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Saudi Arabia says foils Islamic State bomb, foreign spying plots
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday it foiled an Islamic State plot to bomb its defense ministry headquarters and also said it had arrested several people suspected of carrying out espionage in the kingdom on behalf of foreign powers. It was not immediately clear whether the two announcements, made separately by a security official to state news agency SPA and a security source speaking to Reuters, were related. The would-be bombers were identified as two Yemeni nationals living under aliases in the kingdom who were detained along with two Saudi citizens also suspected of involvement in the attack planned for the capital Riyadh, the official from the Presidency of State Security added. Saudi Arabia has previously been hit by deadly bombing and shooting attacks by Islamic State militants targeting security forces and Shi ite Muslims. The assailants were training in the use of explosive belts, the security source added, while authorities said they seized grenades and firearms during the operation to foil the attack. Islamic State has for years criticized the leadership of Western-allied Saudi Arabia, the world s top oil exporter, accusing it of deviating from their strict interpretation of Islam and advancing the interests of their U.S. enemies. In a separate news item, SPA quoted a security source saying authorities uncovered intelligence activities for the benefit of foreign parties by a group of people it did not name. A Saudi security source, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter, told Reuters that the suspects were accused of espionage activities and having contacts with external entities including the Muslim Brotherhood , which Riyadh has classified as a terrorist organization. The group is also accused of having contacts with and receiving financial and other forms of support from two other countries to harm the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and with the aim of destabilizing the security and national unity in preparation to overthrow the Saudi regime in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, the source said. Citing an ongoing investigation, the source declined to name the countries or the members of the group. The source said one of the detainees is a member of the armed Houthi movement, which is locked in 2 1/2 years of war with a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, and is in direct contact with the group. The suspects are in custody and will be granted legal rights and due process, the source added.
September 11, 2017
GOP Just Demanded Hillary Clinton Give Them A ‘Plan’ To Fix Healthcare And Got ROASTED ALIVE (TWEETS)
On Wednesday, the GOP in an effort to deflect from the fact that they have failed multiple times to come up with an acceptable alternative to Obamacare began rage-tweeting Democrats demanding that they supply them with a workable plan. This, of course, is despite Republicans decision to shut Democrats entirely out of the process while they came up with their terrible replacement for the Affordable care Act. We ve got to fix what s broken, the GOP tweeted with a two second video of Hillary Clinton saying those words. Where s your plan, @HillaryClinton? We ve got to fix what s broken. Where's your plan, @HillaryClinton? pic.twitter.com/CmRB4mCsZd GOP (@GOP) July 5, 2017The simple answer, of course, is that Republicans could have Googled to find her plan. Clinton s plan is still live on her website. While it s far from complete, being a summary on a campaign website, it is a pretty good start. She has also spoken in detail about various things she would do to improve our healthcare system.Americans, who have been kept in the dark about the GOP s various failed plans, joined together to roast the living f*ck out of the Stupid Party.Uh, the ball s in your court, GOP. What s YOUR plan? Danny Wallace (@dannywallace) July 5, 2017Is this a crowdsourcing? Because as satire, it s bat$&?* awful. will broussard (@Jag_Me_Out) July 5, 2017She doesn t NEED a plan you asshats. She s a private citizen. The plans need to come from the party if NO who has no clue how to govern. LadyLiberal ? (@LadyLiberals) July 5, 2017Wait, did @HillaryClinton win? I mean, we know she bested you by 3 million votes, but why are you asking her? Ben Weston (@psiphyr) July 5, 2017You fuckers have the presidency, senate, and house and still can t get it done. So let s talk about your ineptitude before we go there. eric af (@ewfeez) July 5, 2017Look, you guys really seem to be having a hard time with this. You won the election. Your turn to govern. You have to fix this, not dems. Isaac Lampner (@Lamp1952) July 5, 2017Why are you asking a private citizen something you were elected to do? Ask me and other citizens too!! Fighting Failure (@remorganus) July 5, 2017Found it for you: https://t.co/EVVONW3e5F Just in Time to Eat (@JustinSaysThis) July 5, 2017Wow. Just wow. Bowling Green Victim (@TeamGulley) July 5, 2017Y all are so sad with this angle. Dems had a plan, y all rejected it. They d still sit down with you and work together if you were sensible. Alp Ozcelik (@alplicable) July 5, 2017Are fing kidding me? If you wanted a plan you should have supported HRC instead of the ?? Jellokitty (@jellokitty5) July 5, 2017Are you asking because you re out of ideas? Or just because yours are so bad? Finc (@fincinc) July 5, 2017Checkout her web page. Pretty sure her plan is still up. In fact, pick a subject & she has a plan for it. Not just It ll be great! Sharon Jones (@SharonJ44257163) July 5, 2017LOL! Is this a cry for help? pic.twitter.com/whRD3rXXEw Pia Wilson ? ? (@pwilson720) July 5, 2017GOP admits to being out of ideas Crenshaw (@okie210) July 5, 2017pic.twitter.com/xaYdQtil5k XweAponX (@XweAponX) July 5, 2017You did not just tweet this, did you? Democracy???? (@ChrisSobolowski) July 5, 2017I missed the memo. Is Hillary president? Kiran Kaur (@kirangkaur) July 5, 2017uhhhh this is embarrassing for you guys but it s actually been on her website the whole time no roses no frogs ? (@sidleypkhermit) July 5, 2017Look on her goddamned campaign website, you monsters. ITS ALL THERE. I m Sorry Aunt Lydia (@TinaMcGugan) July 5, 2017Where s your plan? I d ask my GOP senator, but his office doesn t answer phones and he holds no town hall meetings. JB (@jennberg) July 5, 2017@GOP isn t smart enough to get out of the rain, Tweets this bs out while Trumps cedes leadership to anyone. Vote these losers out pic.twitter.com/YdmZO3Xap4 Molly (@Plantflowes) July 5, 2017The GOP also demanded that Bernie Sanders who has presented a detailed plan for single payer healthcare and Bill Clinton as well as other Demeocrats (all of whom with the exception of DINO Joe Manchin have shared detailed ideas with Americans) provide them with the answers they are too stupid to find themselves.Featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 5, 2017
AUDIT REVEALS: 150 AFGHAN TROOPS Have Gone AWOL In U.S. During Training…Some Still Missing
The new report on the number of missing Afghan trainees draws attention to the current policy that obviously needs to be changed. The terror risk is bad enough and the cost to train these soldier is HUGE. Remember when Obama was famously called out for the outrageous cost per trainee? Reuters reported in October of 2016 that Washington has allocated more than $60 billion since 2002 to train and equip Afghan troops. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Immigration agents say they re worried about the terror risk with these AWOL trainees.While other foreign troops on U.S. military training visits have sometimes run away, a U.S. defense official said that the frequency of Afghan troops going missing was concerning and out of the ordinary. More than 150 Afghan troops brought to the U.S. for military training have gone AWOL since 2005, with 13 of them still unaccounted for and perhaps living as here illegal immigrants now, an inspector general said in a new report Friday.Part of the problem is that the U.S. never puts the trainees through an in-person interview and exempts them from registering as aliens when they arrive both steps that other visitors would normally have to go through.In-person interviews and requiring the troops to register beforehand would help the government gauge whether someone is likely to go absent without leave, and would give immigration officers information about relatives in the U.S. as starting points when someone does go AWOL, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said.But the State Department rejected those suggestions.The audit said that while no acts of terrorism have yet been traced to the trainees, immigration agents say they re worried because a number who go AWOL end up trying to claim asylum in the U.S., stymieing any national security investigation into their behavior.Beyond the potential danger, American taxpayers also miss out on the investment in the troops, the inspector general said. It is clear that Afghan trainees go AWOL while in the United States at a far higher rate than do trainees from any other country, and we believe that the State Department (as well as other government agencies) should use all the tools at their disposal to reduce these occurrences and ensure that Afghan trainees return to Afghanistan and make use of the substantial U.S. taxpayer investment in training, the audit concluded.The number of troops going AWOL surged in 2015 and 2016 as security back home deteriorated.Some Afghan troops currently being trained in the U.S. said the Taliban threatened their families back home once it became known they had a relative training here. Many of them said the training made them bigger targets when they returned.Investigators identified 152 Afghan trainees who have gone absent without leave under the training program. Seventy of them fled the U.S., 39 managed to obtain legal status here, three returned to duty, 27 were arrested and put in deportation proceedings, and 13 remain unaccounted for.The largest number disappeared from training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, but four went AWOL from training in D.C., three disappeared from Quantico, Virginia, and one from Arlington.The State Department and Homeland Security said they don t think there s a reason to be concerned.Read more: WTA PREVIOUS REPORT ON TWO AFGHAN TRAINEES THAT WENT MISSING:THE TWO TRAINEES ARE STILL MISSING! The public has received no picture or description of the two Afghan men who were last seen on Friday of last week. They will not say why they re not giving a description to the public. It would help if they let people know what these two men look like. MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. Authorities are searching south Georgia for two male Afghan air force students who did not report for duty Monday, officials said.The students have been at Moody Air Force Base since February of this year and were screened prior to coming to the U.S. more than a year ago, according to officials with the base.The base says that both men have trained alongside U.S. troops for the entirety of this year and do not pose any apparent threat. The students and their class were set to graduate on Dec. 18.Federal authorities are involved because these are international military students, said Captain Korey Fratini, Chief of Public Affairs for the air force base.The two students were last accounted for Friday but did not show up for duty on Monday.They are part of Afghan Air Force and are maintenance aircraft students here training to learn how to maintain the a29 Super Tucano. Foley said they are not pilots.There are 9 Afghan pilots at Moody and 14 Afghan aircraft maintainers, according to Foley.There is a coordinated effort among federal agencies to locate these men as quickly as possible and return them to the proper authorities, a statement from the base said.They were both assigned to the 81st Fighter Squadron. The base is near Valdosta, Ga. off of Interstate 75.According to Forey, the students are considered absconded for now.They are not releasing missing males names, ages or pics right now but did not say why.When they are located he says they will be brought back to Moody AFB and Foley does not know what will happen next.Foley said the main focus is trying to get info out to local communities that the information they have is there is no indication they pose any threat.Read more: FCN
Oct 20, 2017
Watch Elizabeth Warren DESTROY Donald Trump in Epic Tweetstorm (TWEETS)
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) lit into Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump with a series of tweets. Warren hammered away at Trump, calling him a loser and accused him of engaging in petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism. Warren is hugely popular and influential with Democrats and liberals, and her series of tweets targeting Trump is seen by some as a sign that the primary season is effectively over and that the general election has begun.Here are Warren s tweets:Let s be honest @realDonaldTrump is a loser. Count all his failed businesses. See how he cheated people w/ scams like Trump U. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016See how @realDonaldTrump kept his father s empire afloat using strategic corporate bankruptcies to skip out on debt. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016Listen to experts who say @realDonaldTrump might have more money today if he d put his inheritance in an index fund & left it alone. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016.@RealDonaldTrump knows he s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016But just because @realDonaldTrump is a loser everywhere else doesn t mean he ll lose this election. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016.@RealDonaldTrump stands ready to tear apart an America that was built on values like decency, community, and concern for our neighbors. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016The way I see it, it s our job to make sure @realDonaldTrump ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it. Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) March 21, 2016Warren s tweets all hit at what are considered soft spots for Trump. He has boasted about his huge wealth, but numerous reports indicate that his net worth is considerably exaggerated. From Trump biographer Timothy O Brien:On a single day in August 2004, he told me his net worth was $4 billion to $5 billion, then revised that later the same day to $1.7 billion. Forbes said at the time he was worth $2.6 billion. A year later Donald told me he was worth $5 billion to $6 billion, but a brochure left on my nightstand at his Palm Beach resort said he was worth $9.5 billion.The tweets also discuss Trump s sexism, which appears to be one of his major Achilles heels. When Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly pointed out his history of demeaning women, he complained she was bleeding out of her whatever, and still months later has referred to her as crazy, which drew an uncharacteristic rebuke of a Republican from the right-wing propaganda network.Perhaps most importantly, Warren is indicating to the mainstream media and other Democrats that Trump s racially motivated campaign won t be off limits to criticism. So far, Republicans have largely avoided hitting Trump on his offensive language towards latinos and Muslims, as well as towards black activists (he called for protesters to be punched). The Democrats largely have no interest in courting the racists that dwell in the base of the GOP, and have no such restrictions on what they can say in the general election.It looks like the fight is truly on.Featured image via Flickr
March 21, 2016
Mohammed Dahlan speaks about Palestinian unity and his back-room role
GAZA (Reuters) - Mohammad Dahlan, who played a key backroom role in a major new effort for Palestinian unity, has said a two-state peace agreement with Israel was impossible and healing wounds from a civil war that split Palestine was now a priority. Once of the fiercest foes of Hamas, the Islamist group that seized the Gaza Strip in a civil war in 2007, Dahlan, a member of the rival mainstream Fatah party, spoke to Reuters after a unity cabinet held its first meeting in the enclave in three years. The internal Palestinian situation is more sacred, is more important and is more useful now than the so-called negotiation, the veteran politician said of talks with Israel that collapsed in 2014 over issues such as Israeli settlement-building in occupied territory and Fatah-Hamas reconciliation. A former peace negotiator with Israel who speaks Hebrew and who was born in a refugee camp, Dahlan, 56, noted Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas captured in a 1967 war and which Palestinians seek along with Gaza for a future state. There is a complete Judaisation of the West Bank, not only of Jerusalem. It has become impossible for the two-state solution to be implemented, therefore, there is no political horizon, he said in the rare interview. Israel has built about 120 settlements in the West Bank. About 350,000 settlers live there and a further 200,000 in East Jerusalem, among about 2.6 million Palestinians. Fatah, led by the secular heirs of Yasser Arafat, runs the West Bank, heads the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority and has been responsible for negotiations with Israel. Its rival Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, drove Fatah forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas from Gaza and has run the tiny coastal strip that is home to two million people. Relations eased on Monday, when Hamas handed over control of Gaza to a unity government. Although it agreed to the deal three years ago, the decision to implement it marks a striking reversal for Hamas, considered a terrorist group by Israel, the United States and most powerful Arab countries. Officials on both sides of the Palestinian divide and in other Arab countries say Dahlan, based since 2011 in the United Arab Emirates, was behind an influx of cash to prop up Gaza, and a detente between Hamas and Arab states including Egypt that led the group to dismantle its shadow government last month. It was an honor for us ... that we succeeded to have those understandings between Hamas and Egypt, Dahlan said by telephone from Abu Dhabi. The former Gaza security chief said he had kept silent during mediation efforts but decided to speak out now that they have borne fruit. Dahlan said Egypt, which has accused Hamas of aiding an Islamist insurgency in the Sinai peninsula across the border from Gaza, held meetings with senior officials of the group, which denies aiding the militants. Both sides agreed to shore up security along the border and prevent militants from crossing. Without reconciling with Hamas and without Hamas understanding the needs of the Egyptian national security there can be no serious (Palestinian) reconciliation, and no one but Egypt is capable of playing an effective role, Dahlan said. Cairo will host Hamas and Fatah officials next Tuesday for further talks on power-sharing and the holding of Palestinian elections long-delayed by the internal rift. A first sign of discontent surfaced with Hamas criticizing Abbas s decision to await the outcome of the talks before lifting sanctions he has imposed on Gaza. In the interview, Dahlan called on Hamas to show more patience because all the good things are on the way thanks to Egyptian mediation. He dismissed any notion that Egypt, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, was pursuing Palestinian reconciliation as part of any wider U.S.-initiated push for a regional peace deal with Israel. The chances of the so-called deal of the century is zero because (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu does not want peace and he imposed a reality of 700,000 settlers in the West Bank and in Jerusalem that made it impossible for the two-state solution to be implemented, Dahlan said. Netanyahu on Tuesday warned Palestinians against engaging in bogus reconciliations under which Hamas kept its military arm in Gaza which bristles with hundreds of its rockets. Turning to Palestinian politics, Dahlan, who recently formed the Fatah Reformist and Democratic Party to challenge Abbas - now in the 12th year of a four-year term - accused him of committing crimes and mistakes but said he was ready to reconcile with the 82-year-old leader to reunite the Fatah movement. The ball is in his court and we are ready whenever he is, said Dahlan, in exile since 2011 after quarrelling with Abbas. Ambitious and charismatic, he has long been suspected of harboring designs to succeed Abbas. Dahlan said his strong ties with the UAE helped him to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in the past 10 years. A recent poll by the West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey showed that those who still support Fatah in Gaza are shifting loyalty to Dahlan. His popularity among Gazans has risen over the past nine months from nine to 23 percent. Dahlan said he was not obsessed by opinion polls and a decision on whether he would run for a president would await until an election date is set.
