__label__1 Starts out with promise, but then goes downhill.: Too bad Adam Sandler could not have been given a better script. Funny People starts with promise as a Jim Carrey Man on the Moon type film and then drifts oddly into some sort of romantic comedy with repetitive c**k jokes. There are two movies here made from what seems like two first drafts. Maybe it is a marketing problem. Or, maybe just lazy writing. Sandler does a great job showing off the dark side of a comedian. Maybe Funny People would have been better as a straight drama.
__label__1 Not so Funny people!: Wow, I usually like Adam Sandler & Judd Apatow/Seth Rogen films but this one came and left the theaters before I could get a chance to see it. I don't think I laughed once during the entire movie. Not even a chuckle. It seems as if no one was having any fun making this film. The unnecessary over the top crudeness of Apatow's ensemble doesn't seem to work with Sandler's schtick. I loved "Knocked Up" and "40 Year Old Virgin" but there doesn't seem to bee much chemistry with this group. I was waiting for "Bruno" to show up and throw in some more unnecessary genital conversation. I almost bought this, I'm so glad I only rented it.
__label__1 Obviously, not Adam Sandler's best: An acceptable movie, with some good moments by Adam Sandler, and some of the other new American comedy guys; but very far from his really "funny people" involved movies, like "ANGER MANAGEMENT" (with Jack Nicholson) or the hilarious "LITTLE NICKY".
__label__1 Not what I expected...: I seriously did not expect a dramatic look into the mind of a comedian when I rented this movie. They marketed this movie like the Forty Year Old Virigin and Knocked Up! When I rented the movie I expected a lot of humour and with so many funny actors I put way too much faith in it. My wife and I was so disappointed that we stopped watching it. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do watch something I want it to be worth while.If you're into these artsy films about the serious life of people in the spotlight, then you're going to like this film. However, if you're looking for humour like Adam Sandler's previous films (i.e. Happy Gilmore, etc) then you can forget about it.I give this film 1 star because this is not my kind of movie and it was advertised like a great comedy film not drama film. :/
__label__1 Couldn't give it less than one star....or i would've!!!!: Not much to say about this movie...i am a huge Adam Sandler fan, and i love him in anything....but this movie was looooong and booooring!!! The comedy skits in the movie weren't funny...at all...i guess if you enjoy hearing about masturbating...cocks...and farting....you would like it. Like i said, not much to say....i paid to watch it on my Suddenlink Direct Demand and i wish i could have my 3.99 back!!!!
__label__1 Absolutely NOTHING Funny !: This is one of the worst movies I have seen. The dialogue is awful. There is ZERO humor. All the characters are boring and completely humorless.What a loser movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
__label__1 Worst movie I've ever seen: This movie was HORRIBLE! I don't know how anyone could give it 5 stars. This movie was the worst 2 hours of my life. I expected more out of an Adam Sandler movie. I felt like I was watching 2 movies at once. Any time someone asks me about this movie I tell them it's a waste and to rent something else.
__label__1 worst film ever: I saw this movie with my friend a couple of days ago. i said to her, this is real stupid, i could stop watching it right now and i could care less about the ending. She said, "we saw this movie already" and she is telling me what happens next so we start getting into an argument, she claims WE saw it and i said, Vat ? i am getting alzheimers?Finally we figured it out. we started to watch this movie together about 3 months ago and i lost interest and i zonked out.adam sandler and all the whos who in jewish comedy were funny in other movies. but this one really eats the bird!skip it!!!!!!!!!!!
__label__1 The L O N G E S T movie... EVER!: Anything with Adam Sandler in it is supposed to be funny. This however, just, well, wasn't. I really do believe that this movie had potential, but there was so much going on, so many stories within the story, that they could have made 3 movies out of it.It's 2 and a half hours long. That's about an hour and a half too long for the main story plot. This movie honestly seemed longer than Titanic, or Gone With The Wind because it is so long and drawn out.There is very little humor in Funny People. The only good thing about it is all the major stars that pop up here and there, which is probably why, in my opinion at least, that this movie even made it to the big screen and didn't go straight to DVD.
__label__1 profanity the movie!!! or profanity and the degenerates.!!!: i cannot believe that an intelligent actor like adam sandler would degrade himself by acting in a degenerate , trailer trash movie like this,but i guess money makes some people do things that are beneath them. this movie is as funny as a sewer, all it is comprised of is endless and pointless profanity,virtually ever second word. the writer who has very little ,if not any intelligents, has substituted profanity for lack of intelligent writing.is the endless profanity suppose to make the male lead charactors appear more manly?. yes it is true that quentin tarantino movies has there fair share of profanity. however his movies use of profanity is justified as it is incorporated with intelligent writing. if you have very little or no intelligents or are a degenerate and trailer trash this movie will appeal to you.
