stringlengths 55
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stringlengths 2
|**Related to**|[[JinDo|JinDo]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]|
**Shu-Keseg** is a religion practiced on the [[Sel|Selish]] continent known as [[Opelon|Opelon]] ([[Aonic|Aonic]] term) or [[Sycla|Sycla]] ([[Fjorden|Fjordell]] term), as well as the nearby nation of [[Teod|Teod]]. Two opposing sects, [[Shu-Korath|Shu-Korath]] and [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]], later developed from this parent religion.
## Contents
1 Beliefs
2 Origins & History
2.1 Sects
2.1.1 Cultural Influence
3 Notable Members
4 Notes
## Beliefs
Shu-Keseg’s core ideals center around unity – specifically unity of ‘’mind’’ – and acceptance. Its followers believe in a single, omnipotent God named Dashu.
## Origins & History
Shu-Keseg was founded by a [[JinDo|JinDo]] man named [[Keseg|Keseg]] who preached the power of unity. The religion’s teachings are held in a book called the [[Do-Kando|Do-Kando]].
### Sects
Keseg’s students, [[Korath|Korath]] and [[Dereth|Dereth]], left JinDo to spread Shu-Keseg, but they disagreed about how to achieve the central tenet of unity. Korath preached that mankind should be united through love, whereas Dereth taught of achieving unity through obedience. This schism resulted in the two opposing sects of Shu-Korath and Shu-Dereth.
#### Cultural Influence
The nation of Fjorden, the home of Shu-Dereth, used the new religion as an excuse to conquer nearby nations under the guise of divine unification.
For more information, see [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]].
## Notable Members
The nation of JinDo, while officially converted to Shu-Dereth to avoid war, still primarily practices Shu-Keseg.
[[Shuden|Shuden]] – A baron of [[Arelon|Arelon]], originally from JinDo
| Shu-Keseg |
This article contains intellectual property reproduced with permissionPlease do not alter or reproduce without permission from the creator
|**Song of the Beasts**|
|**Related to**|[[Listener|Listener]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
The **Song of the Beasts** is one of the songs detailing the oral history of the [[Listener|listeners]]. It talks about the listeners when they fled [[Narak|Narak]] and befriended the [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]]. It is written by [[Thude|Thude]], as no Keeper of the Songs was able to compose one at the moment. It is told from the perspective of the [[Chasmfiend|chasmfiends]]. It is sung to the Rhythm of the Lost.
## Excerpt
>“*Listen and hear, the song of new sight,A story of years, and of the long fight.For these eyes are not yours,We measure not the years,We know not our full loss,But we dream nonetheless.Then raising a nail, made all of steel,A warrior brought hail, and pain to feel.Now our eyes saw true,Our ears now heard trace,Our ways were at fault,These were rivals to fight.When report came in stark, by one who was bold,A story made dark, without reason to hold,It could not be said,Without rhythm so sad,Like a hit to the skull,They were killing the small.The storm was undone, leaving fresh dew.We lived with those small,And found their true skill.Not that of bringing ends,But of scratching our ears.*”
## Trivia
Chapter 58 of Wind and Truth is called "The Song of the Beasts".
| Song of the Beasts |
|**Introduced In**|*Wind and Truth*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
**Aqqil** is the heroine of a famous [[Azish|Azish]] myth on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. In the story, she dresses up as a boy and goes to war to save her brother. At least one modern rendition of her story has been published. Her story is cited by [[Zabra|Zabra]] as she attempts to join the [[Battle of Azimir|Battle of Azimir]].
| Aqqil |
|**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]|
**Dionia** was the [[Arelon|Aonic]] term for influenza. Its name is based off of Aon Dio, which means cold.
When Duke [[Telrii|Telrii's]] daughter [[Shaor|Soine]] was taken by the [[Shaod|Shaod]], he claimed she had died of dionia, but there were rumors around the court about what had actually happened.
| Dionia |
|**Introduced In**|*White Sand*|
**Vennin** is a [[Trackt|Trackt]] working under [[Ais|Ais]] in [[Kezare|Kezare]] on [[Taldain|Taldain]]. She assigns him to watch over [[Kenton|Kenton]] while Ais herself is busy meeting with [[Heelis|Heelis]]. When Ais returns to relieve him from his post he reports that Kenton has been studying while she was gone.
| Vennin |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**Dryport** is a city in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
It lies a short distance east of [[Elendel|Elendel]] on the [[Irongate River|Irongate River]]. The etymology of its name is unclear, as it is not considered to be a major port; there may be a connection to another city in the Basin named "[[Drypost|Drypost]]".
It has a dedicated branch line of the Basin's railway system. [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] boards a train in Dryport and confronts [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn Ladrian]] after deducing his location using coded notes taken by [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]].
| Dryport |
|by Vladora |
|**Parents**|[[Lirin|Lirin]], [[Hesina|Hesina]]|
|**Siblings**|[[Kaladin|Kaladin]], [[Tien|Tien]]|
|**Relatives**|[[Aesudan|Aesudan]], [[Gavinor|Gavinor]]|
|**Born**|1172 or 1173|
|**Residence**|[[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] , [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Oroden** is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] toddler on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He is the youngest child of [[Lirin|Lirin]] and [[Hesina|Hesina]] and is [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] baby brother.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
2.1 Hearthstone
2.2 Urithiru
3 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Shayndlart With [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]
For more images, see [[Oroden/Gallery|/Gallery]].
Oroden seems to be a happy child. He takes quickly to both Kaladin and Rlain, and enjoys playing with toys.
## History
### Hearthstone
Oroden was born in Hearthstone in late 1172 or early 1173, around three years after his older brothers Kaladin and [[Tien|Tien]] left home to serve in the [[Alethi|Alethi]] armies. Hesina was around forty years old when she gave birth to Oroden. His name means 'child of peace'.
Kaladin had very little contact with his parents after leaving home; by the time Oroden was born, they thought Kaladin was dead. He learned of Oroden's existence when he returned to Hearthstone in early 1175. Although he was somewhat shocked by his aging parents having another child, Kaladin wept upon meeting his brother, who was around a year old at the time.
Oroden, along with the rest of the people of [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], sheltered in [[Roshone|Roshone's]] manor when the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] hit Hearthstone during the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]].
### Urithiru
by Elisgardor Having his height measured by [[Hesina|Hesina]]
Oroden remained in Hearthstone as it was occupied by [[Singer|singer]] forces, but he and the rest of the town were soon evacuated to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] on the *Fourth Bridge*. In Urithiru, he lived on the sixth floor with his parents. His crib was in a small room that was more like a closet. He and Kaladin started to become closer, and they sometimes played together. [[Sylphrena|Sylphrena]] always made herself visible to Oroden, and would entertain him by shapeshifting into different animals. [[Laral|Laral]] and her governess sometimes watched Oroden alongside Laral's children.
When Urithiru was assaulted by [[Odium|Odium's]] forces, Oroden was initially taken care of by a 'village girl', presumably from Hearthstone. Oroden was present when soldiers came to take fallen [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] from Lirin's care into custody. After Kaladin killed a [[Regal|Regal]] in protection of [[Teft|Teft]], Oroden was heard crying, likely because the nearby commotion disturbed his sleep.
Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden were subsequently imprisoned in the clinic, held by [[Lezian|Lezian's]] guards, and later by [[Leshwi|Leshwi's]] after [[Venli|Venli]] intervened. [[Rlain|Rlain]] made sure to ask after Oroden when he learned of Venli's actions. Venli was able to get Rlain assigned to the clinic, and he quickly developed a rapport with the family, including Oroden. The family stayed together when Lirin and Hesina began looking after the fallen Radiants.
When [[Moash|Moash]] came to the clinic to set a trap for Kaladin, he had Oroden, Lirin, and Hesina bound and gagged. After his plans were interrupted by Teft and [[Lift|Lift]], Moash focused on Lirin, telling Lezian to kill him if needed in order to agitate Kaladin; Lirin was moved to a different part of the tower. Oroden and Hesina remained in the infirmary and were present during a skirmish involving singers loyal to Lezian fighting a group of humans and some singers loyal to Leshwi. Hesina survived the ordeal shaken but unharmed, and Oroden presumably did as well.
| Oroden |
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Order of Edgedancers|Edgedancer]] magic, [[Splinter|Splinter]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*We're spren, but my kind—cultivationspren—are not very important. We don’t have a kingdom, or even cities, of our own.*”
**Cultivationspren** are a type of sapient [[Spren|spren]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. They are capable of forming a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], granting people the powers of the [[Edgedancers|Edgedancers]].
## Contents
1 Appearance
1.1 Physical Realm
1.2 Cognitive Realm
2 Abilities
2.1 Nahel bond
3 History
4 Culture
5 Notable Cultivationspren
6 Notes
## Appearance
### Physical Realm
In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], cultivationspren take the form of a vine that grows rapidly. This vine appears to be speckled with smooth flecks of quartz, but it does not glow with Stormlight. They can form the appearance of a face by curling vines around one another. After a time, the vine trail they leave behind solidifies, becoming like crystal before crumbling into dust.
### Cognitive Realm
In the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], cultivationspren are, like other sapient spren, humanoid. They appear to be composed mostly of vines, and their faces look as though they are composed of green string. Their hands, eyes, and teeth are made of crystal, though their hands are still as flexible as flesh.
They all wear clothing, which doesn't seem to necessarily be part of their essence -- one female cultivationspren was spotted wearing a vorin [[Havah|havah]].
A [[Deadeye|deadeye]] cultivationspren looks similar to a living one, albeit dried out. Rather than vines, their bodies look as though made of ashen brown cords thin as hair, giving the appearance of rough cloth or a cluster of brown vines. They also have long nails.
## Abilities
Out of all spren, cultivationspren are the best at manifesting souls from beads in Shadesmar. For this reason, they often work creating gardens for other spren. Rather than plants, cultivationspren gardeners create elaborate structures out of objects such as chairs.
In the Physical Realm, cultivationspren are invisible and unheard to all but their Surgebinder when they wish to be, although the remnants of their vines disintegrating can be seen.
### Nahel bond
Cultivationspren can form [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]] with humans. Through this, they can grant the [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]] abilities of [[Abrasion|Abrasion]] and [[Progression|Progression]]. Like other Radiant spren, they lose their memories upon entering the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], although it seems as though the [[Ring|Ring]] has some ability to lessen this effect by careful preparation.
## History
by Shuravf [[Wyndle|Wyndle]] with [[Lift|Lift]]
>“*Oh, we've jumped right into the sea of glass feet-first, but we barely know what we’re doing!*”
While the origins of the cultivationspren are unknown, it's possible that they were created by [[Cultivation|Cultivation]] herself. Back in the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]], cultivationspren began forming [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]] with humans, creating the [[Order of Edgedancers|Order of Edgedancers]]. When the [[Recreance|Recreance]] came, they were decimated, with anyone who would know how the Bond works turned [[Deadeye|deadeye]]. Over the millenia, their society recovered somewhat, albeit they never created grand cities or a nation.
Shortly before the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], they saw the [[Honorspren|honorspren]] and the [[Cryptic|Cryptics]] begin to bond humans again, and decided that they must keep up. The [[Ring|Ring]], their ruling body, sent [[Wyndle|Wyndle]] to bond with [[Lift|Lift]], and possibly some other spren as well.
When travelling through [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] and [[Shallan|Shallan's]] group encountered a cultivationspren working as a dock registrar in [[Celebrant|Celebrant]]. He was the one to explain the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringer]] presence in the city to them, and later stalled the [[Fused|Fused]] so that they could escape. Wyndle and his Radiant Lift proved invalauable in securing the [[King's Drop|King's Drop]] for Dalinar to use to trap [[Nergaoul|Nergaoul]] during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]].
In the year following the battle, even more cultivationspren bonded with humans to create more Radiants. The cultivationspren as a group were generally disposed favorably to the newly refounded order of the Edgedancers.
## Culture
by LittleGreyDragon [[Mayalaran|Mayalaran]], a [[Deadeye|deadeye]] cultivationspren
>“*Oh, glorious day. Glorious! We have waited so long for the honor of men to return!*”
\-Celebrant dock registrar[4]
Fittingly, cultivationspren seem to worship Cultivation more so than [[Honor|Honor]], swearing by her name and calling her Mother. They are skittery and often fearful, seeking to avoid bringing danger upon themselves. When push comes to shove, however, they can be relied on regardless of how dangerous a situation is.
It's unknown what their general attitude towards humans is, but the ones seen so far are not opposed to [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]], with the dock registrar in particular being excited about the return of the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]]. Going by his comments, this is a wide-spread opinion.
Unlike other sapient spren, cultivationspren don't have their own nation or settlements in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. Rather, they live alongside other spren in cities where various types intermingle, like [[Celebrant|Celebrant]]. Nonetheless, they have their own government, a council known as the [[Ring|Ring]], which in the present day is responsible for choosing which of their kind should bond who.
