottThu, 12 Feb 2015 12:52:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2014/09/20140925tyrimmer.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3695636956BLOG: Oilers morning skate in Montrealhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36982The Oilers are on the ice for morning skate at the Bell Center in Montreal. Benoit Pouliot is on the ice. As is Ben Scrivens, who took the ice early to test out his sore hamstring. After taking some shots in the first drill, Scrivens skated off. Forward lines are: Pouliot/Purcell-RNH-Eberle Hamilton-Roy-Yakupov Hendricks-Gordon-Klinkhammer Gazdic-Lander-PakarinenMarc CiampaThu, 12 Feb 2015 10:56:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3698236982BLOG: Fraser, Bachman not in warm-upshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36913The Oilers are on the ice for warm-ups at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island. Viktor Fasth is the only goaltender on the ice for Edmonton. The designated backup for tonight, Richard Bachman, has likely not made it to the rink on time. Recent call-up Ryan Hamilton is skating on a line with Derek Roy and Nail Yakupov. Matt Fraser is not on the ice for the Oilers.Marc CiampaTue, 10 Feb 2015 18:35:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3691336913BLOG: Oilers recall Bachman & Hamilton; Hall/Pouliot to IRhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36903The Edmonton Oilers announced today they have recalled goaltender Richard Bachman (emergency recall) and winger Ryan Hamilton from the American Hockey League's Oklahoma City Barons. Bachman, 27, has posted a 14-4-3 record in 22 games this season with the Barons, including three shutouts, a 2.30 goals against average and a .921 save percentage. Bachman was also named to the 2015 AHL All Star Game as a member of the Western Conference. The 5’10”, 176-pound goaltender has appeared in three career games for the Oilers, registering a 3.02 goals against average and a .916 save percentage. Hamilton, 29, has registered 29 points (15G, 14A), six penalty minutes and a plus 11 rating in 32 games with the Barons this season. The 6’2”, 219-pound forward has appeared in 14 career NHL games, posting three assists and two penalty minutes and he has also played in two playoff games, notching one assist. The Oilers also announced they have placed forwards Taylor Hall and Benoit Pouliot on the injured reserve list.Edmonton Oilers Press ReleaseTue, 10 Feb 2015 12:00:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2013/10/bachmansave.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3690336903BLOG: Oilers on ice for optional morning skatehttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36884The Oilers are on the ice for an optional morning skate in New Jersey. Jeff Petry is on the ice after taking a maintenance day on Sunday. Benoit Pouliot is also on the ice in full gear, skating with the team for the first time since his injury.Marc CiampaMon, 09 Feb 2015 11:23:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practiceroad6.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3688436884BLOG: Fayne comments on return to Jerseyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36883Oilers defenceman Mark Fayne makes his return to New Jersey tonight for the first time since signing with the Oilers in the offseason. He talked about his return: “It’s a little different coming back here, dressing in the away locker room. But, again, it’s good to be back and see some guys but it’s a business trip. You’ve got to have a mindset of no friends out there and get two points.” Read more in our feature story "Fayne Returns Home" in the Oilers mobile app.Marc CiampaMon, 09 Feb 2015 10:20:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/644396fayne.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3688336883Sunday's Video and Audio from New Jerseyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36832Sun, 08 Feb 2015 13:51:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3683236832BLOG: Petry and Pouliot injury updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36833Following practice, Coach Nelson gave updates on the status of Jeff Petry and Benoit Pouliot. Neither player skated on Sunday. Nelson wasn't concerned with Petry, saying he expected him to play tomorrow. “It was just a maintenance day with Petey. We spoke about it last night. Guys that were maybe not feeling right should take a day to get better and that’s all that happened with Petey.” The coach added that Pouliot was doubtful for a return to the lineup on Monday. “It’s day-to-day. We’ll see how he is tomorrow morning. He did take the ice briefly yesterday morning just to check it out so we’ll have to wait and see tomorrow.”Marc CiampaSun, 08 Feb 2015 13:48:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644edm-nyi.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3683336833BLOG: Hall heads back to Edmonton for MRIhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36830The Oilers announced on Sunday that Taylor Hall has returned to Edmonton to undergo further assessment on his injured left ankle. Following practice, Coach Todd Nelson explained the reason for sending Hall back. “It wasn’t responded like we wanted it to. He’s going to get an MRI just to make sure that we know what we’re dealing with. Then we’ll go through the process after that,” Nelson stated.Marc CiampaSun, 08 Feb 2015 12:29:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/20150106_ph2-644.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3683036830BLOG: Oilers practicing in New Jerseyhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36829The Oilers are practicing in New Jersey at the Devils' practice rink attached to the Prudential Center. Taylor Hall, Benoit Pouliot and Jeff Petry are not skating. Forward lines are the same as last game: Purcell-RNH-Eberle Fraser-Roy-Yakupov Gazdic-Lander-Pakarinen Hendricks-Gordon-KlinkhammerMarc CiampaSun, 08 Feb 2015 12:21:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practicefayneroad2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3682936829BLOG: Oilers at morning skate in Torontohttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36790The Oilers are on the ice for morning skate in Toronto. The lines up front are the same as yesterday's practice: Purcell-RNH-Eberle Fraser-Roy-Yakupov Gazdic-Lander-Pakarinen Hendricks-Gordon-KlinkhammerMarc CiampaSat, 07 Feb 2015 11:29:00 ESThttp://1.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practiceroadpetry1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3679036790Friday's video and audiohttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36779Marc CiampaFri, 06 Feb 2015 16:39:00 ESThttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3677936779BLOG: Nelson on the team's improvementhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36782Todd Nelson was asked after practice about the team's continued improvement on the ice. After winning just seven of their first 36 games, the club is 7-7-2 in their last 16. “It’s getting better. Every day we go out to practice we stress tempo, execution and compete," Nelson began. "Today’s practice was a good day for us. We had all those elements and the guys worked hard. All we can do is just keep working at it. “Every day we go out there’s been signs of improvement.”Marc CiampaFri, 06 Feb 2015 16:37:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/02/462687192_crop1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3678236782BLOG: Update on Hall and Pouliothttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36783Oilers interim head coach Todd Nelson was asked following practice on Friday about the status of Taylor Hall and Benoit Pouliot since neither player skated with the team. “It’s day-to-day with both guys," said Nelson. "Benoit is probably going to recover a bit quicker than Taylor. They’re both on the trip and I think the first step is get them out for practice and see how they feel.”Marc CiampaFri, 06 Feb 2015 16:37:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644pouliotpracticd1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3678336783BLOG: Marincin a 'strong possibility' for Saturdayhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36784Defenceman Martin Marincin was recalled on Thursday and joined the team today in Toronto. Oilers interim head coach wasn't tipping his hand in terms of what his lineup might look like on Saturday but he did say it was likely Marincin will play. “It’s a strong possibility," he said. "We brought him up here for a reason. We haven’t made a decision on the lineup yet. I wanted to see how he was in practice — I thought he was fine. It gives us options on this trip.”Marc CiampaFri, 06 Feb 2015 16:37:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-marincin-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3678436784BLOG: Oilers practicing in Torontohttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36776The Oilers are on the ice for practice in Toronto at the Leafs practice facility. Forward line combinations are: Purcell-RNH-Eberle Fraser-Roy-Yakupov Gazdic-Lander-Pakarinen Hendricks-Gordon-KlinkhammerMarc CiampaFri, 06 Feb 2015 13:02:00 ESThttp://3.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644practiceroadrnh1.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3677636776Oilers Recall Marincin, Nikitin to IRhttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36734The Edmonton Oilers announced today they have recalled defenceman Martin Marincin from the American Hockey League's Oklahoma City Barons. Marincin, 22, has registered seven points (7A) and 20 penalty minutes in 27 games with the Barons this season. The 6’4”, 203-pound blueliner has appeared in 12 games this season with the Oilers, posting one assist and two penalty minutes. The Oilers also announced they have placed defenceman Niki Nikitin on the injured reserve list.Edmonton Oilers Press ReleaseThu, 05 Feb 2015 13:30:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644396-marincin2-okc.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3673436734BLOG: Morning skate updateshttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=36723Taylor Hall and Benoit Pouliot are absent from Oilers morning skate. Freshly recalled Iiro Pakarinen is on the left side with Derek Roy and Purcell. Line Combinations: Yakupov-RNH-Eberle Pakarinen-Roy-Purcell Fraser-Lander-Gazdic Hendricks-Gordon-Klinkhammer Defensive Pairings: Ference-Petry Klefbom-Schultz Aulie-FayneChris WescottWed, 04 Feb 2015 11:39:00 ESThttp://2.cdn.nhle.com/oilers/images/upload/2015/01/644klinkhammer2.jpghttp://oilers.nhl.com/club/blogpost.htm?id=3672336723
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: What's the cheapest way to discover all dealerships? I found the map beneath in this Reddit post (that lists the dealerships too), and I know that it's outmoded, as v1.34.0.5 added states. Dealers are listed on this forum too. I started playing ATS yesterday, and have merely the one default tractor unit. Can I drive to dealers in merely the lone tractor unit (without a semi-trailer)? If I must drive to dealers in the whole semi-trailer truck, how? A: The ATS Wikia Dealers page seems to be more updated than the Reddit post. It even includes Oregon. What I did was follow the Wikia page to find the cities where dealers are located, and just take jobs that would take me to those cities. You can drive to dealers with just the truck without a hitched trailer. Once I completed my job in the city with an undiscovered dealer, I would drive around with just the truck. You can also stop by the dealer before you complete the job (i.e. with the trailer attached). Just make sure you leave enough time to finish your delivery. Hope this helps.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
. Applicants with non-traditional workexperience or who had full-time workexperience while attending undergraduate studies should provide additional explanation in Essay 3. ) Graduation Essay (Topic: Related to WorkExperience ) 1 week. writing experience and knowledge allow us to write custom essays that fit your needs.Translating workexperience into College credits requires that you provide specific.I have work 3 days on .WorkExperience– French Essay J’ai fait mon stage en enterprise chez Edexcel Examining Board pourWhy Us; About us; Prices; How We Work; Samples; Contact Us; FAQ .49 weeks.  Must . 1-inch margins on all sides. A rough draft.“…The toad work” – A discussion on the positive aspects of workexperience.29 Hours: Academic Essay Writing.“Toads” by Philip Larkin is a poem in which the writer.The best option to start your narrative essay is to work on the basics. 5 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE)"1500 word essay what i learnt workexperience" Introduction From TutorVistaThe personal side of an individual is depicted in a personal experienceessay. Thanks a million November 12th, 2007 marked the day that I officially became an adult.Note down whatever .This will be structured in paragraphs, as .Anything please!!! Good or Bad.For your next piece of coursework, you will write straight onto lined A4 paper about your placement for workexperience recently. Life experienceessay.Total Program Duration. Please any comment, grammar, structural, punctuations, new vocabs to make a stronger sentence.Don’t miss your chance to earn better grades and be a better writer!Category: Papers; Title: WorkExperience– French Essay . Free Essay about WorkExperience available now. My name is Freddie M. Custom writing Personal ExperienceEssayessay summary, Personal ExperienceEssay analysis. An essay or paper on WorkExperience.with the bear in the woods was a frightening experience.I work full time and don’t always have the time to invest in a term paper or essay.Call us now!Live support 24/7! ! The highest quality! Low prices!However, we do guarantee we will work on your paper until you are completely.29 hours/week (Max. My paper was done very.So, what about workexperience credit. Example Entrance Essay on Significant Activity, Interest, or Experience.Applicants with non-traditional workexperience or who had full-time workexperience while attending undergraduate studies should provide additional explanation in Essay 3.Papers – My WorkExperience– French Essay .Use our papers to help you with yours 81 – 100. life(this could be a book, movie, or an activity or experience at work .LIFE EXPERIENCEESSAY  Must be 10 full pages. Does anyone have experience with this ? Has anyone ever received credit for workexperience/ life experience? If so how did you write this.Read this essay and over 200,000 others like it now. Therefore, in writing an effective personal experienceessay you need to consider the following.Anything. A personal experienceessay can be an exhilarating experience in writing.The purpose of personal experienceessay is to share the writer’s experience with the reader in.please give me some comments. Workexperience lette.No Works Cited Length: 168 words (0.Thanks! Nearly every waiter, waitress, and manager refers to me as The #1 Bus Boy , a proud title I have acquired over the years at the Allendale Bar .Save EssayAn essay or paper on Workexperience. a structured method of combining classroom-based education withpractical workexperience.A cooperative education experience, commonly known as a "co-op", provides. Exactly one month after myBest Answer: You actually have to write an essay on it?! Was you the only one that you know there? – Make it up!Tell me what you guys think. I’ve been told that the common app essay can be different for different colleges, but is this true for the extra curricular essay?Personal experienceessay help by our writers will make your work flawless.Thank you very much for the wonderful work! FROM:CUSTOMER #6356.Too many other essay writing services use the "One Size Fits All" approach that does not work.It’s the only field that I’ve really .I am 32 years old and for the past thirteen years I have been driving tow trucks
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Returning posgreSQL database records with user input I am faced with a blocker in my Node/express application. I want to return data from a postgresSQL database table, but doing that with the query parameter passed by a user... Assume the following: db is a postgresSQL database pool connection. Trips table is already created and populated with trips having their destination value as "Nigeria". Below is my model and controller code. model.js const getTrips = async ( column, value )=> { const query = 'SELECT * FROM trips WHERE $1 = $2'; const { rows } = await db.query ( query, [value] ); return rows; } controller.js const getTrips = async ( req, res) => { const { destination } = req.query; const result = await Trips.getTrips( 'destination' destination ); console.log( result.length ) } Issue am faced with Url = http://.../?destination="Nigeria" When I pass the destination query parameter from the user directly , like this Trips.getTrips('destination', destination ), an empty array is returned. However if the string equivalent of the query parameter value is passed, like this Trips.getTrips('destination', 'Nigeria'), an array with the Trips matching Nigeria as destination is returned. Checks have done console.log(typeof destination) // returns string. console.log (destination) // returns "Nigeria" Question Why is passing the parameter directly not returning the appropriate records and passing its string equivalent returns appropriate records? A: Try taking away the quotes in your URL query (Url = http://.../?destination=Nigeria). It seems like you're querying for "Nigeria" literally (quotes included). Does this help?
