2 values
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2980, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:l9cVKJbPy2BBwgKs1P74rKI6dDI=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'ardyspattersonror'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3734, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:0P9Sm3TNxX11McUH7H20vShO4ys=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'olwen1lindonxhi'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3367, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:EOejBS6inZQh++Lul4xKMeksxBo=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'leejacktb'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2226, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Njuf/Ai7kF0V81pTBAKfhcSlUas=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1460, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tcp.retransmission.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:ihY9PRjhoRKc1ckhODqxCZEqEW4=', 'http': {'hostname': '897234kjdsf4523234.com', 'url': '/ajax.php', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 16487}, 'files': [{'filename': '/ajax.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 16487, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4461, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:EjjCWKCTciyJX5NZOQgNbun853A=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3240, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:mKiOeTVc7W3RLEGtvrpLbN5lZ9k=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1274, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:wWofxoOAIB5k2u7/ccb99kD6zx0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2398, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:PFetryoLj84D8zKGeSiVHuaW3Eo=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.newcarus.com', 'url': '/aadd.html', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009090217 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.14', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2350, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Q8n7JJnF+8H6z3pz9n+SUJzOJb0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1053, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kNX5JPiwTmQji/gnJjZ8nnjWTKA=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.taobao.com', 'url': '/go/act/mmbd/pd011.php?pid=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&refpos=,a,null', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://z.alimama.com/alimama.php?i=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&w=950&h=3800&sz=15&re=1280x722&cah=692&caw=1280&ccd=32&ctz=3&chl=0&cja=1&cpl=0&cmm=0&cf=10.0&cg=d1a7585f35eb7026a5cb467f9daa42b7&ac=4643&prm=49245119&cas=prm&cbh=0&cbw=751&sx=0&sy=0&refpos=,a,null&t=2&tc=0000FF&dc=000000&bgc=FFFFFF&bdc=E6E6E6&lc=008000&bmc=FFFFFF&as=0&bgp=0&ic=0&pf=1&p4p_ai=1&dx=1&iss=0&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wagabb.com%2Ftaob.html%3Fzuma001&k=&tt=%E6%B7%98%E5%AE%9D%E5%95%86%E5%9F%8E&r=&fu=-1', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1079, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:eaznPMlJzYngZa4TRM2RcZyvsOY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3349, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:8OEuVi7lXnKPyQ+gxlYcNCKbl0k=', 'http': {'hostname': 'content.yieldmanager.edgesuite.net', 'url': '/atoms/29/50/8d/48/29508d48e5543f88ee4c7db572ede99.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.netygames.com/netgame.html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1334}, 'files': [{'filename': '/atoms/29/50/8d/48/29508d48e5543f88ee4c7db572ede99.gif', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1334, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1171, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:7DwbYpWItw48ivDIwoy2iF27zAw=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2894, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:FLX9HUuZMPNpyHSkLhkZxrXh1V0=', 'tls': {'subject': 'msJurisdictionCountry=US, msJurisdictionStateOrProvince=Washington, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=600413485, C=US, postalCode=98052, ST=Washington, L=Redmond, streetAddress=One Microsoft Way, O=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Windows Live Operations, CN=account.live.com', 'issuerdn': 'C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)06, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA', 'serial': '78:14:40:AC:DC:C0:AA:6F:06:FF:40:35:A1:FE:69:E3', 'fingerprint': 'ed:dc:85:a3:2d:3a:ae:74:19:35:ac:ad:68:12:f3:3d:de:bc:47:9c', 'version': 'TLSv1', 'notbefore': '2011-05-23T00:00:00', 'notafter': '2012-05-22T23:59:59', 'ja3': {'hash': 'a47e59a740bd36a7209646c49c983233', 'string': '769,49172-49162-57-56-136-135-49167-49157-53-132-49170-49160-22-19-49165-49155-10-49171-49161-51-50-154-153-69-68-49166-49156-47-150-65-7-49169-49159-49164-49154-5-4-21-18-9-20-17-8-6-3-255,11-10-35,1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25,0-1-2'}, 'ja3s': {'hash': '4192c0a946c5bd9b544b4656d9f624a4', 'string': '769,47,65281'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2999, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 3}}, 'community_id': '1:GWajW+FvOA9MLJpVCRQEv1A9/2I=', 'tx_id': 0, 'http': {'hostname': '1.95622.com', 'url': '/p6.asp?MAC=08-00-27-1F-65-4A&Publicer=dc99', 'http_user_agent': 'ClickAdsByIE 0.9.10', 'http_refer': 'http://1.95622.com/p6.asp', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1274}, 'files': [{'filename': '/p6.asp', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1274, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA HTTP Response invalid status'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1294, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Bk3Obg29TKznhUGYsHfFtzz/jKY=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'slaterzfzzagjysyt'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3530, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:KIwvJpf5wykPb79eaiGGnJSQBds=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'johannahcarilkv'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4892, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UpAztQ1372dIHxE4J5eCco1KrA4=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 70}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 53, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4518, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:lNDjOPFwzvjSuFsefyJqcOEZg9A=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1997}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1955, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3485, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UPAAZg83wzwlPJs+CEN0RZv4uVw=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1529}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1397, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3651, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WxrSQjRERpzZgRSDKSeSuIhCF+8=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 