## Notable Cultivationspren
[[Wyndle|Wyndle]] (bonded to [[Lift|Lift]])
[[Mayalaran|Mayalaran]] ([[Deadeye|deadeye]] of [[Adolin|Adolin's]] [[Shardblade|Shardblade]])
[[Archinal|Archinal]] (Bonded to [[Godeke|Godeke]])
The [[Celebrant|Celebrant]] dock registrar
| Cultivationspren |
|**Introduced In**|* Dawnshard*|
**Dok** is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] sailor on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. At the order of Queen [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]], he and many other Alethi enlist to serve on [[Thaylen|Thaylen]] ships to learn sailing traditions. [[Yalb|Yalb]] notes that Dok is a competent sailor compared to most other Alethi, although he occasionally got seasick.
In late 1174, he joined the crew of Captain [[Smta|Smta]]. After Yalb took him under his wing, Dok was victim to a prank commonly played on new sailors as a hazing ritual. First, he was tricked into pretending to see a nonexistent "sailorspren" to win a small bet. Yalb expected Dok to "see" more sailorspren and eventually place a larger bet that he could catch one, resulting in Dok losing his [[Sphere|spheres]] to Yalb. Before the prank could continue, Yalb spotted the ship *First Dreams* on the horizon.
| Dok |
|**Homeworld**|[[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Sixth of the Dusk*|
**Sisisru** is a female [[Aviar|Aviar]] being raised by [[Sixth of the Dusk (character)|Sixth of the Dusk]] on [[Patji (island)|Patji]], an island in the [[Pantheon|Pantheon]] on [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]].
She lives in a nesting box with other Aviar in one of Dusk's [[Safecamp|safecamps]]. She is not one of Dusk's primary Aviar companions, and her species and Aviar talent are unknown.
| Sisisru |
|**ZoBell Tower**|
**ZoBell Tower** is a skyscraper in the Fourth Octant of [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
The tower is around twenty stories tall and has decorative stonework and balconies. Like many sky scrapers in the city, it narrows as it rises and is built with steel girders. It has a coach portico at the entrance. There is also a green in front of the tower.
The entire top floor is an open penthouse ringed with windows, at least some of which have balconies. It is lit by crystal chandeliers and has red carpeting. During [[Lady ZoBell's party|Lady ZoBell's party]] in 342 [[Catacendre|PC]], it is decorated with small display stands with glass boxes containing impressive specimens of [[Allomantic|Allomantic]] metals. [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] tests out [[Ranette|Ranette's]] grappling hook invention while ascending the tower prior to the party.
| ZoBell Tower |
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
The **"new kid"** is an unidentified sailor who joined the crew of the *Wind's Pleasure* in Tanat 1173 when it stopped in [[Amydlatn|Amydlatn]] in eastern [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He was hired by Captain [[Tozbek|Tozbek]] as an extra deckhand to make sure the ship was not undermanned on the trip to [[New Natanan|New Natanan]].
He is six feet tall with a blunt face and a hulking frame, and he is extremely strong. [[Yalb|Yalb]] calls him "new kid" even though he is at least five years Yalb's senior. Yalb tries to engage with him, telling him that the rest of the crew will like him if he does his dishwashing duties. However, he does not speak much, and Yalb thinks he is simpleminded.
He was presumably hired by [[Tyn|Tyn]] and the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] and planted on the ship. He participated in the mutiny against Tozbek, including the execution of several crew members and the attempted assassination of [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]]. [[Shallan|Shallan]] evaded him and some other thugs using Lightweaving. It is unclear if he survived the burning and sinking of the *Wind's Pleasure*.
| New kid |
|**House Geffenry**|
|**Era**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**House Geffenry** is a noble house on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
## History
They were allied with [[House Tekiel|House Tekiel]], although they desired a stronger alliance and access to Tekiel's canal routes across the eastern plains.
[[Kelsier|Kelsier]] murdered Tekiel ally [[Charrs Entrone|Charrs Entrone]] and dumped his body in the gardens of [[Keep Tekiel|Keep Tekiel]] after Entrone had been gambling against [[Crews Geffenry|Crews Geffenry]], a known [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]. Kelsier did not know or care whether the nobility would end up blaming House Geffenry, Tekiel enemy [[House Izenry|House Izenry]], or some other house for Entrone's death; he just wanted to cause chaos and house wars.
According to [[Kliss|Kliss]], House Tekiel came to believe that House Geffenry had secretly murdered Entrone in the hopes that his death would make Tekiel nervous and potentially more willing to strengthen the Tekiel-Geffenry alliance. Kliss and [[Milen Davenpleu|Milen Davenpleu]] suspect that Tekiel then ordered the killing of [[Ardous Geffenry|Ardous]] and [[Callins Geffenry|Callins Geffenry]] in retaliation.
| House Geffenry |
|**Children**|[[Kelsier|Kelsier]], [[Marsh|Marsh]]|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
**Kelsier's mother** is a [[Skaa|skaa]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. She is a resourceful mistress to a high-ranking [[Noble|noble]] lord.
She deceived her lover about her skaa heritage, successfully hiding it for many years. Although her children [[Marsh|Marsh]] and [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] were illegitimate, they grew up privileged until their father discovered the truth, at which point she was taken by [[Obligator|obligators]] and presumably executed. Marsh and Kelsier were very young at the time; the loss of their mother caused Marsh to [[Snapping|Snap]]. Their father did not report the mixed heritage of the boys to the [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]], but they lived out their childhoods in constant fear of being discovered and killed.
>“*You know how Kelsier feels about the nobility? Well, I feel the same way about the obligators. I'll do anything to hurt them. They took our mother—that’s when I Snapped, and that’s when I vowed to destroy them.*”
By the time Kelsier and Marsh reached adulthood, they had no living relatives except each other. Kelsier's loathing of nobles was partly fueled by the treatment of his mother, although he sometimes wondered what his life would have been like had he remained in noble society. Marsh focused his anger on the obligators and dedicated his life to overthrowing the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]; he did not agree with Kelsier's wanton violence against nobles.
| Kelsiers mother |
|by Charlie Bowater |
|**Skyward (series)**|
|**Precedes**|*Cytonic *|
|**Collaborators**|[[Janci Patterson|Janci Patterson]]|
|**Released**|December 28, 2021|
|**Page Count**|234|
*Evershore* is a novella in the [[Skyward (series)|Skyward series]], co-written by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] and [[Janci Patterson|Janci Patterson]]. It stars [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] as the point-of-view character. The book was released on December 28th, 2021 in audio- and e-book form; a combined print edition of it, *Sunreach*, and *ReDawn* was released on April 5th, 2022. It is set between *Starsight* and *Cytonic*.
## Contents
1 Synopsis
2 Summary
3 Cover Gallery
4 Notes
## Synopsis
*With the government of Detritus in disarray because of Superiority treachery, and with Spensa still away on her mission in the Nowhere, Jorgen must work together with the alien Alanik to pick up the pieces. They intercept a strange transmission from the planet Evershore and its Kitsen inhabitants, who say they have some of Jorgen’s people and want to return them—but can the Kitsen be trusted? And can Jorgen learn to master his increasingly erratic cytonic powers before they spiral out of control and destroy all hope of forming an alliance against the Superiority?*
## Summary
For a chapter-by-chapter summary, see [[Evershore (novella)/Summary|/Summary]].
## Cover Gallery
For a cover gallery of Evershore, see [[Evershore (novella)/Covers|/Covers]].
| Evershore novella |
|**Seran Range**|
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
The **Seran Range** is a mountain range in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is southeast of [[Elendel|Elendel]] and is one of the mountain ranges that separates the basin from the [[Roughs|Roughs]].
The [[Seran River|Seran River]] cuts through the mountains, and a major railway line loosely follows the river's path. The city of [[New Seran|New Seran]] is also close to the foothills of the mountains. The mountains have snow-capped peaks and are generally uninhabited due to their cold, stormy climate.
It is presumably named for the [[Conventical of Seran|Conventical of Seran]], the sanctuary of the Steel Inquisitors during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], which was located far southeast of [[Luthadel|Luthadel]].
| Seran Range |
|**Profession**|DDF pilots|
|**Introduced In**|*Skyward*|
Callsign **Tunestone** is a member of [[Nightmare Flight|Nightmare Flight]] along with [[Nose|Nose]], [[Bog|Bog]], [[Sushi|Sushi]], [[Jager|Jager]], and [[Nord|Nord]]. She has a high pitched voice and comes across as dismissive.
Tunestone, along with her flight mates, accompanied [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] in a routine mission to tag debris. Paired with [[FM|FM]] and [[Spensa|Spensa]], Tunestone and her wingmate Bog attempted to show off their [[Light-lance|light-lance]] skills, assuming the cadets to not be overly familiar with the manoeuvres. Neither of the cadets found the display overly impressive, and in turn they demonstrated their own competency using a light-lance. Later, when the group were attacked by [[Varvax|Krell]] ships, Tunestone was ordered by her flightleader, Nose, to fly defensively and keep an eye out for [[Lifebuster|Lifebusters]] until reinforcements arrived.
Later, Nightmare Flight participated in the [[Battle of Alta Second|Battle of Alta Second]].
| Tunestone |
**Helenntion** was on the Council of Khlennium.
He was one of the last survivors of the Council, and his biography contained reference to the [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]].
| Helenntion |
|by Ernanda Souza |
|**Investitures**|[[Charred|Charred]], [[Sunheart|Sunhearts]]|
|**Surface Gravity**|0.7 cosmere standard|
|**Radius**|0.02 cosmere standard|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Sunlit Man*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*We were the first who died on Canticle. The first to live in this land and devise the designs of flight—based on the ships that brought us here. But then we died and rose as shades. Remembering.*”
\-A member of the Chorus relates the history of Canticle[5]
**Canticle** is a planet in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]]. It is primarily populated with a group of [[Threnody|Threnodites]] that fled the infighting on their homeworld to take up residence elsewhere, led by a preacher named [[Zellion (Threnody)|Zellion]]. The planet is constantly barraged with intense sunlight which causes the land and atmosphere to heat to such levels that it burns and melts anything near it, going as far as vaporizing humans.
No Shard currently resides on the planet, and there are no [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularities]].
## Contents
1 Astronomy
1.1 Sun
2 Geography and Ecology
2.1 Atmosphere
2.2 Climate and Weather
2.3 Ecology
2.4 Cognitive Realm
2.5 Geography
2.6 Ring System
2.7 Rotation
3 Culture
3.1 People
3.2 Politics
3.3 Religion
3.4 Language
3.5 Clothing
3.6 Cities and Ships
3.7 Food
4 History
5 List of Known Settlements
6 Manifestations of Investiture
7 Trivia
8 Notes
## Astronomy
It is unknown if other planets exist in the same system as Canticle.
### Sun
Canticle orbits a singular star. This star is heavily Invested, showering the planet with a large amount of Invested light. The sun's Investiture also reflects off of the planet's rings, causing the rings to emit a low level of Investiture onto the surface even on the dark sides of the planet. It is integral to the life-cycle of various flora and fauna across the planet, to the Canticle's shifting geography, and to the production of sunhearts.
## Geography and Ecology
Canticle is approximately 161 kilometers (100 miles) in radius, or around 0.025 cosmere standard, though it has an extremely large and dense Invested iron core. This iron core is not the sole source of the gravity, but it is its Invested nature that gives it a gravitational force of around 0.7 cosmere standard and allows it to retain and maintain a planetary ring system despite its small size.
The Scadrians have a couple of drones or satellites in orbit, giving them access to cameras to view the planet from above ground.
### Atmosphere
The planet has a low scale height, thus the thickness of the atmosphere thins rapidly with increasing altitude, with the end of the inner atmosphere being set at around one-thousand feet (304.8 meters) from the surface. Due to this, mountains reach into outer space, and are impassible to the planet's inhabitants.
The atmosphere is unnaturally resistant to the flow of Investiture, causing it to produce these large amounts of heat via . The amount of heating is directly proportional to the amount of Investiture flowing through it, thus, the Investiture reflected off the rings on the dark (10-20 BEU/h) side causes negligible heating.
### Climate and Weather
At the line following the sunset, a storm referred to as the "great maelstrom" occurs due to great changes in pressure and humidity. This storm is composed of cyclones of fire that sweep across the landscape.
by Ernanda Souza The dark side of Canticle, depicting Canticlite Flora and Fauna, with rings visible in the sky.
### Ecology
Gazelle-like creatures live near dawn; they are Invested in some way. Their lifecycle and how they survive the daytime heat are currently unknown.
Plant life, fed from Invested light reflected off of the ring system, grows rapidly in the night. The amount of Investiture reflected is approximately ten or twenty [[Breath Equivalent Unit|Breath Equivalent Units]] (BEUs) an hour. Humans are an important part of this ecosystem, planting seeds after the land is burned away, allowing for the plants to grow once light is reflected onto them.
### Cognitive Realm
The Canticle subastral of the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] is probably violent and filled with shaking and tremors.