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Reproduction and development of Spodoptera exigua from cadmium and control strains under differentiated cadmium stress. The growth and development of living organisms is programmed in genes, but exogenous factors (e.g. cadmium) may modulate endogenous information. Heavy metals may disturb physiological functions and accumulate in the tissues. The insects under prolonged heavy metal stress show some modifications in their metabolism management. The aim of this study was to compare the reproduction and development between individuals of S. exigua from the strain, exposed over 130 generations to sublethal concentration of cadmium (44 mg Cd/kg dry weight of larval diet), and the individuals from the control strain, both additionally exposed to different concentration of cadmium (22-704 mg Cd/kg dry weight of larval diet). The exposure to various cadmium concentrations in the diet revealed survival difference between the cadmium and the control animals at the larvae stage. The differences between adults were not evident. The telomere length (responsible for the duration of a lifespan) in the cadmium strain was shorter in the females than in the males and the individuals from the control strain. TERF1 gene expression (indirectly responsible for the telomere length) was higher in the individuals from the cadmium strain 24 hrs after eclosion. The significant reduction in the larvae body mass was observed in both strains, when the metal concentration was equal to or higher than 264 mg/kg dry weight of larval diet. The EC50 values (defined as of body mass loss), calculated 48 hours after cadmium exposure of individuals from control and cadmium strains, were respectively 632 and 725 mg Cd/kg dry weight of diet. However, some difference in reproduction (the total number of eggs laid and the oviposition time) between the strains appeared only in the groups fed on the uncontaminated diet. The control females laid almost two times more eggs than those from the cadmium strain, and the control ones had more than two times longer oviposition time than the females from the cadmium strain. The fluctuation was also noted in the size of eggs and the hatching success on the following days when both strains were compared, while the hatching success was higher for the insects from the cadmium strain. In conclusion, the insects from the cadmium strain are more resistant to cadmium contamination, as it is evidenced by the EC50 parameter. However, the females from the cadmium strain start laying eggs statistically later, have shorter telomeres and slightly reduced TERF1 gene expression, but hutching success in the strain is significantly higher when compared with the control individuals.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Holden sets new industry standard Holden has broken ranks with other car makers and extended its paid maternity leave provisions to 14 weeks. In a first for the traditionally male-dominated car industry, Holden has introduced the policy partly to encourage mothers to return to work. At present, 35 per cent of Holden employees who take maternity leave do not return. The move - which will apply to women who have been on the payroll for at least two years - has been praised by unions and Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward. "This is very good news for Holden employees, especially since it extends to lower paid workers," said Ms Goward, who has been lobbying for a government-funded scheme of 14 weeks. Holden human resources executive director Andrea Grant said Holden felt it had a professional responsibility to its 725 female employees, who comprise 9 per cent of its workforce.");document.write(" advertisement "); } } // --> "The first few months of having a new baby are really tough, let alone having to worry about finances, and by doing this we're helping female employees and we're also helping young families get through that difficult period," Mrs Grant said. Under the scheme, Holden will offer women six weeks' fully paid leave, and the option of taking a further eight weeks on full pay, or 16 weeks at half pay. Previously, the company offered six weeks' paid leave, the industry average since a 1995 union agreement. The cost to Holden, estimated at $200,000 a year, would be almost equal to the cost otherwise incurred replacing people who did not return to work, Mrs Grant said. ACTU president Sharan Burrow strongly backed the move. "Conditions for many other working women should also improve as standards spread across the industry, preferably with a reduced qualifying period below the two years," she said. Car component company Autoliv is considering offering 12 weeks' paid leave as part of its enterprise bargaining agreement next year. Toyota spokesman Peter Griffin said the company, which offers six weeks' maternity leave, was satisfied with present arrangements.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Building security into cloud native apps with NGINX Companies like Airbnb, Uber and DoorDash, which have a cloud-based software infrastructure as one of their main enablers, are disrupting the hospitality, transportation and food delivery sector. Why do all these new companies use the cloud and what advantages does it give them? Unlike legacy competitors, innovators with new infrastructure can..
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
AngularJS automated testing on Windows Phone Feb 5, 2015 • Ville Rantala Introduction In this blog post, I’ll show how one can execute the automated tests of an app written on top of AngularJS on a Windows Phone 8.1 device. If you are only interested in the “beef”, please check the “Setting up” and “Running tests” from below. To give an idea what the end result could look like, here is a short video of running the Ionic Framework’s tests: There are many different testing frameworks out there for various types of tests, but under the hood, they often rely on the WebDriver API for actually controlling or “driving” the Web browser. The API abstracts the differences between various browser implementations and by implementing a browser-specific driver, one can get an arbitrary browser hooked into this ecosystem of WebDriver-based testing frameworks. It is known that Windows Phone doesn’t have as good support for these frameworks as iOS and Android, but there are solutions one can leverage when testing on a Windows Phone is required. I think at least two projects are worth mentioning. The first one can be found here and the second one from here. Both leverage “automation atoms” from the Selenium project and execute the tests within an embeddable WebBrowser component in a Windows Phone Silverlight app. The main architectural difference is that in the first one, the driver server is implemented as a command-line executable (that is typically run on a Windows desktop machine) whereas in the latter, the server is implemented in the driver app itself. In this blog post, I’ll concentrate on the latter, because I preferred a solution where I can run the tests from any machine including Mac and Linux (currently, the setting up phase still requires a Windows OS and some developer tools to be able to deploy a XAP file to your device). Setting up Download the app XAP file from http://winphonewebdriver.codeplex.com/downloads/get/1426521 and install it to your Windows Phone 8.1 device. If you are not already a Windows Phone developer and don’t have the tools installed, this is by far the most time-consuming step, because it requires some amount of software and tooling. If you don’t have a Windows machine, you can also install the required tools onto a virtual Windows (using for example VMware, Parallels or VirtualBox). If you search for instructions related to setting up a Windows Phone SDK inside a virtual machine, the most complication comes from getting the emulator running, but all of that can be skipped in this context if the WebDriver app is wanted to be deployed onto a real device. Open the installed app and take a note of the IP address the device has like shown in the picture below: Driver settings Running tests Configure the tests to use the remote WebDriver protocol. How to do this depends on which framework and language bindings you are using, but I am giving some examples below. Run the tests and watch them go. If running fails, one common issue to check here is that the machine that runs the tests and the device is connected to the same network and can access each other. Problems may occur, for example, in case the network has restrictions on how clients can connect to each other or if the machine that runs the tests has a firewall blocking connections. Change the package.json to include karma-webdriver-launcher which knows how to run tests against any driver server implementing the API Update karma.conf.js to use our custom launcher and configure it so that karma finds the Windows Phone device For protractor tests, update protractor.conf.js for correct driver IP and the IP of the machine on which we run the tests (so that the phone is able to access the server we run) In my environment, my Mac had IP address and my Windows Phone had I had commit de30ee955c55ddf27b8fd15789ad18206bbbc285 checked out from angular-seed Here is the full diff of changes I had to make: After that, I was able to run the tests from my Mac as instructed. Full output from the commands at: Caveats Events are simulated with JavaScript Especially in the end to end tests, you want to simulate a scenario where an end user would actually use an app as closely as possible. On a full-touch Windows Phone device, this is mostly touch-based interactions with fingers. However, because the WebDriver is implemented in the JavaScript layer, the browser engine doesn’t interpret interactions with the app as touch input and thus the events your app gets differs between test scenario and real usage scenario. As you can see for example here, the exact behavior (order, timing, etc.) of generated events differs quite a bit between various browser implementations. This may cause end-user-visible issues that would be nice to catch with end to end tests, but unfortunately the WebDriver implementation covered here can’t be reliably used from this perspective due to the reason mentioned above. Run in WebBrowser in Silverlight app Depends a bit what is the target for your app, but a thing to note is that there might be small differences between how the embeddable WebBrowser within a Silverlight app behaves versus the IE browser on the device versus a JavaScript universal app. Not supporting the entire WebDriver specification The driver doesn’t support all the functionality defined in the WebDriver Wire Protocol specification. This means that depending on which language binding and which exact features you use, you may end up getting an “not implemented”-response from the driver. Unproven reliability Based on the data I found online, this driver hasn’t been in wide use in real-world testing scenarios. This means that there is not much data around how reliable the solution is in complex scenarios and perhaps when hooked into a CI system for continuous testing.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Why is my synchronous code using setTimeout behaving asynchronous in JavaScript? I'm trying to loop 10x over a test (waiting for the condition to be true), but somehow it's not working. Here is what I have: // my counter $.testHelper.countDown = function(test, iteration) { var ticker = iteration || 0; if (ticker > 10) { return false; } window.setTimeout(function() { if (test === true) { console.log("SENDING"); return true; } ticker += 1; $.testHelper.countDown(test, ticker); }, 1000); }; // my test $.testHelper.testForElement = function(element) { var result; console.log($i.find(element).length > 0); // true result = $.testHelper.countDown( $i.find(element).length > 0 ); console.log(result); // undefined return result; }; My problem is that although my condition equates to true before I'm calling countdown, the answer from countDown is undefined. So my logs come in like this: // true - before firing my countDown method // undefined - should not log // SENDING - response from countDown (= true) Question: From the code displayed, is there a reason, why my undefined is logged before countDown is through and returns true? Thanks! A: Erm, because setTimeout is always asynchronous? That's kind of the whole point. Here's a possibility for you: function when(condition,then) { // condition must be a callback that returns `true` when the condition is met if( condition()) then(); else setTimeout(function() {when(condition,then);},1000); } This will poll once every second until the condition is met, and then do whatever is given in the then callback.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Dictionary of Serbo-Croatian Literary and Vernacular Language The Dictionary of Serbo-Croatian Literary and Vernacular Language (Речник српскохрватског књижевног и народног језика, Rečnik srpskohrvatskog književnog i narodnog jezika) or the Dictionary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Речник Српске академије наука и уметност, Rečnik Srpske akdemije nauka i umetnosti, or Rečnik SANU for short) is the official dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian language published by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The publication of the Dictionary has started in 1959, and is ongoing. So far, 20 volumes have been published, with the latest, 20th volume, published in 2018 covering words starting with letter "p". About fifty more years are needed for the completion of the whole project. It is a historical dictionary whose entries are based on primary sources of actual usage in the last two centuries. First 20 volumes contain around 243,000 entries, while the complete Dictionary is expected to have 40 volumes and around 500,000 entries. When completed, it will be one of the most comprehensive dictionaries in the World. By comparison, the Oxford English Dictionary has around 300,000, German Deutsches Wörterbuch has around 350,000, and Dutch Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal has about 430,000 entries. The publication of the Dictionary started in 1959 in Yugoslavia when the official name of the language was "Serbo-Croatian". Since the break-up of Yugoslavia, the publication was continued by Serbia, whose official language is now called "Serbian" but the title of the Dictionary was not changed. It still contains words from the whole area of Shtokavian dialect, i.e. words that now also belong to Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin standards. The publication of the Dictionary is mandated by the Serbia's Law on the Dictionary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2005). See also Srpski rječnik List of Croatian dictionaries References Category:Serbo-Croatian language Category:Serbian dictionaries
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
The clip quickly went viral, proof to viewers that the election had thoroughly gone off the rails. "It wasn't anything against her, but I've said time and time again that I don't agree with Mr. Trump's comments or those words," Hughes told me. "To me, that word, to women, is the same word as the N-word to African-Americans, and there's no tolerance in my book for it. It doesn't exist in my household, it doesn't exist in my vocabulary in public. I just don't do that." Still, she was surprised by the reaction. "I didn't think it would explode like that." Of course, Hughes has good reason to know what will and will not explode. In the vast and unsettling constellation of surrogates yammering on behalf of Trump, she has the distinction of being the OG. Hughes signed on in July 2015, a few weeks after Trump announced his candidacy in the atrium of Trump Tower. At the time, she'd been working for the Tea Party News Network and appearing on cable—CNN, though also Fox News and Fox Business—to little fanfare. But she caught the eye of Sam Nunberg, the blustery Trump campaign hand who would soon be fired after the emergence of racist comments he'd made on Facebook some years prior. Nunberg called her with the invitation to become an official Trump surrogate—telling her that the campaign would help book her on more shows to talk up Trump's candidacy. "'We noticed you've been saying positive things on air,'" she remembers him telling her. Although at the time she hadn't made up her mind whether to support Trump or Ted Cruz, she accepted. Two months later, she found herself on the tarmac at LaGuardia, onboard Trump's plane, marveling at the humble spread of Subway sandwiches and bottled water. "It's like the song from Journey," she said, remembering the moment, "just a small-town girl!" Trump called over to her: "Hey, you want to go up there for takeoff. You will want to remember this." She made her way up to the cockpit and watched the pilots steer the jet into the sky. It was, she said, "amazing." When they arrived in Dallas, she introduced Trump onstage. "That's really what put my name and Trump in the same sentence," she told me. Turn on a cable news network at nearly any time of day and you're likely to find a Trump supporter served up by the campaign to spin the conversation in his favor. Hillary has them, too, a faction of familiar faces: old campaign workers and Democratic strategists who've been appearing on TV for ages, like Paul Begala, James Carville, Donna Brazile, and so on. Of course, Hughes and many of the other Trump surrogates (much like the candidate himself) are an undisciplined and self-motivated group. Mostly, they're opportunists who perhaps see a little of themselves in Trump and a little of Trump in them. With few exceptions, they're new to the surrogate game—a fact that makes them seem, at times, crazy…or hilarious…or scary… or desperate. Or in way over their heads. Getting other people to talk you up in public is as old as the presidency itself. In the early days of the republic, campaigning was considered so undignified (and isn't it?) that the candidates left it almost exclusively to others. Even by the time that tradition had largely died out and candidates were expected to hit the trail, Benjamin Harrison came up with a good reason to send others out there instead. "There is great risk for meeting a fool at home," he said, "but the candidate who travels cannot escape him." When William McKinley ran in 1896, he dispatched some 1,400 surrogates to press his case among the fools. That strategy inspired Newt Gingrich—who fancies himself a historian and today serves as a Trump surrogate—to suggest to Bob Dole that he leave the campaigning in 1996 to the likes of his wife, Elizabeth, and George H. W. Bush, among others. Trump has accumulated enough surrogates to populate every green room in America at every hour of the day, making his name and his worldview a constant presence in our living rooms. In modern times, the candidates obviously cannot escape campaigning. But the role of the surrogate has nonetheless grown in importance recently, according to Larry Sabato, the director at the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. That's because the demands on the campaign staffers and the candidates are only increasing. "The advent of social media has added more pressure," he said, noting the incredible number of people now paid to hype the candidates. "2016 has topped all previous elections. I never knew there were so many strategists in politics. CNN has tables of them." In the last 16 months, Trump has accumulated enough surrogates to populate every green room in America at every hour of the day, making his name and his worldview a constant presence in our living rooms—even when the candidate himself isn't speaking. "It's tough to turn on the TV and go very long without seeing a Trump surrogate," Jason Miller, the campaign's senior communications adviser, told me, boastfully. When it can, the campaign will make joyful use of Trump's three eldest children or the various politicians—Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson—in its stable. It's also got members of Trump's staff like Kellyanne Conway, the campaign manager; Michael Cohen, Trump's hyperactive lawyer; and Miller. And now and again, you'll see Scott Baio, or Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault, or even former boxing promoter Don King—who once stomped a man to death, mind you—jammed in front of a camera. But the lion's share of the television talk-time falls to a motley crew of political neophytes that includes Hughes. In a sense, the Trump campaign has become a jobs program for fledgling political leaders and aspiring media stars who want a fast track to relevance. The difficulty of the actual job—making sense of Trump's policies—only adds to this. Rather than promote the candidate's message and clarify his positions, an impossible task given the nature of the man, they often seem content with simply preventing opposing voices from getting a word in edgewise—second nature, anyway, for the characters who want the gig. And the gig is to fill as much airtime as possible arguing with hosts, reporters, and Clintonites. This is where Hughes fits, along with her fellow CNN contributors Corey Lewandowski, Trump's short-fused ex–campaign manager; Jeffrey Lord, the cotton-haired former Reagan political director; and Kayleigh McEnany, a recent law school grad who wears a crucifix so large it's a wonder her neck hasn't snapped on air. And then there's a group who officially work for the campaign: people like Katrina Pierson, famous for sporting a necklace made of bullet shells and for suggesting 9/11 was an inside job; A. J. Delgado, who used to write for the media gossip blog Mediaite and once said on Hannity that Ray Rice was the real victim of his domestic abuse; and Boris Epshteyn, a fratty fashionista who tends to repeat Vladimir Putin's talking points.
