1 value
In year 2017, month 04 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 907.039978 Adj close is 907.619995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 907.619995, high value is 909.47998, low value is 903.0 and volume is 3380600
In year 2017, month 04 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 910.299988 Adj close is 909.289978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 909.289978, high value is 915.75, low value is 907.559998 and volume is 2608900
In year 2017, month 04 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 914.390015 Adj close is 918.380005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 918.380005, high value is 921.859985, low value is 912.109985 and volume is 5305500
In year 2017, month 04 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 948.830017 Adj close is 924.98999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 924.98999, high value is 949.590027, low value is 924.330017 and volume is 7364700
In year 2017, month 05 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 927.799988 Adj close is 948.22998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 948.22998, high value is 954.400024, low value is 927.799988 and volume is 5466500
In year 2017, month 05 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 946.650024 Adj close is 946.940002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 946.940002, high value is 950.099976, low value is 941.409973 and volume is 3848800
In year 2017, month 05 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 946.0 Adj close is 941.030029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 941.030029, high value is 946.0, low value is 935.900024 and volume is 3582700
In year 2017, month 05 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 944.75 Adj close is 937.530029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 937.530029, high value is 945.0, low value is 934.219971 and volume is 2418400
In year 2017, month 05 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 940.52002 Adj close is 934.150024. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 934.150024, high value is 940.789978, low value is 930.299988 and volume is 2866400
In year 2017, month 05 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 940.950012 Adj close is 949.039978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 949.039978, high value is 949.049988, low value is 939.210022 and volume is 3415700
In year 2017, month 05 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 952.799988 Adj close is 952.820007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 952.820007, high value is 957.890015, low value is 950.200012 and volume is 3262100
In year 2017, month 05 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 953.5 Adj close is 948.950012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 948.950012, high value is 953.75, low value is 945.0 and volume is 2096500
In year 2017, month 05 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 945.109985 Adj close is 947.619995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 947.619995, high value is 950.289978, low value is 940.780029 and volume is 2194100
In year 2017, month 05 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 954.5 Adj close is 961.349976. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 961.349976, high value is 962.789978, low value is 951.530029 and volume is 3625900
In year 2017, month 05 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 958.72998 Adj close is 957.969971. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 957.969971, high value is 963.150024, low value is 956.059998 and volume is 4270600
In year 2017, month 05 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 961.0 Adj close is 966.070007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 966.070007, high value is 970.059998, low value is 960.909973 and volume is 3126100
In year 2017, month 05 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 954.700012 Adj close is 944.76001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 944.76001, high value is 960.400024, low value is 944.119995 and volume is 5145600
In year 2017, month 05 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 944.799988 Adj close is 958.48999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 958.48999, high value is 962.75, low value is 944.76001 and volume is 3939300
In year 2017, month 05 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 962.840027 Adj close is 959.840027. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 959.840027, high value is 968.919983, low value is 959.719971 and volume is 3972100
In year 2017, month 05 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 964.0 Adj close is 970.669983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 970.669983, high value is 971.380005, low value is 962.900024 and volume is 2642200
In year 2017, month 05 and 23th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 975.02002 Adj close is 971.539978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 971.539978, high value is 975.200012, low value is 966.849976 and volume is 2415600
In year 2017, month 05 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 976.0 Adj close is 980.349976. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 980.349976, high value is 981.0, low value is 970.22998 and volume is 2446000
In year 2017, month 05 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 984.849976 Adj close is 993.380005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 993.380005, high value is 999.0, low value is 982.109985 and volume is 4822000
In year 2017, month 05 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 995.0 Adj close is 995.780029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 995.780029, high value is 998.650024, low value is 989.25 and volume is 3415200
In year 2017, month 05 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 996.51001 Adj close is 996.700012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 996.700012, high value is 1001.200012, low value is 995.52002 and volume is 3263100
In year 2017, month 05 and 31th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1000.0 Adj close is 994.619995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 994.619995, high value is 1000.119995, low value is 982.159973 and volume is 3913100
In year 2017, month 06 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 998.590027 Adj close is 995.950012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 995.950012, high value is 998.98999, low value is 991.369995 and volume is 2454800
In year 2017, month 06 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 998.98999 Adj close is 1006.72998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1006.72998, high value is 1008.47998, low value is 995.669983 and volume is 3752300
In year 2017, month 06 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1007.22998 Adj close is 1011.340027. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1011.340027, high value is 1013.210022, low value is 1003.51001 and volume is 2719900
In year 2017, month 06 and 06th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1012.0 Adj close is 1003.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1003.0, high value is 1016.5, low value is 1001.25 and volume is 3346400
In year 2017, month 06 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1005.950012 Adj close is 1010.070007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1010.070007, high value is 1010.25, low value is 1002.0 and volume is 2823000