### Geography
The geography of the planet constantly changes due to the stone melting from the intense heat produced in the atmosphere; this combined with the effect of the planet's Invested core causes eruptions of magma that drastically reshape the landscape. Due to the ever-changing geography, erosion doesn't have time to take place.
A system of impassable mountains and highlands run along the southern band.
### Ring System
The planet is orbited by a system of blue and gold rings with several divisions. These rings play an important role in reflecting sunlight at the night side of the planet, keeping it from complete darkness and helping plants to grow from reflected light and Investiture. These rings have an unknown orbital inclination, as they are not centered at the equatorial region of Canticle and have a notable angle relative to the equatorial plane.
### Rotation
Canticle has a retrograde spin; thus, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Its radial velocity is notably slow, at around 28.1 meters per second (62.9 miles per hour), despite this, it has a rotational period of 10 standard hours, which are rendered as 20 Canticle hours.
## Culture
The natives on Canticle are primarily descended from inhabitants of [[Threnody|Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil|Evil]] attacked their ancestors. As such a great deal of Threnody's cultural norms persist on Canticle.
### People
The natives on Canticle are primarily descended from inhabitants of [[Threnody|Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil|Evil]] attacked their ancestors. Many have pale skin, though nearly as many have darker skin close to that of an [[Azir|Azish]] person. Some people, although not too many, have a variety of shades between.
These people tell each other lots of stories, though all of them have some kind of moral. A lot of the stories they tell involve children being eaten by shades.
### Politics
Most of the planet's cities have been conquered by the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]], and the ones who haven't have been forced to the poles. The Cinder King rules via two methods. A monopoly on [[Sunheart|sunhearts]] and the threat of his [[Charred|Charred]]. Each city also elects a Lodestar, who functions as their Chief Navigator and leader of the city. Below the Cinder King are other officials, but it's unknown how much power they have.
### Religion
People on Canticle believe in [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]] as a deity. They know that Adonalsium is dead and splintered into Shards. Nonetheless they believe that everything that happens is his plan.
They believe that the planet [[Threnody|Threnody]], which was once their homeland, is Hell.
They seem to fear the sun, but also have great respect for it, calling it titles such as 'the Sky Tyrant'. It is unknown however if this is a part of their religion or if it's simply a part of their mindset.
### Language
The people on Canticle speak a language closely related to the Threnodite language. The only known examples of this language are: 'Sess Nassith Tor' which translates roughly to 'one who escaped the sun.' and 'Kor Sess Nassith Tor' which can be presumed to mean something similar.
They also speak in a distinct and recognizable manner that seeks to avoid offence or disrespect, an example of this is 'if it pleases you to be disagreed with' instead of simply 'I disagree'.
People in the far northern corridors speak with an accent that purportedly makes those outside of their corridor need to concentrate to understand it.
Names, like back on [[Threnody|Threnody]], are often related to an emotion, virtue, or even a concept, some examples are: Zeal, Confidence, Divinity.
### Clothing
The people wear a wide variety of clothes. Officials are often seen wearing high collars that reach all the way to the chin, they also wear gloves. Most people are swathed in clothing and lots of them wear gloves. Some officials from Union wear formal white coats, with open fronts and insignias on the shoulders. The civilians wear mostly muted colors. Some women wear skirts, though many prefer long, skirtlike jackets, their fronts open to reveal trousers underneath. Many men and women wear hats with wide brims.
### Cities and Ships
As Canticle's Sun kills anyone who touches its light, the people have to constantly keep running from it. To do this, they live in large flying cities, each located in a different 'corridor' (latitude). There are approximately 50 communities on Canticle each flying in parallel corridors. The largest city is Union, which has absorbed all other cities of significance or size and has de facto control over nearly every inhabitable corridor on the planet. The cities are in turn made out off smaller ships, which can link together. They have many different kinds of ships. Special types include [[Hovercycle|hovercycles]], farming ships, a type of ship made for sowing and harvesting crops, and prospectors, which are capable of finding [[Sunheart|sunhearts]]. The people on Canticle also have access to hoverbikes. [[Union|Union]] also has some sort of Arena, although it's unknown if this is a regular thing among these cities. All ships are powered by sunhearts.
Present day, most cities of significant sizes have been incorporated into [[Union|Union]] although a number of small towns remain. There are as much as fifty cities on the planet.
Beaconites in particular prefer lights that have a relatively low brightness.
### Food
The people from Canticle grow crops in the area just in front of dawn, where a small portion of light is reflected to the ground by giant rings around the planet. This technique allows them to harvest every day, requiring only seeds and water.
They also hunt animals; however, according to an Azish man from Roshar, their food appears to be rather bland and lacking in spice.
## History
At some point, a very powerful being created and Invested Canticle and its sun, for a very specific purpose.
Some time after the [[Evil|Evil]] arrived, a group of Threnodites led by Zellion came to the system, pushed out by infighting amongst their people. They devised the flying Cities. Later, these people died and become the first of the [[Chorus|Chorus]].
At some point, the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] found a sick [[Thaylenah|Thaylen]] [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]]. The Cinder King killed him, fearing that he was a demon. The Cinder King then read his books and learned about the wider cosmere. After this he began killing and conquering all the other cities, with the goal of uniting the planet and having all people live in his capital city.
Either shortly before his conquest, or during it, the Cinder King found the Scadrian Research Center and began trading with its scientists. He gave them some people, from whom the Scadrians drew out heat to experiment with. In return they gave him small tidbits of information, such as how to corrupt a sunheart and make the Charred.
## List of Known Settlements
## Manifestations of Investiture
Investiture is relatively commonplace on Canticle. The sunlight is Invested, and the planet's core is also densely Invested. The core tries to feed on any Investiture it can, but generally can't take it from people. When people are placed between the sunlight and the planetary core, the sunlight burns the bodies into [[Sunheart|sunhearts]], while the Investiture from their bodies is "carried" along with the sun's Investure to the core. The sunhearts are then charged with excess Investiture produced by the process of Invested joule heating.
A lot of technology, including the floating cities, is powered by sunhearts. These Invested 'hearts' are made by people who perished in the Invested sunlight while in the direct path between the sun and the planet. Sunhearts can be recharged. Recently the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] was taught how to use the local investiture to make [[Charred|Charred]] by Scadrian researchers on the planet.
## Trivia
is a word for a hymn or a chant, particularly referring to hymns or psalms taken from biblical or holy texts in the Christian faith.
| Canticle |
|by botanicaxu |
|**Died**|Palahanah 1175|
|**Abilities**|[[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]], [[Worldhopper|Worldhopper]]|
|**Bonded With**|[[Mraize's Aviar|Mraize's Aviar]], unknown Enlightened [[Cryptic|Cryptic]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*Morality is as ephemeral as the changing weather.*”
**Betd**, better known by his title of **Mraize**, is a member of the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]] on Roshar. He is a Rosharan born [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]] and is in possession of several artifacts from across the cosmere. His title is not Vorin in origin; it could possibly be Thaylen, as Mraize is from [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] and refers to [[Iyatil|Iyatil]] as his [[Babsk|babsk]], a Thaylen title.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
1.1 Appearance
1.2 Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Early Life
3.2 The Shattered Plains
3.3 Urithiru
3.4 Pursuit of the Sons of Honor
3.5 Seeking Mishram
3.6 Death
4 Relationships
4.1 Shallan Davar
4.2 Iyatil
4.3 Restares
4.4 Thaidakar
4.5 Taravangian
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Elisgardor
For more images, see [[Mraize/Gallery|/Gallery]].
>“*The truth destroys more people than it saves.*”
\-Mraize to Shallan[8]
### Appearance
Mraize is a tall man with jet black hair and light violet eyes. His face and hands are both covered in scars, including one which crosses his cheek vertically and deforms his upper lip. He dyes his eyebrows black and cuts them short. He is almost always sharply dressed in fine suits, wearing white the first time [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] meets him. He wears a golden signet ring on his middle finger with the three-diamond symbol of the Ghostbloods.
When disguised as Gobby, Mraize wears a black and gold guard's uniform from the [[Sebarial|Sebarial]] princedom. As Gobby, he has a cordial relationship with [[Jushu|Jushu]], [[Eylita|Eylita]], and [[Balat|Balat]].
### Personality
Mraize has a refined air which seems to conflict with his scarred appearance. He usually speaks quietly and calmly, but boldly, with an accent Shallan cannot recognize. Despite his cultured manner, he is not always serious, growing warm and friendly when Shallan has impressed him. Something about him reminds Shallan of [[Hoid|Hoid]] when she first sees him, though she quickly denies any resemblance when he turns toward her. He never seems to be upset or surprised by bad news.
Mraize thinks of himself as "hunter" in several respects. He has trophies from several notable animals in Roshar on display in his hideout, including a [[Whitespine|whitespine]] tusk, a [[Santhid|Santhid]] skull and [[Gemheart|gemhearts]] from [[Greatshell|greatshells]]. He speaks with disdain of [[Tyn|Tyn's]] supposed fear of meeting with him, stating that the apparent cowardice shows she is acting like "prey", and refers to Amaram as his current prey. [[Shallan|Shallan]] sees him as a hunter, not waiting for opportunities, but going out and finding them. He dreams of the opportunity to explore the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] and take trophies from the planets he visits.
Despite his occasional likeable air, he has no problem with killing, or even letting his allies attempt to kill someone he is interested in, as he gives the other Ghostbloods implicit permission to attempt to assassinate Shallan before she becomes a full member. He mentions he likes to learn the local weapons of cultures he wants to understand. He makes use of a blowgun with poisoned darts which is apparently a [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] hunting weapon. He also speaks of torturing Shallan for information as "fun." He is also willing to blackmail, persuade and manipulate people in order to achieve his objectives.
Following from this moral compass, he believes that morality is ephemeral and ever-changing, and that it changes depending on how you look at it. Therefore, he considers it an axis he has little interest in, and he pays little heed to it. He occasionally makes moral arguments to manipulate people, such as a utilitarian argument of sacrificing [[Kalak|Kalak]] to improve the lives of many, but he shows no signs of truly believing in any moral philosophy beyond his own interests and those of the Ghostbloods.
He is unforgiving of those that betray him.
As a member of the Ghostbloods, Mraize is seeking a way to get [[Investiture|Investiture]] off-world through [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]]. Until the death of [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai Sadeas]], he hunted the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]] as he feared that they were close to discovering the secret of making this possible. He is not interested in seeing [[Odium|Odium]] rule Roshar.
He refers to the Parshendi as the listeners, one of few in the warcamps to do so.
## Attributes and Abilities
Mraize is a worldhopper. His power resides in his knowledge and possessions. Among his possessions he has [[Mraize's Aviar|a "green chicken"]] which is known to be an [[Aviar|Aviar]], though its ability is unknown. He has a [[Seon|seon]] from [[Sel|Sel]]. He also has [[Sand (Taldain)|white sand]] from [[Taldain|Taldain]], a Yolish branch with weird scripts, a silver knife, and an [[Aether|aether]] he cannot use. He is also believed to have [[Tears of Edgli|Tears of Edgli]]. Many of these possessions and knowledge were gained outside of Roshar.
Mraize is skilled with disguises. A frequent disguise of his is "Gobby", an Alethi guard. Shallan appreciates his skill, but views it as lacking. She thinks that he wears the persona, rather than the other way around, which causes his true personality to show through.
Due to his bond with an Enlightened [[Cryptic|Cryptic]], Mraize has access to the [[Surge|Surge]] of [[Lightweaving|Lightweaving]], which he uses to enhance his disguises. It is unknown whether Sja-anat's corruption affects his access to [[Transformation|Transformation]].
Mraize also seems to have an uncanny ability to sense the presence of others. Whether this is due to his having enough [[BioChromatic Breath|Breath]] to have reached the Fourth Heightening or to some other, more mundane means is unclear.
## History
### Early Life
Mraize, born as Betd, was born on Roshar in an unknown year in Thaylenah.
At some point, he became a member of the [[Ghostbloods|Ghostbloods]]. He has been to various different planets, and has collected trophies where he went. One of these is known to be an [[Aether|Aether]]. He also at some point bonded with an [[Aviar|Aviar]].
### The Shattered Plains
Mraize, as a member of the Ghostbloods, reported to [[Iyatil|Iyatil]], who reported to Master [[Thaidakar|Thaidakar]]. He was confirmed to be behind the assassination attempt on Jasnah Kholin that took place on the *Wind's Pleasure*. He had sent a hunter, [[Tyn|Tyn]], to execute the task. When he sent a [[Spanreed|spanreed]] message to Tyn, Shallan, who had killed her, intercepted it and decided to go meet him herself, disguised as Veil. When they met, Shallan kept the pretense of Tyn being alive and managed to get Mraize to trust her with a task. She was to break into [[Amaram|Amaram's]] manor and find the secrets he kept and report them back. Shallan agreed and manages to escape without being followed.
