142 values
142 values
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1 value
We thank the several nations of Europe that have contributed to a united effort in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Their support and sacrifice in the fight against Islamic terrorism will not be forgotten.
This text is about defense.
Rep. Party Platforms
We applaud the ongoing reconciliation in Northern Ireland and hope that its success might be replicated in Cyprus.
medical facilities
This text is about medical facilities.
Rep. Party Platforms
We urge that Poland be granted visa waiver status and we support placement of NATO troops in Poland.
air travel
This text is about air travel.
Rep. Party Platforms
We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin.
vocational education
This text is about vocational education.
Rep. Party Platforms
We urge our government and our allies to work toward the integration of the Central Asian republics into the global economy through foreign investment, which can bring with it market and political reforms and a firmer establishment of the rule of law. Those developments will not only improve the living conditions throughout that vast area but are likely to reduce the lure of the radical ideologies that already threaten the region.
postal service
This text is about postal service.
Rep. Party Platforms
We thank our neighbors in Mexico and Canada who have been our partners in the fight against terrorism and the war on drugs.
monetary policy
This text is about monetary policy.
Rep. Party Platforms
The Mexican people deserve our assistance as they bravely resist the drug cartels that traffic in death on both sides of our border.
mental health
This text is about mental health.
Rep. Party Platforms
Now, with their country ruined by socialism and on the verge of chaos, the Venezuelan people are fighting to restore their democracy and regain their rights. When they triumph, as they surely will, the United States will stand ready to help them restore their country to the family of the Americas.
air travel
This text is about air travel.
Rep. Party Platforms
We affirm our friendship and admiration for the people of Colombia and call on the Republican Congress to express its solidarity with their decades-long fight against the terrorist FARC. Their sacrifice and suffering must not be betrayed by the accession to power of murderers and drug lords. Their sacrifice and suffering must not be betrayed by the accession to power of murderers and drug lords.
human rights
This text is about human rights.
Rep. Party Platforms
We stand with the Women in White and all the victims of the loathsome regime that clings to power in Havana.
youth employment
This text is about youth employment.
Rep. Party Platforms
We do not say this lightly: They have been betrayed by those who are currently in control of U.S. foreign policy.
This text is about broadcast.
Rep. Party Platforms
We call for a dedicated platform for the transmission of Radio and TV Mart퀌_ and for the promotion of internet access and circumvention technology as tools to strength Cuba's pro-democracy movement.
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Rep. Party Platforms
Both the United States and our many African allies will become stronger through investment, trade, and promotion of the democratic and free market principles that have brought prosperity around the world.
This text is about recycling.
Rep. Party Platforms
We pledge to be the best partner of all African nations in their pursuit of economic freedom and human rights.
civilian defense personnel
This text is about civilian defense personnel.
Rep. Party Platforms
The Republican Congress has extended to 2025 the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and President George W. Bush's health initiatives - AIDS relief under PEPFAR and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria - continue to save millions of lives.
health care reform
This text is about health care reform.
Rep. Party Platforms
Peace Corps volunteers and U.S. Seabees teach and build in villages that know firsthand our country's idealism.
tax administration
This text is about tax administration.
Rep. Party Platforms
Since the end of World War II, the United States, through the founding of the United Nations and NATO, has participated in a number of international organizations which can, but sometimes do not, serve the cause of peace and prosperity. While acting through them our country must always reserve the right to go its own way. We must not be silent about our country's cause.
civilian defense personnel
This text is about civilian defense personnel.
Rep. Party Platforms
That is why we have long supported our country's international broadcasting to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
subsidies to farmers
This text is about subsidies to farmers.
Rep. Party Platforms
Its complicity in China's barbaric program of forced abortion led President Reagan to set a wall of separation - his Mexico City Policy, which prohibits the granting of federal monies to non-governmental organizations that provide or promote abortion.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Rep. Party Platforms
We affirm his position and, in light of plummeting birth rates around the world, suggest a reevaluation of the U.N.'s record on economic progress. Precisely because we take our country's treaty obligations seriously, we oppose ratification of international agreements whose long-range implications are ominous or unclear. We do not support the U.N. Convention on Women's Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, as well as various declarations from the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development.
veterans housing
This text is about veterans housing.