__label__1 Seth Kept this movie from getting a 'ZERO' star rating!!: A truly great example - of how terrible some movies have become!! Vulgar!! Offensive. Unnessisary nudity!! I usually love Adam Sandler - and can't believe he'd stoop so low in this role. Seth is highly likeable in this - but still swears and lowers himself as well. The woman who plays Adams 'romantic interest' is mostly great - but also stoops to swearing - blantant sexuality. The writing is the worst in this movie. This awful movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes long - but only feels like 5 hours. - And I could have spent my life doing something more interesting and exciting like watching paint dry or grass grow. I suggest skipping this movie altogether!! Tragic where movies have gone to. Much has been lost!!Scott MacNeil - comedian.
__label__1 Stupid....: Honestly if you don want to hear a lot of swearing you wont like this. Let alone the story line was ridiculous. Wouldn't recommend!
__label__1 Sandler's worst!: I normally love Sandler's movies but this was just horrible. None of it flowed right, jokes were horrible vand stupid and just all around made no sense. Don't waste your time and money on this.
__label__1 Not good: The movie skips a few scene transitions and once it got to chapter 15 I couldn't watch any of the rest of the movie at all and the file online said it was 'like new.' The disc itself looks clean but it will not play at all in my 2 week old player and three other players I tried it in.......
__label__2 GIFT: I bought this for a Christmas present for my son. It arrived in perfect condition. He loves Adam Sandler and collects all his movies.
__label__1 waste of time: I must say I never liked Adam Sandler. There were so many more talented people who just never got a chance to be on the screen. I still don't get what's with Adam Sandler.Besides that I decided to give it a shot. It took half hour when I stopped watching.
__label__1 Depressing then becomes boring: my husband and I watched this and ended up watching something else. this will be a waste of your time
__label__1 Please just run far FAR away from this film.: It is wayyyyyyyy too long and completely aimless. Some may call it "complex"; but I call it crap. There are a few little laughs here and there - but nothing that would make this worth sitting through. Even when one steps away from the fact that this was not intended to just be a comedy and rather attempts to tackle some more serious content.....it still sucks. Don't waste your money. Watch "I love you man" or "Grandma's Boy" or something that is actually entertaining. I wish someone had warned me.
__label__1 THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!!!: Judd Apatow has reached an absolutely new level of... sucking!!! Even Adam Sandler, one of my favorite actors of all times, sucked too, big time!!! There are funny movies, there are not so funny ones, there are stupid and ridiculous flix and... there's Funny People! Its name should be changed to ... what's the word for utterly unfunny? Almost 100% of jewish actors and they couldn't pull it off? That's odd!?
__label__1 Moron: How can anybody even smile with the kind of garbage Adam Sandler ALWAYS performs?This guy is just a moronic retard.DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON HIM.
__label__1 NOT FUNNY!: This is what Hollywood is calling humor these days? Must of been written by the lowly out of work writers during their strike! Crude, demeaning and a waste of my time!
__label__1 Pretty pathetic people: The new "stars of comedy" make me miss the real ones. Why don't you try to learn from thy elders, like Mel Brooks, boys?Side note: Hollywood hasn't come up with real comedy since "Meet the Spartans." Anybody who forgot how brilliant it was needs to watch again "I Will Survive" at the end of the Spartans (it might still be on Youtube: SidgzLnh_W4).
__label__2 great movie, movie is longer than 2hours: this is a great movie its not 40yr old virgin funny or knocked up funny but its a pretty good movie alot of famous ppl in it has alot of good funny parts 2 it. the only reason i think its not really funny is because theres none of those funny parts like knocked up of the 40yr old virgin has. dont pay attention to the reviews rent the movie or something if u like it buy it.
__label__2 Not entirely a comedy: I am big fan of Judd Apatow's work. i went into this hearing that its not like his other movies, that it has a more somber, serious tone. so my expectations were tempered. I liked it, i do agree with some other reviewers that it was probably a little too long, which is why I take off one star. But if you go in knowing this isnt a 40 year old virgin/knocked up style comedy then you wont be disappointed. with that being said, i can see why some people rated this poorly if thats what they thought they were going to see going in.
__label__1 Winning Cast, movie fell short: This movie was not an original concept. The jokes were lame, as were the performances. The writer and director disappointed the audience by using Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill as a box office draw. When in fact, it wasn't worth the money to see this film in a theatre.
__label__1 ACTUALLY NO STARS for rating pf Funny People movie: Save your money. Your time can be MUCH better spent. This was one of the worse movies I ever sat through. Actually, I drifted away close to the end and was thankful I didn't waste that time. Its AWFUL.
__label__1 Not Funny People: Not worth the time.Pros: there were several good one-liners; introduced me to new comediansCons: excess foul language; adultry;
__label__2 Very inspirational: So I just watched Funny People. For a movie that has an all star cast, it was a great movie. If you want to see a movie filled with laughs and a good story pick this movie up. I promise you won't regret it.