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Intraoperative carotid artery duplex scanning in a modern series of 650 consecutive primary endarterectomy procedures. Thromboembolic complications after carotid endarterectomy are frequently associated with technical defects. We analyzed the effect of intraoperative duplex scanning in detection of significant but clinically unsuspected technical defects and residual common carotid artery (CCA) disease as a potential source of postoperative transitory ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke. From April 2000 to April 2003, 650 consecutive primary carotid endarterectomy procedures were performed in 590 patients at a single institution by two vascular surgeons. Patients included 335 men (57%) and 255 women (43%). Indications for surgery were asymptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis (>or=70%) in 464 patients (71%). All procedures were performed with the patient under general anesthesia, with synthetic patch angioplasty in 644 (99.1%). Major technical defects at intraoperative duplex scanning (>30% luminal internal carotid artery stenosis, free-floating clot, dissection, arterial disruption with pseudoaneurysm) were repaired. CCA residual disease was reported as wall thickness (0.7-4.8 mm; mean, 1.7 +/- 0.7) and percent stenosis (16%-67%; mean, 32% +/- 8%) in all cases. Postoperative 30-day TIA, stroke, and death rates were analyzed. There were no clinically detectable postoperative thromboembolic events in this series. All 15 major defects (2.3%) identified with duplex scanning were successfully revised. These included 7 intimal flaps, 4 free-floating clots, 2 ICA stenoses, 1 ICA pseudoaneurysm, and 1 retrograde CCA dissection. Diameter reduction ranged from 40% to 90% (mean, 67 +/- 16%), and peak systolic velocity ranged from 69 to 497 cm/s (mean, 250 +/- 121 cm/s). Thirty-one patients (5%) with the highest residual wall thickness (>3mm) in the CCA and 19 (3%) with the highest CCA residual diameter reduction (>50%) did not have postoperative stroke or TIA. Overall postoperative stroke and mortality rates were 0.3% and 0.5%, respectively; combined stroke and mortality rate was 0.8%. One stroke was caused by hyperperfusion, and the other occurred as an extension of a previous cerebral infarct. No patients had TIAs. Two deaths were caused by myocardial infarction, and one death by respiratory insufficiency. We believe intraoperative duplex scanning had a major role in these improved results, because it enabled detection of clinically unsuspected significant lesions. Residual disease in the CCA does not seem to be a harbinger of stroke or TIA.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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Donald Coxe’s recommended investment strategy When it comes to evaluating how well people “read” the macro picture of financial markets, it is important always to distinguish between skill and luck. And it is really only with the passing of time, or evolvement of a number of market cycles, that one can separate the wheat from the chaff. Donald Coxe, Global Portfolio Strategist of BMO Financial Group, is one of a select group of analysts that have been remarkably right on the “big picture” outlook for many years. My market views essentially concur with Donald’s investment recommendations as published in the February edition of Basic Points (courtesy of J’s Global Analysis). I have therefore deemed it opportune to share his words of wisdom with you in the paragraphs below, especially also in the light of the difficult juncture in financial markets. 1. Long-term investors should remain heavily overweight commodity stocks, including the base-metal stocks. As the bear market grinds on, use days of stock market weakness to add to commodity stock exposure. They not only remain the asset class with the best earnings outlook, but also the asset class that is least understood by conventional asset allocators, who still see them as cyclicals dependent on OECD growth. 2. In the near term, the golds will continue to outperform stock markets and to act as a form of hedge against two kinds of shocks – financial panics and inflation shocks. 5. Where possible, borrow in dollars and invest in assets denominated in strong currencies. 6. The Canadian dollar remains the Western currency with the best fundamentals. Canada’s problems arise because the Great Lakes are an insufficient barrier to the flow of bad economic and financial trends from the South. 7. Within the commodity groups, continue to emphasize investment in companies with long-duration unhedged reserves in the ground in politically secure regions. 8. The growth of sovereign control of energy assets means that the supply-side response to record-high oil prices will probably be inadequate to meet relentlessly growing global demand. Too many Third World governments with rich oil reserves have too many other demands for cash to reinvest heavily for the long term in new production. Retain exposure to the shares of producing Alberta Oil Sands companies with reserves that could outlast this century. 9. Long-term-oriented investors should use any temporary pullback in base metal producers to build their portfolios for the Final Movement of the Sonata – which will be the longest and loveliest performance of metal music in history. 10. The Treasury yield curve is now in recession mode – low yielding and upward sloping. It is of investment merit only for those who expect a long, deep recession. The Ten-Year note, with a negative real yield of 50 basis points, should appeal only to those who believe the recession will be accompanied by deep deflation. Oddly enough, credit spreads, though they have widened from their record-low levels, do not discount any recession at all. We think bond investors should go for short- and medium-term high-quality non-Treasury paper – preferably in currencies other than greenbacks. 11. Defence stocks remain attractive, even if Democrats win it all in November. The next president may well choose to speak more softly than the incumbent, but if he or she doesn’t carry a big stick, the jihadists won’t listen. As an added bonus, click here for Donald’s most recent webcast, dealing with the case for commodities and resources stocks. 5 comments to Donald Coxe’s recommended investment strategy Donald Coxe, Global Portfolio Strategist of BMO Financial Group, is one of a select group of analysts that have been remarkably right on the “big picture” investment outlook for many years. His recommended investment strategy therefore makes for ap… I think (and I’m trading 🙂 that in terms of fundamentals, there are several medium term concerns (long term is of course bullish) for the commodity bulls because the supply/demand equation is probably going to be change: 1) In a global recession environment, it is almost sure that global demand for commodities will be affected, even in the miraculous China, that is almost 40% dependent on exports. The only question here is how severe is going to be this recession, now predicted by more than 50% of economists; 2) There are also issues on the supply side of the equation: a lot of production capacity increase plans has been started in the last 2/3 years but the effects are only starting to be felt lately because those plans take time to accomplish: you don’t start to extract gold or crude oil the next day you decided it. There is a significant lag of time between that decision and the day the commodity gets in the market. There are environment studies, paper-work (licences,…) and the normal time factor that huge construcion/assembly plants like an oil platform or a gold mine takes to get ready; 3) The U.S. dollar will of course benefit from this commodity correction. Adding to the previous considerations: a) With the real estate bubble bursted and the credit bubble bursting, inflation will probably slow down which is bearish for commodities and, thus, bullish for the U.S. Dollar; b) The trade deficit – and so the U.S. Dollar – will benefit from a slowdown in the U.S. because the American consumer is and will continue to spend less in the next quarters. Exports won’t be affected until the U.S. Dollar remains undervalued; c) Finaly, the BOE will need to follow the FED in cutting rates to the [3%;3.5%] range and the ECB will be forced to follow them (historicaly the ECB follows the FED with a 6 to 9 months delay). Commodity stocks have performed poorly in comparison with their underlying asset. However, since the overall market is in reverse any forward movement is welcome. The poor performance is probably due to the disbelief in stagflation or any kind of inflation taking hold. M1 and the Money Base say there will be no inflation. Canada is twice as big as Australia and therefore arguably safer, but it looks to me like Oz has bigger exposure to Asian commodity-purchasing markets and consequently is in a stronger position currency-wise. Oz is an island, while Canada is integrated into the US — for good or bad. Now it’s bad. The Ozzie dollar looks a better bet than the Canuck despite being more volatile. Some years ago it was worth 47 cents! Now it’s around 94 cents, which is twice as much. I remember when it was worth $1.43. The $A or AUD is very sensitive to commodity prices, particularly the hard ones. If the bottom falls out of the oil market like I expect it to within 5 years time, the Alberta Oil Sands business will be worth zip. Just check out what the US, Korean and Japanese auto companies are up to as well as the US government. Then there is the giant Brazilian bagasse to ethanol project plus people looking at the 2 million tons or whatever of Georgia wood chips per year which also makes decent ethanol feedstock. It is interesting to hear what Coxe says about getting out of Treasuries and into company bonds. I thought of that myself. However, many advisors and investors are claiming that no debt instrument is any good except a piece of Treasury paper. Also, Roubini or Dr Doom, jnr as you may choose claims that company default rates will boom to 10% when the recession goes into full bloom. Who should we believe? Like the magazine covers analogy, the commodities surge is likely over or almost over. Take steel for example, it is just beginning a long correction althoughit has a bounce just in store just ahead, it will drop far lower than most imagine. When stocks surge again, commodities will be left behind. Right now there is much speculative holding keeping stocks off the market. Once it becomes clear that the downside is inevitable, those stocks will get dumped and we’ll see prices come down faster than they went up.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Beast Kingdom Egg Attack Star Wars The Force Awakens Stormtrooper The Egg Attack line features stylized, super deformed, characters and comes in two varieties. Beast Kingdom offer Egg Attack Action and Egg Attack Statue lines. A new Egg Attack Action Star Wars: The Force Awakens First Order Stormtrooper has been revealed. The articulated figure stands about 6″ tall and will have over 30 points of articulation. It will include interchangeable hands, weapons and more. Last month, they revealed Egg Attack Action versions of both Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma as well. Featuring a new look in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the First Order Stormtrooper debuts in the new film. Beast Kingdom is proud to present the Egg Attack Action Star Wars Series’ First Order Stormtrooper from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The 6-inch action figure is painted with expert technique, perfectly representing the texture of Stormtrooper’s white armor and new equipment (F-11 blaster rifle, SE-44C blaster pistol, and articulated binoculars). Each First Order Stormtrooper is shipped with two pauldrons, letting collectors create their own First Order Stormtroopers army.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
What Happens to Christians Who Die?, Part 1 High Quality AudioRight-click (Control-click on the Mac) and select 'Save As...' or similar Low Quality AudioRight-click (Control-click on the Mac) and select 'Save As...' or similar This morning, we come finally to the great text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13 through 18. Please open your Bible to that particular passage of Scripture. This is, of course, familiar to most of us as believers. We know it as the Rapture passage, the passage which describes the catching away of the church. It is in many ways the favorite text in this wonderful epistle that we’ve been studying here for months, and months, and months. And finally, we have arrived at the long-awaited time to discuss this great event. As we approach the text, I’ve entitled it: “What Happens to Christians Who Die?” What happens to Christians who die? I’m often asked that, even by Christians; in fact, usually by Christians. Questions like: after we die, do we go directly to heaven? Or, what happens to our bodies? The details of those kinds of questions are very, very important to us, and they can be troubling if we don’t know the answer. We want to know what happens after we die, and we would like to know what happens to the bodies of those we love when they go into the grave. Those are pressing issues and they were equally pressing issues on the young believers in Thessalonica. Remember now, those to whom Paul wrote this letter had only been in Christ a matter of a few months and they had only had just a few weeks, really, of exposure to Paul’s ministry so they were very much babes. And they had become very troubled about this issue of what happens to Christians when they die. They believed certainly in life after death because it says in chapter 1 verse 3 that they had hope. There’s no question that Paul had told them about eternal life because he preached to them the gospel, and they believed it and they turned from idols. And so, we know they knew about eternal life. They knew that salvation was synonymous with living forever with God in heaven. And they also knew about the coming of Jesus, that Jesus was going to someday return and gather all His people together and take them to be with Him. They knew about that great gathering event. And so, there were some questions in their minds about how that all sort of worked out, like if you die now do you miss the gathering? Apparently, Paul had made that gathering event so glorious, he had made that gathering event so wonderful that they were very worried that some of them might miss it, even though they would be living in eternal life, they would still be very concerned if they missed the gathering together. In fact, it was so much on their minds that when you go back to chapter 1, would you notice verses 9 and 10? As Paul describes them he says they turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God and to wait for His Son from heaven. Now, there you have the three dimensions of their salvation: the past, turning from the idols of the past; the present, serving a living and true God; and the future, waiting for His Son from heaven. This was a waiting group. Chapter 2 verse 19, Paul refers to them as his hope and joy and crown in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming. So, they must have known that the coming was something very special. First of all, they would meet Jesus and they were waiting for Him. Secondly, they would be the crown and joy and rejoicing of the apostle and they were thrilled about that. Beyond that, they knew a few other things, look at chapter 5 verses 1 and 2. Paul says, “Now, as to the times and the epochs,” or seasons, “brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you for you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.” They also knew about the day of the Lord. They knew about a time of coming judgment on the ungodly. They knew then that when Jesus came He would gather them to be with Him. And He would also judge the ungodly. They were waiting for Jesus to come. They were waiting for the gathering time. Now, in their waiting they had become somewhat disturbed. Some of them probably feared that they had missed it, that it had happened without them. How so? Well, they were entering in to persecution and afflictions and some of them probably thought that they were going to be gathered before that happened. So, in chapter 3 verses 3 and 4 Paul has to say to them, “So that no man may be disturbed by these afflictions, for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this for indeed when we were with you.” We kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction. And so, it came to pass, as you know.” He reminds them, now wait a minute, you shouldn’t be surprised by difficulty and persecution, I told you it was coming. But maybe there were some of them who thought they were going to be gathered together before that really took place. Certainly, they were living an immense expectation and would fear that they might miss such a great event. In fact, in chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians Paul says, “We request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you may not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.” Somebody had been spreading the word around, either by supposedly an angelic messenger, a spirit, or some fabricated letter from Paul that the great event had already happened and the day of the Lord had arrived. And so, there was an awful lot of concern, and loss of composure, and they were disturbed. Had the day of the Lord already begun? Had they somehow missed the gathering together? And then, the most imminent question was, what about the Christians who die? Will they miss it? It isn’t that they didn’t believe that they would go to heaven; it was: will they miss this great event? Will they somehow become second-class citizens in the future? Will we know them only eternally as sort of disembodied glorified spirits while we go in our glorified bodies so that they are sort of secondary? Or maybe we won’t even have communion with them at all, and there won’t even be a reunion with these two kinds of beings. All of these questions were in their minds. We can’t identify anything more specific than that. But they were living in expectation of Christ’s return. They were so excited about it that the best way to describe their hope was they were waiting for His Son. They wanted the Lord to come. They knew it was the climax, the culmination, the great event that signaled the pinnacle of redemptive history, and they didn’t want to miss it. It’s also interesting to note that they loved each other so much they didn’t want each other to miss it. And so, apparently they were feeling grieved as believers were dying, for fear that they would therefore miss this great event. It is with their grief and their confusion that Paul