October 4, 2017
Democrats Won’t Have A Chance in 2018 Unless They Start to Do This
The Democrats went down the path of identity politics long ago but it s only gotten worse in the past 8 years of Obama. He was a mater at dividing groups and pitting Americans against each other according to race, sex and gender. Americans figured it out in this past election when they elected Trump. President Trump has been working for ALL Americans!IDENTITY POLITICS=DEMOCRATSTHE NYP REPORTS:Open up the Republican Party Web site and you ll quickly see an article called Principles for American Renewal with 11 broad statements of principle such as this one under immigration: We need an immigration system that secures our borders, upholds the law, and boosts our economy. Scroll down the Democrats home page and you ll find a dull party platform with 93 bullet points and a list of links entitled People. Each link leads to a subgroup: Women. Hispanics. LGBT people. Ethnic Americans. There are 17 different groups, and a different message tailored for each.Republicans offer a vision to unite America. Democrats offer to break it down into pieces.The Democrats are all about divide-and-conquer tactics when what they need is a vision of our shared destiny and the things we all hold in common as Americans. Liberals have become America s ideological third party, lagging behind self-declared independents and conservatives, writes Lilla, a Columbia humanities professor and committed liberal who believes the single most important issue is on-demand access to abortion for women.President Trump sees what a value it is to keep the very divisive Nancy Pelosi:
Aug 26, 2017
‘F*cking Grow Up’: The Internet Destroys Trump After He Says He Would Have Won Against Obama
President Obama pretty much trolled Donald Trump earlier by saying that he could have defeated the alleged billionaire and former reality show star. Obama spoke of his hope and change campaign and confirmed what we all know already. His insight was that we just have to say no to that then that will puncture the balloon, that all this talk about hope and change and no red state and blue state is is proven to be a mirage, a fantasy, the President said. And if we can if we can puncture that vision, then we have a chance to win back seats in the House and win back seats in the Senate. If I had run again and articulated it, I think I could ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it, he continued. In the wake of the election and Trump winning, a lot of people have suggested that somehow, [my vision] really was a fantasy, he continued. What I would argue is, is that the culture actually did shift, that the majority does buy into the notion of a one America that is tolerant and diverse and open and full of energy and dynamism. Well, that nugget of information was too much for the thin-skinned president-elect to handle so after not tweeting for 24 hours, he unleashed a nonsensical tweet in response to Obama s interview. President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY! jobs leaving, ISIS, OCare, etc, Trump tweeted with his tiny hands.President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY! jobs leaving, ISIS, OCare, etc. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2016We do not speak Turnip here at AddictingInfo, so if someone can translate that tweet it would really help. Thank you!The Internet called out the president-elect for being a big baby.@realDonaldTrump Are you really fighting people you didn t even run against now?! Dude, fucking grow up. Jon Bershad (@JonBershad) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump You didn t win the popular vote so you re technically a loser. Tommy Campbell (@MrTommyCampbell) December 26, 2016@pourmecoffee @realDonaldTrump He is a 70 year old child throwing a tantrum. It will be a daily embarrassment at best. pic.twitter.com/L9Z0lJR5N3 This Is Not Normal (@NetworkJunkyz) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump Obama would have beat you to a pulp. Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump Not only would he win but he would make you so mad that your tiny hands would be slamming the table with tears in your eyes. Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) December 26, 2016.@realDonaldTrump And let s be nice about the man who got Osama and created 15 million jobs, Donald. You don t want to sound like a yahoo. Bess Kalb (@bessbell) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump have some respect he s still your President you arrogant cheeto Whitney Meyer (@itswhitneymeyer) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump I mean technically Hillary won more than 2.6 million more votes than you. Jack Slater (@Jack_Slater) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump life comes at you fast, man pic.twitter.com/4Rig5cvuAj Jay Willis (@farragutwest) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump Well you would say that wouldn t you. You daft shaved ape. Neil Claxton (@MintRoyale) December 26, 2016@realDonaldTrump he s only one of the most popular candidates ever and you rank 46 out of 58. Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) December 26, 2016The fact is that Obama s approval rating is soaring and Trump has the lowest approval rating of any president-elect in modern history. He s just not popular. Hillary Clinton received nearly 3 million in the popular vote.Photo by Joe Raedle via Getty.
December 26, 2016
TRUMP ADVISOR Has Warning For Syria That Has Saved Lives [Video]
Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka warned Syrian President Bashar Assad after evidence arose earlier this week that the Assad regime could be planning another chemical weapons attack on its people. Gorka says, if you do this again, there will be significant damage done to your forces and to your interests. We are there to destroy Isis. CHEMICAL WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT? SYRIA S ASSAD COULD BE PLANNING ANOTHER ATTACK: Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said the United States had recently seen activity at Shayrat airfield, the same base targeted by a U.S. cruise missile strike on April 6. This involved specific aircraft in a specific hangar, both of which we know to be associated with chemical weapons use, Davis said.Davis said the activity occurred during the past day or two. He did not say how the United States collected its intelligence.The White House said on Monday it appeared the Syrian government was preparing for another chemical weapons attack and warned Assad that he and his military would pay a heavy price if it went ahead.REMEMBER WHEN WE HAD A COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF WHO DECIDED HE WOULDN T HONOR HIS THREAT TO SYRIA:THE RED LINE READ MORE: REUTERS
Jun 28, 2017
South Korean inbound travel agency says China bans group tours to South
SEOUL (Reuters) - China has resumed its ban on group tours into South Korea, South Korea s inbound travel agency said on Wednesday, an issue that erupted last year as part of China s retaliation over the South s deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system. I was told from my boss this morning that our Chinese partners (based in Beijing and Shandong) said they won t send group tourists to South Korea as of January, the official from Naeil Tour Agency told Reuters by phone. The move was probably due to visa refusals by Chinese authorities, the official said. The move came despite South Korean President Moon Jae-in s recent visit to China, which showed some signs of a thaw in relations since the row over the anti-missile system broke out last year.
December 20, 2017
VALERIE JARRETT JUST MOVED INTO Barack And Michelle Obama’s DC Home…Plans To Help OUST Trump…ERIC HOLDER WARNS: “It’s coming…He’s coming…He’s ready to roll”
Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation s capital just two miles away from the White House into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.Obama s goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.Jarrett played a vital if at times low-key role in the Obama presidency. She lived in the White House, dined with the Obamas, and help shape his domestic and foreign policies.The former president has set up an office on the West End of the national s capitol, where he recently hosted an open house for his White House staff including Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Josh Earnest and Jarrett.But the office, part of his post presidency perks, cannot be used for political purposes. The rent on his home is paid by him personally.On Tuesday, former Attorney General Eric Holder revealed that Obama is indeed getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics. It s coming. He s coming, Holder said speaking to reporters. And he s ready to roll. According to the family source, Obama was at first reluctant to assume the role of leader of the opposition. No longer the most powerful man in the world, he was just observing Trump and not liking what he saw, said the source. He was weary and burned out after eight years in office. But Valerie convinced him that he didn t have any choice if he wanted to save his legacy. And, as usual, he bowed to Valerie s political wisdom and advice. In his only public comment against Trump since leaving the presidency, Obama came out in support of the protests opposing President Donald Trump s executive order to restrict immigration from predominantly Muslim countries.A spokesman said the former president thinks they re citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake. Daily Mail
Mar 1, 2017
Bahrain convicts activist's family members, militant suspects
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Bahrain court sentenced three family members of a prominent activist to jail terms on weapons charges on Monday, rights group the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) said and accused authorities of using torture to extract confessions. In a separate case, Bahrain s Public Prosecutor announced on Monday that it had sentenced 19 unnamed defendants to prison terms for contacts with a banned party it says is backed by Iran and involved in militant attacks. The cases underscore how authorities in the kingdom is cracking down on perceived threats nearly six years after pro-democracy protests inspired by the Arab Spring were quashed with help from Gulf Arab neighbors. Bahrain hosts the U.S. Fifth Fleet. Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, BIRD s head of advocacy, said his relatives were convicted based on confessions gained by torture and said the court was persecuting the family for his activism. Alwadaei s mother-in-law Hajer Mansoor and brother-in-law Sayed Nizar Alwadaei were each sentenced to three years in jail for planting a fake bomb, BIRD said, while his cousin Mahmood Marzooq was sentenced to a month and half for obtaining a knife. Representatives of the Bahraini government did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. Alwadaei, who is based in Britain, said he believed the case against his relatives was motivated by his human rights work and especially a protest last year in which he took part against the attendance of Bahrain s king at a royal horse show in Britain. I was distraught to see my family suffer torture, persecution and interrogations about my activities ... I will not rest until they are freed, Alwadaei said in a statement. Bahrain, which has a Shi ite Muslim majority population and is ruled by a Sunni royal family, denies clamping down on dissent. The government, citing years of deadly bombing and shooting attacks against its security forces, says it faces a militant threat backed by arch-foe Iran. According to the prosecutor, a court sentenced eight defendants to life terms, nine to 15 years and two for ten years for conspiring with a foreign state and terrorist organisation working for its interests and receiving funds from it to carry out hostile acts and in order to harm national interests. Fifteen of the defendants had their citizenship revoked. The group it cited was the Islamic Wafa Movement, a political party that is banned in Bahrain and which authorities accuse of receiving money and support from Iran. A leader in Wafa, Murtada al-Sanadi, an exiled Bahraini cleric who was named by the United States this year as a specially designated global terrorist and appears to be based in the Iranian city of Qom.
October 30, 2017
Trump Stole An Idea From North Korean Propaganda Parody Account To Push His Stupid Wall (DETAILS)
Jesus f*cking Christ our President* is a moron. Not satisfied with simply wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a border wall, The Donald wants it to be see-through too not to preserve the view of scenery but because he s afraid people might be killed by gigantic sacks of drugs that are totally going to be thrown over it on a regular basis (thus negating his argument that the wall will somehow curb drug trafficking). As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don t see them they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of the stuff? It s over, the President said aboard Air Force One Wednesday according to the official White House transcript. As cray as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. Trump says border wall with Mexico should be transparent so that people aren't killed when drug couriers throw 60-lbs. bags over it. pic.twitter.com/0GXJuHjPxs Gregory Korte (@gregorykorte) July 13, 2017It s unclear if Trump actually said cray or if the White House stenographer made a typo, but the idea that we will be so beleaguered by so many flying 60-pound sacks of drugs that the border wall needs to be transparent is pretty cray. Now, Trump could have argued that there are a number of reasons for transparency to see those dirty brownish people he hates coming, for instance. But he chose the dumb one that involves throwing a 60-pound bag of heroin over a 20-foot fence.Naturally, Americans find this hilarious:The bad hombres are very strong. Juha (@juhasaarinen) July 14, 2017I imagined just this with Acme printed on the side. TJ Shannon (@tjshannon13) July 14, 2017pic.twitter.com/43I0DR0lw8 Paul Vahamaa (@pvahamaa) July 14, 2017 a steel wall with openings so that you can see through that wall he knows he s describing a fence, right? Tinz (@TinzRules) July 13, 2017Likelihood that Trump heard someone say We need transparency on the building of the Wall and didn t understand? Patrick (@PatrickCragg) July 13, 2017Crushed by Giant Bag of Dope is pretty high on most people s Preferred Ways To Die list, I ve heard. Just Dessert (@Love_CrimeDrama) July 13, 2017Crushed by Giant Bag of Dope was, in my opinion, Giant Bag of Dope s best album. David J Britton (@Tyburn_Cross) July 13, 2017I want to meet the dealer that can toss a 60 lb bag over the wall or, do they use catapults? nicefellow31 (@nicefellow31) July 13, 2017They prefer trebuchets, I m told. Carly (@whatstudentloan) July 13, 2017The beauty of this, though, is if the bag misses your head Hey! Free heroin! Christopher Keelty (@keeltyc) July 13, 2017 Some areas that are so far away from the border? Some parts of the border are far away from the border? #wtf #cray Matthew R. Kerns (@mattkerns) July 13, 2017So, these drug smugglers, they can toss 60 pound bags of coke over 20 foot walls, but can t climb a mountain? High Quality Nephew (@JohnNephew) July 13, 2017 This piece of fence would be supes far away. You d have to be totes cray to cross there. So you fo sho don t need that. def on fleek Henkepotamus (@Henke2020) July 13, 2017You laugh but this is a serious problem. pic.twitter.com/1jGkVDGmt6 Erase Rewind (@EraseRewind1) July 13, 2017If there are people throwing 60 lbs sacks of stuff over high walls we should get them on our team. Rich (@Argonzo) July 13, 2017So: you happen to stand next to a giant 900 mi. wall when BAM! You re hit with a 60 lb. bag of drugs tossed over this huge wall to no one?? Spooky Comet (@spookycomet) July 13, 2017one thing is right, this shit is cray Ella s Girl (@ellasgirl7) July 13, 2017This can t possibly be real because . . . never mind. I m sorry, I forgot who we were referring to. Kit Yona (@TheKitastrophe) July 13, 2017Wow. Vicious rivers and cray 60-lb falling bags of heroin. Why would people stand next to the wall? Will there be a Starbucks? Tom Brouns (@TAZMPictures) July 14, 2017Ask him to point out the violent and vicious rivers on a map. WTF is he talking about? John Daws (@grajillas) July 13, 2017Who the F*ck is throwing 60lb sacks of drugs over the wall? Cause pretty sure they make some $$$ in pro sports! R Goldman (@sttrzangel) July 14, 2017Where would Trump get the idea to tell Americans that criminals across the border are killing people with giant sacks of drugs? North Korean propaganda of course or what seems like North Korean propaganda until you realize it s a parody account:Six innocent children killed by south Korean criminals hurling huge sacks of illegal drugs over inter-Korean demilitarized zone wall. pic.twitter.com/bfnNlBIs4e DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) July 13, 2017If you re thinking this is disgraceful even for Trump, you probably should be aware that we have not yet seen the depths to which he is willing to sink in his quest for power.We need to face the fact that our President is completely cray and let the GOP know they need to do their jobs and remove him from office now.featured image via Getty Images/screengrab
July 14, 2017
Myanmar's Rohingya exodus: A desperate escape
(Reuters) - The world s fastest-growing humanitarian crisis shows no signs of abating, two months after militant attacks triggered a military crackdown in Myanmar s Rakhine State. This week thousands of new Rohingya Muslim refugees crossed the border into neighboring Bangladesh, fleeing hunger and a campaign of attacks by Myanmar security forces and Buddhist mobs that the United Nations has called ethnic cleansing. Exhausted, hungry and destitute, they join more than 600,000 who earlier fled what the military has called clearance operations in Rohingya villages after the Aug. 25 attacks by Rohingya militants. They have crossed land borders, rivers and treacherous seas to seek refuge in crowded camps in Bangladesh, itself a poor country struggling, along with international aid agencies, to cope with the influx. This multimedia essay uses a combination of Reuters graphics, pictures and video to show how the crisis unfolded, the exodus of the Rohingya and their lives as refugees in Bangladesh. See the graphic "A Desperate Escape" here: tmsnrt.rs/2xIvxQF
October 26, 2017
FORD’S NEW CEO SNUBS President Trump…Will Build Focus In China…Export To U.S.
Ford will export the next-generation Focus compact car from China to North America in 2019, rather than from Mexico as earlier planned, saving the company $500 million, a top executive said on Tuesday.It is the first major manufacturing investment decision made by new Chief Executive Officer Jim Hackett, who succeeded Mark Fields in late May.Discussion about the small-car production shift from Mexico to China began a couple months ago under Fields, said Joe Hinrichs, president of global operations.In January, after U.S. President Donald Trump criticized Ford for shipping small-car manufacturing to Mexico, Ford said it would kill plans to build a $1.8-billion Focus plant in San Luis Potosi and instead produce the new Focus at an existing plant in Hermosillo.Although it is cheaper to build and ship cars to the United States from Mexico than China, this was not a variable cost decision, Hinrichs said in a Tuesday morning briefing. It allows us to free up a lot of capital because Ford now has to retool only one plant the existing Focus factory in Chongqing rather than two to supply North America.Given dwindling overall U.S. demand for small cars such as the Focus, we thought this was the best balance of that cost/capital tradeoff, Hinrichs said.He said Ford planned to inform the White House Tuesday.Asked if Ford was concerned about having to pay a border tax, as Trump has threatened on vehicle imports from Mexico, Hinrichs said the capital saving outweighs the risk of a potential tax on the Chinese-built Focus.Ford stock fell 0.8 percent at $11.15. Daily MailHow do you feel about Ford s decision to move manufacturing over to China? Let us know in the comment section below.
Jun 20, 2017
Watch Elizabeth Warren Clobber Trump And Scott Brown: ‘Celebrity Apprentice Meets Biggest Loser’
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren once again took aim at Donald Trump and took no prisoners as she hilariously mocked the possibility of a Trump ticket with her one-time rival Scott Brown as his running mate.Warren began her speech at the New Hampshire Democratic Convention on Saturday by apologizing to the state for beating Brown in her home state because she never expected him to become New Hampshire s problem. And from there, Warren proceeded to lampoon the idea of Brown as Trump s vice-presidential nominee. I hear that Donald Trump is floating Scott Brown as a possible running mate. And I thought, Oh, so Donald Trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed.' The crowd erupted in laughter as Warren continued landing punches with more jokes. Scott Brown for vice-president makes a certain kind of sense. I mean that. I think of all the expert advice he can offer Donald Trump. Making up lies about me and my family. Saying weird stuff about his beautiful daughter. And let s face it, nobody knows more about losing to a girl than Scott Brown. Think of it as the perfect reality TV show: Celebrity Apprentice meets The Biggest Loser. Warren then set the jokes aside and took a more serious tone as she focused all of her fire on the Republican nominee. Every day we learn more about him, and every day it becomes clearer that he is just a small, insecure money-grubber who doesn t care about anyone or anything that doesn t have the Trump name splashed all over it. Every day it becomes clearer that he is a thin-skinned, racist, sexist bully. Every day it becomes clearer that he will never be president of the United States. Then she likened Trump s scam university to a used car dealership, but pointed out that the comparison isn t really fair to used car dealerships. Here is a man who runs a business to profit off other people s pain, she continued before slamming Trump for whining about the judge overseeing the lawsuit against him. Poor little Donald is shaking in his high-priced Italian loafers, begging the court to protect him, she quipped. Are you scared, Donald? You should be. Here s the full speech via YouTube:Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by Elizabeth Warren. And if he really is thinking about picking Scott Brown as his running mate he should probably think again since it s clear such a pairing would be lampooned in the same way for months leading up to the election in November. And that s not a good thing for the GOP. It would be a disaster. Just like it would be a disaster for this nation if Trump somehow wins the election.Featured Image: Screenshot
June 19, 2016
WATCH: NY TOWN REJECTS Pledge Of Allegiance…”Total Waste Of Time”…Could Raise First Amendment Issues
Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing up with a few others on the board against these anti-Americans who can t be bothered with the pledge. Watch:
Mar 21, 2016
NOT FUNNY! #PaulRyan Bashes Trump Last Night At Al Smith Dinner [Video]
Paul Ryan attended the Al Smith dinner last night and proceeded to take swipes at President Trump the entire time. Not funny! He just looked like a jerk reading bad and insulting jokes from a script. Watch below:WATCH: Speaker Paul Ryan roasts President Trump at Al Smith dinner. Read more: https://t.co/C6yskrO5Yu pic.twitter.com/PinNgUr7v3 NBC News (@NBCNews) October 20, 2017The Al Smith Dinner is a Catholic fundraiser for needy children that celebrates its 72nd year this year. It s known for its jokes and roasting of political figures. The Catholic fundraiser for New York s neediest children included a who s who of New York politicians, among them Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Emmy Award-winning Patricia Heaton served as the event s first-ever woman emcee.Ryan hit at President Trump several times during his speech: I m learning being Speaker of the House is a stepping stone to becoming ex-Speaker of the House. But just because I m speaker, you did not have to invite me, Ryan quipped.This is probably NOT the best time to focus on bashing President Trump but it s no secret that globalist Ryan isn t a huge fan. He famously said during the 2016 campaign that he would fight against Trump s agenda:The October conference call apparently was intended only for House Republican members. It s unclear which or how many House Republicans took part in the call, whether the participants knew it was being recorded, who made the recording, or whether a recording exists of the entire call. The remarks on the portion provided to Breitbart News certainly sound like they were coming from Speaker Ryan, who seemed to be abandoning his party s presidential nominee altogether just weeks before the election. He says not only will he not defend the Access Hollywood comments, but he will not campaign with Trump at all between this call on Oct. 10, 2016, and the general election for the presidency on Nov. 8 and that Ryan would not defend Trump on anything generally. For entire story- Matthew Boyle, Breitbart NewsLISTEN:Globalist RINOs like Paul Ryan hate Trump s agenda because it focuses on the American people 100%. Ryan has famously supported cheap foreign labor that kills American jobs and has expressed his dislike for Trump s wall that would prevent the flood of illegals we have now. The bottom line is that Ryan is part of the swamp that Trump wants to drain. Let s hope Ryan is out soon!