8}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 3, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1396}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1396, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4781, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:VMkYnbs9imugsYdwhSUWp47dkZk=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2575, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:19ZGCFO024ycN6SMfBmu7RLiO7Y=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM ESTABLISHED packet out of window'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3643, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WMozwdGqCWfLxsWhWFgjCRWGcVs=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 273}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 261, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3880, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:vfDTUlnS0X+BG0+gtWMd5E014nw=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 8}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 3, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 4231}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 4231, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 12852}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 12852, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1457, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:ZiJam/Kw0Q2Lk9NCMaIBY2yc1dc=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'thom2christensendnaj'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4013, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Vld1ahNiPJPTpfsx5w9xQlgIJtQ=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'charlinebriceyck'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2410, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:sgpwoju5Y9glGOWBjpzGInGNAlY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2410, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:sgpwoju5Y9glGOWBjpzGInGNAlY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2166, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 139, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:FPZUxojYMsqfiTqv40xYyKDMzkw=', 'smb': {'id': 1, 'dialect': 'NT LM 0.12', 'command': 'SMB1_COMMAND_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL', 'status': 'STATUS_SUCCESS', 'status_code': '0x0', 'session_id': 0, 'tree_id': 0, 'client_dialects': ['PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0', 'LANMAN1.0', 'Windows for Workgroups 3.1a', 'LM1.2X002', 'LANMAN2.1', 'NT LM 0.12'], 'server_guid': '6e6d6163-7065-732d-7265-657600000072'}, 'app_proto': 'smb', 'app_proto_ts': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1935, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aILPDrsLyt7BSuYLIsEjpdcTvbo=', 'http': {'hostname': 'sn143w.snt143.mail.live.com', 'url': '/mail/SendMessageLight.aspx?_ec=1&n=68873664673', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_refer': 'http://sn143w.snt143.mail.live.com/mail/EditMessageLight.aspx?n=68873664673', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 60681}, 'files': [{'filename': '/mail/SendMessageLight.aspx', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 60681, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4733, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Mm8gjV24HQSaCDx0eM43aEHA9vo=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3236, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:1BYsMr79itF8yYS25xn15I5rg4w=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4450, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:oi9eaDWPXpr6/sYhejPh6Kd+N1Q=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'udall2rheamvd'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1549, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:NNiQXghj8xrB7etn+wJ4WtZwXLQ=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'clementiusfrankferp'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2525, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kSK9OiodLK0L5ThJk/o0uNOFOnY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1296, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2, 'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:JxAAnokwx8BDHQbh/tWcmvLcKug=', 'tls': {'version': 'SSLv2', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4100, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:hZfH4rJn3QNJS3naK3S/z3f2nFI=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1509}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1491, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2613, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:xlHiSPbSn6jITS+yIpeQXvIf2v8=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 4231}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 4231, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 12852}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 12852, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2575, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 65500, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:19ZGCFO024ycN6SMfBmu7RLiO7Y=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM ESTABLISHED invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2392, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:nGZKkKMOr7AhIXej07UUCKbglTs=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'viviyanbabcysesohim'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3734, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:0P9Sm3TNxX11McUH7H20vShO4ys=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'olwen1lindonxhi'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2600, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Tn8h0y+JwYXijHToP7Z7jY0L4cg=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/526.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0dp1 Safari/526.8', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1351}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1351, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 12852}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 12852, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1871, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:sAPwvozicKc7uwlrcYoBwurHZic=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2275, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tcp.retransmission.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:aAkVYDaU/O2uYebD8/ODYZEAMmY=', 'http': {'hostname': 'down.360safe.com', 'url': '/inst.exe', 'http_user_agent': 'Download', 'http_content_type': 'application/octet-stream', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 539668}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1442, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1, 'smtp.