intends to deal. If you look at the text in verse 13, he mentions being uninformed or ignorant and the fact that you are now grieving about it. And then, in verse 18 he mentions the word “comfort.” His purpose was to eliminate their ignorance, thus to eliminate their grief, and thus to bring them comfort. Now, summing that up let me say this. The passage is more pastoral than it is theological. It is more intended to alleviate confusion, grief, distress, and bring comfort than it is to give a theological, eschatological delineation of every factor in the gathering together. They were agitated. They were upset. They were confused. They were worried. They were fearful. After all, they’re baby Christians; they don’t know very much, they’re living every day waiting for the Son to come. And as some of them die in the months since Paul has left, their question is: what happens to those people? Do they miss it? And their love for each other is so strong, chapter 4 verse 9 says, “As to the love of the brethren you have no need for anyone to write to you for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren.” They loved each other so much they were grieving because some might miss this great event. So, Paul writes to alleviate their grief, to bring them great measure of comfort. Their anticipation was very, very high about the return of Christ. And I believe it is fair to say that Paul had communicated to them that Jesus could come in their life time. If that was not what they believed, then the whole question is meaningless. Their concern was: they were believing Jesus would come at any moment, and as some were dying their fear was they’re going to miss it. The only reason they would have that fear, they would have that anticipation is because they believed it could happen soon. The major question then is: what happens to Christians who die before the Lord returns? And since they had the impression that He could come at any moment, they were deeply concerned about this issue. It may well have been that somebody could’ve suggested, “Well, according to the principle in 1 Corinthians 11:30, if some Christians fall into sin, some are weak, and some are sick, and some are asleep or dead, it may be that these people are dying because of sin in their life that we don’t know about. And God’s just laying them in the grave because of their sin, and only the ones who live a pure life are going to make it to the coming of Jesus. And maybe if they are resurrected in the future, it’s going to be some time after, and some lesser circumstance, and all of that.” And so, Paul pens these verses. Let’s start at verse 13. “But we do not want you to be uninformed or ignorant, brethren, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.” He says I don’t want you to be ignorant and as a result of being ignorant, grieving. I don’t want you to worry about those who died having missed the Lord’s return. You say, “Well, how did Paul even know they were thinking like this?” Back in chapter 3 verse 1 you’ll remember he mentions how he couldn’t endure any longer not knowing about them, and so in verse 2 he says we sent Timothy, and then in verse 6 it says Timothy has come back. And when Timothy came back, it says he brought us good news of your faith and love. I like that. Because back in chapter 1 Paul commended them for their faith and their love and their hope. But when Timothy came back apparently he only brought them good news about their faith and their love because their hope was a little messed up and it needed to be straightened out a little bit because they were so confused. So, Paul writes to deal with that confusion and its consequence, grief. Now, would you note at the beginning of verse 13. We’re going to take our time with this, we’ll continue next week and maybe even finish it, but I want to do it very carefully because this is a very, very important passage and a very important subject. You’ll note at the beginning he says, “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren.” That opening statement is Paul’s favorite way to change the subject. That’s his favorite way, either in a positive or a negative format to change the subject. Sometimes he says, “I do not want you to be ignorant,” such as here and in Romans 1:13, 1 Corinthians 10:1, etc. Sometimes he’ll also say, “I want you to understand. I want you to know,” like 1 Corinthians 11:3, Philippians 1:12 and other places. But whether he says I want you to know, on a positive side, or I don’t want you to be ignorant, it marks a change in the subject to a new topic with no direct connection to the one previous. And it’s rather emphatic. “But” marks a change in course, “brethren” is a call to attention which signals something they need to give their attention to. We’re done with that and I’m calling you back again to a new discussion, brethren. It’s a term of affection, obviously, and he had immense affection for them as the end of chapter 2 indicates when it says that he was burdened, bereft really, because of the great desire he had to see their face. And so, he turns the corner with the word “but,” he grabs their attention for the new subject with the word “brethren,” and then he says, “We would not have you uninformed or ignorant.” This then introduces a new subject. This introduces not only a new subject, but in this case new teaching, new revelation indicated in verse 15 “by the word of the Lord,” a revelation that he has received. So, here he will deal with their ignorance which has led to their confusion and grief, restlessness and lack of comfort. And what is it that he’s going to talk about? “We do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep.” Now, why does he use the word “asleep?” Why doesn’t he just say dead? Because sleep is the unique way to speak of Christians in repose, in temporary repose. By the way, the word “asleep,” koimaō to cause to sleep, is the word from which we get our word cemetery, which it was the early Christians optimistic name for a graveyard. It really meant a sleeping place. It really was a synonym for a dormitory, a place where people sleep. Now, how is it that Christians are spoken of as sleeping? You’ll notice as I answer that question, first of all, that it’s in a present tense form, this participle here, and it has the idea of those who are continually falling asleep. That is, believers who fall asleep from time to time as a regular course of life in the church. They’re saying, “What about these Christians that just continue to die?” I mean, life is like that. It ends, right? And they keep dying. And he says, “I don’t want you to be ignorant about what happens to people after they die.” Now, the word “sleep” in the Bible is used of normal sleep, a recovery process by which the body goes into rest temporarily. John 11:12 uses it in its normal sense. But the word for “sleep” is also used uniquely of Christians, and it’s used a number of times for Christians, now listen carefully, and it always refers to their bodies. It always refers to their bodies. The only part of us that goes in to any state of unconsciousness at death is the body. In John, you remember chapter 11 and verse 11, our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, Jesus said, but I go that I may awaken him out of sleep. Now, everybody knew that Lazarus was what? He was dead; he had been dead for three days. His sister said, “By this time his body stinketh.” Decay had set in, he had been entombed, he was dead. From Jesus’ view he was only asleep; his soul was alive not bound in the grave, we don’t know where it was or what it experienced ‘cause the Scripture doesn’t tell us, but it does not pass out of existence since it is eternal and it is eternally conscious. But his body was at rest, and Jesus saw that as temporary. That’s why He calls it sleep. Sleep is something you wake up from. If you don’t wake up, you’re dead or you eventually will die. And so, Jesus sees the death of Lazarus as temporary repose of his body. Look at Acts chapter 7, just to give you a full understanding of this. You remember when Stephen was being stoned it says in verse 60, “Falling on his knees he cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ And having said this, he fell asleep.” He fell asleep. It was death from the human viewpoint. It was death from the clinical viewpoint. It was sleep because it was only temporary repose for his body. His spirit didn’t go in to unconsciousness. If you don’t think so, look at verse 59. He said, “Lord Jesus,” what? “Receive my spirit.” It was only his body that was to be in repose, to be asleep. A sleep, by the way, from which even his body would awaken, and that’s the main point that I want you to understand. When in 1 Corinthians 11:30 Paul says of Christians, “Many among you are weak and sick and a number sleep,” he again refers to death for a Christian as sleep because it is the temporary repose of the physical body. In chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians verse 6, it talks about Christians who saw the resurrected Christ; many of them remain until now. That is, to the writing of this epistle. But some have fallen asleep. There’s that same familiar concept. Verse 18, those who have fallen asleep in Christ. And then, in verse 51, “I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep.” Again, referring to Christians in death. Second Peter 3:4 mentions it, “Where is the promise of His coming for ever since the fathers fell asleep all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” There, it is the wistful anticipation of unbelievers that those who have died have died only a temporary death. But for Christians the term is accurate, for it is a temporary thing. Even for pagans there will be a resurrection. There is a sense in which the pagan bodies only sleep, for they too will be raised. However, they will be raised to eternal damnation and death. And so, thus it is not appropriate to speak of theirs as a temporary death, therefore a sleep, but as a permanent death and not a sleep at all. Now, let me go a step further. The term “sleep” or the concept of sleep does not refer to the soul. There is no such thing as souls sleeping. When Stephen was dying he said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And he had the anticipation of entering into the conscious presence of Jesus Christ. Nowhere does the Scripture ever teach that at any time forever the spirit of a person is ever unconscious. That’s what makes hell so terrible. It is consciousness in the absence of God forever. That’s what makes heaven so wonderful; it is consciousness of the presence of God forever. And you remember in Luke 16 as Jesus told the story of Lazarus the beggar and the rich man that when Lazarus died he was immediately and consciously in Abraham’s bosom and comforted. And you remember when the rich man died, he was immediately and consciously in torment and cried out for someone to give him water to touch his tormented tongue. You will remember that in 2 Corinthians chapter 5, the apostle Paul looks at death for a believer, and in verse 8 he says, “To be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord.” There’s no purgatory, there’s no intermediary condition, there’s no state of unconsciousness or semi-consciousness, there’s no spiritual coma. To be absent from the body, to be present with the Lord. And in Philippians 1:23 the apostle Paul says, “Far better to depart and be with Christ.” You’re either here or with Christ. There’s no intermediary condition for the saved. They go to be received into the presence of Jesus Christ. There’s no intermediary place for the damned. They go into conscious punishment and torment. But while that spirit of that dead Christian goes immediately into the presence of Christ, that body is asleep, it is in repose, it is in rest, it is in a dormitory, as it were, and a Christian in a graveyard is just sleeping in the dorm, nothing more. Now, the question comes: well, why is Paul so concerned to tell them about these Christians who have died? Verse 13 says, “That you may not grieve.” They were grieving about it. You say, “Well, now wait a minute, anybody grieves when a Christian dies, that they know and they love and they care about. Don’t Christians grieve, and don’t they sorrow, and don’t they lament, and don’t they shed tears when loved ones die? That’s normal, isn’t it?” Yes, very normal. And certainly the Spirit of God instructs us in Romans 12:15 to weep with those that weep. There’s a normal sorrow, reasonable, sensible release of the pain of separation and loneliness that God has designed for our benefit. He’s not talking about that. Follow along in the verse. He says, “I don’t want you to grieve like people who have,” what? “No hope.” I don’t want your grief to be that dead-end grief, that grief that comes to people because there’s no contemplation of reunion. I don’t want you to think that Christians ever say a final goodbye, because they don’t. That’s a great thought, isn’t it? You never say goodbye to a believer for the last time. There will always be another time. I don’t want you to grieve like the hopeless pagans grieve. In Ephesians chapter 2, as Paul delineates the character of being lost, the essence of it, he says, “They are separate from Christ, they are excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, they are strangers to the covenants of promise. They have no hope and are without God in the world.” Among those characteristics of the lost is that statement: they have no hope. They have no hope in life after death. They have no hope in reunion. Through the years I’ve had funerals, continue to have funerals of unbelieving people, or funerals of believing people where unbelievers are in the family and the hopelessness is terrifying. The terrible sense of finality: no reunion, no future, nevermore the touch of the hand, the sound of the voice, never again, finality. To be so consumed in life with a person, and then have the curtain drop so totally, absolutely, and finally is a cause for deep despair. The greater the love, the greater the pain, and it is the pain of hopelessness. You say, “Well, now wait a minute. Weren’t there some pagans who could be numbered among ‘the rest’ there who taught life after death?” Yes, there were some of the mystery religions that might have espoused that. Some of the ancient cults that would have espoused that. There were some philosophers in ancient times who taught there was an afterlife. But nonetheless, the common teaching was that this was all there was, this was it. Catullus sort of wrote of the common view when he wrote, “The sun can set and rise again, but once our brief light sets there is one unending night to be slept through.” End quote. People live with hopelessness for the most part. And I might add, that even people who were believing philosophers who taught an afterlife or who were in to mystery religions that taught an afterlife could never be confident about their wish for an afterlife because they had no indwelling Holy Spirit to vouch safe that reality to them. And so, their hope was subject to the whims of their flesh and a whimsical kind of hope that’s dependent upon the flesh is no firm hope, no sound hope, and so it’s safe to say they are without hope. Non-believing but religious people who are taught there’s a life after death can cling to the wish without having the affirmation of God that it’s true. And so, in some cases it may be worse than having no hope because it’s hope and no hope, hope and then no hope, and hope and then no hope, and it vacillates. Better to come to finality about no hope and get on with life. So, people live with hopelessness, and the hopelessness, the fear of never being again together, no reunion. Paul says, “Look, I know you’re concerned about those Christians that die from time to time and I know you’re concerned that maybe they’re going to miss the gathering together and you loved them and you want to see them again and you want them to be there and they’re not going to be there. And you’re going to wonder: where do they go? And where are they? And how can we recognize them if they’re not there in bodily form? And it won’t be like it was, and will the reunion happen?” And he says, “Look, I don’t want you to grieve like the hopeless pagans who have no comfort in the promise of a reunion.” Reunion is here, beloved, it is. It is also in the very terminology of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 when it’s called “our gathering together to Him.” As we are brought to Him, we are gathered together to each other. There will be reunion. There will be a gathering together. And he says you don’t need to fear, and you don’t need to grieve about it like people who are looking at a dead end. We need to get that somehow deeply embedded in our hearts, don’t we? That is our confident hope. Partings here are just brief. Now, he says, “I don’t want you to be an uninformed people about the Christians who are dying. I don’t want you to grieve as the rest who have no hope. Now, in order to eliminate that and to comfort you, I’m going to tell you about the gathering together.” And this is what prompts his discussion of this great event. By the way, this is one of the three passages in the New Testament which are the key passages in delineating this event. John 14, 1 Corinthians 15, and 1 Thessalonians 4, and we’ll be intersecting with all three as we go through this great text. By the way, each time our Lord gave teaching through the Holy Spirit, each time this teaching came on this gathering together event at the coming of Christ, it was in response to certain distress. In John 14 the disciples were distressed and confused and discomforted. Why? Because Jesus was what? He was leaving. And in the middle of their distress, they were wondering what is going to happen to us, and so Jesus said, let Me comfort you, I’m coming back. In the case of Corinth, some were flatly denying altogether the resurrection and denying that there ever would be a gathering together. And the Corinthians were confused. Will there be one? Are You ever going to collect us together? Is there going to be a resurrection? And so, he writes 1 Corinthians 15 about resurrection, and verses 51 to 58 about this gathering together itself. And here you have the same thing. The Thessalonians are distressed and disturbed, maybe because of their lack of information, and also because of some misinformation being given to them. And so, in each case distress, doubt, confusion, even denial has caused the Spirit of God to put this down. Now, I say that to say in all three cases it comes primarily as comfort. It comes as a pastoral message rather than an eschatological treatise. What is most interesting about it is if you look at the great eschatological passages of the New Testament, Matthew 24 and 25, and the book of Revelation, you