Oct 20, 2017
Defying warnings, residents refuse to leave Mumbai's crumbling buildings
MUMBAI (Reuters) - On a sunny morning last week in Mumbai after two days of incessant monsoon rain, Mohammad Altaf had come out of his home for a cigarette when he heard a terrifying crash, followed by a huge swirl of dust. The six-storey Husainee building where he had lived for the last month had collapsed, trapping nearly 50 people. Thirty-four of them were killed, including a newborn baby. It was shocking. I had come down for a smoke, and within two minutes the building was no more, said Altaf, who says he was unaware the apartment block was declared unsafe by housing authorities in India s financial hub six years ago. Across the teeming city of 20 million people, thousands of families live in crumbling buildings that have been officially declared uninhabitable - and most of them know it. Housing officials say they cannot be forced out because of lax laws. This year, the city s municipal corporation classified 791 buildings as beyond repair and too dangerous to live in, but close to 500 of these continue to be occupied, a municipal authority official said. Although regulations vary from country to country and also from state to state, authorities in most places have more powers to order evacuations. Altaf, in his mid-thirties, is a bachelor and was living with two co-workers in the apartment in the Bhendi Bazar locality, one of the oldest in the metropolis. His two flatmates survived, with minor knee and shoulder injuries, after jumping out of their apartment on the third floor. Police say they have yet to determine the cause of the collapse, which came after days of intense rain. The 117-year-old apartment block in Bhendi Bazar, a packed neighborhood of narrow streets, shops and tenements, was declared unsafe in 2011 by the regulator, the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA). Yet it continued to house Altaf and his flatmates, along with five other families, a sweet shop warehouse and even a nursery on the first floor. The owner of the building, Hakimmudin Bootwala, said seven families moved out by 2014, but other tenants refused despite his urging. One of them had sub-let the apartment to Altaf and his colleagues. The people were my friends and neighbors first, and tenants later, said the 73-year-old. I sincerely advised them to move out. The building had lots of problems, leakages. The roof was fine, but the walls had become really weak and porous. An official at MHADA said there was a law to force residents to evacuate dangerous buildings but enforcing it was impossible because of loopholes and legal challenges. For instance, evicting children and senior citizens could cause trouble, said the housing official, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press. We cut water and electricity supply of buildings that are identified as dangerous for living, but people manage to get water and electricity from nearby buildings, said the official. MHADA, which does a routine check of buildings that are older than 30 years, has identified more than 14,000 buildings in the city that need repair, according to its latest list. Nine thousand of these, home to nearly 250,000 families, need to be redeveloped, the housing official said, adding that the other 5,000 were relatively safe due to regular maintenance work done by landowners in consultation with the housing body. Once regulators decide a building needs to redeveloped, they have to appoint a developer to renovate or rebuild the structure in the case of public housing, or order private owners to hire one. The developer, in turn, must offer residents alternative accommodation until the work is completed, according to state law in Mumbai. But residents often complain the housing they are offered is too small, shabby or too far away. Seventy percent of tenants of both privately- and publicly-owned buildings must agree to redevelop their building according to state rules, or no redevelopment work can commence. Building owners say residents are often unrealistic, refusing to leave even if the alternative housing is adequate. Some worry they could lose their tenancy if they move. The MHADA official said the agency does everything it can to get residents and developers to clinch an agreement, but that the process often gets mired in legal challenges. The problems of the Husainee building were typical. A neighborhood body, the Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust, had been selected by its owner in 2009 to redevelop the building along with other buildings in the neighborhood, even before the Husainee had been declared unsafe by MHADA. A trust official told Reuters it offered alternative housing to the residents in a place around 2.5 km (1.5 miles) from the building. The official said the trust repeated the offer in 2011 after MHADA declared the building unsafe. A Reuters team visited the complex where the Husainee families who had agreed to move had been relocated, a gated high-rise complex with guards and a playground for kids. Residents said they were happy with their new apartments, although they complained about the distance to work. But other Husainee families refused to move. MHADA officials said the trust was in charge of ensuring relocation and redevelopment and MHADA could not force the Husainee families to leave. The trust has said it has repeatedly tried to evict families from Husainee but some residents refused to move. This incident should be a wake-up call for the city, and a policy needs to be actioned to evict non-cooperating tenants who continue to live in dilapidated buildings, the trust said in a written reply to Reuters queries. Building owner Bootwala says the residents who refused to leave argued they did not want to upend their lives by moving to a new neighborhood. Also, they did not know how long it would take to renovate the building. Reuters was unable to talk to other residents from Husainee, but neighbors in Bhendi Bazar told similar stories. Despite knowing their buildings were unsafe, many of them did not want to leave. A man in his 50s in the neighborhood, who refused to give his name, said he was living in a more than 100-year old building that had been deemed unsafe. The developer offered him temporary housing 13 km (8 miles) away, but he said that was too far. I spent my entire life here. I know every lane in this area, the man said. My children s college, my workplace, everything is closer from here.
September 5, 2017
COLLEGE PROFESSOR CAUGHT ON TAPE: You Can’t Have Peace If ‘Whiteness’ Exists…Poor Whites Also Have ‘Privilege”
Close your eyes and imagine a white professor telling his students there will be no peace as long as blackness exists. Now picture that teacher in the unemployment line with about 100 cameras and reporters around him demanding he apologize for his blatant racism. Imagine how many hard working parents are scrimping and saving to send their children to college to be part of a captive audience in this racist s classroom. Parents better start speaking up and demanding these colleges and universities hold these radical, racist professors accountable for the things they are teaching our children. No one else is going to do it for us James Harrison, history professor at Portland Community College, said in a lecture Monday for the college s April Whiteness History Month that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists.In a talk entitled Imagine A World Without Whiteness, Harrison declared confidently conflict can only cease once the power structure of whiteness is totally eliminated. Imagine everyone living life in peace, Harrison said, building off John Lennon s famous song Imagine. And how do we get to that good world is the question a world without conflict. And to me, my interpretation of these words, is it would be a world, or U.S., without whiteness, in terms of the power structure, Harrison said, offering his own interpretation of Lennon s song. Can there be a world without whiteness, a world in which white privilege doesn t exist? Harrison asked his audience. My answer is yes, we can, because it s happened before, and it all revolves around individuals taking small steps to dismantle and demolish the whole concept. The effort is working. Harrison said whiteness is on the retreat, noting estimates indicate whites will no longer be a majority in the United States by 2040 or 2050.But do poor whites have white privilege? Harrison answered in the affirmative. Most whites, even poor whites, he said, don t recognize they have white privilege because it s invisible. It s like a club you belong to without asking to be part of it, Harrison said.Via: Daily Caller
Apr 9, 2016
Turkey's Erdogan targets U.S. ambassador over visa dispute
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the United States should dismiss its ambassador to Ankara if he took the decision to suspend visa services in Turkey, adding he did not regard him as a representative of the U.S. government. Speaking at a news conference in Belgrade, Erdogan blamed the United States for causing the dispute between the two countries and asked how agents had infiltrated the U.S. consulate, referring to a consulate worker who was arrested last week and the involvement of a second individual at the mission.
October 10, 2017
Senate's McConnell says Obamacare repeal high on agenda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said repealing the Obamacare health insurance system is a “pretty high item on our agenda” for the new Congress that was elected on Tuesday, calling it the “single worst piece of legislation” from the first two years of the Obama administration. McConnell told reporters he would like to see bipartisan comprehensive tax reform, and that border security should also be high on the to-do list. He expects president-elect Donald Trump to send the Senate a Supreme Court nominee soon, and to review environmental regulations put in place by Obama, including on coal.
November 9, 2016
BLACK LIVES MATTER ORGANIZER Refuses To Meet With Obama And Race Hustlers…Calls Meeting At White House: “Sham…Photo-Op…Sound Bite For Obama”
Pure gold The ultimate Race-Baiter-In-Chief, just got called out for the phony that he is. While we re on the topic of Obama pretending to care about the black community, let s talk about how black unemployment has skyrocketed under this fraud Race hustlers Civil rights activists met at the White House on Thursday with President Barack Obama, though a leader from Black Lives Matter, who was listed as an expected attendee, blasted the White House for organizing a photo-op without addressing real problems for minority communities. I could not, with any integrity, participate in such a sham that would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it, wrote Aislinn Pulley, a leader of Black Lives Matter Chicago who the White House said on Wednesday would be at the meeting.Other attendees included Deshaunya Ware, a student leader of the University of Missouri protest group Concerned Student 1950; Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network; NAACP President Cornell Brooks; and National Urban League leader Marc Morial.In an op-ed on Truthout, Pulley said she respectfully declined the White House s invitation to attend the panel, which was organized as part of the administration s marking of Black History Month. I was under the impression that a meeting was being organized to facilitate a genuine exchange on the matters facing millions of Black and Brown people in the United States. Instead, what was arranged was basically a photo opportunity and a 90-second sound bite for the president, Pulley wrote.Obama didn t address the absence when he spoke to reporters after the meeting, instead saying he was encouraged by the degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness that exists not only with existing civil rights organizations but with this new generation. They are some serious young people. I told them they are much better organizers than I was when I was their age. I am confident they will take America to new heights, he said.Later Thursday, a senior administration official said Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and members of the Obama administration had a productive dialogue with civil rights leaders about a range of important issues like the criminal justice system, education, the economy and building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. We will continue to engage with the many organizations and individuals who chose to participate in this meeting in ongoing discussions about how to strengthen our communities and move our country forward, the official said.Speaking in the White House driveway after meeting with Obama, Sharpton said the group discussed the ongoing fight over naming a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He said any GOP-led effort in the Senate to scuttle a presidential Supreme Court nominee would reflect a civil rights violation. To act as if the President is anything less than the President of the United States until January 20, 2017. He cannot be minimized, marginalized or disregarded without doing the same to the American people, Sharpton said.Obama has defended the groups that sprung from high-profile incidents of police killings of unarmed black men. He said in October those communities grievances must be taken seriously, and pushed back on the notion that organizations like Black Lives Matter are anti-police. I think everybody understands all lives matter. I think the reason that the organizers used the phrase Black Lives Matter was not because they were suggesting nobody else s lives matter, Obama said at an event in October. Rather, what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that s happening in the African-American community that s not happening in other communities and that is a legitimate issue that we ve got to address, he said. Via: CNN
Government News
Feb 18, 2016
House oversight panel chair: Sessions should 'clarify his testimony'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said on Thursday that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions should “clarify his testimony” about his contacts with Russian officials during the Trump presidential campaign. Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, said in a Twitter post, “AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself.” Democrats have called for an independent investigation into possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called on Sessions to resign on Wednesday after the Washington Post reported he failed to disclose two meetings he had with Russia’s ambassador before Donald Trump was inaugurated as president.
March 2, 2017
Factbox: Long history of U.S. leakers to media facing charges
(Reuters) - While one focus of the leak crackdown announced on Friday by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on journalists who receive leaked information, another is on suspected leakers. Republican President Donald Trump has complained for months about leaks to the news media, but his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, also took a hard line on leaking. Eight of the 12 cases where federal prosecutors charged individuals with violating the Espionage Act, a World War One-era law aimed at keeping sensitive information out of the hands of the United States’ enemies, were brought under Obama. Here are the 12 cases, dating back 46 years. Daniel Ellsberg became the first such case in 1971 when prosecutors accused the national security analyst and his colleague, Anthony Russo, of providing what would become known as the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times and other media outlets. The secret documents revealed the extent of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Charges against the two men were dismissed when a judge found that the government had wiretapped Ellsberg, possibly illegally. Samuel Morison, a former Navy intelligence analyst, was charged in 1984 with illegally passing secret photographs of Soviet ships to a magazine, Jane’s Defence Weekly. He pleaded not guilty, but a jury convicted him, making him the first person convicted under the Espionage Act for divulging secrets to the press. He was sentenced to two years in prison but paroled. President Bill Clinton pardoned him. Lawrence Franklin, a Defense Department employee, was charged in 2005 with passing classified information about Iran to two pro-Israel lobbyists, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman. Franklin pleaded guilty and received a 12-year sentence. Eventually, after the government’s case against Rosen and Weissman collapsed, a judge reduced Franklin’s sentence to 10 months in a halfway house. Shamai Leibowitz was an FBI translator when material that he heard while translating ended up on a blog. He reached an agreement with prosecutors before he was charged, and pleaded guilty in 2009 to one count of disclosing classified information. He was sentenced to 20 months in prison. Former National Security Agency official Thomas Drake was suspected in 2010 of revealing information about the agency’s warrantless wiretapping program. He was indicted under the Espionage Act but said the only information he leaked was about waste in an NSA program, which he gave to the Baltimore Sun. The 10 felony counts were dropped when he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and received no prison time. Chelsea Manning, an Army private first class formerly known as Bradley Manning, turned over more than 700,000 classified files to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks in the biggest breach of secret data in U.S. history. Manning was found guilty of 19 counts but acquitted of the most serious one, aiding the enemy. She was sentenced in August 2013 to 35 years in a military prison but was released in May after Obama, in his last days in office, commuted the final 28 years of Manning’s sentence. Stephen Kim, a U.S. State Department contract analyst, allegedly divulged to a Fox News reporter what U.S. intelligence believed about how North Korea would respond to new sanctions. A grand jury indicted him in 2010 for disclosing defense information and making false statements. He pleaded guilty in 2014 and was sentenced to thirteen months in prison. He was released in May 2015. Former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was charged in 2011 with illegally disclosing classified information about Iran to James Risen, a New York Times reporter, for his book “State of War.” A jury convicted Sterling in 2015. A judge sentenced him to 42 months in prison. Former CIA officer John Kiriakou was charged in 2012 with divulging to journalists secret information about the CIA’s interrogation program, including the identity of a covert officer. In an agreement with prosecutors, he pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. He was released in February 2015 on condition that he serve three months of house arrest. U.S. officials said in June 2013 they had filed sealed criminal charges against former NSA contractor Edward Snowden for unauthorized leaks and theft of government property. Snowden prompted a worldwide debate after he gave documents to newspapers showing the extent of U.S. surveillance programs. Russia granted him asylum. Former FBI bomb analyst Donald Sachtleben agreed in September 2013 to plead guilty to disclosing national defense information for telling an Associated Press reporter details of a failed airline bombing attempt by Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. A judge sentenced Sachtleben that year to a 43-month prison term for the national security offenses and a consecutive 97-month term for unrelated child pornography charges. The Justice Department charged U.S. intelligence contractor Reality Leigh Winner with violating the Espionage Act for leaking a classified report on Russian interference in U.S. elections to The Intercept. The NSA report described Russian efforts to launch cyber attacks on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and send “spear-phishing” emails to more than 100 local officials days before the Nov. 8, 2016 election.
August 4, 2017
HILLARY PANDERS FOR BLACK VOTE: Busts Out In AWKARD, Fake Laugh When “Grieving Mom” Brings Up Cheating Bill [VIDEO]
So now it s funny that Bill Clinton had oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office while Hillary was First Lady?Sandra Bland s mother Geneva Ridgefield, talked about how people she meets around the country complain that Hillary Clinton is a liar. Ridgefield defended Clinton, and later joked about Bill Clinton, If I was to be held accountable for everything my man did, whoa! We d have a problem! It seems that Ridgefield, has gone from the Grieving mom of Sandra Bland to the black comedian friend of Hillary. This is how politics works. Hillary is using these black mothers to appeal to blacks, and judging by the awkward fake laughter, she is willing to use her past scandals for a cheap moment.Via: DownTrend
Apr 2, 2016
BRAVE FBI AGENTS Come Forward On Clinton Email Scandal: “Comey thought this was going to go away”
FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey s decision to not suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.According to an interview transcript given to The Daily Caller, provided by an intermediary who spoke to two federal agents with the bureau last Friday, agents are frustrated by Comey s leadership. This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have been convened, but was not. That is appalling, an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said of the decision. We talk about it in the office and don t know how Comey can keep going. The agent was also surprised that the bureau did not bother to search Clinton s house during the investigation. We didn t search their house. We always search the house. The search should not just have been for private electronics, which contained classified material, but even for printouts of such material, he said. There should have been a complete search of their residence, the agent pointed out. That the FBI did not seize devices is unbelievable. The FBI even seizes devices that have been set on fire. Another special agent for the bureau who worked counter-terrorism and criminal cases said he is offended by Comey s saying: we and I ve been an investigator. After graduating from law school, Comey became a law clerk to a U.S. District Judge in Manhattan and later became an associate in a law firm in the city. After becoming a U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Comey s career moved through the U.S. Attorney s Office until he became Deputy Attorney General during the George W. Bush administration.After Bush left office, Comey entered the private sector and became general counsel and Senior Vice President for Lockheed Martin, among other private sector posts. President Barack Obama appointed him to FBI director in 2013 replacing out going-director Robert Mueller. Comey was never an investigator or special agent. The special agents are trained investigators and they are insulted that Comey included them in collective we statements in his testimony to imply that the SAs agreed that there was nothing there to prosecute, the second agent said. All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to prosecuted but he stood in the way. He added, The idea that [the Clinton/e-mail case] didn t go to a grand jury is ridiculous. According to Washington D.C. attorney Joe DiGenova, more FBI agents will be talking about the problems at bureau and specifically the handling of the Clinton case by Comey when Congress comes back into session and decides to force them to testify by subpoena.DiGenova told WMAL radio s Drive at Five last week, People are starting to talk. They re calling their former friends outside the bureau asking for help. We were asked today to provide legal representation to people inside the bureau and agreed to do so and to former agents who want to come forward and talk. Comey thought this was going to go away. Read more: Daily Caller
Oct 17, 2016
EU Commission 'horrified' by killing of Maltese journalist
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission expressed its horror on Tuesday at the killing of a Maltese journalist in a car bombing and condemned it in strongest possible terms and called for those responsible to be brought to justice. We are horrified by the fact that the well-known and respected journalist Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia lost her life yesterday in what was seemingly a targeted attack, Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas told a news briefing. He said European Commission and its president, President Juncker, condemned the attack in the strongest terms possible. The right of a journalist to investigate, ask uncomfortable questions and report effectively is at the heart of our values and needs to be guaranteed at all times. We trust now that justice will be brought even if this will not be enough to right this wrong, Schinas said.