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:6kiAMLVBU8GeBlXEugIlt/v6g8A=', 'tx_id': 0, 'smtp': {'helo': 'margiewiattpi', 'mail_from': '<margiewiattpi@yahoo.com>', 'rcpt_to': ['<hutchles@yahoo.com>', '<thepretty12000@yahoo.com>']}, 'email': {'status': 'HEADER_READY'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA SMTP invalid reply'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3582, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:RLz5asOf1zXB4oimEnt3XEZWWBk=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'odeliahilariovow'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2600, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Tn8h0y+JwYXijHToP7Z7jY0L4cg=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/526.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0dp1 Safari/526.8', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1351}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1351, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2600, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Tn8h0y+JwYXijHToP7Z7jY0L4cg=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/526.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0dp1 Safari/526.8', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1351}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1351, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2918, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:lHp4zWvMHJZ2uTJJrj6Ey1EloFU=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'kippbourgeoisnbc'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3030, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:t/O202MxugWP2wjRsfutEKP57zo=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'ricks1tomasinamdh'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1465, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:bYad6D3oba9jA3SHwpBvbZrRAyk=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/186258/hp_blackvoices-160x600.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 12852}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 12852, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1308, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:YiCTL2vLAdzk3XlysSMuRymVAUQ=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS invalid record type'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1270, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:1nPHsA2e5UVo5qqsXGNDQYleV2Y=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2525, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kSK9OiodLK0L5ThJk/o0uNOFOnY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2525, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kSK9OiodLK0L5ThJk/o0uNOFOnY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1047, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:2fdVoYKnS29Bl+/mz7AcLzVFo5o=', 'http': {'hostname': 'a.alimama.cn', 'url': '/inf.js', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'application/x-javascript', 'http_refer': 'http://www.wagabb.com/taob.html?zuma001', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 2786}, 'files': [{'filename': '/inf.js', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'CLOSED', 'stored': False, 'size': 6140, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1053, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kNX5JPiwTmQji/gnJjZ8nnjWTKA=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.taobao.com', 'url': '/go/act/mmbd/pd011.php?pid=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&refpos=,a,null', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://z.alimama.com/alimama.php?i=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&w=950&h=3800&sz=15&re=1280x722&cah=692&caw=1280&ccd=32&ctz=3&chl=0&cja=1&cpl=0&cmm=0&cf=10.0&cg=d1a7585f35eb7026a5cb467f9daa42b7&ac=4643&prm=49245119&cas=prm&cbh=0&cbw=751&sx=0&sy=0&refpos=,a,null&t=2&tc=0000FF&dc=000000&bgc=FFFFFF&bdc=E6E6E6&lc=008000&bmc=FFFFFF&as=0&bgp=0&ic=0&pf=1&p4p_ai=1&dx=1&iss=0&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wagabb.com%2Ftaob.html%3Fzuma001&k=&tt=%E6%B7%98%E5%AE%9D%E5%95%86%E5%9F%8E&r=&fu=-1', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 7270}, 'files': [{'filename': '/go/act/mmbd/pd011.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 7270, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1396}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1396, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4343, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:p9W6/dskmP3m6PYljAv4Nf7IdiY=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2525, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kSK9OiodLK0L5ThJk/o0uNOFOnY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4019, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:F75sM4nxwUABFf7bu4wRWpfRUsw=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4019, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:F75sM4nxwUABFf7bu4wRWpfRUsw=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1277, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 81, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 81, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1383, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:geuWjIZzoj4LWutudPIs94NgxZw=', 'http': {'hostname': '', 'http_port': 81, 'url': '/gggg_r.jpg?t=0.5944483', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 10220}, 'files': [{'filename': '/gggg_r.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 10220, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1874, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:OmlqdlwrcYeGEaYClsR4L1my7BU=', 'http': {'hostname': 'sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com', 'url': '/mail/SendMessageLight.aspx?_ec=1&n=771691497', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_refer': 'http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/EditMessageLight.aspx?n=771691497', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 25665}, 'files': [{'filename': '/mail/SendMessageLight.aspx', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 25665, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1296, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:JxAAnokwx8BDHQbh/tWcmvLcKug=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1372, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:JjLaghiAyA+4e1Y333yp5fac9qM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'friendfinder.com', 'url': '/go/g946408-pct?aff=parked', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': "http://p.internettraffic.com/index.php?Keywords=Small+Business+Credit+Card+Services&search_type=related&cat2=Small+Business+Credit+Card&r=c>Z4Km[Hm1Z3Gz[IOnc4K{cXGtcHK2d3mv[YO{Mnmv[n9>'f>btl<d{<2:<2<2<26333843<tuzmf2`2:/dtt<3<joufsdptnpt`bggjmjbuf`41`e3s`efsq<joufsofuusbggjd<joufsofuusbggjd<78782<8:4<dmfbo<<btl<qbslfe/tzoejdbujpo/btl/dpn'jqvb`je>d77cbe6837e:7968b8:6g38985g5d774'enybsht>7::c6c649:e8gb5f539g51cg42:3cfe:&rd=6&y=15222732", 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 10096}, 'files': [{'filename': '/go/g946408-pct', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 