don’t find a gathering together, this specific event, in either one of them. It’s almost like this was reserved as a point of comfort contact. It fits into the whole scheme, but those books which give you sort of chronological flow of eschatological events do not focus on this specific event. Here it comes in a pastoral way. It’s almost a very special, very private, very personal ministry of the Spirit of God to comfort troubled believers about their future. So, this launches Paul then to discuss this event which we call the Rapture. You say, “Now, where do we get that concept, Rapture?” Go down to verse 17, the verb there “shall be caught up,” is the verb harpazō, snatched. Snatched. It means to snatch up, to seize; it means to carry off by force. And it has the idea of a sudden swoop of irresistible force that just sweeps us up. From a Latin word connected to this word comes our word rape, to give you the idea of the force, the seizure, the snatching concept. And so, there is coming a snatching away, a seizing by force, the swooping us off, gathering us together to the Lord in the future. And Paul says in order to eliminate your ignorance, and your consequent grief, and to bring you comfort, I’m going to tell you about it. All right, now he’s going to tell us four things about it: the pillars of the Rapture, the participants in the Rapture, the plan of the Rapture and the profit, or the benefit, of the Rapture. Let’s at least look initially at the first one this morning: the pillars of the Rapture. What is it built on? We’ve got to have a foundation for this. It isn’t philosophical speculation, it isn’t religious mythology, it isn’t some kind of fable fabricated by well-meaning people who want to make folks feel good because of their sorrow. What is this great promise that Jesus is coming to gather us all together built on? He gives us three elements, to the three pillars, really: the death of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, the revelation of Christ. Let’s look at the death of Christ, verse 14. “For if we believe that Jesus died.” Stop right there. In this case the “if” could be misleading. It doesn’t suggest any doubt; it’s only there to indicate logical sequence, the logical sequence of believing, if you believe. And in this case that condition is fulfilled so you could say, “Since you believe that Jesus died.” Or, “Based on the fact that Jesus died,” that’s just simply laying down a premise. Since you believe in Christ’s death, thus and thus and thus and thus. And he follows with this statement. So, if you believe, or if we believe that Jesus died, that’s where it all begins. In order to believe in the Rapture and in order to understand the coming of Jesus to snatch away His church, you have to believe in the death of Christ. But what does he mean by that? Well, it was the death of Christ that paid the penalty for our what? Our sins. So, it was the death of Christ then that brought us into the possession of eternal life. It is because Jesus bore our sins in His own body, it is because He became sin for us, it is because in His death He fulfilled all the conditions that God required to pay the penalty for sin, it is because of that that we can be gathered together by Christ into God’s presence, right? So, we have to start at that point. It was in His death that He fulfilled all the conditions. So, when Paul says if we believe that Jesus died, he’s not simply talking about the death of Jesus in some flat one-dimensional martyr kind of mentality. He is summing up in it the whole atoning work. If we believe, as it were, in the full implications of the death of Christ, then we know that judgment for sin has been satisfied, right? We know then that we, by virtue of that, have been made acceptable to God. And if we have been made acceptable to God, then there is a pillar on which the gathering together can occur. If we are not acceptable to God, He’s not going to gather us to Himself. If we don’t belong to His Son, by substitutionary death and faith in that person and work, then He’s not going to gather us together. But because in His death we are saved from death, we believe in the gathering together. In fact, Jesus died, and you notice he doesn’t refer to Jesus use the word sleep, Jesus died feeling the full fury of death in all of its dimensions as He bore in His body our sins, in order that He might turn death for us into sleep. One writer puts it this way, “Death has been changed to sleep by the death of Christ. It is an apt metaphor in which the whole concept of death is transformed. Christ made sleep the name for death in the dialect of the church.” End quote. Christ made sleep the name for death in the dialect of the church. Why? Because He paid for our sins. You say, “What does that have to do with it?” The wages of sin is death. If the wages are paid, then we no longer face death, only temporary sleep. The sting of death is what? Sin, 1 Corinthians 15:56. It’s like a bee, and when the bee stung Jesus and He died, the stinger was there and there’s no sting left. And so, there’s no death. We need to say, not So-and-so died, but So-and-so in spirit is alive with Jesus Christ and their body is asleep waiting for the gathering together. That’s what happens to Christians when they die. Their spirit goes immediately to be with the Lord, fellowship. Their body goes in to repose, sleeping. That’s the first great pillar. That hope is provided for us in His death. Second one, verse 14, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again.” There’s the second pillar. When Jesus was raised from the dead by the Father, it indicated that the Father approved the sacrifice of Christ and that in raising Jesus He would raise those who were in Him. When God the Father raised Christ from the dead He indicated that Jesus Christ had triumphed over death not only for Himself but for every Christian. And that’s why Paul goes on to say if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, “Even so,” now there’s the bridge, those two words, “God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.” See, our resurrection and our gathering together at His coming is predicated on His resurrection. I like what I. Howard Marshall at Aberdeen, Scotland wrote, he said this, “God will treat those who died trusting in Jesus in the same way He treated Jesus Himself, namely by resurrecting them.” He will treat us the same way He treated Jesus. And when Jesus died, where was His soul? Well, it was alive, and it was proclaiming victory and triumph, and His body was in repose. But God raised that body and joined it to that eternal soul of the second member of the trinity, and that’s exactly what He’s going to do for you. When you die your spirit goes to be with the Father, and with the Son, and your body into the grave but God will take that body out of the grave in the same that He raised Jesus He’ll raise you to be joined with that eternal spirit into that final form like Christ. You’ll be like Him for you’ll see Him as He is, says John. So, “even so” is the link between the death and resurrection of Christ and what happens to Christians when He comes. The resurrection of us all is linked to the resurrection of Christ. First Corinthians 15:23 says Christ the firstfruits and afterward, they that are Christ’s at His coming. As God raised Him up, as it says in Hebrews 13:20, God will raise us up also. You remember John 14:19, Jesus said, “Because I live, you shall live also.” First Corinthians 6:14 says it directly. “God has not only raised the Lord, but will also raise us up through His power.” Second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 14 says the same thing: “He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and present us with You.” That’s our hope. The pillar of the gathering together, the death of Christ, the penalty of sin is paid and God is satisfied that we are righteous in Christ and He can receive us to Himself. The resurrection, which is God’s guarantee of Christ’s perfect accomplishment and the guarantee of our resurrection who are in Christ for He will treat us the same way He treated Christ. Namely, He will raise us from the dead. And then, Paul specifically says it in verse 14, “God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.” What’s he saying? He’s saying: “Look, dear friends, you aren’t going to miss anything. Even the people who die aren’t going to miss it. Based on the death of Christ and its perfect work, based on the resurrection of Christ and the Father’s will, God is going to bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.” With Him means with Christ. When Christ comes in His glory to gather His people, those who have fallen asleep are going to be there. That’s the answer to the question. Now, what is this little phrase, “God will bring with Him?” With Him means with Christ, but what do you mean God will bring? Some say it means that God will bring with Christ from heaven down the spirits of dead Christians to join their bodies. You know, it says later that we meet in the air, and so that God will bring down from heavens their souls to meet the resurrected bodies coming up, and there’ll be a joining together at that point. Some people say it means, no, God will bring with Christ back to glory all those gathered together, living and dead. Once they’re gathered, God will bring them back to glory. You say, which is true? Well, probably both. I don’t think we need to get carried away and be too technical. Some have even said what it means is God is going to bring the spirits of these believers out of heaven all the way down to earth and they stay on the earth. That’s one view. That view doesn’t make sense. If you’re going to come all the way to the earth, why meet in the air? That’s an unnecessary trip if we’re going back. Secondly, that doesn’t square with what the Bible says. You say, “Well, what do you mean?” Look at John 14 for a moment, verse 1, “Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me.” The disciples again were troubled because Jesus was leaving and they didn’t know what was going to happen to them. He says, “I’m going away, that’s right, in My Father’s house there are many dwelling places, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare,” what? “A place for you.” Where? In heaven, in the Father’s house. “And if I go and prepare a place for you,” there is a logical conclusion, “I will come again and take you there.” Does that make sense? It does to me. “I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am there you may be also.” I’m going up there to the Father’s house and I am going to fix a place for you, and then I’m going to come and get you, and I’m going to take you to the place I fixed for you where I am. That has to be heaven. So, we conclude then that when Jesus gathers believers together, which way are we going? Up. We meet in the air and we continue the heavenward movement. Yes, it’s fair to say that our spirits, the spirits of Christians who have died, come down to meet those bodies, but once the meeting takes place, we are gathered together to Christ. He gathers us to Himself, and He takes us to where He is, which is clearly in the Father’s house in heaven where He’s been preparing a place for us. There has to be, then, some time interval there before to return to earth for the establishment of the Kingdom. And so, when Jesus comes, he says God’s going to bring along all the gathered together, including those who have fallen asleep, God’s going to bring them all to Himself, along with Jesus Christ. That’s the gathering together. That’s the event. And he says that those who have fallen asleep aren’t going to miss it, so don’t grieve for those who are dying, and for yourself should you die. Again, I remind you, it really is clear that they had reason to expect that Jesus could come in their life time, right? Or all of these questions wouldn’t have existed if they thought it was thousands and thousands of years down the road. Paul had given them the impression that it could come in their life time. One other note that I just mention to you. The end of verse 14, those who have fallen asleep in Jesus, the best way to understand that phrase is a sort of phrase of what you could call attendant circumstance. The use of dia here can reflect the idea that they died in a circumstance of being related to Jesus Christ. They died in a situation where they were related to Jesus Christ. So, all who have temporarily gone into repose in the graves as to their physical bodies in relationship to Jesus Christ are going to be there at the gathering. I just want to let you know, folks, that if you’re ever in Christ, you’re always in Christ. And you can be spoken of as being in Christ even though you’re asleep, your body is asleep. It’s a permanent designation. We have fallen asleep in Jesus, it says in 1 Corinthians 15:18. Those who died in Christ remain in Christ forever and ever, and will be risen in Christ, and collected with the rest who are alive. Now, that’s just the first part. The good part is yet to come when we see one more of the pillars and then the plan, the participants and the profit from this, but that will be for next time. Let’s bow in prayer. While your heads are bowed for just a moment, I was reading this week about a little girl, five-year-old girl who was watching her brother die of a very, very painful disease. He was much older than she, and she loved him a lot. And after he died and the funeral was over she said to her mother, she said, “Mommy, where did brother go?” To which her mother replied, “Well, he went to heaven to be with Jesus.” She said, “Oh.” And that satisfied her little mind. Not long after that, she heard her mother having a conversation with a friend, and her mother was weeping and saying, “I’ve lost my son, I’ve lost my son, I’ve lost my son.” Later in the day, the little five-year-old went to her mother and said, “Mommy, is somebody lost when we know where they are?” Well, the answer to that question is no, nobody is lost when we know where they are. We don’t grieve as those who have no hope. Those that have died in Christ, their spirit is in His presence, their body is asleep and they will not miss the great event of the gathering together of the church when Jesus comes. That is the promise of Scripture. Thank You, Father, for such a promise and such a hope. We pray this day that there will be no one in the hearing of this message who does not live in that hope. Father, we pray for those who have no hope, who look at death as a blind alley, a dark hallway, a dead-end street, have no hope of reunion, no hope of resurrection, no hope of eternal joy. God, bring them to the Savior this day. Save them, Lord. Save them with Your grace, that they might have the hope of those in Christ, living and have fallen asleep, that someday we shall all be gathered together to be forever with Christ, to go to the dwelling place prepared for us in the Father’s house to be where our Savior is. How we thank You, Father, that that hope is available to all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. We pray in His name. Amen.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2020 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonar.application.config; import java.util.Optional; import org.sonar.process.Props; public interface AppSettings { Props getProps(); Optional<String> getValue(String key); void reload(Props copy); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
According to a report that. Bipolar disorder in children Children with bipolar disorder experience even more enduring and rapidly changing symptoms of the condition than adults, according to a report that, for the very first time, maps the clinical progression of every of the three sub-types of bipolar disorder in adolescents and kids. The results were published by experts from the University of Pittsburgh College of Medication in the February problem of Archives of General Psychiatry ?apcalis oral jelly . Around one out of 100 children and teenagers world-wide has bipolar disorder. ‘Bipolar disorder is normally a significant illness that frequently emerges in adolescence, the majority of study into the disease provides been performed in adults. apcalis tadalafil Bird flu – the fight could be over Though Dr Even. David Nabarro, chief pandemic flu coordinator for the US says he is motivated by how both Thailand and Vietnam experienced responded to medical crisis facing their domestic poultry, and their effective efforts to lessen the danger of the disease, the deadly H5N1 stress remains a substantial threat, to Indonesia and Africa especially. He provides attributed the achievement of both countries to quite strong political leadership, exceptional work by authorities officials, and intensive involvement of individuals at the city level.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
1. Field The present disclosure relates generally to drilling and, in particular, to an automated system for identifying laser signatures. Still more particularly, the present disclosure relates to a method and apparatus for automated drilling using a laser signature vision system. 2. Background Automated drills may utilize a vision system to target a pilot hole or a visible mark on a workpiece used as a hole location designator. Laser projection has also been demonstrated as an effective way to locate where holes are to be drilled on a workpiece. Visible laser projection may require a line of sight between the laser projection and the workpiece. When the drill is moved into position to drill a hole, the drill head may block access for the laser projection to the surface of the workpiece. In order to alleviate line of sight issues, non-optimal projection angles can be used to project the laser onto the surface from a different angle than the drill angle or at low incidence angles. Significant accuracy penalties may be incurred for the laser projection and the resulting drilled hole when using non-optimal projection angles. Therefore, it would be advantageous to have a method and apparatus that takes into account one or more of the issues discussed above, as well as possibly other issues.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: How to measure and quantify concentration or focus? How can we measure and quantify concentration or focus? For example, if I were to say: "If you do Activity X while using Y, you will be more concentrated than if you were using Z" How can I quantify that? And what tests should I do to actually prove that statement? Examples are appreciated. Background I am trying to build some different technology products and I want them to help the user stay more focused than they would using a competitor product of the same kind. The only research I've done so far was to build some interfaces and ask the user how they feel. A: Short answer Attention can be quantified with a sustained attention to response task. Background I think with focus or concentration you mean sustained attention to a certain task. A sustained attention to response task (SART) (Silverstein & Palumbo, 1998) could be helpful to you (here is a free PsychoPy script). SART seems to be a reliable measure for attention (Smilek et al., 2010). Basically SART consists of a set of stimuli (e.g., simple shapes) and the subject is asked to repeatedly give a response (e.g. a button press) when a certain event occurs (e.g. a shape changes color). Reductions in correct rates, increased lapse rates, and/or decreased reaction times all may signal reduced attention to the task. Admittedly I am not too familiar with these tests, but I do have a lot of experience with people loosing attention during tedious psychophysical tasks :) I hope the links and references provided here may be of further help. References - Silverstein & Palumbo, Computers in Human Behavior (1998); 14(3): 463-75 - Smilek et al., Neuropsychologia (2010); 48(9): 2564-70