After that, he was also confirmed to have surveilled the site to supervise the task. He was pleased when he saw Veil again; he initially thought she had not completed her task, but she delivered maps and some texts from Amaram. He was also amazed with her drawing skills and deduced that she had killed Tyn. Mraize offered her the opportunity to be part of the organization, but explicitly said that she was not in yet, and that killing people within the organization was not encouraged at all. On her way out, she decided not to take the coach and hid; she later found that they had killed her coachman during a failed attempt on her life.
The second task Mraize asked of Veil (Shallan) was to get information from a madman inside Dalinar’s warcamp, as well as confirm his allegiance. He was aware that Gavilar had learned some information of an extraordinary nature. After Shallan managed to complete her task and deliver information on the madman, who was later revealed to be the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Talenel|Talenel]], Mraize accepted her into the Ghostbloods. He also said that “the truth destroys more people than it saves”.
by Soph Peralta Mraize with his [[Aviar|Aviar]]
### Urithiru
During the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], Mraize discovered Shallan's true identity. He confronted her days later in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], stating his belief that she was "herself" when she was Veil. He explained that he had her brothers in custody and would deliver them as reward for her services, but wanted to continue working with her. He revealed deep knowledge of the Davar family and confirmed that they owed him a [[Soulcaster|Soulcaster]].
Shortly after, he found a position in the inner circle of [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai Sadeas]] to keep a close eye on her as she had interests of her own, without allegiances to other humans or [[Listener|listeners]]. He was seen wearing a Sadeas uniform, and was likely the scarred guardsman that carried Ialai's chair to the first meeting of the Kholin coalition, defying [[Navani|Navani's]] order that the participants should carry their own chairs.
Though his whereabouts and end goals were often unclear, he continued to request more tasks of Shallan. The first was to secure Urithiru and to hunt the source of darkness and expunge it. Mraize promised information on [[Helaran|Helaran]] in exchange for the first task, and later complied. He told her that Helaran was a [[Skybreaker|Skybreaker]] acolyte who probably went to kill Amaram on their behalf. On the day of Shallan's wedding, he sent her brothers to her with a note, stating that they were her wedding gift, and that he was giving her an additional reward for completing her task in Urithiru; he reduced her family's debt owed from the destruction of the Soulcaster. The note also explained Shallan's next task: to find the Unmade who seemed willing to break from [[Odium|Odium]] and persuade her to join the Ghostbloods.
He also plotted a trap for the Herald [[Shalash|Shalash]], attracting her with a painting by [[Dandos Heraldin|Dandos Heraldin]] that depicted her. When she came to destroy it, he let her know the location of [[Talenel|Talenel]].
### Pursuit of the Sons of Honor
Mraize and the Ghostbloods hunted and killed the Sons of Honor, including [[Thanadal|Thanadal]] and [[Vamah|Vamah]]. Mraize infiltrated [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai Sadeas's]] camp as Gobby. [[Shallan|Shallan]], as Radiant, assassinated Ialai, although she did so because she believed the act to be for the good of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], not because Mraize had ordered it. Mraize believed at this point that the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]] were defunct.
>“*A part that can be that strong. Let that side of you do what needs to be done. Save your husband, your kingdom, and your world all at once. Become that hunter, Shallan. Become the knife.*”
\-Mraize to Shallan[16]
[[Shallan|Shallan]] brokered a deal with [[Sja-anat|Sja-anat]] to have [[Tumi|Tumi]], an Enlightened [[Mistspren|mistspren]], meet with Mraize. Mraize believed the deal included bonding Tumi to a Ghostblood. Mraize expressed interest in bringing Sja-anat to their side, looking to take advantage of her ancient knowledge.
Mraize met with Shallan at [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] as Gobby. He asked her to hunt [[Restares|Restares]], leader of the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]], in [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]]. In return, he offered to tell her everything, and allow her to ask any question. He also offered her the choice to leave the Ghostbloods, and promised he and his babsk ([[Iyatil|Iyatil]]) would not hunt her and would discourage other Ghostbloods from doing so. He implied that he had a spy close to her, a practice he experienced with Iyatil. To aid in this mission, he gives her a rare communication cube containing [[Seon|seon]] [[Ala|Ala]], allowing them to communicate across realms.
While Shallan travelled to [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]], she worked to identify Mraize's spy, planting misinformation amongst her [[Unseen Court|Unseen Court]]. Mraize mistakenly confirms the misinformation from [[Beryl|Beryl]], though it is later discovered that he obtained this while spying on communications between [[Pattern|Pattern]] and [[Wit|Wit]].
During this time, Mraize hunted and killed [[Gereh|Gereh]] within [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. [[Lift|Lift]] tried to interfere, allowing Mraize to capture her in an [[Aluminum|aluminum]] cage, which was his main goal. He gave her as a gift to [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] as part of a request for the [[Fused|Fused]] to negotiate with his master for the right to utilize the [[Oathgate|Oathgates]]. Mraize also gave her a large pouch full of [[Taldain|Taldainian]] [[Sand (Taldain)|sand]].
>“*Killing Sadeas saved thousands of lives. Delivering Kelek to us, sending the honorspren to bond Windrunners, could save millions.*”
\-Mraize to Shallan[16]
In [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]], Shallan sought out [[Restares|Restares]], confirming with Mraize for any suspicious humans, and he ruled them out one by one. Shallan was upset Mraize withheld information, when she discovered Restares was actually the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Kelek|Kelek]]. Mraize had hidden a [[Raysium|raysium]] dagger within the communication cube. Mraize asked Shallan to collect [[Kelek|Kelek's]] soul, and in return, she'd become a full member of the Ghostbloods. He argued that the Heralds abandoned the [[Oathpact|Oathpact]] and even though they knew the [[Fused|Fused]] were back, they either hid or helped hasten the desolation. This would also give Shallan the opportunity to impersonate [[Kelek|Kelek]] to save [[Adolin|Adolin]] from the [[Honorspren|honorspren's]] judgment.
Shallan decided not to kill Kelek and informed Mraize that she was quitting the Ghostbloods. With Kelek's help, Shallan freed [[Ala|Ala]], who pretended to have the demeanor of abused child from her time with Mraize (although it remained loyal to the Ghostbloods). Kelek believed that [[Deadeye|deadeye]] spren did not exist before the [[Recreance|Recreance]], and this was why Mraize hunted him. Shallan told him to leave [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] and that she'd hunt the gemstone containing [[Ba-Ado-Mishram|Ba-Ado-Mishram]]. She also passed on an insult from [[Hoid|Hoid]] for Thaidakar. Mraize warned her that she'd made an enemy of the most powerful organization in the cosmere. He would later pass on Hoid's message to Thaidakar.
### Seeking Mishram
During the ten days before the [[Contest of champions|contest of champions]], Mraize and Iyatil sought to enter the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]] and find the prison of [[Ba-Ado-Mishram|Ba-Ado-Mishram]] to obtain leverage against [[Odium|Odium]].
At the meeting at the Ghostbloods' hideout in [[Narak|Narak]], he indicated that a "special contact" had told him of [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and [[Navani|Navani's]] planned trip to the Spiritual Realm and that he and Iyatil would follow them there. Before leaving, he placed [[Zora|Zora]] in charge of the Rosharan Ghostbloods cell. By the time of the meeting, he had already obtained [[Anti-Stormlight|anti-Stormlight]] and bonded an Enlightened [[Spren|spren]]. Although he discussed Shallan as a threat with both Iyatil and Sja-anat, he did not notice her presence at the meeting until Iyatil unmasked her. He briefly confronted her before Iyatil shot her with an anti-Stormlight crossbow bolt and, using her [[Elsecaller|Elsecaller]] abilities, transferred him and [[Lieke|Lieke]] to [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]].
Once in Shadesmar, the three disguised themselves as guards traveling with some Windrunners from Narak to Urithiru (via [[Oathgate|Oathgate]]). They accompanied Shallan, [[Renarin|Renarin]], [[Rlain|Rlain]], and the two Windrunners to the Cognitive counterpart of where Dalinar and Navani were preparing to cross over to the Spiritual Realm. As the perpendicularity opened, Shallan realized the ruse, which caused the Ghostbloods to attack the Windrunners. After a short fight resulting in Lieke's death, Iyatil and Mraize lured the Windrunners away by telling them that the guards whose places they'd taken were being held as insurance. Mraize then stabbed the perpendicularity with an anti-Stormlight dagger, collapsing it. This sucked him and the others remaining in Shadesmar, along with [[Gavinor|Gavinor]], into the Spiritual Realm, and cut off Navani and Dalinar's way out.
>“*Why would I recruit someone I wasn't at least in part frightened of? Why hunt something that can't fight back?*”
\-Mraize to Shallan[26]
In the Spiritual Realm, Mraize took the form of various characters within the visions to follow Dalinar towards Mishram. In the first, a vision of humankind first fleeing [[Ashyn|Ashyn]], Shallan recognized him pretending to check animals for wounds because he acted with similar bumbling good-naturedness as in his "Gobby" persona. She tried to stab him, but failed, so she instead feinted another attack and hid her knife when he retaliated. This tricked the characters of the vision into restraining him and keeping him away from her.
In the next vision, which showed the [[Herald|Heralds]] swearing their oaths to [[Honor|Honor]], Mraize took the Shard's place. He imitated him perfectly until left alone with Shallan, Renarin, and Rlain, at which point he attacked her again. The spren of the latter two quickly pulled them out of the vision, leaving Shallan and Mraize to fight alone. As they fought, he pointed out that Mishram remained imprisoned only because Odium wanted her to remain so. He entreated Shallan's help, explaining that Thaidakar feared Odium's escape, and obtaining the prison would provide leverage against the Shard. She disagreed, likening Odium's fear of Mishram to [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium's]] murder and Mraize's fear of her. She then attacked him one final time, but before she could kill him, Iyatil pretended to be Formless and disturbed her enough to cause her to pull out of the vision.
Mraize was largely uninvolved in the next several visions. In one, he took the role of a soldier, but hesitated to attack Shallan after she spoke with Mishram. However, they did not interact until Shallan entered a vision led by Mraize himself, situated on a beach in Thaylenah. In that vision, he talked to her about his dreams of traveling the cosmere, and how they had been denied because he chose poorly in attempting to recruit her. She correctly guessed both that his punishment would be reduced if he could kill her, and that part of the point of the vision was to distract her while Iyatil searched for the prison. He ended the conversation by warning her that, one way or the other, their next confrontation would be the end.
### Death
Mraize and Iyatil followed Shallan, Renarin, and Rlain to Mishram's prison when Shallan found the mindset that allowed the Connection to summon the vision. Mraize wore his own face, while Iyatil maintained that of Formless. Mraize claimed that Iyatil was still watching Dalinar, but Shallan saw through the lie and realized Iyatil's disguise. Shallan lethally wounded her with her anti-Stormlight knife. Iyatil reflexively breathed in Stormlight, which killed her. Mraize subtly took an anti-Stormlight knife from Iyatil's corpse, intending that Shallan wouldn't notice it. As the two faced off, Shallan Lightweaved a possible future for Mraize, depicting him as the Unseen Court's agent offworld. He considered, but rejected, the offer, deciding either to kill or recruit Shallan instead.
While Mraize was distracted by looking at the illusion, Shallan placed illusions on herself and Pattern to make them look like one another. She then, as Pattern, tried to tackle Mraize, who assumed that Shallan was trying to get him to use up his anti-Stormlight on the spren. When she attacked him with a knife, though, he realized the illusion. He thought that Shallan seemed to have switched their knives so that hers was now loaded with anti-Stormlight and his was empty. This was also an illusion, though; she had never switched the knives, she had just placed Lightweavings on both. Mraize dropped his knife and grabbed Shallan's, stabbing her in the chest while she stabbed him in the stomach. Now full of anti-Stormlight, Mraize reflexively pulled in Stormlight to heal, which killed him.
## Relationships
### Shallan Davar
Mraize is [[Shallan|Shallan's]] direct superior within the Ghostbloods, and he gives her most of her missions for that organization. However, Shallan saw him as an enemy who she needs to work against, and that she only does as he asks in order to discover more about him. Mraize originally knew her by the codename "Veil," and saw her as a valuable and competent asset with many skills. He often calls her "little knife" when speaking with her. By the time the Alethi are starting to occupy [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] after its rediscovery, he had discovered her true identity, but simply believed this made her more valuable.
After failing to kill [[Restares|Restares]], Shallan leaves the Ghostbloods. Mraize notes that this places her as an enemy of the Ghostbloods; however, he personally views her simply as an obstacle. Despite their enmity, Mraise still seeks to convince her to join him until his death.
### Iyatil
At first glance, [[Iyatil|Iyatil]] seems to be one of Mraize's lackeys, and a fellow Ghostbloods member, or perhaps his second-in-command. She is the one who follows Shallan while Mraize is investigating her, and presumably reports back to him. However, with Shallan, Iyatil mentions that he is her student, not her master, making her a viable candidate for his babsk. Mraize both respects and dislikes her; he views learning under her as a privilege, but resents her restrictions on his interplanetary travel.