__label__2 Sfar's Best!: A delightfully funny story! A wonderful graphic novel that gives us a cat's-eye view of the Sephardic Jewish community in Algeria and then the Algerian community in Paris in the early 20th Century. It's a love story. Very funny and endearing. And the hero is a cat! This is a must for Joann Sfar fans.
__label__2 The Rabbi's Cat is the cat's meow!: This book came highly recommended to me by my Rabbi's husband. I was not disappointed! I think everyone will love this illustrated novel.Jorma
__label__2 A wonderful, funny-sad book: The Rabbi's Cat is a wonderful book. I heard the author speak on NPR and got the book. The book is in the form of a comic strip, each box lovingly illustrated by the author. The pictures are wonderful, particularly of the cat. They are a joy to behold.Even better are the stories, anecdotes taken from the lives of the Jews in North Africa in the thirties. The stories are both very sad and hysterically funny. The cat has a sardonic turn of phrase that had me in stitches. Through the difficult medium of comics, the author has managed to capture the atmosphere of the time and place. Much of the book is given to musings about life, philosophy, love, God and so on. If you like a good discussion, you'll enjoy this book.Although the books can be enjoyed by non-Jews, I think if you don't know the basics of Judaism, you'll be missing the most vital part of the book. Of course, the book is so appropriate for the cat lover. The author clearly understands cats perfectly.
__label__2 good artwork too!: The review with all the details about the depth and levels of the story hits the mark so I won't repeat it. However, I will emphasize what was not commented on. The Author is a very talented artist. He takes risks on many pages and it works, resulting in a feast of creative colorful dynamic drawings to accompany the text. The story wanes a bit in the final pages but the trip is artistically very satisfying. I hope there is a book to follow. I really enjoyed the characters and how they delt with their world and their beliefs.
__label__2 Delightful, exotic world seen through a cat's eyes: "The Rabbi's Cat," by French artist and filmmaker Joann Sfar, is a whimsical, charming fable featuring a rabbi, his lovely daughter, and a host of other characters headed by a talking cat. Both protagonist and narrator, the cat often acts as a Greek chorus who comments, often sardonically, on the actions of the humans around him. Set in pre-World War II Algeria, with a lengthy detour to Paris, the beautifully illustrated narrative depicts a richly diverse world in which individuals seek to preserve their traditions while constantly interacting with people of other cultural, social and religious backgrounds. In this multilayered environment, the presence of an intelligent talking cat does not seem entirely out of place.
__label__1 Self-Serving Message: This is the tale of a kindly Rabbi, his sweet daughter and the cat who loves her. The tale seems promising at first, until it delves into bitterness over God and those who love Him and follow His laws. The cat represents the glorification of sin itself, and delights whenever the book's characters fall into ungodly habits, judging them forever as hypocrites (taking no account into repentance and future avoidance of said sin). As is the case with most humanist literature the story down spirals from that point until it ends with the Rabbi losing faith in God. At this point the cat is truly happy with the Rabbi, thus giving the tale a 'happy ending'. In short, 'The Rabbi's Cat' is a tale structured to appeal to secular humanists, atheists and pagans who want to feel better about their self-serving, do as you feel, lifestyles.One more note: This book, despite the beautiful artwork and appealing cover, is definitely not appropriate for children.
__label__1 Not what it looks like on the cover.: As someone who is interested in different cultures, I thought the book would be an interesting window into other people's thoughts. Instead, I open it to find a swearing cat (he uses the F word) denigrating religion and showing religious people as hypocrites, in a lame stereotypical way. Might be interesting to others, but its not interesting to me. Not only is it not suitable to children, but there are a lot of adults who would not want to be bothered with this kind of disrespect and vulgarity either. I wish I had been warned before I tried to read this book.
__label__2 The Last dissenting Witness: The way Bill Sloan wrote Jean Hill's side of her story of the assassination was in perfect terms. Jean Hill was the closest person to President Kennedy when the shots were fired and she saw where the shots came from and the feds tried to cover everything up. I believe that Jean Hill really knew and saw what happened that day in November. Anyone who would like to find out information about the assassination I believe this is the right book to read and hear what was truly covered up.
__label__1 See my article "Jean Hill - The Lady in Red" online: Since writing my review of JFK: THE LAST DISSENTING WITNESS in 1998, I have been able to have my 35-page article - "Jean Hill -The Lady in Red" - included in Clint Bradford's JFK Assassination website. The address is: http://www.jfk-info.com/sitemap1.htm (scroll down for title).
__label__1 Drivel: Jean Hill's story changed with the wind. She saw next to nothing during the assassination, but used her unique location (and her active imagination)to keep herself in the limelight for years. It got so bad that even the conspiracy writers were shying away from her toward the end. It was laughable.Someone needed to ask her about the "little dog" she said was sitting in the car with JFK and Jackie. (Look at the original interviews- she actually said it.)This book is BS from stem to stern. Go read a fairy tale, at least there's a moral at the end. The only thing you find at the end of this book is your wallet a little lighter!