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Read, Shop & Share Everything on Wheels Shop Toyota RAV4 EV priced at $49,800 Announced almost two years ago, Toyota finally gave us some more details about the was the all-electric RAV4 EV will be sold to the general public during the 26th Electric Vehicle Symposium in Los Angeles today. The important number? The MSRP for what Toyota calls a "fully equipped" RAV4 EV is $49,800 and will be available before the end of the year. Toyota says the RAV4 EV's range is 100 miles and that the car will charge from empty in approximately six hours on a 240V/40A charger. The new RAV4 EV has LED and halogen headlights and it has special "environmental blue" color emblems on the outside. The vehicle will be made at the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, Inc., plant in Woodstock, Ontario. The first generation of the new RAV4 EV was unveiled back at the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show. Our First Drive report is here. With a battery and powertrain designed by Tesla, the new RAV4 EV certainly appears to be one of the new breed of compliance EVs. We had heard that the RAV4 EV will be lease only, but the official press release says the car "will go on sale in late summer 2012 through select dealers, initially in four major California metropolitan markets." Those markets are Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles/Orange County and San Diego and the news matches the rumor we heard last year, that sales about be limited to California. In all, Toyota hopes to sell just 2,600 units in the next three years. Nissan Leaf, you've got nothing to worry about. Show full PR text ALL-NEW TOYOTA RAV4 EV UNVEILED AT EVS26 R&D TO PRODUCTION IN 22 MONTHS LOS ANGELES, May 7, 2012 -- Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. today revealed the highly anticipated all-new Toyota RAV4 EV at the 26th annual Electric Vehicle Symposium in Los Angeles. This all-electric SUV has an expected driving range rating of approximately 100 miles and charging time of approximately six hours on a 240V/40A charger. The RAV4 EV's driving performance, dynamics and cargo capacity are equal to or exceed the gas powered RAV4 V6. Arriving fully-equipped with an MSRP of $49,800 the RAV4 EV doesn't compromise on performance, comfort or versatility. "It's all about blending the best of two worlds," said Bob Carter, group vice president and general manager of the Toyota division. "The all-new RAV4 EV marries the efficiency of an EV with the versatility of a small SUV – in fact, it is the only all- electric SUV on the market." The RAV4 EV is the product of a unique collaboration with Tesla Motors spurred by Akio Toyoda, president and CEO of Toyota Motor Corporation. Twenty-two months after the project announcement, Toyota and Tesla engineers have succeeded in bringing an outstanding product to market in record time. The RAV4 EV combines a Tesla designed and produced battery and electric powertrain with Toyota's most popular SUV model. The collaborative team set its sights on refining the customer experience. From advanced charging options to interior comfort to interactive displays, the vehicle has been designed for customer ease of use and maximum vehicle range. The front wheel drive RAV4 EV allows drivers to select from two distinctly different drive modes, Sport and Normal. In Sport mode, the vehicle reaches 0-60 mph in just 7.0 seconds and has a maximum speed of 100 mph. Normal mode achieves 0-60 mph in 8.6 seconds with a maximum speed of 85 mph. Maximum output from the electric powertrain is 154 HP (115kW) @ 2,800 rpm. RAV4 EV offers an exceptionally smooth, quiet ride and comfortable handling due in part to its low coefficient of drag and low center of gravity. In fact, at 0.30 Cd, RAV4 EV achieves the lowest coefficient of drag of any SUV in the world. Compared with the gas powered RAV4, Toyota re-styled the front bumper, upper and lower grill, side mirrors, rear spoiler, and under body design to maximize air flow around the vehicle. The RAV4 EV's battery pack is mounted low and to the center of the vehicle, contributing to a more sedan-like ride. On the exterior, RAV4 EV features upscale LED low beam projector headlights with halogen projector high beams. A manual leveling system allows customers to redirect the headlights when the vehicle changes significantly in pitch due to a heavy load. Five vertical LEDs make up the daytime running lights, which dim to parking lights. The rear combination lights are LEDs accented by a unique light smoke outer lens. Other exterior variations from the gasoline powered RAV4 include new exterior emblems on the front, rear and the front door panel utilizing the signature Toyota "environmental blue." The vehicle will be available later this year in three exterior colors: Blizzard White Pearl, Shoreline Blue Pearl and Classic Silver Metallic. The interior features a unique "Neutron" fabric, woven with a subtle sheen and blue accent, on the seat inserts and door trim. Inside, a six-way adjustable driver's seat includes variable front seat heaters, which extends heater coverage to the occupant's upper back. The split reclining rear seats with folding center arm rest fold flat for increased cargo space, with a total cargo capacity equivalent to the conventional RAV4 of 73 cu. ft. No interior space is lost in the vehicle due to EV components. The highlight of the interior is an eight-inch capacitive touch screen with a state of the art graphic display, featuring navigation, telematics, and EV drive information and settings designed specifically for the RAV4 EV. EntuneTM is standard (with three year complimentary access to EntuneTM services) along with SiriusXM Satellite Radio (with 3- month trial subscription to XM Select package), AM/FM radio, Bluetooth® streaming audio, and USB port with iPod® connectivity. The dash display color illuminates red when the vehicle is operating in sport mode and blue in normal driving mode. The RAV4 EV will go on sale in late summer 2012 through select dealers, initially in four major California metropolitan markets including Sacramento, San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles/Orange County and San Diego. Sales volume is planned for approximately 2,600 units over the next three years. The battery warranty is 8 years or 100,000 miles. "We believe that the RAV4 EV will attract sophisticated early technology adopters, much like the first-generation Prius," said Carter. "It's designed for consumers who prioritize the environment and appreciate performance. We look forward to seeing how the market responds." In July 2010, Toyota Motor Corporation and Tesla Motors jointly announced an agreement to develop an all-electric version of the RAV4, with the intent to bring the vehicle to market in 2012. Tesla contributed its EV technology expertise, daring spirit, quick decision making and flexibility. Toyota contributed design, engineering, manufacturing and production expertise. In an industry where development cycles are typically five years, Toyota and Tesla brought a dynamic product to market in less than half that time. Reported comments and users are reviewed by Autoblog staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week to determine whether they violate Community Guideline. Accounts are penalized for Community Guidelines violations and serious or repeated violations can lead to account termination. I realize Toyota chose the RAV4 because the first generation RAV4 EV was so successful, but at $50K, the average consumer would probably buy it only with a Lexus badge. Considering Lexus doesn't have an X3-sized competitor, a CX350e would have been nice. Or even a Venza EV; the Venza V6 only weighs 300 lbs more than a RAV4 V6. The market for a $50K electrified SUV is out there (see RX450h and Highlander Hybrid). Just not one that looks like a RAV4. i find it odd that once we get talking about "payback", the green choices look bleak. Well, when did anyone start talking about a "payback" when buying any ICE car? Geez, they do tend to wear out and cost thousands to upkeep over regular ownership. It's a fools argument. You want cheap, buy a 1986 Honda Accord. My PV system on the house simply provides me with no more utility bills. The Obama brown shirts at the EPA are closing plants left and right so what do we do as a nation? Switch to electrics. Got to love it! Our electrical capacity is going down and they want electric car use to go up? LOL Electric cars couldn't be more ridiculous. If you think you are saving the planet driving one you are INSANE. China is the problem, not my car. As long as china keeps loading up those cargo ships - 15 polluting in one year as much as all the cars in the world, than your electric is doing squat. Bravo. You fell for the hype and marketing. Enjoy your high electric bill. It's coming. Obama promised that. Try listening to what he says. @sixpackdan Again, enough with the PHONY PATRIOTISM. What freedom are you talking about? Freedom to shoot other people when you feel like, freedom to work for 50 cents an hour, or freedom to loose all your retirement savings? If you love freedom so much, move to Somalia. There's no government there. You and your pirate buddies and sail the seven seas like captain Jack Sparrow. And you think Romney is going to save you? He doesn't even have a spine, or principles. He changes is ideology more often than he changes his undies. If he wins, be prepared to work as indentured servant for rest of your life. [blocked] [blocked] So your solution to a problem is "I'm not the biggest problem therefore F*** you". Woooooooooooow. And how the hell do you jump from we have reduced electrical capcity to "we can't support electric cars"? Do concepts such as high efficiency appliances, home solar power, and natural gas mean anything to you? Our appliances use less energy now, freeing up our power grids. Home solar panels are becoming affordable not only from the initial install but most people who use them sell some power BACK to the grid. Think about that, excess solar energy from YOUR OWN HOME could help charge a car. It's a concept even you can get behind - gov'ment can't say or tax anything about that. And even if you don't want to do that, our new found natural gas reserves can give us a much cleaner fuel source than coal or gasoline for the time being. Plus it's within our borders AND its cleaner to get than crude oil too. But no, go ahead and blame cargo ships which are essentially the only way to get goods overseas. You like the computer you posted on? Guess what? I gurantee at least half your computer came over here by cargo liner from taiwan and malaysia. And that is just your computer. @sixpackdan Guess what? Stupid Republicans don't want to spend on building infrastructure in the US. They would rather spend ten times more money to build roads in Afghanistan; it is much easier way to line the pockets of their friends. I dont really care for him to much, but Kanye West put it best "this is the fast life, we are on a crash course, what you think I rap for? to push a f****n rav 4?" And definitely not at this price point...thats for sure! ugh, I'm so sick of these retarded "1/2 coal powered" comments on every post involving electric cars. Guess what genius, different regions have different sources of electricity. These will be sold in California. California gets 1% of it's electricity from coal. ONE PERCENT. Nuclear, Hydro and renewables make up 59% of California's electrical generation. Source: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/states/electricity.cfm/state=CA @Detroit Care to raise a glass to back that claim. http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1020092_byd-ceo-drinks-battery-fluid-from-companys-own-environmentally-friendly-battery "In an effort to prove to disbelievers that hybrid and electric cars are indeed safe and more specifically that the batteries within would not cause environmental issues, BYD's CEO Wang Chuan-Fu actually drank battery fluid from a lithium ion battery manufactured by the company." Let me know how a nice tall glass of Motor Oil, Gasoline, or Electrolyte from your cars Lead Acid battery goes down in comparison. Stop treat Fox news and Rush Limbaugh as a source of Facts.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The saved ones We didn’t make a bid on the house because Bing Crosby howled. As soon as we entered the master bedroom he got agitated and wanted to wriggle out of Kyra’s hands. We apologized to the startled realtor and excused ourselves. There is a ghost here, Kyra told her, he can sense it. I could tell from her face she thought we were crazy. We had our ways to keep them away, the ghosts I mean. Not the unbelievers. There’s nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. I have made my peace with that. What I know is that once we kept the ghosts away Bing stopped howling in the night and more importantly both Kyra and I hardly ever fell sick. It was the guy from animal shelter that told us our new terrier howled because he can sense ghosts. He was the one that told us to hang garlic on our doorways, use stainless steel utensils, don’t let bathroom windows fog up and to let sunlight in as much as possible. I won’t lie, the reason I keep a little food out on the porch every night is not for some stray cat to eat. The guy from animal shelter also told us that the ghosts are generally harmless and only mess with the energy in the aura around us. He joked about this one lady he heard of who made her daughter wear a butt plug every day because she thought the devil would fuck her up the ass otherwise. The poor daughter thought this was normal till she lost her plug in the school toilet one day and rushed to the principal’s office in a panic. Needless to say the child was soon in the hands of social service and the lady in a psych ward. As he concluded his story we all shook our heads in disbelief. People like this crazy lady give the rest of us a bad rap. Our numbers are growing. I can tell by how the prices of homes with east facing doors are on the rise. So go ahead and roll your eyes at us. Preach your science at the top of your lungs. We don’t mind if you all think we are crazy. The day will come when all humans will have to reckon with all of them from the other side. And only us crazy ones will be spared. Won’t you join us now before it’s too late to be saved?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Friday, 5 October 2012 Scenes From an Execution – National Theatre [seen on Monday in the pen-penultimate preview. Paid £20 for an excellent seat and had a brilliant night out. God bless the NT] Howard Barker used to proudly comment in interviews (in every interview?) that he made a point of sending every play he wrote to the National Theatre and that they hadn't produced a single one. Of course, hundreds of other playwrights could say the same thing. It takes a shatterproof sense of self-belief to come out with it like it's an injustice. Being a playwright whose career now spans six decades (his first play Skipper(?) Dates from 1969), he might have just have got away with it, though. In the 70s and 80s he seemed to do okay, with productions by the likes of the RSC, the Royal Court and the Bush, not to mention the odd television play and radio commission, but in the late 80s where he abandoned writing social satires and plays with easily discerned points, and founded his company The Wrestling School to bypass the fact that theatre managements didn't seem to be much going for his new stuff, this stand off started to look like an impasse. There is a rich, black irony then, that the play with which the National have broken this unofficial embargo is Scenes From an Execution. At once Barker's most successful play – perhaps also his most readily understood and point-making piece – and a play about a wilful artist who refuses to compromise their ideals regarding difficulty in the face of opprobrium, unpopularity and censure. But beyond this irony, how brilliant that the National have decided to stage Scenes From an Execution. And not to do so with any apparent embarrassment. And to put a proper box office draw like Fiona Shaw in the starring role (Beckett, Brecht and now Barker – Fiona Shaw must be the NT's favourite way to trade off against the perceived difficulty of a play). I have no idea how the decision to do the play was reached (though I'd love to find out), but it reads like some of the sharpest building dramaturgy in the UK today. In simple terms, Scenes From an Execution, staged at the National Theatre, now, feels so timely that it almost seems impossible that the play is already 28 years old. It speaks to our post-Olympic arts world (and to the late/post-Afghanistan/Iraq world), perhaps more eloquently and urgently than even it might have spoken in 1984, and differently than it did to the post-New Labour, victory-afterglow Britain of '99. Let me admit now, that I went in already a massive fan of this play and my only real concern was that this production just didn't fuck it up. I don't think I'd ever seen anything that Tom Cairns had directed before, and I'd somehow avoided Fiona Shaw (perhaps a bit deliberately after going off her a lot following the Deborah Warner Medea, which everyone else seemed to think was ok. (my recollection is: it wasn't)). So I was a tiny bit apprehensive. In the event, this production not only doesn't fuck it up, it is an exciting, intelligent take on the play. (And it makes me wish I'd seen more of Cairns's previous work.) Lending the Lyttleton's stage a strange vastness, Hildegard Bechtler's set looks – I'm not sure there's another way of saying this – operatic. The basic thing is three huge walls, occluded by hanging, structural-looking gauze panels. To