10096, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1785, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:8HJnVcILJIy9osXTDjosLqMiRIg=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=19320CE2-E2CC-4F88-A0AE-D5B97542F4CF', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1945}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1891, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1579, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:+743wUfNc/WlmNBtF1SXCmQcyr8=', 'http': {'hostname': 'fast.dm.demdex.net', 'url': '/DSD-gz/dm-dest.html?', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://asearch100.com/', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 5452}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1267, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:xqQiXkNAbLh0ubcu3OEtCaxDiSQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'nocomcom.com', 'url': '/bl/client.exe?t=0.2510645', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_content_type': 'application/octet-stream', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 10917}, 'files': [{'filename': '/bl/client.exe', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 10917, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1411, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:VrpXm0/N6ILvOAaiVegCgGXuwfA=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cdn.ad4game.com', 'url': '/f400548408fd4ff36a985673d33736e7.swf', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2787, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:7TVUHLnHUfTA5LGkCyyNy+6PLlo=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2533, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Zz/1v+Gg/onLt48AAzijZlrQkiE=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 81, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1277, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2525, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kSK9OiodLK0L5ThJk/o0uNOFOnY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1111, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:NpcXEgvi1GAzfxK4VraXcOoC+TE=', 'http': {'hostname': 'fpdownload2.macromedia.com', 'url': '/get/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 26080}, 'files': [{'filename': '/get/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 26080, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3084, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:CjieLCrWPTGLgQtxsi7C9aFV1gE=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'sandro1otisbk'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3191, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:RLABfiP89JpCNT2vsVnca3RA8hk=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'jamesonalonzowwna'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1990, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:43yAuANFtzV/jyveotyetPFdJr0=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.heatingpads.net', 'url': '/', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4161, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Qttta+KdSo2gzUURbMADYAUk6fo=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cdn2.cpmstar.com', 'url': '/cached/creatives/66144/160x600_50k_text.swf?clickTAG=http%3a%2f%2fserver.cpmstar.com%2fclick.aspx%3fpoolid%3d23831%26subpoolid%3d0%26campaignid%3d27995%26creativeid%3d66144%26url%3d', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 5740}, 'files': [{'filename': '/cached/creatives/66144/160x600_50k_text.swf', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 5740, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1113, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:9eCPM6PCE1Y3CdDNQFh43JakO6Y=', 'http': {'hostname': '897234kjdsf4523234.com', 'url': '/ajax.php', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 76085}, 'files': [{'filename': '/ajax.php', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 76085, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2350, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Q8n7JJnF+8H6z3pz9n+SUJzOJb0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1113, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tcp.retransmission.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:9eCPM6PCE1Y3CdDNQFh43JakO6Y=', 'http': {'hostname': '897234kjdsf4523234.com', 'url': '/ajax.php', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 153701}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 6251, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2808, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:exkz1ZbVw2Xt4eVPeBGYZV/k1k8=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'app_proto_ts': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1549, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:NNiQXghj8xrB7etn+wJ4WtZwXLQ=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'clementiusfrankferp'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1277, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 81, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2999, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 3}}, 'community_id': '1:GWajW+FvOA9MLJpVCRQEv1A9/2I=', 'tx_id': 0, 'http': {'hostname': '1.95622.com', 'url': '/p6.asp?MAC=08-00-27-1F-65-4A&Publicer=dc99', 'http_user_agent': 'ClickAdsByIE 0.9.10', 'http_refer': 'http://1.95622.com/p6.asp', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1274}, 'files': [{'filename': '/p6.asp', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1274, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA HTTP response field missing colon'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1113, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tcp.retransmission.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:9eCPM6PCE1Y3CdDNQFh43JakO6Y=', 'http': {'hostname': '897234kjdsf4523234.com', 'url': '/ajax.php', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'POST', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 143999}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3159, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:THIdwxcReZt+iTW9a8hCwsQwMxI=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.avg.com', 'url': '/stc/img/homepage/11-homepage-banner-06-cs.