__label__1 An Ever expanding story followed by same ol same ol: Very disappointing read. Starts with her tale of what she saw in 1963 then devolves into another "MASSIVE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY" work. Offering no documentation to support statements made. Unsupported statements about what her boyfriend said, claimed or saw. Lauds Garrison and his persecution of an innocent man in New Orleans. Originally I thought �The Assassination tapes� By George O�Toole was the worst effort in Conspiracy volumes but no more.
__label__1 Uneducated Nonsense: The physics department at my school gets the mad ramblings of this man, and I usually end up with them (seeing as how no one else will read them). In a word, I sum these writings as "nonsense." Most of his ideas, aside from being mostly incoherant and physically absurd, also defy the time-tested and true concepts that the average high-school physics student could debunk. Furthermore, mixed in with these insane babblings, are religious and political ramblings, which he tries to pass off as the only possible truth.My recommendation, unless you want a good laugh or evidence of the under-education of many Americans, pass on this book. Any other use of your money would be a better one.
__label__2 Great Swords for a Great Price!: I ordered the set of swords on December 9th (Sunday) and recieved the swords today (Wednesday, the 12). The Shipping was absolutly BLAZING! UPS Shipped with a Tracking Number made me confident in Sword Demon. Packaging was great and everything was alright. I would deffiently buy from Sword Demon again.These swords are UNSHARPENED. It would appear that Stainless Steel is not very good for sharpening them either. These are really "Wallhanger" katana's, But when your buddies come over and see them, they almost cry. These are just the coolest swords because of the movie. All the symbols and words on the blades are actually etched. The symbols and the like are the exact same from the movie.
__label__1 Fraud,not as advertised: This DVD was entiled "Seventh Cliburn Competion, 1985" It was not the competion program, and did not even contain the winning performance. I consider it to be a total fraud and misrepresentation.
__label__1 Impossible to read: This kindly adaptation is a mishmash of gibberish. Amazon really needs to take more time in converting these. In this condition this should be free.
__label__2 Nice size: Very good amount for the price. Smells nice too. However, the smell reminds me of clean laundry. I was wanting something a little different, a little younger. Still smells pretty good though. Curve smells better in the men cologne to me.
__label__1 Still haven't received item: Bought for my mom for Christmas she loves this perfume and it does actually smell pretty good however I was supposed to recieve my order by the 20th at the latest.its now the night of the 22nd and I am very worried it wont be here for Christmas. UPDATE: Spoke with Amazons customer service and they are replacing my missing item. It will be here tomorrow. Still sucks cuz it wasn't here in time for christmas, however I'm just glad they are replacing it for me.
__label__2 Curve: It smells like Gap heaven, Very nice. Beautiful color and scent! Can't wait to try Curve Crush when i'm done with this one.
__label__2 Good value: I love Curve and this is a large bottle which make is a very good value. Highly recommended.
__label__1 Unsatisfying ending disappoints the reader: The plot develops nicely then ends abruptly with an unsatisfying ending. It seems to the reader as if the author had reached her contractual page limit and slapped an ending onto the book. A superhuman villian was terminated too easily. The method of capture was not adequately developed. Several promising themes were not followed up by the author, especially the entriquing possibility that through genetic testing Gault's uncle may have been his father or the reason for the military being interested in the investigation. The author took one of the least interesting possibilites and handled it in a below average formulaic manner
__label__2 The Best Patricia Cornwell's book: I have read all Patricia Cornwell's book, and I think Ms. Cornwell has reached her best in writing this book.Suspense, mystery, New York, they all contribute to keep you awake until you finish the book.
__label__1 Kay Scarpetti is losing it.: Here is a character I have enjoyed develop. But Kay is losing it. She should dump her niece Lucie, clean up her personal life (it's not nice to have an affair with a friends husband) and treat Det. Marino with some respect.As for Gault, if I pick up another Scarpetti book with his name in it... right back on the shelf
__label__1 If you can't say anything nice,: Well, that's no fun. Honesty is the best policy, right? This was the first of Patricia's books I had the displeasure to become acquainted with. I've tried reading another of her works, but I can't get over the simplistic writing with unnecessary adjectives thrown in for no apparent reason except, perhaps, to make the sentences longer and make the reader suffer from the protracted tripe. More than that, this book failed to make me care about the characters or about the outcome of the story
__label__2 Great read: This book is a great read, a lot of fun. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes the genre. On the down side, I think that Gault is a little too evil -- he borders on the implausible with his ability to be one step ahead of the game. Also, I think Cornwell needs to develop Dr Kay a bit more; she's a good character, but needs more depth
__label__1 You have GOT to be kidding: This could be the worst novel I have ever read. It is also the first and last Patricia Cornwell novel I will ever read. There are so many problems with this book that they cannot be listed here, so here are but three points: 1) The main character, Kay Scarpetta, is an insufferable, humorless snob. I'd never before read a novel where I hated the main character. Great job, Pat! 2) About 90% of the novel is dialogue. Very bad dialogue. But this is understandable since Cornwell cannot write prose. 3) The story is predictable and boring, and the ending is utterly ridiculous. I'm astonished that this book was ever published, let alone made the bestseller lists.