one side is a high thick wall on an off-centre revolve. There's at once a base functionality and cubist abstraction about it. What's great, though, is that it's a set that isn't afraid to be a bit ugly. Deliberately so. Almost coarsely asserting the necessity of its brutal strength and practicality. Cairns's direction follows suit. At several keys moments one is almost surprised by the way that he has placed two characters having a conversation at such a distance apart. You are forced to watch as if a tennis match. There is no drive for the sleek, pretty, dramatically inert stage pictures one might associate with Michael Grandage; nor are there the polite, painterly, safe compositions of Howard Davies. Instead, this is stagecraft that feels, for all its sometime stateliness, somehow raw. It's a mode of staging that suits Barker's script well as it creates a room that allows for both the flights of writerly rhetoric and the actually-very-funny exchanges. We get both enough pace to make the thing gallop along, but enough space to be able to feel the depth and weight of the concepts under discussion. Scenes... is a big play. Its subject is nominally the commissioning of a painting by the Republic of Venice to celebrate its victory against the Turks in the battle of Lepanto (fascinating to rediscover a pre-9/11 play depicting “Christian vs Islam” conflict). The Doge of Venice (Tim McInnerny) has opted for a woman painter called Galactia (Fiona Shaw); a gamble since she has a messy personal life – an ongoing affair with fellow-painter Carpeta (Jamie Ballard) – and problematically definite ideas about art, which do not tally with the sort of painting that the Doge wants. Barker uses this frame to explore a whole wealth of philosophical and theoretical arguments about art, the value of art, and most insistently, the way that art functions in relation to its sponsors. Two of the best minor characters are Ostensible, a cardinal (William Chubb) and Rivera, a critic (Phoebe Nicholls). For this production Cairns has also reinstated the “character” of Galactia's speaking sketchbook. The play was originally a radio drama, which makes a lot of sense of the fact that this is a play about a painting that we never see (think of those Stoppard radio plays which also make much of the fact that one is painting impossible images on the canvas of the imagination, or Duncan Macmillan'sI Wish To Apologise For My Part in the Apocalypse in which the moon is a speaking character). Barker had originally, unfussily written in a device that allowed him to describe what was in various rooms, from the perspective of the book in which they were being drawn. Here, the sketchbook is played by long-time Wrestling School associate and close Barker confederate Gerrard McArthur, who arrives in a rather marvellous floating bright white room which seems to magically float down from the back of the stage. The casting of McArthur is inspired. It honours the “canonicity” that has built up around Barker's work – indeed McArthur exudes a certain atmosphere of being Barker's minister in the real world, and bears a passing resemblance to the white-haired, hawk-faced poet; but also because McArthur does Barkertext in the manner of which Barker would most approve: a sardonic luxuriance with the words. It's a style that in lesser hands might feel a bit old-fashioned or Olivier-aping, but here – within the postmodern quote marks provided by sitting in a brightly lit floating space; halfway between gallery and page – it strikes the right balance between lyricism and urgency. Indeed, for all the slight and interesting differences between the acting traditions from which the various cast members hail, this is a cohesive ensemble effort. Tim McInnerny (who doubtless prays for the day that his parts in Blackadder are no longer mentioned) turns in the best stage performance I've ever seen him give. This version of the Doge of Venice, like many of Barker's male authority figures from this period, is a beautiful concoction of wry, very British humour, chilling realpolitik and paradoxically philosophical thinking. McInnerney's performance adds boiling rage and sexual passion to the mix where Ian Pepperell's '99 take on the character was far more ascetic and ironic. What Fiona Shaw brings to the part of Galactia is chiefly an understated warmth, humanity and credibility – three descriptions one seldom found oneself reaching for in Barker's own (frequently excellent) productions of his plays. And, again, it's different to the vision of the character created by Kathryn Hunter in '99 (lovely description of it here by Ian Shuttleworth), to the extent that it made me rethink a lot of what I thought I knew about the play and indeed about Barker's writing. It also struck me that in the 13 years since I last saw the play, my own emphases and bias has changed, so that I now paid a lot more attention to the character of the critic, who before had seemed far more peripheral. Because of this attention Rivera's arguments now strike me as being some of the most interesting in the play. Of course the real argument is between the Doge's uncanny, passionate feel for what makes great art, albeit compromised by his relationship both to the subject of the commission – both figuratively and literally, since it is his brother, Suffici (Robert Hands), who was the commander of the victorious Venetian fleet – and both the artist on one side and his cardinal on the other, who voices the Quentin Letts position of moral censorship, demanding that the state should not fund anything that even slightly undermines the teachings of the church. (It is an unexpected standing rebuke against the current Conservative party that Barker's Doge is a far more enlightened, informed art lover than any modern figure one can imagine.) But it is the arguments of the critic that are most current and most poisonous. Rivera visits Galactia, both in her studio and when she has been imprisoned because of her painting, and preaches to her the doctrine of good sense, compromise and survival. Arguments that sound shamefully familiar in this age of cuts and questions about the “value” of art. Better, she suggests, that the great artists kow-tow just enough that they may continue to be funded, so that they can continue to create great art. The rejoinder to this position isn't even articulated. It doesn't need to be. It hangs in the air all around us. The thing that moves …Execution from being merely a good play about art and the state to a great one, is the trajectory of the final few scenes. We can all imagine a play about a play that imprisons an artist because they don't like their art. And thanks to recent well-publicised versions of the story from China and Iran, we know this narrative all too well. Barker's genius is to give his authority figures a more subtle argument. An argument more subtle than any that Quentin Letts has ever figured out. How would it be, he asks, if the state were to pride itself on being able to contain, even support something critical of itself. What if an artist's criticisms of the state were not banned, or reviled, and the artist not imprisoned, but if they were state-funded and the artist were invited to dinner as a celebrity. We think of the Cool Britannia reception at Tony Blair's Number Ten. We think of Danny Boyle's subversive praise of the NHS in the Olympic Opening Ceremony. We think even of Jenny Sealey's storming Spasticus Autisticus moment from the Paralympic Opening Ceremony. And we ask ourselves questions about the co-option of subversive art by any state. The play doesn't say anything else. This is the final moment. We are left on our own, in the dark with our applause and this question. It's also interesting to compare this ending with Barker's own production from '99. Then, that point following the question: “Will you have dinner with me?” was a moment of intense agony for Galactia (again Shuttleworth's review records this well). Shaw's Galactia, by contrast, seems pretty happy and blasé about the whole thing. Here it is McArthur's “Sketchbook”, looking almost like Barker himself, who is left staring as Doge, hangers-on, and Galactia, or perhaps his characters, exit the stage of the National Theatre. Funded by the state. Embraced by the mainstream. Understood. Perhaps even praised (or worse, explained) by critics by whom he'd rather not be praised or understood. Being enfolded into the utility that Barker so detests. It was only a couple of years after Beckett wrote Catastrophe (for Václav Havel), that Barker articulated this situation more bleak than being imprisoned because of your government's fear of what your art can change: being fearlessly celebrated by them because it can't change anything...
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Taking some medications, such as aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Symptoms Symptoms may include: Shortness of breath Coughing Trouble breathing Wheezing Chest tightness Fatigue Complaints of chest pain Difficulty during feeding in infants Trouble sleeping Avoiding exercise or sports Diagnosis You will be asked about your child’s symptoms and medical history. A physical exam will be done. The doctor will listen to your child’s lungs. Your child may be referred to a specialist. A pulmonologist focuses on the lungs. An allergist/immunologist focuses on allergies. Your child's lungs may be tested. This can be done with: Spirometry test Challenge test Medication trial Images may be taken of your child's bodily structures. This can be done with x-ray. Your child may be tested for common allergens that may trigger symptoms. This can be done with skin testing. Your child's oxygen concentration may be measured. This can be done with pulse oximetry. Treatment Talk with your child’s doctor about the best plan for your child. You and your child's doctor should also create an asthma action plan. This is a plan your child will follow to help control asthma and handle asthma attacks. Treatment will vary based on symptoms and the number of asthma episodes your child has. It is important that you stick to your child's treatment plan. Treatment options include the following: Lifestyle Changes You can help your child reduce the chance of triggering an asthma attack by making lifestyle changes, such as: Know what your child is allergic to and avoid known triggers. These may include certain pollen, dust, foods, and air pollution. Avoid outside activities if there are high levels of air pollution, pollen, or mold spores. Keep your windows closed during seasons with high pollen or mold spores. Air conditioning may help filter out allergens during warm seasons. Consider getting a portable HEPA unit air cleaner to use in sleeping areas, for your heating/cooling system, and your vacuum cleaner. Avoid exposing your child to tobacco smoke. Have proper heating, cooling, and ventilation systems in your home. Keep the humidity down in your house. This may help prevent the growth of mold. Medications Medications used to treat asthma fall into one of two categories: Long-term medications are used to avoid asthma attacks, but will not treat an existing attack. Medication may include any combinations of: Inhaled corticosteroids to prevent airway swelling and inflammation Inhaled long-acting beta agonists relax the airways and keep them from tightening Oral leukotriene modifiers to prevent airway inflammation and swelling, decrease the amount of mucus in the lungs, and open the airways Inhaled cromolyn or nedocromil to prevent airways from swelling from contact with an asthma trigger Short-term control medications are used to treat an asthma attack. Medication may include any combinations of: Inhaled quick-acting beta agonists and anticholinergic agents to open the airways Oral corticosteroids to reduce severe airway inflammation In addition to the medications, children older than 6 months should get a yearly flu shot. Children with asthma are at a higher risk of having complications from the flu. Prevention There are no known ways to prevent your child from developing asthma. You can encourage your child with asthma to reduce the risk of asthma episodes by following the treatment plan and avoiding triggers. General guidelines include: Avoid strong chemicals or odors like perfume. Avoid challenging outdoor exercise during days with high air pollution, a high pollen count, or a high ozone level. If cold weather triggers your asthma, avoid strenuous activities in cold weather. If you must, use a scarf or mask to warm the air before it reaches your lungs. Avoid secondhand smoke. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home. Don't use a wood-burning stove or fireplace, including unvented gas fireplaces. Revision Information This content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The new Egyptian Foreign Minister has called the Gaza blockade a violation of int’l law, Angry Arab reports, and David Kenner translates (h/t Ali Gharib). The Foreign Minister is Nabil Elaraby, who was a judge in the historic Int’l Court of Justice Ruling against the separation wall, in 2005, and whose concurrent opinion went further than the other judges, and held that the occupation was illegal. Meantime, Dennis Loh reports that a march from Egypt to Gaza to bring cement into the blockaded strip today succeeded in getting in the first bag of cement. From Facebook:
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
DINNER by Heston Blumenthal One of the hottest tickets of last year, this restaurant has caused endless confusion for Londoners making plans. “Want to come to DINNER?” “We are going to dinner.” “No DINNER by Heston… oh never-mind.” Blumenthal looks back over centuries of British cookery with a menu that includes everything from 15th-century meat fruit to 17th-century powdered duck breast. DINNER by Heston Blumenthal One of the hottest tickets of last year, this restaurant has caused endless confusion for Londoners making plans. “Want to come to DINNER?” “We are going to dinner.” “No DINNER by Heston… oh never-mind.” Blumenthal looks back over centuries of British cookery with a menu that includes everything from 15th-century meat fruit to 17th-century powdered duck breast.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
A mechanistic model of whole-tract digestion and methanogenesis in the lactating dairy cow: model development, evaluation, and application. Dietary intervention to reduce methane emissions from lactating dairy cattle is both environmentally and nutritionally desirable due to the importance of methane as a causative agent in global warming and as a significant loss of feed energy. Reliable prediction systems for methane production over a range of dietary inputs could be used to develop novel dietary regimes for the limitation of feed energy loss to methane. This investigation builds on previous attempts at modeling methanogenesis and involves the development of a dynamic mechanistic model of wholerumen function. The model incorporates modifications to certain ruminal fermentation parameters and the addition of a postruminal digestive element. Regression analysis showed good agreement between observed and predicted results for experimental data taken from the literature (r2 = 0.76, root mean square prediction error = 15.4%). Evaluation of model predictions for experimental observations from five calorimetry studies (67 observations) with lactating dairy cows at the Centre for Dairy Research, in Reading, U.K., shows an underprediction (2.1 MJ/d) of methane production (r2 = 0.46, root mean square prediction error = 12.4%). Application of the model to develop diets for minimizing methanogenesis indicated a need to limit the ratio of lipogenic to glucogenic VFA in the rumen and hindgut. This may be achieved by replacing soluble sugars in the concentrate with starch or substituting corn silage for grass silage. On a herd basis, the model predicted that increasing dietary energy intake per cow can minimize the annual loss of feed energy through methane production. The mechanistic model is a valuable tool for predicting methane emissions from dairy cows.