### Restares
Mraize speaks of [[Restares|Restares]] as an enemy of the Ghostbloods. He sends Shallan to capture Restares with a [[Raysium|raysium]] dagger, believing the Herald to have information that would benefit the Ghostbloods. After Shallan refuses the mission, he has [[Felt|Felt]] and Ala capture and interrogate Restares more conventionally.
### Thaidakar
Mraize refers to him as Master [[Thaidakar|Thaidakar]], and sends the information Shallan manages to get from Amaram to him.
### Taravangian
While Mraize and Taravangian do not interact, [[Adrotagia|Adrotagia]], one of Taravangian's companions, makes a note on the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]] wondering if a section of it refers to Mraize. Mraize seems to be speaking of Taravangian when he says "I'm not worried about that one. The old fool sows chaos, but does not reach for the power offered by opportunity. He hides in his insignificant city, listening to its songs, thinking he plays in world events. He has no idea. His is not the position of the hunter." After Taravangian's Ascension, Mraize shares Thaidakar's wariness around him, especially the potential for his escaping the Roshar system. He therefore seeks to take [[Ba-Ado-Mishram|Ba-Ado-Mishram's]] prison for leverage over the Shard.
| Mraize |
|**Tendrils of Sashim**|
|**Universe**|[[Wode|Wode]] [[State|States]]|
>“* I'm your bodyguard, Kai. One of us has to be ready. Remember when those sky nomads tried to pinch you? Or that time when we got trapped in the Tendrils of Sashim?*”
The **Tendrils of Sashim** are a location in the [[State|State]] of [[Alornia|Alornia]]. [[Kairominas|Kairominas]] and [[Shale|Shale]] got trapped there over 100 years ago, and Shale at some point had to carry Kai 50 miles in the excursion.
| Tendrils of Sashim |
|**Far Dorest**|
|**Region**|[[Roughs|The Roughs]]|
**Far Dorest** is a city in the northern [[Roughs|Roughs]]. It is north of [[Faradana|Faradana]] and east of the [[True Madil|True Madil]].
Far Dorest had a single lawkeeper for its entire, large population: [[Jon Deadfinger|Jon Deadfinger]], a lawkeeper from Far Dorest who worked with [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]] and [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]].
For the murder [[Wayne|Wayne]] committed, Jon set Wayne to be hanged in Far Dorest.
| Far Dorest |
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Evensong** was an orbital [[Platform|platform]] hanging between and . It was the most remote of all the Outer Platforms, the farthest human outpost in deep-space. It is months away from Earth by ship.
Evensong was a flat piece of metal, fifty miles long, with buildings on both the top and bottom. The area on the top is called **Topside**. It was surrounded by a bubble of air, and ESG generators (Element-specific gravity generators) give it gravity, while fusion generators also help to make it habitable. Many of Evensong's skyrises and towers were linked by walkways. It was the frontier of humanity's conquest in space. But despite how futuristic and advanced it is, it still had slums. The slums have drying clothes and ragged drapes hung from the buildings and pedestrians walking more than in other areas. [[Orson Ansed|Orson Ansed]] feels the area has a sense of despair to it.
The buildings on Evensong were built of rich [[Telanium|telanium]], a super-light, silvery metal that does not corrode or fall apart. Most of the buildings had been prefabricated with the platform. The buildings were spacious, well constructed, and sleek. Most buildings were poorly-lit, and its distance from the sun kept it in a perpetual state of twilight.
Evensong has a police force. Orson Ansed is a captain on it and [[Ken Harris|Ken Harris]] is a relatively new officer. Evensong also has a research facility for the [[Phone Company|Phone Company]]. [[Denise Carlson|Denise Carlson]] was a researcher there before she disappeared.
The [[Superiority|Superiority]] repurposed Evensong as their main communications hub, holding most of the [[Taynix|taynix]], and specifically commslugs. It is the site of a gargantuan battle between the human forces of [[Detritus|Detritus]] and the Superiority, that ultimately leads to the fall of the Superiorities communications systems and the freedom of the taynix.
| Evensong |
|**Related to**|[[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Sel|Sel]]|
**Vivare** is a dynasty in the [[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]].
Art during the Vivare dynasty had a certain distinctive style. [[Gaotona|Gaotona]] asked [[Shai|Shai]] if the desk she [[Forgery|Forged]] while imprisoned was from the Vivare dynasty, or an imitation of [[Chamrav|Chamrav]], but it was neither.
| Vivare |
|by Nabetse Zitro |
|**Profession**|Field Commander|
|**Nationality**|[[Union|Union]] |
|**Introduced In**|*The Sunlit Man*|
**Zeal** is a citizen of [[Beacon|Beacon]] on [[Canticle|Canticle]] and works as a field commander or special ops planner under the direction of the [[Greater Good|Greater Good]]. He is in charge of planning and executing the raids on [[Union|Union]] and along with his team participates in the most sensitive and difficult portions of the missions.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Raid on Union
3.2 The Greater Good
3.3 Council Meeting
3.4 The Reliquary
3.5 Preparations
3.6 Stealing Souls
3.7 Raid on The Refuge
4 Relationships
4.1 Greater Good
4.2 Zeal's Team
4.3 Nomad
4.4 Rebeke
4.5 Elegy
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Zeal is a standing under four feet tall with dark brown eyes. His arms and legs are shorter than average though his head is typically sized.
Upon first arriving at Beacon, [[Nomad|Nomad]] incorrectly believes [[Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually|Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually]] is Zeal based on his assumption that Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually's tall, stern, and dour appearance matches Zeal's voice heard over the radio. Nomad is surprised when he recognizes Zeal's voice coming from the short man standing to the side.
Zeal is extraordinarily stalwart, putting duty to his people above that of his own life on multiple occasions. Though he is formal in his speech and manner when speaking in his official capacity and with his superiors, his demeanor is much more relaxed with the members of his team. He is also quite clever and demonstrates an ability to think outside the box beyond what is typical for the other citizens of Beacon. Zeal is a follower of [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]], believing that it plays an active and conscious -though not necessarily omniscient- role in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]].
## Attributes and Abilities
Zeal is a member of the central leadership team on Beacon acting as a field commander and special ops planner under the Greater Good. He also leads or is deeply involved in Beacon's security as he is in charge of granting signal alignment access to Beacon and is also primarily responsible for supervision and containment of both Nomad and [[Elegy|Elegy]].
With his team, Zeal leaves most of the fieldwork to the other members and is instead in charge of organizing and maintaining the group. He is noticeably more informal with his team than he is with the Greater Good and the other members of Beacon's leadership.
Zeal is an experienced pilot, taking over the controls of the *Dawnchaser* to fly through the great maelstrom after the other occupants had fallen unconscious and being chosen to fly one of Beacon's modified gunships. He also flew scout missions for Elegy in the mountainous southern corridor to look for a viable path through.
## History
Zeal was once a citizen of Union but broke away along with the other Beaconites. He ran special operations for their [[Lodestar|Lodestar]] Elegy and the Greater Good.
### Raid on Union
Zeal leads a raid on Union to rescue a group of captured Beaconites. He uses a device to hack the [[Charred|Charred's]] bracers, incapacitating them all at once. The raiders then swarm Union's arena dropping bombs and raining down rifle fire from their ships. While the Charred and the [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] are distracted by the raid, Zeal and his team sneak onto the Cinder King's private ship and steal the [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] [[Haridan's authorization key|authorization key]] believing it to be a key to the mythical [[Refuge of Stone|Refuge of Stone]], replacing it with a fake.
On their way back to Beacon, Zeal is contacted by [[Rebeke Salvage|Rebeke Salvage]] over the radio who requests signal alignment, giving the correct pass phrase. He expresses relief to hear from her and asks after her brother [[Divinity|Divinity]]. Upon learning of his death, Zeal conveys his sorrow and condolences. Rebeke then informs him that she captured Elegy and is bringing her back to Beacon. Zeal reprimands her angrily that she was expressly forbidden from doing so by the Greater Good but allows access to Beacon's signal saying that they will discuss the matter when she returns. Before signing off, Rebeke also informs Zeal of the stranger, Nomad, and of the rescue of [[Thomos|Thomos]] from the arena whose family she asks Zeal to inform. Upon learning of Nomad, Zeal's first instinct is to ask if he is dangerous, showing his primary focus on Beacon's security.
### The Greater Good
Zeal meets Rebeke as she arrives at Beacon along with Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually, whom Nomad initially believes is Zeal, and a few others. He asks for Nomad's name and when Nomad replies in incomprehensible Alethi, tries communicating with a postulating -as Canticle is a monolingual planet- that Nomad may be deaf. Zeal along with Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually then helps the semi-conscious Thomos from the [[Hovercycle|hovercycle]] and orders several others to rush him off for medical attention. Zeal, Rebeke, and Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually examine Elegy but are met with only hostile growling, especially after Zeal attempts to prompt her memory of them. Zeal resigns to deal with Elegy later and asks Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually to see to her as best as he can as well as to find Nomad quarters in a ship without local access controls while he and Rebeke meet with the Greater Good. Rebeke and Zeal walk over to the Greater Good's meeting building followed by Nomad who has rebuked Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually's attempts to get him to come to a ship. Rebeke suggests that it may be a good idea for the Greater Good to meet with the stranger and Zeal agrees, placating Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually's worry about Nomad's potential danger with a reminder that Nomad is still wearing the bracers which Zeal can activate to incapacitate the stranger. Zeal takes custody of Nomad and they enter the Greater Good's chambers with Zeal keeping a close watch of Nomad and keeping his hand in his pocket on the device to activate the bracers if needed.
>“*Perhaps Adonalsium has remembered us, Maybe that is why the Sunlit Man is here.[5]*”
\-Zeal offers council to the Greater Good
Zeal explains to the Greater Good that as Thomos was being taken away, he muttered something about Nomad having touched the sun and living. The Greater Good begin to debate if this might mean that the stranger is a and Zeal offers Nomad's apparent unintelligibility as an additional piece of evidence toward that end.
[[Contemplation|Contemplation]] asks Zeal for the object his team recovered in the raid and Zeal retrieves the metal disk wrapped in a handkerchief from his pocket. [[Confidence|Confidence]] questions the key's authenticity but Zeal counters that the Cinder King would have had no reason to create a fake as he believed few even knew about it much less had the audacity to steal it. [[Compassion|Compassion]] and Rebeke both commend Zeal and his team for their success in the mission to steal the key.
Later in the meeting, Nomad bursts back into the room, surprising everybody but Zeal who immediately reached into his pocket for the device to activate the bracers. The Greater Good begins again debating if Nomad is a Sunlit One and Zeal reminds them that the sunlight melts the stones beneath the ground. Zeal explains to Nomad that Elegy believed finding the Refuge of Stone was the only way to escape the hegemonic rule of the Cinder King. Nomad offers his help in opening the door to the Refuge and Zeal, intrigued by the stranger, proposes that they accept his help citing the sweet irony of finding safety behind the very door that the Cinder King had for so long been seeking. He proposes that perhaps Nomad had been sent to them for this reason by Adonalsium.
Nomad requests that they remove his bracers and rebuffs Zeal's attempt to lie that he doesn't have the keys. Chagrined, Zeal asks for permission from the Greater Good to fetch the attuner and brings it back to the meeting room. After a second confirmation from the Greater Good, Zeal removes Nomad's bracers then backs away, continuing to watch him carefully.
### Council Meeting
>“*I’d rather die a cold death and leave my soul to light only the mud than give myself to him. Our souls would just further enforce his tyranny.[4]*”
\-Zeal argues against giving up
After the failed first attempt to locate the Refuge and being forced into a dangerous southern corridor by the Cinder King, Zeal meets again with the Greater Good and other members of Beacon's leadership to discuss their plan of action. [[Jeffrey Jeffrey|Jeffrey Jeffrey]] posits that they have no choice but to surrender to the Cinder King which Zeal adamantly rejects, saying that he would rather end his own life than surrender to the Cinder King and become an additional source of his power. Nomad suggests that they hide in the darkness again and fly out of the corridor to which Zeal explains that they have sent out scouts and the Cinder King's forces are completely blockading all paths further north. Nomad questions how they know there are mountains to the south and east if the sun completely destroys the surface each day. Zeal explains that some features like these mountains and the mountains at each pole remain for longer periods. He adds that Elegy had asked him to scout the mountains in the past to find a way to make the corridor tenable but that no such path exists. Nomad asks why they don't just go over the mountains and Zeal sardonically asks why he had never thought of that himself, explaining that that the mountains are over a thousand feet tall at which height, Contemplation explains, their engines give out.
Nomad explains to the group a potential plan to get them over the mountain but Confidence despairs that even if they somehow make it over the mountain, they will again be left without any options if the Refuge turns out to be a myth. Zeal counters that they would be nothing without hope and he would rather have hope that a myth might be true than resign himself to stop and be consumed by the sunlight.