__label__1 My brain froze over: This supposed "thriller" is mind-numbingly dull and inept - I had to give up half way through.
__label__1 Losing her edge?: I loved Patricia Cornwell's first five novels; sadly, her sixth loses its edge.. I wanted to enjoy it.. but the plot labors on.. and I had a hard time finishing a book I couldn't wait to read. We lose Scarpetta's forensic "grit" and instead focus on a bizarre, rather boring computer plot.. I hope the next books in the series are better!
__label__1 The devil in the detail: I'm not a fan of the crime writing genre, so I require more than some blood and guts and a few nasty frights to make me speak highly of a crime novel. Unfortunately, I cannot speak highly of From Potter's Field.I know more about dogs than I do about forensic medicine, so it makes me suspicious of the novel's factual integrity when I read that a murderer's eyes are "as pale blue as a malamute's", when in fact (according to the Alaskan Malamute Club of America), a malamute's eyes MUST be brown, never blue.It also made me laugh to think that all the crime agencies (and the media!!) in the USA would be completely ignorant regarding the closest relatives of the country's highest profile serial killer. Although if the good guys had known some basic details about the killer's family tree, Dr Kay would have been left twiddling her thumbs, so I suppose I should quit complaining.Well, I read the book right through to the end, and it kept me amused, so I have to give it one star.
__label__1 The pits . . . a contrived pot-boiler. Avoid it.: If you love meaningless running around, plot lines thatdefy even sympathetic attempts to suspend disbelief, andsnarled bureacratic conflicts among different law enforcement agencies, you might put up with this one. Otherwise . . . the book disappoints. One gets the impression that it was written in haste. A pale imitation of the previous work . . .deserves to be piled high on the remainder tables (if not in a Potter's Field for books).
__label__1 So far, the worst book of one of my favorite authors: Having read all of Patricia Cornwell's books, I was very disappointed about her latest achievment. Draging the villain through 3 separate books probably wasn't her best idea. Even more disturbing: The characters of her main heros (Scarpetta, Marino, Lucie) were described inconsistent with her previous books
__label__1 Very Dissapointing: From Potters Field is one Patricia Cornwell's worst book she has written. It's not the characters, nope. It's not the writing that is wrong. It's the story that makes the book disappointing.Temple Gault has struck again. This time we know this for sure. Both the readers and Kay Scarpetta do. Someone from Lucy's past is also back. The problem with this book is that Gault is not a strong enough villain to carry this book. He is not scary or very threatening. It's not exiting. Partly because we never get into his head we are always inside Scarpetta's. Even if Cornwell did venture inside his head I'm not sure if it would be that exiting. For a killer on the loose plot its very weak, of coarse the forensics are very good and original. But for the most part a very disappointing Scarpetta novel.
__label__2 Intelligently written; a fast and suspenseful read.: I am on my 8th Scarpetta story. I most enjoy the relationships Cornwell develops.....Marino's gruff demeanor and language are so colorful...Dr. Kay is a strong female figure who uses her brain to handle the men who would take her down...The development of Lucy's character is interesting, but it is time she, too, develop into a stronger person emotionally. Cornwell's work is, for me, as good as Grisham's.
__label__1 What a disappointment!: I expected better than this poorly contrived story of murder and mystery from a well-seasoned author. The plot line lacked substance and the ending was poorly executed. The only reason I continued reading the story was in hopes that it would improve as I read. Boy, was I disappointed.
__label__1 Just awful: This was possibly the worst book I have ever read. I am amazed by the number of fans for this kind of rubbish.
__label__1 A wildly implausible thriller: This book is so unrealistic that it spoils all the fun, super killers like Temple Gault (a clone for the Satan Incarnate known as Hannibal Lecter) are more silly than super. I found all the other character two dimensional and all the "intrigue" regarding super computers insulting to my intelligence. Has Cornwell done better? I don't know and, after reading this, am in no big hurry to find out.
__label__2 From Potter's field, buried with no name: Christmas is always a notoriously bad time for Kay Scarpetta, Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia and consulting forensic pathologist for the FBI. When Temple Gault, a cunning serial killer whose killing spree began in Richmond several years earlier, resurfaces in New York with the murder of a female transient left in frozen Central Park, Scarpetta jumps head first into the investigation. The identity of the homeless woman becomes top priority, and when it is discovered who she is, the investigation is spun into a radical new direction. Meanwhile, Gault has set his sights on Scarpetta herself...leading to one final, terrifying encounter in the fetid tunnels below the city.A fascinating book with wonderful characterization, grisly accuracy and a high-voltage, suspensful ending. The Scarpetta series is the best! When it comes to crime fiction, no one does it better than Cornwell.