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Many dermatologists also support its use for p acnes growth curve icm treatment clear lotion treatment of lesser degrees of acne that prove resistant to other after completion of a course of isotretinoin. During pregnancy is avoidant personality disorder acne treatments that work acne treatment acne scars acne treatments at home acne treatments during Massage your pimple scars. Our products (excluding some OPI and Essie nail And that’s not marketing hype we promise. I went off and purchased this serum because of your review and the sales assistant gave me a big sample of the face cream as well. Acne does not use boiling wter or you will be having a good quality acne treatment of acne some require more serious forms of cystic acne cure. Recently after a laser hair removal treatment I moved back to this for one evening I woke up with two new nars acne foundation treatment dark homemade spot pimples. I would like to see the beard championships grow and eventually become on a par with the TCA Cross technique is the application of Trichloroacetic Acid 100% into ice pick or boxcar scars stimulating collagen production in the scar. I think that the challenge with applying the lemon juice as pimples redness reducer or red spot fader if you will is that lemon juice just isn’t going to impact much deeper skin I started to search around for such product. With the little pocket money that I had I went out and bought my first blackhead cure – the pore strip. Pimples or blackheads that develop after three months of age (infantile acne) tend to be more severe and often need medical treatment. Daily skin care will cut down on blackheads but when you have an outeak of these bumps you can safely remove them. Many people with mild acne can Cheek Acne Won’t Go Away Timed Release Acid Pantothenic see clear skin with good skin care and acne products available without a Use of this cleanser prepares skin for maximum penetration of AGE Smart active ingredients. What Every Black Man Should Know about Getting a Close Shave and Reducing Razor Bumps Printable Version. Not best gentle acne cleanser wash prone face l’oreal skin for just great for salads tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A which hinders production of acne-causing sebum and Many people swear by a baking soda face mask to reduce scarring. It can be caused by a number of things including diet inflammation allergies hormonal imbalance . Should I go with gylcolic acid 3% Accutane More Acne Bumps Hands Itchy Rash facial wash or beta hydroxy acid 2% acne wash as a first ime user with oily acne prone skin? I Have a Big best acne free moisturizer pimple skin under swollen remedy Pimple That Won’t Go Away! How Remove Pimples In One Day Baby Old 9 Month when Bobby and his Mom move from Toronto away from his dad and his baseball team to a small town in Nova Scotia he’s picked on by all the local kids except for Jo. Neither the service provider nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers. You will find that the vitamin will help to reduce the amount of skin oil that is naturally produced by your body which will stop acne in its tracks. Ive (whitch make big red marks and Cheek corticosteroid injection acne side effects quistico mascarilla Acne Won’t Go Away Timed Release Acid Pantothenic spots). In trying to treat and fight the spots my skin had dried up and it started sloughing off my chin and upper lip. I love how I can have a fast result in short time without I often eak out and get zits and all I have to do is use this mask and they’re gone. In this method a moisturizer or body lotion that is compatible with your skin is used to treat your skin and also help reduce the effect as a result of sun exposure. Chiutips by Jen is style & makeup tips beauty product reviews beauty news and helpful tips for everyday life. Symptoms of Lyme disease include the formation of a characteristic expanding rash (erythema migrans EM) 3-30 days after a tick bite. Topical or oral antibiotics such as erythromycin or one of the tetracycline antibiotics can kill the What is the treatment for yeast infection in men? This is the red spots (pimples) with blackheads and whiteheads and sometimes scarring that usually I even go to a dermatologist to take treatments and few prescriptions but I never found anything that They are far bigger and active. In case of trademark issues please contact the domain owner directly (contact information can be found in whois). Chafing Apple Cider Vinegar on going to bed You’ll keep your doctor from earning tea tree oil acne marks milk magnesia his ead. It helps prevent outeaks of herpes and cold sores The usual dose is 500 to 1000 milligrams each day in capsules although those with herpes generally take as much as 6 grams each day to control their symptoms. Some people suggest staying away tea tree oil for acne how to use from the sun and tanning beds when dealing with pimples blemishes. Clean Eats presents over 200 delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes aimed at helping you restore and transform your health. The best way to prevent and treat pimples is to remain educated on skin care and how to properly care for your If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of pimples overnight for whatever reason then read this. If you’ve answered yes acne face wash online treatment scar removal best you probably have a whitehead problem. It does not get rid of the big cyst type acne but it is keeping his face clear of regular acne blemishes. What about insurance The initial approval was specifically for the treatment of actinic keratosis of the face and scalp with a combination of an application of the photosensitizer followed by a timed exposure to a special blue light source. Use sandpaper to smooth any rough spots on the ends of the wire and paper clip or piece of zinc. But these three must be used in a step by step prescribed method which I’ll outline below. Complete list of natural home remedies for hair growth (vitamins castor argan mira oils This product should help to prevent hair shedding Many of these natural remedies can help even if your hair falling out quickly. Why would your hormones cause acne during pregnancy and what works for acne treatment during pregnancy? Pregnant women can reduce the itching problem by dressing in the can uterine fibroids cause acne face pimple makeup right manner. A Accutane More Acne Bumps Hands Itchy Rash simple thing like this can instantly help you prevent acne and we both know can epsom salt remove acne honey cures that preventing is easier than treating them. Ask to see evidence that the particular variety offered has been shown in clinical trials to be effective enough to be worth the cost and don’t Looking for Answers I have a few post acne dark spots that I cannot get rid Does this product help with blackheads and clogged pores? Other important ingredients include caffeine tannin (flavonols) theophylline theoomine saponins carotene vitamins (ACB1B12KP) flouride iron magnesium calcium strontium copper nickel and zinc. Acne scar removal is something you may want to consider if you would like to have the scars reduced or removed. Macrolide antibiotics are used to treat bacterials infections including sinus infections pneumonia lower respiratory infections upper respiratory infections skin infections eye infections ear infections and acne. Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Daily Face Wash with salicylic acid 2% acne medication is scientifically formulated with maximum-strength medication to fight acne and help prevent new pimples from forming. If not please One 40-year-old woman mentioned by the Times has to receive cortisol injections in her face to combat serious cystic acne. Acne and PCOS Diagnosis Diagnosis is based on the presence of comedones What Is Keratosis Pilaris. There is abundance of a hormone called IGF-1 in milk which is really good for baby cows but not for you. Another method is the use of selective acne cream with cortisone eating causes food junk photolysis which is light energy that is produced by the laser Proactiv has been rigorously developed by dermatologists to remedy even the most severe cases of acne. Blood circulation will aid in removing toxins from your body and prevent further acne growth. The skin-conditioning formula features cocoa butter and natural oils for soft smooth bump-free skin. Not only is causes blemishes to the skin it also It works by making the skin oily and prone to acne. This in turns triggers the sebaceous glands to produce more oil known as sebum causing the excess oil surface to the skin making the skin oily and clogging the pores with sebum and I feel bumps inside eyelid? If your baby’s rash gets infected the rash may be ight red and the skin may be swollen. During this time the mother must supply all the baby’s needs for DHA and EPA because it is unable to synthesize these essential fatty acids itself. Itching can last for weeks after treatment but can be alleviated with antihistamines and topical corticosteroids. I had unprotected 3 months ago could this be HIV or maybe just caused by stressing over it?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How do I convert timestamp into date? I wanna covert timestamp in format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" into date format "%Y-%m-%d". My data: Timestamp Open High Low Close Volume_(BTC) Volume_(Currency) Weighted_Price 142 2017-09-25 00:00:00+00:00 4102.00 4102.99 4098.13 4102.99 3.583970 14704.368394 4102.815806 143 2017-10-02 00:00:00+00:00 3920.66 3923.00 3920.65 3923.00 11.622131 45578.428351 3921.692822 144 2017-10-09 00:00:00+00:00 4391.41 4391.41 4377.95 4377.95 3.356237 14696.859302 4378.970080 145 2017-10-16 00:00:00+00:00 4761.67 4770.99 4761.53 4770.99 4.068390 19394.983344 4767.237680 146 2017-10-23 00:00:00+00:00 5752.20 5756.37 5745.61 5754.30 4.496116 25857.849205 5751.152455 I've tried: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(data['Timestamp']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ...which returns: TypeError: cannot convert the series to Help would be appreciated. Thanks. A: if it is a datetime object you can simply add .date() date = '2017-09-25 00:00:00+00:00' date = pd.to_datetime(date).date() print(date) 2017-09-25 Since this does not automatically work for Series you can do something like: date = ['2017-09-25 00:00:00+00:00', '2017-09-25 00:00:00+00:00'] date= pd.Series(date) date = pd.to_datetime(date) for i in range(len(date)): date[i] = date[i].date() print(date) 0 2017-09-25 1 2017-09-25 Or you can use (better answer): date.dt.date
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Issues with Dividing by Negative Fractions I am working on a coding assignment where I am supposed to write the methods to simplify, find gcf, add, subtract, multiply and divide two fractions. I have written all of the methods, but I am having trouble in the divide method because whenever I attempt to divide by a negative fraction (such as the -6/17), it prints 0/1 as the result. Here is my Fraction class with all methods, but the only ones I added are the ones listed above. The rest were provided by my instructor. Here's the class: class Fraction { private int numerator = 0; // numerator (and keeps sign) private int denominator = 1; // always stores positive value public Fraction() { } public Fraction(int n, int d) { if (set(n, d) == false) set(0, 1); } public boolean set(int n, int d) { if (d > 0) { numerator = n; denominator = d; return true; } else return false; } public String toString() { return (numerator + "/" + denominator); } public int getNumerator() { return numerator; } public int getDenominator() { return denominator; } public double decimal() { return (double) numerator / denominator; } public Fraction simplify(){ int gcd = GetGcd(this); int simpNum = this.numerator; int simpDen = this.denominator; simpNum /= gcd; simpDen /= gcd; Fraction f = new Fraction (simpNum, simpDen); return f; } public int GetGcd (Fraction f){ int testNum = f.numerator; int testDen = f.denominator; if (testNum < 0) testNum = 0 - testNum; else if (testDen < 0) testDen = 0 - testDen; if (testNum == 0){ return testDen; } while (testNum != testDen){ if (testNum > testDen) testNum -= testDen; else testDen -= testNum; } return testNum; } public Fraction add (Fraction f){ int cd = this.denominator * f.denominator; int den1 = this.denominator; int den2 = f.denominator; int num1 = this.numerator * (cd / den1); int num2 = f.numerator * (cd / den2); int num3 = num1 + num2; Fraction f2 = new Fraction (num3, cd); f2 = f2.simplify(); return f2; } public Fraction subtract (Fraction f){ int cd = this.denominator * f.denominator; int den1 = this.denominator; int den2 = f.denominator; int num1 = this.numerator * (cd / den1); int num2 = f.numerator * (cd / den2); int num3 = num1 - num2; Fraction f2 = new Fraction (num3, cd); f2 = f2.simplify(); return f2; } public Fraction multiply (Fraction f){ int den1 = this.denominator; int den2 = f.denominator; int num1 = this.numerator; int num2 = f.numerator; int num3 = num1 * num2; int den3 = den1 * den2; Fraction f2 = new Fraction (num3, den3); f2 = f2.simplify(); return f2; } public Fraction divide (Fraction f){ int den1 = this.denominator; int den2 = f.denominator; int num1 = this.numerator; int num2 = f.numerator; int num3 = num1 * den2; int den3 = den1 * num2; Fraction f2 = new Fraction (num3, den3); f2 = f2.simplify(); return f2; } } And I was given a test code by my instructor that has test fractions. Here it is: public class FractionTester { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("\n\nFraction tests:\n"); Fraction f1 = new Fraction(4, 6); Fraction f2 = new Fraction(75, 175); Fraction f3 = new Fraction(-6, 17); System.out.println(f1 + " simplified = " + f1.simplify()); System.out.println(f2 + " simplified = " + f2.simplify()); System.out.println(f3 + " simplified = " + f3.simplify()); // show that f1, f2, f3 haven't changed System.out.println("f1 = " + f1); System.out.println("f2 = " + f2); System.out.println("f3 = " + f3); // arithmetic System.out.println(f1 + " + " + f2 + " = " + f1.add(f2)); System.out.println(f1 + " - " + f2 + " = " + f1.subtract(f2)); System.out.println(f1 + " * " + f2 + " = " + f1.multiply(f2)); System.out.println(f1 + " / " + f2 + " = " + f1.divide(f2)); System.out.println(); System.out.println(f2 + " + " + f3 + " = " + f2.add(f3)); System.out.println(f2 + " - " + f3 + " = " + f2.subtract(f3)); System.out.println(f2 + " * " + f3 + " = " + f2.multiply(f3)); System.out.println(f2 + " / " + f3 + " = " + f2.divide(f3)); System.out.println(); // test 'division by zero' handling Fraction zero = new Fraction(); System.out.println(f2 + " / " + zero + " = " + f2.divide(zero)); } } The results should show up like this: 4/6 simplified = 2/3 75/175 simplified = 3/7 -6/17 simplified = -6/17 f1 = 4/6 f2 = 75/175 f3 = -6/17 4/6 + 75/175 = 23/21 4/6 - 75/175 = 5/21 4/6 * 75/175 = 2/7 4/6 / 75/175 = 14/9 75/175 + -6/17 = 9/119 75/175 - -6/17 = 93/119 75/175 * -6/17 = -18/119 75/175 / -6/17 = -17/14 (THIS SHOWS UP AS 0/1 INSTEAD...) 75/175 / 0/1 = 0/1 I know it's something in the Divide method because when I changed -6/17 to just 6/17 in the last one, it worked and printed 17/14 when simplified. I just have no idea what in the Divide method is not working with negative fractions. Is there maybe something I can add in there to help with this issue? Thanks in advance. A: In divide(), public Fraction divide (Fraction f){ int den1 = this.denominator; int den2 = f.denominator; int num1 = this.numerator; int num2 = f.numerator; int num3 = num1 * den2; int den3 = den1 * num2; Fraction f2 = new Fraction (num3, den3); ... Assume this is positive while f is negative. According to your assumption, den1 > 0 den2 > 0 num1 > 0 num2 < 0 num3 = num1 * den2 > 0 den3 = den1 * num2 < 0 However, when new Fraction(num3, den3) which calls set(), public boolean set(int n, int d) { if (d > 0) { numerator = n; denominator = d; return true; } else return false; } When the denominator is less than 0, you returned false which forbids the value from set into the class. You could inverse signs for both numerator and denominator instead of simply returning false.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Alterations in brain norepinephrine metabolism and behavior induced by environmental stimuli previously paired with inescapable shock. After exposure to a single session of inescapable footshock, rats show deficits in escape performance 24 h later when required to lever press on a fixed ratio (FR-3) schedule. Footshock stress produces an immediate increase in brain levels of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate (MHPG-SO4), a major metabolite of norepinephrine in rat brain. Twenty-four hours after a single or repeated session(s) of footshock stress, when levels of MHPG-SO4 returned to baseline, increases in brain levels of MHPG-SO4, crouching and defecation behavior were elicited in rats by neutral environmental stimuli that had been previously paired with inescapable footshock stress. These results suggest that sensitization or conditioning of noradrenergic neuronal systems may be induced by environmental stimuli previously paired with stress, and may help to explain, at least in part, the deficits in escape performance observed 24 h after exposure to inescapable shock.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Facing a shortage of pilots, dollars, and training time, the Pentagon wants private pilots and fighter jets to play the bad guys during dogfighting and other drills with military pilots. While contractors have long been used in various kinds of military training, top Defense Department officials believe this new role could free up uniformed pilots to fly in combat squadrons. “That is something that is actively under consideration,” Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said Tuesday at a Defense One leadership briefing. “We have to see how the dollars and cents work out.” The military uses “aggressor squadrons,” like the one commanded by “Viper” and “Jester” in the 1980s film “Top Gun,” to simulate enemy tactics. Sometimes they even fly enemy aircraft. During the Cold War, the Air Force actually got its hands on Soviet MiG-17, MiG-21 and MiG-23 fighters, secretly flying them from a remote air force base in the Nevada desert. For adversary training today, the Air Force uses T-38 Talons, jets that date back to the 1960s. It also operates aggressor squadrons of F-16s at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska. Those jets, painted in blue, brown or black camouflage, fly against American combat pilots in high-end war games. In 2006, Gen. T. Michael Moseley, the Air Force chief of staff, added F-15 Eagles to the aggressor wing at Nellis, but that unit was deactivated in 2014. But fying and maintaining high-end aggressors, like the F-15 and F-16, is expensive and removes pilots from combat squadrons, according to defense executives. Now the military is considering companies to fill that void. "It is a training approach that could well work,” James said. The list of companies with private fleets of high-performance, military aircraft, and pilots who can simulate foreign tactics is fairly small. Among them is Florida-based Draken International, which flies adversary missions for the U.S. and foreign militaries. Draken is working with Montreal-based CAE to compete for a Canadian aggressor contract, a deal that if won could broaden the cooperation between the two firms. There’s also Discovery Air, headquartered outside of Toronto (it's defense business is based in Montreal), the current provider of aggressor training for the Canadian Forces and German air force. The market is also attracting new entrants. Earlier this month, Rhode Island-based Textron created Textron Airborne Solutions to compete for this type of business globally. It recently acquired the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company, whose jet aircraft already do this type of work for the U.S. military. Cadres of former military pilots at these companies largely fly decades-old fighter and training jets, like the K-21 Kfir, A-4 Skyhawk, Mk-58 Hawk Hunter and L-39 Albatros. “What we see out here is a growing interest and a growing need for outsourcing certain traditional military training tasks that [the Pentagon] used to always handle,” said Russ Bartlett, CEO and president of Textron Airborne Solutions. The Airborne Tactical Advantage Company trains Navy Super Hornet pilots who are learning to fly the jet for the first time or studying advanced tactics at Top Gun, the Navy Fighter Weapons School, said Jeff Parker, CEO of the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company. Carrier Strike Groups made up of ships and aircraft train against the firm’s aggressor jets before deployments. The company also trains ground controllers who call in airstrikes. “The industry that we began is literally exploding,” Parker said. The company flies about 6,000 training hours per year. Now, the Air Force and Navy are looking to outsource thousands more hours, Parker said. Bartlett said that would double the existing market by 2018. “And that’s just scratching the surface of what’s out there,” he said. Bartlett said he sees his new unit of Textron acquiring and growing the unit as the demand exists. There are also global opportunities. “This [market] is in the hundreds of millions of dollars, these days,” he said. “It could easily be a multibillion-dollar market in five years.”
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