### The Reliquary
by Nabetse Zitro Zeal, Rebeke, a Nomad visit the Chorus
Zeal and Rebeke get the Greater Good's permission to bring Nomad to the Reliquary containing the city's [[Chorus|Chorus]] so they can manufacture parts for Nomad's engine modifications. Regarding the [[Shade|shades]], Nomad notes that on [[Threnody|Threnody]], such things kill people. Zeal explains that they would do so here as well if a person entered the Reliquary. At Nomad's inquiry if they are self aware, Zeal replies that he is unsure and explains that they will sometimes answer questions but other times give only recitations; sometimes unnerving ones about wanting to kill people.
Rebeke exclaims that she sees her brother among the Chorus but Zeal reasons that she doesn't know that for certain. At Nomad's curiosity, Zeal explains that they believe that those who die without being given to the sun rise as shades and are drawn to join the Chorus and that sometimes after a death they see mist gather and move to the Reliquary. However, this belief is false, as the [[Investiture|Investiture]] that would normally become a shade when a Threnodite dies is instead converted into a [[Sunheart|sunheart]], even when the sunlight is not the cause of the death.
Nomad questions why they are here to manufacture parts for the engine and Zeal tells him to show the schematics to the Chorus. He then signals a worker at the top of the Reliquary who lowers in raw materials for the Chorus to manufacture according to the provided plans. Zeal explains that when a new settlement is founded, some of the smoke is divided into a separate containment unit for them to take. When Beacon escaped from Union, they stole some of Union's smoke along with an older containment unit that Union had acquired by absorbing a smaller community.
Nomad asks how long the manufacturing will likely take and Zeal replies that for something like this it will likely take about an hour but it is faster if it is something the shades have produced previously. Zeal asks if Nomad would like any food while they wait and is confused when Nomad replies that he wants something spicy. He leaves and returns with some snacks while they wait for the Chorus to complete their work.
### Preparations
Zeal watches the test of Nomad's prototype engine and attends the needs of the Greater Good in their preparations for executing Nomad's plan for flying over the mountain.
After experimenting with Elegy and sunhearts, Nomad asks Rebeke to fetch Zeal so he can use the device to activate Elegy's bracers and freeze her. Zeal returns with the device and they use it to knock Elegy unconscious and reapply her restraints. Zeal inquires how Nomad controls [[Auxiliary|Auxiliary]], believing him to be a shade. Nomad explains that Auxiliary is different from a shade. Zeal asks if Nomad wants him to take the unconscious Elegy back to the prison and is incredulous when Rebeke replies that Nomad is helping her and that she spoke to them.
Zeal leaves the bracer control device on the desk and asks about Nomad's notes showing guns affixed to Beacon's ships, noting the apparently large scale. Nomad explains that they will be necessary to push past the Cinder King after crossing the mountain. Zeal asks what Nomad believes their chances of a successful crossing is but further discussion is interrupted by signal horns indicating a call to gather as Beacon is beginning to jettison ships to conserve power.
### Stealing Souls
After crash landing on the far side of the mountain, Zeal joins the rest of Beacon's leadership in the Reliquary building and reports that the navigators estimate that they have about two and a half hours before the sun will rise high enough above the mountains to cut off any means of escape. After some discussion, Zeal determines that they need to steal additional sunhearts and offers to gather his team for the mission. Nomad suggests that instead of stealing directly from Union, they could instead raid the Cinder King's [[Prospector|prospectors]] at the location where the Charred created sunhearts from the captives the pervious day. Zeal agrees that this is a workable plan and confirms that they have enough time to reach the spot and get back. Confidence doubts the plan will work as the Cinder King will not be caught flatfooted again after their recent raid. Zeal counters that the Cinder King will not have expected Beacon to survive and so they can use the element of surprise by stealing a Union scout ship to get close. Confidence remains doubtful but Zeal begs her to let him try to save their people. Nomad suggests an alternate plan to use Elegy's reinforced prospector *Dawnchaser* to fly into the great maelstrom and dig up the sunhearts themselves before the Cinder King's forces even arrive, a plan to which Zeal readily agrees.
>“*I’m in, let’s do it, Sunlit. Let’s steal from the sun itself.*”
\-Zeal agreeing to Nomad's plan[11]
Zeal gathers his team and in under ten minutes leaves on the *Dawnchaser* along with Nomad, Rebeke, and because nobody thought to move her elsewhere Elegy. While Rebeke flies the ship, Zeal stands on top of a chair in the back room leaning against the wall and explains the plan to his team. At [[Hardy|Hardy's]] incredulity that they will fly into the great maelstrom and dig up the newly created sunhearts Zeal jokingly reminds him that Hardy and the team will be the ones to go out to dig them up while Zeal runs the operation from the comfort of the cab. Nomad corrects Zeal that Nomad alone will be going out into the maelstrom and that the rest of Zeal's team is only there because Zeal insisted they be there to provide backup. Zeal expresses confidence in the plan saying that it's enough for him that Nomad believes it will work then sits with his team laughing and eating rations.
When they reach the great maelstrom, Zeal is dismayed to learn that Nomad didn't know it would be on fire. He informs Nomad of the extra insulation, cooling mechanisms, and armor that they had modified the ship with and points out the dual temperature gauges displaying the internal and external temperatures which they can only watch climb as Rebeke flies the ship further and further into the storm. Zeal is amazed when Nomad is able to hear a faint ping indicating they have found the sunhearts and Nomad swiftly exits the ship.
>“*I barely got us back to the shadow before we all burned up. Rest of the team is out—either unconscious or throwing up all over the cab. Once we get back, I’d hold my breath if I were you.[1]*”
\-Zeal reunites with Nomad
Zeal takes over the ship's controls after Rebeke collapses from heat exhaustion and manages to guide it back into the darkness. With the rest of the crew either unconscious or incapacitated and believing Nomad to have died, Zeal determines that the only option left is for him to steal the sunhearts from the Cinder King's forces on his own. He lands the *Dawnchaser* and watches for the lights of the Cinder King's ships, following them while running dark. Exiting the ship, he sneaks toward the Cinder King's vessels and prays to Adonalsium for the ability to manage this mission alone. He creeps up to the vault and unlocks the door with a set of picks finding, to his amazement, Nomad already inside. The reunion is interrupted by the sound of voices outside and the two exit the enemy ship, Zeal leading the way back toward the *Dawnchaser*. Zeal begins to catch Nomad up on what happened when Nomad notices the Cinder King himself is following behind and tells Zeal to run.
Zeal flees toward the *Dawnchaser* pursued by Charred. He enters the cab and waits for Nomad to arrive at the ship while dozens of Charred begin to crawl all over the vessel. Nomad arrives and begins fighting the Charred on the deck while Zeal and Rebeke desperately barricade the door. Most of the Charred leave the door to fight Nomad but one sneaky one manages to get through while Zeal and Rebeke watch the fight through the window. Nomad rams his spear through the windshield, killing the unnoticed Charred. As Zeal and Rebeke slowly come to realize what just happened, they look at Nomad in awe who signals annoyedly that Zeal should take off. Zeal cringes, nods, and grabs the controls.
As the crew races back toward Beacon, Zeal raises the city on the radio as soon as they are outside of the bubble of the Cinder King's radio jammer. Confidence answers and Zeal informs her that they have five sunhearts and are on their way. She fearfully asks him how long until they will return and while he calculates their course he nervously asks how the city is fairing. Confidence gives a status report and Zeal tells her they will have the sunhearts divided into parts by the time they arrive in a little over half an hour.
### Raid on The Refuge
Zeal pilots one of the new Beaconite gunships with a sunheart powered cannon freshly welded to the roof and charges through the flatfooted forces of the Cinder King. As [[Zellion|Zellion]] explains his plan to Rebeke, Zeal warns that some of the enemy ships are already recovering. He flies his gunship in formation with the others surrounding the four transport ships carrying the people of Beacon. Charred catch up to the formation and begin to board Zeal's ship but Zellion and Elegy leap onto the ship and kill the raiders.
At the entrance to the [[Scadrian research facility|Scadrian research facility]], Zeal hands Zellion the authorization key who briefly looks it over before tossing it back, unneeded.
As the Beaconites attempt to flee for a final time, Zellion sees a gunship, possibly Zeal's, go down.
## Relationships
### Greater Good
Zeal works directly under the Greater Good and is incredibly respectful of them and obedient of their orders. The Greater Good also highly value and respect Zeal in turn and he provides his opinions and council in leadership meetings.
### Zeal's Team
Zeal is much more relaxed and informal with his team. He leaves most of the fieldwork to the other team members while he organizes and runs the operations. Zeal considers his team to be an invaluable asset, insisting that they accompany himself, Nomad, and Rebeke on the *Dawnchaser* to act as backup should Nomad not be able to complete the mission.
Zeal and his team are jovial and easygoing, cracking jokes at each other's expense and eating and laughing together even in the most dire of situations.
### Nomad
Zeal is extremely wary of Nomad upon first meeting him. While the two are first meeting with the Greater Good, Zeal keeps close watch over Nomad the entire time and keeps his hand on the device to activate Nomad's bracers. When instructed to remove the bracers, Zeal confirms the order with the Greater Good twice before complying. Nomad slowly gains Zeal's trust; his outlook moving from hostility, to sarcastic contempt of Nomad's apparent ignorance, to acceptance, and finally to reliance and friendship.
### Rebeke
While Rebeke is not a member of Zeal's personal team, she does work as an outrider and a scout under his authority. He cares for her wellbeing and is sympathetic upon learning of the death of her brother Divinity and is later gentle in his suggestion that she may not have seen Divinity amongst the Chorus. However, he is frustrated that she disobeyed direct orders not to go after Elegy during the raid on Union and brings her to the Greater Good for discipline.
### Elegy
Zeal has great respect for Elegy before she is converted into a Charred and flew as a scout at her behest to try to find a viable path through the mountains in the southern corridor. He and his team also executed her plan to steal the authorization key from Union using the raid as a distraction. After her conversion, Zeal is extremely distrustful of Elegy, keeping her bound and imprisoned at all times. However, Zeal remains hopeful that there is some of the old Elegy left and reaches out to see if she has any amount of recognition of him on multiple occasions.
| Zeal |
|by User: SaleSVQ|
|**Era**|[[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Natanatan** was one of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]].
## Contents
1 Geography
1.1 Silver Kingdom
1.2 Modern Roshar
2 History
3 Culture
4 New Natanan
5 Notes
## Geography
### Silver Kingdom
Natanatan encompassed the southeast corner of the Rosharan continent. It bordered [[Alethela|Alethela]] to the north, with the border running through a prominent mountain range to the [[Sea of Spears|Sea of Spears]]. It bordered [[Thalath|Thalath]] to the west, and had a long coastline to the south and east. The capital was the city of [[Stormseat|Stormseat]], which contained an [[Oathgate|Oathgate]].
### Modern Roshar
In current-day Roshar, the land that formerly comprised Natanatan now includes the [[Unclaimed Hills|Unclaimed Hills]], the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], the [[Eastern Crownlands|Eastern Crownlands]] of [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], and the eastern [[Frostlands|Frostlands]].
The name "Natanatan" is still commonly used to describe the former nation's lands, which remain largely unexplored by both humans and [[Listener|listeners]]. A few settlements remain; the ruins of Stormseat were repurposed as Narak by listeners, the city-state of [[New Natanan|New Natanan]] is the last remnant of the former kingdom, and [[Dawn's Shadow|Dawn's Shadow]] and The [[Shallow Crypts|Shallow Crypts]] lie on the coast. Native Natans also live scattered throughout their former nation.
Natanatan's former territory is generally thought of as an "empty wasteland" with many forests and jungles. [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] and [[Eshonai|Eshonai]] each recall expeditions into the Unclaimed Hills in their youth. The strength of the highstorms makes sailing the east coast of Natanatan in the [[Ocean of Origins|Ocean of Origins]] extremely dangerous, although not unheard of.
## History
As one of the Silver Kingdoms, Natanatan played a prominent role in the history of Roshar, but many of the details have been lost to history. Like the other Silver Kingdoms, its name is symmetrical, which is considered holy by the [[Vorin|Vorin]] church. One of [[Dalinar|Dalinar's]] first visions, in which he fights off [[Re-Shephir|Re-Shephir's]] [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] alongside the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], takes place in Natanatan during the Eighth Epoch.
It is thought that Stormseat was destroyed during the [[Last Desolation|Last Desolation]] (Aharietiam), thousands of years ago. Vorin tradition holds that the nation of Natanatan persisted despite the loss of its capital and later allied with [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]], [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], and [[Kharbranth|Kharbranth]] as the "five Vorin kingdoms" after the [[Day of Recreance|Day of Recreance]]. Natanatan was presumably still part of this coalition during the [[Hierocracy|Hierocracy]] and the [[War of Loss|War of Loss]]. Despite this alliance, the kingdom fell several hundred years ago under unknown circumstances.
In the present day, a Natan lighthouse keeper named [[Puuli|Puuli]] ponders whether the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] heralds the time that his grandfather had warned of, "the time of changes, when the men from the hidden island of the Origin at last came to reclaim Natanatan."