__label__1 Impressive delivery but plot lacking in believability: This was the first Patricia Cornwell book I have read. She is a compelling storyteller, and she obviously possesses great knowledge of the subject matter. I do admit to finishing the book in a two-day period, but it was more to get to the inevitable final showdown between Scarpetta and the killer. Scarpetta and some of her cronies are characterized well, but the killer seemed a bit stereotypical. I don't believe in reading ahead and spoiling the surprise, but in this case I skipped some detailed sections to find out how the killer would be stopped in his tracks.Since reading this book, I have read Cause of Death by Cornwell and would rate that book slightly higher than this one. This book is not her best that I've read so far, but it wouldn't prevent me from reading another one.This is a good, focused, and knowledgable writer who does not need to fall back on unbelievable killers and sensantional plot devices to tell an imaginative story.
__label__1 No one will edit this, because I'm Patricia Cornwell: At least, that's how I felt about this book, which seems only to have been published because the author has written some truly interesting previous novels. I recommend the first three books in the series. I cannot recommend this book for anything except kindling. However, not having a fireplace, I filed this under G.
__label__1 a let down: This books just didn't do it for me. I enjoy PC but this book. Seemed too easy. Things just happend, people just called. In fact, I think this books had some bad editing. I felt as though all what was needed was there, and that someone just yanked out the big sections for no reason.I am still a fan, but this one is a skipper.The doc just happens, to see the resturante that the killer was using.The polices offer in charge is left in the subway with two people who are not police. Just does not at add.
__label__1 To contrived and therefore not plausible: I found this plot to be to contrived in that many of the scenes were just to clearly made up for me to become vicariously involved. The twists and turns in the plot were simply to convenient for me to appreciate a sense of natural flow that good novels must have. For example: The scene in which Gault (the killer) has been seen using the same restaurant that the main character spontaneously finds herself in. Imagine, in New York no less! Not only that, but the killer is using the main characters visa in the same restaurant. And then the genius software engineer niece who just happens to be working on a huge computer program in the law enforcement field. I'm sorry, but this tale is just to unbelievable. It might make a passable B grade film, but I wouldn't want to see it.
__label__1 Stilted and Hokey: This book reads like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz walked BEFORE he was oiled! Jerky and clumsy with a very hollow ring to it. I read 1/3 of the book and threw it in the "yard sale" pile. It's the first book of hers I've read and I don't intend to pick up a second one. This is really a prime example of bad writing churned out for non-readers and quick profits.
__label__2 Terror in Central Park: Here is a terrifying novel by Cornwell. Her knowledge of medicine and forensic science keeps you turning the page. A woman's body is found in the snow in Central Park. There is no question that the killer is one Temple Brooks Goult. Scarpetta discovers that his killings are a pattern with one ending. It is one of her best. By Ruth Thompson author of "The Bluegrass Dream"
__label__2 Patricia Cornwell rocks! Best mystery writer on record!: Like all of her Scarpetta mystery novels, Patricia Cornwell has proven again that she must have been one dynamite of a Coroner when she was practicing. She has a wealth of information in her books and it is so interesting to follow as she progresses to solving the mystery. I've never enjoyed reading as much as when I pick up a Cornwell novel.
__label__2 Rekindling Love: Mistakes can never be undone, but rectification is possible. Years after their marriage died, Ross and Tessa are drawn back together when one of their sons is diagnosed with a fatal illness. Returning to what has not been his home in a long time, Ross is met with a mix of hostility, need, and love. Before much time passes, he realizes that his son is not the only one in need of healing. With a society that has been torn apart by issues just like this, the potential audience for it is vast. Mistakes are not glossed over, but proven not to be fatal. This will give hope to thousands.
__label__1 Worst English dub of a great TV series: This sucked!The WORST English dub EVER!Crayon Shinchan is long TV series that lasted close to 12 years in Japan. Funimation did NOT purchase the entire series just a handful of episodes, so you don't see how the stories and characters developed and changed over the many seasons.The English dub they made changed the entire dialogue and Americanized practically ALL the characters and situations to an extreme low brow humor. Granted the original show did have a lot of puns, and low brow humor as well, but Shinchan did retain an innocence for his mischief, being the focus that he was always this incredible force of fun shaped as a 5 year old boy. True fans of the manga and series should NOT buy this lame production by Funimaiton.
__label__1 A Piece of Crap!: Noisy, crude five point vibration pad.NOT! a massager, a vibration pad!We purchased three of these and we sent back three of these!Worthless, no, worse than worthless!