October 17, 2017
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Trump Supporter Goes RABID Against Hillary Supporters On Flight (VIDEO)
There definitely seems to be a new sense of entitlement among Donald Trump supporters now that he won the Electoral College count in the presidential election. They can t exactly say he won via popular support seeing as Hillary Clinton currently leads by over 2 million votes.However, these Trump supporting bullies are out there nonetheless, with seemingly a permission slip from the new bully-in-chief-elect, to be as awful to others as they want to be. After all, Trump was a bully to pretty much everyone and still won the election.One of the most recent examples of this bullying behavior was caught on camera.While boarding a plane, one Trump supporter was outright being plane vile to anyone who voted for Hillary Clinton. Even shouting: We got some Hillary bitches on here?! Then proceeds to say: Donald Trump! He s y alls president. Every god damn one of yas. If you don t like it, too bad. Regardless of the bad grammar or the obvious observation that he may very well be intoxicated, this sort of entitled bully behavior has been seen all over the country.What is even more startling, is that people seem to be allowing it and staying silent as he rants.We have to speak up or people like this will continue to think it s okay. This man should ve been tossed from the plane, but he wasn t. This isn t okay.Watch this Trump supporter be exactly like the bully we also know his leader to be: The epitome of post-election white privilege. He wasn t put off the plane in spite of multiple requests. pic.twitter.com/9ZvMhLgLYs Shaun King (@ShaunKing) November 24, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
November 25, 2016
France wants Hariri movements' free, able to play role in Lebanon
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry said on Friday it wanted Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri to be free of his movements and fully able to play an essential role in his country. Our ambassador to Saudi Arabia visited Saad al-Hariri at his home on his return from the trip he made to the United Arab Emirates, to which the (foreign) minister (Jean-Yves Le Drian) referred to this morning, French deputy foreign ministry spokesman Alexandre Georgini said. As the minister said, we wish that Saad al-Hariri has all his freedom of movement and be fully able to play the essential role that is his in Lebanon, he added. The comments appeared to differ slightly from Le Drian, who said on Europe 1 radio Friday morning, that as far as France was aware Hariri was free of his movements and that it was important he made his own choices.
November 10, 2017
Jerry L Washington asked the obvious question: Where s the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter Organizations at now??? I haven t seen not 1 Also please leave a donation so we can help as many families as we can who has lost everything. gofundme.com/2khyfguc
Aug 20, 2016
SAN BERNARDINO: Two Adults Dead, Two Injured In School Murder-Suicide
21st Century Wire says Four people, including a teacher and two students, have been shot at an elementary school in San Bernardino, California. The incident is believed to have been a murder-suicide, according to police. The shooting stemmed from a domestic violence situation.The shooting occurred in a classroom at North Park School. Along with the three victims, the suspect is believed to be down as well, according to San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan.We believe this to be a murder suicide. Happened in a class room. Two students have been transported to the hospital. Chief Jarrod Burguan (@SBPDChief) April 10, 2017Two adults are deceased in a classroom, believed to be a murder suicide. We believe the suspect is down and there's no further threat. Chief Jarrod Burguan (@SBPDChief) April 10, 2017Two adults a man and a woman are dead in the classroom, and police believe the suspect is down and there s no further threat, Burguan said.The gunman checked in with the front office, where he was known to school staff, San Bernardino Police Captain Ron Maass said.The two students were transported to the hospital, one via helicopter and the other in an ambulance, a police spokesman told reporters. They are in critical condition. The children we do not believe were targeted, the spokesman said.The fire department has set up a triage to assess and treat victims at the scene. Law enforcement was on the scene within seven minutes of the shooting.The San Bernardino County Sheriff s Department is assisting in the investigation. The school will be closed for at least the next two days, police said.North Park, Cajon and Hillside Elementary Schools are on lockdown, while the San Bernardino campus of California State University is under a shelter-in-place order.Students were evacuated to Cal State San Bernardino, while parents were told to pick them up at Cajon High School. They must be listed on the students emergency contact forms and show photo ID.This is the second mass shooting in the southern California city in since December 2015. In that incident, which was later categorized as an act of terrorism, a married couple opened fire on a holiday party for the husband s work, killing 14 and injuring 21.Initially had a replay of the deeply disturbing feeling of terror and dread felt on Dec2nd 15 when I turned scanner on today. #PTSDAwareness https://t.co/ee0XzukcXb Darren Espiritu (@SBDarren) April 10, 2017 Tragedy has struck us again, and we need to now work through that and be there for all of the involved parties, the San Bernardino PD said.San Bernardino experienced a surge in violence in 2016, including a 41 percent increase in homicides over the previous year. The 62 slayings made 2016 the city s deadliest year since 1995, the Los Angeles Times reported Continue this report at RT READ MORE US NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire US FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
April 10, 2017
BUSTED! OBAMA’S DOJ EXTORTS MONEY FROM BANKS To Fund Radical Groups To Push Hillary Vote
A new report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) concludes that the Obama administration s Department of Justice has been extorting fines from major banks, which are then used to fund leftist groups that push the Democratic vote.The report notes that while community organizing groups have been using aggressive, terrorist tactics for decades to force banks to provide funding for their operations, the Obama administration has brought the power of the federal government to bear on their behalf. Banks are threatened with lawsuits for racial discrimination based on the controversial disparate impact theory, and offered incentives to settle by paying left-wing groups directly, beyond the review or oversight of Congress.The result, the GAI report says, is a system of political patronage:The old time political machine has been replaced by these nonprofits and a system of patronage now operates with the imprimatur of the DOJ. The DOJ has instituted a system that provides significant funding for nonprofit community organizers through a pattern of extortive lawsuits. This system, wherein appointed attorneys can legally extract money from the private sector and redistribute the funds to third-party organizations outside of the appropriations process, shows an unprecedented and extraordinary disregard for Congressional authority.Left-wing groups have long used the Community Reinvestment Act signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1977 and boosted by President Bill Clinton in the 1990s to threaten bank mergers unless the banks fund their lending and activist operations.Many of the organizations, including the non-profit Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), control huge amounts of funding for use in mortgages that might not otherwise be granted. They also register their beneficiaries to vote.A former NACA employee, who spoke to Breitbart News on condition of anonymity, confirmed that They do ask that everyone is registered to vote. They don t force you to do it, but when you come in for your intake, and you do your initial application [for a mortgage], you are handed a voter registration form. Applicants were also asked to perform various acts of community service for NACA, which typically involved political activity, such as attending protests or writing to Congress.In early 2009, in the midst of a wave of foreclosures as a result of the 2007-8 subprime mortgage crisis, groups like NACA used old-style intimidation tactics to terrorize bankers personally, including by targeting bankers children at their schools.According to the GAI report, the Obama administration s new policy, midway through 2009, abused the powers of the Justice Department to do through the courts what groups like NACA had once done through the bare-knuckle tactics of the streets.Read more: Breitbart
Oct 24, 2016
WATCH: Morning Joe Host Tells Kellyanne Conway To Go F*ck Herself, BANS Her From Show
Kellyanne Conway is definitely going to whine about this.CNN may have reversed their ban on Kellyanne Conway, but if Mika Brzezinski has her way, she won t ever be able to spread her lies on Morning Joe again.In the latest backlash against Donald Trump, the Morning Joe host declared that Kellyanne Conway will not be booked on the MSNBC program ever again because or her constant lies in defense of her tyrannical boss. I know for a fact she tries to book herself on this show, Brzezinski said on the air. I won t do it. I don t believe in fake news or information that is not true. That is every time I ve ever seen her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect. Indeed, Kellyanne Conway lies so much on every media outlet she appears on it s a wonder her nose hasn t grown like Pinocchio s.Ever since she joined Trump s campaign she has been whining about how the media covers Trump and has insisted that her lies are the truth. Fact-checkers have had to work overtime to make sure the American people know that she is lying.Joe Scarborough opined that Conway lies because she isn t as close with Trump as shes says she is. She s just saying things just to get in front of the TV to prove her relevance because behind the scenes she s not in these meetings and any reporter can ask anybody in that White House and they will say the same thing. She s not in these meetings. So why does the president allow her to keep going out and spreading false information? Apparently, Trump is hoping that if Kellyanne Conway keeping repeating the lies that Americans will accept them as the truth.But Mika Brzezinski refuses to take part in that effort, so she made it very clear that Conway will not be invited on to Morning Joe as long as she is hosting. Kellyanne Conway does not need to text our show, as long as I m on it, Brzezinski said. It s not happening here. Here s the video via YouTube.Conway has been an embarrassment since day one. Her most recent embarrassments include peddling Ivanka Trump s product line in violation of federal ethics rules and making up a terrorist attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky in defense of Trump s travel ban. Beyond that, she fumbles so much that we ve lost count.The media should ban Conway from appearing on all shows across the board. All she does is spread propaganda and false information, and if Scarborough is right that she really doesn t know what s going on inside the White House then she shouldn t be considered a source worthy of interviewing.Featured image via screenshot
February 15, 2017
Factbox: Florida's most deadly and destructive hurricanes
(Reuters) - Hurricane Irma was churning toward Florida on Friday, prompting the governor to plead with residents in the evacuation zone to flee their homes before the powerful and immense storms slams into the southern half of the state on Sunday. Following are five of the most deadly and destructive hurricanes to make landfall in Florida, listed in chronological order: - Great Miami Hurricane, 1926 Miami s population had boomed in the early 1920s, and hurricanes were a strange phenomenon to new residents. When the eye of the storm came, people wandered outside in the deceptive calm. After they eye had passed, they were caught off guard by deadly winds and high waves. Outside Miami, flooding at Lake Okeechobee also caused many deaths. The storm killed at least 372 people in the state. - Okeechobee Hurricane, 1928 It made landfall in Palm Beach County, Florida, unleashing waves as high as 20 feet (6 meters). In Palm Beach, a haven for the wealthy, some structures were flattened. The south shore of Lake Okeechobee, where migrant farm workers lived, was flooded as water topped dikes. At least 2,500 people are believed to have died from the storm in Florida, according to the National Weather Service. - Florida Keys Labor Day Hurricane, 1935 The hurricane struck the Florida Keys as a Category 5, the highest ranking possible. It killed more than 200 World War One veterans who were in the Keys to build a highway. The storm ranks as the most intense hurricane to hit the United States, based on a record low barometric pressure reading of 26.35 inches, according to the National Weather Service. It generated wind speeds of up to 200 miles per hour (322 km per hour). After ravaging the Keys, the storm moved north off the western coast of Florida before turning inland. In all, more than 400 people died in Florida. - Hurricane Andrew, 1992 The hurricane struck South Miami-Dade County and caused an estimated $26 billion in damage. That ranked as the most expensive storm in U.S. history, until Hurricane Katrina inundated New Orleans and pummeled other parts of the U.S. South in 2005. More than a dozen people were directly killed by the storm in Florida, with others dying of indirect causes. - Hurricane Wilma, 2005 While the death toll of five victims in Florida was low, compared with other hurricanes, Wilma caused more than $20 billion in property damage. It rambled across the southern part of the state, generating wind gusts of more than 100 miles per hour (161 km per hour).
September 8, 2017
Tokyo Governor Koike leaves door open for ruling party PM post election
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike does not expect her new conservative party to pick a candidate for prime minister during the campaign for the Oct. 22 election, leaving the door open to eventually backing a lawmaker from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s party. Koike s new Party of Hope has emerged as a serious challenge to Abe s Liberal Democratic Party supporter base, but she has said she would not personally contest the election. Abe called the snap election last month in hopes his ruling bloc would keep its majority in parliament s lower house, where it now has a two-thirds super majority. Losing a simple majority would be a major unexpected upset, but a poor performance by the LDP could put pressure on Abe to step down. Asked in an interview published on Saturday by the Asahi newspaper whether Koike s party would pick a candidate for premier from its own ranks during the election, she replied: Basically, no. The campaign kicks off formally on Oct. 11. Koike, 65, a former defense minister and ex-member of Abe s LDP, told Reuters on Friday that all options were on the table regarding whom her party would back when parliament convenes to vote on a prime minister after the election. We need to see the results (of the election). We must protect this country and at the same time, we must change it, Koike told Reuters. We will decide after the election after confirming the trend in which our Party of Hope can achieve this. In the interview with the Asahi, Koike praised former defense minister Shigeru Ishiba, whom she backed in a 2012 LDP leadership race won by Abe, and lauded Internal Affairs Minister Seiko Noda for her work on behalf of handicapped people. Ishiba has criticized Abe on several fronts including his proposal to revise the post-war constitution s pacifist Article 9 by clarifying the status of the military. Ishiba says Abe s proposal does not go far enough. Noda has said she wants to run in the next LDP leadership race when Abe s current term expires in September 2018.
October 7, 2017
GOP Rep. Steve King: The Time ‘Has Passed’ For Release Of Trump’s Tax Returns (VIDEO)
Donald Trump s refusal to release his tax returns has been an issue that has dogged him for his entire campaign. While it is not legally required for presidential candidates to release those documents, it has been tradition for them to do so in the interest of transparency for the electorate. However, Trump refuses. He uses being audited as an excuse, but that makes no sense since all of the returns from previous years are not being audited, and, even if they were, that would not prevent him from releasing them. Trump isn t releasing his taxes because there is something in there that he doesn t want us all to see. It s as simple as that.Well, GOP Rep. Steve King made an appearance on MSNBC s Morning Joe on Monday morning, and of course, Trump s tax returns became a topic of conversation. Rep. King says of the matter: I just think the window for that has passed. When he said that he wouldn t release his returns till the audit was over, and he d been being audited for 13 years, I d say that for him to release them is just a forgone conclusion. Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. King added: If he drops it now, into this presidential intense sprint around to the final turn part of the race, I think that would be the only discussion we would hear all the way until November. Well, Rep. King, they ll be talking about it anyway. Trump should release his returns so that people can see that he has nothing to hide. You re right in saying that it is way past time for him to release these tax documents, and you re likely right that he won t do it, because there s probably some very damning things in there that would hurt his candidacy even more than the heat he is taking for refusing to release.Watch Rep. King s remarks below:.@SteveKingIA: The window for Trump tax returns has passed https://t.co/lPQJ34Kaor Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 15, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
August 15, 2016
Rush Limbaugh: Legalize Rape By Calling It A Civil Rights Issue (AUDIO)
During his radio show on Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that legalizing rape would be easy as long as you frame it as a civil rights issue like same-sex marriage and transgender protections. The media is not covering this transgender thing the way normal people, or sane people like myself, a caller told Limbaugh before launching into the myth of predators using transgender protections as a shield to sexually assault women and children in bathrooms. I don t have any daughters, but I have nieces, I have teenage nieces, I have older nieces, I have a wife. This is a safety issue, this is about a predator, like the story you just read, going into these bathrooms and taking advantage of it. And it s happening, but they re not covering it. And it s really interesting how they took gun control and turned it into gun safety, but they re not treating this as a safety issue. And the sick mind of Limbaugh immediately thought of rape and how to legalize it. No, that s actually a good point. Civil rights you could legalize rape if you called it the Civil Rights Act of 2016. Limbaugh continued, however, by whining about how much civil rights have been extended over the last few decades, especially lamenting that it now covers race, gender, and sexual orientation because he apparently believes only white straight men deserve civil rights. He also claimed it was only a joke. So they always attach people, the reading public, the news consuming public, has been conditioned to attach the words civil rights to race. Now it s being expanded. Civil rights, gay marriage; civil rights, transgender bathroom rights; civil rights, whatever the left wants. Except over here, rape has become a safety issue. But over here this stuff is a civil rights if, when you hear the left equate anything with civil rights, what you should learn is this is how they are attempting to corrupt the culture. And they re doing it under the banner of civil rights, which is supposed to shut you up. It is supposed to silence opposition, because nobody with a brain is ever supposed to violate civil rights. Never, anybody with a brain would know never to oppose anything that says civil rights attached to it. Which is why the joke, you could legalize whatever you want by calling it the Civil Rights Act of 2016, because nobody would have the guts to vote against it. Because if they did you d have the media, Democrats running around, saying so-and-so voted against the Civil Rights Act of 2016 denying all of our citizens equal rights, blah blah blah blah blah. Here s the audio via Media Matters.In his effort to slander Democrats, Limbaugh also claimed that rape has become a safety issue for conservatives. First of all, Limbaugh seems to be admitting that conservatives never cared about rape before. And second, if conservatives really believe rape is a safety issue, perhaps they should stop aiding and rewarding rapists by not forcing rape victims to carry rape pregnancies to term. Furthermore, they can repeal laws that allow rapists to seek custody and visitation rights. Or how about believing women when they say they were raped instead of saying they were asking for it.The fact is that there have been zero instances of a transgender person doing anything but using the restroom like a normal person. They certainly haven t sexually assaulted anyone. And that s throughout the 17 states and over 200 cities that have transgender protection in place. In fact, the only men who have gone into a restroom to scare women and children are the ones being purposely sent in there by the Family Research Council, a right-wing group trying to instill fear of transgender people by pretending there is a problem with them using the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity.But get ready, folks. It won t be long before a conservative lawmaker takes Limbaugh seriously like usual and literally writes a bill to legalize rape by excusing it as a civil rights issue. And the way Republicans have treated rape victims over the years, you know they are considering it.Featured image via screenshot
May 15, 2016
Pope candidly admits Church 'arrived late' in confronting abuse
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, in some of his most candid and personal comments on the sexual abuse of children by priests, said on Thursday that the Catholic Church had arrived late in dealing with the problem. Francis, speaking in unscripted remarks to a commission advising him on how to root out sexual abuse, also acknowledged that early in his papacy he had made one bad call in being too lenient with an Italian priest who later went on to abuse again. He also said he had decided to change current procedures for dealing with abusive priests by eliminating appeals trials in cases where there was definitive proof. Francis surprised members of the commission by putting aside his entire prepared speech and chatting to them. There is the reality that the Church arrived at the consciousness of these crimes a bit late, he said. When consciousness arrives late, the means to resolve the problems also arrive late. I am aware of this difficulty but it is reality and I say it plainly: We arrived late. Church sexual abuse broke into the open in the United States with reports of cases in Louisiana in 1984 and exploded in 2002, when journalists in Boston found that bishops had systematically moved abusers to new posts instead of defrocking them. Thousands of cases have come to light around the world as investigations have encouraged long-silent victims to go public, shattering the Church s reputation in places such as Ireland, and more than $2 billion has been paid in compensation. The old practice of moving people around and not confronting the problem made consciences fall asleep, he said. Francis acknowledged that the commission, which was founded in 2014, had to swim against the tide, a reference to high level defections from its ranks. Marie Collins of Ireland, a non-clerical member who was victim of priestly abuse when she was a child, quit in frustration in March, citing a shameful lack of cooperation within the Vatican. Another, Peter Saunders of Britain, took a leave of absence last year in protest over a lack of progress. Francis said that everyone had to realize that sexual abuse is a sickness with a high probability of relapse. That person may repent today ... but may commit it again after two years. We have to put it into our heads that this is a sickness, he said. Francis said he would change current Vatican procedures to severely limit chances of appeal for pedophile priests convicted by church tribunals, saying they often were overly legalistic, allowing for reduced sentences on procedural grounds. I have decided to balance this out and say that if an abuse of a minor is proven, it is sufficient and there should be no recourse. If the proof is there. Period. It s definitive, he said. Francis, who was elected in 2013, acknowledged he made one bad judgment early in his papacy concerning an Italian priest, Mauro Inzoli. In that case, the bishop of Crema, had ruled that Inzoli would be removed from the public ministry while remaining a priest but a Church tribunal ruled that he be defrocked. The pope sided with the bishop. I was new (in the papacy) I did not understand these things well and chose the more benevolent of the two sentences but after two years the priest had a relapse. I learned from this, Francis said.