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.avg.com/cz-cs/uvod', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2110, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:26GP2STM92cIjgZybieOwKBKhI0=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'albertineezmeraldajxed'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4169, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:HreHxrGdq/pngLOg2xQaIgkIwKk=', 'tls': {'subject': 'C=US, ST=WA, L=Redmond, O=Microsoft, OU=WindowsLive, CN=mail.live.com', 'issuerdn': 'DC=com, DC=microsoft, DC=corp, DC=redmond, CN=Microsoft Secure Server Authority', 'serial': '11:EB:CC:FD:00:08:00:02:0C:F2', 'fingerprint': '00:38:c8:cf:ac:93:79:40:6b:3d:12:bb:a0:dd:4d:58:85:c6:91:9c', 'version': 'TLSv1', 'notbefore': '2011-04-26T18:32:44', 'notafter': '2013-04-25T18:32:44', 'ja3s': {'hash': '18e962e106761869a61045bed0e81c2c', 'string': '769,47,'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1270, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2, 'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:1nPHsA2e5UVo5qqsXGNDQYleV2Y=', 'tls': {'version': 'SSLv2', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1270, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 4, 'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:1nPHsA2e5UVo5qqsXGNDQYleV2Y=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': '0xcb4e', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS invalid record type'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3687, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:LlJV2ml7Imv1c1nzVQkzoQi1K6I=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 2060}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1927, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3643, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WMozwdGqCWfLxsWhWFgjCRWGcVs=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 273}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 261, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1963, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:I07pwVpqK9PZhZ+q065bs29xOdo=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1086, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:pzHrGLsadZ6/krVoXelLZYHbc2g=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1274, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:wWofxoOAIB5k2u7/ccb99kD6zx0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2350, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Q8n7JJnF+8H6z3pz9n+SUJzOJb0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1395, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:pQTbtG3XPXLlLfdCxEhkwJv+hCU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1395, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:pQTbtG3XPXLlLfdCxEhkwJv+hCU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2919, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:5gVzTOe8pTzjfWHYs6N/DkIIDDw=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1649, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:gpOdJc/FcK8jc/vFBATxEObZWk0=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'deborahromero2'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1229, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:lWI6zuO4+pPJo9YMCFT4Ch2aipw=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1229, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2, 'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:lWI6zuO4+pPJo9YMCFT4Ch2aipw=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'SSLv2', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1465, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:bYad6D3oba9jA3SHwpBvbZrRAyk=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/186258/hp_blackvoices-160x600.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 4231}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 4231, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3687, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:LlJV2ml7Imv1c1nzVQkzoQi1K6I=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 2060}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1927, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3880, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:vfDTUlnS0X+BG0+gtWMd5E014nw=', 'tx_id': 0, 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1061}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1048, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA HTTP invalid response chunk len'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1170, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:e2a+rpKmshyUIsHdAG8VEg9u8xM=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'keithskysc'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1170, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1, 'smtp.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:e2a+rpKmshyUIsHdAG8VEg9u8xM=', 'tx_id': 0, 'smtp': {'helo': 'keithskysc', 'mail_from': '<keithskysc@yahoo.com>', 'rcpt_to': ['<imacloud2@yahoo.com>', '<pablogodoy18@yahoo.com>', '<mark472401966@yahoo.com>', '<beartrap108@yahoo.com>']}, 'email': {'status': 'HEADER_READY'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA SMTP invalid reply'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2355, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:ybtpnzlJAE6XVMVRoS3LbNz1R2Y=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cdn3.cpmstar.com', 'url': '/cached/creatives/23348/CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf?clickTAG=http%3a%2f%2fserver.cpmstar.com%2fclick.aspx%3fpoolid%3d23831%26subpoolid%3d0%26campaignid%3d11159%26creativeid%3d23348%26url%3d', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 2423}, 'files': [{'filename': '23348_CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 2423, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1094, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:s5OEJAcUNZAsGEMnrw45O4pHTxQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'adquorum.com', 'url': '/orltke/waemxrzu.php?adv=adv555&id=1145500768&c=143168975', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)ver76', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 91279}, 'files': [{'filename': '/orltke/waemxrzu.php', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 91279, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2980, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:l9cVKJbPy2BBwgKs1P74rKI6dDI=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'ardyspattersonror'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1535, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:k8faRtMvPXnm1eyP4r69uTPDLAo=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'victoir2sophroniaku'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2228, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:uh/ZZmBUWaxg+JL2Ejp5wP1Yd9g=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 2350, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Q8n7JJnF+8H6z3pz9n+SUJzOJb0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1168, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:Zj7S8oRB0r7k/oySrDkeon/en0E=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1168, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 4}}, 'community_id': '1:Zj7S8oRB0r7k/oySrDkeon/en0E=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS handshake invalid length'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1027, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 6667, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowbits': ['is_proto_irc']}, 'community_id': '1:Rcd/iXhxxenv5mho3FfpCkQ44LY=', 'app_proto': 'failed', 'category': 'Misc activity', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'ET CHAT IRC PONG response'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2402, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:FPsVW0IBdQAz9YfFf6kyrAe+tJE=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cdn2.cpmstar.com', 