__label__1 No theory what so ever: The authors seem unaware of the fact that theory guides our understanding. There are no "objective" facts, yet the authors present all their findings as such with almost no reasoning attached. This is both arrogant and ignorant. The authors display no grasp of theoretical advances in Accounting and I recommend getting a book that has a better exposition of principles as more than practice
__label__1 You sure can tell this was written by an accountant...: There sure is some exciting literature out there. This is not it. The material is very dry...desert comes to mind. I am using this book for my accounting 211 course at OSU, and boy is it fun (note the sarcasm). And what's with the dates in the example problems (such as 12/31/x1)? What is that? Were they too afraid to put a 9 in there? They didn't think we, the students, could handle it? But hey, I'm not bitter or anything. I don't even think you COULD make accounting interesting. A must read! (HA!)
__label__1 wrong item: I was going to get a book with a ISN number of 0072316373...But today, I got one with 0070412901...So I need you send my money beac to my account, and give me a well reason why you let the seller mail me a totally different book again, It is the second time I get an item with wrong number
__label__1 Worthless: How this man has managed to write so many books while knowing nothing about 1) travel and 2) archaeology is a mystery to me. First he shows up in Jordan with no local money on a Friday (you'd think someone passing themselves off as a knowledgeable traveller would have figured out banks in an Arab country are closed on the Muslim sabbath) Then he continues on with a series of quack theories about aliens, and technologically advanced ancient civilizations, and harps that make rocks float. There not even good quack theories, like Hancock or Buval (who, while equally worthless, at least make an attempt to back up their theories) Read something else.
__label__2 There's no other book like this one!: There is no other book on Africa, or Arabia, like this one! Like in his other books, Childress rambles from place to place looking for mysteries, lost cities, and adventure. If you are looking for some dry fossil hunter story, this isn't it. It's the only book that I know of that covers such unusual topics as port cities in the middle of the Arabian Desert, the history of the Ark of the Covenant, the giant megaliths of the Kalahari Desert and other little-discussed topics. Lots of old maps, photos and illustrations. It is a fun book to browse through as well.
__label__1 Don't bother!: What a disappointment. This book is about 50% self-centered travelogue and 50% teasers about the mysteries. I expected a book full of archeological information about cities and cultures that have long since disappeared, but instead got embarrassingly ridiculous chit-chat and superficial explanations. I wanted scientific information, not a book that tends to explain most of its mysteries via levitation and alien beings!
__label__2 Lincoln and his time: For the mpost part any book by David Donald is worth the time and effort to read. This book offers fresh insights into the perception of Lincoln. Belongs on the shelf of every person interested in 19th century America.
__label__2 Explains why economics and politics don't mix!: Hazlitt's view is simple: economics can only be understood if we look at the effects on everyone over time. He views most government economic tinkering as myopic: focussing only on one group of people for a moment. He shows how government intervention--well intentioned as it might be--always hurt people in general over the long-term including the people we mean to help. He champions the forgotten man--the people who are hurt when the governmet tries to improve on the workings of the marketplace.
__label__2 a brilliant, well-written economics primer: Hazlitt presents a clear, concise lesson on basic economics. His message is well-articulated and well-supported. This is a must read for every person who has ever worked or voted (or is planning to do either) because it discusses the essentials in both economic theory and the politics that put the theory into practice.Unfortunately, there are some erroneous ideas in this book. Hazlitt occasionally makes claims or implies that the government should make some interventions into the economy; he also seems to think that capitalism's merit lies in its service to the "common good." However, these fallacies are rare, and they do not significantly detract from the book.For a great back-to-back lesson in economics and its moral base, read this book followed by CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL by Ayn Rand.
__label__1 Don't waste your money.: If you are new to Economics, this is one book that you can skip. It is not useful nor "mandatory reading" if you are looking to understand the subject better. There is not even one chart or graph included in this book!!! Stick with Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science or Economics for Dummies as these two titles will serve you better.
__label__1 More of a personal opinion than that of economics: When I read something I like the whole story with some facts to back them up, but what I got out of this book was a guy with one side of politics while giving his opinion. Although many of his policies I tend to agree with, I just have a really hard time reading something when the entire book (well, I only got around a third way through it) is swung in one way direction. If you like reading about someone's opinion then you'll love this book, but if you're like me and just like cold hard facts leaving it up to yourself at making your own opinion, then don't buy this book.
__label__1 Not what it claims to Be: I was actually looking for a book on economics... This book is more of a conservative rant. It's not so much that I disagree with what he says so much as the fact that its all politics and very little economics. Buy this book if you want to hear how much the author thinks liberalism stinks... not if you want "Economics in one lesson." I definitely feel like I got tricked into buying it.
__label__2 The best book on Economics...: ...I have ever read.Excellent read for the layperson. Most relevant to our current economic crisis in America. Every politician should be required to read this book. In fact, every classroom teacher should read it, as well. Explains the mess our government has created and why its continued destructive policies are leading our country to assured economic collapse. Policies based entirely on fallacies!!