## Culture
Natan people have pale blue skin, wide noses and wool-like white hair. [[Hoid|Hoid]] tells a folk tale about the blue moon [[Nomon|Nomon]] conceiving a child with the Natan Queen [[Tsa|Tsa]], resulting in blue-skinned descendants who were blessed with poise and beauty. In fact, the Natan people are human-[[Siah Aimian|Siah Aimian]] hybrids, giving them their blue skin and an increased lifespan.
[[Highstorm|Highstorms]] are particularly strong in eastern Roshar, and many people believe that this is due to its proximity to the [[Origin|Origin]]. Natans adapted to life with the storms, devising ways to farm the area by using low-profile crops.
Hoid's story implies that Natanatan once had a rich culture and fine architecture. Natanatan was nicknamed the "Granite Kingdom".
## New Natanan
For more information, see [[New Natanan|New Natanan]].
The city-state of New Natanan, located on the easternmost coast of Roshar, is all that remains of the former Natan government. It functions as a sovereign nation, with a few smaller settlements as protectorates. Despite its geographical isolation, New Natanan appears to retain influence in the Vorin church. New Natanan has diplomatic relationships with other nations, and often communicates with them by [[Spanreed|spanreed]]. Dalinar includes New Natanan in his meetings in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] when he attempts to form a coalition to fight the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]]. The Natans are appreciative of Dalinar's efforts, but are primarily concerned with reclaiming their homeland and its Oathgate.
| Natanatan |
|**Groups**|[[Yeden|Yeden's]] army Venture army|
|**Introduced In**|*The Hero of Ages*|
**Rittle** is a guard in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
2.1 The Skaa Rebellion
2.2 The New Empire
3 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
He is not much for small talk. He wears a pendant of a silver spear, as he is a member of the [[Church of the Survivor|Church of the Survivor]].
## History
### The Skaa Rebellion
Rittle was recruttied to [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] army, and was present to watch [[Demoux|Demoux]] fight against [[Bilg|Bilg]].
### The New Empire
He was on guard with [[Wellen|Wellen]] on the night that [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] impersonated [[Kelsier|Kelsier]]. He was shocked and afraid to see "Kelsier", although he asked him why had sent the [[Mist|mists]] to kill them and he did not want to divulge information about King [[Penrod|Penrod]]. He told TenSoon that no one knew [[Vin|Vin's]] whereabouts. TenSoon went on to tell Rittle and Wellen to lead people out of the city due to impending disaster.
Rittle, Wellen, and a small group of other people that saw TenSoon set an evacuation into motion that resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees heading to the [[Pits of Hathsin|Pits of Hathsin]]. Rittle and Wellen were asked to speak to [[Demoux|Demoux]] and [[Elend|Elend]] to verify their account of Kelsier. Rittle told Elend that he was certain they had seen Kelsier, although Elend noted that he had not left his best soldiers behind when he left Luthadel, and that Rittle did not look like a reliable witness. However, Rittle was insistent that he recognized Kelsier; he had converted to the Church of the Survivor on the day of Kelsier's death and he had seen him in person at the [[Arguois caverns|Arguois caverns]] on the day that Demoux fought [[Bilg|Bilg]]. Elend was still somewhat skeptical of his account, but believed that Rittle and Wellen were heroes anyway given the turmoil in Luthadel.
| Rittle |
|**Died**|Ishi 1172|
|**Profession**|Member of Kaladin's squad in Amaram's army|
|**Groups**|Amaram's army, [[Kaladin's squad|Kaladin's squad]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
**Hamel** is a darkeyed soldier in [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] squad in Highmarshal [[Meridas Amaram|Meridas Amaram's]] army on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
In 1172, Hamel fought in the battle where a full [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]], [[Helaran Davar|Helaran Davar]], made an attempt to kill Amaram. Hamel joined Kaladin in his charge on the Shardbearer. Hamel was killed by Helaran's Shardblade, along with [[Toorim|Toorim]], [[Acis|Acis]], [[Raksha|Raksha]], [[Navar|Navar]] and eleven other members of Kaladin's squad.
| Hamel |
|by Howard Lyon |
>“*I don't think I gave proper attention to just how beautiful Tress’s world was. To me, it was a backwater planet drowning in the dross of the aethers, which are more useful in other incarnations—and far easier to harvest on the moons themselves anyway. And yet, nowhere else in my travels have I witnessed anything like those spores.*”
**Lumar** is a planet in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] whose twelve moons are home to a unique strain of [[Aether|aethers]]. Only outsiders call it such, though the word "Lumar" is roughly similar in meaning to names given to the planet by some local cultures.
## Contents
1 Geography and Ecology
1.1 Moons and Spore Oceans
1.1.1 Known oceans
1.2 Aethers and Spore Eaters
1.3 Rainfall
1.4 Land and Fauna
1.4.1 Known islands
2 History
3 Nations
3.1 Verdant Sea
3.1.1 Known settlements
3.2 Sapphire Sea
3.2.1 Islands of Lobu
3.3 Rose Sea
3.4 Iriali
4 Culture and Society
4.1 Religion
4.2 Sailing and Piracy
4.3 Spore Use
4.4 External Influences
5 Notable Inhabitants of Lumar
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Geography and Ecology
by Howard Lyon A ship sporelocked on the [[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]], with the Emerald Moon visible. Outside of the seethe, the seas are solid enough for people to walk on the surface.
### Moons and Spore Oceans
Lumar is located in an unknown star system considered a backwater of the cosmere. The planet is surrounded by a set of twelve moons, each hanging in equidistant, geostationary orbits oppressively close to the surface. Each day, the sun passes behind one of the twelve moons, leading to the shadow cast from it cooling the land by a few degrees. This is called a **moonshadow**, and is different from a total eclipse.
Each moon is home to one of the twelve [[Aether|aethers]]; those aethers produce spores, which rain down on Lumar's surface in great, perpetual falls known as [[Lunagree|lunagrees]]. As a result, the entire planet is covered by oceans of aether spores. The seas and moons figure heavily in the local language, with many people swearing by the moons or using phrases like "how on the seas".
Owing to the moons being of equal distance to one another, each sea is of the same size, and roughly the same pentagonal shape. This functions geometrically as twelve pentagons that tesselate the sphere, and due to the shape of the seas and the planet, each sea would border five others, with three around each vertex. The surface is uneven -- each sea is effectively a pile of sand, highest at the lunagree and lower on the border, where spores of the neighboring seas intermingle. However, the sheer size of the seas makes the incline imperceptible unless one is extremely close to the peak. Far below the surface, the seafloor is full of thermal vents that pump out great amounts of air bubbles, along with the decomposition process of the spores. This leads to the spores , which makes the oceans behave akin to liquid. The locals call this process **the seethe**. The seethe usually lasts days; however, it will commonly pause for varying periods of time, known as **stillings** leaving all ships sailing across it **sporelocked** until it picks up again. During those periods of calm, the ocean is solid enough to walk on, though one must exercise great care when doing so.
Ships on the seas tend to have reinforced bows in order to protect the ship from the thick spores.
The seas are not especially deep, measuring only a few hundred yards at their deepest. There is an entire complex ecosystem of its own at the bottom; however, nothing is known about it. It is a matter of research by [[Xisisrefliel|Xisisrefliel]] and his servants.
The maps of Lumar keep the pentagonal shape of the seas, but it is not known what sort of projection these use in order to retain the shape despite regular pentagons being unable to tile the plane.
#### Known oceans
[[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]] (made of verdant aether; also known as Verdant Sea)
[[Crimson Sea|Crimson Sea]] (made of crimson aether)
[[Midnight Sea|Midnight Sea]] (made of midnight aether)
[[Sapphire Sea|Sapphire Sea]] (made of zephyr aether; also known as Zephyr Sea)
[[Rose Sea|Rose Sea]] (made of [[Roseite|roseite]] aether)
Of those five, only Emerald, Sapphire and Rose Seas are commonly known to be inhabited. People can be found on the other oceans, however -- [[Xisis|Xisis]] and his servants live at the bottom of the Crimson Sea, while the Midnight Sea is home to the [[Riina|Sorceress]] and her [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] creatures. It can be further assumed that a Sunlight Sea exists, due to the existence of Sunlight Aether. While no such sea is explicitly named, there is an unnamed ocean on the planet that has gold-colored spores.
### Aethers and Spore Eaters
>“*Your moons are home to a group of voracious entities known as aethers. Though the true aethers on other worlds have a symbiosis with people, the ones on your moons have become insatiable, aggressive, and fecund.*”
For more about the magic, see [[Aether|Aether]]. For more about the people, see [[Spore eater|Spore eater]]. Also see [[Aether spores|Aether spores]]
The Lumaran strain of aether is aggressively hungry for water; the slightest contact with it, or any liquid containing it (such as sweat or blood) will cause the aether spores to burst into their element. This presents immense danger to all living creatures on the planet, as inhaling even a single spore can cause an explosion of growing vines, massive spikes or simply bursts of air in a person's body -- an event that is almost always deadly. Silver and salt both kill the spores, however, which the people of Lumar exploit to stay safe.
The main aethers on the moons themselves seem to exhibit some level of sentience, although they are irrational and rabid. Occasionally, a human down on the planet's surface will become infected by the more sentient aether -- such people are known as [[Spore eater|spore eaters]]. It is unclear how one becomes infected with aether; theories range from people falling into the seas and somehow surviving, to consuming a special spore. Whatever the cause, as a result, the aether forms a parasitic relationship with the spore eater, demanding that the host feed it increasing amounts of water. The water provided by the spore eaters is somehow used to feed the main aethers on the moons.
In exchange, the aether protects the spore eater from harm. As such, spore eaters are incredibly difficult to kill -- so long as they can keep their aether fed. Over time, the aether demands more and more water, and lacking it, begins to consume its host. As such, the affliction is both incredibly painful and always fatal, with most spore eaters lasting no more than a few years before their parasite consumes them. It is generally incurable; only the [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] [[Xisis|Xisis]] can heal the infection, and he claims that the cure must be continuously reapplied, or else the parasite will return within a year or two.
While twelve varieties of aether can be found on Lumar, there is also a local legend of a thirteenth type of spore called "bone spores", whose color is debated to be white, black, or both. It is unknown where the story might have come from. This description is similar to [[Sand (Taldain)|sand on Taldain]], whose organisms react to Investiture by turning from black to white.
### Rainfall
>“*Yes, the spores are dangerous—they create red spines, sharp as a needle. But the real danger is the rain.*”
Though Lumar does have a water cycle, it is poorly understood. Clouds take the form of narrow ribbons that weave swiftly along the sky, creating curtains of rain known as **rainlines**. As the water energizes the spores, squalls cause massive manifestations of the aethers' elements, making them a further danger to living beings. However, over most oceans, squalls are predictable; a ribbon of rain will always follow the same pathway, enough so that the Lumarans create rain maps that can accurately predict their locations for centuries.
The only exceptions to this is the [[Crimson Sea|Crimson Sea]], infamous for its unpredictable squall patterns. Rainfall there comes unexpectedly and follows random paths, which can be particularly dangerous to sporelocked ships. As such, this ocean remains uninhabited, with few vessels surviving the journey there.
The water cycle on Lumar is very strange and not fully understood, having some relation to the decomposition of spores on the seafloor. It is a point of curiosity and research by [[Xisis|Xisis]].
### Land and Fauna
by Marie Seeberger The [[Emerald Sea|Emerald Sea]] and its moon as seen from the island of [[Diggen's Point|Diggen's Point]]
Although most of the planet is covered in spore oceans, Lumar does have numerous islands inhabited by humans. Some islands have enough soil to grow ordinary crops; others are barren rocks. Little is known about planetary flora, save that flowers and trees of unspecified species can both be found.
The largest known land feature of Lumar are multiple mountain ranges that border the Crimson Sea. They are largely considered impassable for ships; as such, the only way to cross to the other side of the planet, at least in that direction, is through Crimson and the bordering Midnight Sea.
Humans are the only known sapient inhabitants of Lumar, barring rare offworlders such as [[Ulaam|Ulaam]] or [[Xisis|Xisis]]. There is no coral, or any other sea life on the planet, owing to the oceans being deadly to any water-based living creature. Fish, however, can be found in lakes on some of the islands. Rats, cats, pigeons and butterflies are common, as are seagulls; despite the dangers of the spore oceans, the birds can often be found far from the island shores.
#### Known islands
[[Diggen's Point|Diggen's Point]], also known as the Rock
[[Core Archipelago|Core Archipelago]]
The [[Iriali|Iriali]] island, unnamed
[[Erik Island|Erik Island]], known for multiple lakes
[[Islands of Lobu|Islands of Lobu]], homeland of [[Fort|Fort]] and [[Salay|Salay]]
[[Zephyr Islands|Zephyr Islands]], known for pottery
[[Sorceress' island|Sorceress' island]], unnamed
[[Dromatory Isles|Dromatory Isles]]
## History
It is unknown how Lumar came to be inhabited by people, or whether the planet was always home to aether spores. It is known that for a time, it was home to the [[Iriali|Iriali]] people; however, one day the Iriali simply disappeared, seemingly without a trace and leaving all their possessions behind. At around the same time, the people of Lumar became aware that a dragon, [[Xisis|Xisis]], has been living beneath the Crimson Sea. It is unknown when exactly Xisis arrived on the planet, though he was likely already there during the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]] of [[Roshar|Roshar]].