'url': '/cached/creatives/23348/CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf?clickTAG=http%3a%2f%2fserver.cpmstar.com%2fclick.aspx%3fpoolid%3d23831%26subpoolid%3d0%26campaignid%3d11159%26creativeid%3d23348%26url%3d', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 8670}, 'files': [{'filename': '/cached/creatives/23348/CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 8670, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2346, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:quDZy1FlfrAQ/r7xmLnkYaVncPw=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1190, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:9EbPTIqo9ZeJVSklisl0RBibFOI=', 'http': {'hostname': 'nocomcom.com', 'url': '/bl/searchpizza.exe?t=7.030886E-02', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 24437}, 'files': [{'filename': '/bl/searchpizza.exe', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 24437, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3734, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:YnFg68A8N4Sm1OigCV3hhaoMn+w=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3386, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:gsO0drzfXnBDQQRHVzxUprNBqZQ=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2628, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:OGeje+/MGx4bo2Gybxm1qZVwCFc=', 'http': {'hostname': 'graphics.friendfinder.com', 'url': '/images/ff/css/header.css', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://friendfinder.com/go/g946408-pct?aff=parked', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1175, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:5/fbgMPK5NAy6AFbakfIefCU5+0=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1918, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:9ZmX1E/P6qjcN9fiTN0/uEODoJ8=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2744, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 2}}, 'community_id': '1:BGcRNfyYecEXkM8WYhle+q6iDWo=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1366, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:CfQ9IO/V5BS/cDIV3WVrAIo/A2k=', 'http': {'hostname': 'graphics.friendfinder.com', 'url': '/css/live/ff/english/0/statedropdown_noxml-1311701905.js', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://friendfinder.com/go/g946408-pct?aff=parked', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 88, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3628, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:v2Cz84GLmi1utUuH4vOdli9Rkng=', 'http': {'hostname': '88.perfectexe.com', 'http_port': 88, 'url': '/bd.jpg?t=0.6101534', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 14563}, 'files': [{'filename': '/bd.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 14563, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4013, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:Vld1ahNiPJPTpfsx5w9xQlgIJtQ=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'charlinebriceyck'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2628, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:5A7ElROZSzsjj+trjIWYHKFgIcQ=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'cassiwuislddv'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 22, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4737, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p7ttOBlG7vb29bPAoGLF1pWtxHU=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1580, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:29xfl6cy+NyZB39HFkypVoL27k0=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'davenport2alanage'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2652, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:oisquThGVaSVSE1bAFuckS9Jzms=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'william_rodriguez14'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1053, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:kNX5JPiwTmQji/gnJjZ8nnjWTKA=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.taobao.com', 'url': '/go/act/mmbd/pd011.php?pid=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&refpos=,a,null', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://z.alimama.com/alimama.php?i=mm_15190792_2147655_8533566&w=950&h=3800&sz=15&re=1280x722&cah=692&caw=1280&ccd=32&ctz=3&chl=0&cja=1&cpl=0&cmm=0&cf=10.0&cg=d1a7585f35eb7026a5cb467f9daa42b7&ac=4643&prm=49245119&cas=prm&cbh=0&cbw=751&sx=0&sy=0&refpos=,a,null&t=2&tc=0000FF&dc=000000&bgc=FFFFFF&bdc=E6E6E6&lc=008000&bmc=FFFFFF&as=0&bgp=0&ic=0&pf=1&p4p_ai=1&dx=1&iss=0&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wagabb.com%2Ftaob.html%3Fzuma001&k=&tt=%E6%B7%98%E5%AE%9D%E5%95%86%E5%9F%8E&r=&fu=-1', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1079, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:eaznPMlJzYngZa4TRM2RcZyvsOY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4710, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:0RtEc2lZkmngG6MUde2i/cnRL/Y=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1338}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1326, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3643, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WMozwdGqCWfLxsWhWFgjCRWGcVs=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=5BD3DA7D-58CC-43F6-BDEE-BECA9C4A4F8D', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 273}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 261, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 81, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1277, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 81, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1383, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:geuWjIZzoj4LWutudPIs94NgxZw=', 'http': {'hostname': '', 'http_port': 81, 'url': '/gggg_r.jpg?t=0.5944483', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 28672}, 'files': [{'filename': '/gggg_r.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 28672, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 4231}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 4231, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4592, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aw6MVtYTfrAgtwS3qswzlpdvoyQ=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 4092}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/184246/Games_Dice_GCN_160x600_c.