September 21, 2017
Maine’s Governor Somehow Gets More Racist: I Can’t Understand Indian People Without Interpreter
Maine has a very bad governor (thanks Tea Party movement!) who just keeps getting worse.Republican Governor Paul LePage decided to take a cue from Donald Trump and spend the weekend mocking Indian people. Apparently drawing upon his own experiences and warped by LePage s truly stunning level of racism, no doubt he lamented the fact that restaurants hire immigrants. The problem, he said, was that he needs an interpreter to understand them. And, he added, people from India are the worst ones. This is right on the heels of Donald Trump s latest stab at xenophobic nationalism when at a rally he put on a stereotypical Indian accent to lament the fact that he had spoken to someone outside of America to inquire about his credit card. (Part of his plan to Make America Great Again, is to bring telemarketing jobs back to the country. A job nobody wants.) The crowd ate it up. So, it seems, did LePage, whom recently accused Ted Cruz of stabbing him in the back and is a big fan of Trump.LePage has made a name for himself as both a terrible governor in the traditional sense (he s been nearly impeached a number of times and is universally loathed by both Republicans and Democrats in the state legislature), and an unrepentant racist. Already this year he made headlines for this astoundingly offensive rant: These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty these types of guys they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home. Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road. He later said he didn t mean to say white girl. Then a few days later, he said screw it and admitted that he did mean white girls but only because he knew that would make the story sound scarier.In a twisted way, LePage is probably relieved that his racism is back in the news. His last act of infamy was blocking a bill that would provide life-saving drugs for opioid overdoses to addicts. His reasoning: Why bother saving them? They ll just overdose again.Paul LePage is the worst.Featured image via YouTube screengrab
April 24, 2016
Senators challenge Trump plan to privatize air traffic control
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States’ top transportation official on Wednesday promoted the Trump administration’s proposed privatization of the air traffic control system in the face of criticism from Democratic lawmakers and some Republicans. “Our air traffic organization must be more nimble,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao told the Senate Commerce Committee. “A bulky federal government procurement apparatus does not move fast enough to keep pace with new technologies and new demands.” President Donald Trump on Monday unveiled the plan to modernize air traffic control and lower flying costs. Under the proposal, air traffic control would be spun off from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and put under the aegis of a nonprofit entity. Critics say the plan would hand control of a key asset to special interests and big airlines. Senator Roger Wicker, a Mississippi Republican, said on Wednesday that small airports in his state oppose the plan. He said that after air traffic privatization in the United Kingdom airline passenger fees rose 30 percent. “This is a tough sell,” Wicker said. Senator Jerry Moran, a Kansas Republican, said he remains “skeptical” of the idea of removing Congress from air traffic control oversight and handing it to a 13-member board. The administration says it would not charge the private entity for the government’s air traffic control assets and would bar Congress from reviewing fees charged by the board. Senator Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, opposes the proposal. “Why give away billions of dollars in government assets to an entity that will be governed in large part by the airlines?” he asked. Nelson argued “a fundamental breakup of the FAA cannot advance when there are such strong divisions among aviation stakeholders and in Congress. It just won’t happen.” Chao denied that the major airlines would control the board and said they would have just two seats on the board. She also pledged to address rural concerns. One big issue is whether general aviation could face higher costs and access to airspace if a private board takes over. Executives from United Airlines (UAL.N), Hawaiian Airlines Inc [HAII.UL], American Airlines Inc (AAL.O) and Southwest Airlines Co (LUV.N), all represented by the Airlines for America lobbying group, praised the Trump plan on Monday. The FAA spends nearly $10 billion a year on air traffic control funded largely through passenger user fees, and has spent more than $7.5 billion on next-generation air traffic control reforms in recent years. It is unclear whether privatization would speed the rollout of new systems such as satellite-based aircraft tracking that replaces ground radar dating back to World War Two.
June 7, 2017
Germany's Merkel working toward spring meeting with Trump: sources
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel is working to set a date this spring for a meeting with Donald Trump, who will be sworn in as U.S. president on Friday, German government sources said on Monday. Merkel had offered to meet Trump in the United States in her capacity as chairman of the Group of 20 leading economies, the sources said. The chancellor has spoken with Trump only once, shortly after his election to succeed U.S. President Barack Obama. In a joint interview published by the Times of London and Germany’s Bild newspaper on Monday, Trump said he had always had “great respect” for Merkel, but described her 2015 decision to allow in a wave of a million migrants as a “catastrophic mistake” that opened the door to terrorist attacks. Merkel refused to comment on the interview during a news conference with New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English, saying she would wait until after Trump’s inauguration and then planned to work with him at all levels of government.
January 16, 2017
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Al Sharpton Assaults FOX News Reporter For Asking Baltimore Mayor Why She Allowed Thugs Loot And Burn Down Businesses
When did Americans decide they were okay with Democrats exempting themselves from the same laws everyone else is required to follow? Fox News reporter Leland Vittert had a brief exchange with Al Sharpton and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.Vittert said he wanted Rawlings-Blake to answer a number of questions about the rioting over the past few days in the wake of Freddie Gray s death. He said he asked: What do you have to say to the number of officers injured, and what do you have to say to businesses that were looted during a reported stand down order? Why can t we ask questions? Vittert asked.Rawlings-Blake remained silent while Sharpton said they d answer questions at the press conference.Vittert added that he asked officers who shoved [him] out of the way why they were protecting the mayor from simple questions, yet decided not to protect businesses from rioters. Via: FOX News
Mar 31, 2016
Croatia government survives no-confidence vote over Agrokor debt crisis
ZAGREB (Reuters) - The Croatian government survived a parliamentary no-confidence vote early on Saturday that the opposition demanded over the handling of a debt crisis at the country s largest private firm Agrokor [AGROK.UL]. In the vote, which followed 12 hours of a parliamentary debate, 59 deputies in the 151-seat parliament were in favor of the removal of the conservative-led cabinet, while 78 were opposed to it. The no-confidence motion came as the opposition led by the Social Democrats said a liquidity loan agreed in recent months with creditors, including foreign investment funds, to finance Agrokor s operations through a 15-month period of restructuring lacked transparency and favored some creditors. The analysts expected the motion to fail as the center-right cabinet comprising the conservatives and the liberals has a small but firm parliamentary majority. The government introduced an emergency law last April to step in because food group Agrokor, the largest employer in the Balkans, faced a debt and liquidity crisis that threatened to destabilize the country s economy. The opposition said that the loan deal was not transparent and appeared to favor some creditors. The government and Agrokor s crisis manager Ante Ramljak rejected the accusations.
November 10, 2017
GOP LAWMAKER: Susan Rice Should Be Hit With Criminal Charges [Video]
WHAT DO YOU THINK? WE D LIKE TO KNOW!WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody https://t.co/kAsbu4VJDN MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2017 I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today. What she says is a lie but who is surprised by this? We know that Susan Rice lied 5 times on 5 different morning shows the morning after Benghazi. Why wouldn t she try and cover this spying up to protect herself and others including Obama.Susan Rice is also giving conflicting stories on what she did so it might be a good idea for her to lawyer up right now. She claimed ignorance of the unmasking and spying but today she spoke about doing it. Yes, red flags are everywhere on this! The reality and truth is this was more of a political attack to destabilize the Trump presidency and embarrass him:Andrew McCarthy said it best: The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests.
Apr 5, 2017
Alec Baldwin Just Put Trump’s Idiot Supporters In Their Place, And It Was Beautiful (VIDEO)
Saturday Night Live returned with a stellar cold open that featured Alec Baldwin s Trump heading to Kentucky for a town hall with a bunch of as Trump put it people who don t just whisper oh god what s happening after I leave the room. The sketch featured The Donald listening to the concerns of his voters on healthcare, drug rehabilitation, and environmental hazards then explaining to them one by one that he s getting right of all of them but the last one. And, of course, one by one, they expressed dismay that their Dear Leader would take away things they love (like medical care) but still threw their support behind him because Trump supporters are (as science tells us) not exactly the sharpest tool in a box containing a mixed metaphor. It s like you found a finger in your chili and you re still going to eat the chili because you told everyone how much you love chili, Baldwin-Trump told his audience.This is probably the best insult that has ever been leveled at Trump s supporters by humankind. As Trump once said, he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter. No matter what he does, who he hurts, or which prostitutes urinate on his hotel room bed, his people will stand behind him because they are exactly as proud as they are stupid and they will never admit they made a mistake.Watch the cold open below: Featured image via screengrab
April 9, 2017
VIDEO SHOWS SCARY TRUTH About What Decades Of Democrat Ruled #DETROIT Looks Like Today…While Dem Mayor Tells Glowing Story Of “Success”
We live near the city of Detroit, and anyone could literally drive around for an entire week and see the very same sights as this amateur videographer took. The brilliance of this video is the narration by Detroit s Democrat Mayor Duggan. He revisits the tired old hope and change that we all heard 8 years ago, only this time, Hillary s going to fix it. There are no jobs in Detroit. The manufacturing has been shipped overseas. There is little hope in the city of Detroit, because every time the city gets a large infusion of cash, someone from the Democrat Party is there to mismanage the money or use it in ways it was never intended to be used. Of course, we in the suburbs continue to bail out the schools and bail out those who can t (or won t) pay their water bills. Meanwhile, principals and anyone who has access to Detroit school funds are stealing the from money designated for the kids, while stories of corruption by city officials (all Democrats) barely get a blip in the local news.Here s the real comeback city our Democrat Mayor wants you to believe Hillary gives a damn about:
Aug 1, 2016
BEN CARSON Speaks Out On Trump Controversy…Democrats Are Panicking
Spoken like a true gentleman and warrior in America s fight to defeat the Left The recent disclosure of lewd conversations Donald Trump had over a decade ago has caused some disillusionment among GOP stalwarts and conservative voters. In no way do I condone Trump s behavior in fact I condemn any form of disrespect towards women.We should always honor and respect the dignity of our mothers, sisters and daughters. Even though the incident happened ten years ago, well before Trump entered the political arena, this behavior is unacceptable, especially by someone who aspires to higher office. Trump did the right thing in immediately and unequivocally apologizing.I feel fairly certain that the progressives have had knowledge of this conversation for a long time and dropped it at this point in time in an effort to obscure the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her desire for open borders. I believe that they have more material that they will release periodically up until the election to keep a negative focus on Donald Trump. They do not want to discuss the vital issues that are destroying our nation and the future of our children, because they do not have logical solutions and offer more of the same that has gotten us into this precarious situation.Those of us who do not want to see America fundamentally devolve into something worse must be wise enough to recognize the scheme that is being played out here. We must demand not only that the issues be discussed but also that we make our decisions based on issues and not on personalities or decade old statements and behavior by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.The political elites and their loyal media are desperate because they are seeing the large enthusiastic crowds for Donald Trump and the meager crowds for Hillary Clinton, and they know that there will be a huge enthusiasm gap on election day.The question is: will the political elites of both parties succeed in continuing their reign of fiscal irresponsibility and military weakness or will the people understand what is going on and will they be wise enough to thwart those efforts? IJReview
Oct 8, 2016
AMBASSADOR CHRIS STEVENS’ Fiancé Speaks Out About Hillary Leaving Him To Die: “If he was a friend, you don’t let a friend down” [VIDEO]
It s amazing that Hillary will likely never be held accountable for the deaths of four brave Americans in Benghazi. So many family members and loved ones will have to live the rest of their lives knowing they will never see these men again, while the person responsible is the front-runner in the Democrat party for President of the United States. You just can t make this stuff up Former Fianc of Ambassador Chris Stevens and actress and model Lydie Denier joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to discuss her memory of the late Libyan Ambassador.Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered on September 11, 2012 in an Islamist terrorist attack.Lydie weigh in on Benghazi, and her piece: A Voice for Ambassador Chris Stevens. She told Steve Hillary should have done a better job.Lydie Denier: As far as Hillary Clinton, it would take more than six minutes to say how I feel. But, obviously you know how I feel. I think she should have done a better job for security. And, not ignoring his requests for security. If he was a friend, as she said, then you don t let a friend down. NewsMaxVia: Gateway Pundit
Apr 24, 2016
THOUSANDS Of Containers ROTTING At San Juan Port After STRIKING Union Drivers Allegedly REFUSE To Deliver Goods…LIBERAL Mayor Has Some Explaining To Do
San Juan s mayor railed against President Trump s acting DHS Secretary for expressing optimism about the progress the US has made in their relief efforts for residents of Puerto Rico. San Juan s mayor, Carmin Yulin Cruz, used CNN as a vehicle to criticize the efforts of the US in getting much-needed supplies to the residents of San Juan. Only hours after the mayor of San Juan criticized the efforts of the Trump administration, tweets from the Mayor of San Juan, (that were sent out before Hurricane Maria) surfaced on Twitter responding to Hillary s tweet, as she trashed President Trump, saying he doesn t deserve to be President. .@realDonaldTrump hater, the Mayor of San Juan is the perfect example of an opportunistic politician. Go ask PR Gov about responsiveness. pic.twitter.com/us3p78P9zK Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) September 30, 2017Now, the truth about why those thousands of containers filled with supplies are allegedly not getting to the citizens is revealed, and the truth is, it has nothing to do with President Trump or our DHS Conservative Treehouse Puerto Rican born and raised, Colonel Michael A. Valle ( Torch ), Commander, 101st Air and Space Operations Group, and Director of the Joint Air Component Coordination Element, 1st Air Force, responsible for Hurricane Maria relief efforts, has the following comment: They have the generators, water, food, medicine, and fuel on the ground, yet the supplies are not moving across the island as quickly as they re needed.Col. Valle is a firsthand witness of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) response supporting FEMA in Puerto Rico, and as a Puerto Rican himself with family members living in the devastation, his passion for the people is second to none. It s just not true, Col. Valle says of the major disconnect today between the perception of a lack of response from Washington verses what is really going on on the ground. I have family here. My parents home is here. My uncles, aunts, cousins, are all here. As a Puerto Rican, I can tell you that the problem has nothing to do with the U.S. military, FEMA, or the DoD. It s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies, backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government .. (link)Colonel Valle blames the conditions of the roads for the lack of truck drivers to move supplies around Puerto Rico, but the video below tells another story.The ports are so full of relief supplies they can t fit any more in the available space. CNBC ground report confirms Colonel Valle s ground report. WATCH:The reason for truck drivers not showing up? The Puerto Rican Teamsters Union, Frente Amplio, is refusing to move the product.Thomas Wictor shared a video of an interview between a man (he calls the toothless guy ) and a reporter. Wictor translates their conversation in several tweets that are found below the video: (1) Well, I didn't think it was true, but it is: Puerto Rican truck drivers are refusing to work.https://t.co/obMCPH2NtA Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(13) I didn't think it would be possible for a union to go on strike during a national emergency, but it happened.Stunning, really. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(12) There you have it.As I said before: This is ALL THE FAULT OF PUERTO RICO. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(11) Since the country doesn't care about truckers, the truckers won't help. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(10) The governor didn't understand the suffering of the working man, so now the truckers will show the country what suffering is. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(9) This is all the governor's fault, the toothless guy says. He passed a law, and now he has to live with it. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(8) Three weeks earlier, nobody cared about the plight of the truckers, so now the truckers don't care about the country. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(7) The toothless guy says the truckers are not responsible for helping the country. That's the governor's job. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(5) The reporters says, "But all this stuff is in the past. In the present, it's an emergency." Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(4) The toothless guy says that the governor's policies have impacted truckers, so now truckers will show the country THEIR OWN suffering. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(3) The reporter CONFIRMS that the truck drivers are refusing to work in order to get revenge on the governor. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(2) The toothless guy is complaining about a law that the governor passed three weeks ago. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017
Oct 1, 2017
Trump ‘Diversity Council’ Member Threatens to Quit If Trump Ends DACA…Bye, Bye! [Video]
A member of President Trump s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump s cancelation of DACA. Bye Bye!Trump diversity council member tells @Acosta he may quit the council if Trump moves ahead to end DACA https://t.co/CCn90EgSdn CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) September 4, 2017 I want to remind him and his team that from an economic standpoint, and again, we re business people if you look at this from a purely economic standpoint again, none of these young people gets government benefits of any sorts so they re not costing us anything. They pay over $2 billion in taxes Is anyone else out there sick of the American people being told illegals cost nothing?DACA Will Cost Americans And Their Government A Huge Amount of Money.On average, people with college degrees pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits. People without a degree consume more taxes than they pay to federal, state and local tax officials.In 2013, a Heritage Foundation study showed that amnesty for 11 million illegals would spike federal spending by $6,300 billion over the next five decades. That is roughly equivalent to $550,000 per illegal, or $10,000 per illegal per year, much of which will be spent when the immigrant becomes eligible for Social Security and Medicare. That cost estimate does not include the extra costs created when immigrants use their new legal powers as a citizen to bring in more low-skilled migrants.If those 3 million DACA people and their parents soon become legal residents or citizens, then Obama s DACA will cost Americans roughly $1,700 billion over the next 50 years, according to Heritage Foundation s numbers.Moreover, the DACA migrants add to the flood of illegal labor that has driven down wages for ordinary Americans, including urban youths and recent immigrants. Currently, Americans lose roughly $500 billion a year from their salaries because of the immigration tax caused by cheap labor according to the academies report.Via: GP
Sep 4, 2017
China's cyber watchdog imposes top fines on tech firms over censorship
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s cyber watchdog has handed down maximum penalties to several of the country s top tech firms, including Tencent Holdings Ltd (0700.HK), Baidu Inc (BIDU.O) and Weibo Corp (WB.O), for failing to properly censor online content. The rebuke comes as China is stepping up censorship and security efforts ahead of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party, a major leadership conference held once every five years. Notices posted by the Cyberspace Administration of China on Monday said the firms would receive the maximum penalty for failing to remove fake news and pornography as well as content that incites ethic tension and threatens social order . It is the first time that the CAC has levied the maximum fines against tech firms under a new law introduced in June, as it seeks to tighten its grip on the internet. The internet does not operate outside of the law... the CAC will seriously implement the new cybersecurity law and other regulations to increase territorial supervision and enforcement efforts regarding the internet, said the CAC. The notices did not detail the exact sum of the penalties, but under the rules cited in the notice individuals in charge of the platforms and others directly involved face a maximum penalty of 100,000 yuan ($15,110) each. The law also stipulates that offending platforms can have their licenses revoked and their services suspended for failing to comply. The measures are the result of an investigation launched last month by the CAC, and target the country s most popular social media services, including Tencent s WeChat and Weibo s microblogging service, whose combined registered users exceed 1 billion. Earlier this month the cyber watchdog also introduced new regulations that require messaging apps to create credit scores that can be lowered to punish and restrict users who post offensive content. The rules, which take effect on October 8, also make users legally liable for content deemed illegal. In a recent notice the CAC said illegal content includes articles that misinterpret government policy , twist the history of the Chinese Communist Party and flaunt excessive wealth. According to Monday s notices the firms will be required to undertake immediate rectifications to remove illegal content and accounts as well as increase content auditing measures.