In year 2017, month 06 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1012.059998 Adj close is 1010.27002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1010.27002, high value is 1013.609985, low value is 1006.109985 and volume is 2767900
In year 2017, month 06 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1012.5 Adj close is 978.309998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 978.309998, high value is 1012.98999, low value is 927.0 and volume is 7647700
In year 2017, month 06 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 967.0 Adj close is 964.909973. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 964.909973, high value is 975.950012, low value is 945.0 and volume is 9447200
In year 2017, month 06 and 13th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 977.98999 Adj close is 980.789978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 980.789978, high value is 984.5, low value is 966.099976 and volume is 4580000
In year 2017, month 06 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 988.590027 Adj close is 976.469971. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 976.469971, high value is 990.340027, low value is 966.710022 and volume is 3974900
In year 2017, month 06 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 958.700012 Adj close is 964.169983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 964.169983, high value is 965.72998, low value is 950.859985 and volume is 5373900
In year 2017, month 06 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 996.0 Adj close is 987.710022. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 987.710022, high value is 999.75, low value is 982.0 and volume is 11472700
In year 2017, month 06 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1017.0 Adj close is 995.169983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 995.169983, high value is 1017.0, low value is 989.900024 and volume is 5043400
In year 2017, month 06 and 20th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 998.0 Adj close is 992.590027. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 992.590027, high value is 1004.880005, low value is 992.02002 and volume is 4076800
In year 2017, month 06 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 998.700012 Adj close is 1002.22998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1002.22998, high value is 1002.719971, low value is 992.650024 and volume is 2922500
In year 2017, month 06 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1002.22998 Adj close is 1001.299988. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1001.299988, high value is 1006.960022, low value is 997.200012 and volume is 2253400
In year 2017, month 06 and 23th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1002.539978 Adj close is 1003.73999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1003.73999, high value is 1004.619995, low value is 998.02002 and volume is 2879100
In year 2017, month 06 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1008.5 Adj close is 993.97998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 993.97998, high value is 1009.799988, low value is 992.0 and volume is 3386200
In year 2017, month 06 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 990.690002 Adj close is 976.780029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 976.780029, high value is 998.799988, low value is 976.0 and volume is 3782400
In year 2017, month 06 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 978.549988 Adj close is 990.330017. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 990.330017, high value is 990.679993, low value is 969.210022 and volume is 3737600
In year 2017, month 06 and 29th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 979.0 Adj close is 975.929993. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 975.929993, high value is 987.559998, low value is 965.25 and volume is 4303000
In year 2017, month 06 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 980.119995 Adj close is 968.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 968.0, high value is 983.469971, low value is 967.609985 and volume is 3357200
In year 2017, month 07 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 972.789978 Adj close is 953.659973. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 953.659973, high value is 974.48999, low value is 951.0 and volume is 2909100
In year 2017, month 07 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 961.530029 Adj close is 971.400024. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 971.400024, high value is 975.0, low value is 955.25 and volume is 3653000
In year 2017, month 07 and 06th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 964.659973 Adj close is 965.140015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 965.140015, high value is 974.400024, low value is 959.02002 and volume is 3259600
In year 2017, month 07 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 969.549988 Adj close is 978.76001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 978.76001, high value is 980.109985, low value is 969.140015 and volume is 2643400
In year 2017, month 07 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 985.0 Adj close is 996.469971. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 996.469971, high value is 999.440002, low value is 983.5 and volume is 3546300
In year 2017, month 07 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 993.0 Adj close is 994.130005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 994.130005, high value is 995.98999, low value is 983.719971 and volume is 2982700
In year 2017, month 07 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1000.650024 Adj close is 1006.51001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1006.51001, high value is 1008.549988, low value is 998.099976 and volume is 3608600
In year 2017, month 07 and 13th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1004.619995 Adj close is 1000.630005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1000.630005, high value is 1006.880005, low value is 995.900024 and volume is 2880800
In year 2017, month 07 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1002.400024 Adj close is 1001.809998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1001.809998, high value is 1004.450012, low value is 996.890015 and volume is 2102500
In year 2017, month 07 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1004.690002 Adj close is 1010.039978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1010.039978, high value is 1014.75, low value is 1003.809998 and volume is 3712600
In year 2017, month 07 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1006.0 Adj close is 1024.449951. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1024.449951, high value is 1026.030029, low value is 1004.0 and volume is 4007600
In year 2017, month 07 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1025.0 Adj close is 1026.869995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1026.869995, high value is 1031.589966, low value is 1022.5 and volume is 2964000
In year 2017, month 07 and 20th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1031.589966 Adj close is 1028.699951. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1028.699951, high value is 1034.969971, low value is 1022.52002 and volume is 3097500