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 4092, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 0, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 0, 'proto': 'UDP', 'tunnel': {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 0, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 0, 'proto': 'UDP', 'depth': 0, 'pcap_cnt': 165210, 'pkt_src': 'wire/pcap'}, 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA UDP packet too small'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1046, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:IOnm870HeK8c/rGpFdvY5DqKJiI=', 'http': {'hostname': 'nocomcom.com', 'url': '/kx4.txt', 'http_user_agent': 'Download', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 12270}, 'files': [{'filename': '/kx4.txt', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 12270, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1060, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:ta0iJSrABSx/ctIqNXNZpzmYd+Y=', 'http': {'hostname': 'a.95622.com', 'url': '/p6.asp?MAC=08-00-27-1F-65-4A&Publicer=dc99', 'http_user_agent': 'ClickAdsByIE 0.9.10', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_refer': 'http://a.95622.com/p6.asp', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 2656}, 'files': [{'filename': '/p6.asp', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 2656, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2999, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 3}}, 'community_id': '1:GWajW+FvOA9MLJpVCRQEv1A9/2I=', 'tx_id': 0, 'http': {'hostname': '1.95622.com', 'url': '/p6.asp?MAC=08-00-27-1F-65-4A&Publicer=dc99', 'http_user_agent': 'ClickAdsByIE 0.9.10', 'http_refer': 'http://1.95622.com/p6.asp', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1274}, 'files': [{'filename': '/p6.asp', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1274, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA HTTP response field missing colon'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1277, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 81, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1277, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 81, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1769, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:DWQ592qcqg7rHF8KbawLfb2CYU4=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'fscott70_frank'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1538, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:sMDy3WU1AA3Oie34ovh+vQ65Kog=', 'http': {'hostname': 'code.jquery.com', 'url': '/jquery-latest.js', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_refer': 'http://www.keyinternetjobs.com/?hop=parked01', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'length': 1408}, 'files': [{'filename': '/jquery-latest.js', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1408, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1407, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:HCNvn3mDxDCIGUI4WJ3pNtQleSc=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'maribelthatchxcs'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1692, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:eqOto1LY9GyxTdRhedfCyawHcXE=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'aloysius1robbiptr'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3141, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Ar/L1sfIBjXb0e8Hnipau/Xo9II=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1175, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:5/fbgMPK5NAy6AFbakfIefCU5+0=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1158, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:COajTBMx6JdNCflmz8DvgmuqVjY=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3084, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:CjieLCrWPTGLgQtxsi7C9aFV1gE=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'sandro1otisbk'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4892, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UpAztQ1372dIHxE4J5eCco1KrA4=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 70}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 53, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4518, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:lNDjOPFwzvjSuFsefyJqcOEZg9A=', 'http': {'hostname': 'www.lddwj.com', 'url': '/g1.php?u=hhhh&v=6&m=F4CF10C6-F17E-4205-B1F8-ACFAFDA82BFD', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; waoc)', 'http_content_type': 'text/html', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1997}, 'files': [{'filename': '/g1.php', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1955, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 443, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 4363, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:p++4+ZE4QIXN46t5B757GyYii5w=', 'tls': {'subject': 'msJurisdictionCountry=US, msJurisdictionStateOrProvince=Washington, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=600413485, C=US, postalCode=98052, ST=Washington, L=Redmond, streetAddress=One Microsoft Way, O=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Windows Live Operations, CN=account.live.com', 'issuerdn': 'C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)06, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA', 'serial': '78:14:40:AC:DC:C0:AA:6F:06:FF:40:35:A1:FE:69:E3', 'fingerprint': 'ed:dc:85:a3:2d:3a:ae:74:19:35:ac:ad:68:12:f3:3d:de:bc:47:9c', 'version': 'TLSv1', 'notbefore': '2011-05-23T00:00:00', 'notafter': '2012-05-22T23:59:59', 'ja3s': {'hash': '18e962e106761869a61045bed0e81c2c', 'string': '769,47,'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2296, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:IIaV7oM++elL86fq4wbdxhIzE2w=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1274, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 80, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:wWofxoOAIB5k2u7/ccb99kD6zx0=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM Packet with invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 65500, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2424, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:n39AAhzdDpuLtUZUVpDvDuUqIXY=', 'app_proto': 'dcerpc', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1135, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:UgwTyMZJf8VjaWswJQheqhqPGxM=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'http_user_agent': 'Opera/9.70 (Linux ppc64 ; U; en) Presto/2.2.1', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 1396}, 'files': [{'filename': '/CDN/178743/160x600_1.14.11.jpg', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 1396, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2600, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:Tn8h0y+JwYXijHToP7Z7jY0L4cg=', 'http': {'hostname': 'bannerfarm.ace.advertising.com', 'url': '/CDN/178742/MQ_GasPrices160x600-v2_3.22.11.gif', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/526.