September 25, 2017
Spike Lee Celebrates MLK Day By Announcing Boycott Of ‘Lily White’ Oscars (IMAGE/VIDEO)
The film industry wants us to believe that it is liberal, that there is no racism. However, nothing could be further from the truth, and the fact that for the second year in a row all of the Oscar-nominated actors are white. Yes, you read that right. Even with iconic films such as Selma out there, the Academy didn t see fit to nominate any actors of color.Well, this obvious bias didn t go unnoticed by powerful and successful actors of color, most notably Spike Lee. To that end, on the annual celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday, the celebrated actor took to Instagram to tell the world that he would not be attending this year s Oscars, and why. Using the hashtag #OscarssoWhite, Lee said, in part, after acknowledging and thanking Cheryl Boone Issacs, President of the Academy, for giving him an honorary Oscar this past November:But, How Is It Possible For The 2nd Consecutive Year All 20 Contenders Under The Actor Category Are White? And Let s Not Even Get Into The Other Branches. 40 White Actors In 2 Years And No Flava At All. We Can t Act?! WTF!! It s No Coincidence I m Writing This As We Celebrate The 30th Anniversary Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s Birthday. Dr. King Said There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Position That Is Neither Safe, Nor Politic, Nor Popular But He Must Take It Because Conscience Tells Him It s Right .Here is the post, in full:#OscarsSoWhite Again. I Would Like To Thank President Cheryl Boone Isaacs And The Board Of Governors Of The Academy Of Motion Pictures Arts And Sciences For Awarding Me an Honorary Oscar This Past November. I Am Most Appreciative. However My Wife, Mrs. Tonya Lewis Lee And I Will Not Be Attending The Oscar Ceremony This Coming February. We Cannot Support It And Mean No Disrespect To My Friends, Host Chris Rock and Producer Reggie Hudlin, President Isaacs And The Academy. But, How Is It Possible For The 2nd Consecutive Year All 20 Contenders Under The Actor Category Are White? And Let s Not Even Get Into The Other Branches. 40 White Actors In 2 Years And No Flava At All. We Can t Act?! WTF!! It s No Coincidence I m Writing This As We Celebrate The 30th Anniversary Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s Birthday. Dr. King Said There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Position That Is Neither Safe, Nor Politic, Nor Popular But He Must Take It Because Conscience Tells Him It s Right . For Too Many Years When The Oscars Nominations Are Revealed, My Office Phone Rings Off The Hook With The Media Asking Me My Opinion About The Lack Of African-Americans And This Year Was No Different. For Once, (Maybe) I Would Like The Media To Ask All The White Nominees And Studio Heads How They Feel About Another All White Ballot. If Someone Has Addressed This And I Missed It Then I Stand Mistaken. As I See It, The Academy Awards Is Not Where The Real Battle Is. It s In The Executive Office Of The Hollywood Studios And TV And Cable Networks. This Is Where The Gate Keepers Decide What Gets Made And What Gets Jettisoned To Turnaround Or Scrap Heap. This Is What s Important. The Gate Keepers. Those With The Green Light Vote. As The Great Actor Leslie Odom Jr. Sings And Dances In The Game Changing Broadway Musical HAMILTON, I WANNA BE IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS . People, The Truth Is We Ain t In Those Rooms And Until Minorities Are, The Oscar Nominees Will Remain Lilly White. (Cont d)A photo posted by Spike Lee (@officialspikelee) on Jan 18, 2016 at 5:03am PSTSpike Lee is right, and he isn t the only actor who is upset about these gross and racially motivated injustices when it comes to recognition for achievements. Lee is just the latest person of color who also happens to be a member of the Hollywood elite to criticize the all-white Oscar ballots. Jada Pinkett Smith has made similar comments. She said of the entire situation: The Academy has the right to acknowledge whomever they choose, to invite whomever they choose, and now I think that it s our responsibility to make the change. Maybe it is time that we pull back our resources and we put them back into our communities, into our programs, and we make programs for ourselves that acknowledge us in ways that we see fit, that are just as good as the so-called mainstream ones. Begging for acknowledgement or even asking for it diminishes dignity, diminishes power. And we are a dignified people and we are powerful, and let s not forget it. In addition, Pinkett Smith made her views on the matter known on Facebook via a powerful video, also uploaded just in time for MLK Day, just like Spike Lee s Instagram post: // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;We must stand in our power!We must stand in our power.Posted by Jada Pinkett Smith on Monday, January 18, 2016 They are both right. We have to realize that we are the ones who are going to have to create change. It won t be White America, and it sure as hell won t be Hollywood. It will be Black Americans with voices, especially those in positions of power and influence, who will stand up and say what needs to be said, and do what needs to be done. If it takes boycotting what is arguably the biggest film industry event of the year, then so be it.Thank you, Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith for telling it like it is.Featured image via screen capture from Twitter
January 18, 2016
With One Tweet Elizabeth Warren Lays Down The Solid Truth About This Week’s Killings
If there s one conclusion to draw from the horrific shootings that have been happening over the course of this past week, it s that we, as a society, need to have more understanding and compassion for one another. No one deserves to die, especially not for merely existing, or protecting your community.Two black men were shot and killed by police officers who didn t even try to keep them alive for reasons yet to be determined, and five police officers were shot and killed, with seven more injured while serving and protecting protesters who were out voicing their concern over police brutality.Many have been offering their opinions on the violence that s been happening, but one voice of reason seems to really get at the heart of what needs to be heard, and that is the voice of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).The simple, yet solid truth of all the killings that have occurred over the past week was summed up in this tweet by Warren: Black Americans shouldn t be killed in routine traffic stops, and police shouldn t be killed while protecting and serving their communities. Black Americans shouldn't be killed in routine traffic stops, & police shouldn't be killed while protecting & serving their communities. Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) July 8, 2016It s really that simple. We can be on both sides of this issue and not be against the other side. We can have compassion for the rights of Black Americans to exist without fear of being shot and killed by the police, and we can also have compassion for police officers who are merely trying to protect the community they serve.We need to stand up to and against violence wherever it is, period.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
July 8, 2016
Scottish parliament offices briefly evacuated in suspect white powder scare
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Offices at Scotland s devolved parliament in Edinburgh were briefly evacuated on Tuesday after suspicious packages containing white powder were found. It s a white powder incident, there were a couple of suspicious packages sent to a Tory (Conservative) MSP, a source at the parliament told Reuters, using the acronym for Member of the Scottish parliament. Business returned to normal after police gave the all-clear, the Scottish parliament said. Known as Holyrood, the parliament building is located at the bottom of the Royal Mile, Edinburgh s most famous thoroughfare which leads down from its historic castle to Queen Elizabeth s Edinburgh residence, Holyrood Palace. The parliament s chief executive said only the building housing MSPs offices had been evacuated while the rest of the parliamentary campus was operating normally. The parliament said later police inquiries had concluded there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident and that no crime had been committed.
November 7, 2017
WATCH DESPERATE GRANNY HILLARY CLINTON: Hip Selfies And TV Appearances On Ellen As She Sinks In The Polls
As Hillary sinks in the polls, she s becoming a regular on the Ellen show. Her campaign is pretty desperate to play to Hillary s base with these appearances and with all the selfies with celebrities. I guess she hasn t been told Americans are on to her grifting ways and lies. A sure sign we re 100% FED Up! with the clintons is the new poll that says she s down by 20 points to Trump.(Not an endorsement for Trump But it s a fact Jack) Booya! OH,THIS SHOULD GET THOSE HIPSTERS: I ve never seen this anywhere else .it has light all the way around it. Like little tiny, tiny light bulbs, Clinton said during a taping of the Ellen DeGeneres show that airs Monday, referring to Kardashian s LuMee phone case with LED lights on the face.Clinton dropped the set of DeGeneres daytime program on Wednesday afternoon, where she was reunited with actor Tony Goldwyn, better known as President Fitzgerald Grant from Scandal. Goldwyn s endorsed her presidential bid and campaigned for her in Iowa. During the appearance she revealed that she struggles to carry a tune. I sang to Chelsea until she developed an ear and told me not to sing anymore, the former first lady said of her daughter. That hasn t kept her from serenading Chelsea s first child, Charlotte, who will be joined by a sister later this year. Chelsea stopped me around 18 months, so I ve got about 3 months to go I think. That s my grace period, she said. Clinton said producers on Saturday Night Live wanted her to sing at the end of sketch with Kate McKinnon when the actress, as Clinton, asks the Democratic presidential candidate, playing Val the bartender, to join in on a rendition of Lean on Me. And I said, you really don t want to hear me sing, Read more: Daily Mail
Jan 9, 2016
WOW! CHICAGO REPORTEDLY FINDS At Least 14,000 More Votes Than Voters In 2016 Election
The head of the Chicago Republican Party is claiming the city reported thousands of more votes cast than voters in the 2016 election sparking a battle with Chicago officials who call the allegations overblown.First reported by the Chicago City Wire, the Chicago GOP filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Chicago Board of Elections in January for a list of voters who had cast ballots in November. According to the party, the board responded with a list of 1,101,178 individuals, though its website reflects 1,115,664 votes cast. There should never be more votes than voters every ballot cast should be recorded against a registered voter, Chairman of the Chicago GOP Chris Cleveland told Fox News, explaining that after receiving the data, the party immediately contacted the board for clarification. This is either massive fraud or massive incompetence, but we have no way of telling the difference because they won t give us the data. The discrepancy totals more than 14,000, though Cleveland claims it could be as high as 16,000.Cleveland told Fox News he filed a number of FOIA requests the original in January, and several follow ups for updated numbers. They ignored them, Cleveland said. They have been stonewalling us for six months. Watch Bret Bair s Fox News report on the progress and roadblocks that are being put in place for President Trump s election integrity commission, that seeks to clean up voter fraud across the nation:Fox News
Sep 5, 2017
How Trump is Accelerating the Decline of US Global Influence
It should also be said that the current US Administration is merely finishing the job which started under three consecutive two-term presidents; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama something to bear in mind as Trump ends his first year in office.This new year, let us not forget who re-ignited the Middle East crisis, with the consecutive sackings of Libya and Syria The "Moderate Rebel" terrorists in Syria certainly miss you Barack, you were so generous to all of them. Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) December 29, 2017While Make America Great Again might be the political campaign de jour at home, these next four years are likely to coincide with an overall decline in US influence in the world.Mehr News reports During the past decades after World WarII and disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the world has been dominated by the US in terms of politics, military and economy. But the rising of new world powers at the end of the 20th century and beginning of 21st century has challenged the US global domination. Washington s challenges with the new multipolar world order in recent years has resulted in the decline of US influence in the world, which is expected to be accelerated withTrump s term in White House.Recognizing Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as Israeli regime s capital by Trump created lots of negative reaction and resulted in a resolution by the UN General Assembly despite the US threats is a clear example of declining US global influence.Decline of US domination over world trade and financial regimesAfter the end of World WarII until 1960, the US held 40 percent of the world economy but after the rise of new economic powers like China, Japan and EU, in 2013 the US just held 25 percent of the world economy. Considering the recent decisions made by Trump to withdraw from TPP and NAFTA and tensions with EU, more decline is expected in near future.The Dollar dominated global financial, trade and banking regimes until the beginning of 21th century. The first blow to the dollar global stand was inflicted in 1999 when euro appeared as official currency of the EU. In recent years rise of Chinese renminbi has inflicted more blows to the dollar global stand, so that in 2015 only 50 to 60 percent of world trades and transactions were done in dollar, according to EU central bank.During the past years, US sanctions against some countries like Russia, Iran and White House pressure on other countries to avoid transaction with these sanctioned countries, has resulted in some agreements between states to do their business in their own national currencies instead of dollar like the agreements between Iran, Russia, Turkey and China. Continuation of such agreements and trend will definitely lead to further decline of dollar global stand in future.Decline of the US strategic importance in terms of politics and militaryTrump s serious pressure on NATO the most important strategic achievement of the US till now with member states to pay more for the costs of the alliance, has inflicted serious damages to the solidarity of the member states and has created many doubts so that some US old European allies are seriously after formation of a European Army.US inability to solve South Korea s missile and nuclear program issues despite Trump s rhetoric and bluffs, US inability to materialize its regional policy and plans in the Middle East to change the map of the region to the benefit of its own strategic interest and Israel s due to close cooperation of Iran, Russia, Turkey, Iraq and Syria all these US failures and its wrong policies which have even forced some of its old regional allies like Turkey to recalibrate its relation and cooperation with White House in the region shows the US limitations and incapability resulting in increasing decline of Washington s influence.Also the US inability to settle the issues in east of Ukraine and Crimea as its European allies expected has been a serious blow to its strategic stand among the Washington s European allies, and even worse nowadays as some of the Europeans consider US measures in east Europe as a blackmailing to gain the energy market of the EuropeDuring the last one year in office, Trump s moves to withdraw from Paris Climate Change accord, TPP, his wrong approach toward the nuclear deal with Iran (JCPOA), his insatiable immigration policy which has resulted in significant reduction in the number of foreign students in US for the first time, and finally his partial recognition of Al-Quds as Israeli regime s capital all have inflicted serious blows to global credibility and influence of the country which cannot be at least mended in short-term.READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
December 29, 2017
Trump Jr. Once Again Shows His Lack Of Humanity With Disgusting Tweet About Syrian Refugees
We ve all seen the horrific photos of children who are victims of the Syrian Civil War. Perhaps the most infamous is the one of the little boy sitting, covered in blood and dirt, barefoot, in the back of an ambulance. He is clearly in shock. It shows us just what that kind of war does to a society, to ordinary people, and children just like us, just like the kids in our own lives.via Mirror.co.UKWell, there is one person who is completely unmoved by these images: Donald Trump Jr. The Donald s mini me has long shown his lack of humanity. After all, he made a disgusting Holocaust reference when trying to tear down the media s coverage of Hillary Clinton, saying if the GOP did what the Democrats are doing, they d be warming up the gas chamber. Well, now, he s gone into the gutter again, this time regarding Syrian refugees. Trump Jr sent out the following tweet, comparing refugees to a bowl of Skittles:This image says it all. Let's end the politically correct agenda that doesn't put America first. #trump2016 pic.twitter.com/9fHwog7ssN Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 19, 2016And as if this weren t bad enough, comparing human beings to a bowl of candy, this is actually a white supremacist meme.The Skittles are a reference to white supremacist meme. Changed from M&Ms to Skittles because of George Zimmerman. https://t.co/86FsWdft5O Laura Seay (@texasinafrica) September 20, 2016George Zimmerman is, of course, the wannabe cop who got away with murdering Trayvon Martin, a black teen who was walking home from the store in Florida with only a can of iced tea and a package of skittles. So, in other words, once again, Trump Jr. is openly courting white supremacists on his father s behalf.Skittles spokeswoman Denise Young said that her company, Wrigley, which is the parent company that produces skittles, didn t believe Trump Jr s image was appropriate. She went on to say: Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don t feel it s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing. The Trump campaign is so repugnant that even candy makers have to speak out. This meme is racist, disgusting, and is just another sign of what a morally bankrupt family the Trumps are. Do everything you can to keep them out of the White House, folks. VOTE BLUE.Featured image via video screen capture
September 20, 2016
WHEN A GOVERNMENT PUTS IMMIGRANTS BEFORE CITIZENS: Swedish Citizens Have No Place To Live, No Jobs, Need To Carry Guns Everywhere They Go