Rep. Party Platforms
We support statutory protection for U.S. personnel and officials as they act abroad to meet our global security requirements, and we deplore the current inaction of the Administration in that regard. Our service members must be subject only to American law.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Rep. Party Platforms
Defending International Religious Freedom. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an initiative of Congressional Republicans, has been neglected by the current Administration at a time when its voice more than ever needs to be heard. Religious minorities across the Middle East have been driven from their ancient homelands, and thousands, there and in Africa, have been slaughtered for their faith in what the State Department has, belatedly, labeled genocide. The United States must stand with leaders, like President Sisi of Egypt who has bravely protected the rights of Coptic Christians in Egypt, and call on other leaders across the region to ensure that all religious minorities, whether Yazidi, Bahai, Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant Christians, are free to practice their religion without fear of persecution. At a time when China has renewed its destruction of churches, Christian home-schooling parents are jailed in parts of Europe, and even Canada threatens pastors for their preaching, a Republican administration will return the advocacy of religious liberty to a central place in its diplomacy, will quickly designate the systematic killing of religious and ethnic minorities a genocide, and will work with the leaders of other nations to condemn and combat genocidal acts.
This text is about anti-government.
Rep. Party Platforms
America's Generosity: International Assistance that Makes a Difference. Foreign aid must serve America's interests first. In today's world of complex challenges, international assistance is a critical tool for advancing America's security and economic interests by preventing conflict, building stability, opening markets for private investment, and responding to suffering and need with the compassion that is at the heart of our country's values. A strong commitment to international development and diplomacy, alongside defense, was a key component of President Reagan's ""peace through strength"" strategy. It can sometimes serve as an alternative means of keeping the peace, far less costly both in dollars and in human lives than military engagement. The Millennium Challenge Corporation, spearheaded by the last Republican Administration, has established a new model of foreign assistance that helps ensure taxpayer dollars are spent on projects that are effective, results-driven, transparent, and accountable. We must embrace this model throughout our foreign assistance programs and efforts as a catalyst for private sector investment to combat corruption, strengthen the rule of law, and open new markets for American goods and services in a competitive global economy. Foreign assistance programs must not only project the best of American values, but must work to create self-sustainability and leverage the resources and capacity of the private sector.
law enforcement agencies
This text is about law enforcement agencies.
Rep. Party Platforms
Over the last 50 years, the level of private investment overseas from the United States has eclipsed aid many times over.
This text is about highways.
Rep. Party Platforms
Our development strategy must build on recent Republican efforts to use foreign assistance to catalyze private sector investment and expertise in addressing global challenges that can build a more stable world and advance America's national security and economic interests. The integrity of our country's foreign assistance program has been compromised by the current Administration's attempt to impose on foreign recipients, especially the peoples of Africa, its own radical social agenda while excluding faith-based groups - the sector with the best track record in promoting development - because they will not conform to that agenda. We pledge to reverse this course, encouraging more involvement by the most effective aid organizations and trusting developing peoples to build their futures through their own values.
securities & commodities
This text is about securities & commodities.
Rep. Party Platforms
Advancing Human Rights. To those who stand in the darkness of tyranny, America has always been a beacon of hope, and so it must remain.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Rep. Party Platforms
We oppose its brutal assault on all human beings, all of whom have inherent dignity.
nuclear energy
This text is about nuclear energy.
Rep. Party Platforms
The Republican Party stands united with all victims of terrorism and will fight at home and abroad to destroy terrorist organizations and protect the lives and fundamental liberties of all people.
illegal drugs
This text is about illegal drugs.