In year 2017, month 07 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1021.280029 Adj close is 1025.670044. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1025.670044, high value is 1026.099976, low value is 1011.0 and volume is 2734600
In year 2017, month 07 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1028.339966 Adj close is 1038.949951. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1038.949951, high value is 1043.01001, low value is 1027.430054 and volume is 3288000
In year 2017, month 07 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1038.050049 Adj close is 1039.869995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1039.869995, high value is 1043.329956, low value is 1032.47998 and volume is 2447600
In year 2017, month 07 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1043.199951 Adj close is 1052.800049. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1052.800049, high value is 1053.199951, low value is 1043.199951 and volume is 2921300
In year 2017, month 07 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1069.550049 Adj close is 1046.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1046.0, high value is 1083.310059, low value is 1040.180054 and volume is 10991700
In year 2017, month 07 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1012.140015 Adj close is 1020.039978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 1020.039978, high value is 1032.849976, low value is 1001.0 and volume is 7709400
In year 2017, month 07 and 31th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1019.049988 Adj close is 987.780029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 987.780029, high value is 1019.049988, low value is 987.02002 and volume is 7352100
In year 2017, month 08 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 996.109985 Adj close is 996.190002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 996.190002, high value is 1006.400024, low value is 991.580017 and volume is 4572600
In year 2017, month 08 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 1001.77002 Adj close is 995.890015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 995.890015, high value is 1003.210022, low value is 981.72998 and volume is 4070000
In year 2017, month 08 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 999.469971 Adj close is 986.919983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 986.919983, high value is 999.5, low value is 984.590027 and volume is 3255800
In year 2017, month 08 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 989.679993 Adj close is 987.580017. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 987.580017, high value is 991.669983, low value is 982.0 and volume is 2730300
In year 2017, month 08 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 990.650024 Adj close is 992.27002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 992.27002, high value is 995.0, low value is 987.140015 and volume is 2676600
In year 2017, month 08 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 994.349976 Adj close is 989.840027. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 989.840027, high value is 996.280029, low value is 985.789978 and volume is 2902800
In year 2017, month 08 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 982.599976 Adj close is 982.01001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 982.01001, high value is 988.0, low value is 975.27002 and volume is 3569700
In year 2017, month 08 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 976.299988 Adj close is 956.919983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 956.919983, high value is 979.859985, low value is 954.679993 and volume is 5684100
In year 2017, month 08 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 960.0 Adj close is 967.98999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 967.98999, high value is 970.390015, low value is 951.380005 and volume is 3468000
In year 2017, month 08 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 978.409973 Adj close is 983.299988. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 983.299988, high value is 985.5, low value is 976.190002 and volume is 3042800
In year 2017, month 08 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 988.900024 Adj close is 982.73999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 982.73999, high value is 991.73999, low value is 982.0 and volume is 2549300
In year 2017, month 08 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 981.650024 Adj close is 978.179993. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 978.179993, high value is 986.460022, low value is 973.219971 and volume is 3132100
In year 2017, month 08 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 977.840027 Adj close is 960.570007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 960.570007, high value is 977.840027, low value is 960.320007 and volume is 3512400
In year 2017, month 08 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 961.400024 Adj close is 958.469971. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 958.469971, high value is 965.429993, low value is 954.650024 and volume is 3284800
In year 2017, month 08 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 957.570007 Adj close is 953.289978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 953.289978, high value is 961.200012, low value is 945.460022 and volume is 3164500
In year 2017, month 08 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 955.52002 Adj close is 966.900024. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 966.900024, high value is 967.929993, low value is 955.5 and volume is 2750000
In year 2017, month 08 and 23th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 959.380005 Adj close is 958.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 958.0, high value is 962.0, low value is 954.200012 and volume is 2668300
In year 2017, month 08 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 957.419983 Adj close is 952.450012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 952.450012, high value is 959.0, low value is 941.140015 and volume is 5195700
In year 2017, month 08 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 956.0 Adj close is 945.26001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 945.26001, high value is 957.619995, low value is 944.099976 and volume is 3324800
In year 2017, month 08 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 946.539978 Adj close is 946.02002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 946.02002, high value is 953.0, low value is 942.25 and volume is 2596700
In year 2017, month 08 and 29th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 940.0 Adj close is 954.059998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 954.059998, high value is 956.0, low value is 936.330017 and volume is 2874300
In year 2017, month 08 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 958.440002 Adj close is 967.590027. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 967.590027, high value is 969.409973, low value is 956.909973 and volume is 2904600
In year 2017, month 08 and 31th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 974.700012 Adj close is 980.599976. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 980.599976, high value is 981.0, low value is 972.76001 and volume is 3331500
In year 2017, month 09 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 984.200012 Adj close is 978.25. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 978.25, high value is 984.5, low value is 976.880005 and volume is 2532200