Barack Obama and the Democrat party would like us to go the way of the Swedes. Do Americans have the fortitude to fight back against a government hell-bent on putting political correctness before national security?The Swedes see the welfare systems failing them. Swedes have had to get used to the government prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. There are no apartments, no jobs, we don t dare go shopping anymore [without a gun], but we re supposed to think everything s great. Women and girls are raped by these non-European men, who come here claiming they are unaccompanied children, even though they are grown men. You Cabinet Ministers live in your fancy residential neighborhoods, with only Swedish neighbors. It should be obligatory for all politicians to live for at least three months in an area consisting mostly of immigrants [and] have to use public transport. Laila, to the Prime Minister. Instead of torchlight processions against racism, we need a Prime Minister who speaks out against the violence Unite everyone. Do not make it a racism thing. Anders, to the Prime Minister. In all honesty, I don t even feel they [government ministers] see the problems There is no one in those meetings who can tell them what real life looks like. Laila, on the response she received from the government.The recent double murder at IKEA in V ster s, where a man from Eritrea who had been denied asylum grabbed some knives and stabbed Carola and Emil Herlin to death, letters and emails poured into the offices of Swedish Prime Minister (PM) Stefan L fven. Angry, despondent and desperate Swedes have pled with the Social Democratic PM to stop filling the country with criminal migrants from the Third World or, they write, there is a serious risk of hatred running rampant in Sweden. One woman suggested that because the Swedish media will not address these issues, L fven should start reading foreign newspapers, and wake up to the fact that Sweden is sinking fast.During the last few decades, Swedes have had to get used to the government (left and right wing parties alike) prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. The high tax level (the average worker pays 42% income tax) was been accepted in the past, because people knew that if they got sick, or when they retired or otherwise needed government aid, they would get it.Now, Swedes see the welfare system failing them. More and more senior citizens fall into the indigent category; close to 800,000 of Sweden s 2.1 million retirees, despite having worked their whole lives, are forced to live on between 4,500 and 5,500 kronor ($545 $665) a month. Meanwhile, seniors who immigrate to Sweden receive the so-called elderly support subsidy usually a higher amount even though they have never paid any taxes in Sweden.Worse, in 2013 the government decided that people staying in the country illegally have a right to virtually free health and dental care. So while the destitute Swedish senior citizen must choose between paying 100,000 kronor ($12,000) to get new teeth or living toothless, a person who does not even have the right to stay in Sweden can get his teeth fixed for 50 kronor ($6).The injustice, the housing shortage, the chaos surrounding refugee housing units and the sharp slide of Swedish students in PISA tests all these changes have caused the Swedes to become disillusioned. The last straw was that Prime Minister L fven had nothing to say about the murders at IKEA.Gatestone Institute contacted to the Swedish government, to obtain emails sent to the Prime Minister concerning the IKEA murders. According to the principle of public access to official documents, all Swedes have the right to study public documents kept by authorities with no questions asked about one s identity or purpose. The government, however, was clearly less than enthusiastic about sharing the emails: It took a full month of reminders and phone calls before they complied with the request.What follows are excerpts from emails sent from private citizens to Prime Minister Stefan L fven:From Mattias, a social worker and father of four, a dad who wants my kids to grow up in Sweden the way I had the good fortune of doing, without explosions, hand grenades, car fires, violence, rape and murder at IKEA : Hi Stefan. I am a 43-year-old father of four, who is trying to explain to my children, ages 6-16, what is going on in Sweden. I am sad to say that you and your party close your eyes to what is happening in Sweden. All the things that are happening [are] due to the unchecked influx from abroad. You are creating a hidden hatred in Sweden. We are dissatisfied with the way immigration is handled in Sweden, from asylum housing to school issues. And it takes so long to get a job, many people give up before they even get close. Mattias Marcus, 21, wrote: Hi Stefan, I am one of the people who voted for you. I live in Helsingborg, still with my parents because there are no apartments available. I can see where I live that as soon as an old person moves out, eight foreigners immediately move in: they just bypass us young, Swedish people in line. With all that is going on in Sweden rapes, robberies, the IKEA murders and so on why aren t non-Swedes sent back to their countries when they commit crimes? Of course we should help refugees, but they should be the right kind of refugees. I m sorry to say this, Stefan, but the Sweden Democrats should be allowed to rule for four years and remove the people who do not abide by the laws, and who murder or destroy young women s lives. It is horrible, I have a job that pays poorly because there are no jobs. Sweden has more people than jobs. Peter wrote: Esteemed Prime Minister. I am writing to you because I am very worried about the development in Swedish society. I am met daily by news of shootings, exploding hand grenades/bombs, beatings, rapes and murders. This is our Sweden, the country that, when you and I grew up, was considered one of the safest in the world. You, in your role as Prime Minister, have a responsibility to protect everyone in the land, regardless of whether they were born here or not. Unfortunately, I can see that you are not taking your responsibility seriously. I follow the news daily, and despite our now having suffered another act of madness, this time against a mother and son at IKEA, I do not see any commitment from you? You should emphatically condemn the violent developments we see in this country, allocate resources to the police, customs and district attorneys to slow and fight back (not just build levees and overlook) criminal activity. Sebastian wrote: Hi Stefan! After reading about the horrible deed at IKEA in V ster s, I am now wondering what you are going to do to make me feel safe going to stores and on the streets of Sweden. What changes will there be to make sure this never happens again? Will immigration really continue the same way? Benny wrote: Hi, I m wondering, why is the government quiet about such an awful incident? The whole summer has been characterized by extreme violence, shootings, knifings and explosions. The government needs to take vigorous action so we can feel safe. Laila s subject line reads: Is it supposed to be like this? Are we supposed to go outside without arming ourselves? Rape after rape occurs and no one is doing anything about it. I was born and raised in V rby G rd, but seven years ago, we had to move because we couldn t take the dogs out in the evenings due to the non-Europeans driving on the sidewalks. If you didn t move out of the way, they would jump out of the car and hit you. If you called the police, they do nothing in a suburb of Stockholm. When my brother told some of these men off, a rocket (the kind you use at New Year s) appeared in his mailbox. You can imagine how loud the blast was. Women and girls are raped by these non-European men, who come here claiming they are unaccompanied children, even though they are grown men . It is easy to get weapons today, I wonder if that is what we Swedes need to do, arm ourselves to dare to go shopping. Well, now I am getting to what happened at a major department store: Two people were killed and not just killed, there is talk online of beheading. The Prime Minister will not say a word, but resources are allocated to asylum housings, a slap in the face for the relatives who just had two of their kin slain. Swedish newspapers will not say a word, but fortunately, there are foreign newspapers that tell the truth. We Swedes can t change apartments, we live five people in three bedrooms. Two of us are unemployed, looking, looking and looking for work. The only option is employment agencies. I m 50 years old, on part-time sick leave because of two chronic illnesses, I cannot run around from one place to another. But more and more asylum seekers keep coming in. There are no apartments, no jobs, we don t dare go shopping anymore, but we re supposed to think everything s great. Unfortunately, I believe the Prime Minister needs to start reading foreign newspaper to find out that Sweden is going under. I found out that the mass immigration costs billions every year, and the only thing the immigrants do is smoke waterpipes in places like V rby G rd. This is happening in other places too, of course. Now it s starting to spread; you will see that in the opinion polls, next time they are published. Soon, all Swedes will vote for the Sweden Democrats. They are getting more and more supporters every day. You Cabinet Ministers do not live in the exposed areas, you live in your fancy residential neighborhoods, with only Swedish neighbors. It should be obligatory for all politicians to live for at least three months in an area consisting mostly of immigrants, the car should be taken from you so you d have to use public transport. After three months, you would see my point. I am scared stiff of what is happening in this country. What will the government do about this? Anders wrote: Hi Stefan, why don t you, as our Prime Minister, react more against all the violence that is escalating in our country? [Such as] the double murder at IKEA in V ster s. Add to that the bombings and other things happening in Malm . Instead of torchlight processions against racism, we need a Prime Minister who speaks out against the violence, who says that it s wrong no matter which ethnic group is behind it or at the receiving end of it. Because all the people living in Sweden are Swedish, right? A torchlight procession against racism only highlights the fact that it s immigrants committing these crimes. What we need now is a clear signal from our popularly elected [officials] that violence needs to stop now. Sweden is supposed to be a haven away from violence. I m asking you as our Prime Minister, take a stand against the violence. Unite everyone in Sweden into one group and do not make it a racism thing. Some of the people received a reply from Carl-Johan Friman, of the Government Offices Communications Unit; others have not received any reply at all. A typical response goes: Thank you for your email to Prime Minister Stefan L fven. I ve been asked to reply and confirm that your email has reached the Prime Minister s Office and is now available for the Prime Minister and his staff. It is of course not acceptable that people should be exposed to violence and criminal activities in their everyday life. Many efforts are made to counteract violence, and quite correctly, this needs to be done without pitting groups against each other. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your views, they are important in shaping government policies. Via: Zero Hedge
Dec 14, 2015
Arizona Rancher Protesting in Oregon is Targeted by CPS, Loses Custody of Foster Children
RTOne of the most visible members of the armed militia that took over a wildlife refuge in Oregon says his four foster sons were taken away due to his involvement in the standoff, and he blames the federal government who must have gotten to the governor. Robert LaVoy Finicum and his wife Jeanette have fostered more than 50 boys over the last decade at their ranch near Chino Valley, Arizona. The couple is licensed and has a care contract with the Catholic Charities Community Services. Many of the children came from mental hospitals, drug rehabs and group homes for emotionally distressed youth, he told Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). IMAGE: Robert LaVoy Finicum. My ranch has been a great tool for these boys, Finicum said. It has done a lot of good. He traveled to Oregon to take part in the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge at the beginning of January, leaving Jeanette to care for the four boys. But now the Finicums have no more fosters to care for.A social worker began removing the last four of the family s foster kids on January 4, the fourth day of the Oregon standoff. The last left five days later, he said. They didn t go out at the same time, Finicum said. One was there for a year, one of the boys was there six months, another eight months, and a month. I don t know where they ended up. He blamed the kids removals on pressure from the feds. They were ripped from my wife, Finicum said. We are very successful [foster parents]. Our track records are good, it s been a good relationship. [Federal authorities] must have gotten to the governor, who told the state to get them out of there. Continue this story at RTREAD MORE HAMMOND RANCH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hammond Ranch Files
January 20, 2016
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Perfectly Explains Why Black Lives Matter Exists
No matter how well dressed, or how intelligent or how wealthy a black person is, there s no escaping skin color and there s no escaping the racial profiling that goes along with it. If anyone can prove that point, it s renowned physicist, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who in a Facebook post from Tuesday, described dozens of encounters he s had with police, for no reason other than his being African-American.In the post, Tyson told of a conference for black physicists he attended in 1991. One evening, after enjoying good food and wine, the discussion turned to the police. The physicists began relaying stories of being pulled over by the police.While most people probably have stories of being pulled over a handful of times in their lives, this table full of physicists had more than a handful of stories, and the intrusiveness of the stops was pretty telling.As for me, I had a dozen different encounters to draw from. There was the time I was stopped late at night at an underpass on an empty road in New Jersey for having changed lanes without signaling. The officer told me to get out of my car and questioned me for ten minutes around back with the bright head lights of his squad car illuminating my face. Is this your car? Yes. Who is the woman in the passenger seat? My wife. Where are you coming from? My parents house. Where are you going? Home. What do you do for a living? I am an astrophysicist at Princeton University. What s in your trunk? A spare tire, and a lot of other greasy junk. He went on to say that the real reason why he stopped me was because my car s license plates were much newer and shinier than the 17-year old Ford that I was driving. The officer was just making sure that neither the car nor the plates were stolen.In my other stories, I had been stopped by the police while transporting my home supply of physics textbooks into my newly assigned office in graduate school. They had stopped me at the entrance to the physics building where they asked accusatory questions about what I was doing. This one was complicated because a friend offered to drive me and my boxes to my office (I had not yet learned to drive). Her car was registered in her father s name. It was 11:30 PM. Open-topped boxes of graduate math and physics textbooks filled the trunk. And we were transporting them into the building. I wonder how often that scenario shows up in police training tapes. In total, I was stopped two or three times by other security officers while entering physics buildings, but was never stopped entering the campus gym.As a scientist, Tyson is cautious about jumping to conclusions. He noted that he and his colleagues had these police stops in common. Were police targeting physicists for some reason? Are smart people automatically suspicious? It couldn t have been the cars. Some were old, some were new. Some stops were during the day, some at night. The conclusion Tyson made, though is that:We were guilty not of DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), but of other violations none of us knew were on the books: DWB (Driving While Black), WWB (Walking While Black), and of course, JBB (Just Being Black).It s rare that Tyson jumps into politics, and he didn t specifically mention Black Lives Matter or any of the infamous black victims of police, but one can certainly infer by the timing of his post, that it s in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and it s further proof that all the education and poise in the world doesn t stop black people from being targeted. This is the very definition of white privilege.He s also right. Black people are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police and they re also more likely to be innocent of any wrongdoing during traffic stops. Fortunately, Tyson never had to go to jail, but black people are far more likely to be arrested, convicted, and yes, shot. If a group of scientists can conclude that there are racial disparities in the justice system, perhaps we should listen.Featured image via Dimitrios Kambouris with Getty Images
July 13, 2016
Sickening Reason COP-HATING, RACIST 49’ers QB Colin Kaepernick Just Announced He’ll Now Stand For National Anthem
It looks like veteran San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick might be done with his national anthem protests now that he s looking for a new NFL contract.The controversial player will stand for The Star-Spangled Banner next season, according to sources who spoke to ESPN Thursday. Kaepernick first made headlines in August 2016 for refusing to stand during his team s preseason game against the Green Bay Packers, citing the oppression of black people in the United States.Kaepernick explained his refusal to stand for the Star-Spangled Banner, expressing solidarity with the neo-Marxist racial narratives of Black Lives Matter: I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder. Describing himself as a black man in a society that oppresses black people, Kaepernick signed a 6-year contract with the 49ers in 2015 for $114 million. He has also been paid millions of additional dollars through endorsement deals.In the days after Kaepernick s first protest, fans began burning their 49ers-themed gear. One lifelong San Francisco fan set his Kaepernick jersey up in flames, slamming the athlete for claiming to be oppressed when he s making $126 million. And in September, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that, while the league supports players who want to see change in society, the organization believes very strongly in patriotism. I personally believe very strongly in that, he said, according to USA Today. I think it s important to have respect for our country, for our flag, for the people who make our country better; for law enforcement, and for our military, who are out fighting for our freedoms and our ideals. While Kaepernick received kudos from those on the left, many fans and even NFL insiders weren t too fond of the protest, so it s no surprise he s changing his ways now that he s looking for a new job.According to the ESPN report, Kaepernick no longer wants his method of protest to detract from the positive change he believes has been created a change that comes one day after the NFL Network s Ian Rapport revealed that the veteran quarterback has decided to opt out of his 49ers contract and is now a free agent. The Blaze
Mar 2, 2017
New Study PROVES It’s Republicans Who Are To Blame For Slow Economy
When Donald Trump isn t busy insulting Gold Star families or inciting his followers to assassinate his presidential opponent, he spends a lot of time talking about the dreadful Obama economy one in which, admittedly, growth is slow. A new study, though, shows that Trump is pointing his stumpy finger in the wrong direction. The blame lies squarely with his Republican party.The report was published by the Economic Policy Institute. It blames Republican austerity, not Democratic spending, for the fact that economic growth was just 1.2 percent during the second quarter, and frankly, it hasn t been spectacular for a long time. It s easy to blame the man in the White House, which is what Republicans do, but they are wrong.The EPI places the blame on 2011 s Republican budget cuts, fiscal austerity at the state and local levels, GOP states refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Instead of cutting spending during the recovery from the Great Recession, we should have been spending more specifically on infrastructure and on programs that help people.This economic recovery has been the slowest over the past four business cycles. For example, the employment recovery from the trough of the Great Recession to its pre-recession peak took 51 months. Following the recession in the 1980s, employment recovery took 11 months. In the early 1990s it took 23 months, and in the early 2000s it took 39 months.The US government would have had to spend an additional $1tn in 2015 alone to match the spending that followed the 1980s recession, Bivens said. While such spending might run up the US deficit something Republicans in Congress are opposed to it would also have led to several years of full employment and the Federal Reserve increasing interest rates.Source: The GuardianAnother problem is the low interest rates. During the recovery from the 80s recession, the interest rates started at 9.3 percent. Now, with interest rates approaching 0 percent, and have been for a long time, there s no place to move them.The study does place some blame on the Obama administration, though. He didn t make effective enough use of the bully pulpit.The Obama administration could have made a louder and more consistent case that the slow recovery had concrete, identifiable roots in decisions made by the Congress, Bivens wrote. Had the Obama administration made such a powerful case for why austerity was hampering growth, it could have educated the public and potentially helped build support for more sensible policy the next time the United States faces a recession. Featured image via Darren Hauck at Getty Images.