Rep. Party Platforms
Republicans have led the way in promoting initiatives that have protected and rescued millions of thehe world's most vulnerable and persecuted. Standing up for repressed religious groups, prisoners of conscience, women trafficked into sexual slavery, and those suffering from disease or starvation is not just consistent with American values. It advances important security and economic interests as well. A Republican administration will never say, as Hillary Clinton did as Secretary of State in 2009, that raising human rights concerns ""can't interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis, and the security crisis. The United States needs a radical rethinking of our human rights diplomacy. A Republican administration will adopt a ""whole of government"" approach to protect fundamental freedoms globally, one where pressing human rights and rule of law issues are integrated at every appropriate level of our bilateral relationships and strategic decision-making. Republican policy will reflect the fact that the health of the U.S. economy and environment, the safety of our food and drug supplies, the security of our investments and personal information in cyberspace, and the stability and security of the oceans will increasingly depend on allowing the free flow of news and information and developing an independent judiciary and civil society in countries with repressive governments such as China, Russia, and many nations in the Middle East and Africa. Liberty to Captives: Combatting Human Trafficking. As an estimated 21 million people worldwide are trapped in modern day slavery, we are reminded to be vigilant against human trafficking in whatever form it appears. We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in commercial sexual exploitation and forced or bonded labor of men, women, or children; involuntary domestic servitude; trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal; and the illegal recruitment and use of child soldiers. Building on the accomplishments of the last Republican administration in implementing the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts and accountability for foreign governments to prosecute traffickers, including penalties for any public officials who may be complicit in this devastating crime. We will highlight the need to stop slave labor, taking steps to prevent overseas labor contractors who exploit foreign workers from supporting military bases abroad or exporting goods to the United States. A Republican administration will strategize with partners around the world to prevent the demand for trafficking victims that makes exploitation lucrative and will prosecute sex tourists and domestic buyers to the fullest extent of the law. We will work at home and abroad to ensure that trafficking victims are identified among migrants, refugees, and our own citizens so they receive the rehabilitative care needed to heal and thrive. America's continuing participation in the international campaign against human trafficking merits our support. The goal of our domestic anti-trafficking programs should be the rescue and safe return of victims to their homes, not creating a long-term dependency upon public support. We call for greater scrutiny of overseas labor contractors to prevent abuses against temporary foreign workers brought to the United States. The horrific deaths of smuggled workers on our southwestern border at the hands of drug cartels and other gangs highlight the need for total security in that region.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Rep. Party Platforms
Despite their promises to the contrary, Russia and China see cyber operations as a part of a warfare strategy during peacetime.
intergovernmental relations
This text is about intergovernmental relations.
Rep. Party Platforms
Our response should be to cause diplomatic, financial, and legal pain, curtailing visas for guilty parties, freezing their assets, and pursuing criminal actions against them.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Rep. Party Platforms
We should seek to weaken control over the internet by regimes that engage in cyber crimes.
law enforcement agencies
This text is about law enforcement agencies.
Rep. Party Platforms
We must stop playing defense and go on offense to avoid the cyber-equivalent of Pearl Harbor.
This text is about health.
Rep. Party Platforms
The Republican Congress has passed important legislation to advance information-sharing among entities endangered by cyber attacks. We will explore the possibility of a free market for Cyber-Insurance and make clear that users have a self-defense right to deal with hackers as they see fit. It is critical that we protect the cyber supply chain to ensure against contamination of components made all over the world, sometimes in offending countries. Our own cyber workforce should be expanded with the assistance of the military, business, and hacker communities to better protect our country.
This text is about transportation.
Rep. Party Platforms
Protection Against an Electromagnetic Pulse. A single nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude over this country would collapse our electrical grid and other critical infrastructures and endanger the lives of millions. With North Korea in possession of nuclear missiles and Iran close to having them, an EMP is no longer a theoretical concern - it is a real threat. Moreover, China and Russia include sabotage as part of their warfare planning.
child care
This text is about child care.
Rep. Party Platforms
Nonetheless, hundreds of electrical utilities in the United States have not acted to protect themselves from EMP, and they cannot be expected to do so voluntarily since homeland security is a government responsibility. The President, the Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the States, the utilities, and the private sector should work together on an urgent basis to enact Republican legislation, pending in both chambers, to protect the national grid and encourage states to take the initiative to protect their own grids expeditiously.
postal service
This text is about postal service.
Rep. Party Platforms
But it is also an important economic interest, as censorship constitutes a trade barrier for U.S. companies operating in societies like China with advanced firewall protection policies.
health care reform
This text is about health care reform.
Rep. Party Platforms
A Republican administration will champion an open and free internet based on principles of free expression and universal values and will pursue policies to empower citizens and U.S. companies operating in authoritarian countries to circumvent internet firewalls and gain accurate news and information online.
tobacco abuse
This text is about tobacco abuse.
Rep. Party Platforms