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0dp1 Safari/526.8', 'http_refer': 'http://www.generalamuse.com/gen.php', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2275, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:aAkVYDaU/O2uYebD8/ODYZEAMmY=', 'http': {'hostname': 'down.360safe.com', 'url': '/inst.exe', 'http_user_agent': 'Download', 'http_content_type': 'application/octet-stream', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 9991}, 'files': [{'filename': '/inst.exe', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 9991, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 88, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1092, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowbits': ['tcp.retransmission.alerted'], 'flowints': {'tcp.retransmission.count': 11}}, 'community_id': '1:4PhxEuZeyBu2tLUW7x8xQuqtDDg=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1082, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:X/+QGDSqJnWAgR4k4zLgikQt9ec=', 'http': {'hostname': 'adquorum.com', 'url': '/orltke/osmhbjeyw.php?adv=adv555&id=1145500768&c=143168975', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)ver76', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1106, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:NnaMTGsqZOBSsI+4cWJ1XBjKUFw=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cop.my.sandai.net', 'url': '/pub/js//xlunpubbs.js', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_content_type': 'application/x-javascript', 'http_refer': 'http://www.houdao8.cn/ad/ad.html?99', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'status': 200, 'length': 1152}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1277, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 81, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:/Nb4wVPCA5G57aW3LlwIBgPbUjA=', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA STREAM SHUTDOWN RST invalid ack'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 81, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1383, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:geuWjIZzoj4LWutudPIs94NgxZw=', 'http': {'hostname': '', 'http_port': 81, 'url': '/gggg_r.jpg?t=0.5944483', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 28672}, 'files': [{'filename': '/gggg_r.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 28672, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2999, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:GWajW+FvOA9MLJpVCRQEv1A9/2I=', 'http': {'hostname': '1.95622.com', 'url': '/p6.asp?MAC=08-00-27-1F-65-4A&Publicer=dc99', 'http_user_agent': 'ClickAdsByIE 0.9.10', 'http_refer': 'http://1.95622.com/p6.asp', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 0}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 88, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1338, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:pmGWPdI/fhwKEYqoXQkJFHFKVpk=', 'http': {'hostname': '88.perfectexe.com', 'http_port': 88, 'url': '/bd.jpg?t=0.4087956', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180; Windows NT 5.1.2600)', 'http_content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.0', 'status': 200, 'length': 34765}, 'files': [{'filename': '/bd.jpg', 'gaps': True, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 34765, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2402, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:FPsVW0IBdQAz9YfFf6kyrAe+tJE=', 'http': {'hostname': 'cdn2.cpmstar.com', 'url': '/cached/creatives/23348/CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf?clickTAG=http%3a%2f%2fserver.cpmstar.com%2fclick.aspx%3fpoolid%3d23831%26subpoolid%3d0%26campaignid%3d11159%26creativeid%3d23348%26url%3d', 'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)', 'http_method': 'GET', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'length': 6999}, 'files': [{'filename': '/cached/creatives/23348/CZ_M2_160x600_l0410.swf', 'gaps': False, 'state': 'UNKNOWN', 'stored': False, 'size': 6999, 'tx_id': 0}], 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1372, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:JjLaghiAyA+4e1Y333yp5fac9qM=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 1314, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:im58eOn0sBQn3ctLtqhJRpMA3vs=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'evanklementib'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 587, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 3084, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:CjieLCrWPTGLgQtxsi7C9aFV1gE=', 'smtp': {'helo': 'sandro1otisbk'}, 'app_proto': 'smtp', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1308, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 4}}, 'community_id': '1:YiCTL2vLAdzk3XlysSMuRymVAUQ=', 'tx_id': 0, 'tls': {'version': 'UNDETERMINED', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TLS invalid record type'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1270, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 443, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'tls.anomaly.count': 2, 'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:1nPHsA2e5UVo5qqsXGNDQYleV2Y=', 'tls': {'version': 'SSLv2', 'ja3': {'string': '768'}}, 'app_proto': 'tls', 'app_proto_tc': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] YES
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 80, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2231, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'http.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:oVW7Azaez5YQLW3Ed19pb/v+vqI=', 'http': {}, 'app_proto': 'http', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 5231, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2078, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WjUPr7bMTnTLepJsEHU+CLJMVFE=', 'app_proto': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} [INST] NO
[INST] Check Correlation for these two Suricata Alerts. For this task, you need to: - Examine the content and attributes of alerts to understand their nature and potential correlation. - Identify similarities, such as source IP, destination IP, timestamp, signature ID, and other relevant metadata between the alerts. - Utilize correlation techniques, such as temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and behavioral analysis, to determine the likelihood of correlation between the alerts. - Document the findings and analysis performed to support the determination of correlation between the alerts. - Respond with 'Yes' if sufficient evidence suggests a correlation; otherwise, respond with 'No'. Here are the alerts: alert1 : {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 5231, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 2078, 'proto': 'TCP', 'community_id': '1:WjUPr7bMTnTLepJsEHU+CLJMVFE=', 'app_proto': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA TCPv4 invalid checksum'} alert2: {'src_ip': '', 'src_port': 1050, 'dest_ip': '', 'dest_port': 139, 'proto': 'TCP', 'metadata': {'flowints': {'applayer.anomaly.count': 1}}, 'community_id': '1:thDZdyqu45UYb+hC81Lpb/vGvZ4=', 'smb': {'id': 1, 'dialect': 'NT LM 0.12', 'command': 'SMB1_COMMAND_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL', 'status': 'STATUS_SUCCESS', 'status_code': '0x0', 'session_id': 0, 'tree_id': 0, 'client_dialects': ['PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0', 'LANMAN1.0', 'Windows for Workgroups 3.1a', 'LM1.2X002', 'LANMAN2.1', 'NT LM 0.12'], 'server_guid': '6e6d6163-7065-732d-7265-657600000072'}, 'app_proto': 'smb', 'app_proto_ts': 'failed', 'category': 'Generic Protocol Command Decode', 'severity': 3, 'signature': 'SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction'} [INST] NO