Over the centuries, Lumar became better-known to the people of the wider [[Cosmere|cosmere]], enough so for rare visitors to begin appearing. Around three hundred years after the Iriali's disappearance, stories of people from the stars became grew popular among sailors, and common folk could trade with the "wizards" from outer space, leading to some proliferation of [[Investiture|Invested]] technology. At some point, an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]] named [[Riina|Riina]] moved to the planet; landing her ship on an island in the Midnight Sea, she took control of the [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]] there and dubbed herself the Sorceress. The Sorceress soon attained fearsome reputation with the locals, due to both her [[Awakening|Awakened]] guards, and the curses she would put on people who inconvenienced her. She also imposed tariffs on all trade going through the Midnight Sea, which eventually led to conflict with the king of the nearby Verdant.
Eventually, the king attempted to send [[Charlie|Charlie]], a son of one of his dukes, to marry the Sorceress, which only led to her capturing him and transforming him into a rat. However, [[Tress|Tress]], chasing after Charlie, found her way to the sorceress, and, with the assistance of [[Hoid|Hoid]] and the crew of *Crow's Song*, managed to force Riina to abandon the planet. This led to Tress and her crew taking charge of the Midnight Sea and the creatures within.
## Nations
As Lumar is a planet of islands, there are no solid borders between various states; islands declare their allegiance by flying the flag of the local king or queen. Each ocean appears to be its own state, with the Sorceress controlling whole of the Midnight Sea, and an unnamed king theoretically ruling over every island on the Verdant Sea.
### Verdant Sea
The Verdant Sea is ruled by a feudal system, with dukes, reigning over individual islands, answering to a king. The king controls all ships that sail between the islands, and can press them into service as needed for his own purposes. He has several groups that can enforce his will; those include both the standing army and the marshalls who keep the peace, as well as the tax collectors and inspectors who control the coming and going of ships and cargo. Additionally, the king is rumoured to have a team of assassins and special agents known as the [[King's Mask|King's Masks]]. However, it is unclear whether they are real or made up as propaganda.
Pirates act as an important part to the economy, taking it from the wealthy who hoard money that they gather from the people, and inject it back into the system. Due to this, they exist in a sort of quasi-legal state.
The Verdant Sea feuds with the Midnight Sea; as all trade to the other side of the planet must go through Midnight, the Sorceress has imposed high tariffs. The king eventually refused to pay them and began to prepare for war until [[Tress|Tress]] and her crew banished the sorceress.
The Verdant Sea borders the [[Crimson Sea|Crimson Sea]], the [[Rose Sea|Rose Sea]], and the [[Sapphire Sea|Sapphire Sea]].
#### Known settlements
[[Filistrate City|Filistrate City]]
### Sapphire Sea
The Sapphire Sea borders the Verdant Sea.
#### Islands of Lobu
>“*It is a mark of pride among my people, and my family in particular, to execute an excellent hunt.*”
The other known society on Lumar are the people of Islands of Lobu, who have dark skin and black, curly hair. The people of Lobu are a society of hunters who take pride in the prey they catch. Tales of the greatest hunts are written down with great embellishments and a lot of bragging; such letters are then hung on the walls of their family halls.
Over the generations, what constitutes a hunt has been stretched to include many seemingly-unrelated professions, such as trade or shoemaking, to allow the society to develop without losing their culture. However, no matter the shape the hunt takes, the pride remains. A person chooses their hunt as they come of age, and then pursues it to the best of their ability; for example, a person who chose trade may become an excellent haggler.
### Rose Sea
The Rose Sea is known to be inhabited, though nothing is known of its government or culture.
### Iriali
>“*They vanished, you know. The entire people: poof. There one day, gone the next, their island left uninhabited.*”
For more information, see [[Iriali|Iriali]].
At one point, there was an island on Lumar inhabited by the [[Iriali|Iriali]]. However, roughly three hundred years before [[Tress|Tress]] and [[Charlie|Charlie]] were born, the entire population vanished seemingly overnight. While it's possible that they simply departed the planet, their fate is unknown to the locals, with some claiming that they were "taken" by the gods. Today, only some of the Iriali's possessions, as well as cultural memory of their golden hair, remain on the planet. Notably, the Iriali's departure occurred at roughly the same time that [[Xisis|Xisis]] become a known presence on Lumar. There is, however, no evidence that those two events are at all related.
It's unknown what, if any relation there is between the Iriali of Lumar and the Iriali of the [[Roshar|Rosharan]] kingdom of [[Iri|Iri]]. The timing of the Lumarans' departure from their planet makes it impossible for them to be the Rosharans' ancestors, but it is impossible to determine if the Lumarans were descended from the inhabitants of Roshar, or if they were a different, separate group within the same cosmere-wide culture.
## Culture and Society
The human civilization on Lumar is pre-industrial; they do, however, possess some particular technologies to assist them in surviving the planet's unforgiving oceans. Ships use the seethe to sail between the inhabited islands, leading to well-developed trade. Silver is common, with every ship having plenty of it in its deck and railing to help kill the spores.
Salted masks are sometimes used as means of personal protection from the spores, although it is possible to travel semi-safely without them. As salt is a secondary way of dealing with spores, salt mining is an important industry on the planet. The people of Lumar have found ways to live on many of the islands; where farming is impossible, they grow food in compost vats, and even ferry soil from other lands. Lumarans have even attempted to fly to the moons, though it's unknown if they succeeded.
### Religion
>“*I follow the path of the gods themselves by delivering death indiscriminately. To do otherwise would presume I am greater than they.*”
The primary religion on Lumar appears to be lunar worship, which is disseminated by groups of priests gathered into various moonschools. The priesthood appears to be comprised of traveling preachers, who visit various islands to teach people their moonschool's philosophy about life and the gods. Such sermons typically happen on **moondays**, when the sun is eclipsed by one of the moons, at the highest point of the given island. Another day of celebration for this religion is that of [[Twelveday|Twelveday]].
Little is known about the details of moon worship. There appear to be named figures tied to the moons, with the Midnight moon being referred to as "Thanasmia's own". Gods seem to be considered callous, with no regards to whom they kill and what fate they bestow upon people, though that interpretation may be personal to [[Crow|Crow]] rather than generally-accepted.
### Sailing and Piracy
>“*It was a mixed crew, with a variety of ethnicities and nearly as many women as men. That wasn't uncommon in the spore seas. You took whoever was willing. Sexism interfered with profits.*”
\-Hoid on Crow's Song[43]
Ships are plentiful on Lumar; typically, they have a crew of around thirty or more, with sixty being considered particularly large. A typical ship will have roughly the same proportion of male and female crew members; as very few people are willing to risk sailing the spores, a culture of gender equality has developed among the sailors. However, not all who sail the seas are there willingly -- on Verdant Sea, and possibly others, people who fall into debt can be pressed into ship labor by the king's collectors.
Piracy is a common and accepted part of sea travel on Lumar. Pirate ships chase down the merchant vessels and shoot only to disable, using water-filled cannonballs to activate the spores and trap the ships in them. A captured merchant ship then surrenders an agreed-upon sum of goods and money -- called a **ransom price** -- whereupon both ships part ways somewhat amicably. The king's marshals keep records of what ships prey on others and what was robbed and stolen; in the event that a pirate crew is captured, this avoiding of unnecessary killing ensures that they are imprisoned rather than executed. Pirates are an important part of the economy, taking wealth from the rich, who simply hoard large amounts of wealth gathered from the people through the capitalistic systems in place on Lumar, therefore removing it from the system and keeping it from the people. They then inject it back into the system as a stimulus to help lower class merchants and other peoples.
There is, however, a second type of pirates, called [[Deadrunner|deadrunners]]. Unlike regular pirates, those crews kill those they steal from. Deadrunners are shunned even by other pirate crews, and face death in the event of capture. However, deadrunners can easily never be discovered, should they leave no survivors of their massacres.
### Spore Use
For people who create spore-based machines, see [[Sprouter|Sprouter]].
While Lumar is pre-industrial in its technology, its people have figured out multiple ways to use spores of the twelve seas in their daily life, particularly as it pertains to sailing. Those who work with spores and create machinery utilizing them are known as [[Sprouter|sprouters]].
One of the more common applications of spores is in firearms. Lumar does not appear to have discovered gunpowder; instead, zephyr spores are used. Individual spores, or small sacks of them, are packed into the bottom of the gun barrel and the fuse is wetted rather than set aflame. This activates the zephyr, resulting in an explosion of air that launches the projectiles. In larger guns, the cannonballs themselves utilize spore-based technology, combining verdant, roseite and zephyr to create an explosive charge of water and shrapnel.
Outside of weapons, spores do have peaceable applications. Roseite is grown as a form of temporary bandage for ships, the crystal creating patches that temporarily fill in any gaps in the hull. Sunlight spores are used as fuel in cooking ovens, and verdant vines can be eaten as emergency food. A more advanced use of the spores can be found in the emergency flare guns. Much like cannonballs, flare guns utilize a combination of roseite, verdant and zephyr to create an explosive charge; additionally, sunlight spores serve as the source of the flare's light. [[Riina|Riina]] claims that more types of advanced spore guns can be found elsewhere on the planet.
### External Influences
by Howard Lyon [[Worldhopper|Worldhoppers]] on Lumar will freely use their powers in front of the locals.
>“*She'd heard stories of visitors from the stars, but had thought them fancies. Even if there did seem to be more and more of them these days, talked of among sailors.*”
Few [[Worldhopper|worldhoppers]] visit Lumar, although enough that stories of "visitors from the stars" have began to spread across the planet. As most Lumarans are not wholly cosmere-aware, a variety of folk beliefs about the visitors arose. Those outsiders are often referred to as wizards or sorcerers, while [[Kandra|kandra]] are called zombies. Their advanced technology is considered magical in and of itself, and has found its way into the hands of the locals. Tablets from [[Nalthis|Nalthis]] can be purchased and used for basic needs such as writing out text; however, it appears that the Lumarans are never actually taught the details of how the technology works. Some [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] influences have also made their way to the planet, with death being said to have nails in his eyes -- presumably referring to [[Marsh|Marsh]].
Notable outsiders to make their home on Lumar include the [[Sorceress|Sorceress]], an [[Elantrian|Elantrian]] who took control of the Midnight Sea, and [[Xisis|Xisis]], a [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] who studies the aethers at the bottom of the Crimson Sea and trades wishes for local servants. Those two have integrated into the planet's culture well enough that they are not recognized as extraterrestrials.
Unlike [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]], there does not appear to be any major interstellar nation vying for control over Lumar; it's unknown if this is due to the deadly ecosystem, or the planet's relative unimportance on the galactic scene.
## Notable Inhabitants of Lumar
[[The Sorceress|The Sorceress]]
## Trivia
The word "Lumar" was coined by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]], who came up with multiple names for the planet and presented them to Brandon. It was meant to evoke both fairy tales and the inspiration for *Tress of the Emerald Sea*, *The Princess Bride*. It is most likely a portmanteau of the Latin words "luna" (moon) and "mare" (sea; also used for that early astronomers mistook for actual seas).
Lumar is not the origin world of the [[Aether|aethers]], nor is it the planet that *Aether of Night* takes place on.
The spore oceans came about due to Brandon's fascination with the process of fluidization, as well as his desire to properly introduce aethers into the published Cosmere.
By the time *Tress of the Emerald Sea* was written, Lumar's location in the cosmere, and the layout of its star system, had not been established.
The [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] of Lumar is "a little weirder than normal" and its appearance likely was not finalized before *Tress of the Emerald Sea* was published.
After he began envisioning Lumar's fluidized oceans, Brandon watched YouTuber Mark Rober's video to confirm that the scientific concept was feasible.
| Lumar |
|**Region**|[[Reshi Isles|The Reshi Isles]]|
**Arak** is one of the eastern [[Reshi Isles|Reshi Isles]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. It is located north of [[Sumi|Sumi]] off the coast of [[Herdaz|Herdaz]].
| Arak |
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
**Lazbo** is a spicy powder.
[[Huio|Huio]] adds some lazbo to a batch of [[Shiki|shiki]] and [[Lunamor|Lunamor]] is surprised and impressed by its suitability. Rock instructs Huio to do it to all the shiki.
| Lazbo |
|**Linder Mar**|
**Linder Mar** is a town in southern [[Tukar|Tukar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]], located along the coast of the [[Southern Depths|Southern Depths]]. It is east of [[Riqu Mar|Riqu Mar]].
| Linder Mar |
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