August 11, 2016
If I were U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, I d be keeping these guys close by:The injunction that has blocked President Barack Obama s executive amnesty will remain in place following the ruling of a federal judge Tuesday night in this Texas border city.In a late night ruling, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen sided with the State of Texas and 25 other states that are suing to stop the executive action that would grant legal status to at least 5 million illegal immigrants.The states have sued the federal government claiming that Obama s amnesty would cause irreparable harm and financial loss to their state if the executive action continues. Earlier this year Hanen granted an injunction requested by the 26 states seeking to halt the implementation of Obama s amnesty. They states claimed the damage would have already been caused and even if they won the lawsuit there would be little they could to at that point.Hanen s new ruling comes after the U.S. Government tried to fight the judge s ruling by asking for a stay of the injunction and also after information pointed to a possible violation by the federal government by granting a three year extension to the program known as DACA which granted status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens in school.Read Hanen s decision below.Hanen RulingVia: Breitbart News
Government News
Apr 8, 2015
Spanish foreign ministry says to expel North Korean ambassador
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish foreign ministry said on Monday it had asked North Korea s ambassador to leave Spain before the end of the month due to his country s repeated refusals to renounce its nuclear weapons program. Today, the North Korean ambassador was summoned and was told of the decision to consider him as a persona non grata, therefore he must stop working and abandon the country before Sept. 30, the foreign ministry said in a statement. The United Nations Security Council imposed new sanctions after North Korea s sixth and largest nuclear test this month, and the United States called on countries to sever diplomatic and financial ties with it.
September 18, 2017
Top Senate Republican, White House, aim for tax bill by year-end
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Republican and the White House budget director said on Sunday they hoped for action on a Republican tax reform package by the end of the year, while keeping their options open on how to pay for sweeping tax cuts. President Donald Trump’s plan promises up to $6 trillion in tax cuts but would increase the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next decade. Democrats have criticized the package as a giveaway to the rich and corporations that would balloon the deficit. Republicans, who control both the Senate and House of Representatives, have yet to produce a bill as their self-imposed deadline to overhaul the U.S. tax code by the end of 2017 approaches. The party’s lawmakers differ widely on what cuts to make and how to pay for them. Trump participated in a conference call with House Republican lawmakers on Sunday where tax reform was discussed, a White House official said. The president was also expected to travel to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to participate in Senate Republicans’ weekly policy lunch, with the tax package high on the agenda. The White House is not counting on Congress enacting enough spending reductions to offset the impact on revenue from tax cuts, said Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney. “We hit off $54 billion worth of discretionary cuts in our budget back in March. Only about 4 or 5 billion (dollars) have survived so far on the Hill,” Mulvaney said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “We’re not going to be able to cut our way to balance.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said estimated growth for the overall economy in the Republican plan would offset the tax cuts. Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” whether he had abandoned his longtime insistence that tax cuts be revenue-neutral, McConnell said: “No, actually we’re not because that’s a rather conservative estimate of how much growth you’ll get out of this pro-growth tax reform.” Trump’s tax reform proposal cleared a critical hurdle on Thursday, when the Senate approved a budget measure that will allow Republicans to pursue a tax-cut package without support from Democrats. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat who attended a Senate Finance Committee meeting at the White House last week, said Trump was at a fork in the road on the tax reform bill. Brown said the president could work with Democrats on helping the middle class and keeping jobs in the country, or throw in with the billionaires. “The people closest to the president whispering in his ear all want to do tax cuts for - want to do trickle-down economics, big tax cuts for the wealthiest people in the country, and hope it trickles down,” Brown said on CNN. “They say it’s budget-neutral, and they say it will raise wages. It’s never done that throughout history.” Mulvaney said he had heard that the House of Representatives may move quickly to accept the Senate’s amendments and save 10 to 12 legislative days. If the House takes up the measure this week, he told “Fox News Sunday,” it “absolutely moves the ball a lot, further a lot quicker toward an actual law.” McConnell also told Fox he expected Congress to get tax reform done by the end of the year. The Republican Senate leader would not say whether he would back an idea being considered by Republicans, according to the Wall Street Journal on Friday, to cap contributions to retirement funds. “We’re just beginning the process of actually crafting the bills,” McConnell said on CNN. “It’s way too early to predict the various details.” Mulvaney said the White House was “agnostic” about adding a top tax bracket, an idea floated by House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan. “It’s not a big piece for us. If the House needs to add it to pass a great tax reform, that’s great. If they don’t, that’s great, too,” Mulvaney said.
October 22, 2017
UNHINGED PELOSI: It’s “Outrageous” That Republicans Blame Dems for Shooting: “Somewhere in the 90’s the Republicans went on the politics of personal destruction” [Video]
Well, that didn t take long Nancy Pelosi went on a unhinged angry rant at Republicans for blaming yesterday s shooting on left-wing rhetoric. While she doesn t say it s appropriate to talk about she goes on to rant at Republicans for any comment blaming Democrats: Somewhere in the 90 s the Republicans went on the politics of personal destruction Here s the second part of Pelosi s ridiculous response:The gunman who shot Steve Scalise was a strong political supporter of Bernie Sanders. He had a Facebook page and twitter account full of hate for Republicans and President Trump. Anyone with half a brain would know this man committed this heinous crime for political reasons. Nancy Pelosi acts innocent in all this hate and political terrorism when she was just recorded laughing at the California DNC Chair flipping off President Trump and saying, F*ck Trump! : A reporter asked: Can you comment on the possibility that this incident could be used against Democrats or the Democratic Party politically because the assailant was apparently motivated by some kind of anti-Republican sentiment and we have heard comments from Republicans, including Congress, about vitriol rhetoric from the left being in some way to blame? Pelosi responded with the most idiotic comment: The comments made by my Republican colleagues are outrageous. Beneath of the dignity of the job they hold, beneath the dignity of the respect we would like Congress to command. How dare they say such a thing. How dare they Pelosi went on to point out the past rhetoric that came from Republicans, including President Donald Trump. Probably as we sit here, they re running caricatures of me and Georgia once again of over $100 million, of vitriolic things they say that resulted in calls to my home constantly, threats in front of my grandchildren really predicated on their comments and their paid ads, Pelosi said. So this sick individual does something despicable, and it was horrible what he did, hateful, but for them to all of a sudden be sanctimonious as if they ve never seen such a thing before and I don t even want to go into the president of the United States. But in terms of some of the language that he has used So, again, let s go there another day. This woman needs to retire PRONTO!
Jun 15, 2017
After U.S. veto, U.N. General Assembly to meet on Jerusalem status
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on Thursday at the request of Arab and Muslim states on U.S. President Donald Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, sparking a warning from Washington that it will take names. Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour said the General Assembly would vote on a draft resolution calling for Trump s declaration to be withdrawn, which was vetoed by the United States in the 15-member U.N. Security Council on Monday. The remaining 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the Egyptian-drafted resolution, which did not specifically mention the United States or Trump but which expressed deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem. Mansour said on Monday he hoped there would be overwhelming support in the General Assembly for the resolution. Such a vote is non-binding, but carries political weight. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley, in a letter to dozens of U.N. states on Tuesday seen by Reuters, warned that the United States would remember those who voted for the resolution criticizing the U.S. decision. The president will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those countries who voted against us. We will take note of each and every vote on this issue, Haley wrote. She echoed that call in a Twitter post: The U.S. will be taking names. Under a 1950 resolution, an emergency special session can be called for the General Assembly to consider a matter with a view to making appropriate recommendations to members for collective measures if the Security Council fails to act. Only 10 such sessions have been convened, and the last time the General Assembly met in such a session was in 2009 on occupied East Jerusalem and Palestinian territories. Thursday s meeting will be a resumption of that session. Trump abruptly reversed decades of U.S. policy this month when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel s capital, generating outrage from Palestinians and the Arab world and concern among Washington s Western allies. Trump also plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. The draft U.N. resolution calls on all countries to refrain from establishing diplomatic missions in Jerusalem. Haley said on Monday that the resolution was vetoed in the Security Council in defense of U.S. sovereignty and the U.S. role in the Middle East peace process. She criticized it as an insult to Washington and an embarrassment to council members. Israel considers Jerusalem its eternal and indivisible capital and wants all embassies based there. Palestinians want the capital of an independent Palestinian state to be in the city s eastern sector, which Israel captured in a 1967 war and annexed in a move never recognized internationally.
December 19, 2017
WOW! NEW REPORT: IRS Didn’t Tell 1 Million Taxpayers That Illegals Stole Their Social Security Numbers!
REMEMBER BECKY GERRITSON OF ALABAMA WHOSE TEA PARTY GROUP WAS TARGETED BY THE IRS? SHE GAVE AN IMPASSIONED SPEECH TO CONGRESS. It seems the IRS hasn t changed its tune!The IRS has discovered more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell the taxpayers themselves, the agency s inspector general said in a withering new report released Tuesday. Investigators first alerted the IRS to the problem five years ago, but it s still not fixed, the inspector general said, and a pilot program meant to test a solution was canceled and fell woefully short anyway. As a result, most taxpayers don t learn that their identities have been stolen and their Social Security files may be screwed up. Taxpayers identified as victims of employment-related identity theft are not notified, the inspector general said. The report alarmed lawmakers on Capitol Hill, who were shocked that the IRS had gone for so long without fixing the issue. It is stunning that the IRS has chosen to aid and abet identity thieves for so long instead of protecting the innocent victims of the theft, said Sen. Daniel Coats, Indiana Republican.Victims numbers are stolen by illegal immigrants who need to give employers a valid Social Security number in order to get a job. Employers are prohibited from probing too deeply into numbers, even when they suspect fraud. But the IRS learns of the scam when the illegal immigrants file their taxes using a special Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) the agency doles out chiefly to illegal immigrants as a way of making sure they re paying taxes even if they re not supposed to be in the U.S. Between 2011 and 2015 the agency flagged nearly 1.1 million returns where someone appeared to have stolen a valid Social Security number, the inspector general said.Read more: WT
Government News
Feb 22, 2017
MI Gov Rick Snyder Appoints Former Oil Lobbyist To Protect MI’s Environment
Michigan s Republican governor Rick Snyder has just appointed a new head of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Snyder s new corporate shill, Heidi Grether, is a former executive for BP. Grether also worked as a registered lobbyist for BP America in Michigan for seven years. After her time spent lobbying for big oil, Grether became the Deputy Director of the MDEQ.The former DEQ director, Dan Wyant, resigned from his position after the Flint water crisis. Grether has been working as the interim director for the MDEQ since Wyant s resignation. Heidi has decades of experience in environmental quality issues, and has effectively served during times of crises and recovery, Snyder said in a statement. Her expertise in delivering good customer service from a large organization will be of great value as we continue working to reinvent the department and act more proactively to address issues that arise. The Snyder administration is already facing a huge backlash to the decision from environmental groups. Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters sent Snyder a letter informs them of their positions on major environmental concerns in the region. Our coalition articulated that this critically important agency is in need of someone who has the background and experience to be a strong advocate for the health of our communities and our environment. Today s announcement seems to fly in the face of that vision, Wozniak said.Democrats are incredulous over Snyder s decision. Brandon Dillon, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, said Snyder has again shown he is completely out of touch with the people of this state and the problems they face. Flint is still reeling from the worst man-made environmental disaster in Michigan s history, yet Rick Snyder decides to tap a former BP executive one of the worst polluters in the world to lead our state s Departmental of Environmental Quality? Dillon went on to ask.Because of Grether s almost decade long career of lobbying for the oil industry, she is already being asked to recuse herself from making judgments on one of the biggest decisions Michigan has to make in the near future. There is an oil pipeline that is located at the bottom of the Mackinac Straights, which connect Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. The pipeline is very old and if it breaks down would create one of the worst if not the worst environmental disaster in human history. It would contaminate the world s largest freshwater supply and be economically devasting to the United States and Canada.It s appalling, though not surprising that Snyder would pull a move like this. The Snyder administration has done nothing but eroded democracy in Michigan, while at the same time, becoming globally infamous for their failures to prevent the Flint water crisis.Featured image via Bill Pugliano/Getty Images
July 15, 2016
Turkey's Erdogan says U.S. courts cannot put Turkey on trial
ANKARA (Reuters) - Courts in the United States cannot put Turkey on trial, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday, in reference to the case of a Turkish bank executive who has been charged with evading U.S. sanctions on Iran. Already strained ties between NATO allies Ankara and Washington have deteriorated in recent weeks as Turkish-Iranian gold trader Reza Zarrab, who is cooperating with U.S. prosecutors, detailed in court a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions. Over three days of testimony, Zarrab has implicated top Turkish politicians, including Erdogan. Zarrab said on Thursday that Erdogan personally authorized two Turkish banks to join the scheme when he was prime minister. Ankara has cast the testimony as an attempt to undermine Turkey and its economy, and has previously said it was a clear plot by the network of U.S.-based Fethullah Gulen, who it alleges engineered last year s coup attempt. Reuters was not immediately able to reach representatives for the ministers implicated by Zarrab in the trial. Turkey has repeatedly requested Gulen s extradition, but U.S. officials have said the courts require sufficient evidence before they can extradite the elderly cleric, who has denied any involvement in the coup. Erdogan, who has governed Turkey for almost 15 years, told members of his ruling AK Party in the northeastern province of Kars on Saturday that U.S. courts can never try my country . Although he has not yet responded to the courtroom claims, he has dismissed the case as a politically motivated attempt to bring down the Turkish government and on Friday the state-run Anadolu news agency said Turkish prosecutors are set to seize the assets of Zarrab and his acquaintances. Turkey has stepped up its pressure on the U.S. and on Saturday Anadolu quoted Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu as saying that Gulen s followers had infiltrated the U.S. judiciary, Congress, and other state institutions. The United States says its judiciary is independent of any political or other interference. Some 150,000 people have been sacked or suspended from their jobs over alleged links to Gulen since the attempted coup, while close to 50,000 people from the military, public and private sector have been jailed. And in a further blow to Turkish-U.S. ties, Turkish authorities on Friday issued an arrest warrant for former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Graham Fuller over suspected links to the abortive putsch. Rights groups and Turkey s Western allies have voiced concerns that Erdogan is using the crackdown to muzzle dissent, but the government says the purges are necessary due to the gravity of the threat it faces.
December 2, 2017
Ben Carson offered HUD post, will consider it: Carson spokesman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the post of secretary of housing and urban development to former presidential candidate Ben Carson, who will consider it over the Thanksgiving holiday, a Carson spokesman said on Tuesday. “The president-elected asked him to consider it and he’s considering it,” Carson spokesman Armstrong Williams said. Carson, a retired surgeon, dropped out of the 2016 presidential race in March and backed Trump.
November 23, 2016
OBAMA HOSTS FUNDRAISER: Praises Clinton For Great Job “Making Life and Death Decisions”….Like Benghazi?
Obama hosted a fundraiser for a bunch of wealthy donors on Martha s Vineyard this week while riots and flooding devastate two cities. No mention of either situation in Obama s speech but Obama had time to take a swipe at Hillary Clinton s opponent in the presidential race. Obama said he s sick of talking about Trump and went on to praise Clinton great job as secretary of state. What a joke! The funniest line of the night from Obama had to be this:Obama said Clinton is not always the flashiest but she is the person who s going to do the work. Headlining a Democratic fundraiser while vacationing on Martha s Vineyard, President Obama said he is weary of mentioning Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and urged donors to continue backing Hillary Clinton. Frankly I m tired of talking about her opponent, Obama told 60 donors who had paid $10,000 to attend the fundraiser. I don t have to make the case against her opponent because every time he talks, he makes the case against his own candidacy, he said, according to a pool press report on his remarks provided by the Wall Street Journal. Obama also expressed a warning about the unpredictability of this election cycle. If we are not running scared until the day after the election, we are going to be making a grave mistake, he said.As expected, Obama also had praise for Clinton, who served as his secretary of state after losing to him in the 2008 Democratic primary, saying he s seen her in really tough pressure situations. I m a Democrat, so it s fair to say that whoever the Democratic nominee was, I would want to get behind them, Obama said, according to the pool report. But I don t display the kinds of enthusiasm and energy and commitment to Hillary candidacy just because of the fact we belong to the same political party. He continued: Until you sit at that desk and you re making life and death decisions, and you re deploying young men and women to war, or you re having to avert a crisis that could affect millions or in some cases billions of lives, you don t know how you re going to respond. Obama said Clinton is not always the flashiest but she is the person who s going to do the work. Read more: Mass Live
Aug 16, 2016
Syrian Military Knew Missile Attack Was Coming After Trump Told Putin About It
Donald Trump s bromance with Vladimir Putin seems to be going the way of most middle school relationships. Though the Russian dictator was perfectly happy to employ a team of hackers to dig into The Donald s opponents at his request and propagandists to spread fake stories about his opponents, Mr. 45 s attack on Syria was too much for the guy who is known for killing unfriendly journalists and political opponents.CNN reported that Trump s team called Russia to warn them of the airstrike in advance and according to ABC, the Syrian army seemed to know the attack was coming, allowing them to evacuate equipment and personnel:Syrian military officials appeared to anticipate Thursday night s raid on Syria s Shayrat air base, evacuating personnel and moving equipment ahead of the strike, according to an eyewitness.Dozens of Tomahawk missiles struck the air base near Homs, damaging runways, towers and traffic control buildings, a local resident and human rights activist living near the air base told ABC News via an interpreter.Let s look at what happened here: Trump warned Putin of an attack because his people were in the area. Mysteriously, the targets learned of the incoming Tomahawk missiles and were able to evacuate people and equipment.Interesting, eh?Featured image via Getty Images (Pool)
April 7, 2017

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