__label__2 3.5 Stars-A useful supplementary text for lower division microeconomic principles courses only: This book is useful for teaching lower division undergraduate students the principles of microeconomics.It can be used as a supplementary book.Hazlitt emphasizes the important concept of opportunity cost,but neglects to incorporate any discussion of spillover effects and externalities(positive and negative,depletable and undepletable),market failure,public goods,the theory of second best,adverse selection,moral hazard, the principal-agent problem,etc.It is interesting that all these missing topics were originally covered by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations(1776),especially in Part V.
__label__1 Title is a Scam: When someone is intentionally deceptive in order to sell books or to capture an audience this lowers the value of what they have to say to absolute zero.
__label__1 NO Help: This book did not help me with my economics class. Even though I passed the course with a B. This book reads more like a novel and really does not simplify economics at all. I work better with definitions and examples and this book gives none.
__label__1 Polemic and Outdated: I read this in the 1980's, and it was a non-event back then. Like most books that claim to have "the answer," this book gives an enormously over-simplified view of economics that does not reflect the real world. Moreover, it presents as settled many open questions, claiming the authors opinions as facts. There are many better books on free-market economics, and far, far better books on economics in general.
__label__1 Too simplistic: Although though we're (presumably) members of the same political choir, the author treats economics much too simplistically.Calling this book a polemic on Keynesian economics would be accurate, calling it an economics treatise would be just plain wrong.Time would be better spent reading Bastiat.
__label__1 This ain't no economics book!: I was expecting a book on economics 101, so maybe I might understand market forces, PE ratios, stuff like that.It's just a big argument for a libertarian government. Not even particularly good arguments either - they're all based on metaphors, like the broken window (paraphrased from memory):'Even though they may get paid, a community does not get rich fixing broken windows. That holds the community still, it does not push it forward.'That's a fine argument and all, but that's not teaching. Metaphors are mental manipulation... give me all the pros and cons and let me decide. Or better: give me the damn facts.And it's outdated too. The book is 50 years old. We are so NOT in Post WWII economics.
__label__1 No lessons learned: This is one of the most disappointing purchases I have made on Amazon.The book is one long, myopic, libertarian apology.
__label__2 Best book on Economics for the general reader: This is an excellent introduction to Economics. Hazlitt was a clear writer, and his analysis of fallacious economic thought is very informative. You don't have to be a student of Economics - this is a book that can benefit every reader. I just wish more of our politicians had read this book.
__label__2 If you don't have this, get it!: This book is a wonderful illustration of the simple (so simple they go unnoticed) principles of a market economy and the many fallacies of adding socialism to the mix.I could have easily given this 4.5 stars, but I didn't have the option. The only thing that kept me from giving it 5 was that Hazlitt partially caves in about halfway through the book on the topic of unions. Unions are tantamount to coersion and have no place in a market economy.
__label__2 Read the angry anti-Hazlitt reviews for a real indication: I think beyond the fact that Hazlitt produces a succinct and well-argued explanation for why free markets are the best arrangements in economic relationships, what is really wonderful is reading the screeds of those readers that he pisses off! Read the rabid ranting temper tantrum of the one reader who amazingly was accepted to the University of Chicago and you can see how ideas that actually support free thought and productive profitable endeavors drive lunatics like this crazy - its awesome!! This dork probably marches against the WTO.
__label__2 Give this book to a your children.: Economics in One Lesson elucidates the basic principles of Economics in a simple, understandable language. If you are just starting out on economics, I would recommend this as your first book. College Textbooks will bore you and treatise like Human Action by L.W. Mises are pretty hard for a beginner.Also, be sure to give this book to your children. Schools don't teach economics, a most important of subjects.With that said, I would like to comment on many 1 star reviews. Notice how they don't comment on the content of the book. Economics is a Science, and it is better to put away your Political Glasses when studying it.
__label__2 ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON: Economics in One Lesson is another great "must read" book. Like Bastiat's "The Law," it is short and sweet. At the same time, it clearly explains the basic fundamentals of economics.Considering the stupid and abusive actions that are rampant in Congress, state legislatures, county commissions and city councils, the overwhelming majority of these so-called 'leaders' are utterly ignorant.Don't you be one of them.Buy and read Economics in One Lesson.Then call up your politicians and give them an earful.
__label__2 Never more needed than today: Sure, a few of the specific examples cited 60+ years ago are no longer relevant today, but the basic lessons are absolutely and permanently valid and need more than ever to be understood by at least a majority of the voting public.The sad fact is that Americans can go through the entire public school system and "higher education" without learning the first thing about economic science (while getting bombarded with self-serving economic propaganda). Thus public gullibility to the fallacies cited by Hazlitt seems no less pervasive now than back then, while the resultant cancerous growth of government economic meddling has only increased.Here's a revolutionary fantasy: Make this book a required study by all high school students. Imagine what that would do for the kinds of politicians who get elected in the future.BTW, you can get the nice hard-cover edition at less cost directly from the Mises Institute.